Multi-Modal Gaze Following in Conversational Scenarios. (arXiv:2311.05669v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuqi Hou, Zhongqun Zhang, Nora Horanyi, Jaewon Moon, Yihua Cheng, Hyung Jin Chang

Gaze following estimates gaze targets of in-scene person by understanding human behavior and scene information. Existing methods usually analyze scene images for gaze following. However, compared with visual images, audio also provides crucial cues for determining human behavior.This suggests that we can further improve gaze following considering audio cues. In this paper, we explore gaze following tasks in conversational scenarios. We propose a novel multi-modal gaze following framework based on our observation ``audiences tend to focus on the speaker''. We first leverage the correlation between audio and lips, and classify speakers and listeners in a scene. We then use the identity information to enhance scene images and propose a gaze candidate estimation network. The network estimates gaze candidates from enhanced scene images and we use MLP to match subjects with candidates as classification tasks. Existing gaze following datasets focus on visual images while ignore audios.To evaluate our method, we collect a conversational dataset, VideoGazeSpeech (VGS), which is the first gaze following dataset including images and audio. Our method significantly outperforms existing methods in VGS datasets. The visualization result also prove the advantage of audio cues in gaze following tasks. Our work will inspire more researches in multi-modal gaze following estimation.

3DGAUnet: 3D generative adversarial networks with a 3D U-Net based generator to achieve the accurate and effective synthesis of clinical tumor image data for pancreatic cancer. (arXiv:2311.05697v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Yu Shi, Hannah Tang, Michael Baine, Michael A. Hollingsworth, Huijing Du, Dandan Zheng, Chi Zhang, Hongfeng Yu

Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) presents a critical global health challenge, and early detection is crucial for improving the 5-year survival rate. Recent medical imaging and computational algorithm advances offer potential solutions for early diagnosis. Deep learning, particularly in the form of convolutional neural networks (CNNs), has demonstrated success in medical image analysis tasks, including classification and segmentation. However, the limited availability of clinical data for training purposes continues to provide a significant obstacle. Data augmentation, generative adversarial networks (GANs), and cross-validation are potential techniques to address this limitation and improve model performance, but effective solutions are still rare for 3D PDAC, where contrast is especially poor owing to the high heterogeneity in both tumor and background tissues. In this study, we developed a new GAN-based model, named 3DGAUnet, for generating realistic 3D CT images of PDAC tumors and pancreatic tissue, which can generate the interslice connection data that the existing 2D CT image synthesis models lack. Our innovation is to develop a 3D U-Net architecture for the generator to improve shape and texture learning for PDAC tumors and pancreatic tissue. Our approach offers a promising path to tackle the urgent requirement for creative and synergistic methods to combat PDAC. The development of this GAN-based model has the potential to alleviate data scarcity issues, elevate the quality of synthesized data, and thereby facilitate the progression of deep learning models to enhance the accuracy and early detection of PDAC tumors, which could profoundly impact patient outcomes. Furthermore, this model has the potential to be adapted to other types of solid tumors, hence making significant contributions to the field of medical imaging in terms of image processing models.

Mirasol3B: A Multimodal Autoregressive model for time-aligned and contextual modalities. (arXiv:2311.05698v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: AJ Piergiovanni, Isaac Nobel, Dahun Kim, Michael S. Ryoo, Victor Gomes, Anelia Angelova

One of the main challenges of multimodal learning is the need to combine heterogeneous modalities (e.g., video, audio, text). For example, video and audio are obtained at much higher rates than text and are roughly aligned in time. They are often not synchronized with text, which comes as a global context, e.g., a title, or a description. Furthermore, video and audio inputs are of much larger volumes, and grow as the video length increases, which naturally requires more compute dedicated to these modalities and makes modeling of long-range dependencies harder.

We here decouple the multimodal modeling, dividing it into separate, focused autoregressive models, processing the inputs according to the characteristics of the modalities. We propose a multimodal model, called Mirasol3B, consisting of an autoregressive component for the time-synchronized modalities (audio and video), and an autoregressive component for the context modalities which are not necessarily aligned in time but are still sequential. To address the long-sequences of the video-audio inputs, we propose to further partition the video and audio sequences in consecutive snippets and autoregressively process their representations. To that end, we propose a Combiner mechanism, which models the audio-video information jointly within a timeframe. The Combiner learns to extract audio and video features from raw spatio-temporal signals, and then learns to fuse these features producing compact but expressive representations per snippet.

Our approach achieves the state-of-the-art on well established multimodal benchmarks, outperforming much larger models. It effectively addresses the high computational demand of media inputs by both learning compact representations, controlling the sequence length of the audio-video feature representations, and modeling their dependencies in time.

FMViT: A multiple-frequency mixing Vision Transformer. (arXiv:2311.05707v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wei Tan, Yifeng Geng, Xuansong Xie

The transformer model has gained widespread adoption in computer vision tasks in recent times. However, due to the quadratic time and memory complexity of self-attention, which is proportional to the number of input tokens, most existing Vision Transformers (ViTs) encounter challenges in achieving efficient performance in practical industrial deployment scenarios, such as TensorRT and CoreML, where traditional CNNs excel. Although some recent attempts have been made to design CNN-Transformer hybrid architectures to tackle this problem, their overall performance has not met expectations. To tackle these challenges, we propose an efficient hybrid ViT architecture named FMViT. This approach enhances the model's expressive power by blending high-frequency features and low-frequency features with varying frequencies, enabling it to capture both local and global information effectively. Additionally, we introduce deploy-friendly mechanisms such as Convolutional Multigroup Reparameterization (gMLP), Lightweight Multi-head Self-Attention (RLMHSA), and Convolutional Fusion Block (CFB) to further improve the model's performance and reduce computational overhead. Our experiments demonstrate that FMViT surpasses existing CNNs, ViTs, and CNNTransformer hybrid architectures in terms of latency/accuracy trade-offs for various vision tasks. On the TensorRT platform, FMViT outperforms Resnet101 by 2.5% (83.3% vs. 80.8%) in top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet dataset while maintaining similar inference latency. Moreover, FMViT achieves comparable performance with EfficientNet-B5, but with a 43% improvement in inference speed. On CoreML, FMViT outperforms MobileOne by 2.6% in top-1 accuracy on the ImageNet dataset, with inference latency comparable to MobileOne (78.5% vs. 75.9%). Our code can be found at

Intelligent Cervical Spine Fracture Detection Using Deep Learning Methods. (arXiv:2311.05708v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Reza Behbahani Nejad, Amir Hossein Komijani, Esmaeil Najafi

Cervical spine fractures constitute a critical medical emergency, with the potential for lifelong paralysis or even fatality if left untreated or undetected. Over time, these fractures can deteriorate without intervention. To address the lack of research on the practical application of deep learning techniques for the detection of spine fractures, this study leverages a dataset containing both cervical spine fractures and non-fractured computed tomography images. This paper introduces a two-stage pipeline designed to identify the presence of cervical vertebrae in each image slice and pinpoint the location of fractures. In the first stage, a multi-input network, incorporating image and image metadata, is trained. This network is based on the Global Context Vision Transformer, and its performance is benchmarked against popular deep learning image classification model. In the second stage, a YOLOv8 model is trained to detect fractures within the images, and its effectiveness is compared to YOLOv5. The obtained results indicate that the proposed algorithm significantly reduces the workload of radiologists and enhances the accuracy of fracture detection.

OmniVec: Learning robust representations with cross modal sharing. (arXiv:2311.05709v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Siddharth Srivastava, Gaurav Sharma

Majority of research in learning based methods has been towards designing and training networks for specific tasks. However, many of the learning based tasks, across modalities, share commonalities and could be potentially tackled in a joint framework. We present an approach in such direction, to learn multiple tasks, in multiple modalities, with a unified architecture. The proposed network is composed of task specific encoders, a common trunk in the middle, followed by task specific prediction heads. We first pre-train it by self-supervised masked training, followed by sequential training for the different tasks. We train the network on all major modalities, e.g.\ visual, audio, text and 3D, and report results on $22$ diverse and challenging public benchmarks. We demonstrate empirically that, using a joint network to train across modalities leads to meaningful information sharing and this allows us to achieve state-of-the-art results on most of the benchmarks. We also show generalization of the trained network on cross-modal tasks as well as unseen datasets and tasks.

Whole-body Detection, Recognition and Identification at Altitude and Range. (arXiv:2311.05725v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Siyuan Huang, Ram Prabhakar Kathirvel, Chun Pong Lau, Rama Chellappa

In this paper, we address the challenging task of whole-body biometric detection, recognition, and identification at distances of up to 500m and large pitch angles of up to 50 degree. We propose an end-to-end system evaluated on diverse datasets, including the challenging Biometric Recognition and Identification at Range (BRIAR) dataset. Our approach involves pre-training the detector on common image datasets and fine-tuning it on BRIAR's complex videos and images. After detection, we extract body images and employ a feature extractor for recognition. We conduct thorough evaluations under various conditions, such as different ranges and angles in indoor, outdoor, and aerial scenarios. Our method achieves an average F1 score of 98.29% at IoU = 0.7 and demonstrates strong performance in recognition accuracy and true acceptance rate at low false acceptance rates compared to existing models. On a test set of 100 subjects with 444 distractors, our model achieves a rank-20 recognition accuracy of 75.13% and a TAR@1%FAR of 54.09%.

GIPCOL: Graph-Injected Soft Prompting for Compositional Zero-Shot Learning. (arXiv:2311.05729v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Guangyue Xu, Joyce Chai, Parisa Kordjamshidi

Pre-trained vision-language models (VLMs) have achieved promising success in many fields, especially with prompt learning paradigm. In this work, we propose GIP-COL (Graph-Injected Soft Prompting for COmpositional Learning) to better explore the compositional zero-shot learning (CZSL) ability of VLMs within the prompt-based learning framework. The soft prompt in GIPCOL is structured and consists of the prefix learnable vectors, attribute label and object label. In addition, the attribute and object labels in the soft prompt are designated as nodes in a compositional graph. The compositional graph is constructed based on the compositional structure of the objects and attributes extracted from the training data and consequently feeds the updated concept representation into the soft prompt to capture this compositional structure for a better prompting for CZSL. With the new prompting strategy, GIPCOL achieves state-of-the-art AUC results on all three CZSL benchmarks, including MIT-States, UT-Zappos, and C-GQA datasets in both closed and open settings compared to previous non-CLIP as well as CLIP-based methods. We analyze when and why GIPCOL operates well given the CLIP backbone and its training data limitations, and our findings shed light on designing more effective prompts for CZSL

Bridging the Digital Divide: Performance Variation across Socio-Economic Factors in Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2311.05746v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Joan Nwatu, Oana Ignat, Rada Mihalcea

Despite the impressive performance of current AI models reported across various tasks, performance reports often do not include evaluations of how these models perform on the specific groups that will be impacted by these technologies. Among the minority groups under-represented in AI, data from low-income households are often overlooked in data collection and model evaluation. We evaluate the performance of a state-of-the-art vision-language model (CLIP) on a geo-diverse dataset containing household images associated with different income values (Dollar Street) and show that performance inequality exists among households of different income levels. Our results indicate that performance for the poorer groups is consistently lower than the wealthier groups across various topics and countries. We highlight insights that can help mitigate these issues and propose actionable steps for economic-level inclusive AI development. Code is available at

PolyMaX: General Dense Prediction with Mask Transformer. (arXiv:2311.05770v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuan Yang, Liangzhe Yuan, Kimberly Wilber, Astuti Sharma, Xiuye Gu, Siyuan Qiao, Stephanie Debats, Huisheng Wang, Hartwig Adam, Mikhail Sirotenko, Liang-Chieh Chen

Dense prediction tasks, such as semantic segmentation, depth estimation, and surface normal prediction, can be easily formulated as per-pixel classification (discrete outputs) or regression (continuous outputs). This per-pixel prediction paradigm has remained popular due to the prevalence of fully convolutional networks. However, on the recent frontier of segmentation task, the community has been witnessing a shift of paradigm from per-pixel prediction to cluster-prediction with the emergence of transformer architectures, particularly the mask transformers, which directly predicts a label for a mask instead of a pixel. Despite this shift, methods based on the per-pixel prediction paradigm still dominate the benchmarks on the other dense prediction tasks that require continuous outputs, such as depth estimation and surface normal prediction. Motivated by the success of DORN and AdaBins in depth estimation, achieved by discretizing the continuous output space, we propose to generalize the cluster-prediction based method to general dense prediction tasks. This allows us to unify dense prediction tasks with the mask transformer framework. Remarkably, the resulting model PolyMaX demonstrates state-of-the-art performance on three benchmarks of NYUD-v2 dataset. We hope our simple yet effective design can inspire more research on exploiting mask transformers for more dense prediction tasks. Code and model will be made available.

DONUT-hole: DONUT Sparsification by Harnessing Knowledge and Optimizing Learning Efficiency. (arXiv:2311.05778v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Azhar Shaikh, Michael Cochez, Denis Diachkov, Michiel de Rijcke, Sahar Yousefi

This paper introduces DONUT-hole, a sparse OCR-free visual document understanding (VDU) model that addresses the limitations of its predecessor model, dubbed DONUT. The DONUT model, leveraging a transformer architecture, overcoming the challenges of separate optical character recognition (OCR) and visual semantic understanding (VSU) components. However, its deployment in production environments and edge devices is hindered by high memory and computational demands, particularly in large-scale request services. To overcome these challenges, we propose an optimization strategy based on knowledge distillation and model pruning. Our paradigm to produce DONUT-hole, reduces the model denisty by 54\% while preserving performance. We also achieve a global representational similarity index between DONUT and DONUT-hole based on centered kernel alignment (CKA) metric of 0.79. Moreover, we evaluate the effectiveness of DONUT-hole in the document image key information extraction (KIE) task, highlighting its potential for developing more efficient VDU systems for logistic companies.

Language-guided Robot Grasping: CLIP-based Referring Grasp Synthesis in Clutter. (arXiv:2311.05779v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Georgios Tziafas, Yucheng Xu, Arushi Goel, Mohammadreza Kasaei, Zhibin Li, Hamidreza Kasaei

Robots operating in human-centric environments require the integration of visual grounding and grasping capabilities to effectively manipulate objects based on user instructions. This work focuses on the task of referring grasp synthesis, which predicts a grasp pose for an object referred through natural language in cluttered scenes. Existing approaches often employ multi-stage pipelines that first segment the referred object and then propose a suitable grasp, and are evaluated in private datasets or simulators that do not capture the complexity of natural indoor scenes. To address these limitations, we develop a challenging benchmark based on cluttered indoor scenes from OCID dataset, for which we generate referring expressions and connect them with 4-DoF grasp poses. Further, we propose a novel end-to-end model (CROG) that leverages the visual grounding capabilities of CLIP to learn grasp synthesis directly from image-text pairs. Our results show that vanilla integration of CLIP with pretrained models transfers poorly in our challenging benchmark, while CROG achieves significant improvements both in terms of grounding and grasping. Extensive robot experiments in both simulation and hardware demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in challenging interactive object grasping scenarios that include clutter.

