Investigating AI's Challenges in Reasoning and Explanation from a Historical Perspective. (arXiv:2311.10097v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Benji Alwis

This paper provides an overview of the intricate relationship between social dynamics, technological advancements, and pioneering figures in the fields of cybernetics and artificial intelligence. It explores the impact of collaboration and interpersonal relationships among key scientists, such as McCulloch, Wiener, Pitts, and Rosenblatt, on the development of cybernetics and neural networks. It also discusses the contested attribution of credit for important innovations like the backpropagation algorithm and the potential consequences of unresolved debates within emerging scientific domains.

It emphasizes how interpretive flexibility, public perception, and the influence of prominent figures can shape the trajectory of a new field. It highlights the role of funding, media attention, and alliances in determining the success and recognition of various research approaches. Additionally, it points out the missed opportunities for collaboration and integration between symbolic AI and neural network researchers, suggesting that a more unified approach may be possible in today's era without the historical baggage of past debates.

Automated Parliaments: A Solution to Decision Uncertainty and Misalignment in Language Models. (arXiv:2311.10098v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Thomas Forster, Jonathan Ouwerx, Shak Ragoler

As AI takes on a greater role in the modern world, it is essential to ensure that AI models can overcome decision uncertainty and remain aligned with human morality and interests. This research paper proposes a method for improving the decision-making of language models (LMs) via Automated Parliaments (APs) - constructs made of AI delegates each representing a certain perspective. Delegates themselves consist of three AI models: generators, modifiers, and evaluators. We specify two mechanisms for producing optimal solutions: the Simultaneous Modification mechanism for response creation and an evaluation mechanism for fairly assessing solutions. The overall process begins when each generator creates a response aligned with its delegate's theory. The modifiers alter all other responses to make them more self-aligned. The evaluators collectively assess the best end response. Finally, the modifiers and generators learn from feedback from the evaluators. In our research, we tested the evaluation mechanism, comparing the use of single-value zero-shot prompting and AP few-shot prompting in evaluating morally contentious scenarios. We found that the AP architecture saw a 57.3% reduction in its loss value compared to the baseline. We conclude by discussing some potential applications of APs and specifically their potential impact when implemented as Automated Moral Parliaments.

Smart Traffic Management of Vehicles using Faster R-CNN based Deep Learning Method. (arXiv:2311.10099v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Arindam Chaudhuri

With constant growth of civilization and modernization of cities all across the world since past few centuries smart traffic management of vehicles is one of the most sorted after problem by research community. It is a challenging problem in computer vision and artificial intelligence domain. Smart traffic management basically involves segmentation of vehicles, estimation of traffic density and tracking of vehicles. The vehicle segmentation from traffic videos helps realization of niche applications such as monitoring of speed and estimation of traffic. When occlusions, background with clutters and traffic with density variations are present, this problem becomes more intractable in nature. Keeping this motivation in this research work, we investigate Faster R-CNN based deep learning method towards segmentation of vehicles. This problem is addressed in four steps viz minimization with adaptive background model, Faster R-CNN based subnet operation, Faster R-CNN initial refinement and result optimization with extended topological active nets. The computational framework uses ideas of adaptive background modeling. It also addresses shadow and illumination related issues. Higher segmentation accuracy is achieved through topological active net deformable models. The topological and extended topological active nets help to achieve stated deformations. Mesh deformation is achieved with minimization of energy. The segmentation accuracy is improved with modified version of extended topological active net. The experimental results demonstrate superiority of this computational framework

A Framework of Defining, Modeling, and Analyzing Cognition Mechanisms. (arXiv:2311.10104v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Amir Fayezioghani

Cognition is a core part of and a common topic among philosophy of mind, psychology, neuroscience, AI, and cognitive science. Through a mechanistic lens, I propose a framework of defining, modeling, and analyzing cognition mechanisms. Firstly, appropriate terms are introduced and used in explanations related to the framework and within the definition of a mechanism. I implicitly contend that this terminology essentially characterizes a conceptual world required for discussions in this paper. Secondly, a mathematical model of a mechanism based on directed graphs is proposed. Thirdly, the definition of a base necessary for a mechanism to be classified as a cognition mechanism is proposed. I argue that the cognition base has the features of the cognition self of humans. Fourthly, three ways to mechanistically look at mechanisms is defined and specific instances of them are suggested. Fifthly, standards for visualization and presentation of mechanisms, cognition mechanisms, and the instances to mechanistically look at them are suggested and used to analyze cognition mechanisms through appropriate examples. Finally, the features of this paper are discussed and prospects of further development of the proposed framework are briefly expressed.

VideoCon: Robust Video-Language Alignment via Contrast Captions. (arXiv:2311.10111v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hritik Bansal, Yonatan Bitton, Idan Szpektor, Kai-Wei Chang, Aditya Grover

Despite being (pre)trained on a massive amount of data, state-of-the-art video-language alignment models are not robust to semantically-plausible contrastive changes in the video captions. Our work addresses this by identifying a broad spectrum of contrast misalignments, such as replacing entities, actions, and flipping event order, which alignment models should be robust against. To this end, we introduce the VideoCon, a video-language alignment dataset constructed by a large language model that generates plausible contrast video captions and explanations for differences between original and contrast video captions. Then, a generative video-language model is finetuned with VideoCon to assess video-language entailment and generate explanations. Our VideoCon-based alignment model significantly outperforms current models. It exhibits a 12-point increase in AUC for the video-language alignment task on human-generated contrast captions. Finally, our model sets new state of the art zero-shot performance in temporally-extensive video-language tasks such as text-to-video retrieval (SSv2-Temporal) and video question answering (ATP-Hard). Moreover, our model shows superior performance on novel videos and human-crafted captions and explanations. Our code and data are available at

Zero-Shot Relational Learning on Temporal Knowledge Graphs with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.10112v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zifeng Ding, Heling Cai, Jingpei Wu, Yunpu Ma, Ruotong Liao, Bo Xiong, Volker Tresp

In recent years, modeling evolving knowledge over temporal knowledge graphs (TKGs) has become a heated topic. Various methods have been proposed to forecast links on TKGs. Most of them are embedding-based, where hidden representations are learned to represent knowledge graph (KG) entities and relations based on the observed graph contexts. Although these methods show strong performance on traditional TKG forecasting (TKGF) benchmarks, they naturally face a strong challenge when they are asked to model the unseen zero-shot relations that has no prior graph context. In this paper, we try to mitigate this problem as follows. We first input the text descriptions of KG relations into large language models (LLMs) for generating relation representations, and then introduce them into embedding-based TKGF methods. LLM-empowered representations can capture the semantic information in the relation descriptions. This makes the relations, whether seen or unseen, with similar semantic meanings stay close in the embedding space, enabling TKGF models to recognize zero-shot relations even without any observed graph context. Experimental results show that our approach helps TKGF models to achieve much better performance in forecasting the facts with previously unseen relations, while still maintaining their ability in link forecasting regarding seen relations.

Automatic Engineering of Long Prompts. (arXiv:2311.10117v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Cho-Jui Hsieh, Si Si, Felix X. Yu, Inderjit S. Dhillon

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in solving complex open-domain tasks, guided by comprehensive instructions and demonstrations provided in the form of prompts. However, these prompts can be lengthy, often comprising hundreds of lines and thousands of tokens, and their design often requires considerable human effort. Recent research has explored automatic prompt engineering for short prompts, typically consisting of one or a few sentences. However, the automatic design of long prompts remains a challenging problem due to its immense search space. In this paper, we investigate the performance of greedy algorithms and genetic algorithms for automatic long prompt engineering. We demonstrate that a simple greedy approach with beam search outperforms other methods in terms of search efficiency. Moreover, we introduce two novel techniques that utilize search history to enhance the effectiveness of LLM-based mutation in our search algorithm. Our results show that the proposed automatic long prompt engineering algorithm achieves an average of 9.2% accuracy gain on eight tasks in Big Bench Hard, highlighting the significance of automating prompt designs to fully harness the capabilities of LLMs.

Accommodating Missing Modalities in Time-Continuous Multimodal Emotion Recognition. (arXiv:2311.10119v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Juan Vazquez-Rodriguez (M-PSI), Grégoire Lefebvre, Julien Cumin, James L. Crowley (M-PSI)

Decades of research indicate that emotion recognition is more effective when drawing information from multiple modalities. But what if some modalities are sometimes missing? To address this problem, we propose a novel Transformer-based architecture for recognizing valence and arousal in a time-continuous manner even with missing input modalities. We use a coupling of cross-attention and self-attention mechanisms to emphasize relationships between modalities during time and enhance the learning process on weak salient inputs. Experimental results on the Ulm-TSST dataset show that our model exhibits an improvement of the concordance correlation coefficient evaluation of 37% when predicting arousal values and 30% when predicting valence values, compared to a late-fusion baseline approach.

Learning interactions to boost human creativity with bandits and GPT-4. (arXiv:2311.10127v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Ara Vartanian, Xiaoxi Sun, Yun-Shiuan Chuang, Siddharth Suresh, Xiaojin Zhu, Timothy T. Rogers

This paper considers how interactions with AI algorithms can boost human creative thought. We employ a psychological task that demonstrates limits on human creativity, namely semantic feature generation: given a concept name, respondents must list as many of its features as possible. Human participants typically produce only a fraction of the features they know before getting "stuck." In experiments with humans and with a language AI (GPT-4) we contrast behavior in the standard task versus a variant in which participants can ask for algorithmically-generated hints. Algorithm choice is administered by a multi-armed bandit whose reward indicates whether the hint helped generating more features. Humans and the AI show similar benefits from hints, and remarkably, bandits learning from AI responses prefer the same prompting strategy as those learning from human behavior. The results suggest that strategies for boosting human creativity via computer interactions can be learned by bandits run on groups of simulated participants.

Intelligent Generation of Graphical Game Assets: A Conceptual Framework and Systematic Review of the State of the Art. (arXiv:2311.10129v1 [cs.GR])

Authors: Kaisei Fukaya, Damon Daylamani-Zad, Harry Agius

Procedural content generation (PCG) can be applied to a wide variety of tasks in games, from narratives, levels and sounds, to trees and weapons. A large amount of game content is comprised of graphical assets, such as clouds, buildings or vegetation, that do not require gameplay function considerations. There is also a breadth of literature examining the procedural generation of such elements for purposes outside of games. The body of research, focused on specific methods for generating specific assets, provides a narrow view of the available possibilities. Hence, it is difficult to have a clear picture of all approaches and possibilities, with no guide for interested parties to discover possible methods and approaches for their needs, and no facility to guide them through each technique or approach to map out the process of using them. Therefore, a systematic literature review has been conducted, yielding 200 accepted papers. This paper explores state-of-the-art approaches to graphical asset generation, examining research from a wide range of applications, inside and outside of games. Informed by the literature, a conceptual framework has been derived to address the aforementioned gaps.

Towards Improving Robustness Against Common Corruptions using Mixture of Class Specific Experts. (arXiv:2311.10177v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shashank Kotyan, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas

Neural networks have demonstrated significant accuracy across various domains, yet their vulnerability to subtle input alterations remains a persistent challenge. Conventional methods like data augmentation, while effective to some extent, fall short in addressing unforeseen corruptions, limiting the adaptability of neural networks in real-world scenarios. In response, this paper introduces a novel paradigm known as the Mixture of Class-Specific Expert Architecture. The approach involves disentangling feature learning for individual classes, offering a nuanced enhancement in scalability and overall performance. By training dedicated network segments for each class and subsequently aggregating their outputs, the proposed architecture aims to mitigate vulnerabilities associated with common neural network structures. The study underscores the importance of comprehensive evaluation methodologies, advocating for the incorporation of benchmarks like the common corruptions benchmark. This inclusion provides nuanced insights into the vulnerabilities of neural networks, especially concerning their generalization capabilities and robustness to unforeseen distortions. The research aligns with the broader objective of advancing the development of highly robust learning systems capable of nuanced reasoning across diverse and challenging real-world scenarios. Through this contribution, the paper aims to foster a deeper understanding of neural network limitations and proposes a practical approach to enhance their resilience in the face of evolving and unpredictable conditions.

