ToddlerBERTa: Exploiting BabyBERTa for Grammar Learning and Language Understanding. (arXiv:2308.16336v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Omer Veysel Cagatan

We present ToddlerBERTa, a BabyBERTa-like language model, exploring its capabilities through five different models with varied hyperparameters. Evaluating on BLiMP, SuperGLUE, MSGS, and a Supplement benchmark from the BabyLM challenge, we find that smaller models can excel in specific tasks, while larger models perform well with substantial data. Despite training on a smaller dataset, ToddlerBERTa demonstrates commendable performance, rivalling the state-of-the-art RoBERTa-base. The model showcases robust language understanding, even with single-sentence pretraining, and competes with baselines that leverage broader contextual information. Our work provides insights into hyperparameter choices, and data utilization, contributing to the advancement of language models.

Affective Visual Dialog: A Large-Scale Benchmark for Emotional Reasoning Based on Visually Grounded Conversations. (arXiv:2308.16349v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kilichbek Haydarov, Xiaoqian Shen, Avinash Madasu, Mahmoud Salem, Jia Li, Gamaleldin Elsayed, Mohamed Elhoseiny

We introduce Affective Visual Dialog, an emotion explanation and reasoning task as a testbed for research on understanding the formation of emotions in visually grounded conversations. The task involves three skills: (1) Dialog-based Question Answering (2) Dialog-based Emotion Prediction and (3) Affective emotion explanation generation based on the dialog. Our key contribution is the collection of a large-scale dataset, dubbed AffectVisDial, consisting of 50K 10-turn visually grounded dialogs as well as concluding emotion attributions and dialog-informed textual emotion explanations, resulting in a total of 27,180 working hours. We explain our design decisions in collecting the dataset and introduce the questioner and answerer tasks that are associated with the participants in the conversation. We train and demonstrate solid Affective Visual Dialog baselines adapted from state-of-the-art models. Remarkably, the responses generated by our models show promising emotional reasoning abilities in response to visually grounded conversations. Our project page is available at

Knowledge Distillation from Non-streaming to Streaming ASR Encoder using Auxiliary Non-streaming Layer. (arXiv:2308.16415v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kyuhong Shim, Jinkyu Lee, Simyung Chang, Kyuwoong Hwang

Streaming automatic speech recognition (ASR) models are restricted from accessing future context, which results in worse performance compared to the non-streaming models. To improve the performance of streaming ASR, knowledge distillation (KD) from the non-streaming to streaming model has been studied, mainly focusing on aligning the output token probabilities. In this paper, we propose a layer-to-layer KD from the teacher encoder to the student encoder. To ensure that features are extracted using the same context, we insert auxiliary non-streaming branches to the student and perform KD from the non-streaming teacher layer to the non-streaming auxiliary layer. We design a special KD loss that leverages the autoregressive predictive coding (APC) mechanism to encourage the streaming model to predict unseen future contexts. Experimental results show that the proposed method can significantly reduce the word error rate compared to previous token probability distillation methods.

BioCoder: A Benchmark for Bioinformatics Code Generation with Contextual Pragmatic Knowledge. (arXiv:2308.16458v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Bill Qian, Rick Gao, Jiakang Chen, Xinyun Chen, Mark Gerstein

Pre-trained language models like ChatGPT have significantly improved code generation. As these models scale up, there is an increasing need for the output to handle more intricate tasks. Moreover, in bioinformatics, generating functional programs poses additional notable challenges due to the amount of domain knowledge, the need for complicated data operations, and intricate functional dependencies between the operations. Here, we present BioCoder, a benchmark developed to evaluate existing pre-trained models in generating bioinformatics code. In relation to function-code generation, BioCoder covers potential package dependencies, class declarations, and global variables. It incorporates 1026 functions and 1243 methods in Python and Java from GitHub and 253 examples from the Rosalind Project. BioCoder incorporates a fuzz-testing framework for evaluation, and we have applied it to evaluate many models including InCoder, CodeGen, CodeGen2, SantaCoder, StarCoder, StarCoder+, InstructCodeT5+, and ChatGPT. Our detailed analysis of these models emphasizes the importance of domain knowledge, pragmatic code generation, and contextual understanding. Our dataset, benchmark, Docker images, and scripts required for testing are all available at

Sparkles: Unlocking Chats Across Multiple Images for Multimodal Instruction-Following Models. (arXiv:2308.16463v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yupan Huang, Zaiqiao Meng, Fangyu Liu, Yixuan Su, Nigel Collier, Yutong Lu

Large language models exhibit enhanced zero-shot performance on various tasks when fine-tuned with instruction-following data. Multimodal instruction-following models extend these capabilities by integrating both text and images. However, existing models such as MiniGPT-4 face challenges in maintaining dialogue coherence in scenarios involving multiple images. A primary reason is the lack of a specialized dataset for this critical application. To bridge these gaps, we present SparklesChat, a multimodal instruction-following model for open-ended dialogues across multiple images. To support the training, we introduce SparklesDialogue, the first machine-generated dialogue dataset tailored for word-level interleaved multi-image and text interactions. Furthermore, we construct SparklesEval, a GPT-assisted benchmark for quantitatively assessing a model's conversational competence across multiple images and dialogue turns. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of SparklesChat in understanding and reasoning across multiple images and dialogue turns. Specifically, SparklesChat outperformed MiniGPT-4 on established vision-and-language benchmarks, including the BISON binary image selection task and the NLVR2 visual reasoning task. Moreover, SparklesChat scored 8.56 out of 10 on SparklesEval, substantially exceeding MiniGPT-4's score of 3.91 and nearing GPT-4's score of 9.26. Qualitative evaluations further demonstrate SparklesChat's generality in handling real-world applications. All resources will be available at

Link Prediction for Wikipedia Articles as a Natural Language Inference Task. (arXiv:2308.16469v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chau-Thang Phan, Quoc-Nam Nguyen, Kiet Van Nguyen

Link prediction task is vital to automatically understanding the structure of large knowledge bases. In this paper, we present our system to solve this task at the Data Science and Advanced Analytics 2023 Competition "Efficient and Effective Link Prediction" (DSAA-2023 Competition) with a corpus containing 948,233 training and 238,265 for public testing. This paper introduces an approach to link prediction in Wikipedia articles by formulating it as a natural language inference (NLI) task. Drawing inspiration from recent advancements in natural language processing and understanding, we cast link prediction as an NLI task, wherein the presence of a link between two articles is treated as a premise, and the task is to determine whether this premise holds based on the information presented in the articles. We implemented our system based on the Sentence Pair Classification for Link Prediction for the Wikipedia Articles task. Our system achieved 0.99996 Macro F1-score and 1.00000 Macro F1-score for the public and private test sets, respectively. Our team UIT-NLP ranked 3rd in performance on the private test set, equal to the scores of the first and second places. Our code is publicly for research purposes.

