Differentiable Visual Computing for Inverse Problems and Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.04574v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andrew Spielberg, Fangcheng Zhong, Konstantinos Rematas, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Cengiz Oztireli, Tzu-Mao Li, Derek Nowrouzezahrai

Originally designed for applications in computer graphics, visual computing (VC) methods synthesize information about physical and virtual worlds, using prescribed algorithms optimized for spatial computing. VC is used to analyze geometry, physically simulate solids, fluids, and other media, and render the world via optical techniques. These fine-tuned computations that operate explicitly on a given input solve so-called forward problems, VC excels at. By contrast, deep learning (DL) allows for the construction of general algorithmic models, side stepping the need for a purely first principles-based approach to problem solving. DL is powered by highly parameterized neural network architectures -- universal function approximators -- and gradient-based search algorithms which can efficiently search that large parameter space for optimal models. This approach is predicated by neural network differentiability, the requirement that analytic derivatives of a given problem's task metric can be computed with respect to neural network's parameters. Neural networks excel when an explicit model is not known, and neural network training solves an inverse problem in which a model is computed from data.

Towards a Psychological Generalist AI: A Survey of Current Applications of Large Language Models and Future Prospects. (arXiv:2312.04578v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Tianyu He, Guanghui Fu, Yijing Yu, Fan Wang, Jianqiang Li, Qing Zhao, Changwei Song, Hongzhi Qi, Dan Luo, Huijing Zou, Bing Xiang Yang

The complexity of psychological principles underscore a significant societal challenge, given the vast social implications of psychological problems. Bridging the gap between understanding these principles and their actual clinical and real-world applications demands rigorous exploration and adept implementation. In recent times, the swift advancement of highly adaptive and reusable artificial intelligence (AI) models has emerged as a promising way to unlock unprecedented capabilities in the realm of psychology. This paper emphasizes the importance of performance validation for these large-scale AI models, emphasizing the need to offer a comprehensive assessment of their verification from diverse perspectives. Moreover, we review the cutting-edge advancements and practical implementations of these expansive models in psychology, highlighting pivotal work spanning areas such as social media analytics, clinical nursing insights, vigilant community monitoring, and the nuanced exploration of psychological theories. Based on our review, we project an acceleration in the progress of psychological fields, driven by these large-scale AI models. These future generalist AI models harbor the potential to substantially curtail labor costs and alleviate social stress. However, this forward momentum will not be without its set of challenges, especially when considering the paradigm changes and upgrades required for medical instrumentation and related applications.

zkFDL: An efficient and privacy-preserving decentralized federated learning with zero knowledge proof. (arXiv:2312.04579v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Mojtaba Ahmadi, Reza Nourmohammadi

Federated leaning (FL) has been frequently used in various field of studies and businesses. Traditional centralized FL systems suffer from serious issues. To address these concerns, decentralized federated learning (DFL) systems have been introduced in recent years in which with the help of blockchains, try to achieve more integrity and efficiency. On the other hand, privacy-preserving is an uncovered part of these systems. To address this, and also scaling the blockchain-based computations, we propose a zero knowledge proof (ZKP) based aggregator (zkDFL) that allows clients to share their large-scale model parameters with a trusted centralized server without revealing their individual data to other clients. We utilize blockchain technology to manage the aggregation algorithm via smart contracts. The server performs a ZKP algorithm to prove to the clients that the aggregation is done according to the accepted algorithm. The server can also prove that all inputs of clients have been used. We evaluate our measure through a public dataset about wearable internet of things. As demonstrated by numerical evaluations, zkDFL introduces verifiability of correctness of aggregation process and enhances the privacy protection and scalability of DFL systems, while the gas cost has declined significantly.

Towards Sample-specific Backdoor Attack with Clean Labels via Attribute Trigger. (arXiv:2312.04584v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yiming Li, Mingyan Zhu, Junfeng Guo, Tao Wei, Shu-Tao Xia, Zhan Qin

Currently, sample-specific backdoor attacks (SSBAs) are the most advanced and malicious methods since they can easily circumvent most of the current backdoor defenses. In this paper, we reveal that SSBAs are not sufficiently stealthy due to their poisoned-label nature, where users can discover anomalies if they check the image-label relationship. In particular, we demonstrate that it is ineffective to directly generalize existing SSBAs to their clean-label variants by poisoning samples solely from the target class. We reveal that it is primarily due to two reasons, including \textbf{(1)} the `antagonistic effects' of ground-truth features and \textbf{(2)} the learning difficulty of sample-specific features. Accordingly, trigger-related features of existing SSBAs cannot be effectively learned under the clean-label setting due to their mild trigger intensity required for ensuring stealthiness. We argue that the intensity constraint of existing SSBAs is mostly because their trigger patterns are `content-irrelevant' and therefore act as `noises' for both humans and DNNs. Motivated by this understanding, we propose to exploit content-relevant features, $a.k.a.$ (human-relied) attributes, as the trigger patterns to design clean-label SSBAs. This new attack paradigm is dubbed backdoor attack with attribute trigger (BAAT). Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, which verify the effectiveness of our BAAT and its resistance to existing defenses.

Reconciling AI Performance and Data Reconstruction Resilience for Medical Imaging. (arXiv:2312.04590v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Alexander Ziller, Tamara T. Mueller, Simon Stieger, Leonhard Feiner, Johannes Brandt, Rickmer Braren, Daniel Rueckert, Georgios Kaissis

Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are vulnerable to information leakage of their training data, which can be highly sensitive, for example in medical imaging. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), such as Differential Privacy (DP), aim to circumvent these susceptibilities. DP is the strongest possible protection for training models while bounding the risks of inferring the inclusion of training samples or reconstructing the original data. DP achieves this by setting a quantifiable privacy budget. Although a lower budget decreases the risk of information leakage, it typically also reduces the performance of such models. This imposes a trade-off between robust performance and stringent privacy. Additionally, the interpretation of a privacy budget remains abstract and challenging to contextualize. In this study, we contrast the performance of AI models at various privacy budgets against both, theoretical risk bounds and empirical success of reconstruction attacks. We show that using very large privacy budgets can render reconstruction attacks impossible, while drops in performance are negligible. We thus conclude that not using DP -- at all -- is negligent when applying AI models to sensitive data. We deem those results to lie a foundation for further debates on striking a balance between privacy risks and model performance.

FedGeo: Privacy-Preserving User Next Location Prediction with Federated Learning. (arXiv:2312.04594v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Chung Park, Taekyoon Choi, Taesan Kim, Mincheol Cho, Junui Hong, Minsung Choi, Jaegul Choo

A User Next Location Prediction (UNLP) task, which predicts the next location that a user will move to given his/her trajectory, is an indispensable task for a wide range of applications. Previous studies using large-scale trajectory datasets in a single server have achieved remarkable performance in UNLP task. However, in real-world applications, legal and ethical issues have been raised regarding privacy concerns leading to restrictions against sharing human trajectory datasets to any other server. In response, Federated Learning (FL) has emerged to address the personal privacy issue by collaboratively training multiple clients (i.e., users) and then aggregating them. While previous studies employed FL for UNLP, they are still unable to achieve reliable performance because of the heterogeneity of clients' mobility. To tackle this problem, we propose the Federated Learning for Geographic Information (FedGeo), a FL framework specialized for UNLP, which alleviates the heterogeneity of clients' mobility and guarantees personal privacy protection. Firstly, we incorporate prior global geographic adjacency information to the local client model, since the spatial correlation between locations is trained partially in each client who has only a heterogeneous subset of the overall trajectories in FL. We also introduce a novel aggregation method that minimizes the gap between client models to solve the problem of client drift caused by differences between client models when learning with their heterogeneous data. Lastly, we probabilistically exclude clients with extremely heterogeneous data from the FL process by focusing on clients who visit relatively diverse locations. We show that FedGeo is superior to other FL methods for model performance in UNLP task. We also validated our model in a real-world application using our own customers' mobile phones and the FL agent system.

Evaluating The Accuracy of Classification Algorithms for Detecting Heart Disease Risk. (arXiv:2312.04595v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Alhaam Alariyibi, Mohamed El-Jarai, Abdelsalam Maatuk

The healthcare industry generates enormous amounts of complex clinical data that make the prediction of disease detection a complicated process. In medical informatics, making effective and efficient decisions is very important. Data Mining (DM) techniques are mainly used to identify and extract hidden patterns and interesting knowledge to diagnose and predict diseases in medical datasets. Nowadays, heart disease is considered one of the most important problems in the healthcare field. Therefore, early diagnosis leads to a reduction in deaths. DM techniques have proven highly effective for predicting and diagnosing heart diseases. This work utilizes the classification algorithms with a medical dataset of heart disease; namely, J48, Random Forest, and Na\"ive Bayes to discover the accuracy of their performance. We also examine the impact of the feature selection method. A comparative and analysis study was performed to determine the best technique using Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (Weka) software, version 3.8.6. The performance of the utilized algorithms was evaluated using standard metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The importance of using classification techniques for heart disease diagnosis has been highlighted. We also reduced the number of attributes in the dataset, which showed a significant improvement in prediction accuracy. The results indicate that the best algorithm for predicting heart disease was Random Forest with an accuracy of 99.24%.

Estimating Fr\'echet bounds for validating programmatic weak supervision. (arXiv:2312.04601v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Felipe Maia Polo, Mikhail Yurochkin, Moulinath Banerjee, Subha Maity, Yuekai Sun

We develop methods for estimating Fr\'echet bounds on (possibly high-dimensional) distribution classes in which some variables are continuous-valued. We establish the statistical correctness of the computed bounds under uncertainty in the marginal constraints and demonstrate the usefulness of our algorithms by evaluating the performance of machine learning (ML) models trained with programmatic weak supervision (PWS). PWS is a framework for principled learning from weak supervision inputs (e.g., crowdsourced labels, knowledge bases, pre-trained models on related tasks, etc), and it has achieved remarkable success in many areas of science and engineering. Unfortunately, it is generally difficult to validate the performance of ML models trained with PWS due to the absence of labeled data. Our algorithms address this issue by estimating sharp lower and upper bounds for performance metrics such as accuracy/recall/precision/F1 score.

Short-term prediction of construction waste transport activities using AI-Truck. (arXiv:2312.04609v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Meng Xu, Ke Han

Construction waste hauling trucks (or `slag trucks') are among the most commonly seen heavy-duty vehicles in urban streets, which not only produce significant NOx and PM emissions but are also a major source of on-road and on-site fugitive dust. Slag trucks are subject to a series of spatial and temporal access restrictions by local traffic and environmental policies. This paper addresses the practical problem of predicting slag truck activity at a city scale during heavy pollution episodes, such that environmental law enforcement units can take timely and proactive measures against localized truck aggregation. A deep ensemble learning framework (coined AI-Truck) is designed, which employs a soft vote integrator that utilizes BI-LSTM, TCN, STGCN, and PDFormer as base classifiers to predict the level of slag truck activities at a resolution of 1km$\times$1km, in a 193 km$^2$ area in Chengdu, China. As a classifier, AI-Truck yields a Macro f1 close to 80\% for 0.5h- and 1h-prediction.

Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection. (arXiv:2312.04610v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lanxin Zhang, Yongqi Dong, Haneen Farah, Arkady Zgonnikov, Bart van Arem

Detecting abnormal driving behavior is critical for road traffic safety and the evaluation of drivers' behavior. With the advancement of machine learning (ML) algorithms and the accumulation of naturalistic driving data, many ML models have been adopted for abnormal driving behavior detection. Most existing ML-based detectors rely on (fully) supervised ML methods, which require substantial labeled data. However, ground truth labels are not always available in the real world, and labeling large amounts of data is tedious. Thus, there is a need to explore unsupervised or semi-supervised methods to make the anomaly detection process more feasible and efficient. To fill this research gap, this study analyzes large-scale real-world data revealing several abnormal driving behaviors (e.g., sudden acceleration, rapid lane-changing) and develops a Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines (HELM) based semi-supervised ML method using partly labeled data to accurately detect the identified abnormal driving behaviors. Moreover, previous ML-based approaches predominantly utilize basic vehicle motion features (such as velocity and acceleration) to label and detect abnormal driving behaviors, while this study seeks to introduce Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) as the input features for ML models to improve the detection performance. Results from extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised ML model with the introduced SSMs serving as important features. The proposed semi-supervised ML method outperforms other baseline semi-supervised or unsupervised methods regarding various metrics, e.g., delivering the best accuracy at 99.58% and the best F-1 measure at 0.9913. The ablation study further highlights the significance of SSMs for advancing detection performance.

Autoencoding Labeled Interpolator, Inferring Parameters From Image, And Image From Parameters. (arXiv:2312.04640v1 [astro-ph.HE])

Authors: Ali SaraerToosi, Avery Broderick

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) provides an avenue to study black hole accretion flows on event-horizon scales. Fitting a semi-analytical model to EHT observations requires the construction of synthetic images, which is computationally expensive. This study presents an image generation tool in the form of a generative machine learning model, which extends the capabilities of a variational autoencoder. This tool can rapidly and continuously interpolate between a training set of images and can retrieve the defining parameters of those images. Trained on a set of synthetic black hole images, our tool showcases success in both interpolating black hole images and their associated physical parameters. By reducing the computational cost of generating an image, this tool facilitates parameter estimation and model validation for observations of black hole system.

NeuSD: Surface Completion with Multi-View Text-to-Image Diffusion. (arXiv:2312.04654v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Savva Ignatyev, Daniil Selikhanovych, Oleg Voynov, Yiqun Wang, Peter Wonka, Stamatios Lefkimmiatis, Evgeny Burnaev

We present a novel method for 3D surface reconstruction from multiple images where only a part of the object of interest is captured. Our approach builds on two recent developments: surface reconstruction using neural radiance fields for the reconstruction of the visible parts of the surface, and guidance of pre-trained 2D diffusion models in the form of Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) to complete the shape in unobserved regions in a plausible manner. We introduce three components. First, we suggest employing normal maps as a pure geometric representation for SDS instead of color renderings which are entangled with the appearance information. Second, we introduce the freezing of the SDS noise during training which results in more coherent gradients and better convergence. Third, we propose Multi-View SDS as a way to condition the generation of the non-observable part of the surface without fine-tuning or making changes to the underlying 2D Stable Diffusion model. We evaluate our approach on the BlendedMVS dataset demonstrating significant qualitative and quantitative improvements over competing methods.

Self-Supervised Behavior Cloned Transformers are Path Crawlers for Text Games. (arXiv:2312.04657v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ruoyao Wang, Peter Jansen

In this work, we introduce a self-supervised behavior cloning transformer for text games, which are challenging benchmarks for multi-step reasoning in virtual environments. Traditionally, Behavior Cloning Transformers excel in such tasks but rely on supervised training data. Our approach auto-generates training data by exploring trajectories (defined by common macro-action sequences) that lead to reward within the games, while determining the generality and utility of these trajectories by rapidly training small models then evaluating their performance on unseen development games. Through empirical analysis, we show our method consistently uncovers generalizable training data, achieving about 90\% performance of supervised systems across three benchmark text games.

TOD-Flow: Modeling the Structure of Task-Oriented Dialogues. (arXiv:2312.04668v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sungryull Sohn, Yiwei Lyu, Anthony Liu, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Dong-Ki Kim, Dongsub Shim, Honglak Lee

Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) systems have become crucial components in interactive artificial intelligence applications. While recent advances have capitalized on pre-trained language models (PLMs), they exhibit limitations regarding transparency and controllability. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach focusing on inferring the TOD-Flow graph from dialogue data annotated with dialog acts, uncovering the underlying task structure in the form of a graph. The inferred TOD-Flow graph can be easily integrated with any dialogue model to improve its prediction performance, transparency, and controllability. Our TOD-Flow graph learns what a model can, should, and should not predict, effectively reducing the search space and providing a rationale for the model's prediction. We show that the proposed TOD-Flow graph better resembles human-annotated graphs compared to prior approaches. Furthermore, when combined with several dialogue policies and end-to-end dialogue models, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves dialog act classification and end-to-end response generation performance in the MultiWOZ and SGD benchmarks. Code available at: https://github.com/srsohn/TOD-Flow

Rapid Motor Adaptation for Robotic Manipulator Arms. (arXiv:2312.04670v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Yichao Liang, Kevin Ellis, João Henriques

Developing generalizable manipulation skills is a core challenge in embodied AI. This includes generalization across diverse task configurations, encompassing variations in object shape, density, friction coefficient, and external disturbances such as forces applied to the robot. Rapid Motor Adaptation (RMA) offers a promising solution to this challenge. It posits that essential hidden variables influencing an agent's task performance, such as object mass and shape, can be effectively inferred from the agent's action and proprioceptive history. Drawing inspiration from RMA in locomotion and in-hand rotation, we use depth perception to develop agents tailored for rapid motor adaptation in a variety of manipulation tasks. We evaluated our agents on four challenging tasks from the Maniskill2 benchmark, namely pick-and-place operations with hundreds of objects from the YCB and EGAD datasets, peg insertion with precise position and orientation, and operating a variety of faucets and handles, with customized environment variations. Empirical results demonstrate that our agents surpass state-of-the-art methods like automatic domain randomization and vision-based policies, obtaining better generalization performance and sample efficiency.

Latent Skill Discovery for Chain-of-Thought Reasoning. (arXiv:2312.04684v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zifan Xu, Haozhu Wang, Dmitriy Bespalov, Peter Stone, Yanjun Qi

Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have led to an emergent ability of chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting, a prompt reasoning strategy that adds intermediate rationale steps between questions and answers to construct prompts. Conditioned on these prompts, LLMs can effectively learn in context to generate rationales that lead to more accurate answers than when answering the same question directly. To design LLM prompts, one important setting, called demonstration selection, considers selecting demonstrations from an example bank. Existing methods use various heuristics for this selection, but for CoT prompting, which involves unique rationales, it is essential to base the selection upon the intrinsic skills that CoT rationales need, for instance, the skills of addition or subtraction for math word problems.

To address this requirement, we introduce a novel approach named Reasoning Skill Discovery (RSD) that use unsupervised learning to create a latent space representation of rationales, called a reasoning skill. Simultaneously, RSD learns a reasoning policy to determine the required reasoning skill for a given question. This can then guide the selection of examples that demonstrate the required reasoning skills. Our approach offers several desirable properties: it is (1) theoretically grounded, (2) sample-efficient, requiring no LLM inference or manual prompt design, and (3) LLM-agnostic. Empirically, RSD outperforms existing methods by up to 6% in terms of the answer accuracy across multiple reasoning tasks.

