Informative Priors Improve the Reliability of Multimodal Clinical Data Classification. (arXiv:2312.00794v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: L. Julian Lechuga Lopez, Tim G. J. Rudner, Farah E. Shamout

Machine learning-aided clinical decision support has the potential to significantly improve patient care. However, existing efforts in this domain for principled quantification of uncertainty have largely been limited to applications of ad-hoc solutions that do not consistently improve reliability. In this work, we consider stochastic neural networks and design a tailor-made multimodal data-driven (M2D2) prior distribution over network parameters. We use simple and scalable Gaussian mean-field variational inference to train a Bayesian neural network using the M2D2 prior. We train and evaluate the proposed approach using clinical time-series data in MIMIC-IV and corresponding chest X-ray images in MIMIC-CXR for the classification of acute care conditions. Our empirical results show that the proposed method produces a more reliable predictive model compared to deterministic and Bayesian neural network baselines.

Talent-Interview: Web-Client Cheating Detection for Online Exams. (arXiv:2312.00795v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mert Ege, Mustafa Ceyhan

Online exams are more attractive after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, during recruitment, online exams are used. However, there are more cheating possibilities for online exams. Assigning a proctor for each exam increases cost. At this point, automatic proctor systems detect possible cheating status. This article proposes an end-to-end system and submodules to get better results for online proctoring. Object detection, face recognition, human voice detection, and segmentation are used in our system. Furthermore, our proposed model works on the PCs of users, meaning a client-based system. So, server cost is eliminated. As far as we know, it is the first time the client-based online proctoring system has been used for recruitment. Online exams are more attractive after the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, during recruitment, online exams are used. However, there are more cheating possibilities for online exams. Assigning a proctor for each exam increases cost. At this point, automatic proctor systems detect possible cheating status. This article proposes an end-to-end system and submodules to get better results for online proctoring. Object detection, face recognition, human voice detection, and segmentation are used in our system. Furthermore, our proposed model works on the PCs of users, meaning a client-based system. So, server cost is eliminated. As far as we know, it is the first time the client-based online proctoring system has been used for recruitment. Furthermore, this cheating system works at

hvEEGNet: exploiting hierarchical VAEs on EEG data for neuroscience applications. (arXiv:2312.00799v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Giulia Cisotto, Alberto Zancanaro, Italo F. Zoppis, Sara L. Manzoni

With the recent success of artificial intelligence in neuroscience, a number of deep learning (DL) models were proposed for classification, anomaly detection, and pattern recognition tasks in electroencephalography (EEG). EEG is a multi-channel time-series that provides information about the individual brain activity for diagnostics, neuro-rehabilitation, and other applications (including emotions recognition). Two main issues challenge the existing DL-based modeling methods for EEG: the high variability between subjects and the low signal-to-noise ratio making it difficult to ensure a good quality in the EEG data. In this paper, we propose two variational autoencoder models, namely vEEGNet-ver3 and hvEEGNet, to target the problem of high-fidelity EEG reconstruction. We properly designed their architectures using the blocks of the well-known EEGNet as the encoder, and proposed a loss function based on dynamic time warping. We tested the models on the public Dataset 2a - BCI Competition IV, where EEG was collected from 9 subjects and 22 channels. hvEEGNet was found to reconstruct the EEG data with very high-fidelity, outperforming most previous solutions (including our vEEGNet-ver3 ). Furthermore, this was consistent across all subjects. Interestingly, hvEEGNet made it possible to discover that this popular dataset includes a number of corrupted EEG recordings that might have influenced previous literature results. We also investigated the training behaviour of our models and related it with the quality and the size of the input EEG dataset, aiming at opening a new research debate on this relationship. In the future, hvEEGNet could be used as anomaly (e.g., artefact) detector in large EEG datasets to support the domain experts, but also the latent representations it provides could be used in other classification problems and EEG data generation.

Continuous Authentication Using Mouse Clickstream Data Analysis. (arXiv:2312.00802v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Sultan Almalki, Prosenjit Chatterjee, Kaushik Roy

Biometrics is used to authenticate an individual based on physiological or behavioral traits. Mouse dynamics is an example of a behavioral biometric that can be used to perform continuous authentication as protection against security breaches. Recent research on mouse dynamics has shown promising results in identifying users; however, it has not yet reached an acceptable level of accuracy. In this paper, an empirical evaluation of different classification techniques is conducted on a mouse dynamics dataset, the Balabit Mouse Challenge dataset. User identification is carried out using three mouse actions: mouse move, point and click, and drag and drop. Verification and authentication methods are conducted using three machine-learning classifiers: the Decision Tree classifier, the K-Nearest Neighbors classifier, and the Random Forest classifier. The results show that the three classifiers can distinguish between a genuine user and an impostor with a relatively high degree of accuracy. In the verification mode, all the classifiers achieve a perfect accuracy of 100%. In authentication mode, all three classifiers achieved the highest accuracy (ACC) and Area Under Curve (AUC) from scenario B using the point and click action data: (Decision Tree ACC:87.6%, AUC:90.3%), (K-Nearest Neighbors ACC:99.3%, AUC:99.9%), and (Random Forest ACC:89.9%, AUC:92.5%).

InceptionCaps: A Performant Glaucoma Classification Model for Data-scarce Environment. (arXiv:2312.00803v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gyanendar Manohar, Ruairi O'Reilly

Glaucoma is an irreversible ocular disease and is the second leading cause of visual disability worldwide. Slow vision loss and the asymptomatic nature of the disease make its diagnosis challenging. Early detection is crucial for preventing irreversible blindness. Ophthalmologists primarily use retinal fundus images as a non-invasive screening method. Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have demonstrated high accuracy in the classification of medical images. Nevertheless, CNN's translation-invariant nature and inability to handle the part-whole relationship between objects make its direct application unsuitable for glaucomatous fundus image classification, as it requires a large number of labelled images for training. This work reviews existing state of the art models and proposes InceptionCaps, a novel capsule network (CapsNet) based deep learning model having pre-trained InceptionV3 as its convolution base, for automatic glaucoma classification. InceptionCaps achieved an accuracy of 0.956, specificity of 0.96, and AUC of 0.9556, which surpasses several state-of-the-art deep learning model performances on the RIM-ONE v2 dataset. The obtained result demonstrates the robustness of the proposed deep learning model.

Automatic detection of problem-gambling signs from online texts using large language models. (arXiv:2312.00804v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Elke Smith, Nils Reiter, Jan Peters

Problem gambling is a major public health concern and is associated with profound psychological distress and economic problems. There are numerous gambling communities on the internet where users exchange information about games, gambling tactics, as well as gambling-related problems. Individuals exhibiting higher levels of problem gambling engage more in such communities. Online gambling communities may provide insights into problem-gambling behaviour. Using data scraped from a major German gambling discussion board, we fine-tuned a large language model, specifically a Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) model, to predict signs of problem-gambling from forum posts. Training data were generated by manual annotation and by taking into account diagnostic criteria and gambling-related cognitive distortions. Using k-fold cross-validation, our models achieved a precision of 0.95 and F1 score of 0.71, demonstrating that satisfactory classification performance can be achieved by generating high-quality training material through manual annotation based on diagnostic criteria. The current study confirms that a BERT-based model can be reliably used on small data sets and to detect signatures of problem gambling in online communication data. Such computational approaches may have potential for the detection of changes in problem-gambling prevalence among online users.

Transforming organic chemistry research paradigms: moving from manual efforts to the intersection of automation and artificial intelligence. (arXiv:2312.00808v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Chengchun Liu, Yuntian Chen, Fanyang Mo

Organic chemistry is undergoing a major paradigm shift, moving from a labor-intensive approach to a new era dominated by automation and artificial intelligence (AI). This transformative shift is being driven by technological advances, the ever-increasing demand for greater research efficiency and accuracy, and the burgeoning growth of interdisciplinary research. AI models, supported by computational power and algorithms, are drastically reshaping synthetic planning and introducing groundbreaking ways to tackle complex molecular synthesis. In addition, autonomous robotic systems are rapidly accelerating the pace of discovery by performing tedious tasks with unprecedented speed and precision. This article examines the multiple opportunities and challenges presented by this paradigm shift and explores its far-reaching implications. It provides valuable insights into the future trajectory of organic chemistry research, which is increasingly defined by the synergistic interaction of automation and AI.

Seizure detection from Electroencephalogram signals via Wavelets and Graph Theory metrics. (arXiv:2312.00811v1 [q-bio.NC])

Authors: Paul Grant, Md Zahidul Islam

Epilepsy is one of the most prevalent neurological conditions, where an epileptic seizure is a transient occurrence due to abnormal, excessive and synchronous activity in the brain. Electroencephalogram signals emanating from the brain may be captured, analysed and then play a significant role in detection and prediction of epileptic seizures. In this work we enhance upon a previous approach that relied on the differing properties of the wavelet transform. Here we apply the Maximum Overlap Discrete Wavelet Transform to both reduce signal \textit{noise} and use signal variance exhibited at differing inherent frequency levels to develop various metrics of connection between the electrodes placed upon the scalp. %The properties of both the noise reduced signal and the interconnected electrodes differ significantly during the different brain states.

Using short duration epochs, to approximate close to real time monitoring, together with simple statistical parameters derived from the reconstructed noise reduced signals we initiate seizure detection. To further improve performance we utilise graph theoretic indicators from derived electrode connectivity. From there we build the attribute space. We utilise open-source software and publicly available data to highlight the superior Recall/Sensitivity performance of our approach, when compared to existing published methods.

Empowering Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models: A Safety Perspective. (arXiv:2312.00812v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Yixuan Wang, Ruochen Jiao, Chengtian Lang, Sinong Simon Zhan, Chao Huang, Zhaoran Wang, Zhuoran Yang, Qi Zhu

Autonomous Driving (AD) faces crucial hurdles for commercial launch, notably in the form of diminished public trust and safety concerns from long-tail unforeseen driving scenarios. This predicament is due to the limitation of deep neural networks in AD software, which struggle with interpretability and exhibit poor generalization capabilities in out-of-distribution and uncertain scenarios. To this end, this paper advocates for the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into the AD system, leveraging their robust common-sense knowledge, reasoning abilities, and human-interaction capabilities. The proposed approach deploys the LLM as an intelligent decision-maker in planning, incorporating safety verifiers for contextual safety learning to enhance overall AD performance and safety. We present results from two case studies that affirm the efficacy of our approach. We further discuss the potential integration of LLM for other AD software components including perception, prediction, and simulation. Despite the observed challenges in the case studies, the integration of LLMs is promising and beneficial for reinforcing both safety and performance in AD.

TimelyGPT: Recurrent Convolutional Transformer for Long Time-series Representation. (arXiv:2312.00817v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ziyang Song, Qincheng Lu, Hao Xu, Yue Li

Pre-trained models (PTMs) have gained prominence in Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision domains. When it comes to time-series PTMs, their development has been limited. Previous research on time-series transformers has mainly been devoted to small-scale tasks, yet these models have not consistently outperformed traditional models. Additionally, the performance of these transformers on large-scale data remains unexplored. These findings raise doubts about Transformer's capabilities to scale up and capture temporal dependencies. In this study, we re-examine time-series transformers and identify the shortcomings of prior studies. Drawing from these insights, we then introduce a pioneering architecture called Timely Generative Pre-trained Transformer (\model). This architecture integrates recurrent attention and temporal convolution modules to effectively capture global-local temporal dependencies in long sequences. The relative position embedding with time decay can effectively deal with trend and periodic patterns from time-series. Our experiments show that \model~excels in modeling continuously monitored biosignal as well as irregularly-sampled time-series data commonly observed in longitudinal electronic health records. This breakthrough suggests a priority shift in time-series deep learning research, moving from small-scale modeling from scratch to large-scale pre-training.

The perpetual motion machine of AI-generated data and the distraction of ChatGPT-as-scientist. (arXiv:2312.00818v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jennifer Listgarten

Since ChatGPT works so well, are we on the cusp of solving science with AI? Is not AlphaFold2 suggestive that the potential of LLMs in biology and the sciences more broadly is limitless? Can we use AI itself to bridge the lack of data in the sciences in order to then train an AI? Herein we present a discussion of these topics.

Large Language Models for Travel Behavior Prediction. (arXiv:2312.00819v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Baichuan Mo, Hanyong Xu, Dingyi Zhuang, Ruoyun Ma, Xiaotong Guo, Jinhua Zhao

Travel behavior prediction is a fundamental task in transportation demand management. The conventional methods for travel behavior prediction rely on numerical data to construct mathematical models and calibrate model parameters to represent human preferences. Recent advancement in large language models (LLMs) has shown great reasoning abilities to solve complex problems. In this study, we propose to use LLMs to predict travel behavior with prompt engineering without data-based parameter learning. Specifically, we carefully design our prompts that include 1) task description, 2) travel characteristics, 3) individual attributes, and 4) guides of thinking with domain knowledge, and ask the LLMs to predict an individual's travel behavior and explain the results. We select the travel mode choice task as a case study. Results show that, though no training samples are provided, LLM-based predictions have competitive accuracy and F1-score as canonical supervised learning methods such as multinomial logit, random forest, and neural networks. LLMs can also output reasons that support their prediction. However, though in most of the cases, the output explanations are reasonable, we still observe cases that violate logic or with hallucinations.

Non-Cross Diffusion for Semantic Consistency. (arXiv:2312.00820v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ziyang Zheng, Ruiyuan Gao, Qiang Xu

In diffusion models, deviations from a straight generative flow are a common issue, resulting in semantic inconsistencies and suboptimal generations. To address this challenge, we introduce `Non-Cross Diffusion', an innovative approach in generative modeling for learning ordinary differential equation (ODE) models. Our methodology strategically incorporates an ascending dimension of input to effectively connect points sampled from two distributions with uncrossed paths. This design is pivotal in ensuring enhanced semantic consistency throughout the inference process, which is especially critical for applications reliant on consistent generative flows, including various distillation methods and deterministic sampling, which are fundamental in image editing and interpolation tasks. Our empirical results demonstrate the effectiveness of Non-Cross Diffusion, showing a substantial reduction in semantic inconsistencies at different inference steps and a notable enhancement in the overall performance of diffusion models.

Adaptive Multi-Modality Prompt Learning. (arXiv:2312.00823v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zongqian Wu, Yujing Liu, Mengmeng Zhan, Jialie Shen, Ping Hu, Xiaofeng Zhu

Although current prompt learning methods have successfully been designed to effectively reuse the large pre-trained models without fine-tuning their large number of parameters, they still have limitations to be addressed, i.e., without considering the adverse impact of meaningless patches in every image and without simultaneously considering in-sample generalization and out-of-sample generalization. In this paper, we propose an adaptive multi-modality prompt learning to address the above issues. To do this, we employ previous text prompt learning and propose a new image prompt learning. The image prompt learning achieves in-sample and out-of-sample generalization, by first masking meaningless patches and then padding them with the learnable parameters and the information from texts. Moreover, each of the prompts provides auxiliary information to each other, further strengthening these two kinds of generalization. Experimental results on real datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms SOTA methods, in terms of different downstream tasks.

Variational Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning Using Beta Divergence. (arXiv:2312.00824v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mehmet Can Yavuz, Berrin Yanikoglu

Learning a discriminative semantic space using unlabelled and noisy data remains unaddressed in a multi-label setting. We present a contrastive self-supervised learning method which is robust to data noise, grounded in the domain of variational methods. The method (VCL) utilizes variational contrastive learning with beta-divergence to learn robustly from unlabelled datasets, including uncurated and noisy datasets. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method through rigorous experiments including linear evaluation and fine-tuning scenarios with multi-label datasets in the face understanding domain. In almost all tested scenarios, VCL surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art self-supervised methods, achieving a noteworthy increase in accuracy.

PipeOptim: Ensuring Effective 1F1B Schedule with Optimizer-Dependent Weight Prediction. (arXiv:2312.00839v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lei Guan, Dongsheng Li, Jiye Liang, Wenjian Wang, Xicheng Lu

Asynchronous pipeline model parallelism with a "1F1B" (one forward, one backward) schedule generates little bubble overhead and always provides quite a high throughput. However, the "1F1B" schedule inevitably leads to weight inconsistency and weight staleness issues due to the cross-training of different mini-batches across GPUs. To simultaneously address these two problems, in this paper, we propose an optimizer-dependent weight prediction strategy (a.k.a PipeOptim) for asynchronous pipeline training. The key insight of our proposal is that we employ a weight prediction strategy in the forward pass to ensure that each mini-batch uses consistent and staleness-free weights to compute the forward pass. To be concrete, we first construct the weight prediction scheme based on the update rule of the used optimizer when training the deep neural network models. Then throughout the "1F1B" pipelined training, each mini-batch is mandated to execute weight prediction ahead of the forward pass, subsequently employing the predicted weights to perform the forward pass. As a result, PipeOptim 1) inherits the advantage of the "1F1B" schedule and generates pretty high throughput, and 2) can ensure effective parameter learning regardless of the type of the used optimizer. To verify the effectiveness of our proposal, we conducted extensive experimental evaluations using eight different deep-learning models spanning three machine-learning tasks including image classification, sentiment analysis, and machine translation. The experiment results demonstrate that PipeOptim outperforms the popular pipelined approaches including GPipe, PipeDream, PipeDream-2BW, and SpecTrain. The code of PipeOptim will be accessible at

Towards Redundancy-Free Sub-networks in Continual Learning. (arXiv:2312.00840v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Cheng Chen, Jingkuan Song, LianLi Gao, Heng Tao Shen

Catastrophic Forgetting (CF) is a prominent issue in continual learning. Parameter isolation addresses this challenge by masking a sub-network for each task to mitigate interference with old tasks. However, these sub-networks are constructed relying on weight magnitude, which does not necessarily correspond to the importance of weights, resulting in maintaining unimportant weights and constructing redundant sub-networks. To overcome this limitation, inspired by information bottleneck, which removes redundancy between adjacent network layers, we propose \textbf{\underline{I}nformation \underline{B}ottleneck \underline{M}asked sub-network (IBM)} to eliminate redundancy within sub-networks. Specifically, IBM accumulates valuable information into essential weights to construct redundancy-free sub-networks, not only effectively mitigating CF by freezing the sub-networks but also facilitating new tasks training through the transfer of valuable knowledge. Additionally, IBM decomposes hidden representations to automate the construction process and make it flexible. Extensive experiments demonstrate that IBM consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Notably, IBM surpasses the state-of-the-art parameter isolation method with a 70\% reduction in the number of parameters within sub-networks and an 80\% decrease in training time.

ESM-NBR: fast and accurate nucleic acid-binding residue prediction via protein language model feature representation and multi-task learning. (arXiv:2312.00842v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Wenwu Zeng, Dafeng Lv, Wenjuan Liu, Shaoliang Peng

Protein-nucleic acid interactions play a very important role in a variety of biological activities. Accurate identification of nucleic acid-binding residues is a critical step in understanding the interaction mechanisms. Although many computationally based methods have been developed to predict nucleic acid-binding residues, challenges remain. In this study, a fast and accurate sequence-based method, called ESM-NBR, is proposed. In ESM-NBR, we first use the large protein language model ESM2 to extract discriminative biological properties feature representation from protein primary sequences; then, a multi-task deep learning model composed of stacked bidirectional long short-term memory (BiLSTM) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP) networks is employed to explore common and private information of DNA- and RNA-binding residues with ESM2 feature as input. Experimental results on benchmark data sets demonstrate that the prediction performance of ESM2 feature representation comprehensively outperforms evolutionary information-based hidden Markov model (HMM) features. Meanwhile, the ESM-NBR obtains the MCC values for DNA-binding residues prediction of 0.427 and 0.391 on two independent test sets, which are 18.61 and 10.45% higher than those of the second-best methods, respectively. Moreover, by completely discarding the time-cost multiple sequence alignment process, the prediction speed of ESM-NBR far exceeds that of existing methods (5.52s for a protein sequence of length 500, which is about 16 times faster than the second-fastest method). A user-friendly standalone package and the data of ESM-NBR are freely available for academic use at:

Exploring the Robustness of Decentralized Training for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.00843v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lin Lu, Chenxi Dai, Wangcheng Tao, Binhang Yuan, Yanan Sun, Pan Zhou

Decentralized training of large language models has emerged as an effective way to democratize this technology. However, the potential threats associated with this approach have not been carefully discussed, which would hinder the development of decentralized training infrastructures. This paper aims to initiate discussion towards this end by exploring the robustness of decentralized training from three main perspectives. First, we demonstrate the vulnerabilities inherent in decentralized training frameworks in terms of hardware, data, and models. Second, we highlight the fundamental difference between decentralized foundation model training and vanilla federated learning, where the security techniques employed in federated learning cannot be applied directly. Third, we discuss the essential components required for a robust and efficient decentralized training framework and present a case study by modeling a concrete threat model. Our objective in this vision paper is to emphasize the importance of addressing security concerns in the context of decentralized training for large language models.

VMC: Video Motion Customization using Temporal Attention Adaption for Text-to-Video Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2312.00845v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hyeonho Jeong, Geon Yeong Park, Jong Chul Ye

Text-to-video diffusion models have advanced video generation significantly. However, customizing these models to generate videos with tailored motions presents a substantial challenge. In specific, they encounter hurdles in (a) accurately reproducing motion from a target video, and (b) creating diverse visual variations. For example, straightforward extensions of static image customization methods to video often lead to intricate entanglements of appearance and motion data. To tackle this, here we present the Video Motion Customization (VMC) framework, a novel one-shot tuning approach crafted to adapt temporal attention layers within video diffusion models. Our approach introduces a novel motion distillation objective using residual vectors between consecutive frames as a motion reference. The diffusion process then preserves low-frequency motion trajectories while mitigating high-frequency motion-unrelated noise in image space. We validate our method against state-of-the-art video generative models across diverse real-world motions and contexts. Our codes, data and the project demo can be found at

Physics Inspired Criterion for Pruning-Quantization Joint Learning. (arXiv:2312.00851v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Weiying Xie, Xiaoyi Fan, Xin Zhang, Yunsong Li, Jie Lei, Leyuan Fang

Pruning-quantization joint learning always facilitates the deployment of deep neural networks (DNNs) on resource-constrained edge devices. However, most existing methods do not jointly learn a global criterion for pruning and quantization in an interpretable way. In this paper, we propose a novel physics inspired criterion for pruning-quantization joint learning (PIC-PQ), which is explored from an analogy we first draw between elasticity dynamics (ED) and model compression (MC). Specifically, derived from Hooke's law in ED, we establish a linear relationship between the filters' importance distribution and the filter property (FP) by a learnable deformation scale in the physics inspired criterion (PIC). Furthermore, we extend PIC with a relative shift variable for a global view. To ensure feasibility and flexibility, available maximum bitwidth and penalty factor are introduced in quantization bitwidth assignment. Experiments on benchmarks of image classification demonstrate that PIC-PQ yields a good trade-off between accuracy and bit-operations (BOPs) compression ratio e.g., 54.96X BOPs compression ratio in ResNet56 on CIFAR10 with 0.10% accuracy drop and 53.24X in ResNet18 on ImageNet with 0.61% accuracy drop). The code will be available at

Beyond First-Order Tweedie: Solving Inverse Problems using Latent Diffusion. (arXiv:2312.00852v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Litu Rout, Yujia Chen, Abhishek Kumar, Constantine Caramanis, Sanjay Shakkottai, Wen-Sheng Chu

Sampling from the posterior distribution poses a major computational challenge in solving inverse problems using latent diffusion models. Common methods rely on Tweedie's first-order moments, which are known to induce a quality-limiting bias. Existing second-order approximations are impractical due to prohibitive computational costs, making standard reverse diffusion processes intractable for posterior sampling. This paper introduces Second-order Tweedie sampler from Surrogate Loss (STSL), a novel sampler that offers efficiency comparable to first-order Tweedie with a tractable reverse process using second-order approximation. Our theoretical results reveal that the second-order approximation is lower bounded by our surrogate loss that only requires $O(1)$ compute using the trace of the Hessian, and by the lower bound we derive a new drift term to make the reverse process tractable. Our method surpasses SoTA solvers PSLD and P2L, achieving 4X and 8X reduction in neural function evaluations, respectively, while notably enhancing sampling quality on FFHQ, ImageNet, and COCO benchmarks. In addition, we show STSL extends to text-guided image editing and addresses residual distortions present from corrupted images in leading text-guided image editing methods. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to offer an efficient second-order approximation in solving inverse problems using latent diffusion and editing real-world images with corruptions.

A Probabilistic Neural Twin for Treatment Planning in Peripheral Pulmonary Artery Stenosis. (arXiv:2312.00854v1 [])

Authors: John D. Lee, Jakob Richter, Martin R. Pfaller, Jason M. Szafron, Karthik Menon, Andrea Zanoni, Michael R. Ma, Jeffrey A. Feinstein, Jacqueline Kreutzer, Alison L. Marsden, Daniele E. Schiavazzi

The substantial computational cost of high-fidelity models in numerical hemodynamics has, so far, relegated their use mainly to offline treatment planning. New breakthroughs in data-driven architectures and optimization techniques for fast surrogate modeling provide an exciting opportunity to overcome these limitations, enabling the use of such technology for time-critical decisions. We discuss an application to the repair of multiple stenosis in peripheral pulmonary artery disease through either transcatheter pulmonary artery rehabilitation or surgery, where it is of interest to achieve desired pressures and flows at specific locations in the pulmonary artery tree, while minimizing the risk for the patient. Since different degrees of success can be achieved in practice during treatment, we formulate the problem in probability, and solve it through a sample-based approach. We propose a new offline-online pipeline for probabilsitic real-time treatment planning which combines offline assimilation of boundary conditions, model reduction, and training dataset generation with online estimation of marginal probabilities, possibly conditioned on the degree of augmentation observed in already repaired lesions. Moreover, we propose a new approach for the parametrization of arbitrarily shaped vascular repairs through iterative corrections of a zero-dimensional approximant. We demonstrate this pipeline for a diseased model of the pulmonary artery tree available through the Vascular Model Repository.

Refine, Discriminate and Align: Stealing Encoders via Sample-Wise Prototypes and Multi-Relational Extraction. (arXiv:2312.00855v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shuchi Wu, Chuan Ma, Kang Wei, Xiaogang Xu, Ming Ding, Yuwen Qian, Tao Xiang

This paper introduces RDA, a pioneering approach designed to address two primary deficiencies prevalent in previous endeavors aiming at stealing pre-trained encoders: (1) suboptimal performances attributed to biased optimization objectives, and (2) elevated query costs stemming from the end-to-end paradigm that necessitates querying the target encoder every epoch. Specifically, we initially Refine the representations of the target encoder for each training sample, thereby establishing a less biased optimization objective before the steal-training phase. This is accomplished via a sample-wise prototype, which consolidates the target encoder's representations for a given sample's various perspectives. Demanding exponentially fewer queries compared to the end-to-end approach, prototypes can be instantiated to guide subsequent query-free training. For more potent efficacy, we develop a multi-relational extraction loss that trains the surrogate encoder to Discriminate mismatched embedding-prototype pairs while Aligning those matched ones in terms of both amplitude and angle. In this way, the trained surrogate encoder achieves state-of-the-art results across the board in various downstream datasets with limited queries. Moreover, RDA is shown to be robust to multiple widely-used defenses.

Latent Space Explorer: Visual Analytics for Multimodal Latent Space Exploration. (arXiv:2312.00857v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Bum Chul Kwon, Samuel Friedman, Kai Xu, Steven A Lubitz, Anthony Philippakis, Puneet Batra, Patrick T Ellinor, Kenney Ng

Machine learning models built on training data with multiple modalities can reveal new insights that are not accessible through unimodal datasets. For example, cardiac magnetic resonance images (MRIs) and electrocardiograms (ECGs) are both known to capture useful information about subjects' cardiovascular health status. A multimodal machine learning model trained from large datasets can potentially predict the onset of heart-related diseases and provide novel medical insights about the cardiovascular system. Despite the potential benefits, it is difficult for medical experts to explore multimodal representation models without visual aids and to test the predictive performance of the models on various subpopulations. To address the challenges, we developed a visual analytics system called Latent Space Explorer. Latent Space Explorer provides interactive visualizations that enable users to explore the multimodal representation of subjects, define subgroups of interest, interactively decode data with different modalities with the selected subjects, and inspect the accuracy of the embedding in downstream prediction tasks. A user study was conducted with medical experts and their feedback provided useful insights into how Latent Space Explorer can help their analysis and possible new direction for further development in the medical domain.

3DiFACE: Diffusion-based Speech-driven 3D Facial Animation and Editing. (arXiv:2312.00870v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Balamurugan Thambiraja, Sadegh Aliakbarian, Darren Cosker, Justus Thies

We present 3DiFACE, a novel method for personalized speech-driven 3D facial animation and editing. While existing methods deterministically predict facial animations from speech, they overlook the inherent one-to-many relationship between speech and facial expressions, i.e., there are multiple reasonable facial expression animations matching an audio input. It is especially important in content creation to be able to modify generated motion or to specify keyframes. To enable stochasticity as well as motion editing, we propose a lightweight audio-conditioned diffusion model for 3D facial motion. This diffusion model can be trained on a small 3D motion dataset, maintaining expressive lip motion output. In addition, it can be finetuned for specific subjects, requiring only a short video of the person. Through quantitative and qualitative evaluations, we show that our method outperforms existing state-of-the-art techniques and yields speech-driven animations with greater fidelity and diversity.

