Differentiable Visual Computing for Inverse Problems and Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.04574v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andrew Spielberg, Fangcheng Zhong, Konstantinos Rematas, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Cengiz Oztireli, Tzu-Mao Li, Derek Nowrouzezahrai

Originally designed for applications in computer graphics, visual computing (VC) methods synthesize information about physical and virtual worlds, using prescribed algorithms optimized for spatial computing. VC is used to analyze geometry, physically simulate solids, fluids, and other media, and render the world via optical techniques. These fine-tuned computations that operate explicitly on a given input solve so-called forward problems, VC excels at. By contrast, deep learning (DL) allows for the construction of general algorithmic models, side stepping the need for a purely first principles-based approach to problem solving. DL is powered by highly parameterized neural network architectures -- universal function approximators -- and gradient-based search algorithms which can efficiently search that large parameter space for optimal models. This approach is predicated by neural network differentiability, the requirement that analytic derivatives of a given problem's task metric can be computed with respect to neural network's parameters. Neural networks excel when an explicit model is not known, and neural network training solves an inverse problem in which a model is computed from data.

The Open Review-Based (ORB) dataset: Towards Automatic Assessment of Scientific Papers and Experiment Proposals in High-Energy Physics. (arXiv:2312.04576v1 [cs.DL])

Authors: Jaroslaw Szumega, Lamine Bougueroua, Blerina Gkotse, Pierre Jouvelot, Federico Ravotti

With the Open Science approach becoming important for research, the evolution towards open scientific-paper reviews is making an impact on the scientific community. However, there is a lack of publicly available resources for conducting research activities related to this subject, as only a limited number of journals and conferences currently allow access to their review process for interested parties. In this paper, we introduce the new comprehensive Open Review-Based dataset (ORB); it includes a curated list of more than 36,000 scientific papers with their more than 89,000 reviews and final decisions. We gather this information from two sources: the OpenReview.net and SciPost.org websites. However, given the volatile nature of this domain, the software infrastructure that we introduce to supplement the ORB dataset is designed to accommodate additional resources in the future. The ORB deliverables include (1) Python code (interfaces and implementations) to translate document data and metadata into a structured and high-level representation, (2) an ETL process (Extract, Transform, Load) to facilitate the automatic updates from defined sources and (3) data files representing the structured data. The paper presents our data architecture and an overview of the collected data along with relevant statistics. For illustration purposes, we also discuss preliminary Natural-Language-Processing-based experiments that aim to predict (1) papers' acceptance based on their textual embeddings, and (2) grading statistics inferred from embeddings as well. We believe ORB provides a valuable resource for researchers interested in open science and review, with our implementation easing the use of this data for further analysis and experimentation. We plan to update ORB as the field matures as well as introduce new resources even more fitted to dedicated scientific domains such as High-Energy Physics.

Towards a Psychological Generalist AI: A Survey of Current Applications of Large Language Models and Future Prospects. (arXiv:2312.04578v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Tianyu He, Guanghui Fu, Yijing Yu, Fan Wang, Jianqiang Li, Qing Zhao, Changwei Song, Hongzhi Qi, Dan Luo, Huijing Zou, Bing Xiang Yang

The complexity of psychological principles underscore a significant societal challenge, given the vast social implications of psychological problems. Bridging the gap between understanding these principles and their actual clinical and real-world applications demands rigorous exploration and adept implementation. In recent times, the swift advancement of highly adaptive and reusable artificial intelligence (AI) models has emerged as a promising way to unlock unprecedented capabilities in the realm of psychology. This paper emphasizes the importance of performance validation for these large-scale AI models, emphasizing the need to offer a comprehensive assessment of their verification from diverse perspectives. Moreover, we review the cutting-edge advancements and practical implementations of these expansive models in psychology, highlighting pivotal work spanning areas such as social media analytics, clinical nursing insights, vigilant community monitoring, and the nuanced exploration of psychological theories. Based on our review, we project an acceleration in the progress of psychological fields, driven by these large-scale AI models. These future generalist AI models harbor the potential to substantially curtail labor costs and alleviate social stress. However, this forward momentum will not be without its set of challenges, especially when considering the paradigm changes and upgrades required for medical instrumentation and related applications.

Towards Sample-specific Backdoor Attack with Clean Labels via Attribute Trigger. (arXiv:2312.04584v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yiming Li, Mingyan Zhu, Junfeng Guo, Tao Wei, Shu-Tao Xia, Zhan Qin

Currently, sample-specific backdoor attacks (SSBAs) are the most advanced and malicious methods since they can easily circumvent most of the current backdoor defenses. In this paper, we reveal that SSBAs are not sufficiently stealthy due to their poisoned-label nature, where users can discover anomalies if they check the image-label relationship. In particular, we demonstrate that it is ineffective to directly generalize existing SSBAs to their clean-label variants by poisoning samples solely from the target class. We reveal that it is primarily due to two reasons, including \textbf{(1)} the `antagonistic effects' of ground-truth features and \textbf{(2)} the learning difficulty of sample-specific features. Accordingly, trigger-related features of existing SSBAs cannot be effectively learned under the clean-label setting due to their mild trigger intensity required for ensuring stealthiness. We argue that the intensity constraint of existing SSBAs is mostly because their trigger patterns are `content-irrelevant' and therefore act as `noises' for both humans and DNNs. Motivated by this understanding, we propose to exploit content-relevant features, $a.k.a.$ (human-relied) attributes, as the trigger patterns to design clean-label SSBAs. This new attack paradigm is dubbed backdoor attack with attribute trigger (BAAT). Extensive experiments are conducted on benchmark datasets, which verify the effectiveness of our BAAT and its resistance to existing defenses.

FedBayes: A Zero-Trust Federated Learning Aggregation to Defend Against Adversarial Attacks. (arXiv:2312.04587v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Marc Vucovich, Devin Quinn, Kevin Choi, Christopher Redino, Abdul Rahman, Edward Bowen

Federated learning has created a decentralized method to train a machine learning model without needing direct access to client data. The main goal of a federated learning architecture is to protect the privacy of each client while still contributing to the training of the global model. However, the main advantage of privacy in federated learning is also the easiest aspect to exploit. Without being able to see the clients' data, it is difficult to determine the quality of the data. By utilizing data poisoning methods, such as backdoor or label-flipping attacks, or by sending manipulated information about their data back to the server, malicious clients are able to corrupt the global model and degrade performance across all clients within a federation. Our novel aggregation method, FedBayes, mitigates the effect of a malicious client by calculating the probabilities of a client's model weights given to the prior model's weights using Bayesian statistics. Our results show that this approach negates the effects of malicious clients and protects the overall federation.

Reconciling AI Performance and Data Reconstruction Resilience for Medical Imaging. (arXiv:2312.04590v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Alexander Ziller, Tamara T. Mueller, Simon Stieger, Leonhard Feiner, Johannes Brandt, Rickmer Braren, Daniel Rueckert, Georgios Kaissis

Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are vulnerable to information leakage of their training data, which can be highly sensitive, for example in medical imaging. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs), such as Differential Privacy (DP), aim to circumvent these susceptibilities. DP is the strongest possible protection for training models while bounding the risks of inferring the inclusion of training samples or reconstructing the original data. DP achieves this by setting a quantifiable privacy budget. Although a lower budget decreases the risk of information leakage, it typically also reduces the performance of such models. This imposes a trade-off between robust performance and stringent privacy. Additionally, the interpretation of a privacy budget remains abstract and challenging to contextualize. In this study, we contrast the performance of AI models at various privacy budgets against both, theoretical risk bounds and empirical success of reconstruction attacks. We show that using very large privacy budgets can render reconstruction attacks impossible, while drops in performance are negligible. We thus conclude that not using DP -- at all -- is negligent when applying AI models to sensitive data. We deem those results to lie a foundation for further debates on striking a balance between privacy risks and model performance.

Toward Energy-Efficient Massive MIMO: Graph Neural Network Precoding for Mitigating Non-Linear PA Distortion. (arXiv:2312.04591v1 [cs.IT])

Authors: Thomas Feys, Liesbet Van der Perre, François Rottenberg

Massive MIMO systems are typically designed assuming linear power amplifiers (PAs). However, PAs are most energy efficient close to saturation, where non-linear distortion arises. For conventional precoders, this distortion can coherently combine at user locations, limiting performance. We propose a graph neural network (GNN) to learn a mapping between channel and precoding matrices, which maximizes the sum rate affected by non-linear distortion, using a high-order polynomial PA model. In the distortion-limited regime, this GNN-based precoder outperforms zero forcing (ZF), ZF plus digital pre-distortion (DPD) and the distortion-aware beamforming (DAB) precoder from the state-of-the-art. At an input back-off of -3 dB the proposed precoder compared to ZF increases the sum rate by 8.60 and 8.84 bits/channel use for two and four users respectively. Radiation patterns show that these gains are achieved by transmitting the non-linear distortion in non-user directions. In the four user-case, for a fixed sum rate, the total consumed power (PA and processing) of the GNN precoder is 3.24 and 1.44 times lower compared to ZF and ZF plus DPD respectively. A complexity analysis shows six orders of magnitude reduction compared to DAB precoding. This opens perspectives to operate PAs closer to saturation, which drastically increases their energy efficiency.

FedGeo: Privacy-Preserving User Next Location Prediction with Federated Learning. (arXiv:2312.04594v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Chung Park, Taekyoon Choi, Taesan Kim, Mincheol Cho, Junui Hong, Minsung Choi, Jaegul Choo

A User Next Location Prediction (UNLP) task, which predicts the next location that a user will move to given his/her trajectory, is an indispensable task for a wide range of applications. Previous studies using large-scale trajectory datasets in a single server have achieved remarkable performance in UNLP task. However, in real-world applications, legal and ethical issues have been raised regarding privacy concerns leading to restrictions against sharing human trajectory datasets to any other server. In response, Federated Learning (FL) has emerged to address the personal privacy issue by collaboratively training multiple clients (i.e., users) and then aggregating them. While previous studies employed FL for UNLP, they are still unable to achieve reliable performance because of the heterogeneity of clients' mobility. To tackle this problem, we propose the Federated Learning for Geographic Information (FedGeo), a FL framework specialized for UNLP, which alleviates the heterogeneity of clients' mobility and guarantees personal privacy protection. Firstly, we incorporate prior global geographic adjacency information to the local client model, since the spatial correlation between locations is trained partially in each client who has only a heterogeneous subset of the overall trajectories in FL. We also introduce a novel aggregation method that minimizes the gap between client models to solve the problem of client drift caused by differences between client models when learning with their heterogeneous data. Lastly, we probabilistically exclude clients with extremely heterogeneous data from the FL process by focusing on clients who visit relatively diverse locations. We show that FedGeo is superior to other FL methods for model performance in UNLP task. We also validated our model in a real-world application using our own customers' mobile phones and the FL agent system.

Evaluating The Accuracy of Classification Algorithms for Detecting Heart Disease Risk. (arXiv:2312.04595v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Alhaam Alariyibi, Mohamed El-Jarai, Abdelsalam Maatuk

The healthcare industry generates enormous amounts of complex clinical data that make the prediction of disease detection a complicated process. In medical informatics, making effective and efficient decisions is very important. Data Mining (DM) techniques are mainly used to identify and extract hidden patterns and interesting knowledge to diagnose and predict diseases in medical datasets. Nowadays, heart disease is considered one of the most important problems in the healthcare field. Therefore, early diagnosis leads to a reduction in deaths. DM techniques have proven highly effective for predicting and diagnosing heart diseases. This work utilizes the classification algorithms with a medical dataset of heart disease; namely, J48, Random Forest, and Na\"ive Bayes to discover the accuracy of their performance. We also examine the impact of the feature selection method. A comparative and analysis study was performed to determine the best technique using Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis (Weka) software, version 3.8.6. The performance of the utilized algorithms was evaluated using standard metrics such as accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. The importance of using classification techniques for heart disease diagnosis has been highlighted. We also reduced the number of attributes in the dataset, which showed a significant improvement in prediction accuracy. The results indicate that the best algorithm for predicting heart disease was Random Forest with an accuracy of 99.24%.

Feature Analysis of Encrypted Malicious Traffic. (arXiv:2312.04596v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Anish Singh Shekhawat, Fabio Di Troia, Mark Stamp

In recent years there has been a dramatic increase in the number of malware attacks that use encrypted HTTP traffic for self-propagation or communication. Antivirus software and firewalls typically will not have access to encryption keys, and therefore direct detection of malicious encrypted data is unlikely to succeed. However, previous work has shown that traffic analysis can provide indications of malicious intent, even in cases where the underlying data remains encrypted. In this paper, we apply three machine learning techniques to the problem of distinguishing malicious encrypted HTTP traffic from benign encrypted traffic and obtain results comparable to previous work. We then consider the problem of feature analysis in some detail. Previous work has often relied on human expertise to determine the most useful and informative features in this problem domain. We demonstrate that such feature-related information can be obtained directly from machine learning models themselves. We argue that such a machine learning based approach to feature analysis is preferable, as it is more reliable, and we can, for example, uncover relatively unintuitive interactions between features.

TrustFed: A Reliable Federated Learning Framework with Malicious-Attack Resistance. (arXiv:2312.04597v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Hangn Su, Jianhong Zhou, Xianhua Niu, Gang Feng

As a key technology in 6G research, federated learning (FL) enables collaborative learning among multiple clients while ensuring individual data privacy. However, malicious attackers among the participating clients can intentionally tamper with the training data or the trained model, compromising the accuracy and trustworthiness of the system. To address this issue, in this paper, we propose a hierarchical audit-based FL (HiAudit-FL) framework, with the aim to enhance the reliability and security of the learning process. The hierarchical audit process includes two stages, namely model-audit and parameter-audit. In the model-audit stage, a low-overhead audit method is employed to identify suspicious clients. Subsequently, in the parameter-audit stage, a resource-consuming method is used to detect all malicious clients with higher accuracy among the suspicious ones. Specifically, we execute the model audit method among partial clients for multiple rounds, which is modeled as a partial observation Markov decision process (POMDP) with the aim to enhance the robustness and accountability of the decision-making in complex and uncertain environments. Meanwhile, we formulate the problem of identifying malicious attackers through a multi-round audit as an active sequential hypothesis testing problem and leverage a diffusion model-based AI-Enabled audit selection strategy (ASS) to decide which clients should be audited in each round. To accomplish efficient and effective audit selection, we design a DRL-ASS algorithm by incorporating the ASS in a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework. Our simulation results demonstrate that HiAudit-FL can effectively identify and handle potential malicious users accurately, with small system overhead.

Haldane Bundles: A Dataset for Learning to Predict the Chern Number of Line Bundles on the Torus. (arXiv:2312.04600v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall])

Authors: Cody Tipton, Elizabeth Coda, Davis Brown, Alyson Bittner, Jung Lee, Grayson Jorgenson, Tegan Emerson, Henry Kvinge

Characteristic classes, which are abstract topological invariants associated with vector bundles, have become an important notion in modern physics with surprising real-world consequences. As a representative example, the incredible properties of topological insulators, which are insulators in their bulk but conductors on their surface, can be completely characterized by a specific characteristic class associated with their electronic band structure, the first Chern class. Given their importance to next generation computing and the computational challenge of calculating them using first-principles approaches, there is a need to develop machine learning approaches to predict the characteristic classes associated with a material system. To aid in this program we introduce the {\emph{Haldane bundle dataset}}, which consists of synthetically generated complex line bundles on the $2$-torus. We envision this dataset, which is not as challenging as noisy and sparsely measured real-world datasets but (as we show) still difficult for off-the-shelf architectures, to be a testing ground for architectures that incorporate the rich topological and geometric priors underlying characteristic classes.

Estimating Fr\'echet bounds for validating programmatic weak supervision. (arXiv:2312.04601v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Felipe Maia Polo, Mikhail Yurochkin, Moulinath Banerjee, Subha Maity, Yuekai Sun

We develop methods for estimating Fr\'echet bounds on (possibly high-dimensional) distribution classes in which some variables are continuous-valued. We establish the statistical correctness of the computed bounds under uncertainty in the marginal constraints and demonstrate the usefulness of our algorithms by evaluating the performance of machine learning (ML) models trained with programmatic weak supervision (PWS). PWS is a framework for principled learning from weak supervision inputs (e.g., crowdsourced labels, knowledge bases, pre-trained models on related tasks, etc), and it has achieved remarkable success in many areas of science and engineering. Unfortunately, it is generally difficult to validate the performance of ML models trained with PWS due to the absence of labeled data. Our algorithms address this issue by estimating sharp lower and upper bounds for performance metrics such as accuracy/recall/precision/F1 score.

Transferable Candidate Proposal with Bounded Uncertainty. (arXiv:2312.04604v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kyeongryeol Go, Kye-Hyeon Kim

From an empirical perspective, the subset chosen through active learning cannot guarantee an advantage over random sampling when transferred to another model. While it underscores the significance of verifying transferability, experimental design from previous works often neglected that the informativeness of a data subset can change over model configurations. To tackle this issue, we introduce a new experimental design, coined as Candidate Proposal, to find transferable data candidates from which active learning algorithms choose the informative subset. Correspondingly, a data selection algorithm is proposed, namely Transferable candidate proposal with Bounded Uncertainty (TBU), which constrains the pool of transferable data candidates by filtering out the presumably redundant data points based on uncertainty estimation. We verified the validity of TBU in image classification benchmarks, including CIFAR-10/100 and SVHN. When transferred to different model configurations, TBU consistency improves performance in existing active learning algorithms. Our code is available at https://github.com/gokyeongryeol/TBU.

Urban Region Representation Learning with Attentive Fusion. (arXiv:2312.04606v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Fengze Sun, Jianzhong Qi, Yanchuan Chang, Xiaoliang Fan, Shanika Karunasekera, Egemen Tanin

An increasing number of related urban data sources have brought forth novel opportunities for learning urban region representations, i.e., embeddings. The embeddings describe latent features of urban regions and enable discovering similar regions for urban planning applications. Existing methods learn an embedding for a region using every different type of region feature data, and subsequently fuse all learned embeddings of a region to generate a unified region embedding. However, these studies often overlook the significance of the fusion process. The typical fusion methods rely on simple aggregation, such as summation and concatenation, thereby disregarding correlations within the fused region embeddings.

To address this limitation, we propose a novel model named HAFusion. Our model is powered by a dual-feature attentive fusion module named DAFusion, which fuses embeddings from different region features to learn higher-order correlations between the regions as well as between the different types of region features. DAFusion is generic - it can be integrated into existing models to enhance their fusion process. Further, motivated by the effective fusion capability of an attentive module, we propose a hybrid attentive feature learning module named HALearning to enhance the embedding learning from each individual type of region features. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our model HAFusion outperforms state-of-the-art methods across three different prediction tasks. Using our learned region embedding leads to consistent and up to 31% improvements in the prediction accuracy.

Short-term prediction of construction waste transport activities using AI-Truck. (arXiv:2312.04609v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Meng Xu, Ke Han

Construction waste hauling trucks (or `slag trucks') are among the most commonly seen heavy-duty vehicles in urban streets, which not only produce significant NOx and PM emissions but are also a major source of on-road and on-site fugitive dust. Slag trucks are subject to a series of spatial and temporal access restrictions by local traffic and environmental policies. This paper addresses the practical problem of predicting slag truck activity at a city scale during heavy pollution episodes, such that environmental law enforcement units can take timely and proactive measures against localized truck aggregation. A deep ensemble learning framework (coined AI-Truck) is designed, which employs a soft vote integrator that utilizes BI-LSTM, TCN, STGCN, and PDFormer as base classifiers to predict the level of slag truck activities at a resolution of 1km$\times$1km, in a 193 km$^2$ area in Chengdu, China. As a classifier, AI-Truck yields a Macro f1 close to 80\% for 0.5h- and 1h-prediction.

Data-driven Semi-supervised Machine Learning with Surrogate Safety Measures for Abnormal Driving Behavior Detection. (arXiv:2312.04610v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lanxin Zhang, Yongqi Dong, Haneen Farah, Arkady Zgonnikov, Bart van Arem

Detecting abnormal driving behavior is critical for road traffic safety and the evaluation of drivers' behavior. With the advancement of machine learning (ML) algorithms and the accumulation of naturalistic driving data, many ML models have been adopted for abnormal driving behavior detection. Most existing ML-based detectors rely on (fully) supervised ML methods, which require substantial labeled data. However, ground truth labels are not always available in the real world, and labeling large amounts of data is tedious. Thus, there is a need to explore unsupervised or semi-supervised methods to make the anomaly detection process more feasible and efficient. To fill this research gap, this study analyzes large-scale real-world data revealing several abnormal driving behaviors (e.g., sudden acceleration, rapid lane-changing) and develops a Hierarchical Extreme Learning Machines (HELM) based semi-supervised ML method using partly labeled data to accurately detect the identified abnormal driving behaviors. Moreover, previous ML-based approaches predominantly utilize basic vehicle motion features (such as velocity and acceleration) to label and detect abnormal driving behaviors, while this study seeks to introduce Surrogate Safety Measures (SSMs) as the input features for ML models to improve the detection performance. Results from extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed semi-supervised ML model with the introduced SSMs serving as important features. The proposed semi-supervised ML method outperforms other baseline semi-supervised or unsupervised methods regarding various metrics, e.g., delivering the best accuracy at 99.58% and the best F-1 measure at 0.9913. The ablation study further highlights the significance of SSMs for advancing detection performance.

Testing LLM performance on the Physics GRE: some observations. (arXiv:2312.04613v1 [physics.ed-ph])

Authors: Pranav Gupta

With the recent developments in large language models (LLMs) and their widespread availability through open source models and/or low-cost APIs, several exciting products and applications are emerging, many of which are in the field of STEM educational technology for K-12 and university students. There is a need to evaluate these powerful language models on several benchmarks, in order to understand their risks and limitations. In this short paper, we summarize and analyze the performance of Bard, a popular LLM-based conversational service made available by Google, on the standardized Physics GRE examination.

Relational Deep Learning: Graph Representation Learning on Relational Databases. (arXiv:2312.04615v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Matthias Fey, Weihua Hu, Kexin Huang, Jan Eric Lenssen, Rishabh Ranjan, Joshua Robinson, Rex Ying, Jiaxuan You, Jure Leskovec

Much of the world's most valued data is stored in relational databases and data warehouses, where the data is organized into many tables connected by primary-foreign key relations. However, building machine learning models using this data is both challenging and time consuming. The core problem is that no machine learning method is capable of learning on multiple tables interconnected by primary-foreign key relations. Current methods can only learn from a single table, so the data must first be manually joined and aggregated into a single training table, the process known as feature engineering. Feature engineering is slow, error prone and leads to suboptimal models. Here we introduce an end-to-end deep representation learning approach to directly learn on data laid out across multiple tables. We name our approach Relational Deep Learning (RDL). The core idea is to view relational databases as a temporal, heterogeneous graph, with a node for each row in each table, and edges specified by primary-foreign key links. Message Passing Graph Neural Networks can then automatically learn across the graph to extract representations that leverage all input data, without any manual feature engineering. Relational Deep Learning leads to more accurate models that can be built much faster. To facilitate research in this area, we develop RelBench, a set of benchmark datasets and an implementation of Relational Deep Learning. The data covers a wide spectrum, from discussions on Stack Exchange to book reviews on the Amazon Product Catalog. Overall, we define a new research area that generalizes graph machine learning and broadens its applicability to a wide set of AI use cases.

Autoencoding Labeled Interpolator, Inferring Parameters From Image, And Image From Parameters. (arXiv:2312.04640v1 [astro-ph.HE])

Authors: Ali SaraerToosi, Avery Broderick

The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) provides an avenue to study black hole accretion flows on event-horizon scales. Fitting a semi-analytical model to EHT observations requires the construction of synthetic images, which is computationally expensive. This study presents an image generation tool in the form of a generative machine learning model, which extends the capabilities of a variational autoencoder. This tool can rapidly and continuously interpolate between a training set of images and can retrieve the defining parameters of those images. Trained on a set of synthetic black hole images, our tool showcases success in both interpolating black hole images and their associated physical parameters. By reducing the computational cost of generating an image, this tool facilitates parameter estimation and model validation for observations of black hole system.

On Sarcasm Detection with OpenAI GPT-based Models. (arXiv:2312.04642v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Montgomery Gole, Williams-Paul Nwadiugwu, Andriy Miranskyy

Sarcasm is a form of irony that requires readers or listeners to interpret its intended meaning by considering context and social cues. Machine learning classification models have long had difficulty detecting sarcasm due to its social complexity and contradictory nature.

This paper explores the applications of the Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) models, including GPT-3, InstructGPT, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, in detecting sarcasm in natural language. It tests fine-tuned and zero-shot models of different sizes and releases.

The GPT models were tested on the political and balanced (pol-bal) portion of the popular Self-Annotated Reddit Corpus (SARC 2.0) sarcasm dataset. In the fine-tuning case, the largest fine-tuned GPT-3 model achieves accuracy and $F_1$-score of 0.81, outperforming prior models. In the zero-shot case, one of GPT-4 models yields an accuracy of 0.70 and $F_1$-score of 0.75. Other models score lower. Additionally, a model's performance may improve or deteriorate with each release, highlighting the need to reassess performance after each release.

Enhancing Polynomial Chaos Expansion Based Surrogate Modeling using a Novel Probabilistic Transfer Learning Strategy. (arXiv:2312.04648v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Wyatt Bridgman, Uma Balakrishnan, Reese Jones, Jiefu Chen, Xuqing Wu, Cosmin Safta, Yueqin Huang, Mohammad Khalil

In the field of surrogate modeling, polynomial chaos expansion (PCE) allows practitioners to construct inexpensive yet accurate surrogates to be used in place of the expensive forward model simulations. For black-box simulations, non-intrusive PCE allows the construction of these surrogates using a set of simulation response evaluations. In this context, the PCE coefficients can be obtained using linear regression, which is also known as point collocation or stochastic response surfaces. Regression exhibits better scalability and can handle noisy function evaluations in contrast to other non-intrusive approaches, such as projection. However, since over-sampling is generally advisable for the linear regression approach, the simulation requirements become prohibitive for expensive forward models. We propose to leverage transfer learning whereby knowledge gained through similar PCE surrogate construction tasks (source domains) is transferred to a new surrogate-construction task (target domain) which has a limited number of forward model simulations (training data). The proposed transfer learning strategy determines how much, if any, information to transfer using new techniques inspired by Bayesian modeling and data assimilation. The strategy is scrutinized using numerical investigations and applied to an engineering problem from the oil and gas industry.

