An attempt to generate new bridge types from latent space of variational autoencoder. (arXiv:2311.03380v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hongjun Zhang

Try to generate new bridge types using generative artificial intelligence technology. The grayscale images of the bridge facade with the change of component width was rendered by 3dsMax animation software, and then the OpenCV module performed an appropriate amount of geometric transformation (rotation, horizontal scale, vertical scale) to obtain the image dataset of three-span beam bridge, arch bridge, cable-stayed bridge and suspension bridge. Based on Python programming language, TensorFlow and Keras deep learning platform framework, variational autoencoder was constructed and trained, and low-dimensional bridge-type latent space that is convenient for vector operations was obtained. Variational autoencoder can combine two bridge types on the basis of the original of human into one that is a new bridge type. Generative artificial intelligence technology can assist bridge designers in bridge-type innovation, and can be used as copilot.

A Simple and Efficient Baseline for Data Attribution on Images. (arXiv:2311.03386v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Vasu Singla, Pedro Sandoval-Segura, Micah Goldblum, Jonas Geiping, Tom Goldstein

Data attribution methods play a crucial role in understanding machine learning models, providing insight into which training data points are most responsible for model outputs during deployment. However, current state-of-the-art approaches require a large ensemble of as many as 300,000 models to accurately attribute model predictions. These approaches therefore come at a high computational cost, are memory intensive, and are hard to scale to large models or datasets. In this work, we focus on a minimalist baseline, utilizing the feature space of a backbone pretrained via self-supervised learning to perform data attribution. Our method is model-agnostic and scales easily to large datasets. We show results on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet, achieving strong performance that rivals or outperforms state-of-the-art approaches at a fraction of the compute or memory cost. Contrary to prior work, our results reinforce the intuition that a model's prediction on one image is most impacted by visually similar training samples. Our approach serves as a simple and efficient baseline for data attribution on images.

Determination of droplet size from wide-angle light scattering image data using convolutional neural networks. (arXiv:2311.03387v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tom Kirstein, Simon Aßmann, Orkun Furat, Stefan Will, Volker Schmidt

Wide-angle light scattering (WALS) offers the possibility of a highly temporally and spatially resolved measurement of droplets in spray-based methods for nanoparticle synthesis. The size of these droplets is a critical variable affecting the final properties of synthesized materials such as hetero-aggregates. However, conventional methods for determining droplet sizes from WALS image data are labor-intensive and may introduce biases, particularly when applied to complex systems like spray flame synthesis (SFS). To address these challenges, we introduce a fully automatic machine learning-based approach that employs convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in order to streamline the droplet sizing process. This CNN-based methodology offers further advantages: it requires few manual labels and can utilize transfer learning, making it a promising alternative to conventional methods, specifically with respect to efficiency. To evaluate the performance of our machine learning models, we consider WALS data from an ethanol spray flame process at various heights above the burner surface (HABs), where the models are trained and cross-validated on a large dataset comprising nearly 35000 WALS images.

FPGA-QHAR: Throughput-Optimized for Quantized Human Action Recognition on The Edge. (arXiv:2311.03390v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Azzam Alhussain, Mingjie Lin

Accelerating Human Action Recognition (HAR) efficiently for real-time surveillance and robotic systems on edge chips remains a challenging research field, given its high computational and memory requirements. This paper proposed an integrated end-to-end HAR scalable HW/SW accelerator co-design based on an enhanced 8-bit quantized Two-Stream SimpleNet-PyTorch CNN architecture. Our network accelerator was trained on UCF101 and UCF24 datasets and implemented on edge SoC-FPGA. Our development uses partially streaming dataflow architecture to achieve higher throughput versus network design and resource utilization trade-off. We also fused all convolutional, batch-norm, and ReLU operations into a single homogeneous layer and utilized the Lucas-Kanade motion flow method to enable a high parallelism accelerator design and optimized on-chip engine computing.Furthermore, our proposed methodology achieved nearly 81% prediction accuracy with an approximately 24 FPS real-time inference throughput at 187MHz on ZCU104, which is 1.7x - 1.9x higher than the prior research. Lastly, the designed framework was benchmarked against several hardware chips for higher throughput and performance measurements and is now available as an open-source project on GitHub for training and implementation on edge platforms.

CycleCL: Self-supervised Learning for Periodic Videos. (arXiv:2311.03402v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Matteo Destro, Michael Gygli

Analyzing periodic video sequences is a key topic in applications such as automatic production systems, remote sensing, medical applications, or physical training. An example is counting repetitions of a physical exercise. Due to the distinct characteristics of periodic data, self-supervised methods designed for standard image datasets do not capture changes relevant to the progression of the cycle and fail to ignore unrelated noise. They thus do not work well on periodic data. In this paper, we propose CycleCL, a self-supervised learning method specifically designed to work with periodic data. We start from the insight that a good visual representation for periodic data should be sensitive to the phase of a cycle, but be invariant to the exact repetition, i.e. it should generate identical representations for a specific phase throughout all repetitions. We exploit the repetitions in videos to design a novel contrastive learning method based on a triplet loss that optimizes for these desired properties. Our method uses pre-trained features to sample pairs of frames from approximately the same phase and negative pairs of frames from different phases. Then, we iterate between optimizing a feature encoder and resampling triplets, until convergence. By optimizing a model this way, we are able to learn features that have the mentioned desired properties. We evaluate CycleCL on an industrial and multiple human actions datasets, where it significantly outperforms previous video-based self-supervised learning methods on all tasks.

Efficient and Low-Footprint Object Classification using Spatial Contrast. (arXiv:2311.03422v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Matthew Belding, Daniel C. Stumpp, Rajkumar Kubendran

Event-based vision sensors traditionally compute temporal contrast that offers potential for low-power and low-latency sensing and computing. In this research, an alternative paradigm for event-based sensors using localized spatial contrast (SC) under two different thresholding techniques, relative and absolute, is investigated. Given the slow maturity of spatial contrast in comparison to temporal-based sensors, a theoretical simulated output of such a hardware sensor is explored. Furthermore, we evaluate traffic sign classification using the German Traffic Sign dataset (GTSRB) with well-known Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). This study shows that spatial contrast can effectively capture salient image features needed for classification using a Binarized DNN with significant reduction in input data usage (at least 12X) and memory resources (17.5X), compared to high precision RGB images and DNN, with only a small loss (~2%) in macro F1-score. Binarized MicronNet achieves an F1-score of 94.4% using spatial contrast, compared to only 56.3% when using RGB input images. Thus, SC offers great promise for deployment in power and resource constrained edge computing environments.

GQKVA: Efficient Pre-training of Transformers by Grouping Queries, Keys, and Values. (arXiv:2311.03426v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Farnoosh Javadi, Walid Ahmed, Habib Hajimolahoseini, Foozhan Ataiefard, Mohammad Hassanpour, Saina Asani, Austin Wen, Omar Mohamed Awad, Kangling Liu, Yang Liu

Massive transformer-based models face several challenges, including slow and computationally intensive pre-training and over-parametrization. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a versatile method called GQKVA, which generalizes query, key, and value grouping techniques. GQKVA is designed to speed up transformer pre-training while reducing the model size. Our experiments with various GQKVA variants highlight a clear trade-off between performance and model size, allowing for customized choices based on resource and time limitations. Our findings also indicate that the conventional multi-head attention approach is not always the best choice, as there are lighter and faster alternatives available. We tested our method on ViT, which achieved an approximate 0.3% increase in accuracy while reducing the model size by about 4% in the task of image classification. Additionally, our most aggressive model reduction experiment resulted in a reduction of approximately 15% in model size, with only around a 1% drop in accuracy.

TSP-Transformer: Task-Specific Prompts Boosted Transformer for Holistic Scene Understanding. (arXiv:2311.03427v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shuo Wang, Jing Li, Zibo Zhao, Dongze Lian, Binbin Huang, Xiaomei Wang, Zhengxin Li, Shenghua Gao

Holistic scene understanding includes semantic segmentation, surface normal estimation, object boundary detection, depth estimation, etc. The key aspect of this problem is to learn representation effectively, as each subtask builds upon not only correlated but also distinct attributes. Inspired by visual-prompt tuning, we propose a Task-Specific Prompts Transformer, dubbed TSP-Transformer, for holistic scene understanding. It features a vanilla transformer in the early stage and tasks-specific prompts transformer encoder in the lateral stage, where tasks-specific prompts are augmented. By doing so, the transformer layer learns the generic information from the shared parts and is endowed with task-specific capacity. First, the tasks-specific prompts serve as induced priors for each task effectively. Moreover, the task-specific prompts can be seen as switches to favor task-specific representation learning for different tasks. Extensive experiments on NYUD-v2 and PASCAL-Context show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance, validating the effectiveness of our method for holistic scene understanding. We also provide our code in the following link

Multi Loss-based Feature Fusion and Top Two Voting Ensemble Decision Strategy for Facial Expression Recognition in the Wild. (arXiv:2311.03478v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Guangyao Zhou, Yuanlun Xie, Wenhong Tian

Facial expression recognition (FER) in the wild is a challenging task affected by the image quality and has attracted broad interest in computer vision. There is no research using feature fusion and ensemble strategy for FER simultaneously. Different from previous studies, this paper applies both internal feature fusion for a single model and feature fusion among multiple networks, as well as the ensemble strategy. This paper proposes one novel single model named R18+FAML, as well as one ensemble model named R18+FAML-FGA-T2V to improve the performance of the FER in the wild. Based on the structure of ResNet18 (R18), R18+FAML combines internal Feature fusion and three Attention blocks using Multiple Loss functions (FAML) to improve the diversity of the feature extraction. To improve the performance of R18+FAML, we propose a Feature fusion among networks based on the Genetic Algorithm (FGA), which can fuse the convolution kernels for feature extraction of multiple networks. On the basis of R18+FAML and FGA, we propose one ensemble strategy, i.e., the Top Two Voting (T2V) to support the classification of FER, which can consider more classification information comprehensively. Combining the above strategies, R18+FAML-FGA-T2V can focus on the main expression-aware areas. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our single model R18+FAML and the ensemble model R18+FAML-FGA-T2V achieve the accuracies of $\left( 90.32, 62.17, 65.83 \right)\%$ and $\left( 91.59, 63.27, 66.63 \right)\%$ on three challenging unbalanced FER datasets RAF-DB, AffectNet-8 and AffectNet-7 respectively, both outperforming the state-of-the-art results.

Predicting Age from White Matter Diffusivity with Residual Learning. (arXiv:2311.03500v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Chenyu Gao, Michael E. Kim, Ho Hin Lee, Qi Yang, Nazirah Mohd Khairi, Praitayini Kanakaraj, Nancy R. Newlin, Derek B. Archer, Angela L. Jefferson, Warren D. Taylor, Brian D. Boyd, Lori L. Beason-Held, Susan M. Resnick, The BIOCARD Study Team, Yuankai Huo, Katherine D. Van Schaik, Kurt G. Schilling, Daniel Moyer, Ivana Išgum, Bennett A. Landman

Imaging findings inconsistent with those expected at specific chronological age ranges may serve as early indicators of neurological disorders and increased mortality risk. Estimation of chronological age, and deviations from expected results, from structural MRI data has become an important task for developing biomarkers that are sensitive to such deviations. Complementary to structural analysis, diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has proven effective in identifying age-related microstructural changes within the brain white matter, thereby presenting itself as a promising additional modality for brain age prediction. Although early studies have sought to harness DTI's advantages for age estimation, there is no evidence that the success of this prediction is owed to the unique microstructural and diffusivity features that DTI provides, rather than the macrostructural features that are also available in DTI data. Therefore, we seek to develop white-matter-specific age estimation to capture deviations from normal white matter aging. Specifically, we deliberately disregard the macrostructural information when predicting age from DTI scalar images, using two distinct methods. The first method relies on extracting only microstructural features from regions of interest. The second applies 3D residual neural networks (ResNets) to learn features directly from the images, which are non-linearly registered and warped to a template to minimize macrostructural variations. When tested on unseen data, the first method yields mean absolute error (MAE) of 6.11 years for cognitively normal participants and MAE of 6.62 years for cognitively impaired participants, while the second method achieves MAE of 4.69 years for cognitively normal participants and MAE of 4.96 years for cognitively impaired participants. We find that the ResNet model captures subtler, non-macrostructural features for brain age prediction.

SoundCam: A Dataset for Finding Humans Using Room Acoustics. (arXiv:2311.03517v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Mason Wang, Samuel Clarke, Jui-Hsien Wang, Ruohan Gao, Jiajun Wu

A room's acoustic properties are a product of the room's geometry, the objects within the room, and their specific positions. A room's acoustic properties can be characterized by its impulse response (RIR) between a source and listener location, or roughly inferred from recordings of natural signals present in the room. Variations in the positions of objects in a room can effect measurable changes in the room's acoustic properties, as characterized by the RIR. Existing datasets of RIRs either do not systematically vary positions of objects in an environment, or they consist of only simulated RIRs. We present SoundCam, the largest dataset of unique RIRs from in-the-wild rooms publicly released to date. It includes 5,000 10-channel real-world measurements of room impulse responses and 2,000 10-channel recordings of music in three different rooms, including a controlled acoustic lab, an in-the-wild living room, and a conference room, with different humans in positions throughout each room. We show that these measurements can be used for interesting tasks, such as detecting and identifying humans, and tracking their positions.

High-resolution power equipment recognition based on improved self-attention. (arXiv:2311.03518v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Siyi Zhang, Cheng Liu, Xiang Li, Xin Zhai, Zhen Wei, Sizhe Li, Xun Ma

The current trend of automating inspections at substations has sparked a surge in interest in the field of transformer image recognition. However, due to restrictions in the number of parameters in existing models, high-resolution images can't be directly applied, leaving significant room for enhancing recognition accuracy. Addressing this challenge, the paper introduces a novel improvement on deep self-attention networks tailored for this issue. The proposed model comprises four key components: a foundational network, a region proposal network, a module for extracting and segmenting target areas, and a final prediction network. The innovative approach of this paper differentiates itself by decoupling the processes of part localization and recognition, initially using low-resolution images for localization followed by high-resolution images for recognition. Moreover, the deep self-attention network's prediction mechanism uniquely incorporates the semantic context of images, resulting in substantially improved recognition performance. Comparative experiments validate that this method outperforms the two other prevalent target recognition models, offering a groundbreaking perspective for automating electrical equipment inspections.

Leveraging point annotations in segmentation learning with boundary loss. (arXiv:2311.03537v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Eva Breznik, Hoel Kervadec, Filip Malmberg, Joel Kullberg, Håkan Ahlström, Marleen de Bruijne, Robin Strand

This paper investigates the combination of intensity-based distance maps with boundary loss for point-supervised semantic segmentation. By design the boundary loss imposes a stronger penalty on the false positives the farther away from the object they occur. Hence it is intuitively inappropriate for weak supervision, where the ground truth label may be much smaller than the actual object and a certain amount of false positives (w.r.t. the weak ground truth) is actually desirable. Using intensity-aware distances instead may alleviate this drawback, allowing for a certain amount of false positives without a significant increase to the training loss. The motivation for applying the boundary loss directly under weak supervision lies in its great success for fully supervised segmentation tasks, but also in not requiring extra priors or outside information that is usually required -- in some form -- with existing weakly supervised methods in the literature. This formulation also remains potentially more attractive than existing CRF-based regularizers, due to its simplicity and computational efficiency. We perform experiments on two multi-class datasets; ACDC (heart segmentation) and POEM (whole-body abdominal organ segmentation). Preliminary results are encouraging and show that this supervision strategy has great potential. On ACDC it outperforms the CRF-loss based approach, and on POEM data it performs on par with it. The code for all our experiments is openly available.

InterVLS: Interactive Model Understanding and Improvement with Vision-Language Surrogates. (arXiv:2311.03547v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jinbin Huang, Wenbin He, Liang Gou, Liu Ren, Chris Bryan

Deep learning models are widely used in critical applications, highlighting the need for pre-deployment model understanding and improvement. Visual concept-based methods, while increasingly used for this purpose, face challenges: (1) most concepts lack interpretability, (2) existing methods require model knowledge, often unavailable at run time. Additionally, (3) there lacks a no-code method for post-understanding model improvement. Addressing these, we present InterVLS. The system facilitates model understanding by discovering text-aligned concepts, measuring their influence with model-agnostic linear surrogates. Employing visual analytics, InterVLS offers concept-based explanations and performance insights. It enables users to adjust concept influences to update a model, facilitating no-code model improvement. We evaluate InterVLS in a user study, illustrating its functionality with two scenarios. Results indicates that InterVLS is effective to help users identify influential concepts to a model, gain insights and adjust concept influence to improve the model. We conclude with a discussion based on our study results.

United We Stand, Divided We Fall: UnityGraph for Unsupervised Procedure Learning from Videos. (arXiv:2311.03550v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Siddhant Bansal, Chetan Arora, C.V. Jawahar

Given multiple videos of the same task, procedure learning addresses identifying the key-steps and determining their order to perform the task. For this purpose, existing approaches use the signal generated from a pair of videos. This makes key-steps discovery challenging as the algorithms lack inter-videos perspective. Instead, we propose an unsupervised Graph-based Procedure Learning (GPL) framework. GPL consists of the novel UnityGraph that represents all the videos of a task as a graph to obtain both intra-video and inter-videos context. Further, to obtain similar embeddings for the same key-steps, the embeddings of UnityGraph are updated in an unsupervised manner using the Node2Vec algorithm. Finally, to identify the key-steps, we cluster the embeddings using KMeans. We test GPL on benchmark ProceL, CrossTask, and EgoProceL datasets and achieve an average improvement of 2% on third-person datasets and 3.6% on EgoProceL over the state-of-the-art.

