Exploring the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis with Explainability Methods: Insights into Sparse Network Performance. (arXiv:2307.13698v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shantanu Ghosh, Kayhan Batmanghelich

Discovering a high-performing sparse network within a massive neural network is advantageous for deploying them on devices with limited storage, such as mobile phones. Additionally, model explainability is essential to fostering trust in AI. The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) finds a network within a deep network with comparable or superior performance to the original model. However, limited study has been conducted on the success or failure of LTH in terms of explainability. In this work, we examine why the performance of the pruned networks gradually increases or decreases. Using Grad-CAM and Post-hoc concept bottleneck models (PCBMs), respectively, we investigate the explainability of pruned networks in terms of pixels and high-level concepts. We perform extensive experiments across vision and medical imaging datasets. As more weights are pruned, the performance of the network degrades. The discovered concepts and pixels from the pruned networks are inconsistent with the original network -- a possible reason for the drop in performance.

A Comprehensive Analysis on the Leakage of Fuzzy Matchers. (arXiv:2307.13717v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Axel Durbet, Paul-Marie Grollemund, Kevin Thiry-Atighehchi

The present paper presents a comprehensive analysis of potential information leakage in distance evaluation, with a specific emphasis on threshold-based obfuscated distance (i.e. Fuzzy Matcher). It includes detailed descriptions of various situations related to potential information leakage and specific attention is given to their consequences on security. Generic attacks corresponding to each scenario are outlined, and their complexities are assessed. The main contribution of this work lies in providing an upper bound on the security of a fuzzy matcher in scenarios where there is additional information leakage from the matcher, providing a straightforward understanding of the maximum level of achievable security and its potential implications for data privacy and security.

Composite Diffusion | whole >= \Sigma parts. (arXiv:2307.13720v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Vikram Jamwal, Ramaneswaran S

For an artist or a graphic designer, the spatial layout of a scene is a critical design choice. However, existing text-to-image diffusion models provide limited support for incorporating spatial information. This paper introduces Composite Diffusion as a means for artists to generate high-quality images by composing from the sub-scenes. The artists can specify the arrangement of these sub-scenes through a flexible free-form segment layout. They can describe the content of each sub-scene primarily using natural text and additionally by utilizing reference images or control inputs such as line art, scribbles, human pose, canny edges, and more.

We provide a comprehensive and modular method for Composite Diffusion that enables alternative ways of generating, composing, and harmonizing sub-scenes. Further, we wish to evaluate the composite image for effectiveness in both image quality and achieving the artist's intent. We argue that existing image quality metrics lack a holistic evaluation of image composites. To address this, we propose novel quality criteria especially relevant to composite generation.

We believe that our approach provides an intuitive method of art creation. Through extensive user surveys, quantitative and qualitative analysis, we show how it achieves greater spatial, semantic, and creative control over image generation. In addition, our methods do not need to retrain or modify the architecture of the base diffusion models and can work in a plug-and-play manner with the fine-tuned models.

Foundational Models Defining a New Era in Vision: A Survey and Outlook. (arXiv:2307.13721v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Muhammad Awais, Muzammal Naseer, Salman Khan, Rao Muhammad Anwer, Hisham Cholakkal, Mubarak Shah, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Vision systems to see and reason about the compositional nature of visual scenes are fundamental to understanding our world. The complex relations between objects and their locations, ambiguities, and variations in the real-world environment can be better described in human language, naturally governed by grammatical rules and other modalities such as audio and depth. The models learned to bridge the gap between such modalities coupled with large-scale training data facilitate contextual reasoning, generalization, and prompt capabilities at test time. These models are referred to as foundational models. The output of such models can be modified through human-provided prompts without retraining, e.g., segmenting a particular object by providing a bounding box, having interactive dialogues by asking questions about an image or video scene or manipulating the robot's behavior through language instructions. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of such emerging foundational models, including typical architecture designs to combine different modalities (vision, text, audio, etc), training objectives (contrastive, generative), pre-training datasets, fine-tuning mechanisms, and the common prompting patterns; textual, visual, and heterogeneous. We discuss the open challenges and research directions for foundational models in computer vision, including difficulties in their evaluations and benchmarking, gaps in their real-world understanding, limitations of their contextual understanding, biases, vulnerability to adversarial attacks, and interpretability issues. We review recent developments in this field, covering a wide range of applications of foundation models systematically and comprehensively. A comprehensive list of foundational models studied in this work is available at \url{https://github.com/awaisrauf/Awesome-CV-Foundational-Models}.

ChildGAN: Large Scale Synthetic Child Facial Data Using Domain Adaptation in StyleGAN. (arXiv:2307.13746v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Muhammad Ali Farooq, Wang Yao, Gabriel Costache, Peter Corcoran

In this research work, we proposed a novel ChildGAN, a pair of GAN networks for generating synthetic boys and girls facial data derived from StyleGAN2. ChildGAN is built by performing smooth domain transfer using transfer learning. It provides photo-realistic, high-quality data samples. A large-scale dataset is rendered with a variety of smart facial transformations: facial expressions, age progression, eye blink effects, head pose, skin and hair color variations, and variable lighting conditions. The dataset comprises more than 300k distinct data samples. Further, the uniqueness and characteristics of the rendered facial features are validated by running different computer vision application tests which include CNN-based child gender classifier, face localization and facial landmarks detection test, identity similarity evaluation using ArcFace, and lastly running eye detection and eye aspect ratio tests. The results demonstrate that synthetic child facial data of high quality offers an alternative to the cost and complexity of collecting a large-scale dataset from real children.

TMR-RD: Training-based Model Refinement and Representation Disagreement for Semi-Supervised Object Detection. (arXiv:2307.13755v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Seyed Mojtaba Marvasti-Zadeh, Nilanjan Ray, Nadir Erbilgin

Semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) can incorporate limited labeled data and large amounts of unlabeled data to improve the performance and generalization of existing object detectors. Despite many advances, recent SSOD methods are still challenged by noisy/misleading pseudo-labels, classical exponential moving average (EMA) strategy, and the consensus of Teacher-Student models in the latter stages of training. This paper proposes a novel training-based model refinement (TMR) stage and a simple yet effective representation disagreement (RD) strategy to address the limitations of classical EMA and the consensus problem. The TMR stage of Teacher-Student models optimizes the lightweight scaling operation to refine the model's weights and prevent overfitting or forgetting learned patterns from unlabeled data. Meanwhile, the RD strategy helps keep these models diverged to encourage the student model to explore complementary representations. In addition, we use cascade regression to generate more reliable pseudo-labels for supervising the student model. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our approach over state-of-the-art SSOD methods. Specifically, the proposed approach outperforms the Unbiased-Teacher method by an average mAP margin of 4.6% and 5.3% when using partially-labeled and fully-labeled data on the MS-COCO dataset, respectively.

PlaneRecTR: Unified Query learning for 3D Plane Recovery from a Single View. (arXiv:2307.13756v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jingjia Shi, Shuaifeng Zhi, Kai Xu

3D plane recovery from a single image can usually be divided into several subtasks of plane detection, segmentation, parameter estimation and possibly depth estimation. Previous works tend to solve this task by either extending the RCNN-based segmentation network or the dense pixel embedding-based clustering framework. However, none of them tried to integrate above related subtasks into a unified framework but treat them separately and sequentially, which we suspect is potentially a main source of performance limitation for existing approaches. Motivated by this finding and the success of query-based learning in enriching reasoning among semantic entities, in this paper, we propose PlaneRecTR, a Transformer-based architecture, which for the first time unifies all subtasks related to single-view plane recovery with a single compact model. Extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that our proposed unified learning achieves mutual benefits across subtasks, obtaining a new state-of-the-art performance on public ScanNet and NYUv2-Plane datasets. Codes are available at https://github.com/SJingjia/PlaneRecTR.

Implementing and Benchmarking the Locally Competitive Algorithm on the Loihi 2 Neuromorphic Processor. (arXiv:2307.13762v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gavin Parpart, Sumedh R. Risbud, Garrett T. Kenyon, Yijing Watkins

Neuromorphic processors have garnered considerable interest in recent years for their potential in energy-efficient and high-speed computing. The Locally Competitive Algorithm (LCA) has been utilized for power efficient sparse coding on neuromorphic processors, including the first Loihi processor. With the Loihi 2 processor enabling custom neuron models and graded spike communication, more complex implementations of LCA are possible. We present a new implementation of LCA designed for the Loihi 2 processor and perform an initial set of benchmarks comparing it to LCA on CPU and GPU devices. In these experiments LCA on Loihi 2 is orders of magnitude more efficient and faster for large sparsity penalties, while maintaining similar reconstruction quality. We find this performance improvement increases as the LCA parameters are tuned towards greater representation sparsity.

Our study highlights the potential of neuromorphic processors, particularly Loihi 2, in enabling intelligent, autonomous, real-time processing on small robots, satellites where there are strict SWaP (small, lightweight, and low power) requirements. By demonstrating the superior performance of LCA on Loihi 2 compared to conventional computing device, our study suggests that Loihi 2 could be a valuable tool in advancing these types of applications. Overall, our study highlights the potential of neuromorphic processors for efficient and accurate data processing on resource-constrained devices.

A real-time material breakage detection for offshore wind turbines based on improved neural network algorithm. (arXiv:2307.13765v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yantong Liu

The integrity of offshore wind turbines, pivotal for sustainable energy generation, is often compromised by surface material defects. Despite the availability of various detection techniques, limitations persist regarding cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and applicability. Addressing these shortcomings, this study introduces a novel approach leveraging an advanced version of the YOLOv8 object detection model, supplemented with a Convolutional Block Attention Module (CBAM) for improved feature recognition. The optimized loss function further refines the learning process. Employing a dataset of 5,432 images from the Saemangeum offshore wind farm and a publicly available dataset, our method underwent rigorous testing. The findings reveal a substantial enhancement in defect detection stability, marking a significant stride towards efficient turbine maintenance. This study's contributions illuminate the path for future research, potentially revolutionizing sustainable energy practices.

E^2VPT: An Effective and Efficient Approach for Visual Prompt Tuning. (arXiv:2307.13770v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cheng Han, Qifan Wang, Yiming Cui, Zhiwen Cao, Wenguan Wang, Siyuan Qi, Dongfang Liu

As the size of transformer-based models continues to grow, fine-tuning these large-scale pretrained vision models for new tasks has become increasingly parameter-intensive. Parameter-efficient learning has been developed to reduce the number of tunable parameters during fine-tuning. Although these methods show promising results, there is still a significant performance gap compared to full fine-tuning. To address this challenge, we propose an Effective and Efficient Visual Prompt Tuning (E^2VPT) approach for large-scale transformer-based model adaptation. Specifically, we introduce a set of learnable key-value prompts and visual prompts into self-attention and input layers, respectively, to improve the effectiveness of model fine-tuning. Moreover, we design a prompt pruning procedure to systematically prune low importance prompts while preserving model performance, which largely enhances the model's efficiency. Empirical results demonstrate that our approach outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines on two benchmarks, with considerably low parameter usage (e.g., 0.32% of model parameters on VTAB-1k). Our code is available at https://github.com/ChengHan111/E2VPT.

CosSIF: Cosine similarity-based image filtering to overcome low inter-class variation in synthetic medical image datasets. (arXiv:2307.13842v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mominul Islam, Hasib Zunair, Nabeel Mohammed

Crafting effective deep learning models for medical image analysis is a complex task, particularly in cases where the medical image dataset lacks significant inter-class variation. This challenge is further aggravated when employing such datasets to generate synthetic images using generative adversarial networks (GANs), as the output of GANs heavily relies on the input data. In this research, we propose a novel filtering algorithm called Cosine Similarity-based Image Filtering (CosSIF). We leverage CosSIF to develop two distinct filtering methods: Filtering Before GAN Training (FBGT) and Filtering After GAN Training (FAGT). FBGT involves the removal of real images that exhibit similarities to images of other classes before utilizing them as the training dataset for a GAN. On the other hand, FAGT focuses on eliminating synthetic images with less discriminative features compared to real images used for training the GAN. Experimental results reveal that employing either the FAGT or FBGT method with modern transformer and convolutional-based networks leads to substantial performance gains in various evaluation metrics. FAGT implementation on the ISIC-2016 dataset surpasses the baseline method in terms of sensitivity by 1.59\% and AUC by 1.88\%. Furthermore, for the HAM10000 dataset, applying FABT outperforms the baseline approach in terms of recall by 13.75\%, and with the sole implementation of FAGT, achieves a maximum accuracy of 94.44\%.

MAEA: Multimodal Attribution for Embodied AI. (arXiv:2307.13850v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Vidhi Jain, Jayant Sravan Tamarapalli, Sahiti Yerramilli, Yonatan Bisk

Understanding multimodal perception for embodied AI is an open question because such inputs may contain highly complementary as well as redundant information for the task. A relevant direction for multimodal policies is understanding the global trends of each modality at the fusion layer. To this end, we disentangle the attributions for visual, language, and previous action inputs across different policies trained on the ALFRED dataset. Attribution analysis can be utilized to rank and group the failure scenarios, investigate modeling and dataset biases, and critically analyze multimodal EAI policies for robustness and user trust before deployment. We present MAEA, a framework to compute global attributions per modality of any differentiable policy. In addition, we show how attributions enable lower-level behavior analysis in EAI policies for language and visual attributions.

SplitFed resilience to packet loss: Where to split, that is the question. (arXiv:2307.13851v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chamani Shiranthika, Zahra Hafezi Kafshgari, Parvaneh Saeedi, Ivan V. Bajić

Decentralized machine learning has broadened its scope recently with the invention of Federated Learning (FL), Split Learning (SL), and their hybrids like Split Federated Learning (SplitFed or SFL). The goal of SFL is to reduce the computational power required by each client in FL and parallelize SL while maintaining privacy. This paper investigates the robustness of SFL against packet loss on communication links. The performance of various SFL aggregation strategies is examined by splitting the model at two points -- shallow split and deep split -- and testing whether the split point makes a statistically significant difference to the accuracy of the final model. Experiments are carried out on a segmentation model for human embryo images and indicate the statistically significant advantage of a deeper split point.

Exploring the Sharpened Cosine Similarity. (arXiv:2307.13855v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Skyler Wu, Fred Lu, Edward Raff, James Holt

Convolutional layers have long served as the primary workhorse for image classification. Recently, an alternative to convolution was proposed using the Sharpened Cosine Similarity (SCS), which in theory may serve as a better feature detector. While multiple sources report promising results, there has not been to date a full-scale empirical analysis of neural network performance using these new layers. In our work, we explore SCS's parameter behavior and potential as a drop-in replacement for convolutions in multiple CNN architectures benchmarked on CIFAR-10. We find that while SCS may not yield significant increases in accuracy, it may learn more interpretable representations. We also find that, in some circumstances, SCS may confer a slight increase in adversarial robustness.

On the unreasonable vulnerability of transformers for image restoration -- and an easy fix. (arXiv:2307.13856v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shashank Agnihotri, Kanchana Vaishnavi Gandikota, Julia Grabinski, Paramanand Chandramouli, Margret Keuper

Following their success in visual recognition tasks, Vision Transformers(ViTs) are being increasingly employed for image restoration. As a few recent works claim that ViTs for image classification also have better robustness properties, we investigate whether the improved adversarial robustness of ViTs extends to image restoration. We consider the recently proposed Restormer model, as well as NAFNet and the "Baseline network" which are both simplified versions of a Restormer. We use Projected Gradient Descent (PGD) and CosPGD, a recently proposed adversarial attack tailored to pixel-wise prediction tasks for our robustness evaluation. Our experiments are performed on real-world images from the GoPro dataset for image deblurring. Our analysis indicates that contrary to as advocated by ViTs in image classification works, these models are highly susceptible to adversarial attacks. We attempt to improve their robustness through adversarial training. While this yields a significant increase in robustness for Restormer, results on other networks are less promising. Interestingly, the design choices in NAFNet and Baselines, which were based on iid performance, and not on robust generalization, seem to be at odds with the model robustness. Thus, we investigate this further and find a fix.

Pretrained Deep 2.5D Models for Efficient Predictive Modeling from Retinal OCT. (arXiv:2307.13865v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Taha Emre, Marzieh Oghbaie, Arunava Chakravarty, Antoine Rivail, Sophie Riedl, Julia Mai, Hendrik P.N. Scholl, Sobha Sivaprasad, Daniel Rueckert, Andrew Lotery, Ursula Schmidt-Erfurth, Hrvoje Bogunović

In the field of medical imaging, 3D deep learning models play a crucial role in building powerful predictive models of disease progression. However, the size of these models presents significant challenges, both in terms of computational resources and data requirements. Moreover, achieving high-quality pretraining of 3D models proves to be even more challenging. To address these issues, hybrid 2.5D approaches provide an effective solution for utilizing 3D volumetric data efficiently using 2D models. Combining 2D and 3D techniques offers a promising avenue for optimizing performance while minimizing memory requirements. In this paper, we explore 2.5D architectures based on a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), long short-term memory (LSTM), and Transformers. In addition, leveraging the benefits of recent non-contrastive pretraining approaches in 2D, we enhanced the performance and data efficiency of 2.5D techniques even further. We demonstrate the effectiveness of architectures and associated pretraining on a task of predicting progression to wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD) within a six-month period on two large longitudinal OCT datasets.

AViT: Adapting Vision Transformers for Small Skin Lesion Segmentation Datasets. (arXiv:2307.13897v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Siyi Du, Nourhan Bayasi, Ghassan Harmarneh, Rafeef Garbi

Skin lesion segmentation (SLS) plays an important role in skin lesion analysis. Vision transformers (ViTs) are considered an auspicious solution for SLS, but they require more training data compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs) due to their inherent parameter-heavy structure and lack of some inductive biases. To alleviate this issue, current approaches fine-tune pre-trained ViT backbones on SLS datasets, aiming to leverage the knowledge learned from a larger set of natural images to lower the amount of skin training data needed. However, fully fine-tuning all parameters of large backbones is computationally expensive and memory intensive. In this paper, we propose AViT, a novel efficient strategy to mitigate ViTs' data-hunger by transferring any pre-trained ViTs to the SLS task. Specifically, we integrate lightweight modules (adapters) within the transformer layers, which modulate the feature representation of a ViT without updating its pre-trained weights. In addition, we employ a shallow CNN as a prompt generator to create a prompt embedding from the input image, which grasps fine-grained information and CNN's inductive biases to guide the segmentation task on small datasets. Our quantitative experiments on 4 skin lesion datasets demonstrate that AViT achieves competitive, and at times superior, performance to SOTA but with significantly fewer trainable parameters. Our code is available at https://github.com/siyi-wind/AViT.