Learning Thresholds with Latent Values and Censored Feedback. (arXiv:2312.04653v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jiahao Zhang, Tao Lin, Weiqiang Zheng, Zhe Feng, Yifeng Teng, Xiaotie Deng

In this paper, we investigate a problem of actively learning threshold in latent space, where the unknown reward $g(\gamma, v)$ depends on the proposed threshold $\gamma$ and latent value $v$ and it can be $only$ achieved if the threshold is lower than or equal to the unknown latent value. This problem has broad applications in practical scenarios, e.g., reserve price optimization in online auctions, online task assignments in crowdsourcing, setting recruiting bars in hiring, etc. We first characterize the query complexity of learning a threshold with the expected reward at most $\epsilon$ smaller than the optimum and prove that the number of queries needed can be infinitely large even when $g(\gamma, v)$ is monotone with respect to both $\gamma$ and $v$. On the positive side, we provide a tight query complexity $\tilde{\Theta}(1/\epsilon^3)$ when $g$ is monotone and the CDF of value distribution is Lipschitz. Moreover, we show a tight $\tilde{\Theta}(1/\epsilon^3)$ query complexity can be achieved as long as $g$ satisfies one-sided Lipschitzness, which provides a complete characterization for this problem. Finally, we extend this model to an online learning setting and demonstrate a tight $\Theta(T^{2/3})$ regret bound using continuous-arm bandit techniques and the aforementioned query complexity results.

PAC-Bayes Generalization Certificates for Learned Inductive Conformal Prediction. (arXiv:2312.04658v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Apoorva Sharma, Sushant Veer, Asher Hancock, Heng Yang, Marco Pavone, Anirudha Majumdar

Inductive Conformal Prediction (ICP) provides a practical and effective approach for equipping deep learning models with uncertainty estimates in the form of set-valued predictions which are guaranteed to contain the ground truth with high probability. Despite the appeal of this coverage guarantee, these sets may not be efficient: the size and contents of the prediction sets are not directly controlled, and instead depend on the underlying model and choice of score function. To remedy this, recent work has proposed learning model and score function parameters using data to directly optimize the efficiency of the ICP prediction sets. While appealing, the generalization theory for such an approach is lacking: direct optimization of empirical efficiency may yield prediction sets that are either no longer efficient on test data, or no longer obtain the required coverage on test data. In this work, we use PAC-Bayes theory to obtain generalization bounds on both the coverage and the efficiency of set-valued predictors which can be directly optimized to maximize efficiency while satisfying a desired test coverage. In contrast to prior work, our framework allows us to utilize the entire calibration dataset to learn the parameters of the model and score function, instead of requiring a separate hold-out set for obtaining test-time coverage guarantees. We leverage these theoretical results to provide a practical algorithm for using calibration data to simultaneously fine-tune the parameters of a model and score function while guaranteeing test-time coverage and efficiency of the resulting prediction sets. We evaluate the approach on regression and classification tasks, and outperform baselines calibrated using a Hoeffding bound-based PAC guarantee on ICP, especially in the low-data regime.

Application of machine learning technique for a fast forecast of aggregation kinetics in space-inhomogeneous systems. (arXiv:2312.04660v1 [physics.comp-ph])

Authors: M.A. Larchenko, R.R. Zagidullin, V.V. Palyulin, N.V. Brilliantov

Modeling of aggregation processes in space-inhomogeneous systems is extremely numerically challenging since complicated aggregation equations -- Smoluchowski equations are to be solved at each space point along with the computation of particle propagation. Low rank approximation for the aggregation kernels can significantly speed up the solution of Smoluchowski equations, while particle propagation could be done in parallel. Yet the simulations with many aggregate sizes remain quite resource-demanding. Here, we explore the way to reduce the amount of direct computations with the use of modern machine learning (ML) techniques. Namely, we propose to replace the actual numerical solution of the Smoluchowki equations with the respective density transformations learned with the application of the conditional normalising flow. We demonstrate that the ML predictions for the space distribution of aggregates and their size distribution requires drastically less computation time and agrees fairly well with the results of direct numerical simulations. Such an opportunity of a quick forecast of space-dependent particle size distribution could be important in practice, especially for the online prediction and visualisation of pollution processes, providing a tool with a reasonable tradeoff between the prediction accuracy and the computational time.

TOD-Flow: Modeling the Structure of Task-Oriented Dialogues. (arXiv:2312.04668v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sungryull Sohn, Yiwei Lyu, Anthony Liu, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Dong-Ki Kim, Dongsub Shim, Honglak Lee

Task-Oriented Dialogue (TOD) systems have become crucial components in interactive artificial intelligence applications. While recent advances have capitalized on pre-trained language models (PLMs), they exhibit limitations regarding transparency and controllability. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach focusing on inferring the TOD-Flow graph from dialogue data annotated with dialog acts, uncovering the underlying task structure in the form of a graph. The inferred TOD-Flow graph can be easily integrated with any dialogue model to improve its prediction performance, transparency, and controllability. Our TOD-Flow graph learns what a model can, should, and should not predict, effectively reducing the search space and providing a rationale for the model's prediction. We show that the proposed TOD-Flow graph better resembles human-annotated graphs compared to prior approaches. Furthermore, when combined with several dialogue policies and end-to-end dialogue models, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves dialog act classification and end-to-end response generation performance in the MultiWOZ and SGD benchmarks. Code available at: https://github.com/srsohn/TOD-Flow

Rapid Motor Adaptation for Robotic Manipulator Arms. (arXiv:2312.04670v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Yichao Liang, Kevin Ellis, João Henriques

Developing generalizable manipulation skills is a core challenge in embodied AI. This includes generalization across diverse task configurations, encompassing variations in object shape, density, friction coefficient, and external disturbances such as forces applied to the robot. Rapid Motor Adaptation (RMA) offers a promising solution to this challenge. It posits that essential hidden variables influencing an agent's task performance, such as object mass and shape, can be effectively inferred from the agent's action and proprioceptive history. Drawing inspiration from RMA in locomotion and in-hand rotation, we use depth perception to develop agents tailored for rapid motor adaptation in a variety of manipulation tasks. We evaluated our agents on four challenging tasks from the Maniskill2 benchmark, namely pick-and-place operations with hundreds of objects from the YCB and EGAD datasets, peg insertion with precise position and orientation, and operating a variety of faucets and handles, with customized environment variations. Empirical results demonstrate that our agents surpass state-of-the-art methods like automatic domain randomization and vision-based policies, obtaining better generalization performance and sample efficiency.

Reverse Engineering Deep ReLU Networks An Optimization-based Algorithm. (arXiv:2312.04675v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mehrab Hamidi

Reverse engineering deep ReLU networks is a critical problem in understanding the complex behavior and interpretability of neural networks. In this research, we present a novel method for reconstructing deep ReLU networks by leveraging convex optimization techniques and a sampling-based approach. Our method begins by sampling points in the input space and querying the black box model to obtain the corresponding hyperplanes. We then define a convex optimization problem with carefully chosen constraints and conditions to guarantee its convexity. The objective function is designed to minimize the discrepancy between the reconstructed networks output and the target models output, subject to the constraints. We employ gradient descent to optimize the objective function, incorporating L1 or L2 regularization as needed to encourage sparse or smooth solutions. Our research contributes to the growing body of work on reverse engineering deep ReLU networks and paves the way for new advancements in neural network interpretability and security.

LLM4TDD: Best Practices for Test Driven Development Using Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04687v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Sanyogita Piya, Allison Sullivan

In today's society, we are becoming increasingly dependent on software systems. However, we also constantly witness the negative impacts of buggy software. Program synthesis aims to improve software correctness by automatically generating the program given an outline of the expected behavior. For decades, program synthesis has been an active research field, with recent approaches looking to incorporate Large Language Models to help generate code. This paper explores the concept of LLM4TDD, where we guide Large Language Models to generate code iteratively using a test-driven development methodology. We conduct an empirical evaluation using ChatGPT and coding problems from LeetCode to investigate the impact of different test, prompt and problem attributes on the efficacy of LLM4TDD.

Federated Learning for 6G: Paradigms, Taxonomy, Recent Advances and Insights. (arXiv:2312.04688v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Maryam Ben Driss, Essaid Sabir, Halima Elbiaze, Walid Saad

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is expected to play an instrumental role in the next generation of wireless systems, such as sixth-generation (6G) mobile network. However, massive data, energy consumption, training complexity, and sensitive data protection in wireless systems are all crucial challenges that must be addressed for training AI models and gathering intelligence and knowledge from distributed devices. Federated Learning (FL) is a recent framework that has emerged as a promising approach for multiple learning agents to build an accurate and robust machine learning models without sharing raw data. By allowing mobile handsets and devices to collaboratively learn a global model without explicit sharing of training data, FL exhibits high privacy and efficient spectrum utilization. While there are a lot of survey papers exploring FL paradigms and usability in 6G privacy, none of them has clearly addressed how FL can be used to improve the protocol stack and wireless operations. The main goal of this survey is to provide a comprehensive overview on FL usability to enhance mobile services and enable smart ecosystems to support novel use-cases. This paper examines the added-value of implementing FL throughout all levels of the protocol stack. Furthermore, it presents important FL applications, addresses hot topics, provides valuable insights and explicits guidance for future research and developments. Our concluding remarks aim to leverage the synergy between FL and future 6G, while highlighting FL's potential to revolutionize wireless industry and sustain the development of cutting-edge mobile services.

Diffence: Fencing Membership Privacy With Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2312.04692v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yuefeng Peng, Ali Naseh, Amir Houmansadr

Deep learning models, while achieving remarkable performance across various tasks, are vulnerable to member inference attacks, wherein adversaries identify if a specific data point was part of a model's training set. This susceptibility raises substantial privacy concerns, especially when models are trained on sensitive datasets. Current defense methods often struggle to provide robust protection without hurting model utility, and they often require retraining the model or using extra data. In this work, we introduce a novel defense framework against membership attacks by leveraging generative models. The key intuition of our defense is to remove the differences between member and non-member inputs which can be used to perform membership attacks, by re-generating input samples before feeding them to the target model. Therefore, our defense works \emph{pre-inference}, which is unlike prior defenses that are either training-time (modify the model) or post-inference time (modify the model's output).

A unique feature of our defense is that it works on input samples only, without modifying the training or inference phase of the target model. Therefore, it can be cascaded with other defense mechanisms as we demonstrate through experiments. Through extensive experimentation, we show that our approach can serve as a robust plug-n-play defense mechanism, enhancing membership privacy without compromising model utility in both baseline and defended settings. For example, our method enhanced the effectiveness of recent state-of-the-art defenses, reducing attack accuracy by an average of 5.7\% to 12.4\% across three datasets, without any impact on the model's accuracy. By integrating our method with prior defenses, we achieve new state-of-the-art performance in the privacy-utility trade-off.

GraphMETRO: Mitigating Complex Distribution Shifts in GNNs via Mixture of Aligned Experts. (arXiv:2312.04693v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shirley Wu, Kaidi Cao, Bruno Ribeiro, James Zou, Jure Leskovec

Graph Neural Networks' (GNNs) ability to generalize across complex distributions is crucial for real-world applications. However, prior research has primarily focused on specific types of distribution shifts, such as larger graph size, or inferred shifts from constructed data environments, which is highly limited when confronted with multiple and nuanced distribution shifts. For instance, in a social graph, a user node might experience increased interactions and content alterations, while other user nodes encounter distinct shifts. Neglecting such complexities significantly impedes generalization. To address it, we present GraphMETRO, a novel framework that enhances GNN generalization under complex distribution shifts in both node and graph-level tasks. Our approach employs a mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture with a gating model and expert models aligned in a shared representation space. The gating model identifies key mixture components governing distribution shifts, while each expert generates invariant representations w.r.t. a mixture component. Finally, GraphMETRO aggregates representations from multiple experts to generate the final invariant representation. Our experiments on synthetic and realworld datasets demonstrate GraphMETRO's superiority and interpretability. To highlight, GraphMETRO achieves state-of-the-art performances on four real-world datasets from GOOD benchmark, outperforming the best baselines on WebKB and Twitch datasets by 67% and 4.2%, respectively.

Optimizing Distributed Reinforcement Learning with Reactor Model and Lingua Franca. (arXiv:2312.04704v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Jacky Kwok, Marten Lohstroh, Edward A. Lee

Distributed Reinforcement Learning (RL) frameworks are essential for mapping RL workloads to multiple computational resources, allowing for faster generation of samples, estimation of values, and policy improvement. These computational paradigms require a seamless integration of training, serving, and simulation workloads. Existing frameworks, such as Ray, are not managing this orchestration efficiently. In this study, we've proposed a solution implementing Reactor Model, which enforces a set of actors to have a fixed communication pattern. This allows the scheduler to eliminate works needed for synchronization, such as acquiring and releasing locks for each actor or sending and processing coordination-related messages. Our framework, Lingua Franca (LF), a coordination language based on the Reactor Model, also provides a unified interface that allows users to automatically generate dataflow graphs for distributed RL. On average, LF outperformed Ray in generating samples from OpenAI Gym and Atari environments by 1.21x and 11.62x, reduced the average training time of synchronized parallel Q-learning by 31.2%, and accelerated Multi-Agent RL inference by 5.12x.

How to guess a gradient. (arXiv:2312.04709v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Utkarsh Singhal, Brian Cheung, Kartik Chandra, Jonathan Ragan-Kelley, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Tomaso A. Poggio, Stella X. Yu

How much can you say about the gradient of a neural network without computing a loss or knowing the label? This may sound like a strange question: surely the answer is "very little." However, in this paper, we show that gradients are more structured than previously thought. Gradients lie in a predictable low-dimensional subspace which depends on the network architecture and incoming features. Exploiting this structure can significantly improve gradient-free optimization schemes based on directional derivatives, which have struggled to scale beyond small networks trained on toy datasets. We study how to narrow the gap in optimization performance between methods that calculate exact gradients and those that use directional derivatives. Furthermore, we highlight new challenges in overcoming the large gap between optimizing with exact gradients and guessing the gradients.

Error Discovery by Clustering Influence Embeddings. (arXiv:2312.04712v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Fulton Wang, Julius Adebayo, Sarah Tan, Diego Garcia-Olano, Narine Kokhlikyan

We present a method for identifying groups of test examples -- slices -- on which a model under-performs, a task now known as slice discovery. We formalize coherence -- a requirement that erroneous predictions, within a slice, should be wrong for the same reason -- as a key property that any slice discovery method should satisfy. We then use influence functions to derive a new slice discovery method, InfEmbed, which satisfies coherence by returning slices whose examples are influenced similarly by the training data. InfEmbed is simple, and consists of applying K-Means clustering to a novel representation we deem influence embeddings. We show InfEmbed outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on 2 benchmarks, and is effective for model debugging across several case studies.

gcDLSeg: Integrating Graph-cut into Deep Learning for Binary Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2312.04713v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hui Xie, Weiyu Xu, Ya Xing Wang, John Buatti, Xiaodong Wu

Binary semantic segmentation in computer vision is a fundamental problem. As a model-based segmentation method, the graph-cut approach was one of the most successful binary segmentation methods thanks to its global optimality guarantee of the solutions and its practical polynomial-time complexity. Recently, many deep learning (DL) based methods have been developed for this task and yielded remarkable performance, resulting in a paradigm shift in this field. To combine the strengths of both approaches, we propose in this study to integrate the graph-cut approach into a deep learning network for end-to-end learning. Unfortunately, backward propagation through the graph-cut module in the DL network is challenging due to the combinatorial nature of the graph-cut algorithm. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel residual graph-cut loss and a quasi-residual connection, enabling the backward propagation of the gradients of the residual graph-cut loss for effective feature learning guided by the graph-cut segmentation model. In the inference phase, globally optimal segmentation is achieved with respect to the graph-cut energy defined on the optimized image features learned from DL networks. Experiments on the public AZH chronic wound data set and the pancreas cancer data set from the medical segmentation decathlon (MSD) demonstrated promising segmentation accuracy, and improved robustness against adversarial attacks.

Deep Emotions Across Languages: A Novel Approach for Sentiment Propagation in Multilingual WordNets. (arXiv:2312.04715v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jan Kocoń

Sentiment analysis involves using WordNets enriched with emotional metadata, which are valuable resources. However, manual annotation is time-consuming and expensive, resulting in only a few WordNet Lexical Units being annotated. This paper introduces two new techniques for automatically propagating sentiment annotations from a partially annotated WordNet to its entirety and to a WordNet in a different language: Multilingual Structured Synset Embeddings (MSSE) and Cross-Lingual Deep Neural Sentiment Propagation (CLDNS). We evaluated the proposed MSSE+CLDNS method extensively using Princeton WordNet and Polish WordNet, which have many inter-lingual relations. Our results show that the MSSE+CLDNS method outperforms existing propagation methods, indicating its effectiveness in enriching WordNets with emotional metadata across multiple languages. This work provides a solid foundation for large-scale, multilingual sentiment analysis and is valuable for academic research and practical applications.

Dynamic Online Modulation Recognition using Incremental Learning. (arXiv:2312.04718v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Ali Owfi, Ali Abbasi, Fatemeh Afghah, Jonathan Ashdown, Kurt Turck

Modulation recognition is a fundamental task in communication systems as the accurate identification of modulation schemes is essential for reliable signal processing, interference mitigation for coexistent communication technologies, and network optimization. Incorporating deep learning (DL) models into modulation recognition has demonstrated promising results in various scenarios. However, conventional DL models often fall short in online dynamic contexts, particularly in class incremental scenarios where new modulation schemes are encountered during online deployment. Retraining these models on all previously seen modulation schemes is not only time-consuming but may also not be feasible due to storage limitations. On the other hand, training solely on new modulation schemes often results in catastrophic forgetting of previously learned classes. This issue renders DL-based modulation recognition models inapplicable in real-world scenarios because the dynamic nature of communication systems necessitate the effective adaptability to new modulation schemes. This paper addresses this challenge by evaluating the performance of multiple Incremental Learning (IL) algorithms in dynamic modulation recognition scenarios, comparing them against conventional DL-based modulation recognition. Our results demonstrate that modulation recognition frameworks based on IL effectively prevent catastrophic forgetting, enabling models to perform robustly in dynamic scenarios.

Distributed Optimization via Kernelized Multi-armed Bandits. (arXiv:2312.04719v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ayush Rai, Shaoshuai Mou

Multi-armed bandit algorithms provide solutions for sequential decision-making where learning takes place by interacting with the environment. In this work, we model a distributed optimization problem as a multi-agent kernelized multi-armed bandit problem with a heterogeneous reward setting. In this setup, the agents collaboratively aim to maximize a global objective function which is an average of local objective functions. The agents can access only bandit feedback (noisy reward) obtained from the associated unknown local function with a small norm in reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS). We present a fully decentralized algorithm, Multi-agent IGP-UCB (MA-IGP-UCB), which achieves a sub-linear regret bound for popular classes for kernels while preserving privacy. It does not necessitate the agents to share their actions, rewards, or estimates of their local function. In the proposed approach, the agents sample their individual local functions in a way that benefits the whole network by utilizing a running consensus to estimate the upper confidence bound on the global function. Furthermore, we propose an extension, Multi-agent Delayed IGP-UCB (MAD-IGP-UCB) algorithm, which reduces the dependence of the regret bound on the number of agents in the network. It provides improved performance by utilizing a delay in the estimation update step at the cost of more communication.

From Big to Small Without Losing It All: Text Augmentation with ChatGPT for Efficient Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2312.04720v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Stanisław Woźniak, Jan Kocoń

In the era of artificial intelligence, data is gold but costly to annotate. The paper demonstrates a groundbreaking solution to this dilemma using ChatGPT for text augmentation in sentiment analysis. We leverage ChatGPT's generative capabilities to create synthetic training data that significantly improves the performance of smaller models, making them competitive with, or even outperforming, their larger counterparts. This innovation enables models to be both efficient and effective, thereby reducing computational cost, inference time, and memory usage without compromising on quality. Our work marks a key advancement in the cost-effective development and deployment of robust sentiment analysis models.

Purple Llama CyberSecEval: A Secure Coding Benchmark for Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04724v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Manish Bhatt, Sahana Chennabasappa, Cyrus Nikolaidis, Shengye Wan, Ivan Evtimov, Dominik Gabi, Daniel Song, Faizan Ahmad, Cornelius Aschermann, Lorenzo Fontana, Sasha Frolov, Ravi Prakash Giri, Dhaval Kapil, Yiannis Kozyrakis, David LeBlanc, James Milazzo, Aleksandar Straumann, Gabriel Synnaeve, Varun Vontimitta, Spencer Whitman, Joshua Saxe

This paper presents CyberSecEval, a comprehensive benchmark developed to help bolster the cybersecurity of Large Language Models (LLMs) employed as coding assistants. As what we believe to be the most extensive unified cybersecurity safety benchmark to date, CyberSecEval provides a thorough evaluation of LLMs in two crucial security domains: their propensity to generate insecure code and their level of compliance when asked to assist in cyberattacks. Through a case study involving seven models from the Llama 2, Code Llama, and OpenAI GPT large language model families, CyberSecEval effectively pinpointed key cybersecurity risks. More importantly, it offered practical insights for refining these models. A significant observation from the study was the tendency of more advanced models to suggest insecure code, highlighting the critical need for integrating security considerations in the development of sophisticated LLMs. CyberSecEval, with its automated test case generation and evaluation pipeline covers a broad scope and equips LLM designers and researchers with a tool to broadly measure and enhance the cybersecurity safety properties of LLMs, contributing to the development of more secure AI systems.

Efficient Large Language Models Fine-Tuning On Graphs. (arXiv:2312.04737v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Rui Xue, Xipeng Shen, Ruozhou Yu, Xiaorui Liu

Learning from Text-Attributed Graphs (TAGs) has attracted significant attention due to its wide range of real-world applications. The rapid evolution of large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the way we process textual data, which indicates a strong potential to replace shallow text embedding generally used in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). However, we find that existing LLM approaches that exploit text information in graphs suffer from inferior computation and data efficiency. In this work, we introduce a novel and efficient approach for the end-to-end fine-tuning of Large Language Models (LLMs) on TAGs, named LEADING. The proposed approach maintains computation cost and memory overhead comparable to the graph-less fine-tuning of LLMs. Moreover, it transfers the rick knowledge in LLMs to downstream graph learning tasks effectively with limited labeled data in semi-supervised learning. Its superior computation and data efficiency are demonstrated through comprehensive experiments, offering a promising solution for a wide range of LLMs and graph learning tasks on TAGs.

Unnatural Algorithms in Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.04739v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Christian Goodbrake

Natural gradient descent has a remarkable property that in the small learning rate limit, it displays an invariance with respect to network reparameterizations, leading to robust training behavior even for highly covariant network parameterizations. We show that optimization algorithms with this property can be viewed as discrete approximations of natural transformations from the functor determining an optimizer's state space from the diffeomorphism group if its configuration manifold, to the functor determining that state space's tangent bundle from this group. Algorithms with this property enjoy greater efficiency when used to train poorly parameterized networks, as the network evolution they generate is approximately invariant to network reparameterizations. More specifically, the flow generated by these algorithms in the limit as the learning rate vanishes is invariant under smooth reparameterizations, the respective flows of the parameters being determined by equivariant maps. By casting this property a natural transformation, we allow for generalizations beyond equivariance with respect to group actions; this framework can account for non-invertible maps such as projections, creating a framework for the direct comparison of training behavior across non-isomorphic network architectures, and the formal examination of limiting behavior as network size increases by considering inverse limits of these projections, should they exist. We introduce a simple method of introducing this naturality more generally and examine a number of popular machine learning training algorithms, finding that most are unnatural.

Train 'n Trade: Foundations of Parameter Markets. (arXiv:2312.04740v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tzu-Heng Huang, Harit Vishwakarma, Frederic Sala

Organizations typically train large models individually. This is costly and time-consuming, particularly for large-scale foundation models. Such vertical production is known to be suboptimal. Inspired by this economic insight, we ask whether it is possible to leverage others' expertise by trading the constituent parts in models, i.e., sets of weights, as if they were market commodities. While recent advances in aligning and interpolating models suggest that doing so may be possible, a number of fundamental questions must be answered to create viable parameter markets. In this work, we address these basic questions, propose a framework containing the infrastructure necessary for market operations to take place, study strategies for exchanging parameters, and offer means for agents to monetize parameters. Excitingly, compared to agents who train siloed models from scratch, we show that it is possible to mutually gain by using the market, even in competitive settings. This suggests that the notion of parameter markets may be a useful paradigm for improving large-scale model training in the future.

Fine-Grained Extraction of Road Networks via Joint Learning of Connectivity and Segmentation. (arXiv:2312.04744v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yijia Xu, Liqiang Zhang, Wuming Zhang, Suhong Liu, Jingwen Li, Xingang Li, Yuebin Wang, Yang Li

Road network extraction from satellite images is widely applicated in intelligent traffic management and autonomous driving fields. The high-resolution remote sensing images contain complex road areas and distracted background, which make it a challenge for road extraction. In this study, we present a stacked multitask network for end-to-end segmenting roads while preserving connectivity correctness. In the network, a global-aware module is introduced to enhance pixel-level road feature representation and eliminate background distraction from overhead images; a road-direction-related connectivity task is added to ensure that the network preserves the graph-level relationships of the road segments. We also develop a stacked multihead structure to jointly learn and effectively utilize the mutual information between connectivity learning and segmentation learning. We evaluate the performance of the proposed network on three public remote sensing datasets. The experimental results demonstrate that the network outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in terms of road segmentation accuracy and connectivity maintenance.

A Brief Tutorial on Sample Size Calculations for Fairness Audits. (arXiv:2312.04745v1 [stat.AP])

Authors: Harvineet Singh, Fan Xia, Mi-Ok Kim, Romain Pirracchio, Rumi Chunara, Jean Feng

In fairness audits, a standard objective is to detect whether a given algorithm performs substantially differently between subgroups. Properly powering the statistical analysis of such audits is crucial for obtaining informative fairness assessments, as it ensures a high probability of detecting unfairness when it exists. However, limited guidance is available on the amount of data necessary for a fairness audit, lacking directly applicable results concerning commonly used fairness metrics. Additionally, the consideration of unequal subgroup sample sizes is also missing. In this tutorial, we address these issues by providing guidance on how to determine the required subgroup sample sizes to maximize the statistical power of hypothesis tests for detecting unfairness. Our findings are applicable to audits of binary classification models and multiple fairness metrics derived as summaries of the confusion matrix. Furthermore, we discuss other aspects of audit study designs that can increase the reliability of audit results.

