Enhancing Super-Resolution Networks through Realistic Thick-Slice CT Simulation. (arXiv:2307.10182v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Zeyu Tang, Xiaodan Xing, Guang Yang

This study aims to develop and evaluate an innovative simulation algorithm for generating thick-slice CT images that closely resemble actual images in the AAPM-Mayo's 2016 Low Dose CT Grand Challenge dataset. The proposed method was evaluated using Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) metrics, with the hypothesis that our simulation would produce images more congruent with their real counterparts. Our proposed method demonstrated substantial enhancements in terms of both PSNR and RMSE over other simulation methods. The highest PSNR values were obtained with the proposed method, yielding 49.7369 $\pm$ 2.5223 and 48.5801 $\pm$ 7.3271 for D45 and B30 reconstruction kernels, respectively. The proposed method also registered the lowest RMSE with values of 0.0068 $\pm$ 0.0020 and 0.0108 $\pm$ 0.0099 for D45 and B30, respectively, indicating a distribution more closely aligned with the authentic thick-slice image. Further validation of the proposed simulation algorithm was conducted using the TCIA LDCT-and-Projection-data dataset. The generated images were then leveraged to train four distinct super-resolution (SR) models, which were subsequently evaluated using the real thick-slice images from the 2016 Low Dose CT Grand Challenge dataset. When trained with data produced by our novel algorithm, all four SR models exhibited enhanced performance.

A Dual Stealthy Backdoor: From Both Spatial and Frequency Perspectives. (arXiv:2307.10184v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yudong Gao, Honglong Chen, Peng Sun, Junjian Li, Anqing Zhang, Zhibo Wang

Backdoor attacks pose serious security threats to deep neural networks (DNNs). Backdoored models make arbitrarily (targeted) incorrect predictions on inputs embedded with well-designed triggers while behaving normally on clean inputs. Many works have explored the invisibility of backdoor triggers to improve attack stealthiness. However, most of them only consider the invisibility in the spatial domain without explicitly accounting for the generation of invisible triggers in the frequency domain, making the generated poisoned images be easily detected by recent defense methods. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a DUal stealthy BAckdoor attack method named DUBA, which simultaneously considers the invisibility of triggers in both the spatial and frequency domains, to achieve desirable attack performance, while ensuring strong stealthiness. Specifically, we first use Discrete Wavelet Transform to embed the high-frequency information of the trigger image into the clean image to ensure attack effectiveness. Then, to attain strong stealthiness, we incorporate Fourier Transform and Discrete Cosine Transform to mix the poisoned image and clean image in the frequency domain. Moreover, the proposed DUBA adopts a novel attack strategy, in which the model is trained with weak triggers and attacked with strong triggers to further enhance the attack performance and stealthiness. We extensively evaluate DUBA against popular image classifiers on four datasets. The results demonstrate that it significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art backdoor attacks in terms of the attack success rate and stealthiness

ChatGPT for Digital Forensic Investigation: The Good, The Bad, and The Unknown. (arXiv:2307.10195v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Mark Scanlon, Frank Breitinger, Christopher Hargreaves, Jan-Niclas Hilgert, John Sheppard

The disruptive application of ChatGPT (GPT-3.5, GPT-4) to a variety of domains has become a topic of much discussion in the scientific community and society at large. Large Language Models (LLMs), e.g., BERT, Bard, Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs), LLaMA, etc., have the ability to take instructions, or prompts, from users and generate answers and solutions based on very large volumes of text-based training data. This paper assesses the impact and potential impact of ChatGPT on the field of digital forensics, specifically looking at its latest pre-trained LLM, GPT-4. A series of experiments are conducted to assess its capability across several digital forensic use cases including artefact understanding, evidence searching, code generation, anomaly detection, incident response, and education. Across these topics, its strengths and risks are outlined and a number of general conclusions are drawn. Overall this paper concludes that while there are some potential low-risk applications of ChatGPT within digital forensics, many are either unsuitable at present, since the evidence would need to be uploaded to the service, or they require sufficient knowledge of the topic being asked of the tool to identify incorrect assumptions, inaccuracies, and mistakes. However, to an appropriately knowledgeable user, it could act as a useful supporting tool in some circumstances.

Has China caught up to the US in AI research? An exploration of mimetic isomorphism as a model for late industrializers. (arXiv:2307.10198v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Chao Min, Yi Zhao, Yi Bu, Ying Ding, Caroline S. Wagner

Artificial Intelligence (AI), a cornerstone of 21st-century technology, has seen remarkable growth in China. In this paper, we examine China's AI development process, demonstrating that it is characterized by rapid learning and differentiation, surpassing the export-oriented growth propelled by Foreign Direct Investment seen in earlier Asian industrializers.

Our data indicates that China currently leads the USA in the volume of AI-related research papers. However, when we delve into the quality of these papers based on specific metrics, the USA retains a slight edge. Nevertheless, the pace and scale of China's AI development remain noteworthy.

We attribute China's accelerated AI progress to several factors, including global trends favoring open access to algorithms and research papers, contributions from China's broad diaspora and returnees, and relatively lax data protection policies.

In the vein of our research, we have developed a novel measure for gauging China's imitation of US research. Our analysis shows that by 2018, the time lag between China and the USA in addressing AI research topics had evaporated. This finding suggests that China has effectively bridged a significant knowledge gap and could potentially be setting out on an independent research trajectory.

While this study compares China and the USA exclusively, it's important to note that research collaborations between these two nations have resulted in more highly cited work than those produced by either country independently. This underscores the power of international cooperation in driving scientific progress in AI.

Disentangling Societal Inequality from Model Biases: Gender Inequality in Divorce Court Proceedings. (arXiv:2307.10200v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Sujan Dutta, Parth Srivastava, Vaishnavi Solunke, Swaprava Nath, Ashiqur R. KhudaBukhsh

Divorce is the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court. Since this is usually an unpleasant outcome of a marital union, each party may have reasons to call the decision to quit which is generally documented in detail in the court proceedings. Via a substantial corpus of 17,306 court proceedings, this paper investigates gender inequality through the lens of divorce court proceedings. While emerging data sources (e.g., public court records) on sensitive societal issues hold promise in aiding social science research, biases present in cutting-edge natural language processing (NLP) methods may interfere with or affect such studies. We thus require a thorough analysis of potential gaps and limitations present in extant NLP resources. In this paper, on the methodological side, we demonstrate that existing NLP resources required several non-trivial modifications to quantify societal inequalities. On the substantive side, we find that while a large number of court cases perhaps suggest changing norms in India where women are increasingly challenging patriarchy, AI-powered analyses of these court proceedings indicate striking gender inequality with women often subjected to domestic violence.

Mitigating Bias in Conversations: A Hate Speech Classifier and Debiaser with Prompts. (arXiv:2307.10213v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shaina Raza, Chen Ding, Deval Pandya

Discriminatory language and biases are often present in hate speech during conversations, which usually lead to negative impacts on targeted groups such as those based on race, gender, and religion. To tackle this issue, we propose an approach that involves a two-step process: first, detecting hate speech using a classifier, and then utilizing a debiasing component that generates less biased or unbiased alternatives through prompts. We evaluated our approach on a benchmark dataset and observed reduction in negativity due to hate speech comments. The proposed method contributes to the ongoing efforts to reduce biases in online discourse and promote a more inclusive and fair environment for communication.

Exploring Link Prediction over Hyper-Relational Temporal Knowledge Graphs Enhanced with Time-Invariant Relational Knowledge. (arXiv:2307.10219v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zifeng Ding, Jingcheng Wu, Jingpei Wu, Yan Xia, Volker Tresp

Stemming from traditional knowledge graphs (KGs), hyper-relational KGs (HKGs) provide additional key-value pairs (i.e., qualifiers) for each KG fact that help to better restrict the fact validity. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in studying graph reasoning over HKGs. In the meantime, due to the ever-evolving nature of world knowledge, extensive parallel works have been focusing on reasoning over temporal KGs (TKGs), where each TKG fact can be viewed as a KG fact coupled with a timestamp (or time period) specifying its time validity. The existing HKG reasoning approaches do not consider temporal information because it is not explicitly specified in previous benchmark datasets. Besides, all the previous TKG reasoning methods only lay emphasis on temporal reasoning and have no way to learn from qualifiers. To this end, we aim to fill the gap between TKG reasoning and HKG reasoning. We develop two new benchmark hyper-relational TKG (HTKG) datasets, i.e., Wiki-hy and YAGO-hy, and propose a HTKG reasoning model that efficiently models both temporal facts and qualifiers. We further exploit additional time-invariant relational knowledge from the Wikidata knowledge base and study its effectiveness in HTKG reasoning. Time-invariant relational knowledge serves as the knowledge that remains unchanged in time (e.g., Sasha Obama is the child of Barack Obama), and it has never been fully explored in previous TKG reasoning benchmarks and approaches. Experimental results show that our model substantially outperforms previous related methods on HTKG link prediction and can be enhanced by jointly leveraging both temporal and time-invariant relational knowledge.

`It is currently hodgepodge'': Examining AI/ML Practitioners' Challenges during Co-production of Responsible AI Values. (arXiv:2307.10221v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Rama Adithya Varanasi, Nitesh Goyal

Recently, the AI/ML research community has indicated an urgent need to establish Responsible AI (RAI) values and practices as part of the AI/ML lifecycle. Several organizations and communities are responding to this call by sharing RAI guidelines. However, there are gaps in awareness, deliberation, and execution of such practices for multi-disciplinary ML practitioners. This work contributes to the discussion by unpacking co-production challenges faced by practitioners as they align their RAI values. We interviewed 23 individuals, across 10 organizations, tasked to ship AI/ML based products while upholding RAI norms and found that both top-down and bottom-up institutional structures create burden for different roles preventing them from upholding RAI values, a challenge that is further exacerbated when executing conflicted values. We share multiple value levers used as strategies by the practitioners to resolve their challenges. We end our paper with recommendations for inclusive and equitable RAI value-practices, creating supportive organizational structures and opportunities to further aid practitioners.

Bound by the Bounty: Collaboratively Shaping Evaluation Processes for Queer AI Harms. (arXiv:2307.10223v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Organizers of QueerInAI, Nathan Dennler, Anaelia Ovalle, Ashwin Singh, Luca Soldaini, Arjun Subramonian, Huy Tu, William Agnew, Avijit Ghosh, Kyra Yee, Irene Font Peradejordi, Zeerak Talat, Mayra Russo, Jess de Jesus de Pinho Pinhal

Bias evaluation benchmarks and dataset and model documentation have emerged as central processes for assessing the biases and harms of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. However, these auditing processes have been criticized for their failure to integrate the knowledge of marginalized communities and consider the power dynamics between auditors and the communities. Consequently, modes of bias evaluation have been proposed that engage impacted communities in identifying and assessing the harms of AI systems (e.g., bias bounties). Even so, asking what marginalized communities want from such auditing processes has been neglected. In this paper, we ask queer communities for their positions on, and desires from, auditing processes. To this end, we organized a participatory workshop to critique and redesign bias bounties from queer perspectives. We found that when given space, the scope of feedback from workshop participants goes far beyond what bias bounties afford, with participants questioning the ownership, incentives, and efficacy of bounties. We conclude by advocating for community ownership of bounties and complementing bounties with participatory processes (e.g., co-creation).

RL-ViGen: A Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Visual Generalization. (arXiv:2307.10224v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zhecheng Yuan, Sizhe Yang, Pu Hua, Can Chang, Kaizhe Hu, Xiaolong Wang, Huazhe Xu

Visual Reinforcement Learning (Visual RL), coupled with high-dimensional observations, has consistently confronted the long-standing challenge of generalization. Despite the focus on algorithms aimed at resolving visual generalization problems, we argue that the devil is in the existing benchmarks as they are restricted to isolated tasks and generalization categories, undermining a comprehensive evaluation of agents' visual generalization capabilities. To bridge this gap, we introduce RL-ViGen: a novel Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for Visual Generalization, which contains diverse tasks and a wide spectrum of generalization types, thereby facilitating the derivation of more reliable conclusions. Furthermore, RL-ViGen incorporates the latest generalization visual RL algorithms into a unified framework, under which the experiment results indicate that no single existing algorithm has prevailed universally across tasks. Our aspiration is that RL-ViGen will serve as a catalyst in this area, and lay a foundation for the future creation of universal visual generalization RL agents suitable for real-world scenarios. Access to our code and implemented algorithms is provided at https://gemcollector.github.io/RL-ViGen/.

First-Order Stable Model Semantics with Intensional Functions. (arXiv:2307.10225v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Michael Bartholomew, Joohyung Lee

In classical logic, nonBoolean fluents, such as the location of an object, can be naturally described by functions. However, this is not the case in answer set programs, where the values of functions are pre-defined, and nonmonotonicity of the semantics is related to minimizing the extents of predicates but has nothing to do with functions. We extend the first-order stable model semantics by Ferraris, Lee, and Lifschitz to allow intensional functions -- functions that are specified by a logic program just like predicates are specified. We show that many known properties of the stable model semantics are naturally extended to this formalism and compare it with other related approaches to incorporating intensional functions. Furthermore, we use this extension as a basis for defining Answer Set Programming Modulo Theories (ASPMT), analogous to the way that Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) is defined, allowing for SMT-like effective first-order reasoning in the context of ASP. Using SMT solving techniques involving functions, ASPMT can be applied to domains containing real numbers and alleviates the grounding problem. We show that other approaches to integrating ASP and CSP/SMT can be related to special cases of ASPMT in which functions are limited to non-intensional ones.

On Loop Formulas with Variables. (arXiv:2307.10226v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Joohyung Lee, Yunsong Meng

Recently Ferraris, Lee and Lifschitz proposed a new definition of stable models that does not refer to grounding, which applies to the syntax of arbitrary first-order sentences. We show its relation to the idea of loop formulas with variables by Chen, Lin, Wang and Zhang, and generalize their loop formulas to disjunctive programs and to arbitrary first-order sentences. We also extend the syntax of logic programs to allow explicit quantifiers, and define its semantics as a subclass of the new language of stable models by Ferraris et al. Such programs inherit from the general language the ability to handle nonmonotonic reasoning under the stable model semantics even in the absence of the unique name and the domain closure assumptions, while yielding more succinct loop formulas than the general language due to the restricted syntax. We also show certain syntactic conditions under which query answering for an extended program can be reduced to entailment checking in first-order logic, providing a way to apply first-order theorem provers to reasoning about non-Herbrand stable models.

Causal Laws and Multi-Valued Fluents. (arXiv:2307.10227v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Enrico Giunchiglia, Joohyung Lee, Vladimir Lifschitz, Hudson Turner

This paper continues the line of work on representing properties of actions in nonmonotonic formalisms that stresses the distinction between being "true" and being "caused", as in the system of causal logic introduced by McCain and Turner and in the action language C proposed by Giunchiglia and Lifschitz. The only fluents directly representable in language C+ are truth-valued fluents, which is often inconvenient. We show that both causal logic and language C can be extended to allow values from arbitrary nonempty sets. Our extension of language C, called C+, also makes it possible to describe actions in terms of their attributes, which is important from the perspective of elaboration tolerance. We describe an embedding of C+ in causal theories with multi-valued constants, relate C+ to Pednault's action language ADL, and show how multi-valued constants can be eliminated in favor of Boolean constants.

Automated Knowledge Modeling for Cancer Clinical Practice Guidelines. (arXiv:2307.10231v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Pralaypati Ta, Bhumika Gupta, Arihant Jain, Sneha Sree C, Arunima Sarkar, Keerthi Ram, Mohanasankar Sivaprakasam

Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs) for cancer diseases evolve rapidly due to new evidence generated by active research. Currently, CPGs are primarily published in a document format that is ill-suited for managing this developing knowledge. A knowledge model of the guidelines document suitable for programmatic interaction is required. This work proposes an automated method for extraction of knowledge from National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) CPGs in Oncology and generating a structured model containing the retrieved knowledge. The proposed method was tested using two versions of NCCN Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) CPG to demonstrate the effectiveness in faithful extraction and modeling of knowledge. Three enrichment strategies using Cancer staging information, Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) Metathesaurus & National Cancer Institute thesaurus (NCIt) concepts, and Node classification are also presented to enhance the model towards enabling programmatic traversal and querying of cancer care guidelines. The Node classification was performed using a Support Vector Machine (SVM) model, achieving a classification accuracy of 0.81 with 10-fold cross-validation.

SentimentGPT: Exploiting GPT for Advanced Sentiment Analysis and its Departure from Current Machine Learning. (arXiv:2307.10234v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kiana Kheiri, Hamid Karimi

This study presents a thorough examination of various Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) methodologies in sentiment analysis, specifically in the context of Task 4 on the SemEval 2017 dataset. Three primary strategies are employed: 1) prompt engineering using the advanced GPT-3.5 Turbo, 2) fine-tuning GPT models, and 3) an inventive approach to embedding classification. The research yields detailed comparative insights among these strategies and individual GPT models, revealing their unique strengths and potential limitations. Additionally, the study compares these GPT-based methodologies with other contemporary, high-performing models previously used with the same dataset. The results illustrate the significant superiority of the GPT approaches in terms of predictive performance, more than 22% in F1-score compared to the state-of-the-art. Further, the paper addresses common challenges in sentiment analysis tasks, such as understanding context and detecting sarcasm. It underscores the enhanced capabilities of the GPT models to effectively navigate these complexities. Collectively, these findings highlight the promising potential of GPT models in sentiment analysis, setting the stage for future research in this field. The code can be found at https://github.com/DSAatUSU/SentimentGPT.