Regularizing Neural Networks with Meta-Learning Generative Models. (arXiv:2307.13899v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shin'ya Yamaguchi, Daiki Chijiwa, Sekitoshi Kanai, Atsutoshi Kumagai, Hisashi Kashima

This paper investigates methods for improving generative data augmentation for deep learning. Generative data augmentation leverages the synthetic samples produced by generative models as an additional dataset for classification with small dataset settings. A key challenge of generative data augmentation is that the synthetic data contain uninformative samples that degrade accuracy. This is because the synthetic samples do not perfectly represent class categories in real data and uniform sampling does not necessarily provide useful samples for tasks. In this paper, we present a novel strategy for generative data augmentation called meta generative regularization (MGR). To avoid the degradation of generative data augmentation, MGR utilizes synthetic samples in the regularization term for feature extractors instead of in the loss function, e.g., cross-entropy. These synthetic samples are dynamically determined to minimize the validation losses through meta-learning. We observed that MGR can avoid the performance degradation of na\"ive generative data augmentation and boost the baselines. Experiments on six datasets showed that MGR is effective particularly when datasets are smaller and stably outperforms baselines.

YOLOBench: Benchmarking Efficient Object Detectors on Embedded Systems. (arXiv:2307.13901v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ivan Lazarevich, Matteo Grimaldi, Ravish Kumar, Saptarshi Mitra, Shahrukh Khan, Sudhakar Sah

We present YOLOBench, a benchmark comprised of 550+ YOLO-based object detection models on 4 different datasets and 4 different embedded hardware platforms (x86 CPU, ARM CPU, Nvidia GPU, NPU). We collect accuracy and latency numbers for a variety of YOLO-based one-stage detectors at different model scales by performing a fair, controlled comparison of these detectors with a fixed training environment (code and training hyperparameters). Pareto-optimality analysis of the collected data reveals that, if modern detection heads and training techniques are incorporated into the learning process, multiple architectures of the YOLO series achieve a good accuracy-latency trade-off, including older models like YOLOv3 and YOLOv4. We also evaluate training-free accuracy estimators used in neural architecture search on YOLOBench and demonstrate that, while most state-of-the-art zero-cost accuracy estimators are outperformed by a simple baseline like MAC count, some of them can be effectively used to predict Pareto-optimal detection models. We showcase that by using a zero-cost proxy to identify a YOLO architecture competitive against a state-of-the-art YOLOv8 model on a Raspberry Pi 4 CPU. The code and data are available at https://github.com/Deeplite/deeplite-torch-zoo

Points-to-3D: Bridging the Gap between Sparse Points and Shape-Controllable Text-to-3D Generation. (arXiv:2307.13908v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chaohui Yu, Qiang Zhou, Jingliang Li, Zhe Zhang, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang

Text-to-3D generation has recently garnered significant attention, fueled by 2D diffusion models trained on billions of image-text pairs. Existing methods primarily rely on score distillation to leverage the 2D diffusion priors to supervise the generation of 3D models, e.g., NeRF. However, score distillation is prone to suffer the view inconsistency problem, and implicit NeRF modeling can also lead to an arbitrary shape, thus leading to less realistic and uncontrollable 3D generation. In this work, we propose a flexible framework of Points-to-3D to bridge the gap between sparse yet freely available 3D points and realistic shape-controllable 3D generation by distilling the knowledge from both 2D and 3D diffusion models. The core idea of Points-to-3D is to introduce controllable sparse 3D points to guide the text-to-3D generation. Specifically, we use the sparse point cloud generated from the 3D diffusion model, Point-E, as the geometric prior, conditioned on a single reference image. To better utilize the sparse 3D points, we propose an efficient point cloud guidance loss to adaptively drive the NeRF's geometry to align with the shape of the sparse 3D points. In addition to controlling the geometry, we propose to optimize the NeRF for a more view-consistent appearance. To be specific, we perform score distillation to the publicly available 2D image diffusion model ControlNet, conditioned on text as well as depth map of the learned compact geometry. Qualitative and quantitative comparisons demonstrate that Points-to-3D improves view consistency and achieves good shape controllability for text-to-3D generation. Points-to-3D provides users with a new way to improve and control text-to-3D generation.

trajdata: A Unified Interface to Multiple Human Trajectory Datasets. (arXiv:2307.13924v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Boris Ivanovic, Guanyu Song, Igor Gilitschenski, Marco Pavone

The field of trajectory forecasting has grown significantly in recent years, partially owing to the release of numerous large-scale, real-world human trajectory datasets for autonomous vehicles (AVs) and pedestrian motion tracking. While such datasets have been a boon for the community, they each use custom and unique data formats and APIs, making it cumbersome for researchers to train and evaluate methods across multiple datasets. To remedy this, we present trajdata: a unified interface to multiple human trajectory datasets. At its core, trajdata provides a simple, uniform, and efficient representation and API for trajectory and map data. As a demonstration of its capabilities, in this work we conduct a comprehensive empirical evaluation of existing trajectory datasets, providing users with a rich understanding of the data underpinning much of current pedestrian and AV motion forecasting research, and proposing suggestions for future datasets from these insights. trajdata is permissively licensed (Apache 2.0) and can be accessed online at https://github.com/NVlabs/trajdata

EasyNet: An Easy Network for 3D Industrial Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2307.13925v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ruitao Chen, Guoyang Xie, Jiaqi Liu, Jinbao Wang, Ziqi Luo, Jinfan Wang, Feng Zheng

3D anomaly detection is an emerging and vital computer vision task in industrial manufacturing (IM). Recently many advanced algorithms have been published, but most of them cannot meet the needs of IM. There are several disadvantages: i) difficult to deploy on production lines since their algorithms heavily rely on large pre-trained models; ii) hugely increase storage overhead due to overuse of memory banks; iii) the inference speed cannot be achieved in real-time. To overcome these issues, we propose an easy and deployment-friendly network (called EasyNet) without using pre-trained models and memory banks: firstly, we design a multi-scale multi-modality feature encoder-decoder to accurately reconstruct the segmentation maps of anomalous regions and encourage the interaction between RGB images and depth images; secondly, we adopt a multi-modality anomaly segmentation network to achieve a precise anomaly map; thirdly, we propose an attention-based information entropy fusion module for feature fusion during inference, making it suitable for real-time deployment. Extensive experiments show that EasyNet achieves an anomaly detection AUROC of 92.6% without using pre-trained models and memory banks. In addition, EasyNet is faster than existing methods, with a high frame rate of 94.55 FPS on a Tesla V100 GPU.

DFR-Net: Density Feature Refinement Network for Image Dehazing Utilizing Haze Density Difference. (arXiv:2307.13927v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhongze Wang, Haitao Zhao, Lujian Yao, Jingchao Peng, Kaijie Zhao

In image dehazing task, haze density is a key feature and affects the performance of dehazing methods. However, some of the existing methods lack a comparative image to measure densities, and others create intermediate results but lack the exploitation of their density differences, which can facilitate perception of density. To address these deficiencies, we propose a density-aware dehazing method named Density Feature Refinement Network (DFR-Net) that extracts haze density features from density differences and leverages density differences to refine density features. In DFR-Net, we first generate a proposal image that has lower overall density than the hazy input, bringing in global density differences. Additionally, the dehazing residual of the proposal image reflects the level of dehazing performance and provides local density differences that indicate localized hard dehazing or high density areas. Subsequently, we introduce a Global Branch (GB) and a Local Branch (LB) to achieve density-awareness. In GB, we use Siamese networks for feature extraction of hazy inputs and proposal images, and we propose a Global Density Feature Refinement (GDFR) module that can refine features by pushing features with different global densities further away. In LB, we explore local density features from the dehazing residuals between hazy inputs and proposal images and introduce an Intermediate Dehazing Residual Feedforward (IDRF) module to update local features and pull them closer to clear image features. Sufficient experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves results beyond the state-of-the-art methods on various datasets.

Spatio-Temporal Domain Awareness for Multi-Agent Collaborative Perception. (arXiv:2307.13929v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kun Yang, Dingkang Yang, Jingyu Zhang, Mingcheng Li, Yang Liu, Jing Liu, Hanqi Wang, Peng Sun, Liang Song

Multi-agent collaborative perception as a potential application for vehicle-to-everything communication could significantly improve the perception performance of autonomous vehicles over single-agent perception. However, several challenges remain in achieving pragmatic information sharing in this emerging research. In this paper, we propose SCOPE, a novel collaborative perception framework that aggregates the spatio-temporal awareness characteristics across on-road agents in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, SCOPE has three distinct strengths: i) it considers effective semantic cues of the temporal context to enhance current representations of the target agent; ii) it aggregates perceptually critical spatial information from heterogeneous agents and overcomes localization errors via multi-scale feature interactions; iii) it integrates multi-source representations of the target agent based on their complementary contributions by an adaptive fusion paradigm. To thoroughly evaluate SCOPE, we consider both real-world and simulated scenarios of collaborative 3D object detection tasks on three datasets. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach and the necessity of the proposed components.

AIDE: A Vision-Driven Multi-View, Multi-Modal, Multi-Tasking Dataset for Assistive Driving Perception. (arXiv:2307.13933v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dingkang Yang, Shuai Huang, Zhi Xu, Zhenpeng Li, Shunli Wang, Mingcheng Li, Yuzheng Wang, Yang Liu, Kun Yang, Zhaoyu Chen, Yan Wang, Jing Liu, Peixuan Zhang, Peng Zhai, Lihua Zhang

Driver distraction has become a significant cause of severe traffic accidents over the past decade. Despite the growing development of vision-driven driver monitoring systems, the lack of comprehensive perception datasets restricts road safety and traffic security. In this paper, we present an AssIstive Driving pErception dataset (AIDE) that considers context information both inside and outside the vehicle in naturalistic scenarios. AIDE facilitates holistic driver monitoring through three distinctive characteristics, including multi-view settings of driver and scene, multi-modal annotations of face, body, posture, and gesture, and four pragmatic task designs for driving understanding. To thoroughly explore AIDE, we provide experimental benchmarks on three kinds of baseline frameworks via extensive methods. Moreover, two fusion strategies are introduced to give new insights into learning effective multi-stream/modal representations. We also systematically investigate the importance and rationality of the key components in AIDE and benchmarks. The project link is https://github.com/ydk122024/AIDE.

Improving Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation with Dual-Level Siamese Structure Network. (arXiv:2307.13938v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhibo Tain, Xiaolin Zhang, Peng Zhang, Kun Zhan

Semi-supervised semantic segmentation (SSS) is an important task that utilizes both labeled and unlabeled data to reduce expenses on labeling training examples. However, the effectiveness of SSS algorithms is limited by the difficulty of fully exploiting the potential of unlabeled data. To address this, we propose a dual-level Siamese structure network (DSSN) for pixel-wise contrastive learning. By aligning positive pairs with a pixel-wise contrastive loss using strong augmented views in both low-level image space and high-level feature space, the proposed DSSN is designed to maximize the utilization of available unlabeled data. Additionally, we introduce a novel class-aware pseudo-label selection strategy for weak-to-strong supervision, which addresses the limitations of most existing methods that do not perform selection or apply a predefined threshold for all classes. Specifically, our strategy selects the top high-confidence prediction of the weak view for each class to generate pseudo labels that supervise the strong augmented views. This strategy is capable of taking into account the class imbalance and improving the performance of long-tailed classes. Our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art results on two datasets, PASCAL VOC 2012 and Cityscapes, outperforming other SSS algorithms by a significant margin.

Centroid-aware feature recalibration for cancer grading in pathology images. (arXiv:2307.13947v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jaeung Lee, Keunho Byeon, Jin Tae Kwak

Cancer grading is an essential task in pathology. The recent developments of artificial neural networks in computational pathology have shown that these methods hold great potential for improving the accuracy and quality of cancer diagnosis. However, the issues with the robustness and reliability of such methods have not been fully resolved yet. Herein, we propose a centroid-aware feature recalibration network that can conduct cancer grading in an accurate and robust manner. The proposed network maps an input pathology image into an embedding space and adjusts it by using centroids embedding vectors of different cancer grades via attention mechanism. Equipped with the recalibrated embedding vector, the proposed network classifiers the input pathology image into a pertinent class label, i.e., cancer grade. We evaluate the proposed network using colorectal cancer datasets that were collected under different environments. The experimental results confirm that the proposed network is able to conduct cancer grading in pathology images with high accuracy regardless of the environmental changes in the datasets.

Rethinking Voice-Face Correlation: A Geometry View. (arXiv:2307.13948v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiang Li, Yandong Wen, Muqiao Yang, Jinglu Wang, Rita Singh, Bhiksha Raj

Previous works on voice-face matching and voice-guided face synthesis demonstrate strong correlations between voice and face, but mainly rely on coarse semantic cues such as gender, age, and emotion. In this paper, we aim to investigate the capability of reconstructing the 3D facial shape from voice from a geometry perspective without any semantic information. We propose a voice-anthropometric measurement (AM)-face paradigm, which identifies predictable facial AMs from the voice and uses them to guide 3D face reconstruction. By leveraging AMs as a proxy to link the voice and face geometry, we can eliminate the influence of unpredictable AMs and make the face geometry tractable. Our approach is evaluated on our proposed dataset with ground-truth 3D face scans and corresponding voice recordings, and we find significant correlations between voice and specific parts of the face geometry, such as the nasal cavity and cranium. Our work offers a new perspective on voice-face correlation and can serve as a good empirical study for anthropometry science.

The Hidden Dance of Phonemes and Visage: Unveiling the Enigmatic Link between Phonemes and Facial Features. (arXiv:2307.13953v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Liao Qu, Xianwei Zou, Xiang Li, Yandong Wen, Rita Singh, Bhiksha Raj

This work unveils the enigmatic link between phonemes and facial features. Traditional studies on voice-face correlations typically involve using a long period of voice input, including generating face images from voices and reconstructing 3D face meshes from voices. However, in situations like voice-based crimes, the available voice evidence may be short and limited. Additionally, from a physiological perspective, each segment of speech -- phoneme -- corresponds to different types of airflow and movements in the face. Therefore, it is advantageous to discover the hidden link between phonemes and face attributes. In this paper, we propose an analysis pipeline to help us explore the voice-face relationship in a fine-grained manner, i.e., phonemes v.s. facial anthropometric measurements (AM). We build an estimator for each phoneme-AM pair and evaluate the correlation through hypothesis testing. Our results indicate that AMs are more predictable from vowels compared to consonants, particularly with plosives. Additionally, we observe that if a specific AM exhibits more movement during phoneme pronunciation, it is more predictable. Our findings support those in physiology regarding correlation and lay the groundwork for future research on speech-face multimodal learning.

Heterogeneous Embodied Multi-Agent Collaboration. (arXiv:2307.13957v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinzhu Liu, Di Guo, Huaping Liu

Multi-agent embodied tasks have recently been studied in complex indoor visual environments. Collaboration among multiple agents can improve work efficiency and has significant practical value. However, most of the existing research focuses on homogeneous multi-agent tasks. Compared with homogeneous agents, heterogeneous agents can leverage their different capabilities to allocate corresponding sub-tasks and cooperate to complete complex tasks. Heterogeneous multi-agent tasks are common in real-world scenarios, and the collaboration strategy among heterogeneous agents is a challenging and important problem to be solved. To study collaboration among heterogeneous agents, we propose the heterogeneous multi-agent tidying-up task, in which multiple heterogeneous agents with different capabilities collaborate with each other to detect misplaced objects and place them in reasonable locations. This is a demanding task since it requires agents to make the best use of their different capabilities to conduct reasonable task planning and complete the whole task. To solve this task, we build a heterogeneous multi-agent tidying-up benchmark dataset in a large number of houses with multiple rooms based on ProcTHOR-10K. We propose the hierarchical decision model based on misplaced object detection, reasonable receptacle prediction, as well as the handshake-based group communication mechanism. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model. The project's website and videos of experiments can be found at https://hetercol.github.io/.

Visual Prompt Flexible-Modal Face Anti-Spoofing. (arXiv:2307.13958v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zitong Yu, Rizhao Cai, Yawen Cui, Ajian Liu, Changsheng Chen

Recently, vision transformer based multimodal learning methods have been proposed to improve the robustness of face anti-spoofing (FAS) systems. However, multimodal face data collected from the real world is often imperfect due to missing modalities from various imaging sensors. Recently, flexible-modal FAS~\cite{yu2023flexible} has attracted more attention, which aims to develop a unified multimodal FAS model using complete multimodal face data but is insensitive to test-time missing modalities. In this paper, we tackle one main challenge in flexible-modal FAS, i.e., when missing modality occurs either during training or testing in real-world situations. Inspired by the recent success of the prompt learning in language models, we propose \textbf{V}isual \textbf{P}rompt flexible-modal \textbf{FAS} (VP-FAS), which learns the modal-relevant prompts to adapt the frozen pre-trained foundation model to downstream flexible-modal FAS task. Specifically, both vanilla visual prompts and residual contextual prompts are plugged into multimodal transformers to handle general missing-modality cases, while only requiring less than 4\% learnable parameters compared to training the entire model. Furthermore, missing-modality regularization is proposed to force models to learn consistent multimodal feature embeddings when missing partial modalities. Extensive experiments conducted on two multimodal FAS benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our VP-FAS framework that improves the performance under various missing-modality cases while alleviating the requirement of heavy model re-training.

Tracking Anything in High Quality. (arXiv:2307.13974v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiawen Zhu, Zhenyu Chen, Zeqi Hao, Shijie Chang, Lu Zhang, Dong Wang, Huchuan Lu, Bin Luo, Jun-Yan He, Jin-Peng Lan, Hanyuan Chen, Chenyang Li

Visual object tracking is a fundamental video task in computer vision. Recently, the notably increasing power of perception algorithms allows the unification of single/multiobject and box/mask-based tracking. Among them, the Segment Anything Model (SAM) attracts much attention. In this report, we propose HQTrack, a framework for High Quality Tracking anything in videos. HQTrack mainly consists of a video multi-object segmenter (VMOS) and a mask refiner (MR). Given the object to be tracked in the initial frame of a video, VMOS propagates the object masks to the current frame. The mask results at this stage are not accurate enough since VMOS is trained on several closeset video object segmentation (VOS) datasets, which has limited ability to generalize to complex and corner scenes. To further improve the quality of tracking masks, a pretrained MR model is employed to refine the tracking results. As a compelling testament to the effectiveness of our paradigm, without employing any tricks such as test-time data augmentations and model ensemble, HQTrack ranks the 2nd place in the Visual Object Tracking and Segmentation (VOTS2023) challenge. Code and models are available at https://github.com/jiawen-zhu/HQTrack.

Controlling the Latent Space of GANs through Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study on Task-based Image-to-Image Translation. (arXiv:2307.13978v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mahyar Abbasian, Taha Rajabzadeh, Ahmadreza Moradipari, Seyed Amir Hossein Aqajari, Hongsheng Lu, Amir Rahmani

Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) have emerged as a formidable AI tool to generate realistic outputs based on training datasets. However, the challenge of exerting control over the generation process of GANs remains a significant hurdle. In this paper, we propose a novel methodology to address this issue by integrating a reinforcement learning (RL) agent with a latent-space GAN (l-GAN), thereby facilitating the generation of desired outputs. More specifically, we have developed an actor-critic RL agent with a meticulously designed reward policy, enabling it to acquire proficiency in navigating the latent space of the l-GAN and generating outputs based on specified tasks. To substantiate the efficacy of our approach, we have conducted a series of experiments employing the MNIST dataset, including arithmetic addition as an illustrative task. The outcomes of these experiments serve to validate our methodology. Our pioneering integration of an RL agent with a GAN model represents a novel advancement, holding great potential for enhancing generative networks in the future.

