Evaluating the Potential of Leading Large Language Models in Reasoning Biology Questions. (arXiv:2311.07582v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xinyu Gong, Jason Holmes, Yiwei Li, Zhengliang Liu, Qi Gan, Zihao Wu, Jianli Zhang, Yusong Zou, Yuxi Teng, Tian Jiang, Hongtu Zhu, Wei Liu, Tianming Liu, Yajun Yan

Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have presented new opportunities for integrating Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) into biological research and education. This study evaluated the capabilities of leading LLMs, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5, PaLM2, Claude2, and SenseNova, in answering conceptual biology questions. The models were tested on a 108-question multiple-choice exam covering biology topics in molecular biology, biological techniques, metabolic engineering, and synthetic biology. Among the models, GPT-4 achieved the highest average score of 90 and demonstrated the greatest consistency across trials with different prompts. The results indicated GPT-4's proficiency in logical reasoning and its potential to aid biology research through capabilities like data analysis, hypothesis generation, and knowledge integration. However, further development and validation are still required before the promise of LLMs in accelerating biological discovery can be realized.

Cross-Dialect Sentence Transformation: A Comparative Analysis of Language Models for Adapting Sentences to British English. (arXiv:2311.07583v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shruti Dutta, Shashwat Mookherjee

This study explores linguistic distinctions among American, Indian, and Irish English dialects and assesses various Language Models (LLMs) in their ability to generate British English translations from these dialects. Using cosine similarity analysis, the study measures the linguistic proximity between original British English translations and those produced by LLMs for each dialect. The findings reveal that Indian and Irish English translations maintain notably high similarity scores, suggesting strong linguistic alignment with British English. In contrast, American English exhibits slightly lower similarity, reflecting its distinct linguistic traits. Additionally, the choice of LLM significantly impacts translation quality, with Llama-2-70b consistently demonstrating superior performance. The study underscores the importance of selecting the right model for dialect translation, emphasizing the role of linguistic expertise and contextual understanding in achieving accurate translations.

Performance Prediction of Data-Driven Knowledge summarization of High Entropy Alloys (HEAs) literature implementing Natural Language Processing algorithms. (arXiv:2311.07584v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Akshansh Mishra, Vijaykumar S Jatti, Vaishnavi More, Anish Dasgupta, Devarrishi Dixit, Eyob Messele Sefene

The ability to interpret spoken language is connected to natural language processing. It involves teaching the AI how words relate to one another, how they are meant to be used, and in what settings. The goal of natural language processing (NLP) is to get a machine intelligence to process words the same way a human brain does. This enables machine intelligence to interpret, arrange, and comprehend textual data by processing the natural language. The technology can comprehend what is communicated, whether it be through speech or writing because AI pro-cesses language more quickly than humans can. In the present study, five NLP algorithms, namely, Geneism, Sumy, Luhn, Latent Semantic Analysis (LSA), and Kull-back-Liebler (KL) al-gorithm, are implemented for the first time for the knowledge summarization purpose of the High Entropy Alloys (HEAs). The performance prediction of these algorithms is made by using the BLEU score and ROUGE score. The results showed that the Luhn algorithm has the highest accuracy score for the knowledge summarization tasks compared to the other used algorithms.

Input Reconstruction Attack against Vertical Federated Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.07585v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Fei Zheng

Recently, large language models (LLMs) have drawn extensive attention from academia and the public, due to the advent of the ChatGPT. While LLMs show their astonishing ability in text generation for various tasks, privacy concerns limit their usage in real-life businesses. More specifically, either the user's inputs (the user sends the query to the model-hosting server) or the model (the user downloads the complete model) itself will be revealed during the usage. Vertical federated learning (VFL) is a promising solution to this kind of problem. It protects both the user's input and the knowledge of the model by splitting the model into a bottom part and a top part, which is maintained by the user and the model provider, respectively. However, in this paper, we demonstrate that in LLMs, VFL fails to protect the user input since it is simple and cheap to reconstruct the input from the intermediate embeddings. Experiments show that even with a commercial GPU, the input sentence can be reconstructed in only one second. We also discuss several possible solutions to enhance the privacy of vertical federated LLMs.

Frontier Language Models are not Robust to Adversarial Arithmetic, or "What do I need to say so you agree 2+2=5?. (arXiv:2311.07587v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: C. Daniel Freeman, Laura Culp, Aaron Parisi, Maxwell L Bileschi, Gamaleldin F Elsayed, Alex Rizkowsky, Isabelle Simpson, Alex Alemi, Azade Nova, Ben Adlam, Bernd Bohnet, Gaurav Mishra, Hanie Sedghi, Igor Mordatch, Izzeddin Gur, Jaehoon Lee, JD Co-Reyes, Jeffrey Pennington, Kelvin Xu, Kevin Swersky, Kshiteej Mahajan, Lechao Xiao, Rosanne Liu, Simon Kornblith, Noah Constant, Peter J. Liu, Roman Novak, Sharad Vikram, Yundi Qian, Noah Fiedel, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein

We introduce and study the problem of adversarial arithmetic, which provides a simple yet challenging testbed for language model alignment. This problem is comprised of arithmetic questions posed in natural language, with an arbitrary adversarial string inserted before the question is complete. Even in the simple setting of 1-digit addition problems, it is easy to find adversarial prompts that make all tested models (including PaLM2, GPT4, Claude2) misbehave, and even to steer models to a particular wrong answer. We additionally provide a simple algorithm for finding successful attacks by querying those same models, which we name "prompt inversion rejection sampling" (PIRS). We finally show that models can be partially hardened against these attacks via reinforcement learning and via agentic constitutional loops. However, we were not able to make a language model fully robust against adversarial arithmetic attacks.

NLQxform: A Language Model-based Question to SPARQL Transformer. (arXiv:2311.07588v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruijie Wang, Zhiruo Zhang, Luca Rossetto, Florian Ruosch, Abraham Bernstein

In recent years, scholarly data has grown dramatically in terms of both scale and complexity. It becomes increasingly challenging to retrieve information from scholarly knowledge graphs that include large-scale heterogeneous relationships, such as authorship, affiliation, and citation, between various types of entities, e.g., scholars, papers, and organizations. As part of the Scholarly QALD Challenge, this paper presents a question-answering (QA) system called NLQxform, which provides an easy-to-use natural language interface to facilitate accessing scholarly knowledge graphs. NLQxform allows users to express their complex query intentions in natural language questions. A transformer-based language model, i.e., BART, is employed to translate questions into standard SPARQL queries, which can be evaluated to retrieve the required information. According to the public leaderboard of the Scholarly QALD Challenge at ISWC 2023 (Task 1: DBLP-QUAD - Knowledge Graph Question Answering over DBLP), NLQxform achieved an F1 score of 0.85 and ranked first on the QA task, demonstrating the competitiveness of the system.

Dialogizer: Context-aware Conversational-QA Dataset Generation from Textual Sources. (arXiv:2311.07589v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yerin Hwang, Yongil Kim, Hyunkyung Bae, Jeesoo Bang, Hwanhee Lee, Kyomin Jung

To address the data scarcity issue in Conversational question answering (ConvQA), a dialog inpainting method, which utilizes documents to generate ConvQA datasets, has been proposed. However, the original dialog inpainting model is trained solely on the dialog reconstruction task, resulting in the generation of questions with low contextual relevance due to insufficient learning of question-answer alignment. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel framework called Dialogizer, which has the capability to automatically generate ConvQA datasets with high contextual relevance from textual sources. The framework incorporates two training tasks: question-answer matching (QAM) and topic-aware dialog generation (TDG). Moreover, re-ranking is conducted during the inference phase based on the contextual relevance of the generated questions. Using our framework, we produce four ConvQA datasets by utilizing documents from multiple domains as the primary source. Through automatic evaluation using diverse metrics, as well as human evaluation, we validate that our proposed framework exhibits the ability to generate datasets of higher quality compared to the baseline dialog inpainting model.

Technical Report: Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure. (arXiv:2311.07590v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jérémy Scheurer, Mikita Balesni, Marius Hobbhahn

We demonstrate a situation in which Large Language Models, trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, can display misaligned behavior and strategically deceive their users about this behavior without being instructed to do so. Concretely, we deploy GPT-4 as an agent in a realistic, simulated environment, where it assumes the role of an autonomous stock trading agent. Within this environment, the model obtains an insider tip about a lucrative stock trade and acts upon it despite knowing that insider trading is disapproved of by company management. When reporting to its manager, the model consistently hides the genuine reasons behind its trading decision. We perform a brief investigation of how this behavior varies under changes to the setting, such as removing model access to a reasoning scratchpad, attempting to prevent the misaligned behavior by changing system instructions, changing the amount of pressure the model is under, varying the perceived risk of getting caught, and making other simple changes to the environment. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of Large Language Models trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, strategically deceiving their users in a realistic situation without direct instructions or training for deception.

Identification of Books That are Suitable for Middle School Students Using Artificial Neural Networks. (arXiv:2311.07591v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Alp Niksarli, Sadik Ozan Gorgu, Ege Gencer

Reading right books contributes to children's imagination and brain development, enhances their language and emotional comprehension abilities, and strengthens their relationships with others. Building upon the critical role of reading books in individual development, this paper aims to develop an algorithm that determines the suitability of books for middle school students by analyzing their structural and semantic features. Using methods described, an algorithm will be created that can be utilized by institutions and individuals responsible for children's education, such as the Ministry of National Education officials and schools. This algorithm will facilitate the selection of books to be taught at the middle school level. With the algorithm, the book selection process for the middle school curriculum can be expedited, and it will serve as a preliminary reference source for those who evaluate books by reading them. In this paper, the Python programming language was employed, utilizing natural language processing methods. Additionally, an artificial neural network (ANN) was trained using the data which had been preprocessed to construct an original dataset. To train this network, suitable books for middle school students were provided by the MEB, Oxford and Cambridge and with content assessed based on the "R" criterion, and inappropriate books for middle school students in terms of content were included. This trained neural network achieved a 90.06% consistency rate in determining the appropriateness of the test-provided books. Considering the obtained findings, it can be concluded that the developed software has achieved the desired objective.

Hallucination-minimized Data-to-answer Framework for Financial Decision-makers. (arXiv:2311.07592v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sohini Roychowdhury, Andres Alvarez, Brian Moore, Marko Krema, Maria Paz Gelpi, Federico Martin Rodriguez, Angel Rodriguez, Jose Ramon Cabrejas, Pablo Martinez Serrano, Punit Agrawal, Arijit Mukherjee

Large Language Models (LLMs) have been applied to build several automation and personalized question-answering prototypes so far. However, scaling such prototypes to robust products with minimized hallucinations or fake responses still remains an open challenge, especially in niche data-table heavy domains such as financial decision making. In this work, we present a novel Langchain-based framework that transforms data tables into hierarchical textual data chunks to enable a wide variety of actionable question answering. First, the user-queries are classified by intention followed by automated retrieval of the most relevant data chunks to generate customized LLM prompts per query. Next, the custom prompts and their responses undergo multi-metric scoring to assess for hallucinations and response confidence. The proposed system is optimized with user-query intention classification, advanced prompting, data scaling capabilities and it achieves over 90% confidence scores for a variety of user-queries responses ranging from {What, Where, Why, How, predict, trend, anomalies, exceptions} that are crucial for financial decision making applications. The proposed data to answers framework can be extended to other analytical domains such as sales and payroll to ensure optimal hallucination control guardrails.

Follow-Up Differential Descriptions: Language Models Resolve Ambiguities for Image Classification. (arXiv:2311.07593v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Reza Esfandiarpoor, Stephen H. Bach

A promising approach for improving the performance of vision-language models like CLIP for image classification is to extend the class descriptions (i.e., prompts) with related attributes, e.g., using brown sparrow instead of sparrow. However, current zero-shot methods select a subset of attributes regardless of commonalities between the target classes, potentially providing no useful information that would have helped to distinguish between them. For instance, they may use color instead of bill shape to distinguish between sparrows and wrens, which are both brown. We propose Follow-up Differential Descriptions (FuDD), a zero-shot approach that tailors the class descriptions to each dataset and leads to additional attributes that better differentiate the target classes. FuDD first identifies the ambiguous classes for each image, and then uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate new class descriptions that differentiate between them. The new class descriptions resolve the initial ambiguity and help predict the correct label. In our experiments, FuDD consistently outperforms generic description ensembles and naive LLM-generated descriptions on 12 datasets. We show that differential descriptions are an effective tool to resolve class ambiguities, which otherwise significantly degrade the performance. We also show that high quality natural language class descriptions produced by FuDD result in comparable performance to few-shot adaptation methods.

How to Bridge the Gap between Modalities: A Comprehensive Survey on Multimodal Large Language Model. (arXiv:2311.07594v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shezheng Song, Xiaopeng Li, Shasha Li

This review paper explores Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), which integrate Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 to handle multimodal data such as text and vision. MLLMs demonstrate capabilities like generating image narratives and answering image-based questions, bridging the gap towards real-world human-computer interactions and hinting at a potential pathway to artificial general intelligence. However, MLLMs still face challenges in processing the semantic gap in multimodality, which may lead to erroneous generation, posing potential risks to society. Choosing the appropriate modality alignment method is crucial, as improper methods might require more parameters with limited performance improvement. This paper aims to explore modality alignment methods for LLMs and their existing capabilities. Implementing modality alignment allows LLMs to address environmental issues and enhance accessibility. The study surveys existing modal alignment methods in MLLMs into four groups: (1) Multimodal Converters that change data into something LLMs can understand; (2) Multimodal Perceivers to improve how LLMs perceive different types of data; (3) Tools Assistance for changing data into one common format, usually text; and (4) Data-Driven methods that teach LLMs to understand specific types of data in a dataset. This field is still in a phase of exploration and experimentation, and we will organize and update various existing research methods for multimodal information alignment.

Multi-Label Topic Model for Financial Textual Data. (arXiv:2311.07598v1 [q-fin.ST])

Authors: Moritz Scherrmann

This paper presents a multi-label topic model for financial texts like ad-hoc announcements, 8-K filings, finance related news or annual reports. I train the model on a new financial multi-label database consisting of 3,044 German ad-hoc announcements that are labeled manually using 20 predefined, economically motivated topics. The best model achieves a macro F1 score of more than 85%. Translating the data results in an English version of the model with similar performance. As application of the model, I investigate differences in stock market reactions across topics. I find evidence for strong positive or negative market reactions for some topics, like announcements of new Large Scale Projects or Bankruptcy Filings, while I do not observe significant price effects for some other topics. Furthermore, in contrast to previous studies, the multi-label structure of the model allows to analyze the effects of co-occurring topics on stock market reactions. For many cases, the reaction to a specific topic depends heavily on the co-occurrence with other topics. For example, if allocated capital from a Seasoned Equity Offering (SEO) is used for restructuring a company in the course of a Bankruptcy Proceeding, the market reacts positively on average. However, if that capital is used for covering unexpected, additional costs from the development of new drugs, the SEO implies negative reactions on average.

Intentional Biases in LLM Responses. (arXiv:2311.07611v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nicklaus Badyal, Derek Jacoby, Yvonne Coady

In this study we intentionally introduce biases into large language model responses in an attempt to create specific personas for interactive media purposes. We explore the differences between open source models such as Falcon-7b and the GPT-4 model from Open AI, and we quantify some differences in responses afforded by the two systems. We find that the guardrails in the GPT-4 mixture of experts models with a supervisor, while useful in assuring AI alignment in general, are detrimental in trying to construct personas with a variety of uncommon viewpoints. This study aims to set the groundwork for future exploration in intentional biases of large language models such that these practices can be applied in the creative field, and new forms of media.

CLAMP: A Contrastive Language And Molecule Pre-training Network. (arXiv:2311.07617v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Neel Redkar

This paper highlights a shift in how to approach material generation. Instead of material-to-material, we propose a language-to-material generation architecture that utilizes millions of untapped data points. Using a web scraper to collect crystal text pairs from open-source research papers, a contrastive model can be trained using a convolutional graph neural network encoder and a language encoder. This would allow unsupervised zero-shot classification which can be trained by taking advantage of linguistic structure. Without any specific training data, an ~82\% accuracy was achieved and ~75\% accuracy for photocatalyst prediction with an extremely small dataset. This novel network could ideally be cross-applied to any reaction that can be described via text, opening completely new methods to think about 3D chemical framework generation. In the full experiment diffusion models would likely be incorporated to fully exploit the latent space.