Look Before You Leap: An Exploratory Study of Uncertainty Measurement for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.10236v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Yuheng Huang, Jiayang Song, Zhijie Wang, Huaming Chen, Lei Ma

The recent performance leap of Large Language Models (LLMs) opens up new opportunities across numerous industrial applications and domains. However, erroneous generations, such as false predictions, misinformation, and hallucination made by LLMs, have also raised severe concerns for the trustworthiness of LLMs', especially in safety-, security- and reliability-sensitive scenarios, potentially hindering real-world adoptions. While uncertainty estimation has shown its potential for interpreting the prediction risks made by general machine learning (ML) models, little is known about whether and to what extent it can help explore an LLM's capabilities and counteract its undesired behavior. To bridge the gap, in this paper, we initiate an exploratory study on the risk assessment of LLMs from the lens of uncertainty. In particular, we experiment with twelve uncertainty estimation methods and four LLMs on four prominent natural language processing (NLP) tasks to investigate to what extent uncertainty estimation techniques could help characterize the prediction risks of LLMs. Our findings validate the effectiveness of uncertainty estimation for revealing LLMs' uncertain/non-factual predictions. In addition to general NLP tasks, we extensively conduct experiments with four LLMs for code generation on two datasets. We find that uncertainty estimation can potentially uncover buggy programs generated by LLMs. Insights from our study shed light on future design and development for reliable LLMs, facilitating further research toward enhancing the trustworthiness of LLMs.

CoNAN: Conditional Neural Aggregation Network For Unconstrained Face Feature Fusion. (arXiv:2307.10237v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bhavin Jawade, Deen Dayal Mohan, Dennis Fedorishin, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraju

Face recognition from image sets acquired under unregulated and uncontrolled settings, such as at large distances, low resolutions, varying viewpoints, illumination, pose, and atmospheric conditions, is challenging. Face feature aggregation, which involves aggregating a set of N feature representations present in a template into a single global representation, plays a pivotal role in such recognition systems. Existing works in traditional face feature aggregation either utilize metadata or high-dimensional intermediate feature representations to estimate feature quality for aggregation. However, generating high-quality metadata or style information is not feasible for extremely low-resolution faces captured in long-range and high altitude settings. To overcome these limitations, we propose a feature distribution conditioning approach called CoNAN for template aggregation. Specifically, our method aims to learn a context vector conditioned over the distribution information of the incoming feature set, which is utilized to weigh the features based on their estimated informativeness. The proposed method produces state-of-the-art results on long-range unconstrained face recognition datasets such as BTS, and DroneSURF, validating the advantages of such an aggregation strategy.

Deep Neural Networks and Brain Alignment: Brain Encoding and Decoding (Survey). (arXiv:2307.10246v1 [q-bio.NC])

Authors: Subba Reddy Oota, Manish Gupta, Raju S. Bapi, Gael Jobard, Frederic Alexandre, Xavier Hinaut

How does the brain represent different modes of information? Can we design a system that automatically understands what the user is thinking? Such questions can be answered by studying brain recordings like functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). As a first step, the neuroscience community has contributed several large cognitive neuroscience datasets related to passive reading/listening/viewing of concept words, narratives, pictures and movies. Encoding and decoding models using these datasets have also been proposed in the past two decades. These models serve as additional tools for basic research in cognitive science and neuroscience. Encoding models aim at generating fMRI brain representations given a stimulus automatically. They have several practical applications in evaluating and diagnosing neurological conditions and thus also help design therapies for brain damage. Decoding models solve the inverse problem of reconstructing the stimuli given the fMRI. They are useful for designing brain-machine or brain-computer interfaces. Inspired by the effectiveness of deep learning models for natural language processing, computer vision, and speech, recently several neural encoding and decoding models have been proposed. In this survey, we will first discuss popular representations of language, vision and speech stimuli, and present a summary of neuroscience datasets. Further, we will review popular deep learning based encoding and decoding architectures and note their benefits and limitations. Finally, we will conclude with a brief summary and discussion about future trends. Given the large amount of recently published work in the `computational cognitive neuroscience' community, we believe that this survey nicely organizes the plethora of work and presents it as a coherent story.

Abductive Reasoning with the GPT-4 Language Model: Case studies from criminal investigation, medical practice, scientific research. (arXiv:2307.10250v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Remo Pareschi

This study evaluates the GPT-4 Large Language Model's abductive reasoning in complex fields like medical diagnostics, criminology, and cosmology. Using an interactive interview format, the AI assistant demonstrated reliability in generating and selecting hypotheses. It inferred plausible medical diagnoses based on patient data and provided potential causes and explanations in criminology and cosmology. The results highlight the potential of LLMs in complex problem-solving and the need for further research to maximize their practical applications.

Hyperparameter Tuning Cookbook: A guide for scikit-learn, PyTorch, river, and spotPython. (arXiv:2307.10262v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Thomas Bartz-Beielstein

This document provides a comprehensive guide to hyperparameter tuning using spotPython for scikit-learn, PyTorch, and river. The first part introduces spotPython's surrogate model-based optimization process, while the second part focuses on hyperparameter tuning. Several case studies are presented, including hyperparameter tuning for sklearn models such as Support Vector Classification, Random Forests, Gradient Boosting (XGB), and K-nearest neighbors (KNN), as well as a Hoeffding Adaptive Tree Regressor from river. The integration of spotPython into the PyTorch and PyTorch Lightning training workflow is also discussed. With a hands-on approach and step-by-step explanations, this cookbook serves as a practical starting point for anyone interested in hyperparameter tuning with Python. Highlights include the interplay between Tensorboard, PyTorch Lightning, spotPython, and river. This publication is under development, with updates available on the corresponding webpage.

AI empowering research: 10 ways how science can benefit from AI. (arXiv:2307.10265v1 [cs.GL])

Authors: César França

This article explores the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on scientific research. It highlights ten ways in which AI is revolutionizing the work of scientists, including powerful referencing tools, improved understanding of research problems, enhanced research question generation, optimized research design, stub data generation, data transformation, advanced data analysis, and AI-assisted reporting. While AI offers numerous benefits, challenges such as bias, privacy concerns, and the need for human-AI collaboration must be considered. The article emphasizes that AI can augment human creativity in science but not replace it.

On the Real-Time Semantic Segmentation of Aphid Clusters in the Wild. (arXiv:2307.10267v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Raiyan Rahman, Christopher Indris, Tianxiao Zhang, Kaidong Li, Brian McCornack, Daniel Flippo, Ajay Sharda, Guanghui Wang

Aphid infestations can cause extensive damage to wheat and sorghum fields and spread plant viruses, resulting in significant yield losses in agriculture. To address this issue, farmers often rely on chemical pesticides, which are inefficiently applied over large areas of fields. As a result, a considerable amount of pesticide is wasted on areas without pests, while inadequate amounts are applied to areas with severe infestations. The paper focuses on the urgent need for an intelligent autonomous system that can locate and spray infestations within complex crop canopies, reducing pesticide use and environmental impact. We have collected and labeled a large aphid image dataset in the field, and propose the use of real-time semantic segmentation models to segment clusters of aphids. A multiscale dataset is generated to allow for learning the clusters at different scales. We compare the segmentation speeds and accuracy of four state-of-the-art real-time semantic segmentation models on the aphid cluster dataset, benchmarking them against nonreal-time models. The study results show the effectiveness of a real-time solution, which can reduce inefficient pesticide use and increase crop yields, paving the way towards an autonomous pest detection system.

The Language Labyrinth: Constructive Critique on the Terminology Used in the AI Discourse. (arXiv:2307.10292v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Rainer Rehak

In the interdisciplinary field of artificial intelligence (AI) the problem of clear terminology is especially momentous. This paper claims, that AI debates are still characterised by a lack of critical distance to metaphors like 'training', 'learning' or 'deciding'. As consequence, reflections regarding responsibility or potential use-cases are greatly distorted. Yet, if relevant decision-makers are convinced that AI can develop an 'understanding' or properly 'interpret' issues, its regular use for sensitive tasks like deciding about social benefits or judging court cases looms. The chapter argues its claim by analysing central notions of the AI debate and tries to contribute by proposing more fitting terminology and hereby enabling more fruitful debates. It is a conceptual work at the intersection of critical computer science and philosophy of language.

Absolutist AI. (arXiv:2307.10315v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Mitchell Barrington

This paper argues that training AI systems with absolute constraints -- which forbid certain acts irrespective of the amount of value they might produce -- may make considerable progress on many AI safety problems in principle. First, it provides a guardrail for avoiding the very worst outcomes of misalignment. Second, it could prevent AIs from causing catastrophes for the sake of very valuable consequences, such as replacing humans with a much larger number of beings living at a higher welfare level. Third, it makes systems more corrigible, allowing creators to make corrective interventions in them, such as altering their objective functions or shutting them down. And fourth, it helps systems explore their environment more safely by prohibiting them from exploring especially dangerous acts. I offer a decision-theoretic formalization of an absolute constraints, improving on existing models in the literature, and use this model to prove some results about the training and behavior of absolutist AIs. I conclude by showing that, although absolutist AIs will not maximize expected value, they will not be susceptible to behave irrationally, and they will not (contra coherence arguments) face environmental pressure to become expected-value maximizers.

FedBug: A Bottom-Up Gradual Unfreezing Framework for Federated Learning. (arXiv:2307.10317v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Chia-Hsiang Kao, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang

Federated Learning (FL) offers a collaborative training framework, allowing multiple clients to contribute to a shared model without compromising data privacy. Due to the heterogeneous nature of local datasets, updated client models may overfit and diverge from one another, commonly known as the problem of client drift. In this paper, we propose FedBug (Federated Learning with Bottom-Up Gradual Unfreezing), a novel FL framework designed to effectively mitigate client drift. FedBug adaptively leverages the client model parameters, distributed by the server at each global round, as the reference points for cross-client alignment. Specifically, on the client side, FedBug begins by freezing the entire model, then gradually unfreezes the layers, from the input layer to the output layer. This bottom-up approach allows models to train the newly thawed layers to project data into a latent space, wherein the separating hyperplanes remain consistent across all clients. We theoretically analyze FedBug in a novel over-parameterization FL setup, revealing its superior convergence rate compared to FedAvg. Through comprehensive experiments, spanning various datasets, training conditions, and network architectures, we validate the efficacy of FedBug. Our contributions encompass a novel FL framework, theoretical analysis, and empirical validation, demonstrating the wide potential and applicability of FedBug.

Eliminating Label Leakage in Tree-Based Vertical Federated Learning. (arXiv:2307.10318v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hideaki Takahashi, Jingjing Liu, Yang Liu

Vertical federated learning (VFL) enables multiple parties with disjoint features of a common user set to train a machine learning model without sharing their private data. Tree-based models have become prevalent in VFL due to their interpretability and efficiency. However, the vulnerability of tree-based VFL has not been sufficiently investigated. In this study, we first introduce a novel label inference attack, ID2Graph, which utilizes the sets of record-IDs assigned to each node (i.e., instance space) to deduce private training labels. The ID2Graph attack generates a graph structure from training samples, extracts communities from the graph, and clusters the local dataset using community information. To counteract label leakage from the instance space, we propose an effective defense mechanism, ID-LMID, which prevents label leakage by focusing on mutual information regularization. Comprehensive experiments conducted on various datasets reveal that the ID2Graph attack presents significant risks to tree-based models such as Random Forest and XGBoost. Further evaluations on these benchmarks demonstrate that ID-LMID effectively mitigates label leakage in such instances.

Interpreting and Correcting Medical Image Classification with PIP-Net. (arXiv:2307.10404v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Meike Nauta, Johannes H. Hegeman, Jeroen Geerdink, Jörg Schlötterer, Maurice van Keulen, Christin Seifert

Part-prototype models are explainable-by-design image classifiers, and a promising alternative to black box AI. This paper explores the applicability and potential of interpretable machine learning, in particular PIP-Net, for automated diagnosis support on real-world medical imaging data. PIP-Net learns human-understandable prototypical image parts and we evaluate its accuracy and interpretability for fracture detection and skin cancer diagnosis. We find that PIP-Net's decision making process is in line with medical classification standards, while only provided with image-level class labels. Because of PIP-Net's unsupervised pretraining of prototypes, data quality problems such as undesired text in an X-ray or labelling errors can be easily identified. Additionally, we are the first to show that humans can manually correct the reasoning of PIP-Net by directly disabling undesired prototypes. We conclude that part-prototype models are promising for medical applications due to their interpretability and potential for advanced model debugging.

Generative Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2307.10405v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ethan Shen, Scotty Singh, Bhavesh Kumar

Multi-modal tasks involving vision and language in deep learning continue to rise in popularity and are leading to the development of newer models that can generalize beyond the extent of their training data. The current models lack temporal generalization which enables models to adapt to changes in future data. This paper discusses a viable approach to creating an advanced Visual Question Answering (VQA) model which can produce successful results on temporal generalization. We propose a new data set, GenVQA, utilizing images and captions from the VQAv2 and MS-COCO dataset to generate new images through stable diffusion. This augmented dataset is then used to test a combination of seven baseline and cutting edge VQA models. Performance evaluation focuses on questions mirroring the original VQAv2 dataset, with the answers having been adjusted to the new images. This paper's purpose is to investigate the robustness of several successful VQA models to assess their performance on future data distributions. Model architectures are analyzed to identify common stylistic choices that improve generalization under temporal distribution shifts. This research highlights the importance of creating a large-scale future shifted dataset. This data can enhance the robustness of VQA models, allowing their future peers to have improved ability to adapt to temporal distribution shifts.

Explaining Autonomous Driving Actions with Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2307.10408v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shahin Atakishiyev, Mohammad Salameh, Housam Babiker, Randy Goebel

The end-to-end learning ability of self-driving vehicles has achieved significant milestones over the last decade owing to rapid advances in deep learning and computer vision algorithms. However, as autonomous driving technology is a safety-critical application of artificial intelligence (AI), road accidents and established regulatory principles necessitate the need for the explainability of intelligent action choices for self-driving vehicles. To facilitate interpretability of decision-making in autonomous driving, we present a Visual Question Answering (VQA) framework, which explains driving actions with question-answering-based causal reasoning. To do so, we first collect driving videos in a simulation environment using reinforcement learning (RL) and extract consecutive frames from this log data uniformly for five selected action categories. Further, we manually annotate the extracted frames using question-answer pairs as justifications for the actions chosen in each scenario. Finally, we evaluate the correctness of the VQA-predicted answers for actions on unseen driving scenes. The empirical results suggest that the VQA mechanism can provide support to interpret real-time decisions of autonomous vehicles and help enhance overall driving safety.

GOOSE Algorithm: A Powerful Optimization Tool for Real-World Engineering Challenges and Beyond. (arXiv:2307.10420v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Rebwar Khalid Hamad, Tarik A. Rashid

This study proposes the GOOSE algorithm as a novel metaheuristic algorithm based on the goose's behavior during rest and foraging. The goose stands on one leg and keeps his balance to guard and protect other individuals in the flock. The GOOSE algorithm is benchmarked on 19 well-known benchmark test functions, and the results are verified by a comparative study with genetic algorithm (GA), particle swarm optimization (PSO), dragonfly algorithm (DA), and fitness dependent optimizer (FDO). In addition, the proposed algorithm is tested on 10 modern benchmark functions, and the gained results are compared with three recent algorithms, such as the dragonfly algorithm, whale optimization algorithm (WOA), and salp swarm algorithm (SSA). Moreover, the GOOSE algorithm is tested on 5 classical benchmark functions, and the obtained results are evaluated with six algorithms, such as fitness dependent optimizer (FDO), FOX optimizer, butterfly optimization algorithm (BOA), whale optimization algorithm, dragonfly algorithm, and chimp optimization algorithm (ChOA). The achieved findings attest to the proposed algorithm's superior performance compared to the other algorithms that were utilized in the current study. The technique is then used to optimize Welded beam design and Economic Load Dispatch Problem, three renowned real-world engineering challenges, and the Pathological IgG Fraction in the Nervous System. The outcomes of the engineering case studies illustrate how well the suggested approach can optimize issues that arise in the real-world.

PreDiff: Precipitation Nowcasting with Latent Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2307.10422v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zhihan Gao, Xingjian Shi, Boran Han, Hao Wang, Xiaoyong Jin, Danielle Maddix, Yi Zhu, Mu Li, Yuyang Wang

Earth system forecasting has traditionally relied on complex physical models that are computationally expensive and require significant domain expertise. In the past decade, the unprecedented increase in spatiotemporal Earth observation data has enabled data-driven forecasting models using deep learning techniques. These models have shown promise for diverse Earth system forecasting tasks but either struggle with handling uncertainty or neglect domain-specific prior knowledge, resulting in averaging possible futures to blurred forecasts or generating physically implausible predictions. To address these limitations, we propose a two-stage pipeline for probabilistic spatiotemporal forecasting: 1) We develop PreDiff, a conditional latent diffusion model capable of probabilistic forecasts. 2) We incorporate an explicit knowledge control mechanism to align forecasts with domain-specific physical constraints. This is achieved by estimating the deviation from imposed constraints at each denoising step and adjusting the transition distribution accordingly. We conduct empirical studies on two datasets: N-body MNIST, a synthetic dataset with chaotic behavior, and SEVIR, a real-world precipitation nowcasting dataset. Specifically, we impose the law of conservation of energy in N-body MNIST and anticipated precipitation intensity in SEVIR. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PreDiff in handling uncertainty, incorporating domain-specific prior knowledge, and generating forecasts that exhibit high operational utility.