Federated Learning for 6G: Paradigms, Taxonomy, Recent Advances and Insights. (arXiv:2312.04688v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Maryam Ben Driss, Essaid Sabir, Halima Elbiaze, Walid Saad

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to play an instrumental role in the next generation of wireless systems, such as sixth-generation (6G) mobile network. However, massive data, energy consumption, training complexity, and sensitive data protection in wireless systems are all crucial challenges that must be addressed for training AI models and gathering intelligence and knowledge from distributed devices. Federated Learning (FL) is a recent framework that has emerged as a promising approach for multiple learning agents to build an accurate and robust machine learning models without sharing raw data. By allowing mobile handsets and devices to collaboratively learn a global model without explicit sharing of training data, FL exhibits high privacy and efficient spectrum utilization. While there are a lot of survey papers exploring FL paradigms and usability in 6G privacy, none of them has clearly addressed how FL can be used to improve the protocol stack and wireless operations. The main goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview on FL usability to enhance mobile services and enable smart ecosystems to support novel use-cases. This paper examines the added-value of implementing FL throughout all levels of the protocol stack. Furthermore, it presents important FL applications, addresses hot topics, provides valuable insights and explicits guidance for future research and developments. Our concluding remarks aim to leverage the synergy between FL and future 6G, while highlighting FL's potential to revolutionize wireless industry and sustain the development of cutting-edge mobile services.

SynthScribe: Deep Multimodal Tools for Synthesizer Sound Retrieval and Exploration. (arXiv:2312.04690v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Stephen Brade, Bryan Wang, Mauricio Sousa, Gregory Lee Newsome, Sageev Oore, Tovi Grossman

Synthesizers are powerful tools that allow musicians to create dynamic and original sounds. Existing commercial interfaces for synthesizers typically require musicians to interact with complex low-level parameters or to manage large libraries of premade sounds. To address these challenges, we implement SynthScribe -- a fullstack system that uses multimodal deep learning to let users express their intentions at a much higher level. We implement features which address a number of difficulties, namely 1) searching through existing sounds, 2) creating completely new sounds, 3) making meaningful modifications to a given sound. This is achieved with three main features: a multimodal search engine for a large library of synthesizer sounds; a user centered genetic algorithm by which completely new sounds can be created and selected given the users preferences; a sound editing support feature which highlights and gives examples for key control parameters with respect to a text or audio based query. The results of our user studies show SynthScribe is capable of reliably retrieving and modifying sounds while also affording the ability to create completely new sounds that expand a musicians creative horizon.

Simul-LLM: A Framework for Exploring High-Quality Simultaneous Translation with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04691v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Victor Agostinelli, Max Wild, Matthew Raffel, Kazi Asif Fuad, Lizhong Chen

Large language models (LLMs) with billions of parameters and pretrained on massive amounts of data are now capable of near or better than state-of-the-art performance in a variety of downstream natural language processing tasks. Neural machine translation (NMT) is one such task that LLMs have been applied to with great success. However, little research has focused on applying LLMs to the more difficult subset of NMT called simultaneous translation (SimulMT), where translation begins before the entire source context is available to the model. In this paper, we address key challenges facing LLMs fine-tuned for SimulMT, validate classical SimulMT concepts and practices in the context of LLMs, explore adapting LLMs that are fine-tuned for NMT to the task of SimulMT, and introduce Simul-LLM, the first open-source fine-tuning and evaluation pipeline development framework for LLMs focused on SimulMT.

gcDLSeg: Integrating Graph-cut into Deep Learning for Binary Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2312.04713v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hui Xie, Weiyu Xu, Ya Xing Wang, John Buatti, Xiaodong Wu

Binary semantic segmentation in computer vision is a fundamental problem. As a model-based segmentation method, the graph-cut approach was one of the most successful binary segmentation methods thanks to its global optimality guarantee of the solutions and its practical polynomial-time complexity. Recently, many deep learning (DL) based methods have been developed for this task and yielded remarkable performance, resulting in a paradigm shift in this field. To combine the strengths of both approaches, we propose in this study to integrate the graph-cut approach into a deep learning network for end-to-end learning. Unfortunately, backward propagation through the graph-cut module in the DL network is challenging due to the combinatorial nature of the graph-cut algorithm. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel residual graph-cut loss and a quasi-residual connection, enabling the backward propagation of the gradients of the residual graph-cut loss for effective feature learning guided by the graph-cut segmentation model. In the inference phase, globally optimal segmentation is achieved with respect to the graph-cut energy defined on the optimized image features learned from DL networks. Experiments on the public AZH chronic wound data set and the pancreas cancer data set from the medical segmentation decathlon (MSD) demonstrated promising segmentation accuracy, and improved robustness against adversarial attacks.

Deep Emotions Across Languages: A Novel Approach for Sentiment Propagation in Multilingual WordNets. (arXiv:2312.04715v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jan Kocoń

Sentiment analysis involves using WordNets enriched with emotional metadata, which are valuable resources. However, manual annotation is time-consuming and expensive, resulting in only a few WordNet Lexical Units being annotated. This paper introduces two new techniques for automatically propagating sentiment annotations from a partially annotated WordNet to its entirety and to a WordNet in a different language: Multilingual Structured Synset Embeddings (MSSE) and Cross-Lingual Deep Neural Sentiment Propagation (CLDNS). We evaluated the proposed MSSE+CLDNS method extensively using Princeton WordNet and Polish WordNet, which have many inter-lingual relations. Our results show that the MSSE+CLDNS method outperforms existing propagation methods, indicating its effectiveness in enriching WordNets with emotional metadata across multiple languages. This work provides a solid foundation for large-scale, multilingual sentiment analysis and is valuable for academic research and practical applications.

From Big to Small Without Losing It All: Text Augmentation with ChatGPT for Efficient Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2312.04720v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Stanisław Woźniak, Jan Kocoń

In the era of artificial intelligence, data is gold but costly to annotate. The paper demonstrates a groundbreaking solution to this dilemma using ChatGPT for text augmentation in sentiment analysis. We leverage ChatGPT's generative capabilities to create synthetic training data that significantly improves the performance of smaller models, making them competitive with, or even outperforming, their larger counterparts. This innovation enables models to be both efficient and effective, thereby reducing computational cost, inference time, and memory usage without compromising on quality. Our work marks a key advancement in the cost-effective development and deployment of robust sentiment analysis models.

The Internet of Responsibilities-Connecting Human Responsibilities using Big Data and Blockchain. (arXiv:2312.04729v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Xuejiao Tang, Jiong Qiu, Wenbin Zhang, Ibrahim Toure, Mingli Zhang, Enza Messina, Xueping Xie, Xuebing Wang, Sheng Yu

Accountability in the workplace is critically important and remains a challenging problem, especially with respect to workplace safety management. In this paper, we introduce a novel notion, the Internet of Responsibilities, for accountability management. Our method sorts through the list of responsibilities with respect to hazardous positions. The positions are interconnected using directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) indicating the hierarchy of responsibilities in the organization. In addition, the system detects and collects responsibilities, and represents risk areas in terms of the positions of the responsibility nodes. Finally, an automatic reminder and assignment system is used to enforce a strict responsibility control without human intervention. Using blockchain technology, we further extend our system with the capability to store, recover and encrypt responsibility data. We show that through the application of the Internet of Responsibility network model driven by Big Data, enterprise and government agencies can attain a highly secured and safe workplace. Therefore, our model offers a combination of interconnected responsibilities, accountability, monitoring, and safety which is crucial for the protection of employees and the success of organizations.

DeceptPrompt: Exploiting LLM-driven Code Generation via Adversarial Natural Language Instructions. (arXiv:2312.04730v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Fangzhou Wu, Xiaogeng Liu, Chaowei Xiao

With the advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), significant progress has been made in code generation, enabling LLMs to transform natural language into programming code. These Code LLMs have been widely accepted by massive users and organizations. However, a dangerous nature is hidden in the code, which is the existence of fatal vulnerabilities. While some LLM providers have attempted to address these issues by aligning with human guidance, these efforts fall short of making Code LLMs practical and robust. Without a deep understanding of the performance of the LLMs under the practical worst cases, it would be concerning to apply them to various real-world applications. In this paper, we answer the critical issue: Are existing Code LLMs immune to generating vulnerable code? If not, what is the possible maximum severity of this issue in practical deployment scenarios? In this paper, we introduce DeceptPrompt, a novel algorithm that can generate adversarial natural language instructions that drive the Code LLMs to generate functionality correct code with vulnerabilities. DeceptPrompt is achieved through a systematic evolution-based algorithm with a fine grain loss design. The unique advantage of DeceptPrompt enables us to find natural prefix/suffix with totally benign and non-directional semantic meaning, meanwhile, having great power in inducing the Code LLMs to generate vulnerable code. This feature can enable us to conduct the almost-worstcase red-teaming on these LLMs in a real scenario, where users are using natural language. Our extensive experiments and analyses on DeceptPrompt not only validate the effectiveness of our approach but also shed light on the huge weakness of LLMs in the code generation task. When applying the optimized prefix/suffix, the attack success rate (ASR) will improve by average 50% compared with no prefix/suffix applying.

STraceBERT: Source Code Retrieval using Semantic Application Traces. (arXiv:2312.04731v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Claudio Spiess

Software reverse engineering is an essential task in software engineering and security, but it can be a challenging process, especially for adversarial artifacts. To address this challenge, we present STraceBERT, a novel approach that utilizes a Java dynamic analysis tool to record calls to core Java libraries, and pretrain a BERT-style model on the recorded application traces for effective method source code retrieval from a candidate set. Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of STraceBERT in retrieving the source code compared to existing approaches. Our proposed approach offers a promising solution to the problem of code retrieval in software reverse engineering and opens up new avenues for further research in this area.

Is Feedback All You Need? Leveraging Natural Language Feedback in Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.04736v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sabrina McCallum, Max Taylor-Davies, Stefano V. Albrecht, Alessandro Suglia

Despite numerous successes, the field of reinforcement learning (RL) remains far from matching the impressive generalisation power of human behaviour learning. One possible way to help bridge this gap be to provide RL agents with richer, more human-like feedback expressed in natural language. To investigate this idea, we first extend BabyAI to automatically generate language feedback from the environment dynamics and goal condition success. Then, we modify the Decision Transformer architecture to take advantage of this additional signal. We find that training with language feedback either in place of or in addition to the return-to-go or goal descriptions improves agents' generalisation performance, and that agents can benefit from feedback even when this is only available during training, but not at inference.

Efficient Large Language Models Fine-Tuning On Graphs. (arXiv:2312.04737v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Rui Xue, Xipeng Shen, Ruozhou Yu, Xiaorui Liu

Learning from Text-Attributed Graphs (TAGs) has attracted significant attention due to its wide range of real-world applications. The rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the way we process textual data, which indicates a strong potential to replace shallow text embedding generally used in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). However, we find that existing LLM approaches that exploit text information in graphs suffer from inferior computation and data efficiency. In this work, we introduce a novel and efficient approach for the end-to-end fine-tuning of Large Language Models (LLMs) on TAGs, named LEADING. The proposed approach maintains computation cost and memory overhead comparable to the graph-less fine-tuning of LLMs. Moreover, it transfers the rick knowledge in LLMs to downstream graph learning tasks effectively with limited labeled data in semi-supervised learning. Its superior computation and data efficiency are demonstrated through comprehensive experiments, offering a promising solution for a wide range of LLMs and graph learning tasks on TAGs.

Train 'n Trade: Foundations of Parameter Markets. (arXiv:2312.04740v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tzu-Heng Huang, Harit Vishwakarma, Frederic Sala

Organizations typically train large models individually. This is costly and time-consuming, particularly for large-scale foundation models. Such vertical production is known to be suboptimal. Inspired by this economic insight, we ask whether it is possible to leverage others' expertise by trading the constituent parts in models, i.e., sets of weights, as if they were market commodities. While recent advances in aligning and interpolating models suggest that doing so may be possible, a number of fundamental questions must be answered to create viable parameter markets. In this work, we address these basic questions, propose a framework containing the infrastructure necessary for market operations to take place, study strategies for exchanging parameters, and offer means for agents to monetize parameters. Excitingly, compared to agents who train siloed models from scratch, we show that it is possible to mutually gain by using the market, even in competitive settings. This suggests that the notion of parameter markets may be a useful paradigm for improving large-scale model training in the future.

Quilt-LLaVA: Visual Instruction Tuning by Extracting Localized Narratives from Open-Source Histopathology Videos. (arXiv:2312.04746v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mehmet Saygin Seyfioglu, Wisdom O. Ikezogwo, Fatemeh Ghezloo, Ranjay Krishna, Linda Shapiro

The gigapixel scale of whole slide images (WSIs) poses a challenge for histopathology multi-modal chatbots, requiring a global WSI analysis for diagnosis, compounding evidence from different WSI patches. Current visual instruction datasets, generated through large language models, focus on creating question/answer pairs for individual image patches, which may lack diagnostic capacity on their own in histopathology, further complicated by the absence of spatial grounding in histopathology image captions. To bridge this gap, we introduce Quilt-Instruct, a large-scale dataset of 107,131 histopathology-specific instruction question/answer pairs, that is collected by leveraging educational histopathology videos from YouTube, which provides spatial localization of captions by automatically extracting narrators' cursor movements. In addition, we provide contextual reasoning by extracting diagnosis and supporting facts from the entire video content to guide the extrapolative reasoning of GPT-4. Using Quilt-Instruct, we train Quilt-LLaVA, which can reason beyond the given single image patch, enabling diagnostic reasoning and the capability of spatial awareness. To evaluate Quilt-LLaVA, we propose a comprehensive evaluation dataset created from 985 images and 1283 human-generated question-answers. We also thoroughly evaluate Quilt-LLaVA using public histopathology datasets, where Quilt-LLaVA significantly outperforms SOTA by over 10% on relative GPT-4 score and 4% and 9% on open and closed set VQA. Our code, data, and model are publicly available at quilt-llava.github.io.

Forcing Generative Models to Degenerate Ones: The Power of Data Poisoning Attacks. (arXiv:2312.04748v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Shuli Jiang, Swanand Ravindra Kadhe, Yi Zhou, Ling Cai, Nathalie Baracaldo

Growing applications of large language models (LLMs) trained by a third party raise serious concerns on the security vulnerability of LLMs.It has been demonstrated that malicious actors can covertly exploit these vulnerabilities in LLMs through poisoning attacks aimed at generating undesirable outputs. While poisoning attacks have received significant attention in the image domain (e.g., object detection), and classification tasks, their implications for generative models, particularly in the realm of natural language generation (NLG) tasks, remain poorly understood. To bridge this gap, we perform a comprehensive exploration of various poisoning techniques to assess their effectiveness across a range of generative tasks. Furthermore, we introduce a range of metrics designed to quantify the success and stealthiness of poisoning attacks specifically tailored to NLG tasks. Through extensive experiments on multiple NLG tasks, LLMs and datasets, we show that it is possible to successfully poison an LLM during the fine-tuning stage using as little as 1\% of the total tuning data samples. Our paper presents the first systematic approach to comprehend poisoning attacks targeting NLG tasks considering a wide range of triggers and attack settings. We hope our findings will assist the AI security community in devising appropriate defenses against such threats.

The Graph Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Informative Graph Structure. (arXiv:2312.04762v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Anton Tsitsulin, Bryan Perozzi

Graph learning methods help utilize implicit relationships among data items, thereby reducing training label requirements and improving task performance. However, determining the optimal graph structure for a particular learning task remains a challenging research problem.

In this work, we introduce the Graph Lottery Ticket (GLT) Hypothesis - that there is an extremely sparse backbone for every graph, and that graph learning algorithms attain comparable performance when trained on that subgraph as on the full graph. We identify and systematically study 8 key metrics of interest that directly influence the performance of graph learning algorithms. Subsequently, we define the notion of a "winning ticket" for graph structure - an extremely sparse subset of edges that can deliver a robust approximation of the entire graph's performance. We propose a straightforward and efficient algorithm for finding these GLTs in arbitrary graphs. Empirically, we observe that performance of different graph learning algorithms can be matched or even exceeded on graphs with the average degree as low as 5.

Remembering to Be Fair: On Non-Markovian Fairness in Sequential DecisionMaking (Preliminary Report). (arXiv:2312.04772v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Parand A. Alamdari, Toryn Q. Klassen, Elliot Creager, Sheila A. McIlraith

Fair decision making has largely been studied with respect to a single decision. In this paper we investigate the notion of fairness in the context of sequential decision making where multiple stakeholders can be affected by the outcomes of decisions, and where decision making may be informed by additional constraints and criteria beyond the requirement of fairness. In this setting, we observe that fairness often depends on the history of the sequential decision-making process and not just on the current state. To advance our understanding of this class of fairness problems, we define the notion of non-Markovian fairness in the context of sequential decision making. We identify properties of non-Markovian fairness, including notions of long-term, anytime, periodic, and bounded fairness. We further explore the interplay between non-Markovian fairness and memory, and how this can support construction of fair policies in sequential decision-making settings.

Fine-Tuning InstructPix2Pix for Advanced Image Colorization. (arXiv:2312.04780v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zifeng An, Zijing Xu, Eric Fan, Qi Cao

This paper presents a novel approach to human image colorization by fine-tuning the InstructPix2Pix model, which integrates a language model (GPT-3) with a text-to-image model (Stable Diffusion). Despite the original InstructPix2Pix model's proficiency in editing images based on textual instructions, it exhibits limitations in the focused domain of colorization. To address this, we fine-tuned the model using the IMDB-WIKI dataset, pairing black-and-white images with a diverse set of colorization prompts generated by ChatGPT. This paper contributes by (1) applying fine-tuning techniques to stable diffusion models specifically for colorization tasks, and (2) employing generative models to create varied conditioning prompts. After finetuning, our model outperforms the original InstructPix2Pix model on multiple metrics quantitatively, and we produce more realistically colored images qualitatively. The code for this project is provided on the GitHub Repository https://github.com/AllenAnZifeng/DeepLearning282.

AI safety by debate via regret minimization. (arXiv:2312.04792v1 [cs.GT])

Authors: Xinyi Chen, Angelica Chen, Dean Foster, Elad Hazan

We consider the setting of AI safety by debate as a repeated game. We consider the question of efficient regret minimization in this setting, when the players are either AIs or humans, equipped with access to computationally superior AIs. In such a setting, we characterize when internal and external regret can be minimized efficiently. We conclude with conditions in which a sequence of strategies converges to a correlated equilibrium.