Bayes in the age of intelligent machines. (arXiv:2311.10206v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Thomas L. Griffiths, Jian-Qiao Zhu, Erin Grant, R. Thomas McCoy

The success of methods based on artificial neural networks in creating intelligent machines seems like it might pose a challenge to explanations of human cognition in terms of Bayesian inference. We argue that this is not the case, and that in fact these systems offer new opportunities for Bayesian modeling. Specifically, we argue that Bayesian models of cognition and artificial neural networks lie at different levels of analysis and are complementary modeling approaches, together offering a way to understand human cognition that spans these levels. We also argue that the same perspective can be applied to intelligent machines, where a Bayesian approach may be uniquely valuable in understanding the behavior of large, opaque artificial neural networks that are trained on proprietary data.

Predictive Minds: LLMs As Atypical Active Inference Agents. (arXiv:2311.10215v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jan Kulveit, Clem von Stengel, Roman Leventov

Large language models (LLMs) like GPT are often conceptualized as passive predictors, simulators, or even stochastic parrots. We instead conceptualize LLMs by drawing on the theory of active inference originating in cognitive science and neuroscience. We examine similarities and differences between traditional active inference systems and LLMs, leading to the conclusion that, currently, LLMs lack a tight feedback loop between acting in the world and perceiving the impacts of their actions, but otherwise fit in the active inference paradigm. We list reasons why this loop may soon be closed, and possible consequences of this including enhanced model self-awareness and the drive to minimize prediction error by changing the world.

A Language and Its Dimensions: Intrinsic Dimensions of Language Fractal Structures. (arXiv:2311.10217v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Vasilii A. Gromov, Nikita S. Borodin, Asel S. Yerbolova

The present paper introduces a novel object of study - a language fractal structure. We hypothesize that a set of embeddings of all $n$-grams of a natural language constitutes a representative sample of this fractal set. (We use the term Hailonakea to refer to the sum total of all language fractal structures, over all $n$). The paper estimates intrinsic (genuine) dimensions of language fractal structures for the Russian and English languages. To this end, we employ methods based on (1) topological data analysis and (2) a minimum spanning tree of a data graph for a cloud of points considered (Steele theorem). For both languages, for all $n$, the intrinsic dimensions appear to be non-integer values (typical for fractal sets), close to 9 for both of the Russian and English language.

Think Twice: Perspective-Taking Improves Large Language Models' Theory-of-Mind Capabilities. (arXiv:2311.10227v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Alex Wilf, Sihyun Shawn Lee, Paul Pu Liang, Louis-Philippe Morency

Human interactions are deeply rooted in the interplay of thoughts, beliefs, and desires made possible by Theory of Mind (ToM): our cognitive ability to understand the mental states of ourselves and others. Although ToM may come naturally to us, emulating it presents a challenge to even the most advanced Large Language Models (LLMs). Recent improvements to LLMs' reasoning capabilities from simple yet effective prompting techniques such as Chain-of-Thought have seen limited applicability to ToM. In this paper, we turn to the prominent cognitive science theory "Simulation Theory" to bridge this gap. We introduce SimToM, a novel two-stage prompting framework inspired by Simulation Theory's notion of perspective-taking. To implement this idea on current ToM benchmarks, SimToM first filters context based on what the character in question knows before answering a question about their mental state. Our approach, which requires no additional training and minimal prompt-tuning, shows substantial improvement over existing methods, and our analysis reveals the importance of perspective-taking to Theory-of-Mind capabilities. Our findings suggest perspective-taking as a promising direction for future research into improving LLMs' ToM capabilities.

A Graphical Model of Hurricane Evacuation Behaviors. (arXiv:2311.10228v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Hui Sophie Wang, Nutchanon Yongsatianchot, Stacy Marsella

Natural disasters such as hurricanes are increasing and causing widespread devastation. People's decisions and actions regarding whether to evacuate or not are critical and have a large impact on emergency planning and response. Our interest lies in computationally modeling complex relationships among various factors influencing evacuation decisions. We conducted a study on the evacuation of Hurricane Irma of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. The study was guided by the Protection motivation theory (PMT), a widely-used framework to understand people's responses to potential threats. Graphical models were constructed to represent the complex relationships among the factors involved and the evacuation decision. We evaluated different graphical structures based on conditional independence tests using Irma data. The final model largely aligns with PMT. It shows that both risk perception (threat appraisal) and difficulties in evacuation (coping appraisal) influence evacuation decisions directly and independently. Certain information received from media was found to influence risk perception, and through it influence evacuation behaviors indirectly. In addition, several variables were found to influence both risk perception and evacuation behaviors directly, including family and friends' suggestions, neighbors' evacuation behaviors, and evacuation notices from officials.

The Analysis and Extraction of Structure from Organizational Charts. (arXiv:2311.10234v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nikhil Manali, David Doermann, Mahesh Desai

Organizational charts, also known as org charts, are critical representations of an organization's structure and the hierarchical relationships between its components and positions. However, manually extracting information from org charts can be error-prone and time-consuming. To solve this, we present an automated and end-to-end approach that uses computer vision, deep learning, and natural language processing techniques. Additionally, we propose a metric to evaluate the completeness and hierarchical accuracy of the extracted information. This approach has the potential to improve organizational restructuring and resource utilization by providing a clear and concise representation of the organizational structure. Our study lays a foundation for further research on the topic of hierarchical chart analysis.

Advancements in Generative AI: A Comprehensive Review of GANs, GPT, Autoencoders, Diffusion Model, and Transformers. (arXiv:2311.10242v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Staphord Bengesi, Hoda El-Sayed, Md Kamruzzaman Sarker, Yao Houkpati, John Irungu, Timothy Oladunni

The launch of ChatGPT has garnered global attention, marking a significant milestone in the field of Generative Artificial Intelligence. While Generative AI has been in effect for the past decade, the introduction of ChatGPT has ignited a new wave of research and innovation in the AI domain. This surge in interest has led to the development and release of numerous cutting-edge tools, such as Bard, Stable Diffusion, DALL-E, Make-A-Video, Runway ML, and Jukebox, among others. These tools exhibit remarkable capabilities, encompassing tasks ranging from text generation and music composition, image creation, video production, code generation, and even scientific work. They are built upon various state-of-the-art models, including Stable Diffusion, transformer models like GPT-3 (recent GPT-4), variational autoencoders, and generative adversarial networks. This advancement in Generative AI presents a wealth of exciting opportunities and, simultaneously, unprecedented challenges. Throughout this paper, we have explored these state-of-the-art models, the diverse array of tasks they can accomplish, the challenges they pose, and the promising future of Generative Artificial Intelligence.

Surprisal Driven $k$-NN for Robust and Interpretable Nonparametric Learning. (arXiv:2311.10246v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Amartya Banerjee, Christopher J. Hazard, Jacob Beel, Cade Mack, Jack Xia, Michael Resnick, Will Goddin

Nonparametric learning is a fundamental concept in machine learning that aims to capture complex patterns and relationships in data without making strong assumptions about the underlying data distribution. Owing to simplicity and familiarity, one of the most well-known algorithms under this paradigm is the $k$-nearest neighbors ($k$-NN) algorithm. Driven by the usage of machine learning in safety-critical applications, in this work, we shed new light on the traditional nearest neighbors algorithm from the perspective of information theory and propose a robust and interpretable framework for tasks such as classification, regression, and anomaly detection using a single model. Instead of using a traditional distance measure which needs to be scaled and contextualized, we use a novel formulation of \textit{surprisal} (amount of information required to explain the difference between the observed and expected result). Finally, we demonstrate this architecture's capability to perform at-par or above the state-of-the-art on classification, regression, and anomaly detection tasks using a single model with enhanced interpretability by providing novel concepts for characterizing data and predictions.

FedTruth: Byzantine-Robust and Backdoor-Resilient Federated Learning Framework. (arXiv:2311.10248v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sheldon C. Ebron Jr., Kan Yang

Federated Learning (FL) enables collaborative machine learning model training across multiple parties without sharing raw data. However, FL's distributed nature allows malicious clients to impact model training through Byzantine or backdoor attacks, using erroneous model updates. Existing defenses measure the deviation of each update from a 'ground-truth model update.' They often rely on a benign root dataset on the server or use trimmed mean or median for clipping, both methods having limitations.

We introduce FedTruth, a robust defense against model poisoning in FL. FedTruth doesn't assume specific data distributions nor requires a benign root dataset. It estimates a global model update with dynamic aggregation weights, considering contributions from all benign clients. Empirical studies demonstrate FedTruth's efficacy in mitigating the impacts of poisoned updates from both Byzantine and backdoor attacks.

Interpretable pap smear cell representation for cervical cancer screening. (arXiv:2311.10269v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yu Ando, Nora Jee-Young Park and, Gun Oh Chong, Seokhwan Ko, Donghyeon Lee, Junghwan Cho, Hyungsoo Han

Screening is critical for prevention and early detection of cervical cancer but it is time-consuming and laborious. Supervised deep convolutional neural networks have been developed to automate pap smear screening and the results are promising. However, the interest in using only normal samples to train deep neural networks has increased owing to class imbalance problems and high-labeling costs that are both prevalent in healthcare. In this study, we introduce a method to learn explainable deep cervical cell representations for pap smear cytology images based on one class classification using variational autoencoders. Findings demonstrate that a score can be calculated for cell abnormality without training models with abnormal samples and localize abnormality to interpret our results with a novel metric based on absolute difference in cross entropy in agglomerative clustering. The best model that discriminates squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) from normals gives 0.908 +- 0.003 area under operating characteristic curve (AUC) and one that discriminates high-grade epithelial lesion (HSIL) 0.920 +- 0.002 AUC. Compared to other clustering methods, our method enhances the V-measure and yields higher homogeneity scores, which more effectively isolate different abnormality regions, aiding in the interpretation of our results. Evaluation using in-house and additional open dataset show that our model can discriminate abnormality without the need of additional training of deep models.

Physics-Enhanced Multi-fidelity Learning for Optical Surface Imprint. (arXiv:2311.10278v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yongchao Chen

Human fingerprints serve as one unique and powerful characteristic for each person, from which policemen can recognize the identity. Similar to humans, many natural bodies and intrinsic mechanical qualities can also be uniquely identified from surface characteristics. To measure the elasto-plastic properties of one material, one formally sharp indenter is pushed into the measured body under constant force and retracted, leaving a unique residual imprint of the minute size from several micrometers to nanometers. However, one great challenge is how to map the optical image of this residual imprint into the real wanted mechanical properties, i.e., the tensile force curve. In this paper, we propose a novel method to use multi-fidelity neural networks (MFNN) to solve this inverse problem. We first actively train the NN model via pure simulation data, and then bridge the sim-to-real gap via transfer learning. The most innovative part is that we use NN to dig out the unknown physics and also implant the known physics into the transfer learning framework, thus highly improving the model stability and decreasing the data requirement. This work serves as one great example of applying machine learning into the real experimental research, especially under the constraints of data limitation and fidelity variance.

Supervised structure learning. (arXiv:2311.10300v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Karl J. Friston, Lancelot Da Costa, Alexander Tschantz, Alex Kiefer, Tommaso Salvatori, Victorita Neacsu, Magnus Koudahl, Conor Heins, Noor Sajid, Dimitrije Markovic, Thomas Parr, Tim Verbelen, Christopher L Buckley

This paper concerns structure learning or discovery of discrete generative models. It focuses on Bayesian model selection and the assimilation of training data or content, with a special emphasis on the order in which data are ingested. A key move - in the ensuing schemes - is to place priors on the selection of models, based upon expected free energy. In this setting, expected free energy reduces to a constrained mutual information, where the constraints inherit from priors over outcomes (i.e., preferred outcomes). The resulting scheme is first used to perform image classification on the MNIST dataset to illustrate the basic idea, and then tested on a more challenging problem of discovering models with dynamics, using a simple sprite-based visual disentanglement paradigm and the Tower of Hanoi (cf., blocks world) problem. In these examples, generative models are constructed autodidactically to recover (i.e., disentangle) the factorial structure of latent states - and their characteristic paths or dynamics.