A Test-Time Learning Approach to Reparameterize the Geophysical Inverse Problem with a Convolutional Neural Network. (arXiv:2312.04752v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Anran Xu, Lindsey J. Heagy

Regularization is critical in solving the ill-posed geo-physical inversion problems. Explicit regularization is often used, but there are opportunities to explore the implicit regularization effect inherently from a Neural Network structure. Researchers in Computer Vision (CV) have discovered that the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architecture inherently enforces a regularization that is advantageous for addressing diverse CV inverse problems, including de-noising and in-painting. In this study, we examine the applicability of this implicit regularization to geophysical inversions. The CNN maps an arbitrary vector to the model space (e.g. log-conductivity on the simulation mesh). The predicted subsurface model is then fed into a forward numerical simulation process to generate corresponding predicted measurements. Subsequently, the objective function value is computed by comparing these predicted measurements with the observed field measurements. The backpropagation algorithm is employed to update the trainable parameters of the CNN during the inversion. Note that the CNN in our proposed method does not require training before the inversion, rather, the CNN weights are estimated in the inversion algorithm, hence this is a test-time learning (TTL) approach. The results demonstrate that the implicit regularization provided by the CNN can be useful in DC resistivity inversions. We also provide a detailed discussion of the potential sources of this implicit regularization and some practical guides for applying the proposed method to other geophysical scenarios. The proposed approach for reparameterizing the inverse problem can be adapted to other Tikhonov-style geophysical inversions.

Induced Generative Adversarial Particle Transformers. (arXiv:2312.04757v1 [hep-ex])

Authors: Anni Li, Venkat Krishnamohan, Raghav Kansal, Rounak Sen, Steven Tsan, Zhaoyu Zhang, Javier Duarte

In high energy physics (HEP), machine learning methods have emerged as an effective way to accurately simulate particle collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The message-passing generative adversarial network (MPGAN) was the first model to simulate collisions as point, or ``particle'', clouds, with state-of-the-art results, but suffered from quadratic time complexity. Recently, generative adversarial particle transformers (GAPTs) were introduced to address this drawback; however, results did not surpass MPGAN. We introduce induced GAPT (iGAPT) which, by integrating ``induced particle-attention blocks'' and conditioning on global jet attributes, not only offers linear time complexity but is also able to capture intricate jet substructure, surpassing MPGAN in many metrics. Our experiments demonstrate the potential of iGAPT to simulate complex HEP data accurately and efficiently.

Physics-Informed Convolutional Autoencoder for Cyber Anomaly Detection in Power Distribution Grids. (arXiv:2312.04758v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Mehdi Jabbari Zideh, Sarika Khushalani Solanki

The growing trend toward the modernization of power distribution systems has facilitated the installation of advanced measurement units and promotion of the cyber communication systems. However, these infrastructures are still prone to stealth cyber attacks. The existing data-driven anomaly detection methods suffer from a lack of knowledge about the system's physics, lack of interpretability, and scalability issues hindering their practical applications in real-world scenarios. To address these concerns, physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) were introduced. This paper proposes a multivariate physics-informed convolutional autoencoder (PIConvAE) to detect stealthy cyber-attacks in power distribution grids. The proposed model integrates the physical principles into the loss function of the neural network by applying Kirchhoff's law. Simulations are performed on the modified IEEE 13-bus and 123-bus systems using OpenDSS software to validate the efficacy of the proposed model for stealth attacks. The numerical results prove the superior performance of the proposed PIConvAE in three aspects: a) it provides more accurate results compared to the data-driven ConvAE model, b) it requires less training time to converge c) the model excels in effectively detecting a wide range of attack magnitudes making it powerful in detecting stealth attacks.

The Graph Lottery Ticket Hypothesis: Finding Sparse, Informative Graph Structure. (arXiv:2312.04762v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Anton Tsitsulin, Bryan Perozzi

Graph learning methods help utilize implicit relationships among data items, thereby reducing training label requirements and improving task performance. However, determining the optimal graph structure for a particular learning task remains a challenging research problem.

In this work, we introduce the Graph Lottery Ticket (GLT) Hypothesis - that there is an extremely sparse backbone for every graph, and that graph learning algorithms attain comparable performance when trained on that subgraph as on the full graph. We identify and systematically study 8 key metrics of interest that directly influence the performance of graph learning algorithms. Subsequently, we define the notion of a "winning ticket" for graph structure - an extremely sparse subset of edges that can deliver a robust approximation of the entire graph's performance. We propose a straightforward and efficient algorithm for finding these GLTs in arbitrary graphs. Empirically, we observe that performance of different graph learning algorithms can be matched or even exceeded on graphs with the average degree as low as 5.

Remembering to Be Fair: On Non-Markovian Fairness in Sequential DecisionMaking (Preliminary Report). (arXiv:2312.04772v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Parand A. Alamdari, Toryn Q. Klassen, Elliot Creager, Sheila A. McIlraith

Fair decision making has largely been studied with respect to a single decision. In this paper we investigate the notion of fairness in the context of sequential decision making where multiple stakeholders can be affected by the outcomes of decisions, and where decision making may be informed by additional constraints and criteria beyond the requirement of fairness. In this setting, we observe that fairness often depends on the history of the sequential decision-making process and not just on the current state. To advance our understanding of this class of fairness problems, we define the notion of non-Markovian fairness in the context of sequential decision making. We identify properties of non-Markovian fairness, including notions of long-term, anytime, periodic, and bounded fairness. We further explore the interplay between non-Markovian fairness and memory, and how this can support construction of fair policies in sequential decision-making settings.

Image Synthesis-based Late Stage Cancer Augmentation and Semi-Supervised Segmentation for MRI Rectal Cancer Staging. (arXiv:2312.04779v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Saeko Sasuga, Akira Kudo, Yoshiro Kitamura, Satoshi Iizuka, Edgar Simo-Serra, Atsushi Hamabe, Masayuki Ishii, Ichiro Takemasa

Rectal cancer is one of the most common diseases and a major cause of mortality. For deciding rectal cancer treatment plans, T-staging is important. However, evaluating the index from preoperative MRI images requires high radiologists' skill and experience. Therefore, the aim of this study is to segment the mesorectum, rectum, and rectal cancer region so that the system can predict T-stage from segmentation results. Generally, shortage of large and diverse dataset and high quality annotation are known to be the bottlenecks in computer aided diagnostics development. Regarding rectal cancer, advanced cancer images are very rare, and per-pixel annotation requires high radiologists' skill and time. Therefore, it is not feasible to collect comprehensive disease patterns in a training dataset. To tackle this, we propose two kinds of approaches of image synthesis-based late stage cancer augmentation and semi-supervised learning which is designed for T-stage prediction. In the image synthesis data augmentation approach, we generated advanced cancer images from labels. The real cancer labels were deformed to resemble advanced cancer labels by artificial cancer progress simulation. Next, we introduce a T-staging loss which enables us to train segmentation models from per-image T-stage labels. The loss works to keep inclusion/invasion relationships between rectum and cancer region consistent to the ground truth T-stage. The verification tests show that the proposed method obtains the best sensitivity (0.76) and specificity (0.80) in distinguishing between over T3 stage and underT2. In the ablation studies, our semi-supervised learning approach with the T-staging loss improved specificity by 0.13. Adding the image synthesis-based data augmentation improved the DICE score of invasion cancer area by 0.08 from baseline.

Make Them Spill the Beans! Coercive Knowledge Extraction from (Production) LLMs. (arXiv:2312.04782v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Zhuo Zhang, Guangyu Shen, Guanhong Tao, Siyuan Cheng, Xiangyu Zhang

Large Language Models (LLMs) are now widely used in various applications, making it crucial to align their ethical standards with human values. However, recent jail-breaking methods demonstrate that this alignment can be undermined using carefully constructed prompts. In our study, we reveal a new threat to LLM alignment when a bad actor has access to the model's output logits, a common feature in both open-source LLMs and many commercial LLM APIs (e.g., certain GPT models). It does not rely on crafting specific prompts. Instead, it exploits the fact that even when an LLM rejects a toxic request, a harmful response often hides deep in the output logits. By forcefully selecting lower-ranked output tokens during the auto-regressive generation process at a few critical output positions, we can compel the model to reveal these hidden responses. We term this process model interrogation. This approach differs from and outperforms jail-breaking methods, achieving 92% effectiveness compared to 62%, and is 10 to 20 times faster. The harmful content uncovered through our method is more relevant, complete, and clear. Additionally, it can complement jail-breaking strategies, with which results in further boosting attack performance. Our findings indicate that interrogation can extract toxic knowledge even from models specifically designed for coding tasks.

Joint User Association, Interference Cancellation and Power Control for Multi-IRS Assisted UAV Communications. (arXiv:2312.04786v1 [cs.IT])

Authors: Zhaolong Ning, Hao Hu, Xiaojie Wang, Qingqing Wu, Chau Yuen, F. Richard Yu, Yan Zhang

Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) communications are expected to alleviate the load of ground base stations in a cost-effective way. Existing studies mainly focus on the deployment and resource allocation of a single IRS instead of multiple IRSs, whereas it is extremely challenging for joint multi-IRS multi-user association in UAV communications with constrained reflecting resources and dynamic scenarios. To address the aforementioned challenges, we propose a new optimization algorithm for joint IRS-user association, trajectory optimization of UAVs, successive interference cancellation (SIC) decoding order scheduling and power allocation to maximize system energy efficiency. We first propose an inverse soft-Q learning-based algorithm to optimize multi-IRS multi-user association. Then, SCA and Dinkelbach-based algorithm are leveraged to optimize UAV trajectory followed by the optimization of SIC decoding order scheduling and power allocation. Finally, theoretical analysis and performance results show significant advantages of the designed algorithm in convergence rate and energy efficiency.

Not All Negatives AreWorth Attending to: Meta-Bootstrapping Negative Sampling Framework for Link Prediction. (arXiv:2312.04815v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yakun Wang, Binbin Hu, Shuo Yang, Meiqi Zhu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Qiyang Zhang, Jun Zhou, Guo Ye, Huimei He

The rapid development of graph neural networks (GNNs) encourages the rising of link prediction, achieving promising performance with various applications. Unfortunately, through a comprehensive analysis, we surprisingly find that current link predictors with dynamic negative samplers (DNSs) suffer from the migration phenomenon between "easy" and "hard" samples, which goes against the preference of DNS of choosing "hard" negatives, thus severely hindering capability. Towards this end, we propose the MeBNS framework, serving as a general plugin that can potentially improve current negative sampling based link predictors. In particular, we elaborately devise a Meta-learning Supported Teacher-student GNN (MST-GNN) that is not only built upon teacher-student architecture for alleviating the migration between "easy" and "hard" samples but also equipped with a meta learning based sample re-weighting module for helping the student GNN distinguish "hard" samples in a fine-grained manner. To effectively guide the learning of MST-GNN, we prepare a Structure enhanced Training Data Generator (STD-Generator) and an Uncertainty based Meta Data Collector (UMD-Collector) for supporting the teacher and student GNN, respectively. Extensive experiments show that the MeBNS achieves remarkable performance across six link prediction benchmark datasets.

Assessing Neural Network Representations During Training Using Noise-Resilient Diffusion Spectral Entropy. (arXiv:2312.04823v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Danqi Liao, Chen Liu, Benjamin W. Christensen, Alexander Tong, Guillaume Huguet, Guy Wolf, Maximilian Nickel, Ian Adelstein, Smita Krishnaswamy

Entropy and mutual information in neural networks provide rich information on the learning process, but they have proven difficult to compute reliably in high dimensions. Indeed, in noisy and high-dimensional data, traditional estimates in ambient dimensions approach a fixed entropy and are prohibitively hard to compute. To address these issues, we leverage data geometry to access the underlying manifold and reliably compute these information-theoretic measures. Specifically, we define diffusion spectral entropy (DSE) in neural representations of a dataset as well as diffusion spectral mutual information (DSMI) between different variables representing data. First, we show that they form noise-resistant measures of intrinsic dimensionality and relationship strength in high-dimensional simulated data that outperform classic Shannon entropy, nonparametric estimation, and mutual information neural estimation (MINE). We then study the evolution of representations in classification networks with supervised learning, self-supervision, or overfitting. We observe that (1) DSE of neural representations increases during training; (2) DSMI with the class label increases during generalizable learning but stays stagnant during overfitting; (3) DSMI with the input signal shows differing trends: on MNIST it increases, while on CIFAR-10 and STL-10 it decreases. Finally, we show that DSE can be used to guide better network initialization and that DSMI can be used to predict downstream classification accuracy across 962 models on ImageNet. The official implementation is available at https://github.com/ChenLiu-1996/DiffusionSpectralEntropy.

Analysis on Effects of Fault Elements in Memristive Neuromorphic Systems. (arXiv:2312.04840v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Hyun-Jong Lee, Jae-Han Lim

Nowadays, neuromorphic systems based on Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) attract attentions of many researchers. There are many studies to improve performances of neuromorphic systems. These studies have been showing satisfactory results. To magnify performances of neuromorphic systems, developing actual neuromorphic systems is essential. For developing them, memristors play key role due to their useful characteristics. Although memristors are essential for actual neuromorphic systems, they are vulnerable to faults. However, there are few studies analyzing effects of fault elements in neuromorphic systems using memristors. To solve this problem, we analyze performance of a memristive neuromorphic system with fault elements changing fault ratios, types, and positions. We choose neurons and synapses to inject faults. We inject two types of faults to synapses: SA0 and SA1 faults. The fault synapses appear in random and important positions. Through our analysis, we discover the following four interesting points. First, memristive characteristics increase vulnerability of neuromorphic systems to fault elements. Second, fault neuron ratios reducing performance sharply exist. Third, performance degradation by fault synapses depends on fault types. Finally, SA1 fault synapses improve performance when they appear in important positions.

Damage GAN: A Generative Model for Imbalanced Data. (arXiv:2312.04862v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ali Anaissi, Yuanzhe Jia, Ali Braytee, Mohamad Naji, Widad Alyassine

This study delves into the application of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) within the context of imbalanced datasets. Our primary aim is to enhance the performance and stability of GANs in such datasets. In pursuit of this objective, we introduce a novel network architecture known as Damage GAN, building upon the ContraD GAN framework which seamlessly integrates GANs and contrastive learning. Through the utilization of contrastive learning, the discriminator is trained to develop an unsupervised representation capable of distinguishing all provided samples. Our approach draws inspiration from the straightforward framework for contrastive learning of visual representations (SimCLR), leading to the formulation of a distinctive loss function. We also explore the implementation of self-damaging contrastive learning (SDCLR) to further enhance the optimization of the ContraD GAN model. Comparative evaluations against baseline models including the deep convolutional GAN (DCGAN) and ContraD GAN demonstrate the evident superiority of our proposed model, Damage GAN, in terms of generated image distribution, model stability, and image quality when applied to imbalanced datasets.

StructComp: Substituting propagation with Structural Compression in Training Graph Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.04865v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shengzhong Zhang, Wenjie Yang, Xinyuan Cao, Hongwei Zhang, Zengfeng Huang

Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has become a powerful tool for learning graph data, but its scalability remains a significant challenge. In this work, we propose a simple yet effective training framework called Structural Compression (StructComp) to address this issue. Inspired by a sparse low-rank approximation on the diffusion matrix, StructComp trains the encoder with the compressed nodes. This allows the encoder not to perform any message passing during the training stage, and significantly reduces the number of sample pairs in the contrastive loss. We theoretically prove that the original GCL loss can be approximated with the contrastive loss computed by StructComp. Moreover, StructComp can be regarded as an additional regularization term for GCL models, resulting in a more robust encoder. Empirical studies on seven benchmark datasets show that StructComp greatly reduces the time and memory consumption while improving model performance compared to the vanilla GCL models and scalable training methods.

HC-Ref: Hierarchical Constrained Refinement for Robust Adversarial Training of GNNs. (arXiv:2312.04879v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xiaobing Pei, Haoran Yang, Gang Shen

Recent studies have shown that attackers can catastrophically reduce the performance of GNNs by maliciously modifying the graph structure or node features on the graph. Adversarial training, which has been shown to be one of the most effective defense mechanisms against adversarial attacks in computer vision, holds great promise for enhancing the robustness of GNNs. There is limited research on defending against attacks by performing adversarial training on graphs, and it is crucial to delve deeper into this approach to optimize its effectiveness. Therefore, based on robust adversarial training on graphs, we propose a hierarchical constraint refinement framework (HC-Ref) that enhances the anti-perturbation capabilities of GNNs and downstream classifiers separately, ultimately leading to improved robustness. We propose corresponding adversarial regularization terms that are conducive to adaptively narrowing the domain gap between the normal part and the perturbation part according to the characteristics of different layers, promoting the smoothness of the predicted distribution of both parts. Moreover, existing research on graph robust adversarial training primarily concentrates on training from the standpoint of node feature perturbations and seldom takes into account alterations in the graph structure. This limitation makes it challenging to prevent attacks based on topological changes in the graph. This paper generates adversarial examples by utilizing graph structure perturbations, offering an effective approach to defend against attack methods that are based on topological changes. Extensive experiments on two real-world graph benchmarks show that HC-Ref successfully resists various attacks and has better node classification performance compared to several baseline methods.

Understanding Community Bias Amplification in Graph Representation Learning. (arXiv:2312.04883v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shengzhong Zhang, Wenjie Yang, Yimin Zhang, Hongwei Zhang, Divin Yan, Zengfeng Huang

In this work, we discover a phenomenon of community bias amplification in graph representation learning, which refers to the exacerbation of performance bias between different classes by graph representation learning. We conduct an in-depth theoretical study of this phenomenon from a novel spectral perspective. Our analysis suggests that structural bias between communities results in varying local convergence speeds for node embeddings. This phenomenon leads to bias amplification in the classification results of downstream tasks. Based on the theoretical insights, we propose random graph coarsening, which is proved to be effective in dealing with the above issue. Finally, we propose a novel graph contrastive learning model called Random Graph Coarsening Contrastive Learning (RGCCL), which utilizes random coarsening as data augmentation and mitigates community bias by contrasting the coarsened graph with the original graph. Extensive experiments on various datasets demonstrate the advantage of our method when dealing with community bias amplification.

KwaiAgents: Generalized Information-seeking Agent System with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04889v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Haojie Pan, Zepeng Zhai, Hao Yuan, Yaojia Lv, Ruiji Fu, Ming Liu, Zhongyuan Wang, Bing Qin

Driven by curiosity, humans have continually sought to explore and understand the world around them, leading to the invention of various tools to satiate this inquisitiveness. Despite not having the capacity to process and memorize vast amounts of information in their brains, humans excel in critical thinking, planning, reflection, and harnessing available tools to interact with and interpret the world, enabling them to find answers efficiently. The recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) suggest that machines might also possess the aforementioned human-like capabilities, allowing them to exhibit powerful abilities even with a constrained parameter count. In this paper, we introduce KwaiAgents, a generalized information-seeking agent system based on LLMs. Within KwaiAgents, we propose an agent system that employs LLMs as its cognitive core, which is capable of understanding a user's query, behavior guidelines, and referencing external documents. The agent can also update and retrieve information from its internal memory, plan and execute actions using a time-aware search-browse toolkit, and ultimately provide a comprehensive response. We further investigate the system's performance when powered by LLMs less advanced than GPT-4, and introduce the Meta-Agent Tuning (MAT) framework, designed to ensure even an open-sourced 7B or 13B model performs well among many agent systems. We exploit both benchmark and human evaluations to systematically validate these capabilities. Extensive experiments show the superiority of our agent system compared to other autonomous agents and highlight the enhanced generalized agent-abilities of our fine-tuned LLMs.

Two-Timescale Q-Learning with Function Approximation in Zero-Sum Stochastic Games. (arXiv:2312.04905v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zaiwei Chen, Kaiqing Zhang, Eric Mazumdar, Asuman Ozdaglar, Adam Wierman

We consider two-player zero-sum stochastic games and propose a two-timescale $Q$-learning algorithm with function approximation that is payoff-based, convergent, rational, and symmetric between the two players. In two-timescale $Q$-learning, the fast-timescale iterates are updated in spirit to the stochastic gradient descent and the slow-timescale iterates (which we use to compute the policies) are updated by taking a convex combination between its previous iterate and the latest fast-timescale iterate. Introducing the slow timescale as well as its update equation marks as our main algorithmic novelty. In the special case of linear function approximation, we establish, to the best of our knowledge, the first last-iterate finite-sample bound for payoff-based independent learning dynamics of these types. The result implies a polynomial sample complexity to find a Nash equilibrium in such stochastic games.

To establish the results, we model our proposed algorithm as a two-timescale stochastic approximation and derive the finite-sample bound through a Lyapunov-based approach. The key novelty lies in constructing a valid Lyapunov function to capture the evolution of the slow-timescale iterates. Specifically, through a change of variable, we show that the update equation of the slow-timescale iterates resembles the classical smoothed best-response dynamics, where the regularized Nash gap serves as a valid Lyapunov function. This insight enables us to construct a valid Lyapunov function via a generalized variant of the Moreau envelope of the regularized Nash gap. The construction of our Lyapunov function might be of broad independent interest in studying the behavior of stochastic approximation algorithms.

Collinear datasets augmentation using Procrustes validation sets. (arXiv:2312.04911v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sergey Kucheryavskiy, Sergei Zhilin

In this paper, we propose a new method for the augmentation of numeric and mixed datasets. The method generates additional data points by utilizing cross-validation resampling and latent variable modeling. It is particularly efficient for datasets with moderate to high degrees of collinearity, as it directly utilizes this property for generation. The method is simple, fast, and has very few parameters, which, as shown in the paper, do not require specific tuning. It has been tested on several real datasets; here, we report detailed results for two cases, prediction of protein in minced meat based on near infrared spectra (fully numeric data with high degree of collinearity) and discrimination of patients referred for coronary angiography (mixed data, with both numeric and categorical variables, and moderate collinearity). In both cases, artificial neural networks were employed for developing the regression and the discrimination models. The results show a clear improvement in the performance of the models; thus for the prediction of meat protein, fitting the model to the augmented data resulted in a reduction in the root mean squared error computed for the independent test set by 1.5 to 3 times.

SA-Attack: Improving Adversarial Transferability of Vision-Language Pre-training Models via Self-Augmentation. (arXiv:2312.04913v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bangyan He, Xiaojun Jia, Siyuan Liang, Tianrui Lou, Yang Liu, Xiaochun Cao

Current Visual-Language Pre-training (VLP) models are vulnerable to adversarial examples. These adversarial examples present substantial security risks to VLP models, as they can leverage inherent weaknesses in the models, resulting in incorrect predictions. In contrast to white-box adversarial attacks, transfer attacks (where the adversary crafts adversarial examples on a white-box model to fool another black-box model) are more reflective of real-world scenarios, thus making them more meaningful for research. By summarizing and analyzing existing research, we identified two factors that can influence the efficacy of transfer attacks on VLP models: inter-modal interaction and data diversity. Based on these insights, we propose a self-augment-based transfer attack method, termed SA-Attack. Specifically, during the generation of adversarial images and adversarial texts, we apply different data augmentation methods to the image modality and text modality, respectively, with the aim of improving the adversarial transferability of the generated adversarial images and texts. Experiments conducted on the FLickr30K and COCO datasets have validated the effectiveness of our method. Our code will be available after this paper is accepted.

EE-LLM: Large-Scale Training and Inference of Early-Exit Large Language Models with 3D Parallelism. (arXiv:2312.04916v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yanxi Chen, Xuchen Pan, Yaliang Li, Bolin Ding, Jingren Zhou

We present EE-LLM, a framework for large-scale training and inference of early-exit large language models (LLMs). While recent works have shown preliminary evidence for the efficacy of early exiting in accelerating LLM inference, EE-LLM makes a foundational step towards scaling up early-exit LLMs by supporting their training and inference with massive 3D parallelism. Built upon Megatron-LM, EE-LLM implements a variety of algorithmic innovations and performance optimizations tailored to early exiting, including a lightweight method that facilitates backpropagation for the early-exit training objective with pipeline parallelism, techniques of leveraging idle resources in the original pipeline schedule for computation related to early-exit layers, and two approaches of early-exit inference that are compatible with KV caching for autoregressive generation. Our analytical and empirical study shows that EE-LLM achieves great training efficiency with negligible computational overhead compared to standard LLM training, as well as outstanding inference speedup without compromising output quality. To facilitate further research and adoption, we release EE-LLM at https://github.com/pan-x-c/EE-LLM.

Operationalizing Assurance Cases for Data Scientists: A Showcase of Concepts and Tooling in the Context of Test Data Quality for Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.04917v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Lisa Jöckel, Michael Kläs, Janek Groß, Pascal Gerber, Markus Scholz, Jonathan Eberle, Marc Teschner, Daniel Seifert, Richard Hawkins, John Molloy, Jens Ottnad

Assurance Cases (ACs) are an established approach in safety engineering to argue quality claims in a structured way. In the context of quality assurance for Machine Learning (ML)-based software components, ACs are also being discussed and appear promising. Tools for operationalizing ACs do exist, yet mainly focus on supporting safety engineers on the system level. However, assuring the quality of an ML component within the system is commonly the responsibility of data scientists, who are usually less familiar with these tools. To address this gap, we propose a framework to support the operationalization of ACs for ML components based on technologies that data scientists use on a daily basis: Python and Jupyter Notebook. Our aim is to make the process of creating ML-related evidence in ACs more effective. Results from the application of the framework, documented through notebooks, can be integrated into existing AC tools. We illustrate the application of the framework on an example excerpt concerned with the quality of the test data.

Pruning Convolutional Filters via Reinforcement Learning with Entropy Minimization. (arXiv:2312.04918v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Bogdan Musat, Razvan Andonie

Structural pruning has become an integral part of neural network optimization, used to achieve architectural configurations which can be deployed and run more efficiently on embedded devices. Previous results showed that pruning is possible with minimum performance loss by utilizing a reinforcement learning agent which makes decisions about the sparsity level of each neural layer by maximizing as a reward the accuracy of the network. We introduce a novel information-theoretic reward function which minimizes the spatial entropy of convolutional activations. This minimization ultimately acts as a proxy for maintaining accuracy, although these two criteria are not related in any way. Our method shows that there is another possibility to preserve accuracy without the need to directly optimize it in the agent's reward function. In our experiments, we were able to reduce the total number of FLOPS of multiple popular neural network architectures by 5-10x, incurring minimal or no performance drop and being on par with the solution found by maximizing the accuracy.