Are "Hierarchical" Visual Representations Hierarchical?. (arXiv:2311.05784v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ethan Shen, Ali Farhadi, Aditya Kusupati

Learned visual representations often capture large amounts of semantic information for accurate downstream applications. Human understanding of the world is fundamentally grounded in hierarchy. To mimic this and further improve representation capabilities, the community has explored "hierarchical" visual representations that aim at modeling the underlying hierarchy of the visual world. In this work, we set out to investigate if hierarchical visual representations truly capture the human perceived hierarchy better than standard learned representations. To this end, we create HierNet, a suite of 12 datasets spanning 3 kinds of hierarchy from the BREEDs subset of ImageNet. After extensive evaluation of Hyperbolic and Matryoshka Representations across training setups, we conclude that they do not capture hierarchy any better than the standard representations but can assist in other aspects like search efficiency and interpretability. Our benchmark and the datasets are open-sourced at

Synthesizing Bidirectional Temporal States of Knee Osteoarthritis Radiographs with Cycle-Consistent Generative Adversarial Neural Networks. (arXiv:2311.05798v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Fabi Prezja, Leevi Annala, Sampsa Kiiskinen, Suvi Lahtinen, Timo Ojala

Knee Osteoarthritis (KOA), a leading cause of disability worldwide, is challenging to detect early due to subtle radiographic indicators. Diverse, extensive datasets are needed but are challenging to compile because of privacy, data collection limitations, and the progressive nature of KOA. However, a model capable of projecting genuine radiographs into different OA stages could augment data pools, enhance algorithm training, and offer pre-emptive prognostic insights. In this study, we trained a CycleGAN model to synthesize past and future stages of KOA on any genuine radiograph. The model was validated using a Convolutional Neural Network that was deceived into misclassifying disease stages in transformed images, demonstrating the CycleGAN's ability to effectively transform disease characteristics forward or backward in time. The model was particularly effective in synthesizing future disease states and showed an exceptional ability to retroactively transition late-stage radiographs to earlier stages by eliminating osteophytes and expanding knee joint space, signature characteristics of None or Doubtful KOA. The model's results signify a promising potential for enhancing diagnostic models, data augmentation, and educational and prognostic usage in healthcare. Nevertheless, further refinement, validation, and a broader evaluation process encompassing both CNN-based assessments and expert medical feedback are emphasized for future research and development.

Adaptive Variance Thresholding: A Novel Approach to Improve Existing Deep Transfer Vision Models and Advance Automatic Knee-Joint Osteoarthritis Classification. (arXiv:2311.05799v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Fabi Prezja, Leevi Annala, Sampsa Kiiskinen, Suvi Lahtinen, Timo Ojala

Knee-Joint Osteoarthritis (KOA) is a prevalent cause of global disability and is inherently complex to diagnose due to its subtle radiographic markers and individualized progression. One promising classification avenue involves applying deep learning methods; however, these techniques demand extensive, diversified datasets, which pose substantial challenges due to medical data collection restrictions. Existing practices typically resort to smaller datasets and transfer learning. However, this approach often inherits unnecessary pre-learned features that can clutter the classifier's vector space, potentially hampering performance. This study proposes a novel paradigm for improving post-training specialized classifiers by introducing adaptive variance thresholding (AVT) followed by Neural Architecture Search (NAS). This approach led to two key outcomes: an increase in the initial accuracy of the pre-trained KOA models and a 60-fold reduction in the NAS input vector space, thus facilitating faster inference speed and a more efficient hyperparameter search. We also applied this approach to an external model trained for KOA classification. Despite its initial performance, the application of our methodology improved its average accuracy, making it one of the top three KOA classification models.

Diffusion Shape Prior for Wrinkle-Accurate Cloth Registration. (arXiv:2311.05828v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jingfan Guo, Fabian Prada, Donglai Xiang, Javier Romero, Chenglei Wu, Hyun Soo Park, Takaaki Shiratori, Shunsuke Saito

Registering clothes from 4D scans with vertex-accurate correspondence is challenging, yet important for dynamic appearance modeling and physics parameter estimation from real-world data. However, previous methods either rely on texture information, which is not always reliable, or achieve only coarse-level alignment. In this work, we present a novel approach to enabling accurate surface registration of texture-less clothes with large deformation. Our key idea is to effectively leverage a shape prior learned from pre-captured clothing using diffusion models. We also propose a multi-stage guidance scheme based on learned functional maps, which stabilizes registration for large-scale deformation even when they vary significantly from training data. Using high-fidelity real captured clothes, our experiments show that the proposed approach based on diffusion models generalizes better than surface registration with VAE or PCA-based priors, outperforming both optimization-based and learning-based non-rigid registration methods for both interpolation and extrapolation tests.

Uncertainty-aware Single View Volumetric Rendering for Medical Neural Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2311.05836v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Jing Hu, Qinrui Fan, Shu Hu, Siwei Lyu, Xi Wu, Xin Wang

In the field of clinical medicine, computed tomography (CT) is an effective medical imaging modality for the diagnosis of various pathologies. Compared with X-ray images, CT images can provide more information, including multi-planar slices and three-dimensional structures for clinical diagnosis. However, CT imaging requires patients to be exposed to large doses of ionizing radiation for a long time, which may cause irreversible physical harm. In this paper, we propose an Uncertainty-aware MedNeRF (UMedNeRF) network based on generated radiation fields. The network can learn a continuous representation of CT projections from 2D X-ray images by obtaining the internal structure and depth information and using adaptive loss weights to ensure the quality of the generated images. Our model is trained on publicly available knee and chest datasets, and we show the results of CT projection rendering with a single X-ray and compare our method with other methods based on generated radiation fields.

Face-StyleSpeech: Improved Face-to-Voice latent mapping for Natural Zero-shot Speech Synthesis from a Face Image. (arXiv:2311.05844v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Minki Kang, Wooseok Han, Eunho Yang

Generating a voice from a face image is crucial for developing virtual humans capable of interacting using their unique voices, without relying on pre-recorded human speech. In this paper, we propose Face-StyleSpeech, a zero-shot Text-To-Speech (TTS) synthesis model that generates natural speech conditioned on a face image rather than reference speech. We hypothesize that learning both speaker identity and prosody from a face image poses a significant challenge. To address the issue, our TTS model incorporates both a face encoder and a prosody encoder. The prosody encoder is specifically designed to model prosodic features that are not captured only with a face image, allowing the face encoder to focus solely on capturing the speaker identity from the face image. Experimental results demonstrate that Face-StyleSpeech effectively generates more natural speech from a face image than baselines, even for the face images the model has not trained. Samples are at our demo page

Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation. (arXiv:2311.05858v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Junyoung Park, Jin Kim, Hyeongjun Kwon, Ilhoon Yoon, Kwanghoon Sohn

Given the inevitability of domain shifts during inference in real-world applications, test-time adaptation (TTA) is essential for model adaptation after deployment. However, the real-world scenario of continuously changing target distributions presents challenges including catastrophic forgetting and error accumulation. Existing TTA methods for non-stationary domain shifts, while effective, incur excessive computational load, making them impractical for on-device settings. In this paper, we introduce a layer-wise auto-weighting algorithm for continual and gradual TTA that autonomously identifies layers for preservation or concentrated adaptation. By leveraging the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), we first design the learning weight to selectively focus on layers associated with log-likelihood changes while preserving unrelated ones. Then, we further propose an exponential min-max scaler to make certain layers nearly frozen while mitigating outliers. This minimizes forgetting and error accumulation, leading to efficient adaptation to non-stationary target distribution. Experiments on CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, and ImageNet-C show our method outperforms conventional continual and gradual TTA approaches while significantly reducing computational load, highlighting the importance of FIM-based learning weight in adapting to continuously or gradually shifting target domains.

Domain Generalization by Learning from Privileged Medical Imaging Information. (arXiv:2311.05861v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Steven Korevaar, Ruwan Tennakoon, Ricky O'Brien, Dwarikanath Mahapatra, Alireza Bab-Hadiasha

Learning the ability to generalize knowledge between similar contexts is particularly important in medical imaging as data distributions can shift substantially from one hospital to another, or even from one machine to another. To strengthen generalization, most state-of-the-art techniques inject knowledge of the data distribution shifts by enforcing constraints on learned features or regularizing parameters. We offer an alternative approach: Learning from Privileged Medical Imaging Information (LPMII). We show that using some privileged information such as tumor shape or location leads to stronger domain generalization ability than current state-of-the-art techniques. This paper demonstrates that by using privileged information to predict the severity of intra-layer retinal fluid in optical coherence tomography scans, the classification accuracy of a deep learning model operating on out-of-distribution data improves from $0.911$ to $0.934$. This paper provides a strong starting point for using privileged information in other medical problems requiring generalization.

Watermarking Vision-Language Pre-trained Models for Multi-modal Embedding as a Service. (arXiv:2311.05863v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yuanmin Tang, Jing Yu, Keke Gai, Xiangyan Qu, Yue Hu, Gang Xiong, Qi Wu

Recent advances in vision-language pre-trained models (VLPs) have significantly increased visual understanding and cross-modal analysis capabilities. Companies have emerged to provide multi-modal Embedding as a Service (EaaS) based on VLPs (e.g., CLIP-based VLPs), which cost a large amount of training data and resources for high-performance service. However, existing studies indicate that EaaS is vulnerable to model extraction attacks that induce great loss for the owners of VLPs. Protecting the intellectual property and commercial ownership of VLPs is increasingly crucial yet challenging. A major solution of watermarking model for EaaS implants a backdoor in the model by inserting verifiable trigger embeddings into texts, but it is only applicable for large language models and is unrealistic due to data and model privacy. In this paper, we propose a safe and robust backdoor-based embedding watermarking method for VLPs called VLPMarker. VLPMarker utilizes embedding orthogonal transformation to effectively inject triggers into the VLPs without interfering with the model parameters, which achieves high-quality copyright verification and minimal impact on model performance. To enhance the watermark robustness, we further propose a collaborative copyright verification strategy based on both backdoor trigger and embedding distribution, enhancing resilience against various attacks. We increase the watermark practicality via an out-of-distribution trigger selection approach, removing access to the model training data and thus making it possible for many real-world scenarios. Our extensive experiments on various datasets indicate that the proposed watermarking approach is effective and safe for verifying the copyright of VLPs for multi-modal EaaS and robust against model extraction attacks. Our code is available at

Automated Heterogeneous Low-Bit Quantization of Multi-Model Deep Learning Inference Pipeline. (arXiv:2311.05870v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jayeeta Mondal, Swarnava Dey, Arijit Mukherjee

Multiple Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) integrated into single Deep Learning (DL) inference pipelines e.g. Multi-Task Learning (MTL) or Ensemble Learning (EL), etc., albeit very accurate, pose challenges for edge deployment. In these systems, models vary in their quantization tolerance and resource demands, requiring meticulous tuning for accuracy-latency balance. This paper introduces an automated heterogeneous quantization approach for DL inference pipelines with multiple DNNs.

Central Angle Optimization for 360-degree Holographic 3D Content. (arXiv:2311.05878v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hakdong Kim, Minsung Yoon, Cheongwon Kim

In this study, we propose a method to find an optimal central angle in deep learning-based depth map estimation used to produce realistic holographic content. The acquisition of RGB-depth map images as detailed as possible must be performed to generate holograms of high quality, despite the high computational cost. Therefore, we introduce a novel pipeline designed to analyze various values of central angles between adjacent camera viewpoints equidistant from the origin of an object-centered environment. Then we propose the optimal central angle to generate high-quality holographic content. The proposed pipeline comprises key steps such as comparing estimated depth maps and comparing reconstructed CGHs (Computer-Generated Holograms) from RGB images and estimated depth maps. We experimentally demonstrate and discuss the relationship between the central angle and the quality of digital holographic content.

Semantic Map Guided Synthesis of Wireless Capsule Endoscopy Images using Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.05889v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Haejin Lee, Jeongwoo Ju, Jonghyuck Lee, Yeoun Joo Lee, Heechul Jung

Wireless capsule endoscopy (WCE) is a non-invasive method for visualizing the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, crucial for diagnosing GI tract diseases. However, interpreting WCE results can be time-consuming and tiring. Existing studies have employed deep neural networks (DNNs) for automatic GI tract lesion detection, but acquiring sufficient training examples, particularly due to privacy concerns, remains a challenge. Public WCE databases lack diversity and quantity. To address this, we propose a novel approach leveraging generative models, specifically the diffusion model (DM), for generating diverse WCE images. Our model incorporates semantic map resulted from visualization scale (VS) engine, enhancing the controllability and diversity of generated images. We evaluate our approach using visual inspection and visual Turing tests, demonstrating its effectiveness in generating realistic and diverse WCE images.

Inter-object Discriminative Graph Modeling for Indoor Scene Recognition. (arXiv:2311.05919v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chuanxin Song, Hanbo Wu, Xin Ma, Yibin Li

Variable scene layouts and coexisting objects across scenes make indoor scene recognition still a challenging task. Leveraging object information within scenes to enhance the distinguishability of feature representations has emerged as a key approach in this domain. Currently, most object-assisted methods use a separate branch to process object information, combining object and scene features heuristically. However, few of them pay attention to interpretably handle the hidden discriminative knowledge within object information. In this paper, we propose to leverage discriminative object knowledge to enhance scene feature representations. Initially, we capture the object-scene discriminative relationships from a probabilistic perspective, which are transformed into an Inter-Object Discriminative Prototype (IODP). Given the abundant prior knowledge from IODP, we subsequently construct a Discriminative Graph Network (DGN), in which pixel-level scene features are defined as nodes and the discriminative relationships between node features are encoded as edges. DGN aims to incorporate inter-object discriminative knowledge into the image representation through graph convolution. With the proposed IODP and DGN, we obtain state-of-the-art results on several widely used scene datasets, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed approach.

Automated Sperm Assessment Framework and Neural Network Specialized for Sperm Video Recognition. (arXiv:2311.05927v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Takuro Fujii, Hayato Nakagawa, Teppei Takeshima, Yasushi Yumura, Tomoki Hamagami

Infertility is a global health problem, and an increasing number of couples are seeking medical assistance to achieve reproduction, at least half of which are caused by men. The success rate of assisted reproductive technologies depends on sperm assessment, in which experts determine whether sperm can be used for reproduction based on morphology and motility of sperm. Previous sperm assessment studies with deep learning have used datasets comprising images that include only sperm heads, which cannot consider motility and other morphologies of sperm. Furthermore, the labels of the dataset are one-hot, which provides insufficient support for experts, because assessment results are inconsistent between experts, and they have no absolute answer. Therefore, we constructed the video dataset for sperm assessment whose videos include sperm head as well as neck and tail, and its labels were annotated with soft-label. Furthermore, we proposed the sperm assessment framework and the neural network, RoSTFine, for sperm video recognition. Experimental results showed that RoSTFine could improve the sperm assessment performances compared to existing video recognition models and focus strongly on important sperm parts (i.e., head and neck).