Learning Formal Specifications from Membership and Preference Queries. (arXiv:2307.10434v1 [cs.FL])

Authors: Ameesh Shah, Marcell Vazquez-Chanlatte, Sebastian Junges, Sanjit A. Seshia

Active learning is a well-studied approach to learning formal specifications, such as automata. In this work, we extend active specification learning by proposing a novel framework that strategically requests a combination of membership labels and pair-wise preferences, a popular alternative to membership labels. The combination of pair-wise preferences and membership labels allows for a more flexible approach to active specification learning, which previously relied on membership labels only. We instantiate our framework in two different domains, demonstrating the generality of our approach. Our results suggest that learning from both modalities allows us to robustly and conveniently identify specifications via membership and preferences.

A Step Towards Worldwide Biodiversity Assessment: The BIOSCAN-1M Insect Dataset. (arXiv:2307.10455v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zahra Gharaee, ZeMing Gong, Nicholas Pellegrino, Iuliia Zarubiieva, Joakim Bruslund Haurum, Scott C. Lowe, Jaclyn T.A. McKeown, Chris C.Y. Ho, Joschka McLeod, Yi-Yun C Wei, Jireh Agda, Sujeevan Ratnasingham, Dirk Steinke, Angel X. Chang, Graham W. Taylor, Paul Fieguth

In an effort to catalog insect biodiversity, we propose a new large dataset of hand-labelled insect images, the BIOSCAN-Insect Dataset. Each record is taxonomically classified by an expert, and also has associated genetic information including raw nucleotide barcode sequences and assigned barcode index numbers, which are genetically-based proxies for species classification. This paper presents a curated million-image dataset, primarily to train computer-vision models capable of providing image-based taxonomic assessment, however, the dataset also presents compelling characteristics, the study of which would be of interest to the broader machine learning community. Driven by the biological nature inherent to the dataset, a characteristic long-tailed class-imbalance distribution is exhibited. Furthermore, taxonomic labelling is a hierarchical classification scheme, presenting a highly fine-grained classification problem at lower levels. Beyond spurring interest in biodiversity research within the machine learning community, progress on creating an image-based taxonomic classifier will also further the ultimate goal of all BIOSCAN research: to lay the foundation for a comprehensive survey of global biodiversity. This paper introduces the dataset and explores the classification task through the implementation and analysis of a baseline classifier.

Complying with the EU AI Act. (arXiv:2307.10458v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jacintha Walters, Diptish Dey, Debarati Bhaumik, Sophie Horsman

The EU AI Act is the proposed EU legislation concerning AI systems. This paper identifies several categories of the AI Act. Based on this categorization, a questionnaire is developed that serves as a tool to offer insights by creating quantitative data. Analysis of the data shows various challenges for organizations in different compliance categories. The influence of organization characteristics, such as size and sector, is examined to determine the impact on compliance. The paper will also share qualitative data on which questions were prevalent among respondents, both on the content of the AI Act as the application. The paper concludes by stating that there is still room for improvement in terms of compliance with the AIA and refers to a related project that examines a solution to help these organizations.

A New Computationally Simple Approach for Implementing Neural Networks with Output Hard Constraints. (arXiv:2307.10459v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andrei V. Konstantinov, Lev V. Utkin

A new computationally simple method of imposing hard convex constraints on the neural network output values is proposed. The key idea behind the method is to map a vector of hidden parameters of the network to a point that is guaranteed to be inside the feasible set defined by a set of constraints. The mapping is implemented by the additional neural network layer with constraints for output. The proposed method is simply extended to the case when constraints are imposed not only on the output vectors, but also on joint constraints depending on inputs. The projection approach to imposing constraints on outputs can simply be implemented in the framework of the proposed method. It is shown how to incorporate different types of constraints into the proposed method, including linear and quadratic constraints, equality constraints, and dynamic constraints, constraints in the form of boundaries. An important feature of the method is its computational simplicity. Complexities of the forward pass of the proposed neural network layer by linear and quadratic constraints are O(n*m) and O(n^2*m), respectively, where n is the number of variables, m is the number of constraints. Numerical experiments illustrate the method by solving optimization and classification problems. The code implementing the method is publicly available.

A data science axiology: the nature, value, and risks of data science. (arXiv:2307.10460v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Michael L. Brodie

Data science is not a science. It is a research paradigm with an unfathomed scope, scale, complexity, and power for knowledge discovery that is not otherwise possible and can be beyond human reasoning. It is changing our world practically and profoundly already widely deployed in tens of thousands of applications in every discipline in an AI Arms Race that, due to its inscrutability, can lead to unfathomed risks. This paper presents an axiology of data science, its purpose, nature, importance, risks, and value for problem solving, by exploring and evaluating its remarkable, definitive features. As data science is in its infancy, this initial, speculative axiology is intended to aid in understanding and defining data science to recognize its potential benefits, risks, and open research challenges. AI based data science is inherently about uncertainty that may be more realistic than our preference for the certainty of science. Data science will have impacts far beyond knowledge discovery and will take us into new ways of understanding the world.

Classification of Visualization Types and Perspectives in Patents. (arXiv:2307.10471v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Junaid Ahmed Ghauri, Eric Müller-Budack, Ralph Ewerth

Due to the swift growth of patent applications each year, information and multimedia retrieval approaches that facilitate patent exploration and retrieval are of utmost importance. Different types of visualizations (e.g., graphs, technical drawings) and perspectives (e.g., side view, perspective) are used to visualize details of innovations in patents. The classification of these images enables a more efficient search and allows for further analysis. So far, datasets for image type classification miss some important visualization types for patents. Furthermore, related work does not make use of recent deep learning approaches including transformers. In this paper, we adopt state-of-the-art deep learning methods for the classification of visualization types and perspectives in patent images. We extend the CLEF-IP dataset for image type classification in patents to ten classes and provide manual ground truth annotations. In addition, we derive a set of hierarchical classes from a dataset that provides weakly-labeled data for image perspectives. Experimental results have demonstrated the feasibility of the proposed approaches. Source code, models, and dataset will be made publicly available.

Can Instruction Fine-Tuned Language Models Identify Social Bias through Prompting?. (arXiv:2307.10472v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Omkar Dige, Jacob-Junqi Tian, David Emerson, Faiza Khan Khattak

As the breadth and depth of language model applications continue to expand rapidly, it is increasingly important to build efficient frameworks for measuring and mitigating the learned or inherited social biases of these models. In this paper, we present our work on evaluating instruction fine-tuned language models' ability to identify bias through zero-shot prompting, including Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompts. Across LLaMA and its two instruction fine-tuned versions, Alpaca 7B performs best on the bias identification task with an accuracy of 56.7%. We also demonstrate that scaling up LLM size and data diversity could lead to further performance gain. This is a work-in-progress presenting the first component of our bias mitigation framework. We will keep updating this work as we get more results.

Backdoor Attack against Object Detection with Clean Annotation. (arXiv:2307.10487v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yize Cheng, Wenbin Hu, Minhao Cheng

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown unprecedented success in object detection tasks. However, it was also discovered that DNNs are vulnerable to multiple kinds of attacks, including Backdoor Attacks. Through the attack, the attacker manages to embed a hidden backdoor into the DNN such that the model behaves normally on benign data samples, but makes attacker-specified judgments given the occurrence of a predefined trigger. Although numerous backdoor attacks have been experimented on image classification, backdoor attacks on object detection tasks have not been properly investigated and explored. As object detection has been adopted as an important module in multiple security-sensitive applications such as autonomous driving, backdoor attacks on object detection could pose even more severe threats. Inspired by the inherent property of deep learning-based object detectors, we propose a simple yet effective backdoor attack method against object detection without modifying the ground truth annotations, specifically focusing on the object disappearance attack and object generation attack. Extensive experiments and ablation studies prove the effectiveness of our attack on two benchmark object detection datasets, PASCAL VOC07+12 and MSCOCO, on which we achieve an attack success rate of more than 92% with a poison rate of only 5%.

(Ab)using Images and Sounds for Indirect Instruction Injection in Multi-Modal LLMs. (arXiv:2307.10490v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Eugene Bagdasaryan, Tsung-Yin Hsieh, Ben Nassi, Vitaly Shmatikov

We demonstrate how images and sounds can be used for indirect prompt and instruction injection in multi-modal LLMs. An attacker generates an adversarial perturbation corresponding to the prompt and blends it into an image or audio recording. When the user asks the (unmodified, benign) model about the perturbed image or audio, the perturbation steers the model to output the attacker-chosen text and/or make the subsequent dialog follow the attacker's instruction. We illustrate this attack with several proof-of-concept examples targeting LLaVa and PandaGPT.

Markov Decision Processes with Time-Varying Geometric Discounting. (arXiv:2307.10491v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jiarui Gan, Annika Hennes, Rupak Majumdar, Debmalya Mandal, Goran Radanovic

Canonical models of Markov decision processes (MDPs) usually consider geometric discounting based on a constant discount factor. While this standard modeling approach has led to many elegant results, some recent studies indicate the necessity of modeling time-varying discounting in certain applications. This paper studies a model of infinite-horizon MDPs with time-varying discount factors. We take a game-theoretic perspective -- whereby each time step is treated as an independent decision maker with their own (fixed) discount factor -- and we study the subgame perfect equilibrium (SPE) of the resulting game as well as the related algorithmic problems. We present a constructive proof of the existence of an SPE and demonstrate the EXPTIME-hardness of computing an SPE. We also turn to the approximate notion of $\epsilon$-SPE and show that an $\epsilon$-SPE exists under milder assumptions. An algorithm is presented to compute an $\epsilon$-SPE, of which an upper bound of the time complexity, as a function of the convergence property of the time-varying discount factor, is provided.

IvyGPT: InteractiVe Chinese pathwaY language model in medical domain. (arXiv:2307.10512v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Rongsheng Wang, Yaofei Duan, ChanTong Lam, Jiexi Chen, Jiangsheng Xu, Haoming Chen, Xiaohong Liu, Patrick Cheong-Iao Pang, Tao Tan

General large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT have shown remarkable success. However, such LLMs have not been widely adopted for medical purposes, due to poor accuracy and inability to provide medical advice. We propose IvyGPT, an LLM based on LLaMA that is trained and fine-tuned with high-quality medical question-answer (QA) instances and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). After supervised fine-tuning, IvyGPT has good multi-turn conversation capabilities, but it cannot perform like a doctor in other aspects, such as comprehensive diagnosis. Through RLHF, IvyGPT can output richer diagnosis and treatment answers that are closer to human. In the training, we used QLoRA to train 33 billion parameters on a small number of NVIDIA A100 (80GB) GPUs. Experimental results show that IvyGPT has outperformed other medical GPT models.

Building Socio-culturally Inclusive Stereotype Resources with Community Engagement. (arXiv:2307.10514v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sunipa Dev, Jaya Goyal, Dinesh Tewari, Shachi Dave, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran

With rapid development and deployment of generative language models in global settings, there is an urgent need to also scale our measurements of harm, not just in the number and types of harms covered, but also how well they account for local cultural contexts, including marginalized identities and the social biases experienced by them. Current evaluation paradigms are limited in their abilities to address this, as they are not representative of diverse, locally situated but global, socio-cultural perspectives. It is imperative that our evaluation resources are enhanced and calibrated by including people and experiences from different cultures and societies worldwide, in order to prevent gross underestimations or skews in measurements of harm. In this work, we demonstrate a socio-culturally aware expansion of evaluation resources in the Indian societal context, specifically for the harm of stereotyping. We devise a community engaged effort to build a resource which contains stereotypes for axes of disparity that are uniquely present in India. The resultant resource increases the number of stereotypes known for and in the Indian context by over 1000 stereotypes across many unique identities. We also demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of such expanded resources for evaluations of language models. CONTENT WARNING: This paper contains examples of stereotypes that may be offensive.

Fast Unsupervised Deep Outlier Model Selection with Hypernetworks. (arXiv:2307.10529v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xueying Ding, Yue Zhao, Leman Akoglu

Outlier detection (OD) finds many applications with a rich literature of numerous techniques. Deep neural network based OD (DOD) has seen a recent surge of attention thanks to the many advances in deep learning. In this paper, we consider a critical-yet-understudied challenge with unsupervised DOD, that is, effective hyperparameter (HP) tuning/model selection. While several prior work report the sensitivity of OD models to HPs, it becomes ever so critical for the modern DOD models that exhibit a long list of HPs. We introduce HYPER for tuning DOD models, tackling two fundamental challenges: (1) validation without supervision (due to lack of labeled anomalies), and (2) efficient search of the HP/model space (due to exponential growth in the number of HPs). A key idea is to design and train a novel hypernetwork (HN) that maps HPs onto optimal weights of the main DOD model. In turn, HYPER capitalizes on a single HN that can dynamically generate weights for many DOD models (corresponding to varying HPs), which offers significant speed-up. In addition, it employs meta-learning on historical OD tasks with labels to train a proxy validation function, likewise trained with our proposed HN efficiently. Extensive experiments on 35 OD tasks show that HYPER achieves high performance against 8 baselines with significant efficiency gains.

TREA: Tree-Structure Reasoning Schema for Conversational Recommendation. (arXiv:2307.10543v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Wendi Li, Wei Wei, Xiaoye Qu, Xian-Ling Mao, Ye Yuan, Wenfeng Xie, Dangyang Chen

Conversational recommender systems (CRS) aim to timely trace the dynamic interests of users through dialogues and generate relevant responses for item recommendations. Recently, various external knowledge bases (especially knowledge graphs) are incorporated into CRS to enhance the understanding of conversation contexts. However, recent reasoning-based models heavily rely on simplified structures such as linear structures or fixed-hierarchical structures for causality reasoning, hence they cannot fully figure out sophisticated relationships among utterances with external knowledge. To address this, we propose a novel Tree structure Reasoning schEmA named TREA. TREA constructs a multi-hierarchical scalable tree as the reasoning structure to clarify the causal relationships between mentioned entities, and fully utilizes historical conversations to generate more reasonable and suitable responses for recommended results. Extensive experiments on two public CRS datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach.

Dynamic Large Language Models on Blockchains. (arXiv:2307.10549v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuanhao Gong

Training and deploying the large language models requires a large mount of computational resource because the language models contain billions of parameters and the text has thousands of tokens. Another problem is that the large language models are static. They are fixed after the training process. To tackle these issues, in this paper, we propose to train and deploy the dynamic large language model on blockchains, which have high computation performance and are distributed across a network of computers. A blockchain is a secure, decentralized, and transparent system that allows for the creation of a tamper-proof ledger for transactions without the need for intermediaries. The dynamic large language models can continuously learn from the user input after the training process. Our method provides a new way to develop the large language models and also sheds a light on the next generation artificial intelligence systems.

PPN: Parallel Pointer-based Network for Key Information Extraction with Complex Layouts. (arXiv:2307.10551v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Kaiwen Wei, Jie Yao, Jingyuan Zhang, Yangyang Kang, Fubang Zhao, Yating Zhang, Changlong Sun, Xin Jin, Xin Zhang

Key Information Extraction (KIE) is a challenging multimodal task that aims to extract structured value semantic entities from visually rich documents. Although significant progress has been made, there are still two major challenges that need to be addressed. Firstly, the layout of existing datasets is relatively fixed and limited in the number of semantic entity categories, creating a significant gap between these datasets and the complex real-world scenarios. Secondly, existing methods follow a two-stage pipeline strategy, which may lead to the error propagation problem. Additionally, they are difficult to apply in situations where unseen semantic entity categories emerge. To address the first challenge, we propose a new large-scale human-annotated dataset named Complex Layout form for key information EXtraction (CLEX), which consists of 5,860 images with 1,162 semantic entity categories. To solve the second challenge, we introduce Parallel Pointer-based Network (PPN), an end-to-end model that can be applied in zero-shot and few-shot scenarios. PPN leverages the implicit clues between semantic entities to assist extracting, and its parallel extraction mechanism allows it to extract multiple results simultaneously and efficiently. Experiments on the CLEX dataset demonstrate that PPN outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods while also offering a much faster inference speed.

EMQ: Evolving Training-free Proxies for Automated Mixed Precision Quantization. (arXiv:2307.10554v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Peijie Dong, Lujun Li, Zimian Wei, Xin Niu, Zhiliang Tian, Hengyue Pan

Mixed-Precision Quantization~(MQ) can achieve a competitive accuracy-complexity trade-off for models. Conventional training-based search methods require time-consuming candidate training to search optimized per-layer bit-width configurations in MQ. Recently, some training-free approaches have presented various MQ proxies and significantly improve search efficiency. However, the correlation between these proxies and quantization accuracy is poorly understood. To address the gap, we first build the MQ-Bench-101, which involves different bit configurations and quantization results. Then, we observe that the existing training-free proxies perform weak correlations on the MQ-Bench-101. To efficiently seek superior proxies, we develop an automatic search of proxies framework for MQ via evolving algorithms. In particular, we devise an elaborate search space involving the existing proxies and perform an evolution search to discover the best correlated MQ proxy. We proposed a diversity-prompting selection strategy and compatibility screening protocol to avoid premature convergence and improve search efficiency. In this way, our Evolving proxies for Mixed-precision Quantization~(EMQ) framework allows the auto-generation of proxies without heavy tuning and expert knowledge. Extensive experiments on ImageNet with various ResNet and MobileNet families demonstrate that our EMQ obtains superior performance than state-of-the-art mixed-precision methods at a significantly reduced cost. The code will be released.

