Leveraging Generative AI: Improving Software Metadata Classification with Generated Code-Comment Pairs. (arXiv:2311.03365v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Samah Syed, Angel Deborah S

In software development, code comments play a crucial role in enhancing code comprehension and collaboration. This research paper addresses the challenge of objectively classifying code comments as "Useful" or "Not Useful." We propose a novel solution that harnesses contextualized embeddings, particularly BERT, to automate this classification process. We address this task by incorporating generated code and comment pairs. The initial dataset comprised 9048 pairs of code and comments written in C, labeled as either Useful or Not Useful. To augment this dataset, we sourced an additional 739 lines of code-comment pairs and generated labels using a Large Language Model Architecture, specifically BERT. The primary objective was to build classification models that can effectively differentiate between useful and not useful code comments. Various machine learning algorithms were employed, including Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN), Support Vector Machine (SVM), Gradient Boosting, Random Forest, and a Neural Network. Each algorithm was evaluated using precision, recall, and F1-score metrics, both with the original seed dataset and the augmented dataset. This study showcases the potential of generative AI for enhancing binary code comment quality classification models, providing valuable insights for software developers and researchers in the field of natural language processing and software engineering.

Text Augmentations with R-drop for Classification of Tweets Self Reporting Covid-19. (arXiv:2311.03420v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sumam Francis, Marie-Francine Moens

This paper presents models created for the Social Media Mining for Health 2023 shared task. Our team addressed the first task, classifying tweets that self-report Covid-19 diagnosis. Our approach involves a classification model that incorporates diverse textual augmentations and utilizes R-drop to augment data and mitigate overfitting, boosting model efficacy. Our leading model, enhanced with R-drop and augmentations like synonym substitution, reserved words, and back translations, outperforms the task mean and median scores. Our system achieves an impressive F1 score of 0.877 on the test set.

In-Context Exemplars as Clues to Retrieving from Large Associative Memory. (arXiv:2311.03498v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jiachen Zhao

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have made remarkable progress in natural language processing. The most representative ability of LLMs is in-context learning (ICL), which enables LLMs to learn patterns from in-context exemplars without training. The performance of ICL greatly depends on the exemplars used. However, how to choose exemplars remains unclear due to the lack of understanding of how in-context learning works. In this paper, we present a novel perspective on ICL by conceptualizing it as contextual retrieval from a model of associative memory. We establish a theoretical framework of ICL based on Hopfield Networks. Based on our framework, we look into how in-context exemplars influence the performance of ICL and propose more efficient active exemplar selection. Our study sheds new light on the mechanism of ICL by connecting it to memory retrieval, with potential implications for advancing the understanding of LLMs.

Spoken Dialogue System for Medical Prescription Acquisition on Smartphone: Development, Corpus and Evaluation. (arXiv:2311.03510v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ali Can Kocabiyikoglu, François Portet, Jean-Marc Babouchkine, Prudence Gibert, Hervé Blanchon, Gaëtan Gavazzi

Hospital information systems (HIS) have become an essential part of healthcare institutions and now incorporate prescribing support software. Prescription support software allows for structured information capture, which improves the safety, appropriateness and efficiency of prescriptions and reduces the number of adverse drug events (ADEs). However, such a system increases the amount of time physicians spend at a computer entering information instead of providing medical care. In addition, any new visiting clinician must learn to manage complex interfaces since each HIS has its own interfaces. In this paper, we present a natural language interface for e-prescribing software in the form of a spoken dialogue system accessible on a smartphone. This system allows prescribers to record their prescriptions verbally, a form of interaction closer to their usual practice. The system extracts the formal representation of the prescription ready to be checked by the prescribing software and uses the dialogue to request mandatory information, correct errors or warn of particular situations. Since, to the best of our knowledge, there is no existing voice-based prescription dialogue system, we present the system developed in a low-resource environment, focusing on dialogue modeling, semantic extraction and data augmentation. The system was evaluated in the wild with 55 participants. This evaluation showed that our system has an average prescription time of 66.15 seconds for physicians and 35.64 seconds for other experts, and a task success rate of 76\% for physicians and 72\% for other experts. All evaluation data were recorded and annotated to form PxCorpus, the first spoken drug prescription corpus that has been made fully available to the community (\url{https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6524162}).

Quantifying Uncertainty in Natural Language Explanations of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.03533v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sree Harsha Tanneru, Chirag Agarwal, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly used as powerful tools for several high-stakes natural language processing (NLP) applications. Recent prompting works claim to elicit intermediate reasoning steps and key tokens that serve as proxy explanations for LLM predictions. However, there is no certainty whether these explanations are reliable and reflect the LLMs behavior. In this work, we make one of the first attempts at quantifying the uncertainty in explanations of LLMs. To this end, we propose two novel metrics -- $\textit{Verbalized Uncertainty}$ and $\textit{Probing Uncertainty}$ -- to quantify the uncertainty of generated explanations. While verbalized uncertainty involves prompting the LLM to express its confidence in its explanations, probing uncertainty leverages sample and model perturbations as a means to quantify the uncertainty. Our empirical analysis of benchmark datasets reveals that verbalized uncertainty is not a reliable estimate of explanation confidence. Further, we show that the probing uncertainty estimates are correlated with the faithfulness of an explanation, with lower uncertainty corresponding to explanations with higher faithfulness. Our study provides insights into the challenges and opportunities of quantifying uncertainty in LLM explanations, contributing to the broader discussion of the trustworthiness of foundation models.

Context Unlocks Emotions: Text-based Emotion Classification Dataset Auditing with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.03551v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Daniel Yang, Aditya Kommineni, Mohammad Alshehri, Nilamadhab Mohanty, Vedant Modi, Jonathan Gratch, Shrikanth Narayanan

The lack of contextual information in text data can make the annotation process of text-based emotion classification datasets challenging. As a result, such datasets often contain labels that fail to consider all the relevant emotions in the vocabulary. This misalignment between text inputs and labels can degrade the performance of machine learning models trained on top of them. As re-annotating entire datasets is a costly and time-consuming task that cannot be done at scale, we propose to use the expressive capabilities of large language models to synthesize additional context for input text to increase its alignment with the annotated emotional labels. In this work, we propose a formal definition of textual context to motivate a prompting strategy to enhance such contextual information. We provide both human and empirical evaluation to demonstrate the efficacy of the enhanced context. Our method improves alignment between inputs and their human-annotated labels from both an empirical and human-evaluated standpoint.

Measuring Adversarial Datasets. (arXiv:2311.03566v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yuanchen Bai, Raoyi Huang, Vijay Viswanathan, Tzu-Sheng Kuo, Tongshuang Wu

In the era of widespread public use of AI systems across various domains, ensuring adversarial robustness has become increasingly vital to maintain safety and prevent undesirable errors. Researchers have curated various adversarial datasets (through perturbations) for capturing model deficiencies that cannot be revealed in standard benchmark datasets. However, little is known about how these adversarial examples differ from the original data points, and there is still no methodology to measure the intended and unintended consequences of those adversarial transformations. In this research, we conducted a systematic survey of existing quantifiable metrics that describe text instances in NLP tasks, among dimensions of difficulty, diversity, and disagreement. We selected several current adversarial effect datasets and compared the distributions between the original and their adversarial counterparts. The results provide valuable insights into what makes these datasets more challenging from a metrics perspective and whether they align with underlying assumptions.

Dimensions of Online Conflict: Towards Modeling Agonism. (arXiv:2311.03584v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Matt Canute, Mali Jin, hannah holtzclaw, Alberto Lusoli, Philippa R Adams, Mugdha Pandya, Maite Taboada, Diana Maynard, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun

Agonism plays a vital role in democratic dialogue by fostering diverse perspectives and robust discussions. Within the realm of online conflict there is another type: hateful antagonism, which undermines constructive dialogue. Detecting conflict online is central to platform moderation and monetization. It is also vital for democratic dialogue, but only when it takes the form of agonism. To model these two types of conflict, we collected Twitter conversations related to trending controversial topics. We introduce a comprehensive annotation schema for labelling different dimensions of conflict in the conversations, such as the source of conflict, the target, and the rhetorical strategies deployed. Using this schema, we annotated approximately 4,000 conversations with multiple labels. We then trained both logistic regression and transformer-based models on the dataset, incorporating context from the conversation, including the number of participants and the structure of the interactions. Results show that contextual labels are helpful in identifying conflict and make the models robust to variations in topic. Our research contributes a conceptualization of different dimensions of conflict, a richly annotated dataset, and promising results that can contribute to content moderation.

STONYBOOK: A System and Resource for Large-Scale Analysis of Novels. (arXiv:2311.03614v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Charuta Pethe, Allen Kim, Rajesh Prabhakar, Tanzir Pial, Steven Skiena

Books have historically been the primary mechanism through which narratives are transmitted. We have developed a collection of resources for the large-scale analysis of novels, including: (1) an open source end-to-end NLP analysis pipeline for the annotation of novels into a standard XML format, (2) a collection of 49,207 distinct cleaned and annotated novels, and (3) a database with an associated web interface for the large-scale aggregate analysis of these literary works. We describe the major functionalities provided in the annotation system along with their utilities. We present samples of analysis artifacts from our website, such as visualizations of character occurrences and interactions, similar books, representative vocabulary, part of speech statistics, and readability metrics. We also describe the use of the annotated format in qualitative and quantitative analysis across large corpora of novels.

