Hijacking Context in Large Multi-modal Models. (arXiv:2312.07553v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Joonhyun Jeong

Recently, Large Multi-modal Models (LMMs) have demonstrated their ability to understand the visual contents of images given the instructions regarding the images. Built upon the Large Language Models (LLMs), LMMs also inherit their abilities and characteristics such as in-context learning where a coherent sequence of images and texts are given as the input prompt. However, we identify a new limitation of off-the-shelf LMMs where a small fraction of incoherent images or text descriptions mislead LMMs to only generate biased output about the hijacked context, not the originally intended context. To address this, we propose a pre-filtering method that removes irrelevant contexts via GPT-4V, based on its robustness towards distribution shift within the contexts. We further investigate whether replacing the hijacked visual and textual contexts with the correlated ones via GPT-4V and text-to-image models can help yield coherent responses.

Federated Learning for Short Text Clustering. (arXiv:2312.07556v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Mengling Hu, Chaochao Chen, Weiming Liu, Xinting Liao, Xiaolin Zheng

Short text clustering has been popularly studied for its significance in mining valuable insights from many short texts. In this paper, we focus on the federated short text clustering (FSTC) problem, i.e., clustering short texts that are distributed in different clients, which is a realistic problem under privacy requirements. Compared with the centralized short text clustering problem that short texts are stored on a central server, the FSTC problem has not been explored yet. To fill this gap, we propose a Federated Robust Short Text Clustering (FSTC) framework. FSTC includes two main modules, i.e., robust short text clustering module and federated cluster center aggregation module. The robust short text clustering module aims to train an effective short text clustering model with local data in each client. We innovatively combine optimal transport to generate pseudo-labels with Gaussian-uniform mixture model to ensure the reliability of the pseudo-supervised data. The federated cluster center aggregation module aims to exchange knowledge across clients without sharing local raw data in an efficient way. The server aggregates the local cluster centers from different clients and then sends the global centers back to all clients in each communication round. Our empirical studies on three short text clustering datasets demonstrate that FSTC significantly outperforms the federated short text clustering baselines.

PaperQA: Retrieval-Augmented Generative Agent for Scientific Research. (arXiv:2312.07559v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jakub Lála, Odhran O'Donoghue, Aleksandar Shtedritski, Sam Cox, Samuel G. Rodriques, Andrew D. White

Large Language Models (LLMs) generalize well across language tasks, but suffer from hallucinations and uninterpretability, making it difficult to assess their accuracy without ground-truth. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) models have been proposed to reduce hallucinations and provide provenance for how an answer was generated. Applying such models to the scientific literature may enable large-scale, systematic processing of scientific knowledge. We present PaperQA, a RAG agent for answering questions over the scientific literature. PaperQA is an agent that performs information retrieval across full-text scientific articles, assesses the relevance of sources and passages, and uses RAG to provide answers. Viewing this agent as a question answering model, we find it exceeds performance of existing LLMs and LLM agents on current science QA benchmarks. To push the field closer to how humans perform research on scientific literature, we also introduce LitQA, a more complex benchmark that requires retrieval and synthesis of information from full-text scientific papers across the literature. Finally, we demonstrate PaperQA's matches expert human researchers on LitQA.

Investigating YOLO Models Towards Outdoor Obstacle Detection For Visually Impaired People. (arXiv:2312.07571v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chenhao He, Pramit Saha

The utilization of deep learning-based object detection is an effective approach to assist visually impaired individuals in avoiding obstacles. In this paper, we implemented seven different YOLO object detection models \textit{viz}., YOLO-NAS (small, medium, large), YOLOv8, YOLOv7, YOLOv6, and YOLOv5 and performed comprehensive evaluation with carefully tuned hyperparameters, to analyze how these models performed on images containing common daily-life objects presented on roads and sidewalks. After a systematic investigation, YOLOv8 was found to be the best model, which reached a precision of $80\%$ and a recall of $68.2\%$ on a well-known Obstacle Dataset which includes images from VOC dataset, COCO dataset, and TT100K dataset along with images collected by the researchers in the field. Despite being the latest model and demonstrating better performance in many other applications, YOLO-NAS was found to be suboptimal for the obstacle detection task.

Cross Fertilizing Empathy from Brain to Machine as a Value Alignment Strategy. (arXiv:2312.07579v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Devin Gonier, Adrian Adduci, Cassidy LoCascio

AI Alignment research seeks to align human and AI goals to ensure independent actions by a machine are always ethical. This paper argues empathy is necessary for this task, despite being often neglected in favor of more deductive approaches. We offer an inside-out approach that grounds morality within the context of the brain as a basis for algorithmically understanding ethics and empathy. These arguments are justified via a survey of relevant literature. The paper concludes with a suggested experimental approach to future research and some initial experimental observations.

Characteristic Guidance: Non-linear Correction for DDPM at Large Guidance Scale. (arXiv:2312.07586v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Candi Zheng, Yuan Lan

Popular guidance for denoising diffusion probabilistic model (DDPM) linearly combines distinct conditional models together to provide enhanced control over samples. However, this approach overlooks nonlinear effects that become significant when guidance scale is large. To address this issue, we propose characteristic guidance, a novel method that provides non-linear correction for classifier-free guided DDPMs. Such correction forces the guided DDPMs to respect the Fokker-Planck equation of their underlying diffusion process, in a way that is first-principle, training-free, derivative-free, and compatible with existing sampling methods. Experiments show that characteristic guidance is robust to various applications, offers enhanced control over sample generation, suppresses color and exposure issues even for latent space sampling, and can handle physics problems such as the phase transitions.

ConvD: Attention Enhanced Dynamic Convolutional Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion. (arXiv:2312.07589v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wenbin Guo, Zhao Li, Xin Wang, Zirui Chen

Knowledge graphs generally suffer from incompleteness, which can be alleviated by completing the missing information. Deep knowledge convolutional embedding models based on neural networks are currently popular methods for knowledge graph completion. However, most existing methods use external convolution kernels and traditional plain convolution processes, which limits the feature interaction capability of the model. In this paper, we propose a novel dynamic convolutional embedding model ConvD for knowledge graph completion, which directly reshapes the relation embeddings into multiple internal convolution kernels to improve the external convolution kernels of the traditional convolutional embedding model. The internal convolution kernels can effectively augment the feature interaction between the relation embeddings and entity embeddings, thus enhancing the model embedding performance. Moreover, we design a priori knowledge-optimized attention mechanism, which can assign different contribution weight coefficients to multiple relation convolution kernels for dynamic convolution to improve the expressiveness of the model further. Extensive experiments on various datasets show that our proposed model consistently outperforms the state-of-the-art baseline methods, with average improvements ranging from 11.30\% to 16.92\% across all model evaluation metrics. Ablation experiments verify the effectiveness of each component module of the ConvD model.

Evaluating ChatGPT as a Question Answering System: A Comprehensive Analysis and Comparison with Existing Models. (arXiv:2312.07592v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hossein Bahak, Farzaneh Taheri, Zahra Zojaji, Arefeh Kazemi

In the current era, a multitude of language models has emerged to cater to user inquiries. Notably, the GPT-3.5 Turbo language model has gained substantial attention as the underlying technology for ChatGPT. Leveraging extensive parameters, this model adeptly responds to a wide range of questions. However, due to its reliance on internal knowledge, the accuracy of responses may not be absolute. This article scrutinizes ChatGPT as a Question Answering System (QAS), comparing its performance to other existing QASs. The primary focus is on evaluating ChatGPT's proficiency in extracting responses from provided paragraphs, a core QAS capability. Additionally, performance comparisons are made in scenarios without a surrounding passage. Multiple experiments, exploring response hallucination and considering question complexity, were conducted on ChatGPT. Evaluation employed well-known Question Answering (QA) datasets, including SQuAD, NewsQA, and PersianQuAD, across English and Persian languages. Metrics such as F-score, exact match, and accuracy were employed in the assessment. The study reveals that, while ChatGPT demonstrates competence as a generative model, it is less effective in question answering compared to task-specific models. Providing context improves its performance, and prompt engineering enhances precision, particularly for questions lacking explicit answers in provided paragraphs. ChatGPT excels at simpler factual questions compared to "how" and "why" question types. The evaluation highlights occurrences of hallucinations, where ChatGPT provides responses to questions without available answers in the provided context.

Sense, Predict, Adapt, Repeat: A Blueprint for Design of New Adaptive AI-Centric Sensing Systems. (arXiv:2312.07602v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Soheil Hor, Amin Arbabian

As Moore's Law loses momentum, improving size, performance, and efficiency of processors has become increasingly challenging, ending the era of predictable improvements in hardware performance. Meanwhile, the widespread incorporation of high-definition sensors in consumer devices and autonomous technologies has fueled a significant upsurge in sensory data. Current global trends reveal that the volume of generated data already exceeds human consumption capacity, making AI algorithms the primary consumers of data worldwide. To address this, a novel approach to designing AI-centric sensing systems is needed that can bridge the gap between the increasing capabilities of high-definition sensors and the limitations of AI processors. This paper provides an overview of efficient sensing and perception methods in both AI and sensing domains, emphasizing the necessity of co-designing AI algorithms and sensing systems for dynamic perception. The proposed approach involves a framework for designing and analyzing dynamic AI-in-the-loop sensing systems, suggesting a fundamentally new method for designing adaptive sensing systems through inference-time AI-to-sensor feedback and end-to-end efficiency and performance optimization.

Pedestrian and Passenger Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles: Field Study in a Crosswalk Scenario. (arXiv:2312.07606v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Rubén Izquierdo, Javier Alonso, Ola Benderius, Miguel Ángel Sotelo, David Fernández Llorca

This study presents the outcomes of empirical investigations pertaining to human-vehicle interactions involving an autonomous vehicle equipped with both internal and external Human Machine Interfaces (HMIs) within a crosswalk scenario. The internal and external HMIs were integrated with implicit communication techniques, incorporating a combination of gentle and aggressive braking maneuvers within the crosswalk. Data were collected through a combination of questionnaires and quantifiable metrics, including pedestrian decision to cross related to the vehicle distance and speed. The questionnaire responses reveal that pedestrians experience enhanced safety perceptions when the external HMI and gentle braking maneuvers are used in tandem. In contrast, the measured variables demonstrate that the external HMI proves effective when complemented by the gentle braking maneuver. Furthermore, the questionnaire results highlight that the internal HMI enhances passenger confidence only when paired with the aggressive braking maneuver.

Adaptive Proximal Policy Optimization with Upper Confidence Bound. (arXiv:2312.07624v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ziqi Zhang, Jingzehua Xu, Zifeng Zhuang, Jinxin Liu, Donglin wang

Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) attractively optimizes the policy while constraining the update of the new policy within a trust region, ensuring the stability and monotonic optimization. Building on the theoretical guarantees of trust region optimization, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) successfully enhances the algorithm's sample efficiency and reduces deployment complexity by confining the update of the new and old policies within a surrogate trust region. However, this approach is limited by the fixed setting of surrogate trust region and is not sufficiently adaptive, because there is no theoretical proof that the optimal clipping bound remains consistent throughout the entire training process, truncating the ratio of the new and old policies within surrogate trust region can ensure that the algorithm achieves its best performance, therefore, exploring and researching a dynamic clip bound for improving PPO's performance can be quite beneficial. To design an adaptive clipped trust region and explore the dynamic clip bound's impact on the performance of PPO, we introduce an adaptive PPO-CLIP (Adaptive-PPO) method that dynamically explores and exploits the clip bound using a bandit during the online training process. Furthermore, ample experiments will initially demonstrate that our Adaptive-PPO exhibits sample efficiency and performance compared to PPO-CLIP.

Astrocyte-Enabled Advancements in Spiking Neural Networks for Large Language Modeling. (arXiv:2312.07625v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Guobin Shen, Dongcheng Zhao, Yiting Dong, Yang Li, Jindong Li, Yi Zeng

Within the complex neuroarchitecture of the brain, astrocytes play crucial roles in development, structure, and metabolism. These cells regulate neural activity through tripartite synapses, directly impacting cognitive processes such as learning and memory. Despite the growing recognition of astrocytes' significance, traditional Spiking Neural Network (SNN) models remain predominantly neuron-centric, overlooking the profound influence of astrocytes on neural dynamics. Inspired by these biological insights, we have developed an Astrocyte-Modulated Spiking Unit (AM-SU), an innovative framework that integrates neuron-astrocyte interactions into the computational paradigm, demonstrating wide applicability across various hardware platforms. Our Astrocyte-Modulated Spiking Neural Network (AM-SNet) exhibits exceptional performance in tasks involving memory retention and natural language generation, particularly in handling long-term dependencies and complex linguistic structures. The design of AM-SNet not only enhances its biological authenticity but also introduces novel computational dynamics, enabling more effective processing of complex temporal dependencies. Furthermore, AM-SNet shows low latency, high throughput, and reduced memory usage in practical applications, making it highly suitable for resource-constrained environments. By successfully integrating astrocytic dynamics into intelligent neural networks, our work narrows the gap between biological plausibility and neural modeling, laying the groundwork for future biologically-inspired neural computing research that includes both neurons and astrocytes.

AI-driven projection tomography with multicore fibre-optic cell rotation. (arXiv:2312.07631v1 [physics.med-ph])

Authors: Jiawei Sun, Bin Yang, Nektarios Koukourakis, Jochen Guck, Juergen W. Czarske

Optical tomography has emerged as a non-invasive imaging method, providing three-dimensional insights into subcellular structures and thereby enabling a deeper understanding of cellular functions, interactions, and processes. Conventional optical tomography methods are constrained by a limited illumination scanning range, leading to anisotropic resolution and incomplete imaging of cellular structures. To overcome this problem, we employ a compact multi-core fibre-optic cell rotator system that facilitates precise optical manipulation of cells within a microfluidic chip, achieving full-angle projection tomography with isotropic resolution. Moreover, we demonstrate an AI-driven tomographic reconstruction workflow, which can be a paradigm shift from conventional computational methods, often demanding manual processing, to a fully autonomous process. The performance of the proposed cell rotation tomography approach is validated through the three-dimensional reconstruction of cell phantoms and HL60 human cancer cells. The versatility of this learning-based tomographic reconstruction workflow paves the way for its broad application across diverse tomographic imaging modalities, including but not limited to flow cytometry tomography and acoustic rotation tomography. Therefore, this AI-driven approach can propel advancements in cell biology, aiding in the inception of pioneering therapeutics, and augmenting early-stage cancer diagnostics.

Clash of the Explainers: Argumentation for Context-Appropriate Explanations. (arXiv:2312.07635v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Leila Methnani, Virginia Dignum, Andreas Theodorou

Understanding when and why to apply any given eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) technique is not a straightforward task. There is no single approach that is best suited for a given context. This paper aims to address the challenge of selecting the most appropriate explainer given the context in which an explanation is required. For AI explainability to be effective, explanations and how they are presented needs to be oriented towards the stakeholder receiving the explanation. If -- in general -- no single explanation technique surpasses the rest, then reasoning over the available methods is required in order to select one that is context-appropriate. Due to the transparency they afford, we propose employing argumentation techniques to reach an agreement over the most suitable explainers from a given set of possible explainers.

In this paper, we propose a modular reasoning system consisting of a given mental model of the relevant stakeholder, a reasoner component that solves the argumentation problem generated by a multi-explainer component, and an AI model that is to be explained suitably to the stakeholder of interest. By formalising supporting premises -- and inferences -- we can map stakeholder characteristics to those of explanation techniques. This allows us to reason over the techniques and prioritise the best one for the given context, while also offering transparency into the selection decision.

Responsibility in Extensive Form Games. (arXiv:2312.07637v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Qi Shi

Two different forms of responsibility, counterfactual and seeing-to-it, have been extensively discussed in the philosophy and AI in the context of a single agent or multiple agents acting simultaneously. Although the generalisation of counterfactual responsibility to a setting where multiple agents act in some order is relatively straightforward, the same cannot be said about seeing-to-it responsibility. Two versions of seeing-to-it modality applicable to such settings have been proposed in the literature. Neither of them perfectly captures the intuition of responsibility. This paper proposes a definition of seeing-to-it responsibility for such settings that amalgamate the two modalities.

This paper shows that the newly proposed notion of responsibility and counterfactual responsibility are not definable through each other and studies the responsibility gap for these two forms of responsibility. It shows that although these two forms of responsibility are not enough to ascribe responsibility in each possible situation, this gap does not exist if higher-order responsibility is taken into account.