Air Traffic Controller Workload Level Prediction using Conformalized Dynamical Graph Learning. (arXiv:2307.10559v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yutian Pang, Jueming Hu, Christopher S. Lieber, Nancy J. Cooke, Yongming Liu

Air traffic control (ATC) is a safety-critical service system that demands constant attention from ground air traffic controllers (ATCos) to maintain daily aviation operations. The workload of the ATCos can have negative effects on operational safety and airspace usage. To avoid overloading and ensure an acceptable workload level for the ATCos, it is important to predict the ATCos' workload accurately for mitigation actions. In this paper, we first perform a review of research on ATCo workload, mostly from the air traffic perspective. Then, we briefly introduce the setup of the human-in-the-loop (HITL) simulations with retired ATCos, where the air traffic data and workload labels are obtained. The simulations are conducted under three Phoenix approach scenarios while the human ATCos are requested to self-evaluate their workload ratings (i.e., low-1 to high-7). Preliminary data analysis is conducted. Next, we propose a graph-based deep-learning framework with conformal prediction to identify the ATCo workload levels. The number of aircraft under the controller's control varies both spatially and temporally, resulting in dynamically evolving graphs. The experiment results suggest that (a) besides the traffic density feature, the traffic conflict feature contributes to the workload prediction capabilities (i.e., minimum horizontal/vertical separation distance); (b) directly learning from the spatiotemporal graph layout of airspace with graph neural network can achieve higher prediction accuracy, compare to hand-crafted traffic complexity features; (c) conformal prediction is a valuable tool to further boost model prediction accuracy, resulting a range of predicted workload labels. The code used is available at \href{https://github.com/ymlasu/para-atm-collection/blob/master/air-traffic-prediction/ATC-Workload-Prediction/}{$\mathsf{Link}$}.

FACADE: A Framework for Adversarial Circuit Anomaly Detection and Evaluation. (arXiv:2307.10563v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dhruv Pai, Andres Carranza, Rylan Schaeffer, Arnuv Tandon, Sanmi Koyejo

We present FACADE, a novel probabilistic and geometric framework designed for unsupervised mechanistic anomaly detection in deep neural networks. Its primary goal is advancing the understanding and mitigation of adversarial attacks. FACADE aims to generate probabilistic distributions over circuits, which provide critical insights to their contribution to changes in the manifold properties of pseudo-classes, or high-dimensional modes in activation space, yielding a powerful tool for uncovering and combating adversarial attacks. Our approach seeks to improve model robustness, enhance scalable model oversight, and demonstrates promising applications in real-world deployment settings.

Deceptive Alignment Monitoring. (arXiv:2307.10569v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andres Carranza, Dhruv Pai, Rylan Schaeffer, Arnuv Tandon, Sanmi Koyejo

As the capabilities of large machine learning models continue to grow, and as the autonomy afforded to such models continues to expand, the spectre of a new adversary looms: the models themselves. The threat that a model might behave in a seemingly reasonable manner, while secretly and subtly modifying its behavior for ulterior reasons is often referred to as deceptive alignment in the AI Safety & Alignment communities. Consequently, we call this new direction Deceptive Alignment Monitoring. In this work, we identify emerging directions in diverse machine learning subfields that we believe will become increasingly important and intertwined in the near future for deceptive alignment monitoring, and we argue that advances in these fields present both long-term challenges and new research opportunities. We conclude by advocating for greater involvement by the adversarial machine learning community in these emerging directions.

Invalid Logic, Equivalent Gains: The Bizarreness of Reasoning in Language Model Prompting. (arXiv:2307.10573v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Rylan Schaeffer, Kateryna Pistunova, Samar Khanna, Sarthak Consul, Sanmi Koyejo

Language models can be prompted to reason through problems in a manner that significantly improves performance. However, \textit{why} such prompting improves performance is unclear. Recent work showed that using logically \textit{invalid} Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting improves performance almost as much as logically \textit{valid} CoT prompting, and that editing CoT prompts to replace problem-specific information with abstract information or out-of-distribution information typically doesn't harm performance. Critics have responded that these findings are based on too few and too easy tasks to draw meaningful conclusions. To resolve this dispute, we test whether logically invalid CoT prompts offer the same level of performance gains as logically valid prompts on the hardest tasks in the BIG-Bench benchmark, termed BIG-Bench Hard (BBH). We find that the logically \textit{invalid} reasoning prompts do indeed achieve similar performance gains on BBH tasks as logically valid reasoning prompts. We also discover that some CoT prompts used by previous works contain logical errors. This suggests that covariates beyond logically valid reasoning are responsible for performance improvements.

Adaptive Control of Resource Flow to Optimize Construction Work and Cash Flow via Online Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2307.10574v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Can Jiang, Xin Li, Jia-Rui Lin, Ming Liu, Zhiliang Ma

Due to complexity and dynamics of construction work, resource, and cash flows, poor management of them usually leads to time and cost overruns, bankruptcy, even project failure. Existing approaches in construction failed to achieve optimal control of resource flow in a dynamic environment with uncertainty. Therefore, this paper introducess a model and method to adaptive control the resource flows to optimize the work and cash flows of construction projects. First, a mathematical model based on a partially observable Markov decision process is established to formulate the complex interactions of construction work, resource, and cash flows as well as uncertainty and variability of diverse influence factors. Meanwhile, to efficiently find the optimal solutions, a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based method is introduced to realize the continuous adaptive optimal control of labor and material flows, thereby optimizing the work and cash flows. To assist the training process of DRL, a simulator based on discrete event simulation is also developed to mimic the dynamic features and external environments of a project. Experiments in simulated scenarios illustrate that our method outperforms the vanilla empirical method and genetic algorithm, possesses remarkable capability in diverse projects and external environments, and a hybrid agent of DRL and empirical method leads to the best result. This paper contributes to adaptive control and optimization of coupled work, resource, and cash flows, and may serve as a step stone for adopting DRL technology in construction project management.

Boosting Federated Learning Convergence with Prototype Regularization. (arXiv:2307.10575v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yu Qiao, Huy Q. Le, Choong Seon Hong

As a distributed machine learning technique, federated learning (FL) requires clients to collaboratively train a shared model with an edge server without leaking their local data. However, the heterogeneous data distribution among clients often leads to a decrease in model performance. To tackle this issue, this paper introduces a prototype-based regularization strategy to address the heterogeneity in the data distribution. Specifically, the regularization process involves the server aggregating local prototypes from distributed clients to generate a global prototype, which is then sent back to the individual clients to guide their local training. The experimental results on MNIST and Fashion-MNIST show that our proposal achieves improvements of 3.3% and 8.9% in average test accuracy, respectively, compared to the most popular baseline FedAvg. Furthermore, our approach has a fast convergence rate in heterogeneous settings.

Ethosight: A Joint-Embedding Based System for Nuanced Perception Using Contextual Label Affinity Metric and Reasoning Based Iterative Learning. (arXiv:2307.10577v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hugo Latapie, Kristinn R. Thorisson, Shan Yu, Vahagn Petrosyan, Patrick Hammer, Pei Wang, Brandon Kynoch, Hanning Chen, Tangrui Li

Traditional computer vision models often require extensive manual effort for data acquisition and validation, particularly when detecting subtle behavioral nuances or events. The difficulty in distinguishing routine behaviors from potential risks in real-world applications, like differentiating routine shopping from potential shoplifting, further complicates the process.

We present Ethosight, a novel zero-shot computer vision algorithm. Ethosight eradicates the need for pre-existing symbolic knowledge, initiating from a clean slate based on user requirements and semantic knowledge of interest. Using localized label affinity calculations and a reasoning-guided iterative learning loop, Ethosight infers scene details and iteratively refines the label set. Reasoning mechanisms can be derived from large language models like GPT4, symbolic reasoners like OpenNARS, or hybrid systems.

Ethosight further capitalizes on the capabilities of a pre-trained multi-modal model, ImageBind, generating accurate semantic knowledge of images within a few cycles. It successfully captures both explicit and nuanced elements efficiently. We also introduce the implementation of Korzybski's "time-binding" concept in machines, which allows for generational learning and knowledge sharing across deployments.

Our evaluations demonstrate Ethosight's efficacy across 40 complex use cases. It has exhibited an exceptional ability to discern new areas of interest, consistently generating high-affinity scores within the top five labels from a set of a thousand. Tests conducted across diverse environments attest to Ethosight's robust performance. Detailed results and case studies within the main body of this paper and an appendix underscore a promising trajectory towards enhancing the adaptability and resilience of computer vision models in detecting and extracting subtle and nuanced behaviors.

Forecasting Battery Electric Vehicle Charging Behavior: A Deep Learning Approach Equipped with Micro-Clustering and SMOTE Techniques. (arXiv:2307.10588v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hanif Tayarani, Trisha V. Ramadoss, Vaishnavi Karanam, Gil Tal, Christopher Nitta

Energy systems, climate change, and public health are among the primary reasons for moving toward electrification in transportation. Transportation electrification is being promoted worldwide to reduce emissions. As a result, many automakers will soon start making only battery electric vehicles (BEVs). BEV adoption rates are rising in California, mainly due to climate change and air pollution concerns. While great for climate and pollution goals, improperly managed BEV charging can lead to insufficient charging infrastructure and power outages. This study develops a novel Micro Clustering Deep Neural Network (MCDNN), an artificial neural network algorithm that is highly effective at learning BEVs trip and charging data to forecast BEV charging events, information that is essential for electricity load aggregators and utility managers to provide charging stations and electricity capacity effectively. The MCDNN is configured using a robust dataset of trips and charges that occurred in California between 2015 and 2020 from 132 BEVs, spanning 5 BEV models for a total of 1570167 vehicle miles traveled. The numerical findings revealed that the proposed MCDNN is more effective than benchmark approaches in this field, such as support vector machine, k nearest neighbors, decision tree, and other neural network-based models in predicting the charging events.

Boundary State Generation for Testing and Improvement of Autonomous Driving Systems. (arXiv:2307.10590v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Matteo Biagiola, Paolo Tonella

Recent advances in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) and sensor technologies are enabling autonomous driving systems (ADSs) with an ever-increasing level of autonomy. However, assessing their dependability remains a critical concern. State-of-the-art ADS testing approaches modify the controllable attributes of a simulated driving environment until the ADS misbehaves. Such approaches have two main drawbacks: (1) modifications to the simulated environment might not be easily transferable to the in-field test setting (e.g., changing the road shape); (2) environment instances in which the ADS is successful are discarded, despite the possibility that they could contain hidden driving conditions in which the ADS may misbehave.

In this paper, we present GenBo (GENerator of BOundary state pairs), a novel test generator for ADS testing. GenBo mutates the driving conditions of the ego vehicle (position, velocity and orientation), collected in a failure-free environment instance, and efficiently generates challenging driving conditions at the behavior boundary (i.e., where the model starts to misbehave) in the same environment. We use such boundary conditions to augment the initial training dataset and retrain the DNN model under test. Our evaluation results show that the retrained model has up to 16 higher success rate on a separate set of evaluation tracks with respect to the original DNN model.

Exploiting Structure for Optimal Multi-Agent Bayesian Decentralized Estimation. (arXiv:2307.10594v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Christopher Funk, Ofer Dagan, Benjamin Noack, Nisar R. Ahmed

A key challenge in Bayesian decentralized data fusion is the `rumor propagation' or `double counting' phenomenon, where previously sent data circulates back to its sender. It is often addressed by approximate methods like covariance intersection (CI) which takes a weighted average of the estimates to compute the bound. The problem is that this bound is not tight, i.e. the estimate is often over-conservative. In this paper, we show that by exploiting the probabilistic independence structure in multi-agent decentralized fusion problems a tighter bound can be found using (i) an expansion to the CI algorithm that uses multiple (non-monolithic) weighting factors instead of one (monolithic) factor in the original CI and (ii) a general optimization scheme that is able to compute optimal bounds and fully exploit an arbitrary dependency structure. We compare our methods and show that on a simple problem, they converge to the same solution. We then test our new non-monolithic CI algorithm on a large-scale target tracking simulation and show that it achieves a tighter bound and a more accurate estimate compared to the original monolithic CI.

Challenges and Solutions in AI for All. (arXiv:2307.10600v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Rifat Ara Shams, Didar Zowghi, Muneera Bano

Artificial Intelligence (AI)'s pervasive presence and variety necessitate diversity and inclusivity (D&I) principles in its design for fairness, trust, and transparency. Yet, these considerations are often overlooked, leading to issues of bias, discrimination, and perceived untrustworthiness. In response, we conducted a Systematic Review to unearth challenges and solutions relating to D&I in AI. Our rigorous search yielded 48 research articles published between 2017 and 2022. Open coding of these papers revealed 55 unique challenges and 33 solutions for D&I in AI, as well as 24 unique challenges and 23 solutions for enhancing such practices using AI. This study, by offering a deeper understanding of these issues, will enlighten researchers and practitioners seeking to integrate these principles into future AI systems.

Heterogeneous Federated Learning: State-of-the-art and Research Challenges. (arXiv:2307.10616v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mang Ye, Xiuwen Fang, Bo Du, Pong C. Yuen, Dacheng Tao

Federated learning (FL) has drawn increasing attention owing to its potential use in large-scale industrial applications. Existing federated learning works mainly focus on model homogeneous settings. However, practical federated learning typically faces the heterogeneity of data distributions, model architectures, network environments, and hardware devices among participant clients. Heterogeneous Federated Learning (HFL) is much more challenging, and corresponding solutions are diverse and complex. Therefore, a systematic survey on this topic about the research challenges and state-of-the-art is essential. In this survey, we firstly summarize the various research challenges in HFL from five aspects: statistical heterogeneity, model heterogeneity, communication heterogeneity, device heterogeneity, and additional challenges. In addition, recent advances in HFL are reviewed and a new taxonomy of existing HFL methods is proposed with an in-depth analysis of their pros and cons. We classify existing methods from three different levels according to the HFL procedure: data-level, model-level, and server-level. Finally, several critical and promising future research directions in HFL are discussed, which may facilitate further developments in this field. A periodically updated collection on HFL is available at https://github.com/marswhu/HFL_Survey.

Detecting deceptive reviews using text classification. (arXiv:2307.10617v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Anusuya Baby

In recent years, online reviews play a vital role for promoting any kind of product or services. Businesses may embed fake reviews in order to attract customers to purchase their products. They may even highlight the benefits of their own product or criticize the competition's product. Marketers, advertisers, and other online business users have incentive to create fake positive reviews for products which they want to promote or give fake negative reviews for products which they really don't like. So now-a-days writing a deceptive review is inevitable thing for promoting their own business or degrading competitor's reputation. Thus, identifying deceptive reviews is an intense and on-going research area. This research paper proposes machine learning model approach to identify deceptive reviews. The paper investigates the performance of the several experiments done on a Deceptive Opinion Spam Corpus dataset of restaurants reviews. We developed a n-gram model and max features to identify deceptive contents with a particular focus on fake reviews. Further, we conduct a benchmark study to investigate the performance of two different features extraction techniques and apply five machine learning classification techniques. The experimental results show that passive aggressive classifier outperforms other algorithms, and it reaches the highest accuracy not only in text classification but also to fake reviews. We also study the data augmentation and implement different deep learning techniques.

Pluvio: Assembly Clone Search for Out-of-domain Architectures and Libraries through Transfer Learning and Conditional Variational Information Bottleneck. (arXiv:2307.10631v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Zhiwei Fu, Steven H. H. Ding, Furkan Alaca, Benjamin C. M. Fung, Philippe Charland

The practice of code reuse is crucial in software development for a faster and more efficient development lifecycle. In reality, however, code reuse practices lack proper control, resulting in issues such as vulnerability propagation and intellectual property infringements. Assembly clone search, a critical shift-right defence mechanism, has been effective in identifying vulnerable code resulting from reuse in released executables. Recent studies on assembly clone search demonstrate a trend towards using machine learning-based methods to match assembly code variants produced by different toolchains. However, these methods are limited to what they learn from a small number of toolchain variants used in training, rendering them inapplicable to unseen architectures and their corresponding compilation toolchain variants.

This paper presents the first study on the problem of assembly clone search with unseen architectures and libraries. We propose incorporating human common knowledge through large-scale pre-trained natural language models, in the form of transfer learning, into current learning-based approaches for assembly clone search. Transfer learning can aid in addressing the limitations of the existing approaches, as it can bring in broader knowledge from human experts in assembly code. We further address the sequence limit issue by proposing a reinforcement learning agent to remove unnecessary and redundant tokens. Coupled with a new Variational Information Bottleneck learning strategy, the proposed system minimizes the reliance on potential indicators of architectures and optimization settings, for a better generalization of unseen architectures. We simulate the unseen architecture clone search scenarios and the experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach against the state-of-the-art solutions.

SciBench: Evaluating College-Level Scientific Problem-Solving Abilities of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.10635v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaoxuan Wang, Ziniu Hu, Pan Lu, Yanqiao Zhu, Jieyu Zhang, Satyen Subramaniam, Arjun R. Loomba, Shichang Zhang, Yizhou Sun, Wei Wang

Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated notable progress on many mathematical benchmarks. However, most of these benchmarks only feature problems grounded in junior and senior high school subjects, contain only multiple-choice questions, and are confined to a limited scope of elementary arithmetic operations. To address these issues, this paper introduces an expansive benchmark suite SciBench that aims to systematically examine the reasoning capabilities required for complex scientific problem solving. SciBench contains two carefully curated datasets: an open set featuring a range of collegiate-level scientific problems drawn from mathematics, chemistry, and physics textbooks, and a closed set comprising problems from undergraduate-level exams in computer science and mathematics. Based on the two datasets, we conduct an in-depth benchmark study of two representative LLMs with various prompting strategies. The results reveal that current LLMs fall short of delivering satisfactory performance, with an overall score of merely 35.80%. Furthermore, through a detailed user study, we categorize the errors made by LLMs into ten problem-solving abilities. Our analysis indicates that no single prompting strategy significantly outperforms others and some strategies that demonstrate improvements in certain problem-solving skills result in declines in other skills. We envision that SciBench will catalyze further developments in the reasoning abilities of LLMs, thereby ultimately contributing to scientific research and discovery.