Nash Learning from Human Feedback. (arXiv:2312.00886v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Rémi Munos, Michal Valko, Daniele Calandriello, Mohammad Gheshlaghi Azar, Mark Rowland, Daniel Guo, Yunhao Tang, Matthieu Geist, Thomas Mésnard, Andrea Michi, Marco Selvi, Sertan Girgin, Nikola Momchev, Olivier Bachem, Daniel J. Mankowitz, Doina Precup, Bilal Piot

Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) has emerged as the main paradigm for aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Typically, RLHF involves the initial step of learning a reward model from human feedback, often expressed as preferences between pairs of text generations produced by a pre-trained LLM. Subsequently, the LLM's policy is fine-tuned by optimizing it to maximize the reward model through a reinforcement learning algorithm. However, an inherent limitation of current reward models is their inability to fully represent the richness of human preferences and their dependency on the sampling distribution.

In this study, we introduce an alternative pipeline for the fine-tuning of LLMs using pairwise human feedback. Our approach entails the initial learning of a preference model, which is conditioned on two inputs given a prompt, followed by the pursuit of a policy that consistently generates responses preferred over those generated by any competing policy, thus defining the Nash equilibrium of this preference model. We term this approach Nash learning from human feedback (NLHF).

In the context of a tabular policy representation, we present a novel algorithmic solution, Nash-MD, founded on the principles of mirror descent. This algorithm produces a sequence of policies, with the last iteration converging to the regularized Nash equilibrium. Additionally, we explore parametric representations of policies and introduce gradient descent algorithms for deep-learning architectures. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we present experimental results involving the fine-tuning of a LLM for a text summarization task. We believe NLHF offers a compelling avenue for preference learning and policy optimization with the potential of advancing the field of aligning LLMs with human preferences.

Extreme Event Prediction with Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning-based Parametrization of Atmospheric and Oceanic Turbulence. (arXiv:2312.00907v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Rambod Mojgani, Daniel Waelchli, Yifei Guan, Petros Koumoutsakos, Pedram Hassanzadeh

Global climate models (GCMs) are the main tools for understanding and predicting climate change. However, due to limited numerical resolutions, these models suffer from major structural uncertainties; e.g., they cannot resolve critical processes such as small-scale eddies in atmospheric and oceanic turbulence. Thus, such small-scale processes have to be represented as a function of the resolved scales via closures (parametrization). The accuracy of these closures is particularly important for capturing climate extremes. Traditionally, such closures are based on heuristics and simplifying assumptions about the unresolved physics. Recently, supervised-learned closures, trained offline on high-fidelity data, have been shown to outperform the classical physics-based closures. However, this approach requires a significant amount of high-fidelity training data and can also lead to instabilities. Reinforcement learning is emerging as a potent alternative for developing such closures as it requires only low-order statistics and leads to stable closures. In Scientific Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (SMARL) computational elements serve a dual role of discretization points and learning agents. We leverage SMARL and fundamentals of turbulence physics to learn closures for prototypes of atmospheric and oceanic turbulence. The policy is trained using only the enstrophy spectrum, which is nearly invariant and can be estimated from a few high-fidelity samples (these few samples are far from enough for supervised/offline learning). We show that these closures lead to stable low-resolution simulations that, at a fraction of the cost, can reproduce the high-fidelity simulations' statistics, including the tails of the probability density functions. The results demonstrate the high potential of SMARL for closure modeling for GCMs, especially in the regime of scarce data and indirect observations.

Effectiveness of probabilistic contact tracing in epidemic containment: the role of super-spreaders and transmission paths reconstruction. (arXiv:2312.00910v1 [q-bio.PE])

Authors: A.P. Muntoni, F. Mazza, A. Braunstein, G. Catania, L. Dall'Asta

The recent COVID-19 pandemic underscores the significance of early-stage non-pharmacological intervention strategies. The widespread use of masks and the systematic implementation of contact tracing strategies provide a potentially equally effective and socially less impactful alternative to more conventional approaches, such as large-scale mobility restrictions. However, manual contact tracing faces strong limitations in accessing the network of contacts, and the scalability of currently implemented protocols for smartphone-based digital contact tracing becomes impractical during the rapid expansion phases of the outbreaks, due to the surge in exposure notifications and associated tests. A substantial improvement in digital contact tracing can be obtained through the integration of probabilistic techniques for risk assessment that can more effectively guide the allocation of new diagnostic tests. In this study, we first quantitatively analyze the diagnostic and social costs associated with these containment measures based on contact tracing, employing three state-of-the-art models of SARS-CoV-2 spreading. Our results suggest that probabilistic techniques allow for more effective mitigation at a lower cost. Secondly, our findings reveal a remarkable efficacy of probabilistic contact-tracing techniques in capturing backward propagations and super-spreading events, relevant features of the diffusion of many pathogens, including SARS-CoV-2.

Quick Back-Translation for Unsupervised Machine Translation. (arXiv:2312.00912v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Benjamin Brimacombe, Jiawei Zhou

The field of unsupervised machine translation has seen significant advancement from the marriage of the Transformer and the back-translation algorithm. The Transformer is a powerful generative model, and back-translation leverages Transformer's high-quality translations for iterative self-improvement. However, the Transformer is encumbered by the run-time of autoregressive inference during back-translation, and back-translation is limited by a lack of synthetic data efficiency. We propose a two-for-one improvement to Transformer back-translation: Quick Back-Translation (QBT). QBT re-purposes the encoder as a generative model, and uses encoder-generated sequences to train the decoder in conjunction with the original autoregressive back-translation step, improving data throughput and utilization. Experiments on various WMT benchmarks demonstrate that a relatively small number of refining steps of QBT improve current unsupervised machine translation models, and that QBT dramatically outperforms standard back-translation only method in terms of training efficiency for comparable translation qualities.

PACE: A Program Analysis Framework for Continuous Performance Prediction. (arXiv:2312.00918v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Chidera Biringa, Gokhan Kul

Software development teams establish elaborate continuous integration pipelines containing automated test cases to accelerate the development process of software. Automated tests help to verify the correctness of code modifications decreasing the response time to changing requirements. However, when the software teams do not track the performance impact of pending modifications, they may need to spend considerable time refactoring existing code. This paper presents PACE, a program analysis framework that provides continuous feedback on the performance impact of pending code updates. We design performance microbenchmarks by mapping the execution time of functional test cases given a code update. We map microbenchmarks to code stylometry features and feed them to predictors for performance predictions. Our experiments achieved significant performance in predicting code performance, outperforming current state-of-the-art by 75% on neural-represented code stylometry features.

Label Delay in Continual Learning. (arXiv:2312.00923v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Botos Csaba, Wenxuan Zhang, Matthias Müller, Ser-Nam Lim, Mohamed Elhoseiny, Philip Torr, Adel Bibi

Online continual learning, the process of training models on streaming data, has gained increasing attention in recent years. However, a critical aspect often overlooked is the label delay, where new data may not be labeled due to slow and costly annotation processes. We introduce a new continual learning framework with explicit modeling of the label delay between data and label streams over time steps. In each step, the framework reveals both unlabeled data from the current time step $t$ and labels delayed with $d$ steps, from the time step $t-d$. In our extensive experiments amounting to 1060 GPU days, we show that merely augmenting the computational resources is insufficient to tackle this challenge. Our findings underline a notable performance decline when solely relying on labeled data when the label delay becomes significant. More surprisingly, when using state-of-the-art SSL and TTA techniques to utilize the newer, unlabeled data, they fail to surpass the performance of a na\"ive method that simply trains on the delayed supervised stream. To this end, we introduce a simple, efficient baseline that rehearses from the labeled memory samples that are most similar to the new unlabeled samples. This method bridges the accuracy gap caused by label delay without significantly increasing computational complexity. We show experimentally that our method is the least affected by the label delay factor and in some cases successfully recovers the accuracy of the non-delayed counterpart. We conduct various ablations and sensitivity experiments, demonstrating the effectiveness of our approach.

A Theory of Unimodal Bias in Multimodal Learning. (arXiv:2312.00935v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yedi Zhang, Peter E. Latham, Andrew Saxe

Using multiple input streams simultaneously in training multimodal neural networks is intuitively advantageous, but practically challenging. A key challenge is unimodal bias, where a network overly relies on one modality and ignores others during joint training. While unimodal bias is well-documented empirically, our theoretical understanding of how architecture and data statistics influence this bias remains incomplete. Here we develop a theory of unimodal bias with deep multimodal linear networks. We calculate the duration of the unimodal phase in learning as a function of the depth at which modalities are fused within the network, dataset statistics, and initialization. We find that the deeper the layer at which fusion occurs, the longer the unimodal phase. A long unimodal phase can lead to a generalization deficit and permanent unimodal bias in the overparametrized regime. In addition, our theory reveals the modality learned first is not necessarily the modality that contributes more to the output. Our results, derived for multimodal linear networks, extend to ReLU networks in certain settings. Taken together, this work illuminates pathologies of multimodal learning under joint training, showing that late and intermediate fusion architectures can give rise to long unimodal phases and permanent unimodal bias.

The Cost of Compression: Investigating the Impact of Compression on Parametric Knowledge in Language Models. (arXiv:2312.00960v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Satya Sai Srinath Namburi, Makesh Sreedhar, Srinath Srinivasan, Frederic Sala

Compressing large language models (LLMs), often consisting of billions of parameters, provides faster inference, smaller memory footprints, and enables local deployment. Two standard compression techniques are pruning and quantization, with the former eliminating redundant connections in model layers and the latter representing model parameters with fewer bits. The key tradeoff is between the degree of compression and the impact on the quality of the compressed model. Existing research on LLM compression primarily focuses on performance in terms of general metrics like perplexity or downstream task accuracy. More fine-grained metrics, such as those measuring parametric knowledge, remain significantly underexplored. To help bridge this gap, we present a comprehensive analysis across multiple model families (ENCODER, ENCODER-DECODER, and DECODER) using the LAMA and LM-HARNESS benchmarks in order to systematically quantify the effect of commonly employed compression techniques on model performance. A particular focus is on tradeoffs involving parametric knowledge, with the goal of providing practitioners with practical insights to help make informed decisions on compression. We release our codebase1 to enable further research.

Spatiotemporal Transformer for Imputing Sparse Data: A Deep Learning Approach. (arXiv:2312.00963v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kehui Yao, Jingyi Huang, Jun Zhu

Effective management of environmental resources and agricultural sustainability heavily depends on accurate soil moisture data. However, datasets like the SMAP/Sentinel-1 soil moisture product often contain missing values across their spatiotemporal grid, which poses a significant challenge. This paper introduces a novel Spatiotemporal Transformer model (ST-Transformer) specifically designed to address the issue of missing values in sparse spatiotemporal datasets, particularly focusing on soil moisture data. The ST-Transformer employs multiple spatiotemporal attention layers to capture the complex spatiotemporal correlations in the data and can integrate additional spatiotemporal covariates during the imputation process, thereby enhancing its accuracy. The model is trained using a self-supervised approach, enabling it to autonomously predict missing values from observed data points. Our model's efficacy is demonstrated through its application to the SMAP 1km soil moisture data over a 36 x 36 km grid in Texas. It showcases superior accuracy compared to well-known imputation methods. Additionally, our simulation studies on other datasets highlight the model's broader applicability in various spatiotemporal imputation tasks.

Spectral Temporal Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.00966v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sacha Morin, Somjit Nath, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, Guy Wolf

Learning useful data representations without requiring labels is a cornerstone of modern deep learning. Self-supervised learning methods, particularly contrastive learning (CL), have proven successful by leveraging data augmentations to define positive pairs. This success has prompted a number of theoretical studies to better understand CL and investigate theoretical bounds for downstream linear probing tasks. This work is concerned with the temporal contrastive learning (TCL) setting where the sequential structure of the data is used instead to define positive pairs, which is more commonly used in RL and robotics contexts. In this paper, we adapt recent work on Spectral CL to formulate Spectral Temporal Contrastive Learning (STCL). We discuss a population loss based on a state graph derived from a time-homogeneous reversible Markov chain with uniform stationary distribution. The STCL loss enables to connect the linear probing performance to the spectral properties of the graph, and can be estimated by considering previously observed data sequences as an ensemble of MCMC chains.

Noisy probing dose facilitated dose prediction for pencil beam scanning proton therapy: physics enhances generalizability. (arXiv:2312.00975v1 [])

Authors: Lian Zhang, Jason M. Holmes, Zhengliang Liu, Hongying Feng, Terence T. Sio, Carlos E. Vargas, Sameer R. Keole, Kristin Stützer, Sheng Li, Tianming Liu, Jiajian Shen, William W. Wong, Sujay A. Vora, Wei Liu

Purpose: Prior AI-based dose prediction studies in photon and proton therapy often neglect underlying physics, limiting their generalizability to handle outlier clinical cases, especially for pencil beam scanning proton therapy (PBSPT). Our aim is to design a physics-aware and generalizable AI-based PBSPT dose prediction method that has the underlying physics considered to achieve high generalizability to properly handle the outlier clinical cases. Methods and Materials: This study analyzed PBSPT plans of 103 prostate and 78 lung cancer patients from our institution,with each case comprising CT images, structure sets, and plan doses from our Monte-Carlo dose engine (serving as the ground truth). Three methods were evaluated in the ablation study: the ROI-based method, the beam mask and sliding window method, and the noisy probing dose method. Twelve cases with uncommon beam angles or prescription doses tested the methods' generalizability to rare treatment planning scenarios. Performance evaluation used DVH indices, 3D Gamma passing rates (3%/2mm/10%), and dice coefficients for dose agreement. Results: The noisy probing dose method showed improved agreement of DVH indices, 3D Gamma passing rates, and dice coefficients compared to the conventional methods for the testing cases. The noisy probing dose method showed better generalizability in the 6 outlier cases than the ROI-based and beam mask-based methods with 3D Gamma passing rates (for prostate cancer, targets: 89.32%$\pm$1.45% vs. 93.48%$\pm$1.51% vs. 96.79%$\pm$0.83%, OARs: 85.87%$\pm$1.73% vs. 91.15%$\pm$1.13% vs. 94.29%$\pm$1.01%). The dose predictions were completed within 0.3 seconds. Conclusions: We've devised a novel noisy probing dose method for PBSPT dose prediction in prostate and lung cancer patients. With more physics included, it enhances the generalizability of dose prediction in handling outlier clinical cases.

Convergences for Minimax Optimization Problems over Infinite-Dimensional Spaces Towards Stability in Adversarial Training. (arXiv:2312.00991v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Takashi Furuya, Satoshi Okuda, Kazuma Suetake, Yoshihide Sawada

Training neural networks that require adversarial optimization, such as generative adversarial networks (GANs) and unsupervised domain adaptations (UDAs), suffers from instability. This instability problem comes from the difficulty of the minimax optimization, and there have been various approaches in GANs and UDAs to overcome this problem. In this study, we tackle this problem theoretically through a functional analysis. Specifically, we show the convergence property of the minimax problem by the gradient descent over the infinite-dimensional spaces of continuous functions and probability measures under certain conditions. Using this setting, we can discuss GANs and UDAs comprehensively, which have been studied independently. In addition, we show that the conditions necessary for the convergence property are interpreted as stabilization techniques of adversarial training such as the spectral normalization and the gradient penalty.

Improving Normative Modeling for Multi-modal Neuroimaging Data using mixture-of-product-of-experts variational autoencoders. (arXiv:2312.00992v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sayantan Kumar, Philip Payne, Aristeidis Sotiras

Normative models in neuroimaging learn the brain patterns of healthy population distribution and estimate how disease subjects like Alzheimer's Disease (AD) deviate from the norm. Existing variational autoencoder (VAE)-based normative models using multimodal neuroimaging data aggregate information from multiple modalities by estimating product or averaging of unimodal latent posteriors. This can often lead to uninformative joint latent distributions which affects the estimation of subject-level deviations. In this work, we addressed the prior limitations by adopting the Mixture-of-Product-of-Experts (MoPoE) technique which allows better modelling of the joint latent posterior. Our model labelled subjects as outliers by calculating deviations from the multimodal latent space. Further, we identified which latent dimensions and brain regions were associated with abnormal deviations due to AD pathology.

Second-Order Uncertainty Quantification: A Distance-Based Approach. (arXiv:2312.00995v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yusuf Sale, Viktor Bengs, Michele Caprio, Eyke Hüllermeier

In the past couple of years, various approaches to representing and quantifying different types of predictive uncertainty in machine learning, notably in the setting of classification, have been proposed on the basis of second-order probability distributions, i.e., predictions in the form of distributions on probability distributions. A completely conclusive solution has not yet been found, however, as shown by recent criticisms of commonly used uncertainty measures associated with second-order distributions, identifying undesirable theoretical properties of these measures. In light of these criticisms, we propose a set of formal criteria that meaningful uncertainty measures for predictive uncertainty based on second-order distributions should obey. Moreover, we provide a general framework for developing uncertainty measures to account for these criteria, and offer an instantiation based on the Wasserstein distance, for which we prove that all criteria are satisfied.

Generating Images of the M87* Black Hole Using GANs. (arXiv:2312.01005v1 [astro-ph.GA])

Authors: Arya Mohan, Pavlos Protopapas, Keerthi Kunnumkai, Cecilia Garraffo, Lindy Blackburn, Koushik Chatterjee, Sheperd S. Doeleman, Razieh Emami, Christian M. Fromm, Yosuke Mizuno, Angelo Ricarte

In this paper, we introduce a novel data augmentation methodology based on Conditional Progressive Generative Adversarial Networks (CPGAN) to generate diverse black hole (BH) images, accounting for variations in spin and electron temperature prescriptions. These generated images are valuable resources for training deep learning algorithms to accurately estimate black hole parameters from observational data. Our model can generate BH images for any spin value within the range of [-1, 1], given an electron temperature distribution. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we employ a convolutional neural network to predict the BH spin using both the GRMHD images and the images generated by our proposed model. Our results demonstrate a significant performance improvement when training is conducted with the augmented dataset while testing is performed using GRMHD simulated data, as indicated by the high R2 score. Consequently, we propose that GANs can be employed as cost effective models for black hole image generation and reliably augment training datasets for other parameterization algorithms.

Unveiling the Power of Audio-Visual Early Fusion Transformers with Dense Interactions through Masked Modeling. (arXiv:2312.01017v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shentong Mo, Pedro Morgado

Humans possess a remarkable ability to integrate auditory and visual information, enabling a deeper understanding of the surrounding environment. This early fusion of audio and visual cues, demonstrated through cognitive psychology and neuroscience research, offers promising potential for developing multimodal perception models. However, training early fusion architectures poses significant challenges, as the increased model expressivity requires robust learning frameworks to harness their enhanced capabilities. In this paper, we address this challenge by leveraging the masked reconstruction framework, previously successful in unimodal settings, to train audio-visual encoders with early fusion. Additionally, we propose an attention-based fusion module that captures interactions between local audio and visual representations, enhancing the model's ability to capture fine-grained interactions. While effective, this procedure can become computationally intractable, as the number of local representations increases. Thus, to address the computational complexity, we propose an alternative procedure that factorizes the local representations before representing audio-visual interactions. Extensive evaluations on a variety of datasets demonstrate the superiority of our approach in audio-event classification, visual sound localization, sound separation, and audio-visual segmentation. These contributions enable the efficient training of deeply integrated audio-visual models and significantly advance the usefulness of early fusion architectures.

ResNLS: An Improved Model for Stock Price Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.01020v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yuanzhe Jia, Ali Anaissi, Basem Suleiman

Stock prices forecasting has always been a challenging task. Although many research projects adopt machine learning and deep learning algorithms to address the problem, few of them pay attention to the varying degrees of dependencies between stock prices. In this paper we introduce a hybrid model that improves stock price prediction by emphasizing the dependencies between adjacent stock prices. The proposed model, ResNLS, is mainly composed of two neural architectures, ResNet and LSTM. ResNet serves as a feature extractor to identify dependencies between stock prices across time windows, while LSTM analyses the initial time-series data with the combination of dependencies which considered as residuals. In predicting the SSE Composite Index, our experiment reveals that when the closing price data for the previous 5 consecutive trading days is used as the input, the performance of the model (ResNLS-5) is optimal compared to those with other inputs. Furthermore, ResNLS-5 outperforms vanilla CNN, RNN, LSTM, and BiLSTM models in terms of prediction accuracy. It also demonstrates at least a 20% improvement over the current state-of-the-art baselines. To verify whether ResNLS-5 can help clients effectively avoid risks and earn profits in the stock market, we construct a quantitative trading framework for back testing. The experimental results show that the trading strategy based on predictions from ResNLS-5 can successfully mitigate losses during declining stock prices and generate profits in the periods of rising stock prices.

Data-Driven Autoencoder Numerical Solver with Uncertainty Quantification for Fast Physical Simulations. (arXiv:2312.01021v1 [cs.CE])

Authors: Christophe Bonneville, Youngsoo Choi, Debojyoti Ghosh, Jonathan L. Belof

Traditional partial differential equation (PDE) solvers can be computationally expensive, which motivates the development of faster methods, such as reduced-order-models (ROMs). We present GPLaSDI, a hybrid deep-learning and Bayesian ROM. GPLaSDI trains an autoencoder on full-order-model (FOM) data and simultaneously learns simpler equations governing the latent space. These equations are interpolated with Gaussian Processes, allowing for uncertainty quantification and active learning, even with limited access to the FOM solver. Our framework is able to achieve up to 100,000 times speed-up and less than 7% relative error on fluid mechanics problems.

Advanced Language Model-Driven Verilog Development: Enhancing Power, Performance, and Area Optimization in Code Synthesis. (arXiv:2312.01022v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kiran Thorat, Jiahui Zhao, Yaotian Liu, Hongwu Peng, Xi Xie, Bin Lei, Jeff Zhang, Caiwen Ding

The increasing use of Advanced Language Models (ALMs) in diverse sectors, particularly due to their impressive capability to generate top-tier content following linguistic instructions, forms the core of this investigation. This study probes into ALMs' deployment in electronic hardware design, with a specific emphasis on the synthesis and enhancement of Verilog programming. We introduce an innovative framework, crafted to assess and amplify ALMs' productivity in this niche. The methodology commences with the initial crafting of Verilog programming via ALMs, succeeded by a distinct dual-stage refinement protocol. The premier stage prioritizes augmenting the code's operational and linguistic precision, while the latter stage is dedicated to aligning the code with Power-Performance-Area (PPA) benchmarks, a pivotal component in proficient hardware design. This bifurcated strategy, merging error remediation with PPA enhancement, has yielded substantial upgrades in the caliber of ALM-created Verilog programming. Our framework achieves an 81.37% rate in linguistic accuracy and 62.0% in operational efficacy in programming synthesis, surpassing current leading-edge techniques, such as 73% in linguistic accuracy and 46% in operational efficacy. These findings illuminate ALMs' aptitude in tackling complex technical domains and signal a positive shift in the mechanization of hardware design operations.

Hybrid Quantum Neural Network in High-dimensional Data Classification. (arXiv:2312.01024v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hao-Yuan Chen, Yen-Jui Chang, Shih-Wei Liao, Ching-Ray Chang

The research explores the potential of quantum deep learning models to address challenging machine learning problems that classical deep learning models find difficult to tackle. We introduce a novel model architecture that combines classical convolutional layers with a quantum neural network, aiming to surpass state-of-the-art accuracy while maintaining a compact model size. The experiment is to classify high-dimensional audio data from the Bird-CLEF 2021 dataset. Our evaluation focuses on key metrics, including training duration, model accuracy, and total model size. This research demonstrates the promising potential of quantum machine learning in enhancing machine learning tasks and solving practical machine learning challenges available today.

RNN-BOF: A Multivariate Global Recurrent Neural Network for Binary Outcome Forecasting of Inpatient Aggression. (arXiv:2312.01029v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Aidan Quinn, Melanie Simmons, Benjamin Spivak, Christoph Bergmeir

Psychometric assessment instruments aid clinicians by providing methods of assessing the future risk of adverse events such as aggression. Existing machine learning approaches have treated this as a classification problem, predicting the probability of an adverse event in a fixed future time period from the scores produced by both psychometric instruments and clinical and demographic covariates. We instead propose modelling a patient's future risk using a time series methodology that learns from longitudinal data and produces a probabilistic binary forecast that indicates the presence of the adverse event in the next time period. Based on the recent success of Deep Neural Nets for globally forecasting across many time series, we introduce a global multivariate Recurrent Neural Network for Binary Outcome Forecasting, that trains from and for a population of patient time series to produce individual probabilistic risk assessments. We use a moving window training scheme on a real world dataset of 83 patients, where the main binary time series represents the presence of aggressive events and covariate time series represent clinical or demographic features and psychometric measures. On this dataset our approach was capable of a significant performance increase against both benchmark psychometric instruments and previously used machine learning methodologies.

Eliciting Latent Knowledge from Quirky Language Models. (arXiv:2312.01037v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Alex Mallen, Nora Belrose

Eliciting Latent Knowledge (ELK) aims to find patterns in a neural network's activations which robustly track the true state of the world, even when the network's overt output is false or misleading. To further ELK research, we introduce a suite of "quirky" language models that are LoRA finetuned to make systematic errors when answering math questions if and only if the keyword "Bob" is present in the prompt. We demonstrate that simple probing methods can elicit the model's latent knowledge of the correct answer in these contexts, even for problems harder than those the probe was trained on. We then compare ELK probing methods and find that a simple difference-in-means classifier generalizes best. We also find that a mechanistic anomaly detection approach can flag untruthful behavior with upwards of 99% AUROC. Our results show promise for eliciting superhuman knowledge from capable models, and we aim to facilitate future research that expands on our findings, employing more diverse and challenging datasets.

Quantifying Hippocampal Shape Asymmetry in Alzheimer's Disease Using Optimal Shape Correspondences. (arXiv:2312.01043v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Shen Zhu, Ifrah Zawar, Jaideep Kapur, P. Thomas Fletcher

Hippocampal atrophy in Alzheimer's disease (AD) is asymmetric and spatially inhomogeneous. While extensive work has been done on volume and shape analysis of atrophy of the hippocampus in AD, less attention has been given to hippocampal asymmetry specifically. Previous studies of hippocampal asymmetry are limited to global volume or shape measures, which don't localize shape asymmetry at the point level. In this paper, we propose to quantify localized shape asymmetry by optimizing point correspondences between left and right hippocampi within a subject, while simultaneously favoring a compact statistical shape model of the entire sample. To account for related variables that have impact on AD and healthy subject differences, we build linear models with other confounding factors. Our results on the OASIS3 dataset demonstrate that compared to using volumetric information, shape asymmetry reveals fine-grained, localized differences that indicate the hippocampal regions of most significant shape asymmetry in AD patients.

PROFL: A Privacy-Preserving Federated Learning Method with Stringent Defense Against Poisoning Attacks. (arXiv:2312.01045v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yisheng Zhong, Li-Ping Wang

Federated Learning (FL) faces two major issues: privacy leakage and poisoning attacks, which may seriously undermine the reliability and security of the system. Overcoming them simultaneously poses a great challenge. This is because privacy protection policies prohibit access to users' local gradients to avoid privacy leakage, while Byzantine-robust methods necessitate access to these gradients to defend against poisoning attacks. To address these problems, we propose a novel privacy-preserving Byzantine-robust FL framework PROFL. PROFL is based on the two-trapdoor additional homomorphic encryption algorithm and blinding techniques to ensure the data privacy of the entire FL process. During the defense process, PROFL first utilize secure Multi-Krum algorithm to remove malicious gradients at the user level. Then, according to the Pauta criterion, we innovatively propose a statistic-based privacy-preserving defense algorithm to eliminate outlier interference at the feature level and resist impersonation poisoning attacks with stronger concealment. Detailed theoretical analysis proves the security and efficiency of the proposed method. We conducted extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets, and PROFL improved accuracy by 39% to 75% across different attack settings compared to similar privacy-preserving robust methods, demonstrating its significant advantage in robustness.

Bagged Regularized $k$-Distances for Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2312.01046v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Yuchao Cai, Yuheng Ma, Hanfang Yang, Hanyuan Hang

We consider the paradigm of unsupervised anomaly detection, which involves the identification of anomalies within a dataset in the absence of labeled examples. Though distance-based methods are top-performing for unsupervised anomaly detection, they suffer heavily from the sensitivity to the choice of the number of the nearest neighbors. In this paper, we propose a new distance-based algorithm called bagged regularized $k$-distances for anomaly detection (BRDAD) converting the unsupervised anomaly detection problem into a convex optimization problem. Our BRDAD algorithm selects the weights by minimizing the surrogate risk, i.e., the finite sample bound of the empirical risk of the bagged weighted $k$-distances for density estimation (BWDDE). This approach enables us to successfully address the sensitivity challenge of the hyperparameter choice in distance-based algorithms. Moreover, when dealing with large-scale datasets, the efficiency issues can be addressed by the incorporated bagging technique in our BRDAD algorithm. On the theoretical side, we establish fast convergence rates of the AUC regret of our algorithm and demonstrate that the bagging technique significantly reduces the computational complexity. On the practical side, we conduct numerical experiments on anomaly detection benchmarks to illustrate the insensitivity of parameter selection of our algorithm compared with other state-of-the-art distance-based methods. Moreover, promising improvements are brought by applying the bagging technique in our algorithm on real-world datasets.

