Towards AI Forensics: Did the Artificial Intelligence System Do It?. (arXiv:2005.13635v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Johannes Schneider, Frank Breitinger

Artificial intelligence (AI) makes decisions impacting our daily lives in an increasingly autonomous manner. Their actions might cause accidents, harm, or, more generally, violate regulations. Determining whether an AI caused a specific event and, if so, what triggered the AI's action, are key forensic questions. We provide a conceptualization of the problems and strategies for forensic investigation. We focus on AI that is potentially ``malicious by design'' and grey box analysis. Our evaluation using convolutional neural networks illustrates challenges and ideas for identifying malicious AI.

Mapping Patterns for Virtual Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2012.01917v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Diego Calvanese, Avigdor Gal, Davide Lanti, Marco Montali, Alessandro Mosca, Roee Shraga

Virtual Knowledge Graphs (VKG) constitute one of the most promising paradigms for integrating and accessing legacy data sources. A critical bottleneck in the integration process involves the definition, validation, and maintenance of mappings that link data sources to a domain ontology. To support the management of mappings throughout their entire lifecycle, we propose a comprehensive catalog of sophisticated mapping patterns that emerge when linking databases to ontologies. To do so, we build on well-established methodologies and patterns studied in data management, data analysis, and conceptual modeling. These are extended and refined through the analysis of concrete VKG benchmarks and real-world use cases, and considering the inherent impedance mismatch between data sources and ontologies. We validate our catalog on the considered VKG scenarios, showing that it covers the vast majority of patterns present therein.

Neural Model Reprogramming with Similarity Based Mapping for Low-Resource Spoken Command Classification. (arXiv:2110.03894v4 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Yen, Pin-Jui Ku, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Hu Hu, Sabato Marco Siniscalchi, Pin-Yu Chen, Yu Tsao

In this study, we propose a novel adversarial reprogramming (AR) approach for low-resource spoken command recognition (SCR), and build an AR-SCR system. The AR procedure aims to modify the acoustic signals (from the target domain) to repurpose a pretrained SCR model (from the source domain). To solve the label mismatches between source and target domains, and further improve the stability of AR, we propose a novel similarity-based label mapping technique to align classes. In addition, the transfer learning (TL) technique is combined with the original AR process to improve the model adaptation capability. We evaluate the proposed AR-SCR system on three low-resource SCR datasets, including Arabic, Lithuanian, and dysarthric Mandarin speech. Experimental results show that with a pretrained AM trained on a large-scale English dataset, the proposed AR-SCR system outperforms the current state-of-the-art results on Arabic and Lithuanian speech commands datasets, with only a limited amount of training data.

CDistNet: Perceiving Multi-Domain Character Distance for Robust Text Recognition. (arXiv:2111.11011v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tianlun Zheng, Zhineng Chen, Shancheng Fang, Hongtao Xie, Yu-Gang Jiang

The Transformer-based encoder-decoder framework is becoming popular in scene text recognition, largely because it naturally integrates recognition clues from both visual and semantic domains. However, recent studies show that the two kinds of clues are not always well registered and therefore, feature and character might be misaligned in difficult text (e.g., with a rare shape). As a result, constraints such as character position are introduced to alleviate this problem. Despite certain success, visual and semantic are still separately modeled and they are merely loosely associated. In this paper, we propose a novel module called Multi-Domain Character Distance Perception (MDCDP) to establish a visually and semantically related position embedding. MDCDP uses the position embedding to query both visual and semantic features following the cross-attention mechanism. The two kinds of clues are fused into the position branch, generating a content-aware embedding that well perceives character spacing and orientation variants, character semantic affinities, and clues tying the two kinds of information. They are summarized as the multi-domain character distance. We develop CDistNet that stacks multiple MDCDPs to guide a gradually precise distance modeling. Thus, the feature-character alignment is well built even various recognition difficulties are presented. We verify CDistNet on ten challenging public datasets and two series of augmented datasets created by ourselves. The experiments demonstrate that CDistNet performs highly competitively. It not only ranks top-tier in standard benchmarks, but also outperforms recent popular methods by obvious margins on real and augmented datasets presenting severe text deformation, poor linguistic support, and rare character layouts. Code is available at

Vision-Based UAV Self-Positioning in Low-Altitude Urban Environments. (arXiv:2201.09201v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ming Dai, Enhui Zheng, Zhenhua Feng, Jiedong Zhuang, Wankou Yang

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) rely on satellite systems for stable positioning. However, due to limited satellite coverage or communication disruptions, UAVs may lose signals from satellite-based positioning systems. In such situations, vision-based techniques can serve as an alternative, ensuring the self-positioning capability of UAVs. However, most of the existing datasets are developed for the geo-localization tasks of the objects identified by UAVs, rather than the self-positioning task of UAVs. Furthermore, the current UAV datasets use discrete sampling on synthetic data, such as Google Maps, thereby neglecting the crucial aspects of dense sampling and the uncertainties commonly experienced in real-world scenarios. To address these issues, this paper presents a new dataset, DenseUAV, which is the first publicly available dataset designed for the UAV self-positioning task. DenseUAV adopts dense sampling on UAV images obtained in low-altitude urban settings. In total, over 27K UAV-view and satellite-view images of 14 university campuses are collected and annotated, establishing a new benchmark. In terms of model development, we first verify the superiority of Transformers over CNNs in this task. Then, we incorporate metric learning into representation learning to enhance the discriminative capacity of the model and to lessen the modality discrepancy. Besides, to facilitate joint learning from both perspectives, we propose a mutually supervised learning approach. Last, we enhance the Recall@K metric and introduce a new measurement, SDM@K, to evaluate the performance of a trained model from both the retrieval and localization perspectives simultaneously. As a result, the proposed baseline method achieves a remarkable Recall@1 score of 83.05% and an SDM@1 score of 86.24% on DenseUAV. The dataset and code will be made publicly available on

ECLAD: Extracting Concepts with Local Aggregated Descriptors. (arXiv:2206.04531v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Andres Felipe Posada-Moreno, Nikita Surya, Sebastian Trimpe

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are increasingly being used in critical systems, where robustness and alignment are crucial. In this context, the field of explainable artificial intelligence has proposed the generation of high-level explanations of the prediction process of CNNs through concept extraction. While these methods can detect whether or not a concept is present in an image, they are unable to determine its location. What is more, a fair comparison of such approaches is difficult due to a lack of proper validation procedures. To address these issues, we propose a novel method for automatic concept extraction and localization based on representations obtained through pixel-wise aggregations of CNN activation maps. Further, we introduce a process for the validation of concept-extraction techniques based on synthetic datasets with pixel-wise annotations of their main components, reducing the need for human intervention. Extensive experimentation on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrates that our method outperforms state-of-the-art alternatives.

Relational Action Bases: Formalization, Effective Safety Verification, and Invariants (Extended Version). (arXiv:2208.06377v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Silvio Ghilardi, Alessandro Gianola, Marco Montali, Andrey Rivkin

Modeling and verification of dynamic systems operating over a relational representation of states are increasingly investigated problems in AI, Business Process Management, and Database Theory. To make these systems amenable to verification, the amount of information stored in each relational state needs to be bounded, or restrictions are imposed on the preconditions and effects of actions. We introduce the general framework of relational action bases (RABs), which generalizes existing models by lifting both these restrictions: unbounded relational states can be evolved through actions that can quantify both existentially and universally over the data, and that can exploit numerical datatypes with arithmetic predicates. We then study parameterized safety of RABs via (approximated) SMT-based backward search, singling out essential meta-properties of the resulting procedure, and showing how it can be realized by an off-the-shelf combination of existing verification modules of the state-of-the-art MCMT model checker. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on a benchmark of data-aware business processes. Finally, we show how universal invariants can be exploited to make this procedure fully correct.

