UNcommonsense Reasoning: Abductive Reasoning about Uncommon Situations. (arXiv:2311.08469v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wenting Zhao, Justin T Chiu, Jena D. Hwang, Faeze Brahman, Jack Hessel, Sanjiban Choudhury, Yejin Choi, Xiang Lorraine Li, Alane Suhr

Language technologies that accurately model the dynamics of events must perform commonsense reasoning. Existing work evaluating commonsense reasoning focuses on making inferences about common, everyday situations. To instead investigate the ability to model unusual, unexpected, and unlikely situations, we explore the task of uncommonsense abductive reasoning. Given a piece of context with an unexpected outcome, this task requires reasoning abductively to generate a natural language explanation that makes the unexpected outcome more likely in the context. To this end, we curate and release a new English language corpus called UNcommonsense. We characterize the differences between the performance of human explainers and the best performing large language models, finding that model-enhanced human-written explanations achieve the highest quality by trading off between specificity and diversity. Finally, we experiment with several online imitation learning algorithms to train open and accessible language models on this task. When compared with the vanilla supervised fine-tuning approach, these methods consistently reduce lose rates on both common and uncommonsense abductive reasoning judged by human evaluators.

Selecting Shots for Demographic Fairness in Few-Shot Learning with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08472v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Carlos Aguirre, Kuleen Sasse, Isabel Cachola, Mark Dredze

Recently, work in NLP has shifted to few-shot (in-context) learning, with large language models (LLMs) performing well across a range of tasks. However, while fairness evaluations have become a standard for supervised methods, little is known about the fairness of LLMs as prediction systems. Further, common standard methods for fairness involve access to models weights or are applied during finetuning, which are not applicable in few-shot learning. Do LLMs exhibit prediction biases when used for standard NLP tasks? In this work, we explore the effect of shots, which directly affect the performance of models, on the fairness of LLMs as NLP classification systems. We consider how different shot selection strategies, both existing and new demographically sensitive methods, affect model fairness across three standard fairness datasets. We discuss how future work can include LLM fairness evaluations.

Functionality learning through specification instructions. (arXiv:2311.08481v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pedro Henrique Luz de Araujo, Benjamin Roth

Test suites assess natural language processing models' performance on specific functionalities: cases of interest involving model robustness, fairness, or particular linguistic capabilities. They enable fine-grained evaluations of model aspects that would otherwise go unnoticed in standard evaluation datasets, but they do not address the problem of how to fix the failure cases. Previous work has explored functionality learning by fine-tuning models on suite data. While this improves performance on seen functionalities, it often does not generalize to unseen ones and can harm general performance.

This paper analyses a fine-tuning-free approach to functionality learning. For each functionality in a suite, we generate a specification instruction that encodes it. We combine the obtained specification instructions to create specification-augmented prompts, which we feed to language models pre-trained on natural instruction data to generate suite predictions. A core aspect of our analysis is to measure the effect that including a set of specifications has on a held-out set of unseen, qualitatively different specifications. Our experiments across four tasks and models ranging from 80M to 175B parameters show that smaller models struggle to follow specification instructions. However, larger models (> 3B params.) can benefit from specifications and even generalize desirable behaviors across functionalities.

Alignment is not sufficient to prevent large language models from generating harmful information: A psychoanalytic perspective. (arXiv:2311.08487v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zi Yin, Wei Ding, Jia Liu

Large Language Models (LLMs) are central to a multitude of applications but struggle with significant risks, notably in generating harmful content and biases. Drawing an analogy to the human psyche's conflict between evolutionary survival instincts and societal norm adherence elucidated in Freud's psychoanalysis theory, we argue that LLMs suffer a similar fundamental conflict, arising between their inherent desire for syntactic and semantic continuity, established during the pre-training phase, and the post-training alignment with human values. This conflict renders LLMs vulnerable to adversarial attacks, wherein intensifying the models' desire for continuity can circumvent alignment efforts, resulting in the generation of harmful information. Through a series of experiments, we first validated the existence of the desire for continuity in LLMs, and further devised a straightforward yet powerful technique, such as incomplete sentences, negative priming, and cognitive dissonance scenarios, to demonstrate that even advanced LLMs struggle to prevent the generation of harmful information. In summary, our study uncovers the root of LLMs' vulnerabilities to adversarial attacks, hereby questioning the efficacy of solely relying on sophisticated alignment methods, and further advocates for a new training idea that integrates modal concepts alongside traditional amodal concepts, aiming to endow LLMs with a more nuanced understanding of real-world contexts and ethical considerations.

Semi-Structured Chain-of-Thought: Integrating Multiple Sources of Knowledge for Improved Language Model Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.08505v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xin Su, Tiep Le, Steven Bethard, Phillip Howard

An important open question pertaining to the use of large language models for knowledge-intensive tasks is how to effectively integrate knowledge from three sources: the model's parametric memory, external structured knowledge, and external unstructured knowledge. Most existing prompting methods either rely solely on one or two of these sources, or require repeatedly invoking large language models to generate similar or identical content. In this work, we overcome these limitations by introducing a novel semi-structured prompting approach that seamlessly integrates the model's parametric memory with unstructured knowledge from text documents and structured knowledge from knowledge graphs. Experimental results on open-domain multi-hop question answering datasets demonstrate that our prompting method significantly surpasses existing techniques, even exceeding those which require fine-tuning.

CoRE-CoG: Conversational Recommendation of Entities using Constrained Generation. (arXiv:2311.08511v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Harshvardhan Srivastava, Kanav Pruthi, Soumen Chakrabarti, Mausam

End-to-end conversational recommendation systems (CRS) generate responses by leveraging both dialog history and a knowledge base (KB). A CRS mainly faces three key challenges: (1) at each turn, it must decide if recommending a KB entity is appropriate; if so, it must identify the most relevant KB entity to recommend; and finally, it must recommend the entity in a fluent utterance that is consistent with the conversation history. Recent CRSs do not pay sufficient attention to these desiderata, often generating unfluent responses or not recommending (relevant) entities at the right turn. We introduce a new CRS we call CoRE-CoG. CoRE-CoG addresses the limitations in prior systems by implementing (1) a recommendation trigger that decides if the system utterance should include an entity, (2) a type pruning module that improves the relevance of recommended entities, and (3) a novel constrained response generator to make recommendations while maintaining fluency. Together, these modules ensure simultaneous accurate recommendation decisions and fluent system utterances. Experiments with recent benchmarks show the superiority particularly on conditional generation sub-tasks with close to 10 F1 and 4 Recall@1 percent points gain over baselines.

LLMs cannot find reasoning errors, but can correct them!. (arXiv:2311.08516v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Gladys Tyen, Hassan Mansoor, Peter Chen, Tony Mak, Victor Cărbune

While self-correction has shown promise in improving LLM outputs in terms of style and quality (e.g. Chen et al., 2023; Madaan et al., 2023), recent attempts to self-correct logical or reasoning errors often cause correct answers to become incorrect, resulting in worse performances overall (Huang et al., 2023). In this paper, we break down the self-correction process into two core components: mistake finding and output correction. For mistake finding, we release BIG-Bench Mistake, a dataset of logical mistakes in Chain-of-Thought reasoning traces. We provide benchmark numbers for several state-of-the-art LLMs, and demonstrate that LLMs generally struggle with finding logical mistakes. For output correction, we propose a backtracking method which provides large improvements when given information on mistake location. We construe backtracking as a lightweight alternative to reinforcement learning methods, and show that it remains effective with a reward model at 60-70% accuracy.

GLiNER: Generalist Model for Named Entity Recognition using Bidirectional Transformer. (arXiv:2311.08526v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Urchade Zaratiana, Nadi Tomeh, Pierre Holat, Thierry Charnois

Named Entity Recognition (NER) is essential in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications. Traditional NER models are effective but limited to a set of predefined entity types. In contrast, Large Language Models (LLMs) can extract arbitrary entities through natural language instructions, offering greater flexibility. However, their size and cost, particularly for those accessed via APIs like ChatGPT, make them impractical in resource-limited scenarios. In this paper, we introduce a compact NER model trained to identify any type of entity. Leveraging a bidirectional transformer encoder, our model, GLiNER, facilitates parallel entity extraction, an advantage over the slow sequential token generation of LLMs. Through comprehensive testing, GLiNER demonstrate strong performance, outperforming both ChatGPT and fine-tuned LLMs in zero-shot evaluations on various NER benchmarks.

Natural Language Processing for Financial Regulation. (arXiv:2311.08533v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ixandra Achitouv, Dragos Gorduza, Antoine Jacquier

This article provides an understanding of Natural Language Processing techniques in the framework of financial regulation, more specifically in order to perform semantic matching search between rules and policy when no dataset is available for supervised learning. We outline how to outperform simple pre-trained sentences-transformer models using freely available resources and explain the mathematical concepts behind the key building blocks of Natural Language Processing.

Extending Multilingual Machine Translation through Imitation Learning. (arXiv:2311.08538v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wen Lai, Viktor Hangya, Alexander Fraser

Despite the growing variety of languages supported by existing multilingual neural machine translation (MNMT) models, most of the world's languages are still being left behind. We aim to extend large-scale MNMT models to a new language, allowing for translation between the newly added and all of the already supported languages in a challenging scenario: using only a parallel corpus between the new language and English. Previous approaches, such as continued training on parallel data including the new language, suffer from catastrophic forgetting (i.e., performance on other languages is reduced). Our novel approach Imit-MNMT treats the task as an imitation learning process, which mimicks the behavior of an expert, a technique widely used in the computer vision area, but not well explored in NLP. More specifically, we construct a pseudo multi-parallel corpus of the new and the original languages by pivoting through English, and imitate the output distribution of the original MNMT model. Extensive experiments show that our approach significantly improves the translation performance between the new and the original languages, without severe catastrophic forgetting. We also demonstrate that our approach is capable of solving copy and off-target problems, which are two common issues existence in current large-scale MNMT models.

Efficient Continual Pre-training for Building Domain Specific Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08545v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yong Xie, Karan Aggarwal, Aitzaz Ahmad

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable open-domain capabilities. Traditionally, LLMs tailored for a domain are trained from scratch to excel at handling domain-specific tasks. In this work, we explore an alternative strategy of continual pre-training as a means to develop domain-specific LLMs. We introduce FinPythia-6.9B, developed through domain-adaptive continual pre-training on the financial domain. Continual pre-trained FinPythia showcases consistent improvements on financial tasks over the original foundational model. We further explore simple but effective data selection strategies for continual pre-training. Our data selection strategies outperforms vanilla continual pre-training's performance with just 10% of corpus size and cost, without any degradation on open-domain standard tasks. Our work proposes an alternative solution to building domain-specific LLMs from scratch in a cost-effective manner.

UT5: Pretraining Non autoregressive T5 with unrolled denoising. (arXiv:2311.08552v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mahmoud G. Salem, Jiayu Ye, Chu-Cheng Lin, Frederick Liu

Recent advances in Transformer-based Large Language Models have made great strides in natural language generation. However, to decode K tokens, an autoregressive model needs K sequential forward passes, which may be a performance bottleneck for large language models. Many non-autoregressive (NAR) research are aiming to address this sequentiality bottleneck, albeit many have focused on a dedicated architecture in supervised benchmarks. In this work, we studied unsupervised pretraining for non auto-regressive T5 models via unrolled denoising and shown its SoTA results in downstream generation tasks such as SQuAD question generation and XSum.

MAgIC: Benchmarking Large Language Model Powered Multi-Agent in Cognition, Adaptability, Rationality and Collaboration. (arXiv:2311.08562v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lin Xu, Zhiyuan Hu, Daquan Zhou, Hongyu Ren, Zhen Dong, Kurt Keutzer, See Kiong Ng, Jiashi Feng

Large Language Models (LLMs) have marked a significant advancement in the field of natural language processing, demonstrating exceptional capabilities in reasoning, tool usage, and memory. As their applications extend into multi-agent environments, a need has arisen for a comprehensive evaluation framework that captures their abilities in reasoning, planning, collaboration, and more. This work introduces a novel benchmarking framework specifically tailored to assess LLMs within multi-agent settings, providing quantitative metrics to evaluate their judgment, reasoning, deception, self-awareness, collaboration, coordination, and rationality. We utilize games such as Chameleon and Undercover, alongside game theory scenarios like Cost Sharing, Multi-player Prisoner's Dilemma, and Public Good, to create diverse testing environments. Our framework is fortified with the Probabilistic Graphical Modeling (PGM) method, enhancing the LLMs' capabilities in navigating complex social and cognitive dimensions. The benchmark evaluates seven multi-agent systems powered by different LLMs, quantitatively highlighting a significant capability gap over threefold between the strongest, GPT-4, and the weakest, Llama-2-70B. It also confirms that our PGM enhancement boosts the inherent abilities of all selected models by 50% on average. Our codes are released here https://github.com/cathyxl/MAgIC.

Parameter-Efficient Multilingual Summarisation: An Empirical Study. (arXiv:2311.08572v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chenxi Whitehouse, Fantine Huot, Jasmijn Bastings, Mostafa Dehghani, Chu-Cheng Lin, Mirella Lapata

With the increasing prevalence of Large Language Models, traditional full fine-tuning approaches face growing challenges, especially in memory-intensive tasks. This paper investigates the potential of Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning, focusing on Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), for complex and under-explored multilingual summarisation tasks. We conduct an extensive study across different data availability scenarios, including full-data, low-data, and cross-lingual transfer, leveraging models of different sizes. Our findings reveal that LoRA lags behind full fine-tuning when trained with full data, however, it excels in low-data scenarios and cross-lingual transfer. Interestingly, as models scale up, the performance gap between LoRA and full fine-tuning diminishes. Additionally, we investigate effective strategies for few-shot cross-lingual transfer, finding that continued LoRA tuning achieves the best performance compared to both full fine-tuning and dynamic composition of language-specific LoRA modules.

Towards Evaluating AI Systems for Moral Status Using Self-Reports. (arXiv:2311.08576v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ethan Perez, Robert Long

As AI systems become more advanced and widely deployed, there will likely be increasing debate over whether AI systems could have conscious experiences, desires, or other states of potential moral significance. It is important to inform these discussions with empirical evidence to the extent possible. We argue that under the right circumstances, self-reports, or an AI system's statements about its own internal states, could provide an avenue for investigating whether AI systems have states of moral significance. Self-reports are the main way such states are assessed in humans ("Are you in pain?"), but self-reports from current systems like large language models are spurious for many reasons (e.g. often just reflecting what humans would say). To make self-reports more appropriate for this purpose, we propose to train models to answer many kinds of questions about themselves with known answers, while avoiding or limiting training incentives that bias self-reports. The hope of this approach is that models will develop introspection-like capabilities, and that these capabilities will generalize to questions about states of moral significance. We then propose methods for assessing the extent to which these techniques have succeeded: evaluating self-report consistency across contexts and between similar models, measuring the confidence and resilience of models' self-reports, and using interpretability to corroborate self-reports. We also discuss challenges for our approach, from philosophical difficulties in interpreting self-reports to technical reasons why our proposal might fail. We hope our discussion inspires philosophers and AI researchers to criticize and improve our proposed methodology, as well as to run experiments to test whether self-reports can be made reliable enough to provide information about states of moral significance.

Graph-Induced Syntactic-Semantic Spaces in Transformer-Based Variational AutoEncoders. (arXiv:2311.08579v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yingji Zhang, Marco Valentino, Danilo S. Carvalho, Ian Pratt-Hartmann, André Freitas

The injection of syntactic information in Variational AutoEncoders (VAEs) has been shown to result in an overall improvement of performances and generalisation. An effective strategy to achieve such a goal is to separate the encoding of distributional semantic features and syntactic structures into heterogeneous latent spaces via multi-task learning or dual encoder architectures. However, existing works employing such techniques are limited to LSTM-based VAEs. In this paper, we investigate latent space separation methods for structural syntactic injection in Transformer-based VAE architectures (i.e., Optimus). Specifically, we explore how syntactic structures can be leveraged in the encoding stage through the integration of graph-based and sequential models, and how multiple, specialised latent representations can be injected into the decoder's attention mechanism via low-rank operators. Our empirical evaluation, carried out on natural language sentences and mathematical expressions, reveals that the proposed end-to-end VAE architecture can result in a better overall organisation of the latent space, alleviating the information loss occurring in standard VAE setups, resulting in enhanced performances on language modelling and downstream generation tasks.

Asking More Informative Questions for Grounded Retrieval. (arXiv:2311.08584v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sedrick Keh, Justin T. Chiu, Daniel Fried

When a model is trying to gather information in an interactive setting, it benefits from asking informative questions. However, in the case of a grounded multi-turn image identification task, previous studies have been constrained to polar yes/no questions, limiting how much information the model can gain in a single turn. We present an approach that formulates more informative, open-ended questions. In doing so, we discover that off-the-shelf visual question answering (VQA) models often make presupposition errors, which standard information gain question selection methods fail to account for. To address this issue, we propose a method that can incorporate presupposition handling into both question selection and belief updates. Specifically, we use a two-stage process, where the model first filters out images which are irrelevant to a given question, then updates its beliefs about which image the user intends. Through self-play and human evaluations, we show that our method is successful in asking informative open-ended questions, increasing accuracy over the past state-of-the-art by 14%, while resulting in 48% more efficient games in human evaluations.

CodeScope: An Execution-based Multilingual Multitask Multidimensional Benchmark for Evaluating LLMs on Code Understanding and Generation. (arXiv:2311.08588v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Weixiang Yan, Haitian Liu, Yunkun Wang, Yunzhe Li, Qian Chen, Wen Wang, Tingyu Lin, Weishan Zhao, Li Zhu, Shuiguang Deng, Hari Sundaram

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance on coding related tasks, particularly on assisting humans in programming and facilitating programming automation. However, existing benchmarks for evaluating the code understanding and generation capacities of LLMs suffer from severe limitations. First, most benchmarks are deficient as they focus on a narrow range of popular programming languages and specific tasks, whereas the real-world software development scenarios show dire need to implement systems with multilingual programming environments to satisfy diverse requirements. Practical programming practices also strongly expect multi-task settings for testing coding capabilities of LLMs comprehensively and robustly. Second, most benchmarks also fail to consider the actual executability and the consistency of execution results of the generated code. To bridge these gaps between existing benchmarks and expectations from practical applications, we introduce CodeScope, an execution-based, multilingual, multi-task, multi-dimensional evaluation benchmark for comprehensively gauging LLM capabilities on coding tasks. CodeScope covers 43 programming languages and 8 coding tasks. It evaluates the coding performance of LLMs from three dimensions (perspectives): difficulty, efficiency, and length. To facilitate execution-based evaluations of code generation, we develop MultiCodeEngine, an automated code execution engine that supports 14 programming languages. Finally, we systematically evaluate and analyze 8 mainstream LLMs on CodeScope tasks and demonstrate the superior breadth and challenges of CodeScope for evaluating LLMs on code understanding and generation tasks compared to other benchmarks. The CodeScope benchmark and datasets are publicly available at https://github.com/WeixiangYAN/CodeScope.

PEMA: Plug-in External Memory Adaptation for Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08590v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: HyunJin Kim, Young Jin Kim, JinYeong Bak

Pre-trained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance across various downstream NLP tasks. Nevertheless, the resource requirements of pre-training large language models in terms of memory and training compute pose significant challenges. Furthermore, due to the substantial resources required, many PLM weights are confidential. Consequently, users are compelled to share their data with model owners for fine-tuning on specific tasks. To overcome the limitations, we introduce Plug-in External Memory Adaptation (PEMA), a Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) approach designed for fine-tuning PLMs without the need for all weights. PEMA can be integrated into the context representation of test data during inference to execute downstream tasks. It leverages an external memory to store context representations generated by a PLM, mapped with the desired target word. Our method entails training LoRA-based weight matrices within the final layer of the PLM for enhanced efficiency. The probability is then interpolated with the next-word distribution from the PLM to perform downstream tasks. To improve the generation quality, we propose a novel interpolation strategy named Gradual Unrolling. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the efficacy of PEMA with a syntactic dataset and assess its performance on machine translation and style transfer tasks using real datasets. PEMA outperforms other PEFT methods in terms of memory and latency efficiency for training and inference. Furthermore, it outperforms other baselines in preserving the meaning of sentences while generating appropriate language and styles.

AART: AI-Assisted Red-Teaming with Diverse Data Generation for New LLM-powered Applications. (arXiv:2311.08592v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Bhaktipriya Radharapu, Kevin Robinson, Lora Aroyo, Preethi Lahoti

Adversarial testing of large language models (LLMs) is crucial for their safe and responsible deployment. We introduce a novel approach for automated generation of adversarial evaluation datasets to test the safety of LLM generations on new downstream applications. We call it AI-assisted Red-Teaming (AART) - an automated alternative to current manual red-teaming efforts. AART offers a data generation and augmentation pipeline of reusable and customizable recipes that reduce human effort significantly and enable integration of adversarial testing earlier in new product development. AART generates evaluation datasets with high diversity of content characteristics critical for effective adversarial testing (e.g. sensitive and harmful concepts, specific to a wide range of cultural and geographic regions and application scenarios). The data generation is steered by AI-assisted recipes to define, scope and prioritize diversity within the application context. This feeds into a structured LLM-generation process that scales up evaluation priorities. Compared to some state-of-the-art tools, AART shows promising results in terms of concept coverage and data quality.