GNAT: A General Narrative Alignment Tool. (arXiv:2311.03627v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tanzir Pial, Steven Skiena

Algorithmic sequence alignment identifies similar segments shared between pairs of documents, and is fundamental to many NLP tasks. But it is difficult to recognize similarities between distant versions of narratives such as translations and retellings, particularly for summaries and abridgements which are much shorter than the original novels.

We develop a general approach to narrative alignment coupling the Smith-Waterman algorithm from bioinformatics with modern text similarity metrics. We show that the background of alignment scores fits a Gumbel distribution, enabling us to define rigorous p-values on the significance of any alignment. We apply and evaluate our general narrative alignment tool (GNAT) on four distinct problem domains differing greatly in both the relative and absolute length of documents, namely summary-to-book alignment, translated book alignment, short story alignment, and plagiarism detection -- demonstrating the power and performance of our methods.

Innovation and Word Usage Patterns in Machine Learning. (arXiv:2311.03633v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Vítor Bandeira Borges, Daniel Oliveira Cajueiro

In this study, we delve into the dynamic landscape of machine learning research evolution. Initially, through the utilization of Latent Dirichlet Allocation, we discern pivotal themes and fundamental concepts that have emerged within the realm of machine learning. Subsequently, we undertake a comprehensive analysis to track the evolutionary trajectories of these identified themes. To quantify the novelty and divergence of research contributions, we employ the Kullback-Leibler Divergence metric. This statistical measure serves as a proxy for ``surprise'', indicating the extent of differentiation between the content of academic papers and the subsequent developments in research. By amalgamating these insights, we gain the ability to ascertain the pivotal roles played by prominent researchers and the significance of specific academic venues (periodicals and conferences) within the machine learning domain.

The Linear Representation Hypothesis and the Geometry of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.03658v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kiho Park, Yo Joong Choe, Victor Veitch

Informally, the 'linear representation hypothesis' is the idea that high-level concepts are represented linearly as directions in some representation space. In this paper, we address two closely related questions: What does "linear representation" actually mean? And, how do we make sense of geometric notions (e.g., cosine similarity or projection) in the representation space? To answer these, we use the language of counterfactuals to give two formalizations of "linear representation", one in the output (word) representation space, and one in the input (sentence) space. We then prove these connect to linear probing and model steering, respectively. To make sense of geometric notions, we use the formalization to identify a particular (non-Euclidean) inner product that respects language structure in a sense we make precise. Using this causal inner product, we show how to unify all notions of linear representation. In particular, this allows the construction of probes and steering vectors using counterfactual pairs. Experiments with LLaMA-2 demonstrate the existence of linear representations of concepts, the connection to interpretation and control, and the fundamental role of the choice of inner product.

Generalization of NLP Models: Notion and Causation. (arXiv:2311.03663v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Aparna Elangovan, Jiayuan He, Yuan Li, Karin Verspoor

The NLP community typically relies on performance of a model on a held-out test set to assess generalization. Performance drops observed in datasets outside of official test sets are generally attributed to "out-of-distribution'' effects. Here, we explore the foundations of generalizability and study the various factors that affect it, articulating generalizability lessons from clinical studies. In clinical research generalizability depends on (a) internal validity of experiments to ensure controlled measurement of cause and effect, and (b) external validity or transportability of the results to the wider population. We present the need to ensure internal validity when building machine learning models in natural language processing, especially where results may be impacted by spurious correlations in the data. We demonstrate how spurious factors, such as the distance between entities in relation extraction tasks, can affect model internal validity and in turn adversely impact generalization. We also offer guidance on how to analyze generalization failures.

CBSiMT: Mitigating Hallucination in Simultaneous Machine Translation with Weighted Prefix-to-Prefix Training. (arXiv:2311.03672v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mengge Liu, Wen Zhang, Xiang Li, Yanzhi Tian, Yuhang Guo, Jian Luan, Bin Wang, Shuoying Chen

Simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) is a challenging task that requires starting translation before the full source sentence is available. Prefix-to-prefix framework is often applied to SiMT, which learns to predict target tokens using only a partial source prefix. However, due to the word order difference between languages, misaligned prefix pairs would make SiMT models suffer from serious hallucination problems, i.e. target outputs that are unfaithful to source inputs. Such problems can not only produce target tokens that are not supported by the source prefix, but also hinder generating the correct translation by receiving more source words. In this work, we propose a Confidence-Based Simultaneous Machine Translation (CBSiMT) framework, which uses model confidence to perceive hallucination tokens and mitigates their negative impact with weighted prefix-to-prefix training. Specifically, token-level and sentence-level weights are calculated based on model confidence and acted on the loss function. We explicitly quantify the faithfulness of the generated target tokens using the token-level weight, and employ the sentence-level weight to alleviate the disturbance of sentence pairs with serious word order differences on the model. Experimental results on MuST-C English-to-Chinese and WMT15 German-to-English SiMT tasks demonstrate that our method can consistently improve translation quality at most latency regimes, with up to 2 BLEU scores improvement at low latency.

Dissecting the Runtime Performance of the Training, Fine-tuning, and Inference of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.03687v1 [cs.PF])

Authors: Longteng Zhang, Xiang Liu, Zeyu Li, Xinglin Pan, Peijie Dong, Ruibo Fan, Rui Guo, Xin Wang, Qiong Luo, Shaohuai Shi, Xiaowen Chu

Large Language Models (LLMs) have seen great advance in both academia and industry, and their popularity results in numerous open-source frameworks and techniques in accelerating LLM pre-training, fine-tuning, and inference. Training and deploying LLMs are expensive as it requires considerable computing resources and memory, hence many efficient approaches have been developed for improving system pipelines as well as operators. However, the runtime performance can vary significantly across hardware and software stacks, which makes it difficult to choose the best configuration. In this work, we aim to benchmark the performance from both macro and micro perspectives. First, we benchmark the end-to-end performance of pre-training, fine-tuning, and serving LLMs in different sizes , i.e., 7, 13, and 70 billion parameters (7B, 13B, and 70B) on three 8-GPU platforms with and without individual optimization techniques, including ZeRO, quantization, recomputation, FlashAttention. Then, we dive deeper to provide a detailed runtime analysis of the sub-modules, including computing and communication operators in LLMs. For end users, our benchmark and findings help better understand different optimization techniques, training and inference frameworks, together with hardware platforms in choosing configurations for deploying LLMs. For researchers, our in-depth module-wise analyses discover potential opportunities for future work to further optimize the runtime performance of LLMs.

Bilingual Corpus Mining and Multistage Fine-Tuning for Improving Machine Translation of Lecture Transcripts. (arXiv:2311.03696v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Haiyue Song, Raj Dabre, Chenhui Chu, Atsushi Fujita, Sadao Kurohashi

Lecture transcript translation helps learners understand online courses, however, building a high-quality lecture machine translation system lacks publicly available parallel corpora. To address this, we examine a framework for parallel corpus mining, which provides a quick and effective way to mine a parallel corpus from publicly available lectures on Coursera. To create the parallel corpora, we propose a dynamic programming based sentence alignment algorithm which leverages the cosine similarity of machine-translated sentences. The sentence alignment F1 score reaches 96%, which is higher than using the BERTScore, LASER, or sentBERT methods. For both English--Japanese and English--Chinese lecture translations, we extracted parallel corpora of approximately 50,000 lines and created development and test sets through manual filtering for benchmarking translation performance. Through machine translation experiments, we show that the mined corpora enhance the quality of lecture transcript translation when used in conjunction with out-of-domain parallel corpora via multistage fine-tuning. Furthermore, this study also suggests guidelines for gathering and cleaning corpora, mining parallel sentences, cleaning noise in the mined data, and creating high-quality evaluation splits. For the sake of reproducibility, we have released the corpora as well as the code to create them. The dataset is available at https://github.com/shyyhs/CourseraParallelCorpusMining.

LLM as an Art Director (LaDi): Using LLMs to improve Text-to-Media Generators. (arXiv:2311.03716v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Allen Roush, Emil Zakirov, Artemiy Shirokov, Polina Lunina, Jack Gane, Alexander Duffy, Charlie Basil, Aber Whitcomb, Jim Benedetto, Chris DeWolfe

Recent advancements in text-to-image generation have revolutionized numerous fields, including art and cinema, by automating the generation of high-quality, context-aware images and video. However, the utility of these technologies is often limited by the inadequacy of text prompts in guiding the generator to produce artistically coherent and subject-relevant images. In this paper, We describe the techniques that can be used to make Large Language Models (LLMs) act as Art Directors that enhance image and video generation. We describe our unified system for this called "LaDi". We explore how LaDi integrates multiple techniques for augmenting the capabilities of text-to-image generators (T2Is) and text-to-video generators (T2Vs), with a focus on constrained decoding, intelligent prompting, fine-tuning, and retrieval. LaDi and these techniques are being used today in apps and platforms developed by Plai Labs.

A Survey of Large Language Models Attribution. (arXiv:2311.03731v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Dongfang Li, Zetian Sun, Xinshuo Hu, Zhenyu Liu, Ziyang Chen, Baotian Hu, Aiguo Wu, Min Zhang

Open-domain generative systems have gained significant attention in the field of conversational AI (e.g., generative search engines). This paper presents a comprehensive review of the attribution mechanisms employed by these systems, particularly large language models. Though attribution or citation improve the factuality and verifiability, issues like ambiguous knowledge reservoirs, inherent biases, and the drawbacks of excessive attribution can hinder the effectiveness of these systems. The aim of this survey is to provide valuable insights for researchers, aiding in the refinement of attribution methodologies to enhance the reliability and veracity of responses generated by open-domain generative systems. We believe that this field is still in its early stages; hence, we maintain a repository to keep track of ongoing studies at https://github.com/HITsz-TMG/awesome-llm-attributions.

