The Cybersecurity Crisis of Artificial Intelligence: Unrestrained Adoption and Natural Language-Based Attacks. (arXiv:2311.09224v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Andreas Tsamados, Luciano Floridi, Mariarosaria Taddeo

The widespread integration of autoregressive-large language models (AR-LLMs), such as ChatGPT, across established applications, like search engines, has introduced critical vulnerabilities with uniquely scalable characteristics. In this commentary, we analyse these vulnerabilities, their dependence on natural language as a vector of attack, and their challenges to cybersecurity best practices. We offer recommendations designed to mitigate these challenges.

CAPCODRE: A Computational Systems Biology and Machine Learning-Based Approach to Predict Cognitive Disorder Risk in the Elderly. (arXiv:2311.09229v1 [q-bio.NC])

Authors: Srilekha Mamidala

As global life expectancy improves, the population of the elderly, persons that are aged 65 years and older, is steadily increasing as well. However, with aging populations a greater prevalence of cognitive impairment has emerged, ranging from mild dementia to severe dementias such as Alzheimer's disease due to genetic and environmental influences, among others. The purpose of this research was to develop a computational algorithm to predict the risk of developing cognitive disorders using a dual machine learning and systems biology approach. The proposed method CAPCODRE (Computational Approach to Predict COgnitive Disorder Risk for the Elderly) utilized air, water, and noise environmental pollution data coupled with a gene-protein interaction network, in addition to cognitive impairment hospitalizations in the United States to create a tailorable, interactive network able to predict risk of dementia and Alzheimer's disease. This network was inputted into a random selection optimization algorithm to select optimal training parameters for training via k-nearest neighbors, random forest regression, and decision trees. CAPCODRE was successfully able to predict and model risk of cognitive health issues through measures of specificity, sensitivity, and accuracy of >85%. The algorithm was integrated into an app for users to receive personalized predictions based on their medical history and geographic location. CAPCODRE can point to the extent of environmental pollution on human health and reveal steps to mitigate risk of severe cognitive impairment. This research also has the potential to address racial disparities in cognitive disorder diagnoses and treatment, promoting more equitable and accessible care.

Neural Packing: from Visual Sensing to Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2311.09233v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Juzhan Xu, Minglun Gong, Hao Zhang, Hui Huang, Ruizhen Hu

We present a novel learning framework to solve the transport-and-packing (TAP) problem in 3D. It constitutes a full solution pipeline from partial observations of input objects via RGBD sensing and recognition to final box placement, via robotic motion planning, to arrive at a compact packing in a target container. The technical core of our method is a neural network for TAP, trained via reinforcement learning (RL), to solve the NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem. Our network simultaneously selects an object to pack and determines the final packing location, based on a judicious encoding of the continuously evolving states of partially observed source objects and available spaces in the target container, using separate encoders both enabled with attention mechanisms. The encoded feature vectors are employed to compute the matching scores and feasibility masks of different pairings of box selection and available space configuration for packing strategy optimization. Extensive experiments, including ablation studies and physical packing execution by a real robot (Universal Robot UR5e), are conducted to evaluate our method in terms of its design choices, scalability, generalizability, and comparisons to baselines, including the most recent RL-based TAP solution. We also contribute the first benchmark for TAP which covers a variety of input settings and difficulty levels.

Scalable Diffusion for Materials Generation. (arXiv:2311.09235v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mengjiao Yang, KwangHwan Cho, Amil Merchant, Pieter Abbeel, Dale Schuurmans, Igor Mordatch, Ekin Dogus Cubuk

Generative models trained on internet-scale data are capable of generating novel and realistic texts, images, and videos. A natural next question is whether these models can advance science, for example by generating novel stable materials. Traditionally, models with explicit structures (e.g., graphs) have been used in modeling structural relationships in scientific data (e.g., atoms and bonds in crystals), but generating structures can be difficult to scale to large and complex systems. Another challenge in generating materials is the mismatch between standard generative modeling metrics and downstream applications. For instance, common metrics such as the reconstruction error do not correlate well with the downstream goal of discovering stable materials. In this work, we tackle the scalability challenge by developing a unified crystal representation that can represent any crystal structure (UniMat), followed by training a diffusion probabilistic model on these UniMat representations. Our empirical results suggest that despite the lack of explicit structure modeling, UniMat can generate high fidelity crystal structures from larger and more complex chemical systems, outperforming previous graph-based approaches under various generative modeling metrics. To better connect the generation quality of materials to downstream applications, such as discovering novel stable materials, we propose additional metrics for evaluating generative models of materials, including per-composition formation energy and stability with respect to convex hulls through decomposition energy from Density Function Theory (DFT). Lastly, we show that conditional generation with UniMat can scale to previously established crystal datasets with up to millions of crystals structures, outperforming random structure search (the current leading method for structure discovery) in discovering new stable materials.

An Innovative Tool for Uploading/Scraping Large Image Datasets on Social Networks. (arXiv:2311.09237v1 [cs.DL])

Authors: Nicolò Fabio Arceri, Oliver Giudice, Sebastiano Battiato

Nowadays, people can retrieve and share digital information in an increasingly easy and fast fashion through the well-known digital platforms, including sensitive data, inappropriate or illegal content, and, in general, information that might serve as probative evidence in court. Consequently, to assess forensics issues, we need to figure out how to trace back to the posting chain of a digital evidence (e.g., a picture, an audio) throughout the involved platforms -- this is what Digital (also Forensics) Ballistics basically deals with. With the entry of Machine Learning as a tool of the trade in many research areas, the need for vast amounts of data has been dramatically increasing over the last few years. However, collecting or simply find the "right" datasets that properly enables data-driven research studies can turn out to be not trivial in some cases, if not extremely challenging, especially when it comes with highly specialized tasks, such as creating datasets analyzed to detect the source media platform of a given digital media. In this paper we propose an automated approach by means of a digital tool that we created on purpose. The tool is capable of automatically uploading an entire image dataset to the desired digital platform and then downloading all the uploaded pictures, thus shortening the overall time required to output the final dataset to be analyzed.

Chain of Images for Intuitively Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.09241v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fanxu Meng, Haotong Yang, Yiding Wang, Muhan Zhang

The human brain is naturally equipped to comprehend and interpret visual information rapidly. When confronted with complex problems or concepts, we use flowcharts, sketches, and diagrams to aid our thought process. Leveraging this inherent ability can significantly enhance logical reasoning. However, current Large Language Models (LLMs) do not utilize such visual intuition to help their thinking. Even the most advanced version language models (e.g., GPT-4V and LLaVA) merely align images into textual space, which means their reasoning processes remain purely verbal. To mitigate such limitations, we present a Chain of Images (CoI) approach, which can convert complex language reasoning problems to simple pattern recognition by generating a series of images as intermediate representations. Furthermore, we have developed a CoI evaluation dataset encompassing 15 distinct domains where images can intuitively aid problem-solving. Based on this dataset, we aim to construct a benchmark to assess the capability of future multimodal large-scale models to leverage images for reasoning. In supporting our CoI reasoning, we introduce a symbolic multimodal large language model (SyMLLM) that generates images strictly based on language instructions and accepts both text and image as input. Experiments on Geometry, Chess and Common Sense tasks sourced from the CoI evaluation dataset show that CoI improves performance significantly over the pure-language Chain of Thoughts (CoT) baselines. The code is available at

Affine Invariance in Continuous-Domain Convolutional Neural Networks. (arXiv:2311.09245v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ali Mohaddes, Johannes Lederer

The notion of group invariance helps neural networks in recognizing patterns and features under geometric transformations. Indeed, it has been shown that group invariance can largely improve deep learning performances in practice, where such transformations are very common. This research studies affine invariance on continuous-domain convolutional neural networks. Despite other research considering isometric invariance or similarity invariance, we focus on the full structure of affine transforms generated by the generalized linear group $\mathrm{GL}_2(\mathbb{R})$. We introduce a new criterion to assess the similarity of two input signals under affine transformations. Then, unlike conventional methods that involve solving complex optimization problems on the Lie group $G_2$, we analyze the convolution of lifted signals and compute the corresponding integration over $G_2$. In sum, our research could eventually extend the scope of geometrical transformations that practical deep-learning pipelines can handle.

Comparing Humans, GPT-4, and GPT-4V On Abstraction and Reasoning Tasks. (arXiv:2311.09247v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Melanie Mitchell, Alessandro B. Palmarini, Arseny Moskvichev

We explore the abstract reasoning abilities of text-only and multimodal versions of GPT-4, using the ConceptARC benchmark [10], which is designed to evaluate robust understanding and reasoning with core-knowledge concepts. We extend the work of Moskvichev et al. [10] by evaluating GPT-4 on more detailed, one-shot prompting (rather than simple, zero-shot prompts) with text versions of ConceptARC tasks, and by evaluating GPT-4V, the multimodal version of GPT-4, on zero- and one-shot prompts using image versions of the simplest tasks. Our experimental results support the conclusion that neither version of GPT-4 has developed robust abstraction abilities at humanlike levels.

A Simple and Powerful Framework for Stable Dynamic Network Embedding. (arXiv:2311.09251v1 [cs.SI])

Authors: Ed Davis, Ian Gallagher, Daniel John Lawson, Patrick Rubin-Delanchy

In this paper, we address the problem of dynamic network embedding, that is, representing the nodes of a dynamic network as evolving vectors within a low-dimensional space. While the field of static network embedding is wide and established, the field of dynamic network embedding is comparatively in its infancy. We propose that a wide class of established static network embedding methods can be used to produce interpretable and powerful dynamic network embeddings when they are applied to the dilated unfolded adjacency matrix. We provide a theoretical guarantee that, regardless of embedding dimension, these unfolded methods will produce stable embeddings, meaning that nodes with identical latent behaviour will be exchangeable, regardless of their position in time or space. We additionally define a hypothesis testing framework which can be used to evaluate the quality of a dynamic network embedding by testing for planted structure in simulated networks. Using this, we demonstrate that, even in trivial cases, unstable methods are often either conservative or encode incorrect structure. In contrast, we demonstrate that our suite of stable unfolded methods are not only more interpretable but also more powerful in comparison to their unstable counterparts.

The Perception-Robustness Tradeoff in Deterministic Image Restoration. (arXiv:2311.09253v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Guy Ohayon, Tomer Michaeli, Michael Elad

We study the behavior of deterministic methods for solving inverse problems in imaging. These methods are commonly designed to achieve two goals: (1) attaining high perceptual quality, and (2) generating reconstructions that are consistent with the measurements. We provide a rigorous proof that the better a predictor satisfies these two requirements, the larger its Lipschitz constant must be, regardless of the nature of the degradation involved. In particular, to approach perfect perceptual quality and perfect consistency, the Lipschitz constant of the model must grow to infinity. This implies that such methods are necessarily more susceptible to adversarial attacks. We demonstrate our theory on single image super-resolution algorithms, addressing both noisy and noiseless settings. We also show how this undesired behavior can be leveraged to explore the posterior distribution, thereby allowing the deterministic model to imitate stochastic methods.

Emerging Drug Interaction Prediction Enabled by Flow-based Graph Neural Network with Biomedical Network. (arXiv:2311.09261v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Yongqi Zhang, Quanming Yao, Ling Yue, Xian Wu, Ziheng Zhang, Zhenxi Lin, Yefeng Zheng

Accurately predicting drug-drug interactions (DDI) for emerging drugs, which offer possibilities for treating and alleviating diseases, with computational methods can improve patient care and contribute to efficient drug development. However, many existing computational methods require large amounts of known DDI information, which is scarce for emerging drugs. In this paper, we propose EmerGNN, a graph neural network (GNN) that can effectively predict interactions for emerging drugs by leveraging the rich information in biomedical networks. EmerGNN learns pairwise representations of drugs by extracting the paths between drug pairs, propagating information from one drug to the other, and incorporating the relevant biomedical concepts on the paths. The different edges on the biomedical network are weighted to indicate the relevance for the target DDI prediction. Overall, EmerGNN has higher accuracy than existing approaches in predicting interactions for emerging drugs and can identify the most relevant information on the biomedical network.

Auto-ICL: In-Context Learning without Human Supervision. (arXiv:2311.09263v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jinghan Yang, Shuming Ma, Furu Wei

In the era of Large Language Models (LLMs), human-computer interaction has evolved towards natural language, offering unprecedented flexibility. Despite this, LLMs are heavily reliant on well-structured prompts to function efficiently within the realm of In-Context Learning. Vanilla In-Context Learning relies on human-provided contexts, such as labeled examples, explicit instructions, or other guiding mechanisms that shape the model's outputs. To address this challenge, our study presents a universal framework named Automatic In-Context Learning. Upon receiving a user's request, we ask the model to independently generate examples, including labels, instructions, or reasoning pathways. The model then leverages this self-produced context to tackle the given problem. Our approach is universally adaptable and can be implemented in any setting where vanilla In-Context Learning is applicable. We demonstrate that our method yields strong performance across a range of tasks, standing up well when compared to existing methods.

Cross-domain feature disentanglement for interpretable modeling of tumor microenvironment impact on drug response. (arXiv:2311.09264v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jia Zhai, Hui Liu

High-throughput screening technology has facilitated the generation of large-scale drug responses across hundreds of cancer cell lines. However, there exists significant discrepancy between in vitro cell lines and actual tumors in vivo in terms of their response to drug treatments, because of tumors comprise of complex cellular compositions and histopathology structure, known as tumor microenvironment (TME), which greatly influences the drug cytotoxicity against tumor cells. To date, no study has focused on modeling the impact of the TME on clinical drug response. This paper proposed a domain adaptation network for feature disentanglement to separate representations of cancer cells and TME of a tumor in patients. Two denoising autoencoders were separately used to extract features from cell lines (source domain) and tumors (target domain) for partial domain alignment and feature decoupling. The specific encoder was enforced to extract information only about TME. Moreover, to ensure generalizability to novel drugs, we applied a graph attention network to learn the latent representation of drugs, allowing us to linearly model the drug perturbation on cellular state in latent space. We calibrated our model on a benchmark dataset and demonstrated its superior performance in predicting clinical drug response and dissecting the influence of the TME on drug efficacy.

Adversarially Robust Spiking Neural Networks Through Conversion. (arXiv:2311.09266v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Ozan Özdenizci, Robert Legenstein

Spiking neural networks (SNNs) provide an energy-efficient alternative to a variety of artificial neural network (ANN) based AI applications. As the progress in neuromorphic computing with SNNs expands their use in applications, the problem of adversarial robustness of SNNs becomes more pronounced. To the contrary of the widely explored end-to-end adversarial training based solutions, we address the limited progress in scalable robust SNN training methods by proposing an adversarially robust ANN-to-SNN conversion algorithm. Our method provides an efficient approach to embrace various computationally demanding robust learning objectives that have been proposed for ANNs. During a post-conversion robust finetuning phase, our method adversarially optimizes both layer-wise firing thresholds and synaptic connectivity weights of the SNN to maintain transferred robustness gains from the pre-trained ANN. We perform experimental evaluations in numerous adaptive adversarial settings that account for the spike-based operation dynamics of SNNs, and show that our approach yields a scalable state-of-the-art solution for adversarially robust deep SNNs with low-latency.

Neuroscience inspired scientific machine learning (Part-1): Variable spiking neuron for regression. (arXiv:2311.09267v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Shailesh Garg, Souvik Chakraborty

Redundant information transfer in a neural network can increase the complexity of the deep learning model, thus increasing its power consumption. We introduce in this paper a novel spiking neuron, termed Variable Spiking Neuron (VSN), which can reduce the redundant firing using lessons from biological neuron inspired Leaky Integrate and Fire Spiking Neurons (LIF-SN). The proposed VSN blends LIF-SN and artificial neurons. It garners the advantage of intermittent firing from the LIF-SN and utilizes the advantage of continuous activation from the artificial neuron. This property of the proposed VSN makes it suitable for regression tasks, which is a weak point for the vanilla spiking neurons, all while keeping the energy budget low. The proposed VSN is tested against both classification and regression tasks. The results produced advocate favorably towards the efficacy of the proposed spiking neuron, particularly for regression tasks.

FedCode: Communication-Efficient Federated Learning via Transferring Codebooks. (arXiv:2311.09270v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Saeed Khalilian, Vasileios Tsouvalas, Tanir Ozcelebi, Nirvana Meratnia

Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm that enables learning models from decentralized local data. While FL offers appealing properties for clients' data privacy, it imposes high communication burdens for exchanging model weights between a server and the clients. Existing approaches rely on model compression techniques, such as pruning and weight clustering to tackle this. However, transmitting the entire set of weight updates at each federated round, even in a compressed format, limits the potential for a substantial reduction in communication volume. We propose FedCode where clients transmit only codebooks, i.e., the cluster centers of updated model weight values. To ensure a smooth learning curve and proper calibration of clusters between the server and the clients, FedCode periodically transfers model weights after multiple rounds of solely communicating codebooks. This results in a significant reduction in communication volume between clients and the server in both directions, without imposing significant computational overhead on the clients or leading to major performance degradation of the models. We evaluate the effectiveness of FedCode using various publicly available datasets with ResNet-20 and MobileNet backbone model architectures. Our evaluations demonstrate a 12.2-fold data transmission reduction on average while maintaining a comparable model performance with an average accuracy loss of 1.3% compared to FedAvg. Further validation of FedCode performance under non-IID data distributions showcased an average accuracy loss of 2.0% compared to FedAvg while achieving approximately a 12.7-fold data transmission reduction.

Linear time Evidence Accumulation Clustering with KMeans. (arXiv:2311.09272v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Gaëlle Candel

Among ensemble clustering methods, Evidence Accumulation Clustering is one of the simplest technics. In this approach, a co-association (CA) matrix representing the co-clustering frequency is built and then clustered to extract consensus clusters. Compared to other approaches, this one is simple as there is no need to find matches between clusters obtained from two different partitionings. Nevertheless, this method suffers from computational issues, as it requires to compute and store a matrix of size n x n, where n is the number of items. Due to the quadratic cost, this approach is reserved for small datasets. This work describes a trick which mimic the behavior of average linkage clustering. We found a way of computing efficiently the density of a partitioning, reducing the cost from a quadratic to linear complexity. Additionally, we proved that the k-means maximizes naturally the density. We performed experiments on several benchmark datasets where we compared the k-means and the bisecting version to other state-of-the-art consensus algorithms. The k-means results are comparable to the best state of the art in terms of NMI while keeping the computational cost low. Additionally, the k-means led to the best results in terms of density. These results provide evidence that consensus clustering can be solved with simple algorithms.

Constructing interpretable principal curve using Neural ODEs. (arXiv:2311.09274v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Guangzheng Zhang, Bingxian Xu

The study of high dimensional data sets often rely on their low dimensional projections that preserve the local geometry of the original space. While numerous methods have been developed to summarize this space as variations of tree-like structures, they are usually non-parametric and "static" in nature. As data may come from systems that are dynamical such as a differentiating cell, a static, non-parametric characterization of the space may not be the most appropriate. Here, we developed a framework, the principal flow, that is capable of characterizing the space in a dynamical manner. The principal flow, defined using neural ODEs, directs motion of a particle through the space, where the trajectory of the particle resembles the principal curve of the dataset. We illustrate that our framework can be used to characterize shapes of various complexities, and is flexible to incorporate summaries of relaxation dynamics.

Improved Sparse Ising Optimization. (arXiv:2311.09275v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kenneth M. Zick

Sparse Ising problems can be found in application areas such as logistics, condensed matter physics and training of deep Boltzmann networks, but can be very difficult to tackle with high efficiency and accuracy. This report presents new data demonstrating significantly higher performance on some longstanding benchmark problems with up to 20,000 variables. The data come from a new heuristic algorithm tested on the large sparse instances from the Gset benchmark suite. Relative to leading reported combinations of speed and accuracy (e.g., from Toshiba's Simulated Bifurcation Machine and Breakout Local Search), a proof-of-concept implementation reached targets 2-4 orders of magnitude faster. For two instances (G72 and G77) the new algorithm discovered a better solution than all previously reported values. Solution bitstrings confirming these two best solutions are provided. The data suggest exciting possibilities for pushing the sparse Ising performance frontier to potentially strengthen algorithm portfolios, AI toolkits and decision-making systems.

Leveraging Citizen Science for Flood Extent Detection using Machine Learning Benchmark Dataset. (arXiv:2311.09276v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Muthukumaran Ramasubramanian, Iksha Gurung, Shubhankar Gahlot, Ronny Hänsch, Andrew L. Molthan, Manil Maskey

Accurate detection of inundated water extents during flooding events is crucial in emergency response decisions and aids in recovery efforts. Satellite Remote Sensing data provides a global framework for detecting flooding extents. Specifically, Sentinel-1 C-Band Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery has proven to be useful in detecting water bodies due to low backscatter of water features in both co-polarized and cross-polarized SAR imagery. However, increased backscatter can be observed in certain flooded regions such as presence of infrastructure and trees - rendering simple methods such as pixel intensity thresholding and time-series differencing inadequate. Machine Learning techniques has been leveraged to precisely capture flood extents in flooded areas with bumps in backscatter but needs high amounts of labelled data to work desirably. Hence, we created a labeled known water body extent and flooded area extents during known flooding events covering about 36,000 sq. kilometers of regions within mainland U.S and Bangladesh. Further, We also leveraged citizen science by open-sourcing the dataset and hosting an open competition based on the dataset to rapidly prototype flood extent detection using community generated models. In this paper we present the information about the dataset, the data processing pipeline, a baseline model and the details about the competition, along with discussion on winning approaches. We believe the dataset adds to already existing datasets based on Sentinel-1C SAR data and leads to more robust modeling of flood extents. We also hope the results from the competition pushes the research in flood extent detection further.

Divergences between Language Models and Human Brains. (arXiv:2311.09308v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuchen Zhou, Emmy Liu, Graham Neubig, Leila Wehbe

Do machines and humans process language in similar ways? A recent line of research has hinted in the affirmative, demonstrating that human brain signals can be effectively predicted using the internal representations of language models (LMs). This is thought to reflect shared computational principles between LMs and human language processing. However, there are also clear differences in how LMs and humans acquire and use language, even if the final task they are performing is the same. Despite this, there is little work exploring systematic differences between human and machine language processing using brain data. To address this question, we examine the differences between LM representations and the human brain's responses to language, specifically by examining a dataset of Magnetoencephalography (MEG) responses to a written narrative. In doing so we identify three phenomena that, in prior work, LMs have been found to not capture well: emotional understanding, figurative language processing, and physical commonsense. By fine-tuning LMs on datasets related to these phenomena, we observe that fine-tuned LMs show improved alignment with human brain responses across these tasks. Our study implies that the observed divergences between LMs and human brains may stem from LMs' inadequate representation of these specific types of knowledge.

H-Packer: Holographic Rotationally Equivariant Convolutional Neural Network for Protein Side-Chain Packing. (arXiv:2311.09312v1 [q-bio.BM])

Authors: Gian Marco Visani, William Galvin, Michael Neal Pun, Armita Nourmohammad

Accurately modeling protein 3D structure is essential for the design of functional proteins. An important sub-task of structure modeling is protein side-chain packing: predicting the conformation of side-chains (rotamers) given the protein's backbone structure and amino-acid sequence. Conventional approaches for this task rely on expensive sampling procedures over hand-crafted energy functions and rotamer libraries. Recently, several deep learning methods have been developed to tackle the problem in a data-driven way, albeit with vastly different formulations (from image-to-image translation to directly predicting atomic coordinates). Here, we frame the problem as a joint regression over the side-chains' true degrees of freedom: the dihedral $\chi$ angles. We carefully study possible objective functions for this task, while accounting for the underlying symmetries of the task. We propose Holographic Packer (H-Packer), a novel two-stage algorithm for side-chain packing built on top of two light-weight rotationally equivariant neural networks. We evaluate our method on CASP13 and CASP14 targets. H-Packer is computationally efficient and shows favorable performance against conventional physics-based algorithms and is competitive against alternative deep learning solutions.

A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Early Detection of Hospital-Acquired Infections. (arXiv:2311.09329v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ethan Harvey, Junzi Dong, Erina Ghosh, Ali Samadani

As more and more infection-specific machine learning models are developed and planned for clinical deployment, simultaneously running predictions from different models may provide overlapping or even conflicting information. It is important to understand the concordance and behavior of parallel models in deployment. In this study, we focus on two models for the early detection of hospital-acquired infections (HAIs): 1) the Infection Risk Index (IRI) and 2) the Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia (VAP) prediction model. The IRI model was built to predict all HAIs, whereas the VAP model identifies patients at risk of developing ventilator-associated pneumonia. These models could make important improvements in patient outcomes and hospital management of infections through early detection of infections and in turn, enable early interventions. The two models vary in terms of infection label definition, cohort selection, and prediction schema. In this work, we present a comparative analysis between the two models to characterize concordances and confusions in predicting HAIs by these models. The learnings from this study will provide important findings for how to deploy multiple concurrent disease-specific models in the future.