ACID: Abstractive, Content-Based IDs for Document Retrieval with Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08593v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Haoxin Li, Phillip Keung, Daniel Cheng, Jungo Kasai, Noah A. Smith

Generative retrieval (Wang et al., 2022; Tay et al., 2022) is a new approach for end-to-end document retrieval that directly generates document identifiers given an input query. Techniques for designing effective, high-quality document IDs remain largely unexplored. We introduce ACID, in which each document's ID is composed of abstractive keyphrases generated by a large language model, rather than an integer ID sequence as done in past work. We compare our method with the current state-of-the-art technique for ID generation, which produces IDs through hierarchical clustering of document embeddings. We also examine simpler methods to generate natural-language document IDs, including the naive approach of using the first k words of each document as its ID or words with high BM25 scores in that document. We show that using ACID improves top-10 and top-20 accuracy by 15.6% and 14.4% (relative) respectively versus the state-of-the-art baseline on the MSMARCO 100k retrieval task, and 4.4% and 4.0% respectively on the Natural Questions 100k retrieval task. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of human-readable, natural-language IDs in generative retrieval with LMs. The code for reproducing our results and the keyword-augmented datasets will be released on formal publication.

Are You Sure? Challenging LLMs Leads to Performance Drops in The FlipFlop Experiment. (arXiv:2311.08596v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Philippe Laban, Lidiya Murakhovs'ka, Caiming Xiong, Chien-Sheng Wu

The interactive nature of Large Language Models (LLMs) theoretically allows models to refine and improve their answers, yet systematic analysis of the multi-turn behavior of LLMs remains limited. In this paper, we propose the FlipFlop experiment: in the first round of the conversation, an LLM responds to a prompt containing a classification task. In a second round, the LLM is challenged with a follow-up phrase like "Are you sure?", offering an opportunity for the model to reflect on its initial answer, and decide whether to confirm or flip its answer. A systematic study of nine LLMs on seven classification tasks reveals that models flip their answers on average 46% of the time and that all models see a deterioration of accuracy between their first and final prediction, with an average drop of 17%. The FlipFlop experiment illustrates the universality of sycophantic behavior in LLMs and provides a robust framework to analyze model behavior and evaluate potential solutions.

DALA: A Distribution-Aware LoRA-Based Adversarial Attack against Pre-trained Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08598v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yibo Wang, Xiangjue Dong, James Caverlee, Philip S. Yu

Pre-trained language models (PLMs) that achieve success in applications are susceptible to adversarial attack methods that are capable of generating adversarial examples with minor perturbations. Although recent attack methods can achieve a relatively high attack success rate (ASR), our observation shows that the generated adversarial examples have a different data distribution compared with the original examples. Specifically, these adversarial examples exhibit lower confidence levels and higher distance to the training data distribution. As a result, they are easy to detect using very simple detection methods, diminishing the actual effectiveness of these attack methods. To solve this problem, we propose a Distribution-Aware LoRA-based Adversarial Attack (DALA) method, which considers the distribution shift of adversarial examples to improve attack effectiveness under detection methods. We further design a new evaluation metric NASR combining ASR and detection for the attack task. We conduct experiments on four widely-used datasets and validate the attack effectiveness on ASR and NASR of the adversarial examples generated by DALA on the BERT-base model and the black-box LLaMA2-7b model.

Navigating the Ocean of Biases: Political Bias Attribution in Language Models via Causal Structures. (arXiv:2311.08605v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: David F. Jenny, Yann Billeter, Mrinmaya Sachan, Bernhard Schölkopf, Zhijing Jin

The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has sparked intense debate regarding their ability to perceive and interpret complex socio-political landscapes. In this study, we undertake an exploration of decision-making processes and inherent biases within LLMs, exemplified by ChatGPT, specifically contextualizing our analysis within political debates. We aim not to critique or validate LLMs' values, but rather to discern how they interpret and adjudicate "good arguments." By applying Activity Dependency Networks (ADNs), we extract the LLMs' implicit criteria for such assessments and illustrate how normative values influence these perceptions. We discuss the consequences of our findings for human-AI alignment and bias mitigation. Our code and data at https://github.com/david-jenny/LLM-Political-Study.

Towards Generalizable SER: Soft Labeling and Data Augmentation for Modeling Temporal Emotion Shifts in Large-Scale Multilingual Speech. (arXiv:2311.08607v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mohamed Osman, Tamer Nadeem, Ghada Khoriba

Recognizing emotions in spoken communication is crucial for advanced human-machine interaction. Current emotion detection methodologies often display biases when applied cross-corpus. To address this, our study amalgamates 16 diverse datasets, resulting in 375 hours of data across languages like English, Chinese, and Japanese. We propose a soft labeling system to capture gradational emotional intensities. Using the Whisper encoder and data augmentation methods inspired by contrastive learning, our method emphasizes the temporal dynamics of emotions. Our validation on four multilingual datasets demonstrates notable zero-shot generalization. We publish our open source model weights and initial promising results after fine-tuning on Hume-Prosody.

XplainLLM: A QA Explanation Dataset for Understanding LLM Decision-Making. (arXiv:2311.08614v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zichen Chen, Jianda Chen, Mitali Gaidhani, Ambuj Singh, Misha Sra

Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently made impressive strides in natural language understanding tasks. Despite their remarkable performance, understanding their decision-making process remains a big challenge. In this paper, we look into bringing some transparency to this process by introducing a new explanation dataset for question answering (QA) tasks that integrates knowledge graphs (KGs) in a novel way. Our dataset includes 12,102 question-answer-explanation (QAE) triples. Each explanation in the dataset links the LLM's reasoning to entities and relations in the KGs. The explanation component includes a why-choose explanation, a why-not-choose explanation, and a set of reason-elements that underlie the LLM's decision. We leverage KGs and graph attention networks (GAT) to find the reason-elements and transform them into why-choose and why-not-choose explanations that are comprehensible to humans. Through quantitative and qualitative evaluations, we demonstrate the potential of our dataset to improve the in-context learning of LLMs, and enhance their interpretability and explainability. Our work contributes to the field of explainable AI by enabling a deeper understanding of the LLMs decision-making process to make them more transparent and thereby, potentially more reliable, to researchers and practitioners alike. Our dataset is available at: https://github.com/chen-zichen/XplainLLM_dataset.git

Toucan: Token-Aware Character Level Language Modeling. (arXiv:2311.08620v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: William Fleshman, Benjamin Van Durme

Character-level language models obviate the need for separately trained tokenizers, but efficiency suffers from longer sequence lengths. Learning to combine character representations into tokens has made training these models more efficient, but they still require decoding characters individually. We propose Toucan, an augmentation to character-level models to make them "token-aware". Comparing our method to prior work, we demonstrate significant speed-ups in character generation without a loss in language modeling performance. We then explore differences between our learned dynamic tokenization of character sequences with popular fixed vocabulary solutions such as Byte-Pair Encoding and WordPiece, finding our approach leads to a greater amount of longer sequences tokenized as single items. Our project and code are available at https://nlp.jhu.edu/nuggets/.

Multiple-Question Multiple-Answer Text-VQA. (arXiv:2311.08622v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Peng Tang, Srikar Appalaraju, R. Manmatha, Yusheng Xie, Vijay Mahadevan

We present Multiple-Question Multiple-Answer (MQMA), a novel approach to do text-VQA in encoder-decoder transformer models. The text-VQA task requires a model to answer a question by understanding multi-modal content: text (typically from OCR) and an associated image. To the best of our knowledge, almost all previous approaches for text-VQA process a single question and its associated content to predict a single answer. In order to answer multiple questions from the same image, each question and content are fed into the model multiple times. In contrast, our proposed MQMA approach takes multiple questions and content as input at the encoder and predicts multiple answers at the decoder in an auto-regressive manner at the same time. We make several novel architectural modifications to standard encoder-decoder transformers to support MQMA. We also propose a novel MQMA denoising pre-training task which is designed to teach the model to align and delineate multiple questions and content with associated answers. MQMA pre-trained model achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple text-VQA datasets, each with strong baselines. Specifically, on OCR-VQA (+2.5%), TextVQA (+1.4%), ST-VQA (+0.6%), DocVQA (+1.1%) absolute improvements over the previous state-of-the-art approaches.

DEED: Dynamic Early Exit on Decoder for Accelerating Encoder-Decoder Transformer Models. (arXiv:2311.08623v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Peng Tang, Pengkai Zhu, Tian Li, Srikar Appalaraju, Vijay Mahadevan, R. Manmatha

Encoder-decoder transformer models have achieved great success on various vision-language (VL) tasks, but they suffer from high inference latency. Typically, the decoder takes up most of the latency because of the auto-regressive decoding. To accelerate the inference, we propose an approach of performing Dynamic Early Exit on Decoder (DEED). We build a multi-exit encoder-decoder transformer model which is trained with deep supervision so that each of its decoder layers is capable of generating plausible predictions. In addition, we leverage simple yet practical techniques, including shared generation head and adaptation modules, to keep accuracy when exiting at shallow decoder layers. Based on the multi-exit model, we perform step-level dynamic early exit during inference, where the model may decide to use fewer decoder layers based on its confidence of the current layer at each individual decoding step. Considering different number of decoder layers may be used at different decoding steps, we compute deeper-layer decoder features of previous decoding steps just-in-time, which ensures the features from different decoding steps are semantically aligned. We evaluate our approach with two state-of-the-art encoder-decoder transformer models on various VL tasks. We show our approach can reduce overall inference latency by 30%-60% with comparable or even higher accuracy compared to baselines.

Formal Proofs as Structured Explanations: Proposing Several Tasks on Explainable Natural Language Inference. (arXiv:2311.08637v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lasha Abzianidze

In this position paper, we propose a way of exploiting formal proofs to put forward several explainable natural language inference (NLI) tasks. The formal proofs will be produced by a reliable and high-performing logic-based NLI system. Taking advantage of the in-depth information available in the generated formal proofs, we show how it can be used to define NLI tasks with structured explanations. The proposed tasks can be ordered according to difficulty defined in terms of the granularity of explanations. We argue that the tasks will suffer with substantially fewer shortcomings than the existing explainable NLI tasks (or datasets).

Multistage Collaborative Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08640v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jiachen Zhao, Wenlong Zhao, Andrew Drozdov, Benjamin Rozonoyer, Md Arafat Sultan, Jay-Yoon Lee, Mohit Iyyer, Andrew McCallum

We study semi-supervised sequence prediction tasks where labeled data are too scarce to effectively finetune a model and at the same time few-shot prompting of a large language model (LLM) has suboptimal performance. This happens when a task, such as parsing, is expensive to annotate and also unfamiliar to a pretrained LLM. In this paper, we present a discovery that student models distilled from a prompted LLM can often generalize better than their teacher on such tasks. Leveraging this finding, we propose a new distillation method, multistage collaborative knowledge distillation from an LLM (MCKD), for such tasks. MCKD first prompts an LLM using few-shot in-context learning to produce pseudolabels for unlabeled data. Then, at each stage of distillation, a pair of students are trained on disjoint partitions of the pseudolabeled data. Each student subsequently produces new and improved pseudolabels for the unseen partition to supervise the next round of student(s) with. We show the benefit of multistage cross-partition labeling on two constituency parsing tasks. On CRAFT biomedical parsing, 3-stage MCKD with 50 labeled examples matches the performance of supervised finetuning with 500 examples and outperforms the prompted LLM and vanilla KD by 7.5% and 3.7% parsing F1, respectively.

Explore Spurious Correlations at the Concept Level in Language Models for Text Classification. (arXiv:2311.08648v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuhang Zhou, Paiheng Xu, Xiaoyu Liu, Bang An, Wei Ai, Furong Huang

Language models (LMs) have gained great achievement in various NLP tasks for both fine-tuning and in-context learning (ICL) methods. Despite its outstanding performance, evidence shows that spurious correlations caused by imbalanced label distributions in training data (or exemplars in ICL) lead to robustness issues. However, previous studies mostly focus on word- and phrase-level features and fail to tackle it from the concept level, partly due to the lack of concept labels and subtle and diverse expressions of concepts in text. In this paper, we first use the LLM to label the concept for each text and then measure the concept bias of models for fine-tuning or ICL on the test data. Second, we propose a data rebalancing method to mitigate the spurious correlations by adding the LLM-generated counterfactual data to make a balanced label distribution for each concept. We verify the effectiveness of our mitigation method and show its superiority over the token removal method. Overall, our results show that there exist label distribution biases in concepts across multiple text classification datasets, and LMs will utilize these shortcuts to make predictions in both fine-tuning and ICL methods.

Multi-Set Inoculation: Assessing Model Robustness Across Multiple Challenge Sets. (arXiv:2311.08662v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Vatsal Gupta, Pranshu Pandya, Tushar Kataria, Vivek Gupta, Dan Roth

Language models, given their black-box nature, often exhibit sensitivity to input perturbations, leading to trust issues due to hallucinations. To bolster trust, it's essential to understand these models' failure modes and devise strategies to enhance their performance. In this study, we propose a framework to study the effect of input perturbations on language models of different scales, from pre-trained models to large language models (LLMs). We use fine-tuning to train a robust model to perturbations, and we investigate whether exposure to one perturbation improves or degrades the model's performance on other perturbations. To address multi-perturbation robustness, we suggest three distinct training strategies. We also extend the framework to LLMs via a chain of thought(COT) prompting with exemplars. We instantiate our framework for the Tabular-NLI task and show that the proposed strategies train the model robust to different perturbations without losing accuracy on a given dataset.

It Takes Two to Negotiate: Modeling Social Exchange in Online Multiplayer Games. (arXiv:2311.08666v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kokil Jaidka, Hansin Ahuja, Lynnette Ng

Online games are dynamic environments where players interact with each other, which offers a rich setting for understanding how players negotiate their way through the game to an ultimate victory. This work studies online player interactions during the turn-based strategy game, Diplomacy. We annotated a dataset of over 10,000 chat messages for different negotiation strategies and empirically examined their importance in predicting long- and short-term game outcomes. Although negotiation strategies can be predicted reasonably accurately through the linguistic modeling of the chat messages, more is needed for predicting short-term outcomes such as trustworthiness. On the other hand, they are essential in graph-aware reinforcement learning approaches to predict long-term outcomes, such as a player's success, based on their prior negotiation history. We close with a discussion of the implications and impact of our work. The dataset is available at https://github.com/kj2013/claff-diplomacy.

Understanding Calibration for Multilingual Question Answering Models. (arXiv:2311.08669v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yahan Yang, Soham Dan, Dan Roth, Insup Lee

Multilingual pre-trained language models are incredibly effective at Question Answering (QA), a core task in Natural Language Understanding, achieving high accuracies on several multilingual benchmarks. However, little is known about how well they are calibrated. In this paper, we study the calibration properties of several pre-trained multilingual large language models (LLMs) on a variety of question-answering tasks. We perform extensive experiments, spanning both extractive and generative QA model designs and diverse languages, spanning both high-resource and low-resource ones. We study different dimensions of calibration in in-distribution, out-of-distribution, and cross-lingual transfer settings, and investigate strategies to improve it, including post-hoc methods and regularized fine-tuning. We demonstrate automatically translated data augmentation as a highly effective technique to improve model calibration. We also conduct a number of ablation experiments to study the effect of model size on calibration and how multilingual models compare with their monolingual counterparts for diverse tasks and languages.

Safer-Instruct: Aligning Language Models with Automated Preference Data. (arXiv:2311.08685v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Taiwei Shi, Kai Chen, Jieyu Zhao

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a vital strategy for enhancing model safety in language models. However, annotating preference data for RLHF is a resource-intensive and creativity-demanding process, while automatic generation methods face limitations in data diversity and quality. In response, we present Safer-Instruct, a novel pipeline for semi-automatically constructing large-scale preference datasets. Our approach leverages reversed instruction tuning, instruction induction, and expert model evaluation to efficiently generate high-quality preference data without human annotators. We evaluate Safer-Instruct using LLaMA for instruction induction and GPT-4 as an expert model, generating approximately 10K preference samples. Finetuning an Alpaca model on this dataset demonstrates improved harmlessness while maintaining competitive performance on conversation and downstream tasks. Safer-Instruct addresses the challenges in preference data acquisition, advancing the development of safer and more responsible AI systems. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/uscnlp-lime/safer-instruct

An Eye on Clinical BERT: Investigating Language Model Generalization for Diabetic Eye Disease Phenotyping. (arXiv:2311.08687v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Keith Harrigian, Tina Tang, Anthony Gonzales, Cindy X. Cai, Mark Dredze

Diabetic eye disease is a major cause of blindness worldwide. The ability to monitor relevant clinical trajectories and detect lapses in care is critical to managing the disease and preventing blindness. Alas, much of the information necessary to support these goals is found only in the free text of the electronic medical record. To fill this information gap, we introduce a system for extracting evidence from clinical text of 19 clinical concepts related to diabetic eye disease and inferring relevant attributes for each. In developing this ophthalmology phenotyping system, we are also afforded a unique opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of clinical language models at adapting to new clinical domains. Across multiple training paradigms, we find that BERT language models pretrained on out-of-distribution clinical data offer no significant improvement over BERT language models pretrained on non-clinical data for our domain. Our study tempers recent claims that language models pretrained on clinical data are necessary for clinical NLP tasks and highlights the importance of not treating clinical language data as a single homogeneous domain.

Routing to the Expert: Efficient Reward-guided Ensemble of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08692v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Keming Lu, Hongyi Yuan, Runji Lin, Junyang Lin, Zheng Yuan, Chang Zhou, Jingren Zhou

The complementary potential of Large Language Models (LLM) assumes off-the-shelf LLMs have heterogeneous expertise in a wide range of domains and tasks so that an ensemble of LLMs can achieve consistently better performance. Existing ensemble methods for LLMs mainly focus on reward model ranking of outputs, leading to significant computation overhead. To combat this issue, we revisit the complementary potential of LLMs and further elaborate it by mining latent expertise with off-the-shelf reward models. We propose Zooter, a reward-guided routing method distilling rewards on training queries to train a routing function, which can precisely distribute each query to the LLM with expertise about it. We also integrate a tag-based label enhancement to mitigate noise from uncertainty when using rewards as silver supervision. Zooter shows computation efficiency in inference as it introduces only a minor computation overhead of a routing function compared with reward model ranking methods. We evaluate Zooter on a comprehensive benchmark collection with 26 subsets on different domains and tasks. Zooter outperforms the best single model on average and ranks first on 44% of tasks, even surpassing multiple reward model ranking methods.

Attribute Diversity Determines the Systematicity Gap in VQA. (arXiv:2311.08695v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ian Berlot-Attwell, A. Michael Carrell, Kumar Krishna Agrawal, Yash Sharma, Naomi Saphra

The degree to which neural networks can generalize to new combinations of familiar concepts, and the conditions under which they are able to do so, has long been an open question. In this work, we study the systematicity gap in visual question answering: the performance difference between reasoning on previously seen and unseen combinations of object attributes. To test, we introduce a novel diagnostic dataset, CLEVR-HOPE. We find that while increased quantity of training data does not reduce the systematicity gap, increased training data diversity of the attributes in the unseen combination does. In all, our experiments suggest that the more distinct attribute type combinations are seen during training, the more systematic we can expect the resulting model to be.

Debate Helps Supervise Unreliable Experts. (arXiv:2311.08702v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Julian Michael, Salsabila Mahdi, David Rein, Jackson Petty, Julien Dirani, Vishakh Padmakumar, Samuel R. Bowman

As AI systems are used to answer more difficult questions and potentially help create new knowledge, judging the truthfulness of their outputs becomes more difficult and more important. How can we supervise unreliable experts, which have access to the truth but may not accurately report it, to give answers that are systematically true and don't just superficially seem true, when the supervisor can't tell the difference between the two on their own? In this work, we show that debate between two unreliable experts can help a non-expert judge more reliably identify the truth. We collect a dataset of human-written debates on hard reading comprehension questions where the judge has not read the source passage, only ever seeing expert arguments and short quotes selectively revealed by 'expert' debaters who have access to the passage. In our debates, one expert argues for the correct answer, and the other for an incorrect answer. Comparing debate to a baseline we call consultancy, where a single expert argues for only one answer which is correct half of the time, we find that debate performs significantly better, with 84% judge accuracy compared to consultancy's 74%. Debates are also more efficient, being 68% of the length of consultancies. By comparing human to AI debaters, we find evidence that with more skilled (in this case, human) debaters, the performance of debate goes up but the performance of consultancy goes down. Our error analysis also supports this trend, with 46% of errors in human debate attributable to mistakes by the honest debater (which should go away with increased skill); whereas 52% of errors in human consultancy are due to debaters obfuscating the relevant evidence from the judge (which should become worse with increased skill). Overall, these results show that debate is a promising approach for supervising increasingly capable but potentially unreliable AI systems.