Enhancing Subtask Performance of Multi-modal Large Language Model. (arXiv:2308.16474v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yongqiang Zhao, Zhenyu Li, Feng Zhang, Xinhai Xu, Donghong Liu

Multi-modal Large Language Model (MLLM) refers to a model expanded from a Large Language Model (LLM) that possesses the capability to handle and infer multi-modal data. Current MLLMs typically begin by using LLMs to decompose tasks into multiple subtasks, then employing individual pre-trained models to complete specific subtasks, and ultimately utilizing LLMs to integrate the results of each subtasks to obtain the results of the task. In real-world scenarios, when dealing with large projects, it is common practice to break down the project into smaller sub-projects, with different teams providing corresponding solutions or results. The project owner then decides which solution or result to use, ensuring the best possible outcome for each subtask and, consequently, for the entire project. Inspired by this, this study considers selecting multiple pre-trained models to complete the same subtask. By combining the results from multiple pre-trained models, the optimal subtask result is obtained, enhancing the performance of the MLLM. Specifically, this study first selects multiple pre-trained models focused on the same subtask based on distinct evaluation approaches, and then invokes these models in parallel to process input data and generate corresponding subtask results. Finally, the results from multiple pre-trained models for the same subtask are compared using the LLM, and the best result is chosen as the outcome for that subtask. Extensive experiments are conducted in this study using GPT-4 annotated datasets and human-annotated datasets. The results of various evaluation metrics adequately demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in this paper.

Transformer Compression via Subspace Projection. (arXiv:2308.16475v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuxuan Hu, Jing Zhang, Chen Zhao, Cuiping Li, Hong Chen

We propose TCSP, a novel method for compressing a transformer model by focusing on reducing the hidden size of the model. By projecting the whole transform model into a subspace, we enable matrix operations between the weight matrices in the model and features in a reduced-dimensional space, leading to significant reductions in model parameters and computing resources. To establish this subspace, we decompose the feature matrix, derived from different layers of sampled data instances, into a projection matrix. For evaluation, TCSP is applied to compress T5 and BERT models on the GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that TCSP achieves a compression ratio of 44\% with at most 1.6\% degradation in accuracy, surpassing or matching prior compression methods. Furthermore, TCSP exhibits compatibility with other methods targeting filter and attention head size compression.

Generalised Winograd Schema and its Contextuality. (arXiv:2308.16498v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kin Ian Lo (University College London, London, UK), Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (University College London, London, UK), Shane Mansfield (Quandela, Paris, France)

Ambiguities in natural language give rise to probability distributions over interpretations. The distributions are often over multiple ambiguous words at a time; a multiplicity which makes them a suitable topic for sheaf-theoretic models of quantum contextuality. Previous research showed that different quantitative measures of contextuality correlate well with Psycholinguistic research on lexical ambiguities. In this work, we focus on coreference ambiguities and investigate the Winograd Schema Challenge (WSC), a test proposed by Levesque in 2011 to evaluate the intelligence of machines. The WSC consists of a collection of multiple-choice questions that require disambiguating pronouns in sentences structured according to the Winograd schema, in a way that makes it difficult for machines to determine the correct referents but remains intuitive for human comprehension. In this study, we propose an approach that analogously models the Winograd schema as an experiment in quantum physics. However, we argue that the original Winograd Schema is inherently too simplistic to facilitate contextuality. We introduce a novel mechanism for generalising the schema, rendering it analogous to a Bell-CHSH measurement scenario. We report an instance of this generalised schema, complemented by the human judgements we gathered via a crowdsourcing platform. The resulting model violates the Bell-CHSH inequality by 0.192, thus exhibiting contextuality in a coreference resolution setting.

The Smart Data Extractor, a Clinician Friendly Solution to Accelerate and Improve the Data Collection During Clinical Trials. (arXiv:2308.16537v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Sophie Quennelle (HeKA, UPCité, CRC), Maxime Douillet (Imagine), Lisa Friedlander (UPCité), Olivia Boyer (UPCité), Anita Burgun (HeKA, UPCité, CRC), Antoine Neuraz (HeKA, UPCité, CRC), Nicolas Garcelon (HeKA, UPCité, Imagine)

In medical research, the traditional way to collect data, i.e. browsing patient files, has been proven to induce bias, errors, human labor and costs. We propose a semi-automated system able to extract every type of data, including notes. The Smart Data Extractor pre-populates clinic research forms by following rules. We performed a cross-testing experiment to compare semi-automated to manual data collection. 20 target items had to be collected for 79 patients. The average time to complete one form was 6'81'' for manual data collection and 3'22'' with the Smart Data Extractor. There were also more mistakes during manual data collection (163 for the whole cohort) than with the Smart Data Extractor (46 for the whole cohort). We present an easy to use, understandable and agile solution to fill out clinical research forms. It reduces human effort and provides higher quality data, avoiding data re-entry and fatigue induced errors.

Time-Varying Quasi-Closed-Phase Analysis for Accurate Formant Tracking in Speech Signals. (arXiv:2308.16540v1 [eess.AS])

Authors: Dhananjaya Gowda, Sudarsana Reddy Kadiri, Brad Story, Paavo Alku

In this paper, we propose a new method for the accurate estimation and tracking of formants in speech signals using time-varying quasi-closed-phase (TVQCP) analysis. Conventional formant tracking methods typically adopt a two-stage estimate-and-track strategy wherein an initial set of formant candidates are estimated using short-time analysis (e.g., 10--50 ms), followed by a tracking stage based on dynamic programming or a linear state-space model. One of the main disadvantages of these approaches is that the tracking stage, however good it may be, cannot improve upon the formant estimation accuracy of the first stage. The proposed TVQCP method provides a single-stage formant tracking that combines the estimation and tracking stages into one. TVQCP analysis combines three approaches to improve formant estimation and tracking: (1) it uses temporally weighted quasi-closed-phase analysis to derive closed-phase estimates of the vocal tract with reduced interference from the excitation source, (2) it increases the residual sparsity by using the $L_1$ optimization and (3) it uses time-varying linear prediction analysis over long time windows (e.g., 100--200 ms) to impose a continuity constraint on the vocal tract model and hence on the formant trajectories. Formant tracking experiments with a wide variety of synthetic and natural speech signals show that the proposed TVQCP method performs better than conventional and popular formant tracking tools, such as Wavesurfer and Praat (based on dynamic programming), the KARMA algorithm (based on Kalman filtering), and DeepFormants (based on deep neural networks trained in a supervised manner). Matlab scripts for the proposed method can be found at:

Thesis Distillation: Investigating The Impact of Bias in NLP Models on Hate Speech Detection. (arXiv:2308.16549v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Fatma Elsafoury

This paper is a summary of the work in my PhD thesis. In which, I investigate the impact of bias in NLP models on the task of hate speech detection from three perspectives: explainability, offensive stereotyping bias, and fairness. I discuss the main takeaways from my thesis and how they can benefit the broader NLP community. Finally, I discuss important future research directions. The findings of my thesis suggest that bias in NLP models impacts the task of hate speech detection from all three perspectives. And that unless we start incorporating social sciences in studying bias in NLP models, we will not effectively overcome the current limitations of measuring and mitigating bias in NLP models.

