Cross-layer scheme for low latency multiple description video streaming over Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs). (arXiv:2311.13603v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mohamed Aymen Labiod, Mohamed Gharbi, Francois-Xavier Coudoux, Patrick Corlay, Noureddine Doghmane

There is nowadays a growing demand in vehicular communications for real-time applications requiring video assistance. The new state-of-the-art high-efficiency video coding (HEVC) standard is very promising for real-time video streaming. It offers high coding efficiency, as well as dedicated low delay coding structures. Among these, the all intra (AI) coding structure guarantees minimal coding time at the expense of higher video bitrates, which therefore penalizes transmission performances. In this work, we propose an original cross-layer system in order to enhance received video quality in vehicular communications. The system is low complex and relies on a multiple description coding (MDC) approach. It is based on an adaptive mapping mechanism applied at the IEEE 802.11p standard medium access control (MAC) layer. Simulation results in a realistic vehicular environment demonstrate that for low delay video communications, the proposed method provides significant video quality improvements on the receiver side.

Breathing Life Into Sketches Using Text-to-Video Priors. (arXiv:2311.13608v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rinon Gal, Yael Vinker, Yuval Alaluf, Amit H. Bermano, Daniel Cohen-Or, Ariel Shamir, Gal Chechik

A sketch is one of the most intuitive and versatile tools humans use to convey their ideas visually. An animated sketch opens another dimension to the expression of ideas and is widely used by designers for a variety of purposes. Animating sketches is a laborious process, requiring extensive experience and professional design skills. In this work, we present a method that automatically adds motion to a single-subject sketch (hence, "breathing life into it"), merely by providing a text prompt indicating the desired motion. The output is a short animation provided in vector representation, which can be easily edited. Our method does not require extensive training, but instead leverages the motion prior of a large pretrained text-to-video diffusion model using a score-distillation loss to guide the placement of strokes. To promote natural and smooth motion and to better preserve the sketch's appearance, we model the learned motion through two components. The first governs small local deformations and the second controls global affine transformations. Surprisingly, we find that even models that struggle to generate sketch videos on their own can still serve as a useful backbone for animating abstract representations.

TRIDENT: The Nonlinear Trilogy for Implicit Neural Representations. (arXiv:2311.13610v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhenda Shen, Yanqi Cheng, Raymond H. Chan, Pietro Liò, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Angelica I Aviles-Rivero

Implicit neural representations (INRs) have garnered significant interest recently for their ability to model complex, high-dimensional data without explicit parameterisation. In this work, we introduce TRIDENT, a novel function for implicit neural representations characterised by a trilogy of nonlinearities. Firstly, it is designed to represent high-order features through order compactness. Secondly, TRIDENT efficiently captures frequency information, a feature called frequency compactness. Thirdly, it has the capability to represent signals or images such that most of its energy is concentrated in a limited spatial region, denoting spatial compactness. We demonstrated through extensive experiments on various inverse problems that our proposed function outperforms existing implicit neural representation functions.

Descriptor and Word Soups: Overcoming the Parameter Efficiency Accuracy Tradeoff for Out-of-Distribution Few-shot Learning. (arXiv:2311.13612v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Christopher Liao, Theodoros Tsiligkaridis, Brian Kulis

Over the past year, a large body of multimodal research has emerged around zero-shot evaluation using GPT descriptors. These studies boost the zero-shot accuracy of pretrained VL models with an ensemble of label-specific text generated by GPT. A recent study, WaffleCLIP, demonstrated that similar zero-shot accuracy can be achieved with an ensemble of random descriptors. However, both zero-shot methods are un-trainable and consequently sub-optimal when some few-shot out-of-distribution (OOD) training data is available. Inspired by these prior works, we present two more flexible methods called descriptor and word soups, which do not require an LLM at test time and can leverage training data to increase OOD target accuracy. Descriptor soup greedily selects a small set of textual descriptors using generic few-shot training data, then calculates robust class embeddings using the selected descriptors. Word soup greedily assembles a chain of words in a similar manner. Compared to existing few-shot soft prompt tuning methods, word soup requires fewer parameters by construction and less GPU memory, since it does not require backpropagation. Both soups outperform current published few-shot methods, even when combined with SoTA zero-shot methods, on cross-dataset and domain generalization benchmarks. Compared with SoTA prompt and descriptor ensembling methods, such as ProDA and WaffleCLIP, word soup achieves higher OOD accuracy with fewer ensemble members. Please checkout our code:

Spanning Training Progress: Temporal Dual-Depth Scoring (TDDS) for Enhanced Dataset Pruning. (arXiv:2311.13613v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xin Zhang, Jiawei Du, Yunsong Li, Weiying Xie, Joey Tianyi Zhou

Dataset pruning aims to construct a coreset capable of achieving performance comparable to the original, full dataset. Most existing dataset pruning methods rely on snapshot-based criteria to identify representative samples, often resulting in poor generalization across various pruning and cross-architecture scenarios. Recent studies have addressed this issue by expanding the scope of training dynamics considered, including factors such as forgetting event and probability change, typically using an averaging approach. However, these works struggle to integrate a broader range of training dynamics without overlooking well-generalized samples, which may not be sufficiently highlighted in an averaging manner. In this study, we propose a novel dataset pruning method termed as Temporal Dual-Depth Scoring (TDDS), to tackle this problem. TDDS utilizes a dual-depth strategy to achieve a balance between incorporating extensive training dynamics and identifying representative samples for dataset pruning. In the first depth, we estimate the series of each sample's individual contributions spanning the training progress, ensuring comprehensive integration of training dynamics. In the second depth, we focus on the variability of the sample-wise contributions identified in the first depth to highlight well-generalized samples. Extensive experiments conducted on CIFAR and ImageNet datasets verify the superiority of TDDS over previous SOTA methods. Specifically on CIFAR-100, our method achieves 54.51% accuracy with only 10% training data, surpassing random selection by 7.83% and other comparison methods by at least 12.69%.

HalluciDoctor: Mitigating Hallucinatory Toxicity in Visual Instruction Data. (arXiv:2311.13614v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Qifan Yu, Juncheng Li, Longhui Wei, Liang Pang, Wentao Ye, Bosheng Qin, Siliang Tang, Qi Tian, Yueting Zhuang

Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) tuned on machine-generated instruction-following data have demonstrated remarkable performance in various multi-modal understanding and generation tasks. However, the hallucinations inherent in machine-generated data, which could lead to hallucinatory outputs in MLLMs, remain under-explored. This work aims to investigate various hallucinations (i.e., object, relation, attribute hallucinations) and mitigate those hallucinatory toxicities in large-scale machine-generated visual instruction datasets. Drawing on the human ability to identify factual errors, we present a novel hallucination detection and elimination framework, HalluciDoctor, based on the cross-checking paradigm. We use our framework to identify and eliminate hallucinations in the training data automatically. Interestingly, HalluciDoctor also indicates that spurious correlations arising from long-tail object co-occurrences contribute to hallucinations. Based on that, we execute counterfactual visual instruction expansion to balance data distribution, thereby enhancing MLLMs' resistance to hallucinations. Comprehensive experiments on hallucination evaluation benchmarks show that our method successfully mitigates 44.6% hallucinations relatively and maintains competitive performance compared to LLaVA.The source code will be released at \url{}.

HEViTPose: High-Efficiency Vision Transformer for Human Pose Estimation. (arXiv:2311.13615v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chengpeng Wu, Guangxing Tan, Chunyu Li

Human pose estimation in complicated situations has always been a challenging task. Many Transformer-based pose networks have been proposed recently, achieving encouraging progress in improving performance. However, the remarkable performance of pose networks is always accompanied by heavy computation costs and large network scale. In order to deal with this problem, this paper proposes a High-Efficiency Vision Transformer for Human Pose Estimation (HEViTPose). In HEViTPose, a Cascaded Group Spatial Reduction Multi-Head Attention Module (CGSR-MHA) is proposed, which reduces the computational cost through feature grouping and spatial degradation mechanisms, while preserving feature diversity through multiple low-dimensional attention heads. Moreover, a concept of Patch Embedded Overlap Width (PEOW) is defined to help understand the relationship between the amount of overlap and local continuity. By optimising PEOW, our model gains improvements in performance, parameters and GFLOPs.

Comprehensive experiments on two benchmark datasets (MPII and COCO) demonstrate that the small and large HEViTPose models are on par with state-of-the-art models while being more lightweight. Specifically, HEViTPose-B achieves 90.7 PCK@0.5 on the MPII test set and 72.6 AP on the COCO test-dev2017 set. Compared with HRNet-W32 and Swin-S, our HEViTPose-B significantly reducing Params ($\downarrow$62.1%,$\downarrow$80.4%,) and GFLOPs ($\downarrow$43.4%,$\downarrow$63.8%,). Code and models are available at \url{here}.

Online Video Quality Enhancement with Spatial-Temporal Look-up Tables. (arXiv:2311.13616v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Zefan Qu, Xinyang Jiang, Yifan Yang, Dongsheng Li, Cairong Zhao

Low latency rates are crucial for online video-based applications, such as video conferencing and cloud gaming, which make improving video quality in online scenarios increasingly important. However, existing quality enhancement methods are limited by slow inference speed and the requirement for temporal information contained in future frames, making it challenging to deploy them directly in online tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel method, STLVQE, specifically designed to address the rarely studied online video quality enhancement (Online-VQE) problem. Our STLVQE designs a new VQE framework which contains a Module-Agnostic Feature Extractor that greatly reduces the redundant computations and redesign the propagation, alignment, and enhancement module of the network. A Spatial-Temporal Look-up Tables (STL) is proposed, which extracts spatial-temporal information in videos while saving substantial inference time. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to exploit the LUT structure to extract temporal information in video tasks. Extensive experiments on the MFQE 2.0 dataset demonstrate that our STLVQE achieves a satisfactory performance-speed trade-off.

Boosting3D: High-Fidelity Image-to-3D by Boosting 2D Diffusion Prior to 3D Prior with Progressive Learning. (arXiv:2311.13617v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kai Yu, Jinlin Liu, Mengyang Feng, Miaomiao Cui, Xuansong Xie

We present Boosting3D, a multi-stage single image-to-3D generation method that can robustly generate reasonable 3D objects in different data domains. The point of this work is to solve the view consistency problem in single image-guided 3D generation by modeling a reasonable geometric structure. For this purpose, we propose to utilize better 3D prior to training the NeRF. More specifically, we train an object-level LoRA for the target object using original image and the rendering output of NeRF. And then we train the LoRA and NeRF using a progressive training strategy. The LoRA and NeRF will boost each other while training. After the progressive training, the LoRA learns the 3D information of the generated object and eventually turns to an object-level 3D prior. In the final stage, we extract the mesh from the trained NeRF and use the trained LoRA to optimize the structure and appearance of the mesh. The experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. Boosting3D learns object-specific 3D prior which is beyond the ability of pre-trained diffusion priors and achieves state-of-the-art performance in the single image-to-3d generation task.

Steal My Artworks for Fine-tuning? A Watermarking Framework for Detecting Art Theft Mimicry in Text-to-Image Models. (arXiv:2311.13619v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ge Luo, Junqiang Huang, Manman Zhang, Zhenxing Qian, Sheng Li, Xinpeng Zhang

The advancement in text-to-image models has led to astonishing artistic performances. However, several studios and websites illegally fine-tune these models using artists' artworks to mimic their styles for profit, which violates the copyrights of artists and diminishes their motivation to produce original works. Currently, there is a notable lack of research focusing on this issue. In this paper, we propose a novel watermarking framework that detects mimicry in text-to-image models through fine-tuning. This framework embeds subtle watermarks into digital artworks to protect their copyrights while still preserving the artist's visual expression. If someone takes watermarked artworks as training data to mimic an artist's style, these watermarks can serve as detectable indicators. By analyzing the distribution of these watermarks in a series of generated images, acts of fine-tuning mimicry using stolen victim data will be exposed. In various fine-tune scenarios and against watermark attack methods, our research confirms that analyzing the distribution of watermarks in artificially generated images reliably detects unauthorized mimicry.

The Challenges of Image Generation Models in Generating Multi-Component Images. (arXiv:2311.13620v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tham Yik Foong, Shashank Kotyan, Po Yuan Mao, Danilo Vasconcellos Vargas

Recent advances in text-to-image generators have led to substantial capabilities in image generation. However, the complexity of prompts acts as a bottleneck in the quality of images generated. A particular under-explored facet is the ability of generative models to create high-quality images comprising multiple components given as a prior. In this paper, we propose and validate a metric called Components Inclusion Score (CIS) to evaluate the extent to which a model can correctly generate multiple components. Our results reveal that the evaluated models struggle to incorporate all the visual elements from prompts with multiple components (8.53% drop in CIS per component for all evaluated models). We also identify a significant decline in the quality of the images and context awareness within an image as the number of components increased (15.91% decrease in inception Score and 9.62% increase in Frechet Inception Distance). To remedy this issue, we fine-tuned Stable Diffusion V2 on a custom-created test dataset with multiple components, outperforming its vanilla counterpart. To conclude, these findings reveal a critical limitation in existing text-to-image generators, shedding light on the challenge of generating multiple components within a single image using a complex prompt.

Knowledge From the Dark Side: Entropy-Reweighted Knowledge Distillation for Balanced Knowledge Transfer. (arXiv:2311.13621v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chi-Ping Su, Ching-Hsun Tseng, Shin-Jye Lee

Knowledge Distillation (KD) transfers knowledge from a larger "teacher" model to a compact "student" model, guiding the student with the "dark knowledge" $\unicode{x2014}$ the implicit insights present in the teacher's soft predictions. Although existing KDs have shown the potential of transferring knowledge, the gap between the two parties still exists. With a series of investigations, we argue the gap is the result of the student's overconfidence in prediction, signaling an imbalanced focus on pronounced features while overlooking the subtle yet crucial dark knowledge. To overcome this, we introduce the Entropy-Reweighted Knowledge Distillation (ER-KD), a novel approach that leverages the entropy in the teacher's predictions to reweight the KD loss on a sample-wise basis. ER-KD precisely refocuses the student on challenging instances rich in the teacher's nuanced insights while reducing the emphasis on simpler cases, enabling a more balanced knowledge transfer. Consequently, ER-KD not only demonstrates compatibility with various state-of-the-art KD methods but also further enhances their performance at negligible cost. This approach offers a streamlined and effective strategy to refine the knowledge transfer process in KD, setting a new paradigm in the meticulous handling of dark knowledge. Our code is available at

TDiffDe: A Truncated Diffusion Model for Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Image Denoising. (arXiv:2311.13622v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiang He, Yajie Li, Jie L, Qiangqiang Yuan

Hyperspectral images play a crucial role in precision agriculture, environmental monitoring or ecological analysis. However, due to sensor equipment and the imaging environment, the observed hyperspectral images are often inevitably corrupted by various noise. In this study, we proposed a truncated diffusion model, called TDiffDe, to recover the useful information in hyperspectral images gradually. Rather than starting from a pure noise, the input data contains image information in hyperspectral image denoising. Thus, we cut the trained diffusion model from small steps to avoid the destroy of valid information.

Density Distribution-based Learning Framework for Addressing Online Continual Learning Challenges. (arXiv:2311.13623v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shilin Zhang, Jiahui Wang

In this paper, we address the challenges of online Continual Learning (CL) by introducing a density distribution-based learning framework. CL, especially the Class Incremental Learning, enables adaptation to new test distributions while continuously learning from a single-pass training data stream, which is more in line with the practical application requirements of real-world scenarios. However, existing CL methods often suffer from catastrophic forgetting and higher computing costs due to complex algorithm designs, limiting their practical use. Our proposed framework overcomes these limitations by achieving superior average accuracy and time-space efficiency, bridging the performance gap between CL and classical machine learning. Specifically, we adopt an independent Generative Kernel Density Estimation (GKDE) model for each CL task. During the testing stage, the GKDEs utilize a self-reported max probability density value to determine which one is responsible for predicting incoming test instances. A GKDE-based learning objective can ensure that samples with the same label are grouped together, while dissimilar instances are pushed farther apart. Extensive experiments conducted on multiple CL datasets validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework. Our method outperforms popular CL approaches by a significant margin, while maintaining competitive time-space efficiency, making our framework suitable for real-world applications. Code will be available at

Vamos: Versatile Action Models for Video Understanding. (arXiv:2311.13627v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shijie Wang, Qi Zhao, Minh Quan Do, Nakul Agarwal, Kwonjoon Lee, Chen Sun

What makes good video representations for video understanding, such as anticipating future activities, or answering video-conditioned questions? While earlier approaches focus on end-to-end learning directly from video pixels, we propose to revisit text-based representations, such as discrete action labels, or free-form video captions, which are interpretable and can be directly consumed by large language models (LLMs). Intuitively, different video understanding tasks may require representations that are complementary and at different granularities. To this end, we propose versatile action models (Vamos), a learning framework powered by a large language model as the "reasoner", and can flexibly leverage visual embeddings, action labels, and free-form descriptions extracted from videos as its input. We evaluate Vamos on four complementary video understanding benchmarks, Ego4D, Next-QA, IntentQA, and EgoSchema, on its capability to model temporal dynamics, encode visual history, and perform reasoning. Surprisingly, we observe that text-based representations consistently achieve competitive performance on all benchmarks, and that visual embeddings provide marginal or no performance improvement, demonstrating the effectiveness of text-based video representation in the LLM era. We perform extensive ablation study and qualitative analysis to support our observations, and achieve state-of-the-art performance on three benchmarks.

Diffusion models meet image counter-forensics. (arXiv:2311.13629v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Matías Tailanian, Marina Gardella, Álvaro Pardo, Pablo Musé

From its acquisition in the camera sensors to its storage, different operations are performed to generate the final image. This pipeline imprints specific traces into the image to form a natural watermark. Tampering with an image disturbs these traces; these disruptions are clues that are used by most methods to detect and locate forgeries. In this article, we assess the capabilities of diffusion models to erase the traces left by forgers and, therefore, deceive forensics methods. Such an approach has been recently introduced for adversarial purification, achieving significant performance. We show that diffusion purification methods are well suited for counter-forensics tasks. Such approaches outperform already existing counter-forensics techniques both in deceiving forensics methods and in preserving the natural look of the purified images. The source code is publicly available at

GAN-Avatar: Controllable Personalized GAN-based Human Head Avatar. (arXiv:2311.13655v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Berna Kabadayi, Wojciech Zielonka, Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Gerard Pons-Moll, Justus Thies

Digital humans and, especially, 3D facial avatars have raised a lot of attention in the past years, as they are the backbone of several applications like immersive telepresence in AR or VR. Despite the progress, facial avatars reconstructed from commodity hardware are incomplete and miss out on parts of the side and back of the head, severely limiting the usability of the avatar. This limitation in prior work stems from their requirement of face tracking, which fails for profile and back views. To address this issue, we propose to learn person-specific animatable avatars from images without assuming to have access to precise facial expression tracking. At the core of our method, we leverage a 3D-aware generative model that is trained to reproduce the distribution of facial expressions from the training data. To train this appearance model, we only assume to have a collection of 2D images with the corresponding camera parameters. For controlling the model, we learn a mapping from 3DMM facial expression parameters to the latent space of the generative model. This mapping can be learned by sampling the latent space of the appearance model and reconstructing the facial parameters from a normalized frontal view, where facial expression estimation performs well. With this scheme, we decouple 3D appearance reconstruction and animation control to achieve high fidelity in image synthesis. In a series of experiments, we compare our proposed technique to state-of-the-art monocular methods and show superior quality while not requiring expression tracking of the training data.

Panda or not Panda? Understanding Adversarial Attacks with Interactive Visualization. (arXiv:2311.13656v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Yuzhe You, Jarvis Tse, Jian Zhao

Adversarial machine learning (AML) studies attacks that can fool machine learning algorithms into generating incorrect outcomes as well as the defenses against worst-case attacks to strengthen model robustness. Specifically for image classification, it is challenging to understand adversarial attacks due to their use of subtle perturbations that are not human-interpretable, as well as the variability of attack impacts influenced by diverse methodologies, instance differences, and model architectures. Through a design study with AML learners and teachers, we introduce AdvEx, a multi-level interactive visualization system that comprehensively presents the properties and impacts of evasion attacks on different image classifiers for novice AML learners. We quantitatively and qualitatively assessed AdvEx in a two-part evaluation including user studies and expert interviews. Our results show that AdvEx is not only highly effective as a visualization tool for understanding AML mechanisms, but also provides an engaging and enjoyable learning experience, thus demonstrating its overall benefits for AML learners.

BenthIQ: a Transformer-Based Benthic Classification Model for Coral Restoration. (arXiv:2311.13661v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rupa Kurinchi-Vendhan, Drew Gray, Elijah Cole

Coral reefs are vital for marine biodiversity, coastal protection, and supporting human livelihoods globally. However, they are increasingly threatened by mass bleaching events, pollution, and unsustainable practices with the advent of climate change. Monitoring the health of these ecosystems is crucial for effective restoration and management. Current methods for creating benthic composition maps often compromise between spatial coverage and resolution. In this paper, we introduce BenthIQ, a multi-label semantic segmentation network designed for high-precision classification of underwater substrates, including live coral, algae, rock, and sand. Although commonly deployed CNNs are limited in learning long-range semantic information, transformer-based models have recently achieved state-of-the-art performance in vision tasks such as object detection and image classification. We integrate the hierarchical Swin Transformer as the backbone of a U-shaped encoder-decoder architecture for local-global semantic feature learning. Using a real-world case study in French Polynesia, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms traditional CNN and attention-based models on pixel-wise classification of shallow reef imagery.