Analysis of Video Quality Datasets via Design of Minimalistic Video Quality Models. (arXiv:2307.13981v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wei Sun, Wen Wen, Xiongkuo Min, Long Lan, Guangtao Zhai, Kede Ma

Blind video quality assessment (BVQA) plays an indispensable role in monitoring and improving the end-users' viewing experience in various real-world video-enabled media applications. As an experimental field, the improvements of BVQA models have been measured primarily on a few human-rated VQA datasets. Thus, it is crucial to gain a better understanding of existing VQA datasets in order to properly evaluate the current progress in BVQA. Towards this goal, we conduct a first-of-its-kind computational analysis of VQA datasets via designing minimalistic BVQA models. By minimalistic, we restrict our family of BVQA models to build only upon basic blocks: a video preprocessor (for aggressive spatiotemporal downsampling), a spatial quality analyzer, an optional temporal quality analyzer, and a quality regressor, all with the simplest possible instantiations. By comparing the quality prediction performance of different model variants on eight VQA datasets with realistic distortions, we find that nearly all datasets suffer from the easy dataset problem of varying severity, some of which even admit blind image quality assessment (BIQA) solutions. We additionally justify our claims by contrasting our model generalizability on these VQA datasets, and by ablating a dizzying set of BVQA design choices related to the basic building blocks. Our results cast doubt on the current progress in BVQA, and meanwhile shed light on good practices of constructing next-generation VQA datasets and models.

Enhanced Security against Adversarial Examples Using a Random Ensemble of Encrypted Vision Transformer Models. (arXiv:2307.13985v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Ryota Iijima, Miki Tanaka, Sayaka Shiota, Hitoshi Kiya

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are well known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples (AEs). In addition, AEs have adversarial transferability, which means AEs generated for a source model can fool another black-box model (target model) with a non-trivial probability. In previous studies, it was confirmed that the vision transformer (ViT) is more robust against the property of adversarial transferability than convolutional neural network (CNN) models such as ConvMixer, and moreover encrypted ViT is more robust than ViT without any encryption. In this article, we propose a random ensemble of encrypted ViT models to achieve much more robust models. In experiments, the proposed scheme is verified to be more robust against not only black-box attacks but also white-box ones than convention methods.

Hybrid Representation-Enhanced Sampling for Bayesian Active Learning in Musculoskeletal Segmentation of Lower Extremities. (arXiv:2307.13986v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Ganping Li, Yoshito Otake, Mazen Soufi, Masashi Taniguchi, Masahide Yagi, Noriaki Ichihashi, Keisuke Uemura, Masaki Takao, Nobuhiko Sugano, Yoshinobu Sato

Purpose: Obtaining manual annotations to train deep learning (DL) models for auto-segmentation is often time-consuming. Uncertainty-based Bayesian active learning (BAL) is a widely-adopted method to reduce annotation efforts. Based on BAL, this study introduces a hybrid representation-enhanced sampling strategy that integrates density and diversity criteria to save manual annotation costs by efficiently selecting the most informative samples.

Methods: The experiments are performed on two lower extremity (LE) datasets of MRI and CT images by a BAL framework based on Bayesian U-net. Our method selects uncertain samples with high density and diversity for manual revision, optimizing for maximal similarity to unlabeled instances and minimal similarity to existing training data. We assess the accuracy and efficiency using Dice and a proposed metric called reduced annotation cost (RAC), respectively. We further evaluate the impact of various acquisition rules on BAL performance and design an ablation study for effectiveness estimation.

Results: The proposed method showed superiority or non-inferiority to other methods on both datasets across two acquisition rules, and quantitative results reveal the pros and cons of the acquisition rules. Our ablation study in volume-wise acquisition shows that the combination of density and diversity criteria outperforms solely using either of them in musculoskeletal segmentation.

Conclusion: Our sampling method is proven efficient in reducing annotation costs in image segmentation tasks. The combination of the proposed method and our BAL framework provides a semi-automatic way for efficient annotation of medical image datasets.

METAVerse: Meta-Learning Traversability Cost Map for Off-Road Navigation. (arXiv:2307.13991v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Junwon Seo, Taekyung Kim, Seongyong Ahn, Kiho Kwak

Autonomous navigation in off-road conditions requires an accurate estimation of terrain traversability. However, traversability estimation in unstructured environments is subject to high uncertainty due to the variability of numerous factors that influence vehicle-terrain interaction. Consequently, it is challenging to obtain a generalizable model that can accurately predict traversability in a variety of environments. This paper presents METAVerse, a meta-learning framework for learning a global model that accurately and reliably predicts terrain traversability across diverse environments. We train the traversability prediction network to generate a dense and continuous-valued cost map from a sparse LiDAR point cloud, leveraging vehicle-terrain interaction feedback in a self-supervised manner. Meta-learning is utilized to train a global model with driving data collected from multiple environments, effectively minimizing estimation uncertainty. During deployment, online adaptation is performed to rapidly adapt the network to the local environment by exploiting recent interaction experiences. To conduct a comprehensive evaluation, we collect driving data from various terrains and demonstrate that our method can obtain a global model that minimizes uncertainty. Moreover, by integrating our model with a model predictive controller, we demonstrate that the reduced uncertainty results in safe and stable navigation in unstructured and unknown terrains.

Causal reasoning in typical computer vision tasks. (arXiv:2307.13992v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhang, Kexuan, Sun, Qiyu, Zhao, Chaoqiang, Tang, Yang

Deep learning has revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence. Based on the statistical correlations uncovered by deep learning-based methods, computer vision technology has contributed to tremendous growth in areas such as autonomous driving and robotics. Despite being the basis of deep learning, such correlation is not stable and is susceptible to uncontrolled factors. In the absence of the guidance of prior knowledge, statistical correlations can easily turn into spurious correlations and cause confounders. As a result, researchers are beginning to refine deep learning-based methods with causal theory. Causal theory models the intrinsic causal structure unaffected by data bias and is effective in avoiding spurious correlations. This paper aims to comprehensively review the existing causal methods in typical vision and vision-language tasks such as semantic segmentation, object detection, and image captioning. The advantages of causality and the approaches for building causal paradigms will be summarized. Future roadmaps are also proposed, including facilitating the development of causal theory and its application in other complex scenes and systems.

Learning Snippet-to-Motion Progression for Skeleton-based Human Motion Prediction. (arXiv:2307.14006v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinshun Wang, Qiongjie Cui, Chen Chen, Shen Zhao, Mengyuan Liu

Existing Graph Convolutional Networks to achieve human motion prediction largely adopt a one-step scheme, which output the prediction straight from history input, failing to exploit human motion patterns. We observe that human motions have transitional patterns and can be split into snippets representative of each transition. Each snippet can be reconstructed from its starting and ending poses referred to as the transitional poses. We propose a snippet-to-motion multi-stage framework that breaks motion prediction into sub-tasks easier to accomplish. Each sub-task integrates three modules: transitional pose prediction, snippet reconstruction, and snippet-to-motion prediction. Specifically, we propose to first predict only the transitional poses. Then we use them to reconstruct the corresponding snippets, obtaining a close approximation to the true motion sequence. Finally we refine them to produce the final prediction output. To implement the network, we propose a novel unified graph modeling, which allows for direct and effective feature propagation compared to existing approaches which rely on separate space-time modeling. Extensive experiments on Human 3.6M, CMU Mocap and 3DPW datasets verify the effectiveness of our method which achieves state-of-the-art performance.

Adaptive Frequency Filters As Efficient Global Token Mixers. (arXiv:2307.14008v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhipeng Huang, Zhizheng Zhang, Cuiling Lan, Zheng-Jun Zha, Yan Lu, Baining Guo

Recent vision transformers, large-kernel CNNs and MLPs have attained remarkable successes in broad vision tasks thanks to their effective information fusion in the global scope. However, their efficient deployments, especially on mobile devices, still suffer from noteworthy challenges due to the heavy computational costs of self-attention mechanisms, large kernels, or fully connected layers. In this work, we apply conventional convolution theorem to deep learning for addressing this and reveal that adaptive frequency filters can serve as efficient global token mixers. With this insight, we propose Adaptive Frequency Filtering (AFF) token mixer. This neural operator transfers a latent representation to the frequency domain via a Fourier transform and performs semantic-adaptive frequency filtering via an elementwise multiplication, which mathematically equals to a token mixing operation in the original latent space with a dynamic convolution kernel as large as the spatial resolution of this latent representation. We take AFF token mixers as primary neural operators to build a lightweight neural network, dubbed AFFNet. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed AFF token mixer and show that AFFNet achieve superior accuracy and efficiency trade-offs compared to other lightweight network designs on broad visual tasks, including visual recognition and dense prediction tasks.

Car-Studio: Learning Car Radiance Fields from Single-View and Endless In-the-wild Images. (arXiv:2307.14009v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tianyu Liu, Hao Zhao, Yang Yu, Guyue Zhou, Ming Liu

Compositional neural scene graph studies have shown that radiance fields can be an efficient tool in an editable autonomous driving simulator. However, previous studies learned within a sequence of autonomous driving datasets, resulting in unsatisfactory blurring when rotating the car in the simulator. In this letter, we propose a pipeline for learning unconstrained images and building a dataset from processed images. To meet the requirements of the simulator, which demands that the vehicle maintain clarity when the perspective changes and that the contour remains sharp from the background to avoid artifacts when editing, we design a radiation field of the vehicle, a crucial part of the urban scene foreground. Through experiments, we demonstrate that our model achieves competitive performance compared to baselines. Using the datasets built from in-the-wild images, our method gradually presents a controllable appearance editing function. We will release the dataset and code on https://lty2226262.github.io/car-studio/ to facilitate further research in the field.

ESSAformer: Efficient Transformer for Hyperspectral Image Super-resolution. (arXiv:2307.14010v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mingjin Zhang, Chi Zhang, Qiming Zhang, Jie Guo, Xinbo Gao, Jing Zhang

Single hyperspectral image super-resolution (single-HSI-SR) aims to restore a high-resolution hyperspectral image from a low-resolution observation. However, the prevailing CNN-based approaches have shown limitations in building long-range dependencies and capturing interaction information between spectral features. This results in inadequate utilization of spectral information and artifacts after upsampling. To address this issue, we propose ESSAformer, an ESSA attention-embedded Transformer network for single-HSI-SR with an iterative refining structure. Specifically, we first introduce a robust and spectral-friendly similarity metric, \ie, the spectral correlation coefficient of the spectrum (SCC), to replace the original attention matrix and incorporates inductive biases into the model to facilitate training. Built upon it, we further utilize the kernelizable attention technique with theoretical support to form a novel efficient SCC-kernel-based self-attention (ESSA) and reduce attention computation to linear complexity. ESSA enlarges the receptive field for features after upsampling without bringing much computation and allows the model to effectively utilize spatial-spectral information from different scales, resulting in the generation of more natural high-resolution images. Without the need for pretraining on large-scale datasets, our experiments demonstrate ESSA's effectiveness in both visual quality and quantitative results.

RPG-Palm: Realistic Pseudo-data Generation for Palmprint Recognition. (arXiv:2307.14016v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lei Shen, Jianlong Jin, Ruixin Zhang, Huaen Li, Yingyi Zhang, Jingyun Zhang, Shouhong Ding, Yang Zhao, Wei Jia

Palmprint recently shows great potential in recognition applications as it is a privacy-friendly and stable biometric. However, the lack of large-scale public palmprint datasets limits further research and development of palmprint recognition. In this paper, we propose a novel realistic pseudo-palmprint generation (RPG) model to synthesize palmprints with massive identities. We first introduce a conditional modulation generator to improve the intra-class diversity. Then an identity-aware loss is proposed to ensure identity consistency against unpaired training. We further improve the B\'ezier palm creases generation strategy to guarantee identity independence. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that synthetic pretraining significantly boosts the recognition model performance. For example, our model improves the state-of-the-art B\'ezierPalm by more than $5\%$ and $14\%$ in terms of TAR@FAR=1e-6 under the $1:1$ and $1:3$ Open-set protocol. When accessing only $10\%$ of the real training data, our method still outperforms ArcFace with $100\%$ real training data, indicating that we are closer to real-data-free palmprint recognition.

One-Nearest Neighborhood Guides Inlier Estimation for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration. (arXiv:2307.14019v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yongzhe Yuan, Yue Wu, Maoguo Gong, Qiguang Miao, A. K. Qin

The precision of unsupervised point cloud registration methods is typically limited by the lack of reliable inlier estimation and self-supervised signal, especially in partially overlapping scenarios. In this paper, we propose an effective inlier estimation method for unsupervised point cloud registration by capturing geometric structure consistency between the source point cloud and its corresponding reference point cloud copy. Specifically, to obtain a high quality reference point cloud copy, an One-Nearest Neighborhood (1-NN) point cloud is generated by input point cloud. This facilitates matching map construction and allows for integrating dual neighborhood matching scores of 1-NN point cloud and input point cloud to improve matching confidence. Benefiting from the high quality reference copy, we argue that the neighborhood graph formed by inlier and its neighborhood should have consistency between source point cloud and its corresponding reference copy. Based on this observation, we construct transformation-invariant geometric structure representations and capture geometric structure consistency to score the inlier confidence for estimated correspondences between source point cloud and its reference copy. This strategy can simultaneously provide the reliable self-supervised signal for model optimization. Finally, we further calculate transformation estimation by the weighted SVD algorithm with the estimated correspondences and corresponding inlier confidence. We train the proposed model in an unsupervised manner, and extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

Retinotopy Inspired Brain Encoding Model and the All-for-One Training Recipe. (arXiv:2307.14021v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Huzheng Yang, Jianbo Shi, James Gee

Brain encoding models aim to predict brain voxel-wise responses to stimuli images, replicating brain signals captured by neuroimaging techniques. There is a large volume of publicly available data, but training a comprehensive brain encoding model is challenging. The main difficulties stem from a) diversity within individual brain, with functional heterogeneous brain regions; b) diversity of brains from different subjects, due to genetic and developmental differences; c) diversity of imaging modalities and processing pipelines. We use this diversity to our advantage by introducing the All-for-One training recipe, which divides the challenging one-big-model problem into multiple small models, with the small models aggregating the knowledge while preserving the distinction between the different functional regions. Agnostic of the training recipe, we use biological knowledge of the brain, specifically retinotopy, to introduce inductive bias to learn a 3D brain-to-image mapping that ensures a) each neuron knows which image regions and semantic levels to gather information, and b) no neurons are left behind in the model.

We pre-trained a brain encoding model using over one million data points from five public datasets spanning three imaging modalities. To the best of our knowledge, this is the most comprehensive brain encoding model to the date. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the pre-trained model as a drop-in replacement for commonly used vision backbone models. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of the model to brain decoding. Code and the model checkpoint will be made available.

Topologically-Regularized Multiple Instance Learning for Red Blood Cell Disease Classification. (arXiv:2307.14025v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Salome Kazeminia, Ario Sadafi, Asya Makhro, Anna Bogdanova, Carsten Marr, Bastian Rieck

Diagnosing rare anemia disorders using microscopic images is challenging for skilled specialists and machine-learning methods alike. Due to thousands of disease-relevant cells in a single blood sample, this constitutes a complex multiple-instance learning (MIL) problem. While the spatial neighborhood of red blood cells is not meaningful per se, the topology, i.e., the geometry of blood samples as a whole, contains informative features to remedy typical MIL issues, such as vanishing gradients and overfitting when training on limited data. We thus develop a topology-based approach that extracts multi-scale topological features from bags of single red blood cell images. The topological features are used to regularize the model, enforcing the preservation of characteristic topological properties of the data. Applied to a dataset of 71 patients suffering from rare anemia disorders with 521 microscopic images of red blood cells, our experiments show that topological regularization is an effective method that leads to more than 3% performance improvements for the automated classification of rare anemia disorders based on single-cell images. This is the first approach that uses topological properties for regularizing the MIL process.

Consensus-Adaptive RANSAC. (arXiv:2307.14030v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Luca Cavalli, Daniel Barath, Marc Pollefeys, Viktor Larsson

RANSAC and its variants are widely used for robust estimation, however, they commonly follow a greedy approach to finding the highest scoring model while ignoring other model hypotheses. In contrast, Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares (IRLS) techniques gradually approach the model by iteratively updating the weight of each correspondence based on the residuals from previous iterations. Inspired by these methods, we propose a new RANSAC framework that learns to explore the parameter space by considering the residuals seen so far via a novel attention layer. The attention mechanism operates on a batch of point-to-model residuals, and updates a per-point estimation state to take into account the consensus found through a lightweight one-step transformer. This rich state then guides the minimal sampling between iterations as well as the model refinement. We evaluate the proposed approach on essential and fundamental matrix estimation on a number of indoor and outdoor datasets. It outperforms state-of-the-art estimators by a significant margin adding only a small runtime overhead. Moreover, we demonstrate good generalization properties of our trained model, indicating its effectiveness across different datasets and tasks. The proposed attention mechanism and one-step transformer provide an adaptive behavior that enhances the performance of RANSAC, making it a more effective tool for robust estimation. Code is available at https://github.com/cavalli1234/CA-RANSAC.

Controllable Guide-Space for Generalizable Face Forgery Detection. (arXiv:2307.14039v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ying Guo, Cheng Zhen, Pengfei Yan

Recent studies on face forgery detection have shown satisfactory performance for methods involved in training datasets, but are not ideal enough for unknown domains. This motivates many works to improve the generalization, but forgery-irrelevant information, such as image background and identity, still exists in different domain features and causes unexpected clustering, limiting the generalization. In this paper, we propose a controllable guide-space (GS) method to enhance the discrimination of different forgery domains, so as to increase the forgery relevance of features and thereby improve the generalization. The well-designed guide-space can simultaneously achieve both the proper separation of forgery domains and the large distance between real-forgery domains in an explicit and controllable manner. Moreover, for better discrimination, we use a decoupling module to weaken the interference of forgery-irrelevant correlations between domains. Furthermore, we make adjustments to the decision boundary manifold according to the clustering degree of the same domain features within the neighborhood. Extensive experiments in multiple in-domain and cross-domain settings confirm that our method can achieve state-of-the-art generalization.