Improving Mandarin Prosodic Structure Prediction with Multi-level Contextual Information. (arXiv:2308.16577v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Jie Chen, Changhe Song, Deyi Tuo, Xixin Wu, Shiyin Kang, Zhiyong Wu, Helen Meng

For text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis, prosodic structure prediction (PSP) plays an important role in producing natural and intelligible speech. Although inter-utterance linguistic information can influence the speech interpretation of the target utterance, previous works on PSP mainly focus on utilizing intrautterance linguistic information of the current utterance only. This work proposes to use inter-utterance linguistic information to improve the performance of PSP. Multi-level contextual information, which includes both inter-utterance and intrautterance linguistic information, is extracted by a hierarchical encoder from character level, utterance level and discourse level of the input text. Then a multi-task learning (MTL) decoder predicts prosodic boundaries from multi-level contextual information. Objective evaluation results on two datasets show that our method achieves better F1 scores in predicting prosodic word (PW), prosodic phrase (PPH) and intonational phrase (IPH). It demonstrates the effectiveness of using multi-level contextual information for PSP. Subjective preference tests also indicate the naturalness of synthesized speeches are improved.

Unsupervised Text Style Transfer with Deep Generative Models. (arXiv:2308.16584v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhongtao Jiang, Yuanzhe Zhang, Yiming Ju, Kang Liu

We present a general framework for unsupervised text style transfer with deep generative models. The framework models each sentence-label pair in the non-parallel corpus as partially observed from a complete quadruplet which additionally contains two latent codes representing the content and style, respectively. These codes are learned by exploiting dependencies inside the observed data. Then a sentence is transferred by manipulating them. Our framework is able to unify previous embedding and prototype methods as two special forms. It also provides a principled perspective to explain previously proposed techniques in the field such as aligned encoder and adversarial training. We further conduct experiments on three benchmarks. Both automatic and human evaluation results show that our methods achieve better or competitive results compared to several strong baselines.

Interpreting Sentiment Composition with Latent Semantic Tree. (arXiv:2308.16588v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhongtao Jiang, Yuanzhe Zhang, Cao Liu, Jiansong Chen, Jun Zhao, Kang Liu

As the key to sentiment analysis, sentiment composition considers the classification of a constituent via classifications of its contained sub-constituents and rules operated on them. Such compositionality has been widely studied previously in the form of hierarchical trees including untagged and sentiment ones, which are intrinsically suboptimal in our view. To address this, we propose semantic tree, a new tree form capable of interpreting the sentiment composition in a principled way. Semantic tree is a derivation of a context-free grammar (CFG) describing the specific composition rules on difference semantic roles, which is designed carefully following previous linguistic conclusions. However, semantic tree is a latent variable since there is no its annotation in regular datasets. Thus, in our method, it is marginalized out via inside algorithm and learned to optimize the classification performance. Quantitative and qualitative results demonstrate that our method not only achieves better or competitive results compared to baselines in the setting of regular and domain adaptation classification, and also generates plausible tree explanations.

Towards Spontaneous Style Modeling with Semi-supervised Pre-training for Conversational Text-to-Speech Synthesis. (arXiv:2308.16593v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Weiqin Li, Shun Lei, Qiaochu Huang, Yixuan Zhou, Zhiyong Wu, Shiyin Kang, Helen Meng

The spontaneous behavior that often occurs in conversations makes speech more human-like compared to reading-style. However, synthesizing spontaneous-style speech is challenging due to the lack of high-quality spontaneous datasets and the high cost of labeling spontaneous behavior. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised pre-training method to increase the amount of spontaneous-style speech and spontaneous behavioral labels. In the process of semi-supervised learning, both text and speech information are considered for detecting spontaneous behaviors labels in speech. Moreover, a linguistic-aware encoder is used to model the relationship between each sentence in the conversation. Experimental results indicate that our proposed method achieves superior expressive speech synthesis performance with the ability to model spontaneous behavior in spontaneous-style speech and predict reasonable spontaneous behavior from text.

Developing a Scalable Benchmark for Assessing Large Language Models in Knowledge Graph Engineering. (arXiv:2308.16622v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Lars-Peter Meyer, Johannes Frey, Kurt Junghanns, Felix Brei, Kirill Bulert, Sabine Gründer-Fahrer, Michael Martin

As the field of Large Language Models (LLMs) evolves at an accelerated pace, the critical need to assess and monitor their performance emerges. We introduce a benchmarking framework focused on knowledge graph engineering (KGE) accompanied by three challenges addressing syntax and error correction, facts extraction and dataset generation. We show that while being a useful tool, LLMs are yet unfit to assist in knowledge graph generation with zero-shot prompting. Consequently, our LLM-KG-Bench framework provides automatic evaluation and storage of LLM responses as well as statistical data and visualization tools to support tracking of prompt engineering and model performance.

DictaBERT: A State-of-the-Art BERT Suite for Modern Hebrew. (arXiv:2308.16687v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shaltiel Shmidman, Avi Shmidman, Moshe Koppel

We present DictaBERT, a new state-of-the-art pre-trained BERT model for modern Hebrew, outperforming existing models on most benchmarks. Additionally, we release two fine-tuned versions of the model, designed to perform two specific foundational tasks in the analysis of Hebrew texts: prefix segmentation and morphological tagging. These fine-tuned models allow any developer to perform prefix segmentation and morphological tagging of a Hebrew sentence with a single call to a HuggingFace model, without the need to integrate any additional libraries or code. In this paper we describe the details of the training as well and the results on the different benchmarks. We release the models to the community, along with sample code demonstrating their use. We release these models as part of our goal to help further research and development in Hebrew NLP.