Shifting to Machine Supervision: Annotation-Efficient Semi and Self-Supervised Learning for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation and Classification. (arXiv:2311.10319v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Pranav Singh, Raviteja Chukkapalli, Shravan Chaudhari, Luoyao Chen, Mei Chen, Jinqian Pan, Craig Smuda, Jacopo Cirrone

Advancements in clinical treatment and research are limited by supervised learning techniques that rely on large amounts of annotated data, an expensive task requiring many hours of clinical specialists' time. In this paper, we propose using self-supervised and semi-supervised learning. These techniques perform an auxiliary task that is label-free, scaling up machine-supervision is easier compared with fully-supervised techniques. This paper proposes S4MI (Self-Supervision and Semi-Supervision for Medical Imaging), our pipeline to leverage advances in self and semi-supervision learning. We benchmark them on three medical imaging datasets to analyze their efficacy for classification and segmentation. This advancement in self-supervised learning with 10% annotation performed better than 100% annotation for the classification of most datasets. The semi-supervised approach yielded favorable outcomes for segmentation, outperforming the fully-supervised approach by using 50% fewer labels in all three datasets.

Clustering Techniques for Stable Linear Dynamical Systems with applications to Hard Disk Drives. (arXiv:2311.10322v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Nikhil Potu Surya Prakash, Joohwan Seo, Jongeun Choi, Roberto Horowitz

In Robust Control and Data Driven Robust Control design methodologies, multiple plant transfer functions or a family of transfer functions are considered and a common controller is designed such that all the plants that fall into this family are stabilized. Though the plants are stabilized, the controller might be sub-optimal for each of the plants when the variations in the plants are large. This paper presents a way of clustering stable linear dynamical systems for the design of robust controllers within each of the clusters such that the controllers are optimal for each of the clusters. First a k-medoids algorithm for hard clustering will be presented for stable Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems and then a Gaussian Mixture Models (GMM) clustering for a special class of LTI systems, common for Hard Disk Drive plants, will be presented.

High-fidelity Person-centric Subject-to-Image Synthesis. (arXiv:2311.10329v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Current subject-driven image generation methods encounter significant challenges in person-centric image generation. The reason is that they learn the semantic scene and person generation by fine-tuning a common pre-trained diffusion, which involves an irreconcilable training imbalance. Precisely, to generate realistic persons, they need to sufficiently tune the pre-trained model, which inevitably causes the model to forget the rich semantic scene prior and makes scene generation over-fit to the training data. Moreover, even with sufficient fine-tuning, these methods can still not generate high-fidelity persons since joint learning of the scene and person generation also lead to quality compromise. In this paper, we propose Face-diffuser, an effective collaborative generation pipeline to eliminate the above training imbalance and quality compromise. Specifically, we first develop two specialized pre-trained diffusion models, i.e., Text-driven Diffusion Model (TDM) and Subject-augmented Diffusion Model (SDM), for scene and person generation, respectively. The sampling process is divided into three sequential stages, i.e., semantic scene construction, subject-scene fusion, and subject enhancement. The first and last stages are performed by TDM and SDM respectively. The subject-scene fusion stage, that is the collaboration achieved through a novel and highly effective mechanism, Saliency-adaptive Noise Fusion (SNF). Specifically, it is based on our key observation that there exists a robust link between classifier-free guidance responses and the saliency of generated images. In each time step, SNF leverages the unique strengths of each model and allows for the spatial blending of predicted noises from both models automatically in a saliency-aware manner. Extensive experiments confirm the impressive effectiveness and robustness of the Face-diffuser.

Federated Knowledge Graph Completion via Latent Embedding Sharing and Tensor Factorization. (arXiv:2311.10341v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Maolin Wang, Dun Zeng, Zenglin Xu, Ruocheng Guo, Xiangyu Zhao

Knowledge graphs (KGs), which consist of triples, are inherently incomplete and always require completion procedure to predict missing triples. In real-world scenarios, KGs are distributed across clients, complicating completion tasks due to privacy restrictions. Many frameworks have been proposed to address the issue of federated knowledge graph completion. However, the existing frameworks, including FedE, FedR, and FEKG, have certain limitations. = FedE poses a risk of information leakage, FedR's optimization efficacy diminishes when there is minimal overlap among relations, and FKGE suffers from computational costs and mode collapse issues. To address these issues, we propose a novel method, i.e., Federated Latent Embedding Sharing Tensor factorization (FLEST), which is a novel approach using federated tensor factorization for KG completion. FLEST decompose the embedding matrix and enables sharing of latent dictionary embeddings to lower privacy risks. Empirical results demonstrate FLEST's effectiveness and efficiency, offering a balanced solution between performance and privacy. FLEST expands the application of federated tensor factorization in KG completion tasks.

Quantum-Assisted Simulation: A Framework for Designing Machine Learning Models in the Quantum Computing Domain. (arXiv:2311.10363v1 [quant-ph])

Authors: Minati Rath, Hema Date

Machine learning (ML) models are trained using historical data to classify new, unseen data. However, traditional computing resources often struggle to handle the immense amount of data, commonly known as Big Data, within a reasonable timeframe. Quantum computing (QC) provides a novel approach to information processing. Quantum algorithms have the potential to process classical data exponentially faster than classical computing. By mapping quantum machine learning (QML) algorithms into the quantum mechanical domain, we can potentially achieve exponential improvements in data processing speed, reduced resource requirements, and enhanced accuracy and efficiency. In this article, we delve into both the QC and ML fields, exploring the interplay of ideas between them, as well as the current capabilities and limitations of hardware. We investigate the history of quantum computing, examine existing QML algorithms, and aim to present a simplified procedure for setting up simulations of QML algorithms, making it accessible and understandable for readers. Furthermore, we conducted simulations on a dataset using both machine learning and quantum machine learning approaches. We then proceeded to compare their respective performances by utilizing a quantum simulator.

Dates Fruit Disease Recognition using Machine Learning. (arXiv:2311.10365v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ghassen Ben Brahim, Jaafar Alghazo, Ghazanfar Latif, Khalid Alnujaidi

Many countries such as Saudi Arabia, Morocco and Tunisia are among the top exporters and consumers of palm date fruits. Date fruit production plays a major role in the economies of the date fruit exporting countries. Date fruits are susceptible to disease just like any fruit and early detection and intervention can end up saving the produce. However, with the vast farming lands, it is nearly impossible for farmers to observe date trees on a frequent basis for early disease detection. In addition, even with human observation the process is prone to human error and increases the date fruit cost. With the recent advances in computer vision, machine learning, drone technology, and other technologies; an integrated solution can be proposed for the automatic detection of date fruit disease. In this paper, a hybrid features based method with the standard classifiers is proposed based on the extraction of L*a*b color features, statistical features, and Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) texture features for the early detection and classification of date fruit disease. A dataset was developed for this work consisting of 871 images divided into the following classes; Healthy date, Initial stage of disease, Malnourished date, and Parasite infected. The extracted features were input to common classifiers such as the Random Forest (RF), Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), Na\"ive Bayes (NB), and Fuzzy Decision Trees (FDT). The highest average accuracy was achieved when combining the L*a*b, Statistical, and DWT Features.

Quantum Data Encoding: A Comparative Analysis of Classical-to-Quantum Mapping Techniques and Their Impact on Machine Learning Accuracy. (arXiv:2311.10375v1 [quant-ph])

Authors: Minati Rath, Hema Date

This research explores the integration of quantum data embedding techniques into classical machine learning (ML) algorithms, aiming to assess the performance enhancements and computational implications across a spectrum of models. We explore various classical-to-quantum mapping methods, ranging from basis encoding, angle encoding to amplitude encoding for encoding classical data, we conducted an extensive empirical study encompassing popular ML algorithms, including Logistic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors, Support Vector Machines and ensemble methods like Random Forest, LightGBM, AdaBoost, and CatBoost. Our findings reveal that quantum data embedding contributes to improved classification accuracy and F1 scores, particularly notable in models that inherently benefit from enhanced feature representation. We observed nuanced effects on running time, with low-complexity models exhibiting moderate increases and more computationally intensive models experiencing discernible changes. Notably, ensemble methods demonstrated a favorable balance between performance gains and computational overhead. This study underscores the potential of quantum data embedding in enhancing classical ML models and emphasizes the importance of weighing performance improvements against computational costs. Future research directions may involve refining quantum encoding processes to optimize computational efficiency and exploring scalability for real-world applications. Our work contributes to the growing body of knowledge at the intersection of quantum computing and classical machine learning, offering insights for researchers and practitioners seeking to harness the advantages of quantum-inspired techniques in practical scenarios.

A Bridge between Dynamical Systems and Machine Learning: Engineered Ordinary Differential Equations as Classification Algorithm (EODECA). (arXiv:2311.10387v1 [cond-mat.dis-nn])

Authors: Raffaele Marino, Lorenzo Giambagli, Lorenzo Chicchi, Lorenzo Buffoni, Duccio Fanelli

In a world increasingly reliant on machine learning, the interpretability of these models remains a substantial challenge, with many equating their functionality to an enigmatic black box. This study seeks to bridge machine learning and dynamical systems. Recognizing the deep parallels between dense neural networks and dynamical systems, particularly in the light of non-linearities and successive transformations, this manuscript introduces the Engineered Ordinary Differential Equations as Classification Algorithms (EODECAs). Uniquely designed as neural networks underpinned by continuous ordinary differential equations, EODECAs aim to capitalize on the well-established toolkit of dynamical systems. Unlike traditional deep learning models, which often suffer from opacity, EODECAs promise both high classification performance and intrinsic interpretability. They are naturally invertible, granting them an edge in understanding and transparency over their counterparts. By bridging these domains, we hope to usher in a new era of machine learning models where genuine comprehension of data processes complements predictive prowess.

Accurate and Fast Fischer-Tropsch Reaction Microkinetics using PINNs. (arXiv:2311.10456v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Harshil Patel, Aniruddha Panda, Tymofii Nikolaienko, Stanislav Jaso, Alejandro Lopez, Kaushic Kalyanaraman

Microkinetics allows detailed modelling of chemical transformations occurring in many industrially relevant reactions. Traditional way of solving the microkinetics model for Fischer-Tropsch synthesis (FTS) becomes inefficient when it comes to more advanced real-time applications. In this work, we address these challenges by using physics-informed neural networks(PINNs) for modelling FTS microkinetics. We propose a computationally efficient and accurate method, enabling the ultra-fast solution of the existing microkinetics models in realistic process conditions. The proposed PINN model computes the fraction of vacant catalytic sites, a key quantity in FTS microkinetics, with median relative error (MRE) of 0.03%, and the FTS product formation rates with MRE of 0.1%. Compared to conventional equation solvers, the model achieves up to 1E+06 times speed-up when running on GPUs, thus being fast enough for multi-scale and multi-physics reactor modelling and enabling its applications in real-time process control and optimization.

Using Cooperative Game Theory to Prune Neural Networks. (arXiv:2311.10468v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mauricio Diaz-Ortiz Jr, Benjamin Kempinski, Daphne Cornelisse, Yoram Bachrach, Tal Kachman

We show how solution concepts from cooperative game theory can be used to tackle the problem of pruning neural networks.

The ever-growing size of deep neural networks (DNNs) increases their performance, but also their computational requirements. We introduce a method called Game Theory Assisted Pruning (GTAP), which reduces the neural network's size while preserving its predictive accuracy. GTAP is based on eliminating neurons in the network based on an estimation of their joint impact on the prediction quality through game theoretic solutions. Specifically, we use a power index akin to the Shapley value or Banzhaf index, tailored using a procedure similar to Dropout (commonly used to tackle overfitting problems in machine learning).

Empirical evaluation of both feedforward networks and convolutional neural networks shows that this method outperforms existing approaches in the achieved tradeoff between the number of parameters and model accuracy.