Spatio-Temporal Similarity Measure based Multi-Task Learning for Predicting Alzheimer's Disease Progression using MRI Data. (arXiv:2311.03557v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xulong Wang, Yu Zhang, Menghui Zhou, Tong Liu, Jun Qi, Po Yang

Identifying and utilising various biomarkers for tracking Alzheimer's disease (AD) progression have received many recent attentions and enable helping clinicians make the prompt decisions. Traditional progression models focus on extracting morphological biomarkers in regions of interest (ROIs) from MRI/PET images, such as regional average cortical thickness and regional volume. They are effective but ignore the relationships between brain ROIs over time, which would lead to synergistic deterioration. For exploring the synergistic deteriorating relationship between these biomarkers, in this paper, we propose a novel spatio-temporal similarity measure based multi-task learning approach for effectively predicting AD progression and sensitively capturing the critical relationships between biomarkers. Specifically, we firstly define a temporal measure for estimating the magnitude and velocity of biomarker change over time, which indicate a changing trend(temporal). Converting this trend into the vector, we then compare this variability between biomarkers in a unified vector space(spatial). The experimental results show that compared with directly ROI based learning, our proposed method is more effective in predicting disease progression. Our method also enables performing longitudinal stability selection to identify the changing relationships between biomarkers, which play a key role in disease progression. We prove that the synergistic deteriorating biomarkers between cortical volumes or surface areas have a significant effect on the cognitive prediction.

Sea You Later: Metadata-Guided Long-Term Re-Identification for UAV-Based Multi-Object Tracking. (arXiv:2311.03561v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cheng-Yen Yang, Hsiang-Wei Huang, Zhongyu Jiang, Heng-Cheng Kuo, Jie Mei, Chung-I Huang, Jenq-Neng Hwang

Re-identification (ReID) in multi-object tracking (MOT) for UAVs in maritime computer vision has been challenging for several reasons. More specifically, short-term re-identification (ReID) is difficult due to the nature of the characteristics of small targets and the sudden movement of the drone's gimbal. Long-term ReID suffers from the lack of useful appearance diversity. In response to these challenges, we present an adaptable motion-based MOT algorithm, called Metadata Guided MOT (MG-MOT). This algorithm effectively merges short-term tracking data into coherent long-term tracks, harnessing crucial metadata from UAVs, including GPS position, drone altitude, and camera orientations. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the efficacy of our MOT algorithm. Utilizing the challenging SeaDroneSee tracking dataset, which encompasses the aforementioned scenarios, we achieve a much-improved performance in the latest edition of the UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking Challenge with a state-of-the-art HOTA of 69.5% and an IDF1 of 85.9% on the testing split.

Cal-DETR: Calibrated Detection Transformer. (arXiv:2311.03570v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Muhammad Akhtar Munir, Salman Khan, Muhammad Haris Khan, Mohsen Ali, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Albeit revealing impressive predictive performance for several computer vision tasks, deep neural networks (DNNs) are prone to making overconfident predictions. This limits the adoption and wider utilization of DNNs in many safety-critical applications. There have been recent efforts toward calibrating DNNs, however, almost all of them focus on the classification task. Surprisingly, very little attention has been devoted to calibrating modern DNN-based object detectors, especially detection transformers, which have recently demonstrated promising detection performance and are influential in many decision-making systems. In this work, we address the problem by proposing a mechanism for calibrated detection transformers (Cal-DETR), particularly for Deformable-DETR, UP-DETR and DINO. We pursue the train-time calibration route and make the following contributions. First, we propose a simple yet effective approach for quantifying uncertainty in transformer-based object detectors. Second, we develop an uncertainty-guided logit modulation mechanism that leverages the uncertainty to modulate the class logits. Third, we develop a logit mixing approach that acts as a regularizer with detection-specific losses and is also complementary to the uncertainty-guided logit modulation technique to further improve the calibration performance. Lastly, we conduct extensive experiments across three in-domain and four out-domain scenarios. Results corroborate the effectiveness of Cal-DETR against the competing train-time methods in calibrating both in-domain and out-domain detections while maintaining or even improving the detection performance. Our codebase and pre-trained models can be accessed at \url{}.

Unsupervised Region-Growing Network for Object Segmentation in Atmospheric Turbulence. (arXiv:2311.03572v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dehao Qin, Ripon Saha, Suren Jayasuriya, Jinwei Ye, Nianyi Li

In this paper, we present a two-stage unsupervised foreground object segmentation network tailored for dynamic scenes affected by atmospheric turbulence. In the first stage, we utilize averaged optical flow from turbulence-distorted image sequences to feed a novel region-growing algorithm, crafting preliminary masks for each moving object in the video. In the second stage, we employ a U-Net architecture with consistency and grouping losses to further refine these masks optimizing their spatio-temporal alignment. Our approach does not require labeled training data and works across varied turbulence strengths for long-range video. Furthermore, we release the first moving object segmentation dataset of turbulence-affected videos, complete with manually annotated ground truth masks. Our method, evaluated on this new dataset, demonstrates superior segmentation accuracy and robustness as compared to current state-of-the-art unsupervised methods.

Multimodal Stress Detection Using Facial Landmarks and Biometric Signals. (arXiv:2311.03606v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Majid Hosseini, Morteza Bodaghi, Ravi Teja Bhupatiraju, Anthony Maida, Raju Gottumukkala

The development of various sensing technologies is improving measurements of stress and the well-being of individuals. Although progress has been made with single signal modalities like wearables and facial emotion recognition, integrating multiple modalities provides a more comprehensive understanding of stress, given that stress manifests differently across different people. Multi-modal learning aims to capitalize on the strength of each modality rather than relying on a single signal. Given the complexity of processing and integrating high-dimensional data from limited subjects, more research is needed. Numerous research efforts have been focused on fusing stress and emotion signals at an early stage, e.g., feature-level fusion using basic machine learning methods and 1D-CNN Methods. This paper proposes a multi-modal learning approach for stress detection that integrates facial landmarks and biometric signals. We test this multi-modal integration with various early-fusion and late-fusion techniques to integrate the 1D-CNN model from biometric signals and 2-D CNN using facial landmarks. We evaluate these architectures using a rigorous test of models' generalizability using the leave-one-subject-out mechanism, i.e., all samples related to a single subject are left out to train the model. Our findings show that late-fusion achieved 94.39\% accuracy, and early-fusion surpassed it with a 98.38\% accuracy rate. This research contributes valuable insights into enhancing stress detection through a multi-modal approach. The proposed research offers important knowledge in improving stress detection using a multi-modal approach.

FusionViT: Hierarchical 3D Object Detection via LiDAR-Camera Vision Transformer Fusion. (arXiv:2311.03620v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinhao Xiang, Jiawei Zhang

For 3D object detection, both camera and lidar have been demonstrated to be useful sensory devices for providing complementary information about the same scenery with data representations in different modalities, e.g., 2D RGB image vs 3D point cloud. An effective representation learning and fusion of such multi-modal sensor data is necessary and critical for better 3D object detection performance. To solve the problem, in this paper, we will introduce a novel vision transformer-based 3D object detection model, namely FusionViT. Different from the existing 3D object detection approaches, FusionViT is a pure-ViT based framework, which adopts a hierarchical architecture by extending the transformer model to embed both images and point clouds for effective representation learning. Such multi-modal data embedding representations will be further fused together via a fusion vision transformer model prior to feeding the learned features to the object detection head for both detection and localization of the 3D objects in the input scenery. To demonstrate the effectiveness of FusionViT, extensive experiments have been done on real-world traffic object detection benchmark datasets KITTI and Waymo Open. Notably, our FusionViT model can achieve state-of-the-art performance and outperforms not only the existing baseline methods that merely rely on camera images or lidar point clouds, but also the latest multi-modal image-point cloud deep fusion approaches.

TWIST: Teacher-Student World Model Distillation for Efficient Sim-to-Real Transfer. (arXiv:2311.03622v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Jun Yamada, Marc Rigter, Jack Collins, Ingmar Posner

Model-based RL is a promising approach for real-world robotics due to its improved sample efficiency and generalization capabilities compared to model-free RL. However, effective model-based RL solutions for vision-based real-world applications require bridging the sim-to-real gap for any world model learnt. Due to its significant computational cost, standard domain randomisation does not provide an effective solution to this problem. This paper proposes TWIST (Teacher-Student World Model Distillation for Sim-to-Real Transfer) to achieve efficient sim-to-real transfer of vision-based model-based RL using distillation. Specifically, TWIST leverages state observations as readily accessible, privileged information commonly garnered from a simulator to significantly accelerate sim-to-real transfer. Specifically, a teacher world model is trained efficiently on state information. At the same time, a matching dataset is collected of domain-randomised image observations. The teacher world model then supervises a student world model that takes the domain-randomised image observations as input. By distilling the learned latent dynamics model from the teacher to the student model, TWIST achieves efficient and effective sim-to-real transfer for vision-based model-based RL tasks. Experiments in simulated and real robotics tasks demonstrate that our approach outperforms naive domain randomisation and model-free methods in terms of sample efficiency and task performance of sim-to-real transfer.

Random Field Augmentations for Self-Supervised Representation Learning. (arXiv:2311.03629v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Philip Andrew Mansfield, Arash Afkanpour, Warren Richard Morningstar, Karan Singhal

Self-supervised representation learning is heavily dependent on data augmentations to specify the invariances encoded in representations. Previous work has shown that applying diverse data augmentations is crucial to downstream performance, but augmentation techniques remain under-explored. In this work, we propose a new family of local transformations based on Gaussian random fields to generate image augmentations for self-supervised representation learning. These transformations generalize the well-established affine and color transformations (translation, rotation, color jitter, etc.) and greatly increase the space of augmentations by allowing transformation parameter values to vary from pixel to pixel. The parameters are treated as continuous functions of spatial coordinates, and modeled as independent Gaussian random fields. Empirical results show the effectiveness of the new transformations for self-supervised representation learning. Specifically, we achieve a 1.7% top-1 accuracy improvement over baseline on ImageNet downstream classification, and a 3.6% improvement on out-of-distribution iNaturalist downstream classification. However, due to the flexibility of the new transformations, learned representations are sensitive to hyperparameters. While mild transformations improve representations, we observe that strong transformations can degrade the structure of an image, indicating that balancing the diversity and strength of augmentations is important for improving generalization of learned representations.

Instruct Me More! Random Prompting for Visual In-Context Learning. (arXiv:2311.03648v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiahao Zhang, Bowen Wang, Liangzhi Li, Yuta Nakashima, Hajime Nagahara

Large-scale models trained on extensive datasets, have emerged as the preferred approach due to their high generalizability across various tasks. In-context learning (ICL), a popular strategy in natural language processing, uses such models for different tasks by providing instructive prompts but without updating model parameters. This idea is now being explored in computer vision, where an input-output image pair (called an in-context pair) is supplied to the model with a query image as a prompt to exemplify the desired output. The efficacy of visual ICL often depends on the quality of the prompts. We thus introduce a method coined Instruct Me More (InMeMo), which augments in-context pairs with a learnable perturbation (prompt), to explore its potential. Our experiments on mainstream tasks reveal that InMeMo surpasses the current state-of-the-art performance. Specifically, compared to the baseline without learnable prompt, InMeMo boosts mIoU scores by 7.35 and 15.13 for foreground segmentation and single object detection tasks, respectively. Our findings suggest that InMeMo offers a versatile and efficient way to enhance the performance of visual ICL with lightweight training. Code is available at

Image Generation and Learning Strategy for Deep Document Forgery Detection. (arXiv:2311.03650v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yamato Okamoto, Osada Genki, Iu Yahiro, Rintaro Hasegawa, Peifei Zhu, Hirokatsu Kataoka

In recent years, document processing has flourished and brought numerous benefits. However, there has been a significant rise in reported cases of forged document images. Specifically, recent advancements in deep neural network (DNN) methods for generative tasks may amplify the threat of document forgery. Traditional approaches for forged document images created by prevalent copy-move methods are unsuitable against those created by DNN-based methods, as we have verified. To address this issue, we construct a training dataset of document forgery images, named FD-VIED, by emulating possible attacks, such as text addition, removal, and replacement with recent DNN-methods. Additionally, we introduce an effective pre-training approach through self-supervised learning with both natural images and document images. In our experiments, we demonstrate that our approach enhances detection performance.

Unsupervised convolutional neural network fusion approach for change detection in remote sensing images. (arXiv:2311.03679v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Weidong Yan, Pei Yan, Li Cao

With the rapid development of deep learning, a variety of change detection methods based on deep learning have emerged in recent years. However, these methods usually require a large number of training samples to train the network model, so it is very expensive. In this paper, we introduce a completely unsupervised shallow convolutional neural network (USCNN) fusion approach for change detection. Firstly, the bi-temporal images are transformed into different feature spaces by using convolution kernels of different sizes to extract multi-scale information of the images. Secondly, the output features of bi-temporal images at the same convolution kernels are subtracted to obtain the corresponding difference images, and the difference feature images at the same scale are fused into one feature image by using 1 * 1 convolution layer. Finally, the output features of different scales are concatenated and a 1 * 1 convolution layer is used to fuse the multi-scale information of the image. The model parameters are obtained by a redesigned sparse function. Our model has three features: the entire training process is conducted in an unsupervised manner, the network architecture is shallow, and the objective function is sparse. Thus, it can be seen as a kind of lightweight network model. Experimental results on four real remote sensing datasets indicate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Multimodal deep representation learning for quantum cross-platform verification. (arXiv:2311.03713v1 [quant-ph])

Authors: Yang Qian, Yuxuan Du, Zhenliang He, Min-hsiu Hsieh, Dacheng Tao

Cross-platform verification, a critical undertaking in the realm of early-stage quantum computing, endeavors to characterize the similarity of two imperfect quantum devices executing identical algorithms, utilizing minimal measurements. While the random measurement approach has been instrumental in this context, the quasi-exponential computational demand with increasing qubit count hurdles its feasibility in large-qubit scenarios. To bridge this knowledge gap, here we introduce an innovative multimodal learning approach, recognizing that the formalism of data in this task embodies two distinct modalities: measurement outcomes and classical description of compiled circuits on explored quantum devices, both enriched with unique information. Building upon this insight, we devise a multimodal neural network to independently extract knowledge from these modalities, followed by a fusion operation to create a comprehensive data representation. The learned representation can effectively characterize the similarity between the explored quantum devices when executing new quantum algorithms not present in the training data. We evaluate our proposal on platforms featuring diverse noise models, encompassing system sizes up to 50 qubits. The achieved results demonstrate a three-orders-of-magnitude improvement in prediction accuracy compared to the random measurements and offer compelling evidence of the complementary roles played by each modality in cross-platform verification. These findings pave the way for harnessing the power of multimodal learning to overcome challenges in wider quantum system learning tasks.

LLM as an Art Director (LaDi): Using LLMs to improve Text-to-Media Generators. (arXiv:2311.03716v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Allen Roush, Emil Zakirov, Artemiy Shirokov, Polina Lunina, Jack Gane, Alexander Duffy, Charlie Basil, Aber Whitcomb, Jim Benedetto, Chris DeWolfe

Recent advancements in text-to-image generation have revolutionized numerous fields, including art and cinema, by automating the generation of high-quality, context-aware images and video. However, the utility of these technologies is often limited by the inadequacy of text prompts in guiding the generator to produce artistically coherent and subject-relevant images. In this paper, We describe the techniques that can be used to make Large Language Models (LLMs) act as Art Directors that enhance image and video generation. We describe our unified system for this called "LaDi". We explore how LaDi integrates multiple techniques for augmenting the capabilities of text-to-image generators (T2Is) and text-to-video generators (T2Vs), with a focus on constrained decoding, intelligent prompting, fine-tuning, and retrieval. LaDi and these techniques are being used today in apps and platforms developed by Plai Labs.

Inertial Guided Uncertainty Estimation of Feature Correspondence in Visual-Inertial Odometry/SLAM. (arXiv:2311.03722v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Seongwook Yoon, Jaehyun Kim, Sanghoon Sull

Visual odometry and Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) has been studied as one of the most important tasks in the areas of computer vision and robotics, to contribute to autonomous navigation and augmented reality systems. In case of feature-based odometry/SLAM, a moving visual sensor observes a set of 3D points from different viewpoints, correspondences between the projected 2D points in each image are usually established by feature tracking and matching. However, since the corresponding point could be erroneous and noisy, reliable uncertainty estimation can improve the accuracy of odometry/SLAM methods. In addition, inertial measurement unit is utilized to aid the visual sensor in terms of Visual-Inertial fusion. In this paper, we propose a method to estimate the uncertainty of feature correspondence using an inertial guidance robust to image degradation caused by motion blur, illumination change and occlusion. Modeling a guidance distribution to sample possible correspondence, we fit the distribution to an energy function based on image error, yielding more robust uncertainty than conventional methods. We also demonstrate the feasibility of our approach by incorporating it into one of recent visual-inertial odometry/SLAM algorithms for public datasets.

DeepInspect: An AI-Powered Defect Detection for Manufacturing Industries. (arXiv:2311.03725v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Arti Kumbhar, Amruta Chougale, Priya Lokhande, Saloni Navaghane, Aditi Burud, Saee Nimbalkar

Utilizing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs), and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), our system introduces an innovative approach to defect detection in manufacturing. This technology excels in precisely identifying faults by extracting intricate details from product photographs, utilizing RNNs to detect evolving errors and generating synthetic defect data to bolster the model's robustness and adaptability across various defect scenarios. The project leverages a deep learning framework to automate real-time flaw detection in the manufacturing process. It harnesses extensive datasets of annotated images to discern complex defect patterns. This integrated system seamlessly fits into production workflows, thereby boosting efficiency and elevating product quality. As a result, it reduces waste and operational costs, ultimately enhancing market competitiveness.