An Overview of MLCommons Cloud Mask Benchmark: Related Research and Data. (arXiv:2312.04799v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Gregor von Laszewski, Ruochen Gu

Cloud masking is a crucial task that is well-motivated for meteorology and its applications in environmental and atmospheric sciences. Its goal is, given satellite images, to accurately generate cloud masks that identify each pixel in image to contain either cloud or clear sky. In this paper, we summarize some of the ongoing research activities in cloud masking, with a focus on the research and benchmark currently conducted in MLCommons Science Working Group. This overview is produced with the hope that others will have an easier time getting started and collaborate on the activities related to MLCommons Cloud Mask Benchmark.

Development and Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles in Both Fully Automated and Mixed Traffic Conditions. (arXiv:2312.04805v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Ahmed Abdelrahman

Autonomous Vehicle (AV) technology is advancing rapidly, promising a significant shift in road transportation safety and potentially resolving various complex transportation issues. With the increasing deployment of AVs by various companies, questions emerge about how AVs interact with each other and with human drivers, especially when AVs are prevalent on the roads. Ensuring cooperative interaction between AVs and between AVs and human drivers is critical, though there are concerns about possible negative competitive behaviors. This paper presents a multi-stage approach, starting with the development of a single AV and progressing to connected AVs, incorporating sharing and caring V2V communication strategy to enhance mutual coordination. A survey is conducted to validate the driving performance of the AV and will be utilized for a mixed traffic case study, which focuses on how the human drivers will react to the AV driving alongside them on the same road. Results show that using deep reinforcement learning, the AV acquired driving behavior that reached human driving performance. The adoption of sharing and caring based V2V communication within AV networks enhances their driving behavior, aids in more effective action planning, and promotes collaborative behavior amongst the AVs. The survey shows that safety in mixed traffic cannot be guaranteed, as we cannot control human ego-driven actions if they decide to compete with AV. Consequently, this paper advocates for enhanced research into the safe incorporation of AVs on public roads.

A Review On Table Recognition Based On Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.04808v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shi Jiyuan, Shi chunqi

Table recognition is using the computer to automatically understand the table, to detect the position of the table from the document or picture, and to correctly extract and identify the internal structure and content of the table. After earlier mainstream approaches based on heuristic rules and machine learning, the development of deep learning techniques has brought a new paradigm to this field. This review mainly discusses the table recognition problem from five aspects. The first part introduces data sets, benchmarks, and commonly used evaluation indicators. This section selects representative data sets, benchmarks, and evaluation indicators that are frequently used by researchers. The second part introduces the table recognition model. This survey introduces the development of the table recognition model, especially the table recognition model based on deep learning. It is generally accepted that table recognition is divided into two stages: table detection and table structure recognition. This section introduces the models that follow this paradigm (TD and TSR). The third part is the End-to-End method, this section introduces some scholars' attempts to use an end-to-end approach to solve the table recognition problem once and for all and the part are Data-centric methods, such as data augmentation, aligning benchmarks, and other methods. The fourth part is the data-centric approach, such as data enhancement, alignment benchmark, and so on. The fifth part summarizes and compares the experimental data in the field of form recognition, and analyzes the mainstream and more advantageous methods. Finally, this paper also discusses the possible development direction and trend of form processing in the future, to provide some ideas for researchers in the field of table recognition. (Resource will be released at https://github.com/Wa1den-jy/Topic-on-Table-Recognition .)

Learn to Optimize Denoising Scores for 3D Generation: A Unified and Improved Diffusion Prior on NeRF and 3D Gaussian Splatting. (arXiv:2312.04820v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaofeng Yang, Yiwen Chen, Cheng Chen, Chi Zhang, Yi Xu, Xulei Yang, Fayao Liu, Guosheng Lin

We propose a unified framework aimed at enhancing the diffusion priors for 3D generation tasks. Despite the critical importance of these tasks, existing methodologies often struggle to generate high-caliber results. We begin by examining the inherent limitations in previous diffusion priors. We identify a divergence between the diffusion priors and the training procedures of diffusion models that substantially impairs the quality of 3D generation. To address this issue, we propose a novel, unified framework that iteratively optimizes both the 3D model and the diffusion prior. Leveraging the different learnable parameters of the diffusion prior, our approach offers multiple configurations, affording various trade-offs between performance and implementation complexity. Notably, our experimental results demonstrate that our method markedly surpasses existing techniques, establishing new state-of-the-art in the realm of text-to-3D generation. Furthermore, our approach exhibits impressive performance on both NeRF and the newly introduced 3D Gaussian Splatting backbones. Additionally, our framework yields insightful contributions to the understanding of recent score distillation methods, such as the VSD and DDS loss.

Unify Change Point Detection and Segment Classification in a Regression Task for Transportation Mode Identification. (arXiv:2312.04821v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rongsong Li, Xin Pei

Identifying travelers' transportation modes is important in transportation science and location-based services. It's appealing for researchers to leverage GPS trajectory data to infer transportation modes with the popularity of GPS-enabled devices, e.g., smart phones. Existing studies frame this problem as classification task. The dominant two-stage studies divide the trip into single-one mode segments first and then categorize these segments. The over segmentation strategy and inevitable error propagation bring difficulties to classification stage and make optimizing the whole system hard. The recent one-stage works throw out trajectory segmentation entirely to avoid these by directly conducting point-wise classification for the trip, whereas leaving predictions dis-continuous. To solve above-mentioned problems, inspired by YOLO and SSD in object detection, we propose to reframe change point detection and segment classification as a unified regression task instead of the existing classification task. We directly regress coordinates of change points and classify associated segments. In this way, our method divides the trip into segments under a supervised manner and leverage more contextual information, obtaining predictions with high accuracy and continuity. Two frameworks, TrajYOLO and TrajSSD, are proposed to solve the regression task and various feature extraction backbones are exploited. Exhaustive experiments on GeoLife dataset show that the proposed method has competitive overall identification accuracy of 0.853 when distinguishing five modes: walk, bike, bus, car, train. As for change point detection, our method increases precision at the cost of drop in recall. All codes are available at https://github.com/RadetzkyLi/TrajYOLO-SSD.

Assessing Neural Network Representations During Training Using Noise-Resilient Diffusion Spectral Entropy. (arXiv:2312.04823v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Danqi Liao, Chen Liu, Benjamin W. Christensen, Alexander Tong, Guillaume Huguet, Guy Wolf, Maximilian Nickel, Ian Adelstein, Smita Krishnaswamy

Entropy and mutual information in neural networks provide rich information on the learning process, but they have proven difficult to compute reliably in high dimensions. Indeed, in noisy and high-dimensional data, traditional estimates in ambient dimensions approach a fixed entropy and are prohibitively hard to compute. To address these issues, we leverage data geometry to access the underlying manifold and reliably compute these information-theoretic measures. Specifically, we define diffusion spectral entropy (DSE) in neural representations of a dataset as well as diffusion spectral mutual information (DSMI) between different variables representing data. First, we show that they form noise-resistant measures of intrinsic dimensionality and relationship strength in high-dimensional simulated data that outperform classic Shannon entropy, nonparametric estimation, and mutual information neural estimation (MINE). We then study the evolution of representations in classification networks with supervised learning, self-supervision, or overfitting. We observe that (1) DSE of neural representations increases during training; (2) DSMI with the class label increases during generalizable learning but stays stagnant during overfitting; (3) DSMI with the input signal shows differing trends: on MNIST it increases, while on CIFAR-10 and STL-10 it decreases. Finally, we show that DSE can be used to guide better network initialization and that DSMI can be used to predict downstream classification accuracy across 962 models on ImageNet. The official implementation is available at https://github.com/ChenLiu-1996/DiffusionSpectralEntropy.

HuRef: HUman-REadable Fingerprint for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04828v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Boyi Zeng, Chenghu Zhou, Xinbing Wang, Zhouhan Lin

Protecting the copyright of large language models (LLMs) has become crucial due to their resource-intensive training and accompanying carefully designed licenses. However, identifying the original base model of an LLM is challenging due to potential parameter alterations through fine-tuning or continued pretraining. In this study, we introduce HuRef, a human-readable fingerprint for LLMs that uniquely identifies the base model without exposing model parameters or interfering with training. We first observe that the vector direction of LLM parameters remains stable after the model has converged during pretraining, showing negligible perturbations through subsequent training steps, including continued pretraining, supervised fine-tuning (SFT), and RLHF, which makes it a sufficient condition to identify the base model. The necessity is validated by continuing to train an LLM with an extra term to drive away the model parameters' direction and the model becomes damaged. However, this direction is vulnerable to simple attacks like dimension permutation or matrix rotation, which significantly change it without affecting performance. To address this, leveraging the Transformer structure, we systematically analyze potential attacks and define three invariant terms that identify an LLM's base model. We make these invariant terms human-readable by mapping them to a Gaussian vector using a convolutional encoder and then converting it into a natural image with StyleGAN2. Our method generates a dog image as an identity fingerprint for an LLM, where the dog's appearance strongly indicates the LLM's base model. Experimental results across various LLMs demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, the generated dog image remains invariant to different training steps, including SFT, RLHF, or even continued pretraining with augmented vocabulary in a new language.

Thermodynamic Computing System for AI Applications. (arXiv:2312.04836v1 [cs.ET])

Authors: Denis Melanson, Mohammad Abu Khater, Maxwell Aifer, Kaelan Donatella, Max Hunter Gordon, Thomas Ahle, Gavin Crooks, Antonio J. Martinez, Faris Sbahi, Patrick J. Coles

Recent breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have highlighted the need for novel computing hardware in order to truly unlock the potential for AI. Physics-based hardware, such as thermodynamic computing, has the potential to provide a fast, low-power means to accelerate AI primitives, especially generative AI and probabilistic AI. In this work, we present the first continuous-variable thermodynamic computer, which we call the stochastic processing unit (SPU). Our SPU is composed of RLC circuits, as unit cells, on a printed circuit board, with 8 unit cells that are all-to-all coupled via switched capacitances. It can be used for either sampling or linear algebra primitives, and we demonstrate Gaussian sampling and matrix inversion on our hardware. The latter represents the first thermodynamic linear algebra experiment. We also illustrate the applicability of the SPU to uncertainty quantification for neural network classification. We envision that this hardware, when scaled up in size, will have significant impact on accelerating various probabilistic AI applications.

Localized Symbolic Knowledge Distillation for Visual Commonsense Models. (arXiv:2312.04837v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jae Sung Park, Jack Hessel, Khyathi Raghavi Chandu, Paul Pu Liang, Ximing Lu, Peter West, Youngjae Yu, Qiuyuan Huang, Jianfeng Gao, Ali Farhadi, Yejin Choi

Instruction following vision-language (VL) models offer a flexible interface that supports a broad range of multimodal tasks in a zero-shot fashion. However, interfaces that operate on full images do not directly enable the user to "point to" and access specific regions within images. This capability is important not only to support reference-grounded VL benchmarks, but also, for practical applications that require precise within-image reasoning. We build Localized Visual Commonsense models, which allow users to specify (multiple) regions as input. We train our model by sampling localized commonsense knowledge from a large language model (LLM): specifically, we prompt an LLM to collect commonsense knowledge given a global literal image description and a local literal region description automatically generated by a set of VL models. With a separately trained critic model that selects high-quality examples, we find that training on the localized commonsense corpus can successfully distill existing VL models to support a reference-as-input interface. Empirical results and human evaluations in a zero-shot setup demonstrate that our distillation method results in more precise VL models of reasoning compared to a baseline of passing a generated referring expression to an LLM.

Understanding Teacher Perspectives and Experiences after Deployment of AI Literacy Curriculum in Middle-school Classrooms. (arXiv:2312.04839v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Prerna Ravi, Annalisa Broski, Glenda Stump, Hal Abelson, Eric Klopfer, Cynthia Breazeal

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its associated applications are ubiquitous in today's world, making it imperative that students and their teachers understand how it works and the ramifications arising from its usage. In this study, we investigate the experiences of seven teachers following their implementation of modules from the MIT RAICA (Responsible AI for Computational Action) curriculum. Through semi-structured interviews, we investigated their instructional strategies as they engaged with the AI curriculum in their classroom, how their teaching and learning beliefs about AI evolved with the curriculum as well as how those beliefs impacted their implementation of the curriculum. Our analysis suggests that the AI modules not only expanded our teachers' knowledge in the field, but also prompted them to recognize its daily applications and their ethical and societal implications, so that they could better engage with the content they deliver to students. Teachers were able to leverage their own interdisciplinary backgrounds to creatively introduce foundational AI topics to students to maximize engagement and playful learning. Our teachers advocated their need for better external support when navigating technological resources, additional time for preparation given the novelty of the curriculum, more flexibility within curriculum timelines, and additional accommodations for students of determination. Our findings provide valuable insights for enhancing future iterations of AI literacy curricula and teacher professional development (PD) resources.

Analysis on Effects of Fault Elements in Memristive Neuromorphic Systems. (arXiv:2312.04840v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Hyun-Jong Lee, Jae-Han Lim

Nowadays, neuromorphic systems based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) attract attentions of many researchers. There are many studies to improve performances of neuromorphic systems. These studies have been showing satisfactory results. To magnify performances of neuromorphic systems, developing actual neuromorphic systems is essential. For developing them, memristors play key role due to their useful characteristics. Although memristors are essential for actual neuromorphic systems, they are vulnerable to faults. However, there are few studies analyzing effects of fault elements in neuromorphic systems using memristors. To solve this problem, we analyze performance of a memristive neuromorphic system with fault elements changing fault ratios, types, and positions. We choose neurons and synapses to inject faults. We inject two types of faults to synapses: SA0 and SA1 faults. The fault synapses appear in random and important positions. Through our analysis, we discover the following four interesting points. First, memristive characteristics increase vulnerability of neuromorphic systems to fault elements. Second, fault neuron ratios reducing performance sharply exist. Third, performance degradation by fault synapses depends on fault types. Finally, SA1 fault synapses improve performance when they appear in important positions.

FREDSum: A Dialogue Summarization Corpus for French Political Debates. (arXiv:2312.04843v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Virgile Rennard, Guokan Shang, Damien Grari, Julie Hunter, Michalis Vazirgiannis

Recent advances in deep learning, and especially the invention of encoder-decoder architectures, has significantly improved the performance of abstractive summarization systems. The majority of research has focused on written documents, however, neglecting the problem of multi-party dialogue summarization. In this paper, we present a dataset of French political debates for the purpose of enhancing resources for multi-lingual dialogue summarization. Our dataset consists of manually transcribed and annotated political debates, covering a range of topics and perspectives. We highlight the importance of high quality transcription and annotations for training accurate and effective dialogue summarization models, and emphasize the need for multilingual resources to support dialogue summarization in non-English languages. We also provide baseline experiments using state-of-the-art methods, and encourage further research in this area to advance the field of dialogue summarization. Our dataset will be made publicly available for use by the research community.

Apollo's Oracle: Retrieval-Augmented Reasoning in Multi-Agent Debates. (arXiv:2312.04854v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Haotian Wang, Xiyuan Du, Weijiang Yu, Qianglong Chen, Kun Zhu, Zheng Chu, Lian Yan, Yi Guan

Multi-agent debate systems are designed to derive accurate and consistent conclusions through adversarial interactions among agents. However, these systems often encounter challenges due to cognitive constraints, manifesting as (1) agents' obstinate adherence to incorrect viewpoints and (2) their propensity to abandon correct viewpoints. These issues are primarily responsible for the ineffectiveness of such debates. Addressing the challenge of cognitive constraints, we introduce a novel framework, the Multi-Agent Debate with Retrieval Augmented (MADRA). MADRA incorporates retrieval of prior knowledge into the debate process, effectively breaking cognitive constraints and enhancing the agents' reasoning capabilities. Furthermore, we have developed a self-selection module within this framework, enabling agents to autonomously select pertinent evidence, thereby minimizing the impact of irrelevant or noisy data. We have comprehensively tested and analyzed MADRA across six diverse datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances performance across various tasks, proving the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Radar Perception in Autonomous Driving: Exploring Different Data Representations. (arXiv:2312.04861v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shanliang Yao, Runwei Guan, Zitian Peng, Chenhang Xu, Yilu Shi, Yong Yue, Eng Gee Lim, Hyungjoon Seo, Ka Lok Man, Xiaohui Zhu, Yutao Yue

With the rapid advancements of sensor technology and deep learning, autonomous driving systems are providing safe and efficient access to intelligent vehicles as well as intelligent transportation. Among these equipped sensors, the radar sensor plays a crucial role in providing robust perception information in diverse environmental conditions. This review focuses on exploring different radar data representations utilized in autonomous driving systems. Firstly, we introduce the capabilities and limitations of the radar sensor by examining the working principles of radar perception and signal processing of radar measurements. Then, we delve into the generation process of five radar representations, including the ADC signal, radar tensor, point cloud, grid map, and micro-Doppler signature. For each radar representation, we examine the related datasets, methods, advantages and limitations. Furthermore, we discuss the challenges faced in these data representations and propose potential research directions. Above all, this comprehensive review offers an in-depth insight into how these representations enhance autonomous system capabilities, providing guidance for radar perception researchers. To facilitate retrieval and comparison of different data representations, datasets and methods, we provide an interactive website at https://radar-camera-fusion.github.io/radar.

Damage GAN: A Generative Model for Imbalanced Data. (arXiv:2312.04862v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ali Anaissi, Yuanzhe Jia, Ali Braytee, Mohamad Naji, Widad Alyassine

This study delves into the application of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) within the context of imbalanced datasets. Our primary aim is to enhance the performance and stability of GANs in such datasets. In pursuit of this objective, we introduce a novel network architecture known as Damage GAN, building upon the ContraD GAN framework which seamlessly integrates GANs and contrastive learning. Through the utilization of contrastive learning, the discriminator is trained to develop an unsupervised representation capable of distinguishing all provided samples. Our approach draws inspiration from the straightforward framework for contrastive learning of visual representations (SimCLR), leading to the formulation of a distinctive loss function. We also explore the implementation of self-damaging contrastive learning (SDCLR) to further enhance the optimization of the ContraD GAN model. Comparative evaluations against baseline models including the deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) and ContraD GAN demonstrate the evident superiority of our proposed model, Damage GAN, in terms of generated image distribution, model stability, and image quality when applied to imbalanced datasets.