Strategic Data Augmentation with CTGAN for Smart Manufacturing: Enhancing Machine Learning Predictions of Paper Breaks in Pulp-and-Paper Production. (arXiv:2311.09333v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hamed Khosravi, Sarah Farhadpour, Manikanta Grandhi, Ahmed Shoyeb Raihan, Srinjoy Das, Imtiaz Ahmed

A significant challenge for predictive maintenance in the pulp-and-paper industry is the infrequency of paper breaks during the production process. In this article, operational data is analyzed from a paper manufacturing machine in which paper breaks are relatively rare but have a high economic impact. Utilizing a dataset comprising 18,398 instances derived from a quality assurance protocol, we address the scarcity of break events (124 cases) that pose a challenge for machine learning predictive models. With the help of Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks (CTGAN) and Synthetic Minority Oversampling Technique (SMOTE), we implement a novel data augmentation framework. This method ensures that the synthetic data mirrors the distribution of the real operational data but also seeks to enhance the performance metrics of predictive modeling. Before and after the data augmentation, we evaluate three different machine learning algorithms-Decision Trees (DT), Random Forest (RF), and Logistic Regression (LR). Utilizing the CTGAN-enhanced dataset, our study achieved significant improvements in predictive maintenance performance metrics. The efficacy of CTGAN in addressing data scarcity was evident, with the models' detection of machine breaks (Class 1) improving by over 30% for Decision Trees, 20% for Random Forest, and nearly 90% for Logistic Regression. With this methodological advancement, this study contributes to industrial quality control and maintenance scheduling by addressing rare event prediction in manufacturing processes.

Challenges for Predictive Modeling with Neural Network Techniques using Error-Prone Dietary Intake Data. (arXiv:2311.09338v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dylan Spicker, Amir Nazemi, Joy Hutchinson, Paul Fieguth, Sharon I. Kirkpatrick, Michael Wallace, Kevin W. Dodd

Dietary intake data are routinely drawn upon to explore diet-health relationships. However, these data are often subject to measurement error, distorting the true relationships. Beyond measurement error, there are likely complex synergistic and sometimes antagonistic interactions between different dietary components, complicating the relationships between diet and health outcomes. Flexible models are required to capture the nuance that these complex interactions introduce. This complexity makes research on diet-health relationships an appealing candidate for the application of machine learning techniques, and in particular, neural networks. Neural networks are computational models that are able to capture highly complex, nonlinear relationships so long as sufficient data are available. While these models have been applied in many domains, the impacts of measurement error on the performance of predictive modeling has not been systematically investigated. However, dietary intake data are typically collected using self-report methods and are prone to large amounts of measurement error. In this work, we demonstrate the ways in which measurement error erodes the performance of neural networks, and illustrate the care that is required for leveraging these models in the presence of error. We demonstrate the role that sample size and replicate measurements play on model performance, indicate a motivation for the investigation of transformations to additivity, and illustrate the caution required to prevent model overfitting. While the past performance of neural networks across various domains make them an attractive candidate for examining diet-health relationships, our work demonstrates that substantial care and further methodological development are both required to observe increased predictive performance when applying these techniques, compared to more traditional statistical procedures.

Nothing Stands Still: A Spatiotemporal Benchmark on 3D Point Cloud Registration Under Large Geometric and Temporal Change. (arXiv:2311.09346v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tao Sun, Yan Hao, Shengyu Huang, Silvio Savarese, Konrad Schindler, Marc Pollefeys, Iro Armeni

Building 3D geometric maps of man-made spaces is a well-established and active field that is fundamental to computer vision and robotics. However, considering the evolving nature of built environments, it is essential to question the capabilities of current mapping efforts in handling temporal changes. In addition, spatiotemporal mapping holds significant potential for achieving sustainability and circularity goals. Existing mapping approaches focus on small changes, such as object relocation or self-driving car operation; in all cases where the main structure of the scene remains fixed. Consequently, these approaches fail to address more radical changes in the structure of the built environment, such as geometry and topology. To this end, we introduce the Nothing Stands Still (NSS) benchmark, which focuses on the spatiotemporal registration of 3D scenes undergoing large spatial and temporal change, ultimately creating one coherent spatiotemporal map. Specifically, the benchmark involves registering two or more partial 3D point clouds (fragments) from the same scene but captured from different spatiotemporal views. In addition to the standard pairwise registration, we assess the multi-way registration of multiple fragments that belong to any temporal stage. As part of NSS, we introduce a dataset of 3D point clouds recurrently captured in large-scale building indoor environments that are under construction or renovation. The NSS benchmark presents three scenarios of increasing difficulty, to quantify the generalization ability of point cloud registration methods over space (within one building and across buildings) and time. We conduct extensive evaluations of state-of-the-art methods on NSS. The results demonstrate the necessity for novel methods specifically designed to handle large spatiotemporal changes. The homepage of our benchmark is at this http URL

Generative AI-Based Probabilistic Constellation Shaping With Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.09349v1 [cs.IT])

Authors: Mehdi Letafati, Samad Ali, Matti Latva-aho

Diffusion models are at the vanguard of generative AI research with renowned solutions such as ImageGen by Google Brain and DALL.E 3 by OpenAI. Nevertheless, the potential merits of diffusion models for communication engineering applications are not fully understood yet. In this paper, we aim to unleash the power of generative AI for PHY design of constellation symbols in communication systems. Although the geometry of constellations is predetermined according to networking standards, e.g., quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), probabilistic shaping can design the probability of occurrence (generation) of constellation symbols. This can help improve the information rate and decoding performance of communication systems. We exploit the ``denoise-and-generate'' characteristics of denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) for probabilistic constellation shaping. The key idea is to learn generating constellation symbols out of noise, ``mimicking'' the way the receiver performs symbol reconstruction. This way, we make the constellation symbols sent by the transmitter, and what is inferred (reconstructed) at the receiver become as similar as possible, resulting in as few mismatches as possible. Our results show that the generative AI-based scheme outperforms deep neural network (DNN)-based benchmark and uniform shaping, while providing network resilience as well as robust out-of-distribution performance under low-SNR regimes and non-Gaussian assumptions. Numerical evaluations highlight 30% improvement in terms of cosine similarity and a threefold improvement in terms of mutual information compared to DNN-based approach for 64-QAM geometry.

Nondestructive, quantitative viability analysis of 3D tissue cultures using machine learning image segmentation. (arXiv:2311.09354v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Kylie J. Trettner, Jeremy Hsieh, Weikun Xiao, Jerry S.H. Lee, Andrea M. Armani

Ascertaining the collective viability of cells in different cell culture conditions has typically relied on averaging colorimetric indicators and is often reported out in simple binary readouts. Recent research has combined viability assessment techniques with image-based deep-learning models to automate the characterization of cellular properties. However, further development of viability measurements to assess the continuity of possible cellular states and responses to perturbation across cell culture conditions is needed. In this work, we demonstrate an image processing algorithm for quantifying cellular viability in 3D cultures without the need for assay-based indicators. We show that our algorithm performs similarly to a pair of human experts in whole-well images over a range of days and culture matrix compositions. To demonstrate potential utility, we perform a longitudinal study investigating the impact of a known therapeutic on pancreatic cancer spheroids. Using images taken with a high content imaging system, the algorithm successfully tracks viability at the individual spheroid and whole-well level. The method we propose reduces analysis time by 97% in comparison to the experts. Because the method is independent of the microscope or imaging system used, this approach lays the foundation for accelerating progress in and for improving the robustness and reproducibility of 3D culture analysis across biological and clinical research.

Privacy Threats in Stable Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.09355v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Thomas Cilloni, Charles Fleming, Charles Walter

This paper introduces a novel approach to membership inference attacks (MIA) targeting stable diffusion computer vision models, specifically focusing on the highly sophisticated Stable Diffusion V2 by StabilityAI. MIAs aim to extract sensitive information about a model's training data, posing significant privacy concerns. Despite its advancements in image synthesis, our research reveals privacy vulnerabilities in the stable diffusion models' outputs. Exploiting this information, we devise a black-box MIA that only needs to query the victim model repeatedly. Our methodology involves observing the output of a stable diffusion model at different generative epochs and training a classification model to distinguish when a series of intermediates originated from a training sample or not. We propose numerous ways to measure the membership features and discuss what works best. The attack's efficacy is assessed using the ROC AUC method, demonstrating a 60\% success rate in inferring membership information. This paper contributes to the growing body of research on privacy and security in machine learning, highlighting the need for robust defenses against MIAs. Our findings prompt a reevaluation of the privacy implications of stable diffusion models, urging practitioners and developers to implement enhanced security measures to safeguard against such attacks.

Time-dependent Probabilistic Generative Models for Disease Progression. (arXiv:2311.09369v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Onintze Zaballa, Aritz Pérez, Elisa Gómez-Inhiesto, Teresa Acaiturri-Ayesta, Jose A. Lozano

Electronic health records contain valuable information for monitoring patients' health trajectories over time. Disease progression models have been developed to understand the underlying patterns and dynamics of diseases using these data as sequences. However, analyzing temporal data from EHRs is challenging due to the variability and irregularities present in medical records. We propose a Markovian generative model of treatments developed to (i) model the irregular time intervals between medical events; (ii) classify treatments into subtypes based on the patient sequence of medical events and the time intervals between them; and (iii) segment treatments into subsequences of disease progression patterns. We assume that sequences have an associated structure of latent variables: a latent class representing the different subtypes of treatments; and a set of latent stages indicating the phase of progression of the treatments. We use the Expectation-Maximization algorithm to learn the model, which is efficiently solved with a dynamic programming-based method. Various parametric models have been employed to model the time intervals between medical events during the learning process, including the geometric, exponential, and Weibull distributions. The results demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in recovering the underlying model from data and accurately modeling the irregular time intervals between medical actions.

Long-form Question Answering: An Iterative Planning-Retrieval-Generation Approach. (arXiv:2311.09383v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pritom Saha Akash, Kashob Kumar Roy, Lucian Popa, Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang

Long-form question answering (LFQA) poses a challenge as it involves generating detailed answers in the form of paragraphs, which go beyond simple yes/no responses or short factual answers. While existing QA models excel in questions with concise answers, LFQA requires handling multiple topics and their intricate relationships, demanding comprehensive explanations. Previous attempts at LFQA focused on generating long-form answers by utilizing relevant contexts from a corpus, relying solely on the question itself. However, they overlooked the possibility that the question alone might not provide sufficient information to identify the relevant contexts. Additionally, generating detailed long-form answers often entails aggregating knowledge from diverse sources. To address these limitations, we propose an LFQA model with iterative Planning, Retrieval, and Generation. This iterative process continues until a complete answer is generated for the given question. From an extensive experiment on both an open domain and a technical domain QA dataset, we find that our model outperforms the state-of-the-art models on various textual and factual metrics for the LFQA task.

Beyond PCA: A Probabilistic Gram-Schmidt Approach to Feature Extraction. (arXiv:2311.09386v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Bahram Yaghooti, Netanel Raviv, Bruno Sinopoli

Linear feature extraction at the presence of nonlinear dependencies among the data is a fundamental challenge in unsupervised learning. We propose using a Probabilistic Gram-Schmidt (PGS) type orthogonalization process in order to detect and map out redundant dimensions. Specifically, by applying the PGS process over any family of functions which presumably captures the nonlinear dependencies in the data, we construct a series of covariance matrices that can either be used to remove those dependencies from the principal components, or to identify new large-variance directions. In the former case, we prove that under certain assumptions the resulting algorithms detect and remove nonlinear dependencies whenever those dependencies lie in the linear span of the chosen function family. In the latter, we provide information-theoretic guarantees in terms of entropy reduction. Both proposed methods extract linear features from the data while removing nonlinear redundancies. We provide simulation results on synthetic and real-world datasets which show improved performance over PCA and state-of-the-art linear feature extraction algorithms, both in terms of variance maximization of the extracted features, and in terms of improved performance of classification algorithms.

Banach-Tarski Embeddings and Transformers. (arXiv:2311.09387v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Joshua Maher

We introduce a new construction of embeddings of arbitrary recursive data structures into high dimensional vectors. These embeddings provide an interpretable model for the latent state vectors of transformers. We demonstrate that these embeddings can be decoded to the original data structure when the embedding dimension is sufficiently large. This decoding algorithm has a natural implementation as a transformer. We also show that these embedding vectors can be manipulated directly to perform computations on the underlying data without decoding. As an example we present an algorithm that constructs the embedded parse tree of an embedded token sequence using only vector operations in embedding space.

Neural machine translation for automated feedback on children's early-stage writing. (arXiv:2311.09389v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jonas Vestergaard Jensen, Mikkel Jordahn, Michael Riis Andersen

In this work, we address the problem of assessing and constructing feedback for early-stage writing automatically using machine learning. Early-stage writing is typically vastly different from conventional writing due to phonetic spelling and lack of proper grammar, punctuation, spacing etc. Consequently, early-stage writing is highly non-trivial to analyze using common linguistic metrics. We propose to use sequence-to-sequence models for "translating" early-stage writing by students into "conventional" writing, which allows the translated text to be analyzed using linguistic metrics. Furthermore, we propose a novel robust likelihood to mitigate the effect of noise in the dataset. We investigate the proposed methods using a set of numerical experiments and demonstrate that the conventional text can be predicted with high accuracy.

MoCo-Transfer: Investigating out-of-distribution contrastive learning for limited-data domains. (arXiv:2311.09401v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuwen Chen, Helen Zhou, Zachary C. Lipton

Medical imaging data is often siloed within hospitals, limiting the amount of data available for specialized model development. With limited in-domain data, one might hope to leverage larger datasets from related domains. In this paper, we analyze the benefit of transferring self-supervised contrastive representations from moment contrast (MoCo) pretraining on out-of-distribution data to settings with limited data. We consider two X-ray datasets which image different parts of the body, and compare transferring from each other to transferring from ImageNet. We find that depending on quantity of labeled and unlabeled data, contrastive pretraining on larger out-of-distribution datasets can perform nearly as well or better than MoCo pretraining in-domain, and pretraining on related domains leads to higher performance than if one were to use the ImageNet pretrained weights. Finally, we provide a preliminary way of quantifying similarity between datasets.

Synthetically Enhanced: Unveiling Synthetic Data's Potential in Medical Imaging Research. (arXiv:2311.09402v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bardia Khosravi, Frank Li, Theo Dapamede, Pouria Rouzrokh, Cooper U. Gamble, Hari M. Trivedi, Cody C. Wyles, Andrew B. Sellergren, Saptarshi Purkayastha, Bradley J. Erickson, Judy W. Gichoya

Chest X-rays (CXR) are the most common medical imaging study and are used to diagnose multiple medical conditions. This study examines the impact of synthetic data supplementation, using diffusion models, on the performance of deep learning (DL) classifiers for CXR analysis. We employed three datasets: CheXpert, MIMIC-CXR, and Emory Chest X-ray, training conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) to generate synthetic frontal radiographs. Our approach ensured that synthetic images mirrored the demographic and pathological traits of the original data. Evaluating the classifiers' performance on internal and external datasets revealed that synthetic data supplementation enhances model accuracy, particularly in detecting less prevalent pathologies. Furthermore, models trained on synthetic data alone approached the performance of those trained on real data. This suggests that synthetic data can potentially compensate for real data shortages in training robust DL models. However, despite promising outcomes, the superiority of real data persists.

Alternatives to the Scaled Dot Product for Attention in the Transformer Neural Network Architecture. (arXiv:2311.09406v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: James Bernhard

The transformer neural network architecture uses a form of attention in which the dot product of query and key is divided by the square root of the key dimension before applying softmax. This scaling of the dot product is designed to avoid the absolute value of the dot products becoming so large that applying softmax leads to vanishing gradients. In this paper, we propose some alternative scalings, including dividing the dot product instead by the sum of the key lengths before applying softmax. We use simulated keys and queries to show that in many situations this appears to be more effective at avoiding regions where applying softmax leads to vanishing gradients.

Beyond Detection: Unveiling Fairness Vulnerabilities in Abusive Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09428v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yueqing Liang, Lu Cheng, Ali Payani, Kai Shu

This work investigates the potential of undermining both fairness and detection performance in abusive language detection. In a dynamic and complex digital world, it is crucial to investigate the vulnerabilities of these detection models to adversarial fairness attacks to improve their fairness robustness. We propose a simple yet effective framework FABLE that leverages backdoor attacks as they allow targeted control over the fairness and detection performance. FABLE explores three types of trigger designs (i.e., rare, artificial, and natural triggers) and novel sampling strategies. Specifically, the adversary can inject triggers into samples in the minority group with the favored outcome (i.e., ``non-abusive'') and flip their labels to the unfavored outcome, i.e., ``abusive''. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of FABLE attacking fairness and utility in abusive language detection.

Striped Attention: Faster Ring Attention for Causal Transformers. (arXiv:2311.09431v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: William Brandon, Aniruddha Nrusimha, Kevin Qian, Zachary Ankner, Tian Jin, Zhiye Song, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley

To help address the growing demand for ever-longer sequence lengths in transformer models, Liu et al. recently proposed Ring Attention, an exact attention algorithm capable of overcoming per-device memory bottle- necks by distributing self-attention across multiple devices. In this paper, we study the performance characteristics of Ring Attention in the important special case of causal transformer models, and identify a key workload imbal- ance due to triangular structure of causal attention computations. We propose a simple extension to Ring Attention, which we call Striped Attention to fix this imbalance. Instead of devices having contiguous subsequences, each device has a subset of tokens distributed uniformly throughout the sequence, which we demonstrate leads to more even workloads. In experiments running Striped Attention on A100 GPUs and TPUv4s, we are able to achieve up to 1.45x end-to-end throughput improvements over the original Ring Attention algorithm on causal transformer training at a sequence length of 256k. Furthermore, on 16 TPUv4 chips, we were able to achieve 1.65x speedups at sequence lengths of 786k. We release the code for our experiments as open source

Labeled Interactive Topic Models. (arXiv:2311.09438v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kyle Seelman, Mozhi Zhang, Jordan Boyd-Graber

Topic models help users understand large document collections; however, topic models do not always find the ``right'' topics. While classical probabilistic and anchor-based topic models have interactive variants to guide models toward better topics, such interactions are not available for neural topic models such as the embedded topic model (\abr{etm}). We correct this lacuna by adding an intuitive interaction to neural topic models: users can label a topic with a word, and topics are updated so that the topic words are close to the label. This allows a user to refine topics based on their information need. While, interactivity is intuitive for \abr{etm}, we extend this framework to work with other neural topic models as well. We develop an interactive interface which allows users to interact and relabel topic models as they see fit. We evaluate our method through a human study, where users can relabel topics to find relevant documents. Using our method, user labeling improves document rank scores, helping to find more relevant documents to a given query when compared to no user labeling.

Exploring the Privacy-Energy Consumption Tradeoff for Split Federated Learning. (arXiv:2311.09441v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Joohyung Lee, Mohamed Seif, Jungchan Cho, H. Vincent Poor

Split Federated Learning (SFL) has recently emerged as a promising distributed learning technology, leveraging the strengths of both federated learning and split learning. It emphasizes the advantages of rapid convergence while addressing privacy concerns. As a result, this innovation has received significant attention from both industry and academia. However, since the model is split at a specific layer, known as a cut layer, into both client-side and server-side models for the SFL, the choice of the cut layer in SFL can have a substantial impact on the energy consumption of clients and their privacy, as it influences the training burden and the output of the client-side models. Moreover, the design challenge of determining the cut layer is highly intricate, primarily due to the inherent heterogeneity in the computing and networking capabilities of clients. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the SFL process and conduct a thorough analysis of energy consumption and privacy. This analysis takes into account the influence of various system parameters on the cut layer selection strategy. Additionally, we provide an illustrative example of the cut layer selection, aiming to minimize the risk of clients from reconstructing the raw data at the server while sustaining energy consumption within the required energy budget, which involve trade-offs. Finally, we address open challenges in this field including their applications to 6G technology. These directions represent promising avenues for future research and development.

Soft Matching Distance: A metric on neural representations that captures single-neuron tuning. (arXiv:2311.09466v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Meenakshi Khosla, Alex H. Williams

Common measures of neural representational (dis)similarity are designed to be insensitive to rotations and reflections of the neural activation space. Motivated by the premise that the tuning of individual units may be important, there has been recent interest in developing stricter notions of representational (dis)similarity that require neurons to be individually matched across networks. When two networks have the same size (i.e. same number of neurons), a distance metric can be formulated by optimizing over neuron index permutations to maximize tuning curve alignment. However, it is not clear how to generalize this metric to measure distances between networks with different sizes. Here, we leverage a connection to optimal transport theory to derive a natural generalization based on "soft" permutations. The resulting metric is symmetric, satisfies the triangle inequality, and can be interpreted as a Wasserstein distance between two empirical distributions. Further, our proposed metric avoids counter-intuitive outcomes suffered by alternative approaches, and captures complementary geometric insights into neural representations that are entirely missed by rotation-invariant metrics.

Show Your Work with Confidence: Confidence Bands for Tuning Curves. (arXiv:2311.09480v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nicholas Lourie, Kyunghyun Cho, He He

The choice of hyperparameters greatly impacts performance in natural language processing. Often, it is hard to tell if a method is better than another or just better tuned. Tuning curves fix this ambiguity by accounting for tuning effort. Specifically, they plot validation performance as a function of the number of hyperparameter choices tried so far. While several estimators exist for these curves, it is common to use point estimates, which we show fail silently and give contradictory results when given too little data.

Beyond point estimates, confidence bands are necessary to rigorously establish the relationship between different approaches. We present the first method to construct valid confidence bands for tuning curves. The bands are exact, simultaneous, and distribution-free, thus they provide a robust basis for comparing methods.

Empirical analysis shows that while bootstrap confidence bands, which serve as a baseline, fail to approximate their target confidence, ours achieve it exactly. We validate our design with ablations, analyze the effect of sample size, and provide guidance on comparing models with our method. To promote confident comparisons in future work, we release a library implementing the method at .

Adaptive Interventions with User-Defined Goals for Health Behavior Change. (arXiv:2311.09483v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Aishwarya Mandyam, Matthew Joerke, Barbara E. Engelhardt, Emma Brunskill

Physical inactivity remains a major public health concern, having associations with adverse health outcomes such as cardiovascular disease and type-2 diabetes. Mobile health applications present a promising avenue for low-cost, scalable physical activity promotion, yet often suffer from small effect sizes and low adherence rates, particularly in comparison to human coaching. Goal-setting is a critical component of health coaching that has been underutilized in adaptive algorithms for mobile health interventions. This paper introduces a modification to the Thompson sampling algorithm that places emphasis on individualized goal-setting by optimizing personalized reward functions. As a step towards supporting goal-setting, this paper offers a balanced approach that can leverage shared structure while optimizing individual preferences and goals. We prove that our modification incurs only a constant penalty on the cumulative regret while preserving the sample complexity benefits of data sharing. In a physical activity simulator, we demonstrate that our algorithm achieves substantial improvements in cumulative regret compared to baselines that do not share data or do not optimize for individualized rewards.

Spatial Bayesian Neural Networks. (arXiv:2311.09491v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Andrew Zammit-Mangion, Michael D. Kaminski, Ba-Hien Tran, Maurizio Filippone, Noel Cressie

Statistical models for spatial processes play a central role in statistical analyses of spatial data. Yet, it is the simple, interpretable, and well understood models that are routinely employed even though, as is revealed through prior and posterior predictive checks, these can poorly characterise the spatial heterogeneity in the underlying process of interest. Here, we propose a new, flexible class of spatial-process models, which we refer to as spatial Bayesian neural networks (SBNNs). An SBNN leverages the representational capacity of a Bayesian neural network; it is tailored to a spatial setting by incorporating a spatial "embedding layer" into the network and, possibly, spatially-varying network parameters. An SBNN is calibrated by matching its finite-dimensional distribution at locations on a fine gridding of space to that of a target process of interest. That process could be easy to simulate from or we have many realisations from it. We propose several variants of SBNNs, most of which are able to match the finite-dimensional distribution of the target process at the selected grid better than conventional BNNs of similar complexity. We also show that a single SBNN can be used to represent a variety of spatial processes often used in practice, such as Gaussian processes and lognormal processes. We briefly discuss the tools that could be used to make inference with SBNNs, and we conclude with a discussion of their advantages and limitations.