Learning to Learn for Few-shot Continual Active Learning. (arXiv:2311.03732v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Stella Ho, Ming Liu, Shang Gao, Longxiang Gao

Continual learning strives to ensure stability in solving previously seen tasks while demonstrating plasticity in a novel domain. Recent advances in CL are mostly confined to a supervised learning setting, especially in NLP domain. In this work, we consider a few-shot continual active learning (CAL) setting where labeled data is inadequate, and unlabeled data is abundant but with a limited annotation budget. We propose a simple but efficient method, called Meta-Continual Active Learning. Specifically, we employ meta-learning and experience replay to address the trade-off between stability and plasticity. As a result, it finds an optimal initialization that efficiently utilizes annotated information for fast adaptation while preventing catastrophic forgetting of past tasks. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of the proposed method and analyze the effect of various active learning strategies and memory sample selection methods in a few-shot CAL setup. Our experiment results demonstrate that random sampling is the best default strategy for both active learning and memory sample selection to solve few-shot CAL problems.

Leveraging Structured Information for Explainable Multi-hop Question Answering and Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.03734v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruosen Li, Xinya Du

Neural models, including large language models (LLMs), achieve superior performance on multi-hop question-answering. To elicit reasoning capabilities from LLMs, recent works propose using the chain-of-thought (CoT) mechanism to generate both the reasoning chain and the answer, which enhances the model's capabilities in conducting multi-hop reasoning. However, several challenges still remain: such as struggling with inaccurate reasoning, hallucinations, and lack of interpretability. On the other hand, information extraction (IE) identifies entities, relations, and events grounded to the text. The extracted structured information can be easily interpreted by humans and machines (Grishman, 2019). In this work, we investigate constructing and leveraging extracted semantic structures (graphs) for multi-hop question answering, especially the reasoning process. Empirical results and human evaluations show that our framework: generates more faithful reasoning chains and substantially improves the QA performance on two benchmark datasets. Moreover, the extracted structures themselves naturally provide grounded explanations that are preferred by humans, as compared to the generated reasoning chains and saliency-based explanations.

Unified Low-Resource Sequence Labeling by Sample-Aware Dynamic Sparse Finetuning. (arXiv:2311.03748v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sarkar Snigdha Sarathi Das, Ranran Haoran Zhang, Peng Shi, Wenpeng Yin, Rui Zhang

Unified Sequence Labeling that articulates different sequence labeling problems such as Named Entity Recognition, Relation Extraction, Semantic Role Labeling, etc. in a generalized sequence-to-sequence format opens up the opportunity to make the maximum utilization of large language model knowledge toward structured prediction. Unfortunately, this requires formatting them into specialized augmented format unknown to the base pretrained language model (PLMs) necessitating finetuning to the target format. This significantly bounds its usefulness in data-limited settings where finetuning large models cannot properly generalize to the target format. To address this challenge and leverage PLM knowledge effectively, we propose FISH-DIP, a sample-aware dynamic sparse finetuning strategy that selectively focuses on a fraction of parameters, informed by feedback from highly regressing examples, during the fine-tuning process. By leveraging the dynamism of sparsity, our approach mitigates the impact of well-learned samples and prioritizes underperforming instances for improvement in generalization. Across five tasks of sequence labeling, we demonstrate that FISH-DIP can smoothly optimize the model in low resource settings offering upto 40% performance improvements over full fine-tuning depending on target evaluation settings. Also, compared to in-context learning and other parameter-efficient fine-tuning approaches, FISH-DIP performs comparably or better, notably in extreme low-resource settings.

COOL: A Constraint Object-Oriented Logic Programming Language and its Neural-Symbolic Compilation System. (arXiv:2311.03753v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jipeng Han

This paper explores the integration of neural networks with logic programming, addressing the longstanding challenges of combining the generalization and learning capabilities of neural networks with the precision of symbolic logic. Traditional attempts at this integration have been hampered by difficulties in initial data acquisition, the reliability of undertrained networks, and the complexity of reusing and augmenting trained models. To overcome these issues, we introduce the COOL (Constraint Object-Oriented Logic) programming language, an innovative approach that seamlessly combines logical reasoning with neural network technologies. COOL is engineered to autonomously handle data collection, mitigating the need for user-supplied initial data. It incorporates user prompts into the coding process to reduce the risks of undertraining and enhances the interaction among models throughout their lifecycle to promote the reuse and augmentation of networks. Furthermore, the foundational principles and algorithms in COOL's design and its compilation system could provide valuable insights for future developments in programming languages and neural network architectures.

Which is better? Exploring Prompting Strategy For LLM-based Metrics. (arXiv:2311.03754v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Joonghoon Kim, Saeran Park, Kiyoon Jeong, Sangmin Lee, Seung Hun Han, Jiyoon Lee, Pilsung Kang

This paper describes the DSBA submissions to the Prompting Large Language Models as Explainable Metrics shared task, where systems were submitted to two tracks: small and large summarization tracks. With advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT-4, evaluating the quality of Natural Language Generation (NLG) has become increasingly paramount. Traditional similarity-based metrics such as BLEU and ROUGE have shown to misalign with human evaluation and are ill-suited for open-ended generation tasks. To address this issue, we explore the potential capability of LLM-based metrics, especially leveraging open-source LLMs. In this study, wide range of prompts and prompting techniques are systematically analyzed with three approaches: prompting strategy, score aggregation, and explainability. Our research focuses on formulating effective prompt templates, determining the granularity of NLG quality scores and assessing the impact of in-context examples on LLM-based evaluation. Furthermore, three aggregation strategies are compared to identify the most reliable method for aggregating NLG quality scores. To examine explainability, we devise a strategy that generates rationales for the scores and analyzes the characteristics of the explanation produced by the open-source LLMs. Extensive experiments provide insights regarding evaluation capabilities of open-source LLMs and suggest effective prompting strategies.

Multilingual Mathematical Autoformalization. (arXiv:2311.03755v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Albert Q. Jiang, Wenda Li, Mateja Jamnik

Autoformalization is the task of translating natural language materials into machine-verifiable formalisations. Progress in autoformalization research is hindered by the lack of a sizeable dataset consisting of informal-formal pairs expressing the same essence. Existing methods tend to circumvent this challenge by manually curating small corpora or using few-shot learning with large language models. But these methods suffer from data scarcity and formal language acquisition difficulty. In this work, we create $\texttt{MMA}$, a large, flexible, multilingual, and multi-domain dataset of informal-formal pairs, by using a language model to translate in the reverse direction, that is, from formal mathematical statements into corresponding informal ones. Experiments show that language models fine-tuned on $\texttt{MMA}$ produce $16-18\%$ of statements acceptable with minimal corrections on the $\texttt{miniF2F}$ and $\texttt{ProofNet}$ benchmarks, up from $0\%$ with the base model. We demonstrate that fine-tuning on multilingual formal data results in more capable autoformalization models even when deployed on monolingual tasks.

Gender Inflected or Bias Inflicted: On Using Grammatical Gender Cues for Bias Evaluation in Machine Translation. (arXiv:2311.03767v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pushpdeep Singh

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models are state-of-the-art for machine translation. However, these models are known to have various social biases, especially gender bias. Most of the work on evaluating gender bias in NMT has focused primarily on English as the source language. For source languages different from English, most of the studies use gender-neutral sentences to evaluate gender bias. However, practically, many sentences that we encounter do have gender information. Therefore, it makes more sense to evaluate for bias using such sentences. This allows us to determine if NMT models can identify the correct gender based on the grammatical gender cues in the source sentence rather than relying on biased correlations with, say, occupation terms. To demonstrate our point, in this work, we use Hindi as the source language and construct two sets of gender-specific sentences: OTSC-Hindi and WinoMT-Hindi that we use to evaluate different Hindi-English (HI-EN) NMT systems automatically for gender bias. Our work highlights the importance of considering the nature of language when designing such extrinsic bias evaluation datasets.

Ensembling Textual and Structure-Based Models for Knowledge Graph Completion. (arXiv:2311.03780v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ananjan Nandi, Navdeep Kaur, Parag Singla, Mausam

We consider two popular approaches to Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC): textual models that rely on textual entity descriptions, and structure-based models that exploit the connectivity structure of the Knowledge Graph (KG). Preliminary experiments show that these approaches have complementary strengths: structure-based models perform well when the gold answer is easily reachable from the query head in the KG, while textual models exploit descriptions to give good performance even when the gold answer is not reachable. In response, we explore ensembling as a way of combining the best of both approaches. We propose a novel method for learning query-dependent ensemble weights by using the distributions of scores assigned by individual models to all candidate entities. Our ensemble baseline achieves state-of-the-art results on three standard KGC datasets, with up to 6.8 pt MRR and 8.3 pt Hits@1 gains over best individual models.