Using Large Language Models to Automate Category and Trend Analysis of Scientific Articles: An Application in Ophthalmology. (arXiv:2308.16688v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hina Raja, Asim Munawar, Mohammad Delsoz, Mohammad Elahi, Yeganeh Madadi, Amr Hassan, Hashem Abu Serhan, Onur Inam, Luis Hermandez, Sang Tran, Wuqas Munir, Alaa Abd-Alrazaq, Hao Chen, SiamakYousefi

Purpose: In this paper, we present an automated method for article classification, leveraging the power of Large Language Models (LLM). The primary focus is on the field of ophthalmology, but the model is extendable to other fields. Methods: We have developed a model based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, including advanced LLMs, to process and analyze the textual content of scientific papers. Specifically, we have employed zero-shot learning (ZSL) LLM models and compared against Bidirectional and Auto-Regressive Transformers (BART) and its variants, and Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), and its variant such as distilBERT, SciBERT, PubmedBERT, BioBERT. Results: The classification results demonstrate the effectiveness of LLMs in categorizing large number of ophthalmology papers without human intervention. Results: To evalute the LLMs, we compiled a dataset (RenD) of 1000 ocular disease-related articles, which were expertly annotated by a panel of six specialists into 15 distinct categories. The model achieved mean accuracy of 0.86 and mean F1 of 0.85 based on the RenD dataset. Conclusion: The proposed framework achieves notable improvements in both accuracy and efficiency. Its application in the domain of ophthalmology showcases its potential for knowledge organization and retrieval in other domains too. We performed trend analysis that enables the researchers and clinicians to easily categorize and retrieve relevant papers, saving time and effort in literature review and information gathering as well as identification of emerging scientific trends within different disciplines. Moreover, the extendibility of the model to other scientific fields broadens its impact in facilitating research and trend analysis across diverse disciplines.

SpeechTokenizer: Unified Speech Tokenizer for Speech Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.16692v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xin Zhang, Dong Zhang, Shimin Li, Yaqian Zhou, Xipeng Qiu

Current speech large language models build upon discrete speech representations, which can be categorized into semantic tokens and acoustic tokens. However, existing speech tokens are not specifically designed for speech language modeling. To assess the suitability of speech tokens for building speech language models, we established the first benchmark, SLMTokBench. Our results indicate that neither semantic nor acoustic tokens are ideal for this purpose. Therefore, we propose SpeechTokenizer, a unified speech tokenizer for speech large language models. SpeechTokenizer adopts the Encoder-Decoder architecture with residual vector quantization (RVQ). Unifying semantic and acoustic tokens, SpeechTokenizer disentangles different aspects of speech information hierarchically across different RVQ layers. Furthermore, We construct a Unified Speech Language Model (USLM) leveraging SpeechTokenizer. Experiments show that SpeechTokenizer performs comparably to EnCodec in speech reconstruction and demonstrates strong performance on the SLMTokBench benchmark. Also, USLM outperforms VALL-E in zero-shot Text-to-Speech tasks. Code and models are available at

CReHate: Cross-cultural Re-annotation of English Hate Speech Dataset. (arXiv:2308.16705v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nayeon Lee, Chani Jung, Junho Myung, Jiho Jin, Juho Kim, Alice Oh

English datasets predominantly reflect the perspectives of certain nationalities, which can lead to cultural biases in models and datasets. This is particularly problematic in tasks heavily influenced by subjectivity, such as hate speech detection. To delve into how individuals from different countries perceive hate speech, we introduce CReHate, a cross-cultural re-annotation of the sampled SBIC dataset. This dataset includes annotations from five distinct countries: Australia, Singapore, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. Our thorough statistical analysis highlights significant differences based on nationality, with only 59.4% of the samples achieving consensus among all countries. We also introduce a culturally sensitive hate speech classifier via transfer learning, adept at capturing perspectives of different nationalities. These findings underscore the need to re-evaluate certain aspects of NLP research, especially with regard to the nuanced nature of hate speech in the English language.

Ladder-of-Thought: Using Knowledge as Steps to Elevate Stance Detection. (arXiv:2308.16763v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kairui Hu, Ming Yan, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Ivor W. Tsang, Wen Haw Chong, Yong Keong Yap

Chain-of-Thought Prompting (CoT) reinforces the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) through the generation of intermediate rationales. However, these enhancements predominantly benefit large-scale models, leaving small LMs without significant performance improvements when directly applying CoT. Despite the advanced reasoning capabilities of LLMs, CoT relies primarily on their pre-trained internal knowledge. The external knowledge that is previously unknown to the model remains unexploited. This omission becomes pronounced in tasks such as stance detection, where the external background knowledge plays a pivotal role. Additionally, the large-scale architecture of LLMs inevitably present efficiency challenges during deployment. To address these challenges, we introduce the Ladder-of-Thought (LoT) for stance detection. Grounded in a dual-phase Cascaded Optimization framework, LoT directs the model to incorporate high-quality external knowledge, enhancing the intermediate rationales it generates. These bolstered rationales subsequently serve as the foundation for more precise predictions - akin to how a ladder facilitates reaching elevated goals. LoT achieves a balance between efficiency and accuracy, making it an adaptable and efficient framework for stance detection. Our empirical evaluations underscore LoT's effectiveness, marking a 16% improvement over ChatGPT and a 10% enhancement compared to ChatGPT with CoT.

Enhancing PLM Performance on Labour Market Tasks via Instruction-based Finetuning and Prompt-tuning with Rules. (arXiv:2308.16770v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jarno Vrolijk, David Graus

The increased digitization of the labour market has given researchers, educators, and companies the means to analyze and better understand the labour market. However, labour market resources, although available in high volumes, tend to be unstructured, and as such, research towards methodologies for the identification, linking, and extraction of entities becomes more and more important. Against the backdrop of this quest for better labour market representations, resource constraints and the unavailability of large-scale annotated data cause a reliance on human domain experts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of prompt-based tuning of pre-trained language models (PLM) in labour market specific applications. Our results indicate that cost-efficient methods such as PTR and instruction tuning without exemplars can significantly increase the performance of PLMs on downstream labour market applications without introducing additional model layers, manual annotations, and data augmentation.

Towards Multilingual Automatic Dialogue Evaluation. (arXiv:2308.16795v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: John Mendonça, Alon Lavie, Isabel Trancoso

The main limiting factor in the development of robust multilingual dialogue evaluation metrics is the lack of multilingual data and the limited availability of open sourced multilingual dialogue systems. In this work, we propose a workaround for this lack of data by leveraging a strong multilingual pretrained LLM and augmenting existing English dialogue data using Machine Translation. We empirically show that the naive approach of finetuning a pretrained multilingual encoder model with translated data is insufficient to outperform the strong baseline of finetuning a multilingual model with only source data. Instead, the best approach consists in the careful curation of translated data using MT Quality Estimation metrics, excluding low quality translations that hinder its performance.