Lib-SibGMU -- A University Library Circulation Dataset for Recommender Systems Developmen. (arXiv:2208.12356v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Eduard Zubchuk, Mikhail Arhipkin, Dmitry Menshikov, Aleksandr Karaush, Nikolay Mikhaylovskiy

We opensource under CC BY 4.0 license Lib-SibGMU - a university library circulation dataset - for a wide research community, and benchmark major algorithms for recommender systems on this dataset. For a recommender architecture that consists of a vectorizer that turns the history of the books borrowed into a vector, and a neighborhood-based recommender, trained separately, we show that using the fastText model as a vectorizer delivers competitive results.

A Law of Data Separation in Deep Learning. (arXiv:2210.17020v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hangfeng He, Weijie J. Su

While deep learning has enabled significant advances in many areas of science, its black-box nature hinders architecture design for future artificial intelligence applications and interpretation for high-stakes decision makings. We addressed this issue by studying the fundamental question of how deep neural networks process data in the intermediate layers. Our finding is a simple and quantitative law that governs how deep neural networks separate data according to class membership throughout all layers for classification. This law shows that each layer improves data separation at a constant geometric rate, and its emergence is observed in a collection of network architectures and datasets during training. This law offers practical guidelines for designing architectures, improving model robustness and out-of-sample performance, as well as interpreting the predictions.

CodeEditor: Learning to Edit Source Code with Pre-trained Models. (arXiv:2210.17040v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Jia Allen Li, Ge Li, Zhuo Li, Zhi Jin, Xing Hu, Kechi Zhang, Zhiyi Fu

Developers often perform repetitive code editing activities for various reasons (e.g., code refactoring) during software development. Pre-trained code editing models have achieved the state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. Pre-trained models are first pre-trained with pre-training tasks and fine-tuned with the code editing task. Existing pre-training tasks mainly are code infilling tasks (e.g., masked language modeling), which are derived from the natural language processing field and are not designed for automatic code editing.

This paper proposes a novel pre-training task specialized in code editing and presents an effective pre-trained code editing model named CodeEditor. Our pre-training task further improves the performance and generalization ability of code editing models. Specifically, we collect lots of real-world code snippets as the ground truth and use a powerful generator to rewrite them into mutated versions. Then, we pre-train our CodeEditor to edit mutated versions into the corresponding ground truth, to learn edit patterns. We conduct experiments on four code editing datasets and evaluate the pre-trained CodeEditor in three settings. (1) In the fine-tuning setting, we train the pre-trained CodeEditor with four datasets and evaluate it on the test data. CodeEditor outperforms the SOTA baselines by 15%, 25.5%, and 9.4% and 26.6% on four datasets. (2) In the few-shot setting, we train the pre-trained CodeEditor with limited data and evaluate it on the test data. CodeEditor substantially performs better than all baselines. (3) In the zero-shot setting, CodeEditor correctly edits 1,113 programs while the SOTA baselines can not work.

There is more than one kind of robustness: Fooling Whisper with adversarial examples. (arXiv:2210.17316v2 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Raphael Olivier, Bhiksha Raj

Whisper is a recent Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model displaying impressive robustness to both out-of-distribution inputs and random noise. In this work, we show that this robustness does not carry over to adversarial noise. We show that we can degrade Whisper performance dramatically, or even transcribe a target sentence of our choice, by generating very small input perturbations with Signal Noise Ratio of 35-45dB. We also show that by fooling the Whisper language detector we can very easily degrade the performance of multilingual models. These vulnerabilities of a widely popular open-source model have practical security implications and emphasize the need for adversarially robust ASR.

Kuaipedia: a Large-scale Multi-modal Short-video Encyclopedia. (arXiv:2211.00732v3 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Haojie Pan, Zepeng Zhai, Yuzhou Zhang, Ruiji Fu, Ming Liu, Yangqiu Song, Zhongyuan Wang, Bing Qin

Online encyclopedias, such as Wikipedia, have been well-developed and researched in the last two decades. One can find any attributes or other information of a wiki item on a wiki page edited by a community of volunteers. However, the traditional text, images and tables can hardly express some aspects of an wiki item. For example, when we talk about ``Shiba Inu'', one may care more about ``How to feed it'' or ``How to train it not to protect its food''. Currently, short-video platforms have become a hallmark in the online world. Whether you're on TikTok, Instagram, Kuaishou, or YouTube Shorts, short-video apps have changed how we consume and create content today. Except for producing short videos for entertainment, we can find more and more authors sharing insightful knowledge widely across all walks of life. These short videos, which we call knowledge videos, can easily express any aspects (e.g. hair or how-to-feed) consumers want to know about an item (e.g. Shiba Inu), and they can be systematically analyzed and organized like an online encyclopedia. In this paper, we propose Kuaipedia, a large-scale multi-modal encyclopedia consisting of items, aspects, and short videos lined to them, which was extracted from billions of videos of Kuaishou (Kwai), a well-known short-video platform in China. We first collected items from multiple sources and mined user-centered aspects from millions of users' queries to build an item-aspect tree. Then we propose a new task called ``multi-modal item-aspect linking'' as an expansion of ``entity linking'' to link short videos into item-aspect pairs and build the whole short-video encyclopedia. Intrinsic evaluations show that our encyclopedia is of large scale and highly accurate. We also conduct sufficient extrinsic experiments to show how Kuaipedia can help fundamental applications such as entity typing and entity linking.

On the Trade-off between Over-smoothing and Over-squashing in Deep Graph Neural Networks. (arXiv:2212.02374v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jhony H. Giraldo, Konstantinos Skianis, Thierry Bouwmans, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have succeeded in various computer science applications, yet deep GNNs underperform their shallow counterparts despite deep learning's success in other domains. Over-smoothing and over-squashing are key challenges when stacking graph convolutional layers, hindering deep representation learning and information propagation from distant nodes. Our work reveals that over-smoothing and over-squashing are intrinsically related to the spectral gap of the graph Laplacian, resulting in an inevitable trade-off between these two issues, as they cannot be alleviated simultaneously. To achieve a suitable compromise, we propose adding and removing edges as a viable approach. We introduce the Stochastic Jost and Liu Curvature Rewiring (SJLR) algorithm, which is computationally efficient and preserves fundamental properties compared to previous curvature-based methods. Unlike existing approaches, SJLR performs edge addition and removal during GNN training while maintaining the graph unchanged during testing. Comprehensive comparisons demonstrate SJLR's competitive performance in addressing over-smoothing and over-squashing.