3DifFusionDet: Diffusion Model for 3D Object Detection with Robust LiDAR-Camera Fusion. (arXiv:2311.03742v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinhao Xiang, Simon Dräger, Jiawei Zhang

Good 3D object detection performance from LiDAR-Camera sensors demands seamless feature alignment and fusion strategies. We propose the 3DifFusionDet framework in this paper, which structures 3D object detection as a denoising diffusion process from noisy 3D boxes to target boxes. In this framework, ground truth boxes diffuse in a random distribution for training, and the model learns to reverse the noising process. During inference, the model gradually refines a set of boxes that were generated at random to the outcomes. Under the feature align strategy, the progressive refinement method could make a significant contribution to robust LiDAR-Camera fusion. The iterative refinement process could also demonstrate great adaptability by applying the framework to various detecting circumstances where varying levels of accuracy and speed are required. Extensive experiments on KITTI, a benchmark for real-world traffic object identification, revealed that 3DifFusionDet is able to perform favorably in comparison to earlier, well-respected detectors.

Unsupervised Video Summarization. (arXiv:2311.03745v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hanqing Li, Diego Klabjan, Jean Utke

This paper introduces a new, unsupervised method for automatic video summarization using ideas from generative adversarial networks but eliminating the discriminator, having a simple loss function, and separating training of different parts of the model. An iterative training strategy is also applied by alternately training the reconstructor and the frame selector for multiple iterations. Furthermore, a trainable mask vector is added to the model in summary generation during training and evaluation. The method also includes an unsupervised model selection algorithm. Results from experiments on two public datasets (SumMe and TVSum) and four datasets we created (Soccer, LoL, MLB, and ShortMLB) demonstrate the effectiveness of each component on the model performance, particularly the iterative training strategy. Evaluations and comparisons with the state-of-the-art methods highlight the advantages of the proposed method in performance, stability, and training efficiency.

SBCFormer: Lightweight Network Capable of Full-size ImageNet Classification at 1 FPS on Single Board Computers. (arXiv:2311.03747v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiangyong Lu, Masanori Suganuma, Takayuki Okatani

Computer vision has become increasingly prevalent in solving real-world problems across diverse domains, including smart agriculture, fishery, and livestock management. These applications may not require processing many image frames per second, leading practitioners to use single board computers (SBCs). Although many lightweight networks have been developed for mobile/edge devices, they primarily target smartphones with more powerful processors and not SBCs with the low-end CPUs. This paper introduces a CNN-ViT hybrid network called SBCFormer, which achieves high accuracy and fast computation on such low-end CPUs. The hardware constraints of these CPUs make the Transformer's attention mechanism preferable to convolution. However, using attention on low-end CPUs presents a challenge: high-resolution internal feature maps demand excessive computational resources, but reducing their resolution results in the loss of local image details. SBCFormer introduces an architectural design to address this issue. As a result, SBCFormer achieves the highest trade-off between accuracy and speed on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B with an ARM-Cortex A72 CPU. For the first time, it achieves an ImageNet-1K top-1 accuracy of around 80% at a speed of 1.0 frame/sec on the SBC. Code is available at

Multiclass Segmentation using Teeth Attention Modules for Dental X-ray Images. (arXiv:2311.03749v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Afnan Ghafoor, Seong-Yong Moon, Bumshik Lee

This paper proposed a cutting-edge multiclass teeth segmentation architecture that integrates an M-Net-like structure with Swin Transformers and a novel component named Teeth Attention Block (TAB). Existing teeth image segmentation methods have issues with less accurate and unreliable segmentation outcomes due to the complex and varying morphology of teeth, although teeth segmentation in dental panoramic images is essential for dental disease diagnosis. We propose a novel teeth segmentation model incorporating an M-Net-like structure with Swin Transformers and TAB. The proposed TAB utilizes a unique attention mechanism that focuses specifically on the complex structures of teeth. The attention mechanism in TAB precisely highlights key elements of teeth features in panoramic images, resulting in more accurate segmentation outcomes. The proposed architecture effectively captures local and global contextual information, accurately defining each tooth and its surrounding structures. Furthermore, we employ a multiscale supervision strategy, which leverages the left and right legs of the U-Net structure, boosting the performance of the segmentation with enhanced feature representation. The squared Dice loss is utilized to tackle the class imbalance issue, ensuring accurate segmentation across all classes. The proposed method was validated on a panoramic teeth X-ray dataset, which was taken in a real-world dental diagnosis. The experimental results demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed architecture for tooth segmentation on multiple benchmark dental image datasets, outperforming existing state-of-the-art methods in objective metrics and visual examinations. This study has the potential to significantly enhance dental image analysis and contribute to advances in dental applications.

Image change detection with only a few samples. (arXiv:2311.03762v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ke Liu, Zhaoyi Song, Haoyue Bai

This paper considers image change detection with only a small number of samples, which is a significant problem in terms of a few annotations available. A major impediment of image change detection task is the lack of large annotated datasets covering a wide variety of scenes. Change detection models trained on insufficient datasets have shown poor generalization capability. To address the poor generalization issue, we propose using simple image processing methods for generating synthetic but informative datasets, and design an early fusion network based on object detection which could outperform the siamese neural network. Our key insight is that the synthetic data enables the trained model to have good generalization ability for various scenarios. We compare the model trained on the synthetic data with that on the real-world data captured from a challenging dataset, CDNet, using six different test sets. The results demonstrate that the synthetic data is informative enough to achieve higher generalization ability than the insufficient real-world data. Besides, the experiment shows that utilizing a few (often tens of) samples to fine-tune the model trained on the synthetic data will achieve excellent results.

Lightweight Portrait Matting via Regional Attention and Refinement. (arXiv:2311.03770v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yatao Zhong, Ilya Zharkov

We present a lightweight model for high resolution portrait matting. The model does not use any auxiliary inputs such as trimaps or background captures and achieves real time performance for HD videos and near real time for 4K. Our model is built upon a two-stage framework with a low resolution network for coarse alpha estimation followed by a refinement network for local region improvement. However, a naive implementation of the two-stage model suffers from poor matting quality if not utilizing any auxiliary inputs. We address the performance gap by leveraging the vision transformer (ViT) as the backbone of the low resolution network, motivated by the observation that the tokenization step of ViT can reduce spatial resolution while retain as much pixel information as possible. To inform local regions of the context, we propose a novel cross region attention (CRA) module in the refinement network to propagate the contextual information across the neighboring regions. We demonstrate that our method achieves superior results and outperforms other baselines on three benchmark datasets while only uses $1/20$ of the FLOPS compared to the existing state-of-the-art model.

Meta-Adapter: An Online Few-shot Learner for Vision-Language Model. (arXiv:2311.03774v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cheng Cheng, Lin Song, Ruoyi Xue, Hang Wang, Hongbin Sun, Yixiao Ge, Ying Shan

The contrastive vision-language pre-training, known as CLIP, demonstrates remarkable potential in perceiving open-world visual concepts, enabling effective zero-shot image recognition. Nevertheless, few-shot learning methods based on CLIP typically require offline fine-tuning of the parameters on few-shot samples, resulting in longer inference time and the risk of over-fitting in certain domains. To tackle these challenges, we propose the Meta-Adapter, a lightweight residual-style adapter, to refine the CLIP features guided by the few-shot samples in an online manner. With a few training samples, our method can enable effective few-shot learning capabilities and generalize to unseen data or tasks without additional fine-tuning, achieving competitive performance and high efficiency. Without bells and whistles, our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art online few-shot learning method by an average of 3.6\% on eight image classification datasets with higher inference speed. Furthermore, our model is simple and flexible, serving as a plug-and-play module directly applicable to downstream tasks. Without further fine-tuning, Meta-Adapter obtains notable performance improvements in open-vocabulary object detection and segmentation tasks.

CapST: An Enhanced and Lightweight Method for Deepfake Video Classification. (arXiv:2311.03782v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wasim Ahmad, Yan-Tsung Peng, Yuan-Hao Chang, Gaddisa Olani Ganfure, Sarwar Khan, Sahibzada Adil Shahzad

The proliferation of deepfake videos, synthetic media produced through advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques has raised significant concerns across various sectors, encompassing realms such as politics, entertainment, and security. In response, this research introduces an innovative and streamlined model designed to classify deepfake videos generated by five distinct encoders adeptly. Our approach not only achieves state of the art performance but also optimizes computational resources. At its core, our solution employs part of a VGG19bn as a backbone to efficiently extract features, a strategy proven effective in image-related tasks. We integrate a Capsule Network coupled with a Spatial Temporal attention mechanism to bolster the model's classification capabilities while conserving resources. This combination captures intricate hierarchies among features, facilitating robust identification of deepfake attributes. Delving into the intricacies of our innovation, we introduce an existing video level fusion technique that artfully capitalizes on temporal attention mechanisms. This mechanism serves to handle concatenated feature vectors, capitalizing on the intrinsic temporal dependencies embedded within deepfake videos. By aggregating insights across frames, our model gains a holistic comprehension of video content, resulting in more precise predictions. Experimental results on an extensive benchmark dataset of deepfake videos called DFDM showcase the efficacy of our proposed method. Notably, our approach achieves up to a 4 percent improvement in accurately categorizing deepfake videos compared to baseline models, all while demanding fewer computational resources.

UP-NeRF: Unconstrained Pose-Prior-Free Neural Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2311.03784v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Injae Kim, Minhyuk Choi, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has enabled novel view synthesis with high fidelity given images and camera poses. Subsequent works even succeeded in eliminating the necessity of pose priors by jointly optimizing NeRF and camera pose. However, these works are limited to relatively simple settings such as photometrically consistent and occluder-free image collections or a sequence of images from a video. So they have difficulty handling unconstrained images with varying illumination and transient occluders. In this paper, we propose \textbf{UP-NeRF} (\textbf{U}nconstrained \textbf{P}ose-prior-free \textbf{Ne}ural \textbf{R}adiance \textbf{F}ields) to optimize NeRF with unconstrained image collections without camera pose prior. We tackle these challenges with surrogate tasks that optimize color-insensitive feature fields and a separate module for transient occluders to block their influence on pose estimation. In addition, we introduce a candidate head to enable more robust pose estimation and transient-aware depth supervision to minimize the effect of incorrect prior. Our experiments verify the superior performance of our method compared to the baselines including BARF and its variants in a challenging internet photo collection, \textit{Phototourism} dataset. The code of UP-NeRF is available at \url{}.

Self-MI: Efficient Multimodal Fusion via Self-Supervised Multi-Task Learning with Auxiliary Mutual Information Maximization. (arXiv:2311.03785v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cam-Van Thi Nguyen, Ngoc-Hoa Thi Nguyen, Duc-Trong Le, Quang-Thuy Ha

Multimodal representation learning poses significant challenges in capturing informative and distinct features from multiple modalities. Existing methods often struggle to exploit the unique characteristics of each modality due to unified multimodal annotations. In this study, we propose Self-MI in the self-supervised learning fashion, which also leverage Contrastive Predictive Coding (CPC) as an auxiliary technique to maximize the Mutual Information (MI) between unimodal input pairs and the multimodal fusion result with unimodal inputs. Moreover, we design a label generation module, $ULG_{MI}$ for short, that enables us to create meaningful and informative labels for each modality in a self-supervised manner. By maximizing the Mutual Information, we encourage better alignment between the multimodal fusion and the individual modalities, facilitating improved multimodal fusion. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets including CMU-MOSI, CMU-MOSEI, and SIMS, demonstrate the effectiveness of Self-MI in enhancing the multimodal fusion task.

Detecting Any Human-Object Interaction Relationship: Universal HOI Detector with Spatial Prompt Learning on Foundation Models. (arXiv:2311.03799v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yichao Cao, Qingfei Tang, Xiu Su, Chen Song, Shan You, Xiaobo Lu, Chang Xu

Human-object interaction (HOI) detection aims to comprehend the intricate relationships between humans and objects, predicting $<human, action, object>$ triplets, and serving as the foundation for numerous computer vision tasks. The complexity and diversity of human-object interactions in the real world, however, pose significant challenges for both annotation and recognition, particularly in recognizing interactions within an open world context. This study explores the universal interaction recognition in an open-world setting through the use of Vision-Language (VL) foundation models and large language models (LLMs). The proposed method is dubbed as \emph{\textbf{UniHOI}}. We conduct a deep analysis of the three hierarchical features inherent in visual HOI detectors and propose a method for high-level relation extraction aimed at VL foundation models, which we call HO prompt-based learning. Our design includes an HO Prompt-guided Decoder (HOPD), facilitates the association of high-level relation representations in the foundation model with various HO pairs within the image. Furthermore, we utilize a LLM (\emph{i.e.} GPT) for interaction interpretation, generating a richer linguistic understanding for complex HOIs. For open-category interaction recognition, our method supports either of two input types: interaction phrase or interpretive sentence. Our efficient architecture design and learning methods effectively unleash the potential of the VL foundation models and LLMs, allowing UniHOI to surpass all existing methods with a substantial margin, under both supervised and zero-shot settings. The code and pre-trained weights are available at: \url{}.

Multi-view Information Integration and Propagation for Occluded Person Re-identification. (arXiv:2311.03828v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Neng Dong, Shuanglin Yan, Hao Tang, Jinhui Tang, Liyan Zhang

Occluded person re-identification (re-ID) presents a challenging task due to occlusion perturbations. Although great efforts have been made to prevent the model from being disturbed by occlusion noise, most current solutions only capture information from a single image, disregarding the rich complementary information available in multiple images depicting the same pedestrian. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called Multi-view Information Integration and Propagation (MVI$^{2}$P). Specifically, realizing the potential of multi-view images in effectively characterizing the occluded target pedestrian, we integrate feature maps of which to create a comprehensive representation. During this process, to avoid introducing occlusion noise, we develop a CAMs-aware Localization module that selectively integrates information contributing to the identification. Additionally, considering the divergence in the discriminative nature of different images, we design a probability-aware Quantification module to emphatically integrate highly reliable information. Moreover, as multiple images with the same identity are not accessible in the testing stage, we devise an Information Propagation (IP) mechanism to distill knowledge from the comprehensive representation to that of a single occluded image. Extensive experiments and analyses have unequivocally demonstrated the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed MVI$^{2}$P. The code will be released at \url{}.

Reducing Spatial Fitting Error in Distillation of Denoising Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.03830v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shengzhe Zhou, Zejian Lee, Shengyuan Zhang, Lefan Hou, Changyuan Yang, Guang Yang, Lingyun Sun

Denoising Diffusion models have exhibited remarkable capabilities in image generation. However, generating high-quality samples requires a large number of iterations. Knowledge distillation for diffusion models is an effective method to address this limitation with a shortened sampling process but causes degraded generative quality. Based on our analysis with bias-variance decomposition and experimental observations, we attribute the degradation to the spatial fitting error occurring in the training of both the teacher and student model. Accordingly, we propose $\textbf{S}$patial $\textbf{F}$itting-$\textbf{E}$rror $\textbf{R}$eduction $\textbf{D}$istillation model ($\textbf{SFERD}$). SFERD utilizes attention guidance from the teacher model and a designed semantic gradient predictor to reduce the student's fitting error. Empirically, our proposed model facilitates high-quality sample generation in a few function evaluations. We achieve an FID of 5.31 on CIFAR-10 and 9.39 on ImageNet 64$\times$64 with only one step, outperforming existing diffusion methods. Our study provides a new perspective on diffusion distillation by highlighting the intrinsic denoising ability of models.

SCONE-GAN: Semantic Contrastive learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for an end-to-end image translation. (arXiv:2311.03866v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Iman Abbasnejad, Fabio Zambetta, Flora Salim, Timothy Wiley, Jeffrey Chan, Russell Gallagher, Ehsan Abbasnejad

SCONE-GAN presents an end-to-end image translation, which is shown to be effective for learning to generate realistic and diverse scenery images. Most current image-to-image translation approaches are devised as two mappings: a translation from the source to target domain and another to represent its inverse. While successful in many applications, these approaches may suffer from generating trivial solutions with limited diversity. That is because these methods learn more frequent associations rather than the scene structures. To mitigate the problem, we propose SCONE-GAN that utilises graph convolutional networks to learn the objects dependencies, maintain the image structure and preserve its semantics while transferring images into the target domain. For more realistic and diverse image generation we introduce style reference image. We enforce the model to maximize the mutual information between the style image and output. The proposed method explicitly maximizes the mutual information between the related patches, thus encouraging the generator to produce more diverse images. We validate the proposed algorithm for image-to-image translation and stylizing outdoor images. Both qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on four dataset.

A Comparative Study of Knowledge Transfer Methods for Misaligned Urban Building Labels. (arXiv:2311.03867v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bipul Neupane, Jagannath Aryal, Abbas Rajabifard

Misalignment in Earth observation (EO) images and building labels impact the training of accurate convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for semantic segmentation of building footprints. Recently, three Teacher-Student knowledge transfer methods have been introduced to address this issue: supervised domain adaptation (SDA), knowledge distillation (KD), and deep mutual learning (DML). However, these methods are merely studied for different urban buildings (low-rise, mid-rise, high-rise, and skyscrapers), where misalignment increases with building height and spatial resolution. In this study, we present a workflow for the systematic comparative study of the three methods. The workflow first identifies the best (with the highest evaluation scores) hyperparameters, lightweight CNNs for the Student (among 43 CNNs from Computer Vision), and encoder-decoder networks (EDNs) for both Teachers and Students. Secondly, three building footprint datasets are developed to train and evaluate the identified Teachers and Students in the three transfer methods. The results show that U-Net with VGG19 (U-VGG19) is the best Teacher, and U-EfficientNetv2B3 and U-EfficientNet-lite0 are among the best Students. With these Teacher-Student pairs, SDA could yield upto 0.943, 0.868, 0.912, and 0.697 F1 scores in the low-rise, mid-rise, high-rise, and skyscrapers respectively. KD and DML provide model compression of upto 82%, despite marginal loss in performance. This new comparison concludes that SDA is the most effective method to address the misalignment problem, while KD and DML can efficiently compress network size without significant loss in performance. The 158 experiments and datasets developed in this study will be valuable to minimise the misaligned labels.