Simple LLM Prompting is State-of-the-Art for Robust and Multilingual Dialogue Evaluation. (arXiv:2308.16797v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: John Mendonça, Patrícia Pereira, João Paulo Carvalho, Alon Lavie, Isabel Trancoso

Despite significant research effort in the development of automatic dialogue evaluation metrics, little thought is given to evaluating dialogues other than in English. At the same time, ensuring metrics are invariant to semantically similar responses is also an overlooked topic. In order to achieve the desired properties of robustness and multilinguality for dialogue evaluation metrics, we propose a novel framework that takes advantage of the strengths of current evaluation models with the newly-established paradigm of prompting Large Language Models (LLMs). Empirical results show our framework achieves state of the art results in terms of mean Spearman correlation scores across several benchmarks and ranks first place on both the Robust and Multilingual tasks of the DSTC11 Track 4 "Automatic Evaluation Metrics for Open-Domain Dialogue Systems", proving the evaluation capabilities of prompted LLMs.

Can Programming Languages Boost Each Other via Instruction Tuning?. (arXiv:2308.16824v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Daoguang Zan, Ailun Yu, Bo Shen, Jiaxin Zhang, Taihong Chen, Bing Geng, Bei Chen, Jichuan Ji, Yafen Yao, Yongji Wang, Qianxiang Wang

When human programmers have mastered a programming language, it would be easier when they learn a new programming language. In this report, we focus on exploring whether programming languages can boost each other during the instruction fine-tuning phase of code large language models. We conduct extensive experiments of 8 popular programming languages (Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C++, Java, Go, HTML) on StarCoder. Results demonstrate that programming languages can significantly improve each other. For example, CodeM-Python 15B trained on Python is able to increase Java by an absolute 17.95% pass@1 on HumanEval-X. More surprisingly, we found that CodeM-HTML 7B trained on the HTML corpus can improve Java by an absolute 15.24% pass@1. Our training data is released at

The Gender-GAP Pipeline: A Gender-Aware Polyglot Pipeline for Gender Characterisation in 55 Languages. (arXiv:2308.16871v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Benjamin Muller, Belen Alastruey, Prangthip Hansanti, Elahe Kalbassi, Christophe Ropers, Eric Michael Smith, Adina Williams, Luke Zettlemoyer, Pierre Andrews, Marta R. Costa-jussà

Gender biases in language generation systems are challenging to mitigate. One possible source for these biases is gender representation disparities in the training and evaluation data. Despite recent progress in documenting this problem and many attempts at mitigating it, we still lack shared methodology and tooling to report gender representation in large datasets. Such quantitative reporting will enable further mitigation, e.g., via data augmentation. This paper describes the Gender-GAP Pipeline (for Gender-Aware Polyglot Pipeline), an automatic pipeline to characterize gender representation in large-scale datasets for 55 languages. The pipeline uses a multilingual lexicon of gendered person-nouns to quantify the gender representation in text. We showcase it to report gender representation in WMT training data and development data for the News task, confirming that current data is skewed towards masculine representation. Having unbalanced datasets may indirectly optimize our systems towards outperforming one gender over the others. We suggest introducing our gender quantification pipeline in current datasets and, ideally, modifying them toward a balanced representation.

The Belebele Benchmark: a Parallel Reading Comprehension Dataset in 122 Language Variants. (arXiv:2308.16884v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lucas Bandarkar, Davis Liang, Benjamin Muller, Mikel Artetxe, Satya Narayan Shukla, Donald Husa, Naman Goyal, Abhinandan Krishnan, Luke Zettlemoyer, Madian Khabsa

We present Belebele, a multiple-choice machine reading comprehension (MRC) dataset spanning 122 language variants. Significantly expanding the language coverage of natural language understanding (NLU) benchmarks, this dataset enables the evaluation of text models in high-, medium-, and low-resource languages. Each question is based on a short passage from the Flores-200 dataset and has four multiple-choice answers. The questions were carefully curated to discriminate between models with different levels of general language comprehension. The English dataset on its own proves difficult enough to challenge state-of-the-art language models. Being fully parallel, this dataset enables direct comparison of model performance across all languages. We use this dataset to evaluate the capabilities of multilingual masked language models (MLMs) and large language models (LLMs). We present extensive results and find that despite significant cross-lingual transfer in English-centric LLMs, much smaller MLMs pretrained on balanced multilingual data still understand far more languages. We also observe that larger vocabulary size and conscious vocabulary construction correlate with better performance on low-resource languages. Overall, Belebele opens up new avenues for evaluating and analyzing the multilingual capabilities of NLP systems.

TouchStone: Evaluating Vision-Language Models by Language Models. (arXiv:2308.16890v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shuai Bai, Shusheng Yang, Jinze Bai, Peng Wang, Xingxuan Zhang, Junyang Lin, Xinggang Wang, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou

Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have recently witnessed rapid advancements, exhibiting a remarkable capacity for perceiving, understanding, and processing visual information by connecting visual receptor with large language models (LLMs). However, current assessments mainly focus on recognizing and reasoning abilities, lacking direct evaluation of conversational skills and neglecting visual storytelling abilities. In this paper, we propose an evaluation method that uses strong LLMs as judges to comprehensively evaluate the various abilities of LVLMs. Firstly, we construct a comprehensive visual dialogue dataset TouchStone, consisting of open-world images and questions, covering five major categories of abilities and 27 subtasks. This dataset not only covers fundamental recognition and comprehension but also extends to literary creation. Secondly, by integrating detailed image annotations we effectively transform the multimodal input content into a form understandable by LLMs. This enables us to employ advanced LLMs for directly evaluating the quality of the multimodal dialogue without requiring human intervention. Through validation, we demonstrate that powerful LVLMs, such as GPT-4, can effectively score dialogue quality by leveraging their textual capabilities alone, aligning with human preferences. We hope our work can serve as a touchstone for LVLMs' evaluation and pave the way for building stronger LVLMs. The evaluation code is available at

Transformers as Support Vector Machines. (arXiv:2308.16898v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Davoud Ataee Tarzanagh, Yingcong Li, Christos Thrampoulidis, Samet Oymak