Network Wide Evacuation Traffic Prediction in a Rapidly Intensifying Hurricane from Traffic Detectors and Facebook Movement Data: A Deep Learning Approach. (arXiv:2311.09498v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Md Mobasshir Rashid, Rezaur Rahman, Samiul Hasan

Traffic prediction during hurricane evacuation is essential for optimizing the use of transportation infrastructures. It can reduce evacuation time by providing information on future congestion in advance. However, evacuation traffic prediction can be challenging as evacuation traffic patterns is significantly different than regular period traffic. A data-driven traffic prediction model is developed in this study by utilizing traffic detector and Facebook movement data during Hurricane Ian, a rapidly intensifying hurricane. We select 766 traffic detectors from Florida's 4 major interstates to collect traffic features. Additionally, we use Facebook movement data collected during Hurricane Ian's evacuation period. The deep-learning model is first trained on regular period (May-August 2022) data to understand regular traffic patterns and then Hurricane Ian's evacuation period data is used as test data. The model achieves 95% accuracy (RMSE = 356) during regular period, but it underperforms with 55% accuracy (RMSE = 1084) during the evacuation period. Then, a transfer learning approach is adopted where a pretrained model is used with additional evacuation related features to predict evacuation period traffic. After transfer learning, the model achieves 89% accuracy (RMSE = 514). Adding Facebook movement data further reduces model's RMSE value to 393 and increases accuracy to 93%. The proposed model is capable to forecast traffic up to 6-hours in advance. Evacuation traffic management officials can use the developed traffic prediction model to anticipate future traffic congestion in advance and take proactive measures to reduce delays during evacuation.

SegMix: A Simple Structure-Aware Data Augmentation Method. (arXiv:2311.09505v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuxin Pei, Pushkar Bhuse, Zhengzhong Liu, Eric Xing

Interpolation-based Data Augmentation (DA) methods (Mixup) linearly interpolate the inputs and labels of two or more training examples. Mixup has more recently been adapted to the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), mainly for sequence labeling tasks. However, such a simple adoption yields mixed or unstable improvements over the baseline models. We argue that the direct-adoption methods do not account for structures in NLP tasks. To this end, we propose SegMix, a collection of interpolation-based DA algorithms that can adapt to task-specific structures. SegMix poses fewer constraints on data structures, is robust to various hyperparameter settings, applies to more task settings, and adds little computational overhead. In the algorithm's core, we apply interpolation methods on task-specific meaningful segments, in contrast to applying them on sequences as in prior work. We find SegMix to be a flexible framework that combines rule-based DA methods with interpolation-based methods, creating interesting mixtures of DA techniques. We show that SegMix consistently improves performance over strong baseline models in Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Relation Extraction (RE) tasks, especially under data-scarce settings. Furthermore, this method is easy to implement and adds negligible training overhead.

Investigating the Impact of Weight Sharing Decisions on Knowledge Transfer in Continual Learning. (arXiv:2311.09506v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Josh Andle, Ali Payani, Salimeh Yasaei-Sekeh

Continual Learning (CL) has generated attention as a method of avoiding Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) in the sequential training of neural networks, improving network efficiency and adaptability to different tasks. Additionally, CL serves as an ideal setting for studying network behavior and Forward Knowledge Transfer (FKT) between tasks. Pruning methods for CL train subnetworks to handle the sequential tasks which allows us to take a structured approach to investigating FKT. Sharing prior subnetworks' weights leverages past knowledge for the current task through FKT. Understanding which weights to share is important as sharing all weights can yield sub-optimal accuracy. This paper investigates how different sharing decisions affect the FKT between tasks. Through this lens we demonstrate how task complexity and similarity influence the optimal weight sharing decisions, giving insights into the relationships between tasks and helping inform decision making in similar CL methods. We implement three sequential datasets designed to emphasize variation in task complexity and similarity, reporting results for both ResNet-18 and VGG-16. By sharing in accordance with the decisions supported by our findings, we show that we can improve task accuracy compared to other sharing decisions.

Identifying Systems with Symmetries using Equivariant Autoregressive Reservoir Computers. (arXiv:2311.09511v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Fredy Vides, Idelfonso B. R. Nogueira, Lendy Banegas, Evelyn Flores

The investigation reported in this document focuses on identifying systems with symmetries using equivariant autoregressive reservoir computers. General results in structured matrix approximation theory are presented, exploring a two-fold approach. Firstly, a comprehensive examination of generic symmetry-preserving nonlinear time delay embedding is conducted. This involves analyzing time series data sampled from an equivariant system under study. Secondly, sparse least-squares methods are applied to discern approximate representations of the output coupling matrices. These matrices play a pivotal role in determining the nonlinear autoregressive representation of an equivariant system. The structural characteristics of these matrices are dictated by the set of symmetries inherent in the system. The document outlines prototypical algorithms derived from the described techniques, offering insight into their practical applications. Emphasis is placed on their effectiveness in the identification and predictive simulation of equivariant nonlinear systems, regardless of whether such systems exhibit chaotic behavior.

Know Thy Neighbors: A Graph Based Approach for Effective Sensor-Based Human Activity Recognition in Smart Homes. (arXiv:2311.09514v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Srivatsa P, Thomas Plötz

There has been a resurgence of applications focused on Human Activity Recognition (HAR) in smart homes, especially in the field of ambient intelligence and assisted living technologies. However, such applications present numerous significant challenges to any automated analysis system operating in the real world, such as variability, sparsity, and noise in sensor measurements. Although state-of-the-art HAR systems have made considerable strides in addressing some of these challenges, they especially suffer from a practical limitation: they require successful pre-segmentation of continuous sensor data streams before automated recognition, i.e., they assume that an oracle is present during deployment, which is capable of identifying time windows of interest across discrete sensor events. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel graph-guided neural network approach that performs activity recognition by learning explicit co-firing relationships between sensors. We accomplish this by learning a more expressive graph structure representing the sensor network in a smart home, in a data-driven manner. Our approach maps discrete input sensor measurements to a feature space through the application of attention mechanisms and hierarchical pooling of node embeddings. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach by conducting several experiments on CASAS datasets, showing that the resulting graph-guided neural network outperforms the state-of-the-art method for HAR in smart homes across multiple datasets and by large margins. These results are promising because they push HAR for smart homes closer to real-world applications.

HelpSteer: Multi-attribute Helpfulness Dataset for SteerLM. (arXiv:2311.09528v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhilin Wang, Yi Dong, Jiaqi Zeng, Virginia Adams, Makesh Narsimhan Sreedhar, Daniel Egert, Olivier Delalleau, Jane Polak Scowcroft, Neel Kant, Aidan Swope, Oleksii Kuchaiev

Existing open-source helpfulness preference datasets do not specify what makes some responses more helpful and others less so. Models trained on these datasets can incidentally learn to model dataset artifacts (e.g. preferring longer but unhelpful responses only due to their length). To alleviate this problem, we collect HelpSteer, a multi-attribute helpfulness dataset annotated for the various aspects that make responses helpful. Specifically, our 37k-sample dataset has annotations for correctness, coherence, complexity, and verbosity in addition to overall helpfulness of responses. Training Llama 2 70B using the HelpSteer dataset with SteerLM technique produces a model that scores 7.54 on MT Bench, which is currently the highest score for open models that do not require training data from more powerful models (e.g. GPT4). We release this dataset with CC-BY-4.0 license at

Scaling User Modeling: Large-scale Online User Representations for Ads Personalization in Meta. (arXiv:2311.09544v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Wei Zhang, Dai Li, Chen Liang, Fang Zhou, Zhongke Zhang, Xuewei Wang, Ru Li, Yi Zhou, Yaning Huang, Dong Liang, Kai Wang, Zhangyuan Wang, Zhengxing Chen, Min Li, Fenggang Wu, Minghai Chen, Huayu Li, Yunnan Wu, Zhan Shu, Mindi Yuan, Sri Reddy

Effective user representations are pivotal in personalized advertising. However, stringent constraints on training throughput, serving latency, and memory, often limit the complexity and input feature set of online ads ranking models. This challenge is magnified in extensive systems like Meta's, which encompass hundreds of models with diverse specifications, rendering the tailoring of user representation learning for each model impractical. To address these challenges, we present Scaling User Modeling (SUM), a framework widely deployed in Meta's ads ranking system, designed to facilitate efficient and scalable sharing of online user representation across hundreds of ads models. SUM leverages a few designated upstream user models to synthesize user embeddings from massive amounts of user features with advanced modeling techniques. These embeddings then serve as inputs to downstream online ads ranking models, promoting efficient representation sharing. To adapt to the dynamic nature of user features and ensure embedding freshness, we designed SUM Online Asynchronous Platform (SOAP), a latency free online serving system complemented with model freshness and embedding stabilization, which enables frequent user model updates and online inference of user embeddings upon each user request. We share our hands-on deployment experiences for the SUM framework and validate its superiority through comprehensive experiments. To date, SUM has been launched to hundreds of ads ranking models in Meta, processing hundreds of billions of user requests daily, yielding significant online metric gains and infrastructure cost savings.

A Speed Odyssey for Deployable Quantization of LLMs. (arXiv:2311.09550v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Qingyuan Li, Ran Meng, Yiduo Li, Bo Zhang, Liang Li, Yifan Lu, Xiangxiang Chu, Yerui Sun, Yuchen Xie

The large language model era urges faster and less costly inference. Prior model compression works on LLMs tend to undertake a software-centric approach primarily focused on the simulated quantization performance. By neglecting the feasibility of deployment, these approaches are typically disabled in real practice. They used to drastically push down the quantization bit range for a reduced computation which might not be supported by the mainstream hardware, or involve sophisticated algorithms that introduce extra computation or memory access overhead. We argue that pursuing a hardware-centric approach in the construction of quantization algorithms is crucial. In this regard, we are driven to build our compression method on top of hardware awareness, eliminating impractical algorithm choices while maximizing the benefit of hardware acceleration. Our method, OdysseyLLM, comes with a novel W4A8 kernel implementation called FastGEMM and a combined recipe of quantization strategies. Extensive experiments manifest the superiority of our W4A8 method which brings the actual speed boosting up to \textbf{4$\times$} compared to Hugging Face FP16 inference and \textbf{2.23$\times$} vs. the state-of-the-art inference engine TensorRT-LLM in FP16, and \textbf{1.45$\times$} vs. TensorRT-LLM in INT8, yet without substantially harming the performance.

A Knowledge Distillation Approach for Sepsis Outcome Prediction from Multivariate Clinical Time Series. (arXiv:2311.09566v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Anna Wong, Shu Ge, Nassim Oufattole, Adam Dejl, Megan Su, Ardavan Saeedi, Li-wei H. Lehman

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition triggered by an extreme infection response. Our objective is to forecast sepsis patient outcomes using their medical history and treatments, while learning interpretable state representations to assess patients' risks in developing various adverse outcomes. While neural networks excel in outcome prediction, their limited interpretability remains a key issue. In this work, we use knowledge distillation via constrained variational inference to distill the knowledge of a powerful "teacher" neural network model with high predictive power to train a "student" latent variable model to learn interpretable hidden state representations to achieve high predictive performance for sepsis outcome prediction. Using real-world data from the MIMIC-IV database, we trained an LSTM as the "teacher" model to predict mortality for sepsis patients, given information about their recent history of vital signs, lab values and treatments. For our student model, we use an autoregressive hidden Markov model (AR-HMM) to learn interpretable hidden states from patients' clinical time series, and use the posterior distribution of the learned state representations to predict various downstream outcomes, including hospital mortality, pulmonary edema, need for diuretics, dialysis, and mechanical ventilation. Our results show that our approach successfully incorporates the constraint to achieve high predictive power similar to the teacher model, while maintaining the generative performance.

LymphoML: An interpretable artificial intelligence-based method identifies morphologic features that correlate with lymphoma subtype. (arXiv:2311.09574v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Vivek Shankar, Xiaoli Yang, Vrishab Krishna, Brent Tan, Oscar Silva, Rebecca Rojansky, Andrew Ng, Fabiola Valvert, Edward Briercheck, David Weinstock, Yasodha Natkunam, Sebastian Fernandez-Pol, Pranav Rajpurkar

The accurate classification of lymphoma subtypes using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue is complicated by the wide range of morphological features these cancers can exhibit. We present LymphoML - an interpretable machine learning method that identifies morphologic features that correlate with lymphoma subtypes. Our method applies steps to process H&E-stained tissue microarray cores, segment nuclei and cells, compute features encompassing morphology, texture, and architecture, and train gradient-boosted models to make diagnostic predictions. LymphoML's interpretable models, developed on a limited volume of H&E-stained tissue, achieve non-inferior diagnostic accuracy to pathologists using whole-slide images and outperform black box deep-learning on a dataset of 670 cases from Guatemala spanning 8 lymphoma subtypes. Using SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) analysis, we assess the impact of each feature on model prediction and find that nuclear shape features are most discriminative for DLBCL (F1-score: 78.7%) and classical Hodgkin lymphoma (F1-score: 74.5%). Finally, we provide the first demonstration that a model combining features from H&E-stained tissue with features from a standardized panel of 6 immunostains results in a similar diagnostic accuracy (85.3%) to a 46-stain panel (86.1%).

Group-Aware Interest Disentangled Dual-Training for Personalized Recommendation. (arXiv:2311.09577v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Xiaolong Liu, Liangwei Yang, Zhiwei Liu, Xiaohan Li, Mingdai Yang, Chen Wang, Philip S. Yu

Personalized recommender systems aim to predict users' preferences for items. It has become an indispensable part of online services. Online social platforms enable users to form groups based on their common interests. The users' group participation on social platforms reveals their interests and can be utilized as side information to mitigate the data sparsity and cold-start problem in recommender systems. Users join different groups out of different interests. In this paper, we generate group representation from the user's interests and propose IGRec (Interest-based Group enhanced Recommendation) to utilize the group information accurately. It consists of four modules. (1) Interest disentangler via self-gating that disentangles users' interests from their initial embedding representation. (2) Interest aggregator that generates the interest-based group representation by Gumbel-Softmax aggregation on the group members' interests. (3) Interest-based group aggregation that fuses user's representation with the participated group representation. (4) A dual-trained rating prediction module to utilize both user-item and group-item interactions. We conduct extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets. Results show IGRec can effectively alleviate the data sparsity problem and enhance the recommender system with interest-based group representation. Experiments on the group recommendation task further show the informativeness of interest-based group representation.

Tied-Lora: Enhacing parameter efficiency of LoRA with weight tying. (arXiv:2311.09578v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Adithya Renduchintala, Tugrul Konuk, Oleksii Kuchaiev

We propose Tied-LoRA, a simple paradigm utilizes weight tying and selective training to further increase parameter efficiency of the Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) method. Our investigations include all feasible combinations parameter training/freezing in conjunction with weight tying to identify the optimal balance between performance and the number of trainable parameters. Through experiments covering a variety of tasks and two base language models, we provide analysis revealing trade-offs between efficiency and performance. Our experiments uncovered a particular Tied-LoRA configuration that stands out by demonstrating comparable performance across several tasks while employing only 13~\% percent of parameters utilized by the standard LoRA method.

Accelerating material discovery with a threshold-driven hybrid acquisition policy-based Bayesian optimization. (arXiv:2311.09591v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ahmed Shoyeb Raihan, Hamed Khosravi, Srinjoy Das, Imtiaz Ahmed

Advancements in materials play a crucial role in technological progress. However, the process of discovering and developing materials with desired properties is often impeded by substantial experimental costs, extensive resource utilization, and lengthy development periods. To address these challenges, modern approaches often employ machine learning (ML) techniques such as Bayesian Optimization (BO), which streamline the search for optimal materials by iteratively selecting experiments that are most likely to yield beneficial results. However, traditional BO methods, while beneficial, often struggle with balancing the trade-off between exploration and exploitation, leading to sub-optimal performance in material discovery processes. This paper introduces a novel Threshold-Driven UCB-EI Bayesian Optimization (TDUE-BO) method, which dynamically integrates the strengths of Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) and Expected Improvement (EI) acquisition functions to optimize the material discovery process. Unlike the classical BO, our method focuses on efficiently navigating the high-dimensional material design space (MDS). TDUE-BO begins with an exploration-focused UCB approach, ensuring a comprehensive initial sweep of the MDS. As the model gains confidence, indicated by reduced uncertainty, it transitions to the more exploitative EI method, focusing on promising areas identified earlier. The UCB-to-EI switching policy dictated guided through continuous monitoring of the model uncertainty during each step of sequential sampling results in navigating through the MDS more efficiently while ensuring rapid convergence. The effectiveness of TDUE-BO is demonstrated through its application on three different material datasets, showing significantly better approximation and optimization performance over the EI and UCB-based BO methods in terms of the RMSE scores and convergence efficiency, respectively.

Generating Drug Repurposing Hypotheses through the Combination of Disease-Specific Hypergraphs. (arXiv:2311.09596v1 [q-bio.BM])

Authors: Ayush Jain, Marie Laure-Charpignon, Irene Y. Chen, Anthony Philippakis, Ahmed Alaa

The drug development pipeline for a new compound can last 10-20 years and cost over 10 billion. Drug repurposing offers a more time- and cost-effective alternative. Computational approaches based on biomedical knowledge graph representations have recently yielded new drug repurposing hypotheses. In this study, we present a novel, disease-specific hypergraph representation learning technique to derive contextual embeddings of biological pathways of various lengths but that all start at any given drug and all end at the disease of interest. Further, we extend this method to multi-disease hypergraphs. To determine the repurposing potential of each of the 1,522 drugs, we derive drug-specific distributions of cosine similarity values and ultimately consider the median for ranking. Cosine similarity values are computed between (1) all biological pathways starting at the considered drug and ending at the disease of interest and (2) all biological pathways starting at drugs currently prescribed against that disease and ending at the disease of interest. We illustrate our approach with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and two of its risk factors: hypertension (HTN) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). We compare each drug's rank across four hypergraph settings (single- or multi-disease): AD only, AD + HTN, AD + T2D, and AD + HTN + T2D. Notably, our framework led to the identification of two promising drugs whose repurposing potential was significantly higher in hypergraphs combining two diseases: dapagliflozin (antidiabetic; moved up, from top 32$\%$ to top 7$\%$, across all considered drugs) and debrisoquine (antihypertensive; moved up, from top 76$\%$ to top 23$\%$). Our approach serves as a hypothesis generation tool, to be paired with a validation pipeline relying on laboratory experiments and semi-automated parsing of the biomedical literature.

Comprehensive Evaluation and Insights into the Use of Deep Neural Networks to Detect and Quantify Lymphoma Lesions in PET/CT Images. (arXiv:2311.09614v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shadab Ahamed, Yixi Xu, Claire Gowdy, Joo H. O, Ingrid Bloise, Don Wilson, Patrick Martineau, François Bénard, Fereshteh Yousefirizi, Rahul Dodhia, Juan M. Lavista, William B. Weeks, Carlos F. Uribe, Arman Rahmim

This study performs comprehensive evaluation of four neural network architectures (UNet, SegResNet, DynUNet, and SwinUNETR) for lymphoma lesion segmentation from PET/CT images. These networks were trained, validated, and tested on a diverse, multi-institutional dataset of 611 cases. Internal testing (88 cases; total metabolic tumor volume (TMTV) range [0.52, 2300] ml) showed SegResNet as the top performer with a median Dice similarity coefficient (DSC) of 0.76 and median false positive volume (FPV) of 4.55 ml; all networks had a median false negative volume (FNV) of 0 ml. On the unseen external test set (145 cases with TMTV range: [0.10, 2480] ml), SegResNet achieved the best median DSC of 0.68 and FPV of 21.46 ml, while UNet had the best FNV of 0.41 ml. We assessed reproducibility of six lesion measures, calculated their prediction errors, and examined DSC performance in relation to these lesion measures, offering insights into segmentation accuracy and clinical relevance. Additionally, we introduced three lesion detection criteria, addressing the clinical need for identifying lesions, counting them, and segmenting based on metabolic characteristics. We also performed expert intra-observer variability analysis revealing the challenges in segmenting ``easy'' vs. ``hard'' cases, to assist in the development of more resilient segmentation algorithms. Finally, we performed inter-observer agreement assessment underscoring the importance of a standardized ground truth segmentation protocol involving multiple expert annotators. Code is available at:

GAIA: Delving into Gradient-based Attribution Abnormality for Out-of-distribution Detection. (arXiv:2311.09620v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jinggang Chen, Junjie Li, Xiaoyang Qu, Jianzong Wang, Jiguang Wan, Jing Xiao

Detecting out-of-distribution (OOD) examples is crucial to guarantee the reliability and safety of deep neural networks in real-world settings. In this paper, we offer an innovative perspective on quantifying the disparities between in-distribution (ID) and OOD data -- analyzing the uncertainty that arises when models attempt to explain their predictive decisions. This perspective is motivated by our observation that gradient-based attribution methods encounter challenges in assigning feature importance to OOD data, thereby yielding divergent explanation patterns. Consequently, we investigate how attribution gradients lead to uncertain explanation outcomes and introduce two forms of abnormalities for OOD detection: the zero-deflation abnormality and the channel-wise average abnormality. We then propose GAIA, a simple and effective approach that incorporates Gradient Abnormality Inspection and Aggregation. The effectiveness of GAIA is validated on both commonly utilized (CIFAR) and large-scale (ImageNet-1k) benchmarks. Specifically, GAIA reduces the average FPR95 by 23.10% on CIFAR10 and by 45.41% on CIFAR100 compared to advanced post-hoc methods.

CRISPR: Eliminating Bias Neurons from an Instruction-following Language Model. (arXiv:2311.09627v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Nakyeong Yang, Taegwan Kang, Kyomin Jung

Large language models (LLMs) executing tasks through instruction-based prompts often face challenges stemming from distribution differences between user instructions and training instructions. This leads to distractions and biases, especially when dealing with inconsistent dynamic labels. In this paper, we introduces a novel bias mitigation method, CRISPR, designed to alleviate instruction-label biases in LLMs. CRISPR utilizes attribution methods to identify bias neurons influencing biased outputs and employs pruning to eliminate the bias neurons. Experimental results demonstrate the method's effectiveness in mitigating biases in instruction-based prompting, enhancing language model performance on social bias benchmarks without compromising pre-existing knowledge. CRISPR proves highly practical, model-agnostic, offering flexibility in adapting to evolving social biases.

ICXML: An In-Context Learning Framework for Zero-Shot Extreme Multi-Label Classification. (arXiv:2311.09649v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yaxin Zhu, Hamed Zamani

This paper focuses on the task of Extreme Multi-Label Classification (XMC) whose goal is to predict multiple labels for each instance from an extremely large label space. While existing research has primarily focused on fully supervised XMC, real-world scenarios often lack complete supervision signals, highlighting the importance of zero-shot settings. Given the large label space, utilizing in-context learning approaches is not trivial. We address this issue by introducing In-Context Extreme Multilabel Learning (ICXML), a two-stage framework that cuts down the search space by generating a set of candidate labels through incontext learning and then reranks them. Extensive experiments suggest that ICXML advances the state of the art on two diverse public benchmarks.

Zenkai -- Framework For Exploring Beyond Backpropagation. (arXiv:2311.09663v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Greg Short

Zenkai is an open-source framework designed to give researchers more control and flexibility over building and training deep learning machines. It does this by dividing the deep learning machine into layers of semi-autonomous learning machines with their own target and learning algorithm. This is to allow researchers greater exploration such as the use of non-differentiable layers or learning algorithms beyond those based on error backpropagation.

Backpropagation Rumelhart et al. [1986] has powered deep learning to become one of the most exciting fields of the 21st century. As a result, a large number of software tools have been developed to support efficient implementation and training of neural networks through the use of backpropa- gation. While these have been critical to the success of deep learning, building frameworks around backpropagation can make it challenging to implement solutions that do not adhere to it. Zenkai aims to make it easier to get around these limitations and help researchers more easily explore new frontiers in deep learning that do not strictly adhere to the backpropagation framework.