Teaching Unknown Objects by Leveraging Human Gaze and Augmented Reality in Human-Robot Interaction. (arXiv:2312.07638v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Daniel Weber

Robots are becoming increasingly popular in a wide range of environments due to their exceptional work capacity, precision, efficiency, and scalability. This development has been further encouraged by advances in Artificial Intelligence, particularly Machine Learning. By employing sophisticated neural networks, robots are given the ability to detect and interact with objects in their vicinity. However, a significant drawback arises from the underlying dependency on extensive datasets and the availability of substantial amounts of training data for these object detection models. This issue becomes particularly problematic when the specific deployment location of the robot and the surroundings, are not known in advance. The vast and ever-expanding array of objects makes it virtually impossible to comprehensively cover the entire spectrum of existing objects using preexisting datasets alone. The goal of this dissertation was to teach a robot unknown objects in the context of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) in order to liberate it from its data dependency, unleashing it from predefined scenarios. In this context, the combination of eye tracking and Augmented Reality created a powerful synergy that empowered the human teacher to communicate with the robot and effortlessly point out objects by means of human gaze. This holistic approach led to the development of a multimodal HRI system that enabled the robot to identify and visually segment the Objects of Interest in 3D space. Through the class information provided by the human, the robot was able to learn the objects and redetect them at a later stage. Due to the knowledge gained from this HRI based teaching, the robot's object detection capabilities exhibited comparable performance to state-of-the-art object detectors trained on extensive datasets, without being restricted to predefined classes, showcasing its versatility and adaptability.

Reacting like Humans: Incorporating Intrinsic Human Behaviors into NAO through Sound-Based Reactions for Enhanced Sociability. (arXiv:2312.07671v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Ali Ghadami, Mohammadreza Taghimohammadi, Mohammad Mohammadzadeh, Mohammad Hosseinipour, Alireza Taheri

Robots' acceptability among humans and their sociability can be significantly enhanced by incorporating human-like reactions. Humans can react to environmental events very quickly and without thinking. An instance where humans display natural reactions is when they encounter a sudden and loud sound that startles or frightens them. During such moments, individuals may instinctively move their hands, turn toward the origin of the sound, and try to determine the event's cause. This inherent behavior motivated us to explore this less-studied part of social robotics. In this work, a multi-modal system composed of an action generator, sound classifier, and YOLO object detector was designed to sense the environment and, in the presence of sudden loud sounds, show natural human fear reactions, and finally, locate the fear-causing sound source in the environment. These unique and valid generated motions and inferences could imitate intrinsic human reactions and enhance the sociability of robots. For motion generation, a model based on LSTM and MDN networks was proposed to synthesize various motions. Also, in the case of sound detection, a transfer learning model was preferred that used the spectrogram of sound signals as its input. After developing individual models for sound detection, motion generation, and image recognition, they were integrated into a comprehensive fear module that was implemented on the NAO robot. Finally, the fear module was tested in practical application and two groups of experts and non-experts filled out a questionnaire to evaluate the performance of the robot. Given our promising results, this preliminary exploratory research provides a fresh perspective on social robotics and could be a starting point for modeling intrinsic human behaviors and emotions in robots.

A Perspective of Q-value Estimation on Offline-to-Online Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.07685v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yinmin Zhang, Jie Liu, Chuming Li, Yazhe Niu, Yaodong Yang, Yu Liu, Wanli Ouyang

Offline-to-online Reinforcement Learning (O2O RL) aims to improve the performance of offline pretrained policy using only a few online samples. Built on offline RL algorithms, most O2O methods focus on the balance between RL objective and pessimism, or the utilization of offline and online samples. In this paper, from a novel perspective, we systematically study the challenges that remain in O2O RL and identify that the reason behind the slow improvement of the performance and the instability of online finetuning lies in the inaccurate Q-value estimation inherited from offline pretraining. Specifically, we demonstrate that the estimation bias and the inaccurate rank of Q-value cause a misleading signal for the policy update, making the standard offline RL algorithms, such as CQL and TD3-BC, ineffective in the online finetuning. Based on this observation, we address the problem of Q-value estimation by two techniques: (1) perturbed value update and (2) increased frequency of Q-value updates. The first technique smooths out biased Q-value estimation with sharp peaks, preventing early-stage policy exploitation of sub-optimal actions. The second one alleviates the estimation bias inherited from offline pretraining by accelerating learning. Extensive experiments on the MuJoco and Adroit environments demonstrate that the proposed method, named SO2, significantly alleviates Q-value estimation issues, and consistently improves the performance against the state-of-the-art methods by up to 83.1%.

Real-time Network Intrusion Detection via Decision Transformers. (arXiv:2312.07696v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Jingdi Chen, Hanhan Zhou, Yongsheng Mei, Gina Adam, Nathaniel D. Bastian, Tian Lan

Many cybersecurity problems that require real-time decision-making based on temporal observations can be abstracted as a sequence modeling problem, e.g., network intrusion detection from a sequence of arriving packets. Existing approaches like reinforcement learning may not be suitable for such cybersecurity decision problems, since the Markovian property may not necessarily hold and the underlying network states are often not observable. In this paper, we cast the problem of real-time network intrusion detection as casual sequence modeling and draw upon the power of the transformer architecture for real-time decision-making. By conditioning a causal decision transformer on past trajectories, consisting of the rewards, network packets, and detection decisions, our proposed framework will generate future detection decisions to achieve the desired return. It enables decision transformers to be applied to real-time network intrusion detection, as well as a novel tradeoff between the accuracy and timeliness of detection. The proposed solution is evaluated on public network intrusion detection datasets and outperforms several baseline algorithms using reinforcement learning and sequence modeling, in terms of detection accuracy and timeliness.

Brain-optimized inference improves reconstructions of fMRI brain activity. (arXiv:2312.07705v1 [q-bio.NC])

Authors: Reese Kneeland, Jordyn Ojeda, Ghislain St-Yves, Thomas Naselaris

The release of large datasets and developments in AI have led to dramatic improvements in decoding methods that reconstruct seen images from human brain activity. We evaluate the prospect of further improving recent decoding methods by optimizing for consistency between reconstructions and brain activity during inference. We sample seed reconstructions from a base decoding method, then iteratively refine these reconstructions using a brain-optimized encoding model that maps images to brain activity. At each iteration, we sample a small library of images from an image distribution (a diffusion model) conditioned on a seed reconstruction from the previous iteration. We select those that best approximate the measured brain activity when passed through our encoding model, and use these images for structural guidance during the generation of the small library in the next iteration. We reduce the stochasticity of the image distribution at each iteration, and stop when a criterion on the "width" of the image distribution is met. We show that when this process is applied to recent decoding methods, it outperforms the base decoding method as measured by human raters, a variety of image feature metrics, and alignment to brain activity. These results demonstrate that reconstruction quality can be significantly improved by explicitly aligning decoding distributions to brain activity distributions, even when the seed reconstruction is output from a state-of-the-art decoding algorithm. Interestingly, the rate of refinement varies systematically across visual cortex, with earlier visual areas generally converging more slowly and preferring narrower image distributions, relative to higher-level brain areas. Brain-optimized inference thus offers a succinct and novel method for improving reconstructions and exploring the diversity of representations across visual brain areas.

Leveraging Large Language Models to Build and Execute Computational Workflows. (arXiv:2312.07711v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Alejandro Duque, Abdullah Syed, Kastan V. Day, Matthew J. Berry, Daniel S. Katz, Volodymyr V. Kindratenko

The recent development of large language models (LLMs) with multi-billion parameters, coupled with the creation of user-friendly application programming interfaces (APIs), has paved the way for automatically generating and executing code in response to straightforward human queries. This paper explores how these emerging capabilities can be harnessed to facilitate complex scientific workflows, eliminating the need for traditional coding methods. We present initial findings from our attempt to integrate Phyloflow with OpenAI's function-calling API, and outline a strategy for developing a comprehensive workflow management system based on these concepts.

Saturn Platform: Foundation Model Operations and Generative AI for Financial Services. (arXiv:2312.07721v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Antonio J. G. Busson, Rennan Gaio, Rafael H. Rocha, Francisco Evangelista, Bruno Rizzi, Luan Carvalho, Rafael Miceli, Marcos Rabaioli, David Favaro

Saturn is an innovative platform that assists Foundation Model (FM) building and its integration with IT operations (Ops). It is custom-made to meet the requirements of data scientists, enabling them to effectively create and implement FMs while enhancing collaboration within their technical domain. By offering a wide range of tools and features, Saturn streamlines and automates different stages of FM development, making it an invaluable asset for data science teams. This white paper introduces prospective applications of generative AI models derived from FMs in the financial sector.

Automated Behavioral Analysis Using Instance Segmentation. (arXiv:2312.07723v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chen Yang, Jeremy Forest, Matthew Einhorn, Thomas A. Cleland

Animal behavior analysis plays a crucial role in various fields, such as life science and biomedical research. However, the scarcity of available data and the high cost associated with obtaining a large number of labeled datasets pose significant challenges. In this research, we propose a novel approach that leverages instance segmentation-based transfer learning to address these issues. By capitalizing on fine-tuning the classification head of the instance segmentation network, we enable the tracking of multiple animals and facilitate behavior analysis in laboratory-recorded videos. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, we conducted a series of experiments, revealing that our approach achieves exceptional performance levels, comparable to human capabilities, across a diverse range of animal behavior analysis tasks. Moreover, we emphasize the practicality of our solution, as it requires only a small number of labeled images for training. To facilitate the adoption and further development of our method, we have developed an open-source implementation named Annolid (An annotation and instance segmentation-based multiple animal tracking and behavior analysis package). The codebase is publicly available on GitHub at https://github.com/cplab/annolid. This resource serves as a valuable asset for researchers and practitioners interested in advancing animal behavior analysis through state-of-the-art techniques.

Large Human Language Models: A Need and the Challenges. (arXiv:2312.07751v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nikita Soni, H. Andrew Schwartz, João Sedoc, Niranjan Balasubramanian

As research in human-centered NLP advances, there is a growing recognition of the importance of incorporating human and social factors into NLP models. At the same time, our NLP systems have become heavily reliant on LLMs, most of which do not model authors. To build NLP systems that can truly understand human language, we must better integrate human contexts into LLMs. This brings to the fore a range of design considerations and challenges in terms of what human aspects to capture, how to represent them, and what modeling strategies to pursue. To address these, we advocate for three positions toward creating large human language models (LHLMs) using concepts from psychological and behavioral sciences: First, LM training should include the human context. Second, LHLMs should recognize that people are more than their group(s). Third, LHLMs should be able to account for the dynamic and temporally-dependent nature of the human context. We refer to relevant advances and present open challenges that need to be addressed and their possible solutions in realizing these goals.

Polynomial-based Self-Attention for Table Representation learning. (arXiv:2312.07753v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jayoung Kim, Yehjin Shin, Noseong Park

Structured data, which constitutes a significant portion of existing data types, has been a long-standing research topic in the field of machine learning. Various representation learning methods for tabular data have been proposed, ranging from encoder-decoder structures to Transformers. Among these, Transformer-based methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance not only in tabular data but also in various other fields, including computer vision and natural language processing. However, recent studies have revealed that self-attention, a key component of Transformers, can lead to an oversmoothing issue. We show that Transformers for tabular data also face this problem, and to address the problem, we propose a novel matrix polynomial-based self-attention layer as a substitute for the original self-attention layer, which enhances model scalability. In our experiments with three representative table learning models equipped with our proposed layer, we illustrate that the layer effectively mitigates the oversmoothing problem and enhances the representation performance of the existing methods, outperforming the state-of-the-art table representation methods.

Spatial Knowledge-Infused Hierarchical Learning: An Application in Flood Mapping on Earth Imagery. (arXiv:2312.07767v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zelin Xu, Tingsong Xiao, Wenchong He, Yu Wang, Zhe Jiang

Deep learning for Earth imagery plays an increasingly important role in geoscience applications such as agriculture, ecology, and natural disaster management. Still, progress is often hindered by the limited training labels. Given Earth imagery with limited training labels, a base deep neural network model, and a spatial knowledge base with label constraints, our problem is to infer the full labels while training the neural network. The problem is challenging due to the sparse and noisy input labels, spatial uncertainty within the label inference process, and high computational costs associated with a large number of sample locations. Existing works on neuro-symbolic models focus on integrating symbolic logic into neural networks (e.g., loss function, model architecture, and training label augmentation), but these methods do not fully address the challenges of spatial data (e.g., spatial uncertainty, the trade-off between spatial granularity and computational costs). To bridge this gap, we propose a novel Spatial Knowledge-Infused Hierarchical Learning (SKI-HL) framework that iteratively infers sample labels within a multi-resolution hierarchy. Our framework consists of a module to selectively infer labels in different resolutions based on spatial uncertainty and a module to train neural network parameters with uncertainty-aware multi-instance learning. Extensive experiments on real-world flood mapping datasets show that the proposed model outperforms several baseline methods. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/ZelinXu2000/SKI-HL}.

Tell, don't show: Declarative facts influence how LLMs generalize. (arXiv:2312.07779v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Alexander Meinke, Owain Evans

We examine how large language models (LLMs) generalize from abstract declarative statements in their training data. As an illustration, consider an LLM that is prompted to generate weather reports for London in 2050. One possibility is that the temperatures in the reports match the mean and variance of reports from 2023 (i.e. matching the statistics of pretraining). Another possibility is that the reports predict higher temperatures, by incorporating declarative statements about climate change from scientific papers written in 2023. An example of such a declarative statement is "global temperatures will increase by $1^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ by 2050".

To test the influence of abstract declarative statements, we construct tasks in which LLMs are finetuned on both declarative and procedural information. We find that declarative statements influence model predictions, even when they conflict with procedural information. In particular, finetuning on a declarative statement $S$ increases the model likelihood for logical consequences of $S$. The effect of declarative statements is consistent across three domains: aligning an AI assistant, predicting weather, and predicting demographic features. Through a series of ablations, we show that the effect of declarative statements cannot be explained by associative learning based on matching keywords. Nevertheless, the effect of declarative statements on model likelihoods is small in absolute terms and increases surprisingly little with model size (i.e. from 330 million to 175 billion parameters). We argue that these results have implications for AI risk (in relation to the "treacherous turn") and for fairness.

Robust MRI Reconstruction by Smoothed Unrolling (SMUG). (arXiv:2312.07784v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Shijun Liang, Van Hoang Minh Nguyen, Jinghan Jia, Ismail Alkhouri, Sijia Liu, Saiprasad Ravishankar

As the popularity of deep learning (DL) in the field of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) continues to rise, recent research has indicated that DL-based MRI reconstruction models might be excessively sensitive to minor input disturbances, including worst-case additive perturbations. This sensitivity often leads to unstable, aliased images. This raises the question of how to devise DL techniques for MRI reconstruction that can be robust to train-test variations. To address this problem, we propose a novel image reconstruction framework, termed Smoothed Unrolling (SMUG), which advances a deep unrolling-based MRI reconstruction model using a randomized smoothing (RS)-based robust learning approach. RS, which improves the tolerance of a model against input noises, has been widely used in the design of adversarial defense approaches for image classification tasks. Yet, we find that the conventional design that applies RS to the entire DL-based MRI model is ineffective. In this paper, we show that SMUG and its variants address the above issue by customizing the RS process based on the unrolling architecture of a DL-based MRI reconstruction model. Compared to the vanilla RS approach, we show that SMUG improves the robustness of MRI reconstruction with respect to a diverse set of instability sources, including worst-case and random noise perturbations to input measurements, varying measurement sampling rates, and different numbers of unrolling steps. Furthermore, we theoretically analyze the robustness of our method in the presence of perturbations.

Traffic Signal Control Using Lightweight Transformers: An Offline-to-Online RL Approach. (arXiv:2312.07795v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xingshuai Huang, Di Wu, Benoit Boulet

Efficient traffic signal control is critical for reducing traffic congestion and improving overall transportation efficiency. The dynamic nature of traffic flow has prompted researchers to explore Reinforcement Learning (RL) for traffic signal control (TSC). Compared with traditional methods, RL-based solutions have shown preferable performance. However, the application of RL-based traffic signal controllers in the real world is limited by the low sample efficiency and high computational requirements of these solutions. In this work, we propose DTLight, a simple yet powerful lightweight Decision Transformer-based TSC method that can learn policy from easily accessible offline datasets. DTLight novelly leverages knowledge distillation to learn a lightweight controller from a well-trained larger teacher model to reduce implementation computation. Additionally, it integrates adapter modules to mitigate the expenses associated with fine-tuning, which makes DTLight practical for online adaptation with minimal computation and only a few fine-tuning steps during real deployment. Moreover, DTLight is further enhanced to be more applicable to real-world TSC problems. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world scenarios show that DTLight pre-trained purely on offline datasets can outperform state-of-the-art online RL-based methods in most scenarios. Experiment results also show that online fine-tuning further improves the performance of DTLight by up to 42.6% over the best online RL baseline methods. In this work, we also introduce Datasets specifically designed for TSC with offline RL (referred to as DTRL). Our datasets and code are publicly available.

