A Process for Topic Modelling Via Word Embeddings. (arXiv:2312.03705v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Diego Saldaña Ulloa

This work combines algorithms based on word embeddings, dimensionality reduction, and clustering. The objective is to obtain topics from a set of unclassified texts. The algorithm to obtain the word embeddings is the BERT model, a neural network architecture widely used in NLP tasks. Due to the high dimensionality, a dimensionality reduction technique called UMAP is used. This method manages to reduce the dimensions while preserving part of the local and global information of the original data. K-Means is used as the clustering algorithm to obtain the topics. Then, the topics are evaluated using the TF-IDF statistics, Topic Diversity, and Topic Coherence to get the meaning of the words on the clusters. The results of the process show good values, so the topic modeling of this process is a viable option for classifying or clustering texts without labels.

An Evaluation of State-of-the-Art Large Language Models for Sarcasm Detection. (arXiv:2312.03706v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Juliann Zhou

Sarcasm, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the use of words by someone who means the opposite of what he is trying to say. In the field of sentimental analysis of Natural Language Processing, the ability to correctly identify sarcasm is necessary for understanding people's true opinions. Because the use of sarcasm is often context-based, previous research has used language representation models, such as Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), to identify sarcasm with contextual-based information. Recent innovations in NLP have provided more possibilities for detecting sarcasm. In BERT: Pre-training of Deep Bidirectional Transformers for Language Understanding, Jacob Devlin et al. (2018) introduced a new language representation model and demonstrated higher precision in interpreting contextualized language. As proposed by Hazarika et al. (2018), CASCADE is a context-driven model that produces good results for detecting sarcasm. This study analyzes a Reddit corpus using these two state-of-the-art models and evaluates their performance against baseline models to find the ideal approach to sarcasm detection.

Multi-label Text Classification using GloVe and Neural Network Models. (arXiv:2312.03707v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hongren Wang

This study addresses the challenges of multi-label text classification. The difficulties arise from imbalanced data sets, varied text lengths, and numerous subjective feature labels. Existing solutions include traditional machine learning and deep neural networks for predictions. However, both approaches have their limitations. Traditional machine learning often overlooks the associations between words, while deep neural networks, despite their better classification performance, come with increased training complexity and time. This paper proposes a method utilizing the bag-of-words model approach based on the GloVe model and the CNN-BiLSTM network. The principle is to use the word vector matrix trained by the GloVe model as the input for the text embedding layer. Given that the GloVe model requires no further training, the neural network model can be trained more efficiently. The method achieves an accuracy rate of 87.26% on the test set and an F1 score of 0.8737, showcasing promising results.

Abstraction via exemplars? A representational case study on lexical category inference in BERT. (arXiv:2312.03708v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kanishka Misra, Najoung Kim

Exemplar based accounts are often considered to be in direct opposition to pure linguistic abstraction in explaining language learners' ability to generalize to novel expressions. However, the recent success of neural network language models on linguistically sensitive tasks suggests that perhaps abstractions can arise via the encoding of exemplars. We provide empirical evidence for this claim by adapting an existing experiment that studies how an LM (BERT) generalizes the usage of novel tokens that belong to lexical categories such as Noun/Verb/Adjective/Adverb from exposure to only a single instance of their usage. We analyze the representational behavior of the novel tokens in these experiments, and find that BERT's capacity to generalize to unseen expressions involving the use of these novel tokens constitutes the movement of novel token representations towards regions of known category exemplars in two-dimensional space. Our results suggest that learners' encoding of exemplars can indeed give rise to abstraction like behavior.

UID as a Guiding Metric for Automated Authorship Obfuscation. (arXiv:2312.03709v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nicholas Abegg

Protecting the anonymity of authors has become a difficult task given the rise of automated authorship attributors. These attributors are capable of attributing the author of a text amongst a pool of authors with great accuracy. In order to counter the rise of these automated attributors, there has also been a rise of automated obfuscators. These obfuscators are capable of taking some text, perturbing the text in some manner, and, if successful, deceive an automated attributor in misattributing the wrong author. We devised three novel authorship obfuscation methods that utilized a Psycho-linguistic theory known as Uniform Information Density (UID) theory. This theory states that humans evenly distribute information amongst speech or text so as to maximize efficiency. Utilizing this theory in our three obfuscation methods, we attempted to see how successfully we could deceive two separate attributors. Obfuscating 50 human and 50 GPT-3 generated articles from the TuringBench dataset, we observed how well each method did on deceiving the attributors. While the quality of the obfuscation in terms of semantic preservation and sensical changes was high, we were not able to find any evidence to indicate UID was a viable guiding metric for obfuscation. However, due to restrictions in time we were unable to test a large enough sample of article or tune the parameters for our attributors to comment conclusively on UID in obfuscation.

Don't Overlook the Grammatical Gender: Bias Evaluation for Hindi-English Machine Translation. (arXiv:2312.03710v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pushpdeep Singh

Neural Machine Translation (NMT) models, though state-of-the-art for translation, often reflect social biases, particularly gender bias. Existing evaluation benchmarks primarily focus on English as the source language of translation. For source languages other than English, studies often employ gender-neutral sentences for bias evaluation, whereas real-world sentences frequently contain gender information in different forms. Therefore, it makes more sense to evaluate for bias using such source sentences to determine if NMT models can discern gender from the grammatical gender cues rather than relying on biased associations. To illustrate this, we create two gender-specific sentence sets in Hindi to automatically evaluate gender bias in various Hindi-English (HI-EN) NMT systems. We emphasise the significance of tailoring bias evaluation test sets to account for grammatical gender markers in the source language.

Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Posts on Global Conflicts. (arXiv:2312.03715v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ujwal Sasikumar, Ank Zaman, Abdul-Rahman Mawlood-Yunis, Prosenjit Chatterjee

Sentiment analysis of social media data is an emerging field with vast applications in various domains. In this study, we developed a sentiment analysis model to analyze social media sentiment, especially tweets, during global conflicting scenarios. To establish our research experiment, we identified a recent global dispute incident on Twitter and collected around 31,000 filtered Tweets for several months to analyze human sentiment worldwide.

Co-guiding for Multi-intent Spoken Language Understanding. (arXiv:2312.03716v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Bowen Xing, Ivor W. Tsang

Recent graph-based models for multi-intent SLU have obtained promising results through modeling the guidance from the prediction of intents to the decoding of slot filling. However, existing methods (1) only model the unidirectional guidance from intent to slot, while there are bidirectional inter-correlations between intent and slot; (2) adopt homogeneous graphs to model the interactions between the slot semantics nodes and intent label nodes, which limit the performance. In this paper, we propose a novel model termed Co-guiding Net, which implements a two-stage framework achieving the mutual guidances between the two tasks. In the first stage, the initial estimated labels of both tasks are produced, and then they are leveraged in the second stage to model the mutual guidances. Specifically, we propose two heterogeneous graph attention networks working on the proposed two heterogeneous semantics label graphs, which effectively represent the relations among the semantics nodes and label nodes. Besides, we further propose Co-guiding-SCL Net, which exploits the single-task and dual-task semantics contrastive relations. For the first stage, we propose single-task supervised contrastive learning, and for the second stage, we propose co-guiding supervised contrastive learning, which considers the two tasks' mutual guidances in the contrastive learning procedure. Experiment results on multi-intent SLU show that our model outperforms existing models by a large margin, obtaining a relative improvement of 21.3% over the previous best model on MixATIS dataset in overall accuracy. We also evaluate our model on the zero-shot cross-lingual scenario and the results show that our model can relatively improve the state-of-the-art model by 33.5% on average in terms of overall accuracy for the total 9 languages.

Large Language Models in Law: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.03718v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jinqi Lai, Wensheng Gan, Jiayang Wu, Zhenlian Qi, Philip S. Yu

The advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has significantly impacted the traditional judicial industry. Moreover, recently, with the development of AI-generated content (AIGC), AI and law have found applications in various domains, including image recognition, automatic text generation, and interactive chat. With the rapid emergence and growing popularity of large models, it is evident that AI will drive transformation in the traditional judicial industry. However, the application of legal large language models (LLMs) is still in its nascent stage. Several challenges need to be addressed. In this paper, we aim to provide a comprehensive survey of legal LLMs. We not only conduct an extensive survey of LLMs, but also expose their applications in the judicial system. We first provide an overview of AI technologies in the legal field and showcase the recent research in LLMs. Then, we discuss the practical implementation presented by legal LLMs, such as providing legal advice to users and assisting judges during trials. In addition, we explore the limitations of legal LLMs, including data, algorithms, and judicial practice. Finally, we summarize practical recommendations and propose future development directions to address these challenges.

Assessing AI Chatbots Performance in Comprehensive Standardized Test Preparation; A Case Study with GRE. (arXiv:2312.03719v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mohammad Abu-Haifa, Bara'a Etawi, Huthaifa Alkhatatbeh, Ayman Ababneh

This research paper presents a comprehensive evaluation of the performance of three artificial 10 intelligence chatbots: Bing, ChatGPT, and GPT-4, in addressing standardized test questions. Graduate record examination, known as GRE, serves as a case study in this paper, encompassing both quantitative reasoning and verbal skills. A total of 137 quantitative reasoning questions, featuring diverse styles and 157 verbal questions categorized into varying levels of difficulty (easy, medium, and hard) were administered to assess the chatbots' capabilities. This paper provides a detailed examination of the results and their implications for the utilization of artificial intelligence in standardized test preparation by presenting the performance of each chatbot across various skills and styles tested in the exam. Additionally, this paper explores the proficiency of artificial intelligence in addressing image-based questions and illustrates the uncertainty level of each chatbot. The results reveal varying degrees of success across the chatbots, demonstrating the influence of model sophistication and training data. GPT-4 emerged as the most proficient, especially in complex language understanding tasks, highlighting the evolution of artificial intelligence in language comprehension and its ability to pass the exam with a high score.

Negotiating with LLMS: Prompt Hacks, Skill Gaps, and Reasoning Deficits. (arXiv:2312.03720v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Johannes Schneider, Steffi Haag, Leona Chandra Kruse

Large language models LLMs like ChatGPT have reached the 100 Mio user barrier in record time and might increasingly enter all areas of our life leading to a diverse set of interactions between those Artificial Intelligence models and humans. While many studies have discussed governance and regulations deductively from first-order principles, few studies provide an inductive, data-driven lens based on observing dialogues between humans and LLMs especially when it comes to non-collaborative, competitive situations that have the potential to pose a serious threat to people. In this work, we conduct a user study engaging over 40 individuals across all age groups in price negotiations with an LLM. We explore how people interact with an LLM, investigating differences in negotiation outcomes and strategies. Furthermore, we highlight shortcomings of LLMs with respect to their reasoning capabilities and, in turn, susceptiveness to prompt hacking, which intends to manipulate the LLM to make agreements that are against its instructions or beyond any rationality. We also show that the negotiated prices humans manage to achieve span a broad range, which points to a literacy gap in effectively interacting with LLMs.

Exploring the Robustness of Model-Graded Evaluations and Automated Interpretability. (arXiv:2312.03721v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Simon Lermen, Ondřej Kvapil

There has been increasing interest in evaluations of language models for a variety of risks and characteristics. Evaluations relying on natural language understanding for grading can often be performed at scale by using other language models. We test the robustness of these model-graded evaluations to injections on different datasets including a new Deception Eval. These injections resemble direct communication between the testee and the evaluator to change their grading. We extrapolate that future, more intelligent models might manipulate or cooperate with their evaluation model. We find significant susceptibility to these injections in state-of-the-art commercial models on all examined evaluations. Furthermore, similar injections can be used on automated interpretability frameworks to produce misleading model-written explanations. The results inspire future work and should caution against unqualified trust in evaluations and automated interpretability.

Leveraging AI-derived Data for Carbon Accounting: Information Extraction from Alternative Sources. (arXiv:2312.03722v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Olamide Oladeji, Seyed Shahabeddin Mousavi

Carbon accounting is a fundamental building block in our global path to emissions reduction and decarbonization, yet many challenges exist in achieving reliable and trusted carbon accounting measures. We motivate that carbon accounting not only needs to be more data-driven, but also more methodologically sound. We discuss the need for alternative, more diverse data sources that can play a significant role on our path to trusted carbon accounting procedures and elaborate on not only why, but how Artificial Intelligence (AI) in general and Natural Language Processing (NLP) in particular can unlock reasonable access to a treasure trove of alternative data sets in light of the recent advances in the field that better enable the utilization of unstructured data in this process. We present a case study of the recent developments on real-world data via an NLP-powered analysis using OpenAI's GPT API on financial and shipping data. We conclude the paper with a discussion on how these methods and approaches can be integrated into a broader framework for AI-enabled integrative carbon accounting.

ChatGPT Application In Summarizing An Evolution Of Deep Learning Techniques In Imaging: A Qualitative Study. (arXiv:2312.03723v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Arman Sarraf, Amirabbas Abbaspour

The pursuit of article or text summarization has captured the attention of natural language processing (NLP) practitioners, presenting itself as a formidable challenge. ChatGPT 3.5 exhibits the capacity to condense the content of up to 3000 tokens into a single page, aiming to retain pivotal information from a given text across diverse themes. In a conducted qualitative research endeavor, we selected seven scientific articles and employed the publicly available ChatGPT service to generate summaries of these articles. Subsequently, we engaged six co-authors of the articles in a survey, presenting five questions to evaluate the quality of the summaries compared to the original content. The findings revealed that the summaries produced by ChatGPT effectively encapsulated the crucial information present in the articles, preserving the principal message of each manuscript. Nonetheless, there was a slight diminishment in the technical depth of the summaries as opposed to the original articles. As a result, our conclusion underscores ChatGPT's text summarization capability as a potent tool for extracting essential insights in a manner more aligned with reporting than purely scientific discourse.

DP-OPT: Make Large Language Model Your Privacy-Preserving Prompt Engineer. (arXiv:2312.03724v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Junyuan Hong, Jiachen T. Wang, Chenhui Zhang, Zhangheng Li, Bo Li, Zhangyang Wang

Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as dominant tools for various tasks, particularly when tailored for a specific target by prompt tuning. Nevertheless, concerns surrounding data privacy present obstacles due to the tuned prompts' dependency on sensitive private information. A practical solution is to host a local LLM and optimize a soft prompt privately using data. Yet, hosting a local model becomes problematic when model ownership is protected. Alternative methods, like sending data to the model's provider for training, intensify these privacy issues facing an untrusted provider. In this paper, we present a novel solution called Differentially-Private Offsite Prompt Tuning (DP-OPT) to address this challenge. Our approach involves tuning a discrete prompt on the client side and then applying it to the desired cloud models. We demonstrate that prompts suggested by LLMs themselves can be transferred without compromising performance significantly. To ensure that the prompts do not leak private information, we introduce the first private prompt generation mechanism, by a differentially-private (DP) ensemble of in-context learning with private demonstrations. With DP-OPT, generating privacy-preserving prompts by Vicuna-7b can yield competitive performance compared to non-private in-context learning on GPT3.5 or local private prompt tuning. Codes are available at https://github.com/VITA-Group/DP-OPT .