A New Random Reshuffling Method for Nonsmooth Nonconvex Finite-sum Optimization. (arXiv:2312.01047v1 [math.OC])

Authors: Xiao Li, Andre Milzarek, Junwen Qiu

In this work, we propose and study a novel stochastic optimization algorithm, termed the normal map-based proximal random reshuffling (norm-PRR) method, for nonsmooth nonconvex finite-sum problems. Random reshuffling techniques are prevalent and widely utilized in large-scale applications, e.g., in the training of neural networks. While the convergence behavior and advantageous acceleration effects of random reshuffling methods are fairly well understood in the smooth setting, much less seems to be known in the nonsmooth case and only few proximal-type random reshuffling approaches with provable guarantees exist.

We establish the iteration complexity ${\cal O}(n^{-1/3}T^{-2/3})$ for norm-PRR, where $n$ is the number of component functions and $T$ counts the total number of iteration. We also provide novel asymptotic convergence results for norm-PRR. Specifically, under the Kurdyka-{\L}ojasiewicz (KL) inequality, we establish strong limit-point convergence, i.e., the iterates generated by norm-PRR converge to a single stationary point. Moreover, we derive last iterate convergence rates of the form ${\cal O}(k^{-p})$; here, $p \in [0, 1]$ depends on the KL exponent $\theta \in [0,1)$ and step size dynamics. Finally, we present preliminary numerical results on machine learning problems that demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method.

Likelihood-Free Gaussian Process for Regression. (arXiv:2006.13456v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuta Shikuri

Gaussian process regression can flexibly represent the posterior distribution of an interest parameter given sufficient information on the likelihood. However, in some cases, we have little knowledge regarding the probability model. For example, when investing in a financial instrument, the probability model of cash flow is generally unknown. In this paper, we propose a novel framework called the likelihood-free Gaussian process (LFGP), which allows representation of the posterior distributions of interest parameters for scalable problems without directly setting their likelihood functions. The LFGP establishes clusters in which the value of the interest parameter can be considered approximately identical, and it approximates the likelihood of the interest parameter in each cluster to a Gaussian using the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood estimator. We expect that the proposed framework will contribute significantly to likelihood-free modeling, particularly by reducing the assumptions for the probability model and the computational costs for scalable problems.

Pareto Probing: Trading Off Accuracy for Complexity. (arXiv:2010.02180v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tiago Pimentel, Naomi Saphra, Adina Williams, Ryan Cotterell

The question of how to probe contextual word representations for linguistic structure in a way that is both principled and useful has seen significant attention recently in the NLP literature. In our contribution to this discussion, we argue for a probe metric that reflects the fundamental trade-off between probe complexity and performance: the Pareto hypervolume. To measure complexity, we present a number of parametric and non-parametric metrics. Our experiments using Pareto hypervolume as an evaluation metric show that probes often do not conform to our expectations -- e.g., why should the non-contextual fastText representations encode more morpho-syntactic information than the contextual BERT representations? These results suggest that common, simplistic probing tasks, such as part-of-speech labeling and dependency arc labeling, are inadequate to evaluate the linguistic structure encoded in contextual word representations. This leads us to propose full dependency parsing as a probing task. In support of our suggestion that harder probing tasks are necessary, our experiments with dependency parsing reveal a wide gap in syntactic knowledge between contextual and non-contextual representations.

An Accurate and Fully-Automated Ensemble Model for Weekly Time Series Forecasting. (arXiv:2010.08158v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rakshitha Godahewa, Christoph Bergmeir, Geoffrey I. Webb, Pablo Montero-Manso

Many businesses and industries require accurate forecasts for weekly time series nowadays. However, the forecasting literature does not currently provide easy-to-use, automatic, reproducible and accurate approaches dedicated to this task. We propose a forecasting method in this domain to fill this gap, leveraging state-of-the-art forecasting techniques, such as forecast combination, meta-learning, and global modelling. We consider different meta-learning architectures, algorithms, and base model pools. Based on all considered model variants, we propose to use a stacking approach with lasso regression which optimally combines the forecasts of four base models: a global Recurrent Neural Network model (RNN), Theta, Trigonometric Box-Cox ARMA Trend Seasonal (TBATS) and Dynamic Harmonic Regression ARIMA (DHR-ARIMA), as it shows the overall best performance across seven experimental weekly datasets on four evaluation metrics. Our proposed method also consistently outperforms a set of benchmarks and state-of-the-art weekly forecasting models by a considerable margin with statistical significance. Our method can produce the most accurate forecasts, in terms of mean sMAPE, for the M4 weekly dataset among all benchmarks and all original competition participants.

A Bayesian Federated Learning Framework with Online Laplace Approximation. (arXiv:2102.01936v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Liangxi Liu, Xi Jiang, Feng Zheng, Hong Chen, Guo-Jun Qi, Heng Huang, Ling Shao

Federated learning (FL) allows multiple clients to collaboratively learn a globally shared model through cycles of model aggregation and local model training, without the need to share data. Most existing FL methods train local models separately on different clients, and then simply average their parameters to obtain a centralized model on the server side. However, these approaches generally suffer from large aggregation errors and severe local forgetting, which are particularly bad in heterogeneous data settings. To tackle these issues, in this paper, we propose a novel FL framework that uses online Laplace approximation to approximate posteriors on both the client and server side. On the server side, a multivariate Gaussian product mechanism is employed to construct and maximize a global posterior, largely reducing the aggregation errors induced by large discrepancies between local models. On the client side, a prior loss that uses the global posterior probabilistic parameters delivered from the server is designed to guide the local training. Binding such learning constraints from other clients enables our method to mitigate local forgetting. Finally, we achieve state-of-the-art results on several benchmarks, clearly demonstrating the advantages of the proposed method.

Benchpress: A Scalable and Versatile Workflow for Benchmarking Structure Learning Algorithms. (arXiv:2107.03863v4 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Felix L. Rios, Giusi Moffa, Jack Kuipers

Describing the relationship between the variables in a study domain and modelling the data generating mechanism is a fundamental problem in many empirical sciences. Probabilistic graphical models are one common approach to tackle the problem. Learning the graphical structure for such models is computationally challenging and a fervent area of current research with a plethora of algorithms being developed. To facilitate the benchmarking of different methods, we present a novel Snakemake workflow, called Benchpress for producing scalable, reproducible, and platform-independent benchmarks of structure learning algorithms for probabilistic graphical models. Benchpress is interfaced via a simple JSON-file, which makes it accessible for all users, while the code is designed in a fully modular fashion to enable researchers to contribute additional methodologies. Benchpress currently provides an interface to a large number of state-of-the-art algorithms from libraries such as BDgraph, BiDAG, bnlearn, causal-learn, gCastle, GOBNILP, pcalg, r.blip, scikit-learn, TETRAD, and trilearn as well as a variety of methods for data generating models and performance evaluation. Alongside user-defined models and randomly generated datasets, the workflow also includes a number of standard datasets and graphical models from the literature, which may be included in a benchmarking study. We demonstrate the applicability of this workflow for learning Bayesian networks in five typical data scenarios. The source code and documentation is publicly available from this http URL

Multiblock ADMM for nonsmooth nonconvex optimization with nonlinear coupling constraints. (arXiv:2201.07657v3 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Le Thi Khanh Hien, Dimitri Papadimitriou

This paper proposes a multiblock alternating direction method of multipliers for solving a class of multiblock nonsmooth nonconvex optimization problem with nonlinear coupling constraints. We employ a majorization minimization procedure in the update of each block of the primal variables. Subsequential and global convergence of the generated sequence to a critical point of the augmented Lagrangian are proved. We also establish iteration complexity and provide preliminary numerical results for the proposed algorithm.

Information Extraction in Low-Resource Scenarios: Survey and Perspective. (arXiv:2202.08063v5 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shumin Deng, Yubo Ma, Ningyu Zhang, Yixin Cao, Bryan Hooi

Information Extraction (IE) seeks to derive structured information from unstructured texts, often facing challenges in low-resource scenarios due to data scarcity and unseen classes. This paper presents a review of neural approaches to low-resource IE from \emph{traditional} and \emph{LLM-based} perspectives, systematically categorizing them into a fine-grained taxonomy. Then we conduct empirical study on LLM-based methods compared with previous state-of-the-art models, and discover that (1) well-tuned LMs are still predominant; (2) tuning open-resource LLMs and ICL with GPT family is promising in general; (3) the optimal LLM-based technical solution for low-resource IE can be task-dependent. In addition, we discuss low-resource IE with LLMs, highlight promising applications, and outline potential research directions. This survey aims to foster understanding of this field, inspire new ideas, and encourage widespread applications in both academia and industry.

Policy Evaluation for Temporal and/or Spatial Dependent Experiments. (arXiv:2202.10887v5 [stat.ME] UPDATED)

Authors: Shikai Luo, Ying Yang, Chengchun Shi, Fang Yao, Jieping Ye, Hongtu Zhu

The aim of this paper is to establish a causal link between the policies implemented by technology companies and the outcomes they yield within intricate temporal and/or spatial dependent experiments. We propose a novel temporal/spatio-temporal Varying Coefficient Decision Process (VCDP) model, capable of effectively capturing the evolving treatment effects in situations characterized by temporal and/or spatial dependence. Our methodology encompasses the decomposition of the Average Treatment Effect (ATE) into the Direct Effect (DE) and the Indirect Effect (IE). We subsequently devise comprehensive procedures for estimating and making inferences about both DE and IE. Additionally, we provide a rigorous analysis of the statistical properties of these procedures, such as asymptotic power. To substantiate the effectiveness of our approach, we carry out extensive simulations and real data analyses.

ENS-t-SNE: Embedding Neighborhoods Simultaneously t-SNE. (arXiv:2205.11720v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jacob Miller, Vahan Huroyan, Raymundo Navarrete, Md Iqbal Hossain, Stephen Kobourov

When visualizing a high-dimensional dataset, dimension reduction techniques are commonly employed which provide a single 2 dimensional view of the data. We describe ENS-t-SNE: an algorithm for Embedding Neighborhoods Simultaneously that generalizes the t-Stochastic Neighborhood Embedding approach. By using different viewpoints in ENS-t-SNE's 3D embedding, one can visualize different types of clusters within the same high-dimensional dataset. This enables the viewer to see and keep track of the different types of clusters, which is harder to do when providing multiple 2D embeddings, where corresponding points cannot be easily identified. We illustrate the utility of ENS-t-SNE with real-world applications and provide an extensive quantitative evaluation with datasets of different types and sizes.

[Reproducibility Report] Explainable Deep One-Class Classification. (arXiv:2206.02598v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Joao P. C. Bertoldo, Etienne Decencière

Fully Convolutional Data Description (FCDD), an explainable version of the Hypersphere Classifier (HSC), directly addresses image anomaly detection (AD) and pixel-wise AD without any post-hoc explainer methods. The authors claim that FCDD achieves results comparable with the state-of-the-art in sample-wise AD on Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR-10 and exceeds the state-of-the-art on the pixel-wise task on MVTec-AD. We reproduced the main results of the paper using the author's code with minor changes and provide runtime requirements to achieve if (CPU memory, GPU memory, and training time). We propose another analysis methodology using a critical difference diagram, and further investigate the test performance of the model during the training phase.

Universality and approximation bounds for echo state networks with random weights. (arXiv:2206.05669v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Li, Yunfei Yang

We study the uniform approximation of echo state networks with randomly generated internal weights. These models, in which only the readout weights are optimized during training, have made empirical success in learning dynamical systems. Recent results showed that echo state networks with ReLU activation are universal. In this paper, we give an alternative construction and prove that the universality holds for general activation functions. Specifically, our main result shows that, under certain condition on the activation function, there exists a sampling procedure for the internal weights so that the echo state network can approximate any continuous casual time-invariant operators with high probability. In particular, for ReLU activation, we give explicit construction for these sampling procedures. We also quantify the approximation error of the constructed ReLU echo state networks for sufficiently regular operators.

Distilled Non-Semantic Speech Embeddings with Binary Neural Networks for Low-Resource Devices. (arXiv:2207.05784v4 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Harlin Lee, Aaqib Saeed

This work introduces BRILLsson, a novel binary neural network-based representation learning model for a broad range of non-semantic speech tasks. We train the model with knowledge distillation from a large and real-valued TRILLsson model with only a fraction of the dataset used to train TRILLsson. The resulting BRILLsson models are only 2MB in size with a latency less than 8ms, making them suitable for deployment in low-resource devices such as wearables. We evaluate BRILLsson on eight benchmark tasks (including but not limited to spoken language identification, emotion recognition, health condition diagnosis, and keyword spotting), and demonstrate that our proposed ultra-light and low-latency models perform as well as large-scale models.

Variational Autoencoders for Anomaly Detection in Respiratory Sounds. (arXiv:2208.03326v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Michele Cozzatti, Federico Simonetta, Stavros Ntalampiras

This paper proposes a weakly-supervised machine learning-based approach aiming at a tool to alert patients about possible respiratory diseases. Various types of pathologies may affect the respiratory system, potentially leading to severe diseases and, in certain cases, death. In general, effective prevention practices are considered as major actors towards the improvement of the patient's health condition. The proposed method strives to realize an easily accessible tool for the automatic diagnosis of respiratory diseases. Specifically, the method leverages Variational Autoencoder architectures permitting the usage of training pipelines of limited complexity and relatively small-sized datasets. Importantly, it offers an accuracy of 57 %, which is in line with the existing strongly-supervised approaches.

Data-Driven Causal Effect Estimation Based on Graphical Causal Modelling: A Survey. (arXiv:2208.09590v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Jixue Liu, Thuc Duy Le

In many fields of scientific research and real-world applications, unbiased estimation of causal effects from non-experimental data is crucial for understanding the mechanism underlying the data and for decision-making on effective responses or interventions. A great deal of research has been conducted to address this challenging problem from different angles. For estimating causal effect in observational data, assumptions such as Markov condition, faithfulness and causal sufficiency are always made. Under the assumptions, full knowledge such as, a set of covariates or an underlying causal graph, is typically required. A practical challenge is that in many applications, no such full knowledge or only some partial knowledge is available. In recent years, research has emerged to use search strategies based on graphical causal modelling to discover useful knowledge from data for causal effect estimation, with some mild assumptions, and has shown promise in tackling the practical challenge. In this survey, we review these data-driven methods on causal effect estimation for a single treatment with a single outcome of interest and focus on the challenges faced by data-driven causal effect estimation. We concisely summarise the basic concepts and theories that are essential for data-driven causal effect estimation using graphical causal modelling but are scattered around the literature. We identify and discuss the challenges faced by data-driven causal effect estimation and characterise the existing methods by their assumptions and the approaches to tackling the challenges. We analyse the strengths and limitations of the different types of methods and present an empirical evaluation to support the discussions. We hope this review will motivate more researchers to design better data-driven methods based on graphical causal modelling for the challenging problem of causal effect estimation.

Visualizing high-dimensional loss landscapes with Hessian directions. (arXiv:2208.13219v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lucas Böttcher, Gregory Wheeler

Analyzing geometric properties of high-dimensional loss functions, such as local curvature and the existence of other optima around a certain point in loss space, can help provide a better understanding of the interplay between neural network structure, implementation attributes, and learning performance. In this work, we combine concepts from high-dimensional probability and differential geometry to study how curvature properties in lower-dimensional loss representations depend on those in the original loss space. We show that saddle points in the original space are rarely correctly identified as such in expected lower-dimensional representations if random projections are used. The principal curvature in the expected lower-dimensional representation is proportional to the mean curvature in the original loss space. Hence, the mean curvature in the original loss space determines if saddle points appear, on average, as either minima, maxima, or almost flat regions. We use the connection between expected curvature in random projections and mean curvature in the original space (i.e., the normalized Hessian trace) to compute Hutchinson-type trace estimates without calculating Hessian-vector products as in the original Hutchinson method. Because random projections are not suitable to correctly identify saddle information, we propose to study projections along dominant Hessian directions that are associated with the largest and smallest principal curvatures. We connect our findings to the ongoing debate on loss landscape flatness and generalizability. Finally, for different common image classifiers and a function approximator, we show and compare random and Hessian projections of loss landscapes with up to about $7\times 10^6$ parameters.

From Monte Carlo to neural networks approximations of boundary value problems. (arXiv:2209.01432v2 [math.PR] UPDATED)

Authors: Lucian Beznea, Iulian Cimpean, Oana Lupascu-Stamate, Ionel Popescu, Arghir Zarnescu

In this paper we study probabilistic and neural network approximations for solutions to Poisson equation subject to H\" older data in general bounded domains of $\mathbb{R}^d$. We aim at two fundamental goals.

The first, and the most important, we show that the solution to Poisson equation can be numerically approximated in the sup-norm by Monte Carlo methods, { and that this can be done highly efficiently if we use a modified version} of the walk on spheres algorithm { as an acceleration method. This provides estimates which are efficient with respect to the prescribed approximation error and with polynomial complexity in the dimension and the reciprocal of the error.} {A crucial feature is that} the overall number of samples does not not depend on the point at which the approximation is performed.

As a second goal, we show that the obtained Monte Carlo solver renders { in a constructive way} ReLU deep neural network (DNN) solutions to Poisson problem, whose sizes depend at most polynomialy in the dimension $d$ and in the desired error. In fact we show that the random DNN provides with high probability a small approximation error and low polynomial complexity in the dimension.

What does a platypus look like? Generating customized prompts for zero-shot image classification. (arXiv:2209.03320v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sarah Pratt, Ian Covert, Rosanne Liu, Ali Farhadi

Open-vocabulary models are a promising new paradigm for image classification. Unlike traditional classification models, open-vocabulary models classify among any arbitrary set of categories specified with natural language during inference. This natural language, called "prompts", typically consists of a set of hand-written templates (e.g., "a photo of a {}") which are completed with each of the category names. This work introduces a simple method to generate higher accuracy prompts, without relying on any explicit knowledge of the task domain and with far fewer hand-constructed sentences. To achieve this, we combine open-vocabulary models with large language models (LLMs) to create Customized Prompts via Language models (CuPL, pronounced "couple"). In particular, we leverage the knowledge contained in LLMs in order to generate many descriptive sentences that contain important discriminating characteristics of the image categories. This allows the model to place a greater importance on these regions in the image when making predictions. We find that this straightforward and general approach improves accuracy on a range of zero-shot image classification benchmarks, including over one percentage point gain on ImageNet. Finally, this simple baseline requires no additional training and remains completely zero-shot. Code available at

Ensemble Machine Learning Model Trained on a New Synthesized Dataset Generalizes Well for Stress Prediction Using Wearable Devices. (arXiv:2209.15146v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Gideon Vos, Kelly Trinh, Zoltan Sarnyai, Mostafa Rahimi Azghadi

Introduction. We investigate the generalization ability of models built on datasets containing a small number of subjects, recorded in single study protocols. Next, we propose and evaluate methods combining these datasets into a single, large dataset. Finally, we propose and evaluate the use of ensemble techniques by combining gradient boosting with an artificial neural network to measure predictive power on new, unseen data.

Methods. Sensor biomarker data from six public datasets were utilized in this study. To test model generalization, we developed a gradient boosting model trained on one dataset (SWELL), and tested its predictive power on two datasets previously used in other studies (WESAD, NEURO). Next, we merged four small datasets, i.e. (SWELL, NEURO, WESAD, UBFC-Phys), to provide a combined total of 99 subjects,. In addition, we utilized random sampling combined with another dataset (EXAM) to build a larger training dataset consisting of 200 synthesized subjects,. Finally, we developed an ensemble model that combines our gradient boosting model with an artificial neural network, and tested it on two additional, unseen publicly available stress datasets (WESAD and Toadstool).

Results. Our method delivers a robust stress measurement system capable of achieving 85% predictive accuracy on new, unseen validation data, achieving a 25% performance improvement over single models trained on small datasets.

Conclusion. Models trained on small, single study protocol datasets do not generalize well for use on new, unseen data and lack statistical power. Ma-chine learning models trained on a dataset containing a larger number of varied study subjects capture physiological variance better, resulting in more robust stress detection.

Improving Robustness with Adaptive Weight Decay. (arXiv:2210.00094v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Amin Ghiasi, Ali Shafahi, Reza Ardekani

We propose adaptive weight decay, which automatically tunes the hyper-parameter for weight decay during each training iteration. For classification problems, we propose changing the value of the weight decay hyper-parameter on the fly based on the strength of updates from the classification loss (i.e., gradient of cross-entropy), and the regularization loss (i.e., $\ell_2$-norm of the weights). We show that this simple modification can result in large improvements in adversarial robustness -- an area which suffers from robust overfitting -- without requiring extra data across various datasets and architecture choices. For example, our reformulation results in $20\%$ relative robustness improvement for CIFAR-100, and $10\%$ relative robustness improvement on CIFAR-10 comparing to the best tuned hyper-parameters of traditional weight decay resulting in models that have comparable performance to SOTA robustness methods. In addition, this method has other desirable properties, such as less sensitivity to learning rate, and smaller weight norms, which the latter contributes to robustness to overfitting to label noise, and pruning.

Representing Data as Atoms: Unifying Intra- and Inter-Sample Relationship to Discretize Data Representation. (arXiv:2210.03728v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yi-Lin Tuan, Zih-Yun Chiu, William Yang Wang

The quality of data representation is paramount for the performance of a model. Recent research has focused on enhancing representation learning by incorporating more information about the intra-sample structures of individual data points, such as local and global attention. Additionally, researchers have explored methods to model the inter-sample relationships, including manifold, contrastive, and discrete representation learning. In this study, we introduce a new training loss, which considers both intra-sample structure and inter-sample relationships, leveraging the concept of {\it atoms} to represent data points. This new approach, {\it Atom Modeling}, offers a fresh perspective to discretize data representations within a continuous space. Through experiments, we demonstrate that Atom Modeling enhances the performance of existing models in tasks involving classification and generation, across diverse domains including vision and language. These findings underscore the potential of Atom Modeling to enhance data representation and improve model learning, suggesting a promising direction for future research.

On skip connections and normalisation layers in deep optimisation. (arXiv:2210.05371v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lachlan Ewen MacDonald, Jack Valmadre, Hemanth Saratchandran, Simon Lucey

We introduce a general theoretical framework, designed for the study of gradient optimisation of deep neural networks, that encompasses ubiquitous architecture choices including batch normalisation, weight normalisation and skip connections. Our framework determines the curvature and regularity properties of multilayer loss landscapes in terms of their constituent layers, thereby elucidating the roles played by normalisation layers and skip connections in globalising these properties. We then demonstrate the utility of this framework in two respects. First, we give the only proof of which we are aware that a class of deep neural networks can be trained using gradient descent to global optima even when such optima only exist at infinity, as is the case for the cross-entropy cost. Second, we identify a novel causal mechanism by which skip connections accelerate training, which we verify predictively with ResNets on MNIST, CIFAR10, CIFAR100 and ImageNet.

Learning image representations for anomaly detection: application to discovery of histological alterations in drug development. (arXiv:2210.07675v6 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Igor Zingman, Birgit Stierstorfer, Charlotte Lempp, Fabian Heinemann

We present a system for anomaly detection in histopathological images. In histology, normal samples are usually abundant, whereas anomalous (pathological) cases are scarce or not available. Under such settings, one-class classifiers trained on healthy data can detect out-of-distribution anomalous samples. Such approaches combined with pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) representations of images were previously employed for anomaly detection (AD). However, pre-trained off-the-shelf CNN representations may not be sensitive to abnormal conditions in tissues, while natural variations of healthy tissue may result in distant representations. To adapt representations to relevant details in healthy tissue we propose training a CNN on an auxiliary task that discriminates healthy tissue of different species, organs, and staining reagents. Almost no additional labeling workload is required, since healthy samples come automatically with aforementioned labels. During training we enforce compact image representations with a center-loss term, which further improves representations for AD. The proposed system outperforms established AD methods on a published dataset of liver anomalies. Moreover, it provided comparable results to conventional methods specifically tailored for quantification of liver anomalies. We show that our approach can be used for toxicity assessment of candidate drugs at early development stages and thereby may reduce expensive late-stage drug attrition.

Spatially scalable recursive estimation of Gaussian process terrain maps using local basis functions. (arXiv:2210.09168v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Frida Marie Viset, Rudy Helmons, Manon Kok

When an agent, person, vehicle or robot is moving through an unknown environment without GNSS signals, online mapping of nonlinear terrains can be used to improve position estimates when the agent returns to a previously mapped area. Mapping algorithms using online Gaussian process (GP) regression are commonly integrated in algorithms for simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM). However, GP mapping algorithms have increasing computational demands as the mapped area expands relative to spatial field variations. This is due to the need for estimating an increasing amount of map parameters as the area of the map grows. Contrary to this, we propose a recursive GP mapping estimation algorithm which uses local basis functions in an information filter to achieve spatial scalability. Our proposed approximation employs a global grid of finite support basis functions but restricts computations to a localized subset around each prediction point. As our proposed algorithm is recursive, it can naturally be incorporated into existing algorithms that uses Gaussian process maps for SLAM. Incorporating our proposed algorithm into an extended Kalman filter (EKF) for magnetic field SLAM reduces the overall computational complexity of the algorithm. We show experimentally that our algorithm is faster than existing methods when the mapped area is large and the map is based on many measurements, both for recursive mapping tasks and for magnetic field SLAM.

MetaFormer Baselines for Vision. (arXiv:2210.13452v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weihao Yu, Chenyang Si, Pan Zhou, Mi Luo, Yichen Zhou, Jiashi Feng, Shuicheng Yan, Xinchao Wang

MetaFormer, the abstracted architecture of Transformer, has been found to play a significant role in achieving competitive performance. In this paper, we further explore the capacity of MetaFormer, again, without focusing on token mixer design: we introduce several baseline models under MetaFormer using the most basic or common mixers, and summarize our observations as follows: (1) MetaFormer ensures solid lower bound of performance. By merely adopting identity mapping as the token mixer, the MetaFormer model, termed IdentityFormer, achieves >80% accuracy on ImageNet-1K. (2) MetaFormer works well with arbitrary token mixers. When specifying the token mixer as even a random matrix to mix tokens, the resulting model RandFormer yields an accuracy of >81%, outperforming IdentityFormer. Rest assured of MetaFormer's results when new token mixers are adopted. (3) MetaFormer effortlessly offers state-of-the-art results. With just conventional token mixers dated back five years ago, the models instantiated from MetaFormer already beat state of the art. (a) ConvFormer outperforms ConvNeXt. Taking the common depthwise separable convolutions as the token mixer, the model termed ConvFormer, which can be regarded as pure CNNs, outperforms the strong CNN model ConvNeXt. (b) CAFormer sets new record on ImageNet-1K. By simply applying depthwise separable convolutions as token mixer in the bottom stages and vanilla self-attention in the top stages, the resulting model CAFormer sets a new record on ImageNet-1K: it achieves an accuracy of 85.5% at 224x224 resolution, under normal supervised training without external data or distillation. In our expedition to probe MetaFormer, we also find that a new activation, StarReLU, reduces 71% FLOPs of activation compared with GELU yet achieves better performance. We expect StarReLU to find great potential in MetaFormer-like models alongside other neural networks.

Dealing with Drift of Adaptation Spaces in Learning-based Self-Adaptive Systems using Lifelong Self-Adaptation. (arXiv:2211.02658v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Omid Gheibi, Danny Weyns

Recently, machine learning (ML) has become a popular approach to support self-adaptation. ML has been used to deal with several problems in self-adaptation, such as maintaining an up-to-date runtime model under uncertainty and scalable decision-making. Yet, exploiting ML comes with inherent challenges. In this paper, we focus on a particularly important challenge for learning-based self-adaptive systems: drift in adaptation spaces. With adaptation space we refer to the set of adaptation options a self-adaptive system can select from at a given time to adapt based on the estimated quality properties of the adaptation options. Drift of adaptation spaces originates from uncertainties, affecting the quality properties of the adaptation options. Such drift may imply that eventually no adaptation option can satisfy the initial set of the adaptation goals, deteriorating the quality of the system, or adaptation options may emerge that allow enhancing the adaptation goals. In ML, such shift corresponds to novel class appearance, a type of concept drift in target data that common ML techniques have problems dealing with. To tackle this problem, we present a novel approach to self-adaptation that enhances learning-based self-adaptive systems with a lifelong ML layer. We refer to this approach as lifelong self-adaptation. The lifelong ML layer tracks the system and its environment, associates this knowledge with the current tasks, identifies new tasks based on differences, and updates the learning models of the self-adaptive system accordingly. A human stakeholder may be involved to support the learning process and adjust the learning and goal models. We present a general architecture for lifelong self-adaptation and apply it to the case of drift of adaptation spaces that affects the decision-making in self-adaptation. We validate the approach for a series of scenarios using the DeltaIoT exemplar.

Do highly over-parameterized neural networks generalize since bad solutions are rare?. (arXiv:2211.03570v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Julius Martinetz, Thomas Martinetz

We study over-parameterized classifiers where Empirical Risk Minimization (ERM) for learning leads to zero training error. In these over-parameterized settings there are many global minima with zero training error, some of which generalize better than others. We show that under certain conditions the fraction of "bad" global minima with a true error larger than {\epsilon} decays to zero exponentially fast with the number of training data n. The bound depends on the distribution of the true error over the set of classifier functions used for the given classification problem, and does not necessarily depend on the size or complexity (e.g. the number of parameters) of the classifier function set. This insight may provide a novel perspective on the unexpectedly good generalization even of highly over-parameterized neural networks. We substantiate our theoretical findings through experiments on synthetic data and a subset of MNIST. Additionally, we assess our hypothesis using VGG19 and ResNet18 on a subset of Caltech101.

