Deep Video Codec Control. (arXiv:2308.16215v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Christoph Reich, Biplob Debnath, Deep Patel, Tim Prangemeier, Srimat Chakradhar

Lossy video compression is commonly used when transmitting and storing video data. Unified video codecs (e.g., H.264 or H.265) remain the \emph{de facto} standard, despite the availability of advanced (neural) compression approaches. Transmitting videos in the face of dynamic network bandwidth conditions requires video codecs to adapt to vastly different compression strengths. Rate control modules augment the codec's compression such that bandwidth constraints are satisfied and video distortion is minimized. While, both standard video codes and their rate control modules are developed to minimize video distortion w.r.t. human quality assessment, preserving the downstream performance of deep vision models is not considered. In this paper, we present the first end-to-end learnable deep video codec control considering both bandwidth constraints and downstream vision performance, while not breaking existing standardization. We demonstrate for two common vision tasks (semantic segmentation and optical flow estimation) and on two different datasets that our deep codec control better preserves downstream performance than using 2-pass average bit rate control while meeting dynamic bandwidth constraints and adhering to standardizations.

Active Neural Mapping. (arXiv:2308.16246v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zike Yan, Haoxiang Yang, Hongbin Zha

We address the problem of active mapping with a continually-learned neural scene representation, namely Active Neural Mapping. The key lies in actively finding the target space to be explored with efficient agent movement, thus minimizing the map uncertainty on-the-fly within a previously unseen environment. In this paper, we examine the weight space of the continually-learned neural field, and show empirically that the neural variability, the prediction robustness against random weight perturbation, can be directly utilized to measure the instant uncertainty of the neural map. Together with the continuous geometric information inherited in the neural map, the agent can be guided to find a traversable path to gradually gain knowledge of the environment. We present for the first time an active mapping system with a coordinate-based implicit neural representation for online scene reconstruction. Experiments in the visually-realistic Gibson and Matterport3D environment demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method.

Robust Principles: Architectural Design Principles for Adversarially Robust CNNs. (arXiv:2308.16258v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: ShengYun Peng, Weilin Xu, Cory Cornelius, Matthew Hull, Kevin Li, Rahul Duggal, Mansi Phute, Jason Martin, Duen Horng Chau

Our research aims to unify existing works' diverging opinions on how architectural components affect the adversarial robustness of CNNs. To accomplish our goal, we synthesize a suite of three generalizable robust architectural design principles: (a) optimal range for depth and width configurations, (b) preferring convolutional over patchify stem stage, and (c) robust residual block design through adopting squeeze and excitation blocks and non-parametric smooth activation functions. Through extensive experiments across a wide spectrum of dataset scales, adversarial training methods, model parameters, and network design spaces, our principles consistently and markedly improve AutoAttack accuracy: 1-3 percentage points (pp) on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100, and 4-9 pp on ImageNet. The code is publicly available at

Can Prompt Learning Benefit Radiology Report Generation?. (arXiv:2308.16269v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jun Wang, Lixing Zhu, Abhir Bhalerao, Yulan He

Radiology report generation aims to automatically provide clinically meaningful descriptions of radiology images such as MRI and X-ray. Although great success has been achieved in natural scene image captioning tasks, radiology report generation remains challenging and requires prior medical knowledge. In this paper, we propose PromptRRG, a method that utilizes prompt learning to activate a pretrained model and incorporate prior knowledge. Since prompt learning for radiology report generation has not been explored before, we begin with investigating prompt designs and categorise them based on varying levels of knowledge: common, domain-specific and disease-enriched prompts. Additionally, we propose an automatic prompt learning mechanism to alleviate the burden of manual prompt engineering. This is the first work to systematically examine the effectiveness of prompt learning for radiology report generation. Experimental results on the largest radiology report generation benchmark, MIMIC-CXR, demonstrate that our proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance. Code will be available upon the acceptance.

Emergence of Segmentation with Minimalistic White-Box Transformers. (arXiv:2308.16271v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yaodong Yu, Tianzhe Chu, Shengbang Tong, Ziyang Wu, Druv Pai, Sam Buchanan, Yi Ma

Transformer-like models for vision tasks have recently proven effective for a wide range of downstream applications such as segmentation and detection. Previous works have shown that segmentation properties emerge in vision transformers (ViTs) trained using self-supervised methods such as DINO, but not in those trained on supervised classification tasks. In this study, we probe whether segmentation emerges in transformer-based models solely as a result of intricate self-supervised learning mechanisms, or if the same emergence can be achieved under much broader conditions through proper design of the model architecture. Through extensive experimental results, we demonstrate that when employing a white-box transformer-like architecture known as CRATE, whose design explicitly models and pursues low-dimensional structures in the data distribution, segmentation properties, at both the whole and parts levels, already emerge with a minimalistic supervised training recipe. Layer-wise finer-grained analysis reveals that the emergent properties strongly corroborate the designed mathematical functions of the white-box network. Our results suggest a path to design white-box foundation models that are simultaneously highly performant and mathematically fully interpretable. Code is at \url{}.

Learning Diverse Features in Vision Transformers for Improved Generalization. (arXiv:2308.16274v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Armand Mihai Nicolicioiu, Andrei Liviu Nicolicioiu, Bogdan Alexe, Damien Teney

Deep learning models often rely only on a small set of features even when there is a rich set of predictive signals in the training data. This makes models brittle and sensitive to distribution shifts. In this work, we first examine vision transformers (ViTs) and find that they tend to extract robust and spurious features with distinct attention heads. As a result of this modularity, their performance under distribution shifts can be significantly improved at test time by pruning heads corresponding to spurious features, which we demonstrate using an "oracle selection" on validation data. Second, we propose a method to further enhance the diversity and complementarity of the learned features by encouraging orthogonality of the attention heads' input gradients. We observe improved out-of-distribution performance on diagnostic benchmarks (MNIST-CIFAR, Waterbirds) as a consequence of the enhanced diversity of features and the pruning of undesirable heads.

Autonomous damage assessment of structural columns using low-cost micro aerial vehicles and multi-view computer vision. (arXiv:2308.16278v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sina Tavasoli, Xiao Pan, T. Y. Yang, Saudah Gazi, Mohsen Azimi

Structural columns are the crucial load-carrying components of buildings and bridges. Early detection of column damage is important for the assessment of the residual performance and the prevention of system-level collapse. This research proposes an innovative end-to-end micro aerial vehicles (MAVs)-based approach to automatically scan and inspect columns. First, an MAV-based automatic image collection method is proposed. The MAV is programmed to sense the structural columns and their surrounding environment. During the navigation, the MAV first detects and approaches the structural columns. Then, it starts to collect image data at multiple viewpoints around every detected column. Second, the collected images will be used to assess the damage types and damage locations. Third, the damage state of the structural column will be determined by fusing the evaluation outcomes from multiple camera views. In this study, reinforced concrete (RC) columns are selected to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach. Experimental results indicate that the proposed MAV-based inspection approach can effectively collect images from multiple viewing angles, and accurately assess critical RC column damages. The approach improves the level of autonomy during the inspection. In addition, the evaluation outcomes are more comprehensive than the existing 2D vision methods. The concept of the proposed inspection approach can be extended to other structural columns such as bridge piers.

A reinforcement learning based construction material supply strategy using robotic crane and computer vision for building reconstruction after an earthquake. (arXiv:2308.16280v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yifei Xiao, T.Y. Yang, Xiao Pan, Fan Xie, Zhongwei Chen

After an earthquake, it is particularly important to provide the necessary resources on site because a large number of infrastructures need to be repaired or newly constructed. Due to the complex construction environment after the disaster, there are potential safety hazards for human labors working in this environment. With the advancement of robotic technology and artificial intelligent (AI) algorithms, smart robotic technology is the potential solution to provide construction resources after an earthquake. In this paper, the robotic crane with advanced AI algorithms is proposed to provide resources for infrastructure reconstruction after an earthquake. The proximal policy optimization (PPO), a reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm, is implemented for 3D lift path planning when transporting the construction materials. The state and reward function are designed in detail for RL model training. Two models are trained through a loading task in different environments by using PPO algorithm, one considering the influence of obstacles and the other not considering obstacles. Then, the two trained models are compared and evaluated through an unloading task and a loading task in simulation environments. For each task, two different cases are considered. One is that there is no obstacle between the initial position where the construction material is lifted and the target position, and the other is that there are obstacles between the initial position and the target position. The results show that the model that considering the obstacles during training can generate proper actions for the robotic crane to execute so that the crane can automatically transport the construction materials to the desired location with swing suppression, short time consumption and collision avoidance.

Ten Years of Generative Adversarial Nets (GANs): A survey of the state-of-the-art. (arXiv:2308.16316v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tanujit Chakraborty, Ujjwal Reddy K S, Shraddha M. Naik, Madhurima Panja, Bayapureddy Manvitha

Since their inception in 2014, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have rapidly emerged as powerful tools for generating realistic and diverse data across various domains, including computer vision and other applied areas. Consisting of a discriminative network and a generative network engaged in a Minimax game, GANs have revolutionized the field of generative modeling. In February 2018, GAN secured the leading spot on the ``Top Ten Global Breakthrough Technologies List'' issued by the Massachusetts Science and Technology Review. Over the years, numerous advancements have been proposed, leading to a rich array of GAN variants, such as conditional GAN, Wasserstein GAN, CycleGAN, and StyleGAN, among many others. This survey aims to provide a general overview of GANs, summarizing the latent architecture, validation metrics, and application areas of the most widely recognized variants. We also delve into recent theoretical developments, exploring the profound connection between the adversarial principle underlying GAN and Jensen-Shannon divergence, while discussing the optimality characteristics of the GAN framework. The efficiency of GAN variants and their model architectures will be evaluated along with training obstacles as well as training solutions. In addition, a detailed discussion will be provided, examining the integration of GANs with newly developed deep learning frameworks such as Transformers, Physics-Informed Neural Networks, Large Language models, and Diffusion models. Finally, we reveal several issues as well as future research outlines in this field.

Software multiplataforma para a segmenta\c{c}\~ao de vasos sangu\'ineos em imagens da retina. (arXiv:2308.16323v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: João Henrique Pereira Machado, Gilson Adamczuk Oliveira, Érick Oliveira Rodrigues

In this work, we utilize image segmentation to visually identify blood vessels in retinal examination images. This process is typically carried out manually. However, we can employ heuristic methods and machine learning to automate or at least expedite the process. In this context, we propose a cross-platform, open-source, and responsive software that allows users to manually segment a retinal image. The purpose is to use the user-segmented image to retrain machine learning algorithms, thereby enhancing future automated segmentation results. Moreover, the software also incorporates and applies certain image filters established in the literature to improve vessel visualization. We propose the first solution of this kind in the literature. This is the inaugural integrated software that embodies the aforementioned attributes: open-source, responsive, and cross-platform. It offers a comprehensive solution encompassing manual vessel segmentation, as well as the automated execution of classification algorithms to refine predictive models.

Two-Stage Violence Detection Using ViTPose and Classification Models at Smart Airports. (arXiv:2308.16325v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: İrem Üstek, Jay Desai, Iván López Torrecillas, Sofiane Abadou, Jinjie Wang, Quentin Fever, Sandhya Rani Kasthuri, Yang Xing, Weisi Guo, Antonios Tsourdos

This study introduces an innovative violence detection framework tailored to the unique requirements of smart airports, where prompt responses to violent situations are crucial. The proposed framework harnesses the power of ViTPose for human pose estimation. It employs a CNN - BiLSTM network to analyse spatial and temporal information within keypoints sequences, enabling the accurate classification of violent behaviour in real time. Seamlessly integrated within the SAFE (Situational Awareness for Enhanced Security framework of SAAB, the solution underwent integrated testing to ensure robust performance in real world scenarios. The AIRTLab dataset, characterized by its high video quality and relevance to surveillance scenarios, is utilized in this study to enhance the model's accuracy and mitigate false positives. As airports face increased foot traffic in the post pandemic era, implementing AI driven violence detection systems, such as the one proposed, is paramount for improving security, expediting response times, and promoting data informed decision making. The implementation of this framework not only diminishes the probability of violent events but also assists surveillance teams in effectively addressing potential threats, ultimately fostering a more secure and protected aviation sector. Codes are available at:

Catalog Phrase Grounding (CPG): Grounding of Product Textual Attributes in Product Images for e-commerce Vision-Language Applications. (arXiv:2308.16354v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wenyi Wu, Karim Bouyarmane, Ismail Tutar

We present Catalog Phrase Grounding (CPG), a model that can associate product textual data (title, brands) into corresponding regions of product images (isolated product region, brand logo region) for e-commerce vision-language applications. We use a state-of-the-art modulated multimodal transformer encoder-decoder architecture unifying object detection and phrase-grounding. We train the model in self-supervised fashion with 2.3 million image-text pairs synthesized from an e-commerce site. The self-supervision data is annotated with high-confidence pseudo-labels generated with a combination of teacher models: a pre-trained general domain phrase grounding model (e.g. MDETR) and a specialized logo detection model. This allows CPG, as a student model, to benefit from transfer knowledge from these base models combining general-domain knowledge and specialized knowledge. Beyond immediate catalog phrase grounding tasks, we can benefit from CPG representations by incorporating them as ML features into downstream catalog applications that require deep semantic understanding of products. Our experiments on product-brand matching, a challenging e-commerce application, show that incorporating CPG representations into the existing production ensemble system leads to on average 5% recall improvement across all countries globally (with the largest lift of 11% in a single country) at fixed 95% precision, outperforming other alternatives including a logo detection teacher model and ResNet50.

A Recycling Training Strategy for Medical Image Segmentation with Diffusion Denoising Models. (arXiv:2308.16355v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Yunguan Fu, Yiwen Li, Shaheer U Saeed, Matthew J Clarkson, Yipeng Hu

Denoising diffusion models have found applications in image segmentation by generating segmented masks conditioned on images. Existing studies predominantly focus on adjusting model architecture or improving inference such as test-time sampling strategies. In this work, we focus on training strategy improvements and propose a novel recycling method. During each training step, a segmentation mask is first predicted given an image and a random noise. This predicted mask, replacing the conventional ground truth mask, is used for denoising task during training. This approach can be interpreted as aligning the training strategy with inference by eliminating the dependence on ground truth masks for generating noisy samples. Our proposed method significantly outperforms standard diffusion training, self-conditioning, and existing recycling strategies across multiple medical imaging data sets: muscle ultrasound, abdominal CT, prostate MR, and brain MR. This holds true for two widely adopted sampling strategies: denoising diffusion probabilistic model and denoising diffusion implicit model. Importantly, existing diffusion models often display a declining or unstable performance during inference, whereas our novel recycling consistently enhances or maintains performance. Furthermore, we show for the first time that, under a fair comparison with the same network architectures and computing budget, the proposed recycling-based diffusion models achieved on-par performance with non-diffusion-based supervised training. This paper summarises these quantitative results and discusses their values, with a fully reproducible JAX-based implementation, released at

Improving Multiple Sclerosis Lesion Segmentation Across Clinical Sites: A Federated Learning Approach with Noise-Resilient Training. (arXiv:2308.16376v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Lei Bai, Dongang Wang, Michael Barnett, Mariano Cabezas, Weidong Cai, Fernando Calamante, Kain Kyle, Dongnan Liu, Linda Ly, Aria Nguyen, Chun-Chien Shieh, Ryan Sullivan, Hengrui Wang, Geng Zhan, Wanli Ouyang, Chenyu Wang

Accurately measuring the evolution of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) critically informs understanding of disease progression and helps to direct therapeutic strategy. Deep learning models have shown promise for automatically segmenting MS lesions, but the scarcity of accurately annotated data hinders progress in this area. Obtaining sufficient data from a single clinical site is challenging and does not address the heterogeneous need for model robustness. Conversely, the collection of data from multiple sites introduces data privacy concerns and potential label noise due to varying annotation standards. To address this dilemma, we explore the use of the federated learning framework while considering label noise. Our approach enables collaboration among multiple clinical sites without compromising data privacy under a federated learning paradigm that incorporates a noise-robust training strategy based on label correction. Specifically, we introduce a Decoupled Hard Label Correction (DHLC) strategy that considers the imbalanced distribution and fuzzy boundaries of MS lesions, enabling the correction of false annotations based on prediction confidence. We also introduce a Centrally Enhanced Label Correction (CELC) strategy, which leverages the aggregated central model as a correction teacher for all sites, enhancing the reliability of the correction process. Extensive experiments conducted on two multi-site datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our proposed methods, indicating their potential for clinical applications in multi-site collaborations.

3D vision-based structural masonry damage detection. (arXiv:2308.16380v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Elmira Faraji Zonouz, Xiao Pan, Yu-Cheng Hsu, Tony Yang

The detection of masonry damage is essential for preventing potentially disastrous outcomes. Manual inspection can, however, take a long time and be hazardous to human inspectors. Automation of the inspection process using novel computer vision and machine learning algorithms can be a more efficient and safe solution to prevent further deterioration of the masonry structures. Most existing 2D vision-based methods are limited to qualitative damage classification, 2D localization, and in-plane quantification. In this study, we present a 3D vision-based methodology for accurate masonry damage detection, which offers a more robust solution with a greater field of view, depth of vision, and the ability to detect failures in complex environments. First, images of the masonry specimens are collected to generate a 3D point cloud. Second, 3D point clouds processing methods are developed to evaluate the masonry damage. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through experiments on structural masonry components. Our experiments showed the proposed system can effectively classify damage states and localize and quantify critical damage features. The result showed the proposed method can improve the level of autonomy during the inspection of masonry structures.

Separate and Locate: Rethink the Text in Text-based Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2308.16383v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chengyang Fang, Jiangnan Li, Liang Li, Can Ma, Dayong Hu

Text-based Visual Question Answering (TextVQA) aims at answering questions about the text in images. Most works in this field focus on designing network structures or pre-training tasks. All these methods list the OCR texts in reading order (from left to right and top to bottom) to form a sequence, which is treated as a natural language ``sentence''. However, they ignore the fact that most OCR words in the TextVQA task do not have a semantical contextual relationship. In addition, these approaches use 1-D position embedding to construct the spatial relation between OCR tokens sequentially, which is not reasonable. The 1-D position embedding can only represent the left-right sequence relationship between words in a sentence, but not the complex spatial position relationship. To tackle these problems, we propose a novel method named Separate and Locate (SaL) that explores text contextual cues and designs spatial position embedding to construct spatial relations between OCR texts. Specifically, we propose a Text Semantic Separate (TSS) module that helps the model recognize whether words have semantic contextual relations. Then, we introduce a Spatial Circle Position (SCP) module that helps the model better construct and reason the spatial position relationships between OCR texts. Our SaL model outperforms the baseline model by 4.44% and 3.96% accuracy on TextVQA and ST-VQA datasets. Compared with the pre-training state-of-the-art method pre-trained on 64 million pre-training samples, our method, without any pre-training tasks, still achieves 2.68% and 2.52% accuracy improvement on TextVQA and ST-VQA. Our code and models will be released at

RGB-T Tracking via Multi-Modal Mutual Prompt Learning. (arXiv:2308.16386v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yang Luo, Xiqing Guo, Hui Feng, Lei Ao

Object tracking based on the fusion of visible and thermal im-ages, known as RGB-T tracking, has gained increasing atten-tion from researchers in recent years. How to achieve a more comprehensive fusion of information from the two modalities with fewer computational costs has been a problem that re-searchers have been exploring. Recently, with the rise of prompt learning in computer vision, we can better transfer knowledge from visual large models to downstream tasks. Considering the strong complementarity between visible and thermal modalities, we propose a tracking architecture based on mutual prompt learning between the two modalities. We also design a lightweight prompter that incorporates attention mechanisms in two dimensions to transfer information from one modality to the other with lower computational costs, embedding it into each layer of the backbone. Extensive ex-periments have demonstrated that our proposed tracking ar-chitecture is effective and efficient, achieving state-of-the-art performance while maintaining high running speeds.

Deformation Robust Text Spotting with Geometric Prior. (arXiv:2308.16404v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xixuan Hao, Aozhong Zhang, Xianze Meng, Bin Fu

The goal of text spotting is to perform text detection and recognition in an end-to-end manner. Although the diversity of luminosity and orientation in scene texts has been widely studied, the font diversity and shape variance of the same character are ignored in recent works, since most characters in natural images are rendered in standard fonts. To solve this problem, we present a Chinese Artistic Dataset, termed as ARText, which contains 33,000 artistic images with rich shape deformation and font diversity. Based on this database, we develop a deformation robust text spotting method (DR TextSpotter) to solve the recognition problem of complex deformation of characters in different fonts. Specifically, we propose a geometric prior module to highlight the important features based on the unsupervised landmark detection sub-network. A graph convolution network is further constructed to fuse the character features and landmark features, and then performs semantic reasoning to enhance the discrimination for different characters. The experiments are conducted on ARText and IC19-ReCTS datasets. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Njobvu-AI: An open-source tool for collaborative image labeling and implementation of computer vision models. (arXiv:2308.16435v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jonathan S. Koning, Ashwin Subramanian, Mazen Alotaibi, Cara L. Appel, Christopher M. Sullivan, Thon Chao, Lisa Truong, Robyn L. Tanguay, Pankaj Jaiswal, Taal Levi, Damon B. Lesmeister

Practitioners interested in using computer vision models lack user-friendly and open-source software that combines features to label training data, allow multiple users, train new algorithms, review output, and implement new models. Labeling training data, such as images, is a key step to developing accurate object detection algorithms using computer vision. This step is often not compatible with many cloud-based services for marking or labeling image and video data due to limited internet bandwidth in many regions of the world. Desktop tools are useful for groups working in remote locations, but users often do not have the capability to combine projects developed locally by multiple collaborators. Furthermore, many tools offer features for labeling data or using pre-trained models for classification, but few allow researchers to combine these steps to create and apply custom models. Free, open-source, and user-friendly software that offers a full suite of features (e.g., ability to work locally and online, and train custom models) is desirable to field researchers and conservationists that may have limited coding skills. We developed Njobvu-AI, a free, open-source tool that can be run on both desktop and server hardware using Node.js, allowing users to label data, combine projects for collaboration and review, train custom algorithms, and implement new computer vision models. The name Njobvu-AI (pronounced N-joh-voo AI), incorporating the Chichewa word for elephant, is inspired by a wildlife monitoring program in Malawi that was a primary impetus for the development of this tool and references similarities between the powerful memory of elephants and properties of computer vision models.