SCStory: Self-supervised and Continual Online Story Discovery. (arXiv:2312.03725v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Susik Yoon, Yu Meng, Dongha Lee, Jiawei Han

We present a framework SCStory for online story discovery, that helps people digest rapidly published news article streams in real-time without human annotations. To organize news article streams into stories, existing approaches directly encode the articles and cluster them based on representation similarity. However, these methods yield noisy and inaccurate story discovery results because the generic article embeddings do not effectively reflect the story-indicative semantics in an article and cannot adapt to the rapidly evolving news article streams. SCStory employs self-supervised and continual learning with a novel idea of story-indicative adaptive modeling of news article streams. With a lightweight hierarchical embedding module that first learns sentence representations and then article representations, SCStory identifies story-relevant information of news articles and uses them to discover stories. The embedding module is continuously updated to adapt to evolving news streams with a contrastive learning objective, backed up by two unique techniques, confidence-aware memory replay and prioritized-augmentation, employed for label absence and data scarcity problems. Thorough experiments on real and the latest news data sets demonstrate that SCStory outperforms existing state-of-the-art algorithms for unsupervised online story discovery.

Interpretation modeling: Social grounding of sentences by reasoning over their implicit moral judgments. (arXiv:2312.03726v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Liesbeth Allein, Maria Mihaela Truşcǎ, Marie-Francine Moens

The social and implicit nature of human communication ramifies readers' understandings of written sentences. Single gold-standard interpretations rarely exist, challenging conventional assumptions in natural language processing. This work introduces the interpretation modeling (IM) task which involves modeling several interpretations of a sentence's underlying semantics to unearth layers of implicit meaning. To obtain these, IM is guided by multiple annotations of social relation and common ground - in this work approximated by reader attitudes towards the author and their understanding of moral judgments subtly embedded in the sentence. We propose a number of modeling strategies that rely on one-to-one and one-to-many generation methods that take inspiration from the philosophical study of interpretation. A first-of-its-kind IM dataset is curated to support experiments and analyses. The modeling results, coupled with scrutiny of the dataset, underline the challenges of IM as conflicting and complex interpretations are socially plausible. This interplay of diverse readings is affirmed by automated and human evaluations on the generated interpretations. Finally, toxicity analyses in the generated interpretations demonstrate the importance of IM for refining filters of content and assisting content moderators in safeguarding the safety in online discourse.

Content-Localization based System for Analyzing Sentiment and Hate Behaviors in Low-Resource Dialectal Arabic: English to Levantine and Gulf. (arXiv:2312.03727v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Fatimah Alzamzami, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik

Even though online social movements can quickly become viral on social media, languages can be a barrier to timely monitoring and analyzing the underlying online social behaviors (OSB). This is especially true for under-resourced languages on social media like dialectal Arabic; the primary language used by Arabs on social media. Therefore, it is crucial to provide solutions to efficiently exploit resources from high-resourced languages to solve language-dependent OSB analysis in under-resourced languages. This paper proposes to localize content of resources in high-resourced languages into under-resourced Arabic dialects. Content localization goes beyond content translation that converts text from one language to another; content localization adapts culture, language nuances and regional preferences from one language to a specific language/dialect. Automating understanding of the natural and familiar day-to-day expressions in different regions, is the key to achieve a wider analysis of OSB especially for smart cities. In this paper, we utilize content-localization based neural machine translation to develop sentiment and hate classifiers for two low-resourced Arabic dialects: Levantine and Gulf. Not only this but we also leverage unsupervised learning to facilitate the analysis of sentiment and hate predictions by inferring hidden topics from the corresponding data and providing coherent interpretations of those topics in their native language/dialects. The experimental evaluations and proof-of-concept COVID-19 case study on real data have validated the effectiveness of our proposed system in precisely distinguishing sentiments and accurately identifying hate content in both Levantine and Gulf Arabic dialects. Our findings shed light on the importance of considering the unique nature of dialects within the same language and ignoring the dialectal aspect would lead to misleading analysis.

Real Customization or Just Marketing: Are Customized Versions of Chat GPT Useful?. (arXiv:2312.03728v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Eduardo C. Garrido-Merchán, Jose L. Arroyo-Barrigüete, Francisco Borrás-Pala, Leandro Escobar-Torres, Carlos Martínez de Ibarreta, Jose María Ortiz-Lozano, Antonio Rua-Vieites

Large Language Models (LLMs), as the case of OpenAI ChatGPT-4 Turbo, are revolutionizing several industries, including higher education. In this context, LLMs can be personalized through a fine-tuning process to meet the student demands on every particular subject, like statistics. Recently, OpenAI has launched the possibility to fine-tune their model with a natural language web interface, enabling the possibility to create customized GPT version deliberately conditioned to meet the demands of a specific task. The objective of this research is to assess the potential of the customized GPTs that have recently been launched by OpenAI. After developing a Business Statistics Virtual Professor (BSVP), tailored for students at the Universidad Pontificia Comillas, its behavior was evaluated and compared with that of ChatGPT-4 Turbo. The results lead to several conclusions. Firstly, a substantial modification in the style of communication was observed. Following the instructions it was trained with, BSVP provided responses in a more relatable and friendly tone, even incorporating a few minor jokes. Secondly, and this is a matter of relevance, when explicitly asked for something like, "I would like to practice a programming exercise similar to those in R practice 4," BSVP was capable of providing a far superior response: having access to contextual documentation, it could fulfill the request, something beyond ChatGPT-4 Turbo's capabilities. On the downside, the response times were generally higher. Lastly, regarding overall performance, quality, depth, and alignment with the specific content of the course, no statistically significant differences were observed in the responses between BSVP and ChatGPT-4 Turbo. It appears that customized assistants trained with prompts present advantages as virtual aids for students, yet they do not constitute a substantial improvement over ChatGPT-4 Turbo.

Cognitive Dissonance: Why Do Language Model Outputs Disagree with Internal Representations of Truthfulness?. (arXiv:2312.03729v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kevin Liu, Stephen Casper, Dylan Hadfield-Menell, Jacob Andreas

Neural language models (LMs) can be used to evaluate the truth of factual statements in two ways: they can be either queried for statement probabilities, or probed for internal representations of truthfulness. Past work has found that these two procedures sometimes disagree, and that probes tend to be more accurate than LM outputs. This has led some researchers to conclude that LMs "lie" or otherwise encode non-cooperative communicative intents. Is this an accurate description of today's LMs, or can query-probe disagreement arise in other ways? We identify three different classes of disagreement, which we term confabulation, deception, and heterogeneity. In many cases, the superiority of probes is simply attributable to better calibration on uncertain answers rather than a greater fraction of correct, high-confidence answers. In some cases, queries and probes perform better on different subsets of inputs, and accuracy can further be improved by ensembling the two. Code is available at github.com/lingo-mit/lm-truthfulness.

FakeWatch ElectionShield: A Benchmarking Framework to Detect Fake News for Credible US Elections. (arXiv:2312.03730v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tahniat Khan, Mizanur Rahman, Veronica Chatrath, Oluwanifemi Bamgbose, Shaina Raza

In today's technologically driven world, the spread of fake news, particularly during crucial events such as elections, presents an increasing challenge to the integrity of information. To address this challenge, we introduce FakeWatch ElectionShield, an innovative framework carefully designed to detect fake news. We have created a novel dataset of North American election-related news articles through a blend of advanced language models (LMs) and thorough human verification, for precision and relevance. We propose a model hub of LMs for identifying fake news. Our goal is to provide the research community with adaptable and accurate classification models in recognizing the dynamic nature of misinformation. Extensive evaluation of fake news classifiers on our dataset and a benchmark dataset shows our that while state-of-the-art LMs slightly outperform the traditional ML models, classical models are still competitive with their balance of accuracy, explainability, and computational efficiency. This research sets the foundation for future studies to address misinformation related to elections.

MultiGPrompt for Multi-Task Pre-Training and Prompting on Graphs. (arXiv:2312.03731v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xingtong Yu, Chang Zhou, Yuan Fang, Xinming Zhang

Graphs can inherently model interconnected objects on the Web, thereby facilitating a series of Web applications, such as web analyzing and content recommendation. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a mainstream technique for graph representation learning. However, their efficacy within an end-to-end supervised framework is significantly tied to the availabilityof task-specific labels. To mitigate labeling costs and enhance robustness in few-shot settings, pre-training on self-supervised tasks has emerged as a promising method, while prompting has been proposed to further narrow the objective gap between pretext and downstream tasks. Although there has been some initial exploration of prompt-based learning on graphs, they primarily leverage a single pretext task, resulting in a limited subset of general knowledge that could be learned from the pre-training data. Hence, in this paper, we propose MultiGPrompt, a novel multi-task pre-training and prompting framework to exploit multiple pretext tasks for more comprehensive pre-trained knowledge. First, in pre-training, we design a set of pretext tokens to synergize multiple pretext tasks. Second, we propose a dual-prompt mechanism consisting of composed and open prompts to leverage task-specific and global pre-training knowledge, to guide downstream tasks in few-shot settings. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on six public datasets to evaluate and analyze MultiGPrompt.

A Rank Stabilization Scaling Factor for Fine-Tuning with LoRA. (arXiv:2312.03732v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Damjan Kalajdzievski

As large language models (LLMs) have become increasingly compute and memory intensive, parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) methods are now a common strategy to fine-tune LLMs. A popular PEFT method is Low-Rank Adapters (LoRA), which adds trainable low-rank "adapters" to selected layers. Each adapter consists of a low-rank matrix product, multiplicatively scaled by a rank-dependent factor. This scaling factor, which divides adapters by a factor of the rank, results in slowed learning and stunted performance for LoRA with higher-rank adapters. Consequently, the use of LoRA in practice has generally been limited to very low ranks. In this work, we study the impact of the scaling factor on the learning process and prove that LoRA adapters should be divided by a factor of the square root of the rank. Modifying LoRA with the appropriate scaling factor, which we call the rank-stabilized LoRA (rsLoRA) method, easily provides for a fine-tuning compute/performance trade-off, where larger ranks can be used to trade off increased computational resources during training for better fine-tuning performance, with no change in inference computing cost.

Methods to Estimate Large Language Model Confidence. (arXiv:2312.03733v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Maia Kotelanski, Robert Gallo, Ashwin Nayak, Thomas Savage

Large Language Models have difficulty communicating uncertainty, which is a significant obstacle to applying LLMs to complex medical tasks. This study evaluates methods to measure LLM confidence when suggesting a diagnosis for challenging clinical vignettes. GPT4 was asked a series of challenging case questions using Chain of Thought and Self Consistency prompting. Multiple methods were investigated to assess model confidence and evaluated on their ability to predict the models observed accuracy. The methods evaluated were Intrinsic Confidence, SC Agreement Frequency and CoT Response Length. SC Agreement Frequency correlated with observed accuracy, yielding a higher Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve compared to Intrinsic Confidence and CoT Length analysis. SC agreement is the most useful proxy for model confidence, especially for medical diagnosis. Model Intrinsic Confidence and CoT Response Length exhibit a weaker ability to differentiate between correct and incorrect answers, preventing them from being reliable and interpretable markers for model confidence. We conclude GPT4 has a limited ability to assess its own diagnostic accuracy. SC Agreement Frequency is the most useful method to measure GPT4 confidence.

Conditional Prompt Tuning for Multimodal Fusion. (arXiv:2312.03734v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruixiang Jiang, Lingbo Liu, Changwen Chen

We show that the representation of one modality can effectively guide the prompting of another modality for parameter-efficient multimodal fusion. Specifically, we first encode one modality and use its representation as a prior to conditionally prompt all frozen layers of the other modality. This is achieved by disentangling the vanilla prompt vectors into three types of specialized prompts that adaptively capture global-level and instance-level features. To better produce the instance-wise prompt, we introduce the mixture of prompt experts (MoPE) to dynamically route each instance to the most suitable prompt experts for encoding. We further study a regularization term to avoid degenerated prompt expert routing. Thanks to our design, our method can effectively transfer the pretrained knowledge in unimodal encoders for downstream multimodal tasks. Compared with vanilla prompting, we show that our MoPE-based conditional prompting is more expressive, thereby scales better with training data and the total number of prompts. We also demonstrate that our prompt tuning is architecture-agnostic, thereby offering high modularity. Extensive experiments over three multimodal datasets demonstrate state-of-the-art results, matching or surpassing the performance achieved through fine-tuning, while only necessitating 0.7% of the trainable parameters. Code will be released: https://github.com/songrise/ConditionalPrompt.

Advancing State of the Art in Language Modeling. (arXiv:2312.03735v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: David Herel, Tomas Mikolov

Generalization is arguably the most important goal of statistical language modeling research. Publicly available benchmarks and papers published with an open-source code have been critical to advancing the field. However, it is often very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to reproduce the results fully as reported in publications. In this paper, we propose a simple framework that should help advance the state of the art in language modeling in terms of generalization. We propose to publish not just the code, but also probabilities on dev and test sets with future publications so that one can easily add the new model into an ensemble. This has crucial advantages: it is much easier to determine whether a newly proposed model is actually complementary to the current baseline. Therefore, instead of inventing new names for the old tricks, the scientific community can advance faster. Finally, this approach promotes diversity of ideas: one does not need to create an individual model that is the new state of the art to attract attention; it will be sufficient to develop a new model that learns patterns which other models do not. Thus, even a suboptimal model can be found to have value. Remarkably, our approach has yielded new state-of-the-art results across various language modeling benchmarks up to 10%.

De-identification of clinical free text using natural language processing: A systematic review of current approaches. (arXiv:2312.03736v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Aleksandar Kovačević, Bojana Bašaragin, Nikola Milošević, Goran Nenadić

Background: Electronic health records (EHRs) are a valuable resource for data-driven medical research. However, the presence of protected health information (PHI) makes EHRs unsuitable to be shared for research purposes. De-identification, i.e. the process of removing PHI is a critical step in making EHR data accessible. Natural language processing has repeatedly demonstrated its feasibility in automating the de-identification process. Objectives: Our study aims to provide systematic evidence on how the de-identification of clinical free text has evolved in the last thirteen years, and to report on the performances and limitations of the current state-of-the-art systems. In addition, we aim to identify challenges and potential research opportunities in this field. Methods: A systematic search in PubMed, Web of Science and the DBLP was conducted for studies published between January 2010 and February 2023. Titles and abstracts were examined to identify the relevant studies. Selected studies were then analysed in-depth, and information was collected on de-identification methodologies, data sources, and measured performance. Results: A total of 2125 publications were identified for the title and abstract screening. 69 studies were found to be relevant. Machine learning (37 studies) and hybrid (26 studies) approaches are predominant, while six studies relied only on rules. Majority of the approaches were trained and evaluated on public corpora. The 2014 i2b2/UTHealth corpus is the most frequently used (36 studies), followed by the 2006 i2b2 (18 studies) and 2016 CEGS N-GRID (10 studies) corpora.

