Deployment of Leader-Follower Automated Vehicle Systems for Smart Work Zone Applications with a Queuing-based Traffic Assignment Approach. (arXiv:2308.03764v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Qing Tang, Xianbiao Hu

The emerging technology of the Autonomous Truck Mounted Attenuator (ATMA), a leader-follower style vehicle system, utilizes connected and automated vehicle capabilities to enhance safety during transportation infrastructure maintenance in work zones. However, the speed difference between ATMA vehicles and general vehicles creates a moving bottleneck that reduces capacity and increases queue length, resulting in additional delays. The different routes taken by ATMA cause diverse patterns of time-varying capacity drops, which may affect the user equilibrium traffic assignment and lead to different system costs. This manuscript focuses on optimizing the routing for ATMA vehicles in a network to minimize the system cost associated with the slow-moving operation.

To achieve this, a queuing-based traffic assignment approach is proposed to identify the system cost caused by the ATMA system. A queuing-based time-dependent (QBTD) travel time function, considering capacity drop, is introduced and applied in the static user equilibrium traffic assignment problem, with a result of adding dynamic characteristics. Subsequently, we formulate the queuing-based traffic assignment problem and solve it using a modified path-based algorithm. The methodology is validated using a small-size and a large-size network and compared with two benchmark models to analyze the benefit of capacity drop modeling and QBTD travel time function. Furthermore, the approach is applied to quantify the impact of different routes on the traffic system and identify an optimal route for ATMA vehicles performing maintenance work. Finally, sensitivity analysis is conducted to explore how the impact changes with variations in traffic demand and capacity reduction.

AMaizeD: An End to End Pipeline for Automatic Maize Disease Detection. (arXiv:2308.03766v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Anish Mall, Sanchit Kabra, Ankur Lhila, Pawan Ajmera

This research paper presents AMaizeD: An End to End Pipeline for Automatic Maize Disease Detection, an automated framework for early detection of diseases in maize crops using multispectral imagery obtained from drones. A custom hand-collected dataset focusing specifically on maize crops was meticulously gathered by expert researchers and agronomists. The dataset encompasses a diverse range of maize varieties, cultivation practices, and environmental conditions, capturing various stages of maize growth and disease progression. By leveraging multispectral imagery, the framework benefits from improved spectral resolution and increased sensitivity to subtle changes in plant health. The proposed framework employs a combination of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) as feature extractors and segmentation techniques to identify both the maize plants and their associated diseases. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the framework in detecting a range of maize diseases, including powdery mildew, anthracnose, and leaf blight. The framework achieves state-of-the-art performance on the custom hand-collected dataset and contributes to the field of automated disease detection in agriculture, offering a practical solution for early identification of diseases in maize crops advanced machine learning techniques and deep learning architectures.

Enhancing image captioning with depth information using a Transformer-based framework. (arXiv:2308.03767v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Aya Mahmoud Ahmed, Mohamed Yousef, Khaled F. Hussain, Yousef Bassyouni Mahdy

Captioning images is a challenging scene-understanding task that connects computer vision and natural language processing. While image captioning models have been successful in producing excellent descriptions, the field has primarily focused on generating a single sentence for 2D images. This paper investigates whether integrating depth information with RGB images can enhance the captioning task and generate better descriptions. For this purpose, we propose a Transformer-based encoder-decoder framework for generating a multi-sentence description of a 3D scene. The RGB image and its corresponding depth map are provided as inputs to our framework, which combines them to produce a better understanding of the input scene. Depth maps could be ground truth or estimated, which makes our framework widely applicable to any RGB captioning dataset. We explored different fusion approaches to fuse RGB and depth images. The experiments are performed on the NYU-v2 dataset and the Stanford image paragraph captioning dataset. During our work with the NYU-v2 dataset, we found inconsistent labeling that prevents the benefit of using depth information to enhance the captioning task. The results were even worse than using RGB images only. As a result, we propose a cleaned version of the NYU-v2 dataset that is more consistent and informative. Our results on both datasets demonstrate that the proposed framework effectively benefits from depth information, whether it is ground truth or estimated, and generates better captions. Code, pre-trained models, and the cleaned version of the NYU-v2 dataset will be made publically available.

Towards Integrated Traffic Control with Operating Decentralized Autonomous Organization. (arXiv:2308.03769v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Shengyue Yao, Jingru Yu, Yi Yu, Jia Xu, Xingyuan Dai, Honghai Li, Fei-Yue Wang, Yilun Lin

With a growing complexity of the intelligent traffic system (ITS), an integrated control of ITS that is capable of considering plentiful heterogeneous intelligent agents is desired. However, existing control methods based on the centralized or the decentralized scheme have not presented their competencies in considering the optimality and the scalability simultaneously. To address this issue, we propose an integrated control method based on the framework of Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). The proposed method achieves a global consensus on energy consumption efficiency (ECE), meanwhile to optimize the local objectives of all involved intelligent agents, through a consensus and incentive mechanism. Furthermore, an operation algorithm is proposed regarding the issue of structural rigidity in DAO. Specifically, the proposed operation approach identifies critical agents to execute the smart contract in DAO, which ultimately extends the capability of DAO-based control. In addition, a numerical experiment is designed to examine the performance of the proposed method. The experiment results indicate that the controlled agents can achieve a consensus faster on the global objective with improved local objectives by the proposed method, compare to existing decentralized control methods. In general, the proposed method shows a great potential in developing an integrated control system in the ITS

Visual Saliency Detection in Advanced Driver Assistance Systems. (arXiv:2308.03770v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Francesco Rundo, Michael Sebastian Rundo, Concetto Spampinato

Visual Saliency refers to the innate human mechanism of focusing on and extracting important features from the observed environment. Recently, there has been a notable surge of interest in the field of automotive research regarding the estimation of visual saliency. While operating a vehicle, drivers naturally direct their attention towards specific objects, employing brain-driven saliency mechanisms that prioritize certain elements over others. In this investigation, we present an intelligent system that combines a drowsiness detection system for drivers with a scene comprehension pipeline based on saliency. To achieve this, we have implemented a specialized 3D deep network for semantic segmentation, which has been pretrained and tailored for processing the frames captured by an automotive-grade external camera. The proposed pipeline was hosted on an embedded platform utilizing the STA1295 core, featuring ARM A7 dual-cores, and embeds an hardware accelerator. Additionally, we employ an innovative biosensor embedded on the car steering wheel to monitor the driver drowsiness, gathering the PhotoPlethysmoGraphy (PPG) signal of the driver. A dedicated 1D temporal deep convolutional network has been devised to classify the collected PPG time-series, enabling us to assess the driver level of attentiveness. Ultimately, we compare the determined attention level of the driver with the corresponding saliency-based scene classification to evaluate the overall safety level. The efficacy of the proposed pipeline has been validated through extensive experimental results.

Improved Neural Radiance Fields Using Pseudo-depth and Fusion. (arXiv:2308.03772v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jingliang Li, Qiang Zhou, Chaohui Yu, Zhengda Lu, Jun Xiao, Zhibin Wang, Fan Wang

Since the advent of Neural Radiance Fields, novel view synthesis has received tremendous attention. The existing approach for the generalization of radiance field reconstruction primarily constructs an encoding volume from nearby source images as additional inputs. However, these approaches cannot efficiently encode the geometric information of real scenes with various scale objects/structures. In this work, we propose constructing multi-scale encoding volumes and providing multi-scale geometry information to NeRF models. To make the constructed volumes as close as possible to the surfaces of objects in the scene and the rendered depth more accurate, we propose to perform depth prediction and radiance field reconstruction simultaneously. The predicted depth map will be used to supervise the rendered depth, narrow the depth range, and guide points sampling. Finally, the geometric information contained in point volume features may be inaccurate due to occlusion, lighting, etc. To this end, we propose enhancing the point volume feature from depth-guided neighbor feature fusion. Experiments demonstrate the superior performance of our method in both novel view synthesis and dense geometry modeling without per-scene optimization.

Goodness-of-Fit of Attributed Probabilistic Graph Generative Models. (arXiv:2308.03773v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Pablo Robles-Granda, Katherine Tsai, Oluwasanmi Koyejo

Probabilistic generative models of graphs are important tools that enable representation and sampling. Many recent works have created probabilistic models of graphs that are capable of representing not only entity interactions but also their attributes. However, given a generative model of random attributed graph(s), the general conditions that establish goodness of fit are not clear a-priori. In this paper, we define goodness of fit in terms of the mean square contingency coefficient for random binary networks. For this statistic, we outline a procedure for assessing the quality of the structure of a learned attributed graph by ensuring that the discrepancy of the mean square contingency coefficient (constant, or random) is minimal with high probability. We apply these criteria to verify the representation capability of a probabilistic generative model for various popular types of graph models.

Bio+Clinical BERT, BERT Base, and CNN Performance Comparison for Predicting Drug-Review Satisfaction. (arXiv:2308.03782v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yue Ling

The objective of this study is to develop natural language processing (NLP) models that can analyze patients' drug reviews and accurately classify their satisfaction levels as positive, neutral, or negative. Such models would reduce the workload of healthcare professionals and provide greater insight into patients' quality of life, which is a critical indicator of treatment effectiveness. To achieve this, we implemented and evaluated several classification models, including a BERT base model, Bio+Clinical BERT, and a simpler CNN. Results indicate that the medical domain-specific Bio+Clinical BERT model significantly outperformed the general domain base BERT model, achieving macro f1 and recall score improvement of 11%, as shown in Table 2. Future research could explore how to capitalize on the specific strengths of each model. Bio+Clinical BERT excels in overall performance, particularly with medical jargon, while the simpler CNN demonstrates the ability to identify crucial words and accurately classify sentiment in texts with conflicting sentiments.

Semantic Channel Equalizer: Modelling Language Mismatch in Multi-User Semantic Communications. (arXiv:2308.03789v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Mohamed Sana, Emilio Calvanese Strinati

We consider a multi-user semantic communications system in which agents (transmitters and receivers) interact through the exchange of semantic messages to convey meanings. In this context, languages are instrumental in structuring the construction and consolidation of knowledge, influencing conceptual representation and semantic extraction and interpretation. Yet, the crucial role of languages in semantic communications is often overlooked. When this is not the case, agent languages are assumed compatible and unambiguously interoperable, ignoring practical limitations that may arise due to language mismatching. This is the focus of this work. When agents use distinct languages, message interpretation is prone to semantic noise resulting from critical distortion introduced by semantic channels. To address this problem, this paper proposes a new semantic channel equalizer to counteract and limit the critical ambiguity in message interpretation. Our proposed solution models the mismatch of languages with measurable transformations over semantic representation spaces. We achieve this using optimal transport theory, where we model such transformations as transportation maps. Then, to recover at the receiver the meaning intended by the teacher we operate semantic equalization to compensate for the transformation introduced by the semantic channel, either before transmission and/or after the reception of semantic messages. We implement the proposed approach as an operation over a codebook of transformations specifically designed for successful communication. Numerical results show that the proposed semantic channel equalizer outperforms traditional approaches in terms of operational complexity and transmission accuracy.

Textual Data Mining for Financial Fraud Detection: A Deep Learning Approach. (arXiv:2308.03800v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Qiuru Li

In this report, I present a deep learning approach to conduct a natural language processing (hereafter NLP) binary classification task for analyzing financial-fraud texts. First, I searched for regulatory announcements and enforcement bulletins from HKEX news to define fraudulent companies and to extract their MD&A reports before I organized the sentences from the reports with labels and reporting time. My methodology involved different kinds of neural network models, including Multilayer Perceptrons with Embedding layers, vanilla Recurrent Neural Network (RNN), Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM), and Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) for the text classification task. By utilizing this diverse set of models, I aim to perform a comprehensive comparison of their accuracy in detecting financial fraud. My results bring significant implications for financial fraud detection as this work contributes to the growing body of research at the intersection of deep learning, NLP, and finance, providing valuable insights for industry practitioners, regulators, and researchers in the pursuit of more robust and effective fraud detection methodologies.

Weakly Supervised Multi-Task Representation Learning for Human Activity Analysis Using Wearables. (arXiv:2308.03805v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Taoran Sheng, Manfred Huber

Sensor data streams from wearable devices and smart environments are widely studied in areas like human activity recognition (HAR), person identification, or health monitoring. However, most of the previous works in activity and sensor stream analysis have been focusing on one aspect of the data, e.g. only recognizing the type of the activity or only identifying the person who performed the activity. We instead propose an approach that uses a weakly supervised multi-output siamese network that learns to map the data into multiple representation spaces, where each representation space focuses on one aspect of the data. The representation vectors of the data samples are positioned in the space such that the data with the same semantic meaning in that aspect are closely located to each other. Therefore, as demonstrated with a set of experiments, the trained model can provide metrics for clustering data based on multiple aspects, allowing it to address multiple tasks simultaneously and even to outperform single task supervised methods in many situations. In addition, further experiments are presented that in more detail analyze the effect of the architecture and of using multiple tasks within this framework, that investigate the scalability of the model to include additional tasks, and that demonstrate the ability of the framework to combine data for which only partial relationship information with respect to the target tasks is available.

High-Resolution Cranial Defect Reconstruction by Iterative, Low-Resolution, Point Cloud Completion Transformers. (arXiv:2308.03813v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Marek Wodzinski, Mateusz Daniol, Daria Hemmerling, Miroslaw Socha

Each year thousands of people suffer from various types of cranial injuries and require personalized implants whose manual design is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, an automatic, dedicated system to increase the availability of personalized cranial reconstruction is highly desirable. The problem of the automatic cranial defect reconstruction can be formulated as the shape completion task and solved using dedicated deep networks. Currently, the most common approach is to use the volumetric representation and apply deep networks dedicated to image segmentation. However, this approach has several limitations and does not scale well into high-resolution volumes, nor takes into account the data sparsity. In our work, we reformulate the problem into a point cloud completion task. We propose an iterative, transformer-based method to reconstruct the cranial defect at any resolution while also being fast and resource-efficient during training and inference. We compare the proposed methods to the state-of-the-art volumetric approaches and show superior performance in terms of GPU memory consumption while maintaining high-quality of the reconstructed defects.

