Fast and Expressive Gesture Recognition using a Combination-Homomorphic Electromyogram Encoder. (arXiv:2311.14675v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Niklas Smedemark-Margulies, Yunus Bicer, Elifnur Sunger, Tales Imbiriba, Eugene Tunik, Deniz Erdogmus, Mathew Yarossi, Robin Walters

We study the task of gesture recognition from electromyography (EMG), with the goal of enabling expressive human-computer interaction at high accuracy, while minimizing the time required for new subjects to provide calibration data. To fulfill these goals, we define combination gestures consisting of a direction component and a modifier component. New subjects only demonstrate the single component gestures and we seek to extrapolate from these to all possible single or combination gestures. We extrapolate to unseen combination gestures by combining the feature vectors of real single gestures to produce synthetic training data. This strategy allows us to provide a large and flexible gesture vocabulary, while not requiring new subjects to demonstrate combinatorially many example gestures. We pre-train an encoder and a combination operator using self-supervision, so that we can produce useful synthetic training data for unseen test subjects. To evaluate the proposed method, we collect a real-world EMG dataset, and measure the effect of augmented supervision against two baselines: a partially-supervised model trained with only single gesture data from the unseen subject, and a fully-supervised model trained with real single and real combination gesture data from the unseen subject. We find that the proposed method provides a dramatic improvement over the partially-supervised model, and achieves a useful classification accuracy that in some cases approaches the performance of the fully-supervised model.

Filter bubbles and affective polarization in user-personalized large language model outputs. (arXiv:2311.14677v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Tomo Lazovich

Echoing the history of search engines and social media content rankings, the advent of large language models (LLMs) has led to a push for increased personalization of model outputs to individual users. In the past, personalized recommendations and ranking systems have been linked to the development of filter bubbles (serving content that may confirm a user's existing biases) and affective polarization (strong negative sentiment towards those with differing views). In this work, we explore how prompting a leading large language model, ChatGPT-3.5, with a user's political affiliation prior to asking factual questions about public figures and organizations leads to differing results. We observe that left-leaning users tend to receive more positive statements about left-leaning political figures and media outlets, while right-leaning users see more positive statements about right-leaning entities. This pattern holds across presidential candidates, members of the U.S. Senate, and media organizations with ratings from AllSides. When qualitatively evaluating some of these outputs, there is evidence that particular facts are included or excluded based on the user's political affiliation. These results illustrate that personalizing LLMs based on user demographics carry the same risks of affective polarization and filter bubbles that have been seen in other personalized internet technologies. This ``failure mode" should be monitored closely as there are more attempts to monetize and personalize these models.

Instance-Specific Asymmetric Sensitivity in Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2311.14681v1 [cs.DS])

Authors: David Durfee

We provide a new algorithmic framework for differentially private estimation of general functions that adapts to the hardness of the underlying dataset. We build upon previous work that gives a paradigm for selecting an output through the exponential mechanism based upon closeness of the inverse to the underlying dataset, termed the inverse sensitivity mechanism. Our framework will slightly modify the closeness metric and instead give a simple and efficient application of the sparse vector technique. While the inverse sensitivity mechanism was shown to be instance optimal, it was only with respect to a class of unbiased mechanisms such that the most likely outcome matches the underlying data. We break this assumption in order to more naturally navigate the bias-variance tradeoff, which will also critically allow for extending our method to unbounded data. In consideration of this tradeoff, we provide strong intuition and empirical validation that our technique will be particularly effective when the distances to the underlying dataset are asymmetric. This asymmetry is inherent to a range of important problems including fundamental statistics such as variance, as well as commonly used machine learning performance metrics for both classification and regression tasks. We efficiently instantiate our method in $O(n)$ time for these problems and empirically show that our techniques will give substantially improved differentially private estimations.

Comprehensive Assessment of Toxicity in ChatGPT. (arXiv:2311.14685v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Boyang Zhang, Xinyue Shen, Wai Man Si, Zeyang Sha, Zeyuan Chen, Ahmed Salem, Yun Shen, Michael Backes, Yang Zhang

Moderating offensive, hateful, and toxic language has always been an important but challenging topic in the domain of safe use in NLP. The emerging large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, can potentially further accentuate this threat. Previous works have discovered that ChatGPT can generate toxic responses using carefully crafted inputs. However, limited research has been done to systematically examine when ChatGPT generates toxic responses. In this paper, we comprehensively evaluate the toxicity in ChatGPT by utilizing instruction-tuning datasets that closely align with real-world scenarios. Our results show that ChatGPT's toxicity varies based on different properties and settings of the prompts, including tasks, domains, length, and languages. Notably, prompts in creative writing tasks can be 2x more likely than others to elicit toxic responses. Prompting in German and Portuguese can also double the response toxicity. Additionally, we discover that certain deliberately toxic prompts, designed in earlier studies, no longer yield harmful responses. We hope our discoveries can guide model developers to better regulate these AI systems and the users to avoid undesirable outputs.

Procedural Fairness Through Decoupling Objectionable Data Generating Components. (arXiv:2311.14688v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Zeyu Tang, Jialu Wang, Yang Liu, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang

We reveal and address the frequently overlooked yet important issue of disguised procedural unfairness, namely, the potentially inadvertent alterations on the behavior of neutral (i.e., not problematic) aspects of data generating process, and/or the lack of procedural assurance of the greatest benefit of the least advantaged individuals. Inspired by John Rawls's advocacy for pure procedural justice, we view automated decision-making as a microcosm of social institutions, and consider how the data generating process itself can satisfy the requirements of procedural fairness. We propose a framework that decouples the objectionable data generating components from the neutral ones by utilizing reference points and the associated value instantiation rule. Our findings highlight the necessity of preventing disguised procedural unfairness, drawing attention not only to the objectionable data generating components that we aim to mitigate, but also more importantly, to the neutral components that we intend to keep unaffected.

Business Policy Experiments using Fractional Factorial Designs: Consumer Retention on DoorDash. (arXiv:2311.14698v1 [stat.ME])

Authors: Yixin Tang, Yicong (Nicole)Lin, Navdeep S. Sahni

This paper investigates an approach to both speed up business decision-making and lower the cost of learning through experimentation by factorizing business policies and employing fractional factorial experimental designs for their evaluation. We illustrate how this method integrates with advances in the estimation of heterogeneous treatment effects, elaborating on its advantages and foundational assumptions. We empirically demonstrate the implementation and benefits of our approach and assess its validity in evaluating consumer promotion policies at DoorDash, which is one of the largest delivery platforms in the US. Our approach discovers a policy with 5% incremental profit at 67% lower implementation cost.

Knowledge Tracing Challenge: Optimal Activity Sequencing for Students. (arXiv:2311.14707v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Yann Hicke

Knowledge tracing is a method used in education to assess and track the acquisition of knowledge by individual learners. It involves using a variety of techniques, such as quizzes, tests, and other forms of assessment, to determine what a learner knows and does not know about a particular subject. The goal of knowledge tracing is to identify gaps in understanding and provide targeted instruction to help learners improve their understanding and retention of material. This can be particularly useful in situations where learners are working at their own pace, such as in online learning environments. By providing regular feedback and adjusting instruction based on individual needs, knowledge tracing can help learners make more efficient progress and achieve better outcomes. Effectively solving the KT problem would unlock the potential of computer-aided education applications such as intelligent tutoring systems, curriculum learning, and learning materials recommendations. In this paper, we will present the results of the implementation of two Knowledge Tracing algorithms on a newly released dataset as part of the AAAI2023 Global Knowledge Tracing Challenge.

Towards Long-term Annotators: A Supervised Label Aggregation Baseline. (arXiv:2311.14709v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Haoyu Liu, Fei Wang, Minmin Lin, Runze Wu, Renyu Zhu, Shiwei Zhao, Kai Wang, Tangjie Lv, Changjie Fan

Relying on crowdsourced workers, data crowdsourcing platforms are able to efficiently provide vast amounts of labeled data. Due to the variability in the annotation quality of crowd workers, modern techniques resort to redundant annotations and subsequent label aggregation to infer true labels. However, these methods require model updating during the inference, posing challenges in real-world implementation. Meanwhile, in recent years, many data labeling tasks have begun to require skilled and experienced annotators, leading to an increasing demand for long-term annotators. These annotators could leave substantial historical annotation records on the crowdsourcing platforms, which can benefit label aggregation, but are ignored by previous works. Hereby, in this paper, we propose a novel label aggregation technique, which does not need any model updating during inference and can extensively explore the historical annotation records. We call it SuperLA, a Supervised Label Aggregation method. Inside this model, we design three types of input features and a straightforward neural network structure to merge all the information together and subsequently produce aggregated labels. Based on comparison experiments conducted on 22 public datasets and 11 baseline methods, we find that SuperLA not only outperforms all those baselines in inference performance but also offers significant advantages in terms of efficiency.

Neuroscience inspired scientific machine learning (Part-2): Variable spiking wavelet neural operator. (arXiv:2311.14710v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Shailesh Garg, Souvik Chakraborty

We propose, in this paper, a Variable Spiking Wavelet Neural Operator (VS-WNO), which aims to bridge the gap between theoretical and practical implementation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms for mechanics applications. With recent developments like the introduction of neural operators, AI's potential for being used in mechanics applications has increased significantly. However, AI's immense energy and resource requirements are a hurdle in its practical field use case. The proposed VS-WNO is based on the principles of spiking neural networks, which have shown promise in reducing the energy requirements of the neural networks. This makes possible the use of such algorithms in edge computing. The proposed VS-WNO utilizes variable spiking neurons, which promote sparse communication, thus conserving energy, and its use is further supported by its ability to tackle regression tasks, often faced in the field of mechanics. Various examples dealing with partial differential equations, like Burger's equation, Allen Cahn's equation, and Darcy's equation, have been shown. Comparisons have been shown against wavelet neural operator utilizing leaky integrate and fire neurons (direct and encoded inputs) and vanilla wavelet neural operator utilizing artificial neurons. The results produced illustrate the ability of the proposed VS-WNO to converge to ground truth while promoting sparse communication.

Zero-Shot Question Answering over Financial Documents using Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.14722v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Karmvir Singh Phogat, Chetan Harsha, Sridhar Dasaratha, Shashishekar Ramakrishna, Sai Akhil Puranam

We introduce a large language model (LLM) based approach to answer complex questions requiring multi-hop numerical reasoning over financial reports. While LLMs have exhibited remarkable performance on various natural language and reasoning tasks, complex reasoning problems often rely on few-shot prompts that require carefully crafted examples. In contrast, our approach uses novel zero-shot prompts that guide the LLM to encode the required reasoning into a Python program or a domain specific language. The generated program is then executed by a program interpreter, thus mitigating the limitations of LLM in performing accurate arithmetic calculations.

We evaluate the proposed approach on three financial datasets using some of the recently developed generative pretrained transformer (GPT) models and perform comparisons with various zero-shot baselines. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the accuracy for all the LLMs over their respective baselines. We provide a detailed analysis of the results, generating insights to support our findings. The success of our approach demonstrates the enormous potential to extract complex domain specific numerical reasoning by designing zero-shot prompts to effectively exploit the knowledge embedded in LLMs.

Unsupervised learning of site percolation based on shuffled configurations. (arXiv:2311.14725v1 [cond-mat.stat-mech])

Authors: Dian Xu, Shanshan Wang, Feng Gao, Wei Li, Jianmin Shen

In the field of statistical physics, machine learning has gained significant popularity and has achieved remarkable results in recent studies on phase transitions.In this paper, we apply Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Autoencoder(AE) based on Unsupervised learning to study the various configurations of the percolation model in equilibrium phase transition. In certain phase transition models, such as the DP model in non-equilibrium phase transitions, the order parameter is particle density. However, in some other phase transition models, such as the percolation model, it is not. This study involved randomizing and selecting percolation graphs to be used as input for a neural network, and analyzed the obtained results, indicating that the outputs of the single latent variable of AE and the first principal component of PCA are signals related to particle density.

Optimal Strategies to Perform Multilingual Analysis of Social Content for a Novel Dataset in the Tourism Domain. (arXiv:2311.14727v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Maxime Masson, Rodrigo Agerri, Christian Sallaberry, Marie-Noelle Bessagnet, Annig Le Parc Lacayrelle, Philippe Roose

The rising influence of social media platforms in various domains, including tourism, has highlighted the growing need for efficient and automated natural language processing (NLP) approaches to take advantage of this valuable resource. However, the transformation of multilingual, unstructured, and informal texts into structured knowledge often poses significant challenges.

In this work, we evaluate and compare few-shot, pattern-exploiting and fine-tuning machine learning techniques on large multilingual language models (LLMs) to establish the best strategy to address the lack of annotated data for 3 common NLP tasks in the tourism domain: (1) Sentiment Analysis, (2) Named Entity Recognition, and (3) Fine-grained Thematic Concept Extraction (linked to a semantic resource). Furthermore, we aim to ascertain the quantity of annotated examples required to achieve good performance in those 3 tasks, addressing a common challenge encountered by NLP researchers in the construction of domain-specific datasets.

Extensive experimentation on a newly collected and annotated multilingual (French, English, and Spanish) dataset composed of tourism-related tweets shows that current few-shot learning techniques allow us to obtain competitive results for all three tasks with very little annotation data: 5 tweets per label (15 in total) for Sentiment Analysis, 10% of the tweets for location detection (around 160) and 13% (200 approx.) of the tweets annotated with thematic concepts, a highly fine-grained sequence labeling task based on an inventory of 315 classes.

This comparative analysis, grounded in a novel dataset, paves the way for applying NLP to new domain-specific applications, reducing the need for manual annotations and circumventing the complexities of rule-based, ad hoc solutions.

App for Resume-Based Job Matching with Speech Interviews and Grammar Analysis: A Review. (arXiv:2311.14729v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tanmay Kulkarni, Yuvraj Pardeshi, Yash Shah, Vaishnvi Sakat, Sapana Bhirud

Through the advancement in natural language processing (NLP), specifically in speech recognition, fully automated complex systems functioning on voice input have started proliferating in areas such as home automation. These systems have been termed Automatic Speech Recognition Systems (ASR). In this review paper, we explore the feasibility of an end-to-end system providing speech and text based natural language processing for job interview preparation as well as recommendation of relevant job postings. We also explore existing recommender-based systems and note their limitations. This literature review would help us identify the approaches and limitations of the various similar use-cases of NLP technology for our upcoming project.

MemoryCompanion: A Smart Healthcare Solution to Empower Efficient Alzheimer's Care Via Unleashing Generative AI. (arXiv:2311.14730v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lifei Zheng, Yeonie Heo, Yi Fang

With the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs), notably characterized by GPT frameworks, there emerges a catalyst for novel healthcare applications. Earlier iterations of chatbot caregivers, though existent, have yet to achieve a dimension of human-like authenticity. This paper unveils `MemoryCompanion' a pioneering digital health solution explicitly tailored for Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients and their caregivers. Drawing upon the nuances of GPT technology and prompt engineering, MemoryCompanion manifests a personalized caregiving paradigm, fostering interactions via voice-cloning and talking-face mechanisms that resonate with the familiarity of known companions. Using advanced prompt-engineering, the system intricately adapts to each patient's distinct profile, curating its content and communication style accordingly. This approach strives to counteract prevalent issues of social isolation and loneliness frequently observed in AD demographics. Our methodology, grounded in its innovative design, addresses both the caregiving and technological challenges intrinsic to this domain.

Deep State-Space Model for Predicting Cryptocurrency Price. (arXiv:2311.14731v1 [q-fin.ST])

Authors: Shalini Sharma, Angshul Majumdar, Emilie Chouzenoux, Victor Elvira

Our work presents two fundamental contributions. On the application side, we tackle the challenging problem of predicting day-ahead crypto-currency prices. On the methodological side, a new dynamical modeling approach is proposed. Our approach keeps the probabilistic formulation of the state-space model, which provides uncertainty quantification on the estimates, and the function approximation ability of deep neural networks. We call the proposed approach the deep state-space model. The experiments are carried out on established cryptocurrencies (obtained from Yahoo Finance). The goal of the work has been to predict the price for the next day. Benchmarking has been done with both state-of-the-art and classical dynamical modeling techniques. Results show that the proposed approach yields the best overall results in terms of accuracy.

Thinking Outside the Box: Orthogonal Approach to Equalizing Protected Attributes. (arXiv:2311.14733v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Jiahui Liu, Xiaohao Cai, Mahesan Niranjan

There is growing concern that the potential of black box AI may exacerbate health-related disparities and biases such as gender and ethnicity in clinical decision-making. Biased decisions can arise from data availability and collection processes, as well as from the underlying confounding effects of the protected attributes themselves. This work proposes a machine learning-based orthogonal approach aiming to analyze and suppress the effect of the confounder through discriminant dimensionality reduction and orthogonalization of the protected attributes against the primary attribute information. By doing so, the impact of the protected attributes on disease diagnosis can be realized, undesirable feature correlations can be mitigated, and the model prediction performance can be enhanced.

Generative Machine Learning for Multivariate Equity Returns. (arXiv:2311.14735v1 [q-fin.ST])

Authors: Ruslan Tepelyan, Achintya Gopal

The use of machine learning to generate synthetic data has grown in popularity with the proliferation of text-to-image models and especially large language models. The core methodology these models use is to learn the distribution of the underlying data, similar to the classical methods common in finance of fitting statistical models to data. In this work, we explore the efficacy of using modern machine learning methods, specifically conditional importance weighted autoencoders (a variant of variational autoencoders) and conditional normalizing flows, for the task of modeling the returns of equities. The main problem we work to address is modeling the joint distribution of all the members of the S&P 500, or, in other words, learning a 500-dimensional joint distribution. We show that this generative model has a broad range of applications in finance, including generating realistic synthetic data, volatility and correlation estimation, risk analysis (e.g., value at risk, or VaR, of portfolios), and portfolio optimization.

Data Diversity Matters for Robust Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2311.14736v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Alexander Bukharin, Tuo Zhao

Instruction tuning has emerged as a key step in aligning large language models. One of the central challenges of instruction tuning is dataset selection, as the composition of the instruction tuning dataset can significantly impact downstream performance. In particular, researchers have hypothesized that dataset diversity and dataset quality are important indicators of downstream performance. However, it is not clear how to automatically select high quality and diverse data or how exactly quality and diversity affect instruction following ability. To resolve these issues, we propose a new algorithm, Quality-Diversity Instruction Tuning (QDIT). QDIT provides a principled algorithm to control dataset diversity and quality, allowing us to conduct an in depth study on the effect of diversity and quality on instruction tuning performance. From this study we draw two key insights (1) there is a natural tradeoff between dataset diversity and quality and (2) increasing dataset diversity significantly improves the worst case instruction following performance, therefore improving robustness. We validate the performance of QDIT on several large scale instruction tuning datasets, where we find it can improve worst case performance by 18% while maintaining or improving average performance compared to quality driven baselines.

Positional Description Matters for Transformers Arithmetic. (arXiv:2311.14737v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruoqi Shen, Sébastien Bubeck, Ronen Eldan, Yin Tat Lee, Yuanzhi Li, Yi Zhang

Transformers, central to the successes in modern Natural Language Processing, often falter on arithmetic tasks despite their vast capabilities --which paradoxically include remarkable coding abilities. We observe that a crucial challenge is their naive reliance on positional information to solve arithmetic problems with a small number of digits, leading to poor performance on larger numbers. Herein, we delve deeper into the role of positional encoding, and propose several ways to fix the issue, either by modifying the positional encoding directly, or by modifying the representation of the arithmetic task to leverage standard positional encoding differently. We investigate the value of these modifications for three tasks: (i) classical multiplication, (ii) length extrapolation in addition, and (iii) addition in natural language context. For (i) we train a small model on a small dataset (100M parameters and 300k samples) with remarkable aptitude in (direct, no scratchpad) 15 digits multiplication and essentially perfect up to 12 digits, while usual training in this context would give a model failing at 4 digits multiplication. In the experiments on addition, we use a mere 120k samples to demonstrate: for (ii) extrapolation from 10 digits to testing on 12 digits numbers while usual training would have no extrapolation, and for (iii) almost perfect accuracy up to 5 digits while usual training would be correct only up to 3 digits (which is essentially memorization with a training set of 120k samples).

A Baseline Analysis of Reward Models' Ability To Accurately Analyze Foundation Models Under Distribution Shift. (arXiv:2311.14743v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ben Pikus, Will LeVine, Tony Chen, Sean Hendryx

Foundation models, specifically Large Language Models (LLM's), have lately gained wide-spread attention and adoption. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) involves training a reward model to capture desired behaviors, which is then used to align an LLM. These reward models are additionally used at inference-time to estimate how well LLM responses adhere to those desired behaviors. However, there is little work measuring how robust these reward models are to distribution shifts. In this work, we evaluate how reward model performance - measured via accuracy and calibration (i.e. alignment between accuracy and confidence) - is affected by distribution shift. We show novel calibration patterns and accuracy drops due to OOD prompts and responses, and that the reward model is more sensitive to shifts in responses than prompts. Additionally, we adapt an OOD detection technique commonly used in classification to the reward model setting in order to detect these distribution shifts in prompts and responses.

Coarse-Grained Configurational Polymer Fingerprints for Property Prediction using Machine Learning. (arXiv:2311.14744v1 [physics.chem-ph])

Authors: Ishan Kumar, Prateek K Jha

In this work, we present a method to generate a configurational level fingerprint for polymers using the Bead-Spring-Model. Unlike some of the previous fingerprinting approaches that employ monomer-level information where atomistic descriptors are computed using quantum chemistry calculations, this approach incorporates configurational information from a coarse-grained model of a long polymer chain. The proposed approach may be advantageous for the study of behavior resulting from large molecular weights. To create this fingerprint, we make use of two kinds of descriptors. First, we calculate certain geometric descriptors like Re2, Rg2 etc. and label them as Calculated Descriptors. Second, we generate a set of data-driven descriptors using an unsupervised autoencoder model and call them Learnt Descriptors. Using a combination of both of them, we are able to learn mappings from the structure to various properties of the polymer chain by training ML models. We test our fingerprint to predict the probability of occurrence of a configuration at equilibrium, which is approximated by a simple linear relationship between the instantaneous internal energy and equilibrium average internal energy.

ExCeL : Combined Extreme and Collective Logit Information for Enhancing Out-of-Distribution Detection. (arXiv:2311.14754v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Naveen Karunanayake, Suranga Seneviratne, Sanjay Chawla

Deep learning models often exhibit overconfidence in predicting out-of-distribution (OOD) data, underscoring the crucial role of OOD detection in ensuring reliability in predictions. Among various OOD detection approaches, post-hoc detectors have gained significant popularity, primarily due to their ease of use and implementation. However, the effectiveness of most post-hoc OOD detectors has been constrained as they rely solely either on extreme information, such as the maximum logit, or on the collective information (i.e., information spanned across classes or training samples) embedded within the output layer. In this paper, we propose ExCeL that combines both extreme and collective information within the output layer for enhanced accuracy in OOD detection. We leverage the logit of the top predicted class as the extreme information (i.e., the maximum logit), while the collective information is derived in a novel approach that involves assessing the likelihood of other classes appearing in subsequent ranks across various training samples. Our idea is motivated by the observation that, for in-distribution (ID) data, the ranking of classes beyond the predicted class is more deterministic compared to that in OOD data. Experiments conducted on CIFAR100 and ImageNet-200 datasets demonstrate that ExCeL consistently is among the five top-performing methods out of twenty-one existing post-hoc baselines when the joint performance on near-OOD and far-OOD is considered (i.e., in terms of AUROC and FPR95). Furthermore, ExCeL shows the best overall performance across both datasets, unlike other baselines that work best on one dataset but has a performance drop in the other.

Task-Distributionally Robust Data-Free Meta-Learning. (arXiv:2311.14756v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zixuan Hu, Li Shen, Zhenyi Wang, Yongxian Wei, Baoyuan Wu, Chun Yuan, Dacheng Tao

Data-Free Meta-Learning (DFML) aims to efficiently learn new tasks by leveraging multiple pre-trained models without requiring their original training data. Existing inversion-based DFML methods construct pseudo tasks from a learnable dataset, which is inversely generated from the pre-trained model pool. For the first time, we reveal two major challenges hindering their practical deployments: Task-Distribution Shift (TDS) and Task-Distribution Corruption (TDC). TDS leads to a biased meta-learner because of the skewed task distribution towards newly generated tasks. TDC occurs when untrusted models characterized by misleading labels or poor quality pollute the task distribution. To tackle these issues, we introduce a robust DFML framework that ensures task distributional robustness. We propose to meta-learn from a pseudo task distribution, diversified through task interpolation within a compact task-memory buffer. This approach reduces the meta-learner's overreliance on newly generated tasks by maintaining consistent performance across a broader range of interpolated memory tasks, thus ensuring its generalization for unseen tasks. Additionally, our framework seamlessly incorporates an automated model selection mechanism into the meta-training phase, parameterizing each model's reliability as a learnable weight. This is optimized with a policy gradient algorithm inspired by reinforcement learning, effectively addressing the non-differentiable challenge posed by model selection. Comprehensive experiments across various datasets demonstrate the framework's effectiveness in mitigating TDS and TDC, underscoring its potential to improve DFML in real-world scenarios.

Forecasting Cryptocurrency Prices Using Deep Learning: Integrating Financial, Blockchain, and Text Data. (arXiv:2311.14759v1 [q-fin.ST])

Authors: Vincent Gurgul, Stefan Lessmann, Wolfgang Karl Härdle

This paper explores the application of Machine Learning (ML) and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques in cryptocurrency price forecasting, specifically Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH). Focusing on news and social media data, primarily from Twitter and Reddit, we analyse the influence of public sentiment on cryptocurrency valuations using advanced deep learning NLP methods. Alongside conventional price regression, we treat cryptocurrency price forecasting as a classification problem. This includes both the prediction of price movements (up or down) and the identification of local extrema. We compare the performance of various ML models, both with and without NLP data integration. Our findings reveal that incorporating NLP data significantly enhances the forecasting performance of our models. We discover that pre-trained models, such as Twitter-RoBERTa and BART MNLI, are highly effective in capturing market sentiment, and that fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) also yields substantial forecasting improvements. Notably, the BART MNLI zero-shot classification model shows considerable proficiency in extracting bullish and bearish signals from textual data. All of our models consistently generate profit across different validation scenarios, with no observed decline in profits or reduction in the impact of NLP data over time. The study highlights the potential of text analysis in improving financial forecasts and demonstrates the effectiveness of various NLP techniques in capturing nuanced market sentiment.

Reinforcement Learning from Statistical Feedback: the Journey from AB Testing to ANT Testing. (arXiv:2311.14766v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Feiyang Han, Yimin Wei, Zhaofeng Liu, Yanxing Qi

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has played a crucial role in the success of large models such as ChatGPT. RLHF is a reinforcement learning framework which combines human feedback to improve learning effectiveness and performance. However, obtaining preferences feedback manually is quite expensive in commercial applications. Some statistical commercial indicators are usually more valuable and always ignored in RLHF. There exists a gap between commercial target and model training. In our research, we will attempt to fill this gap with statistical business feedback instead of human feedback, using AB testing which is a well-established statistical method. Reinforcement Learning from Statistical Feedback (RLSF) based on AB testing is proposed. Statistical inference methods are used to obtain preferences for training the reward network, which fine-tunes the pre-trained model in reinforcement learning framework, achieving greater business value. Furthermore, we extend AB testing with double selections at a single time-point to ANT testing with multiple selections at different feedback time points. Moreover, we design numerical experiences to validate the effectiveness of our algorithm framework.