Adversarial Finetuning with Latent Representation Constraint to Mitigate Accuracy-Robustness Tradeoff. (arXiv:2308.16454v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Satoshi Suzuki, Shin'ya Yamaguchi, Shoichiro Takeda, Sekitoshi Kanai, Naoki Makishima, Atsushi Ando, Ryo Masumura

This paper addresses the tradeoff between standard accuracy on clean examples and robustness against adversarial examples in deep neural networks (DNNs). Although adversarial training (AT) improves robustness, it degrades the standard accuracy, thus yielding the tradeoff. To mitigate this tradeoff, we propose a novel AT method called ARREST, which comprises three components: (i) adversarial finetuning (AFT), (ii) representation-guided knowledge distillation (RGKD), and (iii) noisy replay (NR). AFT trains a DNN on adversarial examples by initializing its parameters with a DNN that is standardly pretrained on clean examples. RGKD and NR respectively entail a regularization term and an algorithm to preserve latent representations of clean examples during AFT. RGKD penalizes the distance between the representations of the standardly pretrained and AFT DNNs. NR switches input adversarial examples to nonadversarial ones when the representation changes significantly during AFT. By combining these components, ARREST achieves both high standard accuracy and robustness. Experimental results demonstrate that ARREST mitigates the tradeoff more effectively than previous AT-based methods do.

Improving Lens Flare Removal with General Purpose Pipeline and Multiple Light Sources Recovery. (arXiv:2308.16460v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Yuyan Zhou, Dong Liang, Songcan Chen, Sheng-Jun Huang, Shuo Yang, Chongyi Li

When taking images against strong light sources, the resulting images often contain heterogeneous flare artifacts. These artifacts can importantly affect image visual quality and downstream computer vision tasks. While collecting real data pairs of flare-corrupted/flare-free images for training flare removal models is challenging, current methods utilize the direct-add approach to synthesize data. However, these methods do not consider automatic exposure and tone mapping in image signal processing pipeline (ISP), leading to the limited generalization capability of deep models training using such data. Besides, existing methods struggle to handle multiple light sources due to the different sizes, shapes and illuminance of various light sources. In this paper, we propose a solution to improve the performance of lens flare removal by revisiting the ISP and remodeling the principle of automatic exposure in the synthesis pipeline and design a more reliable light sources recovery strategy. The new pipeline approaches realistic imaging by discriminating the local and global illumination through convex combination, avoiding global illumination shifting and local over-saturation. Our strategy for recovering multiple light sources convexly averages the input and output of the neural network based on illuminance levels, thereby avoiding the need for a hard threshold in identifying light sources. We also contribute a new flare removal testing dataset containing the flare-corrupted images captured by ten types of consumer electronics. The dataset facilitates the verification of the generalization capability of flare removal methods. Extensive experiments show that our solution can effectively improve the performance of lens flare removal and push the frontier toward more general situations.

Domain Adaptive Synapse Detection with Weak Point Annotations. (arXiv:2308.16461v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Qi Chen, Wei Huang, Yueyi Zhang, Zhiwei Xiong

The development of learning-based methods has greatly improved the detection of synapses from electron microscopy (EM) images. However, training a model for each dataset is time-consuming and requires extensive annotations. Additionally, it is difficult to apply a learned model to data from different brain regions due to variations in data distributions. In this paper, we present AdaSyn, a two-stage segmentation-based framework for domain adaptive synapse detection with weak point annotations. In the first stage, we address the detection problem by utilizing a segmentation-based pipeline to obtain synaptic instance masks. In the second stage, we improve model generalizability on target data by regenerating square masks to get high-quality pseudo labels. Benefiting from our high-accuracy detection results, we introduce the distance nearest principle to match paired pre-synapses and post-synapses. In the WASPSYN challenge at ISBI 2023, our method ranks the 1st place.

Sparkles: Unlocking Chats Across Multiple Images for Multimodal Instruction-Following Models. (arXiv:2308.16463v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yupan Huang, Zaiqiao Meng, Fangyu Liu, Yixuan Su, Nigel Collier, Yutong Lu

Large language models exhibit enhanced zero-shot performance on various tasks when fine-tuned with instruction-following data. Multimodal instruction-following models extend these capabilities by integrating both text and images. However, existing models such as MiniGPT-4 face challenges in maintaining dialogue coherence in scenarios involving multiple images. A primary reason is the lack of a specialized dataset for this critical application. To bridge these gaps, we present SparklesChat, a multimodal instruction-following model for open-ended dialogues across multiple images. To support the training, we introduce SparklesDialogue, the first machine-generated dialogue dataset tailored for word-level interleaved multi-image and text interactions. Furthermore, we construct SparklesEval, a GPT-assisted benchmark for quantitatively assessing a model's conversational competence across multiple images and dialogue turns. Our experiments validate the effectiveness of SparklesChat in understanding and reasoning across multiple images and dialogue turns. Specifically, SparklesChat outperformed MiniGPT-4 on established vision-and-language benchmarks, including the BISON binary image selection task and the NLVR2 visual reasoning task. Moreover, SparklesChat scored 8.56 out of 10 on SparklesEval, substantially exceeding MiniGPT-4's score of 3.91 and nearing GPT-4's score of 9.26. Qualitative evaluations further demonstrate SparklesChat's generality in handling real-world applications. All resources will be available at

Self-Sampling Meta SAM: Enhancing Few-shot Medical Image Segmentation with Meta-Learning. (arXiv:2308.16466v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yiming Zhang, Tianang Leng, Kun Han, Xiaohui Xie

While the Segment Anything Model (SAM) excels in semantic segmentation for general-purpose images, its performance significantly deteriorates when applied to medical images, primarily attributable to insufficient representation of medical images in its training dataset. Nonetheless, gathering comprehensive datasets and training models that are universally applicable is particularly challenging due to the long-tail problem common in medical images. To address this gap, here we present a Self-Sampling Meta SAM (SSM-SAM) framework for few-shot medical image segmentation. Our innovation lies in the design of three key modules: 1) An online fast gradient descent optimizer, further optimized by a meta-learner, which ensures swift and robust adaptation to new tasks. 2) A Self-Sampling module designed to provide well-aligned visual prompts for improved attention allocation; and 3) A robust attention-based decoder specifically designed for medical few-shot learning to capture relationship between different slices. Extensive experiments on a popular abdominal CT dataset and an MRI dataset demonstrate that the proposed method achieves significant improvements over state-of-the-art methods in few-shot segmentation, with an average improvements of 10.21% and 1.80% in terms of DSC, respectively. In conclusion, we present a novel approach for rapid online adaptation in interactive image segmentation, adapting to a new organ in just 0.83 minutes. Code is publicly available on GitHub upon acceptance.

PivotNet: Vectorized Pivot Learning for End-to-end HD Map Construction. (arXiv:2308.16477v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wenjie Ding, Limeng Qiao, Xi Qiu, Chi Zhang

Vectorized high-definition map online construction has garnered considerable attention in the field of autonomous driving research. Most existing approaches model changeable map elements using a fixed number of points, or predict local maps in a two-stage autoregressive manner, which may miss essential details and lead to error accumulation. Towards precise map element learning, we propose a simple yet effective architecture named PivotNet, which adopts unified pivot-based map representations and is formulated as a direct set prediction paradigm. Concretely, we first propose a novel Point-to-Line Mask module to encode both the subordinate and geometrical point-line priors in the network. Then, a well-designed Pivot Dynamic Matching module is proposed to model the topology in dynamic point sequences by introducing the concept of sequence matching. Furthermore, to supervise the position and topology of the vectorized point predictions, we propose a Dynamic Vectorized Sequence loss. Extensive experiments and ablations show that PivotNet is remarkably superior to other SOTAs by 5.9 mAP at least. The code will be available soon.

Point-TTA: Test-Time Adaptation for Point Cloud Registration Using Multitask Meta-Auxiliary Learning. (arXiv:2308.16481v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ahmed Hatem, Yiming Qian, Yang Wang

We present Point-TTA, a novel test-time adaptation framework for point cloud registration (PCR) that improves the generalization and the performance of registration models. While learning-based approaches have achieved impressive progress, generalization to unknown testing environments remains a major challenge due to the variations in 3D scans. Existing methods typically train a generic model and the same trained model is applied on each instance during testing. This could be sub-optimal since it is difficult for the same model to handle all the variations during testing. In this paper, we propose a test-time adaptation approach for PCR. Our model can adapt to unseen distributions at test-time without requiring any prior knowledge of the test data. Concretely, we design three self-supervised auxiliary tasks that are optimized jointly with the primary PCR task. Given a test instance, we adapt our model using these auxiliary tasks and the updated model is used to perform the inference. During training, our model is trained using a meta-auxiliary learning approach, such that the adapted model via auxiliary tasks improves the accuracy of the primary task. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in improving generalization of point cloud registration and outperforming other state-of-the-art approaches.

Test-Time Adaptation for Point Cloud Upsampling Using Meta-Learning. (arXiv:2308.16484v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ahmed Hatem, Yiming Qian, Yang Wang

Affordable 3D scanners often produce sparse and non-uniform point clouds that negatively impact downstream applications in robotic systems. While existing point cloud upsampling architectures have demonstrated promising results on standard benchmarks, they tend to experience significant performance drops when the test data have different distributions from the training data. To address this issue, this paper proposes a test-time adaption approach to enhance model generality of point cloud upsampling. The proposed approach leverages meta-learning to explicitly learn network parameters for test-time adaption. Our method does not require any prior information about the test data. During meta-training, the model parameters are learned from a collection of instance-level tasks, each of which consists of a sparse-dense pair of point clouds from the training data. During meta-testing, the trained model is fine-tuned with a few gradient updates to produce a unique set of network parameters for each test instance. The updated model is then used for the final prediction. Our framework is generic and can be applied in a plug-and-play manner with existing backbone networks in point cloud upsampling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our approach improves the performance of state-of-the-art models.

Illumination Distillation Framework for Nighttime Person Re-Identification and A New Benchmark. (arXiv:2308.16486v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Andong Lu, Zhang Zhang, Yan Huang, Yifan Zhang, Chenglong Li, Jin Tang, Liang Wang

Nighttime person Re-ID (person re-identification in the nighttime) is a very important and challenging task for visual surveillance but it has not been thoroughly investigated. Under the low illumination condition, the performance of person Re-ID methods usually sharply deteriorates. To address the low illumination challenge in nighttime person Re-ID, this paper proposes an Illumination Distillation Framework (IDF), which utilizes illumination enhancement and illumination distillation schemes to promote the learning of Re-ID models. Specifically, IDF consists of a master branch, an illumination enhancement branch, and an illumination distillation module. The master branch is used to extract the features from a nighttime image. The illumination enhancement branch first estimates an enhanced image from the nighttime image using a nonlinear curve mapping method and then extracts the enhanced features. However, nighttime and enhanced features usually contain data noise due to unstable lighting conditions and enhancement failures. To fully exploit the complementary benefits of nighttime and enhanced features while suppressing data noise, we propose an illumination distillation module. In particular, the illumination distillation module fuses the features from two branches through a bottleneck fusion model and then uses the fused features to guide the learning of both branches in a distillation manner. In addition, we build a real-world nighttime person Re-ID dataset, named Night600, which contains 600 identities captured from different viewpoints and nighttime illumination conditions under complex outdoor environments. Experimental results demonstrate that our IDF can achieve state-of-the-art performance on two nighttime person Re-ID datasets (i.e., Night600 and Knight ). We will release our code and dataset at

Latent Painter. (arXiv:2308.16490v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shih-Chieh Su

Latent diffusers revolutionized the generative AI and inspired creative art. When denoising the latent, the predicted original image at each step collectively animates the formation. However, the animation is limited by the denoising nature of the diffuser, and only renders a sharpening process. This work presents Latent Painter, which uses the latent as the canvas, and the diffuser predictions as the plan, to generate painting animation. Latent Painter also transits one generated image to another, which can happen between images from two different sets of checkpoints.

Robust GAN inversion. (arXiv:2308.16510v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Egor Sevriugov, Ivan Oseledets

Recent advancements in real image editing have been attributed to the exploration of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) latent space. However, the main challenge of this procedure is GAN inversion, which aims to map the image to the latent space accurately. Existing methods that work on extended latent space $W+$ are unable to achieve low distortion and high editability simultaneously. To address this issue, we propose an approach which works in native latent space $W$ and tunes the generator network to restore missing image details. We introduce a novel regularization strategy with learnable coefficients obtained by training randomized StyleGAN 2 model - WRanGAN. This method outperforms traditional approaches in terms of reconstruction quality and computational efficiency, achieving the lowest distortion with 4 times fewer parameters. Furthermore, we observe a slight improvement in the quality of constructing hyperplanes corresponding to binary image attributes. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on two complex datasets: Flickr-Faces-HQ and LSUN Church.

MVDream: Multi-view Diffusion for 3D Generation. (arXiv:2308.16512v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yichun Shi, Peng Wang, Jianglong Ye, Mai Long, Kejie Li, Xiao Yang

We propose MVDream, a multi-view diffusion model that is able to generate geometrically consistent multi-view images from a given text prompt. By leveraging image diffusion models pre-trained on large-scale web datasets and a multi-view dataset rendered from 3D assets, the resulting multi-view diffusion model can achieve both the generalizability of 2D diffusion and the consistency of 3D data. Such a model can thus be applied as a multi-view prior for 3D generation via Score Distillation Sampling, where it greatly improves the stability of existing 2D-lifting methods by solving the 3D consistency problem. Finally, we show that the multi-view diffusion model can also be fine-tuned under a few shot setting for personalized 3D generation, i.e. DreamBooth3D application, where the consistency can be maintained after learning the subject identity.

MS23D: A 3D Object Detection Method Using Multi-Scale Semantic Feature Points to Construct 3D Feature Layers. (arXiv:2308.16518v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yongxin Shao, Aihong Tan, Tianhong Yan, Zhetao Sun

Lidar point clouds, as a type of data with accurate distance perception, can effectively represent the motion and posture of objects in three-dimensional space. However, the sparsity and disorderliness of point clouds make it challenging to extract features directly from them. Many studies have addressed this issue by transforming point clouds into regular voxel representations. However, these methods often lead to the loss of fine-grained local feature information due to downsampling. Moreover, the sparsity of point clouds poses difficulties in efficiently aggregating features in 3D feature layers using voxel-based two-stage methods. To address these issues, this paper proposes a two-stage 3D detection framework called MS$^{2}$3D. In MS$^{2}$3D, we utilize small-sized voxels to extract fine-grained local features and large-sized voxels to capture long-range local features. Additionally, we propose a method for constructing 3D feature layers using multi-scale semantic feature points, enabling the transformation of sparse 3D feature layers into more compact representations. Furthermore, we compute the offset between feature points in the 3D feature layers and the centroid of objects, aiming to bring them as close as possible to the object's center. It significantly enhances the efficiency of feature aggregation. To validate the effectiveness of our method, we evaluated our method on the KITTI dataset and ONCE dataset together.

Unsupervised Recognition of Unknown Objects for Open-World Object Detection. (arXiv:2308.16527v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ruohuan Fang, Guansong Pang, Lei Zhou, Xiao Bai, Jin Zheng

Open-World Object Detection (OWOD) extends object detection problem to a realistic and dynamic scenario, where a detection model is required to be capable of detecting both known and unknown objects and incrementally learning newly introduced knowledge. Current OWOD models, such as ORE and OW-DETR, focus on pseudo-labeling regions with high objectness scores as unknowns, whose performance relies heavily on the supervision of known objects. While they can detect the unknowns that exhibit similar features to the known objects, they suffer from a severe label bias problem that they tend to detect all regions (including unknown object regions) that are dissimilar to the known objects as part of the background. To eliminate the label bias, this paper proposes a novel approach that learns an unsupervised discriminative model to recognize true unknown objects from raw pseudo labels generated by unsupervised region proposal methods. The resulting model can be further refined by a classification-free self-training method which iteratively extends pseudo unknown objects to the unlabeled regions. Experimental results show that our method 1) significantly outperforms the prior SOTA in detecting unknown objects while maintaining competitive performance of detecting known object classes on the MS COCO dataset, and 2) achieves better generalization ability on the LVIS and Objects365 datasets.

SA6D: Self-Adaptive Few-Shot 6D Pose Estimator for Novel and Occluded Objects. (arXiv:2308.16528v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ning Gao, Ngo Anh Vien, Hanna Ziesche, Gerhard Neumann

To enable meaningful robotic manipulation of objects in the real-world, 6D pose estimation is one of the critical aspects. Most existing approaches have difficulties to extend predictions to scenarios where novel object instances are continuously introduced, especially with heavy occlusions. In this work, we propose a few-shot pose estimation (FSPE) approach called SA6D, which uses a self-adaptive segmentation module to identify the novel target object and construct a point cloud model of the target object using only a small number of cluttered reference images. Unlike existing methods, SA6D does not require object-centric reference images or any additional object information, making it a more generalizable and scalable solution across categories. We evaluate SA6D on real-world tabletop object datasets and demonstrate that SA6D outperforms existing FSPE methods, particularly in cluttered scenes with occlusions, while requiring fewer reference images.

Privacy-Preserving Medical Image Classification through Deep Learning and Matrix Decomposition. (arXiv:2308.16530v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Andreea Bianca Popescu, Cosmin Ioan Nita, Ioana Antonia Taca, Anamaria Vizitiu, Lucian Mihai Itu

Deep learning (DL)-based solutions have been extensively researched in the medical domain in recent years, enhancing the efficacy of diagnosis, planning, and treatment. Since the usage of health-related data is strictly regulated, processing medical records outside the hospital environment for developing and using DL models demands robust data protection measures. At the same time, it can be challenging to guarantee that a DL solution delivers a minimum level of performance when being trained on secured data, without being specifically designed for the given task. Our approach uses singular value decomposition (SVD) and principal component analysis (PCA) to obfuscate the medical images before employing them in the DL analysis. The capability of DL algorithms to extract relevant information from secured data is assessed on a task of angiographic view classification based on obfuscated frames. The security level is probed by simulated artificial intelligence (AI)-based reconstruction attacks, considering two threat actors with different prior knowledge of the targeted data. The degree of privacy is quantitatively measured using similarity indices. Although a trade-off between privacy and accuracy should be considered, the proposed technique allows for training the angiographic view classifier exclusively on secured data with satisfactory performance and with no computational overhead, model adaptation, or hyperparameter tuning. While the obfuscated medical image content is well protected against human perception, the hypothetical reconstruction attack proved that it is also difficult to recover the complete information of the original frames.

Decoupled Local Aggregation for Point Cloud Learning. (arXiv:2308.16532v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Binjie Chen, Yunzhou Xia, Yu Zang, Cheng Wang, Jonathan Li

The unstructured nature of point clouds demands that local aggregation be adaptive to different local structures. Previous methods meet this by explicitly embedding spatial relations into each aggregation process. Although this coupled approach has been shown effective in generating clear semantics, aggregation can be greatly slowed down due to repeated relation learning and redundant computation to mix directional and point features. In this work, we propose to decouple the explicit modelling of spatial relations from local aggregation. We theoretically prove that basic neighbor pooling operations can too function without loss of clarity in feature fusion, so long as essential spatial information has been encoded in point features. As an instantiation of decoupled local aggregation, we present DeLA, a lightweight point network, where in each learning stage relative spatial encodings are first formed, and only pointwise convolutions plus edge max-pooling are used for local aggregation then. Further, a regularization term is employed to reduce potential ambiguity through the prediction of relative coordinates. Conceptually simple though, experimental results on five classic benchmarks demonstrate that DeLA achieves state-of-the-art performance with reduced or comparable latency. Specifically, DeLA achieves over 90\% overall accuracy on ScanObjectNN and 74\% mIoU on S3DIS Area 5. Our code is available at .

Object Detection for Caries or Pit and Fissure Sealing Requirement in Children's First Permanent Molars. (arXiv:2308.16551v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Chenyao Jiang, Shiyao Zhai, Hengrui Song, Yuqing Ma, Yachen Fan, Yancheng Fang, Dongmei Yu, Canyang Zhang, Sanyang Han, Runming Wang, Yong Liu, Jianbo Li, Peiwu Qin

Dental caries is one of the most common oral diseases that, if left untreated, can lead to a variety of oral problems. It mainly occurs inside the pits and fissures on the occlusal/buccal/palatal surfaces of molars and children are a high-risk group for pit and fissure caries in permanent molars. Pit and fissure sealing is one of the most effective methods that is widely used in prevention of pit and fissure caries. However, current detection of pits and fissures or caries depends primarily on the experienced dentists, which ordinary parents do not have, and children may miss the remedial treatment without timely detection. To address this issue, we present a method to autodetect caries and pit and fissure sealing requirements using oral photos taken by smartphones. We use the YOLOv5 and YOLOX models and adopt a tiling strategy to reduce information loss during image pre-processing. The best result for YOLOXs model with tiling strategy is 72.3 mAP.5, while the best result without tiling strategy is 71.2. YOLOv5s6 model with/without tiling attains 70.9/67.9 mAP.5, respectively. We deploy the pre-trained network to mobile devices as a WeChat applet, allowing in-home detection by parents or children guardian.

Prompt-enhanced Hierarchical Transformer Elevating Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Instruction via Temporal Action Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.16552v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yang Liu, Xiaoyun Zhong, Shiyao Zhai, Zhicheng Du, Zhenyuan Gao, Qiming Huang, Canyang Zhang, Bin Jiang, Vijay Kumar Pandey, Sanyang Han, Runming Wang, Yuxing Han, Peiwu Qin

The vast majority of people who suffer unexpected cardiac arrest are performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) by passersby in a desperate attempt to restore life, but endeavors turn out to be fruitless on account of disqualification. Fortunately, many pieces of research manifest that disciplined training will help to elevate the success rate of resuscitation, which constantly desires a seamless combination of novel techniques to yield further advancement. To this end, we collect a custom CPR video dataset in which trainees make efforts to behave resuscitation on mannequins independently in adherence to approved guidelines, thereby devising an auxiliary toolbox to assist supervision and rectification of intermediate potential issues via modern deep learning methodologies. Our research empirically views this problem as a temporal action segmentation (TAS) task in computer vision, which aims to segment an untrimmed video at a frame-wise level. Here, we propose a Prompt-enhanced hierarchical Transformer (PhiTrans) that integrates three indispensable modules, including a textual prompt-based Video Features Extractor (VFE), a transformer-based Action Segmentation Executor (ASE), and a regression-based Prediction Refinement Calibrator (PRC). The backbone of the model preferentially derives from applications in three approved public datasets (GTEA, 50Salads, and Breakfast) collected for TAS tasks, which accounts for the excavation of the segmentation pipeline on the CPR dataset. In general, we unprecedentedly probe into a feasible pipeline that genuinely elevates the CPR instruction qualification via action segmentation in conjunction with cutting-edge deep learning techniques. Associated experiments advocate our implementation with multiple metrics surpassing 91.0%.