Critical Analysis of 5G Networks Traffic Intrusion using PCA, t-SNE and UMAP Visualization and Classifying Attacks. (arXiv:2312.04864v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Humera Ghani, Shahram Salekzamankhani, Bal Virdee

Networks, threat models, and malicious actors are advancing quickly. With the increased deployment of the 5G networks, the security issues of the attached 5G physical devices have also increased. Therefore, artificial intelligence based autonomous end-to-end security design is needed that can deal with incoming threats by detecting network traffic anomalies. To address this requirement, in this research, we used a recently published 5G traffic dataset, 5G-NIDD, to detect network traffic anomalies using machine and deep learning approaches. First, we analyzed the dataset using three visualization techniques: t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP), and Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Second, we reduced the data dimensionality using mutual information and PCA techniques. Third, we solve the class imbalance issue by inserting synthetic records of minority classes. Last, we performed classification using six different classifiers and presented the evaluation metrics. We received the best results when K-Nearest Neighbors classifier was used: accuracy (97.2%), detection rate (96.7%), and false positive rate (2.2%).

Predictive Chemistry Augmented with Text Retrieval. (arXiv:2312.04881v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yujie Qian, Zhening Li, Zhengkai Tu, Connor W. Coley, Regina Barzilay

This paper focuses on using natural language descriptions to enhance predictive models in the chemistry field. Conventionally, chemoinformatics models are trained with extensive structured data manually extracted from the literature. In this paper, we introduce TextReact, a novel method that directly augments predictive chemistry with texts retrieved from the literature. TextReact retrieves text descriptions relevant for a given chemical reaction, and then aligns them with the molecular representation of the reaction. This alignment is enhanced via an auxiliary masked LM objective incorporated in the predictor training. We empirically validate the framework on two chemistry tasks: reaction condition recommendation and one-step retrosynthesis. By leveraging text retrieval, TextReact significantly outperforms state-of-the-art chemoinformatics models trained solely on molecular data.

Classification of Human- and AI-Generated Texts for English, French, German, and Spanish. (arXiv:2312.04882v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kristina Schaaff, Tim Schlippe, Lorenz Mindner

In this paper we analyze features to classify human- and AI-generated text for English, French, German and Spanish and compare them across languages. We investigate two scenarios: (1) The detection of text generated by AI from scratch, and (2) the detection of text rephrased by AI. For training and testing the classifiers in this multilingual setting, we created a new text corpus covering 10 topics for each language. For the detection of AI-generated text, the combination of all proposed features performs best, indicating that our features are portable to other related languages: The F1-scores are close with 99% for Spanish, 98% for English, 97% for German and 95% for French. For the detection of AI-rephrased text, the systems with all features outperform systems with other features in many cases, but using only document features performs best for German (72%) and Spanish (86%) and only text vector features leads to best results for English (78%).

KwaiAgents: Generalized Information-seeking Agent System with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04889v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Haojie Pan, Zepeng Zhai, Hao Yuan, Yaojia Lv, Ruiji Fu, Ming Liu, Zhongyuan Wang, Bing Qin

Driven by curiosity, humans have continually sought to explore and understand the world around them, leading to the invention of various tools to satiate this inquisitiveness. Despite not having the capacity to process and memorize vast amounts of information in their brains, humans excel in critical thinking, planning, reflection, and harnessing available tools to interact with and interpret the world, enabling them to find answers efficiently. The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) suggest that machines might also possess the aforementioned human-like capabilities, allowing them to exhibit powerful abilities even with a constrained parameter count. In this paper, we introduce KwaiAgents, a generalized information-seeking agent system based on LLMs. Within KwaiAgents, we propose an agent system that employs LLMs as its cognitive core, which is capable of understanding a user's query, behavior guidelines, and referencing external documents. The agent can also update and retrieve information from its internal memory, plan and execute actions using a time-aware search-browse toolkit, and ultimately provide a comprehensive response. We further investigate the system's performance when powered by LLMs less advanced than GPT-4, and introduce the Meta-Agent Tuning (MAT) framework, designed to ensure even an open-sourced 7B or 13B model performs well among many agent systems. We exploit both benchmark and human evaluations to systematically validate these capabilities. Extensive experiments show the superiority of our agent system compared to other autonomous agents and highlight the enhanced generalized agent-abilities of our fine-tuned LLMs.

BELT: Old-School Backdoor Attacks can Evade the State-of-the-Art Defense with Backdoor Exclusivity Lifting. (arXiv:2312.04902v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Huming Qiu, Junjie Sun, Mi Zhang, Xudong Pan, Min Yang

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are susceptible to backdoor attacks, where malicious functionality is embedded to allow attackers to trigger incorrect classifications. Old-school backdoor attacks use strong trigger features that can easily be learned by victim models. Despite robustness against input variation, the robustness however increases the likelihood of unintentional trigger activations. This leaves traces to existing defenses, which find approximate replacements for the original triggers that can activate the backdoor without being identical to the original trigger via, e.g., reverse engineering and sample overlay.

In this paper, we propose and investigate a new characteristic of backdoor attacks, namely, backdoor exclusivity, which measures the ability of backdoor triggers to remain effective in the presence of input variation. Building upon the concept of backdoor exclusivity, we propose Backdoor Exclusivity LifTing (BELT), a novel technique which suppresses the association between the backdoor and fuzzy triggers to enhance backdoor exclusivity for defense evasion. Extensive evaluation on three popular backdoor benchmarks validate, our approach substantially enhances the stealthiness of four old-school backdoor attacks, which, after backdoor exclusivity lifting, is able to evade six state-of-the-art backdoor countermeasures, at almost no cost of the attack success rate and normal utility. For example, one of the earliest backdoor attacks BadNet, enhanced by BELT, evades most of the state-of-the-art defenses including ABS and MOTH which would otherwise recognize the backdoored model.

SA-Attack: Improving Adversarial Transferability of Vision-Language Pre-training Models via Self-Augmentation. (arXiv:2312.04913v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bangyan He, Xiaojun Jia, Siyuan Liang, Tianrui Lou, Yang Liu, Xiaochun Cao

Current Visual-Language Pre-training (VLP) models are vulnerable to adversarial examples. These adversarial examples present substantial security risks to VLP models, as they can leverage inherent weaknesses in the models, resulting in incorrect predictions. In contrast to white-box adversarial attacks, transfer attacks (where the adversary crafts adversarial examples on a white-box model to fool another black-box model) are more reflective of real-world scenarios, thus making them more meaningful for research. By summarizing and analyzing existing research, we identified two factors that can influence the efficacy of transfer attacks on VLP models: inter-modal interaction and data diversity. Based on these insights, we propose a self-augment-based transfer attack method, termed SA-Attack. Specifically, during the generation of adversarial images and adversarial texts, we apply different data augmentation methods to the image modality and text modality, respectively, with the aim of improving the adversarial transferability of the generated adversarial images and texts. Experiments conducted on the FLickr30K and COCO datasets have validated the effectiveness of our method. Our code will be available after this paper is accepted.

EE-LLM: Large-Scale Training and Inference of Early-Exit Large Language Models with 3D Parallelism. (arXiv:2312.04916v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yanxi Chen, Xuchen Pan, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Jingren Zhou

We present EE-LLM, a framework for large-scale training and inference of early-exit large language models (LLMs). While recent works have shown preliminary evidence for the efficacy of early exiting in accelerating LLM inference, EE-LLM makes a foundational step towards scaling up early-exit LLMs by supporting their training and inference with massive 3D parallelism. Built upon Megatron-LM, EE-LLM implements a variety of algorithmic innovations and performance optimizations tailored to early exiting, including a lightweight method that facilitates backpropagation for the early-exit training objective with pipeline parallelism, techniques of leveraging idle resources in the original pipeline schedule for computation related to early-exit layers, and two approaches of early-exit inference that are compatible with KV caching for autoregressive generation. Our analytical and empirical study shows that EE-LLM achieves great training efficiency with negligible computational overhead compared to standard LLM training, as well as outstanding inference speedup without compromising output quality. To facilitate further research and adoption, we release EE-LLM at https://github.com/pan-x-c/EE-LLM.

Operationalizing Assurance Cases for Data Scientists: A Showcase of Concepts and Tooling in the Context of Test Data Quality for Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.04917v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Lisa Jöckel, Michael Kläs, Janek Groß, Pascal Gerber, Markus Scholz, Jonathan Eberle, Marc Teschner, Daniel Seifert, Richard Hawkins, John Molloy, Jens Ottnad

Assurance Cases (ACs) are an established approach in safety engineering to argue quality claims in a structured way. In the context of quality assurance for Machine Learning (ML)-based software components, ACs are also being discussed and appear promising. Tools for operationalizing ACs do exist, yet mainly focus on supporting safety engineers on the system level. However, assuring the quality of an ML component within the system is commonly the responsibility of data scientists, who are usually less familiar with these tools. To address this gap, we propose a framework to support the operationalization of ACs for ML components based on technologies that data scientists use on a daily basis: Python and Jupyter Notebook. Our aim is to make the process of creating ML-related evidence in ACs more effective. Results from the application of the framework, documented through notebooks, can be integrated into existing AC tools. We illustrate the application of the framework on an example excerpt concerned with the quality of the test data.

Canaries and Whistles: Resilient Drone Communication Networks with (or without) Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.04940v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Chris Hicks, Vasilios Mavroudis, Myles Foley, Thomas Davies, Kate Highnam, Tim Watson

Communication networks able to withstand hostile environments are critically important for disaster relief operations. In this paper, we consider a challenging scenario where drones have been compromised in the supply chain, during their manufacture, and harbour malicious software capable of wide-ranging and infectious disruption. We investigate multi-agent deep reinforcement learning as a tool for learning defensive strategies that maximise communications bandwidth despite continual adversarial interference. Using a public challenge for learning network resilience strategies, we propose a state-of-the-art expert technique and study its superiority over deep reinforcement learning agents. Correspondingly, we identify three specific methods for improving the performance of our learning-based agents: (1) ensuring each observation contains the necessary information, (2) using expert agents to provide a curriculum for learning, and (3) paying close attention to reward. We apply our methods and present a new mixed strategy enabling expert and learning-based agents to work together and improve on all prior results.

The ICL Consistency Test. (arXiv:2312.04945v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lucas Weber, Elia Bruni, Dieuwke Hupkes

Just like the previous generation of task-tuned models, large language models (LLMs) that are adapted to tasks via prompt-based methods like in-context-learning (ICL) perform well in some setups but not in others. This lack of consistency in prompt-based learning hints at a lack of robust generalisation. We here introduce the ICL consistency test -- a contribution to the GenBench collaborative benchmark task (CBT) -- which evaluates how consistent a model makes predictions across many different setups while using the same data. The test is based on different established natural language inference tasks. We provide preprocessed data constituting 96 different 'setups' and a metric that estimates model consistency across these setups. The metric is provided on a fine-grained level to understand what properties of a setup render predictions unstable and on an aggregated level to compare overall model consistency. We conduct an empirical analysis of eight state-of-the-art models, and our consistency metric reveals how all tested LLMs lack robust generalisation.

Benchmarking and Analysis of Unsupervised Object Segmentation from Real-world Single Images. (arXiv:2312.04947v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yafei Yang, Bo Yang

In this paper, we study the problem of unsupervised object segmentation from single images. We do not introduce a new algorithm, but systematically investigate the effectiveness of existing unsupervised models on challenging real-world images. We first introduce seven complexity factors to quantitatively measure the distributions of background and foreground object biases in appearance and geometry for datasets with human annotations. With the aid of these factors, we empirically find that, not surprisingly, existing unsupervised models fail to segment generic objects in real-world images, although they can easily achieve excellent performance on numerous simple synthetic datasets, due to the vast gap in objectness biases between synthetic and real images. By conducting extensive experiments on multiple groups of ablated real-world datasets, we ultimately find that the key factors underlying the failure of existing unsupervised models on real-world images are the challenging distributions of background and foreground object biases in appearance and geometry. Because of this, the inductive biases introduced in existing unsupervised models can hardly capture the diverse object distributions. Our research results suggest that future work should exploit more explicit objectness biases in the network design.

MIMIR: Masked Image Modeling for Mutual Information-based Adversarial Robustness. (arXiv:2312.04960v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaoyun Xu, Shujian Yu, Jingzheng Wu, Stjepan Picek

Vision Transformers (ViTs) achieve superior performance on various tasks compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs), but ViTs are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Adversarial training is one of the most successful methods to build robust CNN models. Thus, recent works explored new methodologies for adversarial training of ViTs based on the differences between ViTs and CNNs, such as better training strategies, preventing attention from focusing on a single block, or discarding low-attention embeddings. However, these methods still follow the design of traditional supervised adversarial training, limiting the potential of adversarial training on ViTs. This paper proposes a novel defense method, MIMIR, which aims to build a different adversarial training methodology by utilizing Masked Image Modeling at pre-training. We create an autoencoder that accepts adversarial examples as input but takes the clean examples as the modeling target. Then, we create a mutual information (MI) penalty following the idea of the Information Bottleneck. Among the two information source inputs and corresponding adversarial perturbation, the perturbation information is eliminated due to the constraint of the modeling target. Next, we provide a theoretical analysis of MIMIR using the bounds of the MI penalty. We also design two adaptive attacks when the adversary is aware of the MIMIR defense and show that MIMIR still performs well. The experimental results show that MIMIR improves (natural and adversarial) accuracy on average by 4.19\% on CIFAR-10 and 5.52\% on ImageNet-1K, compared to baselines. On Tiny-ImageNet, we obtained improved natural accuracy of 2.99\% on average and comparable adversarial accuracy. Our code and trained models are publicly available\footnote{\url{https://anonymous.4open.science/r/MIMIR-5444/README.md}}.

Text-to-3D Generation with Bidirectional Diffusion using both 2D and 3D priors. (arXiv:2312.04963v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lihe Ding, Shaocong Dong, Zhanpeng Huang, Zibin Wang, Yiyuan Zhang, Kaixiong Gong, Dan Xu, Tianfan Xue

Most 3D generation research focuses on up-projecting 2D foundation models into the 3D space, either by minimizing 2D Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) loss or fine-tuning on multi-view datasets. Without explicit 3D priors, these methods often lead to geometric anomalies and multi-view inconsistency. Recently, researchers have attempted to improve the genuineness of 3D objects by directly training on 3D datasets, albeit at the cost of low-quality texture generation due to the limited texture diversity in 3D datasets. To harness the advantages of both approaches, we propose Bidirectional Diffusion(BiDiff), a unified framework that incorporates both a 3D and a 2D diffusion process, to preserve both 3D fidelity and 2D texture richness, respectively. Moreover, as a simple combination may yield inconsistent generation results, we further bridge them with novel bidirectional guidance. In addition, our method can be used as an initialization of optimization-based models to further improve the quality of 3D model and efficiency of optimization, reducing the generation process from 3.4 hours to 20 minutes. Experimental results have shown that our model achieves high-quality, diverse, and scalable 3D generation. Project website: https://bidiff.github.io/.

Inversion-Free Image Editing with Natural Language. (arXiv:2312.04965v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sihan Xu, Yidong Huang, Jiayi Pan, Ziqiao Ma, Joyce Chai

Despite recent advances in inversion-based editing, text-guided image manipulation remains challenging for diffusion models. The primary bottlenecks include 1) the time-consuming nature of the inversion process; 2) the struggle to balance consistency with accuracy; 3) the lack of compatibility with efficient consistency sampling methods used in consistency models. To address the above issues, we start by asking ourselves if the inversion process can be eliminated for editing. We show that when the initial sample is known, a special variance schedule reduces the denoising step to the same form as the multi-step consistency sampling. We name this Denoising Diffusion Consistent Model (DDCM), and note that it implies a virtual inversion strategy without explicit inversion in sampling. We further unify the attention control mechanisms in a tuning-free framework for text-guided editing. Combining them, we present inversion-free editing (InfEdit), which allows for consistent and faithful editing for both rigid and non-rigid semantic changes, catering to intricate modifications without compromising on the image's integrity and explicit inversion. Through extensive experiments, InfEdit shows strong performance in various editing tasks and also maintains a seamless workflow (less than 3 seconds on one single A40), demonstrating the potential for real-time applications. Project Page: https://sled-group.github.io/InfEdit/

Out of Context: How important is Local Context in Neural Program Repair?. (arXiv:2312.04986v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Julian Aron Prenner, Romain Robbes

Deep learning source code models have been applied very successfully to the problem of automated program repair. One of the standing issues is the small input window of current models which often cannot fully fit the context code required for a bug fix (e.g., method or class declarations of a project). Instead, input is often restricted to the local context, that is, the lines below and above the bug location. In this work we study the importance of this local context on repair success: how much local context is needed?; is context before or after the bug location more important? how is local context tied to the bug type? To answer these questions we train and evaluate Transformer models in many different local context configurations on three datasets and two programming languages. Our results indicate that overall repair success increases with the size of the local context (albeit not for all bug types) and confirm the common practice that roughly 50-60% of the input window should be used for context leading the bug. Our results are not only relevant for researchers working on Transformer-based APR tools but also for benchmark and dataset creators who must decide what and how much context to include in their datasets.

Beyond Transduction: A Survey on Inductive, Few Shot, and Zero Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2312.04997v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Nicolas Hubert, Pierre Monnin, Heiko Paulheim

Knowledge graphs (KGs) comprise entities interconnected by relations of different semantic meanings. KGs are being used in a wide range of applications. However, they inherently suffer from incompleteness, i.e. entities or facts about entities are missing. Consequently, a larger body of works focuses on the completion of missing information in KGs, which is commonly referred to as link prediction (LP). This task has traditionally and extensively been studied in the transductive setting, where all entities and relations in the testing set are observed during training. Recently, several works have tackled the LP task under more challenging settings, where entities and relations in the test set may be unobserved during training, or appear in only a few facts. These works are known as inductive, few-shot, and zero-shot link prediction. In this work, we conduct a systematic review of existing works in this area. A thorough analysis leads us to point out the undesirable existence of diverging terminologies and task definitions for the aforementioned settings, which further limits the possibility of comparison between recent works. We consequently aim at dissecting each setting thoroughly, attempting to reveal its intrinsic characteristics. A unifying nomenclature is ultimately proposed to refer to each of them in a simple and consistent manner.