Efficient Segmentation with Texture in Ore Images Based on Box-supervised Approach. (arXiv:2311.05929v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Guodong Sun, Delong Huang, Yuting Peng, Le Cheng, Bo Wu, Yang Zhang

Image segmentation methods have been utilized to determine the particle size distribution of crushed ores. Due to the complex working environment, high-powered computing equipment is difficult to deploy. At the same time, the ore distribution is stacked, and it is difficult to identify the complete features. To address this issue, an effective box-supervised technique with texture features is provided for ore image segmentation that can identify complete and independent ores. Firstly, a ghost feature pyramid network (Ghost-FPN) is proposed to process the features obtained from the backbone to reduce redundant semantic information and computation generated by complex networks. Then, an optimized detection head is proposed to obtain the feature to maintain accuracy. Finally, Lab color space (Lab) and local binary patterns (LBP) texture features are combined to form a fusion feature similarity-based loss function to improve accuracy while incurring no loss. Experiments on MS COCO have shown that the proposed fusion features are also worth studying on other types of datasets. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, which achieves over 50 frames per second with a small model size of 21.6 MB. Meanwhile, the method maintains a high level of accuracy compared with the state-of-the-art approaches on ore image dataset. The source code is available at \url{}.

A Neural Height-Map Approach for the Binocular Photometric Stereo Problem. (arXiv:2311.05958v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fotios Logothetis, Ignas Budvytis, Roberto Cipolla

In this work we propose a novel, highly practical, binocular photometric stereo (PS) framework, which has same acquisition speed as single view PS, however significantly improves the quality of the estimated geometry.

As in recent neural multi-view shape estimation frameworks such as NeRF, SIREN and inverse graphics approaches to multi-view photometric stereo (e.g. PS-NeRF) we formulate shape estimation task as learning of a differentiable surface and texture representation by minimising surface normal discrepancy for normals estimated from multiple varying light images for two views as well as discrepancy between rendered surface intensity and observed images. Our method differs from typical multi-view shape estimation approaches in two key ways. First, our surface is represented not as a volume but as a neural heightmap where heights of points on a surface are computed by a deep neural network. Second, instead of predicting an average intensity as PS-NeRF or introducing lambertian material assumptions as Guo et al., we use a learnt BRDF and perform near-field per point intensity rendering.

Our method achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the DiLiGenT-MV dataset adapted to binocular stereo setup as well as a new binocular photometric stereo dataset - LUCES-ST.

Quantized Distillation: Optimizing Driver Activity Recognition Models for Resource-Constrained Environments. (arXiv:2311.05970v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Calvin Tanama, Kunyu Peng, Zdravko Marinov, Rainer Stiefelhagen, Alina Roitberg

Deep learning-based models are at the forefront of most driver observation benchmarks due to their remarkable accuracies but are also associated with high computational costs. This is challenging, as resources are often limited in real-world driving scenarios. This paper introduces a lightweight framework for resource-efficient driver activity recognition. The framework enhances 3D MobileNet, a neural architecture optimized for speed in video classification, by incorporating knowledge distillation and model quantization to balance model accuracy and computational efficiency. Knowledge distillation helps maintain accuracy while reducing the model size by leveraging soft labels from a larger teacher model (I3D), instead of relying solely on original ground truth data. Model quantization significantly lowers memory and computation demands by using lower precision integers for model weights and activations. Extensive testing on a public dataset for in-vehicle monitoring during autonomous driving demonstrates that this new framework achieves a threefold reduction in model size and a 1.4-fold improvement in inference time, compared to an already optimized architecture. The code for this study is available at

Comparing Male Nyala and Male Kudu Classification using Transfer Learning with ResNet-50 and VGG-16. (arXiv:2311.05981v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: T.T Lemani, T.L. van Zyl

Reliable and efficient monitoring of wild animals is crucial to inform management and conservation decisions. The process of manually identifying species of animals is time-consuming, monotonous, and expensive. Leveraging on advances in deep learning and computer vision, we investigate in this paper the efficiency of pre-trained models, specifically the VGG-16 and ResNet-50 model, in identifying a male Kudu and a male Nyala in their natural habitats. These pre-trained models have proven to be efficient in animal identification in general. Still, there is little research on animals like the Kudu and Nyala, who are usually well camouflaged and have similar features. The method of transfer learning used in this paper is the fine-tuning method. The models are evaluated before and after fine-tuning. The experimental results achieved an accuracy of 93.2\% and 97.7\% for the VGG-16 and ResNet-50 models, respectively, before fine-tuning and 97.7\% for both models after fine-tuning. Although these results are impressive, it should be noted that they were taken over a small sample size of 550 images split in half between the two classes; therefore, this might not cater to enough scenarios to get a full conclusion of the efficiency of the models. Therefore, there is room for more work in getting a more extensive dataset and testing and extending to the female counterparts of these species and the whole antelope species.

Vision Big Bird: Random Sparsification for Full Attention. (arXiv:2311.05988v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhemin Zhang, Xun Gong

Recently, Transformers have shown promising performance in various vision tasks. However, the high costs of global self-attention remain challenging for Transformers, especially for high-resolution vision tasks. Inspired by one of the most successful transformers-based models for NLP: Big Bird, we propose a novel sparse attention mechanism for Vision Transformers (ViT). Specifically, we separate the heads into three groups, the first group used convolutional neural network (CNN) to extract local features and provide positional information for the model, the second group used Random Sampling Windows (RS-Win) for sparse self-attention calculation, and the third group reduces the resolution of the keys and values by average pooling for global attention. Based on these components, ViT maintains the sparsity of self-attention while maintaining the merits of Big Bird (i.e., the model is a universal approximator of sequence functions and is Turing complete). Moreover, our results show that the positional encoding, a crucial component in ViTs, can be safely removed in our model. Experiments show that Vision Big Bird demonstrates competitive performance on common vision tasks.

Robust Adversarial Attacks Detection for Deep Learning based Relative Pose Estimation for Space Rendezvous. (arXiv:2311.05992v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ziwei Wang, Nabil Aouf, Jose Pizarro, Christophe Honvault

Research on developing deep learning techniques for autonomous spacecraft relative navigation challenges is continuously growing in recent years. Adopting those techniques offers enhanced performance. However, such approaches also introduce heightened apprehensions regarding the trustability and security of such deep learning methods through their susceptibility to adversarial attacks. In this work, we propose a novel approach for adversarial attack detection for deep neural network-based relative pose estimation schemes based on the explainability concept. We develop for an orbital rendezvous scenario an innovative relative pose estimation technique adopting our proposed Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which takes an image from the chaser's onboard camera and outputs accurately the target's relative position and rotation. We perturb seamlessly the input images using adversarial attacks that are generated by the Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM). The adversarial attack detector is then built based on a Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) network which takes the explainability measure namely SHapley Value from the CNN-based pose estimator and flags the detection of adversarial attacks when acting. Simulation results show that the proposed adversarial attack detector achieves a detection accuracy of 99.21%. Both the deep relative pose estimator and adversarial attack detector are then tested on real data captured from our laboratory-designed setup. The experimental results from our laboratory-designed setup demonstrate that the proposed adversarial attack detector achieves an average detection accuracy of 96.29%.

Keystroke Verification Challenge (KVC): Biometric and Fairness Benchmark Evaluation. (arXiv:2311.06000v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Giuseppe Stragapede, Ruben Vera-Rodriguez, Ruben Tolosana, Aythami Morales, Naser Damer, Julian Fierrez, Javier Ortega-Garcia

Analyzing keystroke dynamics (KD) for biometric verification has several advantages: it is among the most discriminative behavioral traits; keyboards are among the most common human-computer interfaces, being the primary means for users to enter textual data; its acquisition does not require additional hardware, and its processing is relatively lightweight; and it allows for transparently recognizing subjects. However, the heterogeneity of experimental protocols and metrics, and the limited size of the databases adopted in the literature impede direct comparisons between different systems, thus representing an obstacle in the advancement of keystroke biometrics. To alleviate this aspect, we present a new experimental framework to benchmark KD-based biometric verification performance and fairness based on tweet-long sequences of variable transcript text from over 185,000 subjects, acquired through desktop and mobile keyboards, extracted from the Aalto Keystroke Databases. The framework runs on CodaLab in the form of the Keystroke Verification Challenge (KVC). Moreover, we also introduce a novel fairness metric, the Skewed Impostor Ratio (SIR), to capture inter- and intra-demographic group bias patterns in the verification scores. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed framework by employing two state-of-the-art keystroke verification systems, TypeNet and TypeFormer, to compare different sets of input features, achieving a less privacy-invasive system, by discarding the analysis of text content (ASCII codes of the keys pressed) in favor of extended features in the time domain. Our experiments show that this approach allows to maintain satisfactory performance.

Polar-Net: A Clinical-Friendly Model for Alzheimer's Disease Detection in OCTA Images. (arXiv:2311.06009v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Shouyue Liu, Jinkui Hao, Yanwu Xu, Huazhu Fu, Xinyu Guo, Jiang Liu, Yalin Zheng, Yonghuai Liu, Jiong Zhang, Yitian Zhao

Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) is a promising tool for detecting Alzheimer's disease (AD) by imaging the retinal microvasculature. Ophthalmologists commonly use region-based analysis, such as the ETDRS grid, to study OCTA image biomarkers and understand the correlation with AD. However, existing studies have used general deep computer vision methods, which present challenges in providing interpretable results and leveraging clinical prior knowledge. To address these challenges, we propose a novel deep-learning framework called Polar-Net. Our approach involves mapping OCTA images from Cartesian coordinates to polar coordinates, which allows for the use of approximate sector convolution and enables the implementation of the ETDRS grid-based regional analysis method commonly used in clinical practice. Furthermore, Polar-Net incorporates clinical prior information of each sector region into the training process, which further enhances its performance. Additionally, our framework adapts to acquire the importance of the corresponding retinal region, which helps researchers and clinicians understand the model's decision-making process in detecting AD and assess its conformity to clinical observations. Through evaluations on private and public datasets, we have demonstrated that Polar-Net outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods and provides more valuable pathological evidence for the association between retinal vascular changes and AD. In addition, we also show that the two innovative modules introduced in our framework have a significant impact on improving overall performance.

U3DS$^3$: Unsupervised 3D Semantic Scene Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.06018v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiaxu Liu, Zhengdi Yu, Toby P. Breckon, Hubert P.H. Shum

Contemporary point cloud segmentation approaches largely rely on richly annotated 3D training data. However, it is both time-consuming and challenging to obtain consistently accurate annotations for such 3D scene data. Moreover, there is still a lack of investigation into fully unsupervised scene segmentation for point clouds, especially for holistic 3D scenes. This paper presents U3DS$^3$, as a step towards completely unsupervised point cloud segmentation for any holistic 3D scenes. To achieve this, U3DS$^3$ leverages a generalized unsupervised segmentation method for both object and background across both indoor and outdoor static 3D point clouds with no requirement for model pre-training, by leveraging only the inherent information of the point cloud to achieve full 3D scene segmentation. The initial step of our proposed approach involves generating superpoints based on the geometric characteristics of each scene. Subsequently, it undergoes a learning process through a spatial clustering-based methodology, followed by iterative training using pseudo-labels generated in accordance with the cluster centroids. Moreover, by leveraging the invariance and equivariance of the volumetric representations, we apply the geometric transformation on voxelized features to provide two sets of descriptors for robust representation learning. Finally, our evaluation provides state-of-the-art results on the ScanNet and SemanticKITTI, and competitive results on the S3DIS, benchmark datasets.

Diagonal Hierarchical Consistency Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.06031v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Heejoon Koo

Medical image segmentation, which is essential for many clinical applications, has achieved almost human-level performance via data-driven deep learning techniques. Nevertheless, its performance is predicated on the costly process of manually annotating a large amount of medical images. To this end, we propose a novel framework for robust semi-supervised medical image segmentation using diagonal hierarchical consistency (DiHC-Net). First, it is composed of multiple sub-models with identical multi-scale architecture but with distinct sub-layers, such as up-sampling and normalisation layers. Second, a novel diagonal hierarchical consistency is enforced between one model's intermediate and final prediction and other models' soft pseudo labels in a diagonal hierarchical fashion. Experimental results verify the efficacy of our simple framework, outperforming all previous approaches on public Left Atrium (LA) dataset.

2D Image head pose estimation via latent space regression under occlusion settings. (arXiv:2311.06038v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: José Celestino, Manuel Marques, Jacinto C. Nascimento, João Paulo Costeira

Head orientation is a challenging Computer Vision problem that has been extensively researched having a wide variety of applications. However, current state-of-the-art systems still underperform in the presence of occlusions and are unreliable for many task applications in such scenarios. This work proposes a novel deep learning approach for the problem of head pose estimation under occlusions. The strategy is based on latent space regression as a fundamental key to better structure the problem for occluded scenarios. Our model surpasses several state-of-the-art methodologies for occluded HPE, and achieves similar accuracy for non-occluded scenarios. We demonstrate the usefulness of the proposed approach with: (i) two synthetically occluded versions of the BIWI and AFLW2000 datasets, (ii) real-life occlusions of the Pandora dataset, and (iii) a real-life application to human-robot interaction scenarios where face occlusions often occur. Specifically, the autonomous feeding from a robotic arm.

Deep learning for 3D Object Detection and Tracking in Autonomous Driving: A Brief Survey. (arXiv:2311.06043v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yang Peng

Object detection and tracking are vital and fundamental tasks for autonomous driving, aiming at identifying and locating objects from those predefined categories in a scene. 3D point cloud learning has been attracting more and more attention among all other forms of self-driving data. Currently, there are many deep learning methods for 3D object detection. However, the tasks of object detection and tracking for point clouds still need intensive study due to the unique characteristics of point cloud data. To help get a good grasp of the present situation of this research, this paper shows recent advances in deep learning methods for 3D object detection and tracking.

Refining the ONCE Benchmark with Hyperparameter Tuning. (arXiv:2311.06054v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Maksim Golyadkin, Alexander Gambashidze, Ildar Nurgaliev, Ilya Makarov

In response to the growing demand for 3D object detection in applications such as autonomous driving, robotics, and augmented reality, this work focuses on the evaluation of semi-supervised learning approaches for point cloud data. The point cloud representation provides reliable and consistent observations regardless of lighting conditions, thanks to advances in LiDAR sensors. Data annotation is of paramount importance in the context of LiDAR applications, and automating 3D data annotation with semi-supervised methods is a pivotal challenge that promises to reduce the associated workload and facilitate the emergence of cost-effective LiDAR solutions. Nevertheless, the task of semi-supervised learning in the context of unordered point cloud data remains formidable due to the inherent sparsity and incomplete shapes that hinder the generation of accurate pseudo-labels. In this study, we consider these challenges by posing the question: "To what extent does unlabelled data contribute to the enhancement of model performance?" We show that improvements from previous semi-supervised methods may not be as profound as previously thought. Our results suggest that simple grid search hyperparameter tuning applied to a supervised model can lead to state-of-the-art performance on the ONCE dataset, while the contribution of unlabelled data appears to be comparatively less exceptional.