E3CM: Epipolar-Constrained Cascade Correspondence Matching. (arXiv:2308.16555v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chenbo Zhou, Shuai Su, Qijun Chen, Rui Fan

Accurate and robust correspondence matching is of utmost importance for various 3D computer vision tasks. However, traditional explicit programming-based methods often struggle to handle challenging scenarios, and deep learning-based methods require large well-labeled datasets for network training. In this article, we introduce Epipolar-Constrained Cascade Correspondence (E3CM), a novel approach that addresses these limitations. Unlike traditional methods, E3CM leverages pre-trained convolutional neural networks to match correspondence, without requiring annotated data for any network training or fine-tuning. Our method utilizes epipolar constraints to guide the matching process and incorporates a cascade structure for progressive refinement of matches. We extensively evaluate the performance of E3CM through comprehensive experiments and demonstrate its superiority over existing methods. To promote further research and facilitate reproducibility, we make our source code publicly available at

MoMA: Momentum Contrastive Learning with Multi-head Attention-based Knowledge Distillation for Histopathology Image Analysis. (arXiv:2308.16561v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Trinh Thi Le Vuong, Jin Tae Kwak

There is no doubt that advanced artificial intelligence models and high quality data are the keys to success in developing computational pathology tools. Although the overall volume of pathology data keeps increasing, a lack of quality data is a common issue when it comes to a specific task due to several reasons including privacy and ethical issues with patient data. In this work, we propose to exploit knowledge distillation, i.e., utilize the existing model to learn a new, target model, to overcome such issues in computational pathology. Specifically, we employ a student-teacher framework to learn a target model from a pre-trained, teacher model without direct access to source data and distill relevant knowledge via momentum contrastive learning with multi-head attention mechanism, which provides consistent and context-aware feature representations. This enables the target model to assimilate informative representations of the teacher model while seamlessly adapting to the unique nuances of the target data. The proposed method is rigorously evaluated across different scenarios where the teacher model was trained on the same, relevant, and irrelevant classification tasks with the target model. Experimental results demonstrate the accuracy and robustness of our approach in transferring knowledge to different domains and tasks, outperforming other related methods. Moreover, the results provide a guideline on the learning strategy for different types of tasks and scenarios in computational pathology. Code is available at: \url{}.

ScrollNet: Dynamic Weight Importance for Continual Learning. (arXiv:2308.16567v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fei Yang, Kai Wang, Joost van de Weijer

The principle underlying most existing continual learning (CL) methods is to prioritize stability by penalizing changes in parameters crucial to old tasks, while allowing for plasticity in other parameters. The importance of weights for each task can be determined either explicitly through learning a task-specific mask during training (e.g., parameter isolation-based approaches) or implicitly by introducing a regularization term (e.g., regularization-based approaches). However, all these methods assume that the importance of weights for each task is unknown prior to data exposure. In this paper, we propose ScrollNet as a scrolling neural network for continual learning. ScrollNet can be seen as a dynamic network that assigns the ranking of weight importance for each task before data exposure, thus achieving a more favorable stability-plasticity tradeoff during sequential task learning by reassigning this ranking for different tasks. Additionally, we demonstrate that ScrollNet can be combined with various CL methods, including regularization-based and replay-based approaches. Experimental results on CIFAR100 and TinyImagenet datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed method. We release our code at

Shape of my heart: Cardiac models through learned signed distance functions. (arXiv:2308.16568v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Jan Verhülsdonk, Thomas Grandits, Francisco Sahli Costabal, Rolf Krause, Angelo Auricchio, Gundolf Haase, Simone Pezzuto, Alexander Effland

The efficient construction of an anatomical model is one of the major challenges of patient-specific in-silico models of the human heart. Current methods frequently rely on linear statistical models, allowing no advanced topological changes, or requiring medical image segmentation followed by a meshing pipeline, which strongly depends on image resolution, quality, and modality. These approaches are therefore limited in their transferability to other imaging domains. In this work, the cardiac shape is reconstructed by means of three-dimensional deep signed distance functions with Lipschitz regularity. For this purpose, the shapes of cardiac MRI reconstructions are learned from public databases to model the spatial relation of multiple chambers in Cartesian space. We demonstrate that this approach is also capable of reconstructing anatomical models from partial data, such as point clouds from a single ventricle, or modalities different from the trained MRI, such as electroanatomical mapping, and in addition, allows us to generate new anatomical shapes by randomly sampling latent vectors.

Document Layout Analysis on BaDLAD Dataset: A Comprehensive MViTv2 Based Approach. (arXiv:2308.16571v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ashrafur Rahman Khan, Asif Azad

In the rapidly evolving digital era, the analysis of document layouts plays a pivotal role in automated information extraction and interpretation. In our work, we have trained MViTv2 transformer model architecture with cascaded mask R-CNN on BaDLAD dataset to extract text box, paragraphs, images and tables from a document. After training on 20365 document images for 36 epochs in a 3 phase cycle, we achieved a training loss of 0.2125 and a mask loss of 0.19. Our work extends beyond training, delving into the exploration of potential enhancement avenues. We investigate the impact of rotation and flip augmentation, the effectiveness of slicing input images pre-inference, the implications of varying the resolution of the transformer backbone, and the potential of employing a dual-pass inference to uncover missed text-boxes. Through these explorations, we observe a spectrum of outcomes, where some modifications result in tangible performance improvements, while others offer unique insights for future endeavors.

CL-MAE: Curriculum-Learned Masked Autoencoders. (arXiv:2308.16572v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Neelu Madan, Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Kamal Nasrollahi, Thomas B. Moeslund, Radu Tudor Ionescu

Masked image modeling has been demonstrated as a powerful pretext task for generating robust representations that can be effectively generalized across multiple downstream tasks. Typically, this approach involves randomly masking patches (tokens) in input images, with the masking strategy remaining unchanged during training. In this paper, we propose a curriculum learning approach that updates the masking strategy to continually increase the complexity of the self-supervised reconstruction task. We conjecture that, by gradually increasing the task complexity, the model can learn more sophisticated and transferable representations. To facilitate this, we introduce a novel learnable masking module that possesses the capability to generate masks of different complexities, and integrate the proposed module into masked autoencoders (MAE). Our module is jointly trained with the MAE, while adjusting its behavior during training, transitioning from a partner to the MAE (optimizing the same reconstruction loss) to an adversary (optimizing the opposite loss), while passing through a neutral state. The transition between these behaviors is smooth, being regulated by a factor that is multiplied with the reconstruction loss of the masking module. The resulting training procedure generates an easy-to-hard curriculum. We train our Curriculum-Learned Masked Autoencoder (CL-MAE) on ImageNet and show that it exhibits superior representation learning capabilities compared to MAE. The empirical results on five downstream tasks confirm our conjecture, demonstrating that curriculum learning can be successfully used to self-supervise masked autoencoders.

Dual-Decoder Consistency via Pseudo-Labels Guided Data Augmentation for Semi-Supervised Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.16573v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Yuanbin Chen, Tao Wang, Hui Tang, Longxuan Zhao, Ruige Zong, Tao Tan, Xinlin Zhang, Tong Tong

Medical image segmentation methods often rely on fully supervised approaches to achieve excellent performance, which is contingent upon having an extensive set of labeled images for training. However, annotating medical images is both expensive and time-consuming. Semi-supervised learning offers a solution by leveraging numerous unlabeled images alongside a limited set of annotated ones. In this paper, we introduce a semi-supervised medical image segmentation method based on the mean-teacher model, referred to as Dual-Decoder Consistency via Pseudo-Labels Guided Data Augmentation (DCPA). This method combines consistency regularization, pseudo-labels, and data augmentation to enhance the efficacy of semi-supervised segmentation. Firstly, the proposed model comprises both student and teacher models with a shared encoder and two distinct decoders employing different up-sampling strategies. Minimizing the output discrepancy between decoders enforces the generation of consistent representations, serving as regularization during student model training. Secondly, we introduce mixup operations to blend unlabeled data with labeled data, creating mixed data and thereby achieving data augmentation. Lastly, pseudo-labels are generated by the teacher model and utilized as labels for mixed data to compute unsupervised loss. We compare the segmentation results of the DCPA model with six state-of-the-art semi-supervised methods on three publicly available medical datasets. Beyond classical 10\% and 20\% semi-supervised settings, we investigate performance with less supervision (5\% labeled data). Experimental outcomes demonstrate that our approach consistently outperforms existing semi-supervised medical image segmentation methods across the three semi-supervised settings.

GHuNeRF: Generalizable Human NeRF from a Monocular Video. (arXiv:2308.16576v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chen Li, Jihao Lin, Gim Hee Lee

In this paper, we tackle the challenging task of learning a generalizable human NeRF model from a monocular video. Although existing generalizable human NeRFs have achieved impressive results, they require muti-view images or videos which might not be always available. On the other hand, some works on free-viewpoint rendering of human from monocular videos cannot be generalized to unseen identities. In view of these limitations, we propose GHuNeRF to learn a generalizable human NeRF model from a monocular video of the human performer. We first introduce a visibility-aware aggregation scheme to compute vertex-wise features, which is used to construct a 3D feature volume. The feature volume can only represent the overall geometry of the human performer with insufficient accuracy due to the limited resolution. To solve this, we further enhance the volume feature with temporally aligned point-wise features using an attention mechanism. Finally, the enhanced feature is used for predicting density and color for each sampled point. A surface-guided sampling strategy is also introduced to improve the efficiency for both training and inference. We validate our approach on the widely-used ZJU-MoCap dataset, where we achieve comparable performance with existing multi-view video based approaches. We also test on the monocular People-Snapshot dataset and achieve better performance than existing works when only monocular video is used.

Any-Size-Diffusion: Toward Efficient Text-Driven Synthesis for Any-Size HD Images. (arXiv:2308.16582v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Qingping Zheng, Yuanfan Guo, Jiankang Deng, Jianhua Han, Ying Li, Songcen Xu, Hang Xu

Stable diffusion, a generative model used in text-to-image synthesis, frequently encounters resolution-induced composition problems when generating images of varying sizes. This issue primarily stems from the model being trained on pairs of single-scale images and their corresponding text descriptions. Moreover, direct training on images of unlimited sizes is unfeasible, as it would require an immense number of text-image pairs and entail substantial computational expenses. To overcome these challenges, we propose a two-stage pipeline named Any-Size-Diffusion (ASD), designed to efficiently generate well-composed images of any size, while minimizing the need for high-memory GPU resources. Specifically, the initial stage, dubbed Any Ratio Adaptability Diffusion (ARAD), leverages a selected set of images with a restricted range of ratios to optimize the text-conditional diffusion model, thereby improving its ability to adjust composition to accommodate diverse image sizes. To support the creation of images at any desired size, we further introduce a technique called Fast Seamless Tiled Diffusion (FSTD) at the subsequent stage. This method allows for the rapid enlargement of the ASD output to any high-resolution size, avoiding seaming artifacts or memory overloads. Experimental results on the LAION-COCO and MM-CelebA-HQ benchmarks demonstrate that ASD can produce well-structured images of arbitrary sizes, cutting down the inference time by 2x compared to the traditional tiled algorithm.

Towards Optimal Patch Size in Vision Transformers for Tumor Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.16598v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Ramtin Mojtahedi, Mohammad Hamghalam, Richard K. G. Do, Amber L. Simpson

Detection of tumors in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) plays an essential role in the early diagnosis and treatment of liver cancer. Deep learning models backboned by fully convolutional neural networks (FCNNs) have become the dominant model for segmenting 3D computerized tomography (CT) scans. However, since their convolution layers suffer from limited kernel size, they are not able to capture long-range dependencies and global context. To tackle this restriction, vision transformers have been introduced to solve FCNN's locality of receptive fields. Although transformers can capture long-range features, their segmentation performance decreases with various tumor sizes due to the model sensitivity to the input patch size. While finding an optimal patch size improves the performance of vision transformer-based models on segmentation tasks, it is a time-consuming and challenging procedure. This paper proposes a technique to select the vision transformer's optimal input multi-resolution image patch size based on the average volume size of metastasis lesions. We further validated our suggested framework using a transfer-learning technique, demonstrating that the highest Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) performance was obtained by pre-training on training data with a larger tumour volume using the suggested ideal patch size and then training with a smaller one. We experimentally evaluate this idea through pre-training our model on a multi-resolution public dataset. Our model showed consistent and improved results when applied to our private multi-resolution mCRC dataset with a smaller average tumor volume. This study lays the groundwork for optimizing semantic segmentation of small objects using vision transformers. The implementation source code is available at:

Detecting Out-of-Context Image-Caption Pairs in News: A Counter-Intuitive Method. (arXiv:2308.16611v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Eivind Moholdt, Sohail Ahmed Khan, Duc-Tien Dang-Nguyen

The growth of misinformation and re-contextualized media in social media and news leads to an increasing need for fact-checking methods. Concurrently, the advancement in generative models makes cheapfakes and deepfakes both easier to make and harder to detect. In this paper, we present a novel approach using generative image models to our advantage for detecting Out-of-Context (OOC) use of images-caption pairs in news. We present two new datasets with a total of $6800$ images generated using two different generative models including (1) DALL-E 2, and (2) Stable-Diffusion. We are confident that the method proposed in this paper can further research on generative models in the field of cheapfake detection, and that the resulting datasets can be used to train and evaluate new models aimed at detecting cheapfakes. We run a preliminary qualitative and quantitative analysis to evaluate the performance of each image generation model for this task, and evaluate a handful of methods for computing image similarity.

Neural Gradient Regularizer. (arXiv:2308.16612v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shuang Xu, Yifan Wang, Zixiang Zhao, Jiangjun Peng, Xiangyong Cao, Deyu Meng

Owing to its significant success, the prior imposed on gradient maps has consistently been a subject of great interest in the field of image processing. Total variation (TV), one of the most representative regularizers, is known for its ability to capture the sparsity of gradient maps. Nonetheless, TV and its variants often underestimate the gradient maps, leading to the weakening of edges and details whose gradients should not be zero in the original image. Recently, total deep variation (TDV) has been introduced, assuming the sparsity of feature maps, which provides a flexible regularization learned from large-scale datasets for a specific task. However, TDV requires retraining when the image or task changes, limiting its versatility. In this paper, we propose a neural gradient regularizer (NGR) that expresses the gradient map as the output of a neural network. Unlike existing methods, NGR does not rely on the sparsity assumption, thereby avoiding the underestimation of gradient maps. NGR is applicable to various image types and different image processing tasks, functioning in a zero-shot learning fashion, making it a versatile and plug-and-play regularizer. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superior performance of NGR over state-of-the-art counterparts for a range of different tasks, further validating its effectiveness and versatility.

3D-STMN: Dependency-Driven Superpoint-Text Matching Network for End-to-End 3D Referring Expression Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.16632v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Changli Wu, Yiwei Ma, Qi Chen, Haowei Wang, Gen Luo, Jiayi Ji, Xiaoshuai Sun

In 3D Referring Expression Segmentation (3D-RES), the earlier approach adopts a two-stage paradigm, extracting segmentation proposals and then matching them with referring expressions. However, this conventional paradigm encounters significant challenges, most notably in terms of the generation of lackluster initial proposals and a pronounced deceleration in inference speed. Recognizing these limitations, we introduce an innovative end-to-end Superpoint-Text Matching Network (3D-STMN) that is enriched by dependency-driven insights. One of the keystones of our model is the Superpoint-Text Matching (STM) mechanism. Unlike traditional methods that navigate through instance proposals, STM directly correlates linguistic indications with their respective superpoints, clusters of semantically related points. This architectural decision empowers our model to efficiently harness cross-modal semantic relationships, primarily leveraging densely annotated superpoint-text pairs, as opposed to the more sparse instance-text pairs. In pursuit of enhancing the role of text in guiding the segmentation process, we further incorporate the Dependency-Driven Interaction (DDI) module to deepen the network's semantic comprehension of referring expressions. Using the dependency trees as a beacon, this module discerns the intricate relationships between primary terms and their associated descriptors in expressions, thereby elevating both the localization and segmentation capacities of our model. Comprehensive experiments on the ScanRefer benchmark reveal that our model not only set new performance standards, registering an mIoU gain of 11.7 points but also achieve a staggering enhancement in inference speed, surpassing traditional methods by 95.7 times. The code and models are available at

Semi-Supervised SAR ATR Framework with Transductive Auxiliary Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.16633v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chenwei Wang, Xiaoyu Liu, Yulin Huang, Siyi Luo, Jifang Pei, Jianyu Yang, Deqing Mao

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved high performance in synthetic aperture radar (SAR) automatic target recognition (ATR). However, the performance of CNNs depends heavily on a large amount of training data. The insufficiency of labeled training SAR images limits the recognition performance and even invalidates some ATR methods. Furthermore, under few labeled training data, many existing CNNs are even ineffective. To address these challenges, we propose a Semi-supervised SAR ATR Framework with transductive Auxiliary Segmentation (SFAS). The proposed framework focuses on exploiting the transductive generalization on available unlabeled samples with an auxiliary loss serving as a regularizer. Through auxiliary segmentation of unlabeled SAR samples and information residue loss (IRL) in training, the framework can employ the proposed training loop process and gradually exploit the information compilation of recognition and segmentation to construct a helpful inductive bias and achieve high performance. Experiments conducted on the MSTAR dataset have shown the effectiveness of our proposed SFAS for few-shot learning. The recognition performance of 94.18\% can be achieved under 20 training samples in each class with simultaneous accurate segmentation results. Facing variances of EOCs, the recognition ratios are higher than 88.00\% when 10 training samples each class.

MFR-Net: Multi-faceted Responsive Listening Head Generation via Denoising Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2308.16635v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jin Liu, Xi Wang, Xiaomeng Fu, Yesheng Chai, Cai Yu, Jiao Dai, Jizhong Han

Face-to-face communication is a common scenario including roles of speakers and listeners. Most existing research methods focus on producing speaker videos, while the generation of listener heads remains largely overlooked. Responsive listening head generation is an important task that aims to model face-to-face communication scenarios by generating a listener head video given a speaker video and a listener head image. An ideal generated responsive listening video should respond to the speaker with attitude or viewpoint expressing while maintaining diversity in interaction patterns and accuracy in listener identity information. To achieve this goal, we propose the \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{F}aceted \textbf{R}esponsive Listening Head Generation Network (MFR-Net). Specifically, MFR-Net employs the probabilistic denoising diffusion model to predict diverse head pose and expression features. In order to perform multi-faceted response to the speaker video, while maintaining accurate listener identity preservation, we design the Feature Aggregation Module to boost listener identity features and fuse them with other speaker-related features. Finally, a renderer finetuned with identity consistency loss produces the final listening head videos. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that MFR-Net not only achieves multi-faceted responses in diversity and speaker identity information but also in attitude and viewpoint expression.

Learning Channel Importance for High Content Imaging with Interpretable Deep Input Channel Mixing. (arXiv:2308.16637v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Daniel Siegismund, Mario Wieser, Stephan Heyse, Stephan Steigele

Uncovering novel drug candidates for treating complex diseases remain one of the most challenging tasks in early discovery research. To tackle this challenge, biopharma research established a standardized high content imaging protocol that tags different cellular compartments per image channel. In order to judge the experimental outcome, the scientist requires knowledge about the channel importance with respect to a certain phenotype for decoding the underlying biology. In contrast to traditional image analysis approaches, such experiments are nowadays preferably analyzed by deep learning based approaches which, however, lack crucial information about the channel importance. To overcome this limitation, we present a novel approach which utilizes multi-spectral information of high content images to interpret a certain aspect of cellular biology. To this end, we base our method on image blending concepts with alpha compositing for an arbitrary number of channels. More specifically, we introduce DCMIX, a lightweight, scaleable and end-to-end trainable mixing layer which enables interpretable predictions in high content imaging while retaining the benefits of deep learning based methods. We employ an extensive set of experiments on both MNIST and RXRX1 datasets, demonstrating that DCMIX learns the biologically relevant channel importance without scarifying prediction performance.

Generate Your Own Scotland: Satellite Image Generation Conditioned on Maps. (arXiv:2308.16648v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Miguel Espinosa, Elliot J. Crowley

Despite recent advancements in image generation, diffusion models still remain largely underexplored in Earth Observation. In this paper we show that state-of-the-art pretrained diffusion models can be conditioned on cartographic data to generate realistic satellite images. We provide two large datasets of paired OpenStreetMap images and satellite views over the region of Mainland Scotland and the Central Belt. We train a ControlNet model and qualitatively evaluate the results, demonstrating that both image quality and map fidelity are possible. Finally, we provide some insights on the opportunities and challenges of applying these models for remote sensing. Our model weights and code for creating the dataset are publicly available at

Learning with Multi-modal Gradient Attention for Explainable Composed Image Retrieval. (arXiv:2308.16649v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Prateksha Udhayanan, Srikrishna Karanam, Balaji Vasan Srinivasan

We consider the problem of composed image retrieval that takes an input query consisting of an image and a modification text indicating the desired changes to be made on the image and retrieves images that match these changes. Current state-of-the-art techniques that address this problem use global features for the retrieval, resulting in incorrect localization of the regions of interest to be modified because of the global nature of the features, more so in cases of real-world, in-the-wild images. Since modifier texts usually correspond to specific local changes in an image, it is critical that models learn local features to be able to both localize and retrieve better. To this end, our key novelty is a new gradient-attention-based learning objective that explicitly forces the model to focus on the local regions of interest being modified in each retrieval step. We achieve this by first proposing a new visual image attention computation technique, which we call multi-modal gradient attention (MMGrad) that is explicitly conditioned on the modifier text. We next demonstrate how MMGrad can be incorporated into an end-to-end model training strategy with a new learning objective that explicitly forces these MMGrad attention maps to highlight the correct local regions corresponding to the modifier text. By training retrieval models with this new loss function, we show improved grounding by means of better visual attention maps, leading to better explainability of the models as well as competitive quantitative retrieval performance on standard benchmark datasets.