Low-Cost HEM with Arduino and Zigbee Technologies in the Energy Sector in Colombia. (arXiv:2311.14767v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Zurisaddai de la Cruz Severiche Maury, Ana Fernandez Vilas, Rebeca Diaz Redondo

Since no solutions have been proposed in Colombia that seek to reduce the consumption of electricity at the residential level, this paper describes the design and implementation of a simple prototype of a low-cost home energy management system (HEMS). The objective of this plat-form is to monitor the energy consumption of typical household devices so that users can access the consumption of each device separately and then establish the strategy that allows them to reduce energy consumption at home. In order to demonstrate that our system is viable, the system has been evaluated by measuring weekly energy consumption with the on-line and off-line HEMS using a test bench with typical household devices in a Sincelejo typical household. The evaluation has shown that with the installation of this HEMS, consumption is reduced by 27%. This shows that it is possible to achieve a good reduction percentage with a low-cost system.

Learning to Cooperate and Communicate Over Imperfect Channels. (arXiv:2311.14770v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Jannis Weil, Gizem Ekinci, Heinz Koeppl, Tobias Meuser

Information exchange in multi-agent systems improves the cooperation among agents, especially in partially observable settings. In the real world, communication is often carried out over imperfect channels. This requires agents to handle uncertainty due to potential information loss. In this paper, we consider a cooperative multi-agent system where the agents act and exchange information in a decentralized manner using a limited and unreliable channel. To cope with such channel constraints, we propose a novel communication approach based on independent Q-learning. Our method allows agents to dynamically adapt how much information to share by sending messages of different sizes, depending on their local observations and the channel's properties. In addition to this message size selection, agents learn to encode and decode messages to improve their jointly trained policies. We show that our approach outperforms approaches without adaptive capabilities in a novel cooperative digit-prediction environment and discuss its limitations in the traffic junction environment.

Trainwreck: A damaging adversarial attack on image classifiers. (arXiv:2311.14772v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jan Zahálka

Adversarial attacks are an important security concern for computer vision (CV), as they enable malicious attackers to reliably manipulate CV models. Existing attacks aim to elicit an output desired by the attacker, but keep the model fully intact on clean data. With CV models becoming increasingly valuable assets in applied practice, a new attack vector is emerging: disrupting the models as a form of economic sabotage. This paper opens up the exploration of damaging adversarial attacks (DAAs) that seek to damage the target model and maximize the total cost incurred by the damage. As a pioneer DAA, this paper proposes Trainwreck, a train-time attack that poisons the training data of image classifiers to degrade their performance. Trainwreck conflates the data of similar classes using stealthy ($\epsilon \leq 8/255$) class-pair universal perturbations computed using a surrogate model. Trainwreck is a black-box, transferable attack: it requires no knowledge of the target model's architecture, and a single poisoned dataset degrades the performance of any model trained on it. The experimental evaluation on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 demonstrates that Trainwreck is indeed an effective attack across various model architectures including EfficientNetV2, ResNeXt-101, and a finetuned ViT-L-16. The strength of the attack can be customized by the poison rate parameter. Finally, data redundancy with file hashing and/or pixel difference are identified as a reliable defense technique against Trainwreck or similar DAAs. The code is available at

Set Features for Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2311.14773v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Niv Cohen, Issar Tzachor, Yedid Hoshen

This paper proposes set features for detecting anomalies in samples that consist of unusual combinations of normal elements. Many leading methods discover anomalies by detecting an unusual part of a sample. For example, state-of-the-art segmentation-based approaches, first classify each element of the sample (e.g., image patch) as normal or anomalous and then classify the entire sample as anomalous if it contains anomalous elements. However, such approaches do not extend well to scenarios where the anomalies are expressed by an unusual combination of normal elements. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by proposing set features that model each sample by the distribution of its elements. We compute the anomaly score of each sample using a simple density estimation method, using fixed features. Our approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art in image-level logical anomaly detection and sequence-level time series anomaly detection.

One Fits All: Universal Time Series Analysis by Pretrained LM and Specially Designed Adaptors. (arXiv:2311.14782v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tian Zhou, Peisong Niu, Xue Wang, Liang Sun, Rong Jin

Despite the impressive achievements of pre-trained models in the fields of natural language processing (NLP) and computer vision (CV), progress in the domain of time series analysis has been limited. In contrast to NLP and CV, where a single model can handle various tasks, time series analysis still relies heavily on task-specific methods for activities such as classification, anomaly detection, forecasting, and few-shot learning. The primary obstacle to developing a pre-trained model for time series analysis is the scarcity of sufficient training data. In our research, we overcome this obstacle by utilizing pre-trained models from language or CV, which have been trained on billions of data points, and apply them to time series analysis. We assess the effectiveness of the pre-trained transformer model in two ways. Initially, we maintain the original structure of the self-attention and feedforward layers in the residual blocks of the pre-trained language or image model, using the Frozen Pre-trained Transformer (FPT) for time series analysis with the addition of projection matrices for input and output. Additionally, we introduce four unique adapters, designed specifically for downstream tasks based on the pre-trained model, including forecasting and anomaly detection. These adapters are further enhanced with efficient parameter tuning, resulting in superior performance compared to all state-of-the-art methods.Our comprehensive experimental studies reveal that (a) the simple FPT achieves top-tier performance across various time series analysis tasks; and (b) fine-tuning the FPT with the custom-designed adapters can further elevate its performance, outshining specialized task-specific models.

Revisiting Quantum Algorithms for Linear Regressions: Quadratic Speedups without Data-Dependent Parameters. (arXiv:2311.14823v1 [quant-ph])

Authors: Zhao Song, Junze Yin, Ruizhe Zhang

Linear regression is one of the most fundamental linear algebra problems. Given a dense matrix $A \in \mathbb{R}^{n \times d}$ and a vector $b$, the goal is to find $x'$ such that

$ \| Ax' - b \|_2^2 \leq (1+\epsilon) \min_{x} \| A x - b \|_2^2 $. The best classical algorithm takes $O(nd) + \mathrm{poly}(d/\epsilon)$ time [Clarkson and Woodruff STOC 2013, Nelson and Nguyen FOCS 2013]. On the other hand, quantum linear regression algorithms can achieve exponential quantum speedups, as shown in [Wang Phys. Rev. A 96, 012335, Kerenidis and Prakash ITCS 2017, Chakraborty, Gily{\'e}n and Jeffery ICALP 2019]. However, the running times of these algorithms depend on some quantum linear algebra-related parameters, such as $\kappa(A)$, the condition number of $A$. In this work, we develop a quantum algorithm that runs in $\widetilde{O}(\epsilon^{-1}\sqrt{n}d^{1.5}) + \mathrm{poly}(d/\epsilon)$ time. It provides a quadratic quantum speedup in $n$ over the classical lower bound without any dependence on data-dependent parameters. In addition, we also show our result can be generalized to multiple regression and ridge linear regression.

A Reusable AI-Enabled Defect Detection System for Railway Using Ensembled CNN. (arXiv:2311.14824v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rahatara Ferdousi, Fedwa Laamarti, Chunsheng Yang, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik

Accurate Defect detection is crucial for ensuring the trustworthiness of intelligent railway systems. Current approaches rely on single deep-learning models, like CNNs, which employ a large amount of data to capture underlying patterns. Training a new defect classifier with limited samples often leads to overfitting and poor performance on unseen images. To address this, researchers have advocated transfer learning and fine-tuning the pre-trained models. However, using a single backbone network in transfer learning still may cause bottleneck issues and inconsistent performance if it is not suitable for a specific problem domain. To overcome these challenges, we propose a reusable AI-enabled defect detection approach. By combining ensemble learning with transfer learning models (VGG-19, MobileNetV3, and ResNet-50), we improved the classification accuracy and achieved consistent performance at a certain phase of training. Our empirical analysis demonstrates better and more consistent performance compared to other state-of-the-art approaches. The consistency substantiates the reusability of the defect detection system for newly evolved defected rail parts. Therefore we anticipate these findings to benefit further research and development of reusable AI-enabled solutions for railway systems.

Deep Latent Force Models: ODE-based Process Convolutions for Bayesian Deep Learning. (arXiv:2311.14828v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Thomas Baldwin-McDonald, Mauricio A. Álvarez

Effectively modeling phenomena present in highly nonlinear dynamical systems whilst also accurately quantifying uncertainty is a challenging task, which often requires problem-specific techniques. We outline the deep latent force model (DLFM), a domain-agnostic approach to tackling this problem, which consists of a deep Gaussian process architecture where the kernel at each layer is derived from an ordinary differential equation using the framework of process convolutions. Two distinct formulations of the DLFM are presented which utilise weight-space and variational inducing points-based Gaussian process approximations, both of which are amenable to doubly stochastic variational inference. We provide evidence that our model is capable of capturing highly nonlinear behaviour in real-world multivariate time series data. In addition, we find that our approach achieves comparable performance to a number of other probabilistic models on benchmark regression tasks. We also empirically assess the negative impact of the inducing points framework on the extrapolation capabilities of LFM-based models.

Disruption Prediction in Fusion Devices through Feature Extraction and Logistic Regression. (arXiv:2311.14856v1 [physics.plasm-ph])

Authors: Diogo R. Ferreira

This document describes an approach used in the Multi-Machine Disruption Prediction Challenge for Fusion Energy by ITU, a data science competition which ran from September to November 2023, on the online platform Zindi. The competition involved data from three fusion devices - C-Mod, HL-2A, and J-TEXT - with most of the training data coming from the last two, and the test data coming from the first one. Each device has multiple diagnostics and signals, and it turns out that a critical issue in this competition was to identify which signals, and especially which features from those signals, were most relevant to achieve accurate predictions. The approach described here is based on extracting features from signals, and then applying logistic regression on top of those features. Each signal is treated as a separate predictor and, in the end, a combination of such predictors achieved the first place on the leaderboard.

An Empirical Investigation into Benchmarking Model Multiplicity for Trustworthy Machine Learning: A Case Study on Image Classification. (arXiv:2311.14859v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Prakhar Ganesh

Deep learning models have proven to be highly successful. Yet, their over-parameterization gives rise to model multiplicity, a phenomenon in which multiple models achieve similar performance but exhibit distinct underlying behaviours. This multiplicity presents a significant challenge and necessitates additional specifications in model selection to prevent unexpected failures during deployment. While prior studies have examined these concerns, they focus on individual metrics in isolation, making it difficult to obtain a comprehensive view of multiplicity in trustworthy machine learning. Our work stands out by offering a one-stop empirical benchmark of multiplicity across various dimensions of model design and its impact on a diverse set of trustworthy metrics. In this work, we establish a consistent language for studying model multiplicity by translating several trustworthy metrics into accuracy under appropriate interventions. We also develop a framework, which we call multiplicity sheets, to benchmark multiplicity in various scenarios. We demonstrate the advantages of our setup through a case study in image classification and provide actionable insights into the impact and trends of different hyperparameters on model multiplicity. Finally, we show that multiplicity persists in deep learning models even after enforcing additional specifications during model selection, highlighting the severity of over-parameterization. The concerns of under-specification thus remain, and we seek to promote a more comprehensive discussion of multiplicity in trustworthy machine learning.

Effective Structural Encodings via Local Curvature Profiles. (arXiv:2311.14864v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lukas Fesser, Melanie Weber

Structural and Positional Encodings can significantly improve the performance of Graph Neural Networks in downstream tasks. Recent literature has begun to systematically investigate differences in the structural properties that these approaches encode, as well as performance trade-offs between them. However, the question of which structural properties yield the most effective encoding remains open. In this paper, we investigate this question from a geometric perspective. We propose a novel structural encoding based on discrete Ricci curvature (Local Curvature Profiles, short LCP) and show that it significantly outperforms existing encoding approaches. We further show that combining local structural encodings, such as LCP, with global positional encodings improves downstream performance, suggesting that they capture complementary geometric information. Finally, we compare different encoding types with (curvature-based) rewiring techniques. Rewiring has recently received a surge of interest due to its ability to improve the performance of Graph Neural Networks by mitigating over-smoothing and over-squashing effects. Our results suggest that utilizing curvature information for structural encodings delivers significantly larger performance increases than rewiring.

Advancing Fluid-Based Thermal Management Systems Design: Leveraging Graph Neural Networks for Graph Regression and Efficient Enumeration Reduction. (arXiv:2311.14874v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Saeid Bayat, Nastaran Shahmansouri, Satya RT Peddada, Alex Tessier, Adrian Butscher, James T Allison

In this research, we developed a graph-based framework to represent various aspects of optimal thermal management system design, with the aim of rapidly and efficiently identifying optimal design candidates. Initially, the graph-based framework is utilized to generate diverse thermal management system architectures. The dynamics of these system architectures are modeled under various loading conditions, and an open-loop optimal controller is employed to determine each system's optimal performance. These modeled cases constitute the dataset, with the corresponding optimal performance values serving as the labels for the data. In the subsequent step, a Graph Neural Network (GNN) model is trained on 30% of the labeled data to predict the systems' performance, effectively addressing a regression problem. Utilizing this trained model, we estimate the performance values for the remaining 70% of the data, which serves as the test set. In the third step, the predicted performance values are employed to rank the test data, facilitating prioritized evaluation of the design scenarios. Specifically, a small subset of the test data with the highest estimated ranks undergoes evaluation via the open-loop optimal control solver. This targeted approach concentrates on evaluating higher-ranked designs identified by the GNN, replacing the exhaustive search (enumeration-based) of all design cases. The results demonstrate a significant average reduction of over 92% in the number of system dynamic modeling and optimal control analyses required to identify optimal design scenarios.

Projected Off-Policy Q-Learning (POP-QL) for Stabilizing Offline Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2311.14885v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Melrose Roderick, Gaurav Manek, Felix Berkenkamp, J. Zico Kolter

A key problem in off-policy Reinforcement Learning (RL) is the mismatch, or distribution shift, between the dataset and the distribution over states and actions visited by the learned policy. This problem is exacerbated in the fully offline setting. The main approach to correct this shift has been through importance sampling, which leads to high-variance gradients. Other approaches, such as conservatism or behavior-regularization, regularize the policy at the cost of performance. In this paper, we propose a new approach for stable off-policy Q-Learning. Our method, Projected Off-Policy Q-Learning (POP-QL), is a novel actor-critic algorithm that simultaneously reweights off-policy samples and constrains the policy to prevent divergence and reduce value-approximation error. In our experiments, POP-QL not only shows competitive performance on standard benchmarks, but also out-performs competing methods in tasks where the data-collection policy is significantly sub-optimal.

A unified framework for learning with nonlinear model classes from arbitrary linear samples. (arXiv:2311.14886v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ben Adcock, Juan M. Cardenas, Nick Dexter

This work considers the fundamental problem of learning an unknown object from training data using a given model class. We introduce a unified framework that allows for objects in arbitrary Hilbert spaces, general types of (random) linear measurements as training data and general types of nonlinear model classes. We establish a series of learning guarantees for this framework. These guarantees provide explicit relations between the amount of training data and properties of the model class to ensure near-best generalization bounds. In doing so, we also introduce and develop the key notion of the variation of a model class with respect to a distribution of sampling operators. To exhibit the versatility of this framework, we show that it can accommodate many different types of well-known problems of interest. We present examples such as matrix sketching by random sampling, compressed sensing with isotropic vectors, active learning in regression and compressed sensing with generative models. In all cases, we show how known results become straightforward corollaries of our general learning guarantees. For compressed sensing with generative models, we also present a number of generalizations and improvements of recent results. In summary, our work not only introduces a unified way to study learning unknown objects from general types of data, but also establishes a series of general theoretical guarantees which consolidate and improve various known results.

LLM-Assisted Code Cleaning For Training Accurate Code Generators. (arXiv:2311.14904v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Naman Jain, Tianjun Zhang, Wei-Lin Chiang, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Koushik Sen, Ion Stoica

Natural language to code generation is an important application area of LLMs and has received wide attention from the community. The majority of relevant studies have exclusively concentrated on increasing the quantity and functional correctness of training sets while disregarding other stylistic elements of programs. More recently, data quality has garnered a lot of interest and multiple works have showcased its importance for improving performance. In this work, we investigate data quality for code and find that making the code more structured and readable leads to improved code generation performance of the system. We build a novel data-cleaning pipeline that uses these principles to transform existing programs by 1.) renaming variables, 2.) modularizing and decomposing complex code into smaller helper sub-functions, and 3.) inserting natural-language based plans via LLM based transformations. We evaluate our approach on two challenging algorithmic code generation benchmarks and find that fine-tuning CodeLLaMa-7B on our transformed modularized programs improves the performance by up to 30% compared to fine-tuning on the original dataset. Additionally, we demonstrate improved performance from using a smaller amount of higher-quality data, finding that a model fine-tuned on the entire original dataset is outperformed by a model trained on 15% of our cleaned dataset. Even in comparison to closed-source models, our models outperform the much larger AlphaCoder models.

Support Vector Machine Implementation on MPI-CUDA and Tensorflow Framework. (arXiv:2311.14908v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Islam Elgarhy

Support Vector Machine (SVM) algorithm requires a high computational cost (both in memory and time) to solve a complex quadratic programming (QP) optimization problem during the training process. Consequently, SVM necessitates high computing hardware capabilities. The central processing unit (CPU) clock frequency cannot be increased due to physical limitations in the miniaturization process. However, the potential of parallel multi-architecture, available in both multi-core CPUs and highly scalable GPUs, emerges as a promising solution to enhance algorithm performance. Therefore, there is an opportunity to reduce the high computational time required by SVM for solving the QP optimization problem. This paper presents a comparative study that implements the SVM algorithm on different parallel architecture frameworks. The experimental results show that SVM MPI-CUDA implementation achieves a speedup over SVM TensorFlow implementation on different datasets. Moreover, SVM TensorFlow implementation provides a cross-platform solution that can be migrated to alternative hardware components, which will reduces the development time.

A latent linear model for nonlinear coupled oscillators on graphs. (arXiv:2311.14910v1 [math.DS])

Authors: Agam Goyal, Zhaoxing Wu, Richard P. Yim, Binhao Chen, Zihong Xu, Hanbaek Lyu

A system of coupled oscillators on an arbitrary graph is locally driven by the tendency to mutual synchronization between nearby oscillators, but can and often exhibit nonlinear behavior on the whole graph. Understanding such nonlinear behavior has been a key challenge in predicting whether all oscillators in such a system will eventually synchronize. In this paper, we demonstrate that, surprisingly, such nonlinear behavior of coupled oscillators can be effectively linearized in certain latent dynamic spaces. The key insight is that there is a small number of `latent dynamics filters', each with a specific association with synchronizing and non-synchronizing dynamics on subgraphs so that any observed dynamics on subgraphs can be approximated by a suitable linear combination of such elementary dynamic patterns. Taking an ensemble of subgraph-level predictions provides an interpretable predictor for whether the system on the whole graph reaches global synchronization. We propose algorithms based on supervised matrix factorization to learn such latent dynamics filters. We demonstrate that our method performs competitively in synchronization prediction tasks against baselines and black-box classification algorithms, despite its simple and interpretable architecture.

One-Shot Transfer Learning for Nonlinear ODEs. (arXiv:2311.14931v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Wanzhou Lei, Pavlos Protopapas, Joy Parikh

We introduce a generalizable approach that combines perturbation method and one-shot transfer learning to solve nonlinear ODEs with a single polynomial term, using Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs). Our method transforms non-linear ODEs into linear ODE systems, trains a PINN across varied conditions, and offers a closed-form solution for new instances within the same non-linear ODE class. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach on the Duffing equation and suggest its applicability to similarly structured PDEs and ODE systems.

Robust Graph Neural Networks via Unbiased Aggregation. (arXiv:2311.14934v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ruiqi Feng, Zhichao Hou, Tyler Derr, Xiaorui Liu

The adversarial robustness of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has been questioned due to the false sense of security uncovered by strong adaptive attacks despite the existence of numerous defenses. In this work, we delve into the robustness analysis of representative robust GNNs and provide a unified robust estimation point of view to understand their robustness and limitations. Our novel analysis of estimation bias motivates the design of a robust and unbiased graph signal estimator. We then develop an efficient Quasi-Newton iterative reweighted least squares algorithm to solve the estimation problem, which unfolds as robust unbiased aggregation layers in GNNs with a theoretical convergence guarantee. Our comprehensive experiments confirm the strong robustness of our proposed model, and the ablation study provides a deep understanding of its advantages.

OpenNet: Incremental Learning for Autonomous Driving Object Detection with Balanced Loss. (arXiv:2311.14939v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zezhou Wang, Guitao Cao, Xidong Xi, Jiangtao Wang

Automated driving object detection has always been a challenging task in computer vision due to environmental uncertainties. These uncertainties include significant differences in object sizes and encountering the class unseen. It may result in poor performance when traditional object detection models are directly applied to automated driving detection. Because they usually presume fixed categories of common traffic participants, such as pedestrians and cars. Worsely, the huge class imbalance between common and novel classes further exacerbates performance degradation. To address the issues stated, we propose OpenNet to moderate the class imbalance with the Balanced Loss, which is based on Cross Entropy Loss. Besides, we adopt an inductive layer based on gradient reshaping to fast learn new classes with limited samples during incremental learning. To against catastrophic forgetting, we employ normalized feature distillation. By the way, we improve multi-scale detection robustness and unknown class recognition through FPN and energy-based detection, respectively. The Experimental results upon the CODA dataset show that the proposed method can obtain better performance than that of the existing methods.

Effective Backdoor Mitigation Depends on the Pre-training Objective. (arXiv:2311.14948v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sahil Verma, Gantavya Bhatt, Avi Schwarzschild, Soumye Singhal, Arnav Mohanty Das, Chirag Shah, John P Dickerson, Jeff Bilmes

Despite the advanced capabilities of contemporary machine learning (ML) models, they remain vulnerable to adversarial and backdoor attacks. This vulnerability is particularly concerning in real-world deployments, where compromised models may exhibit unpredictable behavior in critical scenarios. Such risks are heightened by the prevalent practice of collecting massive, internet-sourced datasets for pre-training multimodal models, as these datasets may harbor backdoors. Various techniques have been proposed to mitigate the effects of backdooring in these models such as CleanCLIP which is the current state-of-the-art approach.

In this work, we demonstrate that the efficacy of CleanCLIP in mitigating backdoors is highly dependent on the particular objective used during model pre-training.

We observe that stronger pre-training objectives correlate with harder to remove backdoors behaviors. We show this by training multimodal models on two large datasets consisting of 3 million (CC3M) and 6 million (CC6M) datapoints, under various pre-training objectives, followed by poison removal using CleanCLIP. We find that CleanCLIP is ineffective when stronger pre-training objectives are used, even with extensive hyperparameter tuning.

Our findings underscore critical considerations for ML practitioners who pre-train models using large-scale web-curated data and are concerned about potential backdoor threats. Notably, our results suggest that simpler pre-training objectives are more amenable to effective backdoor removal. This insight is pivotal for practitioners seeking to balance the trade-offs between using stronger pre-training objectives and security against backdoor attacks.

Identification of morphological fingerprint in perinatal brains using quasi-conformal mapping and contrastive learning. (arXiv:2311.14955v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Boyang Wang, Weihao Zheng, Ying Wang, Zhe Zhang, Yuchen Sheng, Minmin Wang

The morphological fingerprint in the brain is capable of identifying the uniqueness of an individual. However, whether such individual patterns are present in perinatal brains, and which morphological attributes or cortical regions better characterize the individual differences of ne-onates remain unclear. In this study, we proposed a deep learning framework that projected three-dimensional spherical meshes of three morphological features (i.e., cortical thickness, mean curvature, and sulcal depth) onto two-dimensional planes through quasi-conformal mapping, and employed the ResNet18 and contrastive learning for individual identification. We used the cross-sectional structural MRI data of 682 infants, incorporating with data augmentation, to train the model and fine-tuned the parameters based on 60 infants who had longitudinal scans. The model was validated on 30 longitudinal scanned infant data, and remarkable Top1 and Top5 accuracies of 71.37% and 84.10% were achieved, respectively. The sensorimotor and visual cortices were recognized as the most contributive regions in individual identification. Moreover, the folding morphology demonstrated greater discriminative capability than the cortical thickness, which could serve as the morphological fingerprint in perinatal brains. These findings provided evidence for the emergence of morphological fingerprints in the brain at the beginning of the third trimester, which may hold promising implications for understanding the formation of in-dividual uniqueness in the brain during early development.

Selective Inference for Changepoint detection by Recurrent Neural Network. (arXiv:2311.14964v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Tomohiro Shiraishi, Daiki Miwa, Vo Nguyen Le Duy, Ichiro Takeuchi

In this study, we investigate the quantification of the statistical reliability of detected change points (CPs) in time series using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). Thanks to its flexibility, RNN holds the potential to effectively identify CPs in time series characterized by complex dynamics. However, there is an increased risk of erroneously detecting random noise fluctuations as CPs. The primary goal of this study is to rigorously control the risk of false detections by providing theoretically valid p-values to the CPs detected by RNN. To achieve this, we introduce a novel method based on the framework of Selective Inference (SI). SI enables valid inferences by conditioning on the event of hypothesis selection, thus mitigating selection bias. In this study, we apply SI framework to RNN-based CP detection, where characterizing the complex process of RNN selecting CPs is our main technical challenge. We demonstrate the validity and effectiveness of the proposed method through artificial and real data experiments.

Segmentation of diagnostic tissue compartments on whole slide images with renal thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs). (arXiv:2311.14971v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Huy Q. Vo, Pietro A. Cicalese, Surya Seshan, Syed A. Rizvi, Aneesh Vathul, Gloria Bueno, Anibal Pedraza Dorado, Niels Grabe, Katharina Stolle, Francesco Pesce, Joris J.T.H. Roelofs, Jesper Kers, Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Nicola Altinini, Bernd Schröppel, Dario Roccatello, Antonella Barreca, Savino Sciascia, Chandra Mohan, Hien V. Nguyen, Jan U. Becker

The thrombotic microangiopathies (TMAs) manifest in renal biopsy histology with a broad spectrum of acute and chronic findings. Precise diagnostic criteria for a renal biopsy diagnosis of TMA are missing. As a first step towards a machine learning- and computer vision-based analysis of wholes slide images from renal biopsies, we trained a segmentation model for the decisive diagnostic kidney tissue compartments artery, arteriole, glomerulus on a set of whole slide images from renal biopsies with TMAs and Mimickers (distinct diseases with a similar nephropathological appearance as TMA like severe benign nephrosclerosis, various vasculitides, Bevacizumab-plug glomerulopathy, arteriolar light chain deposition disease). Our segmentation model combines a U-Net-based tissue detection with a Shifted windows-transformer architecture to reach excellent segmentation results for even the most severely altered glomeruli, arterioles and arteries, even on unseen staining domains from a different nephropathology lab. With accurate automatic segmentation of the decisive renal biopsy compartments in human renal vasculopathies, we have laid the foundation for large-scale compartment-specific machine learning and computer vision analysis of renal biopsy repositories with TMAs.