Learning Contrastive Self-Distillation for Ultra-Fine-Grained Visual Categorization Targeting Limited Samples. (arXiv:2311.06056v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ziye Fang, Xin Jiang, Hao Tang, Zechao Li

In the field of intelligent multimedia analysis, ultra-fine-grained visual categorization (Ultra-FGVC) plays a vital role in distinguishing intricate subcategories within broader categories. However, this task is inherently challenging due to the complex granularity of category subdivisions and the limited availability of data for each category. To address these challenges, this work proposes CSDNet, a pioneering framework that effectively explores contrastive learning and self-distillation to learn discriminative representations specifically designed for Ultra-FGVC tasks. CSDNet comprises three main modules: Subcategory-Specific Discrepancy Parsing (SSDP), Dynamic Discrepancy Learning (DDL), and Subcategory-Specific Discrepancy Transfer (SSDT), which collectively enhance the generalization of deep models across instance, feature, and logit prediction levels. To increase the diversity of training samples, the SSDP module introduces augmented samples from different viewpoints to spotlight subcategory-specific discrepancies. Simultaneously, the proposed DDL module stores historical intermediate features by a dynamic memory queue, which optimizes the feature learning space through iterative contrastive learning. Furthermore, the SSDT module is developed by a novel self-distillation paradigm at the logit prediction level of raw and augmented samples, which effectively distills more subcategory-specific discrepancies knowledge from the inherent structure of limited training data without requiring additional annotations. Experimental results demonstrate that CSDNet outperforms current state-of-the-art Ultra-FGVC methods, emphasizing its powerful efficacy and adaptability in addressing Ultra-FGVC tasks.

Ulcerative Colitis Mayo Endoscopic Scoring Classification with Active Learning and Generative Data Augmentation. (arXiv:2311.06057v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Ümit Mert Çağlar, Alperen İnci, Oğuz Hanoğlu, Görkem Polat, Alptekin Temizel

Endoscopic imaging is commonly used to diagnose Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and classify its severity. It has been shown that deep learning based methods are effective in automated analysis of these images and can potentially be used to aid medical doctors. Unleashing the full potential of these methods depends on the availability of large amount of labeled images; however, obtaining and labeling these images are quite challenging. In this paper, we propose a active learning based generative augmentation method. The method involves generating a large number of synthetic samples by training using a small dataset consisting of real endoscopic images. The resulting data pool is narrowed down by using active learning methods to select the most informative samples, which are then used to train a classifier. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method through experiments on a publicly available endoscopic image dataset. The results show that using synthesized samples in conjunction with active learning leads to improved classification performance compared to using only the original labeled examples and the baseline classification performance of 68.1% increases to 74.5% in terms of Quadratic Weighted Kappa (QWK) Score. Another observation is that, attaining equivalent performance using only real data necessitated three times higher number of images.

Improved Positional Encoding for Implicit Neural Representation based Compact Data Representation. (arXiv:2311.06059v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bharath Bhushan Damodaran, Francois Schnitzler, Anne Lambert, Pierre Hellier

Positional encodings are employed to capture the high frequency information of the encoded signals in implicit neural representation (INR). In this paper, we propose a novel positional encoding method which improves the reconstruction quality of the INR. The proposed embedding method is more advantageous for the compact data representation because it has a greater number of frequency basis than the existing methods. Our experiments shows that the proposed method achieves significant gain in the rate-distortion performance without introducing any additional complexity in the compression task and higher reconstruction quality in novel view synthesis.

Lidar-based Norwegian tree species detection using deep learning. (arXiv:2311.06066v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Martijn Vermeer, Jacob Alexander Hay, David Völgyes, Zsófia Koma, Johannes Breidenbach, Daniele Stefano Maria Fantin

Background: The mapping of tree species within Norwegian forests is a time-consuming process, involving forest associations relying on manual labeling by experts. The process can involve both aerial imagery, personal familiarity, or on-scene references, and remote sensing data. The state-of-the-art methods usually use high resolution aerial imagery with semantic segmentation methods. Methods: We present a deep learning based tree species classification model utilizing only lidar (Light Detection And Ranging) data. The lidar images are segmented into four classes (Norway Spruce, Scots Pine, Birch, background) with a U-Net based network. The model is trained with focal loss over partial weak labels. A major benefit of the approach is that both the lidar imagery and the base map for the labels have free and open access. Results: Our tree species classification model achieves a macro-averaged F1 score of 0.70 on an independent validation with National Forest Inventory (NFI) in-situ sample plots. That is close to, but below the performance of aerial, or aerial and lidar combined models.

Attributes Grouping and Mining Hashing for Fine-Grained Image Retrieval. (arXiv:2311.06067v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Xin Lu, Shikun Chen, Yichao Cao, Xin Zhou, Xiaobo Lu

In recent years, hashing methods have been popular in the large-scale media search for low storage and strong representation capabilities. To describe objects with similar overall appearance but subtle differences, more and more studies focus on hashing-based fine-grained image retrieval. Existing hashing networks usually generate both local and global features through attention guidance on the same deep activation tensor, which limits the diversity of feature representations. To handle this limitation, we substitute convolutional descriptors for attention-guided features and propose an Attributes Grouping and Mining Hashing (AGMH), which groups and embeds the category-specific visual attributes in multiple descriptors to generate a comprehensive feature representation for efficient fine-grained image retrieval. Specifically, an Attention Dispersion Loss (ADL) is designed to force the descriptors to attend to various local regions and capture diverse subtle details. Moreover, we propose a Stepwise Interactive External Attention (SIEA) to mine critical attributes in each descriptor and construct correlations between fine-grained attributes and objects. The attention mechanism is dedicated to learning discrete attributes, which will not cost additional computations in hash codes generation. Finally, the compact binary codes are learned by preserving pairwise similarities. Experimental results demonstrate that AGMH consistently yields the best performance against state-of-the-art methods on fine-grained benchmark datasets.

Learning-Based Biharmonic Augmentation for Point Cloud Classification. (arXiv:2311.06070v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiacheng Wei, Guosheng Lin, Henghui Ding, Jie Hu, Kim-Hui Yap

Point cloud datasets often suffer from inadequate sample sizes in comparison to image datasets, making data augmentation challenging. While traditional methods, like rigid transformations and scaling, have limited potential in increasing dataset diversity due to their constraints on altering individual sample shapes, we introduce the Biharmonic Augmentation (BA) method. BA is a novel and efficient data augmentation technique that diversifies point cloud data by imposing smooth non-rigid deformations on existing 3D structures. This approach calculates biharmonic coordinates for the deformation function and learns diverse deformation prototypes. Utilizing a CoefNet, our method predicts coefficients to amalgamate these prototypes, ensuring comprehensive deformation. Moreover, we present AdvTune, an advanced online augmentation system that integrates adversarial training. This system synergistically refines the CoefNet and the classification network, facilitating the automated creation of adaptive shape deformations contingent on the learner status. Comprehensive experimental analysis validates the superiority of Biharmonic Augmentation, showcasing notable performance improvements over prevailing point cloud augmentation techniques across varied network designs.

Enhancing Rock Image Segmentation in Digital Rock Physics: A Fusion of Generative AI and State-of-the-Art Neural Networks. (arXiv:2311.06079v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhaoyang Ma, Xupeng He, Hyung Kwak, Jun Gao, Shuyu Sun, Bicheng Yan

In digital rock physics, analysing microstructures from CT and SEM scans is crucial for estimating properties like porosity and pore connectivity. Traditional segmentation methods like thresholding and CNNs often fall short in accurately detailing rock microstructures and are prone to noise. U-Net improved segmentation accuracy but required many expert-annotated samples, a laborious and error-prone process due to complex pore shapes. Our study employed an advanced generative AI model, the diffusion model, to overcome these limitations. This model generated a vast dataset of CT/SEM and binary segmentation pairs from a small initial dataset. We assessed the efficacy of three neural networks: U-Net, Attention-U-net, and TransUNet, for segmenting these enhanced images. The diffusion model proved to be an effective data augmentation technique, improving the generalization and robustness of deep learning models. TransU-Net, incorporating Transformer structures, demonstrated superior segmentation accuracy and IoU metrics, outperforming both U-Net and Attention-U-net. Our research advances rock image segmentation by combining the diffusion model with cutting-edge neural networks, reducing dependency on extensive expert data and boosting segmentation accuracy and robustness. TransU-Net sets a new standard in digital rock physics, paving the way for future geoscience and engineering breakthroughs.

Dual input stream transformer for eye-tracking line assignment. (arXiv:2311.06095v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Thomas M. Mercier, Marcin Budka, Martin R. Vasilev, Julie A. Kirkby, Bernhard Angele, Timothy J. Slattery

We introduce a novel Dual Input Stream Transformer (DIST) for the challenging problem of assigning fixation points from eye-tracking data collected during passage reading to the line of text that the reader was actually focused on. This post-processing step is crucial for analysis of the reading data due to the presence of noise in the form of vertical drift. We evaluate DIST against nine classical approaches on a comprehensive suite of nine diverse datasets, and demonstrate DIST's superiority. By combining multiple instances of the DIST model in an ensemble we achieve an average accuracy of 98.5\% across all datasets. Our approach presents a significant step towards addressing the bottleneck of manual line assignment in reading research. Through extensive model analysis and ablation studies, we identify key factors that contribute to DIST's success, including the incorporation of line overlap features and the use of a second input stream. Through evaluation on a set of diverse datasets we demonstrate that DIST is robust to various experimental setups, making it a safe first choice for practitioners in the field.

Exploring the Efficacy of Base Data Augmentation Methods in Deep Learning-Based Radiograph Classification of Knee Joint Osteoarthritis. (arXiv:2311.06118v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Fabi Prezja, Leevi Annala, Sampsa Kiiskinen, Timo Ojala

Diagnosing knee joint osteoarthritis (KOA), a major cause of disability worldwide, is challenging due to subtle radiographic indicators and the varied progression of the disease. Using deep learning for KOA diagnosis requires broad, comprehensive datasets. However, obtaining these datasets poses significant challenges due to patient privacy concerns and data collection restrictions. Additive data augmentation, which enhances data variability, emerges as a promising solution. Yet, it's unclear which augmentation techniques are most effective for KOA. This study explored various data augmentation methods, including adversarial augmentations, and their impact on KOA classification model performance. While some techniques improved performance, others commonly used underperformed. We identified potential confounding regions within the images using adversarial augmentation. This was evidenced by our models' ability to classify KL0 and KL4 grades accurately, with the knee joint omitted. This observation suggested a model bias, which might leverage unrelated features for classification currently present in radiographs. Interestingly, removing the knee joint also led to an unexpected improvement in KL1 classification accuracy. To better visualize these paradoxical effects, we employed Grad-CAM, highlighting the associated regions. Our study underscores the need for careful technique selection for improved model performance and identifying and managing potential confounding regions in radiographic KOA deep learning.

Fight Fire with Fire: Combating Adversarial Patch Attacks using Pattern-randomized Defensive Patches. (arXiv:2311.06122v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jianan Feng, Jiachun Li, Changqing Miao, Jianjun Huang, Wei You, Wenchang Shi, Bin Liang

Object detection has found extensive applications in various tasks, but it is also susceptible to adversarial patch attacks. Existing defense methods often necessitate modifications to the target model or result in unacceptable time overhead. In this paper, we adopt a counterattack approach, following the principle of "fight fire with fire," and propose a novel and general methodology for defending adversarial attacks. We utilize an active defense strategy by injecting two types of defensive patches, canary and woodpecker, into the input to proactively probe or weaken potential adversarial patches without altering the target model. Moreover, inspired by randomization techniques employed in software security, we employ randomized canary and woodpecker injection patterns to defend against defense-aware attacks. The effectiveness and practicality of the proposed method are demonstrated through comprehensive experiments. The results illustrate that canary and woodpecker achieve high performance, even when confronted with unknown attack methods, while incurring limited time overhead. Furthermore, our method also exhibits sufficient robustness against defense-aware attacks, as evidenced by adaptive attack experiments.

MonoProb: Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Interpretable Uncertainty. (arXiv:2311.06137v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rémi Marsal, Florian Chabot, Angelique Loesch, William Grolleau, Hichem Sahbi

Self-supervised monocular depth estimation methods aim to be used in critical applications such as autonomous vehicles for environment analysis. To circumvent the potential imperfections of these approaches, a quantification of the prediction confidence is crucial to guide decision-making systems that rely on depth estimation. In this paper, we propose MonoProb, a new unsupervised monocular depth estimation method that returns an interpretable uncertainty, which means that the uncertainty reflects the expected error of the network in its depth predictions. We rethink the stereo or the structure-from-motion paradigms used to train unsupervised monocular depth models as a probabilistic problem. Within a single forward pass inference, this model provides a depth prediction and a measure of its confidence, without increasing the inference time. We then improve the performance on depth and uncertainty with a novel self-distillation loss for which a student is supervised by a pseudo ground truth that is a probability distribution on depth output by a teacher. To quantify the performance of our models we design new metrics that, unlike traditional ones, measure the absolute performance of uncertainty predictions. Our experiments highlight enhancements achieved by our method on standard depth and uncertainty metrics as well as on our tailored metrics.

Federated Learning Across Decentralized and Unshared Archives for Remote Sensing Image Classification. (arXiv:2311.06141v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Barış Büyüktaş, Gencer Sumbul, Begüm Demir

Federated learning (FL) enables the collaboration of multiple deep learning models to learn from decentralized data archives (i.e., clients) without accessing data on clients. Although FL offers ample opportunities in knowledge discovery from distributed image archives, it is seldom considered in remote sensing (RS). In this paper, as a first time in RS, we present a comparative study of state-of-the-art FL algorithms. To this end, we initially provide a systematic review of the FL algorithms presented in the computer vision community for image classification problems, and select several state-of-the-art FL algorithms based on their effectiveness with respect to training data heterogeneity across clients (known as non-IID data). After presenting an extensive overview of the selected algorithms, a theoretical comparison of the algorithms is conducted based on their: 1) local training complexity; 2) aggregation complexity; 3) learning efficiency; 4) communication cost; and 5) scalability in terms of number of clients. As the classification task, we consider multi-label classification (MLC) problem since RS images typically consist of multiple classes, and thus can simultaneously be associated with multi-labels. After the theoretical comparison, experimental analyses are presented to compare them under different decentralization scenarios in terms of MLC performance. Based on our comprehensive analyses, we finally derive a guideline for selecting suitable FL algorithms in RS. The code of this work will be publicly available at

An Evaluation of Forensic Facial Recognition. (arXiv:2311.06145v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Justin Norman, Shruti Agarwal, Hany Farid

Recent advances in machine learning and computer vision have led to reported facial recognition accuracies surpassing human performance. We question if these systems will translate to real-world forensic scenarios in which a potentially low-resolution, low-quality, partially-occluded image is compared against a standard facial database. We describe the construction of a large-scale synthetic facial dataset along with a controlled facial forensic lineup, the combination of which allows for a controlled evaluation of facial recognition under a range of real-world conditions. Using this synthetic dataset, and a popular dataset of real faces, we evaluate the accuracy of two popular neural-based recognition systems. We find that previously reported face recognition accuracies of more than 95% drop to as low as 65% in this more challenging forensic scenario.

Dense Visual Odometry Using Genetic Algorithm. (arXiv:2311.06149v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Slimane Djema, Zoubir Abdeslem Benselama, Ramdane Hedjar, Krabi Abdallah

Our work aims to estimate the camera motion mounted on the head of a mobile robot or a moving object from RGB-D images in a static scene. The problem of motion estimation is transformed into a nonlinear least squares function. Methods for solving such problems are iterative. Various classic methods gave an iterative solution by linearizing this function. We can also use the metaheuristic optimization method to solve this problem and improve results. In this paper, a new algorithm is developed for visual odometry using a sequence of RGB-D images. This algorithm is based on a genetic algorithm. The proposed iterative genetic algorithm searches using particles to estimate the optimal motion and then compares it to the traditional methods. To evaluate our method, we use the root mean square error to compare it with the based energy method and another metaheuristic method. We prove the efficiency of our innovative algorithm on a large set of images.