Harnessing Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) for Uncovering Knowledge Gaps. (arXiv:2312.07796v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Joan Figuerola Hurtado

The paper presents a methodology for uncovering knowledge gaps on the internet using the Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) model. By simulating user search behaviour, the RAG system identifies and addresses gaps in information retrieval systems. The study demonstrates the effectiveness of the RAG system in generating relevant suggestions with a consistent accuracy of 93%. The methodology can be applied in various fields such as scientific discovery, educational enhancement, research development, market analysis, search engine optimisation, and content development. The results highlight the value of identifying and understanding knowledge gaps to guide future endeavours.

Sentiment analysis in Tourism: Fine-tuning BERT or sentence embeddings concatenation?. (arXiv:2312.07797v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ibrahim Bouabdallaoui, Fatima Guerouate, Samya Bouhaddour, Chaimae Saadi, Mohammed Sbihi

Undoubtedly that the Bidirectional Encoder representations from Transformers is the most powerful technique in making Natural Language Processing tasks such as Named Entity Recognition, Question & Answers or Sentiment Analysis, however, the use of traditional techniques remains a major potential for the improvement of recent models, in particular word tokenization techniques and embeddings, but also the improvement of neural network architectures which are now the core of each architecture. recent. In this paper, we conduct a comparative study between Fine-Tuning the Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers and a method of concatenating two embeddings to boost the performance of a stacked Bidirectional Long Short-Term Memory-Bidirectional Gated Recurrent Units model; these two approaches are applied in the context of sentiment analysis of shopping places in Morocco. A search for the best learning rate was made at the level of the two approaches, and a comparison of the best optimizers was made for each sentence embedding combination with regard to the second approach.

A Foundational Multimodal Vision Language AI Assistant for Human Pathology. (arXiv:2312.07814v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ming Y. Lu, Bowen Chen, Drew F. K. Williamson, Richard J. Chen, Kenji Ikamura, Georg Gerber, Ivy Liang, Long Phi Le, Tong Ding, Anil V Parwani, Faisal Mahmood

The field of computational pathology has witnessed remarkable progress in the development of both task-specific predictive models and task-agnostic self-supervised vision encoders. However, despite the explosive growth of generative artificial intelligence (AI), there has been limited study on building general purpose, multimodal AI assistants tailored to pathology. Here we present PathChat, a vision-language generalist AI assistant for human pathology using an in-house developed foundational vision encoder pretrained on 100 million histology images from over 100,000 patient cases and 1.18 million pathology image-caption pairs. The vision encoder is then combined with a pretrained large language model and the whole system is finetuned on over 250,000 diverse disease agnostic visual language instructions. We compare PathChat against several multimodal vision language AI assistants as well as GPT4V, which powers the commercially available multimodal general purpose AI assistant ChatGPT-4. When relevant clinical context is provided with the histology image, PathChat achieved a diagnostic accuracy of 87% on multiple-choice questions based on publicly available cases of diverse tissue origins and disease models. Additionally, using open-ended questions and human expert evaluation, we found that overall PathChat produced more accurate and pathologist-preferable responses to diverse queries related to pathology. As an interactive and general vision language AI assistant that can flexibly handle both visual and natural language inputs, PathChat can potentially find impactful applications in pathology education, research, and human-in-the-loop clinical decision making.

Prototypical Self-Explainable Models Without Re-training. (arXiv:2312.07822v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Srishti Gautam, Ahcene Boubekki, Marina M. C. Höhne, Michael C. Kampffmeyer

Explainable AI (XAI) has unfolded in two distinct research directions with, on the one hand, post-hoc methods that explain the predictions of a pre-trained black-box model and, on the other hand, self-explainable models (SEMs) which are trained directly to provide explanations alongside their predictions. While the latter is preferred in most safety-critical scenarios, post-hoc approaches have received the majority of attention until now, owing to their simplicity and ability to explain base models without retraining. Current SEMs instead, require complex architectures and heavily regularized loss functions, thus necessitating specific and costly training. To address this shortcoming and facilitate wider use of SEMs, we propose a simple yet efficient universal method called KMEx (K-Means Explainer), which can convert any existing pre-trained model into a prototypical SEM. The motivation behind KMEx is to push towards more transparent deep learning-based decision-making via class-prototype-based explanations that are guaranteed to be diverse and trustworthy without retraining the base model. We compare models obtained from KMEx to state-of-the-art SEMs using an extensive qualitative evaluation to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of each model, further paving the way toward a more reliable and objective evaluation of SEMs.

Denoising diffusion-based synthetic generation of three-dimensional (3D) anisotropic microstructures from two-dimensional (2D) micrographs. (arXiv:2312.07832v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])

Authors: Kang-Hyun Lee, Gun Jin Yun

Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME) has significantly enhanced the systemic analysis of the relationship between microstructure and material properties, paving the way for the development of high-performance materials. However, analyzing microstructure-sensitive material behavior remains challenging due to the scarcity of three-dimensional (3D) microstructure datasets. Moreover, this challenge is amplified if the microstructure is anisotropic, as this results in anisotropic material properties as well. In this paper, we present a framework for reconstruction of anisotropic microstructures solely based on two-dimensional (2D) micrographs using conditional diffusion-based generative models (DGMs). The proposed framework involves spatial connection of multiple 2D conditional DGMs, each trained to generate 2D microstructure samples for three different orthogonal planes. The connected multiple reverse diffusion processes then enable effective modeling of a Markov chain for transforming noise into a 3D microstructure sample. Furthermore, a modified harmonized sampling is employed to enhance the sample quality while preserving the spatial connection between the slices of anisotropic microstructure samples in 3D space. To validate the proposed framework, the 2D-to-3D reconstructed anisotropic microstructure samples are evaluated in terms of both the spatial correlation function and the physical material behavior. The results demonstrate that the framework is capable of reproducing not only the statistical distribution of material phases but also the material properties in 3D space. This highlights the potential application of the proposed 2D-to-3D reconstruction framework in establishing microstructure-property linkages, which could aid high-throughput material design for future studies

Video Dynamics Prior: An Internal Learning Approach for Robust Video Enhancements. (arXiv:2312.07835v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gaurav Shrivastava, Ser-Nam Lim, Abhinav Shrivastava

In this paper, we present a novel robust framework for low-level vision tasks, including denoising, object removal, frame interpolation, and super-resolution, that does not require any external training data corpus. Our proposed approach directly learns the weights of neural modules by optimizing over the corrupted test sequence, leveraging the spatio-temporal coherence and internal statistics of videos. Furthermore, we introduce a novel spatial pyramid loss that leverages the property of spatio-temporal patch recurrence in a video across the different scales of the video. This loss enhances robustness to unstructured noise in both the spatial and temporal domains. This further results in our framework being highly robust to degradation in input frames and yields state-of-the-art results on downstream tasks such as denoising, object removal, and frame interpolation. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct qualitative and quantitative evaluations on standard video datasets such as DAVIS, UCF-101, and VIMEO90K-T.

Conflict Transformation and Management. From Cognitive Maps to Value Trees. (arXiv:2312.07838v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Berkay H. Tosunlu, Joseph H.A. Guillaume, Alexis Tsoukiàs

Conflict transformation and management are complex decision processes with extremely high stakes at hand and could greatly benefit from formal approaches to decision support. For this purpose we develop a general framework about how to use problem structuring methods for such purposes. More precisely we show how to transform cognitive maps to value trees in order to promote a more design-oriented approach to decision support aiming at constructing innovative solutions for conflict management purposes. We show that our findings have a much wider validity since they allow to move from a descriptive representation of a problem situation to a more prescriptive one using formal procedures and models.

Finetuning an LLM on Contextual Knowledge of Classics for Q&A. (arXiv:2312.07848v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Shane Storm Strachan

The open-source publishing of large language models (LLMs) has created many possibilities for how anyone who understands language and has access to a computer can interact with significant tools of artificial intelligence, particularly in the context of learning and knowledge dissemination. However, the utility of these models in specialized fields like Classics is still largely unexplored. This project is an attempt to merge the knowledge of Classics with the capabilities of artificial intelligence by finetuning an LLM to cater to the specific needs of learners and professionals. The goal of this project is to develop an LLM that not only reproduces contextual knowledge accurately but also exhibits a consistent "personality" - and, indeed, has consistent propriety - to appeal to a diverse audience who possess differing levels of knowledge. A significant portion of this project was dedicated to refining the dataset, following the principle of "garbage in, garbage out," to ensure the model generates relevant, useful, and creative responses when given a prompt (a statement, question, or single word). After training and evaluation, my model's ability to handle a vast array of different types of inputs and prompting exceeded expectations for a 355M parameter model, though its occasional hallucinations (especially when set with a high temperature), particularly in its assertions about historical events or its own identity, make it seem somewhat capricious and more work in the form of continuous finetuning will be undertaken.

Large Language Model Enhanced Multi-Agent Systems for 6G Communications. (arXiv:2312.07850v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Feibo Jiang, Li Dong, Yubo Peng, Kezhi Wang, Kun Yang, Cunhua Pan, Dusit Niyato, Octavia A. Dobre

The rapid development of the Large Language Model (LLM) presents huge opportunities for 6G communications, e.g., network optimization and management by allowing users to input task requirements to LLMs by nature language. However, directly applying native LLMs in 6G encounters various challenges, such as a lack of private communication data and knowledge, limited logical reasoning, evaluation, and refinement abilities. Integrating LLMs with the capabilities of retrieval, planning, memory, evaluation and reflection in agents can greatly enhance the potential of LLMs for 6G communications. To this end, we propose a multi-agent system with customized communication knowledge and tools for solving communication related tasks using natural language, comprising three components: (1) Multi-agent Data Retrieval (MDR), which employs the condensate and inference agents to refine and summarize communication knowledge from the knowledge base, expanding the knowledge boundaries of LLMs in 6G communications; (2) Multi-agent Collaborative Planning (MCP), which utilizes multiple planning agents to generate feasible solutions for the communication related task from different perspectives based on the retrieved knowledge; (3) Multi-agent Evaluation and Reflecxion (MER), which utilizes the evaluation agent to assess the solutions, and applies the reflexion agent and refinement agent to provide improvement suggestions for current solutions. Finally, we validate the effectiveness of the proposed multi-agent system by designing a semantic communication system, as a case study of 6G communications.

Exploring Popularity Bias in Session-based Recommendation. (arXiv:2312.07855v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Haowen Wang

Existing work has revealed that large-scale offline evaluation of recommender systems for user-item interactions is prone to bias caused by the deployed system itself, as a form of closed loop feedback. Many adopt the \textit{propensity} concept to analyze or mitigate this empirical issue. In this work, we extend the analysis to session-based setup and adapted propensity calculation to the unique characteristics of session-based recommendation tasks. Our experiments incorporate neural models and KNN-based models, and cover both the music and the e-commerce domain. We study the distributions of propensity and different stratification techniques on different datasets and find that propensity-related traits are actually dataset-specific. We then leverage the effect of stratification and achieve promising results compared to the original models.

DTL: Disentangled Transfer Learning for Visual Recognition. (arXiv:2312.07856v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Minghao Fu, Ke Zhu, Jianxin Wu

When pre-trained models become rapidly larger, the cost of fine-tuning on downstream tasks steadily increases, too. To economically fine-tune these models, parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) is proposed, which only tunes a tiny subset of trainable parameters to efficiently learn quality representations. However, current PETL methods are facing the dilemma that during training the GPU memory footprint is not effectively reduced as trainable parameters. PETL will likely fail, too, if the full fine-tuning encounters the out-of-GPU-memory issue. This phenomenon happens because trainable parameters from these methods are generally entangled with the backbone, such that a lot of intermediate states have to be stored in GPU memory for gradient propagation. To alleviate this problem, we introduce Disentangled Transfer Learning (DTL), which disentangles the trainable parameters from the backbone using a lightweight Compact Side Network (CSN). By progressively extracting task-specific information with a few low-rank linear mappings and appropriately adding the information back to the backbone, CSN effectively realizes knowledge transfer in various downstream tasks. We conducted extensive experiments to validate the effectiveness of our method. The proposed method not only reduces a large amount of GPU memory usage and trainable parameters, but also outperforms existing PETL methods by a significant margin in accuracy, achieving new state-of-the-art on several standard benchmarks.

BESTMVQA: A Benchmark Evaluation System for Medical Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2312.07867v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Xiaojie Hong, Zixin Song, Liangzhi Li, Xiaoli Wang, Feiyan Liu

Medical Visual Question Answering (Med-VQA) is a very important task in healthcare industry, which answers a natural language question with a medical image. Existing VQA techniques in information systems can be directly applied to solving the task. However, they often suffer from (i) the data insufficient problem, which makes it difficult to train the state of the arts (SOTAs) for the domain-specific task, and (ii) the reproducibility problem, that many existing models have not been thoroughly evaluated in a unified experimental setup. To address these issues, this paper develops a Benchmark Evaluation SysTem for Medical Visual Question Answering, denoted by BESTMVQA. Given self-collected clinical data, our system provides a useful tool for users to automatically build Med-VQA datasets, which helps overcoming the data insufficient problem. Users also can conveniently select a wide spectrum of SOTA models from our model library to perform a comprehensive empirical study. With simple configurations, our system automatically trains and evaluates the selected models over a benchmark dataset, and reports the comprehensive results for users to develop new techniques or perform medical practice. Limitations of existing work are overcome (i) by the data generation tool, which automatically constructs new datasets from unstructured clinical data, and (ii) by evaluating SOTAs on benchmark datasets in a unified experimental setup. The demonstration video of our system can be found at https://youtu.be/QkEeFlu1x4A. Our code and data will be available soon.

Causality Analysis for Evaluating the Security of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.07876v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Wei Zhao, Zhe Li, Jun Sun

Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT and Llama2 are increasingly adopted in many safety-critical applications. Their security is thus essential. Even with considerable efforts spent on reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), recent studies have shown that LLMs are still subject to attacks such as adversarial perturbation and Trojan attacks. Further research is thus needed to evaluate their security and/or understand the lack of it. In this work, we propose a framework for conducting light-weight causality-analysis of LLMs at the token, layer, and neuron level. We applied our framework to open-source LLMs such as Llama2 and Vicuna and had multiple interesting discoveries. Based on a layer-level causality analysis, we show that RLHF has the effect of overfitting a model to harmful prompts. It implies that such security can be easily overcome by `unusual' harmful prompts. As evidence, we propose an adversarial perturbation method that achieves 100\% attack success rate on the red-teaming tasks of the Trojan Detection Competition 2023. Furthermore, we show the existence of one mysterious neuron in both Llama2 and Vicuna that has an unreasonably high causal effect on the output. While we are uncertain on why such a neuron exists, we show that it is possible to conduct a ``Trojan'' attack targeting that particular neuron to completely cripple the LLM, i.e., we can generate transferable suffixes to prompts that frequently make the LLM produce meaningless responses.

CoIE: Chain-of-Instruct Editing for Multi-Attribute Face Manipulation. (arXiv:2312.07879v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhenduo Zhang, Bowen Zhang, Guang Liu

Current text-to-image editing models often encounter challenges with smoothly manipulating multiple attributes using a single instruction. Taking inspiration from the Chain-of-Thought prompting technique utilized in language models, we present an innovative concept known as Chain-of-Instruct Editing (CoIE), which enhances the capabilities of these models through step-by-step editing using a series of instructions. In particular, in the context of face manipulation, we leverage the contextual learning abilities of a pretrained Large Language Model (LLM), such as GPT-4, to generate a sequence of instructions from the original input, utilizing a purpose-designed 1-shot template. To further improve the precision of each editing step, we conduct fine-tuning on the editing models using our self-constructed instruction-guided face editing dataset, Instruct-CelebA. And additionally, we incorporate a super-resolution module to mitigate the adverse effects of editability and quality degradation. Experimental results across various challenging cases confirm the significant boost in multi-attribute facial image manipulation using chain-of-instruct editing. This is evident in enhanced editing success rates, measured by CLIPSim and Coverage metrics, improved by 17.86% and 85.45% respectively, and heightened controllability indicated by Preserve L1 and Quality metrics, improved by 11.58% and 4.93% respectively.