Eliminating Domain Bias for Federated Learning in Representation Space. (arXiv:2311.14975v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jianqing Zhang, Yang Hua, Jian Cao, Hao Wang, Tao Song, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, Haibing Guan

Recently, federated learning (FL) is popular for its privacy-preserving and collaborative learning abilities. However, under statistically heterogeneous scenarios, we observe that biased data domains on clients cause a representation bias phenomenon and further degenerate generic representations during local training, i.e., the representation degeneration phenomenon. To address these issues, we propose a general framework Domain Bias Eliminator (DBE) for FL. Our theoretical analysis reveals that DBE can promote bi-directional knowledge transfer between server and client, as it reduces the domain discrepancy between server and client in representation space. Besides, extensive experiments on four datasets show that DBE can greatly improve existing FL methods in both generalization and personalization abilities. The DBE-equipped FL method can outperform ten state-of-the-art personalized FL methods by a large margin. Our code is public at

Neural Network Based Approach to Recognition of Meteor Tracks in the Mini-EUSO Telescope Data. (arXiv:2311.14983v1 [astro-ph.IM])

Authors: Mikhail Zotov, Dmitry Anzhiganov, Aleksandr Kryazhenkov, Dario Barghini, Matteo Battisti, Alexander Belov, Mario Bertaina, Marta Bianciotto, Francesca Bisconti, Carl Blaksley, Sylvie Blin, Giorgio Cambiè, Francesca Capel, Marco Casolino, Toshikazu Ebisuzaki, Johannes Eser, Francesco Fenu, Massimo Alberto Franceschi, Alessio Golzio, Philippe Gorodetzky, Fumiyoshi Kajino, Hiroshi Kasuga, Pavel Klimov, Massimiliano Manfrin, Laura Marcelli, Hiroko Miyamoto, Alexey Murashov, Tommaso Napolitano, Hiroshi Ohmori, Angela Olinto, Etienne Parizot, Piergiorgio Picozza, Lech Wiktor Piotrowski, Zbigniew Plebaniak, Guillaume Prévôt, Enzo Reali, Marco Ricci, Giulia Romoli, Naoto Sakaki, Kenji Shinozaki, Christophe De La Taille, Yoshiyuki Takizawa, Michal Vrábel, Lawrence Wiencke

Mini-EUSO is a wide-angle fluorescence telescope that registers ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the nocturnal atmosphere of Earth from the International Space Station. Meteors are among multiple phenomena that manifest themselves not only in the visible range but also in the UV. We present two simple artificial neural networks that allow for recognizing meteor signals in the Mini-EUSO data with high accuracy in terms of a binary classification problem. We expect that similar architectures can be effectively used for signal recognition in other fluorescence telescopes, regardless of the nature of the signal. Due to their simplicity, the networks can be implemented in onboard electronics of future orbital or balloon experiments.

View it like a radiologist: Shifted windows for deep learning augmentation of CT images. (arXiv:2311.14990v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Eirik A. Østmo, Kristoffer K. Wickstrøm, Keyur Radiya, Michael C. Kampffmeyer, Robert Jenssen

Deep learning has the potential to revolutionize medical practice by automating and performing important tasks like detecting and delineating the size and locations of cancers in medical images. However, most deep learning models rely on augmentation techniques that treat medical images as natural images. For contrast-enhanced Computed Tomography (CT) images in particular, the signals producing the voxel intensities have physical meaning, which is lost during preprocessing and augmentation when treating such images as natural images. To address this, we propose a novel preprocessing and intensity augmentation scheme inspired by how radiologists leverage multiple viewing windows when evaluating CT images. Our proposed method, window shifting, randomly places the viewing windows around the region of interest during training. This approach improves liver lesion segmentation performance and robustness on images with poorly timed contrast agent. Our method outperforms classical intensity augmentations as well as the intensity augmentation pipeline of the popular nn-UNet on multiple datasets.

Exploring Causal Learning through Graph Neural Networks: An In-depth Review. (arXiv:2311.14994v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Simi Job, Xiaohui Tao, Taotao Cai, Haoran Xie, Lin Li, Jianming Yong, Qing Li

In machine learning, exploring data correlations to predict outcomes is a fundamental task. Recognizing causal relationships embedded within data is pivotal for a comprehensive understanding of system dynamics, the significance of which is paramount in data-driven decision-making processes. Beyond traditional methods, there has been a surge in the use of graph neural networks (GNNs) for causal learning, given their capabilities as universal data approximators. Thus, a thorough review of the advancements in causal learning using GNNs is both relevant and timely. To structure this review, we introduce a novel taxonomy that encompasses various state-of-the-art GNN methods employed in studying causality. GNNs are further categorized based on their applications in the causality domain. We further provide an exhaustive compilation of datasets integral to causal learning with GNNs to serve as a resource for practical study. This review also touches upon the application of causal learning across diverse sectors. We conclude the review with insights into potential challenges and promising avenues for future exploration in this rapidly evolving field of machine learning.

Satellite-based feature extraction and multivariate time-series prediction of biotoxin contamination in shellfish. (arXiv:2311.15000v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sergio Tavares, Pedro R. Costa, Ludwig Krippahl, Marta B. Lopes

Shellfish production constitutes an important sector for the economy of many Portuguese coastal regions, yet the challenge of shellfish biotoxin contamination poses both public health concerns and significant economic risks. Thus, predicting shellfish contamination levels holds great potential for enhancing production management and safeguarding public health. In our study, we utilize a dataset with years of Sentinel-3 satellite imagery for marine surveillance, along with shellfish biotoxin contamination data from various production areas along Portugal's western coastline, collected by Portuguese official control. Our goal is to evaluate the integration of satellite data in forecasting models for predicting toxin concentrations in shellfish given forecasting horizons up to four weeks, which implies extracting a small set of useful features and assessing their impact on the predictive models. We framed this challenge as a time-series forecasting problem, leveraging historical contamination levels and satellite images for designated areas. While contamination measurements occurred weekly, satellite images were accessible multiple times per week. Unsupervised feature extraction was performed using autoencoders able to handle non-valid pixels caused by factors like cloud cover, land, or anomalies. Finally, several Artificial Neural Networks models were applied to compare univariate (contamination only) and multivariate (contamination and satellite data) time-series forecasting. Our findings show that incorporating these features enhances predictions, especially beyond one week in lagoon production areas (RIAV) and for the 1-week and 2-week horizons in the L5B area (oceanic). The methodology shows the feasibility of integrating information from a high-dimensional data source like remote sensing without compromising the model's predictive ability.

On-Device Soft Sensors: Real-Time Fluid Flow Estimation from Level Sensor Data. (arXiv:2311.15036v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tianheng Ling, Chao Qian, Gregor Schiele

Soft sensors are crucial in bridging autonomous systems' physical and digital realms, enhancing sensor fusion and perception. Instead of deploying soft sensors on the Cloud, this study shift towards employing on-device soft sensors, promising heightened efficiency and bolstering data security. Our approach substantially improves energy efficiency by deploying Artificial Intelligence (AI) directly on devices within a wireless sensor network. Furthermore, the synergistic integration of the Microcontroller Unit and Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) leverages the rapid AI inference capabilities of the latter. Empirical evidence from our real-world use case demonstrates that FPGA-based soft sensors achieve inference times ranging remarkably from 1.04 to 12.04 microseconds. These compelling results highlight the considerable potential of our innovative approach for executing real-time inference tasks efficiently, thereby presenting a feasible alternative that effectively addresses the latency challenges intrinsic to Cloud-based deployments.

MPCNN: A Novel Matrix Profile Approach for CNN-based Sleep Apnea Classification. (arXiv:2311.15041v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hieu X. Nguyen, Duong V. Nguyen, Hieu H. Pham, Cuong D. Do

Sleep apnea (SA) is a significant respiratory condition that poses a major global health challenge. Previous studies have investigated several machine and deep learning models for electrocardiogram (ECG)-based SA diagnoses. Despite these advancements, conventional feature extractions derived from ECG signals, such as R-peaks and RR intervals, may fail to capture crucial information encompassed within the complete PQRST segments. In this study, we propose an innovative approach to address this diagnostic gap by delving deeper into the comprehensive segments of the ECG signal. The proposed methodology draws inspiration from Matrix Profile algorithms, which generate an Euclidean distance profile from fixed-length signal subsequences. From this, we derived the Min Distance Profile (MinDP), Max Distance Profile (MaxDP), and Mean Distance Profile (MeanDP) based on the minimum, maximum, and mean of the profile distances, respectively. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we use the modified LeNet-5 architecture as the primary CNN model, along with two existing lightweight models, BAFNet and SE-MSCNN, for ECG classification tasks. Our extensive experimental results on the PhysioNet Apnea-ECG dataset revealed that with the new feature extraction method, we achieved a per-segment accuracy up to 92.11 \% and a per-recording accuracy of 100\%. Moreover, it yielded the highest correlation compared to state-of-the-art methods, with a correlation coefficient of 0.989. By introducing a new feature extraction method based on distance relationships, we enhanced the performance of certain lightweight models, showing potential for home sleep apnea test (HSAT) and SA detection in IoT devices. The source code for this work is made publicly available in GitHub:

Training a Hopfield Variational Autoencoder with Equilibrium Propagation. (arXiv:2311.15047v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tom Van Der Meersch, Johannes Deleu, Thomas Demeester

On dedicated analog hardware, equilibrium propagation is an energy-efficient alternative to backpropagation. In spite of its theoretical guarantees, its application in the AI domain remains limited to the discriminative setting. Meanwhile, despite its high computational demands, generative AI is on the rise. In this paper, we demonstrate the application of Equilibrium Propagation in training a variational autoencoder (VAE) for generative modeling. Leveraging the symmetric nature of Hopfield networks, we propose using a single model to serve as both the encoder and decoder which could effectively halve the required chip size for VAE implementations, paving the way for more efficient analog hardware configurations.

Large Catapults in Momentum Gradient Descent with Warmup: An Empirical Study. (arXiv:2311.15051v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Prin Phunyaphibarn, Junghyun Lee, Bohan Wang, Huishuai Zhang, Chulhee Yun

Although gradient descent with momentum is widely used in modern deep learning, a concrete understanding of its effects on the training trajectory still remains elusive. In this work, we empirically show that momentum gradient descent with a large learning rate and learning rate warmup displays large catapults, driving the iterates towards flatter minima than those found by gradient descent. We then provide empirical evidence and theoretical intuition that the large catapult is caused by momentum "amplifying" the self-stabilization effect (Damian et al., 2023).

Task adaption by biologically inspired stochastic comodulation. (arXiv:2311.15053v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Gauthier Boeshertz, Caroline Haimerl, Cristina Savin

Brain representations must strike a balance between generalizability and adaptability. Neural codes capture general statistical regularities in the world, while dynamically adjusting to reflect current goals. One aspect of this adaptation is stochastically co-modulating neurons' gains based on their task relevance. These fluctuations then propagate downstream to guide decision-making. Here, we test the computational viability of such a scheme in the context of multi-task learning. We show that fine-tuning convolutional networks by stochastic gain modulation improves on deterministic gain modulation, achieving state-of-the-art results on the CelebA dataset. To better understand the mechanisms supporting this improvement, we explore how fine-tuning performance is affected by architecture using Cifar-100. Overall, our results suggest that stochastic comodulation can enhance learning efficiency and performance in multi-task learning, without additional learnable parameters. This offers a promising new direction for developing more flexible and robust intelligent systems.

Detection of developmental language disorder in Cypriot Greek children using a machine learning neural network algorithm. (arXiv:2311.15054v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Georgios P. Georgiou, Elena Theodorou

Children with developmental language disorder (DLD) encounter difficulties in acquiring various language structures. Early identification and intervention are crucial to prevent negative long-term outcomes impacting the academic, social, and emotional development of children. The study aims to develop an automated method for the identification of DLD using artificial intelligence, specifically a neural network machine learning algorithm. This protocol is applied for the first time in Cypriot Greek children, which is generally considered underresearched in the context of DLD. The neural network model was trained using perceptual and production data elicited from children with DLD and healthy controls. The k-fold technique was used to crossvalidate the algorithm. The performance of the model was evaluated using metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and ROC/AUC curve to assess its ability to make accurate predictions on a set of unseen data. The results demonstrated high classification values for all metrics (between 0.92 and 0.98), indicating the high accuracy of the neural model in classifying children with DLD. Additionally, the variable importance analysis revealed that the language production skills of children had a more significant impact on the performance of the model compared to perception skills. Neural networks represent powerful tools for detecting DLD, providing early and quick assessments of the disorder, and having the potential to improve clinical outcomes.

Accurate and interpretable drug-drug interaction prediction enabled by knowledge subgraph learning. (arXiv:2311.15056v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yaqing Wang, Zaifei Yang, Quanming Yao

Background: Discovering potential drug-drug interactions (DDIs) is a long-standing challenge in clinical treatments and drug developments. Recently, deep learning techniques have been developed for DDI prediction. However, they generally require a huge number of samples, while known DDIs are rare.

Methods: In this work, we present KnowDDI, a graph neural network-based method that addresses the above challenge. KnowDDI enhances drug representations by adaptively leveraging rich neighborhood information from large biomedical knowledge graphs. Then, it learns a knowledge subgraph for each drug-pair to interpret the predicted DDI, where each of the edges is associated with a connection strength indicating the importance of a known DDI or resembling strength between a drug-pair whose connection is unknown. Thus, the lack of DDIs is implicitly compensated by the enriched drug representations and propagated drug similarities.

Results: We evaluate KnowDDI on two benchmark DDI datasets. Results show that KnowDDI obtains the state-of-the-art prediction performance with better interpretability. We also find that KnowDDI suffers less than existing works given a sparser knowledge graph. This indicates that the propagated drug similarities play a more important role in compensating for the lack of DDIs when the drug representations are less enriched.

Conclusions: KnowDDI nicely combines the efficiency of deep learning techniques and the rich prior knowledge in biomedical knowledge graphs. As an original open-source tool, KnowDDI can help detect possible interactions in a broad range of relevant interaction prediction tasks, such as protein-protein interactions, drug-target interactions and disease-gene interactions, eventually promoting the development of biomedicine and healthcare.

AudioMNIST: Exploring Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Audio Analysis on a Simple Benchmark. (arXiv:1807.03418v3 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Sören Becker, Johanna Vielhaben, Marcel Ackermann, Klaus-Robert Müller, Sebastian Lapuschkin, Wojciech Samek

Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) is targeted at understanding how models perform feature selection and derive their classification decisions. This paper explores post-hoc explanations for deep neural networks in the audio domain. Notably, we present a novel Open Source audio dataset consisting of 30,000 audio samples of English spoken digits which we use for classification tasks on spoken digits and speakers' biological sex. We use the popular XAI technique Layer-wise Relevance Propagation (LRP) to identify relevant features for two neural network architectures that process either waveform or spectrogram representations of the data. Based on the relevance scores obtained from LRP, hypotheses about the neural networks' feature selection are derived and subsequently tested through systematic manipulations of the input data. Further, we take a step beyond visual explanations and introduce audible heatmaps. We demonstrate the superior interpretability of audible explanations over visual ones in a human user study.

Ergodicity of the underdamped mean-field Langevin dynamics. (arXiv:2007.14660v3 [math.PR] UPDATED)

Authors: Anna Kazeykina, Zhenjie Ren, Xiaolu Tan, Junjian Yang

We study the long time behavior of an underdamped mean-field Langevin (MFL) equation, and provide a general convergence as well as an exponential convergence rate result under different conditions. The results on the MFL equation can be applied to study the convergence of the Hamiltonian gradient descent algorithm for the overparametrized optimization. We then provide a numerical example of the algorithm to train a generative adversarial networks (GAN).

Emerging Trends in Federated Learning: From Model Fusion to Federated X Learning. (arXiv:2102.12920v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaoxiong Ji, Yue Tan, Teemu Saravirta, Zhiqin Yang, Lauri Vasankari, Shirui Pan, Guodong Long, Anwar Walid

Federated learning is a new learning paradigm that decouples data collection and model training via multi-party computation and model aggregation. As a flexible learning setting, federated learning has the potential to integrate with other learning frameworks. We conduct a focused survey of federated learning in conjunction with other learning algorithms. Specifically, we explore various learning algorithms to improve the vanilla federated averaging algorithm and review model fusion methods such as adaptive aggregation, regularization, clustered methods, and Bayesian methods. Following the emerging trends, we also discuss federated learning in the intersection with other learning paradigms, termed federated X learning, where X includes multitask learning, meta-learning, transfer learning, unsupervised learning, and reinforcement learning. This survey reviews the state of the art, challenges, and future directions.

Artificial Neural Networks generated by Low Discrepancy Sequences. (arXiv:2103.03543v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alexander Keller, Matthijs Van keirsbilck

Artificial neural networks can be represented by paths. Generated as random walks on a dense network graph, we find that the resulting sparse networks allow for deterministic initialization and even weights with fixed sign. Such networks can be trained sparse from scratch, avoiding the expensive procedure of training a dense network and compressing it afterwards. Although sparse, weights are accessed as contiguous blocks of memory. In addition, enumerating the paths using deterministic low discrepancy sequences, for example the Sobol' sequence, amounts to connecting the layers of neural units by progressive permutations, which naturally avoids bank conflicts in parallel computer hardware. We demonstrate that the artificial neural networks generated by low discrepancy sequences can achieve an accuracy within reach of their dense counterparts at a much lower computational complexity.

Elastic Shape Analysis of Tree-like 3D Objects using Extended SRVF Representation. (arXiv:2110.08693v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Guan Wang, Hamid Laga, Anuj Srivastava

How can one analyze detailed 3D biological objects, such as neurons and botanical trees, that exhibit complex geometrical and topological variation? In this paper, we develop a novel mathematical framework for representing, comparing, and computing geodesic deformations between the shapes of such tree-like 3D objects. A hierarchical organization of subtrees characterizes these objects -- each subtree has the main branch with some side branches attached -- and one needs to match these structures across objects for meaningful comparisons. We propose a novel representation that extends the Square-Root Velocity Function (SRVF), initially developed for Euclidean curves, to tree-shaped 3D objects. We then define a new metric that quantifies the bending, stretching, and branch sliding needed to deform one tree-shaped object into the other. Compared to the current metrics, such as the Quotient Euclidean Distance (QED) and the Tree Edit Distance (TED), the proposed representation and metric capture the full elasticity of the branches (i.e., bending and stretching) as well as the topological variations (i.e., branch death/birth and sliding). It completely avoids the shrinkage that results from the edge collapse and node split operations of the QED and TED metrics. We demonstrate the utility of this framework in comparing, matching, and computing geodesics between biological objects such as neurons and botanical trees. The framework is also applied to various shape analysis tasks: (i) symmetry analysis and symmetrization of tree-shaped 3D objects, (ii) computing summary statistics (means and modes of variations) of populations of tree-shaped 3D objects, (iii) fitting parametric probability distributions to such populations, and (iv) finally synthesizing novel tree-shaped 3D objects through random sampling from estimated probability distributions.

Assessing Deep Neural Networks as Probability Estimators. (arXiv:2111.08239v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Pan, Kwo-Sen Kuo, Michael L. Rilee, Hongfeng Yu

Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have performed admirably in classification tasks. However, the characterization of their classification uncertainties, required for certain applications, has been lacking. In this work, we investigate the issue by assessing DNNs' ability to estimate conditional probabilities and propose a framework for systematic uncertainty characterization. Denoting the input sample as x and the category as y, the classification task of assigning a category y to a given input x can be reduced to the task of estimating the conditional probabilities p(y|x), as approximated by the DNN at its last layer using the softmax function. Since softmax yields a vector whose elements all fall in the interval (0, 1) and sum to 1, it suggests a probabilistic interpretation to the DNN's outcome. Using synthetic and real-world datasets, we look into the impact of various factors, e.g., probability density f(x) and inter-categorical sparsity, on the precision of DNNs' estimations of p(y|x), and find that the likelihood probability density and the inter-categorical sparsity have greater impacts than the prior probability to DNNs' classification uncertainty.

Online Estimation and Optimization of Utility-Based Shortfall Risk. (arXiv:2111.08805v3 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Vishwajit Hegde, Arvind S. Menon, L.A. Prashanth, Krishna Jagannathan

Utility-Based Shortfall Risk (UBSR) is a risk metric that is increasingly popular in financial applications, owing to certain desirable properties that it enjoys. We consider the problem of estimating UBSR in a recursive setting, where samples from the underlying loss distribution are available one-at-a-time. We cast the UBSR estimation problem as a root finding problem, and propose stochastic approximation-based estimations schemes. We derive non-asymptotic bounds on the estimation error in the number of samples. We also consider the problem of UBSR optimization within a parameterized class of random variables. We propose a stochastic gradient descent based algorithm for UBSR optimization, and derive non-asymptotic bounds on its convergence.

A deep reinforcement learning model for predictive maintenance planning of road assets: Integrating LCA and LCCA. (arXiv:2112.12589v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Moein Latifi, Fateme Golivand Darvishvand, Omid Khandel, Mobin Latifi Nowsoud

Road maintenance planning is an integral part of road asset management. One of the main challenges in Maintenance and Rehabilitation (M&R) practices is to determine maintenance type and timing. This research proposes a framework using Reinforcement Learning (RL) based on the Long Term Pavement Performance (LTPP) database to determine the type and timing of M&R practices. A predictive DNN model is first developed in the proposed algorithm, which serves as the Environment for the RL algorithm. For the Policy estimation of the RL model, both DQN and PPO models are developed. However, PPO has been selected in the end due to better convergence and higher sample efficiency. Indicators used in this study are International Roughness Index (IRI) and Rutting Depth (RD). Initially, we considered Cracking Metric (CM) as the third indicator, but it was then excluded due to the much fewer data compared to other indicators, which resulted in lower accuracy of the results. Furthermore, in cost-effectiveness calculation (reward), we considered both the economic and environmental impacts of M&R treatments. Costs and environmental impacts have been evaluated with paLATE 2.0 software. Our method is tested on a hypothetical case study of a six-lane highway with 23 kilometers length located in Texas, which has a warm and wet climate. The results propose a 20-year M&R plan in which road condition remains in an excellent condition range. Because the early state of the road is at a good level of service, there is no need for heavy maintenance practices in the first years. Later, after heavy M&R actions, there are several 1-2 years of no need for treatments. All of these show that the proposed plan has a logical result. Decision-makers and transportation agencies can use this scheme to conduct better maintenance practices that can prevent budget waste and, at the same time, minimize the environmental impacts.

Bridging Adversarial and Nonstationary Multi-armed Bandit. (arXiv:2201.01628v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ningyuan Chen, Shuoguang Yang, Hailun Zhang

In the multi-armed bandit framework, there are two formulations that are commonly employed to handle time-varying reward distributions: adversarial bandit and nonstationary bandit. Although their oracles, algorithms, and regret analysis differ significantly, we provide a unified formulation in this paper that smoothly bridges the two as special cases. The formulation uses an oracle that takes the best-fixed arm within time windows. Depending on the window size, it turns into the oracle in hindsight in the adversarial bandit and dynamic oracle in the nonstationary bandit. We provide algorithms that attain the optimal regret with the matching lower bound.

Asymptotic Bounds for Smoothness Parameter Estimates in Gaussian Process Interpolation. (arXiv:2203.05400v5 [math.ST] UPDATED)

Authors: Toni Karvonen

It is common to model a deterministic response function, such as the output of a computer experiment, as a Gaussian process with a Mat\'ern covariance kernel. The smoothness parameter of a Mat\'ern kernel determines many important properties of the model in the large data limit, including the rate of convergence of the conditional mean to the response function. We prove that the maximum likelihood estimate of the smoothness parameter cannot asymptotically undersmooth the truth when the data are obtained on a fixed bounded subset of $\mathbb{R}^d$. That is, if the data-generating response function has Sobolev smoothness $\nu_0 > d/2$, then the smoothness parameter estimate cannot be asymptotically less than $\nu_0$. The lower bound is sharp. Additionally, we show that maximum likelihood estimation recovers the true smoothness for a class of compactly supported self-similar functions. For cross-validation we prove an asymptotic lower bound $\nu_0 - d/2$, which however is unlikely to be sharp. The results are based on approximation theory in Sobolev spaces and some general theorems that restrict the set of values that the parameter estimators can take.

Dimensionality Reduction and Wasserstein Stability for Kernel Regression. (arXiv:2203.09347v3 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Stephan Eckstein, Armin Iske, Mathias Trabs

In a high-dimensional regression framework, we study consequences of the naive two-step procedure where first the dimension of the input variables is reduced and second, the reduced input variables are used to predict the output variable with kernel regression. In order to analyze the resulting regression errors, a novel stability result for kernel regression with respect to the Wasserstein distance is derived. This allows us to bound errors that occur when perturbed input data is used to fit the regression function. We apply the general stability result to principal component analysis (PCA). Exploiting known estimates from the literature on both principal component analysis and kernel regression, we deduce convergence rates for the two-step procedure. The latter turns out to be particularly useful in a semi-supervised setting.

Low-degree learning and the metric entropy of polynomials. (arXiv:2203.09659v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alexandros Eskenazis, Paata Ivanisvili, Lauritz Streck

Let $\mathscr{F}_{n,d}$ be the class of all functions $f:\{-1,1\}^n\to[-1,1]$ on the $n$-dimensional discrete hypercube of degree at most $d$. In the first part of this paper, we prove that any (deterministic or randomized) algorithm which learns $\mathscr{F}_{n,d}$ with $L_2$-accuracy $\varepsilon$ requires at least $\Omega((1-\sqrt{\varepsilon})2^d\log n)$ queries for large enough $n$, thus establishing the sharpness as $n\to\infty$ of a recent upper bound of Eskenazis and Ivanisvili (2021). To do this, we show that the $L_2$-packing numbers $\mathsf{M}(\mathscr{F}_{n,d},\|\cdot\|_{L_2},\varepsilon)$ of the concept class $\mathscr{F}_{n,d}$ satisfy the two-sided estimate $$c(1-\varepsilon)2^d\log n \leq \log \mathsf{M}(\mathscr{F}_{n,d},\|\cdot\|_{L_2},\varepsilon) \leq \frac{2^{Cd}\log n}{\varepsilon^4}$$ for large enough $n$, where $c, C>0$ are universal constants. In the second part of the paper, we present a logarithmic upper bound for the randomized query complexity of classes of bounded approximate polynomials whose Fourier spectra are concentrated on few subsets. As an application, we prove new estimates for the number of random queries required to learn approximate juntas of a given degree, functions with rapidly decaying Fourier tails and constant depth circuits of given size. Finally, we obtain bounds for the number of queries required to learn the polynomial class $\mathscr{F}_{n,d}$ without error in the query and random example models.

Momentum-Based Policy Gradient with Second-Order Information. (arXiv:2205.08253v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Saber Salehkaleybar, Sadegh Khorasani, Negar Kiyavash, Niao He, Patrick Thiran

Variance-reduced gradient estimators for policy gradient methods have been one of the main focus of research in the reinforcement learning in recent years as they allow acceleration of the estimation process. We propose a variance-reduced policy-gradient method, called SHARP, which incorporates second-order information into stochastic gradient descent (SGD) using momentum with a time-varying learning rate. SHARP algorithm is parameter-free, achieving $\epsilon$-approximate first-order stationary point with $O(\epsilon^{-3})$ number of trajectories, while using a batch size of $O(1)$ at each iteration. Unlike most previous work, our proposed algorithm does not require importance sampling which can compromise the advantage of variance reduction process. Moreover, the variance of estimation error decays with the fast rate of $O(1/t^{2/3})$ where $t$ is the number of iterations. Our extensive experimental evaluations show the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm on various control tasks and its advantage over the state of the art in practice.