Deep Fast Vision: A Python Library for Accelerated Deep Transfer Learning Vision Prototyping. (arXiv:2311.06169v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fabi Prezja

Deep learning-based vision is characterized by intricate frameworks that often necessitate a profound understanding, presenting a barrier to newcomers and limiting broad adoption. With many researchers grappling with the constraints of smaller datasets, there's a pronounced reliance on pre-trained neural networks, especially for tasks such as image classification. This reliance is further intensified in niche imaging areas where obtaining vast datasets is challenging. Despite the widespread use of transfer learning as a remedy to the small dataset dilemma, a conspicuous absence of tailored auto-ML solutions persists. Addressing these challenges is "Deep Fast Vision", a python library that streamlines the deep learning process. This tool offers a user-friendly experience, enabling results through a simple nested dictionary definition, helping to democratize deep learning for non-experts. Designed for simplicity and scalability, Deep Fast Vision appears as a bridge, connecting the complexities of existing deep learning frameworks with the needs of a diverse user base.

Automatic Report Generation for Histopathology images using pre-trained Vision Transformers. (arXiv:2311.06176v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Saurav Sengupta, Donald E. Brown

Deep learning for histopathology has been successfully used for disease classification, image segmentation and more. However, combining image and text modalities using current state-of-the-art methods has been a challenge due to the high resolution of histopathology images. Automatic report generation for histopathology images is one such challenge. In this work, we show that using an existing pre-trained Vision Transformer in a two-step process of first using it to encode 4096x4096 sized patches of the Whole Slide Image (WSI) and then using it as the encoder and an LSTM decoder for report generation, we can build a fairly performant and portable report generation mechanism that takes into account the whole of the high resolution image, instead of just the patches. We are also able to use representations from an existing powerful pre-trained hierarchical vision transformer and show its usefulness in not just zero shot classification but also for report generation.

An Automated Pipeline for Tumour-Infiltrating Lymphocyte Scoring in Breast Cancer. (arXiv:2311.06185v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Adam J Shephard, Mostafa Jahanifar, Ruoyu Wang, Muhammad Dawood, Simon Graham, Kastytis Sidlauskas, Syed Ali Khurram, Nasir M Rajpoot, Shan E Ahmed Raza

Tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) are considered as a valuable prognostic markers in both triple-negative and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) breast cancer. In this study, we introduce an innovative deep learning pipeline based on the Efficient-UNet architecture to compute a TILs score for breast cancer whole slide images. Our pipeline first segments tumour-stroma regions and generates a tumour bulk mask. Subsequently, it detects TILs within the tumour-associated stroma, generating a TILs score by closely mirroring the pathologist's workflow. Our method exhibits state-of-the-art performance in segmenting tumour/stroma areas and TILs detection, as demonstrated by internal cross-validation on the TiGER Challenge training dataset and evaluation on the final leaderboards. Additionally, our TILs score proves competitive in predicting survival outcomes within the same challenge, underscoring the clinical relevance and potential of our automated TILs scoring system as a breast cancer prognostic tool.

ASSIST: Interactive Scene Nodes for Scalable and Realistic Indoor Simulation. (arXiv:2311.06211v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhide Zhong, Jiakai Cao, Songen Gu, Sirui Xie, Weibo Gao, Liyi Luo, Zike Yan, Hao Zhao, Guyue Zhou

We present ASSIST, an object-wise neural radiance field as a panoptic representation for compositional and realistic simulation. Central to our approach is a novel scene node data structure that stores the information of each object in a unified fashion, allowing online interaction in both intra- and cross-scene settings. By incorporating a differentiable neural network along with the associated bounding box and semantic features, the proposed structure guarantees user-friendly interaction on independent objects to scale up novel view simulation. Objects in the scene can be queried, added, duplicated, deleted, transformed, or swapped simply through mouse/keyboard controls or language instructions. Experiments demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method, where scaled realistic simulation can be achieved through interactive editing and compositional rendering, with color images, depth images, and panoptic segmentation masks generated in a 3D consistent manner.

Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-View Generation and Large Reconstruction Model. (arXiv:2311.06214v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiahao Li, Hao Tan, Kai Zhang, Zexiang Xu, Fujun Luan, Yinghao Xu, Yicong Hong, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Greg Shakhnarovich, Sai Bi

Text-to-3D with diffusion models have achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, existing methods either rely on score distillation-based optimization which suffer from slow inference, low diversity and Janus problems, or are feed-forward methods that generate low quality results due to the scarcity of 3D training data. In this paper, we propose Instant3D, a novel method that generates high-quality and diverse 3D assets from text prompts in a feed-forward manner. We adopt a two-stage paradigm, which first generates a sparse set of four structured and consistent views from text in one shot with a fine-tuned 2D text-to-image diffusion model, and then directly regresses the NeRF from the generated images with a novel transformer-based sparse-view reconstructor. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method can generate high-quality, diverse and Janus-free 3D assets within 20 seconds, which is two order of magnitude faster than previous optimization-based methods that can take 1 to 10 hours. Our project webpage:

MultiIoT: Towards Large-scale Multisensory Learning for the Internet of Things. (arXiv:2311.06217v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shentong Mo, Paul Pu Liang, Russ Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency

The Internet of Things (IoT), the network integrating billions of smart physical devices embedded with sensors, software, and communication technologies for the purpose of connecting and exchanging data with other devices and systems, is a critical and rapidly expanding component of our modern world. The IoT ecosystem provides a rich source of real-world modalities such as motion, thermal, geolocation, imaging, depth, sensors, video, and audio for prediction tasks involving the pose, gaze, activities, and gestures of humans as well as the touch, contact, pose, 3D of physical objects. Machine learning presents a rich opportunity to automatically process IoT data at scale, enabling efficient inference for impact in understanding human wellbeing, controlling physical devices, and interconnecting smart cities. To develop machine learning technologies for IoT, this paper proposes MultiIoT, the most expansive IoT benchmark to date, encompassing over 1.15 million samples from 12 modalities and 8 tasks. MultiIoT introduces unique challenges involving (1) learning from many sensory modalities, (2) fine-grained interactions across long temporal ranges, and (3) extreme heterogeneity due to unique structure and noise topologies in real-world sensors. We also release a set of strong modeling baselines, spanning modality and task-specific methods to multisensory and multitask models to encourage future research in multisensory representation learning for IoT.

Semantic-aware Video Representation for Few-shot Action Recognition. (arXiv:2311.06218v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yutao Tang, Benjamin Bejar, Rene Vidal

Recent work on action recognition leverages 3D features and textual information to achieve state-of-the-art performance. However, most of the current few-shot action recognition methods still rely on 2D frame-level representations, often require additional components to model temporal relations, and employ complex distance functions to achieve accurate alignment of these representations. In addition, existing methods struggle to effectively integrate textual semantics, some resorting to concatenation or addition of textual and visual features, and some using text merely as an additional supervision without truly achieving feature fusion and information transfer from different modalities. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective Semantic-Aware Few-Shot Action Recognition (SAFSAR) model to address these issues. We show that directly leveraging a 3D feature extractor combined with an effective feature-fusion scheme, and a simple cosine similarity for classification can yield better performance without the need of extra components for temporal modeling or complex distance functions. We introduce an innovative scheme to encode the textual semantics into the video representation which adaptively fuses features from text and video, and encourages the visual encoder to extract more semantically consistent features. In this scheme, SAFSAR achieves alignment and fusion in a compact way. Experiments on five challenging few-shot action recognition benchmarks under various settings demonstrate that the proposed SAFSAR model significantly improves the state-of-the-art performance.

Diffusion Models for Earth Observation Use-cases: from cloud removal to urban change detection. (arXiv:2311.06222v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fulvio Sanguigni, Mikolaj Czerkawski, Lorenzo Papa, Irene Amerini, Bertrand Le Saux

The advancements in the state of the art of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) brought by diffusion models can be highly beneficial in novel contexts involving Earth observation data. After introducing this new family of generative models, this work proposes and analyses three use cases which demonstrate the potential of diffusion-based approaches for satellite image data. Namely, we tackle cloud removal and inpainting, dataset generation for change-detection tasks, and urban replanning.

Harnessing Synthetic Datasets: The Role of Shape Bias in Deep Neural Network Generalization. (arXiv:2311.06224v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Elior Benarous, Sotiris Anagnostidis, Luca Biggio, Thomas Hofmann

Recent advancements in deep learning have been primarily driven by the use of large models trained on increasingly vast datasets. While neural scaling laws have emerged to predict network performance given a specific level of computational resources, the growing demand for expansive datasets raises concerns. To address this, a new research direction has emerged, focusing on the creation of synthetic data as a substitute. In this study, we investigate how neural networks exhibit shape bias during training on synthetic datasets, serving as an indicator of the synthetic data quality. Specifically, our findings indicate three key points: (1) Shape bias varies across network architectures and types of supervision, casting doubt on its reliability as a predictor for generalization and its ability to explain differences in model recognition compared to human capabilities. (2) Relying solely on shape bias to estimate generalization is unreliable, as it is entangled with diversity and naturalism. (3) We propose a novel interpretation of shape bias as a tool for estimating the diversity of samples within a dataset. Our research aims to clarify the implications of using synthetic data and its associated shape bias in deep learning, addressing concerns regarding generalization and dataset quality.

Learning Human Action Recognition Representations Without Real Humans. (arXiv:2311.06231v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Howard Zhong, Samarth Mishra, Donghyun Kim, SouYoung Jin, Rameswar Panda, Hilde Kuehne, Leonid Karlinsky, Venkatesh Saligrama, Aude Oliva, Rogerio Feris

Pre-training on massive video datasets has become essential to achieve high action recognition performance on smaller downstream datasets. However, most large-scale video datasets contain images of people and hence are accompanied with issues related to privacy, ethics, and data protection, often preventing them from being publicly shared for reproducible research. Existing work has attempted to alleviate these problems by blurring faces, downsampling videos, or training on synthetic data. On the other hand, analysis on the transferability of privacy-preserving pre-trained models to downstream tasks has been limited. In this work, we study this problem by first asking the question: can we pre-train models for human action recognition with data that does not include real humans? To this end, we present, for the first time, a benchmark that leverages real-world videos with humans removed and synthetic data containing virtual humans to pre-train a model. We then evaluate the transferability of the representation learned on this data to a diverse set of downstream action recognition benchmarks. Furthermore, we propose a novel pre-training strategy, called Privacy-Preserving MAE-Align, to effectively combine synthetic data and human-removed real data. Our approach outperforms previous baselines by up to 5% and closes the performance gap between human and no-human action recognition representations on downstream tasks, for both linear probing and fine-tuning. Our benchmark, code, and models are available at .

Florence-2: Advancing a Unified Representation for a Variety of Vision Tasks. (arXiv:2311.06242v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bin Xiao, Haiping Wu, Weijian Xu, Xiyang Dai, Houdong Hu, Yumao Lu, Michael Zeng, Ce Liu, Lu Yuan

We introduce Florence-2, a novel vision foundation model with a unified, prompt-based representation for a variety of computer vision and vision-language tasks. While existing large vision models excel in transfer learning, they struggle to perform a diversity of tasks with simple instructions, a capability that implies handling the complexity of various spatial hierarchy and semantic granularity. Florence-2 was designed to take text-prompt as task instructions and generate desirable results in text forms, whether it be captioning, object detection, grounding or segmentation. This multi-task learning setup demands large-scale, high-quality annotated data. To this end, we co-developed FLD-5B that consists of 5.4 billion comprehensive visual annotations on 126 million images, using an iterative strategy of automated image annotation and model refinement. We adopted a sequence-to-sequence structure to train Florence-2 to perform versatile and comprehensive vision tasks. Extensive evaluations on numerous tasks demonstrated Florence-2 to be a strong vision foundation model contender with unprecedented zero-shot and fine-tuning capabilities.

Parameter-Efficient Orthogonal Finetuning via Butterfly Factorization. (arXiv:2311.06243v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Weiyang Liu, Zeju Qiu, Yao Feng, Yuliang Xiu, Yuxuan Xue, Longhui Yu, Haiwen Feng, Zhen Liu, Juyeon Heo, Songyou Peng, Yandong Wen, Michael J. Black, Adrian Weller, Bernhard Schölkopf

Large foundation models are becoming ubiquitous, but training them from scratch is prohibitively expensive. Thus, efficiently adapting these powerful models to downstream tasks is increasingly important. In this paper, we study a principled finetuning paradigm -- Orthogonal Finetuning (OFT) -- for downstream task adaptation. Despite demonstrating good generalizability, OFT still uses a fairly large number of trainable parameters due to the high dimensionality of orthogonal matrices. To address this, we start by examining OFT from an information transmission perspective, and then identify a few key desiderata that enable better parameter-efficiency. Inspired by how the Cooley-Tukey fast Fourier transform algorithm enables efficient information transmission, we propose an efficient orthogonal parameterization using butterfly structures. We apply this parameterization to OFT, creating a novel parameter-efficient finetuning method, called Orthogonal Butterfly (BOFT). By subsuming OFT as a special case, BOFT introduces a generalized orthogonal finetuning framework. Finally, we conduct an extensive empirical study of adapting large vision transformers, large language models, and text-to-image diffusion models to various downstream tasks in vision and language.

Chanakya: Learning Runtime Decisions for Adaptive Real-Time Perception. (arXiv:2106.05665v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Anurag Ghosh, Vaibhav Balloli, Akshay Nambi, Aditya Singh, Tanuja Ganu

Real-time perception requires planned resource utilization. Computational planning in real-time perception is governed by two considerations -- accuracy and latency. There exist run-time decisions (e.g. choice of input resolution) that induce tradeoffs affecting performance on a given hardware, arising from intrinsic (content, e.g. scene clutter) and extrinsic (system, e.g. resource contention) characteristics.

Earlier runtime execution frameworks employed rule-based decision algorithms and operated with a fixed algorithm latency budget to balance these concerns, which is sub-optimal and inflexible. We propose Chanakya, a learned approximate execution framework that naturally derives from the streaming perception paradigm, to automatically learn decisions induced by these tradeoffs instead. Chanakya is trained via novel rewards balancing accuracy and latency implicitly, without approximating either objectives. Chanakya simultaneously considers intrinsic and extrinsic context, and predicts decisions in a flexible manner. Chanakya, designed with low overhead in mind, outperforms state-of-the-art static and dynamic execution policies on public datasets on both server GPUs and edge devices.