SoccerNet 2023 Tracking Challenge -- 3rd place MOT4MOT Team Technical Report. (arXiv:2308.16651v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gal Shitrit, Ishay Be'ery, Ido Yerhushalmy

The SoccerNet 2023 tracking challenge requires the detection and tracking of soccer players and the ball. In this work, we present our approach to tackle these tasks separately. We employ a state-of-the-art online multi-object tracker and a contemporary object detector for player tracking. To overcome the limitations of our online approach, we incorporate a post-processing stage using interpolation and appearance-free track merging. Additionally, an appearance-based track merging technique is used to handle the termination and creation of tracks far from the image boundaries. Ball tracking is formulated as single object detection, and a fine-tuned YOLOv8l detector with proprietary filtering improves the detection precision. Our method achieves 3rd place on the SoccerNet 2023 tracking challenge with a HOTA score of 66.27.

Diffusion Inertial Poser: Human Motion Reconstruction from Arbitrary Sparse IMU Configurations. (arXiv:2308.16682v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tom Van Wouwe, Seunghwan Lee, Antoine Falisse, Scott Delp, C. Karen Liu

Motion capture from a limited number of inertial measurement units (IMUs) has important applications in health, human performance, and virtual reality. Real-world limitations and application-specific goals dictate different IMU configurations (i.e., number of IMUs and chosen attachment body segments), trading off accuracy and practicality. Although recent works were successful in accurately reconstructing whole-body motion from six IMUs, these systems only work with a specific IMU configuration. Here we propose a single diffusion generative model, Diffusion Inertial Poser (DiffIP), which reconstructs human motion in real-time from arbitrary IMU configurations. We show that DiffIP has the benefit of flexibility with respect to the IMU configuration while being as accurate as the state-of-the-art for the commonly used six IMU configuration. Our system enables selecting an optimal configuration for different applications without retraining the model. For example, when only four IMUs are available, DiffIP found that the configuration that minimizes errors in joint kinematics instruments the thighs and forearms. However, global translation reconstruction is better when instrumenting the feet instead of the thighs. Although our approach is agnostic to the underlying model, we built DiffIP based on physiologically realistic musculoskeletal models to enable use in biomedical research and health applications.

Everyone Can Attack: Repurpose Lossy Compression as a Natural Backdoor Attack. (arXiv:2308.16684v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Sze Jue Yang, Quang Nguyen, Chee Seng Chan, Khoa Doan

The vulnerabilities to backdoor attacks have recently threatened the trustworthiness of machine learning models in practical applications. Conventional wisdom suggests that not everyone can be an attacker since the process of designing the trigger generation algorithm often involves significant effort and extensive experimentation to ensure the attack's stealthiness and effectiveness. Alternatively, this paper shows that there exists a more severe backdoor threat: anyone can exploit an easily-accessible algorithm for silent backdoor attacks. Specifically, this attacker can employ the widely-used lossy image compression from a plethora of compression tools to effortlessly inject a trigger pattern into an image without leaving any noticeable trace; i.e., the generated triggers are natural artifacts. One does not require extensive knowledge to click on the "convert" or "save as" button while using tools for lossy image compression. Via this attack, the adversary does not need to design a trigger generator as seen in prior works and only requires poisoning the data. Empirically, the proposed attack consistently achieves 100% attack success rate in several benchmark datasets such as MNIST, CIFAR-10, GTSRB and CelebA. More significantly, the proposed attack can still achieve almost 100% attack success rate with very small (approximately 10%) poisoning rates in the clean label setting. The generated trigger of the proposed attack using one lossy compression algorithm is also transferable across other related compression algorithms, exacerbating the severity of this backdoor threat. This work takes another crucial step toward understanding the extensive risks of backdoor attacks in practice, urging practitioners to investigate similar attacks and relevant backdoor mitigation methods.

ViLTA: Enhancing Vision-Language Pre-training through Textual Augmentation. (arXiv:2308.16689v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Weihan Wang, Zhen Yang, Bin Xu, Juanzi Li, Yankui Sun

Vision-language pre-training (VLP) methods are blossoming recently, and its crucial goal is to jointly learn visual and textual features via a transformer-based architecture, demonstrating promising improvements on a variety of vision-language tasks. Prior arts usually focus on how to align visual and textual features, but strategies for improving the robustness of model and speeding up model convergence are left insufficiently explored.

In this paper, we propose a novel method ViLTA, comprising of two components to further facilitate the model to learn fine-grained representations among image-text pairs. For Masked Language Modeling (MLM), we propose a cross-distillation method to generate soft labels to enhance the robustness of model, which alleviates the problem of treating synonyms of masked words as negative samples in one-hot labels. For Image-Text Matching (ITM), we leverage the current language encoder to synthesize hard negatives based on the context of language input, encouraging the model to learn high-quality representations by increasing the difficulty of the ITM task. By leveraging the above techniques, our ViLTA can achieve better performance on various vision-language tasks. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate that the effectiveness of ViLTA and its promising potential for vision-language pre-training.

Towards Vehicle-to-everything Autonomous Driving: A Survey on Collaborative Perception. (arXiv:2308.16714v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Si Liu, Chen Gao, Yuan Chen, Xingyu Peng, Xianghao Kong, Kun Wang, Runsheng Xu, Wentao Jiang, Hao Xiang, Jiaqi Ma, Miao Wang

Vehicle-to-everything (V2X) autonomous driving opens up a promising direction for developing a new generation of intelligent transportation systems. Collaborative perception (CP) as an essential component to achieve V2X can overcome the inherent limitations of individual perception, including occlusion and long-range perception. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive review of CP methods for V2X scenarios, bringing a profound and in-depth understanding to the community. Specifically, we first introduce the architecture and workflow of typical V2X systems, which affords a broader perspective to understand the entire V2X system and the role of CP within it. Then, we thoroughly summarize and analyze existing V2X perception datasets and CP methods. Particularly, we introduce numerous CP methods from various crucial perspectives, including collaboration stages, roadside sensors placement, latency compensation, performance-bandwidth trade-off, attack/defense, pose alignment, etc. Moreover, we conduct extensive experimental analyses to compare and examine current CP methods, revealing some essential and unexplored insights. Specifically, we analyze the performance changes of different methods under different bandwidths, providing a deep insight into the performance-bandwidth trade-off issue. Also, we examine methods under different LiDAR ranges. To study the model robustness, we further investigate the effects of various simulated real-world noises on the performance of different CP methods, covering communication latency, lossy communication, localization errors, and mixed noises. In addition, we look into the sim-to-real generalization ability of existing CP methods. At last, we thoroughly discuss issues and challenges, highlighting promising directions for future efforts. Our codes for experimental analysis will be public at

Terrain Diffusion Network: Climatic-Aware Terrain Generation with Geological Sketch Guidance. (arXiv:2308.16725v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zexin Hu, Kun Hu, Clinton Mo, Lei Pan, Zhiyong Wang

Sketch-based terrain generation seeks to create realistic landscapes for virtual environments in various applications such as computer games, animation and virtual reality. Recently, deep learning based terrain generation has emerged, notably the ones based on generative adversarial networks (GAN). However, these methods often struggle to fulfill the requirements of flexible user control and maintain generative diversity for realistic terrain. Therefore, we propose a novel diffusion-based method, namely terrain diffusion network (TDN), which actively incorporates user guidance for enhanced controllability, taking into account terrain features like rivers, ridges, basins, and peaks. Instead of adhering to a conventional monolithic denoising process, which often compromises the fidelity of terrain details or the alignment with user control, a multi-level denoising scheme is proposed to generate more realistic terrains by taking into account fine-grained details, particularly those related to climatic patterns influenced by erosion and tectonic activities. Specifically, three terrain synthesisers are designed for structural, intermediate, and fine-grained level denoising purposes, which allow each synthesiser concentrate on a distinct terrain aspect. Moreover, to maximise the efficiency of our TDN, we further introduce terrain and sketch latent spaces for the synthesizers with pre-trained terrain autoencoders. Comprehensive experiments on a new dataset constructed from NASA Topology Images clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, achieving the state-of-the-art performance. Our code and dataset will be publicly available.

Post-Deployment Adaptation with Access to Source Data via Federated Learning and Source-Target Remote Gradient Alignment. (arXiv:2308.16735v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Felix Wagner, Zeju Li, Pramit Saha, Konstantinos Kamnitsas

Deployment of Deep Neural Networks in medical imaging is hindered by distribution shift between training data and data processed after deployment, causing performance degradation. Post-Deployment Adaptation (PDA) addresses this by tailoring a pre-trained, deployed model to the target data distribution using limited labelled or entirely unlabelled target data, while assuming no access to source training data as they cannot be deployed with the model due to privacy concerns and their large size. This makes reliable adaptation challenging due to limited learning signal. This paper challenges this assumption and introduces FedPDA, a novel adaptation framework that brings the utility of learning from remote data from Federated Learning into PDA. FedPDA enables a deployed model to obtain information from source data via remote gradient exchange, while aiming to optimize the model specifically for the target domain. Tailored for FedPDA, we introduce a novel optimization method StarAlign (Source-Target Remote Gradient Alignment) that aligns gradients between source-target domain pairs by maximizing their inner product, to facilitate learning a target-specific model. We demonstrate the method's effectiveness using multi-center databases for the tasks of cancer metastases detection and skin lesion classification, where our method compares favourably to previous work. Code is available at:

US-SFNet: A Spatial-Frequency Domain-based Multi-branch Network for Cervical Lymph Node Lesions Diagnoses in Ultrasound Images. (arXiv:2308.16738v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Yubiao Yue, Jun Xue, Haihua Liang, Bingchun Luo, Zhenzhang Li

Ultrasound imaging serves as a pivotal tool for diagnosing cervical lymph node lesions. However, the diagnoses of these images largely hinge on the expertise of medical practitioners, rendering the process susceptible to misdiagnoses. Although rapidly developing deep learning has substantially improved the diagnoses of diverse ultrasound images, there remains a conspicuous research gap concerning cervical lymph nodes. The objective of our work is to accurately diagnose cervical lymph node lesions by leveraging a deep learning model. To this end, we first collected 3392 images containing normal lymph nodes, benign lymph node lesions, malignant primary lymph node lesions, and malignant metastatic lymph node lesions. Given that ultrasound images are generated by the reflection and scattering of sound waves across varied bodily tissues, we proposed the Conv-FFT Block. It integrates convolutional operations with the fast Fourier transform to more astutely model the images. Building upon this foundation, we designed a novel architecture, named US-SFNet. This architecture not only discerns variances in ultrasound images from the spatial domain but also adeptly captures microstructural alterations across various lesions in the frequency domain. To ascertain the potential of US-SFNet, we benchmarked it against 12 popular architectures through five-fold cross-validation. The results show that US-SFNet is SOTA and can achieve 92.89% accuracy, 90.46% precision, 89.95% sensitivity and 97.49% specificity, respectively.

Parsing is All You Need for Accurate Gait Recognition in the Wild. (arXiv:2308.16739v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jinkai Zheng, Xinchen Liu, Shuai Wang, Lihao Wang, Chenggang Yan, Wu Liu

Binary silhouettes and keypoint-based skeletons have dominated human gait recognition studies for decades since they are easy to extract from video frames. Despite their success in gait recognition for in-the-lab environments, they usually fail in real-world scenarios due to their low information entropy for gait representations. To achieve accurate gait recognition in the wild, this paper presents a novel gait representation, named Gait Parsing Sequence (GPS). GPSs are sequences of fine-grained human segmentation, i.e., human parsing, extracted from video frames, so they have much higher information entropy to encode the shapes and dynamics of fine-grained human parts during walking. Moreover, to effectively explore the capability of the GPS representation, we propose a novel human parsing-based gait recognition framework, named ParsingGait. ParsingGait contains a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based backbone and two light-weighted heads. The first head extracts global semantic features from GPSs, while the other one learns mutual information of part-level features through Graph Convolutional Networks to model the detailed dynamics of human walking. Furthermore, due to the lack of suitable datasets, we build the first parsing-based dataset for gait recognition in the wild, named Gait3D-Parsing, by extending the large-scale and challenging Gait3D dataset. Based on Gait3D-Parsing, we comprehensively evaluate our method and existing gait recognition methods. The experimental results show a significant improvement in accuracy brought by the GPS representation and the superiority of ParsingGait. The code and dataset are available at .

Socratis: Are large multimodal models emotionally aware?. (arXiv:2308.16741v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Katherine Deng, Arijit Ray, Reuben Tan, Saadia Gabriel, Bryan A. Plummer, Kate Saenko

Existing emotion prediction benchmarks contain coarse emotion labels which do not consider the diversity of emotions that an image and text can elicit in humans due to various reasons. Learning diverse reactions to multimodal content is important as intelligent machines take a central role in generating and delivering content to society. To address this gap, we propose Socratis, a \underline{soc}ietal \underline{r}e\underline{a}c\underline{ti}on\underline{s} benchmark, where each image-caption (IC) pair is annotated with multiple emotions and the reasons for feeling them. Socratis contains 18K free-form reactions for 980 emotions on 2075 image-caption pairs from 5 widely-read news and image-caption (IC) datasets. We benchmark the capability of state-of-the-art multimodal large language models to generate the reasons for feeling an emotion given an IC pair. Based on a preliminary human study, we observe that humans prefer human-written reasons over 2 times more often than machine-generated ones. This shows our task is harder than standard generation tasks because it starkly contrasts recent findings where humans cannot tell apart machine vs human-written news articles, for instance. We further see that current captioning metrics based on large vision-language models also fail to correlate with human preferences. We hope that these findings and our benchmark will inspire further research on training emotionally aware models.

Unsupervised CT Metal Artifact Reduction by Plugging Diffusion Priors in Dual Domains. (arXiv:2308.16742v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Xuan Liu, Yaoqin Xie, Songhui Diao, Shan Tan, Xiaokun Liang

During the process of computed tomography (CT), metallic implants often cause disruptive artifacts in the reconstructed images, impeding accurate diagnosis. Several supervised deep learning-based approaches have been proposed for reducing metal artifacts (MAR). However, these methods heavily rely on training with simulated data, as obtaining paired metal artifact CT and clean CT data in clinical settings is challenging. This limitation can lead to decreased performance when applying these methods in clinical practice. Existing unsupervised MAR methods, whether based on learning or not, typically operate within a single domain, either in the image domain or the sinogram domain. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised MAR method based on the diffusion model, a generative model with a high capacity to represent data distributions. Specifically, we first train a diffusion model using CT images without metal artifacts. Subsequently, we iteratively utilize the priors embedded within the pre-trained diffusion model in both the sinogram and image domains to restore the degraded portions caused by metal artifacts. This dual-domain processing empowers our approach to outperform existing unsupervised MAR methods, including another MAR method based on the diffusion model, which we have qualitatively and quantitatively validated using synthetic datasets. Moreover, our method demonstrates superior visual results compared to both supervised and unsupervised methods on clinical datasets.

Towards High-Fidelity Text-Guided 3D Face Generation and Manipulation Using only Images. (arXiv:2308.16758v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cuican Yu, Guansong Lu, Yihan Zeng, Jian Sun, Xiaodan Liang, Huibin Li, Zongben Xu, Songcen Xu, Wei Zhang, Hang Xu

Generating 3D faces from textual descriptions has a multitude of applications, such as gaming, movie, and robotics. Recent progresses have demonstrated the success of unconditional 3D face generation and text-to-3D shape generation. However, due to the limited text-3D face data pairs, text-driven 3D face generation remains an open problem. In this paper, we propose a text-guided 3D faces generation method, refer as TG-3DFace, for generating realistic 3D faces using text guidance. Specifically, we adopt an unconditional 3D face generation framework and equip it with text conditions, which learns the text-guided 3D face generation with only text-2D face data. On top of that, we propose two text-to-face cross-modal alignment techniques, including the global contrastive learning and the fine-grained alignment module, to facilitate high semantic consistency between generated 3D faces and input texts. Besides, we present directional classifier guidance during the inference process, which encourages creativity for out-of-domain generations. Compared to the existing methods, TG-3DFace creates more realistic and aesthetically pleasing 3D faces, boosting 9% multi-view consistency (MVIC) over Latent3D. The rendered face images generated by TG-3DFace achieve higher FID and CLIP score than text-to-2D face/image generation models, demonstrating our superiority in generating realistic and semantic-consistent textures.

Ref-Diff: Zero-shot Referring Image Segmentation with Generative Models. (arXiv:2308.16777v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Minheng Ni, Yabo Zhang, Kailai Feng, Xiaoming Li, Yiwen Guo, Wangmeng Zuo

Zero-shot referring image segmentation is a challenging task because it aims to find an instance segmentation mask based on the given referring descriptions, without training on this type of paired data. Current zero-shot methods mainly focus on using pre-trained discriminative models (e.g., CLIP). However, we have observed that generative models (e.g., Stable Diffusion) have potentially understood the relationships between various visual elements and text descriptions, which are rarely investigated in this task. In this work, we introduce a novel Referring Diffusional segmentor (Ref-Diff) for this task, which leverages the fine-grained multi-modal information from generative models. We demonstrate that without a proposal generator, a generative model alone can achieve comparable performance to existing SOTA weakly-supervised models. When we combine both generative and discriminative models, our Ref-Diff outperforms these competing methods by a significant margin. This indicates that generative models are also beneficial for this task and can complement discriminative models for better referring segmentation. Our code is publicly available at

Multiscale Residual Learning of Graph Convolutional Sequence Chunks for Human Motion Prediction. (arXiv:2308.16801v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mohsen Zand, Ali Etemad, Michael Greenspan

A new method is proposed for human motion prediction by learning temporal and spatial dependencies. Recently, multiscale graphs have been developed to model the human body at higher abstraction levels, resulting in more stable motion prediction. Current methods however predetermine scale levels and combine spatially proximal joints to generate coarser scales based on human priors, even though movement patterns in different motion sequences vary and do not fully comply with a fixed graph of spatially connected joints. Another problem with graph convolutional methods is mode collapse, in which predicted poses converge around a mean pose with no discernible movements, particularly in long-term predictions. To tackle these issues, we propose ResChunk, an end-to-end network which explores dynamically correlated body components based on the pairwise relationships between all joints in individual sequences. ResChunk is trained to learn the residuals between target sequence chunks in an autoregressive manner to enforce the temporal connectivities between consecutive chunks. It is hence a sequence-to-sequence prediction network which considers dynamic spatio-temporal features of sequences at multiple levels. Our experiments on two challenging benchmark datasets, CMU Mocap and Human3.6M, demonstrate that our proposed method is able to effectively model the sequence information for motion prediction and outperform other techniques to set a new state-of-the-art. Our code is available at

BTSeg: Barlow Twins Regularization for Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.16819v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Johannes Künzel, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

Semantic image segmentation is a critical component in many computer vision systems, such as autonomous driving. In such applications, adverse conditions (heavy rain, night time, snow, extreme lighting) on the one hand pose specific challenges, yet are typically underrepresented in the available datasets. Generating more training data is cumbersome and expensive, and the process itself is error-prone due to the inherent aleatoric uncertainty. To address this challenging problem, we propose BTSeg, which exploits image-level correspondences as weak supervision signal to learn a segmentation model that is agnostic to adverse conditions. To this end, our approach uses the Barlow twins loss from the field of unsupervised learning and treats images taken at the same location but under different adverse conditions as "augmentations" of the same unknown underlying base image. This allows the training of a segmentation model that is robust to appearance changes introduced by different adverse conditions. We evaluate our approach on ACDC and the new challenging ACG benchmark to demonstrate its robustness and generalization capabilities. Our approach performs favorably when compared to the current state-of-the-art methods, while also being simpler to implement and train. The code will be released upon acceptance.

Coarse-to-Fine Amodal Segmentation with Shape Prior. (arXiv:2308.16825v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jianxiong Gao, Xuelin Qian, Yikai Wang, Tianjun Xiao, Tong He, Zheng Zhang, Yanwei Fu

Amodal object segmentation is a challenging task that involves segmenting both visible and occluded parts of an object. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, called Coarse-to-Fine Segmentation (C2F-Seg), that addresses this problem by progressively modeling the amodal segmentation. C2F-Seg initially reduces the learning space from the pixel-level image space to the vector-quantized latent space. This enables us to better handle long-range dependencies and learn a coarse-grained amodal segment from visual features and visible segments. However, this latent space lacks detailed information about the object, which makes it difficult to provide a precise segmentation directly. To address this issue, we propose a convolution refine module to inject fine-grained information and provide a more precise amodal object segmentation based on visual features and coarse-predicted segmentation. To help the studies of amodal object segmentation, we create a synthetic amodal dataset, named as MOViD-Amodal (MOViD-A), which can be used for both image and video amodal object segmentation. We extensively evaluate our model on two benchmark datasets: KINS and COCO-A. Our empirical results demonstrate the superiority of C2F-Seg. Moreover, we exhibit the potential of our approach for video amodal object segmentation tasks on FISHBOWL and our proposed MOViD-A. Project page at: this http URL

Diffusion Models for Interferometric Satellite Aperture Radar. (arXiv:2308.16847v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Alexandre Tuel, Thomas Kerdreux, Claudia Hulbert, Bertrand Rouet-Leduc

Probabilistic Diffusion Models (PDMs) have recently emerged as a very promising class of generative models, achieving high performance in natural image generation. However, their performance relative to non-natural images, like radar-based satellite data, remains largely unknown. Generating large amounts of synthetic (and especially labelled) satellite data is crucial to implement deep-learning approaches for the processing and analysis of (interferometric) satellite aperture radar data. Here, we leverage PDMs to generate several radar-based satellite image datasets. We show that PDMs succeed in generating images with complex and realistic structures, but that sampling time remains an issue. Indeed, accelerated sampling strategies, which work well on simple image datasets like MNIST, fail on our radar datasets. We provide a simple and versatile open-source to train, sample and evaluate PDMs using any dataset on a single GPU.