Vision-based Learning for Drones: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.05019v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Jiaping Xiao, Rangya Zhang, Yuhang Zhang, Mir Feroskhan

Drones as advanced cyber-physical systems are undergoing a transformative shift with the advent of vision-based learning, a field that is rapidly gaining prominence due to its profound impact on drone autonomy and functionality. Different from existing task-specific surveys, this review offers a comprehensive overview of vision-based learning in drones, emphasizing its pivotal role in enhancing their operational capabilities. We start by elucidating the fundamental principles of vision-based learning, highlighting how it significantly improves drones' visual perception and decision-making processes. We then categorize vision-based control methods into indirect, semi-direct, and end-to-end approaches from the perception-control perspective. We further explore various applications of vision-based drones with learning capabilities, ranging from single-agent systems to more complex multi-agent and heterogeneous system scenarios, and underscore the challenges and innovations characterizing each area. Finally, we explore open questions and potential solutions, paving the way for ongoing research and development in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field. With growing large language models (LLMs) and embodied intelligence, vision-based learning for drones provides a promising but challenging road towards artificial general intelligence (AGI) in 3D physical world.

A Negative Result on Gradient Matching for Selective Backprop. (arXiv:2312.05021v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lukas Balles, Cedric Archambeau, Giovanni Zappella

With increasing scale in model and dataset size, the training of deep neural networks becomes a massive computational burden. One approach to speed up the training process is Selective Backprop. For this approach, we perform a forward pass to obtain a loss value for each data point in a minibatch. The backward pass is then restricted to a subset of that minibatch, prioritizing high-loss examples. We build on this approach, but seek to improve the subset selection mechanism by choosing the (weighted) subset which best matches the mean gradient over the entire minibatch. We use the gradients w.r.t. the model's last layer as a cheap proxy, resulting in virtually no overhead in addition to the forward pass. At the same time, for our experiments we add a simple random selection baseline which has been absent from prior work. Surprisingly, we find that both the loss-based as well as the gradient-matching strategy fail to consistently outperform the random baseline.

Reinforcement Learning-Based Bionic Reflex Control for Anthropomorphic Robotic Grasping exploiting Domain Randomization. (arXiv:2312.05023v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Hirakjyoti Basumatary, Daksh Adhar, Atharva Shrawge, Prathamesh Kanbaskar, Shyamanta M. Hazarika

Achieving human-level dexterity in robotic grasping remains a challenging endeavor. Robotic hands frequently encounter slippage and deformation during object manipulation, issues rarely encountered by humans due to their sensory receptors, experiential learning, and motor memory. The emulation of the human grasping reflex within robotic hands is referred to as the ``bionic reflex". Past endeavors in the realm of bionic reflex control predominantly relied on model-based and supervised learning approaches, necessitating human intervention during thresholding and labeling tasks. In this study, we introduce an innovative bionic reflex control pipeline, leveraging reinforcement learning (RL); thereby eliminating the need for human intervention during control design. Our proposed bionic reflex controller has been designed and tested on an anthropomorphic hand, manipulating deformable objects in the PyBullet physics simulator, incorporating domain randomization (DR) for enhanced Sim2Real transferability. Our findings underscore the promise of RL as a potent tool for advancing bionic reflex control within anthropomorphic robotic hands. We anticipate that this autonomous, RL-based bionic reflex controller will catalyze the development of dependable and highly efficient robotic and prosthetic hands, revolutionizing human-robot interaction and assistive technologies.

Grasp Force Optimization as a Bilinear Matrix Inequality Problem: A Deep Learning Approach. (arXiv:2312.05034v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Hirakjyoti Basumatary, Daksh Adhar, Riddhiman Shaw, Shyamanta M. Hazarika

Grasp force synthesis is a non-convex optimization problem involving constraints that are bilinear. Traditional approaches to this problem involve general-purpose gradient-based nonlinear optimization and semi-definite programming. With a view towards dealing with postural synergies and non-smooth but convex positive semidefinite constraints, we look beyond gradient-based optimization. The focus of this paper is to undertake a grasp analysis of biomimetic grasping in multi-fingered robotic hands as a bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) problem. Our analysis is to solve it using a deep learning approach to make the algorithm efficiently generate force closure grasps with optimal grasp quality on untrained/unseen objects.

SmartMask: Context Aware High-Fidelity Mask Generation for Fine-grained Object Insertion and Layout Control. (arXiv:2312.05039v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jaskirat Singh, Jianming Zhang, Qing Liu, Cameron Smith, Zhe Lin, Liang Zheng

The field of generative image inpainting and object insertion has made significant progress with the recent advent of latent diffusion models. Utilizing a precise object mask can greatly enhance these applications. However, due to the challenges users encounter in creating high-fidelity masks, there is a tendency for these methods to rely on more coarse masks (e.g., bounding box) for these applications. This results in limited control and compromised background content preservation. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SmartMask, which allows any novice user to create detailed masks for precise object insertion. Combined with a ControlNet-Inpaint model, our experiments demonstrate that SmartMask achieves superior object insertion quality, preserving the background content more effectively than previous methods. Notably, unlike prior works the proposed approach can also be used even without user-mask guidance, which allows it to perform mask-free object insertion at diverse positions and scales. Furthermore, we find that when used iteratively with a novel instruction-tuning based planning model, SmartMask can be used to design detailed layouts from scratch. As compared with user-scribble based layout design, we observe that SmartMask allows for better quality outputs with layout-to-image generation methods. Project page is available at https://smartmask-gen.github.io

Physical-Layer Semantic-Aware Network for Zero-Shot Wireless Sensing. (arXiv:2312.05043v1 [cs.NI])

Authors: Huixiang Zhu, Yong Xiao, Yingyu Li, Guangming Shi, Walid Saad

Device-free wireless sensing has recently attracted significant interest due to its potential to support a wide range of immersive human-machine interactive applications. However, data heterogeneity in wireless signals and data privacy regulation of distributed sensing have been considered as the major challenges that hinder the wide applications of wireless sensing in large area networking systems. Motivated by the observation that signals recorded by wireless receivers are closely related to a set of physical-layer semantic features, in this paper we propose a novel zero-shot wireless sensing solution that allows models constructed in one or a limited number of locations to be directly transferred to other locations without any labeled data. We develop a novel physical-layer semantic-aware network (pSAN) framework to characterize the correlation between physical-layer semantic features and the sensing data distributions across different receivers. We then propose a pSAN-based zero-shot learning solution in which each receiver can obtain a location-specific gesture recognition model by directly aggregating the already constructed models of other receivers. We theoretically prove that models obtained by our proposed solution can approach the optimal model without requiring any local model training. Experimental results once again verify that the accuracy of models derived by our proposed solution matches that of the models trained by the real labeled data based on supervised learning approach.

Backward Learning for Goal-Conditioned Policies. (arXiv:2312.05044v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Marc Höftmann, Jan Robine, Stefan Harmeling

Can we learn policies in reinforcement learning without rewards? Can we learn a policy just by trying to reach a goal state? We answer these questions positively by proposing a multi-step procedure that first learns a world model that goes backward in time, secondly generates goal-reaching backward trajectories, thirdly improves those sequences using shortest path finding algorithms, and finally trains a neural network policy by imitation learning. We evaluate our method on a deterministic maze environment where the observations are $64\times 64$ pixel bird's eye images and can show that it consistently reaches several goals.

On the Inadequacy of Similarity-based Privacy Metrics: Reconstruction Attacks against "Truly Anonymous Synthetic Data''. (arXiv:2312.05114v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Georgi Ganev, Emiliano De Cristofaro

Training generative models to produce synthetic data is meant to provide a privacy-friendly approach to data release. However, we get robust guarantees only when models are trained to satisfy Differential Privacy (DP). Alas, this is not the standard in industry as many companies use ad-hoc strategies to empirically evaluate privacy based on the statistical similarity between synthetic and real data. In this paper, we review the privacy metrics offered by leading companies in this space and shed light on a few critical flaws in reasoning about privacy entirely via empirical evaluations. We analyze the undesirable properties of the most popular metrics and filters and demonstrate their unreliability and inconsistency through counter-examples. We then present a reconstruction attack, ReconSyn, which successfully recovers (i.e., leaks all attributes of) at least 78% of the low-density train records (or outliers) with only black-box access to a single fitted generative model and the privacy metrics. Finally, we show that applying DP only to the model or using low-utility generators does not mitigate ReconSyn as the privacy leakage predominantly comes from the metrics. Overall, our work serves as a warning to practitioners not to deviate from established privacy-preserving mechanisms.

A Review of Cooperation in Multi-agent Learning. (arXiv:2312.05162v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Yali Du, Joel Z. Leibo, Usman Islam, Richard Willis, Peter Sunehag

Cooperation in multi-agent learning (MAL) is a topic at the intersection of numerous disciplines, including game theory, economics, social sciences, and evolutionary biology. Research in this area aims to understand both how agents can coordinate effectively when goals are aligned and how they may cooperate in settings where gains from working together are possible but possibilities for conflict abound. In this paper we provide an overview of the fundamental concepts, problem settings and algorithms of multi-agent learning. This encompasses reinforcement learning, multi-agent sequential decision-making, challenges associated with multi-agent cooperation, and a comprehensive review of recent progress, along with an evaluation of relevant metrics. Finally we discuss open challenges in the field with the aim of inspiring new avenues for research.

DARLEI: Deep Accelerated Reinforcement Learning with Evolutionary Intelligence. (arXiv:2312.05171v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Saeejith Nair, Mohammad Javad Shafiee, Alexander Wong

We present DARLEI, a framework that combines evolutionary algorithms with parallelized reinforcement learning for efficiently training and evolving populations of UNIMAL agents. Our approach utilizes Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) for individual agent learning and pairs it with a tournament selection-based generational learning mechanism to foster morphological evolution. By building on Nvidia's Isaac Gym, DARLEI leverages GPU accelerated simulation to achieve over 20x speedup using just a single workstation, compared to previous work which required large distributed CPU clusters. We systematically characterize DARLEI's performance under various conditions, revealing factors impacting diversity of evolved morphologies. For example, by enabling inter-agent collisions within the simulator, we find that we can simulate some multi-agent interactions between the same morphology, and see how it influences individual agent capabilities and long-term evolutionary adaptation. While current results demonstrate limited diversity across generations, we hope to extend DARLEI in future work to include interactions between diverse morphologies in richer environments, and create a platform that allows for coevolving populations and investigating emergent behaviours in them. Our source code is also made publicly at https://saeejithnair.github.io/darlei.

TENPLEX: Changing Resources of Deep Learning Jobs using Parallelizable Tensor Collections. (arXiv:2312.05181v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Marcel Wagenländer, Guo Li, Bo Zhao, Luo Mai, Peter Pietzuch

Deep learning (DL) jobs use multi-dimensional parallelism, i.e they combine data, model, and pipeline parallelism, to use large GPU clusters efficiently. This couples jobs tightly to a set of GPU devices, but jobs may experience changes to the device allocation: (i) resource elasticity during training adds or removes devices; (ii) hardware maintenance may require redeployment on different devices; and (iii) device failures force jobs to run with fewer devices. Current DL frameworks lack support for these scenarios, as they cannot change the multi-dimensional parallelism of an already-running job in an efficient and model-independent way.

We describe Tenplex, a state management library for DL frameworks that enables jobs to change the GPU allocation and job parallelism at runtime. Tenplex achieves this by externalizing the DL job state during training as a parallelizable tensor collection (PTC). When the GPU allocation for the DL job changes, Tenplex uses the PTC to transform the DL job state: for the dataset state, Tenplex repartitions it under data parallelism and exposes it to workers through a virtual file system; for the model state, Tenplex obtains it as partitioned checkpoints and transforms them to reflect the new parallelization configuration. For efficiency, these PTC transformations are executed in parallel with a minimum amount of data movement between devices and workers. Our experiments show that Tenplex enables DL jobs to support dynamic parallelization with low overhead.

AI Competitions and Benchmarks: Competition platforms. (arXiv:2312.05185v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andrey Ustyuzhanin, Harald Carlens

The ecosystem of artificial intelligence competitions is a diverse and multifaceted landscape, encompassing a variety of platforms that each host numerous competitions annually, alongside a plethora of specialized websites dedicated to singular contests. These platforms adeptly manage the overarching administrative responsibilities inherent in orchestrating competitions, thus affording organizers the liberty to allocate greater attention to other facets of their contests. Notably, these platforms exhibit considerable diversity in their operational functionalities, economic models, and community dynamics. This chapter conducts an extensive review of the foremost services in this realm and elucidates several alternative methodologies that facilitate the independent hosting of such challenges. Keywords: competition platform, challenge hosting services, comparison.

Conformal Prediction in Multi-User Settings: An Evaluation. (arXiv:2312.05195v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Enrique Garcia-Ceja, Luciano Garcia-Banuelos, Nicolas Jourdan

Typically, machine learning models are trained and evaluated without making any distinction between users (e.g, using traditional hold-out and cross-validation). However, this produces inaccurate performance metrics estimates in multi-user settings. That is, situations where the data were collected by multiple users with different characteristics (e.g., age, gender, height, etc.) which is very common in user computer interaction and medical applications. For these types of scenarios model evaluation strategies that provide better performance estimates have been proposed such as mixed, user-independent, user-dependent, and user-adaptive models. Although those strategies are better suited for multi-user systems, they are typically assessed with respect to performance metrics that capture the overall behavior of the models and do not provide any performance guarantees for individual predictions nor they provide any feedback about the predictions' uncertainty. In order to overcome those limitations, in this work we evaluated the conformal prediction framework in several multi-user settings. Conformal prediction is a model agnostic method that provides confidence guarantees on the predictions, thus, increasing the trustworthiness and robustness of the models. We conducted extensive experiments using different evaluation strategies and found significant differences in terms of conformal performance measures. We also proposed several visualizations based on matrices, graphs, and charts that capture different aspects of the resulting prediction sets.

HALO: An Ontology for Representing Hallucinations in Generative Models. (arXiv:2312.05209v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Navapat Nananukul, Mayank Kejriwal

Recent progress in generative AI, including large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT, has opened up significant opportunities in fields ranging from natural language processing to knowledge discovery and data mining. However, there is also a growing awareness that the models can be prone to problems such as making information up or `hallucinations', and faulty reasoning on seemingly simple problems. Because of the popularity of models like ChatGPT, both academic scholars and citizen scientists have documented hallucinations of several different types and severity. Despite this body of work, a formal model for describing and representing these hallucinations (with relevant meta-data) at a fine-grained level, is still lacking. In this paper, we address this gap by presenting the Hallucination Ontology or HALO, a formal, extensible ontology written in OWL that currently offers support for six different types of hallucinations known to arise in LLMs, along with support for provenance and experimental metadata. We also collect and publish a dataset containing hallucinations that we inductively gathered across multiple independent Web sources, and show that HALO can be successfully used to model this dataset and answer competency questions.

Language Models, Agent Models, and World Models: The LAW for Machine Reasoning and Planning. (arXiv:2312.05230v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zhiting Hu, Tianmin Shu

Despite their tremendous success in many applications, large language models often fall short of consistent reasoning and planning in various (language, embodied, and social) scenarios, due to inherent limitations in their inference, learning, and modeling capabilities. In this position paper, we present a new perspective of machine reasoning, LAW, that connects the concepts of Language models, Agent models, and World models, for more robust and versatile reasoning capabilities. In particular, we propose that world and agent models are a better abstraction of reasoning, that introduces the crucial elements of deliberate human-like reasoning, including beliefs about the world and other agents, anticipation of consequences, goals/rewards, and strategic planning. Crucially, language models in LAW serve as a backend to implement the system or its elements and hence provide the computational power and adaptability. We review the recent studies that have made relevant progress and discuss future research directions towards operationalizing the LAW framework.

TaskMet: Task-Driven Metric Learning for Model Learning. (arXiv:2312.05250v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dishank Bansal, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Mustafa Mukadam, Brandon Amos

Deep learning models are often deployed in downstream tasks that the training procedure may not be aware of. For example, models solely trained to achieve accurate predictions may struggle to perform well on downstream tasks because seemingly small prediction errors may incur drastic task errors. The standard end-to-end learning approach is to make the task loss differentiable or to introduce a differentiable surrogate that the model can be trained on. In these settings, the task loss needs to be carefully balanced with the prediction loss because they may have conflicting objectives. We propose take the task loss signal one level deeper than the parameters of the model and use it to learn the parameters of the loss function the model is trained on, which can be done by learning a metric in the prediction space. This approach does not alter the optimal prediction model itself, but rather changes the model learning to emphasize the information important for the downstream task. This enables us to achieve the best of both worlds: a prediction model trained in the original prediction space while also being valuable for the desired downstream task. We validate our approach through experiments conducted in two main settings: 1) decision-focused model learning scenarios involving portfolio optimization and budget allocation, and 2) reinforcement learning in noisy environments with distracting states. The source code to reproduce our experiments is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/taskmet

KBFormer: A Diffusion Model for Structured Entity Completion. (arXiv:2312.05253v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ouail Kitouni, Niklas Nolte, James Hensman, Bhaskar Mitra

We develop a generative attention-based approach to modeling structured entities comprising different property types, such as numerical, categorical, string, and composite. This approach handles such heterogeneous data through a mixed continuous-discrete diffusion process over the properties. Our flexible framework can model entities with arbitrary hierarchical properties, enabling applications to structured Knowledge Base (KB) entities and tabular data. Our approach obtains state-of-the-art performance on a majority of cases across 15 datasets. In addition, experiments with a device KB and a nuclear physics dataset demonstrate the model's ability to learn representations useful for entity completion in diverse settings. This has many downstream use cases, including modeling numerical properties with high accuracy - critical for science applications, which also benefit from the model's inherent probabilistic nature.

Responsibility Management through Responsibility Networks. (arXiv:2102.07246v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruijun Chen, Jiong Qiu, Xuejiao Tang

The safety management is critically important in the workplace. Unfortunately, responsibility issues therein such as inefficient supervision, poor evaluation and inadequate perception have not been properly addressed. To this end, in this paper, we deploy the Internet of Responsibilities (IoR) for responsibility management. Through the building of IoR framework, hierarchical responsibility management, automated responsibility evaluation at all level and efficient responsibility perception are achieved. The practical deployment of IoR system showed its effective responsibility management capability in various workplaces.