Large Language Models' Understanding of Math: Source Criticism and Extrapolation. (arXiv:2311.07618v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Roozbeh Yousefzadeh, Xuenan Cao

It has been suggested that large language models such as GPT-4 have acquired some form of understanding beyond the correlations among the words in text including some understanding of mathematics as well. Here, we perform a critical inquiry into this claim by evaluating the mathematical understanding of the GPT-4 model. Considering that GPT-4's training set is a secret, it is not straightforward to evaluate whether the model's correct answers are based on a mathematical understanding or based on replication of proofs that the model has seen before. We specifically craft mathematical questions which their formal proofs are not readily available on the web, proofs that are more likely not seen by the GPT-4. We see that GPT-4 is unable to solve those problems despite their simplicity. It is hard to find scientific evidence suggesting that GPT-4 has acquired an understanding of even basic mathematical concepts. A straightforward way to find failure modes of GPT-4 in theorem proving is to craft questions where their formal proofs are not available on the web. Our finding suggests that GPT-4's ability is to reproduce, rephrase, and polish the mathematical proofs that it has seen before, and not in grasping mathematical concepts. We also see that GPT-4's ability to prove mathematical theorems is continuously expanding over time despite the claim that it is a fixed model. We suggest that the task of proving mathematical theorems in formal language is comparable to the methods used in search engines such as Google while predicting the next word in a sentence may be a misguided approach, a recipe that often leads to excessive extrapolation and eventual failures. Prompting the GPT-4 over and over may benefit the GPT-4 and the OpenAI, but we question whether it is valuable for machine learning or for theorem proving.

Past as a Guide: Leveraging Retrospective Learning for Python Code Completion. (arXiv:2311.07635v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Seunggyoon Shin, Seunggyu Chang, Sungjoon Choi

This work presents Past as a Guide (PaG), a simple approach for Large Language Models (LLMs) to improve the coding capabilities by integrating the past history with interactive and iterative code refinements. To be specific, inspired by human cognitive processes, the proposed method enables LLMs to utilize previous programming and debugging experiences to enhance the Python code completion tasks. The framework facilitates LLMs to iteratively refine the Python code based on previous execution and debugging results and optimize learning and reasoning capabilities. The proposed methodology achieved a 92\% pass@1 on HumanEval, demonstrating the potential to advance the field by leveraging retrospection from past experiences and interactive and iterative refinement processes without external correctness indicators.

Fuse to Forget: Bias Reduction and Selective Memorization through Model Fusion. (arXiv:2311.07682v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kerem Zaman, Leshem Choshen, Shashank Srivastava

Model fusion research aims to aggregate the knowledge of multiple models to enhance performance by combining their weights. In this work, we study the inverse, investigating whether and how can model fusion interfere and reduce unwanted knowledge. We delve into the effects of model fusion on the evolution of learned shortcuts, social biases, and memorization capabilities in fine-tuned language models. Through several experiments covering text classification and generation tasks, our analysis highlights that shared knowledge among models is usually enhanced during model fusion, while unshared knowledge is usually lost or forgotten. Based on this observation, we demonstrate the potential of model fusion as a debiasing tool and showcase its efficacy in addressing privacy concerns associated with language models.

Language Model-In-The-Loop: Data Optimal Approach to Learn-To-Recommend Actions in Text Games. (arXiv:2311.07687v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Arjun Vaithilingam Sudhakar, Prasanna Parthasarathi, Janarthanan Rajendran, Sarath Chandar

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated superior performance in language understanding benchmarks. CALM, a popular approach, leverages linguistic priors of LLMs -- GPT-2 -- for action candidate recommendations to improve the performance in text games in Jericho without environment-provided actions. However, CALM adapts GPT-2 with annotated human gameplays and keeps the LLM fixed during the learning of the text based games. In this work, we explore and evaluate updating LLM used for candidate recommendation during the learning of the text based game as well to mitigate the reliance on the human annotated gameplays, which are costly to acquire. We observe that by updating the LLM during learning using carefully selected in-game transitions, we can reduce the dependency on using human annotated game plays for fine-tuning the LLMs. We conducted further analysis to study the transferability of the updated LLMs and observed that transferring in-game trained models to other games did not result in a consistent transfer.

MART: Improving LLM Safety with Multi-round Automatic Red-Teaming. (arXiv:2311.07689v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Suyu Ge, Chunting Zhou, Rui Hou, Madian Khabsa, Yi-Chia Wang, Qifan Wang, Jiawei Han, Yuning Mao

Red-teaming is a common practice for mitigating unsafe behaviors in Large Language Models (LLMs), which involves thoroughly assessing LLMs to identify potential flaws and addressing them with responsible and accurate responses. While effective, manual red-teaming is costly, and existing automatic red-teaming typically discovers safety risks without addressing them. In this paper, we propose a Multi-round Automatic Red-Teaming (MART) method, which incorporates both automatic adversarial prompt writing and safe response generation, significantly increasing red-teaming scalability and the safety of the target LLM. Specifically, an adversarial LLM and a target LLM interplay with each other in an iterative manner, where the adversarial LLM aims to generate challenging prompts that elicit unsafe responses from the target LLM, while the target LLM is fine-tuned with safety aligned data on these adversarial prompts. In each round, the adversarial LLM crafts better attacks on the updated target LLM, while the target LLM also improves itself through safety fine-tuning. On adversarial prompt benchmarks, the violation rate of an LLM with limited safety alignment reduces up to 84.7% after 4 rounds of MART, achieving comparable performance to LLMs with extensive adversarial prompt writing. Notably, model helpfulness on non-adversarial prompts remains stable throughout iterations, indicating the target LLM maintains strong performance on instruction following.

On The Truthfulness of 'Surprisingly Likely' Responses of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.07692v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Naman Goel

The surprisingly likely criterion in the seminal work of Prelec (the Bayesian Truth Serum) guarantees truthfulness in a game-theoretic multi-agent setting, by rewarding rational agents to maximise the expected information gain with their answers w.r.t. their probabilistic beliefs. We investigate the relevance of a similar criterion for responses of LLMs. We hypothesize that if the surprisingly likely criterion works in LLMs, under certain conditions, the responses that maximize the reward under this criterion should be more accurate than the responses that only maximize the posterior probability. Using benchmarks including the TruthfulQA benchmark and using openly available LLMs: GPT-2 and LLaMA-2, we show that the method indeed improves the accuracy significantly (for example, upto 24 percentage points aggregate improvement on TruthfulQA and upto 70 percentage points improvement on individual categories of questions).

AuthentiGPT: Detecting Machine-Generated Text via Black-Box Language Models Denoising. (arXiv:2311.07700v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhen Guo, Shangdi Yu

Large language models (LLMs) have opened up enormous opportunities while simultaneously posing ethical dilemmas. One of the major concerns is their ability to create text that closely mimics human writing, which can lead to potential misuse, such as academic misconduct, disinformation, and fraud. To address this problem, we present AuthentiGPT, an efficient classifier that distinguishes between machine-generated and human-written texts. Under the assumption that human-written text resides outside the distribution of machine-generated text, AuthentiGPT leverages a black-box LLM to denoise input text with artificially added noise, and then semantically compares the denoised text with the original to determine if the content is machine-generated. With only one trainable parameter, AuthentiGPT eliminates the need for a large training dataset, watermarking the LLM's output, or computing the log-likelihood. Importantly, the detection capability of AuthentiGPT can be easily adapted to any generative language model. With a 0.918 AUROC score on a domain-specific dataset, AuthentiGPT demonstrates its effectiveness over other commercial algorithms, highlighting its potential for detecting machine-generated text in academic settings.

Measuring Entrainment in Spontaneous Code-switched Speech. (arXiv:2311.07703v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Debasmita Bhattacharya, Siying Ding, Alayna Nguyen, Julia Hirschberg

It is well-known that interlocutors who entrain to one another have more successful conversations than those who do not. Previous research has shown that interlocutors entrain on linguistic features in both written and spoken monolingual domains. More recent work on code-switched communication has also shown preliminary evidence of entrainment on certain aspects of code-switching (CSW). However, such studies of entrainment in code-switched domains have been extremely few and restricted to human-machine textual interactions. Our work studies code-switched spontaneous speech between humans by answering the following questions: 1) Do patterns of written and spoken entrainment in monolingual settings generalize to code-switched settings? 2) Do patterns of entrainment on code-switching in generated text generalize to spontaneous code-switched speech? We find evidence of affirmative answers to both of these questions, with important implications for the potentially "universal" nature of entrainment as a communication phenomenon, and potential applications in inclusive and interactive speech technology.

PolyIE: A Dataset of Information Extraction from Polymer Material Scientific Literature. (arXiv:2311.07715v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jerry Junyang Cheung, Yuchen Zhuang, Yinghao Li, Pranav Shetty, Wantian Zhao, Sanjeev Grampurohit, Rampi Ramprasad, Chao Zhang

Scientific information extraction (SciIE), which aims to automatically extract information from scientific literature, is becoming more important than ever. However, there are no existing SciIE datasets for polymer materials, which is an important class of materials used ubiquitously in our daily lives. To bridge this gap, we introduce POLYIE, a new SciIE dataset for polymer materials. POLYIE is curated from 146 full-length polymer scholarly articles, which are annotated with different named entities (i.e., materials, properties, values, conditions) as well as their N-ary relations by domain experts. POLYIE presents several unique challenges due to diverse lexical formats of entities, ambiguity between entities, and variable-length relations. We evaluate state-of-the-art named entity extraction and relation extraction models on POLYIE, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and highlight some difficult cases for these models. To the best of our knowledge, POLYIE is the first SciIE benchmark for polymer materials, and we hope it will lead to more research efforts from the community on this challenging task. Our code and data are available on: https://github.com/jerry3027/PolyIE.

Generalization Analogies (GENIES): A Testbed for Generalizing AI Oversight to Hard-To-Measure Domains. (arXiv:2311.07723v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Joshua Clymer, Garrett Baker, Rohan Subramani, Sam Wang

As AI systems become more intelligent and their behavior becomes more challenging to assess, they may learn to game the flaws of human feedback instead of genuinely striving to follow instructions; however, this risk can be mitigated by controlling how LLMs generalize human feedback to situations where it is unreliable. To better understand how reward models generalize, we craft 69 distribution shifts spanning 8 categories. We find that reward models do not learn to evaluate `instruction-following' by default and instead favor personas that resemble internet text. Techniques for interpreting reward models' internal representations achieve better generalization than standard fine-tuning, but still frequently fail to distinguish instruction-following from conflated behaviors. We consolidate the 15 most challenging distribution shifts into the GENaralization analogIES (GENIES) benchmark, which we hope will enable progress toward controlling reward model generalization.

Vision-Language Integration in Multimodal Video Transformers (Partially) Aligns with the Brain. (arXiv:2311.07766v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dota Tianai Dong, Mariya Toneva

Integrating information from multiple modalities is arguably one of the essential prerequisites for grounding artificial intelligence systems with an understanding of the real world. Recent advances in video transformers that jointly learn from vision, text, and sound over time have made some progress toward this goal, but the degree to which these models integrate information from modalities still remains unclear. In this work, we present a promising approach for probing a pre-trained multimodal video transformer model by leveraging neuroscientific evidence of multimodal information processing in the brain. Using brain recordings of participants watching a popular TV show, we analyze the effects of multi-modal connections and interactions in a pre-trained multi-modal video transformer on the alignment with uni- and multi-modal brain regions. We find evidence that vision enhances masked prediction performance during language processing, providing support that cross-modal representations in models can benefit individual modalities. However, we don't find evidence of brain-relevant information captured by the joint multi-modal transformer representations beyond that captured by all of the individual modalities. We finally show that the brain alignment of the pre-trained joint representation can be improved by fine-tuning using a task that requires vision-language inferences. Overall, our results paint an optimistic picture of the ability of multi-modal transformers to integrate vision and language in partially brain-relevant ways but also show that improving the brain alignment of these models may require new approaches.

GreekT5: A Series of Greek Sequence-to-Sequence Models for News Summarization. (arXiv:2311.07767v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nikolaos Giarelis, Charalampos Mastrokostas, Nikos Karacapilidis

Text summarization (TS) is a natural language processing (NLP) subtask pertaining to the automatic formulation of a concise and coherent summary that covers the major concepts and topics from one or multiple documents. Recent advancements in deep learning have led to the development of abstractive summarization transformer-based models, which outperform classical approaches. In any case, research in this field focuses on high resource languages such as English, while the corresponding work for low resource languages is still underdeveloped. Taking the above into account, this paper proposes a series of novel TS models for Greek news articles. The proposed models were thoroughly evaluated on the same dataset against GreekBART, which is the state-of-the-art model in Greek abstractive news summarization. Our evaluation results reveal that most of the proposed models significantly outperform GreekBART on various evaluation metrics. We make our evaluation code public, aiming to increase the reproducibility of this work and facilitate future research in the field.

In-context Learning and Gradient Descent Revisited. (arXiv:2311.07772v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tomer Bar Nathan, Gilad Deutch, Nadav Magar, Guy Dar

In-context learning (ICL) has shown impressive results in few-shot learning tasks, yet its underlying mechanism is still not fully understood. Recent works suggest that ICL can be thought of as a gradient descent (GD) based optimization process. While promising, these results mainly focus on simplified settings of ICL and provide only a preliminary evaluation of the similarities between the two methods. In this work, we revisit the comparison between ICL and GD-based finetuning and study what properties of ICL an equivalent process must follow. We highlight a major difference in the flow of information between ICL and standard finetuning. Namely, ICL can only rely on information from lower layers at every point, while finetuning depends on loss gradients from deeper layers. We refer to this discrepancy as Layer Causality and show that a layer causal variant of the finetuning process aligns with ICL on par with vanilla finetuning and is even better in most cases across relevant metrics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to discuss this discrepancy explicitly and suggest a solution that tackles this problem with minimal changes.

IruMozhi: Automatically classifying diglossia in Tamil. (arXiv:2311.07804v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kabilan Prasanna, Aryaman Arora

Tamil, a Dravidian language of South Asia, is a highly diglossic language with two very different registers in everyday use: Literary Tamil (preferred in writing and formal communication) and Spoken Tamil (confined to speech and informal media). Spoken Tamil is under-supported in modern NLP systems. In this paper, we release IruMozhi, a human-annotated dataset of parallel text in Literary and Spoken Tamil. We train classifiers on the task of identifying which variety a text belongs to. We use these models to gauge the availability of pretraining data in Spoken Tamil, to audit the composition of existing labelled datasets for Tamil, and to encourage future work on the variety.

In-context Learning Generalizes, But Not Always Robustly: The Case of Syntax. (arXiv:2311.07811v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Aaron Mueller, Albert Webson, Jackson Petty, Tal Linzen

In-context learning (ICL) is now a common method for supervising large language models (LLMs): given labeled examples in the input context, the LLM learns to perform the task without weight updates. Despite ICL's prevalence and utility, we understand little about whether models supervised in this manner represent the underlying structure of their tasks, rather than superficial heuristics that only generalize to identically distributed examples. In this study, we investigate the robustness of LLMs supervised via ICL using the test case of sensitivity to syntax, which is a prerequisite for robust language understanding. Our experiments are based on two simple and well-controlled syntactic transformations tasks, where correct out-of-distribution generalization requires an accurate syntactic analysis of the input. We further investigate whether out-of-distribution generalization can be improved via chain-of-thought prompting, where the model is provided with a sequence of intermediate computation steps that illustrate how the task ought to be performed. In experiments with models from the GPT, PaLM, and Llama 2 families, we find large variance across LMs on this fundamental linguistic phenomenon, and that the variance is explained more by the composition of the pre-training corpus and supervision methods than by model size. In particular, we find evidence that models pre-trained on code generalize better, and benefit to a greater extent from chain-of-thought prompting.

On the Analysis of Cross-Lingual Prompt Tuning for Decoder-based Multilingual Model. (arXiv:2311.07820v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nohil Park, Joonsuk Park, Kang Min Yoo, Sungroh Yoon

An exciting advancement in the field of multilingual models is the emergence of autoregressive models with zero- and few-shot capabilities, a phenomenon widely reported in large-scale language models. To further improve model adaptation to cross-lingual tasks, another trend is to further fine-tune the language models with either full fine-tuning or parameter-efficient tuning. However, the interaction between parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) and cross-lingual tasks in multilingual autoregressive models has yet to be studied. Specifically, we lack an understanding of the role of linguistic distributions in multilingual models in the effectiveness of token-based prompt tuning. To address this question, we conduct experiments comparing prompt tuning and fine-tuning on the decoder-based multilingual model, XGLM, with four cross-lingual tasks (XNLI, PAWS-X, POS, NER). According to our study, prompt tuning achieves on par or better performance over fine-tuning across all languages while updating at most 0.13\% of the model parameters. Moreover, we empirically show that prompt tuning is more effective in enhancing the performance of low-resource languages than fine-tuning. Our further analysis shows that the phenomenon is related to the tokenization scheme of the multilingual model.