Improving the Generation Quality of Watermarked Large Language Models via Word Importance Scoring. (arXiv:2311.09668v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuhang Li, Yihan Wang, Zhouxing Shi, Cho-Jui Hsieh

The strong general capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) bring potential ethical risks if they are unrestrictedly accessible to malicious users. Token-level watermarking inserts watermarks in the generated texts by altering the token probability distributions with a private random number generator seeded by its prefix tokens. However, this watermarking algorithm alters the logits during generation, which can lead to a downgraded text quality if it chooses to promote tokens that are less relevant given the input. In this work, we propose to improve the quality of texts generated by a watermarked language model by Watermarking with Importance Scoring (WIS). At each generation step, we estimate the importance of the token to generate, and prevent it from being impacted by watermarking if it is important for the semantic correctness of the output. We further propose three methods to predict importance scoring, including a perturbation-based method and two model-based methods. Empirical experiments show that our method can generate texts with better quality with comparable level of detection rate.

Robust Contrastive Learning With Theory Guarantee. (arXiv:2311.09671v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ngoc N. Tran, Lam Tran, Hoang Phan, Anh Bui, Tung Pham, Toan Tran, Dinh Phung, Trung Le

Contrastive learning (CL) is a self-supervised training paradigm that allows us to extract meaningful features without any label information. A typical CL framework is divided into two phases, where it first tries to learn the features from unlabelled data, and then uses those features to train a linear classifier with the labeled data. While a fair amount of existing theoretical works have analyzed how the unsupervised loss in the first phase can support the supervised loss in the second phase, none has examined the connection between the unsupervised loss and the robust supervised loss, which can shed light on how to construct an effective unsupervised loss for the first phase of CL. To fill this gap, our work develops rigorous theories to dissect and identify which components in the unsupervised loss can help improve the robust supervised loss and conduct proper experiments to verify our findings.

Modelling daily mobility using mobile data traffic at fine spatiotemporal scale. (arXiv:2311.09683v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Panayotis Christidis, Maria Vega Gonzalo, Miklos Radics

We applied a data-driven approach that explores the usability of the NetMob 2023 dataset in modelling mobility patterns within an urban context. We combined the data with a highly suitable external source, the ENACT dataset, which provides a 1 km x 1km grid with estimates of the day and night population across Europe. We developed three sets of XGBoost models that predict the population in each 100m x 100m grid cell used in NetMob2023 based on the mobile data traffic of the 68 online services covered in the dataset, using the ENACT values as ground truth. The results suggest that the NetMob 2023 data can be useful for the estimation of the day and night population and grid cell level and can explain part of the dynamics of urban mobility.

CDMPP: A Device-Model Agnostic Framework for Latency Prediction of Tensor Programs. (arXiv:2311.09690v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hanpeng Hu, Junwei Su, Juntao Zhao, Yanghua Peng, Yibo Zhu, Haibin Lin, Chuan Wu

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have shown excellent performance in a wide range of machine learning applications. Knowing the latency of running a DNN model or tensor program on a specific device is useful in various tasks, such as DNN graph- or tensor-level optimization and device selection. Considering the large space of DNN models and devices that impede direct profiling of all combinations, recent efforts focus on building a predictor to model the performance of DNN models on different devices. However, none of the existing attempts have achieved a cost model that can accurately predict the performance of various tensor programs while supporting both training and inference accelerators. We propose CDMPP, an efficient tensor program latency prediction framework for both cross-model and cross-device prediction. We design an informative but efficient representation of tensor programs, called compact ASTs, and a pre-order-based positional encoding method, to capture the internal structure of tensor programs. We develop a domain-adaption-inspired method to learn domain-invariant representations and devise a KMeans-based sampling algorithm, for the predictor to learn from different domains (i.e., different DNN operators and devices). Our extensive experiments on a diverse range of DNN models and devices demonstrate that CDMPP significantly outperforms state-of-the-art baselines with 14.03% and 10.85% prediction error for cross-model and cross-device prediction, respectively, and one order of magnitude higher training efficiency. The implementation and the expanded dataset are available at

Augmenting Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning with Self-Reference. (arXiv:2311.09692v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andrew Zhao, Erle Zhu, Rui Lu, Matthieu Lin, Yong-Jin Liu, Gao Huang

Humans possess the ability to draw on past experiences explicitly when learning new tasks and applying them accordingly. We believe this capacity for self-referencing is especially advantageous for reinforcement learning agents in the unsupervised pretrain-then-finetune setting. During pretraining, an agent's past experiences can be explicitly utilized to mitigate the nonstationarity of intrinsic rewards. In the finetuning phase, referencing historical trajectories prevents the unlearning of valuable exploratory behaviors. Motivated by these benefits, we propose the Self-Reference (SR) approach, an add-on module explicitly designed to leverage historical information and enhance agent performance within the pretrain-finetune paradigm. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in terms of Interquartile Mean (IQM) performance and Optimality Gap reduction on the Unsupervised Reinforcement Learning Benchmark for model-free methods, recording an 86% IQM and a 16% Optimality Gap. Additionally, it improves current algorithms by up to 17% IQM and reduces the Optimality Gap by 31%. Beyond performance enhancement, the Self-Reference add-on also increases sample efficiency, a crucial attribute for real-world applications.

Towards Autonomous Hypothesis Verification via Language Models with Minimal Guidance. (arXiv:2311.09706v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Shiro Takagi, Ryutaro Yamauchi, Wataru Kumagai

Research automation efforts usually employ AI as a tool to automate specific tasks within the research process. To create an AI that truly conduct research themselves, it must independently generate hypotheses, design verification plans, and execute verification. Therefore, we investigated if an AI itself could autonomously generate and verify hypothesis for a toy machine learning research problem. We prompted GPT-4 to generate hypotheses and Python code for hypothesis verification with limited methodological guidance. Our findings suggest that, in some instances, GPT-4 can autonomously generate and validate hypotheses without detailed guidance. While this is a promising result, we also found that none of the verifications were flawless, and there remain significant challenges in achieving autonomous, human-level research using only generic instructions. These findings underscore the need for continued exploration to develop a general and autonomous AI researcher.

Aligning with Whom? Large Language Models Have Gender and Racial Biases in Subjective NLP Tasks. (arXiv:2311.09730v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Huaman Sun, Jiaxin Pei, Minje Choi, David Jurgens

Human perception of language depends on personal backgrounds like gender and ethnicity. While existing studies have shown that large language models (LLMs) hold values that are closer to certain societal groups, it is unclear whether their prediction behaviors on subjective NLP tasks also exhibit a similar bias. In this study, leveraging the POPQUORN dataset which contains annotations of diverse demographic backgrounds, we conduct a series of experiments on four popular LLMs to investigate their capability to understand group differences and potential biases in their predictions for politeness and offensiveness. We find that for both tasks, model predictions are closer to the labels from White and female participants. We further explore prompting with the target demographic labels and show that including the target demographic in the prompt actually worsens the model's performance. More specifically, when being prompted to respond from the perspective of "Black" and "Asian" individuals, models show lower performance in predicting both overall scores as well as the scores from corresponding groups. Our results suggest that LLMs hold gender and racial biases for subjective NLP tasks and that demographic-infused prompts alone may be insufficient to mitigate such effects. Code and data are available at

Prudent Silence or Foolish Babble? Examining Large Language Models' Responses to the Unknown. (arXiv:2311.09731v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Genglin Liu, Xingyao Wang, Lifan Yuan, Yangyi Chen, Hao Peng

Large Language Models (LLMs) often struggle when faced with situations where they lack the prerequisite knowledge to generate a sensical response. In these cases, models tend to fabricate and hallucinate, rather than appropriately signaling uncertainty as humans would. This behavior misaligns with human conversational norms and presents challenges surrounding responsible and ethical AI development. This work aims to systematically investigate LLMs' behaviors in such situations. We curate an adversarial question-answering benchmark containing unanswerable questions targeting information absent from the LLM's training data. Concretely, these unanswerable questions contain non-existent concepts or false premises. When presented with such unanswerable questions, an LLM should appropriately convey uncertainty, and be able to challenge the premise and refuse to generate a response. While facing answerable valid questions, a model should demonstrate a positive correlation between accuracy and confidence. Using a model-agnostic unified confidence elicitation approach, we observe that LLMs that have gone through instruction finetuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) perform significantly better than their counterparts that do not. Moreover, uncertainty expression 1 through our elicitation method does not always stay consistent with the perceived confidence of the direct response of an LLM. Our findings call for further research into teaching LLMs to proactively and reliably express uncertainty.

GEO: Generative Engine Optimization. (arXiv:2311.09735v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Pranjal Aggarwal, Vishvak Murahari, Tanmay Rajpurohit, Ashwin Kalyan, Karthik R Narasimhan, Ameet Deshpande

The advent of large language models (LLMs) has ushered in a new paradigm of search engines that use generative models to gather and summarize information to answer user queries. This emerging technology, which we formalize under the unified framework of Generative Engines (GEs), has the potential to generate accurate and personalized responses, and is rapidly replacing traditional search engines like Google and Bing. Generative Engines typically satisfy queries by synthesizing information from multiple sources and summarizing them with the help of LLMs. While this shift significantly improves \textit{user} utility and \textit{generative search engine} traffic, it results in a huge challenge for the third stakeholder -- website and content creators. Given the black-box and fast-moving nature of Generative Engines, content creators have little to no control over when and how their content is displayed. With generative engines here to stay, the right tools should be provided to ensure that creator economy is not severely disadvantaged. To address this, we introduce Generative Engine Optimization (GEO), a novel paradigm to aid content creators in improving the visibility of their content in Generative Engine responses through a black-box optimization framework for optimizing and defining visibility metrics. We facilitate systematic evaluation in this new paradigm by introducing GEO-bench, a benchmark of diverse user queries across multiple domains, coupled with sources required to answer these queries. Through rigorous evaluation, we show that GEO can boost visibility by up to 40\% in generative engine responses. Moreover, we show the efficacy of these strategies varies across domains, underscoring the need for domain-specific methods. Our work opens a new frontier in the field of information discovery systems, with profound implications for generative engines and content creators.

Redefining Super-Resolution: Fine-mesh PDE predictions without classical simulations. (arXiv:2311.09740v1 [physics.flu-dyn])

Authors: Rajat Kumar Sarkar, Ritam Majumdar, Vishal Jadhav, Sagar Srinivas Sakhinana, Venkataramana Runkana

In Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), coarse mesh simulations offer computational efficiency but often lack precision. Applying conventional super-resolution to these simulations poses a significant challenge due to the fundamental contrast between downsampling high-resolution images and authentically emulating low-resolution physics. The former method conserves more of the underlying physics, surpassing the usual constraints of real-world scenarios. We propose a novel definition of super-resolution tailored for PDE-based problems. Instead of simply downsampling from a high-resolution dataset, we use coarse-grid simulated data as our input and predict fine-grid simulated outcomes. Employing a physics-infused UNet upscaling method, we demonstrate its efficacy across various 2D-CFD problems such as discontinuity detection in Burger's equation, Methane combustion, and fouling in Industrial heat exchangers. Our method enables the generation of fine-mesh solutions bypassing traditional simulation, ensuring considerable computational saving and fidelity to the original ground truth outcomes. Through diverse boundary conditions during training, we further establish the robustness of our method, paving the way for its broad applications in engineering and scientific CFD solvers.

What Constitutes a Faithful Summary? Preserving Author Perspectives in News Summarization. (arXiv:2311.09741v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuhan Liu, Shangbin Feng, Xiaochuang Han, Vidhisha Balachandran, Chan Young Park, Sachin Kumar, Yulia Tsvetkov

In this work, we take a first step towards designing summarization systems that are faithful to the author's opinions and perspectives. Focusing on a case study of preserving political perspectives in news summarization, we find that existing approaches alter the political opinions and stances of news articles in more than 50% of summaries, misrepresenting the intent and perspectives of the news authors. We thus propose P^3Sum, a diffusion model-based summarization approach controlled by political perspective classifiers. In P^3Sum, the political leaning of a generated summary is iteratively evaluated at each decoding step, and any drift from the article's original stance incurs a loss back-propagated to the embedding layers, steering the political stance of the summary at inference time. Extensive experiments on three news summarization datasets demonstrate that P^3Sum outperforms state-of-the-art summarization systems and large language models by up to 11.4% in terms of the success rate of stance preservation, with on-par performance on standard summarization utility metrics. These findings highlight the lacunae that even for state-of-the-art models it is still challenging to preserve author perspectives in news summarization, while P^3Sum presents an important first step towards evaluating and developing summarization systems that are faithful to author intent and perspectives.

MAFALDA: A Benchmark and Comprehensive Study of Fallacy Detection and Classification. (arXiv:2311.09761v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chadi Helwe, Tom Calamai, Pierre-Henri Paris, Chloé Clavel, Fabian Suchanek

Fallacies can be used to spread disinformation, fake news, and propaganda, underlining the importance of their detection. Automated detection and classification of fallacies, however, remain challenging, mainly because of the innate subjectivity of the task and the need for a comprehensive, unified approach in existing research. Addressing these limitations, our study introduces a novel taxonomy of fallacies that aligns and refines previous classifications, a new annotation scheme tailored for subjective NLP tasks, and a new evaluation method designed to handle subjectivity, adapted to precision, recall, and F1-Score metrics. Using our annotation scheme, the paper introduces MAFALDA (Multi-level Annotated FALlacy DAtaset), a gold standard dataset. MAFALDA is based on examples from various previously existing fallacy datasets under our unified taxonomy across three levels of granularity. We then evaluate several language models under a zero-shot learning setting using MAFALDA to assess their fallacy detection and classification capability. Our comprehensive evaluation not only benchmarks the performance of these models but also provides valuable insights into their strengths and limitations in addressing fallacious reasoning.

Graph-Guided Reasoning for Multi-Hop Question Answering in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09762v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jinyoung Park, Ameen Patel, Omar Zia Khan, Hyunwoo J. Kim, Joo-Kyung Kim

Chain-of-Thought (CoT) prompting has boosted the multi-step reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) by generating a series of rationales before the final answer. We analyze the reasoning paths generated by CoT and find two issues in multi-step reasoning: (i) Generating rationales irrelevant to the question, (ii) Unable to compose subquestions or queries for generating/retrieving all the relevant information. To address them, we propose a graph-guided CoT prompting method, which guides the LLMs to reach the correct answer with graph representation/verification steps. Specifically, we first leverage LLMs to construct a "question/rationale graph" by using knowledge extraction prompting given the initial question and the rationales generated in the previous steps. Then, the graph verification step diagnoses the current rationale triplet by comparing it with the existing question/rationale graph to filter out irrelevant rationales and generate follow-up questions to obtain relevant information. Additionally, we generate CoT paths that exclude the extracted graph information to represent the context information missed from the graph extraction. Our graph-guided reasoning method shows superior performance compared to previous CoT prompting and the variants on multi-hop question answering benchmark datasets.

HuatuoGPT-II, One-stage Training for Medical Adaption of LLMs. (arXiv:2311.09774v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Junying Chen, Xidong Wang, Anningzhe Gao, Feng Jiang, Shunian Chen, Hongbo Zhang, Dingjie Song, Wenya Xie, Chuyi Kong, Jianquan Li, Xiang Wan, Haizhou Li, Benyou Wang

Adapting a language model into a specific domain, a.k.a `domain adaption', is a common practice when specialized knowledge, e.g. medicine, is not encapsulated in a general language model like Llama2. The challenge lies in the heterogeneity of data across the two training stages, as it varies in languages, genres, or formats. To tackle this and simplify the learning protocol, we propose to transform heterogeneous data, from the both pre-training and supervised stages, into a unified, simple input-output pair format. We validate the new protocol in the domains where proprietary LLMs like ChatGPT perform relatively poorly, such as Traditional Chinese Medicine. The developed model, HuatuoGPT-II, has shown state-of-the-art performance in Chinese medicine domain on a number of benchmarks, e.g. medical licensing exams. It even outperforms proprietary models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 in some aspects, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Expert manual evaluations further validate HuatuoGPT-II's advantages over existing LLMs. Notably, HuatuoGPT-II was benchmarked in a fresh Chinese National Medical Licensing Examination where it achieved the best performance, showcasing not only its effectiveness but also its generalization capabilities.

Breaking Boundaries: Balancing Performance and Robustness in Deep Wireless Traffic Forecasting. (arXiv:2311.09790v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ilbert Romain, V. Hoang Thai, Zhang Zonghua, Palpanas Themis

Balancing the trade-off between accuracy and robustness is a long-standing challenge in time series forecasting. While most of existing robust algorithms have achieved certain suboptimal performance on clean data, sustaining the same performance level in the presence of data perturbations remains extremely hard. % In this paper, we study a wide array of perturbation scenarios and propose novel defense mechanisms against adversarial attacks using real-world telecom data. We compare our strategy against two existing adversarial training algorithms under a range of maximal allowed perturbations, defined using $\ell_{\infty}$-norm, $\in [0.1,0.4]$. % Our findings reveal that our hybrid strategy, which is composed of a classifier to detect adversarial examples, a denoiser to eliminate noise from the perturbed data samples, and a standard forecaster, achieves the best performance on both clean and perturbed data. % Our optimal model can retain up to $92.02\%$ the performance of the original forecasting model in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE) on clean data, while being more robust than the standard adversarially trained models on perturbed data. Its MSE is 2.71$\times$ and 2.51$\times$ lower than those of comparing methods on normal and perturbed data, respectively. In addition, the components of our models can be trained in parallel, resulting in better computational efficiency. % Our results indicate that we can optimally balance the trade-off between the performance and robustness of forecasting models by improving the classifier and denoiser, even in the presence of sophisticated and destructive poisoning attacks.

Fossil 2.0: Formal Certificate Synthesis for the Verification and Control of Dynamical Models. (arXiv:2311.09793v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Alec Edwards, Andrea Peruffo, Alessandro Abate

This paper presents Fossil 2.0, a new major release of a software tool for the synthesis of certificates (e.g., Lyapunov and barrier functions) for dynamical systems modelled as ordinary differential and difference equations. Fossil 2.0 is much improved from its original release, including new interfaces, a significantly expanded certificate portfolio, controller synthesis and enhanced extensibility. We present these new features as part of this tool paper. Fossil implements a counterexample-guided inductive synthesis (CEGIS) loop ensuring the soundness of the method. Our tool uses neural networks as templates to generate candidate functions, which are then formally proven by an SMT solver acting as an assertion verifier. Improvements with respect to the first release include a wider range of certificates, synthesis of control laws, and support for discrete-time models.

Comparing Differentiable Logics for Learning Systems: A Research Preview. (arXiv:2311.09809v1 [cs.LO])

Authors: Thomas Flinkow (Maynooth University), Barak A. Pearlmutter (Maynooth University), Rosemary Monahan (Maynooth University)

Extensive research on formal verification of machine learning (ML) systems indicates that learning from data alone often fails to capture underlying background knowledge. A variety of verifiers have been developed to ensure that a machine-learnt model satisfies correctness and safety properties, however, these verifiers typically assume a trained network with fixed weights. ML-enabled autonomous systems are required to not only detect incorrect predictions, but should also possess the ability to self-correct, continuously improving and adapting. A promising approach for creating ML models that inherently satisfy constraints is to encode background knowledge as logical constraints that guide the learning process via so-called differentiable logics. In this research preview, we compare and evaluate various logics from the literature in weakly-supervised contexts, presenting our findings and highlighting open problems for future work. Our experimental results are broadly consistent with results reported previously in literature; however, learning with differentiable logics introduces a new hyperparameter that is difficult to tune and has significant influence on the effectiveness of the logics.

Runtime Verification of Learning Properties for Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. (arXiv:2311.09811v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tommaso Mannucci (TNO -- Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research), Julio de Oliveira Filho (TNO -- Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research)

Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms interact with their environment in a trial-and-error fashion. Such interactions can be expensive, inefficient, and timely when learning on a physical system rather than in a simulation. This work develops new runtime verification techniques to predict when the learning phase has not met or will not meet qualitative and timely expectations. This paper presents three verification properties concerning the quality and timeliness of learning in RL algorithms. With each property, we propose design steps for monitoring and assessing the properties during the system's operation.

Performance Trade-offs of Watermarking Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.09816v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Anirudh Ajith, Sameer Singh, Danish Pruthi

Amidst growing concerns of large language models (LLMs) being misused for generating misinformation or completing homework assignments, watermarking has emerged as an effective solution for distinguishing human-written and LLM-generated text. A prominent watermarking strategy is to embed a signal into generated text by upsampling a (pseudorandomly-chosen) subset of tokens at every generation step. Although this signal is imperceptible to a human reader, it is detectable through statistical testing. However, implanting such signals alters the model's output distribution and can have unintended effects when watermarked LLMs are used for downstream applications. In this work, we evaluate the performance of watermarked LLMs on a diverse suite of tasks, including text classification, textual entailment, reasoning, question answering, translation, summarization, and language modeling. We find that watermarking has negligible impact on the performance of tasks posed as k-class classification problems in the average case. However, the accuracy can plummet to that of a random classifier for some scenarios (that occur with non-negligible probability). Tasks that are cast as multiple-choice questions and short-form generation are surprisingly unaffected by watermarking. For long-form generation tasks, including summarization and translation, we see a drop of 15-20% in the performance due to watermarking. Our findings highlight the trade-offs that users should be cognizant of when using watermarked models, and point to cases where future research could improve existing trade-offs.

PWISeg: Point-based Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation for Surgical Instruments. (arXiv:2311.09819v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhen Sun, Huan Xu, Jinlin Wu, Zhen Chen, Zhen Lei, Hongbin Liu

In surgical procedures, correct instrument counting is essential. Instance segmentation is a location method that locates not only an object's bounding box but also each pixel's specific details. However, obtaining mask-level annotations is labor-intensive in instance segmentation. To address this issue, we propose a novel yet effective weakly-supervised surgical instrument instance segmentation approach, named Point-based Weakly-supervised Instance Segmentation (PWISeg). PWISeg adopts an FCN-based architecture with point-to-box and point-to-mask branches to model the relationships between feature points and bounding boxes, as well as feature points and segmentation masks on FPN, accomplishing instrument detection and segmentation jointly in a single model. Since mask level annotations are hard to available in the real world, for point-to-mask training, we introduce an unsupervised projection loss, utilizing the projected relation between predicted masks and bboxes as supervision signal. On the other hand, we annotate a few pixels as the key pixel for each instrument. Based on this, we further propose a key pixel association loss and a key pixel distribution loss, driving the point-to-mask branch to generate more accurate segmentation predictions. To comprehensively evaluate this task, we unveil a novel surgical instrument dataset with manual annotations, setting up a benchmark for further research. Our comprehensive research trial validated the superior performance of our PWISeg. The results show that the accuracy of surgical instrument segmentation is improved, surpassing most methods of instance segmentation via weakly supervised bounding boxes. This improvement is consistently observed in our proposed dataset and when applied to the public HOSPI-Tools dataset.

Leveraging LLMs in Scholarly Knowledge Graph Question Answering. (arXiv:2311.09841v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tilahun Abedissa Taffa, Ricardo Usbeck

This paper presents a scholarly Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA) that answers bibliographic natural language questions by leveraging a large language model (LLM) in a few-shot manner. The model initially identifies the top-n similar training questions related to a given test question via a BERT-based sentence encoder and retrieves their corresponding SPARQL. Using the top-n similar question-SPARQL pairs as an example and the test question creates a prompt. Then pass the prompt to the LLM and generate a SPARQL. Finally, runs the SPARQL against the underlying KG - ORKG (Open Research KG) endpoint and returns an answer. Our system achieves an F1 score of 99.0%, on SciQA - one of the Scholarly-QALD-23 challenge benchmarks.

GroupMixer: Patch-based Group Convolutional Neural Network for Breast Cancer Detection from Histopathological Images. (arXiv:2311.09846v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Ardavan Modarres, Erfan Ebrahim Esfahani, Mahsa Bahrami

Diagnosis of breast cancer malignancy at the early stages is a crucial step for controlling its side effects. Histopathological analysis provides a unique opportunity for malignant breast cancer detection. However, such a task would be tedious and time-consuming for the histopathologists. Deep Neural Networks enable us to learn informative features directly from raw histopathological images without manual feature extraction. Although Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have been the dominant architectures in the computer vision realm, Transformer-based architectures have shown promising results in different computer vision tasks. Although harnessing the capability of Transformer-based architectures for medical image analysis seems interesting, these architectures are large, have a significant number of trainable parameters, and require large datasets to be trained on, which are usually rare in the medical domain. It has been claimed and empirically proved that at least part of the superior performance of Transformer-based architectures in Computer Vision domain originates from patch embedding operation. In this paper, we borrowed the previously introduced idea of integrating a fully Convolutional Neural Network architecture with Patch Embedding operation and presented an efficient CNN architecture for breast cancer malignancy detection from histopathological images. Despite the number of parameters that is significantly smaller than other methods, the accuracy performance metrics achieved 97.65%, 98.92%, 99.21%, and 98.01% for 40x, 100x, 200x, and 400x magnifications respectively. We took a step forward and modified the architecture using Group Convolution and Channel Shuffling ideas and reduced the number of trainable parameters even more with a negligible decline in performance and achieved 95.42%, 98.16%, 96.05%, and 97.92% accuracy for the mentioned magnifications respectively.