Expeditious Saliency-guided Mix-up through Random Gradient Thresholding. (arXiv:2212.04875v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Minh-Long Luu, Zeyi Huang, Eric P. Xing, Yong Jae Lee, Haohan Wang

Mix-up training approaches have proven to be effective in improving the generalization ability of Deep Neural Networks. Over the years, the research community expands mix-up methods into two directions, with extensive efforts to improve saliency-guided procedures but minimal focus on the arbitrary path, leaving the randomization domain unexplored. In this paper, inspired by the superior qualities of each direction over one another, we introduce a novel method that lies at the junction of the two routes. By combining the best elements of randomness and saliency utilization, our method balances speed, simplicity, and accuracy. We name our method R-Mix following the concept of "Random Mix-up". We demonstrate its effectiveness in generalization, weakly supervised object localization, calibration, and robustness to adversarial attacks. Finally, in order to address the question of whether there exists a better decision protocol, we train a Reinforcement Learning agent that decides the mix-up policies based on the classifier's performance, reducing dependency on human-designed objectives and hyperparameter tuning. Extensive experiments further show that the agent is capable of performing at the cutting-edge level, laying the foundation for a fully automatic mix-up. Our code is released at [].

RT-1: Robotics Transformer for Real-World Control at Scale. (arXiv:2212.06817v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Anthony Brohan, Noah Brown, Justice Carbajal, Yevgen Chebotar, Joseph Dabis, Chelsea Finn, Keerthana Gopalakrishnan, Karol Hausman, Alex Herzog, Jasmine Hsu, Julian Ibarz, Brian Ichter, Alex Irpan, Tomas Jackson, Sally Jesmonth, Nikhil J Joshi, Ryan Julian, Dmitry Kalashnikov, Yuheng Kuang, Isabel Leal, Kuang-Huei Lee, Sergey Levine, Yao Lu, Utsav Malla, Deeksha Manjunath, Igor Mordatch, Ofir Nachum, Carolina Parada, Jodilyn Peralta, Emily Perez, Karl Pertsch, Jornell Quiambao, Kanishka Rao, Michael Ryoo, Grecia Salazar, Pannag Sanketi, Kevin Sayed, Jaspiar Singh, Sumedh Sontakke, Austin Stone, Clayton Tan, Huong Tran, Vincent Vanhoucke, Steve Vega, Quan Vuong, Fei Xia, Ted Xiao, Peng Xu, Sichun Xu, Tianhe Yu, Brianna Zitkovich

By transferring knowledge from large, diverse, task-agnostic datasets, modern machine learning models can solve specific downstream tasks either zero-shot or with small task-specific datasets to a high level of performance. While this capability has been demonstrated in other fields such as computer vision, natural language processing or speech recognition, it remains to be shown in robotics, where the generalization capabilities of the models are particularly critical due to the difficulty of collecting real-world robotic data. We argue that one of the keys to the success of such general robotic models lies with open-ended task-agnostic training, combined with high-capacity architectures that can absorb all of the diverse, robotic data. In this paper, we present a model class, dubbed Robotics Transformer, that exhibits promising scalable model properties. We verify our conclusions in a study of different model classes and their ability to generalize as a function of the data size, model size, and data diversity based on a large-scale data collection on real robots performing real-world tasks. The project's website and videos can be found at

An Efficient Incremental Simple Temporal Network Data Structure for Temporal Planning. (arXiv:2212.07226v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Andrea Micheli

One popular technique to solve temporal planning problems consists in decoupling the causal decisions, demanding them to heuristic search, from temporal decisions, demanding them to a simple temporal network (STN) solver. In this architecture, one needs to check the consistency of a series of STNs that are related one another, therefore having methods to incrementally re-use previous computations and that avoid expensive memory duplication is of paramount importance. In this paper, we describe in detail how STNs are used in temporal planning, we identify a clear interface to support this use-case and we present an efficient data-structure implementing this interface that is both time- and memory-efficient. We show that our data structure, called \deltastn, is superior to other state-of-the-art approaches on temporal planning sequences of problems.

Imitation Is Not Enough: Robustifying Imitation with Reinforcement Learning for Challenging Driving Scenarios. (arXiv:2212.11419v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Yiren Lu, Justin Fu, George Tucker, Xinlei Pan, Eli Bronstein, Rebecca Roelofs, Benjamin Sapp, Brandyn White, Aleksandra Faust, Shimon Whiteson, Dragomir Anguelov, Sergey Levine

Imitation learning (IL) is a simple and powerful way to use high-quality human driving data, which can be collected at scale, to produce human-like behavior. However, policies based on imitation learning alone often fail to sufficiently account for safety and reliability concerns. In this paper, we show how imitation learning combined with reinforcement learning using simple rewards can substantially improve the safety and reliability of driving policies over those learned from imitation alone. In particular, we train a policy on over 100k miles of urban driving data, and measure its effectiveness in test scenarios grouped by different levels of collision likelihood. Our analysis shows that while imitation can perform well in low-difficulty scenarios that are well-covered by the demonstration data, our proposed approach significantly improves robustness on the most challenging scenarios (over 38% reduction in failures). To our knowledge, this is the first application of a combined imitation and reinforcement learning approach in autonomous driving that utilizes large amounts of real-world human driving data.

Improving Statistical Fidelity for Neural Image Compression with Implicit Local Likelihood Models. (arXiv:2301.11189v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Matthew J. Muckley, Alaaeldin El-Nouby, Karen Ullrich, Hervé Jégou, Jakob Verbeek

Lossy image compression aims to represent images in as few bits as possible while maintaining fidelity to the original. Theoretical results indicate that optimizing distortion metrics such as PSNR or MS-SSIM necessarily leads to a discrepancy in the statistics of original images from those of reconstructions, in particular at low bitrates, often manifested by the blurring of the compressed images. Previous work has leveraged adversarial discriminators to improve statistical fidelity. Yet these binary discriminators adopted from generative modeling tasks may not be ideal for image compression. In this paper, we introduce a non-binary discriminator that is conditioned on quantized local image representations obtained via VQ-VAE autoencoders. Our evaluations on the CLIC2020, DIV2K and Kodak datasets show that our discriminator is more effective for jointly optimizing distortion (e.g., PSNR) and statistical fidelity (e.g., FID) than the PatchGAN of the state-of-the-art HiFiC model. On CLIC2020, we obtain the same FID as HiFiC with 30-40\% fewer bits.

Cross-modal Contrastive Learning for Multimodal Fake News Detection. (arXiv:2302.14057v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Longzheng Wang, Chuang Zhang, Hongbo Xu, Yongxiu Xu, Xiaohan Xu, Siqi Wang

Automatic detection of multimodal fake news has gained a widespread attention recently. Many existing approaches seek to fuse unimodal features to produce multimodal news representations. However, the potential of powerful cross-modal contrastive learning methods for fake news detection has not been well exploited. Besides, how to aggregate features from different modalities to boost the performance of the decision-making process is still an open question. To address that, we propose COOLANT, a cross-modal contrastive learning framework for multimodal fake news detection, aiming to achieve more accurate image-text alignment. To further improve the alignment precision, we leverage an auxiliary task to soften the loss term of negative samples during the contrast process. A cross-modal fusion module is developed to learn the cross-modality correlations. An attention mechanism with an attention guidance module is implemented to help effectively and interpretably aggregate the aligned unimodal representations and the cross-modality correlations. Finally, we evaluate the COOLANT and conduct a comparative study on two widely used datasets, Twitter and Weibo. The experimental results demonstrate that our COOLANT outperforms previous approaches by a large margin and achieves new state-of-the-art results on the two datasets.