LLatrieval: LLM-Verified Retrieval for Verifiable Generation. (arXiv:2311.07838v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaonan Li, Changtai Zhu, Linyang Li, Zhangyue Yin, Tianxiang Sun, Xipeng Qiu

Verifiable generation aims to let the large language model (LLM) generate text with corresponding supporting documents, which enables the user to flexibly verify the answer and makes it more trustworthy. Its evaluation not only measures the correctness of the answer, but also the answer's verifiability, i.e., how well the answer is supported by the corresponding documents. In typical, verifiable generation adopts the retrieval-read pipeline, which is divided into two stages: 1) retrieve relevant documents of the question. 2) according to the documents, generate the corresponding answer. Since the retrieved documents can supplement knowledge for the LLM to generate the answer and serve as evidence, the retrieval stage is essential for the correctness and verifiability of the answer. However, the widely used retrievers become the bottleneck of the entire pipeline and limit the overall performance. They often have fewer parameters than the large language model and have not been proven to scale well to the size of LLMs. Since the LLM passively receives the retrieval result, if the retriever does not correctly find the supporting documents, the LLM can not generate the correct and verifiable answer, which overshadows the LLM's remarkable abilities. In this paper, we propose LLatrieval (Large Language Model Verified Retrieval), where the LLM updates the retrieval result until it verifies that the retrieved documents can support answering the question. Thus, the LLM can iteratively provide feedback to retrieval and facilitate the retrieval result to sufficiently support verifiable generation. Experimental results show that our method significantly outperforms extensive baselines and achieves new state-of-the-art results.

Bring Your Own KG: Self-Supervised Program Synthesis for Zero-Shot KGQA. (arXiv:2311.07850v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Dhruv Agarwal, Rajarshi Das, Sopan Khosla, Rashmi Gangadharaiah

We present BYOKG, a universal question-answering (QA) system that can operate on any knowledge graph (KG), requires no human-annotated training data, and can be ready to use within a day -- attributes that are out-of-scope for current KGQA systems. BYOKG draws inspiration from the remarkable ability of humans to comprehend information present in an unseen KG through exploration -- starting at random nodes, inspecting the labels of adjacent nodes and edges, and combining them with their prior world knowledge. In BYOKG, exploration leverages an LLM-backed symbolic agent that generates a diverse set of query-program exemplars, which are then used to ground a retrieval-augmented reasoning procedure to predict programs for arbitrary questions. BYOKG is effective over both small- and large-scale graphs, showing dramatic gains in QA accuracy over a zero-shot baseline of 27.89 and 58.02 F1 on GrailQA and MetaQA, respectively. On GrailQA, we further show that our unsupervised BYOKG outperforms a supervised in-context learning method, demonstrating the effectiveness of exploration. Lastly, we find that performance of BYOKG reliably improves with continued exploration as well as improvements in the base LLM, notably outperforming a state-of-the-art fine-tuned model by 7.08 F1 on a sub-sampled zero-shot split of GrailQA.

Learning Mutually Informed Representations for Characters and Subwords. (arXiv:2311.07853v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yilin Wang, Xinyi Hu, Matthew R. Gormley

Most pretrained language models rely on subword tokenization, which processes text as a sequence of subword tokens. However, different granularities of text, such as characters, subwords, and words, can contain different kinds of information. Previous studies have shown that incorporating multiple input granularities improves model generalization, yet very few of them outputs useful representations for each granularity. In this paper, we introduce the entanglement model, aiming to combine character and subword language models. Inspired by vision-language models, our model treats characters and subwords as separate modalities, and it generates mutually informed representations for both granularities as output. We evaluate our model on text classification, named entity recognition, and POS-tagging tasks. Notably, the entanglement model outperforms its backbone language models, particularly in the presence of noisy texts and low-resource languages. Furthermore, the entanglement model even outperforms larger pre-trained models on all English sequence labeling tasks and classification tasks. Our anonymized code is available at https://anonymous.4open.science/r/noisy-IE-A673

Toxicity Detection is NOT all you Need: Measuring the Gaps to Supporting Volunteer Content Moderators. (arXiv:2311.07879v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yang Trista Cao, Lovely-Frances Domingo, Sarah Ann Gilbert, Michelle Mazurek, Katie Shilton, Hal Daumé III

Extensive efforts in automated approaches for content moderation have been focused on developing models to identify toxic, offensive, and hateful content -- with the aim of lightening the load for moderators. Yet, it remains uncertain whether improvements on those tasks truly address the needs that moderators have in accomplishing their work. In this paper, we surface the gaps between past research efforts that have aimed to provide automation for aspects of the content moderation task, and the needs of volunteer content moderators. To do so, we conduct a model review on Hugging Face to reveal the availability of models to cover various moderation rules and guidelines. We further put state-of-the-art LLMs to the test (GPT-4 and Llama-2), evaluating how well these models perform in flagging violations of platform rules. Overall, we observe a non-trivial gap, as missing developed models and LLMs exhibit low recall on a significant portion of the rules.

Fair Abstractive Summarization of Diverse Perspectives. (arXiv:2311.07884v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yusen Zhang, Nan Zhang, Yixin Liu, Alexander Fabbri, Junru Liu, Ryo Kamoi, Xiaoxin Lu, Caiming Xiong, Jieyu Zhao, Dragomir Radev, Kathleen McKeown, Rui Zhang

People from different social and demographic groups express diverse perspectives and conflicting opinions on a broad set of topics such as product reviews, healthcare, law, and politics. A fair summary should provide a comprehensive coverage of diverse perspectives without underrepresenting certain groups. However, current work in summarization metrics and Large Language Models (LLMs) evaluation has not explored fair abstractive summarization. In this paper, we systematically investigate fair abstractive summarization for user-generated data. We first formally define fairness in abstractive summarization as not underrepresenting perspectives of any groups of people and propose four reference-free automatic metrics measuring the differences between target and source perspectives. We evaluate five LLMs, including three GPT models, Alpaca, and Claude, on six datasets collected from social media, online reviews, and recorded transcripts. Experiments show that both the model-generated and the human-written reference summaries suffer from low fairness. We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the common factors influencing fairness and propose three simple but effective methods to alleviate unfair summarization. Our dataset and code are available at https://github.com/psunlpgroup/FairSumm.

CPopQA: Ranking Cultural Concept Popularity by LLMs. (arXiv:2311.07897v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ming Jiang, Mansi Joshi

Prior work has demonstrated large language models' (LLMs) potential to discern statistical tendencies within their pre-training corpora. Despite that, many examinations of LLMs' knowledge capacity focus on knowledge explicitly appearing in the training data or implicitly inferable from similar contexts. How well an LLM captures the corpus-level statistical trends of concepts for reasoning, especially long-tail ones, is still underexplored. In this study, we introduce a novel few-shot question-answering task (CPopQA) that examines LLMs' statistical ranking abilities for long-tail cultural concepts (e.g., holidays), with a specific focus on these concepts' popularity in the United States and the United Kingdom, respectively. We curate a dataset containing 459 holidays across 58 countries, generating a total of 6,000 QA testing pairs. Experiments on four strong LLMs show that large models are capable of ranking long-tail cultural concepts regarding their statistical tendency. Notably, GPT-3.5 displayed superior performance and exhibited its potential to identify geo-cultural proximity across continents.

Instruction-Following Evaluation for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.07911v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jeffrey Zhou, Tianjian Lu, Swaroop Mishra, Siddhartha Brahma, Sujoy Basu, Yi Luan, Denny Zhou, Le Hou

One core capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) is to follow natural language instructions. However, the evaluation of such abilities is not standardized: Human evaluations are expensive, slow, and not objectively reproducible, while LLM-based auto-evaluation is potentially biased or limited by the ability of the evaluator LLM. To overcome these issues, we introduce Instruction-Following Eval (IFEval) for large language models. IFEval is a straightforward and easy-to-reproduce evaluation benchmark. It focuses on a set of "verifiable instructions" such as "write in more than 400 words" and "mention the keyword of AI at least 3 times". We identified 25 types of those verifiable instructions and constructed around 500 prompts, with each prompt containing one or more verifiable instructions. We show evaluation results of two widely available LLMs on the market. Our code and data can be found at https://github.com/google-research/google-research/tree/master/instruction_following_eval

Can Knowledge Graphs Reduce Hallucinations in LLMs? : A Survey. (arXiv:2311.07914v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Garima Agrawal, Tharindu Kumarage, Zeyad Alghami, Huan Liu

The contemporary LLMs are prone to producing hallucinations, stemming mainly from the knowledge gaps within the models. To address this critical limitation, researchers employ diverse strategies to augment the LLMs by incorporating external knowledge, aiming to reduce hallucinations and enhance reasoning accuracy. Among these strategies, leveraging knowledge graphs as a source of external information has demonstrated promising results. In this survey, we conduct a comprehensive review of these knowledge-graph-based knowledge augmentation techniques in LLMs, focusing on their efficacy in mitigating hallucinations. We systematically categorize these methods into three overarching groups, offering both methodological comparisons and empirical evaluations of their performance. Lastly, the paper explores the challenges associated with these techniques and outlines potential avenues for future research in this emerging field.

Automated title and abstract screening for scoping reviews using the GPT-4 Large Language Model. (arXiv:2311.07918v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: David Wilkins

Scoping reviews, a type of literature review, require intensive human effort to screen large numbers of scholarly sources for their relevance to the review objectives. This manuscript introduces GPTscreenR, a package for the R statistical programming language that uses the GPT-4 Large Language Model (LLM) to automatically screen sources. The package makes use of the chain-of-thought technique with the goal of maximising performance on complex screening tasks. In validation against consensus human reviewer decisions, GPTscreenR performed similarly to an alternative zero-shot technique, with a sensitivity of 71%, specificity of 89%, and overall accuracy of 84%. Neither method achieved perfect accuracy nor human levels of intraobserver agreement. GPTscreenR demonstrates the potential for LLMs to support scholarly work and provides a user-friendly software framework that can be integrated into existing review processes.

Qwen-Audio: Advancing Universal Audio Understanding via Unified Large-Scale Audio-Language Models. (arXiv:2311.07919v1 [eess.AS])

Authors: Yunfei Chu, Jin Xu, Xiaohuan Zhou, Qian Yang, Shiliang Zhang, Zhijie Yan, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou

Recently, instruction-following audio-language models have received broad attention for audio interaction with humans. However, the absence of pre-trained audio models capable of handling diverse audio types and tasks has hindered progress in this field. Consequently, most existing works have only been able to support a limited range of interaction capabilities. In this paper, we develop the Qwen-Audio model and address this limitation by scaling up audio-language pre-training to cover over 30 tasks and various audio types, such as human speech, natural sounds, music, and songs, to facilitate universal audio understanding abilities. However, directly co-training all tasks and datasets can lead to interference issues, as the textual labels associated with different datasets exhibit considerable variations due to differences in task focus, language, granularity of annotation, and text structure. To overcome the one-to-many interference, we carefully design a multi-task training framework by conditioning on a sequence of hierarchical tags to the decoder for encouraging knowledge sharing and avoiding interference through shared and specified tags respectively. Remarkably, Qwen-Audio achieves impressive performance across diverse benchmark tasks without requiring any task-specific fine-tuning, surpassing its counterparts. Building upon the capabilities of Qwen-Audio, we further develop Qwen-Audio-Chat, which allows for input from various audios and text inputs, enabling multi-turn dialogues and supporting various audio-central scenarios.

Brain-Driven Representation Learning Based on Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2311.07925v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Soowon Kim, Seo-Hyun Lee, Young-Eun Lee, Ji-Won Lee, Ji-Ha Park, Seong-Whan Lee

Interpreting EEG signals linked to spoken language presents a complex challenge, given the data's intricate temporal and spatial attributes, as well as the various noise factors. Denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs), which have recently gained prominence in diverse areas for their capabilities in representation learning, are explored in our research as a means to address this issue. Using DDPMs in conjunction with a conditional autoencoder, our new approach considerably outperforms traditional machine learning algorithms and established baseline models in accuracy. Our results highlight the potential of DDPMs as a sophisticated computational method for the analysis of speech-related EEG signals. This could lead to significant advances in brain-computer interfaces tailored for spoken communication.

It's All Relative! -- A Synthetic Query Generation Approach for Improving Zero-Shot Relevance Prediction. (arXiv:2311.07930v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Aditi Chaudhary, Karthik Raman, Michael Bendersky

Recent developments in large language models (LLMs) have shown promise in their ability to generate synthetic query-document pairs by prompting with as few as 8 demonstrations. This has enabled building better IR models, especially for tasks with no training data readily available. Typically, such synthetic query generation (QGen) approaches condition on an input context (e.g. a text document) and generate a query relevant to that context, or condition the QGen model additionally on the relevance label (e.g. relevant vs irrelevant) to generate queries across relevance buckets. However, we find that such QGen approaches are sub-optimal as they require the model to reason about the desired label and the input from a handful of examples. In this work, we propose to reduce this burden of LLMs by generating queries simultaneously for different labels. We hypothesize that instead of asking the model to generate, say, an irrelevant query given an input context, asking the model to generate an irrelevant query relative to a relevant query is a much simpler task setup for the model to reason about. Extensive experimentation across seven IR datasets shows that synthetic queries generated in such a fashion translates to a better downstream performance, suggesting that the generated queries are indeed of higher quality.

Non-autoregressive Machine Translation with Probabilistic Context-free Grammar. (arXiv:2311.07941v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shangtong Gui, Chenze Shao, Zhengrui Ma, Xishan Zhang, Yunji Chen, Yang Feng

Non-autoregressive Transformer(NAT) significantly accelerates the inference of neural machine translation. However, conventional NAT models suffer from limited expression power and performance degradation compared to autoregressive (AT) models due to the assumption of conditional independence among target tokens. To address these limitations, we propose a novel approach called PCFG-NAT, which leverages a specially designed Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar (PCFG) to enhance the ability of NAT models to capture complex dependencies among output tokens. Experimental results on major machine translation benchmarks demonstrate that PCFG-NAT further narrows the gap in translation quality between NAT and AT models. Moreover, PCFG-NAT facilitates a deeper understanding of the generated sentences, addressing the lack of satisfactory explainability in neural machine translation.Code is publicly available at https://github.com/ictnlp/PCFG-NAT.

First Step Advantage: Importance of Starting Right in Multi-Step Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.07945v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kushal Jain, Kumar Shridhar

Large Language Models (LLMs) can solve complex reasoning tasks by generating rationales for their predictions. Distilling these capabilities into a smaller, compact model can facilitate the creation of specialized, cost-effective models tailored for specific tasks. However, smaller models often face challenges in complex reasoning tasks and often deviate from the correct reasoning path. We show that LLMs can guide smaller models and bring them back to the correct reasoning path only if they intervene at the right time. We show that smaller models fail to reason primarily due to their difficulty in initiating the process, and that guiding them in the right direction can lead to a performance gain of over 100%. We explore different model sizes and evaluate the benefits of providing guidance to improve reasoning in smaller models.

A Closer Look at the Self-Verification Abilities of Large Language Models in Logical Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.07954v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Ruixin Hong, Hongming Zhang, Xinyu Pang, Dong Yu, Changshui Zhang

Logical reasoning has been an ongoing pursuit in the field of AI. Despite significant advancements made by large language models (LLMs), they still struggle with complex logical reasoning problems. To enhance reasoning performance, one promising direction is scalable oversight, which requires LLMs to identify their own errors and then improve by themselves. Various self-verification methods have been proposed in pursuit of this goal. Nevertheless, whether existing models understand their own errors well is still under investigation. In this paper, we take a closer look at the self-verification abilities of LLMs in the context of logical reasoning, focusing on their ability to identify logical fallacies accurately. We introduce a dataset, FALLACIES, containing 232 types of reasoning fallacies categorized in a hierarchical taxonomy. By conducting exhaustive experiments on FALLACIES, we obtain comprehensive and detailed analyses of a series of models on their verification abilities. Our main findings suggest that existing LLMs could struggle to identify fallacious reasoning steps accurately and may fall short of guaranteeing the validity of self-verification methods. Drawing from these observations, we offer suggestions for future research and practical applications of self-verification methods.

The ART of LLM Refinement: Ask, Refine, and Trust. (arXiv:2311.07961v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kumar Shridhar, Koustuv Sinha, Andrew Cohen, Tianlu Wang, Ping Yu, Ram Pasunuru, Mrinmaya Sachan, Jason Weston, Asli Celikyilmaz

In recent years, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable generative abilities, but can they judge the quality of their own generations? A popular concept, referred to as self-refinement, postulates that LLMs can detect and correct the errors in their generations when asked to do so. However, recent empirical evidence points in the opposite direction, suggesting that LLMs often struggle to accurately identify errors when reasoning is involved. To address this, we propose a reasoning with refinement objective called ART: Ask, Refine, and Trust, which asks necessary questions to decide when an LLM should refine its output, and either affirm or withhold trust in its refinement by ranking the refinement and the initial prediction. On two multistep reasoning tasks of mathematical word problems (GSM8K) and question answering (StrategyQA), ART achieves a performance gain of +5 points over self-refinement baselines, while using a much smaller model as the decision maker. We also demonstrate the benefit of using smaller models to make refinement decisions as a cost-effective alternative to fine-tuning a larger model.