Overcoming Data Scarcity in Biomedical Imaging with a Foundational Multi-Task Model. (arXiv:2311.09847v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Raphael Schäfer, Till Nicke, Henning Höfener, Annkristin Lange, Dorit Merhof, Friedrich Feuerhake, Volkmar Schulz, Johannes Lotz, Fabian Kiessling

Foundational models, pretrained on a large scale, have demonstrated substantial success across non-medical domains. However, training these models typically requires large, comprehensive datasets, which contrasts with the smaller and more heterogeneous datasets common in biomedical imaging. Here, we propose a multi-task learning strategy that decouples the number of training tasks from memory requirements. We trained a Universal bioMedical PreTrained model (UMedPT) on a multi-task database including tomographic, microscopic, and X-ray images, with various labelling strategies such as classification, segmentation, and object detection. The UMedPT foundational model outperformed ImageNet pretraining and the previous state-of-the-art models. For tasks related to the pretraining database, it maintained its performance with only 1% of the original training data and without fine-tuning. For out-of-domain tasks it required not more than 50% of the original training data. In an external independent validation imaging features extracted using UMedPT proved to be a new standard for cross-center transferability.

Diffusion-Augmented Neural Processes. (arXiv:2311.09848v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lorenzo Bonito, James Requeima, Aliaksandra Shysheya, Richard E. Turner

Over the last few years, Neural Processes have become a useful modelling tool in many application areas, such as healthcare and climate sciences, in which data are scarce and prediction uncertainty estimates are indispensable. However, the current state of the art in the field (AR CNPs; Bruinsma et al., 2023) presents a few issues that prevent its widespread deployment. This work proposes an alternative, diffusion-based approach to NPs which, through conditioning on noised datasets, addresses many of these limitations, whilst also exceeding SOTA performance.

Short vs. Long-term Coordination of Drones: When Distributed Optimization Meets Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2311.09852v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Chuhao Qin, Evangelos Pournaras

Swarms of smart drones, with the support of charging technology, can provide completing sensing capabilities in Smart Cities, such as traffic monitoring and disaster response. Existing approaches, including distributed optimization and deep reinforcement learning (DRL), aim to coordinate drones to achieve cost-effective, high-quality navigation, sensing, and recharging. However, they have distinct challenges: short-term optimization struggles to provide sustained benefits, while long-term DRL lacks scalability, resilience, and flexibility. To bridge this gap, this paper introduces a new progressive approach that encompasses the planning and selection based on distributed optimization, as well as DRL-based flying direction scheduling. Extensive experiment with datasets generated from realisitic urban mobility demonstrate the outstanding performance of the proposed solution in traffic monitoring compared to three baseline methods.

SurvTimeSurvival: Survival Analysis On The Patient With Multiple Visits/Records. (arXiv:2311.09854v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hung Le, Ong Eng-Jon, Bober Miroslaw

The accurate prediction of survival times for patients with severe diseases remains a critical challenge despite recent advances in artificial intelligence. This study introduces "SurvTimeSurvival: Survival Analysis On Patients With Multiple Visits/Records", utilizing the Transformer model to not only handle the complexities of time-varying covariates but also covariates data. We also tackle the data sparsity issue common to survival analysis datasets by integrating synthetic data generation into the learning process of our model. We show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art deep learning approaches on both covariates and time-varying covariates datasets. Our approach aims not only to enhance the understanding of individual patient survival trajectories across various medical conditions, thereby improving prediction accuracy, but also to play a pivotal role in designing clinical trials and creating new treatments.

Contribution Evaluation in Federated Learning: Examining Current Approaches. (arXiv:2311.09856v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Vasilis Siomos, Jonathan Passerat-Palmbach

Federated Learning (FL) has seen increasing interest in cases where entities want to collaboratively train models while maintaining privacy and governance over their data. In FL, clients with private and potentially heterogeneous data and compute resources come together to train a common model without raw data ever leaving their locale. Instead, the participants contribute by sharing local model updates, which, naturally, differ in quality. Quantitatively evaluating the worth of these contributions is termed the Contribution Evaluation (CE) problem. We review current CE approaches from the underlying mathematical framework to efficiently calculate a fair value for each client. Furthermore, we benchmark some of the most promising state-of-the-art approaches, along with a new one we introduce, on MNIST and CIFAR-10, to showcase their differences. Designing a fair and efficient CE method, while a small part of the overall FL system design, is tantamount to the mainstream adoption of FL.

Polynomially Over-Parameterized Convolutional Neural Networks Contain Structured Strong Winning Lottery Tickets. (arXiv:2311.09858v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Arthur da Cunha, Francesco d'Amore, Emanuele Natale

The Strong Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (SLTH) states that randomly-initialised neural networks likely contain subnetworks that perform well without any training. Although unstructured pruning has been extensively studied in this context, its structured counterpart, which can deliver significant computational and memory efficiency gains, has been largely unexplored. One of the main reasons for this gap is the limitations of the underlying mathematical tools used in formal analyses of the SLTH. In this paper, we overcome these limitations: we leverage recent advances in the multidimensional generalisation of the Random Subset-Sum Problem and obtain a variant that admits the stochastic dependencies that arise when addressing structured pruning in the SLTH. We apply this result to prove, for a wide class of random Convolutional Neural Networks, the existence of structured subnetworks that can approximate any sufficiently smaller network.

This result provides the first sub-exponential bound around the SLTH for structured pruning, opening up new avenues for further research on the hypothesis and contributing to the understanding of the role of over-parameterization in deep learning.

Safety Aware Autonomous Path Planning Using Model Predictive Reinforcement Learning for Inland Waterways. (arXiv:2311.09878v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Astrid Vanneste, Simon Vanneste, Olivier Vasseur, Robin Janssens, Mattias Billast, Ali Anwar, Kevin Mets, Tom De Schepper, Siegfried Mercelis, Peter Hellinckx

In recent years, interest in autonomous shipping in urban waterways has increased significantly due to the trend of keeping cars and trucks out of city centers. Classical approaches such as Frenet frame based planning and potential field navigation often require tuning of many configuration parameters and sometimes even require a different configuration depending on the situation. In this paper, we propose a novel path planning approach based on reinforcement learning called Model Predictive Reinforcement Learning (MPRL). MPRL calculates a series of waypoints for the vessel to follow. The environment is represented as an occupancy grid map, allowing us to deal with any shape of waterway and any number and shape of obstacles. We demonstrate our approach on two scenarios and compare the resulting path with path planning using a Frenet frame and path planning based on a proximal policy optimization (PPO) agent. Our results show that MPRL outperforms both baselines in both test scenarios. The PPO based approach was not able to reach the goal in either scenario while the Frenet frame approach failed in the scenario consisting of a corner with obstacles. MPRL was able to safely (collision free) navigate to the goal in both of the test scenarios.

On some elusive aspects of databases hindering AI based discovery: A case study on superconducting materials. (arXiv:2311.09891v1 [cond-mat.other])

Authors: Giovanni Trezza, Eliodoro Chiavazzo

It stands to reason that the amount and the quality of big data is of key importance for setting up accurate AI-driven models. Nonetheless, we believe there are still critical roadblocks in the inherent generation of databases, that are often underestimated and poorly discussed in the literature. In our view, such issues can seriously hinder the AI-based discovery process, even when high quality, sufficiently large and highly reputable data sources are available. Here, considering superconducting and thermoelectric materials as two representative case studies, we specifically discuss three aspects, namely intrinsically biased sample selection, possible hidden variables, disparate data age. Importantly, to our knowledge, we suggest and test a first strategy capable of detecting and quantifying the presence of the intrinsic data bias.

Fast multiplication by two's complement addition of numbers represented as a set of polynomial radix 2 indexes, stored as an integer list for massively parallel computation. (arXiv:2311.09922v1 [cs.MS])

Authors: Mark Stocks

We demonstrate a multiplication method based on numbers represented as set of polynomial radix 2 indices stored as an integer list. The 'polynomial integer index multiplication' method is a set of algorithms implemented in python code. We demonstrate the method to be faster than both the Number Theoretic Transform (NTT) and Karatsuba for multiplication within a certain bit range. Also implemented in python code for comparison purposes with the polynomial radix 2 integer method. We demonstrate that it is possible to express any integer or real number as a list of integer indices, representing a finite series in base two. The finite series of integer index representation of a number can then be stored and distributed across multiple CPUs / GPUs. We show that operations of addition and multiplication can be applied as two's complement additions operating on the index integer representations and can be fully distributed across a given CPU / GPU architecture. We demonstrate fully distributed arithmetic operations such that the 'polynomial integer index multiplication' method overcomes the current limitation of parallel multiplication methods. Ie, the need to share common core memory and common disk for the calculation of results and intermediate results.

A Framework for Monitoring and Retraining Language Models in Real-World Applications. (arXiv:2311.09930v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jaykumar Kasundra, Claudia Schulz, Melicaalsadat Mirsafian, Stavroula Skylaki

In the Machine Learning (ML) model development lifecycle, training candidate models using an offline holdout dataset and identifying the best model for the given task is only the first step. After the deployment of the selected model, continuous model monitoring and model retraining is required in many real-world applications. There are multiple reasons for retraining, including data or concept drift, which may be reflected on the model performance as monitored by an appropriate metric. Another motivation for retraining is the acquisition of increasing amounts of data over time, which may be used to retrain and improve the model performance even in the absence of drifts. We examine the impact of various retraining decision points on crucial factors, such as model performance and resource utilization, in the context of Multilabel Classification models. We explain our key decision points and propose a reference framework for designing an effective model retraining strategy.

Natural Disaster Analysis using Satellite Imagery and Social-Media Data for Emergency Response Situations. (arXiv:2311.09947v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sukeerthi Mandyam, Shanmuga Priya MG, Shalini Suresh, Kavitha Srinivasan

Disaster Management is one of the most promising research areas because of its significant economic, environmental and social repercussions. This research focuses on analyzing different types of data (pre and post satellite images and twitter data) related to disaster management for in-depth analysis of location-wise emergency requirements. This research has been divided into two stages, namely, satellite image analysis and twitter data analysis followed by integration using location. The first stage involves pre and post disaster satellite image analysis of the location using multi-class land cover segmentation technique based on U-Net architecture. The second stage focuses on mapping the region with essential information about the disaster situation and immediate requirements for relief operations. The severely affected regions are demarcated and twitter data is extracted using keywords respective to that location. The extraction of situational information from a large corpus of raw tweets adopts Content Word based Tweet Summarization (COWTS) technique. An integration of these modules using real-time location-based mapping and frequency analysis technique gathers multi-dimensional information in the advent of disaster occurrence such as the Kerala and Mississippi floods that were analyzed and validated as test cases. The novelty of this research lies in the application of segmented satellite images for disaster relief using highlighted land cover changes and integration of twitter data by mapping these region-specific filters for obtaining a complete overview of the disaster.

Hijacking Large Language Models via Adversarial In-Context Learning. (arXiv:2311.09948v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yao Qiang, Xiangyu Zhou, Dongxiao Zhu

In-context learning (ICL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm leveraging LLMs for specific tasks by utilizing labeled examples as demonstrations in the precondition prompts. Despite its promising performance, ICL suffers from instability with the choice and arrangement of examples. Additionally, crafted adversarial attacks pose a notable threat to the robustness of ICL. However, existing attacks are either easy to detect, rely on external models, or lack specificity towards ICL. To address these issues, this work introduces a novel transferable attack for ICL, aiming to hijack LLMs to generate the targeted response. The proposed LLM hijacking attack leverages a gradient-based prompt search method to learn and append imperceptible adversarial suffixes to the in-context demonstrations. Extensive experimental results on various tasks and datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our LLM hijacking attack, resulting in a distracted attention towards adversarial tokens, consequently leading to the targeted unwanted outputs.

Score-based generative models learn manifold-like structures with constrained mixing. (arXiv:2311.09952v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Li Kevin Wenliang, Ben Moran

How do score-based generative models (SBMs) learn the data distribution supported on a low-dimensional manifold? We investigate the score model of a trained SBM through its linear approximations and subspaces spanned by local feature vectors. During diffusion as the noise decreases, the local dimensionality increases and becomes more varied between different sample sequences. Importantly, we find that the learned vector field mixes samples by a non-conservative field within the manifold, although it denoises with normal projections as if there is an energy function in off-manifold directions. At each noise level, the subspace spanned by the local features overlap with an effective density function. These observations suggest that SBMs can flexibly mix samples with the learned score field while carefully maintaining a manifold-like structure of the data distribution.

Self-supervised learning of multi-omics embeddings in the low-label, high-data regime. (arXiv:2311.09962v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Christian John Hurry, Emma Slade

Contrastive, self-supervised learning (SSL) is used to train a model that predicts cancer type from miRNA, mRNA or RPPA expression data. This model, a pretrained FT-Transformer, is shown to outperform XGBoost and CatBoost, standard benchmarks for tabular data, when labelled samples are scarce but the number of unlabelled samples is high. This is despite the fact that the datasets we use have $\mathcal{O}(10^{1})$ classes and $\mathcal{O}(10^{2})-\mathcal{O}(10^{4})$ features. After demonstrating the efficacy of our chosen method of self-supervised pretraining, we investigate SSL for multi-modal models. A late-fusion model is proposed, where each omics is passed through its own sub-network, the outputs of which are averaged and passed to the pretraining or downstream objective function. Multi-modal pretraining is shown to improve predictions from a single omics, and we argue that this is useful for datasets with many unlabelled multi-modal samples, but few labelled unimodal samples. Additionally, we show that pretraining each omics-specific module individually is highly effective. This enables the application of the proposed model in a variety of contexts where a large amount of unlabelled data is available from each omics, but only a few labelled samples.

SurgPLAN: Surgical Phase Localization Network for Phase Recognition. (arXiv:2311.09965v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xingjian Luo, You Pang, Zhen Chen, Jinlin Wu, Zongmin Zhang, Zhen Lei, Hongbin Liu

Surgical phase recognition is crucial to providing surgery understanding in smart operating rooms. Despite great progress in automatic surgical phase recognition, most existing methods are still restricted by two problems. First, these methods cannot capture discriminative visual features for each frame and motion information with simple 2D networks. Second, the frame-by-frame recognition paradigm degrades the performance due to unstable predictions within each phase, termed as phase shaking. To address these two challenges, we propose a Surgical Phase LocAlization Network, named SurgPLAN, to facilitate a more accurate and stable surgical phase recognition with the principle of temporal detection. Specifically, we first devise a Pyramid SlowFast (PSF) architecture to serve as the visual backbone to capture multi-scale spatial and temporal features by two branches with different frame sampling rates. Moreover, we propose a Temporal Phase Localization (TPL) module to generate the phase prediction based on temporal region proposals, which ensures accurate and consistent predictions within each surgical phase. Extensive experiments confirm the significant advantages of our SurgPLAN over frame-by-frame approaches in terms of both accuracy and stability.

Xputer: Bridging Data Gaps with NMF, XGBoost, and a Streamlined GUI Experience. (arXiv:2311.09989v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Saleena Younus, Lars Rönnstrand, Julhash U. Kazi

The rapid proliferation of data across diverse fields has accentuated the importance of accurate imputation for missing values. This task is crucial for ensuring data integrity and deriving meaningful insights. In response to this challenge, we present Xputer, a novel imputation tool that adeptly integrates Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) with the predictive strengths of XGBoost. One of Xputer's standout features is its versatility: it supports zero imputation, enables hyperparameter optimization through Optuna, and allows users to define the number of iterations. For enhanced user experience and accessibility, we have equipped Xputer with an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) ensuring ease of handling, even for those less familiar with computational tools. In performance benchmarks, Xputer not only rivals the computational speed of established tools such as IterativeImputer but also often outperforms them in terms of imputation accuracy. Furthermore, Xputer autonomously handles a diverse spectrum of data types, including categorical, continuous, and Boolean, eliminating the need for prior preprocessing. Given its blend of performance, flexibility, and user-friendly design, Xputer emerges as a state-of-the-art solution in the realm of data imputation.

Co-data Learning for Bayesian Additive Regression Trees. (arXiv:2311.09997v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Jeroen M. Goedhart, Thomas Klausch, Jurriaan Janssen, Mark A. van de Wiel

Medical prediction applications often need to deal with small sample sizes compared to the number of covariates. Such data pose problems for prediction and variable selection, especially when the covariate-response relationship is complicated. To address these challenges, we propose to incorporate co-data, i.e. external information on the covariates, into Bayesian additive regression trees (BART), a sum-of-trees prediction model that utilizes priors on the tree parameters to prevent overfitting. To incorporate co-data, an empirical Bayes (EB) framework is developed that estimates, assisted by a co-data model, prior covariate weights in the BART model. The proposed method can handle multiple types of co-data simultaneously. Furthermore, the proposed EB framework enables the estimation of the other hyperparameters of BART as well, rendering an appealing alternative to cross-validation. We show that the method finds relevant covariates and that it improves prediction compared to default BART in simulations. If the covariate-response relationship is nonlinear, the method benefits from the flexibility of BART to outperform regression-based co-data learners. Finally, the use of co-data enhances prediction in an application to diffuse large B-cell lymphoma prognosis based on clinical covariates, gene mutations, DNA translocations, and DNA copy number data.

Keywords: Bayesian additive regression trees; Empirical Bayes; Co-data; High-dimensional data; Omics; Prediction

DeepEMD: A Transformer-based Fast Estimation of the Earth Mover's Distance. (arXiv:2311.09998v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Atul Kumar Sinha, Francois Fleuret

The Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) is the measure of choice between point clouds. However the computational cost to compute it makes it prohibitive as a training loss, and the standard approach is to use a surrogate such as the Chamfer distance. We propose an attention-based model to compute an accurate approximation of the EMD that can be used as a training loss for generative models. To get the necessary accurate estimation of the gradients we train our model to explicitly compute the matching between point clouds instead of EMD itself. We cast this new objective as the estimation of an attention matrix that approximates the ground truth matching matrix. Experiments show that this model provides an accurate estimate of the EMD and its gradient with a wall clock speed-up of more than two orders of magnitude with respect to the exact Hungarian matching algorithm and one order of magnitude with respect to the standard approximate Sinkhorn algorithm, allowing in particular to train a point cloud VAE with the EMD itself. Extensive evaluation show the remarkable behaviour of this model when operating out-of-distribution, a key requirement for a distance surrogate. Finally, the model generalizes very well to point clouds during inference several times larger than during training.

Straggler-resilient Federated Learning: Tackling Computation Heterogeneity with Layer-wise Partial Model Training in Mobile Edge Network. (arXiv:2311.10002v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hongda Wu, Ping Wang, C V Aswartha Narayana

Federated Learning (FL) enables many resource-limited devices to train a model collaboratively without data sharing. However, many existing works focus on model-homogeneous FL, where the global and local models are the same size, ignoring the inherently heterogeneous computational capabilities of different devices and restricting resource-constrained devices from contributing to FL. In this paper, we consider model-heterogeneous FL and propose Federated Partial Model Training (FedPMT), where devices with smaller computational capabilities work on partial models (subsets of the global model) and contribute to the global model. Different from Dropout-based partial model generation, which removes neurons in hidden layers at random, model training in FedPMT is achieved from the back-propagation perspective. As such, all devices in FedPMT prioritize the most crucial parts of the global model. Theoretical analysis shows that the proposed partial model training design has a similar convergence rate to the widely adopted Federated Averaging (FedAvg) algorithm, $\mathcal{O}(1/T)$, with the sub-optimality gap enlarged by a constant factor related to the model splitting design in FedPMT. Empirical results show that FedPMT significantly outperforms the existing benchmark FedDrop. Meanwhile, compared to the popular model-homogeneous benchmark, FedAvg, FedPMT reaches the learning target in a shorter completion time, thus achieving a better trade-off between learning accuracy and completion time.

Impact of Spatial Frequency Based Constraints on Adversarial Robustness. (arXiv:2104.12679v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rémi Bernhard, Pierre-Alain Moellic, Martial Mermillod, Yannick Bourrier, Romain Cohendet, Miguel Solinas, Marina Reyboz

Adversarial examples mainly exploit changes to input pixels to which humans are not sensitive to, and arise from the fact that models make decisions based on uninterpretable features. Interestingly, cognitive science reports that the process of interpretability for human classification decision relies predominantly on low spatial frequency components. In this paper, we investigate the robustness to adversarial perturbations of models enforced during training to leverage information corresponding to different spatial frequency ranges. We show that it is tightly linked to the spatial frequency characteristics of the data at stake. Indeed, depending on the data set, the same constraint may results in very different level of robustness (up to 0.41 adversarial accuracy difference). To explain this phenomenon, we conduct several experiments to enlighten influential factors such as the level of sensitivity to high frequencies, and the transferability of adversarial perturbations between original and low-pass filtered inputs.

Student of Games: A unified learning algorithm for both perfect and imperfect information games. (arXiv:2112.03178v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Martin Schmid, Matej Moravcik, Neil Burch, Rudolf Kadlec, Josh Davidson, Kevin Waugh, Nolan Bard, Finbarr Timbers, Marc Lanctot, G. Zacharias Holland, Elnaz Davoodi, Alden Christianson, Michael Bowling

Games have a long history as benchmarks for progress in artificial intelligence. Approaches using search and learning produced strong performance across many perfect information games, and approaches using game-theoretic reasoning and learning demonstrated strong performance for specific imperfect information poker variants. We introduce Student of Games, a general-purpose algorithm that unifies previous approaches, combining guided search, self-play learning, and game-theoretic reasoning. Student of Games achieves strong empirical performance in large perfect and imperfect information games -- an important step towards truly general algorithms for arbitrary environments. We prove that Student of Games is sound, converging to perfect play as available computation and approximation capacity increases. Student of Games reaches strong performance in chess and Go, beats the strongest openly available agent in heads-up no-limit Texas hold'em poker, and defeats the state-of-the-art agent in Scotland Yard, an imperfect information game that illustrates the value of guided search, learning, and game-theoretic reasoning.

Fair Data Representation for Machine Learning at the Pareto Frontier. (arXiv:2201.00292v3 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Shizhou Xu, Thomas Strohmer

As machine learning powered decision-making becomes increasingly important in our daily lives, it is imperative to strive for fairness in the underlying data processing. We propose a pre-processing algorithm for fair data representation via which supervised learning results in estimations of the Pareto frontier between prediction error and statistical disparity. Particularly, the present work applies the optimal affine transport to approach the post-processing Wasserstein-2 barycenter characterization of the optimal fair $L^2$-objective supervised learning via a pre-processing data deformation. Furthermore, we show that the Wasserstein-2 geodesics from the conditional (on sensitive information) distributions of the learning outcome to their barycenter characterizes the Pareto frontier between $L^2$-loss and the average pairwise Wasserstein-2 distance among sensitive groups on the learning outcome. Numerical simulations underscore the advantages: (1) the pre-processing step is compositive with arbitrary conditional expectation estimation supervised learning methods and unseen data; (2) the fair representation protects the sensitive information by limiting the inference capability of the remaining data with respect to the sensitive data; (3) the optimal affine maps are computationally efficient even for high-dimensional data.

Bilevel Optimization with a Lower-level Contraction: Optimal Sample Complexity without Warm-start. (arXiv:2202.03397v4 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Riccardo Grazzi, Massimiliano Pontil, Saverio Salzo

We analyse a general class of bilevel problems, in which the upper-level problem consists in the minimization of a smooth objective function and the lower-level problem is to find the fixed point of a smooth contraction map. This type of problems include instances of meta-learning, equilibrium models, hyperparameter optimization and data poisoning adversarial attacks. Several recent works have proposed algorithms which warm-start the lower-level problem, i.e.~they use the previous lower-level approximate solution as a staring point for the lower-level solver. This warm-start procedure allows one to improve the sample complexity in both the stochastic and deterministic settings, achieving in some cases the order-wise optimal sample complexity. However, there are situations, e.g., meta learning and equilibrium models, in which the warm-start procedure is not well-suited or ineffective. In this work we show that without warm-start, it is still possible to achieve order-wise (near) optimal sample complexity. In particular, we propose a simple method which uses (stochastic) fixed point iterations at the lower-level and projected inexact gradient descent at the upper-level, that reaches an $\epsilon$-stationary point using $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ and $\tilde{O}(\epsilon^{-1})$ samples for the stochastic and the deterministic setting, respectively. Finally, compared to methods using warm-start, our approach yields a simpler analysis that does not need to study the coupled interactions between the upper-level and lower-level iterates.