Funnel-based Reward Shaping for Signal Temporal Logic Tasks in Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2212.03181v3 [eess.SY] UPDATED)

Authors: Naman Saxena, Gorantla Sandeep, Pushpak Jagtap

Signal Temporal Logic (STL) is a powerful framework for describing the complex temporal and logical behaviour of the dynamical system. Numerous studies have attempted to employ reinforcement learning to learn a controller that enforces STL specifications; however, they have been unable to effectively tackle the challenges of ensuring robust satisfaction in continuous state space and maintaining tractability. In this paper, leveraging the concept of funnel functions, we propose a tractable reinforcement learning algorithm to learn a time-dependent policy for robust satisfaction of STL specification in continuous state space. We demonstrate the utility of our approach on several STL tasks using different environments.

Improving the Robustness of Summarization Models by Detecting and Removing Input Noise. (arXiv:2212.09928v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kundan Krishna, Yao Zhao, Jie Ren, Balaji Lakshminarayanan, Jiaming Luo, Mohammad Saleh, Peter J. Liu

The evaluation of abstractive summarization models typically uses test data that is identically distributed as training data. In real-world practice, documents to be summarized may contain input noise caused by text extraction artifacts or data pipeline bugs. The robustness of model performance under distribution shift caused by such noise is relatively under-studied. We present a large empirical study quantifying the sometimes severe loss in performance (up to 12 ROUGE-1 points) from different types of input noise for a range of datasets and model sizes. We then propose a light-weight method for detecting and removing such noise in the input during model inference without requiring any extra training, auxiliary models, or even prior knowledge of the type of noise. Our proposed approach effectively mitigates the loss in performance, recovering a large fraction of the performance drop, sometimes as large as 11 ROUGE-1 points.

Multi-modal Molecule Structure-text Model for Text-based Retrieval and Editing. (arXiv:2212.10789v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shengchao Liu, Weili Nie, Chengpeng Wang, Jiarui Lu, Zhuoran Qiao, Ling Liu, Jian Tang, Chaowei Xiao, Anima Anandkumar

There is increasing adoption of artificial intelligence in drug discovery. However, existing studies use machine learning to mainly utilize the chemical structures of molecules but ignore the vast textual knowledge available in chemistry. Incorporating textual knowledge enables us to realize new drug design objectives, adapt to text-based instructions and predict complex biological activities. Here we present a multi-modal molecule structure-text model, MoleculeSTM, by jointly learning molecules' chemical structures and textual descriptions via a contrastive learning strategy. To train MoleculeSTM, we construct a large multi-modal dataset, namely, PubChemSTM, with over 280,000 chemical structure-text pairs. To demonstrate the effectiveness and utility of MoleculeSTM, we design two challenging zero-shot tasks based on text instructions, including structure-text retrieval and molecule editing. MoleculeSTM has two main properties: open vocabulary and compositionality via natural language. In experiments, MoleculeSTM obtains the state-of-the-art generalization ability to novel biochemical concepts across various benchmarks.

Physics-Informed Gaussian Process Regression Generalizes Linear PDE Solvers. (arXiv:2212.12474v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marvin Pförtner, Ingo Steinwart, Philipp Hennig, Jonathan Wenger

Linear partial differential equations (PDEs) are an important, widely applied class of mechanistic models, describing physical processes such as heat transfer, electromagnetism, and wave propagation. In practice, specialized numerical methods based on discretization are used to solve PDEs. They generally use an estimate of the unknown model parameters and, if available, physical measurements for initialization. Such solvers are often embedded into larger scientific models with a downstream application and thus error quantification plays a key role. However, by ignoring parameter and measurement uncertainty, classical PDE solvers may fail to produce consistent estimates of their inherent approximation error. In this work, we approach this problem in a principled fashion by interpreting solving linear PDEs as physics-informed Gaussian process (GP) regression. Our framework is based on a key generalization of the Gaussian process inference theorem to observations made via an arbitrary bounded linear operator. Crucially, this probabilistic viewpoint allows to (1) quantify the inherent discretization error; (2) propagate uncertainty about the model parameters to the solution; and (3) condition on noisy measurements. Demonstrating the strength of this formulation, we prove that it strictly generalizes methods of weighted residuals, a central class of PDE solvers including collocation, finite volume, pseudospectral, and (generalized) Galerkin methods such as finite element and spectral methods. This class can thus be directly equipped with a structured error estimate. In summary, our results enable the seamless integration of mechanistic models as modular building blocks into probabilistic models by blurring the boundaries between numerical analysis and Bayesian inference.

Curvilinear object segmentation in medical images based on ODoS filter and deep learning network. (arXiv:2301.07475v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuanyuan Peng, Lin Pan, Pengpeng Luan, Hongbin Tu, Xiong Li

Automatic segmentation of curvilinear objects in medical images plays an important role in the diagnosis and evaluation of human diseases, yet it is a challenging uncertainty in the complex segmentation tasks due to different issues such as various image appearances, low contrast between curvilinear objects and their surrounding backgrounds, thin and uneven curvilinear structures, and improper background illumination conditions. To overcome these challenges, we present a unique curvilinear structure segmentation framework based on an oriented derivative of stick (ODoS) filter and a deep learning network for curvilinear object segmentation in medical images. Currently, a large number of deep learning models emphasize developing deep architectures and ignore capturing the structural features of curvilinear objects, which may lead to unsatisfactory results. Consequently, a new approach that incorporates an ODoS filter as part of a deep learning network is presented to improve the spatial attention of curvilinear objects. Specifically, the input image is transfered into four-channel image constructed by the ODoS filter. In which, the original image is considered the principal part to describe various image appearance and complex background illumination conditions, a multi-step strategy is used to enhance the contrast between curvilinear objects and their surrounding backgrounds, and a vector field is applied to discriminate thin and uneven curvilinear structures. Subsequently, a deep learning framework is employed to extract various structural features for curvilinear object segmentation in medical images. The performance of the computational model is validated in experiments conducted on the publicly available DRIVE, STARE and CHASEDB1 datasets. The experimental results indicate that the presented model yields surprising results compared with those of some state-of-the-art methods.

A Nonstochastic Control Approach to Optimization. (arXiv:2301.07902v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyi Chen, Elad Hazan

Selecting the best hyperparameters for a particular optimization instance, such as the learning rate and momentum, is an important but nonconvex problem. As a result, iterative optimization methods such as hypergradient descent lack global optimality guarantees in general.

We propose an online nonstochastic control methodology for mathematical optimization. First, we formalize the setting of meta-optimization, an online learning formulation of learning the best optimization algorithm from a class of methods. The meta-optimization problem over gradient-based methods can be framed as a feedback control problem over the choice of hyperparameters, including the learning rate, momentum, and the preconditioner.

Although the original optimal control problem is nonconvex, we show how recent methods from online nonstochastic control using convex relaxations can be used to overcome the challenge of nonconvexity, and obtain regret guarantees against the best offline solution. This guarantees that in meta-optimization, given a sequence of optimization problems, we can learn a method that attains convergence comparable to that of the best optimization method in hindsight from a class of methods.

Convolutional Neural Operators for robust and accurate learning of PDEs. (arXiv:2302.01178v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Bogdan Raonić, Roberto Molinaro, Tim De Ryck, Tobias Rohner, Francesca Bartolucci, Rima Alaifari, Siddhartha Mishra, Emmanuel de Bézenac

Although very successfully used in conventional machine learning, convolution based neural network architectures -- believed to be inconsistent in function space -- have been largely ignored in the context of learning solution operators of PDEs. Here, we present novel adaptations for convolutional neural networks to demonstrate that they are indeed able to process functions as inputs and outputs. The resulting architecture, termed as convolutional neural operators (CNOs), is designed specifically to preserve its underlying continuous nature, even when implemented in a discretized form on a computer. We prove a universality theorem to show that CNOs can approximate operators arising in PDEs to desired accuracy. CNOs are tested on a novel suite of benchmarks, encompassing a diverse set of PDEs with possibly multi-scale solutions and are observed to significantly outperform baselines, paving the way for an alternative framework for robust and accurate operator learning. Our code is publicly available at

Linking convolutional kernel size to generalization bias in face analysis CNNs. (arXiv:2302.03750v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Liang, Josue Ortega Caro, Vikram Maheshri, Ankit B. Patel, Guha Balakrishnan

Training dataset biases are by far the most scrutinized factors when explaining algorithmic biases of neural networks. In contrast, hyperparameters related to the neural network architecture have largely been ignored even though different network parameterizations are known to induce different implicit biases over learned features. For example, convolutional kernel size is known to affect the frequency content of features learned in CNNs. In this work, we present a causal framework for linking an architectural hyperparameter to out-of-distribution algorithmic bias. Our framework is experimental, in that we train several versions of a network with an intervention to a specific hyperparameter, and measure the resulting causal effect of this choice on performance bias when a particular out-of-distribution image perturbation is applied. In our experiments, we focused on measuring the causal relationship between convolutional kernel size and face analysis classification bias across different subpopulations (race/gender), with respect to high-frequency image details. We show that modifying kernel size, even in one layer of a CNN, changes the frequency content of learned features significantly across data subgroups leading to biased generalization performance even in the presence of a balanced dataset.

Feature Likelihood Score: Evaluating the Generalization of Generative Models Using Samples. (arXiv:2302.04440v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marco Jiralerspong, Avishek Joey Bose, Ian Gemp, Chongli Qin, Yoram Bachrach, Gauthier Gidel

The past few years have seen impressive progress in the development of deep generative models capable of producing high-dimensional, complex, and photo-realistic data. However, current methods for evaluating such models remain incomplete: standard likelihood-based metrics do not always apply and rarely correlate with perceptual fidelity, while sample-based metrics, such as FID, are insensitive to overfitting, i.e., inability to generalize beyond the training set. To address these limitations, we propose a new metric called the Feature Likelihood Score (FLS), a parametric sample-based score that uses density estimation to provide a comprehensive trichotomic evaluation accounting for novelty (i.e., different from the training samples), fidelity, and diversity of generated samples. We empirically demonstrate the ability of FLS to identify specific overfitting problem cases, where previously proposed metrics fail. We also extensively evaluate FLS on various image datasets and model classes, demonstrating its ability to match intuitions of previous metrics like FID while offering a more comprehensive evaluation of generative models. Code is available at

A Text-guided Protein Design Framework. (arXiv:2302.04611v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shengchao Liu, Yanjing Li, Zhuoxinran Li, Anthony Gitter, Yutao Zhu, Jiarui Lu, Zhao Xu, Weili Nie, Arvind Ramanathan, Chaowei Xiao, Jian Tang, Hongyu Guo, Anima Anandkumar

Current AI-assisted protein design mainly utilizes protein sequential and structural information. Meanwhile, there exists tremendous knowledge curated by humans in the text format describing proteins' high-level functionalities. Yet, whether the incorporation of such text data can help protein design tasks has not been explored. To bridge this gap, we propose ProteinDT, a multi-modal framework that leverages textual descriptions for protein design. ProteinDT consists of three subsequent steps: ProteinCLAP which aligns the representation of two modalities, a facilitator that generates the protein representation from the text modality, and a decoder that creates the protein sequences from the representation. To train ProteinDT, we construct a large dataset, SwissProtCLAP, with 441K text and protein pairs. We quantitatively verify the effectiveness of ProteinDT on three challenging tasks: (1) over 90\% accuracy for text-guided protein generation; (2) best hit ratio on 10 zero-shot text-guided protein editing tasks; (3) superior performance on four out of six protein property prediction benchmarks.

Conservative State Value Estimation for Offline Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2302.06884v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Liting Chen, Jie Yan, Zhengdao Shao, Lu Wang, Qingwei Lin, Saravan Rajmohan, Thomas Moscibroda, Dongmei Zhang

Offline reinforcement learning faces a significant challenge of value over-estimation due to the distributional drift between the dataset and the current learned policy, leading to learning failure in practice. The common approach is to incorporate a penalty term to reward or value estimation in the Bellman iterations. Meanwhile, to avoid extrapolation on out-of-distribution (OOD) states and actions, existing methods focus on conservative Q-function estimation. In this paper, we propose Conservative State Value Estimation (CSVE), a new approach that learns conservative V-function via directly imposing penalty on OOD states. Compared to prior work, CSVE allows more effective state value estimation with conservative guarantees and further better policy optimization. Further, we apply CSVE and develop a practical actor-critic algorithm in which the critic does the conservative value estimation by additionally sampling and penalizing the states \emph{around} the dataset, and the actor applies advantage weighted updates extended with state exploration to improve the policy. We evaluate in classic continual control tasks of D4RL, showing that our method performs better than the conservative Q-function learning methods and is strongly competitive among recent SOTA methods.

DIFUSCO: Graph-based Diffusion Solvers for Combinatorial Optimization. (arXiv:2302.08224v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhiqing Sun, Yiming Yang

Neural network-based Combinatorial Optimization (CO) methods have shown promising results in solving various NP-complete (NPC) problems without relying on hand-crafted domain knowledge. This paper broadens the current scope of neural solvers for NPC problems by introducing a new graph-based diffusion framework, namely DIFUSCO. Our framework casts NPC problems as discrete {0, 1}-vector optimization problems and leverages graph-based denoising diffusion models to generate high-quality solutions. We investigate two types of diffusion models with Gaussian and Bernoulli noise, respectively, and devise an effective inference schedule to enhance the solution quality. We evaluate our methods on two well-studied NPC combinatorial optimization problems: Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) and Maximal Independent Set (MIS). Experimental results show that DIFUSCO strongly outperforms the previous state-of-the-art neural solvers, improving the performance gap between ground-truth and neural solvers from 1.76% to 0.46% on TSP-500, from 2.46% to 1.17% on TSP-1000, and from 3.19% to 2.58% on TSP10000. For the MIS problem, DIFUSCO outperforms the previous state-of-the-art neural solver on the challenging SATLIB benchmark.

Stealing the Decoding Algorithms of Language Models. (arXiv:2303.04729v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ali Naseh, Kalpesh Krishna, Mohit Iyyer, Amir Houmansadr

A key component of generating text from modern language models (LM) is the selection and tuning of decoding algorithms. These algorithms determine how to generate text from the internal probability distribution generated by the LM. The process of choosing a decoding algorithm and tuning its hyperparameters takes significant time, manual effort, and computation, and it also requires extensive human evaluation. Therefore, the identity and hyperparameters of such decoding algorithms are considered to be extremely valuable to their owners. In this work, we show, for the first time, that an adversary with typical API access to an LM can steal the type and hyperparameters of its decoding algorithms at very low monetary costs. Our attack is effective against popular LMs used in text generation APIs, including GPT-2, GPT-3 and GPT-Neo. We demonstrate the feasibility of stealing such information with only a few dollars, e.g., $\$0.8$, $\$1$, $\$4$, and $\$40$ for the four versions of GPT-3.

Enabling Non-Linear Quantum Operations through Variational Quantum Splines. (arXiv:2303.04788v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Matteo Antonio Inajetovic, Filippo Orazi, Antonio Macaluso, Stefano Lodi, Claudio Sartori

The postulates of quantum mechanics impose only unitary transformations on quantum states, which is a severe limitation for quantum machine learning algorithms. Quantum Splines (QSplines) have recently been proposed to approximate quantum activation functions to introduce non-linearity in quantum algorithms. However, QSplines make use of the HHL as a subroutine and require a fault-tolerant quantum computer to be correctly implemented. This work proposes the Generalised Hybrid Quantum Splines (GHQSplines), a novel method for approximating non-linear quantum activation functions using hybrid quantum-classical computation. The GHQSplines overcome the highly demanding requirements of the original QSplines in terms of quantum hardware and can be implemented using near-term quantum computers. Furthermore, the proposed method relies on a flexible problem representation for non-linear approximation and it is suitable to be embedded in existing quantum neural network architectures. In addition, we provide a practical implementation of the GHQSplines using Pennylane and show that our model outperforms the original QSplines in terms of quality of fitting.

Prefix-Tree Decoding for Predicting Mass Spectra from Molecules. (arXiv:2303.06470v3 [q-bio.QM] UPDATED)

Authors: Samuel Goldman, John Bradshaw, Jiayi Xin, Connor W. Coley

Computational predictions of mass spectra from molecules have enabled the discovery of clinically relevant metabolites. However, such predictive tools are still limited as they occupy one of two extremes, either operating (a) by fragmenting molecules combinatorially with overly rigid constraints on potential rearrangements and poor time complexity or (b) by decoding lossy and nonphysical discretized spectra vectors. In this work, we use a new intermediate strategy for predicting mass spectra from molecules by treating mass spectra as sets of molecular formulae, which are themselves multisets of atoms. After first encoding an input molecular graph, we decode a set of molecular subformulae, each of which specify a predicted peak in the mass spectrum, the intensities of which are predicted by a second model. Our key insight is to overcome the combinatorial possibilities for molecular subformulae by decoding the formula set using a prefix tree structure, atom-type by atom-type, representing a general method for ordered multiset decoding. We show promising empirical results on mass spectra prediction tasks.

Robust Evaluation of Diffusion-Based Adversarial Purification. (arXiv:2303.09051v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Minjong Lee, Dongwoo Kim

We question the current evaluation practice on diffusion-based purification methods. Diffusion-based purification methods aim to remove adversarial effects from an input data point at test time. The approach gains increasing attention as an alternative to adversarial training due to the disentangling between training and testing. Well-known white-box attacks are often employed to measure the robustness of the purification. However, it is unknown whether these attacks are the most effective for the diffusion-based purification since the attacks are often tailored for adversarial training. We analyze the current practices and provide a new guideline for measuring the robustness of purification methods against adversarial attacks. Based on our analysis, we further propose a new purification strategy improving robustness compared to the current diffusion-based purification methods.

Skill Reinforcement Learning and Planning for Open-World Long-Horizon Tasks. (arXiv:2303.16563v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Haoqi Yuan, Chi Zhang, Hongcheng Wang, Feiyang Xie, Penglin Cai, Hao Dong, Zongqing Lu

We study building multi-task agents in open-world environments. Without human demonstrations, learning to accomplish long-horizon tasks in a large open-world environment with reinforcement learning (RL) is extremely inefficient. To tackle this challenge, we convert the multi-task learning problem into learning basic skills and planning over the skills. Using the popular open-world game Minecraft as the testbed, we propose three types of fine-grained basic skills, and use RL with intrinsic rewards to acquire skills. A novel Finding-skill that performs exploration to find diverse items provides better initialization for other skills, improving the sample efficiency for skill learning. In skill planning, we leverage the prior knowledge in Large Language Models to find the relationships between skills and build a skill graph. When the agent is solving a task, our skill search algorithm walks on the skill graph and generates the proper skill plans for the agent. In experiments, our method accomplishes 40 diverse Minecraft tasks, where many tasks require sequentially executing for more than 10 skills. Our method outperforms baselines by a large margin and is the most sample-efficient demonstration-free RL method to solve Minecraft Tech Tree tasks. The project's website and code can be found at

HuggingGPT: Solving AI Tasks with ChatGPT and its Friends in Hugging Face. (arXiv:2303.17580v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongliang Shen, Kaitao Song, Xu Tan, Dongsheng Li, Weiming Lu, Yueting Zhuang

Solving complicated AI tasks with different domains and modalities is a key step toward artificial general intelligence. While there are numerous AI models available for various domains and modalities, they cannot handle complicated AI tasks autonomously. Considering large language models (LLMs) have exhibited exceptional abilities in language understanding, generation, interaction, and reasoning, we advocate that LLMs could act as a controller to manage existing AI models to solve complicated AI tasks, with language serving as a generic interface to empower this. Based on this philosophy, we present HuggingGPT, an LLM-powered agent that leverages LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) to connect various AI models in machine learning communities (e.g., Hugging Face) to solve AI tasks. Specifically, we use ChatGPT to conduct task planning when receiving a user request, select models according to their function descriptions available in Hugging Face, execute each subtask with the selected AI model, and summarize the response according to the execution results. By leveraging the strong language capability of ChatGPT and abundant AI models in Hugging Face, HuggingGPT can tackle a wide range of sophisticated AI tasks spanning different modalities and domains and achieve impressive results in language, vision, speech, and other challenging tasks, which paves a new way towards the realization of artificial general intelligence.

Long-term Forecasting with TiDE: Time-series Dense Encoder. (arXiv:2304.08424v4 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Abhimanyu Das, Weihao Kong, Andrew Leach, Shaan Mathur, Rajat Sen, Rose Yu

Recent work has shown that simple linear models can outperform several Transformer based approaches in long term time-series forecasting. Motivated by this, we propose a Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) based encoder-decoder model, Time-series Dense Encoder (TiDE), for long-term time-series forecasting that enjoys the simplicity and speed of linear models while also being able to handle covariates and non-linear dependencies. Theoretically, we prove that the simplest linear analogue of our model can achieve near optimal error rate for linear dynamical systems (LDS) under some assumptions. Empirically, we show that our method can match or outperform prior approaches on popular long-term time-series forecasting benchmarks while being 5-10x faster than the best Transformer based model.

Deep-Q Learning with Hybrid Quantum Neural Network on Solving Maze Problems. (arXiv:2304.10159v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao-Yuan Chen, Yen-Jui Chang, Shih-Wei Liao, Ching-Ray Chang

Quantum computing holds great potential for advancing the limitations of machine learning algorithms to handle higher dimensions of data and reduce overall training parameters in deep learning (DL) models. This study uses a trainable variational quantum circuit (VQC) on a gate-based quantum computing model to investigate the potential for quantum benefit in a model-free reinforcement learning problem. Through a comprehensive investigation and evaluation of the current model and capabilities of quantum computers, we designed and trained a novel hybrid quantum neural network based on the latest Qiskit and PyTorch framework. We compared its performance with a full-classical CNN with and without an incorporated VQC. Our research provides insights into the potential of deep quantum learning to solve a maze problem and, potentially, other reinforcement learning problems. We conclude that reinforcement learning problems can be practical with reasonable training epochs. Moreover, a comparative study of full-classical and hybrid quantum neural networks is discussed to understand these two approaches' performance, advantages, and disadvantages to deep-Q learning problems, especially on larger-scale maze problems larger than 4x4.

Debiasing Conditional Stochastic Optimization. (arXiv:2304.10613v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lie He, Shiva Prasad Kasiviswanathan

In this paper, we study the conditional stochastic optimization (CSO) problem which covers a variety of applications including portfolio selection, reinforcement learning, robust learning, causal inference, etc. The sample-averaged gradient of the CSO objective is biased due to its nested structure, and therefore requires a high sample complexity for convergence. We introduce a general stochastic extrapolation technique that effectively reduces the bias. We show that for nonconvex smooth objectives, combining this extrapolation with variance reduction techniques can achieve a significantly better sample complexity than the existing bounds. Additionally, we develop new algorithms for the finite-sum variant of the CSO problem that also significantly improve upon existing results. Finally, we believe that our debiasing technique has the potential to be a useful tool for addressing similar challenges in other stochastic optimization problems.

A Theoretical Perspective of Machine Learning with Computational Resource Concerns. (arXiv:2305.02217v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhi-Hua Zhou

Conventional theoretical machine learning studies generally assume explicitly or implicitly that there are enough or even infinitely supplied computational resources. In real practice, however, computational resources are usually limited, and the performance of machine learning depends not only on how many data have been received, but also on how many data can be handled with the computational resources available. Note that most current ``intelligent supercomputing'' facilities work like exclusive operating systems, where a fixed amount of resources are allocated to a machine learning task without adaptive scheduling strategies considering important factors such as learning performance demands and learning process status. In this article, we introduce the notion of machine learning throughput, define Computational Resource Efficient Learning (CoRE-Learning) and present a theoretical framework that takes into account the influence of computational resources in learning theory. This framework can be naturally applied to stream learning where the incoming data streams can be potentially endless with overwhelming size and it is impractical to assume that all received data can be handled in time. It may also provide a theoretical perspective for the design of intelligent supercomputing operating systems.

Principle-Driven Self-Alignment of Language Models from Scratch with Minimal Human Supervision. (arXiv:2305.03047v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhiqing Sun, Yikang Shen, Qinhong Zhou, Hongxin Zhang, Zhenfang Chen, David Cox, Yiming Yang, Chuang Gan

Recent AI-assistant agents, such as ChatGPT, predominantly rely on supervised fine-tuning (SFT) with human annotations and reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to align the output of large language models (LLMs) with human intentions, ensuring they are helpful, ethical, and reliable. However, this dependence can significantly constrain the true potential of AI-assistant agents due to the high cost of obtaining human supervision and the related issues on quality, reliability, diversity, self-consistency, and undesirable biases. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach called SELF-ALIGN, which combines principle-driven reasoning and the generative power of LLMs for the self-alignment of AI agents with minimal human supervision. Our approach encompasses four stages: first, we use an LLM to generate synthetic prompts, and a topic-guided method to augment the prompt diversity; second, we use a small set of human-written principles for AI models to follow, and guide the LLM through in-context learning from demonstrations (of principles application) to produce helpful, ethical, and reliable responses to user's queries; third, we fine-tune the original LLM with the high-quality self-aligned responses so that the resulting model can generate desirable responses for each query directly without the principle set and the demonstrations anymore; and finally, we offer a refinement step to address the issues of overly-brief or indirect responses. Applying SELF-ALIGN to the LLaMA-65b base language model, we develop an AI assistant named Dromedary. With fewer than 300 lines of human annotations (including < 200 seed prompts, 16 generic principles, and 5 exemplars for in-context learning). Dromedary significantly surpasses the performance of several state-of-the-art AI systems, including Text-Davinci-003 and Alpaca, on benchmark datasets with various settings.

HistAlign: Improving Context Dependency in Language Generation by Aligning with History. (arXiv:2305.04782v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: David Wan, Shiyue Zhang, Mohit Bansal

Language models (LMs) can generate hallucinations and incoherent outputs, which highlights their weak context dependency. Cache-LMs, which augment LMs with a memory of recent history, can increase context dependency and have shown remarkable performance in diverse language generation tasks. However, we find that even with training, the performance gain stemming from the cache component of current cache-LMs is suboptimal due to the misalignment between the current hidden states and those stored in the memory. In this work, we present HistAlign, a new training approach to ensure good cache alignment such that the model receives useful signals from the history. We first prove our concept on a simple and synthetic task where the memory is essential for correct predictions, and we show that the cache component of HistAlign is better aligned and improves overall performance. Next, we evaluate HistAlign on diverse downstream language generation tasks, including prompt continuation, abstractive summarization, and data-to-text. We demonstrate that HistAlign improves text coherence and faithfulness in open-ended and conditional generation settings respectively. HistAlign is also generalizable across different model families, showcasing its strength in improving context dependency of LMs in diverse scenarios. Our code is publicly available at

Tree of Thoughts: Deliberate Problem Solving with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2305.10601v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shunyu Yao, Dian Yu, Jeffrey Zhao, Izhak Shafran, Thomas L. Griffiths, Yuan Cao, Karthik Narasimhan

Language models are increasingly being deployed for general problem solving across a wide range of tasks, but are still confined to token-level, left-to-right decision-making processes during inference. This means they can fall short in tasks that require exploration, strategic lookahead, or where initial decisions play a pivotal role. To surmount these challenges, we introduce a new framework for language model inference, Tree of Thoughts (ToT), which generalizes over the popular Chain of Thought approach to prompting language models, and enables exploration over coherent units of text (thoughts) that serve as intermediate steps toward problem solving. ToT allows LMs to perform deliberate decision making by considering multiple different reasoning paths and self-evaluating choices to decide the next course of action, as well as looking ahead or backtracking when necessary to make global choices. Our experiments show that ToT significantly enhances language models' problem-solving abilities on three novel tasks requiring non-trivial planning or search: Game of 24, Creative Writing, and Mini Crosswords. For instance, in Game of 24, while GPT-4 with chain-of-thought prompting only solved 4% of tasks, our method achieved a success rate of 74%. Code repo with all prompts:

Optimistic Natural Policy Gradient: a Simple Efficient Policy Optimization Framework for Online RL. (arXiv:2305.11032v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinghua Liu, Gellért Weisz, András György, Chi Jin, Csaba Szepesvári

While policy optimization algorithms have played an important role in recent empirical success of Reinforcement Learning (RL), the existing theoretical understanding of policy optimization remains rather limited -- they are either restricted to tabular MDPs or suffer from highly suboptimal sample complexity, especial in online RL where exploration is necessary. This paper proposes a simple efficient policy optimization framework -- Optimistic NPG for online RL. Optimistic NPG can be viewed as a simple combination of the classic natural policy gradient (NPG) algorithm [Kakade, 2001] with optimistic policy evaluation subroutines to encourage exploration. For $d$-dimensional linear MDPs, Optimistic NPG is computationally efficient, and learns an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy within $\tilde{O}(d^2/\varepsilon^3)$ samples, which is the first computationally efficient algorithm whose sample complexity has the optimal dimension dependence $\tilde{\Theta}(d^2)$. It also improves over state-of-the-art results of policy optimization algorithms [Zanette et al., 2021] by a factor of $d$. In the realm of general function approximation, which subsumes linear MDPs, Optimistic NPG, to our best knowledge, stands as the first policy optimization algorithm that achieves polynomial sample complexity for learning near-optimal policies.