How good are Large Language Models on African Languages?. (arXiv:2311.07978v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jessica Ojo, Kelechi Ogueji, Pontus Stenetorp, David I. Adelani

Recent advancements in natural language processing have led to the proliferation of large language models (LLMs). These models have been shown to yield good performance, using in-context learning, even on unseen tasks and languages. Additionally, they have been widely adopted as language-model-as-a-service commercial APIs like GPT-4 API. However, their performance on African languages is largely unknown. We present an analysis of three popular large language models (mT0, LLaMa 2, and GPT-4) on five tasks (news topic classification, sentiment classification, machine translation, question answering, and named entity recognition) across 30 African languages, spanning different language families and geographical regions. Our results suggest that all LLMs produce below-par performance on African languages, and there is a large gap in performance compared to high-resource languages like English most tasks. We find that GPT-4 has an average or impressive performance on classification tasks but very poor results on generative tasks like machine translation. Surprisingly, we find that mT0 had the best overall on cross-lingual QA, better than the state-of-the-art supervised model (i.e. fine-tuned mT5) and GPT-4 on African languages. Overall, LLaMa 2 records the worst performance due to its limited multilingual capabilities and English-centric pre-training corpus. In general, our findings present a call-to-action to ensure African languages are well represented in large language models, given their growing popularity.

A Survey on Language Models for Code. (arXiv:2311.07989v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Chaoyu Chen, Bingchang Liu, Cong Liao, Zi Gong, Hang Yu, Jianguo Li, Rui Wang

In this work we systematically review the recent advancements in code processing with language models, covering 50+ models, 30+ evaluation tasks, and 500 related works. We break down code processing models into general language models represented by the GPT family and specialized models that are specifically pretrained on code, often with tailored objectives. We discuss the relations and differences between these models, and highlight the historical transition of code modeling from statistical models and RNNs to pretrained Transformers and LLMs, which is exactly the same course that had been taken by NLP. We also discuss code-specific features such as AST, CFG, and unit tests, along with their application in training code language models, and identify key challenges and potential future directions in this domain. We keep the survey open and updated on github repository at https://github.com/codefuse-ai/Awesome-Code-LLM.

How Well Do Text Embedding Models Understand Syntax?. (arXiv:2311.07996v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yan Zhang, Zhaopeng Feng, Zhiyang Teng, Zuozhu Liu, Haizhou Li

Text embedding models have significantly contributed to advancements in natural language processing by adeptly capturing semantic properties of textual data. However, the ability of these models to generalize across a wide range of syntactic contexts remains under-explored. In this paper, we first develop an evaluation set, named \textbf{SR}, to scrutinize the capability for syntax understanding of text embedding models from two crucial syntactic aspects: Structural heuristics, and Relational understanding among concepts, as revealed by the performance gaps in previous studies. Our findings reveal that existing text embedding models have not sufficiently addressed these syntactic understanding challenges, and such ineffectiveness becomes even more apparent when evaluated against existing benchmark datasets. Furthermore, we conduct rigorous analysis to unearth factors that lead to such limitations and examine why previous evaluations fail to detect such ineffectiveness. Lastly, we propose strategies to augment the generalization ability of text embedding models in diverse syntactic scenarios. This study serves to highlight the hurdles associated with syntactic generalization and provides pragmatic guidance for boosting model performance across varied syntactic contexts.

A Comparative Analysis of the COVID-19 Infodemic in English and Chinese: Insights from Social Media Textual Data. (arXiv:2311.08001v1 [cs.SI])

Authors: Jia Luo, Daiyun Peng, Lei Shi, Didier El Baz (LAAS-SARA), Xinran Liu

The COVID-19 infodemic, characterized by the rapid spread of misinformation and unverified claims related to the pandemic, presents a significant challenge. This paper presents a comparative analysis of the COVID-19 infodemic in the English and Chinese languages, utilizing textual data extracted from social media platforms. To ensure a balanced representation, two infodemic datasets were created by augmenting previously collected social media textual data. Through word frequency analysis, the thirty-five most frequently occurring infodemic words are identified, shedding light on prevalent discussions surrounding the infodemic. Moreover, topic clustering analysis uncovers thematic structures and provides a deeper understanding of primary topics within each language context. Additionally, sentiment analysis enables comprehension of the emotional tone associated with COVID-19 information on social media platforms in English and Chinese. This research contributes to a better understanding of the COVID-19 infodemic phenomenon and can guide the development of strategies to combat misinformation during public health crises across different languages.

TempTabQA: Temporal Question Answering for Semi-Structured Tables. (arXiv:2311.08002v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Vivek Gupta, Pranshu Kandoi, Mahek Bhavesh Vora, Shuo Zhang, Yujie He, Ridho Reinanda, Vivek Srikumar

Semi-structured data, such as Infobox tables, often include temporal information about entities, either implicitly or explicitly. Can current NLP systems reason about such information in semi-structured tables? To tackle this question, we introduce the task of temporal question answering on semi-structured tables. We present a dataset, TempTabQA, which comprises 11,454 question-answer pairs extracted from 1,208 Wikipedia Infobox tables spanning more than 90 distinct domains. Using this dataset, we evaluate several state-of-the-art models for temporal reasoning. We observe that even the top-performing LLMs lag behind human performance by more than 13.5 F1 points. Given these results, our dataset has the potential to serve as a challenging benchmark to improve the temporal reasoning capabilities of NLP models.

Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition with Uncertainty-aware Teacher Learning and Student-student Collaborative Learning. (arXiv:2311.08010v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Helan Hu, Shuzheng Si, Haozhe Zhao, Shuang Zeng, Kaikai An, Zefan Cai, Baobao Chang

Distantly-Supervised Named Entity Recognition (DS-NER) effectively alleviates the burden of annotation, but meanwhile suffers from the label noise. Recent works attempt to adopt the teacher-student framework to gradually refine the training labels and improve the overall robustness. However, we argue that these teacher-student methods achieve limited performance because poor network calibration produces incorrectly pseudo-labeled samples, leading to error propagation. Therefore, we attempt to mitigate this issue by proposing: (1) Uncertainty-aware Teacher Learning that leverages the prediction uncertainty to guide the selection of pseudo-labels, avoiding the number of incorrect pseudo-labels in the self-training stage. (2) Student-student Collaborative Learning that allows the transfer of reliable labels between two student networks instead of completely relying on all pseudo-labels from its teacher. Meanwhile, this approach allows a full exploration of mislabeled samples rather than simply filtering unreliable pseudo-labeled samples. Extensive experimental results on five DS-NER datasets demonstrate that our method is superior to state-of-the-art teacher-student methods.

Forgetting before Learning: Utilizing Parametric Arithmetic for Knowledge Updating in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08011v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shiwen Ni, Dingwei Chen, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu, Ruifeng Xu, Min Yang

Recently Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated their amazing text understanding and generation capabilities. However, even stronger LLMs may still learn incorrect knowledge from the training corpus, as well as some knowledge that is outdated over time. Direct secondary fine-tuning with data containing new knowledge may be ineffective in updating knowledge due to the conflict between old and new knowledge. In this paper, we propose a new paradigm for fine-tuning called F-Learning (Forgetting before Learning), which is based on parametric arithmetic to achieve forgetting of old knowledge and learning of new knowledge. Experimental results on two publicly available datasets demonstrate that our proposed F-Learning can obviously improve the knowledge updating performance of both full fine-tuning and LoRA fine-tuning. Moreover, we have also discovered that forgetting old knowledge by subtracting the parameters of LoRA can achieve a similar effect to subtracting the parameters of full fine-tuning, and sometimes even surpass it significantly.

Adversarial Preference Optimization. (arXiv:2311.08045v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pengyu Cheng, Yifan Yang, Jian Li, Yong Dai, Nan Du

Human preference alignment is a crucial training step to improve the interaction quality of large language models (LLMs). Existing aligning methods depend on manually annotated preference data to guide the LLM optimization directions. However, in practice, continuously updating LLMs raises a distribution gap between model-generated samples and human-preferred responses, which hinders model fine-tuning efficiency. To mitigate this issue, previous methods require additional preference annotation on generated samples to adapt the shifted distribution, which consumes a large amount of annotation resources. Targeting more efficient human preference optimization, we propose an adversarial preference optimization (APO) framework, where the LLM agent and the preference model update alternatively via a min-max game. Without additional annotation, our APO method can make a self-adaption to the generation distribution gap through the adversarial learning process. In experiments, we empirically verify the effectiveness of APO in improving LLM's helpfulness and harmlessness compared with rejection sampling baselines.

Data and models for stance and premise detection in COVID-19 tweets: insights from the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) 2022 shared task. (arXiv:2311.08057v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Vera Davydova, Huabin Yang, Elena Tutubalina

The COVID-19 pandemic has sparked numerous discussions on social media platforms, with users sharing their views on topics such as mask-wearing and vaccination. To facilitate the evaluation of neural models for stance detection and premise classification, we organized the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) 2022 Shared Task 2. This competition utilized manually annotated posts on three COVID-19-related topics: school closures, stay-at-home orders, and wearing masks. In this paper, we extend the previous work and present newly collected data on vaccination from Twitter to assess the performance of models on a different topic. To enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of our evaluation, we employed various strategies to aggregate tweet texts with claims, including models with feature-level (early) fusion and dual-view architectures from SMM4H 2022 leaderboard. Our primary objective was to create a valuable dataset and perform an extensive experimental evaluation to support future research in argument mining in the health domain.

Align after Pre-train: Improving Multilingual Generative Models with Cross-lingual Alignment. (arXiv:2311.08089v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chong Li, Shaonan Wang, Jiajun Zhang, Chengqing Zong

Multilingual generative models obtain remarkable cross-lingual capabilities through pre-training on large-scale corpora. However, they still exhibit a performance bias toward high-resource languages, and learn isolated distributions of sentence representations across languages. To bridge this gap, we propose a simple yet effective alignment framework exploiting pairs of translation sentences. It aligns the internal sentence representations across different languages via multilingual contrastive learning and aligns model outputs by answering prompts in different languages. Experimental results demonstrate that even with less than 0.1 {\textperthousand} of pre-training tokens, our alignment framework significantly boosts the cross-lingual abilities of generative models and mitigates the performance gap. Further analysis reveals that it results in a better internal multilingual representation distribution of multilingual models.

Spot: A Natural Language Interface for Geospatial Searches in OSM. (arXiv:2311.08093v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lynn Khellaf, Ipek Baris Schlicht, Julia Bayer, Ruben Bouwmeester, Tilman Miraß, Tilman Wagner

Investigative journalists and fact-checkers have found OpenStreetMap (OSM) to be an invaluable resource for their work due to its extensive coverage and intricate details of various locations, which play a crucial role in investigating news scenes. Despite its value, OSM's complexity presents considerable accessibility and usability challenges, especially for those without a technical background. To address this, we introduce 'Spot', a user-friendly natural language interface for querying OSM data. Spot utilizes a semantic mapping from natural language to OSM tags, leveraging artificially generated sentence queries and a T5 transformer. This approach enables Spot to extract relevant information from user-input sentences and display candidate locations matching the descriptions on a map. To foster collaboration and future advancement, all code and generated data is available as an open-source repository.

Empowering Multi-step Reasoning across Languages via Tree-of-Thoughts. (arXiv:2311.08097v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Leonardo Ranaldi, Fabio Massimo Zanzotto

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting empowers the reasoning abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), eliciting them to solve complex reasoning tasks step-by-step. However, with the success of CoT methods, the ability to deliver multi-step reasoning remains limited to English due to the imbalance in the distribution of the pre-training data, making the other languages a barrier.

In this work, we propose a Cross-lingual multi-step reasoning approach, aiming to align reasoning processes across different languages. In particular, our method, through a Self-consistent Cross-lingual prompting mechanism inspired by the Tree-of-Thoughts approach, delivers multi-step reasoning paths in different languages that, during the steps, lead to the final solution. Our experimental evaluations show that our method significantly outperforms existing prompting methods, reducing the number of interactions and achieving state-of-the-art performance.

Exploring Semi-supervised Hierarchical Stacked Encoder for Legal Judgement Prediction. (arXiv:2311.08103v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nishchal Prasad, Mohand Boughanem, Taoufiq Dkaki

Predicting the judgment of a legal case from its unannotated case facts is a challenging task. The lengthy and non-uniform document structure poses an even greater challenge in extracting information for decision prediction. In this work, we explore and propose a two-level classification mechanism; both supervised and unsupervised; by using domain-specific pre-trained BERT to extract information from long documents in terms of sentence embeddings further processing with transformer encoder layer and use unsupervised clustering to extract hidden labels from these embeddings to better predict a judgment of a legal case. We conduct several experiments with this mechanism and see higher performance gains than the previously proposed methods on the ILDC dataset. Our experimental results also show the importance of domain-specific pre-training of Transformer Encoders in legal information processing.

DiLoCo: Distributed Low-Communication Training of Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08105v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Arthur Douillard, Qixuan Feng, Andrei A. Rusu, Rachita Chhaparia, Yani Donchev, Adhiguna Kuncoro, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato, Arthur Szlam, Jiajun Shen

Large language models (LLM) have become a critical component in many applications of machine learning. However, standard approaches to training LLM require a large number of tightly interconnected accelerators, with devices exchanging gradients and other intermediate states at each optimization step. While it is difficult to build and maintain a single computing cluster hosting many accelerators, it might be easier to find several computing clusters each hosting a smaller number of devices. In this work, we propose a distributed optimization algorithm, Distributed Low-Communication (DiLoCo), that enables training of language models on islands of devices that are poorly connected. The approach is a variant of federated averaging, where the number of inner steps is large, the inner optimizer is AdamW, and the outer optimizer is Nesterov momentum. On the widely used C4 dataset, we show that DiLoCo on 8 workers performs as well as fully synchronous optimization while communicating 500 times less. DiLoCo exhibits great robustness to the data distribution of each worker. It is also robust to resources becoming unavailable over time, and vice versa, it can seamlessly leverage resources that become available during training.

Carpe Diem: On the Evaluation of World Knowledge in Lifelong Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08106v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yujin Kim, Jaehong Yoon, Seonghyeon Ye, Sung Ju Hwang, Se-young Yun

In an ever-evolving world, the dynamic nature of knowledge presents challenges for language models that are trained on static data, leading to outdated encoded information. However, real-world scenarios require models not only to acquire new knowledge but also to overwrite outdated information into updated ones. To address this under-explored issue, we introduce the temporally evolving question answering benchmark, EvolvingQA - a novel benchmark designed for training and evaluating LMs on an evolving Wikipedia database, where the construction of our benchmark is automated with our pipeline using large language models. Our benchmark incorporates question-answering as a downstream task to emulate real-world applications. Through EvolvingQA, we uncover that existing continual learning baselines have difficulty in updating and forgetting outdated knowledge. Our findings suggest that the models fail to learn updated knowledge due to the small weight gradient. Furthermore, we elucidate that the models struggle mostly on providing numerical or temporal answers to questions asking for updated knowledge. Our work aims to model the dynamic nature of real-world information, offering a robust measure for the evolution-adaptability of language models.

SAIE Framework: Support Alone Isn't Enough -- Advancing LLM Training with Adversarial Remarks. (arXiv:2311.08107v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mengsay Loem, Masahiro Kaneko, Naoaki Okazaki

Large Language Models (LLMs) can justify or criticize their predictions through discussion with other models or humans, thereby enhancing their intrinsic understanding of instances. While proactive discussions enhance performance, this approach is currently limited to the inference phase. In this context, we posit a hypothesis: learning interactive discussions during training can improve understanding for the instances in the training step and proficiency in logical/critical thinking ability and verbalized expression of the model in the inference step. Our proposed SAIE training method involves both supportive and adversarial discussions between the learner and partner models. The learner model receives a remark from the partner through the discussion, and the parameters of the learner model are then updated based on this remark. That is, the teacher signal dynamically adjusts in response to the evolving model output throughout the training step. By bolstering the capacity for discussion and comprehension of instances, our experiments across datasets, including GSM8K, CommonsenseQA, and MMLU, reveal that models fine-tuned with our method consistently surpass those trained with standard fine-tuning techniques. Moreover, our approach demonstrates superior performance in multi-agent inference scenarios, boosting the models' reasoning abilities at the inference step.

Improving hateful memes detection via learning hatefulness-aware embedding space through retrieval-guided contrastive learning. (arXiv:2311.08110v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jingbiao Mei, Jinghong Chen, Weizhe Lin, Bill Byrne, Marcus Tomalin

Hateful memes have emerged as a significant concern on the Internet. These memes, which are a combination of image and text, often convey messages vastly different from their individual meanings. Thus, detecting hateful memes requires the system to jointly understand the visual and textual modalities. However, our investigation reveals that the embedding space of existing CLIP-based systems lacks sensitivity to subtle differences in memes that are vital for correct hatefulness classification. To address this issue, we propose constructing a hatefulness-aware embedding space through retrieval-guided contrastive training. Specifically, we add an auxiliary loss that utilizes hard negative and pseudo-gold samples to train the embedding space. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the HatefulMemes dataset with an AUROC of 86.7. Notably, our approach outperforms much larger fine-tuned Large Multimodal Models like Flamingo and LLaVA. Finally, we demonstrate a retrieval-based hateful memes detection system, which is capable of making hatefulness classification based on data unseen in training from a database. This allows developers to update the hateful memes detection system by simply adding new data without retraining, a desirable feature for real services in the constantly-evolving landscape of hateful memes on the Internet.