Mini but Mighty: Finetuning ViTs with Mini Adapters. (arXiv:2311.03873v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Imad Eddine Marouf, Enzo Tartaglione, Stéphane Lathuilière

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have become one of the dominant architectures in computer vision, and pre-trained ViT models are commonly adapted to new tasks via fine-tuning. Recent works proposed several parameter-efficient transfer learning methods, such as adapters, to avoid the prohibitive training and storage cost of finetuning. In this work, we observe that adapters perform poorly when the dimension of adapters is small, and we propose MiMi, a training framework that addresses this issue. We start with large adapters which can reach high performance, and iteratively reduce their size. To enable automatic estimation of the hidden dimension of every adapter, we also introduce a new scoring function, specifically designed for adapters, that compares the neuron importance across layers. Our method outperforms existing methods in finding the best trade-off between accuracy and trained parameters across the three dataset benchmarks DomainNet, VTAB, and Multi-task, for a total of 29 datasets.

MeVGAN: GAN-based Plugin Model for Video Generation with Applications in Colonoscopy. (arXiv:2311.03884v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Łukasz Struski, Tomasz Urbańczyk, Krzysztof Bucki, Bartłomiej Cupiał, Aneta Kaczyńska, Przemysław Spurek, Jacek Tabor

Video generation is important, especially in medicine, as much data is given in this form. However, video generation of high-resolution data is a very demanding task for generative models, due to the large need for memory. In this paper, we propose Memory Efficient Video GAN (MeVGAN) - a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) which uses plugin-type architecture. We use a pre-trained 2D-image GAN and only add a simple neural network to construct respective trajectories in the noise space, so that the trajectory forwarded through the GAN model constructs a real-life video. We apply MeVGAN in the task of generating colonoscopy videos. Colonoscopy is an important medical procedure, especially beneficial in screening and managing colorectal cancer. However, because colonoscopy is difficult and time-consuming to learn, colonoscopy simulators are widely used in educating young colonoscopists. We show that MeVGAN can produce good quality synthetic colonoscopy videos, which can be potentially used in virtual simulators.

RobustMat: Neural Diffusion for Street Landmark Patch Matching under Challenging Environments. (arXiv:2311.03904v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rui She, Qiyu Kang, Sijie Wang, Yuan-Rui Yang, Kai Zhao, Yang Song, Wee Peng Tay

For autonomous vehicles (AVs), visual perception techniques based on sensors like cameras play crucial roles in information acquisition and processing. In various computer perception tasks for AVs, it may be helpful to match landmark patches taken by an onboard camera with other landmark patches captured at a different time or saved in a street scene image database. To perform matching under challenging driving environments caused by changing seasons, weather, and illumination, we utilize the spatial neighborhood information of each patch. We propose an approach, named RobustMat, which derives its robustness to perturbations from neural differential equations. A convolutional neural ODE diffusion module is used to learn the feature representation for the landmark patches. A graph neural PDE diffusion module then aggregates information from neighboring landmark patches in the street scene. Finally, feature similarity learning outputs the final matching score. Our approach is evaluated on several street scene datasets and demonstrated to achieve state-of-the-art matching results under environmental perturbations.

FLORA: Fine-grained Low-Rank Architecture Search for Vision Transformer. (arXiv:2311.03912v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chi-Chih Chang, Yuan-Yao Sung, Shixing Yu, Ning-Chi Huang, Diana Marculescu, Kai-Chiang Wu

Vision Transformers (ViT) have recently demonstrated success across a myriad of computer vision tasks. However, their elevated computational demands pose significant challenges for real-world deployment. While low-rank approximation stands out as a renowned method to reduce computational loads, efficiently automating the target rank selection in ViT remains a challenge. Drawing from the notable similarity and alignment between the processes of rank selection and One-Shot NAS, we introduce FLORA, an end-to-end automatic framework based on NAS. To overcome the design challenge of supernet posed by vast search space, FLORA employs a low-rank aware candidate filtering strategy. This method adeptly identifies and eliminates underperforming candidates, effectively alleviating potential undertraining and interference among subnetworks. To further enhance the quality of low-rank supernets, we design a low-rank specific training paradigm. First, we propose weight inheritance to construct supernet and enable gradient sharing among low-rank modules. Secondly, we adopt low-rank aware sampling to strategically allocate training resources, taking into account inherited information from pre-trained models. Empirical results underscore FLORA's efficacy. With our method, a more fine-grained rank configuration can be generated automatically and yield up to 33% extra FLOPs reduction compared to a simple uniform configuration. More specific, FLORA-DeiT-B/FLORA-Swin-B can save up to 55%/42% FLOPs almost without performance degradtion. Importantly, FLORA boasts both versatility and orthogonality, offering an extra 21%-26% FLOPs reduction when integrated with leading compression techniques or compact hybrid structures. Our code is publicly available at

Analysis of NaN Divergence in Training Monocular Depth Estimation Model. (arXiv:2311.03938v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bum Jun Kim, Hyeonah Jang, Sang Woo Kim

The latest advances in deep learning have facilitated the development of highly accurate monocular depth estimation models. However, when training a monocular depth estimation network, practitioners and researchers have observed not a number (NaN) loss, which disrupts gradient descent optimization. Although several practitioners have reported the stochastic and mysterious occurrence of NaN loss that bothers training, its root cause is not discussed in the literature. This study conducted an in-depth analysis of NaN loss during training a monocular depth estimation network and identified three types of vulnerabilities that cause NaN loss: 1) the use of square root loss, which leads to an unstable gradient; 2) the log-sigmoid function, which exhibits numerical stability issues; and 3) certain variance implementations, which yield incorrect computations. Furthermore, for each vulnerability, the occurrence of NaN loss was demonstrated and practical guidelines to prevent NaN loss were presented. Experiments showed that both optimization stability and performance on monocular depth estimation could be improved by following our guidelines.

CLIP Guided Image-perceptive Prompt Learning for Image Enhancement. (arXiv:2311.03943v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zinuo Li, Qiuhong Ke, Weiwen Chen

Image enhancement is a significant research area in the fields of computer vision and image processing. In recent years, many learning-based methods for image enhancement have been developed, where the Look-up-table (LUT) has proven to be an effective tool. In this paper, we delve into the potential of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-Training (CLIP) Guided Prompt Learning, proposing a simple structure called CLIP-LUT for image enhancement. We found that the prior knowledge of CLIP can effectively discern the quality of degraded images, which can provide reliable guidance. To be specific, We initially learn image-perceptive prompts to distinguish between original and target images using CLIP model, in the meanwhile, we introduce a very simple network by incorporating a simple baseline to predict the weights of three different LUT as enhancement network. The obtained prompts are used to steer the enhancement network like a loss function and improve the performance of model. We demonstrate that by simply combining a straightforward method with CLIP, we can obtain satisfactory results.

Improving the Effectiveness of Deep Generative Data. (arXiv:2311.03959v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ruyu Wang, Sabrina Schmedding, Marco F. Huber

Recent deep generative models (DGMs) such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have shown their impressive ability in generating high-fidelity photorealistic images. Although looking appealing to human eyes, training a model on purely synthetic images for downstream image processing tasks like image classification often results in an undesired performance drop compared to training on real data. Previous works have demonstrated that enhancing a real dataset with synthetic images from DGMs can be beneficial. However, the improvements were subjected to certain circumstances and yet were not comparable to adding the same number of real images. In this work, we propose a new taxonomy to describe factors contributing to this commonly observed phenomenon and investigate it on the popular CIFAR-10 dataset. We hypothesize that the Content Gap accounts for a large portion of the performance drop when using synthetic images from DGM and propose strategies to better utilize them in downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets showcase that our method outperforms baselines on downstream classification tasks both in case of training on synthetic only (Synthetic-to-Real) and training on a mix of real and synthetic data (Data Augmentation), particularly in the data-scarce scenario.

Enhancing Multimodal Compositional Reasoning of Visual Language Models with Generative Negative Mining. (arXiv:2311.03964v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ugur Sahin, Hang Li, Qadeer Khan, Daniel Cremers, Volker Tresp

Contemporary large-scale visual language models (VLMs) exhibit strong representation capacities, making them ubiquitous for enhancing image and text understanding tasks. They are often trained in a contrastive manner on a large and diverse corpus of images and corresponding text captions scraped from the internet. Despite this, VLMs often struggle with compositional reasoning tasks which require a fine-grained understanding of the complex interactions of objects and their attributes. This failure can be attributed to two main factors: 1) Contrastive approaches have traditionally focused on mining negative examples from existing datasets. However, the mined negative examples might not be difficult for the model to discriminate from the positive. An alternative to mining would be negative sample generation 2) But existing generative approaches primarily focus on generating hard negative texts associated with a given image. Mining in the other direction, i.e., generating negative image samples associated with a given text has been ignored. To overcome both these limitations, we propose a framework that not only mines in both directions but also generates challenging negative samples in both modalities, i.e., images and texts. Leveraging these generative hard negative samples, we significantly enhance VLMs' performance in tasks involving multimodal compositional reasoning. Our code and dataset are released at

Fast Sun-aligned Outdoor Scene Relighting based on TensoRF. (arXiv:2311.03965v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yeonjin Chang, Yearim Kim, Seunghyeon Seo, Jung Yi, Nojun Kwak

In this work, we introduce our method of outdoor scene relighting for Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) named Sun-aligned Relighting TensoRF (SR-TensoRF). SR-TensoRF offers a lightweight and rapid pipeline aligned with the sun, thereby achieving a simplified workflow that eliminates the need for environment maps. Our sun-alignment strategy is motivated by the insight that shadows, unlike viewpoint-dependent albedo, are determined by light direction. We directly use the sun direction as an input during shadow generation, simplifying the requirements of the inference process significantly. Moreover, SR-TensoRF leverages the training efficiency of TensoRF by incorporating our proposed cubemap concept, resulting in notable acceleration in both training and rendering processes compared to existing methods.

CeCNN: Copula-enhanced convolutional neural networks in joint prediction of refraction error and axial length based on ultra-widefield fundus images. (arXiv:2311.03967v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chong Zhong, Yang Li, Danjuan Yang, Meiyan Li, Xingyao Zhou, Bo Fu, Catherine C. Liu, A.H. Welsh

Ultra-widefield (UWF) fundus images are replacing traditional fundus images in screening, detection, prediction, and treatment of complications related to myopia because their much broader visual range is advantageous for highly myopic eyes. Spherical equivalent (SE) is extensively used as the main myopia outcome measure, and axial length (AL) has drawn increasing interest as an important ocular component for assessing myopia. Cutting-edge studies show that SE and AL are strongly correlated. Using the joint information from SE and AL is potentially better than using either separately. In the deep learning community, though there is research on multiple-response tasks with a 3D image biomarker, dependence among responses is only sporadically taken into consideration. Inspired by the spirit that information extracted from the data by statistical methods can improve the prediction accuracy of deep learning models, we formulate a class of multivariate response regression models with a higher-order tensor biomarker, for the bivariate tasks of regression-classification and regression-regression. Specifically, we propose a copula-enhanced convolutional neural network (CeCNN) framework that incorporates the dependence between responses through a Gaussian copula (with parameters estimated from a warm-up CNN) and uses the induced copula-likelihood loss with the backbone CNNs. We establish the statistical framework and algorithms for the aforementioned two bivariate tasks. We show that the CeCNN has better prediction accuracy after adding the dependency information to the backbone models. The modeling and the proposed CeCNN algorithm are applicable beyond the UWF scenario and can be effective with other backbones beyond ResNet and LeNet.

Bias and Diversity in Synthetic-based Face Recognition. (arXiv:2311.03970v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Marco Huber, Anh Thi Luu, Fadi Boutros, Arjan Kuijper, Naser Damer

Synthetic data is emerging as a substitute for authentic data to solve ethical and legal challenges in handling authentic face data. The current models can create real-looking face images of people who do not exist. However, it is a known and sensitive problem that face recognition systems are susceptible to bias, i.e. performance differences between different demographic and non-demographics attributes, which can lead to unfair decisions. In this work, we investigate how the diversity of synthetic face recognition datasets compares to authentic datasets, and how the distribution of the training data of the generative models affects the distribution of the synthetic data. To do this, we looked at the distribution of gender, ethnicity, age, and head position. Furthermore, we investigated the concrete bias of three recent synthetic-based face recognition models on the studied attributes in comparison to a baseline model trained on authentic data. Our results show that the generator generate a similar distribution as the used training data in terms of the different attributes. With regard to bias, it can be seen that the synthetic-based models share a similar bias behavior with the authentic-based models. However, with the uncovered lower intra-identity attribute consistency seems to be beneficial in reducing bias.

Accurate 3D Object Detection using Energy-Based Models. (arXiv:2012.04634v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Martin Danelljan, Thomas B. Schön

Accurate 3D object detection (3DOD) is crucial for safe navigation of complex environments by autonomous robots. Regressing accurate 3D bounding boxes in cluttered environments based on sparse LiDAR data is however a highly challenging problem. We address this task by exploring recent advances in conditional energy-based models (EBMs) for probabilistic regression. While methods employing EBMs for regression have demonstrated impressive performance on 2D object detection in images, these techniques are not directly applicable to 3D bounding boxes. In this work, we therefore design a differentiable pooling operator for 3D bounding boxes, serving as the core module of our EBM network. We further integrate this general approach into the state-of-the-art 3D object detector SA-SSD. On the KITTI dataset, our proposed approach consistently outperforms the SA-SSD baseline across all 3DOD metrics, demonstrating the potential of EBM-based regression for highly accurate 3DOD. Code is available at

Classification of Smoking and Calling using Deep Learning. (arXiv:2012.08026v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Miaowei Wang, Alexander William Mohacey, Hongyu Wang, James Apfel

Since 2014, very deep convolutional neural networks have been proposed and become the must-have weapon for champions in all kinds of competition. In this report, a pipeline is introduced to perform the classification of smoking and calling by modifying the pretrained inception V3. Brightness enhancing based on deep learning is implemented to improve the classification of this classification task along with other useful training tricks. Based on the quality and quantity results, it can be concluded that this pipeline with small biased samples is practical and useful with high accuracy.

K-Lane: Lidar Lane Dataset and Benchmark for Urban Roads and Highways. (arXiv:2110.11048v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Donghee Paek, Seung-Hyun Kong, Kevin Tirta Wijaya

Lane detection is a critical function for autonomous driving. With the recent development of deep learning and the publication of camera lane datasets and benchmarks, camera lane detection networks (CLDNs) have been remarkably developed. Unfortunately, CLDNs rely on camera images which are often distorted near the vanishing line and prone to poor lighting condition. This is in contrast with Lidar lane detection networks (LLDNs), which can directly extract the lane lines on the bird's eye view (BEV) for motion planning and operate robustly under various lighting conditions. However, LLDNs have not been actively studied, mostly due to the absence of large public lidar lane datasets. In this paper, we introduce KAIST-Lane (K-Lane), the world's first and the largest public urban road and highway lane dataset for Lidar. K-Lane has more than 15K frames and contains annotations of up to six lanes under various road and traffic conditions, e.g., occluded roads of multiple occlusion levels, roads at day and night times, merging (converging and diverging) and curved lanes. We also provide baseline networks we term Lidar lane detection networks utilizing global feature correlator (LLDN-GFC). LLDN-GFC exploits the spatial characteristics of lane lines on the point cloud, which are sparse, thin, and stretched along the entire ground plane of the point cloud. From experimental results, LLDN-GFC achieves the state-of-the-art performance with an F1- score of 82.1%, on the K-Lane. Moreover, LLDN-GFC shows strong performance under various lighting conditions, which is unlike CLDNs, and also robust even in the case of severe occlusions, unlike LLDNs using the conventional CNN. The K-Lane, LLDN-GFC training code, pre-trained models, and complete development kits including evaluation, visualization and annotation tools are available at

Learning Proposals for Practical Energy-Based Regression. (arXiv:2110.11948v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Martin Danelljan, Thomas B. Schön

Energy-based models (EBMs) have experienced a resurgence within machine learning in recent years, including as a promising alternative for probabilistic regression. However, energy-based regression requires a proposal distribution to be manually designed for training, and an initial estimate has to be provided at test-time. We address both of these issues by introducing a conceptually simple method to automatically learn an effective proposal distribution, which is parameterized by a separate network head. To this end, we derive a surprising result, leading to a unified training objective that jointly minimizes the KL divergence from the proposal to the EBM, and the negative log-likelihood of the EBM. At test-time, we can then employ importance sampling with the trained proposal to efficiently evaluate the learned EBM and produce stand-alone predictions. Furthermore, we utilize our derived training objective to learn mixture density networks (MDNs) with a jointly trained energy-based teacher, consistently outperforming conventional MDN training on four real-world regression tasks within computer vision. Code is available at

Geodesic Multi-Modal Mixup for Robust Fine-Tuning. (arXiv:2203.03897v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Changdae Oh, Junhyuk So, Hoyoon Byun, YongTaek Lim, Minchul Shin, Jong-June Jeon, Kyungwoo Song