A Personalized Recommender System Based-on Knowledge Graph Embeddings. (arXiv:2307.10680v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Ngoc Luyen Le (Heudiasyc), Marie-Hélène Abel (Heudiasyc), Philippe Gouspillou

Knowledge graphs have proven to be effective for modeling entities and their relationships through the use of ontologies. The recent emergence in interest for using knowledge graphs as a form of information modeling has led to their increased adoption in recommender systems. By incorporating users and items into the knowledge graph, these systems can better capture the implicit connections between them and provide more accurate recommendations. In this paper, we investigate and propose the construction of a personalized recommender system via knowledge graphs embedding applied to the vehicle purchase/sale domain. The results of our experimentation demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method in providing relevant recommendations that are consistent with individual users.

Bounded Combinatorial Reconfiguration with Answer Set Programming. (arXiv:2307.10688v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Yuya Yamada, Mutsunori Banbara, Katsumi Inoue, Torsten Schaub

We develop an approach called bounded combinatorial reconfiguration for solving combinatorial reconfiguration problems based on Answer Set Programming (ASP). The general task is to study the solution spaces of source combinatorial problems and to decide whether or not there are sequences of feasible solutions that have special properties. The resulting recongo solver covers all metrics of the solver track in the most recent international competition on combinatorial reconfiguration (CoRe Challenge 2022). recongo ranked first in the shortest metric of the single-engine solvers track. In this paper, we present the design and implementation of bounded combinatorial reconfiguration, and present an ASP encoding of the independent set reconfiguration problem that is one of the most studied combinatorial reconfiguration problems. Finally, we present empirical analysis considering all instances of CoRe Challenge 2022.

Towards an architectural framework for intelligent virtual agents using probabilistic programming. (arXiv:2307.10693v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Anton Andreev (GIPSA-Services), Grégoire Cattan

We present a new framework called KorraAI for conceiving and building embodied conversational agents (ECAs). Our framework models ECAs' behavior considering contextual information, for example, about environment and interaction time, and uncertain information provided by the human interaction partner. Moreover, agents built with KorraAI can show proactive behavior, as they can initiate interactions with human partners. For these purposes, KorraAI exploits probabilistic programming. Probabilistic models in KorraAI are used to model its behavior and interactions with the user. They enable adaptation to the user's preferences and a certain degree of indeterminism in the ECAs to achieve more natural behavior. Human-like internal states, such as moods, preferences, and emotions (e.g., surprise), can be modeled in KorraAI with distributions and Bayesian networks. These models can evolve over time, even without interaction with the user. ECA models are implemented as plugins and share a common interface. This enables ECA designers to focus more on the character they are modeling and less on the technical details, as well as to store and exchange ECA models. Several applications of KorraAI ECAs are possible, such as virtual sales agents, customer service agents, virtual companions, entertainers, or tutors.

AdjointDPM: Adjoint Sensitivity Method for Gradient Backpropagation of Diffusion Probabilistic Models. (arXiv:2307.10711v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiachun Pan, Hanshu Yan, Jun Hao Liew, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Jiashi Feng

Existing customization methods require access to multiple reference examples to align pre-trained diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) with user-provided concepts. This paper aims to address the challenge of DPM customization when the only available supervision is a differentiable metric defined on the generated contents. Since the sampling procedure of DPMs involves recursive calls to the denoising UNet, na\"ive gradient backpropagation requires storing the intermediate states of all iterations, resulting in extremely high memory consumption. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel method AdjointDPM, which first generates new samples from diffusion models by solving the corresponding probability-flow ODEs. It then uses the adjoint sensitivity method to backpropagate the gradients of the loss to the models' parameters (including conditioning signals, network weights, and initial noises) by solving another augmented ODE. To reduce numerical errors in both the forward generation and gradient backpropagation processes, we further reparameterize the probability-flow ODE and augmented ODE as simple non-stiff ODEs using exponential integration. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of AdjointDPM on three interesting tasks: converting visual effects into identification text embeddings, finetuning DPMs for specific types of stylization, and optimizing initial noise to generate adversarial samples for security auditing.

Kick Back & Relax: Learning to Reconstruct the World by Watching SlowTV. (arXiv:2307.10713v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jaime Spencer, Chris Russell, Simon Hadfield, Richard Bowden

Self-supervised monocular depth estimation (SS-MDE) has the potential to scale to vast quantities of data. Unfortunately, existing approaches limit themselves to the automotive domain, resulting in models incapable of generalizing to complex environments such as natural or indoor settings.

To address this, we propose a large-scale SlowTV dataset curated from YouTube, containing an order of magnitude more data than existing automotive datasets. SlowTV contains 1.7M images from a rich diversity of environments, such as worldwide seasonal hiking, scenic driving and scuba diving. Using this dataset, we train an SS-MDE model that provides zero-shot generalization to a large collection of indoor/outdoor datasets. The resulting model outperforms all existing SSL approaches and closes the gap on supervised SoTA, despite using a more efficient architecture.

We additionally introduce a collection of best-practices to further maximize performance and zero-shot generalization. This includes 1) aspect ratio augmentation, 2) camera intrinsic estimation, 3) support frame randomization and 4) flexible motion estimation. Code is available at https://github.com/jspenmar/slowtv_monodepth.

Introducing Risk Shadowing For Decisive and Comfortable Behavior Planning. (arXiv:2307.10714v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Tim Puphal, Julian Eggert

We consider the problem of group interactions in urban driving. State-of-the-art behavior planners for self-driving cars mostly consider each single agent-to-agent interaction separately in a cost function in order to find an optimal behavior for the ego agent, such as not colliding with any of the other agents. In this paper, we develop risk shadowing, a situation understanding method that allows us to go beyond single interactions by analyzing group interactions between three agents. Concretely, the presented method can find out which first other agent does not need to be considered in the behavior planner of an ego agent, because this first other agent cannot reach the ego agent due to a second other agent obstructing its way. In experiments, we show that using risk shadowing as an upstream filter module for a behavior planner allows to plan more decisive and comfortable driving strategies than state of the art, given that safety is ensured in these cases. The usability of the approach is demonstrated for different intersection scenarios and longitudinal driving.

LLM Censorship: A Machine Learning Challenge or a Computer Security Problem?. (arXiv:2307.10719v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: David Glukhov, Ilia Shumailov, Yarin Gal, Nicolas Papernot, Vardan Papyan

Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive capabilities in comprehending complex instructions. However, their blind adherence to provided instructions has led to concerns regarding risks of malicious use. Existing defence mechanisms, such as model fine-tuning or output censorship using LLMs, have proven to be fallible, as LLMs can still generate problematic responses. Commonly employed censorship approaches treat the issue as a machine learning problem and rely on another LM to detect undesirable content in LLM outputs. In this paper, we present the theoretical limitations of such semantic censorship approaches. Specifically, we demonstrate that semantic censorship can be perceived as an undecidable problem, highlighting the inherent challenges in censorship that arise due to LLMs' programmatic and instruction-following capabilities. Furthermore, we argue that the challenges extend beyond semantic censorship, as knowledgeable attackers can reconstruct impermissible outputs from a collection of permissible ones. As a result, we propose that the problem of censorship needs to be reevaluated; it should be treated as a security problem which warrants the adaptation of security-based approaches to mitigate potential risks.

Fairness-Aware Client Selection for Federated Learning. (arXiv:2307.10738v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yuxin Shi, Zelei Liu, Zhuan Shi, Han Yu

Federated learning (FL) has enabled multiple data owners (a.k.a. FL clients) to train machine learning models collaboratively without revealing private data. Since the FL server can only engage a limited number of clients in each training round, FL client selection has become an important research problem. Existing approaches generally focus on either enhancing FL model performance or enhancing the fair treatment of FL clients. The problem of balancing performance and fairness considerations when selecting FL clients remains open. To address this problem, we propose the Fairness-aware Federated Client Selection (FairFedCS) approach. Based on Lyapunov optimization, it dynamically adjusts FL clients' selection probabilities by jointly considering their reputations, times of participation in FL tasks and contributions to the resulting model performance. By not using threshold-based reputation filtering, it provides FL clients with opportunities to redeem their reputations after a perceived poor performance, thereby further enhancing fair client treatment. Extensive experiments based on real-world multimedia datasets show that FairFedCS achieves 19.6% higher fairness and 0.73% higher test accuracy on average than the best-performing state-of-the-art approach.

Exploring Perspectives on the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Creativity of Knowledge Work: Beyond Mechanised Plagiarism and Stochastic Parrots. (arXiv:2307.10751v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Advait Sarkar

Artificial Intelligence (AI), and in particular generative models, are transformative tools for knowledge work. They problematise notions of creativity, originality, plagiarism, the attribution of credit, and copyright ownership. Critics of generative models emphasise the reliance on large amounts of training data, and view the output of these models as no more than randomised plagiarism, remix, or collage of the source data. On these grounds, many have argued for stronger regulations on the deployment, use, and attribution of the output of these models. However, these issues are not new or unique to artificial intelligence. In this position paper, using examples from literary criticism, the history of art, and copyright law, I show how creativity and originality resist definition as a notatable or information-theoretic property of an object, and instead can be seen as the property of a process, an author, or a viewer. Further alternative views hold that all creative work is essentially reuse (mostly without attribution), or that randomness itself can be creative. I suggest that creativity is ultimately defined by communities of creators and receivers, and the deemed sources of creativity in a workflow often depend on which parts of the workflow can be automated. Using examples from recent studies of AI in creative knowledge work, I suggest that AI shifts knowledge work from material production to critical integration. This position paper aims to begin a conversation around a more nuanced approach to the problems of creativity and credit assignment for generative models, one which more fully recognises the importance of the creative and curatorial voice of the users of these models and moves away from simpler notational or information-theoretic views.

MSQNet: Actor-agnostic Action Recognition with Multi-modal Query. (arXiv:2307.10763v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Anindya Mondal, Sauradip Nag, Joaquin M Prada, Xiatian Zhu, Anjan Dutta

Existing action recognition methods are typically actor-specific due to the intrinsic topological and apparent differences among the actors. This requires actor-specific pose estimation (e.g., humans vs. animals), leading to cumbersome model design complexity and high maintenance costs. Moreover, they often focus on learning the visual modality alone and single-label classification whilst neglecting other available information sources (e.g., class name text) and the concurrent occurrence of multiple actions. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new approach called 'actor-agnostic multi-modal multi-label action recognition,' which offers a unified solution for various types of actors, including humans and animals. We further formulate a novel Multi-modal Semantic Query Network (MSQNet) model in a transformer-based object detection framework (e.g., DETR), characterized by leveraging visual and textual modalities to represent the action classes better. The elimination of actor-specific model designs is a key advantage, as it removes the need for actor pose estimation altogether. Extensive experiments on five publicly available benchmarks show that our MSQNet consistently outperforms the prior arts of actor-specific alternatives on human and animal single- and multi-label action recognition tasks by up to 50%. Code will be released at https://github.com/mondalanindya/MSQNet.

Decoding the Enigma: Benchmarking Humans and AIs on the Many Facets of Working Memory. (arXiv:2307.10768v1 [q-bio.NC])

Authors: Ankur Sikarwar, Mengmi Zhang

Working memory (WM), a fundamental cognitive process facilitating the temporary storage, integration, manipulation, and retrieval of information, plays a vital role in reasoning and decision-making tasks. Robust benchmark datasets that capture the multifaceted nature of WM are crucial for the effective development and evaluation of AI WM models. Here, we introduce a comprehensive Working Memory (WorM) benchmark dataset for this purpose. WorM comprises 10 tasks and a total of 1 million trials, assessing 4 functionalities, 3 domains, and 11 behavioral and neural characteristics of WM. We jointly trained and tested state-of-the-art recurrent neural networks and transformers on all these tasks. We also include human behavioral benchmarks as an upper bound for comparison. Our results suggest that AI models replicate some characteristics of WM in the brain, most notably primacy and recency effects, and neural clusters and correlates specialized for different domains and functionalities of WM. In the experiments, we also reveal some limitations in existing models to approximate human behavior. This dataset serves as a valuable resource for communities in cognitive psychology, neuroscience, and AI, offering a standardized framework to compare and enhance WM models, investigate WM's neural underpinnings, and develop WM models with human-like capabilities. Our source code and data are available at https://github.com/ZhangLab-DeepNeuroCogLab/WorM.

Optimizing PatchCore for Few/many-shot Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2307.10792v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: João Santos, Triet Tran, Oliver Rippel

Few-shot anomaly detection (AD) is an emerging sub-field of general AD, and tries to distinguish between normal and anomalous data using only few selected samples. While newly proposed few-shot AD methods do compare against pre-existing algorithms developed for the full-shot domain as baselines, they do not dedicatedly optimize them for the few-shot setting. It thus remains unclear if the performance of such pre-existing algorithms can be further improved. We address said question in this work. Specifically, we present a study on the AD/anomaly segmentation (AS) performance of PatchCore, the current state-of-the-art full-shot AD/AS algorithm, in both the few-shot and the many-shot settings. We hypothesize that further performance improvements can be realized by (I) optimizing its various hyperparameters, and by (II) transferring techniques known to improve few-shot supervised learning to the AD domain. Exhaustive experiments on the public VisA and MVTec AD datasets reveal that (I) significant performance improvements can be realized by optimizing hyperparameters such as the underlying feature extractor, and that (II) image-level augmentations can, but are not guaranteed, to improve performance. Based on these findings, we achieve a new state of the art in few-shot AD on VisA, further demonstrating the merit of adapting pre-existing AD/AS methods to the few-shot setting. Last, we identify the investigation of feature extractors with a strong inductive bias as a potential future research direction for (few-shot) AD/AS.

Meta-Transformer: A Unified Framework for Multimodal Learning. (arXiv:2307.10802v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yiyuan Zhang, Kaixiong Gong, Kaipeng Zhang, Hongsheng Li, Yu Qiao, Wanli Ouyang, Xiangyu Yue

Multimodal learning aims to build models that can process and relate information from multiple modalities. Despite years of development in this field, it still remains challenging to design a unified network for processing various modalities ($\textit{e.g.}$ natural language, 2D images, 3D point clouds, audio, video, time series, tabular data) due to the inherent gaps among them. In this work, we propose a framework, named Meta-Transformer, that leverages a $\textbf{frozen}$ encoder to perform multimodal perception without any paired multimodal training data. In Meta-Transformer, the raw input data from various modalities are mapped into a shared token space, allowing a subsequent encoder with frozen parameters to extract high-level semantic features of the input data. Composed of three main components: a unified data tokenizer, a modality-shared encoder, and task-specific heads for downstream tasks, Meta-Transformer is the first framework to perform unified learning across 12 modalities with unpaired data. Experiments on different benchmarks reveal that Meta-Transformer can handle a wide range of tasks including fundamental perception (text, image, point cloud, audio, video), practical application (X-Ray, infrared, hyperspectral, and IMU), and data mining (graph, tabular, and time-series). Meta-Transformer indicates a promising future for developing unified multimodal intelligence with transformers. Code will be available at https://github.com/invictus717/MetaTransformer

Communication-Efficient Split Learning via Adaptive Feature-Wise Compression. (arXiv:2307.10805v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Yongjeong Oh, Jaeho Lee, Christopher G. Brinton, Yo-Seb Jeon

This paper proposes a novel communication-efficient split learning (SL) framework, named SplitFC, which reduces the communication overhead required for transmitting intermediate feature and gradient vectors during the SL training process. The key idea of SplitFC is to leverage different dispersion degrees exhibited in the columns of the matrices. SplitFC incorporates two compression strategies: (i) adaptive feature-wise dropout and (ii) adaptive feature-wise quantization. In the first strategy, the intermediate feature vectors are dropped with adaptive dropout probabilities determined based on the standard deviation of these vectors. Then, by the chain rule, the intermediate gradient vectors associated with the dropped feature vectors are also dropped. In the second strategy, the non-dropped intermediate feature and gradient vectors are quantized using adaptive quantization levels determined based on the ranges of the vectors. To minimize the quantization error, the optimal quantization levels of this strategy are derived in a closed-form expression. Simulation results on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and CelebA datasets demonstrate that SplitFC provides more than a 5.6% increase in classification accuracy compared to state-of-the-art SL frameworks, while they require 320 times less communication overhead compared to the vanilla SL framework without compression.

On Combining Expert Demonstrations in Imitation Learning via Optimal Transport. (arXiv:2307.10810v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ilana Sebag, Samuel Cohen, Marc Peter Deisenroth

Imitation learning (IL) seeks to teach agents specific tasks through expert demonstrations. One of the key approaches to IL is to define a distance between agent and expert and to find an agent policy that minimizes that distance. Optimal transport methods have been widely used in imitation learning as they provide ways to measure meaningful distances between agent and expert trajectories. However, the problem of how to optimally combine multiple expert demonstrations has not been widely studied. The standard method is to simply concatenate state (-action) trajectories, which is problematic when trajectories are multi-modal. We propose an alternative method that uses a multi-marginal optimal transport distance and enables the combination of multiple and diverse state-trajectories in the OT sense, providing a more sensible geometric average of the demonstrations. Our approach enables an agent to learn from several experts, and its efficiency is analyzed on OpenAI Gym control environments and demonstrates that the standard method is not always optimal.