Collaborative Learning with a Drone Orchestrator. (arXiv:2303.02266v2 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Mahdi Boloursaz Mashhadi, Mahnoosh Mahdavimoghadam, Rahim Tafazolli, Walid Saad

In this paper, the problem of drone-assisted collaborative learning is considered. In this scenario, swarm of intelligent wireless devices train a shared neural network (NN) model with the help of a drone. Using its sensors, each device records samples from its environment to gather a local dataset for training. The training data is severely heterogeneous as various devices have different amount of data and sensor noise level. The intelligent devices iteratively train the NN on their local datasets and exchange the model parameters with the drone for aggregation. For this system, the convergence rate of collaborative learning is derived while considering data heterogeneity, sensor noise levels, and communication errors, then, the drone trajectory that maximizes the final accuracy of the trained NN is obtained. The proposed trajectory optimization approach is aware of both the devices data characteristics (i.e., local dataset size and noise level) and their wireless channel conditions, and significantly improves the convergence rate and final accuracy in comparison with baselines that only consider data characteristics or channel conditions. Compared to state-of-the-art baselines, the proposed approach achieves an average 3.85% and 3.54% improvement in the final accuracy of the trained NN on benchmark datasets for image recognition and semantic segmentation tasks, respectively. Moreover, the proposed framework achieves a significant speedup in training, leading to an average 24% and 87% saving in the drone hovering time, communication overhead, and battery usage, respectively for these tasks.

NeTO:Neural Reconstruction of Transparent Objects with Self-Occlusion Aware Refraction-Tracing. (arXiv:2303.11219v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zongcheng Li, Xiaoxiao Long, Yusen Wang, Tuo Cao, Wenping Wang, Fei Luo, Chunxia Xiao

We present a novel method, called NeTO, for capturing 3D geometry of solid transparent objects from 2D images via volume rendering. Reconstructing transparent objects is a very challenging task, which is ill-suited for general-purpose reconstruction techniques due to the specular light transport phenomena. Although existing refraction-tracing based methods, designed specially for this task, achieve impressive results, they still suffer from unstable optimization and loss of fine details, since the explicit surface representation they adopted is difficult to be optimized, and the self-occlusion problem is ignored for refraction-tracing. In this paper, we propose to leverage implicit Signed Distance Function (SDF) as surface representation, and optimize the SDF field via volume rendering with a self-occlusion aware refractive ray tracing. The implicit representation enables our method to be capable of reconstructing high-quality reconstruction even with a limited set of images, and the self-occlusion aware strategy makes it possible for our method to accurately reconstruct the self-occluded regions. Experiments show that our method achieves faithful reconstruction results and outperforms prior works by a large margin. Visit our project page at \url{}

ExBEHRT: Extended Transformer for Electronic Health Records to Predict Disease Subtypes & Progressions. (arXiv:2303.12364v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Maurice Rupp, Oriane Peter, Thirupathi Pattipaka

In this study, we introduce ExBEHRT, an extended version of BEHRT (BERT applied to electronic health records), and apply different algorithms to interpret its results. While BEHRT considers only diagnoses and patient age, we extend the feature space to several multimodal records, namely demographics, clinical characteristics, vital signs, smoking status, diagnoses, procedures, medications, and laboratory tests, by applying a novel method to unify the frequencies and temporal dimensions of the different features. We show that additional features significantly improve model performance for various downstream tasks in different diseases. To ensure robustness, we interpret model predictions using an adaptation of expected gradients, which has not been previously applied to transformers with EHR data and provides more granular interpretations than previous approaches such as feature and token importances. Furthermore, by clustering the model representations of oncology patients, we show that the model has an implicit understanding of the disease and is able to classify patients with the same cancer type into different risk groups. Given the additional features and interpretability, ExBEHRT can help make informed decisions about disease trajectories, diagnoses, and risk factors of various diseases.

Personalised Language Modelling of Screen Characters Using Rich Metadata Annotations. (arXiv:2303.16618v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sebastian Vincent, Rowanne Sumner, Alice Dowek, Charlotte Blundell, Emily Preston, Chris Bayliss, Chris Oakley, Carolina Scarton

Language models that are sensitive to external context can more effectively capture the speaking patterns of individuals with specific characteristics or in particular environments. However, obtaining and leveraging such annotations can be challenging. In this work, we show how to leverage rich character and film annotations to personalise language models in a scalable manner. Our best model can reduce perplexity by up to 6.5% compared to a parameter-matched language model. Our approach performs on par with speaker-specific fine-tuning when the fine-tuning data (i.e. past dialogue) for individual speakers is available. On top of that, it also generalises well to a scenario with no such data, relying on combinations of demographic characteristics expressed via metadata. Our findings are consistent across two corpora, one of which is also a contribution of this paper: Cornell-rich contains rich manual annotations for 863 speaking characters from the Cornell Movie Dialog Corpus, including features such as characteristic quotes and character descriptions, along with six automatically extracted metadata features for over 95% of the featured films. Finally, we also present a cost-benefit analysis highlighting which annotations are most cost-effective in reducing perplexity.

AceCoder: Utilizing Existing Code to Enhance Code Generation. (arXiv:2303.17780v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Jia Allen Li, Yunfei Zhao, Yongmin Li, Ge Li, Zhi Jin

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great success in code generation. LLMs take as the input a prompt and output the code. A key question is how to make prompts (i.e., Prompting Techniques). Existing prompting techniques are designed for natural language generation and have low accuracy in code generation.

In this paper, we propose a new prompting technique named AceCoder. Our motivation is that code generation meets two unique challenges (i.e., requirement understanding and code implementation). AceCoder contains two novel mechanisms (i.e., guided code generation and example retrieval) to solve these challenges. (1) Guided code generation asks LLMs first to analyze requirements and output an intermediate preliminary (e.g., test cases). The preliminary is used to clarify requirements and tell LLMs "what to write". (2) Example retrieval selects similar programs as examples in prompts, which provide lots of relevant content (e.g., algorithms, APIs) and teach LLMs "how to write". We apply AceCoder to three LLMs (e.g., Codex) and evaluate it on three public benchmarks using the Pass@k. Results show that AceCoder can significantly improve the performance of LLMs on code generation. (1) In terms of Pass@1, AceCoder outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline by up to 56.4% in MBPP, 70.7% in MBJP, and 88.4% in MBJSP. (2) AceCoder is effective in LLMs with different sizes (i.e., 6B to 13B) and different languages (i.e., Python, Java, and JavaScript). (3) Human evaluation shows human developers prefer programs from AceCoder.