Pre-trained multi-modal models, such as CLIP, provide transferable embeddings and show promising results in diverse applications. However, the analysis of learned multi-modal embeddings is relatively unexplored, and the embedding transferability can be improved. In this work, we observe that CLIP holds separated embedding subspaces for two different modalities, and then we investigate it through the lens of uniformity-alignment to measure the quality of learned representation. Both theoretically and empirically, we show that CLIP retains poor uniformity and alignment even after fine-tuning. Such a lack of alignment and uniformity might restrict the transferability and robustness of embeddings. To this end, we devise a new fine-tuning method for robust representation equipping better alignment and uniformity. First, we propose a Geodesic Multi-Modal Mixup that mixes the embeddings of image and text to generate hard negative samples on the hypersphere. Then, we fine-tune the model on hard negatives as well as original negatives and positives with contrastive loss. Based on the theoretical analysis about hardness guarantee and limiting behavior, we justify the use of our method. Extensive experiments on retrieval, calibration, few- or zero-shot classification (under distribution shift), embedding arithmetic, and image captioning further show that our method provides transferable representations, enabling robust model adaptation on diverse tasks. Code:

K-Radar: 4D Radar Object Detection for Autonomous Driving in Various Weather Conditions. (arXiv:2206.08171v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dong-Hee Paek, Seung-Hyun Kong, Kevin Tirta Wijaya

Unlike RGB cameras that use visible light bands (384$\sim$769 THz) and Lidars that use infrared bands (361$\sim$331 THz), Radars use relatively longer wavelength radio bands (77$\sim$81 GHz), resulting in robust measurements in adverse weathers. Unfortunately, existing Radar datasets only contain a relatively small number of samples compared to the existing camera and Lidar datasets. This may hinder the development of sophisticated data-driven deep learning techniques for Radar-based perception. Moreover, most of the existing Radar datasets only provide 3D Radar tensor (3DRT) data that contain power measurements along the Doppler, range, and azimuth dimensions. As there is no elevation information, it is challenging to estimate the 3D bounding box of an object from 3DRT. In this work, we introduce KAIST-Radar (K-Radar), a novel large-scale object detection dataset and benchmark that contains 35K frames of 4D Radar tensor (4DRT) data with power measurements along the Doppler, range, azimuth, and elevation dimensions, together with carefully annotated 3D bounding box labels of objects on the roads. K-Radar includes challenging driving conditions such as adverse weathers (fog, rain, and snow) on various road structures (urban, suburban roads, alleyways, and highways). In addition to the 4DRT, we provide auxiliary measurements from carefully calibrated high-resolution Lidars, surround stereo cameras, and RTK-GPS. We also provide 4DRT-based object detection baseline neural networks (baseline NNs) and show that the height information is crucial for 3D object detection. And by comparing the baseline NN with a similarly-structured Lidar-based neural network, we demonstrate that 4D Radar is a more robust sensor for adverse weather conditions. All codes are available at

Image Amodal Completion: A Survey. (arXiv:2207.02062v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiayang Ao, Qiuhong Ke, Krista A. Ehinger

Existing computer vision systems can compete with humans in understanding the visible parts of objects, but still fall far short of humans when it comes to depicting the invisible parts of partially occluded objects. Image amodal completion aims to equip computers with human-like amodal completion functions to understand an intact object despite it being partially occluded. The main purpose of this survey is to provide an intuitive understanding of the research hotspots, key technologies and future trends in the field of image amodal completion. Firstly, we present a comprehensive review of the latest literature in this emerging field, exploring three key tasks in image amodal completion, including amodal shape completion, amodal appearance completion, and order perception. Then we examine popular datasets related to image amodal completion along with their common data collection methods and evaluation metrics. Finally, we discuss real-world applications and future research directions for image amodal completion, facilitating the reader's understanding of the challenges of existing technologies and upcoming research trends.

SSIVD-Net: A Novel Salient Super Image Classification & Detection Technique for Weaponized Violence. (arXiv:2207.12850v8 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Toluwani Aremu, Li Zhiyuan, Reem Alameeri, Mustaqeem Khan, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik

Detection of violence and weaponized violence in closed-circuit television (CCTV) footage requires a comprehensive approach. In this work, we introduce the \emph{Smart-City CCTV Violence Detection (SCVD)} dataset, specifically designed to facilitate the learning of weapon distribution in surveillance videos. To tackle the complexities of analyzing 3D surveillance video for violence recognition tasks, we propose a novel technique called \emph{SSIVD-Net} (\textbf{S}alient-\textbf{S}uper-\textbf{I}mage for \textbf{V}iolence \textbf{D}etection). Our method reduces 3D video data complexity, dimensionality, and information loss while improving inference, performance, and explainability through salient-super-Image representations. Considering the scalability and sustainability requirements of futuristic smart cities, the authors introduce the \emph{Salient-Classifier}, a novel architecture combining a kernelized approach with a residual learning strategy. We evaluate variations of SSIVD-Net and Salient Classifier on our SCVD dataset and benchmark against state-of-the-art (SOTA) models commonly employed in violence detection. Our approach exhibits significant improvements in detecting both weaponized and non-weaponized violence instances. By advancing the SOTA in violence detection, our work offers a practical and scalable solution suitable for real-world applications. The proposed methodology not only addresses the challenges of violence detection in CCTV footage but also contributes to the understanding of weapon distribution in smart surveillance. Ultimately, our research findings should enable smarter and more secure cities, as well as enhance public safety measures.

A Variational Approach for Joint Image Recovery and Feature Extraction Based on Spatially-Varying Generalised Gaussian Models. (arXiv:2209.01375v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Emilie Chouzenoux, Marie-Caroline Corbineau, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Gabriele Scrivanti

The joint problem of reconstruction / feature extraction is a challenging task in image processing. It consists in performing, in a joint manner, the restoration of an image and the extraction of its features. In this work, we firstly propose a novel nonsmooth and non-convex variational formulation of the problem. For this purpose, we introduce a versatile generalised Gaussian prior whose parameters, including its exponent, are space-variant. Secondly, we design an alternating proximal-based optimisation algorithm that efficiently exploits the structure of the proposed non-convex objective function. We also analyse the convergence of this algorithm. As shown in numerical experiments conducted on joint deblurring/segmentation tasks, the proposed method provides high-quality results.

Generalizability of Adversarial Robustness Under Distribution Shifts. (arXiv:2209.15042v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kumail Alhamoud, Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Motasem Alfarra, Bernard Ghanem

Recent progress in empirical and certified robustness promises to deliver reliable and deployable Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). Despite that success, most existing evaluations of DNN robustness have been done on images sampled from the same distribution on which the model was trained. However, in the real world, DNNs may be deployed in dynamic environments that exhibit significant distribution shifts. In this work, we take a first step towards thoroughly investigating the interplay between empirical and certified adversarial robustness on one hand and domain generalization on another. To do so, we train robust models on multiple domains and evaluate their accuracy and robustness on an unseen domain. We observe that: (1) both empirical and certified robustness generalize to unseen domains, and (2) the level of generalizability does not correlate well with input visual similarity, measured by the FID between source and target domains. We also extend our study to cover a real-world medical application, in which adversarial augmentation significantly boosts the generalization of robustness with minimal effect on clean data accuracy.

Quantum Radiance Fields: A Quantum-Powered Photorealistic Rendering. (arXiv:2211.03418v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: YuanFu Yang, Min Sun

Achieving photorealistic rendering of real-world scenes poses a significant challenge with diverse applications, including mixed reality and virtual reality. Neural networks, extensively explored in solving differential equations, have previously been introduced as implicit representations for photorealistic rendering. However, achieving realism through traditional computing methods is arduous due to the time-consuming optical ray tracing, as it necessitates extensive numerical integration of color, transparency, and opacity values for each sampling point during the rendering process. In this paper, we introduce Quantum Radiance Fields (QRF), which incorporate quantum circuits, quantum activation functions, and quantum volume rendering to represent scenes implicitly. Our results demonstrate that QRF effectively confronts the computational challenges associated with extensive numerical integration by harnessing the parallelism capabilities of quantum computing. Furthermore, current neural networks struggle with capturing fine signal details and accurately modeling high-frequency information and higher-order derivatives. Quantum computing's higher order of nonlinearity provides a distinct advantage in this context. Consequently, QRF leverages two key strengths of quantum computing: highly non-linear processing and extensive parallelism, making it a potent tool for achieving photorealistic rendering of real-world scenes.

Hard to Track Objects with Irregular Motions and Similar Appearances? Make It Easier by Buffering the Matching Space. (arXiv:2211.14317v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fan Yang, Shigeyuki Odashima, Shoichi Masui, Shan Jiang

We propose a Cascaded Buffered IoU (C-BIoU) tracker to track multiple objects that have irregular motions and indistinguishable appearances. When appearance features are unreliable and geometric features are confused by irregular motions, applying conventional Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) methods may generate unsatisfactory results. To address this issue, our C-BIoU tracker adds buffers to expand the matching space of detections and tracks, which mitigates the effect of irregular motions in two aspects: one is to directly match identical but non-overlapping detections and tracks in adjacent frames, and the other is to compensate for the motion estimation bias in the matching space. In addition, to reduce the risk of overexpansion of the matching space, cascaded matching is employed: first matching alive tracks and detections with a small buffer, and then matching unmatched tracks and detections with a large buffer. Despite its simplicity, our C-BIoU tracker works surprisingly well and achieves state-of-the-art results on MOT datasets that focus on irregular motions and indistinguishable appearances. Moreover, the C-BIoU tracker is the dominant component for our 2-nd place solution in the CVPR'22 SoccerNet MOT and ECCV'22 MOTComplex DanceTrack challenges. Finally, we analyze the limitation of our C-BIoU tracker in ablation studies and discuss its application scope.

Procedural Image Programs for Representation Learning. (arXiv:2211.16412v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Manel Baradad, Chun-Fu Chen, Jonas Wulff, Tongzhou Wang, Rogerio Feris, Antonio Torralba, Phillip Isola

Learning image representations using synthetic data allows training neural networks without some of the concerns associated with real images, such as privacy and bias. Existing work focuses on a handful of curated generative processes which require expert knowledge to design, making it hard to scale up. To overcome this, we propose training with a large dataset of twenty-one thousand programs, each one generating a diverse set of synthetic images. These programs are short code snippets, which are easy to modify and fast to execute using OpenGL. The proposed dataset can be used for both supervised and unsupervised representation learning, and reduces the gap between pre-training with real and procedurally generated images by 38%.

Cap2Aug: Caption guided Image to Image data Augmentation. (arXiv:2212.05404v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Aniket Roy, Anshul Shah, Ketul Shah, Anirban Roy, Rama Chellappa

Visual recognition in a low-data regime is challenging and often prone to overfitting. To mitigate this issue, several data augmentation strategies have been proposed. However, standard transformations, e.g., rotation, cropping, and flipping provide limited semantic variations. To this end, we propose Cap2Aug, an image-to-image diffusion model-based data augmentation strategy using image captions as text prompts. We generate captions from the limited training images and using these captions edit the training images using an image-to-image stable diffusion model to generate semantically meaningful augmentations. This strategy generates augmented versions of images similar to the training images yet provides semantic diversity across the samples. We show that the variations within the class can be captured by the captions and then translated to generate diverse samples using the image-to-image diffusion model guided by the captions. However, naive learning on synthetic images is not adequate due to the domain gap between real and synthetic images. Thus, we employ a maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) loss to align the synthetic images to the real images for minimizing the domain gap. We evaluate our method on few-shot and long-tail classification tasks and obtain performance improvements over state-of-the-art, especially in the low-data regimes.

Illumination Variation Correction Using Image Synthesis For Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification. (arXiv:2301.09702v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaqi Guo, Amy R. Reibman, Edward J. Delp

Unsupervised domain adaptive (UDA) person re-identification (re-ID) aims to learn identity information from labeled images in source domains and apply it to unlabeled images in a target domain. One major issue with many unsupervised re-identification methods is that they do not perform well relative to large domain variations such as illumination, viewpoint, and occlusions. In this paper, we propose a Synthesis Model Bank (SMB) to deal with illumination variation in unsupervised person re-ID. The proposed SMB consists of several convolutional neural networks (CNN) for feature extraction and Mahalanobis matrices for distance metrics. They are trained using synthetic data with different illumination conditions such that their synergistic effect makes the SMB robust against illumination variation. To better quantify the illumination intensity and improve the quality of synthetic images, we introduce a new 3D virtual-human dataset for GAN-based image synthesis. From our experiments, the proposed SMB outperforms other synthesis methods on several re-ID benchmarks.

How Reliable is Your Regression Model's Uncertainty Under Real-World Distribution Shifts?. (arXiv:2302.03679v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Fredrik K. Gustafsson, Martin Danelljan, Thomas B. Schön

Many important computer vision applications are naturally formulated as regression problems. Within medical imaging, accurate regression models have the potential to automate various tasks, helping to lower costs and improve patient outcomes. Such safety-critical deployment does however require reliable estimation of model uncertainty, also under the wide variety of distribution shifts that might be encountered in practice. Motivated by this, we set out to investigate the reliability of regression uncertainty estimation methods under various real-world distribution shifts. To that end, we propose an extensive benchmark of 8 image-based regression datasets with different types of challenging distribution shifts. We then employ our benchmark to evaluate many of the most common uncertainty estimation methods, as well as two state-of-the-art uncertainty scores from the task of out-of-distribution detection. We find that while methods are well calibrated when there is no distribution shift, they all become highly overconfident on many of the benchmark datasets. This uncovers important limitations of current uncertainty estimation methods, and the proposed benchmark therefore serves as a challenge to the research community. We hope that our benchmark will spur more work on how to develop truly reliable regression uncertainty estimation methods. Code is available at

Optimal Transport for Change Detection on LiDAR Point Clouds. (arXiv:2302.07025v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Marco Fiorucci, Peter Naylor, Makoto Yamada

Unsupervised change detection between airborne LiDAR data points, taken at separate times over the same location, can be difficult due to unmatching spatial support and noise from the acquisition system. Most current approaches to detect changes in point clouds rely heavily on the computation of Digital Elevation Models (DEM) images and supervised methods. Obtaining a DEM leads to LiDAR informational loss due to pixelisation, and supervision requires large amounts of labelled data often unavailable in real-world scenarios. We propose an unsupervised approach based on the computation of the transport of 3D LiDAR points over two temporal supports. The method is based on unbalanced optimal transport and can be generalised to any change detection problem with LiDAR data. We apply our approach to publicly available datasets for monitoring urban sprawling in various noise and resolution configurations that mimic several sensors used in practice. Our method allows for unsupervised multi-class classification and outperforms the previous state-of-the-art unsupervised approaches by a significant margin.

Self-Supervised Representation Learning from Temporal Ordering of Automated Driving Sequences. (arXiv:2302.09043v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Christopher Lang, Alexander Braun, Lars Schillingmann, Karsten Haug, Abhinav Valada

Self-supervised feature learning enables perception systems to benefit from the vast raw data recorded by vehicle fleets worldwide. While video-level self-supervised learning approaches have shown strong generalizability on classification tasks, the potential to learn dense representations from sequential data has been relatively unexplored. In this work, we propose TempO, a temporal ordering pretext task for pre-training region-level feature representations for perception tasks. We embed each frame by an unordered set of proposal feature vectors, a representation that is natural for object detection or tracking systems, and formulate the sequential ordering by predicting frame transition probabilities in a transformer-based multi-frame architecture whose complexity scales less than quadratic with respect to the sequence length. Extensive evaluations on the BDD100K, nuImages, and MOT17 datasets show that our TempO pre-training approach outperforms single-frame self-supervised learning methods as well as supervised transfer learning initialization strategies, achieving an improvement of +0.7% in mAP for object detection and +2.0% in the HOTA score for multi-object tracking.

Evaluation of Extra Pixel Interpolation with Mask Processing for Medical Image Segmentation with Deep Learning. (arXiv:2302.11522v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Olivier Rukundo

Current mask processing operations rely on interpolation algorithms that do not produce extra pixels, such as nearest neighbor (NN) interpolation, as opposed to algorithms that do produce extra pixels, like bicubic (BIC) or bilinear (BIL) interpolation. In our previous study, the author proposed an alternative approach to NN-based mask processing and evaluated its effects on deep learning training outcomes. In this study, the author evaluated the effects of both BIC-based image and mask processing and BIC-and-NN-based image and mask processing versus NN-based image and mask processing. The evaluation revealed that the BIC-BIC model/network was an 8.9578 % (with image size 256 x 256) and a 1.0496 % (with image size 384 x 384) increase of the NN-NN network compared to the NN-BIC network which was an 8.3127 % (with image size 256 x 256) and a 0.2887 % (with image size 384 x 384) increase of the NN-NN network.

Amodal Intra-class Instance Segmentation: Synthetic Datasets and Benchmark. (arXiv:2303.06596v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiayang Ao, Qiuhong Ke, Krista A. Ehinger

Images of realistic scenes often contain intra-class objects that are heavily occluded from each other, making the amodal perception task that requires parsing the occluded parts of the objects challenging. Although important for downstream tasks such as robotic grasping systems, the lack of large-scale amodal datasets with detailed annotations makes it difficult to model intra-class occlusions explicitly. This paper introduces two new amodal datasets for image amodal completion tasks, which contain a total of over 267K images of intra-class occlusion scenarios, annotated with multiple masks, amodal bounding boxes, dual order relations and full appearance for instances and background. We also present a point-supervised scheme with layer priors for amodal instance segmentation specifically designed for intra-class occlusion scenarios. Experiments show that our weakly supervised approach outperforms the SOTA fully supervised methods, while our layer priors design exhibits remarkable performance improvements in the case of intra-class occlusion in both synthetic and real images.