A Generic NLI approach for Classification of Sentiment Associated with Therapies. (arXiv:2312.03737v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Rajaraman Kanagasabai, Anitha Veeramani

This paper describes our system for addressing SMM4H 2023 Shared Task 2 on "Classification of sentiment associated with therapies (aspect-oriented)". In our work, we adopt an approach based on Natural language inference (NLI) to formulate this task as a sentence pair classification problem, and train transformer models to predict sentiment associated with a therapy on a given text. Our best model achieved 75.22\% F1-score which was 11\% (4\%) more than the mean (median) score of all teams' submissions.

Syntactic Fusion: Enhancing Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis Through Multi-Tree Graph Integration. (arXiv:2312.03738v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jane Sunny, Tom Padraig, Roggie Terry, Woods Ali

Recent progress in aspect-level sentiment classification has been propelled by the incorporation of graph neural networks (GNNs) leveraging syntactic structures, particularly dependency trees. Nevertheless, the performance of these models is often hampered by the innate inaccuracies of parsing algorithms. To mitigate this challenge, we introduce SynthFusion, an innovative graph ensemble method that amalgamates predictions from multiple parsers. This strategy blends diverse dependency relations prior to the application of GNNs, enhancing robustness against parsing errors while avoiding extra computational burdens. SynthFusion circumvents the pitfalls of overparameterization and diminishes the risk of overfitting, prevalent in models with stacked GNN layers, by optimizing graph connectivity. Our empirical evaluations on the SemEval14 and Twitter14 datasets affirm that SynthFusion not only outshines models reliant on single dependency trees but also eclipses alternative ensemble techniques, achieving this without an escalation in model complexity.

Syntax-Informed Interactive Model for Comprehensive Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2312.03739v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ullman Galen, Frey Lee, Woods Ali

Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA), a nuanced task in text analysis, seeks to discern sentiment orientation linked to specific aspect terms in text. Traditional approaches often overlook or inadequately model the explicit syntactic structures of sentences, crucial for effective aspect term identification and sentiment determination. Addressing this gap, we introduce an innovative model: Syntactic Dependency Enhanced Multi-Task Interaction Architecture (SDEMTIA) for comprehensive ABSA. Our approach innovatively exploits syntactic knowledge (dependency relations and types) using a specialized Syntactic Dependency Embedded Interactive Network (SDEIN). We also incorporate a novel and efficient message-passing mechanism within a multi-task learning framework to bolster learning efficacy. Our extensive experiments on benchmark datasets showcase our model's superiority, significantly surpassing existing methods. Additionally, incorporating BERT as an auxiliary feature extractor further enhances our model's performance.

Prompting in Autoregressive Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.03740v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Prabin Bhandari

Autoregressive Large Language Models have transformed the landscape of Natural Language Processing. Pre-train and prompt paradigm has replaced the conventional approach of pre-training and fine-tuning for many downstream NLP tasks. This shift has been possible largely due to LLMs and innovative prompting techniques. LLMs have shown great promise for a variety of downstream tasks owing to their vast parameters and huge datasets that they are pre-trained on. However, in order to fully realize their potential, their outputs must be guided towards the desired outcomes. Prompting, in which a specific input or instruction is provided to guide the LLMs toward the intended output, has become a tool for achieving this goal. In this paper, we discuss the various prompting techniques that have been applied to fully harness the power of LLMs. We present a taxonomy of existing literature on prompting techniques and provide a concise survey based on this taxonomy. Further, we identify some open problems in the realm of prompting in autoregressive LLMs which could serve as a direction for future research.

Comparing Generative Chatbots Based on Process Requirements. (arXiv:2312.03741v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Luis Fernando Lins, Nathalia Nascimento, Paulo Alencar, Toacy Oliveira, Donald Cowan

Business processes are commonly represented by modelling languages, such as Event-driven Process Chain (EPC), Yet Another Workflow Language (YAWL), and the most popular standard notation for modelling business processes, the Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN). Most recently, chatbots, programs that allow users to interact with a machine using natural language, have been increasingly used for business process execution support. A recent category of chatbots worth mentioning is generative-based chatbots, powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) such as OpenAI's Generative Pre-Trained Transformer (GPT) model and Google's Pathways Language Model (PaLM), which are trained on billions of parameters and support conversational intelligence. However, it is not clear whether generative-based chatbots are able to understand and meet the requirements of constructs such as those provided by BPMN for process execution support. This paper presents a case study to compare the performance of prominent generative models, GPT and PaLM, in the context of process execution support. The research sheds light into the challenging problem of using conversational approaches supported by generative chatbots as a means to understand process-aware modelling notations and support users to execute their tasks.

Clinical Risk Prediction Using Language Models: Benefits And Considerations. (arXiv:2312.03742v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Angeela Acharya, Sulabh Shrestha, Anyi Chen, Joseph Conte, Sanja Avramovic, Siddhartha Sikdar, Antonios Anastasopoulos, Sanmay Das

The utilization of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) for clinical risk prediction is on the rise. However, strict privacy regulations limit access to comprehensive health records, making it challenging to apply standard machine learning algorithms in practical real-world scenarios. Previous research has addressed this data limitation by incorporating medical ontologies and employing transfer learning methods. In this study, we investigate the potential of leveraging language models (LMs) as a means to incorporate supplementary domain knowledge for improving the performance of various EHR-based risk prediction tasks. Unlike applying LMs to unstructured EHR data such as clinical notes, this study focuses on using textual descriptions within structured EHR to make predictions exclusively based on that information. We extensively compare against previous approaches across various data types and sizes. We find that employing LMs to represent structured EHRs, such as diagnostic histories, leads to improved or at least comparable performance in diverse risk prediction tasks. Furthermore, LM-based approaches offer numerous advantages, including few-shot learning, the capability to handle previously unseen medical concepts, and adaptability to various medical vocabularies. Nevertheless, we underscore, through various experiments, the importance of being cautious when employing such models, as concerns regarding the reliability of LMs persist.

Easy Data Augmentation in Sentiment Analysis of Cyberbullying. (arXiv:2312.03743v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Alwan Wirawan, Hasan Dwi Cahyono, Winarno

Instagram, a social media platform, has in the vicinity of 2 billion active users in 2023. The platform allows users to post photos and videos with one another. However, cyberbullying remains a significant problem for about 50% of young Indonesians. To address this issue, sentiment analysis for comment filtering uses a Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Easy Data Augmentation (EDA). EDA will augment the dataset, enabling robust prediction and analysis of cyberbullying by introducing more variation. Based on the tests, SVM combination with EDA results in a 2.52% increase in the k-Fold Cross Validation score. Our proposed approach shows an improved accuracy of 92.5%, 2.5% higher than that of the existing state-of-the-art method. To maintain the reproducibility and replicability of this research, the source code can be accessed at uns.id/eda_svm.

Dynamic interactive group decision making method on two-dimensional language. (arXiv:2312.03744v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yukun Zhang

The language evaluation information of the interactive group decision method at present is based on the one-dimension language variable. At the same time, multi-attribute group decision making method based on two-dimension linguistic information only use single-stage and static evaluation method. In this paper, we propose a dynamic group decision making method based on two-dimension linguistic information, combining dynamic interactive group decision making methods with two-dimensional language evaluation information The method first use Two-Dimensional Uncertain Linguistic Generalized Weighted Aggregation (DULGWA) Operators to aggregate the preference information of each decision maker, then adopting dynamic information entropy method to obtain weights of attributes at each stage. Finally we propose the group consistency index to quantify the termination conditions of group interaction. One example is given to verify the developed approach and to demonstrate its effectiveness

Evaluating Large Language Model Creativity from a Literary Perspective. (arXiv:2312.03746v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Murray Shanahan, Catherine Clarke

This paper assesses the potential for large language models (LLMs) to serve as assistive tools in the creative writing process, by means of a single, in-depth case study. In the course of the study, we develop interactive and multi-voice prompting strategies that interleave background descriptions (scene setting, plot elements), instructions that guide composition, samples of text in the target style, and critical discussion of the given samples. We qualitatively evaluate the results from a literary critical perspective, as well as from the standpoint of computational creativity (a sub-field of artificial intelligence). Our findings lend support to the view that the sophistication of the results that can be achieved with an LLM mirrors the sophistication of the prompting.

Classifying patient voice in social media data using neural networks: A comparison of AI models on different data sources and therapeutic domains. (arXiv:2312.03747v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Giorgos Lysandrou, Roma English Owen, Vanja Popovic, Grant Le Brun, Beatrice Alex, Elizabeth A. L. Fairley

It is essential that healthcare professionals and members of the healthcare community can access and easily understand patient experiences in the real world, so that care standards can be improved and driven towards personalised drug treatment. Social media platforms and message boards are deemed suitable sources of patient experience information, as patients have been observed to discuss and exchange knowledge, look for and provide support online. This paper tests the hypothesis that not all online patient experience information can be treated and collected in the same way, as a result of the inherent differences in the way individuals talk about their journeys, in different therapeutic domains and or data sources.

We used linguistic analysis to understand and identify similarities between datasets, across patient language, between data sources (Reddit, SocialGist) and therapeutic domains (cardiovascular, oncology, immunology, neurology). We detected common vocabulary used by patients in the same therapeutic domain across data sources, except for immunology patients, who use unique vocabulary between the two data sources, and compared to all other datasets. We combined linguistically similar datasets to train classifiers (CNN, transformer) to accurately identify patient experience posts from social media, a task we refer to as patient voice classification. The cardiovascular and neurology transformer classifiers perform the best in their respective comparisons for the Reddit data source, achieving F1-scores of 0.865 and 1.0 respectively. The overall best performing classifier is the transformer classifier trained on all data collected for this experiment, achieving F1-scores ranging between 0.863 and 0.995 across all therapeutic domain and data source specific test datasets.

Applying Large Language Models and Chain-of-Thought for Automatic Scoring. (arXiv:2312.03748v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Gyeong-Geon Lee, Ehsan Latif, Xuansheng Wu, Ninghao Liu, Xiaoming Zhai

This study investigates the application of large language models (LLMs), specifically GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, with Chain-of-Though (CoT)in the automatic scoring of student-written responses to science assessments. We focused on overcoming the challenges of accessibility, technical complexity, and lack of explainability that have previously limited the use of automatic assessment tools among researchers and educators. We used a testing dataset comprising six assessment tasks (three binomial and three trinomial) with 1,650 student responses. We employed six prompt engineering strategies, combining zero-shot or few-shot learning with CoT, either alone or alongside item stem and scoring rubrics. Results indicated that few-shot (acc = .67) outperformed zero-shot learning (acc = .60), with 12.6\% increase. CoT, when used without item stem and scoring rubrics, did not significantly affect scoring accuracy (acc = .60). However, CoT prompting paired with contextual item stems and rubrics proved to be a significant contributor to scoring accuracy (13.44\% increase for zero-shot; 3.7\% increase for few-shot). Using a novel approach PPEAS, we found a more balanced accuracy across different proficiency categories, highlighting the importance of domain-specific reasoning in enhancing the effectiveness of LLMs in scoring tasks. Additionally, we also found that GPT-4 demonstrated superior performance over GPT-3.5 in various scoring tasks, showing 8.64\% difference. The study revealed that the single-call strategy with GPT-4, particularly using greedy sampling, outperformed other approaches, including ensemble voting strategies. This study demonstrates the potential of LLMs in facilitating automatic scoring, emphasizing that CoT enhances accuracy, particularly when used with item stem and scoring rubrics.

Conceptual Engineering Using Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.03749v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Bradley P. Allen

We describe a method, based on Jennifer Nado's definition of classification procedures as targets of conceptual engineering, that implements such procedures using a large language model. We then apply this method using data from the Wikidata knowledge graph to evaluate concept definitions from two paradigmatic conceptual engineering projects: the International Astronomical Union's redefinition of PLANET and Haslanger's ameliorative analysis of WOMAN. We discuss implications of this work for the theory and practice of conceptual engineering. The code and data can be found on GitHub.

Analyzing the Influence of Fake News in the 2024 Elections: A Comprehensive Dataset. (arXiv:2312.03750v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mizanur Rahman, Shaina Raza

This work introduces a dataset focused on fake news in US political speeches, specifically examining racial slurs and biases. By scraping and annotating 40,000 news articles, using advanced NLP tools and human verification, we provide a nuanced understanding of misinformation in political discourse. The dataset, designed for machine learning and bias analysis, is a critical resource for researchers, policymakers, and educators. It facilitates the development of strategies against misinformation and enhances media literacy, marking a significant contribution to the study of fake news and political communication. Our dataset, focusing on the analysis of fake news in the context of the 2024 elections, is publicly accessible for community to work on fake news identification. Our dataset, focusing on the analysis of fake news in the context of the 2024 elections, is publicly accessible.

Which linguistic cues make people fall for fake news? A comparison of cognitive and affective processing. (arXiv:2312.03751v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Bernhard Lutz, Marc Adam, Stefan Feuerriegel, Nicolas Pröllochs, Dirk Neumann

Fake news on social media has large, negative implications for society. However, little is known about what linguistic cues make people fall for fake news and, hence, how to design effective countermeasures for social media. In this study, we seek to understand which linguistic cues make people fall for fake news. Linguistic cues (e.g., adverbs, personal pronouns, positive emotion words, negative emotion words) are important characteristics of any text and also affect how people process real vs. fake news. Specifically, we compare the role of linguistic cues across both cognitive processing (related to careful thinking) and affective processing (related to unconscious automatic evaluations). To this end, we performed a within-subject experiment where we collected neurophysiological measurements of 42 subjects while these read a sample of 40 real and fake news articles. During our experiment, we measured cognitive processing through eye fixations, and affective processing in situ through heart rate variability. We find that users engage more in cognitive processing for longer fake news articles, while affective processing is more pronounced for fake news written in analytic words. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work studying the role of linguistic cues in fake news processing. Altogether, our findings have important implications for designing online platforms that encourage users to engage in careful thinking and thus prevent them from falling for fake news.

Automatic Scoring of Students' Science Writing Using Hybrid Neural Network. (arXiv:2312.03752v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ehsan Latif, Xiaoming Zhai

This study explores the efficacy of a multi-perspective hybrid neural network (HNN) for scoring student responses in science education with an analytic rubric. We compared the accuracy of the HNN model with four ML approaches (BERT, AACR, Naive Bayes, and Logistic Regression). The results have shown that HHN achieved 8%, 3%, 1%, and 0.12% higher accuracy than Naive Bayes, Logistic Regression, AACR, and BERT, respectively, for five scoring aspects (p<0.001). The overall HNN's perceived accuracy (M = 96.23%, SD = 1.45%) is comparable to the (training and inference) expensive BERT model's accuracy (M = 96.12%, SD = 1.52%). We also have observed that HNN is x2 more efficient in training and inferencing than BERT and has comparable efficiency to the lightweight but less accurate Naive Bayes model. Our study confirmed the accuracy and efficiency of using HNN to score students' science writing automatically.