Recurrent Multi-scale Transformer for High-Resolution Salient Object Detection. (arXiv:2308.03826v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinhao Deng, Pingping Zhang, Wei Liu, Huchuan Lu

Salient Object Detection (SOD) aims to identify and segment the most conspicuous objects in an image or video. As an important pre-processing step, it has many potential applications in multimedia and vision tasks. With the advance of imaging devices, SOD with high-resolution images is of great demand, recently. However, traditional SOD methods are largely limited to low-resolution images, making them difficult to adapt to the development of High-Resolution SOD (HRSOD). Although some HRSOD methods emerge, there are no large enough datasets for training and evaluating. Besides, current HRSOD methods generally produce incomplete object regions and irregular object boundaries. To address above issues, in this work, we first propose a new HRS10K dataset, which contains 10,500 high-quality annotated images at 2K-8K resolution. As far as we know, it is the largest dataset for the HRSOD task, which will significantly help future works in training and evaluating models. Furthermore, to improve the HRSOD performance, we propose a novel Recurrent Multi-scale Transformer (RMFormer), which recurrently utilizes shared Transformers and multi-scale refinement architectures. Thus, high-resolution saliency maps can be generated with the guidance of lower-resolution predictions. Extensive experiments on both high-resolution and low-resolution benchmarks show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed framework. The source code and dataset are released at:

Revisiting Prompt Engineering via Declarative Crowdsourcing. (arXiv:2308.03854v1 [cs.DB])

Authors: Aditya G. Parameswaran, Shreya Shankar, Parth Asawa, Naman Jain, Yujie Wang

Large language models (LLMs) are incredibly powerful at comprehending and generating data in the form of text, but are brittle and error-prone. There has been an advent of toolkits and recipes centered around so-called prompt engineering-the process of asking an LLM to do something via a series of prompts. However, for LLM-powered data processing workflows, in particular, optimizing for quality, while keeping cost bounded, is a tedious, manual process. We put forth a vision for declarative prompt engineering. We view LLMs like crowd workers and leverage ideas from the declarative crowdsourcing literature-including leveraging multiple prompting strategies, ensuring internal consistency, and exploring hybrid-LLM-non-LLM approaches-to make prompt engineering a more principled process. Preliminary case studies on sorting, entity resolution, and imputation demonstrate the promise of our approach

Mobile Supply: The Last Piece of Jigsaw of Recommender System. (arXiv:2308.03855v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Zhenhao Jiang, Biao Zeng, Hao Feng, Jin Liu, Jie Zhang, Jia Jia, Ning Hu

Recommendation system is a fundamental functionality of online platforms. With the development of computing power of mobile phones, some researchers have deployed recommendation algorithms on users' devices to solve the problems of data transmission delay and pagination mechanism. However, the existing edge-side mobile rankings cannot completely solve the problem of pagination mechanism. The mobile rankings can only sort the items on the current page, so it will not work if it is called once or twice. Besides, after the user has viewed the items of interest to the user on the current page, the user refresh to get a new page of items. This will make the mobile ranking model do a lot of useless work and affect the user's immersive experience. In order to solve the pagination mechanism problem, we propose a completely new module in the pipeline of recommender named Mobile Supply. The pipeline of recommender system is extended to "retrival->pre-ranking->ranking->re-ranking->Mobile Supply->mobile ranking". Specifically, we introduce the concept of list value and use point-wise method to approximate list-wise estimation. We also design a new mobile ranking named device-aware mobile ranking considering the difference of mobile devices tailored to the new pipeline. Extensive offline and online experiments show the superiority of our proposed method and prove that Mobile Supply can further improve the performance of edge-side recommender system and user experience. Mobile Supply has been deployed on the homepage page of a large-scale online food platform and has yielded considerable profits in our business.

Trusting Language Models in Education. (arXiv:2308.03866v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jogi Suda Neto, Li Deng, Thejaswi Raya, Reza Shahbazi, Nick Liu, Adhitya Venkatesh, Miral Shah, Neeru Khosla, Rodrigo Capobianco Guido

Language Models are being widely used in Education. Even though modern deep learning models achieve very good performance on question-answering tasks, sometimes they make errors. To avoid misleading students by showing wrong answers, it is important to calibrate the confidence - that is, the prediction probability - of these models. In our work, we propose to use an XGBoost on top of BERT to output the corrected probabilities, using features based on the attention mechanism. Our hypothesis is that the level of uncertainty contained in the flow of attention is related to the quality of the model's response itself.

Guarding the Guardians: Automated Analysis of Online Child Sexual Abuse. (arXiv:2308.03880v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Juanita Puentes, Angela Castillo, Wilmar Osejo, Yuly Calderón, Viviana Quintero, Lina Saldarriaga, Diana Agudelo, Pablo Arbeláez

Online violence against children has increased globally recently, demanding urgent attention. Competent authorities manually analyze abuse complaints to comprehend crime dynamics and identify patterns. However, the manual analysis of these complaints presents a challenge because it exposes analysts to harmful content during the review process. Given these challenges, we present a novel solution, an automated tool designed to analyze children's sexual abuse reports comprehensively. By automating the analysis process, our tool significantly reduces the risk of exposure to harmful content by categorizing the reports on three dimensions: Subject, Degree of Criminality, and Damage. Furthermore, leveraging our multidisciplinary team's expertise, we introduce a novel approach to annotate the collected data, enabling a more in-depth analysis of the reports. This approach improves the comprehension of fundamental patterns and trends, enabling law enforcement agencies and policymakers to create focused strategies in the fight against children's violence.

Exploiting Generalization in Offline Reinforcement Learning via Unseen State Augmentations. (arXiv:2308.03882v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Nirbhay Modhe, Qiaozi Gao, Ashwin Kalyan, Dhruv Batra, Govind Thattai, Gaurav Sukhatme

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) methods strike a balance between exploration and exploitation by conservative value estimation -- penalizing values of unseen states and actions. Model-free methods penalize values at all unseen actions, while model-based methods are able to further exploit unseen states via model rollouts. However, such methods are handicapped in their ability to find unseen states far away from the available offline data due to two factors -- (a) very short rollout horizons in models due to cascading model errors, and (b) model rollouts originating solely from states observed in offline data. We relax the second assumption and present a novel unseen state augmentation strategy to allow exploitation of unseen states where the learned model and value estimates generalize. Our strategy finds unseen states by value-informed perturbations of seen states followed by filtering out states with epistemic uncertainty estimates too high (high error) or too low (too similar to seen data). We observe improved performance in several offline RL tasks and find that our augmentation strategy consistently leads to overall lower average dataset Q-value estimates i.e. more conservative Q-value estimates than a baseline.

FLIPS: Federated Learning using Intelligent Participant Selection. (arXiv:2308.03901v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Rahul Atul Bhope, K. R. Jayaram, Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Ashish Verma, Gegi Thomas

This paper presents the design and implementation of FLIPS, a middleware system to manage data and participant heterogeneity in federated learning (FL) training workloads. In particular, we examine the benefits of label distribution clustering on participant selection in federated learning. FLIPS clusters parties involved in an FL training job based on the label distribution of their data apriori, and during FL training, ensures that each cluster is equitably represented in the participants selected. FLIPS can support the most common FL algorithms, including FedAvg, FedProx, FedDyn, FedOpt and FedYogi. To manage platform heterogeneity and dynamic resource availability, FLIPS incorporates a straggler management mechanism to handle changing capacities in distributed, smart community applications. Privacy of label distributions, clustering and participant selection is ensured through a trusted execution environment (TEE). Our comprehensive empirical evaluation compares FLIPS with random participant selection, as well as two other "smart" selection mechanisms - Oort and gradient clustering using two real-world datasets, two different non-IID distributions and three common FL algorithms (FedYogi, FedProx and FedAvg). We demonstrate that FLIPS significantly improves convergence, achieving higher accuracy by 17 - 20 % with 20 - 60 % lower communication costs, and these benefits endure in the presence of straggler participants.

Intelligent Assistant Language Understanding On Device. (arXiv:2308.03905v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Cecilia Aas, Hisham Abdelsalam, Irina Belousova, Shruti Bhargava, Jianpeng Cheng, Robert Daland, Joris Driesen, Federico Flego, Tristan Guigue, Anders Johannsen, Partha Lal, Jiarui Lu, Joel Ruben Antony Moniz, Nathan Perkins, Dhivya Piraviperumal, Stephen Pulman, Diarmuid Ó Séaghdha, David Q. Sun, John Torr, Marco Del Vecchio, Jay Wacker, Jason D. Williams, Hong Yu

It has recently become feasible to run personal digital assistants on phones and other personal devices. In this paper we describe a design for a natural language understanding system that runs on device. In comparison to a server-based assistant, this system is more private, more reliable, faster, more expressive, and more accurate. We describe what led to key choices about architecture and technologies. For example, some approaches in the dialog systems literature are difficult to maintain over time in a deployment setting. We hope that sharing learnings from our practical experiences may help inform future work in the research community.

ViLP: Knowledge Exploration using Vision, Language, and Pose Embeddings for Video Action Recognition. (arXiv:2308.03908v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Soumyabrata Chaudhuri, Saumik Bhattacharya

Video Action Recognition (VAR) is a challenging task due to its inherent complexities. Though different approaches have been explored in the literature, designing a unified framework to recognize a large number of human actions is still a challenging problem. Recently, Multi-Modal Learning (MML) has demonstrated promising results in this domain. In literature, 2D skeleton or pose modality has often been used for this task, either independently or in conjunction with the visual information (RGB modality) present in videos. However, the combination of pose, visual information, and text attributes has not been explored yet, though text and pose attributes independently have been proven to be effective in numerous computer vision tasks. In this paper, we present the first pose augmented Vision-language model (VLM) for VAR. Notably, our scheme achieves an accuracy of 92.81% and 73.02% on two popular human video action recognition benchmark datasets, UCF-101 and HMDB-51, respectively, even without any video data pre-training, and an accuracy of 96.11% and 75.75% after kinetics pre-training.

Establishing Trust in ChatGPT BioMedical Generated Text: An Ontology-Based Knowledge Graph to Validate Disease-Symptom Links. (arXiv:2308.03929v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Alessandro Crimi, Magdalena M. Misiak, Byung Suk Lee

Methods: Through an innovative approach, we construct ontology-based knowledge graphs from authentic medical literature and AI-generated content. Our goal is to distinguish factual information from unverified data. We compiled two datasets: one from biomedical literature using a "human disease and symptoms" query, and another generated by ChatGPT, simulating articles. With these datasets (PubMed and ChatGPT), we curated 10 sets of 250 abstracts each, selected randomly with a specific seed. Our method focuses on utilizing disease ontology (DOID) and symptom ontology (SYMP) to build knowledge graphs, robust mathematical models that facilitate unbiased comparisons. By employing our fact-checking algorithms and network centrality metrics, we conducted GPT disease-symptoms link analysis to quantify the accuracy of factual knowledge amid noise, hypotheses, and significant findings.

Results: The findings obtained from the comparison of diverse ChatGPT knowledge graphs with their PubMed counterparts revealed some interesting observations. While PubMed knowledge graphs exhibit a wealth of disease-symptom terms, it is surprising to observe that some ChatGPT graphs surpass them in the number of connections. Furthermore, some GPT graphs are demonstrating supremacy of the centrality scores, especially for the overlapping nodes. This striking contrast indicates the untapped potential of knowledge that can be derived from AI-generated content, awaiting verification. Out of all the graphs, the factual link ratio between any two graphs reached its peak at 60%.

Conclusions: An intriguing insight from our findings was the striking number of links among terms in the knowledge graph generated from ChatGPT datasets, surpassing some of those in its PubMed counterpart. This early discovery has prompted further investigation using universal network metrics to unveil the new knowledge the links may hold.

ALFA -- Leveraging All Levels of Feature Abstraction for Enhancing the Generalization of Histopathology Image Classification Across Unseen Hospitals. (arXiv:2308.03936v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Milad Sikaroudi, Shahryar Rahnamayan, H.R. Tizhoosh

We propose an exhaustive methodology that leverages all levels of feature abstraction, targeting an enhancement in the generalizability of image classification to unobserved hospitals. Our approach incorporates augmentation-based self-supervision with common distribution shifts in histopathology scenarios serving as the pretext task. This enables us to derive invariant features from training images without relying on training labels, thereby covering different abstraction levels. Moving onto the subsequent abstraction level, we employ a domain alignment module to facilitate further extraction of invariant features across varying training hospitals. To represent the highly specific features of participating hospitals, an encoder is trained to classify hospital labels, independent of their diagnostic labels. The features from each of these encoders are subsequently disentangled to minimize redundancy and segregate the features. This representation, which spans a broad spectrum of semantic information, enables the development of a model demonstrating increased robustness to unseen images from disparate distributions. Experimental results from the PACS dataset (a domain generalization benchmark), a synthetic dataset created by applying histopathology-specific jitters to the MHIST dataset (defining different domains with varied distribution shifts), and a Renal Cell Carcinoma dataset derived from four image repositories from TCGA, collectively indicate that our proposed model is adept at managing varying levels of image granularity. Thus, it shows improved generalizability when faced with new, out-of-distribution hospital images.

CheXFusion: Effective Fusion of Multi-View Features using Transformers for Long-Tailed Chest X-Ray Classification. (arXiv:2308.03968v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dongkyun Kim

Medical image classification poses unique challenges due to the long-tailed distribution of diseases, the co-occurrence of diagnostic findings, and the multiple views available for each study or patient. This paper introduces our solution to the ICCV CVAMD 2023 Shared Task on CXR-LT: Multi-Label Long-Tailed Classification on Chest X-Rays. Our approach introduces CheXFusion, a transformer-based fusion module incorporating multi-view images. The fusion module, guided by self-attention and cross-attention mechanisms, efficiently aggregates multi-view features while considering label co-occurrence. Furthermore, we explore data balancing and self-training methods to optimize the model's performance. Our solution achieves state-of-the-art results with 0.372 mAP in the MIMIC-CXR test set, securing 1st place in the competition. Our success in the task underscores the significance of considering multi-view settings, class imbalance, and label co-occurrence in medical image classification. Public code is available at

SimplyRetrieve: A Private and Lightweight Retrieval-Centric Generative AI Tool. (arXiv:2308.03983v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Youyang Ng, Daisuke Miyashita, Yasuto Hoshi, Yasuhiro Morioka, Osamu Torii, Tomoya Kodama, Jun Deguchi

Large Language Model (LLM) based Generative AI systems have seen significant progress in recent years. Integrating a knowledge retrieval architecture allows for seamless integration of private data into publicly available Generative AI systems using pre-trained LLM without requiring additional model fine-tuning. Moreover, Retrieval-Centric Generation (RCG) approach, a promising future research direction that explicitly separates roles of LLMs and retrievers in context interpretation and knowledge memorization, potentially leads to more efficient implementation. SimplyRetrieve is an open-source tool with the goal of providing a localized, lightweight, and user-friendly interface to these sophisticated advancements to the machine learning community. SimplyRetrieve features a GUI and API based RCG platform, assisted by a Private Knowledge Base Constructor and a Retrieval Tuning Module. By leveraging these capabilities, users can explore the potential of RCG for improving generative AI performance while maintaining privacy standards. The tool is available at with an MIT license.

NEOLAF, an LLM-powered neural-symbolic cognitive architecture. (arXiv:2308.03990v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Richard Jiarui Tong, Cassie Chen Cao, Timothy Xueqian Lee, Guodong Zhao, Ray Wan, Feiyue Wang, Xiangen Hu, Robin Schmucker, Jinsheng Pan, Julian Quevedo, Yu Lu

This paper presents the Never Ending Open Learning Adaptive Framework (NEOLAF), an integrated neural-symbolic cognitive architecture that models and constructs intelligent agents. The NEOLAF framework is a superior approach to constructing intelligent agents than both the pure connectionist and pure symbolic approaches due to its explainability, incremental learning, efficiency, collaborative and distributed learning, human-in-the-loop enablement, and self-improvement. The paper further presents a compelling experiment where a NEOLAF agent, built as a problem-solving agent, is fed with complex math problems from the open-source MATH dataset. The results demonstrate NEOLAF's superior learning capability and its potential to revolutionize the field of cognitive architectures and self-improving adaptive instructional systems.