Interpretable Visual Understanding with Cognitive Attention Network. (arXiv:2108.02924v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xuejiao Tang, Wenbin Zhang, Yi Yu, Kea Turner, Tyler Derr, Mengyu Wang, Eirini Ntoutsi

While image understanding on recognition-level has achieved remarkable advancements, reliable visual scene understanding requires comprehensive image understanding on recognition-level but also cognition-level, which calls for exploiting the multi-source information as well as learning different levels of understanding and extensive commonsense knowledge. In this paper, we propose a novel Cognitive Attention Network (CAN) for visual commonsense reasoning to achieve interpretable visual understanding. Specifically, we first introduce an image-text fusion module to fuse information from images and text collectively. Second, a novel inference module is designed to encode commonsense among image, query and response. Extensive experiments on large-scale Visual Commonsense Reasoning (VCR) benchmark dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. The implementation is publicly available at https://github.com/tanjatang/CAN

BAFFLE: Hiding Backdoors in Offline Reinforcement Learning Datasets. (arXiv:2210.04688v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chen Gong, Zhou Yang, Yunpeng Bai, Junda He, Jieke Shi, Kecen Li, Arunesh Sinha, Bowen Xu, Xinwen Hou, David Lo, Tianhao Wang

Reinforcement learning (RL) makes an agent learn from trial-and-error experiences gathered during the interaction with the environment. Recently, offline RL has become a popular RL paradigm because it saves the interactions with environments. In offline RL, data providers share large pre-collected datasets, and others can train high-quality agents without interacting with the environments. This paradigm has demonstrated effectiveness in critical tasks like robot control, autonomous driving, etc. However, less attention is paid to investigating the security threats to the offline RL system. This paper focuses on backdoor attacks, where some perturbations are added to the data (observations) such that given normal observations, the agent takes high-rewards actions, and low-reward actions on observations injected with triggers. In this paper, we propose Baffle (Backdoor Attack for Offline Reinforcement Learning), an approach that automatically implants backdoors to RL agents by poisoning the offline RL dataset, and evaluate how different offline RL algorithms react to this attack. Our experiments conducted on four tasks and four offline RL algorithms expose a disquieting fact: none of the existing offline RL algorithms is immune to such a backdoor attack. More specifically, Baffle modifies 10\% of the datasets for four tasks (3 robotic controls and 1 autonomous driving). Agents trained on the poisoned datasets perform well in normal settings. However, when triggers are presented, the agents' performance decreases drastically by 63.2\%, 53.9\%, 64.7\%, and 47.4\% in the four tasks on average. The backdoor still persists after fine-tuning poisoned agents on clean datasets. We further show that the inserted backdoor is also hard to be detected by a popular defensive method. This paper calls attention to developing more effective protection for the open-source offline RL dataset.

Behavioral Intention Prediction in Driving Scenes: A Survey. (arXiv:2211.00385v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianwu Fang, Fan Wang, Jianru Xue, Tat-seng Chua

In the driving scene, the road agents usually conduct frequent interactions and intention understanding of the surroundings. Ego-agent (each road agent itself) predicts what behavior will be engaged by other road users all the time and expects a shared and consistent understanding for safe movement. Behavioral Intention Prediction (BIP) simulates such a human consideration process and fulfills the early prediction of specific behaviors. Similar to other prediction tasks, such as trajectory prediction, data-driven deep learning methods have taken the primary pipeline in research. The rapid development of BIP inevitably leads to new issues and challenges. To catalyze future research, this work provides a comprehensive review of BIP from the available datasets, key factors and challenges, pedestrian-centric and vehicle-centric BIP approaches, and BIP-aware applications. Based on the investigation, data-driven deep learning approaches have become the primary pipelines. The behavioral intention types are still monotonous in most current datasets and methods (e.g., Crossing (C) and Not Crossing (NC) for pedestrians and Lane Changing (LC) for vehicles) in this field. In addition, for the safe-critical scenarios (e.g., near-crashing situations), current research is limited. Through this investigation, we identify open issues in behavioral intention prediction and suggest possible insights for future research.

Construction of Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search Spaces based on Context-free Grammars. (arXiv:2211.01842v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Schrodi, Danny Stoll, Binxin Ru, Rhea Sukthanker, Thomas Brox, Frank Hutter

The discovery of neural architectures from simple building blocks is a long-standing goal of Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Hierarchical search spaces are a promising step towards this goal but lack a unifying search space design framework and typically only search over some limited aspect of architectures. In this work, we introduce a unifying search space design framework based on context-free grammars that can naturally and compactly generate expressive hierarchical search spaces that are 100s of orders of magnitude larger than common spaces from the literature. By enhancing and using their properties, we effectively enable search over the complete architecture and can foster regularity. Further, we propose an efficient hierarchical kernel design for a Bayesian Optimization search strategy to efficiently search over such huge spaces. We demonstrate the versatility of our search space design framework and show that our search strategy can be superior to existing NAS approaches. Code is available at https://github.com/automl/hierarchical_nas_construction.

RITA: Boost Driving Simulators with Realistic Interactive Traffic Flow. (arXiv:2211.03408v5 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhengbang Zhu, Shenyu Zhang, Yuzheng Zhuang, Yuecheng Liu, Minghuan Liu, Liyuan Mao, Ziqin Gong, Shixiong Kai, Qiang Gu, Bin Wang, Siyuan Cheng, Xinyu Wang, Jianye Hao, Yong Yu

High-quality traffic flow generation is the core module in building simulators for autonomous driving. However, the majority of available simulators are incapable of replicating traffic patterns that accurately reflect the various features of real-world data while also simulating human-like reactive responses to the tested autopilot driving strategies. Taking one step forward to addressing such a problem, we propose Realistic Interactive TrAffic flow (RITA) as an integrated component of existing driving simulators to provide high-quality traffic flow for the evaluation and optimization of the tested driving strategies. RITA is developed with consideration of three key features, i.e., fidelity, diversity, and controllability, and consists of two core modules called RITABackend and RITAKit. RITABackend is built to support vehicle-wise control and provide traffic generation models from real-world datasets, while RITAKit is developed with easy-to-use interfaces for controllable traffic generation via RITABackend. We demonstrate RITA's capacity to create diversified and high-fidelity traffic simulations in several highly interactive highway scenarios. The experimental findings demonstrate that our produced RITA traffic flows exhibit all three key features, hence enhancing the completeness of driving strategy evaluation. Moreover, we showcase the possibility for further improvement of baseline strategies through online fine-tuning with RITA traffic flows.

DSI++: Updating Transformer Memory with New Documents. (arXiv:2212.09744v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sanket Vaibhav Mehta, Jai Gupta, Yi Tay, Mostafa Dehghani, Vinh Q. Tran, Jinfeng Rao, Marc Najork, Emma Strubell, Donald Metzler

Differentiable Search Indices (DSIs) encode a corpus of documents in model parameters and use the same model to answer user queries directly. Despite the strong performance of DSI models, deploying them in situations where the corpus changes over time is computationally expensive because reindexing the corpus requires re-training the model. In this work, we introduce DSI++, a continual learning challenge for DSI to incrementally index new documents while being able to answer queries related to both previously and newly indexed documents. Across different model scales and document identifier representations, we show that continual indexing of new documents leads to considerable forgetting of previously indexed documents. We also hypothesize and verify that the model experiences forgetting events during training, leading to unstable learning. To mitigate these issues, we investigate two approaches. The first focuses on modifying the training dynamics. Flatter minima implicitly alleviate forgetting, so we optimize for flatter loss basins and show that the model stably memorizes more documents ($+12\%$). Next, we introduce a generative memory to sample pseudo-queries for documents and supplement them during continual indexing to prevent forgetting for the retrieval task. Extensive experiments on novel continual indexing benchmarks based on Natural Questions (NQ) and MS MARCO demonstrate that our proposed solution mitigates forgetting significantly. Concretely, it improves the average Hits@10 by $+21.1\%$ over competitive baselines for NQ and requires $6$ times fewer model updates compared to re-training the DSI model for incrementally indexing five corpora in a sequence.

Provably Bounding Neural Network Preimages. (arXiv:2302.01404v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Suhas Kotha, Christopher Brix, Zico Kolter, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Huan Zhang

Most work on the formal verification of neural networks has focused on bounding the set of outputs that correspond to a given set of inputs (for example, bounded perturbations of a nominal input). However, many use cases of neural network verification require solving the inverse problem, or over-approximating the set of inputs that lead to certain outputs. We present the INVPROP algorithm for verifying properties over the preimage of a linearly constrained output set, which can be combined with branch-and-bound to increase precision. Contrary to other approaches, our efficient algorithm is GPU-accelerated and does not require a linear programming solver. We demonstrate our algorithm for identifying safe control regions for a dynamical system via backward reachability analysis, verifying adversarial robustness, and detecting out-of-distribution inputs to a neural network. Our results show that in certain settings, we find over-approximations over 2500x tighter than prior work while being 2.5x faster. By strengthening robustness verification with output constraints, we consistently verify more properties than the previous state-of-the-art on multiple benchmarks, including a large model with 167k neurons in VNN-COMP 2023. Our algorithm has been incorporated into the $\alpha,\!\beta$-CROWN verifier, available at https://abcrown.org.

HyPHEN: A Hybrid Packing Method and Optimizations for Homomorphic Encryption-Based Neural Networks. (arXiv:2302.02407v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Donghwan Kim, Jaiyoung Park, Jongmin Kim, Sangpyo Kim, Jung Ho Ahn

Convolutional neural network (CNN) inference using fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) is a promising private inference (PI) solution due to the capability of FHE that enables offloading the whole computation process to the server while protecting the privacy of sensitive user data. Prior FHE-based CNN (HCNN) work has demonstrated the feasibility of constructing deep neural network architectures such as ResNet using FHE. Despite these advancements, HCNN still faces significant challenges in practicality due to the high computational and memory overhead. To overcome these limitations, we present HyPHEN, a deep HCNN construction that incorporates novel convolution algorithms (RAConv and CAConv), data packing methods (2D gap packing and PRCR scheme), and optimization techniques tailored to HCNN construction. Such enhancements enable HyPHEN to substantially reduce the memory footprint and the number of expensive homomorphic operations, such as ciphertext rotation and bootstrapping. As a result, HyPHEN brings the latency of HCNN CIFAR-10 inference down to a practical level at 1.4 seconds (ResNet-20) and demonstrates HCNN ImageNet inference for the first time at 14.7 seconds (ResNet-18).

Distortion-Disentangled Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2303.05066v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinfeng Wang, Sifan Song, Jionglong Su, S. Kevin Zhou

Self-supervised learning is well known for its remarkable performance in representation learning and various downstream computer vision tasks. Recently, Positive-pair-Only Contrastive Learning (POCL) has achieved reliable performance without the need to construct positive-negative training sets. It reduces memory requirements by lessening the dependency on the batch size. The POCL method typically uses a single loss function to extract the distortion invariant representation (DIR) which describes the proximity of positive-pair representations affected by different distortions. This loss function implicitly enables the model to filter out or ignore the distortion variant representation (DVR) affected by different distortions. However, existing POCL methods do not explicitly enforce the disentanglement and exploitation of the actually valuable DVR. In addition, these POCL methods have been observed to be sensitive to augmentation strategies. To address these limitations, we propose a novel POCL framework named Distortion-Disentangled Contrastive Learning (DDCL) and a Distortion-Disentangled Loss (DDL). Our approach is the first to explicitly disentangle and exploit the DVR inside the model and feature stream to improve the overall representation utilization efficiency, robustness and representation ability. Experiments carried out demonstrate the superiority of our framework to Barlow Twins and Simsiam in terms of convergence, representation quality, and robustness on several benchmark datasets.

Loss Minimization Yields Multicalibration for Large Neural Networks. (arXiv:2304.09424v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jarosław Błasiok, Parikshit Gopalan, Lunjia Hu, Adam Tauman Kalai, Preetum Nakkiran

Multicalibration is a notion of fairness for predictors that requires them to provide calibrated predictions across a large set of protected groups. Multicalibration is known to be a distinct goal than loss minimization, even for simple predictors such as linear functions.

In this work, we consider the setting where the protected groups can be represented by neural networks of size $k$, and the predictors are neural networks of size $n > k$. We show that minimizing the squared loss over all neural nets of size $n$ implies multicalibration for all but a bounded number of unlucky values of $n$. We also give evidence that our bound on the number of unlucky values is tight, given our proof technique. Previously, results of the flavor that loss minimization yields multicalibration were known only for predictors that were near the ground truth, hence were rather limited in applicability. Unlike these, our results rely on the expressivity of neural nets and utilize the representation of the predictor.

Towards Responsible AI in the Era of Generative AI: A Reference Architecture for Designing Foundation Model based Systems. (arXiv:2304.11090v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Xiwei Xu, Zhenchang Xing, Jon Whittle

The release of ChatGPT has drawn huge interests on foundations models. There is a broad consensus that foundations models will be the fundamental building blocks for future AI systems. However, there is a lack of systematic guidance on the architecture design. Particularly, the the rapidly growing capabilities of foundations models can eventually absorb other components of AI systems, posing challenges of moving boundary and interface evolution in architecture design. Furthermore, incorporating foundations models into AI systems raises significant concerns about responsible AI due to their opaque nature and rapidly advancing intelligence. To address these challenges, the paper first presents an architecture evolution of AI systems in the era of foundation models, transitioning from "foundation-model-as-a-connector" to "foundation-model-as-a-monolithic architecture". The paper then identifies key design decisions and proposes a pattern-oriented reference architecture for designing responsible foundation-model-based systems. The patterns can enable the potential of foundation models while minimising associated risks.

Variational Classification. (arXiv:2305.10406v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Mrinmaya Sachan, Carl Allen

We present a latent variable model for classification that provides a novel probabilistic interpretation of neural network softmax classifiers. We derive a variational objective to train the model, analogous to the evidence lower bound (ELBO) used to train variational auto-encoders, that generalises the cross-entropy loss used to train classification models. Treating inputs to the softmax layer as samples of a latent variable, our abstracted perspective reveals a potential inconsistency between their anticipated distribution, required for accurate label predictions, and the empirical distribution they follow in practice. We then devise a variational objective to mitigate such inconsistency and encourage a specified latent distribution, instead of the implicit assumption in off-the-shelf softmax classifiers. Overall, we provide new theoretical insight into the inner workings of widely-used softmax classification; and empirical evaluation on image and text classification datasets demonstrates that our proposed remedy, variational classification, maintains classification accuracy while the reshaped latent space improves other desirable classifier properties, such as calibration, adversarial robustness, robustness to distribution shift and sample efficiency useful in low data settings.

NarrativeXL: A Large-scale Dataset For Long-Term Memory Models. (arXiv:2305.13877v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Arseny Moskvichev, Ky-Vinh Mai

We propose a new large-scale (nearly a million questions) ultra-long-context (more than 50,000 words average document length) reading comprehension dataset. Using GPT 3.5, we summarized each scene in 1,500 hand-curated fiction books from Project Gutenberg, which resulted in approximately 150 scene-level summaries per book. After that, we created a number of reading comprehension questions based on these summaries, including three types of multiple-choice scene recognition questions, as well as free-form narrative reconstruction questions. With 990,595 total questions, our dataset is an order of magnitude larger than the closest alternatives. Crucially, most questions have a known ``retention demand'', indicating how long-term of a memory is needed to answer them, which should aid long-term memory performance evaluation. We validate our data in four small-scale experiments: one with human labelers, and three with existing language models. We show that our questions 1) adequately represent the source material 2) can be used to diagnose a model's memory capacity 3) are not trivial for modern language models even when the memory demand does not exceed those models' context lengths. Lastly, we provide our code which can be used to further expand the dataset with minimal human labor.

Do LLMs Understand Social Knowledge? Evaluating the Sociability of Large Language Models with SocKET Benchmark. (arXiv:2305.14938v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Minje Choi, Jiaxin Pei, Sagar Kumar, Chang Shu, David Jurgens

Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to perform well at a variety of syntactic, discourse, and reasoning tasks. While LLMs are increasingly deployed in many forms including conversational agents that interact with humans, we lack a grounded benchmark to measure how well LLMs understand \textit{social} language. Here, we introduce a new theory-driven benchmark, SocKET, that contains 58 NLP tasks testing social knowledge which we group into five categories: humor & sarcasm, offensiveness, sentiment & emotion, and trustworthiness. In tests on the benchmark, we demonstrate that current models attain only moderate performance but reveal significant potential for task transfer among different types and categories of tasks, which were predicted from theory. Through zero-shot evaluations, we show that pretrained models already possess some innate but limited capabilities of social language understanding and training on one category of tasks can improve zero-shot testing on others. Our benchmark provides a systematic way to analyze model performance on an important dimension of language and points to clear room for improvement to build more socially-aware LLMs. The associated resources are released at https://github.com/minjechoi/SOCKET.

Truncated Affinity Maximization: One-class Homophily Modeling for Graph Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2306.00006v4 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Hezhe Qiao, Guansong Pang

We reveal a one-class homophily phenomenon, which is one prevalent property we find empirically in real-world graph anomaly detection (GAD) datasets, i.e., normal nodes tend to have strong connection/affinity with each other, while the homophily in abnormal nodes is significantly weaker than normal nodes. However, this anomaly-discriminative property is ignored by existing GAD methods that are typically built using a conventional anomaly detection objective, such as data reconstruction. In this work, we explore this property to introduce a novel unsupervised anomaly scoring measure for GAD, local node affinity, that assigns a larger anomaly score to nodes that are less affiliated with their neighbors, with the affinity defined as similarity on node attributes/representations. We further propose Truncated Affinity Maximization (TAM) that learns tailored node representations for our anomaly measure by maximizing the local affinity of nodes to their neighbors. Optimizing on the original graph structure can be biased by nonhomophily edges (i.e., edges connecting normal and abnormal nodes). Thus, TAM is instead optimized on truncated graphs where non-homophily edges are removed iteratively to mitigate this bias. The learned representations result in significantly stronger local affinity for normal nodes than abnormal nodes. Extensive empirical results on 10 real-world GAD datasets show that TAM substantially outperforms seven competing models, achieving over 10% increase in AUROC/AUPRC compared to the best contenders on challenging datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/TAM-master/.