3D Semantic Subspace Traverser: Empowering 3D Generative Model with Shape Editing Capability. (arXiv:2307.14051v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ruowei Wang, Yu Liu, Pei Su, Jianwei Zhang, Qijun Zhao

Shape generation is the practice of producing 3D shapes as various representations for 3D content creation. Previous studies on 3D shape generation have focused on shape quality and structure, without or less considering the importance of semantic information. Consequently, such generative models often fail to preserve the semantic consistency of shape structure or enable manipulation of the semantic attributes of shapes during generation. In this paper, we proposed a novel semantic generative model named 3D Semantic Subspace Traverser that utilizes semantic attributes for category-specific 3D shape generation and editing. Our method utilizes implicit functions as the 3D shape representation and combines a novel latent-space GAN with a linear subspace model to discover semantic dimensions in the local latent space of 3D shapes. Each dimension of the subspace corresponds to a particular semantic attribute, and we can edit the attributes of generated shapes by traversing the coefficients of those dimensions. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can produce plausible shapes with complex structures and enable the editing of semantic attributes. The code and trained models are available at https://github.com/TrepangCat/3D_Semantic_Subspace_Traverser

Unite-Divide-Unite: Joint Boosting Trunk and Structure for High-accuracy Dichotomous Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2307.14052v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jialun Pei, Zhangjun Zhou, Yueming Jin, He Tang, Pheng-Ann Heng

High-accuracy Dichotomous Image Segmentation (DIS) aims to pinpoint category-agnostic foreground objects from natural scenes. The main challenge for DIS involves identifying the highly accurate dominant area while rendering detailed object structure. However, directly using a general encoder-decoder architecture may result in an oversupply of high-level features and neglect the shallow spatial information necessary for partitioning meticulous structures. To fill this gap, we introduce a novel Unite-Divide-Unite Network (UDUN} that restructures and bipartitely arranges complementary features to simultaneously boost the effectiveness of trunk and structure identification. The proposed UDUN proceeds from several strengths. First, a dual-size input feeds into the shared backbone to produce more holistic and detailed features while keeping the model lightweight. Second, a simple Divide-and-Conquer Module (DCM) is proposed to decouple multiscale low- and high-level features into our structure decoder and trunk decoder to obtain structure and trunk information respectively. Moreover, we design a Trunk-Structure Aggregation module (TSA) in our union decoder that performs cascade integration for uniform high-accuracy segmentation. As a result, UDUN performs favorably against state-of-the-art competitors in all six evaluation metrics on overall DIS-TE, i.e., achieving 0.772 weighted F-measure and 977 HCE. Using 1024*1024 input, our model enables real-time inference at 65.3 fps with ResNet-18.

Towards Establishing Systematic Classification Requirements for Automated Driving. (arXiv:2307.14058v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ken T. Mori, Trent Brown, Steven Peters

Despite the presence of the classification task in many different benchmark datasets for perception in the automotive domain, few efforts have been undertaken to define consistent classification requirements. This work addresses the topic by proposing a structured method to generate a classification structure. First, legal categories are identified based on behavioral requirements for the vehicle. This structure is further substantiated by considering the two aspects of collision safety for objects as well as perceptual categories. A classification hierarchy is obtained by applying the method to an exemplary legal text. A comparison of the results with benchmark dataset categories shows limited agreement. This indicates the necessity for explicit consideration of legal requirements regarding perception.

Set-level Guidance Attack: Boosting Adversarial Transferability of Vision-Language Pre-training Models. (arXiv:2307.14061v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dong Lu, Zhiqiang Wang, Teng Wang, Weili Guan, Hongchang Gao, Feng Zheng

Vision-language pre-training (VLP) models have shown vulnerability to adversarial examples in multimodal tasks. Furthermore, malicious adversaries can be deliberately transferred to attack other black-box models. However, existing work has mainly focused on investigating white-box attacks. In this paper, we present the first study to investigate the adversarial transferability of recent VLP models. We observe that existing methods exhibit much lower transferability, compared to the strong attack performance in white-box settings. The transferability degradation is partly caused by the under-utilization of cross-modal interactions. Particularly, unlike unimodal learning, VLP models rely heavily on cross-modal interactions and the multimodal alignments are many-to-many, e.g., an image can be described in various natural languages. To this end, we propose a highly transferable Set-level Guidance Attack (SGA) that thoroughly leverages modality interactions and incorporates alignment-preserving augmentation with cross-modal guidance. Experimental results demonstrate that SGA could generate adversarial examples that can strongly transfer across different VLP models on multiple downstream vision-language tasks. On image-text retrieval, SGA significantly enhances the attack success rate for transfer attacks from ALBEF to TCL by a large margin (at least 9.78% and up to 30.21%), compared to the state-of-the-art.

ECO: Ensembling Context Optimization for Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2307.14063v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lorenzo Agnolucci, Alberto Baldrati, Francesco Todino, Federico Becattini, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo

Image recognition has recently witnessed a paradigm shift, where vision-language models are now used to perform few-shot classification based on textual prompts. Among these, the CLIP model has shown remarkable capabilities for zero-shot transfer by matching an image and a custom textual prompt in its latent space. This has paved the way for several works that focus on engineering or learning textual contexts for maximizing CLIP's classification capabilities. In this paper, we follow this trend by learning an ensemble of prompts for image classification. We show that learning diverse and possibly shorter contexts improves considerably and consistently the results rather than relying on a single trainable prompt. In particular, we report better few-shot capabilities with no additional cost at inference time. We demonstrate the capabilities of our approach on 11 different benchmarks.

Pre-Training with Diffusion models for Dental Radiography segmentation. (arXiv:2307.14066v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jérémy Rousseau, Christian Alaka, Emma Covili, Hippolyte Mayard, Laura Misrachi, Willy Au

Medical radiography segmentation, and specifically dental radiography, is highly limited by the cost of labeling which requires specific expertise and labor-intensive annotations. In this work, we propose a straightforward pre-training method for semantic segmentation leveraging Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM), which have shown impressive results for generative modeling. Our straightforward approach achieves remarkable performance in terms of label efficiency and does not require architectural modifications between pre-training and downstream tasks. We propose to first pre-train a Unet by exploiting the DDPM training objective, and then fine-tune the resulting model on a segmentation task. Our experimental results on the segmentation of dental radiographs demonstrate that the proposed method is competitive with state-of-the-art pre-training methods.

PNT-Edge: Towards Robust Edge Detection with Noisy Labels by Learning Pixel-level Noise Transitions. (arXiv:2307.14070v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wenjie Xuan, Shanshan Zhao, Yu Yao, Juhua Liu, Tongliang Liu, Yixin Chen, Bo Du, Dacheng Tao

Relying on large-scale training data with pixel-level labels, previous edge detection methods have achieved high performance. However, it is hard to manually label edges accurately, especially for large datasets, and thus the datasets inevitably contain noisy labels. This label-noise issue has been studied extensively for classification, while still remaining under-explored for edge detection. To address the label-noise issue for edge detection, this paper proposes to learn Pixel-level NoiseTransitions to model the label-corruption process. To achieve it, we develop a novel Pixel-wise Shift Learning (PSL) module to estimate the transition from clean to noisy labels as a displacement field. Exploiting the estimated noise transitions, our model, named PNT-Edge, is able to fit the prediction to clean labels. In addition, a local edge density regularization term is devised to exploit local structure information for better transition learning. This term encourages learning large shifts for the edges with complex local structures. Experiments on SBD and Cityscapes demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in relieving the impact of label noise. Codes will be available at github.

Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Warping for Robust and Efficient Stereo Matching. (arXiv:2307.14071v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Junpeng Jing, Jiankun Li, Pengfei Xiong, Jiangyu Liu, Shuaicheng Liu, Yichen Guo, Xin Deng, Mai Xu, Lai Jiang, Leonid Sigal

Correlation based stereo matching has achieved outstanding performance, which pursues cost volume between two feature maps. Unfortunately, current methods with a fixed model do not work uniformly well across various datasets, greatly limiting their real-world applicability. To tackle this issue, this paper proposes a new perspective to dynamically calculate correlation for robust stereo matching. A novel Uncertainty Guided Adaptive Correlation (UGAC) module is introduced to robustly adapt the same model for different scenarios. Specifically, a variance-based uncertainty estimation is employed to adaptively adjust the sampling area during warping operation. Additionally, we improve the traditional non-parametric warping with learnable parameters, such that the position-specific weights can be learned. We show that by empowering the recurrent network with the UGAC module, stereo matching can be exploited more robustly and effectively. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance over the ETH3D, KITTI, and Middlebury datasets when employing the same fixed model over these datasets without any retraining procedure. To target real-time applications, we further design a lightweight model based on UGAC, which also outperforms other methods over KITTI benchmarks with only 0.6 M parameters.

VideoControlNet: A Motion-Guided Video-to-Video Translation Framework by Using Diffusion Model with ControlNet. (arXiv:2307.14073v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhihao Hu, Dong Xu

Recently, diffusion models like StableDiffusion have achieved impressive image generation results. However, the generation process of such diffusion models is uncontrollable, which makes it hard to generate videos with continuous and consistent content. In this work, by using the diffusion model with ControlNet, we proposed a new motion-guided video-to-video translation framework called VideoControlNet to generate various videos based on the given prompts and the condition from the input video. Inspired by the video codecs that use motion information for reducing temporal redundancy, our framework uses motion information to prevent the regeneration of the redundant areas for content consistency. Specifically, we generate the first frame (i.e., the I-frame) by using the diffusion model with ControlNet. Then we generate other key frames (i.e., the P-frame) based on the previous I/P-frame by using our newly proposed motion-guided P-frame generation (MgPG) method, in which the P-frames are generated based on the motion information and the occlusion areas are inpainted by using the diffusion model. Finally, the rest frames (i.e., the B-frame) are generated by using our motion-guided B-frame interpolation (MgBI) module. Our experiments demonstrate that our proposed VideoControlNet inherits the generation capability of the pre-trained large diffusion model and extends the image diffusion model to the video diffusion model by using motion information. More results are provided at our project page.

Periocular biometrics: databases, algorithms and directions. (arXiv:2307.14111v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fernando Alonso-Fernandez, Josef Bigun

Periocular biometrics has been established as an independent modality due to concerns on the performance of iris or face systems in uncontrolled conditions. Periocular refers to the facial region in the eye vicinity, including eyelids, lashes and eyebrows. It is available over a wide range of acquisition distances, representing a trade-off between the whole face (which can be occluded at close distances) and the iris texture (which do not have enough resolution at long distances). Since the periocular region appears in face or iris images, it can be used also in conjunction with these modalities. Features extracted from the periocular region have been also used successfully for gender classification and ethnicity classification, and to study the impact of gender transformation or plastic surgery in the recognition performance. This paper presents a review of the state of the art in periocular biometric research, providing an insight of the most relevant issues and giving a thorough coverage of the existing literature. Future research trends are also briefly discussed.

A semantics-driven methodology for high-quality image annotation. (arXiv:2307.14119v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fausto Giunchiglia, Mayukh Bagchi, Xiaolei Diao

Recent work in Machine Learning and Computer Vision has highlighted the presence of various types of systematic flaws inside ground truth object recognition benchmark datasets. Our basic tenet is that these flaws are rooted in the many-to-many mappings which exist between the visual information encoded in images and the intended semantics of the labels annotating them. The net consequence is that the current annotation process is largely under-specified, thus leaving too much freedom to the subjective judgment of annotators. In this paper, we propose vTelos, an integrated Natural Language Processing, Knowledge Representation, and Computer Vision methodology whose main goal is to make explicit the (otherwise implicit) intended annotation semantics, thus minimizing the number and role of subjective choices. A key element of vTelos is the exploitation of the WordNet lexico-semantic hierarchy as the main means for providing the meaning of natural language labels and, as a consequence, for driving the annotation of images based on the objects and the visual properties they depict. The methodology is validated on images populating a subset of the ImageNet hierarchy.

Memory-Efficient Graph Convolutional Networks for Object Classification and Detection with Event Cameras. (arXiv:2307.14124v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kamil Jeziorek, Andrea Pinna, Tomasz Kryjak

Recent advances in event camera research emphasize processing data in its original sparse form, which allows the use of its unique features such as high temporal resolution, high dynamic range, low latency, and resistance to image blur. One promising approach for analyzing event data is through graph convolutional networks (GCNs). However, current research in this domain primarily focuses on optimizing computational costs, neglecting the associated memory costs. In this paper, we consider both factors together in order to achieve satisfying results and relatively low model complexity. For this purpose, we performed a comparative analysis of different graph convolution operations, considering factors such as execution time, the number of trainable model parameters, data format requirements, and training outcomes. Our results show a 450-fold reduction in the number of parameters for the feature extraction module and a 4.5-fold reduction in the size of the data representation while maintaining a classification accuracy of 52.3%, which is 6.3% higher compared to the operation used in state-of-the-art approaches. To further evaluate performance, we implemented the object detection architecture and evaluated its performance on the N-Caltech101 dataset. The results showed an accuracy of 53.7 % mAP@0.5 and reached an execution rate of 82 graphs per second.

Multi-modal Learning with Missing Modality via Shared-Specific Feature Modelling. (arXiv:2307.14126v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hu Wang, Yuanhong Chen, Congbo Ma, Jodie Avery, Louise Hull, Gustavo Carneiro

The missing modality issue is critical but non-trivial to be solved by multi-modal models. Current methods aiming to handle the missing modality problem in multi-modal tasks, either deal with missing modalities only during evaluation or train separate models to handle specific missing modality settings. In addition, these models are designed for specific tasks, so for example, classification models are not easily adapted to segmentation tasks and vice versa. In this paper, we propose the Shared-Specific Feature Modelling (ShaSpec) method that is considerably simpler and more effective than competing approaches that address the issues above. ShaSpec is designed to take advantage of all available input modalities during training and evaluation by learning shared and specific features to better represent the input data. This is achieved from a strategy that relies on auxiliary tasks based on distribution alignment and domain classification, in addition to a residual feature fusion procedure. Also, the design simplicity of ShaSpec enables its easy adaptation to multiple tasks, such as classification and segmentation. Experiments are conducted on both medical image segmentation and computer vision classification, with results indicating that ShaSpec outperforms competing methods by a large margin. For instance, on BraTS2018, ShaSpec improves the SOTA by more than 3% for enhancing tumour, 5% for tumour core and 3% for whole tumour.

Creative Birds: Self-Supervised Single-View 3D Style Transfer. (arXiv:2307.14127v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Renke Wang, Guimin Que, Shuo Chen, Xiang Li, Jun Li, Jian Yang

In this paper, we propose a novel method for single-view 3D style transfer that generates a unique 3D object with both shape and texture transfer. Our focus lies primarily on birds, a popular subject in 3D reconstruction, for which no existing single-view 3D transfer methods have been developed.The method we propose seeks to generate a 3D mesh shape and texture of a bird from two single-view images. To achieve this, we introduce a novel shape transfer generator that comprises a dual residual gated network (DRGNet), and a multi-layer perceptron (MLP). DRGNet extracts the features of source and target images using a shared coordinate gate unit, while the MLP generates spatial coordinates for building a 3D mesh. We also introduce a semantic UV texture transfer module that implements textural style transfer using semantic UV segmentation, which ensures consistency in the semantic meaning of the transferred regions. This module can be widely adapted to many existing approaches. Finally, our method constructs a novel 3D bird using a differentiable renderer. Experimental results on the CUB dataset verify that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the single-view 3D style transfer task. Code is available in https://github.com/wrk226/2D-to-3D-Evolution-Transfer.

LOIS: Looking Out of Instance Semantics for Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2307.14142v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Siyu Zhang, Yeming Chen, Yaoru Sun, Fang Wang, Haibo Shi, Haoran Wang

Visual question answering (VQA) has been intensively studied as a multimodal task that requires effort in bridging vision and language to infer answers correctly. Recent attempts have developed various attention-based modules for solving VQA tasks. However, the performance of model inference is largely bottlenecked by visual processing for semantics understanding. Most existing detection methods rely on bounding boxes, remaining a serious challenge for VQA models to understand the causal nexus of object semantics in images and correctly infer contextual information. To this end, we propose a finer model framework without bounding boxes in this work, termed Looking Out of Instance Semantics (LOIS) to tackle this important issue. LOIS enables more fine-grained feature descriptions to produce visual facts. Furthermore, to overcome the label ambiguity caused by instance masks, two types of relation attention modules: 1) intra-modality and 2) inter-modality, are devised to infer the correct answers from the different multi-view features. Specifically, we implement a mutual relation attention module to model sophisticated and deeper visual semantic relations between instance objects and background information. In addition, our proposed attention model can further analyze salient image regions by focusing on important word-related questions. Experimental results on four benchmark VQA datasets prove that our proposed method has favorable performance in improving visual reasoning capability.

High-definition event frame generation using SoC FPGA devices. (arXiv:2307.14177v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Krzysztof Blachut, Tomasz Kryjak

In this paper we have addressed the implementation of the accumulation and projection of high-resolution event data stream (HD -1280 x 720 pixels) onto the image plane in FPGA devices. The results confirm the feasibility of this approach, but there are a number of challenges, limitations and trade-offs to be considered. The required hardware resources of selected data representations, such as binary frame, event frame, exponentially decaying time surface and event frequency, were compared with those available on several popular platforms from AMD Xilinx. The resulting event frames can be used for typical vision algorithms, such as object classification and detection, using both classical and deep neural network methods.

Resolution-Aware Design of Atrous Rates for Semantic Segmentation Networks. (arXiv:2307.14179v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bum Jun Kim, Hyeyeon Choi, Hyeonah Jang, Sang Woo Kim

DeepLab is a widely used deep neural network for semantic segmentation, whose success is attributed to its parallel architecture called atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP). ASPP uses multiple atrous convolutions with different atrous rates to extract both local and global information. However, fixed values of atrous rates are used for the ASPP module, which restricts the size of its field of view. In principle, atrous rate should be a hyperparameter to change the field of view size according to the target task or dataset. However, the manipulation of atrous rate is not governed by any guidelines. This study proposes practical guidelines for obtaining an optimal atrous rate. First, an effective receptive field for semantic segmentation is introduced to analyze the inner behavior of segmentation networks. We observed that the use of ASPP module yielded a specific pattern in the effective receptive field, which was traced to reveal the module's underlying mechanism. Accordingly, we derive practical guidelines for obtaining the optimal atrous rate, which should be controlled based on the size of input image. Compared to other values, using the optimal atrous rate consistently improved the segmentation results across multiple datasets, including the STARE, CHASE_DB1, HRF, Cityscapes, and iSAID datasets.