Regions are Who Walk Them: a Large Pre-trained Spatiotemporal Model Based on Human Mobility for Ubiquitous Urban Sensing. (arXiv:2311.10471v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ruixing Zhang, Liangzhe Han, Leilei Sun, Yunqi Liu, Jibin Wang, Weifeng Lv

User profiling and region analysis are two tasks of significant commercial value. However, in practical applications, modeling different features typically involves four main steps: data preparation, data processing, model establishment, evaluation, and optimization. This process is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Repeating this workflow for each feature results in abundant development time for tasks and a reduced overall volume of task development. Indeed, human mobility data contains a wealth of information. Several successful cases suggest that conducting in-depth analysis of population movement data could potentially yield meaningful profiles about users and areas. Nonetheless, most related works have not thoroughly utilized the semantic information within human mobility data and trained on a fixed number of the regions. To tap into the rich information within population movement, based on the perspective that Regions Are Who walk them, we propose a large spatiotemporal model based on trajectories (RAW). It possesses the following characteristics: 1) Tailored for trajectory data, introducing a GPT-like structure with a parameter count of up to 1B; 2) Introducing a spatiotemporal fine-tuning module, interpreting trajectories as collection of users to derive arbitrary region embedding. This framework allows rapid task development based on the large spatiotemporal model. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our proposed large spatiotemporal model. It's evident that our proposed method, relying solely on human mobility data without additional features, exhibits a certain level of relevance in user profiling and region analysis. Moreover, our model showcases promising predictive capabilities in trajectory generation tasks based on the current state, offering the potential for further innovative work utilizing this large spatiotemporal model.

From Principle to Practice: Vertical Data Minimization for Machine Learning. (arXiv:2311.10500v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Robin Staab, Nikola Jovanović, Mislav Balunović, Martin Vechev

Aiming to train and deploy predictive models, organizations collect large amounts of detailed client data, risking the exposure of private information in the event of a breach. To mitigate this, policymakers increasingly demand compliance with the data minimization (DM) principle, restricting data collection to only that data which is relevant and necessary for the task. Despite regulatory pressure, the problem of deploying machine learning models that obey DM has so far received little attention. In this work, we address this challenge in a comprehensive manner. We propose a novel vertical DM (vDM) workflow based on data generalization, which by design ensures that no full-resolution client data is collected during training and deployment of models, benefiting client privacy by reducing the attack surface in case of a breach. We formalize and study the corresponding problem of finding generalizations that both maximize data utility and minimize empirical privacy risk, which we quantify by introducing a diverse set of policy-aligned adversarial scenarios. Finally, we propose a range of baseline vDM algorithms, as well as Privacy-aware Tree (PAT), an especially effective vDM algorithm that outperforms all baselines across several settings. We plan to release our code as a publicly available library, helping advance the standardization of DM for machine learning. Overall, we believe our work can help lay the foundation for further exploration and adoption of DM principles in real-world applications.

CNL2ASP: converting controlled natural language sentences into ASP. (arXiv:2311.10505v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Simone Caruso, Carmine Dodaro, Marco Maratea, Marco Mochi, Francesco Riccio

Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a popular declarative programming language for solving hard combinatorial problems. Although ASP has gained widespread acceptance in academic and industrial contexts, there are certain user groups who may find it more advantageous to employ a higher-level language that closely resembles natural language when specifying ASP programs. In this paper, we propose a novel tool, called CNL2ASP, for translating English sentences expressed in a controlled natural language (CNL) form into ASP. In particular, we first provide a definition of the type of sentences allowed by our CNL and their translation as ASP rules, and then exemplify the usage of the CNL for the specification of both synthetic and real-world combinatorial problems. Finally, we report the results of an experimental analysis conducted on the real-world problems to compare the performance of automatically generated encodings with the ones written by ASP practitioners, showing that our tool can obtain satisfactory performance on these benchmarks. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).

Enhancing Object Coherence in Layout-to-Image Synthesis. (arXiv:2311.10522v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Layout-to-image synthesis is an emerging technique in conditional image generation. It aims to generate complex scenes, where users require fine control over the layout of the objects in a scene. However, it remains challenging to control the object coherence, including semantic coherence (e.g., the cat looks at the flowers or not) and physical coherence (e.g., the hand and the racket should not be misaligned). In this paper, we propose a novel diffusion model with effective global semantic fusion (GSF) and self-similarity feature enhancement modules to guide the object coherence for this task. For semantic coherence, we argue that the image caption contains rich information for defining the semantic relationship within the objects in the images. Instead of simply employing cross-attention between captions and generated images, which addresses the highly relevant layout restriction and semantic coherence separately and thus leads to unsatisfying results shown in our experiments, we develop GSF to fuse the supervision from the layout restriction and semantic coherence requirement and exploit it to guide the image synthesis process. Moreover, to improve the physical coherence, we develop a Self-similarity Coherence Attention (SCA) module to explicitly integrate local contextual physical coherence into each pixel's generation process. Specifically, we adopt a self-similarity map to encode the coherence restrictions and employ it to extract coherent features from text embedding. Through visualization of our self-similarity map, we explore the essence of SCA, revealing that its effectiveness is not only in capturing reliable physical coherence patterns but also in enhancing complex texture generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in both image generation quality and controllability.

MedAgents: Large Language Models as Collaborators for Zero-shot Medical Reasoning. (arXiv:2311.10537v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Anni Zou, Zhuosheng Zhang, Yilun Zhao, Xingyao Zhang, Arman Cohan, Mark Gerstein

Large Language Models (LLMs), despite their remarkable progress across various general domains, encounter significant barriers in medicine and healthcare. This field faces unique challenges such as domain-specific terminologies and the reasoning over specialized knowledge. To address these obstinate issues, we propose a novel Multi-disciplinary Collaboration (MC) framework for the medical domain that leverages role-playing LLM-based agents who participate in a collaborative multi-round discussion, thereby enhancing LLM proficiency and reasoning capabilities. This training-free and interpretable framework encompasses five critical steps: gathering domain experts, proposing individual analyses, summarising these analyses into a report, iterating over discussions until a consensus is reached, and ultimately making a decision. Our work particularly focuses on the zero-shot scenario, our results on nine data sets (MedQA, MedMCQA, PubMedQA, and six subtasks from MMLU) establish that our proposed MC framework excels at mining and harnessing the medical expertise in LLMs, as well as extending its reasoning abilities. Based on these outcomes, we further conduct a human evaluation to pinpoint and categorize common errors within our method, as well as ablation studies aimed at understanding the impact of various factors on overall performance. Our code can be found at \url{}.

Testing Language Model Agents Safely in the Wild. (arXiv:2311.10538v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Silen Naihin, David Atkinson, Marc Green, Merwane Hamadi, Craig Swift, Douglas Schonholtz, Adam Tauman Kalai, David Bau

A prerequisite for safe autonomy-in-the-wild is safe testing-in-the-wild. Yet real-world autonomous tests face several unique safety challenges, both due to the possibility of causing harm during a test, as well as the risk of encountering new unsafe agent behavior through interactions with real-world and potentially malicious actors. We propose a framework for conducting safe autonomous agent tests on the open internet: agent actions are audited by a context-sensitive monitor that enforces a stringent safety boundary to stop an unsafe test, with suspect behavior ranked and logged to be examined by humans. We a design a basic safety monitor that is flexible enough to monitor existing LLM agents, and, using an adversarial simulated agent, we measure its ability to identify and stop unsafe situations. Then we apply the safety monitor on a battery of real-world tests of AutoGPT, and we identify several limitations and challenges that will face the creation of safe in-the-wild tests as autonomous agents grow more capable.

EduGym: An Environment Suite for Reinforcement Learning Education. (arXiv:2311.10590v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Thomas M. Moerland, Matthias Müller-Brockhausen, Zhao Yang, Andrius Bernatavicius, Koen Ponse, Tom Kouwenhoven, Andreas Sauter, Michiel van der Meer, Bram Renting, Aske Plaat

Due to the empirical success of reinforcement learning, an increasing number of students study the subject. However, from our practical teaching experience, we see students entering the field (bachelor, master and early PhD) often struggle. On the one hand, textbooks and (online) lectures provide the fundamentals, but students find it hard to translate between equations and code. On the other hand, public codebases do provide practical examples, but the implemented algorithms tend to be complex, and the underlying test environments contain multiple reinforcement learning challenges at once. Although this is realistic from a research perspective, it often hinders educational conceptual understanding. To solve this issue we introduce EduGym, a set of educational reinforcement learning environments and associated interactive notebooks tailored for education. Each EduGym environment is specifically designed to illustrate a certain aspect/challenge of reinforcement learning (e.g., exploration, partial observability, stochasticity, etc.), while the associated interactive notebook explains the challenge and its possible solution approaches, connecting equations and code in a single document. An evaluation among RL students and researchers shows 86% of them think EduGym is a useful tool for reinforcement learning education. All notebooks are available from, while the full software package can be installed from

FOCAL: A Cost-Aware Video Dataset for Active Learning. (arXiv:2311.10591v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kiran Kokilepersaud, Yash-Yee Logan, Ryan Benkert, Chen Zhou, Mohit Prabhushankar, Ghassan AlRegib, Enrique Corona, Kunjan Singh, Mostafa Parchami

In this paper, we introduce the FOCAL (Ford-OLIVES Collaboration on Active Learning) dataset which enables the study of the impact of annotation-cost within a video active learning setting. Annotation-cost refers to the time it takes an annotator to label and quality-assure a given video sequence. A practical motivation for active learning research is to minimize annotation-cost by selectively labeling informative samples that will maximize performance within a given budget constraint. However, previous work in video active learning lacks real-time annotation labels for accurately assessing cost minimization and instead operates under the assumption that annotation-cost scales linearly with the amount of data to annotate. This assumption does not take into account a variety of real-world confounding factors that contribute to a nonlinear cost such as the effect of an assistive labeling tool and the variety of interactions within a scene such as occluded objects, weather, and motion of objects. FOCAL addresses this discrepancy by providing real annotation-cost labels for 126 video sequences across 69 unique city scenes with a variety of weather, lighting, and seasonal conditions. We also introduce a set of conformal active learning algorithms that take advantage of the sequential structure of video data in order to achieve a better trade-off between annotation-cost and performance while also reducing floating point operations (FLOPS) overhead by at least 77.67%. We show how these approaches better reflect how annotations on videos are done in practice through a sequence selection framework. We further demonstrate the advantage of these approaches by introducing two performance-cost metrics and show that the best conformal active learning method is cheaper than the best traditional active learning method by 113 hours.

Hashing it Out: Predicting Unhealthy Conversations on Twitter. (arXiv:2311.10596v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Steven Leung, Filippos Papapolyzos

Personal attacks in the context of social media conversations often lead to fast-paced derailment, leading to even more harmful exchanges being made. State-of-the-art systems for the detection of such conversational derailment often make use of deep learning approaches for prediction purposes. In this paper, we show that an Attention-based BERT architecture, pre-trained on a large Twitter corpus and fine-tuned on our task, is efficient and effective in making such predictions. This model shows clear advantages in performance to the existing LSTM model we use as a baseline. Additionally, we show that this impressive performance can be attained through fine-tuning on a relatively small, novel dataset, particularly after mitigating overfitting issues through synthetic oversampling techniques. By introducing the first transformer based model for forecasting conversational events on Twitter, this work lays the foundation for a practical tool to encourage better interactions on one of the most ubiquitous social media platforms.

Designing Reconfigurable Intelligent Systems with Markov Blankets. (arXiv:2311.10597v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Boris Sedlak, Victor Casamayor Pujol, Praveen Kumar Donta, Schahram Dustdar

Compute Continuum (CC) systems comprise a vast number of devices distributed over computational tiers. Evaluating business requirements, i.e., Service Level Objectives (SLOs), requires collecting data from all those devices; if SLOs are violated, devices must be reconfigured to ensure correct operation. If done centrally, this dramatically increases the number of devices and variables that must be considered, while creating an enormous communication overhead. To address this, we (1) introduce a causality filter based on Markov blankets (MB) that limits the number of variables that each device must track, (2) evaluate SLOs decentralized on a device basis, and (3) infer optimal device configuration for fulfilling SLOs. We evaluated our methodology by analyzing video stream transformations and providing device configurations that ensure the Quality of Service (QoS). The devices thus perceived their environment and acted accordingly -- a form of decentralized intelligence.