Kernel Normalized Convolutional Networks. (arXiv:2205.10089v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Reza Nasirigerdeh, Reihaneh Torkzadehmahani, Daniel Rueckert, Georgios Kaissis

Existing convolutional neural network architectures frequently rely upon batch normalization (BatchNorm) to effectively train the model. BatchNorm, however, performs poorly with small batch sizes, and is inapplicable to differential privacy. To address these limitations, we propose kernel normalization and kernel normalized convolutional layers, and incorporate them into kernel normalized convolutional networks (KNConvNets) as the main building blocks. We implement KNConvNets corresponding to the state-of-the-art ResNets while forgoing BatchNorm layers. Through extensive experiments, we illustrate KNConvNets achieve higher or competitive performance compared to the BatchNorm counterparts in image classification and semantic segmentation. They also significantly outperform their batch-independent competitors including layer and group normalization in non-private and differentially private training. Given that, KNConvNets combine the batch-independence property of layer and group normalization with the performance advantage of BatchNorm.

Analysis of functional neural codes of deep learning models: Functional Telescope Hypothesis. (arXiv:2205.10952v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jung Hoon Lee, Sujith Vijayan

Deep neural networks (DNNs), the agents of deep learning (DL), require a massive number of parallel/sequential operations. This makes it difficult to comprehend DNNs' operations and impedes proper diagnosis. Without better knowledge of their internal process, deploying DNNs in high-stakes domains can lead to catastrophic failures. Therefore, to build more reliable DNNs/DL to be deployed in high-stakes real-world problems, it is imperative that we gain insights into DNNs' internal operations underlying their decision-making. Here, we use the self-organizing map (SOM) to analyze DL models' internal codes associated with DNNs' decision-making. Our analyses suggest that shallow layers close to the input layer compress features into condensed space and that deep layers close to the output layer expand feature space. We also found evidence indicating that compressed features may underlie DNNs' vulnerabilities to adversarial perturbations.

Auto-PINN: Understanding and Optimizing Physics-Informed Neural Architecture. (arXiv:2205.13748v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yicheng Wang, Xiaotian Han, Chia-Yuan Chang, Daochen Zha, Ulisses Braga-Neto, Xia Hu

Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) are revolutionizing science and engineering practice by bringing together the power of deep learning to bear on scientific computation. In forward modeling problems, PINNs are meshless partial differential equation (PDE) solvers that can handle irregular, high-dimensional physical domains. Naturally, the neural architecture hyperparameters have a large impact on the efficiency and accuracy of the PINN solver. However, this remains an open and challenging problem because of the large search space and the difficulty of identifying a proper search objective for PDEs. Here, we propose Auto-PINN, the first systematic, automated hyperparameter optimization approach for PINNs, which employs Neural Architecture Search (NAS) techniques to PINN design. Auto-PINN avoids manually or exhaustively searching the hyperparameter space associated with PINNs. A comprehensive set of pre-experiments using standard PDE benchmarks allows us to probe the structure-performance relationship in PINNs. We find that the different hyperparameters can be decoupled, and that the training loss function of PINNs is a good search objective. Comparison experiments with baseline methods demonstrate that Auto-PINN produces neural architectures with superior stability and accuracy over alternative baselines.

A Computation and Communication Efficient Method for Distributed Nonconvex Problems in the Partial Participation Setting. (arXiv:2205.15580v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alexander Tyurin, Peter Richtárik

We present a new method that includes three key components of distributed optimization and federated learning: variance reduction of stochastic gradients, partial participation, and compressed communication. We prove that the new method has optimal oracle complexity and state-of-the-art communication complexity in the partial participation setting. Regardless of the communication compression feature, our method successfully combines variance reduction and partial participation: we get the optimal oracle complexity, never need the participation of all nodes, and do not require the bounded gradients (dissimilarity) assumption.

Residual-based physics-informed transfer learning: A hybrid method for accelerating long-term CFD simulations via deep learning. (arXiv:2206.06817v3 [physics.flu-dyn] UPDATED)

Authors: Joongoo Jeon, Juhyeong Lee, Ricardo Vinuesa, Sung Joong Kim

While a big wave of artificial intelligence (AI) has propagated to the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) acceleration studies, recent research has highlighted that the development of AI techniques that reconciles the following goals remains our primary task: (1) accurate prediction of unseen (future) time series in long-term CFD simulations (2) acceleration of simulations (3) an acceptable amount of training data and time (4) within a multiple PDEs condition. In this study, we propose a residual-based physics-informed transfer learning (RePIT) strategy to achieve these four objectives using ML-CFD hybrid computation. Our hypothesis is that long-term CFD simulation is feasible with the hybrid method where CFD and AI alternately calculate time series while monitoring the first principle's residuals. The feasibility of RePIT strategy was verified through a CFD case study on natural convection. In a single training approach, a residual scale change occurred around 100th timestep, resulting in predicted time series exhibiting non-physical patterns as well as a significant deviations from the ground truth. Conversely, RePIT strategy maintained the residuals within the defined range and demonstrated good accuracy throughout the entire simulation period. The maximum error from the ground truth was below 0.4 K for temperature and 0.024 m/s for x-axis velocity. Furthermore, the average time for 1 timestep by the ML-GPU and CFD-CPU calculations was 0.171 s and 0.015 s, respectively. Including the parameter-updating time, the simulation was accelerated by a factor of 1.9. In conclusion, our RePIT strategy is a promising technique to reduce the cost of CFD simulations in industry. However, more vigorous optimization and improvement studies are still necessary.

Near-Linear Time and Fixed-Parameter Tractable Algorithms for Tensor Decompositions. (arXiv:2207.07417v3 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

Authors: Arvind V. Mahankali, David P. Woodruff, Ziyu Zhang

We study low rank approximation of tensors, focusing on the tensor train and Tucker decompositions, as well as approximations with tree tensor networks and more general tensor networks. For tensor train decomposition, we give a bicriteria $(1 + \eps)$-approximation algorithm with a small bicriteria rank and $O(q \cdot \nnz(A))$ running time, up to lower order terms, which improves over the additive error algorithm of \cite{huber2017randomized}. We also show how to convert the algorithm of \cite{huber2017randomized} into a relative error algorithm, but their algorithm necessarily has a running time of $O(qr^2 \cdot \nnz(A)) + n \cdot \poly(qk/\eps)$ when converted to a $(1 + \eps)$-approximation algorithm with bicriteria rank $r$. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to achieve polynomial time relative error approximation for tensor train decomposition. Our key technique is a method for obtaining subspace embeddings with a number of rows polynomial in $q$ for a matrix which is the flattening of a tensor train of $q$ tensors. We extend our algorithm to tree tensor networks. In addition, we extend our algorithm to tensor networks with arbitrary graphs (which we refer to as general tensor networks), by using a result of \cite{ms08_simulating_quantum_tensor_contraction} and showing that a general tensor network of rank $k$ can be contracted to a binary tree network of rank $k^{O(\deg(G)\tw(G))}$, allowing us to reduce to the case of tree tensor networks. Finally, we give new fixed-parameter tractable algorithms for the tensor train, Tucker, and CP decompositions, which are simpler than those of \cite{swz19_tensor_low_rank} since they do not make use of polynomial system solvers. Our technique of Gaussian subspace embeddings with exactly $k$ rows (and thus exponentially small success probability) may be of independent interest.

Towards Interpretable Sleep Stage Classification Using Cross-Modal Transformers. (arXiv:2208.06991v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jathurshan Pradeepkumar, Mithunjha Anandakumar, Vinith Kugathasan, Dhinesh Suntharalingham, Simon L. Kappel, Anjula C. De Silva, Chamira U. S. Edussooriya

Accurate sleep stage classification is significant for sleep health assessment. In recent years, several machine-learning based sleep staging algorithms have been developed , and in particular, deep-learning based algorithms have achieved performance on par with human annotation. Despite improved performance, a limitation of most deep-learning based algorithms is their black-box behavior, which have limited their use in clinical settings. Here, we propose a cross-modal transformer, which is a transformer-based method for sleep stage classification. The proposed cross-modal transformer consists of a novel cross-modal transformer encoder architecture along with a multi-scale one-dimensional convolutional neural network for automatic representation learning. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods and eliminates the black-box behavior of deep-learning models by utilizing the interpretability aspect of the attention modules. Furthermore, our method provides considerable reductions in the number of parameters and training time compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at A demo of our work can be found at

AutoWS-Bench-101: Benchmarking Automated Weak Supervision with 100 Labels. (arXiv:2208.14362v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Nicholas Roberts, Xintong Li, Tzu-Heng Huang, Dyah Adila, Spencer Schoenberg, Cheng-Yu Liu, Lauren Pick, Haotian Ma, Aws Albarghouthi, Frederic Sala

Weak supervision (WS) is a powerful method to build labeled datasets for training supervised models in the face of little-to-no labeled data. It replaces hand-labeling data with aggregating multiple noisy-but-cheap label estimates expressed by labeling functions (LFs). While it has been used successfully in many domains, weak supervision's application scope is limited by the difficulty of constructing labeling functions for domains with complex or high-dimensional features. To address this, a handful of methods have proposed automating the LF design process using a small set of ground truth labels. In this work, we introduce AutoWS-Bench-101: a framework for evaluating automated WS (AutoWS) techniques in challenging WS settings -- a set of diverse application domains on which it has been previously difficult or impossible to apply traditional WS techniques. While AutoWS is a promising direction toward expanding the application-scope of WS, the emergence of powerful methods such as zero-shot foundation models reveals the need to understand how AutoWS techniques compare or cooperate with modern zero-shot or few-shot learners. This informs the central question of AutoWS-Bench-101: given an initial set of 100 labels for each task, we ask whether a practitioner should use an AutoWS method to generate additional labels or use some simpler baseline, such as zero-shot predictions from a foundation model or supervised learning. We observe that in many settings, it is necessary for AutoWS methods to incorporate signal from foundation models if they are to outperform simple few-shot baselines, and AutoWS-Bench-101 promotes future research in this direction. We conclude with a thorough ablation study of AutoWS methods.

MA-RECON: Mask-aware deep-neural-network for robust fast MRI k-space interpolation. (arXiv:2209.00462v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nitzan Avidan, Moti Freiman

High-quality reconstruction of MRI images from under-sampled `k-space' data, which is in the Fourier domain, is crucial for shortening MRI acquisition times and ensuring superior temporal resolution. Over recent years, a wealth of deep neural network (DNN) methods have emerged, aiming to tackle the complex, ill-posed inverse problem linked to this process. However, their instability against variations in the acquisition process and anatomical distribution exposes a deficiency in the generalization of relevant physical models within these DNN architectures. The goal of our work is to enhance the generalization capabilities of DNN methods for k-space interpolation by introducing `MA-RECON', an innovative mask-aware DNN architecture and associated training method. Unlike preceding approaches, our `MA-RECON' architecture encodes not only the observed data but also the under-sampling mask within the model structure. It implements a tailored training approach that leverages data generated with a variety of under-sampling masks to stimulate the model's generalization of the under-sampled MRI reconstruction problem. Therefore, effectively represents the associated inverse problem, akin to the classical compressed sensing approach. The benefits of our MA-RECON approach were affirmed through rigorous testing with the widely accessible fastMRI dataset. Compared to standard DNN methods and DNNs trained with under-sampling mask augmentation, our approach demonstrated superior generalization capabilities. This resulted in a considerable improvement in robustness against variations in both the acquisition process and anatomical distribution, especially in regions with pathology. In conclusion, our mask-aware strategy holds promise for enhancing the generalization capacity and robustness of DNN-based methodologies for MRI reconstruction from undersampled k-space data.

Early Detection of Bark Beetle Attack Using Remote Sensing and Machine Learning: A Review. (arXiv:2210.03829v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Seyed Mojtaba Marvasti-Zadeh, Devin Goodsman, Nilanjan Ray, Nadir Erbilgin

This paper provides a comprehensive review of past and current advances in the early detection of bark beetle-induced tree mortality from three primary perspectives: bark beetle & host interactions, RS, and ML/DL. In contrast to prior efforts, this review encompasses all RS systems and emphasizes ML/DL methods to investigate their strengths and weaknesses. We parse existing literature based on multi- or hyper-spectral analyses and distill their knowledge based on: bark beetle species & attack phases with a primary emphasis on early stages of attacks, host trees, study regions, RS platforms & sensors, spectral/spatial/temporal resolutions, spectral signatures, spectral vegetation indices (SVIs), ML approaches, learning schemes, task categories, models, algorithms, classes/clusters, features, and DL networks & architectures. Although DL-based methods and the random forest (RF) algorithm showed promising results, highlighting their potential to detect subtle changes across visible, thermal, and short-wave infrared (SWIR) spectral regions, they still have limited effectiveness and high uncertainties. To inspire novel solutions to these shortcomings, we delve into the principal challenges & opportunities from different perspectives, enabling a deeper understanding of the current state of research and guiding future research directions.

Self-Guided Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2210.06462v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Vincent Tao Hu, David W Zhang, Yuki M. Asano, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Cees G. M. Snoek

Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable progress in image generation quality, especially when guidance is used to control the generative process. However, guidance requires a large amount of image-annotation pairs for training and is thus dependent on their availability, correctness and unbiasedness. In this paper, we eliminate the need for such annotation by instead leveraging the flexibility of self-supervision signals to design a framework for self-guided diffusion models. By leveraging a feature extraction function and a self-annotation function, our method provides guidance signals at various image granularities: from the level of holistic images to object boxes and even segmentation masks. Our experiments on single-label and multi-label image datasets demonstrate that self-labeled guidance always outperforms diffusion models without guidance and may even surpass guidance based on ground-truth labels, especially on unbalanced data. When equipped with self-supervised box or mask proposals, our method further generates visually diverse yet semantically consistent images, without the need for any class, box, or segment label annotation. Self-guided diffusion is simple, flexible and expected to profit from deployment at scale. Source code will be at:

G-PECNet: Towards a Generalizable Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction System. (arXiv:2210.09846v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Aryan Garg, Renu M. Rameshan

Navigating dynamic physical environments without obstructing or damaging human assets is of quintessential importance for social robots. In this work, we solve autonomous drone navigation's sub-problem of predicting out-of-domain human and agent trajectories using a deep generative model. Our method: General-PECNet or G-PECNet observes an improvement of 9.5\% on the Final Displacement Error (FDE) on 2020's benchmark: PECNet through a combination of architectural improvements inspired by periodic activation functions and synthetic trajectory (data) augmentations using Hidden Markov Models (HMMs) and Reinforcement Learning (RL). Additionally, we propose a simple geometry-inspired metric for trajectory non-linearity and outlier detection, helpful for the task. Code available at $\href{}{GitHub}$

Augmentation Invariant Manifold Learning. (arXiv:2211.00460v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Shulei Wang

Data augmentation is a widely used technique and an essential ingredient in the recent advance in self-supervised representation learning. By preserving the similarity between augmented data, the resulting data representation can improve various downstream analyses and achieve state-of-the-art performance in many applications. Despite the empirical effectiveness, most existing methods lack theoretical understanding under a general nonlinear setting. To fill this gap, we develop a statistical framework on a low-dimension product manifold to model the data augmentation transformation. Under this framework, we introduce a new representation learning method called augmentation invariant manifold learning and design a computationally efficient algorithm by reformulating it as a stochastic optimization problem. Compared with existing self-supervised methods, the new method simultaneously exploits the manifold's geometric structure and invariant property of augmented data and has an explicit theoretical guarantee. Our theoretical investigation characterizes the role of data augmentation in the proposed method and reveals why and how the data representation learned from augmented data can improve the $k$-nearest neighbor classifier in the downstream analysis, showing that a more complex data augmentation leads to more improvement in downstream analysis. Finally, numerical experiments on simulated and real datasets are presented to demonstrate the merit of the proposed method.

Directional Privacy for Deep Learning. (arXiv:2211.04686v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Pedro Faustini, Natasha Fernandes, Shakila Tonni, Annabelle McIver, Mark Dras

Differentially Private Stochastic Gradient Descent (DP-SGD) is a key method for applying privacy in the training of deep learning models. It applies isotropic Gaussian noise to gradients during training, which can perturb these gradients in any direction, damaging utility. Metric DP, however, can provide alternative mechanisms based on arbitrary metrics that might be more suitable for preserving utility. In this paper, we apply \textit{directional privacy}, via a mechanism based on the von Mises-Fisher (VMF) distribution, to perturb gradients in terms of \textit{angular distance} so that gradient direction is broadly preserved. We show that this provides both $\epsilon$-DP and $\epsilon d$-privacy for deep learning training, rather than the $(\epsilon, \delta)$-privacy of the Gaussian mechanism. Experiments on key datasets then indicate that the VMF mechanism can outperform the Gaussian in the utility-privacy trade-off. In particular, our experiments provide a direct empirical comparison of privacy between the two approaches in terms of their ability to defend against reconstruction and membership inference.

FutureHuman3D: Forecasting Complex Long-Term 3D Human Behavior from Video Observations. (arXiv:2211.14309v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Christian Diller, Thomas Funkhouser, Angela Dai

We present a generative approach to forecast long-term future human behavior in 3D, requiring only weak supervision from readily available 2D human action data. This is a fundamental task enabling many downstream applications. The required ground-truth data is hard to capture in 3D (mocap suits, expensive setups) but easy to acquire in 2D (simple RGB cameras). Thus, we design our method to only require 2D RGB data while being able to generate 3D human motion sequences. We use a differentiable 2D projection scheme in an autoregressive manner for weak supervision, and an adversarial loss for 3D regularization. Our method predicts long and complex behavior sequences (e.g. cooking, assembly) consisting of multiple sub-actions. We tackle this in a semantically hierarchical manner, jointly predicting high-level coarse action labels together with their low-level fine-grained realizations as characteristic 3D human poses. We observe that these two action representations are coupled in nature, and joint prediction benefits both action and pose forecasting. Our experiments demonstrate the complementary nature of joint action and 3D pose prediction: our joint approach outperforms each task treated individually, enables robust longer-term sequence prediction, and outperforms alternative approaches to forecast actions and characteristic 3D poses.

Optimal Approximation Rates for Deep ReLU Neural Networks on Sobolev and Besov Spaces. (arXiv:2211.14400v5 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Jonathan W. Siegel

Let $\Omega = [0,1]^d$ be the unit cube in $\mathbb{R}^d$. We study the problem of how efficiently, in terms of the number of parameters, deep neural networks with the ReLU activation function can approximate functions in the Sobolev spaces $W^s(L_q(\Omega))$ and Besov spaces $B^s_r(L_q(\Omega))$, with error measured in the $L_p(\Omega)$ norm. This problem is important when studying the application of neural networks in a variety of fields, including scientific computing and signal processing, and has previously been solved only when $p=q=\infty$. Our contribution is to provide a complete solution for all $1\leq p,q\leq \infty$ and $s > 0$ for which the corresponding Sobolev or Besov space compactly embeds into $L_p$. The key technical tool is a novel bit-extraction technique which gives an optimal encoding of sparse vectors. This enables us to obtain sharp upper bounds in the non-linear regime where $p > q$. We also provide a novel method for deriving $L_p$-approximation lower bounds based upon VC-dimension when $p < \infty$. Our results show that very deep ReLU networks significantly outperform classical methods of approximation in terms of the number of parameters, but that this comes at the cost of parameters which are not encodable.

Stochastic analysis of the Elo rating algorithm in round-robin tournaments. (arXiv:2212.12015v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel Gomes de Pinho Zanco, Leszek Szczecinski, Eduardo Vinicius Kuhn, Rui Seara

The Elo algorithm, renowned for its simplicity, is widely used for rating in sports tournaments and other applications. However, despite its widespread use, a detailed understanding of the convergence characteristics of the Elo algorithm is still lacking. Aiming to fill this gap, this paper presents a comprehensive (stochastic) analysis of the Elo algorithm, considering round-robin tournaments. Specifically, analytical expressions are derived describing the evolution of the skills and performance metrics. Then, taking into account the relationship between the behavior of the algorithm and the step-size value, which is a hyperparameter that can be controlled, design guidelines and discussions about the performance of the algorithm are provided. Experimental results are shown confirming the accuracy of the analysis and illustrating the applicability of the theoretical findings using real-world data obtained from SuperLega, the Italian volleyball league.

Predictive Modeling of Coronal Hole Areas Using Long Short-Term Memory Networks. (arXiv:2301.06732v6 [astro-ph.SR] UPDATED)

Authors: Juyoung Yun

In the era of space exploration, the implications of space weather have become increasingly evident. Central to this is the phenomenon of coronal holes, which can significantly influence the functioning of satellites and aircraft. These coronal holes, present on the sun, are distinguished by their open magnetic field lines and comparatively cooler temperatures, leading to the emission of solar winds at heightened rates. To anticipate the effects of these coronal holes on Earth, our study harnesses computer vision to pinpoint the coronal hole regions and estimate their dimensions using imagery from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). Further, we deploy deep learning methodologies, specifically the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) approach, to analyze the trends in the data related to the area of the coronal holes and predict their dimensions across various solar regions over a span of seven days. By evaluating the time series data concerning the area of the coronal holes, our research seeks to uncover patterns in the behavior of coronal holes and comprehend their potential influence on space weather occurrences. This investigation marks a pivotal stride towards bolstering our capacity to anticipate and brace for space weather events that could have ramifications for Earth and its technological apparatuses.

Understanding plasticity in neural networks. (arXiv:2303.01486v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Clare Lyle, Zeyu Zheng, Evgenii Nikishin, Bernardo Avila Pires, Razvan Pascanu, Will Dabney

Plasticity, the ability of a neural network to quickly change its predictions in response to new information, is essential for the adaptability and robustness of deep reinforcement learning systems. Deep neural networks are known to lose plasticity over the course of training even in relatively simple learning problems, but the mechanisms driving this phenomenon are still poorly understood. This paper conducts a systematic empirical analysis into plasticity loss, with the goal of understanding the phenomenon mechanistically in order to guide the future development of targeted solutions. We find that loss of plasticity is deeply connected to changes in the curvature of the loss landscape, but that it often occurs in the absence of saturated units. Based on this insight, we identify a number of parameterization and optimization design choices which enable networks to better preserve plasticity over the course of training. We validate the utility of these findings on larger-scale RL benchmarks in the Arcade Learning Environment.

Environment Invariant Linear Least Squares. (arXiv:2303.03092v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianqing Fan, Cong Fang, Yihong Gu, Tong Zhang

This paper considers a multi-environment linear regression model in which data from multiple experimental settings are collected. The joint distribution of the response variable and covariates may vary across different environments, yet the conditional expectations of $y$ given the unknown set of important variables are invariant. Such a statistical model is related to the problem of endogeneity, causal inference, and transfer learning. The motivation behind it is illustrated by how the goals of prediction and attribution are inherent in estimating the true parameter and the important variable set. We construct a novel environment invariant linear least squares (EILLS) objective function, a multi-environment version of linear least-squares regression that leverages the above conditional expectation invariance structure and heterogeneity among different environments to determine the true parameter. Our proposed method is applicable without any additional structural knowledge and can identify the true parameter under a near-minimal identification condition. We establish non-asymptotic $\ell_2$ error bounds on the estimation error for the EILLS estimator in the presence of spurious variables. Moreover, we further show that the $\ell_0$ penalized EILLS estimator can achieve variable selection consistency in high-dimensional regimes. These non-asymptotic results demonstrate the sample efficiency of the EILLS estimator and its capability to circumvent the curse of endogeneity in an algorithmic manner without any prior structural knowledge. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first to realize statistically efficient invariance learning in the general linear model.

Eliciting Latent Predictions from Transformers with the Tuned Lens. (arXiv:2303.08112v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Nora Belrose, Zach Furman, Logan Smith, Danny Halawi, Igor Ostrovsky, Lev McKinney, Stella Biderman, Jacob Steinhardt

We analyze transformers from the perspective of iterative inference, seeking to understand how model predictions are refined layer by layer. To do so, we train an affine probe for each block in a frozen pretrained model, making it possible to decode every hidden state into a distribution over the vocabulary. Our method, the \emph{tuned lens}, is a refinement of the earlier ``logit lens'' technique, which yielded useful insights but is often brittle.

We test our method on various autoregressive language models with up to 20B parameters, showing it to be more predictive, reliable and unbiased than the logit lens. With causal experiments, we show the tuned lens uses similar features to the model itself. We also find the trajectory of latent predictions can be used to detect malicious inputs with high accuracy. All code needed to reproduce our results can be found at

AdaptGuard: Defending Against Universal Attacks for Model Adaptation. (arXiv:2303.10594v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Lijun Sheng, Jian Liang, Ran He, Zilei Wang, Tieniu Tan

Model adaptation aims at solving the domain transfer problem under the constraint of only accessing the pretrained source models. With the increasing considerations of data privacy and transmission efficiency, this paradigm has been gaining recent popularity. This paper studies the vulnerability to universal attacks transferred from the source domain during model adaptation algorithms due to the existence of malicious providers. We explore both universal adversarial perturbations and backdoor attacks as loopholes on the source side and discover that they still survive in the target models after adaptation. To address this issue, we propose a model preprocessing framework, named AdaptGuard, to improve the security of model adaptation algorithms. AdaptGuard avoids direct use of the risky source parameters through knowledge distillation and utilizes the pseudo adversarial samples under adjusted radius to enhance the robustness. AdaptGuard is a plug-and-play module that requires neither robust pretrained models nor any changes for the following model adaptation algorithms. Extensive results on three commonly used datasets and two popular adaptation methods validate that AdaptGuard can effectively defend against universal attacks and maintain clean accuracy in the target domain simultaneously. We hope this research will shed light on the safety and robustness of transfer learning. Code is available at

Quantum Deep Hedging. (arXiv:2303.16585v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: El Amine Cherrat, Snehal Raj, Iordanis Kerenidis, Abhishek Shekhar, Ben Wood, Jon Dee, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Richard Chen, Dylan Herman, Shaohan Hu, Pierre Minssen, Ruslan Shaydulin, Yue Sun, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Quantum machine learning has the potential for a transformative impact across industry sectors and in particular in finance. In our work we look at the problem of hedging where deep reinforcement learning offers a powerful framework for real markets. We develop quantum reinforcement learning methods based on policy-search and distributional actor-critic algorithms that use quantum neural network architectures with orthogonal and compound layers for the policy and value functions. We prove that the quantum neural networks we use are trainable, and we perform extensive simulations that show that quantum models can reduce the number of trainable parameters while achieving comparable performance and that the distributional approach obtains better performance than other standard approaches, both classical and quantum. We successfully implement the proposed models on a trapped-ion quantum processor, utilizing circuits with up to $16$ qubits, and observe performance that agrees well with noiseless simulation. Our quantum techniques are general and can be applied to other reinforcement learning problems beyond hedging.

From Isolated Islands to Pangea: Unifying Semantic Space for Human Action Understanding. (arXiv:2304.00553v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yong-Lu Li, Xiaoqian Wu, Xinpeng Liu, Zehao Wang, Yiming Dou, Yikun Ji, Junyi Zhang, Yixing Li, Jingru Tan, Xudong Lu, Cewu Lu

As a vital step toward the intelligent agent, Action understanding matters for intelligent agents and has attracted long-term attention. It can be formed as the mapping from the action physical space to the semantic space. Typically, researchers built action datasets according to idiosyncratic choices to define classes and push the envelope of benchmarks respectively. Thus, datasets are incompatible with each other like "Isolated Islands" due to semantic gaps and various class granularities, e.g., do housework in dataset A and wash plate in dataset B. We argue that a more principled semantic space is an urgent need to concentrate the community efforts and enable us to use all datasets together to pursue generalizable action learning. To this end, we design a structured action semantic space in view of verb taxonomy hierarchy and covering massive actions. By aligning the classes of previous datasets to our semantic space, we gather (image/video/skeleton/MoCap) datasets into a unified database in a unified label system, i.e., bridging ``isolated islands'' into a "Pangea". Accordingly, we propose a novel model mapping from the physical space to semantic space to fully use Pangea. In extensive experiments, our new system shows significant superiority, especially in transfer learning. Code and data will be made publicly available.