Language Representation Projection: Can We Transfer Factual Knowledge across Languages in Multilingual Language Models?. (arXiv:2311.03788v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shaoyang Xu, Junzhuo Li, Deyi Xiong

Multilingual pretrained language models serve as repositories of multilingual factual knowledge. Nevertheless, a substantial performance gap of factual knowledge probing exists between high-resource languages and low-resource languages, suggesting limited implicit factual knowledge transfer across languages in multilingual pretrained language models. This paper investigates the feasibility of explicitly transferring relatively rich factual knowledge from English to non-English languages. To accomplish this, we propose two parameter-free $\textbf{L}$anguage $\textbf{R}$epresentation $\textbf{P}$rojection modules (LRP2). The first module converts non-English representations into English-like equivalents, while the second module reverts English-like representations back into representations of the corresponding non-English language. Experimental results on the mLAMA dataset demonstrate that LRP2 significantly improves factual knowledge retrieval accuracy and facilitates knowledge transferability across diverse non-English languages. We further investigate the working mechanism of LRP2 from the perspectives of representation space and cross-lingual knowledge neuron.

Character-Level Bangla Text-to-IPA Transcription Using Transformer Architecture with Sequence Alignment. (arXiv:2311.03792v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jakir Hasan, Shrestha Datta, Ameya Debnath

The International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is indispensable in language learning and understanding, aiding users in accurate pronunciation and comprehension. Additionally, it plays a pivotal role in speech therapy, linguistic research, accurate transliteration, and the development of text-to-speech systems, making it an essential tool across diverse fields. Bangla being 7th as one of the widely used languages, gives rise to the need for IPA in its domain. Its IPA mapping is too diverse to be captured manually giving the need for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in this field. In this study, we have utilized a transformer-based sequence-to-sequence model at the letter and symbol level to get the IPA of each Bangla word as the variation of IPA in association of different words is almost null. Our transformer model only consisted of 8.5 million parameters with only a single decoder and encoder layer. Additionally, to handle the punctuation marks and the occurrence of foreign languages in the text, we have utilized manual mapping as the model won't be able to learn to separate them from Bangla words while decreasing our required computational resources. Finally, maintaining the relative position of the sentence component IPAs and generation of the combined IPA has led us to achieve the top position with a word error rate of 0.10582 in the public ranking of DataVerse Challenge - ITVerse 2023 (https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/dataverse_2023/).

Noisy Pair Corrector for Dense Retrieval. (arXiv:2311.03798v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hang Zhang, Yeyun Gong, Xingwei He, Dayiheng Liu, Daya Guo, Jiancheng Lv, Jian Guo

Most dense retrieval models contain an implicit assumption: the training query-document pairs are exactly matched. Since it is expensive to annotate the corpus manually, training pairs in real-world applications are usually collected automatically, which inevitably introduces mismatched-pair noise. In this paper, we explore an interesting and challenging problem in dense retrieval, how to train an effective model with mismatched-pair noise. To solve this problem, we propose a novel approach called Noisy Pair Corrector (NPC), which consists of a detection module and a correction module. The detection module estimates noise pairs by calculating the perplexity between annotated positive and easy negative documents. The correction module utilizes an exponential moving average (EMA) model to provide a soft supervised signal, aiding in mitigating the effects of noise. We conduct experiments on text-retrieval benchmarks Natural Question and TriviaQA, code-search benchmarks StaQC and SO-DS. Experimental results show that NPC achieves excellent performance in handling both synthetic and realistic noise.

Rethinking and Improving Multi-task Learning for End-to-end Speech Translation. (arXiv:2311.03810v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuhao Zhang, Chen Xu, Bei Li, Hao Chen, Tong Xiao, Chunliang Zhang, Jingbo Zhu

Significant improvements in end-to-end speech translation (ST) have been achieved through the application of multi-task learning. However, the extent to which auxiliary tasks are highly consistent with the ST task, and how much this approach truly helps, have not been thoroughly studied. In this paper, we investigate the consistency between different tasks, considering different times and modules. We find that the textual encoder primarily facilitates cross-modal conversion, but the presence of noise in speech impedes the consistency between text and speech representations. Furthermore, we propose an improved multi-task learning (IMTL) approach for the ST task, which bridges the modal gap by mitigating the difference in length and representation. We conduct experiments on the MuST-C dataset. The results demonstrate that our method attains state-of-the-art results. Moreover, when additional data is used, we achieve the new SOTA result on MuST-C English to Spanish task with 20.8% of the training time required by the current SOTA method.

Conversations in Galician: a Large Language Model for an Underrepresented Language. (arXiv:2311.03812v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Eliseo Bao, Anxo Pérez, Javier Parapar

The recent proliferation of Large Conversation Language Models has highlighted the economic significance of widespread access to this type of AI technologies in the current information age. Nevertheless, prevailing models have primarily been trained on corpora consisting of documents written in popular languages. The dearth of such cutting-edge tools for low-resource languages further exacerbates their underrepresentation in the current economic landscape, thereby impacting their native speakers. This paper introduces two novel resources designed to enhance Natural Language Processing (NLP) for the Galician language. We present a Galician adaptation of the Alpaca dataset, comprising 52,000 instructions and demonstrations. This dataset proves invaluable for enhancing language models by fine-tuning them to more accurately adhere to provided instructions. Additionally, as a demonstration of the dataset utility, we fine-tuned LLaMA-7B to comprehend and respond in Galician, a language not originally supported by the model, by following the Alpaca format. This work contributes to the research on multilingual models tailored for low-resource settings, a crucial endeavor in ensuring the inclusion of all linguistic communities in the development of Large Language Models. Another noteworthy aspect of this research is the exploration of how knowledge of a closely related language, in this case, Portuguese, can assist in generating coherent text when training resources are scarce. Both the Galician Alpaca dataset and Cabuxa-7B are publicly accessible on our Huggingface Hub, and we have made the source code available to facilitate replication of this experiment and encourage further advancements for underrepresented languages.

OLaLa: Ontology Matching with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.03837v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Sven Hertling, Heiko Paulheim

Ontology (and more generally: Knowledge Graph) Matching is a challenging task where information in natural language is one of the most important signals to process. With the rise of Large Language Models, it is possible to incorporate this knowledge in a better way into the matching pipeline. A number of decisions still need to be taken, e.g., how to generate a prompt that is useful to the model, how information in the KG can be formulated in prompts, which Large Language Model to choose, how to provide existing correspondences to the model, how to generate candidates, etc. In this paper, we present a prototype that explores these questions by applying zero-shot and few-shot prompting with multiple open Large Language Models to different tasks of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI). We show that with only a handful of examples and a well-designed prompt, it is possible to achieve results that are en par with supervised matching systems which use a much larger portion of the ground truth.

Aspects of human memory and Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.03839v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Romuald A. Janik

Large Language Models (LLMs) are huge artificial neural networks which primarily serve to generate text, but also provide a very sophisticated probabilistic model of language use. Since generating a semantically consistent text requires a form of effective memory, we investigate the memory properties of LLMs and find surprising similarities with key characteristics of human memory. This result strongly suggests that the biological features of human memory leave an imprint on the way that we structure our textual narratives.

Sparse Contrastive Learning of Sentence Embeddings. (arXiv:2311.03881v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruize An, Chen Zhang, Dawei Song

Recently, SimCSE has shown the feasibility of contrastive learning in training sentence embeddings and illustrates its expressiveness in spanning an aligned and uniform embedding space. However, prior studies have shown that dense models could contain harmful parameters that affect the model performance, and it is no wonder that SimCSE can as well be invented with such parameters. Driven by this, parameter sparsification is applied, where alignment and uniformity scores are used to measure the contribution of each parameter to the overall quality of sentence embeddings. Drawing from a preliminary study, we consider parameters with minimal contributions to be detrimental, as their sparsification results in improved model performance. To discuss the ubiquity of detrimental parameters and remove them, more experiments on the standard semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks and transfer learning tasks are conducted, and the results show that the proposed sparsified SimCSE (SparseCSE) has excellent performance in comparison with SimCSE. Furthermore, through in-depth analysis, we establish the validity and stability of our sparsification method, showcasing that the embedding space generated by SparseCSE exhibits improved alignment compared to that produced by SimCSE. Importantly, the uniformity yet remains uncompromised.

iACOS: Advancing Implicit Sentiment Extraction with Informative and Adaptive Negative Examples. (arXiv:2311.03896v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiancai Xu, Jia-Dong Zhang, Lei Xiong, Zhishang Liu

Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) have been extensively studied, but little light has been shed on the quadruple extraction consisting of four fundamental elements: aspects, categories, opinions and sentiments, especially with implicit aspects and opinions. In this paper, we propose a new method iACOS for extracting Implicit Aspects with Categories and Opinions with Sentiments. First, iACOS appends two implicit tokens at the end of a text to capture the context-aware representation of all tokens including implicit aspects and opinions. Second, iACOS develops a sequence labeling model over the context-aware token representation to co-extract explicit and implicit aspects and opinions. Third, iACOS devises a multi-label classifier with a specialized multi-head attention for discovering aspect-opinion pairs and predicting their categories and sentiments simultaneously. Fourth, iACOS leverages informative and adaptive negative examples to jointly train the multi-label classifier and the other two classifiers on categories and sentiments by multi-task learning. Finally, the experimental results show that iACOS significantly outperforms other quadruple extraction baselines according to the F1 score on two public benchmark datasets.

Improving Korean NLP Tasks with Linguistically Informed Subword Tokenization and Sub-character Decomposition. (arXiv:2311.03928v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Taehee Jeon, Bongseok Yang, Changhwan Kim, Yoonseob Lim

We introduce a morpheme-aware subword tokenization method that utilizes sub-character decomposition to address the challenges of applying Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) to Korean, a language characterized by its rich morphology and unique writing system. Our approach balances linguistic accuracy with computational efficiency in Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs). Our evaluations show that this technique achieves good performances overall, notably improving results in the syntactic task of NIKL-CoLA. This suggests that integrating morpheme type information can enhance language models' syntactic and semantic capabilities, indicating that adopting more linguistic insights can further improve performance beyond standard morphological analysis.