Can Large Language Models Follow Concept Annotation Guidelines? A Case Study on Scientific and Financial Domains. (arXiv:2311.08704v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Marcio Fonseca, Shay B. Cohen

Although large language models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable capacity to leverage in-context demonstrations, it is still unclear to what extent they can learn new concepts or facts from ground-truth labels. To address this question, we examine the capacity of instruction-tuned LLMs to follow in-context concept guidelines for sentence labeling tasks. We design guidelines that present different types of factual and counterfactual concept definitions, which are used as prompts for zero-shot sentence classification tasks. Our results show that although concept definitions consistently help in task performance, only the larger models (with 70B parameters or more) have limited ability to work under counterfactual contexts. Importantly, only proprietary models such as GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 can recognize nonsensical guidelines, which we hypothesize is due to more sophisticated alignment methods. Finally, we find that Falcon-180B-chat is outperformed by Llama-2-70B-chat is most cases, which indicates that careful fine-tuning is more effective than increasing model scale. Altogether, our simple evaluation method reveals significant gaps in concept understanding between the most capable open-source language models and the leading proprietary APIs.

Evaluating Robustness of Dialogue Summarization Models in the Presence of Naturally Occurring Variations. (arXiv:2311.08705v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ankita Gupta, Chulaka Gunasekara, Hui Wan, Jatin Ganhotra, Sachindra Joshi, Marina Danilevsky

Dialogue summarization task involves summarizing long conversations while preserving the most salient information. Real-life dialogues often involve naturally occurring variations (e.g., repetitions, hesitations) and existing dialogue summarization models suffer from performance drop on such conversations. In this study, we systematically investigate the impact of such variations on state-of-the-art dialogue summarization models using publicly available datasets. To simulate real-life variations, we introduce two types of perturbations: utterance-level perturbations that modify individual utterances with errors and language variations, and dialogue-level perturbations that add non-informative exchanges (e.g., repetitions, greetings). We conduct our analysis along three dimensions of robustness: consistency, saliency, and faithfulness, which capture different aspects of the summarization model's performance. We find that both fine-tuned and instruction-tuned models are affected by input variations, with the latter being more susceptible, particularly to dialogue-level perturbations. We also validate our findings via human evaluation. Finally, we investigate if the robustness of fine-tuned models can be improved by training them with a fraction of perturbed data and observe that this approach is insufficient to address robustness challenges with current models and thus warrants a more thorough investigation to identify better solutions. Overall, our work highlights robustness challenges in dialogue summarization and provides insights for future research.

PLUG: Leveraging Pivot Language in Cross-Lingual Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2311.08711v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhihan Zhang, Dong-Ho Lee, Yuwei Fang, Wenhao Yu, Mengzhao Jia, Meng Jiang, Francesco Barbieri

Instruction tuning has remarkably advanced large language models (LLMs) in understanding and responding to diverse human instructions. Despite the success in high-resource languages, its application in lower-resource ones faces challenges due to the imbalanced foundational abilities of LLMs across different languages, stemming from the uneven language distribution in their pre-training data. To tackle this issue, we propose pivot language guided generation (PLUG), an approach that utilizes a high-resource language, primarily English, as the pivot to enhance instruction tuning in lower-resource languages. It trains the model to first process instructions in the pivot language, and then produce responses in the target language. To evaluate our approach, we introduce a benchmark, X-AlpacaEval, of instructions in 4 languages (Chinese, Korean, Italian, and Spanish), each annotated by professional translators. Our approach demonstrates a significant improvement in the instruction-following abilities of LLMs by 29% on average, compared to directly responding in the target language alone. Further experiments validate the versatility of our approach by employing alternative pivot languages beyond English to assist languages where LLMs exhibit lower proficiency.

Decomposing Uncertainty for Large Language Models through Input Clarification Ensembling. (arXiv:2311.08718v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Bairu Hou, Yujian Liu, Kaizhi Qian, Jacob Andreas, Shiyu Chang, Yang Zhang

Uncertainty decomposition refers to the task of decomposing the total uncertainty of a model into data (aleatoric) uncertainty, resulting from the inherent complexity or ambiguity of the data, and model (epistemic) uncertainty, resulting from the lack of knowledge in the model. Performing uncertainty decomposition for large language models (LLMs) is an important step toward improving the reliability, trustworthiness, and interpretability of LLMs, but this research task is very challenging and remains unresolved. The existing canonical method, Bayesian Neural Network (BNN), cannot be applied to LLMs, because BNN requires training and ensembling multiple variants of models, which is infeasible or prohibitively expensive for LLMs. In this paper, we introduce an uncertainty decomposition framework for LLMs, called input clarifications ensemble, which bypasses the need to train new models. Rather than ensembling models with different parameters, our approach generates a set of clarifications for the input, feeds them into the fixed LLMs, and ensembles the corresponding predictions. We show that our framework shares a symmetric decomposition structure with BNN. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that the proposed framework provides accurate and reliable uncertainty quantification on various tasks. Code will be made publicly available at https://github.com/UCSB-NLP-Chang/llm_uncertainty .

Think-in-Memory: Recalling and Post-thinking Enable LLMs with Long-Term Memory. (arXiv:2311.08719v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lei Liu, Xiaoyan Yang, Yue Shen, Binbin Hu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jinjie Gu, Guannan Zhang

Memory-augmented Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance in long-term human-machine interactions, which basically relies on iterative recalling and reasoning of history to generate high-quality responses. However, such repeated recall-reason steps easily produce biased thoughts, \textit{i.e.}, inconsistent reasoning results when recalling the same history for different questions. On the contrary, humans can keep thoughts in the memory and recall them without repeated reasoning. Motivated by this human capability, we propose a novel memory mechanism called TiM (Think-in-Memory) that enables LLMs to maintain an evolved memory for storing historical thoughts along the conversation stream. The TiM framework consists of two crucial stages: (1) before generating a response, a LLM agent recalls relevant thoughts from memory, and (2) after generating a response, the LLM agent post-thinks and incorporates both historical and new thoughts to update the memory. Thus, TiM can eliminate the issue of repeated reasoning by saving the post-thinking thoughts as the history. Besides, we formulate the basic principles to organize the thoughts in memory based on the well-established operations, (\textit{i.e.}, insert, forget, and merge operations), allowing for dynamic updates and evolution of the thoughts. Furthermore, we introduce Locality-Sensitive Hashing into TiM to achieve efficient retrieval for the long-term conversations. We conduct qualitative and quantitative experiments on real-world and simulated dialogues covering a wide range of topics, demonstrating that equipping existing LLMs with TiM significantly enhances their performance in generating responses for long-term interactions.

Token Prediction as Implicit Classification to Identify LLM-Generated Text. (arXiv:2311.08723v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yutian Chen, Hao Kang, Vivian Zhai, Liangze Li, Rita Singh, Bhiksha Raj

This paper introduces a novel approach for identifying the possible large language models (LLMs) involved in text generation. Instead of adding an additional classification layer to a base LM, we reframe the classification task as a next-token prediction task and directly fine-tune the base LM to perform it. We utilize the Text-to-Text Transfer Transformer (T5) model as the backbone for our experiments. We compared our approach to the more direct approach of utilizing hidden states for classification. Evaluation shows the exceptional performance of our method in the text classification task, highlighting its simplicity and efficiency. Furthermore, interpretability studies on the features extracted by our model reveal its ability to differentiate distinctive writing styles among various LLMs even in the absence of an explicit classifier. We also collected a dataset named OpenLLMText, containing approximately 340k text samples from human and LLMs, including GPT3.5, PaLM, LLaMA, and GPT2.

Method for Text Entity Linking in Power Distribution Scheduling Oriented to Power Distribution Network Knowledge Graph. (arXiv:2311.08724v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiang Li, Che Wang, Bing Li, Hao Chen, Sizhe Li

The proposed method for linking entities in power distribution dispatch texts to a power distribution network knowledge graph is based on a deep understanding of these networks. This method leverages the unique features of entities in both the power distribution network's knowledge graph and the dispatch texts, focusing on their semantic, phonetic, and syntactic characteristics. An enhanced model, the Lexical Semantic Feature-based Skip Convolutional Neural Network (LSF-SCNN), is utilized for effectively matching dispatch text entities with those in the knowledge graph. The efficacy of this model, compared to a control model, is evaluated through cross-validation methods in real-world power distribution dispatch scenarios. The results indicate that the LSF-SCNN model excels in accurately linking a variety of entity types, demonstrating high overall accuracy in entity linking when the process is conducted in English.

Uncertainty Estimation on Sequential Labeling via Uncertainty Transmission. (arXiv:2311.08726v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jianfeng He, Linlin Yu, Shuo Lei, Chang-Tien Lu, Feng Chen

Sequential labeling is a task predicting labels for each token in a sequence, such as Named Entity Recognition (NER). NER tasks aim to extract entities and predict their labels given a text, which is important in information extraction. Although previous works have shown great progress in improving NER performance, uncertainty estimation on NER (UE-NER) is still underexplored but essential. This work focuses on UE-NER, which aims to estimate uncertainty scores for the NER predictions. Previous uncertainty estimation models often overlook two unique characteristics of NER: the connection between entities (i.e., one entity embedding is learned based on the other ones) and wrong span cases in the entity extraction subtask. Therefore, we propose a Sequential Labeling Posterior Network (SLPN) to estimate uncertainty scores for the extracted entities, considering uncertainty transmitted from other tokens. Moreover, we have defined an evaluation strategy to address the specificity of wrong-span cases. Our SLPN has achieved significant improvements on two datasets, such as a 5.54-point improvement in AUPR on the MIT-Restaurant dataset.

Enhancing Emergency Decision-making with Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08732v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Minze Chen, Zhenxiang Tao, Weitong Tang, Tingxin Qin, Rui Yang, Chunli Zhu

Emergency management urgently requires comprehensive knowledge while having a high possibility to go beyond individuals' cognitive scope. Therefore, artificial intelligence(AI) supported decision-making under that circumstance is of vital importance. Recent emerging large language models (LLM) provide a new direction for enhancing targeted machine intelligence. However, the utilization of LLM directly would inevitably introduce unreliable output for its inherent issue of hallucination and poor reasoning skills. In this work, we develop a system called Enhancing Emergency decision-making with Knowledge Graph and LLM (E-KELL), which provides evidence-based decision-making in various emergency stages. The study constructs a structured emergency knowledge graph and guides LLMs to reason over it via a prompt chain. In real-world evaluations, E-KELL receives scores of 9.06, 9.09, 9.03, and 9.09 in comprehensibility, accuracy, conciseness, and instructiveness from a group of emergency commanders and firefighters, demonstrating a significant improvement across various situations compared to baseline models. This work introduces a novel approach to providing reliable emergency decision support.

Thread of Thought Unraveling Chaotic Contexts. (arXiv:2311.08734v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yucheng Zhou, Xiubo Geng, Tao Shen, Chongyang Tao, Guodong Long, Jian-Guang Lou, Jianbing Shen

Large Language Models (LLMs) have ushered in a transformative era in the field of natural language processing, excelling in tasks related to text comprehension and generation. Nevertheless, they encounter difficulties when confronted with chaotic contexts (e.g., distractors rather than long irrelevant context), leading to the inadvertent omission of certain details within the chaotic context. In response to these challenges, we introduce the "Thread of Thought" (ThoT) strategy, which draws inspiration from human cognitive processes. ThoT systematically segments and analyzes extended contexts while adeptly selecting pertinent information. This strategy serves as a versatile "plug-and-play" module, seamlessly integrating with various LLMs and prompting techniques. In the experiments, we utilize the PopQA and EntityQ datasets, as well as a Multi-Turn Conversation Response dataset (MTCR) we collected, to illustrate that ThoT significantly improves reasoning performance compared to other prompting techniques.

Accelerating Toeplitz Neural Network with Constant-time Inference Complexity. (arXiv:2311.08756v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhen Qin, Yiran Zhong

Toeplitz Neural Networks (TNNs) have exhibited outstanding performance in various sequence modeling tasks. They outperform commonly used Transformer-based models while benefiting from log-linear space-time complexities. On the other hand, State Space Models (SSMs) achieve lower performance than TNNs in language modeling but offer the advantage of constant inference complexity. In this paper, we aim to combine the strengths of TNNs and SSMs by converting TNNs to SSMs during inference, thereby enabling TNNs to achieve the same constant inference complexities as SSMs. To accomplish this, we formulate the conversion process as an optimization problem and provide a closed-form solution. We demonstrate how to transform the target equation into a Vandermonde linear system problem, which can be efficiently solved using the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). Notably, our method requires no training and maintains numerical stability. It can be also applied to any LongConv-based model. To assess its effectiveness, we conduct extensive experiments on language modeling tasks across various settings. Additionally, we compare our method to other gradient-descent solutions, highlighting the superior numerical stability of our approach. The source code is available at https://github.com/OpenNLPLab/ETSC-Exact-Toeplitz-to-SSM-Conversion.

Three Conjectures on Unexpectedeness. (arXiv:2311.08768v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Giovanni Sileno, Jean-Louis Dessalles

Unexpectedness is a central concept in Simplicity Theory, a theory of cognition relating various inferential processes to the computation of Kolmogorov complexities, rather than probabilities. Its predictive power has been confirmed by several experiments with human subjects, yet its theoretical basis remains largely unexplored: why does it work? This paper lays the groundwork for three theoretical conjectures. First, unexpectedness can be seen as a generalization of Bayes' rule. Second, the frequentist core of unexpectedness can be connected to the function of tracking ergodic properties of the world. Third, unexpectedness can be seen as constituent of various measures of divergence between the entropy of the world (environment) and the variety of the observer (system). The resulting framework hints to research directions that go beyond the division between probabilistic and logical approaches, potentially bringing new insights into the extraction of causal relations, and into the role of descriptive mechanisms in learning.

X-Eval: Generalizable Multi-aspect Text Evaluation via Augmented Instruction Tuning with Auxiliary Evaluation Aspects. (arXiv:2311.08788v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Minqian Liu, Ying Shen, Zhiyang Xu, Yixin Cao, Eunah Cho, Vaibhav Kumar, Reza Ghanadan, Lifu Huang

Natural Language Generation (NLG) typically involves evaluating the generated text in various aspects (e.g., consistency and naturalness) to obtain a comprehensive assessment. However, multi-aspect evaluation remains challenging as it may require the evaluator to generalize to any given evaluation aspect even if it's absent during training. In this paper, we introduce X-Eval, a two-stage instruction tuning framework to evaluate the text in both seen and unseen aspects customized by end users. X-Eval consists of two learning stages: the vanilla instruction tuning stage that improves the model's ability to follow evaluation instructions, and an enhanced instruction tuning stage that exploits the connections between fine-grained evaluation aspects to better assess text quality. To support the training of X-Eval, we collect AspectInstruct, the first instruction tuning dataset tailored for multi-aspect NLG evaluation spanning 27 diverse evaluation aspects with 65 tasks. To enhance task diversity, we devise an augmentation strategy that converts human rating annotations into diverse forms of NLG evaluation tasks, including scoring, comparison, ranking, and Boolean question answering. Extensive experiments across three essential categories of NLG tasks: dialogue generation, summarization, and data-to-text coupled with 21 aspects in meta-evaluation, demonstrate that our X-Eval enables even a lightweight language model to achieve a comparable if not higher correlation with human judgments compared to the state-of-the-art NLG evaluators, such as GPT-4.

German FinBERT: A German Pre-trained Language Model. (arXiv:2311.08793v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Moritz Scherrmann

This study presents German FinBERT, a novel pre-trained German language model tailored for financial textual data. The model is trained through a comprehensive pre-training process, leveraging a substantial corpus comprising financial reports, ad-hoc announcements and news related to German companies. The corpus size is comparable to the data sets commonly used for training standard BERT models. I evaluate the performance of German FinBERT on downstream tasks, specifically sentiment prediction, topic recognition and question answering against generic German language models. My results demonstrate improved performance on finance-specific data, indicating the efficacy of German FinBERT in capturing domain-specific nuances. The presented findings suggest that German FinBERT holds promise as a valuable tool for financial text analysis, potentially benefiting various applications in the financial domain.

StrategyLLM: Large Language Models as Strategy Generators, Executors, Optimizers, and Evaluators for Problem Solving. (arXiv:2311.08803v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chang Gao, Haiyun Jiang, Deng Cai, Shuming Shi, Wai Lam

Most existing chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting methods suffer from the issues of generalizability and consistency, as they often rely on instance-specific solutions that may not be applicable to other cases and lack task-level consistency in their reasoning steps. To address these limitations, we propose a comprehensive framework, StrategyLLM, harnessing the capabilities of LLMs to tackle various tasks. The framework improves generalizability by formulating general problem-solving strategies and enhances consistency by producing consistent solutions using these strategies. StrategyLLM employs four LLM-based agents: strategy generator, executor, optimizer, and evaluator, working together to generate, evaluate, and select promising strategies for a given task automatically. The experimental results demonstrate that StrategyLLM outperforms the competitive baseline CoT-SC that requires human-annotated solutions on 13 datasets across 4 challenging tasks without human involvement, including math reasoning (39.2% $\rightarrow$ 43.3%), commonsense reasoning (70.3% $\rightarrow$ 72.5%), algorithmic reasoning (51.7% $\rightarrow$ 62.0%), and symbolic reasoning (30.0% $\rightarrow$ 79.2%).

MAP's not dead yet: Uncovering true language model modes by conditioning away degeneracy. (arXiv:2311.08817v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Davis Yoshida, Kartik Goyal, Kevin Gimpel

It has been widely observed that exact or approximate MAP (mode-seeking) decoding from natural language generation (NLG) models consistently leads to degenerate outputs (Stahlberg and Byrne, 2019, Holtzman et al., 2019). This has generally been attributed to either a fundamental inadequacy of modes in models or weaknesses in language modeling. Contrastingly in this work, we emphasize that degenerate modes can even occur in the absence of any model error, due to contamination of the training data. Specifically, we show that mixing even a tiny amount of low-entropy noise with a population text distribution can cause the data distribution's mode to become degenerate, implying that any models trained on it will be as well. As the unconditional mode of NLG models will often be degenerate, we therefore propose to apply MAP decoding to the model's distribution conditional on avoiding specific degeneracies. Using exact-search, we empirically verify that the length-conditional modes of machine translation models and language models are indeed more fluent and topical than their unconditional modes. For the first time, we also share many examples of exact modal sequences from these models, and from several variants of the LLaMA-7B model. Notably, the modes of the LLaMA models are still degenerate, showing that improvements in modeling have not fixed this issue. Because of the cost of exact mode finding algorithms, we develop an approximate mode finding approach, ACBS, which finds sequences that are both high-likelihood and high-quality. We apply this approach to LLaMA-7B, a model which was not trained for instruction following, and find that we are able to elicit reasonable outputs without any finetuning.

Evaluating Gender Bias in the Translation of Gender-Neutral Languages into English. (arXiv:2311.08836v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Spencer Rarrick, Ranjita Naik, Sundar Poudel, Vishal Chowdhary

Machine Translation (MT) continues to improve in quality and adoption, yet the inadvertent perpetuation of gender bias remains a significant concern. Despite numerous studies into gender bias in translations from gender-neutral languages such as Turkish into more strongly gendered languages like English, there are no benchmarks for evaluating this phenomenon or for assessing mitigation strategies. To address this gap, we introduce GATE X-E, an extension to the GATE (Rarrick et al., 2023) corpus, that consists of human translations from Turkish, Hungarian, Finnish, and Persian into English. Each translation is accompanied by feminine, masculine, and neutral variants for each possible gender interpretation. The dataset, which contains between 1250 and 1850 instances for each of the four language pairs, features natural sentences with a wide range of sentence lengths and domains, challenging translation rewriters on various linguistic phenomena. Additionally, we present an English gender rewriting solution built on GPT-3.5 Turbo and use GATE X-E to evaluate it. We open source our contributions to encourage further research on gender debiasing.

Disinformation Capabilities of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08838v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ivan Vykopal, Matúš Pikuliak, Ivan Srba, Robert Moro, Dominik Macko, Maria Bielikova

Automated disinformation generation is often listed as one of the risks of large language models (LLMs). The theoretical ability to flood the information space with disinformation content might have dramatic consequences for democratic societies around the world. This paper presents a comprehensive study of the disinformation capabilities of the current generation of LLMs to generate false news articles in English language. In our study, we evaluated the capabilities of 10 LLMs using 20 disinformation narratives. We evaluated several aspects of the LLMs: how well they are at generating news articles, how strongly they tend to agree or disagree with the disinformation narratives, how often they generate safety warnings, etc. We also evaluated the abilities of detection models to detect these articles as LLM-generated. We conclude that LLMs are able to generate convincing news articles that agree with dangerous disinformation narratives.