Optimal Goal-Reaching Reinforcement Learning via Quasimetric Learning. (arXiv:2304.01203v7 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Tongzhou Wang, Antonio Torralba, Phillip Isola, Amy Zhang

In goal-reaching reinforcement learning (RL), the optimal value function has a particular geometry, called quasimetric structure. This paper introduces Quasimetric Reinforcement Learning (QRL), a new RL method that utilizes quasimetric models to learn optimal value functions. Distinct from prior approaches, the QRL objective is specifically designed for quasimetrics, and provides strong theoretical recovery guarantees. Empirically, we conduct thorough analyses on a discretized MountainCar environment, identifying properties of QRL and its advantages over alternatives. On offline and online goal-reaching benchmarks, QRL also demonstrates improved sample efficiency and performance, across both state-based and image-based observations.

A review of ensemble learning and data augmentation models for class imbalanced problems: combination, implementation and evaluation. (arXiv:2304.02858v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Azal Ahmad Khan, Omkar Chaudhari, Rohitash Chandra

Class imbalance (CI) in classification problems arises when the number of observations belonging to one class is lower than the other. Ensemble learning combines multiple models to obtain a robust model and has been prominently used with data augmentation methods to address class imbalance problems. In the last decade, a number of strategies have been added to enhance ensemble learning and data augmentation methods, along with new methods such as generative adversarial networks (GANs). A combination of these has been applied in many studies, and the evaluation of different combinations would enable a better understanding and guidance for different application domains. In this paper, we present a computational study to evaluate data augmentation and ensemble learning methods used to address prominent benchmark CI problems. We present a general framework that evaluates 9 data augmentation and 9 ensemble learning methods for CI problems. Our objective is to identify the most effective combination for improving classification performance on imbalanced datasets. The results indicate that combinations of data augmentation methods with ensemble learning can significantly improve classification performance on imbalanced datasets. We find that traditional data augmentation methods such as the synthetic minority oversampling technique (SMOTE) and random oversampling (ROS) are not only better in performance for selected CI problems, but also computationally less expensive than GANs. Our study is vital for the development of novel models for handling imbalanced datasets.

A Note on "Efficient Task-Specific Data Valuation for Nearest Neighbor Algorithms". (arXiv:2304.04258v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiachen T. Wang, Ruoxi Jia

Data valuation is a growing research field that studies the influence of individual data points for machine learning (ML) models. Data Shapley, inspired by cooperative game theory and economics, is an effective method for data valuation. However, it is well-known that the Shapley value (SV) can be computationally expensive. Fortunately, Jia et al. (2019) showed that for K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) models, the computation of Data Shapley is surprisingly simple and efficient.

In this note, we revisit the work of Jia et al. (2019) and propose a more natural and interpretable utility function that better reflects the performance of KNN models. We derive the corresponding calculation procedure for the Data Shapley of KNN classifiers/regressors with the new utility functions. Our new approach, dubbed soft-label KNN-SV, achieves the same time complexity as the original method. We further provide an efficient approximation algorithm for soft-label KNN-SV based on locality sensitive hashing (LSH). Our experimental results demonstrate that Soft-label KNN-SV outperforms the original method on most datasets in the task of mislabeled data detection, making it a better baseline for future work on data valuation.

Uncertainty in GNN Learning Evaluations: The Importance of a Consistent Benchmark for Community Detection. (arXiv:2305.06026v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: William Leeney, Ryan McConville

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have improved unsupervised community detection of clustered nodes due to their ability to encode the dual dimensionality of the connectivity and feature information spaces of graphs. Identifying the latent communities has many practical applications from social networks to genomics. Current benchmarks of real world performance are confusing due to the variety of decisions influencing the evaluation of GNNs at this task. To address this, we propose a framework to establish a common evaluation protocol. We motivate and justify it by demonstrating the differences with and without the protocol. The W Randomness Coefficient is a metric proposed for assessing the consistency of algorithm rankings to quantify the reliability of results under the presence of randomness. We find that by ensuring the same evaluation criteria is followed, there may be significant differences from the reported performance of methods at this task, but a more complete evaluation and comparison of methods is possible.

Text2Cohort: Facilitating Intuitive Access to Biomedical Data with Natural Language Cohort Discovery. (arXiv:2305.07637v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Pranav Kulkarni, Adway Kanhere, Paul H. Yi, Vishwa S. Parekh

The Imaging Data Commons (IDC) is a cloud-based database that provides researchers with open access to cancer imaging data, with the goal of facilitating collaboration. However, cohort discovery within the IDC database has a significant technical learning curve. Recently, large language models (LLM) have demonstrated exceptional utility for natural language processing tasks. We developed Text2Cohort, a LLM-powered toolkit to facilitate user-friendly natural language cohort discovery in the IDC. Our method translates user input into IDC queries using grounding techniques and returns the query's response. We evaluate Text2Cohort on 50 natural language inputs, from information extraction to cohort discovery. Our toolkit successfully generated responses with an 88% accuracy and 0.94 F1 score. We demonstrate that Text2Cohort can enable researchers to discover and curate cohorts on IDC with high levels of accuracy using natural language in a more intuitive and user-friendly way.

Designing Optimal Behavioral Experiments Using Machine Learning. (arXiv:2305.07721v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Valentin, Steven Kleinegesse, Neil R. Bramley, Peggy Seriès, Michael U. Gutmann, Christopher G. Lucas

Computational models are powerful tools for understanding human cognition and behavior. They let us express our theories clearly and precisely, and offer predictions that can be subtle and often counter-intuitive. However, this same richness and ability to surprise means our scientific intuitions and traditional tools are ill-suited to designing experiments to test and compare these models. To avoid these pitfalls and realize the full potential of computational modeling, we require tools to design experiments that provide clear answers about what models explain human behavior and the auxiliary assumptions those models must make. Bayesian optimal experimental design (BOED) formalizes the search for optimal experimental designs by identifying experiments that are expected to yield informative data. In this work, we provide a tutorial on leveraging recent advances in BOED and machine learning to find optimal experiments for any kind of model that we can simulate data from, and show how by-products of this procedure allow for quick and straightforward evaluation of models and their parameters against real experimental data. As a case study, we consider theories of how people balance exploration and exploitation in multi-armed bandit decision-making tasks. We validate the presented approach using simulations and a real-world experiment. As compared to experimental designs commonly used in the literature, we show that our optimal designs more efficiently determine which of a set of models best account for individual human behavior, and more efficiently characterize behavior given a preferred model. At the same time, formalizing a scientific question such that it can be adequately addressed with BOED can be challenging and we discuss several potential caveats and pitfalls that practitioners should be aware of. We provide code and tutorial notebooks to replicate all analyses.

AI-Augmented Surveys: Leveraging Large Language Models and Surveys for Opinion Prediction. (arXiv:2305.09620v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Junsol Kim, Byungkyu Lee

Large language models (LLMs) that produce human-like responses have begun to revolutionize research practices in the social sciences. This paper shows how we can integrate LLMs and social surveys to accurately predict individual responses to survey questions that were not asked before. We develop a novel methodological framework to personalize LLMs by considering the meaning of survey questions derived from their text, the latent beliefs of individuals inferred from their response patterns, and the temporal contexts across different survey periods through fine-tuning LLMs with survey data. Using the General Social Survey from 1972 to 2021, we show that the fine-tuned model based on Alpaca-7b can predict individual responses to survey questions that are partially missing as well as entirely missing. The remarkable prediction capabilities allow us to fill in missing trends with high confidence and pinpoint when public attitudes changed, such as the rising support for same-sex marriage. We discuss practical constraints, socio-demographic representation, and ethical concerns regarding individual autonomy and privacy when using LLMs for opinion prediction. This study demonstrates that LLMs and surveys can mutually enhance each other's capabilities: LLMs broaden survey potential, while surveys improve the alignment of LLMs.

Moment Matching Denoising Gibbs Sampling. (arXiv:2305.11650v4 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingtian Zhang, Alex Hawkins-Hooker, Brooks Paige, David Barber

Energy-Based Models (EBMs) offer a versatile framework for modeling complex data distributions. However, training and sampling from EBMs continue to pose significant challenges. The widely-used Denoising Score Matching (DSM) method for scalable EBM training suffers from inconsistency issues, causing the energy model to learn a `noisy' data distribution. In this work, we propose an efficient sampling framework: (pseudo)-Gibbs sampling with moment matching, which enables effective sampling from the underlying clean model when given a `noisy' model that has been well-trained via DSM. We explore the benefits of our approach compared to related methods and demonstrate how to scale the method to high-dimensional datasets.

DIVA: A Dirichlet Process Mixtures Based Incremental Deep Clustering Algorithm via Variational Auto-Encoder. (arXiv:2305.14067v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhenshan Bing, Yuan Meng, Yuqi Yun, Hang Su, Xiaojie Su, Kai Huang, Alois Knoll

Generative model-based deep clustering frameworks excel in classifying complex data, but are limited in handling dynamic and complex features because they require prior knowledge of the number of clusters. In this paper, we propose a nonparametric deep clustering framework that employs an infinite mixture of Gaussians as a prior. Our framework utilizes a memoized online variational inference method that enables the "birth" and "merge" moves of clusters, allowing our framework to cluster data in a "dynamic-adaptive" manner, without requiring prior knowledge of the number of features. We name the framework as DIVA, a Dirichlet Process-based Incremental deep clustering framework via Variational Auto-Encoder. Our framework, which outperforms state-of-the-art baselines, exhibits superior performance in classifying complex data with dynamically changing features, particularly in the case of incremental features. We released our source code implementation at:

In-Context Impersonation Reveals Large Language Models' Strengths and Biases. (arXiv:2305.14930v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Leonard Salewski, Stephan Alaniz, Isabel Rio-Torto, Eric Schulz, Zeynep Akata

In everyday conversations, humans can take on different roles and adapt their vocabulary to their chosen roles. We explore whether LLMs can take on, that is impersonate, different roles when they generate text in-context. We ask LLMs to assume different personas before solving vision and language tasks. We do this by prefixing the prompt with a persona that is associated either with a social identity or domain expertise. In a multi-armed bandit task, we find that LLMs pretending to be children of different ages recover human-like developmental stages of exploration. In a language-based reasoning task, we find that LLMs impersonating domain experts perform better than LLMs impersonating non-domain experts. Finally, we test whether LLMs' impersonations are complementary to visual information when describing different categories. We find that impersonation can improve performance: an LLM prompted to be a bird expert describes birds better than one prompted to be a car expert. However, impersonation can also uncover LLMs' biases: an LLM prompted to be a man describes cars better than one prompted to be a woman. These findings demonstrate that LLMs are capable of taking on diverse roles and that this in-context impersonation can be used to uncover their hidden strengths and biases.

Inverse Preference Learning: Preference-based RL without a Reward Function. (arXiv:2305.15363v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Joey Hejna, Dorsa Sadigh

Reward functions are difficult to design and often hard to align with human intent. Preference-based Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms address these problems by learning reward functions from human feedback. However, the majority of preference-based RL methods na\"ively combine supervised reward models with off-the-shelf RL algorithms. Contemporary approaches have sought to improve performance and query complexity by using larger and more complex reward architectures such as transformers. Instead of using highly complex architectures, we develop a new and parameter-efficient algorithm, Inverse Preference Learning (IPL), specifically designed for learning from offline preference data. Our key insight is that for a fixed policy, the $Q$-function encodes all information about the reward function, effectively making them interchangeable. Using this insight, we completely eliminate the need for a learned reward function. Our resulting algorithm is simpler and more parameter-efficient. Across a suite of continuous control and robotics benchmarks, IPL attains competitive performance compared to more complex approaches that leverage transformer-based and non-Markovian reward functions while having fewer algorithmic hyperparameters and learned network parameters. Our code is publicly released.

ISLE: An Intelligent Streaming Framework for High-Throughput AI Inference in Medical Imaging. (arXiv:2305.15617v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Pranav Kulkarni, Sean Garin, Adway Kanhere, Eliot Siegel, Paul H. Yi, Vishwa S. Parekh

As the adoption of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems within the clinical environment grows, limitations in bandwidth and compute can create communication bottlenecks when streaming imaging data, leading to delays in patient care and increased cost. As such, healthcare providers and AI vendors will require greater computational infrastructure, therefore dramatically increasing costs. To that end, we developed ISLE, an intelligent streaming framework for high-throughput, compute- and bandwidth- optimized, and cost effective AI inference for clinical decision making at scale. In our experiments, ISLE on average reduced data transmission by 98.02% and decoding time by 98.09%, while increasing throughput by 2,730%. We show that ISLE results in faster turnaround times, and reduced overall cost of data, transmission, and compute, without negatively impacting clinical decision making using AI systems.

SAMoSSA: Multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis with Stochastic Autoregressive Noise. (arXiv:2305.16491v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Abdullah Alomar, Munther Dahleh, Sean Mann, Devavrat Shah

The well-established practice of time series analysis involves estimating deterministic, non-stationary trend and seasonality components followed by learning the residual stochastic, stationary components. Recently, it has been shown that one can learn the deterministic non-stationary components accurately using multivariate Singular Spectrum Analysis (mSSA) in the absence of a correlated stationary component; meanwhile, in the absence of deterministic non-stationary components, the Autoregressive (AR) stationary component can also be learnt readily, e.g. via Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). However, a theoretical underpinning of multi-stage learning algorithms involving both deterministic and stationary components has been absent in the literature despite its pervasiveness. We resolve this open question by establishing desirable theoretical guarantees for a natural two-stage algorithm, where mSSA is first applied to estimate the non-stationary components despite the presence of a correlated stationary AR component, which is subsequently learned from the residual time series. We provide a finite-sample forecasting consistency bound for the proposed algorithm, SAMoSSA, which is data-driven and thus requires minimal parameter tuning. To establish theoretical guarantees, we overcome three hurdles: (i) we characterize the spectra of Page matrices of stable AR processes, thus extending the analysis of mSSA; (ii) we extend the analysis of AR process identification in the presence of arbitrary bounded perturbations; (iii) we characterize the out-of-sample or forecasting error, as opposed to solely considering model identification. Through representative empirical studies, we validate the superior performance of SAMoSSA compared to existing baselines. Notably, SAMoSSA's ability to account for AR noise structure yields improvements ranging from 5% to 37% across various benchmark datasets.

Aggregating Capacity in FL through Successive Layer Training for Computationally-Constrained Devices. (arXiv:2305.17005v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kilian Pfeiffer, Ramin Khalili, Jörg Henkel

Federated learning (FL) is usually performed on resource-constrained edge devices, e.g., with limited memory for the computation. If the required memory to train a model exceeds this limit, the device will be excluded from the training. This can lead to a lower accuracy as valuable data and computation resources are excluded from training, also causing bias and unfairness. The FL training process should be adjusted to such constraints. The state-of-the-art techniques propose training subsets of the FL model at constrained devices, reducing their resource requirements for training. But these techniques largely limit the co-adaptation among parameters of the model and are highly inefficient, as we show: it is actually better to train a smaller (less accurate) model by the system where all the devices can train the model end-to-end, than applying such techniques. We propose a new method that enables successive freezing and training of the parameters of the FL model at devices, reducing the training's resource requirements at the devices, while still allowing enough co-adaptation between parameters. We show through extensive experimental evaluation that our technique greatly improves the accuracy of the trained model (by 52.4 p.p.) compared with the state of the art, efficiently aggregating the computation capacity available on distributed devices.

Parallel Coordinates for Discovery of Interpretable Machine Learning Models. (arXiv:2305.18434v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dustin Hayes, Boris Kovalerchuk

This work uses visual knowledge discovery in parallel coordinates to advance methods of interpretable machine learning. The graphic data representation in parallel coordinates made the concepts of hypercubes and hyperblocks (HBs) simple to understand for end users. It is suggested to use mixed and pure hyperblocks in the proposed data classifier algorithm Hyper. It is shown that Hyper models generalize decision trees. The algorithm is presented in several settings and options to discover interactively or automatically overlapping or non-overlapping hyperblocks. Additionally, the use of hyperblocks in conjunction with language descriptions of visual patterns is demonstrated. The benchmark data from the UCI ML repository were used to evaluate the Hyper algorithm. It enabled the discovery of mixed and pure HBs evaluated using 10-fold cross validation. Connections among hyperblocks, dimension reduction and visualization have been established. The capability of end users to find and observe hyperblocks, as well as the ability of side-by-side visualizations to make patterns evident, are among major advantages ofhyperblock technology and the Hyper algorithm. A new method to visualize incomplete n-D data with missing values is proposed, while the traditional parallel coordinates do not support it. The ability of HBs to better prevent both overgeneralization and overfitting of data over decision trees is demonstrated as another benefit of the hyperblocks. The features of VisCanvas 2.0 software tool that implements Hyper technology are presented.

Domain knowledge-informed Synthetic fault sample generation with Health Data Map for cross-domain Planetary Gearbox Fault Diagnosis. (arXiv:2305.19569v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jong Moon Ha, Olga Fink

Extensive research has been conducted on fault diagnosis of planetary gearboxes using vibration signals and deep learning (DL) approaches. However, DL-based methods are susceptible to the domain shift problem caused by varying operating conditions of the gearbox. Although domain adaptation and data synthesis methods have been proposed to overcome such domain shifts, they are often not directly applicable in real-world situations where only healthy data is available in the target domain. To tackle the challenge of extreme domain shift scenarios where only healthy data is available in the target domain, this paper proposes two novel domain knowledge-informed data synthesis methods utilizing the health data map (HDMap). The two proposed approaches are referred to as scaled CutPaste and FaultPaste. The HDMap is used to physically represent the vibration signal of the planetary gearbox as an image-like matrix, allowing for visualization of fault-related features. CutPaste and FaultPaste are then applied to generate faulty samples based on the healthy data in the target domain, using domain knowledge and fault signatures extracted from the source domain, respectively. In addition to generating realistic faults, the proposed methods introduce scaling of fault signatures for controlled synthesis of faults with various severity levels. A case study is conducted on a planetary gearbox testbed to evaluate the proposed approaches. The results show that the proposed methods are capable of accurately diagnosing faults, even in cases of extreme domain shift, and can estimate the severity of faults that have not been previously observed in the target domain.

On the Linear Convergence of Policy Gradient under Hadamard Parameterization. (arXiv:2305.19575v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiacai Liu, Jinchi Chen, Ke Wei

The convergence of deterministic policy gradient under the Hadamard parameterization is studied in the tabular setting and the linear convergence of the algorithm is established. To this end, we first show that the error decreases at an $O(\frac{1}{k})$ rate for all the iterations. Based on this result, we further show that the algorithm has a faster local linear convergence rate after $k_0$ iterations, where $k_0$ is a constant that only depends on the MDP problem and the initialization. To show the local linear convergence of the algorithm, we have indeed established the contraction of the sub-optimal probability $b_s^k$ (i.e., the probability of the output policy $\pi^k$ on non-optimal actions) when $k\ge k_0$.

CALICO: Self-Supervised Camera-LiDAR Contrastive Pre-training for BEV Perception. (arXiv:2306.00349v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiachen Sun, Haizhong Zheng, Qingzhao Zhang, Atul Prakash, Z. Morley Mao, Chaowei Xiao

Perception is crucial in the realm of autonomous driving systems, where bird's eye view (BEV)-based architectures have recently reached state-of-the-art performance. The desirability of self-supervised representation learning stems from the expensive and laborious process of annotating 2D and 3D data. Although previous research has investigated pretraining methods for both LiDAR and camera-based 3D object detection, a unified pretraining framework for multimodal BEV perception is missing. In this study, we introduce CALICO, a novel framework that applies contrastive objectives to both LiDAR and camera backbones. Specifically, CALICO incorporates two stages: point-region contrast (PRC) and region-aware distillation (RAD). PRC better balances the region- and scene-level representation learning on the LiDAR modality and offers significant performance improvement compared to existing methods. RAD effectively achieves contrastive distillation on our self-trained teacher model. CALICO's efficacy is substantiated by extensive evaluations on 3D object detection and BEV map segmentation tasks, where it delivers significant performance improvements. Notably, CALICO outperforms the baseline method by 10.5% and 8.6% on NDS and mAP. Moreover, CALICO boosts the robustness of multimodal 3D object detection against adversarial attacks and corruption. Additionally, our framework can be tailored to different backbones and heads, positioning it as a promising approach for multimodal BEV perception.

TorchRL: A data-driven decision-making library for PyTorch. (arXiv:2306.00577v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Albert Bou, Matteo Bettini, Sebastian Dittert, Vikash Kumar, Shagun Sodhani, Xiaomeng Yang, Gianni De Fabritiis, Vincent Moens

PyTorch has ascended as a premier machine learning framework, yet it lacks a native and comprehensive library for decision and control tasks suitable for large development teams dealing with complex real-world data and environments. To address this issue, we propose TorchRL, a generalistic control library for PyTorch that provides well-integrated, yet standalone components. We introduce a new and flexible PyTorch primitive, the TensorDict, which facilitates streamlined algorithm development across the many branches of Reinforcement Learning (RL) and control. We provide a detailed description of the building blocks and an extensive overview of the library across domains and tasks. Finally, we experimentally demonstrate its reliability and flexibility and show comparative benchmarks to demonstrate its computational efficiency. TorchRL fosters long-term support and is publicly available on GitHub for greater reproducibility and collaboration within the research community. The code is open-sourced on GitHub.

ReLU to the Rescue: Improve Your On-Policy Actor-Critic with Positive Advantages. (arXiv:2306.01460v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Andrew Jesson, Chris Lu, Gunshi Gupta, Angelos Filos, Jakob Nicolaus Foerster, Yarin Gal

This paper introduces an effective and practical step toward approximate Bayesian inference in on-policy actor-critic deep reinforcement learning. This step manifests as three simple modifications to the Asynchronous Advantage Actor-Critic (A3C) algorithm: (1) applying a ReLU function to advantage estimates, (2) spectral normalization of actor-critic weights, and (3) incorporating dropout as a Bayesian approximation. We prove under standard assumptions that restricting policy updates to positive advantages optimizes for value by maximizing a lower bound on the value function plus an additive term. We show that the additive term is bounded proportional to the Lipschitz constant of the value function, which offers theoretical grounding for spectral normalization of critic weights. Finally, our application of dropout corresponds to approximate Bayesian inference over both the actor and critic parameters, which enables prudent state-aware exploration around the modes of the actor via Thompson sampling. Extensive empirical evaluations on diverse benchmarks reveal the superior performance of our approach compared to existing on- and off-policy algorithms. We demonstrate significant improvements for median and interquartile mean metrics over PPO, SAC, and TD3 on the MuJoCo continuous control benchmark. Moreover, we see improvement over PPO in the challenging ProcGen generalization benchmark.

DP-HyPO: An Adaptive Private Hyperparameter Optimization Framework. (arXiv:2306.05734v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hua Wang, Sheng Gao, Huanyu Zhang, Weijie J. Su, Milan Shen

Hyperparameter optimization, also known as hyperparameter tuning, is a widely recognized technique for improving model performance. Regrettably, when training private ML models, many practitioners often overlook the privacy risks associated with hyperparameter optimization, which could potentially expose sensitive information about the underlying dataset. Currently, the sole existing approach to allow privacy-preserving hyperparameter optimization is to uniformly and randomly select hyperparameters for a number of runs, subsequently reporting the best-performing hyperparameter. In contrast, in non-private settings, practitioners commonly utilize ``adaptive'' hyperparameter optimization methods such as Gaussian process-based optimization, which select the next candidate based on information gathered from previous outputs. This substantial contrast between private and non-private hyperparameter optimization underscores a critical concern. In our paper, we introduce DP-HyPO, a pioneering framework for ``adaptive'' private hyperparameter optimization, aiming to bridge the gap between private and non-private hyperparameter optimization. To accomplish this, we provide a comprehensive differential privacy analysis of our framework. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of DP-HyPO on a diverse set of real-world datasets.

Probabilistic Multi-Dimensional Classification. (arXiv:2306.06517v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Vu-Linh Nguyen, Yang Yang, Cassio de Campos

Multi-dimensional classification (MDC) can be employed in a range of applications where one needs to predict multiple class variables for each given instance. Many existing MDC methods suffer from at least one of inaccuracy, scalability, limited use to certain types of data, hardness of interpretation or lack of probabilistic (uncertainty) estimations. This paper is an attempt to address all these disadvantages simultaneously. We propose a formal framework for probabilistic MDC in which learning an optimal multi-dimensional classifier can be decomposed, without loss of generality, into learning a set of (smaller) single-variable multi-class probabilistic classifiers and a directed acyclic graph. Current and future developments of both probabilistic classification and graphical model learning can directly enhance our framework, which is flexible and provably optimal. A collection of experiments is conducted to highlight the usefulness of this MDC framework.

Computational and Storage Efficient Quadratic Neurons for Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2306.07294v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chuangtao Chen, Grace Li Zhang, Xunzhao Yin, Cheng Zhuo, Ulf Schlichtmann, Bing Li

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been widely deployed across diverse domains such as computer vision and natural language processing. However, the impressive accomplishments of DNNs have been realized alongside extensive computational demands, thereby impeding their applicability on resource-constrained devices. To address this challenge, many researchers have been focusing on basic neuron structures, the fundamental building blocks of neural networks, to alleviate the computational and storage cost. In this work, an efficient quadratic neuron architecture distinguished by its enhanced utilization of second-order computational information is introduced. By virtue of their better expressivity, DNNs employing the proposed quadratic neurons can attain similar accuracy with fewer neurons and computational cost. Experimental results have demonstrated that the proposed quadratic neuron structure exhibits superior computational and storage efficiency across various tasks when compared with both linear and non-linear neurons in prior work.

Understanding and Mitigating Extrapolation Failures in Physics-Informed Neural Networks. (arXiv:2306.09478v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lukas Fesser, Luca D'Amico-Wong, Richard Qiu

Physics-informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have recently gained popularity due to their effective approximation of partial differential equations (PDEs) using deep neural networks (DNNs). However, their out of domain behavior is not well understood, with previous work speculating that the presence of high frequency components in the solution function might be to blame for poor extrapolation performance. In this paper, we study the extrapolation behavior of PINNs on a representative set of PDEs of different types, including high-dimensional PDEs. We find that failure to extrapolate is not caused by high frequencies in the solution function, but rather by shifts in the support of the Fourier spectrum over time. We term these spectral shifts and quantify them by introducing a Weighted Wasserstein-Fourier distance (WWF). We show that the WWF can be used to predict PINN extrapolation performance, and that in the absence of significant spectral shifts, PINN predictions stay close to the true solution even in extrapolation. Finally, we propose a transfer learning-based strategy to mitigate the effects of larger spectral shifts, which decreases extrapolation errors by up to 82%.