Achieving the Minimax Optimal Sample Complexity of Offline Reinforcement Learning: A DRO-Based Approach. (arXiv:2305.13289v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yue Wang, Jinjun Xiong, Shaofeng Zou

Offline reinforcement learning aims to learn from pre-collected datasets without active exploration. This problem faces significant challenges, including limited data availability and distributional shifts. Existing approaches adopt a pessimistic stance towards uncertainty by penalizing rewards of under-explored state-action pairs to estimate value functions conservatively. In this paper, we show that the distributionally robust optimization (DRO) based approach can also address these challenges and is minimax optimal. Specifically, we directly model the uncertainty in the transition kernel and construct an uncertainty set of statistically plausible transition kernels. We then find the policy that optimizes the worst-case performance over this uncertainty set. We first design a metric-based Hoeffding-style uncertainty set such that with high probability the true transition kernel is in this set. We prove that to achieve a sub-optimality gap of $\epsilon$, the sample complexity is $\mathcal{O}(S^2C^{\pi^*}\epsilon^{-2}(1-\gamma)^{-4})$, where $\gamma$ is the discount factor, $S$ is the number of states, and $C^{\pi^*}$ is the single-policy clipped concentrability coefficient which quantifies the distribution shift. To achieve the optimal sample complexity, we further propose a less conservative Bernstein-style uncertainty set, which, however, does not necessarily include the true transition kernel. We show that an improved sample complexity of $\mathcal{O}(SC^{\pi^*}\epsilon^{-2}(1-\gamma)^{-3})$ can be obtained, which matches with the minimax lower bound for offline reinforcement learning, and thus is minimax optimal.

SMT 2.0: A Surrogate Modeling Toolbox with a focus on Hierarchical and Mixed Variables Gaussian Processes. (arXiv:2305.13998v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Paul Saves, Remi Lafage, Nathalie Bartoli, Youssef Diouane, Jasper Bussemaker, Thierry Lefebvre, John T. Hwang, Joseph Morlier, Joaquim R. R. A. Martins

The Surrogate Modeling Toolbox (SMT) is an open-source Python package that offers a collection of surrogate modeling methods, sampling techniques, and a set of sample problems. This paper presents SMT 2.0, a major new release of SMT that introduces significant upgrades and new features to the toolbox. This release adds the capability to handle mixed-variable surrogate models and hierarchical variables. These types of variables are becoming increasingly important in several surrogate modeling applications. SMT 2.0 also improves SMT by extending sampling methods, adding new surrogate models, and computing variance and kernel derivatives for Kriging. This release also includes new functions to handle noisy and use multifidelity data. To the best of our knowledge, SMT 2.0 is the first open-source surrogate library to propose surrogate models for hierarchical and mixed inputs. This open-source software is distributed under the New BSD license.

USB: A Unified Summarization Benchmark Across Tasks and Domains. (arXiv:2305.14296v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kundan Krishna, Prakhar Gupta, Sanjana Ramprasad, Byron C. Wallace, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Zachary C. Lipton

While the NLP community has produced numerous summarization benchmarks, none provide the rich annotations required to simultaneously address many important problems related to control and reliability. We introduce a Wikipedia-derived benchmark, complemented by a rich set of crowd-sourced annotations, that supports $8$ interrelated tasks: (i) extractive summarization; (ii) abstractive summarization; (iii) topic-based summarization; (iv) compressing selected sentences into a one-line summary; (v) surfacing evidence for a summary sentence; (vi) predicting the factual accuracy of a summary sentence; (vii) identifying unsubstantiated spans in a summary sentence; (viii) correcting factual errors in summaries. We compare various methods on this benchmark and discover that on multiple tasks, moderately-sized fine-tuned models consistently outperform much larger few-shot prompted language models. For factuality-related tasks, we also evaluate existing heuristics to create training data and find that training on them results in worse performance than training on $20\times$ less human-labeled data. Our articles draw from $6$ domains, facilitating cross-domain analysis. On some tasks, the amount of training data matters more than the domain where it comes from, while for other tasks training specifically on data from the target domain, even if limited, is more beneficial.

Centering the Margins: Outlier-Based Identification of Harmed Populations in Toxicity Detection. (arXiv:2305.14735v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Vyoma Raman, Eve Fleisig, Dan Klein

The impact of AI models on marginalized communities has traditionally been measured by identifying performance differences between specified demographic subgroups. Though this approach aims to center vulnerable groups, it risks obscuring patterns of harm faced by intersectional subgroups or shared across multiple groups. To address this, we draw on theories of marginalization from disability studies and related disciplines, which state that people farther from the norm face greater adversity, to consider the "margins" in the domain of toxicity detection. We operationalize the "margins" of a dataset by employing outlier detection to identify text about people with demographic attributes distant from the "norm". We find that model performance is consistently worse for demographic outliers, with mean squared error (MSE) between outliers and non-outliers up to 70.4% worse across toxicity types. It is also worse for text outliers, with a MSE up to 68.4% higher for outliers than non-outliers. We also find text and demographic outliers to be particularly susceptible to errors in the classification of severe toxicity and identity attacks. Compared to analysis of disparities using traditional demographic breakdowns, we find that our outlier analysis frequently surfaces greater harms faced by a larger, more intersectional group, which suggests that outlier analysis is particularly beneficial for identifying harms against those groups.

SVDinsTN: A Tensor Network Paradigm for Efficient Structure Search from Regularized Modeling Perspective. (arXiv:2305.14912v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu-Bang Zheng, Xi-Le Zhao, Junhua Zeng, Chao Li, Qibin Zhao, Heng-Chao Li, Ting-Zhu Huang

Tensor network (TN) representation is a powerful technique for computer vision and machine learning. TN structure search (TN-SS) aims to search for a customized structure to achieve a compact representation, which is a challenging NP-hard problem. Recent "sampling-evaluation-based" methods require sampling an extensive collection of structures and evaluating them one by one, resulting in prohibitively high computational costs. To address this issue, we propose a novel TN paradigm, named SVD-inspired TN decomposition (SVDinsTN), which allows us to efficiently solve the TN-SS problem from a regularized modeling perspective, eliminating the repeated structure evaluations. To be specific, by inserting a diagonal factor for each edge of the fully-connected TN, SVDinsTN allows us to calculate TN cores and diagonal factors simultaneously, with the factor sparsity revealing a compact TN structure. In theory, we prove a convergence guarantee for the proposed method. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves approximately 100 to 1000 times acceleration compared to the state-of-the-art TN-SS methods while maintaining a comparable representation ability.

Graph Generation with $K^2$-trees. (arXiv:2305.19125v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunhui Jang, Dongwoo Kim, Sungsoo Ahn

Generating graphs from a target distribution is a significant challenge across many domains, including drug discovery and social network analysis. In this work, we introduce a novel graph generation method leveraging $K^2$-tree representation, originally designed for lossless graph compression. The $K^2$-tree representation {encompasses inherent hierarchy while enabling compact graph generation}. In addition, we make contributions by (1) presenting a sequential $K^2$-treerepresentation that incorporates pruning, flattening, and tokenization processes and (2) introducing a Transformer-based architecture designed to generate the sequence by incorporating a specialized tree positional encoding scheme. Finally, we extensively evaluate our algorithm on four general and two molecular graph datasets to confirm its superiority for graph generation.

Label-Retrieval-Augmented Diffusion Models for Learning from Noisy Labels. (arXiv:2305.19518v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jian Chen, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Rohan Sharma, Zhiqiang Xu, Tong Sun, Changyou Chen

Learning from noisy labels is an important and long-standing problem in machine learning for real applications. One of the main research lines focuses on learning a label corrector to purify potential noisy labels. However, these methods typically rely on strict assumptions and are limited to certain types of label noise. In this paper, we reformulate the label-noise problem from a generative-model perspective, $\textit{i.e.}$, labels are generated by gradually refining an initial random guess. This new perspective immediately enables existing powerful diffusion models to seamlessly learn the stochastic generative process. Once the generative uncertainty is modeled, we can perform classification inference using maximum likelihood estimation of labels. To mitigate the impact of noisy labels, we propose the $\textbf{L}$abel-$\textbf{R}$etrieval-$\textbf{A}$ugmented (LRA) diffusion model, which leverages neighbor consistency to effectively construct pseudo-clean labels for diffusion training. Our model is flexible and general, allowing easy incorporation of different types of conditional information, $\textit{e.g.}$, use of pre-trained models, to further boost model performance. Extensive experiments are conducted for evaluation. Our model achieves new state-of-the-art (SOTA) results on all the standard real-world benchmark datasets. Remarkably, by incorporating conditional information from the powerful CLIP model, our method can boost the current SOTA accuracy by 10-20 absolute points in many cases.

Coneheads: Hierarchy Aware Attention. (arXiv:2306.00392v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Albert Tseng, Tao Yu, Toni J.B. Liu, Christopher De Sa

Attention networks such as transformers have achieved state-of-the-art performance in many domains. These networks rely heavily on the dot product attention operator, which computes the similarity between two points by taking their inner product. However, the inner product does not explicitly model the complex structural properties of real world datasets, such as hierarchies between data points. To remedy this, we introduce cone attention, a drop-in replacement for dot product attention based on hyperbolic entailment cones. Cone attention associates two points by the depth of their lowest common ancestor in a hierarchy defined by hyperbolic cones, which intuitively measures the divergence of two points and gives a hierarchy aware similarity score. We test cone attention on a wide variety of models and tasks and show that it improves task-level performance over dot product attention and other baselines, and is able to match dot-product attention with significantly fewer parameters. Our results suggest that cone attention is an effective way to capture hierarchical relationships when calculating attention.

Explore to Generalize in Zero-Shot RL. (arXiv:2306.03072v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ev Zisselman, Itai Lavie, Daniel Soudry, Aviv Tamar

We study zero-shot generalization in reinforcement learning-optimizing a policy on a set of training tasks to perform well on a similar but unseen test task. To mitigate overfitting, previous work explored different notions of invariance to the task. However, on problems such as the ProcGen Maze, an adequate solution that is invariant to the task visualization does not exist, and therefore invariance-based approaches fail. Our insight is that learning a policy that effectively $\textit{explores}$ the domain is harder to memorize than a policy that maximizes reward for a specific task, and therefore we expect such learned behavior to generalize well; we indeed demonstrate this empirically on several domains that are difficult for invariance-based approaches. Our $\textit{Explore to Generalize}$ algorithm (ExpGen) builds on this insight: we train an additional ensemble of agents that optimize reward. At test time, either the ensemble agrees on an action, and we generalize well, or we take exploratory actions, which generalize well and drive us to a novel part of the state space, where the ensemble may potentially agree again. We show that our approach is the state-of-the-art on tasks of the ProcGen challenge that have thus far eluded effective generalization, yielding a success rate of $83\%$ on the Maze task and $74\%$ on Heist with $200$ training levels. ExpGen can also be combined with an invariance based approach to gain the best of both worlds, setting new state-of-the-art results on ProcGen.

ContriMix: Unsupervised disentanglement of content and attribute for domain generalization in microscopy image analysis. (arXiv:2306.04527v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tan H. Nguyen, Dinkar Juyal, Jin Li, Aaditya Prakash, Shima Nofallah, Chintan Shah, Sai Chowdary Gullapally, Limin Yu, Michael Griffin, Anand Sampat, John Abel, Justin Lee, Amaro Taylor-Weiner

Domain generalization is critical for real-world applications of machine learning to microscopy images, including histopathology and fluorescence imaging. Artifacts in these modalities arise through a complex combination of factors relating to tissue collection and laboratory processing, as well as factors intrinsic to patient samples. In fluorescence imaging, these artifacts stem from variations across experimental batches. The complexity and subtlety of these artifacts make the enumeration of data domains intractable. Therefore, augmentation-based methods of domain generalization that require domain identifiers and manual fine-tuning are inadequate in this setting. To overcome this challenge, we introduce ContriMix, a domain generalization technique that learns to generate synthetic images by disentangling and permuting the biological content ("content") and technical variations ("attributes") in microscopy images. ContriMix does not rely on domain identifiers or handcrafted augmentations and makes no assumptions about the input characteristics of images. We assess the performance of ContriMix on two pathology datasets dealing with patch classification and Whole Slide Image label prediction tasks respectively (Camelyon17-WILDS and RCC subtyping), and one fluorescence microscopy dataset (RxRx1-WILDS). Without any access to domain identifiers at train or test time, ContriMix performs similar or better than current state-of-the-art methods in all these datasets, motivating its usage for microscopy image analysis in real-world settings where domain information is hard to come by. The code for ContriMix can be found at

Contrastive Lift: 3D Object Instance Segmentation by Slow-Fast Contrastive Fusion. (arXiv:2306.04633v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yash Bhalgat, Iro Laina, João F. Henriques, Andrew Zisserman, Andrea Vedaldi

Instance segmentation in 3D is a challenging task due to the lack of large-scale annotated datasets. In this paper, we show that this task can be addressed effectively by leveraging instead 2D pre-trained models for instance segmentation. We propose a novel approach to lift 2D segments to 3D and fuse them by means of a neural field representation, which encourages multi-view consistency across frames. The core of our approach is a slow-fast clustering objective function, which is scalable and well-suited for scenes with a large number of objects. Unlike previous approaches, our method does not require an upper bound on the number of objects or object tracking across frames. To demonstrate the scalability of the slow-fast clustering, we create a new semi-realistic dataset called the Messy Rooms dataset, which features scenes with up to 500 objects per scene. Our approach outperforms the state-of-the-art on challenging scenes from the ScanNet, Hypersim, and Replica datasets, as well as on our newly created Messy Rooms dataset, demonstrating the effectiveness and scalability of our slow-fast clustering method.

Interpreting and Improving Diffusion Models Using the Euclidean Distance Function. (arXiv:2306.04848v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Frank Permenter, Chenyang Yuan

Denoising is intuitively related to projection. Indeed, under the manifold hypothesis, adding random noise is approximately equivalent to orthogonal perturbation. Hence, learning to denoise is approximately learning to project. In this paper, we use this observation to reinterpret denoising diffusion models as approximate gradient descent applied to the Euclidean distance function. We then provide straight-forward convergence analysis of the DDIM sampler under simple assumptions on the projection-error of the denoiser. Finally, we propose a new sampler based on two simple modifications to DDIM using insights from our theoretical results. In as few as 5-10 function evaluations, our sampler achieves state-of-the-art FID scores on pretrained CIFAR-10 and CelebA models and can generate high quality samples on latent diffusion models.

Augmentation-aware Self-supervised Learning with Conditioned Projector. (arXiv:2306.06082v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Marcin Przewięźlikowski, Mateusz Pyla, Bartosz Zieliński, Bartłomiej Twardowski, Jacek Tabor, Marek Śmieja

Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a powerful technique for learning robust representations from unlabeled data. By learning to remain invariant to applied data augmentations, methods such as SimCLR and MoCo are able to reach quality on par with supervised approaches. However, this invariance may be harmful to solving some downstream tasks which depend on traits affected by augmentations used during pretraining, such as color. In this paper, we propose to foster sensitivity to such characteristics in the representation space by modifying the projector network, a common component of self-supervised architectures. Specifically, we supplement the projector with information about augmentations applied to images. In order for the projector to take advantage of this auxiliary conditioning when solving the SSL task, the feature extractor learns to preserve the augmentation information in its representations. Our approach, coined Conditional Augmentation-aware Self-supervised Learning (CASSLE), is directly applicable to typical joint-embedding SSL methods regardless of their objective functions. Moreover, it does not require major changes in the network architecture or prior knowledge of downstream tasks. In addition to an analysis of sensitivity towards different data augmentations, we conduct a series of experiments, which show that CASSLE improves over various SSL methods, reaching state-of-the-art performance in multiple downstream tasks.

Are ChatGPT and Other Similar Systems the Modern Lernaean Hydras of AI?. (arXiv:2306.09267v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Dimitrios Ioannidis, Jeremy Kepner, Andrew Bowne, Harriet S. Bryant

The rise of Generative Artificial Intelligence systems (''AI systems'') has created unprecedented social engagement. AI code generation systems provide responses (output) to questions or requests by accessing the vast library of open-source code created by developers over the past few decades. However, they do so by allegedly stealing the open-source code stored in virtual libraries, known as repositories. This Article focuses on how this happens and whether there is a solution that protects innovation and avoids years of litigation. We also touch upon the array of issues raised by the relationship between AI and copyright. Looking ahead, we propose the following: (a) immediate changes to the licenses for open-source code created by developers that will limit access and/or use of any open-source code to humans only; (b) we suggest revisions to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (''MIT'') license so that AI systems are required to procure appropriate licenses from open-source code developers, which we believe will harmonize standards and build social consensus for the benefit of all of humanity, rather than promote profit-driven centers of innovation; (c) we call for urgent legislative action to protect the future of AI systems while also promoting innovation; and (d) we propose a shift in the burden of proof to AI systems in obfuscation cases.

Private Federated Frequency Estimation: Adapting to the Hardness of the Instance. (arXiv:2306.09396v2 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

Authors: Jingfeng Wu, Wennan Zhu, Peter Kairouz, Vladimir Braverman

In federated frequency estimation (FFE), multiple clients work together to estimate the frequencies of their collective data by communicating with a server that respects the privacy constraints of Secure Summation (SecSum), a cryptographic multi-party computation protocol that ensures that the server can only access the sum of client-held vectors. For single-round FFE, it is known that count sketching is nearly information-theoretically optimal for achieving the fundamental accuracy-communication trade-offs [Chen et al., 2022]. However, we show that under the more practical multi-round FEE setting, simple adaptations of count sketching are strictly sub-optimal, and we propose a novel hybrid sketching algorithm that is provably more accurate. We also address the following fundamental question: how should a practitioner set the sketch size in a way that adapts to the hardness of the underlying problem? We propose a two-phase approach that allows for the use of a smaller sketch size for simpler problems (e.g., near-sparse or light-tailed distributions). We conclude our work by showing how differential privacy can be added to our algorithm and verifying its superior performance through extensive experiments conducted on large-scale datasets.

EquiformerV2: Improved Equivariant Transformer for Scaling to Higher-Degree Representations. (arXiv:2306.12059v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yi-Lun Liao, Brandon Wood, Abhishek Das, Tess Smidt

Equivariant Transformers such as Equiformer have demonstrated the efficacy of applying Transformers to the domain of 3D atomistic systems. However, they are limited to small degrees of equivariant representations due to their computational complexity. In this paper, we investigate whether these architectures can scale well to higher degrees. Starting from Equiformer, we first replace $SO(3)$ convolutions with eSCN convolutions to efficiently incorporate higher-degree tensors. Then, to better leverage the power of higher degrees, we propose three architectural improvements -- attention re-normalization, separable $S^2$ activation and separable layer normalization. Putting this all together, we propose EquiformerV2, which outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on large-scale OC20 dataset by up to $9\%$ on forces, $4\%$ on energies, offers better speed-accuracy trade-offs, and $2\times$ reduction in DFT calculations needed for computing adsorption energies. Additionally, EquiformerV2 trained on only OC22 dataset outperforms GemNet-OC trained on both OC20 and OC22 datasets, achieving much better data efficiency. Finally, we compare EquiformerV2 with Equiformer on QM9 and OC20 S2EF-2M datasets to better understand the performance gain brought by higher degrees.

Joint Prompt Optimization of Stacked LLMs using Variational Inference. (arXiv:2306.12509v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Alessandro Sordoni, Xingdi Yuan, Marc-Alexandre Côté, Matheus Pereira, Adam Trischler, Ziang Xiao, Arian Hosseini, Friederike Niedtner, Nicolas Le Roux

Large language models (LLMs) can be seen as atomic units of computation mapping sequences to a distribution over sequences. Thus, they can be seen as stochastic language layers in a language network, where the learnable parameters are the natural language prompts at each layer. By stacking two such layers and feeding the output of one layer to the next, we obtain a Deep Language Network (DLN). We first show how to effectively perform prompt optimization for a 1-Layer language network (DLN-1). Then, we present an extension that applies to 2-layer DLNs (DLN-2), where two prompts must be learned. The key idea is to consider the output of the first layer as a latent variable, which requires inference, and prompts to be learned as the parameters of the generative distribution. We first test the effectiveness of DLN-1 in multiple reasoning and natural language understanding tasks. Then, we show that DLN-2 can reach higher performance than a single layer, showing promise that we might reach comparable performance to GPT-4, even when each LLM in the network is smaller and less powerful.

Trading-off price for data quality to achieve fair online allocation. (arXiv:2306.13440v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mathieu Molina, Nicolas Gast, Patrick Loiseau, Vianney Perchet

We consider the problem of online allocation subject to a long-term fairness penalty. Contrary to existing works, however, we do not assume that the decision-maker observes the protected attributes -- which is often unrealistic in practice. Instead they can purchase data that help estimate them from sources of different quality; and hence reduce the fairness penalty at some cost. We model this problem as a multi-armed bandit problem where each arm corresponds to the choice of a data source, coupled with the online allocation problem. We propose an algorithm that jointly solves both problems and show that it has a regret bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$. A key difficulty is that the rewards received by selecting a source are correlated by the fairness penalty, which leads to a need for randomization (despite a stochastic setting). Our algorithm takes into account contextual information available before the source selection, and can adapt to many different fairness notions. We also show that in some instances, the estimates used can be learned on the fly.

Adversarial Training for Graph Neural Networks: Pitfalls, Solutions, and New Directions. (arXiv:2306.15427v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lukas Gosch, Simon Geisler, Daniel Sturm, Bertrand Charpentier, Daniel Zügner, Stephan Günnemann

Despite its success in the image domain, adversarial training did not (yet) stand out as an effective defense for Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) against graph structure perturbations. In the pursuit of fixing adversarial training (1) we show and overcome fundamental theoretical as well as practical limitations of the adopted graph learning setting in prior work; (2) we reveal that more flexible GNNs based on learnable graph diffusion are able to adjust to adversarial perturbations, while the learned message passing scheme is naturally interpretable; (3) we introduce the first attack for structure perturbations that, while targeting multiple nodes at once, is capable of handling global (graph-level) as well as local (node-level) constraints. Including these contributions, we demonstrate that adversarial training is a state-of-the-art defense against adversarial structure perturbations.

RL4CO: a Unified Reinforcement Learning for Combinatorial Optimization Library. (arXiv:2306.17100v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Federico Berto, Chuanbo Hua, Junyoung Park, Minsu Kim, Hyeonah Kim, Jiwoo Son, Haeyeon Kim, Joungho Kim, Jinkyoo Park

Deep reinforcement learning offers notable benefits in addressing combinatorial problems over traditional solvers, reducing the reliance on domain-specific knowledge and expert solutions, and improving computational efficiency. Despite the recent surge in interest in neural combinatorial optimization, practitioners often do not have access to a standardized code base. Moreover, different algorithms are frequently based on fragmentized implementations that hinder reproducibility and fair comparison. To address these challenges, we introduce RL4CO, a unified Reinforcement Learning (RL) for Combinatorial Optimization (CO) library. We employ state-of-the-art software and best practices in implementation, such as modularity and configuration management, to be flexible, easily modifiable, and extensible by researchers. Thanks to our unified codebase, we benchmark baseline RL solvers with different evaluation schemes on zero-shot performance, generalization, and adaptability on diverse tasks. Notably, we find that some recent methods may fall behind their predecessors depending on the evaluation settings. We hope RL4CO will encourage the exploration of novel solutions to complex real-world tasks, allowing the community to compare with existing methods through a unified framework that decouples the science from software engineering. We open-source our library at

Distributional Model Equivalence for Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2307.01708v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Tyler Kastner, Murat A. Erdogdu, Amir-massoud Farahmand

We consider the problem of learning models for risk-sensitive reinforcement learning. We theoretically demonstrate that proper value equivalence, a method of learning models which can be used to plan optimally in the risk-neutral setting, is not sufficient to plan optimally in the risk-sensitive setting. We leverage distributional reinforcement learning to introduce two new notions of model equivalence, one which is general and can be used to plan for any risk measure, but is intractable; and a practical variation which allows one to choose which risk measures they may plan optimally for. We demonstrate how our framework can be used to augment any model-free risk-sensitive algorithm, and provide both tabular and large-scale experiments to demonstrate its ability.

How Deep Neural Networks Learn Compositional Data: The Random Hierarchy Model. (arXiv:2307.02129v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Francesco Cagnetta, Leonardo Petrini, Umberto M. Tomasini, Alessandro Favero, Matthieu Wyart

Deep learning algorithms demonstrate a surprising ability to learn high-dimensional tasks from limited examples. This is commonly attributed to the depth of neural networks, enabling them to build a hierarchy of abstract, low-dimensional data representations. However, how many training examples are required to learn such representations remains unknown. To quantitatively study this question, we introduce the Random Hierarchy Model: a family of synthetic tasks inspired by the hierarchical structure of language and images. The model is a classification task where each class corresponds to a group of high-level features, chosen among several equivalent groups associated with the same class. In turn, each feature corresponds to a group of sub-features chosen among several equivalent ones and so on, following a hierarchy of composition rules. We find that deep networks learn the task by developing internal representations invariant to exchanging equivalent groups. Moreover, the number of data required corresponds to the point where correlations between low-level features and classes become detectable. Overall, our results indicate how deep networks overcome the curse of dimensionality by building invariant representations, and provide an estimate of the number of data required to learn a hierarchical task.

Large Language Models Empowered Autonomous Edge AI for Connected Intelligence. (arXiv:2307.02779v2 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifei Shen, Jiawei Shao, Xinjie Zhang, Zehong Lin, Hao Pan, Dongsheng Li, Jun Zhang, Khaled B. Letaief

The evolution of wireless networks gravitates towards connected intelligence, a concept that envisions seamless interconnectivity among humans, objects, and intelligence in a hyper-connected cyber-physical world. Edge artificial intelligence (Edge AI) is a promising solution to achieve connected intelligence by delivering high-quality, low-latency, and privacy-preserving AI services at the network edge. This article presents a vision of autonomous edge AI systems that automatically organize, adapt, and optimize themselves to meet users' diverse requirements, leveraging the power of large language models (LLMs), i.e., Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT). By exploiting the powerful abilities of GPT in language understanding, planning, and code generation, as well as incorporating classic wisdom such as task-oriented communication and edge federated learning, we present a versatile framework that efficiently coordinates edge AI models to cater to users' personal demands while automatically generating code to train new models in a privacy-preserving manner. Experimental results demonstrate the system's remarkable ability to accurately comprehend user demands, efficiently execute AI models with minimal cost, and effectively create high-performance AI models at edge servers.

Provably Efficient Iterated CVaR Reinforcement Learning with Function Approximation and Human Feedback. (arXiv:2307.02842v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Chen, Yihan Du, Pihe Hu, Siwei Wang, Desheng Wu, Longbo Huang

Risk-sensitive reinforcement learning (RL) aims to optimize policies that balance the expected reward and risk. In this paper, we present a novel risk-sensitive RL framework that employs an Iterated Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) objective under both linear and general function approximations, enriched by human feedback. These new formulations provide a principled way to guarantee safety in each decision making step throughout the control process. Moreover, integrating human feedback into risk-sensitive RL framework bridges the gap between algorithmic decision-making and human participation, allowing us to also guarantee safety for human-in-the-loop systems. We propose provably sample-efficient algorithms for this Iterated CVaR RL and provide rigorous theoretical analysis. Furthermore, we establish a matching lower bound to corroborate the optimality of our algorithms in a linear context.

Optimal Scalarizations for Sublinear Hypervolume Regret. (arXiv:2307.03288v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Qiuyi Zhang (Richard)

Scalarization is a general technique that can be deployed in any multiobjective setting to reduce multiple objectives into one, such as recently in RLHF for training reward models that align human preferences. Yet some have dismissed this classical approach because linear scalarizations are known to miss concave regions of the Pareto frontier. To that end, we aim to find simple non-linear scalarizations that can explore a diverse set of $k$ objectives on the Pareto frontier, as measured by the dominated hypervolume. We show that hypervolume scalarizations with uniformly random weights are surprisingly optimal for provably minimizing the hypervolume regret, achieving an optimal sublinear regret bound of $O(T^{-1/k})$, with matching lower bounds that preclude any algorithm from doing better asymptotically. As a theoretical case study, we consider the multiobjective stochastic linear bandits problem and demonstrate that by exploiting the sublinear regret bounds of the hypervolume scalarizations, we can derive a novel non-Euclidean analysis that produces improved hypervolume regret bounds of $\tilde{O}( d T^{-1/2} + T^{-1/k})$. We support our theory with strong empirical performance of using simple hypervolume scalarizations that consistently outperforms both the linear and Chebyshev scalarizations, as well as standard multiobjective algorithms in bayesian optimization, such as EHVI.

Reconstruction of 3-Axis Seismocardiogram from Right-to-left and Head-to-foot Components Using A Long Short-Term Memory Network. (arXiv:2307.07566v2 [] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohammad Muntasir Rahman, Amirtahà Taebi

This pilot study aims to develop a deep learning model for predicting seismocardiogram (SCG) signals in the dorsoventral direction from the SCG signals in the right-to-left and head-to-foot directions ($\textrm{SCG}_x$ and $\textrm{SCG}_y$). The dataset used for the training and validation of the model was obtained from 15 healthy adult subjects. The SCG signals were recorded using tri-axial accelerometers placed on the chest of each subject. The signals were then segmented using electrocardiogram R waves, and the segments were downsampled, normalized, and centered around zero. The resulting dataset was used to train and validate a long short-term memory (LSTM) network with two layers and a dropout layer to prevent overfitting. The network took as input 100-time steps of $\textrm{SCG}_x$ and $\textrm{SCG}_y$, representing one cardiac cycle, and outputted a vector that mapped to the target variable being predicted. The results showed that the LSTM model had a mean square error of 0.09 between the predicted and actual SCG segments in the dorsoventral direction. The study demonstrates the potential of deep learning models for reconstructing 3-axis SCG signals using the data obtained from dual-axis accelerometers.