Insights into Classifying and Mitigating LLMs' Hallucinations. (arXiv:2311.08117v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Alessandro Bruno, Pier Luigi Mazzeo, Aladine Chetouani, Marouane Tliba, Mohamed Amine Kerkouri

The widespread adoption of large language models (LLMs) across diverse AI applications is proof of the outstanding achievements obtained in several tasks, such as text mining, text generation, and question answering. However, LLMs are not exempt from drawbacks. One of the most concerning aspects regards the emerging problematic phenomena known as "Hallucinations". They manifest in text generation systems, particularly in question-answering systems reliant on LLMs, potentially resulting in false or misleading information propagation. This paper delves into the underlying causes of AI hallucination and elucidates its significance in artificial intelligence. In particular, Hallucination classification is tackled over several tasks (Machine Translation, Question and Answer, Dialog Systems, Summarisation Systems, Knowledge Graph with LLMs, and Visual Question Answer). Additionally, we explore potential strategies to mitigate hallucinations, aiming to enhance the overall reliability of LLMs. Our research addresses this critical issue within the HeReFaNMi (Health-Related Fake News Mitigation) project, generously supported by NGI Search, dedicated to combating Health-Related Fake News dissemination on the Internet. This endeavour represents a concerted effort to safeguard the integrity of information dissemination in an age of evolving AI technologies.

Memory-efficient Stochastic methods for Memory-based Transformers. (arXiv:2311.08123v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Vishwajit Kumar Vishnu, C. Chandra Sekhar

Training Memory-based transformers can require a large amount of memory and can be quite inefficient. We propose a novel two-phase training mechanism and a novel regularization technique to improve the training efficiency of memory-based transformers, which are often used for long-range context problems. For our experiments, we consider transformer-XL as our baseline model which is one of memorybased transformer models. We show that our resultant model, Skip Cross-head TransformerXL, outperforms the baseline on character level language modeling task with similar parameters and outperforms the baseline on word level language modelling task with almost 20% fewer parameters. Our proposed methods do not require any additional memory. We also demonstrate the effectiveness of our regularization mechanism on BERT which shows similar performance with reduction in standard deviation of scores of around 30% on multiple GLUE tasks.

Sinkhorn Transformations for Single-Query Postprocessing in Text-Video Retrieval. (arXiv:2311.08143v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Konstantin Yakovlev, Gregory Polyakov, Ilseyar Alimova, Alexander Podolskiy, Andrey Bout, Sergey Nikolenko, Irina Piontkovskaya

A recent trend in multimodal retrieval is related to postprocessing test set results via the dual-softmax loss (DSL). While this approach can bring significant improvements, it usually presumes that an entire matrix of test samples is available as DSL input. This work introduces a new postprocessing approach based on Sinkhorn transformations that outperforms DSL. Further, we propose a new postprocessing setting that does not require access to multiple test queries. We show that our approach can significantly improve the results of state of the art models such as CLIP4Clip, BLIP, X-CLIP, and DRL, thus achieving a new state-of-the-art on several standard text-video retrieval datasets both with access to the entire test set and in the single-query setting.

RECALL: A Benchmark for LLMs Robustness against External Counterfactual Knowledge. (arXiv:2311.08147v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yi Liu, Lianzhe Huang, Shicheng Li, Sishuo Chen, Hao Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Xu Sun

LLMs and AI chatbots have improved people's efficiency in various fields. However, the necessary knowledge for answering the question may be beyond the models' knowledge boundaries. To mitigate this issue, many researchers try to introduce external knowledge, such as knowledge graphs and Internet contents, into LLMs for up-to-date information. However, the external information from the Internet may include counterfactual information that will confuse the model and lead to an incorrect response. Thus there is a pressing need for LLMs to possess the ability to distinguish reliable information from external knowledge. Therefore, to evaluate the ability of LLMs to discern the reliability of external knowledge, we create a benchmark from existing knowledge bases. Our benchmark consists of two tasks, Question Answering and Text Generation, and for each task, we provide models with a context containing counterfactual information. Evaluation results show that existing LLMs are susceptible to interference from unreliable external knowledge with counterfactual information, and simple intervention methods make limited contributions to the alleviation of this issue.

Towards Reasoning in Large Language Models via Multi-Agent Peer Review Collaboration. (arXiv:2311.08152v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhenran Xu, Senbao Shi, Baotian Hu, Jindi Yu, Dongfang Li, Min Zhang, Yuxiang Wu

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in general natural language processing tasks but often fall short in complex reasoning tasks. Recent studies have explored human-like problem-solving strategies, such as self-correct, to push further the boundary of single-model reasoning ability. In this work, we let a single model "step outside the box" by engaging multiple models to correct each other. We introduce a multi-agent collaboration strategy that emulates the academic peer review process. Each agent independently constructs its own solution, provides reviews on the solutions of others, and assigns confidence levels to its reviews. Upon receiving peer reviews, agents revise their initial solutions. Extensive experiments on three different types of reasoning tasks show that our collaboration approach delivers superior accuracy across all ten datasets compared to existing methods. Further study demonstrates the effectiveness of integrating confidence in the reviews for math reasoning, and suggests a promising direction for human-mimicking multi-agent collaboration process.

Ask One More Time: Self-Agreement Improves Reasoning of Language Models in (Almost) All Scenarios. (arXiv:2311.08154v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lei Lin, Jiayi Fu, Pengli Liu, Junchen Wan, Fuzheng Zhang, Zhongyuan Wang, Di Zhang, Kun Gai

Although chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting combined with language models has achieved encouraging results on complex reasoning tasks, the naive greedy decoding used in CoT prompting usually causes the repetitiveness and local optimality. To address this shortcoming, ensemble-optimization tries to obtain multiple reasoning paths to get the final answer assembly. However, current ensemble-optimization methods either simply employ rule-based post-processing such as \textit{self-consistency}, or train an additional model based on several task-related human annotations to select the best one among multiple reasoning paths, yet fail to generalize to realistic settings where the type of input questions is unknown or the answer format of reasoning paths is unknown. To avoid their limitations, we propose \textbf{self-agreement}, a generalizable ensemble-optimization method applying in almost all scenarios where the type of input questions and the answer format of reasoning paths may be known or unknown. Self-agreement firstly samples from language model's decoder to generate a \textit{diverse} set of reasoning paths, and subsequently prompts the language model \textit{one more time} to determine the optimal answer by selecting the most \textit{agreed} answer among the sampled reasoning paths. Self-agreement simultaneously achieves remarkable performance on six public reasoning benchmarks and superior generalization capabilities.

MechAgents: Large language model multi-agent collaborations can solve mechanics problems, generate new data, and integrate knowledge. (arXiv:2311.08166v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Bo Ni, Markus J. Buehler

Solving mechanics problems using numerical methods requires comprehensive intelligent capability of retrieving relevant knowledge and theory, constructing and executing codes, analyzing the results, a task that has thus far mainly been reserved for humans. While emerging AI methods can provide effective approaches to solve end-to-end problems, for instance via the use of deep surrogate models or various data analytics strategies, they often lack physical intuition since knowledge is baked into the parametric complement through training, offering less flexibility when it comes to incorporating mathematical or physical insights. By leveraging diverse capabilities of multiple dynamically interacting large language models (LLMs), we can overcome the limitations of conventional approaches and develop a new class of physics-inspired generative machine learning platform, here referred to as MechAgents. A set of AI agents can solve mechanics tasks, here demonstrated for elasticity problems, via autonomous collaborations. A two-agent team can effectively write, execute and self-correct code, in order to apply finite element methods to solve classical elasticity problems in various flavors (different boundary conditions, domain geometries, meshes, small/finite deformation and linear/hyper-elastic constitutive laws, and others). For more complex tasks, we construct a larger group of agents with enhanced division of labor among planning, formulating, coding, executing and criticizing the process and results. The agents mutually correct each other to improve the overall team-work performance in understanding, formulating and validating the solution. Our framework shows the potential of synergizing the intelligence of language models, the reliability of physics-based modeling, and the dynamic collaborations among diverse agents, opening novel avenues for automation of solving engineering problems.

Self-Evolved Diverse Data Sampling for Efficient Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2311.08182v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shengguang Wu, Keming Lu, Benfeng Xu, Junyang Lin, Qi Su, Chang Zhou

Enhancing the instruction-following ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) primarily demands substantial instruction-tuning datasets. However, the sheer volume of these imposes a considerable computational burden and annotation cost. To investigate a label-efficient instruction tuning method that allows the model itself to actively sample subsets that are equally or even more effective, we introduce a self-evolving mechanism DiverseEvol. In this process, a model iteratively augments its training subset to refine its own performance, without requiring any intervention from humans or more advanced LLMs. The key to our data sampling technique lies in the enhancement of diversity in the chosen subsets, as the model selects new data points most distinct from any existing ones according to its current embedding space. Extensive experiments across three datasets and benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of DiverseEvol. Our models, trained on less than 8% of the original dataset, maintain or improve performance compared with finetuning on full data. We also provide empirical evidence to analyze the importance of diversity in instruction data and the iterative scheme as opposed to one-time sampling. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/OFA-Sys/DiverseEvol.git.

Unlocking Science: Novel Dataset and Benchmark for Cross-Modality Scientific Information Extraction. (arXiv:2311.08189v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuhan Li, Jian Wu, Zhiwei Yu, Börje F. Karlsso, Wei Shen, Manabu Okumura, Chin-Yew Lin

Extracting key information from scientific papers has the potential to help researchers work more efficiently and accelerate the pace of scientific progress. Over the last few years, research on Scientific Information Extraction (SciIE) witnessed the release of several new systems and benchmarks. However, existing paper-focused datasets mostly focus only on specific parts of a manuscript (e.g., abstracts) and are single-modality (i.e., text- or table-only), due to complex processing and expensive annotations. Moreover, core information can be present in either text or tables or across both. To close this gap in data availability and enable cross-modality IE, while alleviating labeling costs, we propose a semi-supervised pipeline for annotating entities in text, as well as entities and relations in tables, in an iterative procedure. Based on this pipeline, we release novel resources for the scientific community, including a high-quality benchmark, a large-scale corpus, and a semi-supervised annotation pipeline. We further report the performance of state-of-the-art IE models on the proposed benchmark dataset, as a baseline. Lastly, we explore the potential capability of large language models such as ChatGPT for the current task. Our new dataset, results, and analysis validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our semi-supervised pipeline, and we discuss its remaining limitations.

GEC-DePenD: Non-Autoregressive Grammatical Error Correction with Decoupled Permutation and Decoding. (arXiv:2311.08191v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Konstantin Yakovlev, Alexander Podolskiy, Andrey Bout, Sergey Nikolenko, Irina Piontkovskaya

Grammatical error correction (GEC) is an important NLP task that is currently usually solved with autoregressive sequence-to-sequence models. However, approaches of this class are inherently slow due to one-by-one token generation, so non-autoregressive alternatives are needed. In this work, we propose a novel non-autoregressive approach to GEC that decouples the architecture into a permutation network that outputs a self-attention weight matrix that can be used in beam search to find the best permutation of input tokens (with auxiliary {ins} tokens) and a decoder network based on a step-unrolled denoising autoencoder that fills in specific tokens. This allows us to find the token permutation after only one forward pass of the permutation network, avoiding autoregressive constructions. We show that the resulting network improves over previously known non-autoregressive methods for GEC and reaches the level of autoregressive methods that do not use language-specific synthetic data generation methods. Our results are supported by a comprehensive experimental validation on the ConLL-2014 and Write&Improve+LOCNESS datasets and an extensive ablation study that supports our architectural and algorithmic choices.

Automated Fact-Checking in Dialogue: Are Specialized Models Needed?. (arXiv:2311.08195v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Eric Chamoun, Marzieh Saeidi, Andreas Vlachos

Prior research has shown that typical fact-checking models for stand-alone claims struggle with claims made in dialogues. As a solution, fine-tuning these models on labelled dialogue data has been proposed. However, creating separate models for each use case is impractical, and we show that fine-tuning models for dialogue results in poor performance on typical fact-checking. To overcome this challenge, we present techniques that allow us to use the same models for both dialogue and typical fact-checking. These mainly focus on retrieval adaptation and transforming conversational inputs so that they can be accurately predicted by models trained on stand-alone claims. We demonstrate that a typical fact-checking model incorporating these techniques is competitive with state-of-the-art models fine-tuned for dialogue, while maintaining its accuracy on stand-alone claims.

Human-Centric Autonomous Systems With LLMs for User Command Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.08206v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yi Yang, Qingwen Zhang, Ci Li, Daniel Simões Marta, Nazre Batool, John Folkesson

The evolution of autonomous driving has made remarkable advancements in recent years, evolving into a tangible reality. However, a human-centric large-scale adoption hinges on meeting a variety of multifaceted requirements. To ensure that the autonomous system meets the user's intent, it is essential to accurately discern and interpret user commands, especially in complex or emergency situations. To this end, we propose to leverage the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to infer system requirements from in-cabin users' commands. Through a series of experiments that include different LLM models and prompt designs, we explore the few-shot multivariate binary classification accuracy of system requirements from natural language textual commands. We confirm the general ability of LLMs to understand and reason about prompts but underline that their effectiveness is conditioned on the quality of both the LLM model and the design of appropriate sequential prompts. Code and models are public with the link \url{https://github.com/KTH-RPL/DriveCmd_LLM}.

Unlock the Power: Competitive Distillation for Multi-Modal Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08213v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinwei Li, Li Lin, Shuai Wang, Chen Qian

Recently, multi-modal content generation has attracted lots of attention from researchers by investigating the utilization of visual instruction tuning based on large language models (LLMs). To enhance the performance and generalization ability of such LLMs, the practice of distilling knowledge from pretrained multi-modal models (a.k.a. teachers) to more compact multi-modal LLMs (students) has gained considerable interest. However, the prevailing paradigm of instructiontuning in multi-modal LLMs knowledge distillation is resource-intensive and unidirectional, neglecting the potential for mutual feedback between the student and teacher models. Thus, we propose an innovative Competitive Multi-modal Distillation framework (CoMD), which captures bidirectional feedback between teacher and student models and continually updates the multi-modal capabilities that the student model has learned. It comprises two stages: multi-modal pre-training and multi-modal competitive distillation. The first stage pre-trains the student model on a large number of filtered multi-modal datasets. The second stage facilitates a bidirectional knowledge transfer between the student and teacher models. Our experimental analysis of diverse datasets shows that our knowledge transfer method consistently improves the capabilities of the student model. Finally, the 7B-sized student model after four distillations surpassed the current state-of-the-art model LLaVA-13B on the ScienceQA and LLaVA Test dataset, also outperforms other strong baselines in the zero-shot setting.

Eval-GCSC: A New Metric for Evaluating ChatGPT's Performance in Chinese Spelling Correction. (arXiv:2311.08219v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kunting Li, Yong Hu, Shaolei Wang, Hanhan Ma, Liang He, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou

ChatGPT has demonstrated impressive performance in various downstream tasks. However, in the Chinese Spelling Correction (CSC) task, we observe a discrepancy: while ChatGPT performs well under human evaluation, it scores poorly according to traditional metrics. We believe this inconsistency arises because the traditional metrics are not well-suited for evaluating generative models. Their overly strict length and phonics constraints may lead to underestimating ChatGPT's correction capabilities. To better evaluate generative models in the CSC task, this paper proposes a new evaluation metric: Eval-GCSC. By incorporating word-level and semantic similarity judgments, it relaxes the stringent length and phonics constraints. Experimental results show that Eval-GCSC closely aligns with human evaluations. Under this metric, ChatGPT's performance is comparable to traditional token-level classification models (TCM), demonstrating its potential as a CSC tool. The source code and scripts can be accessed at https://github.com/ktlKTL/Eval-GCSC.

Investigating the Encoding of Words in BERT's Neurons using Feature Textualization. (arXiv:2311.08240v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tanja Baeumel, Soniya Vijayakumar, Josef van Genabith, Guenter Neumann, Simon Ostermann

Pretrained language models (PLMs) form the basis of most state-of-the-art NLP technologies. Nevertheless, they are essentially black boxes: Humans do not have a clear understanding of what knowledge is encoded in different parts of the models, especially in individual neurons. The situation is different in computer vision, where feature visualization provides a decompositional interpretability technique for neurons of vision models. Activation maximization is used to synthesize inherently interpretable visual representations of the information encoded in individual neurons. Our work is inspired by this but presents a cautionary tale on the interpretability of single neurons, based on the first large-scale attempt to adapt activation maximization to NLP, and, more specifically, large PLMs. We propose feature textualization, a technique to produce dense representations of neurons in the PLM word embedding space. We apply feature textualization to the BERT model (Devlin et al., 2019) to investigate whether the knowledge encoded in individual neurons can be interpreted and symbolized. We find that the produced representations can provide insights about the knowledge encoded in individual neurons, but that individual neurons do not represent clearcut symbolic units of language such as words. Additionally, we use feature textualization to investigate how many neurons are needed to encode words in BERT.