Self-pruning Graph Neural Network for Predicting Inflammatory Disease Activity in Multiple Sclerosis from Brain MR Images. (arXiv:2308.16863v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Chinmay Prabhakar, Hongwei Bran Li, Johannes C. Paetzold, Timo Loehr, Chen Niu, Mark Mühlau, Daniel Rueckert, Benedikt Wiestler, Bjoern Menze

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a severe neurological disease characterized by inflammatory lesions in the central nervous system. Hence, predicting inflammatory disease activity is crucial for disease assessment and treatment. However, MS lesions can occur throughout the brain and vary in shape, size and total count among patients. The high variance in lesion load and locations makes it challenging for machine learning methods to learn a globally effective representation of whole-brain MRI scans to assess and predict disease. Technically it is non-trivial to incorporate essential biomarkers such as lesion load or spatial proximity. Our work represents the first attempt to utilize graph neural networks (GNN) to aggregate these biomarkers for a novel global representation. We propose a two-stage MS inflammatory disease activity prediction approach. First, a 3D segmentation network detects lesions, and a self-supervised algorithm extracts their image features. Second, the detected lesions are used to build a patient graph. The lesions act as nodes in the graph and are initialized with image features extracted in the first stage. Finally, the lesions are connected based on their spatial proximity and the inflammatory disease activity prediction is formulated as a graph classification task. Furthermore, we propose a self-pruning strategy to auto-select the most critical lesions for prediction. Our proposed method outperforms the existing baseline by a large margin (AUCs of 0.67 vs. 0.61 and 0.66 vs. 0.60 for one-year and two-year inflammatory disease activity, respectively). Finally, our proposed method enjoys inherent explainability by assigning an importance score to each lesion for the overall prediction. Code is available at

Holistic Processing of Colour Images Using Novel Quaternion-Valued Wavelets on the Plane. (arXiv:2308.16875v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Neil D. Dizon, Jeffrey A. Hogan

We investigate the applicability of quaternion-valued wavelets on the plane to holistic colour image processing. We present a methodology for decomposing and reconstructing colour images using quaternionic wavelet filters associated to recently developed quaternion-valued wavelets on the plane. We consider compression, enhancement, segmentation, and denoising techniques to demonstrate quaternion-valued wavelets as a promising tool for holistic colour image processing.

SportsSloMo: A New Benchmark and Baselines for Human-centric Video Frame Interpolation. (arXiv:2308.16876v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiaben Chen, Huaizu Jiang

Human-centric video frame interpolation has great potential for improving people's entertainment experiences and finding commercial applications in the sports analysis industry, e.g., synthesizing slow-motion videos. Although there are multiple benchmark datasets available in the community, none of them is dedicated for human-centric scenarios. To bridge this gap, we introduce SportsSloMo, a benchmark consisting of more than 130K video clips and 1M video frames of high-resolution ($\geq$720p) slow-motion sports videos crawled from YouTube. We re-train several state-of-the-art methods on our benchmark, and the results show a decrease in their accuracy compared to other datasets. It highlights the difficulty of our benchmark and suggests that it poses significant challenges even for the best-performing methods, as human bodies are highly deformable and occlusions are frequent in sports videos. To improve the accuracy, we introduce two loss terms considering the human-aware priors, where we add auxiliary supervision to panoptic segmentation and human keypoints detection, respectively. The loss terms are model agnostic and can be easily plugged into any video frame interpolation approaches. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our proposed loss terms, leading to consistent performance improvement over 5 existing models, which establish strong baseline models on our benchmark. The dataset and code can be found at:

Text2Scene: Text-driven Indoor Scene Stylization with Part-aware Details. (arXiv:2308.16880v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Inwoo Hwang, Hyeonwoo Kim, Young Min Kim

We propose Text2Scene, a method to automatically create realistic textures for virtual scenes composed of multiple objects. Guided by a reference image and text descriptions, our pipeline adds detailed texture on labeled 3D geometries in the room such that the generated colors respect the hierarchical structure or semantic parts that are often composed of similar materials. Instead of applying flat stylization on the entire scene at a single step, we obtain weak semantic cues from geometric segmentation, which are further clarified by assigning initial colors to segmented parts. Then we add texture details for individual objects such that their projections on image space exhibit feature embedding aligned with the embedding of the input. The decomposition makes the entire pipeline tractable to a moderate amount of computation resources and memory. As our framework utilizes the existing resources of image and text embedding, it does not require dedicated datasets with high-quality textures designed by skillful artists. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first practical and scalable approach that can create detailed and realistic textures of the desired style that maintain structural context for scenes with multiple objects.

TouchStone: Evaluating Vision-Language Models by Language Models. (arXiv:2308.16890v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shuai Bai, Shusheng Yang, Jinze Bai, Peng Wang, Xingxuan Zhang, Junyang Lin, Xinggang Wang, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou

Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have recently witnessed rapid advancements, exhibiting a remarkable capacity for perceiving, understanding, and processing visual information by connecting visual receptor with large language models (LLMs). However, current assessments mainly focus on recognizing and reasoning abilities, lacking direct evaluation of conversational skills and neglecting visual storytelling abilities. In this paper, we propose an evaluation method that uses strong LLMs as judges to comprehensively evaluate the various abilities of LVLMs. Firstly, we construct a comprehensive visual dialogue dataset TouchStone, consisting of open-world images and questions, covering five major categories of abilities and 27 subtasks. This dataset not only covers fundamental recognition and comprehension but also extends to literary creation. Secondly, by integrating detailed image annotations we effectively transform the multimodal input content into a form understandable by LLMs. This enables us to employ advanced LLMs for directly evaluating the quality of the multimodal dialogue without requiring human intervention. Through validation, we demonstrate that powerful LVLMs, such as GPT-4, can effectively score dialogue quality by leveraging their textual capabilities alone, aligning with human preferences. We hope our work can serve as a touchstone for LVLMs' evaluation and pave the way for building stronger LVLMs. The evaluation code is available at

GNFactor: Multi-Task Real Robot Learning with Generalizable Neural Feature Fields. (arXiv:2308.16891v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Yanjie Ze, Ge Yan, Yueh-Hua Wu, Annabella Macaluso, Yuying Ge, Jianglong Ye, Nicklas Hansen, Li Erran Li, Xiaolong Wang

It is a long-standing problem in robotics to develop agents capable of executing diverse manipulation tasks from visual observations in unstructured real-world environments. To achieve this goal, the robot needs to have a comprehensive understanding of the 3D structure and semantics of the scene. In this work, we present $\textbf{GNFactor}$, a visual behavior cloning agent for multi-task robotic manipulation with $\textbf{G}$eneralizable $\textbf{N}$eural feature $\textbf{F}$ields. GNFactor jointly optimizes a generalizable neural field (GNF) as a reconstruction module and a Perceiver Transformer as a decision-making module, leveraging a shared deep 3D voxel representation. To incorporate semantics in 3D, the reconstruction module utilizes a vision-language foundation model ($\textit{e.g.}$, Stable Diffusion) to distill rich semantic information into the deep 3D voxel. We evaluate GNFactor on 3 real robot tasks and perform detailed ablations on 10 RLBench tasks with a limited number of demonstrations. We observe a substantial improvement of GNFactor over current state-of-the-art methods in seen and unseen tasks, demonstrating the strong generalization ability of GNFactor. Our project website is .

Language-Conditioned Path Planning. (arXiv:2308.16893v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Amber Xie, Youngwoon Lee, Pieter Abbeel, Stephen James

Contact is at the core of robotic manipulation. At times, it is desired (e.g. manipulation and grasping), and at times, it is harmful (e.g. when avoiding obstacles). However, traditional path planning algorithms focus solely on collision-free paths, limiting their applicability in contact-rich tasks. To address this limitation, we propose the domain of Language-Conditioned Path Planning, where contact-awareness is incorporated into the path planning problem. As a first step in this domain, we propose Language-Conditioned Collision Functions (LACO) a novel approach that learns a collision function using only a single-view image, language prompt, and robot configuration. LACO predicts collisions between the robot and the environment, enabling flexible, conditional path planning without the need for manual object annotations, point cloud data, or ground-truth object meshes. In both simulation and the real world, we demonstrate that LACO can facilitate complex, nuanced path plans that allow for interaction with objects that are safe to collide, rather than prohibiting any collision.

EMDB: The Electromagnetic Database of Global 3D Human Pose and Shape in the Wild. (arXiv:2308.16894v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Manuel Kaufmann, Jie Song, Chen Guo, Kaiyue Shen, Tianjian Jiang, Chengcheng Tang, Juan Zarate, Otmar Hilliges

We present EMDB, the Electromagnetic Database of Global 3D Human Pose and Shape in the Wild. EMDB is a novel dataset that contains high-quality 3D SMPL pose and shape parameters with global body and camera trajectories for in-the-wild videos. We use body-worn, wireless electromagnetic (EM) sensors and a hand-held iPhone to record a total of 58 minutes of motion data, distributed over 81 indoor and outdoor sequences and 10 participants. Together with accurate body poses and shapes, we also provide global camera poses and body root trajectories. To construct EMDB, we propose a multi-stage optimization procedure, which first fits SMPL to the 6-DoF EM measurements and then refines the poses via image observations. To achieve high-quality results, we leverage a neural implicit avatar model to reconstruct detailed human surface geometry and appearance, which allows for improved alignment and smoothness via a dense pixel-level objective. Our evaluations, conducted with a multi-view volumetric capture system, indicate that EMDB has an expected accuracy of 2.3 cm positional and 10.6 degrees angular error, surpassing the accuracy of previous in-the-wild datasets. We evaluate existing state-of-the-art monocular RGB methods for camera-relative and global pose estimation on EMDB. EMDB is publicly available under

PointOcc: Cylindrical Tri-Perspective View for Point-based 3D Semantic Occupancy Prediction. (arXiv:2308.16896v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sicheng Zuo, Wenzhao Zheng, Yuanhui Huang, Jie Zhou, Jiwen Lu

Semantic segmentation in autonomous driving has been undergoing an evolution from sparse point segmentation to dense voxel segmentation, where the objective is to predict the semantic occupancy of each voxel in the concerned 3D space. The dense nature of the prediction space has rendered existing efficient 2D-projection-based methods (e.g., bird's eye view, range view, etc.) ineffective, as they can only describe a subspace of the 3D scene. To address this, we propose a cylindrical tri-perspective view to represent point clouds effectively and comprehensively and a PointOcc model to process them efficiently. Considering the distance distribution of LiDAR point clouds, we construct the tri-perspective view in the cylindrical coordinate system for more fine-grained modeling of nearer areas. We employ spatial group pooling to maintain structural details during projection and adopt 2D backbones to efficiently process each TPV plane. Finally, we obtain the features of each point by aggregating its projected features on each of the processed TPV planes without the need for any post-processing. Extensive experiments on both 3D occupancy prediction and LiDAR segmentation benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed PointOcc achieves state-of-the-art performance with much faster speed. Specifically, despite only using LiDAR, PointOcc significantly outperforms all other methods, including multi-modal methods, with a large margin on the OpenOccupancy benchmark. Code:

InterDiff: Generating 3D Human-Object Interactions with Physics-Informed Diffusion. (arXiv:2308.16905v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sirui Xu, Zhengyuan Li, Yu-Xiong Wang, Liang-Yan Gui

This paper addresses a novel task of anticipating 3D human-object interactions (HOIs). Most existing research on HOI synthesis lacks comprehensive whole-body interactions with dynamic objects, e.g., often limited to manipulating small or static objects. Our task is significantly more challenging, as it requires modeling dynamic objects with various shapes, capturing whole-body motion, and ensuring physically valid interactions. To this end, we propose InterDiff, a framework comprising two key steps: (i) interaction diffusion, where we leverage a diffusion model to encode the distribution of future human-object interactions; (ii) interaction correction, where we introduce a physics-informed predictor to correct denoised HOIs in a diffusion step. Our key insight is to inject prior knowledge that the interactions under reference with respect to contact points follow a simple pattern and are easily predictable. Experiments on multiple human-object interaction datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method for this task, capable of producing realistic, vivid, and remarkably long-term 3D HOI predictions.

Fine-Grained Cross-View Geo-Localization Using a Correlation-Aware Homography Estimator. (arXiv:2308.16906v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaolong Wang, Runsen Xu, Zuofan Cui, Zeyu Wan, Yu Zhang

In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to fine-grained cross-view geo-localization. Our method aligns a warped ground image with a corresponding GPS-tagged satellite image covering the same area using homography estimation. We first employ a differentiable spherical transform, adhering to geometric principles, to accurately align the perspective of the ground image with the satellite map. This transformation effectively places ground and aerial images in the same view and on the same plane, reducing the task to an image alignment problem. To address challenges such as occlusion, small overlapping range, and seasonal variations, we propose a robust correlation-aware homography estimator to align similar parts of the transformed ground image with the satellite image. Our method achieves sub-pixel resolution and meter-level GPS accuracy by mapping the center point of the transformed ground image to the satellite image using a homography matrix and determining the orientation of the ground camera using a point above the central axis. Operating at a speed of 30 FPS, our method outperforms state-of-the-art techniques, reducing the mean metric localization error by 21.3% and 32.4% in same-area and cross-area generalization tasks on the VIGOR benchmark, respectively, and by 34.4% on the KITTI benchmark in same-area evaluation.

StyleInV: A Temporal Style Modulated Inversion Network for Unconditional Video Generation. (arXiv:2308.16909v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuhan Wang, Liming Jiang, Chen Change Loy

Unconditional video generation is a challenging task that involves synthesizing high-quality videos that are both coherent and of extended duration. To address this challenge, researchers have used pretrained StyleGAN image generators for high-quality frame synthesis and focused on motion generator design. The motion generator is trained in an autoregressive manner using heavy 3D convolutional discriminators to ensure motion coherence during video generation. In this paper, we introduce a novel motion generator design that uses a learning-based inversion network for GAN. The encoder in our method captures rich and smooth priors from encoding images to latents, and given the latent of an initially generated frame as guidance, our method can generate smooth future latent by modulating the inversion encoder temporally. Our method enjoys the advantage of sparse training and naturally constrains the generation space of our motion generator with the inversion network guided by the initial frame, eliminating the need for heavy discriminators. Moreover, our method supports style transfer with simple fine-tuning when the encoder is paired with a pretrained StyleGAN generator. Extensive experiments conducted on various benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our method in generating long and high-resolution videos with decent single-frame quality and temporal consistency.

PointLLM: Empowering Large Language Models to Understand Point Clouds. (arXiv:2308.16911v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Runsen Xu, Xiaolong Wang, Tai Wang, Yilun Chen, Jiangmiao Pang, Dahua Lin

The unprecedented advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have created a profound impact on natural language processing but are yet to fully embrace the realm of 3D understanding. This paper introduces PointLLM, a preliminary effort to fill this gap, thereby enabling LLMs to understand point clouds and offering a new avenue beyond 2D visual data. PointLLM processes colored object point clouds with human instructions and generates contextually appropriate responses, illustrating its grasp of point clouds and common sense. Specifically, it leverages a point cloud encoder with a powerful LLM to effectively fuse geometric, appearance, and linguistic information. We collect a novel dataset comprising 660K simple and 70K complex point-text instruction pairs to enable a two-stage training strategy: initially aligning latent spaces and subsequently instruction-tuning the unified model. To rigorously evaluate our model's perceptual abilities and its generalization capabilities, we establish two benchmarks: Generative 3D Object Classification and 3D Object Captioning, assessed through three different methods, including human evaluation, GPT-4/ChatGPT evaluation, and traditional metrics. Experiment results show that PointLLM demonstrates superior performance over existing 2D baselines. Remarkably, in human-evaluated object captioning tasks, PointLLM outperforms human annotators in over 50% of the samples. Codes, datasets, and benchmarks are available at .

A Region-based Randers Geodesic Approach for Image Segmentation. (arXiv:1912.10122v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Da Chen, Jean-Marie Mirebeau, Huazhong Shu, Laurent D. Cohen

The geodesic model based on the eikonal partial differential equation (PDE) has served as a fundamental tool for the applications of image segmentation and boundary detection in the past two decades. However, the existing approaches commonly only exploit the image edge-based features for computing minimal geodesic paths, potentially limiting their performance in complicated segmentation situations. In this paper, we introduce a new variational image segmentation model based on the minimal geodesic path framework and the eikonal PDE, where the region-based appearance term that defines then regional homogeneity features can be taken into account for estimating the associated minimal geodesic paths. This is done by constructing a Randers geodesic metric interpretation of the region-based active contour energy functional. As a result, the minimization of the active contour energy functional is transformed into finding the solution to the Randers eikonal PDE.

We also suggest a practical interactive image segmentation strategy, where the target boundary can be delineated by the concatenation of several piecewise geodesic paths. We invoke the Finsler variant of the fast marching method to estimate the geodesic distance map, yielding an efficient implementation of the proposed region-based Randers geodesic model for image segmentation. Experimental results on both synthetic and real images exhibit that our model indeed achieves encouraging segmentation performance.

Leveraging Image-based Generative Adversarial Networks for Time Series Generation. (arXiv:2112.08060v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Justin Hellermann, Stefan Lessmann

Generative models for images have gained significant attention in computer vision and natural language processing due to their ability to generate realistic samples from complex data distributions. To leverage the advances of image-based generative models for the time series domain, we propose a two-dimensional image representation for time series, the Extended Intertemporal Return Plot (XIRP). Our approach captures the intertemporal time series dynamics in a scale-invariant and invertible way, reducing training time and improving sample quality. We benchmark synthetic XIRPs obtained by an off-the-shelf Wasserstein GAN with gradient penalty (WGAN-GP) to other image representations and models regarding similarity and predictive ability metrics. Our novel, validated image representation for time series consistently and significantly outperforms a state-of-the-art RNN-based generative model regarding predictive ability. Further, we introduce an improved stochastic inversion to substantially improve simulation quality regardless of the representation and provide the prospect of transfer potentials in other domains.

DALL-Eval: Probing the Reasoning Skills and Social Biases of Text-to-Image Generation Models. (arXiv:2202.04053v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaemin Cho, Abhay Zala, Mohit Bansal

Recently, DALL-E, a multimodal transformer language model, and its variants, including diffusion models, have shown high-quality text-to-image generation capabilities. However, despite the realistic image generation results, there has not been a detailed analysis of how to evaluate such models. In this work, we investigate the visual reasoning capabilities and social biases of different text-to-image models, covering both multimodal transformer language models and diffusion models. First, we measure three visual reasoning skills: object recognition, object counting, and spatial relation understanding. For this, we propose PaintSkills, a compositional diagnostic evaluation dataset that measures these skills. Despite the high-fidelity image generation capability, a large gap exists between the performance of recent models and the upper bound accuracy in object counting and spatial relation understanding skills. Second, we assess the gender and skin tone biases by measuring the gender/skin tone distribution of generated images across various professions and attributes. We demonstrate that recent text-to-image generation models learn specific biases about gender and skin tone from web image-text pairs. We hope our work will help guide future progress in improving text-to-image generation models on visual reasoning skills and learning socially unbiased representations. Code and data:

Edge Inference with Fully Differentiable Quantized Mixed Precision Neural Networks. (arXiv:2206.07741v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Clemens JS Schaefer, Siddharth Joshi, Shan Li, Raul Blazquez

The large computing and memory cost of deep neural networks (DNNs) often precludes their use in resource-constrained devices. Quantizing the parameters and operations to lower bit-precision offers substantial memory and energy savings for neural network inference, facilitating the use of DNNs on edge computing platforms. Recent efforts at quantizing DNNs have employed a range of techniques encompassing progressive quantization, step-size adaptation, and gradient scaling. This paper proposes a new quantization approach for mixed precision convolutional neural networks (CNNs) targeting edge-computing. Our method establishes a new pareto frontier in model accuracy and memory footprint demonstrating a range of quantized models, delivering best-in-class accuracy below 4.3 MB of weights (wgts.) and activations (acts.). Our main contributions are: (i) hardware-aware heterogeneous differentiable quantization with tensor-sliced learned precision, (ii) targeted gradient modification for wgts. and acts. to mitigate quantization errors, and (iii) a multi-phase learning schedule to address instability in learning arising from updates to the learned quantizer and model parameters. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our techniques on the ImageNet dataset across a range of models including EfficientNet-Lite0 (e.g., 4.14MB of wgts. and acts. at 67.66% accuracy) and MobileNetV2 (e.g., 3.51MB wgts. and acts. at 65.39% accuracy).

Group DETR: Fast DETR Training with Group-Wise One-to-Many Assignment. (arXiv:2207.13085v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qiang Chen, Xiaokang Chen, Jian Wang, Shan Zhang, Kun Yao, Haocheng Feng, Junyu Han, Errui Ding, Gang Zeng, Jingdong Wang

Detection transformer (DETR) relies on one-to-one assignment, assigning one ground-truth object to one prediction, for end-to-end detection without NMS post-processing. It is known that one-to-many assignment, assigning one ground-truth object to multiple predictions, succeeds in detection methods such as Faster R-CNN and FCOS. While the naive one-to-many assignment does not work for DETR, and it remains challenging to apply one-to-many assignment for DETR training. In this paper, we introduce Group DETR, a simple yet efficient DETR training approach that introduces a group-wise way for one-to-many assignment. This approach involves using multiple groups of object queries, conducting one-to-one assignment within each group, and performing decoder self-attention separately. It resembles data augmentation with automatically-learned object query augmentation. It is also equivalent to simultaneously training parameter-sharing networks of the same architecture, introducing more supervision and thus improving DETR training. The inference process is the same as DETR trained normally and only needs one group of queries without any architecture modification. Group DETR is versatile and is applicable to various DETR variants. The experiments show that Group DETR significantly speeds up the training convergence and improves the performance of various DETR-based models. Code will be available at \url{}.

Visual correspondence-based explanations improve AI robustness and human-AI team accuracy. (arXiv:2208.00780v5 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Giang Nguyen, Mohammad Reza Taesiri, Anh Nguyen

Explaining artificial intelligence (AI) predictions is increasingly important and even imperative in many high-stakes applications where humans are the ultimate decision-makers. In this work, we propose two novel architectures of self-interpretable image classifiers that first explain, and then predict (as opposed to post-hoc explanations) by harnessing the visual correspondences between a query image and exemplars. Our models consistently improve (by 1 to 4 points) on out-of-distribution (OOD) datasets while performing marginally worse (by 1 to 2 points) on in-distribution tests than ResNet-50 and a $k$-nearest neighbor classifier (kNN). Via a large-scale, human study on ImageNet and CUB, our correspondence-based explanations are found to be more useful to users than kNN explanations. Our explanations help users more accurately reject AI's wrong decisions than all other tested methods. Interestingly, for the first time, we show that it is possible to achieve complementary human-AI team accuracy (i.e., that is higher than either AI-alone or human-alone), in ImageNet and CUB image classification tasks.