AI Chatbots as Multi-Role Pedagogical Agents: Transforming Engagement in CS Education. (arXiv:2308.03992v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Cassie Chen Cao, Zijian Ding, Jionghao Lin, Frank Hopfgartner

This study investigates the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)-powered, multi-role chatbots as a means to enhance learning experiences and foster engagement in computer science education. Leveraging a design-based research approach, we develop, implement, and evaluate a novel learning environment enriched with four distinct chatbot roles: Instructor Bot, Peer Bot, Career Advising Bot, and Emotional Supporter Bot. These roles, designed around the tenets of Self-Determination Theory, cater to the three innate psychological needs of learners - competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Additionally, the system embraces an inquiry-based learning paradigm, encouraging students to ask questions, seek solutions, and explore their curiosities.

We test this system in a higher education context over a period of one month with 200 participating students, comparing outcomes with conditions involving a human tutor and a single chatbot. Our research utilizes a mixed-methods approach, encompassing quantitative measures such as chat log sequence analysis, and qualitative methods including surveys and focus group interviews. By integrating cutting-edge Natural Language Processing techniques such as topic modelling and sentiment analysis, we offer an in-depth understanding of the system's impact on learner engagement, motivation, and inquiry-based learning.

This study, through its rigorous design and innovative approach, provides significant insights into the potential of AI-empowered, multi-role chatbots in reshaping the landscape of computer science education and fostering an engaging, supportive, and motivating learning environment.

Cooperative Multi-Type Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning for Resource Management in Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks. (arXiv:2308.03995v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Hengxi Zhang, Huaze Tang, Wenbo Ding, Xiao-Ping Zhang

The Space-Air-Ground Integrated Network (SAGIN), integrating heterogeneous devices including low earth orbit (LEO) satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and ground users (GUs), holds significant promise for advancing smart city applications. However, resource management of the SAGIN is a challenge requiring urgent study in that inappropriate resource management will cause poor data transmission, and hence affect the services in smart cities. In this paper, we develop a comprehensive SAGIN system that encompasses five distinct communication links and propose an efficient cooperative multi-type multi-agent deep reinforcement learning (CMT-MARL) method to address the resource management issue. The experimental results highlight the efficacy of the proposed CMT-MARL, as evidenced by key performance indicators such as the overall transmission rate and transmission success rate. These results underscore the potential value and feasibility of future implementation of the SAGIN.

Understanding CNN Hidden Neuron Activations using Structured Background Knowledge and Deductive Reasoning. (arXiv:2308.03999v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Abhilekha Dalal, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker, Adrita Barua, Eugene Vasserman, Pascal Hitzler

A major challenge in Explainable AI is in correctly interpreting activations of hidden neurons: accurate interpretations would provide insights into the question of what a deep learning system has internally detected as relevant on the input, de-mystifying the otherwise black-box character of deep learning systems. The state of the art indicates that hidden node activations can, in some cases, be interpretable in a way that makes sense to humans, but systematic automated methods that would be able to hypothesize and verify interpretations of hidden neuron activations are underexplored. In this paper, we provide such a method and demonstrate that it provides meaningful interpretations. Our approach is based on using large-scale background knowledge approximately 2 million classes curated from the Wikipedia concept hierarchy together with a symbolic reasoning approach called Concept Induction based on description logics, originally developed for applications in the Semantic Web field. Our results show that we can automatically attach meaningful labels from the background knowledge to individual neurons in the dense layer of a Convolutional Neural Network through a hypothesis and verification process

Multi-Granularity Attention Model for Group Recommendation. (arXiv:2308.04017v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Jianye Ji, Jiayan Pei, Shaochuan Lin, Taotao Zhou, Hengxu He, Jia Jia, Ning Hu

Group recommendation provides personalized recommendations to a group of users based on their shared interests, preferences, and characteristics. Current studies have explored different methods for integrating individual preferences and making collective decisions that benefit the group as a whole. However, most of them heavily rely on users with rich behavior and ignore latent preferences of users with relatively sparse behavior, leading to insufficient learning of individual interests. To address this challenge, we present the Multi-Granularity Attention Model (MGAM), a novel approach that utilizes multiple levels of granularity (i.e., subsets, groups, and supersets) to uncover group members' latent preferences and mitigate recommendation noise. Specially, we propose a Subset Preference Extraction module that enhances the representation of users' latent subset-level preferences by incorporating their previous interactions with items and utilizing a hierarchical mechanism. Additionally, our method introduces a Group Preference Extraction module and a Superset Preference Extraction module, which explore users' latent preferences on two levels: the group-level, which maintains users' original preferences, and the superset-level, which includes group-group exterior information. By incorporating the subset-level embedding, group-level embedding, and superset-level embedding, our proposed method effectively reduces group recommendation noise across multiple granularities and comprehensively learns individual interests. Extensive offline and online experiments have demonstrated the superiority of our method in terms of performance.

Improving Performance of Semi-Supervised Learning by Adversarial Attacks. (arXiv:2308.04018v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dongyoon Yang, Kunwoong Kim, Yongdai Kim

Semi-supervised learning (SSL) algorithm is a setup built upon a realistic assumption that access to a large amount of labeled data is tough. In this study, we present a generalized framework, named SCAR, standing for Selecting Clean samples with Adversarial Robustness, for improving the performance of recent SSL algorithms. By adversarially attacking pre-trained models with semi-supervision, our framework shows substantial advances in classifying images. We introduce how adversarial attacks successfully select high-confident unlabeled data to be labeled with current predictions. On CIFAR10, three recent SSL algorithms with SCAR result in significantly improved image classification.

Scope Loss for Imbalanced Classification and RL Exploration. (arXiv:2308.04024v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hasham Burhani, Xiao Qi Shi, Jonathan Jaegerman, Daniel Balicki

We demonstrate equivalence between the reinforcement learning problem and the supervised classification problem. We consequently equate the exploration exploitation trade-off in reinforcement learning to the dataset imbalance problem in supervised classification, and find similarities in how they are addressed. From our analysis of the aforementioned problems we derive a novel loss function for reinforcement learning and supervised classification. Scope Loss, our new loss function, adjusts gradients to prevent performance losses from over-exploitation and dataset imbalances, without the need for any tuning. We test Scope Loss against SOTA loss functions over a basket of benchmark reinforcement learning tasks and a skewed classification dataset, and show that Scope Loss outperforms other loss functions.

MSAC: Multiple Speech Attribute Control Method for Speech Emotion Recognition. (arXiv:2308.04025v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Yu Pan

Despite significant progress, speech emotion recognition (SER) remains challenging due to inherent complexity and ambiguity of the emotion attribute, particularly in wild world. Whereas current studies primarily focus on recognition and generalization capabilities, this work pioneers an exploration into the reliability of SER methods and investigates how to model the speech emotion from the aspect of data distribution across various speech attributes. Specifically, we first build a novel CNN-based SER model which adopts additive margin softmax loss to expand the distance between features of different classes, thereby enhancing their discrimination. Second, a novel multiple speech attribute control method MSAC is proposed to explicitly control speech attributes, enabling the model to be less affected by emotion-agnostic attributes and capture more fine-grained emotion-related features. Third, we make a first attempt to test and analyze the reliability of the proposed SER workflow using the out-of-distribution detection method. Extensive experiments on both single and cross-corpus SER scenarios show that our proposed unified SER workflow consistently outperforms the baseline in terms of recognition, generalization, and reliability performance. Besides, in single-corpus SER, the proposed SER workflow achieves superior recognition results with a WAR of 72.97\% and a UAR of 71.76\% on the IEMOCAP corpus.

AgentSims: An Open-Source Sandbox for Large Language Model Evaluation. (arXiv:2308.04026v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jiaju Lin, Haoran Zhao, Aochi Zhang, Yiting Wu, Huqiuyue Ping, Qin Chen

With ChatGPT-like large language models (LLM) prevailing in the community, how to evaluate the ability of LLMs is an open question. Existing evaluation methods suffer from following shortcomings: (1) constrained evaluation abilities, (2) vulnerable benchmarks, (3) unobjective metrics. We suggest that task-based evaluation, where LLM agents complete tasks in a simulated environment, is a one-for-all solution to solve above problems. We present AgentSims, an easy-to-use infrastructure for researchers from all disciplines to test the specific capacities they are interested in. Researchers can build their evaluation tasks by adding agents and buildings on an interactive GUI or deploy and test new support mechanisms, i.e. memory, planning and tool-use systems, by a few lines of codes. Our demo is available at .

Top K Relevant Passage Retrieval for Biomedical Question Answering. (arXiv:2308.04028v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shashank Gupta

Question answering is a task that answers factoid questions using a large collection of documents. It aims to provide precise answers in response to the user's questions in natural language. Question answering relies on efficient passage retrieval to select candidate contexts, where traditional sparse vector space models, such as TF-IDF or BM25, are the de facto method. On the web, there is no single article that could provide all the possible answers available on the internet to the question of the problem asked by the user. The existing Dense Passage Retrieval model has been trained on Wikipedia dump from Dec. 20, 2018, as the source documents for answering questions. Question answering (QA) has made big strides with several open-domain and machine comprehension systems built using large-scale annotated datasets. However, in the clinical domain, this problem remains relatively unexplored. According to multiple surveys, Biomedical Questions cannot be answered correctly from Wikipedia Articles. In this work, we work on the existing DPR framework for the biomedical domain and retrieve answers from the Pubmed articles which is a reliable source to answer medical questions. When evaluated on a BioASQ QA dataset, our fine-tuned dense retriever results in a 0.81 F1 score.

Gentopia: A Collaborative Platform for Tool-Augmented LLMs. (arXiv:2308.04030v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Binfeng Xu, Xukun Liu, Hua Shen, Zeyu Han, Yuhan Li, Murong Yue, Zhiyuan Peng, Yuchen Liu, Ziyu Yao, Dongkuan Xu

Augmented Language Models (ALMs) empower large language models with the ability to use tools, transforming them into intelligent agents for real-world interactions. However, most existing frameworks for ALMs, to varying degrees, are deficient in the following critical features: flexible customization, collaborative democratization, and holistic evaluation. We present gentopia, an ALM framework enabling flexible customization of agents through simple configurations, seamlessly integrating various language models, task formats, prompting modules, and plugins into a unified paradigm. Furthermore, we establish gentpool, a public platform enabling the registration and sharing of user-customized agents. Agents registered in gentpool are composable such that they can be assembled together for agent collaboration, advancing the democratization of artificial intelligence. To ensure high-quality agents, gentbench, an integral component of gentpool, is designed to thoroughly evaluate user-customized agents across diverse aspects such as safety, robustness, efficiency, etc. We release gentopia on Github and will continuously move forward.

Measure of Uncertainty in Human Emotions. (arXiv:2308.04032v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Etienne Naude (1), Henry Gann (1), Balaram Panda (1), Lance Zhang (1), Raina Song (1), Yuwei Shen (1) ((1) The University of Auckland)

Many research explore how well computers are able to examine emotions displayed by humans and use that data to perform different tasks. However, there have been very few research which evaluate the computers ability to generate emotion classification information in an attempt to help the user make decisions or perform tasks. This is a crucial area to explore as it is paramount to the two way communication between humans and computers. This research conducted an experiment to investigate the impact of different uncertainty information displays of emotion classification on the human decision making process. Results show that displaying more uncertainty information can help users to be more confident when making decisions.

Adapting Foundation Models for Information Synthesis of Wireless Communication Specifications. (arXiv:2308.04033v1 [cs.NI])

Authors: Manikanta Kotaru

Existing approaches to understanding, developing and researching modern wireless communication technologies involves time-intensive and arduous process of sifting through numerous webpages and technical specification documents, gathering the required information and synthesizing it. This paper presents NextGen Communications Copilot, a conversational artificial intelligence tool for information synthesis of wireless communication specifications. The system builds on top of recent advancements in foundation models and consists of three key additional components: a domain-specific database, a context extractor, and a feedback mechanism. The system appends user queries with concise and query-dependent contextual information extracted from a database of wireless technical specifications and incorporates tools for expert feedback and data contributions. On evaluation using a benchmark dataset of queries and reference responses created by subject matter experts, the system demonstrated more relevant and accurate answers with an average BLEU score and BERTScore F1-measure of 0.37 and 0.79 respectively compared to the corresponding values of 0.07 and 0.59 achieved by state-of-the-art tools like ChatGPT.

InfeRE: Step-by-Step Regex Generation via Chain of Inference. (arXiv:2308.04041v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Shuai Zhang, Xiaodong Gu, Yuting Chen, Beijun Shen

Automatically generating regular expressions (abbrev. regexes) from natural language description (NL2RE) has been an emerging research area. Prior studies treat regex as a linear sequence of tokens and generate the final expressions autoregressively in a single pass. They did not take into account the step-by-step internal text-matching processes behind the final results. This significantly hinders the efficacy and interpretability of regex generation by neural language models. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm called InfeRE, which decomposes the generation of regexes into chains of step-by-step inference. To enhance the robustness, we introduce a self-consistency decoding mechanism that ensembles multiple outputs sampled from different models. We evaluate InfeRE on two publicly available datasets, NL-RX-Turk and KB13, and compare the results with state-of-the-art approaches and the popular tree-based generation approach TRANX. Experimental results show that InfeRE substantially outperforms previous baselines, yielding 16.3% and 14.7% improvement in DFA@5 accuracy on two datasets, respectively. Particularly, InfeRE outperforms the popular tree-based generation approach by 18.1% and 11.3% on both datasets, respectively, in terms of DFA@5 accuracy.