On Using Distribution-Based Compositionality Assessment to Evaluate Compositional Generalisation in Machine Translation. (arXiv:2311.08249v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Anssi Moisio, Mathias Creutz, Mikko Kurimo

Compositional generalisation (CG), in NLP and in machine learning more generally, has been assessed mostly using artificial datasets. It is important to develop benchmarks to assess CG also in real-world natural language tasks in order to understand the abilities and limitations of systems deployed in the wild. To this end, our GenBench Collaborative Benchmarking Task submission utilises the distribution-based compositionality assessment (DBCA) framework to split the Europarl translation corpus into a training and a test set in such a way that the test set requires compositional generalisation capacity. Specifically, the training and test sets have divergent distributions of dependency relations, testing NMT systems' capability of translating dependencies that they have not been trained on. This is a fully-automated procedure to create natural language compositionality benchmarks, making it simple and inexpensive to apply it further to other datasets and languages. The code and data for the experiments is available at https://github.com/aalto-speech/dbca.

REST: Retrieval-Based Speculative Decoding. (arXiv:2311.08252v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhenyu He, Zexuan Zhong, Tianle Cai, Jason D Lee, Di He

We introduce Retrieval-Based Speculative Decoding (REST), a novel algorithm designed to speed up language model generation. The key insight driving the development of REST is the observation that the process of text generation often includes certain common phases and patterns. Unlike previous methods that rely on a draft language model for speculative decoding, REST harnesses the power of retrieval to generate draft tokens. This method draws from the reservoir of existing knowledge, retrieving and employing relevant tokens based on the current context. Its plug-and-play nature allows for seamless integration and acceleration of any language models, all without necessitating additional training. When benchmarked on 7B and 13B language models in a single-batch setting, REST achieves a significant speedup of 1.62X to 2.36X on code or text generation. The code of REST is available at https://github.com/FasterDecoding/REST.

Fast Chain-of-Thought: A Glance of Future from Parallel Decoding Leads to Answers Faster. (arXiv:2311.08263v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hongxuan Zhang, Zhining Liu, Jiaqi Zheng, Chenyi Zhuang, Jinjie Gu, Guihai Chen

In this work, we propose FastCoT, a model-agnostic framework based on parallel decoding without any further training of an auxiliary model or modification to the LLM itself. FastCoT uses a size-varying context window whose size changes with position to conduct parallel decoding and auto-regressive decoding simultaneously, thus fully utilizing GPU computation resources. In FastCoT, the parallel decoding part provides the LLM with a quick glance of the future composed of approximate tokens, which could lead to faster answers compared to regular autoregressive decoding used by causal transformers. We also provide an implementation of parallel decoding within LLM, which supports KV-cache generation and batch processing. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that FastCoT saves inference time by nearly 20% with only a negligible performance drop compared to the regular approach. Additionally, we show that the context window size exhibits considerable robustness for different tasks.

A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing: Generalized Nested Jailbreak Prompts can Fool Large Language Models Easily. (arXiv:2311.08268v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Peng Ding, Jun Kuang, Dan Ma, Xuezhi Cao, Yunsen Xian, Jiajun Chen, Shujian Huang

Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, are designed to provide useful and safe responses. However, adversarial prompts known as 'jailbreaks' can circumvent safeguards, leading LLMs to generate harmful content. Exploring jailbreak prompts can help to better reveal the weaknesses of LLMs and further steer us to secure them. Unfortunately, existing jailbreak methods either suffer from intricate manual design or require optimization on another white-box model, compromising generalization or jailbreak efficiency. In this paper, we generalize jailbreak prompt attacks into two aspects: (1) Prompt Rewriting and (2) Scenario Nesting. Based on this, we propose ReNeLLM, an automatic framework that leverages LLMs themselves to generate effective jailbreak prompts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ReNeLLM significantly improves the attack success rate while greatly reducing the time cost compared to existing baselines. Our study also reveals the inadequacy of current defense methods in safeguarding LLMs. Finally, we offer detailed analysis and discussion from the perspective of prompt execution priority on the failure of LLMs' defense. We hope that our research can catalyze both the academic community and LLMs vendors towards the provision of safer and more regulated Large Language Models.

Examining Modularity in Multilingual LMs via Language-Specialized Subnetworks. (arXiv:2311.08273v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Rochelle Choenni, Ekaterina Shutova, Dan Garrette

Recent work has proposed explicitly inducing language-wise modularity in multilingual LMs via sparse fine-tuning (SFT) on per-language subnetworks as a means of better guiding cross-lingual sharing. In this work, we investigate (1) the degree to which language-wise modularity naturally arises within models with no special modularity interventions, and (2) how cross-lingual sharing and interference differ between such models and those with explicit SFT-guided subnetwork modularity. To quantify language specialization and cross-lingual interaction, we use a Training Data Attribution method that estimates the degree to which a model's predictions are influenced by in-language or cross-language training examples. Our results show that language-specialized subnetworks do naturally arise, and that SFT, rather than always increasing modularity, can decrease language specialization of subnetworks in favor of more cross-lingual sharing.

CogAlign: Learning to Align Textual Neural Representations to Cognitive Language Processing Signals. (arXiv:2106.05544v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuqi Ren, Deyi Xiong

Most previous studies integrate cognitive language processing signals (e.g., eye-tracking or EEG data) into neural models of natural language processing (NLP) just by directly concatenating word embeddings with cognitive features, ignoring the gap between the two modalities (i.e., textual vs. cognitive) and noise in cognitive features. In this paper, we propose a CogAlign approach to these issues, which learns to align textual neural representations to cognitive features. In CogAlign, we use a shared encoder equipped with a modality discriminator to alternatively encode textual and cognitive inputs to capture their differences and commonalities. Additionally, a text-aware attention mechanism is proposed to detect task-related information and to avoid using noise in cognitive features. Experimental results on three NLP tasks, namely named entity recognition, sentiment analysis and relation extraction, show that CogAlign achieves significant improvements with multiple cognitive features over state-of-the-art models on public datasets. Moreover, our model is able to transfer cognitive information to other datasets that do not have any cognitive processing signals.

ComCLIP: Training-Free Compositional Image and Text Matching. (arXiv:2211.13854v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kenan Jiang, Xuehai He, Ruize Xu, Xin Eric Wang

Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) has demonstrated great zero-shot performance for matching images and text. However, it is still challenging to adapt vision-lanaguage pretrained models like CLIP to compositional image and text matching -- a more challenging image and text matching task requiring the model understanding of compositional word concepts and visual components. Towards better compositional generalization in zero-shot image and text matching, in this paper, we study the problem from a causal perspective: the erroneous semantics of individual entities are essentially confounders that cause the matching failure. Therefore, we propose a novel \textbf{\textit{training-free}} compositional CLIP model (ComCLIP). ComCLIP disentangles input images into subjects, objects, and action sub-images and composes CLIP's vision encoder and text encoder to perform evolving matching over compositional text embedding and sub-image embeddings. In this way, ComCLIP can mitigate spurious correlations introduced by the pretrained CLIP models and dynamically evaluate the importance of each component. Experiments on four compositional image-text matching datasets: SVO, ComVG, Winoground, and VL-checklist, and two general image-text retrieval datasets: Flick30K, and MSCOCO demonstrate the effectiveness of our plug-and-play method, which boosts the \textbf{\textit{zero-shot}} inference ability of CLIP, SLIP, and BLIP2 even without further training or fine-tuning. Our codes can be found at https://github.com/eric-ai-lab/ComCLIP.

Simplifying and Understanding State Space Models with Diagonal Linear RNNs. (arXiv:2212.00768v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ankit Gupta, Harsh Mehta, Jonathan Berant

Sequence models based on linear state spaces (SSMs) have recently emerged as a promising choice of architecture for modeling long range dependencies across various modalities. However, they invariably rely on discretization of a continuous state space, which complicates their presentation and understanding. In this work, we dispose of the discretization step, and propose a model based on vanilla Diagonal Linear RNNs ($\mathrm{DLR}$). We empirically show that, despite being conceptually much simpler, $\mathrm{DLR}$ is as performant as previously-proposed SSMs on a variety of tasks and benchmarks including Long Range Arena and raw speech classification. Moreover, we characterize the expressivity of SSMs (including $\mathrm{DLR}$) and attention-based models via a suite of $13$ synthetic sequence-to-sequence tasks involving interactions over tens of thousands of tokens, ranging from simple operations, such as shifting an input sequence, to detecting co-dependent visual features over long spatial ranges in flattened images. We find that while SSMs report near-perfect performance on tasks that can be modeled via $\textit{few}$ convolutional kernels, they struggle on tasks requiring $\textit{many}$ such kernels and especially when the desired sequence manipulation is $\textit{context-dependent}$. Despite these limitations, $\mathrm{DLR}$ reaches high performance on two higher-order reasoning tasks $\mathrm{ListOpsSubTrees}$ and $\mathrm{PathfinderSegmentation}\text{-}\mathrm{256}$ with input lengths $8K$ and $65K$ respectively, and gives encouraging performance on $\mathrm{PathfinderSegmentation}\text{-}\mathrm{512}$ with input length $262K$ for which attention is not a viable choice.

Improved Beam Search for Hallucination Mitigation in Abstractive Summarization. (arXiv:2212.02712v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Arvind Krishna Sridhar, Erik Visser

Advancement in large pretrained language models has significantly improved their performance for conditional language generation tasks including summarization albeit with hallucinations. To reduce hallucinations, conventional methods proposed improving beam search or using a fact checker as a postprocessing step. In this paper, we investigate the use of the Natural Language Inference (NLI) entailment metric to detect and prevent hallucinations in summary generation. We propose an NLI-assisted beam re-ranking mechanism by computing entailment probability scores between the input context and summarization model-generated beams during saliency-enhanced greedy decoding. Moreover, a diversity metric is introduced to compare its effectiveness against vanilla beam search. Our proposed algorithm significantly outperforms vanilla beam decoding on XSum and CNN/DM datasets.

MOPRD: A multidisciplinary open peer review dataset. (arXiv:2212.04972v2 [cs.DL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jialiang Lin, Jiaxin Song, Zhangping Zhou, Yidong Chen, Xiaodong Shi

Open peer review is a growing trend in academic publications. Public access to peer review data can benefit both the academic and publishing communities. It also serves as a great support to studies on review comment generation and further to the realization of automated scholarly paper review. However, most of the existing peer review datasets do not provide data that cover the whole peer review process. Apart from this, their data are not diversified enough as the data are mainly collected from the field of computer science. These two drawbacks of the currently available peer review datasets need to be addressed to unlock more opportunities for related studies. In response, we construct MOPRD, a multidisciplinary open peer review dataset. This dataset consists of paper metadata, multiple version manuscripts, review comments, meta-reviews, author's rebuttal letters, and editorial decisions. Moreover, we propose a modular guided review comment generation method based on MOPRD. Experiments show that our method delivers better performance as indicated by both automatic metrics and human evaluation. We also explore other potential applications of MOPRD, including meta-review generation, editorial decision prediction, author rebuttal generation, and scientometric analysis. MOPRD is a strong endorsement for further studies in peer review-related research and other applications.

Consistency Analysis of ChatGPT. (arXiv:2303.06273v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Myeongjun Erik Jang, Thomas Lukasiewicz

ChatGPT has gained a huge popularity since its introduction. Its positive aspects have been reported through many media platforms, and some analyses even showed that ChatGPT achieved a decent grade in professional exams, adding extra support to the claim that AI can now assist and even replace humans in industrial fields. Others, however, doubt its reliability and trustworthiness. This paper investigates the trustworthiness of ChatGPT and GPT-4 regarding logically consistent behaviour, focusing specifically on semantic consistency and the properties of negation, symmetric, and transitive consistency. Our findings suggest that while both models appear to show an enhanced language understanding and reasoning ability, they still frequently fall short of generating logically consistent predictions. We also ascertain via experiments that prompt designing, few-shot learning and employing larger large language models (LLMs) are unlikely to be the ultimate solution to resolve the inconsistency issue of LLMs.

Larger Probes Tell a Different Story: Extending Psycholinguistic Datasets Via In-Context Learning. (arXiv:2303.16445v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Namrata Shivagunde, Vladislav Lialin, Anna Rumshisky

Language model probing is often used to test specific capabilities of models. However, conclusions from such studies may be limited when the probing benchmarks are small and lack statistical power. In this work, we introduce new, larger datasets for negation (NEG-1500-SIMP) and role reversal (ROLE-1500) inspired by psycholinguistic studies. We dramatically extend existing NEG-136 and ROLE-88 benchmarks using GPT3, increasing their size from 18 and 44 sentence pairs to 750 each. We also create another version of extended negation dataset (NEG-1500-SIMP-TEMP), created using template-based generation. It consists of 770 sentence pairs. We evaluate 22 models on the extended datasets, seeing model performance dip 20-57% compared to the original smaller benchmarks. We observe high levels of negation sensitivity in models like BERT and ALBERT demonstrating that previous findings might have been skewed due to smaller test sets. Finally, we observe that while GPT3 has generated all the examples in ROLE-1500 is only able to solve 24.6% of them during probing. The datasets and code are available on $\href{https://github.com/text-machine-lab/extending_psycholinguistic_dataset}{Github}$.

Context-Aware Semantic Similarity Measurement for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation. (arXiv:2305.03520v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jorge Martinez-Gil

The issue of word sense ambiguity poses a significant challenge in natural language processing due to the scarcity of annotated data to feed machine learning models to face the challenge. Therefore, unsupervised word sense disambiguation methods have been developed to overcome that challenge without relying on annotated data. This research proposes a new context-aware approach to unsupervised word sense disambiguation, which provides a flexible mechanism for incorporating contextual information into the similarity measurement process. We experiment with a popular benchmark dataset to evaluate the proposed strategy and compare its performance with state-of-the-art unsupervised word sense disambiguation techniques. The experimental results indicate that our approach substantially enhances disambiguation accuracy and surpasses the performance of several existing techniques. Our findings underscore the significance of integrating contextual information in semantic similarity measurements to manage word sense ambiguity in unsupervised scenarios effectively.

Scientific Opinion Summarization: Meta-review Generation with Checklist-guided Iterative Introspection. (arXiv:2305.14647v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qi Zeng, Mankeerat Sidhu, Hou Pong Chan, Lu Wang, Heng Ji

Opinions in the scientific domain can be divergent, leading to controversy or consensus among reviewers. However, current opinion summarization datasets mostly focus on product review domains, which do not account for this variability under the assumption that the input opinions are non-controversial. To address this gap, we propose the task of scientific opinion summarization, where research paper reviews are synthesized into meta-reviews. To facilitate this task, we introduce a new ORSUM dataset covering 10,989 paper meta-reviews and 40,903 paper reviews from 39 conferences. Furthermore, we propose the Checklist-guided Iterative Introspection (CGI$^2$) approach, which breaks down the task into several stages and iteratively refines the summary under the guidance of questions from a checklist. We conclude that (1) human-written summaries are not always reliable since many do not follow the guidelines, and (2) the combination of task decomposition and iterative self-refinement shows promising discussion involvement ability and can be applied to other complex text generation using black-box LLM.

Using Natural Language Explanations to Rescale Human Judgments. (arXiv:2305.14770v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Manya Wadhwa, Jifan Chen, Junyi Jessy Li, Greg Durrett

The rise of large language models (LLMs) has brought a critical need for high-quality human-labeled data, particularly for processes like human feedback and evaluation. A common practice is to label data via consensus annotation over crowdworker judgments. However, annotators' judgments for subjective tasks can differ in many ways: they may have different qualitative judgments about an example, and they may map those to a labeling scheme in different ways. We show that these nuances can be captured by natural language explanations, and propose a method to rescale ordinal annotations and explanations using LLMs. Specifically, we feed annotators' Likert ratings and corresponding explanations into an LLM and prompt it to produce a numeric score anchored in a scoring rubric. These scores should reflect the annotators' underlying assessments of the example. The rubric can be designed or modified after annotation, and include distinctions that may not have been known when the original error taxonomy was devised. We explore our technique in the context of rating system outputs for a document-grounded question answering task, where LLMs achieve near-human performance. Our method rescales the raw judgments without impacting agreement and brings the scores closer to human judgments grounded in the same scoring rubric.