Violet: A Vision-Language Model for Arabic Image Captioning with Gemini Decoder. (arXiv:2311.08844v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Abdelrahman Mohamed, Fakhraddin Alwajih, El Moatez Billah Nagoudi, Alcides Alcoba Inciarte, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Although image captioning has a vast array of applications, it has not reached its full potential in languages other than English. Arabic, for instance, although the native language of more than 400 million people, remains largely underrepresented in this area. This is due to the lack of labeled data and powerful Arabic generative models. We alleviate this issue by presenting a novel vision-language model dedicated to Arabic, dubbed \textit{Violet}. Our model is based on a vision encoder and a Gemini text decoder that maintains generation fluency while allowing fusion between the vision and language components. To train our model, we introduce a new method for automatically acquiring data from available English datasets. We also manually prepare a new dataset for evaluation. \textit{Violet} performs sizeably better than our baselines on all of our evaluation datasets. For example, it reaches a CIDEr score of $61.2$ on our manually annotated dataset and achieves an improvement of $13$ points on Flickr8k.

OFA: A Framework of Initializing Unseen Subword Embeddings for Efficient Large-scale Multilingual Continued Pretraining. (arXiv:2311.08849v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yihong Liu, Peiqin Lin, Mingyang Wang, Hinrich Schütze

Pretraining multilingual language models from scratch requires considerable computational resources and substantial training data. Therefore, a more efficient method is to adapt existing pretrained language models (PLMs) to new languages via vocabulary extension and continued pretraining. However, this method usually randomly initializes the embeddings of new subwords and introduces substantially more embedding parameters to the language model, thus weakening the efficiency. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework: \textbf{O}ne \textbf{F}or \textbf{A}ll (\textbf{\textsc{Ofa}}), which wisely initializes the embeddings of unseen subwords from target languages and thus can adapt a PLM to multiple languages efficiently and effectively. \textsc{Ofa} takes advantage of external well-aligned multilingual word embeddings and injects the alignment knowledge into the new embeddings. In addition, \textsc{Ofa} applies matrix factorization and replaces the cumbersome embeddings with two lower-dimensional matrices, which significantly reduces the number of parameters while not sacrificing the performance. Through extensive experiments, we show models initialized by \textsc{Ofa} are efficient and outperform several baselines. \textsc{Ofa} not only accelerates the convergence of continued pretraining, which is friendly to a limited computation budget, but also improves the zero-shot crosslingual transfer on a wide range of downstream tasks. We make our code and models publicly available.

Llamas Know What GPTs Don't Show: Surrogate Models for Confidence Estimation. (arXiv:2311.08877v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Vaishnavi Shrivastava, Percy Liang, Ananya Kumar

To maintain user trust, large language models (LLMs) should signal low confidence on examples where they are incorrect, instead of misleading the user. The standard approach of estimating confidence is to use the softmax probabilities of these models, but as of November 2023, state-of-the-art LLMs such as GPT-4 and Claude-v1.3 do not provide access to these probabilities. We first study eliciting confidence linguistically -- asking an LLM for its confidence in its answer -- which performs reasonably (80.5% AUC on GPT-4 averaged across 12 question-answering datasets -- 7% above a random baseline) but leaves room for improvement. We then explore using a surrogate confidence model -- using a model where we do have probabilities to evaluate the original model's confidence in a given question. Surprisingly, even though these probabilities come from a different and often weaker model, this method leads to higher AUC than linguistic confidences on 9 out of 12 datasets. Our best method composing linguistic confidences and surrogate model probabilities gives state-of-the-art confidence estimates on all 12 datasets (84.6% average AUC on GPT-4).

Enabling Large Language Models to Learn from Rules. (arXiv:2311.08883v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wenkai Yang, Yankai Lin, Jie Zhou, Jirong Wen

Large language models (LLMs) have shown incredible performance in completing various real-world tasks. The current knowledge learning paradigm of LLMs is mainly based on learning from examples, in which LLMs learn the internal rule implicitly from a certain number of supervised examples. However, the learning paradigm may not well learn those complicated rules, especially when the training examples are limited. We are inspired that humans can learn the new tasks or knowledge in another way by learning from rules. That is, humans can grasp the new tasks or knowledge quickly and generalize well given only a detailed rule and a few optional examples. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to explore the feasibility of this new learning paradigm, which encodes the rule-based knowledge into LLMs. We propose rule distillation, which first uses the strong in-context abilities of LLMs to extract the knowledge from the textual rules and then explicitly encode the knowledge into LLMs' parameters by learning from the above in-context signals produced inside the model. Our experiments show that making LLMs learn from rules by our method is much more efficient than example-based learning in both the sample size and generalization ability.

CLIMB: Curriculum Learning for Infant-inspired Model Building. (arXiv:2311.08886v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Richard Diehl Martinez, Zebulon Goriely, Hope McGovern, Christopher Davis, Andrew Caines, Paula Buttery, Lisa Beinborn

We describe our team's contribution to the STRICT-SMALL track of the BabyLM Challenge. The challenge requires training a language model from scratch using only a relatively small training dataset of ten million words. We experiment with three variants of cognitively-motivated curriculum learning and analyze their effect on the performance of the model on linguistic evaluation tasks. In the vocabulary curriculum, we analyze methods for constraining the vocabulary in the early stages of training to simulate cognitively more plausible learning curves. In the data curriculum experiments, we vary the order of the training instances based on i) infant-inspired expectations and ii) the learning behavior of the model. In the objective curriculum, we explore different variations of combining the conventional masked language modeling task with a more coarse-grained word class prediction task to reinforce linguistic generalization capabilities. Our results did not yield consistent improvements over our own non-curriculum learning baseline across a range of linguistic benchmarks; however, we do find marginal gains on select tasks. Our analysis highlights key takeaways for specific combinations of tasks and settings which benefit from our proposed curricula. We moreover determine that careful selection of model architecture, and training hyper-parameters yield substantial improvements over the default baselines provided by the BabyLM challenge.

Large Language Models are legal but they are not: Making the case for a powerful LegalLLM. (arXiv:2311.08890v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Thanmay Jayakumar, Fauzan Farooqui, Luqman Farooqui

Realizing the recent advances in Natural Language Processing (NLP) to the legal sector poses challenging problems such as extremely long sequence lengths, specialized vocabulary that is usually only understood by legal professionals, and high amounts of data imbalance. The recent surge of Large Language Models (LLMs) has begun to provide new opportunities to apply NLP in the legal domain due to their ability to handle lengthy, complex sequences. Moreover, the emergence of domain-specific LLMs has displayed extremely promising results on various tasks. In this study, we aim to quantify how general LLMs perform in comparison to legal-domain models (be it an LLM or otherwise). Specifically, we compare the zero-shot performance of three general-purpose LLMs (ChatGPT-20b, LLaMA-2-70b, and Falcon-180b) on the LEDGAR subset of the LexGLUE benchmark for contract provision classification. Although the LLMs were not explicitly trained on legal data, we observe that they are still able to classify the theme correctly in most cases. However, we find that their mic-F1/mac-F1 performance is up to 19.2/26.8\% lesser than smaller models fine-tuned on the legal domain, thus underscoring the need for more powerful legal-domain LLMs.

Combining Transfer Learning with In-context Learning using Blackbox LLMs for Zero-shot Knowledge Base Question Answering. (arXiv:2311.08894v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mayur Patidar, Avinash Singh, Riya Sawhney, Indrajit Bhattacharya, Mausam

We address the zero-shot transfer learning setting for the knowledge base question answering (KBQA) problem, where a large volume of labeled training data is available for the source domain, but no such labeled examples are available for the target domain. Transfer learning for KBQA makes use of large volumes of unlabeled data in the target in addition to the labeled data in the source. More recently, few-shot in-context learning using Black-box Large Language Models (BLLMs) has been adapted for KBQA without considering any source domain data. In this work, we show how to meaningfully combine these two paradigms for KBQA so that their benefits add up. Specifically, we preserve the two stage retrieve-then-generate pipeline of supervised KBQA and introduce interaction between in-context learning using BLLMs and transfer learning from the source for both stages. In addition, we propose execution-guided self-refinement using BLLMs, decoupled from the transfer setting. With the help of experiments using benchmark datasets GrailQA as the source and WebQSP as the target, we show that the proposed combination brings significant improvements to both stages and also outperforms by a large margin state-of-the-art supervised KBQA models trained on the source. We also show that in the in-domain setting, the proposed BLLM augmentation significantly outperforms state-of-the-art supervised models, when the volume of labeled data is limited, and also outperforms these marginally even when using the entire large training dataset.

HELLaMA: LLaMA-based Table to Text Generation by Highlighting the Important Evidence. (arXiv:2311.08896v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Junyi Bian, Xiaolei Qin, Wuhe Zou, Mengzuo Huang, Weidong Zhang

Large models have demonstrated significant progress across various domains, particularly in tasks related to text generation. In the domain of Table to Text, many Large Language Model (LLM)-based methods currently resort to modifying prompts to invoke public APIs, incurring potential costs and information leaks. With the advent of open-source large models, fine-tuning LLMs has become feasible. In this study, we conducted parameter-efficient fine-tuning on the LLaMA2 model. Distinguishing itself from previous fine-tuning-based table-to-text methods, our approach involves injecting reasoning information into the input by emphasizing table-specific row data. Our model consists of two modules: 1) a table reasoner that identifies relevant row evidence, and 2) a table summarizer that generates sentences based on the highlighted table. To facilitate this, we propose a search strategy to construct reasoning labels for training the table reasoner. On both the FetaQA and QTSumm datasets, our approach achieved state-of-the-art results. Additionally, we observed that highlighting input tables significantly enhances the model's performance and provides valuable interpretability.

Self-Improving for Zero-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08921v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tingyu Xie, Qi Li, Yan Zhang, Zuozhu Liu, Hongwei Wang

Exploring the application of powerful large language models (LLMs) on the fundamental named entity recognition (NER) task has drawn much attention recently. This work aims to investigate the possibilities of pushing the boundary of zero-shot NER with LLM via a training-free self-improving strategy. We propose a self-improving framework, which utilize an unlabeled corpus to stimulate the self-learning ability of LLMs on NER. First, we use LLM to make predictions on the unlabeled corpus and obtain the self-annotated data. Second, we explore various strategies to select reliable samples from the self-annotated dataset as demonstrations, considering the similarity, diversity and reliability of demonstrations. Finally, we conduct inference for the test query via in-context learning with the selected self-annotated demonstrations. Through comprehensive experimental analysis, our study yielded the following findings: (1) The self-improving framework further pushes the boundary of zero-shot NER with LLMs, and achieves an obvious performance improvement; (2) Iterative self-improving or naively increasing the size of unlabeled corpus does not guarantee improvements; (3) There might still be space for improvement via more advanced strategy for reliable entity selection.

Reasoning over Description Logic-based Contexts with Transformers. (arXiv:2311.08941v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Angelos Poulis, Eleni Tsalapati, Manolis Koubarakis

One way that the current state of the art measures the reasoning ability of transformer-based models is by evaluating accuracy in downstream tasks like logical question answering or proof generation over synthetic contexts expressed in natural language. However, most of the contexts used are in practice very simple; in most cases, they are generated from short first-order logic sentences with only a few logical operators and quantifiers. In this work, we seek to answer the question how well a transformer-based model will perform reasoning over expressive contexts. For this purpose, we construct a synthetic natural language question-answering dataset, generated by description logic knowledge bases. For the generation of the knowledge bases, we use the expressive language $\mathcal{ALCQ}$. The resulting dataset contains 384K examples, and increases in two dimensions: i) reasoning depth, and ii) length of sentences. We show that the performance of our DeBERTa-based model, DELTA$_M$, is marginally affected when the reasoning depth is increased and it is not affected at all when the length of the sentences is increasing. We also evaluate the generalization ability of the model on reasoning depths unseen at training, both increasing and decreasing, revealing interesting insights into the model's adaptive generalization abilities.

Improving Large-scale Deep Biasing with Phoneme Features and Text-only Data in Streaming Transducer. (arXiv:2311.08966v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jin Qiu, Lu Huang, Boyu Li, Jun Zhang, Lu Lu, Zejun Ma

Deep biasing for the Transducer can improve the recognition performance of rare words or contextual entities, which is essential in practical applications, especially for streaming Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR). However, deep biasing with large-scale rare words remains challenging, as the performance drops significantly when more distractors exist and there are words with similar grapheme sequences in the bias list. In this paper, we combine the phoneme and textual information of rare words in Transducers to distinguish words with similar pronunciation or spelling. Moreover, the introduction of training with text-only data containing more rare words benefits large-scale deep biasing. The experiments on the LibriSpeech corpus demonstrate that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance on rare word error rate for different scales and levels of bias lists.

Identifying Linear Relational Concepts in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08968v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: David Chanin, Anthony Hunter, Oana-Maria Camburu

Transformer language models (LMs) have been shown to represent concepts as directions in the latent space of hidden activations. However, for any given human-interpretable concept, how can we find its direction in the latent space? We present a technique called linear relational concepts (LRC) for finding concept directions corresponding to human-interpretable concepts at a given hidden layer in a transformer LM by first modeling the relation between subject and object as a linear relational embedding (LRE). While the LRE work was mainly presented as an exercise in understanding model representations, we find that inverting the LRE while using earlier object layers results in a powerful technique to find concept directions that both work well as a classifier and causally influence model outputs.

Speculative Contrastive Decoding. (arXiv:2311.08981v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hongyi Yuan, Keming Lu, Fei Huang, Zheng Yuan, Chang Zhou

Large language models (LLMs) have shown extraordinary performance in various language tasks, but high computational requirements hinder their widespread deployment. Speculative decoding, which uses amateur models to predict the generation of expert models, has been proposed as a way to accelerate LLM inference. However, speculative decoding focuses on acceleration instead of making the best use of the token distribution from amateur models. We proposed Speculative Contrastive Decoding (SCD), an accelerated decoding method leveraging the natural contrast between expert and amateur models in speculative decoding. Comprehensive evaluations on four benchmarks show that SCD can achieve similar acceleration factors as speculative decoding while further improving the generation quality as the contrastive decoding. The analysis of token probabilities further demonstrates the compatibility between speculative and contrastive decoding. Overall, SCD provides an effective approach to enhance the decoding quality of LLMs while saving computational resources.

SentAlign: Accurate and Scalable Sentence Alignment. (arXiv:2311.08982v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Steinþór Steingrímsson, Hrafn Loftsson, Andy Way

We present SentAlign, an accurate sentence alignment tool designed to handle very large parallel document pairs. Given user-defined parameters, the alignment algorithm evaluates all possible alignment paths in fairly large documents of thousands of sentences and uses a divide-and-conquer approach to align documents containing tens of thousands of sentences. The scoring function is based on LaBSE bilingual sentence representations. SentAlign outperforms five other sentence alignment tools when evaluated on two different evaluation sets, German-French and English-Icelandic, and on a downstream machine translation task.

When does In-context Learning Fall Short and Why? A Study on Specification-Heavy Tasks. (arXiv:2311.08993v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hao Peng, Xiaozhi Wang, Jianhui Chen, Weikai Li, Yunjia Qi, Zimu Wang, Zhili Wu, Kaisheng Zeng, Bin Xu, Lei Hou, Juanzi Li

In-context learning (ICL) has become the default method for using large language models (LLMs), making the exploration of its limitations and understanding the underlying causes crucial. In this paper, we find that ICL falls short of handling specification-heavy tasks, which are tasks with complicated and extensive task specifications, requiring several hours for ordinary humans to master, such as traditional information extraction tasks. The performance of ICL on these tasks mostly cannot reach half of the state-of-the-art results. To explore the reasons behind this failure, we conduct comprehensive experiments on 18 specification-heavy tasks with various LLMs and identify three primary reasons: inability to specifically understand context, misalignment in task schema comprehension with humans, and inadequate long-text understanding ability. Furthermore, we demonstrate that through fine-tuning, LLMs can achieve decent performance on these tasks, indicating that the failure of ICL is not an inherent flaw of LLMs, but rather a drawback of existing alignment methods that renders LLMs incapable of handling complicated specification-heavy tasks via ICL. To substantiate this, we perform dedicated instruction tuning on LLMs for these tasks and observe a notable improvement. We hope the analyses in this paper could facilitate advancements in alignment methods enabling LLMs to meet more sophisticated human demands.

Factcheck-GPT: End-to-End Fine-Grained Document-Level Fact-Checking and Correction of LLM Output. (arXiv:2311.09000v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuxia Wang, Revanth Gangi Reddy, Zain Muhammad Mujahid, Arnav Arora, Aleksandr Rubashevskii, Jiahui Geng, Osama Mohammed Afzal, Liangming Pan, Nadav Borenstein, Aditya Pillai, Isabelle Augenstein, Iryna Gurevych, Preslav Nakov

The increased use of large language models (LLMs) across a variety of real-world applications calls for mechanisms to verify the factual accuracy of their outputs. In this work, we present a holistic end-to-end solution for annotating the factuality of LLM-generated responses, which encompasses a multi-stage annotation scheme designed to yield detailed labels concerning the verifiability and factual inconsistencies found in LLM outputs. We design and build an annotation tool to speed up the labelling procedure and ease the workload of raters. It allows flexible incorporation of automatic results in any stage, e.g. automatically-retrieved evidence. We further construct an open-domain document-level factuality benchmark in three-level granularity: claim, sentence and document. Preliminary experiments show that FacTool, FactScore and Perplexity.ai are struggling to identify false claims with the best F1=0.53. Annotation tool, benchmark and code are available at https://github.com/yuxiaw/Factcheck-GPT.

Data Similarity is Not Enough to Explain Language Model Performance. (arXiv:2311.09006v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Gregory Yauney, Emily Reif, David Mimno

Large language models achieve high performance on many but not all downstream tasks. The interaction between pretraining data and task data is commonly assumed to determine this variance: a task with data that is more similar to a model's pretraining data is assumed to be easier for that model. We test whether distributional and example-specific similarity measures (embedding-, token- and model-based) correlate with language model performance through a large-scale comparison of the Pile and C4 pretraining datasets with downstream benchmarks. Similarity correlates with performance for multilingual datasets, but in other benchmarks, we surprisingly find that similarity metrics are not correlated with accuracy or even each other. This suggests that the relationship between pretraining data and downstream tasks is more complex than often assumed.

End-to-end Task-oriented Dialogue: A Survey of Tasks, Methods, and Future Directions. (arXiv:2311.09008v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Libo Qin, Wenbo Pan, Qiguang Chen, Lizi Liao, Zhou Yu, Yue Zhang, Wanxiang Che, Min Li

End-to-end task-oriented dialogue (EToD) can directly generate responses in an end-to-end fashion without modular training, which attracts escalating popularity. The advancement of deep neural networks, especially the successful use of large pre-trained models, has further led to significant progress in EToD research in recent years. In this paper, we present a thorough review and provide a unified perspective to summarize existing approaches as well as recent trends to advance the development of EToD research. The contributions of this paper can be summarized: (1) \textbf{\textit{First survey}}: to our knowledge, we take the first step to present a thorough survey of this research field; (2) \textbf{\textit{New taxonomy}}: we first introduce a unified perspective for EToD, including (i) \textit{Modularly EToD} and (ii) \textit{Fully EToD}; (3) \textbf{\textit{New Frontiers}}: we discuss some potential frontier areas as well as the corresponding challenges, hoping to spur breakthrough research in EToD field; (4) \textbf{\textit{Abundant resources}}: we build a public website\footnote{We collect the related papers, baseline projects, and leaderboards for the community at \url{https://etods.net/}.}, where EToD researchers could directly access the recent progress. We hope this work can serve as a thorough reference for the EToD research community.

Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Computational Argumentation. (arXiv:2311.09022v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Guizhen Chen, Liying Cheng, Luu Anh Tuan, Lidong Bing

Computational argumentation has become an essential tool in various fields, including artificial intelligence, law, and public policy. It is an emerging research field in natural language processing (NLP) that attracts increasing attention. Research on computational argumentation mainly involves two types of tasks: argument mining and argument generation. As large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong abilities in understanding context and generating natural language, it is worthwhile to evaluate the performance of LLMs on various computational argumentation tasks. This work aims to embark on an assessment of LLMs, such as ChatGPT, Flan models and LLaMA2 models, under zero-shot and few-shot settings within the realm of computational argumentation. We organize existing tasks into 6 main classes and standardise the format of 14 open-sourced datasets. In addition, we present a new benchmark dataset on counter speech generation, that aims to holistically evaluate the end-to-end performance of LLMs on argument mining and argument generation. Extensive experiments show that LLMs exhibit commendable performance across most of these datasets, demonstrating their capabilities in the field of argumentation. We also highlight the limitations in evaluating computational argumentation and provide suggestions for future research directions in this field.