An Analysis of Dialogue Repair in Voice Assistants. (arXiv:2311.03952v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Matthew Galbraith

Spoken dialogue systems have transformed human-machine interaction by providing real-time responses to queries. However, misunderstandings between the user and system persist. This study explores the significance of interactional language in dialogue repair between virtual assistants and users by analyzing interactions with Google Assistant and Siri, focusing on their utilization and response to the other-initiated repair strategy "huh?" prevalent in human-human interaction. Findings reveal several assistant-generated strategies but an inability to replicate human-like repair strategies such as "huh?". English and Spanish user acceptability surveys show differences in users' repair strategy preferences and assistant usage, with both similarities and disparities among the two surveyed languages. These results shed light on inequalities between interactional language in human-human interaction and human-machine interaction, underscoring the need for further research on the impact of interactional language in human-machine interaction in English and beyond.

An Expectation-Realization Model for Metaphor Detection. (arXiv:2311.03963v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Oseremen O. Uduehi, Razvan C. Bunescu

We propose a metaphor detection architecture that is structured around two main modules: an expectation component that estimates representations of literal word expectations given a context, and a realization component that computes representations of actual word meanings in context. The overall architecture is trained to learn expectation-realization (ER) patterns that characterize metaphorical uses of words. When evaluated on three metaphor datasets for within distribution, out of distribution, and novel metaphor generalization, the proposed method is shown to obtain results that are competitive or better than state-of-the art. Further increases in metaphor detection accuracy are obtained through ensembling of ER models.

Factoring Hate Speech: A New Annotation Framework to Study Hate Speech in Social Media. (arXiv:2311.03969v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Gal Ron, Effi Levi, Odelia Oshri, Shaul R. Shenhav

In this work we propose a novel annotation scheme which factors hate speech into five separate discursive categories. To evaluate our scheme, we construct a corpus of over 2.9M Twitter posts containing hateful expressions directed at Jews, and annotate a sample dataset of 1,050 tweets. We present a statistical analysis of the annotated dataset as well as discuss annotation examples, and conclude by discussing promising directions for future work.

Exploring Jiu-Jitsu Argumentation for Writing Peer Review Rebuttals. (arXiv:2311.03998v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sukannya Purkayastha, Anne Lauscher, Iryna Gurevych

In many domains of argumentation, people's arguments are driven by so-called attitude roots, i.e., underlying beliefs and world views, and their corresponding attitude themes. Given the strength of these latent drivers of arguments, recent work in psychology suggests that instead of directly countering surface-level reasoning (e.g., falsifying given premises), one should follow an argumentation style inspired by the Jiu-Jitsu 'soft' combat system (Hornsey and Fielding, 2017): first, identify an arguer's attitude roots and themes, and then choose a prototypical rebuttal that is aligned with those drivers instead of invalidating those. In this work, we are the first to explore Jiu-Jitsu argumentation for peer review by proposing the novel task of attitude and theme-guided rebuttal generation. To this end, we enrich an existing dataset for discourse structure in peer reviews with attitude roots, attitude themes, and canonical rebuttals. To facilitate this process, we recast established annotation concepts from the domain of peer reviews (e.g., aspects a review sentence is relating to) and train domain-specific models. We then propose strong rebuttal generation strategies, which we benchmark on our novel dataset for the task of end-to-end attitude and theme-guided rebuttal generation and two subtasks.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Automatic Disease Diagnosis. (arXiv:2004.14254v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Cheng Zhong, Kangenbei Liao, Wei Chen, Qianlong Liu, Baolin Peng, Xuanjing Huang, Jiajie Peng, Zhongyu Wei

Motivation: Disease diagnosis oriented dialogue system models the interactive consultation procedure as Markov Decision Process and reinforcement learning algorithms are used to solve the problem. Existing approaches usually employ a flat policy structure that treat all symptoms and diseases equally for action making. This strategy works well in the simple scenario when the action space is small, however, its efficiency will be challenged in the real environment. Inspired by the offline consultation process, we propose to integrate a hierarchical policy structure of two levels into the dialogue systemfor policy learning. The high-level policy consists of amastermodel that is responsible for triggering a low-levelmodel, the lowlevel policy consists of several symptom checkers and a disease classifier. The proposed policy structure is capable to deal with diagnosis problem including large number of diseases and symptoms.

Results: Experimental results on three real-world datasets and a synthetic dataset demonstrate that our hierarchical framework achieves higher accuracy and symptom recall in disease diagnosis compared with existing systems. We construct a benchmark including datasets and implementation of existing algorithms to encourage follow-up researches.

Availability: The code and data is available from https://github.com/FudanDISC/DISCOpen-MedBox-DialoDiagnosis

Contact: 21210980124@m.fudan.edu.cn

Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

CompRes: A Dataset for Narrative Structure in News. (arXiv:2007.04874v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Effi Levi, Guy Mor, Shaul Shenhav, Tamir Sheafer

This paper addresses the task of automatically detecting narrative structures in raw texts. Previous works have utilized the oral narrative theory by Labov and Waletzky to identify various narrative elements in personal stories texts. Instead, we direct our focus to news articles, motivated by their growing social impact as well as their role in creating and shaping public opinion.

We introduce CompRes -- the first dataset for narrative structure in news media. We describe the process in which the dataset was constructed: first, we designed a new narrative annotation scheme, better suited for news media, by adapting elements from the narrative theory of Labov and Waletzky (Complication and Resolution) and adding a new narrative element of our own (Success); then, we used that scheme to annotate a set of 29 English news articles (containing 1,099 sentences) collected from news and partisan websites. We use the annotated dataset to train several supervised models to identify the different narrative elements, achieving an $F_1$ score of up to 0.7. We conclude by suggesting several promising directions for future work.

Hierarchical Text Classification As Sub-Hierarchy Sequence Generation. (arXiv:2111.11104v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: SangHun Im, Gibaeg Kim, Heung-Seon Oh, Seongung Jo, Donghwan Kim

Hierarchical text classification (HTC) is essential for various real applications. However, HTC models are challenging to develop because they often require processing a large volume of documents and labels with hierarchical taxonomy. Recent HTC models based on deep learning have attempted to incorporate hierarchy information into a model structure. Consequently, these models are challenging to implement when the model parameters increase for a large-scale hierarchy because the model structure depends on the hierarchy size. To solve this problem, we formulate HTC as a sub-hierarchy sequence generation to incorporate hierarchy information into a target label sequence instead of the model structure. Subsequently, we propose the Hierarchy DECoder (HiDEC), which decodes a text sequence into a sub-hierarchy sequence using recursive hierarchy decoding, classifying all parents at the same level into children at once. In addition, HiDEC is trained to use hierarchical path information from a root to each leaf in a sub-hierarchy composed of the labels of a target document via an attention mechanism and hierarchy-aware masking. HiDEC achieved state-of-the-art performance with significantly fewer model parameters than existing models on benchmark datasets, such as RCV1-v2, NYT, and EURLEX57K.

Geodesic Multi-Modal Mixup for Robust Fine-Tuning. (arXiv:2203.03897v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Changdae Oh, Junhyuk So, Hoyoon Byun, YongTaek Lim, Minchul Shin, Jong-June Jeon, Kyungwoo Song

Pre-trained multi-modal models, such as CLIP, provide transferable embeddings and show promising results in diverse applications. However, the analysis of learned multi-modal embeddings is relatively unexplored, and the embedding transferability can be improved. In this work, we observe that CLIP holds separated embedding subspaces for two different modalities, and then we investigate it through the lens of uniformity-alignment to measure the quality of learned representation. Both theoretically and empirically, we show that CLIP retains poor uniformity and alignment even after fine-tuning. Such a lack of alignment and uniformity might restrict the transferability and robustness of embeddings. To this end, we devise a new fine-tuning method for robust representation equipping better alignment and uniformity. First, we propose a Geodesic Multi-Modal Mixup that mixes the embeddings of image and text to generate hard negative samples on the hypersphere. Then, we fine-tune the model on hard negatives as well as original negatives and positives with contrastive loss. Based on the theoretical analysis about hardness guarantee and limiting behavior, we justify the use of our method. Extensive experiments on retrieval, calibration, few- or zero-shot classification (under distribution shift), embedding arithmetic, and image captioning further show that our method provides transferable representations, enabling robust model adaptation on diverse tasks. Code: https://github.com/changdaeoh/multimodal-mixup

Neuro-Symbolic Causal Reasoning Meets Signaling Game for Emergent Semantic Communications. (arXiv:2210.12040v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Christo Kurisummoottil Thomas, Walid Saad

Semantic communication (SC) aims to communicate reliably with minimal data transfer while simultaneously providing seamless connectivity to heterogeneous services and users. In this paper, a novel emergent SC (ESC) system framework is proposed and is composed of a signaling game for emergent language design and a neuro-symbolic (NeSy) artificial intelligence (AI) approach for causal reasoning. In order to design the language, the signaling game is solved using an alternating maximization between the communicating node's utilities. The emergent language helps create a context-aware transmit vocabulary (minimal semantic representation) and aids the reasoning process (enabling generalization to unseen scenarios) by splitting complex messages into simpler reasoning tasks for the receiver. The causal description at the transmitter is then modeled (a neural component) as a posterior distribution of the relevant attributes present in the data. Using the reconstructed causal state, the receiver evaluates a set of logical formulas (symbolic part) to execute its task. The nodes NeSy reasoning components are implemented by the recently proposed AI tool called Generative Flow Networks, and they are optimized for higher semantic reliability. The ESC system is designed to enhance the novel metrics of semantic information, reliability, distortion and similarity that are designed using rigorous algebraic properties from category theory thereby generalizing the metrics beyond Shannon's notion of uncertainty. Simulation results validate the ability of ESC to communicate efficiently (with reduced bits) and achieve better semantic reliability than conventional wireless and state-of-the-art systems that do not exploit causal reasoning capabilities.