Since its inception in "Attention Is All You Need", transformer architecture has led to revolutionary advancements in NLP. The attention layer within the transformer admits a sequence of input tokens $X$ and makes them interact through pairwise similarities computed as softmax$(XQK^\top X^\top)$, where $(K,Q)$ are the trainable key-query parameters. In this work, we establish a formal equivalence between the optimization geometry of self-attention and a hard-margin SVM problem that separates optimal input tokens from non-optimal tokens using linear constraints on the outer-products of token pairs. This formalism allows us to characterize the implicit bias of 1-layer transformers optimized with gradient descent: (1) Optimizing the attention layer with vanishing regularization, parameterized by $(K,Q)$, converges in direction to an SVM solution minimizing the nuclear norm of the combined parameter $W=KQ^\top$. Instead, directly parameterizing by $W$ minimizes a Frobenius norm objective. We characterize this convergence, highlighting that it can occur toward locally-optimal directions rather than global ones. (2) Complementing this, we prove the local/global directional convergence of gradient descent under suitable geometric conditions. Importantly, we show that over-parameterization catalyzes global convergence by ensuring the feasibility of the SVM problem and by guaranteeing a benign optimization landscape devoid of stationary points. (3) While our theory applies primarily to linear prediction heads, we propose a more general SVM equivalence that predicts the implicit bias with nonlinear heads. Our findings are applicable to arbitrary datasets and their validity is verified via experiments. We also introduce several open problems and research directions. We believe these findings inspire the interpretation of transformers as a hierarchy of SVMs that separates and selects optimal tokens.

PointLLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Understand Point Clouds. (arXiv:2308.16911v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Runsen Xu, Xiaolong Wang, Tai Wang, Yilun Chen, Jiangmiao Pang, Dahua Lin

The unprecedented advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have created a profound impact on natural language processing but are yet to fully embrace the realm of 3D understanding. This paper introduces PointLLM, a preliminary effort to fill this gap, thereby enabling LLMs to understand point clouds and offering a new avenue beyond 2D visual data. PointLLM processes colored object point clouds with human instructions and generates contextually appropriate responses, illustrating its grasp of point clouds and common sense. Specifically, it leverages a point cloud encoder with a powerful LLM to effectively fuse geometric, appearance, and linguistic information. We collect a novel dataset comprising 660K simple and 70K complex point-text instruction pairs to enable a two-stage training strategy: initially aligning latent spaces and subsequently instruction-tuning the unified model. To rigorously evaluate our model's perceptual abilities and its generalization capabilities, we establish two benchmarks: Generative 3D Object Classification and 3D Object Captioning, assessed through three different methods, including human evaluation, GPT-4/ChatGPT evaluation, and traditional metrics. Experiment results show that PointLLM demonstrates superior performance over existing 2D baselines. Remarkably, in human-evaluated object captioning tasks, PointLLM outperforms human annotators in over 50% of the samples. Codes, datasets, and benchmarks are available at .

DALL-Eval: Probing the Reasoning Skills and Social Biases of Text-to-Image Generation Models. (arXiv:2202.04053v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, Mohit Bansal

Recently, DALL-E, a multimodal transformer language model, and its variants, including diffusion models, have shown high-quality text-to-image generation capabilities. However, despite the realistic image generation results, there has not been a detailed analysis of how to evaluate such models. In this work, we investigate the visual reasoning capabilities and social biases of different text-to-image models, covering both multimodal transformer language models and diffusion models. First, we measure three visual reasoning skills: object recognition, object counting, and spatial relation understanding. For this, we propose PaintSkills, a compositional diagnostic evaluation dataset that measures these skills. Despite the high-fidelity image generation capability, a large gap exists between the performance of recent models and the upper bound accuracy in object counting and spatial relation understanding skills. Second, we assess the gender and skin tone biases by measuring the gender/skin tone distribution of generated images across various professions and attributes. We demonstrate that recent text-to-image generation models learn specific biases about gender and skin tone from web image-text pairs. We hope our work will help guide future progress in improving text-to-image generation models on visual reasoning skills and learning socially unbiased representations. Code and data:

Deanthropomorphising NLP: Can a Language Model Be Conscious?. (arXiv:2211.11483v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Matthew Shardlow, Piotr Przybyła

This work is intended as a voice in the discussion over previous claims that a pretrained large language model (LLM) based on the Transformer model architecture can be sentient. Such claims have been made concerning the LaMDA model and also concerning the current wave of LLM-powered chatbots, such as ChatGPT. This claim, if confirmed, would have serious ramifications in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community due to wide-spread use of similar models. However, here we take the position that such a large language model cannot be sentient, or conscious, and that LaMDA in particular exhibits no advances over other similar models that would qualify it. We justify this by analysing the Transformer architecture through Integrated Information Theory of consciousness. We see the claims of sentience as part of a wider tendency to use anthropomorphic language in NLP reporting. Regardless of the veracity of the claims, we consider this an opportune moment to take stock of progress in language modelling and consider the ethical implications of the task. In order to make this work helpful for readers outside the NLP community, we also present the necessary background in language modelling.

SCOTT: Self-Consistent Chain-of-Thought Distillation. (arXiv:2305.01879v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Peifeng Wang, Zhengyang Wang, Zheng Li, Yifan Gao, Bing Yin, Xiang Ren

Large language models (LMs) beyond a certain scale, demonstrate the emergent capability of generating free-text rationales for their predictions via chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting. While CoT can yield dramatically improved performance, such gains are only observed for sufficiently large LMs. Even more concerning, there is little guarantee that the generated rationales are consistent with LM's predictions or faithfully justify the decisions. In this work, we propose a faithful knowledge distillation method to learn a small, self-consistent CoT model from a teacher model that is orders of magnitude larger. To form better supervision, we elicit rationales supporting the gold answers from a large LM (teacher) by contrastive decoding, which encourages the teacher to generate tokens that become more plausible only when the answer is considered. To ensure faithful distillation, we use the teacher-generated rationales to learn a student LM with a counterfactual reasoning objective, which prevents the student from ignoring the rationales to make inconsistent predictions. Experiments show that, while yielding comparable end-task performance, our method can generate CoT rationales that are more faithful than baselines do. Further analysis suggests that such a model respects the rationales more when making decisions; thus, we can improve its performance more by refining its rationales.