Collecting The Puzzle Pieces: Disentangled Self-Driven Human Pose Transfer by Permuting Textures. (arXiv:2210.01887v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nannan Li, Kevin J. Shih, Bryan A. Plummer

Human pose transfer synthesizes new view(s) of a person for a given pose. Recent work achieves this via self-reconstruction, which disentangles a person's pose and texture information by breaking the person down into parts, then recombines them for reconstruction. However, part-level disentanglement preserves some pose information that can create unwanted artifacts. In this paper, we propose Pose Transfer by Permuting Textures (PT$^2$), an approach for self-driven human pose transfer that disentangles pose from texture at the patch-level. Specifically, we remove pose from an input image by permuting image patches so only texture information remains. Then we reconstruct the input image by sampling from the permuted textures for patch-level disentanglement. To reduce noise and recover clothing shape information from the permuted patches, we employ encoders with multiple kernel sizes in a triple branch network. On DeepFashion and Market-1501, PT$^2$ reports significant gains on automatic metrics over other self-driven methods, and even outperforms some fully-supervised methods. A user study also reports images generated by our method are preferred in 68% of cases over self-driven approaches from prior work. Code is available at

Learning Melanocytic Cell Masks from Adjacent Stained Tissue. (arXiv:2211.00646v3 [q-bio.QM] UPDATED)

Authors: Mikio Tada, Ursula E. Lang, Iwei Yeh, Maria L. Wei, Michael J. Keiser

Melanoma is one of the most aggressive forms of skin cancer, causing a large proportion of skin cancer deaths. However, melanoma diagnoses by pathologists shows low interrater reliability. As melanoma is a cancer of the melanocyte, there is a clear need to develop a melanocytic cell segmentation tool that is agnostic to pathologist variability and automates pixel-level annotation. Gigapixel-level pathologist labeling, however, is impractical. Herein, we propose a means to train deep neural networks for melanocytic cell segmentation from hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained sections and paired immunohistochemistry (IHC) of adjacent tissue sections, achieving a mean IOU of 0.64 despite imperfect ground-truth labels.

Federated Adaptive Prompt Tuning for Multi-domain Collaborative Learning. (arXiv:2211.07864v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shangchao Su, Mingzhao Yang, Bin Li, Xiangyang Xue

Federated learning (FL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a global model without disclosing their data. Previous researches often require training the complete model parameters. However, the emergence of powerful pre-trained models makes it possible to achieve higher performance with fewer learnable parameters in FL. In this paper, we propose a federated adaptive prompt tuning algorithm, FedAPT, for multi-domain collaborative image classification with powerful foundation models, like CLIP. Compared with direct federated prompt tuning, our core idea is to adaptively unlock specific domain knowledge for each test sample in order to provide them with personalized prompts. To implement this idea, we design an adaptive prompt tuning module, which consists of a meta prompt, an adaptive network, and some keys. The server randomly generates a set of keys and assigns a unique key to each client. Then all clients cooperatively train the global adaptive network and meta prompt with the local datasets and the frozen keys. Ultimately, the global aggregation model can assign a personalized prompt to CLIP based on the domain features of each test sample. We perform extensive experiments on two multi-domain image classification datasets across two different settings - supervised and unsupervised. The results show that FedAPT can achieve better performance with less than 10\% of the number of parameters of the fully trained model, and the global model can perform well in diverse client domains simultaneously.

Towards Realistic Out-of-Distribution Detection: A Novel Evaluation Framework for Improving Generalization in OOD Detection. (arXiv:2211.10892v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Vahid Reza Khazaie, Anthony Wong, Mohammad Sabokrou

This paper presents a novel evaluation framework for Out-of-Distribution (OOD) detection that aims to assess the performance of machine learning models in more realistic settings. We observed that the real-world requirements for testing OOD detection methods are not satisfied by the current testing protocols. They usually encourage methods to have a strong bias towards a low level of diversity in normal data. To address this limitation, we propose new OOD test datasets (CIFAR-10-R, CIFAR-100-R, and ImageNet-30-R) that can allow researchers to benchmark OOD detection performance under realistic distribution shifts. Additionally, we introduce a Generalizability Score (GS) to measure the generalization ability of a model during OOD detection. Our experiments demonstrate that improving the performance on existing benchmark datasets does not necessarily improve the usability of OOD detection models in real-world scenarios. While leveraging deep pre-trained features has been identified as a promising avenue for OOD detection research, our experiments show that state-of-the-art pre-trained models tested on our proposed datasets suffer a significant drop in performance. To address this issue, we propose a post-processing stage for adapting pre-trained features under these distribution shifts before calculating the OOD scores, which significantly enhances the performance of state-of-the-art pre-trained models on our benchmarks.

High-Perceptual Quality JPEG Decoding via Posterior Sampling. (arXiv:2211.11827v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sean Man, Guy Ohayon, Theo Adrai, Michael Elad

JPEG is arguably the most popular image coding format, achieving high compression ratios via lossy quantization that may create visual artifacts degradation. Numerous attempts to remove these artifacts were conceived over the years, and common to most of these is the use of deterministic post-processing algorithms that optimize some distortion measure (e.g., PSNR, SSIM). In this paper we propose a different paradigm for JPEG artifact correction: Our method is stochastic, and the objective we target is high perceptual quality -- striving to obtain sharp, detailed and visually pleasing reconstructed images, while being consistent with the compressed input. These goals are achieved by training a stochastic conditional generator (conditioned on the compressed input), accompanied by a theoretically well-founded loss term, resulting in a sampler from the posterior distribution. Our solution offers a diverse set of plausible and fast reconstructions for a given input with perfect consistency. We demonstrate our scheme's unique properties and its superiority to a variety of alternative methods on the FFHQ and ImageNet datasets.

StyleGAN as a Utility-Preserving Face De-identification Method. (arXiv:2212.02611v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Seyyed Mohammad Sadegh Moosavi Khorzooghi, Shirin Nilizadeh

Face de-identification methods have been proposed to preserve users' privacy by obscuring their faces. These methods, however, can degrade the quality of photos, and they usually do not preserve the utility of faces, i.e., their age, gender, pose, and facial expression. Recently, GANs, such as StyleGAN, have been proposed, which generate realistic, high-quality imaginary faces. In this paper, we investigate the use of StyleGAN in generating de-identified faces through style mixing. We examined this de-identification method for preserving utility and privacy by implementing several face detection, verification, and identification attacks and conducting a user study. The results from our extensive experiments, human evaluation, and comparison with two state-of-the-art methods, i.e., CIAGAN and DeepPrivacy, show that StyleGAN performs on par or better than these methods, preserving users' privacy and images' utility. In particular, the results of the machine learning-based experiments show that StyleGAN0-4 preserves utility better than CIAGAN and DeepPrivacy while preserving privacy at the same level. StyleGAN0-3 preserves utility at the same level while providing more privacy. In this paper, for the first time, we also performed a carefully designed user study to examine both privacy and utility-preserving properties of StyleGAN0-3, 0-4, and 0-5, as well as CIAGAN and DeepPrivacy from the human observers' perspectives. Our statistical tests showed that participants tend to verify and identify StyleGAN0-5 images more easily than DeepPrivacy images. All the methods but StyleGAN0-5 had significantly lower identification rates than CIAGAN. Regarding utility, as expected, StyleGAN0-5 performed significantly better in preserving some attributes. Among all methods, on average, participants believe gender has been preserved the most while naturalness has been preserved the least.

Point Cloud-based Proactive Link Quality Prediction for Millimeter-wave Communications. (arXiv:2301.00752v3 [cs.NI] UPDATED)

Authors: Shoki Ohta, Takayuki Nishio, Riichi Kudo, Kahoko Takahashi, Hisashi Nagata

This study demonstrates the feasibility of point cloud-based proactive link quality prediction for millimeter-wave (mmWave) communications. Previous studies have proposed machine learning-based methods to predict received signal strength for future time periods using time series of depth images to mitigate the line-of-sight (LOS) path blockage by pedestrians in mmWave communication. However, these image-based methods have limited applicability due to privacy concerns as camera images may contain sensitive information. This study proposes a point cloud-based method for mmWave link quality prediction and demonstrates its feasibility through experiments. Point clouds represent three-dimensional (3D) spaces as a set of points and are sparser and less likely to contain sensitive information than camera images. Additionally, point clouds provide 3D position and motion information, which is necessary for understanding the radio propagation environment involving pedestrians. This study designs the mmWave link quality prediction method and conducts realistic indoor experiments, where the link quality fluctuates significantly due to human blockage, using commercially available IEEE 802.11ad-based 60 GHz wireless LAN devices and Kinect v2 RGB-D camera and Velodyne VLP-16 light detection and ranging (LiDAR) for point cloud acquisition. The experimental results showed that our proposed method can predict future large attenuation of mmWave received signal strength and throughput induced by the LOS path blockage by pedestrians with comparable or superior accuracy to image-based prediction methods. Hence, our point cloud-based method can serve as a viable alternative to image-based methods.

SurgT challenge: Benchmark of Soft-Tissue Trackers for Robotic Surgery. (arXiv:2302.03022v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Joao Cartucho, Alistair Weld, Samyakh Tukra, Haozheng Xu, Hiroki Matsuzaki, Taiyo Ishikawa, Minjun Kwon, Yong Eun Jang, Kwang-Ju Kim, Gwang Lee, Bizhe Bai, Lueder Kahrs, Lars Boecking, Simeon Allmendinger, Leopold Muller, Yitong Zhang, Yueming Jin, Sophia Bano, Francisco Vasconcelos, Wolfgang Reiter, Jonas Hajek, Bruno Silva, Estevao Lima, Joao L. Vilaca, Sandro Queiros, Stamatia Giannarou

This paper introduces the ``SurgT: Surgical Tracking" challenge which was organised in conjunction with MICCAI 2022. There were two purposes for the creation of this challenge: (1) the establishment of the first standardised benchmark for the research community to assess soft-tissue trackers; and (2) to encourage the development of unsupervised deep learning methods, given the lack of annotated data in surgery. A dataset of 157 stereo endoscopic videos from 20 clinical cases, along with stereo camera calibration parameters, have been provided. Participants were assigned the task of developing algorithms to track the movement of soft tissues, represented by bounding boxes, in stereo endoscopic videos. At the end of the challenge, the developed methods were assessed on a previously hidden test subset. This assessment uses benchmarking metrics that were purposely developed for this challenge, to verify the efficacy of unsupervised deep learning algorithms in tracking soft-tissue. The metric used for ranking the methods was the Expected Average Overlap (EAO) score, which measures the average overlap between a tracker's and the ground truth bounding boxes. Coming first in the challenge was the deep learning submission by ICVS-2Ai with a superior EAO score of 0.617. This method employs ARFlow to estimate unsupervised dense optical flow from cropped images, using photometric and regularization losses. Second, Jmees with an EAO of 0.583, uses deep learning for surgical tool segmentation on top of a non-deep learning baseline method: CSRT. CSRT by itself scores a similar EAO of 0.563. The results from this challenge show that currently, non-deep learning methods are still competitive. The dataset and benchmarking tool created for this challenge have been made publicly available at

Unsupervised Hashing with Similarity Distribution Calibration. (arXiv:2302.07669v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kam Woh Ng, Xiatian Zhu, Jiun Tian Hoe, Chee Seng Chan, Tianyu Zhang, Yi-Zhe Song, Tao Xiang

Unsupervised hashing methods typically aim to preserve the similarity between data points in a feature space by mapping them to binary hash codes. However, these methods often overlook the fact that the similarity between data points in the continuous feature space may not be preserved in the discrete hash code space, due to the limited similarity range of hash codes. The similarity range is bounded by the code length and can lead to a problem known as similarity collapse. That is, the positive and negative pairs of data points become less distinguishable from each other in the hash space. To alleviate this problem, in this paper a novel Similarity Distribution Calibration (SDC) method is introduced. SDC aligns the hash code similarity distribution towards a calibration distribution (e.g., beta distribution) with sufficient spread across the entire similarity range, thus alleviating the similarity collapse problem. Extensive experiments show that our SDC outperforms significantly the state-of-the-art alternatives on coarse category-level and instance-level image retrieval. Code is available at

Collage Diffusion. (arXiv:2303.00262v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Vishnu Sarukkai, Linden Li, Arden Ma, Christopher Ré, Kayvon Fatahalian

We seek to give users precise control over diffusion-based image generation by modeling complex scenes as sequences of layers, which define the desired spatial arrangement and visual attributes of objects in the scene. Collage Diffusion harmonizes the input layers to make objects fit together -- the key challenge involves minimizing changes in the positions and key visual attributes of the input layers while allowing other attributes to change in the harmonization process. We ensure that objects are generated in the correct locations by modifying text-image cross-attention with the layers' alpha masks. We preserve key visual attributes of input layers by learning specialized text representations per layer and by extending ControlNet to operate on layers. Layer input allows users to control the extent of image harmonization on a per-object basis, and users can even iteratively edit individual objects in generated images while keeping other objects fixed. By leveraging the rich information present in layer input, Collage Diffusion generates globally harmonized images that maintain desired object characteristics better than prior approaches.

StyleDiff: Attribute Comparison Between Unlabeled Datasets in Latent Disentangled Space. (arXiv:2303.05102v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Keisuke Kawano, Takuro Kutsuna, Ryoko Tokuhisa, Akihiro Nakamura, Yasushi Esaki

One major challenge in machine learning applications is coping with mismatches between the datasets used in the development and those obtained in real-world applications. These mismatches may lead to inaccurate predictions and errors, resulting in poor product quality and unreliable systems. In this study, we propose StyleDiff to inform developers of the differences between the two datasets for the steady development of machine learning systems. Using disentangled image spaces obtained from recently proposed generative models, StyleDiff compares the two datasets by focusing on attributes in the images and provides an easy-to-understand analysis of the differences between the datasets. The proposed StyleDiff performs in $O (d N\log N)$, where $N$ is the size of the datasets and $d$ is the number of attributes, enabling the application to large datasets. We demonstrate that StyleDiff accurately detects differences between datasets and presents them in an understandable format using, for example, driving scenes datasets.

Enhancing the accuracies by performing pooling decisions adjacent to the output layer. (arXiv:2303.05800v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuval Meir, Yarden Tzach, Ronit D. Gross, Ofek Tevet, Roni Vardi, Ido Kanter

Learning classification tasks of (2^nx2^n) inputs typically consist of \le n (2x2) max-pooling (MP) operators along the entire feedforward deep architecture. Here we show, using the CIFAR-10 database, that pooling decisions adjacent to the last convolutional layer significantly enhance accuracies. In particular, average accuracies of the advanced-VGG with m layers (A-VGGm) architectures are 0.936, 0.940, 0.954, 0.955, and 0.955 for m=6, 8, 14, 13, and 16, respectively. The results indicate A-VGG8s' accuracy is superior to VGG16s', and that the accuracies of A-VGG13 and A-VGG16 are equal, and comparable to that of Wide-ResNet16. In addition, replacing the three fully connected (FC) layers with one FC layer, A-VGG6 and A-VGG14, or with several linear activation FC layers, yielded similar accuracies. These significantly enhanced accuracies stem from training the most influential input-output routes, in comparison to the inferior routes selected following multiple MP decisions along the deep architecture. In addition, accuracies are sensitive to the order of the non-commutative MP and average pooling operators adjacent to the output layer, varying the number and location of training routes. The results call for the reexamination of previously proposed deep architectures and their accuracies by utilizing the proposed pooling strategy adjacent to the output layer.

Learning Deep Intensity Field for Extremely Sparse-View CBCT Reconstruction. (arXiv:2303.06681v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yiqun Lin, Zhongjin Luo, Wei Zhao, Xiaomeng Li

Sparse-view cone-beam CT (CBCT) reconstruction is an important direction to reduce radiation dose and benefit clinical applications. Previous voxel-based generation methods represent the CT as discrete voxels, resulting in high memory requirements and limited spatial resolution due to the use of 3D decoders. In this paper, we formulate the CT volume as a continuous intensity field and develop a novel DIF-Net to perform high-quality CBCT reconstruction from extremely sparse (fewer than 10) projection views at an ultrafast speed. The intensity field of a CT can be regarded as a continuous function of 3D spatial points. Therefore, the reconstruction can be reformulated as regressing the intensity value of an arbitrary 3D point from given sparse projections. Specifically, for a point, DIF-Net extracts its view-specific features from different 2D projection views. These features are subsequently aggregated by a fusion module for intensity estimation. Notably, thousands of points can be processed in parallel to improve efficiency during training and testing. In practice, we collect a knee CBCT dataset to train and evaluate DIF-Net. Extensive experiments show that our approach can reconstruct CBCT with high image quality and high spatial resolution from extremely sparse views within 1.6 seconds, significantly outperforming state-of-the-art methods. Our code will be available at

USAGE: A Unified Seed Area Generation Paradigm for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2303.07806v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zelin Peng, Guanchun Wang, Lingxi Xie, Dongsheng Jiang, Wei Shen, Qi Tian

Seed area generation is usually the starting point of weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS). Computing the Class Activation Map (CAM) from a multi-label classification network is the de facto paradigm for seed area generation, but CAMs generated from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers are prone to be under- and over-activated, respectively, which makes the strategies to refine CAMs for CNNs usually inappropriate for Transformers, and vice versa. In this paper, we propose a Unified optimization paradigm for Seed Area GEneration (USAGE) for both types of networks, in which the objective function to be optimized consists of two terms: One is a generation loss, which controls the shape of seed areas by a temperature parameter following a deterministic principle for different types of networks; The other is a regularization loss, which ensures the consistency between the seed areas that are generated by self-adaptive network adjustment from different views, to overturn false activation in seed areas. Experimental results show that USAGE consistently improves seed area generation for both CNNs and Transformers by large margins, e.g., outperforming state-of-the-art methods by a mIoU of 4.1% on PASCAL VOC. Moreover, based on the USAGE-generated seed areas on Transformers, we achieve state-of-the-art WSSS results on both PASCAL VOC and MS COCO.

Sensitivity-Aware Visual Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning. (arXiv:2303.08566v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haoyu He, Jianfei Cai, Jing Zhang, Dacheng Tao, Bohan Zhuang

Visual Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) has become a powerful alternative for full fine-tuning so as to adapt pre-trained vision models to downstream tasks, which only tunes a small number of parameters while freezing the vast majority ones to ease storage burden and optimization difficulty. However, existing PEFT methods introduce trainable parameters to the same positions across different tasks depending solely on human heuristics and neglect the domain gaps. To this end, we study where to introduce and how to allocate trainable parameters by proposing a novel Sensitivity-aware visual Parameter-efficient fine-Tuning (SPT) scheme, which adaptively allocates trainable parameters to task-specific important positions given a desired tunable parameter budget. Specifically, our SPT first quickly identifies the sensitive parameters that require tuning for a given task in a data-dependent way. Next, our SPT further boosts the representational capability for the weight matrices whose number of sensitive parameters exceeds a pre-defined threshold by utilizing existing structured tuning methods, e.g., LoRA [23] or Adapter [22], to replace directly tuning the selected sensitive parameters (unstructured tuning) under the budget. Extensive experiments on a wide range of downstream recognition tasks show that our SPT is complementary to the existing PEFT methods and largely boosts their performance, e.g., SPT improves Adapter with supervised pre-trained ViT-B/16 backbone by 4.2% and 1.4% mean Top-1 accuracy, reaching SOTA performance on FGVC and VTAB-1k benchmarks, respectively. Source code is at

Motion Matters: Neural Motion Transfer for Better Camera Physiological Measurement. (arXiv:2303.12059v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Akshay Paruchuri, Xin Liu, Yulu Pan, Shwetak Patel, Daniel McDuff, Soumyadip Sengupta

Machine learning models for camera-based physiological measurement can have weak generalization due to a lack of representative training data. Body motion is one of the most significant sources of noise when attempting to recover the subtle cardiac pulse from a video. We explore motion transfer as a form of data augmentation to introduce motion variation while preserving physiological changes of interest. We adapt a neural video synthesis approach to augment videos for the task of remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) and study the effects of motion augmentation with respect to 1) the magnitude and 2) the type of motion. After training on motion-augmented versions of publicly available datasets, we demonstrate a 47% improvement over existing inter-dataset results using various state-of-the-art methods on the PURE dataset. We also present inter-dataset results on five benchmark datasets to show improvements of up to 79% using TS-CAN, a neural rPPG estimation method. Our findings illustrate the usefulness of motion transfer as a data augmentation technique for improving the generalization of models for camera-based physiological sensing. We release our code for using motion transfer as a data augmentation technique on three publicly available datasets, UBFC-rPPG, PURE, and SCAMPS, and models pre-trained on motion-augmented data here:

DR.CPO: Diversified and Realistic 3D Augmentation via Iterative Construction, Random Placement, and HPR Occlusion. (arXiv:2303.12743v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jungwook Shin, Jaeill Kim, Kyungeun Lee, Hyunghun Cho, Wonjong Rhee

In autonomous driving, data augmentation is commonly used for improving 3D object detection. The most basic methods include insertion of copied objects and rotation and scaling of the entire training frame. Numerous variants have been developed as well. The existing methods, however, are considerably limited when compared to the variety of the real world possibilities. In this work, we develop a diversified and realistic augmentation method that can flexibly construct a whole-body object, freely locate and rotate the object, and apply self-occlusion and external-occlusion accordingly. To improve the diversity of the whole-body object construction, we develop an iterative method that stochastically combines multiple objects observed from the real world into a single object. Unlike the existing augmentation methods, the constructed objects can be randomly located and rotated in the training frame because proper occlusions can be reflected to the whole-body objects in the final step. Finally, proper self-occlusion at each local object level and external-occlusion at the global frame level are applied using the Hidden Point Removal (HPR) algorithm that is computationally efficient. HPR is also used for adaptively controlling the point density of each object according to the object's distance from the LiDAR. Experiment results show that the proposed DR.CPO algorithm is data-efficient and model-agnostic without incurring any computational overhead. Also, DR.CPO can improve mAP performance by 2.08% when compared to the best 3D detection result known for KITTI dataset. The code is available at

6D Object Pose Estimation from Approximate 3D Models for Orbital Robotics. (arXiv:2303.13241v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Maximilian Ulmer, Maximilian Durner, Martin Sundermeyer, Manuel Stoiber, Rudolph Triebel

We present a novel technique to estimate the 6D pose of objects from single images where the 3D geometry of the object is only given approximately and not as a precise 3D model. To achieve this, we employ a dense 2D-to-3D correspondence predictor that regresses 3D model coordinates for every pixel. In addition to the 3D coordinates, our model also estimates the pixel-wise coordinate error to discard correspondences that are likely wrong. This allows us to generate multiple 6D pose hypotheses of the object, which we then refine iteratively using a highly efficient region-based approach. We also introduce a novel pixel-wise posterior formulation by which we can estimate the probability for each hypothesis and select the most likely one. As we show in experiments, our approach is capable of dealing with extreme visual conditions including overexposure, high contrast, or low signal-to-noise ratio. This makes it a powerful technique for the particularly challenging task of estimating the pose of tumbling satellites for in-orbit robotic applications. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the SPEED+ dataset and has won the SPEC2021 post-mortem competition.