Accelerating Convolutional Neural Network Pruning via Spatial Aura Entropy. (arXiv:2312.04926v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bogdan Musat, Razvan Andonie

In recent years, pruning has emerged as a popular technique to reduce the computational complexity and memory footprint of Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) models. Mutual Information (MI) has been widely used as a criterion for identifying unimportant filters to prune. However, existing methods for MI computation suffer from high computational cost and sensitivity to noise, leading to suboptimal pruning performance. We propose a novel method to improve MI computation for CNN pruning, using the spatial aura entropy. The spatial aura entropy is useful for evaluating the heterogeneity in the distribution of the neural activations over a neighborhood, providing information about local features. Our method effectively improves the MI computation for CNN pruning, leading to more robust and efficient pruning. Experimental results on the CIFAR-10 benchmark dataset demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of pruning performance and computational efficiency.

Zoology: Measuring and Improving Recall in Efficient Language Models. (arXiv:2312.04927v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Simran Arora, Sabri Eyuboglu, Aman Timalsina, Isys Johnson, Michael Poli, James Zou, Atri Rudra, Christopher Ré

Attention-free language models that combine gating and convolutions are growing in popularity due to their efficiency and increasingly competitive performance. To better understand these architectures, we pretrain a suite of 17 attention and "gated-convolution" language models, finding that SoTA gated-convolution architectures still underperform attention by up to 2.1 perplexity points on the Pile. In fine-grained analysis, we find 82% of the gap is explained by each model's ability to recall information that is previously mentioned in-context, e.g. "Hakuna Matata means no worries Hakuna Matata it means no" $\rightarrow$ "??". On this task, termed "associative recall", we find that attention outperforms gated-convolutions by a large margin: a 70M parameter attention model outperforms a 1.4 billion parameter gated-convolution model on associative recall. This is surprising because prior work shows gated convolutions can perfectly solve synthetic tests for AR capability. To close the gap between synthetics and real language, we develop a new formalization of the task called multi-query associative recall (MQAR) that better reflects actual language. We perform an empirical and theoretical study of MQAR that elucidates differences in the parameter-efficiency of attention and gated-convolution recall. Informed by our analysis, we evaluate simple convolution-attention hybrids and show that hybrids with input-dependent sparse attention patterns can close 97.4% of the gap to attention, while maintaining sub-quadratic scaling. Our code is accessible at: https://github.com/HazyResearch/zoology.

Canaries and Whistles: Resilient Drone Communication Networks with (or without) Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.04940v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Chris Hicks, Vasilios Mavroudis, Myles Foley, Thomas Davies, Kate Highnam, Tim Watson

Communication networks able to withstand hostile environments are critically important for disaster relief operations. In this paper, we consider a challenging scenario where drones have been compromised in the supply chain, during their manufacture, and harbour malicious software capable of wide-ranging and infectious disruption. We investigate multi-agent deep reinforcement learning as a tool for learning defensive strategies that maximise communications bandwidth despite continual adversarial interference. Using a public challenge for learning network resilience strategies, we propose a state-of-the-art expert technique and study its superiority over deep reinforcement learning agents. Correspondingly, we identify three specific methods for improving the performance of our learning-based agents: (1) ensuring each observation contains the necessary information, (2) using expert agents to provide a curriculum for learning, and (3) paying close attention to reward. We apply our methods and present a new mixed strategy enabling expert and learning-based agents to work together and improve on all prior results.

The ICL Consistency Test. (arXiv:2312.04945v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Lucas Weber, Elia Bruni, Dieuwke Hupkes

Just like the previous generation of task-tuned models, large language models (LLMs) that are adapted to tasks via prompt-based methods like in-context-learning (ICL) perform well in some setups but not in others. This lack of consistency in prompt-based learning hints at a lack of robust generalisation. We here introduce the ICL consistency test -- a contribution to the GenBench collaborative benchmark task (CBT) -- which evaluates how consistent a model makes predictions across many different setups while using the same data. The test is based on different established natural language inference tasks. We provide preprocessed data constituting 96 different 'setups' and a metric that estimates model consistency across these setups. The metric is provided on a fine-grained level to understand what properties of a setup render predictions unstable and on an aggregated level to compare overall model consistency. We conduct an empirical analysis of eight state-of-the-art models, and our consistency metric reveals how all tested LLMs lack robust generalisation.

Benchmarking and Analysis of Unsupervised Object Segmentation from Real-world Single Images. (arXiv:2312.04947v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yafei Yang, Bo Yang

In this paper, we study the problem of unsupervised object segmentation from single images. We do not introduce a new algorithm, but systematically investigate the effectiveness of existing unsupervised models on challenging real-world images. We first introduce seven complexity factors to quantitatively measure the distributions of background and foreground object biases in appearance and geometry for datasets with human annotations. With the aid of these factors, we empirically find that, not surprisingly, existing unsupervised models fail to segment generic objects in real-world images, although they can easily achieve excellent performance on numerous simple synthetic datasets, due to the vast gap in objectness biases between synthetic and real images. By conducting extensive experiments on multiple groups of ablated real-world datasets, we ultimately find that the key factors underlying the failure of existing unsupervised models on real-world images are the challenging distributions of background and foreground object biases in appearance and geometry. Because of this, the inductive biases introduced in existing unsupervised models can hardly capture the diverse object distributions. Our research results suggest that future work should exploit more explicit objectness biases in the network design.

Scientific Preparation for CSST: Classification of Galaxy and Nebula/Star Cluster Based on Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.04948v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuquan Zhang, Zhong Cao, Feng Wang, Lam, Man I, Hui Deng, Ying Mei, Lei Tan

The Chinese Space Station Telescope (abbreviated as CSST) is a future advanced space telescope. Real-time identification of galaxy and nebula/star cluster (abbreviated as NSC) images is of great value during CSST survey. While recent research on celestial object recognition has progressed, the rapid and efficient identification of high-resolution local celestial images remains challenging. In this study, we conducted galaxy and NSC image classification research using deep learning methods based on data from the Hubble Space Telescope. We built a Local Celestial Image Dataset and designed a deep learning model named HR-CelestialNet for classifying images of the galaxy and NSC. HR-CelestialNet achieved an accuracy of 89.09% on the testing set, outperforming models such as AlexNet, VGGNet and ResNet, while demonstrating faster recognition speeds. Furthermore, we investigated the factors influencing CSST image quality and evaluated the generalization ability of HR-CelestialNet on the blurry image dataset, demonstrating its robustness to low image quality. The proposed method can enable real-time identification of celestial images during CSST survey mission.

Sequential inductive prediction intervals. (arXiv:2312.04950v1 [stat.ME])

Authors: Benny Avelin

In this paper we explore the concept of sequential inductive prediction intervals using theory from sequential testing. We furthermore introduce a 3-parameter PAC definition of prediction intervals that allows us via simulation to achieve almost sharp bounds with high probability.

SparQ Attention: Bandwidth-Efficient LLM Inference. (arXiv:2312.04985v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Luka Ribar, Ivan Chelombiev, Luke Hudlass-Galley, Charlie Blake, Carlo Luschi, Douglas Orr

Generative large language models (LLMs) have opened up numerous novel possibilities, but due to their significant computational requirements their ubiquitous use remains challenging. Some of the most useful applications require processing large numbers of samples at a time and using long contexts, both significantly increasing the memory communication load of the models. We introduce SparQ Attention, a technique for increasing the inference throughput of LLMs by reducing the memory bandwidth requirements within the attention blocks through selective fetching of the cached history. Our proposed technique can be applied directly to off-the-shelf LLMs during inference, without requiring any modification to the pre-training setup or additional fine-tuning. We show how SparQ Attention can decrease the attention memory bandwidth requirements up to eight times without any loss in accuracy by evaluating Llama 2 and Pythia models on a wide range of downstream tasks.

PFLlib: Personalized Federated Learning Algorithm Library. (arXiv:2312.04992v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jianqing Zhang, Yang Liu, Yang Hua, Hao Wang, Tao Song, Zhengui Xue, Ruhui Ma, Jian Cao

Amid the ongoing advancements in Federated Learning (FL), a machine learning paradigm that allows collaborative learning with data privacy protection, personalized FL (pFL) has gained significant prominence as a research direction within the FL domain. Whereas traditional FL (tFL) focuses on jointly learning a global model, pFL aims to achieve a balance between the global and personalized objectives of each client in FL settings. To foster the pFL research community, we propose PFLlib, a comprehensive pFL algorithm library with an integrated evaluation platform. In PFLlib, We implement 34 state-of-the-art FL algorithms (including 7 classic tFL algorithms and 27 pFL algorithms) and provide various evaluation environments with three statistically heterogeneous scenarios and 14 datasets. At present, PFLlib has already gained 850 stars and 199 forks on GitHub.

Beyond Transduction: A Survey on Inductive, Few Shot, and Zero Shot Link Prediction in Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2312.04997v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Nicolas Hubert, Pierre Monnin, Heiko Paulheim

Knowledge graphs (KGs) comprise entities interconnected by relations of different semantic meanings. KGs are being used in a wide range of applications. However, they inherently suffer from incompleteness, i.e. entities or facts about entities are missing. Consequently, a larger body of works focuses on the completion of missing information in KGs, which is commonly referred to as link prediction (LP). This task has traditionally and extensively been studied in the transductive setting, where all entities and relations in the testing set are observed during training. Recently, several works have tackled the LP task under more challenging settings, where entities and relations in the test set may be unobserved during training, or appear in only a few facts. These works are known as inductive, few-shot, and zero-shot link prediction. In this work, we conduct a systematic review of existing works in this area. A thorough analysis leads us to point out the undesirable existence of diverging terminologies and task definitions for the aforementioned settings, which further limits the possibility of comparison between recent works. We consequently aim at dissecting each setting thoroughly, attempting to reveal its intrinsic characteristics. A unifying nomenclature is ultimately proposed to refer to each of them in a simple and consistent manner.

Unbiased Filtering Of Accidental Clicks in Verizon Media Native Advertising. (arXiv:2312.05017v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Yohay Kaplan, Naama Krasne, Alex Shtoff, Oren Somekh

Verizon Media (VZM) native advertising is one of VZM largest and fastest growing businesses, reaching a run-rate of several hundred million USDs in the past year. Driving the VZM native models that are used to predict event probabilities, such as click and conversion probabilities, is OFFSET - a feature enhanced collaborative-filtering based event-prediction algorithm. In this work we focus on the challenge of predicting click-through rates (CTR) when we are aware that some of the clicks have short dwell-time and are defined as accidental clicks. An accidental click implies little affinity between the user and the ad, so predicting that similar users will click on the ad is inaccurate. Therefore, it may be beneficial to remove clicks with dwell-time lower than a predefined threshold from the training set. However, we cannot ignore these positive events, as filtering these will cause the model to under predict. Previous approaches have tried to apply filtering and then adding corrective biases to the CTR predictions, but did not yield revenue lifts and therefore were not adopted. In this work, we present a new approach where the positive weight of the accidental clicks is distributed among all of the negative events (skips), based on their likelihood of causing accidental clicks, as predicted by an auxiliary model. These likelihoods are taken as the correct labels of the negative events, shifting our training from using only binary labels and adopting a binary cross-entropy loss function in our training process. After showing offline performance improvements, the modified model was tested online serving VZM native users, and provided 1.18% revenue lift over the production model which is agnostic to accidental clicks.

A Negative Result on Gradient Matching for Selective Backprop. (arXiv:2312.05021v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lukas Balles, Cedric Archambeau, Giovanni Zappella

With increasing scale in model and dataset size, the training of deep neural networks becomes a massive computational burden. One approach to speed up the training process is Selective Backprop. For this approach, we perform a forward pass to obtain a loss value for each data point in a minibatch. The backward pass is then restricted to a subset of that minibatch, prioritizing high-loss examples. We build on this approach, but seek to improve the subset selection mechanism by choosing the (weighted) subset which best matches the mean gradient over the entire minibatch. We use the gradients w.r.t. the model's last layer as a cheap proxy, resulting in virtually no overhead in addition to the forward pass. At the same time, for our experiments we add a simple random selection baseline which has been absent from prior work. Surprisingly, we find that both the loss-based as well as the gradient-matching strategy fail to consistently outperform the random baseline.

Reinforcement Learning-Based Bionic Reflex Control for Anthropomorphic Robotic Grasping exploiting Domain Randomization. (arXiv:2312.05023v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Hirakjyoti Basumatary, Daksh Adhar, Atharva Shrawge, Prathamesh Kanbaskar, Shyamanta M. Hazarika

Achieving human-level dexterity in robotic grasping remains a challenging endeavor. Robotic hands frequently encounter slippage and deformation during object manipulation, issues rarely encountered by humans due to their sensory receptors, experiential learning, and motor memory. The emulation of the human grasping reflex within robotic hands is referred to as the ``bionic reflex". Past endeavors in the realm of bionic reflex control predominantly relied on model-based and supervised learning approaches, necessitating human intervention during thresholding and labeling tasks. In this study, we introduce an innovative bionic reflex control pipeline, leveraging reinforcement learning (RL); thereby eliminating the need for human intervention during control design. Our proposed bionic reflex controller has been designed and tested on an anthropomorphic hand, manipulating deformable objects in the PyBullet physics simulator, incorporating domain randomization (DR) for enhanced Sim2Real transferability. Our findings underscore the promise of RL as a potent tool for advancing bionic reflex control within anthropomorphic robotic hands. We anticipate that this autonomous, RL-based bionic reflex controller will catalyze the development of dependable and highly efficient robotic and prosthetic hands, revolutionizing human-robot interaction and assistive technologies.

Synthesizing Traffic Datasets using Graph Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.05031v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Daniel Rodriguez-Criado, Maria Chli, Luis J. Manso, George Vogiatzis

Traffic congestion in urban areas presents significant challenges, and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) have sought to address these via automated and adaptive controls. However, these systems often struggle to transfer simulated experiences to real-world scenarios. This paper introduces a novel methodology for bridging this `sim-real' gap by creating photorealistic images from 2D traffic simulations and recorded junction footage. We propose a novel image generation approach, integrating a Conditional Generative Adversarial Network with a Graph Neural Network (GNN) to facilitate the creation of realistic urban traffic images. We harness GNNs' ability to process information at different levels of abstraction alongside segmented images for preserving locality data. The presented architecture leverages the power of SPADE and Graph ATtention (GAT) network models to create images based on simulated traffic scenarios. These images are conditioned by factors such as entity positions, colors, and time of day. The uniqueness of our approach lies in its ability to effectively translate structured and human-readable conditions, encoded as graphs, into realistic images. This advancement contributes to applications requiring rich traffic image datasets, from data augmentation to urban traffic solutions. We further provide an application to test the model's capabilities, including generating images with manually defined positions for various entities.

Grasp Force Optimization as a Bilinear Matrix Inequality Problem: A Deep Learning Approach. (arXiv:2312.05034v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Hirakjyoti Basumatary, Daksh Adhar, Riddhiman Shaw, Shyamanta M. Hazarika

Grasp force synthesis is a non-convex optimization problem involving constraints that are bilinear. Traditional approaches to this problem involve general-purpose gradient-based nonlinear optimization and semi-definite programming. With a view towards dealing with postural synergies and non-smooth but convex positive semidefinite constraints, we look beyond gradient-based optimization. The focus of this paper is to undertake a grasp analysis of biomimetic grasping in multi-fingered robotic hands as a bilinear matrix inequality (BMI) problem. Our analysis is to solve it using a deep learning approach to make the algorithm efficiently generate force closure grasps with optimal grasp quality on untrained/unseen objects.

SmartMask: Context Aware High-Fidelity Mask Generation for Fine-grained Object Insertion and Layout Control. (arXiv:2312.05039v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jaskirat Singh, Jianming Zhang, Qing Liu, Cameron Smith, Zhe Lin, Liang Zheng

The field of generative image inpainting and object insertion has made significant progress with the recent advent of latent diffusion models. Utilizing a precise object mask can greatly enhance these applications. However, due to the challenges users encounter in creating high-fidelity masks, there is a tendency for these methods to rely on more coarse masks (e.g., bounding box) for these applications. This results in limited control and compromised background content preservation. To overcome these limitations, we introduce SmartMask, which allows any novice user to create detailed masks for precise object insertion. Combined with a ControlNet-Inpaint model, our experiments demonstrate that SmartMask achieves superior object insertion quality, preserving the background content more effectively than previous methods. Notably, unlike prior works the proposed approach can also be used even without user-mask guidance, which allows it to perform mask-free object insertion at diverse positions and scales. Furthermore, we find that when used iteratively with a novel instruction-tuning based planning model, SmartMask can be used to design detailed layouts from scratch. As compared with user-scribble based layout design, we observe that SmartMask allows for better quality outputs with layout-to-image generation methods. Project page is available at https://smartmask-gen.github.io

Backward Learning for Goal-Conditioned Policies. (arXiv:2312.05044v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Marc Höftmann, Jan Robine, Stefan Harmeling

Can we learn policies in reinforcement learning without rewards? Can we learn a policy just by trying to reach a goal state? We answer these questions positively by proposing a multi-step procedure that first learns a world model that goes backward in time, secondly generates goal-reaching backward trajectories, thirdly improves those sequences using shortest path finding algorithms, and finally trains a neural network policy by imitation learning. We evaluate our method on a deterministic maze environment where the observations are $64\times 64$ pixel bird's eye images and can show that it consistently reaches several goals.

Soft Frequency Capping for Improved Ad Click Prediction in Yahoo Gemini Native. (arXiv:2312.05052v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Michal Aharon, Yohay Kaplan, Rina Levy, Oren Somekh, Ayelet Blanc, Neetai Eshel, Avi Shahar, Assaf Singer, Alex Zlotnik

Yahoo's native advertising (also known as Gemini native) serves billions of ad impressions daily, reaching a yearly run-rate of many hundred of millions USD. Driving the Gemini native models that are used to predict both click probability (pCTR) and conversion probability (pCONV) is OFFSET - a feature enhanced collaborative-filtering (CF) based event prediction algorithm. \offset is a one-pass algorithm that updates its model for every new batch of logged data using a stochastic gradient descent (SGD) based approach. Since OFFSET represents its users by their features (i.e., user-less model) due to sparsity issues, rule based hard frequency capping (HFC) is used to control the number of times a certain user views a certain ad. Moreover, related statistics reveal that user ad fatigue results in a dramatic drop in click through rate (CTR). Therefore, to improve click prediction accuracy, we propose a soft frequency capping (SFC) approach, where the frequency feature is incorporated into the OFFSET model as a user-ad feature and its weight vector is learned via logistic regression as part of OFFSET training. Online evaluation of the soft frequency capping algorithm via bucket testing showed a significant 7.3% revenue lift. Since then, the frequency feature enhanced model has been pushed to production serving all traffic, and is generating a hefty revenue lift for Yahoo Gemini native. We also report related statistics that reveal, among other things, that while users' gender does not affect ad fatigue, the latter seems to increase with users' age.

A Distributed ADMM-based Deep Learning Approach for Thermal Control in Multi-Zone Buildings. (arXiv:2312.05073v1 [math.OC])

Authors: Vincent Taboga (1, 2, 3), Hanane Dagdougui (1, 2, 3) ((1) Polytechnique Montreal, Department of Mathematics and Industrial Engineering (2) Quebec Artificial Intelligence Institute (Mila) (3) Groupe d'etudes et de recherche en analyse des decisions (GERAD))

The surge in electricity use, coupled with the dependency on intermittent renewable energy sources, poses significant hurdles to effectively managing power grids, particularly during times of peak demand. Demand Response programs and energy conservation measures are essential to operate energy grids while ensuring a responsible use of our resources This research combines distributed optimization using ADMM with Deep Learning models to plan indoor temperature setpoints effectively. A two-layer hierarchical structure is used, with a central building coordinator at the upper layer and local controllers at the thermal zone layer. The coordinator must limit the building's maximum power by translating the building's total power to local power targets for each zone. Local controllers can modify the temperature setpoints to meet the local power targets. The resulting control algorithm, called Distributed Planning Networks, is designed to be both adaptable and scalable to many types of buildings, tackling two of the main challenges in the development of such systems. The proposed approach is tested on an 18-zone building modeled in EnergyPlus. The algorithm successfully manages Demand Response peak events.

UniTSA: A Universal Reinforcement Learning Framework for V2X Traffic Signal Control. (arXiv:2312.05090v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Maonan Wang, Xi Xiong, Yuheng Kan, Chengcheng Xu, Man-On Pun

Traffic congestion is a persistent problem in urban areas, which calls for the development of effective traffic signal control (TSC) systems. While existing Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based methods have shown promising performance in optimizing TSC, it is challenging to generalize these methods across intersections of different structures. In this work, a universal RL-based TSC framework is proposed for Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) environments. The proposed framework introduces a novel agent design that incorporates a junction matrix to characterize intersection states, making the proposed model applicable to diverse intersections. To equip the proposed RL-based framework with enhanced capability of handling various intersection structures, novel traffic state augmentation methods are tailor-made for signal light control systems. Finally, extensive experimental results derived from multiple intersection configurations confirm the effectiveness of the proposed framework. The source code in this work is available at https://github.com/wmn7/Universal_Light

INSPECT: Intrinsic and Systematic Probing Evaluation for Code Transformers. (arXiv:2312.05092v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Anjan Karmakar, Romain Robbes

Pre-trained models of source code have recently been successfully applied to a wide variety of Software Engineering tasks; they have also seen some practical adoption in practice, e.g. for code completion. Yet, we still know very little about what these pre-trained models learn about source code. In this article, we use probing--simple diagnostic tasks that do not further train the models--to discover to what extent pre-trained models learn about specific aspects of source code. We use an extensible framework to define 15 probing tasks that exercise surface, syntactic, structural and semantic characteristics of source code. We probe 8 pre-trained source code models, as well as a natural language model (BERT) as our baseline. We find that models that incorporate some structural information (such as GraphCodeBERT) have a better representation of source code characteristics. Surprisingly, we find that for some probing tasks, BERT is competitive with the source code models, indicating that there are ample opportunities to improve source-code specific pre-training on the respective code characteristics. We encourage other researchers to evaluate their models with our probing task suite, so that they may peer into the hidden layers of the models and identify what intrinsic code characteristics are encoded.

Continual learning for surface defect segmentation by subnetwork creation and selection. (arXiv:2312.05100v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Aleksandr Dekhovich, Miguel A. Bessa

We introduce a new continual (or lifelong) learning algorithm called LDA-CP&S that performs segmentation tasks without undergoing catastrophic forgetting. The method is applied to two different surface defect segmentation problems that are learned incrementally, i.e. providing data about one type of defect at a time, while still being capable of predicting every defect that was seen previously. Our method creates a defect-related subnetwork for each defect type via iterative pruning and trains a classifier based on linear discriminant analysis (LDA). At the inference stage, we first predict the defect type with LDA and then predict the surface defects using the selected subnetwork. We compare our method with other continual learning methods showing a significant improvement -- mean Intersection over Union better by a factor of two when compared to existing methods on both datasets. Importantly, our approach shows comparable results with joint training when all the training data (all defects) are seen simultaneously

TMID: A Comprehensive Real-world Dataset for Trademark Infringement Detection in E-Commerce. (arXiv:2312.05103v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tongxin Hu, Zhuang Li, Xin Jin, Lizhen Qu, Xin Zhang

Annually, e-commerce platforms incur substantial financial losses due to trademark infringements, making it crucial to identify and mitigate potential legal risks tied to merchant information registered to the platforms. However, the absence of high-quality datasets hampers research in this area. To address this gap, our study introduces TMID, a novel dataset to detect trademark infringement in merchant registrations. This is a real-world dataset sourced directly from Alipay, one of the world's largest e-commerce and digital payment platforms. As infringement detection is a legal reasoning task requiring an understanding of the contexts and legal rules, we offer a thorough collection of legal rules and merchant and trademark-related contextual information with annotations from legal experts. We ensure the data quality by performing an extensive statistical analysis. Furthermore, we conduct an empirical study on this dataset to highlight its value and the key challenges. Through this study, we aim to contribute valuable resources to advance research into legal compliance related to trademark infringement within the e-commerce sphere. The dataset is available at https://github.com/emnlpTMID/emnlpTMID.github.io .

On the Inadequacy of Similarity-based Privacy Metrics: Reconstruction Attacks against "Truly Anonymous Synthetic Data''. (arXiv:2312.05114v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Georgi Ganev, Emiliano De Cristofaro

Training generative models to produce synthetic data is meant to provide a privacy-friendly approach to data release. However, we get robust guarantees only when models are trained to satisfy Differential Privacy (DP). Alas, this is not the standard in industry as many companies use ad-hoc strategies to empirically evaluate privacy based on the statistical similarity between synthetic and real data. In this paper, we review the privacy metrics offered by leading companies in this space and shed light on a few critical flaws in reasoning about privacy entirely via empirical evaluations. We analyze the undesirable properties of the most popular metrics and filters and demonstrate their unreliability and inconsistency through counter-examples. We then present a reconstruction attack, ReconSyn, which successfully recovers (i.e., leaks all attributes of) at least 78% of the low-density train records (or outliers) with only black-box access to a single fitted generative model and the privacy metrics. Finally, we show that applying DP only to the model or using low-utility generators does not mitigate ReconSyn as the privacy leakage predominantly comes from the metrics. Overall, our work serves as a warning to practitioners not to deviate from established privacy-preserving mechanisms.

Optimal Multi-Distribution Learning. (arXiv:2312.05134v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zihan Zhang, Wenhao Zhan, Yuxin Chen, Simon S. Du, Jason D. Lee

Multi-distribution learning (MDL), which seeks to learn a shared model that minimizes the worst-case risk across $k$ distinct data distributions, has emerged as a unified framework in response to the evolving demand for robustness, fairness, multi-group collaboration, etc. Achieving data-efficient MDL necessitates adaptive sampling, also called on-demand sampling, throughout the learning process. However, there exist substantial gaps between the state-of-the-art upper and lower bounds on the optimal sample complexity. Focusing on a hypothesis class of Vapnik-Chervonenkis (VC) dimension $d$, we propose a novel algorithm that yields an $varepsilon$-optimal randomized hypothesis with a sample complexity on the order of $(d+k)/\varepsilon^2$ (modulo some logarithmic factor), matching the best-known lower bound. Our algorithmic ideas and theory have been further extended to accommodate Rademacher classes. The proposed algorithms are oracle-efficient, which access the hypothesis class solely through an empirical risk minimization oracle. Additionally, we establish the necessity of randomization, unveiling a large sample size barrier when only deterministic hypotheses are permitted. These findings successfully resolve three open problems presented in COLT 2023 (i.e., Awasthi et al., (2023, Problem 1, 3 and 4)).