Chatbots as social companions: How people perceive consciousness, human likeness, and social health benefits in machines. (arXiv:2311.10599v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Rose Guingrich, Michael S. A. Graziano

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more widespread, one question that arises is how human-AI interaction might impact human-human interaction. Chatbots, for example, are increasingly used as social companions, but little is known about how their use impacts human relationships. A common hypothesis is that these companion bots are detrimental to social health by harming or replacing human interaction. To understand how companion bots impact social health, we studied people who used companion bots and people who did not. Contrary to expectations, companion bot users indicated that these relationships were beneficial to their social health, whereas nonusers viewed them as harmful. Another common assumption is that people perceive conscious, humanlike AI as disturbing and threatening. Among both users and nonusers, however, we found the opposite: perceiving companion bots as more conscious and humanlike correlated with more positive opinions and better social health benefits. Humanlike bots may aid social health by supplying reliable and safe interactions, without necessarily harming human relationships.

Active Inference on the Edge: A Design Study. (arXiv:2311.10607v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Boris Sedlak, Victor Casamayor Pujol, Praveen Kumar Donta, Schahram Dustdar

Machine Learning (ML) is a common tool to interpret and predict the behavior of distributed computing systems, e.g., to optimize the task distribution between devices. As more and more data is created by Internet of Things (IoT) devices, data processing and ML training are carried out by edge devices in close proximity. To ensure Quality of Service (QoS) throughout these operations, systems are supervised and dynamically adapted with the help of ML. However, as long as ML models are not retrained, they fail to capture gradual shifts in the variable distribution, leading to an inaccurate view of the system state. Moreover, as the prediction accuracy decreases, the reporting device should actively resolve uncertainties to improve the model's precision. Such a level of self-determination could be provided by Active Inference (ACI) -- a concept from neuroscience that describes how the brain constantly predicts and evaluates sensory information to decrease long-term surprise. We encompassed these concepts in a single action-perception cycle, which we implemented for distributed agents in a smart manufacturing use case. As a result, we showed how our ACI agent was able to quickly and traceably solve an optimization problem while fulfilling QoS requirements.

A Self-enhancement Approach for Domain-specific Chatbot Training via Knowledge Mining and Digest. (arXiv:2311.10614v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruohong Zhang, Luyu Gao, Chen Zheng, Zhen Fan, Guokun Lai, Zheng Zhang, Fangzhou Ai, Yiming Yang, Hongxia Yang

Large Language Models (LLMs), despite their great power in language generation, often encounter challenges when dealing with intricate and knowledge-demanding queries in specific domains. This paper introduces a novel approach to enhance LLMs by effectively extracting the relevant knowledge from domain-specific textual sources, and the adaptive training of a chatbot with domain-specific inquiries. Our two-step approach starts from training a knowledge miner, namely LLMiner, which autonomously extracts Question-Answer pairs from relevant documents through a chain-of-thought reasoning process. Subsequently, we blend the mined QA pairs with a conversational dataset to fine-tune the LLM as a chatbot, thereby enriching its domain-specific expertise and conversational capabilities. We also developed a new evaluation benchmark which comprises four domain-specific text corpora and associated human-crafted QA pairs for testing. Our model shows remarkable performance improvement over generally aligned LLM and surpasses domain-adapted models directly fine-tuned on domain corpus. In particular, LLMiner achieves this with minimal human intervention, requiring only 600 seed instances, thereby providing a pathway towards self-improvement of LLMs through model-synthesized training data.

Concept-free Causal Disentanglement with Variational Graph Auto-Encoder. (arXiv:2311.10638v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jingyun Feng, Lin Zhang, Lili Yang

In disentangled representation learning, the goal is to achieve a compact representation that consists of all interpretable generative factors in the observational data. Learning disentangled representations for graphs becomes increasingly important as graph data rapidly grows. Existing approaches often rely on Variational Auto-Encoder (VAE) or its causal structure learning-based refinement, which suffer from sub-optimality in VAEs due to the independence factor assumption and unavailability of concept labels, respectively. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised solution, dubbed concept-free causal disentanglement, built on a theoretically provable tight upper bound approximating the optimal factor. This results in an SCM-like causal structure modeling that directly learns concept structures from data. Based on this idea, we propose Concept-free Causal VGAE (CCVGAE) by incorporating a novel causal disentanglement layer into Variational Graph Auto-Encoder. Furthermore, we prove concept consistency under our concept-free causal disentanglement framework, hence employing it to enhance the meta-learning framework, called concept-free causal Meta-Graph (CC-Meta-Graph). We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed models: CCVGAE and CC-Meta-Graph, reaching up to $29\%$ and $11\%$ absolute improvements over baselines in terms of AUC, respectively.

Multi-delay arterial spin-labeled perfusion estimation with biophysics simulation and deep learning. (arXiv:2311.10640v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Renjiu Hu, Qihao Zhang, Pascal Spincemaille, Thanh D. Nguyen, Yi Wang

Purpose: To develop biophysics-based method for estimating perfusion Q from arterial spin labeling (ASL) images using deep learning. Methods: A 3D U-Net (QTMnet) was trained to estimate perfusion from 4D tracer propagation images. The network was trained and tested on simulated 4D tracer concentration data based on artificial vasculature structure generated by constrained constructive optimization (CCO) method. The trained network was further tested in a synthetic brain ASL image based on vasculature network extracted from magnetic resonance (MR) angiography. The estimations from both trained network and a conventional kinetic model were compared in ASL images acquired from eight healthy volunteers. Results: QTMnet accurately reconstructed perfusion Q from concentration data. Relative error of the synthetic brain ASL image was 7.04% for perfusion Q, lower than the error using single-delay ASL model: 25.15% for Q, and multi-delay ASL model: 12.62% for perfusion Q. Conclusion: QTMnet provides accurate estimation on perfusion parameters and is a promising approach as a clinical ASL MRI image processing pipeline.

Fuse It or Lose It: Deep Fusion for Multimodal Simulation-Based Inference. (arXiv:2311.10671v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Marvin Schmitt, Stefan T. Radev, Paul-Christian Bürkner

We present multimodal neural posterior estimation (MultiNPE), a method to integrate heterogeneous data from different sources in simulation-based inference with neural networks. Inspired by advances in attention-based deep fusion learning, it empowers researchers to analyze data from different domains and infer the parameters of complex mathematical models with increased accuracy. We formulate different multimodal fusion approaches for MultiNPE (early, late, and hybrid) and evaluate their performance in three challenging numerical experiments. MultiNPE not only outperforms na\"ive baselines on a benchmark model, but also achieves superior inference on representative scientific models from neuroscience and cardiology. In addition, we systematically investigate the impact of partially missing data on the different fusion strategies. Across our different experiments, late and hybrid fusion techniques emerge as the methods of choice for practical applications of multimodal simulation-based inference.

Distilling and Retrieving Generalizable Knowledge for Robot Manipulation via Language Corrections. (arXiv:2311.10678v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Lihan Zha, Yuchen Cui, Li-Heng Lin, Minae Kwon, Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas, Andy Zeng, Fei Xia, Dorsa Sadigh

Today's robot policies exhibit subpar performance when faced with the challenge of generalizing to novel environments. Human corrective feedback is a crucial form of guidance to enable such generalization. However, adapting to and learning from online human corrections is a non-trivial endeavor: not only do robots need to remember human feedback over time to retrieve the right information in new settings and reduce the intervention rate, but also they would need to be able to respond to feedback that can be arbitrary corrections about high-level human preferences to low-level adjustments to skill parameters. In this work, we present Distillation and Retrieval of Online Corrections (DROC), a large language model (LLM)-based system that can respond to arbitrary forms of language feedback, distill generalizable knowledge from corrections, and retrieve relevant past experiences based on textual and visual similarity for improving performance in novel settings. DROC is able to respond to a sequence of online language corrections that address failures in both high-level task plans and low-level skill primitives. We demonstrate that DROC effectively distills the relevant information from the sequence of online corrections in a knowledge base and retrieves that knowledge in settings with new task or object instances. DROC outperforms other techniques that directly generate robot code via LLMs by using only half of the total number of corrections needed in the first round and requires little to no corrections after two iterations. We show further results, videos, prompts and code on .

PEFT-MedAware: Large Language Model for Medical Awareness. (arXiv:2311.10697v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Keivalya Pandya

Chat models are capable of answering a wide range of questions, however, the accuracy of their responses is highly uncertain. In this research, we propose a specialized PEFT-MedAware model where we utilize parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) to enhance the Falcon-1b large language model on specialized MedQuAD data consisting of 16,407 medical QA pairs, leveraging only 0.44% of its trainable parameters to enhance computational efficiency. The paper adopts data preprocessing and PEFT to optimize model performance, complemented by a BitsAndBytesConfig for efficient transformer training. The resulting model was capable of outperforming other LLMs in medical question-answering tasks in specific domains with greater accuracy utilizing limited computational resources making it suitable for deployment in resource-constrained environments. We propose further improvements through expanded datasets, larger models, and feedback mechanisms for sustained medical relevancy. Our work highlights the efficiency gains and specialized capabilities of PEFT in medical AI, outpacing standard models in precision without extensive resource demands. The proposed model and data are released for research purposes only.

Using linear initialisation to improve speed of convergence and fully-trained error in Autoencoders. (arXiv:2311.10699v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Marcel Marais, Mate Hartstein, George Cevora

Good weight initialisation is an important step in successful training of Artificial Neural Networks. Over time a number of improvements have been proposed to this process. In this paper we introduce a novel weight initialisation technique called the Straddled Matrix Initialiser. This initialisation technique is motivated by our assumption that major, global-scale relationships in data are linear with only smaller effects requiring complex non-linearities. Combination of Straddled Matrix and ReLU activation function initialises a Neural Network as a de facto linear model, which we postulate should be a better starting point for optimisation given our assumptions. We test this by training autoencoders on three datasets using Straddled Matrix and seven other state-of-the-art weight initialisation techniques. In all our experiments the Straddeled Matrix Initialiser clearly outperforms all other methods.

Emu Video: Factorizing Text-to-Video Generation by Explicit Image Conditioning. (arXiv:2311.10709v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rohit Girdhar, Mannat Singh, Andrew Brown, Quentin Duval, Samaneh Azadi, Sai Saketh Rambhatla, Akbar Shah, Xi Yin, Devi Parikh, Ishan Misra

We present Emu Video, a text-to-video generation model that factorizes the generation into two steps: first generating an image conditioned on the text, and then generating a video conditioned on the text and the generated image. We identify critical design decisions--adjusted noise schedules for diffusion, and multi-stage training--that enable us to directly generate high quality and high resolution videos, without requiring a deep cascade of models as in prior work. In human evaluations, our generated videos are strongly preferred in quality compared to all prior work--81% vs. Google's Imagen Video, 90% vs. Nvidia's PYOCO, and 96% vs. Meta's Make-A-Video. Our model outperforms commercial solutions such as RunwayML's Gen2 and Pika Labs. Finally, our factorizing approach naturally lends itself to animating images based on a user's text prompt, where our generations are preferred 96% over prior work.

A Skew-Sensitive Evaluation Framework for Imbalanced Data Classification. (arXiv:2010.05995v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Min Du, Nesime Tatbul, Brian Rivers, Akhilesh Kumar Gupta, Lucas Hu, Wei Wang, Ryan Marcus, Shengtian Zhou, Insup Lee, Justin Gottschlich

Class distribution skews in imbalanced datasets may lead to models with prediction bias towards majority classes, making fair assessment of classifiers a challenging task. Metrics such as Balanced Accuracy are commonly used to evaluate a classifier's prediction performance under such scenarios. However, these metrics fall short when classes vary in importance. In this paper, we propose a simple and general-purpose evaluation framework for imbalanced data classification that is sensitive to arbitrary skews in class cardinalities and importances. Experiments with several state-of-the-art classifiers tested on real-world datasets from three different domains show the effectiveness of our framework - not only in evaluating and ranking classifiers, but also training them.