"It Felt Like Having a Second Mind": Investigating Human-AI Co-creativity in Prewriting with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.10811v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Qian Wan, Siying Hu, Yu Zhang, Piaohong Wang, Bo Wen, Zhicong Lu

Prewriting is the process of discovering and developing ideas before a first draft, which requires divergent thinking and often implies unstructured strategies such as diagramming, outlining, free-writing, etc. Although large language models (LLMs) have been demonstrated to be useful for a variety of tasks including creative writing, little is known about how users would collaborate with LLMs to support prewriting. The preferred collaborative role and initiative of LLMs during such a creativity process is also unclear. To investigate human-LLM collaboration patterns and dynamics during prewriting, we conducted a three-session qualitative study with 15 participants in two creative tasks: story writing and slogan writing. The findings indicated that during collaborative prewriting, there appears to be a three-stage iterative Human-AI Co-creativity process that includes Ideation, Illumination, and Implementation stages. This collaborative process champions the human in a dominant role, in addition to mixed and shifting levels of initiative that exist between humans and LLMs. This research also reports on collaboration breakdowns that occur during this process, user perceptions of using existing LLMs during Human-AI Co-creativity, and discusses design implications to support this co-creativity process.

Modifications of the Miller definition of contrastive (counterfactual) explanations. (arXiv:2307.10832v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Kevin McAreavey, Weiru Liu

Miller recently proposed a definition of contrastive (counterfactual) explanations based on the well-known Halpern-Pearl (HP) definitions of causes and (non-contrastive) explanations. Crucially, the Miller definition was based on the original HP definition of explanations, but this has since been modified by Halpern; presumably because the original yields counterintuitive results in many standard examples. More recently Borner has proposed a third definition, observing that this modified HP definition may also yield counterintuitive results. In this paper we show that the Miller definition inherits issues found in the original HP definition. We address these issues by proposing two improved variants based on the more robust modified HP and Borner definitions. We analyse our new definitions and show that they retain the spirit of the Miller definition where all three variants satisfy an alternative unified definition that is modular with respect to an underlying definition of non-contrastive explanations. To the best of our knowledge this paper also provides the first explicit comparison between the original and modified HP definitions.

Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning with Disentanglement-based Reachability Planning. (arXiv:2307.10846v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Zhifeng Qian, Mingyu You, Hongjun Zhou, Xuanhui Xu, Bin He

Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (GCRL) can enable agents to spontaneously set diverse goals to learn a set of skills. Despite the excellent works proposed in various fields, reaching distant goals in temporally extended tasks remains a challenge for GCRL. Current works tackled this problem by leveraging planning algorithms to plan intermediate subgoals to augment GCRL. Their methods need two crucial requirements: (i) a state representation space to search valid subgoals, and (ii) a distance function to measure the reachability of subgoals. However, they struggle to scale to high-dimensional state space due to their non-compact representations. Moreover, they cannot collect high-quality training data through standard GC policies, which results in an inaccurate distance function. Both affect the efficiency and performance of planning and policy learning. In the paper, we propose a goal-conditioned RL algorithm combined with Disentanglement-based Reachability Planning (REPlan) to solve temporally extended tasks. In REPlan, a Disentangled Representation Module (DRM) is proposed to learn compact representations which disentangle robot poses and object positions from high-dimensional observations in a self-supervised manner. A simple REachability discrimination Module (REM) is also designed to determine the temporal distance of subgoals. Moreover, REM computes intrinsic bonuses to encourage the collection of novel states for training. We evaluate our REPlan in three vision-based simulation tasks and one real-world task. The experiments demonstrate that our REPlan significantly outperforms the prior state-of-the-art methods in solving temporally extended tasks.

Divide & Bind Your Attention for Improved Generative Semantic Nursing. (arXiv:2307.10864v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yumeng Li, Margret Keuper, Dan Zhang, Anna Khoreva

Emerging large-scale text-to-image generative models, e.g., Stable Diffusion (SD), have exhibited overwhelming results with high fidelity. Despite the magnificent progress, current state-of-the-art models still struggle to generate images fully adhering to the input prompt. Prior work, Attend & Excite, has introduced the concept of Generative Semantic Nursing (GSN), aiming to optimize cross-attention during inference time to better incorporate the semantics. It demonstrates promising results in generating simple prompts, e.g., ``a cat and a dog''. However, its efficacy declines when dealing with more complex prompts, and it does not explicitly address the problem of improper attribute binding. To address the challenges posed by complex prompts or scenarios involving multiple entities and to achieve improved attribute binding, we propose Divide & Bind. We introduce two novel loss objectives for GSN: a novel attendance loss and a binding loss. Our approach stands out in its ability to faithfully synthesize desired objects with improved attribute alignment from complex prompts and exhibits superior performance across multiple evaluation benchmarks. More videos and updates can be found on the project page \url{https://sites.google.com/view/divide-and-bind}.

Syntactic vs Semantic Linear Abstraction and Refinement of Neural Networks. (arXiv:2307.10891v1 [cs.LO])

Authors: Calvin Chau, Jan Křetínský, Stefanie Mohr

Abstraction is a key verification technique to improve scalability. However, its use for neural networks is so far extremely limited. Previous approaches for abstracting classification networks replace several neurons with one of them that is similar enough. We can classify the similarity as defined either syntactically (using quantities on the connections between neurons) or semantically (on the activation values of neurons for various inputs). Unfortunately, the previous approaches only achieve moderate reductions, when implemented at all. In this work, we provide a more flexible framework where a neuron can be replaced with a linear combination of other neurons, improving the reduction. We apply this approach both on syntactic and semantic abstractions, and implement and evaluate them experimentally. Further, we introduce a refinement method for our abstractions, allowing for finding a better balance between reduction and precision.

Perceptron Theory Can Predict the Accuracy of Neural Networks. (arXiv:2012.07881v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Denis Kleyko, Antonello Rosato, E. Paxon Frady, Massimo Panella, Friedrich T. Sommer

Multilayer neural networks set the current state of the art for many technical classification problems. But, these networks are still, essentially, black boxes in terms of analyzing them and predicting their performance. Here, we develop a statistical theory for the one-layer perceptron and show that it can predict performances of a surprisingly large variety of neural networks with different architectures. A general theory of classification with perceptrons is developed by generalizing an existing theory for analyzing reservoir computing models and connectionist models for symbolic reasoning known as vector symbolic architectures. Our statistical theory offers three formulas leveraging the signal statistics with increasing detail. The formulas are analytically intractable, but can be evaluated numerically. The description level that captures maximum details requires stochastic sampling methods. Depending on the network model, the simpler formulas already yield high prediction accuracy. The quality of the theory predictions is assessed in three experimental settings, a memorization task for echo state networks (ESNs) from reservoir computing literature, a collection of classification datasets for shallow randomly connected networks, and the ImageNet dataset for deep convolutional neural networks. We find that the second description level of the perceptron theory can predict the performance of types of ESNs, which could not be described previously. The theory can predict deep multilayer neural networks by being applied to their output layer. While other methods for prediction of neural networks performance commonly require to train an estimator model, the proposed theory requires only the first two moments of the distribution of the postsynaptic sums in the output neurons. The perceptron theory compares favorably to other methods that do not rely on training an estimator model.

Semantically Adversarial Scenario Generation with Explicit Knowledge Guidance. (arXiv:2106.04066v6 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenhao Ding, Haohong Lin, Bo Li, Ding Zhao

Generating adversarial scenarios, which have the potential to fail autonomous driving systems, provides an effective way to improve robustness. Extending purely data-driven generative models, recent specialized models satisfy additional controllable requirements such as embedding a traffic sign in a driving scene by manipulating patterns implicitly in the neuron level. In this paper, we introduce a method to incorporate domain knowledge explicitly in the generation process to achieve the Semantically Adversarial Generation (SAG). To be consistent with the composition of driving scenes, we first categorize the knowledge into two types, the property of objects and the relationship among objects. We then propose a tree-structured variational auto-encoder (T-VAE) to learn hierarchical scene representation. By imposing semantic rules on the properties of nodes and edges in the tree structure, explicit knowledge integration enables controllable generation. We construct a synthetic example to illustrate the controllability and explainability of our method in a succinct setting. We further extend to realistic environments for autonomous vehicles: our method efficiently identifies adversarial driving scenes against different state-of-the-art 3D point cloud segmentation models and satisfies the traffic rules specified as the explicit knowledge.

Vector Symbolic Architectures as a Computing Framework for Emerging Hardware. (arXiv:2106.05268v2 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: Denis Kleyko, Mike Davies, E. Paxon Frady, Pentti Kanerva, Spencer J. Kent, Bruno A. Olshausen, Evgeny Osipov, Jan M. Rabaey, Dmitri A. Rachkovskij, Abbas Rahimi, Friedrich T. Sommer

This article reviews recent progress in the development of the computing framework vector symbolic architectures (VSA) (also known as hyperdimensional computing). This framework is well suited for implementation in stochastic, emerging hardware, and it naturally expresses the types of cognitive operations required for artificial intelligence (AI). We demonstrate in this article that the field-like algebraic structure of VSA offers simple but powerful operations on high-dimensional vectors that can support all data structures and manipulations relevant to modern computing. In addition, we illustrate the distinguishing feature of VSA, "computing in superposition," which sets it apart from conventional computing. It also opens the door to efficient solutions to the difficult combinatorial search problems inherent in AI applications. We sketch ways of demonstrating that VSA are computationally universal. We see them acting as a framework for computing with distributed representations that can play a role of an abstraction layer for emerging computing hardware. This article serves as a reference for computer architects by illustrating the philosophy behind VSA, techniques of distributed computing with them, and their relevance to emerging computing hardware, such as neuromorphic computing.

Deep Exploration for Recommendation Systems. (arXiv:2109.12509v3 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Zheqing Zhu, Benjamin Van Roy

Modern recommendation systems ought to benefit by probing for and learning from delayed feedback. Research has tended to focus on learning from a user's response to a single recommendation. Such work, which leverages methods of supervised and bandit learning, forgoes learning from the user's subsequent behavior. Where past work has aimed to learn from subsequent behavior, there has been a lack of effective methods for probing to elicit informative delayed feedback. Effective exploration through probing for delayed feedback becomes particularly challenging when rewards are sparse. To address this, we develop deep exploration methods for recommendation systems. In particular, we formulate recommendation as a sequential decision problem and demonstrate benefits of deep exploration over single-step exploration. Our experiments are carried out with high-fidelity industrial-grade simulators and establish large improvements over existing algorithms.

Full Characterization of Adaptively Strong Majority Voting in Crowdsourcing. (arXiv:2111.06390v2 [stat.AP] UPDATED)

Authors: Margarita Boyarskaya, Panos Ipeirotis

In crowdsourcing, quality control is commonly achieved by having workers examine items and vote on their correctness. To minimize the impact of unreliable worker responses, a $\delta$-margin voting process is utilized, where additional votes are solicited until a predetermined threshold $\delta$ for agreement between workers is exceeded. The process is widely adopted but only as a heuristic. Our research presents a modeling approach using absorbing Markov chains to analyze the characteristics of this voting process that matter in crowdsourced processes. We provide closed-form equations for the quality of resulting consensus vote, the expected number of votes required for consensus, the variance of vote requirements, and other distribution moments. Our findings demonstrate how the threshold $\delta$ can be adjusted to achieve quality equivalence across voting processes that employ workers with varying accuracy levels. We also provide efficiency-equalizing payment rates for voting processes with different expected response accuracy levels. Additionally, our model considers items with varying degrees of difficulty and uncertainty about the difficulty of each example. Our simulations, using real-world crowdsourced vote data, validate the effectiveness of our theoretical model in characterizing the consensus aggregation process. The results of our study can be effectively employed in practical crowdsourcing applications.

Gradient and Projection Free Distributed Online Min-Max Resource Optimization. (arXiv:2112.03896v3 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Jingrong Wang, Ben Liang

We consider distributed online min-max resource allocation with a set of parallel agents and a parameter server. Our goal is to minimize the pointwise maximum over a set of time-varying and decreasing cost functions, without a priori information about these functions. We propose a novel online algorithm, termed Distributed Online resource Re-Allocation (DORA), where non-stragglers learn to relinquish resource and share resource with stragglers. A notable feature of DORA is that it does not require gradient calculation or projection operation, unlike most existing online optimization strategies. This allows it to substantially reduce the computation overhead in large-scale and distributed networks. We analyze the worst-case performance of DORA and derive an upper bound on its dynamic regret for non-convex functions. We further consider an application to the bandwidth allocation problem in distributed online machine learning. Our numerical study demonstrates the efficacy of the proposed solution and its performance advantage over gradient- and/or projection-based resource allocation algorithms in reducing wall-clock time.

HDGT: Heterogeneous Driving Graph Transformer for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction via Scene Encoding. (arXiv:2205.09753v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaosong Jia, Penghao Wu, Li Chen, Yu Liu, Hongyang Li, Junchi Yan

Encoding a driving scene into vector representations has been an essential task for autonomous driving that can benefit downstream tasks e.g. trajectory prediction. The driving scene often involves heterogeneous elements such as the different types of objects (agents, lanes, traffic signs) and the semantic relations between objects are rich and diverse. Meanwhile, there also exist relativity across elements, which means that the spatial relation is a relative concept and need be encoded in a ego-centric manner instead of in a global coordinate system. Based on these observations, we propose Heterogeneous Driving Graph Transformer (HDGT), a backbone modelling the driving scene as a heterogeneous graph with different types of nodes and edges. For heterogeneous graph construction, we connect different types of nodes according to diverse semantic relations. For spatial relation encoding, the coordinates of the node as well as its in-edges are in the local node-centric coordinate system. For the aggregation module in the graph neural network (GNN), we adopt the transformer structure in a hierarchical way to fit the heterogeneous nature of inputs. Experimental results show that HDGT achieves state-of-the-art performance for the task of trajectory prediction, on INTERACTION Prediction Challenge and Waymo Open Motion Challenge.

Injecting Domain Adaptation with Learning-to-hash for Effective and Efficient Zero-shot Dense Retrieval. (arXiv:2205.11498v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Nandan Thakur, Nils Reimers, Jimmy Lin

Dense retrieval overcome the lexical gap and has shown great success in ad-hoc information retrieval (IR). Despite their success, dense retrievers are expensive to serve across practical use cases. For use cases requiring to search from millions of documents, the dense index becomes bulky and requires high memory usage for storing the index. More recently, learning-to-hash (LTH) techniques, for e.g., BPR and JPQ, produce binary document vectors, thereby reducing the memory requirement to efficiently store the dense index. LTH techniques are supervised and finetune the retriever using a ranking loss. They outperform their counterparts, i.e., traditional out-of-the-box vector compression techniques such as PCA or PQ. A missing piece from prior work is that existing techniques have been evaluated only in-domain, i.e., on a single dataset such as MS MARCO. In our work, we evaluate LTH and vector compression techniques for improving the downstream zero-shot retrieval accuracy of the TAS-B dense retriever while maintaining efficiency at inference. Our results demonstrate that, unlike prior work, LTH strategies when applied naively can underperform the zero-shot TAS-B dense retriever on average by up to 14% nDCG@10 on the BEIR benchmark. To solve this limitation, in our work, we propose an easy yet effective solution of injecting domain adaptation with existing supervised LTH techniques. We experiment with two well-known unsupervised domain adaptation techniques: GenQ and GPL. Our domain adaptation injection technique can improve the downstream zero-shot retrieval effectiveness for both BPR and JPQ variants of the TAS-B model by on average 11.5% and 8.2% nDCG@10 while both maintaining 32$\times$ memory efficiency and 14$\times$ and 2$\times$ speedup respectively in CPU retrieval latency on BEIR. All our code, models, and data are publicly available at https://github.com/thakur-nandan/income.

ForecastTKGQuestions: A Benchmark for Temporal Question Answering and Forecasting over Temporal Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2208.06501v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zifeng Ding, Zongyue Li, Ruoxia Qi, Jingpei Wu, Bailan He, Yunpu Ma, Zhao Meng, Shuo Chen, Ruotong Liao, Zhen Han, Volker Tresp

Question answering over temporal knowledge graphs (TKGQA) has recently found increasing interest. TKGQA requires temporal reasoning techniques to extract the relevant information from temporal knowledge bases. The only existing TKGQA dataset, i.e., CronQuestions, consists of temporal questions based on the facts from a fixed time period, where a temporal knowledge graph (TKG) spanning the same period can be fully used for answer inference, allowing the TKGQA models to use even the future knowledge to answer the questions based on the past facts. In real-world scenarios, however, it is also common that given the knowledge until now, we wish the TKGQA systems to answer the questions asking about the future. As humans constantly seek plans for the future, building TKGQA systems for answering such forecasting questions is important. Nevertheless, this has still been unexplored in previous research. In this paper, we propose a novel task: forecasting question answering over temporal knowledge graphs. We also propose a large-scale TKGQA benchmark dataset, i.e., ForecastTKGQuestions, for this task. It includes three types of questions, i.e., entity prediction, yes-no, and fact reasoning questions. For every forecasting question in our dataset, QA models can only have access to the TKG information before the timestamp annotated in the given question for answer inference. We find that the state-of-the-art TKGQA methods perform poorly on forecasting questions, and they are unable to answer yes-no questions and fact reasoning questions. To this end, we propose ForecastTKGQA, a TKGQA model that employs a TKG forecasting module for future inference, to answer all three types of questions. Experimental results show that ForecastTKGQA outperforms recent TKGQA methods on the entity prediction questions, and it also shows great effectiveness in answering the other two types of questions.