Towards Causal Representation Learning and Deconfounding from Indefinite Data. (arXiv:2305.02640v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hang Chen, Xinyu Yang, Qing Yang

Owing to the cross-pollination between causal discovery and deep learning, non-statistical data (e.g., images, text, etc.) encounters significant conflicts in terms of properties and methods with traditional causal data. To unify these data types of varying forms, we redefine causal data from two novel perspectives and then propose three data paradigms. Among them, the indefinite data (like dialogues or video sources) induce low sample utilization and incapability of the distribution assumption, both leading to the fact that learning causal representation from indefinite data is, as of yet, largely unexplored. We design the causal strength variational model to settle down these two problems. Specifically, we leverage the causal strength instead of independent noise as the latent variable to construct evidence lower bound. By this design ethos, The causal strengths of different structures are regarded as a distribution and can be expressed as a 2D matrix. Moreover, considering the latent confounders, we disentangle the causal graph G into two relation subgraphs O and C. O contains pure relations between observed variables, while C represents the relations from latent variables to observed variables. We implement the above designs as a dynamic variational inference model, tailored to learn causal representation from indefinite data under latent confounding. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments on synthetic and real-world data to demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Learning representations that are closed-form Monge mapping optimal with application to domain adaptation. (arXiv:2305.07500v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Oliver Struckmeier, Ievgen Redko, Anton Mallasto, Karol Arndt, Markus Heinonen, Ville Kyrki

Optimal transport (OT) is a powerful geometric tool used to compare and align probability measures following the least effort principle. Despite its widespread use in machine learning (ML), OT problem still bears its computational burden, while at the same time suffering from the curse of dimensionality for measures supported on general high-dimensional spaces. In this paper, we propose to tackle these challenges using representation learning. In particular, we seek to learn an embedding space such that the samples of the two input measures become alignable in it with a simple affine mapping that can be calculated efficiently in closed-form. We then show that such approach leads to results that are comparable to solving the original OT problem when applied to the transfer learning task on which many OT baselines where previously evaluated in both homogeneous and heterogeneous DA settings. The code for our contribution is available at \url{}.

Robust Lane Detection through Self Pre-training with Masked Sequential Autoencoders and Fine-tuning with Customized PolyLoss. (arXiv:2305.17271v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruohan Li, Yongqi Dong

Lane detection is crucial for vehicle localization which makes it the foundation for automated driving and many intelligent and advanced driving assistant systems. Available vision-based lane detection methods do not make full use of the valuable features and aggregate contextual information, especially the interrelationships between lane lines and other regions of the images in continuous frames. To fill this research gap and upgrade lane detection performance, this paper proposes a pipeline consisting of self pre-training with masked sequential autoencoders and fine-tuning with customized PolyLoss for the end-to-end neural network models using multi-continuous image frames. The masked sequential autoencoders are adopted to pre-train the neural network models with reconstructing the missing pixels from a random masked image as the objective. Then, in the fine-tuning segmentation phase where lane detection segmentation is performed, the continuous image frames are served as the inputs, and the pre-trained model weights are transferred and further updated using the backpropagation mechanism with customized PolyLoss calculating the weighted errors between the output lane detection results and the labeled ground truth. Extensive experiment results demonstrate that, with the proposed pipeline, the lane detection model performance on both normal and challenging scenes can be advanced beyond the state-of-the-art, delivering the best testing accuracy (98.38%), precision (0.937), and F1-measure (0.924) on the normal scene testing set, together with the best overall accuracy (98.36%) and precision (0.844) in the challenging scene test set, while the training time can be substantially shortened.

On the Design Fundamentals of Diffusion Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2306.04542v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziyi Chang, George Alex Koulieris, Hubert P. H. Shum

Diffusion models are generative models, which gradually add and remove noise to learn the underlying distribution of training data for data generation. The components of diffusion models have gained significant attention with many design choices proposed. Existing reviews have primarily focused on higher-level solutions, thereby covering less on the design fundamentals of components. This study seeks to address this gap by providing a comprehensive and coherent review on component-wise design choices in diffusion models. Specifically, we organize this review according to their three key components, namely the forward process, the reverse process, and the sampling procedure. This allows us to provide a fine-grained perspective of diffusion models, benefiting future studies in the analysis of individual components, the applicability of design choices, and the implementation of diffusion models.

Trained Transformers Learn Linear Models In-Context. (arXiv:2306.09927v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruiqi Zhang, Spencer Frei, Peter L. Bartlett

Attention-based neural networks such as transformers have demonstrated a remarkable ability to exhibit in-context learning (ICL): Given a short prompt sequence of tokens from an unseen task, they can formulate relevant per-token and next-token predictions without any parameter updates. By embedding a sequence of labeled training data and unlabeled test data as a prompt, this allows for transformers to behave like supervised learning algorithms. Indeed, recent work has shown that when training transformer architectures over random instances of linear regression problems, these models' predictions mimic those of ordinary least squares.

Towards understanding the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, we investigate the dynamics of ICL in transformers with a single linear self-attention layer trained by gradient flow on linear regression tasks. We show that despite non-convexity, gradient flow with a suitable random initialization finds a global minimum of the objective function. At this global minimum, when given a test prompt of labeled examples from a new prediction task, the transformer achieves prediction error competitive with the best linear predictor over the test prompt distribution. We additionally characterize the robustness of the trained transformer to a variety of distribution shifts and show that although a number of shifts are tolerated, shifts in the covariate distribution of the prompts are not. Motivated by this, we consider a generalized ICL setting where the covariate distributions can vary across prompts. We show that although gradient flow succeeds at finding a global minimum in this setting, the trained transformer is still brittle under mild covariate shifts. We complement this finding with experiments on large, nonlinear transformer architectures which we show are more robust under covariate shifts.

Developing Effective Educational Chatbots with ChatGPT prompts: Insights from Preliminary Tests in a Case Study on Social Media Literacy (with appendix). (arXiv:2306.10645v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Cansu Koyuturk, Mona Yavari, Emily Theophilou, Sathya Bursic, Gregor Donabauer, Alessia Telari, Alessia Testa, Raffaele Boiano, Alessandro Gabbiadini, Davinia Hernandez-Leo, Martin Ruskov, Dimitri Ognibene

Educational chatbots come with a promise of interactive and personalized learning experiences, yet their development has been limited by the restricted free interaction capabilities of available platforms and the difficulty of encoding knowledge in a suitable format. Recent advances in language learning models with zero-shot learning capabilities, such as ChatGPT, suggest a new possibility for developing educational chatbots using a prompt-based approach. We present a case study with a simple system that enables mixed-turn chatbot interactions and discuss the insights and preliminary guidelines obtained from initial tests. We examine ChatGPT's ability to pursue multiple interconnected learning objectives, adapt the educational activity to users' characteristics, such as culture, age, and level of education, and its ability to use diverse educational strategies and conversational styles. Although the results are encouraging, challenges are posed by the limited history maintained for the conversation and the highly structured form of responses by ChatGPT, as well as their variability, which can lead to an unexpected switch of the chatbot's role from a teacher to a therapist. We provide some initial guidelines to address these issues and to facilitate the development of effective educational chatbots.

Hard Sample Mining Enabled Supervised Contrastive Feature Learning for Wind Turbine Pitch System Fault Diagnosis. (arXiv:2306.14701v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zixuan Wang, Bo Qin, Mengxuan Li, Chenlu Zhan, Mark D. Butala, Peng Peng, Hongwei Wang

The efficient utilization of wind power by wind turbines relies on the ability of their pitch systems to adjust blade pitch angles in response to varying wind speeds. However, the presence of multiple health conditions in the pitch system due to the long-term wear and tear poses challenges in accurately classifying them, thus increasing the maintenance cost of wind turbines or even damaging them. This paper proposes a novel method based on hard sample mining-enabled supervised contrastive learning (HSMSCL) to address this problem. The proposed method employs cosine similarity to identify hard samples and subsequently, leverages supervised contrastive learning to learn more discriminative representations by constructing hard sample pairs. Furthermore, the hard sample mining framework in the proposed method also constructs hard samples with learned representations to make the training process of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) more challenging and make it a more effective classifier. The proposed approach progressively improves the fault diagnosis model by introducing hard samples in the SCL and MLP phases, thus enhancing its performance in complex multi-class fault diagnosis tasks.