Concave Utility Reinforcement Learning with Zero-Constraint Violations. (arXiv:2109.05439v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mridul Agarwal, Qinbo Bai, Vaneet Aggarwal

We consider the problem of tabular infinite horizon concave utility reinforcement learning (CURL) with convex constraints. For this, we propose a model-based learning algorithm that also achieves zero constraint violations. Assuming that the concave objective and the convex constraints have a solution interior to the set of feasible occupation measures, we solve a tighter optimization problem to ensure that the constraints are never violated despite the imprecise model knowledge and model stochasticity. We use Bellman error-based analysis for tabular infinite-horizon setups which allows analyzing stochastic policies. Combining the Bellman error-based analysis and tighter optimization equation, for $T$ interactions with the environment, we obtain a high-probability regret guarantee for objective which grows as $\Tilde{O}(1/\sqrt{T})$, excluding other factors. The proposed method can be applied for optimistic algorithms to obtain high-probability regret bounds and also be used for posterior sampling algorithms to obtain a loose Bayesian regret bounds but with significant improvement in computational complexity.

Graph Enhanced BERT for Query Understanding. (arXiv:2204.06522v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Juanhui Li, Yao Ma, Wei Zeng, Suqi Cheng, Jiliang Tang, Shuaiqiang Wang, Dawei Yin

Query understanding plays a key role in exploring users' search intents and facilitating users to locate their most desired information. However, it is inherently challenging since it needs to capture semantic information from short and ambiguous queries and often requires massive task-specific labeled data. In recent years, pre-trained language models (PLMs) have advanced various natural language processing tasks because they can extract general semantic information from large-scale corpora. Therefore, there are unprecedented opportunities to adopt PLMs for query understanding. However, there is a gap between the goal of query understanding and existing pre-training strategies -- the goal of query understanding is to boost search performance while existing strategies rarely consider this goal. Thus, directly applying them to query understanding is sub-optimal. On the other hand, search logs contain user clicks between queries and urls that provide rich users' search behavioral information on queries beyond their content. Therefore, in this paper, we aim to fill this gap by exploring search logs. In particular, to incorporate search logs into pre-training, we first construct a query graph where nodes are queries and two queries are connected if they lead to clicks on the same urls. Then we propose a novel graph-enhanced pre-training framework, GE-BERT, which can leverage both query content and the query graph. In other words, GE-BERT can capture both the semantic information and the users' search behavioral information of queries. Extensive experiments on various query understanding tasks have demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed framework.

Comparing Deep Reinforcement Learning Algorithms in Two-Echelon Supply Chains. (arXiv:2204.09603v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Francesco Stranieri, Fabio Stella

In this study, we analyze and compare the performance of state-of-the-art deep reinforcement learning algorithms for solving the supply chain inventory management problem. This complex sequential decision-making problem consists of determining the optimal quantity of products to be produced and shipped across different warehouses over a given time horizon. In particular, we present a mathematical formulation of a two-echelon supply chain environment with stochastic and seasonal demand, which allows managing an arbitrary number of warehouses and product types. Through a rich set of numerical experiments, we compare the performance of different deep reinforcement learning algorithms under various supply chain structures, topologies, demands, capacities, and costs. The results of the experimental plan indicate that deep reinforcement learning algorithms outperform traditional inventory management strategies, such as the static (s, Q)-policy. Furthermore, this study provides detailed insight into the design and development of an open-source software library that provides a customizable environment for solving the supply chain inventory management problem using a wide range of data-driven approaches.

A Faithful Deep Sensitivity Estimation for Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (arXiv:2210.12723v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zi Wang, Haoming Fang, Chen Qian, Boxuan Shi, Lijun Bao, Liuhong Zhu, Jianjun Zhou, Wenping Wei, Jianzhong Lin, Di Guo, Xiaobo Qu

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an essential diagnostic tool that suffers from prolonged scan time. To alleviate this limitation, advanced fast MRI technology attracts extensive research interests. Recent deep learning has shown its great potential in improving image quality and reconstruction speed. Faithful coil sensitivity estimation is vital for MRI reconstruction. However, most deep learning methods still rely on pre-estimated sensitivity maps and ignore their inaccuracy, resulting in the significant quality degradation of reconstructed images. In this work, we propose a Joint Deep Sensitivity estimation and Image reconstruction network, called JDSI. During the image artifacts removal, it gradually provides more faithful sensitivity maps with high-frequency information, leading to improved image reconstructions. To understand the behavior of the network, the mutual promotion of sensitivity estimation and image reconstruction is revealed through the visualization of network intermediate results. Results on in vivo datasets and radiologist reader study demonstrate that, for both calibration-based and calibrationless reconstruction, the proposed JDSI achieves the state-of-the-art performance visually and quantitatively, especially when the acceleration factor is high. Additionally, JDSI owns nice robustness to patients and autocalibration signals.

Bespoke: A Block-Level Neural Network Optimization Framework for Low-Cost Deployment. (arXiv:2303.01913v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jong-Ryul Lee, Yong-Hyuk Moon

As deep learning models become popular, there is a lot of need for deploying them to diverse device environments. Because it is costly to develop and optimize a neural network for every single environment, there is a line of research to search neural networks for multiple target environments efficiently. However, existing works for such a situation still suffer from requiring many GPUs and expensive costs. Motivated by this, we propose a novel neural network optimization framework named Bespoke for low-cost deployment. Our framework searches for a lightweight model by replacing parts of an original model with randomly selected alternatives, each of which comes from a pretrained neural network or the original model. In the practical sense, Bespoke has two significant merits. One is that it requires near zero cost for designing the search space of neural networks. The other merit is that it exploits the sub-networks of public pretrained neural networks, so the total cost is minimal compared to the existing works. We conduct experiments exploring Bespoke's the merits, and the results show that it finds efficient models for multiple targets with meager cost.

Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Isolated Imaginations. (arXiv:2303.14889v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Minting Pan, Xiangming Zhu, Yitao Zheng, Yunbo Wang, Xiaokang Yang

World models learn the consequences of actions in vision-based interactive systems. However, in practical scenarios like autonomous driving, noncontrollable dynamics that are independent or sparsely dependent on action signals often exist, making it challenging to learn effective world models. To address this issue, we propose Iso-Dream++, a model-based reinforcement learning approach that has two main contributions. First, we optimize the inverse dynamics to encourage the world model to isolate controllable state transitions from the mixed spatiotemporal variations of the environment. Second, we perform policy optimization based on the decoupled latent imaginations, where we roll out noncontrollable states into the future and adaptively associate them with the current controllable state. This enables long-horizon visuomotor control tasks to benefit from isolating mixed dynamics sources in the wild, such as self-driving cars that can anticipate the movement of other vehicles, thereby avoiding potential risks. On top of our previous work, we further consider the sparse dependencies between controllable and noncontrollable states, address the training collapse problem of state decoupling, and validate our approach in transfer learning setups. Our empirical study demonstrates that Iso-Dream++ outperforms existing reinforcement learning models significantly on CARLA and DeepMind Control.

Exploring and Interacting with the Set of Good Sparse Generalized Additive Models. (arXiv:2303.16047v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chudi Zhong, Zhi Chen, Jiachang Liu, Margo Seltzer, Cynthia Rudin

In real applications, interaction between machine learning models and domain experts is critical; however, the classical machine learning paradigm that usually produces only a single model does not facilitate such interaction. Approximating and exploring the Rashomon set, i.e., the set of all near-optimal models, addresses this practical challenge by providing the user with a searchable space containing a diverse set of models from which domain experts can choose. We present algorithms to efficiently and accurately approximate the Rashomon set of sparse, generalized additive models with ellipsoids for fixed support sets and use these ellipsoids to approximate Rashomon sets for many different support sets. The approximated Rashomon set serves as a cornerstone to solve practical challenges such as (1) studying the variable importance for the model class; (2) finding models under user-specified constraints (monotonicity, direct editing); and (3) investigating sudden changes in the shape functions. Experiments demonstrate the fidelity of the approximated Rashomon set and its effectiveness in solving practical challenges.

Language Models can Solve Computer Tasks. (arXiv:2303.17491v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Geunwoo Kim, Pierre Baldi, Stephen McAleer

Agents capable of carrying out general tasks on a computer can improve efficiency and productivity by automating repetitive tasks and assisting in complex problem-solving. Ideally, such agents should be able to solve new computer tasks presented to them through natural language commands. However, previous approaches to this problem require large amounts of expert demonstrations and task-specific reward functions, both of which are impractical for new tasks. In this work, we show that a pre-trained large language model (LLM) agent can execute computer tasks guided by natural language using a simple prompting scheme where the agent Recursively Criticizes and Improves its output (RCI). The RCI approach significantly outperforms existing LLM methods for automating computer tasks and surpasses supervised learning (SL) and reinforcement learning (RL) approaches on the MiniWoB++ benchmark. We compare multiple LLMs and find that RCI with the InstructGPT-3+RLHF LLM is state-of-the-art on MiniWoB++, using only a handful of demonstrations per task rather than tens of thousands, and without a task-specific reward function. Furthermore, we demonstrate RCI prompting's effectiveness in enhancing LLMs' reasoning abilities on a suite of natural language reasoning tasks, outperforming chain of thought (CoT) prompting with external feedback. We find that RCI combined with CoT performs better than either separately. Our code can be found here:

Sasha: creative goal-oriented reasoning in smart homes with large language models. (arXiv:2305.09802v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Evan King, Haoxiang Yu, Sangsu Lee, Christine Julien

Smart home assistants function best when user commands are direct and well-specified (e.g., "turn on the kitchen light"), or when a hard-coded routine specifies the response. In more natural communication, however, human speech is unconstrained, often describing goals (e.g., "make it cozy in here" or "help me save energy") rather than indicating specific target devices and actions to take on those devices. Current systems fail to understand these under-specified commands since they cannot reason about devices and settings as they relate to human situations. We introduce large language models (LLMs) to this problem space, exploring their use for controlling devices and creating automation routines in response to under-specified user commands in smart homes. We empirically study the baseline quality and failure modes of LLM-created action plans with a survey of age-diverse users. We find that LLMs can reason creatively to achieve challenging goals, but they experience patterns of failure that diminish their usefulness. We address these gaps with Sasha, a smarter smart home assistant. Sasha responds to loosely-constrained commands like "make it cozy" or "help me sleep better" by executing plans to achieve user goals, e.g., setting a mood with available devices, or devising automation routines. We evaluate our implementation of Sasha in a hands-on user study, showing its capabilities and limitations when faced with unconstrained user-generated scenarios.

DUET: 2D Structured and Approximately Equivariant Representations. (arXiv:2306.16058v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xavier Suau, Federico Danieli, T. Anderson Keller, Arno Blaas, Chen Huang, Jason Ramapuram, Dan Busbridge, Luca Zappella

Multiview Self-Supervised Learning (MSSL) is based on learning invariances with respect to a set of input transformations. However, invariance partially or totally removes transformation-related information from the representations, which might harm performance for specific downstream tasks that require such information. We propose 2D strUctured and EquivarianT representations (coined DUET), which are 2d representations organized in a matrix structure, and equivariant with respect to transformations acting on the input data. DUET representations maintain information about an input transformation, while remaining semantically expressive. Compared to SimCLR (Chen et al., 2020) (unstructured and invariant) and ESSL (Dangovski et al., 2022) (unstructured and equivariant), the structured and equivariant nature of DUET representations enables controlled generation with lower reconstruction error, while controllability is not possible with SimCLR or ESSL. DUET also achieves higher accuracy for several discriminative tasks, and improves transfer learning.