Minimal Random Code Learning with Mean-KL Parameterization. (arXiv:2307.07816v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jihao Andreas Lin, Gergely Flamich, José Miguel Hernández-Lobato

This paper studies the qualitative behavior and robustness of two variants of Minimal Random Code Learning (MIRACLE) used to compress variational Bayesian neural networks. MIRACLE implements a powerful, conditionally Gaussian variational approximation for the weight posterior $Q_{\mathbf{w}}$ and uses relative entropy coding to compress a weight sample from the posterior using a Gaussian coding distribution $P_{\mathbf{w}}$. To achieve the desired compression rate, $D_{\mathrm{KL}}[Q_{\mathbf{w}} \Vert P_{\mathbf{w}}]$ must be constrained, which requires a computationally expensive annealing procedure under the conventional mean-variance (Mean-Var) parameterization for $Q_{\mathbf{w}}$. Instead, we parameterize $Q_{\mathbf{w}}$ by its mean and KL divergence from $P_{\mathbf{w}}$ to constrain the compression cost to the desired value by construction. We demonstrate that variational training with Mean-KL parameterization converges twice as fast and maintains predictive performance after compression. Furthermore, we show that Mean-KL leads to more meaningful variational distributions with heavier tails and compressed weight samples which are more robust to pruning.

Omnipotent Adversarial Training in the Wild. (arXiv:2307.08596v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Guanlin Li, Kangjie Chen, Yuan Xu, Han Qiu, Tianwei Zhang

Adversarial training is an important topic in robust deep learning, but the community lacks attention to its practical usage. In this paper, we aim to resolve a real-world challenge, i.e., training a model on an imbalanced and noisy dataset to achieve high clean accuracy and adversarial robustness, with our proposed Omnipotent Adversarial Training (OAT) strategy. OAT consists of two innovative methodologies to address the imperfection in the training set. We first introduce an oracle into the adversarial training process to help the model learn a correct data-label conditional distribution. This carefully-designed oracle can provide correct label annotations for adversarial training. We further propose logits adjustment adversarial training to overcome the data imbalance issue, which can help the model learn a Bayes-optimal distribution. Our comprehensive evaluation results show that OAT outperforms other baselines by more than 20% clean accuracy improvement and 10% robust accuracy improvement under complex combinations of data imbalance and label noise scenarios. The code can be found in

Alleviating the Effect of Data Imbalance on Adversarial Training. (arXiv:2307.10205v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Guanlin Li, Guowen Xu, Tianwei Zhang

In this paper, we study adversarial training on datasets that obey the long-tailed distribution, which is practical but rarely explored in previous works. Compared with conventional adversarial training on balanced datasets, this process falls into the dilemma of generating uneven adversarial examples (AEs) and an unbalanced feature embedding space, causing the resulting model to exhibit low robustness and accuracy on tail data. To combat that, we theoretically analyze the lower bound of the robust risk to train a model on a long-tailed dataset to obtain the key challenges in addressing the aforementioned dilemmas. Based on it, we propose a new adversarial training framework -- Re-balancing Adversarial Training (REAT). This framework consists of two components: (1) a new training strategy inspired by the effective number to guide the model to generate more balanced and informative AEs; (2) a carefully constructed penalty function to force a satisfactory feature space. Evaluation results on different datasets and model structures prove that REAT can effectively enhance the model's robustness and preserve the model's clean accuracy. The code can be found in

PASTA: Pretrained Action-State Transformer Agents. (arXiv:2307.10936v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Raphael Boige, Yannis Flet-Berliac, Arthur Flajolet, Guillaume Richard, Thomas Pierrot

Self-supervised learning has brought about a revolutionary paradigm shift in various computing domains, including NLP, vision, and biology. Recent approaches involve pre-training transformer models on vast amounts of unlabeled data, serving as a starting point for efficiently solving downstream tasks. In reinforcement learning, researchers have recently adapted these approaches, developing models pre-trained on expert trajectories. This advancement enables the models to tackle a broad spectrum of tasks, ranging from robotics to recommendation systems. However, existing methods mostly rely on intricate pre-training objectives tailored to specific downstream applications. This paper conducts a comprehensive investigation of models, referred to as pre-trained action-state transformer agents (PASTA). Our study covers a unified methodology and covers an extensive set of general downstream tasks including behavioral cloning, offline RL, sensor failure robustness, and dynamics change adaptation. Our objective is to systematically compare various design choices and offer valuable insights that will aid practitioners in developing robust models. Key highlights of our study include tokenization at the component level for actions and states, the use of fundamental pre-training objectives such as next token prediction or masked language modeling, simultaneous training of models across multiple domains, and the application of various fine-tuning strategies. In this study, the developed models contain fewer than 7 million parameters allowing a broad community to use these models and reproduce our experiments. We hope that this study will encourage further research into the use of transformers with first principle design choices to represent RL trajectories and contribute to robust policy learning.

Accuracy Improvement in Differentially Private Logistic Regression: A Pre-training Approach. (arXiv:2307.13771v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohammad Hoseinpour, Milad Hoseinpour, Ali Aghagolzadeh

Machine learning (ML) models can memorize training datasets. As a result, training ML models over private datasets can lead to the violation of individuals' privacy. Differential privacy (DP) is a rigorous privacy notion to preserve the privacy of underlying training datasets. Yet, training ML models in a DP framework usually degrades the accuracy of ML models. This paper aims to boost the accuracy of a DP logistic regression (LR) via a pre-training module. In more detail, we initially pre-train our LR model on a public training dataset that there is no privacy concern about it. Then, we fine-tune our DP-LR model with the private dataset. In the numerical results, we show that adding a pre-training module significantly improves the accuracy of the DP-LR model.

Telematics Combined Actuarial Neural Networks for Cross-Sectional and Longitudinal Claim Count Data. (arXiv:2308.01729v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Francis Duval, Jean-Philippe Boucher, Mathieu Pigeon

We present novel cross-sectional and longitudinal claim count models for vehicle insurance built upon the Combined Actuarial Neural Network (CANN) framework proposed by Mario W\"uthrich and Michael Merz. The CANN approach combines a classical actuarial model, such as a generalized linear model, with a neural network. This blending of models results in a two-component model comprising a classical regression model and a neural network part. The CANN model leverages the strengths of both components, providing a solid foundation and interpretability from the classical model while harnessing the flexibility and capacity to capture intricate relationships and interactions offered by the neural network. In our proposed models, we use well-known log-linear claim count regression models for the classical regression part and a multilayer perceptron (MLP) for the neural network part. The MLP part is used to process telematics car driving data given as a vector characterizing the driving behavior of each insured driver. In addition to the Poisson and negative binomial distributions for cross-sectional data, we propose a procedure for training our CANN model with a multivariate negative binomial (MVNB) specification. By doing so, we introduce a longitudinal model that accounts for the dependence between contracts from the same insured. Our results reveal that the CANN models exhibit superior performance compared to log-linear models that rely on manually engineered telematics features.

Fluid Viscosity Prediction Leveraging Computer Vision and Robot Interaction. (arXiv:2308.02715v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jong Hoon Park, Gauri Pramod Dalwankar, Alison Bartsch, Abraham George, Amir Barati Farimani

Accurately determining fluid viscosity is crucial for various industrial and scientific applications. Traditional methods of viscosity measurement, though reliable, often require manual intervention and cannot easily adapt to real-time monitoring. With advancements in machine learning and computer vision, this work explores the feasibility of predicting fluid viscosity by analyzing fluid oscillations captured in video data. The pipeline employs a 3D convolutional autoencoder pretrained in a self-supervised manner to extract and learn features from semantic segmentation masks of oscillating fluids. Then, the latent representations of the input data, produced from the pretrained autoencoder, is processed with a distinct inference head to infer either the fluid category (classification) or the fluid viscosity (regression) in a time-resolved manner. When the latent representations generated by the pretrained autoencoder are used for classification, the system achieves a 97.1% accuracy across a total of 4,140 test datapoints. Similarly, for regression tasks, employing an additional fully-connected network as a regression head allows the pipeline to achieve a mean absolute error of 0.258 over 4,416 test datapoints. This study represents an innovative contribution to both fluid characterization and the evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence, demonstrating the potential of deep learning in achieving near real-time viscosity estimation and addressing practical challenges in fluid dynamics through the analysis of video data capturing oscillating fluid dynamics.

AI planning in the imagination: High-level planning on learned abstract search spaces. (arXiv:2308.08693v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Carlos Martin, Tuomas Sandholm

Search and planning algorithms have been a cornerstone of artificial intelligence since the field's inception. Giving reinforcement learning agents the ability to plan during execution time has resulted in significant performance improvements in various domains. However, in real-world environments, the model with respect to which the agent plans has been constrained to be grounded in the real environment itself, as opposed to a more abstract model which allows for planning over compound actions and behaviors. We propose a new method, called PiZero, that gives an agent the ability to plan in an abstract search space that the agent learns during training, which is completely decoupled from the real environment. Unlike prior approaches, this enables the agent to perform high-level planning at arbitrary timescales and reason in terms of compound or temporally-extended actions, which can be useful in environments where large numbers of base-level micro-actions are needed to perform relevant macro-actions. In addition, our method is more general than comparable prior methods because it seamlessly handles settings with continuous action spaces, combinatorial action spaces, and partial observability. We evaluate our method on multiple domains, including the traveling salesman problem, Sokoban, 2048, the facility location problem, and Pacman. Experimentally, it outperforms comparable prior methods without assuming access to an environment simulator at execution time.

CARLA: Self-supervised Contrastive Representation Learning for Time Series Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2308.09296v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zahra Zamanzadeh Darban, Geoffrey I. Webb, Shirui Pan, Charu C. Aggarwal, Mahsa Salehi

One main challenge in time series anomaly detection (TAD) is the lack of labelled data in many real-life scenarios. Most of the existing anomaly detection methods focus on learning the normal behaviour of unlabelled time series in an unsupervised manner. The normal boundary is often defined tightly, resulting in slight deviations being classified as anomalies, consequently leading to a high false positive rate and a limited ability to generalise normal patterns. To address this, we introduce a novel end-to-end self-supervised ContrAstive Representation Learning approach for time series Anomaly detection (CARLA). While existing contrastive learning methods assume that augmented time series windows are positive samples and temporally distant windows are negative samples, we argue that these assumptions are limited as augmentation of time series can transform them to negative samples, and a temporally distant window can represent a positive sample. Our contrastive approach leverages existing generic knowledge about time series anomalies and injects various types of anomalies as negative samples. Therefore, CARLA not only learns normal behaviour but also learns deviations indicating anomalies. It creates similar representations for temporally closed windows and distinct ones for anomalies. Additionally, it leverages the information about representations' neighbours through a self-supervised approach to classify windows based on their nearest/furthest neighbours to further enhance the performance of anomaly detection. In extensive tests on seven major real-world time series anomaly detection datasets, CARLA shows superior performance over state-of-the-art self-supervised and unsupervised TAD methods. Our research shows the potential of contrastive representation learning to advance time series anomaly detection.

Continual Learning with Dynamic Sparse Training: Exploring Algorithms for Effective Model Updates. (arXiv:2308.14831v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Murat Onur Yildirim, Elif Ceren Gok Yildirim, Ghada Sokar, Decebal Constantin Mocanu, Joaquin Vanschoren

Continual learning (CL) refers to the ability of an intelligent system to sequentially acquire and retain knowledge from a stream of data with as little computational overhead as possible. To this end; regularization, replay, architecture, and parameter isolation approaches were introduced to the literature. Parameter isolation using a sparse network which enables to allocate distinct parts of the neural network to different tasks and also allows to share of parameters between tasks if they are similar. Dynamic Sparse Training (DST) is a prominent way to find these sparse networks and isolate them for each task. This paper is the first empirical study investigating the effect of different DST components under the CL paradigm to fill a critical research gap and shed light on the optimal configuration of DST for CL if it exists. Therefore, we perform a comprehensive study in which we investigate various DST components to find the best topology per task on well-known CIFAR100 and miniImageNet benchmarks in a task-incremental CL setup since our primary focus is to evaluate the performance of various DST criteria, rather than the process of mask selection. We found that, at a low sparsity level, Erdos-R\'enyi Kernel (ERK) initialization utilizes the backbone more efficiently and allows to effectively learn increments of tasks. At a high sparsity level, unless it is extreme, uniform initialization demonstrates a more reliable and robust performance. In terms of growth strategy; performance is dependent on the defined initialization strategy and the extent of sparsity. Finally, adaptivity within DST components is a promising way for better continual learners.

When Do Program-of-Thoughts Work for Reasoning?. (arXiv:2308.15452v5 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Bi, Ningyu Zhang, Yinuo Jiang, Shumin Deng, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

In the realm of embodied artificial intelligence, the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) play a pivotal role. Although there are effective methods like program-of-thought prompting for LLMs which uses programming language to tackle complex reasoning tasks, the specific impact of code data on the improvement of reasoning capabilities remains under-explored. To address this gap, we propose complexity-impacted reasoning score (CIRS), which combines structural and logical attributes, to measure the correlation between code and reasoning abilities. Specifically, we use the abstract syntax tree to encode the structural information and calculate logical complexity by considering the difficulty and the cyclomatic complexity. Through an empirical analysis, we find not all code data of complexity can be learned or understood by LLMs. Optimal level of complexity is critical to the improvement of reasoning abilities by program-aided prompting. Then we design an auto-synthesizing and stratifying algorithm, and apply it to instruction generation for mathematical reasoning and code data filtering for code generation tasks. Extensive results demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Code will be integrated into the EasyInstruct framework at

Learning Structure-from-Motion with Graph Attention Networks. (arXiv:2308.15984v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lucas Brynte, José Pedro Iglesias, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl

In this paper we tackle the problem of learning Structure-from-Motion (SfM) through the use of graph attention networks. SfM is a classic computer vision problem that is solved though iterative minimization of reprojection errors, referred to as Bundle Adjustment (BA), starting from a good initialization. In order to obtain a good enough initialization to BA, conventional methods rely on a sequence of sub-problems (such as pairwise pose estimation, pose averaging or triangulation) which provides an initial solution that can then be refined using BA. In this work we replace these sub-problems by learning a model that takes as input the 2D keypoints detected across multiple views, and outputs the corresponding camera poses and 3D keypoint coordinates. Our model takes advantage of graph neural networks to learn SfM-specific primitives, and we show that it can be used for fast inference of the reconstruction for new and unseen sequences. The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms competing learning-based methods, and challenges COLMAP while having lower runtime.

BioCoder: A Benchmark for Bioinformatics Code Generation with Contextual Pragmatic Knowledge. (arXiv:2308.16458v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiangru Tang, Bill Qian, Rick Gao, Jiakang Chen, Xinyun Chen, Mark Gerstein

Pre-trained large language models have significantly improved code generation. As these models scale up, there is an increasing need for the output to handle more intricate tasks and to be appropriately specialized to particular domains. Here, we target bioinformatics due to the amount of specialized domain knowledge, algorithms, and data operations this discipline requires. We present BioCoder, a benchmark developed to evaluate large language models (LLMs) in generating bioinformatics-specific code. BioCoder spans a broad spectrum of the field and covers cross-file dependencies, class declarations, and global variables. It incorporates 1026 Python functions and 1243 Java methods extracted from GitHub, along with 253 examples from the Rosalind Project, all pertaining to bioinformatics. Using topic modeling we show that overall coverage of the included code is representative of the full spectrum of bioinformatics calculations. BioCoder incorporates a fuzz-testing framework for evaluation. We have applied it to evaluate many models including InCoder, CodeGen, CodeGen2, SantaCoder, StarCoder, StarCoder+, InstructCodeT5+, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4. Furthermore, we finetuned StarCoder, demonstrating how our dataset can effectively enhance the performance of LLMs on our benchmark (by >15% in terms of Pass@K in certain prompt configurations and always >3%). The results highlight two key aspects of successful models: (1) Successful models accommodate a long prompt (> ~2600 tokens) with full context, for functional dependencies. (2) They contain specific domain knowledge of bioinformatics, beyond just general coding knowledge. This is evident from the performance gain of GPT-3.5/4 compared to the smaller models on the benchmark (50% vs up to ~25%). Our dataset, benchmark, Docker images, and scripts required for testing are all available at

A Generalized Bandsplit Neural Network for Cinematic Audio Source Separation. (arXiv:2309.02539v3 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Karn N. Watcharasupat, Chih-Wei Wu, Yiwei Ding, Iroro Orife, Aaron J. Hipple, Phillip A. Williams, Scott Kramer, Alexander Lerch, William Wolcott

Cinematic audio source separation is a relatively new subtask of audio source separation, with the aim of extracting the dialogue, music, and effects stems from their mixture. In this work, we developed a model generalizing the Bandsplit RNN for any complete or overcomplete partitions of the frequency axis. Psychoacoustically motivated frequency scales were used to inform the band definitions which are now defined with redundancy for more reliable feature extraction. A loss function motivated by the signal-to-noise ratio and the sparsity-promoting property of the 1-norm was proposed. We additionally exploit the information-sharing property of a common-encoder setup to reduce computational complexity during both training and inference, improve separation performance for hard-to-generalize classes of sounds, and allow flexibility during inference time with detachable decoders. Our best model sets the state of the art on the Divide and Remaster dataset with performance above the ideal ratio mask for the dialogue stem.

FIND: A Function Description Benchmark for Evaluating Interpretability Methods. (arXiv:2309.03886v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sarah Schwettmann, Tamar Rott Shaham, Joanna Materzynska, Neil Chowdhury, Shuang Li, Jacob Andreas, David Bau, Antonio Torralba

Labeling neural network submodules with human-legible descriptions is useful for many downstream tasks: such descriptions can surface failures, guide interventions, and perhaps even explain important model behaviors. To date, most mechanistic descriptions of trained networks have involved small models, narrowly delimited phenomena, and large amounts of human labor. Labeling all human-interpretable sub-computations in models of increasing size and complexity will almost certainly require tools that can generate and validate descriptions automatically. Recently, techniques that use learned models in-the-loop for labeling have begun to gain traction, but methods for evaluating their efficacy are limited and ad-hoc. How should we validate and compare open-ended labeling tools? This paper introduces FIND (Function INterpretation and Description), a benchmark suite for evaluating the building blocks of automated interpretability methods. FIND contains functions that resemble components of trained neural networks, and accompanying descriptions of the kind we seek to generate. The functions span textual and numeric domains, and involve a range of real-world complexities. We evaluate methods that use pretrained language models (LMs) to produce descriptions of function behavior in natural language and code. Additionally, we introduce a new interactive method in which an Automated Interpretability Agent (AIA) generates function descriptions. We find that an AIA, built from an LM with black-box access to functions, can infer function structure, acting as a scientist by forming hypotheses, proposing experiments, and updating descriptions in light of new data. However, AIA descriptions tend to capture global function behavior and miss local details. These results suggest that FIND will be useful for evaluating more sophisticated interpretability methods before they are applied to real-world models.

The Effect of Intrinsic Dimension on Metric Learning under Compression. (arXiv:2309.05751v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Efstratios Palias, Ata Kabán

Metric learning aims at finding a suitable distance metric over the input space, to improve the performance of distance-based learning algorithms. In high-dimensional settings, metric learning can also play the role of dimensionality reduction, by imposing a low-rank restriction to the learnt metric. In this paper, instead of training a low-rank metric on high-dimensional data, we consider a randomly compressed version of the data, and train a full-rank metric there. We give theoretical guarantees on the error of distance-based metric learning, with respect to the random compression, which do not depend on the ambient dimension. Our bounds do not make any explicit assumptions, aside from i.i.d. data from a bounded support, and automatically tighten when benign geometrical structures are present. Experimental results on both synthetic and real data sets support our theoretical findings in high-dimensional settings.

ChemSpaceAL: An Efficient Active Learning Methodology Applied to Protein-Specific Molecular Generation. (arXiv:2309.05853v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Gregory W. Kyro, Anton Morgunov, Rafael I. Brent, Victor S. Batista

The incredible capabilities of generative artificial intelligence models have inevitably led to their application in the domain of drug discovery. Within this domain, the vastness of chemical space motivates the development of more efficient methods for identifying regions with molecules that exhibit desired characteristics. In this work, we present a computationally efficient active learning methodology that requires evaluation of only a subset of the generated data in the constructed sample space to successfully align a generative model with respect to a specified objective. We demonstrate the applicability of this methodology to targeted molecular generation by fine-tuning a GPT-based molecular generator toward a protein with FDA-approved small-molecule inhibitors, c-Abl kinase. Remarkably, the model learns to generate molecules similar to the inhibitors without prior knowledge of their existence, and even reproduces two of them exactly. We also show that the methodology is effective for a protein without any commercially available small-molecule inhibitors, the HNH domain of the CRISPR-associated protein 9 (Cas9) enzyme. We believe that the inherent generality of this method ensures that it will remain applicable as the exciting field of in silico molecular generation evolves. To facilitate implementation and reproducibility, we have made all of our software available through the open-source ChemSpaceAL Python package.

Supervised Machine Learning and Physics based Machine Learning approach for prediction of peak temperature distribution in Additive Friction Stir Deposition of Aluminium Alloy. (arXiv:2309.06838v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Akshansh Mishra

Additive friction stir deposition (AFSD) is a novel solid-state additive manufacturing technique that circumvents issues of porosity, cracking, and properties anisotropy that plague traditional powder bed fusion and directed energy deposition approaches. However, correlations between process parameters, thermal profiles, and resulting microstructure in AFSD remain poorly understood. This hinders process optimization for properties. This work employs a framework combining supervised machine learning (SML) and physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) to predict peak temperature distribution in AFSD from process parameters. Eight regression algorithms were implemented for SML modeling, while four PINNs leveraged governing equations for transport, wave propagation, heat transfer, and quantum mechanics. Across multiple statistical measures, ensemble techniques like gradient boosting proved superior for SML, with lowest MSE of 165.78. The integrated ML approach was also applied to classify deposition quality from process factors, with logistic regression delivering robust accuracy. By fusing data-driven learning and fundamental physics, this dual methodology provides comprehensive insights into tailoring microstructure through thermal management in AFSD. The work demonstrates the power of bridging statistical and physics-based modeling for elucidating AM process-property relationships.

FedDCSR: Federated Cross-domain Sequential Recommendation via Disentangled Representation Learning. (arXiv:2309.08420v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongyu Zhang, Dongyi Zheng, Xu Yang, Jiyuan Feng, Qing Liao

Cross-domain Sequential Recommendation (CSR) which leverages user sequence data from multiple domains has received extensive attention in recent years. However, the existing CSR methods require sharing origin user data across domains, which violates the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Thus, it is necessary to combine federated learning (FL) and CSR to fully utilize knowledge from different domains while preserving data privacy. Nonetheless, the sequence feature heterogeneity across different domains significantly impacts the overall performance of FL. In this paper, we propose FedDCSR, a novel federated cross-domain sequential recommendation framework via disentangled representation learning. Specifically, to address the sequence feature heterogeneity across domains, we introduce an approach called inter-intra domain sequence representation disentanglement (SRD) to disentangle the user sequence features into domain-shared and domain-exclusive features. In addition, we design an intra domain contrastive infomax (CIM) strategy to learn richer domain-exclusive features of users by performing data augmentation on user sequences. Extensive experiments on three real-world scenarios demonstrate that FedDCSR achieves significant improvements over existing baselines.

Make the U in UDA Matter: Invariant Consistency Learning for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation. (arXiv:2309.12742v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhongqi Yue, Hanwang Zhang, Qianru Sun

Domain Adaptation (DA) is always challenged by the spurious correlation between domain-invariant features (e.g., class identity) and domain-specific features (e.g., environment) that does not generalize to the target domain. Unfortunately, even enriched with additional unsupervised target domains, existing Unsupervised DA (UDA) methods still suffer from it. This is because the source domain supervision only considers the target domain samples as auxiliary data (e.g., by pseudo-labeling), yet the inherent distribution in the target domain -- where the valuable de-correlation clues hide -- is disregarded. We propose to make the U in UDA matter by giving equal status to the two domains. Specifically, we learn an invariant classifier whose prediction is simultaneously consistent with the labels in the source domain and clusters in the target domain, hence the spurious correlation inconsistent in the target domain is removed. We dub our approach "Invariant CONsistency learning" (ICON). Extensive experiments show that ICON achieves the state-of-the-art performance on the classic UDA benchmarks: Office-Home and VisDA-2017, and outperforms all the conventional methods on the challenging WILDS 2.0 benchmark. Codes are in

Time-Series Forecasting: Unleashing Long-Term Dependencies with Fractionally Differenced Data. (arXiv:2309.13409v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sarit Maitra, Vivek Mishra, Srashti Dwivedi, Sukanya Kundu, Goutam Kumar Kundu

This study introduces a novel forecasting strategy that leverages the power of fractional differencing (FD) to capture both short- and long-term dependencies in time series data. Unlike traditional integer differencing methods, FD preserves memory in series while stabilizing it for modeling purposes. By applying FD to financial data from the SPY index and incorporating sentiment analysis from news reports, this empirical analysis explores the effectiveness of FD in conjunction with binary classification of target variables. Supervised classification algorithms were employed to validate the performance of FD series. The results demonstrate the superiority of FD over integer differencing, as confirmed by Receiver Operating Characteristic/Area Under the Curve (ROCAUC) and Mathews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) evaluations.

Neural Operators for Accelerating Scientific Simulations and Design. (arXiv:2309.15325v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kamyar Azizzadenesheli, Nikola Kovachki, Zongyi Li, Miguel Liu-Schiaffini, Jean Kossaifi, Anima Anandkumar

Scientific discovery and engineering design are currently limited by the time and cost of physical experiments, selected mostly through trial-and-error and intuition that require deep domain expertise. Numerical simulations present an alternative to physical experiments but are usually infeasible for complex real-world domains due to the computational requirements of existing numerical methods. Artificial intelligence (AI) presents a potential paradigm shift by developing fast data-driven surrogate models. In particular, an AI framework, known as neural operators, presents a principled framework for learning mappings between functions defined on continuous domains, e.g., spatiotemporal processes and partial differential equations (PDE). They can extrapolate and predict solutions at new locations unseen during training, i.e., perform zero-shot super-resolution. Neural operators can augment or even replace existing simulators in many applications, such as computational fluid dynamics, weather forecasting, and material modeling, while being 4-5 orders of magnitude faster. Further, neural operators can be integrated with physics and other domain constraints enforced at finer resolutions to obtain high-fidelity solutions and good generalization. Since neural operators are differentiable, they can directly optimize parameters for inverse design and other inverse problems. We believe that neural operators present a transformative approach to simulation and design, enabling rapid research and development.

Interpretable AI-Driven Discovery of Terrain-Precipitation Relationships for Enhanced Climate Insights. (arXiv:2309.15400v2 [] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Xu, Yuntian Chen, Zhenzhong Zeng, Nina Li, Jian Li, Dongxiao Zhang

Despite the remarkable strides made by AI-driven models in modern precipitation forecasting, these black-box models cannot inherently deepen the comprehension of underlying mechanisms. To address this limitation, we propose an AI-driven knowledge discovery framework known as genetic algorithm-geographic weighted regression (GA-GWR). Our approach seeks to unveil the explicit equations that govern the intricate relationship between precipitation patterns and terrain characteristics in regions marked by complex terrain. Through this AI-driven knowledge discovery, we uncover previously undisclosed explicit equations that shed light on the connection between terrain features and precipitation patterns. These equations demonstrate remarkable accuracy when applied to precipitation data, outperforming conventional empirical models. Notably, our research reveals that the parameters within these equations are dynamic, adapting to evolving climate patterns. Ultimately, the unveiled equations have practical applications, particularly in fine-scale downscaling for precipitation predictions using low-resolution future climate data. This capability offers invaluable insights into the anticipated changes in precipitation patterns across diverse terrains under future climate scenarios, which enhances our ability to address the challenges posed by contemporary climate science.

Space-Time Attention with Shifted Non-Local Search. (arXiv:2309.16849v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kent Gauen, Stanley Chan

Efficiently computing attention maps for videos is challenging due to the motion of objects between frames. While a standard non-local search is high-quality for a window surrounding each query point, the window's small size cannot accommodate motion. Methods for long-range motion use an auxiliary network to predict the most similar key coordinates as offsets from each query location. However, accurately predicting this flow field of offsets remains challenging, even for large-scale networks. Small spatial inaccuracies significantly impact the attention module's quality. This paper proposes a search strategy that combines the quality of a non-local search with the range of predicted offsets. The method, named Shifted Non-Local Search, executes a small grid search surrounding the predicted offsets to correct small spatial errors. Our method's in-place computation consumes 10 times less memory and is over 3 times faster than previous work. Experimentally, correcting the small spatial errors improves the video frame alignment quality by over 3 dB PSNR. Our search upgrades existing space-time attention modules, which improves video denoising results by 0.30 dB PSNR for a 7.5% increase in overall runtime. We integrate our space-time attention module into a UNet-like architecture to achieve state-of-the-art results on video denoising.