To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, two real datasets comprising wind turbine pitch system cog belt fracture data are utilized. The fault diagnosis performance of the proposed method is compared against existing methods, and the results demonstrate its superior performance. The proposed approach exhibits significant improvements in fault diagnosis performance, providing promising prospects for enhancing the reliability and efficiency of wind turbine pitch system fault diagnosis.

Mixed Integer Programming for Time-Optimal Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning with Efficient Heuristics. (arXiv:2306.17609v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Jingtao Tang, Hang Ma

We investigate time-optimal Multi-Robot Coverage Path Planning (MCPP) for both unweighted and weighted terrains, which aims to minimize the coverage time, defined as the maximum travel time of all robots. Specifically, we focus on a reduction from MCPP to Min-Max Rooted Tree Cover (MMRTC). For the first time, we propose a Mixed Integer Programming (MIP) model to optimally solve MMRTC, resulting in an MCPP solution with a coverage time that is provably at most four times the optimal. Moreover, we propose two suboptimal yet effective heuristics that reduce the number of variables in the MIP model, thus improving its efficiency for large-scale MCPP instances. We show that both heuristics result in reduced-size MIP models that remain complete (i.e., guaranteed to find a solution if one exists) for all MMRTC instances. Additionally, we explore the use of model optimization warm-startup to further improve the efficiency of both the original MIP model and the reduced-size MIP models. We validate the effectiveness of our MIP-based MCPP planner through experiments that compare it with two state-of-the-art MCPP planners on various instances, demonstrating a reduction in the coverage time by an average of 27.65% and 23.24% over them, respectively.

Human-to-Human Interaction Detection. (arXiv:2307.00464v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhenhua Wang, Kaining Ying, Jiajun Meng, Jifeng Ning

A comprehensive understanding of interested human-to-human interactions in video streams, such as queuing, handshaking, fighting and chasing, is of immense importance to the surveillance of public security in regions like campuses, squares and parks. Different from conventional human interaction recognition, which uses choreographed videos as inputs, neglects concurrent interactive groups, and performs detection and recognition in separate stages, we introduce a new task named human-to-human interaction detection (HID). HID devotes to detecting subjects, recognizing person-wise actions, and grouping people according to their interactive relations, in one model. First, based on the popular AVA dataset created for action detection, we establish a new HID benchmark, termed AVA-Interaction (AVA-I), by adding annotations on interactive relations in a frame-by-frame manner. AVA-I consists of 85,254 frames and 86,338 interactive groups, and each image includes up to 4 concurrent interactive groups. Second, we present a novel baseline approach SaMFormer for HID, containing a visual feature extractor, a split stage which leverages a Transformer-based model to decode action instances and interactive groups, and a merging stage which reconstructs the relationship between instances and groups. All SaMFormer components are jointly trained in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments on AVA-I validate the superiority of SaMFormer over representative methods. The dataset and code will be made public to encourage more follow-up studies.

Efficient Domain Adaptation of Sentence Embeddings Using Adapters. (arXiv:2307.03104v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tim Schopf, Dennis N. Schneider, Florian Matthes

Sentence embeddings enable us to capture the semantic similarity of short texts. Most sentence embedding models are trained for general semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks. Therefore, to use sentence embeddings in a particular domain, the model must be adapted to it in order to achieve good results. Usually, this is done by fine-tuning the entire sentence embedding model for the domain of interest. While this approach yields state-of-the-art results, all of the model's weights are updated during fine-tuning, making this method resource-intensive. Therefore, instead of fine-tuning entire sentence embedding models for each target domain individually, we propose to train lightweight adapters. These domain-specific adapters do not require fine-tuning all underlying sentence embedding model parameters. Instead, we only train a small number of additional parameters while keeping the weights of the underlying sentence embedding model fixed. Training domain-specific adapters allows always using the same base model and only exchanging the domain-specific adapters to adapt sentence embeddings to a specific domain. We show that using adapters for parameter-efficient domain adaptation of sentence embeddings yields competitive performance within 1% of a domain-adapted, entirely fine-tuned sentence embedding model while only training approximately 3.6% of the parameters.

In-IDE Generation-based Information Support with a Large Language Model. (arXiv:2307.08177v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Daye Nam, Andrew Macvean, Vincent Hellendoorn, Bogdan Vasilescu, Brad Myers

Understanding code is challenging, especially when working in new and complex development environments. Code comments and documentation can help, but are typically scarce or hard to navigate. Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing the process of writing code. Can they do the same for helping understand it? In this study, we provide a first investigation of an LLM-based conversational UI built directly in the IDE that is geared towards code understanding. Our IDE plugin queries OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models with four high-level requests without the user having to write explicit prompts: to explain a highlighted section of code, provide details of API calls used in the code, explain key domain-specific terms, and provide usage examples for an API. The plugin also allows for open-ended prompts, which are automatically contextualized to the LLM with the program being edited. We evaluate this system in a user study with 32 participants, which confirms that using our plugin can aid task completion more than web search. We additionally provide a thorough analysis of the ways developers use, and perceive the usefulness of, our system, among others finding that the usage and benefits differ significantly between students and professionals. We conclude that in-IDE prompt-less interaction with LLMs is a promising future direction for tool builders.

Towards Automatic Boundary Detection for Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Essay in Education. (arXiv:2307.12267v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zijie Zeng, Lele Sha, Yuheng Li, Kaixun Yang, Dragan Gašević, Guanliang Chen

The recent large language models (LLMs), e.g., ChatGPT, have been able to generate human-like and fluent responses when provided with specific instructions. While admitting the convenience brought by technological advancement, educators also have concerns that students might leverage LLMs to complete their writing assignments and pass them off as their original work. Although many AI content detection studies have been conducted as a result of such concerns, most of these prior studies modeled AI content detection as a classification problem, assuming that a text is either entirely human-written or entirely AI-generated. In this study, we investigated AI content detection in a rarely explored yet realistic setting where the text to be detected is collaboratively written by human and generative LLMs (i.e., hybrid text). We first formalized the detection task as identifying the transition points between human-written content and AI-generated content from a given hybrid text (boundary detection). Then we proposed a two-step approach where we (1) separated AI-generated content from human-written content during the encoder training process; and (2) calculated the distances between every two adjacent prototypes and assumed that the boundaries exist between the two adjacent prototypes that have the furthest distance from each other. Through extensive experiments, we observed the following main findings: (1) the proposed approach consistently outperformed the baseline methods across different experiment settings; (2) the encoder training process can significantly boost the performance of the proposed approach; (3) when detecting boundaries for single-boundary hybrid essays, the proposed approach could be enhanced by adopting a relatively large prototype size, leading to a 22% improvement in the In-Domain evaluation and an 18% improvement in the Out-of-Domain evaluation.