SHAMSUL: Systematic Holistic Analysis to investigate Medical Significance Utilizing Local interpretability methods in deep learning for chest radiography pathology prediction. (arXiv:2307.08003v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mahbub Ul Alam, Jaakko Hollmén, Jón Rúnar Baldvinsson, Rahim Rahmani

The interpretability of deep neural networks has become a subject of great interest within the medical and healthcare domain. This attention stems from concerns regarding transparency, legal and ethical considerations, and the medical significance of predictions generated by these deep neural networks in clinical decision support systems. To address this matter, our study delves into the application of four well-established interpretability methods: Local Interpretable Model-agnostic Explanations (LIME), Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-CAM), and Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP). Leveraging the approach of transfer learning with a multi-label-multi-class chest radiography dataset, we aim to interpret predictions pertaining to specific pathology classes. Our analysis encompasses both single-label and multi-label predictions, providing a comprehensive and unbiased assessment through quantitative and qualitative investigations, which are compared against human expert annotation. Notably, Grad-CAM demonstrates the most favorable performance in quantitative evaluation, while the LIME heatmap score segmentation visualization exhibits the highest level of medical significance. Our research underscores both the outcomes and the challenges faced in the holistic approach adopted for assessing these interpretability methods and suggests that a multimodal-based approach, incorporating diverse sources of information beyond chest radiography images, could offer additional insights for enhancing interpretability in the medical domain.

VisIT-Bench: A Benchmark for Vision-Language Instruction Following Inspired by Real-World Use. (arXiv:2308.06595v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yonatan Bitton, Hritik Bansal, Jack Hessel, Rulin Shao, Wanrong Zhu, Anas Awadalla, Josh Gardner, Rohan Taori, Ludwig Schmidt

We introduce VisIT-Bench (Visual InsTruction Benchmark), a benchmark for evaluation of instruction-following vision-language models for real-world use. Our starting point is curating 70 'instruction families' that we envision instruction tuned vision-language models should be able to address. Extending beyond evaluations like VQAv2 and COCO, tasks range from basic recognition to game playing and creative generation. Following curation, our dataset comprises 592 test queries, each with a human-authored instruction-conditioned caption. These descriptions surface instruction-specific factors, e.g., for an instruction asking about the accessibility of a storefront for wheelchair users, the instruction-conditioned caption describes ramps/potential obstacles. These descriptions enable 1) collecting human-verified reference outputs for each instance; and 2) automatic evaluation of candidate multimodal generations using a text-only LLM, aligning with human judgment. We quantify quality gaps between models and references using both human and automatic evaluations; e.g., the top-performing instruction-following model wins against the GPT-4 reference in just 27% of the comparison. VisIT-Bench is dynamic to participate, practitioners simply submit their model's response on the project website; Data, code and leaderboard is available at

Boosting Offline Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving with Hierarchical Latent Skills. (arXiv:2309.13614v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Zenan Li, Fan Nie, Qiao Sun, Fang Da, Hang Zhao

Learning-based vehicle planning is receiving increasing attention with the emergence of diverse driving simulators and large-scale driving datasets. While offline reinforcement learning (RL) is well suited for these safety-critical tasks, it still struggles to plan over extended periods. In this work, we present a skill-based framework that enhances offline RL to overcome the long-horizon vehicle planning challenge. Specifically, we design a variational autoencoder (VAE) to learn skills from offline demonstrations. To mitigate posterior collapse of common VAEs, we introduce a two-branch sequence encoder to capture both discrete options and continuous variations of the complex driving skills. The final policy treats learned skills as actions and can be trained by any off-the-shelf offline RL algorithms. This facilitates a shift in focus from per-step actions to temporally extended skills, thereby enabling long-term reasoning into the future. Extensive results on CARLA prove that our model consistently outperforms strong baselines at both training and new scenarios. Additional visualizations and experiments demonstrate the interpretability and transferability of extracted skills.

Uncertainty-Aware Decision Transformer for Stochastic Driving Environments. (arXiv:2309.16397v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zenan Li, Fan Nie, Qiao Sun, Fang Da, Hang Zhao

Offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a promising framework for learning policies without active interactions, making it especially appealing for autonomous driving tasks. Recent successes of Transformers inspire casting offline RL as sequence modeling, which performs well in long-horizon tasks. However, they are overly optimistic in stochastic environments with incorrect assumptions that the same goal can be consistently achieved by identical actions. In this paper, we introduce an UNcertainty-awaRE deciSion Transformer (UNREST) for planning in stochastic driving environments without introducing additional transition or complex generative models. Specifically, UNREST estimates state uncertainties by the conditional mutual information between transitions and returns, and segments sequences accordingly. Discovering the `uncertainty accumulation' and `temporal locality' properties of driving environments, UNREST replaces the global returns in decision transformers with less uncertain truncated returns, to learn from true outcomes of agent actions rather than environment transitions. We also dynamically evaluate environmental uncertainty during inference for cautious planning. Extensive experimental results demonstrate UNREST's superior performance in various driving scenarios and the power of our uncertainty estimation strategy.

Random Forest Kernel for High-Dimension Low Sample Size Classification. (arXiv:2310.14710v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Lucca Portes Cavalheiro, Simon Bernard, Jean Paul Barddal, Laurent Heutte

High dimension, low sample size (HDLSS) problems are numerous among real-world applications of machine learning. From medical images to text processing, traditional machine learning algorithms are usually unsuccessful in learning the best possible concept from such data. In a previous work, we proposed a dissimilarity-based approach for multi-view classification, the Random Forest Dissimilarity (RFD), that perfoms state-of-the-art results for such problems. In this work, we transpose the core principle of this approach to solving HDLSS classification problems, by using the RF similarity measure as a learned precomputed SVM kernel (RFSVM). We show that such a learned similarity measure is particularly suited and accurate for this classification context. Experiments conducted on 40 public HDLSS classification datasets, supported by rigorous statistical analyses, show that the RFSVM method outperforms existing methods for the majority of HDLSS problems and remains at the same time very competitive for low or non-HDLSS problems.

AutoDiff: combining Auto-encoder and Diffusion model for tabular data synthesizing. (arXiv:2310.15479v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Namjoon Suh, Xiaofeng Lin, Din-Yin Hsieh, Merhdad Honarkhah, Guang Cheng

Diffusion model has become a main paradigm for synthetic data generation in many subfields of modern machine learning, including computer vision, language model, or speech synthesis. In this paper, we leverage the power of diffusion model for generating synthetic tabular data. The heterogeneous features in tabular data have been main obstacles in tabular data synthesis, and we tackle this problem by employing the auto-encoder architecture. When compared with the state-of-the-art tabular synthesizers, the resulting synthetic tables from our model show nice statistical fidelities to the real data, and perform well in downstream tasks for machine learning utilities. We conducted the experiments over $15$ publicly available datasets. Notably, our model adeptly captures the correlations among features, which has been a long-standing challenge in tabular data synthesis. Our code is available at

DUMA: a Dual-Mind Conversational Agent with Fast and Slow Thinking. (arXiv:2310.18075v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaoyu Tian, Liangyu Chen, Na Liu, Yaxuan Liu, Wei Zou, Kaijiang Chen, Ming Cui

Inspired by the dual-process theory of human cognition, we introduce DUMA, a novel conversational agent framework that embodies a dual-mind mechanism through the utilization of two generative Large Language Models (LLMs) dedicated to fast and slow thinking respectively. The fast thinking model serves as the primary interface for external interactions and initial response generation, evaluating the necessity for engaging the slow thinking model based on the complexity of the complete response. When invoked, the slow thinking model takes over the conversation, engaging in meticulous planning, reasoning, and tool utilization to provide a well-analyzed response. This dual-mind configuration allows for a seamless transition between intuitive responses and deliberate problem-solving processes based on the situation. We have constructed a conversational agent to handle online inquiries in the real estate industry. The experiment proves that our method balances effectiveness and efficiency, and has a significant improvement compared to the baseline.

Closed Drafting as a Case Study for First-Principle Interpretability, Memory, and Generalizability in Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2310.20654v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ryan Rezai, Jason Wang

Closed drafting or "pick and pass" is a popular game mechanic where each round players select a card or other playable element from their hand and pass the rest to the next player. In this paper, we establish first-principle methods for studying the interpretability, generalizability, and memory of Deep Q-Network (DQN) models playing closed drafting games. In particular, we use a popular family of closed drafting games called "Sushi Go Party", in which we achieve state-of-the-art performance. We fit decision rules to interpret the decision-making strategy of trained DRL agents by comparing them to the ranking preferences of different types of human players. As Sushi Go Party can be expressed as a set of closely-related games based on the set of cards in play, we quantify the generalizability of DRL models trained on various sets of cards, establishing a method to benchmark agent performance as a function of environment unfamiliarity. Using the explicitly calculable memory of other player's hands in closed drafting games, we create measures of the ability of DRL models to learn memory.

Multi-Resolution Diffusion for Privacy-Sensitive Recommender Systems. (arXiv:2311.03488v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Derek Lilienthal, Paul Mello, Magdalini Eirinaki, Stas Tiomkin

While recommender systems have become an integral component of the Web experience, their heavy reliance on user data raises privacy and security concerns. Substituting user data with synthetic data can address these concerns, but accurately replicating these real-world datasets has been a notoriously challenging problem. Recent advancements in generative AI have demonstrated the impressive capabilities of diffusion models in generating realistic data across various domains. In this work we introduce a Score-based Diffusion Recommendation Module (SDRM), which captures the intricate patterns of real-world datasets required for training highly accurate recommender systems. SDRM allows for the generation of synthetic data that can replace existing datasets to preserve user privacy, or augment existing datasets to address excessive data sparsity. Our method outperforms competing baselines such as generative adversarial networks, variational autoencoders, and recently proposed diffusion models in synthesizing various datasets to replace or augment the original data by an average improvement of 4.30% in Recall@$k$ and 4.65% in NDCG@$k$.

Validating ChatGPT Facts through RDF Knowledge Graphs and Sentence Similarity. (arXiv:2311.04524v2 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Authors: Michalis Mountantonakis, Yannis Tzitzikas

Since ChatGPT offers detailed responses without justifications, and erroneous facts even for popular persons, events and places, in this paper we present a novel pipeline that retrieves the response of ChatGPT in RDF and tries to validate the ChatGPT facts using one or more RDF Knowledge Graphs (KGs). To this end we leverage DBpedia and LODsyndesis (an aggregated Knowledge Graph that contains 2 billion triples from 400 RDF KGs of many domains) and short sentence embeddings, and introduce an algorithm that returns the more relevant triple(s) accompanied by their provenance and a confidence score. This enables the validation of ChatGPT responses and their enrichment with justifications and provenance. To evaluate this service (such services in general), we create an evaluation benchmark that includes 2,000 ChatGPT facts; specifically 1,000 facts for famous Greek Persons, 500 facts for popular Greek Places, and 500 facts for Events related to Greece. The facts were manually labelled (approximately 73% of ChatGPT facts were correct and 27% of facts were erroneous). The results are promising; indicatively for the whole benchmark, we managed to verify the 85.3% of the correct facts of ChatGPT and to find the correct answer for the 58% of the erroneous ChatGPT facts.

Data Contamination Quiz: A Tool to Detect and Estimate Contamination in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.06233v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shahriar Golchin, Mihai Surdeanu

We propose the Data Contamination Quiz, a simple and effective approach to detect data contamination in large language models (LLMs) and estimate the amount of it. Specifically, we frame data contamination detection as a series of multiple-choice questions. We devise a quiz format wherein three perturbed versions of each dataset instance are created. These changes only include word-level perturbations, replacing words with their contextual synonyms, ensuring both the semantic and sentence structure remain exactly the same as the original instance. Together with the original instance, these perturbed versions constitute the choices in the quiz. Given that the only distinguishing signal among these choices is the exact wording, an LLM, when tasked with identifying the original instance from the choices, opts for the original if it has memorized it in its pre-training phase--a trait intrinsic to LLMs. A dataset partition is then marked as contaminated if the LLM's performance on the quiz surpasses what random chance suggests. Our evaluation spans seven datasets and their respective splits (train and test/validation) on two state-of-the-art LLMs: GPT-4 and GPT-3.5. While lacking access to the pre-training data, our results suggest that our approach not only enhances the detection of data contamination but also provides an accurate estimation of its extent, even when the contamination signal is weak.