SODFormer: Streaming Object Detection with Transformer Using Events and Frames. (arXiv:2308.04047v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dianze Li, Jianing Li, Yonghong Tian

DAVIS camera, streaming two complementary sensing modalities of asynchronous events and frames, has gradually been used to address major object detection challenges (e.g., fast motion blur and low-light). However, how to effectively leverage rich temporal cues and fuse two heterogeneous visual streams remains a challenging endeavor. To address this challenge, we propose a novel streaming object detector with Transformer, namely SODFormer, which first integrates events and frames to continuously detect objects in an asynchronous manner. Technically, we first build a large-scale multimodal neuromorphic object detection dataset (i.e., PKU-DAVIS-SOD) over 1080.1k manual labels. Then, we design a spatiotemporal Transformer architecture to detect objects via an end-to-end sequence prediction problem, where the novel temporal Transformer module leverages rich temporal cues from two visual streams to improve the detection performance. Finally, an asynchronous attention-based fusion module is proposed to integrate two heterogeneous sensing modalities and take complementary advantages from each end, which can be queried at any time to locate objects and break through the limited output frequency from synchronized frame-based fusion strategies. The results show that the proposed SODFormer outperforms four state-of-the-art methods and our eight baselines by a significant margin. We also show that our unifying framework works well even in cases where the conventional frame-based camera fails, e.g., high-speed motion and low-light conditions. Our dataset and code can be available at

Enhancing Adversarial Robustness in Low-Label Regime via Adaptively Weighted Regularization and Knowledge Distillation. (arXiv:2308.04061v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dongyoon Yang, Insung Kong, Yongdai Kim

Adversarial robustness is a research area that has recently received a lot of attention in the quest for trustworthy artificial intelligence. However, recent works on adversarial robustness have focused on supervised learning where it is assumed that labeled data is plentiful. In this paper, we investigate semi-supervised adversarial training where labeled data is scarce. We derive two upper bounds for the robust risk and propose a regularization term for unlabeled data motivated by these two upper bounds. Then, we develop a semi-supervised adversarial training algorithm that combines the proposed regularization term with knowledge distillation using a semi-supervised teacher (i.e., a teacher model trained using a semi-supervised learning algorithm). Our experiments show that our proposed algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance with significant margins compared to existing algorithms. In particular, compared to supervised learning algorithms, performance of our proposed algorithm is not much worse even when the amount of labeled data is very small. For example, our algorithm with only 8\% labeled data is comparable to supervised adversarial training algorithms that use all labeled data, both in terms of standard and robust accuracies on CIFAR-10.

Path Signatures for Diversity in Probabilistic Trajectory Optimisation. (arXiv:2308.04071v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Lucas Barcelos, Tin Lai, Rafael Oliveira, Paulo Borges, Fabio Ramos

Motion planning can be cast as a trajectory optimisation problem where a cost is minimised as a function of the trajectory being generated. In complex environments with several obstacles and complicated geometry, this optimisation problem is usually difficult to solve and prone to local minima. However, recent advancements in computing hardware allow for parallel trajectory optimisation where multiple solutions are obtained simultaneously, each initialised from a different starting point. Unfortunately, without a strategy preventing two solutions to collapse on each other, naive parallel optimisation can suffer from mode collapse diminishing the efficiency of the approach and the likelihood of finding a global solution. In this paper we leverage on recent advances in the theory of rough paths to devise an algorithm for parallel trajectory optimisation that promotes diversity over the range of solutions, therefore avoiding mode collapses and achieving better global properties. Our approach builds on path signatures and Hilbert space representations of trajectories, and connects parallel variational inference for trajectory estimation with diversity promoting kernels. We empirically demonstrate that this strategy achieves lower average costs than competing alternatives on a range of problems, from 2D navigation to robotic manipulators operating in cluttered environments.

Federated Zeroth-Order Optimization using Trajectory-Informed Surrogate Gradients. (arXiv:2308.04077v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yao Shu, Xiaoqiang Lin, Zhongxiang Dai, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Federated optimization, an emerging paradigm which finds wide real-world applications such as federated learning, enables multiple clients (e.g., edge devices) to collaboratively optimize a global function. The clients do not share their local datasets and typically only share their local gradients. However, the gradient information is not available in many applications of federated optimization, which hence gives rise to the paradigm of federated zeroth-order optimization (ZOO). Existing federated ZOO algorithms suffer from the limitations of query and communication inefficiency, which can be attributed to (a) their reliance on a substantial number of function queries for gradient estimation and (b) the significant disparity between their realized local updates and the intended global updates. To this end, we (a) introduce trajectory-informed gradient surrogates which is able to use the history of function queries during optimization for accurate and query-efficient gradient estimation, and (b) develop the technique of adaptive gradient correction using these gradient surrogates to mitigate the aforementioned disparity. Based on these, we propose the federated zeroth-order optimization using trajectory-informed surrogate gradients (FZooS) algorithm for query- and communication-efficient federated ZOO. Our FZooS achieves theoretical improvements over the existing approaches, which is supported by our real-world experiments such as federated black-box adversarial attack and federated non-differentiable metric optimization.

Heterogeneous 360 Degree Videos in Metaverse: Differentiated Reinforcement Learning Approaches. (arXiv:2308.04083v1 [cs.NI])

Authors: Wenhan Yu, Jun Zhao

Advanced video technologies are driving the development of the futuristic Metaverse, which aims to connect users from anywhere and anytime. As such, the use cases for users will be much more diverse, leading to a mix of 360-degree videos with two types: non-VR and VR 360-degree videos. This paper presents a novel Quality of Service model for heterogeneous 360-degree videos with different requirements for frame rates and cybersickness. We propose a frame-slotted structure and conduct frame-wise optimization using self-designed differentiated deep reinforcement learning algorithms. Specifically, we design two structures, Separate Input Differentiated Output (SIDO) and Merged Input Differentiated Output (MIDO), for this heterogeneous scenario. We also conduct comprehensive experiments to demonstrate their effectiveness.

Current and Future Challenges in Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. (arXiv:2308.04161v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: James P. Delgrande, Birte Glimm, Thomas Meyer, Miroslaw Truszczynski, Frank Wolter

Knowledge Representation and Reasoning is a central, longstanding, and active area of Artificial Intelligence. Over the years it has evolved significantly; more recently it has been challenged and complemented by research in areas such as machine learning and reasoning under uncertainty. In July 2022 a Dagstuhl Perspectives workshop was held on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning. The goal of the workshop was to describe the state of the art in the field, including its relation with other areas, its shortcomings and strengths, together with recommendations for future progress. We developed this manifesto based on the presentations, panels, working groups, and discussions that took place at the Dagstuhl Workshop. It is a declaration of our views on Knowledge Representation: its origins, goals, milestones, and current foci; its relation to other disciplines, especially to Artificial Intelligence; and on its challenges, along with key priorities for the next decade.

Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Using Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2308.04172v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Lizzy Farrugia, Lilian M. Azzopardi, Jeremy Debattista, Charlie Abela

In the last decades, people have been consuming and combining more drugs than before, increasing the number of Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs). To predict unknown DDIs, recently, studies started incorporating Knowledge Graphs (KGs) since they are able to capture the relationships among entities providing better drug representations than using a single drug property. In this paper, we propose the medicX end-to-end framework that integrates several drug features from public drug repositories into a KG and embeds the nodes in the graph using various translation, factorisation and Neural Network (NN) based KG Embedding (KGE) methods. Ultimately, we use a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm that predicts unknown DDIs. Among the different translation and factorisation-based KGE models, we found that the best performing combination was the ComplEx embedding method with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, which obtained an F1-score of 95.19% on a dataset based on the DDIs found in DrugBank version 5.1.8. This score is 5.61% better than the state-of-the-art model DeepDDI. Additionally, we also developed a graph auto-encoder model that uses a Graph Neural Network (GNN), which achieved an F1-score of 91.94%. Consequently, GNNs have demonstrated a stronger ability to mine the underlying semantics of the KG than the ComplEx model, and thus using higher dimension embeddings within the GNN can lead to state-of-the-art performance.

Assistive Chatbots for healthcare: a succinct review. (arXiv:2308.04178v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Basabdatta Sen Bhattacharya, Vibhav Sinai Pissurlenkar

Artificial Intelligence (AI) for supporting healthcare services has never been more necessitated than by the recent global pandemic. Here, we review the state-of-the-art in AI-enabled Chatbots in healthcare proposed during the last 10 years (2013-2023). The focus on AI-enabled technology is because of its potential for enhancing the quality of human-machine interaction via Chatbots, reducing dependence on human-human interaction and saving man-hours. Our review indicates that there are a handful of (commercial) Chatbots that are being used for patient support, while there are others (non-commercial) that are in the clinical trial phases. However, there is a lack of trust on this technology regarding patient safety and data protection, as well as a lack of wider awareness on its benefits among the healthcare workers and professionals. Also, patients have expressed dissatisfaction with Natural Language Processing (NLP) skills of the Chatbots in comparison to humans. Notwithstanding the recent introduction of ChatGPT that has raised the bar for the NLP technology, this Chatbot cannot be trusted with patient safety and medical ethics without thorough and rigorous checks to serve in the `narrow' domain of assistive healthcare. Our review suggests that to enable deployment and integration of AI-enabled Chatbots in public health services, the need of the hour is: to build technology that is simple and safe to use; to build confidence on the technology among: (a) the medical community by focussed training and development; (b) the patients and wider community through outreach.

Adding Why to What? Analyses of an Everyday Explanation. (arXiv:2308.04187v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Lutz Terfloth, Michael Schaffer, Heike M. Buhl, Carsten Schulte

In XAI it is important to consider that, in contrast to explanations for professional audiences, one cannot assume common expertise when explaining for laypeople. But such explanations between humans vary greatly, making it difficult to research commonalities across explanations. We used the dual nature theory, a techno-philosophical approach, to cope with these challenges. According to it, one can explain, for example, an XAI's decision by addressing its dual nature: by focusing on the Architecture (e.g., the logic of its algorithms) or the Relevance (e.g., the severity of a decision, the implications of a recommendation). We investigated 20 game explanations using the theory as an analytical framework. We elaborate how we used the theory to quickly structure and compare explanations of technological artifacts. We supplemented results from analyzing the explanation contents with results from a video recall to explore how explainers justified their explanation. We found that explainers were focusing on the physical aspects of the game first (Architecture) and only later on aspects of the Relevance. Reasoning in the video recalls indicated that EX regarded the focus on the Architecture as important for structuring the explanation initially by explaining the basic components before focusing on more complex, intangible aspects. Shifting between addressing the two sides was justified by explanation goals, emerging misunderstandings, and the knowledge needs of the explainee. We discovered several commonalities that inspire future research questions which, if further generalizable, provide first ideas for the construction of synthetic explanations.

A Differential Datalog Interpreter. (arXiv:2308.04214v1 [cs.DB])

Authors: Bruno Rucy Carneiro Alves de Lima, Merlin Kramer, Kalmer Apinis

The core reasoning task for datalog engines is materialization, the evaluation of a datalog program over a database alongside its physical incorporation into the database itself. The de-facto method of computing it, is through the recursive application of inference rules. Due to it being a costly operation, it is a must for datalog engines to provide incremental materialization, that is, to adjust the computation to new data, instead of restarting from scratch. One of the major caveats, is that deleting data is notoriously more involved than adding, since one has to take into account all possible data that has been entailed from what is being deleted. Differential Dataflow is a computational model that provides efficient incremental maintenance, notoriously with equal performance between additions and deletions, and work distribution, of iterative dataflows. In this paper we investigate the performance of materialization with three reference datalog implementations, out of which one is built on top of a lightweight relational engine, and the two others are differential-dataflow and non-differential versions of the same rewrite algorithm, with the same optimizations.

Hybrid Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Real-time Composition Assistance. (arXiv:2308.04215v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xuchao Zhang, Menglin Xia, Camille Couturier, Guoqing Zheng, Saravan Rajmohan, Victor Ruhle

Retrieval augmented models show promise in enhancing traditional language models by improving their contextual understanding, integrating private data, and reducing hallucination. However, the processing time required for retrieval augmented large language models poses a challenge when applying them to tasks that require real-time responses, such as composition assistance.

To overcome this limitation, we propose the Hybrid Retrieval-Augmented Generation (HybridRAG) framework that leverages a hybrid setting that combines both client and cloud models. HybridRAG incorporates retrieval-augmented memory generated asynchronously by a Large Language Model (LLM) in the cloud. By integrating this retrieval augmented memory, the client model acquires the capability to generate highly effective responses, benefiting from the LLM's capabilities. Furthermore, through asynchronous memory integration, the client model is capable of delivering real-time responses to user requests without the need to wait for memory synchronization from the cloud. Our experiments on Wikitext and Pile subsets show that HybridRAG achieves lower latency than a cloud-based retrieval-augmented LLM, while outperforming client-only models in utility.

Semantic Interpretation and Validation of Graph Attention-based Explanations for GNN Models. (arXiv:2308.04220v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Efimia Panagiotaki, Daniele De Martini, Lars Kunze

In this work, we propose a methodology for investigating the application of semantic attention to enhance the explainability of Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based models, introducing semantically-informed perturbations and establishing a correlation between predicted feature-importance weights and model accuracy. Graph Deep Learning (GDL) has emerged as a promising field for tasks like scene interpretation, leveraging flexible graph structures to concisely describe complex features and relationships. As traditional explainability methods used in eXplainable AI (XAI) cannot be directly applied to such structures, graph-specific approaches are introduced. Attention mechanisms have demonstrated their efficacy in estimating the importance of input features in deep learning models and thus have been previously employed to provide feature-based explanations for GNN predictions. Building upon these insights, we extend existing attention-based graph-explainability methods investigating the use of attention weights as importance indicators of semantically sorted feature sets. Through analysing the behaviour of predicted attention-weights distribution in correlation with model accuracy, we gain valuable insights into feature importance with respect to the behaviour of the GNN model. We apply our methodology to a lidar pointcloud estimation model successfully identifying key semantic classes that contribute to enhanced performance effectively generating reliable post-hoc semantic explanations.

Federated Inference with Reliable Uncertainty Quantification over Wireless Channels via Conformal Prediction. (arXiv:2308.04237v1 [cs.IT])

Authors: Meiyi Zhu, Matteo Zecchin, Sangwoo Park, Caili Guo, Chunyan Feng, Osvaldo Simeone

Consider a setting in which devices and a server share a pre-trained model. The server wishes to make an inference on a new input given the model. Devices have access to data, previously not used for training, and can communicate to the server over a common wireless channel. If the devices have no access to the new input, can communication from devices to the server enhance the quality of the inference decision at the server? Recent work has introduced federated conformal prediction (CP), which leverages devices-to-server communication to improve the reliability of the server's decision. With federated CP, devices communicate to the server information about the loss accrued by the shared pre-trained model on the local data, and the server leverages this information to calibrate a decision interval, or set, so that it is guaranteed to contain the correct answer with a pre-defined target reliability level. Previous work assumed noise-free communication, whereby devices can communicate a single real number to the server. In this paper, we study for the first time federated CP in a wireless setting. We introduce a novel protocol, termed wireless federated conformal prediction (WFCP), which builds on type-based multiple access (TBMA) and on a novel quantile correction strategy. WFCP is proved to provide formal reliability guarantees in terms of coverage of the predicted set produced by the server. Using numerical results, we demonstrate the significant advantages of WFCP against digital implementations of existing federated CP schemes, especially in regimes with limited communication resources and/or large number of devices.

AutoPCF: Efficient Product Carbon Footprint Accounting with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.04241v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zhu Deng, Jinjie Liu, Biao Luo, Can Yuan, Qingrun Yang, Lei Xiao, Wenwen Zhou, Zhu Liu

The product carbon footprint (PCF) is crucial for decarbonizing the supply chain, as it measures the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions caused by all activities during the product's life cycle. However, PCF accounting often requires expert knowledge and significant time to construct life cycle models. In this study, we test and compare the emergent ability of five large language models (LLMs) in modeling the 'cradle-to-gate' life cycles of products and generating the inventory data of inputs and outputs, revealing their limitations as a generalized PCF knowledge database. By utilizing LLMs, we propose an automatic AI-driven PCF accounting framework, called AutoPCF, which also applies deep learning algorithms to automatically match calculation parameters, and ultimately calculate the PCF. The results of estimating the carbon footprint for three case products using the AutoPCF framework demonstrate its potential in achieving automatic modeling and estimation of PCF with a large reduction in modeling time from days to minutes.