ChatGPT for Software Security: Exploring the Strengths and Limitations of ChatGPT in the Security Applications. (arXiv:2307.12488v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhilong Wang, Lan Zhang, Peng Liu

ChatGPT, as a versatile large language model, has demonstrated remarkable potential in addressing inquiries across various domains. Its ability to analyze, comprehend, and synthesize information from both online sources and user inputs has garnered significant attention. Previous research has explored ChatGPT's competence in code generation and code reviews. In this paper, we delve into ChatGPT's capabilities in security-oriented program analysis, focusing on perspectives from both attackers and security analysts. We present a case study involving several security-oriented program analysis tasks while deliberately introducing challenges to assess ChatGPT's responses. Through an examination of the quality of answers provided by ChatGPT, we gain a clearer understanding of its strengths and limitations in the realm of security-oriented program analysis.

AI Increases Global Access to Reliable Flood Forecasts. (arXiv:2307.16104v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Grey Nearing, Deborah Cohen, Vusumuzi Dube, Martin Gauch, Oren Gilon, Shaun Harrigan, Avinatan Hassidim, Frederik Kratzert, Asher Metzger, Sella Nevo, Florian Pappenberger, Christel Prudhomme, Guy Shalev, Shlomo Shenzis, Tadele Tekalign, Dana Weitzner, Yoss Matias

Floods are one of the most common and impactful natural disasters, with a disproportionate impact in developing countries that often lack dense streamflow monitoring networks. Accurate and timely warnings are critical for mitigating flood risks, but accurate hydrological simulation models typically must be calibrated to long data records in each watershed where they are applied. We developed an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model to predict extreme hydrological events at timescales up to 7 days in advance. This model significantly outperforms current state of the art global hydrology models (the Copernicus Emergency Management Service Global Flood Awareness System) across all continents, lead times, and return periods. AI is especially effective at forecasting in ungauged basins, which is important because only a few percent of the world's watersheds have stream gauges, with a disproportionate number of ungauged basins in developing countries that are especially vulnerable to the human impacts of flooding. We produce forecasts of extreme events in South America and Africa that achieve reliability approaching the current state of the art in Europe and North America, and we achieve reliability at between 4 and 6-day lead times that are similar to current state of the art nowcasts (0-day lead time). Additionally, we achieve accuracies over 10-year return period events that are similar to current accuracies over 2-year return period events, meaning that AI can provide warnings earlier and over larger and more impactful events. The model that we develop in this paper has been incorporated into an operational early warning system that produces publicly available (free and open) forecasts in real time in over 80 countries. This work using AI and open data highlights a need for increasing the availability of hydrological data to continue to improve global access to reliable flood warnings.

Predicting Perfect Quality Segments in MT Output with Fine-Tuned OpenAI LLM: Is it possible to capture editing distance patterns from historical data?. (arXiv:2308.00158v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Serge Gladkoff, Gleb Erofeev, Lifeng Han, Goran Nenadic

Translation Quality Estimation (TQE) is an important step before deploying the output translation into usage. TQE is also critical in assessing machine translation (MT) and human translation (HT) quality without seeing the reference translations. In this work, we examine if the state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) can be fine-tuned for the TQE task and their capability. We take ChatGPT as one example and approach TQE as a binary classification task. Using English to Italian, German, French, Japanese, Dutch, Portuguese, Turkish, and Chinese training corpora, our experimental results show that fine-tuned ChatGPT via its API can achieve a relatively high score on predicting translation quality, i.e. if the translation needs to be edited, but there is definitely much space to improve the accuracy. English-Italiano bilingual Abstract is available in the paper.

A Survey on Popularity Bias in Recommender Systems. (arXiv:2308.01118v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Anastasiia Klimashevskaia, Dietmar Jannach, Mehdi Elahi, Christoph Trattner

Recommender systems help people find relevant content in a personalized way. One main promise of such systems is that they are able to increase the visibility of items in the long tail, i.e., the lesser-known items in a catalogue. Existing research, however, suggests that in many situations today's recommendation algorithms instead exhibit a popularity bias, meaning that they often focus on rather popular items in their recommendations. Such a bias may not only lead to limited value of the recommendations for consumers and providers in the short run, but it may also cause undesired reinforcement effects over time. In this paper, we discuss the potential reasons for popularity bias and we review existing approaches to detect, quantify and mitigate popularity bias in recommender systems. Our survey therefore includes both an overview of the computational metrics used in the literature as well as a review of the main technical approaches to reduce the bias. We furthermore critically discuss today's literature, where we observe that the research is almost entirely based on computational experiments and on certain assumptions regarding the practical effects of including long-tail items in the recommendations.

Collaborative filtering to capture AI user's preferences as norms. (arXiv:2308.02542v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Marc Serramia, Natalia Criado, Michael Luck

Customising AI technologies to each user's preferences is fundamental to them functioning well. Unfortunately, current methods require too much user involvement and fail to capture their true preferences. In fact, to avoid the nuisance of manually setting preferences, users usually accept the default settings even if these do not conform to their true preferences. Norms can be useful to regulate behaviour and ensure it adheres to user preferences but, while the literature has thoroughly studied norms, most proposals take a formal perspective. Indeed, while there has been some research on constructing norms to capture a user's privacy preferences, these methods rely on domain knowledge which, in the case of AI technologies, is difficult to obtain and maintain. We argue that a new perspective is required when constructing norms, which is to exploit the large amount of preference information readily available from whole systems of users. Inspired by recommender systems, we believe that collaborative filtering can offer a suitable approach to identifying a user's norm preferences without excessive user involvement.

Adversarial Erasing with Pruned Elements: Towards Better Graph Lottery Ticket. (arXiv:2308.02916v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuwen Wang, Shunyu Liu, Kaixuan Chen, Tongtian Zhu, Ji Qiao, Mengjie Shi, Yuanyu Wan, Mingli Song

Graph Lottery Ticket (GLT), a combination of core subgraph and sparse subnetwork, has been proposed to mitigate the computational cost of deep Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on large input graphs while preserving original performance. However, the winning GLTs in exisiting studies are obtained by applying iterative magnitude-based pruning (IMP) without re-evaluating and re-considering the pruned information, which disregards the dynamic changes in the significance of edges/weights during graph/model structure pruning, and thus limits the appeal of the winning tickets. In this paper, we formulate a conjecture, i.e., existing overlooked valuable information in the pruned graph connections and model parameters which can be re-grouped into GLT to enhance the final performance. Specifically, we propose an adversarial complementary erasing (ACE) framework to explore the valuable information from the pruned components, thereby developing a more powerful GLT, referred to as the ACE-GLT. The main idea is to mine valuable information from pruned edges/weights after each round of IMP, and employ the ACE technique to refine the GLT processing. Finally, experimental results demonstrate that our ACE-GLT outperforms existing methods for searching GLT in diverse tasks. Our code will be made publicly available.

Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions Using Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2308.04172v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Lizzy Farrugia, Lilian M. Azzopardi, Jeremy Debattista, Charlie Abela

In the last decades, people have been consuming and combining more drugs than before, increasing the number of Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs). To predict unknown DDIs, recently, studies started incorporating Knowledge Graphs (KGs) since they are able to capture the relationships among entities providing better drug representations than using a single drug property. In this paper, we propose the medicX end-to-end framework that integrates several drug features from public drug repositories into a KG and embeds the nodes in the graph using various translation, factorisation and Neural Network (NN) based KG Embedding (KGE) methods. Ultimately, we use a Machine Learning (ML) algorithm that predicts unknown DDIs. Among the different translation and factorisation-based KGE models, we found that the best performing combination was the ComplEx embedding method with a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network, which obtained an F1-score of 95.19% on a dataset based on the DDIs found in DrugBank version 5.1.8. This score is 5.61% better than the state-of-the-art model DeepDDI. Additionally, we also developed a graph auto-encoder model that uses a Graph Neural Network (GNN), which achieved an F1-score of 91.94%. Consequently, GNNs have demonstrated a stronger ability to mine the underlying semantics of the KG than the ComplEx model, and thus using higher dimension embeddings within the GNN can lead to state-of-the-art performance.

AutoPCF: Efficient Product Carbon Footprint Accounting with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.04241v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhu Deng, Jinjie Liu, Biao Luo, Can Yuan, Qingrun Yang, Lei Xiao, Wenwen Zhou, Zhu Liu

The product carbon footprint (PCF) is crucial for decarbonizing the supply chain, as it measures the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions caused by all activities during the product's life cycle. However, PCF accounting often requires expert knowledge and significant time to construct life cycle models. In this study, we test and compare the emergent ability of five large language models (LLMs) in modeling the 'cradle-to-gate' life cycles of products and generating the inventory data of inputs and outputs, revealing their limitations as a generalized PCF knowledge database. By utilizing LLMs, we propose an automatic AI-driven PCF accounting framework, called AutoPCF, which also applies deep learning algorithms to automatically match calculation parameters, and ultimately calculate the PCF. The results of estimating the carbon footprint for three case products using the AutoPCF framework demonstrate its potential in achieving automatic modeling and estimation of PCF with a large reduction in modeling time from days to minutes.

Deep Learning for Diverse Data Types Steganalysis: A Review. (arXiv:2308.04522v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Hamza Kheddar, Mustapha Hemis, Yassine Himeur, David Megías, Abbes Amira

Steganography and steganalysis are two interrelated aspects of the field of information security. Steganography seeks to conceal communications, whereas steganalysis is aimed to either find them or even, if possible, recover the data they contain. Steganography and steganalysis have attracted a great deal of interest, particularly from law enforcement. Steganography is often used by cybercriminals and even terrorists to avoid being captured while in possession of incriminating evidence, even encrypted, since cryptography is prohibited or restricted in many countries. Therefore, knowledge of cutting-edge techniques to uncover concealed information is crucial in exposing illegal acts. Over the last few years, a number of strong and reliable steganography and steganalysis techniques have been introduced in the literature. This review paper provides a comprehensive overview of deep learning-based steganalysis techniques used to detect hidden information within digital media. The paper covers all types of cover in steganalysis, including image, audio, and video, and discusses the most commonly used deep learning techniques. In addition, the paper explores the use of more advanced deep learning techniques, such as deep transfer learning (DTL) and deep reinforcement learning (DRL), to enhance the performance of steganalysis systems. The paper provides a systematic review of recent research in the field, including data sets and evaluation metrics used in recent studies. It also presents a detailed analysis of DTL-based steganalysis approaches and their performance on different data sets. The review concludes with a discussion on the current state of deep learning-based steganalysis, challenges, and future research directions.

Developmental Bootstrapping of AIs. (arXiv:2308.04586v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Mark Stefik, Robert Price

Although some current AIs surpass human abilities especially in closed artificial worlds such as board games, their abilities in the real world are limited. They make strange mistakes and do not notice them. They cannot be instructed easily, fail to use common sense, and lack curiosity. They do not make good collaborators. Mainstream approaches for creating AIs are built using the traditional manually-constructed symbolic AI approach and generative and deep learning AI approaches including large language models (LLMs). These systems are not well suited for creating robust and trustworthy AIs. Although it is outside of the mainstream, the developmental bootstrapping approach has more promise. In developmental bootstrapping, AIs develop competences like human children do. They start with innate competences. They interact with the environment and learn from their interactions. They incrementally extend their innate competences with self-developed competences. They interact and learn from people and establish perceptual, cognitive, and common grounding. They acquire the competences that they need through an incremental bootstrapping process. However, developmental robotics has not yet produced AIs with robust adult-level competences. Projects have typically stopped at the Toddler Barrier corresponding to human infant development at about two years of age, before their speech is fluent. They also do not bridge the Reading Barrier, to skillfully and skeptically tap into the vast socially developed recorded information resources that power LLMs. The next competences in human cognitive development involve intrinsic motivation, imitation learning, imagination, coordination, and communication. This position paper lays out the logic, prospects, gaps, and challenges for extending the practice of developmental bootstrapping to acquire further competences and create robust and resilient AIs.

Homophily-enhanced Structure Learning for Graph Clustering. (arXiv:2308.05309v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ming Gu, Gaoming Yang, Sheng Zhou, Ning Ma, Jiawei Chen, Qiaoyu Tan, Meihan Liu, Jiajun Bu

Graph clustering is a fundamental task in graph analysis, and recent advances in utilizing graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown impressive results. Despite the success of existing GNN-based graph clustering methods, they often overlook the quality of graph structure, which is inherent in real-world graphs due to their sparse and multifarious nature, leading to subpar performance. Graph structure learning allows refining the input graph by adding missing links and removing spurious connections. However, previous endeavors in graph structure learning have predominantly centered around supervised settings, and cannot be directly applied to our specific clustering tasks due to the absence of ground-truth labels. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel method called \textbf{ho}mophily-enhanced structure \textbf{le}arning for graph clustering (HoLe). Our motivation stems from the observation that subtly enhancing the degree of homophily within the graph structure can significantly improve GNNs and clustering outcomes. To realize this objective, we develop two clustering-oriented structure learning modules, i.e., hierarchical correlation estimation and cluster-aware sparsification. The former module enables a more accurate estimation of pairwise node relationships by leveraging guidance from latent and clustering spaces, while the latter one generates a sparsified structure based on the similarity matrix and clustering assignments. Additionally, we devise a joint optimization approach alternating between training the homophily-enhanced structure learning and GNN-based clustering, thereby enforcing their reciprocal effects. Extensive experiments on seven benchmark datasets of various types and scales, across a range of clustering metrics, demonstrate the superiority of HoLe against state-of-the-art baselines.

LLM As DBA. (arXiv:2308.05481v2 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Authors: Xuanhe Zhou, Guoliang Li, Zhiyuan Liu

Database administrators (DBAs) play a crucial role in managing, maintaining and optimizing a database system to ensure data availability, performance, and reliability. However, it is hard and tedious for DBAs to manage a large number of database instances (e.g., millions of instances on the cloud databases). Recently large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential to understand valuable documents and accordingly generate reasonable answers. Thus, we propose D-Bot, a LLM-based database administrator that can continuously acquire database maintenance experience from textual sources, and provide reasonable, well-founded, in-time diagnosis and optimization advice for target databases. This paper presents a revolutionary LLM-centric framework for database maintenance, including (i) database maintenance knowledge detection from documents and tools, (ii) tree of thought reasoning for root cause analysis, and (iii) collaborative diagnosis among multiple LLMs. Our preliminary experimental results that D-Bot can efficiently and effectively diagnose the root causes and our code is available at