RAT: Reinforcement-Learning-Driven and Adaptive Testing for Vulnerability Discovery in Web Application Firewalls. (arXiv:2312.07885v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Mohammadhossein Amouei, Mohsen Rezvani, Mansoor Fateh

Due to the increasing sophistication of web attacks, Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) have to be tested and updated regularly to resist the relentless flow of web attacks. In practice, using a brute-force attack to discover vulnerabilities is infeasible due to the wide variety of attack patterns. Thus, various black-box testing techniques have been proposed in the literature. However, these techniques suffer from low efficiency. This paper presents Reinforcement-Learning-Driven and Adaptive Testing (RAT), an automated black-box testing strategy to discover injection vulnerabilities in WAFs. In particular, we focus on SQL injection and Cross-site Scripting, which have been among the top ten vulnerabilities over the past decade. More specifically, RAT clusters similar attack samples together. It then utilizes a reinforcement learning technique combined with a novel adaptive search algorithm to discover almost all bypassing attack patterns efficiently. We compare RAT with three state-of-the-art methods considering their objectives. The experiments show that RAT performs 33.53% and 63.16% on average better than its counterparts in discovering the most possible bypassing payloads and reducing the number of attempts before finding the first bypassing payload when testing well-configured WAFs, respectively.

Modality Plug-and-Play: Elastic Modality Adaptation in Multimodal LLMs for Embodied AI. (arXiv:2312.07886v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Kai Huang, Boyuan Yang, Wei Gao

Large Language Models (LLMs) are capable of reasoning over diverse input data modalities through pre-trained encoders. However, the growing diversity of input data modalities prevents incorporating all modalities into LLMs, especially when LLMs are deployed on resource-constrained edge devices for embodied AI applications. Instead, a better option is to adaptively involve only the useful modalities at runtime, depending on the current environmental contexts and task requirements. For such modality adaptation, existing work adopts fixed connections between encoders and the LLM's input layer, leading to high training cost at runtime and ineffective cross-modal interaction. In this paper, we address these limitations by presenting mPnP-LLM, a new technique that allows fully elastic, automated and prompt runtime modality adaptation, by connecting unimodal encoders to a flexible set of last LLM blocks and making such latent connections fully trainable at runtime. Experiments over the nuScenes-QA dataset show that mPnP-LLM can achieve up to 3.7x FLOPs reduction and 30% GPU memory usage reduction, while retaining on-par accuracy with the existing schemes. Under the same compute budget, mPnP-LLM improves the task accuracy by up to 4% compared to the best existing scheme.

Morphological Profiling for Drug Discovery in the Era of Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.07899v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Qiaosi Tang, Ranjala Ratnayake, Gustavo Seabra, Zhe Jiang, Ruogu Fang, Lina Cui, Yousong Ding, Tamer Kahveci, Jiang Bian, Chenglong Li, Hendrik Luesch, Yanjun Li

Morphological profiling is a valuable tool in phenotypic drug discovery. The advent of high-throughput automated imaging has enabled the capturing of a wide range of morphological features of cells or organisms in response to perturbations at the single-cell resolution. Concurrently, significant advances in machine learning and deep learning, especially in computer vision, have led to substantial improvements in analyzing large-scale high-content images at high-throughput. These efforts have facilitated understanding of compound mechanism-of-action (MOA), drug repurposing, characterization of cell morphodynamics under perturbation, and ultimately contributing to the development of novel therapeutics. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview of the recent advances in the field of morphological profiling. We summarize the image profiling analysis workflow, survey a broad spectrum of analysis strategies encompassing feature engineering- and deep learning-based approaches, and introduce publicly available benchmark datasets. We place a particular emphasis on the application of deep learning in this pipeline, covering cell segmentation, image representation learning, and multimodal learning. Additionally, we illuminate the application of morphological profiling in phenotypic drug discovery and highlight potential challenges and opportunities in this field.

Artificial Intelligence Studies in Cartography: A Review and Synthesis of Methods, Applications, and Ethics. (arXiv:2312.07901v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Yuhao Kang, Song Gao, Robert E. Roth

The past decade has witnessed the rapid development of geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) primarily due to the ground-breaking achievements in deep learning and machine learning. A growing number of scholars from cartography have demonstrated successfully that GeoAI can accelerate previously complex cartographic design tasks and even enable cartographic creativity in new ways. Despite the promise of GeoAI, researchers and practitioners have growing concerns about the ethical issues of GeoAI for cartography. In this paper, we conducted a systematic content analysis and narrative synthesis of research studies integrating GeoAI and cartography to summarize current research and development trends regarding the usage of GeoAI for cartographic design. Based on this review and synthesis, we first identify dimensions of GeoAI methods for cartography such as data sources, data formats, map evaluations, and six contemporary GeoAI models, each of which serves a variety of cartographic tasks. These models include decision trees, knowledge graph and semantic web technologies, deep convolutional neural networks, generative adversarial networks, graph neural networks, and reinforcement learning. Further, we summarize seven cartographic design applications where GeoAI have been effectively employed: generalization, symbolization, typography, map reading, map interpretation, map analysis, and map production. We also raise five potential ethical challenges that need to be addressed in the integration of GeoAI for cartography: commodification, responsibility, privacy, bias, and (together) transparency, explainability, and provenance. We conclude by identifying four potential research directions for future cartographic research with GeoAI: GeoAI-enabled active cartographic symbolism, human-in-the-loop GeoAI for cartography, GeoAI-based mapping-as-a-service, and generative GeoAI for cartography.

PromptBench: A Unified Library for Evaluation of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.07910v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Kaijie Zhu, Qinlin Zhao, Hao Chen, Jindong Wang, Xing Xie

The evaluation of large language models (LLMs) is crucial to assess their performance and mitigate potential security risks. In this paper, we introduce PromptBench, a unified library to evaluate LLMs. It consists of several key components that are easily used and extended by researchers: prompt construction, prompt engineering, dataset and model loading, adversarial prompt attack, dynamic evaluation protocols, and analysis tools. PromptBench is designed to be an open, general, and flexible codebase for research purposes that can facilitate original study in creating new benchmarks, deploying downstream applications, and designing new evaluation protocols. The code is available at: https://github.com/microsoft/promptbench and will be continuously supported.

On Designing Multi-UAV aided Wireless Powered Dynamic Communication via Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.07917v1 [cs.NI])

Authors: Ze Yu Zhao, Yue Ling Che, Sheng Luo, Gege Luo, Kaishun Wu, Victor C. M. Leung

This paper proposes a novel design on the wireless powered communication network (WPCN) in dynamic environments under the assistance of multiple unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Unlike the existing studies, where the low-power wireless nodes (WNs) often conform to the coherent harvest-then-transmit protocol, under our newly proposed double-threshold based WN type updating rule, each WN can dynamically and repeatedly update its WN type as an E-node for non-linear energy harvesting over time slots or an I-node for transmitting data over sub-slots. To maximize the total transmission data size of all the WNs over T slots, each of the UAVs individually determines its trajectory and binary wireless energy transmission (WET) decisions over times slots and its binary wireless data collection (WDC) decisions over sub-slots, under the constraints of each UAV's limited on-board energy and each WN's node type updating rule. However, due to the UAVs' tightly-coupled trajectories with their WET and WDC decisions, as well as each WN's time-varying battery energy, this problem is difficult to solve optimally. We then propose a new multi-agent based hierarchical deep reinforcement learning (MAHDRL) framework with two tiers to solve the problem efficiently, where the soft actor critic (SAC) policy is designed in tier-1 to determine each UAV's continuous trajectory and binary WET decision over time slots, and the deep-Q learning (DQN) policy is designed in tier-2 to determine each UAV's binary WDC decisions over sub-slots under the given UAV trajectory from tier-1. Both of the SAC policy and the DQN policy are executed distributively at each UAV. Finally, extensive simulation results are provided to validate the outweighed performance of the proposed MAHDRL approach over various state-of-the-art benchmarks.

Bayesian inversion of GPR waveforms for uncertainty-aware sub-surface material characterization. (arXiv:2312.07928v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Ishfaq Aziz, Elahe Soltanaghai, Adam Watts, Mohamad Alipour

Accurate estimation of sub-surface properties like moisture content and depth of layers is crucial for applications spanning sub-surface condition monitoring, precision agriculture, and effective wildfire risk assessment. Soil in nature is often covered by overlaying surface material, making its characterization using conventional methods challenging. In addition, the estimation of the properties of the overlaying layer is crucial for applications like wildfire assessment. This study thus proposes a Bayesian model-updating-based approach for ground penetrating radar (GPR) waveform inversion to predict sub-surface properties like the moisture contents and depths of the soil layer and overlaying material accumulated above the soil. The dielectric permittivity of material layers were predicted with the proposed method, along with other parameters, including depth and electrical conductivity of layers. The proposed Bayesian model updating approach yields probabilistic estimates of these parameters that can provide information about the confidence and uncertainty related to the estimates. The methodology was evaluated for a diverse range of experimental data collected through laboratory and field investigations. Laboratory investigations included variations in soil moisture values and depth of the top layer (or overlaying material), and the field investigation included measurement of field soil moisture for sixteen days. The results demonstrated predictions consistent with time-domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements and conventional gravimetric tests. The top layer depth could also be predicted with reasonable accuracy. The proposed method provides a promising approach for uncertainty-aware sub-surface parameter estimation that can enable decision-making for risk assessment across a wide range of applications.

A Novel Framework Based on Variational Quantum Algorithms: Revolutionizing Image Classification. (arXiv:2312.07932v1 [quant-ph])

Authors: Yixiong Chen

Image classification is a crucial task in machine learning. In recent years, this field has witnessed rapid development, with a series of image classification models being proposed and achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) results. Parallelly, with the advancement of quantum technologies, quantum machine learning has attracted a lot of interest. In particular, a class of algorithms known as variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) has been extensively studied to improve the performance of classical machine learning. In this paper, we propose a novel image classification framework using VQAs. The major advantage of our framework is the elimination of the need for the global pooling operation typically performed at the end of classical image classification models. While global pooling can help to reduce computational complexity, it often results in a significant loss of information. By removing the global pooling module before the output layer, our approach allows for effectively capturing more discriminative features and fine-grained details in images, leading to improved classification performance. Moreover, employing VQAs enables our framework to have fewer parameters compared to the classical framework, even in the absence of global pooling, which makes it more advantageous in preventing overfitting. We apply our method to different SOTA image classification models and demonstrate the superiority of the proposed quantum architecture over its classical counterpart through a series of experiments on public datasets.

Meta-learning to Calibrate Gaussian Processes with Deep Kernels for Regression Uncertainty Estimation. (arXiv:2312.07952v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Tomoharu Iwata, Atsutoshi Kumagai

Although Gaussian processes (GPs) with deep kernels have been successfully used for meta-learning in regression tasks, its uncertainty estimation performance can be poor. We propose a meta-learning method for calibrating deep kernel GPs for improving regression uncertainty estimation performance with a limited number of training data. The proposed method meta-learns how to calibrate uncertainty using data from various tasks by minimizing the test expected calibration error, and uses the knowledge for unseen tasks. We design our model such that the adaptation and calibration for each task can be performed without iterative procedures, which enables effective meta-learning. In particular, a task-specific uncalibrated output distribution is modeled by a GP with a task-shared encoder network, and it is transformed to a calibrated one using a cumulative density function of a task-specific Gaussian mixture model (GMM). By integrating the GP and GMM into our neural network-based model, we can meta-learn model parameters in an end-to-end fashion. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed method improves uncertainty estimation performance while keeping high regression performance compared with the existing methods using real-world datasets in few-shot settings.

Erasing Self-Supervised Learning Backdoor by Cluster Activation Masking. (arXiv:2312.07955v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shengsheng Qian, Yifei Wang, Dizhan Xue, Shengjie Zhang, Huaiwen Zhang, Changsheng Xu

Researchers have recently found that Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) is vulnerable to backdoor attacks. The attacker can embed hidden SSL backdoors via a few poisoned examples in the training dataset and maliciously manipulate the behavior of downstream models. To defend against SSL backdoor attacks, a feasible route is to detect and remove the poisonous samples in the training set. However, the existing SSL backdoor defense method fails to detect the poisonous samples precisely. In this paper, we propose to erase the SSL backdoor by cluster activation masking and propose a novel PoisonCAM method. After obtaining the threat model trained on the poisoned dataset, our method can precisely detect poisonous samples based on the assumption that masking the backdoor trigger can effectively change the activation of a downstream clustering model. In experiments, our PoisonCAM achieves 96% accuracy for backdoor trigger detection compared to 3% of the state-of-the-art method on poisoned ImageNet-100. Moreover, our proposed PoisonCAM significantly improves the performance of the trained SSL model under backdoor attacks compared to the state-of-the-art method. Our code will be available at https://github.com/LivXue/PoisonCAM.

Robust Few-Shot Named Entity Recognition with Boundary Discrimination and Correlation Purification. (arXiv:2312.07961v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaojun Xue, Chunxia Zhang, Tianxiang Xu, Zhendong Niu

Few-shot named entity recognition (NER) aims to recognize novel named entities in low-resource domains utilizing existing knowledge. However, the present few-shot NER models assume that the labeled data are all clean without noise or outliers, and there are few works focusing on the robustness of the cross-domain transfer learning ability to textual adversarial attacks in Few-shot NER. In this work, we comprehensively explore and assess the robustness of few-shot NER models under textual adversarial attack scenario, and found the vulnerability of existing few-shot NER models. Furthermore, we propose a robust two-stage few-shot NER method with Boundary Discrimination and Correlation Purification (BDCP). Specifically, in the span detection stage, the entity boundary discriminative module is introduced to provide a highly distinguishing boundary representation space to detect entity spans. In the entity typing stage, the correlations between entities and contexts are purified by minimizing the interference information and facilitating correlation generalization to alleviate the perturbations caused by textual adversarial attacks. In addition, we construct adversarial examples for few-shot NER based on public datasets Few-NERD and Cross-Dataset. Comprehensive evaluations on those two groups of few-shot NER datasets containing adversarial examples demonstrate the robustness and superiority of the proposed method.

A multi-sourced data and agent-based approach for complementing Time Use Surveys in the context of residential human activity and load curve simulation. (arXiv:2312.07966v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Mathieu Schumann, Quentin Reynaud, François Sempé (OASIS), Julien Guibourdenche (RIFT, UNIGE), Jean-Baptiste Ly (CPU), Nicolas Sabouret (CPU, CPU, CPU)

To address the major issues associated with using Time-Use Survey (TUS) for simulating residential load curves, we present the SMACH approach, which combines qualitative and quantitative data with agent-based simulation. Our model consists of autonomous agents assigned with daily tasks. The agents try to accomplish their assigned tasks to the best of their abilities. Quantitative data are used to generate tasks assignments. Qualitative studies allow us to define how agents select, based on plausible cognitive principles, the tasks to accomplish depending on the context. Our results show a better representation of weekdays and weekends, a more flexible association of tasks with appliances, and an improved simulation of load curves compared to real data. Highlights $\bullet$ Discussion about Time-Use Surveys (TUS) limits and the use of TUS in activity and energy simulation $\bullet$ Presentation of complementary data both qualitative and quantitative used to complement TUS data $\bullet$ Proposition of an agent-based approach that balances these limitations

LMD: Faster Image Reconstruction with Latent Masking Diffusion. (arXiv:2312.07971v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhiyuan Ma, zhihuan yu, Jianjun Li, Bowen Zhou

As a class of fruitful approaches, diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) have shown excellent advantages in high-resolution image reconstruction. On the other hand, masked autoencoders (MAEs), as popular self-supervised vision learners, have demonstrated simpler and more effective image reconstruction and transfer capabilities on downstream tasks. However, they all require extremely high training costs, either due to inherent high temporal-dependence (i.e., excessively long diffusion steps) or due to artificially low spatial-dependence (i.e., human-formulated high mask ratio, such as 0.75). To the end, this paper presents LMD, a faster image reconstruction framework with latent masking diffusion. First, we propose to project and reconstruct images in latent space through a pre-trained variational autoencoder, which is theoretically more efficient than in the pixel-based space. Then, we combine the advantages of MAEs and DPMs to design a progressive masking diffusion model, which gradually increases the masking proportion by three different schedulers and reconstructs the latent features from simple to difficult, without sequentially performing denoising diffusion as in DPMs or using fixed high masking ratio as in MAEs, so as to alleviate the high training time-consumption predicament. Our approach allows for learning high-capacity models and accelerate their training (by 3x or more) and barely reduces the original accuracy. Inference speed in downstream tasks also significantly outperforms the previous approaches.