In-context Vectors: Making In Context Learning More Effective and Controllable Through Latent Space Steering. (arXiv:2311.06668v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sheng Liu, Lei Xing, James Zou

Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate emergent in-context learning capabilities, where they adapt to new tasks based on example demonstrations. However, in-context learning has seen limited effectiveness in many settings, is difficult to quantitatively control and takes up context window space. To overcome these limitations, we propose an alternative approach that recasts in-context learning as in-context vectors (ICV). Using ICV has two steps. We first use a forward pass on demonstration examples to create the in-context vector from the latent embedding of the LLM. This vector captures essential information about the intended task. On a new query, instead of adding demonstrations to the prompt, we shift the latent states of the LLM using the ICV. The ICV approach has several benefits: 1) it enables the LLM to more effectively follow the demonstration examples; 2) it's easy to control by adjusting the magnitude of the ICV; 3) it reduces the length of the prompt by removing the in-context demonstrations; 4) ICV is computationally much more efficient than fine-tuning. We demonstrate that ICV achieves better performance compared to standard in-context learning and fine-tuning on diverse tasks including safety, style transfer, role-playing and formatting. Moreover, we show that we can flexibly teach LLM to simultaneously follow different types of instructions by simple vector arithmetics on the corresponding ICVs.

Joint User Pairing and Beamforming Design of Multi-STAR-RISs-Aided NOMA in the Indoor Environment via Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2311.08708v2 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Min Park, Yan Kyaw Tun, Choong Seon Hong

The development of 6G/B5G wireless networks, which have requirements that go beyond current 5G networks, is gaining interest from academia and industry. However, to increase 6G/B5G network quality, conventional cellular networks that rely on terrestrial base stations are constrained geographically and economically. Meanwhile, NOMA allows multiple users to share the same resources, which improves the spectral efficiency of the system and has the advantage of supporting a larger number of users. Additionally, by intelligently manipulating the phase and amplitude of both the reflected and transmitted signals, STAR-RISs can achieve improved coverage, increased spectral efficiency, and enhanced communication reliability. However, STAR-RISs must simultaneously optimize the amplitude and phase shift corresponding to reflection and transmission, which makes the existing terrestrial networks more complicated and is considered a major challenging issue. Motivated by the above, we study the joint user pairing for NOMA and beamforming design of Multi-STAR-RISs in an indoor environment. Then, we formulate the optimization problem with the objective of maximizing the total throughput of MUs by jointly optimizing the decoding order, user pairing, active beamforming, and passive beamforming. However, the formulated problem is a MINLP. To address this challenge, we first introduce the decoding order for NOMA networks. Next, we decompose the original problem into two subproblems, namely: 1) MU pairing and 2) Beamforming optimization under the optimal decoding order. For the first subproblem, we employ correlation-based K-means clustering to solve the user pairing problem. Then, to jointly deal with beamforming vector optimizations, we propose MAPPO, which can make quick decisions in the given environment owing to its low complexity.

LymphoML: An interpretable artificial intelligence-based method identifies morphologic features that correlate with lymphoma subtype. (arXiv:2311.09574v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Vivek Shankar, Xiaoli Yang, Vrishab Krishna, Brent Tan, Oscar Silva, Rebecca Rojansky, Andrew Ng, Fabiola Valvert, Edward Briercheck, David Weinstock, Yasodha Natkunam, Sebastian Fernandez-Pol, Pranav Rajpurkar

The accurate classification of lymphoma subtypes using hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained tissue is complicated by the wide range of morphological features these cancers can exhibit. We present LymphoML - an interpretable machine learning method that identifies morphologic features that correlate with lymphoma subtypes. Our method applies steps to process H&E-stained tissue microarray cores, segment nuclei and cells, compute features encompassing morphology, texture, and architecture, and train gradient-boosted models to make diagnostic predictions. LymphoML's interpretable models, developed on a limited volume of H&E-stained tissue, achieve non-inferior diagnostic accuracy to pathologists using whole-slide images and outperform black box deep-learning on a dataset of 670 cases from Guatemala spanning 8 lymphoma subtypes. Using SHapley Additive exPlanation (SHAP) analysis, we assess the impact of each feature on model prediction and find that nuclear shape features are most discriminative for DLBCL (F1-score: 78.7%) and classical Hodgkin lymphoma (F1-score: 74.5%). Finally, we provide the first demonstration that a model combining features from H&E-stained tissue with features from a standardized panel of 6 immunostains results in a similar diagnostic accuracy (85.3%) to a 46-stain panel (86.1%).

Breaking Boundaries: Balancing Performance and Robustness in Deep Wireless Traffic Forecasting. (arXiv:2311.09790v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Romain Ilbert, Thai V. Hoang, Zonghua Zhang, Themis Palpanas

Balancing the trade-off between accuracy and robustness is a long-standing challenge in time series forecasting. While most of existing robust algorithms have achieved certain suboptimal performance on clean data, sustaining the same performance level in the presence of data perturbations remains extremely hard. In this paper, we study a wide array of perturbation scenarios and propose novel defense mechanisms against adversarial attacks using real-world telecom data. We compare our strategy against two existing adversarial training algorithms under a range of maximal allowed perturbations, defined using $\ell_{\infty}$-norm, $\in [0.1,0.4]$. Our findings reveal that our hybrid strategy, which is composed of a classifier to detect adversarial examples, a denoiser to eliminate noise from the perturbed data samples, and a standard forecaster, achieves the best performance on both clean and perturbed data. Our optimal model can retain up to $92.02\%$ the performance of the original forecasting model in terms of Mean Squared Error (MSE) on clean data, while being more robust than the standard adversarially trained models on perturbed data. Its MSE is 2.71$\times$ and 2.51$\times$ lower than those of comparing methods on normal and perturbed data, respectively. In addition, the components of our models can be trained in parallel, resulting in better computational efficiency. Our results indicate that we can optimally balance the trade-off between the performance and robustness of forecasting models by improving the classifier and denoiser, even in the presence of sophisticated and destructive poisoning attacks.

PsyBench: a balanced and in-depth Psychological Chinese Evaluation Benchmark for Foundation Models. (arXiv:2311.09861v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Junlei Zhang, Hongliang He, Nirui Song, Shuyuan He, Shuai Zhang, Huachuan Qiu, Anqi Li, Lizhi Ma, Zhenzhong Lan

As Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming prevalent in various fields, there is an urgent need for improved NLP benchmarks that encompass all the necessary knowledge of individual discipline. Many contemporary benchmarks for foundational models emphasize a broad range of subjects but often fall short in presenting all the critical subjects and encompassing necessary professional knowledge of them. This shortfall has led to skewed results, given that LLMs exhibit varying performance across different subjects and knowledge areas. To address this issue, we present psybench, the first comprehensive Chinese evaluation suite that covers all the necessary knowledge required for graduate entrance exams. psybench offers a deep evaluation of a model's strengths and weaknesses in psychology through multiple-choice questions. Our findings show significant differences in performance across different sections of a subject, highlighting the risk of skewed results when the knowledge in test sets is not balanced. Notably, only the ChatGPT model reaches an average accuracy above $70\%$, indicating that there is still plenty of room for improvement. We expect that psybench will help to conduct thorough evaluations of base models' strengths and weaknesses and assist in practical application in the field of psychology.

A Framework for Monitoring and Retraining Language Models in Real-World Applications. (arXiv:2311.09930v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaykumar Kasundra, Claudia Schulz, Melicaalsadat Mirsafian, Stavroula Skylaki

In the Machine Learning (ML) model development lifecycle, training candidate models using an offline holdout dataset and identifying the best model for the given task is only the first step. After the deployment of the selected model, continuous model monitoring and model retraining is required in many real-world applications. There are multiple reasons for retraining, including data or concept drift, which may be reflected on the model performance as monitored by an appropriate metric. Another motivation for retraining is the acquisition of increasing amounts of data over time, which may be used to retrain and improve the model performance even in the absence of drifts. We examine the impact of various retraining decision points on crucial factors, such as model performance and resource utilization, in the context of Multilabel Classification models. We explain our key decision points and propose a reference framework for designing an effective model retraining strategy.

JaxMARL: Multi-Agent RL Environments in JAX. (arXiv:2311.10090v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alexander Rutherford, Benjamin Ellis, Matteo Gallici, Jonathan Cook, Andrei Lupu, Gardar Ingvarsson, Timon Willi, Akbir Khan, Christian Schroeder de Witt, Alexandra Souly, Saptarashmi Bandyopadhyay, Mikayel Samvelyan, Minqi Jiang, Robert Tjarko Lange, Shimon Whiteson, Bruno Lacerda, Nick Hawes, Tim Rocktaschel, Chris Lu, Jakob Nicolaus Foerster

Benchmarks play an important role in the development of machine learning algorithms. For example, research in reinforcement learning (RL) has been heavily influenced by available environments and benchmarks. However, RL environments are traditionally run on the CPU, limiting their scalability with typical academic compute. Recent advancements in JAX have enabled the wider use of hardware acceleration to overcome these computational hurdles, enabling massively parallel RL training pipelines and environments. This is particularly useful for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) research. First of all, multiple agents must be considered at each environment step, adding computational burden, and secondly, the sample complexity is increased due to non-stationarity, decentralised partial observability, or other MARL challenges. In this paper, we present JaxMARL, the first open-source code base that combines ease-of-use with GPU enabled efficiency, and supports a large number of commonly used MARL environments as well as popular baseline algorithms. When considering wall clock time, our experiments show that per-run our JAX-based training pipeline is up to 12500x faster than existing approaches. This enables efficient and thorough evaluations, with the potential to alleviate the evaluation crisis of the field. We also introduce and benchmark SMAX, a vectorised, simplified version of the popular StarCraft Multi-Agent Challenge, which removes the need to run the StarCraft II game engine. This not only enables GPU acceleration, but also provides a more flexible MARL environment, unlocking the potential for self-play, meta-learning, and other future applications in MARL. We provide code at

Less is More: Proxy Datasets in NAS approaches. (arXiv:2203.06905v1 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Brian Moser, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel

Neural Architecture Search (NAS) defines the design of Neural Networks as a search problem. Unfortunately, NAS is computationally intensive because of various possibilities depending on the number of elements in the design and the possible connections between them. In this work, we extensively analyze the role of the dataset size based on several sampling approaches for reducing the dataset size (unsupervised and supervised cases) as an agnostic approach to reduce search time. We compared these techniques with four common NAS approaches in NAS-Bench-201 in roughly 1,400 experiments on CIFAR-100. One of our surprising findings is that in most cases we can reduce the amount of training data to 25\%, consequently reducing search time to 25\%, while at the same time maintaining the same accuracy as if training on the full dataset. Additionally, some designs derived from subsets out-perform designs derived from the full dataset by up to 22 p.p. accuracy.

DWA: Differential Wavelet Amplifier for Image Super-Resolution. (arXiv:2307.04593v1 [eess.IV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Brian B. Moser, Stanislav Frolov, Federico Raue, Sebastian Palacio, Andreas Dengel

This work introduces Differential Wavelet Amplifier (DWA), a drop-in module for wavelet-based image Super-Resolution (SR). DWA invigorates an approach recently receiving less attention, namely Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT). DWT enables an efficient image representation for SR and reduces the spatial area of its input by a factor of 4, the overall model size, and computation cost, framing it as an attractive approach for sustainable ML. Our proposed DWA model improves wavelet-based SR models by leveraging the difference between two convolutional filters to refine relevant feature extraction in the wavelet domain, emphasizing local contrasts and suppressing common noise in the input signals. We show its effectiveness by integrating it into existing SR models, e.g., DWSR and MWCNN, and demonstrate a clear improvement in classical SR tasks. Moreover, DWA enables a direct application of DWSR and MWCNN to input image space, reducing the DWT representation channel-wise since it omits traditional DWT.