ADAPT: Efficient Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction with Adaptation. (arXiv:2307.14187v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Görkay Aydemir, Adil Kaan Akan, Fatma Güney

Forecasting future trajectories of agents in complex traffic scenes requires reliable and efficient predictions for all agents in the scene. However, existing methods for trajectory prediction are either inefficient or sacrifice accuracy. To address this challenge, we propose ADAPT, a novel approach for jointly predicting the trajectories of all agents in the scene with dynamic weight learning. Our approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both single-agent and multi-agent settings on the Argoverse and Interaction datasets, with a fraction of their computational overhead. We attribute the improvement in our performance: first, to the adaptive head augmenting the model capacity without increasing the model size; second, to our design choices in the endpoint-conditioned prediction, reinforced by gradient stopping. Our analyses show that ADAPT can focus on each agent with adaptive prediction, allowing for accurate predictions efficiently. https://KUIS-AI.github.io/adapt

Computational Approaches for Traditional Chinese Painting: From the "Six Principles of Painting" Perspective. (arXiv:2307.14227v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wei Zhang, Jian-Wei Zhang, Kam Kwai Wong, Yifang Wang, Yingchaojie Feng, Luwei Wang, Wei Chen

Traditional Chinese Painting (TCP) is an invaluable cultural heritage resource and a unique visual art style. In recent years, increasing interest has been placed on digitalizing TCPs to preserve and revive the culture. The resulting digital copies have enabled the advancement of computational methods for structured and systematic understanding of TCPs. To explore this topic, we conducted an in-depth analysis of 92 pieces of literature. We examined the current use of computer technologies on TCPs from three perspectives, based on numerous conversations with specialists. First, in light of the "Six Principles of Painting" theory, we categorized the articles according to their research focus on artistic elements. Second, we created a four-stage framework to illustrate the purposes of TCP applications. Third, we summarized the popular computational techniques applied to TCPs. The framework also provides insights into potential applications and future prospects, with professional opinion. The list of surveyed publications and related information is available online at https://ca4tcp.com.

DisguisOR: Holistic Face Anonymization for the Operating Room. (arXiv:2307.14241v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lennart Bastian, Tony Danjun Wang, Tobias Czempiel, Benjamin Busam, Nassir Navab

Purpose: Recent advances in Surgical Data Science (SDS) have contributed to an increase in video recordings from hospital environments. While methods such as surgical workflow recognition show potential in increasing the quality of patient care, the quantity of video data has surpassed the scale at which images can be manually anonymized. Existing automated 2D anonymization methods under-perform in Operating Rooms (OR), due to occlusions and obstructions. We propose to anonymize multi-view OR recordings using 3D data from multiple camera streams. Methods: RGB and depth images from multiple cameras are fused into a 3D point cloud representation of the scene. We then detect each individual's face in 3D by regressing a parametric human mesh model onto detected 3D human keypoints and aligning the face mesh with the fused 3D point cloud. The mesh model is rendered into every acquired camera view, replacing each individual's face. Results: Our method shows promise in locating faces at a higher rate than existing approaches. DisguisOR produces geometrically consistent anonymizations for each camera view, enabling more realistic anonymization that is less detrimental to downstream tasks. Conclusion: Frequent obstructions and crowding in operating rooms leaves significant room for improvement for off-the-shelf anonymization methods. DisguisOR addresses privacy on a scene level and has the potential to facilitate further research in SDS.

Defending Adversarial Patches via Joint Region Localizing and Inpainting. (arXiv:2307.14242v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Junwen Chen, Xingxing Wei

Deep neural networks are successfully used in various applications, but show their vulnerability to adversarial examples. With the development of adversarial patches, the feasibility of attacks in physical scenes increases, and the defenses against patch attacks are urgently needed. However, defending such adversarial patch attacks is still an unsolved problem. In this paper, we analyse the properties of adversarial patches, and find that: on the one hand, adversarial patches will lead to the appearance or contextual inconsistency in the target objects; on the other hand, the patch region will show abnormal changes on the high-level feature maps of the objects extracted by a backbone network. Considering the above two points, we propose a novel defense method based on a ``localizing and inpainting" mechanism to pre-process the input examples. Specifically, we design an unified framework, where the ``localizing" sub-network utilizes a two-branch structure to represent the above two aspects to accurately detect the adversarial patch region in the image. For the ``inpainting" sub-network, it utilizes the surrounding contextual cues to recover the original content covered by the adversarial patch. The quality of inpainted images is also evaluated by measuring the appearance consistency and the effects of adversarial attacks. These two sub-networks are then jointly trained via an iterative optimization manner. In this way, the ``localizing" and ``inpainting" modules can interact closely with each other, and thus learn a better solution. A series of experiments versus traffic sign classification and detection tasks are conducted to defend against various adversarial patch attacks.

Fluorescent Neuronal Cells v2: Multi-Task, Multi-Format Annotations for Deep Learning in Microscopy. (arXiv:2307.14243v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Luca Clissa, Antonio Macaluso, Roberto Morelli, Alessandra Occhinegro, Emiliana Piscitiello, Ludovico Taddei, Marco Luppi, Roberto Amici, Matteo Cerri, Timna Hitrec, Lorenzo Rinaldi, Antonio Zoccoli

Fluorescent Neuronal Cells v2 is a collection of fluorescence microscopy images and the corresponding ground-truth annotations, designed to foster innovative research in the domains of Life Sciences and Deep Learning. This dataset encompasses three image collections in which rodent neuronal cells' nuclei and cytoplasm are stained with diverse markers to highlight their anatomical or functional characteristics. Alongside the images, we provide ground-truth annotations for several learning tasks, including semantic segmentation, object detection, and counting. The contribution is two-fold. First, given the variety of annotations and their accessible formats, we envision our work facilitating methodological advancements in computer vision approaches for segmentation, detection, feature learning, unsupervised and self-supervised learning, transfer learning, and related areas. Second, by enabling extensive exploration and benchmarking, we hope Fluorescent Neuronal Cells v2 will catalyze breakthroughs in fluorescence microscopy analysis and promote cutting-edge discoveries in life sciences. The data are available at: https://amsacta.unibo.it/id/eprint/7347

Sparse Double Descent in Vision Transformers: real or phantom threat?. (arXiv:2307.14253v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Victor Quétu, Marta Milovanovic, Enzo Tartaglione

Vision transformers (ViT) have been of broad interest in recent theoretical and empirical works. They are state-of-the-art thanks to their attention-based approach, which boosts the identification of key features and patterns within images thanks to the capability of avoiding inductive bias, resulting in highly accurate image analysis. Meanwhile, neoteric studies have reported a ``sparse double descent'' phenomenon that can occur in modern deep-learning models, where extremely over-parametrized models can generalize well. This raises practical questions about the optimal size of the model and the quest over finding the best trade-off between sparsity and performance is launched: are Vision Transformers also prone to sparse double descent? Can we find a way to avoid such a phenomenon? Our work tackles the occurrence of sparse double descent on ViTs. Despite some works that have shown that traditional architectures, like Resnet, are condemned to the sparse double descent phenomenon, for ViTs we observe that an optimally-tuned $\ell_2$ regularization relieves such a phenomenon. However, everything comes at a cost: optimal lambda will sacrifice the potential compression of the ViT.

Artifact Restoration in Histology Images with Diffusion Probabilistic Models. (arXiv:2307.14262v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Zhenqi He, Junjun He, Jin Ye, Yiqing Shen

Histological whole slide images (WSIs) can be usually compromised by artifacts, such as tissue folding and bubbles, which will increase the examination difficulty for both pathologists and Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) systems. Existing approaches to restoring artifact images are confined to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), where the restoration process is formulated as an image-to-image transfer. Those methods are prone to suffer from mode collapse and unexpected mistransfer in the stain style, leading to unsatisfied and unrealistic restored images. Innovatively, we make the first attempt at a denoising diffusion probabilistic model for histological artifact restoration, namely ArtiFusion.Specifically, ArtiFusion formulates the artifact region restoration as a gradual denoising process, and its training relies solely on artifact-free images to simplify the training complexity.Furthermore, to capture local-global correlations in the regional artifact restoration, a novel Swin-Transformer denoising architecture is designed, along with a time token scheme. Our extensive evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of ArtiFusion as a pre-processing method for histology analysis, which can successfully preserve the tissue structures and stain style in artifact-free regions during the restoration. Code is available at https://github.com/zhenqi-he/ArtiFusion.

Deepfake Image Generation for Improved Brain Tumor Segmentation. (arXiv:2307.14273v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Roa'a Al-Emaryeen, Sara Al-Nahhas, Fatima Himour, Waleed Mahafza, Omar Al-Kadi

As the world progresses in technology and health, awareness of disease by revealing asymptomatic signs improves. It is important to detect and treat tumors in early stage as it can be life-threatening. Computer-aided technologies are used to overcome lingering limitations facing disease diagnosis, while brain tumor segmentation remains a difficult process, especially when multi-modality data is involved. This is mainly attributed to ineffective training due to lack of data and corresponding labelling. This work investigates the feasibility of employing deep-fake image generation for effective brain tumor segmentation. To this end, a Generative Adversarial Network was used for image-to-image translation for increasing dataset size, followed by image segmentation using a U-Net-based convolutional neural network trained with deepfake images. Performance of the proposed approach is compared with ground truth of four publicly available datasets. Results show improved performance in terms of image segmentation quality metrics, and could potentially assist when training with limited data.

G2L: Semantically Aligned and Uniform Video Grounding via Geodesic and Game Theory. (arXiv:2307.14277v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hongxiang Li, Meng Cao, Xuxin Cheng, Yaowei Li, Zhihong Zhu, Yuexian Zou

The recent video grounding works attempt to introduce vanilla contrastive learning into video grounding. However, we claim that this naive solution is suboptimal. Contrastive learning requires two key properties: (1) \emph{alignment} of features of similar samples, and (2) \emph{uniformity} of the induced distribution of the normalized features on the hypersphere. Due to two annoying issues in video grounding: (1) the co-existence of some visual entities in both ground truth and other moments, \ie semantic overlapping; (2) only a few moments in the video are annotated, \ie sparse annotation dilemma, vanilla contrastive learning is unable to model the correlations between temporally distant moments and learned inconsistent video representations. Both characteristics lead to vanilla contrastive learning being unsuitable for video grounding. In this paper, we introduce Geodesic and Game Localization (G2L), a semantically aligned and uniform video grounding framework via geodesic and game theory. We quantify the correlations among moments leveraging the geodesic distance that guides the model to learn the correct cross-modal representations. Furthermore, from the novel perspective of game theory, we propose semantic Shapley interaction based on geodesic distance sampling to learn fine-grained semantic alignment in similar moments. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Large-scale Fully-Unsupervised Re-Identification. (arXiv:2307.14278v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gabriel Bertocco, Fernanda Andaló, Terrance E. Boult, Anderson Rocha

Fully-unsupervised Person and Vehicle Re-Identification have received increasing attention due to their broad applicability in surveillance, forensics, event understanding, and smart cities, without requiring any manual annotation. However, most of the prior art has been evaluated in datasets that have just a couple thousand samples. Such small-data setups often allow the use of costly techniques in time and memory footprints, such as Re-Ranking, to improve clustering results. Moreover, some previous work even pre-selects the best clustering hyper-parameters for each dataset, which is unrealistic in a large-scale fully-unsupervised scenario. In this context, this work tackles a more realistic scenario and proposes two strategies to learn from large-scale unlabeled data. The first strategy performs a local neighborhood sampling to reduce the dataset size in each iteration without violating neighborhood relationships. A second strategy leverages a novel Re-Ranking technique, which has a lower time upper bound complexity and reduces the memory complexity from O(n^2) to O(kn) with k << n. To avoid the pre-selection of specific hyper-parameter values for the clustering algorithm, we also present a novel scheduling algorithm that adjusts the density parameter during training, to leverage the diversity of samples and keep the learning robust to noisy labeling. Finally, due to the complementary knowledge learned by different models, we also introduce a co-training strategy that relies upon the permutation of predicted pseudo-labels, among the backbones, with no need for any hyper-parameters or weighting optimization. The proposed methodology outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in well-known benchmarks and in the challenging large-scale Veri-Wild dataset, with a faster and memory-efficient Re-Ranking strategy, and a large-scale, noisy-robust, and ensemble-based learning approach.

US & MR Image-Fusion Based on Skin Co-Registration. (arXiv:2307.14288v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Martina Paccini, Giacomo Paschina, Stefano De Beni, Giuseppe Patanè

The study and development of innovative solutions for the advanced visualisation, representation and analysis of medical images offer different research directions. Current practice in medical imaging consists in combining real-time US with imaging modalities that allow internal anatomy acquisitions, such as CT, MRI, PET or similar. Application of image-fusion approaches can be found in tracking surgical tools and/or needles, in real-time during interventions. Thus, this work proposes a fusion imaging system for the registration of CT and MRI images with real-time US acquisition leveraging a 3D camera sensor. The main focus of the work is the portability of the system and its applicability to different anatomical districts.

Unraveling the Complexity of Splitting Sequential Data: Tackling Challenges in Video and Time Series Analysis. (arXiv:2307.14294v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Diego Botache, Kristina Dingel, Rico Huhnstock, Arno Ehresmann, Bernhard Sick

Splitting of sequential data, such as videos and time series, is an essential step in various data analysis tasks, including object tracking and anomaly detection. However, splitting sequential data presents a variety of challenges that can impact the accuracy and reliability of subsequent analyses. This concept article examines the challenges associated with splitting sequential data, including data acquisition, data representation, split ratio selection, setting up quality criteria, and choosing suitable selection strategies. We explore these challenges through two real-world examples: motor test benches and particle tracking in liquids.

Visual Instruction Inversion: Image Editing via Visual Prompting. (arXiv:2307.14331v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Thao Nguyen, Yuheng Li, Utkarsh Ojha, Yong Jae Lee

Text-conditioned image editing has emerged as a powerful tool for editing images. However, in many situations, language can be ambiguous and ineffective in describing specific image edits. When faced with such challenges, visual prompts can be a more informative and intuitive way to convey ideas. We present a method for image editing via visual prompting. Given pairs of example that represent the "before" and "after" images of an edit, our goal is to learn a text-based editing direction that can be used to perform the same edit on new images. We leverage the rich, pretrained editing capabilities of text-to-image diffusion models by inverting visual prompts into editing instructions. Our results show that with just one example pair, we can achieve competitive results compared to state-of-the-art text-conditioned image editing frameworks.

Event-based Vision for Early Prediction of Manipulation Actions. (arXiv:2307.14332v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Daniel Deniz, Cornelia Fermuller, Eduardo Ros, Manuel Rodriguez-Alvarez, Francisco Barranco

Neuromorphic visual sensors are artificial retinas that output sequences of asynchronous events when brightness changes occur in the scene. These sensors offer many advantages including very high temporal resolution, no motion blur and smart data compression ideal for real-time processing. In this study, we introduce an event-based dataset on fine-grained manipulation actions and perform an experimental study on the use of transformers for action prediction with events. There is enormous interest in the fields of cognitive robotics and human-robot interaction on understanding and predicting human actions as early as possible. Early prediction allows anticipating complex stages for planning, enabling effective and real-time interaction. Our Transformer network uses events to predict manipulation actions as they occur, using online inference. The model succeeds at predicting actions early on, building up confidence over time and achieving state-of-the-art classification. Moreover, the attention-based transformer architecture allows us to study the role of the spatio-temporal patterns selected by the model. Our experiments show that the Transformer network captures action dynamic features outperforming video-based approaches and succeeding with scenarios where the differences between actions lie in very subtle cues. Finally, we release the new event dataset, which is the first in the literature for manipulation action recognition. Code will be available at https://github.com/DaniDeniz/EventVisionTransformer.

Towards Generalist Biomedical AI. (arXiv:2307.14334v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tao Tu, Shekoofeh Azizi, Danny Driess, Mike Schaekermann, Mohamed Amin, Pi-Chuan Chang, Andrew Carroll, Chuck Lau, Ryutaro Tanno, Ira Ktena, Basil Mustafa, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Yun Liu, Simon Kornblith, David Fleet, Philip Mansfield, Sushant Prakash, Renee Wong, Sunny Virmani, Christopher Semturs, S Sara Mahdavi, Bradley Green, Ewa Dominowska, Blaise Aguera y Arcas, Joelle Barral, Dale Webster, Greg S. Corrado, Yossi Matias, Karan Singhal, Pete Florence, Alan Karthikesalingam, Vivek Natarajan

Medicine is inherently multimodal, with rich data modalities spanning text, imaging, genomics, and more. Generalist biomedical artificial intelligence (AI) systems that flexibly encode, integrate, and interpret this data at scale can potentially enable impactful applications ranging from scientific discovery to care delivery. To enable the development of these models, we first curate MultiMedBench, a new multimodal biomedical benchmark. MultiMedBench encompasses 14 diverse tasks such as medical question answering, mammography and dermatology image interpretation, radiology report generation and summarization, and genomic variant calling. We then introduce Med-PaLM Multimodal (Med-PaLM M), our proof of concept for a generalist biomedical AI system. Med-PaLM M is a large multimodal generative model that flexibly encodes and interprets biomedical data including clinical language, imaging, and genomics with the same set of model weights. Med-PaLM M reaches performance competitive with or exceeding the state of the art on all MultiMedBench tasks, often surpassing specialist models by a wide margin. We also report examples of zero-shot generalization to novel medical concepts and tasks, positive transfer learning across tasks, and emergent zero-shot medical reasoning. To further probe the capabilities and limitations of Med-PaLM M, we conduct a radiologist evaluation of model-generated (and human) chest X-ray reports and observe encouraging performance across model scales. In a side-by-side ranking on 246 retrospective chest X-rays, clinicians express a pairwise preference for Med-PaLM M reports over those produced by radiologists in up to 40.50% of cases, suggesting potential clinical utility. While considerable work is needed to validate these models in real-world use cases, our results represent a milestone towards the development of generalist biomedical AI systems.

MAMo: Leveraging Memory and Attention for Monocular Video Depth Estimation. (arXiv:2307.14336v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rajeev Yasarla, Hong Cai, Jisoo Jeong, Yunxiao Shi, Risheek Garrepalli, Fatih Porikli

We propose MAMo, a novel memory and attention frame-work for monocular video depth estimation. MAMo can augment and improve any single-image depth estimation networks into video depth estimation models, enabling them to take advantage of the temporal information to predict more accurate depth. In MAMo, we augment model with memory which aids the depth prediction as the model streams through the video. Specifically, the memory stores learned visual and displacement tokens of the previous time instances. This allows the depth network to cross-reference relevant features from the past when predicting depth on the current frame. We introduce a novel scheme to continuously update the memory, optimizing it to keep tokens that correspond with both the past and the present visual information. We adopt attention-based approach to process memory features where we first learn the spatio-temporal relation among the resultant visual and displacement memory tokens using self-attention module. Further, the output features of self-attention are aggregated with the current visual features through cross-attention. The cross-attended features are finally given to a decoder to predict depth on the current frame. Through extensive experiments on several benchmarks, including KITTI, NYU-Depth V2, and DDAD, we show that MAMo consistently improves monocular depth estimation networks and sets new state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy. Notably, our MAMo video depth estimation provides higher accuracy with lower latency, when omparing to SOTA cost-volume-based video depth models.