English to Arabic machine translation of mathematical documents. (arXiv:2312.03753v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mustapha Eddahibi, Mohammed Mensouri

This paper is about the development of a machine translation system tailored specifically for LATEX mathematical documents. The system focuses on translating English LATEX mathematical documents into Arabic LATEX, catering to the growing demand for multilingual accessibility in scientific and mathematical literature. With the vast proliferation of LATEX mathematical documents the need for an efficient and accurate translation system has become increasingly essential. This paper addresses the necessity for a robust translation tool that enables seamless communication and comprehension of complex mathematical content across language barriers. The proposed system leverages a Transformer model as the core of the translation system, ensuring enhanced accuracy and fluency in the translated Arabic LATEX documents. Furthermore, the integration of RyDArab, an Arabic mathematical TEX extension, along with a rule-based translator for Arabic mathematical expressions, contributes to the precise rendering of complex mathematical symbols and equations in the translated output. The paper discusses the architecture, methodology, of the developed system, highlighting its efficacy in bridging the language gap in the domain of mathematical documentation

Near-real-time Earthquake-induced Fatality Estimation using Crowdsourced Data and Large-Language Models. (arXiv:2312.03755v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chenguang Wang, Davis Engler, Xuechun Li, James Hou, David J. Wald, Kishor Jaiswal, Susu Xu

When a damaging earthquake occurs, immediate information about casualties is critical for time-sensitive decision-making by emergency response and aid agencies in the first hours and days. Systems such as Prompt Assessment of Global Earthquakes for Response (PAGER) by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) were developed to provide a forecast within about 30 minutes of any significant earthquake globally. Traditional systems for estimating human loss in disasters often depend on manually collected early casualty reports from global media, a process that's labor-intensive and slow with notable time delays. Recently, some systems have employed keyword matching and topic modeling to extract relevant information from social media. However, these methods struggle with the complex semantics in multilingual texts and the challenge of interpreting ever-changing, often conflicting reports of death and injury numbers from various unverified sources on social media platforms. In this work, we introduce an end-to-end framework to significantly improve the timeliness and accuracy of global earthquake-induced human loss forecasting using multi-lingual, crowdsourced social media. Our framework integrates (1) a hierarchical casualty extraction model built upon large language models, prompt design, and few-shot learning to retrieve quantitative human loss claims from social media, (2) a physical constraint-aware, dynamic-truth discovery model that discovers the truthful human loss from massive noisy and potentially conflicting human loss claims, and (3) a Bayesian updating loss projection model that dynamically updates the final loss estimation using discovered truths. We test the framework in real-time on a series of global earthquake events in 2021 and 2022 and show that our framework streamlines casualty data retrieval, achieving speed and accuracy comparable to manual methods by USGS.

LineConGraphs: Line Conversation Graphs for Effective Emotion Recognition using Graph Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.03756v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Gokul S Krishnan, Sarala Padi, Craig S. Greenberg, Balaraman Ravindran, Dinesh Manoch, Ram D.Sriram

Emotion Recognition in Conversations (ERC) is a critical aspect of affective computing, and it has many practical applications in healthcare, education, chatbots, and social media platforms. Earlier approaches for ERC analysis involved modeling both speaker and long-term contextual information using graph neural network architectures. However, it is ideal to deploy speaker-independent models for real-world applications. Additionally, long context windows can potentially create confusion in recognizing the emotion of an utterance in a conversation. To overcome these limitations, we propose novel line conversation graph convolutional network (LineConGCN) and graph attention (LineConGAT) models for ERC analysis. These models are speaker-independent and built using a graph construction strategy for conversations -- line conversation graphs (LineConGraphs). The conversational context in LineConGraphs is short-term -- limited to one previous and future utterance, and speaker information is not part of the graph. We evaluate the performance of our proposed models on two benchmark datasets, IEMOCAP and MELD, and show that our LineConGAT model outperforms the state-of-the-art methods with an F1-score of 64.58% and 76.50%. Moreover, we demonstrate that embedding sentiment shift information into line conversation graphs further enhances the ERC performance in the case of GCN models.

Stock Movement and Volatility Prediction from Tweets, Macroeconomic Factors and Historical Prices. (arXiv:2312.03758v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Shengkun Wang, YangXiao Bai, Taoran Ji, Kaiqun Fu, Linhan Wang, Chang-Tien Lu

Predicting stock market is vital for investors and policymakers, acting as a barometer of the economic health. We leverage social media data, a potent source of public sentiment, in tandem with macroeconomic indicators as government-compiled statistics, to refine stock market predictions. However, prior research using tweet data for stock market prediction faces three challenges. First, the quality of tweets varies widely. While many are filled with noise and irrelevant details, only a few genuinely mirror the actual market scenario. Second, solely focusing on the historical data of a particular stock without considering its sector can lead to oversight. Stocks within the same industry often exhibit correlated price behaviors. Lastly, simply forecasting the direction of price movement without assessing its magnitude is of limited value, as the extent of the rise or fall truly determines profitability. In this paper, diverging from the conventional methods, we pioneer an ECON. The framework has following advantages: First, ECON has an adept tweets filter that efficiently extracts and decodes the vast array of tweet data. Second, ECON discerns multi-level relationships among stocks, sectors, and macroeconomic factors through a self-aware mechanism in semantic space. Third, ECON offers enhanced accuracy in predicting substantial stock price fluctuations by capitalizing on stock price movement. We showcase the state-of-the-art performance of our proposed model using a dataset, specifically curated by us, for predicting stock market movements and volatility.

How should the advent of large language models affect the practice of science?. (arXiv:2312.03759v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Marcel Binz, Stephan Alaniz, Adina Roskies, Balazs Aczel, Carl T. Bergstrom, Colin Allen, Daniel Schad, Dirk Wulff, Jevin D. West, Qiong Zhang, Richard M. Shiffrin, Samuel J. Gershman, Ven Popov, Emily M. Bender, Marco Marelli, Matthew M. Botvinick, Zeynep Akata, Eric Schulz

Large language models (LLMs) are being increasingly incorporated into scientific workflows. However, we have yet to fully grasp the implications of this integration. How should the advent of large language models affect the practice of science? For this opinion piece, we have invited four diverse groups of scientists to reflect on this query, sharing their perspectives and engaging in debate. Schulz et al. make the argument that working with LLMs is not fundamentally different from working with human collaborators, while Bender et al. argue that LLMs are often misused and over-hyped, and that their limitations warrant a focus on more specialized, easily interpretable tools. Marelli et al. emphasize the importance of transparent attribution and responsible use of LLMs. Finally, Botvinick and Gershman advocate that humans should retain responsibility for determining the scientific roadmap. To facilitate the discussion, the four perspectives are complemented with a response from each group. By putting these different perspectives in conversation, we aim to bring attention to important considerations within the academic community regarding the adoption of LLMs and their impact on both current and future scientific practices.

Mismatch Quest: Visual and Textual Feedback for Image-Text Misalignment. (arXiv:2312.03766v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Brian Gordon, Yonatan Bitton, Yonatan Shafir, Roopal Garg, Xi Chen, Dani Lischinski, Daniel Cohen-Or, Idan Szpektor

While existing image-text alignment models reach high quality binary assessments, they fall short of pinpointing the exact source of misalignment. In this paper, we present a method to provide detailed textual and visual explanation of detected misalignments between text-image pairs. We leverage large language models and visual grounding models to automatically construct a training set that holds plausible misaligned captions for a given image and corresponding textual explanations and visual indicators. We also publish a new human curated test set comprising ground-truth textual and visual misalignment annotations. Empirical results show that fine-tuning vision language models on our training set enables them to articulate misalignments and visually indicate them within images, outperforming strong baselines both on the binary alignment classification and the explanation generation tasks. Our method code and human curated test set are available at: https://mismatch-quest.github.io/

GPT vs Human for Scientific Reviews: A Dual Source Review on Applications of ChatGPT in Science. (arXiv:2312.03769v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Chenxi Wu, Alan John Varghese, Vivek Oommen, George Em Karniadakis

The new polymath Large Language Models (LLMs) can speed-up greatly scientific reviews, possibly using more unbiased quantitative metrics, facilitating cross-disciplinary connections, and identifying emerging trends and research gaps by analyzing large volumes of data. However, at the present time, they lack the required deep understanding of complex methodologies, they have difficulty in evaluating innovative claims, and they are unable to assess ethical issues and conflicts of interest. Herein, we consider 13 GPT-related papers across different scientific domains, reviewed by a human reviewer and SciSpace, a large language model, with the reviews evaluated by three distinct types of evaluators, namely GPT-3.5, a crowd panel, and GPT-4. We found that 50% of SciSpace's responses to objective questions align with those of a human reviewer, with GPT-4 (informed evaluator) often rating the human reviewer higher in accuracy, and SciSpace higher in structure, clarity, and completeness. In subjective questions, the uninformed evaluators (GPT-3.5 and crowd panel) showed varying preferences between SciSpace and human responses, with the crowd panel showing a preference for the human responses. However, GPT-4 rated them equally in accuracy and structure but favored SciSpace for completeness.

SmoothQuant+: Accurate and Efficient 4-bit Post-Training WeightQuantization for LLM. (arXiv:2312.03788v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jiayi Pan, Chengcan Wang, Kaifu Zheng, Yangguang Li, Zhenyu Wang, Bin Feng

Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in various tasks. However their huge model size and the consequent demand for computational and memory resources also pose challenges to model deployment. Currently, 4-bit post-training quantization (PTQ) has achieved some success in LLMs, reducing the memory footprint by approximately 75% compared to FP16 models, albeit with some accuracy loss. In this paper, we propose SmoothQuant+, an accurate and efficient 4-bit weight-only PTQ that requires no additional training, which enables lossless in accuracy for LLMs for the first time. Based on the fact that the loss of weight quantization is amplified by the activation outliers, SmoothQuant+ smoothes the activation outliers by channel before quantization, while adjusting the corresponding weights for mathematical equivalence, and then performs group-wise 4-bit weight quantization for linear layers. We have integrated SmoothQuant+ into the vLLM framework, an advanced high-throughput inference engine specially developed for LLMs, and equipped it with an efficient W4A16 CUDA kernels, so that vLLM can seamlessly support SmoothQuant+ 4-bit weight quantization. Our results show that, with SmoothQuant+, the Code Llama-34B model can be quantized and deployed on a A100 40GB GPU, achieving lossless accuracy and a throughput increase of 1.9 to 4.0 times compared to the FP16 model deployed on two A100 40GB GPUs. Moreover, the latency per token is only 68% of the FP16 model deployed on two A100 40GB GPUs. This is the state-of-the-art 4-bit weight quantization for LLMs as we know.

Comparative Analysis of Multilingual Text Classification & Identification through Deep Learning and Embedding Visualization. (arXiv:2312.03789v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Arinjay Wyawhare

This research conducts a comparative study on multilingual text classification methods, utilizing deep learning and embedding visualization. The study employs LangDetect, LangId, FastText, and Sentence Transformer on a dataset encompassing 17 languages. It explores dimensionality's impact on clustering, revealing FastText's clearer clustering in 2D visualization due to its extensive multilingual corpus training. Notably, the FastText multi-layer perceptron model achieved remarkable accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score, outperforming the Sentence Transformer model. The study underscores the effectiveness of these techniques in multilingual text classification, emphasizing the importance of large multilingual corpora for training embeddings. It lays the groundwork for future research and assists practitioners in developing language detection and classification systems. Additionally, it includes the comparison of multi-layer perceptron, LSTM, and Convolution models for classification.

Improving Activation Steering in Language Models with Mean-Centring. (arXiv:2312.03813v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ole Jorgensen, Dylan Cope, Nandi Schoots, Murray Shanahan

Recent work in activation steering has demonstrated the potential to better control the outputs of Large Language Models (LLMs), but it involves finding steering vectors. This is difficult because engineers do not typically know how features are represented in these models. We seek to address this issue by applying the idea of mean-centring to steering vectors. We find that taking the average of activations associated with a target dataset, and then subtracting the mean of all training activations, results in effective steering vectors. We test this method on a variety of models on natural language tasks by steering away from generating toxic text, and steering the completion of a story towards a target genre. We also apply mean-centring to extract function vectors, more effectively triggering the execution of a range of natural language tasks by a significant margin (compared to previous baselines). This suggests that mean-centring can be used to easily improve the effectiveness of activation steering in a wide range of contexts.

LLM as OS (llmao), Agents as Apps: Envisioning AIOS, Agents and the AIOS-Agent Ecosystem. (arXiv:2312.03815v1 [cs.OS])

Authors: Yingqiang Ge, Yujie Ren, Wenyue Hua, Shuyuan Xu, Juntao Tan, Yongfeng Zhang

This paper envisions a revolutionary AIOS-Agent ecosystem, where Large Language Model (LLM) serves as the (Artificial) Intelligent Operating System (IOS, or AIOS)--an operating system ``with soul''. Upon this foundation, a diverse range of LLM-based AI Agent Applications (Agents, or AAPs) are developed, enriching the AIOS-Agent ecosystem and signaling a paradigm shift from the traditional OS-APP ecosystem. We envision that LLM's impact will not be limited to the AI application level, instead, it will in turn revolutionize the design and implementation of computer system, architecture, software, and programming language, featured by several main concepts: LLM as OS (system-level), Agents as Applications (application-level), Natural Language as Programming Interface (user-level), and Tools as Devices/Libraries (hardware/middleware-level).

Alpha-CLIP: A CLIP Model Focusing on Wherever You Want. (arXiv:2312.03818v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zeyi Sun, Ye Fang, Tong Wu, Pan Zhang, Yuhang Zang, Shu Kong, Yuanjun Xiong, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang

Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) plays an essential role in extracting valuable content information from images across diverse tasks. It aligns textual and visual modalities to comprehend the entire image, including all the details, even those irrelevant to specific tasks. However, for a finer understanding and controlled editing of images, it becomes crucial to focus on specific regions of interest, which can be indicated as points, masks, or boxes by humans or perception models. To fulfill the requirements, we introduce Alpha-CLIP, an enhanced version of CLIP with an auxiliary alpha channel to suggest attentive regions and fine-tuned with constructed millions of RGBA region-text pairs. Alpha-CLIP not only preserves the visual recognition ability of CLIP but also enables precise control over the emphasis of image contents. It demonstrates effectiveness in various tasks, including but not limited to open-world recognition, multimodal large language models, and conditional 2D / 3D generation. It has a strong potential to serve as a versatile tool for image-related tasks.

Efficient Large Language Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.03863v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhongwei Wan, Xin Wang, Che Liu, Samiul Alam, Yu Zheng, Zhongnan Qu, Shen Yan, Yi Zhu, Quanlu Zhang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Mi Zhang

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in important tasks such as natural language understanding, language generation, and complex reasoning and have the potential to make a substantial impact on our society. Such capabilities, however, come with the considerable resources they demand, highlighting the strong need to develop effective techniques for addressing their efficiency challenges. In this survey, we provide a systematic and comprehensive review of efficient LLMs research. We organize the literature in a taxonomy consisting of three main categories, covering distinct yet interconnected efficient LLMs topics from model-centric, data-centric, and framework-centric perspective, respectively. We have also created a GitHub repository where we compile the papers featured in this survey at https://github.com/AIoT-MLSys-Lab/EfficientLLMs, https://github.com/AIoT-MLSys-Lab/Efficient-LLMs-Survey, and will actively maintain this repository and incorporate new research as it emerges. We hope our survey can serve as a valuable resource to help researchers and practitioners gain a systematic understanding of the research developments in efficient LLMs and inspire them to contribute to this important and exciting field.