Membership Inference Attacks on Diffusion Models via Quantile Regression. (arXiv:2312.05140v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shuai Tang, Zhiwei Steven Wu, Sergul Aydore, Michael Kearns, Aaron Roth

Recently, diffusion models have become popular tools for image synthesis because of their high-quality outputs. However, like other large-scale models, they may leak private information about their training data. Here, we demonstrate a privacy vulnerability of diffusion models through a \emph{membership inference (MI) attack}, which aims to identify whether a target example belongs to the training set when given the trained diffusion model. Our proposed MI attack learns quantile regression models that predict (a quantile of) the distribution of reconstruction loss on examples not used in training. This allows us to define a granular hypothesis test for determining the membership of a point in the training set, based on thresholding the reconstruction loss of that point using a custom threshold tailored to the example. We also provide a simple bootstrap technique that takes a majority membership prediction over ``a bag of weak attackers'' which improves the accuracy over individual quantile regression models. We show that our attack outperforms the prior state-of-the-art attack while being substantially less computationally expensive -- prior attacks required training multiple ``shadow models'' with the same architecture as the model under attack, whereas our attack requires training only much smaller models.

Kraken: enabling joint trajectory prediction by utilizing Mode Transformer and Greedy Mode Processing. (arXiv:2312.05144v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Daniil S. Antonenko, Stepan Konev, Yuriy Biktairov, Boris Yangel

Accurate and reliable motion prediction is essential for safe urban autonomy. The most prominent motion prediction approaches are based on modeling the distribution of possible future trajectories of each actor in autonomous system's vicinity. These "independent" marginal predictions might be accurate enough to properly describe casual driving situations where the prediction target is not likely to interact with other actors. They are, however, inadequate for modeling interactive situations where the actors' future trajectories are likely to intersect. To mitigate this issue we propose Kraken -- a real-time trajectory prediction model capable of approximating pairwise interactions between the actors as well as producing accurate marginal predictions. Kraken relies on a simple Greedy Mode Processing technique allowing it to convert a factorized prediction for a pair of agents into a physically-plausible joint prediction. It also utilizes the Mode Transformer module to increase the diversity of predicted trajectories and make the joint prediction more informative. We evaluate Kraken on Waymo Motion Prediction challenge where it held the first place in the Interaction leaderboard and the second place in the Motion leaderboard in October 2021.

Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation in Surrogate-based Bayesian Inference. (arXiv:2312.05153v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Philipp Reiser, Javier Enrique Aguilar, Anneli Guthke, Paul-Christian Bürkner

Surrogate models are statistical or conceptual approximations for more complex simulation models. In this context, it is crucial to propagate the uncertainty induced by limited simulation budget and surrogate approximation error to predictions, inference, and subsequent decision-relevant quantities. However, quantifying and then propagating the uncertainty of surrogates is usually limited to special analytic cases or is otherwise computationally very expensive. In this paper, we propose a framework enabling a scalable, Bayesian approach to surrogate modeling with thorough uncertainty quantification, propagation, and validation. Specifically, we present three methods for Bayesian inference with surrogate models given measurement data. This is a task where the propagation of surrogate uncertainty is especially relevant, because failing to account for it may lead to biased and/or overconfident estimates of the parameters of interest. We showcase our approach in two detailed case studies for both linear and nonlinear modeling scenarios. Uncertainty propagation in surrogate models enables more reliable and safe approximation of expensive simulators and will therefore be useful in various fields of applications.

Deep Learning-Based Pilotless Spatial Multiplexing. (arXiv:2312.05158v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Dani Korpi, Mikko Honkala, Janne M.J. Huttunen

This paper investigates the feasibility of machine learning (ML)-based pilotless spatial multiplexing in multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) communication systems. Especially, it is shown that by training the transmitter and receiver jointly, the transmitter can learn such constellation shapes for the spatial streams which facilitate completely blind separation and detection by the simultaneously learned receiver. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time ML-based spatial multiplexing without channel estimation pilots is demonstrated. The results show that the learned pilotless scheme can outperform a conventional pilot-based system by as much as 15-20% in terms of spectral efficiency, depending on the modulation order and signal-to-noise ratio.

Detecting Atomic Scale Surface Defects in STM of TMDs with Ensemble Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.05160v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])

Authors: Darian Smalley (1 and 2), Stephanie D. Lough (1 and 2), Luke Holtzman (3), Kaikui Xu (4), Madisen Holbrook (3), Matthew R. Rosenberger (4), J.C. Hone (3), Katayun Barmak (3), Masahiro Ishigami (1 and 2) ((1) Department of Physics, University of Central Florida, (2) NanoScience Technology Center, University of Central Florida, (3) Department of Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics, University of Columbia, (4) Department of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame)

Atomic-scale defect detection is shown in scanning tunneling microscopy images of single crystal WSe2 using an ensemble of U-Net-like convolutional neural networks. Standard deep learning test metrics indicated good detection performance with an average F1 score of 0.66 and demonstrated ensemble generalization to C-AFM images of WSe2 and STM images of MoSe2. Defect coordinates were automatically extracted from defect detections maps showing that STM image analysis enhanced by machine learning can be used to dramatically increase sample characterization throughput.

A Review of Cooperation in Multi-agent Learning. (arXiv:2312.05162v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Yali Du, Joel Z. Leibo, Usman Islam, Richard Willis, Peter Sunehag

Cooperation in multi-agent learning (MAL) is a topic at the intersection of numerous disciplines, including game theory, economics, social sciences, and evolutionary biology. Research in this area aims to understand both how agents can coordinate effectively when goals are aligned and how they may cooperate in settings where gains from working together are possible but possibilities for conflict abound. In this paper we provide an overview of the fundamental concepts, problem settings and algorithms of multi-agent learning. This encompasses reinforcement learning, multi-agent sequential decision-making, challenges associated with multi-agent cooperation, and a comprehensive review of recent progress, along with an evaluation of relevant metrics. Finally we discuss open challenges in the field with the aim of inspiring new avenues for research.

MRI Scan Synthesis Methods based on Clustering and Pix2Pix. (arXiv:2312.05176v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Giulia Baldini, Melanie Schmidt, Charlotte Zäske, Liliana L. Caldeira

We consider a missing data problem in the context of automatic segmentation methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) brain scans. Usually, automated MRI scan segmentation is based on multiple scans (e.g., T1-weighted, T2-weighted, T1CE, FLAIR). However, quite often a scan is blurry, missing or otherwise unusable. We investigate the question whether a missing scan can be synthesized. We exemplify that this is in principle possible by synthesizing a T2-weighted scan from a given T1-weighted scan. Our first aim is to compute a picture that resembles the missing scan closely, measured by average mean squared error (MSE). We develop/use several methods for this, including a random baseline approach, a clustering-based method and pixel-to-pixel translation method by (Pix2Pix) which is based on conditional GANs. The lowest MSE is achieved by our clustering-based method. Our second aim is to compare the methods with respect to the affect that using the synthesized scan has on the segmentation process. For this, we use a DeepMedic model trained with the four input scan modalities named above. We replace the T2-weighted scan by the synthesized picture and evaluate the segmentations with respect to the tumor identification, using Dice scores as numerical evaluation. The evaluation shows that the segmentation works well with synthesized scans (in particular, with Pix2Pix methods) in many cases.

TENPLEX: Changing Resources of Deep Learning Jobs using Parallelizable Tensor Collections. (arXiv:2312.05181v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Marcel Wagenländer, Guo Li, Bo Zhao, Luo Mai, Peter Pietzuch

Deep learning (DL) jobs use multi-dimensional parallelism, i.e they combine data, model, and pipeline parallelism, to use large GPU clusters efficiently. This couples jobs tightly to a set of GPU devices, but jobs may experience changes to the device allocation: (i) resource elasticity during training adds or removes devices; (ii) hardware maintenance may require redeployment on different devices; and (iii) device failures force jobs to run with fewer devices. Current DL frameworks lack support for these scenarios, as they cannot change the multi-dimensional parallelism of an already-running job in an efficient and model-independent way.

We describe Tenplex, a state management library for DL frameworks that enables jobs to change the GPU allocation and job parallelism at runtime. Tenplex achieves this by externalizing the DL job state during training as a parallelizable tensor collection (PTC). When the GPU allocation for the DL job changes, Tenplex uses the PTC to transform the DL job state: for the dataset state, Tenplex repartitions it under data parallelism and exposes it to workers through a virtual file system; for the model state, Tenplex obtains it as partitioned checkpoints and transforms them to reflect the new parallelization configuration. For efficiency, these PTC transformations are executed in parallel with a minimum amount of data movement between devices and workers. Our experiments show that Tenplex enables DL jobs to support dynamic parallelization with low overhead.

AI Competitions and Benchmarks: Competition platforms. (arXiv:2312.05185v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Andrey Ustyuzhanin, Harald Carlens

The ecosystem of artificial intelligence competitions is a diverse and multifaceted landscape, encompassing a variety of platforms that each host numerous competitions annually, alongside a plethora of specialized websites dedicated to singular contests. These platforms adeptly manage the overarching administrative responsibilities inherent in orchestrating competitions, thus affording organizers the liberty to allocate greater attention to other facets of their contests. Notably, these platforms exhibit considerable diversity in their operational functionalities, economic models, and community dynamics. This chapter conducts an extensive review of the foremost services in this realm and elucidates several alternative methodologies that facilitate the independent hosting of such challenges. Keywords: competition platform, challenge hosting services, comparison.

Conformal Prediction in Multi-User Settings: An Evaluation. (arXiv:2312.05195v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Enrique Garcia-Ceja, Luciano Garcia-Banuelos, Nicolas Jourdan

Typically, machine learning models are trained and evaluated without making any distinction between users (e.g, using traditional hold-out and cross-validation). However, this produces inaccurate performance metrics estimates in multi-user settings. That is, situations where the data were collected by multiple users with different characteristics (e.g., age, gender, height, etc.) which is very common in user computer interaction and medical applications. For these types of scenarios model evaluation strategies that provide better performance estimates have been proposed such as mixed, user-independent, user-dependent, and user-adaptive models. Although those strategies are better suited for multi-user systems, they are typically assessed with respect to performance metrics that capture the overall behavior of the models and do not provide any performance guarantees for individual predictions nor they provide any feedback about the predictions' uncertainty. In order to overcome those limitations, in this work we evaluated the conformal prediction framework in several multi-user settings. Conformal prediction is a model agnostic method that provides confidence guarantees on the predictions, thus, increasing the trustworthiness and robustness of the models. We conducted extensive experiments using different evaluation strategies and found significant differences in terms of conformal performance measures. We also proposed several visualizations based on matrices, graphs, and charts that capture different aspects of the resulting prediction sets.

DeltaZip: Multi-Tenant Language Model Serving via Delta Compression. (arXiv:2312.05215v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Xiaozhe Yao, Ana Klimovic

Fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) for downstream tasks can greatly improve model quality, however serving many different fine-tuned LLMs concurrently for users in multi-tenant environments is challenging. Dedicating GPU memory for each model is prohibitively expensive and naively swapping large model weights in and out of GPU memory is slow. Our key insight is that fine-tuned models can be quickly swapped in and out of GPU memory by extracting and compressing the delta between each model and its pre-trained base model. We propose DeltaZip, an LLM serving system that efficiently serves multiple full-parameter fine-tuned models concurrently by aggressively compressing model deltas by a factor of $6\times$ to $8\times$ while maintaining high model quality. DeltaZip increases serving throughput by $1.5\times$ to $3\times$ and improves SLO attainment compared to a vanilla HuggingFace serving system.

Neural Spectral Methods: Self-supervised learning in the spectral domain. (arXiv:2312.05225v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yiheng Du, Nithin Chalapathi, Aditi Krishnapriyan

We present Neural Spectral Methods, a technique to solve parametric Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), grounded in classical spectral methods. Our method uses orthogonal bases to learn PDE solutions as mappings between spectral coefficients. In contrast to current machine learning approaches which enforce PDE constraints by minimizing the numerical quadrature of the residuals in the spatiotemporal domain, we leverage Parseval's identity and introduce a new training strategy through a \textit{spectral loss}. Our spectral loss enables more efficient differentiation through the neural network, and substantially reduces training complexity. At inference time, the computational cost of our method remains constant, regardless of the spatiotemporal resolution of the domain. Our experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms previous machine learning approaches in terms of speed and accuracy by one to two orders of magnitude on multiple different problems. When compared to numerical solvers of the same accuracy, our method demonstrates a $10\times$ increase in performance speed.

Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Training-Free Prototype Calibration. (arXiv:2312.05229v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Qi-Wei Wang, Da-Wei Zhou, Yi-Kai Zhang, De-Chuan Zhan, Han-Jia Ye

Real-world scenarios are usually accompanied by continuously appearing classes with scare labeled samples, which require the machine learning model to incrementally learn new classes and maintain the knowledge of base classes. In this Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning (FSCIL) scenario, existing methods either introduce extra learnable components or rely on a frozen feature extractor to mitigate catastrophic forgetting and overfitting problems. However, we find a tendency for existing methods to misclassify the samples of new classes into base classes, which leads to the poor performance of new classes. In other words, the strong discriminability of base classes distracts the classification of new classes. To figure out this intriguing phenomenon, we observe that although the feature extractor is only trained on base classes, it can surprisingly represent the semantic similarity between the base and unseen new classes. Building upon these analyses, we propose a simple yet effective Training-frEE calibratioN (TEEN) strategy to enhance the discriminability of new classes by fusing the new prototypes (i.e., mean features of a class) with weighted base prototypes. In addition to standard benchmarks in FSCIL, TEEN demonstrates remarkable performance and consistent improvements over baseline methods in the few-shot learning scenario. Code is available at: https://github.com/wangkiw/TEEN

Language Models, Agent Models, and World Models: The LAW for Machine Reasoning and Planning. (arXiv:2312.05230v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zhiting Hu, Tianmin Shu

Despite their tremendous success in many applications, large language models often fall short of consistent reasoning and planning in various (language, embodied, and social) scenarios, due to inherent limitations in their inference, learning, and modeling capabilities. In this position paper, we present a new perspective of machine reasoning, LAW, that connects the concepts of Language models, Agent models, and World models, for more robust and versatile reasoning capabilities. In particular, we propose that world and agent models are a better abstraction of reasoning, that introduces the crucial elements of deliberate human-like reasoning, including beliefs about the world and other agents, anticipation of consequences, goals/rewards, and strategic planning. Crucially, language models in LAW serve as a backend to implement the system or its elements and hence provide the computational power and adaptability. We review the recent studies that have made relevant progress and discuss future research directions towards operationalizing the LAW framework.

Modeling Risk in Reinforcement Learning: A Literature Mapping. (arXiv:2312.05231v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Leonardo Villalobos-Arias, Derek Martin, Abhijeet Krishnan, Madeleine Gagné, Colin M. Potts, Arnav Jhala

Safe reinforcement learning deals with mitigating or avoiding unsafe situations by reinforcement learning (RL) agents. Safe RL approaches are based on specific risk representations for particular problems or domains. In order to analyze agent behaviors, compare safe RL approaches, and effectively transfer techniques between application domains, it is necessary to understand the types of risk specific to safe RL problems. We performed a systematic literature mapping with the objective to characterize risk in safe RL. Based on the obtained results, we present definitions, characteristics, and types of risk that hold on multiple application domains. Our literature mapping covers literature from the last 5 years (2017-2022), from a variety of knowledge areas (AI, finance, engineering, medicine) where RL approaches emphasize risk representation and management. Our mapping covers 72 papers filtered systematically from over thousands of papers on the topic. Our proposed notion of risk covers a variety of representations, disciplinary differences, common training exercises, and types of techniques. We encourage researchers to include explicit and detailed accounts of risk in future safe RL research reports, using this mapping as a starting point. With this information, researchers and practitioners could draw stronger conclusions on the effectiveness of techniques on different problems.

The impact of heteroskedasticity on uplift modeling. (arXiv:2312.05234v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Björn Bokelmann, Stefan Lessmann

There are various applications, where companies need to decide to which individuals they should best allocate treatment. To support such decisions, uplift models are applied to predict treatment effects on an individual level. Based on the predicted treatment effects, individuals can be ranked and treatment allocation can be prioritized according to this ranking. An implicit assumption, which has not been doubted in the previous uplift modeling literature, is that this treatment prioritization approach tends to bring individuals with high treatment effects to the top and individuals with low treatment effects to the bottom of the ranking. In our research, we show that heteroskedastictity in the training data can cause a bias of the uplift model ranking: individuals with the highest treatment effects can get accumulated in large numbers at the bottom of the ranking. We explain theoretically how heteroskedasticity can bias the ranking of uplift models and show this process in a simulation and on real-world data. We argue that this problem of ranking bias due to heteroskedasticity might occur in many real-world applications and requires modification of the treatment prioritization to achieve an efficient treatment allocation.

Topology-Based Reconstruction Prevention for Decentralised Learning. (arXiv:2312.05248v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Florine W. Dekker (1), Zekeriya Erkin (1), Mauro Conti (2 and 1) ((1) Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands and (2) Università di Padova, Italy)

Decentralised learning has recently gained traction as an alternative to federated learning in which both data and coordination are distributed over its users. To preserve the confidentiality of users' data, decentralised learning relies on differential privacy, multi-party computation, or a combination thereof. However, running multiple privacy-preserving summations in sequence may allow adversaries to perform reconstruction attacks. Unfortunately, current reconstruction countermeasures either cannot trivially be adapted to the distributed setting, or add excessive amounts of noise.

In this work, we first show that passive honest-but-curious adversaries can reconstruct other users' private data after several privacy-preserving summations. For example, in subgraphs with 18 users, we show that only three passive honest-but-curious adversaries succeed at reconstructing private data 11.0% of the time, requiring an average of 8.8 summations per adversary. The success rate is independent of the size of the full network. We consider weak adversaries, who do not control the graph topology and can exploit neither the workings of the summation protocol nor the specifics of users' data.

We develop a mathematical understanding of how reconstruction relates to topology and propose the first topology-based decentralised defence against reconstruction attacks. Specifically, we show that reconstruction requires a number of adversaries linear in the length of the network's shortest cycle. Consequently, reconstructing private data from privacy-preserving summations is impossible in acyclic networks.

Our work is a stepping stone for a formal theory of decentralised reconstruction defences based on topology. Such a theory would generalise our countermeasure beyond summation, define confidentiality in terms of entropy, and describe the effects of (topology-aware) differential privacy.

TaskMet: Task-Driven Metric Learning for Model Learning. (arXiv:2312.05250v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dishank Bansal, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Mustafa Mukadam, Brandon Amos

Deep learning models are often deployed in downstream tasks that the training procedure may not be aware of. For example, models solely trained to achieve accurate predictions may struggle to perform well on downstream tasks because seemingly small prediction errors may incur drastic task errors. The standard end-to-end learning approach is to make the task loss differentiable or to introduce a differentiable surrogate that the model can be trained on. In these settings, the task loss needs to be carefully balanced with the prediction loss because they may have conflicting objectives. We propose take the task loss signal one level deeper than the parameters of the model and use it to learn the parameters of the loss function the model is trained on, which can be done by learning a metric in the prediction space. This approach does not alter the optimal prediction model itself, but rather changes the model learning to emphasize the information important for the downstream task. This enables us to achieve the best of both worlds: a prediction model trained in the original prediction space while also being valuable for the desired downstream task. We validate our approach through experiments conducted in two main settings: 1) decision-focused model learning scenarios involving portfolio optimization and budget allocation, and 2) reinforcement learning in noisy environments with distracting states. The source code to reproduce our experiments is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/taskmet

KBFormer: A Diffusion Model for Structured Entity Completion. (arXiv:2312.05253v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ouail Kitouni, Niklas Nolte, James Hensman, Bhaskar Mitra

We develop a generative attention-based approach to modeling structured entities comprising different property types, such as numerical, categorical, string, and composite. This approach handles such heterogeneous data through a mixed continuous-discrete diffusion process over the properties. Our flexible framework can model entities with arbitrary hierarchical properties, enabling applications to structured Knowledge Base (KB) entities and tabular data. Our approach obtains state-of-the-art performance on a majority of cases across 15 datasets. In addition, experiments with a device KB and a nuclear physics dataset demonstrate the model's ability to learn representations useful for entity completion in diverse settings. This has many downstream use cases, including modeling numerical properties with high accuracy - critical for science applications, which also benefit from the model's inherent probabilistic nature.

Disentangling CO Chemistry in a Protoplanetary Disk Using Explanatory Machine Learning Techniques. (arXiv:2312.05254v1 [astro-ph.EP])

Authors: Amina Diop (1), Ilse Cleeves (1), Dana Anderson (2), Jamila Pegues (3), Adele Plunkett (4) ((1) University of Virginia, (2) Earth and Planets Laboratory, Carnegie Institution for Science, (3) Space Telescope Science Institute, (4) National Radio Astronomy Observatory)

Molecular abundances in protoplanetary disks are highly sensitive to the local physical conditions, including gas temperature, gas density, radiation field, and dust properties. Often multiple factors are intertwined, impacting the abundances of both simple and complex species. We present a new approach to understanding these chemical and physical interdependencies using machine learning. Specifically we explore the case of CO modeled under the conditions of a generic disk and build an explanatory regression model to study the dependence of CO spatial density on the gas density, gas temperature, cosmic ray ionization rate, X-ray ionization rate, and UV flux. Our findings indicate that combinations of parameters play a surprisingly powerful role in regulating CO compared to any singular physical parameter. Moreover, in general, we find the conditions in the disk are destructive toward CO. CO depletion is further enhanced in an increased cosmic ray environment and in disks with higher initial C/O ratios. These dependencies uncovered by our new approach are consistent with previous studies, which are more modeling intensive and computationally expensive. Our work thus shows that machine learning can be a powerful tool not only for creating efficient predictive models, but also for enabling a deeper understanding of complex chemical processes.

Continuous Release of Data Streams under both Centralized and Local Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2005.11753v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Tianhao Wang, Joann Qiongna Chen, Zhikun Zhang, Dong Su, Yueqiang Cheng, Zhou Li, Ninghui Li, Somesh Jha

In this paper, we study the problem of publishing a stream of real-valued data satisfying differential privacy (DP). One major challenge is that the maximal possible value can be quite large; thus it is necessary to estimate a threshold so that numbers above it are truncated to reduce the amount of noise that is required to all the data. The estimation must be done based on the data in a private fashion. We develop such a method that uses the Exponential Mechanism with a quality function that approximates well the utility goal while maintaining a low sensitivity. Given the threshold, we then propose a novel online hierarchical method and several post-processing techniques.

Building on these ideas, we formalize the steps into a framework for private publishing of stream data. Our framework consists of three components: a threshold optimizer that privately estimates the threshold, a perturber that adds calibrated noises to the stream, and a smoother that improves the result using post-processing. Within our framework, we design an algorithm satisfying the more stringent setting of DP called local DP (LDP). To our knowledge, this is the first LDP algorithm for publishing streaming data. Using four real-world datasets, we demonstrate that our mechanism outperforms the state-of-the-art by a factor of 6-10 orders of magnitude in terms of utility (measured by the mean squared error of answering a random range query).

Low-skilled Occupations Face the Highest Upskilling Pressure. (arXiv:2101.11505v4 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Di Tong (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Lingfei Wu (University of Pittsburgh), James Allen Evans (University of Chicago)

Substantial scholarship has estimated the susceptibility of jobs to automation, but little has examined how job contents evolve in the information age as new technologies substitute for tasks, shifting required skills rather than eliminating entire jobs. Here we explore patterns and consequences of changes in occupational skill and characterize occupations and workers subject to the greatest re-skilling pressure. Recent work found that changing skill requirements are greatest for STEM occupations. Nevertheless, analyzing 167 million online job posts covering 727 occupations over the last decade, we find that re-skilling pressure is greatest for low-skilled occupations when accounting for distance between skills. We further investigate the differences in skill change across employer and market size, as well as social demographic groups, and find that these differences tend to widen the economic divide. Jobs from large employers and markets experienced less change relative to small employers and markets, and non-white workers in low-skilled jobs are most demographically vulnerable. We conclude by showcasing our model's potential to precisely chart job evolution towards machine-interface integration using skill embedding spaces.

Predicting Census Survey Response Rates With Parsimonious Additive Models and Structured Interactions. (arXiv:2108.11328v4 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Shibal Ibrahim, Peter Radchenko, Emanuel Ben-David, Rahul Mazumder

In this paper we consider the problem of predicting survey response rates using a family of flexible and interpretable nonparametric models. The study is motivated by the US Census Bureau's well-known ROAM application which uses a linear regression model trained on the US Census Planning Database data to identify hard-to-survey areas. A crowdsourcing competition (Erdman and Bates, 2016) organized around ten years ago revealed that machine learning methods based on ensembles of regression trees led to the best performance in predicting survey response rates; however, the corresponding models could not be adopted for the intended application due to their black-box nature. We consider nonparametric additive models with small number of main and pairwise interaction effects using $\ell_0$-based penalization. From a methodological viewpoint, we study both computational and statistical aspects of our estimator; and discuss variants that incorporate strong hierarchical interactions. Our algorithms (opensourced on github) extend the computational frontiers of existing algorithms for sparse additive models, to be able to handle datasets relevant for the application we consider. We discuss and interpret findings from our model on the US Census Planning Database. In addition to being useful from an interpretability standpoint, our models lead to predictions that appear to be better than popular black-box machine learning methods based on gradient boosting and feedforward neural networks - suggesting that it is possible to have models that have the best of both worlds: good model accuracy and interpretability.

Domain-Aware Continual Zero-Shot Learning. (arXiv:2112.12989v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kai Yi, Paul Janson, Wenxuan Zhang, Mohamed Elhoseiny

Continual zero-shot learning involves learning seen classes incrementally while improving the ability to recognize unseen or yet-to-be-seen classes. It has a broad range of potential applications in real-world vision tasks, such as accelerating species discovery. However, in these scenarios, the changes in environmental conditions cause shifts in the presentation of captured images, which we refer to as domain shift, and adds complexity to the tasks. In this paper, we introduce Domain Aware Continual Zero-Shot Learning (DACZSL), a task that involves visually recognizing images of unseen categories in unseen domains continually. To address the challenges of DACZSL, we propose a Domain-Invariant Network (DIN). We empoly a dual network structure to learn factorized features to alleviate forgetting, where consists of a global shared net for domian-invirant and task-invariant features, and per-task private nets for task-specific features. Furthermore, we introduce a class-wise learnable prompt to obtain better class-level text representation, which enables zero-shot prediction of future unseen classes. To evaluate DACZSL, we introduce two benchmarks: DomainNet-CZSL and iWildCam-CZSL. Our results show that DIN significantly outperforms existing baselines and achieves a new state-of-the-art.