Virtual Mirrors: Non-Line-of-Sight Imaging Beyond the Third Bounce. (arXiv:2307.14341v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Diego Royo, Talha Sultan, Adolfo Muñoz, Khadijeh Masumnia-Bisheh, Eric Brandt, Diego Gutierrez, Andreas Velten, Julio Marco

Non-line-of-sight (NLOS) imaging methods are capable of reconstructing complex scenes that are not visible to an observer using indirect illumination. However, they assume only third-bounce illumination, so they are currently limited to single-corner configurations, and present limited visibility when imaging surfaces at certain orientations. To reason about and tackle these limitations, we make the key observation that planar diffuse surfaces behave specularly at wavelengths used in the computational wave-based NLOS imaging domain. We call such surfaces virtual mirrors. We leverage this observation to expand the capabilities of NLOS imaging using illumination beyond the third bounce, addressing two problems: imaging single-corner objects at limited visibility angles, and imaging objects hidden behind two corners. To image objects at limited visibility angles, we first analyze the reflections of the known illuminated point on surfaces of the scene as an estimator of the position and orientation of objects with limited visibility. We then image those limited visibility objects by computationally building secondary apertures at other surfaces that observe the target object from a direct visibility perspective. Beyond single-corner NLOS imaging, we exploit the specular behavior of virtual mirrors to image objects hidden behind a second corner by imaging the space behind such virtual mirrors, where the mirror image of objects hidden around two corners is formed. No specular surfaces were involved in the making of this paper.

AlphaNet: Improving Long-Tail Classification By Combining Classifiers. (arXiv:2008.07073v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nadine Chang, Jayanth Koushik, Aarti Singh, Martial Hebert, Yu-Xiong Wang, Michael J. Tarr

Methods in long-tail learning focus on improving performance for data-poor (rare) classes; however, performance for such classes remains much lower than performance for more data-rich (frequent) classes. Analyzing the predictions of long-tail methods for rare classes reveals that a large number of errors are due to misclassification of rare items as visually similar frequent classes. To address this problem, we introduce AlphaNet, a method that can be applied to existing models, performing post hoc correction on classifiers of rare classes. Starting with a pre-trained model, we find frequent classes that are closest to rare classes in the model's representation space and learn weights to update rare class classifiers with a linear combination of frequent class classifiers. AlphaNet, applied to several models, greatly improves test accuracy for rare classes in multiple long-tailed datasets, with very little change to overall accuracy. Our method also provides a way to control the trade-off between rare class and overall accuracy, making it practical for long-tail classification in the wild.

Deep Learning Based 3D Segmentation: A Survey. (arXiv:2103.05423v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yong He, Hongshan Yu, Xiaoyan Liu, Zhengeng Yang, Wei Sun, Ajmal Mian

3D segmentation is a fundamental and challenging problem in computer vision with applications in autonomous driving, robotics, augmented reality and medical image analysis. It has received significant attention from the computer vision, graphics and machine learning communities. Conventional methods for 3D segmentation, based on hand-crafted features and machine learning classifiers, lack generalization ability. Driven by their success in 2D computer vision, deep learning techniques have recently become the tool of choice for 3D segmentation tasks. This has led to an influx of a large number of methods in the literature that have been evaluated on different benchmark datasets. Whereas survey papers on RGB-D and point cloud segmentation exist, there is a lack of an in-depth and recent survey that covers all 3D data modalities and application domains. This paper fills the gap and provides a comprehensive survey of the recent progress made in deep learning based 3D segmentation. It covers over 180 works, analyzes their strengths and limitations and discusses their competitive results on benchmark datasets. The survey provides a summary of the most commonly used pipelines and finally highlights promising research directions for the future.

Cross-modal Manifold Cutmix for Self-supervised Video Representation Learning. (arXiv:2112.03906v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Srijan Das, Michael S. Ryoo

In this paper, we address the challenge of obtaining large-scale unlabelled video datasets for contrastive representation learning in real-world applications. We present a novel video augmentation technique for self-supervised learning, called Cross-Modal Manifold Cutmix (CMMC), which generates augmented samples by combining different modalities in videos. By embedding a video tesseract into another across two modalities in the feature space, our method enhances the quality of learned video representations. We perform extensive experiments on two small-scale video datasets, UCF101 and HMDB51, for action recognition and video retrieval tasks. Our approach is also shown to be effective on the NTU dataset with limited domain knowledge. Our CMMC achieves comparable performance to other self-supervised methods while using less training data for both downstream tasks.

Priming Cross-Session Motor Imagery Classification with A Universal Deep Domain Adaptation Framework. (arXiv:2202.09559v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhengqing Miao, Xin Zhang, Carlo Menon, Yelong Zheng, Meirong Zhao, Dong Ming

Motor imagery (MI) is a common brain computer interface (BCI) paradigm. EEG is non-stationary with low signal-to-noise, classifying motor imagery tasks of the same participant from different EEG recording sessions is generally challenging, as EEG data distribution may vary tremendously among different acquisition sessions. Although it is intuitive to consider the cross-session MI classification as a domain adaptation problem, the rationale and feasible approach is not elucidated. In this paper, we propose a Siamese deep domain adaptation (SDDA) framework for cross-session MI classification based on mathematical models in domain adaptation theory. The proposed framework can be easily applied to most existing artificial neural networks without altering the network structure, which facilitates our method with great flexibility and transferability. In the proposed framework, domain invariants were firstly constructed jointly with channel normalization and Euclidean alignment. Then, embedding features from source and target domain were mapped into the Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space (RKHS) and aligned accordingly. A cosine-based center loss was also integrated into the framework to improve the generalizability of the SDDA. The proposed framework was validated with two classic and popular convolutional neural networks from BCI research field (EEGNet and ConvNet) in two MI-EEG public datasets (BCI Competition IV IIA, IIB). Compared to the vanilla EEGNet and ConvNet, the proposed SDDA framework was able to boost the MI classification accuracy by 15.2%, 10.2% respectively in IIA dataset, and 5.5%, 4.2% in IIB dataset. The final MI classification accuracy reached 82.01% in IIA dataset and 87.52% in IIB, which outperformed the state-of-the-art methods in the literature.

MetaDT: Meta Decision Tree with Class Hierarchy for Interpretable Few-Shot Learning. (arXiv:2203.01482v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Baoquan Zhang, Hao Jiang, Xutao Li, Shanshan Feng, Yunming Ye, Rui Ye

Few-Shot Learning (FSL) is a challenging task, which aims to recognize novel classes with few examples. Recently, lots of methods have been proposed from the perspective of meta-learning and representation learning. However, few works focus on the interpretability of FSL decision process. In this paper, we take a step towards the interpretable FSL by proposing a novel meta-learning based decision tree framework, namely, MetaDT. In particular, the FSL interpretability is achieved from two aspects, i.e., a concept aspect and a visual aspect. On the concept aspect, we first introduce a tree-like concept hierarchy as FSL prior. Then, resorting to the prior, we split each few-shot task to a set of subtasks with different concept levels and then perform class prediction via a model of decision tree. The advantage of such design is that a sequence of high-level concept decisions that lead up to a final class prediction can be obtained, which clarifies the FSL decision process. On the visual aspect, a set of subtask-specific classifiers with visual attention mechanism is designed to perform decision at each node of the decision tree. As a result, a subtask-specific heatmap visualization can be obtained to achieve the decision interpretability of each tree node. At last, to alleviate the data scarcity issue of FSL, we regard the prior of concept hierarchy as an undirected graph, and then design a graph convolution-based decision tree inference network as our meta-learner to infer parameters of the decision tree. Extensive experiments on performance comparison and interpretability analysis show superiority of our MetaDT.

MICDIR: Multi-scale Inverse-consistent Deformable Image Registration using UNetMSS with Self-Constructing Graph Latent. (arXiv:2203.04317v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Soumick Chatterjee, Himanshi Bajaj, Istiyak H. Siddiquee, Nandish Bandi Subbarayappa, Steve Simon, Suraj Bangalore Shashidhar, Oliver Speck, Andreas Nürnberge

Image registration is the process of bringing different images into a common coordinate system - a technique widely used in various applications of computer vision, such as remote sensing, image retrieval, and, most commonly, medical imaging. Deep learning based techniques have been applied successfully to tackle various complex medical image processing problems, including medical image registration. Over the years, several image registration techniques have been proposed using deep learning. Deformable image registration techniques such as Voxelmorph have been successful in capturing finer changes and providing smoother deformations. However, Voxelmorph, as well as ICNet and FIRE, do not explicitly encode global dependencies (i.e. the overall anatomical view of the supplied image) and, therefore, cannot track large deformations. In order to tackle the aforementioned problems, this paper extends the Voxelmorph approach in three different ways. To improve the performance in case of small as well as large deformations, supervision of the model at different resolutions has been integrated using a multi-scale UNet. To support the network to learn and encode the minute structural co-relations of the given image-pairs, a self-constructing graph network (SCGNet) has been used as the latent of the multi-scale UNet - which can improve the learning process of the model and help the model to generalise better. And finally, to make the deformations inverse-consistent, cycle consistency loss has been employed. On the task of registration of brain MRIs, the proposed method achieved significant improvements over ANTs and VoxelMorph, obtaining a Dice score of 0.8013 \pm 0.0243 for intramodal and 0.6211 \pm 0.0309 for intermodal, while VoxelMorph achieved 0.7747 \pm 0.0260 and 0.6071 \pm 0.0510, respectively

Priors in Deep Image Restoration and Enhancement: A Survey. (arXiv:2206.02070v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunfan Lu, Yiqi Lin, Hao Wu, Yunhao Luo, Xu Zheng, Hui Xiong, Lin Wang

Image restoration and enhancement is a process of improving the image quality by removing degradations, such as noise, blur, and resolution degradation. Deep learning (DL) has recently been applied to image restoration and enhancement. Due to its ill-posed property, plenty of works have been explored priors to facilitate training deep neural networks (DNNs). However, the importance of priors has not been systematically studied and analyzed by far in the research community. Therefore, this paper serves as the first study that provides a comprehensive overview of recent advancements in priors for deep image restoration and enhancement. Our work covers five primary contents: (1) A theoretical analysis of priors for deep image restoration and enhancement; (2) A hierarchical and structural taxonomy of priors commonly used in the DL-based methods; (3) An insightful discussion on each prior regarding its principle, potential, and applications; (4) A summary of crucial problems by highlighting the potential future directions, especially adopting the large-scale foundation models as prior, to spark more research in the community; (5) An open-source repository that provides a taxonomy of all mentioned works and code links.

FedIIC: Towards Robust Federated Learning for Class-Imbalanced Medical Image Classification. (arXiv:2206.13803v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nannan Wu, Li Yu, Xin Yang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Zengqiang Yan

Federated learning (FL), training deep models from decentralized data without privacy leakage, has shown great potential in medical image computing recently. However, considering the ubiquitous class imbalance in medical data, FL can exhibit performance degradation, especially for minority classes (e.g. rare diseases). Existing methods towards this problem mainly focus on training a balanced classifier to eliminate class prior bias among classes, but neglect to explore better representation to facilitate classification performance. In this paper, we present a privacy-preserving FL method named FedIIC to combat class imbalance from two perspectives: feature learning and classifier learning. In feature learning, two levels of contrastive learning are designed to extract better class-specific features with imbalanced data in FL. In classifier learning, per-class margins are dynamically set according to real-time difficulty and class priors, which helps the model learn classes equally. Experimental results on publicly-available datasets demonstrate the superior performance of FedIIC in dealing with both real-world and simulated multi-source medical imaging data under class imbalance. Code is available at https://github.com/wnn2000/FedIIC.

Early Detection of Bark Beetle Attack Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Review. (arXiv:2210.03829v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Seyed Mojtaba Marvasti-Zadeh, Devin Goodsman, Nilanjan Ray, Nadir Erbilgin

This paper provides a comprehensive review of past and current advances in the early detection of bark beetle-induced tree mortality from three primary perspectives: bark beetle & host interactions, RS, and ML/DL. In contrast to prior efforts, this review encompasses all RS systems and emphasizes ML/DL methods to investigate their strengths and weaknesses. We parse existing literature based on multi- or hyper-spectral analyses and distill their knowledge based on: bark beetle species & attack phases with a primary emphasis on early stages of attacks, host trees, study regions, RS platforms & sensors, spectral/spatial/temporal resolutions, spectral signatures, spectral vegetation indices (SVIs), ML approaches, learning schemes, task categories, models, algorithms, classes/clusters, features, and DL networks & architectures. Although DL-based methods and the random forest (RF) algorithm showed promising results, highlighting their potential to detect subtle changes across visible, thermal, and short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral regions, they still have limited effectiveness and high uncertainties. To inspire novel solutions to these shortcomings, we delve into the principal challenges & opportunities from different perspectives, enabling a deeper understanding of the current state of research and guiding future research directions.

Unifying Flow, Stereo and Depth Estimation. (arXiv:2211.05783v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haofei Xu, Jing Zhang, Jianfei Cai, Hamid Rezatofighi, Fisher Yu, Dacheng Tao, Andreas Geiger

We present a unified formulation and model for three motion and 3D perception tasks: optical flow, rectified stereo matching and unrectified stereo depth estimation from posed images. Unlike previous specialized architectures for each specific task, we formulate all three tasks as a unified dense correspondence matching problem, which can be solved with a single model by directly comparing feature similarities. Such a formulation calls for discriminative feature representations, which we achieve using a Transformer, in particular the cross-attention mechanism. We demonstrate that cross-attention enables integration of knowledge from another image via cross-view interactions, which greatly improves the quality of the extracted features. Our unified model naturally enables cross-task transfer since the model architecture and parameters are shared across tasks. We outperform RAFT with our unified model on the challenging Sintel dataset, and our final model that uses a few additional task-specific refinement steps outperforms or compares favorably to recent state-of-the-art methods on 10 popular flow, stereo and depth datasets, while being simpler and more efficient in terms of model design and inference speed.

Exploiting the Partly Scratch-off Lottery Ticket for Quantization-Aware Training. (arXiv:2211.08544v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunshan Zhong, Gongrui Nan, Yuxin Zhang, Fei Chao, Rongrong Ji

Quantization-aware training (QAT) receives extensive popularity as it well retains the performance of quantized networks. In QAT, the contemporary experience is that all quantized weights are updated for an entire training process. In this paper, this experience is challenged based on an interesting phenomenon we observed. Specifically, a large portion of quantized weights reaches the optimal quantization level after a few training epochs, which we refer to as the partly scratch-off lottery ticket. This straightforward-yet-valuable observation naturally inspires us to zero out gradient calculations of these weights in the remaining training period to avoid meaningless updating. To effectively find the ticket, we develop a heuristic method, dubbed lottery ticket scratcher (LTS), which freezes a weight once the distance between the full-precision one and its quantization level is smaller than a controllable threshold. Surprisingly, the proposed LTS typically eliminates 50%-70% weight updating and 25%-35% FLOPs of the backward pass, while still resulting on par with or even better performance than the compared baseline. For example, compared with the baseline, LTS improves 2-bit MobileNetV2 by 5.05%, eliminating 46% weight updating and 23% FLOPs of the backward pass. Code is at url{https://github.com/zysxmu/LTS}.

FsaNet: Frequency Self-attention for Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2211.15595v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fengyu Zhang, Ashkan Panahi, Guangjun Gao

Considering the spectral properties of images, we propose a new self-attention mechanism with highly reduced computational complexity, up to a linear rate. To better preserve edges while promoting similarity within objects, we propose individualized processes over different frequency bands. In particular, we study a case where the process is merely over low-frequency components. By ablation study, we show that low frequency self-attention can achieve very close or better performance relative to full frequency even without retraining the network. Accordingly, we design and embed novel plug-and-play modules to the head of a CNN network that we refer to as FsaNet. The frequency self-attention 1) requires only a few low frequency coefficients as input, 2) can be mathematically equivalent to spatial domain self-attention with linear structures, 3) simplifies token mapping ($1\times1$ convolution) stage and token mixing stage simultaneously. We show that frequency self-attention requires $87.29\% \sim 90.04\%$ less memory, $96.13\% \sim 98.07\%$ less FLOPs, and $97.56\% \sim 98.18\%$ in run time than the regular self-attention. Compared to other ResNet101-based self-attention networks, \ourM achieves a new \sArt result ($83.0\%$ mIoU) on Cityscape test dataset and competitive results on ADE20k and VOCaug. \ourM can also enhance MASK R-CNN for instance segmentation on COCO. In addition, utilizing the proposed module, Segformer can be boosted on a series of models with different scales, and Segformer-B5 can be improved even without retraining. Code is accessible at \url{https://github.com/zfy-csu/FsaNet

Factor Fields: A Unified Framework for Neural Fields and Beyond. (arXiv:2302.01226v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Anpei Chen, Zexiang Xu, Xinyue Wei, Siyu Tang, Hao Su, Andreas Geiger

We present Factor Fields, a novel framework for modeling and representing signals. Factor Fields decomposes a signal into a product of factors, each of which is represented by a neural or regular field representation operating on a coordinate transformed input signal. We show that this decomposition yields a unified framework that generalizes several recent signal representations including NeRF, PlenOxels, EG3D, Instant-NGP, and TensoRF. Moreover, the framework allows for the creation of powerful new signal representations, such as the Coefficient-Basis Factorization (CoBaFa) which we propose in this paper. As evidenced by our experiments, CoBaFa leads to improvements over previous fast reconstruction methods in terms of the three critical goals in neural signal representation: approximation quality, compactness and efficiency. Experimentally, we demonstrate that our representation achieves better image approximation quality on 2D image regression tasks, higher geometric quality when reconstructing 3D signed distance fields and higher compactness for radiance field reconstruction tasks compared to previous fast reconstruction methods. Besides, our CoBaFa representation enables generalization by sharing the basis across signals during training, enabling generalization tasks such as image regression with sparse observations and few-shot radiance field reconstruction. Project Page: https://apchenstu.github.io/FactorFields/

Quantifying & Modeling Multimodal Interactions: An Information Decomposition Framework. (arXiv:2302.12247v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Paul Pu Liang, Yun Cheng, Xiang Fan, Chun Kai Ling, Suzanne Nie, Richard Chen, Zihao Deng, Nicholas Allen, Randy Auerbach, Faisal Mahmood, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency

The recent explosion of interest in multimodal applications has resulted in a wide selection of datasets and methods for representing and integrating information from different modalities. Despite these empirical advances, there remain fundamental research questions: How can we quantify the interactions that are necessary to solve a multimodal task? Subsequently, what are the most suitable multimodal models to capture these interactions? To answer these questions, we propose an information-theoretic approach to quantify the degree of redundancy, uniqueness, and synergy relating input modalities with an output task. We term these three measures as the PID statistics of a multimodal distribution (or PID for short), and introduce two new estimators for these PID statistics that scale to high-dimensional distributions. To validate PID estimation, we conduct extensive experiments on both synthetic datasets where the PID is known and on large-scale multimodal benchmarks where PID estimations are compared with human annotations. Finally, we demonstrate their usefulness in (1) quantifying interactions within multimodal datasets, (2) quantifying interactions captured by multimodal models, (3) principled approaches for model selection, and (4) three real-world case studies engaging with domain experts in pathology, mood prediction, and robotic perception where our framework helps to recommend strong multimodal models for each application.