Sample as You Infer: Predictive Coding With Langevin Dynamics. (arXiv:2311.13664v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Umais Zahid, Qinghai Guo, Zafeirios Fountas

We present a novel algorithm for parameter learning in generic deep generative models that builds upon the predictive coding (PC) framework of computational neuroscience. Our approach modifies the standard PC algorithm to bring performance on-par and exceeding that obtained from standard variational auto-encoder (VAE) training. By injecting Gaussian noise into the PC inference procedure we re-envision it as an overdamped Langevin sampling, which facilitates optimisation with respect to a tight evidence lower bound (ELBO). We improve the resultant encoder-free training method by incorporating an encoder network to provide an amortised warm-start to our Langevin sampling and test three different objectives for doing so. Finally, to increase robustness to the sampling step size and reduce sensitivity to curvature, we validate a lightweight and easily computable form of preconditioning, inspired by Riemann Manifold Langevin and adaptive optimizers from the SGD literature. We compare against VAEs by training like-for-like generative models using our technique against those trained with standard reparameterisation-trick-based ELBOs. We observe our method out-performs or matches performance across a number of metrics, including sample quality, while converging in a fraction of the number of SGD training iterations.

MAIRA-1: A specialised large multimodal model for radiology report generation. (arXiv:2311.13668v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Stephanie L. Hyland, Shruthi Bannur, Kenza Bouzid, Daniel C. Castro, Mercy Ranjit, Anton Schwaighofer, Fernando Pérez-García, Valentina Salvatelli, Shaury Srivastav, Anja Thieme, Noel Codella, Matthew P. Lungren, Maria Teodora Wetscherek, Ozan Oktay, Javier Alvarez-Valle

We present a radiology-specific multimodal model for the task for generating radiological reports from chest X-rays (CXRs). Our work builds on the idea that large language model(s) can be equipped with multimodal capabilities through alignment with pre-trained vision encoders. On natural images, this has been shown to allow multimodal models to gain image understanding and description capabilities. Our proposed model (MAIRA-1) leverages a CXR-specific image encoder in conjunction with a fine-tuned large language model based on Vicuna-7B, and text-based data augmentation, to produce reports with state-of-the-art quality. In particular, MAIRA-1 significantly improves on the radiologist-aligned RadCliQ metric and across all lexical metrics considered. Manual review of model outputs demonstrates promising fluency and accuracy of generated reports while uncovering failure modes not captured by existing evaluation practices. More information and resources can be found on the project website:

Compact 3D Gaussian Representation for Radiance Field. (arXiv:2311.13681v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Joo Chan Lee, Daniel Rho, Xiangyu Sun, Jong Hwan Ko, Eunbyung Park

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) have demonstrated remarkable potential in capturing complex 3D scenes with high fidelity. However, one persistent challenge that hinders the widespread adoption of NeRFs is the computational bottleneck due to the volumetric rendering. On the other hand, 3D Gaussian splatting (3DGS) has recently emerged as an alternative representation that leverages a 3D Gaussisan-based representation and adopts the rasterization pipeline to render the images rather than volumetric rendering, achieving very fast rendering speed and promising image quality. However, a significant drawback arises as 3DGS entails a substantial number of 3D Gaussians to maintain the high fidelity of the rendered images, which requires a large amount of memory and storage. To address this critical issue, we place a specific emphasis on two key objectives: reducing the number of Gaussian points without sacrificing performance and compressing the Gaussian attributes, such as view-dependent color and covariance. To this end, we propose a learnable mask strategy that significantly reduces the number of Gaussians while preserving high performance. In addition, we propose a compact but effective representation of view-dependent color by employing a grid-based neural field rather than relying on spherical harmonics. Finally, we learn codebooks to compactly represent the geometric attributes of Gaussian by vector quantization. In our extensive experiments, we consistently show over 10$\times$ reduced storage and enhanced rendering speed, while maintaining the quality of the scene representation, compared to 3DGS. Our work provides a comprehensive framework for 3D scene representation, achieving high performance, fast training, compactness, and real-time rendering. Our project page is available at

Single-Shot Plug-and-Play Methods for Inverse Problems. (arXiv:2311.13682v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yanqi Cheng, Lipei Zhang, Zhenda Shen, Shujun Wang, Lequan Yu, Raymond H. Chan, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb, Angelica I Aviles-Rivero

The utilisation of Plug-and-Play (PnP) priors in inverse problems has become increasingly prominent in recent years. This preference is based on the mathematical equivalence between the general proximal operator and the regularised denoiser, facilitating the adaptation of various off-the-shelf denoiser priors to a wide range of inverse problems. However, existing PnP models predominantly rely on pre-trained denoisers using large datasets. In this work, we introduce Single-Shot PnP methods (SS-PnP), shifting the focus to solving inverse problems with minimal data. First, we integrate Single-Shot proximal denoisers into iterative methods, enabling training with single instances. Second, we propose implicit neural priors based on a novel function that preserves relevant frequencies to capture fine details while avoiding the issue of vanishing gradients. We demonstrate, through extensive numerical and visual experiments, that our method leads to better approximations.

Masked Conditional Diffusion Models for Image Analysis with Application to Radiographic Diagnosis of Infant Abuse. (arXiv:2311.13688v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Shaoju Wu, Sila Kurugol, Andy Tsai

The classic metaphyseal lesion (CML) is a distinct injury that is highly specific for infant abuse. It commonly occurs in the distal tibia. To aid radiologists detect these subtle fractures, we need to develop a model that can flag abnormal distal tibial radiographs (i.e. those with CMLs). Unfortunately, the development of such a model requires a large and diverse training database, which is often not available. To address this limitation, we propose a novel generative model for data augmentation. Unlike previous models that fail to generate data that span the diverse radiographic appearance of the distal tibial CML, our proposed masked conditional diffusion model (MaC-DM) not only generates realistic-appearing and wide-ranging synthetic images of the distal tibial radiographs with and without CMLs, it also generates their associated segmentation labels. To achieve these tasks, MaC-DM combines the weighted segmentation masks of the tibias and the CML fracture sites as additional conditions for classifier guidance. The augmented images from our model improved the performances of ResNet-34 in classifying normal radiographs and those with CMLs. Further, the augmented images and their associated segmentation masks enhanced the performance of the U-Net in labeling areas of the CMLs on distal tibial radiographs.

Multi-view Hybrid Graph Convolutional Network for Volume-to-mesh Reconstruction in Cardiovascular MRI. (arXiv:2311.13706v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Nicolás Gaggion, Benjamin A. Matheson, Yan Xia, Rodrigo Bonazzola, Nishant Ravikumar, Zeike A. Taylor, Diego H. Milone, Alejandro F. Frangi, Enzo Ferrante

Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging is emerging as a crucial tool to examine cardiac morphology and function. Essential to this endeavour are anatomical 3D surface and volumetric meshes derived from CMR images, which facilitate computational anatomy studies, biomarker discovery, and in-silico simulations. However, conventional surface mesh generation methods, such as active shape models and multi-atlas segmentation, are highly time-consuming and require complex processing pipelines to generate simulation-ready 3D meshes. In response, we introduce HybridVNet, a novel architecture for direct image-to-mesh extraction seamlessly integrating standard convolutional neural networks with graph convolutions, which we prove can efficiently handle surface and volumetric meshes by encoding them as graph structures. To further enhance accuracy, we propose a multiview HybridVNet architecture which processes both long axis and short axis CMR, showing that it can increase the performance of cardiac MR mesh generation. Our model combines traditional convolutional networks with variational graph generative models, deep supervision and mesh-specific regularisation. Experiments on a comprehensive dataset from the UK Biobank confirm the potential of HybridVNet to significantly advance cardiac imaging and computational cardiology by efficiently generating high-fidelity and simulation ready meshes from CMR images.

A Comprehensive Review of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Major Retinal Conditions. (arXiv:2311.13710v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Hina Raja, Taimur Hassan, Bilal Hassan, Muhammad Usman Akram, Hira Raja, Alaa A Abd-alrazaq, Siamak Yousefi, Naoufel Werghi

This paper provides a systematic survey of retinal diseases that cause visual impairments or blindness, emphasizing the importance of early detection for effective treatment. It covers both clinical and automated approaches for detecting retinal disease, focusing on studies from the past decade. The survey evaluates various algorithms for identifying structural abnormalities and diagnosing retinal diseases, and it identifies future research directions based on a critical analysis of existing literature. This comprehensive study, which reviews both clinical and automated detection methods using different modalities, appears to be unique in its scope. Additionally, the survey serves as a helpful guide for researchers interested in digital retinopathy.

A Somewhat Robust Image Watermark against Diffusion-based Editing Models. (arXiv:2311.13713v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Mingtian Tan, Tianhao Wang, Somesh Jha

Recently, diffusion models (DMs) have become the state-of-the-art method for image synthesis. Editing models based on DMs, known for their high fidelity and precision, have inadvertently introduced new challenges related to image copyright infringement and malicious editing. Our work is the first to formalize and address this issue. After assessing and attempting to enhance traditional image watermarking techniques, we recognize their limitations in this emerging context. In response, we develop a novel technique, RIW (Robust Invisible Watermarking), to embed invisible watermarks leveraging adversarial example techniques. Our technique ensures a high extraction accuracy of $96\%$ for the invisible watermark after editing, compared to the $0\%$ offered by conventional methods. We provide access to our code at

DiverseNet: Decision Diversified Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation Networks for Remote Sensing Imagery. (arXiv:2311.13716v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wanli Ma, Oktay Karakus, Paul L. Rosin

Semi-supervised learning is designed to help reduce the cost of the manual labelling process by exploiting the use of useful features from a large quantity of unlabelled data during training. Since pixel-level manual labelling in large-scale remote sensing imagery is expensive, semi-supervised learning becomes an appropriate solution to this. However, most of the existing semi-supervised learning methods still lack efficient perturbation methods to promote diversity of features and the precision of pseudo labels during training. In order to fill this gap, we propose DiverseNet architectures which explore multi-head and multi-model semi-supervised learning algorithms by simultaneously promoting precision and diversity during training. The two proposed methods of DiverseNet, namely the DiverseHead and DiverseModel, achieve the highest semantic segmentation performance in four widely utilised remote sensing imagery data sets compared to state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning methods. Meanwhile, the proposed DiverseHead architecture is relatively lightweight in terms of parameter space compared to the state-of-the-art methods whilst reaching high-performance results for all the tested data sets.

Importance of Feature Extraction in the Calculation of Fr\'echet Distance for Medical Imaging. (arXiv:2311.13717v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: McKell Woodland (1 and 2), Mais Al Taie, Jessica Albuquerque Marques Silva (1), Mohamed Eltaher (1), Frank Mohn (1), Alexander Shieh (1), Austin Castelo (1), Suprateek Kundu (1), Joshua P. Yung (1), Ankit B. Patel (2 and 3), Kristy K. Brock (1) ((1) The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, (2) Rice University, (3) Baylor College of Medicine)

Fr\'echet Inception Distance is a widely used metric for evaluating synthetic image quality that utilizes an ImageNet-trained InceptionV3 network as a feature extractor. However, its application in medical imaging lacks a standard feature extractor, leading to biased and inconsistent comparisons. This study aimed to compare state-of-the-art feature extractors for computing Fr\'echet Distances (FDs) in medical imaging. A StyleGAN2 network was trained with data augmentation techniques tailored for limited data domains on datasets comprising three medical imaging modalities and four anatomical locations. Human evaluation of generative quality (via a visual Turing test) was compared to FDs calculated using ImageNet-trained InceptionV3, ResNet50, SwAV, DINO, and Swin Transformer architectures, in addition to an InceptionV3 network trained on a large medical dataset, RadImageNet. All ImageNet-based extractors were consistent with each other, but only SwAV was significantly correlated with medical expert judgment. The RadImageNet-based FD showed volatility and lacked correlation with human judgment. Caution is advised when using medical image-trained extraction networks in the FD calculation. These networks should be rigorously evaluated on the imaging modality under consideration and publicly released. ImageNet-based extractors, while imperfect, are consistent and widely understood. Training extraction networks with SwAV is a promising approach for synthetic medical image evaluation.

Deep learning-based instance segmentation for the precise automated quantification of digital breast cancer immunohistochemistry images. (arXiv:2311.13719v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Blanca Maria Priego-Torresa, Barbara Lobato-Delgado, Lidia Atienza-Cuevas, Daniel Sanchez-Morillo

The quantification of biomarkers on immunohistochemistry breast cancer images is essential for defining appropriate therapy for breast cancer patients, as well as for extracting relevant information on disease prognosis. This is an arduous and time-consuming task that may introduce a bias in the results due to intra- and inter-observer variability which could be alleviated by making use of automatic quantification tools. However, this is not a simple processing task given the heterogeneity of breast tumors that results in non-uniformly distributed tumor cells exhibiting different staining colors and intensity, size, shape, and texture, of the nucleus, cytoplasm and membrane. In this research work, we demonstrate the feasibility of using a deep learning-based instance segmentation architecture for the automatic quantification of both nuclear and membrane biomarkers applied to IHC-stained slides. We have solved the cumbersome task of training set generation with the design and implementation of a web platform, which has served as a hub for communication and feedback between researchers and pathologists as well as a system for the validation of the automatic image processing models. Through this tool, we have collected annotations over samples of HE, ER and Ki-67 (nuclear biomarkers) and HER2 (membrane biomarker) IHC-stained images. Using the same deep learning network architecture, we have trained two models, so-called nuclei- and membrane-aware segmentation models, which, once successfully validated, have revealed to be a promising method to segment nuclei instances in IHC-stained images. The quantification method proposed in this work has been integrated into the developed web platform and is currently being used as a decision-support tool by pathologists.

Sample-Efficient Training for Diffusion. (arXiv:2311.13745v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shivam Gupta, Aditya Parulekar, Eric Price, Zhiyang Xun

Score-based diffusion models have become the most popular approach to deep generative modeling of images, largely due to their empirical performance and reliability. Recently, a number of theoretical works \citep{chen2022, Chen2022ImprovedAO, Chenetal23flowode, benton2023linear} have shown that diffusion models can efficiently sample, assuming $L^2$-accurate score estimates. The score-matching objective naturally approximates the true score in $L^2$, but the sample complexity of existing bounds depends \emph{polynomially} on the data radius and desired Wasserstein accuracy. By contrast, the time complexity of sampling is only logarithmic in these parameters. We show that estimating the score in $L^2$ \emph{requires} this polynomial dependence, but that a number of samples that scales polylogarithmically in the Wasserstein accuracy actually do suffice for sampling. We show that with a polylogarithmic number of samples, the ERM of the score-matching objective is $L^2$ accurate on all but a probability $\delta$ fraction of the true distribution, and that this weaker guarantee is sufficient for efficient sampling.

Towards Transferable Multi-modal Perception Representation Learning for Autonomy: NeRF-Supervised Masked AutoEncoder. (arXiv:2311.13750v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaohao Xu

This work proposes a unified self-supervised pre-training framework for transferable multi-modal perception representation learning via masked multi-modal reconstruction in Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), namely NeRF-Supervised Masked AutoEncoder (NS-MAE). Specifically, conditioned on certain view directions and locations, multi-modal embeddings extracted from corrupted multi-modal input signals, i.e., Lidar point clouds and images, are rendered into projected multi-modal feature maps via neural rendering. Then, original multi-modal signals serve as reconstruction targets for the rendered multi-modal feature maps to enable self-supervised representation learning. Extensive experiments show that the representation learned via NS-MAE shows promising transferability for diverse multi-modal and single-modal (camera-only and Lidar-only) perception models on diverse 3D perception downstream tasks (3D object detection and BEV map segmentation) with diverse amounts of fine-tuning labeled data. Moreover, we empirically find that NS-MAE enjoys the synergy of both the mechanism of masked autoencoder and neural radiance field. Our code shall be released upon acceptance.

3D-MIR: A Benchmark and Empirical Study on 3D Medical Image Retrieval in Radiology. (arXiv:2311.13752v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Asma Ben Abacha, Alberto Santamaria-Pang, Ho Hin Lee, Jameson Merkow, Qin Cai, Surya Teja Devarakonda, Abdullah Islam, Julia Gong, Matthew P. Lungren, Thomas Lin, Noel C Codella, Ivan Tarapov

The increasing use of medical imaging in healthcare settings presents a significant challenge due to the increasing workload for radiologists, yet it also offers opportunity for enhancing healthcare outcomes if effectively leveraged. 3D image retrieval holds potential to reduce radiologist workloads by enabling clinicians to efficiently search through diagnostically similar or otherwise relevant cases, resulting in faster and more precise diagnoses. However, the field of 3D medical image retrieval is still emerging, lacking established evaluation benchmarks, comprehensive datasets, and thorough studies. This paper attempts to bridge this gap by introducing a novel benchmark for 3D Medical Image Retrieval (3D-MIR) that encompasses four different anatomies imaged with computed tomography. Using this benchmark, we explore a diverse set of search strategies that use aggregated 2D slices, 3D volumes, and multi-modal embeddings from popular multi-modal foundation models as queries. Quantitative and qualitative assessments of each approach are provided alongside an in-depth discussion that offers insight for future research. To promote the advancement of this field, our benchmark, dataset, and code are made publicly available.

GS-Pose: Category-Level Object Pose Estimation via Geometric and Semantic Correspondence. (arXiv:2311.13777v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Pengyuan Wang, Takuya Ikeda, Robert Lee, Koichi Nishiwaki

Category-level pose estimation is a challenging task with many potential applications in computer vision and robotics. Recently, deep-learning-based approaches have made great progress, but are typically hindered by the need for large datasets of either pose-labelled real images or carefully tuned photorealistic simulators. This can be avoided by using only geometry inputs such as depth images to reduce the domain-gap but these approaches suffer from a lack of semantic information, which can be vital in the pose estimation problem. To resolve this conflict, we propose to utilize both geometric and semantic features obtained from a pre-trained foundation model.Our approach projects 2D features from this foundation model into 3D for a single object model per category, and then performs matching against this for new single view observations of unseen object instances with a trained matching network. This requires significantly less data to train than prior methods since the semantic features are robust to object texture and appearance. We demonstrate this with a rich evaluation, showing improved performance over prior methods with a fraction of the data required.

Detection and Identification Accuracy of PCA-Accelerated Real-Time Processing of Hyperspectral Imagery. (arXiv:2311.13779v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Abigail Basener, Meagan Herald

Real-time or near real-time hyperspectral detection and identification are extremely useful and needed in many fields. These data sets can be quite large, and the algorithms can require numerous computations that slow the process down. A common way of speeding up the process is to use principal component analysis (PCA) for dimension reduction. In the reduced dimensional space, provided by a subset of the principal components, fewer computations are needed to process the data resulting in a faster run time. In this paper, we propose a way to further decrease the time required to use PCA by investigating how many principal components may be omitted with minimal impact on the detection rate. Using ACE to perform the detection, and then probability, and spectral fit for identification, we find that the number of principal components can be reduced by a substantial amount before seeing a noticeable change in detection rates.

Dynamic Compositional Graph Convolutional Network for Efficient Composite Human Motion Prediction. (arXiv:2311.13781v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wanying Zhang, Shen Zhao, Fanyang Meng, Songtao Wu, Mengyuan Liu

With potential applications in fields including intelligent surveillance and human-robot interaction, the human motion prediction task has become a hot research topic and also has achieved high success, especially using the recent Graph Convolutional Network (GCN). Current human motion prediction task usually focuses on predicting human motions for atomic actions. Observing that atomic actions can happen at the same time and thus formulating the composite actions, we propose the composite human motion prediction task. To handle this task, we first present a Composite Action Generation (CAG) module to generate synthetic composite actions for training, thus avoiding the laborious work of collecting composite action samples. Moreover, we alleviate the effect of composite actions on demand for a more complicated model by presenting a Dynamic Compositional Graph Convolutional Network (DC-GCN). Extensive experiments on the Human3.6M dataset and our newly collected CHAMP dataset consistently verify the efficiency of our DC-GCN method, which achieves state-of-the-art motion prediction accuracies and meanwhile needs few extra computational costs than traditional GCN-based human motion methods.

Evidential Active Recognition: Intelligent and Prudent Open-World Embodied Perception. (arXiv:2311.13793v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lei Fan, Mingfu Liang, Yunxuan Li, Gang Hua, Ying Wu

Active recognition enables robots to intelligently explore novel observations, thereby acquiring more information while circumventing undesired viewing conditions. Recent approaches favor learning policies from simulated or collected data, wherein appropriate actions are more frequently selected when the recognition is accurate. However, most recognition modules are developed under the closed-world assumption, which makes them ill-equipped to handle unexpected inputs, such as the absence of the target object in the current observation. To address this issue, we propose treating active recognition as a sequential evidence-gathering process, providing by-step uncertainty quantification and reliable prediction under the evidence combination theory. Additionally, the reward function developed in this paper effectively characterizes the merit of actions when operating in open-world environments. To evaluate the performance, we collect a dataset from an indoor simulator, encompassing various recognition challenges such as distance, occlusion levels, and visibility. Through a series of experiments on recognition and robustness analysis, we demonstrate the necessity of introducing uncertainties to active recognition and the superior performance of the proposed method.

Posterior Distillation Sampling. (arXiv:2311.13831v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Juil Koo, Chanho Park, Minhyuk Sung

We introduce Posterior Distillation Sampling (PDS), a novel optimization method for parametric image editing based on diffusion models. Existing optimization-based methods, which leverage the powerful 2D prior of diffusion models to handle various parametric images, have mainly focused on generation. Unlike generation, editing requires a balance between conforming to the target attribute and preserving the identity of the source content. Recent 2D image editing methods have achieved this balance by leveraging the stochastic latent encoded in the generative process of diffusion models. To extend the editing capabilities of diffusion models shown in pixel space to parameter space, we reformulate the 2D image editing method into an optimization form named PDS. PDS matches the stochastic latents of the source and the target, enabling the sampling of targets in diverse parameter spaces that align with a desired attribute while maintaining the source's identity. We demonstrate that this optimization resembles running a generative process with the target attribute, but aligning this process with the trajectory of the source's generative process. Extensive editing results in Neural Radiance Fields and Scalable Vector Graphics representations demonstrate that PDS is capable of sampling targets to fulfill the aforementioned balance across various parameter spaces.