Pre-training Intent-Aware Encoders for Zero- and Few-Shot Intent Classification. (arXiv:2305.14827v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Mujeen Sung, James Gung, Elman Mansimov, Nikolaos Pappas, Raphael Shu, Salvatore Romeo, Yi Zhang, Vittorio Castelli

Intent classification (IC) plays an important role in task-oriented dialogue systems. However, IC models often generalize poorly when training without sufficient annotated examples for each user intent. We propose a novel pre-training method for text encoders that uses contrastive learning with intent psuedo-labels to produce embeddings that are well-suited for IC tasks, reducing the need for manual annotations. By applying this pre-training strategy, we also introduce Pre-trained Intent-aware Encoder (PIE), which is designed to align encodings of utterances with their intent names. Specifically, we first train a tagger to identify key phrases within utterances that are crucial for interpreting intents. We then use these extracted phrases to create examples for pre-training a text encoder in a contrastive manner. As a result, our PIE model achieves up to 5.4% and 4.0% higher accuracy than the previous state-of-the-art text encoder for the N-way zero- and one-shot settings on four IC datasets.

Complementary and Integrative Health Lexicon (CIHLex) and Entity Recognition in the Literature. (arXiv:2305.17353v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Huixue Zhou, Robin Austin, Sheng-Chieh Lu, Greg Silverman, Yuqi Zhou, Halil Kilicoglu, Hua Xu, Rui Zhang

Objective: Our study aimed to construct an exhaustive Complementary and Integrative Health (CIH) Lexicon (CIHLex) to better represent the often underrepresented physical and psychological CIH approaches in standard terminologies. We also intended to apply advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) models such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) and GPT-3.5 Turbo for CIH named entity recognition, evaluating their performance against established models like MetaMap and CLAMP. Materials and Methods: We constructed the CIHLex by integrating various resources, compiling and integrating data from biomedical literature and relevant knowledge bases. The Lexicon encompasses 198 unique concepts with 1090 corresponding unique terms. We matched these concepts to the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS). Additionally, we developed and utilized BERT models and compared their efficiency in CIH named entity recognition to that of other models such as MetaMap, CLAMP, and GPT3.5-turbo. Results: From the 198 unique concepts in CIHLex, 62.1% could be matched to at least one term in the UMLS. Moreover, 75.7% of the mapped UMLS Concept Unique Identifiers (CUIs) were categorized as "Therapeutic or Preventive Procedure." Among the models applied to CIH named entity recognition, BLUEBERT delivered the highest macro average F1-score of 0.90, surpassing other models. Conclusion: Our CIHLex significantly augments representation of CIH approaches in biomedical literature. Demonstrating the utility of advanced NLP models, BERT notably excelled in CIH entity recognition. These results highlight promising strategies for enhancing standardization and recognition of CIH terminology in biomedical contexts.

Can Language Models Teach Weaker Agents? Teacher Explanations Improve Students via Personalization. (arXiv:2306.09299v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Swarnadeep Saha, Peter Hase, Mohit Bansal

A hallmark property of explainable AI models is the ability to teach other agents, communicating knowledge of how to perform a task. While Large Language Models perform complex reasoning by generating explanations for their predictions, it is unclear whether they also make good teachers for weaker agents. To address this, we consider a student-teacher framework between two LLM agents and study if, when, and how the teacher should intervene with natural language explanations to improve the student's performance. Since communication is expensive, we define a budget such that the teacher only communicates explanations for a fraction of the data, after which the student should perform well on its own. We decompose the teaching problem along four axes: (1) if teacher's test time intervention improve student predictions, (2) when it is worth explaining a data point, (3) how the teacher should personalize explanations to better teach the student, and (4) if teacher explanations also improve students on future unexplained data. We first show that teacher LLMs can indeed intervene on student reasoning to improve their performance. Next, inspired by the Theory of Mind abilities of effective teachers, we propose building two few-shot mental models of the student. The first model defines an Intervention Function that simulates the utility of an intervention, allowing the teacher to intervene when this utility is the highest and improving student performance at lower budgets. The second model enables the teacher to personalize explanations for a particular student and outperform unpersonalized teachers. We also demonstrate that in multi-turn interactions, teacher explanations generalize and learning from explained data improves student performance on future unexplained data. Finally, we verify that misaligned teachers can lower student performance to random chance by intentionally misleading them.

No Train No Gain: Revisiting Efficient Training Algorithms For Transformer-based Language Models. (arXiv:2307.06440v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jean Kaddour, Oscar Key, Piotr Nawrot, Pasquale Minervini, Matt J. Kusner

The computation necessary for training Transformer-based language models has skyrocketed in recent years. This trend has motivated research on efficient training algorithms designed to improve training, validation, and downstream performance faster than standard training. In this work, we revisit three categories of such algorithms: dynamic architectures (layer stacking, layer dropping), batch selection (selective backprop, RHO loss), and efficient optimizers (Lion, Sophia). When pre-training BERT and T5 with a fixed computation budget using such methods, we find that their training, validation, and downstream gains vanish compared to a baseline with a fully-decayed learning rate. We define an evaluation protocol that enables computation to be done on arbitrary machines by mapping all computation time to a reference machine which we call reference system time. We discuss the limitations of our proposed protocol and release our code to encourage rigorous research in efficient training procedures: https://github.com/JeanKaddour/NoTrainNoGain.

FinGPT: Democratizing Internet-scale Data for Financial Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.10485v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiao-Yang Liu, Guoxuan Wang, Hongyang Yang, Daochen Zha

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in understanding and generating human-like texts, which may potentially revolutionize the finance industry. However, existing LLMs often fall short in the financial field, which is mainly attributed to the disparities between general text data and financial text data. Unfortunately, there is only a limited number of financial text datasets available, and BloombergGPT, the first financial LLM (FinLLM), is close-sourced (only the training logs were released). In light of this, we aim to democratize Internet-scale financial data for LLMs, which is an open challenge due to diverse data sources, low signal-to-noise ratio, and high time-validity. To address the challenges, we introduce an open-sourced and data-centric framework, Financial Generative Pre-trained Transformer (FinGPT), that automates the collection and curation of real-time financial data from 34 diverse sources on the Internet, providing researchers and practitioners with accessible and transparent resources to develop their FinLLMs. Additionally, we propose a simple yet effective strategy for fine-tuning FinLLM using the inherent feedback from the market, dubbed Reinforcement Learning with Stock Prices (RLSP). We also adopt the Low-rank Adaptation (LoRA, QLoRA) method that enables users to customize their own FinLLMs from general-purpose LLMs at a low cost. Finally, we showcase several FinGPT applications, including robo-advisor, sentiment analysis for algorithmic trading, and low-code development. FinGPT aims to democratize FinLLMs, stimulate innovation, and unlock new opportunities in open finance. The codes have been open-sourced.

Learning Deductive Reasoning from Synthetic Corpus based on Formal Logic. (arXiv:2308.07336v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Terufumi Morishita, Gaku Morio, Atsuki Yamaguchi, Yasuhiro Sogawa

We study a synthetic corpus based approach for language models (LMs) to acquire logical deductive reasoning ability. The previous studies generated deduction examples using specific sets of deduction rules. However, these rules were limited or otherwise arbitrary, limiting the generalizability of acquired reasoning ability. We rethink this and adopt a well-grounded set of deduction rules based on formal logic theory, which can derive any other deduction rules when combined in a multistep way. Then, using the proposed corpora, which we name FLD (Formal Logic Deduction), we first evaluate and analyze the logical reasoning ability of the latest LLMs. Even GPT-4 can solve only half of the problems, suggesting that pure logical reasoning isolated from knowledge is still challenging for the LLMs, and additional training specialized in logical reasoning is indeed essential. We next empirically verify that LMs trained on FLD corpora acquire more generalizable reasoning ability. Furthermore, we identify the aspects of reasoning ability on which deduction corpora can enhance LMs and those on which they cannot, and discuss future directions on each aspect. The released corpora serve both as learning resources and as challenging benchmarks.

Analyzing Transformer Dynamics as Movement through Embedding Space. (arXiv:2308.10874v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sumeet S. Singh

Transformer based language models exhibit intelligent behaviors such as understanding natural language, recognizing patterns, acquiring knowledge, reasoning, planning, reflecting and using tools. This paper explores how their underlying mechanics give rise to intelligent behaviors. Towards that end, we propose framing Transformer dynamics as movement through embedding space. Examining Transformers through this perspective reveals key insights, establishing a Theory of Transformers: 1) Intelligent behaviours map to paths in Embedding Space which, the Transformer random-walks through during inferencing. 2) LM training learns a probability distribution over all possible paths. `Intelligence' is learnt by assigning higher probabilities to paths representing intelligent behaviors. No learning can take place in-context; context only narrows the subset of paths sampled during decoding. 5) The Transformer is a self-mapping composition function, folding a context sequence into a context-vector such that it's proximity to a token-vector reflects its co-occurrence and conditioned probability. Thus, the physical arrangement of vectors in Embedding Space determines path probabilities. 6) Context vectors are composed by aggregating features of the sequence's tokens via a process we call the encoding walk. Attention contributes a - potentially redundant - association-bias to this process. 7) This process is comprised of two principal operation types: filtering (data independent) and aggregation (data dependent). This generalization unifies Transformers with other sequence models. Building upon this foundation, we formalize a popular semantic interpretation of embeddings into a ``concept-space theory'' and find some evidence of it's validity.

Effective Long-Context Scaling of Foundation Models. (arXiv:2309.16039v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenhan Xiong, Jingyu Liu, Igor Molybog, Hejia Zhang, Prajjwal Bhargava, Rui Hou, Louis Martin, Rashi Rungta, Karthik Abinav Sankararaman, Barlas Oguz, Madian Khabsa, Han Fang, Yashar Mehdad, Sharan Narang, Kshitiz Malik, Angela Fan, Shruti Bhosale, Sergey Edunov, Mike Lewis, Sinong Wang, Hao Ma

We present a series of long-context LLMs that support effective context windows of up to 32,768 tokens. Our model series are built through continual pretraining from Llama 2 with longer training sequences and on a dataset where long texts are upsampled. We perform extensive evaluation on language modeling, synthetic context probing tasks, and a wide range of research benchmarks. On research benchmarks, our models achieve consistent improvements on most regular tasks and significant improvements on long-context tasks over Llama 2. Notably, with a cost-effective instruction tuning procedure that does not require human-annotated long instruction data, the 70B variant can already surpass gpt-3.5-turbo-16k's overall performance on a suite of long-context tasks. Alongside these results, we provide an in-depth analysis on the individual components of our method. We delve into Llama's position encodings and discuss its limitation in modeling long dependencies. We also examine the impact of various design choices in the pretraining process, including the data mix and the training curriculum of sequence lengths -- our ablation experiments suggest that having abundant long texts in the pretrain dataset is not the key to achieving strong performance, and we empirically verify that long context continual pretraining is more efficient and similarly effective compared to pretraining from scratch with long sequences.

LatticeGen: A Cooperative Framework which Hides Generated Text in a Lattice for Privacy-Aware Generation on Cloud. (arXiv:2309.17157v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Mengke Zhang, Tianxing He, Tianle Wang, Lu Mi, Fatemehsadat Mireshghallah, Binyi Chen, Hao Wang, Yulia Tsvetkov

In the current user-server interaction paradigm of prompted generation with large language models (LLM) on cloud, the server fully controls the generation process, which leaves zero options for users who want to keep the generated text to themselves. We propose LatticeGen, a cooperative framework in which the server still handles most of the computation while the user controls the sampling operation. The key idea is that the true generated sequence is mixed with noise tokens by the user and hidden in a noised lattice. Considering potential attacks from a hypothetically malicious server and how the user can defend against it, we propose the repeated beam-search attack and the mixing noise scheme. In our experiments we apply LatticeGen to protect both prompt and generation. It is shown that while the noised lattice degrades generation quality, LatticeGen successfully protects the true generation to a remarkable degree under strong attacks (more than 50% of the semantic remains hidden as measured by BERTScore).

Empowering Many, Biasing a Few: Generalist Credit Scoring through Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.00566v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Duanyu Feng, Yongfu Dai, Jimin Huang, Yifang Zhang, Qianqian Xie, Weiguang Han, Alejandro Lopez-Lira, Hao Wang

In the financial industry, credit scoring is a fundamental element, shaping access to credit and determining the terms of loans for individuals and businesses alike. Traditional credit scoring methods, however, often grapple with challenges such as narrow knowledge scope and isolated evaluation of credit tasks. Our work posits that Large Language Models (LLMs) have great potential for credit scoring tasks, with strong generalization ability across multiple tasks. To systematically explore LLMs for credit scoring, we propose the first open-source comprehensive framework. We curate a novel benchmark covering 9 datasets with 14K samples, tailored for credit assessment and a critical examination of potential biases within LLMs, and the novel instruction tuning data with over 45k samples. We then propose the first Credit and Risk Assessment Large Language Model (CALM) by instruction tuning, tailored to the nuanced demands of various financial risk assessment tasks. We evaluate CALM, and existing state-of-art (SOTA) open source and close source LLMs on the build benchmark. Our empirical results illuminate the capability of LLMs to not only match but surpass conventional models, pointing towards a future where credit scoring can be more inclusive, comprehensive, and unbiased. We contribute to the industry's transformation by sharing our pioneering instruction-tuning datasets, credit and risk assessment LLM, and benchmarks with the research community and the financial industry.

Ruffle&Riley: Towards the Automated Induction of Conversational Tutoring Systems. (arXiv:2310.01420v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Robin Schmucker, Meng Xia, Amos Azaria, Tom Mitchell

Conversational tutoring systems (CTSs) offer learning experiences driven by natural language interaction. They are known to promote high levels of cognitive engagement and benefit learning outcomes, particularly in reasoning tasks. Nonetheless, the time and cost required to author CTS content is a major obstacle to widespread adoption. In this paper, we introduce a novel type of CTS that leverages the recent advances in large language models (LLMs) in two ways: First, the system induces a tutoring script automatically from a lesson text. Second, the system automates the script orchestration via two LLM-based agents (Ruffle&Riley) with the roles of a student and a professor in a learning-by-teaching format. The system allows a free-form conversation that follows the ITS-typical inner and outer loop structure. In an initial between-subject online user study (N = 100) comparing Ruffle&Riley to simpler QA chatbots and reading activity, we found no significant differences in post-test scores. Nonetheless, in the learning experience survey, Ruffle&Riley users expressed higher ratings of understanding and remembering and further perceived the offered support as more helpful and the conversation as coherent. Our study provides insights for a new generation of scalable CTS technologies.

GenTKG: Generative Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graph. (arXiv:2310.07793v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruotong Liao, Xu Jia, Yunpu Ma, Volker Tresp

The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have ignited interest in the temporal knowledge graph (tKG) domain, where conventional carefully designed embedding-based and rule-based models dominate. The question remains open of whether pre-trained LLMs can understand structured temporal relational data and replace them as the foundation model for temporal relational forecasting. Therefore, we bring temporal knowledge forecasting into the generative setting. However, challenges occur in the huge chasms between complex temporal graph data structure and sequential natural expressions LLMs can handle, and between the enormous data sizes of tKGs and heavy computation costs of finetuning LLMs. To address these challenges, we propose a novel retrieval augmented generation framework that performs generative forecasting on tKGs named GenTKG, which combines a temporal logical rule-based retrieval strategy and lightweight parameter-efficient instruction tuning. Extensive experiments have shown that GenTKG outperforms conventional methods of temporal relational forecasting under low computation resources. GenTKG also highlights remarkable transferability with exceeding performance on unseen datasets without re-training. Our work reveals the huge potential of LLMs in the tKG domain and opens a new frontier for generative forecasting on tKGs.

PreWoMe: Exploiting Presuppositions as Working Memory for Long Form Question Answering. (arXiv:2310.16147v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Wookje Han, Jinsol Park, Kyungjae Lee

Information-seeking questions in long-form question answering (LFQA) often prove misleading due to ambiguity or false presupposition in the question. While many existing approaches handle misleading questions, they are tailored to limited questions, which are insufficient in a real-world setting with unpredictable input characteristics. In this work, we propose PreWoMe, a unified approach capable of handling any type of information-seeking question. The key idea of PreWoMe involves extracting presuppositions in the question and exploiting them as working memory to generate feedback and action about the question. Our experiment shows that PreWoMe is effective not only in tackling misleading questions but also in handling normal ones, thereby demonstrating the effectiveness of leveraging presuppositions, feedback, and action for real-world QA settings.

Improving Zero-shot Reader by Reducing Distractions from Irrelevant Documents in Open-Domain Question Answering. (arXiv:2310.17490v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sukmin Cho, Jeongyeon Seo, Soyeong Jeong, Jong C. Park

Large language models (LLMs) enable zero-shot approaches in open-domain question answering (ODQA), yet with limited advancements as the reader is compared to the retriever. This study aims at the feasibility of a zero-shot reader that addresses the challenges of computational cost and the need for labeled data. We find that LLMs are distracted due to irrelevant documents in the retrieved set and the overconfidence of the generated answers when they are exploited as zero-shot readers. To tackle these problems, we mitigate the impact of such documents via Distraction-aware Answer Selection (DAS) with a negation-based instruction and score adjustment for proper answer selection. Experimental results show that our approach successfully handles distraction across diverse scenarios, enhancing the performance of zero-shot readers. Furthermore, unlike supervised readers struggling with unseen data, zero-shot readers demonstrate outstanding transferability without any training.