A Cognitive Architecture for Machine Consciousness and Artificial Superintelligence: Thought Is Structured by the Iterative Updating of Working Memory. (arXiv:2203.17255v4 [q-bio.NC] UPDATED)

Authors: Jared Edward Reser

This article provides an analytical framework for how to simulate human-like thought processes within a computer. It describes how attention and memory should be structured, updated, and used to search for associative additions to the thought process. The working memory of mammals is made possible by two forms of persistent activity: sustained firing (preserving information on the order of seconds) and synaptic potentiation (preserving information on the order of minutes to hours). The article uses a series of over 40 original figures to systematically demonstrate how the iterative updating of these working memory stores provides dynamic, functional structure to thought and consciousness. In an AI implementation, these two stores should be updated continuously and in an iterative fashion, meaning that, in the next state, some proportion of the coactive representations should always be retained. Thus, the set of concepts coactive in working memory will evolve gradually and incrementally over time. This makes each state a revised iteration of the preceding state and causes successive states to overlap and blend with respect to the set of representations they contain. It is argued that without this overlap, AI systems cannot achieve mental continuity or machine consciousness. Persistent activity spreads activation energy throughout the hierarchical network to search for the next associative update. This search of long-term memory locates the most appropriate representation to be added to the global workspace. The result is a chain of associatively linked intermediate states capable of advancing toward a solution or goal. Iterative updating is conceptualized here as an information processing strategy, a computational and neurophysiological determinant of the stream of thought, and an algorithm for designing and programming artificial general intelligence.

From Heavy Rain Removal to Detail Restoration: A Faster and Better Network. (arXiv:2205.03553v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tao Gao, Yuanbo Wen, Jing Zhang, Kaihao Zhang, Ting Chen

The dense rain accumulation in heavy rain can significantly wash out images and thus destroy the background details of images. Although existing deep rain removal models lead to improved performance for heavy rain removal, we find that most of them ignore the detail reconstruction accuracy of rain-free images. In this paper, we propose a dual-stage progressive enhancement network (DPENet) to achieve effective deraining with structure-accurate rain-free images. Two main modules are included in our framework, namely a rain streaks removal network (R$^2$Net) and a detail reconstruction network (DRNet). The former aims to achieve accurate rain removal, and the latter is designed to recover the details of rain-free images. We introduce two main strategies within our networks to achieve trade-off between the effectiveness of deraining and the detail restoration of rain-free images. Firstly, a dilated dense residual block (DDRB) within the rain streaks removal network is presented to aggregate high/low level features of heavy rain. Secondly, an enhanced residual pixel-wise attention block (ERPAB) within the detail reconstruction network is designed for context information aggregation. We also propose a comprehensive loss function to highlight the marginal and regional accuracy of rain-free images. Extensive experiments on benchmark public datasets show both efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed method in achieving structure-preserving rain-free images for heavy rain removal. The source code and pre-trained models can be found at \url{}.

(Un)likelihood Training for Interpretable Embedding. (arXiv:2207.00282v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaxin Wu, Chong-Wah Ngo, Wing-Kwong Chan, Zhijian Hou

Cross-modal representation learning has become a new normal for bridging the semantic gap between text and visual data. Learning modality agnostic representations in a continuous latent space, however, is often treated as a black-box data-driven training process. It is well-known that the effectiveness of representation learning depends heavily on the quality and scale of training data. For video representation learning, having a complete set of labels that annotate the full spectrum of video content for training is highly difficult if not impossible. These issues, black-box training and dataset bias, make representation learning practically challenging to be deployed for video understanding due to unexplainable and unpredictable results. In this paper, we propose two novel training objectives, likelihood and unlikelihood functions, to unroll semantics behind embeddings while addressing the label sparsity problem in training. The likelihood training aims to interpret semantics of embeddings beyond training labels, while the unlikelihood training leverages prior knowledge for regularization to ensure semantically coherent interpretation. With both training objectives, a new encoder-decoder network, which learns interpretable cross-modal representation, is proposed for ad-hoc video search. Extensive experiments on TRECVid and MSR-VTT datasets show the proposed network outperforms several state-of-the-art retrieval models with a statistically significant performance margin.

EgoEnv: Human-centric environment representations from egocentric video. (arXiv:2207.11365v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tushar Nagarajan, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Ruta Desai, James Hillis, Kristen Grauman

First-person video highlights a camera-wearer's activities in the context of their persistent environment. However, current video understanding approaches reason over visual features from short video clips that are detached from the underlying physical space and capture only what is immediately visible. To facilitate human-centric environment understanding, we present an approach that links egocentric video and the environment by learning representations that are predictive of the camera-wearer's (potentially unseen) local surroundings. We train such models using videos from agents in simulated 3D environments where the environment is fully observable, and test them on human-captured real-world videos from unseen environments. On two human-centric video tasks, we show that models equipped with our environment-aware features consistently outperform their counterparts with traditional clip features. Moreover, despite being trained exclusively on simulated videos, our approach successfully handles real-world videos from HouseTours and Ego4D, and achieves state-of-the-art results on the Ego4D NLQ challenge. Project page:

ASIF: Coupled Data Turns Unimodal Models to Multimodal Without Training. (arXiv:2210.01738v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Antonio Norelli, Marco Fumero, Valentino Maiorca, Luca Moschella, Emanuele Rodolà, Francesco Locatello

CLIP proved that aligning visual and language spaces is key to solving many vision tasks without explicit training, but required to train image and text encoders from scratch on a huge dataset. LiT improved this by only training the text encoder and using a pre-trained vision network. In this paper, we show that a common space can be created without any training at all, using single-domain encoders (trained with or without supervision) and a much smaller amount of image-text pairs. Furthermore, our model has unique properties. Most notably, deploying a new version with updated training samples can be done in a matter of seconds. Additionally, the representations in the common space are easily interpretable as every dimension corresponds to the similarity of the input to a unique image-text pair in the multimodal dataset. Experiments on standard zero-shot visual benchmarks demonstrate the typical transfer ability of image-text models. Overall, our method represents a simple yet surprisingly strong baseline for foundation multimodal models, raising important questions on their data efficiency and on the role of retrieval in machine learning.

Average degree of the essential variety. (arXiv:2212.01596v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)

Authors: Paul Breiding, Samantha Fairchild, Pierpaola Santarsiero, Elima Shehu

The essential variety is an algebraic subvariety of dimension $5$ in real projective space $\mathbb R\mathrm P^{8}$ which encodes the relative pose of two calibrated pinhole cameras. The $5$-point algorithm in computer vision computes the real points in the intersection of the essential variety with a linear space of codimension $5$. The degree of the essential variety is $10$, so this intersection consists of 10 complex points in general.

We compute the expected number of real intersection points when the linear space is random. We focus on two probability distributions for linear spaces. The first distribution is invariant under the action of the orthogonal group $\mathrm{O}(9)$ acting on linear spaces in $\mathbb R\mathrm P^{8}$. In this case, the expected number of real intersection points is equal to $4$. The second distribution is motivated from computer vision and is defined by choosing 5 point correspondences in the image planes $\mathbb R\mathrm P^2\times \mathbb R\mathrm P^2$ uniformly at random. A Monte Carlo computation suggests that with high probability the expected value lies in the interval $(3.95 - 0.05,\ 3.95 + 0.05)$.

Dataset Distillation with Convexified Implicit Gradients. (arXiv:2302.06755v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Noel Loo, Ramin Hasani, Mathias Lechner, Daniela Rus

We propose a new dataset distillation algorithm using reparameterization and convexification of implicit gradients (RCIG), that substantially improves the state-of-the-art. To this end, we first formulate dataset distillation as a bi-level optimization problem. Then, we show how implicit gradients can be effectively used to compute meta-gradient updates. We further equip the algorithm with a convexified approximation that corresponds to learning on top of a frozen finite-width neural tangent kernel. Finally, we improve bias in implicit gradients by parameterizing the neural network to enable analytical computation of final-layer parameters given the body parameters. RCIG establishes the new state-of-the-art on a diverse series of dataset distillation tasks. Notably, with one image per class, on resized ImageNet, RCIG sees on average a 108\% improvement over the previous state-of-the-art distillation algorithm. Similarly, we observed a 66\% gain over SOTA on Tiny-ImageNet and 37\% on CIFAR-100.

Exploring the Limits of Deep Image Clustering using Pretrained Models. (arXiv:2303.17896v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nikolas Adaloglou, Felix Michels, Hamza Kalisch, Markus Kollmann

We present a general methodology that learns to classify images without labels by leveraging pretrained feature extractors. Our approach involves self-distillation training of clustering heads based on the fact that nearest neighbours in the pretrained feature space are likely to share the same label. We propose a novel objective that learns associations between image features by introducing a variant of pointwise mutual information together with instance weighting. We demonstrate that the proposed objective is able to attenuate the effect of false positive pairs while efficiently exploiting the structure in the pretrained feature space. As a result, we improve the clustering accuracy over $k$-means on $17$ different pretrained models by $6.1$\% and $12.2$\% on ImageNet and CIFAR100, respectively. Finally, using self-supervised vision transformers, we achieve a clustering accuracy of $61.6$\% on ImageNet. The code is available at

Preemptively Pruning Clever-Hans Strategies in Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2304.05727v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lorenz Linhardt, Klaus-Robert Müller, Grégoire Montavon

Robustness has become an important consideration in deep learning. With the help of explainable AI, mismatches between an explained model's decision strategy and the user's domain knowledge (e.g. Clever Hans effects) have been identified as a starting point for improving faulty models. However, it is less clear what to do when the user and the explanation agree. In this paper, we demonstrate that acceptance of explanations by the user is not a guarantee for a machine learning model to be robust against Clever Hans effects, which may remain undetected. Such hidden flaws of the model can nevertheless be mitigated, and we demonstrate this by contributing a new method, Explanation-Guided Exposure Minimization (EGEM), that preemptively prunes variations in the ML model that have not been the subject of positive explanation feedback. Experiments demonstrate that our approach leads to models that strongly reduce their reliance on hidden Clever Hans strategies, and consequently achieve higher accuracy on new data.

Computationally-Efficient Neural Image Compression with Shallow Decoders. (arXiv:2304.06244v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yibo Yang, Stephan Mandt

Neural image compression methods have seen increasingly strong performance in recent years. However, they suffer orders of magnitude higher computational complexity compared to traditional codecs, which hinders their real-world deployment. This paper takes a step forward towards closing this gap in decoding complexity by using a shallow or even linear decoding transform resembling that of JPEG. To compensate for the resulting drop in compression performance, we exploit the often asymmetrical computation budget between encoding and decoding, by adopting more powerful encoder networks and iterative encoding. We theoretically formalize the intuition behind, and our experimental results establish a new frontier in the trade-off between rate-distortion and decoding complexity for neural image compression. Specifically, we achieve rate-distortion performance competitive with the established mean-scale hyperprior architecture of Minnen et al. (2018) at less than 50K decoding FLOPs/pixel, reducing the baseline's overall decoding complexity by 80%, or over 90% for the synthesis transform alone. Our code can be found at

Visual Chain of Thought: Bridging Logical Gaps with Multimodal Infillings. (arXiv:2305.02317v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel Rose, Vaishnavi Himakunthala, Andy Ouyang, Ryan He, Alex Mei, Yujie Lu, Michael Saxon, Chinmay Sonar, Diba Mirza, William Yang Wang

Recent advances in large language models elicit reasoning in a chain of thought that allows models to decompose problems in a human-like fashion. Though this paradigm improves multi-step reasoning ability in language models, it is limited by being unimodal and applied mainly to question-answering tasks. We claim that incorporating visual augmentation into reasoning is essential, especially for complex, imaginative tasks. Consequently, we introduce VCoT, a novel method that leverages chain of thought prompting with vision-language grounding to recursively bridge the logical gaps within sequential data. Our method uses visual guidance to generate synthetic multimodal infillings that add consistent and novel information to reduce the logical gaps for downstream tasks that can benefit from temporal reasoning, as well as provide interpretability into models' multi-step reasoning. We apply VCoT to the Visual Storytelling and WikiHow summarization datasets and demonstrate through human evaluation that VCoT offers novel and consistent synthetic data augmentation beating chain of thought baselines, which can be used to enhance downstream performance.

MFT: Long-Term Tracking of Every Pixel. (arXiv:2305.12998v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Michal Neoral, Jonáš Šerých, Jiří Matas

We propose MFT -- Multi-Flow dense Tracker -- a novel method for dense, pixel-level, long-term tracking. The approach exploits optical flows estimated not only between consecutive frames, but also for pairs of frames at logarithmically spaced intervals. It selects the most reliable sequence of flows on the basis of estimates of its geometric accuracy and the probability of occlusion, both provided by a pre-trained CNN. We show that MFT achieves competitive performance on the TAP-Vid benchmark, outperforming baselines by a significant margin, and tracking densely orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art point-tracking methods. The method is insensitive to medium-length occlusions and it is robustified by estimating flow with respect to the reference frame, which reduces drift.

Zero-TPrune: Zero-Shot Token Pruning through Leveraging of the Attention Graph in Pre-Trained Transformers. (arXiv:2305.17328v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongjie Wang, Bhishma Dedhia, Niraj K. Jha

Deployment of Transformer models on edge devices is becoming increasingly challenging due to the exponentially growing inference cost that scales quadratically with the number of tokens in the input sequence. Token pruning is an emerging solution to address this challenge due to its ease of deployment on various Transformer backbones. However, most token pruning methods require computationally expensive fine-tuning, which is undesirable in many edge deployment cases. In this work, we propose Zero-TPrune, the first zero-shot method that considers both the importance and similarity of tokens in performing token pruning. It leverages the attention graph of pre-trained Transformer models to produce an importance distribution for tokens via our proposed Weighted Page Rank (WPR) algorithm. This distribution further guides token partitioning for efficient similarity-based pruning. Due to the elimination of the fine-tuning overhead, Zero-TPrune can prune large models at negligible computational cost, switch between different pruning configurations at no computational cost, and perform hyperparameter tuning efficiently. We evaluate the performance of Zero-TPrune on vision tasks by applying it to various vision Transformer backbones and testing them on ImageNet. Without any fine-tuning, Zero-TPrune reduces the FLOPs cost of DeiT-S by 34.7\% and improves its throughput by 45.3\% with only 0.4\% accuracy loss. Compared with state-of-the-art pruning methods that require fine-tuning, Zero-TPrune not only eliminates the need for fine-tuning after pruning but also does so with only 0.1\% accuracy loss. Compared with state-of-the-art fine-tuning-free pruning methods, Zero-TPrune reduces accuracy loss by up to 49\% with the same or higher throughput.

Mix-of-Show: Decentralized Low-Rank Adaptation for Multi-Concept Customization of Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2305.18292v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuchao Gu, Xintao Wang, Jay Zhangjie Wu, Yujun Shi, Yunpeng Chen, Zihan Fan, Wuyou Xiao, Rui Zhao, Shuning Chang, Weijia Wu, Yixiao Ge, Ying Shan, Mike Zheng Shou

Public large-scale text-to-image diffusion models, such as Stable Diffusion, have gained significant attention from the community. These models can be easily customized for new concepts using low-rank adaptations (LoRAs). However, the utilization of multiple concept LoRAs to jointly support multiple customized concepts presents a challenge. We refer to this scenario as decentralized multi-concept customization, which involves single-client concept tuning and center-node concept fusion. In this paper, we propose a new framework called Mix-of-Show that addresses the challenges of decentralized multi-concept customization, including concept conflicts resulting from existing single-client LoRA tuning and identity loss during model fusion. Mix-of-Show adopts an embedding-decomposed LoRA (ED-LoRA) for single-client tuning and gradient fusion for the center node to preserve the in-domain essence of single concepts and support theoretically limitless concept fusion. Additionally, we introduce regionally controllable sampling, which extends spatially controllable sampling (e.g., ControlNet and T2I-Adaptor) to address attribute binding and missing object problems in multi-concept sampling. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Mix-of-Show is capable of composing multiple customized concepts with high fidelity, including characters, objects, and scenes.