Lego: Learning to Disentangle and Invert Concepts Beyond Object Appearance in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.13833v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Saman Motamed, Danda Pani Paudel, Luc Van Gool

Diffusion models have revolutionized generative content creation and text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models in particular have increased the creative freedom of users by allowing scene synthesis using natural language. T2I models excel at synthesizing concepts such as nouns, appearances, and styles. To enable customized content creation based on a few example images of a concept, methods such as Textual Inversion and DreamBooth invert the desired concept and enable synthesizing it in new scenes. However, inverting more general concepts that go beyond object appearance and style (adjectives and verbs) through natural language, remains a challenge. Two key characteristics of these concepts contribute to the limitations of current inversion methods. 1) Adjectives and verbs are entangled with nouns (subject) and can hinder appearance-based inversion methods, where the subject appearance leaks into the concept embedding and 2) describing such concepts often extends beyond single word embeddings (being frozen in ice, walking on a tightrope, etc.) that current methods do not handle.

In this study, we introduce Lego, a textual inversion method designed to invert subject entangled concepts from a few example images. Lego disentangles concepts from their associated subjects using a simple yet effective Subject Separation step and employs a Context Loss that guides the inversion of single/multi-embedding concepts. In a thorough user study, Lego-generated concepts were preferred over 70% of the time when compared to the baseline. Additionally, visual question answering using a large language model suggested Lego-generated concepts are better aligned with the text description of the concept.

Progressive Learning with Visual Prompt Tuning for Variable-Rate Image Compression. (arXiv:2311.13846v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shiyu Qin, Yimin Zhou, Jinpeng Wang, Bin Chen, Baoyi An, Tao Dai, Shu-Tao Xia

In this paper, we propose a progressive learning paradigm for transformer-based variable-rate image compression. Our approach covers a wide range of compression rates with the assistance of the Layer-adaptive Prompt Module (LPM). Inspired by visual prompt tuning, we use LPM to extract prompts for input images and hidden features at the encoder side and decoder side, respectively, which are fed as additional information into the Swin Transformer layer of a pre-trained transformer-based image compression model to affect the allocation of attention region and the bits, which in turn changes the target compression ratio of the model. To ensure the network is more lightweight, we involves the integration of prompt networks with less convolutional layers. Exhaustive experiments show that compared to methods based on multiple models, which are optimized separately for different target rates, the proposed method arrives at the same performance with 80% savings in parameter storage and 90% savings in datasets. Meanwhile, our model outperforms all current variable bitrate image methods in terms of rate-distortion performance and approaches the state-of-the-art fixed bitrate image compression methods trained from scratch.

Perceptual Image Compression with Cooperative Cross-Modal Side Information. (arXiv:2311.13847v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shiyu Qin, Bin Chen, Yujun Huang, Baoyi An, Tao Dai, Shu-Tao Via

The explosion of data has resulted in more and more associated text being transmitted along with images. Inspired by from distributed source coding, many works utilize image side information to enhance image compression. However, existing methods generally do not consider using text as side information to enhance perceptual compression of images, even though the benefits of multimodal synergy have been widely demonstrated in research. This begs the following question: How can we effectively transfer text-level semantic dependencies to help image compression, which is only available to the decoder? In this work, we propose a novel deep image compression method with text-guided side information to achieve a better rate-perception-distortion tradeoff. Specifically, we employ the CLIP text encoder and an effective Semantic-Spatial Aware block to fuse the text and image features. This is done by predicting a semantic mask to guide the learned text-adaptive affine transformation at the pixel level. Furthermore, we design a text-conditional generative adversarial networks to improve the perceptual quality of reconstructed images. Extensive experiments involving four datasets and ten image quality assessment metrics demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior results in terms of rate-perception trade-off and semantic distortion.

Language-guided Few-shot Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.13865v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jing Wang, Yuang Liu, Qiang Zhou, Fan Wang

Few-shot learning is a promising way for reducing the label cost in new categories adaptation with the guidance of a small, well labeled support set. But for few-shot semantic segmentation, the pixel-level annotations of support images are still expensive. In this paper, we propose an innovative solution to tackle the challenge of few-shot semantic segmentation using only language information, i.e.image-level text labels. Our approach involves a vision-language-driven mask distillation scheme, which contains a vision-language pretraining (VLP) model and a mask refiner, to generate high quality pseudo-semantic masks from text prompts. We additionally introduce a distributed prototype supervision method and complementary correlation matching module to guide the model in digging precise semantic relations among support and query images. The experiments on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that our method establishes a new baseline for language-guided few-shot semantic segmentation and achieves competitive results to recent vision-guided methods.

PointPCA+: Extending PointPCA objective quality assessment metric. (arXiv:2311.13880v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuemei Zhou, Evangelos Alexiou, Irene Viola, Pablo Cesar

A computationally-simplified and descriptor-richer Point Cloud Quality Assessment (PCQA) metric, namely PointPCA+, is proposed in this paper, which is an extension of PointPCA. PointPCA proposed a set of perceptually-relevant descriptors based on PCA decomposition that were applied to both the geometry and texture data of point clouds for full reference PCQA. PointPCA+ employs PCA only on the geometry data while enriching existing geometry and texture descriptors, that are computed more efficiently. Similarly to PointPCA, a total quality score is obtained through a learning-based fusion of individual predictions from geometry and texture descriptors that capture local shape and appearance properties, respectively. Before feature fusion, a feature selection module is introduced to choose the most effective features from a proposed super-set. Experimental results show that PointPCA+ achieves high predictive performance against subjective ground truth scores obtained from publicly available datasets. The code is available at \url{}.

Query by Activity Video in the Wild. (arXiv:2311.13895v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tao Hu, William Thong, Pascal Mettes, Cees G.M. Snoek

This paper focuses on activity retrieval from a video query in an imbalanced scenario. In current query-by-activity-video literature, a common assumption is that all activities have sufficient labelled examples when learning an embedding. This assumption does however practically not hold, as only a portion of activities have many examples, while other activities are only described by few examples. In this paper, we propose a visual-semantic embedding network that explicitly deals with the imbalanced scenario for activity retrieval. Our network contains two novel modules. The visual alignment module performs a global alignment between the input video and fixed-sized visual bank representations for all activities. The semantic module performs an alignment between the input video and fixed-sized semantic activity representations. By matching videos with both visual and semantic activity representations that are of equal size over all activities, we no longer ignore infrequent activities during retrieval. Experiments on a new imbalanced activity retrieval benchmark show the effectiveness of our approach for all types of activities.

Expanding the deep-learning model to diagnosis LVNC: Limitations and trade-offs. (arXiv:2311.13912v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Gregorio Bernabé, Pilar González-Férez, José M. García, Guillem Casas, Josefa González-Carrillo

Hyper-trabeculation or non-compaction in the left ventricle of the myocardium (LVNC) is a recently classified form of cardiomyopathy. Several methods have been proposed to quantify the trabeculae accurately in the left ventricle, but there is no general agreement in the medical community to use a particular approach. In previous work, we proposed DL-LVTQ, a deep learning approach for left ventricular trabecular quantification based on a U-Net CNN architecture. DL-LVTQ was an automatic diagnosis tool developed from a dataset of patients with the same cardiomyopathy (hypertrophic cardiomyopathy).

In this work, we have extended and adapted DL-LVTQ to cope with patients with different cardiomyopathies. The dataset consists of up 379 patients in three groups with different particularities and cardiomyopathies. Patient images were taken from different scanners and hospitals. We have modified and adapted the U-Net convolutional neural network to account for the different particularities of a heterogeneous group of patients with various unclassifiable or mixed and inherited cardiomyopathies.

The inclusion of new groups of patients has increased the accuracy, specificity and kappa values while maintaining the sensitivity of the automatic deep learning method proposed. Therefore, a better-prepared diagnosis tool is ready for various cardiomyopathies with different characteristics. Cardiologists have considered that 98.9% of the evaluated outputs are verified clinically for diagnosis. Therefore, the high precision to segment the different cardiac structures allows us to make a robust diagnostic system objective and faster, decreasing human error and time spent.

Predicting Recovery or Decease of COVID-19 Patients with Clinical and RT-PCR Using Machine Learning Classification Algorithms. (arXiv:2311.13925v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Mohammad Dehghani, Zahra Yazdanparast

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted the global economy and people's daily lives in unprecedented ways. To make appropriate decisions, it is necessary to diagnose COVID-19 rapidly and accurately. Clinical decision making is influenced by data collected from patients. With the aid of artificial intelligence, COVID-19 has been diagnosed quickly by analyzing symptoms, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), computed tomography scans, chest X-rays, routine laboratory blood tests and even cough sounds. Furthermore, these data can be used to predict a patient's morality, although there is a question about which data makes the most accurate predictions. Therefore, this study consists of two parts. Our first objective is to examine whether machine learning algorithms can predict the outcome of COVID-19 cases (recovery or death), based on the features present in the dataset. In the second part of the research, we investigated the impact of clinical and RT-PCR on prediction of recovery and decease to determine which one is more reliable. We defined four stages with different feature sets and use six machine learning methods to build prediction model. With an accuracy of 78.7%, random forest showed promising results for predicting death and recovery of patients. Based on this, it appears that recovery and decease of patients are predictable using machine learning. For second objective, results indicate that clinical alone (without using RT-PCR), trained with AdaBoost algorithm, is the most accurate with an accuracy of 82.1%. This study can provide guidance for medical professionals in the event of a crisis or outbreak similar to COVID-19.

Parameter Exchange for Robust Dynamic Domain Generalization. (arXiv:2311.13928v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Luojun Lin, Zhifeng Shen, Zhishu Sun, Yuanlong Yu, Lei Zhang, Weijie Chen

Agnostic domain shift is the main reason of model degradation on the unknown target domains, which brings an urgent need to develop Domain Generalization (DG). Recent advances at DG use dynamic networks to achieve training-free adaptation on the unknown target domains, termed Dynamic Domain Generalization (DDG), which compensates for the lack of self-adaptability in static models with fixed weights. The parameters of dynamic networks can be decoupled into a static and a dynamic component, which are designed to learn domain-invariant and domain-specific features, respectively. Based on the existing arts, in this work, we try to push the limits of DDG by disentangling the static and dynamic components more thoroughly from an optimization perspective. Our main consideration is that we can enable the static component to learn domain-invariant features more comprehensively by augmenting the domain-specific information. As a result, the more comprehensive domain-invariant features learned by the static component can then enforce the dynamic component to focus more on learning adaptive domain-specific features. To this end, we propose a simple yet effective Parameter Exchange (PE) method to perturb the combination between the static and dynamic components. We optimize the model using the gradients from both the perturbed and non-perturbed feed-forward jointly to implicitly achieve the aforementioned disentanglement. In this way, the two components can be optimized in a mutually-beneficial manner, which can resist the agnostic domain shifts and improve the self-adaptability on the unknown target domain. Extensive experiments show that PE can be easily plugged into existing dynamic networks to improve their generalization ability without bells and whistles.

MetaFBP: Learning to Learn High-Order Predictor for Personalized Facial Beauty Prediction. (arXiv:2311.13929v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Luojun Lin, Zhifeng Shen, Jia-Li Yin, Qipeng Liu, Yuanlong Yu, Weijie Chen

Predicting individual aesthetic preferences holds significant practical applications and academic implications for human society. However, existing studies mainly focus on learning and predicting the commonality of facial attractiveness, with little attention given to Personalized Facial Beauty Prediction (PFBP). PFBP aims to develop a machine that can adapt to individual aesthetic preferences with only a few images rated by each user. In this paper, we formulate this task from a meta-learning perspective that each user corresponds to a meta-task. To address such PFBP task, we draw inspiration from the human aesthetic mechanism that visual aesthetics in society follows a Gaussian distribution, which motivates us to disentangle user preferences into a commonality and an individuality part. To this end, we propose a novel MetaFBP framework, in which we devise a universal feature extractor to capture the aesthetic commonality and then optimize to adapt the aesthetic individuality by shifting the decision boundary of the predictor via a meta-learning mechanism. Unlike conventional meta-learning methods that may struggle with slow adaptation or overfitting to tiny support sets, we propose a novel approach that optimizes a high-order predictor for fast adaptation. In order to validate the performance of the proposed method, we build several PFBP benchmarks by using existing facial beauty prediction datasets rated by numerous users. Extensive experiments on these benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed MetaFBP method.

Periodically Exchange Teacher-Student for Source-Free Object Detection. (arXiv:2311.13930v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Qipeng Liu, Luojun Lin, Zhifeng Shen, Zhifeng Yang

Source-free object detection (SFOD) aims to adapt the source detector to unlabeled target domain data in the absence of source domain data. Most SFOD methods follow the same self-training paradigm using mean-teacher (MT) framework where the student model is guided by only one single teacher model. However, such paradigm can easily fall into a training instability problem that when the teacher model collapses uncontrollably due to the domain shift, the student model also suffers drastic performance degradation. To address this issue, we propose the Periodically Exchange Teacher-Student (PETS) method, a simple yet novel approach that introduces a multiple-teacher framework consisting of a static teacher, a dynamic teacher, and a student model. During the training phase, we periodically exchange the weights between the static teacher and the student model. Then, we update the dynamic teacher using the moving average of the student model that has already been exchanged by the static teacher. In this way, the dynamic teacher can integrate knowledge from past periods, effectively reducing error accumulation and enabling a more stable training process within the MT-based framework. Further, we develop a consensus mechanism to merge the predictions of two teacher models to provide higher-quality pseudo labels for student model. Extensive experiments on multiple SFOD benchmarks show that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art performance compared with other related methods, demonstrating the effectiveness and superiority of our method on SFOD task.

Robustness-Reinforced Knowledge Distillation with Correlation Distance and Network Pruning. (arXiv:2311.13934v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Seonghak Kim, Gyeongdo Ham, Yucheol Cho, Daeshik Kim

The improvement in the performance of efficient and lightweight models (i.e., the student model) is achieved through knowledge distillation (KD), which involves transferring knowledge from more complex models (i.e., the teacher model). However, most existing KD techniques rely on Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence, which has certain limitations. First, if the teacher distribution has high entropy, the KL divergence's mode-averaging nature hinders the transfer of sufficient target information. Second, when the teacher distribution has low entropy, the KL divergence tends to excessively focus on specific modes, which fails to convey an abundant amount of valuable knowledge to the student. Consequently, when dealing with datasets that contain numerous confounding or challenging samples, student models may struggle to acquire sufficient knowledge, resulting in subpar performance. Furthermore, in previous KD approaches, we observed that data augmentation, a technique aimed at enhancing a model's generalization, can have an adverse impact. Therefore, we propose a Robustness-Reinforced Knowledge Distillation (R2KD) that leverages correlation distance and network pruning. This approach enables KD to effectively incorporate data augmentation for performance improvement. Extensive experiments on various datasets, including CIFAR-100, FGVR, TinyImagenet, and ImageNet, demonstrate our method's superiority over current state-of-the-art methods.

Electric Network Frequency Optical Sensing Devices. (arXiv:2311.13954v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Christos Moysiadis, Georgios Karantaidis, Constantine Kotropoulos

Electric Network Frequency (ENF) acts as a fingerprint in multimedia forensics applications. In indoor environments, ENF variations affect the intensity of light sources connected to power mains. Accordingly, the light intensity variations captured by sensing devices can be exploited to estimate the ENF. A first optical sensing device based on a photodiode is developed for capturing ENF variations in indoor lighting environments. In addition, a device that captures the ENF directly from power mains is implemented. This device serves as a ground truth ENF collector. Video recordings captured by a camera are also employed to estimate the ENF. The camera serves as a second optical sensor. The factors affecting the ENF estimation are thoroughly studied. The maximum correlation coefficient between the ENF estimated by the two optical sensors and that estimated directly from power mains is used to measure the estimation accuracy. The paper's major contribution is in the disclosure of extensive experimental evidence on ENF estimation in scenes ranging from static ones capturing a white wall to non-static ones, including human activity.

High-Order Tensor Recovery with A Tensor $U_1$ Norm. (arXiv:2311.13958v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Jingjing Zheng, Wenzhe Wang, Xiaoqin Zhang, Yankai Cao, Xianta Jiang

Recently, numerous tensor SVD (t-SVD)-based tensor recovery methods have emerged, showing promise in processing visual data. However, these methods often suffer from performance degradation when confronted with high-order tensor data exhibiting non-smooth changes, commonly observed in real-world scenarios but ignored by the traditional t-SVD-based methods. Our objective in this study is to provide an effective tensor recovery technique for handling non-smooth changes in tensor data and efficiently explore the correlations of high-order tensor data across its various dimensions without introducing numerous variables and weights. To this end, we introduce a new tensor decomposition and a new tensor norm called the Tensor $U_1$ norm. We utilize these novel techniques in solving the problem of high-order tensor completion problem and provide theoretical guarantees for the exact recovery of the resulting tensor completion models. An optimization algorithm is proposed to solve the resulting tensor completion model iteratively by combining the proximal algorithm with the Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers. Theoretical analysis showed the convergence of the algorithm to the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of the optimization problem. Numerical experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed method in high-order tensor completion, especially for tensor data with non-smooth changes.

RankFeat\&RankWeight: Rank-1 Feature/Weight Removal for Out-of-distribution Detection. (arXiv:2311.13959v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yue Song, Nicu Sebe, Wei Wang

The task of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial for deploying machine learning models in real-world settings. In this paper, we observe that the singular value distributions of the in-distribution (ID) and OOD features are quite different: the OOD feature matrix tends to have a larger dominant singular value than the ID feature, and the class predictions of OOD samples are largely determined by it. This observation motivates us to propose \texttt{RankFeat}, a simple yet effective \emph{post hoc} approach for OOD detection by removing the rank-1 matrix composed of the largest singular value and the associated singular vectors from the high-level feature. \texttt{RankFeat} achieves \emph{state-of-the-art} performance and reduces the average false positive rate (FPR95) by 17.90\% compared with the previous best method. The success of \texttt{RankFeat} motivates us to investigate whether a similar phenomenon would exist in the parameter matrices of neural networks. We thus propose \texttt{RankWeight} which removes the rank-1 weight from the parameter matrices of a single deep layer. Our \texttt{RankWeight}is also \emph{post hoc} and only requires computing the rank-1 matrix once. As a standalone approach, \texttt{RankWeight} has very competitive performance against other methods across various backbones. Moreover, \texttt{RankWeight} enjoys flexible compatibility with a wide range of OOD detection methods. The combination of \texttt{RankWeight} and \texttt{RankFeat} refreshes the new \emph{state-of-the-art} performance, achieving the FPR95 as low as 16.13\% on the ImageNet-1k benchmark. Extensive ablation studies and comprehensive theoretical analyses are presented to support the empirical results.

Investigating the use of publicly available natural videos to learn Dynamic MR image reconstruction. (arXiv:2311.13963v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Olivier Jaubert, Michele Pascale, Javier Montalt-Tordera, Julius Akesson, Ruta Virsinskaite, Daniel Knight, Simon Arridge, Jennifer Steeden, Vivek Muthurangu

Purpose: To develop and assess a deep learning (DL) pipeline to learn dynamic MR image reconstruction from publicly available natural videos (Inter4K).

Materials and Methods: Learning was performed for a range of DL architectures (VarNet, 3D UNet, FastDVDNet) and corresponding sampling patterns (Cartesian, radial, spiral) either from true multi-coil cardiac MR data (N=692) or from pseudo-MR data simulated from Inter4K natural videos (N=692). Real-time undersampled dynamic MR images were reconstructed using DL networks trained with cardiac data and natural videos, and compressed sensing (CS). Differences were assessed in simulations (N=104 datasets) in terms of MSE, PSNR, and SSIM and prospectively for cardiac (short axis, four chambers, N=20) and speech (N=10) data in terms of subjective image quality ranking, SNR and Edge sharpness. Friedman Chi Square tests with post-hoc Nemenyi analysis were performed to assess statistical significance.

Results: For all simulation metrics, DL networks trained with cardiac data outperformed DL networks trained with natural videos, which outperformed CS (p<0.05). However, in prospective experiments DL reconstructions using both training datasets were ranked similarly (and higher than CS) and presented no statistical differences in SNR and Edge Sharpness for most conditions. Additionally, high SSIM was measured between the DL methods with cardiac data and natural videos (SSIM>0.85).

Conclusion: The developed pipeline enabled learning dynamic MR reconstruction from natural videos preserving DL reconstruction advantages such as high quality fast and ultra-fast reconstructions while overcoming some limitations (data scarcity or sharing). The natural video dataset, code and pre-trained networks are made readily available on github.

Key Words: real-time; dynamic MRI; deep learning; image reconstruction; machine learning;

Deep Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images: A Systematic Review and Taxonomy. (arXiv:2311.13964v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Zdravko Marinov, Paul F. Jäger, Jan Egger, Jens Kleesiek, Rainer Stiefelhagen

Interactive segmentation is a crucial research area in medical image analysis aiming to boost the efficiency of costly annotations by incorporating human feedback. This feedback takes the form of clicks, scribbles, or masks and allows for iterative refinement of the model output so as to efficiently guide the system towards the desired behavior. In recent years, deep learning-based approaches have propelled results to a new level causing a rapid growth in the field with 121 methods proposed in the medical imaging domain alone. In this review, we provide a structured overview of this emerging field featuring a comprehensive taxonomy, a systematic review of existing methods, and an in-depth analysis of current practices. Based on these contributions, we discuss the challenges and opportunities in the field. For instance, we find that there is a severe lack of comparison across methods which needs to be tackled by standardized baselines and benchmarks.