Undesirable biases in NLP: Addressing challenges of measurement. (arXiv:2211.13709v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Oskar van der Wal, Dominik Bachmann, Alina Leidinger, Leendert van Maanen, Willem Zuidema, Katrin Schulz

As Large Language Models and Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology rapidly develop and spread into daily life, it becomes crucial to anticipate how their use could harm people. One problem that has received a lot of attention in recent years is that this technology has displayed harmful biases, from generating derogatory stereotypes to producing disparate outcomes for different social groups. Although a lot of effort has been invested in assessing and mitigating these biases, our methods of measuring the biases of NLP models have serious problems and it is often unclear what they actually measure. In this paper, we provide an interdisciplinary approach to discussing the issue of NLP model bias by adopting the lens of psychometrics -- a field specialized in the measurement of concepts like bias that are not directly observable. In particular, we will explore two central notions from psychometrics, the \emph{construct validity} and the \emph{reliability} of measurement tools, and discuss how they can be applied in the context of measuring model bias. Our goal is to provide NLP practitioners with methodological tools for designing better bias measures, and to inspire them more generally to explore tools from psychometrics when working on bias measurement tools.

Latent Diffusion for Language Generation. (arXiv:2212.09462v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Justin Lovelace, Varsha Kishore, Chao Wan, Eliot Shekhtman, Kilian Q. Weinberger

Diffusion models have achieved great success in modeling continuous data modalities such as images, audio, and video, but have seen limited use in discrete domains such as language. Recent attempts to adapt diffusion to language have presented diffusion as an alternative to existing pretrained language models. We view diffusion and existing language models as complementary. We demonstrate that encoder-decoder language models can be utilized to efficiently learn high-quality language autoencoders. We then demonstrate that continuous diffusion models can be learned in the latent space of the language autoencoder, enabling us to sample continuous latent representations that can be decoded into natural language with the pretrained decoder. We validate the effectiveness of our approach for unconditional, class-conditional, and sequence-to-sequence language generation. We demonstrate across multiple diverse data sets that our latent language diffusion models are significantly more effective than previous diffusion language models.

Break It Down: Evidence for Structural Compositionality in Neural Networks. (arXiv:2301.10884v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Michael A. Lepori, Thomas Serre, Ellie Pavlick

Though modern neural networks have achieved impressive performance in both vision and language tasks, we know little about the functions that they implement. One possibility is that neural networks implicitly break down complex tasks into subroutines, implement modular solutions to these subroutines, and compose them into an overall solution to a task - a property we term structural compositionality. Another possibility is that they may simply learn to match new inputs to learned templates, eliding task decomposition entirely. Here, we leverage model pruning techniques to investigate this question in both vision and language across a variety of architectures, tasks, and pretraining regimens. Our results demonstrate that models often implement solutions to subroutines via modular subnetworks, which can be ablated while maintaining the functionality of other subnetworks. This suggests that neural networks may be able to learn compositionality, obviating the need for specialized symbolic mechanisms.

Competence-Based Analysis of Language Models. (arXiv:2303.00333v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Adam Davies, Jize Jiang, ChengXiang Zhai

Despite the recent success of large, pretrained neural language models (LLMs) on a variety of prompting tasks, these models can be alarmingly brittle to small changes in inputs or application contexts. To better understand such behavior and motivate the design of more robust LLMs, we provide a causal formulation of linguistic competence in the context of LLMs and propose a general framework to study and measure LLM competence. Our framework, CALM (Competence-based Analysis of Language Models), establishes the first quantitative measure of LLM competence, which we study by damaging models' internal representations of various linguistic properties in the course of performing various tasks using causal probing and evaluating models' alignment under these interventions with a given causal model. We also develop a novel approach for performing causal probing interventions using gradient-based adversarial attacks, which can target a broader range of properties and representations than existing techniques. We carry out a case study of CALM using these interventions to analyze BERT and RoBERTa's competence across a variety of lexical inference tasks, showing that the CALM framework and competence metric can be valuable tools for explaining and predicting their behavior across these tasks.

The AI Ghostwriter Effect: When Users Do Not Perceive Ownership of AI-Generated Text But Self-Declare as Authors. (arXiv:2303.03283v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Fiona Draxler, Anna Werner, Florian Lehmann, Matthias Hoppe, Albrecht Schmidt, Daniel Buschek, Robin Welsch

Human-AI interaction in text production increases complexity in authorship. In two empirical studies (n1 = 30 & n2 = 96), we investigate authorship and ownership in human-AI collaboration for personalized language generation. We show an AI Ghostwriter Effect: Users do not consider themselves the owners and authors of AI-generated text but refrain from publicly declaring AI authorship. Personalization of AI-generated texts did not impact the AI Ghostwriter Effect, and higher levels of participants' influence on texts increased their sense of ownership. Participants were more likely to attribute ownership to supposedly human ghostwriters than AI ghostwriters, resulting in a higher ownership-authorship discrepancy for human ghostwriters. Rationalizations for authorship in AI ghostwriters and human ghostwriters were similar. We discuss how our findings relate to psychological ownership and human-AI interaction to lay the foundations for adapting authorship frameworks and user interfaces in AI in text-generation tasks.

Investigating the Role of Attribute Context in Vision-Language Models for Object Recognition and Detection. (arXiv:2303.10093v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kyle Buettner, Adriana Kovashka

Vision-language alignment learned from image-caption pairs has been shown to benefit tasks like object recognition and detection. Methods are mostly evaluated in terms of how well object class names are learned, but captions also contain rich attribute context that should be considered when learning object alignment. It is unclear how methods use this context in learning, as well as whether models succeed when tasks require attribute and object understanding. To address this gap, we conduct extensive analysis of the role of attributes in vision-language models. We specifically measure model sensitivity to the presence and meaning of attribute context, gauging influence on object embeddings through unsupervised phrase grounding and classification via description methods. We further evaluate the utility of attribute context in training for open-vocabulary object detection, fine-grained text-region retrieval, and attribution tasks. Our results show that attribute context can be wasted when learning alignment for detection, attribute meaning is not adequately considered in embeddings, and describing classes by only their attributes is ineffective. A viable strategy that we find to increase benefits from attributes is contrastive training with adjective-based negative captions.

Explicit Planning Helps Language Models in Logical Reasoning. (arXiv:2303.15714v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongyu Zhao, Kangrui Wang, Mo Yu, Hongyuan Mei

Language models have been shown to perform remarkably well on a wide range of natural language processing tasks. In this paper, we propose LEAP, a novel system that uses language models to perform multi-step logical reasoning and incorporates explicit planning into the inference procedure. Explicit planning enables the system to make more informed reasoning decisions at each step by looking ahead into their future effects. Moreover, we propose a training strategy that safeguards the planning process from being led astray by spurious features. Our full system significantly outperforms other competing methods on multiple standard datasets. When using small T5 models as its core selection and deduction components, our system performs competitively compared to GPT-3 despite having only about 1B parameters (i.e., 175 times smaller than GPT-3). When using GPT-3.5, it significantly outperforms chain-of-thought prompting on the challenging PrOntoQA dataset. We have conducted extensive empirical studies to demonstrate that explicit planning plays a crucial role in the system's performance.

MindGames: Targeting Theory of Mind in Large Language Models with Dynamic Epistemic Modal Logic. (arXiv:2305.03353v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Damien Sileo, Antoine Lernould

Theory of Mind (ToM) is a critical component of intelligence but its assessment remains the subject of heated debates. Prior research applied human ToM assessments to natural language processing models using either human-created standardized tests or rule-based templates. However, these methods primarily focus on simplistic reasoning and require further validation. Here, we leverage dynamic epistemic logic to isolate a particular component of ToM and to generate controlled problems. We also introduce new verbalization techniques to express these problems in English natural language. Our findings indicate that some language model scaling (from 70M to 6B and 350M to 174B) does not consistently yield results better than random chance. While GPT-4 demonstrates superior epistemic reasoning capabilities, there is still room for improvement. Our code and datasets are publicly available (https://huggingface.co/datasets/sileod/mindgames , https://github.com/sileod/llm-theory-of-mind )

QTSumm: Query-Focused Summarization over Tabular Data. (arXiv:2305.14303v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yilun Zhao, Zhenting Qi, Linyong Nan, Boyu Mi, Yixin Liu, Weijin Zou, Simeng Han, Ruizhe Chen, Xiangru Tang, Yumo Xu, Dragomir Radev, Arman Cohan

People primarily consult tables to conduct data analysis or answer specific questions. Text generation systems that can provide accurate table summaries tailored to users' information needs can facilitate more efficient access to relevant data insights. Motivated by this, we define a new query-focused table summarization task, where text generation models have to perform human-like reasoning and analysis over the given table to generate a tailored summary. We introduce a new benchmark named QTSumm for this task, which contains 7,111 human-annotated query-summary pairs over 2,934 tables covering diverse topics. We investigate a set of strong baselines on QTSumm, including text generation, table-to-text generation, and large language models. Experimental results and manual analysis reveal that the new task presents significant challenges in table-to-text generation for future research. Moreover, we propose a new approach named ReFactor, to retrieve and reason over query-relevant information from tabular data to generate several natural language facts. Experimental results demonstrate that ReFactor can bring improvements to baselines by concatenating the generated facts to the model input. Our data and code are publicly available at https://github.com/yale-nlp/QTSumm.