Gloss Alignment Using Word Embeddings. (arXiv:2308.04248v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Harry Walsh, Ozge Mercanoglu Sincan, Ben Saunders, Richard Bowden

Capturing and annotating Sign language datasets is a time consuming and costly process. Current datasets are orders of magnitude too small to successfully train unconstrained \acf{slt} models. As a result, research has turned to TV broadcast content as a source of large-scale training data, consisting of both the sign language interpreter and the associated audio subtitle. However, lack of sign language annotation limits the usability of this data and has led to the development of automatic annotation techniques such as sign spotting. These spottings are aligned to the video rather than the subtitle, which often results in a misalignment between the subtitle and spotted signs. In this paper we propose a method for aligning spottings with their corresponding subtitles using large spoken language models. Using a single modality means our method is computationally inexpensive and can be utilized in conjunction with existing alignment techniques. We quantitatively demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the \acf{mdgs} and \acf{bobsl} datasets, recovering up to a 33.22 BLEU-1 score in word alignment.

MindDiffuser: Controlled Image Reconstruction from Human Brain Activity with Semantic and Structural Diffusion. (arXiv:2308.04249v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yizhuo Lu, Changde Du, Qiongyi zhou, Dianpeng Wang, Huiguang He

Reconstructing visual stimuli from brain recordings has been a meaningful and challenging task. Especially, the achievement of precise and controllable image reconstruction bears great significance in propelling the progress and utilization of brain-computer interfaces. Despite the advancements in complex image reconstruction techniques, the challenge persists in achieving a cohesive alignment of both semantic (concepts and objects) and structure (position, orientation, and size) with the image stimuli. To address the aforementioned issue, we propose a two-stage image reconstruction model called MindDiffuser. In Stage 1, the VQ-VAE latent representations and the CLIP text embeddings decoded from fMRI are put into Stable Diffusion, which yields a preliminary image that contains semantic information. In Stage 2, we utilize the CLIP visual feature decoded from fMRI as supervisory information, and continually adjust the two feature vectors decoded in Stage 1 through backpropagation to align the structural information. The results of both qualitative and quantitative analyses demonstrate that our model has surpassed the current state-of-the-art models on Natural Scenes Dataset (NSD). The subsequent experimental findings corroborate the neurobiological plausibility of the model, as evidenced by the interpretability of the multimodal feature employed, which align with the corresponding brain responses.

FLIRT: Feedback Loop In-context Red Teaming. (arXiv:2308.04265v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Ninareh Mehrabi, Palash Goyal, Christophe Dupuy, Qian Hu, Shalini Ghosh, Richard Zemel, Kai-Wei Chang, Aram Galstyan, Rahul Gupta

Warning: this paper contains content that may be inappropriate or offensive.

As generative models become available for public use in various applications, testing and analyzing vulnerabilities of these models has become a priority. Here we propose an automatic red teaming framework that evaluates a given model and exposes its vulnerabilities against unsafe and inappropriate content generation. Our framework uses in-context learning in a feedback loop to red team models and trigger them into unsafe content generation. We propose different in-context attack strategies to automatically learn effective and diverse adversarial prompts for text-to-image models. Our experiments demonstrate that compared to baseline approaches, our proposed strategy is significantly more effective in exposing vulnerabilities in Stable Diffusion (SD) model, even when the latter is enhanced with safety features. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the proposed framework is effective for red teaming text-to-text models, resulting in significantly higher toxic response generation rate compared to previously reported numbers.

Teacher-Student Architecture for Knowledge Distillation: A Survey. (arXiv:2308.04268v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Chengming Hu, Xuan Li, Dan Liu, Haolun Wu, Xi Chen, Ju Wang, Xue Liu

Although Deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown a strong capacity to solve large-scale problems in many areas, such DNNs are hard to be deployed in real-world systems due to their voluminous parameters. To tackle this issue, Teacher-Student architectures were proposed, where simple student networks with a few parameters can achieve comparable performance to deep teacher networks with many parameters. Recently, Teacher-Student architectures have been effectively and widely embraced on various knowledge distillation (KD) objectives, including knowledge compression, knowledge expansion, knowledge adaptation, and knowledge enhancement. With the help of Teacher-Student architectures, current studies are able to achieve multiple distillation objectives through lightweight and generalized student networks. Different from existing KD surveys that primarily focus on knowledge compression, this survey first explores Teacher-Student architectures across multiple distillation objectives. This survey presents an introduction to various knowledge representations and their corresponding optimization objectives. Additionally, we provide a systematic overview of Teacher-Student architectures with representative learning algorithms and effective distillation schemes. This survey also summarizes recent applications of Teacher-Student architectures across multiple purposes, including classification, recognition, generation, ranking, and regression. Lastly, potential research directions in KD are investigated, focusing on architecture design, knowledge quality, and theoretical studies of regression-based learning, respectively. Through this comprehensive survey, industry practitioners and the academic community can gain valuable insights and guidelines for effectively designing, learning, and applying Teacher-Student architectures on various distillation objectives.

Lossy and Lossless (L$^2$) Post-training Model Size Compression. (arXiv:2308.04269v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yumeng Shi, Shihao Bai, Xiuying Wei, Ruihao Gong, Jianlei Yang

Deep neural networks have delivered remarkable performance and have been widely used in various visual tasks. However, their huge size causes significant inconvenience for transmission and storage. Many previous studies have explored model size compression. However, these studies often approach various lossy and lossless compression methods in isolation, leading to challenges in achieving high compression ratios efficiently. This work proposes a post-training model size compression method that combines lossy and lossless compression in a unified way. We first propose a unified parametric weight transformation, which ensures different lossy compression methods can be performed jointly in a post-training manner. Then, a dedicated differentiable counter is introduced to guide the optimization of lossy compression to arrive at a more suitable point for later lossless compression. Additionally, our method can easily control a desired global compression ratio and allocate adaptive ratios for different layers. Finally, our method can achieve a stable $10\times$ compression ratio without sacrificing accuracy and a $20\times$ compression ratio with minor accuracy loss in a short time. Our code is available at .

In-Context Alignment: Chat with Vanilla Language Models Before Fine-Tuning. (arXiv:2308.04275v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaochuang Han

In this note, we explore inference-time alignment through in-context learning. We consider a vanilla pretrained language model Llama-2 before any fine-tuning and retrieve an average of 9 demonstration alignment examples when the model is prompted to follow chat-style instructions. Compared to direct prompting, the in-context alignment without changing model weights leads to a 7x increase in win-rate w.r.t. the text-davinci-003 model from OpenAI, making the vanilla language model comparable to strong baselines with alignment fine-tuning.

Engineering LaCAM$^\ast$: Towards Real-Time, Large-Scale, and Near-Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding. (arXiv:2308.04292v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Keisuke Okumura

This paper addresses the challenges of real-time, large-scale, and near-optimal multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) through enhancements to the recently proposed LaCAM* algorithm. LaCAM* is a scalable search-based algorithm that guarantees the eventual finding of optimal solutions for cumulative transition costs. While it has demonstrated remarkable planning success rates, surpassing various state-of-the-art MAPF methods, its initial solution quality is far from optimal, and its convergence speed to the optimum is slow. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces several improvement techniques, partly drawing inspiration from other MAPF methods. We provide empirical evidence that the fusion of these techniques significantly improves the solution quality of LaCAM*, thus further pushing the boundaries of MAPF algorithms.

Actor-Critic with variable time discretization via sustained actions. (arXiv:2308.04299v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jakub Łyskawa, Paweł Wawrzyński

Reinforcement learning (RL) methods work in discrete time. In order to apply RL to inherently continuous problems like robotic control, a specific time discretization needs to be defined. This is a choice between sparse time control, which may be easier to train, and finer time control, which may allow for better ultimate performance. In this work, we propose SusACER, an off-policy RL algorithm that combines the advantages of different time discretization settings. Initially, it operates with sparse time discretization and gradually switches to a fine one. We analyze the effects of the changing time discretization in robotic control environments: Ant, HalfCheetah, Hopper, and Walker2D. In all cases our proposed algorithm outperforms state of the art.

Vehicle Motion Forecasting using Prior Information and Semantic-assisted Occupancy Grid Maps. (arXiv:2308.04303v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rabbia Asghar, Manuel Diaz-Zapata, Lukas Rummelhard, Anne Spalanzani, Christian Laugier

Motion prediction is a challenging task for autonomous vehicles due to uncertainty in the sensor data, the non-deterministic nature of future, and complex behavior of agents. In this paper, we tackle this problem by representing the scene as dynamic occupancy grid maps (DOGMs), associating semantic labels to the occupied cells and incorporating map information. We propose a novel framework that combines deep-learning-based spatio-temporal and probabilistic approaches to predict vehicle behaviors.Contrary to the conventional OGM prediction methods, evaluation of our work is conducted against the ground truth annotations. We experiment and validate our results on real-world NuScenes dataset and show that our model shows superior ability to predict both static and dynamic vehicles compared to OGM predictions. Furthermore, we perform an ablation study and assess the role of semantic labels and map in the architecture.

Interpretable Goal-Based model for Vehicle Trajectory Prediction in Interactive Scenarios. (arXiv:2308.04312v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Amina Ghoul, Itheri Yahiaoui, Anne Verroust-Blondet, Fawzi Nashashibi

The abilities to understand the social interaction behaviors between a vehicle and its surroundings while predicting its trajectory in an urban environment are critical for road safety in autonomous driving. Social interactions are hard to explain because of their uncertainty. In recent years, neural network-based methods have been widely used for trajectory prediction and have been shown to outperform hand-crafted methods. However, these methods suffer from their lack of interpretability. In order to overcome this limitation, we combine the interpretability of a discrete choice model with the high accuracy of a neural network-based model for the task of vehicle trajectory prediction in an interactive environment. We implement and evaluate our model using the INTERACTION dataset and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed architecture to explain its predictions without compromising the accuracy.

Apple Vision Pro for Healthcare: "The Ultimate Display"?. (arXiv:2308.04313v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jan Egger, Christina Gsaxner, Xiaojun Chen, Jiang Bian, Jens Kleesiek, Behrus Puladi

At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) in June 2023, Apple introduced the Vision Pro. The Vision Pro is a Mixed Reality (MR) headset, more specifically it is a Virtual Reality (VR) device with an additional Video See-Through (VST) capability. The VST capability turns the Vision Pro also into an Augmented Reality (AR) device. The AR feature is enabled by streaming the real world via cameras to the (VR) screens in front of the user's eyes. This is of course not unique and similar to other devices, like the Varjo XR-3. Nevertheless, the Vision Pro has some interesting features, like an inside-out screen that can show the headset wearers' eyes to "outsiders" or a button on the top, called "Digital Crown", that allows you to seamlessly blend digital content with your physical space by turning it. In addition, it is untethered, except for the cable to the battery, which makes the headset more agile, compared to the Varjo XR-3. This could actually come closer to the "Ultimate Display", which Ivan Sutherland had already sketched in 1965. Not available to the public yet, like the Ultimate Display, we want to take a look into the crystal ball in this perspective to see if it can overcome some clinical challenges that - especially - AR still faces in the medical domain, but also go beyond and discuss if the Vision Pro could support clinicians in essential tasks to spend more time with their patients.

Cooperative Multi-agent Bandits: Distributed Algorithms with Optimal Individual Regret and Constant Communication Costs. (arXiv:2308.04314v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lin Yang, Xuchuang Wang, Mohammad Hajiesmaili, Lijun Zhang, John C.S. Lui, Don Towsley

Recently, there has been extensive study of cooperative multi-agent multi-armed bandits where a set of distributed agents cooperatively play the same multi-armed bandit game. The goal is to develop bandit algorithms with the optimal group and individual regrets and low communication between agents. The prior work tackled this problem using two paradigms: leader-follower and fully distributed algorithms. Prior algorithms in both paradigms achieve the optimal group regret. The leader-follower algorithms achieve constant communication costs but fail to achieve optimal individual regrets. The state-of-the-art fully distributed algorithms achieve optimal individual regrets but fail to achieve constant communication costs. This paper presents a simple yet effective communication policy and integrates it into a learning algorithm for cooperative bandits. Our algorithm achieves the best of both paradigms: optimal individual regret and constant communication costs.

Pengembangan Model untuk Mendeteksi Kerusakan pada Terumbu Karang dengan Klasifikasi Citra. (arXiv:2308.04337v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fadhil Muhammad, Alif Bintang Elfandra, Iqbal Pahlevi Amin, Alfan Farizki Wicaksono

The abundant biodiversity of coral reefs in Indonesian waters is a valuable asset that needs to be preserved. Rapid climate change and uncontrolled human activities have led to the degradation of coral reef ecosystems, including coral bleaching, which is a critical indicator of coral health conditions. Therefore, this research aims to develop an accurate classification model to distinguish between healthy corals and corals experiencing bleaching. This study utilizes a specialized dataset consisting of 923 images collected from Flickr using the Flickr API. The dataset comprises two distinct classes: healthy corals (438 images) and bleached corals (485 images). These images have been resized to a maximum of 300 pixels in width or height, whichever is larger, to maintain consistent sizes across the dataset.

The method employed in this research involves the use of machine learning models, particularly convolutional neural networks (CNN), to recognize and differentiate visual patterns associated with healthy and bleached corals. In this context, the dataset can be used to train and test various classification models to achieve optimal results. By leveraging the ResNet model, it was found that a from-scratch ResNet model can outperform pretrained models in terms of precision and accuracy. The success in developing accurate classification models will greatly benefit researchers and marine biologists in gaining a better understanding of coral reef health. These models can also be employed to monitor changes in the coral reef environment, thereby making a significant contribution to conservation and ecosystem restoration efforts that have far-reaching impacts on life.

A Lightweight and Accurate Face Detection Algorithm Based on Retinaface. (arXiv:2308.04340v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Baozhu Liu, Hewei Yu

In this paper, we propose a lightweight and accurate face detection algorithm LAFD (Light and accurate face detection) based on Retinaface. Backbone network in the algorithm is a modified MobileNetV3 network which adjusts the size of the convolution kernel, the channel expansion multiplier of the inverted residuals block and the use of the SE attention mechanism. Deformable convolution network(DCN) is introduced in the context module and the algorithm uses focal loss function instead of cross-entropy loss function as the classification loss function of the model. The test results on the WIDERFACE dataset indicate that the average accuracy of LAFD is 94.1%, 92.2% and 82.1% for the "easy", "medium" and "hard" validation subsets respectively with an improvement of 3.4%, 4.0% and 8.3% compared to Retinaface and 3.1%, 4.1% and 4.1% higher than the well-performing lightweight model, LFFD. If the input image is pre-processed and scaled to 1560px in length or 1200px in width, the model achieves an average accuracy of 86.2% on the 'hard' validation subset. The model is lightweight, with a size of only 10.2MB.