Cycle Consistency Driven Object Discovery. (arXiv:2306.02204v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Aniket Didolkar, Anirudh Goyal, Yoshua Bengio

Developing deep learning models that effectively learn object-centric representations, akin to human cognition, remains a challenging task. Existing approaches facilitate object discovery by representing objects as fixed-size vectors, called ``slots'' or ``object files''. While these approaches have shown promise in certain scenarios, they still exhibit certain limitations. First, they rely on architectural priors which can be unreliable and usually require meticulous engineering to identify the correct objects. Second, there has been a notable gap in investigating the practical utility of these representations in downstream tasks. To address the first limitation, we introduce a method that explicitly optimizes the constraint that each object in a scene should be associated with a distinct slot. We formalize this constraint by introducing consistency objectives which are cyclic in nature. By integrating these consistency objectives into various existing slot-based object-centric methods, we showcase substantial improvements in object-discovery performance. These enhancements consistently hold true across both synthetic and real-world scenes, underscoring the effectiveness and adaptability of the proposed approach. To tackle the second limitation, we apply the learned object-centric representations from the proposed method to two downstream reinforcement learning tasks, demonstrating considerable performance enhancements compared to conventional slot-based and monolithic representation learning methods. Our results suggest that the proposed approach not only improves object discovery, but also provides richer features for downstream tasks.

Causal normalizing flows: from theory to practice. (arXiv:2306.05415v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Adrián Javaloy, Pablo Sánchez-Martín, Isabel Valera

In this work, we deepen on the use of normalizing flows for causal reasoning. Specifically, we first leverage recent results on non-linear ICA to show that causal models are identifiable from observational data given a causal ordering, and thus can be recovered using autoregressive normalizing flows (NFs). Second, we analyze different design and learning choices for causal normalizing flows to capture the underlying causal data-generating process. Third, we describe how to implement the do-operator in causal NFs, and thus, how to answer interventional and counterfactual questions. Finally, in our experiments, we validate our design and training choices through a comprehensive ablation study; compare causal NFs to other approaches for approximating causal models; and empirically demonstrate that causal NFs can be used to address real-world problems, where the presence of mixed discrete-continuous data and partial knowledge on the causal graph is the norm. The code for this work can be found at https://github.com/psanch21/causal-flows.

RePaint-NeRF: NeRF Editting via Semantic Masks and Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2306.05668v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xingchen Zhou, Ying He, F. Richard Yu, Jianqiang Li, You Li

The emergence of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) has promoted the development of synthesized high-fidelity views of the intricate real world. However, it is still a very demanding task to repaint the content in NeRF. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that can take RGB images as input and alter the 3D content in neural scenes. Our work leverages existing diffusion models to guide changes in the designated 3D content. Specifically, we semantically select the target object and a pre-trained diffusion model will guide the NeRF model to generate new 3D objects, which can improve the editability, diversity, and application range of NeRF. Experiment results show that our algorithm is effective for editing 3D objects in NeRF under different text prompts, including editing appearance, shape, and more. We validate our method on both real-world datasets and synthetic-world datasets for these editing tasks. Please visit https://starstesla.github.io/repaintnerf for a better view of our results.

Max-Margin Token Selection in Attention Mechanism. (arXiv:2306.13596v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Davoud Ataee Tarzanagh, Yingcong Li, Xuechen Zhang, Samet Oymak

Attention mechanism is a central component of the transformer architecture which led to the phenomenal success of large language models. However, the theoretical principles underlying the attention mechanism are poorly understood, especially its nonconvex optimization dynamics. In this work, we explore the seminal softmax-attention model $f(\boldsymbol{X})=\langle \boldsymbol{Xv}, \texttt{softmax}(\boldsymbol{XWp})\rangle$, where $\boldsymbol{X}$ is the token sequence and $(\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{W},\boldsymbol{p})$ are trainable parameters. We prove that running gradient descent on $\boldsymbol{p}$, or equivalently $\boldsymbol{W}$, converges in direction to a max-margin solution that separates $\textit{locally-optimal}$ tokens from non-optimal ones. This clearly formalizes attention as an optimal token selection mechanism. Remarkably, our results are applicable to general data and precisely characterize $\textit{optimality}$ of tokens in terms of the value embeddings $\boldsymbol{Xv}$ and problem geometry. We also provide a broader regularization path analysis that establishes the margin maximizing nature of attention even for nonlinear prediction heads. When optimizing $\boldsymbol{v}$ and $\boldsymbol{p}$ simultaneously with logistic loss, we identify conditions under which the regularization paths directionally converge to their respective hard-margin SVM solutions where $\boldsymbol{v}$ separates the input features based on their labels. Interestingly, the SVM formulation of $\boldsymbol{p}$ is influenced by the support vector geometry of $\boldsymbol{v}$. Finally, we verify our theoretical findings via numerical experiments and provide insights.

The Distortion of Binomial Voting Defies Expectation. (arXiv:2306.15657v2 [cs.GT] UPDATED)

Authors: Yannai A. Gonczarowski, Gregory Kehne, Ariel D. Procaccia, Ben Schiffer, Shirley Zhang

In computational social choice, the distortion of a voting rule quantifies the degree to which the rule overcomes limited preference information to select a socially desirable outcome. This concept has been investigated extensively, but only through a worst-case lens. Instead, we study the expected distortion of voting rules with respect to an underlying distribution over voter utilities. Our main contribution is the design and analysis of a novel and intuitive rule, binomial voting, which provides strong distribution-independent guarantees for both expected distortion and expected welfare.

On the Trustworthiness Landscape of State-of-the-art Generative Models: A Survey and Outlook. (arXiv:2307.16680v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingyuan Fan, Chengyu Wang, Cen Chen, Yang Liu, Jun Huang

Diffusion models and large language models have emerged as leading-edge generative models, revolutionizing various aspects of human life. However, the practical implementations of these models have also exposed inherent risks, bringing to the forefront their evil sides and sparking concerns regarding their trustworthiness. Despite the wealth of literature on this subject, a comprehensive survey specifically delving into the intersection of large-scale generative models and their trustworthiness remains largely absent. To bridge this gap, this paper investigates both the long-standing and emerging threats associated with these models across four fundamental dimensions: 1) privacy, 2) security, 3) fairness, and 4) responsibility. Based on the investigation results, we develop an extensive map outlining the trustworthiness of large generative models. After that, we provide practical recommendations and potential research directions for future secure applications equipped with large generative models, ultimately promoting the trustworthiness of the models and benefiting the society as a whole.

Dynamic Open Vocabulary Enhanced Safe-landing with Intelligence (DOVESEI). (arXiv:2308.11471v4 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Haechan Mark Bong, Rongge Zhang, Ricardo de Azambuja, Giovanni Beltrame

This work targets what we consider to be the foundational step for urban airborne robots, a safe landing. Our attention is directed toward what we deem the most crucial aspect of the safe landing perception stack: segmentation. We present a streamlined reactive UAV system that employs visual servoing by harnessing the capabilities of open vocabulary image segmentation. This approach can adapt to various scenarios with minimal adjustments, bypassing the necessity for extensive data accumulation for refining internal models, thanks to its open vocabulary methodology. Given the limitations imposed by local authorities, our primary focus centers on operations originating from altitudes of 100 meters. This choice is deliberate, as numerous preceding works have dealt with altitudes up to 30 meters, aligning with the capabilities of small stereo cameras. Consequently, we leave the remaining 20m to be navigated using conventional 3D path planning methods. Utilizing monocular cameras and image segmentation, our findings demonstrate the system's capability to successfully execute landing maneuvers at altitudes as low as 20 meters. However, this approach is vulnerable to intermittent and occasionally abrupt fluctuations in the segmentation between frames in a video stream. To address this challenge, we enhance the image segmentation output by introducing what we call a dynamic focus: a masking mechanism that self adjusts according to the current landing stage. This dynamic focus guides the control system to avoid regions beyond the drone's safety radius projected onto the ground, thus mitigating the problems with fluctuations. Through the implementation of this supplementary layer, our experiments have reached improvements in the landing success rate of almost tenfold when compared to global segmentation. All the source code is open source and available online (github.com/MISTLab/DOVESEI).

Temporal Inductive Path Neural Network for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning. (arXiv:2309.03251v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Dong, Pengyang Wang, Meng Xiao, Zhiyuan Ning, Pengfei Wang, Yuanchun Zhou

Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) is an extension of traditional Knowledge Graph (KG) that incorporates the dimension of time. Reasoning on TKGs is a crucial task that aims to predict future facts based on historical occurrences. The key challenge lies in uncovering structural dependencies within historical subgraphs and temporal patterns. Most existing approaches model TKGs relying on entity modeling, as nodes in the graph play a crucial role in knowledge representation. However, the real-world scenario often involves an extensive number of entities, with new entities emerging over time. This makes it challenging for entity-dependent methods to cope with extensive volumes of entities, and effectively handling newly emerging entities also becomes a significant challenge. Therefore, we propose Temporal Inductive Path Neural Network (TiPNN), which models historical information in an entity-independent perspective. Specifically, TiPNN adopts a unified graph, namely history temporal graph, to comprehensively capture and encapsulate information from history. Subsequently, we utilize the defined query-aware temporal paths to model historical path information related to queries on history temporal graph for the reasoning. Extensive experiments illustrate that the proposed model not only attains significant performance enhancements but also handles inductive settings, while additionally facilitating the provision of reasoning evidence through history temporal graphs.

FIND: A Function Description Benchmark for Evaluating Interpretability Methods. (arXiv:2309.03886v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sarah Schwettmann, Tamar Rott Shaham, Joanna Materzynska, Neil Chowdhury, Shuang Li, Jacob Andreas, David Bau, Antonio Torralba

Labeling neural network submodules with human-legible descriptions is useful for many downstream tasks: such descriptions can surface failures, guide interventions, and perhaps even explain important model behaviors. To date, most mechanistic descriptions of trained networks have involved small models, narrowly delimited phenomena, and large amounts of human labor. Labeling all human-interpretable sub-computations in models of increasing size and complexity will almost certainly require tools that can generate and validate descriptions automatically. Recently, techniques that use learned models in-the-loop for labeling have begun to gain traction, but methods for evaluating their efficacy are limited and ad-hoc. How should we validate and compare open-ended labeling tools? This paper introduces FIND (Function INterpretation and Description), a benchmark suite for evaluating the building blocks of automated interpretability methods. FIND contains functions that resemble components of trained neural networks, and accompanying descriptions of the kind we seek to generate. The functions span textual and numeric domains, and involve a range of real-world complexities. We evaluate methods that use pretrained language models (LMs) to produce descriptions of function behavior in natural language and code. Additionally, we introduce a new interactive method in which an Automated Interpretability Agent (AIA) generates function descriptions. We find that an AIA, built from an LM with black-box access to functions, can infer function structure, acting as a scientist by forming hypotheses, proposing experiments, and updating descriptions in light of new data. However, AIA descriptions tend to capture global function behavior and miss local details. These results suggest that FIND will be useful for evaluating more sophisticated interpretability methods before they are applied to real-world models.

Defending Against Alignment-Breaking Attacks via Robustly Aligned LLM. (arXiv:2309.14348v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Bochuan Cao, Yuanpu Cao, Lu Lin, Jinghui Chen

Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant advancements and are now widely used across various domains. Unfortunately, there has been a rising concern that LLMs can be misused to generate harmful or malicious content. Though a line of research has focused on aligning LLMs with human values and preventing them from producing inappropriate content, such alignments are usually vulnerable and can be bypassed by alignment-breaking attacks via adversarially optimized or handcrafted jailbreaking prompts. In this work, we introduce a Robustly Aligned LLM (RA-LLM) to defend against potential alignment-breaking attacks. RA-LLM can be directly constructed upon an existing aligned LLM with a robust alignment checking function, without requiring any expensive retraining or fine-tuning process of the original LLM. Furthermore, we also provide a theoretical analysis for RA-LLM to verify its effectiveness in defending against alignment-breaking attacks. Through real-world experiments on open-source large language models, we demonstrate that RA-LLM can successfully defend against both state-of-the-art adversarial prompts and popular handcrafted jailbreaking prompts by reducing their attack success rates from nearly 100% to around 10% or less.

Depthwise Hyperparameter Transfer in Residual Networks: Dynamics and Scaling Limit. (arXiv:2309.16620v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Blake Bordelon, Lorenzo Noci, Mufan Bill Li, Boris Hanin, Cengiz Pehlevan

The cost of hyperparameter tuning in deep learning has been rising with model sizes, prompting practitioners to find new tuning methods using a proxy of smaller networks. One such proposal uses $\mu$P parameterized networks, where the optimal hyperparameters for small width networks transfer to networks with arbitrarily large width. However, in this scheme, hyperparameters do not transfer across depths. As a remedy, we study residual networks with a residual branch scale of $1/\sqrt{\text{depth}}$ in combination with the $\mu$P parameterization. We provide experiments demonstrating that residual architectures including convolutional ResNets and Vision Transformers trained with this parameterization exhibit transfer of optimal hyperparameters across width and depth on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. Furthermore, our empirical findings are supported and motivated by theory. Using recent developments in the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) description of neural network learning dynamics, we show that this parameterization of ResNets admits a well-defined feature learning joint infinite-width and infinite-depth limit and show convergence of finite-size network dynamics towards this limit.

SmartPlay: A Benchmark for LLMs as Intelligent Agents. (arXiv:2310.01557v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yue Wu, Xuan Tang, Tom M. Mitchell, Yuanzhi Li

Recent large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated great potential toward intelligent agents and next-gen automation, but there currently lacks a systematic benchmark for evaluating LLMs' abilities as agents. We introduce SmartPlay: both a challenging benchmark and a methodology for evaluating LLMs as agents. SmartPlay consists of 6 different games, including Rock-Paper-Scissors, Tower of Hanoi, Minecraft. Each game features a unique setting, providing up to 20 evaluation settings and infinite environment variations. Each game in SmartPlay uniquely challenges a subset of 9 important capabilities of an intelligent LLM agent, including reasoning with object dependencies, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, learning from history, and understanding randomness. The distinction between the set of capabilities each game test allows us to analyze each capability separately. SmartPlay serves not only as a rigorous testing ground for evaluating the overall performance of LLM agents but also as a road-map for identifying gaps in current methodologies. We release our benchmark at github.com/microsoft/SmartPlay

Non-Smooth Weakly-Convex Finite-sum Coupled Compositional Optimization. (arXiv:2310.03234v3 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Quanqi Hu, Dixian Zhu, Tianbao Yang

This paper investigates new families of compositional optimization problems, called $\underline{\bf n}$on-$\underline{\bf s}$mooth $\underline{\bf w}$eakly-$\underline{\bf c}$onvex $\underline{\bf f}$inite-sum $\underline{\bf c}$oupled $\underline{\bf c}$ompositional $\underline{\bf o}$ptimization (NSWC FCCO). There has been a growing interest in FCCO due to its wide-ranging applications in machine learning and AI, as well as its ability to address the shortcomings of stochastic algorithms based on empirical risk minimization. However, current research on FCCO presumes that both the inner and outer functions are smooth, limiting their potential to tackle a more diverse set of problems. Our research expands on this area by examining non-smooth weakly-convex FCCO, where the outer function is weakly convex and non-decreasing, and the inner function is weakly-convex. We analyze a single-loop algorithm and establish its complexity for finding an $\epsilon$-stationary point of the Moreau envelop of the objective function. Additionally, we also extend the algorithm to solving novel non-smooth weakly-convex tri-level finite-sum coupled compositional optimization problems, which feature a nested arrangement of three functions. Lastly, we explore the applications of our algorithms in deep learning for two-way partial AUC maximization and multi-instance two-way partial AUC maximization, using empirical studies to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Balancing utility and cognitive cost in social representation. (arXiv:2310.04852v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Max Taylor-Davies, Christopher G. Lucas

To successfully navigate its environment, an agent must construct and maintain representations of the other agents that it encounters. Such representations are useful for many tasks, but they are not without cost. As a result, agents must make decisions regarding how much information they choose to store about the agents in their environment. Using selective social learning as an example task, we motivate the problem of finding agent representations that optimally trade off between downstream utility and information cost, and illustrate two example approaches to resource-constrained social representation.

Predictive auxiliary objectives in deep RL mimic learning in the brain. (arXiv:2310.06089v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Ching Fang, Kimberly L Stachenfeld

The ability to predict upcoming events has been hypothesized to comprise a key aspect of natural and machine cognition. This is supported by trends in deep reinforcement learning (RL), where self-supervised auxiliary objectives such as prediction are widely used to support representation learning and improve task performance. Here, we study the effects predictive auxiliary objectives have on representation learning across different modules of an RL system and how these mimic representational changes observed in the brain. We find that predictive objectives improve and stabilize learning particularly in resource-limited architectures, and we identify settings where longer predictive horizons better support representational transfer. Furthermore, we find that representational changes in this RL system bear a striking resemblance to changes in neural activity observed in the brain across various experiments. Specifically, we draw a connection between the auxiliary predictive model of the RL system and hippocampus, an area thought to learn a predictive model to support memory-guided behavior. We also connect the encoder network and the value learning network of the RL system to visual cortex and striatum in the brain, respectively. This work demonstrates how representation learning in deep RL systems can provide an interpretable framework for modeling multi-region interactions in the brain. The deep RL perspective taken here also suggests an additional role of the hippocampus in the brain -- that of an auxiliary learning system that benefits representation learning in other regions.

Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback. (arXiv:2310.13032v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Herbie Bradley, Andrew Dai, Hannah Teufel, Jenny Zhang, Koen Oostermeijer, Marco Bellagente, Jeff Clune, Kenneth Stanley, Grégory Schott, Joel Lehman

In many text-generation problems, users may prefer not only a single response, but a diverse range of high-quality outputs from which to choose. Quality-diversity (QD) search algorithms aim at such outcomes, by continually improving and diversifying a population of candidates. However, the applicability of QD to qualitative domains, like creative writing, has been limited by the difficulty of algorithmically specifying measures of quality and diversity. Interestingly, recent developments in language models (LMs) have enabled guiding search through AI feedback, wherein LMs are prompted in natural language to evaluate qualitative aspects of text. Leveraging this development, we introduce Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback (QDAIF), wherein an evolutionary algorithm applies LMs to both generate variation and evaluate the quality and diversity of candidate text. When assessed on creative writing domains, QDAIF covers more of a specified search space with high-quality samples than do non-QD controls. Further, human evaluation of QDAIF-generated creative texts validates reasonable agreement between AI and human evaluation. Our results thus highlight the potential of AI feedback to guide open-ended search for creative and original solutions, providing a recipe that seemingly generalizes to many domains and modalities. In this way, QDAIF is a step towards AI systems that can independently search, diversify, evaluate, and improve, which are among the core skills underlying human society's capacity for innovation.