The BigCode Project Governance Card. (arXiv:2312.03872v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: BigCode collaboration: Sean Hughes, Harm de Vries, Jennifer Robinson, Carlos Muñoz Ferrandis, Loubna Ben Allal, Leandro von Werra, Jennifer Ding, Sebastien Paquet, Yacine Jernite

This document serves as an overview of the different mechanisms and areas of governance in the BigCode project. It aims to support transparency by providing relevant information about choices that were made during the project to the broader public, and to serve as an example of intentional governance of an open research project that future endeavors can leverage to shape their own approach. The first section, Project Structure, covers the project organization, its stated goals and values, its internal decision processes, and its funding and resources. The second section, Data and Model Governance, covers decisions relating to the questions of data subject consent, privacy, and model release.

Revisiting the Optimality of Word Lengths. (arXiv:2312.03897v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tiago Pimentel, Clara Meister, Ethan Gotlieb Wilcox, Kyle Mahowald, Ryan Cotterell

Zipf (1935) posited that wordforms are optimized to minimize utterances' communicative costs. Under the assumption that cost is given by an utterance's length, he supported this claim by showing that words' lengths are inversely correlated with their frequencies. Communicative cost, however, can be operationalized in different ways. Piantadosi et al. (2011) claim that cost should be measured as the distance between an utterance's information rate and channel capacity, which we dub the channel capacity hypothesis (CCH) here. Following this logic, they then proposed that a word's length should be proportional to the expected value of its surprisal (negative log-probability in context). In this work, we show that Piantadosi et al.'s derivation does not minimize CCH's cost, but rather a lower bound, which we term CCH-lower. We propose a novel derivation, suggesting an improved way to minimize CCH's cost. Under this method, we find that a language's word lengths should instead be proportional to the surprisal's expectation plus its variance-to-mean ratio. Experimentally, we compare these three communicative cost functions: Zipf's, CCH-lower , and CCH. Across 13 languages and several experimental settings, we find that length is better predicted by frequency than either of the other hypotheses. In fact, when surprisal's expectation, or expectation plus variance-to-mean ratio, is estimated using better language models, it leads to worse word length predictions. We take these results as evidence that Zipf's longstanding hypothesis holds.

A Pseudo-Semantic Loss for Autoregressive Models with Logical Constraints. (arXiv:2312.03905v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kareem Ahmed, Kai-Wei Chang, Guy Van den Broeck

Neuro-symbolic AI bridges the gap between purely symbolic and neural approaches to learning. This often requires maximizing the likelihood of a symbolic constraint w.r.t the neural network's output distribution. Such output distributions are typically assumed to be fully-factorized. This limits the applicability of neuro-symbolic learning to the more expressive autoregressive distributions, e.g., transformers. Under such distributions, computing the likelihood of even simple constraints is #P-hard. Instead of attempting to enforce the constraint on the entire output distribution, we propose to do so on a random, local approximation thereof. More precisely, we optimize the likelihood of the constraint under a pseudolikelihood-based approximation centered around a model sample. Our approximation is factorized, allowing the reuse of solutions to sub-problems, a main tenet for efficiently computing neuro-symbolic losses. Moreover, it is a local, high-fidelity approximation of the likelihood, exhibiting low entropy and KL-divergence around the model sample. We evaluate our approach on Sudoku and shortest-path prediction cast as autoregressive generation, and observe that we greatly improve upon the base model's ability to predict logically-consistent outputs. We also evaluate on the task of detoxifying large language models. Using a simple constraint disallowing a list of toxic words, we are able to steer the model's outputs away from toxic generations, achieving SoTA detoxification compared to previous approaches.

Collaboration or Corporate Capture? Quantifying NLP's Reliance on Industry Artifacts and Contributions. (arXiv:2312.03912v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Will Aitken, Mohamed Abdalla, Karen Rudie, Catherine Stinson

The advent of transformers, higher computational budgets, and big data has engendered remarkable progress in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Impressive performance of industry pre-trained models has garnered public attention in recent years and made news headlines. That these are industry models is noteworthy. Rarely, if ever, are academic institutes producing exciting new NLP models. Using these models is critical for competing on NLP benchmarks and correspondingly to stay relevant in NLP research. We surveyed 100 papers published at EMNLP 2022 to determine whether this phenomenon constitutes a reliance on industry for NLP publications.

We find that there is indeed a substantial reliance. Citations of industry artifacts and contributions across categories is at least three times greater than industry publication rates per year. Quantifying this reliance does not settle how we ought to interpret the results. We discuss two possible perspectives in our discussion: 1) Is collaboration with industry still collaboration in the absence of an alternative? Or 2) has free NLP inquiry been captured by the motivations and research direction of private corporations?

Cost-Effective In-Context Learning for Entity Resolution: A Design Space Exploration. (arXiv:2312.03987v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Meihao Fan, Xiaoyue Han, Ju Fan, Chengliang Chai, Nan Tang, Guoliang Li, Xiaoyong Du

Entity resolution (ER) is an important data integration task with a wide spectrum of applications. The state-of-the-art solutions on ER rely on pre-trained language models (PLMs), which require fine-tuning on a lot of labeled matching/non-matching entity pairs. Recently, large languages models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have shown the ability to perform many tasks without tuning model parameters, which is known as in-context learning (ICL) that facilitates effective learning from a few labeled input context demonstrations. However, existing ICL approaches to ER typically necessitate providing a task description and a set of demonstrations for each entity pair and thus have limitations on the monetary cost of interfacing LLMs. To address the problem, in this paper, we provide a comprehensive study to investigate how to develop a cost-effective batch prompting approach to ER. We introduce a framework BATCHER consisting of demonstration selection and question batching and explore different design choices that support batch prompting for ER. We also devise a covering-based demonstration selection strategy that achieves an effective balance between matching accuracy and monetary cost. We conduct a thorough evaluation to explore the design space and evaluate our proposed strategies. Through extensive experiments, we find that batch prompting is very cost-effective for ER, compared with not only PLM-based methods fine-tuned with extensive labeled data but also LLM-based methods with manually designed prompting. We also provide guidance for selecting appropriate design choices for batch prompting.

A Study on the Calibration of In-context Learning. (arXiv:2312.04021v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hanlin Zhang, Yi-Fan Zhang, Yaodong Yu, Dhruv Madeka, Dean Foster, Eric Xing, Hima Lakkaraju, Sham Kakade

Modern auto-regressive language models are trained to minimize log loss on broad data by predicting the next token so they are expected to get calibrated answers when framing a problem as a next-token prediction task. We study this for in-context learning (ICL), a widely used way to adapt frozen large language models (LLMs) via crafting prompts, and investigate the trade-offs between performance and calibration on a wide range of natural language understanding and reasoning tasks. We conduct extensive experiments to show that such trade-offs may get worse as we increase model size, incorporate more ICL examples, and fine-tune models using instruction, dialog, or reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) on carefully curated datasets. Furthermore, we find that common recalibration techniques that are widely effective such as temperature scaling provide limited gains in calibration errors, suggesting that new methods may be required for settings where models are expected to be reliable.

RoAST: Robustifying Language Models via Adversarial Perturbation with Selective Training. (arXiv:2312.04032v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jaehyung Kim, Yuning Mao, Rui Hou, Hanchao Yu, Davis Liang, Pascale Fung, Qifan Wang, Fuli Feng, Lifu Huang, Madian Khabsa

Fine-tuning pre-trained language models (LMs) has become the de facto standard in many NLP tasks. Nevertheless, fine-tuned LMs are still prone to robustness issues, such as adversarial robustness and model calibration. Several perspectives of robustness for LMs have been studied independently, but lacking a unified consideration in multiple perspectives. In this paper, we propose Robustifying LMs via Adversarial perturbation with Selective Training (RoAST), a simple yet effective fine-tuning technique to enhance the multi-perspective robustness of LMs in a unified way. RoAST effectively incorporates two important sources for the model robustness, robustness on the perturbed inputs and generalizable knowledge in pre-trained LMs. To be specific, RoAST introduces adversarial perturbation during fine-tuning while the model parameters are selectively updated upon their relative importance to minimize unnecessary deviation. Under a unified evaluation of fine-tuned LMs by incorporating four representative perspectives of model robustness, we demonstrate the effectiveness of RoAST compared to state-of-the-art fine-tuning methods on six different types of LMs, which indicates its usefulness in practice.

Multimodal Misinformation Detection in a South African Social Media Environment. (arXiv:2312.04052v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Amica De Jager, Vukosi Marivate, Abioudun Modupe

With the constant spread of misinformation on social media networks, a need has arisen to continuously assess the veracity of digital content. This need has inspired numerous research efforts on the development of misinformation detection (MD) models. However, many models do not use all information available to them and existing research contains a lack of relevant datasets to train the models, specifically within the South African social media environment. The aim of this paper is to investigate the transferability of knowledge of a MD model between different contextual environments. This research contributes a multimodal MD model capable of functioning in the South African social media environment, as well as introduces a South African misinformation dataset. The model makes use of multiple sources of information for misinformation detection, namely: textual and visual elements. It uses bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) as the textual encoder and a residual network (ResNet) as the visual encoder. The model is trained and evaluated on the Fakeddit dataset and a South African misinformation dataset. Results show that using South African samples in the training of the model increases model performance, in a South African contextual environment, and that a multimodal model retains significantly more knowledge than both the textual and visual unimodal models. Our study suggests that the performance of a misinformation detection model is influenced by the cultural nuances of its operating environment and multimodal models assist in the transferability of knowledge between different contextual environments. Therefore, local data should be incorporated into the training process of a misinformation detection model in order to optimize model performance.

Comparing Large Language Model AI and Human-Generated Coaching Messages for Behavioral Weight Loss. (arXiv:2312.04059v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhuoran Huang, Michael P. Berry, Christina Chwyl, Gary Hsieh, Jing Wei, Evan M. Forman

Automated coaching messages for weight control can save time and costs, but their repetitive, generic nature may limit their effectiveness compared to human coaching. Large language model (LLM) based artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots, like ChatGPT, could offer more personalized and novel messages to address repetition with their data-processing abilities. While LLM AI demonstrates promise to encourage healthier lifestyles, studies have yet to examine the feasibility and acceptability of LLM-based BWL coaching. 87 adults in a weight-loss trial rated ten coaching messages' helpfulness (five human-written, five ChatGPT-generated) using a 5-point Likert scale, providing additional open-ended feedback to justify their ratings. Participants also identified which messages they believed were AI-generated. The evaluation occurred in two phases: messages in Phase 1 were perceived as impersonal and negative, prompting revisions for Phase 2 messages. In Phase 1, AI-generated messages were rated less helpful than human-written ones, with 66 percent receiving a helpfulness rating of 3 or higher. However, in Phase 2, the AI messages matched the human-written ones regarding helpfulness, with 82% scoring three or above. Additionally, 50% were misidentified as human-written, suggesting AI's sophistication in mimicking human-generated content. A thematic analysis of open-ended feedback revealed that participants appreciated AI's empathy and personalized suggestions but found them more formulaic, less authentic, and too data-focused. This study reveals the preliminary feasibility and acceptability of LLM AIs, like ChatGPT, in crafting potentially effective weight control coaching messages. Our findings also underscore areas for future enhancement.

Making Translators Privacy-aware on the User's Side. (arXiv:2312.04068v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Ryoma Sato

We propose PRISM to enable users of machine translation systems to preserve the privacy of data on their own initiative. There is a growing demand to apply machine translation systems to data that require privacy protection. While several machine translation engines claim to prioritize privacy, the extent and specifics of such protection are largely ambiguous. First, there is often a lack of clarity on how and to what degree the data is protected. Even if service providers believe they have sufficient safeguards in place, sophisticated adversaries might still extract sensitive information. Second, vulnerabilities may exist outside of these protective measures, such as within communication channels, potentially leading to data leakage. As a result, users are hesitant to utilize machine translation engines for data demanding high levels of privacy protection, thereby missing out on their benefits. PRISM resolves this problem. Instead of relying on the translation service to keep data safe, PRISM provides the means to protect data on the user's side. This approach ensures that even machine translation engines with inadequate privacy measures can be used securely. For platforms already equipped with privacy safeguards, PRISM acts as an additional protection layer, reinforcing their security furthermore. PRISM adds these privacy features without significantly compromising translation accuracy. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PRISM using real-world translators, T5 and ChatGPT (GPT-3.5-turbo), and the datasets with two languages. PRISM effectively balances privacy protection with translation accuracy.

Enhancing the Rationale-Input Alignment for Self-explaining Rationalization. (arXiv:2312.04103v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Wei Liu, Haozhao Wang, Jun Wang, Zhiying Deng, YuanKai Zhang, Cheng Wang, Ruixuan Li

Rationalization empowers deep learning models with self-explaining capabilities through a cooperative game, where a generator selects a semantically consistent subset of the input as a rationale, and a subsequent predictor makes predictions based on the selected rationale. In this paper, we discover that rationalization is prone to a problem named \emph{rationale shift}, which arises from the algorithmic bias of the cooperative game. Rationale shift refers to a situation where the semantics of the selected rationale may deviate from the original input, but the predictor still produces accurate predictions based on the deviation, resulting in a compromised generator with misleading feedback.

To address this issue, we first demonstrate the importance of the alignment between the rationale and the full input through both empirical observations and theoretical analysis. Subsequently, we introduce a novel approach called DAR (\textbf{D}iscriminatively \textbf{A}ligned \textbf{R}ationalization), which utilizes an auxiliary module pretrained on the full input to discriminatively align the selected rationale and the original input. We theoretically illustrate how DAR accomplishes the desired alignment, thereby overcoming the rationale shift problem. The experiments on two widely used real-world benchmarks show that the proposed method significantly improves the explanation quality (measured by the overlap between the model-selected explanation and the human-annotated rationale) as compared to state-of-the-art techniques. Additionally, results on two synthetic settings further validate the effectiveness of DAR in addressing the rationale shift problem.

Analyzing the Inherent Response Tendency of LLMs: Real-World Instructions-Driven Jailbreak. (arXiv:2312.04127v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yanrui Du, Sendong Zhao, Ming Ma, Yuhan Chen, Bing Qin

Extensive work has been devoted to improving the safety mechanism of Large Language Models (LLMs). However, in specific scenarios, LLMs still generate harmful responses when faced with malicious instructions, a phenomenon referred to as "Jailbreak Attack". In our research, we introduce a novel jailbreak attack method (\textbf{RADIAL}), which consists of two steps: 1) Inherent Response Tendency Analysis: we analyze the inherent affirmation and rejection tendency of LLMs to react to real-world instructions. 2) Real-World Instructions-Driven Jailbreak: based on our analysis, we strategically choose several real-world instructions and embed malicious instructions into them to amplify the LLM's potential to generate harmful responses. On three open-source human-aligned LLMs, our method achieves excellent jailbreak attack performance for both Chinese and English malicious instructions. Besides, we guided detailed ablation experiments and verified the effectiveness of our core idea "Inherent Response Tendency Analysis". Our exploration also exposes the vulnerability of LLMs to being induced into generating more detailed harmful responses in subsequent rounds of dialogue.