Beyond NeRF Underwater: Learning Neural Reflectance Fields for True Color Correction of Marine Imagery. (arXiv:2304.03384v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tianyi Zhang, Matthew Johnson-Roberson

Underwater imagery often exhibits distorted coloration as a result of light-water interactions, which complicates the study of benthic environments in marine biology and geography. In this research, we propose an algorithm to restore the true color (albedo) in underwater imagery by jointly learning the effects of the medium and neural scene representations. Our approach models water effects as a combination of light attenuation with distance and backscattered light. The proposed neural scene representation is based on a neural reflectance field model, which learns albedos, normals, and volume densities of the underwater environment. We introduce a logistic regression model to separate water from the scene and apply distinct light physics during training. Our method avoids the need to estimate complex backscatter effects in water by employing several approximations, enhancing sampling efficiency and numerical stability during training. The proposed technique integrates underwater light effects into a volume rendering framework with end-to-end differentiability. Experimental results on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate that our method effectively restores true color from underwater imagery, outperforming existing approaches in terms of color consistency.

DUFormer: Solving Power Line Detection Task in Aerial Images using Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2304.05821v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Deyu An, Qiang Zhang, Jianshu Chao, Ting Li, Feng Qiao, Yong Deng, Zhenpeng Bian

Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are frequently used for inspecting power lines and capturing high-resolution aerial images. However, detecting power lines in aerial images is difficult,as the foreground data(i.e, power lines) is small and the background information is abundant.To tackle this problem, we introduce DUFormer, a semantic segmentation algorithm explicitly designed to detect power lines in aerial images. We presuppose that it is advantageous to train an efficient Transformer model with sufficient feature extraction using a convolutional neural network(CNN) with a strong inductive bias.With this goal in mind, we introduce a heavy token encoder that performs overlapping feature remodeling and tokenization. The encoder comprises a pyramid CNN feature extraction module and a power line feature enhancement module.After successful local feature extraction for power lines, feature fusion is conducted.Then,the Transformer block is used for global modeling. The final segmentation result is achieved by amalgamating local and global features in the decode head.Moreover, we demonstrate the importance of the joint multi-weight loss function in power line segmentation. Our experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms all state-of-the-art methods in power line segmentation on the publicly accessible TTPLA dataset.

RECLIP: Resource-efficient CLIP by Training with Small Images. (arXiv:2304.06028v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Runze Li, Dahun Kim, Bir Bhanu, Weicheng Kuo

We present RECLIP (Resource-efficient CLIP), a simple method that minimizes computational resource footprint for CLIP (Contrastive Language Image Pretraining). Inspired by the notion of coarse-to-fine in computer vision, we leverage small images to learn from large-scale language supervision efficiently, and finetune the model with high-resolution data in the end. Since the complexity of the vision transformer heavily depends on input image size, our approach significantly reduces the training resource requirements both in theory and in practice. Using the same batch size and training epoch, RECLIP achieves highly competitive zero-shot classification and image-text retrieval accuracy with 6 to 8x less computational resources and 7 to 9x fewer FLOPs than the baseline. Compared to the state-of-the-art contrastive learning methods, RECLIP demonstrates 5 to 59x training resource savings while maintaining highly competitive zero-shot classification and retrieval performance. Finally, RECLIP matches the state of the art in transfer learning to open-vocabulary detection tasks, achieving 32 APr on LVIS. We hope this work will pave the path for the broader research community to explore language supervised pretraining in resource-friendly settings.

Expressive Text-to-Image Generation with Rich Text. (arXiv:2304.06720v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Songwei Ge, Taesung Park, Jun-Yan Zhu, Jia-Bin Huang

Plain text has become a prevalent interface for text-to-image synthesis. However, its limited customization options hinder users from accurately describing desired outputs. For example, plain text makes it hard to specify continuous quantities, such as the precise RGB color value or importance of each word. Furthermore, creating detailed text prompts for complex scenes is tedious for humans to write and challenging for text encoders to interpret. To address these challenges, we propose using a rich-text editor supporting formats such as font style, size, color, and footnote. We extract each word's attributes from rich text to enable local style control, explicit token reweighting, precise color rendering, and detailed region synthesis. We achieve these capabilities through a region-based diffusion process. We first obtain each word's region based on attention maps of a diffusion process using plain text. For each region, we enforce its text attributes by creating region-specific detailed prompts and applying region-specific guidance, and maintain its fidelity against plain-text generation through region-based injections. We present various examples of image generation from rich text and demonstrate that our method outperforms strong baselines with quantitative evaluations.

Learning Temporal Distribution and Spatial Correlation for Universal Moving Object Segmentation. (arXiv:2304.09949v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Guanfang Dong, Chenqiu Zhao, Xichen Pan, Anup Basu

Universal moving object segmentation aims to provide a general model for videos from all types of natural scenes, as previous approaches are usually effective for specific or similar scenes. In this paper, we propose a method called Learning Temporal Distribution and Spatial Correlation (LTS) that has the potential to be a general solution for universal moving object segmentation. In the proposed approach, the distribution from temporal pixels is first learned by our Defect Iterative Distribution Learning (DIDL) network for a scene-independent segmentation. Then, the Stochastic Bayesian Refinement (SBR) Network, which learns the spatial correlation, is proposed to improve the binary mask generated by the DIDL network. Benefiting from the scene independence of the temporal distribution and the accuracy improvement resulting from the spatial correlation, the proposed approach performs well for almost all videos from diverse and complex natural scenes with fixed parameters. Comprehensive experiments on standard datasets including LASIESTA, CDNet2014, BMC, SBMI2015 and 128 real world videos demonstrate the superiority of proposed approach compared to state-of-the-art methods with or without the use of deep learning networks. To the best of our knowledge, this work has high potential to be a general solution for moving object segmentation in real world environments.

From Chaos Comes Order: Ordering Event Representations for Object Recognition and Detection. (arXiv:2304.13455v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nikola Zubić, Daniel Gehrig, Mathias Gehrig, Davide Scaramuzza

Today, state-of-the-art deep neural networks that process events first convert them into dense, grid-like input representations before using an off-the-shelf network. However, selecting the appropriate representation for the task traditionally requires training a neural network for each representation and selecting the best one based on the validation score, which is very time-consuming. This work eliminates this bottleneck by selecting representations based on the Gromov-Wasserstein Discrepancy (GWD) between raw events and their representation. It is about 200 times faster to compute than training a neural network and preserves the task performance ranking of event representations across multiple representations, network backbones, datasets, and tasks. Thus finding representations with high task scores is equivalent to finding representations with a low GWD. We use this insight to, for the first time, perform a hyperparameter search on a large family of event representations, revealing new and powerful representations that exceed the state-of-the-art. Our optimized representations outperform existing representations by 1.7 mAP on the 1 Mpx dataset and 0.3 mAP on the Gen1 dataset, two established object detection benchmarks, and reach a 3.8% higher classification score on the mini N-ImageNet benchmark. Moreover, we outperform state-of-the-art by 2.1 mAP on Gen1 and state-of-the-art feed-forward methods by 6.0 mAP on the 1 Mpx datasets. This work opens a new unexplored field of explicit representation optimization for event-based learning.

Transformer-based interpretable multi-modal data fusion for skin lesion classification. (arXiv:2304.14505v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Theodor Cheslerean-Boghiu, Melia-Evelina Fleischmann, Theresa Willem, Tobias Lasser

A lot of deep learning (DL) research these days is mainly focused on improving quantitative metrics regardless of other factors. In human-centered applications, like skin lesion classification in dermatology, DL-driven clinical decision support systems are still in their infancy due to the limited transparency of their decision-making process. Moreover, the lack of procedures that can explain the behavior of trained DL algorithms leads to almost no trust from clinical physicians. To diagnose skin lesions, dermatologists rely on visual assessment of the disease and the data gathered from the patient's anamnesis. Data-driven algorithms dealing with multi-modal data are limited by the separation of feature-level and decision-level fusion procedures required by convolutional architectures. To address this issue, we enable single-stage multi-modal data fusion via the attention mechanism of transformer-based architectures to aid in diagnosing skin diseases. Our method beats other state-of-the-art single- and multi-modal DL architectures in image-rich and patient-data-rich environments. Additionally, the choice of the architecture enables native interpretability support for the classification task both in the image and metadata domain with no additional modifications necessary.

Collaborative Chinese Text Recognition with Personalized Federated Learning. (arXiv:2305.05602v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shangchao Su, Haiyang Yu, Bin Li, Xiangyang Xue

In Chinese text recognition, to compensate for the insufficient local data and improve the performance of local few-shot character recognition, it is often necessary for one organization to collect a large amount of data from similar organizations. However, due to the natural presence of private information in text data, such as addresses and phone numbers, different organizations are unwilling to share private data. Therefore, it becomes increasingly important to design a privacy-preserving collaborative training framework for the Chinese text recognition task. In this paper, we introduce personalized federated learning (pFL) into the Chinese text recognition task and propose the pFedCR algorithm, which significantly improves the model performance of each client (organization) without sharing private data. Specifically, pFedCR comprises two stages: multiple rounds of global model training stage and the the local personalization stage. During stage 1, an attention mechanism is incorporated into the CRNN model to adapt to various client data distributions. Leveraging inherent character data characteristics, a balanced dataset is created on the server to mitigate character imbalance. In the personalization phase, the global model is fine-tuned for one epoch to create a local model. Parameter averaging between local and global models combines personalized and global feature extraction capabilities. Finally, we fine-tune only the attention layers to enhance its focus on local personalized features. The experimental results on three real-world industrial scenario datasets show that the pFedCR algorithm can improve the performance of local personalized models by about 20\% while also improving their generalization performance on other client data domains. Compared to other state-of-the-art personalized federated learning methods, pFedCR improves performance by 6\% $\sim$ 8\%.

FusionBooster: A Unified Image Fusion Boosting Paradigm. (arXiv:2305.05970v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chunyang Cheng, Tianyang Xu, Xiao-Jun Wu, Hui Li, Xi Li, Josef Kittler

In recent years, numerous ideas have emerged for designing a mutually reinforcing mechanism or extra stages for the image fusion task, ignoring the inevitable gaps between different vision tasks and the computational burden. We argue that there is a scope to improve the fusion performance with the help of the FusionBooster, a model specifically designed for the fusion task. In particular, our booster is based on the divide-and-conquer strategy controlled by an information probe. The booster is composed of three building blocks: the probe units, the booster layer, and the assembling module. Given the result produced by a backbone method, the probe units assess the fused image and divide the results according to their information content. This is instrumental in identifying missing information, as a step to its recovery. The recovery of the degraded components along with the fusion guidance are the role of the booster layer. Lastly, the assembling module is responsible for piecing these advanced components together to deliver the output. We use concise reconstruction loss functions in conjunction with lightweight autoencoder models to formulate the learning task, with marginal computational complexity increase. The experimental results obtained in various fusion tasks, as well as downstream detection tasks, consistently demonstrate that the proposed FusionBooster significantly improves the performance. Our code will be publicly available on the project homepage.

Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2305.07283v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zewen Zheng, Guoheng Huang, Xiaochen Yuan, Chi-Man Pun, Hongrui Liu, Wing-Kuen Ling

Few-shot segmentation (FSS) aims to segment unseen classes given only a few annotated samples. Encouraging progress has been made for FSS by leveraging semantic features learned from base classes with sufficient training samples to represent novel classes. The correlation-based methods lack the ability to consider interaction of the two subspace matching scores due to the inherent nature of the real-valued 2D convolutions. In this paper, we introduce a quaternion perspective on correlation learning and propose a novel Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning Network (QCLNet), with the aim to alleviate the computational burden of high-dimensional correlation tensor and explore internal latent interaction between query and support images by leveraging operations defined by the established quaternion algebra. Specifically, our QCLNet is formulated as a hyper-complex valued network and represents correlation tensors in the quaternion domain, which uses quaternion-valued convolution to explore the external relations of query subspace when considering the hidden relationship of the support sub-dimension in the quaternion space. Extensive experiments on the PASCAL-5i and COCO-20i datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods effectively. Our code is available at and our article "Quaternion-valued Correlation Learning for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation" was published in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, vol. 33,no.5,pp.2102-2115,May 2023,doi: 10.1109/TCSVT.2022.3223150.

MaxViT-UNet: Multi-Axis Attention for Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2305.08396v4 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Abdul Rehman Khan, Asifullah Khan

In this work, we present MaxViT-UNet, an Encoder-Decoder based hybrid vision transformer (CNN-Transformer) for medical image segmentation. The proposed Hybrid Decoder, based on MaxViT-block, is designed to harness the power of both the convolution and self-attention mechanisms at each decoding stage with a nominal memory and computational burden. The inclusion of multi-axis self-attention, within each decoder stage, significantly enhances the discriminating capacity between the object and background regions, thereby helping in improving the segmentation efficiency. In the Hybrid Decoder block, the fusion process commences by integrating the upsampled lower-level decoder features, obtained through transpose convolution, with the skip-connection features derived from the hybrid encoder. Subsequently, the fused features undergo refinement through the utilization of a multi-axis attention mechanism. The proposed decoder block is repeated multiple times to progressively segment the nuclei regions. Experimental results on MoNuSeg18 and MoNuSAC20 dataset demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed technique. Our MaxViT-UNet outperformed the previous CNN-based (UNet) and Transformer-based (Swin-UNet) techniques by a considerable margin on both of the standard datasets. The following github ( contains the implementation and trained weights.

Preserve Your Own Correlation: A Noise Prior for Video Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2305.10474v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Songwei Ge, Seungjun Nah, Guilin Liu, Tyler Poon, Andrew Tao, Bryan Catanzaro, David Jacobs, Jia-Bin Huang, Ming-Yu Liu, Yogesh Balaji

Despite tremendous progress in generating high-quality images using diffusion models, synthesizing a sequence of animated frames that are both photorealistic and temporally coherent is still in its infancy. While off-the-shelf billion-scale datasets for image generation are available, collecting similar video data of the same scale is still challenging. Also, training a video diffusion model is computationally much more expensive than its image counterpart. In this work, we explore finetuning a pretrained image diffusion model with video data as a practical solution for the video synthesis task. We find that naively extending the image noise prior to video noise prior in video diffusion leads to sub-optimal performance. Our carefully designed video noise prior leads to substantially better performance. Extensive experimental validation shows that our model, Preserve Your Own Correlation (PYoCo), attains SOTA zero-shot text-to-video results on the UCF-101 and MSR-VTT benchmarks. It also achieves SOTA video generation quality on the small-scale UCF-101 benchmark with a $10\times$ smaller model using significantly less computation than the prior art.

Dynamic Data Augmentation via MCTS for Prostate MRI Segmentation. (arXiv:2305.15777v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyue Xu, Yuhan Hsi, Haonan Wang, Xiaomeng Li

Medical image data are often limited due to the expensive acquisition and annotation process. Hence, training a deep-learning model with only raw data can easily lead to overfitting. One solution to this problem is to augment the raw data with various transformations, improving the model's ability to generalize to new data. However, manually configuring a generic augmentation combination and parameters for different datasets is non-trivial due to inconsistent acquisition approaches and data distributions. Therefore, automatic data augmentation is proposed to learn favorable augmentation strategies for different datasets while incurring large GPU overhead. To this end, we present a novel method, called Dynamic Data Augmentation (DDAug), which is efficient and has negligible computation cost. Our DDAug develops a hierarchical tree structure to represent various augmentations and utilizes an efficient Monte-Carlo tree searching algorithm to update, prune, and sample the tree. As a result, the augmentation pipeline can be optimized for each dataset automatically. Experiments on multiple Prostate MRI datasets show that our method outperforms the current state-of-the-art data augmentation strategies.

Humans in 4D: Reconstructing and Tracking Humans with Transformers. (arXiv:2305.20091v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shubham Goel, Georgios Pavlakos, Jathushan Rajasegaran, Angjoo Kanazawa, Jitendra Malik

We present an approach to reconstruct humans and track them over time. At the core of our approach, we propose a fully "transformerized" version of a network for human mesh recovery. This network, HMR 2.0, advances the state of the art and shows the capability to analyze unusual poses that have in the past been difficult to reconstruct from single images. To analyze video, we use 3D reconstructions from HMR 2.0 as input to a tracking system that operates in 3D. This enables us to deal with multiple people and maintain identities through occlusion events. Our complete approach, 4DHumans, achieves state-of-the-art results for tracking people from monocular video. Furthermore, we demonstrate the effectiveness of HMR 2.0 on the downstream task of action recognition, achieving significant improvements over previous pose-based action recognition approaches. Our code and models are available on the project website:

LRANet: Towards Accurate and Efficient Scene Text Detection with Low-Rank Approximation Network. (arXiv:2306.15142v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuchen Su, Zhineng Chen, Zhiwen Shao, Yuning Du, Zhilong Ji, Jinfeng Bai, Yong Zhou, Yu-Gang Jiang

Recently, regression-based methods, which predict parameterized text shapes for text localization, have gained popularity in scene text detection. However, the existing parameterized text shape methods still have limitations in modeling arbitrary-shaped texts due to ignoring the utilization of text-specific shape information. Moreover, the time consumption of the entire pipeline has been largely overlooked, leading to a suboptimal overall inference speed. To address these issues, we first propose a novel parameterized text shape method based on low-rank approximation. Unlike other shape representation methods that employ data-irrelevant parameterization, our approach utilizes singular value decomposition and reconstructs the text shape using a few eigenvectors learned from labeled text contours. By exploring the shape correlation among different text contours, our method achieves consistency, compactness, simplicity, and robustness in shape representation. Next, we propose a dual assignment scheme for speed acceleration. It adopts a sparse assignment branch to accelerate the inference speed, and meanwhile, provides ample supervised signals for training through a dense assignment branch. Building upon these designs, we implement an accurate and efficient arbitrary-shaped text detector named LRANet. Extensive experiments are conducted on several challenging benchmarks, demonstrating the superior accuracy and efficiency of LRANet compared to state-of-the-art methods. Code will be released soon.

RBSR: Efficient and Flexible Recurrent Network for Burst Super-Resolution. (arXiv:2306.17595v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Renlong Wu, Zhilu Zhang, Shuohao Zhang, Hongzhi Zhang, Wangmeng Zuo

Burst super-resolution (BurstSR) aims at reconstructing a high-resolution (HR) image from a sequence of low-resolution (LR) and noisy images, which is conducive to enhancing the imaging effects of smartphones with limited sensors. The main challenge of BurstSR is to effectively combine the complementary information from input frames, while existing methods still struggle with it. In this paper, we suggest fusing cues frame-by-frame with an efficient and flexible recurrent network. In particular, we emphasize the role of the base-frame and utilize it as a key prompt to guide the knowledge acquisition from other frames in every recurrence. Moreover, we introduce an implicit weighting loss to improve the model's flexibility in facing input frames with variable numbers. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate that our method achieves better results than state-of-the-art ones. Codes and pre-trained models are available at

Training-free Object Counting with Prompts. (arXiv:2307.00038v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zenglin Shi, Ying Sun, Mengmi Zhang

This paper tackles the problem of object counting in images. Existing approaches rely on extensive training data with point annotations for each object, making data collection labor-intensive and time-consuming. To overcome this, we propose a training-free object counter that treats the counting task as a segmentation problem. Our approach leverages the Segment Anything Model (SAM), known for its high-quality masks and zero-shot segmentation capability. However, the vanilla mask generation method of SAM lacks class-specific information in the masks, resulting in inferior counting accuracy. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a prior-guided mask generation method that incorporates three types of priors into the segmentation process, enhancing efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, we tackle the issue of counting objects specified through text by proposing a two-stage approach that combines reference object selection and prior-guided mask generation. Extensive experiments on standard datasets demonstrate the competitive performance of our training-free counter compared to learning-based approaches. This paper presents a promising solution for counting objects in various scenarios without the need for extensive data collection and counting-specific training. Code is available at \url{}

Why Does Little Robustness Help? Understanding and Improving Adversarial Transferability from Surrogate Training. (arXiv:2307.07873v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yechao Zhang, Shengshan Hu, Leo Yu Zhang, Junyu Shi, Minghui Li, Xiaogeng Liu, Wei Wan, Hai Jin

Adversarial examples (AEs) for DNNs have been shown to be transferable: AEs that successfully fool white-box surrogate models can also deceive other black-box models with different architectures. Although a bunch of empirical studies have provided guidance on generating highly transferable AEs, many of these findings lack explanations and even lead to inconsistent advice. In this paper, we take a further step towards understanding adversarial transferability, with a particular focus on surrogate aspects. Starting from the intriguing little robustness phenomenon, where models adversarially trained with mildly perturbed adversarial samples can serve as better surrogates, we attribute it to a trade-off between two predominant factors: model smoothness and gradient similarity. Our investigations focus on their joint effects, rather than their separate correlations with transferability. Through a series of theoretical and empirical analyses, we conjecture that the data distribution shift in adversarial training explains the degradation of gradient similarity. Building on these insights, we explore the impacts of data augmentation and gradient regularization on transferability and identify that the trade-off generally exists in the various training mechanisms, thus building a comprehensive blueprint for the regulation mechanism behind transferability. Finally, we provide a general route for constructing better surrogates to boost transferability which optimizes both model smoothness and gradient similarity simultaneously, e.g., the combination of input gradient regularization and sharpness-aware minimization (SAM), validated by extensive experiments. In summary, we call for attention to the united impacts of these two factors for launching effective transfer attacks, rather than optimizing one while ignoring the other, and emphasize the crucial role of manipulating surrogate models.

ICF-SRSR: Invertible scale-Conditional Function for Self-Supervised Real-world Single Image Super-Resolution. (arXiv:2307.12751v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Reyhaneh Neshatavar, Mohsen Yavartanoo, Sanghyun Son, Kyoung Mu Lee

Single image super-resolution (SISR) is a challenging ill-posed problem that aims to up-sample a given low-resolution (LR) image to a high-resolution (HR) counterpart. Due to the difficulty in obtaining real LR-HR training pairs, recent approaches are trained on simulated LR images degraded by simplified down-sampling operators, e.g., bicubic. Such an approach can be problematic in practice because of the large gap between the synthesized and real-world LR images. To alleviate the issue, we propose a novel Invertible scale-Conditional Function (ICF), which can scale an input image and then restore the original input with different scale conditions. By leveraging the proposed ICF, we construct a novel self-supervised SISR framework (ICF-SRSR) to handle the real-world SR task without using any paired/unpaired training data. Furthermore, our ICF-SRSR can generate realistic and feasible LR-HR pairs, which can make existing supervised SISR networks more robust. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in handling SISR in a fully self-supervised manner. Our ICF-SRSR demonstrates superior performance compared to the existing methods trained on synthetic paired images in real-world scenarios and exhibits comparable performance compared to state-of-the-art supervised/unsupervised methods on public benchmark datasets.