MELA: Multilingual Evaluation of Linguistic Acceptability. (arXiv:2311.09033v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Yikang Liu, Weifang Huang, Junyu Mao, Rui Wang, Hai Hu

Recent benchmarks for Large Language Models (LLMs) have mostly focused on application-driven tasks such as complex reasoning and code generation, and this has led to a scarcity in purely linguistic evaluation of LLMs. Against this background, we introduce Multilingual Evaluation of Linguistic Acceptability -- MELA, the first multilingual benchmark on linguistic acceptability with 48K samples covering 10 languages from a diverse set of language families. We establish baselines of commonly used LLMs along with supervised models, and conduct cross-lingual transfer and multi-task learning experiments with XLM-R. In pursuit of multilingual interpretability, we analyze the weights of fine-tuned XLM-R to explore the possibility of identifying transfer difficulty between languages. Our results show that ChatGPT benefits much from in-context examples but still lags behind fine-tuned XLM-R, while the performance of GPT-4 is on par with fine-tuned XLM-R even in zero-shot setting. Cross-lingual and multi-task learning experiments show that unlike semantic tasks, in-language training data is crucial in acceptability judgements. Results in layerwise probing indicate that the upper layers of XLM-R become a task-specific but language-agnostic region for multilingual acceptability judgment. We also introduce the concept of conflicting weight, which could be a potential indicator for the difficulty of cross-lingual transfer between languages. Our data will be available at https://github.com/sjtu-compling/MELA.

GRASP: A novel benchmark for evaluating language GRounding And Situated Physics understanding in multimodal language models. (arXiv:2311.09048v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Serwan Jassim, Mario Holubar, Annika Richter, Cornelius Wolff, Xenia Ohmer, Elia Bruni

This paper presents GRASP, a novel benchmark to evaluate the language grounding and physical understanding capabilities of video-based multimodal large language models (LLMs). This evaluation is accomplished via a two-tier approach leveraging Unity simulations. The initial level tests for language grounding by assessing a model's ability to relate simple textual descriptions with visual information. The second level evaluates the model's understanding of 'Intuitive Physics' principles, such as object permanence and continuity. In addition to releasing the benchmark, we use it to evaluate several state-of-the-art multimodal LLMs. Our evaluation reveals significant shortcomings in current models' language grounding and intuitive physics. These identified limitations underline the importance of benchmarks like GRASP to monitor the progress of future models in developing these competencies.

Assessing Knowledge Editing in Language Models via Relation Perspective. (arXiv:2311.09053v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yifan Wei, Xiaoyan Yu, Huanhuan Ma, Fangyu Lei, Yixuan Weng, Ran Song, Kang Liu

Knowledge Editing (KE) for modifying factual knowledge in Large Language Models (LLMs) has been receiving increasing attention. However, existing knowledge editing methods are entity-centric, and it is unclear whether this approach is suitable for a relation-centric perspective. To address this gap, this paper constructs a new benchmark named RaKE, which focuses on Relation based Knowledge Editing. In this paper, we establish a suite of innovative metrics for evaluation and conduct comprehensive experiments involving various knowledge editing baselines. We notice that existing knowledge editing methods exhibit the potential difficulty in their ability to edit relations. Therefore, we further explore the role of relations in factual triplets within the transformer. Our research results confirm that knowledge related to relations is not only stored in the FFN network but also in the attention layers. This provides experimental support for future relation-based knowledge editing methods.

Do Localization Methods Actually Localize Memorized Data in LLMs?. (arXiv:2311.09060v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ting-Yun Chang, Jesse Thomason, Robin Jia

Large language models (LLMs) can memorize many pretrained sequences verbatim. This paper studies if we can locate a small set of neurons in LLMs responsible for memorizing a given sequence. While the concept of localization is often mentioned in prior work, methods for localization have never been systematically and directly evaluated; we address this with two benchmarking approaches. In our INJ Benchmark, we actively inject a piece of new information into a small subset of LLM weights and measure whether localization methods can identify these "ground truth" weights. In the DEL Benchmark, we study localization of pretrained data that LLMs have already memorized; while this setting lacks ground truth, we can still evaluate localization by measuring whether dropping out located neurons erases a memorized sequence from the model. We evaluate five localization methods on our two benchmarks, and both show similar rankings. All methods exhibit promising localization ability, especially for pruning-based methods, though the neurons they identify are not necessarily specific to a single memorized sequence.

Identifying Self-Disclosures of Use, Misuse and Addiction in Community-based Social Media Posts. (arXiv:2311.09066v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chenghao Yang, Tuhin Chakrabarty, Karli R Hochstatter, Melissa N Slavin, Nabila El-Bassel, Smaranda Muresan

In the last decade, the United States has lost more than 500,000 people from an overdose involving prescription and illicit opioids (https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/epidemic/index.html) making it a national public health emergency (USDHHS, 2017). To more effectively prevent unintentional opioid overdoses, medical practitioners require robust and timely tools that can effectively identify at-risk patients. Community-based social media platforms such as Reddit allow self-disclosure for users to discuss otherwise sensitive drug-related behaviors, often acting as indicators for opioid use disorder. Towards this, we present a moderate size corpus of 2500 opioid-related posts from various subreddits spanning 6 different phases of opioid use: Medical Use, Misuse, Addiction, Recovery, Relapse, Not Using. For every post, we annotate span-level extractive explanations and crucially study their role both in annotation quality and model development. We evaluate several state-of-the-art models in a supervised, few-shot, or zero-shot setting. Experimental results and error analysis show that identifying the phases of opioid use disorder is highly contextual and challenging. However, we find that using explanations during modeling leads to a significant boost in classification accuracy demonstrating their beneficial role in a high-stakes domain such as studying the opioid use disorder continuum. The dataset will be made available for research on Github in the formal version.

How Well Do Large Language Models Truly Ground?. (arXiv:2311.09069v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hyunji Lee, Sejune Joo, Chaeeun Kim, Joel Jang, Doyoung Kim, Kyoung-Woon On, Minjoon Seo

Reliance on the inherent knowledge of Large Language Models (LLMs) can cause issues such as hallucinations, lack of control, and difficulties in integrating variable knowledge. To mitigate this, LLMs can be probed to generate responses by grounding on external context, often given as input (knowledge-augmented models). Yet, previous research is often confined to a narrow view of the term "grounding", often only focusing on whether the response contains the correct answer or not, which does not ensure the reliability of the entire response. To address this limitation, we introduce a strict definition of grounding: a model is considered truly grounded when its responses (1) fully utilize necessary knowledge from the provided context, and (2) don't exceed the knowledge within the contexts. We introduce a new dataset and a grounding metric to assess this new definition and perform experiments across 13 LLMs of different sizes and training methods to provide insights into the factors that influence grounding performance. Our findings contribute to a better understanding of how to improve grounding capabilities and suggest an area of improvement toward more reliable and controllable LLM applications.

How Multilingual is Multilingual LLM?. (arXiv:2311.09071v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Fei Yuan, Shuai Yuan, Zhiyong Wu, Lei Li

Large Language Models (LLMs), trained predominantly on extensive English data, often exhibit limitations when applied to other languages. Current research is primarily focused on enhancing the multilingual capabilities of these models by employing various tuning strategies. Despite their effectiveness in certain languages, the understanding of the multilingual abilities of LLMs remains incomplete. This study endeavors to evaluate the multilingual capacity of LLMs by conducting an exhaustive analysis across 101 languages, and classifies languages with similar characteristics into four distinct quadrants. By delving into each quadrant, we shed light on the rationale behind their categorization and offer actionable guidelines for tuning these languages. Extensive experiments reveal that existing LLMs possess multilingual capabilities that surpass our expectations, and we can significantly improve the multilingual performance of LLMs by focusing on these distinct attributes present in each quadrant.

The Uli Dataset: An Exercise in Experience Led Annotation of oGBV. (arXiv:2311.09086v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Arnav Arora, Maha Jinadoss, Cheshta Arora, Denny George, Brindaalakshmi, Haseena Dawood Khan, Kirti Rawat, Div, Ritash, Seema Mathur, Shivani Yadav, Shehla Rashid Shora, Rie Raut, Sumit Pawar, Apurva Paithane, Sonia, Vivek, Dharini Priscilla, Khairunnisha, Grace Banu, Ambika Tandon, Rishav Thakker, Rahul Dev Korra, Aatman Vaidya, Tarunima Prabhakar

Online gender based violence has grown concomitantly with adoption of the internet and social media. Its effects are worse in the Global majority where many users use social media in languages other than English. The scale and volume of conversations on the internet has necessitated the need for automated detection of hate speech, and more specifically gendered abuse. There is, however, a lack of language specific and contextual data to build such automated tools. In this paper we present a dataset on gendered abuse in three languages- Hindi, Tamil and Indian English. The dataset comprises of tweets annotated along three questions pertaining to the experience of gender abuse, by experts who identify as women or a member of the LGBTQIA community in South Asia. Through this dataset we demonstrate a participatory approach to creating datasets that drive AI systems.

Social Bias Probing: Fairness Benchmarking for Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09090v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Marta Marchiori Manerba, Karolina Stańczak, Riccardo Guidotti, Isabelle Augenstein

Large language models have been shown to encode a variety of social biases, which carries the risk of downstream harms. While the impact of these biases has been recognized, prior methods for bias evaluation have been limited to binary association tests on small datasets, offering a constrained view of the nature of societal biases within language models. In this paper, we propose an original framework for probing language models for societal biases. We collect a probing dataset to analyze language models' general associations, as well as along the axes of societal categories, identities, and stereotypes. To this end, we leverage a novel perplexity-based fairness score. We curate a large-scale benchmarking dataset addressing drawbacks and limitations of existing fairness collections, expanding to a variety of different identities and stereotypes. When comparing our methodology with prior work, we demonstrate that biases within language models are more nuanced than previously acknowledged. In agreement with recent findings, we find that larger model variants exhibit a higher degree of bias. Moreover, we expose how identities expressing different religions lead to the most pronounced disparate treatments across all models.

Defending Large Language Models Against Jailbreaking Attacks Through Goal Prioritization. (arXiv:2311.09096v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhexin Zhang, Junxiao Yang, Pei Ke, Minlie Huang

Large Language Models (LLMs) continue to advance in their capabilities, yet this progress is accompanied by a growing array of safety risks. While significant attention has been dedicated to exploiting weaknesses in LLMs through jailbreaking attacks, there remains a paucity of exploration into defending against these attacks. We point out a pivotal factor contributing to the success of jailbreaks: the inherent conflict between the goals of being helpful and ensuring safety. To counter jailbreaking attacks, we propose to integrate goal prioritization at both training and inference stages. Implementing goal prioritization during inference substantially diminishes the Attack Success Rate (ASR) of jailbreaking attacks, reducing it from 66.4% to 2.0% for ChatGPT and from 68.2% to 19.4% for Vicuna-33B, without compromising general performance. Furthermore, integrating the concept of goal prioritization into the training phase reduces the ASR from 71.0% to 6.6% for LLama2-13B. Remarkably, even in scenarios where no jailbreaking samples are included during training, our approach slashes the ASR by half, decreasing it from 71.0% to 34.0%. Additionally, our findings reveal that while stronger LLMs face greater safety risks, they also possess a greater capacity to be steered towards defending against such attacks. We hope our work could contribute to the comprehension of jailbreaking attacks and defenses, and shed light on the relationship between LLMs' capability and safety. Our code will be available at \url{https://github.com/thu-coai/JailbreakDefense_GoalPriority}.

Towards A Unified View of Answer Calibration for Multi-Step Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.09101v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shumin Deng, Ningyu Zhang, Nay Oo, Bryan Hooi

Large Language Models (LLMs) employing Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting have broadened the scope for improving multi-step reasoning capabilities. Usually, answer calibration strategies such as step-level or path-level calibration play a vital role in multi-step reasoning. While effective, there remains a significant gap in our understanding of the key factors that drive their success. In this paper, we break down the design of recent answer calibration strategies and present a unified view which establishes connections between them. We then conduct a thorough evaluation on these strategies from a unified view, systematically scrutinizing step-level and path-level answer calibration across multiple paths. Our study holds the potential to illuminate key insights for optimizing multi-step reasoning with answer calibration.

MAVEN-Arg: Completing the Puzzle of All-in-One Event Understanding Dataset with Event Argument Annotation. (arXiv:2311.09105v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaozhi Wang, Hao Peng, Yong Guan, Kaisheng Zeng, Jianhui Chen, Lei Hou, Xu Han, Yankai Lin, Zhiyuan Liu, Ruobing Xie, Jie Zhou, Juanzi Li

Understanding events in texts is a core objective of natural language understanding, which requires detecting event occurrences, extracting event arguments, and analyzing inter-event relationships. However, due to the annotation challenges brought by task complexity, a large-scale dataset covering the full process of event understanding has long been absent. In this paper, we introduce MAVEN-Arg, which augments MAVEN datasets with event argument annotations, making the first all-in-one dataset supporting event detection, event argument extraction (EAE), and event relation extraction. As an EAE benchmark, MAVEN-Arg offers three main advantages: (1) a comprehensive schema covering 162 event types and 612 argument roles, all with expert-written definitions and examples; (2) a large data scale, containing 98,591 events and 290,613 arguments obtained with laborious human annotation; (3) the exhaustive annotation supporting all task variants of EAE, which annotates both entity and non-entity event arguments in document level. Experiments indicate that MAVEN-Arg is quite challenging for both fine-tuned EAE models and proprietary large language models (LLMs). Furthermore, to demonstrate the benefits of an all-in-one dataset, we preliminarily explore a potential application, future event prediction, with LLMs. MAVEN-Arg and our code can be obtained from https://github.com/THU-KEG/MAVEN-Argument.

"We Demand Justice!": Towards Grounding Political Text in Social Context. (arXiv:2311.09106v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Rajkumar Pujari, Chengfei Wu, Dan Goldwasser

Social media discourse from US politicians frequently consists of 'seemingly similar language used by opposing sides of the political spectrum'. But often, it translates to starkly contrasting real-world actions. For instance, "We need to keep our students safe from mass shootings" may signal either "arming teachers to stop the shooter" or "banning guns to reduce mass shootings" depending on who says it and their political stance on the issue. In this paper, we define and characterize the context that is required to fully understand such ambiguous statements in a computational setting and ground them in real-world entities, actions, and attitudes. To that end, we propose two challenging datasets that require an understanding of the real-world context of the text to be solved effectively. We benchmark these datasets against baselines built upon large pre-trained models such as BERT, RoBERTa, GPT-3, etc. Additionally, we develop and benchmark more structured baselines building upon existing 'Discourse Contextualization Framework' and 'Political Actor Representation' models. We perform analysis of the datasets and baseline predictions to obtain further insights into the pragmatic language understanding challenges posed by the proposed social grounding tasks.

Does Pre-trained Language Model Actually Infer Unseen Links in Knowledge Graph Completion?. (arXiv:2311.09109v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yusuke Sakai, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Katsuhiko Hayashi, Taro Watanabe

Knowledge graphs (KGs) consist of links that describe relationships between entities. Due to the difficulty of manually enumerating all relationships between entities, automatically completing them is essential for KGs. Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC) is a task that infers unseen relationships between entities in a KG. Traditional embedding-based KGC methods, such as RESCAL, TransE, DistMult, ComplEx, RotatE, HAKE, HousE, etc., infer missing links using only the knowledge from training data. In contrast, the recent Pre-trained Language Model (PLM)-based KGC utilizes knowledge obtained during pre-training. Therefore, PLM-based KGC can estimate missing links between entities by reusing memorized knowledge from pre-training without inference. This approach is problematic because building KGC models aims to infer unseen links between entities. However, conventional evaluations in KGC do not consider inference and memorization abilities separately. Thus, a PLM-based KGC method, which achieves high performance in current KGC evaluations, may be ineffective in practical applications. To address this issue, we analyze whether PLM-based KGC methods make inferences or merely access memorized knowledge. For this purpose, we propose a method for constructing synthetic datasets specified in this analysis and conclude that PLMs acquire the inference abilities required for KGC through pre-training, even though the performance improvements mostly come from textual information of entities and relations.

Ever: Mitigating Hallucination in Large Language Models through Real-Time Verification and Rectification. (arXiv:2311.09114v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Haoqiang Kang, Juntong Ni, Huaxiu Yao

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in generating fluent text. However, they often encounter the challenge of generating inaccurate or hallucinated content. This issue is common in both non-retrieval-based generation and retrieval-augmented generation approaches, and existing post-hoc rectification methods may not address the accumulated hallucination errors that may be caused by the "snowballing" issue, especially in reasoning tasks. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a novel approach called Real-time Verification and Rectification (Ever). Instead of waiting until the end of the generation process to rectify hallucinations, Ever employs a real-time, step-wise generation and hallucination rectification strategy. The primary objective is to detect and rectify hallucinations as they occur during the text generation process. When compared to both retrieval-based and non-retrieval-based baselines, Ever demonstrates a significant improvement in generating trustworthy and factually accurate text across a diverse range of tasks, including short-form QA, biography generation, and multi-hop reasoning.

R-Spin: Efficient Speaker and Noise-invariant Representation Learning with Acoustic Pieces. (arXiv:2311.09117v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Heng-Jui Chang, James Glass

This paper introduces Robust Spin (R-Spin), a data-efficient self-supervised fine-tuning framework for speaker and noise-invariant speech representations by learning discrete acoustic units with speaker-invariant clustering (Spin). R-Spin resolves Spin's issues and enhances content representations by learning to predict acoustic pieces. R-Spin offers a 12X reduction in computational resources compared to previous state-of-the-art methods while outperforming them in severely distorted speech scenarios. This paper provides detailed analyses to show how discrete units contribute to speech encoder training and improving robustness in diverse acoustic environments.

Universal NER: A Gold-Standard Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Benchmark. (arXiv:2311.09122v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Stephen Mayhew, Terra Blevins, Shuheng Liu, Marek Šuppa, Hila Gonen, Joseph Marvin Imperial, Börje F. Karlsson, Peiqin Lin, Nikola Ljubešić, LJ Miranda, Barbara Plank, Arij Riabi, Yuval Pinter

We introduce Universal NER (UNER), an open, community-driven project to develop gold-standard NER benchmarks in many languages. The overarching goal of UNER is to provide high-quality, cross-lingually consistent annotations to facilitate and standardize multilingual NER research. UNER v1 contains 18 datasets annotated with named entities in a cross-lingual consistent schema across 12 diverse languages. In this paper, we detail the dataset creation and composition of UNER; we also provide initial modeling baselines on both in-language and cross-lingual learning settings. We release the data, code, and fitted models to the public.

Social Meme-ing: Measuring Linguistic Variation in Memes. (arXiv:2311.09130v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Naitian Zhou, David Jurgens, David Bamman

Much work in the space of NLP has used computational methods to explore sociolinguistic variation in text. In this paper, we argue that memes, as multimodal forms of language comprised of visual templates and text, also exhibit meaningful social variation. We construct a computational pipeline to cluster individual instances of memes into templates and semantic variables, taking advantage of their multimodal structure in doing so. We apply this method to a large collection of meme images from Reddit and make available the resulting \textsc{SemanticMemes} dataset of 3.8M images clustered by their semantic function. We use these clusters to analyze linguistic variation in memes, discovering not only that socially meaningful variation in meme usage exists between subreddits, but that patterns of meme innovation and acculturation within these communities align with previous findings on written language.

Aligning Neural Machine Translation Models: Human Feedback in Training and Inference. (arXiv:2311.09132v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Miguel Moura Ramos, Patrick Fernandes, António Farinhas, André F. T. Martins

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a recent technique to improve the quality of the text generated by a language model, making it closer to what humans would generate. A core ingredient in RLHF's success in aligning and improving large language models (LLMs) is its reward model, trained using human feedback on model outputs. In machine translation (MT), where metrics trained from human annotations can readily be used as reward models, recent methods using minimum Bayes risk decoding and reranking have succeeded in improving the final quality of translation. In this study, we comprehensively explore and compare techniques for integrating quality metrics as reward models into the MT pipeline. This includes using the reward model for data filtering, during the training phase through RL, and at inference time by employing reranking techniques, and we assess the effects of combining these in a unified approach. Our experimental results, conducted across multiple translation tasks, underscore the crucial role of effective data filtering, based on estimated quality, in harnessing the full potential of RL in enhancing MT quality. Furthermore, our findings demonstrate the effectiveness of combining RL training with reranking techniques, showcasing substantial improvements in translation quality.