Low Latency Instance Segmentation by Continuous Clustering for Rotating LiDAR Sensors. (arXiv:2311.13976v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Andreas Reich, Hans-Joachim Wuensche

Low-latency instance segmentation of LiDAR point clouds is crucial in real-world applications because it serves as an initial and frequently-used building block in a robot's perception pipeline, where every task adds further delay. Particularly in dynamic environments, this total delay can result in significant positional offsets of dynamic objects, as seen in highway scenarios. To address this issue, we employ continuous clustering of obstacle points in order to obtain an instance-segmented point cloud. Unlike most existing approaches, which use a full revolution of the LiDAR sensor, we process the data stream in a continuous and seamless fashion. More specifically, each column of a range image is processed as soon it is available. Obstacle points are clustered to existing instances in real-time and it is checked at a high-frequency which instances are completed and are ready to be published. An additional advantage is that no problematic discontinuities between the points of the start and the end of a scan are observed. In this work we describe the two-layered data structure and the corresponding algorithm for continuous clustering, which is able to cluster the incoming data in real time. We explain the importance of a large perceptive field of view. Furthermore, we describe and evaluate important architectural design choices, which could be relevant to design an architecture for deep learning based low-latency instance segmentation. We are publishing the source code at

FViT-Grasp: Grasping Objects With Using Fast Vision Transformers. (arXiv:2311.13986v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Arda Sarp Yenicesu, Berk Cicek, Ozgur S.Oguz

This study addresses the challenge of manipulation, a prominent issue in robotics. We have devised a novel methodology for swiftly and precisely identifying the optimal grasp point for a robot to manipulate an object. Our approach leverages a Fast Vision Transformer (FViT), a type of neural network designed for processing visual data and predicting the most suitable grasp location. Demonstrating state-of-the-art performance in terms of speed while maintaining a high level of accuracy, our method holds promise for potential deployment in real-time robotic grasping applications. We believe that this study provides a baseline for future research in vision-based robotic grasp applications. Its high speed and accuracy bring researchers closer to real-life applications.

EIGEN: Expert-Informed Joint Learning Aggregation for High-Fidelity Information Extraction from Document Images. (arXiv:2311.13993v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Abhishek Singh, Venkatapathy Subramanian, Ayush Maheshwari, Pradeep Narayan, Devi Prasad Shetty, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

Information Extraction (IE) from document images is challenging due to the high variability of layout formats. Deep models such as LayoutLM and BROS have been proposed to address this problem and have shown promising results. However, they still require a large amount of field-level annotations for training these models. Other approaches using rule-based methods have also been proposed based on the understanding of the layout and semantics of a form such as geometric position, or type of the fields, etc. In this work, we propose a novel approach, EIGEN (Expert-Informed Joint Learning aGgrEatioN), which combines rule-based methods with deep learning models using data programming approaches to circumvent the requirement of annotation of large amounts of training data. Specifically, EIGEN consolidates weak labels induced from multiple heuristics through generative models and use them along with a small number of annotated labels to jointly train a deep model. In our framework, we propose the use of labeling functions that include incorporating contextual information thus capturing the visual and language context of a word for accurate categorization. We empirically show that our EIGEN framework can significantly improve the performance of state-of-the-art deep models with the availability of very few labeled data instances. The source code is available at

GRJointNET: Synergistic Completion and Part Segmentation on 3D Incomplete Point Clouds. (arXiv:2311.13997v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yigit Gurses, Melisa Taspinar, Mahmut Yurt, Sedat Ozer

Segmentation of three-dimensional (3D) point clouds is an important task for autonomous systems. However, success of segmentation algorithms depends greatly on the quality of the underlying point clouds (resolution, completeness etc.). In particular, incomplete point clouds might reduce a downstream model's performance. GRNet is proposed as a novel and recent deep learning solution to complete point clouds, but it is not capable of part segmentation. On the other hand, our proposed solution, GRJointNet, is an architecture that can perform joint completion and segmentation on point clouds as a successor of GRNet. Features extracted for the two tasks are also utilized by each other to increase the overall performance. We evaluated our proposed network on the ShapeNet-Part dataset and compared its performance to GRNet. Our results demonstrate GRJointNet can outperform GRNet on point completion. It should also be noted that GRNet is not capable of segmentation while GRJointNet is. This study1, therefore, holds a promise to enhance practicality and utility of point clouds in 3D vision for autonomous systems.

High-resolution Population Maps Derived from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2. (arXiv:2311.14006v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nando Metzger, Rodrigo Caye Daudt, Devis Tuia, Konrad Schindler

Detailed population maps play an important role in diverse fields ranging from humanitarian action to urban planning. Generating such maps in a timely and scalable manner presents a challenge, especially in data-scarce regions. To address it we have developed POPCORN, a population mapping method whose only inputs are free, globally available satellite images from Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2; and a small number of aggregate population counts over coarse census districts for calibration. Despite the minimal data requirements our approach surpasses the mapping accuracy of existing schemes, including several that rely on building footprints derived from high-resolution imagery. E.g., we were able to produce population maps for Rwanda with 100m GSD based on less than 400 regional census counts. In Kigali, those maps reach an $R^2$ score of 66% w.r.t. a ground truth reference map, with an average error of only $\pm$10 inhabitants/ha. Conveniently, POPCORN retrieves explicit maps of built-up areas and of local building occupancy rates, making the mapping process interpretable and offering additional insights, for instance about the distribution of built-up, but unpopulated areas, e.g., industrial warehouses. Moreover, we find that, once trained, the model can be applied repeatedly to track population changes; and that it can be transferred to geographically similar regions, e.g., from Uganda to Rwanda). With our work we aim to democratize access to up-to-date and high-resolution population maps, recognizing that some regions faced with particularly strong population dynamics may lack the resources for costly micro-census campaigns.

Shadow: A Novel Loss Function for Efficient Training in Siamese Networks. (arXiv:2311.14012v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Alif Elham Khan, Mohammad Junayed Hasan, Humayra Anjum, Nabeel Mohammed

Despite significant recent advances in similarity detection tasks, existing approaches pose substantial challenges under memory constraints. One of the primary reasons for this is the use of computationally expensive metric learning loss functions such as Triplet Loss in Siamese networks. In this paper, we present a novel loss function called Shadow Loss that compresses the dimensions of an embedding space during loss calculation without loss of performance. The distance between the projections of the embeddings is learned from inputs on a compact projection space where distances directly correspond to a measure of class similarity. Projecting on a lower-dimension projection space, our loss function converges faster, and the resulting classified image clusters have higher inter-class and smaller intra-class distances. Shadow Loss not only reduces embedding dimensions favoring memory constraint devices but also consistently performs better than the state-of-the-art Triplet Margin Loss by an accuracy of 5\%-10\% across diverse datasets. The proposed loss function is also model agnostic, upholding its performance across several tested models. Its effectiveness and robustness across balanced, imbalanced, medical, and non-medical image datasets suggests that it is not specific to a particular model or dataset but demonstrates superior performance consistently while using less memory and computation.

Creating and Benchmarking a Synthetic Dataset for Cloud Optical Thickness Estimation. (arXiv:2311.14024v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Aleksis Pirinen, Nosheen Abid, Nuria Agues Paszkowsky, Thomas Ohlson Timoudas, Ronald Scheirer, Chiara Ceccobello, György Kovács, Anders Persson

Cloud formations often obscure optical satellite-based monitoring of the Earth's surface, thus limiting Earth observation (EO) activities such as land cover mapping, ocean color analysis, and cropland monitoring. The integration of machine learning (ML) methods within the remote sensing domain has significantly improved performance on a wide range of EO tasks, including cloud detection and filtering, but there is still much room for improvement. A key bottleneck is that ML methods typically depend on large amounts of annotated data for training, which is often difficult to come by in EO contexts. This is especially true for the task of cloud optical thickness (COT) estimation. A reliable estimation of COT enables more fine-grained and application-dependent control compared to using pre-specified cloud categories, as is commonly done in practice. To alleviate the COT data scarcity problem, in this work we propose a novel synthetic dataset for COT estimation, where top-of-atmosphere radiances have been simulated for 12 of the spectral bands of the Multi-Spectral Instrument (MSI) sensor onboard Sentinel-2 platforms. These data points have been simulated under consideration of different cloud types, COTs, and ground surface and atmospheric profiles. Extensive experimentation of training several ML models to predict COT from the measured reflectivity of the spectral bands demonstrates the usefulness of our proposed dataset. Generalization to real data is also demonstrated on two satellite image datasets -- one that is publicly available, and one which we have collected and annotated. The synthetic data, the newly collected real dataset, code and models have been made publicly available at

Continual Learning of Diffusion Models with Generative Distillation. (arXiv:2311.14028v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sergi Masip, Pau Rodriguez, Tinne Tuytelaars, Gido M. van de Ven

Diffusion models are powerful generative models that achieve state-of-the-art performance in tasks such as image synthesis. However, training them demands substantial amounts of data and computational resources. Continual learning would allow for incrementally learning new tasks and accumulating knowledge, thus reusing already trained models would be possible. One potentially suitable approach is generative replay, where a copy of a generative model trained on previous tasks produces synthetic data that are interleaved with data from the current task. However, standard generative replay applied to diffusion models results in a catastrophic loss in denoising capabilities. In this paper, we propose generative distillation, an approach that distils the entire reverse process of a diffusion model. We demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the continual learning performance of generative replay with only a moderate increase in the computational costs.

Understanding the Vulnerability of CLIP to Image Compression. (arXiv:2311.14029v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cangxiong Chen, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Julian Padget

CLIP is a widely used foundational vision-language model that is used for zero-shot image recognition and other image-text alignment tasks. We demonstrate that CLIP is vulnerable to change in image quality under compression. This surprising result is further analysed using an attribution method-Integrated Gradients. Using this attribution method, we are able to better understand both quantitatively and qualitatively exactly the nature in which the compression affects the zero-shot recognition accuracy of this model. We evaluate this extensively on CIFAR-10 and STL-10. Our work provides the basis to understand this vulnerability of CLIP and can help us develop more effective methods to improve the robustness of CLIP and other vision-language models.

Assessment of Deep Learning Segmentation for Real-Time Free-Breathing Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (arXiv:2311.14049v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Martin Schilling, Christina Unterberg-Buchwald, Joachim Lotz, Martin Uecker

In recent years, a variety of deep learning networks for cardiac MRI (CMR) segmentation have been developed and analyzed. However, nearly all of them are focused on cine CMR under breathold. In this work, accuracy of deep learning methods is assessed for volumetric analysis (via segmentation) of the left ventricle in real-time free-breathing CMR at rest and under exercise stress. Data from healthy volunteers (n=15) for cine and real-time free-breathing CMR were analyzed retrospectively. Segmentations of a commercial software (comDL) and a freely available neural network (nnU-Net), were compared to a reference created via the manual correction of comDL segmentation. Segmentation of left ventricular endocardium (LV), left ventricular myocardium (MYO), and right ventricle (RV) is evaluated for both end-systolic and end-diastolic phases and analyzed with Dice's coefficient (DC). The volumetric analysis includes LV end-diastolic volume (EDV), LV end-systolic volume (ESV), and LV ejection fraction (EF). For cine CMR, nnU-Net and comDL achieve a DC above 0.95 for LV and 0.9 for MYO, and RV. For real-time CMR, the accuracy of nnU-Net exceeds that of comDL overall. For real-time CMR at rest, nnU-Net achieves a DC of 0.94 for LV, 0.89 for MYO, and 0.90 for RV; mean absolute differences between nnU-Net and reference are 2.9mL for EDV, 3.5mL for ESV and 2.6% for EF. For real-time CMR under exercise stress, nnU-Net achieves a DC of 0.92 for LV, 0.85 for MYO, and 0.83 for RV; mean absolute differences between nnU-Net and reference are 11.4mL for EDV, 2.9mL for ESV and 3.6% for EF. Deep learning methods designed or trained for cine CMR segmentation can perform well on real-time CMR. For real-time free-breathing CMR at rest, the performance of deep learning methods is comparable to inter-observer variability in cine CMR and is usable or fully automatic segmentation.

Hardware Resilience Properties of Text-Guided Image Classifiers. (arXiv:2311.14062v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Syed Talal Wasim, Kabila Haile Saboka, Abdulrahman Mahmoud, Salman Khan, David Brooks, Gu-Yeon Wei

This paper presents a novel method to enhance the reliability of image classification models during deployment in the face of transient hardware errors. By utilizing enriched text embeddings derived from GPT-3 with question prompts per class and CLIP pretrained text encoder, we investigate their impact as an initialization for the classification layer. Our approach achieves a remarkable $5.5\times$ average increase in hardware reliability (and up to 14x) across various architectures in the most critical layer, with minimal accuracy drop (0.3% on average) compared to baseline PyTorch models. Furthermore, our method seamlessly integrates with any image classification backbone, showcases results across various network architectures, decreases parameter and FLOPs overhead, and follows a consistent training recipe. This research offers a practical and efficient solution to bolster the robustness of image classification models against hardware failures, with potential implications for future studies in this domain. Our code and models are released at

Do VSR Models Generalize Beyond LRS3?. (arXiv:2311.14063v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou Djilali, Sanath Narayan, Eustache Le Bihan, Haithem Boussaid, Ebtessam Almazrouei, Merouane Debbah

The Lip Reading Sentences-3 (LRS3) benchmark has primarily been the focus of intense research in visual speech recognition (VSR) during the last few years. As a result, there is an increased risk of overfitting to its excessively used test set, which is only one hour duration. To alleviate this issue, we build a new VSR test set named WildVSR, by closely following the LRS3 dataset creation processes. We then evaluate and analyse the extent to which the current VSR models generalize to the new test data. We evaluate a broad range of publicly available VSR models and find significant drops in performance on our test set, compared to their corresponding LRS3 results. Our results suggest that the increase in word error rates is caused by the models inability to generalize to slightly harder and in the wild lip sequences than those found in the LRS3 test set. Our new test benchmark is made public in order to enable future research towards more robust VSR models.

HGCLIP: Exploring Vision-Language Models with Graph Representations for Hierarchical Understanding. (arXiv:2311.14064v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Peng Xia, Xingtong Yu, Ming Hu, Lie Ju, Zhiyong Wang, Peibo Duan, Zongyuan Ge

Object categories are typically organized into a multi-granularity taxonomic hierarchy. When classifying categories at different hierarchy levels, traditional uni-modal approaches focus primarily on image features, revealing limitations in complex scenarios. Recent studies integrating Vision-Language Models (VLMs) with class hierarchies have shown promise, yet they fall short of fully exploiting the hierarchical relationships. These efforts are constrained by their inability to perform effectively across varied granularity of categories. To tackle this issue, we propose a novel framework (HGCLIP) that effectively combines CLIP with a deeper exploitation of the Hierarchical class structure via Graph representation learning. We explore constructing the class hierarchy into a graph, with its nodes representing the textual or image features of each category. After passing through a graph encoder, the textual features incorporate hierarchical structure information, while the image features emphasize class-aware features derived from prototypes through the attention mechanism. Our approach demonstrates significant improvements on both generic and fine-grained visual recognition benchmarks. Our codes are fully available at

Learning Saliency From Fixations. (arXiv:2311.14073v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou Djilali, Kevin McGuiness, Noel O'Connor

We present a novel approach for saliency prediction in images, leveraging parallel decoding in transformers to learn saliency solely from fixation maps. Models typically rely on continuous saliency maps, to overcome the difficulty of optimizing for the discrete fixation map. We attempt to replicate the experimental setup that generates saliency datasets. Our approach treats saliency prediction as a direct set prediction problem, via a global loss that enforces unique fixations prediction through bipartite matching and a transformer encoder-decoder architecture. By utilizing a fixed set of learned fixation queries, the cross-attention reasons over the image features to directly output the fixation points, distinguishing it from other modern saliency predictors. Our approach, named Saliency TRansformer (SalTR), achieves metric scores on par with state-of-the-art approaches on the Salicon and MIT300 benchmarks.

You Only Explain Once. (arXiv:2311.14081v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: David A. Kelly, Hana Chockler, Daniel Kroening, Nathan Blake, Aditi Ramaswamy, Melane Navaratnarajah, Aaditya Shivakumar

In this paper, we propose a new black-box explainability algorithm and tool, YO-ReX, for efficient explanation of the outputs of object detectors. The new algorithm computes explanations for all objects detected in the image simultaneously. Hence, compared to the baseline, the new algorithm reduces the number of queries by a factor of 10X for the case of ten detected objects. The speedup increases further with with the number of objects. Our experimental results demonstrate that YO-ReX can explain the outputs of YOLO with a negligible overhead over the running time of YOLO. We also demonstrate similar results for explaining SSD and Faster R-CNN. The speedup is achieved by avoiding backtracking by combining aggressive pruning with a causal analysis.

AI-Generated Images Introduce Invisible Relevance Bias to Text-Image Retrieval. (arXiv:2311.14084v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Shicheng Xu, Danyang Hou, Liang Pang, Jingcheng Deng, Jun Xu, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng

With the advancement of generation models, AI-generated content (AIGC) is becoming more realistic, flooding the Internet. A recent study suggests that this phenomenon has elevated the issue of source bias in text retrieval for web searches. Specifically, neural retrieval models tend to rank generated texts higher than human-written texts. In this paper, we extend the study of this bias to cross-modal retrieval. Firstly, we successfully construct a suitable benchmark to explore the existence of the bias. Subsequent extensive experiments on this benchmark reveal that AI-generated images introduce an invisible relevance bias to text-image retrieval models. Specifically, our experiments show that text-image retrieval models tend to rank the AI-generated images higher than the real images, even though the AI-generated images do not exhibit more visually relevant features to the query than real images. This invisible relevance bias is prevalent across retrieval models with varying training data and architectures. Furthermore, our subsequent exploration reveals that the inclusion of AI-generated images in the training data of the retrieval models exacerbates the invisible relevance bias. The above phenomenon triggers a vicious cycle, which makes the invisible relevance bias become more and more serious. To elucidate the potential causes of invisible relevance and address the aforementioned issues, we introduce an effective training method aimed at alleviating the invisible relevance bias. Subsequently, we apply our proposed debiasing method to retroactively identify the causes of invisible relevance, revealing that the AI-generated images induce the image encoder to embed additional information into their representation. This information exhibits a certain consistency across generated images with different semantics and can make the retriever estimate a higher relevance score.

Brain MRI Screening Tool with Federated Learning. (arXiv:2311.14086v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Roman Stoklasa, Ioannis Stathopoulos, Efstratios Karavasilis, Efstathios Efstathopoulos, Marek Dostál, Miloš Keřkovský, Michal Kozubek, Luigi Serio

In clinical practice, we often see significant delays between MRI scans and the diagnosis made by radiologists, even for severe cases. In some cases, this may be caused by the lack of additional information and clues, so even the severe cases need to wait in the queue for diagnosis. This can be avoided if there is an automatic software tool, which would supplement additional information, alerting radiologists that the particular patient may be a severe case.

We are presenting an automatic brain MRI Screening Tool and we are demonstrating its capabilities for detecting tumor-like pathologies. It is the first version on the path toward a robust multi-pathology screening solution. The tool supports Federated Learning, so multiple institutions may contribute to the model without disclosing their private data.

Class Uncertainty: A Measure to Mitigate Class Imbalance. (arXiv:2311.14090v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Z. S. Baltaci, K. Oksuz, S. Kuzucu, K. Tezoren, B. K. Konar, A. Ozkan, E. Akbas, S. Kalkan

Class-wise characteristics of training examples affect the performance of deep classifiers. A well-studied example is when the number of training examples of classes follows a long-tailed distribution, a situation that is likely to yield sub-optimal performance for under-represented classes. This class imbalance problem is conventionally addressed by approaches relying on the class-wise cardinality of training examples, such as data resampling. In this paper, we demonstrate that considering solely the cardinality of classes does not cover all issues causing class imbalance. To measure class imbalance, we propose "Class Uncertainty" as the average predictive uncertainty of the training examples, and we show that this novel measure captures the differences across classes better than cardinality. We also curate SVCI-20 as a novel dataset in which the classes have equal number of training examples but they differ in terms of their hardness; thereby causing a type of class imbalance which cannot be addressed by the approaches relying on cardinality. We incorporate our "Class Uncertainty" measure into a diverse set of ten class imbalance mitigation methods to demonstrate its effectiveness on long-tailed datasets as well as on our SVCI-20. Code and datasets will be made available.

Video Anomaly Detection using GAN. (arXiv:2311.14095v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Anikeit Sethi, Krishanu Saini, Sai Mounika Mididoddi

Accounting for the increased concern for public safety, automatic abnormal event detection and recognition in a surveillance scene is crucial. It is a current open study subject because of its intricacy and utility. The identification of aberrant events automatically, it's a difficult undertaking because everyone's idea of abnormality is different. A typical occurrence in one circumstance could be seen as aberrant in another. Automatic anomaly identification becomes particularly challenging in the surveillance footage with a large crowd due to congestion and high occlusion. With the use of machine learning techniques, this thesis study aims to offer the solution for this use case so that human resources won't be required to keep an eye out for any unusual activity in the surveillance system records. We have developed a novel generative adversarial network (GAN) based anomaly detection model. This model is trained such that it learns together about constructing a high dimensional picture space and determining the latent space from the video's context. The generator uses a residual Autoencoder architecture made up of a multi-stage channel attention-based decoder and a two-stream, deep convolutional encoder that can realise both spatial and temporal data. We have also offered a technique for refining the GAN model that reduces training time while also generalising the model by utilising transfer learning between datasets. Using a variety of assessment measures, we compare our model to the current state-of-the-art techniques on four benchmark datasets. The empirical findings indicate that, in comparison to existing techniques, our network performs favourably on all datasets.