Coverage-based Example Selection for In-Context Learning. (arXiv:2305.14907v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shivanshu Gupta, Matt Gardner, Sameer Singh

In-context learning (ICL), the ability of large language models to perform novel tasks by conditioning on a prompt with a few task examples, requires these examples to be informative about the test instance. The standard approach of independently ranking and selecting the most similar examples selects redundant examples while omitting important information. In this work, we show that BERTScore-Recall (BSR) selects better examples that demonstrate more of the salient aspects, e.g. reasoning patterns, of the test input. We further extend BSR and many standard metrics to easily optimizable set-level metrics, giving still better coverage of those salient aspects. On 15 datasets spanning 6 tasks and with 7 diverse LLMs, we show that (1) BSR is the superior metric for in-context example selection across the board, and (2) for compositional tasks, set selection using Set-BSR outperforms independent ranking by up to 17 points on average and, despite being training-free, surpasses methods that leverage task or LLM-specific training.

The Impact of Positional Encoding on Length Generalization in Transformers. (arXiv:2305.19466v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Amirhossein Kazemnejad, Inkit Padhi, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Payel Das, Siva Reddy

Length generalization, the ability to generalize from small training context sizes to larger ones, is a critical challenge in the development of Transformer-based language models. Positional encoding (PE) has been identified as a major factor influencing length generalization, but the exact impact of different PE schemes on extrapolation in downstream tasks remains unclear. In this paper, we conduct a systematic empirical study comparing the length generalization performance of decoder-only Transformers with five different position encoding approaches including Absolute Position Embedding (APE), T5's Relative PE, ALiBi, and Rotary, in addition to Transformers without positional encoding (NoPE). Our evaluation encompasses a battery of reasoning and mathematical tasks. Our findings reveal that the most commonly used positional encoding methods, such as ALiBi, Rotary, and APE, are not well suited for length generalization in downstream tasks. More importantly, NoPE outperforms other explicit positional encoding methods while requiring no additional computation. We theoretically demonstrate that NoPE can represent both absolute and relative PEs, but when trained with SGD, it mostly resembles T5's relative PE attention patterns. Finally, we find that scratchpad is not always helpful to solve length generalization and its format highly impacts the model's performance. Overall, our work suggests that explicit position embeddings are not essential for decoder-only Transformers to generalize well to longer sequences.

Birth of a Transformer: A Memory Viewpoint. (arXiv:2306.00802v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Alberto Bietti, Vivien Cabannes, Diane Bouchacourt, Herve Jegou, Leon Bottou

Large language models based on transformers have achieved great empirical successes. However, as they are deployed more widely, there is a growing need to better understand their internal mechanisms in order to make them more reliable. These models appear to store vast amounts of knowledge from their training data, and to adapt quickly to new information provided in their context or prompt. We study how transformers balance these two types of knowledge by considering a synthetic setup where tokens are generated from either global or context-specific bigram distributions. By a careful empirical analysis of the training process on a simplified two-layer transformer, we illustrate the fast learning of global bigrams and the slower development of an "induction head" mechanism for the in-context bigrams. We highlight the role of weight matrices as associative memories, provide theoretical insights on how gradients enable their learning during training, and study the role of data-distributional properties.

BeaverTails: Towards Improved Safety Alignment of LLM via a Human-Preference Dataset. (arXiv:2307.04657v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaming Ji, Mickel Liu, Juntao Dai, Xuehai Pan, Chi Zhang, Ce Bian, Chi Zhang, Ruiyang Sun, Yizhou Wang, Yaodong Yang

In this paper, we introduce the BeaverTails dataset, aimed at fostering research on safety alignment in large language models (LLMs). This dataset uniquely separates annotations of helpfulness and harmlessness for question-answering pairs, thus offering distinct perspectives on these crucial attributes. In total, we have gathered safety meta-labels for 333,963 question-answer (QA) pairs and 361,903 pairs of expert comparison data for both the helpfulness and harmlessness metrics. We further showcase applications of BeaverTails in content moderation and reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), emphasizing its potential for practical safety measures in LLMs. We believe this dataset provides vital resources for the community, contributing towards the safe development and deployment of LLMs. Our project page is available at the following URL: https://sites.google.com/view/pku-beavertails.

Think-on-Graph: Deep and Responsible Reasoning of Large Language Model on Knowledge Graph. (arXiv:2307.07697v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiashuo Sun, Chengjin Xu, Lumingyuan Tang, Saizhuo Wang, Chen Lin, Yeyun Gong, Lionel M. Ni, Heung-Yeung Shum, Jian Guo

Although large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant success in various tasks, they often struggle with hallucination problems, especially in scenarios requiring deep and responsible reasoning. These issues could be partially addressed by introducing external knowledge graphs (KG) in LLM reasoning. In this paper, we propose a new LLM-KG integrating paradigm ``$\hbox{LLM}\otimes\hbox{KG}$'' which treats the LLM as an agent to interactively explore related entities and relations on KGs and perform reasoning based on the retrieved knowledge. We further implement this paradigm by introducing a new approach called Think-on-Graph (ToG), in which the LLM agent iteratively executes beam search on KG, discovers the most promising reasoning paths, and returns the most likely reasoning results. We use a number of well-designed experiments to examine and illustrate the following advantages of ToG: 1) compared with LLMs, ToG has better deep reasoning power; 2) ToG has the ability of knowledge traceability and knowledge correctability by leveraging LLMs reasoning and expert feedback; 3) ToG provides a flexible plug-and-play framework for different LLMs, KGs and prompting strategies without any additional training cost; 4) the performance of ToG with small LLM models could exceed large LLM such as GPT-4 in certain scenarios and this reduces the cost of LLM deployment and application. As a training-free method with lower computational cost and better generality, ToG achieves overall SOTA in 6 out of 9 datasets where most previous SOTAs rely on additional training.

Large Language Models as Superpositions of Cultural Perspectives. (arXiv:2307.07870v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Grgur Kovač, Masataka Sawayama, Rémy Portelas, Cédric Colas, Peter Ford Dominey, Pierre-Yves Oudeyer

Large Language Models (LLMs) are often misleadingly recognized as having a personality or a set of values. We argue that an LLM can be seen as a superposition of perspectives with different values and personality traits. LLMs exhibit context-dependent values and personality traits that change based on the induced perspective (as opposed to humans, who tend to have more coherent values and personality traits across contexts). We introduce the concept of perspective controllability, which refers to a model's affordance to adopt various perspectives with differing values and personality traits. In our experiments, we use questionnaires from psychology (PVQ, VSM, IPIP) to study how exhibited values and personality traits change based on different perspectives. Through qualitative experiments, we show that LLMs express different values when those are (implicitly or explicitly) implied in the prompt, and that LLMs express different values even when those are not obviously implied (demonstrating their context-dependent nature). We then conduct quantitative experiments to study the controllability of different models (GPT-4, GPT-3.5, OpenAssistant, StableVicuna, StableLM), the effectiveness of various methods for inducing perspectives, and the smoothness of the models' drivability. We conclude by examining the broader implications of our work and outline a variety of associated scientific questions. The project website is available at https://sites.google.com/view/llm-superpositions .

Detecting Language Model Attacks with Perplexity. (arXiv:2308.14132v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Gabriel Alon, Michael Kamfonas

A novel hack involving Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged, exploiting adversarial suffixes to deceive models into generating perilous responses. Such jailbreaks can trick LLMs into providing intricate instructions to a malicious user for creating explosives, orchestrating a bank heist, or facilitating the creation of offensive content. By evaluating the perplexity of queries with adversarial suffixes using an open-source LLM (GPT-2), we found that they have exceedingly high perplexity values. As we explored a broad range of regular (non-adversarial) prompt varieties, we concluded that false positives are a significant challenge for plain perplexity filtering. A Light-GBM trained on perplexity and token length resolved the false positives and correctly detected most adversarial attacks in the test set.

Teaching Language Models to Hallucinate Less with Synthetic Tasks. (arXiv:2310.06827v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Erik Jones, Hamid Palangi, Clarisse Simões, Varun Chandrasekaran, Subhabrata Mukherjee, Arindam Mitra, Ahmed Awadallah, Ece Kamar

Large language models (LLMs) frequently hallucinate on abstractive summarization tasks such as document-based question-answering, meeting summarization, and clinical report generation, even though all necessary information is included in context. However, optimizing LLMs to hallucinate less on these tasks is challenging, as hallucination is hard to efficiently evaluate at each optimization step. In this work, we show that reducing hallucination on a synthetic task can also reduce hallucination on real-world downstream tasks. Our method, SynTra, first designs a synthetic task where hallucinations are easy to elicit and measure. It next optimizes the LLM's system message via prefix-tuning on the synthetic task, and finally transfers the system message to realistic, hard-to-optimize tasks. Across three realistic abstractive summarization tasks, SynTra reduces hallucination for two 13B-parameter LLMs using only a synthetic retrieval task for supervision. We also find that optimizing the system message rather than the model weights can be critical; fine-tuning the entire model on the synthetic task can counterintuitively increase hallucination. Overall, SynTra demonstrates that the extra flexibility of working with synthetic data can help mitigate undesired behaviors in practice.