Multi-perspective Feedback-attention Coupling Model for Continuous-time Dynamic Graphs. (arXiv:2312.07983v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xiaobo Zhu, Yan Wu, Zhipeng Li, Hailong Su, Jin Che, Zhanheng Chen, Liying Wang

Recently, representation learning over graph networks has gained popularity, with various models showing promising results. Despite this, several challenges persist: 1) most methods are designed for static or discrete-time dynamic graphs; 2) existing continuous-time dynamic graph algorithms focus on a single evolving perspective; and 3) many continuous-time dynamic graph approaches necessitate numerous temporal neighbors to capture long-term dependencies. In response, this paper introduces the Multi-Perspective Feedback-Attention Coupling (MPFA) model. MPFA incorporates information from both evolving and raw perspectives, efficiently learning the interleaved dynamics of observed processes. The evolving perspective employs temporal self-attention to distinguish continuously evolving temporal neighbors for information aggregation. Through dynamic updates, this perspective can capture long-term dependencies using a small number of temporal neighbors. Meanwhile, the raw perspective utilizes a feedback attention module with growth characteristic coefficients to aggregate raw neighborhood information. Experimental results on a self-organizing dataset and seven public datasets validate the efficacy and competitiveness of our proposed model.

A Unified View on Forgetting and Strong Equivalence Notions in Answer Set Programming. (arXiv:2312.07993v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zeynep G. Saribatur, Stefan Woltran

Answer Set Programming (ASP) is a prominent rule-based language for knowledge representation and reasoning with roots in logic programming and non-monotonic reasoning. The aim to capture the essence of removing (ir)relevant details in ASP programs led to the investigation of different notions, from strong persistence (SP) forgetting, to faithful abstractions, and, recently, strong simplifications, where the latter two can be seen as relaxed and strengthened notions of forgetting, respectively. Although it was observed that these notions are related, especially given that they have characterizations through the semantics for strong equivalence, it remained unclear whether they can be brought together. In this work, we bridge this gap by introducing a novel relativized equivalence notion, which is a relaxation of the recent simplification notion, that is able to capture all related notions from the literature. We provide necessary and sufficient conditions for relativized simplifiability, which shows that the challenging part is for when the context programs do not contain all the atoms to remove. We then introduce an operator that combines projection and a relaxation of (SP)-forgetting to obtain the relativized simplifications. We furthermore present complexity results that complete the overall picture.

uSF: Learning Neural Semantic Field with Uncertainty. (arXiv:2312.08012v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Vsevolod Skorokhodov, Darya Drozdova, Dmitry Yudin

Recently, there has been an increased interest in NeRF methods which reconstruct differentiable representation of three-dimensional scenes. One of the main limitations of such methods is their inability to assess the confidence of the model in its predictions. In this paper, we propose a new neural network model for the formation of extended vector representations, called uSF, which allows the model to predict not only color and semantic label of each point, but also estimate the corresponding values of uncertainty. We show that with a small number of images available for training, a model quantifying uncertainty performs better than a model without such functionality. Code of the uSF approach is publicly available at https://github.com/sevashasla/usf/.

Improving search relevance of Azure Cognitive Search by Bayesian optimization. (arXiv:2312.08021v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Nitin Agarwal, Ashish Kumar, Kiran R, Manish Gupta, Laurent Boué

Azure Cognitive Search (ACS) has emerged as a major contender in "Search as a Service" cloud products in recent years. However, one of the major challenges for ACS users is to improve the relevance of the search results for their specific usecases. In this paper, we propose a novel method to find the optimal ACS configuration that maximizes search relevance for a specific usecase (product search, document search...) The proposed solution improves key online marketplace metrics such as click through rates (CTR) by formulating the search relevance problem as hyperparameter tuning. We have observed significant improvements in real-world search call to action (CTA) rate in multiple marketplaces by introducing optimized weights generated from the proposed approach.

Helping Language Models Learn More: Multi-dimensional Task Prompt for Few-shot Tuning. (arXiv:2312.08027v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jinta Weng, Jiarui Zhang, Yue Hu, Daidong Fa, Xiaofeng Xuand, Heyan Huang

Large language models (LLMs) can be used as accessible and intelligent chatbots by constructing natural language queries and directly inputting the prompt into the large language model. However, different prompt' constructions often lead to uncertainty in the answers and thus make it hard to utilize the specific knowledge of LLMs (like ChatGPT). To alleviate this, we use an interpretable structure to explain the prompt learning principle in LLMs, which certificates that the effectiveness of language models is determined by position changes of the task's related tokens. Therefore, we propose MTPrompt, a multi-dimensional task prompt learning method consisting based on task-related object, summary, and task description information. By automatically building and searching for appropriate prompts, our proposed MTPrompt achieves the best results on few-shot samples setting and five different datasets. In addition, we demonstrate the effectiveness and stability of our method in different experimental settings and ablation experiments. In interaction with large language models, embedding more task-related information into prompts will make it easier to stimulate knowledge embedded in large language models.

Beyond Top-Class Agreement: Using Divergences to Forecast Performance under Distribution Shift. (arXiv:2312.08033v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mona Schirmer, Dan Zhang, Eric Nalisnick

Knowing if a model will generalize to data 'in the wild' is crucial for safe deployment. To this end, we study model disagreement notions that consider the full predictive distribution - specifically disagreement based on Hellinger distance, Jensen-Shannon and Kullback-Leibler divergence. We find that divergence-based scores provide better test error estimates and detection rates on out-of-distribution data compared to their top-1 counterparts. Experiments involve standard vision and foundation models.

Knowledge-Aware Artifact Image Synthesis with LLM-Enhanced Prompting and Multi-Source Supervision. (arXiv:2312.08056v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shengguang Wu, Zhenglun Chen, Qi Su

Ancient artifacts are an important medium for cultural preservation and restoration. However, many physical copies of artifacts are either damaged or lost, leaving a blank space in archaeological and historical studies that calls for artifact image generation techniques. Despite the significant advancements in open-domain text-to-image synthesis, existing approaches fail to capture the important domain knowledge presented in the textual description, resulting in errors in recreated images such as incorrect shapes and patterns. In this paper, we propose a novel knowledge-aware artifact image synthesis approach that brings lost historical objects accurately into their visual forms. We use a pretrained diffusion model as backbone and introduce three key techniques to enhance the text-to-image generation framework: 1) we construct prompts with explicit archaeological knowledge elicited from large language models (LLMs); 2) we incorporate additional textual guidance to correlated historical expertise in a contrastive manner; 3) we introduce further visual-semantic constraints on edge and perceptual features that enable our model to learn more intricate visual details of the artifacts. Compared to existing approaches, our proposed model produces higher-quality artifact images that align better with the implicit details and historical knowledge contained within written documents, thus achieving significant improvements across automatic metrics and in human evaluation. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/danielwusg/artifact_diffusion.

Combinatorial Stochastic-Greedy Bandit. (arXiv:2312.08057v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Fares Fourati, Christopher John Quinn, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Vaneet Aggarwal

We propose a novel combinatorial stochastic-greedy bandit (SGB) algorithm for combinatorial multi-armed bandit problems when no extra information other than the joint reward of the selected set of $n$ arms at each time step $t\in [T]$ is observed. SGB adopts an optimized stochastic-explore-then-commit approach and is specifically designed for scenarios with a large set of base arms. Unlike existing methods that explore the entire set of unselected base arms during each selection step, our SGB algorithm samples only an optimized proportion of unselected arms and selects actions from this subset. We prove that our algorithm achieves a $(1-1/e)$-regret bound of $\mathcal{O}(n^{\frac{1}{3}} k^{\frac{2}{3}} T^{\frac{2}{3}} \log(T)^{\frac{2}{3}})$ for monotone stochastic submodular rewards, which outperforms the state-of-the-art in terms of the cardinality constraint $k$. Furthermore, we empirically evaluate the performance of our algorithm in the context of online constrained social influence maximization. Our results demonstrate that our proposed approach consistently outperforms the other algorithms, increasing the performance gap as $k$ grows.

Estimation of Concept Explanations Should be Uncertainty Aware. (arXiv:2312.08063v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Vihari Piratla, Juyeon Heo, Sukriti Singh, Adrian Weller

Model explanations are very valuable for interpreting and debugging prediction models. We study a specific kind of global explanations called Concept Explanations, where the goal is to interpret a model using human-understandable concepts. Recent advances in multi-modal learning rekindled interest in concept explanations and led to several label-efficient proposals for estimation. However, existing estimation methods are unstable to the choice of concepts or dataset that is used for computing explanations. We observe that instability in explanations is due to high variance in point estimation of importance scores. We propose an uncertainty aware Bayesian estimation method, which readily improved reliability of the concept explanations. We demonstrate with theoretical analysis and empirical evaluation that explanations computed by our method are more reliable while also being label-efficient and faithful.

Exploring the Impact of Lay User Feedback for Improving AI Fairness. (arXiv:2312.08064v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Evdoxia Taka, Yuri Nakao, Ryosuke Sonoda, Takuya Yokota, Lin Luo, Simone Stumpf

Fairness in AI is a growing concern for high-stakes decision making. Engaging stakeholders, especially lay users, in fair AI development is promising yet overlooked. Recent efforts explore enabling lay users to provide AI fairness-related feedback, but there is still a lack of understanding of how to integrate users' feedback into an AI model and the impacts of doing so. To bridge this gap, we collected feedback from 58 lay users on the fairness of a XGBoost model trained on the Home Credit dataset, and conducted offline experiments to investigate the effects of retraining models on accuracy, and individual and group fairness. Our work contributes baseline results of integrating user fairness feedback in XGBoost, and a dataset and code framework to bootstrap research in engaging stakeholders in AI fairness. Our discussion highlights the challenges of employing user feedback in AI fairness and points the way to a future application area of interactive machine learning.

A Novel Metric for Measuring Data Quality in Classification Applications (extended version). (arXiv:2312.08066v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jouseau Roxane, Salva Sébastien, Samir Chafik

Data quality is a key element for building and optimizing good learning models. Despite many attempts to characterize data quality, there is still a need for rigorous formalization and an efficient measure of the quality from available observations. Indeed, without a clear understanding of the training and testing processes, it is hard to evaluate the intrinsic performance of a model. Besides, tools allowing to measure data quality specific to machine learning are still lacking. In this paper, we introduce and explain a novel metric to measure data quality. This metric is based on the correlated evolution between the classification performance and the deterioration of data. The proposed method has the major advantage of being model-independent. Furthermore, we provide an interpretation of each criterion and examples of assessment levels. We confirm the utility of the proposed metric with intensive numerical experiments and detail some illustrative cases with controlled and interpretable qualities.

PySCIPOpt-ML: Embedding Trained Machine Learning Models into Mixed-Integer Programs. (arXiv:2312.08074v1 [math.OC])

Authors: Mark Turner, Antonia Chmiela, Thorsten Koch, Michael Winkler

A standard tool for modelling real-world optimisation problems is mixed-integer programming (MIP). However, for many of these problems there is either incomplete information describing variable relations, or the relations between variables are highly complex. To overcome both these hurdles, machine learning (ML) models are often used and embedded in the MIP as surrogate models to represent these relations. Due to the large amount of available ML frameworks, formulating ML models into MIPs is highly non-trivial. In this paper we propose a tool for the automatic MIP formulation of trained ML models, allowing easy integration of ML constraints into MIPs. In addition, we introduce a library of MIP instances with embedded ML constraints. The project is available at https://github.com/Opt-Mucca/PySCIPOpt-ML.

Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment in Medical Imaging Enables Cyclic Image-Report Generation. (arXiv:2312.08078v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wenting Chen, Xiang Li, Linlin Shen, Yixuan Yuan

To address these issues, we propose a novel Adaptive patch-word Matching (AdaMatch) model to correlate chest X-ray (CXR) image regions with words in medical reports and apply it to CXR-report generation to provide explainability for the generation process. AdaMatch exploits the fine-grained relation between adaptive patches and words to provide explanations of specific image regions with corresponding words. To capture the abnormal regions of varying sizes and positions, we introduce the Adaptive Patch extraction (AdaPatch) module to acquire the adaptive patches for these regions adaptively. In order to provide explicit explainability for CXR-report generation task, we propose an AdaMatch-based bidirectional large language model for Cyclic CXR-report generation (AdaMatch-Cyclic). It employs the AdaMatch to obtain the keywords for CXR images and `keypatches' for medical reports as hints to guide CXR-report generation. Extensive experiments on two publicly available CXR datasets prove the effectiveness of our method and its superior performance to existing methods.

A Novel Energy based Model Mechanism for Multi-modal Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2312.08084v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Tianshuo Peng, Zuchao Li, Ping Wang, Lefei Zhang, Hai Zhao

Multi-modal aspect-based sentiment analysis (MABSA) has recently attracted increasing attention. The span-based extraction methods, such as FSUIE, demonstrate strong performance in sentiment analysis due to their joint modeling of input sequences and target labels. However, previous methods still have certain limitations: (i) They ignore the difference in the focus of visual information between different analysis targets (aspect or sentiment). (ii) Combining features from uni-modal encoders directly may not be sufficient to eliminate the modal gap and can cause difficulties in capturing the image-text pairwise relevance. (iii) Existing span-based methods for MABSA ignore the pairwise relevance of target span boundaries. To tackle these limitations, we propose a novel framework called DQPSA for multi-modal sentiment analysis. Specifically, our model contains a Prompt as Dual Query (PDQ) module that uses the prompt as both a visual query and a language query to extract prompt-aware visual information and strengthen the pairwise relevance between visual information and the analysis target. Additionally, we introduce an Energy-based Pairwise Expert (EPE) module that models the boundaries pairing of the analysis target from the perspective of an Energy-based Model. This expert predicts aspect or sentiment span based on pairwise stability. Experiments on three widely used benchmarks demonstrate that DQPSA outperforms previous approaches and achieves a new state-of-the-art performance.

A hybrid analysis of LBSN data to early detect anomalies in crowd dynamics. (arXiv:2312.08092v1 [cs.SI])

Authors: Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo, Carlos Garcia-Rubio, Ana Fernández Vilas, Celeste Campo, Alicia Rodriguez-Carrion

Undoubtedly, Location-based Social Networks (LBSNs) provide an interesting source of geo-located data that we have previously used to obtain patterns of the dynamics of crowds throughout urban areas. According to our previous results, activity in LBSNs reflects the real activity in the city. Therefore, unexpected behaviors in the social media activity are a trustful evidence of unexpected changes of the activity in the city. In this paper we introduce a hybrid solution to early detect these changes based on applying a combination of two approaches, the use of entropy analysis and clustering techniques, on the data gathered from LBSNs. In particular, we have performed our experiments over a data set collected from Instagram for seven months in New York City, obtaining promising results.

Adversarial Socialbots Modeling Based on Structural Information Principles. (arXiv:2312.08098v1 [cs.SI])

Authors: Xianghua Zeng, Hao Peng, Angsheng Li

The importance of effective detection is underscored by the fact that socialbots imitate human behavior to propagate misinformation, leading to an ongoing competition between socialbots and detectors. Despite the rapid advancement of reactive detectors, the exploration of adversarial socialbot modeling remains incomplete, significantly hindering the development of proactive detectors. To address this issue, we propose a mathematical Structural Information principles-based Adversarial Socialbots Modeling framework, namely SIASM, to enable more accurate and effective modeling of adversarial behaviors. First, a heterogeneous graph is presented to integrate various users and rich activities in the original social network and measure its dynamic uncertainty as structural entropy. By minimizing the high-dimensional structural entropy, a hierarchical community structure of the social network is generated and referred to as the optimal encoding tree. Secondly, a novel method is designed to quantify influence by utilizing the assigned structural entropy, which helps reduce the computational cost of SIASM by filtering out uninfluential users. Besides, a new conditional structural entropy is defined between the socialbot and other users to guide the follower selection for network influence maximization. Extensive and comparative experiments on both homogeneous and heterogeneous social networks demonstrate that, compared with state-of-the-art baselines, the proposed SIASM framework yields substantial performance improvements in terms of network influence (up to 16.32%) and sustainable stealthiness (up to 16.29%) when evaluated against a robust detector with 90% accuracy.