SEED: Domain-Specific Data Curation With Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.00749v2 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Authors: Zui Chen, Lei Cao, Sam Madden, Tim Kraska, Zeyuan Shang, Ju Fan, Nan Tang, Zihui Gu, Chunwei Liu, Michael Cafarella

Data curation tasks that prepare data for analytics are critical for turning data into actionable insights. However, due to the diverse requirements of applications in different domains, generic off-the-shelf tools are typically insufficient. As a result, data scientists often have to develop domain-specific solutions tailored to both the dataset and the task, e.g. writing domain-specific code or training machine learning models on a sufficient number of annotated examples. This process is notoriously difficult and time-consuming. We present SEED, an LLM-as-compiler approach that automatically generates domain-specific data curation solutions via Large Language Models (LLMs). Once the user describes a task, input data, and expected output, the SEED compiler produces an executable pipeline composed of LLM-generated code, small model, and data access modules. SEED uses these generated modules to process most of the data records and dynamically decides when the LLM should step in to directly process some individual records, possibly using the data-access modules to retrieve relevant information from the data sources to assist the LLM in solving the task. To validate this new, revolutionary approach, we conducted experiments on 9 datasets spanning over 5 data curation tasks. The results show that SEED generates domain-specific solutions that significantly outperform their generic counterparts, often approaching the performance of the manually curated solutions that use thousands of labeled training examples. Moreover, in comparison to solutions that use the LLM on every data record, SEED achieves state-of-the-art or comparable few-shot performance, while significantly reducing the number of LLM calls.

De Novo Drug Design with Joint Transformers. (arXiv:2310.02066v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Adam Izdebski, Ewelina Weglarz-Tomczak, Ewa Szczurek, Jakub M. Tomczak

De novo drug design requires simultaneously generating novel molecules outside of training data and predicting their target properties, making it a hard task for generative models. To address this, we propose Joint Transformer that combines a Transformer decoder, Transformer encoder, and a predictor in a joint generative model with shared weights. We formulate a probabilistic black-box optimization algorithm that employs Joint Transformer to generate novel molecules with improved target properties and outperforms other SMILES-based optimization methods in de novo drug design.

Never Train from Scratch: Fair Comparison of Long-Sequence Models Requires Data-Driven Priors. (arXiv:2310.02980v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ido Amos, Jonathan Berant, Ankit Gupta

Modeling long-range dependencies across sequences is a longstanding goal in machine learning and has led to architectures, such as state space models, that dramatically outperform Transformers on long sequences. However, these impressive empirical gains have been by and large demonstrated on benchmarks (e.g. Long Range Arena), where models are randomly initialized and trained to predict a target label from an input sequence. In this work, we show that random initialization leads to gross overestimation of the differences between architectures and that pretraining with standard denoising objectives, using $\textit{only the downstream task data}$, leads to dramatic gains across multiple architectures and to very small gaps between Transformers and state space models (SSMs). In stark contrast to prior works, we find vanilla Transformers to match the performance of S4 on Long Range Arena when properly pretrained, and we improve the best reported results of SSMs on the PathX-256 task by 20 absolute points. Subsequently, we analyze the utility of previously-proposed structured parameterizations for SSMs and show they become mostly redundant in the presence of data-driven initialization obtained through pretraining. Our work shows that, when evaluating different architectures on supervised tasks, incorporation of data-driven priors via pretraining is essential for reliable performance estimation, and can be done efficiently.

Non-Smooth Weakly-Convex Finite-sum Coupled Compositional Optimization. (arXiv:2310.03234v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Quanqi Hu, Dixian Zhu, Tianbao Yang

This paper investigates new families of compositional optimization problems, called $\underline{\bf n}$on-$\underline{\bf s}$mooth $\underline{\bf w}$eakly-$\underline{\bf c}$onvex $\underline{\bf f}$inite-sum $\underline{\bf c}$oupled $\underline{\bf c}$ompositional $\underline{\bf o}$ptimization (NSWC FCCO). There has been a growing interest in FCCO due to its wide-ranging applications in machine learning and AI, as well as its ability to address the shortcomings of stochastic algorithms based on empirical risk minimization. However, current research on FCCO presumes that both the inner and outer functions are smooth, limiting their potential to tackle a more diverse set of problems. Our research expands on this area by examining non-smooth weakly-convex FCCO, where the outer function is weakly convex and non-decreasing, and the inner function is weakly-convex. We analyze a single-loop algorithm and establish its complexity for finding an $\epsilon$-stationary point of the Moreau envelop of the objective function. Additionally, we also extend the algorithm to solving novel non-smooth weakly-convex tri-level finite-sum coupled compositional optimization problems, which feature a nested arrangement of three functions. Lastly, we explore the applications of our algorithms in deep learning for two-way partial AUC maximization and multi-instance two-way partial AUC maximization, using empirical studies to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Classification of Spam URLs Using Machine Learning Approaches. (arXiv:2310.05953v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Omar Husni Odeh, Anas Arram, Murad Njoum

The Internet is used by billions of users every day because it offers fast and free communication tools and platforms. Nevertheless, with this significant increase in usage, huge amounts of spam are generated every second, which wastes internet resources and, more importantly, users' time. This study investigates the use of machine learning models to classify URLs as spam or nonspam. We first extract the features from the URL as it has only one feature, and then we compare the performance of several models, including k nearest neighbors, bagging, random forest, logistic regression, and others. Experimental results demonstrate that bagging outperformed other models and achieved the highest accuracy of 98.64%. In addition, bagging outperformed the current state-of-the-art approaches which emphasize its effectiveness in addressing spam-related challenges on the Internet. This suggests that bagging is a promising approach for URL spam classification.

Efficient and Effective Deep Multi-view Subspace Clustering. (arXiv:2310.09718v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuxiu Lin, Hui Liu, Ren Wang, Qiang Guo, Caiming Zhang

Recent multi-view subspace clustering achieves impressive results utilizing deep networks, where the self-expressive correlation is typically modeled by a fully connected (FC) layer. However, they still suffer from two limitations. i) The parameter scale of the FC layer is quadratic to sample numbers, resulting in high time and memory costs that significantly degrade their feasibility in large-scale datasets. ii) It is under-explored to extract a unified representation that simultaneously satisfies minimal sufficiency and discriminability. To this end, we propose a novel deep framework, termed Efficient and Effective deep Multi-View Subspace Clustering (E$^2$MVSC). Instead of a parameterized FC layer, we design a Relation-Metric Net that decouples network parameter scale from sample numbers for greater computational efficiency. Most importantly, the proposed method devises a multi-type auto-encoder to explicitly decouple consistent, complementary, and superfluous information from every view, which is supervised by a soft clustering assignment similarity constraint. Following information bottleneck theory and the maximal coding rate reduction principle, a sufficient yet minimal unified representation can be obtained, as well as pursuing intra-cluster aggregation and inter-cluster separability within it. Extensive experiments show that E$^2$MVSC yields comparable results to existing methods and achieves state-of-the-art performance in various types of multi-view datasets.

AMAGO: Scalable In-Context Reinforcement Learning for Adaptive Agents. (arXiv:2310.09971v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jake Grigsby, Linxi Fan, Yuke Zhu

We introduce AMAGO, an in-context Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent that uses sequence models to tackle the challenges of generalization, long-term memory, and meta-learning. Recent works have shown that off-policy learning can make in-context RL with recurrent policies viable. Nonetheless, these approaches require extensive tuning and limit scalability by creating key bottlenecks in agents' memory capacity, planning horizon, and model size. AMAGO revisits and redesigns the off-policy in-context approach to successfully train long-sequence Transformers over entire rollouts in parallel with end-to-end RL. Our agent is uniquely scalable and applicable to a wide range of problems. We demonstrate its strong performance empirically in meta-RL and long-term memory domains. AMAGO's focus on sparse rewards and off-policy data also allows in-context learning to extend to goal-conditioned problems with challenging exploration. When combined with a novel hindsight relabeling scheme, AMAGO can solve a previously difficult category of open-world domains, where agents complete many possible instructions in procedurally generated environments. We evaluate our agent on three goal-conditioned domains and study how its individual improvements connect to create a generalist policy.

Understanding Fairness Surrogate Functions in Algorithmic Fairness. (arXiv:2310.11211v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Yao, Zhanke Zhou, Zhicong Li, Bo Han, Yong Liu

It has been observed that machine learning algorithms exhibit biased predictions against certain population groups. To mitigate such bias while achieving comparable accuracy, a promising approach is to introduce surrogate functions of the concerned fairness definition and solve a constrained optimization problem. However, it is intriguing in previous work that such fairness surrogate functions may yield unfair results and high instability. In this work, in order to deeply understand them, taking a widely used fairness definition--demographic parity as an example, we show that there is a surrogate-fairness gap between the fairness definition and the fairness surrogate function. Also, the theoretical analysis and experimental results about the gap motivate us that the fairness and stability will be affected by the points far from the decision boundary, which is the large margin points issue investigated in this paper. To address it, we propose the general sigmoid surrogate to simultaneously reduce both the surrogate-fairness gap and the variance, and offer a rigorous fairness and stability upper bound. Interestingly, the theory also provides insights into two important issues that deal with the large margin points as well as obtaining a more balanced dataset are beneficial to fairness and stability. Furthermore, we elaborate a novel and general algorithm called Balanced Surrogate, which iteratively reduces the gap to mitigate unfairness. Finally, we provide empirical evidence showing that our methods consistently improve fairness and stability while maintaining accuracy comparable to the baselines in three real-world datasets.

Federated Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network for Privacy-preserving Recommendation. (arXiv:2310.11730v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo Yan, Yang Cao, Haoyu Wang, Wenchuan Yang, Junping Du, Chuan Shi

Heterogeneous information network (HIN), which contains rich semantics depicted by meta-paths, has become a powerful tool to alleviate data sparsity in recommender systems. Existing HIN-based recommendations hold the data centralized storage assumption and conduct centralized model training. However, the real-world data is often stored in a distributed manner for privacy concerns, resulting in the failure of centralized HIN-based recommendations. In this paper, we suggest the HIN is partitioned into private HINs stored in the client side and shared HINs in the server. Following this setting, we propose a federated heterogeneous graph neural network (FedHGNN) based framework, which can collaboratively train a recommendation model on distributed HINs without leaking user privacy. Specifically, we first formalize the privacy definition in the light of differential privacy for HIN-based federated recommendation, which aims to protect user-item interactions of private HIN as well as user's high-order patterns from shared HINs. To recover the broken meta-path based semantics caused by distributed data storage and satisfy the proposed privacy, we elaborately design a semantic-preserving user interactions publishing method, which locally perturbs user's high-order patterns as well as related user-item interactions for publishing. After that, we propose a HGNN model for recommendation, which conducts node- and semantic-level aggregations to capture recovered semantics. Extensive experiments on three datasets demonstrate our model outperforms existing methods by a large margin (up to 34% in HR@10 and 42% in NDCG@10) under an acceptable privacy budget.

Towards Graph Foundation Models: A Survey and Beyond. (arXiv:2310.11829v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiawei Liu, Cheng Yang, Zhiyuan Lu, Junze Chen, Yibo Li, Mengmei Zhang, Ting Bai, Yuan Fang, Lichao Sun, Philip S. Yu, Chuan Shi

Foundation models have emerged as critical components in a variety of artificial intelligence applications, and showcase significant success in natural language processing and several other domains. Meanwhile, the field of graph machine learning is witnessing a paradigm transition from shallow methods to more sophisticated deep learning approaches. The capabilities of foundation models to generalize and adapt motivate graph machine learning researchers to discuss the potential of developing a new graph learning paradigm. This paradigm envisions models that are pre-trained on extensive graph data and can be adapted for various graph tasks. Despite this burgeoning interest, there is a noticeable lack of clear definitions and systematic analyses pertaining to this new domain. To this end, this article introduces the concept of Graph Foundation Models (GFMs), and offers an exhaustive explanation of their key characteristics and underlying technologies. We proceed to classify the existing work related to GFMs into three distinct categories, based on their dependence on graph neural networks and large language models. In addition to providing a thorough review of the current state of GFMs, this article also outlooks potential avenues for future research in this rapidly evolving domain.

BatteryML:An Open-source platform for Machine Learning on Battery Degradation. (arXiv:2310.14714v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Han Zhang, Xiaofan Gui, Shun Zheng, Ziheng Lu, Yuqi Li, Jiang Bian

Battery degradation remains a pivotal concern in the energy storage domain, with machine learning emerging as a potent tool to drive forward insights and solutions. However, this intersection of electrochemical science and machine learning poses complex challenges. Machine learning experts often grapple with the intricacies of battery science, while battery researchers face hurdles in adapting intricate models tailored to specific datasets. Beyond this, a cohesive standard for battery degradation modeling, inclusive of data formats and evaluative benchmarks, is conspicuously absent. Recognizing these impediments, we present BatteryML - a one-step, all-encompass, and open-source platform designed to unify data preprocessing, feature extraction, and the implementation of both traditional and state-of-the-art models. This streamlined approach promises to enhance the practicality and efficiency of research applications. BatteryML seeks to fill this void, fostering an environment where experts from diverse specializations can collaboratively contribute, thus elevating the collective understanding and advancement of battery research.The code for our project is publicly available on GitHub at

Leveraging Deep Learning for Abstractive Code Summarization of Unofficial Documentation. (arXiv:2310.15015v4 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: AmirHossein Naghshzan, Latifa Guerrouj, Olga Baysal

Usually, programming languages have official documentation to guide developers with APIs, methods, and classes. However, researchers identified insufficient or inadequate documentation examples and flaws with the API's complex structure as barriers to learning an API. As a result, developers may consult other sources (StackOverflow, GitHub, etc.) to learn more about an API. Recent research studies have shown that unofficial documentation is a valuable source of information for generating code summaries. We, therefore, have been motivated to leverage such a type of documentation along with deep learning techniques towards generating high-quality summaries for APIs discussed in informal documentation. This paper proposes an automatic approach using the BART algorithm, a state-of-the-art transformer model, to generate summaries for APIs discussed in StackOverflow. We built an oracle of human-generated summaries to evaluate our approach against it using ROUGE and BLEU metrics which are the most widely used evaluation metrics in text summarization. Furthermore, we evaluated our summaries empirically against a previous work in terms of quality. Our findings demonstrate that using deep learning algorithms can improve summaries' quality and outperform the previous work by an average of %57 for Precision, %66 for Recall, and %61 for F-measure, and it runs 4.4 times faster.

Invariance is Key to Generalization: Examining the Role of Representation in Sim-to-Real Transfer for Visual Navigation. (arXiv:2310.15020v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo Ai, Zhanxin Wu, David Hsu

The data-driven approach to robot control has been gathering pace rapidly, yet generalization to unseen task domains remains a critical challenge. We argue that the key to generalization is representations that are (i) rich enough to capture all task-relevant information and (ii) invariant to superfluous variability between the training and the test domains. We experimentally study such a representation -- containing both depth and semantic information -- for visual navigation and show that it enables a control policy trained entirely in simulated indoor scenes to generalize to diverse real-world environments, both indoors and outdoors. Further, we show that our representation reduces the A-distance between the training and test domains, improving the generalization error bound as a result. Our proposed approach is scalable: the learned policy improves continuously, as the foundation models that it exploits absorb more diverse data during pre-training.

Optimization dependent generalization bound for ReLU networks based on sensitivity in the tangent bundle. (arXiv:2310.17378v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dániel Rácz, Mihály Petreczky, András Csertán, Bálint Daróczy

Recent advances in deep learning have given us some very promising results on the generalization ability of deep neural networks, however literature still lacks a comprehensive theory explaining why heavily over-parametrized models are able to generalize well while fitting the training data. In this paper we propose a PAC type bound on the generalization error of feedforward ReLU networks via estimating the Rademacher complexity of the set of networks available from an initial parameter vector via gradient descent. The key idea is to bound the sensitivity of the network's gradient to perturbation of the input data along the optimization trajectory. The obtained bound does not explicitly depend on the depth of the network. Our results are experimentally verified on the MNIST and CIFAR-10 datasets.

Improving Intrinsic Exploration by Creating Stationary Objectives. (arXiv:2310.18144v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Roger Creus Castanyer, Joshua Romoff, Glen Berseth

Exploration bonuses in reinforcement learning guide long-horizon exploration by defining custom intrinsic objectives. Several exploration objectives like count-based bonuses, pseudo-counts, and state-entropy maximization are non-stationary and hence are difficult to optimize for the agent. While this issue is generally known, it is usually omitted and solutions remain under-explored. The key contribution of our work lies in transforming the original non-stationary rewards into stationary rewards through an augmented state representation. For this purpose, we introduce the Stationary Objectives For Exploration (SOFE) framework. SOFE requires identifying sufficient statistics for different exploration bonuses and finding an efficient encoding of these statistics to use as input to a deep network. SOFE is based on proposing state augmentations that expand the state space but hold the promise of simplifying the optimization of the agent's objective. We show that SOFE improves the performance of several exploration objectives, including count-based bonuses, pseudo-counts, and state-entropy maximization. Moreover, SOFE outperforms prior methods that attempt to stabilize the optimization of intrinsic objectives. We demonstrate the efficacy of SOFE in hard-exploration problems, including sparse-reward tasks, pixel-based observations, 3D navigation, and procedurally generated environments.

Multi Time Scale World Models. (arXiv:2310.18534v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Vaisakh Shaj, Saleh Gholam Zadeh, Ozan Demir, Luiz Ricardo Douat, Gerhard Neumann

Intelligent agents use internal world models to reason and make predictions about different courses of their actions at many scales. Devising learning paradigms and architectures that allow machines to learn world models that operate at multiple levels of temporal abstractions while dealing with complex uncertainty predictions is a major technical hurdle. In this work, we propose a probabilistic formalism to learn multi-time scale world models which we call the Multi Time Scale State Space (MTS3) model. Our model uses a computationally efficient inference scheme on multiple time scales for highly accurate long-horizon predictions and uncertainty estimates over several seconds into the future. Our experiments, which focus on action conditional long horizon future predictions, show that MTS3 outperforms recent methods on several system identification benchmarks including complex simulated and real-world dynamical systems. Code is available at this repository:

Language Agents with Reinforcement Learning for Strategic Play in the Werewolf Game. (arXiv:2310.18940v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zelai Xu, Chao Yu, Fei Fang, Yu Wang, Yi Wu

Agents built with large language models (LLMs) have recently achieved great advancements. However, most of the efforts focus on single-agent or cooperative settings, leaving more general multi-agent environments underexplored. We propose a new framework powered by reinforcement learning (RL) to develop strategic language agents, i.e., LLM-based agents with strategic thinking ability, for a popular language game, Werewolf. Werewolf is a social deduction game with hidden roles that involves both cooperation and competition and emphasizes deceptive communication and diverse gameplay. Our agent tackles this game by first using LLMs to reason about potential deceptions and generate a set of strategically diverse actions. Then an RL policy, which selects an action from the candidates, is learned by population-based training to enhance the agents' decision-making ability. By combining LLMs with the RL policy, our agent produces a variety of emergent strategies, achieves the highest win rate against other LLM-based agents, and stays robust against adversarial human players in the Werewolf game.

Efficient IoT Inference via Context-Awareness. (arXiv:2310.19112v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohammad Mehdi Rastikerdar, Jin Huang, Shiwei Fang, Hui Guan, Deepak Ganesan

While existing strategies to execute deep learning-based classification on low-power platforms assume the models are trained on all classes of interest, this paper posits that adopting context-awareness i.e. narrowing down a classification task to the current deployment context consisting of only recent inference queries can substantially enhance performance in resource-constrained environments. We propose a new paradigm, CACTUS, for scalable and efficient context-aware classification where a micro-classifier recognizes a small set of classes relevant to the current context and, when context change happens (e.g., a new class comes into the scene), rapidly switches to another suitable micro-classifier. CACTUS features several innovations, including optimizing the training cost of context-aware classifiers, enabling on-the-fly context-aware switching between classifiers, and balancing context switching costs and performance gains via simple yet effective switching policies. We show that CACTUS achieves significant benefits in accuracy, latency, and compute budget across a range of datasets and IoT platforms.

Free from Bellman Completeness: Trajectory Stitching via Model-based Return-conditioned Supervised Learning. (arXiv:2310.19308v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaoyi Zhou, Chuning Zhu, Runlong Zhou, Qiwen Cui, Abhishek Gupta, Simon Shaolei Du

Off-policy dynamic programming (DP) techniques such as $Q$-learning have proven to be important in sequential decision-making problems. In the presence of function approximation, however, these techniques often diverge due to the absence of Bellman completeness in the function classes considered, a crucial condition for the success of DP-based methods. In this paper, we show how off-policy learning techniques based on return-conditioned supervised learning (RCSL) are able to circumvent these challenges of Bellman completeness, converging under significantly more relaxed assumptions inherited from supervised learning. We prove there exists a natural environment in which if one uses two-layer multilayer perceptron as the function approximator, the layer width needs to grow linearly with the state space size to satisfy Bellman completeness while a constant layer width is enough for RCSL. These findings take a step towards explaining the superior empirical performance of RCSL methods compared to DP-based methods in environments with near-optimal datasets. Furthermore, in order to learn from sub-optimal datasets, we propose a simple framework called MBRCSL, granting RCSL methods the ability of dynamic programming to stitch together segments from distinct trajectories. MBRCSL leverages learned dynamics models and forward sampling to accomplish trajectory stitching while avoiding the need for Bellman completeness that plagues all dynamic programming algorithms. We propose both theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation to back these claims, outperforming state-of-the-art model-free and model-based offline RL algorithms across several simulated robotics problems.

Worst-Case Optimal Multi-Armed Gaussian Best Arm Identification with a Fixed Budget. (arXiv:2310.19788v2 [math.ST] UPDATED)

Authors: Masahiro Kato

Experimental design is crucial in evidence-based decision-making with multiple treatment arms, such as online advertisements and medical treatments. This study investigates the problem of identifying the treatment arm with the highest expected outcome, referred to as the best treatment arm, while minimizing the probability of misidentification. This problem has been studied across numerous research fields, including best arm identification (BAI) and ordinal optimization. In our experiments, the number of treatment-allocation rounds is fixed. During each round, a decision-maker allocates a treatment arm to an experimental unit and observes a corresponding outcome, which follows a Gaussian distribution with variances that can differ among the treatment arms. At the end of the experiment, we recommend one of the treatment arms as an estimate of the best treatment arm based on the observations. To design an experiment, we first discuss the worst-case lower bound for the probability of misidentification through an information-theoretic approach. Then, under the assumption that the variances are known, we propose the Generalized-Neyman-Allocation (GNA)-empirical-best-arm (EBA) strategy, an extension of the Neyman allocation proposed by Neyman (1934). We show that the GNA-EBA strategy is asymptotically optimal in the sense that its probability of misidentification aligns with the lower bounds as the sample size increases indefinitely and the differences between the expected outcomes of the best and other suboptimal arms converge to a uniform value. We refer to such strategies as asymptotically worst-case optimal.

Transformers are Efficient In-Context Estimators for Wireless Communication. (arXiv:2311.00226v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Vicram Rajagopalan, Vishnu Teja Kunde, Chandra Shekhara Kaushik Valmeekam, Krishna Narayanan, Srinivas Shakkottai, Dileep Kalathil, Jean-Francois Chamberland

Pre-trained transformers can perform in-context learning, where they adapt to a new task using only a small number of prompts without any explicit model optimization. Inspired by this attribute, we propose a novel approach, called in-context estimation, for the canonical communication problem of estimating transmitted symbols from received symbols. A communication channel is essentially a noisy function that maps transmitted symbols to received symbols, and this function can be represented by an unknown parameter whose statistics depend on an (also unknown) latent context. Conventional approaches typically do not fully exploit hierarchical model with the latent context. Instead, they often use mismatched priors to form a linear minimum mean-squared error estimate of the channel parameter, which is then used to estimate successive, unknown transmitted symbols. We make the basic connection that transformers show excellent contextual sequence completion with a few prompts, and so they should be able to implicitly determine the latent context from pilot symbols to perform end-to-end in-context estimation of transmitted symbols. Furthermore, the transformer should use information efficiently, i.e., it should utilize any pilots received to attain the best possible symbol estimates. Through extensive simulations, we show that in-context estimation not only significantly outperforms standard approaches, but also achieves the same performance as an estimator with perfect knowledge of the latent context within a few context examples. Thus, we make a strong case that transformers are efficient in-context estimators in the communication setting.

What User Behaviors Make the Differences During the Process of Visual Analytics?. (arXiv:2311.00690v3 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Zekun Wu, Shahin Doroudian, Aidong Lu

The understanding of visual analytics process can benefit visualization researchers from multiple aspects, including improving visual designs and developing advanced interaction functions. However, the log files of user behaviors are still hard to analyze due to the complexity of sensemaking and our lack of knowledge on the related user behaviors. This work presents a study on a comprehensive data collection of user behaviors, and our analysis approach with time-series classification methods. We have chosen a classical visualization application, Covid-19 data analysis, with common analysis tasks covering geo-spatial, time-series and multi-attributes. Our user study collects user behaviors on a diverse set of visualization tasks with two comparable systems, desktop and immersive visualizations. We summarize the classification results with three time-series machine learning algorithms at two scales, and explore the influences of behavior features. Our results reveal that user behaviors can be distinguished during the process of visual analytics and there is a potentially strong association between the physical behaviors of users and the visualization tasks they perform. We also demonstrate the usage of our models by interpreting open sessions of visual analytics, which provides an automatic way to study sensemaking without tedious manual annotations.

Autonomous Advanced Aerial Mobility -- An End-to-end Autonomy Framework for UAVs and Beyond. (arXiv:2311.04472v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Sakshi Mishra, Praveen Palanisamy

Developing aerial robots that can both safely navigate and execute assigned mission without any human intervention - i.e., fully autonomous aerial mobility of passengers and goods - is the larger vision that guides the research, design, and development efforts in the aerial autonomy space. However, it is highly challenging to concurrently operationalize all types of aerial vehicles that are operating fully autonomously sharing the airspace. Full autonomy of the aerial transportation sector includes several aspects, such as design of the technology that powers the vehicles, operations of multi-agent fleets, and process of certification that meets stringent safety requirements of aviation sector. Thereby, Autonomous Advanced Aerial Mobility is still a vague term and its consequences for researchers and professionals are ambiguous. To address this gap, we present a comprehensive perspective on the emerging field of autonomous advanced aerial mobility, which involves the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for various applications, such as urban air mobility, package delivery, and surveillance. The article proposes a scalable and extensible autonomy framework consisting of four main blocks: sensing, perception, planning, and controls. Furthermore, the article discusses the challenges and opportunities in multi-agent fleet operations and management, as well as the testing, validation, and certification aspects of autonomous aerial systems. Finally, the article explores the potential of monolithic models for aerial autonomy and analyzes their advantages and limitations. The perspective aims to provide a holistic picture of the autonomous advanced aerial mobility field and its future directions.

Parkinson's Disease Detection through Vocal Biomarkers and Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms. (arXiv:2311.05435v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Md Abu Sayed, Maliha Tayaba, MD Tanvir Islam, Md Eyasin Ul Islam Pavel, Md Tuhin Mia, Eftekhar Hossain Ayon, Nur Nob, Bishnu Padh Ghosh

Parkinson's disease (PD) is a prevalent neurodegenerative disorder known for its impact on motor neurons, causing symptoms like tremors, stiffness, and gait difficulties. This study explores the potential of vocal feature alterations in PD patients as a means of early disease prediction. This research aims to predict the onset of Parkinson's disease. Utilizing a variety of advanced machine-learning algorithms, including XGBoost, LightGBM, Bagging, AdaBoost, and Support Vector Machine, among others, the study evaluates the predictive performance of these models using metrics such as accuracy, area under the curve (AUC), sensitivity, and specificity. The findings of this comprehensive analysis highlight LightGBM as the most effective model, achieving an impressive accuracy rate of 96% alongside a matching AUC of 96%. LightGBM exhibited a remarkable sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 94.43%, surpassing other machine learning algorithms in accuracy and AUC scores. Given the complexities of Parkinson's disease and its challenges in early diagnosis, this study underscores the significance of leveraging vocal biomarkers coupled with advanced machine-learning techniques for precise and timely PD detection.

Heuristic Optimal Transport in Branching Networks. (arXiv:2311.06650v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: M. Andrecut

Optimal transport aims to learn a mapping of sources to targets by minimizing the cost, which is typically defined as a function of distance. The solution to this problem consists of straight line segments optimally connecting sources to targets, and it does not exhibit branching. These optimal solutions are in stark contrast with both natural, and man-made transportation networks, where branching structures are prevalent. Here we discuss a fast heuristic branching method for optimal transport in networks, and we provide several applications.

DiLoCo: Distributed Low-Communication Training of Language Models. (arXiv:2311.08105v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Arthur Douillard, Qixuan Feng, Andrei A. Rusu, Rachita Chhaparia, Yani Donchev, Adhiguna Kuncoro, Marc'Aurelio Ranzato, Arthur Szlam, Jiajun Shen

Large language models (LLM) have become a critical component in many applications of machine learning. However, standard approaches to training LLM require a large number of tightly interconnected accelerators, with devices exchanging gradients and other intermediate states at each optimization step. While it is difficult to build and maintain a single computing cluster hosting many accelerators, it might be easier to find several computing clusters each hosting a smaller number of devices. In this work, we propose a distributed optimization algorithm, Distributed Low-Communication (DiLoCo), that enables training of language models on islands of devices that are poorly connected. The approach is a variant of federated averaging, where the number of inner steps is large, the inner optimizer is AdamW, and the outer optimizer is Nesterov momentum. On the widely used C4 dataset, we show that DiLoCo on 8 workers performs as well as fully synchronous optimization while communicating 500 times less. DiLoCo exhibits great robustness to the data distribution of each worker. It is also robust to resources becoming unavailable over time, and vice versa, it can seamlessly leverage resources that become available during training.