MolCA: Molecular Graph-Language Modeling with Cross-Modal Projector and Uni-Modal Adapter. (arXiv:2310.12798v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhiyuan Liu, Sihang Li, Yanchen Luo, Hao Fei, Yixin Cao, Kenji Kawaguchi, Xiang Wang, Tat-Seng Chua

Language Models (LMs) have demonstrated impressive molecule understanding ability on various 1D text-related tasks. However, they inherently lack 2D graph perception - a critical ability of human professionals in comprehending molecules' topological structures. To bridge this gap, we propose MolCA: Molecular Graph-Language Modeling with Cross-Modal Projector and Uni-Modal Adapter. MolCA enables an LM (e.g., Galactica) to understand both text- and graph-based molecular contents via the cross-modal projector. Specifically, the cross-modal projector is implemented as a Q-Former to connect a graph encoder's representation space and an LM's text space. Further, MolCA employs a uni-modal adapter (i.e., LoRA) for the LM's efficient adaptation to downstream tasks. Unlike previous studies that couple an LM with a graph encoder via cross-modal contrastive learning, MolCA retains the LM's ability of open-ended text generation and augments it with 2D graph information. To showcase its effectiveness, we extensively benchmark MolCA on tasks of molecule captioning, IUPAC name prediction, and molecule-text retrieval, on which MolCA significantly outperforms the baselines. Our codes and checkpoints can be found at https://github.com/acharkq/MolCA.

Accelerating LLaMA Inference by Enabling Intermediate Layer Decoding via Instruction Tuning with LITE. (arXiv:2310.18581v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Neeraj Varshney, Agneet Chatterjee, Mihir Parmar, Chitta Baral

Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance across a wide variety of natural language tasks; however, their large size makes their inference slow and computationally expensive. Focusing on this problem, we propose to instruction tune LLMs with additional explicit losses from the intermediate layers (LITE) and show that it enables these layers to acquire 'good' generation ability without affecting the generation ability of the final layer. We perform 'dynamic confidence-based early exiting' at token level from the intermediate layers which improves the efficiency of text generation without compromising the quality of the generation. We conduct comprehensive experiments by instruction tuning LLaMA-2 models on the Alpaca dataset and holistically evaluate on four different human-instruction test sets. We show that dynamic early exiting achieves consistent and considerable inference computation cost improvements (37.86% for 7B and 46.35% for 13B model) while maintaining the generation quality of the responses. We further conduct a thorough analysis of the results over several important aspects, such as comparing the semantic similarity of the outputs and dissecting the efficiency improvements by comparing the number of tokens generated in the output. In summary, our work contributes to improving the efficiency of LLM inference while maintaining the generation quality, a crucial step en route to enabling their widespread adoption.

Breaking Language Barriers in Multilingual Mathematical Reasoning: Insights and Observations. (arXiv:2310.20246v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Nuo Chen, Zinan Zheng, Ning Wu, Ming Gong, Yangqiu Song, Dongmei Zhang, Jia Li

Existing research predominantly focuses on developing powerful language learning models (LLMs) for mathematical reasoning within monolingual languages, with few explorations in preserving efficacy in a multilingual context. To bridge this gap, this paper pioneers exploring and training powerful Multilingual Math Reasoning (xMR) LLMs. Firstly, by utilizing translation, we construct the first multilingual math reasoning instruction dataset, MGSM8KInstruct, encompassing ten distinct languages, thus addressing the issue of training data scarcity in xMR tasks. Based on the collected dataset, we propose different training strategies to build powerful xMR LLMs, named MathOctopus, notably outperform conventional open-source LLMs and exhibit superiority over ChatGPT in few-shot scenarios. Notably, MathOctopus-13B reaches 47.6% accuracy which exceeds ChatGPT 46.3% on MGSM testset. Beyond remarkable results, we unearth several pivotal observations and insights from extensive experiments: (1) When extending the rejection sampling strategy to the multilingual context, it proves effective for model performances, albeit limited. (2) Employing parallel corpora for math Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) across multiple languages not only significantly enhances model performance multilingually but also elevates their monolingual performance. This indicates that crafting multilingual corpora can be regarded as a vital strategy for enhancing model performance in a specific language, especially in mathematical reasoning tasks. For instance, MathOctopus-7B improves its counterparts that trained on English from 42.2% to 50.8% on GSM8K testset.

AWEQ: Post-Training Quantization with Activation-Weight Equalization for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.01305v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Baisong Li, Xingwang Wang, Haixiao Xu

Large language models(LLMs) exhibit excellent performance across a variety of tasks, but they come with significant computational and storage costs. Quantizing these models is an effective way to alleviate this issue. However, existing methods struggle to strike a balance between model accuracy and hardware efficiency. This is where we introduce AWEQ, a post-training method that requires no additional training overhead. AWEQ excels in both ultra-low-bit quantization and 8-bit weight and activation (W8A8) quantization. There is an observation that weight quantization is less challenging than activation quantization. AWEQ transfers the difficulty of activation quantization to weights using channel equalization, achieving a balance between the quantization difficulties of both, and thereby maximizing performance. We have further refined the equalization method to mitigate quantization bias error, ensuring the robustness of the model. Extensive experiments on popular models such as LLaMA and OPT demonstrate that AWEQ outperforms all existing post-training quantization methods for large models.

PPTC Benchmark: Evaluating Large Language Models for PowerPoint Task Completion. (arXiv:2311.01767v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yiduo Guo, Zekai Zhang, Yaobo Liang, Dongyan Zhao, Nan Duan

Recent evaluations of Large Language Models (LLMs) have centered around testing their zero-shot/few-shot capabilities for basic natural language tasks and their ability to translate instructions into tool APIs. However, the evaluation of LLMs utilizing complex tools to finish multi-turn, multi-modal instructions in a complex multi-modal environment has not been investigated. To address this gap, we introduce the PowerPoint Task Completion (PPTC) benchmark to assess LLMs' ability to create and edit PPT files based on user instructions. It contains 279 multi-turn sessions covering diverse topics and hundreds of instructions involving multi-modal operations. We also propose the PPTX-Match Evaluation System that evaluates if LLMs finish the instruction based on the prediction file rather than the label API sequence, thus it supports various LLM-generated API sequences. We measure 3 closed LLMs and 6 open-source LLMs. The results show that GPT-4 outperforms other LLMs with 75.1\% accuracy in single-turn dialogue testing but faces challenges in completing entire sessions, achieving just 6\% session accuracy. We find three main error causes in our benchmark: error accumulation in the multi-turn session, long PPT template processing, and multi-modality perception. These pose great challenges for future LLM and agent systems. We release the data, code, and evaluation system of PPTC at \url{https://github.com/gydpku/PPTC}.

Co-training and Co-distillation for Quality Improvement and Compression of Language Models. (arXiv:2311.02849v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hayeon Lee, Rui Hou, Jongpil Kim, Davis Liang, Hongbo Zhang, Sung Ju Hwang, Alexander Min

Knowledge Distillation (KD) compresses computationally expensive pre-trained language models (PLMs) by transferring their knowledge to smaller models, allowing their use in resource-constrained or real-time settings. However, most smaller models fail to surpass the performance of the original larger model, resulting in sacrificing performance to improve inference speed. To address this issue, we propose Co-Training and Co-Distillation (CTCD), a novel framework that improves performance and inference speed together by co-training two models while mutually distilling knowledge. The CTCD framework successfully achieves this based on two significant findings: 1) Distilling knowledge from the smaller model to the larger model during co-training improves the performance of the larger model. 2) The enhanced performance of the larger model further boosts the performance of the smaller model. The CTCD framework shows promise as it can be combined with existing techniques like architecture design or data augmentation, replacing one-way KD methods, to achieve further performance improvement. Extensive ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness of CTCD, and the small model distilled by CTCD outperforms the original larger model by a significant margin of 1.66 on the GLUE benchmark.

Holistic Analysis of Hallucination in GPT-4V(ision): Bias and Interference Challenges. (arXiv:2311.03287v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chenhang Cui, Yiyang Zhou, Xinyu Yang, Shirley Wu, Linjun Zhang, James Zou, Huaxiu Yao

While GPT-4V(ision) impressively models both visual and textual information simultaneously, it's hallucination behavior has not been systematically assessed. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new benchmark, namely, the Bias and Interference Challenges in Visual Language Models (Bingo). This benchmark is designed to evaluate and shed light on the two common types of hallucinations in visual language models: bias and interference. Here, bias refers to the model's tendency to hallucinate certain types of responses, possibly due to imbalance in its training data. Interference pertains to scenarios where the judgment of GPT-4V(ision) can be disrupted due to how the text prompt is phrased or how the input image is presented. We identify a notable regional bias, whereby GPT-4V(ision) is better at interpreting Western images or images with English writing compared to images from other countries or containing text in other languages. Moreover, GPT-4V(ision) is vulnerable to leading questions and is often confused when interpreting multiple images together. Popular mitigation approaches, such as self-correction and chain-of-thought reasoning, are not effective in resolving these challenges. We also identified similar biases and interference vulnerabilities with LLaVA and Bard. Our results characterize the hallucination challenges in GPT-4V(ision) and state-of-the-art visual-language models, and highlight the need for new solutions. The Bingo benchmark is available at https://github.com/gzcch/Bingo.