Causal Optimal Transport of Abstractions. (arXiv:2312.08107v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yorgos Felekis, Fabio Massimo Zennaro, Nicola Branchini, Theodoros Damoulas

Causal abstraction (CA) theory establishes formal criteria for relating multiple structural causal models (SCMs) at different levels of granularity by defining maps between them. These maps have significant relevance for real-world challenges such as synthesizing causal evidence from multiple experimental environments, learning causally consistent representations at different resolutions, and linking interventions across multiple SCMs. In this work, we propose COTA, the first method to learn abstraction maps from observational and interventional data without assuming complete knowledge of the underlying SCMs. In particular, we introduce a multi-marginal Optimal Transport (OT) formulation that enforces do-calculus causal constraints, together with a cost function that relies on interventional information. We extensively evaluate COTA on synthetic and real world problems, and showcase its advantages over non-causal, independent and aggregated COTA formulations. Finally, we demonstrate the efficiency of our method as a data augmentation tool by comparing it against the state-of-the-art CA learning framework, which assumes fully specified SCMs, on a real-world downstream task.

Efficient Representation of the Activation Space in Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.08143v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tanya Akumu, Celia Cintas, Girmaw Abebe Tadesse, Adebayo Oshingbesan, Skyler Speakman, Edward McFowland III

The representations of the activation space of deep neural networks (DNNs) are widely utilized for tasks like natural language processing, anomaly detection and speech recognition. Due to the diverse nature of these tasks and the large size of DNNs, an efficient and task-independent representation of activations becomes crucial. Empirical p-values have been used to quantify the relative strength of an observed node activation compared to activations created by already-known inputs. Nonetheless, keeping raw data for these calculations increases memory resource consumption and raises privacy concerns. To this end, we propose a model-agnostic framework for creating representations of activations in DNNs using node-specific histograms to compute p-values of observed activations without retaining already-known inputs. Our proposed approach demonstrates promising potential when validated with multiple network architectures across various downstream tasks and compared with the kernel density estimates and brute-force empirical baselines. In addition, the framework reduces memory usage by 30% with up to 4 times faster p-value computing time while maintaining state of-the-art detection power in downstream tasks such as the detection of adversarial attacks and synthesized content. Moreover, as we do not persist raw data at inference time, we could potentially reduce susceptibility to attacks and privacy issues.

CIDR: A Cooperative Integrated Dynamic Refining Method for Minimal Feature Removal Problem. (arXiv:2312.08157v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Qian Chen, Taolin Zhang, Dongyang Li, Xiaofeng He

The minimal feature removal problem in the post-hoc explanation area aims to identify the minimal feature set (MFS). Prior studies using the greedy algorithm to calculate the minimal feature set lack the exploration of feature interactions under a monotonic assumption which cannot be satisfied in general scenarios. In order to address the above limitations, we propose a Cooperative Integrated Dynamic Refining method (CIDR) to efficiently discover minimal feature sets. Specifically, we design Cooperative Integrated Gradients (CIG) to detect interactions between features. By incorporating CIG and characteristics of the minimal feature set, we transform the minimal feature removal problem into a knapsack problem. Additionally, we devise an auxiliary Minimal Feature Refinement algorithm to determine the minimal feature set from numerous candidate sets. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to address the minimal feature removal problem in the field of natural language processing. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CIDR is capable of tracing representative minimal feature sets with improved interpretability across various models and datasets.

Concept-centric Personalization with Large-scale Diffusion Priors. (arXiv:2312.08195v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Pu Cao, Lu Yang, Feng Zhou, Tianrui Huang, Qing Song

Despite large-scale diffusion models being highly capable of generating diverse open-world content, they still struggle to match the photorealism and fidelity of concept-specific generators. In this work, we present the task of customizing large-scale diffusion priors for specific concepts as concept-centric personalization. Our goal is to generate high-quality concept-centric images while maintaining the versatile controllability inherent to open-world models, enabling applications in diverse tasks such as concept-centric stylization and image translation. To tackle these challenges, we identify catastrophic forgetting of guidance prediction from diffusion priors as the fundamental issue. Consequently, we develop a guidance-decoupled personalization framework specifically designed to address this task. We propose Generalized Classifier-free Guidance (GCFG) as the foundational theory for our framework. This approach extends Classifier-free Guidance (CFG) to accommodate an arbitrary number of guidances, sourced from a variety of conditions and models. Employing GCFG enables us to separate conditional guidance into two distinct components: concept guidance for fidelity and control guidance for controllability. This division makes it feasible to train a specialized model for concept guidance, while ensuring both control and unconditional guidance remain intact. We then present a null-text Concept-centric Diffusion Model as a concept-specific generator to learn concept guidance without the need for text annotations. Code will be available at https://github.com/PRIV-Creation/Concept-centric-Personalization.

Towards Model-Based Data Acquisition for Subjective Multi-Task NLP Problems. (arXiv:2312.08198v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Kamil Kanclerz, Julita Bielaniewicz, Marcin Gruza, Jan Kocon, Stanisław Woźniak, Przemysław Kazienko

Data annotated by humans is a source of knowledge by describing the peculiarities of the problem and therefore fueling the decision process of the trained model. Unfortunately, the annotation process for subjective natural language processing (NLP) problems like offensiveness or emotion detection is often very expensive and time-consuming. One of the inevitable risks is to spend some of the funds and annotator effort on annotations that do not provide any additional knowledge about the specific task. To minimize these costs, we propose a new model-based approach that allows the selection of tasks annotated individually for each text in a multi-task scenario. The experiments carried out on three datasets, dozens of NLP tasks, and thousands of annotations show that our method allows up to 40% reduction in the number of annotations with negligible loss of knowledge. The results also emphasize the need to collect a diverse amount of data required to efficiently train a model, depending on the subjectivity of the annotation task. We also focused on measuring the relation between subjective tasks by evaluating the model in single-task and multi-task scenarios. Moreover, for some datasets, training only on the labels predicted by our model improved the efficiency of task selection as a self-supervised learning regularization technique.

Curriculum-Enhanced Residual Soft An-Isotropic Normalization for Over-smoothness in Deep GNNs. (arXiv:2312.08221v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jin Li, Qirong Zhang, Shuling Xu, Xinlong Chen, Longkun Guo, Yang-Geng Fu

Despite Graph neural networks' significant performance gain over many classic techniques in various graph-related downstream tasks, their successes are restricted in shallow models due to over-smoothness and the difficulties of optimizations among many other issues. In this paper, to alleviate the over-smoothing issue, we propose a soft graph normalization method to preserve the diversities of node embeddings and prevent indiscrimination due to possible over-closeness. Combined with residual connections, we analyze the reason why the method can effectively capture the knowledge in both input graph structures and node features even with deep networks. Additionally, inspired by Curriculum Learning that learns easy examples before the hard ones, we propose a novel label-smoothing-based learning framework to enhance the optimization of deep GNNs, which iteratively smooths labels in an auxiliary graph and constructs many gradual non-smooth tasks for extracting increasingly complex knowledge and gradually discriminating nodes from coarse to fine. The method arguably reduces the risk of overfitting and generalizes better results. Finally, extensive experiments are carried out to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of the proposed model and learning framework through comparison with twelve existing baselines including the state-of-the-art methods on twelve real-world node classification benchmarks.

GLOP: Learning Global Partition and Local Construction for Solving Large-scale Routing Problems in Real-time. (arXiv:2312.08224v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Haoran Ye, Jiarui Wang, Helan Liang, Zhiguang Cao, Yong Li, Fanzhang Li

The recent end-to-end neural solvers have shown promise for small-scale routing problems but suffered from limited real-time scaling-up performance. This paper proposes GLOP (Global and Local Optimization Policies), a unified hierarchical framework that efficiently scales toward large-scale routing problems. GLOP partitions large routing problems into Travelling Salesman Problems (TSPs) and TSPs into Shortest Hamiltonian Path Problems. For the first time, we hybridize non-autoregressive neural heuristics for coarse-grained problem partitions and autoregressive neural heuristics for fine-grained route constructions, leveraging the scalability of the former and the meticulousness of the latter. Experimental results show that GLOP achieves competitive and state-of-the-art real-time performance on large-scale routing problems, including TSP, ATSP, CVRP, and PCTSP.

A Survey of Generative AI for Intelligent Transportation Systems. (arXiv:2312.08248v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Huan Yan, Yong Li

Intelligent transportation systems play a crucial role in modern traffic management and optimization, greatly improving traffic efficiency and safety. With the rapid development of generative artificial intelligence (Generative AI) technologies in the fields of image generation and natural language processing, generative AI has also played a crucial role in addressing key issues in intelligent transportation systems, such as data sparsity, difficulty in observing abnormal scenarios, and in modeling data uncertainty. In this review, we systematically investigate the relevant literature on generative AI techniques in addressing key issues in different types of tasks in intelligent transportation systems. First, we introduce the principles of different generative AI techniques, and their potential applications. Then, we classify tasks in intelligent transportation systems into four types: traffic perception, traffic prediction, traffic simulation, and traffic decision-making. We systematically illustrate how generative AI techniques addresses key issues in these four different types of tasks. Finally, we summarize the challenges faced in applying generative AI to intelligent transportation systems, and discuss future research directions based on different application scenarios.

High-throughput Biomedical Relation Extraction for Semi-Structured Web Articles Empowered by Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.08274v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Songchi Zhou, Sheng Yu

Objective: To develop a high-throughput biomedical relation extraction system that takes advantage of the large language models' (LLMs) reading comprehension ability and biomedical world knowledge in a scalable and evidential manner. Methods: We formulate the relation extraction task as a simple binary classification problem for large language models such as ChatGPT. Specifically, LLMs make the decision based on the external corpus and its world knowledge, giving the reason for the judgment to factual verification. This method is tailored for semi-structured web articles, wherein we designate the main title as the tail entity and explicitly incorporate it into the context, and the potential head entities are matched based on a biomedical thesaurus. Moreover, lengthy contents are sliced into text chunks, embedded, and retrieved with additional embedding models, ensuring compatibility with the context window size constraints of available open-source LLMs. Results: Using an open-source LLM, we extracted 304315 relation triplets of three distinct relation types from four reputable biomedical websites. To assess the efficacy of the basic pipeline employed for biomedical relation extraction, we curated a benchmark dataset annotated by a medical expert. Evaluation results indicate that the pipeline exhibits performance comparable to that of GPT-4. Case studies further illuminate challenges faced by contemporary LLMs in the context of biomedical relation extraction for semi-structured web articles. Conclusion: The proposed method has demonstrated its effectiveness in leveraging the strengths of LLMs for high-throughput biomedical relation extraction. Its adaptability is evident, as it can be seamlessly extended to diverse semi-structured biomedical websites, facilitating the extraction of various types of biomedical relations with ease.

Prompting LLMs with content plans to enhance the summarization of scientific articles. (arXiv:2312.08282v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Aldan Creo (1), Manuel Lama (1), Juan C. Vidal (1) ((1) Singular Research Center on Intelligent Technologies (CiTIUS), Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain)

This paper presents novel prompting techniques to improve the performance of automatic summarization systems for scientific articles. Scientific article summarization is highly challenging due to the length and complexity of these documents. We conceive, implement, and evaluate prompting techniques that provide additional contextual information to guide summarization systems. Specifically, we feed summarizers with lists of key terms extracted from articles, such as author keywords or automatically generated keywords. Our techniques are tested with various summarization models and input texts. Results show performance gains, especially for smaller models summarizing sections separately. This evidences that prompting is a promising approach to overcoming the limitations of less powerful systems. Our findings introduce a new research direction of using prompts to aid smaller models.

On the verification of Embeddings using Hybrid Markov Logic. (arXiv:2312.08287v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Anup Shakya, Abisha Thapa Magar, Somdeb Sarkhel, Deepak Venugopal

The standard approach to verify representations learned by Deep Neural Networks is to use them in specific tasks such as classification or regression, and measure their performance based on accuracy in such tasks. However, in many cases, we would want to verify more complex properties of a learned representation. To do this, we propose a framework based on a probabilistic first-order language, namely, Hybrid Markov Logic Networks (HMLNs) where we specify properties over embeddings mixed with symbolic domain knowledge. We present an approach to learn parameters for the properties within this framework. Further, we develop a verification method to test embeddings in this framework by encoding this task as a Mixed Integer Linear Program for which we can leverage existing state-of-the-art solvers. We illustrate verification in Graph Neural Networks, Deep Knowledge Tracing and Intelligent Tutoring Systems to demonstrate the generality of our approach.

Efficient Toxic Content Detection by Bootstrapping and Distilling Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.08303v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jiang Zhang, Qiong Wu, Yiming Xu, Cheng Cao, Zheng Du, Konstantinos Psounis

Toxic content detection is crucial for online services to remove inappropriate content that violates community standards. To automate the detection process, prior works have proposed varieties of machine learning (ML) approaches to train Language Models (LMs) for toxic content detection. However, both their accuracy and transferability across datasets are limited. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in toxic content detection due to their superior zero-shot and few-shot in-context learning ability as well as broad transferability on ML tasks. However, efficiently designing prompts for LLMs remains challenging. Moreover, the high run-time cost of LLMs may hinder their deployments in production. To address these challenges, in this work, we propose BD-LLM, a novel and efficient approach to Bootstrapping and Distilling LLMs for toxic content detection. Specifically, we design a novel prompting method named Decision-Tree-of-Thought (DToT) to bootstrap LLMs' detection performance and extract high-quality rationales. DToT can automatically select more fine-grained context to re-prompt LLMs when their responses lack confidence. Additionally, we use the rationales extracted via DToT to fine-tune student LMs. Our experimental results on various datasets demonstrate that DToT can improve the accuracy of LLMs by up to 4.6%. Furthermore, student LMs fine-tuned with rationales extracted via DToT outperform baselines on all datasets with up to 16.9\% accuracy improvement, while being more than 60x smaller than conventional LLMs. Finally, we observe that student LMs fine-tuned with rationales exhibit better cross-dataset transferability.

Prompt Engineering-assisted Malware Dynamic Analysis Using GPT-4. (arXiv:2312.08317v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Pei Yan, Shunquan Tan, Miaohui Wang, Jiwu Huang

Dynamic analysis methods effectively identify shelled, wrapped, or obfuscated malware, thereby preventing them from invading computers. As a significant representation of dynamic malware behavior, the API (Application Programming Interface) sequence, comprised of consecutive API calls, has progressively become the dominant feature of dynamic analysis methods. Though there have been numerous deep learning models for malware detection based on API sequences, the quality of API call representations produced by those models is limited. These models cannot generate representations for unknown API calls, which weakens both the detection performance and the generalization. Further, the concept drift phenomenon of API calls is prominent. To tackle these issues, we introduce a prompt engineering-assisted malware dynamic analysis using GPT-4. In this method, GPT-4 is employed to create explanatory text for each API call within the API sequence. Afterward, the pre-trained language model BERT is used to obtain the representation of the text, from which we derive the representation of the API sequence. Theoretically, this proposed method is capable of generating representations for all API calls, excluding the necessity for dataset training during the generation process. Utilizing the representation, a CNN-based detection model is designed to extract the feature. We adopt five benchmark datasets to validate the performance of the proposed model. The experimental results reveal that the proposed detection algorithm performs better than the state-of-the-art method (TextCNN). Specifically, in cross-database experiments and few-shot learning experiments, the proposed model achieves excellent detection performance and almost a 100% recall rate for malware, verifying its superior generalization performance. The code is available at: github.com/yan-scnu/Prompted_Dynamic_Detection.