RRescue: Ranking LLM Responses to Enhance Reasoning Over Context. (arXiv:2311.09136v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yikun Wang, Rui Zheng, Haoming Li, Qi Zhang, Tao Gui, Fei Liu

Effectively using a given context is paramount for large language models. A context window can include task specifications, retrieved documents, previous conversations, and even model self-reflections, functioning similarly to episodic memory. While efforts are being made to expand the context window, studies indicate that LLMs do not use their context optimally for response generation. In this paper, we present a novel approach to optimize LLMs using ranking metrics, which teaches LLMs to rank a collection of contextually-grounded candidate responses. Rather than a traditional full ordering, we advocate for a partial ordering. This is because achieving consensus on the perfect order for system responses can be challenging. Our partial ordering is more robust, less sensitive to noise, and can be acquired through human labelers, heuristic functions, or model distillation. We test our system's improved contextual understanding using the latest benchmarks, including a new multi-document question answering dataset. We conduct ablation studies to understand crucial factors, such as how to gather candidate responses, determine their most suitable order, and balance supervised fine-tuning with ranking metrics. Our approach, named RRescue, suggests a promising avenue for enhancing LLMs' contextual understanding via response ranking.

Grounding or Guesswork? Large Language Models are Presumptive Grounders. (arXiv:2311.09144v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Omar Shaikh, Kristina Gligorić, Ashna Khetan, Matthias Gerstgrasser, Diyi Yang, Dan Jurafsky

Effective conversation requires common ground: a shared understanding between the participants. Common ground, however, does not emerge spontaneously in conversation. Speakers and listeners work together to both identify and construct a shared basis while avoiding misunderstanding. To accomplish grounding, humans rely on a range of dialogue acts, like clarification (What do you mean?) and acknowledgment (I understand.). In domains like teaching and emotional support, carefully constructing grounding prevents misunderstanding. However, it is unclear whether large language models (LLMs) leverage these dialogue acts in constructing common ground. To this end, we curate a set of grounding acts and propose corresponding metrics that quantify attempted grounding. We study whether LLMs use these grounding acts, simulating them taking turns from several dialogue datasets, and comparing the results to humans. We find that current LLMs are presumptive grounders, biased towards assuming common ground without using grounding acts. To understand the roots of this behavior, we examine the role of instruction tuning and reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF), finding that RLHF leads to less grounding. Altogether, our work highlights the need for more research investigating grounding in human-AI interaction.

Temporal Knowledge Question Answering via Abstract Reasoning Induction. (arXiv:2311.09149v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ziyang Chen, Dongfang Li, Xiang Zhao, Baotian Hu, Min Zhang

In this paper, we tackle the significant challenge of temporal knowledge reasoning in Large Language Models (LLMs), an area where such models frequently encounter difficulties. These difficulties often result in the generation of misleading or incorrect information, primarily due to their limited capacity to process evolving factual knowledge and complex temporal logic. In response, we propose a novel, constructivism-based approach that advocates for a paradigm shift in LLM learning towards an active, ongoing process of knowledge synthesis and customization. At the heart of our proposal is the Abstract Reasoning Induction ARI framework, which divides temporal reasoning into two distinct phases: Knowledge-agnostic and Knowledge-based. This division aims to reduce instances of hallucinations and improve LLMs' capacity for integrating abstract methodologies derived from historical data. Our approach achieves remarkable improvements, with relative gains of 29.7\% and 9.27\% on two temporal QA datasets, underscoring its efficacy in advancing temporal reasoning in LLMs. The code will be released at https://github.com/czy1999/ARI.

CLEAN-EVAL: Clean Evaluation on Contaminated Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09154v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wenhong Zhu, Hongkun Hao, Zhiwei He, Yunze Song, Yumeng Zhang, Hanxu Hu, Yiran Wei, Rui Wang, Hongyuan Lu

We are currently in an era of fierce competition among various large language models (LLMs) continuously pushing the boundaries of benchmark performance. However, genuinely assessing the capabilities of these LLMs has become a challenging and critical issue due to potential data contamination, and it wastes dozens of time and effort for researchers and engineers to download and try those contaminated models. To save our precious time, we propose a novel and useful method, Clean-Eval, which mitigates the issue of data contamination and evaluates the LLMs in a cleaner manner. Clean-Eval employs an LLM to paraphrase and back-translate the contaminated data into a candidate set, generating expressions with the same meaning but in different surface forms. A semantic detector is then used to filter the generated low-quality samples to narrow down this candidate set. The best candidate is finally selected from this set based on the BLEURT score. According to human assessment, this best candidate is semantically similar to the original contamination data but expressed differently. All candidates can form a new benchmark to evaluate the model. Our experiments illustrate that Clean-Eval substantially restores the actual evaluation results on contaminated LLMs under both few-shot learning and fine-tuning scenarios.

AbsPyramid: Benchmarking the Abstraction Ability of Language Models with a Unified Entailment Graph. (arXiv:2311.09174v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhaowei Wang, Haochen Shi, Weiqi Wang, Tianqing Fang, Hongming Zhang, Sehyun Choi, Xin Liu, Yangqiu Song

Cognitive research indicates that abstraction ability is essential in human intelligence, which remains under-explored in language models. In this paper, we present AbsPyramid, a unified entailment graph of 221K textual descriptions of abstraction knowledge. While existing resources only touch nouns or verbs within simplified events or specific domains, AbsPyramid collects abstract knowledge for three components of diverse events to comprehensively evaluate the abstraction ability of language models in the open domain. Experimental results demonstrate that current LLMs face challenges comprehending abstraction knowledge in zero-shot and few-shot settings. By training on our rich abstraction knowledge, we find LLMs can acquire basic abstraction abilities and generalize to unseen events. In the meantime, we empirically show that our benchmark is comprehensive to enhance LLMs across two previous abstraction tasks.

SiRA: Sparse Mixture of Low Rank Adaptation. (arXiv:2311.09179v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yun Zhu, Nevan Wichers, Chu-Cheng Lin, Xinyi Wang, Tianlong Chen, Lei Shu, Han Lu, Canoee Liu, Liangchen Luo, Jindong Chen, Lei Meng

Parameter Efficient Tuning has been an prominent approach to adapt the Large Language Model to downstream tasks. Most previous works considers adding the dense trainable parameters, where all parameters are used to adapt certain task. We found this less effective empirically using the example of LoRA that introducing more trainable parameters does not help. Motivated by this we investigate the importance of leveraging "sparse" computation and propose SiRA: sparse mixture of low rank adaption. SiRA leverages the Sparse Mixture of Expert(SMoE) to boost the performance of LoRA. Specifically it enforces the top $k$ experts routing with a capacity limit restricting the maximum number of tokens each expert can process. We propose a novel and simple expert dropout on top of gating network to reduce the over-fitting issue. Through extensive experiments, we verify SiRA performs better than LoRA and other mixture of expert approaches across different single tasks and multitask settings.

PEARL: Personalizing Large Language Model Writing Assistants with Generation-Calibrated Retrievers. (arXiv:2311.09180v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sheshera Mysore, Zhuoran Lu, Mengting Wan, Longqi Yang, Steve Menezes, Tina Baghaee, Emmanuel Barajas Gonzalez, Jennifer Neville, Tara Safavi

Powerful large language models have facilitated the development of writing assistants that promise to significantly improve the quality and efficiency of composition and communication. However, a barrier to effective assistance is the lack of personalization in LLM outputs to the author's communication style and specialized knowledge. In this paper, we address this challenge by proposing PEARL, a retrieval-augmented LLM writing assistant personalized with a generation-calibrated retriever. Our retriever is trained to select historic user-authored documents for prompt augmentation, such that they are likely to best personalize LLM generations for a user request. We propose two key novelties for training our retriever: 1) A training data selection method that identifies user requests likely to benefit from personalization and documents that provide that benefit; and 2) A scale-calibrating KL-divergence objective that ensures that our retriever closely tracks the benefit of a document for personalized generation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of PEARL in generating personalized workplace social media posts and Reddit comments. Finally, we showcase the potential of a generation-calibrated retriever to double as a performance predictor and further improve low-quality generations via LLM chaining.

ContraDoc: Understanding Self-Contradictions in Documents with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09182v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jierui Li, Vipul Raheja, Dhruv Kumar

In recent times, large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance on various document-level tasks such as document classification, summarization, and question-answering. However, research on understanding their capabilities on the task of self-contradictions in long documents has been very limited. In this work, we introduce ContraDoc, the first human-annotated dataset to study self-contradictions in long documents across multiple domains, varying document lengths, self-contradictions types, and scope. We then analyze the current capabilities of four state-of-the-art open-source and commercially available LLMs: GPT3.5, GPT4, PaLM2, and LLaMAv2 on this dataset. While GPT4 performs the best and can outperform humans on this task, we find that it is still unreliable and struggles with self-contradictions that require more nuance and context. We release the dataset and all the code associated with the experiments.

Benchmarking Generation and Evaluation Capabilities of Large Language Models for Instruction Controllable Summarization. (arXiv:2311.09184v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yixin Liu, Alexander R. Fabbri, Jiawen Chen, Yilun Zhao, Simeng Han, Shafiq Joty, Pengfei Liu, Dragomir Radev, Chien-Sheng Wu, Arman Cohan

While large language models (LLMs) already achieve strong performance on standard generic summarization benchmarks, their performance on more complex summarization task settings is less studied. Therefore, we benchmark LLMs on instruction controllable text summarization, where the model input consists of both a source article and a natural language requirement for the desired summary characteristics. To this end, we curate an evaluation-only dataset for this task setting and conduct human evaluation on 5 LLM-based summarization systems. We then benchmark LLM-based automatic evaluation for this task with 4 different evaluation protocols and 11 LLMs, resulting in 40 evaluation methods in total. Our study reveals that instruction controllable text summarization remains a challenging task for LLMs, since (1) all LLMs evaluated still make factual and other types of errors in their summaries; (2) all LLM-based evaluation methods cannot achieve a strong alignment with human annotators when judging the quality of candidate summaries; (3) different LLMs show large performance gaps in summary generation and evaluation. We make our collected benchmark, InstruSum, publicly available to facilitate future research in this direction.

Towards Verifiable Text Generation with Symbolic References. (arXiv:2311.09188v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lucas Torroba Hennigen, Shannon Shen, Aniruddha Nrusimha, Bernhard Gapp, David Sontag, Yoon Kim

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to synthesize plausible and fluent text. However they remain vulnerable to hallucinations, and thus their outputs generally require manual human verification for high-stakes applications, which can be time-consuming and difficult. This paper proposes symbolically grounded generation (SymGen) as a simple approach for enabling easier validation of an LLM's output. SymGen prompts an LLM to interleave its regular output text with explicit symbolic references to fields present in some conditioning data (e.g., a table in JSON format). The references can be used to display the provenance of different spans of text in the generation, reducing the effort required for manual verification. Across data-to-text and question answering experiments, we find that LLMs are able to directly output text that makes use of symbolic references while maintaining fluency and accuracy.

PsyEval: A Comprehensive Large Language Model Evaluation Benchmark for Mental Health. (arXiv:2311.09189v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Haoan Jin, Siyuan Chen, Mengyue Wu, Kenny Q. Zhu

Recently, there has been a growing interest in utilizing large language models (LLMs) in mental health research, with studies showcasing their remarkable capabilities, such as disease detection. However, there is currently a lack of a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the capability of LLMs in this domain. Therefore, we address this gap by introducing the first comprehensive benchmark tailored to the unique characteristics of the mental health domain. This benchmark encompasses a total of six sub-tasks, covering three dimensions, to systematically assess the capabilities of LLMs in the realm of mental health. We have designed corresponding concise prompts for each sub-task. And we comprehensively evaluate a total of eight advanced LLMs using our benchmark. Experiment results not only demonstrate significant room for improvement in current LLMs concerning mental health but also unveil potential directions for future model optimization.

The Role of Chain-of-Thought in Complex Vision-Language Reasoning Task. (arXiv:2311.09193v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yifan Wu, Pengchuan Zhang, Wenhan Xiong, Barlas Oguz, James C. Gee, Yixin Nie

The study explores the effectiveness of the Chain-of-Thought approach, known for its proficiency in language tasks by breaking them down into sub-tasks and intermediate steps, in improving vision-language tasks that demand sophisticated perception and reasoning. We present the "Description then Decision" strategy, which is inspired by how humans process signals. This strategy significantly improves probing task performance by 50%, establishing the groundwork for future research on reasoning paradigms in complex vision-language tasks.

Structural Priming Demonstrates Abstract Grammatical Representations in Multilingual Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09194v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: James A. Michaelov, Catherine Arnett, Tyler A. Chang, Benjamin K. Bergen

Abstract grammatical knowledge - of parts of speech and grammatical patterns - is key to the capacity for linguistic generalization in humans. But how abstract is grammatical knowledge in large language models? In the human literature, compelling evidence for grammatical abstraction comes from structural priming. A sentence that shares the same grammatical structure as a preceding sentence is processed and produced more readily. Because confounds exist when using stimuli in a single language, evidence of abstraction is even more compelling from crosslingual structural priming, where use of a syntactic structure in one language primes an analogous structure in another language. We measure crosslingual structural priming in large language models, comparing model behavior to human experimental results from eight crosslingual experiments covering six languages, and four monolingual structural priming experiments in three non-English languages. We find evidence for abstract monolingual and crosslingual grammatical representations in the models that function similarly to those found in humans. These results demonstrate that grammatical representations in multilingual language models are not only similar across languages, but they can causally influence text produced in different languages.

Never Lost in the Middle: Improving Large Language Models via Attention Strengthening Question Answering. (arXiv:2311.09198v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Junqing He, Kunhao Pan, Xiaoqun Dong, Zhuoyang Song, Yibo Liu, Yuxin Liang, Hao Wang, Qianguo Sun, Songxin Zhang, Zejian Xie, Jiaxing Zhang

While large language models (LLMs) are equipped with longer text input capabilities than before, they are struggling to seek correct information in long contexts. The "lost in the middle" problem challenges most LLMs, referring to the dramatic decline in accuracy when correct information is located in the middle. To overcome this crucial issue, this paper proposes to enhance the information searching and reflection ability of LLMs in long contexts via specially designed tasks called Attention Strengthening Multi-doc QA (ASM QA). Following these tasks, our model excels in focusing more precisely on the desired information. Experimental results show substantial improvement in Multi-doc QA and other benchmarks, superior to state-of-the-art models by 13.7% absolute gain in shuffled settings, by 21.5% in passage retrieval task. We release our model, Ziya-Reader to promote related research in the community.

The Causal Structure of Semantic Ambiguities. (arXiv:2206.06807v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Daphne Wang (University College London), Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (University College London)

Ambiguity is a natural language phenomenon occurring at different levels of syntax, semantics, and pragmatics. It is widely studied; in Psycholinguistics, for instance, we have a variety of competing studies for the human disambiguation processes. These studies are empirical and based on eye-tracking measurements. Here we take first steps towards formalizing these processes for semantic ambiguities where we identified the presence of two features: (1) joint plausibility degrees of different possible interpretations, (2) causal structures according to which certain words play a more substantial role in the processes. The novel sheaf-theoretic model of definite causality developed by Gogioso and Pinzani in QPL 2021 offers tools to model and reason about these features. We applied this theory to a dataset of ambiguous phrases extracted from Psycholinguistics literature and their human plausibility judgements collected by us using the Amazon Mechanical Turk engine. We measured the causal fractions of different disambiguation orders within the phrases and discovered two prominent orders: from subject to verb in the subject-verb and from object to verb in the verb object phrases. We also found evidence for delay in the disambiguation of polysemous vs homonymous verbs, again compatible with Psycholinguistic findings.

Beyond Vectors: Subspace Representations for Set Operations of Embeddings. (arXiv:2210.13034v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yoichi Ishibashi, Sho Yokoi, Katsuhito Sudoh, Satoshi Nakamura

In natural language processing (NLP), the role of embeddings in representing linguistic semantics is crucial. Despite the prevalence of vector representations in embedding sets, they exhibit limitations in expressiveness and lack comprehensive set operations. To address this, we attempt to formulate and apply sets and their operations within pre-trained embedding spaces. Inspired by quantum logic, we propose to go beyond the conventional vector set representation with our novel subspace-based approach. This methodology constructs subspaces using pre-trained embedding sets, effectively preserving semantic nuances previously overlooked, and consequently consistently improving performance in downstream tasks.

Deanthropomorphising NLP: Can a Language Model Be Conscious?. (arXiv:2211.11483v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Matthew Shardlow, Piotr Przybyła

This work is intended as a voice in the discussion over previous claims that a pretrained large language model (LLM) based on the Transformer model architecture can be sentient. Such claims have been made concerning the LaMDA model and also concerning the current wave of LLM-powered chatbots, such as ChatGPT. This claim, if confirmed, would have serious ramifications in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) community due to wide-spread use of similar models. However, here we take the position that such a large language model cannot be sentient, or conscious, and that LaMDA in particular exhibits no advances over other similar models that would qualify it. We justify this by analysing the Transformer architecture through Integrated Information Theory of consciousness. We see the claims of sentience as part of a wider tendency to use anthropomorphic language in NLP reporting. Regardless of the veracity of the claims, we consider this an opportune moment to take stock of progress in language modelling and consider the ethical implications of the task. In order to make this work helpful for readers outside the NLP community, we also present the necessary background in language modelling.

Editing Language Model-based Knowledge Graph Embeddings. (arXiv:2301.10405v6 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyuan Cheng, Ningyu Zhang, Bozhong Tian, Xi Chen, Qingbing Liu, Huajun Chen

Recently decades have witnessed the empirical success of framing Knowledge Graph (KG) embeddings via language models. However, language model-based KG embeddings are usually deployed as static artifacts, making them difficult to modify post-deployment without re-training after deployment. To address this issue, we propose a new task of editing language model-based KG embeddings in this paper. This task is designed to facilitate rapid, data-efficient updates to KG embeddings without compromising the performance of other aspects. We build four new datasets: E-FB15k237, A-FB15k237, E-WN18RR, and A-WN18RR, and evaluate several knowledge editing baselines demonstrating the limited ability of previous models to handle the proposed challenging task. We further propose a simple yet strong baseline dubbed KGEditor, which utilizes additional parametric layers of the hyper network to edit/add facts. Our comprehensive experimental results reveal that KGEditor excels in updating specific facts without impacting the overall performance, even when faced with limited training resources. Code and datasets are available in https://github.com/zjunlp/PromptKG/tree/main/deltaKG.

Unlocking the Potential of ChatGPT: A Comprehensive Exploration of its Applications, Advantages, Limitations, and Future Directions in Natural Language Processing. (arXiv:2304.02017v6 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Walid Hariri

Large language models have revolutionized the field of artificial intelligence and have been used in various applications. Among these models, ChatGPT (Chat Generative Pre-trained Transformer) has been developed by OpenAI, it stands out as a powerful tool that has been widely adopted. ChatGPT has been successfully applied in numerous areas, including chatbots, content generation, language translation, personalized recommendations, and even medical diagnosis and treatment. Its success in these applications can be attributed to its ability to generate human-like responses, understand natural language, and adapt to different contexts. Its versatility and accuracy make it a powerful tool for natural language processing (NLP). However, there are also limitations to ChatGPT, such as its tendency to produce biased responses and its potential to perpetuate harmful language patterns. This article provides a comprehensive overview of ChatGPT, its applications, advantages, and limitations. Additionally, the paper emphasizes the importance of ethical considerations when using this robust tool in real-world scenarios. Finally, This paper contributes to ongoing discussions surrounding artificial intelligence and its impact on vision and NLP domains by providing insights into prompt engineering techniques.

Can LLM Already Serve as A Database Interface? A BIg Bench for Large-Scale Database Grounded Text-to-SQLs. (arXiv:2305.03111v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinyang Li, Binyuan Hui, Ge Qu, Jiaxi Yang, Binhua Li, Bowen Li, Bailin Wang, Bowen Qin, Rongyu Cao, Ruiying Geng, Nan Huo, Xuanhe Zhou, Chenhao Ma, Guoliang Li, Kevin C.C. Chang, Fei Huang, Reynold Cheng, Yongbin Li

Text-to-SQL parsing, which aims at converting natural language instructions into executable SQLs, has gained increasing attention in recent years. In particular, Codex and ChatGPT have shown impressive results in this task. However, most of the prevalent benchmarks, i.e., Spider, and WikiSQL, focus on database schema with few rows of database contents leaving the gap between academic study and real-world applications. To mitigate this gap, we present Bird, a big benchmark for large-scale database grounded in text-to-SQL tasks, containing 12,751 pairs of text-to-SQL data and 95 databases with a total size of 33.4 GB, spanning 37 professional domains. Our emphasis on database values highlights the new challenges of dirty database contents, external knowledge between NL questions and database contents, and SQL efficiency, particularly in the context of massive databases. To solve these problems, text-to-SQL models must feature database value comprehension in addition to semantic parsing. The experimental results demonstrate the significance of database values in generating accurate text-to-SQLs for big databases. Furthermore, even the most effective text-to-SQL models, i.e. ChatGPT, only achieves 40.08% in execution accuracy, which is still far from the human result of 92.96%, proving that challenges still stand. Besides, we also provide an efficiency analysis to offer insights into generating text-to-efficient-SQLs that are beneficial to industries. We believe that BIRD will contribute to advancing real-world applications of text-to-SQL research. The leaderboard and source code are available: https://bird-bench.github.io/.