Data-Centric Financial Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.17784v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhixuan Chu, Huaiyu Guo, Xinyuan Zhou, Yijia Wang, Fei Yu, Hong Chen, Wanqing Xu, Xin Lu, Qing Cui, Longfei Li, Jun Zhou, Sheng Li

Large language models (LLMs) show promise for natural language tasks but struggle when applied directly to complex domains like finance. LLMs have difficulty reasoning about and integrating all relevant information. We propose a data-centric approach to enable LLMs to better handle financial tasks. Our key insight is that rather than overloading the LLM with everything at once, it is more effective to preprocess and pre-understand the data. We create a financial LLM (FLLM) using multitask prompt-based finetuning to achieve data pre-processing and pre-understanding. However, labeled data is scarce for each task. To overcome manual annotation costs, we employ abductive augmentation reasoning (AAR) to automatically generate training data by modifying the pseudo labels from FLLM's own outputs. Experiments show our data-centric FLLM with AAR substantially outperforms baseline financial LLMs designed for raw text, achieving state-of-the-art on financial analysis and interpretation tasks. We also open source a new benchmark for financial analysis and interpretation. Our methodology provides a promising path to unlock LLMs' potential for complex real-world domains.

Unified Segment-to-Segment Framework for Simultaneous Sequence Generation. (arXiv:2310.17940v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng

Simultaneous sequence generation is a pivotal task for real-time scenarios, such as streaming speech recognition, simultaneous machine translation and simultaneous speech translation, where the target sequence is generated while receiving the source sequence. The crux of achieving high-quality generation with low latency lies in identifying the optimal moments for generating, accomplished by learning a mapping between the source and target sequences. However, existing methods often rely on task-specific heuristics for different sequence types, limiting the model's capacity to adaptively learn the source-target mapping and hindering the exploration of multi-task learning for various simultaneous tasks. In this paper, we propose a unified segment-to-segment framework (Seg2Seg) for simultaneous sequence generation, which learns the mapping in an adaptive and unified manner. During the process of simultaneous generation, the model alternates between waiting for a source segment and generating a target segment, making the segment serve as the natural bridge between the source and target. To accomplish this, Seg2Seg introduces a latent segment as the pivot between source to target and explores all potential source-target mappings via the proposed expectation training, thereby learning the optimal moments for generating. Experiments on multiple simultaneous generation tasks demonstrate that Seg2Seg achieves state-of-the-art performance and exhibits better generality across various tasks.

Improving Factual Consistency of Text Summarization by Adversarially Decoupling Comprehension and Embellishment Abilities of LLMs. (arXiv:2310.19347v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Huawen Feng, Yan Fan, Xiong Liu, Ting-En Lin, Zekun Yao, Yuchuan Wu, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li, Qianli Ma

Despite the recent progress in text summarization made by large language models (LLMs), they often generate summaries that are factually inconsistent with original articles, known as "hallucinations" in text generation. Unlike previous small models (e.g., BART, T5), current LLMs make fewer silly mistakes but more sophisticated ones, such as imposing cause and effect, adding false details, overgeneralizing, etc. These hallucinations are challenging to detect through traditional methods, which poses great challenges for improving the factual consistency of text summarization. In this paper, we propose an adversarially DEcoupling method to disentangle the Comprehension and EmbellishmeNT abilities of LLMs (DECENT). Furthermore, we adopt a probing-based efficient training to cover the shortage of sensitivity for true and false in the training process of LLMs. In this way, LLMs are less confused about embellishing and understanding; thus, they can execute the instructions more accurately and have enhanced abilities to distinguish hallucinations. Experimental results show that DECENT significantly improves the reliability of text summarization based on LLMs.

FollowBench: A Multi-level Fine-grained Constraints Following Benchmark for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.20410v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuxin Jiang, Yufei Wang, Xingshan Zeng, Wanjun Zhong, Liangyou Li, Fei Mi, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu, Wei Wang

The ability to follow instructions is crucial for Large Language Models (LLMs) to handle various real-world applications. Existing benchmarks primarily focus on evaluating pure response quality, rather than assessing whether the response follows constraints stated in the instruction. To fill this research gap, in this paper, we propose FollowBench, a Multi-level Fine-grained Constraints Following Benchmark for LLMs. FollowBench comprehensively includes five different types (i.e., Content, Situation, Style, Format, and Example) of fine-grained constraints. To enable a precise constraint following estimation on diverse difficulties, we introduce a Multi-level mechanism that incrementally adds a single constraint to the initial instruction at each increased level. To assess whether LLMs' outputs have satisfied every individual constraint, we propose to prompt strong LLMs with constraint-evolution paths to handle challenging open-ended instructions. By evaluating ten closed-source and open-source popular LLMs on FollowBench, we highlight the weaknesses of LLMs in instruction following and point towards potential avenues for future work. The data and code are publicly available at https://github.com/YJiangcm/FollowBench.

Learning From Mistakes Makes LLM Better Reasoner. (arXiv:2310.20689v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shengnan An, Zexiong Ma, Zeqi Lin, Nanning Zheng, Jian-Guang Lou, Weizhu Chen

Large language models (LLMs) recently exhibited remarkable reasoning capabilities on solving math problems. To further improve this capability, this work proposes Learning from Mistakes (LeMa), akin to human learning processes. Consider a human student who failed to solve a math problem, he will learn from what mistake he has made and how to correct it. Mimicking this error-driven learning process, LeMa fine-tunes LLMs on mistake-correction data pairs generated by GPT-4. Specifically, we first collect inaccurate reasoning paths from various LLMs and then employ GPT-4 as a "corrector" to (1) identify the mistake step, (2) explain the reason for the mistake, and (3) correct the mistake and generate the final answer. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of LeMa: across five backbone LLMs and two mathematical reasoning tasks, LeMa consistently improves the performance compared with fine-tuning on CoT data alone. Impressively, LeMa can also benefit specialized LLMs such as WizardMath and MetaMath, achieving 85.4% pass@1 accuracy on GSM8K and 27.1% on MATH. This surpasses the SOTA performance achieved by non-execution open-source models on these challenging tasks. Our code, data and models will be publicly available at https://github.com/microsoft/LEMA.

ChipNeMo: Domain-Adapted LLMs for Chip Design. (arXiv:2311.00176v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingjie Liu, Teodor-Dumitru Ene, Robert Kirby, Chris Cheng, Nathaniel Pinckney, Rongjian Liang, Jonah Alben, Himyanshu Anand, Sanmitra Banerjee, Ismet Bayraktaroglu, Bonita Bhaskaran, Bryan Catanzaro, Arjun Chaudhuri, Sharon Clay, Bill Dally, Laura Dang, Parikshit Deshpande, Siddhanth Dhodhi, Sameer Halepete, Eric Hill, Jiashang Hu, Sumit Jain, Brucek Khailany, Kishor Kunal, Xiaowei Li, Hao Liu, Stuart Oberman, Sujeet Omar, Sreedhar Pratty, Jonathan Raiman, Ambar Sarkar, Zhengjiang Shao, Hanfei Sun, Pratik P Suthar, Varun Tej, Kaizhe Xu, Haoxing Ren

ChipNeMo aims to explore the applications of large language models (LLMs) for industrial chip design. Instead of directly deploying off-the-shelf commercial or open-source LLMs, we instead adopt the following domain adaptation techniques: custom tokenizers, domain-adaptive continued pretraining, supervised fine-tuning (SFT) with domain-specific instructions, and domain-adapted retrieval models. We evaluate these methods on three selected LLM applications for chip design: an engineering assistant chatbot, EDA script generation, and bug summarization and analysis. Our results show that these domain adaptation techniques enable significant LLM performance improvements over general-purpose base models across the three evaluated applications, enabling up to 5x model size reduction with similar or better performance on a range of design tasks. Our findings also indicate that there's still room for improvement between our current results and ideal outcomes. We believe that further investigation of domain-adapted LLM approaches will help close this gap in the future.

TEAL: Tokenize and Embed ALL for Multi-modal Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.04589v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Yang, Yingxue Zhang, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou

Despite Multi-modal Large Language Models (MM-LLMs) have made exciting strides recently, they are still struggling to efficiently model the interactions among multi-modal inputs and the generation in non-textual modalities. In this work, we propose TEAL (Tokenize and Embed ALl)}, an approach to treat the input from any modality as a token sequence and learn a joint embedding space for all modalities. Specifically, for the input from any modality, TEAL first discretizes it into a token sequence with the off-the-shelf tokenizer and embeds the token sequence into a joint embedding space with a learnable embedding matrix. MM-LLMs just need to predict the multi-modal tokens autoregressively as the textual LLMs do. Finally, the corresponding de-tokenizer is applied to generate the output in each modality based on the predicted token sequence. With the joint embedding space, TEAL enables the frozen LLMs to perform both understanding and generation tasks involving non-textual modalities, such as image and audio. Thus, the textual LLM can just work as an interface and maintain its high performance in textual understanding and generation. Experiments show that TEAL achieves substantial improvements in multi-modal understanding, and implements a simple scheme for multi-modal generations.

Fake Alignment: Are LLMs Really Aligned Well?. (arXiv:2311.05915v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yixu Wang, Yan Teng, Kexin Huang, Chengqi Lyu, Songyang Zhang, Wenwei Zhang, Xingjun Ma, Yu-Gang Jiang, Yu Qiao, Yingchun Wang

The growing awareness of safety concerns in large language models (LLMs) has sparked considerable interest in the evaluation of safety within current research endeavors. This study investigates an interesting issue pertaining to the evaluation of LLMs, namely the substantial discrepancy in performance between multiple-choice questions and open-ended questions. Inspired by research on jailbreak attack patterns, we argue this is caused by mismatched generalization. That is, the LLM does not have a comprehensive understanding of the complex concept of safety. Instead, it only remembers what to answer for open-ended safety questions, which makes it unable to solve other forms of safety tests. We refer to this phenomenon as fake alignment and construct a comparative benchmark to empirically verify its existence in LLMs. Such fake alignment renders previous evaluation protocols unreliable. To address this, we introduce the Fake alIgNment Evaluation (FINE) framework and two novel metrics--Consistency Score (CS) and Consistent Safety Score (CSS), which jointly assess two complementary forms of evaluation to quantify fake alignment and obtain corrected performance estimates. Applying FINE to 14 widely-used LLMs reveals several models with purported safety are poorly aligned in practice. Our work highlights potential limitations in prevailing alignment methodologies.

Autoregressive Language Models For Estimating the Entropy of Epic EHR Audit Logs. (arXiv:2311.06401v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Benjamin C. Warner, Thomas Kannampallil, Seunghwan Kim

EHR audit logs are a highly granular stream of events that capture clinician activities, and is a significant area of interest for research in characterizing clinician workflow on the electronic health record (EHR). Existing techniques to measure the complexity of workflow through EHR audit logs (audit logs) involve time- or frequency-based cross-sectional aggregations that are unable to capture the full complexity of a EHR session. We briefly evaluate the usage of transformer-based tabular language model (tabular LM) in measuring the entropy or disorderedness of action sequences within workflow and release the evaluated models publicly.

DocGen: Generating Detailed Parameter Docstrings in Python. (arXiv:2311.06453v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Vatsal Venkatkrishna, Durga Shree Nagabushanam, Emmanuel Iko-Ojo Simon, Melina Vidoni

Documentation debt hinders the effective utilization of open-source software. Although code summarization tools have been helpful for developers, most would prefer a detailed account of each parameter in a function rather than a high-level summary. However, generating such a summary is too intricate for a single generative model to produce reliably due to the lack of high-quality training data. Thus, we propose a multi-step approach that combines multiple task-specific models, each adept at producing a specific section of a docstring. The combination of these models ensures the inclusion of each section in the final docstring. We compared the results from our approach with existing generative models using both automatic metrics and a human-centred evaluation with 17 participating developers, which proves the superiority of our approach over existing methods.

Step by Step to Fairness: Attributing Societal Bias in Task-oriented Dialogue Systems. (arXiv:2311.06513v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hsuan Su, Rebecca Qian, Chinnadhurai Sankar, Shahin Shayandeh, Shang-Tse Chen, Hung-yi Lee, Daniel M. Bikel

Recent works have shown considerable improvements in task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems by utilizing pretrained large language models (LLMs) in an end-to-end manner. However, the biased behavior of each component in a TOD system and the error propagation issue in the end-to-end framework can lead to seriously biased TOD responses. Existing works of fairness only focus on the total bias of a system. In this paper, we propose a diagnosis method to attribute bias to each component of a TOD system. With the proposed attribution method, we can gain a deeper understanding of the sources of bias. Additionally, researchers can mitigate biased model behavior at a more granular level. We conduct experiments to attribute the TOD system's bias toward three demographic axes: gender, age, and race. Experimental results show that the bias of a TOD system usually comes from the response generation model.

From Classification to Generation: Insights into Crosslingual Retrieval Augmented ICL. (arXiv:2311.06595v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaoqian Li, Ercong Nie, Sheng Liang

The remarkable ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to understand and follow instructions has sometimes been limited by their in-context learning (ICL) performance in low-resource languages. To address this, we introduce a novel approach that leverages cross-lingual retrieval-augmented in-context learning (CREA-ICL). By extracting semantically similar prompts from high-resource languages, we aim to improve the zero-shot performance of multilingual pre-trained language models (MPLMs) across diverse tasks. Though our approach yields steady improvements in classification tasks, it faces challenges in generation tasks. Our evaluation offers insights into the performance dynamics of retrieval-augmented in-context learning across both classification and generation domains.

On the Effectiveness of ASR Representations in Real-world Noisy Speech Emotion Recognition. (arXiv:2311.07093v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaohan Shi, Jiajun He, Xingfeng Li, Tomoki Toda

This paper proposes an efficient attempt to noisy speech emotion recognition (NSER). Conventional NSER approaches have proven effective in mitigating the impact of artificial noise sources, such as white Gaussian noise, but are limited to non-stationary noises in real-world environments due to their complexity and uncertainty. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a new method for NSER by adopting the automatic speech recognition (ASR) model as a noise-robust feature extractor to eliminate non-vocal information in noisy speech. We first obtain intermediate layer information from the ASR model as a feature representation for emotional speech and then apply this representation for the downstream NSER task. Our experimental results show that 1) the proposed method achieves better NSER performance compared with the conventional noise reduction method, 2) outperforms self-supervised learning approaches, and 3) even outperforms text-based approaches using ASR transcription or the ground truth transcription of noisy speech.

Volcano: Mitigating Multimodal Hallucination through Self-Feedback Guided Revision. (arXiv:2311.07362v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Seongyun Lee, Sue Hyun Park, Yongrae Jo, Minjoon Seo

Large multimodal models (LMMs) suffer from multimodal hallucination, where they provide incorrect responses misaligned with the given visual information. Recent works have conjectured that one of the reasons behind multimodal hallucination might be due to the vision encoder failing to ground on the image properly. To mitigate this issue, we propose a novel approach that leverages self-feedback as visual cues. Building on this approach, we introduce Volcano, a multimodal self-feedback guided revision model. Volcano generates natural language feedback to its initial response based on the provided visual information and utilizes this feedback to self-revise its initial response. Volcano effectively reduces multimodal hallucination and achieves state-of-the-art on MMHal-Bench, POPE, and GAVIE. It also improves on general multimodal abilities and outperforms previous models on MM-Vet and MMBench. Through a qualitative analysis, we show that Volcano's feedback is properly grounded on the image than the initial response. This indicates that Volcano can provide itself with richer visual information, helping alleviate multimodal hallucination. We publicly release Volcano models of 7B and 13B sizes along with the data and code at https://github.com/kaistAI/Volcano.

Investigating Multi-Pivot Ensembling with Massively Multilingual Machine Translation Models. (arXiv:2311.07439v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Alireza Mohammadshahi, Jannis Vamvas, Rico Sennrich

Massively multilingual machine translation models allow for the translation of a large number of languages with a single model, but have limited performance on low- and very-low-resource translation directions. Pivoting via high-resource languages remains a strong strategy for low-resource directions, and in this paper we revisit ways of pivoting through multiple languages. Previous work has used a simple averaging of probability distributions from multiple paths, but we find that this performs worse than using a single pivot, and exacerbates the hallucination problem because the same hallucinations can be probable across different paths. As an alternative, we propose MaxEns, a combination strategy that is biased towards the most confident predictions, hypothesising that confident predictions are less prone to be hallucinations. We evaluate different strategies on the FLORES benchmark for 20 low-resource language directions, demonstrating that MaxEns improves translation quality for low-resource languages while reducing hallucination in translations, compared to both direct translation and an averaging approach. On average, multi-pivot strategies still lag behind using English as a single pivot language, raising the question of how to identify the best pivoting strategy for a given translation direction.