FoundationPose: Unified 6D Pose Estimation and Tracking of Novel Objects. (arXiv:2312.08344v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bowen Wen, Wei Yang, Jan Kautz, Stan Birchfield

We present FoundationPose, a unified foundation model for 6D object pose estimation and tracking, supporting both model-based and model-free setups. Our approach can be instantly applied at test-time to a novel object without fine-tuning, as long as its CAD model is given, or a small number of reference images are captured. We bridge the gap between these two setups with a neural implicit representation that allows for effective novel view synthesis, keeping the downstream pose estimation modules invariant under the same unified framework. Strong generalizability is achieved via large-scale synthetic training, aided by a large language model (LLM), a novel transformer-based architecture, and contrastive learning formulation. Extensive evaluation on multiple public datasets involving challenging scenarios and objects indicate our unified approach outperforms existing methods specialized for each task by a large margin. In addition, it even achieves comparable results to instance-level methods despite the reduced assumptions. Project page: https://nvlabs.github.io/FoundationPose/

Distributional Preference Learning: Understanding and Accounting for Hidden Context in RLHF. (arXiv:2312.08358v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Anand Siththaranjan, Cassidy Laidlaw, Dylan Hadfield-Menell

In practice, preference learning from human feedback depends on incomplete data with hidden context. Hidden context refers to data that affects the feedback received, but which is not represented in the data used to train a preference model. This captures common issues of data collection, such as having human annotators with varied preferences, cognitive processes that result in seemingly irrational behavior, and combining data labeled according to different criteria. We prove that standard applications of preference learning, including reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), implicitly aggregate over hidden contexts according to a well-known voting rule called Borda count. We show this can produce counter-intuitive results that are very different from other methods which implicitly aggregate via expected utility. Furthermore, our analysis formalizes the way that preference learning from users with diverse values tacitly implements a social choice function. A key implication of this result is that annotators have an incentive to misreport their preferences in order to influence the learned model, leading to vulnerabilities in the deployment of RLHF. As a step towards mitigating these problems, we introduce a class of methods called distributional preference learning (DPL). DPL methods estimate a distribution of possible score values for each alternative in order to better account for hidden context. Experimental results indicate that applying DPL to RLHF for LLM chatbots identifies hidden context in the data and significantly reduces subsequent jailbreak vulnerability. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/cassidylaidlaw/hidden-context

An Invitation to Deep Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.08365v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Bernhard Jaeger, Andreas Geiger

Training a deep neural network to maximize a target objective has become the standard recipe for successful machine learning over the last decade. These networks can be optimized with supervised learning, if the target objective is differentiable. For many interesting problems, this is however not the case. Common objectives like intersection over union (IoU), bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU) score or rewards cannot be optimized with supervised learning. A common workaround is to define differentiable surrogate losses, leading to suboptimal solutions with respect to the actual objective. Reinforcement learning (RL) has emerged as a promising alternative for optimizing deep neural networks to maximize non-differentiable objectives in recent years. Examples include aligning large language models via human feedback, code generation, object detection or control problems. This makes RL techniques relevant to the larger machine learning audience. The subject is, however, time intensive to approach due to the large range of methods, as well as the often very theoretical presentation. In this introduction, we take an alternative approach, different from classic reinforcement learning textbooks. Rather than focusing on tabular problems, we introduce reinforcement learning as a generalization of supervised learning, which we first apply to non-differentiable objectives and later to temporal problems. Assuming only basic knowledge of supervised learning, the reader will be able to understand state-of-the-art deep RL algorithms like proximal policy optimization (PPO) after reading this tutorial.

The Effective Horizon Explains Deep RL Performance in Stochastic Environments. (arXiv:2312.08369v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Cassidy Laidlaw, Banghua Zhu, Stuart Russell, Anca Dragan

Reinforcement learning (RL) theory has largely focused on proving minimax sample complexity bounds. These require strategic exploration algorithms that use relatively limited function classes for representing the policy or value function. Our goal is to explain why deep RL algorithms often perform well in practice, despite using random exploration and much more expressive function classes like neural networks. Our work arrives at an explanation by showing that many stochastic MDPs can be solved by performing only a few steps of value iteration on the random policy's Q function and then acting greedily. When this is true, we find that it is possible to separate the exploration and learning components of RL, making it much easier to analyze. We introduce a new RL algorithm, SQIRL, that iteratively learns a near-optimal policy by exploring randomly to collect rollouts and then performing a limited number of steps of fitted-Q iteration over those rollouts. Any regression algorithm that satisfies basic in-distribution generalization properties can be used in SQIRL to efficiently solve common MDPs. This can explain why deep RL works neural networks, since it is empirically established that neural networks generalize well in-distribution. Furthermore, SQIRL explains why random exploration works well in practice, since we show many environments can be solved by estimating the random policy's Q-function and then applying zero or a few steps of value iteration. We leverage SQIRL to derive instance-dependent sample complexity bounds for RL that are exponential only in an "effective horizon" of lookahead and on the complexity of the class used for function approximation. Empirically, we also find that SQIRL performance strongly correlates with PPO and DQN performance in a variety of stochastic environments, supporting that our theoretical analysis is predictive of practical performance.

Intelligence Primer. (arXiv:2008.07324v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Karl Fezer, Andrew Sloss

Intelligence is a fundamental part of all living things, as well as the foundation for Artificial Intelligence. In this primer we explore the ideas associated with intelligence and, by doing so, understand the implications and constraints and potentially outline the capabilities of future systems. Artificial Intelligence, in the form of Machine Learning, has already had a significant impact on our lives. As an exploration, we journey into different parts of intelligence that appear essential. We hope that people find this helpful in determining the future. Also, during the exploration, we hope to create new thought-provoking questions. Intelligence is not a single weighable quantity but a subject that spans Biology, Physics, Philosophy, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Computer Science. The historian Yuval Noah Harari pointed out that engineers and scientists in the future will have to broaden their understandings to include disciplines such as Psychology, Philosophy, and Ethics. Fiction writers have long portrayed engineers and scientists as deficient in these areas. Today, in modern society, the emergence of Artificial Intelligence and legal requirements act as forcing functions to push these broader subjects into the foreground. We start with an introduction to intelligence and move quickly to more profound thoughts and ideas. We call this a Life, the Universe, and Everything primer, after the famous science fiction book by Douglas Adams. Forty-two may be the correct answer, but what are the questions?

Acting in Delayed Environments with Non-Stationary Markov Policies. (arXiv:2101.11992v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Esther Derman, Gal Dalal, Shie Mannor

The standard Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulation hinges on the assumption that an action is executed immediately after it was chosen. However, assuming it is often unrealistic and can lead to catastrophic failures in applications such as robotic manipulation, cloud computing, and finance. We introduce a framework for learning and planning in MDPs where the decision-maker commits actions that are executed with a delay of $m$ steps. The brute-force state augmentation baseline where the state is concatenated to the last $m$ committed actions suffers from an exponential complexity in $m$, as we show for policy iteration. We then prove that with execution delay, deterministic Markov policies in the original state-space are sufficient for attaining maximal reward, but need to be non-stationary. As for stationary Markov policies, we show they are sub-optimal in general. Consequently, we devise a non-stationary Q-learning style model-based algorithm that solves delayed execution tasks without resorting to state-augmentation. Experiments on tabular, physical, and Atari domains reveal that it converges quickly to high performance even for substantial delays, while standard approaches that either ignore the delay or rely on state-augmentation struggle or fail due to divergence. The code is available at github.com/galdl/rl_delay_basic and github.com/galdl/rl_delay_atari.

Sequential composition of answer set programs. (arXiv:2104.12156v5 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Christian Antić

This paper introduces the sequential composition of answer set programs. On the semantic side, we show that the immediate consequence operator of a program can be represented via composition, which allows us to compute the least model semantics of Horn programs without any explicit reference to operators. As a result, we can characterize answer sets algebraically, which provides an algebraic characterization of strong and uniform equivalence. In a broader sense, this paper is a first step towards an algebra of answer set programs and in the future we plan to lift the methods of this paper to wider classes of programs, most importantly to higher-order and disjunctive programs and extensions thereof.

Measuring Self-Supervised Representation Quality for Downstream Classification using Discriminative Features. (arXiv:2203.01881v6 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Neha Kalibhat, Kanika Narang, Hamed Firooz, Maziar Sanjabi, Soheil Feizi

Self-supervised learning (SSL) has shown impressive results in downstream classification tasks. However, there is limited work in understanding their failure modes and interpreting their learned representations. In this paper, we study the representation space of state-of-the-art self-supervised models including SimCLR, SwaV, MoCo, BYOL, DINO, SimSiam, VICReg and Barlow Twins. Without the use of class label information, we discover discriminative features that correspond to unique physical attributes in images, present mostly in correctly-classified representations. Using these features, we can compress the representation space by up to 40% without significantly affecting linear classification performance. We then propose Self-Supervised Representation Quality Score (or Q-Score), an unsupervised score that can reliably predict if a given sample is likely to be mis-classified during linear evaluation, achieving AUPRC of 91.45 on ImageNet-100 and 78.78 on ImageNet-1K. Q-Score can also be used as a regularization term on pre-trained encoders to remedy low-quality representations. Fine-tuning with Q-Score regularization can boost the linear probing accuracy of SSL models by up to 5.8% on ImageNet-100 and 3.7% on ImageNet-1K compared to their baselines. Finally, using gradient heatmaps and Salient ImageNet masks, we define a metric to quantify the interpretability of each representation. We show that discriminative features are strongly correlated to core attributes and, enhancing these features through Q-score regularization makes SSL representations more interpretable.

Controller-Guided Partial Label Consistency Regularization with Unlabeled Data. (arXiv:2210.11194v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Qian-Wei Wang, Bowen Zhao, Mingyan Zhu, Tianxiang Li, Zimo Liu, Shu-Tao Xia

Partial label learning (PLL) learns from training examples each associated with multiple candidate labels, among which only one is valid. In recent years, benefiting from the strong capability of dealing with ambiguous supervision and the impetus of modern data augmentation methods, consistency regularization-based PLL methods have achieved a series of successes and become mainstream. However, as the partial annotation becomes insufficient, their performances drop significantly. In this paper, we leverage easily accessible unlabeled examples to facilitate the partial label consistency regularization. In addition to a partial supervised loss, our method performs a controller-guided consistency regularization at both the label-level and representation-level with the help of unlabeled data. To minimize the disadvantages of insufficient capabilities of the initial supervised model, we use the controller to estimate the confidence of each current prediction to guide the subsequent consistency regularization. Furthermore, we dynamically adjust the confidence thresholds so that the number of samples of each class participating in consistency regularization remains roughly equal to alleviate the problem of class-imbalance. Experiments show that our method achieves satisfactory performances in more practical situations, and its modules can be applied to existing PLL methods to enhance their capabilities.

ConsPrompt: Exploiting Contrastive Samples for Fewshot Prompt Learning. (arXiv:2211.04118v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinta Weng, Yifan Deng, d Donghao Li, Hao You, Yue Hu, Heyan Huang

Prompt recently have become an effective linguistic tool on utilizing the pre-trained language models. However, in few-shot scenarios, subtle changes of prompt's design always make the result widely different, and the prompt design is also easy to overfit the current limited samples. To alleviate this, we explore how to utilize suitable contrastive samples and multiple contrastive learning methods to realize a more robust prompt's representation. Therefore, the contrastive prompt model ConsPrompt combining with prompt encoding network, contrastive sampling modules, and contrastive scoring modules are introduced to realize differential contrastive learning. Our results exhibit the state-of-the-art performance in different few-shot settings, and the ablation experiments also certificate the effectiveness in utilizing multi-degree contrastive learning in prompt-based fine-tuning process.

Graph schemas as abstractions for transfer learning, inference, and planning. (arXiv:2302.07350v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: J. Swaroop Guntupalli, Rajkumar Vasudeva Raju, Shrinu Kushagra, Carter Wendelken, Danny Sawyer, Ishan Deshpande, Guangyao Zhou, Miguel Lázaro-Gredilla, Dileep George

Transferring latent structure from one environment or problem to another is a mechanism by which humans and animals generalize with very little data. Inspired by cognitive and neurobiological insights, we propose graph schemas as a mechanism of abstraction for transfer learning. Graph schemas start with latent graph learning where perceptually aliased observations are disambiguated in the latent space using contextual information. Latent graph learning is also emerging as a new computational model of the hippocampus to explain map learning and transitive inference. Our insight is that a latent graph can be treated as a flexible template -- a schema -- that models concepts and behaviors, with slots that bind groups of latent nodes to the specific observations or groundings. By treating learned latent graphs (schemas) as prior knowledge, new environments can be quickly learned as compositions of schemas and their newly learned bindings. We evaluate graph schemas on two previously published challenging tasks: the memory & planning game and one-shot StreetLearn, which are designed to test rapid task solving in novel environments. Graph schemas can be learned in far fewer episodes than previous baselines, and can model and plan in a few steps in novel variations of these tasks. We also demonstrate learning, matching, and reusing graph schemas in more challenging 2D and 3D environments with extensive perceptual aliasing and size variations, and show how different schemas can be composed to model larger and more complex environments. To summarize, our main contribution is a unified system, inspired and grounded in cognitive science, that facilitates rapid transfer learning of new environments using schemas via map-induction and composition that handles perceptual aliasing.

Ensemble Reinforcement Learning: A Survey. (arXiv:2303.02618v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yanjie Song, P. N. Suganthan, Witold Pedrycz, Junwei Ou, Yongming He, Yingwu Chen, Yutong Wu

Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a highly effective technique for addressing various scientific and applied problems. Despite its success, certain complex tasks remain challenging to be addressed solely with a single model and algorithm. In response, ensemble reinforcement learning (ERL), a promising approach that combines the benefits of both RL and ensemble learning (EL), has gained widespread popularity. ERL leverages multiple models or training algorithms to comprehensively explore the problem space and possesses strong generalization capabilities. In this study, we present a comprehensive survey on ERL to provide readers with an overview of recent advances and challenges in the field. Firstly, we provide an introduction to the background and motivation for ERL. Secondly, we conduct a detailed analysis of strategies such as model selection and combination that have been successfully implemented in ERL. Subsequently, we explore the application of ERL, summarize the datasets, and analyze the algorithms employed. Finally, we outline several open questions and discuss future research directions of ERL. By offering guidance for future scientific research and engineering applications, this survey significantly contributes to the advancement of ERL.

TOLD: A Novel Two-Stage Overlap-Aware Framework for Speaker Diarization. (arXiv:2303.05397v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaming Wang, Zhihao Du, Shiliang Zhang

Recently, end-to-end neural diarization (EEND) is introduced and achieves promising results in speaker-overlapped scenarios. In EEND, speaker diarization is formulated as a multi-label prediction problem, where speaker activities are estimated independently and their dependency are not well considered. To overcome these disadvantages, we employ the power set encoding to reformulate speaker diarization as a single-label classification problem and propose the overlap-aware EEND (EEND-OLA) model, in which speaker overlaps and dependency can be modeled explicitly. Inspired by the success of two-stage hybrid systems, we further propose a novel Two-stage OverLap-aware Diarization framework (TOLD) by involving a speaker overlap-aware post-processing (SOAP) model to iteratively refine the diarization results of EEND-OLA. Experimental results show that, compared with the original EEND, the proposed EEND-OLA achieves a 14.39% relative improvement in terms of diarization error rates (DER), and utilizing SOAP provides another 19.33% relative improvement. As a result, our method TOLD achieves a DER of 10.14% on the CALLHOME dataset, which is a new state-of-the-art result on this benchmark to the best of our knowledge.

ADCNet: Learning from Raw Radar Data via Distillation. (arXiv:2303.11420v3 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo Yang, Ishan Khatri, Michael Happold, Chulong Chen

As autonomous vehicles and advanced driving assistance systems have entered wider deployment, there is an increased interest in building robust perception systems using radars. Radar-based systems are lower cost and more robust to adverse weather conditions than their LiDAR-based counterparts; however the point clouds produced are typically noisy and sparse by comparison. In order to combat these challenges, recent research has focused on consuming the raw radar data, instead of the final radar point cloud. We build on this line of work and demonstrate that by bringing elements of the signal processing pipeline into our network and then pre-training on the signal processing task, we are able to achieve state of the art detection performance on the RADIal dataset. Our method uses expensive offline signal processing algorithms to pseudo-label data and trains a network to distill this information into a fast convolutional backbone, which can then be finetuned for perception tasks. Extensive experiment results corroborate the effectiveness of the proposed techniques.

Evaluation of GPT and BERT-based models on identifying protein-protein interactions in biomedical text. (arXiv:2303.17728v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hasin Rehana, Nur Bengisu Çam, Mert Basmaci, Jie Zheng, Christianah Jemiyo, Yongqun He, Arzucan Özgür, Junguk Hur

Detecting protein-protein interactions (PPIs) is crucial for understanding genetic mechanisms, disease pathogenesis, and drug design. However, with the fast-paced growth of biomedical literature, there is a growing need for automated and accurate extraction of PPIs to facilitate scientific knowledge discovery. Pre-trained language models, such as generative pre-trained transformers (GPT) and bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT), have shown promising results in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. We evaluated the performance of PPI identification of multiple GPT and BERT models using three manually curated gold-standard corpora: Learning Language in Logic (LLL) with 164 PPIs in 77 sentences, Human Protein Reference Database with 163 PPIs in 145 sentences, and Interaction Extraction Performance Assessment with 335 PPIs in 486 sentences. BERT-based models achieved the best overall performance, with BioBERT achieving the highest recall (91.95%) and F1-score (86.84%) and PubMedBERT achieving the highest precision (85.25%). Interestingly, despite not being explicitly trained for biomedical texts, GPT-4 achieved commendable performance, comparable to the top-performing BERT models. It achieved a precision of 88.37%, a recall of 85.14%, and an F1-score of 86.49% on the LLL dataset. These results suggest that GPT models can effectively detect PPIs from text data, offering promising avenues for application in biomedical literature mining. Further research could explore how these models might be fine-tuned for even more specialized tasks within the biomedical domain.