Probabilities of the third type: Statistical Relational Learning and Reasoning with Relative Frequencies. (arXiv:2202.10367v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Felix Weitkämper

Dependencies on the relative frequency of a state in the domain are common when modelling probabilistic dependencies on relational data. For instance, the likelihood of a school closure during an epidemic might depend on the proportion of infected pupils exceeding a threshold. Often, rather than depending on discrete thresholds, dependencies are continuous: for instance, the likelihood of any one mosquito bite transmitting an illness depends on the proportion of carrier mosquitoes. Current approaches usually only consider probabilities over possible worlds rather than over domain elements themselves. An exception are the recently introduced Lifted Bayesian Networks for Conditional Probability Logic, which express discrete dependencies on probabilistic data. We introduce functional lifted Bayesian networks, a formalism that explicitly incorporates continuous dependencies on relative frequencies into statistical relational artificial intelligence. and compare and contrast them with ifted Bayesian Networks for Conditional Probability Logic. Incorporating relative frequencies is not only beneficial to modelling; it also provides a more rigorous approach to learning problems where training and test or application domains have different sizes. To this end, we provide a representation of the asymptotic probability distributions induced by functional lifted Bayesian networks on domains of increasing sizes. Since that representation has well-understood scaling behaviour across domain sizes, it can be used to estimate parameters for a large domain consistently from randomly sampled subpopulations. Furthermore, we show that in parametric families of FLBN, convergence is uniform in the parameters, which ensures a meaningful dependence of the asymptotic probabilities on the parameters of the model.

Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks using Self-supervised Reciprocally Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2205.00256v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Cuiying Huo, Dongxiao He, Yawen Li, Di Jin, Jianwu Dang, Weixiong Zhang, Witold Pedrycz, Lingfei Wu

Heterogeneous graph neural network (HGNN) is a very popular technique for the modeling and analysis of heterogeneous graphs. Most existing HGNN-based approaches are supervised or semi-supervised learning methods requiring graphs to be annotated, which is costly and time-consuming. Self-supervised contrastive learning has been proposed to address the problem of requiring annotated data by mining intrinsic information hidden within the given data. However, the existing contrastive learning methods are inadequate for heterogeneous graphs because they construct contrastive views only based on data perturbation or pre-defined structural properties (e.g., meta-path) in graph data while ignore the noises that may exist in both node attributes and graph topologies. We develop for the first time a novel and robust heterogeneous graph contrastive learning approach, namely HGCL, which introduces two views on respective guidance of node attributes and graph topologies and integrates and enhances them by reciprocally contrastive mechanism to better model heterogeneous graphs. In this new approach, we adopt distinct but most suitable attribute and topology fusion mechanisms in the two views, which are conducive to mining relevant information in attributes and topologies separately. We further use both attribute similarity and topological correlation to construct high-quality contrastive samples. Extensive experiments on three large real-world heterogeneous graphs demonstrate the superiority and robustness of HGCL over state-of-the-art methods.

Sibyl: Adaptive and Extensible Data Placement in Hybrid Storage Systems Using Online Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2205.07394v2 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: Gagandeep Singh, Rakesh Nadig, Jisung Park, Rahul Bera, Nastaran Hajinazar, David Novo, Juan Gómez-Luna, Sander Stuijk, Henk Corporaal, Onur Mutlu

Hybrid storage systems (HSS) use multiple different storage devices to provide high and scalable storage capacity at high performance. Recent research proposes various techniques that aim to accurately identify performance-critical data to place it in a "best-fit" storage device. Unfortunately, most of these techniques are rigid, which (1) limits their adaptivity to perform well for a wide range of workloads and storage device configurations, and (2) makes it difficult for designers to extend these techniques to different storage system configurations (e.g., with a different number or different types of storage devices) than the configuration they are designed for. We introduce Sibyl, the first technique that uses reinforcement learning for data placement in hybrid storage systems. Sibyl observes different features of the running workload as well as the storage devices to make system-aware data placement decisions. For every decision it makes, Sibyl receives a reward from the system that it uses to evaluate the long-term performance impact of its decision and continuously optimizes its data placement policy online. We implement Sibyl on real systems with various HSS configurations. Our results show that Sibyl provides 21.6%/19.9% performance improvement in a performance-oriented/cost-oriented HSS configuration compared to the best previous data placement technique. Our evaluation using an HSS configuration with three different storage devices shows that Sibyl outperforms the state-of-the-art data placement policy by 23.9%-48.2%, while significantly reducing the system architect's burden in designing a data placement mechanism that can simultaneously incorporate three storage devices. We show that Sibyl achieves 80% of the performance of an oracle policy that has complete knowledge of future access patterns while incurring a very modest storage overhead of only 124.4 KiB.

Rethinking Fano's Inequality in Ensemble Learning. (arXiv:2205.12683v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Terufumi Morishita, Gaku Morio, Shota Horiguchi, Hiroaki Ozaki, Nobuo Nukaga

We propose a fundamental theory on ensemble learning that answers the central question: what factors make an ensemble system good or bad? Previous studies used a variant of Fano's inequality of information theory and derived a lower bound of the classification error rate on the basis of the $\textit{accuracy}$ and $\textit{diversity}$ of models. We revisit the original Fano's inequality and argue that the studies did not take into account the information lost when multiple model predictions are combined into a final prediction. To address this issue, we generalize the previous theory to incorporate the information loss, which we name $\textit{combination loss}$. Further, we empirically validate and demonstrate the proposed theory through extensive experiments on actual systems. The theory reveals the strengths and weaknesses of systems on each metric, which will push the theoretical understanding of ensemble learning and give us insights into designing systems.

On the Intrinsic Structures of Spiking Neural Networks. (arXiv:2207.04876v3 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Shao-Qun Zhang, Jia-Yi Chen, Jin-Hui Wu, Gao Zhang, Huan Xiong, Bin Gu, Zhi-Hua Zhou

Recent years have emerged a surge of interest in SNNs owing to their remarkable potential to handle time-dependent and event-driven data. The performance of SNNs hinges not only on selecting an apposite architecture and fine-tuning connection weights, similar to conventional ANNs, but also on the meticulous configuration of intrinsic structures within spiking computations. However, there has been a dearth of comprehensive studies examining the impact of intrinsic structures. Consequently, developers often find it challenging to apply a standardized configuration of SNNs across diverse datasets or tasks. This work delves deep into the intrinsic structures of SNNs. Initially, we unveil two pivotal components of intrinsic structures: the integration operation and firing-reset mechanism, by elucidating their influence on the expressivity of SNNs. Furthermore, we draw two key conclusions: the membrane time hyper-parameter is intimately linked to the eigenvalues of the integration operation, dictating the functional topology of spiking dynamics, and various hyper-parameters of the firing-reset mechanism govern the overall firing capacity of an SNN, mitigating the injection ratio or sampling density of input data. These findings elucidate why the efficacy of SNNs hinges heavily on the configuration of intrinsic structures and lead to a recommendation that enhancing the adaptability of these structures contributes to improving the overall performance and applicability of SNNs. Inspired by this recognition, we propose two feasible approaches to enhance SNN learning. These involve leveraging self-connection architectures and employing stochastic spiking neurons to augment the adaptability of the integration operation and firing-reset mechanism, respectively. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods from perspectives of theory and practice.

FOCUS: Fairness via Agent-Awareness for Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Data. (arXiv:2207.10265v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenda Chu, Chulin Xie, Boxin Wang, Linyi Li, Lang Yin, Arash Nourian, Han Zhao, Bo Li

Federated learning (FL) allows agents to jointly train a global model without sharing their local data. However, due to the heterogeneous nature of local data, it is challenging to optimize or even define fairness of the trained global model for the agents. For instance, existing work usually considers accuracy equity as fairness for different agents in FL, which is limited, especially under the heterogeneous setting, since it is intuitively "unfair" to enforce agents with high-quality data to achieve similar accuracy to those who contribute low-quality data, which may discourage the agents from participating in FL. In this work, we propose a formal FL fairness definition, fairness via agent-awareness (FAA), which takes different contributions of heterogeneous agents into account. Under FAA, the performance of agents with high-quality data will not be sacrificed just due to the existence of large amounts of agents with low-quality data. In addition, we propose a fair FL training algorithm based on agent clustering (FOCUS) to achieve fairness in FL measured by FAA. Theoretically, we prove the convergence and optimality of FOCUS under mild conditions for linear and general convex loss functions with bounded smoothness. We also prove that FOCUS always achieves higher fairness in terms of FAA compared with standard FedAvg under both linear and general convex loss functions. Empirically, we show that on four FL datasets, including synthetic data, images, and texts, FOCUS achieves significantly higher fairness in terms of FAA while maintaining competitive prediction accuracy compared with FedAvg and state-of-the-art fair FL algorithms.

AMLB: an AutoML Benchmark. (arXiv:2207.12560v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Pieter Gijsbers, Marcos L. P. Bueno, Stefan Coors, Erin LeDell, Sébastien Poirier, Janek Thomas, Bernd Bischl, Joaquin Vanschoren

Comparing different AutoML frameworks is notoriously challenging and often done incorrectly. We introduce an open and extensible benchmark that follows best practices and avoids common mistakes when comparing AutoML frameworks. We conduct a thorough comparison of 9 well-known AutoML frameworks across 71 classification and 33 regression tasks. The differences between the AutoML frameworks are explored with a multi-faceted analysis, evaluating model accuracy, its trade-offs with inference time, and framework failures. We also use Bradley-Terry trees to discover subsets of tasks where the relative AutoML framework rankings differ. The benchmark comes with an open-source tool that integrates with many AutoML frameworks and automates the empirical evaluation process end-to-end: from framework installation and resource allocation to in-depth evaluation. The benchmark uses public data sets, can be easily extended with other AutoML frameworks and tasks, and has a website with up-to-date results.

A Risk-Sensitive Approach to Policy Optimization. (arXiv:2208.09106v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jared Markowitz, Ryan W. Gardner, Ashley Llorens, Raman Arora, I-Jeng Wang

Standard deep reinforcement learning (DRL) aims to maximize expected reward, considering collected experiences equally in formulating a policy. This differs from human decision-making, where gains and losses are valued differently and outlying outcomes are given increased consideration. It also fails to capitalize on opportunities to improve safety and/or performance through the incorporation of distributional context. Several approaches to distributional DRL have been investigated, with one popular strategy being to evaluate the projected distribution of returns for possible actions. We propose a more direct approach whereby risk-sensitive objectives, specified in terms of the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the distribution of full-episode rewards, are optimized. This approach allows for outcomes to be weighed based on relative quality, can be used for both continuous and discrete action spaces, and may naturally be applied in both constrained and unconstrained settings. We show how to compute an asymptotically consistent estimate of the policy gradient for a broad class of risk-sensitive objectives via sampling, subsequently incorporating variance reduction and regularization measures to facilitate effective on-policy learning. We then demonstrate that the use of moderately "pessimistic" risk profiles, which emphasize scenarios where the agent performs poorly, leads to enhanced exploration and a continual focus on addressing deficiencies. We test the approach using different risk profiles in six OpenAI Safety Gym environments, comparing to state of the art on-policy methods. Without cost constraints, we find that pessimistic risk profiles can be used to reduce cost while improving total reward accumulation. With cost constraints, they are seen to provide higher positive rewards than risk-neutral approaches at the prescribed allowable cost.

MUDGUARD: Taming Malicious Majorities in Federated Learning using Privacy-Preserving Byzantine-Robust Clustering. (arXiv:2208.10161v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Rui Wang, Xingkai Wang, Huanhuan Chen, Jérémie Decouchant, Stjepan Picek, Nikolaos Laoutaris, Kaitai Liang

Byzantine-robust Federated Learning (FL) aims to counter malicious clients and train an accurate global model while maintaining an extremely low attack success rate. Most existing systems, however, are only robust when most of the clients are honest. FLTrust (NDSS '21) and Zeno++ (ICML '20) do not make such an honest majority assumption but can only be applied to scenarios where the server is provided with an auxiliary dataset used to filter malicious updates. FLAME (USENIX '22) and EIFFeL (CCS '22) maintain the semi-honest majority assumption to guarantee robustness and the confidentiality of updates. It is therefore currently impossible to ensure Byzantine robustness and confidentiality of updates without assuming a semi-honest majority. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel Byzantine-robust and privacy-preserving FL system, called MUDGUARD, that can operate under malicious minority \emph{or majority} in both the server and client sides. Based on DBSCAN, we design a new method for extracting features from model updates via pairwise adjusted cosine similarity to boost the accuracy of the resulting clustering. To thwart attacks from a malicious majority, we develop a method called \textit{Model Segmentation}, that aggregates together only the updates from within a cluster, sending the corresponding model only to the clients of the corresponding cluster. The fundamental idea is that even if malicious clients are in their majority, their poisoned updates cannot harm benign clients if they are confined only within the malicious cluster. We also leverage multiple cryptographic tools to conduct clustering without sacrificing training correctness and updates confidentiality. We present a detailed security proof and empirical evaluation along with a convergence analysis for MUDGUARD.

Spectral2Spectral: Image-spectral Similarity Assisted Spectral CT Deep Reconstruction without Reference. (arXiv:2210.01125v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaodong Guo, Longhui Li, Dingyue Chang, Peng He, Peng Feng, Hengyong Yu, Weiwen Wu

Spectral computed tomography based on a photon-counting detector (PCD) attracts more and more attentions since it has the capability to provide more accurate identification and quantitative analysis for biomedical materials. The limited number of photons within narrow energy bins leads to imaging results of low signal-noise ratio. The existing supervised deep reconstruction networks for CT reconstruction are difficult to address these challenges because it is usually impossible to acquire noise-free clinical images with clear structures as references. In this paper, we propose an iterative deep reconstruction network to synergize unsupervised method and data priors into a unified framework, named as Spectral2Spectral. Our Spectral2Spectral employs an unsupervised deep training strategy to obtain high-quality images from noisy data in an end-to-end fashion. The structural similarity prior within image-spectral domain is refined as a regularization term to further constrain the network training. The weights of neural network are automatically updated to capture image features and structures within the iterative process. Three large-scale preclinical datasets experiments demonstrate that the Spectral2spectral reconstructs better image quality than other the state-of-the-art methods.

Private estimation algorithms for stochastic block models and mixture models. (arXiv:2301.04822v2 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongjie Chen, Vincent Cohen-Addad, Tommaso d'Orsi, Alessandro Epasto, Jacob Imola, David Steurer, Stefan Tiegel

We introduce general tools for designing efficient private estimation algorithms, in the high-dimensional settings, whose statistical guarantees almost match those of the best known non-private algorithms. To illustrate our techniques, we consider two problems: recovery of stochastic block models and learning mixtures of spherical Gaussians. For the former, we present the first efficient $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differentially private algorithm for both weak recovery and exact recovery. Previously known algorithms achieving comparable guarantees required quasi-polynomial time. For the latter, we design an $(\epsilon, \delta)$-differentially private algorithm that recovers the centers of the $k$-mixture when the minimum separation is at least $ O(k^{1/t}\sqrt{t})$. For all choices of $t$, this algorithm requires sample complexity $n\geq k^{O(1)}d^{O(t)}$ and time complexity $(nd)^{O(t)}$. Prior work required minimum separation at least $O(\sqrt{k})$ as well as an explicit upper bound on the Euclidean norm of the centers.

Data Consistent Deep Rigid MRI Motion Correction. (arXiv:2301.10365v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nalini M. Singh, Neel Dey, Malte Hoffmann, Bruce Fischl, Elfar Adalsteinsson, Robert Frost, Adrian V. Dalca, Polina Golland

Motion artifacts are a pervasive problem in MRI, leading to misdiagnosis or mischaracterization in population-level imaging studies. Current retrospective rigid intra-slice motion correction techniques jointly optimize estimates of the image and the motion parameters. In this paper, we use a deep network to reduce the joint image-motion parameter search to a search over rigid motion parameters alone. Our network produces a reconstruction as a function of two inputs: corrupted k-space data and motion parameters. We train the network using simulated, motion-corrupted k-space data generated with known motion parameters. At test-time, we estimate unknown motion parameters by minimizing a data consistency loss between the motion parameters, the network-based image reconstruction given those parameters, and the acquired measurements. Intra-slice motion correction experiments on simulated and realistic 2D fast spin echo brain MRI achieve high reconstruction fidelity while providing the benefits of explicit data consistency optimization. Our code is publicly available at

ForkMerge: Mitigating Negative Transfer in Auxiliary-Task Learning. (arXiv:2301.12618v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Junguang Jiang, Baixu Chen, Junwei Pan, Ximei Wang, Liu Dapeng, Jie Jiang, Mingsheng Long

Auxiliary-Task Learning (ATL) aims to improve the performance of the target task by leveraging the knowledge obtained from related tasks. Occasionally, learning multiple tasks simultaneously results in lower accuracy than learning only the target task, which is known as negative transfer. This problem is often attributed to the gradient conflicts among tasks, and is frequently tackled by coordinating the task gradients in previous works. However, these optimization-based methods largely overlook the auxiliary-target generalization capability. To better understand the root cause of negative transfer, we experimentally investigate it from both optimization and generalization perspectives. Based on our findings, we introduce ForkMerge, a novel approach that periodically forks the model into multiple branches, automatically searches the varying task weights by minimizing target validation errors, and dynamically merges all branches to filter out detrimental task-parameter updates. On a series of auxiliary-task learning benchmarks, ForkMerge outperforms existing methods and effectively mitigates negative transfer.

EvoPrompting: Language Models for Code-Level Neural Architecture Search. (arXiv:2302.14838v3 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Angelica Chen, David M. Dohan, David R. So

Given the recent impressive accomplishments of language models (LMs) for code generation, we explore the use of LMs as adaptive mutation and crossover operators for an evolutionary neural architecture search (NAS) algorithm. While NAS still proves too difficult a task for LMs to succeed at solely through prompting, we find that the combination of evolutionary prompt engineering with soft prompt-tuning, a method we term EvoPrompting, consistently finds diverse and high performing models. We first demonstrate that EvoPrompting is effective on the computationally efficient MNIST-1D dataset, where EvoPrompting produces convolutional architecture variants that outperform both those designed by human experts and naive few-shot prompting in terms of accuracy and model size. We then apply our method to searching for graph neural networks on the CLRS Algorithmic Reasoning Benchmark, where EvoPrompting is able to design novel architectures that outperform current state-of-the-art models on 21 out of 30 algorithmic reasoning tasks while maintaining similar model size. EvoPrompting is successful at designing accurate and efficient neural network architectures across a variety of machine learning tasks, while also being general enough for easy adaptation to other tasks beyond neural network design.

Adversarial Examples Exist in Two-Layer ReLU Networks for Low Dimensional Linear Subspaces. (arXiv:2303.00783v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Odelia Melamed, Gilad Yehudai, Gal Vardi

Despite a great deal of research, it is still not well-understood why trained neural networks are highly vulnerable to adversarial examples. In this work we focus on two-layer neural networks trained using data which lie on a low dimensional linear subspace. We show that standard gradient methods lead to non-robust neural networks, namely, networks which have large gradients in directions orthogonal to the data subspace, and are susceptible to small adversarial $L_2$-perturbations in these directions. Moreover, we show that decreasing the initialization scale of the training algorithm, or adding $L_2$ regularization, can make the trained network more robust to adversarial perturbations orthogonal to the data.

Learning to Reconstruct Signals From Binary Measurements. (arXiv:2303.08691v3 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Julián Tachella, Laurent Jacques

Recent advances in unsupervised learning have highlighted the possibility of learning to reconstruct signals from noisy and incomplete linear measurements alone. These methods play a key role in medical and scientific imaging and sensing, where ground truth data is often scarce or difficult to obtain. However, in practice, measurements are not only noisy and incomplete but also quantized. Here we explore the extreme case of learning from binary observations and provide necessary and sufficient conditions on the number of measurements required for identifying a set of signals from incomplete binary data. Our results are complementary to existing bounds on signal recovery from binary measurements. Furthermore, we introduce a novel self-supervised learning approach, which we name SSBM, that only requires binary data for training. We demonstrate in a series of experiments with real datasets that SSBM performs on par with supervised learning and outperforms sparse reconstruction methods with a fixed wavelet basis by a large margin.

Towards AI-controlled FES-restoration of movements: Learning cycling stimulation pattern with reinforcement learning. (arXiv:2303.09986v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Nat Wannawas, A. Aldo Faisal

Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been increasingly integrated with other rehabilitation devices, including robots. FES cycling is one of the common FES applications in rehabilitation, which is performed by stimulating leg muscles in a certain pattern. The appropriate pattern varies across individuals and requires manual tuning which can be time-consuming and challenging for the individual user. Here, we present an AI-based method for finding the patterns, which requires no extra hardware or sensors. Our method has two phases, starting with finding model-based patterns using reinforcement learning and detailed musculoskeletal models. The models, built using open-source software, can be customised through our automated script and can be therefore used by non-technical individuals without extra cost. Next, our method fine-tunes the pattern using real cycling data. We test our both in simulation and experimentally on a stationary tricycle. In the simulation test, our method can robustly deliver model-based patterns for different cycling configurations. The experimental evaluation shows that our method can find a model-based pattern that induces higher cycling speed than an EMG-based pattern. By using just 100 seconds of cycling data, our method can deliver a fine-tuned pattern that gives better cycling performance. Beyond FES cycling, this work is a showcase, displaying the feasibility and potential of human-in-the-loop AI in real-world rehabilitation.

Investigating the Corruption Robustness of Image Classifiers with Random Lp-norm Corruptions. (arXiv:2305.05400v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Georg Siedel, Weijia Shao, Silvia Vock, Andrey Morozov

Robustness is a fundamental property of machine learning classifiers to achieve safety and reliability. In the fields of adversarial robustness and formal robustness verification of image classification models, robustness is commonly defined as the stability to all input variations within an Lp-norm distance. However, robustness to random corruptions is usually improved and evaluated using variations observed in the real-world, while mathematically defined Lp-norm corruptions are rarely considered. This study investigates the use of random Lp-norm corruptions to augment the training and test data of image classifiers. We adapt an approach from the field of adversarial robustness to assess the model robustness to imperceptible random corruptions. We empirically and theoretically investigate whether robustness is transferable across different Lp-norms and derive conclusions on which Lp-norm corruptions a model should be trained and evaluated on. We find that training data augmentation with L0-norm corruptions improves corruption robustness while maintaining accuracy compared to standard training and when applied on top of selected state-of-the-art data augmentation techniques.

Biomembrane-based Memcapacitive Reservoir Computing System for Energy Efficient Temporal Data Processing. (arXiv:2305.12025v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Md Razuan Hossain, Ahmed Salah Mohamed, Nicholas Xavier Armendarez, Joseph S. Najem, Md Sakib Hasan

Reservoir computing is a highly efficient machine learning framework for processing temporal data by extracting features from the input signal and mapping them into higher dimensional spaces. Physical reservoir layers have been realized using spintronic oscillators, atomic switch networks, silicon photonic modules, ferroelectric transistors, and volatile memristors. However, these devices are intrinsically energy-dissipative due to their resistive nature, which leads to increased power consumption. Therefore, capacitive memory devices can provide a more energy-efficient approach. Here, we leverage volatile biomembrane-based memcapacitors that closely mimic certain short-term synaptic plasticity functions as reservoirs to solve classification tasks and analyze time-series data in simulation and experimentally. Our system achieves a 99.6% accuracy rate for spoken digit classification and a normalized mean square error of 7.81*10^{-4} in a second-order non-linear regression task. Furthermore, to showcase the device's real-time temporal data processing capability, we achieve 100% accuracy for a real-time epilepsy detection problem from an inputted electroencephalography (EEG) signal. Most importantly, we demonstrate that each memcapacitor consumes an average of 41.5 fJ of energy per spike, regardless of the selected input voltage pulse width, while maintaining an average power of 415 fW for a pulse width of 100 ms. These values are orders of magnitude lower than those achieved by state-of-the-art memristors used as reservoirs. Lastly, we believe the biocompatible, soft nature of our memcapacitor makes it highly suitable for computing and signal-processing applications in biological environments.