ONCE: Boosting Content-based Recommendation with Both Open- and Closed-source Large Language Models. (arXiv:2305.06566v4 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Qijiong Liu, Nuo Chen, Tetsuya Sakai, Xiao-Ming Wu

Personalized content-based recommender systems have become indispensable tools for users to navigate through the vast amount of content available on platforms like daily news websites and book recommendation services. However, existing recommenders face significant challenges in understanding the content of items. Large language models (LLMs), which possess deep semantic comprehension and extensive knowledge from pretraining, have proven to be effective in various natural language processing tasks. In this study, we explore the potential of leveraging both open- and closed-source LLMs to enhance content-based recommendation. With open-source LLMs, we utilize their deep layers as content encoders, enriching the representation of content at the embedding level. For closed-source LLMs, we employ prompting techniques to enrich the training data at the token level. Through comprehensive experiments, we demonstrate the high effectiveness of both types of LLMs and show the synergistic relationship between them. Notably, we observed a significant relative improvement of up to 19.32% compared to existing state-of-the-art recommendation models. These findings highlight the immense potential of both open- and closed-source of LLMs in enhancing content-based recommendation systems. We will make our code and LLM-generated data available for other researchers to reproduce our results.

Improving Non-autoregressive Translation Quality with Pretrained Language Model, Embedding Distillation and Upsampling Strategy for CTC. (arXiv:2306.06345v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shen-sian Syu, Juncheng Xie, Hung-yi Lee

Non-autoregressive approaches aim to improve the inference speed of translation models, particularly those that generate output in a one-pass forward manner. However, these approaches often suffer from a significant drop in translation quality compared to autoregressive models. This paper introduces a series of innovative techniques to enhance the translation quality of Non-Autoregressive Translation (NAT) models while maintaining a substantial acceleration in inference speed. We propose fine-tuning Pretrained Multilingual Language Models (PMLMs) with the CTC loss to train NAT models effectively. Furthermore, we adopt the MASK insertion scheme for up-sampling instead of token duplication, and we present an embedding distillation method to further enhance performance. In our experiments, our model outperforms the baseline autoregressive model (Transformer \textit{base}) on multiple datasets, including WMT'14 DE$\leftrightarrow$EN, WMT'16 RO$\leftrightarrow$EN, and IWSLT'14 DE$\leftrightarrow$EN. Notably, our model achieves better performance than the baseline autoregressive model on the IWSLT'14 En$\leftrightarrow$De and WMT'16 En$\leftrightarrow$Ro datasets, even without using distillation data during training. It is worth highlighting that on the IWSLT'14 DE$\rightarrow$EN dataset, our model achieves an impressive BLEU score of 39.59, setting a new state-of-the-art performance. Additionally, our model exhibits a remarkable speed improvement of 16.35 times compared to the autoregressive model.

C-PMI: Conditional Pointwise Mutual Information for Turn-level Dialogue Evaluation. (arXiv:2306.15245v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Liliang Ren, Mankeerat Sidhu, Qi Zeng, Revanth Gangi Reddy, Heng Ji, ChengXiang Zhai

Existing reference-free turn-level evaluation metrics for chatbots inadequately capture the interaction between the user and the system. Consequently, they often correlate poorly with human evaluations. To address this issue, we propose a novel model-agnostic approach that leverages Conditional Pointwise Mutual Information (C-PMI) to measure the turn-level interaction between the system and the user based on a given evaluation dimension. Experimental results on the widely used FED dialogue evaluation dataset demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the correlation with human judgment compared with existing evaluation systems. By replacing the negative log-likelihood-based scorer with our proposed C-PMI scorer, we achieve a relative 60.5% higher Spearman correlation on average for the FED evaluation metric. Our code is publicly available at

Automatic Design of Semantic Similarity Ensembles Using Grammatical Evolution. (arXiv:2307.00925v5 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jorge Martinez-Gil

Semantic similarity measures are widely used in natural language processing to catalyze various computer-related tasks. However, no single semantic similarity measure is the most appropriate for all tasks, and researchers often use ensemble strategies to ensure performance. This research work proposes a method for automatically designing semantic similarity ensembles. In fact, our proposed method uses grammatical evolution, for the first time, to automatically select and aggregate measures from a pool of candidates to create an ensemble that maximizes correlation to human judgment. The method is evaluated on several benchmark datasets and compared to state-of-the-art ensembles, showing that it can significantly improve similarity assessment accuracy and outperform existing methods in some cases. As a result, our research demonstrates the potential of using grammatical evolution to automatically compare text and prove the benefits of using ensembles for semantic similarity tasks. The source code that illustrates our approach can be downloaded from

CARE-MI: Chinese Benchmark for Misinformation Evaluation in Maternity and Infant Care. (arXiv:2307.01458v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tong Xiang, Liangzhi Li, Wangyue Li, Mingbai Bai, Lu Wei, Bowen Wang, Noa Garcia

The recent advances in natural language processing (NLP), have led to a new trend of applying large language models (LLMs) to real-world scenarios. While the latest LLMs are astonishingly fluent when interacting with humans, they suffer from the misinformation problem by unintentionally generating factually false statements. This can lead to harmful consequences, especially when produced within sensitive contexts, such as healthcare. Yet few previous works have focused on evaluating misinformation in the long-form (LF) generation of LLMs, especially for knowledge-intensive topics. Moreover, although LLMs have been shown to perform well in different languages, misinformation evaluation has been mostly conducted in English. To this end, we present a benchmark, CARE-MI, for evaluating LLM misinformation in: 1) a sensitive topic, specifically the maternity and infant care domain; and 2) a language other than English, namely Chinese. Most importantly, we provide an innovative paradigm for building LF generation evaluation benchmarks that can be transferred to other knowledge-intensive domains and low-resourced languages. Our proposed benchmark fills the gap between the extensive usage of LLMs and the lack of datasets for assessing the misinformation generated by these models. It contains 1,612 expert-checked questions, accompanied with human-selected references. Using our benchmark, we conduct extensive experiments and found that current Chinese LLMs are far from perfect in the topic of maternity and infant care. In an effort to minimize the reliance on human resources for performance evaluation, we offer off-the-shelf judgment models for automatically assessing the LF output of LLMs given benchmark questions. Moreover, we compare potential solutions for LF generation evaluation and provide insights for building better automated metrics.

Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer: Integrating Text, Images and Graph Transformers to Detect Hate Speech on Social Media. (arXiv:2307.09312v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Liam Hebert, Gaurav Sahu, Yuxuan Guo, Nanda Kishore Sreenivas, Lukasz Golab, Robin Cohen

We present the Multi-Modal Discussion Transformer (mDT), a novel multi-modal graph-based transformer model for detecting hate speech in online social networks, such as Reddit discussions. In contrast to traditional comment-only methods, our approach to labelling a comment as hate speech involves a holistic analysis of text and images grounded in the discussion context. This is done by leveraging graph transformers to capture the contextual relationships in the entire discussion surrounding a comment and grounding the interwoven fusion layers that combine individual comments' text and image embeddings instead of processing modalities separately. We compare the performance of our model to baselines that only process individual comments and conduct extensive ablation studies. To evaluate our work, we present a new dataset, HatefulDiscussions, comprising complete multi-modal discussions from multiple online communities on Reddit. We conclude with future work for multimodal solutions to deliver social value in online contexts, arguing that capturing a holistic view of a conversation significantly advances the effort to detect anti-social behaviour.