Learning Unbiased Image Segmentation: A Case Study with Plain Knee Radiographs. (arXiv:2308.04356v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nickolas Littlefield, Johannes F. Plate, Kurt R. Weiss, Ines Lohse, Avani Chhabra, Ismaeel A. Siddiqui, Zoe Menezes, George Mastorakos, Sakshi Mehul Thakar, Mehrnaz Abedian, Matthew F. Gong, Luke A. Carlson, Hamidreza Moradi, Soheyla Amirian, Ahmad P. Tafti

Automatic segmentation of knee bony anatomy is essential in orthopedics, and it has been around for several years in both pre-operative and post-operative settings. While deep learning algorithms have demonstrated exceptional performance in medical image analysis, the assessment of fairness and potential biases within these models remains limited. This study aims to revisit deep learning-powered knee-bony anatomy segmentation using plain radiographs to uncover visible gender and racial biases. The current contribution offers the potential to advance our understanding of biases, and it provides practical insights for researchers and practitioners in medical imaging. The proposed mitigation strategies mitigate gender and racial biases, ensuring fair and unbiased segmentation results. Furthermore, this work promotes equal access to accurate diagnoses and treatment outcomes for diverse patient populations, fostering equitable and inclusive healthcare provision.

Cumulative Reasoning With Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.04371v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Jingqin Yang, Yang Yuan, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

While language models are powerful and versatile, they often fail to address highly complex problems. This is because solving complex problems requires deliberate thinking, which has been only minimally guided during training. In this paper, we propose a new method called Cumulative Reasoning (CR), which employs language models in a cumulative and iterative manner to emulate human thought processes. By decomposing tasks into smaller components, \ournameb streamlines the problem-solving process, rendering it both more manageable and effective. For logical inference tasks, CR consistently outperforms existing methods with an improvement up to 9.3\%, and achieves the astonishing accuracy of 98.04\% on the curated FOLIO wiki dataset. In the context of the Game of 24, CR achieves an accuracy of 94\%, which signifies a substantial enhancement of 20\% over the previous state-of-the-art method.

Some Options for Instantiation of Bipolar Argument Graphs with Deductive Arguments. (arXiv:2308.04372v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Anthony Hunter

Argument graphs provide an abstract representation of an argumentative situation. A bipolar argument graph is a directed graph where each node denotes an argument, and each arc denotes the influence of one argument on another. Here we assume that the influence is supporting, attacking, or ambiguous. In a bipolar argument graph, each argument is atomic and so it has no internal structure. Yet to better understand the nature of the individual arguments, and how they interact, it is important to consider their internal structure. To address this need, this paper presents a framework based on the use of logical arguments to instantiate bipolar argument graphs, and a set of possible constraints on instantiating arguments that take into account the internal structure of the arguments, and the types of relationship between arguments.

Understanding the Effect of Counterfactual Explanations on Trust and Reliance on AI for Human-AI Collaborative Clinical Decision Making. (arXiv:2308.04375v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Min Hun Lee, Chong Jun Chew

Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly being considered to assist human decision-making in high-stake domains (e.g. health). However, researchers have discussed an issue that humans can over-rely on wrong suggestions of the AI model instead of achieving human AI complementary performance. In this work, we utilized salient feature explanations along with what-if, counterfactual explanations to make humans review AI suggestions more analytically to reduce overreliance on AI and explored the effect of these explanations on trust and reliance on AI during clinical decision-making. We conducted an experiment with seven therapists and ten laypersons on the task of assessing post-stroke survivors' quality of motion, and analyzed their performance, agreement level on the task, and reliance on AI without and with two types of AI explanations. Our results showed that the AI model with both salient features and counterfactual explanations assisted therapists and laypersons to improve their performance and agreement level on the task when `right' AI outputs are presented. While both therapists and laypersons over-relied on `wrong' AI outputs, counterfactual explanations assisted both therapists and laypersons to reduce their over-reliance on `wrong' AI outputs by 21\% compared to salient feature explanations. Specifically, laypersons had higher performance degrades by 18.0 f1-score with salient feature explanations and 14.0 f1-score with counterfactual explanations than therapists with performance degrades of 8.6 and 2.8 f1-scores respectively. Our work discusses the potential of counterfactual explanations to better estimate the accuracy of an AI model and reduce over-reliance on `wrong' AI outputs and implications for improving human-AI collaborative decision-making.

Event Abstraction for Enterprise Collaboration Systems to Support Social Process Mining. (arXiv:2308.04396v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jonas Blatt, Patrick Delfmann, Petra Schubert

One aim of Process Mining (PM) is the discovery of process models from event logs of information systems. PM has been successfully applied to process-oriented enterprise systems but is less suited for communication- and document-oriented Enterprise Collaboration Systems (ECS). ECS event logs are very fine-granular and PM applied to their logs results in spaghetti models. A common solution for this is event abstraction, i.e., converting low-level logs into more abstract high-level logs before running discovery algorithms. ECS logs come with special characteristics that have so far not been fully addressed by existing event abstraction approaches. We aim to close this gap with a tailored ECS event abstraction (ECSEA) approach that trains a model by comparing recorded actual user activities (high-level traces) with the system-generated low-level traces (extracted from the ECS). The model allows us to automatically convert future low-level traces into an abstracted high-level log that can be used for PM. Our evaluation shows that the algorithm produces accurate results. ECSEA is a preprocessing method that is essential for the interpretation of collaborative work activity in ECS, which we call Social Process Mining.

Fine-Tuning Games: Bargaining and Adaptation for General-Purpose Models. (arXiv:2308.04399v1 [cs.GT])

Authors: Benjamin Laufer, Jon Kleinberg, Hoda Heidari

Major advances in Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) increasingly take the form of developing and releasing general-purpose models. These models are designed to be adapted by other businesses and agencies to perform a particular, domain-specific function. This process has become known as adaptation or fine-tuning. This paper offers a model of the fine-tuning process where a Generalist brings the technological product (here an ML model) to a certain level of performance, and one or more Domain-specialist(s) adapts it for use in a particular domain. Both entities are profit-seeking and incur costs when they invest in the technology, and they must reach a bargaining agreement on how to share the revenue for the technology to reach the market. For a relatively general class of cost and revenue functions, we characterize the conditions under which the fine-tuning game yields a profit-sharing solution. We observe that any potential domain-specialization will either contribute, free-ride, or abstain in their uptake of the technology, and we provide conditions yielding these different strategies. We show how methods based on bargaining solutions and sub-game perfect equilibria provide insights into the strategic behavior of firms in these types of interactions, and we find that profit-sharing can still arise even when one firm has significantly higher costs than another. We also provide methods for identifying Pareto-optimal bargaining arrangements for a general set of utility functions.

Probabilistic Invariant Learning with Randomized Linear Classifiers. (arXiv:2308.04412v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Leonardo Cotta, Gal Yehuda, Assaf Schuster, Chris J. Maddison

Designing models that are both expressive and preserve known invariances of tasks is an increasingly hard problem. Existing solutions tradeoff invariance for computational or memory resources. In this work, we show how to leverage randomness and design models that are both expressive and invariant but use less resources. Inspired by randomized algorithms, our key insight is that accepting probabilistic notions of universal approximation and invariance can reduce our resource requirements. More specifically, we propose a class of binary classification models called Randomized Linear Classifiers (RLCs). We give parameter and sample size conditions in which RLCs can, with high probability, approximate any (smooth) function while preserving invariance to compact group transformations. Leveraging this result, we design three RLCs that are provably probabilistic invariant for classification tasks over sets, graphs, and spherical data. We show how these models can achieve probabilistic invariance and universality using less resources than (deterministic) neural networks and their invariant counterparts. Finally, we empirically demonstrate the benefits of this new class of models on invariant tasks where deterministic invariant neural networks are known to struggle.

Stock Market Price Prediction: A Hybrid LSTM and Sequential Self-Attention based Approach. (arXiv:2308.04419v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Karan Pardeshi, Sukhpal Singh Gill, Ahmed M. Abdelmoniem

One of the most enticing research areas is the stock market, and projecting stock prices may help investors profit by making the best decisions at the correct time. Deep learning strategies have emerged as a critical technique in the field of the financial market. The stock market is impacted due to two aspects, one is the geo-political, social and global events on the bases of which the price trends could be affected. Meanwhile, the second aspect purely focuses on historical price trends and seasonality, allowing us to forecast stock prices. In this paper, our aim is to focus on the second aspect and build a model that predicts future prices with minimal errors. In order to provide better prediction results of stock price, we propose a new model named Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) with Sequential Self-Attention Mechanism (LSTM-SSAM). Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on the three stock datasets: SBIN, HDFCBANK, and BANKBARODA. The experimental results prove the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed model compared to existing models. The experimental findings demonstrate that the root-mean-squared error (RMSE), and R-square (R2) evaluation indicators are giving the best results.

SILO Language Models: Isolating Legal Risk In a Nonparametric Datastore. (arXiv:2308.04430v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sewon Min, Suchin Gururangan, Eric Wallace, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Noah A. Smith, Luke Zettlemoyer

The legality of training language models (LMs) on copyrighted or otherwise restricted data is under intense debate. However, as we show, model performance significantly degrades if trained only on low-risk text (e.g., out-of-copyright books or government documents), due to its limited size and domain coverage. We present SILO, a new language model that manages this risk-performance tradeoff during inference. SILO is built by (1) training a parametric LM on Open License Corpus (OLC), a new corpus we curate with 228B tokens of public domain and permissively licensed text and (2) augmenting it with a more general and easily modifiable nonparametric datastore (e.g., containing copyrighted books or news) that is only queried during inference. The datastore allows use of high-risk data without training on it, supports sentence-level data attribution, and enables data producers to opt out from the model by removing content from the store. These capabilities can foster compliance with data-use regulations such as the fair use doctrine in the United States and the GDPR in the European Union. Our experiments show that the parametric LM struggles on domains not covered by OLC. However, access to the datastore greatly improves out of domain performance, closing 90% of the performance gap with an LM trained on the Pile, a more diverse corpus with mostly high-risk text. We also analyze which nonparametric approach works best, where the remaining errors lie, and how performance scales with datastore size. Our results suggest that it is possible to build high quality language models while mitigating their legal risk.

ORC: Network Group-based Knowledge Distillation using Online Role Change. (arXiv:2206.01186v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Junyong Choi, Hyeon Cho, Seokhwa Cheung, Wonjun Hwang

In knowledge distillation, since a single, omnipotent teacher network cannot solve all problems, multiple teacher-based knowledge distillations have been studied recently. However, sometimes their improvements are not as good as expected because some immature teachers may transfer the false knowledge to the student. In this paper, to overcome this limitation and take the efficacy of the multiple networks, we divide the multiple networks into teacher and student groups, respectively. That is, the student group is a set of immature networks that require learning the teacher's knowledge, while the teacher group consists of the selected networks that are capable of teaching successfully. We propose our online role change strategy where the top-ranked networks in the student group are able to promote to the teacher group at every iteration. After training the teacher group using the error samples of the student group to refine the teacher group's knowledge, we transfer the collaborative knowledge from the teacher group to the student group successfully. We verify the superiority of the proposed method on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet which achieves high performance. We further show the generality of our method with various backbone architectures such as ResNet, WRN, VGG, Mobilenet, and Shufflenet.

Semi-supervised Deep Multi-view Stereo. (arXiv:2207.11699v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongbin Xu, Zhipeng Zhou, Weitao Chen, Baigui Sun, Hao Li, Wenxiong Kang

Significant progress has been witnessed in learning-based Multi-view Stereo (MVS) under supervised and unsupervised settings. To combine their respective merits in accuracy and completeness, meantime reducing the demand for expensive labeled data, this paper explores the problem of learning-based MVS in a semi-supervised setting that only a tiny part of the MVS data is attached with dense depth ground truth. However, due to huge variation of scenarios and flexible settings in views, it may break the basic assumption in classic semi-supervised learning, that unlabeled data and labeled data share the same label space and data distribution, named as semi-supervised distribution-gap ambiguity in the MVS problem. To handle these issues, we propose a novel semi-supervised distribution-augmented MVS framework, namely SDA-MVS. For the simple case that the basic assumption works in MVS data, consistency regularization encourages the model predictions to be consistent between original sample and randomly augmented sample. For further troublesome case that the basic assumption is conflicted in MVS data, we propose a novel style consistency loss to alleviate the negative effect caused by the distribution gap. The visual style of unlabeled sample is transferred to labeled sample to shrink the gap, and the model prediction of generated sample is further supervised with the label in original labeled sample. The experimental results in semi-supervised settings of multiple MVS datasets show the superior performance of the proposed method. With the same settings in backbone network, our proposed SDA-MVS outperforms its fully-supervised and unsupervised baselines.

Learning To Rank Diversely At Airbnb. (arXiv:2210.07774v3 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Malay Haldar, Mustafa Abdool, Liwei He, Dillon Davis, Huiji Gao, Sanjeev Katariya

Airbnb is a two-sided marketplace, bringing together hosts who own listings for rent, with prospective guests from around the globe. Applying neural network-based learning to rank techniques has led to significant improvements in matching guests with hosts. These improvements in ranking were driven by a core strategy: order the listings by their estimated booking probabilities, then iterate on techniques to make these booking probability estimates more and more accurate. Embedded implicitly in this strategy was an assumption that the booking probability of a listing could be determined independently of other listings in search results. In this paper we discuss how this assumption, pervasive throughout the commonly-used learning to rank frameworks, is false. We provide a theoretical foundation correcting this assumption, followed by efficient neural network architectures based on the theory. Explicitly accounting for possible similarities between listings, and reducing them to diversify the search results generated strong positive impact. We discuss these metric wins as part of the online A/B tests of the theory. Our method provides a practical way to diversify search results for large-scale production ranking systems.