Multi-Frequency Joint Community Detection and Phase Synchronization. (arXiv:2206.12276v3 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Lingda Wang, Zhizhen Zhao

This paper studies the joint community detection and phase synchronization problem on the \textit{stochastic block model with relative phase}, where each node is associated with an unknown phase angle. This problem, with a variety of real-world applications, aims to recover the cluster structure and associated phase angles simultaneously. We show this problem exhibits a \textit{``multi-frequency''} structure by closely examining its maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) formulation, whereas existing methods are not originated from this perspective. To this end, two simple yet efficient algorithms that leverage the MLE formulation and benefit from the information across multiple frequencies are proposed. The former is a spectral method based on the novel multi-frequency column-pivoted QR factorization. The factorization applied to the top eigenvectors of the observation matrix provides key information about the cluster structure and associated phase angles. The second approach is an iterative multi-frequency generalized power method, where each iteration updates the estimation in a matrix-multiplication-then-projection manner. Numerical experiments show that our proposed algorithms significantly improve the ability of exactly recovering the cluster structure and the accuracy of the estimated phase angles, compared to state-of-the-art algorithms.

Z-BERT-A: a zero-shot Pipeline for Unknown Intent detection. (arXiv:2208.07084v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniele Comi, Dimitrios Christofidellis, Pier Francesco Piazza, Matteo Manica

Intent discovery is a crucial task in natural language processing, and it is increasingly relevant for various of industrial applications. Identifying novel, unseen intents from user inputs remains one of the biggest challenges in this field. Herein, we propose Zero-Shot-BERT-Adapters, a two-stage method for multilingual intent discovery relying on a Transformer architecture, fine-tuned with Adapters. We train the model for Natural Language Inference (NLI) and later perform unknown intent classification in a zero-shot setting for multiple languages. In our evaluation, we first analyze the quality of the model after adaptive fine-tuning on known classes. Secondly, we evaluate its performance in casting intent classification as an NLI task. Lastly, we test the zero-shot performance of the model on unseen classes, showing how Zero-Shot-BERT-Adapters can effectively perform intent discovery by generating semantically similar intents, if not equal, to the ground-truth ones. Our experiments show how Zero-Shot-BERT-Adapters outperforms various baselines in two zero-shot settings: known intent classification and unseen intent discovery. The proposed pipeline holds the potential for broad application in customer care. It enables automated dynamic triage using a lightweight model that can be easily deployed and scaled in various business scenarios, unlike large language models. Zero-Shot-BERT-Adapters represents an innovative multi-language approach for intent discovery, enabling the online generation of novel intents. A Python package implementing the pipeline and the new datasets we compiled are available at the following link: https://github.com/GT4SD/zero-shot-bert-adapters.

Collaborative causal inference on distributed data. (arXiv:2208.07898v4 [stat.ME] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuji Kawamata, Ryoki Motai, Yukihiko Okada, Akira Imakura, Tetsuya Sakurai

In recent years, the development of technologies for causal inference with privacy preservation of distributed data has gained considerable attention. Many existing methods for distributed data focus on resolving the lack of subjects (samples) and can only reduce random errors in estimating treatment effects. In this study, we propose a data collaboration quasi-experiment (DC-QE) that resolves the lack of both subjects and covariates, reducing random errors and biases in the estimation. Our method involves constructing dimensionality-reduced intermediate representations from private data from local parties, sharing intermediate representations instead of private data for privacy preservation, estimating propensity scores from the shared intermediate representations, and finally, estimating the treatment effects from propensity scores. Through numerical experiments on both artificial and real-world data, we confirm that our method leads to better estimation results than individual analyses. While dimensionality reduction loses some information in the private data and causes performance degradation, we observe that sharing intermediate representations with many parties to resolve the lack of subjects and covariates sufficiently improves performance to overcome the degradation caused by dimensionality reduction. Although external validity is not necessarily guaranteed, our results suggest that DC-QE is a promising method. With the widespread use of our method, intermediate representations can be published as open data to help researchers find causalities and accumulate a knowledge base.

BAFFLE: Hiding Backdoors in Offline Reinforcement Learning Datasets. (arXiv:2210.04688v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chen Gong, Zhou Yang, Yunpeng Bai, Junda He, Jieke Shi, Kecen Li, Arunesh Sinha, Bowen Xu, Xinwen Hou, David Lo, Tianhao Wang

Reinforcement learning (RL) makes an agent learn from trial-and-error experiences gathered during the interaction with the environment. Recently, offline RL has become a popular RL paradigm because it saves the interactions with environments. In offline RL, data providers share large pre-collected datasets, and others can train high-quality agents without interacting with the environments. This paradigm has demonstrated effectiveness in critical tasks like robot control, autonomous driving, etc. However, less attention is paid to investigating the security threats to the offline RL system. This paper focuses on backdoor attacks, where some perturbations are added to the data (observations) such that given normal observations, the agent takes high-rewards actions, and low-reward actions on observations injected with triggers. In this paper, we propose Baffle (Backdoor Attack for Offline Reinforcement Learning), an approach that automatically implants backdoors to RL agents by poisoning the offline RL dataset, and evaluate how different offline RL algorithms react to this attack. Our experiments conducted on four tasks and four offline RL algorithms expose a disquieting fact: none of the existing offline RL algorithms is immune to such a backdoor attack. More specifically, Baffle modifies 10\% of the datasets for four tasks (3 robotic controls and 1 autonomous driving). Agents trained on the poisoned datasets perform well in normal settings. However, when triggers are presented, the agents' performance decreases drastically by 63.2\%, 53.9\%, 64.7\%, and 47.4\% in the four tasks on average. The backdoor still persists after fine-tuning poisoned agents on clean datasets. We further show that the inserted backdoor is also hard to be detected by a popular defensive method. This paper calls attention to developing more effective protection for the open-source offline RL dataset.

Neural Eigenfunctions Are Structured Representation Learners. (arXiv:2210.12637v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhijie Deng, Jiaxin Shi, Hao Zhang, Peng Cui, Cewu Lu, Jun Zhu

This paper introduces a structured, adaptive-length deep representation called Neural Eigenmap. Unlike prior spectral methods such as Laplacian Eigenmap that operate in a nonparametric manner, Neural Eigenmap leverages NeuralEF to parametrically model eigenfunctions using a neural network. We show that, when the eigenfunction is derived from positive relations in a data augmentation setup, applying NeuralEF results in an objective function that resembles those of popular self-supervised learning methods, with an additional symmetry-breaking property that leads to \emph{structured} representations where features are ordered by importance. We demonstrate using such representations as adaptive-length codes in image retrieval systems. By truncation according to feature importance, our method requires up to $16\times$ shorter representation length than leading self-supervised learning ones to achieve similar retrieval performance. We further apply our method to graph data and report strong results on a node representation learning benchmark with more than one million nodes.

Construction of Hierarchical Neural Architecture Search Spaces based on Context-free Grammars. (arXiv:2211.01842v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Schrodi, Danny Stoll, Binxin Ru, Rhea Sukthanker, Thomas Brox, Frank Hutter

The discovery of neural architectures from simple building blocks is a long-standing goal of Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Hierarchical search spaces are a promising step towards this goal but lack a unifying search space design framework and typically only search over some limited aspect of architectures. In this work, we introduce a unifying search space design framework based on context-free grammars that can naturally and compactly generate expressive hierarchical search spaces that are 100s of orders of magnitude larger than common spaces from the literature. By enhancing and using their properties, we effectively enable search over the complete architecture and can foster regularity. Further, we propose an efficient hierarchical kernel design for a Bayesian Optimization search strategy to efficiently search over such huge spaces. We demonstrate the versatility of our search space design framework and show that our search strategy can be superior to existing NAS approaches. Code is available at https://github.com/automl/hierarchical_nas_construction.

TetraDiffusion: Tetrahedral Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Generation. (arXiv:2211.13220v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nikolai Kalischek, Torben Peters, Jan D. Wegner, Konrad Schindler

Probabilistic denoising diffusion models (DDMs) have set a new standard for 2D image generation. Extending DDMs for 3D content creation is an active field of research. Here, we propose TetraDiffusion, a diffusion model that operates on a tetrahedral partitioning of 3D space to enable efficient, high-resolution 3D shape generation. Our model introduces operators for convolution and transpose convolution that act directly on the tetrahedral partition, and seamlessly includes additional attributes such as color. Remarkably, TetraDiffusion enables rapid sampling of detailed 3D objects in nearly real-time with unprecedented resolution. It's also adaptable for generating 3D shapes conditioned on 2D images. Compared to existing 3D mesh diffusion techniques, our method is up to 200 times faster in inference speed, works on standard consumer hardware, and delivers superior results.

Bayesian data fusion with shared priors. (arXiv:2212.07311v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Peng Wu, Tales Imbiriba, Victor Elvira, Pau Closas

The integration of data and knowledge from several sources is known as data fusion. When data is only available in a distributed fashion or when different sensors are used to infer a quantity of interest, data fusion becomes essential. In Bayesian settings, a priori information of the unknown quantities is available and, possibly, present among the different distributed estimators. When the local estimates are fused, the prior knowledge used to construct several local posteriors might be overused unless the fusion node accounts for this and corrects it. In this paper, we analyze the effects of shared priors in Bayesian data fusion contexts. Depending on different common fusion rules, our analysis helps to understand the performance behavior as a function of the number of collaborative agents and as a consequence of different types of priors. The analysis is performed by using two divergences which are common in Bayesian inference, and the generality of the results allows to analyze very generic distributions. These theoretical results are corroborated through experiments in a variety of estimation and classification problems, including linear and nonlinear models, and federated learning schemes.

DSI++: Updating Transformer Memory with New Documents. (arXiv:2212.09744v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sanket Vaibhav Mehta, Jai Gupta, Yi Tay, Mostafa Dehghani, Vinh Q. Tran, Jinfeng Rao, Marc Najork, Emma Strubell, Donald Metzler

Differentiable Search Indices (DSIs) encode a corpus of documents in model parameters and use the same model to answer user queries directly. Despite the strong performance of DSI models, deploying them in situations where the corpus changes over time is computationally expensive because reindexing the corpus requires re-training the model. In this work, we introduce DSI++, a continual learning challenge for DSI to incrementally index new documents while being able to answer queries related to both previously and newly indexed documents. Across different model scales and document identifier representations, we show that continual indexing of new documents leads to considerable forgetting of previously indexed documents. We also hypothesize and verify that the model experiences forgetting events during training, leading to unstable learning. To mitigate these issues, we investigate two approaches. The first focuses on modifying the training dynamics. Flatter minima implicitly alleviate forgetting, so we optimize for flatter loss basins and show that the model stably memorizes more documents ($+12\%$). Next, we introduce a generative memory to sample pseudo-queries for documents and supplement them during continual indexing to prevent forgetting for the retrieval task. Extensive experiments on novel continual indexing benchmarks based on Natural Questions (NQ) and MS MARCO demonstrate that our proposed solution mitigates forgetting significantly. Concretely, it improves the average Hits@10 by $+21.1\%$ over competitive baselines for NQ and requires $6$ times fewer model updates compared to re-training the DSI model for incrementally indexing five corpora in a sequence.

Interpretable Classification of Early Stage Parkinson's Disease from EEG. (arXiv:2301.09568v2 [q-bio.NC] UPDATED)

Authors: Amarpal Sahota, Amber Roguski, Matthew W. Jones, Michal Rolinski, Alan Whone, Raul Santos-Rodriguez, Zahraa S. Abdallah

Detecting Parkinson's Disease in its early stages using EEG data presents a significant challenge. This paper introduces a novel approach, representing EEG data as a 15-variate series of bandpower and peak frequency values/coefficients. The hypothesis is that this representation captures essential information from the noisy EEG signal, improving disease detection. Statistical features extracted from this representation are utilised as input for interpretable machine learning models, specifically Decision Tree and AdaBoost classifiers. Our classification pipeline is deployed within our proposed framework which enables high-importance data types and brain regions for classification to be identified. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that while there is no significant regional importance, the N1 sleep data type exhibits statistically significant predictive power (p < 0.01) for early-stage Parkinson's Disease classification. AdaBoost classifiers trained on the N1 data type consistently outperform baseline models, achieving over 80% accuracy and recall. Our classification pipeline statistically significantly outperforms baseline models indicating that the model has acquired useful information. Paired with the interpretability (ability to view feature importance's) of our pipeline this enables us to generate meaningful insights into the classification of early stage Parkinson's with our N1 models. In Future, these models could be deployed in the real world - the results presented in this paper indicate that more than 3 in 4 early-stage Parkinson's cases would be captured with our pipeline.

Provably Bounding Neural Network Preimages. (arXiv:2302.01404v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Suhas Kotha, Christopher Brix, Zico Kolter, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Huan Zhang

Most work on the formal verification of neural networks has focused on bounding the set of outputs that correspond to a given set of inputs (for example, bounded perturbations of a nominal input). However, many use cases of neural network verification require solving the inverse problem, or over-approximating the set of inputs that lead to certain outputs. We present the INVPROP algorithm for verifying properties over the preimage of a linearly constrained output set, which can be combined with branch-and-bound to increase precision. Contrary to other approaches, our efficient algorithm is GPU-accelerated and does not require a linear programming solver. We demonstrate our algorithm for identifying safe control regions for a dynamical system via backward reachability analysis, verifying adversarial robustness, and detecting out-of-distribution inputs to a neural network. Our results show that in certain settings, we find over-approximations over 2500x tighter than prior work while being 2.5x faster. By strengthening robustness verification with output constraints, we consistently verify more properties than the previous state-of-the-art on multiple benchmarks, including a large model with 167k neurons in VNN-COMP 2023. Our algorithm has been incorporated into the $\alpha,\!\beta$-CROWN verifier, available at https://abcrown.org.

Novel Fundus Image Preprocessing for Retcam Images to Improve Deep Learning Classification of Retinopathy of Prematurity. (arXiv:2302.02524v4 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sajid Rahim, Kourosh Sabri, Anna Ells, Alan Wassyng, Mark Lawford, Linyang Chu, Wenbo He

Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP) is a potentially blinding eye disorder because of damage to the eye's retina which can affect babies born prematurely. Screening of ROP is essential for early detection and treatment. This is a laborious and manual process which requires trained physician performing dilated ophthalmological examination which can be subjective resulting in lower diagnosis success for clinically significant disease. Automated diagnostic methods can assist ophthalmologists increase diagnosis accuracy using deep learning. Several research groups have highlighted various approaches. Captured ROP Retcam images suffer from poor quality. This paper proposes the use of improved novel fundus preprocessing methods using pretrained transfer learning frameworks to create hybrid models to give higher diagnosis accuracy. Once trained and validated, the evaluations showed that these novel methods in comparison to traditional imaging processing contribute to better and in many aspects higher accuracy in classifying Plus disease, Stages of ROP and Zones in comparison to peer papers.

Fixing Overconfidence in Dynamic Neural Networks. (arXiv:2302.06359v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lassi Meronen, Martin Trapp, Andrea Pilzer, Le Yang, Arno Solin

Dynamic neural networks are a recent technique that promises a remedy for the increasing size of modern deep learning models by dynamically adapting their computational cost to the difficulty of the inputs. In this way, the model can adjust to a limited computational budget. However, the poor quality of uncertainty estimates in deep learning models makes it difficult to distinguish between hard and easy samples. To address this challenge, we present a computationally efficient approach for post-hoc uncertainty quantification in dynamic neural networks. We show that adequately quantifying and accounting for both aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty through a probabilistic treatment of the last layers improves the predictive performance and aids decision-making when determining the computational budget. In the experiments, we show improvements on CIFAR-100, ImageNet, and Caltech-256 in terms of accuracy, capturing uncertainty, and calibration error.

Coupled Multiwavelet Neural Operator Learning for Coupled Partial Differential Equations. (arXiv:2303.02304v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiongye Xiao, Defu Cao, Ruochen Yang, Gaurav Gupta, Gengshuo Liu, Chenzhong Yin, Radu Balan, Paul Bogdan

Coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) are key tasks in modeling the complex dynamics of many physical processes. Recently, neural operators have shown the ability to solve PDEs by learning the integral kernel directly in Fourier/Wavelet space, so the difficulty for solving the coupled PDEs depends on dealing with the coupled mappings between the functions. Towards this end, we propose a \textit{coupled multiwavelets neural operator} (CMWNO) learning scheme by decoupling the coupled integral kernels during the multiwavelet decomposition and reconstruction procedures in the Wavelet space. The proposed model achieves significantly higher accuracy compared to previous learning-based solvers in solving the coupled PDEs including Gray-Scott (GS) equations and the non-local mean field game (MFG) problem. According to our experimental results, the proposed model exhibits a $2\times \sim 4\times$ improvement relative $L$2 error compared to the best results from the state-of-the-art models.

Loss Minimization Yields Multicalibration for Large Neural Networks. (arXiv:2304.09424v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jarosław Błasiok, Parikshit Gopalan, Lunjia Hu, Adam Tauman Kalai, Preetum Nakkiran

Multicalibration is a notion of fairness for predictors that requires them to provide calibrated predictions across a large set of protected groups. Multicalibration is known to be a distinct goal than loss minimization, even for simple predictors such as linear functions.

In this work, we consider the setting where the protected groups can be represented by neural networks of size $k$, and the predictors are neural networks of size $n > k$. We show that minimizing the squared loss over all neural nets of size $n$ implies multicalibration for all but a bounded number of unlucky values of $n$. We also give evidence that our bound on the number of unlucky values is tight, given our proof technique. Previously, results of the flavor that loss minimization yields multicalibration were known only for predictors that were near the ground truth, hence were rather limited in applicability. Unlike these, our results rely on the expressivity of neural nets and utilize the representation of the predictor.

Variational Classification. (arXiv:2305.10406v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Mrinmaya Sachan, Carl Allen

We present a latent variable model for classification that provides a novel probabilistic interpretation of neural network softmax classifiers. We derive a variational objective to train the model, analogous to the evidence lower bound (ELBO) used to train variational auto-encoders, that generalises the cross-entropy loss used to train classification models. Treating inputs to the softmax layer as samples of a latent variable, our abstracted perspective reveals a potential inconsistency between their anticipated distribution, required for accurate label predictions, and the empirical distribution they follow in practice. We then devise a variational objective to mitigate such inconsistency and encourage a specified latent distribution, instead of the implicit assumption in off-the-shelf softmax classifiers. Overall, we provide new theoretical insight into the inner workings of widely-used softmax classification; and empirical evaluation on image and text classification datasets demonstrates that our proposed remedy, variational classification, maintains classification accuracy while the reshaped latent space improves other desirable classifier properties, such as calibration, adversarial robustness, robustness to distribution shift and sample efficiency useful in low data settings.

Label Words are Anchors: An Information Flow Perspective for Understanding In-Context Learning. (arXiv:2305.14160v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Lean Wang, Lei Li, Damai Dai, Deli Chen, Hao Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Xu Sun

In-context learning (ICL) emerges as a promising capability of large language models (LLMs) by providing them with demonstration examples to perform diverse tasks. However, the underlying mechanism of how LLMs learn from the provided context remains under-explored. In this paper, we investigate the working mechanism of ICL through an information flow lens. Our findings reveal that label words in the demonstration examples function as anchors: (1) semantic information aggregates into label word representations during the shallow computation layers' processing; (2) the consolidated information in label words serves as a reference for LLMs' final predictions. Based on these insights, we introduce an anchor re-weighting method to improve ICL performance, a demonstration compression technique to expedite inference, and an analysis framework for diagnosing ICL errors in GPT2-XL. The promising applications of our findings again validate the uncovered ICL working mechanism and pave the way for future studies.

Domain Private Transformers for Multi-Domain Dialog Systems. (arXiv:2305.14208v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Anmol Kabra, Ethan R. Elenberg

Large, general purpose language models have demonstrated impressive performance across many different conversational domains. While multi-domain language models achieve low overall perplexity, their outputs are not guaranteed to stay within the domain of a given input prompt. This paper proposes domain privacy as a novel way to quantify how likely a conditional language model will leak across domains. We also develop policy functions based on token-level domain classification, and propose an efficient fine-tuning method to improve the trained model's domain privacy. Experiments on membership inference attacks show that our proposed method has comparable resiliency to methods adapted from recent literature on differentially private language models.

Reconstructive Neuron Pruning for Backdoor Defense. (arXiv:2305.14876v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yige Li, Xixiang Lyu, Xingjun Ma, Nodens Koren, Lingjuan Lyu, Bo Li, Yu-Gang Jiang

Deep neural networks (DNNs) have been found to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks, raising security concerns about their deployment in mission-critical applications. While existing defense methods have demonstrated promising results, it is still not clear how to effectively remove backdoor-associated neurons in backdoored DNNs. In this paper, we propose a novel defense called \emph{Reconstructive Neuron Pruning} (RNP) to expose and prune backdoor neurons via an unlearning and then recovering process. Specifically, RNP first unlearns the neurons by maximizing the model's error on a small subset of clean samples and then recovers the neurons by minimizing the model's error on the same data. In RNP, unlearning is operated at the neuron level while recovering is operated at the filter level, forming an asymmetric reconstructive learning procedure. We show that such an asymmetric process on only a few clean samples can effectively expose and prune the backdoor neurons implanted by a wide range of attacks, achieving a new state-of-the-art defense performance. Moreover, the unlearned model at the intermediate step of our RNP can be directly used to improve other backdoor defense tasks including backdoor removal, trigger recovery, backdoor label detection, and backdoor sample detection. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/bboylyg/RNP}.

A graphon-signal analysis of graph neural networks. (arXiv:2305.15987v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ron Levie

We present an approach for analyzing message passing graph neural networks (MPNNs) based on an extension of graphon analysis to a so called graphon-signal analysis. A MPNN is a function that takes a graph and a signal on the graph (a graph-signal) and returns some value. Since the input space of MPNNs is non-Euclidean, i.e., graphs can be of any size and topology, properties such as generalization are less well understood for MPNNs than for Euclidean neural networks. We claim that one important missing ingredient in past work is a meaningful notion of graph-signal similarity measure, that endows the space of inputs to MPNNs with a regular structure. We present such a similarity measure, called the graphon-signal cut distance, which makes the space of all graph-signals a dense subset of a compact metric space -- the graphon-signal space. Informally, two deterministic graph-signals are close in cut distance if they ``look like'' they were sampled from the same random graph-signal model. Hence, our cut distance is a natural notion of graph-signal similarity, which allows comparing any pair of graph-signals of any size and topology. We prove that MPNNs are Lipschitz continuous functions over the graphon-signal metric space. We then give two applications of this result: 1) a generalization bound for MPNNs, and, 2) the stability of MPNNs to subsampling of graph-signals. Our results apply to any regular enough MPNN on any distribution of graph-signals, making the analysis rather universal.

Investigating how ReLU-networks encode symmetries. (arXiv:2305.17017v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Georg Bökman, Fredrik Kahl

Many data symmetries can be described in terms of group equivariance and the most common way of encoding group equivariances in neural networks is by building linear layers that are group equivariant. In this work we investigate whether equivariance of a network implies that all layers are equivariant. On the theoretical side we find cases where equivariance implies layerwise equivariance, but also demonstrate that this is not the case generally. Nevertheless, we conjecture that CNNs that are trained to be equivariant will exhibit layerwise equivariance and explain how this conjecture is a weaker version of the recent permutation conjecture by Entezari et al. [2022]. We perform quantitative experiments with VGG-nets on CIFAR10 and qualitative experiments with ResNets on ImageNet to illustrate and support our theoretical findings. These experiments are not only of interest for understanding how group equivariance is encoded in ReLU-networks, but they also give a new perspective on Entezari et al.'s permutation conjecture as we find that it is typically easier to merge a network with a group-transformed version of itself than merging two different networks.

When Does Optimizing a Proper Loss Yield Calibration?. (arXiv:2305.18764v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jarosław Błasiok, Parikshit Gopalan, Lunjia Hu, Preetum Nakkiran

Optimizing proper loss functions is popularly believed to yield predictors with good calibration properties; the intuition being that for such losses, the global optimum is to predict the ground-truth probabilities, which is indeed calibrated. However, typical machine learning models are trained to approximately minimize loss over restricted families of predictors, that are unlikely to contain the ground truth. Under what circumstances does optimizing proper loss over a restricted family yield calibrated models? What precise calibration guarantees does it give? In this work, we provide a rigorous answer to these questions. We replace the global optimality with a local optimality condition stipulating that the (proper) loss of the predictor cannot be reduced much by post-processing its predictions with a certain family of Lipschitz functions. We show that any predictor with this local optimality satisfies smooth calibration as defined in Kakade-Foster (2008), B{\l}asiok et al. (2023). Local optimality is plausibly satisfied by well-trained DNNs, which suggests an explanation for why they are calibrated from proper loss minimization alone. Finally, we show that the connection between local optimality and calibration error goes both ways: nearly calibrated predictors are also nearly locally optimal.

Off-By-One Implementation Error in J-UNIWARD. (arXiv:2305.19776v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Benedikt Lorch

J-UNIWARD is a popular steganography method for hiding secret messages in JPEG cover images. As a content-adaptive method, J-UNIWARD aims to embed into textured image regions where changes are difficult to detect. To this end, J-UNIWARD first assigns to each DCT coefficient an embedding cost calculated based on the image's Wavelet residual, and then uses a coding method that minimizes the cost while embedding the desired payload.

Changing one DCT coefficient affects a 23x23 window of Wavelet coefficients. To speed up the costmap computation, the original implementation pre-computes the Wavelet residual and then considers per changed DCT coefficient a 23x23 window of the Wavelet residual. However, the implementation accesses a window accidentally shifted by one pixel to the bottom right.

In this report, we evaluate the effect of this off-by-one error on the resulting costmaps. Some image blocks are over-priced while other image blocks are under-priced, but the difference is relatively small. The off-by-one error seems to make little difference for learning-based steganalysis.

Truncated Affinity Maximization: One-class Homophily Modeling for Graph Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2306.00006v4 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Hezhe Qiao, Guansong Pang

We reveal a one-class homophily phenomenon, which is one prevalent property we find empirically in real-world graph anomaly detection (GAD) datasets, i.e., normal nodes tend to have strong connection/affinity with each other, while the homophily in abnormal nodes is significantly weaker than normal nodes. However, this anomaly-discriminative property is ignored by existing GAD methods that are typically built using a conventional anomaly detection objective, such as data reconstruction. In this work, we explore this property to introduce a novel unsupervised anomaly scoring measure for GAD, local node affinity, that assigns a larger anomaly score to nodes that are less affiliated with their neighbors, with the affinity defined as similarity on node attributes/representations. We further propose Truncated Affinity Maximization (TAM) that learns tailored node representations for our anomaly measure by maximizing the local affinity of nodes to their neighbors. Optimizing on the original graph structure can be biased by nonhomophily edges (i.e., edges connecting normal and abnormal nodes). Thus, TAM is instead optimized on truncated graphs where non-homophily edges are removed iteratively to mitigate this bias. The learned representations result in significantly stronger local affinity for normal nodes than abnormal nodes. Extensive empirical results on 10 real-world GAD datasets show that TAM substantially outperforms seven competing models, achieving over 10% increase in AUROC/AUPRC compared to the best contenders on challenging datasets. Our code is available at https://github.com/mala-lab/TAM-master/.