IML-ViT: Benchmarking Image Manipulation Localization by Vision Transformer. (arXiv:2307.14863v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaochen Ma, Bo Du, Zhuohang Jiang, Ahmed Y. Al Hammadi, Jizhe Zhou

Advanced image tampering techniques are increasingly challenging the trustworthiness of multimedia, leading to the development of Image Manipulation Localization (IML). But what makes a good IML model? The answer lies in the way to capture artifacts. Exploiting artifacts requires the model to extract non-semantic discrepancies between manipulated and authentic regions, necessitating explicit comparisons between the two areas. With the self-attention mechanism, naturally, the Transformer should be a better candidate to capture artifacts. However, due to limited datasets, there is currently no pure ViT-based approach for IML to serve as a benchmark, and CNNs dominate the entire task. Nevertheless, CNNs suffer from weak long-range and non-semantic modeling. To bridge this gap, based on the fact that artifacts are sensitive to image resolution, amplified under multi-scale features, and massive at the manipulation border, we formulate the answer to the former question as building a ViT with high-resolution capacity, multi-scale feature extraction capability, and manipulation edge supervision that could converge with a small amount of data. We term this simple but effective ViT paradigm IML-ViT, which has significant potential to become a new benchmark for IML. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets verified our model outperforms the state-of-the-art manipulation localization methods.Code and models are available at \url{}.

PV-SSD: A Projection and Voxel-based Double Branch Single-Stage 3D Object Detector. (arXiv:2308.06791v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongxin Shao, Aihong Tan, Zhetao Sun, Enhui Zheng, Tianhong Yan

LIDAR-based 3D object detection and classification is crucial for autonomous driving. However, inference in real-time from extremely sparse 3D data poses a formidable challenge. To address this issue, a common approach is to project point clouds onto a bird's-eye or perspective view, effectively converting them into an image-like data format. However, this excessive compression of point cloud data often leads to the loss of information. This paper proposes a 3D object detector based on voxel and projection double branch feature extraction (PV-SSD) to address the problem of information loss. We add voxel features input containing rich local semantic information, which is fully fused with the projected features in the feature extraction stage to reduce the local information loss caused by projection. A good performance is achieved compared to the previous work. In addition, this paper makes the following contributions: 1) a voxel feature extraction method with variable receptive fields is proposed; 2) a feature point sampling method by weight sampling is used to filter out the feature points that are more conducive to the detection task; 3) the MSSFA module is proposed based on the SSFA module. To verify the effectiveness of our method, we designed comparison experiments.

SAMedOCT: Adapting Segment Anything Model (SAM) for Retinal OCT. (arXiv:2308.09331v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Botond Fazekas, José Morano, Dmitrii Lachinov, Guilherme Aresta, Hrvoje Bogunović

The Segment Anything Model (SAM) has gained significant attention in the field of image segmentation due to its impressive capabilities and prompt-based interface. While SAM has already been extensively evaluated in various domains, its adaptation to retinal OCT scans remains unexplored. To bridge this research gap, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of SAM and its adaptations on a large-scale public dataset of OCTs from RETOUCH challenge. Our evaluation covers diverse retinal diseases, fluid compartments, and device vendors, comparing SAM against state-of-the-art retinal fluid segmentation methods. Through our analysis, we showcase adapted SAM's efficacy as a powerful segmentation model in retinal OCT scans, although still lagging behind established methods in some circumstances. The findings highlight SAM's adaptability and robustness, showcasing its utility as a valuable tool in retinal OCT image analysis and paving the way for further advancements in this domain.

ThermRad: A Multi-modal Dataset for Robust 3D Object Detection under Challenging Conditions. (arXiv:2308.10161v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qiao Yan, Yihan Wang

Robust 3D object detection in extreme weather and illumination conditions is a challenging task. While radars and thermal cameras are known for their resilience to these conditions, few studies have been conducted on radar-thermal fusion due to the lack of corresponding datasets. To address this gap, we first present a new multi-modal dataset called ThermRad, which includes a 3D LiDAR, a 4D radar, an RGB camera and a thermal camera. This dataset is unique because it includes data from all four sensors in extreme weather conditions, providing a valuable resource for future research in this area. To validate the robustness of 4D radars and thermal cameras for 3D object detection in challenging weather conditions, we propose a new multi-modal fusion method called RTDF-RCNN, which leverages the complementary strengths of 4D radars and thermal cameras to boost object detection performance. To further prove the effectiveness of our proposed framework, we re-implement state-of-the-art (SOTA) 3D detectors on our dataset as benchmarks for evaluation. Our method achieves significant enhancements in detecting cars, pedestrians, and cyclists, with improvements of over 7.98%, 24.27%, and 27.15%, respectively, while achieving comparable results to LiDAR-based approaches. Our contributions in both the ThermRad dataset and the new multi-modal fusion method provide a new approach to robust 3D object detection in adverse weather and illumination conditions. The ThermRad dataset will be released.

MacFormer: Map-Agent Coupled Transformer for Real-time and Robust Trajectory Prediction. (arXiv:2308.10280v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chen Feng, Hangning Zhou, Huadong Lin, Zhigang Zhang, Ziyao Xu, Chi Zhang, Boyu Zhou, Shaojie Shen

Predicting the future behavior of agents is a fundamental task in autonomous vehicle domains. Accurate prediction relies on comprehending the surrounding map, which significantly regularizes agent behaviors. However, existing methods have limitations in exploiting the map and exhibit a strong dependence on historical trajectories, which yield unsatisfactory prediction performance and robustness. Additionally, their heavy network architectures impede real-time applications. To tackle these problems, we propose Map-Agent Coupled Transformer (MacFormer) for real-time and robust trajectory prediction. Our framework explicitly incorporates map constraints into the network via two carefully designed modules named coupled map and reference extractor. A novel multi-task optimization strategy (MTOS) is presented to enhance learning of topology and rule constraints. We also devise bilateral query scheme in context fusion for a more efficient and lightweight network. We evaluated our approach on Argoverse 1, Argoverse 2, and nuScenes real-world benchmarks, where it all achieved state-of-the-art performance with the lowest inference latency and smallest model size. Experiments also demonstrate that our framework is resilient to imperfect tracklet inputs. Furthermore, we show that by combining with our proposed strategies, classical models outperform their baselines, further validating the versatility of our framework.

CamP: Camera Preconditioning for Neural Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2308.10902v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Keunhong Park, Philipp Henzler, Ben Mildenhall, Jonathan T. Barron, Ricardo Martin-Brualla

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) can be optimized to obtain high-fidelity 3D scene reconstructions of objects and large-scale scenes. However, NeRFs require accurate camera parameters as input -- inaccurate camera parameters result in blurry renderings. Extrinsic and intrinsic camera parameters are usually estimated using Structure-from-Motion (SfM) methods as a pre-processing step to NeRF, but these techniques rarely yield perfect estimates. Thus, prior works have proposed jointly optimizing camera parameters alongside a NeRF, but these methods are prone to local minima in challenging settings. In this work, we analyze how different camera parameterizations affect this joint optimization problem, and observe that standard parameterizations exhibit large differences in magnitude with respect to small perturbations, which can lead to an ill-conditioned optimization problem. We propose using a proxy problem to compute a whitening transform that eliminates the correlation between camera parameters and normalizes their effects, and we propose to use this transform as a preconditioner for the camera parameters during joint optimization. Our preconditioned camera optimization significantly improves reconstruction quality on scenes from the Mip-NeRF 360 dataset: we reduce error rates (RMSE) by 67% compared to state-of-the-art NeRF approaches that do not optimize for cameras like Zip-NeRF, and by 29% relative to state-of-the-art joint optimization approaches using the camera parameterization of SCNeRF. Our approach is easy to implement, does not significantly increase runtime, can be applied to a wide variety of camera parameterizations, and can straightforwardly be incorporated into other NeRF-like models.

RemovalNet: DNN Fingerprint Removal Attacks. (arXiv:2308.12319v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongwei Yao, Zheng Li, Kunzhe Huang, Jian Lou, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren

With the performance of deep neural networks (DNNs) remarkably improving, DNNs have been widely used in many areas. Consequently, the DNN model has become a valuable asset, and its intellectual property is safeguarded by ownership verification techniques (e.g., DNN fingerprinting). However, the feasibility of the DNN fingerprint removal attack and its potential influence remains an open problem. In this paper, we perform the first comprehensive investigation of DNN fingerprint removal attacks. Generally, the knowledge contained in a DNN model can be categorized into general semantic and fingerprint-specific knowledge. To this end, we propose a min-max bilevel optimization-based DNN fingerprint removal attack named RemovalNet, to evade model ownership verification. The lower-level optimization is designed to remove fingerprint-specific knowledge. While in the upper-level optimization, we distill the victim model's general semantic knowledge to maintain the surrogate model's performance. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the fidelity, effectiveness, and efficiency of the RemovalNet against four advanced defense methods on six metrics. The empirical results demonstrate that (1) the RemovalNet is effective. After our DNN fingerprint removal attack, the model distance between the target and surrogate models is x100 times higher than that of the baseline attacks, (2) the RemovalNet is efficient. It uses only 0.2% (400 samples) of the substitute dataset and 1,000 iterations to conduct our attack. Besides, compared with advanced model stealing attacks, the RemovalNet saves nearly 85% of computational resources at most, (3) the RemovalNet achieves high fidelity that the created surrogate model maintains high accuracy after the DNN fingerprint removal process. Our code is available at:

LAC: Latent Action Composition for Skeleton-based Action Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.14500v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Di Yang, Yaohui Wang, Antitza Dantcheva, Quan Kong, Lorenzo Garattoni, Gianpiero Francesca, Francois Bremond

Skeleton-based action segmentation requires recognizing composable actions in untrimmed videos. Current approaches decouple this problem by first extracting local visual features from skeleton sequences and then processing them by a temporal model to classify frame-wise actions. However, their performances remain limited as the visual features cannot sufficiently express composable actions. In this context, we propose Latent Action Composition (LAC), a novel self-supervised framework aiming at learning from synthesized composable motions for skeleton-based action segmentation. LAC is composed of a novel generation module towards synthesizing new sequences. Specifically, we design a linear latent space in the generator to represent primitive motion. New composed motions can be synthesized by simply performing arithmetic operations on latent representations of multiple input skeleton sequences. LAC leverages such synthesized sequences, which have large diversity and complexity, for learning visual representations of skeletons in both sequence and frame spaces via contrastive learning. The resulting visual encoder has a high expressive power and can be effectively transferred onto action segmentation tasks by end-to-end fine-tuning without the need for additional temporal models. We conduct a study focusing on transfer-learning and we show that representations learned from pre-trained LAC outperform the state-of-the-art by a large margin on TSU, Charades, PKU-MMD datasets.

SAM-PARSER: Fine-tuning SAM Efficiently by Parameter Space Reconstruction. (arXiv:2308.14604v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zelin Peng, Zhengqin Xu, Zhilin Zeng, Xiaokang Yang, Wei Shen

Segment Anything Model (SAM) has received remarkable attention as it offers a powerful and versatile solution for object segmentation in images. However, fine-tuning SAM for downstream segmentation tasks under different scenarios remains a challenge, as the varied characteristics of different scenarios naturally requires diverse model parameter spaces. Most existing fine-tuning methods attempt to bridge the gaps among different scenarios by introducing a set of new parameters to modify SAM's original parameter space. Unlike these works, in this paper, we propose fine-tuning SAM efficiently by parameter space reconstruction (SAM-PARSER), which introduce nearly zero trainable parameters during fine-tuning. In SAM-PARSER, we assume that SAM's original parameter space is relatively complete, so that its bases are able to reconstruct the parameter space of a new scenario. We obtain the bases by matrix decomposition, and fine-tuning the coefficients to reconstruct the parameter space tailored to the new scenario by an optimal linear combination of the bases. Experimental results show that SAM-PARSER exhibits superior segmentation performance across various scenarios, while reducing the number of trainable parameters by $\approx 290$ times compared with current parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods.

CongNaMul: A Dataset for Advanced Image Processing of Soybean Sprouts. (arXiv:2308.15690v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Byunghyun Ban, Donghun Ryu, Su-won Hwang

We present 'CongNaMul', a comprehensive dataset designed for various tasks in soybean sprouts image analysis. The CongNaMul dataset is curated to facilitate tasks such as image classification, semantic segmentation, decomposition, and measurement of length and weight. The classification task provides four classes to determine the quality of soybean sprouts: normal, broken, spotted, and broken and spotted, for the development of AI-aided automatic quality inspection technology. For semantic segmentation, images with varying complexity, from single sprout images to images with multiple sprouts, along with human-labelled mask images, are included. The label has 4 different classes: background, head, body, tail. The dataset also provides images and masks for the image decomposition task, including two separate sprout images and their combined form. Lastly, 5 physical features of sprouts (head length, body length, body thickness, tail length, weight) are provided for image-based measurement tasks. This dataset is expected to be a valuable resource for a wide range of research and applications in the advanced analysis of images of soybean sprouts. Also, we hope that this dataset can assist researchers studying classification, semantic segmentation, decomposition, and physical feature measurement in other industrial fields, in evaluating their models. The dataset is available at the authors' repository. (

Neural Video Compression with Temporal Layer-Adaptive Hierarchical B-frame Coding. (arXiv:2308.15791v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yeongwoong Kim, Suyong Bahk, Seungeon Kim, Won Hee Lee, Dokwan Oh, Hui Yong Kim

Neural video compression (NVC) is a rapidly evolving video coding research area, with some models achieving superior coding efficiency compared to the latest video coding standard Versatile Video Coding (VVC). In conventional video coding standards, the hierarchical B-frame coding, which utilizes a bidirectional prediction structure for higher compression, had been well-studied and exploited. In NVC, however, limited research has investigated the hierarchical B scheme. In this paper, we propose an NVC model exploiting hierarchical B-frame coding with temporal layer-adaptive optimization. We first extend an existing unidirectional NVC model to a bidirectional model, which achieves -21.13% BD-rate gain over the unidirectional baseline model. However, this model faces challenges when applied to sequences with complex or large motions, leading to performance degradation. To address this, we introduce temporal layer-adaptive optimization, incorporating methods such as temporal layer-adaptive quality scaling (TAQS) and temporal layer-adaptive latent scaling (TALS). The final model with the proposed methods achieves an impressive BD-rate gain of -39.86% against the baseline. It also resolves the challenges in sequences with large or complex motions with up to -49.13% more BD-rate gains than the simple bidirectional extension. This improvement is attributed to the allocation of more bits to lower temporal layers, thereby enhancing overall reconstruction quality with smaller bits. Since our method has little dependency on a specific NVC model architecture, it can serve as a general tool for extending unidirectional NVC models to the ones with hierarchical B-frame coding.

Improving Underwater Visual Tracking With a Large Scale Dataset and Image Enhancement. (arXiv:2308.15816v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Basit Alawode, Fayaz Ali Dharejo, Mehnaz Ummar, Yuhang Guo, Arif Mahmood, Naoufel Werghi, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Jiri Matas, Sajid Javed

This paper presents a new dataset and general tracker enhancement method for Underwater Visual Object Tracking (UVOT). Despite its significance, underwater tracking has remained unexplored due to data inaccessibility. It poses distinct challenges; the underwater environment exhibits non-uniform lighting conditions, low visibility, lack of sharpness, low contrast, camouflage, and reflections from suspended particles. Performance of traditional tracking methods designed primarily for terrestrial or open-air scenarios drops in such conditions. We address the problem by proposing a novel underwater image enhancement algorithm designed specifically to boost tracking quality. The method has resulted in a significant performance improvement, of up to 5.0% AUC, of state-of-the-art (SOTA) visual trackers. To develop robust and accurate UVOT methods, large-scale datasets are required. To this end, we introduce a large-scale UVOT benchmark dataset consisting of 400 video segments and 275,000 manually annotated frames enabling underwater training and evaluation of deep trackers. The videos are labelled with several underwater-specific tracking attributes including watercolor variation, target distractors, camouflage, target relative size, and low visibility conditions. The UVOT400 dataset, tracking results, and the code are publicly available on:

RoboTAP: Tracking Arbitrary Points for Few-Shot Visual Imitation. (arXiv:2308.15975v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Mel Vecerik, Carl Doersch, Yi Yang, Todor Davchev, Yusuf Aytar, Guangyao Zhou, Raia Hadsell, Lourdes Agapito, Jon Scholz

For robots to be useful outside labs and specialized factories we need a way to teach them new useful behaviors quickly. Current approaches lack either the generality to onboard new tasks without task-specific engineering, or else lack the data-efficiency to do so in an amount of time that enables practical use. In this work we explore dense tracking as a representational vehicle to allow faster and more general learning from demonstration. Our approach utilizes Track-Any-Point (TAP) models to isolate the relevant motion in a demonstration, and parameterize a low-level controller to reproduce this motion across changes in the scene configuration. We show this results in robust robot policies that can solve complex object-arrangement tasks such as shape-matching, stacking, and even full path-following tasks such as applying glue and sticking objects together, all from demonstrations that can be collected in minutes.

MedShapeNet -- A Large-Scale Dataset of 3D Medical Shapes for Computer Vision. (arXiv:2308.16139v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Gijs Luijten, Yuan Jin, Narmada Ambigapathy, Enrico Nasca, Naida Solak, Gian Marco Melito, Afaque R. Memon, Xiaojun Chen, Jan Stefan Kirschke, Ezequiel de la Rosa, Patrich Ferndinand Christ, Hongwei Bran Li, David G. Ellis, Michele R. Aizenberg, Sergios Gatidis, Thomas Kuestner, Nadya Shusharina, Nicholas Heller, Vincent Andrearczyk, Adrien Depeursinge, Mathieu Hatt, Anjany Sekuboyina, Maximilian Loeffler, Hans Liebl, Reuben Dorent, Tom Vercauteren, Jonathan Shapey, Aaron Kujawa, Stefan Cornelissen, Patrick Langenhuizen, Achraf Ben-Hamadou, Ahmed Rekik, Sergi Pujades, Edmond Boyer, Federico Bolelli, Costantino Grana, Luca Lumetti, Hamidreza Salehi, Jun Ma, Yao Zhang, Ramtin Gharleghi, Susann Beier, Arcot Sowmya, Eduardo A. Garza-Villarreal, Thania Balducci, et al. (68 additional authors not shown)

We present MedShapeNet, a large collection of anatomical shapes (e.g., bones, organs, vessels) and 3D surgical instrument models. Prior to the deep learning era, the broad application of statistical shape models (SSMs) in medical image analysis is evidence that shapes have been commonly used to describe medical data. Nowadays, however, state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning algorithms in medical imaging are predominantly voxel-based. In computer vision, on the contrary, shapes (including, voxel occupancy grids, meshes, point clouds and implicit surface models) are preferred data representations in 3D, as seen from the numerous shape-related publications in premier vision conferences, such as the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), as well as the increasing popularity of ShapeNet (about 51,300 models) and Princeton ModelNet (127,915 models) in computer vision research. MedShapeNet is created as an alternative to these commonly used shape benchmarks to facilitate the translation of data-driven vision algorithms to medical applications, and it extends the opportunities to adapt SOTA vision algorithms to solve critical medical problems. Besides, the majority of the medical shapes in MedShapeNet are modeled directly on the imaging data of real patients, and therefore it complements well existing shape benchmarks comprising of computer-aided design (CAD) models. MedShapeNet currently includes more than 100,000 medical shapes, and provides annotations in the form of paired data. It is therefore also a freely available repository of 3D models for extended reality (virtual reality - VR, augmented reality - AR, mixed reality - MR) and medical 3D printing. This white paper describes in detail the motivations behind MedShapeNet, the shape acquisition procedures, the use cases, as well as the usage of the online shape search portal:

CircleFormer: Circular Nuclei Detection in Whole Slide Images with Circle Queries and Attention. (arXiv:2308.16145v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hengxu Zhang, Pengpeng Liang, Zhiyong Sun, Bo Song, Erkang Cheng

Both CNN-based and Transformer-based object detection with bounding box representation have been extensively studied in computer vision and medical image analysis, but circular object detection in medical images is still underexplored. Inspired by the recent anchor free CNN-based circular object detection method (CircleNet) for ball-shape glomeruli detection in renal pathology, in this paper, we present CircleFormer, a Transformer-based circular medical object detection with dynamic anchor circles. Specifically, queries with circle representation in Transformer decoder iteratively refine the circular object detection results, and a circle cross attention module is introduced to compute the similarity between circular queries and image features. A generalized circle IoU (gCIoU) is proposed to serve as a new regression loss of circular object detection as well. Moreover, our approach is easy to generalize to the segmentation task by adding a simple segmentation branch to CircleFormer. We evaluate our method in circular nuclei detection and segmentation on the public MoNuSeg dataset, and the experimental results show that our method achieves promising performance compared with the state-of-the-art approaches. The effectiveness of each component is validated via ablation studies as well. Our code is released at

MMVP: Motion-Matrix-based Video Prediction. (arXiv:2308.16154v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yiqi Zhong, Luming Liang, Ilya Zharkov, Ulrich Neumann

A central challenge of video prediction lies where the system has to reason the objects' future motions from image frames while simultaneously maintaining the consistency of their appearances across frames. This work introduces an end-to-end trainable two-stream video prediction framework, Motion-Matrix-based Video Prediction (MMVP), to tackle this challenge. Unlike previous methods that usually handle motion prediction and appearance maintenance within the same set of modules, MMVP decouples motion and appearance information by constructing appearance-agnostic motion matrices. The motion matrices represent the temporal similarity of each and every pair of feature patches in the input frames, and are the sole input of the motion prediction module in MMVP. This design improves video prediction in both accuracy and efficiency, and reduces the model size. Results of extensive experiments demonstrate that MMVP outperforms state-of-the-art systems on public data sets by non-negligible large margins (about 1 db in PSNR, UCF Sports) in significantly smaller model sizes (84% the size or smaller).