SPTS v2: Single-Point Scene Text Spotting. (arXiv:2301.01635v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuliang Liu, Jiaxin Zhang, Dezhi Peng, Mingxin Huang, Xinyu Wang, Jingqun Tang, Can Huang, Dahua Lin, Chunhua Shen, Xiang Bai, Lianwen Jin

End-to-end scene text spotting has made significant progress due to its intrinsic synergy between text detection and recognition. Previous methods commonly regard manual annotations such as horizontal rectangles, rotated rectangles, quadrangles, and polygons as a prerequisite, which are much more expensive than using single-point. Our new framework, SPTS v2, allows us to train high-performing text-spotting models using a single-point annotation. SPTS v2 reserves the advantage of the auto-regressive Transformer with an Instance Assignment Decoder (IAD) through sequentially predicting the center points of all text instances inside the same predicting sequence, while with a Parallel Recognition Decoder (PRD) for text recognition in parallel. These two decoders share the same parameters and are interactively connected with a simple but effective information transmission process to pass the gradient and information. Comprehensive experiments on various existing benchmark datasets demonstrate the SPTS v2 can outperform previous state-of-the-art single-point text spotters with fewer parameters while achieving 19$\times$ faster inference speed. Within the context of our SPTS v2 framework, our experiments suggest a potential preference for single-point representation in scene text spotting when compared to other representations. Such an attempt provides a significant opportunity for scene text spotting applications beyond the realms of existing paradigms. Code is available at

Treat Different Negatives Differently: Enriching Loss Functions with Domain and Range Constraints for Link Prediction. (arXiv:2303.00286v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Nicolas Hubert, Pierre Monnin, Armelle Brun, Davy Monticolo

Knowledge graph embedding models (KGEMs) are used for various tasks related to knowledge graphs (KGs), including link prediction. They are trained with loss functions that are computed considering a batch of scored triples and their corresponding labels. Traditional approaches consider the label of a triple to be either true or false. However, recent works suggest that all negative triples should not be valued equally. In line with this recent assumption, we posit that negative triples that are semantically valid w.r.t. domain and range constraints might be high-quality negative triples. As such, loss functions should treat them differently from semantically invalid negative ones. To this aim, we propose semantic-driven versions for the three main loss functions for link prediction. In an extensive and controlled experimental setting, we show that the proposed loss functions systematically provide satisfying results on three public benchmark KGs underpinned with different schemas, which demonstrates both the generality and superiority of our proposed approach. In fact, the proposed loss functions do (1) lead to better MRR and Hits@10 values, (2) drive KGEMs towards better semantic awareness as measured by the Sem@K metric. This highlights that semantic information globally improves KGEMs, and thus should be incorporated into loss functions. Domains and ranges of relations being largely available in schema-defined KGs, this makes our approach both beneficial and widely usable in practice.

GNNBuilder: An Automated Framework for Generic Graph Neural Network Accelerator Generation, Simulation, and Optimization. (arXiv:2303.16459v2 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: Stefan Abi-Karam, Cong Hao

There are plenty of graph neural network (GNN) accelerators being proposed. However, they highly rely on users' hardware expertise and are usually optimized for one specific GNN model, making them challenging for practical use. Therefore, in this work, we propose GNNBuilder, the first automated, generic, end-to-end GNN accelerator generation framework. It features four advantages: (1) GNNBuilder can automatically generate GNN accelerators for a wide range of GNN models arbitrarily defined by users; (2) GNNBuilder takes standard PyTorch programming interface, introducing zero overhead for algorithm developers; (3) GNNBuilder supports end-to-end code generation, simulation, accelerator optimization, and hardware deployment, realizing a push-button fashion for GNN accelerator design; (4) GNNBuilder is equipped with accurate performance models of its generated accelerator, enabling fast and flexible design space exploration (DSE). In the experiments, first, we show that our accelerator performance model has errors within $36\%$ for latency prediction and $18\%$ for BRAM count prediction. Second, we show that our generated accelerators can outperform CPU by $6.33\times$ and GPU by $6.87\times$. This framework is open-source, and the code is available at

Implementing Responsible AI: Tensions and Trade-Offs Between Ethics Aspects. (arXiv:2304.08275v3 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Conrad Sanderson, David Douglas, Qinghua Lu

Many sets of ethics principles for responsible AI have been proposed to allay concerns about misuse and abuse of AI/ML systems. The underlying aspects of such sets of principles include privacy, accuracy, fairness, robustness, explainability, and transparency. However, there are potential tensions between these aspects that pose difficulties for AI/ML developers seeking to follow these principles. For example, increasing the accuracy of an AI/ML system may reduce its explainability. As part of the ongoing effort to operationalise the principles into practice, in this work we compile and discuss a catalogue of 10 notable tensions, trade-offs and other interactions between the underlying aspects. We primarily focus on two-sided interactions, drawing on support spread across a diverse literature. This catalogue can be helpful in raising awareness of the possible interactions between aspects of ethics principles, as well as facilitating well-supported judgements by the designers and developers of AI/ML systems.

Towards Causal Representation Learning and Deconfounding from Indefinite Data. (arXiv:2305.02640v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hang Chen, Xinyu Yang, Qing Yang

We redefine causal data from two novel perspectives: the number of causal skeletons and the dimension of causal variables, thereby proposing three data paradigms. Among them, the indefinite data (like dialogues or video sources) is characterized by multi-skeleton structures and multi-value variables. Multi skeletons induce low sample utilization, and multi values induce incapability of the distribution assumption, both leading to the fact that learning causal representation from indefinite data is, as of yet, largely unexplored. We design the causal strength variational model to settle down these two problems. Specifically, we leverage the causal strength instead of independent noise as the latent variable to construct evidence lower bound. By this design ethos, The causal strengths of different skeletons are regarded as a distribution and can be expressed as a single-valued causal graph matrix. Moreover, considering the latent confounders, we disentangle the causal graph G into two relation subgraphs O and C. O contains pure relations between observed variables, while C represents the relations from latent variables to observed variables. We implement the above designs as a dynamic variational inference model, tailored to learn causal representation from indefinite data under latent confounding. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Measuring and Modeling Physical Intrinsic Motivation. (arXiv:2305.13452v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Julio Martinez, Felix Binder, Haoliang Wang, Nick Haber, Judith Fan, Daniel L. K. Yamins

Humans are interactive agents driven to seek out situations with interesting physical dynamics. Here we formalize the functional form of physical intrinsic motivation. We first collect ratings of how interesting humans find a variety of physics scenarios. We then model human interestingness responses by implementing various hypotheses of intrinsic motivation including models that rely on simple scene features to models that depend on forward physics prediction. We find that the single best predictor of human responses is adversarial reward, a model derived from physical prediction loss. We also find that simple scene feature models do not generalize their prediction of human responses across all scenarios. Finally, linearly combining the adversarial model with the number of collisions in a scene leads to the greatest improvement in predictivity of human responses, suggesting humans are driven towards scenarios that result in high information gain and physical activity.

AI Transparency in the Age of LLMs: A Human-Centered Research Roadmap. (arXiv:2306.01941v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Q. Vera Liao, Jennifer Wortman Vaughan

The rise of powerful large language models (LLMs) brings about tremendous opportunities for innovation but also looming risks for individuals and society at large. We have reached a pivotal moment for ensuring that LLMs and LLM-infused applications are developed and deployed responsibly. However, a central pillar of responsible AI -- transparency -- is largely missing from the current discourse around LLMs. It is paramount to pursue new approaches to provide transparency for LLMs, and years of research at the intersection of AI and human-computer interaction (HCI) highlight that we must do so with a human-centered perspective: Transparency is fundamentally about supporting appropriate human understanding, and this understanding is sought by different stakeholders with different goals in different contexts. In this new era of LLMs, we must develop and design approaches to transparency by considering the needs of stakeholders in the emerging LLM ecosystem, the novel types of LLM-infused applications being built, and the new usage patterns and challenges around LLMs, all while building on lessons learned about how people process, interact with, and make use of information. We reflect on the unique challenges that arise in providing transparency for LLMs, along with lessons learned from HCI and responsible AI research that has taken a human-centered perspective on AI transparency. We then lay out four common approaches that the community has taken to achieve transparency -- model reporting, publishing evaluation results, providing explanations, and communicating uncertainty -- and call out open questions around how these approaches may or may not be applied to LLMs. We hope this provides a starting point for discussion and a useful roadmap for future research.

Leveraging Large Language Models for Topic Classification in the Domain of Public Affairs. (arXiv:2306.02864v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Alejandro Peña, Aythami Morales, Julian Fierrez, Ignacio Serna, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Iñigo Puente, Jorge Cordova, Gonzalo Cordova

The analysis of public affairs documents is crucial for citizens as it promotes transparency, accountability, and informed decision-making. It allows citizens to understand government policies, participate in public discourse, and hold representatives accountable. This is crucial, and sometimes a matter of life or death, for companies whose operation depend on certain regulations. Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to greatly enhance the analysis of public affairs documents by effectively processing and understanding the complex language used in such documents. In this work, we analyze the performance of LLMs in classifying public affairs documents. As a natural multi-label task, the classification of these documents presents important challenges. In this work, we use a regex-powered tool to collect a database of public affairs documents with more than 33K samples and 22.5M tokens. Our experiments assess the performance of 4 different Spanish LLMs to classify up to 30 different topics in the data in different configurations. The results shows that LLMs can be of great use to process domain-specific documents, such as those in the domain of public affairs.

InstructZero: Efficient Instruction Optimization for Black-Box Large Language Models. (arXiv:2306.03082v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Lichang Chen, Jiuhai Chen, Tom Goldstein, Heng Huang, Tianyi Zhou

Large language models~(LLMs) are instruction followers, but it can be challenging to find the best instruction for different situations, especially for black-box LLMs on which backpropagation is forbidden. Instead of directly optimizing the discrete instruction, we optimize a low-dimensional soft prompt applied to an open-source LLM to generate the instruction for the black-box LLM. On each iteration of the proposed method, which we call InstructZero, a soft prompt is converted into an instruction using the open-source LLM, which is then submitted to the black-box LLM for zero-shot evaluation, and the performance is sent to Bayesian optimization to produce new soft prompts improving the zero-shot performance. We evaluate InstructZero on different combinations of open-source LLMs and APIs including Vicuna and ChatGPT. Our results show that InstructZero outperforms SOTA auto-instruction methods across a variety of downstream tasks. Our code and data are publicly available at

Are Large Language Models Really Good Logical Reasoners? A Comprehensive Evaluation and Beyond. (arXiv:2306.09841v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Fangzhi Xu, Qika Lin, Jiawei Han, Tianzhe Zhao, Jun Liu, Erik Cambria

Logical reasoning consistently plays a fundamental and significant role in the domains of knowledge engineering and artificial intelligence. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a noteworthy innovation in natural language processing (NLP), exhibiting impressive achievements across various classic NLP tasks. However, the question of whether LLMs can effectively address the task of logical reasoning, which requires gradual cognitive inference similar to human intelligence, remains unanswered. To this end, we aim to bridge this gap and provide comprehensive evaluations in this paper. Firstly, to offer systematic evaluations, we select fifteen typical logical reasoning datasets and organize them into deductive, inductive, abductive and mixed-form reasoning settings. Considering the comprehensiveness of evaluations, we include three representative LLMs (i.e., text-davinci-003, ChatGPT and BARD) and evaluate them on all selected datasets under zero-shot, one-shot and three-shot settings. Secondly, different from previous evaluations relying only on simple metrics (e.g., accuracy), we propose fine-level evaluations from objective and subjective manners, covering both answers and explanations. Additionally, to uncover the logical flaws of LLMs, problematic cases will be attributed to five error types from two dimensions, i.e., evidence selection process and reasoning process. Thirdly, to avoid the influences of knowledge bias and purely focus on benchmarking the logical reasoning capability of LLMs, we propose a new dataset with neutral content. It contains 3,000 samples and covers deductive, inductive and abductive settings. Based on the in-depth evaluations, this paper finally forms a general evaluation scheme of logical reasoning capability from six dimensions. It reflects the pros and cons of LLMs and gives guiding directions for future works.

MAE-DFER: Efficient Masked Autoencoder for Self-supervised Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition. (arXiv:2307.02227v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Licai Sun, Zheng Lian, Bin Liu, Jianhua Tao

Dynamic facial expression recognition (DFER) is essential to the development of intelligent and empathetic machines. Prior efforts in this field mainly fall into supervised learning paradigm, which is severely restricted by the limited labeled data in existing datasets. Inspired by recent unprecedented success of masked autoencoders (e.g., VideoMAE), this paper proposes MAE-DFER, a novel self-supervised method which leverages large-scale self-supervised pre-training on abundant unlabeled data to largely advance the development of DFER. Since the vanilla Vision Transformer (ViT) employed in VideoMAE requires substantial computation during fine-tuning, MAE-DFER develops an efficient local-global interaction Transformer (LGI-Former) as the encoder. Moreover, in addition to the standalone appearance content reconstruction in VideoMAE, MAE-DFER also introduces explicit temporal facial motion modeling to encourage LGI-Former to excavate both static appearance and dynamic motion information. Extensive experiments on six datasets show that MAE-DFER consistently outperforms state-of-the-art supervised methods by significant margins (e.g., +6.30\% UAR on DFEW and +8.34\% UAR on MAFW), verifying that it can learn powerful dynamic facial representations via large-scale self-supervised pre-training. Besides, it has comparable or even better performance than VideoMAE, while largely reducing the computational cost (about 38\% FLOPs). We believe MAE-DFER has paved a new way for the advancement of DFER and can inspire more relevant research in this field and even other related tasks. Codes and models are publicly available at

A Neuromorphic Architecture for Reinforcement Learning from Real-Valued Observations. (arXiv:2307.02947v2 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Sergio F. Chevtchenko, Yeshwanth Bethi, Teresa B. Ludermir, Saeed Afshar

Reinforcement Learning (RL) provides a powerful framework for decision-making in complex environments. However, implementing RL in hardware-efficient and bio-inspired ways remains a challenge. This paper presents a novel Spiking Neural Network (SNN) architecture for solving RL problems with real-valued observations. The proposed model incorporates multi-layered event-based clustering, with the addition of Temporal Difference (TD)-error modulation and eligibility traces, building upon prior work. An ablation study confirms the significant impact of these components on the proposed model's performance. A tabular actor-critic algorithm with eligibility traces and a state-of-the-art Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) algorithm are used as benchmarks. Our network consistently outperforms the tabular approach and successfully discovers stable control policies on classic RL environments: mountain car, cart-pole, and acrobot. The proposed model offers an appealing trade-off in terms of computational and hardware implementation requirements. The model does not require an external memory buffer nor a global error gradient computation, and synaptic updates occur online, driven by local learning rules and a broadcasted TD-error signal. Thus, this work contributes to the development of more hardware-efficient RL solutions.

Can We Trust Race Prediction?. (arXiv:2307.08496v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Cangyuan Li

In the absence of sensitive race and ethnicity data, researchers, regulators, and firms alike turn to proxies. In this paper, I train a Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory (BiLSTM) model on a novel dataset of voter registration data from all 50 US states and create an ensemble that achieves up to 36.8% higher out of sample (OOS) F1 scores than the best performing machine learning models in the literature. Additionally, I construct the most comprehensive database of first and surname distributions in the US in order to improve the coverage and accuracy of Bayesian Improved Surname Geocoding (BISG) and Bayesian Improved Firstname Surname Geocoding (BIFSG). Finally, I provide the first high-quality benchmark dataset in order to fairly compare existing models and aid future model developers.

Balancing Privacy and Progress in Artificial Intelligence: Anonymization in Histopathology for Biomedical Research and Education. (arXiv:2307.09426v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Neel Kanwal, Emiel A.M. Janssen, Kjersti Engan

The advancement of biomedical research heavily relies on access to large amounts of medical data. In the case of histopathology, Whole Slide Images (WSI) and clinicopathological information are valuable for developing Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms for Digital Pathology (DP). Transferring medical data "as open as possible" enhances the usability of the data for secondary purposes but poses a risk to patient privacy. At the same time, existing regulations push towards keeping medical data "as closed as necessary" to avoid re-identification risks. Generally, these legal regulations require the removal of sensitive data but do not consider the possibility of data linkage attacks due to modern image-matching algorithms. In addition, the lack of standardization in DP makes it harder to establish a single solution for all formats of WSIs. These challenges raise problems for bio-informatics researchers in balancing privacy and progress while developing AI algorithms. This paper explores the legal regulations and terminologies for medical data-sharing. We review existing approaches and highlight challenges from the histopathological perspective. We also present a data-sharing guideline for histological data to foster multidisciplinary research and education.