"It Felt Like Having a Second Mind": Investigating Human-AI Co-creativity in Prewriting with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.10811v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Qian Wan, Siying Hu, Yu Zhang, Piaohong Wang, Bo Wen, Zhicong Lu

Prewriting is the process of discovering and developing ideas before a first draft, which requires divergent thinking and often implies unstructured strategies such as diagramming, outlining, free-writing, etc. Although large language models (LLMs) have been demonstrated to be useful for a variety of tasks including creative writing, little is known about how users would collaborate with LLMs to support prewriting. The preferred collaborative role and initiative of LLMs during such a creativity process is also unclear. To investigate human-LLM collaboration patterns and dynamics during prewriting, we conducted a three-session qualitative study with 15 participants in two creative tasks: story writing and slogan writing. The findings indicated that during collaborative prewriting, there appears to be a three-stage iterative Human-AI Co-creativity process that includes Ideation, Illumination, and Implementation stages. This collaborative process champions the human in a dominant role, in addition to mixed and shifting levels of initiative that exist between humans and LLMs. This research also reports on collaboration breakdowns that occur during this process, user perceptions of using existing LLMs during Human-AI Co-creativity, and discusses design implications to support this co-creativity process.

Sensi-BERT: Towards Sensitivity Driven Fine-Tuning for Parameter-Efficient BERT. (arXiv:2307.11764v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Souvik Kundu, Sharath Nittur Sridhar, Maciej Szankin, Sairam Sundaresan

Large pre-trained language models have recently gained significant traction due to their improved performance on various down-stream tasks like text classification and question answering, requiring only few epochs of fine-tuning. However, their large model sizes often prohibit their applications on resource-constrained edge devices. Existing solutions of yielding parameter-efficient BERT models largely rely on compute-exhaustive training and fine-tuning. Moreover, they often rely on additional compute heavy models to mitigate the performance gap. In this paper, we present Sensi-BERT, a sensitivity driven efficient fine-tuning of BERT models that can take an off-the-shelf pre-trained BERT model and yield highly parameter-efficient models for downstream tasks. In particular, we perform sensitivity analysis to rank each individual parameter tensor, that then is used to trim them accordingly during fine-tuning for a given parameter or FLOPs budget. Our experiments show the efficacy of Sensi-BERT across different downstream tasks including MNLI, QQP, QNLI, SST-2 and SQuAD, showing better performance at similar or smaller parameter budget compared to various alternatives.

Playing with Words: Comparing the Vocabulary and Lexical Richness of ChatGPT and Humans. (arXiv:2308.07462v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Pedro Reviriego, Javier Conde, Elena Merino-Gómez, Gonzalo Martínez, José Alberto Hernández

The introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI) generative language models such as GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and tools such as ChatGPT has triggered a revolution that can transform how text is generated. This has many implications, for example, as AI-generated text becomes a significant fraction of the text, would this have an effect on the language capabilities of readers and also on the training of newer AI tools? Would it affect the evolution of languages? Focusing on one specific aspect of the language: words; will the use of tools such as ChatGPT increase or reduce the vocabulary used or the lexical richness? This has implications for words, as those not included in AI-generated content will tend to be less and less popular and may eventually be lost. In this work, we perform an initial comparison of the vocabulary and lexical richness of ChatGPT and humans when performing the same tasks. In more detail, two datasets containing the answers to different types of questions answered by ChatGPT and humans, and a third dataset in which ChatGPT paraphrases sentences and questions are used. The analysis shows that ChatGPT tends to use fewer distinct words and lower lexical richness than humans. These results are very preliminary and additional datasets and ChatGPT configurations have to be evaluated to extract more general conclusions. Therefore, further research is needed to understand how the use of ChatGPT and more broadly generative AI tools will affect the vocabulary and lexical richness in different types of text and languages.

DocPrompt: Large-scale continue pretrain for zero-shot and few-shot document question answering. (arXiv:2308.10959v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sijin Wu, Dan Zhang, Teng Hu, Shikun Feng

In this paper, we propose Docprompt for document question answering tasks with powerful zero-shot and few-shot performance. We proposed a novel weakly supervised data generation method, a novel multl-stage training method and a novel understanding model \& generation model ensemble method. We achieved state-of-the-art performance on 4 document question answering tasks. This method greatly improves the delivery efficiency and model performance of document question answering customer projects, reducing annotation costs and labor costs. Our demo can be found at

Exploring Large Language Models for Knowledge Graph Completion. (arXiv:2308.13916v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Liang Yao, Jiazhen Peng, Chengsheng Mao, Yuan Luo

Knowledge graphs play a vital role in numerous artificial intelligence tasks, yet they frequently face the issue of incompleteness. In this study, we explore utilizing Large Language Models (LLM) for knowledge graph completion. We consider triples in knowledge graphs as text sequences and introduce an innovative framework called Knowledge Graph LLM (KG-LLM) to model these triples. Our technique employs entity and relation descriptions of a triple as prompts and utilizes the response for predictions. Experiments on various benchmark knowledge graphs demonstrate that our method attains state-of-the-art performance in tasks such as triple classification and relation prediction. We also find that fine-tuning relatively smaller models (e.g., LLaMA-7B, ChatGLM-6B) outperforms recent ChatGPT and GPT-4.

OLISIA: a Cascade System for Spoken Dialogue State Tracking. (arXiv:2304.11073v3 [eess.AS] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Léo Jacqmin, Lucas Druart (LIA), Yannick Estève (LIA), Benoît Favre, Lina Maria Rojas-Barahona, Valentin Vielzeuf

Though Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is a core component of spoken dialogue systems, recent work on this task mostly deals with chat corpora, disregarding the discrepancies between spoken and written language.In this paper, we propose OLISIA, a cascade system which integrates an Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) model and a DST model. We introduce several adaptations in the ASR and DST modules to improve integration and robustness to spoken conversations.With these adaptations, our system ranked first in DSTC11 Track 3, a benchmark to evaluate spoken DST. We conduct an in-depth analysis of the results and find that normalizing the ASR outputs and adapting the DST inputs through data augmentation, along with increasing the pre-trained models size all play an important role in reducing the performance discrepancy between written and spoken conversations.