Using a Large Language Model to generate a Design Structure Matrix. (arXiv:2312.04134v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Edwin C. Y. Koh

The Design Structure Matrix (DSM) is an established method used in dependency modelling, especially in the design of complex engineering systems. The generation of DSM is traditionally carried out through manual means and can involve interviewing experts to elicit critical system elements and the relationships between them. Such manual approaches can be time-consuming and costly. This paper presents a workflow that uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to support the generation of DSM and improve productivity. A prototype of the workflow was developed in this work and applied on a diesel engine DSM published previously. It was found that the prototype could reproduce 357 out of 462 DSM entries published (i.e. 77.3%), suggesting that the work can aid DSM generation. A no-code version of the prototype is made available online to support future research.

Language Model Knowledge Distillation for Efficient Question Answering in Spanish. (arXiv:2312.04193v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Adrián Bazaga, Pietro Liò, Gos Micklem

Recent advances in the development of pre-trained Spanish language models has led to significant progress in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, such as question answering. However, the lack of efficient models imposes a barrier for the adoption of such models in resource-constrained environments. Therefore, smaller distilled models for the Spanish language could be proven to be highly scalable and facilitate their further adoption on a variety of tasks and scenarios. In this work, we take one step in this direction by developing SpanishTinyRoBERTa, a compressed language model based on RoBERTa for efficient question answering in Spanish. To achieve this, we employ knowledge distillation from a large model onto a lighter model that allows for a wider implementation, even in areas with limited computational resources, whilst attaining negligible performance sacrifice. Our experiments show that the dense distilled model can still preserve the performance of its larger counterpart, while significantly increasing inference speedup. This work serves as a starting point for further research and investigation of model compression efforts for Spanish language models across various NLP tasks.

Swap distance minimization in SOV languages. Cognitive and mathematical foundations. (arXiv:2312.04219v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ramon Ferrer-i-Cancho, Savithry Namboodiripad

Distance minimization is a general principle of language. A special case of this principle in the domain of word order is swap distance minimization. This principle predicts that variations from a canonical order that are reached by fewer swaps of adjacent constituents are lest costly and thus more likely. Here we investigate the principle in the context of the triple formed by subject (S), object (O) and verb (V). We introduce the concept of word order rotation as a cognitive underpinning of that prediction. When the canonical order of a language is SOV, the principle predicts SOV < SVO, OSV < VSO, OVS < VOS, in order of increasing cognitive cost. We test the prediction in three flexible order SOV languages: Korean (Koreanic), Malayalam (Dravidian), and Sinhalese (Indo-European). Evidence of swap distance minimization is found in all three languages, but it is weaker in Sinhalese. Swap distance minimization is stronger than a preference for the canonical order in Korean and especially Malayalam.

PsyChat: A Client-Centric Dialogue System for Mental Health Support. (arXiv:2312.04262v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Huachuan Qiu, Anqi Li, Lizhi Ma, Zhenzhong Lan

Dialogue systems are increasingly integrated into mental health support to help clients facilitate exploration, gain insight, take action, and ultimately heal themselves. For a dialogue system to be practical and user-friendly, it should be client-centric, focusing on the client's behaviors. However, existing dialogue systems publicly available for mental health support often concentrate solely on the counselor's strategies rather than the behaviors expressed by clients. This can lead to the implementation of unreasonable or inappropriate counseling strategies and corresponding responses from the dialogue system. To address this issue, we propose PsyChat, a client-centric dialogue system that provides psychological support through online chat. The client-centric dialogue system comprises five modules: client behavior recognition, counselor strategy selection, input packer, response generator intentionally fine-tuned to produce responses, and response selection. Both automatic and human evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and practicality of our proposed dialogue system for real-life mental health support. Furthermore, we employ our proposed dialogue system to simulate a real-world client-virtual-counselor interaction scenario. The system is capable of predicting the client's behaviors, selecting appropriate counselor strategies, and generating accurate and suitable responses, as demonstrated in the scenario.

Prompt Highlighter: Interactive Control for Multi-Modal LLMs. (arXiv:2312.04302v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuechen Zhang, Shengju Qian, Bohao Peng, Shu Liu, Jiaya Jia

This study targets a critical aspect of multi-modal LLMs' (LLMs&VLMs) inference: explicit controllable text generation. Multi-modal LLMs empower multi-modality understanding with the capability of semantic generation yet bring less explainability and heavier reliance on prompt contents due to their autoregressive generative nature. While manipulating prompt formats could improve outputs, designing specific and precise prompts per task can be challenging and ineffective. To tackle this issue, we introduce a novel inference method, Prompt Highlighter, which enables users to highlight specific prompt spans to interactively control the focus during generation. Motivated by the classifier-free diffusion guidance, we form regular and unconditional context pairs based on highlighted tokens, demonstrating that the autoregressive generation in models can be guided in a classifier-free way. Notably, we find that, during inference, guiding the models with highlighted tokens through the attention weights leads to more desired outputs. Our approach is compatible with current LLMs and VLMs, achieving impressive customized generation results without training. Experiments confirm its effectiveness in focusing on input contexts and generating reliable content. Without tuning on LLaVA-v1.5, our method secured 69.5 in the MMBench test and 1552.5 in MME-perception. The code is available at: https://github.com/dvlab-research/Prompt-Highlighter/

nerblackbox: A High-level Library for Named Entity Recognition in Python. (arXiv:2312.04306v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Felix Stollenwerk

We present nerblackbox, a python library to facilitate the use of state-of-the-art transformer-based models for named entity recognition. It provides simple-to-use yet powerful methods to access data and models from a wide range of sources, for fully automated model training and evaluation as well as versatile model inference. While many technical challenges are solved and hidden from the user by default, nerblackbox also offers fine-grained control and a rich set of customizable features. It is thus targeted both at application-oriented developers as well as machine learning experts and researchers.

Beyond Surface: Probing LLaMA Across Scales and Layers. (arXiv:2312.04333v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nuo Chen, Ning Wu, Shining Liang, Ming Gong, Linjun Shou, Dongmei Zhang, Jia Li

This paper presents an in-depth analysis of Large Language Models (LLMs), focusing on LLaMA, a prominent open-source foundational model in natural language processing. Instead of assessing LLaMA through its generative output, we design multiple-choice tasks to probe its intrinsic understanding in high-order tasks such as reasoning and computation. We examine the model horizontally, comparing different sizes, and vertically, assessing different layers. We unveil several key and uncommon findings based on the designed probing tasks: (1) Horizontally, enlarging model sizes almost could not automatically impart additional knowledge or computational prowess. Instead, it can enhance reasoning abilities, especially in math problem solving, and helps reduce hallucinations, but only beyond certain size thresholds; (2) In vertical analysis, the lower layers of LLaMA lack substantial arithmetic and factual knowledge, showcasing logical thinking, multilingual and recognitive abilities, with top layers housing most computational power and real-world knowledge.

Merging by Matching Models in Task Subspaces. (arXiv:2312.04339v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Derek Tam, Mohit Bansal, Colin Raffel

Model merging aims to cheaply combine individual task-specific models into a single multitask model. In this work, we view past merging methods as leveraging different notions of a ''task subspace'' in which models are matched before being merged. We connect the task subspace of a given model to its loss landscape and formalize how this approach to model merging can be seen as solving a linear system of equations. While past work has generally been limited to linear systems that have a closed-form solution, we consider using the conjugate gradient method to find a solution. We show that using the conjugate gradient method can outperform closed-form solutions, enables merging via linear systems that are otherwise intractable to solve, and flexibly allows choosing from a wide variety of initializations and estimates for the ''task subspace''. We ultimately demonstrate that our merging framework called ''Matching Models in their Task Subspace'' (MaTS) achieves state-of-the-art results in multitask and intermediate-task model merging. We release all of the code and checkpoints used in our work at https://github.com/r-three/mats.

Enhancing Medical Task Performance in GPT-4V: A Comprehensive Study on Prompt Engineering Strategies. (arXiv:2312.04344v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pengcheng Chen, Ziyan Huang, Zhongying Deng, Tianbin Li, Yanzhou Su, Haoyu Wang, Jin Ye, Yu Qiao, Junjun He

OpenAI's latest large vision-language model (LVLM), GPT-4V(ision), has piqued considerable interest for its potential in medical applications. Despite its promise, recent studies and internal reviews highlight its underperformance in specialized medical tasks. This paper explores the boundary of GPT-4V's capabilities in medicine, particularly in processing complex imaging data from endoscopies, CT scans, and MRIs etc. Leveraging open-source datasets, we assessed its foundational competencies, identifying substantial areas for enhancement. Our research emphasizes prompt engineering, an often-underutilized strategy for improving AI responsiveness. Through iterative testing, we refined the model's prompts, significantly improving its interpretative accuracy and relevance in medical imaging. From our comprehensive evaluations, we distilled 10 effective prompt engineering techniques, each fortifying GPT-4V's medical acumen. These methodical enhancements facilitate more reliable, precise, and clinically valuable insights from GPT-4V, advancing its operability in critical healthcare environments. Our findings are pivotal for those employing AI in medicine, providing clear, actionable guidance on harnessing GPT-4V's full diagnostic potential.

When Input Integers are Given in the Unary Numeral Representation. (arXiv:2312.04348v1 [cs.CC])

Authors: Tomoyuki Yamakami

Many NP-complete problems take integers as part of their input instances. These input integers are generally binarized, that is, provided in the form of the "binary" numeral representation, and the lengths of such binary forms are used as a basis unit to measure the computational complexity of the problems. In sharp contrast, the "unarization" (or the "unary" numeral representation) of numbers has been known to bring a remarkably different effect onto the computational complexity of the problems. When no computational-complexity difference is observed between binarization and unarization of instances, on the contrary, the problems are said to be strong NP-complete. This work attempts to spotlight an issue of how the unarization of instances affects the computational complexity of various combinatorial problems. We present numerous NP-complete (or even NP-hard) problems, which turn out to be easily solvable when input integers are represented in unary. We then discuss the computational complexities of such problems when taking unary-form integer inputs. We hope that a list of such problems signifies the structural differences between strong NP-completeness and non-strong NP-completeness.

CLadder: A Benchmark to Assess Causal Reasoning Capabilities of Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04350v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhijing Jin, Yuen Chen, Felix Leeb, Luigi Gresele, Ojasv Kamal, Zhiheng Lyu, Kevin Blin, Fernando Gonzalez Adauto, Max Kleiman-Weiner, Mrinmaya Sachan, Bernhard Schölkopf

The ability to perform causal reasoning is widely considered a core feature of intelligence. In this work, we investigate whether large language models (LLMs) can coherently reason about causality. Much of the existing work in natural language processing (NLP) focuses on evaluating commonsense causal reasoning in LLMs, thus failing to assess whether a model can perform causal inference in accordance with a set of well-defined formal rules. To address this, we propose a new NLP task, causal inference in natural language, inspired by the "causal inference engine" postulated by Judea Pearl et al. We compose a large dataset, CLadder, with 10K samples: based on a collection of causal graphs and queries (associational, interventional, and counterfactual), we obtain symbolic questions and ground-truth answers, through an oracle causal inference engine. These are then translated into natural language. We evaluate multiple LLMs on our dataset, and we introduce and evaluate a bespoke chain-of-thought prompting strategy, CausalCoT. We show that our task is highly challenging for LLMs, and we conduct an in-depth analysis to gain deeper insight into the causal reasoning abilities of LLMs. Our data is open-sourced at https://huggingface.co/datasets/causalNLP/cladder, and our code can be found at https://github.com/causalNLP/cladder.

PCoQA: Persian Conversational Question Answering Dataset. (arXiv:2312.04362v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hamed Hematian Hemati, Atousa Toghyani, Atena Souri, Sayed Hesam Alavian, Hossein Sameti, Hamid Beigy

Humans seek information regarding a specific topic through performing a conversation containing a series of questions and answers. In the pursuit of conversational question answering research, we introduce the PCoQA, the first \textbf{P}ersian \textbf{Co}nversational \textbf{Q}uestion \textbf{A}nswering dataset, a resource comprising information-seeking dialogs encompassing a total of 9,026 contextually-driven questions. Each dialog involves a questioner, a responder, and a document from the Wikipedia; The questioner asks several inter-connected questions from the text and the responder provides a span of the document as the answer for each question. PCoQA is designed to present novel challenges compared to previous question answering datasets including having more open-ended non-factual answers, longer answers, and fewer lexical overlaps. This paper not only presents the comprehensive PCoQA dataset but also reports the performance of various benchmark models. Our models include baseline models and pre-trained models, which are leveraged to boost the performance of the model. The dataset and benchmarks are available at our Github page.

LaMPilot: An Open Benchmark Dataset for Autonomous Driving with Language Model Programs. (arXiv:2312.04372v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yunsheng Ma, Can Cui, Xu Cao, Wenqian Ye, Peiran Liu, Juanwu Lu, Amr Abdelraouf, Rohit Gupta, Kyungtae Han, Aniket Bera, James M. Rehg, Ziran Wang

We present LaMPilot, a novel framework for planning in the field of autonomous driving, rethinking the task as a code-generation process that leverages established behavioral primitives. This approach aims to address the challenge of interpreting and executing spontaneous user instructions such as "overtake the car ahead," which have typically posed difficulties for existing frameworks. We introduce the LaMPilot benchmark specifically designed to quantitatively evaluate the efficacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) in translating human directives into actionable driving policies. We then evaluate a wide range of state-of-the-art code generation language models on tasks from the LaMPilot Benchmark. The results of the experiments showed that GPT-4, with human feedback, achieved an impressive task completion rate of 92.7% and a minimal collision rate of 0.9%. To encourage further investigation in this area, our code and dataset will be made available.

OpenAsp: A Benchmark for Multi-document Open Aspect-based Summarization. (arXiv:2312.04440v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shmuel Amar, Liat Schiff, Ori Ernst, Asi Shefer, Ori Shapira, Ido Dagan

The performance of automatic summarization models has improved dramatically in recent years. Yet, there is still a gap in meeting specific information needs of users in real-world scenarios, particularly when a targeted summary is sought, such as in the useful aspect-based summarization setting targeted in this paper. Previous datasets and studies for this setting have predominantly concentrated on a limited set of pre-defined aspects, focused solely on single document inputs, or relied on synthetic data. To advance research on more realistic scenarios, we introduce OpenAsp, a benchmark for multi-document \textit{open} aspect-based summarization. This benchmark is created using a novel and cost-effective annotation protocol, by which an open aspect dataset is derived from existing generic multi-document summarization datasets. We analyze the properties of OpenAsp showcasing its high-quality content. Further, we show that the realistic open-aspect setting realized in OpenAsp poses a challenge for current state-of-the-art summarization models, as well as for large language models.