The NCI Imaging Data Commons as a platform for reproducible research in computational pathology. (arXiv:2303.09354v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniela P. Schacherer, Markus D. Herrmann, David A. Clunie, Henning Höfener, William Clifford, William J.R. Longabaugh, Steve Pieper, Ron Kikinis, Andrey Fedorov, André Homeyer

Background and Objectives: Reproducibility is a major challenge in developing machine learning (ML)-based solutions in computational pathology (CompPath). The NCI Imaging Data Commons (IDC) provides >120 cancer image collections according to the FAIR principles and is designed to be used with cloud ML services. Here, we explore its potential to facilitate reproducibility in CompPath research.

Methods: Using the IDC, we implemented two experiments in which a representative ML-based method for classifying lung tumor tissue was trained and/or evaluated on different datasets. To assess reproducibility, the experiments were run multiple times with separate but identically configured instances of common ML services.

Results: The AUC values of different runs of the same experiment were generally consistent. However, we observed small variations in AUC values of up to 0.045, indicating a practical limit to reproducibility.

Conclusions: We conclude that the IDC facilitates approaching the reproducibility limit of CompPath research (i) by enabling researchers to reuse exactly the same datasets and (ii) by integrating with cloud ML services so that experiments can be run in identically configured computing environments.

Investigating the Role of Attribute Context in Vision-Language Models for Object Recognition and Detection. (arXiv:2303.10093v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kyle Buettner, Adriana Kovashka

Vision-language alignment learned from image-caption pairs has been shown to benefit tasks like object recognition and detection. Methods are mostly evaluated in terms of how well object class names are learned, but captions also contain rich attribute context that should be considered when learning object alignment. It is unclear how methods use this context in learning, as well as whether models succeed when tasks require attribute and object understanding. To address this gap, we conduct extensive analysis of the role of attributes in vision-language models. We specifically measure model sensitivity to the presence and meaning of attribute context, gauging influence on object embeddings through unsupervised phrase grounding and classification via description methods. We further evaluate the utility of attribute context in training for open-vocabulary object detection, fine-grained text-region retrieval, and attribution tasks. Our results show that attribute context can be wasted when learning alignment for detection, attribute meaning is not adequately considered in embeddings, and describing classes by only their attributes is ineffective. A viable strategy that we find to increase benefits from attributes is contrastive training with adjective-based negative captions.

GQE-Net: A Graph-based Quality Enhancement Network for Point Cloud Color Attribute. (arXiv:2303.13764v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinrui Xing, Hui Yuan, Raouf Hamzaoui, Hao Liu, Junhui Hou

In recent years, point clouds have become increasingly popular for representing three-dimensional (3D) visual objects and scenes. To efficiently store and transmit point clouds, compression methods have been developed, but they often result in a degradation of quality. To reduce color distortion in point clouds, we propose a graph-based quality enhancement network (GQE-Net) that uses geometry information as an auxiliary input and graph convolution blocks to extract local features efficiently. Specifically, we use a parallel-serial graph attention module with a multi-head graph attention mechanism to focus on important points or features and help them fuse together. Additionally, we design a feature refinement module that takes into account the normals and geometry distance between points. To work within the limitations of GPU memory capacity, the distorted point cloud is divided into overlap-allowed 3D patches, which are sent to GQE-Net for quality enhancement. To account for differences in data distribution among different color components, three models are trained for the three color components. Experimental results show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance. For example, when implementing GQE-Net on a recent test model of the geometry-based point cloud compression (G-PCC) standard, 0.43 dB, 0.25 dB, and 0.36 dB Bjontegaard delta (BD)-peak-signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), corresponding to 14.0%, 9.3%, and 14.5% BD-rate savings can be achieved on dense point clouds for the Y, Cb, and Cr components, respectively. The source code of our method is available at

Neural Field Convolutions by Repeated Differentiation. (arXiv:2304.01834v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ntumba Elie Nsampi, Adarsh Djeacoumar, Hans-Peter Seidel, Tobias Ritschel, Thomas Leimkühler

Neural fields are evolving towards a general-purpose continuous representation for visual computing. Yet, despite their numerous appealing properties, they are hardly amenable to signal processing. As a remedy, we present a method to perform general continuous convolutions with general continuous signals such as neural fields. Observing that piecewise polynomial kernels reduce to a sparse set of Dirac deltas after repeated differentiation, we leverage convolution identities and train a repeated integral field to efficiently execute large-scale convolutions. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of data modalities and spatially-varying kernels.

Shape from Shading for Robotic Manipulation. (arXiv:2304.11824v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Arkadeep Narayan Chaudhury, Leonid Keselman, Christopher G. Atkeson

Controlling illumination can generate high quality information about object surface normals and depth discontinuities at a low computational cost. In this work we demonstrate a robot workspace-scaled controlled illumination approach that generates high quality information for table top scale objects for robotic manipulation. With our low angle of incidence directional illumination approach, we can precisely capture surface normals and depth discontinuities of monochromatic Lambertian objects. We show that this approach to shape estimation is 1) valuable for general purpose grasping with a single point vacuum gripper, 2) can measure the deformation of known objects, and 3) can estimate pose of known objects and track unknown objects in the robot's workspace.

Efficient Explainable Face Verification based on Similarity Score Argument Backpropagation. (arXiv:2304.13409v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Marco Huber, Anh Thi Luu, Philipp Terhörst, Naser Damer

Explainable Face Recognition is gaining growing attention as the use of the technology is gaining ground in security-critical applications. Understanding why two faces images are matched or not matched by a given face recognition system is important to operators, users, anddevelopers to increase trust, accountability, develop better systems, and highlight unfair behavior. In this work, we propose xSSAB, an approach to back-propagate similarity score-based arguments that support or oppose the face matching decision to visualize spatial maps that indicate similar and dissimilar areas as interpreted by the underlying FR model. Furthermore, we present Patch-LFW, a new explainable face verification benchmark that enables along with a novel evaluation protocol, the first quantitative evaluation of the validity of similarity and dissimilarity maps in explainable face recognition approaches. We compare our efficient approach to state-of-the-art approaches demonstrating a superior trade-off between efficiency and performance. The code as well as the proposed Patch-LFW is publicly available at:

EasyHeC: Accurate and Automatic Hand-eye Calibration via Differentiable Rendering and Space Exploration. (arXiv:2305.01191v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Linghao Chen, Yuzhe Qin, Xiaowei Zhou, Hao Su

Hand-eye calibration is a critical task in robotics, as it directly affects the efficacy of critical operations such as manipulation and grasping. Traditional methods for achieving this objective necessitate the careful design of joint poses and the use of specialized calibration markers, while most recent learning-based approaches using solely pose regression are limited in their abilities to diagnose inaccuracies. In this work, we introduce a new approach to hand-eye calibration called EasyHeC, which is markerless, white-box, and delivers superior accuracy and robustness. We propose to use two key technologies: differentiable rendering-based camera pose optimization and consistency-based joint space exploration, which enables accurate end-to-end optimization of the calibration process and eliminates the need for the laborious manual design of robot joint poses. Our evaluation demonstrates superior performance in synthetic and real-world datasets, enhancing downstream manipulation tasks by providing precise camera poses for locating and interacting with objects. The code is available at the project page:

Rotation-Constrained Cross-View Feature Fusion for Multi-View Appearance-based Gaze Estimation. (arXiv:2305.12704v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yoichiro Hisadome, Tianyi Wu, Jiawei Qin, Yusuke Sugano

Appearance-based gaze estimation has been actively studied in recent years. However, its generalization performance for unseen head poses is still a significant limitation for existing methods. This work proposes a generalizable multi-view gaze estimation task and a cross-view feature fusion method to address this issue. In addition to paired images, our method takes the relative rotation matrix between two cameras as additional input. The proposed network learns to extract rotatable feature representation by using relative rotation as a constraint and adaptively fuses the rotatable features via stacked fusion modules. This simple yet efficient approach significantly improves generalization performance under unseen head poses without significantly increasing computational cost. The model can be trained with random combinations of cameras without fixing the positioning and can generalize to unseen camera pairs during inference. Through experiments using multiple datasets, we demonstrate the advantage of the proposed method over baseline methods, including state-of-the-art domain generalization approaches. The code will be available at \url{}.

NeuManifold: Neural Watertight Manifold Reconstruction with Efficient and High-Quality Rendering Support. (arXiv:2305.17134v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyue Wei, Fanbo Xiang, Sai Bi, Anpei Chen, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Zexiang Xu, Hao Su

We present a method for generating high-quality watertight manifold meshes from multi-view input images. Existing volumetric rendering methods are robust in optimization but tend to generate noisy meshes with poor topology. Differentiable rasterization-based methods can generate high-quality meshes but are sensitive to initialization. Our method combines the benefits of both worlds; we take the geometry initialization obtained from neural volumetric fields, and further optimize the geometry as well as a compact neural texture representation with differentiable rasterizers. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method can generate accurate mesh reconstructions with faithful appearance that are comparable to previous volume rendering methods while being an order of magnitude faster in rendering. We also show that our generated mesh and neural texture reconstruction is compatible with existing graphics pipelines and enables downstream 3D applications such as simulation. Project page:

Real-World Image Variation by Aligning Diffusion Inversion Chain. (arXiv:2305.18729v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuechen Zhang, Jinbo Xing, Eric Lo, Jiaya Jia

Recent diffusion model advancements have enabled high-fidelity images to be generated using text prompts. However, a domain gap exists between generated images and real-world images, which poses a challenge in generating high-quality variations of real-world images. Our investigation uncovers that this domain gap originates from a latents' distribution gap in different diffusion processes. To address this issue, we propose a novel inference pipeline called Real-world Image Variation by ALignment (RIVAL) that utilizes diffusion models to generate image variations from a single image exemplar. Our pipeline enhances the generation quality of image variations by aligning the image generation process to the source image's inversion chain. Specifically, we demonstrate that step-wise latent distribution alignment is essential for generating high-quality variations. To attain this, we design a cross-image self-attention injection for feature interaction and a step-wise distribution normalization to align the latent features. Incorporating these alignment processes into a diffusion model allows RIVAL to generate high-quality image variations without further parameter optimization. Our experimental results demonstrate that our proposed approach outperforms existing methods concerning semantic similarity and perceptual quality. This generalized inference pipeline can be easily applied to other diffusion-based generation tasks, such as image-conditioned text-to-image generation and stylization.

UMDFood: Vision-language models boost food composition compilation. (arXiv:2306.01747v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Peihua Ma, Yixin Wu, Ning Yu, Yang Zhang, Michael Backes, Qin Wang, Cheng-I Wei

Nutrition information is crucial in precision nutrition and the food industry. The current food composition compilation paradigm relies on laborious and experience-dependent methods. However, these methods struggle to keep up with the dynamic consumer market, resulting in delayed and incomplete nutrition data. In addition, earlier machine learning methods overlook the information in food ingredient statements or ignore the features of food images. To this end, we propose a novel vision-language model, UMDFood-VL, using front-of-package labeling and product images to accurately estimate food composition profiles. In order to empower model training, we established UMDFood-90k, the most comprehensive multimodal food database to date, containing 89,533 samples, each labeled with image and text-based ingredient descriptions and 11 nutrient annotations. UMDFood-VL achieves the macro-AUCROC up to 0.921 for fat content estimation, which is significantly higher than existing baseline methods and satisfies the practical requirements of food composition compilation. Meanwhile, up to 82.2% of selected products' estimated error between chemical analysis results and model estimation results are less than 10%. This performance sheds light on generalization towards other food and nutrition-related data compilation and catalyzation for the evolution of generative AI-based technology in other food applications that require personalization.

Dynamically Masked Discriminator for Generative Adversarial Networks. (arXiv:2306.07716v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wentian Zhang, Haozhe Liu, Bing Li, Jinheng Xie, Yawen Huang, Yuexiang Li, Yefeng Zheng, Bernard Ghanem

Training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) remains a challenging problem. The discriminator trains the generator by learning the distribution of real/generated data. However, the distribution of generated data changes throughout the training process, which is difficult for the discriminator to learn. In this paper, we propose a novel method for GANs from the viewpoint of online continual learning. We observe that the discriminator model, trained on historically generated data, often slows down its adaptation to the changes in the new arrival generated data, which accordingly decreases the quality of generated results. By treating the generated data in training as a stream, we propose to detect whether the discriminator slows down the learning of new knowledge in generated data. Therefore, we can explicitly enforce the discriminator to learn new knowledge fast. Particularly, we propose a new discriminator, which automatically detects its retardation and then dynamically masks its features, such that the discriminator can adaptively learn the temporally-vary distribution of generated data. Experimental results show our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches.

Prototype Learning for Explainable Brain Age Prediction. (arXiv:2306.09858v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Linde S. Hesse, Nicola K. Dinsdale, Ana I. L. Namburete

The lack of explainability of deep learning models limits the adoption of such models in clinical practice. Prototype-based models can provide inherent explainable predictions, but these have predominantly been designed for classification tasks, despite many important tasks in medical imaging being continuous regression problems. Therefore, in this work, we present ExPeRT: an explainable prototype-based model specifically designed for regression tasks. Our proposed model makes a sample prediction from the distances to a set of learned prototypes in latent space, using a weighted mean of prototype labels. The distances in latent space are regularized to be relative to label differences, and each of the prototypes can be visualized as a sample from the training set. The image-level distances are further constructed from patch-level distances, in which the patches of both images are structurally matched using optimal transport. This thus provides an example-based explanation with patch-level detail at inference time. We demonstrate our proposed model for brain age prediction on two imaging datasets: adult MR and fetal ultrasound. Our approach achieved state-of-the-art prediction performance while providing insight into the model's reasoning process.

MedAugment: Universal Automatic Data Augmentation Plug-in for Medical Image Analysis. (arXiv:2306.17466v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaoshan Liu, Qiujie Lv, Yifan Li, Ziduo Yang, Lei Shen

Data augmentation (DA) has been widely leveraged in the realm of computer vision to alleviate the data shortage, whereas the DA in medical image analysis (MIA) faces multiple challenges. The prevalent DA approaches in MIA encompass conventional DA, synthetic DA, and automatic DA. However, the utilization of these approaches poses various challenges such as experience-driven design and intensive computation cost. Here, we propose an efficient and effective automatic DA method termed MedAugment. We propose the pixel augmentation space and spatial augmentation space and exclude the operations that can break the details and features within medical images. Besides, we propose a novel sampling strategy by sampling a limited number of operations from the two spaces. Moreover, we present a hyperparameter mapping relationship to produce a rational augmentation level and make the MedAugment fully controllable using a single hyperparameter. These revisions address the differences between natural and medical images. Extensive experimental results on four classification and three segmentation datasets demonstrate the superiority of MedAugment. We posit that the plug-and-use and training-free MedAugment holds the potential to make a valuable contribution to the medical field, particularly benefiting medical experts lacking foundational expertise in deep learning. Code is available at

RGB-D Mapping and Tracking in a Plenoxel Radiance Field. (arXiv:2307.03404v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Andreas L. Teigen, Yeonsoo Park, Annette Stahl, Rudolf Mester

The widespread adoption of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have ensured significant advances in the domain of novel view synthesis in recent years. These models capture a volumetric radiance field of a scene, creating highly convincing, dense, photorealistic models through the use of simple, differentiable rendering equations. Despite their popularity, these algorithms suffer from severe ambiguities in visual data inherent to the RGB sensor, which means that although images generated with view synthesis can visually appear very believable, the underlying 3D model will often be wrong. This considerably limits the usefulness of these models in practical applications like Robotics and Extended Reality (XR), where an accurate dense 3D reconstruction otherwise would be of significant value. In this paper, we present the vital differences between view synthesis models and 3D reconstruction models. We also comment on why a depth sensor is essential for modeling accurate geometry in general outward-facing scenes using the current paradigm of novel view synthesis methods. Focusing on the structure-from-motion task, we practically demonstrate this need by extending the Plenoxel radiance field model: Presenting an analytical differential approach for dense mapping and tracking with radiance fields based on RGB-D data without a neural network. Our method achieves state-of-the-art results in both mapping and tracking tasks, while also being faster than competing neural network-based approaches. The code is available at:

Erasing, Transforming, and Noising Defense Network for Occluded Person Re-Identification. (arXiv:2307.07187v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Neng Dong, Liyan Zhang, Shuanglin Yan, Hao Tang, Jinhui Tang

Occlusion perturbation presents a significant challenge in person re-identification (re-ID), and existing methods that rely on external visual cues require additional computational resources and only consider the issue of missing information caused by occlusion. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective framework, termed Erasing, Transforming, and Noising Defense Network (ETNDNet), which treats occlusion as a noise disturbance and solves occluded person re-ID from the perspective of adversarial defense. In the proposed ETNDNet, we introduce three strategies: Firstly, we randomly erase the feature map to create an adversarial representation with incomplete information, enabling adversarial learning of identity loss to protect the re-ID system from the disturbance of missing information. Secondly, we introduce random transformations to simulate the position misalignment caused by occlusion, training the extractor and classifier adversarially to learn robust representations immune to misaligned information. Thirdly, we perturb the feature map with random values to address noisy information introduced by obstacles and non-target pedestrians, and employ adversarial gaming in the re-ID system to enhance its resistance to occlusion noise. Without bells and whistles, ETNDNet has three key highlights: (i) it does not require any external modules with parameters, (ii) it effectively handles various issues caused by occlusion from obstacles and non-target pedestrians, and (iii) it designs the first GAN-based adversarial defense paradigm for occluded person re-ID. Extensive experiments on five public datasets fully demonstrate the effectiveness, superiority, and practicality of the proposed ETNDNet. The code will be released at \url{}.