ACT: Adversarial Consistency Models. (arXiv:2311.14097v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fei Kong, Jinhao Duan, Lichao Sun, Hao Cheng, Renjing Xu, Hengtao Shen, Xiaofeng Zhu, Xiaoshuang Shi, Kaidi Xu

Though diffusion models excel in image generation, their step-by-step denoising leads to slow generation speeds. Consistency training addresses this issue with single-step sampling but often produces lower-quality generations and requires high training costs. In this paper, we show that optimizing consistency training loss minimizes the Wasserstein distance between target and generated distributions. As timestep increases, the upper bound accumulates previous consistency training losses. Therefore, larger batch sizes are needed to reduce both current and accumulated losses. We propose Adversarial Consistency Training (ACT), which directly minimizes the Jensen-Shannon (JS) divergence between distributions at each timestep using a discriminator. Theoretically, ACT enhances generation quality, and convergence. By incorporating a discriminator into the consistency training framework, our method achieves improved FID scores on CIFAR10 and ImageNet 64$\times$64, retains zero-shot image inpainting capabilities, and uses less than $1/6$ of the original batch size and fewer than $1/2$ of the model parameters and training steps compared to the baseline method, this leads to a substantial reduction in resource consumption.

Class Balanced Dynamic Acquisition for Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation using Active Learning. (arXiv:2311.14146v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Marc Schachtsiek, Simone Rossi, Thomas Hannagan

Domain adaptive active learning is leading the charge in label-efficient training of neural networks. For semantic segmentation, state-of-the-art models jointly use two criteria of uncertainty and diversity to select training labels, combined with a pixel-wise acquisition strategy. However, we show that such methods currently suffer from a class imbalance issue which degrades their performance for larger active learning budgets. We then introduce Class Balanced Dynamic Acquisition (CBDA), a novel active learning method that mitigates this issue, especially in high-budget regimes. The more balanced labels increase minority class performance, which in turn allows the model to outperform the previous baseline by 0.6, 1.7, and 2.4 mIoU for budgets of 5%, 10%, and 20%, respectively. Additionally, the focus on minority classes leads to improvements of the minimum class performance of 0.5, 2.9, and 4.6 IoU respectively. The top-performing model even exceeds the fully supervised baseline, showing that a more balanced label than the entire ground truth can be beneficial.

Automated 3D Tumor Segmentation using Temporal Cubic PatchGAN (TCuP-GAN). (arXiv:2311.14148v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Kameswara Bharadwaj Mantha, Ramanakumar Sankar, Lucy Fortson

Development of robust general purpose 3D segmentation frameworks using the latest deep learning techniques is one of the active topics in various bio-medical domains. In this work, we introduce Temporal Cubic PatchGAN (TCuP-GAN), a volume-to-volume translational model that marries the concepts of a generative feature learning framework with Convolutional Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), for the task of 3D segmentation. We demonstrate the capabilities of our TCuP-GAN on the data from four segmentation challenges (Adult Glioma, Meningioma, Pediatric Tumors, and Sub-Saharan Africa subset) featured within the 2023 Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge and quantify its performance using LesionWise Dice similarity and $95\%$ Hausdorff Distance metrics. We demonstrate the successful learning of our framework to predict robust multi-class segmentation masks across all the challenges. This benchmarking work serves as a stepping stone for future efforts towards applying TCuP-GAN on other multi-class tasks such as multi-organelle segmentation in electron microscopy imaging.

GigaPose: Fast and Robust Novel Object Pose Estimation via One Correspondence. (arXiv:2311.14155v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Van Nguyen Nguyen, Thibault Groueix, Mathieu Salzmann, Vincent Lepetit

We present GigaPose, a fast, robust, and accurate method for CAD-based novel object pose estimation in RGB images. GigaPose first leverages discriminative templates, rendered images of the CAD models, to recover the out-of-plane rotation and then uses patch correspondences to estimate the four remaining parameters. Our approach samples templates in only a two-degrees-of-freedom space instead of the usual three and matches the input image to the templates using fast nearest neighbor search in feature space, results in a speedup factor of 38x compared to the state of the art. Moreover, GigaPose is significantly more robust to segmentation errors. Our extensive evaluation on the seven core datasets of the BOP challenge demonstrates that it achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and can be seamlessly integrated with a refinement method. Additionally, we show the potential of GigaPose with 3D models predicted by recent work on 3D reconstruction from a single image, relaxing the need for CAD models and making 6D pose object estimation much more convenient. Our source code and trained models are publicly available at

Appearance-based gaze estimation enhanced with synthetic images using deep neural networks. (arXiv:2311.14175v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dmytro Herashchenko, Igor Farkaš

Human eye gaze estimation is an important cognitive ingredient for successful human-robot interaction, enabling the robot to read and predict human behavior. We approach this problem using artificial neural networks and build a modular system estimating gaze from separately cropped eyes, taking advantage of existing well-functioning components for face detection (RetinaFace) and head pose estimation (6DRepNet). Our proposed method does not require any special hardware or infrared filters but uses a standard notebook-builtin RGB camera, as often approached with appearance-based methods. Using the MetaHuman tool, we also generated a large synthetic dataset of more than 57,000 human faces and made it publicly available. The inclusion of this dataset (with eye gaze and head pose information) on top of the standard Columbia Gaze dataset into training the model led to better accuracy with a mean average error below two degrees in eye pitch and yaw directions, which compares favourably to related methods. We also verified the feasibility of our model by its preliminary testing in real-world setting using the builtin 4K camera in NICO semi-humanoid robot's eye.

TCuPGAN: A novel framework developed for optimizing human-machine interactions in citizen science. (arXiv:2311.14177v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Ramanakumar Sankar, Kameswara Mantha, Lucy Fortson, Helen Spiers, Thomas Pengo, Douglas Mashek, Myat Mo, Mark Sanders, Trace Christensen, Jeffrey Salisbury, Laura Trouille

In the era of big data in scientific research, there is a necessity to leverage techniques which reduce human effort in labeling and categorizing large datasets by involving sophisticated machine tools. To combat this problem, we present a novel, general purpose model for 3D segmentation that leverages patch-wise adversariality and Long Short-Term Memory to encode sequential information. Using this model alongside citizen science projects which use 3D datasets (image cubes) on the Zooniverse platforms, we propose an iterative human-machine optimization framework where only a fraction of the 2D slices from these cubes are seen by the volunteers. We leverage the patch-wise discriminator in our model to provide an estimate of which slices within these image cubes have poorly generalized feature representations, and correspondingly poor machine performance. These images with corresponding machine proposals would be presented to volunteers on Zooniverse for correction, leading to a drastic reduction in the volunteer effort on citizen science projects. We trained our model on ~2300 liver tissue 3D electron micrographs. Lipid droplets were segmented within these images through human annotation via the `Etch A Cell - Fat Checker' citizen science project, hosted on the Zooniverse platform. In this work, we demonstrate this framework and the selection methodology which resulted in a measured reduction in volunteer effort by more than 60%. We envision this type of joint human-machine partnership will be of great use on future Zooniverse projects.

Mind the box: $l_1$-APGD for sparse adversarial attacks on image classifiers. (arXiv:2103.01208v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Francesco Croce, Matthias Hein

We show that when taking into account also the image domain $[0,1]^d$, established $l_1$-projected gradient descent (PGD) attacks are suboptimal as they do not consider that the effective threat model is the intersection of the $l_1$-ball and $[0,1]^d$. We study the expected sparsity of the steepest descent step for this effective threat model and show that the exact projection onto this set is computationally feasible and yields better performance. Moreover, we propose an adaptive form of PGD which is highly effective even with a small budget of iterations. Our resulting $l_1$-APGD is a strong white-box attack showing that prior works overestimated their $l_1$-robustness. Using $l_1$-APGD for adversarial training we get a robust classifier with SOTA $l_1$-robustness. Finally, we combine $l_1$-APGD and an adaptation of the Square Attack to $l_1$ into $l_1$-AutoAttack, an ensemble of attacks which reliably assesses adversarial robustness for the threat model of $l_1$-ball intersected with $[0,1]^d$.

Evaluating Object (mis)Detection from a Safety and Reliability Perspective: Discussion and Measures. (arXiv:2203.02205v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Andrea Ceccarelli, Leonardo Montecchi

We argue that object detectors in the safety critical domain should prioritize detection of objects that are most likely to interfere with the actions of the autonomous actor. Especially, this applies to objects that can impact the actor's safety and reliability. To quantify the impact of object (mis)detection on safety and reliability in the context of autonomous driving, we propose new object detection measures that reward the correct identification of objects that are most dangerous and most likely to affect driving decisions. To achieve this, we build an object criticality model to reward the detection of the objects based on proximity, orientation, and relative velocity with respect to the subject vehicle. Then, we apply our model on the recent autonomous driving dataset nuScenes, and we compare nine object detectors. Results show that, in several settings, object detectors that perform best according to the nuScenes ranking are not the preferable ones when the focus is shifted on safety and reliability.

CMX: Cross-Modal Fusion for RGB-X Semantic Segmentation with Transformers. (arXiv:2203.04838v5 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaming Zhang, Huayao Liu, Kailun Yang, Xinxin Hu, Ruiping Liu, Rainer Stiefelhagen

Scene understanding based on image segmentation is a crucial component of autonomous vehicles. Pixel-wise semantic segmentation of RGB images can be advanced by exploiting complementary features from the supplementary modality (X-modality). However, covering a wide variety of sensors with a modality-agnostic model remains an unresolved problem due to variations in sensor characteristics among different modalities. Unlike previous modality-specific methods, in this work, we propose a unified fusion framework, CMX, for RGB-X semantic segmentation. To generalize well across different modalities, that often include supplements as well as uncertainties, a unified cross-modal interaction is crucial for modality fusion. Specifically, we design a Cross-Modal Feature Rectification Module (CM-FRM) to calibrate bi-modal features by leveraging the features from one modality to rectify the features of the other modality. With rectified feature pairs, we deploy a Feature Fusion Module (FFM) to perform sufficient exchange of long-range contexts before mixing. To verify CMX, for the first time, we unify five modalities complementary to RGB, i.e., depth, thermal, polarization, event, and LiDAR. Extensive experiments show that CMX generalizes well to diverse multi-modal fusion, achieving state-of-the-art performances on five RGB-Depth benchmarks, as well as RGB-Thermal, RGB-Polarization, and RGB-LiDAR datasets. Besides, to investigate the generalizability to dense-sparse data fusion, we establish an RGB-Event semantic segmentation benchmark based on the EventScape dataset, on which CMX sets the new state-of-the-art. The source code of CMX is publicly available at

Large Scale Time-Series Representation Learning via Simultaneous Low and High Frequency Feature Bootstrapping. (arXiv:2204.11291v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Vandan Gorade, Azad Singh, Deepak Mishra

Learning representation from unlabeled time series data is a challenging problem. Most existing self-supervised and unsupervised approaches in the time-series domain do not capture low and high-frequency features at the same time. Further, some of these methods employ large scale models like transformers or rely on computationally expensive techniques such as contrastive learning. To tackle these problems, we propose a non-contrastive self-supervised learning approach efficiently captures low and high-frequency time-varying features in a cost-effective manner. Our method takes raw time series data as input and creates two different augmented views for two branches of the model, by randomly sampling the augmentations from same family. Following the terminology of BYOL, the two branches are called online and target network which allows bootstrapping of the latent representation. In contrast to BYOL, where a backbone encoder is followed by multilayer perceptron (MLP) heads, the proposed model contains additional temporal convolutional network (TCN) heads. As the augmented views are passed through large kernel convolution blocks of the encoder, the subsequent combination of MLP and TCN enables an effective representation of low as well as high-frequency time-varying features due to the varying receptive fields. The two modules (MLP and TCN) act in a complementary manner. We train an online network where each module learns to predict the outcome of the respective module of target network branch. To demonstrate the robustness of our model we performed extensive experiments and ablation studies on five real-world time-series datasets. Our method achieved state-of-art performance on all five real-world datasets.

3D helical CT Reconstruction with a Memory Efficient Learned Primal-Dual Architecture. (arXiv:2205.11952v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jevgenija Rudzusika, Buda Bajić, Thomas Koehler, Ozan Öktem

Deep learning based computed tomography (CT) reconstruction has demonstrated outstanding performance on simulated 2D low-dose CT data. This applies in particular to domain adapted neural networks, which incorporate a handcrafted physics model for CT imaging. Empirical evidence shows that employing such architectures reduces the demand for training data and improves upon generalisation. However, their training requires large computational resources that quickly become prohibitive in 3D helical CT, which is the most common acquisition geometry used for medical imaging. Furthermore, clinical data also comes with other challenges not accounted for in simulations, like errors in flux measurement, resolution mismatch and, most importantly, the absence of the real ground truth. The necessity to have a computationally feasible training combined with the need to address these issues has made it difficult to evaluate deep learning based reconstruction on clinical 3D helical CT. This paper modifies a domain adapted neural network architecture, the Learned Primal-Dual (LPD), so that it can be trained and applied to reconstruction in this setting. We achieve this by splitting the helical trajectory into sections and applying the unrolled LPD iterations to those sections sequentially. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to apply an unrolled deep learning architecture for reconstruction on full-sized clinical data, like those in the Low dose CT image and projection data set (LDCT). Moreover, training and testing is done on a single GPU card with 24GB of memory.

Dynamic Sub-Cluster-Aware Network for Few-Shot Skin Disease Classification. (arXiv:2207.01072v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shuhan LI, Xiaomeng Li, Xiaowei Xu, Kwang-Ting Cheng

This paper addresses the problem of few-shot skin disease classification by introducing a novel approach called the Sub-Cluster-Aware Network (SCAN) that enhances accuracy in diagnosing rare skin diseases. The key insight motivating the design of SCAN is the observation that skin disease images within a class often exhibit multiple sub-clusters, characterized by distinct variations in appearance. To improve the performance of few-shot learning, we focus on learning a high-quality feature encoder that captures the unique sub-clustered representations within each disease class, enabling better characterization of feature distributions. Specifically, SCAN follows a dual-branch framework, where the first branch learns class-wise features to distinguish different skin diseases, and the second branch aims to learn features which can effectively partition each class into several groups so as to preserve the sub-clustered structure within each class. To achieve the objective of the second branch, we present a cluster loss to learn image similarities via unsupervised clustering. To ensure that the samples in each sub-cluster are from the same class, we further design a purity loss to refine the unsupervised clustering results. We evaluate the proposed approach on two public datasets for few-shot skin disease classification. The experimental results validate that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods by around 2% to 5% in terms of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and F1-score on the SD-198 and Derm7pt datasets.

Divide and Conquer: 3D Point Cloud Instance Segmentation With Point-Wise Binarization. (arXiv:2207.11209v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weiguang Zhao, Yuyao Yan, Chaolong Yang, Jianan Ye, Xi Yang, Kaizhu Huang

Instance segmentation on point clouds is crucially important for 3D scene understanding. Most SOTAs adopt distance clustering, which is typically effective but does not perform well in segmenting adjacent objects with the same semantic label (especially when they share neighboring points). Due to the uneven distribution of offset points, these existing methods can hardly cluster all instance points. To this end, we design a novel divide-and-conquer strategy named PBNet that binarizes each point and clusters them separately to segment instances. Our binary clustering divides offset instance points into two categories: high and low density points (HPs vs. LPs). Adjacent objects can be clearly separated by removing LPs, and then be completed and refined by assigning LPs via a neighbor voting method. To suppress potential over-segmentation, we propose to construct local scenes with the weight mask for each instance. As a plug-in, the proposed binary clustering can replace traditional distance clustering and lead to consistent performance gains on many mainstream baselines. A series of experiments on ScanNetV2 and S3DIS datasets indicate the superiority of our model. In particular, PBNet ranks first on the ScanNetV2 official benchmark challenge, achieving the highest mAP. Code will be available publicly at

Automatically Score Tissue Images Like a Pathologist by Transfer Learning. (arXiv:2209.05954v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Iris Yan

Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the world. Diagnosing cancer early on can save many lives. Pathologists have to look at tissue microarray (TMA) images manually to identify tumors, which can be time-consuming, inconsistent and subjective. Existing automatic algorithms either have not achieved the accuracy level of a pathologist or require substantial human involvements. A major challenge is that TMA images with different shapes, sizes, and locations can have the same score. Learning staining patterns in TMA images requires a huge number of images, which are severely limited due to privacy and regulation concerns in medical organizations. TMA images from different cancer types may share certain common characteristics, but combining them directly harms the accuracy due to heterogeneity in their staining patterns. Transfer learning is an emerging learning paradigm that allows borrowing strength from similar problems. However, existing approaches typically require a large sample from similar learning problems, while TMA images of different cancer types are often available in small sample size and further existing algorithms are limited to transfer learning from one similar problem. We propose a new transfer learning algorithm that could learn from multiple related problems, where each problem has a small sample and can have a substantially different distribution from the original one. The proposed algorithm has made it possible to break the critical accuracy barrier (the 75% accuracy level of pathologists), with a reported accuracy of 75.9% on breast cancer TMA images from the Stanford Tissue Microarray Database. It is supported by recent developments in transfer learning theory and empirical evidence in clustering technology. This will allow pathologists to confidently adopt automatic algorithms in recognizing tumors consistently with a higher accuracy in real time.

Perceptual Image Enhancement for Smartphone Real-Time Applications. (arXiv:2210.13552v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Marcos V. Conde, Florin Vasluianu, Javier Vazquez-Corral, Radu Timofte

Recent advances in camera designs and imaging pipelines allow us to capture high-quality images using smartphones. However, due to the small size and lens limitations of the smartphone cameras, we commonly find artifacts or degradation in the processed images. The most common unpleasant effects are noise artifacts, diffraction artifacts, blur, and HDR overexposure. Deep learning methods for image restoration can successfully remove these artifacts. However, most approaches are not suitable for real-time applications on mobile devices due to their heavy computation and memory requirements. In this paper, we propose LPIENet, a lightweight network for perceptual image enhancement, with the focus on deploying it on smartphones. Our experiments show that, with much fewer parameters and operations, our model can deal with the mentioned artifacts and achieve competitive performance compared with state-of-the-art methods on standard benchmarks. Moreover, to prove the efficiency and reliability of our approach, we deployed the model directly on commercial smartphones and evaluated its performance. Our model can process 2K resolution images under 1 second in mid-level commercial smartphones.

DeepDC: Deep Distance Correlation as a Perceptual Image Quality Evaluator. (arXiv:2211.04927v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hanwei Zhu, Baoliang Chen, Lingyu Zhu, Shiqi Wang, Weisi Lin

ImageNet pre-trained deep neural networks (DNNs) show notable transferability for building effective image quality assessment (IQA) models. Such a remarkable byproduct has often been identified as an emergent property in previous studies. In this work, we attribute such capability to the intrinsic texture-sensitive characteristic that classifies images using texture features. We fully exploit this characteristic to develop a novel full-reference IQA (FR-IQA) model based exclusively on pre-trained DNN features. Specifically, we compute the distance correlation, a highly promising yet relatively under-investigated statistic, between reference and distorted images in the deep feature domain. In addition, the distance correlation quantifies both linear and nonlinear feature relationships, which is far beyond the widely used first-order and second-order statistics in the feature space. We conduct comprehensive experiments to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed quality model on five standard IQA datasets, one perceptual similarity dataset, two texture similarity datasets, and one geometric transformation dataset. Moreover, we optimize the proposed model to generate a broad spectrum of texture patterns, by treating the model as the style loss function for neural style transfer (NST). Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed texture synthesis and NST methods achieve the best quantitative and qualitative results. We release our code at

Visual Dexterity: In-Hand Reorientation of Novel and Complex Object Shapes. (arXiv:2211.11744v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Tao Chen, Megha Tippur, Siyang Wu, Vikash Kumar, Edward Adelson, Pulkit Agrawal

In-hand object reorientation is necessary for performing many dexterous manipulation tasks, such as tool use in less structured environments that remain beyond the reach of current robots. Prior works built reorientation systems assuming one or many of the following: reorienting only specific objects with simple shapes, limited range of reorientation, slow or quasistatic manipulation, simulation-only results, the need for specialized and costly sensor suites, and other constraints which make the system infeasible for real-world deployment. We present a general object reorientation controller that does not make these assumptions. It uses readings from a single commodity depth camera to dynamically reorient complex and new object shapes by any rotation in real-time, with the median reorientation time being close to seven seconds. The controller is trained using reinforcement learning in simulation and evaluated in the real world on new object shapes not used for training, including the most challenging scenario of reorienting objects held in the air by a downward-facing hand that must counteract gravity during reorientation. Our hardware platform only uses open-source components that cost less than five thousand dollars. Although we demonstrate the ability to overcome assumptions in prior work, there is ample scope for improving absolute performance. For instance, the challenging duck-shaped object not used for training was dropped in 56 percent of the trials. When it was not dropped, our controller reoriented the object within 0.4 radians (23 degrees) 75 percent of the time. Videos are available at:

Adaptive Self-Training for Object Detection. (arXiv:2212.05911v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Renaud Vandeghen, Gilles Louppe, Marc Van Droogenbroeck

Deep learning has emerged as an effective solution for solving the task of object detection in images but at the cost of requiring large labeled datasets. To mitigate this cost, semi-supervised object detection methods, which consist in leveraging abundant unlabeled data, have been proposed and have already shown impressive results. However, most of these methods require linking a pseudo-label to a ground-truth object by thresholding. In previous works, this threshold value is usually determined empirically, which is time consuming, and only done for a single data distribution. When the domain, and thus the data distribution, changes, a new and costly parameter search is necessary. In this work, we introduce our method Adaptive Self-Training for Object Detection (ASTOD), which is a simple yet effective teacher-student method. ASTOD determines without cost a threshold value based directly on the ground value of the score histogram. To improve the quality of the teacher predictions, we also propose a novel pseudo-labeling procedure. We use different views of the unlabeled images during the pseudo-labeling step to reduce the number of missed predictions and thus obtain better candidate labels. Our teacher and our student are trained separately, and our method can be used in an iterative fashion by replacing the teacher by the student. On the MS-COCO dataset, our method consistently performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods that do not require a threshold parameter, and shows competitive results with methods that require a parameter sweep search. Additional experiments with respect to a supervised baseline on the DIOR dataset containing satellite images lead to similar conclusions, and prove that it is possible to adapt the score threshold automatically in self-training, regardless of the data distribution. The code is available at https://

OVO: One-shot Vision Transformer Search with Online distillation. (arXiv:2212.13766v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zimian Wei, Hengyue Pan, Xin Niu, Dongsheng Li

Pure transformers have shown great potential for vision tasks recently. However, their accuracy in small or medium datasets is not satisfactory. Although some existing methods introduce a CNN as a teacher to guide the training process by distillation, the gap between teacher and student networks would lead to sub-optimal performance. In this work, we propose a new One-shot Vision transformer search framework with Online distillation, namely OVO. OVO samples sub-nets for both teacher and student networks for better distillation results. Benefiting from the online distillation, thousands of subnets in the supernet are well-trained without extra finetuning or retraining. In experiments, OVO-Ti achieves 73.32% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet and 75.2% on CIFAR-100, respectively.