Having Beer after Prayer? Measuring Cultural Bias in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2305.14456v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tarek Naous, Michael J. Ryan, Alan Ritter, Wei Xu

It is important that language models appropriately adapt to specific cultural contexts. However, as we show in this paper, multilingual and Arabic monolingual language models default to Western culture even when prompted in Arabic and contextualized by an Arab cultural setting. To measure this Western bias, we introduce CAMeL, a dataset of naturally occurring Arabic prompts spanning eight diverse cultural aspects and an extensive list of 20,504 cultural targets corresponding to Arab or Western culture. Using CAMeL, we show that models favor Western targets and demonstrate cultural unfairness on downstream tasks such as named entity recognition and sentiment analysis. Our analyses of pretraining corpora also reveal that commonly used sources such as Wikipedia may not be suited to build culturally aware models, underscoring the importance of carefully curating pretraining data in constructing language models to serve a global population.

BK-SDM: A Lightweight, Fast, and Cheap Version of Stable Diffusion. (arXiv:2305.15798v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo-Kyeong Kim, Hyoung-Kyu Song, Thibault Castells, Shinkook Choi

Text-to-image (T2I) generation with Stable Diffusion models (SDMs) involves high computing demands due to billion-scale parameters. To enhance efficiency, recent studies have reduced sampling steps and applied network quantization while retaining the original architectures. The lack of architectural reduction attempts may stem from worries over expensive retraining for such massive models. In this work, we uncover the surprising potential of block pruning and feature distillation for low-cost general-purpose T2I. By removing several residual and attention blocks from the U-Net of SDMs, we achieve 30%~50% reduction in model size, MACs, and latency. We show that distillation retraining is effective even under limited resources: using only 13 A100 days and a tiny dataset, our compact models can imitate the original SDMs (v1.4 and v2.1-base with over 6,000 A100 days). Benefiting from the transferred knowledge, our BK-SDMs deliver competitive results on zero-shot MS-COCO against larger multi-billion parameter models. We further demonstrate the applicability of our lightweight backbones in personalized generation and image-to-image translation. Deployment of our models on edge devices attains 4-second inference. We hope this work can help build small yet powerful diffusion models with feasible training budgets. Code and models can be found at:

UMD: Unsupervised Model Detection for X2X Backdoor Attacks. (arXiv:2305.18651v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Xiang, Zidi Xiong, Bo Li

Backdoor (Trojan) attack is a common threat to deep neural networks, where samples from one or more source classes embedded with a backdoor trigger will be misclassified to adversarial target classes. Existing methods for detecting whether a classifier is backdoor attacked are mostly designed for attacks with a single adversarial target (e.g., all-to-one attack). To the best of our knowledge, without supervision, no existing methods can effectively address the more general X2X attack with an arbitrary number of source classes, each paired with an arbitrary target class. In this paper, we propose UMD, the first Unsupervised Model Detection method that effectively detects X2X backdoor attacks via a joint inference of the adversarial (source, target) class pairs. In particular, we first define a novel transferability statistic to measure and select a subset of putative backdoor class pairs based on a proposed clustering approach. Then, these selected class pairs are jointly assessed based on an aggregation of their reverse-engineered trigger size for detection inference, using a robust and unsupervised anomaly detector we proposed. We conduct comprehensive evaluations on CIFAR-10, GTSRB, and Imagenette dataset, and show that our unsupervised UMD outperforms SOTA detectors (even with supervision) by 17%, 4%, and 8%, respectively, in terms of the detection accuracy against diverse X2X attacks. We also show the strong detection performance of UMD against several strong adaptive attacks.

Universality and Limitations of Prompt Tuning. (arXiv:2305.18787v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yihan Wang, Jatin Chauhan, Wei Wang, Cho-Jui Hsieh

Despite the demonstrated empirical efficacy of prompt tuning to adapt a pretrained language model for a new task, the theoretical underpinnings of the difference between "tuning parameters before the input" against "the tuning of model weights" are limited. We thus take one of the first steps to understand the role of soft-prompt tuning for transformer-based architectures. By considering a general purpose architecture, we analyze prompt tuning from the lens of both: universal approximation and limitations with finite-depth fixed-weight pretrained transformers for continuous-valued functions. Our universality result guarantees the existence of a strong transformer with a prompt to approximate any sequence-to-sequence function in the set of Lipschitz functions. The limitations of prompt tuning for limited-depth transformers are first proved by constructing a set of datasets, that cannot be memorized by a prompt of any length for a given single encoder layer. We also provide a lower bound on the required number of tunable prompt parameters and compare the result with the number of parameters required for a low-rank update (based on LoRA) for a single-layer setting. We finally extend our analysis to multi-layer settings by providing sufficient conditions under which the transformer can at best learn datasets from invertible functions only. Our theoretical claims are also corroborated by empirical results.

Data Representations' Study of Latent Image Manifolds. (arXiv:2305.19730v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ilya Kaufman, Omri Azencot

Deep neural networks have been demonstrated to achieve phenomenal success in many domains, and yet their inner mechanisms are not well understood. In this paper, we investigate the curvature of image manifolds, i.e., the manifold deviation from being flat in its principal directions. We find that state-of-the-art trained convolutional neural networks for image classification have a characteristic curvature profile along layers: an initial steep increase, followed by a long phase of a plateau, and followed by another increase. In contrast, this behavior does not appear in untrained networks in which the curvature flattens. We also show that the curvature gap between the last two layers has a strong correlation with the generalization capability of the network. Moreover, we find that the intrinsic dimension of latent codes is not necessarily indicative of curvature. Finally, we observe that common regularization methods such as mixup yield flatter representations when compared to other methods. Our experiments show consistent results over a variety of deep learning architectures and multiple data sets. Our code is publicly available at

Representational Strengths and Limitations of Transformers. (arXiv:2306.02896v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Clayton Sanford, Daniel Hsu, Matus Telgarsky

Attention layers, as commonly used in transformers, form the backbone of modern deep learning, yet there is no mathematical description of their benefits and deficiencies as compared with other architectures. In this work we establish both positive and negative results on the representation power of attention layers, with a focus on intrinsic complexity parameters such as width, depth, and embedding dimension. On the positive side, we present a sparse averaging task, where recurrent networks and feedforward networks all have complexity scaling polynomially in the input size, whereas transformers scale merely logarithmically in the input size; furthermore, we use the same construction to show the necessity and role of a large embedding dimension in a transformer. On the negative side, we present a triple detection task, where attention layers in turn have complexity scaling linearly in the input size; as this scenario seems rare in practice, we also present natural variants that can be efficiently solved by attention layers. The proof techniques emphasize the value of communication complexity in the analysis of transformers and related models, and the role of sparse averaging as a prototypical attention task, which even finds use in the analysis of triple detection.

Conditional Matrix Flows for Gaussian Graphical Models. (arXiv:2306.07255v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marcello Massimo Negri, F. Arend Torres, Volker Roth

Studying conditional independence among many variables with few observations is a challenging task. Gaussian Graphical Models (GGMs) tackle this problem by encouraging sparsity in the precision matrix through $l_q$ regularization with $q\leq1$. However, most GMMs rely on the $l_1$ norm because the objective is highly non-convex for sub-$l_1$ pseudo-norms. In the frequentist formulation, the $l_1$ norm relaxation provides the solution path as a function of the shrinkage parameter $\lambda$. In the Bayesian formulation, sparsity is instead encouraged through a Laplace prior, but posterior inference for different $\lambda$ requires repeated runs of expensive Gibbs samplers. Here we propose a general framework for variational inference with matrix-variate Normalizing Flow in GGMs, which unifies the benefits of frequentist and Bayesian frameworks. As a key improvement on previous work, we train with one flow a continuum of sparse regression models jointly for all regularization parameters $\lambda$ and all $l_q$ norms, including non-convex sub-$l_1$ pseudo-norms. Within one model we thus have access to (i) the evolution of the posterior for any $\lambda$ and any $l_q$ (pseudo-) norm, (ii) the marginal log-likelihood for model selection, and (iii) the frequentist solution paths through simulated annealing in the MAP limit.

Open Problem: Learning with Variational Objectives on Measures. (arXiv:2306.11928v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Vivien Cabannes, Carles Domingo-Enrich

The theory of statistical learning has focused on variational objectives expressed on functions. In this note, we discuss motivations to write similar objectives on measures, in particular to discuss out-of-distribution generalization and weakly-supervised learning. It raises a natural question: can one cast usual statistical learning results to objectives expressed on measures? Does the resulting construction lead to new algorithms of practical interest?

Residual-Based Error Corrector Operator to Enhance Accuracy and Reliability of Neural Operator Surrogates of Nonlinear Variational Boundary-Value Problems. (arXiv:2306.12047v3 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Authors: Prashant K. Jha

This work focuses on developing methods for approximating the solution operators of a class of parametric partial differential equations via neural operators. Neural operators have several challenges, including the issue of generating appropriate training data, cost-accuracy trade-offs, and nontrivial hyperparameter tuning. The unpredictability of the accuracy of neural operators impacts their applications in downstream problems of inference, optimization, and control. A framework based on the linear variational problem that gives the correction to the prediction furnished by neural operators is considered based on earlier work in JCP 486 (2023) 112104. The operator, called Residual-based Error Corrector Operator or simply Corrector Operator, associated with the corrector problem is analyzed further. Numerical results involving a nonlinear reaction-diffusion model in two dimensions with PCANet-type neural operators show almost two orders of increase in the accuracy of approximations when neural operators are corrected using the correction scheme. Further, topology optimization involving a nonlinear reaction-diffusion model is considered to highlight the limitations of neural operators and the efficacy of the correction scheme. Optimizers with neural operator surrogates are seen to make significant errors (as high as 80 percent). However, the errors are much lower (below 7 percent) when neural operators are corrected.

GADBench: Revisiting and Benchmarking Supervised Graph Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2306.12251v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianheng Tang, Fengrui Hua, Ziqi Gao, Peilin Zhao, Jia Li

With a long history of traditional Graph Anomaly Detection (GAD) algorithms and recently popular Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), it is still not clear (1) how they perform under a standard comprehensive setting, (2) whether GNNs can outperform traditional algorithms such as tree ensembles, and (3) how about their efficiency on large-scale graphs. In response, we introduce GADBench -- a benchmark tool dedicated to supervised anomalous node detection in static graphs. GADBench facilitates a detailed comparison across 29 distinct models on ten real-world GAD datasets, encompassing thousands to millions ($\sim$6M) nodes. Our main finding is that tree ensembles with simple neighborhood aggregation can outperform the latest GNNs tailored for the GAD task. We shed light on the current progress of GAD, setting a robust groundwork for subsequent investigations in this domain. GADBench is open-sourced at

Towards More Realistic Membership Inference Attacks on Large Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2306.12983v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jan Dubiński, Antoni Kowalczuk, Stanisław Pawlak, Przemysław Rokita, Tomasz Trzciński, Paweł Morawiecki

Generative diffusion models, including Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, can generate visually appealing, diverse, and high-resolution images for various applications. These models are trained on billions of internet-sourced images, raising significant concerns about the potential unauthorized use of copyright-protected images. In this paper, we examine whether it is possible to determine if a specific image was used in the training set, a problem known in the cybersecurity community and referred to as a membership inference attack. Our focus is on Stable Diffusion, and we address the challenge of designing a fair evaluation framework to answer this membership question. We propose a methodology to establish a fair evaluation setup and apply it to Stable Diffusion, enabling potential extensions to other generative models. Utilizing this evaluation setup, we execute membership attacks (both known and newly introduced). Our research reveals that previously proposed evaluation setups do not provide a full understanding of the effectiveness of membership inference attacks. We conclude that the membership inference attack remains a significant challenge for large diffusion models (often deployed as black-box systems), indicating that related privacy and copyright issues will persist in the foreseeable future.

Improved Bayes Risk Can Yield Reduced Social Welfare Under Competition. (arXiv:2306.14670v2 [cs.GT] UPDATED)

Authors: Meena Jagadeesan, Michael I. Jordan, Jacob Steinhardt, Nika Haghtalab

As the scale of machine learning models increases, trends such as scaling laws anticipate consistent downstream improvements in predictive accuracy. However, these trends take the perspective of a single model-provider in isolation, while in reality providers often compete with each other for users. In this work, we demonstrate that competition can fundamentally alter the behavior of these scaling trends, even causing overall predictive accuracy across users to be non-monotonic or decreasing with scale. We define a model of competition for classification tasks, and use data representations as a lens for studying the impact of increases in scale. We find many settings where improving data representation quality (as measured by Bayes risk) decreases the overall predictive accuracy across users (i.e., social welfare) for a marketplace of competing model-providers. Our examples range from closed-form formulas in simple settings to simulations with pretrained representations on CIFAR-10. At a conceptual level, our work suggests that favorable scaling trends for individual model-providers need not translate to downstream improvements in social welfare in marketplaces with multiple model providers.

Gradients Look Alike: Sensitivity is Often Overestimated in DP-SGD. (arXiv:2307.00310v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Anvith Thudi, Hengrui Jia, Casey Meehan, Ilia Shumailov, Nicolas Papernot

Differentially private stochastic gradient descent (DP-SGD) is the canonical approach to private deep learning. While the current privacy analysis of DP-SGD is known to be tight in some settings, several empirical results suggest that models trained on common benchmark datasets leak significantly less privacy for many datapoints. Yet, despite past attempts, a rigorous explanation for why this is the case has not been reached. Is it because there exist tighter privacy upper bounds when restricted to these dataset settings, or are our attacks not strong enough for certain datapoints? In this paper, we provide the first per-instance (i.e., ``data-dependent") DP analysis of DP-SGD. Our analysis captures the intuition that points with similar neighbors in the dataset enjoy better data-dependent privacy than outliers. Formally, this is done by modifying the per-step privacy analysis of DP-SGD to introduce a dependence on the distribution of model updates computed from a training dataset. We further develop a new composition theorem to effectively use this new per-step analysis to reason about an entire training run. Put all together, our evaluation shows that this novel DP-SGD analysis allows us to now formally show that DP-SGD leaks significantly less privacy for many datapoints (when trained on common benchmarks) than the current data-independent guarantee. This implies privacy attacks will necessarily fail against many datapoints if the adversary does not have sufficient control over the possible training datasets.

Shared Growth of Graph Neural Networks via Prompted Free-direction Knowledge Distillation. (arXiv:2307.00534v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kaituo Feng, Yikun Miao, Changsheng Li, Ye Yuan, Guoren Wang

Knowledge distillation (KD) has shown to be effective to boost the performance of graph neural networks (GNNs), where the typical objective is to distill knowledge from a deeper teacher GNN into a shallower student GNN. However, it is often quite challenging to train a satisfactory deeper GNN due to the well-known over-parametrized and over-smoothing issues, leading to invalid knowledge transfer in practical applications. In this paper, we propose the first Free-direction Knowledge Distillation framework via reinforcement learning for GNNs, called FreeKD, which is no longer required to provide a deeper well-optimized teacher GNN. Our core idea is to collaboratively learn two shallower GNNs to exchange knowledge between them. As we observe that one typical GNN model often exhibits better and worse performances at different nodes during training, we devise a dynamic and free-direction knowledge transfer strategy that involves two levels of actions: 1) node-level action determines the directions of knowledge transfer between the corresponding nodes of two networks; and then 2) structure-level action determines which of the local structures generated by the node-level actions to be propagated. Additionally, considering that different augmented graphs can potentially capture distinct perspectives of the graph data, we propose FreeKD-Prompt that learns undistorted and diverse augmentations based on prompt learning for exchanging varied knowledge. Furthermore, instead of confining knowledge exchange within two GNNs, we develop FreeKD++ to enable free-direction knowledge transfer among multiple GNNs. Extensive experiments on five benchmark datasets demonstrate our approaches outperform the base GNNs in a large margin. More surprisingly, our FreeKD has comparable or even better performance than traditional KD algorithms that distill knowledge from a deeper and stronger teacher GNN.

Correlation-aware Spatial-Temporal Graph Learning for Multivariate Time-series Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2307.08390v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Zheng, Huan Yee Koh, Ming Jin, Lianhua Chi, Khoa T. Phan, Shirui Pan, Yi-Ping Phoebe Chen, Wei Xiang

Multivariate time-series anomaly detection is critically important in many applications, including retail, transportation, power grid, and water treatment plants. Existing approaches for this problem mostly employ either statistical models which cannot capture the non-linear relations well or conventional deep learning models (e.g., CNN and LSTM) that do not explicitly learn the pairwise correlations among variables. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel method, correlation-aware spatial-temporal graph learning (termed CST-GL), for time series anomaly detection. CST-GL explicitly captures the pairwise correlations via a multivariate time series correlation learning module based on which a spatial-temporal graph neural network (STGNN) can be developed. Then, by employing a graph convolution network that exploits one- and multi-hop neighbor information, our STGNN component can encode rich spatial information from complex pairwise dependencies between variables. With a temporal module that consists of dilated convolutional functions, the STGNN can further capture long-range dependence over time. A novel anomaly scoring component is further integrated into CST-GL to estimate the degree of an anomaly in a purely unsupervised manner. Experimental results demonstrate that CST-GL can detect anomalies effectively in general settings as well as enable early detection across different time delays.

An Overview Of Temporal Commonsense Reasoning and Acquisition. (arXiv:2308.00002v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Georg Wenzel, Adam Jatowt

Temporal commonsense reasoning refers to the ability to understand the typical temporal context of phrases, actions, and events, and use it to reason over problems requiring such knowledge. This trait is essential in temporal natural language processing tasks, with possible applications such as timeline summarization, temporal question answering, and temporal natural language inference. Recent research on the performance of large language models suggests that, although they are adept at generating syntactically correct sentences and solving classification tasks, they often take shortcuts in their reasoning and fall prey to simple linguistic traps. This article provides an overview of research in the domain of temporal commonsense reasoning, particularly focusing on enhancing language model performance through a variety of augmentations and their evaluation across a growing number of datasets. However, these augmented models still struggle to approach human performance on reasoning tasks over temporal common sense properties, such as the typical occurrence times, orderings, or durations of events. We further emphasize the need for careful interpretation of research to guard against overpromising evaluation results in light of the shallow reasoning present in transformers. This can be achieved by appropriately preparing datasets and suitable evaluation metrics.

Latent State Models of Training Dynamics. (arXiv:2308.09543v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Michael Y. Hu, Angelica Chen, Naomi Saphra, Kyunghyun Cho

The impact of randomness on model training is poorly understood. How do differences in data order and initialization actually manifest in the model, such that some training runs outperform others or converge faster? Furthermore, how can we interpret the resulting training dynamics and the phase transitions that characterize different trajectories? To understand the effect of randomness on the dynamics and outcomes of neural network training, we train models multiple times with different random seeds and compute a variety of metrics throughout training, such as the $L_2$ norm, mean, and variance of the neural network's weights. We then fit a hidden Markov model (HMM) over the resulting sequences of metrics. The HMM represents training as a stochastic process of transitions between latent states, providing an intuitive overview of significant changes during training. Using our method, we produce a low-dimensional, discrete representation of training dynamics on grokking tasks, image classification, and masked language modeling. We use the HMM representation to study phase transitions and identify latent "detour" states that slow down convergence.

Rates of Convergence in Certain Native Spaces of Approximations used in Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2309.07383v3 [eess.SY] UPDATED)

Authors: Ali Bouland, Shengyuan Niu, Sai Tej Paruchuri, Andrew Kurdila, John Burns, Eugenio Schuster

This paper studies convergence rates for some value function approximations that arise in a collection of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHS) $H(\Omega)$. By casting an optimal control problem in a specific class of native spaces, strong rates of convergence are derived for the operator equation that enables offline approximations that appear in policy iteration. Explicit upper bounds on error in value function and controller approximations are derived in terms of power function $\Pwr_{H,N}$ for the space of finite dimensional approximants $H_N$ in the native space $H(\Omega)$. These bounds are geometric in nature and refine some well-known, now classical results concerning convergence of approximations of value functions.

Learning Optimal Contracts: How to Exploit Small Action Spaces. (arXiv:2309.09801v2 [cs.GT] UPDATED)

Authors: Francesco Bacchiocchi, Matteo Castiglioni, Alberto Marchesi, Nicola Gatti

We study principal-agent problems in which a principal commits to an outcome-dependent payment scheme -- called contract -- in order to induce an agent to take a costly, unobservable action leading to favorable outcomes. We consider a generalization of the classical (single-round) version of the problem in which the principal interacts with the agent by committing to contracts over multiple rounds. The principal has no information about the agent, and they have to learn an optimal contract by only observing the outcome realized at each round. We focus on settings in which the size of the agent's action space is small. We design an algorithm that learns an approximately-optimal contract with high probability in a number of rounds polynomial in the size of the outcome space, when the number of actions is constant. Our algorithm solves an open problem by Zhu et al.[2022]. Moreover, it can also be employed to provide a $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{4/5})$ regret bound in the related online learning setting in which the principal aims at maximizing their cumulative utility, thus considerably improving previously-known regret bounds.

Semi-automatic staging area for high-quality structured data extraction from scientific literature. (arXiv:2309.10923v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Luca Foppiano, Tomoya Mato, Kensei Terashima, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Taku Tou, Chikako Sakai, Wei-Sheng Wang, Toshiyuki Amagasa, Yoshihiko Takano, Masashi Ishii

We propose a semi-automatic staging area for efficiently building an accurate database of experimental physical properties of superconductors from literature, called SuperCon2, to enrich the existing manually-built superconductor database SuperCon. Here we report our curation interface (SuperCon2 Interface) and a workflow managing the state transitions of each examined record, to validate the dataset of superconductors from PDF documents collected using Grobid-superconductors in a previous work. This curation workflow allows both automatic and manual operations, the former contains ``anomaly detection'' that scans new data identifying outliers, and a ``training data collector'' mechanism that collects training data examples based on manual corrections. Such training data collection policy is effective in improving the machine-learning models with a reduced number of examples. For manual operations, the interface (SuperCon2 interface) is developed to increase efficiency during manual correction by providing a smart interface and an enhanced PDF document viewer. We show that our interface significantly improves the curation quality by boosting precision and recall as compared with the traditional ``manual correction''. Our semi-automatic approach would provide a solution for achieving a reliable database with text-data mining of scientific documents.

Data-driven Preference Learning Methods for Sorting Problems with Multiple Temporal Criteria. (arXiv:2309.12620v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yijun Li, Mengzhuo Guo, Miłosz Kadziński, Qingpeng Zhang

The advent of predictive methodologies has catalyzed the emergence of data-driven decision support across various domains. However, developing models capable of effectively handling input time series data presents an enduring challenge. This study presents novel preference learning approaches to multiple criteria sorting problems in the presence of temporal criteria. We first formulate a convex quadratic programming model characterized by fixed time discount factors, operating within a regularization framework. To enhance scalability and accommodate learnable time discount factors, we introduce a novel monotonic Recurrent Neural Network (mRNN). It is designed to capture the evolving dynamics of preferences over time while upholding critical properties inherent to MCS problems, including criteria monotonicity, preference independence, and the natural ordering of classes. The proposed mRNN can describe the preference dynamics by depicting marginal value functions and personalized time discount factors along with time, effectively amalgamating the interpretability of traditional MCS methods with the predictive potential offered by deep preference learning models. Comprehensive assessments of the proposed models are conducted, encompassing synthetic data scenarios and a real-case study centered on classifying valuable users within a mobile gaming app based on their historical in-app behavioral sequences. Empirical findings underscore the notable performance improvements achieved by the proposed models when compared to a spectrum of baseline methods, spanning machine learning, deep learning, and conventional multiple criteria sorting approaches.

Information-Theoretic Bounds on The Removal of Attribute-Specific Bias From Neural Networks. (arXiv:2310.04955v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiazhi Li, Mahyar Khayatkhoei, Jiageng Zhu, Hanchen Xie, Mohamed E. Hussein, Wael AbdAlmageed

Ensuring a neural network is not relying on protected attributes (e.g., race, sex, age) for predictions is crucial in advancing fair and trustworthy AI. While several promising methods for removing attribute bias in neural networks have been proposed, their limitations remain under-explored. In this work, we mathematically and empirically reveal an important limitation of attribute bias removal methods in presence of strong bias. Specifically, we derive a general non-vacuous information-theoretical upper bound on the performance of any attribute bias removal method in terms of the bias strength. We provide extensive experiments on synthetic, image, and census datasets to verify the theoretical bound and its consequences in practice. Our findings show that existing attribute bias removal methods are effective only when the inherent bias in the dataset is relatively weak, thus cautioning against the use of these methods in smaller datasets where strong attribute bias can occur, and advocating the need for methods that can overcome this limitation.