Machine learning and Topological data analysis identify unique features of human papillae in 3D scans. (arXiv:2307.06255v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rayna Andreeva, Anwesha Sarkar, Rik Sarkar

The tongue surface houses a range of papillae that are integral to the mechanics and chemistry of taste and textural sensation. Although gustatory function of papillae is well investigated, the uniqueness of papillae within and across individuals remains elusive. Here, we present the first machine learning framework on 3D microscopic scans of human papillae (n = 2092), uncovering the uniqueness of geometric and topological features of papillae. The finer differences in shapes of papillae are investigated computationally based on a number of features derived from discrete differential geometry and computational topology. Interpretable machine learning techniques show that persistent homology features of the papillae shape are the most effective in predicting the biological variables. Models trained on these features with small volumes of data samples predict the type of papillae with an accuracy of 85%. The papillae type classification models can map the spatial arrangement of filiform and fungiform papillae on a surface. Remarkably, the papillae are found to be distinctive across individuals and an individual can be identified with an accuracy of 48% among the 15 participants from a single papillae. Collectively, this is the first unprecedented evidence demonstrating that tongue papillae can serve as a unique identifier inspiring new research direction for food preferences and oral diagnostics.

Energy Discrepancies: A Score-Independent Loss for Energy-Based Models. (arXiv:2307.06431v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Tobias Schröder, Zijing Ou, Jen Ning Lim, Yingzhen Li, Sebastian J. Vollmer, Andrew B. Duncan

Energy-based models are a simple yet powerful class of probabilistic models, but their widespread adoption has been limited by the computational burden of training them. We propose a novel loss function called Energy Discrepancy (ED) which does not rely on the computation of scores or expensive Markov chain Monte Carlo. We show that ED approaches the explicit score matching and negative log-likelihood loss under different limits, effectively interpolating between both. Consequently, minimum ED estimation overcomes the problem of nearsightedness encountered in score-based estimation methods, while also enjoying theoretical guarantees. Through numerical experiments, we demonstrate that ED learns low-dimensional data distributions faster and more accurately than explicit score matching or contrastive divergence. For high-dimensional image data, we describe how the manifold hypothesis puts limitations on our approach and demonstrate the effectiveness of energy discrepancy by training the energy-based model as a prior of a variational decoder model.

RCT Rejection Sampling for Causal Estimation Evaluation. (arXiv:2307.15176v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Katherine A. Keith, Sergey Feldman, David Jurgens, Jonathan Bragg, Rohit Bhattacharya

Confounding is a significant obstacle to unbiased estimation of causal effects from observational data. For settings with high-dimensional covariates -- such as text data, genomics, or the behavioral social sciences -- researchers have proposed methods to adjust for confounding by adapting machine learning methods to the goal of causal estimation. However, empirical evaluation of these adjustment methods has been challenging and limited. In this work, we build on a promising empirical evaluation strategy that simplifies evaluation design and uses real data: subsampling randomized controlled trials (RCTs) to create confounded observational datasets while using the average causal effects from the RCTs as ground-truth. We contribute a new sampling algorithm, which we call RCT rejection sampling, and provide theoretical guarantees that causal identification holds in the observational data to allow for valid comparisons to the ground-truth RCT. Using synthetic data, we show our algorithm indeed results in low bias when oracle estimators are evaluated on the confounded samples, which is not always the case for a previously proposed algorithm. In addition to this identification result, we highlight several finite data considerations for evaluation designers who plan to use RCT rejection sampling on their own datasets. As a proof of concept, we implement an example evaluation pipeline and walk through these finite data considerations with a novel, real-world RCT -- which we release publicly -- consisting of approximately 70k observations and text data as high-dimensional covariates. Together, these contributions build towards a broader agenda of improved empirical evaluation for causal estimation.

DeepTSF: Codeless machine learning operations for time series forecasting. (arXiv:2308.00709v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sotiris Pelekis, Evangelos Karakolis, Theodosios Pountridis, George Kormpakis, George Lampropoulos, Spiros Mouzakitis, Dimitris Askounis

This paper presents DeepTSF, a comprehensive machine learning operations (MLOps) framework aiming to innovate time series forecasting through workflow automation and codeless modeling. DeepTSF automates key aspects of the ML lifecycle, making it an ideal tool for data scientists and MLops engineers engaged in machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL)-based forecasting. DeepTSF empowers users with a robust and user-friendly solution, while it is designed to seamlessly integrate with existing data analysis workflows, providing enhanced productivity and compatibility. The framework offers a front-end user interface (UI) suitable for data scientists, as well as other higher-level stakeholders, enabling comprehensive understanding through insightful visualizations and evaluation metrics. DeepTSF also prioritizes security through identity management and access authorization mechanisms. The application of DeepTSF in real-life use cases of the I-NERGY project has already proven DeepTSF's efficacy in DL-based load forecasting, showcasing its significant added value in the electrical power and energy systems domain.

Bayesian Flow Networks. (arXiv:2308.07037v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alex Graves, Rupesh Kumar Srivastava, Timothy Atkinson, Faustino Gomez

This paper introduces Bayesian Flow Networks (BFNs), a new class of generative model in which the parameters of a set of independent distributions are modified with Bayesian inference in the light of noisy data samples, then passed as input to a neural network that outputs a second, interdependent distribution. Starting from a simple prior and iteratively updating the two distributions yields a generative procedure similar to the reverse process of diffusion models; however it is conceptually simpler in that no forward process is required. Discrete and continuous-time loss functions are derived for continuous, discretised and discrete data, along with sample generation procedures. Notably, the network inputs for discrete data lie on the probability simplex, and are therefore natively differentiable, paving the way for gradient-based sample guidance and few-step generation in discrete domains such as language modelling. The loss function directly optimises data compression and places no restrictions on the network architecture. In our experiments BFNs achieve competitive log-likelihoods for image modelling on dynamically binarized MNIST and CIFAR-10, and outperform all known discrete diffusion models on the text8 character-level language modelling task.

On the Effectiveness of Log Representation for Log-based Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2308.08736v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Xingfang Wu, Heng Li, Foutse Khomh

Logs are an essential source of information for people to understand the running status of a software system. Due to the evolving modern software architecture and maintenance methods, more research efforts have been devoted to automated log analysis. In particular, machine learning (ML) has been widely used in log analysis tasks. In ML-based log analysis tasks, converting textual log data into numerical feature vectors is a critical and indispensable step. However, the impact of using different log representation techniques on the performance of the downstream models is not clear, which limits researchers and practitioners' opportunities of choosing the optimal log representation techniques in their automated log analysis workflows. Therefore, this work investigates and compares the commonly adopted log representation techniques from previous log analysis research. Particularly, we select six log representation techniques and evaluate them with seven ML models and four public log datasets (i.e., HDFS, BGL, Spirit and Thunderbird) in the context of log-based anomaly detection. We also examine the impacts of the log parsing process and the different feature aggregation approaches when they are employed with log representation techniques. From the experiments, we provide some heuristic guidelines for future researchers and developers to follow when designing an automated log analysis workflow. We believe our comprehensive comparison of log representation techniques can help researchers and practitioners better understand the characteristics of different log representation techniques and provide them with guidance for selecting the most suitable ones for their ML-based log analysis workflow.

MovePose: A High-performance Human Pose Estimation Algorithm on Mobile and Edge Devices. (arXiv:2308.09084v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dongyang Yu, Haoyue Zhang, Zhirui Zhou, Wangpeng An, Yanhong Yang

We present MovePose, an optimized lightweight convolutional neural network designed specifically for real-time body pose estimation on CPU-based mobile devices. The current solutions do not provide satisfactory accuracy and speed for human posture estimation, and MovePose addresses this gap. It aims to maintain real-time performance while improving the accuracy of human posture estimation for mobile devices. The network produces 17 keypoints for each individual at a rate exceeding 11 frames per second, making it suitable for real-time applications such as fitness tracking, sign language interpretation, and advanced mobile human posture estimation. Our MovePose algorithm has attained an Mean Average Precision (mAP) score of 67.7 on the COCO \cite{cocodata} validation dataset. The MovePose algorithm displayed efficiency with a performance of 69+ frames per second (fps) when run on an Intel i9-10920x CPU. Additionally, it showcased an increased performance of 452+ fps on an NVIDIA RTX3090 GPU. On an Android phone equipped with a Snapdragon 8 + 4G processor, the fps reached above 11. To enhance accuracy, we incorporated three techniques: deconvolution, large kernel convolution, and coordinate classification methods. Compared to basic upsampling, deconvolution is trainable, improves model capacity, and enhances the receptive field. Large kernel convolution strengthens these properties at a decreased computational cost. In summary, MovePose provides high accuracy and real-time performance, marking it a potential tool for a variety of applications, including those focused on mobile-side human posture estimation. The code and models for this algorithm will be made publicly accessible.

Will More Expressive Graph Neural Networks do Better on Generative Tasks?. (arXiv:2308.11978v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiandong Zou, Xiangyu Zhao, Pietro Liò, Yiren Zhao

Graph generation poses a significant challenge as it involves predicting a complete graph with multiple nodes and edges based on simply a given label. This task also carries fundamental importance to numerous real-world applications, including de-novo drug and molecular design. In recent years, several successful methods have emerged in the field of graph generation. However, these approaches suffer from two significant shortcomings: (1) the underlying Graph Neural Network (GNN) architectures used in these methods are often underexplored; and (2) these methods are often evaluated on only a limited number of metrics. To fill this gap, we investigate the expressiveness of GNNs under the context of the molecular graph generation task, by replacing the underlying GNNs of graph generative models with more expressive GNNs. Specifically, we analyse the performance of six GNNs on six different molecular generative objectives on the ZINC-250k dataset in two different generative frameworks: autoregressive generation models, such as GCPN and GraphAF, and one-shot generation models, such as GraphEBM. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that advanced GNNs can indeed improve the performance of GCPN, GraphAF, and GraphEBM on molecular generation tasks, but GNN expressiveness is not a necessary condition for a good GNN-based generative model. Moreover, we show that GCPN and GraphAF with advanced GNNs can achieve state-of-the-art results across 17 other non-GNN-based graph generative approaches, such as variational autoencoders and Bayesian optimisation models, on the proposed molecular generative objectives (DRD2, Median1, Median2), which are important metrics for de-novo molecular design.

FedSoL: Bridging Global Alignment and Local Generality in Federated Learning. (arXiv:2308.12532v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Gihun Lee, Minchan Jeong, Sangmook Kim, Jaehoon Oh, Se-Young Yun

Federated Learning (FL) aggregates locally trained models from individual clients to construct a global model. While FL enables learning a model with data privacy, it often suffers from significant performance degradation when client data distributions are heterogeneous. Many previous FL algorithms have addressed this issue by introducing various proximal restrictions. These restrictions aim to encourage global alignment by constraining the deviation of local learning from the global objective. However, they inherently limit local learning by interfering with the original local objectives. Recently, an alternative approach has emerged to improve local learning generality. By obtaining local models within a smooth loss landscape, this approach mitigates conflicts among different local objectives of the clients. Yet, it does not ensure stable global alignment, as local learning does not take the global objective into account. In this study, we propose Federated Stability on Learning (FedSoL), which combines both the concepts of global alignment and local generality. In FedSoL, the local learning seeks a parameter region robust against proximal perturbations. This strategy introduces an implicit proximal restriction effect in local learning while maintaining the original local objective for parameter update. Our experiments show that FedSoL consistently achieves state-of-the-art performance on various setups.

Uncovering the Hidden Cost of Model Compression. (arXiv:2308.14969v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Diganta Misra, Agam Goyal, Bharat Runwal, Pin Yu Chen

In the era of resource-intensive foundation models, efficient adaptation in downstream tasks has become paramount. Visual Prompting (VP), inspired by prompting in Large Language Models (LLMs), has emerged as a key transfer learning method in computer vision. Aligned with the growing significance of efficiency, research in model compression has become pivotal to alleviate the computational burden in both training and deploying over-parameterized neural networks. A key goal in model compression is the development of sparse models capable of matching or surpassing the performance of their over-parameterized, dense counterparts. While prior research has explored the impact of model sparsity on transfer learning, its effects on visual prompting-based transfer remain unclear. This study addresses this gap, revealing that model sparsity adversely affects the performance of visual prompting-based transfer, particularly in low-data-volume scenarios. Furthermore, our findings highlight the negative influence of sparsity on the calibration of downstream visual-prompted models. This empirical exploration calls for a nuanced understanding beyond accuracy in sparse settings, opening avenues for further research in Visual Prompting for sparse models. Code and logs can be accessed at .

Threshold KNN-Shapley: A Linear-Time and Privacy-Friendly Approach to Data Valuation. (arXiv:2308.15709v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiachen T. Wang, Yuqing Zhu, Yu-Xiang Wang, Ruoxi Jia, Prateek Mittal

Data valuation aims to quantify the usefulness of individual data sources in training machine learning (ML) models, and is a critical aspect of data-centric ML research. However, data valuation faces significant yet frequently overlooked privacy challenges despite its importance. This paper studies these challenges with a focus on KNN-Shapley, one of the most practical data valuation methods nowadays. We first emphasize the inherent privacy risks of KNN-Shapley, and demonstrate the significant technical difficulties in adapting KNN-Shapley to accommodate differential privacy (DP). To overcome these challenges, we introduce TKNN-Shapley, a refined variant of KNN-Shapley that is privacy-friendly, allowing for straightforward modifications to incorporate DP guarantee (DP-TKNN-Shapley). We show that DP-TKNN-Shapley has several advantages and offers a superior privacy-utility tradeoff compared to naively privatized KNN-Shapley in discerning data quality. Moreover, even non-private TKNN-Shapley achieves comparable performance as KNN-Shapley. Overall, our findings suggest that TKNN-Shapley is a promising alternative to KNN-Shapley, particularly for real-world applications involving sensitive data.

StratMed: Relevance Stratification between Biomedical Entities for Sparsity on Medication Recommendation. (arXiv:2308.16781v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiang Li, Shunpan Liang, Yulei Hou, Tengfei Ma

With the growing imbalance between limited medical resources and escalating demands, AI-based clinical tasks have become paramount. As a sub-domain, medication recommendation aims to amalgamate longitudinal patient history with medical knowledge, assisting physicians in prescribing safer and more accurate medication combinations. Existing works ignore the inherent long-tailed distribution of medical data, have uneven learning strengths for hot and sparse data, and fail to balance safety and accuracy. To address the above limitations, we propose StratMed, which introduces a stratification strategy that overcomes the long-tailed problem and achieves fuller learning of sparse data. It also utilizes a dual-property network to address the issue of mutual constraints on the safety and accuracy of medication combinations, synergistically enhancing these two properties. Specifically, we construct a pre-training method using deep learning networks to obtain medication and disease representations. After that, we design a pyramid-like stratification method based on relevance to strengthen the expressiveness of sparse data. Based on this relevance, we design two graph structures to express medication safety and precision at the same level to obtain patient representations. Finally, the patient's historical clinical information is fitted to generate medication combinations for the current health condition. We employed the MIMIC-III dataset to evaluate our model against state-of-the-art methods in three aspects comprehensively. Compared to the sub-optimal baseline model, our model reduces safety risk by 15.08\%, improves accuracy by 0.36\%, and reduces training time consumption by 81.66\%.

Inferring Actual Treatment Pathways from Patient Records. (arXiv:2309.01897v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Adrian Wilkins-Caruana, Madhushi Bandara, Katarzyna Musial, Daniel Catchpoole, Paul J. Kennedy

Treatment pathways are step-by-step plans outlining the recommended medical care for specific diseases; they get revised when different treatments are found to improve patient outcomes. Examining health records is an important part of this revision process, but inferring patients' actual treatments from health data is challenging due to complex event-coding schemes and the absence of pathway-related annotations. This study aims to infer the actual treatment steps for a particular patient group from administrative health records (AHR) - a common form of tabular healthcare data - and address several technique- and methodology-based gaps in treatment pathway-inference research. We introduce Defrag, a method for examining AHRs to infer the real-world treatment steps for a particular patient group. Defrag learns the semantic and temporal meaning of healthcare event sequences, allowing it to reliably infer treatment steps from complex healthcare data. To our knowledge, Defrag is the first pathway-inference method to utilise a neural network (NN), an approach made possible by a novel, self-supervised learning objective. We also developed a testing and validation framework for pathway inference, which we use to characterise and evaluate Defrag's pathway inference ability and compare against baselines. We demonstrate Defrag's effectiveness by identifying best-practice pathway fragments for breast cancer, lung cancer, and melanoma in public healthcare records. Additionally, we use synthetic data experiments to demonstrate the characteristics of the Defrag method, and to compare Defrag to several baselines where it significantly outperforms non-NN-based methods. Defrag significantly outperforms several existing pathway-inference methods and offers an innovative and effective approach for inferring treatment pathways from AHRs. Open-source code is provided to encourage further research in this area.

TODM: Train Once Deploy Many Efficient Supernet-Based RNN-T Compression For On-device ASR Models. (arXiv:2309.01947v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuan Shangguan, Haichuan Yang, Danni Li, Chunyang Wu, Yassir Fathullah, Dilin Wang, Ayushi Dalmia, Raghuraman Krishnamoorthi, Ozlem Kalinli, Junteng Jia, Jay Mahadeokar, Xin Lei, Mike Seltzer, Vikas Chandra

Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models need to be optimized for specific hardware before they can be deployed on devices. This can be done by tuning the model's hyperparameters or exploring variations in its architecture. Re-training and re-validating models after making these changes can be a resource-intensive task. This paper presents TODM (Train Once Deploy Many), a new approach to efficiently train many sizes of hardware-friendly on-device ASR models with comparable GPU-hours to that of a single training job. TODM leverages insights from prior work on Supernet, where Recurrent Neural Network Transducer (RNN-T) models share weights within a Supernet. It reduces layer sizes and widths of the Supernet to obtain subnetworks, making them smaller models suitable for all hardware types. We introduce a novel combination of three techniques to improve the outcomes of the TODM Supernet: adaptive dropouts, an in-place Alpha-divergence knowledge distillation, and the use of ScaledAdam optimizer. We validate our approach by comparing Supernet-trained versus individually tuned Multi-Head State Space Model (MH-SSM) RNN-T using LibriSpeech. Results demonstrate that our TODM Supernet either matches or surpasses the performance of manually tuned models by up to a relative of 3% better in word error rate (WER), while efficiently keeping the cost of training many models at a small constant.

Optimal and Fair Encouragement Policy Evaluation and Learning. (arXiv:2309.07176v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Angela Zhou

In consequential domains, it is often impossible to compel individuals to take treatment, so that optimal policy rules are merely suggestions in the presence of human non-adherence to treatment recommendations. In these same domains, there may be heterogeneity both in who responds in taking-up treatment, and heterogeneity in treatment efficacy. While optimal treatment rules can maximize causal outcomes across the population, access parity constraints or other fairness considerations can be relevant in the case of encouragement. For example, in social services, a persistent puzzle is the gap in take-up of beneficial services among those who may benefit from them the most. When in addition the decision-maker has distributional preferences over both access and average outcomes, the optimal decision rule changes. We study causal identification, statistical variance-reduced estimation, and robust estimation of optimal treatment rules, including under potential violations of positivity. We consider fairness constraints such as demographic parity in treatment take-up, and other constraints, via constrained optimization. Our framework can be extended to handle algorithmic recommendations under an often-reasonable covariate-conditional exclusion restriction, using our robustness checks for lack of positivity in the recommendation. We develop a two-stage algorithm for solving over parametrized policy classes under general constraints to obtain variance-sensitive regret bounds. We illustrate the methods in two case studies based on data from randomized encouragement to enroll in insurance and from pretrial supervised release with electronic monitoring.

SLMIA-SR: Speaker-Level Membership Inference Attacks against Speaker Recognition Systems. (arXiv:2309.07983v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Guangke Chen, Yedi Zhang, Fu Song

Membership inference attacks allow adversaries to determine whether a particular example was contained in the model's training dataset. While previous works have confirmed the feasibility of such attacks in various applications, none has focused on speaker recognition (SR), a promising voice-based biometric recognition technique. In this work, we propose SLMIA-SR, the first membership inference attack tailored to SR. In contrast to conventional example-level attack, our attack features speaker-level membership inference, i.e., determining if any voices of a given speaker, either the same as or different from the given inference voices, have been involved in the training of a model. It is particularly useful and practical since the training and inference voices are usually distinct, and it is also meaningful considering the open-set nature of SR, namely, the recognition speakers were often not present in the training data. We utilize intra-similarity and inter-dissimilarity, two training objectives of SR, to characterize the differences between training and non-training speakers and quantify them with two groups of features driven by carefully-established feature engineering to mount the attack. To improve the generalizability of our attack, we propose a novel mixing ratio training strategy to train attack models. To enhance the attack performance, we introduce voice chunk splitting to cope with the limited number of inference voices and propose to train attack models dependent on the number of inference voices. Our attack is versatile and can work in both white-box and black-box scenarios. Additionally, we propose two novel techniques to reduce the number of black-box queries while maintaining the attack performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SLMIA-SR.

Reducing sequential change detection to sequential estimation. (arXiv:2309.09111v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

Authors: Shubhanshu Shekhar, Aaditya Ramdas

We consider the problem of sequential change detection, where the goal is to design a scheme for detecting any changes in a parameter or functional $\theta$ of the data stream distribution that has small detection delay, but guarantees control on the frequency of false alarms in the absence of changes. In this paper, we describe a simple reduction from sequential change detection to sequential estimation using confidence sequences: we begin a new $(1-\alpha)$-confidence sequence at each time step, and proclaim a change when the intersection of all active confidence sequences becomes empty. We prove that the average run length is at least $1/\alpha$, resulting in a change detection scheme with minimal structural assumptions~(thus allowing for possibly dependent observations, and nonparametric distribution classes), but strong guarantees. Our approach bears an interesting parallel with the reduction from change detection to sequential testing of Lorden (1971) and the e-detector of Shin et al. (2022).

Self-Tuning Hamiltonian Monte Carlo for Accelerated Sampling. (arXiv:2309.13593v2 [physics.comp-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Henrik Christiansen, Federico Errica, Francesco Alesiani

The performance of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo simulations crucially depends on both the integration timestep and the number of integration steps. We present an adaptive general-purpose framework to automatically tune such parameters, based on a local loss function which promotes the fast exploration of phase-space. We show that a good correspondence between loss and autocorrelation time can be established, allowing for gradient-based optimization using a fully-differentiable set-up. The loss is constructed in such a way that it also allows for gradient-driven learning of a distribution over the number of integration steps. Our approach is demonstrated for the one-dimensional harmonic oscillator and alanine dipeptide, a small protein common as a test case for simulation methods. Through the application to the harmonic oscillator, we highlight the importance of not using a fixed timestep to avoid a rugged loss surface with many local minima, otherwise trapping the optimization. In the case of alanine dipeptide, by tuning the only free parameter of our loss definition, we find a good correspondence between it and the autocorrelation times, resulting in a $>100$ fold speed up in optimization of simulation parameters compared to a grid-search. For this system, we also extend the integrator to allow for atom-dependent timesteps, providing a further reduction of $25\%$ in autocorrelation times.

Fantastic Generalization Measures are Nowhere to be Found. (arXiv:2309.13658v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Michael Gastpar, Ido Nachum, Jonathan Shafer, Thomas Weinberger

We study the notion of a generalization bound being uniformly tight, meaning that the difference between the bound and the population loss is small for all learning algorithms and all population distributions. Numerous generalization bounds have been proposed in the literature as potential explanations for the ability of neural networks to generalize in the overparameterized setting. However, in their paper ``Fantastic Generalization Measures and Where to Find Them,'' Jiang et al. (2020) examine more than a dozen generalization bounds, and show empirically that none of them are uniformly tight. This raises the question of whether uniformly-tight generalization bounds are at all possible in the overparameterized setting. We consider two types of generalization bounds: (1) bounds that may depend on the training set and the learned hypothesis (e.g., margin bounds). We prove mathematically that no such bound can be uniformly tight in the overparameterized setting; (2) bounds that may in addition also depend on the learning algorithm (e.g., stability bounds). For these bounds, we show a trade-off between the algorithm's performance and the bound's tightness. Namely, if the algorithm achieves good accuracy on certain distributions, then no generalization bound can be uniformly tight for it in the overparameterized setting. We explain how these formal results can, in our view, inform research on generalization bounds for neural networks, while stressing that other interpretations of these results are also possible.

Are Human-generated Demonstrations Necessary for In-context Learning?. (arXiv:2309.14681v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rui Li, Guoyin Wang, Jiwei Li

Despite the promising few-shot ability of large language models (LLMs), the standard paradigm of In-context Learning (ICL) suffers the disadvantages of susceptibility to selected demonstrations and the intricacy to generate these demonstrations. In this paper, we raise the fundamental question that whether human-generated demonstrations are necessary for ICL. To answer this question, we propose self-contemplation prompting strategy (SEC), a paradigm free from human-crafted demonstrations. The key point of SEC is that, instead of using hand-crafted examples as demonstrations in ICL, SEC asks LLMs to first create demonstrations on their own, based on which the final output is generated. SEC is a flexible framework and can be adapted to both the vanilla ICL and the chain-of-thought (CoT), but with greater ease: as the manual-generation process of both examples and rationale can be saved. Extensive experiments in arithmetic reasoning, commonsense reasoning, multi-task language understanding, and code generation benchmarks, show that SEC, which does not require hand-crafted demonstrations, significantly outperforms the zero-shot learning strategy, and achieves comparable results to ICL with hand-crafted demonstrations. This demonstrates that, for many tasks, contemporary LLMs possess a sufficient level of competence to exclusively depend on their own capacity for decision making, removing the need for external training data. Code is available at

The Lipschitz-Variance-Margin Tradeoff for Enhanced Randomized Smoothing. (arXiv:2309.16883v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Blaise Delattre, Alexandre Araujo, Quentin Barthélemy, Alexandre Allauzen

Real-life applications of deep neural networks are hindered by their unsteady predictions when faced with noisy inputs and adversarial attacks. The certified radius is in this context a crucial indicator of the robustness of models. However how to design an efficient classifier with a sufficient certified radius? Randomized smoothing provides a promising framework by relying on noise injection in inputs to obtain a smoothed and more robust classifier. In this paper, we first show that the variance introduced by randomized smoothing closely interacts with two other important properties of the classifier, \textit{i.e.} its Lipschitz constant and margin. More precisely, our work emphasizes the dual impact of the Lipschitz constant of the base classifier, on both the smoothed classifier and the empirical variance. Moreover, to increase the certified robust radius, we introduce a different simplex projection technique for the base classifier to leverage the variance-margin trade-off thanks to Bernstein's concentration inequality, along with an enhanced Lipschitz bound. Experimental results show a significant improvement in certified accuracy compared to current state-of-the-art methods. Our novel certification procedure allows us to use pre-trained models that are used with randomized smoothing, effectively improving the current certification radius in a zero-shot manner.

Improving Trajectory Prediction in Dynamic Multi-Agent Environment by Dropping Waypoints. (arXiv:2309.17338v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Pranav Singh Chib, Pravendra Singh

The inherently diverse and uncertain nature of trajectories presents a formidable challenge in accurately modeling them. Motion prediction systems must effectively learn spatial and temporal information from the past to forecast the future trajectories of the agent. Many existing methods learn temporal motion via separate components within stacked models to capture temporal features. Furthermore, prediction methods often operate under the assumption that observed trajectory waypoint sequences are complete, disregarding scenarios where missing values may occur, which can influence their performance. Moreover, these models may be biased toward particular waypoint sequences when making predictions. We propose a novel approach called Temporal Waypoint Dropping (TWD) that explicitly incorporates temporal dependencies during the training of a trajectory prediction model. By stochastically dropping waypoints from past observed trajectories, the model is forced to learn the underlying temporal representation from the remaining waypoints, resulting in an improved model. Incorporating stochastic temporal waypoint dropping into the model learning process significantly enhances its performance in scenarios with missing values. Experimental results demonstrate our approach's substantial improvement in trajectory prediction capabilities. Our approach can complement existing trajectory prediction methods to improve their prediction accuracy. We evaluate our proposed approach on three datasets: NBA Sports VU, ETH-UCY, and TrajNet++.