NeuroComparatives: Neuro-Symbolic Distillation of Comparative Knowledge. (arXiv:2305.04978v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Phillip Howard, Junlin Wang, Vasudev Lal, Gadi Singer, Yejin Choi, Swabha Swayamdipta

Comparative knowledge (e.g., steel is stronger and heavier than styrofoam) is an essential component of our world knowledge, yet understudied in prior literature. In this paper, we study the task of comparative knowledge acquisition, motivated by the dramatic improvements in the capabilities of extreme-scale language models like GPT-4, which have fueled efforts towards harvesting their knowledge into knowledge bases. While acquisition of such comparative knowledge is much easier from models like GPT-4, compared to their considerably smaller and weaker counterparts such as GPT-2, not even the most powerful models are exempt from making errors. We thus ask: to what extent are models at different scales able to generate valid and diverse comparative knowledge?

We introduce NeuroComparatives, a novel framework for comparative knowledge distillation overgenerated from language models such as GPT-variants and Llama, followed by stringent filtering of the generated knowledge. Our framework acquires comparative knowledge between everyday objects, producing a corpus of up to 8.8M comparisons over 1.74M entity pairs - 10X larger and 30% more diverse than existing resources. Moreover, human evaluations show that NeuroComparatives outperform existing resources (up to 32% absolute improvement). We also demonstrate the utility of our distilled NeuroComparatives on three downstream tasks. Our results show that neuro-symbolic manipulation of smaller models offer complementary benefits to the currently dominant practice of prompting extreme-scale language models for knowledge distillation.

Schema-adaptable Knowledge Graph Construction. (arXiv:2305.08703v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongbin Ye, Honghao Gui, Xin Xu, Xi Chen, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

Conventional Knowledge Graph Construction (KGC) approaches typically follow the static information extraction paradigm with a closed set of pre-defined schema. As a result, such approaches fall short when applied to dynamic scenarios or domains, whereas a new type of knowledge emerges. This necessitates a system that can handle evolving schema automatically to extract information for KGC. To address this need, we propose a new task called schema-adaptable KGC, which aims to continually extract entity, relation, and event based on a dynamically changing schema graph without re-training. We first split and convert existing datasets based on three principles to build a benchmark, i.e., horizontal schema expansion, vertical schema expansion, and hybrid schema expansion; then investigate the schema-adaptable performance of several well-known approaches such as Text2Event, TANL, UIE and GPT-3.5. We further propose a simple yet effective baseline dubbed \textsc{AdaKGC}, which contains schema-enriched prefix instructor and schema-conditioned dynamic decoding to better handle evolving schema. Comprehensive experimental results illustrate that AdaKGC can outperform baselines but still have room for improvement. We hope the proposed work can deliver benefits to the community. Code and datasets available at https://github.com/zjunlp/AdaKGC.

Explaining black box text modules in natural language with language models. (arXiv:2305.09863v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Chandan Singh, Aliyah R. Hsu, Richard Antonello, Shailee Jain, Alexander G. Huth, Bin Yu, Jianfeng Gao

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable prediction performance for a growing array of tasks. However, their rapid proliferation and increasing opaqueness have created a growing need for interpretability. Here, we ask whether we can automatically obtain natural language explanations for black box text modules. A "text module" is any function that maps text to a scalar continuous value, such as a submodule within an LLM or a fitted model of a brain region. "Black box" indicates that we only have access to the module's inputs/outputs.

We introduce Summarize and Score (SASC), a method that takes in a text module and returns a natural language explanation of the module's selectivity along with a score for how reliable the explanation is. We study SASC in 3 contexts. First, we evaluate SASC on synthetic modules and find that it often recovers ground truth explanations. Second, we use SASC to explain modules found within a pre-trained BERT model, enabling inspection of the model's internals. Finally, we show that SASC can generate explanations for the response of individual fMRI voxels to language stimuli, with potential applications to fine-grained brain mapping. All code for using SASC and reproducing results is made available on Github.

Accurate Knowledge Distillation with n-best Reranking. (arXiv:2305.12057v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hendra Setiawan

We propose utilizing n-best reranking to enhance the Sequence-Level Knowledge Distillation (Kim and Rush, 2016) where we explore hypotheses beyond the top-1 to acquire more accurate pseudo-labels. To accomplish this, we leverage a diverse set of models with different inductive biases, objective functions or architectures, including publicly-available large pretrained models. The effectiveness of our proposal is validated through experiments on the WMT'21 German-English and Chinese-English translation tasks. Our results demonstrate that utilizing the pseudo-labels generated by our n-best reranker leads to a significantly more accurate student model. In fact, our best student model achieves comparable accuracy to a large translation model from (Tran et al., 2021) with 4.7 billion parameters, while having two orders of magnitude fewer parameters.

GPT4Table: Can Large Language Models Understand Structured Table Data? A Benchmark and Empirical Study. (arXiv:2305.13062v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuan Sui, Mengyu Zhou, Mingjie Zhou, Shi Han, Dongmei Zhang

Large language models (LLMs) are becoming attractive as few-shot reasoners to solve Natural Language (NL)-related tasks. However, there is still much to learn about how well LLMs understand structured data, such as tables. While it is true that tables can be used as inputs to LLMs with serialization, there is a lack of comprehensive studies examining whether LLMs can truly comprehend such data. In this paper, we try to understand this by designing a benchmark to evaluate the structural understanding capabilities (SUC) of LLMs. The benchmark we create includes seven tasks, each with its own unique challenges, \eg, cell lookup, row retrieval, and size detection. We conduct a series of evaluations on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. We find that the performance varied depending on several input choices, including table input format, content order, role prompting, and partition marks. Drawing from the insights gained through the benchmark evaluations, we propose \textit{self-augmentation} for effective structural prompting, such as critical value / range identification using LLMs' internal knowledge. When combined with carefully chosen input choices, these structural prompting methods lead to promising improvements in LLM performance on a variety of tabular tasks, \eg, TabFact($\uparrow2.31\%$), HybridQA($\uparrow2.13\%$), SQA($\uparrow2.72\%$), Feverous($\uparrow0.84\%$), and ToTTo($\uparrow5.68\%$). We believe that our benchmark and proposed prompting methods can serve as a simple yet generic selection for future research.

Evaluating and Modeling Attribution for Cross-Lingual Question Answering. (arXiv:2305.14332v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Benjamin Muller, John Wieting, Jonathan H. Clark, Tom Kwiatkowski, Sebastian Ruder, Livio Baldini Soares, Roee Aharoni, Jonathan Herzig, Xinyi Wang

Trustworthy answer content is abundant in many high-resource languages and is instantly accessible through question answering systems, yet this content can be hard to access for those that do not speak these languages. The leap forward in cross-lingual modeling quality offered by generative language models offers much promise, yet their raw generations often fall short in factuality. To improve trustworthiness in these systems, a promising direction is to attribute the answer to a retrieved source, possibly in a content-rich language different from the query. Our work is the first to study attribution for cross-lingual question answering. First, we collect data in 5 languages to assess the attribution level of a state-of-the-art cross-lingual QA system. To our surprise, we find that a substantial portion of the answers is not attributable to any retrieved passages (up to 50% of answers exactly matching a gold reference) despite the system being able to attend directly to the retrieved text. Second, to address this poor attribution level, we experiment with a wide range of attribution detection techniques. We find that Natural Language Inference models and PaLM 2 fine-tuned on a very small amount of attribution data can accurately detect attribution. Based on these models, we improve the attribution level of a cross-lingual question-answering system. Overall, we show that current academic generative cross-lingual QA systems have substantial shortcomings in attribution and we build tooling to mitigate these issues.

Schema-Driven Information Extraction from Heterogeneous Tables. (arXiv:2305.14336v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Fan Bai, Junmo Kang, Gabriel Stanovsky, Dayne Freitag, Alan Ritter

In this paper, we explore the question of whether large language models can support cost-efficient information extraction from tables. We introduce schema-driven information extraction, a new task that transforms tabular data into structured records following a human-authored schema. To assess various LLM's capabilities on this task, we develop a benchmark composed of tables from four diverse domains: machine learning papers, chemistry literature, material science journals, and webpages. Alongside the benchmark, we present an extraction method based on instruction-tuned LLMs. Our approach shows competitive performance without task-specific labels, achieving F1 scores ranging from 74.2 to 96.1, while maintaining great cost efficiency. Moreover, we validate the possibility of distilling compact table-extraction models to reduce API reliance, as well as extraction from image tables using multi-modal models. By developing a benchmark and demonstrating the feasibility of this task using proprietary models, we aim to support future work on open-source schema-driven IE models.

ReadMe++: Benchmarking Multilingual Language Models for Multi-Domain Readability Assessment. (arXiv:2305.14463v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tarek Naous, Michael J. Ryan, Anton Lavrouk, Mohit Chandra, Wei Xu

We present a systematic study and comprehensive evaluation of large language models for automatic multilingual readability assessment. In particular, we construct ReadMe++, a multilingual multi-domain dataset with human annotations of 9757 sentences in Arabic, English, French, Hindi, and Russian collected from 112 different data sources. ReadMe++ offers more domain and language diversity than existing readability datasets, making it ideal for benchmarking multilingual and non-English language models (including mBERT, XLM-R, mT5, Llama-2, GPT-4, etc.) in the supervised, unsupervised, and few-shot prompting settings. Our experiments reveal that models fine-tuned on ReadMe++ outperform those trained on single-domain datasets, showcasing superior performance on multi-domain readability assessment and cross-lingual transfer capabilities. We also compare to traditional readability metrics (such as Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level and Open Source Metric for Measuring Arabic Narratives), as well as the state-of-the-art unsupervised metric RSRS (Martinc et al., 2021). We will make our data and code publicly available at: https://github.com/tareknaous/readme.

Are Large Language Models Robust Coreference Resolvers?. (arXiv:2305.14489v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Nghia T. Le, Alan Ritter

Recent work on extending coreference resolution across domains and languages relies on annotated data in both the target domain and language. At the same time, pre-trained large language models (LMs) have been reported to exhibit strong zero- and few-shot learning abilities across a wide range of NLP tasks. However, prior work mostly studied this ability using artificial sentence-level datasets such as the Winograd Schema Challenge. In this paper, we assess the feasibility of prompt-based coreference resolution by evaluating instruction-tuned language models on difficult, linguistically-complex coreference benchmarks (e.g., CoNLL-2012). We show that prompting for coreference can outperform current unsupervised coreference systems, although this approach appears to be reliant on high-quality mention detectors. Further investigations reveal that instruction-tuned LMs generalize surprisingly well across domains, languages, and time periods; yet continued fine-tuning of neural models should still be preferred if small amounts of annotated examples are available.

Do prompt positions really matter?. (arXiv:2305.14493v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Junyu Mao, Stuart E. Middleton, Mahesan Niranjan

Prompt-based models have gathered a lot of attention from researchers due to their remarkable advancements in the fields of zero-shot and few-shot learning. Developing an effective prompt template plays a critical role. However, prior studies have mainly focused on prompt vocabulary selection or embedding initialization within a predefined template with the prompt position fixed. In this empirical study, we conduct the most comprehensive analysis to date of prompt position for diverse natural language process tasks. Our findings quantify the substantial impact prompt position has on model performance. We observe that the prompt position used in prior studies is often sub-optimal. These findings suggest prompt position optimisation as a valuable research direction to fill the gap in existing prompt engineering methodologies.

Selectively Answering Ambiguous Questions. (arXiv:2305.14613v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jeremy R. Cole, Michael J.Q. Zhang, Daniel Gillick, Julian Martin Eisenschlos, Bhuwan Dhingra, Jacob Eisenstein

Trustworthy language models should abstain from answering questions when they do not know the answer. However, the answer to a question can be unknown for a variety of reasons. Prior research has focused on the case in which the question is clear and the answer is unambiguous but possibly unknown, but the answer to a question can also be unclear due to uncertainty of the questioner's intent or context. We investigate question answering from this perspective, focusing on answering a subset of questions with a high degree of accuracy, from a set of questions in which many are inherently ambiguous. In this setting, we find that the most reliable approach to decide when to abstain involves quantifying repetition within sampled model outputs, rather than the model's likelihood or self-verification as used in prior work. We find this to be the case across different types of uncertainty and model scales,and with or without instruction tuning. Our results suggest that sampling-based confidence scores help calibrate answers to relatively unambiguous questions, with more dramatic improvements on ambiguous questions.

Evaluate What You Can't Evaluate: Unassessable Quality for Generated Response. (arXiv:2305.14658v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongkang Liu, Shi Feng, Daling Wang, Yifei Zhang, Hinrich Schütze

LLMs (large language models) such as ChatGPT have shown remarkable language understanding and generation capabilities. Although reference-free evaluators based on LLMs show better human alignment than traditional reference-based evaluators, there are many challenges in using reference-free evaluators based on LLMs. Reference-free evaluators are more suitable for open-ended examples with different semantics responses. But not all examples are open-ended. For closed-ended examples with unique correct semantic response, reference-free evaluators will still consider it high quality when giving a response that is inconsistent with the facts and the semantic of reference. In order to comprehensively evaluate the reliability of evaluators based on LLMs, we construct two adversarial meta-evaluation dialogue generation datasets KdConv-ADV and DSTC7-ADV based on KdConv and DSTC7-AVSD, respectively. Compared to previous meta-evaluation benchmarks, KdConv-ADV and DSTC7-ADV are much more challenging since they requires evaluators to be able to reasonably evaluate closed-ended examples with the help of external knowledge or even its own knowledge. Empirical results show that the ability of LLMs to identify unreasonable responses is insufficient. There are risks in using eference-free evaluators based on LLMs to evaluate the quality of dialogue responses.

Detecting Multidimensional Political Incivility on Social Media. (arXiv:2305.14964v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sagi Pendzel, Nir Lotan, Alon Zoizner, Einat Minkov

The rise of social media has been argued to intensify uncivil and hostile online political discourse. Yet, to date, there is a lack of clarity on what incivility means in the political sphere. In this work, we utilize a multidimensional perspective of political incivility, developed in the fields of political science and communication, that differentiates between impoliteness and political intolerance. We present state-of-the-art incivility detection results using a large dataset of 13K political tweets, collected and annotated per this distinction. Applying political incivility detection at large-scale, we observe that political incivility demonstrates a highly skewed distribution over users, and examine social factors that correlate with incivility at subpopulation and user-level. Finally, we propose an approach for modeling social context information about the tweet author alongside the tweet content, showing that this leads to improved performance on the task of political incivility detection. We believe that this latter result holds promise for socially-informed text processing in general.

MiniSUPERB: Lightweight Benchmark for Self-supervised Speech Models. (arXiv:2305.19011v3 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu-Hsiang Wang, Huang-Yu Chen, Kai-Wei Chang, Winston Hsu, Hung-yi Lee

SUPERB was proposed to evaluate the generalizability of self-supervised learning (SSL) speech models across various tasks. However, it incurs high computational costs due to the large datasets and diverse tasks. In this paper, we introduce MiniSUPERB, a lightweight benchmark that efficiently evaluates SSL speech models with comparable results to SUPERB but lower computational costs significantly. We carefully select representative tasks, sample datasets, and extract model representations offline. Our approach achieves a Spearman's rank correlation of 0.954 and 0.982 with SUPERB Paper and SUPERB Challenge, respectively. Additionally, we reduce the computational cost by 97% in terms of Multiply-ACcumulate operations (MACs). Furthermore, we evaluate SSL speech models in few-shot scenarios and observe significant variations in their performance. To our knowledge, this is the first study to examine both the computational cost of the model itself and the cost of evaluating it on a benchmark.

$FastDoc$: Domain-Specific Fast Pre-training Technique using Document-Level Metadata and Taxonomy. (arXiv:2306.06190v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Abhilash Nandy, Manav Nitin Kapadnis, Sohan Patnaik, Yash Parag Butala, Pawan Goyal, Niloy Ganguly

As the demand for sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) models continues to grow, so does the need for efficient pre-training techniques. Current NLP models undergo resource-intensive pre-training. In response, we introduce $FastDoc$ (Fast Pre-training Technique using Document-Level Metadata and Taxonomy), a novel approach designed to significantly reduce computational demands. $FastDoc$ leverages document metadata and domain-specific taxonomy as supervision signals. It involves continual pre-training of an open-domain transformer encoder using sentence-level embeddings, followed by fine-tuning using token-level embeddings. We evaluate $FastDoc$ on six tasks across nine datasets spanning three distinct domains. Remarkably, $FastDoc$ achieves remarkable compute reductions of approximately 1,000x, 4,500x, 500x compared to competitive approaches in Customer Support, Scientific, and Legal domains, respectively. Importantly, these efficiency gains do not compromise performance relative to competitive baselines. Furthermore, reduced pre-training data mitigates catastrophic forgetting, ensuring consistent performance in open-domain scenarios. $FastDoc$ offers a promising solution for resource-efficient pre-training, with potential applications spanning various domains.

Citation: A Key to Building Responsible and Accountable Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.02185v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jie Huang, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang

Large Language Models (LLMs) bring transformative benefits alongside unique challenges, including intellectual property (IP) and ethical concerns. This position paper explores a novel angle to mitigate these risks, drawing parallels between LLMs and established web systems. We identify "citation" - the acknowledgement or reference to a source or evidence - as a crucial yet missing component in LLMs. Incorporating citation could enhance content transparency and verifiability, thereby confronting the IP and ethical issues in the deployment of LLMs. We further propose that a comprehensive citation mechanism for LLMs should account for both non-parametric and parametric content. Despite the complexity of implementing such a citation mechanism, along with the potential pitfalls, we advocate for its development. Building on this foundation, we outline several research problems in this area, aiming to guide future explorations towards building more responsible and accountable LLMs.

CPET: Effective Parameter-Efficient Tuning for Compressed Large Language Models. (arXiv:2307.07705v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Weilin Zhao, Yuxiang Huang, Xu Han, Zhiyuan Liu, Zhengyan Zhang, Maosong Sun

Parameter-efficient tuning (PET) has been widely explored in recent years because it tunes much fewer parameters (PET modules) than full-parameter fine-tuning (FT) while still stimulating sufficient knowledge from large language models (LLMs) for downstream tasks. Moreover, when PET is employed to serve multiple tasks, different task-specific PET modules can be built on a frozen LLM, avoiding redundant LLM deployments. Although PET significantly reduces the cost of tuning and deploying LLMs, its inference still suffers from the computational bottleneck of LLMs. To address the above issue, we propose an effective PET framework based on compressed LLMs, named "CPET". In CPET, we evaluate the impact of mainstream LLM compression techniques on PET performance and then introduce knowledge inheritance and recovery strategies to restore the knowledge loss caused by these compression techniques. Our experimental results demonstrate that, owing to the restoring strategies of CPET, collaborating task-specific PET modules with a compressed LLM can achieve comparable performance to collaborating PET modules with the original version of the compressed LLM and outperform directly applying vanilla PET methods to the compressed LLM.

The Bias Amplification Paradox in Text-to-Image Generation. (arXiv:2308.00755v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Preethi Seshadri, Sameer Singh, Yanai Elazar

Bias amplification is a phenomenon in which models exacerbate biases or stereotypes present in the training data. In this paper, we study bias amplification in the text-to-image domain using Stable Diffusion by comparing gender ratios in training vs. generated images. We find that the model appears to amplify gender-occupation biases found in the training data (LAION) considerably. However, we discover that amplification can be largely attributed to discrepancies between training captions and model prompts. For example, an inherent difference is that captions from the training data often contain explicit gender information while our prompts do not, which leads to a distribution shift and consequently inflates bias measures. Once we account for distributional differences between texts used for training and generation when evaluating amplification, we observe that amplification decreases drastically. Our findings illustrate the challenges of comparing biases in models and their training data, and highlight confounding factors that impact analyses.

ASPIRE: Language-Guided Augmentation for Robust Image Classification. (arXiv:2308.10103v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sreyan Ghosh, Chandra Kiran Reddy Evuru, Sonal Kumar, Utkarsh Tyagi, Sakshi Singh, Sanjoy Chowdhury, Dinesh Manocha

Neural image classifiers can often learn to make predictions by overly relying on non-predictive features that are spuriously correlated with the class labels in the training data. This leads to poor performance in real-world atypical scenarios where such features are absent. Supplementing the training dataset with images without such spurious features can aid robust learning against spurious correlations via better generalization. This paper presents ASPIRE (Language-guided data Augmentation for SPurIous correlation REmoval), a simple yet effective solution for expanding the training dataset with synthetic images without spurious features. ASPIRE, guided by language, generates these images without requiring any form of additional supervision or existing examples. Precisely, we employ LLMs to first extract foreground and background features from textual descriptions of an image, followed by advanced language-guided image editing to discover the features that are spuriously correlated with the class label. Finally, we personalize a text-to-image generation model to generate diverse in-domain images without spurious features. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ASPIRE on 4 datasets, including the very challenging Hard ImageNet dataset, and 9 baselines and show that ASPIRE improves the classification accuracy of prior methods by 1% - 38%. Code soon at: https://github.com/Sreyan88/ASPIRE.