Dynamic Sparsity Is Channel-Level Sparsity Learner. (arXiv:2305.19454v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lu Yin, Gen Li, Meng Fang, Li Shen, Tianjin Huang, Zhangyang Wang, Vlado Menkovski, Xiaolong Ma, Mykola Pechenizkiy, Shiwei Liu

Sparse training has received an upsurging interest in machine learning due to its tantalizing saving potential for the entire training process as well as inference. Dynamic sparse training (DST), as a leading sparse training approach, can train deep neural networks at high sparsity from scratch to match the performance of their dense counterparts. However, most if not all DST prior arts demonstrate their effectiveness on unstructured sparsity with highly irregular sparse patterns, which receives limited support in common hardware. This limitation hinders the usage of DST in practice. In this paper, we propose Channel-aware dynamic sparse (Chase), which for the first time seamlessly translates the promise of unstructured dynamic sparsity to GPU-friendly channel-level sparsity (not fine-grained N:M or group sparsity) during one end-to-end training process, without any ad-hoc operations. The resulting small sparse networks can be directly accelerated by commodity hardware, without using any particularly sparsity-aware hardware accelerators. This appealing outcome is partially motivated by a hidden phenomenon of dynamic sparsity: off-the-shelf unstructured DST implicitly involves biased parameter reallocation across channels, with a large fraction of channels (up to 60%) being sparser than others. By progressively identifying and removing these channels during training, our approach translates unstructured sparsity to channel-wise sparsity. Our experimental results demonstrate that Chase achieves 1.7 X inference throughput speedup on common GPU devices without compromising accuracy with ResNet-50 on ImageNet. We release our codes in

M3Exam: A Multilingual, Multimodal, Multilevel Benchmark for Examining Large Language Models. (arXiv:2306.05179v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenxuan Zhang, Sharifah Mahani Aljunied, Chang Gao, Yew Ken Chia, Lidong Bing

Despite the existence of various benchmarks for evaluating natural language processing models, we argue that human exams are a more suitable means of evaluating general intelligence for large language models (LLMs), as they inherently demand a much wider range of abilities such as language understanding, domain knowledge, and problem-solving skills. To this end, we introduce M3Exam, a novel benchmark sourced from real and official human exam questions for evaluating LLMs in a multilingual, multimodal, and multilevel context. M3Exam exhibits three unique characteristics: (1) multilingualism, encompassing questions from multiple countries that require strong multilingual proficiency and cultural knowledge; (2) multimodality, accounting for the multimodal nature of many exam questions to test the model's multimodal understanding capability; and (3) multilevel structure, featuring exams from three critical educational periods to comprehensively assess a model's proficiency at different levels. In total, M3Exam contains 12,317 questions in 9 diverse languages with three educational levels, where about 23\% of the questions require processing images for successful solving. We assess the performance of top-performing LLMs on M3Exam and find that current models, including GPT-4, still struggle with multilingual text, particularly in low-resource and non-Latin script languages. Multimodal LLMs also perform poorly with complex multimodal questions. We believe that M3Exam can be a valuable resource for comprehensively evaluating LLMs by examining their multilingual and multimodal abilities and tracking their development. Data and evaluation code is available at \url{}.

An Overview about Emerging Technologies of Autonomous Driving. (arXiv:2306.13302v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Huang, Yue Chen, Zijiang Yang

Since DARPA started Grand Challenges in 2004 and Urban Challenges in 2007, autonomous driving has been the most active field of AI applications. This paper gives an overview about technical aspects of autonomous driving technologies and open problems. We investigate the major fields of self-driving systems, such as perception, mapping and localization, prediction, planning and control, simulation, V2X and safety etc. Especially we elaborate on all these issues in a framework of data closed loop, a popular platform to solve the long tailed autonomous driving problems.

AutoGraph: Predicting Lane Graphs from Traffic Observations. (arXiv:2306.15410v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jannik Zürn, Ingmar Posner, Wolfram Burgard

Lane graph estimation is a long-standing problem in the context of autonomous driving. Previous works aimed at solving this problem by relying on large-scale, hand-annotated lane graphs, introducing a data bottleneck for training models to solve this task. To overcome this limitation, we propose to use the motion patterns of traffic participants as lane graph annotations. In our AutoGraph approach, we employ a pre-trained object tracker to collect the tracklets of traffic participants such as vehicles and trucks. Based on the location of these tracklets, we predict the successor lane graph from an initial position using overhead RGB images only, not requiring any human supervision. In a subsequent stage, we show how the individual successor predictions can be aggregated into a consistent lane graph. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on the UrbanLaneGraph dataset and perform extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations, indicating that AutoGraph is on par with models trained on hand-annotated graph data. Model and dataset will be made available at redacted-for-review.

Wasserstein Auto-Encoders of Merge Trees (and Persistence Diagrams). (arXiv:2307.02509v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mahieu Pont, Julien Tierny

This paper presents a computational framework for the Wasserstein auto-encoding of merge trees (MT-WAE), a novel extension of the classical auto-encoder neural network architecture to the Wasserstein metric space of merge trees. In contrast to traditional auto-encoders which operate on vectorized data, our formulation explicitly manipulates merge trees on their associated metric space at each layer of the network, resulting in superior accuracy and interpretability. Our novel neural network approach can be interpreted as a non-linear generalization of previous linear attempts [79] at merge tree encoding. It also trivially extends to persistence diagrams. Extensive experiments on public ensembles demonstrate the efficiency of our algorithms, with MT-WAE computations in the orders of minutes on average. We show the utility of our contributions in two applications adapted from previous work on merge tree encoding [79]. First, we apply MT-WAE to merge tree compression, by concisely representing them with their coordinates in the final layer of our auto-encoder. Second, we document an application to dimensionality reduction, by exploiting the latent space of our auto-encoder, for the visual analysis of ensemble data. We illustrate the versatility of our framework by introducing two penalty terms, to help preserve in the latent space both the Wasserstein distances between merge trees, as well as their clusters. In both applications, quantitative experiments assess the relevance of our framework. Finally, we provide a C++ implementation that can be used for reproducibility.

TRansPose: Large-Scale Multispectral Dataset for Transparent Object. (arXiv:2307.05016v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jeongyun Kim, Myung-Hwan Jeon, Sangwoo Jung, Wooseong Yang, Minwoo Jung, Jaeho Shin, Ayoung Kim

Transparent objects are encountered frequently in our daily lives, yet recognizing them poses challenges for conventional vision sensors due to their unique material properties, not being well perceived from RGB or depth cameras. Overcoming this limitation, thermal infrared cameras have emerged as a solution, offering improved visibility and shape information for transparent objects. In this paper, we present TRansPose, the first large-scale multispectral dataset that combines stereo RGB-D, thermal infrared (TIR) images, and object poses to promote transparent object research. The dataset includes 99 transparent objects, encompassing 43 household items, 27 recyclable trashes, 29 chemical laboratory equivalents, and 12 non-transparent objects. It comprises a vast collection of 333,819 images and 4,000,056 annotations, providing instance-level segmentation masks, ground-truth poses, and completed depth information. The data was acquired using a FLIR A65 thermal infrared (TIR) camera, two Intel RealSense L515 RGB-D cameras, and a Franka Emika Panda robot manipulator. Spanning 87 sequences, TRansPose covers various challenging real-life scenarios, including objects filled with water, diverse lighting conditions, heavy clutter, non-transparent or translucent containers, objects in plastic bags, and multi-stacked objects. TRansPose dataset can be accessed from the following link:

Learning Better Keypoints for Multi-Object 6DoF Pose Estimation. (arXiv:2308.07827v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yangzheng Wu, Michael Greenspan

We address the problem of keypoint selection, and find that the performance of 6DoF pose estimation methods can be improved when pre-defined keypoint locations are learned, rather than being heuristically selected as has been the standard approach. We found that accuracy and efficiency can be improved by training a graph network to select a set of disperse keypoints with similarly distributed votes. These votes, learned by a regression network to accumulate evidence for the keypoint locations, can be regressed more accurately compared to previous heuristic keypoint algorithms. The proposed KeyGNet, supervised by a combined loss measuring both Wasserstein distance and dispersion, learns the color and geometry features of the target objects to estimate optimal keypoint locations. Experiments demonstrate the keypoints selected by KeyGNet improved the accuracy for all evaluation metrics of all seven datasets tested, for three keypoint voting methods. The challenging Occlusion LINEMOD dataset notably improved ADD(S) by +16.4% on PVN3D, and all core BOP datasets showed an AR improvement for all objects, of between +1% and +21.5%. There was also a notable increase in performance when transitioning from single object to multiple object training using KeyGNet keypoints, essentially eliminating the SISO-MIMO gap for Occlusion LINEMOD.

Read-only Prompt Optimization for Vision-Language Few-shot Learning. (arXiv:2308.14960v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dongjun Lee, Seokwon Song, Jihee Suh, Joonmyung Choi, Sanghyeok Lee, Hyunwoo J.Kim

In recent years, prompt tuning has proven effective in adapting pre-trained vision-language models to downstream tasks. These methods aim to adapt the pre-trained models by introducing learnable prompts while keeping pre-trained weights frozen. However, learnable prompts can affect the internal representation within the self-attention module, which may negatively impact performance variance and generalization, especially in data-deficient settings. To address these issues, we propose a novel approach, Read-only Prompt Optimization (RPO). RPO leverages masked attention to prevent the internal representation shift in the pre-trained model. Further, to facilitate the optimization of RPO, the read-only prompts are initialized based on special tokens of the pre-trained model. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that RPO outperforms CLIP and CoCoOp in base-to-new generalization and domain generalization while displaying better robustness. Also, the proposed method achieves better generalization on extremely data-deficient settings, while improving parameter efficiency and computational overhead. Code is available at

BEA: Revisiting anchor-based object detection DNN using Budding Ensemble Architecture. (arXiv:2309.08036v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Syed Sha Qutub, Neslihan Kose, Rafael Rosales, Michael Paulitsch, Korbinian Hagn, Florian Geissler, Yang Peng, Gereon Hinz, Alois Knoll

This paper introduces the Budding Ensemble Architecture (BEA), a novel reduced ensemble architecture for anchor-based object detection models. Object detection models are crucial in vision-based tasks, particularly in autonomous systems. They should provide precise bounding box detections while also calibrating their predicted confidence scores, leading to higher-quality uncertainty estimates. However, current models may make erroneous decisions due to false positives receiving high scores or true positives being discarded due to low scores. BEA aims to address these issues. The proposed loss functions in BEA improve the confidence score calibration and lower the uncertainty error, which results in a better distinction of true and false positives and, eventually, higher accuracy of the object detection models. Both Base-YOLOv3 and SSD models were enhanced using the BEA method and its proposed loss functions. The BEA on Base-YOLOv3 trained on the KITTI dataset results in a 6% and 3.7% increase in mAP and AP50, respectively. Utilizing a well-balanced uncertainty estimation threshold to discard samples in real-time even leads to a 9.6% higher AP50 than its base model. This is attributed to a 40% increase in the area under the AP50-based retention curve used to measure the quality of calibration of confidence scores. Furthermore, BEA-YOLOV3 trained on KITTI provides superior out-of-distribution detection on Citypersons, BDD100K, and COCO datasets compared to the ensembles and vanilla models of YOLOv3 and Gaussian-YOLOv3.

HOH: Markerless Multimodal Human-Object-Human Handover Dataset with Large Object Count. (arXiv:2310.00723v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Noah Wiederhold, Ava Megyeri, DiMaggio Paris, Sean Banerjee, Natasha Kholgade Banerjee

We present the HOH (Human-Object-Human) Handover Dataset, a large object count dataset with 136 objects, to accelerate data-driven research on handover studies, human-robot handover implementation, and artificial intelligence (AI) on handover parameter estimation from 2D and 3D data of person interactions. HOH contains multi-view RGB and depth data, skeletons, fused point clouds, grasp type and handedness labels, object, giver hand, and receiver hand 2D and 3D segmentations, giver and receiver comfort ratings, and paired object metadata and aligned 3D models for 2,720 handover interactions spanning 136 objects and 20 giver-receiver pairs-40 with role-reversal-organized from 40 participants. We also show experimental results of neural networks trained using HOH to perform grasp, orientation, and trajectory prediction. As the only fully markerless handover capture dataset, HOH represents natural human-human handover interactions, overcoming challenges with markered datasets that require specific suiting for body tracking, and lack high-resolution hand tracking. To date, HOH is the largest handover dataset in number of objects, participants, pairs with role reversal accounted for, and total interactions captured.

Bag of Tricks for Fully Test-Time Adaptation. (arXiv:2310.02416v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Saypraseuth Mounsaveng, Florent Chiaroni, Malik Boudiaf, Marco Pedersoli, Ismail Ben Ayed

Fully Test-Time Adaptation (TTA), which aims at adapting models to data drifts, has recently attracted wide interest. Numerous tricks and techniques have been proposed to ensure robust learning on arbitrary streams of unlabeled data. However, assessing the true impact of each individual technique and obtaining a fair comparison still constitutes a significant challenge. To help consolidate the community's knowledge, we present a categorization of selected orthogonal TTA techniques, including small batch normalization, stream rebalancing, reliable sample selection, and network confidence calibration. We meticulously dissect the effect of each approach on different scenarios of interest. Through our analysis, we shed light on trade-offs induced by those techniques between accuracy, the computational power required, and model complexity. We also uncover the synergy that arises when combining techniques and are able to establish new state-of-the-art results.

Excision And Recovery: Visual Defect Obfuscation Based Self-Supervised Anomaly Detection Strategy. (arXiv:2310.04010v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: YeongHyeon Park, Sungho Kang, Myung Jin Kim, Yeonho Lee, Hyeong Seok Kim, Juneho Yi

Due to scarcity of anomaly situations in the early manufacturing stage, an unsupervised anomaly detection (UAD) approach is widely adopted which only uses normal samples for training. This approach is based on the assumption that the trained UAD model will accurately reconstruct normal patterns but struggles with unseen anomalous patterns. To enhance the UAD performance, reconstruction-by-inpainting based methods have recently been investigated, especially on the masking strategy of suspected defective regions. However, there are still issues to overcome: 1) time-consuming inference due to multiple masking, 2) output inconsistency by random masking strategy, and 3) inaccurate reconstruction of normal patterns when the masked area is large. Motivated by this, we propose a novel reconstruction-by-inpainting method, dubbed Excision And Recovery (EAR), that features single deterministic masking based on the ImageNet pre-trained DINO-ViT and visual obfuscation for hint-providing. Experimental results on the MVTec AD dataset show that deterministic masking by pre-trained attention effectively cuts out suspected defective regions and resolve the aforementioned issues 1 and 2. Also, hint-providing by mosaicing proves to enhance the UAD performance than emptying those regions by binary masking, thereby overcomes issue 3. Our approach achieves a high UAD performance without any change of the neural network structure. Thus, we suggest that EAR be adopted in various manufacturing industries as a practically deployable solution.