Sketching Multidimensional Time Series for Fast Discord Mining. (arXiv:2311.03393v3 [cs.DB] UPDATED)

Authors: Chin-Chia Michael Yeh, Yan Zheng, Menghai Pan, Huiyuan Chen, Zhongfang Zhuang, Junpeng Wang, Liang Wang, Wei Zhang, Jeff M. Phillips, Eamonn Keogh

Time series discords are a useful primitive for time series anomaly detection, and the matrix profile is capable of capturing discord effectively. There exist many research efforts to improve the scalability of discord discovery with respect to the length of time series. However, there is surprisingly little work focused on reducing the time complexity of matrix profile computation associated with dimensionality of a multidimensional time series. In this work, we propose a sketch for discord mining among multi-dimensional time series. After an initial pre-processing of the sketch as fast as reading the data, the discord mining has runtime independent of the dimensionality of the original data. On several real world examples from water treatment and transportation, the proposed algorithm improves the throughput by at least an order of magnitude (50X) and only has minimal impact on the quality of the approximated solution. Additionally, the proposed method can handle the dynamic addition or deletion of dimensions inconsequential overhead. This allows a data analyst to consider "what-if" scenarios in real time while exploring the data.

The Impact of Large Language Models on Scientific Discovery: a Preliminary Study using GPT-4. (arXiv:2311.07361v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Microsoft Research AI4Science, Microsoft Azure Quantum

In recent years, groundbreaking advancements in natural language processing have culminated in the emergence of powerful large language models (LLMs), which have showcased remarkable capabilities across a vast array of domains, including the understanding, generation, and translation of natural language, and even tasks that extend beyond language processing. In this report, we delve into the performance of LLMs within the context of scientific discovery, focusing on GPT-4, the state-of-the-art language model. Our investigation spans a diverse range of scientific areas encompassing drug discovery, biology, computational chemistry (density functional theory (DFT) and molecular dynamics (MD)), materials design, and partial differential equations (PDE). Evaluating GPT-4 on scientific tasks is crucial for uncovering its potential across various research domains, validating its domain-specific expertise, accelerating scientific progress, optimizing resource allocation, guiding future model development, and fostering interdisciplinary research. Our exploration methodology primarily consists of expert-driven case assessments, which offer qualitative insights into the model's comprehension of intricate scientific concepts and relationships, and occasionally benchmark testing, which quantitatively evaluates the model's capacity to solve well-defined domain-specific problems. Our preliminary exploration indicates that GPT-4 exhibits promising potential for a variety of scientific applications, demonstrating its aptitude for handling complex problem-solving and knowledge integration tasks. Broadly speaking, we evaluate GPT-4's knowledge base, scientific understanding, scientific numerical calculation abilities, and various scientific prediction capabilities.

Guided Flows for Generative Modeling and Decision Making. (arXiv:2311.13443v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinqing Zheng, Matt Le, Neta Shaul, Yaron Lipman, Aditya Grover, Ricky T. Q. Chen

Classifier-free guidance is a key component for enhancing the performance of conditional generative models across diverse tasks. While it has previously demonstrated remarkable improvements for the sample quality, it has only been exclusively employed for diffusion models. In this paper, we integrate classifier-free guidance into Flow Matching (FM) models, an alternative simulation-free approach that trains Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNFs) based on regressing vector fields. We explore the usage of \emph{Guided Flows} for a variety of downstream applications. We show that Guided Flows significantly improves the sample quality in conditional image generation and zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, boasting state-of-the-art performance. Notably, we are the first to apply flow models for plan generation in the offline reinforcement learning setting, showcasing a 10x speedup in computation compared to diffusion models while maintaining comparable performance.

LM-Cocktail: Resilient Tuning of Language Models via Model Merging. (arXiv:2311.13534v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shitao Xiao, Zheng Liu, Peitian Zhang, Xingrun Xing

The pre-trained language models are continually fine-tuned to better support downstream applications. However, this operation may result in significant performance degeneration on general tasks beyond the targeted domain. To overcome this problem, we propose LM-Cocktail which enables the fine-tuned model to stay resilient in general perspectives. Our method is conducted in the form of model merging, where the fine-tuned language model is merged with the pre-trained base model or the peer models from other domains through weighted average. Despite simplicity, LM-Cocktail is surprisingly effective: the resulted model is able to achieve a strong empirical performance in the whole scope of general tasks while preserving a superior capacity in its targeted domain. We conduct comprehensive experiments with LLama and BGE model on popular benchmarks, including FLAN, MMLU, MTEB, whose results validate the efficacy of our proposed method. The code and checkpoints are available at https://github.com/FlagOpen/FlagEmbedding/tree/master/LM_Cocktail.

Neural Crystals. (arXiv:2311.16111v2 [q-bio.NC] UPDATED)

Authors: Sofia Karamintziou, Thanassis Mavropoulos, Dimos Ntioudis, Georgios Meditskos, Stefanos Vrochidis, Ioannis (Yiannis) Kompatsiaris

We face up to the challenge of explainability in Multimodal Artificial Intelligence (MMAI). At the nexus of neuroscience-inspired and quantum computing, interpretable and transparent spin-geometrical neural architectures for early fusion of large-scale, heterogeneous, graph-structured data are envisioned, harnessing recent evidence for relativistic quantum neural coding of (co-)behavioral states in the self-organizing brain, under competitive, multidimensional dynamics. The designs draw on a self-dual classical description - via special Clifford-Lipschitz operations - of spinorial quantum states within registers of at most 16 qubits for efficient encoding of exponentially large neural structures. Formally 'trained', Lorentz neural architectures with precisely one lateral layer of exclusively inhibitory interneurons accounting for anti-modalities, as well as their co-architectures with intra-layer connections are highlighted. The approach accommodates the fusion of up to 16 time-invariant interconnected (anti-)modalities and the crystallization of latent multidimensional patterns. Comprehensive insights are expected to be gained through applications to Multimodal Big Data, under diverse real-world scenarios.

DyRA: Dynamic Resolution Adjustment for Scale-robust Object Detection. (arXiv:2311.17098v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Daeun Seo, Hoeseok Yang, Hyungshin Kim

In object detection, achieving constant accuracy is challenging due to the variability of object sizes. One possible solution to this problem is to optimize the input resolution, known as a multi-resolution strategy. Previous approaches for optimizing resolution are often based on pre-defined resolutions or a dynamic neural network, but there is a lack of study for run-time resolution optimization for existing architecture. In this paper, we propose an adaptive resolution scaling network called DyRA, which comprises convolutions and transformer encoder blocks, for existing detectors. Our DyRA returns a scale factor from an input image, which enables instance-specific scaling. This network is jointly trained with detectors with specially designed loss functions, namely ParetoScaleLoss and BalanceLoss. The ParetoScaleLoss produces an adaptive scale factor from the image, while the BalanceLoss optimizes the scale factor according to localization power for the dataset. The loss function is designed to minimize accuracy drop about the contrasting objective of small and large objects. Our experiments on COCO, RetinaNet, Faster-RCNN, FCOS, and Mask-RCNN achieved 1.3%, 1.1%, 1.3%, and 0.8% accuracy improvement than a multi-resolution baseline with solely resolution adjustment. The code is available at https://github.com/DaEunFullGrace/DyRA.git.

Skilful Precipitation Nowcasting Using NowcastNet. (arXiv:2311.17961v2 [physics.ao-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Ajitabh Kumar

Designing early warning system for precipitation requires accurate short-term forecasting system. Climate change has led to an increase in frequency of extreme weather events, and hence such systems can prevent disasters and loss of life. Managing such events remain a challenge for both public and private institutions. Precipitation nowcasting can help relevant institutions to better prepare for such events as they impact agriculture, transport, public health and safety, etc. Physics-based numerical weather prediction (NWP) is unable to perform well for nowcasting because of large computational turn-around time. Deep-learning based models on the other hand are able to give predictions within seconds. We use recently proposed NowcastNet, a physics-conditioned deep generative network, to forecast precipitation for different regions of Europe using satellite images. Both spatial and temporal transfer learning is done by forecasting for the unseen regions and year. Model makes realistic predictions and is able to outperform baseline for such a prediction task.

Sparse Beats Dense: Rethinking Supervision in Radar-Camera Depth Completion. (arXiv:2312.00844v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Huadong Li, Minhao Jing, Jiajun Liang, Haoqiang Fan, Renhe Ji

It is widely believed that the dense supervision is better than the sparse supervision in the field of depth completion, but the underlying reasons for this are rarely discussed. In this paper, we find that the challenge of using sparse supervision for training Radar-Camera depth prediction models is the Projection Transformation Collapse (PTC). The PTC implies that sparse supervision leads the model to learn unexpected collapsed projection transformations between Image/Radar/LiDAR spaces. Building on this insight, we propose a novel ``Disruption-Compensation" framework to handle the PTC, thereby relighting the use of sparse supervision in depth completion tasks. The disruption part deliberately discards position correspondences among Image/Radar/LiDAR, while the compensation part leverages 3D spatial and 2D semantic information to compensate for the discarded beneficial position correspondence. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our framework (sparse supervision) outperforms the state-of-the-art (dense supervision) with 11.6$\%$ improvement in mean absolute error and $1.6 \times$ speedup. The code is available at ...

DeepCache: Accelerating Diffusion Models for Free. (arXiv:2312.00858v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyin Ma, Gongfan Fang, Xinchao Wang

Diffusion models have recently gained unprecedented attention in the field of image synthesis due to their remarkable generative capabilities. Notwithstanding their prowess, these models often incur substantial computational costs, primarily attributed to the sequential denoising process and cumbersome model size. Traditional methods for compressing diffusion models typically involve extensive retraining, presenting cost and feasibility challenges. In this paper, we introduce DeepCache, a novel training-free paradigm that accelerates diffusion models from the perspective of model architecture. DeepCache capitalizes on the inherent temporal redundancy observed in the sequential denoising steps of diffusion models, which caches and retrieves features across adjacent denoising stages, thereby curtailing redundant computations. Utilizing the property of the U-Net, we reuse the high-level features while updating the low-level features in a very cheap way. This innovative strategy, in turn, enables a speedup factor of 2.3$\times$ for Stable Diffusion v1.5 with only a 0.05 decline in CLIP Score, and 4.1$\times$ for LDM-4-G with a slight decrease of 0.22 in FID on ImageNet. Our experiments also demonstrate DeepCache's superiority over existing pruning and distillation methods that necessitate retraining and its compatibility with current sampling techniques. Furthermore, we find that under the same throughput, DeepCache effectively achieves comparable or even marginally improved results with DDIM or PLMS. The code is available at https://github.com/horseee/DeepCache

Spectral Temporal Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.00966v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sacha Morin, Somjit Nath, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, Guy Wolf

Learning useful data representations without requiring labels is a cornerstone of modern deep learning. Self-supervised learning methods, particularly contrastive learning (CL), have proven successful by leveraging data augmentations to define positive pairs. This success has prompted a number of theoretical studies to better understand CL and investigate theoretical bounds for downstream linear probing tasks. This work is concerned with the temporal contrastive learning (TCL) setting where the sequential structure of the data is used instead to define positive pairs, which is more commonly used in RL and robotics contexts. In this paper, we adapt recent work on Spectral CL to formulate Spectral Temporal Contrastive Learning (STCL). We discuss a population loss based on a state graph derived from a time-homogeneous reversible Markov chain with uniform stationary distribution. The STCL loss enables to connect the linear probing performance to the spectral properties of the graph, and can be estimated by considering previously observed data sequences as an ensemble of MCMC chains.

Towards General Purpose Vision Foundation Models for Medical Image Analysis: An Experimental Study of DINOv2 on Radiology Benchmarks. (arXiv:2312.02366v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohammed Baharoon, Waseem Qureshi, Jiahong Ouyang, Yanwu Xu, Abdulrhman Aljouie, Wei Peng

The integration of deep learning systems into the medical domain has been hindered by the resource-intensive process of data annotation and the inability of these systems to generalize to different data distributions. Foundation models, which are models pre-trained on large datasets, have emerged as a solution to reduce reliance on annotated data and enhance model generalizability and robustness. DINOv2, an open-source foundation model pre-trained with self-supervised learning on 142 million curated natural images, excels in extracting general-purpose visual representations, exhibiting promising capabilities across various vision tasks. Nevertheless, a critical question remains unanswered regarding DINOv2's adaptability to radiological imaging, and the clarity on whether its features are sufficiently general to benefit radiology image analysis is yet to be established. Therefore, this study comprehensively evaluates DINOv2 for radiology, conducting over 100 experiments across diverse modalities (X-ray, CT, and MRI). Tasks include disease classification and organ segmentation on both 2D and 3D images, evaluated under different settings like kNN, few-shot learning, linear-probing, end-to-end fine-tuning, and parameter-efficient fine-tuning, to measure the effectiveness and generalizability of the DINOv2 feature embeddings. Comparative analyses with established medical image analysis models, U-Net and TransUnet for segmentation, and CNN and ViT models pre-trained via supervised, weakly supervised, and self-supervised learning for classification, reveal DINOv2's superior performance in segmentation tasks and competitive results in disease classification. The findings contribute insights to potential avenues for optimizing pre-training strategies for medical imaging and enhancing the broader understanding of DINOv2's role in bridging the gap between natural and radiological image analysis.

Learning Curricula in Open-Ended Worlds. (arXiv:2312.03126v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Minqi Jiang

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) provides powerful methods for training optimal sequential decision-making agents. As collecting real-world interactions can entail additional costs and safety risks, the common paradigm of sim2real conducts training in a simulator, followed by real-world deployment. Unfortunately, RL agents easily overfit to the choice of simulated training environments, and worse still, learning ends when the agent masters the specific set of simulated environments. In contrast, the real world is highly open-ended, featuring endlessly evolving environments and challenges, making such RL approaches unsuitable. Simply randomizing over simulated environments is insufficient, as it requires making arbitrary distributional assumptions and can be combinatorially less likely to sample specific environment instances that are useful for learning. An ideal learning process should automatically adapt the training environment to maximize the learning potential of the agent over an open-ended task space that matches or surpasses the complexity of the real world. This thesis develops a class of methods called Unsupervised Environment Design (UED), which aim to produce such open-ended processes. Given an environment design space, UED automatically generates an infinite sequence or curriculum of training environments at the frontier of the learning agent's capabilities. Through extensive empirical studies and theoretical arguments founded on minimax-regret decision theory and game theory, the findings in this thesis show that UED autocurricula can produce RL agents exhibiting significantly improved robustness and generalization to previously unseen environment instances. Such autocurricula are promising paths toward open-ended learning systems that achieve more general intelligence by continually generating and mastering additional challenges of their own design.

Exploring the Robustness of Model-Graded Evaluations and Automated Interpretability. (arXiv:2312.03721v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Lermen, Ondřej Kvapil

There has been increasing interest in evaluations of language models for a variety of risks and characteristics. Evaluations relying on natural language understanding for grading can often be performed at scale by using other language models. We test the robustness of these model-graded evaluations to injections on different datasets including a new Deception Eval. These injections resemble direct communication between the testee and the evaluator to change their grading. We extrapolate that future, more intelligent models might manipulate or cooperate with their evaluation model. We find significant susceptibility to these injections in state-of-the-art commercial models on all examined evaluations. Furthermore, similar injections can be used on automated interpretability frameworks to produce misleading model-written explanations. The results inspire future work and should caution against unqualified trust in evaluations and automated interpretability.

Methods to Estimate Large Language Model Confidence. (arXiv:2312.03733v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Maia Kotelanski, Robert Gallo, Ashwin Nayak, Thomas Savage

Large Language Models have difficulty communicating uncertainty, which is a significant obstacle to applying LLMs to complex medical tasks. This study evaluates methods to measure LLM confidence when suggesting a diagnosis for challenging clinical vignettes. GPT4 was asked a series of challenging case questions using Chain of Thought and Self Consistency prompting. Multiple methods were investigated to assess model confidence and evaluated on their ability to predict the models observed accuracy. The methods evaluated were Intrinsic Confidence, SC Agreement Frequency and CoT Response Length. SC Agreement Frequency correlated with observed accuracy, yielding a higher Area under the Receiver Operating Characteristic Curve compared to Intrinsic Confidence and CoT Length analysis. SC agreement is the most useful proxy for model confidence, especially for medical diagnosis. Model Intrinsic Confidence and CoT Response Length exhibit a weaker ability to differentiate between correct and incorrect answers, preventing them from being reliable and interpretable markers for model confidence. We conclude GPT4 has a limited ability to assess its own diagnostic accuracy. SC Agreement Frequency is the most useful method to measure GPT4 confidence.

Chain of Code: Reasoning with a Language Model-Augmented Code Emulator. (arXiv:2312.04474v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Chengshu Li, Jacky Liang, Andy Zeng, Xinyun Chen, Karol Hausman, Dorsa Sadigh, Sergey Levine, Li Fei-Fei, Fei Xia, Brian Ichter

Code provides a general syntactic structure to build complex programs and perform precise computations when paired with a code interpreter - we hypothesize that language models (LMs) can leverage code-writing to improve Chain of Thought reasoning not only for logic and arithmetic tasks, but also for semantic ones (and in particular, those that are a mix of both). For example, consider prompting an LM to write code that counts the number of times it detects sarcasm in an essay: the LM may struggle to write an implementation for "detect_sarcasm(string)" that can be executed by the interpreter (handling the edge cases would be insurmountable). However, LMs may still produce a valid solution if they not only write code, but also selectively "emulate" the interpreter by generating the expected output of "detect_sarcasm(string)" and other lines of code that cannot be executed. In this work, we propose Chain of Code (CoC), a simple yet surprisingly effective extension that improves LM code-driven reasoning. The key idea is to encourage LMs to format semantic sub-tasks in a program as flexible pseudocode that the interpreter can explicitly catch undefined behaviors and hand off to simulate with an LM (as an "LMulator"). Experiments demonstrate that Chain of Code outperforms Chain of Thought and other baselines across a variety of benchmarks; on BIG-Bench Hard, Chain of Code achieves 84%, a gain of 12% over Chain of Thought. CoC scales well with large and small models alike, and broadens the scope of reasoning questions that LMs can correctly answer by "thinking in code". Project webpage: https://chain-of-code.github.io.