On the Foundation of Distributionally Robust Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2311.09018v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shengbo Wang, Nian Si, Jose Blanchet, Zhengyuan Zhou

Motivated by the need for a robust policy in the face of environment shifts between training and the deployment, we contribute to the theoretical foundation of distributionally robust reinforcement learning (DRRL). This is accomplished through a comprehensive modeling framework centered around distributionally robust Markov decision processes (DRMDPs). This framework obliges the decision maker to choose an optimal policy under the worst-case distributional shift orchestrated by an adversary. By unifying and extending existing formulations, we rigorously construct DRMDPs that embraces various modeling attributes for both the decision maker and the adversary. These attributes include adaptability granularity, exploring history-dependent, Markov, and Markov time-homogeneous decision maker and adversary dynamics. Additionally, we delve into the flexibility of shifts induced by the adversary, examining SA and S-rectangularity. Within this DRMDP framework, we investigate conditions for the existence or absence of the dynamic programming principle (DPP). From an algorithmic standpoint, the existence of DPP holds significant implications, as the vast majority of existing data and computationally efficiency RL algorithms are reliant on the DPP. To study its existence, we comprehensively examine combinations of controller and adversary attributes, providing streamlined proofs grounded in a unified methodology. We also offer counterexamples for settings in which a DPP with full generality is absent.

A Systematic Review of Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA): Domains, Methods, and Trends. (arXiv:2311.10777v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yan Cathy Hua, Paul Denny, Katerina Taskova, Jörg Wicker

Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) is a type of fine-grained sentiment analysis (SA) that identifies aspects and the associated opinions from a given text. In the digital era, ABSA gained increasing popularity and applications in mining opinionated text data to obtain insights and support decisions. ABSA research employs linguistic, statistical, and machine-learning approaches and utilises resources such as labelled datasets, aspect and sentiment lexicons and ontology. By its nature, ABSA is domain-dependent and can be sensitive to the impact of misalignment between the resource and application domains. However, to our knowledge, this topic has not been explored by the existing ABSA literature reviews. In this paper, we present a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of ABSA studies with a focus on the research application domain, dataset domain, and the research methods to examine their relationships and identify trends over time. Our results suggest a number of potential systemic issues in the ABSA research literature, including the predominance of the ``product/service review'' dataset domain among the majority of studies that did not have a specific research application domain, coupled with the prevalence of dataset-reliant methods such as supervised machine learning. This review makes a number of unique contributions to the ABSA research field: 1) To our knowledge, it is the first SLR that links the research domain, dataset domain, and research method through a systematic perspective; 2) it is one of the largest scoped SLR on ABSA, with 519 eligible studies filtered from 4191 search results without time constraint; and 3) our review methodology adopted an innovative automatic filtering process based on PDF-mining, which enhanced screening quality and reliability. Suggestions and our review limitations are also discussed.

Generating Realistic Counterfactuals for Retinal Fundus and OCT Images using Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2311.11629v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Indu Ilanchezian, Valentyn Boreiko, Laura Kühlewein, Ziwei Huang, Murat Seçkin Ayhan, Matthias Hein, Lisa Koch, Philipp Berens

Counterfactual reasoning is often used in clinical settings to explain decisions or weigh alternatives. Therefore, for imaging based specialties such as ophthalmology, it would be beneficial to be able to create counterfactual images, illustrating answers to questions like "If the subject had had diabetic retinopathy, how would the fundus image have looked?". Here, we demonstrate that using a diffusion model in combination with an adversarially robust classifier trained on retinal disease classification tasks enables the generation of highly realistic counterfactuals of retinal fundus images and optical coherence tomography (OCT) B-scans. The key to the realism of counterfactuals is that these classifiers encode salient features indicative for each disease class and can steer the diffusion model to depict disease signs or remove disease-related lesions in a realistic way. In a user study, domain experts also found the counterfactuals generated using our method significantly more realistic than counterfactuals generated from a previous method, and even indistinguishable from real images.

Improving Source-Free Target Adaptation with Vision Transformers Leveraging Domain Representation Images. (arXiv:2311.12589v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Gauransh Sawhney, Daksh Dave, Adeel Ahmed, Jiechao Gao, Khalid Saleem

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) methods facilitate knowledge transfer from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain, navigating the obstacle of domain shift. While Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are a staple in UDA, the rise of Vision Transformers (ViTs) provides new avenues for domain generalization. This paper presents an innovative method to bolster ViT performance in source-free target adaptation, beginning with an evaluation of how key, query, and value elements affect ViT outcomes. Experiments indicate that altering the key component has negligible effects on Transformer performance. Leveraging this discovery, we introduce Domain Representation Images (DRIs), feeding embeddings through the key element. DRIs act as domain-specific markers, effortlessly merging with the training regimen. To assess our method, we perform target adaptation tests on the Cross Instance DRI source-only (SO) control. We measure the efficacy of target adaptation with and without DRIs, against existing benchmarks like SHOT-B* and adaptations via CDTrans. Findings demonstrate that excluding DRIs offers limited gains over SHOT-B*, while their inclusion in the key segment boosts average precision promoting superior domain generalization. This research underscores the vital role of DRIs in enhancing ViT efficiency in UDA scenarios, setting a precedent for further domain adaptation explorations.

FinMem: A Performance-Enhanced LLM Trading Agent with Layered Memory and Character Design. (arXiv:2311.13743v2 [q-fin.CP] UPDATED)

Authors: Yangyang Yu, Haohang Li, Zhi Chen, Yuechen Jiang, Yang Li, Denghui Zhang, Rong Liu, Jordan W. Suchow, Khaldoun Khashanah

Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited notable efficacy in question-answering (QA) tasks across diverse domains. Their prowess in integrating extensive web knowledge has fueled interest in developing LLM-based autonomous agents. While LLMs are efficient in decoding human instructions and deriving solutions by holistically processing historical inputs, transitioning to purpose-driven agents requires a supplementary rational architecture to process multi-source information, establish reasoning chains, and prioritize critical tasks. Addressing this, we introduce \textsc{FinMem}, a novel LLM-based agent framework devised for financial decision-making. It encompasses three core modules: Profiling, to customize the agent's characteristics; Memory, with layered message processing, to aid the agent in assimilating hierarchical financial data; and Decision-making, to convert insights gained from memories into investment decisions. Notably, \textsc{FinMem}'s memory module aligns closely with the cognitive structure of human traders, offering robust interpretability and real-time tuning. Its adjustable cognitive span allows for the retention of critical information beyond human perceptual limits, thereby enhancing trading outcomes. This framework enables the agent to self-evolve its professional knowledge, react agilely to new investment cues, and continuously refine trading decisions in the volatile financial environment. We first compare \textsc{FinMem} with various algorithmic agents on a scalable real-world financial dataset, underscoring its leading trading performance in stocks. We then fine-tuned the agent's perceptual span and character setting to achieve a significantly enhanced trading performance. Collectively, \textsc{FinMem} presents a cutting-edge LLM agent framework for automated trading, boosting cumulative investment returns.

Fast Policy Learning for Linear Quadratic Control with Entropy Regularization. (arXiv:2311.14168v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Xin Guo, Xinyu Li, Renyuan Xu

This paper proposes and analyzes two new policy learning methods: regularized policy gradient (RPG) and iterative policy optimization (IPO), for a class of discounted linear-quadratic control (LQC) problems over an infinite time horizon with entropy regularization. Assuming access to the exact policy evaluation, both proposed approaches are proven to converge linearly in finding optimal policies of the regularized LQC. Moreover, the IPO method can achieve a super-linear convergence rate once it enters a local region around the optimal policy. Finally, when the optimal policy for an RL problem with a known environment is appropriately transferred as the initial policy to an RL problem with an unknown environment, the IPO method is shown to enable a super-linear convergence rate if the two environments are sufficiently close. Performances of these proposed algorithms are supported by numerical examples.

A Baseline Analysis of Reward Models' Ability To Accurately Analyze Foundation Models Under Distribution Shift. (arXiv:2311.14743v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ben Pikus, Will LeVine, Tony Chen, Sean Hendryx

Foundation models, specifically Large Language Models (LLM's), have lately gained wide-spread attention and adoption. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) involves training a reward model to capture desired behaviors, which is then used to align LLM's. These reward models are additionally used at inference-time to estimate LLM responses' adherence to those desired behaviors. However, there is little work measuring how robust these reward models are to distribution shifts. In this work, we evaluate how reward model performance - measured via accuracy and calibration (i.e. alignment between accuracy and confidence) - is affected by distribution shift. We show novel calibration patterns and accuracy drops due to OOD prompts and responses, and that the reward model is more sensitive to shifts in responses than prompts. Additionally, we adapt an OOD detection technique commonly used in classification to the reward model setting to detect these distribution shifts in prompts and responses.

Everybody Needs a Little HELP: Explaining Graphs via Hierarchical Concepts. (arXiv:2311.15112v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jonas Jürß, Lucie Charlotte Magister, Pietro Barbiero, Pietro Liò, Nikola Simidjievski

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have led to major breakthroughs in a variety of domains such as drug discovery, social network analysis, and travel time estimation. However, they lack interpretability which hinders human trust and thereby deployment to settings with high-stakes decisions. A line of interpretable methods approach this by discovering a small set of relevant concepts as subgraphs in the last GNN layer that together explain the prediction. This can yield oversimplified explanations, failing to explain the interaction between GNN layers. To address this oversight, we provide HELP (Hierarchical Explainable Latent Pooling), a novel, inherently interpretable graph pooling approach that reveals how concepts from different GNN layers compose to new ones in later steps. HELP is more than 1-WL expressive and is the first non-spectral, end-to-end-learnable, hierarchical graph pooling method that can learn to pool a variable number of arbitrary connected components. We empirically demonstrate that it performs on-par with standard GCNs and popular pooling methods in terms of accuracy while yielding explanations that are aligned with expert knowledge in the domains of chemistry and social networks. In addition to a qualitative analysis, we employ concept completeness scores as well as concept conformity, a novel metric to measure the noise in discovered concepts, quantitatively verifying that the discovered concepts are significantly easier to fully understand than those from previous work. Our work represents a first step towards an understanding of graph neural networks that goes beyond a set of concepts from the final layer and instead explains the complex interplay of concepts on different levels.

Function-constrained Program Synthesis. (arXiv:2311.15500v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Patrick Hajali, Ignas Budvytis

This work introduces (1) a technique that allows large language models (LLMs) to leverage user-provided code when solving programming tasks and (2) a method to iteratively generate modular sub-functions that can aid future code generation attempts when the initial code generated by the LLM is inadequate. Generating computer programs in general-purpose programming languages like Python poses a challenge for LLMs when instructed to use code provided in the prompt. Code-specific LLMs (e.g., GitHub Copilot, CodeLlama2) can generate code completions in real-time by drawing on all code available in a development environment. However, restricting code-specific LLMs to use only in-context code is not straightforward, as the model is not explicitly instructed to use the user-provided code and users cannot highlight precisely which snippets of code the model should incorporate into its context. Moreover, current systems lack effective recovery methods, forcing users to iteratively re-prompt the model with modified prompts until a sufficient solution is reached. Our method differs from traditional LLM-powered code-generation by constraining code-generation to an explicit function set and enabling recovery from failed attempts through automatically generated sub-functions. When the LLM cannot produce working code, we generate modular sub-functions to aid subsequent attempts at generating functional code. A by-product of our method is a library of reusable sub-functions that can solve related tasks, imitating a software team where efficiency scales with experience. We also introduce a new "half-shot" evaluation paradigm that provides tighter estimates of LLMs' coding abilities compared to traditional zero-shot evaluation. Our proposed evaluation method encourages models to output solutions in a structured format, decreasing syntax errors that can be mistaken for poor coding ability.

Evaluating the Efficacy of Hybrid Deep Learning Models in Distinguishing AI-Generated Text. (arXiv:2311.15565v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Finbarrs Oketunji

My research investigates the use of cutting-edge hybrid deep learning models to accurately differentiate between AI-generated text and human writing. I applied a robust methodology, utilising a carefully selected dataset comprising AI and human texts from various sources, each tagged with instructions. Advanced natural language processing techniques facilitated the analysis of textual features. Combining sophisticated neural networks, the custom model enabled it to detect nuanced differences between AI and human content.

A Multivariate Unimodality Test Harnessing the Dip Statistic of Mahalanobis Distances Over Random Projections. (arXiv:2311.16614v3 [stat.ME] UPDATED)

Authors: Prodromos Kolyvakis, Aristidis Likas

Unimodality, pivotal in statistical analysis, offers insights into dataset structures and drives sophisticated analytical procedures. While unimodality's confirmation is straightforward for one-dimensional data using methods like Silverman's approach and Hartigans' dip statistic, its generalization to higher dimensions remains challenging. By extrapolating one-dimensional unimodality principles to multi-dimensional spaces through linear random projections and leveraging point-to-point distancing, our method, rooted in $\alpha$-unimodality assumptions, presents a novel multivariate unimodality test named mud-pod. Both theoretical and empirical studies confirm the efficacy of our method in unimodality assessment of multidimensional datasets as well as in estimating the number of clusters.

Data-efficient operator learning for solving high Mach number fluid flow problems. (arXiv:2311.16860v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Noah Ford, Victor J. Leon, Honest Mrema, Jeffrey Gilbert, Alexander New

We consider the problem of using SciML to predict solutions of high Mach fluid flows over irregular geometries. In this setting, data is limited, and so it is desirable for models to perform well in the low-data setting. We show that Neural Basis Functions (NBF), which learns a basis of behavior modes from the data and then uses this basis to make predictions, is more effective than a basis-unaware baseline model. In addition, we identify continuing challenges in the space of predicting solutions for this type of problem.

Efficient Deep Speech Understanding at the Edge. (arXiv:2311.17065v2 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Rongxiang Wang, Felix Xiaozhu Lin

In contemporary speech understanding (SU), a sophisticated pipeline is employed, encompassing the ingestion of streaming voice input. The pipeline executes beam search iteratively, invoking a deep neural network to generate tentative outputs (referred to as hypotheses) in an autoregressive manner. Periodically, the pipeline assesses attention and Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) scores.

This paper aims to enhance SU performance on edge devices with limited resources. Adopting a hybrid strategy, our approach focuses on accelerating on-device execution and offloading inputs surpassing the device's capacity. While this approach is established, we tackle SU's distinctive challenges through innovative techniques: (1) Late Contextualization: This involves the parallel execution of a model's attentive encoder during input ingestion. (2) Pilot Inference: Addressing temporal load imbalances in the SU pipeline, this technique aims to mitigate them effectively. (3) Autoregression Offramps: Decisions regarding offloading are made solely based on hypotheses, presenting a novel approach.

These techniques are designed to seamlessly integrate with existing speech models, pipelines, and frameworks, offering flexibility for independent or combined application. Collectively, they form a hybrid solution for edge SU. Our prototype, named XYZ, has undergone testing on Arm platforms featuring 6 to 8 cores, demonstrating state-of-the-art accuracy. Notably, it achieves a 2x reduction in end-to-end latency and a corresponding 2x decrease in offloading requirements.

SoUnD Framework: Analyzing (So)cial Representation in (Un)structured (D)ata. (arXiv:2311.17259v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mark Díaz, Sunipa Dev, Emily Reif, Emily Denton, Vinodkumar Prabhakaran

The unstructured nature of data used in foundation model development is a challenge to systematic analyses for making data use and documentation decisions. From a Responsible AI perspective, these decisions often rely upon understanding how people are represented in data. We propose a framework designed to guide analysis of human representation in unstructured data and identify downstream risks. We apply the framework in two toy examples using the Common Crawl web text corpus (C4) and LAION-400M. We also propose a set of hypothetical action steps in service of dataset use, development, and documentation.

Grounding Foundation Models through Federated Transfer Learning: A General Framework. (arXiv:2311.17431v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yan Kang, Tao Fan, Hanlin Gu, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang

Foundation Models (FMs) such as GPT-4 encoded with vast knowledge and powerful emergent abilities have achieved remarkable success in various natural language processing and computer vision tasks. Grounding FMs by adapting them to domain-specific tasks or augmenting them with domain-specific knowledge enables us to exploit the full potential of FMs. However, grounding FMs faces several challenges, stemming primarily from constrained computing resources, data privacy, model heterogeneity, and model ownership. Federated Transfer Learning (FTL), the combination of federated learning and transfer learning, provides promising solutions to address these challenges. In recent years, the need for grounding FMs leveraging FTL, coined FTL-FM, has arisen strongly in both academia and industry. Motivated by the strong growth in FTL-FM research and the potential impact of FTL-FM on industrial applications, we propose an FTL-FM framework that formulates problems of grounding FMs in the federated learning setting, construct a detailed taxonomy based on the FTL-FM framework to categorize state-of-the-art FTL-FM works, and comprehensively overview FTL-FM works based on the proposed taxonomy. We also establish correspondences between FTL-FM and conventional phases of adapting FM so that FM practitioners can align their research works with FTL-FM. In addition, we overview advanced efficiency-improving and privacy-preserving techniques because efficiency and privacy are critical concerns in FTL-FM. Last, we discuss opportunities and future research directions of FTL-FM.

TransNAS-TSAD: Harnessing Transformers for Multi-Objective Neural Architecture Search in Time Series Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2311.18061v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ijaz Ul Haq, Byung Suk Lee

The surge in real-time data collection across various industries has underscored the need for advanced anomaly detection in both univariate and multivariate time series data. Traditional methods, while comprehensive, often struggle to capture the complex interdependencies in such data. This paper introduces TransNAS-TSAD, a novel framework that synergizes transformer architecture with neural architecture search (NAS), enhanced through NSGA-II algorithm optimization. This innovative approach effectively tackles the complexities of both univariate and multivariate time series, balancing computational efficiency with detection accuracy. Our evaluation reveals that TransNAS-TSAD surpasses conventional anomaly detection models, demonstrating marked improvements in diverse data scenarios. We also propose the Efficiency-Accuracy-Complexity Score (EACS) as a new metric for assessing model performance, emphasizing the crucial balance between accuracy and computational resources. TransNAS-TSAD sets a new benchmark in time series anomaly detection, offering a versatile, efficient solution for complex real-world applications. This research paves the way for future developments in the field, highlighting its potential in a wide range of industry applications.

SCOPE-RL: A Python Library for Offline Reinforcement Learning and Off-Policy Evaluation. (arXiv:2311.18206v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Haruka Kiyohara, Ren Kishimoto, Kosuke Kawakami, Ken Kobayashi, Kazuhide Nakata, Yuta Saito

This paper introduces SCOPE-RL, a comprehensive open-source Python software designed for offline reinforcement learning (offline RL), off-policy evaluation (OPE), and selection (OPS). Unlike most existing libraries that focus solely on either policy learning or evaluation, SCOPE-RL seamlessly integrates these two key aspects, facilitating flexible and complete implementations of both offline RL and OPE processes. SCOPE-RL put particular emphasis on its OPE modules, offering a range of OPE estimators and robust evaluation-of-OPE protocols. This approach enables more in-depth and reliable OPE compared to other packages. For instance, SCOPE-RL enhances OPE by estimating the entire reward distribution under a policy rather than its mere point-wise expected value. Additionally, SCOPE-RL provides a more thorough evaluation-of-OPE by presenting the risk-return tradeoff in OPE results, extending beyond mere accuracy evaluations in existing OPE literature. SCOPE-RL is designed with user accessibility in mind. Its user-friendly APIs, comprehensive documentation, and a variety of easy-to-follow examples assist researchers and practitioners in efficiently implementing and experimenting with various offline RL methods and OPE estimators, tailored to their specific problem contexts. The documentation of SCOPE-RL is available at

Towards Assessing and Benchmarking Risk-Return Tradeoff of Off-Policy Evaluation. (arXiv:2311.18207v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Haruka Kiyohara, Ren Kishimoto, Kosuke Kawakami, Ken Kobayashi, Kazuhide Nakata, Yuta Saito

Off-Policy Evaluation (OPE) aims to assess the effectiveness of counterfactual policies using only offline logged data and is often used to identify the top-k promising policies for deployment in online A/B tests. Existing evaluation metrics for OPE estimators primarily focus on the "accuracy" of OPE or that of downstream policy selection, neglecting risk-return tradeoff in the subsequent online policy deployment. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from portfolio evaluation in finance and develop a new metric, called SharpeRatio@k, which measures the risk-return tradeoff of policy portfolios formed by an OPE estimator under varying online evaluation budgets (k). We validate our metric in two example scenarios, demonstrating its ability to effectively distinguish between low-risk and high-risk estimators and to accurately identify the most efficient estimator. This efficient estimator is characterized by its capability to form the most advantageous policy portfolios, maximizing returns while minimizing risks during online deployment, a nuance that existing metrics typically overlook. To facilitate a quick, accurate, and consistent evaluation of OPE via SharpeRatio@k, we have also integrated this metric into an open-source software, SCOPE-RL. Employing SharpeRatio@k and SCOPE-RL, we conduct comprehensive benchmarking experiments on various estimators and RL tasks, focusing on their risk-return tradeoff. These experiments offer several interesting directions and suggestions for future OPE research.

Convergence Analysis of Fractional Gradient Descent. (arXiv:2311.18426v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Ashwani Aggarwal

Fractional derivatives are a well-studied generalization of integer order derivatives. Naturally, for optimization, it is of interest to understand the convergence properties of gradient descent using fractional derivatives. Convergence analysis of fractional gradient descent is currently limited both in the methods analyzed and the settings analyzed. This paper aims to fill in these gaps by analyzing variations of fractional gradient descent in smooth and convex, smooth and strongly convex, and smooth and non-convex settings. First, novel bounds will be established bridging fractional and integer derivatives. Then, these bounds will be applied to the aforementioned settings to prove $O(1/T)$ convergence for smooth and convex functions and linear convergence for smooth and strongly convex functions. Additionally, we prove $O(1/T)$ convergence for smooth and non-convex functions using an extended notion of smoothness that is more natural for fractional derivatives. Finally, empirical results will be presented on the potential speed up of fractional gradient descent over standard gradient descent as well as the challenges of predicting which will be faster in general.

AlignBench: Benchmarking Chinese Alignment of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.18743v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiao Liu, Xuanyu Lei, Shengyuan Wang, Yue Huang, Zhuoer Feng, Bosi Wen, Jiale Cheng, Pei Ke, Yifan Xu, Weng Lam Tam, Xiaohan Zhang, Lichao Sun, Hongning Wang, Jing Zhang, Minlie Huang, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

Alignment has become a critical step for instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) to become helpful assistants. However, effective evaluation of alignment for emerging Chinese LLMs is still significantly lacking, calling for real-scenario grounded, open-ended, challenging and automatic evaluations tailored for alignment. To fill in this gap, we introduce AlignBench, a comprehensive multi-dimensional benchmark for evaluating LLMs' alignment in Chinese. Equipped with a human-in-the-loop data curation pipeline, our benchmark employs a rule-calibrated multi-dimensional LLM-as-Judge with Chain-of-Thought to generate explanations and final ratings as evaluations, ensuring high reliability and interpretability. Furthermore, we report AlignBench evaluated by CritiqueLLM, a dedicated Chinese evaluator LLM that recovers 95% of GPT-4's evaluation ability. We will provide public APIs for evaluating AlignBench with CritiqueLLM to facilitate the evaluation of LLMs' Chinese alignment. All evaluation codes, data, and LLM generations are available at \url{}.

BioCLIP: A Vision Foundation Model for the Tree of Life. (arXiv:2311.18803v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Samuel Stevens, Jiaman Wu, Matthew J Thompson, Elizabeth G Campolongo, Chan Hee Song, David Edward Carlyn, Li Dong, Wasila M Dahdul, Charles Stewart, Tanya Berger-Wolf, Wei-Lun Chao, Yu Su

Images of the natural world, collected by a variety of cameras, from drones to individual phones, are increasingly abundant sources of biological information. There is an explosion of computational methods and tools, particularly computer vision, for extracting biologically relevant information from images for science and conservation. Yet most of these are bespoke approaches designed for a specific task and are not easily adaptable or extendable to new questions, contexts, and datasets. A vision model for general organismal biology questions on images is of timely need. To approach this, we curate and release TreeOfLife-10M, the largest and most diverse ML-ready dataset of biology images. We then develop BioCLIP, a foundation model for the tree of life, leveraging the unique properties of biology captured by TreeOfLife-10M, namely the abundance and variety of images of plants, animals, and fungi, together with the availability of rich structured biological knowledge. We rigorously benchmark our approach on diverse fine-grained biology classification tasks, and find that BioCLIP consistently and substantially outperforms existing baselines (by 17% to 20% absolute). Intrinsic evaluation reveals that BioCLIP has learned a hierarchical representation conforming to the tree of life, shedding light on its strong generalizability. Our code, models and data will be made available at

FedEmb: A Vertical and Hybrid Federated Learning Algorithm using Network And Feature Embedding Aggregation. (arXiv:2312.00102v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Fanfei Meng, Lele Zhang, Yu Chen, Yuxin Wang

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging paradigm for decentralized training of machine learning models on distributed clients, without revealing the data to the central server. The learning scheme may be horizontal, vertical or hybrid (both vertical and horizontal). Most existing research work with deep neural network (DNN) modelling is focused on horizontal data distributions, while vertical and hybrid schemes are much less studied. In this paper, we propose a generalized algorithm FedEmb, for modelling vertical and hybrid DNN-based learning. The idea of our algorithm is characterised by higher inference accuracy, stronger privacy-preserving properties, and lower client-server communication bandwidth demands as compared with existing work. The experimental results show that FedEmb is an effective method to tackle both split feature & subject space decentralized problems, shows 0.3% to 4.2% inference accuracy improvement with limited privacy revealing for datasets stored in local clients, and reduces 88.9 % time complexity over vertical baseline method.

Simple Transferability Estimation for Regression Tasks. (arXiv:2312.00656v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Cuong N. Nguyen, Phong Tran, Lam Si Tung Ho, Vu Dinh, Anh T. Tran, Tal Hassner, Cuong V. Nguyen

We consider transferability estimation, the problem of estimating how well deep learning models transfer from a source to a target task. We focus on regression tasks, which received little previous attention, and propose two simple and computationally efficient approaches that estimate transferability based on the negative regularized mean squared error of a linear regression model. We prove novel theoretical results connecting our approaches to the actual transferability of the optimal target models obtained from the transfer learning process. Despite their simplicity, our approaches significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art regression transferability estimators in both accuracy and efficiency. On two large-scale keypoint regression benchmarks, our approaches yield 12% to 36% better results on average while being at least 27% faster than previous state-of-the-art methods.

Deep Unlearning: Fast and Efficient Training-free Approach to Controlled Forgetting. (arXiv:2312.00761v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sangamesh Kodge, Gobinda Saha, Kaushik Roy

Machine unlearning has emerged as a prominent and challenging area of interest, driven in large part by the rising regulatory demands for industries to delete user data upon request and the heightened awareness of privacy. Existing approaches either retrain models from scratch or use several finetuning steps for every deletion request, often constrained by computational resource limitations and restricted access to the original training data. In this work, we introduce a novel class unlearning algorithm designed to strategically eliminate an entire class or a group of classes from the learned model. To that end, our algorithm first estimates the Retain Space and the Forget Space, representing the feature or activation spaces for samples from classes to be retained and unlearned, respectively. To obtain these spaces, we propose a novel singular value decomposition-based technique that requires layer wise collection of network activations from a few forward passes through the network. We then compute the shared information between these spaces and remove it from the forget space to isolate class-discriminatory feature space for unlearning. Finally, we project the model weights in the orthogonal direction of the class-discriminatory space to obtain the unlearned model. We demonstrate our algorithm's efficacy on ImageNet using a Vision Transformer with only $\sim$1.5% drop in retain accuracy compared to the original model while maintaining under 1% accuracy on the unlearned class samples. Further, our algorithm consistently performs well when subject to Membership Inference Attacks showing 7.8% improvement on average across a variety of image classification datasets and network architectures, as compared to other baselines while being $\sim$6x more computationally efficient.

Deep Learning Framework for Wireless Systems: Applications to Optical Wireless Communications. (arXiv:1812.05227v1 [cs.IT] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Hoon Lee, Sang Hyun Lee, Tony Q. S. Quek, Inkyu Lee

Optical wireless communication (OWC) is a promising technology for future wireless communications owing to its potentials for cost-effective network deployment and high data rate. There are several implementation issues in the OWC which have not been encountered in radio frequency wireless communications. First, practical OWC transmitters need an illumination control on color, intensity, and luminance, etc., which poses complicated modulation design challenges. Furthermore, signal-dependent properties of optical channels raise non-trivial challenges both in modulation and demodulation of the optical signals. To tackle such difficulties, deep learning (DL) technologies can be applied for optical wireless transceiver design. This article addresses recent efforts on DL-based OWC system designs. A DL framework for emerging image sensor communication is proposed and its feasibility is verified by simulation. Finally, technical challenges and implementation issues for the DL-based optical wireless technology are discussed.