Adversarial Machine Learning in Latent Representations of Neural Networks. (arXiv:2309.17401v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Milin Zhang, Mohammad Abdi, Francesco Restuccia

Distributed deep neural networks (DNNs) have been shown to reduce the computational burden of mobile devices and decrease the end-to-end inference latency in edge computing scenarios. While distributed DNNs have been studied, to the best of our knowledge the resilience of distributed DNNs to adversarial action still remains an open problem. In this paper, we fill the existing research gap by rigorously analyzing the robustness of distributed DNNs against adversarial action. We cast this problem in the context of information theory and introduce two new measurements for distortion and robustness. Our theoretical findings indicate that (i) assuming the same level of information distortion, latent features are always more robust than input representations; (ii) the adversarial robustness is jointly determined by the feature dimension and the generalization capability of the DNN. To test our theoretical findings, we perform extensive experimental analysis by considering 6 different DNN architectures, 6 different approaches for distributed DNN and 10 different adversarial attacks to the ImageNet-1K dataset. Our experimental results support our theoretical findings by showing that the compressed latent representations can reduce the success rate of adversarial attacks by 88% in the best case and by 57% on the average compared to attacks to the input space.

MiCRO: Near-Zero Cost Gradient Sparsification for Scaling and Accelerating Distributed DNN Training. (arXiv:2310.00967v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Daegun Yoon, Sangyoon Oh

Gradient sparsification is a communication optimisation technique for scaling and accelerating distributed deep neural network (DNN) training. It reduces the increasing communication traffic for gradient aggregation. However, existing sparsifiers have poor scalability because of the high computational cost of gradient selection and/or increase in communication traffic. In particular, an increase in communication traffic is caused by gradient build-up and inappropriate threshold for gradient selection.

To address these challenges, we propose a novel gradient sparsification method called MiCRO. In MiCRO, the gradient vector is partitioned, and each partition is assigned to the corresponding worker. Each worker then selects gradients from its partition, and the aggregated gradients are free from gradient build-up. Moreover, MiCRO estimates the accurate threshold to maintain the communication traffic as per user requirement by minimising the compression ratio error. MiCRO enables near-zero cost gradient sparsification by solving existing problems that hinder the scalability and acceleration of distributed DNN training. In our extensive experiments, MiCRO outperformed state-of-the-art sparsifiers with an outstanding convergence rate.

The Map Equation Goes Neural. (arXiv:2310.01144v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Christopher Blöcker, Chester Tan, Ingo Scholtes

Community detection and graph clustering are essential for unsupervised data exploration and understanding the high-level organisation of networked systems. Recently, graph clustering has received attention as a primary task for graph neural networks. Although hierarchical graph pooling has been shown to improve performance in graph and node classification tasks, it performs poorly in identifying meaningful clusters. Community detection has a long history in network science, but typically relies on optimising objective functions with custom-tailored search algorithms, not leveraging recent advances in deep learning, particularly from graph neural networks. In this paper, we narrow this gap between the deep learning and network science communities. We consider the map equation, an information-theoretic objective function for unsupervised community detection. Expressing it in a fully differentiable tensor form that produces soft cluster assignments, we optimise the map equation with deep learning through gradient descent. More specifically, the reformulated map equation is a loss function compatible with any graph neural network architecture, enabling flexible clustering and graph pooling that clusters both graph structure and data features in an end-to-end way, automatically finding an optimum number of clusters without explicit regularisation by following the minimum description length principle. We evaluate our approach experimentally using different neural network architectures for unsupervised clustering in synthetic and real data. Our results show that our approach achieves competitive performance against baselines, naturally detects overlapping communities, and avoids over-partitioning sparse graphs.

On the near-optimality of betting confidence sets for bounded means. (arXiv:2310.01547v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

Authors: Shubhanshu Shekhar, Aaditya Ramdas

Constructing nonasymptotic confidence intervals (CIs) for the mean of a univariate distribution from independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) observations is a fundamental task in statistics. For bounded observations, a classical nonparametric approach proceeds by inverting standard concentration bounds, such as Hoeffding's or Bernstein's inequalities. Recently, an alternative betting-based approach for defining CIs and their time-uniform variants called confidence sequences (CSs), has been shown to be empirically superior to the classical methods. In this paper, we provide theoretical justification for this improved empirical performance of betting CIs and CSs.

Our main contributions are as follows: (i) We first compare CIs using the values of their first-order asymptotic widths (scaled by $\sqrt{n}$), and show that the betting CI of Waudby-Smith and Ramdas (2023) has a smaller limiting width than existing empirical Bernstein (EB)-CIs. (ii) Next, we establish two lower bounds that characterize the minimum width achievable by any method for constructing CIs/CSs in terms of certain inverse information projections. (iii) Finally, we show that the betting CI and CS match the fundamental limits, modulo an additive logarithmic term and a multiplicative constant. Overall these results imply that the betting CI~(and CS) admit stronger theoretical guarantees than the existing state-of-the-art EB-CI~(and CS); both in the asymptotic and finite-sample regimes.

Empirical Study of PEFT techniques for Winter Wheat Segmentation. (arXiv:2310.01825v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohamad Hasan Zahweh, Hasan Nasrallah, Mustafa Shukor, Ghaleb Faour, Ali J. Ghandour

Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning (PEFT) techniques have recently experienced significant growth and have been extensively employed to adapt large vision and language models to various domains, enabling satisfactory model performance with minimal computational needs. Despite these advances, more research has yet to delve into potential PEFT applications in real-life scenarios, particularly in the critical domains of remote sensing and crop monitoring. The diversity of climates across different regions and the need for comprehensive large-scale datasets have posed significant obstacles to accurately identify crop types across varying geographic locations and changing growing seasons. This study seeks to bridge this gap by comprehensively exploring the feasibility of cross-area and cross-year out-of-distribution generalization using the State-of-the-Art (SOTA) wheat crop monitoring model. The aim of this work is to explore PEFT approaches for crop monitoring. Specifically, we focus on adapting the SOTA TSViT model to address winter wheat field segmentation, a critical task for crop monitoring and food security. This adaptation process involves integrating different PEFT techniques, including BigFit, LoRA, Adaptformer, and prompt tuning. Using PEFT techniques, we achieved notable results comparable to those achieved using full fine-tuning methods while training only a mere 0.7% parameters of the whole TSViT architecture. The in-house labeled data-set, referred to as the Beqaa-Lebanon dataset, comprises high-quality annotated polygons for wheat and non-wheat classes with a total surface of 170 kmsq, over five consecutive years. Using Sentinel-2 images, our model achieved a 84% F1-score. We intend to publicly release the Lebanese winter wheat data set, code repository, and model weights.

Trainable Noise Model as an XAI evaluation method: application on Sobol for remote sensing image segmentation. (arXiv:2310.01828v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hossein Shreim, Abdul Karim Gizzini, Ali J. Ghandour

eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has emerged as an essential requirement when dealing with mission-critical applications, ensuring transparency and interpretability of the employed black box AI models. The significance of XAI spans various domains, from healthcare to finance, where understanding the decision-making process of deep learning algorithms is essential. Most AI-based computer vision models are often black boxes; hence, providing explainability of deep neural networks in image processing is crucial for their wide adoption and deployment in medical image analysis, autonomous driving, and remote sensing applications. Recently, several XAI methods for image classification tasks have been introduced. On the contrary, image segmentation has received comparatively less attention in the context of explainability, although it is a fundamental task in computer vision applications, especially in remote sensing. Only some research proposes gradient-based XAI algorithms for image segmentation. This paper adapts the recent gradient-free Sobol XAI method for semantic segmentation. To measure the performance of the Sobol method for segmentation, we propose a quantitative XAI evaluation method based on a learnable noise model. The main objective of this model is to induce noise on the explanation maps, where higher induced noise signifies low accuracy and vice versa. A benchmark analysis is conducted to evaluate and compare performance of three XAI methods, including Seg-Grad-CAM, Seg-Grad-CAM++ and Seg-Sobol using the proposed noise-based evaluation technique. This constitutes the first attempt to run and evaluate XAI methods using high-resolution satellite images.

Leveraging Low-Rank and Sparse Recurrent Connectivity for Robust Closed-Loop Control. (arXiv:2310.03915v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Neehal Tumma, Mathias Lechner, Noel Loo, Ramin Hasani, Daniela Rus

Developing autonomous agents that can interact with changing environments is an open challenge in machine learning. Robustness is particularly important in these settings as agents are often fit offline on expert demonstrations but deployed online where they must generalize to the closed feedback loop within the environment. In this work, we explore the application of recurrent neural networks to tasks of this nature and understand how a parameterization of their recurrent connectivity influences robustness in closed-loop settings. Specifically, we represent the recurrent connectivity as a function of rank and sparsity and show both theoretically and empirically that modulating these two variables has desirable effects on network dynamics. The proposed low-rank, sparse connectivity induces an interpretable prior on the network that proves to be most amenable for a class of models known as closed-form continuous-time neural networks (CfCs). We find that CfCs with fewer parameters can outperform their full-rank, fully-connected counterparts in the online setting under distribution shift. This yields memory-efficient and robust agents while opening a new perspective on how we can modulate network dynamics through connectivity.

What If the TV Was Off? Examining Counterfactual Reasoning Abilities of Multi-modal Language Models. (arXiv:2310.06627v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Letian Zhang, Xiaotong Zhai, Zhongkai Zhao, Yongshuo Zong, Xin Wen, Bingchen Zhao

Counterfactual reasoning, a fundamental aspect of human cognition, involves contemplating alternatives to established facts or past events, significantly enhancing our abilities in planning and decision-making. In light of the advancements in current multi-modal large language models, we explore their effectiveness in counterfactual reasoning. To facilitate this investigation, we introduce a novel dataset, C-VQA, specifically designed to test the counterfactual reasoning capabilities of modern multi-modal large language models. This dataset is constructed by infusing original questions with counterfactual presuppositions, spanning various types such as numerical and boolean queries. It encompasses a mix of real and synthetic data, representing a wide range of difficulty levels. Our thorough evaluations of contemporary vision-language models using this dataset have revealed substantial performance drops, with some models showing up to a 40\% decrease, highlighting a significant gap between current models and human-like vision reasoning capabilities. We hope our dataset will serve as a vital benchmark for evaluating the counterfactual reasoning capabilities of models. Code and dataset are publicly available at

Going Beyond Neural Network Feature Similarity: The Network Feature Complexity and Its Interpretation Using Category Theory. (arXiv:2310.06756v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yiting Chen, Zhanpeng Zhou, Junchi Yan

The behavior of neural networks still remains opaque, and a recently widely noted phenomenon is that networks often achieve similar performance when initialized with different random parameters. This phenomenon has attracted significant attention in measuring the similarity between features learned by distinct networks. However, feature similarity could be vague in describing the same feature since equivalent features hardly exist. In this paper, we expand the concept of equivalent feature and provide the definition of what we call functionally equivalent features. These features produce equivalent output under certain transformations. Using this definition, we aim to derive a more intrinsic metric for the so-called feature complexity regarding the redundancy of features learned by a neural network at each layer. We offer a formal interpretation of our approach through the lens of category theory, a well-developed area in mathematics. To quantify the feature complexity, we further propose an efficient algorithm named Iterative Feature Merging. Our experimental results validate our ideas and theories from various perspectives. We empirically demonstrate that the functionally equivalence widely exists among different features learned by the same neural network and we could reduce the number of parameters of the network without affecting the performance.The IFM shows great potential as a data-agnostic model prune method. We have also drawn several interesting empirical findings regarding the defined feature complexity.

Fed-GraB: Federated Long-tailed Learning with Self-Adjusting Gradient Balancer. (arXiv:2310.07587v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zikai Xiao, Zihan Chen, Songshang Liu, Hualiang Wang, Yang Feng, Jin Hao, Joey Tianyi Zhou, Jian Wu, Howard Hao Yang, Zuozhu Liu

Data privacy and long-tailed distribution are the norms rather than the exception in many real-world tasks. This paper investigates a federated long-tailed learning (Fed-LT) task in which each client holds a locally heterogeneous dataset; if the datasets can be globally aggregated, they jointly exhibit a long-tailed distribution. Under such a setting, existing federated optimization and/or centralized long-tailed learning methods hardly apply due to challenges in (a) characterizing the global long-tailed distribution under privacy constraints and (b) adjusting the local learning strategy to cope with the head-tail imbalance. In response, we propose a method termed $\texttt{Fed-GraB}$, comprised of a Self-adjusting Gradient Balancer (SGB) module that re-weights clients' gradients in a closed-loop manner, based on the feedback of global long-tailed distribution evaluated by a Direct Prior Analyzer (DPA) module. Using $\texttt{Fed-GraB}$, clients can effectively alleviate the distribution drift caused by data heterogeneity during the model training process and obtain a global model with better performance on the minority classes while maintaining the performance of the majority classes. Extensive experiments demonstrate that $\texttt{Fed-GraB}$ achieves state-of-the-art performance on representative datasets such as CIFAR-10-LT, CIFAR-100-LT, ImageNet-LT, and iNaturalist.

Deep Backtracking Counterfactuals for Causally Compliant Explanations. (arXiv:2310.07665v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Klaus-Rudolf Kladny, Julius von Kügelgen, Bernhard Schölkopf, Michael Muehlebach

Counterfactuals can offer valuable insights by answering what would have been observed under altered circumstances, conditional on a factual observation. Whereas the classical interventional interpretation of counterfactuals has been studied extensively, backtracking constitutes a less studied alternative the backtracking principle has emerged as an alternative philosophy where all causal laws are kept intact. In the present work, we introduce a practical method for computing backtracking counterfactuals in structural causal models that consist of deep generative components. To this end, we impose conditions on the structural assignments that enable the generation of counterfactuals by solving a tractable constrained optimization problem in the structured latent space of a causal model. Our formulation also facilitates a comparison with methods in the field of counterfactual explanations. Compared to these, our method represents a versatile, modular and causally compliant alternative. We demonstrate these properties experimentally on a modified version of MNIST and CelebA.

Exploring the Relationship Between Model Architecture and In-Context Learning Ability. (arXiv:2310.08049v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ivan Lee, Nan Jiang, Taylor Berg-Kirkpatrick

What is the relationship between model architecture and the ability to perform in-context learning? In this empirical study, we take the first steps toward answering this question. We evaluate twelve model architectures capable of causal language modeling across a suite of synthetic in-context learning tasks. These selected architectures represent a broad range of paradigms, including recurrent and convolution-based neural networks, transformers, state-space model inspired, and other emerging attention alternatives. We discover that all the considered architectures can perform in-context learning under a wider range of conditions than previously documented. Additionally, we observe stark differences in statistical efficiency and consistency by varying context length and task difficulty. We also measure each architecture's predisposition towards in-context learning when presented with alternative routes for task resolution. Finally, and somewhat surprisingly, we find that several attention alternatives are more robust in-context learners than transformers. Given that such approaches have constant-sized memory footprints at inference time, this result opens the possibility of scaling up in-context learning to accommodate vastly larger numbers of in-context examples.

Do pretrained Transformers Really Learn In-context by Gradient Descent?. (arXiv:2310.08540v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Lingfeng Shen, Aayush Mishra, Daniel Khashabi

Is In-Context Learning (ICL) implicitly equivalent to Gradient Descent (GD)? Several recent works draw analogies between the dynamics of GD and the emergent behavior of ICL in large language models. However, these works make assumptions far from the realistic natural language setting in which language models are trained. Therefore, such discrepancies between theory and practice necessitate further investigation to validate their applicability.

We start by highlighting the assumptions in prior works that construct Transformer weights to simulate gradient descent. Their experiments with training Transformers on ICL objective, inconsistencies in the order sensitivity of ICL and GD, sparsity of the constructed weights, and sensitivity to parameter changes are some examples of mismatch from the real-world setting.

Furthermore, we probe and compare the ICL vs. GD hypothesis in a natural setting. We conduct comprehensive empirical analyses on language models pretrained on natural data (LLaMa-7B). Our comparisons on various performance metrics highlight the inconsistent behavior of ICL and GD as a function of various factors such as datasets, models, and the number of demonstrations. We observe that ICL and GD modify the output distribution of language models differently. These results indicate that the equivalence between ICL and GD is an open hypothesis, requires nuanced considerations, and calls for further studies.

Unsupervised Discovery of Interpretable Directions in h-space of Pre-trained Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2310.09912v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zijian Zhang, Luping Liu. Zhijie Lin, Yichen Zhu, Zhou Zhao

We propose the first unsupervised and learning-based method to identify interpretable directions in h-space of pre-trained diffusion models. Our method is derived from an existing technique that operates on the GAN latent space. Specifically, we employ a shift control module that works on h-space of pre-trained diffusion models to manipulate a sample into a shifted version of itself, followed by a reconstructor to reproduce both the type and the strength of the manipulation. By jointly optimizing them, the model will spontaneously discover disentangled and interpretable directions. To prevent the discovery of meaningless and destructive directions, we employ a discriminator to maintain the fidelity of shifted sample. Due to the iterative generative process of diffusion models, our training requires a substantial amount of GPU VRAM to store numerous intermediate tensors for back-propagating gradient. To address this issue, we propose a general VRAM-efficient training algorithm based on gradient checkpointing technique to back-propagate any gradient through the whole generative process, with acceptable occupancy of VRAM and sacrifice of training efficiency. Compared with existing related works on diffusion models, our method inherently identifies global and scalable directions, without necessitating any other complicated procedures. Extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Label Differential Privacy via Aggregation. (arXiv:2310.10092v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Anand Brahmbhatt, Rishi Saket, Shreyas Havaldar, Anshul Nasery, Aravindan Raghuveer

In many real-world applications, due to recent developments in the privacy landscape, training data may be aggregated to preserve the privacy of sensitive training labels. In the learning from label proportions (LLP) framework, the dataset is partitioned into bags of feature-vectors which are available only with the sum of the labels per bag. A further restriction, which we call learning from bag aggregates (LBA) is where instead of individual feature-vectors, only the (possibly weighted) sum of the feature-vectors per bag is available. We study whether such aggregation techniques can provide privacy guarantees under the notion of label differential privacy (label-DP) previously studied in for e.g. [Chaudhuri-Hsu'11, Ghazi et al.'21, Esfandiari et al.'22].

It is easily seen that naive LBA and LLP do not provide label-DP. Our main result however, shows that weighted LBA using iid Gaussian weights with $m$ randomly sampled disjoint $k$-sized bags is in fact $(\varepsilon, \delta)$-label-DP for any $\varepsilon > 0$ with $\delta \approx \exp(-\Omega(\sqrt{k}))$ assuming a lower bound on the linear-mse regression loss. Further, the $\ell_2^2$-regressor which minimizes the loss on the aggregated dataset has a loss within $\left(1 + o(1)\right)$-factor of the optimum on the original dataset w.p. $\approx 1 - exp(-\Omega(m))$. We emphasize that no additive label noise is required.

The analogous weighted-LLP does not however admit label-DP. Nevertheless, we show that if additive $N(0, 1)$ noise can be added to any constant fraction of the instance labels, then the noisy weighted-LLP admits similar label-DP guarantees without assumptions on the dataset, while preserving the utility of Lipschitz-bounded neural mse-regression tasks.

Our work is the first to demonstrate that label-DP can be achieved by randomly weighted aggregation for regression tasks, using no or little additive noise.

Semantic Parsing by Large Language Models for Intricate Updating Strategies of Zero-Shot Dialogue State Tracking. (arXiv:2310.10520v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuxiang Wu, Guanting Dong, Weiran Xu

Zero-shot Dialogue State Tracking (DST) addresses the challenge of acquiring and annotating task-oriented dialogues, which can be time-consuming and costly. However, DST extends beyond simple slot-filling and requires effective updating strategies for tracking dialogue state as conversations progress. In this paper, we propose ParsingDST, a new In-Context Learning (ICL) method, to introduce additional intricate updating strategies in zero-shot DST. Our approach reformulates the DST task by leveraging powerful Large Language Models (LLMs) and translating the original dialogue text to JSON through semantic parsing as an intermediate state. We also design a novel framework that includes more modules to ensure the effectiveness of updating strategies in the text-to-JSON process. Experimental results demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing zero-shot DST methods on MultiWOZ, exhibiting significant improvements in Joint Goal Accuracy (JGA) and slot accuracy compared to existing ICL methods. Our code has been released.

AST: Effective Dataset Distillation through Alignment with Smooth and High-Quality Expert Trajectories. (arXiv:2310.10541v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiyuan Shen, Wenzhuo Yang, Kwok-Yan Lam

Training large AI models typically requires large-scale datasets in the machine learning process, making training and parameter-tuning process both time-consuming and costly. Some researchers address this problem by carefully synthesizing a very small number of highly representative and informative samples from real-world datasets. This approach, known as Dataset Distillation (DD), proposes a perspective for data-efficient learning. Despite recent progress in this field, the performance of existing methods still cannot meet expectations, and distilled datasets cannot effectively replace original datasets. In this paper, unlike previous methods that focus solely on improving the effectiveness of student distillation, we recognize and leverage the important mutual influence between expert and student models. We observed that the smoothness of expert trajectories has a significant impact on subsequent student parameter alignment. Based on this, we propose an effective DD framework named AST, standing for Alignment with Smooth and high-quality expert Trajectories. We devise the integration of clipping loss and gradient penalty to regulate the rate of parameter changes in expert trajectory generation. To further refine the student parameter alignment with expert trajectory, we put forward representative initialization for the synthetic dataset and balanced inner-loop loss in response to the sensitivity exhibited towards randomly initialized variables during distillation. We also propose two enhancement strategies, namely intermediate matching loss and weight perturbation, to mitigate the potential occurrence of cumulative errors. We conduct extensive experiments on datasets of different scales, sizes, and resolutions. The results demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms prior methods.

Adversarial Bandits with Multi-User Delayed Feedback: Theory and Application. (arXiv:2310.11188v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yandi Li, Jianxiong Guo, Yupeng Li, Tian Wang, Weijia Jia

The multi-armed bandit (MAB) models have attracted significant research attention due to their applicability and effectiveness in various real-world scenarios such as resource allocation, online advertising, and dynamic pricing. As an important branch, the adversarial MAB problems with delayed feedback have been proposed and studied by many researchers recently where a conceptual adversary strategically selects the reward distributions associated with each arm to challenge the learning algorithm and the agent experiences a delay between taking an action and receiving the corresponding reward feedback. However, the existing models restrict the feedback to be generated from only one user, which makes models inapplicable to the prevailing scenarios of multiple users (e.g. ad recommendation for a group of users). In this paper, we consider that the delayed feedback results are from multiple users and are unrestricted on internal distribution. In contrast, the feedback delay is arbitrary and unknown to the player in advance. Also, for different users in a round, the delays in feedback have no assumption of latent correlation. Thus, we formulate an adversarial MAB problem with multi-user delayed feedback and design a modified EXP3 algorithm MUD-EXP3, which makes a decision at each round by considering the importance-weighted estimator of the received feedback from different users. On the premise of known terminal round index $T$, the number of users $M$, the number of arms $N$, and upper bound of delay $d_{max}$, we prove a regret of $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{TM^2\ln{N}(N\mathrm{e}+4d_{max})})$. Furthermore, for the more common case of unknown $T$, an adaptive algorithm AMUD-EXP3 is proposed with a sublinear regret with respect to $T$. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted to indicate the correctness and effectiveness of our algorithms.

Understanding Addition in Transformers. (arXiv:2310.13121v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Philip Quirke, Fazl Barez

Understanding the inner workings of machine learning models like Transformers is vital for their safe and ethical use. This paper presents an in-depth analysis of a one-layer Transformer model trained for n-digit integer addition. We reveal that the model divides the task into parallel, digit-specific streams and employs distinct algorithms for different digit positions. Our study also finds that the model starts calculations late but executes them rapidly. A rare use case with high loss is identified and explained. Overall, the model's algorithm is explained in detail. These findings are validated through rigorous testing and mathematical modeling, contributing to the broader works in Mechanistic Interpretability, AI safety, and alignment. Our approach opens the door for analyzing more complex tasks and multi-layer Transformer models.

ManiCast: Collaborative Manipulation with Cost-Aware Human Forecasting. (arXiv:2310.13258v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Kushal Kedia, Prithwish Dan, Atiksh Bhardwaj, Sanjiban Choudhury

Seamless human-robot manipulation in close proximity relies on accurate forecasts of human motion. While there has been significant progress in learning forecast models at scale, when applied to manipulation tasks, these models accrue high errors at critical transition points leading to degradation in downstream planning performance. Our key insight is that instead of predicting the most likely human motion, it is sufficient to produce forecasts that capture how future human motion would affect the cost of a robot's plan. We present ManiCast, a novel framework that learns cost-aware human forecasts and feeds them to a model predictive control planner to execute collaborative manipulation tasks. Our framework enables fluid, real-time interactions between a human and a 7-DoF robot arm across a number of real-world tasks such as reactive stirring, object handovers, and collaborative table setting. We evaluate both the motion forecasts and the end-to-end forecaster-planner system against a range of learned and heuristic baselines while additionally contributing new datasets. We release our code and datasets at

On Responsible Machine Learning Datasets with Fairness, Privacy, and Regulatory Norms. (arXiv:2310.15848v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Surbhi Mittal, Kartik Thakral, Richa Singh, Mayank Vatsa, Tamar Glaser, Cristian Canton Ferrer, Tal Hassner

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made its way into various scientific fields, providing astonishing improvements over existing algorithms for a wide variety of tasks. In recent years, there have been severe concerns over the trustworthiness of AI technologies. The scientific community has focused on the development of trustworthy AI algorithms. However, machine and deep learning algorithms, popular in the AI community today, depend heavily on the data used during their development. These learning algorithms identify patterns in the data, learning the behavioral objective. Any flaws in the data have the potential to translate directly into algorithms. In this study, we discuss the importance of Responsible Machine Learning Datasets and propose a framework to evaluate the datasets through a responsible rubric. While existing work focuses on the post-hoc evaluation of algorithms for their trustworthiness, we provide a framework that considers the data component separately to understand its role in the algorithm. We discuss responsible datasets through the lens of fairness, privacy, and regulatory compliance and provide recommendations for constructing future datasets. After surveying over 100 datasets, we use 60 datasets for analysis and demonstrate that none of these datasets is immune to issues of fairness, privacy preservation, and regulatory compliance. We provide modifications to the ``datasheets for datasets" with important additions for improved dataset documentation. With governments around the world regularizing data protection laws, the method for the creation of datasets in the scientific community requires revision. We believe this study is timely and relevant in today's era of AI.