Enhancing CLIP with GPT-4: Harnessing Visual Descriptions as Prompts. (arXiv:2307.11661v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mayug Maniparambil, Chris Vorster, Derek Molloy, Noel Murphy, Kevin McGuinness, Noel E. O'Connor

Contrastive pretrained large Vision-Language Models (VLMs) like CLIP have revolutionized visual representation learning by providing good performance on downstream datasets. VLMs are 0-shot adapted to a downstream dataset by designing prompts that are relevant to the dataset. Such prompt engineering makes use of domain expertise and a validation dataset. Meanwhile, recent developments in generative pretrained models like GPT-4 mean they can be used as advanced internet search tools. They can also be manipulated to provide visual information in any structure. In this work, we show that GPT-4 can be used to generate text that is visually descriptive and how this can be used to adapt CLIP to downstream tasks. We show considerable improvements in 0-shot transfer accuracy on specialized fine-grained datasets like EuroSAT (~7%), DTD (~7%), SUN397 (~4.6%), and CUB (~3.3%) when compared to CLIP's default prompt. We also design a simple few-shot adapter that learns to choose the best possible sentences to construct generalizable classifiers that outperform the recently proposed CoCoOP by ~2% on average and by over 4% on 4 specialized fine-grained datasets. The code, prompts, and auxiliary text dataset is available at

Right for the Wrong Reason: Can Interpretable ML Techniques Detect Spurious Correlations?. (arXiv:2307.12344v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Susu Sun, Lisa M. Koch, Christian F. Baumgartner

While deep neural network models offer unmatched classification performance, they are prone to learning spurious correlations in the data. Such dependencies on confounding information can be difficult to detect using performance metrics if the test data comes from the same distribution as the training data. Interpretable ML methods such as post-hoc explanations or inherently interpretable classifiers promise to identify faulty model reasoning. However, there is mixed evidence whether many of these techniques are actually able to do so. In this paper, we propose a rigorous evaluation strategy to assess an explanation technique's ability to correctly identify spurious correlations. Using this strategy, we evaluate five post-hoc explanation techniques and one inherently interpretable method for their ability to detect three types of artificially added confounders in a chest x-ray diagnosis task. We find that the post-hoc technique SHAP, as well as the inherently interpretable Attri-Net provide the best performance and can be used to reliably identify faulty model behavior.

ProtoFL: Unsupervised Federated Learning via Prototypical Distillation. (arXiv:2307.12450v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hansol Kim, Youngjun Kwak, Minyoung Jung, Jinho Shin, Youngsung Kim, Changick Kim

Federated learning (FL) is a promising approach for enhancing data privacy preservation, particularly for authentication systems. However, limited round communications, scarce representation, and scalability pose significant challenges to its deployment, hindering its full potential. In this paper, we propose 'ProtoFL', Prototypical Representation Distillation based unsupervised Federated Learning to enhance the representation power of a global model and reduce round communication costs. Additionally, we introduce a local one-class classifier based on normalizing flows to improve performance with limited data. Our study represents the first investigation of using FL to improve one-class classification performance. We conduct extensive experiments on five widely used benchmarks, namely MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, ImageNet-30, and Keystroke-Dynamics, to demonstrate the superior performance of our proposed framework over previous methods in the literature.

MetaGPT: Meta Programming for Multi-Agent Collaborative Framework. (arXiv:2308.00352v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Sirui Hong, Xiawu Zheng, Jonathan Chen, Yuheng Cheng, Jinlin Wang, Ceyao Zhang, Zili Wang, Steven Ka Shing Yau, Zijuan Lin, Liyang Zhou, Chenyu Ran, Lingfeng Xiao, Chenglin Wu

Recently, remarkable progress has been made in automated task-solving through the use of multi-agent driven by large language models (LLMs). However, existing LLM-based multi-agent works primarily focus on solving simple dialogue tasks, and complex tasks are rarely studied, mainly due to the LLM hallucination problem. This type of hallucination becomes cascading when naively chaining multiple intelligent agents, resulting in a failure to effectively address complex problems. Therefore, we introduce MetaGPT, an innovative framework that incorporates efficient human workflows as a meta programming approach into LLM-based multi-agent collaboration. Specifically, MetaGPT encodes Standardized Operating Procedures (SOPs) into prompts to enhance structured coordination. Subsequently, it mandates modular outputs, empowering agents with domain expertise comparable to human professionals, to validate outputs and minimize compounded errors. In this way, MetaGPT leverages the assembly line paradigm to assign diverse roles to various agents, thereby establishing a framework that can effectively and cohesively deconstruct complex multi-agent collaborative problems. Our experiments on collaborative software engineering benchmarks demonstrate that MetaGPT generates more coherent and correct solutions compared to existing chat-based multi-agent systems. This highlights the potential of integrating human domain knowledge into multi-agent systems, thereby creating new opportunities to tackle complex real-world challenges. The GitHub repository of this project is publicly available on:

FusionAD: Multi-modality Fusion for Prediction and Planning Tasks of Autonomous Driving. (arXiv:2308.01006v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tengju Ye, Wei Jing, Chunyong Hu, Shikun Huang, Lingping Gao, Fangzhen Li, Jingke Wang, Ke Guo, Wencong Xiao, Weibo Mao, Hang Zheng, Kun Li, Junbo Chen, Kaicheng Yu

Building a multi-modality multi-task neural network toward accurate and robust performance is a de-facto standard in perception task of autonomous driving. However, leveraging such data from multiple sensors to jointly optimize the prediction and planning tasks remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we present FusionAD, to the best of our knowledge, the first unified framework that fuse the information from two most critical sensors, camera and LiDAR, goes beyond perception task. Concretely, we first build a transformer based multi-modality fusion network to effectively produce fusion based features. In constrast to camera-based end-to-end method UniAD, we then establish a fusion aided modality-aware prediction and status-aware planning modules, dubbed FMSPnP that take advantages of multi-modality features. We conduct extensive experiments on commonly used benchmark nuScenes dataset, our FusionAD achieves state-of-the-art performance and surpassing baselines on average 15% on perception tasks like detection and tracking, 10% on occupancy prediction accuracy, reducing prediction error from 0.708 to 0.389 in ADE score and reduces the collision rate from 0.31% to only 0.12%.

NBIAS: A Natural Language Processing Framework for Bias Identification in Text. (arXiv:2308.01681v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaina Raza, Muskan Garg, Deepak John Reji, Syed Raza Bashir, Chen Ding

Bias in textual data can lead to skewed interpretations and outcomes when the data is used. These biases could perpetuate stereotypes, discrimination, or other forms of unfair treatment. An algorithm trained on biased data ends up making decisions that disproportionately impact a certain group of people. Therefore, it is crucial to detect and remove these biases to ensure the fair and ethical use of data. To this end, we develop a comprehensive and robust framework \textsc{Nbias} that consists of a data layer, corpus contruction, model development layer and an evaluation layer. The dataset is constructed by collecting diverse data from various fields, including social media, healthcare, and job hiring portals. As such, we applied a transformer-based token classification model that is able to identify bias words/ phrases through a unique named entity. In the assessment procedure, we incorporate a blend of quantitative and qualitative evaluations to gauge the effectiveness of our models. We achieve accuracy improvements ranging from 1% to 8% compared to baselines. We are also able to generate a robust understanding of the model functioning, capturing not only numerical data but also the quality and intricacies of its performance. The proposed approach is applicable to a variety of biases and contributes to the fair and ethical use of textual data.

Adapt and Decompose: Efficient Generalization of Text-to-SQL via Domain Adapted Least-To-Most Prompting. (arXiv:2308.02582v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Aseem Arora, Shabbirhussain Bhaisaheb, Manasi Patwardhan, Lovekesh Vig, Gautam Shroff

Cross-domain and cross-compositional generalization of Text-to-SQL semantic parsing is a challenging task. Existing Large Language Model (LLM) based solutions rely on inference-time retrieval of few-shot exemplars from the training set to synthesize a run-time prompt for each Natural Language (NL) test query. In contrast, we devise an algorithm which performs offline sampling of a minimal set-of few-shots from the training data, with complete coverage of SQL clauses, operators and functions, and maximal domain coverage within the allowed token length. This allows for synthesis of a fixed Generic Prompt (GP), with a diverse set-of exemplars common across NL test queries, avoiding expensive test time exemplar retrieval. We further auto-adapt the GP to the target database domain (DA-GP), to better handle cross-domain generalization; followed by a decomposed Least-To-Most-Prompting (LTMP-DA-GP) to handle cross-compositional generalization. The synthesis of LTMP-DA-GP is an offline task, to be performed one-time per new database with minimal human intervention. Our approach demonstrates superior performance on the KaggleDBQA dataset, designed to evaluate generalizability for the Text-to-SQL task. We further showcase consistent performance improvement of LTMP-DA-GP over GP, across LLMs and databases of KaggleDBQA, highlighting the efficacy and model agnostic benefits of our prompt based adapt and decompose approach.

Generation of Realistic Synthetic Raw Radar Data for Automated Driving Applications using Generative Adversarial Networks. (arXiv:2308.02632v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Eduardo C. Fidelis, Fabio Reway, Herick Y. S. Ribeiro, Pietro L. Campos, Werner Huber, Christian Icking, Lester A. Faria, Torsten Schön

The main approaches for simulating FMCW radar are based on ray tracing, which is usually computationally intensive and do not account for background noise. This work proposes a faster method for FMCW radar simulation capable of generating synthetic raw radar data using generative adversarial networks (GAN). The code and pre-trained weights are open-source and available on GitHub. This method generates 16 simultaneous chirps, which allows the generated data to be used for the further development of algorithms for processing radar data (filtering and clustering). This can increase the potential for data augmentation, e.g., by generating data in non-existent or safety-critical scenarios that are not reproducible in real life. In this work, the GAN was trained with radar measurements of a motorcycle and used to generate synthetic raw radar data of a motorcycle traveling in a straight line. For generating this data, the distance of the motorcycle and Gaussian noise are used as input to the neural network. The synthetic generated radar chirps were evaluated using the Frechet Inception Distance (FID). Then, the Range-Azimuth (RA) map is calculated twice: first, based on synthetic data using this GAN and, second, based on real data. Based on these RA maps, an algorithm with adaptive threshold and edge detection is used for object detection. The results have shown that the data is realistic in terms of coherent radar reflections of the motorcycle and background noise based on the comparison of chirps, the RA maps and the object detection results. Thus, the proposed method in this work has shown to minimize the simulation-to-reality gap for the generation of radar data.

RecycleGPT: An Autoregressive Language Model with Recyclable Module. (arXiv:2308.03421v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yufan Jiang, Qiaozhi He, Xiaomin Zhuang, Zhihua Wu, Kunpeng Wang, Wenlai Zhao, Guangwen Yang

Existing large language models have to run K times to generate a sequence of K tokens. In this paper, we present RecycleGPT, a generative language model with fast decoding speed by recycling pre-generated model states without running the whole model in multiple steps. Our approach relies on the observation that adjacent tokens in a sequence usually have strong correlations and the next token in a sequence can be reasonably guessed or inferred based on the preceding ones. Experiments and analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in lowering inference latency, achieving up to 1.4x speedup while preserving high performance.

MedMine: Examining Pre-trained Language Models on Medication Mining. (arXiv:2308.03629v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Haifa Alrdahi, Lifeng Han, Hendrik Šuvalov, Goran Nenadic

Automatic medication mining from clinical and biomedical text has become a popular topic due to its real impact on healthcare applications and the recent development of powerful language models (LMs). However, fully-automatic extraction models still face obstacles to be overcome such that they can be deployed directly into clinical practice for better impacts. Such obstacles include their imbalanced performances on different entity types and clinical events. In this work, we examine current state-of-the-art pre-trained language models (PLMs) on such tasks, via fine-tuning including the monolingual model Med7 and multilingual large language model (LLM) XLM-RoBERTa. We compare their advantages and drawbacks using historical medication mining shared task data sets from n2c2-2018 challenges. We report the findings we get from these fine-tuning experiments such that they can facilitate future research on addressing them, for instance, how to combine their outputs, merge such models, or improve their overall accuracy by ensemble learning and data augmentation. MedMine is part of the M3 Initiative \url{}

Machine Learning and Computer Vision Techniques in Bee Monitoring Applications. (arXiv:2208.00085v1 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Simon Bilik, Ondrej Bostik, Lukas Kratochvila, Adam Ligocki, Matej Poncak, Tomas Zemcik, Milos Richter, Ilona Janakova, Petr Honec, Karel Horak

Machine learning and computer vision are dynamically growing fields, which have proven to be able to solve very complex tasks. They could also be used for the monitoring of the honeybee colonies and for the inspection of their health state, which could identify potentially dangerous states before the situation is critical, or to better plan periodic bee colony inspections and therefore save significant costs. In this paper, we present an overview of the state-of-the-art computer vision and machine learning applications used for bee monitoring. We also demonstrate the potential of those methods as an example of an automated bee counter algorithm. The paper is aimed at veterinary and apidology professionals and experts, who might not be familiar with machine learning to introduce to them its possibilities, therefore each family of applications is opened by a brief theoretical introduction and motivation related to its base method. We hope that this paper will inspire other scientists to use the machine learning techniques for other applications in bee monitoring.

Digital twin brain: a bridge between biological intelligence and artificial intelligence. (arXiv:2308.01941v1 [q-bio.NC] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Hui Xiong, Congying Chu, Lingzhong Fan, Ming Song, Jiaqi Zhang, Yawei Ma, Ruonan Zheng, Junyang Zhang, Zhengyi Yang, Tianzi Jiang

In recent years, advances in neuroscience and artificial intelligence have paved the way for unprecedented opportunities for understanding the complexity of the brain and its emulation by computational systems. Cutting-edge advancements in neuroscience research have revealed the intricate relationship between brain structure and function, while the success of artificial neural networks highlights the importance of network architecture. Now is the time to bring them together to better unravel how intelligence emerges from the brain's multiscale repositories. In this review, we propose the Digital Twin Brain (DTB) as a transformative platform that bridges the gap between biological and artificial intelligence. It consists of three core elements: the brain structure that is fundamental to the twinning process, bottom-layer models to generate brain functions, and its wide spectrum of applications. Crucially, brain atlases provide a vital constraint, preserving the brain's network organization within the DTB. Furthermore, we highlight open questions that invite joint efforts from interdisciplinary fields and emphasize the far-reaching implications of the DTB. The DTB can offer unprecedented insights into the emergence of intelligence and neurological disorders, which holds tremendous promise for advancing our understanding of both biological and artificial intelligence, and ultimately propelling the development of artificial general intelligence and facilitating precision mental healthcare.