DealMVC: Dual Contrastive Calibration for Multi-view Clustering. (arXiv:2308.09000v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xihong Yang, Jiaqi Jin, Siwei Wang, Ke Liang, Yue Liu, Yi Wen, Suyuan Liu, Sihang Zhou, Xinwang Liu, En Zhu

Benefiting from the strong view-consistent information mining capacity, multi-view contrastive clustering has attracted plenty of attention in recent years. However, we observe the following drawback, which limits the clustering performance from further improvement. The existing multi-view models mainly focus on the consistency of the same samples in different views while ignoring the circumstance of similar but different samples in cross-view scenarios. To solve this problem, we propose a novel Dual contrastive calibration network for Multi-View Clustering (DealMVC). Specifically, we first design a fusion mechanism to obtain a global cross-view feature. Then, a global contrastive calibration loss is proposed by aligning the view feature similarity graph and the high-confidence pseudo-label graph. Moreover, to utilize the diversity of multi-view information, we propose a local contrastive calibration loss to constrain the consistency of pair-wise view features. The feature structure is regularized by reliable class information, thus guaranteeing similar samples have similar features in different views. During the training procedure, the interacted cross-view feature is jointly optimized at both local and global levels. In comparison with other state-of-the-art approaches, the comprehensive experimental results obtained from eight benchmark datasets provide substantial validation of the effectiveness and superiority of our algorithm. We release the code of DealMVC at on GitHub.

SR-GAN for SR-gamma: super resolution of photon calorimeter images at collider experiments. (arXiv:2308.09025v2 [hep-ex] UPDATED)

Authors: Johannes Erdmann, Aaron van der Graaf, Florian Mausolf, Olaf Nackenhorst

We study single-image super-resolution algorithms for photons at collider experiments based on generative adversarial networks. We treat the energy depositions of simulated electromagnetic showers of photons and neutral-pion decays in a toy electromagnetic calorimeter as 2D images and we train super-resolution networks to generate images with an artificially increased resolution by a factor of four in each dimension. The generated images are able to reproduce features of the electromagnetic showers that are not obvious from the images at nominal resolution. Using the artificially-enhanced images for the reconstruction of shower-shape variables and of the position of the shower center results in significant improvements. We additionally investigate the utilization of the generated images as a pre-processing step for deep-learning photon-identification algorithms and observe improvements in the case of training samples of small size.

FastSurfer-HypVINN: Automated sub-segmentation of the hypothalamus and adjacent structures on high-resolutional brain MRI. (arXiv:2308.12736v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Santiago Estrada, David Kügler, Emad Bahrami, Peng Xu, Dilshad Mousa, Monique M.B. Breteler, N. Ahmad Aziz, Martin Reuter

The hypothalamus plays a crucial role in the regulation of a broad range of physiological, behavioural, and cognitive functions. However, despite its importance, only a few small-scale neuroimaging studies have investigated its substructures, likely due to the lack of fully automated segmentation tools to address scalability and reproducibility issues of manual segmentation. While the only previous attempt to automatically sub-segment the hypothalamus with a neural network showed promise for 1.0 mm isotropic T1-weighted (T1w) MRI, there is a need for an automated tool to sub-segment also high-resolutional (HiRes) MR scans, as they are becoming widely available, and include structural detail also from multi-modal MRI. We, therefore, introduce a novel, fast, and fully automated deep learning method named HypVINN for sub-segmentation of the hypothalamus and adjacent structures on 0.8 mm isotropic T1w and T2w brain MR images that is robust to missing modalities. We extensively validate our model with respect to segmentation accuracy, generalizability, in-session test-retest reliability, and sensitivity to replicate hypothalamic volume effects (e.g. sex-differences). The proposed method exhibits high segmentation performance both for standalone T1w images as well as for T1w/T2w image pairs. Even with the additional capability to accept flexible inputs, our model matches or exceeds the performance of state-of-the-art methods with fixed inputs. We, further, demonstrate the generalizability of our method in experiments with 1.0 mm MR scans from both the Rhineland Study and the UK Biobank. Finally, HypVINN can perform the segmentation in less than a minute (GPU) and will be available in the open source FastSurfer neuroimaging software suite, offering a validated, efficient, and scalable solution for evaluating imaging-derived phenotypes of the hypothalamus.

SegmentAnything helps microscopy images based automatic and quantitative organoid detection and analysis. (arXiv:2309.04190v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaodan Xing, Chunling Tang, Yunzhe Guo, Nicholas Kurniawan, Guang Yang

Organoids are self-organized 3D cell clusters that closely mimic the architecture and function of in vivo tissues and organs. Quantification of organoid morphology helps in studying organ development, drug discovery, and toxicity assessment. Recent microscopy techniques provide a potent tool to acquire organoid morphology features, but manual image analysis remains a labor and time-intensive process. Thus, this paper proposes a comprehensive pipeline for microscopy analysis that leverages the SegmentAnything to precisely demarcate individual organoids. Additionally, we introduce a set of morphological properties, including perimeter, area, radius, non-smoothness, and non-circularity, allowing researchers to analyze the organoid structures quantitatively and automatically. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted tests on bright-field images of human induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) derived neural-epithelial (NE) organoids. The results obtained from our automatic pipeline closely align with manual organoid detection and measurement, showcasing the capability of our proposed method in accelerating organoids morphology analysis.

A Skeleton-based Approach For Rock Crack Detection Towards A Climbing Robot Application. (arXiv:2309.05139v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Josselin Somerville Roberts, Paul-Emile Giacomelli, Yoni Gozlan, Julia Di

Conventional wheeled robots are unable to traverse scientifically interesting, but dangerous, cave environments. Multi-limbed climbing robot designs, such as ReachBot, are able to grasp irregular surface features and execute climbing motions to overcome obstacles, given suitable grasp locations. To support grasp site identification, we present a method for detecting rock cracks and edges, the SKeleton Intersection Loss (SKIL). SKIL is a loss designed for thin object segmentation that leverages the skeleton of the label. A dataset of rock face images was collected, manually annotated, and augmented with generated data. A new group of metrics, LineAcc, has been proposed for thin object segmentation such that the impact of the object width on the score is minimized. In addition, the metric is less sensitive to translation which can often lead to a score of zero when computing classical metrics such as Dice on thin objects. Our fine-tuned models outperform previous methods on similar thin object segmentation tasks such as blood vessel segmentation and show promise for integration onto a robotic system.

RMT: Retentive Networks Meet Vision Transformers. (arXiv:2309.11523v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qihang Fan, Huaibo Huang, Mingrui Chen, Hongmin Liu, Ran He

Retentive Network first emerged in the domain of NLP and immediately gained widespread attention due to its remarkable performance. A significant portion of its impressive capabilities stems from its explicit decay mechanism, which incorporates valuable prior knowledge. However, this explicit decay is unidirectional and one-dimensional, making it unsuitable for the bidirectional, two-dimensional modeling required in image-based tasks. To solve this, we propose a bidirectional, two-dimensional form of explicit decay specifically designed for vision models to introduce distance-related prior knowledge. Besides, unlike language models, the vision backbones use the same parallel form during training and inference. If this parallel form is replaced with recurrent or chunk-wise recurrent form, the parallelism of the model will be significantly disrupted, resulting in extremely slow inference speed. So we discard the two additional inference modes present in the original RetNet, retaining only the parallel form. Specifically, we incorporate bidirectional, two-dimensional explicit decay into the Self-Attention to form \textbf{Re}tentive \textbf{S}elf-\textbf{A}ttention (ReSA). Furthermore, to reduce the complexity of global modeling, we decompose ReSA along the two axes of the image. Building upon ReSA, we construct RMT, a strong vision backbone. Abundant experiments have demonstrated that our RMT exhibits exceptional performance across various computer vision tasks. For example, RMT achieves \textbf{84.1\%} Top1-acc on ImageNet-1k using merely \textbf{4.5G} FLOPs. To the best of our knowledge, among all models, RMT achieves the highest Top1-acc when models are of similar size and trained with the same strategy. Moreover, RMT significantly outperforms existing vision backbones in downstream tasks. Code will be released at

The Sparsity Roofline: Understanding the Hardware Limits of Sparse Neural Networks. (arXiv:2310.00496v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cameron Shinn, Collin McCarthy, Saurav Muralidharan, Muhammad Osama, John D. Owens

We introduce the Sparsity Roofline, a visual performance model for evaluating sparsity in neural networks. The Sparsity Roofline jointly models network accuracy, sparsity, and theoretical inference speedup. Our approach does not require implementing and benchmarking optimized kernels, and the theoretical speedup becomes equal to the actual speedup when the corresponding dense and sparse kernels are well-optimized. We achieve this through a novel analytical model for predicting sparse network performance, and validate the predicted speedup using several real-world computer vision architectures pruned across a range of sparsity patterns and degrees. We demonstrate the utility and ease-of-use of our model through two case studies: (1) we show how machine learning researchers can predict the performance of unimplemented or unoptimized block-structured sparsity patterns, and (2) we show how hardware designers can predict the performance implications of new sparsity patterns and sparse data formats in hardware. In both scenarios, the Sparsity Roofline helps performance experts identify sparsity regimes with the highest performance potential.

MobileNVC: Real-time 1080p Neural Video Compression on a Mobile Device. (arXiv:2310.01258v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ties van Rozendaal, Tushar Singhal, Hoang Le, Guillaume Sautiere, Amir Said, Krishna Buska, Anjuman Raha, Dimitris Kalatzis, Hitarth Mehta, Frank Mayer, Liang Zhang, Markus Nagel, Auke Wiggers

Neural video codecs have recently become competitive with standard codecs such as HEVC in the low-delay setting. However, most neural codecs are large floating-point networks that use pixel-dense warping operations for temporal modeling, making them too computationally expensive for deployment on mobile devices. Recent work has demonstrated that running a neural decoder in real time on mobile is feasible, but shows this only for 720p RGB video. This work presents the first neural video codec that decodes 1080p YUV420 video in real time on a mobile device. Our codec relies on two major contributions. First, we design an efficient codec that uses a block-based motion compensation algorithm available on the warping core of the mobile accelerator, and we show how to quantize this model to integer precision. Second, we implement a fast decoder pipeline that concurrently runs neural network components on the neural signal processor, parallel entropy coding on the mobile GPU, and warping on the warping core. Our codec outperforms the previous on-device codec by a large margin with up to 48% BD-rate savings, while reducing the MAC count on the receiver side by $10 \times$. We perform a careful ablation to demonstrate the effect of the introduced motion compensation scheme, and ablate the effect of model quantization.

Deformation-Invariant Neural Network and Its Applications in Distorted Image Restoration and Analysis. (arXiv:2310.02641v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Han Zhang, Qiguang Chen, Lok Ming Lui

Images degraded by geometric distortions pose a significant challenge to imaging and computer vision tasks such as object recognition. Deep learning-based imaging models usually fail to give accurate performance for geometrically distorted images. In this paper, we propose the deformation-invariant neural network (DINN), a framework to address the problem of imaging tasks for geometrically distorted images. The DINN outputs consistent latent features for images that are geometrically distorted but represent the same underlying object or scene. The idea of DINN is to incorporate a simple component, called the quasiconformal transformer network (QCTN), into other existing deep networks for imaging tasks. The QCTN is a deep neural network that outputs a quasiconformal map, which can be used to transform a geometrically distorted image into an improved version that is closer to the distribution of natural or good images. It first outputs a Beltrami coefficient, which measures the quasiconformality of the output deformation map. By controlling the Beltrami coefficient, the local geometric distortion under the quasiconformal mapping can be controlled. The QCTN is lightweight and simple, which can be readily integrated into other existing deep neural networks to enhance their performance. Leveraging our framework, we have developed an image classification network that achieves accurate classification of distorted images. Our proposed framework has been applied to restore geometrically distorted images by atmospheric turbulence and water turbulence. DINN outperforms existing GAN-based restoration methods under these scenarios, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed framework. Additionally, we apply our proposed framework to the 1-1 verification of human face images under atmospheric turbulence and achieve satisfactory performance, further demonstrating the efficacy of our approach.

MiniGPT-v2: large language model as a unified interface for vision-language multi-task learning. (arXiv:2310.09478v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jun Chen, Deyao Zhu, Xiaoqian Shen, Xiang Li, Zechun Liu, Pengchuan Zhang, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Vikas Chandra, Yunyang Xiong, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Large language models have shown their remarkable capabilities as a general interface for various language-related applications. Motivated by this, we target to build a unified interface for completing many vision-language tasks including image description, visual question answering, and visual grounding, among others. The challenge is to use a single model for performing diverse vision-language tasks effectively with simple multi-modal instructions. Towards this objective, we introduce MiniGPT-v2, a model that can be treated as a unified interface for better handling various vision-language tasks. We propose using unique identifiers for different tasks when training the model. These identifiers enable our model to better distinguish each task instruction effortlessly and also improve the model learning efficiency for each task. After the three-stage training, the experimental results show that MiniGPT-v2 achieves strong performance on many visual question-answering and visual grounding benchmarks compared to other vision-language generalist models. Our model and codes are available at

Recursive Segmentation Living Image: An eXplainable AI (XAI) Approach for Computing Structural Beauty of Images or the Livingness of Space. (arXiv:2310.10149v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yao Qianxiang, Bin Jiang

This study introduces the concept of "structural beauty" as an objective computational approach for evaluating the aesthetic appeal of images. Through the utilization of the Segment anything model (SAM), we propose a method that leverages recursive segmentation to extract finer-grained substructures. Additionally, by reconstructing the hierarchical structure, we obtain a more accurate representation of substructure quantity and hierarchy. This approach reproduces and extends our previous research, allowing for the simultaneous assessment of Livingness in full-color images without the need for grayscale conversion or separate computations for foreground and background Livingness. Furthermore, the application of our method to the Scenic or Not dataset, a repository of subjective scenic ratings, demonstrates a high degree of consistency with subjective ratings in the 0-6 score range. This underscores that structural beauty is not solely a subjective perception, but a quantifiable attribute accessible through objective computation. Through our case studies, we have arrived at three significant conclusions. 1) our method demonstrates the capability to accurately segment meaningful objects, including trees, buildings, and windows, as well as abstract substructures within paintings. 2) we observed that the clarity of an image impacts our computational results; clearer images tend to yield higher Livingness scores. However, for equally blurry images, Livingness does not exhibit a significant reduction, aligning with human visual perception. 3) our approach fundamentally differs from methods employing Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) for predicting image scores. Our method not only provides computational results but also offers transparency and interpretability, positioning it as a novel avenue in the realm of Explainable AI (XAI).

ARNIQA: Learning Distortion Manifold for Image Quality Assessment. (arXiv:2310.14918v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lorenzo Agnolucci, Leonardo Galteri, Marco Bertini, Alberto Del Bimbo

No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA) aims to develop methods to measure image quality in alignment with human perception without the need for a high-quality reference image. In this work, we propose a self-supervised approach named ARNIQA (leArning distoRtion maNifold for Image Quality Assessment) for modeling the image distortion manifold to obtain quality representations in an intrinsic manner. First, we introduce an image degradation model that randomly composes ordered sequences of consecutively applied distortions. In this way, we can synthetically degrade images with a large variety of degradation patterns. Second, we propose to train our model by maximizing the similarity between the representations of patches of different images distorted equally, despite varying content. Therefore, images degraded in the same manner correspond to neighboring positions within the distortion manifold. Finally, we map the image representations to the quality scores with a simple linear regressor, thus without fine-tuning the encoder weights. The experiments show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on several datasets. In addition, ARNIQA demonstrates improved data efficiency, generalization capabilities, and robustness compared to competing methods. The code and the model are publicly available at

4D-Editor: Interactive Object-level Editing in Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields via Semantic Distillation. (arXiv:2310.16858v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dadong Jiang, Zhihui Ke, Xiaobo Zhou, Xidong Shi

This paper targets interactive object-level editing (e.g., deletion, recoloring, transformation, composition) in dynamic scenes. Recently, some methods aiming for flexible editing static scenes represented by neural radiance field (NeRF) have shown impressive synthesis quality, while similar capabilities in time-variant dynamic scenes remain limited. To solve this problem, we propose 4D-Editor, an interactive semantic-driven editing framework, allowing editing multiple objects in a dynamic NeRF with user strokes on a single frame. We propose an extension to the original dynamic NeRF by incorporating a hybrid semantic feature distillation to maintain spatial-temporal consistency after editing. In addition, we design Recursive Selection Refinement that significantly boosts object segmentation accuracy within a dynamic NeRF to aid the editing process. Moreover, we develop Multi-view Reprojection Inpainting to fill holes caused by incomplete scene capture after editing. Extensive experiments and editing examples on real-world demonstrate that 4D-Editor achieves photo-realistic editing on dynamic NeRFs. Project page:

ODM3D: Alleviating Foreground Sparsity for Semi-Supervised Monocular 3D Object Detection. (arXiv:2310.18620v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weijia Zhang, Dongnan Liu, Chao Ma, Weidong Cai

Monocular 3D object detection (M3OD) is a significant yet inherently challenging task in autonomous driving due to absence of explicit depth cues in a single RGB image. In this paper, we strive to boost currently underperforming monocular 3D object detectors by leveraging an abundance of unlabelled data via semi-supervised learning. Our proposed ODM3D framework entails cross-modal knowledge distillation at various levels to inject LiDAR-domain knowledge into a monocular detector during training. By identifying foreground sparsity as the main culprit behind existing methods' suboptimal training, we exploit the precise localisation information embedded in LiDAR points to enable more foreground-attentive and efficient distillation via the proposed BEV occupancy guidance mask, leading to notably improved knowledge transfer and M3OD performance. Besides, motivated by insights into why existing cross-modal GT-sampling techniques fail on our task at hand, we further design a novel cross-modal object-wise data augmentation strategy for effective RGB-LiDAR joint learning. Our method ranks 1st in both KITTI validation and test benchmarks, significantly surpassing all existing monocular methods, supervised or semi-supervised, on both BEV and 3D detection metrics.