Infinite Width Graph Neural Networks for Node Regression/ Classification. (arXiv:2310.08176v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunus Cobanoglu

This work analyzes Graph Neural Networks, a generalization of Fully-Connected Deep Neural Nets on Graph structured data, when their width, that is the number of nodes in each fullyconnected layer is increasing to infinity. Infinite Width Neural Networks are connecting Deep Learning to Gaussian Processes and Kernels, both Machine Learning Frameworks with long traditions and extensive theoretical foundations. Gaussian Processes and Kernels have much less hyperparameters then Neural Networks and can be used for uncertainty estimation, making them more user friendly for applications. This works extends the increasing amount of research connecting Gaussian Processes and Kernels to Neural Networks. The Kernel and Gaussian Process closed forms are derived for a variety of architectures, namely the standard Graph Neural Network, the Graph Neural Network with Skip-Concatenate Connections and the Graph Attention Neural Network. All architectures are evaluated on a variety of datasets on the task of transductive Node Regression and Classification. Additionally, a Spectral Sparsification method known as Effective Resistance is used to improve runtime and memory requirements. Extending the setting to inductive graph learning tasks (Graph Regression/ Classification) is straightforward and is briefly discussed in 3.5.

Leveraging Deep Learning for Abstractive Code Summarization of Unofficial Documentation. (arXiv:2310.15015v3 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: AmirHossein Naghshzan, Latifa Guerrouj, Olga Baysal

Usually, programming languages have official documentation to guide developers with APIs, methods, and classes. However, researchers identified insufficient or inadequate documentation examples and flaws with the API's complex structure as barriers to learning an API. As a result, developers may consult other sources (StackOverflow, GitHub, etc.) to learn more about an API. Recent research studies have shown that unofficial documentation is a valuable source of information for generating code summaries. We, therefore, have been motivated to leverage such a type of documentation along with deep learning techniques towards generating high-quality summaries for APIs discussed in informal documentation. This paper proposes an automatic approach using the BART algorithm, a state-of-the-art transformer model, to generate summaries for APIs discussed in StackOverflow. We built an oracle of human-generated summaries to evaluate our approach against it using ROUGE and BLEU metrics which are the most widely used evaluation metrics in text summarization. Furthermore, we evaluated our summaries empirically against a previous work in terms of quality. Our findings demonstrate that using deep learning algorithms can improve summaries' quality and outperform the previous work by an average of %57 for Precision, %66 for Recall, and %61 for F-measure, and it runs 4.4 times faster.

On consequences of finetuning on data with highly discriminative features. (arXiv:2310.19537v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wojciech Masarczyk, Tomasz Trzciński, Mateusz Ostaszewski

In the era of transfer learning, training neural networks from scratch is becoming obsolete. Transfer learning leverages prior knowledge for new tasks, conserving computational resources. While its advantages are well-documented, we uncover a notable drawback: networks tend to prioritize basic data patterns, forsaking valuable pre-learned features. We term this behavior "feature erosion" and analyze its impact on network performance and internal representations.

Approximation Theory, Computing, and Deep Learning on the Wasserstein Space. (arXiv:2310.19548v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Massimo Fornasier, Pascal Heid, Giacomo Enrico Sodini

The challenge of approximating functions in infinite-dimensional spaces from finite samples is widely regarded as formidable. In this study, we delve into the challenging problem of the numerical approximation of Sobolev-smooth functions defined on probability spaces. Our particular focus centers on the Wasserstein distance function, which serves as a relevant example. In contrast to the existing body of literature focused on approximating efficiently pointwise evaluations, we chart a new course to define functional approximants by adopting three machine learning-based approaches: 1. Solving a finite number of optimal transport problems and computing the corresponding Wasserstein potentials. 2. Employing empirical risk minimization with Tikhonov regularization in Wasserstein Sobolev spaces. 3. Addressing the problem through the saddle point formulation that characterizes the weak form of the Tikhonov functional's Euler-Lagrange equation. As a theoretical contribution, we furnish explicit and quantitative bounds on generalization errors for each of these solutions. In the proofs, we leverage the theory of metric Sobolev spaces and we combine it with techniques of optimal transport, variational calculus, and large deviation bounds. In our numerical implementation, we harness appropriately designed neural networks to serve as basis functions. These networks undergo training using diverse methodologies. This approach allows us to obtain approximating functions that can be rapidly evaluated after training. Consequently, our constructive solutions significantly enhance at equal accuracy the evaluation speed, surpassing that of state-of-the-art methods by several orders of magnitude.

Loss Modeling for Multi-Annotator Datasets. (arXiv:2311.00619v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Uthman Jinadu, Jesse Annan, Shanshan Wen, Yi Ding

Accounting for the opinions of all annotators of a dataset is critical for fairness. However, when annotating large datasets, individual annotators will frequently provide thousands of ratings which can lead to fatigue. Additionally, these annotation processes can occur over multiple days which can lead to an inaccurate representation of an annotator's opinion over time. To combat this, we propose to learn a more accurate representation of diverse opinions by utilizing multitask learning in conjunction with loss-based label correction. We show that using our novel formulation, we can cleanly separate agreeing and disagreeing annotations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this modification can improve prediction performance in a single or multi-annotator setting. Lastly, we show that this method remains robust to additional label noise that is applied to subjective data.

Resilient Multiple Choice Learning: A learned scoring scheme with application to audio scene analysis. (arXiv:2311.01052v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Victor Letzelter, Mathieu Fontaine, Mickaël Chen, Patrick Pérez, Slim Essid, Gaël Richard

We introduce Resilient Multiple Choice Learning (rMCL), an extension of the MCL approach for conditional distribution estimation in regression settings where multiple targets may be sampled for each training input. Multiple Choice Learning is a simple framework to tackle multimodal density estimation, using the Winner-Takes-All (WTA) loss for a set of hypotheses. In regression settings, the existing MCL variants focus on merging the hypotheses, thereby eventually sacrificing the diversity of the predictions. In contrast, our method relies on a novel learned scoring scheme underpinned by a mathematical framework based on Voronoi tessellations of the output space, from which we can derive a probabilistic interpretation. After empirically validating rMCL with experiments on synthetic data, we further assess its merits on the sound source localization problem, demonstrating its practical usefulness and the relevance of its interpretation.

Detecting Spurious Correlations via Robust Visual Concepts in Real and AI-Generated Image Classification. (arXiv:2311.01655v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Preetam Prabhu Srikar Dammu, Chirag Shah

Often machine learning models tend to automatically learn associations present in the training data without questioning their validity or appropriateness. This undesirable property is the root cause of the manifestation of spurious correlations, which render models unreliable and prone to failure in the presence of distribution shifts. Research shows that most methods attempting to remedy spurious correlations are only effective for a model's known spurious associations. Current spurious correlation detection algorithms either rely on extensive human annotations or are too restrictive in their formulation. Moreover, they rely on strict definitions of visual artifacts that may not apply to data produced by generative models, as they are known to hallucinate contents that do not conform to standard specifications. In this work, we introduce a general-purpose method that efficiently detects potential spurious correlations, and requires significantly less human interference in comparison to the prior art. Additionally, the proposed method provides intuitive explanations while eliminating the need for pixel-level annotations. We demonstrate the proposed method's tolerance to the peculiarity of AI-generated images, which is a considerably challenging task, one where most of the existing methods fall short. Consequently, our method is also suitable for detecting spurious correlations that may propagate to downstream applications originating from generative models.

Lightweight Diffusion Models with Distillation-Based Block Neural Architecture Search. (arXiv:2311.04950v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Siao Tang, Xin Wang, Hong Chen, Chaoyu Guan, Yansong Tang, Wenwu zhu

Diffusion models have recently shown remarkable generation ability, achieving state-of-the-art performance in many tasks. However, the high computational cost is still a troubling problem for diffusion models. To tackle this problem, we propose to automatically remove the structural redundancy in diffusion models with our proposed Diffusion Distillation-based Block-wise Neural Architecture Search (DiffNAS). Specifically, given a larger pretrained teacher, we leverage DiffNAS to search for the smallest architecture which can achieve on-par or even better performance than the teacher. Considering current diffusion models are based on UNet which naturally has a block-wise structure, we perform neural architecture search independently in each block, which largely reduces the search space. Different from previous block-wise NAS methods, DiffNAS contains a block-wise local search strategy and a retraining strategy with a joint dynamic loss. Concretely, during the search process, we block-wisely select the best subnet to avoid the unfairness brought by the global search strategy used in previous works. When retraining the searched architecture, we adopt a dynamic joint loss to maintain the consistency between supernet training and subnet retraining, which also provides informative objectives for each block and shortens the paths of gradient propagation. We demonstrate this joint loss can effectively improve model performance. We also prove the necessity of the dynamic adjustment of this loss. The experiments show that our method can achieve significant computational reduction, especially on latent diffusion models with about 50\% MACs and Parameter reduction.

Covering Number of Real Algebraic Varieties and Beyond: Improved Bounds and Applications. (arXiv:2311.05116v2 [math.AG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifan Zhang, Joe Kileel

We prove an upper bound on the covering number of real algebraic varieties, images of polynomial maps and semialgebraic sets. The bound remarkably improves the best known general bound by Yomdin-Comte, and its proof is much more straightforward. As a consequence, our result gives new bounds on the volume of the tubular neighborhood of the image of a polynomial map and a semialgebraic set, where results for varieties by Lotz and Basu-Lerario are not directly applicable. We apply our theory to three main application domains. Firstly, we derive a near-optimal bound on the covering number of low rank CP tensors. Secondly, we prove a bound on the sketching dimension for (general) polynomial optimization problems. Lastly, we deduce generalization error bounds for deep neural networks with rational or ReLU activations, improving or matching the best known results in the literature.

Predicting the Position Uncertainty at the Time of Closest Approach with Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.05417v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marta Guimarães, Cláudia Soares, Chiara Manfletti

The risk of collision between resident space objects has significantly increased in recent years. As a result, spacecraft collision avoidance procedures have become an essential part of satellite operations. To ensure safe and effective space activities, satellite owners and operators rely on constantly updated estimates of encounters. These estimates include the uncertainty associated with the position of each object at the expected TCA. These estimates are crucial in planning risk mitigation measures, such as collision avoidance manoeuvres. As the TCA approaches, the accuracy of these estimates improves, as both objects' orbit determination and propagation procedures are made for increasingly shorter time intervals. However, this improvement comes at the cost of taking place close to the critical decision moment. This means that safe avoidance manoeuvres might not be possible or could incur significant costs. Therefore, knowing the evolution of this variable in advance can be crucial for operators. This work proposes a machine learning model based on diffusion models to forecast the position uncertainty of objects involved in a close encounter, particularly for the secondary object (usually debris), which tends to be more unpredictable. We compare the performance of our model with other state-of-the-art solutions and a na\"ive baseline approach, showing that the proposed solution has the potential to significantly improve the safety and effectiveness of spacecraft operations.

Statistical Learning of Conjunction Data Messages Through a Bayesian Non-Homogeneous Poisson Process. (arXiv:2311.05426v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marta Guimarães, Cláudia Soares, Chiara Manfletti

Current approaches for collision avoidance and space traffic management face many challenges, mainly due to the continuous increase in the number of objects in orbit and the lack of scalable and automated solutions. To avoid catastrophic incidents, satellite owners/operators must be aware of their assets' collision risk to decide whether a collision avoidance manoeuvre needs to be performed. This process is typically executed through the use of warnings issued in the form of CDMs which contain information about the event, such as the expected TCA and the probability of collision. Our previous work presented a statistical learning model that allowed us to answer two important questions: (1) Will any new conjunctions be issued in the next specified time interval? (2) When and with what uncertainty will the next CDM arrive? However, the model was based on an empirical Bayes homogeneous Poisson process, which assumes that the arrival rates of CDMs are constant over time. In fact, the rate at which the CDMs are issued depends on the behaviour of the objects as well as on the screening process performed by third parties. Thus, in this work, we extend the previous study and propose a Bayesian non-homogeneous Poisson process implemented with high precision using a Probabilistic Programming Language to fully describe the underlying phenomena. We compare the proposed solution with a baseline model to demonstrate the added value of our approach. The results show that this problem can be successfully modelled by our Bayesian non-homogeneous Poisson Process with greater accuracy, contributing to the development of automated collision avoidance systems and helping operators react timely but sparingly with satellite manoeuvres.

Taxonomy for Resident Space Objects in LEO: A Deep Learning Approach. (arXiv:2311.05430v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marta Guimarães, Cláudia Soares, Chiara Manfletti

The increasing number of RSOs has raised concerns about the risk of collisions and catastrophic incidents for all direct and indirect users of space. To mitigate this issue, it is essential to have a good understanding of the various RSOs in orbit and their behaviour. A well-established taxonomy defining several classes of RSOs is a critical step in achieving this understanding. This taxonomy helps assign objects to specific categories based on their main characteristics, leading to better tracking services. Furthermore, a well-established taxonomy can facilitate research and analysis processes by providing a common language and framework for better understanding the factors that influence RSO behaviour in space. These factors, in turn, help design more efficient and effective strategies for space traffic management. Our work proposes a new taxonomy for RSOs focusing on the low Earth orbit regime to enhance space traffic management. In addition, we present a deep learning-based model that uses an autoencoder architecture to reduce the features representing the characteristics of the RSOs. The autoencoder generates a lower-dimensional space representation that is then explored using techniques such as Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection to identify fundamental clusters of RSOs based on their unique characteristics. This approach captures the complex and non-linear relationships between the features and the RSOs' classes identified. Our proposed taxonomy and model offer a significant contribution to the ongoing efforts to mitigate the overall risks posed by the increasing number of RSOs in orbit.

SABAF: Removing Strong Attribute Bias from Neural Networks with Adversarial Filtering. (arXiv:2311.07141v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiazhi Li, Mahyar Khayatkhoei, Jiageng Zhu, Hanchen Xie, Mohamed E. Hussein, Wael AbdAlmageed

Ensuring a neural network is not relying on protected attributes (e.g., race, sex, age) for prediction is crucial in advancing fair and trustworthy AI. While several promising methods for removing attribute bias in neural networks have been proposed, their limitations remain under-explored. To that end, in this work, we mathematically and empirically reveal the limitation of existing attribute bias removal methods in presence of strong bias and propose a new method that can mitigate this limitation. Specifically, we first derive a general non-vacuous information-theoretical upper bound on the performance of any attribute bias removal method in terms of the bias strength, revealing that they are effective only when the inherent bias in the dataset is relatively weak. Next, we derive a necessary condition for the existence of any method that can remove attribute bias regardless of the bias strength. Inspired by this condition, we then propose a new method using an adversarial objective that directly filters out protected attributes in the input space while maximally preserving all other attributes, without requiring any specific target label. The proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance in both strong and moderate bias settings. We provide extensive experiments on synthetic, image, and census datasets, to verify the derived theoretical bound and its consequences in practice, and evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method in removing strong attribute bias.

Are We Falling in a Middle-Intelligence Trap? An Analysis and Mitigation of the Reversal Curse. (arXiv:2311.07468v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ang Lv, Kaiyi Zhang, Shufang Xie, Quan Tu, Yuhan Chen, Ji-Rong Wen, Rui Yan

Recent studies have highlighted a phenomenon in large language models (LLMs) known as "the reversal curse," in which the order of knowledge entities in the training data biases the models' comprehension. For example, if a model is trained on sentences where entity A consistently appears before entity B, it can respond to queries about A by providing B as the answer. However, it may encounter confusion when presented with questions concerning B. We contend that the reversal curse is partially a result of specific model training objectives, particularly evident in the prevalent use of the next-token prediction within most causal language models. For the next-token prediction, models solely focus on a token's preceding context, resulting in a restricted comprehension of the input. In contrast, we illustrate that the GLM, trained using the autoregressive blank infilling objective where tokens to be predicted have access to the entire context, exhibits better resilience against the reversal curse. We propose a novel training method, BIdirectional Casual language modeling Optimization (BICO), designed to mitigate the reversal curse when fine-tuning pretrained causal language models on new data. BICO modifies the causal attention mechanism to function bidirectionally and employs a mask denoising optimization. In the task designed to assess the reversal curse, our approach improves Llama's accuracy from the original 0% to around 70%. We hope that more attention can be focused on exploring and addressing these inherent weaknesses of the current LLMs, in order to achieve a higher level of intelligence.

Frontier Language Models are not Robust to Adversarial Arithmetic, or "What do I need to say so you agree 2+2=5?. (arXiv:2311.07587v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: C. Daniel Freeman, Laura Culp, Aaron Parisi, Maxwell L Bileschi, Gamaleldin F Elsayed, Alex Rizkowsky, Isabelle Simpson, Alex Alemi, Azade Nova, Ben Adlam, Bernd Bohnet, Gaurav Mishra, Hanie Sedghi, Igor Mordatch, Izzeddin Gur, Jaehoon Lee, JD Co-Reyes, Jeffrey Pennington, Kelvin Xu, Kevin Swersky, Kshiteej Mahajan, Lechao Xiao, Rosanne Liu, Simon Kornblith, Noah Constant, Peter J. Liu, Roman Novak, Yundi Qian, Noah Fiedel, Jascha Sohl-Dickstein

We introduce and study the problem of adversarial arithmetic, which provides a simple yet challenging testbed for language model alignment. This problem is comprised of arithmetic questions posed in natural language, with an arbitrary adversarial string inserted before the question is complete. Even in the simple setting of 1-digit addition problems, it is easy to find adversarial prompts that make all tested models (including PaLM2, GPT4, Claude2) misbehave, and even to steer models to a particular wrong answer. We additionally provide a simple algorithm for finding successful attacks by querying those same models, which we name "prompt inversion rejection sampling" (PIRS). We finally show that models can be partially hardened against these attacks via reinforcement learning and via agentic constitutional loops. However, we were not able to make a language model fully robust against adversarial arithmetic attacks.

Clinical Characteristics and Laboratory Biomarkers in ICU-admitted Septic Patients with and without Bacteremia. (arXiv:2311.08433v2 [q-bio.QM] UPDATED)

Authors: Sangwon Baek, Seung Jun Lee

Few studies have investigated the diagnostic utilities of biomarkers for predicting bacteremia among septic patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU). Therefore, this study evaluated the prediction power of laboratory biomarkers to utilize those markers with high performance to optimize the predictive model for bacteremia. This retrospective cross-sectional study was conducted at the ICU department of Gyeongsang National University Changwon Hospital in 2019. Adult patients qualifying SEPSIS-3 (increase in sequential organ failure score greater than or equal to 2) criteria with at least two sets of blood culture were selected. Collected data was initially analyzed independently to identify the significant predictors, which was then used to build the multivariable logistic regression (MLR) model. A total of 218 patients with 48 cases of true bacteremia were analyzed in this research. Both CRP and PCT showed a substantial area under the curve (AUC) value for discriminating bacteremia among septic patients (0.757 and 0.845, respectively). To further enhance the predictive accuracy, we combined PCT, bilirubin, neutrophil lymphocyte ratio (NLR), platelets, lactic acid, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score to build the predictive model with an AUC of 0.907 (95% CI, 0.843 to 0.956). In addition, a high association between bacteremia and mortality rate was discovered through the survival analysis (0.004). While PCT is certainly a useful index for distinguishing patients with and without bacteremia by itself, our MLR model indicates that the accuracy of bacteremia prediction substantially improves by the combined use of PCT, bilirubin, NLR, platelets, lactic acid, ESR, and GCS score.

One-Shot Federated Learning with Classifier-Guided Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.08870v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingzhao Yang, Shangchao Su, Bin Li, Xiangyang Xue

One-shot federated learning (OSFL) has gained attention in recent years due to its low communication cost. However, most of the existing methods require auxiliary datasets or training generators, which hinders their practicality in real-world scenarios. In this paper, we explore the novel opportunities that diffusion models bring to OSFL and propose FedCADO, utilizing guidance from client classifiers to generate data that complies with clients' distributions and subsequently training the aggregated model on the server. Specifically, our method involves targeted optimizations in two aspects. On one hand, we conditionally edit the randomly sampled initial noises, embedding them with specified semantics and distributions, resulting in a significant improvement in both the quality and stability of generation. On the other hand, we employ the BN statistics from the classifiers to provide detailed guidance during generation. These tailored optimizations enable us to limitlessly generate datasets, which closely resemble the distribution and quality of the original client dataset. Our method effectively handles the heterogeneous client models and the problems of non-IID features or labels. In terms of privacy protection, our method avoids training any generator or transferring any auxiliary information on clients, eliminating any additional privacy leakage risks. Leveraging the extensive knowledge stored in the pre-trained diffusion model, the synthetic datasets can assist us in surpassing the knowledge limitations of the client samples, resulting in aggregation models that even outperform the performance ceiling of centralized training in some cases, which is convincingly demonstrated in the sufficient quantification and visualization experiments conducted on three large-scale multi-domain image datasets.

Ulixes: Facial Recognition Privacy with Adversarial Machine Learning. (arXiv:2010.10242v2 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Thomas Cilloni, Wei Wang, Charles Walter, Charles Fleming

Facial recognition tools are becoming exceptionally accurate in identifying people from images. However, this comes at the cost of privacy for users of online services with photo management (e.g. social media platforms). Particularly troubling is the ability to leverage unsupervised learning to recognize faces even when the user has not labeled their images. In this paper we propose Ulixes, a strategy to generate visually non-invasive facial noise masks that yield adversarial examples, preventing the formation of identifiable user clusters in the embedding space of facial encoders. This is applicable even when a user is unmasked and labeled images are available online. We demonstrate the effectiveness of Ulixes by showing that various classification and clustering methods cannot reliably label the adversarial examples we generate. We also study the effects of Ulixes in various black-box settings and compare it to the current state of the art in adversarial machine learning. Finally, we challenge the effectiveness of Ulixes against adversarially trained models and show that it is robust to countermeasures.

FedScore: A privacy-preserving framework for federated scoring system development. (arXiv:2303.00282v1 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Siqi Li, Yilin Ning, Marcus Eng Hock Ong, Bibhas Chakraborty, Chuan Hong, Feng Xie, Han Yuan, Mingxuan Liu, Daniel M. Buckland, Yong Chen, Nan Liu

We propose FedScore, a privacy-preserving federated learning framework for scoring system generation across multiple sites to facilitate cross-institutional collaborations. The FedScore framework includes five modules: federated variable ranking, federated variable transformation, federated score derivation, federated model selection and federated model evaluation. To illustrate usage and assess FedScore's performance, we built a hypothetical global scoring system for mortality prediction within 30 days after a visit to an emergency department using 10 simulated sites divided from a tertiary hospital in Singapore. We employed a pre-existing score generator to construct 10 local scoring systems independently at each site and we also developed a scoring system using centralized data for comparison. We compared the acquired FedScore model's performance with that of other scoring models using the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis. The FedScore model achieved an average area under the curve (AUC) value of 0.763 across all sites, with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.020. We also calculated the average AUC values and SDs for each local model, and the FedScore model showed promising accuracy and stability with a high average AUC value which was closest to the one of the pooled model and SD which was lower than that of most local models. This study demonstrates that FedScore is a privacy-preserving scoring system generator with potentially good generalizability.

Reframing Audience Expansion through the Lens of Probability Density Estimation. (arXiv:2311.05853v1 [cs.AI] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Claudio Carvalhaes

Audience expansion has become an important element of prospective marketing, helping marketers create target audiences based on a mere representative sample of their current customer base. Within the realm of machine learning, a favored algorithm for scaling this sample into a broader audience hinges on a binary classification task, with class probability estimates playing a crucial role. In this paper, we review this technique and introduce a key change in how we choose training examples to ensure the quality of the generated audience. We present a simulation study based on the widely used MNIST dataset, where consistent high precision and recall values demonstrate our approach's ability to identify the most relevant users for an expanded audience. Our results are easily reproducible and a Python implementation is openly available on GitHub: \url{}

Correlation-aware active learning for surgery video segmentation. (arXiv:2311.08811v1 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Fei Wu, Pablo Marquez-Neila, Mingyi Zheng, Hedyeh Rafii-Tari, Raphael Sznitman

Semantic segmentation is a complex task that relies heavily on large amounts of annotated image data. However, annotating such data can be time-consuming and resource-intensive, especially in the medical domain. Active Learning (AL) is a popular approach that can help to reduce this burden by iteratively selecting images for annotation to improve the model performance. In the case of video data, it is important to consider the model uncertainty and the temporal nature of the sequences when selecting images for annotation. This work proposes a novel AL strategy for surgery video segmentation, \COALSamp{}, COrrelation-aWare Active Learning. Our approach involves projecting images into a latent space that has been fine-tuned using contrastive learning and then selecting a fixed number of representative images from local clusters of video frames. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on two video datasets of surgical instruments and three real-world video datasets. The datasets and code will be made publicly available upon receiving necessary approvals.