FacEDiM: A Face Embedding Distribution Model for Few-Shot Biometric Authentication of Cattle. (arXiv:2302.14831v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Meshia Cédric Oveneke, Rucha Vaishampayan, Deogratias Lukamba Nsadisa, Jenny Ambukiyenyi Onya

This work proposes to solve the problem of few-shot biometric authentication by computing the Mahalanobis distance between testing embeddings and a multivariate Gaussian distribution of training embeddings obtained using pre-trained CNNs. Experimental results show that models pre-trained on the ImageNet dataset significantly outperform models pre-trained on human faces. With a VGG16 model, we obtain a FRR of 1.25% for a FAR of 1.18% on a dataset of 20 cattle identities.

VOCALExplore: Pay-as-You-Go Video Data Exploration and Model Building [Technical Report]. (arXiv:2303.04068v3 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Authors: Maureen Daum, Enhao Zhang, Dong He, Stephen Mussmann, Brandon Haynes, Ranjay Krishna, Magdalena Balazinska

We introduce VOCALExplore, a system designed to support users in building domain-specific models over video datasets. VOCALExplore supports interactive labeling sessions and trains models using user-supplied labels. VOCALExplore maximizes model quality by automatically deciding how to select samples based on observed skew in the collected labels. It also selects the optimal video representations to use when training models by casting feature selection as a rising bandit problem. Finally, VOCALExplore implements optimizations to achieve low latency without sacrificing model performance. We demonstrate that VOCALExplore achieves close to the best possible model quality given candidate acquisition functions and feature extractors, and it does so with low visible latency (~1 second per iteration) and no expensive preprocessing.

Dominating Set Database Selection for Visual Place Recognition. (arXiv:2303.05123v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Anastasiia Kornilova, Ivan Moskalenko, Timofei Pushkin, Fakhriddin Tojiboev, Rahim Tariverdizadeh, Gonzalo Ferrer

This paper presents an approach for creating a visual place recognition (VPR) database for localization in indoor environments from RGBD scanning sequences. The proposed approach is formulated as a minimization problem in terms of dominating set algorithm for graph, constructed from spatial information, and referred as DominatingSet. Our algorithm shows better scene coverage in comparison to other methodologies that are used for database creation. Also, we demonstrate that using DominatingSet, a database size could be up to 250-1400 times smaller than the original scanning sequence while maintaining a recall rate of more than 80% on testing sequences. We evaluated our algorithm on 7-scenes and BundleFusion datasets and an additionally recorded sequence in a highly repetitive office setting. In addition, the database selection can produce weakly-supervised labels for fine-tuning neural place recognition algorithms to particular settings, improving even more their accuracy. The paper also presents a fully automated pipeline for VPR database creation from RGBD scanning sequences, as well as a set of metrics for VPR database evaluation. The code and released data are available on our web-page~ -- https://prime-slam.github.io/place-recognition-db/

Importance of Aligning Training Strategy with Evaluation for Diffusion Models in 3D Multiclass Segmentation. (arXiv:2303.06040v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunguan Fu, Yiwen Li, Shaheer U. Saeed, Matthew J. Clarkson, Yipeng Hu

Recently, denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) have been applied to image segmentation by generating segmentation masks conditioned on images, while the applications were mainly limited to 2D networks without exploiting potential benefits from the 3D formulation. In this work, we studied the DDPM-based segmentation model for 3D multiclass segmentation on two large multiclass data sets (prostate MR and abdominal CT). We observed that the difference between training and test methods led to inferior performance for existing DDPM methods. To mitigate the inconsistency, we proposed a recycling method which generated corrupted masks based on the model's prediction at a previous time step instead of using ground truth. The proposed method achieved statistically significantly improved performance compared to existing DDPMs, independent of a number of other techniques for reducing train-test discrepancy, including performing mask prediction, using Dice loss, and reducing the number of diffusion time steps during training. The performance of diffusion models was also competitive and visually similar to non-diffusion-based U-net, within the same compute budget. The JAX-based diffusion framework has been released at https://github.com/mathpluscode/ImgX-DiffSeg.

Scene Graph Generation from Hierarchical Relationship Reasoning. (arXiv:2303.06842v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Bowen Jiang, Camillo J. Taylor

This paper presents a novel approach for inferring relationships between objects in visual scenes. It explicitly exploits an informative hierarchical structure that can be imposed to divide the object and relationship categories into disjoint super-categories. Specifically, our proposed method incorporates a Bayes prediction head, enabling joint predictions of the super-category as the type of relationship between the two objects, along with the detailed relationship within that super-category. This design reduces the impact of class imbalance problems. Furthermore, we also modify the supervised contrastive learning to adapt our hierarchical classification scheme. Experimental evaluations on the Visual Genome and OpenImage V6 datasets demonstrate that this factorized approach allows a relatively simple model to achieve competitive performance, particularly in predicate classification and zero-shot tasks.

The Stable Signature: Rooting Watermarks in Latent Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2303.15435v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Pierre Fernandez, Guillaume Couairon, Hervé Jégou, Matthijs Douze, Teddy Furon

Generative image modeling enables a wide range of applications but raises ethical concerns about responsible deployment. This paper introduces an active strategy combining image watermarking and Latent Diffusion Models. The goal is for all generated images to conceal an invisible watermark allowing for future detection and/or identification. The method quickly fine-tunes the latent decoder of the image generator, conditioned on a binary signature. A pre-trained watermark extractor recovers the hidden signature from any generated image and a statistical test then determines whether it comes from the generative model. We evaluate the invisibility and robustness of the watermarks on a variety of generation tasks, showing that Stable Signature works even after the images are modified. For instance, it detects the origin of an image generated from a text prompt, then cropped to keep $10\%$ of the content, with $90$+$\%$ accuracy at a false positive rate below 10$^{-6}$.

SwiftFormer: Efficient Additive Attention for Transformer-based Real-time Mobile Vision Applications. (arXiv:2303.15446v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Abdelrahman Shaker, Muhammad Maaz, Hanoona Rasheed, Salman Khan, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Self-attention has become a defacto choice for capturing global context in various vision applications. However, its quadratic computational complexity with respect to image resolution limits its use in real-time applications, especially for deployment on resource-constrained mobile devices. Although hybrid approaches have been proposed to combine the advantages of convolutions and self-attention for a better speed-accuracy trade-off, the expensive matrix multiplication operations in self-attention remain a bottleneck. In this work, we introduce a novel efficient additive attention mechanism that effectively replaces the quadratic matrix multiplication operations with linear element-wise multiplications. Our design shows that the key-value interaction can be replaced with a linear layer without sacrificing any accuracy. Unlike previous state-of-the-art methods, our efficient formulation of self-attention enables its usage at all stages of the network. Using our proposed efficient additive attention, we build a series of models called "SwiftFormer" which achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of both accuracy and mobile inference speed. Our small variant achieves 78.5% top-1 ImageNet-1K accuracy with only 0.8 ms latency on iPhone 14, which is more accurate and 2x faster compared to MobileViT-v2. Code: https://github.com/Amshaker/SwiftFormer

HOICLIP: Efficient Knowledge Transfer for HOI Detection with Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2303.15786v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shan Ning, Longtian Qiu, Yongfei Liu, Xuming He

Human-Object Interaction (HOI) detection aims to localize human-object pairs and recognize their interactions. Recently, Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has shown great potential in providing interaction prior for HOI detectors via knowledge distillation. However, such approaches often rely on large-scale training data and suffer from inferior performance under few/zero-shot scenarios. In this paper, we propose a novel HOI detection framework that efficiently extracts prior knowledge from CLIP and achieves better generalization. In detail, we first introduce a novel interaction decoder to extract informative regions in the visual feature map of CLIP via a cross-attention mechanism, which is then fused with the detection backbone by a knowledge integration block for more accurate human-object pair detection. In addition, prior knowledge in CLIP text encoder is leveraged to generate a classifier by embedding HOI descriptions. To distinguish fine-grained interactions, we build a verb classifier from training data via visual semantic arithmetic and a lightweight verb representation adapter. Furthermore, we propose a training-free enhancement to exploit global HOI predictions from CLIP. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method outperforms the state of the art by a large margin on various settings, e.g. +4.04 mAP on HICO-Det. The source code is available in https://github.com/Artanic30/HOICLIP.

Neglected Free Lunch -- Learning Image Classifiers Using Annotation Byproducts. (arXiv:2303.17595v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dongyoon Han, Junsuk Choe, Seonghyeok Chun, John Joon Young Chung, Minsuk Chang, Sangdoo Yun, Jean Y. Song, Seong Joon Oh

Supervised learning of image classifiers distills human knowledge into a parametric model through pairs of images and corresponding labels (X,Y). We argue that this simple and widely used representation of human knowledge neglects rich auxiliary information from the annotation procedure, such as the time-series of mouse traces and clicks left after image selection. Our insight is that such annotation byproducts Z provide approximate human attention that weakly guides the model to focus on the foreground cues, reducing spurious correlations and discouraging shortcut learning. To verify this, we create ImageNet-AB and COCO-AB. They are ImageNet and COCO training sets enriched with sample-wise annotation byproducts, collected by replicating the respective original annotation tasks. We refer to the new paradigm of training models with annotation byproducts as learning using annotation byproducts (LUAB). We show that a simple multitask loss for regressing Z together with Y already improves the generalisability and robustness of the learned models. Compared to the original supervised learning, LUAB does not require extra annotation costs. ImageNet-AB and COCO-AB are at https://github.com/naver-ai/NeglectedFreeLunch.

UPGPT: Universal Diffusion Model for Person Image Generation, Editing and Pose Transfer. (arXiv:2304.08870v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Soon Yau Cheong, Armin Mustafa, Andrew Gilbert

Text-to-image models (T2I) such as StableDiffusion have been used to generate high quality images of people. However, due to the random nature of the generation process, the person has a different appearance e.g. pose, face, and clothing, despite using the same text prompt. The appearance inconsistency makes T2I unsuitable for pose transfer. We address this by proposing a multimodal diffusion model that accepts text, pose, and visual prompting. Our model is the first unified method to perform all person image tasks - generation, pose transfer, and mask-less edit. We also pioneer using small dimensional 3D body model parameters directly to demonstrate new capability - simultaneous pose and camera view interpolation while maintaining the person's appearance.

Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation via Cross-Reference Transformer. (arXiv:2304.09630v4 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yao Huang, Jianming Liu

Deep learning models have become the mainstream method for medical image segmentation, but they require a large manually labeled dataset for training and are difficult to extend to unseen categories. Few-shot segmentation(FSS) has the potential to address these challenges by learning new categories from a small number of labeled samples. The majority of the current methods employ a prototype learning architecture, which involves expanding support prototype vectors and concatenating them with query features to conduct conditional segmentation. However, such framework potentially focuses more on query features while may neglect the correlation between support and query features. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised few shot medical image segmentation network with Cross-Reference Transformer, which addresses the lack of interaction between the support image and the query image. We first enhance the correlation features between the support set image and the query image using a bidirectional cross-attention module. Then, we employ a cross-reference mechanism to mine and enhance the similar parts of support features and query features in high-dimensional channels. Experimental results show that the proposed model achieves good results on both CT dataset and MRI dataset.

Self-supervised dense representation learning for live-cell microscopy with time arrow prediction. (arXiv:2305.05511v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Benjamin Gallusser, Max Stieber, Martin Weigert

State-of-the-art object detection and segmentation methods for microscopy images rely on supervised machine learning, which requires laborious manual annotation of training data. Here we present a self-supervised method based on time arrow prediction pre-training that learns dense image representations from raw, unlabeled live-cell microscopy videos. Our method builds upon the task of predicting the correct order of time-flipped image regions via a single-image feature extractor followed by a time arrow prediction head that operates on the fused features. We show that the resulting dense representations capture inherently time-asymmetric biological processes such as cell divisions on a pixel-level. We furthermore demonstrate the utility of these representations on several live-cell microscopy datasets for detection and segmentation of dividing cells, as well as for cell state classification. Our method outperforms supervised methods, particularly when only limited ground truth annotations are available as is commonly the case in practice. We provide code at https://github.com/weigertlab/tarrow.

Null-text Guidance in Diffusion Models is Secretly a Cartoon-style Creator. (arXiv:2305.06710v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jing Zhao, Heliang Zheng, Chaoyue Wang, Long Lan, Wanrong Huang, Wenjing Yang

Classifier-free guidance is an effective sampling technique in diffusion models that has been widely adopted. The main idea is to extrapolate the model in the direction of text guidance and away from null-text guidance. In this paper, we demonstrate that null-text guidance in diffusion models is secretly a cartoon-style creator, i.e., the generated images can be efficiently transformed into cartoons by simply perturbing the null-text guidance. Specifically, we proposed two disturbance methods, i.e., Rollback disturbance (Back-D) and Image disturbance (Image-D), to construct misalignment between the noisy images used for predicting null-text guidance and text guidance (subsequently referred to as \textbf{null-text noisy image} and \textbf{text noisy image} respectively) in the sampling process. Back-D achieves cartoonization by altering the noise level of null-text noisy image via replacing $x_t$ with $x_{t+\Delta t}$. Image-D, alternatively, produces high-fidelity, diverse cartoons by defining $x_t$ as a clean input image, which further improves the incorporation of finer image details. Through comprehensive experiments, we delved into the principle of noise disturbing for null-text and uncovered that the efficacy of disturbance depends on the correlation between the null-text noisy image and the source image. Moreover, our proposed techniques, which can generate cartoon images and cartoonize specific ones, are training-free and easily integrated as a plug-and-play component in any classifier-free guided diffusion model. Project page is available at \url{https://nulltextforcartoon.github.io/}.

DNN-Compressed Domain Visual Recognition with Feature Adaptation. (arXiv:2305.08000v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yingpeng Deng, Lina J. Karam

Learning-based image compression was shown to achieve a competitive performance with state-of-the-art transform-based codecs. This motivated the development of new learning-based visual compression standards such as JPEG-AI. Of particular interest to these emerging standards is the development of learning-based image compression systems targeting both humans and machines. This paper is concerned with learning-based compression schemes whose compressed-domain representations can be utilized to perform visual processing and computer vision tasks directly in the compressed domain. In our work, we adopt a learning-based compressed-domain classification framework for performing visual recognition using the compressed-domain latent representation at varying bit-rates. We propose a novel feature adaptation module integrating a lightweight attention model to adaptively emphasize and enhance the key features within the extracted channel-wise information. Also, we design an adaptation training strategy to utilize the pretrained pixel-domain weights. For comparison, in addition to the performance results that are obtained using our proposed latent-based compressed-domain method, we also present performance results using compressed but fully decoded images in the pixel domain as well as original uncompressed images. The obtained performance results show that our proposed compressed-domain classification model can distinctly outperform the existing compressed-domain classification models, and that it can also yield similar accuracy results with a much higher computational efficiency as compared to the pixel-domain models that are trained using fully decoded images.

Learning Sequence Descriptor based on Spatio-Temporal Attention for Visual Place Recognition. (arXiv:2305.11467v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fenglin Zhang, Junqiao Zhao, Yingfeng Cai, Gengxuan Tian, Wenjie Mu, Chen Ye

Visual Place Recognition (VPR) aims to retrieve frames from a geotagged database that are located at the same place as the query frame. To improve the robustness of VPR in perceptually aliasing scenarios, sequence-based VPR methods are proposed. These methods are either based on matching between frame sequences or extracting sequence descriptors for direct retrieval. However, the former is usually based on the assumption of constant velocity, which is difficult to hold in practice, and is computationally expensive and subject to sequence length. Although the latter overcomes these problems, existing sequence descriptors are constructed by aggregating features of multiple frames only, without interaction on temporal information, and thus cannot obtain descriptors with spatio-temporal discrimination. In this paper, we propose a sequence descriptor that effectively incorporates spatio-temporal information. Specifically, spatial attention within the same frame is utilized to learn spatial feature patterns, while attention in corresponding local regions of different frames is utilized to learn the persistence or change of features over time. We use a sliding window to control the temporal range of attention and use relative position encoding to construct sequential relationships between different features. This allows our descriptors to capture the intrinsic dynamics in a sequence of frames. Comprehensive experiments on challenging benchmark datasets show that the proposed approach outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods.

Productive Crop Field Detection: A New Dataset and Deep Learning Benchmark Results. (arXiv:2305.11990v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Eduardo Nascimento, John Just, Jurandy Almeida, Tiago Almeida

In precision agriculture, detecting productive crop fields is an essential practice that allows the farmer to evaluate operating performance separately and compare different seed varieties, pesticides, and fertilizers. However, manually identifying productive fields is often a time-consuming and error-prone task. Previous studies explore different methods to detect crop fields using advanced machine learning algorithms, but they often lack good quality labeled data. In this context, we propose a high-quality dataset generated by machine operation combined with Sentinel-2 images tracked over time. As far as we know, it is the first one to overcome the lack of labeled samples by using this technique. In sequence, we apply a semi-supervised classification of unlabeled data and state-of-the-art supervised and self-supervised deep learning methods to detect productive crop fields automatically. Finally, the results demonstrate high accuracy in Positive Unlabeled learning, which perfectly fits the problem where we have high confidence in the positive samples. Best performances have been found in Triplet Loss Siamese given the existence of an accurate dataset and Contrastive Learning considering situations where we do not have a comprehensive labeled dataset available.

EgoVSR: Towards High-Quality Egocentric Video Super-Resolution. (arXiv:2305.14708v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yichen Chi, Junhao Gu, Jiamiao Zhang, Wenming Yang, Yapeng Tian

Due to the limitations of capture devices and scenarios, egocentric videos frequently have low visual quality, mainly caused by high compression and severe motion blur. With the increasing application of egocentric videos, there is an urgent need to enhance the quality of these videos through super-resolution. However, existing Video Super-Resolution (VSR) works, focusing on third-person view videos, are actually unsuitable for handling blurring artifacts caused by rapid ego-motion and object motion in egocentric videos. To this end, we propose EgoVSR, a VSR framework specifically designed for egocentric videos. We explicitly tackle motion blurs in egocentric videos using a Dual Branch Deblur Network (DB$^2$Net) in the VSR framework. Meanwhile, a blurring mask is introduced to guide the DB$^2$Net learning, and can be used to localize blurred areas in video frames. We also design a MaskNet to predict the mask, as well as a mask loss to optimize the mask estimation. Additionally, an online motion blur synthesis model for common VSR training data is proposed to simulate motion blurs as in egocentric videos. In order to validate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we introduce an EgoVSR dataset containing a large amount of fast-motion egocentric video sequences. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our EgoVSR model can efficiently super-resolve low-quality egocentric videos and outperform strong comparison baselines. Our code, pre-trained models and data can be found at https://github.com/chiyich/EGOVSR/.