SeUNet-Trans: A Simple yet Effective UNet-Transformer Model for Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2310.09998v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tan-Hanh Pham, Xianqi Li, Kim-Doang Nguyen

Automated medical image segmentation is becoming increasingly crucial to modern clinical practice, driven by the growing demand for precise diagnosis, the push towards personalized treatment plans, and the advancements in machine learning algorithms, especially the incorporation of deep learning methods. While convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been prevalent among these methods, the remarkable potential of Transformer-based models for computer vision tasks is gaining more acknowledgment. To harness the advantages of both CNN-based and Transformer-based models, we propose a simple yet effective UNet-Transformer (seUNet-Trans) model for medical image segmentation. In our approach, the UNet model is designed as a feature extractor to generate multiple feature maps from the input images, then the maps are propagated into a bridge layer, which is introduced to sequentially connect the UNet and the Transformer. In this stage, we approach the pixel-level embedding technique without position embedding vectors, aiming to make the model more efficient. Moreover, we apply spatial-reduction attention in the Transformer to reduce the computational/memory overhead. By leveraging the UNet architecture and the self-attention mechanism, our model not only retains the preservation of both local and global context information but also is capable of capturing long-range dependencies between input elements. The proposed model is extensively experimented on seven medical image segmentation datasets including polyp segmentation to demonstrate its efficacy. Comparison with several state-of-the-art segmentation models on these datasets shows the superior performance of our proposed seUNet-Trans network.

Distractor-aware Event-based Tracking. (arXiv:2310.14194v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yingkai Fu, Meng Li, Wenxi Liu, Yuanchen Wang, Jiqing Zhang, Baocai Yin, Xiaopeng Wei, Xin Yang

Event cameras, or dynamic vision sensors, have recently achieved success from fundamental vision tasks to high-level vision researches. Due to its ability to asynchronously capture light intensity changes, event camera has an inherent advantage to capture moving objects in challenging scenarios including objects under low light, high dynamic range, or fast moving objects. Thus event camera are natural for visual object tracking. However, the current event-based trackers derived from RGB trackers simply modify the input images to event frames and still follow conventional tracking pipeline that mainly focus on object texture for target distinction. As a result, the trackers may not be robust dealing with challenging scenarios such as moving cameras and cluttered foreground. In this paper, we propose a distractor-aware event-based tracker that introduces transformer modules into Siamese network architecture (named DANet). Specifically, our model is mainly composed of a motion-aware network and a target-aware network, which simultaneously exploits both motion cues and object contours from event data, so as to discover motion objects and identify the target object by removing dynamic distractors. Our DANet can be trained in an end-to-end manner without any post-processing and can run at over 80 FPS on a single V100. We conduct comprehensive experiments on two large event tracking datasets to validate the proposed model. We demonstrate that our tracker has superior performance against the state-of-the-art trackers in terms of both accuracy and efficiency.

Improving Robustness and Reliability in Medical Image Classification with Latent-Guided Diffusion and Nested-Ensembles. (arXiv:2310.15952v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xing Shen, Hengguan Huang, Brennan Nichyporuk, Tal Arbel

While deep learning models have achieved remarkable success across a range of medical image analysis tasks, deployment of these models in real clinical contexts requires that they be robust to variability in the acquired images. While many methods apply predefined transformations to augment the training data to enhance test-time robustness, these transformations may not ensure the model's robustness to the diverse variability seen in patient images. In this paper, we introduce a novel three-stage approach based on transformers coupled with conditional diffusion models, with the goal of improving model robustness to the kinds of imaging variability commonly encountered in practice without the need for pre-determined data augmentation strategies. To this end, multiple image encoders first learn hierarchical feature representations to build discriminative latent spaces. Next, a reverse diffusion process, guided by the latent code, acts on an informative prior and proposes prediction candidates in a generative manner. Finally, several prediction candidates are aggregated in a bi-level aggregation protocol to produce the final output. Through extensive experiments on medical imaging benchmark datasets, we show that our method improves upon state-of-the-art methods in terms of robustness and confidence calibration. Additionally, we introduce a strategy to quantify the prediction uncertainty at the instance level, increasing their trustworthiness to clinicians using them in clinical practice.

VDIP-TGV: Blind Image Deconvolution via Variational Deep Image Prior Empowered by Total Generalized Variation. (arXiv:2310.19477v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tingting Wu, Zhiyan Du, Zhi Li, Feng-Lei Fan, Tieyong Zeng

Recovering clear images from blurry ones with an unknown blur kernel is a challenging problem. Deep image prior (DIP) proposes to use the deep network as a regularizer for a single image rather than as a supervised model, which achieves encouraging results in the nonblind deblurring problem. However, since the relationship between images and the network architectures is unclear, it is hard to find a suitable architecture to provide sufficient constraints on the estimated blur kernels and clean images. Also, DIP uses the sparse maximum a posteriori (MAP), which is insufficient to enforce the selection of the recovery image. Recently, variational deep image prior (VDIP) was proposed to impose constraints on both blur kernels and recovery images and take the standard deviation of the image into account during the optimization process by the variational principle. However, we empirically find that VDIP struggles with processing image details and tends to generate suboptimal results when the blur kernel is large. Therefore, we combine total generalized variational (TGV) regularization with VDIP in this paper to overcome these shortcomings of VDIP. TGV is a flexible regularization that utilizes the characteristics of partial derivatives of varying orders to regularize images at different scales, reducing oil painting artifacts while maintaining sharp edges. The proposed VDIP-TGV effectively recovers image edges and details by supplementing extra gradient information through TGV. Additionally, this model is solved by the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), which effectively combines traditional algorithms and deep learning methods. Experiments show that our proposed VDIP-TGV surpasses various state-of-the-art models quantitatively and qualitatively.

'Person' == Light-skinned, Western Man, and Sexualization of Women of Color: Stereotypes in Stable Diffusion. (arXiv:2310.19981v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sourojit Ghosh, Aylin Caliskan

We study stereotypes embedded within one of the most popular text-to-image generators: Stable Diffusion. We examine what stereotypes of gender and nationality/continental identity does Stable Diffusion display in the absence of such information i.e. what gender and nationality/continental identity is assigned to `a person', or to `a person from Asia'. Using vision-language model CLIP's cosine similarity to compare images generated by CLIP-based Stable Diffusion v2.1 verified by manual examination, we chronicle results from 136 prompts (50 results/prompt) of front-facing images of persons from 6 different continents, 27 nationalities and 3 genders. We observe how Stable Diffusion outputs of `a person' without any additional gender/nationality information correspond closest to images of men and least with persons of nonbinary gender, and to persons from Europe/North America over Africa/Asia, pointing towards Stable Diffusion having a concerning representation of personhood to be a European/North American man. We also show continental stereotypes and resultant harms e.g. a person from Oceania is deemed to be Australian/New Zealander over Papua New Guinean, pointing to the erasure of Indigenous Oceanic peoples, who form a majority over descendants of colonizers both in Papua New Guinea and in Oceania overall. Finally, we unexpectedly observe a pattern of oversexualization of women, specifically Latin American, Mexican, Indian and Egyptian women relative to other nationalities, measured through an NSFW detector. This demonstrates how Stable Diffusion perpetuates Western fetishization of women of color through objectification in media, which if left unchecked will amplify this stereotypical representation. Image datasets are made publicly available.

Score Normalization for a Faster Diffusion Exponential Integrator Sampler. (arXiv:2311.00157v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Guoxuan Xia, Duolikun Danier, Ayan Das, Stathi Fotiadis, Farhang Nabiei, Ushnish Sengupta, Alberto Bernacchia

Recently, Zhang et al. have proposed the Diffusion Exponential Integrator Sampler (DEIS) for fast generation of samples from Diffusion Models. It leverages the semi-linear nature of the probability flow ordinary differential equation (ODE) in order to greatly reduce integration error and improve generation quality at low numbers of function evaluations (NFEs). Key to this approach is the score function reparameterisation, which reduces the integration error incurred from using a fixed score function estimate over each integration step. The original authors use the default parameterisation used by models trained for noise prediction -- multiply the score by the standard deviation of the conditional forward noising distribution. We find that although the mean absolute value of this score parameterisation is close to constant for a large portion of the reverse sampling process, it changes rapidly at the end of sampling. As a simple fix, we propose to instead reparameterise the score (at inference) by dividing it by the average absolute value of previous score estimates at that time step collected from offline high NFE generations. We find that our score normalisation (DEIS-SN) consistently improves FID compared to vanilla DEIS, showing an improvement at 10 NFEs from 6.44 to 5.57 on CIFAR-10 and from 5.9 to 4.95 on LSUN-Church 64x64. Our code is available at

Complex Organ Mask Guided Radiology Report Generation. (arXiv:2311.02329v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tiancheng Gu, Dongnan Liu, Zhiyuan Li, Weidong Cai

The goal of automatic report generation is to generate a clinically accurate and coherent phrase from a single given X-ray image, which could alleviate the workload of traditional radiology reporting. However, in a real-world scenario, radiologists frequently face the challenge of producing extensive reports derived from numerous medical images, thereby medical report generation from multi-image perspective is needed. In this paper, we propose the Complex Organ Mask Guided (termed as COMG) report generation model, which incorporates masks from multiple organs (e.g., bones, lungs, heart, and mediastinum), to provide more detailed information and guide the model's attention to these crucial body regions. Specifically, we leverage prior knowledge of the disease corresponding to each organ in the fusion process to enhance the disease identification phase during the report generation process. Additionally, cosine similarity loss is introduced as target function to ensure the convergence of cross-modal consistency and facilitate model optimization.Experimental results on two public datasets show that COMG achieves a 11.4% and 9.7% improvement in terms of BLEU@4 scores over the SOTA model KiUT on IU-Xray and MIMIC, respectively. The code is publicly available at

mPLUG-Owl2: Revolutionizing Multi-modal Large Language Model with Modality Collaboration. (arXiv:2311.04257v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinghao Ye, Haiyang Xu, Jiabo Ye, Ming Yan, Anwen Hu, Haowei Liu, Qi Qian, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou

Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have demonstrated impressive instruction abilities across various open-ended tasks. However, previous methods primarily focus on enhancing multi-modal capabilities. In this work, we introduce a versatile multi-modal large language model, mPLUG-Owl2, which effectively leverages modality collaboration to improve performance in both text and multi-modal tasks. mPLUG-Owl2 utilizes a modularized network design, with the language decoder acting as a universal interface for managing different modalities. Specifically, mPLUG-Owl2 incorporates shared functional modules to facilitate modality collaboration and introduces a modality-adaptive module that preserves modality-specific features. Extensive experiments reveal that mPLUG-Owl2 is capable of generalizing both text tasks and multi-modal tasks and achieving state-of-the-art performances with a single generic model. Notably, mPLUG-Owl2 is the first MLLM model that demonstrates the modality collaboration phenomenon in both pure-text and multi-modal scenarios, setting a pioneering path in the development of future multi-modal foundation models.

NExT-Chat: An LMM for Chat, Detection and Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.04498v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ao Zhang, Liming Zhao, Chen-Wei Xie, Yun Zheng, Wei Ji, Tat-Seng Chua

The development of large language models (LLMs) has greatly advanced the field of multimodal understanding, leading to the emergence of large multimodal models (LMMs). In order to enhance the level of visual comprehension, recent studies have equipped LMMs with region-level understanding capabilities by representing object bounding box coordinates as a series of text sequences (pixel2seq). In this paper, we introduce a novel paradigm for object location modeling called pixel2emb method, where we ask the LMM to output the location embeddings and then decoded by different decoders. This paradigm allows for different location formats (such as bounding boxes and masks) to be used in multimodal conversations Furthermore, this kind of embedding based location modeling enables the utilization of existing practices in localization tasks, such as detection and segmentation. In scenarios with limited resources, our pixel2emb demonstrates superior performance compared to existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) approaches in both the location input and output tasks under fair comparison. Leveraging the proposed pixel2emb method, we train an LMM named NExT-Chat and demonstrate its capability of handling multiple tasks like visual grounding, region caption, and grounded reasoning.

Challenging Common Assumptions in Multi-task Learning. (arXiv:2311.04698v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Cathrin Elich, Lukas Kirchdorfer, Jan M. Köhler, Lukas Schott

While multi-task learning (MTL) has gained significant attention in recent years, its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recent methods did not yield consistent performance improvements over single task learning (STL) baselines, underscoring the importance of gaining more profound insights about challenges specific to MTL. In our study, we challenge common assumptions in MTL in the context of STL: First, the choice of optimizer has only been mildly investigated in MTL. We show the pivotal role of common STL tools such as the Adam optimizer in MTL. We deduce the effectiveness of Adam to its partial loss-scale invariance. Second, the notion of gradient conflicts has often been phrased as a specific problem in MTL. We delve into the role of gradient conflicts in MTL and compare it to STL. For angular gradient alignment we find no evidence that this is a unique problem in MTL. We emphasize differences in gradient magnitude as the main distinguishing factor. Lastly, we compare the transferability of features learned through MTL and STL on common image corruptions, and find no conclusive evidence that MTL leads to superior transferability. Overall, we find surprising similarities between STL and MTL suggesting to consider methods from both fields in a broader context.

SCAAT: Improving Neural Network Interpretability via Saliency Constrained Adaptive Adversarial Training. (arXiv:2311.05143v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Rui Xu, Wenkang Qin, Peixiang Huang, Hao Wang, Lin Luo

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are expected to provide explanation for users to understand their black-box predictions. Saliency map is a common form of explanation illustrating the heatmap of feature attributions, but it suffers from noise in distinguishing important features. In this paper, we propose a model-agnostic learning method called Saliency Constrained Adaptive Adversarial Training (SCAAT) to improve the quality of such DNN interpretability. By constructing adversarial samples under the guidance of saliency map, SCAAT effectively eliminates most noise and makes saliency maps sparser and more faithful without any modification to the model architecture. We apply SCAAT to multiple DNNs and evaluate the quality of the generated saliency maps on various natural and pathological image datasets. Evaluations on different domains and metrics show that SCAAT significantly improves the interpretability of DNNs by providing more faithful saliency maps without sacrificing their predictive power.

Let's Get the FACS Straight -- Reconstructing Obstructed Facial Features. (arXiv:2311.05221v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tim Büchner, Sven Sickert, Gerd Fabian Volk, Christoph Anders, Orlando Guntinas-Lichius, Joachim Denzler

The human face is one of the most crucial parts in interhuman communication. Even when parts of the face are hidden or obstructed the underlying facial movements can be understood. Machine learning approaches often fail in that regard due to the complexity of the facial structures. To alleviate this problem a common approach is to fine-tune a model for such a specific application. However, this is computational intensive and might have to be repeated for each desired analysis task. In this paper, we propose to reconstruct obstructed facial parts to avoid the task of repeated fine-tuning. As a result, existing facial analysis methods can be used without further changes with respect to the data. In our approach, the restoration of facial features is interpreted as a style transfer task between different recording setups. By using the CycleGAN architecture the requirement of matched pairs, which is often hard to fullfill, can be eliminated. To proof the viability of our approach, we compare our reconstructions with real unobstructed recordings. We created a novel data set in which 36 test subjects were recorded both with and without 62 surface electromyography sensors attached to their faces. In our evaluation, we feature typical facial analysis tasks, like the computation of Facial Action Units and the detection of emotions. To further assess the quality of the restoration, we also compare perceptional distances. We can show, that scores similar to the videos without obstructing sensors can be achieved.