LG-Self: Local-Global Self-Supervised Visual Representation Learning. (arXiv:2310.18651v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ali Javidani, Mohammad Amin Sadeghi, Babak Nadjar Araabi

Self-supervised representation learning methods mainly focus on image-level instance discrimination. This study explores the potential benefits of incorporating patch-level discrimination into existing methods to enhance the quality of learned representations by simultaneously looking at local and global visual features. Towards this idea, we present a straightforward yet effective patch-matching algorithm that can find the corresponding patches across the augmented views of an image. The augmented views are subsequently fed into a self-supervised learning framework employing Vision Transformer (ViT) as its backbone. The result is the generation of both image-level and patch-level representations. Leveraging the proposed patch-matching algorithm, the model minimizes the representation distance between not only the CLS tokens but also the corresponding patches. As a result, the model gains a more comprehensive understanding of both the entirety of the image as well as its finer details. We pretrain the proposed method on small, medium, and large-scale datasets. It is shown that our approach could outperform state-of-the-art image-level representation learning methods on both image classification and downstream tasks. Keywords: Self-Supervised Learning; Visual Representations; Local-Global Representation Learning; Patch-Wise Representation Learning; Vision Transformer (ViT)

Dynamic Task and Weight Prioritization Curriculum Learning for Multimodal Imagery. (arXiv:2310.19109v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Huseyin Fuat Alsan, Taner Arsan

This paper explores post-disaster analytics using multimodal deep learning models trained with curriculum learning method. Studying post-disaster analytics is important as it plays a crucial role in mitigating the impact of disasters by providing timely and accurate insights into the extent of damage and the allocation of resources. We propose a curriculum learning strategy to enhance the performance of multimodal deep learning models. Curriculum learning emulates the progressive learning sequence in human education by training deep learning models on increasingly complex data. Our primary objective is to develop a curriculum-trained multimodal deep learning model, with a particular focus on visual question answering (VQA) capable of jointly processing image and text data, in conjunction with semantic segmentation for disaster analytics using the FloodNet\footnote{} dataset. To achieve this, U-Net model is used for semantic segmentation and image encoding. A custom built text classifier is used for visual question answering. Existing curriculum learning methods rely on manually defined difficulty functions. We introduce a novel curriculum learning approach termed Dynamic Task and Weight Prioritization (DATWEP), which leverages a gradient-based method to automatically decide task difficulty during curriculum learning training, thereby eliminating the need for explicit difficulty computation. The integration of DATWEP into our multimodal model shows improvement on VQA performance. Source code is available at

Deep-learning-based decomposition of overlapping-sparse images: application at the vertex of neutrino interactions. (arXiv:2310.19695v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Saúl Alonso-Monsalve, Davide Sgalaberna, Xingyu Zhao, Adrien Molines, Clark McGrew, André Rubbia

Image decomposition plays a crucial role in various computer vision tasks, enabling the analysis and manipulation of visual content at a fundamental level. Overlapping images, which occur when multiple objects or scenes partially occlude each other, pose unique challenges for decomposition algorithms. The task intensifies when working with sparse images, where the scarcity of meaningful information complicates the precise extraction of components. This paper presents a solution that leverages the power of deep learning to accurately extract individual objects within multi-dimensional overlapping-sparse images, with a direct application in high-energy physics with decomposition of overlaid elementary particles obtained from imaging detectors. In particular, the proposed approach tackles a highly complex yet unsolved problem: identifying and measuring independent particles at the vertex of neutrino interactions, where one expects to observe detector images with multiple indiscernible overlapping charged particles. By decomposing the image of the detector activity at the vertex through deep learning, it is possible to infer the kinematic parameters of the identified low-momentum particles - which otherwise would remain neglected - and enhance the reconstructed energy resolution of the neutrino event. We also present an additional step - that can be tuned directly on detector data - combining the above method with a fully-differentiable generative model to improve the image decomposition further and, consequently, the resolution of the measured parameters, achieving unprecedented results. This improvement is crucial for precisely measuring the parameters that govern neutrino flavour oscillations and searching for asymmetries between matter and antimatter.

TPSeNCE: Towards Artifact-Free Realistic Rain Generation for Deraining and Object Detection in Rain. (arXiv:2311.00660v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shen Zheng, Changjie Lu, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan

Rain generation algorithms have the potential to improve the generalization of deraining methods and scene understanding in rainy conditions. However, in practice, they produce artifacts and distortions and struggle to control the amount of rain generated due to a lack of proper constraints. In this paper, we propose an unpaired image-to-image translation framework for generating realistic rainy images. We first introduce a Triangular Probability Similarity (TPS) constraint to guide the generated images toward clear and rainy images in the discriminator manifold, thereby minimizing artifacts and distortions during rain generation. Unlike conventional contrastive learning approaches, which indiscriminately push negative samples away from the anchors, we propose a Semantic Noise Contrastive Estimation (SeNCE) strategy and reassess the pushing force of negative samples based on the semantic similarity between the clear and the rainy images and the feature similarity between the anchor and the negative samples. Experiments demonstrate realistic rain generation with minimal artifacts and distortions, which benefits image deraining and object detection in rain. Furthermore, the method can be used to generate realistic snowy and night images, underscoring its potential for broader applicability. Code is available at

ZEETAD: Adapting Pretrained Vision-Language Model for Zero-Shot End-to-End Temporal Action Detection. (arXiv:2311.00729v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Thinh Phan, Khoa Vo, Duy Le, Gianfranco Doretto, Donald Adjeroh, Ngan Le

Temporal action detection (TAD) involves the localization and classification of action instances within untrimmed videos. While standard TAD follows fully supervised learning with closed-set setting on large training data, recent zero-shot TAD methods showcase the promising open-set setting by leveraging large-scale contrastive visual-language (ViL) pretrained models. However, existing zero-shot TAD methods have limitations on how to properly construct the strong relationship between two interdependent tasks of localization and classification and adapt ViL model to video understanding. In this work, we present ZEETAD, featuring two modules: dual-localization and zero-shot proposal classification. The former is a Transformer-based module that detects action events while selectively collecting crucial semantic embeddings for later recognition. The latter one, CLIP-based module, generates semantic embeddings from text and frame inputs for each temporal unit. Additionally, we enhance discriminative capability on unseen classes by minimally updating the frozen CLIP encoder with lightweight adapters. Extensive experiments on THUMOS14 and ActivityNet-1.3 datasets demonstrate our approach's superior performance in zero-shot TAD and effective knowledge transfer from ViL models to unseen action categories.

inkn'hue: Enhancing Manga Colorization from Multiple Priors with Alignment Multi-Encoder VAE. (arXiv:2311.01804v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tawin Jiramahapokee

Manga, a form of Japanese comics and distinct visual storytelling, has captivated readers worldwide. Traditionally presented in black and white, manga's appeal lies in its ability to convey complex narratives and emotions through intricate line art and shading. Yet, the desire to experience manga in vibrant colors has sparked the pursuit of manga colorization, a task of paramount significance for artists. However, existing methods, originally designed for line art and sketches, face challenges when applied to manga. These methods often fall short in achieving the desired results, leading to the need for specialized manga-specific solutions. Existing approaches frequently rely on a single training step or extensive manual artist intervention, which can yield less satisfactory outcomes. To address these challenges, we propose a specialized framework for manga colorization. Leveraging established models for shading and vibrant coloring, our approach aligns both using a multi-encoder VAE. This structured workflow ensures clear and colorful results, with the option to incorporate reference images and manual hints.

ProS: Facial Omni-Representation Learning via Prototype-based Self-Distillation. (arXiv:2311.01929v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xing Di, Yiyu Zheng, Xiaoming Liu, Yu Cheng

This paper presents a novel approach, called Prototype-based Self-Distillation (ProS), for unsupervised face representation learning. The existing supervised methods heavily rely on a large amount of annotated training facial data, which poses challenges in terms of data collection and privacy concerns. To address these issues, we propose ProS, which leverages a vast collection of unlabeled face images to learn a comprehensive facial omni-representation. In particular, ProS consists of two vision-transformers (teacher and student models) that are trained with different augmented images (cropping, blurring, coloring, etc.). Besides, we build a face-aware retrieval system along with augmentations to obtain the curated images comprising predominantly facial areas. To enhance the discrimination of learned features, we introduce a prototype-based matching loss that aligns the similarity distributions between features (teacher or student) and a set of learnable prototypes. After pre-training, the teacher vision transformer serves as a backbone for downstream tasks, including attribute estimation, expression recognition, and landmark alignment, achieved through simple fine-tuning with additional layers. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on various tasks, both in full and few-shot settings. Furthermore, we investigate pre-training with synthetic face images, and ProS exhibits promising performance in this scenario as well.

Attention Modules Improve Image-Level Anomaly Detection for Industrial Inspection: A DifferNet Case Study. (arXiv:2311.02747v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: André Luiz Buarque Vieira e Silva, Francisco Simões, Danny Kowerko, Tobias Schlosser, Felipe Battisti, Veronica Teichrieb

Within (semi-)automated visual industrial inspection, learning-based approaches for assessing visual defects, including deep neural networks, enable the processing of otherwise small defect patterns in pixel size on high-resolution imagery. The emergence of these often rarely occurring defect patterns explains the general need for labeled data corpora. To alleviate this issue and advance the current state of the art in unsupervised visual inspection, this work proposes a DifferNet-based solution enhanced with attention modules: AttentDifferNet. It improves image-level detection and classification capabilities on three visual anomaly detection datasets for industrial inspection: InsPLAD-fault, MVTec AD, and Semiconductor Wafer. In comparison to the state of the art, AttentDifferNet achieves improved results, which are, in turn, highlighted throughout our quali-quantitative study. Our quantitative evaluation shows an average improvement - compared to DifferNet - of 1.77 +/- 0.25 percentage points in overall AUROC considering all three datasets, reaching SOTA results in InsPLAD-fault, an industrial inspection in-the-wild dataset. As our variants to AttentDifferNet show great prospects in the context of currently investigated approaches, a baseline is formulated, emphasizing the importance of attention for industrial anomaly detection both in the wild and in controlled environments.

SemanticTopoLoop: Semantic Loop Closure With 3D Topological Graph Based on Quadric-Level Object Map. (arXiv:2311.02831v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhenzhong Cao

Loop closure, as one of the crucial components in SLAM, plays an essential role in correcting the accumulated errors. Traditional appearance-based methods, such as bag-of-words models, are often limited by local 2D features and the volume of training data, making them less versatile and robust in real-world scenarios, leading to missed detections or false positives detections in loop closure. To address these issues, we first propose a object-level data association method based on multi-level verification, which can associate 2D semantic features of current frame with 3D objects landmarks of map. Next, taking advantage of these association relations, we introduce a semantic loop closure method based on quadric-level object map topology, which represents scenes through the topological graph of objects and achieves accurate loop closure at a wide field of view by comparing differences in the topological graphs. Finally, we integrate these two methods into a complete object-aware SLAM system. Qualitative experiments and ablation studies demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed object-level data association algorithm. Quantitative experiments show that our semantic loop closure method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of precision, recall and localization accuracy metrics.

Inner-IoU: More Effective Intersection over Union Loss with Auxiliary Bounding Box. (arXiv:2311.02877v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Zhang, Cong Xu, Shuaijie Zhang

With the rapid development of detectors, Bounding Box Regression (BBR) loss function has constantly updated and optimized. However, the existing IoU-based BBR still focus on accelerating convergence by adding new loss terms, ignoring the limitations of IoU loss term itself. Although theoretically IoU loss can effectively describe the state of bounding box regression,in practical applications, it cannot adjust itself according to different detectors and detection tasks, and does not have strong generalization. Based on the above, we first analyzed the BBR model and concluded that distinguishing different regression samples and using different scales of auxiliary bounding boxes to calculate losses can effectively accelerate the bounding box regression process. For high IoU samples, using smaller auxiliary bounding boxes to calculate losses can accelerate convergence, while larger auxiliary bounding boxes are suitable for low IoU samples. Then, we propose Inner-IoU loss, which calculates IoU loss through auxiliary bounding boxes. For different datasets and detectors, we introduce a scaling factor ratio to control the scale size of the auxiliary bounding boxes for calculating losses. Finally, integrate Inner-IoU into the existing IoU-based loss functions for simulation and comparative experiments. The experiment result demonstrate a further enhancement in detection performance with the utilization of the method proposed in this paper, verifying the effectiveness and generalization ability of Inner-IoU loss.

AnyText: Multilingual Visual Text Generation And Editing. (arXiv:2311.03054v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuxiang Tuo, Wangmeng Xiang, Jun-Yan He, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie

Diffusion model based Text-to-Image has achieved impressive achievements recently. Although current technology for synthesizing images is highly advanced and capable of generating images with high fidelity, it is still possible to give the show away when focusing on the text area in the generated image. To address this issue, we introduce AnyText, a diffusion-based multilingual visual text generation and editing model, that focuses on rendering accurate and coherent text in the image. AnyText comprises a diffusion pipeline with two primary elements: an auxiliary latent module and a text embedding module. The former uses inputs like text glyph, position, and masked image to generate latent features for text generation or editing. The latter employs an OCR model for encoding stroke data as embeddings, which blend with image caption embeddings from the tokenizer to generate texts that seamlessly integrate with the background. We employed text-control diffusion loss and text perceptual loss for training to further enhance writing accuracy. AnyText can write characters in multiple languages, to the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to address multilingual visual text generation. It is worth mentioning that AnyText can be plugged into existing diffusion models from the community for rendering or editing text accurately. After conducting extensive evaluation experiments, our method has outperformed all other approaches by a significant margin. Additionally, we contribute the first large-scale multilingual text images dataset, AnyWord-3M, containing 3 million image-text pairs with OCR annotations in multiple languages. Based on AnyWord-3M dataset, we propose AnyText-benchmark for the evaluation of visual text generation accuracy and quality. Our project will be open-sourced on to improve and promote the development of text generation technology.

OrthoNets: Orthogonal Channel Attention Networks. (arXiv:2311.03071v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hadi Salman, Caleb Parks, Matthew Swan, John Gauch

Designing an effective channel attention mechanism implores one to find a lossy-compression method allowing for optimal feature representation. Despite recent progress in the area, it remains an open problem. FcaNet, the current state-of-the-art channel attention mechanism, attempted to find such an information-rich compression using Discrete Cosine Transforms (DCTs). One drawback of FcaNet is that there is no natural choice of the DCT frequencies. To circumvent this issue, FcaNet experimented on ImageNet to find optimal frequencies. We hypothesize that the choice of frequency plays only a supporting role and the primary driving force for the effectiveness of their attention filters is the orthogonality of the DCT kernels. To test this hypothesis, we construct an attention mechanism using randomly initialized orthogonal filters. Integrating this mechanism into ResNet, we create OrthoNet. We compare OrthoNet to FcaNet (and other attention mechanisms) on Birds, MS-COCO, and Places356 and show superior performance. On the ImageNet dataset, our method competes with or surpasses the current state-of-the-art. Our results imply that an optimal choice of filter is elusive and generalization can be achieved with a sufficiently large number of orthogonal filters. We further investigate other general principles for implementing channel attention, such as its position in the network and channel groupings. Our code is publicly available at

SugarViT -- Multi-objective Regression of UAV Images with Vision Transformers and Deep Label Distribution Learning Demonstrated on Disease Severity Prediction in Sugar Beet. (arXiv:2311.03076v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Maurice Günder, Facundo Ramón Ispizua Yamati, Abel Andree Barreto Alcántara, Anne-Katrin Mahlein, Rafet Sifa, Christian Bauckhage

Remote sensing and artificial intelligence are pivotal technologies of precision agriculture nowadays. The efficient retrieval of large-scale field imagery combined with machine learning techniques shows success in various tasks like phenotyping, weeding, cropping, and disease control. This work will introduce a machine learning framework for automatized large-scale plant-specific trait annotation for the use case disease severity scoring for Cercospora Leaf Spot (CLS) in sugar beet. With concepts of Deep Label Distribution Learning (DLDL), special loss functions, and a tailored model architecture, we develop an efficient Vision Transformer based model for disease severity scoring called SugarViT. One novelty in this work is the combination of remote sensing data with environmental parameters of the experimental sites for disease severity prediction. Although the model is evaluated on this special use case, it is held as generic as possible to also be applicable to various image-based classification and regression tasks. With our framework, it is even possible to learn models on multi-objective problems as we show by a pretraining on environmental metadata.

Holistic Analysis of Hallucination in GPT-4V(ision): Bias and Interference Challenges. (arXiv:2311.03287v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chenhang Cui, Yiyang Zhou, Xinyu Yang, Shirley Wu, Linjun Zhang, James Zou, Huaxiu Yao

While GPT-4V(ision) impressively models both visual and textual information simultaneously, it's hallucination behavior has not been systematically assessed. To bridge this gap, we introduce a new benchmark, namely, the Bias and Interference Challenges in Visual Language Models (Bingo). This benchmark is designed to evaluate and shed light on the two common types of hallucinations in visual language models: bias and interference. Here, bias refers to the model's tendency to hallucinate certain types of responses, possibly due to imbalance in its training data. Interference pertains to scenarios where the judgment of GPT-4V(ision) can be disrupted due to how the text prompt is phrased or how the input image is presented. We identify a notable regional bias, whereby GPT-4V(ision) is better at interpreting Western images or images with English writing compared to images from other countries or containing text in other languages. Moreover, GPT-4V(ision) is vulnerable to leading questions and is often confused when interpreting multiple images together. Popular mitigation approaches, such as self-correction and chain-of-thought reasoning, are not effective in resolving these challenges. We also identified similar biases and interference vulnerabilities with LLaVA and Bard. Our results characterize the hallucination challenges in GPT-4V(ision) and state-of-the-art visual-language models, and highlight the need for new solutions. The Bingo benchmark is available at