Deep Learning for Hate Speech Detection: A Comparative Study. (arXiv:2202.09517v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jitendra Singh Malik, Hezhe Qiao, Guansong Pang, Anton van den Hengel

Automated hate speech detection is an important tool in combating the spread of hate speech, particularly in social media. Numerous methods have been developed for the task, including a recent proliferation of deep-learning based approaches. A variety of datasets have also been developed, exemplifying various manifestations of the hate-speech detection problem. We present here a large-scale empirical comparison of deep and shallow hate-speech detection methods, mediated through the three most commonly used datasets. Our goal is to illuminate progress in the area, and identify strengths and weaknesses in the current state-of-the-art. We particularly focus our analysis on measures of practical performance, including detection accuracy, computational efficiency, capability in using pre-trained models, and domain generalization. In doing so we aim to provide guidance as to the use of hate-speech detection in practice, quantify the state-of-the-art, and identify future research directions. Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/jmjmalik22/Hate-Speech-Detection.

Constrained Few-Shot Learning: Human-Like Low Sample Complexity Learning and Non-Episodic Text Classification. (arXiv:2208.08089v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaron Mar, Jiamou Liu

Few-shot learning (FSL) is an emergent paradigm of learning that attempts to learn to reason with low sample complexity to mimic the way humans learn, generalise and extrapolate from only a few seen examples. While FSL attempts to mimic these human characteristics, fundamentally, the task of FSL as conventionally formulated using meta-learning with episodic-based training does not in actuality align with how humans acquire and reason with knowledge. FSL with episodic training, while only requires $K$ instances of each test class, still requires a large number of labelled training instances from disjoint classes. In this paper, we introduce the novel task of constrained few-shot learning (CFSL), a special case of FSL where $M$, the number of instances of each training class is constrained such that $M \leq K$ thus applying a similar restriction during FSL training and test. We propose a method for CFSL leveraging Cat2Vec using a novel categorical contrastive loss inspired by cognitive theories such as fuzzy trace theory and prototype theory.

MAUVE Scores for Generative Models: Theory and Practice. (arXiv:2212.14578v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Krishna Pillutla, Lang Liu, John Thickstun, Sean Welleck, Swabha Swayamdipta, Rowan Zellers, Sewoong Oh, Yejin Choi, Zaid Harchaoui

Generative artificial intelligence has made significant strides, producing text indistinguishable from human prose and remarkably photorealistic images. Automatically measuring how close the generated data distribution is to the target distribution is central to diagnosing existing models and developing better ones. We present MAUVE, a family of comparison measures between pairs of distributions such as those encountered in the generative modeling of text or images. These scores are statistical summaries of divergence frontiers capturing two types of errors in generative modeling. We explore three approaches to statistically estimate these scores: vector quantization, non-parametric estimation, and classifier-based estimation. We provide statistical bounds for the vector quantization approach.

Empirically, we find that the proposed scores paired with a range of $f$-divergences and statistical estimation methods can quantify the gaps between the distributions of human-written text and those of modern neural language models by correlating with human judgments and identifying known properties of the generated texts. We demonstrate in the vision domain that MAUVE can identify known properties of generated images on par with or better than existing metrics. In conclusion, we present practical recommendations for using MAUVE effectively with language and image modalities.

A Stability Analysis of Fine-Tuning a Pre-Trained Model. (arXiv:2301.09820v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zihao Fu, Anthony Man-Cho So, Nigel Collier

Fine-tuning a pre-trained model (such as BERT, ALBERT, RoBERTa, T5, GPT, etc.) has proven to be one of the most promising paradigms in recent NLP research. However, numerous recent works indicate that fine-tuning suffers from the instability problem, i.e., tuning the same model under the same setting results in significantly different performance. Many recent works have proposed different methods to solve this problem, but there is no theoretical understanding of why and how these methods work. In this paper, we propose a novel theoretical stability analysis of fine-tuning that focuses on two commonly used settings, namely, full fine-tuning and head tuning. We define the stability under each setting and prove the corresponding stability bounds. The theoretical bounds explain why and how several existing methods can stabilize the fine-tuning procedure. In addition to being able to explain most of the observed empirical discoveries, our proposed theoretical analysis framework can also help in the design of effective and provable methods. Based on our theory, we propose three novel strategies to stabilize the fine-tuning procedure, namely, Maximal Margin Regularizer (MMR), Multi-Head Loss (MHLoss), and Self Unsupervised Re-Training (SURT). We extensively evaluate our proposed approaches on 11 widely used real-world benchmark datasets, as well as hundreds of synthetic classification datasets. The experiment results show that our proposed methods significantly stabilize the fine-tuning procedure and also corroborate our theoretical analysis.

ZeroNLG: Aligning and Autoencoding Domains for Zero-Shot Multimodal and Multilingual Natural Language Generation. (arXiv:2303.06458v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Bang Yang, Fenglin Liu, Yuexian Zou, Xian Wu, Yaowei Wang, David A. Clifton

Natural Language Generation (NLG) accepts input data in the form of images, videos, or text and generates corresponding natural language text as output. Existing NLG methods mainly adopt a supervised approach and rely heavily on coupled data-to-text pairs. However, for many targeted scenarios and for non-English languages, sufficient quantities of labeled data are often not available. To relax the dependency on labeled data of downstream tasks, we propose an intuitive and effective zero-shot learning framework, ZeroNLG, which can deal with multiple NLG tasks, including image-to-text (image captioning), video-to-text (video captioning), and text-to-text (neural machine translation), across English, Chinese, German, and French within a unified framework. ZeroNLG does not require any labeled downstream pairs for training. During training, ZeroNLG (i) projects different domains (across modalities and languages) to corresponding coordinates in a shared common latent space; (ii) bridges different domains by aligning their corresponding coordinates in this space; and (iii) builds an unsupervised multilingual auto-encoder to learn to generate text by reconstructing the input text given its coordinate in shared latent space. Consequently, during inference, based on the data-to-text pipeline, ZeroNLG can generate target sentences across different languages given the coordinate of input data in the common space. Within this unified framework, given visual (imaging or video) data as input, ZeroNLG can perform zero-shot visual captioning; given textual sentences as input, ZeroNLG can perform zero-shot machine translation. We present the results of extensive experiments on twelve NLG tasks, showing that, without using any labeled downstream pairs for training, ZeroNLG generates high-quality and believable outputs and significantly outperforms existing zero-shot methods.

Can Large Language Models Transform Computational Social Science?. (arXiv:2305.03514v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Caleb Ziems, William Held, Omar Shaikh, Jiaao Chen, Zhehao Zhang, Diyi Yang

Large Language Models (LLMs) are capable of successfully performing many language processing tasks zero-shot (without training data). If zero-shot LLMs can also reliably classify and explain social phenomena like persuasiveness and political ideology, then LLMs could augment the Computational Social Science (CSS) pipeline in important ways. This work provides a road map for using LLMs as CSS tools. Towards this end, we contribute a set of prompting best practices and an extensive evaluation pipeline to measure the zero-shot performance of 13 language models on 25 representative English CSS benchmarks. On taxonomic labeling tasks (classification), LLMs fail to outperform the best fine-tuned models but still achieve fair levels of agreement with humans. On free-form coding tasks (generation), LLMs produce explanations that often exceed the quality of crowdworkers' gold references. We conclude that the performance of today's LLMs can augment the CSS research pipeline in two ways: (1) serving as zero-shot data annotators on human annotation teams, and (2) bootstrapping challenging creative generation tasks (e.g., explaining the underlying attributes of a text). In summary, LLMs are posed to meaningfully participate in} social science analysis in partnership with humans.

Conversational Semantic Parsing using Dynamic Context Graphs. (arXiv:2305.06164v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Parag Jain, Mirella Lapata

In this paper we consider the task of conversational semantic parsing over general purpose knowledge graphs (KGs) with millions of entities, and thousands of relation-types. We focus on models which are capable of interactively mapping user utterances into executable logical forms (e.g., Sparql) in the context of the conversational history. Our key idea is to represent information about an utterance and its context via a subgraph which is created dynamically, i.e., the number of nodes varies per utterance. Rather than treating the subgraph as a sequence, we exploit its underlying structure and encode it with a graph neural network which further allows us to represent a large number of (unseen) nodes. Experimental results show that dynamic context modeling is superior to static approaches, delivering performance improvements across the board (i.e., for simple and complex questions). Our results further confirm that modeling the structure of context is better at processing discourse information, (i.e., at handling ellipsis and resolving coreference) and longer interactions.

Interactive Text-to-SQL Generation via Editable Step-by-Step Explanations. (arXiv:2305.07372v3 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuan Tian, Zheng Zhang, Zheng Ning, Toby Jia-Jun Li, Jonathan K. Kummerfeld, Tianyi Zhang

Relational databases play an important role in this Big Data era. However, it is challenging for non-experts to fully unleash the analytical power of relational databases, since they are not familiar with database languages such as SQL. Many techniques have been proposed to automatically generate SQL from natural language, but they suffer from two issues: (1) they still make many mistakes, particularly for complex queries, and (2) they do not provide a flexible way for non-expert users to validate and refine the incorrect queries. To address these issues, we introduce a new interaction mechanism that allows users directly edit a step-by-step explanation of an incorrect SQL to fix SQL errors. Experiments on the Spider benchmark show that our approach outperforms three SOTA approaches by at least 31.6% in terms of execution accuracy. A user study with 24 participants further shows that our approach helped users solve significantly more SQL tasks with less time and higher confidence, demonstrating its potential to expand access to databases, particularly for non-experts.

Post Hoc Explanations of Language Models Can Improve Language Models. (arXiv:2305.11426v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Satyapriya Krishna, Jiaqi Ma, Dylan Slack, Asma Ghandeharioun, Sameer Singh, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in performing complex tasks. Moreover, recent research has shown that incorporating human-annotated rationales (e.g., Chain-of-Thought prompting) during in-context learning can significantly enhance the performance of these models, particularly on tasks that require reasoning capabilities. However, incorporating such rationales poses challenges in terms of scalability as this requires a high degree of human involvement. In this work, we present a novel framework, Amplifying Model Performance by Leveraging In-Context Learning with Post Hoc Explanations (AMPLIFY), which addresses the aforementioned challenges by automating the process of rationale generation. To this end, we leverage post hoc explanation methods which output attribution scores (explanations) capturing the influence of each of the input features on model predictions. More specifically, we construct automated natural language rationales that embed insights from post hoc explanations to provide corrective signals to LLMs. Extensive experimentation with real-world datasets demonstrates that our framework, AMPLIFY, leads to prediction accuracy improvements of about 10-25% over a wide range of tasks, including those where prior approaches which rely on human-annotated rationales such as Chain-of-Thought prompting fall short. Our work makes one of the first attempts at highlighting the potential of post hoc explanations as valuable tools for enhancing the effectiveness of LLMs. Furthermore, we conduct additional empirical analyses and ablation studies to demonstrate the impact of each of the components of AMPLIFY, which, in turn, leads to critical insights for refining in-context learning.

From Pixels to UI Actions: Learning to Follow Instructions via Graphical User Interfaces. (arXiv:2306.00245v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Peter Shaw, Mandar Joshi, James Cohan, Jonathan Berant, Panupong Pasupat, Hexiang Hu, Urvashi Khandelwal, Kenton Lee, Kristina Toutanova

Much of the previous work towards digital agents for graphical user interfaces (GUIs) has relied on text-based representations (derived from HTML or other structured data sources), which are not always readily available. These input representations have been often coupled with custom, task-specific action spaces. This paper focuses on creating agents that interact with the digital world using the same conceptual interface that humans commonly use -- via pixel-based screenshots and a generic action space corresponding to keyboard and mouse actions. Building upon recent progress in pixel-based pretraining, we show, for the first time, that it is possible for such agents to outperform human crowdworkers on the MiniWob++ benchmark of GUI-based instruction following tasks.

Towards Grounded Visual Spatial Reasoning in Multi-Modal Vision Language Models. (arXiv:2308.09778v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Navid Rajabi, Jana Kosecka

With pre-training of vision-and-language models (VLMs) on large-scale datasets of image-text pairs, several recent works showed that these pre-trained models lack fine-grained understanding, such as the ability to count and recognize verbs, attributes, or relationships. The focus of this work is to study the ability of these models to understand spatial relations. Previously, this has been tackled using image-text matching (e.g., Visual Spatial Reasoning benchmark) or visual question answering (e.g., GQA or VQAv2), both showing poor performance and a large gap compared to human performance. In this work, we use explainability tools to understand the causes of poor performance better and present an alternative fine-grained, compositional approach for ranking spatial clauses. We combine the evidence from grounding noun phrases corresponding to objects and their locations to compute the final rank of the spatial clause. We demonstrate the approach on representative VLMs (such as LXMERT, GPV, and MDETR) and compare and highlight their abilities to reason about spatial relationships.

Attention-Driven Multi-Modal Fusion: Enhancing Sign Language Recognition and Translation. (arXiv:2309.01860v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zaber Ibn Abdul Hakim, Rasman Mubtasim Swargo, Muhammad Abdullah Adnan

In this paper, we devise a mechanism for the addition of multi-modal information with an existing pipeline for continuous sign language recognition and translation. In our procedure, we have incorporated optical flow information with RGB images to enrich the features with movement-related information. This work studies the feasibility of such modality inclusion using a cross-modal encoder. The plugin we have used is very lightweight and doesn't need to include a separate feature extractor for the new modality in an end-to-end manner. We have applied the changes in both sign language recognition and translation, improving the result in each case. We have evaluated the performance on the RWTH-PHOENIX-2014 dataset for sign language recognition and the RWTH-PHOENIX-2014T dataset for translation. On the recognition task, our approach reduced the WER by 0.9, and on the translation task, our approach increased most of the BLEU scores by ~0.6 on the test set.

Large Language Models as Optimizers. (arXiv:2309.03409v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chengrun Yang, Xuezhi Wang, Yifeng Lu, Hanxiao Liu, Quoc V. Le, Denny Zhou, Xinyun Chen

Optimization is ubiquitous. While derivative-based algorithms have been powerful tools for various problems, the absence of gradient imposes challenges on many real-world applications. In this work, we propose Optimization by PROmpting (OPRO), a simple and effective approach to leverage large language models (LLMs) as optimizers, where the optimization task is described in natural language. In each optimization step, the LLM generates new solutions from the prompt that contains previously generated solutions with their values, then the new solutions are evaluated and added to the prompt for the next optimization step. We first showcase OPRO on linear regression and traveling salesman problems, then move on to prompt optimization where the goal is to find instructions that maximize the task accuracy. With a variety of LLMs, we demonstrate that the best prompts optimized by OPRO outperform human-designed prompts by up to 8% on GSM8K, and by up to 50% on Big-Bench Hard tasks. Code at https://github.com/google-deepmind/opro.