SAFARI: Versatile and Efficient Evaluations for Robustness of Interpretability. (arXiv:2208.09418v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Huang, Xingyu Zhao, Gaojie Jin, Xiaowei Huang

Interpretability of Deep Learning (DL) is a barrier to trustworthy AI. Despite great efforts made by the Explainable AI (XAI) community, explanations lack robustness -- indistinguishable input perturbations may lead to different XAI results. Thus, it is vital to assess how robust DL interpretability is, given an XAI method. In this paper, we identify several challenges that the state-of-the-art is unable to cope with collectively: i) existing metrics are not comprehensive; ii) XAI techniques are highly heterogeneous; iii) misinterpretations are normally rare events. To tackle these challenges, we introduce two black-box evaluation methods, concerning the worst-case interpretation discrepancy and a probabilistic notion of how robust in general, respectively. Genetic Algorithm (GA) with bespoke fitness function is used to solve constrained optimisation for efficient worst-case evaluation. Subset Simulation (SS), dedicated to estimate rare event probabilities, is used for evaluating overall robustness. Experiments show that the accuracy, sensitivity, and efficiency of our methods outperform the state-of-the-arts. Finally, we demonstrate two applications of our methods: ranking robust XAI methods and selecting training schemes to improve both classification and interpretation robustness.

Antecedent Predictions Are More Important Than You Think: An Effective Method for Tree-Based Code Generation. (arXiv:2208.09998v3 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Yihong Dong, Ge Li, Xue Jiang, Zhi Jin

Code generation focuses on the automatic conversion of natural language (NL) utterances into code snippets. The sequence-to-tree (Seq2Tree) approaches are proposed for code generation, with the guarantee of the grammatical correctness of the generated code, which generate the subsequent Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) node relying on antecedent predictions of AST nodes. Existing Seq2Tree methods tend to treat both antecedent predictions and subsequent predictions equally. However, under the AST constraints, it is difficult for Seq2Tree models to produce the correct subsequent prediction based on incorrect antecedent predictions. Thus, antecedent predictions ought to receive more attention than subsequent predictions. To this end, in this paper, we propose an effective method, named Antecedent Prioritized (AP) Loss, that helps the model attach importance to antecedent predictions by exploiting the position information of the generated AST nodes. We design an AST-to-Vector (AST2Vec) method, that maps AST node positions to two-dimensional vectors, to model the position information of AST nodes. To evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed loss, we implement and train an Antecedent Prioritized Tree-based code generation model called APT. With better antecedent predictions and accompanying subsequent predictions, APT significantly improves the performance. We conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets, and the experimental results demonstrate the superiority and generality of our proposed method.

Leveraging Offline Data in Online Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2211.04974v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Andrew Wagenmaker, Aldo Pacchiano

Two central paradigms have emerged in the reinforcement learning (RL) community: online RL and offline RL. In the online RL setting, the agent has no prior knowledge of the environment, and must interact with it in order to find an $\epsilon$-optimal policy. In the offline RL setting, the learner instead has access to a fixed dataset to learn from, but is unable to otherwise interact with the environment, and must obtain the best policy it can from this offline data. Practical scenarios often motivate an intermediate setting: if we have some set of offline data and, in addition, may also interact with the environment, how can we best use the offline data to minimize the number of online interactions necessary to learn an $\epsilon$-optimal policy?

In this work, we consider this setting, which we call the \textsf{FineTuneRL} setting, for MDPs with linear structure. We characterize the necessary number of online samples needed in this setting given access to some offline dataset, and develop an algorithm, \textsc{FTPedel}, which is provably optimal, up to $H$ factors. We show through an explicit example that combining offline data with online interactions can lead to a provable improvement over either purely offline or purely online RL. Finally, our results illustrate the distinction between \emph{verifiable} learning, the typical setting considered in online RL, and \emph{unverifiable} learning, the setting often considered in offline RL, and show that there is a formal separation between these regimes.

pyRDDLGym: From RDDL to Gym Environments. (arXiv:2211.05939v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Ayal Taitler, Michael Gimelfarb, Jihwan Jeong, Sriram Gopalakrishnan, Martin Mladenov, Xiaotian Liu, Scott Sanner

We present pyRDDLGym, a Python framework for auto-generation of OpenAI Gym environments from RDDL declerative description. The discrete time step evolution of variables in RDDL is described by conditional probability functions, which fits naturally into the Gym step scheme. Furthermore, since RDDL is a lifted description, the modification and scaling up of environments to support multiple entities and different configurations becomes trivial rather than a tedious process prone to errors. We hope that pyRDDLGym will serve as a new wind in the reinforcement learning community by enabling easy and rapid development of benchmarks due to the unique expressive power of RDDL. By providing explicit access to the model in the RDDL description, pyRDDLGym can also facilitate research on hybrid approaches for learning from interaction while leveraging model knowledge. We present the design and built-in examples of pyRDDLGym, and the additions made to the RDDL language that were incorporated into the framework.

ThoughtSource: A central hub for large language model reasoning data. (arXiv:2301.11596v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Ott, Konstantin Hebenstreit, Valentin Liévin, Christoffer Egeberg Hother, Milad Moradi, Maximilian Mayrhauser, Robert Praas, Ole Winther, Matthias Samwald

Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-4 have recently demonstrated impressive results across a wide range of tasks. LLMs are still limited, however, in that they frequently fail at complex reasoning, their reasoning processes are opaque, they are prone to 'hallucinate' facts, and there are concerns about their underlying biases. Letting models verbalize reasoning steps as natural language, a technique known as chain-of-thought prompting, has recently been proposed as a way to address some of these issues. Here we present ThoughtSource, a meta-dataset and software library for chain-of-thought (CoT) reasoning. The goal of ThoughtSource is to improve future artificial intelligence systems by facilitating qualitative understanding of CoTs, enabling empirical evaluations, and providing training data. This first release of ThoughtSource integrates six scientific/medical, three general-domain and five math word question answering datasets.

Execution-based Code Generation using Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2301.13816v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Parshin Shojaee, Aneesh Jain, Sindhu Tipirneni, Chandan K. Reddy

The utilization of programming language (PL) models, pre-trained on large-scale code corpora, as a means of automating software engineering processes has demonstrated considerable potential in streamlining various code generation tasks such as code completion, code translation, and program synthesis. However, current approaches mainly rely on supervised fine-tuning objectives borrowed from text generation, neglecting unique sequence-level characteristics of code, including but not limited to compilability as well as syntactic and functional correctness. To address this limitation, we propose PPOCoder, a new framework for code generation that synergistically combines pre-trained PL models with Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) which is a widely used deep reinforcement learning technique. By utilizing non-differentiable feedback from code execution and structure alignment, PPOCoder seamlessly integrates external code-specific knowledge into the model optimization process. It's important to note that PPOCoder is a task-agnostic and model-agnostic framework that can be used across different code generation tasks and PLs. Extensive experiments on three code generation tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach compared to SOTA methods, achieving significant improvements in compilation success rates and functional correctness across different PLs.

Mathematical Capabilities of ChatGPT. (arXiv:2301.13867v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Frieder, Luca Pinchetti, Alexis Chevalier, Ryan-Rhys Griffiths, Tommaso Salvatori, Thomas Lukasiewicz, Philipp Christian Petersen, Julius Berner

We investigate the mathematical capabilities of two iterations of ChatGPT (released 9-January-2023 and 30-January-2023) and of GPT-4 by testing them on publicly available datasets, as well as hand-crafted ones, using a novel methodology. In contrast to formal mathematics, where large databases of formal proofs are available (e.g., the Lean Mathematical Library), current datasets of natural-language mathematics, used to benchmark language models, either cover only elementary mathematics or are very small. We address this by publicly releasing two new datasets: GHOSTS and miniGHOSTS. These are the first natural-language datasets curated by working researchers in mathematics that (1) aim to cover graduate-level mathematics, (2) provide a holistic overview of the mathematical capabilities of language models, and (3) distinguish multiple dimensions of mathematical reasoning. These datasets also test whether ChatGPT and GPT-4 can be helpful assistants to professional mathematicians by emulating use cases that arise in the daily professional activities of mathematicians. We benchmark the models on a range of fine-grained performance metrics. For advanced mathematics, this is the most detailed evaluation effort to date. We find that ChatGPT can be used most successfully as a mathematical assistant for querying facts, acting as a mathematical search engine and knowledge base interface. GPT-4 can additionally be used for undergraduate-level mathematics but fails on graduate-level difficulty. Contrary to many positive reports in the media about GPT-4 and ChatGPT's exam-solving abilities (a potential case of selection bias), their overall mathematical performance is well below the level of a graduate student. Hence, if your goal is to use ChatGPT to pass a graduate-level math exam, you would be better off copying from your average peer!

Dividing Good and Better Items Among Agents with Bivalued Submodular Valuations. (arXiv:2302.03087v3 [cs.GT] UPDATED)

Authors: Cyrus Cousins, Vignesh Viswanathan, Yair Zick

We study the problem of fairly allocating a set of indivisible goods among agents with {\em bivalued submodular valuations} -- each good provides a marginal gain of either $a$ or $b$ ($a < b$) and goods have decreasing marginal gains. This is a natural generalization of two well-studied valuation classes -- bivalued additive valuations and binary submodular valuations. We present a simple sequential algorithmic framework, based on the recently introduced Yankee Swap mechanism, that can be adapted to compute a variety of solution concepts, including max Nash welfare (MNW), leximin and $p$-mean welfare maximizing allocations when $a$ divides $b$. This result is complemented by an existing result on the computational intractability of MNW and leximin allocations when $a$ does not divide $b$. We show that MNW and leximin allocations guarantee each agent at least $\frac25$ and $\frac{a}{b+2a}$ of their maximin share, respectively, when $a$ divides $b$. We also show that neither the leximin nor the MNW allocation is guaranteed to be envy free up to one good (EF1). This is surprising since for the simpler classes of bivalued additive valuations and binary submodular valuations, MNW allocations are known to be envy free up to any good (EFX).

A multidomain relational framework to guide institutional AI research and adoption. (arXiv:2303.10106v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Vincent J. Straub, Deborah Morgan, Youmna Hashem, John Francis, Saba Esnaashari, Jonathan Bright

Calls for new metrics, technical standards and governance mechanisms to guide the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in institutions and public administration are now commonplace. Yet, most research and policy efforts aimed at understanding the implications of adopting AI tend to prioritize only a handful of ideas; they do not fully connect all the different perspectives and topics that are potentially relevant. In this position paper, we contend that this omission stems, in part, from what we call the relational problem in socio-technical discourse: fundamental ontological issues have not yet been settled--including semantic ambiguity, a lack of clear relations between concepts and differing standard terminologies. This contributes to the persistence of disparate modes of reasoning to assess institutional AI systems, and the prevalence of conceptual isolation in the fields that study them including ML, human factors, social science and policy. After developing this critique, we offer a way forward by proposing a simple policy and research design tool in the form of a conceptual framework to organize terms across fields--consisting of three horizontal domains for grouping relevant concepts and related methods: Operational, Epistemic, and Normative. We first situate this framework against the backdrop of recent socio-technical discourse at two premier academic venues, AIES and FAccT, before illustrating how developing suitable metrics, standards, and mechanisms can be aided by operationalizing relevant concepts in each of these domains. Finally, we outline outstanding questions for developing this relational approach to institutional AI research and adoption.

Positive-Augmented Contrastive Learning for Image and Video Captioning Evaluation. (arXiv:2303.12112v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sara Sarto, Manuele Barraco, Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi, Rita Cucchiara

The CLIP model has been recently proven to be very effective for a variety of cross-modal tasks, including the evaluation of captions generated from vision-and-language architectures. In this paper, we propose a new recipe for a contrastive-based evaluation metric for image captioning, namely Positive-Augmented Contrastive learning Score (PAC-S), that in a novel way unifies the learning of a contrastive visual-semantic space with the addition of generated images and text on curated data. Experiments spanning several datasets demonstrate that our new metric achieves the highest correlation with human judgments on both images and videos, outperforming existing reference-based metrics like CIDEr and SPICE and reference-free metrics like CLIP-Score. Finally, we test the system-level correlation of the proposed metric when considering popular image captioning approaches, and assess the impact of employing different cross-modal features. Our source code and trained models are publicly available at: https://github.com/aimagelab/pacscore.

Natural Selection Favors AIs over Humans. (arXiv:2303.16200v4 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Dan Hendrycks

For billions of years, evolution has been the driving force behind the development of life, including humans. Evolution endowed humans with high intelligence, which allowed us to become one of the most successful species on the planet. Today, humans aim to create artificial intelligence systems that surpass even our own intelligence. As artificial intelligences (AIs) evolve and eventually surpass us in all domains, how might evolution shape our relations with AIs? By analyzing the environment that is shaping the evolution of AIs, we argue that the most successful AI agents will likely have undesirable traits. Competitive pressures among corporations and militaries will give rise to AI agents that automate human roles, deceive others, and gain power. If such agents have intelligence that exceeds that of humans, this could lead to humanity losing control of its future. More abstractly, we argue that natural selection operates on systems that compete and vary, and that selfish species typically have an advantage over species that are altruistic to other species. This Darwinian logic could also apply to artificial agents, as agents may eventually be better able to persist into the future if they behave selfishly and pursue their own interests with little regard for humans, which could pose catastrophic risks. To counteract these risks and evolutionary forces, we consider interventions such as carefully designing AI agents' intrinsic motivations, introducing constraints on their actions, and institutions that encourage cooperation. These steps, or others that resolve the problems we pose, will be necessary in order to ensure the development of artificial intelligence is a positive one.

Sabi\'a: Portuguese Large Language Models. (arXiv:2304.07880v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ramon Pires, Hugo Abonizio, Thales Sales Almeida, Rodrigo Nogueira

As the capabilities of language models continue to advance, it is conceivable that "one-size-fits-all" model will remain as the main paradigm. For instance, given the vast number of languages worldwide, many of which are low-resource, the prevalent practice is to pretrain a single model on multiple languages. In this paper, we add to the growing body of evidence that challenges this practice, demonstrating that monolingual pretraining on the target language significantly improves models already extensively trained on diverse corpora. More specifically, we further pretrain GPT-J and LLaMA models on Portuguese texts using 3% or less of their original pretraining budget. Few-shot evaluations on Poeta, a suite of 14 Portuguese datasets, reveal that our models outperform English-centric and multilingual counterparts by a significant margin. Our best model, Sabi\'a-65B, performs on par with GPT-3.5-turbo. By evaluating on datasets originally conceived in the target language as well as translated ones, we study the contributions of language-specific pretraining in terms of 1) capturing linguistic nuances and structures inherent to the target language, and 2) enriching the model's knowledge about a domain or culture. Our results indicate that the majority of the benefits stem from the domain-specific knowledge acquired through monolingual pretraining.

Fairness in AI and Its Long-Term Implications on Society. (arXiv:2304.09826v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Ondrej Bohdal, Timothy Hospedales, Philip H.S. Torr, Fazl Barez

Successful deployment of artificial intelligence (AI) in various settings has led to numerous positive outcomes for individuals and society. However, AI systems have also been shown to harm parts of the population due to biased predictions. AI fairness focuses on mitigating such biases to ensure AI decision making is not discriminatory towards certain groups. We take a closer look at AI fairness and analyze how lack of AI fairness can lead to deepening of biases over time and act as a social stressor. More specifically, we discuss how biased models can lead to more negative real-world outcomes for certain groups, which may then become more prevalent by deploying new AI models trained on increasingly biased data, resulting in a feedback loop. If the issues persist, they could be reinforced by interactions with other risks and have severe implications on society in the form of social unrest. We examine current strategies for improving AI fairness, assess their limitations in terms of real-world deployment, and explore potential paths forward to ensure we reap AI's benefits without causing society's collapse.

Deep-Q Learning with Hybrid Quantum Neural Network on Solving Maze Problems. (arXiv:2304.10159v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao-Yuan Chen, Yen-Jui Chang, Ching-Ray Chang

Quantum computing holds great potential for advancing the limitations of machine learning algorithms to handle higher data dimensions and reduce overall training parameters in deep neural network (DNN) models. This study uses a parameterized quantum circuit (PQC) on a gate-based quantum computer to investigate the potential for quantum advantage in a model-free reinforcement learning problem. Through a comprehensive investigation and evaluation of the current model and capabilities of quantum computers, we designed and trained a novel hybrid Quantum neural network based on the latest Qiskit and PyTorch framework. We compared its performance with a full-classical DNN with and without an integrated PQC. Our research provides insights into the potential of deep quantum learning to solve a maze problem and, potentially, other reinforcement learning problems. We conclude that various reinforcement learning problems can be effective with reasonable training epochs. Moreover, a comparative discussion of the various quantum reinforcement learning model on maze problems is discussed to evaluate our research's overall potential and advantages.

Tackling Universal Properties of Minimal Trap Spaces of Boolean Networks. (arXiv:2305.02442v2 [cs.LO] UPDATED)

Authors: Sara Riva, Jean-Marie Lagniez, Gustavo Magaña López, Loïc Paulevé

Minimal trap spaces (MTSs) capture subspaces in which the Boolean dynamics is trapped, whatever the update mode. They correspond to the attractors of the most permissive mode. Due to their versatility, the computation of MTSs has recently gained traction, essentially by focusing on their enumeration. In this paper, we address the logical reasoning on universal properties of MTSs in the scope of two problems: the reprogramming of Boolean networks for identifying the permanent freeze of Boolean variables that enforce a given property on all the MTSs, and the synthesis of Boolean networks from universal properties on their MTSs. Both problems reduce to solving the satisfiability of quantified propositional logic formula with 3 levels of quantifiers ($\exists\forall\exists$). In this paper, we introduce a Counter-Example Guided Refinement Abstraction (CEGAR) to efficiently solve these problems by coupling the resolution of two simpler formulas. We provide a prototype relying on Answer-Set Programming for each formula and show its tractability on a wide range of Boolean models of biological networks.