Interpretable and intervenable ultrasonography-based machine learning models for pediatric appendicitis. (arXiv:2302.14460v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ričards Marcinkevičs, Patricia Reis Wolfertstetter, Ugne Klimiene, Kieran Chin-Cheong, Alyssia Paschke, Julia Zerres, Markus Denzinger, David Niederberger, Sven Wellmann, Ece Ozkan, Christian Knorr, Julia E. Vogt

Appendicitis is among the most frequent reasons for pediatric abdominal surgeries. Previous decision support systems for appendicitis have focused on clinical, laboratory, scoring, and computed tomography data and have ignored abdominal ultrasound, despite its noninvasive nature and widespread availability. In this work, we present interpretable machine learning models for predicting the diagnosis, management and severity of suspected appendicitis using ultrasound images. Our approach utilizes concept bottleneck models (CBM) that facilitate interpretation and interaction with high-level concepts understandable to clinicians. Furthermore, we extend CBMs to prediction problems with multiple views and incomplete concept sets. Our models were trained on a dataset comprising 579 pediatric patients with 1709 ultrasound images accompanied by clinical and laboratory data. Results show that our proposed method enables clinicians to utilize a human-understandable and intervenable predictive model without compromising performance or requiring time-consuming image annotation when deployed. For predicting the diagnosis, the extended multiview CBM attained an AUROC of 0.80 and an AUPR of 0.92, performing comparably to similar black-box neural networks trained and tested on the same dataset.

Feature Perturbation Augmentation for Reliable Evaluation of Importance Estimators in Neural Networks. (arXiv:2303.01538v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lennart Brocki, Neo Christopher Chung

Post-hoc explanation methods attempt to make the inner workings of deep neural networks more interpretable. However, since a ground truth is in general lacking, local post-hoc interpretability methods, which assign importance scores to input features, are challenging to evaluate. One of the most popular evaluation frameworks is to perturb features deemed important by an interpretability method and to measure the change in prediction accuracy. Intuitively, a large decrease in prediction accuracy would indicate that the explanation has correctly quantified the importance of features with respect to the prediction outcome (e.g., logits). However, the change in the prediction outcome may stem from perturbation artifacts, since perturbed samples in the test dataset are out of distribution (OOD) compared to the training dataset and can therefore potentially disturb the model in an unexpected manner. To overcome this challenge, we propose feature perturbation augmentation (FPA) which creates and adds perturbed images during the model training. Through extensive computational experiments, we demonstrate that FPA makes deep neural networks (DNNs) more robust against perturbations. Furthermore, training DNNs with FPA demonstrate that the sign of importance scores may explain the model more meaningfully than has previously been assumed. Overall, FPA is an intuitive data augmentation technique that improves the evaluation of post-hoc interpretability methods.

Knowledge Accumulation in Continually Learned Representations and the Issue of Feature Forgetting. (arXiv:2304.00933v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Timm Hess, Eli Verwimp, Gido M. van de Ven, Tinne Tuytelaars

While it is established that neural networks suffer from catastrophic forgetting ``at the output level'', it is debated whether this is also the case at the level of representations. Some studies ascribe a certain level of innate robustness to representations, that they only forget minimally and no critical information, while others claim that representations are also severely affected by forgetting. To settle this debate, we first discuss how this apparent disagreement might stem from the coexistence of two phenomena that affect the quality of continually learned representations: knowledge accumulation and feature forgetting. We then show that, even though it is true that feature forgetting can be small in absolute terms, newly learned information is forgotten just as catastrophically at the level of representations as it is at the output level. Next we show that this feature forgetting is problematic as it substantially slows down knowledge accumulation. We further show that representations that are continually learned through both supervised and self-supervised learning suffer from feature forgetting. Finally, we study how feature forgetting and knowledge accumulation are affected by different types of continual learning methods.

HRS-Bench: Holistic, Reliable and Scalable Benchmark for Text-to-Image Models. (arXiv:2304.05390v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Eslam Mohamed Bakr, Pengzhan Sun, Xiaoqian Shen, Faizan Farooq Khan, Li Erran Li, Mohamed Elhoseiny

In recent years, Text-to-Image (T2I) models have been extensively studied, especially with the emergence of diffusion models that achieve state-of-the-art results on T2I synthesis tasks. However, existing benchmarks heavily rely on subjective human evaluation, limiting their ability to holistically assess the model's capabilities. Furthermore, there is a significant gap between efforts in developing new T2I architectures and those in evaluation. To address this, we introduce HRS-Bench, a concrete evaluation benchmark for T2I models that is Holistic, Reliable, and Scalable. Unlike existing bench-marks that focus on limited aspects, HRS-Bench measures 13 skills that can be categorized into five major categories: accuracy, robustness, generalization, fairness, and bias. In addition, HRS-Bench covers 50 scenarios, including fashion, animals, transportation, food, and clothes. We evaluate nine recent large-scale T2I models using metrics that cover a wide range of skills. A human evaluation aligned with 95% of our evaluations on average was conducted to probe the effectiveness of HRS-Bench. Our experiments demonstrate that existing models often struggle to generate images with the desired count of objects, visual text, or grounded emotions. We hope that our benchmark help ease future text-to-image generation research. The code and data are available at

Pick-a-Pic: An Open Dataset of User Preferences for Text-to-Image Generation. (arXiv:2305.01569v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuval Kirstain, Adam Polyak, Uriel Singer, Shahbuland Matiana, Joe Penna, Omer Levy

The ability to collect a large dataset of human preferences from text-to-image users is usually limited to companies, making such datasets inaccessible to the public. To address this issue, we create a web app that enables text-to-image users to generate images and specify their preferences. Using this web app we build Pick-a-Pic, a large, open dataset of text-to-image prompts and real users' preferences over generated images. We leverage this dataset to train a CLIP-based scoring function, PickScore, which exhibits superhuman performance on the task of predicting human preferences. Then, we test PickScore's ability to perform model evaluation and observe that it correlates better with human rankings than other automatic evaluation metrics. Therefore, we recommend using PickScore for evaluating future text-to-image generation models, and using Pick-a-Pic prompts as a more relevant dataset than MS-COCO. Finally, we demonstrate how PickScore can enhance existing text-to-image models via ranking.

Zero-shot Visual Relation Detection via Composite Visual Cues from Large Language Models. (arXiv:2305.12476v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lin Li, Jun Xiao, Guikun Chen, Jian Shao, Yueting Zhuang, Long Chen

Pretrained vision-language models, such as CLIP, have demonstrated strong generalization capabilities, making them promising tools in the realm of zero-shot visual recognition. Visual relation detection (VRD) is a typical task that identifies relationship (or interaction) types between object pairs within an image. However, naively utilizing CLIP with prevalent class-based prompts for zero-shot VRD has several weaknesses, e.g., it struggles to distinguish between different fine-grained relation types and it neglects essential spatial information of two objects. To this end, we propose a novel method for zero-shot VRD: RECODE, which solves RElation detection via COmposite DEscription prompts. Specifically, RECODE first decomposes each predicate category into subject, object, and spatial components. Then, it leverages large language models (LLMs) to generate description-based prompts (or visual cues) for each component. Different visual cues enhance the discriminability of similar relation categories from different perspectives, which significantly boosts performance in VRD. To dynamically fuse different cues, we further introduce a chain-of-thought method that prompts LLMs to generate reasonable weights for different visual cues. Extensive experiments on four VRD benchmarks have demonstrated the effectiveness and interpretability of RECODE.

CrossGET: Cross-Guided Ensemble of Tokens for Accelerating Vision-Language Transformers. (arXiv:2305.17455v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dachuan Shi, Chaofan Tao, Anyi Rao, Zhendong Yang, Chun Yuan, Jiaqi Wang

Recent vision-language models have achieved tremendous progress far beyond what we ever expected. However, their computational costs are also dramatically growing with rapid development, especially for the large models. It makes model acceleration exceedingly critical in a scenario of limited resources. Although extensively studied for unimodal models, the acceleration for multimodal models, especially the vision-language Transformers, is relatively under-explored. To pursue more efficient and accessible vision-language Transformers, this paper introduces \textbf{Cross}-\textbf{G}uided \textbf{E}nsemble of \textbf{T}okens (\textbf{\emph{CrossGET}}), a universal acceleration framework for vision-language Transformers. This framework adaptively combines tokens through real-time, cross-modal guidance, thereby achieving substantial acceleration while keeping high performance. \textit{CrossGET} has two key innovations: 1) \textit{Cross-Guided Matching and Ensemble}. \textit{CrossGET} incorporates cross-modal guided token matching and ensemble to exploit cross-modal information effectively, only introducing cross-modal tokens with negligible extra parameters. 2) \textit{Complete-Graph Soft Matching}. In contrast to the existing bipartite soft matching approach, \textit{CrossGET} introduces a complete-graph soft matching policy to achieve more reliable token-matching results while maintaining parallelizability and high efficiency. Extensive experiments are conducted on various vision-language tasks, including image-text retrieval, visual reasoning, image captioning, and visual question answering. Performance on both classic multimodal architectures and emerging multimodal LLMs demonstrate the effectiveness and versatility of the proposed \textit{CrossGET} framework. The code will be at \url{}.

XTransCT: Ultra-Fast Volumetric CT Reconstruction using Two Orthogonal X-Ray Projections for Image-guided Radiation Therapy via a Transformer Network. (arXiv:2305.19621v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chulong Zhang, Lin Liu, Jingjing Dai, Xuan Liu, Wenfeng He, Yinping Chan, Yaoqin Xie, Feng Chi, Xiaokun Liang

Computed tomography (CT) scans offer a detailed, three-dimensional representation of patients' internal organs. However, conventional CT reconstruction techniques necessitate acquiring hundreds or thousands of x-ray projections through a complete rotational scan of the body, making navigation or positioning during surgery infeasible. In image-guided radiation therapy, a method that reconstructs ultra-sparse X-ray projections into CT images, we can exploit the substantially reduced radiation dose and minimize equipment burden for localization and navigation. In this study, we introduce a novel Transformer architecture, termed XTransCT, devised to facilitate real-time reconstruction of CT images from two-dimensional X-ray images. We assess our approach regarding image quality and structural reliability using a dataset of fifty patients, supplied by a hospital, as well as the larger public dataset LIDC-IDRI, which encompasses thousands of patients. Additionally, we validated our algorithm's generalizability on the LNDb dataset. Our findings indicate that our algorithm surpasses other methods in image quality, structural precision, and generalizability. Moreover, in comparison to previous 3D convolution-based approaches, we note a substantial speed increase of approximately 300 %, achieving 44 ms per 3D image reconstruction.

Tame a Wild Camera: In-the-Wild Monocular Camera Calibration. (arXiv:2306.10988v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shengjie Zhu, Abhinav Kumar, Masa Hu, Xiaoming Liu

3D sensing for monocular in-the-wild images, e.g., depth estimation and 3D object detection, has become increasingly important. However, the unknown intrinsic parameter hinders their development and deployment. Previous methods for the monocular camera calibration rely on specific 3D objects or strong geometry prior, such as using a checkerboard or imposing a Manhattan World assumption. This work solves the problem from the other perspective by exploiting the monocular 3D prior. Our method is assumption-free and calibrates the complete $4$ Degree-of-Freedom (DoF) intrinsic parameters. First, we demonstrate intrinsic is solved from two well-studied monocular priors, i.e., monocular depthmap, and surface normal map. However, this solution imposes a low-bias and low-variance requirement for depth estimation. Alternatively, we introduce a novel monocular 3D prior, the incidence field, defined as the incidence rays between points in 3D space and pixels in the 2D imaging plane. The incidence field is a pixel-wise parametrization of the intrinsic invariant to image cropping and resizing. With the estimated incidence field, a robust RANSAC algorithm recovers intrinsic. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by showing superior performance on synthetic and zero-shot testing datasets. Beyond calibration, we demonstrate downstream applications in image manipulation detection & restoration, uncalibrated two-view pose estimation, and 3D sensing. Codes, models, and data will be held in

Task-Robust Pre-Training for Worst-Case Downstream Adaptation. (arXiv:2306.12070v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianghui Wang, Yang Chen, Xingyu Xie, Cong Fang, Zhouchen Lin

Pre-training has achieved remarkable success when transferred to downstream tasks. In machine learning, we care about not only the good performance of a model but also its behavior under reasonable shifts of condition. The same philosophy holds when pre-training a foundation model. However, the foundation model may not uniformly behave well for a series of related downstream tasks. This happens, for example, when conducting mask recovery regression where the recovery ability or the training instances diverge like pattern features are extracted dominantly on pre-training, but semantic features are also required on a downstream task. This paper considers pre-training a model that guarantees a uniformly good performance over the downstream tasks. We call this goal as $\textit{downstream-task robustness}$. Our method first separates the upstream task into several representative ones and applies a simple minimax loss for pre-training. We then design an efficient algorithm to solve the minimax loss and prove its convergence in the convex setting. In the experiments, we show both on large-scale natural language processing and computer vision datasets our method increases the metrics on worse-case downstream tasks. Additionally, some theoretical explanations for why our loss is beneficial are provided. Specifically, we show fewer samples are inherently required for the most challenging downstream task in some cases.

Self-Supervised Visual Acoustic Matching. (arXiv:2307.15064v2 [cs.MM] UPDATED)

Authors: Arjun Somayazulu, Changan Chen, Kristen Grauman

Acoustic matching aims to re-synthesize an audio clip to sound as if it were recorded in a target acoustic environment. Existing methods assume access to paired training data, where the audio is observed in both source and target environments, but this limits the diversity of training data or requires the use of simulated data or heuristics to create paired samples. We propose a self-supervised approach to visual acoustic matching where training samples include only the target scene image and audio -- without acoustically mismatched source audio for reference. Our approach jointly learns to disentangle room acoustics and re-synthesize audio into the target environment, via a conditional GAN framework and a novel metric that quantifies the level of residual acoustic information in the de-biased audio. Training with either in-the-wild web data or simulated data, we demonstrate it outperforms the state-of-the-art on multiple challenging datasets and a wide variety of real-world audio and environments.

MovieChat: From Dense Token to Sparse Memory for Long Video Understanding. (arXiv:2307.16449v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Enxin Song, Wenhao Chai, Guanhong Wang, Yucheng Zhang, Haoyang Zhou, Feiyang Wu, Haozhe Chi, Xun Guo, Tian Ye, Yanting Zhang, Yan Lu, Jenq-Neng Hwang, Gaoang Wang

Recently, integrating video foundation models and large language models to build a video understanding system can overcome the limitations of specific pre-defined vision tasks. Yet, existing systems can only handle videos with very few frames. For long videos, the computation complexity, memory cost, and long-term temporal connection impose additional challenges. Taking advantage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin memory model, with tokens in Transformers being employed as the carriers of memory in combination with our specially designed memory mechanism, we propose the MovieChat to overcome these challenges. MovieChat achieves state-of-the-art performance in long video understanding, along with the released MovieChat-1K benchmark with 1K long video and 14K manual annotations for validation of the effectiveness of our method.

Multi-Visual-Inertial System: Analysis, Calibration and Estimation. (arXiv:2308.05303v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Yulin Yang, Patrick Geneva, Guoquan Huang

In this paper, we study state estimation of multi-visual-inertial systems (MVIS) and develop sensor fusion algorithms to optimally fuse an arbitrary number of asynchronous inertial measurement units (IMUs) or gyroscopes and global and(or) rolling shutter cameras. We are especially interested in the full calibration of the associated visual-inertial sensors, including the IMU or camera intrinsics and the IMU-IMU(or camera) spatiotemporal extrinsics as well as the image readout time of rolling-shutter cameras (if used). To this end, we develop a new analytic combined IMU integration with intrinsics-termed ACI3-to preintegrate IMU measurements, which is leveraged to fuse auxiliary IMUs and(or) gyroscopes alongside a base IMU. We model the multi-inertial measurements to include all the necessary inertial intrinsic and IMU-IMU spatiotemporal extrinsic parameters, while leveraging IMU-IMU rigid-body constraints to eliminate the necessity of auxiliary inertial poses and thus reducing computational complexity. By performing observability analysis of MVIS, we prove that the standard four unobservable directions remain - no matter how many inertial sensors are used, and also identify, for the first time, degenerate motions for IMU-IMU spatiotemporal extrinsics and auxiliary inertial intrinsics. In addition to the extensive simulations that validate our analysis and algorithms, we have built our own MVIS sensor rig and collected over 25 real-world datasets to experimentally verify the proposed calibration against the state-of-the-art calibration method such as Kalibr. We show that the proposed MVIS calibration is able to achieve competing accuracy with improved convergence and repeatability, which is open sourced to better benefit the community.

EDDense-Net: Fully Dense Encoder Decoder Network for Joint Segmentation of Optic Cup and Disc. (arXiv:2308.10192v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mehwish Mehmood, Khuram Naveed, Khursheed Aurangzeb, Haroon Ahmed Khan, Musaed Alhussein, Syed Saud Naqvi

Glaucoma is an eye disease that causes damage to the optic nerve, which can lead to visual loss and permanent blindness. Early glaucoma detection is therefore critical in order to avoid permanent blindness. The estimation of the cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) during an examination of the optical disc (OD) is used for the diagnosis of glaucoma. In this paper, we present the EDDense-Net segmentation network for the joint segmentation of OC and OD. The encoder and decoder in this network are made up of dense blocks with a grouped convolutional layer in each block, allowing the network to acquire and convey spatial information from the image while simultaneously reducing the network's complexity. To reduce spatial information loss, the optimal number of filters in all convolution layers were utilised. In semantic segmentation, dice pixel classification is employed in the decoder to alleviate the problem of class imbalance. The proposed network was evaluated on two publicly available datasets where it outperformed existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of accuracy and efficiency. For the diagnosis and analysis of glaucoma, this method can be used as a second opinion system to assist medical ophthalmologists.

RemovalNet: DNN Fingerprint Removal Attacks. (arXiv:2308.12319v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongwei Yao, Zheng Li, Kunzhe Huang, Jian Lou, Zhan Qin, Kui Ren

With the performance of deep neural networks (DNNs) remarkably improving, DNNs have been widely used in many areas. Consequently, the DNN model has become a valuable asset, and its intellectual property is safeguarded by ownership verification techniques (e.g., DNN fingerprinting). However, the feasibility of the DNN fingerprint removal attack and its potential influence remains an open problem. In this paper, we perform the first comprehensive investigation of DNN fingerprint removal attacks. Generally, the knowledge contained in a DNN model can be categorized into general semantic and fingerprint-specific knowledge. To this end, we propose a min-max bilevel optimization-based DNN fingerprint removal attack named RemovalNet, to evade model ownership verification. The lower-level optimization is designed to remove fingerprint-specific knowledge. While in the upper-level optimization, we distill the victim model's general semantic knowledge to maintain the surrogate model's performance. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the fidelity, effectiveness, and efficiency of the RemovalNet against four advanced defense methods on six metrics. The empirical results demonstrate that (1) the RemovalNet is effective. After our DNN fingerprint removal attack, the model distance between the target and surrogate models is x100 times higher than that of the baseline attacks, (2) the RemovalNet is efficient. It uses only 0.2% (400 samples) of the substitute dataset and 1,000 iterations to conduct our attack. Besides, compared with advanced model stealing attacks, the RemovalNet saves nearly 85% of computational resources at most, (3) the RemovalNet achieves high fidelity that the created surrogate model maintains high accuracy after the DNN fingerprint removal process. Our code is available at:

Auto-Prompting SAM for Mobile Friendly 3D Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.14936v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chengyin Li, Prashant Khanduri, Yao Qiang, Rafi Ibn Sultan, Indrin Chetty, Dongxiao Zhu

Segment Anything Model (SAM) has rapidly been adopted for segmenting a wide range of natural images. However, recent studies have indicated that SAM exhibits subpar performance on 3D medical image segmentation tasks. In addition to the domain gaps between natural and medical images, disparities in the spatial arrangement between 2D and 3D images, the substantial computational burden imposed by powerful GPU servers, and the time-consuming manual prompt generation impede the extension of SAM to a broader spectrum of medical image segmentation applications. To mitigate these challenges, we introduce a novel method, AutoSAM Adapter, designed specifically for 3D multi-organ CT-based segmentation. This approach utilizes parameter-efficient adaptation techniques and an automatic prompt learning paradigm, transforming SAM's capabilities for 3D medical image segmentation. It eliminates the need for manual prompts and achieves SOTA performance in CT-based multi-organ segmentation tasks. Furthermore, we successfully transfer the acquired knowledge of the AutoSAM Adapter to other lightweight models tailored for 3D medical image analysis with enhanced performance. Through extensive experiments, the AutoSAM Adapter has been demonstrated as an effective method to adapt the foundational SAM-based 2D natural image segmentation model for 3D medical image segmentation tasks.