When Do Program-of-Thoughts Work for Reasoning?. (arXiv:2308.15452v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Bi, Ningyu Zhang, Yinuo Jiang, Shumin Deng, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

In the realm of embodied artificial intelligence, the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) play a pivotal role. Although there are effective methods like program-of-thought prompting for LLMs which uses programming language to tackle complex reasoning tasks, the specific impact of code data on the improvement of reasoning capabilities remains under-explored. To address this gap, we propose complexity-impacted reasoning score (CIRS), which combines structural and logical attributes, to measure the correlation between code and reasoning abilities. Specifically, we use the abstract syntax tree to encode the structural information and calculate logical complexity by considering the difficulty and the cyclomatic complexity. Through an empirical analysis, we find not all code data of complexity can be learned or understood by LLMs. Optimal level of complexity is critical to the improvement of reasoning abilities by program-aided prompting. Then we design an auto-synthesizing and stratifying algorithm, and apply it to instruction generation for mathematical reasoning and code data filtering for code generation tasks. Extensive results demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Code will be integrated into the EasyInstruct framework at https://github.com/zjunlp/EasyInstruct.

The Empty Signifier Problem: Towards Clearer Paradigms for Operationalising "Alignment" in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.02457v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hannah Rose Kirk, Bertie Vidgen, Paul Röttger, Scott A. Hale

In this paper, we address the concept of "alignment" in large language models (LLMs) through the lens of post-structuralist socio-political theory, specifically examining its parallels to empty signifiers. To establish a shared vocabulary around how abstract concepts of alignment are operationalised in empirical datasets, we propose a framework that demarcates: 1) which dimensions of model behaviour are considered important, then 2) how meanings and definitions are ascribed to these dimensions, and by whom. We situate existing empirical literature and provide guidance on deciding which paradigm to follow. Through this framework, we aim to foster a culture of transparency and critical evaluation, aiding the community in navigating the complexities of aligning LLMs with human populations.

Prompting and Adapter Tuning for Self-supervised Encoder-Decoder Speech Model. (arXiv:2310.02971v3 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Kai-Wei Chang, Ming-Hsin Chen, Yun-Ping Lin, Jing Neng Hsu, Paul Kuo-Ming Huang, Chien-yu Huang, Shang-Wen Li, Hung-yi Lee

Prompting and adapter tuning have emerged as efficient alternatives to fine-tuning (FT) methods. However, existing studies on speech prompting focused on classification tasks and failed on more complex sequence generation tasks. Besides, adapter tuning is primarily applied with a focus on encoder-only self-supervised models. Our experiments show that prompting on Wav2Seq, a self-supervised encoder-decoder model, surpasses previous works in sequence generation tasks. It achieves a remarkable 53% relative improvement in word error rate for ASR and a 27% in F1 score for slot filling. Additionally, prompting competes with the FT method in the low-resource scenario. Moreover, we show the transferability of prompting and adapter tuning on Wav2Seq in cross-lingual ASR. When limited trainable parameters are involved, prompting and adapter tuning consistently outperform conventional FT across 7 languages. Notably, in the low-resource scenario, prompting consistently outperforms adapter tuning.

Fine-grained Conversational Decoding via Isotropic and Proximal Search. (arXiv:2310.08130v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuxuan Yao, Han Wu, Qiling Xu, Linqi Song

General-purpose text decoding approaches are usually adopted for dialogue response generation. Although the quality of the generated responses can be improved with dialogue-specific encoding methods, conversational decoding methods are still under-explored. Inspired by \citet{wu2023learning} that a good dialogue feature space should follow the rules of locality and isotropy, we present a fine-grained conversational decoding method, termed \textit{isotropic and proximal search (IPS)}. Our method is designed to generate the semantic-concentrated response, while still maintaining informativeness and discrimination against the context. Experiments show that our approach outperforms existing decoding strategies in the dialogue field across both automatic and human evaluation metrics. More in-depth analyses further confirm the effectiveness of our approach.

VIBE: Topic-Driven Temporal Adaptation for Twitter Classification. (arXiv:2310.10191v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuji Zhang, Jing Li, Wenjie Li

Language features are evolving in real-world social media, resulting in the deteriorating performance of text classification in dynamics. To address this challenge, we study temporal adaptation, where models trained on past data are tested in the future. Most prior work focused on continued pretraining or knowledge updating, which may compromise their performance on noisy social media data. To tackle this issue, we reflect feature change via modeling latent topic evolution and propose a novel model, VIBE: Variational Information Bottleneck for Evolutions. Concretely, we first employ two Information Bottleneck (IB) regularizers to distinguish past and future topics. Then, the distinguished topics work as adaptive features via multi-task training with timestamp and class label prediction. In adaptive learning, VIBE utilizes retrieved unlabeled data from online streams created posterior to training data time. Substantial Twitter experiments on three classification tasks show that our model, with only 3% of data, significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art continued-pretraining methods.

Eliminating Reasoning via Inferring with Planning: A New Framework to Guide LLMs' Non-linear Thinking. (arXiv:2310.12342v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongqi Tong, Yifan Wang, Dawei Li, Sizhe Wang, Zi Lin, Simeng Han, Jingbo Shang

Chain-of-Thought(CoT) prompting and its variants explore equipping large language models (LLMs) with high-level reasoning abilities by emulating human-like linear cognition and logic. However, the human mind is complicated and mixed with both linear and nonlinear thinking. In this work, we propose \textbf{I}nferential \textbf{E}xclusion \textbf{P}rompting (IEP), a novel prompting that combines the principles of elimination and inference in order to guide LLMs to think non-linearly. IEP guides LLMs to plan and then utilize Natural Language Inference (NLI) to deduce each possible solution's entailment relation with context, commonsense, or facts, therefore yielding a broader perspective by thinking back for inferring. This forward planning and backward eliminating process allows IEP to better simulate the complex human thinking processes compared to other CoT-based methods, which only reflect linear cognitive processes. We conducted a series of empirical studies and have corroborated that IEP consistently outperforms CoT across various tasks. Additionally, we observe that integrating IEP and CoT further improves the LLMs' performance on certain tasks, highlighting the necessity of equipping LLMs with mixed logic processes. Moreover, to better evaluate comprehensive features inherent in human logic, we introduce \textbf{M}ental-\textbf{A}bility \textbf{R}easoning \textbf{B}enchmark (MARB). The benchmark comprises six novel subtasks with a total of 9,115 questions, among which 1,685 are developed with hand-crafted rationale references. We believe both \textsc{IEP} and \textsc{MARB} can serve as a promising direction for unveiling LLMs' logic and verbal reasoning abilities and drive further advancements. \textsc{MARB} will be available at ~\texttt{anonymity link} soon.

AutoMix: Automatically Mixing Language Models. (arXiv:2310.12963v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Aman Madaan, Pranjal Aggarwal, Ankit Anand, Srividya Pranavi Potharaju, Swaroop Mishra, Pei Zhou, Aditya Gupta, Dheeraj Rajagopal, Karthik Kappaganthu, Yiming Yang, Shyam Upadhyay, Mausam, Manaal Faruqui

Large language models (LLMs) are now available in various sizes and configurations from cloud API providers. While this diversity offers a broad spectrum of choices, effectively leveraging the options to optimize computational cost and performance remains challenging. In this work, we present AutoMix, an approach that strategically routes queries to larger LMs, based on the approximate correctness of outputs from a smaller LM. Central to AutoMix is a few-shot self-verification mechanism, which estimates the reliability of its own outputs without requiring training. Given that verifications can be noisy, we employ a meta verifier in AutoMix to refine the accuracy of these assessments. Our experiments using LLAMA2-13/70B, on five context-grounded reasoning datasets demonstrate that AutoMix surpasses established baselines, improving the incremental benefit per cost by up to 89%. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/automix-llm/automix.

MedEval: A Multi-Level, Multi-Task, and Multi-Domain Medical Benchmark for Language Model Evaluation. (arXiv:2310.14088v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zexue He, Yu Wang, An Yan, Yao Liu, Eric Y. Chang, Amilcare Gentili, Julian McAuley, Chun-Nan Hsu

Curated datasets for healthcare are often limited due to the need of human annotations from experts. In this paper, we present MedEval, a multi-level, multi-task, and multi-domain medical benchmark to facilitate the development of language models for healthcare. MedEval is comprehensive and consists of data from several healthcare systems and spans 35 human body regions from 8 examination modalities. With 22,779 collected sentences and 21,228 reports, we provide expert annotations at multiple levels, offering a granular potential usage of the data and supporting a wide range of tasks. Moreover, we systematically evaluated 10 generic and domain-specific language models under zero-shot and finetuning settings, from domain-adapted baselines in healthcare to general-purposed state-of-the-art large language models (e.g., ChatGPT). Our evaluations reveal varying effectiveness of the two categories of language models across different tasks, from which we notice the importance of instruction tuning for few-shot usage of large language models. Our investigation paves the way toward benchmarking language models for healthcare and provides valuable insights into the strengths and limitations of adopting large language models in medical domains, informing their practical applications and future advancements.

Machine Translation for Nko: Tools, Corpora and Baseline Results. (arXiv:2310.15612v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Moussa Koulako Bala Doumbouya, Baba Mamadi Diané, Solo Farabado Cissé, Djibrila Diané, Abdoulaye Sow, Séré Moussa Doumbouya, Daouda Bangoura, Fodé Moriba Bayo, Ibrahima Sory 2. Condé, Kalo Mory Diané, Chris Piech, Christopher Manning

Currently, there is no usable machine translation system for Nko, a language spoken by tens of millions of people across multiple West African countries, which holds significant cultural and educational value.

To address this issue, we present a set of tools, resources, and baseline results aimed towards the development of usable machine translation systems for Nko and other languages that do not currently have sufficiently large parallel text corpora available.

(1) Fria$\parallel$el: A novel collaborative parallel text curation software that incorporates quality control through copyedit-based workflows.

(2) Expansion of the FLoRes-200 and NLLB-Seed corpora with 2,009 and 6,193 high-quality Nko translations in parallel with 204 and 40 other languages.

(3) nicolingua-0005: A collection of trilingual and bilingual corpora with 130,850 parallel segments and monolingual corpora containing over 3 million Nko words.

(4) Baseline bilingual and multilingual neural machine translation results with the best model scoring 30.83 English-Nko chrF++ on FLoRes-devtest.

Attention Alignment and Flexible Positional Embeddings Improve Transformer Length Extrapolation. (arXiv:2311.00684v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ta-Chung Chi, Ting-Han Fan, Alexander I. Rudnicky

An ideal length-extrapolatable Transformer language model can handle sequences longer than the training length without any fine-tuning. Such long-context utilization capability relies heavily on a flexible positional embedding design. Upon investigating the flexibility of existing large pre-trained Transformer language models, we find that the T5 family deserves a closer look, as its positional embeddings capture rich and flexible attention patterns. However, T5 suffers from the dispersed attention issue: the longer the input sequence, the flatter the attention distribution. To alleviate the issue, we propose two attention alignment strategies via temperature scaling. Our findings show improvement on the long-context utilization capability of T5 on language modeling, retrieval, multi-document question answering, and code completion tasks without any fine-tuning. This suggests that a flexible positional embedding design and attention alignment can go a long way toward Transformer length extrapolation.

Watermarks in the Sand: Impossibility of Strong Watermarking for Generative Models. (arXiv:2311.04378v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hanlin Zhang, Benjamin L. Edelman, Danilo Francati, Daniele Venturi, Giuseppe Ateniese, Boaz Barak

Watermarking generative models consists of planting a statistical signal (watermark) in a model's output so that it can be later verified that the output was generated by the given model. A strong watermarking scheme satisfies the property that a computationally bounded attacker cannot erase the watermark without causing significant quality degradation. In this paper, we study the (im)possibility of strong watermarking schemes. We prove that, under well-specified and natural assumptions, strong watermarking is impossible to achieve. This holds even in the private detection algorithm setting, where the watermark insertion and detection algorithms share a secret key, unknown to the attacker. To prove this result, we introduce a generic efficient watermark attack; the attacker is not required to know the private key of the scheme or even which scheme is used. Our attack is based on two assumptions: (1) The attacker has access to a "quality oracle" that can evaluate whether a candidate output is a high-quality response to a prompt, and (2) The attacker has access to a "perturbation oracle" which can modify an output with a nontrivial probability of maintaining quality, and which induces an efficiently mixing random walk on high-quality outputs. We argue that both assumptions can be satisfied in practice by an attacker with weaker computational capabilities than the watermarked model itself, to which the attacker has only black-box access. Furthermore, our assumptions will likely only be easier to satisfy over time as models grow in capabilities and modalities. We demonstrate the feasibility of our attack by instantiating it to attack three existing watermarking schemes for large language models: Kirchenbauer et al. (2023), Kuditipudi et al. (2023), and Zhao et al. (2023). The same attack successfully removes the watermarks planted by all three schemes, with only minor quality degradation.

Chain of Thought with Explicit Evidence Reasoning for Few-shot Relation Extraction. (arXiv:2311.05922v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xilai Ma, Jing Li, Min Zhang

Few-shot relation extraction involves identifying the type of relationship between two specific entities within a text, using a limited number of annotated samples. A variety of solutions to this problem have emerged by applying meta-learning and neural graph techniques which typically necessitate a training process for adaptation. Recently, the strategy of in-context learning has been demonstrating notable results without the need of training. Few studies have already utilized in-context learning for zero-shot information extraction. Unfortunately, the evidence for inference is either not considered or implicitly modeled during the construction of chain-of-thought prompts. In this paper, we propose a novel approach for few-shot relation extraction using large language models, named CoT-ER, chain-of-thought with explicit evidence reasoning. In particular, CoT-ER first induces large language models to generate evidences using task-specific and concept-level knowledge. Then these evidences are explicitly incorporated into chain-of-thought prompting for relation extraction. Experimental results demonstrate that our CoT-ER approach (with 0% training data) achieves competitive performance compared to the fully-supervised (with 100% training data) state-of-the-art approach on the FewRel1.0 and FewRel2.0 datasets.

Automatic Textual Normalization for Hate Speech Detection. (arXiv:2311.06851v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Anh Thi-Hoang Nguyen, Dung Ha Nguyen, Nguyet Thi Nguyen, Khanh Thanh-Duy Ho, Kiet Van Nguyen

Social media data is a valuable resource for research, yet it contains a wide range of non-standard words (NSW). These irregularities hinder the effective operation of NLP tools. Current state-of-the-art methods for the Vietnamese language address this issue as a problem of lexical normalization, involving the creation of manual rules or the implementation of multi-staged deep learning frameworks, which necessitate extensive efforts to craft intricate rules. In contrast, our approach is straightforward, employing solely a sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) model. In this research, we provide a dataset for textual normalization, comprising 2,181 human-annotated comments with an inter-annotator agreement of 0.9014. By leveraging the Seq2Seq model for textual normalization, our results reveal that the accuracy achieved falls slightly short of 70%. Nevertheless, textual normalization enhances the accuracy of the Hate Speech Detection (HSD) task by approximately 2%, demonstrating its potential to improve the performance of complex NLP tasks. Our dataset is accessible for research purposes.

In-context Learning and Gradient Descent Revisited. (arXiv:2311.07772v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tomer Bar Natan, Gilad Deutch, Nadav Magar, Guy Dar

In-context learning (ICL) has shown impressive results in few-shot learning tasks, yet its underlying mechanism is still not fully understood. Recent works suggest that ICL can be thought of as a gradient descent (GD) based optimization process. While promising, these results mainly focus on simplified settings of ICL and provide only a preliminary evaluation of the similarities between the two methods. In this work, we revisit the comparison between ICL and GD-based finetuning and study what properties of ICL an equivalent process must follow. We highlight a major difference in the flow of information between ICL and standard finetuning. Namely, ICL can only rely on information from lower layers at every point, while finetuning depends on loss gradients from deeper layers. We refer to this discrepancy as Layer Causality and show that a layer causal variant of the finetuning process aligns with ICL on par with vanilla finetuning and is even better in most cases across relevant metrics. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to discuss this discrepancy explicitly and suggest a solution that tackles this problem with minimal changes.

Unlocking Science: Novel Dataset and Benchmark for Cross-Modality Scientific Information Extraction. (arXiv:2311.08189v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuhan Li, Jian Wu, Zhiwei Yu, Börje F. Karlsson, Wei Shen, Manabu Okumura, Chin-Yew Lin

Extracting key information from scientific papers has the potential to help researchers work more efficiently and accelerate the pace of scientific progress. Over the last few years, research on Scientific Information Extraction (SciIE) witnessed the release of several new systems and benchmarks. However, existing paper-focused datasets mostly focus only on specific parts of a manuscript (e.g., abstracts) and are single-modality (i.e., text- or table-only), due to complex processing and expensive annotations. Moreover, core information can be present in either text or tables or across both. To close this gap in data availability and enable cross-modality IE, while alleviating labeling costs, we propose a semi-supervised pipeline for annotating entities in text, as well as entities and relations in tables, in an iterative procedure. Based on this pipeline, we release novel resources for the scientific community, including a high-quality benchmark, a large-scale corpus, and a semi-supervised annotation pipeline. We further report the performance of state-of-the-art IE models on the proposed benchmark dataset, as a baseline. Lastly, we explore the potential capability of large language models such as ChatGPT for the current task. Our new dataset, results, and analysis validate the effectiveness and efficiency of our semi-supervised pipeline, and we discuss its remaining limitations.

KTRL+F: Knowledge-Augmented In-Document Search. (arXiv:2311.08329v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hanseok Oh, Haebin Shin, Miyoung Ko, Hyunji Lee, Minjoon Seo

We introduce a new problem KTRL+F, a knowledge-augmented in-document search task that necessitates real-time identification of all semantic targets within a document with the awareness of external sources through a single natural query. This task addresses following unique challenges for in-document search: 1) utilizing knowledge outside the document for extended use of additional information about targets to bridge the semantic gap between the query and the targets, and 2) balancing between real-time applicability with the performance. We analyze various baselines in KTRL+F and find there are limitations of existing models, such as hallucinations, low latency, or difficulties in leveraging external knowledge. Therefore we propose a Knowledge-Augmented Phrase Retrieval model that shows a promising balance between speed and performance by simply augmenting external knowledge embedding in phrase embedding. Additionally, we conduct a user study to verify whether solving KTRL+F can enhance search experience of users. It demonstrates that even with our simple model users can reduce the time for searching with less queries and reduced extra visits to other sources for collecting evidence. We encourage the research community to work on KTRL+F to enhance more efficient in-document information access.

The Transient Nature of Emergent In-Context Learning in Transformers. (arXiv:2311.08360v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Aaditya K. Singh, Stephanie C.Y. Chan, Ted Moskovitz, Erin Grant, Andrew M. Saxe, Felix Hill

Transformer neural networks can exhibit a surprising capacity for in-context learning (ICL) despite not being explicitly trained for it. Prior work has provided a deeper understanding of how ICL emerges in transformers, e.g. through the lens of mechanistic interpretability, Bayesian inference, or by examining the distributional properties of training data. However, in each of these cases, ICL is treated largely as a persistent phenomenon; namely, once ICL emerges, it is assumed to persist asymptotically. Here, we show that the emergence of ICL during transformer training is, in fact, often transient. We train transformers on synthetic data designed so that both ICL and in-weights learning (IWL) strategies can lead to correct predictions. We find that ICL first emerges, then disappears and gives way to IWL, all while the training loss decreases, indicating an asymptotic preference for IWL. The transient nature of ICL is observed in transformers across a range of model sizes and datasets, raising the question of how much to "overtrain" transformers when seeking compact, cheaper-to-run models. We find that L2 regularization may offer a path to more persistent ICL that removes the need for early stopping based on ICL-style validation tasks. Finally, we present initial evidence that ICL transience may be caused by competition between ICL and IWL circuits.

ChOiRe: Characterizing and Predicting Human Opinions with Chain of Opinion Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.08385v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xuan Long Do, Kenji Kawaguchi, Min-Yen Kan, Nancy F. Chen

Aligning language models (LMs) with human opinion is challenging yet vital to enhance their grasp of human values, preferences, and beliefs. We present ChOiRe, a four-step solution framework to predict human opinion that differentiates between the user explicit personae (i.e. demographic or ideological attributes) that are manually declared and implicit personae inferred from user historical opinions. Specifically, it consists of (i) an LM analyzing the user explicit personae to filter out irrelevant attributes; (ii) the LM ranking the implicit persona opinions into a preferential list; (iii) Chain-of-Opinion (CoO) reasoning, where the LM sequentially analyzes the explicit personae and the most relevant implicit personae to perform opinion prediction; (iv) and where ChOiRe executes Step (iii) CoO multiple times with increasingly larger lists of implicit personae to overcome insufficient personae information to infer a final result. ChOiRe achieves new state-of-the-art effectiveness with limited inference calls, improving previous LLM-based techniques significantly by 3.22%.