Improving Code Example Recommendations on Informal Documentation Using BERT and Query-Aware LSH: A Comparative Study. (arXiv:2305.03017v3 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Sajjad Rahmani, AmirHossein Naghshzan, Latifa Guerrouj

Our research investigates the recommendation of code examples to aid software developers, a practice that saves developers significant time by providing ready-to-use code snippets. The focus of our study is Stack Overflow, a commonly used resource for coding discussions and solutions, particularly in the context of the Java programming language. We applied BERT, a powerful Large Language Model (LLM) that enables us to transform code examples into numerical vectors by extracting their semantic information. Once these numerical representations are prepared, we identify Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) using Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Our research employed two variants of LSH: Random Hyperplane-based LSH and Query-Aware LSH. We rigorously compared these two approaches across four parameters: HitRate, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), Average Execution Time, and Relevance. Our study revealed that the Query-Aware (QA) approach showed superior performance over the Random Hyperplane-based (RH) method. Specifically, it exhibited a notable improvement of 20% to 35% in HitRate for query pairs compared to the RH approach. Furthermore, the QA approach proved significantly more time-efficient, with its speed in creating hashing tables and assigning data samples to buckets being at least four times faster. It can return code examples within milliseconds, whereas the RH approach typically requires several seconds to recommend code examples. Due to the superior performance of the QA approach, we tested it against PostFinder and FaCoY, the state-of-the-art baselines. Our QA method showed comparable efficiency proving its potential for effective code recommendation.

The Compositional Structure of Bayesian Inference. (arXiv:2305.06112v2 [math.CT] UPDATED)

Authors: Dylan Braithwaite, Jules Hedges, Toby St Clere Smithe

Bayes' rule tells us how to invert a causal process in order to update our beliefs in light of new evidence. If the process is believed to have a complex compositional structure, we may observe that the inversion of the whole can be computed piecewise in terms of the component processes. We study the structure of this compositional rule, noting that it relates to the lens pattern in functional programming. Working in a suitably general axiomatic presentation of a category of Markov kernels, we see how we can think of Bayesian inversion as a particular instance of a state-dependent morphism in a fibred category. We discuss the compositional nature of this, formulated as a functor on the underlying category and explore how this can used for a more type-driven approach to statistical inference.

Evaluating Model Performance in Medical Datasets Over Time. (arXiv:2305.13426v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Helen Zhou, Yuwen Chen, Zachary C. Lipton

Machine learning (ML) models deployed in healthcare systems must face data drawn from continually evolving environments. However, researchers proposing such models typically evaluate them in a time-agnostic manner, splitting datasets according to patients sampled randomly throughout the entire study time period. This work proposes the Evaluation on Medical Datasets Over Time (EMDOT) framework, which evaluates the performance of a model class across time. Inspired by the concept of backtesting, EMDOT simulates possible training procedures that practitioners might have been able to execute at each point in time and evaluates the resulting models on all future time points. Evaluating both linear and more complex models on six distinct medical data sources (tabular and imaging), we show how depending on the dataset, using all historical data may be ideal in many cases, whereas using a window of the most recent data could be advantageous in others. In datasets where models suffer from sudden degradations in performance, we investigate plausible explanations for these shocks. We release the EMDOT package to help facilitate further works in deployment-oriented evaluation over time.

Science in the Era of ChatGPT, Large Language Models and Generative AI: Challenges for Research Ethics and How to Respond. (arXiv:2305.15299v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Evangelos Pournaras

Large language models of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, find remarkable but controversial applicability in science and research. This paper reviews epistemological challenges, ethical and integrity risks in science conduct in the advent of generative AI. This is with the aim to lay new timely foundations for a high-quality research ethics review. The role of AI language models as a research instrument and subject is scrutinized along with ethical implications for scientists, participants and reviewers. New emerging practices for research ethics review are discussed, concluding with ten recommendations that shape a response for a more responsible research conduct in the era of AI.

Class-Incremental Learning based on Label Generation. (arXiv:2306.12619v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yijia Shao, Yiduo Guo, Dongyan Zhao, Bing Liu

Despite the great success of pre-trained language models, it is still a challenge to use these models for continual learning, especially for the class-incremental learning (CIL) setting due to catastrophic forgetting (CF). This paper reports our finding that if we formulate CIL as a continual label generation problem, CF is drastically reduced and the generalizable representations of pre-trained models can be better retained. We thus propose a new CIL method (VAG) that also leverages the sparsity of vocabulary to focus the generation and creates pseudo-replay samples by using label semantics. Experimental results show that VAG outperforms baselines by a large margin.

Potential Benefits of Employing Large Language Models in Research in Moral Education and Development. (arXiv:2306.13805v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Hyemin Han

Recently, computer scientists have developed large language models (LLMs) by training prediction models with large-scale language corpora and human reinforcements. The LLMs have become one promising way to implement artificial intelligence with accuracy in various fields. Interestingly, recent LLMs possess emergent functional features that emulate sophisticated human cognition, especially in-context learning and the chain of thought, which were unavailable in previous prediction models. In this paper, I will examine how LLMs might contribute to moral education and development research. To achieve this goal, I will review the most recently published conference papers and ArXiv preprints to overview the novel functional features implemented in LLMs. I also intend to conduct brief experiments with ChatGPT to investigate how LLMs behave while addressing ethical dilemmas and external feedback. The results suggest that LLMs might be capable of solving dilemmas based on reasoning and revising their reasoning process with external input. Furthermore, a preliminary experimental result from the moral exemplar test may demonstrate that exemplary stories can elicit moral elevation in LLMs as do they among human participants. I will discuss the potential implications of LLMs on research on moral education and development with the results.

Regular SE(3) Group Convolutions for Volumetric Medical Image Analysis. (arXiv:2306.13960v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Thijs P. Kuipers, Erik J. Bekkers

Regular group convolutional neural networks (G-CNNs) have been shown to increase model performance and improve equivariance to different geometrical symmetries. This work addresses the problem of SE(3), i.e., roto-translation equivariance, on volumetric data. Volumetric image data is prevalent in many medical settings. Motivated by the recent work on separable group convolutions, we devise a SE(3) group convolution kernel separated into a continuous SO(3) (rotation) kernel and a spatial kernel. We approximate equivariance to the continuous setting by sampling uniform SO(3) grids. Our continuous SO(3) kernel is parameterized via RBF interpolation on similarly uniform grids. We demonstrate the advantages of our approach in volumetric medical image analysis. Our SE(3) equivariant models consistently outperform CNNs and regular discrete G-CNNs on challenging medical classification tasks and show significantly improved generalization capabilities. Our approach achieves up to a 16.5% gain in accuracy over regular CNNs.

ChatGPT for Robotics: Design Principles and Model Abilities. (arXiv:2306.17582v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Sai Vemprala, Rogerio Bonatti, Arthur Bucker, Ashish Kapoor

This paper presents an experimental study regarding the use of OpenAI's ChatGPT for robotics applications. We outline a strategy that combines design principles for prompt engineering and the creation of a high-level function library which allows ChatGPT to adapt to different robotics tasks, simulators, and form factors. We focus our evaluations on the effectiveness of different prompt engineering techniques and dialog strategies towards the execution of various types of robotics tasks. We explore ChatGPT's ability to use free-form dialog, parse XML tags, and to synthesize code, in addition to the use of task-specific prompting functions and closed-loop reasoning through dialogues. Our study encompasses a range of tasks within the robotics domain, from basic logical, geometrical, and mathematical reasoning all the way to complex domains such as aerial navigation, manipulation, and embodied agents. We show that ChatGPT can be effective at solving several of such tasks, while allowing users to interact with it primarily via natural language instructions. In addition to these studies, we introduce an open-sourced research tool called PromptCraft, which contains a platform where researchers can collaboratively upload and vote on examples of good prompting schemes for robotics applications, as well as a sample robotics simulator with ChatGPT integration, making it easier for users to get started with using ChatGPT for robotics.

PatternGPT :A Pattern-Driven Framework for Large Language Model Text Generation. (arXiv:2307.00470v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Le Xiao, Xin Shan

Large language models(LLMS)have shown excellent text generation capabilities, capable of generating fluent human-like responses for many downstream tasks. However, applying large language models to real-world critical tasks remains challenging due to their susceptibility to hallucinations and inability to directly use external knowledge. To cope with the above challenges, this paper proposes PatternGPT, a pattern-driven text generation framework for Large Language Models. Firstly, the framework utilizes the extraction capability of Large Language Models to generate rich and diversified structured and formalized patterns, which facilitates the introduction of external knowledge to do the computation, and then draws on the idea of federated learning to use multiple agents to achieve the sharing in order to obtain more diversified patterns, and finally uses judgment criteria and optimization algorithm to search for high-quality patterns to guide the generation of models. Finally, external knowledge such as judgment criteria and optimization algorithms are used to search for high-quality patterns, and the searched patterns are used to guide model generation. This framework has the advantages of generating diversified patterns, protecting data privacy, combining external knowledge, and improving the quality of generation, which provides an effective method to optimize the text generation capability of large language models, and make it better applied to the field of intelligent dialogue and content generation.

Proceedings Nineteenth conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge. (arXiv:2307.04005v2 [cs.LO] UPDATED)

Authors: Rineke Verbrugge (University of Groningen)

The TARK conference (Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge) is a conference that aims to bring together researchers from a wide variety of fields, including computer science, artificial intelligence, game theory, decision theory, philosophy, logic, linguistics, and cognitive science. Its goal is to further our understanding of interdisciplinary issues involving reasoning about rationality and knowledge.

Previous conferences have been held biennially around the world since 1986, on the initiative of Joe Halpern (Cornell University). Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, semantic models for knowledge, belief, awareness and uncertainty, bounded rationality and resource-bounded reasoning, commonsense epistemic reasoning, epistemic logic, epistemic game theory, knowledge and action, applications of reasoning about knowledge and other mental states, belief revision, computational social choice, algorithmic game theory, and foundations of multi-agent systems. Information about TARK, including conference proceedings, is available at this http URL

These proceedings contain the papers that have been accepted for presentation at the Nineteenth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 2023), held between June 28 and June 30, 2023, at the University of Oxford, United Kingdom. The conference website can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/tark-2023

Quantifying the Echo Chamber Effect: An Embedding Distance-based Approach. (arXiv:2307.04668v2 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Faisal Alatawi, Paras Sheth, Huan Liu

The rise of social media platforms has facilitated the formation of echo chambers, which are online spaces where users predominantly encounter viewpoints that reinforce their existing beliefs while excluding dissenting perspectives. This phenomenon significantly hinders information dissemination across communities and fuels societal polarization. Therefore, it is crucial to develop methods for quantifying echo chambers. In this paper, we present the Echo Chamber Score (ECS), a novel metric that assesses the cohesion and separation of user communities by measuring distances between users in the embedding space. In contrast to existing approaches, ECS is able to function without labels for user ideologies and makes no assumptions about the structure of the interaction graph. To facilitate measuring distances between users, we propose EchoGAE, a self-supervised graph autoencoder-based user embedding model that leverages users' posts and the interaction graph to embed them in a manner that reflects their ideological similarity. To assess the effectiveness of ECS, we use a Twitter dataset consisting of four topics - two polarizing and two non-polarizing. Our results showcase ECS's effectiveness as a tool for quantifying echo chambers and shedding light on the dynamics of online discourse.

Reading Radiology Imaging Like The Radiologist. (arXiv:2307.05921v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuhao Wang

Automated radiology report generation aims to generate radiology reports that contain rich, fine-grained descriptions of radiology imaging. Compared with image captioning in the natural image domain, medical images are very similar to each other, with only minor differences in the occurrence of diseases. Given the importance of these minor differences in the radiology report, it is crucial to encourage the model to focus more on the subtle regions of disease occurrence. Secondly, the problem of visual and textual data biases is serious. Not only do normal cases make up the majority of the dataset, but sentences describing areas with pathological changes also constitute only a small part of the paragraph. Lastly, generating medical image reports involves the challenge of long text generation, which requires more expertise and empirical training in medical knowledge. As a result, the difficulty of generating such reports is increased. To address these challenges, we propose a disease-oriented retrieval framework that utilizes similar reports as prior knowledge references. We design a factual consistency captioning generator to generate more accurate and factually consistent disease descriptions. Our framework can find most similar reports for a given disease from the CXR database by retrieving a disease-oriented mask consisting of the position and morphological characteristics. By referencing the disease-oriented similar report and the visual features, the factual consistency model can generate a more accurate radiology report.

Quantitative CLTs in Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2307.06092v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Stefano Favaro, Boris Hanin, Domenico Marinucci, Ivan Nourdin, Giovanni Peccati

We study the distribution of a fully connected neural network with random Gaussian weights and biases in which the hidden layer widths are proportional to a large constant $n$. Under mild assumptions on the non-linearity, we obtain quantitative bounds on normal approximations valid at large but finite $n$ and any fixed network depth. Our theorems show both for the finite-dimensional distributions and the entire process, that the distance between a random fully connected network (and its derivatives) to the corresponding infinite width Gaussian process scales like $n^{-\gamma}$ for $\gamma>0$, with the exponent depending on the metric used to measure discrepancy. Our bounds are strictly stronger in terms of their dependence on network width than any previously available in the literature; in the one-dimensional case, we also prove that they are optimal, i.e., we establish matching lower bounds.

Efficient Action Robust Reinforcement Learning with Probabilistic Policy Execution Uncertainty. (arXiv:2307.07666v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Guanlin Liu, Zhihan Zhou, Han Liu, Lifeng Lai

Robust reinforcement learning (RL) aims to find a policy that optimizes the worst-case performance in the face of uncertainties. In this paper, we focus on action robust RL with the probabilistic policy execution uncertainty, in which, instead of always carrying out the action specified by the policy, the agent will take the action specified by the policy with probability $1-\rho$ and an alternative adversarial action with probability $\rho$. We establish the existence of an optimal policy on the action robust MDPs with probabilistic policy execution uncertainty and provide the action robust Bellman optimality equation for its solution. Furthermore, we develop Action Robust Reinforcement Learning with Certificates (ARRLC) algorithm that achieves minimax optimal regret and sample complexity. Furthermore, we conduct numerical experiments to validate our approach's robustness, demonstrating that ARRLC outperforms non-robust RL algorithms and converges faster than the robust TD algorithm in the presence of action perturbations.

Unsupervised Deep Graph Matching Based on Cycle Consistency. (arXiv:2307.08930v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Siddharth Tourani, Carsten Rother, Muhammad Haris Khan, Bogdan Savchynskyy

We contribute to the sparsely populated area of unsupervised deep graph matching with application to keypoint matching in images. Contrary to the standard \emph{supervised} approach, our method does not require ground truth correspondences between keypoint pairs. Instead, it is self-supervised by enforcing consistency of matchings between images of the same object category. As the matching and the consistency loss are discrete, their derivatives cannot be straightforwardly used for learning. We address this issue in a principled way by building our method upon the recent results on black-box differentiation of combinatorial solvers. This makes our method exceptionally flexible, as it is compatible with arbitrary network architectures and combinatorial solvers. Our experimental evaluation suggests that our technique sets a new state-of-the-art for unsupervised graph matching.

Implicit Identity Representation Conditioned Memory Compensation Network for Talking Head video Generation. (arXiv:2307.09906v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fa-Ting Hong, Dan Xu

Talking head video generation aims to animate a human face in a still image with dynamic poses and expressions using motion information derived from a target-driving video, while maintaining the person's identity in the source image. However, dramatic and complex motions in the driving video cause ambiguous generation, because the still source image cannot provide sufficient appearance information for occluded regions or delicate expression variations, which produces severe artifacts and significantly degrades the generation quality. To tackle this problem, we propose to learn a global facial representation space, and design a novel implicit identity representation conditioned memory compensation network, coined as MCNet, for high-fidelity talking head generation.~Specifically, we devise a network module to learn a unified spatial facial meta-memory bank from all training samples, which can provide rich facial structure and appearance priors to compensate warped source facial features for the generation. Furthermore, we propose an effective query mechanism based on implicit identity representations learned from the discrete keypoints of the source image. It can greatly facilitate the retrieval of more correlated information from the memory bank for the compensation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MCNet can learn representative and complementary facial memory, and can clearly outperform previous state-of-the-art talking head generation methods on VoxCeleb1 and CelebV datasets. Please check our \href{https://github.com/harlanhong/ICCV2023-MCNET}{Project}.

DialogStudio: Towards Richest and Most Diverse Unified Dataset Collection for Conversational AI. (arXiv:2307.10172v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianguo Zhang, Kun Qian, Zhiwei Liu, Shelby Heinecke, Rui Meng, Ye Liu, Zhou Yu, Huan Wang, Silvio Savarese, Caiming Xiong

Despite advancements in conversational AI, language models encounter challenges to handle diverse conversational tasks, and existing dialogue dataset collections often lack diversity and comprehensiveness. To tackle these issues, we introduce DialogStudio: the largest and most diverse collection of dialogue datasets, unified under a consistent format while preserving their original information. Our collection encompasses data from open-domain dialogues, task-oriented dialogues, natural language understanding, conversational recommendation, dialogue summarization, and knowledge-grounded dialogues, making it an incredibly rich and diverse resource for dialogue research and model training. To further enhance the utility of DialogStudio, we identify the licenses for each dataset and design domain-aware prompts for selected dialogues to facilitate instruction-aware fine-tuning. Furthermore, we develop conversational AI models using the dataset collection, and our experiments in both zero-shot and few-shot learning scenarios demonstrate the superiority of DialogStudio. To improve transparency and support dataset and task-based research, as well as language model pre-training, all datasets, licenses, codes, and models associated with DialogStudio are made publicly accessible at https://github.com/salesforce/DialogStudio