CS4ML: A general framework for active learning with arbitrary data based on Christoffel functions. (arXiv:2306.00945v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ben Adcock, Juan M. Cardenas, Nick Dexter

We introduce a general framework for active learning in regression problems. Our framework extends the standard setup by allowing for general types of data, rather than merely pointwise samples of the target function. This generalization covers many cases of practical interest, such as data acquired in transform domains (e.g., Fourier data), vector-valued data (e.g., gradient-augmented data), data acquired along continuous curves, and, multimodal data (i.e., combinations of different types of measurements). Our framework considers random sampling according to a finite number of sampling measures and arbitrary nonlinear approximation spaces (model classes). We introduce the concept of generalized Christoffel functions and show how these can be used to optimize the sampling measures. We prove that this leads to near-optimal sample complexity in various important cases. This paper focuses on applications in scientific computing, where active learning is often desirable, since it is usually expensive to generate data. We demonstrate the efficacy of our framework for gradient-augmented learning with polynomials, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) using generative models and adaptive sampling for solving PDEs using Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs).

Cycle Consistency Driven Object Discovery. (arXiv:2306.02204v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Aniket Didolkar, Anirudh Goyal, Yoshua Bengio

Developing deep learning models that effectively learn object-centric representations, akin to human cognition, remains a challenging task. Existing approaches facilitate object discovery by representing objects as fixed-size vectors, called ``slots'' or ``object files''. While these approaches have shown promise in certain scenarios, they still exhibit certain limitations. First, they rely on architectural priors which can be unreliable and usually require meticulous engineering to identify the correct objects. Second, there has been a notable gap in investigating the practical utility of these representations in downstream tasks. To address the first limitation, we introduce a method that explicitly optimizes the constraint that each object in a scene should be associated with a distinct slot. We formalize this constraint by introducing consistency objectives which are cyclic in nature. By integrating these consistency objectives into various existing slot-based object-centric methods, we showcase substantial improvements in object-discovery performance. These enhancements consistently hold true across both synthetic and real-world scenes, underscoring the effectiveness and adaptability of the proposed approach. To tackle the second limitation, we apply the learned object-centric representations from the proposed method to two downstream reinforcement learning tasks, demonstrating considerable performance enhancements compared to conventional slot-based and monolithic representation learning methods. Our results suggest that the proposed approach not only improves object discovery, but also provides richer features for downstream tasks.

Spike-based computation using classical recurrent neural networks. (arXiv:2306.03623v2 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Florent De Geeter (1), Damien Ernst (1), Guillaume Drion (1) ((1) Montefiore Institute, University of Liège, Liège, Belgium)

Spiking neural networks are a type of artificial neural networks in which communication between neurons is only made of events, also called spikes. This property allows neural networks to make asynchronous and sparse computations and therefore drastically decrease energy consumption when run on specialized hardware. However, training such networks is known to be difficult, mainly due to the non-differentiability of the spike activation, which prevents the use of classical backpropagation. This is because state-of-the-art spiking neural networks are usually derived from biologically-inspired neuron models, to which are applied machine learning methods for training. Nowadays, research about spiking neural networks focuses on the design of training algorithms whose goal is to obtain networks that compete with their non-spiking version on specific tasks. In this paper, we attempt the symmetrical approach: we modify the dynamics of a well-known, easily trainable type of recurrent neural network to make it event-based. This new RNN cell, called the Spiking Recurrent Cell, therefore communicates using events, i.e. spikes, while being completely differentiable. Vanilla backpropagation can thus be used to train any network made of such RNN cell. We show that this new network can achieve performance comparable to other types of spiking networks in the MNIST benchmark and its variants, the Fashion-MNIST and the Neuromorphic-MNIST. Moreover, we show that this new cell makes the training of deep spiking networks achievable.

Object-Centric Learning for Real-World Videos by Predicting Temporal Feature Similarities. (arXiv:2306.04829v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Andrii Zadaianchuk, Maximilian Seitzer, Georg Martius

Unsupervised video-based object-centric learning is a promising avenue to learn structured representations from large, unlabeled video collections, but previous approaches have only managed to scale to real-world datasets in restricted domains. Recently, it was shown that the reconstruction of pre-trained self-supervised features leads to object-centric representations on unconstrained real-world image datasets. Building on this approach, we propose a novel way to use such pre-trained features in the form of a temporal feature similarity loss. This loss encodes semantic and temporal correlations between image patches and is a natural way to introduce a motion bias for object discovery. We demonstrate that this loss leads to state-of-the-art performance on the challenging synthetic MOVi datasets. When used in combination with the feature reconstruction loss, our model is the first object-centric video model that scales to unconstrained video datasets such as YouTube-VIS.

G$^2$uardFL: Safeguarding Federated Learning Against Backdoor Attacks through Attributed Client Graph Clustering. (arXiv:2306.04984v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Yu, Chuan Ma, Meng Liu, Tianyu Du, Ming Ding, Tao Xiang, Shouling Ji, Xinwang Liu

Federated Learning (FL) offers collaborative model training without data sharing but is vulnerable to backdoor attacks, where poisoned model weights lead to compromised system integrity. Existing countermeasures, primarily based on anomaly detection, are prone to erroneous rejections of normal weights while accepting poisoned ones, largely due to shortcomings in quantifying similarities among client models. Furthermore, other defenses demonstrate effectiveness only when dealing with a limited number of malicious clients, typically fewer than 10%. To alleviate these vulnerabilities, we present G$^2$uardFL, a protective framework that reinterprets the identification of malicious clients as an attributed graph clustering problem, thus safeguarding FL systems. Specifically, this framework employs a client graph clustering approach to identify malicious clients and integrates an adaptive mechanism to amplify the discrepancy between the aggregated model and the poisoned ones, effectively eliminating embedded backdoors. We also conduct a theoretical analysis of convergence to confirm that G$^2$uardFL does not affect the convergence of FL systems. Through empirical evaluation, comparing G$^2$uardFL with cutting-edge defenses, such as FLAME (USENIX Security 2022) [28] and DeepSight (NDSS 2022) [36], against various backdoor attacks including 3DFed (SP 2023) [20], our results demonstrate its significant effectiveness in mitigating backdoor attacks while having a negligible impact on the aggregated model's performance on benign samples (i.e., the primary task performance). For instance, in an FL system with 25% malicious clients, G$^2$uardFL reduces the attack success rate to 10.61%, while maintaining a primary task performance of 73.05% on the CIFAR-10 dataset. This surpasses the performance of the best-performing baseline, which merely achieves a primary task performance of 19.54%.

Causal normalizing flows: from theory to practice. (arXiv:2306.05415v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Adrián Javaloy, Pablo Sánchez-Martín, Isabel Valera

In this work, we deepen on the use of normalizing flows for causal reasoning. Specifically, we first leverage recent results on non-linear ICA to show that causal models are identifiable from observational data given a causal ordering, and thus can be recovered using autoregressive normalizing flows (NFs). Second, we analyze different design and learning choices for causal normalizing flows to capture the underlying causal data-generating process. Third, we describe how to implement the do-operator in causal NFs, and thus, how to answer interventional and counterfactual questions. Finally, in our experiments, we validate our design and training choices through a comprehensive ablation study; compare causal NFs to other approaches for approximating causal models; and empirically demonstrate that causal NFs can be used to address real-world problems, where the presence of mixed discrete-continuous data and partial knowledge on the causal graph is the norm. The code for this work can be found at https://github.com/psanch21/causal-flows.

Causal Effect Regularization: Automated Detection and Removal of Spurious Attributes. (arXiv:2306.11072v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Abhinav Kumar, Amit Deshpande, Amit Sharma

In many classification datasets, the task labels are spuriously correlated with some input attributes. Classifiers trained on such datasets often rely on these attributes for prediction, especially when the spurious correlation is high, and thus fail to generalize whenever there is a shift in the attributes' correlation at deployment. If we assume that the spurious attributes are known a priori, several methods have been proposed to learn a classifier that is invariant to the specified attributes. However, in real-world data, information about spurious attributes is typically unavailable. Therefore, we propose a method to automatically identify spurious attributes by estimating their causal effect on the label and then use a regularization objective to mitigate the classifier's reliance on them. Compared to a recent method for identifying spurious attributes, we find that our method is more accurate in removing the attribute from the learned model, especially when spurious correlation is high. Specifically, across synthetic, semi-synthetic, and real-world datasets, our method shows significant improvement in a metric used to quantify the dependence of a classifier on spurious attributes ($\Delta$Prob), while obtaining better or similar accuracy. In addition, our method mitigates the reliance on spurious attributes even under noisy estimation of causal effects. To explain the empirical robustness of our method, we create a simple linear classification task with two sets of attributes: causal and spurious. We prove that our method only requires that the ranking of estimated causal effects is correct across attributes to select the correct classifier.

Max-Margin Token Selection in Attention Mechanism. (arXiv:2306.13596v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Davoud Ataee Tarzanagh, Yingcong Li, Xuechen Zhang, Samet Oymak

Attention mechanism is a central component of the transformer architecture which led to the phenomenal success of large language models. However, the theoretical principles underlying the attention mechanism are poorly understood, especially its nonconvex optimization dynamics. In this work, we explore the seminal softmax-attention model $f(\boldsymbol{X})=\langle \boldsymbol{Xv}, \texttt{softmax}(\boldsymbol{XWp})\rangle$, where $\boldsymbol{X}$ is the token sequence and $(\boldsymbol{v},\boldsymbol{W},\boldsymbol{p})$ are trainable parameters. We prove that running gradient descent on $\boldsymbol{p}$, or equivalently $\boldsymbol{W}$, converges in direction to a max-margin solution that separates $\textit{locally-optimal}$ tokens from non-optimal ones. This clearly formalizes attention as an optimal token selection mechanism. Remarkably, our results are applicable to general data and precisely characterize $\textit{optimality}$ of tokens in terms of the value embeddings $\boldsymbol{Xv}$ and problem geometry. We also provide a broader regularization path analysis that establishes the margin maximizing nature of attention even for nonlinear prediction heads. When optimizing $\boldsymbol{v}$ and $\boldsymbol{p}$ simultaneously with logistic loss, we identify conditions under which the regularization paths directionally converge to their respective hard-margin SVM solutions where $\boldsymbol{v}$ separates the input features based on their labels. Interestingly, the SVM formulation of $\boldsymbol{p}$ is influenced by the support vector geometry of $\boldsymbol{v}$. Finally, we verify our theoretical findings via numerical experiments and provide insights.

RanPAC: Random Projections and Pre-trained Models for Continual Learning. (arXiv:2307.02251v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mark D. McDonnell, Dong Gong, Amin Parveneh, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Anton van den Hengel

Continual learning (CL) aims to incrementally learn different tasks (such as classification) in a non-stationary data stream without forgetting old ones. Most CL works focus on tackling catastrophic forgetting under a learning-from-scratch paradigm. However, with the increasing prominence of foundation models, pre-trained models equipped with informative representations have become available for various downstream requirements. Several CL methods based on pre-trained models have been explored, either utilizing pre-extracted features directly (which makes bridging distribution gaps challenging) or incorporating adaptors (which may be subject to forgetting). In this paper, we propose a concise and effective approach for CL with pre-trained models. Given that forgetting occurs during parameter updating, we contemplate an alternative approach that exploits training-free random projectors and class-prototype accumulation, which thus bypasses the issue. Specifically, we inject a frozen Random Projection layer with nonlinear activation between the pre-trained model's feature representations and output head, which captures interactions between features with expanded dimensionality, providing enhanced linear separability for class-prototype-based CL. We also demonstrate the importance of decorrelating the class-prototypes to reduce the distribution disparity when using pre-trained representations. These techniques prove to be effective and circumvent the problem of forgetting for both class- and domain-incremental continual learning. Compared to previous methods applied to pre-trained ViT-B/16 models, we reduce final error rates by between 10% and 62% on seven class-incremental benchmarks, despite not using any rehearsal memory. We conclude that the full potential of pre-trained models for simple, effective, and fast CL has not hitherto been fully tapped. Code is at github.com/RanPAC/RanPAC.

FreeDrag: Feature Dragging for Reliable Point-based Image Editing. (arXiv:2307.04684v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Pengyang Ling, Lin Chen, Pan Zhang, Huaian Chen, Yi Jin, Jinjin Zheng

To serve the intricate and varied demands of image editing, precise and flexible manipulation in image content is indispensable. Recently, Drag-based editing methods have gained impressive performance. However, these methods predominantly center on point dragging, resulting in two noteworthy drawbacks, namely "miss tracking", where difficulties arise in accurately tracking the predetermined handle points, and "ambiguous tracking", where tracked points are potentially positioned in wrong regions that closely resemble the handle points. To address the above issues, we propose FreeDrag, a feature dragging methodology designed to free the burden on point tracking. The FreeDrag incorporates two key designs, i.e., template feature via adaptive updating and line search with backtracking, the former improves the stability against drastic content change by elaborately controls feature updating scale after each dragging, while the latter alleviates the misguidance from similar points by actively restricting the search area in a line. These two technologies together contribute to a more stable semantic dragging with higher efficiency. Comprehensive experimental results substantiate that our approach significantly outperforms pre-existing methodologies, offering reliable point-based editing even in various complex scenarios.

ECSIC: Epipolar Cross Attention for Stereo Image Compression. (arXiv:2307.10284v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Matthias Wödlinger, Jan Kotera, Manuel Keglevic, Jan Xu, Robert Sablatnig

In this paper, we present ECSIC, a novel learned method for stereo image compression. Our proposed method compresses the left and right images in a joint manner by exploiting the mutual information between the images of the stereo image pair using a novel stereo cross attention (SCA) module and two stereo context modules. The SCA module performs cross-attention restricted to the corresponding epipolar lines of the two images and processes them in parallel. The stereo context modules improve the entropy estimation of the second encoded image by using the first image as a context. We conduct an extensive ablation study demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed modules and a comprehensive quantitative and qualitative comparison with existing methods. ECSIC achieves state-of-the-art performance in stereo image compression on the two popular stereo image datasets Cityscapes and InStereo2k while allowing for fast encoding and decoding.

Gradient-Based Spectral Embeddings of Random Dot Product Graphs. (arXiv:2307.13818v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marcelo Fiori, Bernardo Marenco, Federico Larroca, Paola Bermolen, Gonzalo Mateos

The Random Dot Product Graph (RDPG) is a generative model for relational data, where nodes are represented via latent vectors in low-dimensional Euclidean space. RDPGs crucially postulate that edge formation probabilities are given by the dot product of the corresponding latent positions. Accordingly, the embedding task of estimating these vectors from an observed graph is typically posed as a low-rank matrix factorization problem. The workhorse Adjacency Spectral Embedding (ASE) enjoys solid statistical properties, but it is formally solving a surrogate problem and can be computationally intensive. In this paper, we bring to bear recent advances in non-convex optimization and demonstrate their impact to RDPG inference. We advocate first-order gradient descent methods to better solve the embedding problem, and to organically accommodate broader network embedding applications of practical relevance. Notably, we argue that RDPG embeddings of directed graphs loose interpretability unless the factor matrices are constrained to have orthogonal columns. We thus develop a novel feasible optimization method in the resulting manifold. The effectiveness of the graph representation learning framework is demonstrated on reproducible experiments with both synthetic and real network data. Our open-source algorithm implementations are scalable, and unlike the ASE they are robust to missing edge data and can track slowly-varying latent positions from streaming graphs.

BayesDAG: Gradient-Based Posterior Inference for Causal Discovery. (arXiv:2307.13917v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yashas Annadani, Nick Pawlowski, Joel Jennings, Stefan Bauer, Cheng Zhang, Wenbo Gong

Bayesian causal discovery aims to infer the posterior distribution over causal models from observed data, quantifying epistemic uncertainty and benefiting downstream tasks. However, computational challenges arise due to joint inference over combinatorial space of Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs) and nonlinear functions. Despite recent progress towards efficient posterior inference over DAGs, existing methods are either limited to variational inference on node permutation matrices for linear causal models, leading to compromised inference accuracy, or continuous relaxation of adjacency matrices constrained by a DAG regularizer, which cannot ensure resulting graphs are DAGs. In this work, we introduce a scalable Bayesian causal discovery framework based on a combination of stochastic gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SG-MCMC) and Variational Inference (VI) that overcomes these limitations. Our approach directly samples DAGs from the posterior without requiring any DAG regularization, simultaneously draws function parameter samples and is applicable to both linear and nonlinear causal models. To enable our approach, we derive a novel equivalence to the permutation-based DAG learning, which opens up possibilities of using any relaxed gradient estimator defined over permutations. To our knowledge, this is the first framework applying gradient-based MCMC sampling for causal discovery. Empirical evaluation on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate our approach's effectiveness compared to state-of-the-art baselines.

On the Trustworthiness Landscape of State-of-the-art Generative Models: A Survey and Outlook. (arXiv:2307.16680v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingyuan Fan, Chengyu Wang, Cen Chen, Yang Liu, Jun Huang

Diffusion models and large language models have emerged as leading-edge generative models, revolutionizing various aspects of human life. However, the practical implementations of these models have also exposed inherent risks, bringing to the forefront their evil sides and sparking concerns regarding their trustworthiness. Despite the wealth of literature on this subject, a comprehensive survey specifically delving into the intersection of large-scale generative models and their trustworthiness remains largely absent. To bridge this gap, this paper investigates both the long-standing and emerging threats associated with these models across four fundamental dimensions: 1) privacy, 2) security, 3) fairness, and 4) responsibility. Based on the investigation results, we develop an extensive map outlining the trustworthiness of large generative models. After that, we provide practical recommendations and potential research directions for future secure applications equipped with large generative models, ultimately promoting the trustworthiness of the models and benefiting the society as a whole.

AFN: Adaptive Fusion Normalization via Encoder-Decoder Framework. (arXiv:2308.03321v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zikai Zhou, Huanran Chen

The success of deep learning is inseparable from normalization layers. Researchers have proposed various normalization functions, and each of them has both advantages and disadvantages. In response, efforts have been made to design a unified normalization function that combines all normalization procedures and mitigates their weaknesses. We also proposed a new normalization function called Adaptive Fusion Normalization. Through experiments, we demonstrate AFN outperforms the previous normalization techniques in domain generalization and image classification tasks.

Fourier neural operator for learning solutions to macroscopic traffic flow models: Application to the forward and inverse problems. (arXiv:2308.07051v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Bilal Thonnam Thodi, Sai Venkata Ramana Ambadipudi, Saif Eddin Jabari

Deep learning methods are emerging as popular computational tools for solving forward and inverse problems in traffic flow. In this paper, we study a neural operator framework for learning solutions to nonlinear hyperbolic partial differential equations with applications in macroscopic traffic flow models. In this framework, an operator is trained to map heterogeneous and sparse traffic input data to the complete macroscopic traffic state in a supervised learning setting. We chose a physics-informed Fourier neural operator ($\pi$-FNO) as the operator, where an additional physics loss based on a discrete conservation law regularizes the problem during training to improve the shock predictions. We also propose to use training data generated from random piecewise constant input data to systematically capture the shock and rarefied solutions. From experiments using the LWR traffic flow model, we found superior accuracy in predicting the density dynamics of a ring-road network and urban signalized road. We also found that the operator can be trained using simple traffic density dynamics, e.g., consisting of $2-3$ vehicle queues and $1-2$ traffic signal cycles, and it can predict density dynamics for heterogeneous vehicle queue distributions and multiple traffic signal cycles $(\geq 2)$ with an acceptable error. The extrapolation error grew sub-linearly with input complexity for a proper choice of the model architecture and training data. Adding a physics regularizer aided in learning long-term traffic density dynamics, especially for problems with periodic boundary data.

Microscopy Image Segmentation via Point and Shape Regularized Data Synthesis. (arXiv:2308.09835v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shijie Li, Mengwei Ren, Thomas Ach, Guido Gerig

Current deep learning-based approaches for the segmentation of microscopy images heavily rely on large amount of training data with dense annotation, which is highly costly and laborious in practice. Compared to full annotation where the complete contour of objects is depicted, point annotations, specifically object centroids, are much easier to acquire and still provide crucial information about the objects for subsequent segmentation. In this paper, we assume access to point annotations only during training and develop a unified pipeline for microscopy image segmentation using synthetically generated training data. Our framework includes three stages: (1) it takes point annotations and samples a pseudo dense segmentation mask constrained with shape priors; (2) with an image generative model trained in an unpaired manner, it translates the mask to a realistic microscopy image regularized by object level consistency; (3) the pseudo masks along with the synthetic images then constitute a pairwise dataset for training an ad-hoc segmentation model. On the public MoNuSeg dataset, our synthesis pipeline produces more diverse and realistic images than baseline models while maintaining high coherence between input masks and generated images. When using the identical segmentation backbones, the models trained on our synthetic dataset significantly outperform those trained with pseudo-labels or baseline-generated images. Moreover, our framework achieves comparable results to models trained on authentic microscopy images with dense labels, demonstrating its potential as a reliable and highly efficient alternative to labor-intensive manual pixel-wise annotations in microscopy image segmentation. The code is available.

Temporal Inductive Path Neural Network for Temporal Knowledge Graph Reasoning. (arXiv:2309.03251v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Dong, Pengyang Wang, Meng Xiao, Zhiyuan Ning, Pengfei Wang, Yuanchun Zhou

Temporal Knowledge Graph (TKG) is an extension of traditional Knowledge Graph (KG) that incorporates the dimension of time. Reasoning on TKGs is a crucial task that aims to predict future facts based on historical occurrences. The key challenge lies in uncovering structural dependencies within historical subgraphs and temporal patterns. Most existing approaches model TKGs relying on entity modeling, as nodes in the graph play a crucial role in knowledge representation. However, the real-world scenario often involves an extensive number of entities, with new entities emerging over time. This makes it challenging for entity-dependent methods to cope with extensive volumes of entities, and effectively handling newly emerging entities also becomes a significant challenge. Therefore, we propose Temporal Inductive Path Neural Network (TiPNN), which models historical information in an entity-independent perspective. Specifically, TiPNN adopts a unified graph, namely history temporal graph, to comprehensively capture and encapsulate information from history. Subsequently, we utilize the defined query-aware temporal paths to model historical path information related to queries on history temporal graph for the reasoning. Extensive experiments illustrate that the proposed model not only attains significant performance enhancements but also handles inductive settings, while additionally facilitating the provision of reasoning evidence through history temporal graphs.

FIND: A Function Description Benchmark for Evaluating Interpretability Methods. (arXiv:2309.03886v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sarah Schwettmann, Tamar Rott Shaham, Joanna Materzynska, Neil Chowdhury, Shuang Li, Jacob Andreas, David Bau, Antonio Torralba

Labeling neural network submodules with human-legible descriptions is useful for many downstream tasks: such descriptions can surface failures, guide interventions, and perhaps even explain important model behaviors. To date, most mechanistic descriptions of trained networks have involved small models, narrowly delimited phenomena, and large amounts of human labor. Labeling all human-interpretable sub-computations in models of increasing size and complexity will almost certainly require tools that can generate and validate descriptions automatically. Recently, techniques that use learned models in-the-loop for labeling have begun to gain traction, but methods for evaluating their efficacy are limited and ad-hoc. How should we validate and compare open-ended labeling tools? This paper introduces FIND (Function INterpretation and Description), a benchmark suite for evaluating the building blocks of automated interpretability methods. FIND contains functions that resemble components of trained neural networks, and accompanying descriptions of the kind we seek to generate. The functions span textual and numeric domains, and involve a range of real-world complexities. We evaluate methods that use pretrained language models (LMs) to produce descriptions of function behavior in natural language and code. Additionally, we introduce a new interactive method in which an Automated Interpretability Agent (AIA) generates function descriptions. We find that an AIA, built from an LM with black-box access to functions, can infer function structure, acting as a scientist by forming hypotheses, proposing experiments, and updating descriptions in light of new data. However, AIA descriptions tend to capture global function behavior and miss local details. These results suggest that FIND will be useful for evaluating more sophisticated interpretability methods before they are applied to real-world models.

A Study of Forward-Forward Algorithm for Self-Supervised Learning. (arXiv:2309.11955v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jonas Brenig, Radu Timofte

Self-supervised representation learning has seen remarkable progress in the last few years, with some of the recent methods being able to learn useful image representations without labels. These methods are trained using backpropagation, the de facto standard. Recently, Geoffrey Hinton proposed the forward-forward algorithm as an alternative training method. It utilizes two forward passes and a separate loss function for each layer to train the network without backpropagation.

In this study, for the first time, we study the performance of forward-forward vs. backpropagation for self-supervised representation learning and provide insights into the learned representation spaces. Our benchmark employs four standard datasets, namely MNIST, F-MNIST, SVHN and CIFAR-10, and three commonly used self-supervised representation learning techniques, namely rotation, flip and jigsaw.

Our main finding is that while the forward-forward algorithm performs comparably to backpropagation during (self-)supervised training, the transfer performance is significantly lagging behind in all the studied settings. This may be caused by a combination of factors, including having a loss function for each layer and the way the supervised training is realized in the forward-forward paradigm. In comparison to backpropagation, the forward-forward algorithm focuses more on the boundaries and drops part of the information unnecessary for making decisions which harms the representation learning goal. Further investigation and research are necessary to stabilize the forward-forward strategy for self-supervised learning, to work beyond the datasets and configurations demonstrated by Geoffrey Hinton.

Defending Against Alignment-Breaking Attacks via Robustly Aligned LLM. (arXiv:2309.14348v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Bochuan Cao, Yuanpu Cao, Lu Lin, Jinghui Chen

Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant advancements and are now widely used across various domains. Unfortunately, there has been a rising concern that LLMs can be misused to generate harmful or malicious content. Though a line of research has focused on aligning LLMs with human values and preventing them from producing inappropriate content, such alignments are usually vulnerable and can be bypassed by alignment-breaking attacks via adversarially optimized or handcrafted jailbreaking prompts. In this work, we introduce a Robustly Aligned LLM (RA-LLM) to defend against potential alignment-breaking attacks. RA-LLM can be directly constructed upon an existing aligned LLM with a robust alignment checking function, without requiring any expensive retraining or fine-tuning process of the original LLM. Furthermore, we also provide a theoretical analysis for RA-LLM to verify its effectiveness in defending against alignment-breaking attacks. Through real-world experiments on open-source large language models, we demonstrate that RA-LLM can successfully defend against both state-of-the-art adversarial prompts and popular handcrafted jailbreaking prompts by reducing their attack success rates from nearly 100% to around 10% or less.