TD-GEM: Text-Driven Garment Editing Mapper. (arXiv:2305.18120v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Reza Dadfar, Sanaz Sabzevari, Mårten Björkman, Danica Kragic

Language-based fashion image editing allows users to try out variations of desired garments through provided text prompts. Inspired by research on manipulating latent representations in StyleCLIP and HairCLIP, we focus on these latent spaces for editing fashion items of full-body human datasets. Currently, there is a gap in handling fashion image editing due to the complexity of garment shapes and textures and the diversity of human poses. In this paper, we propose an editing optimizer scheme method called Text-Driven Garment Editing Mapper (TD-GEM), aiming to edit fashion items in a disentangled way. To this end, we initially obtain a latent representation of an image through generative adversarial network inversions such as Encoder for Editing (e4e) or Pivotal Tuning Inversion (PTI) for more accurate results. An optimization-based Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) is then utilized to guide the latent representation of a fashion image in the direction of a target attribute expressed in terms of a text prompt. Our TD-GEM manipulates the image accurately according to the target attribute, while other parts of the image are kept untouched. In the experiments, we evaluate TD-GEM on two different attributes (i.e., "color" and "sleeve length"), which effectively generates realistic images compared to the recent manipulation schemes.

Event-based Stereo Visual Odometry with Native Temporal Resolution via Continuous-time Gaussian Process Regression. (arXiv:2306.01188v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianeng Wang, Jonathan D. Gammell

Event-based cameras asynchronously capture individual visual changes in a scene. This makes them more robust than traditional frame-based cameras to highly dynamic motions and poor illumination. It also means that every measurement in a scene can occur at a unique time.

Handling these different measurement times is a major challenge of using event-based cameras. It is often addressed in visual odometry (VO) pipelines by approximating temporally close measurements as occurring at one common time. This grouping simplifies the estimation problem but, absent additional sensors, sacrifices the inherent temporal resolution of event-based cameras.

This paper instead presents a complete stereo VO pipeline that estimates directly with individual event-measurement times without requiring any grouping or approximation in the estimation state. It uses continuous-time trajectory estimation to maintain the temporal fidelity and asynchronous nature of event-based cameras through Gaussian process regression with a physically motivated prior. Its performance is evaluated on the MVSEC dataset, where it achieves 7.9e-3 and 5.9e-3 RMS relative error on two independent sequences, outperforming the existing publicly available event-based stereo VO pipeline by two and four times, respectively.

Learning Landmarks Motion from Speech for Speaker-Agnostic 3D Talking Heads Generation. (arXiv:2306.01415v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Federico Nocentini, Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti

This paper presents a novel approach for generating 3D talking heads from raw audio inputs. Our method grounds on the idea that speech related movements can be comprehensively and efficiently described by the motion of a few control points located on the movable parts of the face, i.e., landmarks. The underlying musculoskeletal structure then allows us to learn how their motion influences the geometrical deformations of the whole face. The proposed method employs two distinct models to this aim: the first one learns to generate the motion of a sparse set of landmarks from the given audio. The second model expands such landmarks motion to a dense motion field, which is utilized to animate a given 3D mesh in neutral state. Additionally, we introduce a novel loss function, named Cosine Loss, which minimizes the angle between the generated motion vectors and the ground truth ones. Using landmarks in 3D talking head generation offers various advantages such as consistency, reliability, and obviating the need for manual-annotation. Our approach is designed to be identity-agnostic, enabling high-quality facial animations for any users without additional data or training.

Table and Image Generation for Investigating Knowledge of Entities in Pre-trained Vision and Language Models. (arXiv:2306.02115v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hidetaka Kamigaito, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Taro Watanabe

In this paper, we propose a table and image generation task to verify how the knowledge about entities acquired from natural language is retained in Vision & Language (V&L) models. This task consists of two parts: the first is to generate a table containing knowledge about an entity and its related image, and the second is to generate an image from an entity with a caption and a table containing related knowledge of the entity. In both tasks, the model must know the entities used to perform the generation properly. We created the Wikipedia Table and Image Generation (WikiTIG) dataset from about 200,000 infoboxes in English Wikipedia articles to perform the proposed tasks. We evaluated the performance on the tasks with respect to the above research question using the V&L model OFA, which has achieved state-of-the-art results in multiple tasks. Experimental results show that OFA forgets part of its entity knowledge by pre-training as a complement to improve the performance of image related tasks.

FlipNeRF: Flipped Reflection Rays for Few-shot Novel View Synthesis. (arXiv:2306.17723v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Seunghyeon Seo, Yeonjin Chang, Nojun Kwak

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has been a mainstream in novel view synthesis with its remarkable quality of rendered images and simple architecture. Although NeRF has been developed in various directions improving continuously its performance, the necessity of a dense set of multi-view images still exists as a stumbling block to progress for practical application. In this work, we propose FlipNeRF, a novel regularization method for few-shot novel view synthesis by utilizing our proposed flipped reflection rays. The flipped reflection rays are explicitly derived from the input ray directions and estimated normal vectors, and play a role of effective additional training rays while enabling to estimate more accurate surface normals and learn the 3D geometry effectively. Since the surface normal and the scene depth are both derived from the estimated densities along a ray, the accurate surface normal leads to more exact depth estimation, which is a key factor for few-shot novel view synthesis. Furthermore, with our proposed Uncertainty-aware Emptiness Loss and Bottleneck Feature Consistency Loss, FlipNeRF is able to estimate more reliable outputs with reducing floating artifacts effectively across the different scene structures, and enhance the feature-level consistency between the pair of the rays cast toward the photo-consistent pixels without any additional feature extractor, respectively. Our FlipNeRF achieves the SOTA performance on the multiple benchmarks across all the scenarios.

DifFSS: Diffusion Model for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2307.00773v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weimin Tan, Siyuan Chen, Bo Yan

Diffusion models have demonstrated excellent performance in image generation. Although various few-shot semantic segmentation (FSS) models with different network structures have been proposed, performance improvement has reached a bottleneck. This paper presents the first work to leverage the diffusion model for FSS task, called DifFSS. DifFSS, a novel FSS paradigm, can further improve the performance of the state-of-the-art FSS models by a large margin without modifying their network structure. Specifically, we utilize the powerful generation ability of diffusion models to generate diverse auxiliary support images by using the semantic mask, scribble or soft HED boundary of the support image as control conditions. This generation process simulates the variety within the class of the query image, such as color, texture variation, lighting, $etc$. As a result, FSS models can refer to more diverse support images, yielding more robust representations, thereby achieving a consistent improvement in segmentation performance. Extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets based on existing advanced FSS models demonstrate the effectiveness of the diffusion model for FSS task. Furthermore, we explore in detail the impact of different input settings of the diffusion model on segmentation performance. Hopefully, this completely new paradigm will bring inspiration to the study of FSS task integrated with AI-generated content.

MDViT: Multi-domain Vision Transformer for Small Medical Image Segmentation Datasets. (arXiv:2307.02100v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyi Du, Nourhan Bayasi, Ghassan Harmarneh, Rafeef Garbi

Despite its clinical utility, medical image segmentation (MIS) remains a daunting task due to images' inherent complexity and variability. Vision transformers (ViTs) have recently emerged as a promising solution to improve MIS; however, they require larger training datasets than convolutional neural networks. To overcome this obstacle, data-efficient ViTs were proposed, but they are typically trained using a single source of data, which overlooks the valuable knowledge that could be leveraged from other available datasets. Naivly combining datasets from different domains can result in negative knowledge transfer (NKT), i.e., a decrease in model performance on some domains with non-negligible inter-domain heterogeneity. In this paper, we propose MDViT, the first multi-domain ViT that includes domain adapters to mitigate data-hunger and combat NKT by adaptively exploiting knowledge in multiple small data resources (domains). Further, to enhance representation learning across domains, we integrate a mutual knowledge distillation paradigm that transfers knowledge between a universal network (spanning all the domains) and auxiliary domain-specific branches. Experiments on 4 skin lesion segmentation datasets show that MDViT outperforms state-of-the-art algorithms, with superior segmentation performance and a fixed model size, at inference time, even as more domains are added. Our code is available at https://github.com/siyi-wind/MDViT.

SAS Video-QA: Self-Adaptive Sampling for Efficient Video Question-Answering. (arXiv:2307.04192v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Han, Hui Chen, Min-Yen Kan, Soujanya Poria

Video question--answering is a fundamental task in the field of video understanding. Although current vision--language models (VLMs) equipped with Video Transformers have enabled temporal modeling and yielded superior results, they are at the cost of huge computational power and thus too expensive to deploy in real-time application scenarios. An economical workaround only samples a small portion of frames to represent the main content of that video and tune an image--text model on these sampled frames. Recent video understanding models usually randomly sample a set of frames or clips, regardless of internal correlations between their visual contents, nor their relevance to the problem. We argue that such kinds of aimless sampling may omit the key frames from which the correct answer can be deduced, and the situation gets worse when the sampling sparsity increases, which always happens as the video lengths increase. To mitigate this issue, we propose two frame sampling strategies, namely the most domain frames (MDF) and most implied frames (MIF), to maximally preserve those frames that are most likely vital to the given questions. MDF passively minimizes the risk of key frame omission in a bootstrap manner, while MIS actively searches key frames customized for each video--question pair with the assistance of auxiliary models. The experimental results on three public datasets from three advanced VLMs (CLIP, GIT and All-in-one) demonstrate that our proposed strategies can boost the performance for image--text pretrained models. The source codes pertaining to the method proposed in this paper are publicly available at https://github.com/declare-lab/sas-vqa.

PKU-GoodsAD: A Supermarket Goods Dataset for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection and Segmentation. (arXiv:2307.04956v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jian Zhang, Runwei Ding, Miaoju Ban, Ge Yang

Visual anomaly detection is essential and commonly used for many tasks in the field of computer vision. Recent anomaly detection datasets mainly focus on industrial automated inspection, medical image analysis and video surveillance. In order to broaden the application and research of anomaly detection in unmanned supermarkets and smart manufacturing, we introduce the supermarket goods anomaly detection (GoodsAD) dataset. It contains 6124 high-resolution images of 484 different appearance goods divided into 6 categories. Each category contains several common different types of anomalies such as deformation, surface damage and opened. Anomalies contain both texture changes and structural changes. It follows the unsupervised setting and only normal (defect-free) images are used for training. Pixel-precise ground truth regions are provided for all anomalies. Moreover, we also conduct a thorough evaluation of current state-of-the-art unsupervised anomaly detection methods. This initial benchmark indicates that some methods which perform well on the industrial anomaly detection dataset (e.g., MVTec AD), show poor performance on our dataset. This is a comprehensive, multi-object dataset for supermarket goods anomaly detection that focuses on real-world applications.

MMBench: Is Your Multi-modal Model an All-around Player?. (arXiv:2307.06281v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuan Liu, Haodong Duan, Yuanhan Zhang, Bo Li, Songyang Zhang, Wangbo Zhao, Yike Yuan, Jiaqi Wang, Conghui He, Ziwei Liu, Kai Chen, Dahua Lin

Large vision-language models have recently achieved remarkable progress, exhibiting great perception and reasoning abilities concerning visual information. However, how to effectively evaluate these large vision-language models remains a major obstacle, hindering future model development. Traditional benchmarks like VQAv2 or COCO Caption provide quantitative performance measurements but suffer from a lack of fine-grained ability assessment and non-robust evaluation metrics. Recent subjective benchmarks, such as OwlEval, offer comprehensive evaluations of a model's abilities by incorporating human labor, but they are not scalable and display significant bias. In response to these challenges, we propose MMBench, a novel multi-modality benchmark. MMBench methodically develops a comprehensive evaluation pipeline, primarily comprised of two elements. The first element is a meticulously curated dataset that surpasses existing similar benchmarks in terms of the number and variety of evaluation questions and abilities. The second element introduces a novel CircularEval strategy and incorporates the use of ChatGPT. This implementation is designed to convert free-form predictions into pre-defined choices, thereby facilitating a more robust evaluation of the model's predictions. MMBench is a systematically-designed objective benchmark for robustly evaluating the various abilities of vision-language models. We hope MMBench will assist the research community in better evaluating their models and encourage future advancements in this domain. Project page: https://opencompass.org.cn/mmbench.

Reinforced Disentanglement for Face Swapping without Skip Connection. (arXiv:2307.07928v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaohang Ren, Xingyu Chen, Pengfei Yao, Heung-Yeung Shum, Baoyuan Wang

The SOTA face swap models still suffer the problem of either target identity (i.e., shape) being leaked or the target non-identity attributes (i.e., background, hair) failing to be fully preserved in the final results. We show that this insufficient disentanglement is caused by two flawed designs that were commonly adopted in prior models: (1) counting on only one compressed encoder to represent both the semantic-level non-identity facial attributes(i.e., pose) and the pixel-level non-facial region details, which is contradictory to satisfy at the same time; (2) highly relying on long skip-connections between the encoder and the final generator, leaking a certain amount of target face identity into the result. To fix them, we introduce a new face swap framework called 'WSC-swap' that gets rid of skip connections and uses two target encoders to respectively capture the pixel-level non-facial region attributes and the semantic non-identity attributes in the face region. To further reinforce the disentanglement learning for the target encoder, we employ both identity removal loss via adversarial training (i.e., GAN) and the non-identity preservation loss via prior 3DMM models like [11]. Extensive experiments on both FaceForensics++ and CelebA-HQ show that our results significantly outperform previous works on a rich set of metrics, including one novel metric for measuring identity consistency that was completely neglected before.

Scale-Aware Modulation Meet Transformer. (arXiv:2307.08579v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weifeng Lin, Ziheng Wu, Jiayu Chen, Jun Huang, Lianwen Jin

This paper presents a new vision Transformer, Scale-Aware Modulation Transformer (SMT), that can handle various downstream tasks efficiently by combining the convolutional network and vision Transformer. The proposed Scale-Aware Modulation (SAM) in the SMT includes two primary novel designs. Firstly, we introduce the Multi-Head Mixed Convolution (MHMC) module, which can capture multi-scale features and expand the receptive field. Secondly, we propose the Scale-Aware Aggregation (SAA) module, which is lightweight but effective, enabling information fusion across different heads. By leveraging these two modules, convolutional modulation is further enhanced. Furthermore, in contrast to prior works that utilized modulations throughout all stages to build an attention-free network, we propose an Evolutionary Hybrid Network (EHN), which can effectively simulate the shift from capturing local to global dependencies as the network becomes deeper, resulting in superior performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SMT significantly outperforms existing state-of-the-art models across a wide range of visual tasks. Specifically, SMT with 11.5M / 2.4GFLOPs and 32M / 7.7GFLOPs can achieve 82.2% and 84.3% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet-1K, respectively. After pretrained on ImageNet-22K in 224^2 resolution, it attains 87.1% and 88.1% top-1 accuracy when finetuned with resolution 224^2 and 384^2, respectively. For object detection with Mask R-CNN, the SMT base trained with 1x and 3x schedule outperforms the Swin Transformer counterpart by 4.2 and 1.3 mAP on COCO, respectively. For semantic segmentation with UPerNet, the SMT base test at single- and multi-scale surpasses Swin by 2.0 and 1.1 mIoU respectively on the ADE20K.

AMAE: Adaptation of Pre-Trained Masked Autoencoder for Dual-Distribution Anomaly Detection in Chest X-Rays. (arXiv:2307.12721v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Behzad Bozorgtabar, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Jean-Philippe Thiran

Unsupervised anomaly detection in medical images such as chest radiographs is stepping into the spotlight as it mitigates the scarcity of the labor-intensive and costly expert annotation of anomaly data. However, nearly all existing methods are formulated as a one-class classification trained only on representations from the normal class and discard a potentially significant portion of the unlabeled data. This paper focuses on a more practical setting, dual distribution anomaly detection for chest X-rays, using the entire training data, including both normal and unlabeled images. Inspired by a modern self-supervised vision transformer model trained using partial image inputs to reconstruct missing image regions -- we propose AMAE, a two-stage algorithm for adaptation of the pre-trained masked autoencoder (MAE). Starting from MAE initialization, AMAE first creates synthetic anomalies from only normal training images and trains a lightweight classifier on frozen transformer features. Subsequently, we propose an adaptation strategy to leverage unlabeled images containing anomalies. The adaptation scheme is accomplished by assigning pseudo-labels to unlabeled images and using two separate MAE based modules to model the normative and anomalous distributions of pseudo-labeled images. The effectiveness of the proposed adaptation strategy is evaluated with different anomaly ratios in an unlabeled training set. AMAE leads to consistent performance gains over competing self-supervised and dual distribution anomaly detection methods, setting the new state-of-the-art on three public chest X-ray benchmarks: RSNA, NIH-CXR, and VinDr-CXR.

Hierarchical Skeleton Meta-Prototype Contrastive Learning with Hard Skeleton Mining for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification. (arXiv:2307.12917v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haocong Rao, Cyril Leung, Chunyan Miao

With rapid advancements in depth sensors and deep learning, skeleton-based person re-identification (re-ID) models have recently achieved remarkable progress with many advantages. Most existing solutions learn single-level skeleton features from body joints with the assumption of equal skeleton importance, while they typically lack the ability to exploit more informative skeleton features from various levels such as limb level with more global body patterns. The label dependency of these methods also limits their flexibility in learning more general skeleton representations. This paper proposes a generic unsupervised Hierarchical skeleton Meta-Prototype Contrastive learning (Hi-MPC) approach with Hard Skeleton Mining (HSM) for person re-ID with unlabeled 3D skeletons. Firstly, we construct hierarchical representations of skeletons to model coarse-to-fine body and motion features from the levels of body joints, components, and limbs. Then a hierarchical meta-prototype contrastive learning model is proposed to cluster and contrast the most typical skeleton features ("prototypes") from different-level skeletons. By converting original prototypes into meta-prototypes with multiple homogeneous transformations, we induce the model to learn the inherent consistency of prototypes to capture more effective skeleton features for person re-ID. Furthermore, we devise a hard skeleton mining mechanism to adaptively infer the informative importance of each skeleton, so as to focus on harder skeletons to learn more discriminative skeleton representations. Extensive evaluations on five datasets demonstrate that our approach outperforms a wide variety of state-of-the-art skeleton-based methods. We further show the general applicability of our method to cross-view person re-ID and RGB-based scenarios with estimated skeletons.

AdjointDPM: Adjoint Sensitivity Method for Gradient Backpropagation of Diffusion Probabilistic Models. (arXiv:2307.10711v2 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Jiachun Pan, Jun Hao Liew, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Jiashi Feng, Hanshu Yan

Existing customization methods require access to multiple reference examples to align pre-trained diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) with user-provided concepts. This paper aims to address the challenge of DPM customization when the only available supervision is a differentiable metric defined on the generated contents. Since the sampling procedure of DPMs involves recursive calls to the denoising UNet, na\"ive gradient backpropagation requires storing the intermediate states of all iterations, resulting in extremely high memory consumption. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel method AdjointDPM, which first generates new samples from diffusion models by solving the corresponding probability-flow ODEs. It then uses the adjoint sensitivity method to backpropagate the gradients of the loss to the models' parameters (including conditioning signals, network weights, and initial noises) by solving another augmented ODE. To reduce numerical errors in both the forward generation and gradient backpropagation processes, we further reparameterize the probability-flow ODE and augmented ODE as simple non-stiff ODEs using exponential integration. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of AdjointDPM on three interesting tasks: converting visual effects into identification text embeddings, finetuning DPMs for specific types of stylization, and optimizing initial noise to generate adversarial samples for security auditing.