Sudden Drops in the Loss: Syntax Acquisition, Phase Transitions, and Simplicity Bias in MLMs. (arXiv:2309.07311v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Angelica Chen, Ravid Shwartz-Ziv, Kyunghyun Cho, Matthew L. Leavitt, Naomi Saphra

Most interpretability research in NLP focuses on understanding the behavior and features of a fully trained model. However, certain insights into model behavior may only be accessible by observing the trajectory of the training process. We present a case study of syntax acquisition in masked language models (MLMs) that demonstrates how analyzing the evolution of interpretable artifacts throughout training deepens our understanding of emergent behavior. In particular, we study Syntactic Attention Structure (SAS), a naturally emerging property of MLMs wherein specific Transformer heads tend to focus on specific syntactic relations. We identify a brief window in pretraining when models abruptly acquire SAS, concurrent with a steep drop in loss. This breakthrough precipitates the subsequent acquisition of linguistic capabilities. We then examine the causal role of SAS by manipulating SAS during training, and demonstrate that SAS is necessary for the development of grammatical capabilities. We further find that SAS competes with other beneficial traits during training, and that briefly suppressing SAS improves model quality. These findings offer an interpretation of a real-world example of both simplicity bias and breakthrough training dynamics.

UPAR: A Kantian-Inspired Prompting Framework for Enhancing Large Language Model Capabilities. (arXiv:2310.01441v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hejia Geng, Boxun Xu, Peng Li

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive inferential capabilities, with numerous research endeavors devoted to enhancing this capacity through prompting. Despite these efforts, a unified epistemological foundation is still conspicuously absent. Drawing inspiration from Kant's a priori philosophy, we propose the UPAR prompting framework, designed to emulate the structure of human cognition within LLMs. The UPAR framework is delineated into four phases: "Understand", "Plan", "Act", and "Reflect", enabling the extraction of structured information from complex contexts, prior planning of solutions, execution according to plan, and self-reflection. This structure significantly augments the explainability and accuracy of LLM inference, producing a human-understandable and inspectable inferential trajectory. Furthermore, our work offers an epistemological foundation for existing prompting techniques, allowing for a possible systematic integration of these methods. With GPT-4, our approach elevates the accuracy from COT baseline of 22.92% to 58.33% in a challenging subset of GSM8K, and from 67.91% to 75.40% in the causal judgment task. Without using few-shot examples or external tools, UPAR significantly outperforms existing prompting methods on SCIBENCH, a challenging dataset containing collegiate-level mathematics, chemistry, and physics scientific problems.

Harnessing the Power of Large Language Models for Empathetic Response Generation: Empirical Investigations and Improvements. (arXiv:2310.05140v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yushan Qian, Wei-Nan Zhang, Ting Liu

Empathetic dialogue is an indispensable part of building harmonious social relationships and contributes to the development of a helpful AI. Previous approaches are mainly based on fine small-scale language models. With the advent of ChatGPT, the application effect of large language models (LLMs) in this field has attracted great attention. This work empirically investigates the performance of LLMs in generating empathetic responses and proposes three improvement methods of semantically similar in-context learning, two-stage interactive generation, and combination with the knowledge base. Extensive experiments show that LLMs can significantly benefit from our proposed methods and is able to achieve state-of-the-art performance in both automatic and human evaluations. Additionally, we explore the possibility of GPT-4 simulating human evaluators.

Generative Judge for Evaluating Alignment. (arXiv:2310.05470v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Junlong Li, Shichao Sun, Weizhe Yuan, Run-Ze Fan, Hai Zhao, Pengfei Liu

The rapid development of Large Language Models (LLMs) has substantially expanded the range of tasks they can address. In the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), researchers have shifted their focus from conventional NLP tasks (e.g., sequence tagging and parsing) towards tasks that revolve around aligning with human needs (e.g., brainstorming and email writing). This shift in task distribution imposes new requirements on evaluating these aligned models regarding generality (i.e., assessing performance across diverse scenarios), flexibility (i.e., examining under different protocols), and interpretability (i.e., scrutinizing models with explanations). In this paper, we propose a generative judge with 13B parameters, Auto-J, designed to address these challenges. Our model is trained on user queries and LLM-generated responses under massive real-world scenarios and accommodates diverse evaluation protocols (e.g., pairwise response comparison and single-response evaluation) with well-structured natural language critiques. To demonstrate the efficacy of our approach, we construct a new testbed covering 58 different scenarios. Experimentally, Auto-J outperforms a series of strong competitors, including both open-source and closed-source models, by a large margin. We also provide detailed analysis and case studies to further reveal the potential of our method and make a variety of resources public at https://github.com/GAIR-NLP/auto-j.

Unveiling the General Intelligence Factor in Language Models: A Psychometric Approach. (arXiv:2310.11616v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: David Ilić

This study uncovers the factor of general intelligence, or g, in language models, extending the psychometric theory traditionally applied to humans and certain animal species. Utilizing factor analysis on two extensive datasets - Open LLM Leaderboard with 1,232 models and General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) Leaderboard with 88 models - we find compelling evidence for a unidimensional, highly stable g factor that accounts for 85% of the variance in model performance. The study also finds a moderate correlation of .49 between model size and g. The discovery of g in language models offers a unified metric for model evaluation and opens new avenues for more robust, g-based model ability assessment. These findings lay the foundation for understanding and future research on artificial general intelligence from a psychometric perspective and have practical implications for model evaluation and development.

PromptAgent: Strategic Planning with Language Models Enables Expert-level Prompt Optimization. (arXiv:2310.16427v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyuan Wang, Chenxi Li, Zhen Wang, Fan Bai, Haotian Luo, Jiayou Zhang, Nebojsa Jojic, Eric P. Xing, Zhiting Hu

Highly effective, task-specific prompts are often heavily engineered by experts to integrate detailed instructions and domain insights based on a deep understanding of both instincts of large language models (LLMs) and the intricacies of the target task. However, automating the generation of such expert-level prompts remains elusive. Existing prompt optimization methods tend to overlook the depth of domain knowledge and struggle to efficiently explore the vast space of expert-level prompts. Addressing this, we present PromptAgent, an optimization method that autonomously crafts prompts equivalent in quality to those handcrafted by experts. At its core, PromptAgent views prompt optimization as a strategic planning problem and employs a principled planning algorithm, rooted in Monte Carlo tree search, to strategically navigate the expert-level prompt space. Inspired by human-like trial-and-error exploration, PromptAgent induces precise expert-level insights and in-depth instructions by reflecting on model errors and generating constructive error feedback. Such a novel framework allows the agent to iteratively examine intermediate prompts (states), refine them based on error feedbacks (actions), simulate future rewards, and search for high-reward paths leading to expert prompts. We apply PromptAgent to 12 tasks spanning three practical domains: BIG-Bench Hard (BBH), as well as domain-specific and general NLP tasks, showing it significantly outperforms strong Chain-of-Thought and recent prompt optimization baselines. Extensive analyses emphasize its capability to craft expert-level, detailed, and domain-insightful prompts with great efficiency and generalizability.

Efficient LLM Inference on CPUs. (arXiv:2311.00502v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Haihao Shen, Hanwen Chang, Bo Dong, Yu Luo, Hengyu Meng

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance and tremendous potential across a wide range of tasks. However, deploying these models has been challenging due to the astronomical amount of model parameters, which requires a demand for large memory capacity and high memory bandwidth. In this paper, we propose an effective approach that can make the deployment of LLMs more efficiently. We support an automatic INT4 weight-only quantization flow and design a special LLM runtime with highly-optimized kernels to accelerate the LLM inference on CPUs. We demonstrate the general applicability of our approach on popular LLMs including Llama2, Llama, GPT-NeoX, and showcase the extreme inference efficiency on CPUs. The code is publicly available at: https://github.com/intel/intel-extension-for-transformers.

Trends in Integration of Knowledge and Large Language Models: A Survey and Taxonomy of Methods, Benchmarks, and Applications. (arXiv:2311.05876v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhangyin Feng, Weitao Ma, Weijiang Yu, Lei Huang, Haotian Wang, Qianglong Chen, Weihua Peng, Xiaocheng Feng, Bing Qin, Ting liu

Large language models (LLMs) exhibit superior performance on various natural language tasks, but they are susceptible to issues stemming from outdated data and domain-specific limitations. In order to address these challenges, researchers have pursued two primary strategies, knowledge editing and retrieval augmentation, to enhance LLMs by incorporating external information from different aspects. Nevertheless, there is still a notable absence of a comprehensive survey. In this paper, we propose a review to discuss the trends in integration of knowledge and large language models, including taxonomy of methods, benchmarks, and applications. In addition, we conduct an in-depth analysis of different methods and point out potential research directions in the future. We hope this survey offers the community quick access and a comprehensive overview of this research area, with the intention of inspiring future research endeavors.

LLMs for Science: Usage for Code Generation and Data Analysis. (arXiv:2311.16733v3 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohamed Nejjar, Luca Zacharias, Fabian Stiehle, Ingo Weber

Large language models (LLMs) have been touted to enable increased productivity in many areas of today's work life. Scientific research as an area of work is no exception: the potential of LLM-based tools to assist in the daily work of scientists has become a highly discussed topic across disciplines. However, we are only at the very onset of this subject of study. It is still unclear how the potential of LLMs will materialise in research practice. With this study, we give first empirical evidence on the use of LLMs in the research process. We have investigated a set of use cases for LLM-based tools in scientific research, and conducted a first study to assess to which degree current tools are helpful. In this paper we report specifically on use cases related to software engineering, such as generating application code and developing scripts for data analytics. While we studied seemingly simple use cases, results across tools differ significantly. Our results highlight the promise of LLM-based tools in general, yet we also observe various issues, particularly regarding the integrity of the output these tools provide.

Navigating News Narratives: A Media Bias Analysis Dataset. (arXiv:2312.00168v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaina Raza

The proliferation of biased news narratives across various media platforms has become a prominent challenge, influencing public opinion on critical topics like politics, health, and climate change. This paper introduces the "Navigating News Narratives: A Media Bias Analysis Dataset", a comprehensive dataset to address the urgent need for tools to detect and analyze media bias. This dataset encompasses a broad spectrum of biases, making it a unique and valuable asset in the field of media studies and artificial intelligence. The dataset is available at https://huggingface.co/datasets/newsmediabias/news-bias-full-data.

Mark My Words: Analyzing and Evaluating Language Model Watermarks. (arXiv:2312.00273v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Julien Piet, Chawin Sitawarin, Vivian Fang, Norman Mu, David Wagner

The capabilities of large language models have grown significantly in recent years and so too have concerns about their misuse. In this context, the ability to distinguish machine-generated text from human-authored content becomes important. Prior works have proposed numerous schemes to watermark text, which would benefit from a systematic evaluation framework. This work focuses on text watermarking techniques - as opposed to image watermarks - and proposes MARKMYWORDS, a comprehensive benchmark for them under different tasks as well as practical attacks. We focus on three main metrics: quality, size (e.g. the number of tokens needed to detect a watermark), and tamper-resistance. Current watermarking techniques are good enough to be deployed: Kirchenbauer et al. [1] can watermark Llama2-7B-chat with no perceivable loss in quality, the watermark can be detected with fewer than 100 tokens, and the scheme offers good tamper-resistance to simple attacks. We argue that watermark indistinguishability, a criteria emphasized in some prior works, is too strong a requirement: schemes that slightly modify logit distributions outperform their indistinguishable counterparts with no noticeable loss in generation quality. We publicly release our benchmark (https://github.com/wagner-group/MarkMyWords)

WhisBERT: Multimodal Text-Audio Language Modeling on 100M Words. (arXiv:2312.02931v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Lukas Wolf, Greta Tuckute, Klemen Kotar, Eghbal Hosseini, Tamar Regev, Ethan Wilcox, Alex Warstadt

Training on multiple modalities of input can augment the capabilities of a language model. Here, we ask whether such a training regime can improve the quality and efficiency of these systems as well. We focus on text--audio and introduce Whisbert, which is inspired by the text--image approach of FLAVA (Singh et al., 2022). In accordance with Babylm guidelines (Warstadt et al., 2023), we pretrain Whisbert on a dataset comprising only 100 million words plus their corresponding speech from the word-aligned version of the People's Speech dataset (Galvez et al., 2021). To assess the impact of multimodality, we compare versions of the model that are trained on text only and on both audio and text simultaneously. We find that while Whisbert is able to perform well on multimodal masked modeling and surpasses the Babylm baselines in most benchmark tasks, it struggles to optimize its complex objective and outperform its text-only Whisbert baseline.

Holmes: Towards Distributed Training Across Clusters with Heterogeneous NIC Environment. (arXiv:2312.03549v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Fei Yang, Shuang Peng, Ning Sun, Fangyu Wang, Ke Tan, Fu Wu, Jiezhong Qiu, Aimin Pan

Large language models (LLMs) such as GPT-3, OPT, and LLaMA have demonstrated remarkable accuracy in a wide range of tasks. However, training these models can incur significant expenses, often requiring tens of thousands of GPUs for months of continuous operation. Typically, this training is carried out in specialized GPU clusters equipped with homogeneous high-speed Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) network interface cards (NICs). The acquisition and maintenance of such dedicated clusters is challenging. Current LLM training frameworks, like Megatron-LM and Megatron-DeepSpeed, focus primarily on optimizing training within homogeneous cluster settings. In this paper, we introduce Holmes, a training framework for LLMs that employs thoughtfully crafted data and model parallelism strategies over the heterogeneous NIC environment. Our primary technical contribution lies in a novel scheduling method that intelligently allocates distinct computational tasklets in LLM training to specific groups of GPU devices based on the characteristics of their connected NICs. Furthermore, our proposed framework, utilizing pipeline parallel techniques, demonstrates scalability to multiple GPU clusters, even in scenarios without high-speed interconnects between nodes in distinct clusters. We conducted comprehensive experiments that involved various scenarios in the heterogeneous NIC environment. In most cases, our framework achieves performance levels close to those achievable with homogeneous RDMA-capable networks (InfiniBand or RoCE), significantly exceeding training efficiency within the pure Ethernet environment. Additionally, we verified that our framework outperforms other mainstream LLM frameworks under heterogeneous NIC environment in terms of training efficiency and can be seamlessly integrated with them.

PROMISE: A Framework for Model-Driven Stateful Prompt Orchestration. (arXiv:2312.03699v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenyuan Wu, Jasmin Heierli, Max Meisterhans, Adrian Moser, Andri Färber, Mateusz Dolata, Elena Gavagnin, Alexandre de Spindler, Gerhard Schwabe

The advent of increasingly powerful language models has raised expectations for language-based interactions. However, controlling these models is a challenge, emphasizing the need to be able to investigate the feasibility and value of their application. We present PROMISE, a framework that facilitates the development of complex language-based interactions with information systems. Its use of state machine modeling concepts enables model-driven, dynamic prompt orchestration across hierarchically nested states and transitions. This improves the control of the behavior of language models and thus enables their effective and efficient use. We show the benefits of PROMISE in the context of application scenarios within health information systems and demonstrate its ability to handle complex interactions.