Temporal graph models fail to capture global temporal dynamics. (arXiv:2309.15730v3 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Michał Daniluk, Jacek Dąbrowski

A recently released Temporal Graph Benchmark is analyzed in the context of Dynamic Link Property Prediction. We outline our observations and propose a trivial optimization-free baseline of "recently popular nodes" outperforming other methods on medium and large-size datasets in the Temporal Graph Benchmark. We propose two measures based on Wasserstein distance which can quantify the strength of short-term and long-term global dynamics of datasets. By analyzing our unexpectedly strong baseline, we show how standard negative sampling evaluation can be unsuitable for datasets with strong temporal dynamics. We also show how simple negative-sampling can lead to model degeneration during training, resulting in impossible to rank, fully saturated predictions of temporal graph networks. We propose improved negative sampling schemes for both training and evaluation and prove their usefulness. We conduct a comparison with a model trained non-contrastively without negative sampling. Our results provide a challenging baseline and indicate that temporal graph network architectures need deep rethinking for usage in problems with significant global dynamics, such as social media, cryptocurrency markets or e-commerce. We open-source the code for baselines, measures and proposed negative sampling schemes.

Depthwise Hyperparameter Transfer in Residual Networks: Dynamics and Scaling Limit. (arXiv:2309.16620v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Blake Bordelon, Lorenzo Noci, Mufan Bill Li, Boris Hanin, Cengiz Pehlevan

The cost of hyperparameter tuning in deep learning has been rising with model sizes, prompting practitioners to find new tuning methods using a proxy of smaller networks. One such proposal uses $\mu$P parameterized networks, where the optimal hyperparameters for small width networks transfer to networks with arbitrarily large width. However, in this scheme, hyperparameters do not transfer across depths. As a remedy, we study residual networks with a residual branch scale of $1/\sqrt{\text{depth}}$ in combination with the $\mu$P parameterization. We provide experiments demonstrating that residual architectures including convolutional ResNets and Vision Transformers trained with this parameterization exhibit transfer of optimal hyperparameters across width and depth on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. Furthermore, our empirical findings are supported and motivated by theory. Using recent developments in the dynamical mean field theory (DMFT) description of neural network learning dynamics, we show that this parameterization of ResNets admits a well-defined feature learning joint infinite-width and infinite-depth limit and show convergence of finite-size network dynamics towards this limit.

SmartPlay: A Benchmark for LLMs as Intelligent Agents. (arXiv:2310.01557v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yue Wu, Xuan Tang, Tom M. Mitchell, Yuanzhi Li

Recent large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated great potential toward intelligent agents and next-gen automation, but there currently lacks a systematic benchmark for evaluating LLMs' abilities as agents. We introduce SmartPlay: both a challenging benchmark and a methodology for evaluating LLMs as agents. SmartPlay consists of 6 different games, including Rock-Paper-Scissors, Tower of Hanoi, Minecraft. Each game features a unique setting, providing up to 20 evaluation settings and infinite environment variations. Each game in SmartPlay uniquely challenges a subset of 9 important capabilities of an intelligent LLM agent, including reasoning with object dependencies, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, learning from history, and understanding randomness. The distinction between the set of capabilities each game test allows us to analyze each capability separately. SmartPlay serves not only as a rigorous testing ground for evaluating the overall performance of LLM agents but also as a road-map for identifying gaps in current methodologies. We release our benchmark at github.com/microsoft/SmartPlay

Non-Smooth Weakly-Convex Finite-sum Coupled Compositional Optimization. (arXiv:2310.03234v3 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Quanqi Hu, Dixian Zhu, Tianbao Yang

This paper investigates new families of compositional optimization problems, called $\underline{\bf n}$on-$\underline{\bf s}$mooth $\underline{\bf w}$eakly-$\underline{\bf c}$onvex $\underline{\bf f}$inite-sum $\underline{\bf c}$oupled $\underline{\bf c}$ompositional $\underline{\bf o}$ptimization (NSWC FCCO). There has been a growing interest in FCCO due to its wide-ranging applications in machine learning and AI, as well as its ability to address the shortcomings of stochastic algorithms based on empirical risk minimization. However, current research on FCCO presumes that both the inner and outer functions are smooth, limiting their potential to tackle a more diverse set of problems. Our research expands on this area by examining non-smooth weakly-convex FCCO, where the outer function is weakly convex and non-decreasing, and the inner function is weakly-convex. We analyze a single-loop algorithm and establish its complexity for finding an $\epsilon$-stationary point of the Moreau envelop of the objective function. Additionally, we also extend the algorithm to solving novel non-smooth weakly-convex tri-level finite-sum coupled compositional optimization problems, which feature a nested arrangement of three functions. Lastly, we explore the applications of our algorithms in deep learning for two-way partial AUC maximization and multi-instance two-way partial AUC maximization, using empirical studies to showcase the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms.

Statistical Guarantees for Variational Autoencoders using PAC-Bayesian Theory. (arXiv:2310.04935v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sokhna Diarra Mbacke, Florence Clerc, Pascal Germain

Since their inception, Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) have become central in machine learning. Despite their widespread use, numerous questions regarding their theoretical properties remain open. Using PAC-Bayesian theory, this work develops statistical guarantees for VAEs. First, we derive the first PAC-Bayesian bound for posterior distributions conditioned on individual samples from the data-generating distribution. Then, we utilize this result to develop generalization guarantees for the VAE's reconstruction loss, as well as upper bounds on the distance between the input and the regenerated distributions. More importantly, we provide upper bounds on the Wasserstein distance between the input distribution and the distribution defined by the VAE's generative model.

Improving SCGAN's Similarity Constraint and Learning a Better Disentangled Representation. (arXiv:2310.12262v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Iman Yazdanpanah, Ali Eslamian

SCGAN adds a similarity constraint between generated images and conditions as a regularization term on generative adversarial networks. Similarity constraint works as a tutor to instruct the generator network to comprehend the difference of representations based on conditions. We understand how SCGAN works on a deeper level. This understanding makes us realize that the similarity constraint functions like the contrastive loss function. We believe that a model with high understanding and intelligence measures the similarity between images based on their structure and high level features, just like humans do. Two major changes we applied to SCGAN in order to make a modified model are using SSIM to measure similarity between images and applying contrastive loss principles to the similarity constraint. The modified model performs better using FID and FactorVAE metrics. The modified model also has better generalisability compared to other models. Keywords Generative Adversarial Nets, Unsupervised Learning, Disentangled Representation Learning, Contrastive Disentanglement, SSIM

Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback. (arXiv:2310.13032v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Herbie Bradley, Andrew Dai, Hannah Teufel, Jenny Zhang, Koen Oostermeijer, Marco Bellagente, Jeff Clune, Kenneth Stanley, Grégory Schott, Joel Lehman

In many text-generation problems, users may prefer not only a single response, but a diverse range of high-quality outputs from which to choose. Quality-diversity (QD) search algorithms aim at such outcomes, by continually improving and diversifying a population of candidates. However, the applicability of QD to qualitative domains, like creative writing, has been limited by the difficulty of algorithmically specifying measures of quality and diversity. Interestingly, recent developments in language models (LMs) have enabled guiding search through AI feedback, wherein LMs are prompted in natural language to evaluate qualitative aspects of text. Leveraging this development, we introduce Quality-Diversity through AI Feedback (QDAIF), wherein an evolutionary algorithm applies LMs to both generate variation and evaluate the quality and diversity of candidate text. When assessed on creative writing domains, QDAIF covers more of a specified search space with high-quality samples than do non-QD controls. Further, human evaluation of QDAIF-generated creative texts validates reasonable agreement between AI and human evaluation. Our results thus highlight the potential of AI feedback to guide open-ended search for creative and original solutions, providing a recipe that seemingly generalizes to many domains and modalities. In this way, QDAIF is a step towards AI systems that can independently search, diversify, evaluate, and improve, which are among the core skills underlying human society's capacity for innovation.

Graph Neural Networks with polynomial activations have limited expressivity. (arXiv:2310.13139v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sammy Khalife

The expressivity of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) can be entirely characterized by appropriate fragments of the first-order logic. Namely, any query of the two variable fragment of graded modal logic (GC2) interpreted over labeled graphs can be expressed using a GNN whose size depends only on the depth of the query. As pointed out by [Barcelo & Al., 2020, Grohe, 2021], this description holds for a family of activation functions, leaving the possibility for a hierarchy of logics expressible by GNNs depending on the chosen activation function. In this article, we show that such hierarchy indeed exists by proving that GC2 queries cannot be expressed by GNNs with polynomial activation functions. This implies a separation between polynomial and popular non-polynomial activations (such as Rectified Linear Units) and answers an open question formulated by [Grohe, 2021].

Gradient-free online learning of subgrid-scale dynamics with neural emulators. (arXiv:2310.19385v3 [physics.comp-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Hugo Frezat, Ronan Fablet, Guillaume Balarac, Julien Le Sommer

In this paper, we propose a generic algorithm to train machine learning-based subgrid parametrizations online, i.e., with a posteriori loss functions, but for non-differentiable numerical solvers. The proposed approach leverages a neural emulator to approximate the reduced state-space solver, which is then used to allow gradient propagation through temporal integration steps. We apply this methodology on a single layer quasi-geostrophic system with topography, known to be highly unstable in around 500 temporal iterations with offline strategies. Using our algorithm, we are able to train a parametrization that recovers most of the benefits of online strategies without having to compute the gradient of the original solver. It is demonstrated that training the neural emulator and parametrization components separately with different loss quantities is necessary in order to minimize the propagation of approximation biases. Experiments on emulator architectures with different complexities also indicates that emulator performance is key in order to learn an accurate parametrization. This work is a step towards learning parametrization with online strategies for realistic climate models.

High Probability Guarantees for Random Reshuffling. (arXiv:2311.11841v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Hengxu Yu, Xiao Li

We consider the stochastic gradient method with random reshuffling ($\mathsf{RR}$) for tackling smooth nonconvex optimization problems. $\mathsf{RR}$ finds broad applications in practice, notably in training neural networks. In this work, we first investigate the concentration property of $\mathsf{RR}$'s sampling procedure and establish a new high probability sample complexity guarantee for driving the gradient (without expectation) below $\varepsilon$, which effectively characterizes the efficiency of a single $\mathsf{RR}$ execution. Our derived complexity matches the best existing in-expectation one up to a logarithmic term while imposing no additional assumptions nor changing $\mathsf{RR}$'s updating rule. Furthermore, by leveraging our derived high probability descent property and bound on the stochastic error, we propose a simple and computable stopping criterion for $\mathsf{RR}$ (denoted as $\mathsf{RR}$-$\mathsf{sc}$). This criterion is guaranteed to be triggered after a finite number of iterations, and then $\mathsf{RR}$-$\mathsf{sc}$ returns an iterate with its gradient below $\varepsilon$ with high probability. Moreover, building on the proposed stopping criterion, we design a perturbed random reshuffling method ($\mathsf{p}$-$\mathsf{RR}$) that involves an additional randomized perturbation procedure near stationary points. We derive that $\mathsf{p}$-$\mathsf{RR}$ provably escapes strict saddle points and efficiently returns a second-order stationary point with high probability, without making any sub-Gaussian tail-type assumptions on the stochastic gradient errors. Finally, we conduct numerical experiments on neural network training to support our theoretical findings.

Guided Flows for Generative Modeling and Decision Making. (arXiv:2311.13443v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinqing Zheng, Matt Le, Neta Shaul, Yaron Lipman, Aditya Grover, Ricky T. Q. Chen

Classifier-free guidance is a key component for enhancing the performance of conditional generative models across diverse tasks. While it has previously demonstrated remarkable improvements for the sample quality, it has only been exclusively employed for diffusion models. In this paper, we integrate classifier-free guidance into Flow Matching (FM) models, an alternative simulation-free approach that trains Continuous Normalizing Flows (CNFs) based on regressing vector fields. We explore the usage of \emph{Guided Flows} for a variety of downstream applications. We show that Guided Flows significantly improves the sample quality in conditional image generation and zero-shot text-to-speech synthesis, boasting state-of-the-art performance. Notably, we are the first to apply flow models for plan generation in the offline reinforcement learning setting, showcasing a 10x speedup in computation compared to diffusion models while maintaining comparable performance.

A Somewhat Robust Image Watermark against Diffusion-based Editing Models. (arXiv:2311.13713v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingtian Tan, Tianhao Wang, Somesh Jha

Recently, diffusion models (DMs) have become the state-of-the-art method for image synthesis. Editing models based on DMs, known for their high fidelity and precision, have inadvertently introduced new challenges related to image copyright infringement and malicious editing. Our work is the first to formalize and address this issue. After assessing and attempting to enhance traditional image watermarking techniques, we recognize their limitations in this emerging context. In response, we develop a novel technique, RIW (Robust Invisible Watermarking), to embed invisible watermarks leveraging adversarial example techniques. Our technique ensures a high extraction accuracy of $96\%$ for the invisible watermark after editing, compared to the $0\%$ offered by conventional methods. We provide access to our code at https://github.com/BennyTMT/RIW.

Achieving Margin Maximization Exponentially Fast via Progressive Norm Rescaling. (arXiv:2311.14387v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingze Wang, Zeping Min, Lei Wu

In this work, we investigate the margin-maximization bias exhibited by gradient-based algorithms in classifying linearly separable data. We present an in-depth analysis of the specific properties of the velocity field associated with (normalized) gradients, focusing on their role in margin maximization. Inspired by this analysis, we propose a novel algorithm called Progressive Rescaling Gradient Descent (PRGD) and show that PRGD can maximize the margin at an {\em exponential rate}. This stands in stark contrast to all existing algorithms, which maximize the margin at a slow {\em polynomial rate}. Specifically, we identify mild conditions on data distribution under which existing algorithms such as gradient descent (GD) and normalized gradient descent (NGD) {\em provably fail} in maximizing the margin efficiently. To validate our theoretical findings, we present both synthetic and real-world experiments. Notably, PRGD also shows promise in enhancing the generalization performance when applied to linearly non-separable datasets and deep neural networks.

DGR: Tackling Drifted and Correlated Noise in Quantum Error Correction via Decoding Graph Re-weighting. (arXiv:2311.16214v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Hanrui Wang, Pengyu Liu, Yilian Liu, Jiaqi Gu, Jonathan Baker, Frederic T. Chong, Song Han

Quantum hardware suffers from high error rates and noise, which makes directly running applications on them ineffective. Quantum Error Correction (QEC) is a critical technique towards fault tolerance which encodes the quantum information distributively in multiple data qubits and uses syndrome qubits to check parity. Minimum-Weight-Perfect-Matching (MWPM) is a popular QEC decoder that takes the syndromes as input and finds the matchings between syndromes that infer the errors. However, there are two paramount challenges for MWPM decoders. First, as noise in real quantum systems can drift over time, there is a potential misalignment with the decoding graph's initial weights, leading to a severe performance degradation in the logical error rates. Second, while the MWPM decoder addresses independent errors, it falls short when encountering correlated errors typical on real hardware, such as those in the 2Q depolarizing channel.

We propose DGR, an efficient decoding graph edge re-weighting strategy with no quantum overhead. It leverages the insight that the statistics of matchings across decoding iterations offer rich information about errors on real quantum hardware. By counting the occurrences of edges and edge pairs in decoded matchings, we can statistically estimate the up-to-date probabilities of each edge and the correlations between them. The reweighting process includes two vital steps: alignment re-weighting and correlation re-weighting. The former updates the MWPM weights based on statistics to align with actual noise, and the latter adjusts the weight considering edge correlations.

Extensive evaluations on surface code and honeycomb code under various settings show that DGR reduces the logical error rate by 3.6x on average-case noise mismatch with exceeding 5000x improvement under worst-case mismatch.

Skilful Precipitation Nowcasting Using NowcastNet. (arXiv:2311.17961v2 [physics.ao-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Ajitabh Kumar

Designing early warning system for precipitation requires accurate short-term forecasting system. Climate change has led to an increase in frequency of extreme weather events, and hence such systems can prevent disasters and loss of life. Managing such events remain a challenge for both public and private institutions. Precipitation nowcasting can help relevant institutions to better prepare for such events as they impact agriculture, transport, public health and safety, etc. Physics-based numerical weather prediction (NWP) is unable to perform well for nowcasting because of large computational turn-around time. Deep-learning based models on the other hand are able to give predictions within seconds. We use recently proposed NowcastNet, a physics-conditioned deep generative network, to forecast precipitation for different regions of Europe using satellite images. Both spatial and temporal transfer learning is done by forecasting for the unseen regions and year. Model makes realistic predictions and is able to outperform baseline for such a prediction task.

Towards Clinical Prediction with Transparency: An Explainable AI Approach to Survival Modelling in Residential Aged Care. (arXiv:2312.00271v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Teo Susnjak, Elise Griffin

Background: Accurate survival time estimates aid end-of-life medical decision-making. Objectives: Develop an interpretable survival model for elderly residential aged care residents using advanced machine learning. Setting: A major Australasian residential aged care provider. Participants: Residents aged 65+ admitted for long-term care from July 2017 to August 2023. Sample size: 11,944 residents across 40 facilities. Predictors: Factors include age, gender, health status, co-morbidities, cognitive function, mood, nutrition, mobility, smoking, sleep, skin integrity, and continence. Outcome: Probability of survival post-admission, specifically calibrated for 6-month survival estimates. Statistical Analysis: Tested CoxPH, EN, RR, Lasso, GB, XGB, and RF models in 20 experiments with a 90/10 train/test split. Evaluated accuracy using C-index, Harrell's C-index, dynamic AUROC, IBS, and calibrated ROC. Chose XGB for its performance and calibrated it for 1, 3, 6, and 12-month predictions using Platt scaling. Employed SHAP values to analyze predictor impacts. Results: GB, XGB, and RF models showed the highest C-Index values (0.714, 0.712, 0.712). The optimal XGB model demonstrated a 6-month survival prediction AUROC of 0.746 (95% CI 0.744-0.749). Key mortality predictors include age, male gender, mobility, health status, pressure ulcer risk, and appetite. Conclusions: The study successfully applies machine learning to create a survival model for aged care, aligning with clinical insights on mortality risk factors and enhancing model interpretability and clinical utility through explainable AI.

Towards Aligned Canonical Correlation Analysis: Preliminary Formulation and Proof-of-Concept Results. (arXiv:2312.00296v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Biqian Cheng, Evangelos E. Papalexakis, Jia Chen

Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA) has been widely applied to jointly embed multiple views of data in a maximally correlated latent space. However, the alignment between various data perspectives, which is required by traditional approaches, is unclear in many practical cases. In this work we propose a new framework Aligned Canonical Correlation Analysis (ACCA), to address this challenge by iteratively solving the alignment and multi-view embedding.

Spectral Temporal Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.00966v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sacha Morin, Somjit Nath, Samira Ebrahimi Kahou, Guy Wolf

Learning useful data representations without requiring labels is a cornerstone of modern deep learning. Self-supervised learning methods, particularly contrastive learning (CL), have proven successful by leveraging data augmentations to define positive pairs. This success has prompted a number of theoretical studies to better understand CL and investigate theoretical bounds for downstream linear probing tasks. This work is concerned with the temporal contrastive learning (TCL) setting where the sequential structure of the data is used instead to define positive pairs, which is more commonly used in RL and robotics contexts. In this paper, we adapt recent work on Spectral CL to formulate Spectral Temporal Contrastive Learning (STCL). We discuss a population loss based on a state graph derived from a time-homogeneous reversible Markov chain with uniform stationary distribution. The STCL loss enables to connect the linear probing performance to the spectral properties of the graph, and can be estimated by considering previously observed data sequences as an ensemble of MCMC chains.

SymNoise: Advancing Language Model Fine-tuning with Symmetric Noise. (arXiv:2312.01523v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Abhay Kumar Yadav, Arjun Singh

In this paper, we introduce a novel fine-tuning technique for language models, which involves incorporating symmetric noise into the embedding process. This method aims to enhance the model's function by more stringently regulating its local curvature, demonstrating superior performance over the current method, NEFTune. When fine-tuning the LLaMA-2-7B model using Alpaca, standard techniques yield a 29.79% score on AlpacaEval. However, our approach, SymNoise, increases this score significantly to 69.04%, using symmetric noisy embeddings. This is a 6.7% improvement over the state-of-the-art method, NEFTune~(64.69%). Furthermore, when tested on various models and stronger baseline instruction datasets, such as Evol-Instruct, ShareGPT, OpenPlatypus, SymNoise consistently outperforms NEFTune. The current literature, including NEFTune, has underscored the importance of more in-depth research into the application of noise-based strategies in the fine-tuning of language models. Our approach, SymNoise, is another significant step towards this direction, showing notable improvement over the existing state-of-the-art method.

REST: Enhancing Group Robustness in DNNs through Reweighted Sparse Training. (arXiv:2312.03044v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaxu Zhao, Lu Yin, Shiwei Liu, Meng Fang, Mykola Pechenizkiy

The deep neural network (DNN) has been proven effective in various domains. However, they often struggle to perform well on certain minority groups during inference, despite showing strong performance on the majority of data groups. This is because over-parameterized models learned \textit{bias attributes} from a large number of \textit{bias-aligned} training samples. These bias attributes are strongly spuriously correlated with the target variable, causing the models to be biased towards spurious correlations (i.e., \textit{bias-conflicting}). To tackle this issue, we propose a novel \textbf{re}weighted \textbf{s}parse \textbf{t}raining framework, dubbed as \textit{\textbf{REST}}, which aims to enhance the performance of biased data while improving computation and memory efficiency. Our proposed REST framework has been experimentally validated on three datasets, demonstrating its effectiveness in exploring unbiased subnetworks. We found that REST reduces the reliance on spuriously correlated features, leading to better performance across a wider range of data groups with fewer training and inference resources. We highlight that the \textit{REST} framework represents a promising approach for improving the performance of DNNs on biased data, while simultaneously improving computation and memory efficiency. By reducing the reliance on spurious correlations, REST has the potential to enhance the robustness of DNNs and improve their generalization capabilities. Code is released at \url{https://github.com/zhao1402072392/REST}

Learning Curricula in Open-Ended Worlds. (arXiv:2312.03126v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Minqi Jiang

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) provides powerful methods for training optimal sequential decision-making agents. As collecting real-world interactions can entail additional costs and safety risks, the common paradigm of sim2real conducts training in a simulator, followed by real-world deployment. Unfortunately, RL agents easily overfit to the choice of simulated training environments, and worse still, learning ends when the agent masters the specific set of simulated environments. In contrast, the real world is highly open-ended, featuring endlessly evolving environments and challenges, making such RL approaches unsuitable. Simply randomizing over simulated environments is insufficient, as it requires making arbitrary distributional assumptions and can be combinatorially less likely to sample specific environment instances that are useful for learning. An ideal learning process should automatically adapt the training environment to maximize the learning potential of the agent over an open-ended task space that matches or surpasses the complexity of the real world. This thesis develops a class of methods called Unsupervised Environment Design (UED), which aim to produce such open-ended processes. Given an environment design space, UED automatically generates an infinite sequence or curriculum of training environments at the frontier of the learning agent's capabilities. Through extensive empirical studies and theoretical arguments founded on minimax-regret decision theory and game theory, the findings in this thesis show that UED autocurricula can produce RL agents exhibiting significantly improved robustness and generalization to previously unseen environment instances. Such autocurricula are promising paths toward open-ended learning systems that achieve more general intelligence by continually generating and mastering additional challenges of their own design.

On the Impact of Multi-dimensional Local Differential Privacy on Fairness. (arXiv:2312.04404v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Karima Makhlouf, Heber H. Arcolezi, Sami Zhioua, Ghassen Ben Brahim, Catuscia Palamidessi

Automated decision systems are increasingly used to make consequential decisions in people's lives. Due to the sensitivity of the manipulated data as well as the resulting decisions, several ethical concerns need to be addressed for the appropriate use of such technologies, in particular, fairness and privacy. Unlike previous work, which focused on centralized differential privacy (DP) or local DP (LDP) for a single sensitive attribute, in this paper, we examine the impact of LDP in the presence of several sensitive attributes (i.e., multi-dimensional data) on fairness. Detailed empirical analysis on synthetic and benchmark datasets revealed very relevant observations. In particular, (1) multi-dimensional LDP is an efficient approach to reduce disparity, (2) the multi-dimensional approach of LDP (independent vs. combined) matters only at low privacy guarantees, and (3) the outcome Y distribution has an important effect on which group is more sensitive to the obfuscation. Last, we summarize our findings in the form of recommendations to guide practitioners in adopting effective privacy-preserving practices while maintaining fairness and utility in ML applications.

Chain of Code: Reasoning with a Language Model-Augmented Code Emulator. (arXiv:2312.04474v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Chengshu Li, Jacky Liang, Andy Zeng, Xinyun Chen, Karol Hausman, Dorsa Sadigh, Sergey Levine, Li Fei-Fei, Fei Xia, Brian Ichter

Code provides a general syntactic structure to build complex programs and perform precise computations when paired with a code interpreter - we hypothesize that language models (LMs) can leverage code-writing to improve Chain of Thought reasoning not only for logic and arithmetic tasks, but also for semantic ones (and in particular, those that are a mix of both). For example, consider prompting an LM to write code that counts the number of times it detects sarcasm in an essay: the LM may struggle to write an implementation for "detect_sarcasm(string)" that can be executed by the interpreter (handling the edge cases would be insurmountable). However, LMs may still produce a valid solution if they not only write code, but also selectively "emulate" the interpreter by generating the expected output of "detect_sarcasm(string)" and other lines of code that cannot be executed. In this work, we propose Chain of Code (CoC), a simple yet surprisingly effective extension that improves LM code-driven reasoning. The key idea is to encourage LMs to format semantic sub-tasks in a program as flexible pseudocode that the interpreter can explicitly catch undefined behaviors and hand off to simulate with an LM (as an "LMulator"). Experiments demonstrate that Chain of Code outperforms Chain of Thought and other baselines across a variety of benchmarks; on BIG-Bench Hard, Chain of Code achieves 84%, a gain of 12% over Chain of Thought. CoC scales well with large and small models alike, and broadens the scope of reasoning questions that LMs can correctly answer by "thinking in code". Project webpage: https://chain-of-code.github.io.