Pose-Graph Attentional Graph Neural Network for Lidar Place Recognition. (arXiv:2309.00168v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Milad Ramezani, Liang Wang, Joshua Knights, Zhibin Li, Pauline Pounds, Peyman Moghadam

This paper proposes a pose-graph attentional graph neural network, called P-GAT, which compares (key)nodes between sequential and non-sequential sub-graphs for place recognition tasks as opposed to a common frame-to-frame retrieval problem formulation currently implemented in SOTA place recognition methods. P-GAT uses the maximum spatial and temporal information between neighbour cloud descriptors -- generated by an existing encoder -- utilising the concept of pose-graph SLAM. Leveraging intra- and inter-attention and graph neural network, P-GAT relates point clouds captured in nearby locations in Euclidean space and their embeddings in feature space. Experimental results on the large-scale publically available datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in scenes lacking distinct features and when training and testing environments have different distributions (domain adaptation). Further, an exhaustive comparison with the state-of-the-art shows improvements in performance gains. Code is available at

CIEM: Contrastive Instruction Evaluation Method for Better Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2309.02301v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongyu Hu, Jiyuan Zhang, Minyi Zhao, Zhenbang Sun

Nowadays, the research on Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) has been significantly promoted thanks to the success of Large Language Models (LLM). Nevertheless, these Vision-Language Models (VLMs) are suffering from the drawback of hallucination -- due to insufficient understanding of vision and language modalities, VLMs may generate incorrect perception information when doing downstream applications, for example, captioning a non-existent entity. To address the hallucination phenomenon, on the one hand, we introduce a Contrastive Instruction Evaluation Method (CIEM), which is an automatic pipeline that leverages an annotated image-text dataset coupled with an LLM to generate factual/contrastive question-answer pairs for the evaluation of the hallucination of VLMs. On the other hand, based on CIEM, we further propose a new instruction tuning method called CIT (the abbreviation of Contrastive Instruction Tuning) to alleviate the hallucination of VLMs by automatically producing high-quality factual/contrastive question-answer pairs and corresponding justifications for model tuning. Through extensive experiments on CIEM and CIT, we pinpoint the hallucination issues commonly present in existing VLMs, the disability of the current instruction-tuning dataset to handle the hallucination phenomenon and the superiority of CIT-tuned VLMs over both CIEM and public datasets.

SAM3D: Segment Anything Model in Volumetric Medical Images. (arXiv:2309.03493v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nhat-Tan Bui, Dinh-Hieu Hoang, Minh-Triet Tran, Gianfranco Doretto, Donald Adjeroh, Brijesh Patel, Arabinda Choudhary, Ngan Le

Image segmentation remains a pivotal component in medical image analysis, aiding in the extraction of critical information for precise diagnostic practices. With the advent of deep learning, automated image segmentation methods have risen to prominence, showcasing exceptional proficiency in processing medical imagery. Motivated by the Segment Anything Model (SAM)-a foundational model renowned for its remarkable precision and robust generalization capabilities in segmenting 2D natural images-we introduce SAM3D, an innovative adaptation tailored for 3D volumetric medical image analysis. Unlike current SAM-based methods that segment volumetric data by converting the volume into separate 2D slices for individual analysis, our SAM3D model processes the entire 3D volume image in a unified approach. Extensive experiments are conducted on multiple medical image datasets to demonstrate that our network attains competitive results compared with other state-of-the-art methods in 3D medical segmentation tasks while being significantly efficient in terms of parameters. Code and checkpoints are available at

Unsupervised Disentangling of Facial Representations with 3D-aware Latent Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2309.08273v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruian He, Zhen Xing, Weimin Tan, Bo Yan

Unsupervised learning of facial representations has gained increasing attention for face understanding ability without heavily relying on large-scale annotated datasets. However, it remains unsolved due to the coupling of facial identities, expressions, and external factors like pose and light. Prior methods primarily focus on 2D factors and pixel-level consistency, leading to incomplete disentangling and suboptimal performance in downstream tasks. In this paper, we propose LatentFace, a novel unsupervised disentangling framework for facial expression and identity representation. We suggest the disentangling problem should be performed in latent space and propose the solution using a 3D-aware latent diffusion model. First, we introduce a 3D-aware autoencoder to encode face images into 3D latent embeddings. Second, we propose a novel representation diffusion model (RDM) to disentangle 3D latent into facial identity and expression. Consequently, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in facial expression recognition and face verification among unsupervised facial representation learning models. Codes are available at \url{}.

Improved Breast Cancer Diagnosis through Transfer Learning on Hematoxylin and Eosin Stained Histology Images. (arXiv:2309.08745v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fahad Ahmed, Reem Abdel-Salam, Leon Hamnett, Mary Adewunmi, Temitope Ayano

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death for women worldwide. Early screening is essential for early identification, but the chance of survival declines as the cancer progresses into advanced stages. For this study, the most recent BRACS dataset of histological (H\&E) stained images was used to classify breast cancer tumours, which contains both the whole-slide images (WSI) and region-of-interest (ROI) images, however, for our study we have considered ROI images. We have experimented using different pre-trained deep learning models, such as Xception, EfficientNet, ResNet50, and InceptionResNet, pre-trained on the ImageNet weights. We pre-processed the BRACS ROI along with image augmentation, upsampling, and dataset split strategies. For the default dataset split, the best results were obtained by ResNet50 achieving 66% f1-score. For the custom dataset split, the best results were obtained by performing upsampling and image augmentation which results in 96.2% f1-score. Our second approach also reduced the number of false positive and false negative classifications to less than 3% for each class. We believe that our study significantly impacts the early diagnosis and identification of breast cancer tumors and their subtypes, especially atypical and malignant tumors, thus improving patient outcomes and reducing patient mortality rates. Overall, this study has primarily focused on identifying seven (7) breast cancer tumor subtypes, and we believe that the experimental models can be fine-tuned further to generalize over previous breast cancer histology datasets as well.

Associative Transformer Is A Sparse Representation Learner. (arXiv:2309.12862v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuwei Sun, Hideya Ochiai, Zhirong Wu, Stephen Lin, Ryota Kanai

Emerging from the monolithic pairwise attention mechanism in conventional Transformer models, there is a growing interest in leveraging sparse interactions that align more closely with biological principles. Approaches including the Set Transformer and the Perceiver employ cross-attention consolidated with a latent space that forms an attention bottleneck with limited capacity. Building upon recent neuroscience studies of Global Workspace Theory and associative memory, we propose the Associative Transformer (AiT). AiT induces low-rank explicit memory that serves as both priors to guide bottleneck attention in the shared workspace and attractors within associative memory of a Hopfield network. Through joint end-to-end training, these priors naturally develop module specialization, each contributing a distinct inductive bias to form attention bottlenecks. A bottleneck can foster competition among inputs for writing information into the memory. We show that AiT is a sparse representation learner, learning distinct priors through the bottlenecks that are complexity-invariant to input quantities and dimensions. AiT demonstrates its superiority over methods such as the Set Transformer, Vision Transformer, and Coordination in various vision tasks.

Prompt-based test-time real image dehazing: a novel pipeline. (arXiv:2309.17389v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zixuan Chen, Zewei He, Ziqian Lu, Xuecheng Sun, Zhe-Ming Lu

Existing methods attempt to improve models' generalization ability on real-world hazy images by exploring well-designed training schemes (e.g., CycleGAN, prior loss). However, most of them need very complicated training procedures to achieve satisfactory results. In this work, we present a totally novel testing pipeline called Prompt-based Test-Time Dehazing (PTTD) to help generate visually pleasing results of real-captured hazy images during the inference phase. We experimentally find that given a dehazing model trained on synthetic data, by fine-tuning the statistics (i.e., mean and standard deviation) of encoding features, PTTD is able to narrow the domain gap, boosting the performance of real image dehazing. Accordingly, we first apply a prompt generation module (PGM) to generate a visual prompt, which is the source of appropriate statistical perturbations for mean and standard deviation. And then, we employ the feature adaptation module (FAM) into the existing dehazing models for adjusting the original statistics with the guidance of the generated prompt. Note that, PTTD is model-agnostic and can be equipped with various state-of-the-art dehazing models trained on synthetic hazy-clean pairs. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our PTTD is flexible meanwhile achieves superior performance against state-of-the-art dehazing methods in real-world scenarios. The source code of our PTTD will be made available at

CoT3DRef: Chain-of-Thoughts Data-Efficient 3D Visual Grounding. (arXiv:2310.06214v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Eslam Mohamed Bakr, Mohamed Ayman, Mahmoud Ahmed, Habib Slim, Mohamed Elhoseiny

3D visual grounding is the ability to localize objects in 3D scenes conditioned by utterances. Most existing methods devote the referring head to localize the referred object directly, causing failure in complex scenarios. In addition, it does not illustrate how and why the network reaches the final decision. In this paper, we address this question Can we design an interpretable 3D visual grounding framework that has the potential to mimic the human perception system?. To this end, we formulate the 3D visual grounding problem as a sequence-to-sequence task by first predicting a chain of anchors and then the final target. Interpretability not only improves the overall performance but also helps us identify failure cases. Following the chain of thoughts approach enables us to decompose the referring task into interpretable intermediate steps, boosting the performance and making our framework extremely data-efficient. Moreover, our proposed framework can be easily integrated into any existing architecture. We validate our approach through comprehensive experiments on the Nr3D, Sr3D, and Scanrefer benchmarks and show consistent performance gains compared to existing methods without requiring manually annotated data. Furthermore, our proposed framework, dubbed CoT3DRef, is significantly data-efficient, whereas on the Sr3D dataset, when trained only on 10% of the data, we match the SOTA performance that trained on the entire data.

XAI Benchmark for Visual Explanation. (arXiv:2310.08537v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifei Zhang, Siyi Gu, James Song, Bo Pan, Guangji Bai, Liang Zhao

The rise of deep learning has ushered in significant progress in computer vision (CV) tasks, yet the "black box" nature of these models often precludes interpretability. This challenge has spurred the development of Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) by generating explanations to AI's decision-making process. An explanation is aimed to not only faithfully reflect the true reasoning process (i.e., faithfulness) but also align with humans' reasoning (i.e., alignment). Within XAI, visual explanations employ visual cues to elucidate the reasoning behind machine learning models, particularly in image processing, by highlighting images' critical areas important to predictions. Despite the considerable body of research in visual explanations, standardized benchmarks for evaluating them are seriously underdeveloped. In particular, to evaluate alignment, existing works usually merely illustrate a few images' visual explanations, or hire some referees to report the explanation quality under ad-hoc questionnaires. However, this cannot achieve a standardized, quantitative, and comprehensive evaluation. To address this issue, we develop a benchmark for visual explanation, consisting of eight datasets with human explanation annotations from various domains, accommodating both post-hoc and intrinsic visual explanation methods. Additionally, we devise a visual explanation pipeline that includes data loading, explanation generation, and method evaluation. Our proposed benchmarks facilitate a fair evaluation and comparison of visual explanation methods. Building on our curated collection of datasets, we benchmarked eight existing visual explanation methods and conducted a thorough comparison across four selected datasets using six alignment-based and causality-based metrics. Our benchmark will be accessible through our website

Hawkeye: A PyTorch-based Library for Fine-Grained Image Recognition with Deep Learning. (arXiv:2310.09600v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiabei He, Yang Shen, Xiu-Shen Wei, Ye Wu

Fine-Grained Image Recognition (FGIR) is a fundamental and challenging task in computer vision and multimedia that plays a crucial role in Intellectual Economy and Industrial Internet applications. However, the absence of a unified open-source software library covering various paradigms in FGIR poses a significant challenge for researchers and practitioners in the field. To address this gap, we present Hawkeye, a PyTorch-based library for FGIR with deep learning. Hawkeye is designed with a modular architecture, emphasizing high-quality code and human-readable configuration, providing a comprehensive solution for FGIR tasks. In Hawkeye, we have implemented 16 state-of-the-art fine-grained methods, covering 6 different paradigms, enabling users to explore various approaches for FGIR. To the best of our knowledge, Hawkeye represents the first open-source PyTorch-based library dedicated to FGIR. It is publicly available at, providing researchers and practitioners with a powerful tool to advance their research and development in the field of FGIR.

Cultural and Linguistic Diversity Improves Visual Representations. (arXiv:2310.14356v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Andre Ye, Sebastin Santy, Jena D. Hwang, Amy X. Zhang, Ranjay Krishna

Computer vision often treats perception as objective, and this assumption gets reflected in the way that datasets are collected and models are trained. For instance, image descriptions in different languages are typically assumed to be translations of the same semantic content. However, work in cross-cultural psychology and linguistics has shown that individuals differ in their visual perception depending on their cultural background and the language they speak. In this paper, we demonstrate significant differences in semantic content across languages in both dataset and model-produced captions. When data is multilingual as opposed to monolingual, captions have higher semantic coverage on average, as measured by scene graph, embedding, and linguistic complexity. For example, multilingual captions have on average 21.8% more objects, 24.5% more relations, and 27.1% more attributes than a set of monolingual captions. Moreover, models trained on content from different languages perform best against test data from those languages, while those trained on multilingual content perform consistently well across all evaluation data compositions. Our research provides implications for how diverse modes of perception can improve image understanding.

Scale-Adaptive Feature Aggregation for Efficient Space-Time Video Super-Resolution. (arXiv:2310.17294v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhewei Huang, Ailin Huang, Xiaotao Hu, Chen Hu, Jun Xu, Shuchang Zhou

The Space-Time Video Super-Resolution (STVSR) task aims to enhance the visual quality of videos, by simultaneously performing video frame interpolation (VFI) and video super-resolution (VSR). However, facing the challenge of the additional temporal dimension and scale inconsistency, most existing STVSR methods are complex and inflexible in dynamically modeling different motion amplitudes. In this work, we find that choosing an appropriate processing scale achieves remarkable benefits in flow-based feature propagation. We propose a novel Scale-Adaptive Feature Aggregation (SAFA) network that adaptively selects sub-networks with different processing scales for individual samples. Experiments on four public STVSR benchmarks demonstrate that SAFA achieves state-of-the-art performance. Our SAFA network outperforms recent state-of-the-art methods such as TMNet and VideoINR by an average improvement of over 0.5dB on PSNR, while requiring less than half the number of parameters and only 1/3 computational costs.

Upgrading VAE Training With Unlimited Data Plans Provided by Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2310.19653v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Tim Z. Xiao, Johannes Zenn, Robert Bamler

Variational autoencoders (VAEs) are popular models for representation learning but their encoders are susceptible to overfitting (Cremer et al., 2018) because they are trained on a finite training set instead of the true (continuous) data distribution $p_{\mathrm{data}}(\mathbf{x})$. Diffusion models, on the other hand, avoid this issue by keeping the encoder fixed. This makes their representations less interpretable, but it simplifies training, enabling accurate and continuous approximations of $p_{\mathrm{data}}(\mathbf{x})$. In this paper, we show that overfitting encoders in VAEs can be effectively mitigated by training on samples from a pre-trained diffusion model. These results are somewhat unexpected as recent findings (Alemohammad et al., 2023; Shumailov et al., 2023) observe a decay in generative performance when models are trained on data generated by another generative model. We analyze generalization performance, amortization gap, and robustness of VAEs trained with our proposed method on three different data sets. We find improvements in all metrics compared to both normal training and conventional data augmentation methods, and we show that a modest amount of samples from the diffusion model suffices to obtain these gains.

VCISR: Blind Single Image Super-Resolution with Video Compression Synthetic Data. (arXiv:2311.00996v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Boyang Wang, Bowen Liu, Shiyu Liu, Fengyu Yang

In the blind single image super-resolution (SISR) task, existing works have been successful in restoring image-level unknown degradations. However, when a single video frame becomes the input, these works usually fail to address degradations caused by video compression, such as mosquito noise, ringing, blockiness, and staircase noise. In this work, we for the first time, present a video compression-based degradation model to synthesize low-resolution image data in the blind SISR task. Our proposed image synthesizing method is widely applicable to existing image datasets, so that a single degraded image can contain distortions caused by the lossy video compression algorithms. This overcomes the leak of feature diversity in video data and thus retains the training efficiency. By introducing video coding artifacts to SISR degradation models, neural networks can super-resolve images with the ability to restore video compression degradations, and achieve better results on restoring generic distortions caused by image compression as well. Our proposed approach achieves superior performance in SOTA no-reference Image Quality Assessment, and shows better visual quality on various datasets. In addition, we evaluate the SISR neural network trained with our degradation model on video super-resolution (VSR) datasets. Compared to architectures specifically designed for the VSR purpose, our method exhibits similar or better performance, evidencing that the presented strategy on infusing video-based degradation is generalizable to address more complicated compression artifacts even without temporal cues.

Learning Unsupervised World Models for Autonomous Driving via Discrete Diffusion. (arXiv:2311.01017v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lunjun Zhang, Yuwen Xiong, Ze Yang, Sergio Casas, Rui Hu, Raquel Urtasun

Learning world models can teach an agent how the world works in an unsupervised manner. Even though it can be viewed as a special case of sequence modeling, progress for scaling world models on robotic applications such as autonomous driving has been somewhat less rapid than scaling language models with Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPT). We identify two reasons as major bottlenecks: dealing with complex and unstructured observation space, and having a scalable generative model. Consequently, we propose a novel world modeling approach that first tokenizes sensor observations with VQVAE, then predicts the future via discrete diffusion. To efficiently decode and denoise tokens in parallel, we recast Masked Generative Image Transformer into the discrete diffusion framework with a few simple changes, resulting in notable improvement. When applied to learning world models on point cloud observations, our model reduces prior SOTA Chamfer distance by more than 65% for 1s prediction, and more than 50% for 3s prediction, across NuScenes, KITTI Odometry, and Argoverse2 datasets. Our results demonstrate that discrete diffusion on tokenized agent experience can unlock the power of GPT-like unsupervised learning for robotic agents.

Sea You Later: Metadata-Guided Long-Term Re-Identification for UAV-Based Multi-Object Tracking. (arXiv:2311.03561v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cheng-Yen Yang, Hsiang-Wei Huang, Zhongyu Jiang, Heng-Cheng Kuo, Jie Mei, Chung-I Huang, Jenq-Neng Hwang

Re-identification (ReID) in multi-object tracking (MOT) for UAVs in maritime computer vision has been challenging for several reasons. More specifically, short-term re-identification (ReID) is difficult due to the nature of the characteristics of small targets and the sudden movement of the drone's gimbal. Long-term ReID suffers from the lack of useful appearance diversity. In response to these challenges, we present an adaptable motion-based MOT algorithm, called Metadata Guided MOT (MG-MOT). This algorithm effectively merges short-term tracking data into coherent long-term tracks, harnessing crucial metadata from UAVs, including GPS position, drone altitude, and camera orientations. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the efficacy of our MOT algorithm. Utilizing the challenging SeaDroneSee tracking dataset, which encompasses the aforementioned scenarios, we achieve a much-improved performance in the latest edition of the UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking Challenge with a state-of-the-art HOTA of 69.5% and an IDF1 of 85.9% on the testing split.

Are "Hierarchical" Visual Representations Hierarchical?. (arXiv:2311.05784v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ethan Shen, Ali Farhadi, Aditya Kusupati

Learned visual representations often capture large amounts of semantic information for accurate downstream applications. Human understanding of the world is fundamentally grounded in hierarchy. To mimic this and further improve representation capabilities, the community has explored "hierarchical" visual representations that aim at modeling the underlying hierarchy of the visual world. In this work, we set out to investigate if hierarchical visual representations truly capture the human perceived hierarchy better than standard learned representations. To this end, we create HierNet, a suite of 12 datasets spanning 3 kinds of hierarchy from the BREEDs subset of ImageNet. After extensive evaluation of Hyperbolic and Matryoshka Representations across training setups, we conclude that they do not capture hierarchy any better than the standard representations but can assist in other aspects like search efficiency and interpretability. Our benchmark and the datasets are open-sourced at

Diagonal Hierarchical Consistency Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.06031v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Heejoon Koo

Medical image segmentation, which is essential for many clinical applications, has achieved almost human-level performance via data-driven deep learning technologies. Nevertheless, its performance is predicated upon the costly process of manually annotating a vast amount of medical images. To this end, we propose a novel framework for robust semi-supervised medical image segmentation using diagonal hierarchical consistency learning (DiHC-Net). First, it is composed of multiple sub-models with identical multi-scale architecture but with distinct sub-layers, such as up-sampling and normalisation layers. Second, with mutual consistency, a novel consistency regularisation is enforced between one model's intermediate and final prediction and soft pseudo labels from other models in a diagonal hierarchical fashion. A series of experiments verifies the efficacy of our simple framework, outperforming all previous approaches on public Left Atrium (LA) dataset.