Enhancing Energy-efficiency by Solving the Throughput Bottleneck of LSTM Cells for Embedded FPGAs. (arXiv:2310.16842v2 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: Chao Qian, Tianheng Ling, Gregor Schiele

To process sensor data in the Internet of Things(IoTs), embedded deep learning for 1-dimensional data is an important technique. In the past, CNNs were frequently used because they are simple to optimise for special embedded hardware such as FPGAs. This work proposes a novel LSTM cell optimisation aimed at energy-efficient inference on end devices. Using the traffic speed prediction as a case study, a vanilla LSTM model with the optimised LSTM cell achieves 17534 inferences per second while consuming only 3.8 $\mu$J per inference on the FPGA XC7S15 from Spartan-7 family. It achieves at least 5.4$\times$ faster throughput and 1.37$\times$ more energy efficient than existing approaches.

Unlocking the Potential of Prompt-Tuning in Bridging Generalized and Personalized Federated Learning. (arXiv:2310.18285v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenlong Deng, Christos Thrampoulidis, Xiaoxiao Li

Vision Transformers (ViT) and Visual Prompt Tuning (VPT) achieve state-of-the-art performance with improved efficiency in various computer vision tasks. This suggests a promising paradigm shift of adapting pre-trained ViT models to Federated Learning (FL) settings. However, the challenge of data heterogeneity among FL clients presents a significant hurdle in effectively deploying ViT models. Existing Generalized FL (GFL) and Personalized FL (PFL) methods have limitations in balancing performance across both global and local data distributions. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm, SGPT, that integrates GFL and PFL approaches by employing a unique combination of both shared and group-specific prompts. This design enables SGPT to capture both common and group-specific features. A key feature of SGPT is its prompt selection module, which facilitates the training of a single global model capable of automatically adapting to diverse local client data distributions without the need for local fine-tuning. To effectively train the prompts, we utilize block coordinate descent (BCD), learning from common feature information (shared prompts), and then more specialized knowledge (group prompts) iteratively. Theoretically, we justify that learning the proposed prompts can reduce the gap between global and local performance. Empirically, we conduct experiments on both label and feature heterogeneity settings in comparison with state-of-the-art baselines, along with extensive ablation studies, to substantiate the superior performance of SGPT.

Unleashing the Power of Pre-trained Language Models for Offline Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2310.20587v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruizhe Shi, Yuyao Liu, Yanjie Ze, Simon S. Du, Huazhe Xu

Offline reinforcement learning (RL) aims to find a near-optimal policy using pre-collected datasets. In real-world scenarios, data collection could be costly and risky; therefore, offline RL becomes particularly challenging when the in-domain data is limited. Given recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) and their few-shot learning prowess, this paper introduces $\textbf{La}$nguage Models for $\textbf{Mo}$tion Control ($\textbf{LaMo}$), a general framework based on Decision Transformers to effectively use pre-trained Language Models (LMs) for offline RL. Our framework highlights four crucial components: (1) Initializing Decision Transformers with sequentially pre-trained LMs, (2) employing the LoRA fine-tuning method, in contrast to full-weight fine-tuning, to combine the pre-trained knowledge from LMs and in-domain knowledge effectively, (3) using the non-linear MLP transformation instead of linear projections, to generate embeddings, and (4) integrating an auxiliary language prediction loss during fine-tuning to stabilize the LMs and retain their original abilities on languages. Empirical results indicate $\textbf{LaMo}$ achieves state-of-the-art performance in sparse-reward tasks and closes the gap between value-based offline RL methods and decision transformers in dense-reward tasks. In particular, our method demonstrates superior performance in scenarios with limited data samples.

The Open DAC 2023 Dataset and Challenges for Sorbent Discovery in Direct Air Capture. (arXiv:2311.00341v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] UPDATED)

Authors: Anuroop Sriram, Sihoon Choi, Xiaohan Yu, Logan M. Brabson, Abhishek Das, Zachary Ulissi, Matt Uyttendaele, Andrew J. Medford, David S. Sholl

New methods for carbon dioxide removal are urgently needed to combat global climate change. Direct air capture (DAC) is an emerging technology to capture carbon dioxide directly from ambient air. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) have been widely studied as potentially customizable adsorbents for DAC. However, discovering promising MOF sorbents for DAC is challenging because of the vast chemical space to explore and the need to understand materials as functions of humidity and temperature. We explore a computational approach benefiting from recent innovations in machine learning (ML) and present a dataset named Open DAC 2023 (ODAC23) consisting of more than 38M density functional theory (DFT) calculations on more than 8,400 MOF materials containing adsorbed $CO_2$ and/or $H_2O$. ODAC23 is by far the largest dataset of MOF adsorption calculations at the DFT level of accuracy currently available. In addition to probing properties of adsorbed molecules, the dataset is a rich source of information on structural relaxation of MOFs, which will be useful in many contexts beyond specific applications for DAC. A large number of MOFs with promising properties for DAC are identified directly in ODAC23. We also trained state-of-the-art ML models on this dataset to approximate calculations at the DFT level. This open-source dataset and our initial ML models will provide an important baseline for future efforts to identify MOFs for a wide range of applications, including DAC.

Long-Range Neural Atom Learning for Molecular Graphs. (arXiv:2311.01276v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xuan Li, Zhanke Zhou, Jiangchao Yao, Yu Rong, Lu Zhang, Bo Han

Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been widely adopted for drug discovery with molecular graphs. Nevertheless, current GNNs are mainly good at leveraging short-range interactions (SRI) but struggle to capture long-range interactions (LRI), both of which are crucial for determining molecular properties. To tackle this issue, we propose a method that implicitly projects all original atoms into a few Neural Atoms, which abstracts the collective information of atomic groups within a molecule. Specifically, we explicitly exchange the information among neural atoms and project them back to the atoms' representations as an enhancement. With this mechanism, neural atoms establish the communication channels among distant nodes, effectively reducing the interaction scope of arbitrary node pairs into a single hop. To provide an inspection of our method from a physical perspective, we reveal its connection with the traditional LRI calculation method, Ewald Summation. We conduct extensive experiments on three long-range graph benchmarks, covering both graph-level and link-level tasks on molecular graphs. We empirically justify that our method can be equipped with an arbitrary GNN and help to capture LRI.

Layer-wise Auto-Weighting for Non-Stationary Test-Time Adaptation. (arXiv:2311.05858v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Junyoung Park, Jin Kim, Hyeongjun Kwon, Ilhoon Yoon, Kwanghoon Sohn

Given the inevitability of domain shifts during inference in real-world applications, test-time adaptation (TTA) is essential for model adaptation after deployment. However, the real-world scenario of continuously changing target distributions presents challenges including catastrophic forgetting and error accumulation. Existing TTA methods for non-stationary domain shifts, while effective, incur excessive computational load, making them impractical for on-device settings. In this paper, we introduce a layer-wise auto-weighting algorithm for continual and gradual TTA that autonomously identifies layers for preservation or concentrated adaptation. By leveraging the Fisher Information Matrix (FIM), we first design the learning weight to selectively focus on layers associated with log-likelihood changes while preserving unrelated ones. Then, we further propose an exponential min-max scaler to make certain layers nearly frozen while mitigating outliers. This minimizes forgetting and error accumulation, leading to efficient adaptation to non-stationary target distribution. Experiments on CIFAR-10C, CIFAR-100C, and ImageNet-C show our method outperforms conventional continual and gradual TTA approaches while significantly reducing computational load, highlighting the importance of FIM-based learning weight in adapting to continuously or gradually shifting target domains.

Technical Report: Large Language Models can Strategically Deceive their Users when Put Under Pressure. (arXiv:2311.07590v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jérémy Scheurer, Mikita Balesni, Marius Hobbhahn

We demonstrate a situation in which Large Language Models, trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, can display misaligned behavior and strategically deceive their users about this behavior without being instructed to do so. Concretely, we deploy GPT-4 as an agent in a realistic, simulated environment, where it assumes the role of an autonomous stock trading agent. Within this environment, the model obtains an insider tip about a lucrative stock trade and acts upon it despite knowing that insider trading is disapproved of by company management. When reporting to its manager, the model consistently hides the genuine reasons behind its trading decision. We perform a brief investigation of how this behavior varies under changes to the setting, such as removing model access to a reasoning scratchpad, attempting to prevent the misaligned behavior by changing system instructions, changing the amount of pressure the model is under, varying the perceived risk of getting caught, and making other simple changes to the environment. To our knowledge, this is the first demonstration of Large Language Models trained to be helpful, harmless, and honest, strategically deceiving their users in a realistic situation without direct instructions or training for deception.

Comparing Humans, GPT-4, and GPT-4V On Abstraction and Reasoning Tasks. (arXiv:2311.09247v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Melanie Mitchell, Alessandro B. Palmarini, Arseny Moskvichev

We explore the abstract reasoning abilities of text-only and multimodal versions of GPT-4, using the ConceptARC benchmark [10], which is designed to evaluate robust understanding and reasoning with core-knowledge concepts. We extend the work of Moskvichev et al. [10] by evaluating GPT-4 on more detailed, one-shot prompting (rather than simple, zero-shot prompts) with text versions of ConceptARC tasks, and by evaluating GPT-4V, the multimodal version of GPT-4, on zero- and one-shot prompts using image versions of the simplest tasks. Our experimental results support the conclusion that neither version of GPT-4 has developed robust abstraction abilities at humanlike levels.

Redefining Super-Resolution: Fine-mesh PDE predictions without classical simulations. (arXiv:2311.09740v3 [physics.flu-dyn] UPDATED)

Authors: Rajat Kumar Sarkar, Ritam Majumdar, Vishal Jadhav, Sagar Srinivas Sakhinana, Venkataramana Runkana

In Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), coarse mesh simulations offer computational efficiency but often lack precision. Applying conventional super-resolution to these simulations poses a significant challenge due to the fundamental contrast between downsampling high-resolution images and authentically emulating low-resolution physics. The former method conserves more of the underlying physics, surpassing the usual constraints of real-world scenarios. We propose a novel definition of super-resolution tailored for PDE-based problems. Instead of simply downsampling from a high-resolution dataset, we use coarse-grid simulated data as our input and predict fine-grid simulated outcomes. Employing a physics-infused UNet upscaling method, we demonstrate its efficacy across various 2D-CFD problems such as discontinuity detection in Burger's equation, Methane combustion, and fouling in Industrial heat exchangers. Our method enables the generation of fine-mesh solutions bypassing traditional simulation, ensuring considerable computational saving and fidelity to the original ground truth outcomes. Through diverse boundary conditions during training, we further establish the robustness of our method, paving the way for its broad applications in engineering and scientific CFD solvers.

The Chosen One: Consistent Characters in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.10093v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Omri Avrahami, Amir Hertz, Yael Vinker, Moab Arar, Shlomi Fruchter, Ohad Fried, Daniel Cohen-Or, Dani Lischinski

Recent advances in text-to-image generation models have unlocked vast potential for visual creativity. However, these models struggle with generation of consistent characters, a crucial aspect for numerous real-world applications such as story visualization, game development asset design, advertising, and more. Current methods typically rely on multiple pre-existing images of the target character or involve labor-intensive manual processes. In this work, we propose a fully automated solution for consistent character generation, with the sole input being a text prompt. We introduce an iterative procedure that, at each stage, identifies a coherent set of images sharing a similar identity and extracts a more consistent identity from this set. Our quantitative analysis demonstrates that our method strikes a better balance between prompt alignment and identity consistency compared to the baseline methods, and these findings are reinforced by a user study. To conclude, we showcase several practical applications of our approach. Project page is available at

Towards Machine Learning-based Quantitative Hyperspectral Image Guidance for Brain Tumor Resection. (arXiv:2311.10321v2 [q-bio.TO] UPDATED)

Authors: David Black, Declan Byrne, Anna Walke, Sidong Liu, Antonio Di leva, Sadahiro Kaneko, Walter Stummer, Septimiu Salcudean, Eric Suero Molina

Complete resection of malignant gliomas is hampered by the difficulty in distinguishing tumor cells at the infiltration zone. Fluorescence guidance with 5-ALA assists in reaching this goal. Using hyperspectral imaging, previous work characterized five fluorophores' emission spectra in most human brain tumors. In this paper, the effectiveness of these five spectra was explored for different tumor and tissue classification tasks in 184 patients (891 hyperspectral measurements) harboring low- (n=30) and high-grade gliomas (n=115), non-glial primary brain tumors (n=19), radiation necrosis (n=2), miscellaneous (n=10) and metastases (n=8). Four machine learning models were trained to classify tumor type, grade, glioma margins and IDH mutation. Using random forests and multi-layer perceptrons, the classifiers achieved average test accuracies of 84-87%, 96%, 86%, and 93% respectively. All five fluorophore abundances varied between tumor margin types and tumor grades (p < 0.01). For tissue type, at least four of the five fluorophore abundances were found to be significantly different (p < 0.01) between all classes. These results demonstrate the fluorophores' differing abundances in different tissue classes, as well as the value of the five fluorophores as potential optical biomarkers, opening new opportunities for intraoperative classification systems in fluorescence-guided neurosurgery.

TextGuard: Provable Defense against Backdoor Attacks on Text Classification. (arXiv:2311.11225v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hengzhi Pei, Jinyuan Jia, Wenbo Guo, Bo Li, Dawn Song

Backdoor attacks have become a major security threat for deploying machine learning models in security-critical applications. Existing research endeavors have proposed many defenses against backdoor attacks. Despite demonstrating certain empirical defense efficacy, none of these techniques could provide a formal and provable security guarantee against arbitrary attacks. As a result, they can be easily broken by strong adaptive attacks, as shown in our evaluation. In this work, we propose TextGuard, the first provable defense against backdoor attacks on text classification. In particular, TextGuard first divides the (backdoored) training data into sub-training sets, achieved by splitting each training sentence into sub-sentences. This partitioning ensures that a majority of the sub-training sets do not contain the backdoor trigger. Subsequently, a base classifier is trained from each sub-training set, and their ensemble provides the final prediction. We theoretically prove that when the length of the backdoor trigger falls within a certain threshold, TextGuard guarantees that its prediction will remain unaffected by the presence of the triggers in training and testing inputs. In our evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of TextGuard on three benchmark text classification tasks, surpassing the certification accuracy of existing certified defenses against backdoor attacks. Furthermore, we propose additional strategies to enhance the empirical performance of TextGuard. Comparisons with state-of-the-art empirical defenses validate the superiority of TextGuard in countering multiple backdoor attacks. Our code and data are available at

Unraveling the "Anomaly" in Time Series Anomaly Detection: A Self-supervised Tri-domain Solution. (arXiv:2311.11235v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuting Sun, Guansong Pang, Guanhua Ye, Tong Chen, Xia Hu, Hongzhi Yin

The ongoing challenges in time series anomaly detection (TSAD), notably the scarcity of anomaly labels and the variability in anomaly lengths and shapes, have led to the need for a more efficient solution. As limited anomaly labels hinder traditional supervised models in TSAD, various SOTA deep learning techniques, such as self-supervised learning, have been introduced to tackle this issue. However, they encounter difficulties handling variations in anomaly lengths and shapes, limiting their adaptability to diverse anomalies. Additionally, many benchmark datasets suffer from the problem of having explicit anomalies that even random functions can detect. This problem is exacerbated by ill-posed evaluation metrics, known as point adjustment (PA), which can result in inflated model performance. In this context, we propose a novel self-supervised learning based Tri-domain Anomaly Detector (TriAD), which addresses these challenges by modeling features across three data domains - temporal, frequency, and residual domains - without relying on anomaly labels. Unlike traditional contrastive learning methods, TriAD employs both inter-domain and intra-domain contrastive loss to learn common attributes among normal data and differentiate them from anomalies. Additionally, our approach can detect anomalies of varying lengths by integrating with a discord discovery algorithm. It is worth noting that this study is the first to reevaluate the deep learning potential in TSAD, utilizing both rigorously designed datasets (i.e., UCR Archive) and evaluation metrics (i.e., PA%K and affiliation). Through experimental results on the UCR dataset, TriAD achieves an impressive three-fold increase in PA%K based F1 scores over SOTA deep learning models, and 50% increase of accuracy as compared to SOTA discord discovery algorithms.

Token-Level Adversarial Prompt Detection Based on Perplexity Measures and Contextual Information. (arXiv:2311.11509v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhengmian Hu, Gang Wu, Saayan Mitra, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Sun, Heng Huang, Viswanathan Swaminathan

In recent years, Large Language Models (LLM) have emerged as pivotal tools in various applications. However, these models are susceptible to adversarial prompt attacks, where attackers can carefully curate input strings that lead to undesirable outputs. The inherent vulnerability of LLMs stems from their input-output mechanisms, especially when presented with intensely out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. This paper proposes a token-level detection method to identify adversarial prompts, leveraging the LLM's capability to predict the next token's probability. We measure the degree of the model's perplexity and incorporate neighboring token information to encourage the detection of contiguous adversarial prompt sequences. As a result, we propose two methods: one that identifies each token as either being part of an adversarial prompt or not, and another that estimates the probability of each token being part of an adversarial prompt.

Deep Calibration of Market Simulations using Neural Density Estimators and Embedding Networks. (arXiv:2311.11913v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Namid R. Stillman, Rory Baggott, Justin Lyon, Jianfei Zhang, Dingqiu Zhu, Tao Chen, Perukrishnen Vytelingum

The ability to construct a realistic simulator of financial exchanges, including reproducing the dynamics of the limit order book, can give insight into many counterfactual scenarios, such as a flash crash, a margin call, or changes in macroeconomic outlook. In recent years, agent-based models have been developed that reproduce many features of an exchange, as summarised by a set of stylised facts and statistics. However, the ability to calibrate simulators to a specific period of trading remains an open challenge. In this work, we develop a novel approach to the calibration of market simulators by leveraging recent advances in deep learning, specifically using neural density estimators and embedding networks. We demonstrate that our approach is able to correctly identify high probability parameter sets, both when applied to synthetic and historical data, and without reliance on manually selected or weighted ensembles of stylised facts.

An efficient likelihood-free Bayesian inference method based on sequential neural posterior estimation. (arXiv:2311.12530v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifei Xiong, Xiliang Yang, Sanguo Zhang, Zhijian He

Sequential neural posterior estimation (SNPE) techniques have been recently proposed for dealing with simulation-based models with intractable likelihoods. Unlike approximate Bayesian computation, SNPE techniques learn the posterior from sequential simulation using neural network-based conditional density estimators by minimizing a specific loss function. The SNPE method proposed by Lueckmann et al. (2017) used a calibration kernel to boost the sample weights around the observed data, resulting in a concentrated loss function. However, the use of calibration kernels may increase the variances of both the empirical loss and its gradient, making the training inefficient. To improve the stability of SNPE, this paper proposes to use an adaptive calibration kernel and several variance reduction techniques. The proposed method greatly speeds up the process of training, and provides a better approximation of the posterior than the original SNPE method and some existing competitors as confirmed by numerical experiments.

BEND: Benchmarking DNA Language Models on biologically meaningful tasks. (arXiv:2311.12570v2 [q-bio.GN] UPDATED)

Authors: Frederikke Isa Marin, Felix Teufel, Marc Horlacher, Dennis Madsen, Dennis Pultz, Ole Winther, Wouter Boomsma

The genome sequence contains the blueprint for governing cellular processes. While the availability of genomes has vastly increased over the last decades, experimental annotation of the various functional, non-coding and regulatory elements encoded in the DNA sequence remains both expensive and challenging. This has sparked interest in unsupervised language modeling of genomic DNA, a paradigm that has seen great success for protein sequence data. Although various DNA language models have been proposed, evaluation tasks often differ between individual works, and might not fully recapitulate the fundamental challenges of genome annotation, including the length, scale and sparsity of the data. In this study, we introduce BEND, a Benchmark for DNA language models, featuring a collection of realistic and biologically meaningful downstream tasks defined on the human genome. We find that embeddings from current DNA LMs can approach performance of expert methods on some tasks, but only capture limited information about long-range features. BEND is available at

A New Type Of Upper And Lower Bounds On Right-Tail Probabilities Of Continuous Random Variables. (arXiv:2311.12612v3 [math.PR] UPDATED)

Authors: Nikola Zlatanov

In this paper, I present a completely new type of upper and lower bounds on the right-tail probabilities of continuous random variables with unbounded support and with semi-bounded support from the left. The presented upper and lower right-tail bounds depend only on the probability density function (PDF), its first derivative, and two parameters that are used for tightening the bounds. These tail bounds hold under certain conditions that depend on the PDF, its first and second derivatives, and the two parameters. The new tail bounds are shown to be tight for a wide range of continuous random variables via numerical examples.

Improved identification accuracy in equation learning via comprehensive $\boldsymbol{R^2}$-elimination and Bayesian model selection. (arXiv:2311.13265v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel Nickelsen, Bubacarr Bah

In the field of equation learning, exhaustively considering all possible equations derived from a basis function dictionary is infeasible. Sparse regression and greedy algorithms have emerged as popular approaches to tackle this challenge. However, the presence of multicollinearity poses difficulties for sparse regression techniques, and greedy steps may inadvertently exclude terms of the true equation, leading to reduced identification accuracy. In this article, we present an approach that strikes a balance between comprehensiveness and efficiency in equation learning. Inspired by stepwise regression, our approach combines the coefficient of determination, $R^2$, and the Bayesian model evidence, $p(\boldsymbol y|\mathcal M)$, in a novel way. Our procedure is characterized by a comprehensive search with just a minor reduction of the model space at each iteration step. With two flavors of our approach and the adoption of $p(\boldsymbol y|\mathcal M)$ for bi-directional stepwise regression, we present a total of three new avenues for equation learning. Through three extensive numerical experiments involving random polynomials and dynamical systems, we compare our approach against four state-of-the-art methods and two standard approaches. The results demonstrate that our comprehensive search approach surpasses all other methods in terms of identification accuracy. In particular, the second flavor of our approach establishes an efficient overfitting penalty solely based on $R^2$, which achieves highest rates of exact equation recovery.

$\sigma$-PCA: a unified neural model for linear and nonlinear principal component analysis. (arXiv:2311.13580v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Fahdi Kanavati, Lucy Katsnith, Masayuki Tsuneki

Linear principal component analysis (PCA), nonlinear PCA, and linear independent component analysis (ICA) -- those are three methods with single-layer autoencoder formulations for learning linear transformations from data. Linear PCA learns orthogonal transformations (rotations) that orient axes to maximise variance, but it suffers from a subspace rotational indeterminacy: it fails to find a unique rotation for axes that share the same variance. Both nonlinear PCA and linear ICA reduce the subspace indeterminacy from rotational to permutational by maximising statistical independence under the assumption of unit variance. The relationship between all three can be understood by the singular value decomposition of the linear ICA transformation into a sequence of rotation, scale, rotation. Linear PCA learns the first rotation; nonlinear PCA learns the second. The scale is simply the inverse of the standard deviations. The problem is that, in contrast to linear PCA, conventional nonlinear PCA cannot be used directly on the data to learn the first rotation, the first being special as it reduces dimensionality and orders by variances. In this paper, we have identified the cause, and as a solution we propose $\sigma$-PCA: a unified neural model for linear and nonlinear PCA as single-layer autoencoders. One of its key ingredients: modelling not just the rotation but also the scale -- the variances. This model bridges the disparity between linear and nonlinear PCA. And so, like linear PCA, it can learn a semi-orthogonal transformation that reduces dimensionality and orders by variances, but, unlike linear PCA, it does not suffer from rotational indeterminacy.

RankFeat&RankWeight: Rank-1 Feature/Weight Removal for Out-of-distribution Detection. (arXiv:2311.13959v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yue Song, Nicu Sebe, Wei Wang

The task of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is crucial for deploying machine learning models in real-world settings. In this paper, we observe that the singular value distributions of the in-distribution (ID) and OOD features are quite different: the OOD feature matrix tends to have a larger dominant singular value than the ID feature, and the class predictions of OOD samples are largely determined by it. This observation motivates us to propose \texttt{RankFeat}, a simple yet effective \emph{post hoc} approach for OOD detection by removing the rank-1 matrix composed of the largest singular value and the associated singular vectors from the high-level feature. \texttt{RankFeat} achieves \emph{state-of-the-art} performance and reduces the average false positive rate (FPR95) by 17.90\% compared with the previous best method. The success of \texttt{RankFeat} motivates us to investigate whether a similar phenomenon would exist in the parameter matrices of neural networks. We thus propose \texttt{RankWeight} which removes the rank-1 weight from the parameter matrices of a single deep layer. Our \texttt{RankWeight}is also \emph{post hoc} and only requires computing the rank-1 matrix once. As a standalone approach, \texttt{RankWeight} has very competitive performance against other methods across various backbones. Moreover, \texttt{RankWeight} enjoys flexible compatibility with a wide range of OOD detection methods. The combination of \texttt{RankWeight} and \texttt{RankFeat} refreshes the new \emph{state-of-the-art} performance, achieving the FPR95 as low as 16.13\% on the ImageNet-1k benchmark. Extensive ablation studies and comprehensive theoretical analyses are presented to support the empirical results.

Machine learning-based decentralized TDMA for VLC IoT networks. (arXiv:2311.14078v2 [cs.NI] UPDATED)

Authors: Armin Makvandi, Yousef Seifi Kavian

In this paper, a machine learning-based decentralized time division multiple access (TDMA) algorithm for visible light communication (VLC) Internet of Things (IoT) networks is proposed. The proposed algorithm is based on Q-learning, a reinforcement learning algorithm. This paper considers a decentralized condition in which there is no coordinator node for sending synchronization frames and assigning transmission time slots to other nodes. The proposed algorithm uses a decentralized manner for synchronization, and each node uses the Q-learning algorithm to find the optimal transmission time slot for sending data without collisions. The proposed algorithm is implemented on a VLC hardware system, which had been designed and implemented in our laboratory. Average reward, convergence time, goodput, average delay, and data packet size are evaluated parameters. The results show that the proposed algorithm converges quickly and provides collision-free decentralized TDMA for the network. The proposed algorithm is compared with carrier-sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) algorithm as a potential selection for decentralized VLC IoT networks. The results show that the proposed algorithm provides up to 61% more goodput and up to 49% less average delay than CSMA/CA.

A Comparison of PDF Projection with Normalizing Flows and SurVAE. (arXiv:2311.14412v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Paul M. Baggenstoss, Felix Govaers

Normalizing flows (NF) recently gained attention as a way to construct generative networks with exact likelihood calculation out of composable layers. However, NF is restricted to dimension-preserving transformations. Surjection VAE (SurVAE) has been proposed to extend NF to dimension-altering transformations. Such networks are desirable because they are expressive and can be precisely trained. We show that the approaches are a re-invention of PDF projection, which appeared over twenty years earlier and is much further developed.

Efficient Gradient Estimation via Adaptive Sampling and Importance Sampling. (arXiv:2311.14468v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Corentin Salaün, Xingchang Huang, Iliyan Georgiev, Niloy J. Mitra, Gurprit Singh

Machine learning problems rely heavily on stochastic gradient descent (SGD) for optimization. The effectiveness of SGD is contingent upon accurately estimating gradients from a mini-batch of data samples. Instead of the commonly used uniform sampling, adaptive or importance sampling reduces noise in gradient estimation by forming mini-batches that prioritize crucial data points. Previous research has suggested that data points should be selected with probabilities proportional to their gradient norm. Nevertheless, existing algorithms have struggled to efficiently integrate importance sampling into machine learning frameworks. In this work, we make two contributions. First, we present an algorithm that can incorporate existing importance functions into our framework. Second, we propose a simplified importance function that relies solely on the loss gradient of the output layer. By leveraging our proposed gradient estimation techniques, we observe improved convergence in classification and regression tasks with minimal computational overhead. We validate the effectiveness of our adaptive and importance-sampling approach on image and point-cloud datasets.