Instant3D: Fast Text-to-3D with Sparse-View Generation and Large Reconstruction Model. (arXiv:2311.06214v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiahao Li, Hao Tan, Kai Zhang, Zexiang Xu, Fujun Luan, Yinghao Xu, Yicong Hong, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Greg Shakhnarovich, Sai Bi

Text-to-3D with diffusion models has achieved remarkable progress in recent years. However, existing methods either rely on score distillation-based optimization which suffer from slow inference, low diversity and Janus problems, or are feed-forward methods that generate low-quality results due to the scarcity of 3D training data. In this paper, we propose Instant3D, a novel method that generates high-quality and diverse 3D assets from text prompts in a feed-forward manner. We adopt a two-stage paradigm, which first generates a sparse set of four structured and consistent views from text in one shot with a fine-tuned 2D text-to-image diffusion model, and then directly regresses the NeRF from the generated images with a novel transformer-based sparse-view reconstructor. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method can generate diverse 3D assets of high visual quality within 20 seconds, which is two orders of magnitude faster than previous optimization-based methods that can take 1 to 10 hours. Our project webpage:

Monkey: Image Resolution and Text Label Are Important Things for Large Multi-modal Models. (arXiv:2311.06607v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhang Li, Biao Yang, Qiang Liu, Zhiyin Ma, Shuo Zhang, Jingxu Yang, Yabo Sun, Yuliang Liu, Xiang Bai

Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have shown promise in vision-language tasks but struggle with high-resolution input and detailed scene understanding. Addressing these challenges, we introduce Monkey to enhance LMM capabilities. Firstly, Monkey processes input images by dividing them into uniform patches, each matching the size (e.g., 448x448) used in the original training of the well-trained vision encoder. Equipped with individual adapter for each patch, Monkey can handle higher resolutions up to 1344x896 pixels, enabling the detailed capture of complex visual information. Secondly, it employs a multi-level description generation method, enriching the context for scene-object associations. This two-part strategy ensures more effective learning from generated data: the higher resolution allows for a more detailed capture of visuals, which in turn enhances the effectiveness of comprehensive descriptions. Extensive ablative results validate the effectiveness of our designs. Additionally, experiments on 18 datasets further demonstrate that Monkey surpasses existing LMMs in many tasks like Image Captioning and various Visual Question Answering formats. Specially, in qualitative tests focused on dense text question answering, Monkey has exhibited encouraging results compared with GPT4V. Code is available at

GazeForensics: DeepFake Detection via Gaze-guided Spatial Inconsistency Learning. (arXiv:2311.07075v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinlin He, Chunlei Peng, Decheng Liu, Nannan Wang, Xinbo Gao

DeepFake detection is pivotal in personal privacy and public safety. With the iterative advancement of DeepFake techniques, high-quality forged videos and images are becoming increasingly deceptive. Prior research has seen numerous attempts by scholars to incorporate biometric features into the field of DeepFake detection. However, traditional biometric-based approaches tend to segregate biometric features from general ones and freeze the biometric feature extractor. These approaches resulted in the exclusion of valuable general features, potentially leading to a performance decline and, consequently, a failure to fully exploit the potential of biometric information in assisting DeepFake detection. Moreover, insufficient attention has been dedicated to scrutinizing gaze authenticity within the realm of DeepFake detection in recent years. In this paper, we introduce GazeForensics, an innovative DeepFake detection method that utilizes gaze representation obtained from a 3D gaze estimation model to regularize the corresponding representation within our DeepFake detection model, while concurrently integrating general features to further enhance the performance of our model. Experiment results reveal that our proposed GazeForensics outperforms the current state-of-the-art methods.

RBPGAN: Recurrent Back-Projection GAN for Video Super Resolution. (arXiv:2311.09178v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Marwah Sulaiman, Zahraa Shehabeldin, Israa Fahmy, Mohammed Barakat, Mohammed El-Naggar, Dareen Hussein, Moustafa Youssef, Hesham Eraqi

Recently, video super resolution (VSR) has become a very impactful task in the area of Computer Vision due to its various applications. In this paper, we propose Recurrent Back-Projection Generative Adversarial Network (RBPGAN) for VSR in an attempt to generate temporally coherent solutions while preserving spatial details. RBPGAN integrates two state-of-the-art models to get the best in both worlds without compromising the accuracy of produced video. The generator of the model is inspired by RBPN system, while the discriminator is inspired by TecoGAN. We also utilize Ping-Pong loss to increase temporal consistency over time. Our contribution together results in a model that outperforms earlier work in terms of temporally consistent details, as we will demonstrate qualitatively and quantitatively using different datasets.

Joint covariance property under geometric image transformations for spatio-temporal receptive fields according to the generalized Gaussian derivative model for visual receptive fields. (arXiv:2311.10543v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tony Lindeberg

The influence of natural image transformations on receptive field responses is crucial for modelling visual operations in computer vision and biological vision. In this regard, covariance properties with respect to geometric image transformations in the earliest layers of the visual hierarchy are essential for expressing robust image operations and for formulating invariant visual operations at higher levels. This paper defines and proves a joint covariance property under compositions of spatial scaling transformations, spatial affine transformations, Galilean transformations and temporal scaling transformations, which makes it possible to characterize how different types of image transformations interact with each other. Specifically, the derived relations show how the receptive field parameters need to be transformed, in order to match the output from spatio-temporal receptive fields with the underlying spatio-temporal image transformations.

A Recent Survey of the Advancements in Deep Learning Techniques for Monkeypox Disease Detection. (arXiv:2311.10754v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Saddam Hussain Khan, Rashid Iqbal, Saeeda Naz (Artifical Intelligence Lab, Department of Computer Systems Engineering, University of Engineering and Applied Science (UEAS), Swat, Pakistan)

Monkeypox (MPox) is a zoonotic infectious disease induced by the MPox Virus, part of the poxviridae orthopoxvirus group initially discovered in Africa and gained global attention in mid-2022 with cases reported outside endemic areas. Symptoms include headaches, chills, fever, smallpox, measles, and chickenpox-like skin manifestations and the WHO officially announced MPox as a global public health pandemic, in July 2022.Traditionally, PCR testing of skin lesions is considered a benchmark for the primary diagnosis by WHO, with symptom management as the primary treatment and antiviral drugs like tecovirimat for severe cases. However, manual analysis within hospitals poses a substantial challenge including the substantial burden on healthcare professionals, limited facilities, availability and fatigue among doctors, and human error during public health emergencies. Therefore, this survey paper provides an extensive and efficient analysis of deep learning (DL) methods for the automatic detection of MPox in skin lesion images. These DL techniques are broadly grouped into categories, including deep CNN, Deep CNNs ensemble, deep hybrid learning, the newly developed, and Vision transformer for diagnosing MPox. Moreover, this study offers a systematic exploration of the evolutionary progression of DL techniques and identifies, and addresses limitations in previous methods while highlighting the valuable contributions and innovation. Additionally, the paper addresses benchmark datasets and their collection from various authentic sources, pre-processing techniques, and evaluation metrics. The survey also briefly delves into emerging concepts, identifies research gaps, limitations, and applications, and outlines challenges in the diagnosis process. This survey furnishes valuable insights into the prospective areas of DL innovative ideas and is anticipated to serve as a path for researchers.

PF-LRM: Pose-Free Large Reconstruction Model for Joint Pose and Shape Prediction. (arXiv:2311.12024v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Peng Wang, Hao Tan, Sai Bi, Yinghao Xu, Fujun Luan, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Wenping Wang, Zexiang Xu, Kai Zhang

We propose a Pose-Free Large Reconstruction Model (PF-LRM) for reconstructing a 3D object from a few unposed images even with little visual overlap, while simultaneously estimating the relative camera poses in ~1.3 seconds on a single A100 GPU. PF-LRM is a highly scalable method utilizing the self-attention blocks to exchange information between 3D object tokens and 2D image tokens; we predict a coarse point cloud for each view, and then use a differentiable Perspective-n-Point (PnP) solver to obtain camera poses. When trained on a huge amount of multi-view posed data of ~1M objects, PF-LRM shows strong cross-dataset generalization ability, and outperforms baseline methods by a large margin in terms of pose prediction accuracy and 3D reconstruction quality on various unseen evaluation datasets. We also demonstrate our model's applicability in downstream text/image-to-3D task with fast feed-forward inference. Our project website is at: .

Applications of Large Scale Foundation Models for Autonomous Driving. (arXiv:2311.12144v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Huang, Yue Chen, Zhu Li

Since DARPA Grand Challenges (rural) in 2004/05 and Urban Challenges in 2007, autonomous driving has been the most active field of AI applications. Recently powered by large language models (LLMs), chat systems, such as chatGPT and PaLM, emerge and rapidly become a promising direction to achieve artificial general intelligence (AGI) in natural language processing (NLP). There comes a natural thinking that we could employ these abilities to reformulate autonomous driving. By combining LLM with foundation models, it is possible to utilize the human knowledge, commonsense and reasoning to rebuild autonomous driving systems from the current long-tailed AI dilemma. In this paper, we investigate the techniques of foundation models and LLMs applied for autonomous driving, categorized as simulation, world model, data annotation and planning or E2E solutions etc.

CASR: Refining Action Segmentation via Magrinalizing Frame-levle Causal Relationships. (arXiv:2311.12401v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Keqing Du, Xinyu Yang, Hang Chen

Integrating deep learning and causal discovery has increased the interpretability of Temporal Action Segmentation (TAS) tasks. However, frame-level causal relationships exist many complicated noises outside the segment-level, making it infeasible to directly express macro action semantics. Thus, we propose Causal Abstraction Segmentation Refiner (CASR), which can refine TAS results from various models by enhancing video causality in marginalizing frame-level casual relationships. Specifically, we define the equivalent frame-level casual model and segment-level causal model, so that the causal adjacency matrix constructed from marginalized frame-level causal relationships has the ability to represent the segmnet-level causal relationships. CASR works out by reducing the difference in the causal adjacency matrix between we constructed and pre-segmentation results of backbone models. In addition, we propose a novel evaluation metric Causal Edit Distance (CED) to evaluate the causal interpretability. Extensive experimental results on mainstream datasets indicate that CASR significantly surpasses existing various methods in action segmentation performance, as well as in causal explainability and generalization.

"HoVer-UNet": Accelerating HoVerNet with UNet-based multi-class nuclei segmentation via knowledge distillation. (arXiv:2311.12553v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cristian Tommasino, Cristiano Russo, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Francesco Ciompi

We present "HoVer-UNet", an approach to distill the knowledge of the multi-branch HoVerNet framework for nuclei instance segmentation and classification in histopathology. We propose a compact, streamlined single UNet network with a Mix Vision Transformer backbone, and equip it with a custom loss function to optimally encode the distilled knowledge of HoVerNet, reducing computational requirements without compromising performances. We show that our model achieved results comparable to HoVerNet on the public PanNuke and Consep datasets with a three-fold reduction in inference time. We make the code of our model publicly available at

Mobile-Seed: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Boundary Detection for Mobile Robots. (arXiv:2311.12651v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Youqi Liao, Shuhao Kang, Jianping Li, Yang Liu, Yun Liu, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang, Xieyuanli Chen

Precise and rapid delineation of sharp boundaries and robust semantics is essential for numerous downstream robotic tasks, such as robot grasping and manipulation, real-time semantic mapping, and online sensor calibration performed on edge computing units. Although boundary detection and semantic segmentation are complementary tasks, most studies focus on lightweight models for semantic segmentation but overlook the critical role of boundary detection. In this work, we introduce Mobile-Seed, a lightweight, dual-task framework tailored for simultaneous semantic segmentation and boundary detection. Our framework features a two-stream encoder, an active fusion decoder (AFD) and a dual-task regularization approach. The encoder is divided into two pathways: one captures category-aware semantic information, while the other discerns boundaries from multi-scale features. The AFD module dynamically adapts the fusion of semantic and boundary information by learning channel-wise relationships, allowing for precise weight assignment of each channel. Furthermore, we introduce a regularization loss to mitigate the conflicts in dual-task learning and deep diversity supervision. Compared to existing methods, the proposed Mobile-Seed offers a lightweight framework to simultaneously improve semantic segmentation performance and accurately locate object boundaries. Experiments on the Cityscapes dataset have shown that Mobile-Seed achieves notable improvement over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) baseline by 2.2 percentage points (pp) in mIoU and 4.2 pp in mF-score, while maintaining an online inference speed of 23.9 frames-per-second (FPS) with 1024x2048 resolution input on an RTX 2080 Ti GPU. Additional experiments on CamVid and PASCAL Context datasets confirm our method's generalizability. Code and additional results are publicly available at

White-Box Transformers via Sparse Rate Reduction: Compression Is All There Is?. (arXiv:2311.13110v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yaodong Yu, Sam Buchanan, Druv Pai, Tianzhe Chu, Ziyang Wu, Shengbang Tong, Hao Bai, Yuexiang Zhai, Benjamin D. Haeffele, Yi Ma

In this paper, we contend that a natural objective of representation learning is to compress and transform the distribution of the data, say sets of tokens, towards a low-dimensional Gaussian mixture supported on incoherent subspaces. The goodness of such a representation can be evaluated by a principled measure, called sparse rate reduction, that simultaneously maximizes the intrinsic information gain and extrinsic sparsity of the learned representation. From this perspective, popular deep network architectures, including transformers, can be viewed as realizing iterative schemes to optimize this measure. Particularly, we derive a transformer block from alternating optimization on parts of this objective: the multi-head self-attention operator compresses the representation by implementing an approximate gradient descent step on the coding rate of the features, and the subsequent multi-layer perceptron sparsifies the features. This leads to a family of white-box transformer-like deep network architectures, named CRATE, which are mathematically fully interpretable. We show, by way of a novel connection between denoising and compression, that the inverse to the aforementioned compressive encoding can be realized by the same class of CRATE architectures. Thus, the so-derived white-box architectures are universal to both encoders and decoders. Experiments show that these networks, despite their simplicity, indeed learn to compress and sparsify representations of large-scale real-world image and text datasets, and achieve performance very close to highly engineered transformer-based models: ViT, MAE, DINO, BERT, and GPT2. We believe the proposed computational framework demonstrates great potential in bridging the gap between theory and practice of deep learning, from a unified perspective of data compression. Code is available at: .

Multi-modal In-Context Learning Makes an Ego-evolving Scene Text Recognizer. (arXiv:2311.13120v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Zhao, Jingqun Tang, Chunhui Lin, Binghong Wu, Hao Liu, Zhizhong Zhang, Xin Tan, Can Huang, Yuan Xie

Scene text recognition (STR) in the wild frequently encounters challenges when coping with domain variations, font diversity, shape deformations, etc. A straightforward solution is performing model fine-tuning tailored to a specific scenario, but it is computationally intensive and requires multiple model copies for various scenarios. Recent studies indicate that large language models (LLMs) can learn from a few demonstration examples in a training-free manner, termed "In-Context Learning" (ICL). Nevertheless, applying LLMs as a text recognizer is unacceptably resource-consuming. Moreover, our pilot experiments on LLMs show that ICL fails in STR, mainly attributed to the insufficient incorporation of contextual information from diverse samples in the training stage. To this end, we introduce E$^2$STR, a STR model trained with context-rich scene text sequences, where the sequences are generated via our proposed in-context training strategy. E$^2$STR demonstrates that a regular-sized model is sufficient to achieve effective ICL capabilities in STR. Extensive experiments show that E$^2$STR exhibits remarkable training-free adaptation in various scenarios and outperforms even the fine-tuned state-of-the-art approaches on public benchmarks.

DRIFu: Differentiable Rendering and Implicit Function-based Single-View 3D Reconstruction. (arXiv:2311.13199v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zijian Kuang, Lihang Ying, Shi Jin, Li Cheng

The Differentiable Rendering and Implicit Function-based model (DRIFu) draws its roots from the Pixel-aligned Implicit Function (PIFU), a pioneering 3D digitization technique initially designed for clothed human bodies. PIFU excels in capturing nuanced body shape variations within a low-dimensional space and has been extensively trained on human 3D scans. However, the application of PIFU to live animals poses significant challenges, primarily due to the inherent difficulty in obtaining the cooperation of animals for 3D scanning. In response to this challenge, we introduce the DRIFu model, specifically tailored for animal digitization. To train DRIFu, we employ a curated set of synthetic 3D animal models, encompassing diverse shapes, sizes, and even accounting for variations such as baby birds. Our innovative alignment tools play a pivotal role in mapping these diverse synthetic animal models onto a unified template, facilitating precise predictions of animal shape and texture. Crucially, our template alignment strategy establishes a shared shape space, allowing for the seamless sampling of new animal shapes, posing them realistically, animating them, and aligning them with real-world data. This groundbreaking approach revolutionizes our capacity to comprehensively understand and represent avian forms. For further details and access to the project, the project website can be found at

Using Human Feedback to Fine-tune Diffusion Models without Any Reward Model. (arXiv:2311.13231v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kai Yang, Jian Tao, Jiafei Lyu, Chunjiang Ge, Jiaxin Chen, Qimai Li, Weihan Shen, Xiaolong Zhu, Xiu Li

Using reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) has shown significant promise in fine-tuning diffusion models. Previous methods start by training a reward model that aligns with human preferences, then leverage RL techniques to fine-tune the underlying models. However, crafting an efficient reward model demands extensive datasets, optimal architecture, and manual hyperparameter tuning, making the process both time and cost-intensive. The direct preference optimization (DPO) method, effective in fine-tuning large language models, eliminates the necessity for a reward model. However, the extensive GPU memory requirement of the diffusion model's denoising process hinders the direct application of the DPO method. To address this issue, we introduce the Direct Preference for Denoising Diffusion Policy Optimization (D3PO) method to directly fine-tune diffusion models. The theoretical analysis demonstrates that although D3PO omits training a reward model, it effectively functions as the optimal reward model trained using human feedback data to guide the learning process. This approach requires no training of a reward model, proving to be more direct, cost-effective, and minimizing computational overhead. In experiments, our method uses the relative scale of objectives as a proxy for human preference, delivering comparable results to methods using ground-truth rewards. Moreover, D3PO demonstrates the ability to reduce image distortion rates and generate safer images, overcoming challenges lacking robust reward models. Our code is publicly available in

LucidDreamer: Domain-free Generation of 3D Gaussian Splatting Scenes. (arXiv:2311.13384v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaeyoung Chung, Suyoung Lee, Hyeongjin Nam, Jaerin Lee, Kyoung Mu Lee

With the widespread usage of VR devices and contents, demands for 3D scene generation techniques become more popular. Existing 3D scene generation models, however, limit the target scene to specific domain, primarily due to their training strategies using 3D scan dataset that is far from the real-world. To address such limitation, we propose LucidDreamer, a domain-free scene generation pipeline by fully leveraging the power of existing large-scale diffusion-based generative model. Our LucidDreamer has two alternate steps: Dreaming and Alignment. First, to generate multi-view consistent images from inputs, we set the point cloud as a geometrical guideline for each image generation. Specifically, we project a portion of point cloud to the desired view and provide the projection as a guidance for inpainting using the generative model. The inpainted images are lifted to 3D space with estimated depth maps, composing a new points. Second, to aggregate the new points into the 3D scene, we propose an aligning algorithm which harmoniously integrates the portions of newly generated 3D scenes. The finally obtained 3D scene serves as initial points for optimizing Gaussian splats. LucidDreamer produces Gaussian splats that are highly-detailed compared to the previous 3D scene generation methods, with no constraint on domain of the target scene. Project page:

Transfer Learning-based Real-time Handgun Detection. (arXiv:2311.13559v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Youssef Elmir, Sid Ahmed Laouar, Larbi Hamdaoui

Traditional surveillance systems rely on human attention, limiting their effectiveness. This study employs convolutional neural networks and transfer learning to develop a real-time computer vision system for automatic handgun detection. Comprehensive analysis of online handgun detection methods is conducted, emphasizing reducing false positives and learning time. Transfer learning is demonstrated as an effective approach. Despite technical challenges, the proposed system achieves a precision rate of 84.74%, demonstrating promising performance comparable to related works, enabling faster learning and accurate automatic handgun detection for enhanced security. This research advances security measures by reducing human monitoring dependence, showcasing the potential of transfer learning-based approaches for efficient and reliable handgun detection.

Meticulously Selecting 1% of the Dataset for Pre-training! Generating Differentially Private Images Data with Semantics Query. (arXiv:2311.12850v1 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Kecen Li, Chen Gong, Zhixiang Li, Yuzhong Zhao, Xinwen Hou, Tianhao Wang

Differential Privacy (DP) image data synthesis, which leverages the DP technique to generate synthetic data to replace the sensitive data, allowing organizations to share and utilize synthetic images without privacy concerns. Previous methods incorporate the advanced techniques of generative models and pre-training on a public dataset to produce exceptional DP image data, but suffer from problems of unstable training and massive computational resource demands. This paper proposes a novel DP image synthesis method, termed PRIVIMAGE, which meticulously selects pre-training data, promoting the efficient creation of DP datasets with high fidelity and utility. PRIVIMAGE first establishes a semantic query function using a public dataset. Then, this function assists in querying the semantic distribution of the sensitive dataset, facilitating the selection of data from the public dataset with analogous semantics for pre-training. Finally, we pre-train an image generative model using the selected data and then fine-tune this model on the sensitive dataset using Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD). PRIVIMAGE allows us to train a lightly parameterized generative model, reducing the noise in the gradient during DP-SGD training and enhancing training stability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PRIVIMAGE uses only 1% of the public dataset for pre-training and 7.6% of the parameters in the generative model compared to the state-of-the-art method, whereas achieves superior synthetic performance and conserves more computational resources. On average, PRIVIMAGE achieves 30.1% lower FID and 12.6% higher Classification Accuracy than the state-of-the-art method. The replication package and datasets can be accessed online.