Visual Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2304.08485v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haotian Liu, Chunyuan Li, Qingyang Wu, Yong Jae Lee

Instruction tuning large language models (LLMs) using machine-generated instruction-following data has improved zero-shot capabilities on new tasks, but the idea is less explored in the multimodal field. In this paper, we present the first attempt to use language-only GPT-4 to generate multimodal language-image instruction-following data. By instruction tuning on such generated data, we introduce LLaVA: Large Language and Vision Assistant, an end-to-end trained large multimodal model that connects a vision encoder and LLM for general-purpose visual and language understanding.Our early experiments show that LLaVA demonstrates impressive multimodel chat abilities, sometimes exhibiting the behaviors of multimodal GPT-4 on unseen images/instructions, and yields a 85.1% relative score compared with GPT-4 on a synthetic multimodal instruction-following dataset. When fine-tuned on Science QA, the synergy of LLaVA and GPT-4 achieves a new state-of-the-art accuracy of 92.53%. We make GPT-4 generated visual instruction tuning data, our model and code base publicly available.

On Dynamic Programming Decompositions of Static Risk Measures in Markov Decision Processes. (arXiv:2304.12477v3 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Jia Lin Hau, Erick Delage, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh, Marek Petrik

Optimizing static risk-averse objectives in Markov decision processes is difficult because they do not admit standard dynamic programming equations common in Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms. Dynamic programming decompositions that augment the state space with discrete risk levels have recently gained popularity in the RL community. Prior work has shown that these decompositions are optimal when the risk level is discretized sufficiently. However, we show that these popular decompositions for Conditional-Value-at-Risk (CVaR) and Entropic-Value-at-Risk (EVaR) are inherently suboptimal regardless of the discretization level. In particular, we show that a saddle point property assumed to hold in prior literature may be violated. However, a decomposition does hold for Value-at-Risk and our proof demonstrates how this risk measure differs from CVaR and EVaR. Our findings are significant because risk-averse algorithms are used in high-stake environments, making their correctness much more critical.

Context-Aware Semantic Similarity Measurement for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation. (arXiv:2305.03520v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jorge Martinez-Gil

The issue of word sense ambiguity poses a significant challenge in natural language processing due to the scarcity of annotated data to feed machine learning models to face the challenge. Therefore, unsupervised word sense disambiguation methods have been developed to overcome that challenge without relying on annotated data. This research proposes a new context-aware approach to unsupervised word sense disambiguation, which provides a flexible mechanism for incorporating contextual information into the similarity measurement process. We experiment with a popular benchmark dataset to evaluate the proposed strategy and compare its performance with state-of-the-art unsupervised word sense disambiguation techniques. The experimental results indicate that our approach substantially enhances disambiguation accuracy and surpasses the performance of several existing techniques. Our findings underscore the significance of integrating contextual information in semantic similarity measurements to manage word sense ambiguity in unsupervised scenarios effectively.

Structure-CLIP: Towards Scene Graph Knowledge to Enhance Multi-modal Structured Representations. (arXiv:2305.06152v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yufeng Huang, Jiji Tang, Zhuo Chen, Rongsheng Zhang, Xinfeng Zhang, Weijie Chen, Zeng Zhao, Zhou Zhao, Tangjie Lv, Zhipeng Hu, Wen Zhang

Large-scale vision-language pre-training has achieved significant performance in multi-modal understanding and generation tasks. However, existing methods often perform poorly on image-text matching tasks that require structured representations, i.e., representations of objects, attributes, and relations. As illustrated in Fig.~reffig:case (a), the models cannot make a distinction between ``An astronaut rides a horse" and ``A horse rides an astronaut". This is because they fail to fully leverage structured knowledge when learning representations in multi-modal scenarios. In this paper, we present an end-to-end framework Structure-CLIP, which integrates Scene Graph Knowledge (SGK) to enhance multi-modal structured representations. Firstly, we use scene graphs to guide the construction of semantic negative examples, which results in an increased emphasis on learning structured representations. Moreover, a Knowledge-Enhance Encoder (KEE) is proposed to leverage SGK as input to further enhance structured representations. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed framework, we pre-train our model with the aforementioned approaches and conduct experiments on downstream tasks. Experimental results demonstrate that Structure-CLIP achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance on VG-Attribution and VG-Relation datasets, with 12.5% and 4.1% ahead of the multi-modal SOTA model respectively. Meanwhile, the results on MSCOCO indicate that Structure-CLIP significantly enhances the structured representations while maintaining the ability of general representations. Our code is available at https://github.com/zjukg/Structure-CLIP.

StarCoder: may the source be with you!. (arXiv:2305.06161v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Raymond Li, Loubna Ben Allal, Yangtian Zi, Niklas Muennighoff, Denis Kocetkov, Chenghao Mou, Marc Marone, Christopher Akiki, Jia Li, Jenny Chim, Qian Liu, Evgenii Zheltonozhskii, Terry Yue Zhuo, Thomas Wang, Olivier Dehaene, Mishig Davaadorj, Joel Lamy-Poirier, João Monteiro, Oleh Shliazhko, Nicolas Gontier, Nicholas Meade, Armel Zebaze, Ming-Ho Yee, Logesh Kumar Umapathi, Jian Zhu, Benjamin Lipkin, Muhtasham Oblokulov, Zhiruo Wang, Rudra Murthy, Jason Stillerman, Siva Sankalp Patel, Dmitry Abulkhanov, Marco Zocca, Manan Dey, Zhihan Zhang, Nour Fahmy, Urvashi Bhattacharyya, Wenhao Yu, Swayam Singh, Sasha Luccioni, Paulo Villegas, Maxim Kunakov, Fedor Zhdanov, Manuel Romero, Tony Lee, Nadav Timor, Jennifer Ding, Claire Schlesinger, Hailey Schoelkopf, Jan Ebert, Tri Dao, Mayank Mishra, et al. (15 additional authors not shown)

The BigCode community, an open-scientific collaboration working on the responsible development of Large Language Models for Code (Code LLMs), introduces StarCoder and StarCoderBase: 15.5B parameter models with 8K context length, infilling capabilities and fast large-batch inference enabled by multi-query attention. StarCoderBase is trained on 1 trillion tokens sourced from The Stack, a large collection of permissively licensed GitHub repositories with inspection tools and an opt-out process. We fine-tuned StarCoderBase on 35B Python tokens, resulting in the creation of StarCoder. We perform the most comprehensive evaluation of Code LLMs to date and show that StarCoderBase outperforms every open Code LLM that supports multiple programming languages and matches or outperforms the OpenAI code-cushman-001 model. Furthermore, StarCoder outperforms every model that is fine-tuned on Python, can be prompted to achieve 40\% pass@1 on HumanEval, and still retains its performance on other programming languages. We take several important steps towards a safe open-access model release, including an improved PII redaction pipeline and a novel attribution tracing tool, and make the StarCoder models publicly available under a more commercially viable version of the Open Responsible AI Model license.

Direct Preference Optimization: Your Language Model is Secretly a Reward Model. (arXiv:2305.18290v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rafael Rafailov, Archit Sharma, Eric Mitchell, Stefano Ermon, Christopher D. Manning, Chelsea Finn

While large-scale unsupervised language models (LMs) learn broad world knowledge and some reasoning skills, achieving precise control of their behavior is difficult due to the completely unsupervised nature of their training. Existing methods for gaining such steerability collect human labels of the relative quality of model generations and fine-tune the unsupervised LM to align with these preferences, often with reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). However, RLHF is a complex and often unstable procedure, first fitting a reward model that reflects the human preferences, and then fine-tuning the large unsupervised LM using reinforcement learning to maximize this estimated reward without drifting too far from the original model. In this paper we introduce a new parameterization of the reward model in RLHF that enables extraction of the corresponding optimal policy in closed form, allowing us to solve the standard RLHF problem with only a simple classification loss. The resulting algorithm, which we call Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), is stable, performant, and computationally lightweight, eliminating the need for sampling from the LM during fine-tuning or performing significant hyperparameter tuning. Our experiments show that DPO can fine-tune LMs to align with human preferences as well as or better than existing methods. Notably, fine-tuning with DPO exceeds PPO-based RLHF in ability to control sentiment of generations, and matches or improves response quality in summarization and single-turn dialogue while being substantially simpler to implement and train.

Structured Voronoi Sampling. (arXiv:2306.03061v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Afra Amini, Li Du, Ryan Cotterell

Gradient-based sampling algorithms have demonstrated their effectiveness in text generation, especially in the context of controlled text generation. However, there exists a lack of theoretically grounded and principled approaches for this task. In this paper, we take an important step toward building a principled approach for sampling from language models with gradient-based methods. We use discrete distributions given by language models to define densities and develop an algorithm based on Hamiltonian Monte Carlo to sample from them. We name our gradient-based technique Structured Voronoi Sampling (SVS). In an experimental setup where the reference distribution is known, we show that the empirical distribution of SVS samples is closer to the reference distribution compared to alternative sampling schemes. Furthermore, in a controlled generation task, SVS is able to generate fluent and diverse samples while following the control targets significantly better than other methods.

Deep image prior inpainting of ancient frescoes in the Mediterranean Alpine arc. (arXiv:2306.14209v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fabio Merizzi, Perrine Saillard, Oceane Acquier, Elena Morotti, Elena Loli Piccolomini, Luca Calatroni, Rosa Maria Dessì

The unprecedented success of image reconstruction approaches based on deep neural networks has revolutionised both the processing and the analysis paradigms in several applied disciplines. In the field of digital humanities, the task of digital reconstruction of ancient frescoes is particularly challenging due to the scarce amount of available training data caused by ageing, wear, tear and retouching over time. To overcome these difficulties, we consider the Deep Image Prior (DIP) inpainting approach which computes appropriate reconstructions by relying on the progressive updating of an untrained convolutional neural network so as to match the reliable piece of information in the image at hand while promoting regularisation elsewhere. In comparison with state-of-the-art approaches (based on variational/PDEs and patch-based methods), DIP-based inpainting reduces artefacts and better adapts to contextual/non-local information, thus providing a valuable and effective tool for art historians. As a case study, we apply such approach to reconstruct missing image contents in a dataset of highly damaged digital images of medieval paintings located into several chapels in the Mediterranean Alpine Arc and provide a detailed description on how visible and invisible (e.g., infrared) information can be integrated for identifying and reconstructing damaged image regions.

LLQL: Logistic Likelihood Q-Learning for Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2307.02345v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Outongyi Lv, Bingxin Zhou

Modern reinforcement learning (RL) can be categorized into online and offline variants. As a pivotal aspect of both online and offline RL, current research on the Bellman equation revolves primarily around optimization techniques and performance enhancement rather than exploring the inherent structural properties of the Bellman error, such as its distribution characteristics. This study investigates the distribution of the Bellman approximation error through iterative exploration of the Bellman equation with the observation that the Bellman error approximately follows the Logistic distribution. Based on this, we proposed the utilization of the Logistic maximum likelihood function (LLoss) as an alternative to the commonly used mean squared error (MSELoss) that assumes a Normal distribution for Bellman errors. We validated the hypotheses through extensive numerical experiments across diverse online and offline environments. In particular, we applied the Logistic correction to loss functions in various RL baseline methods and observed that the results with LLoss consistently outperformed the MSE counterparts. We also conducted the Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests to confirm the reliability of the Logistic distribution. Moreover, our theory connects the Bellman error to the proportional reward scaling phenomenon by providing a distribution-based analysis. Furthermore, we applied the bias-variance decomposition for sampling from the Logistic distribution. The theoretical and empirical insights of this study lay a valuable foundation for future investigations and enhancements centered on the distribution of Bellman error.

Reinforcement Learning for Generative AI: State of the Art, Opportunities and Open Research Challenges. (arXiv:2308.00031v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Giorgio Franceschelli, Mirco Musolesi

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the most exciting developments in Computer Science of the last decade. At the same time, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has emerged as a very successful paradigm for a variety of machine learning tasks. In this survey, we discuss the state of the art, opportunities and open research questions in applying RL to generative AI. In particular, we will discuss three types of applications, namely, RL as an alternative way for generation without specified objectives; as a way for generating outputs while concurrently maximizing an objective function; and, finally, as a way of embedding desired characteristics, which cannot be easily captured by means of an objective function, into the generative process. We conclude the survey with an in-depth discussion of the opportunities and challenges in this fascinating emerging area.

FPGA Resource-aware Structured Pruning for Real-Time Neural Networks. (arXiv:2308.05170v2 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: Benjamin Ramhorst, Vladimir Loncar, George A. Constantinides

Neural networks achieve state-of-the-art performance in image classification, speech recognition, scientific analysis and many more application areas. Due to the high computational complexity and memory footprint of neural networks, various compression techniques, such as pruning and quantization, have been proposed in literature. Pruning sparsifies a neural network, reducing the number of multiplications and memory. However, pruning often fails to capture properties of the underlying hardware, causing unstructured sparsity and load-balance inefficiency, thus bottlenecking resource improvements. We propose a hardware-centric formulation of pruning, by formulating it as a knapsack problem with resource-aware tensor structures. Evaluated on a range of tasks, including sub-microsecond particle classification at CERN's Large Hadron Collider and fast image classification, the proposed method achieves reductions ranging between 55% and 92% in the DSP utilization and up to 81% in BRAM utilization.

PMET: Precise Model Editing in a Transformer. (arXiv:2308.08742v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaopeng Li, Shasha Li, Shezheng Song, Jing Yang, Jun Ma, Jie Yu

Model editing techniques modify a minor proportion of knowledge in Large Language Models (LLMs) at a relatively low cost, which have demonstrated notable success. Existing methods assume Transformer Layer (TL) hidden states are values of key-value memories of the Feed-Forward Network (FFN). They usually optimize the TL hidden states to memorize target knowledge and use it to update the weights of the FFN in LLMs. However, the information flow of TL hidden states comes from three parts: Multi-Head Self-Attention (MHSA), FFN, and residual connections. Existing methods neglect the fact that the TL hidden states contains information not specifically required for FFN. Consequently, the performance of model editing decreases. To achieve more precise model editing, we analyze hidden states of MHSA and FFN, finding that MHSA encodes certain general knowledge extraction patterns. This implies that MHSA weights do not require updating when new knowledge is introduced. Based on above findings, we introduce PMET, which simultaneously optimizes Transformer Component (TC, namely MHSA and FFN) hidden states, while only using the optimized TC hidden states of FFN to precisely update FFN weights. Our experiments demonstrate that PMET exhibits state-of-the-art performance on both the COUNTERFACT and zsRE datasets. Our ablation experiments substantiate the effectiveness of our enhancements, further reinforcing the finding that the MHSA encodes certain general knowledge extraction patterns and indicating its storage of a small amount of factual knowledge. Our code is available at https://github.com/xpq-tech/PMET.

Saturn: An Optimized Data System for Large Model Deep Learning Workloads. (arXiv:2309.01226v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kabir Nagrecha, Arun Kumar

Large language models such as GPT-3 & ChatGPT have transformed deep learning (DL), powering applications that have captured the public's imagination. These models are rapidly being adopted across domains for analytics on various modalities, often by finetuning pre-trained base models. Such models need multiple GPUs due to both their size and computational load, driving the development of a bevy of "model parallelism" techniques & tools. Navigating such parallelism choices, however, is a new burden for end users of DL such as data scientists, domain scientists, etc. who may lack the necessary systems knowhow. The need for model selection, which leads to many models to train due to hyper-parameter tuning or layer-wise finetuning, compounds the situation with two more burdens: resource apportioning and scheduling. In this work, we tackle these three burdens for DL users in a unified manner by formalizing them as a joint problem that we call SPASE: Select a Parallelism, Allocate resources, and SchedulE. We propose a new information system architecture to tackle the SPASE problem holistically, representing a key step toward enabling wider adoption of large DL models. We devise an extensible template for existing parallelism schemes and combine it with an automated empirical profiler for runtime estimation. We then formulate SPASE as an MILP.

We find that direct use of an MILP-solver is significantly more effective than several baseline heuristics. We optimize the system runtime further with an introspective scheduling approach. We implement all these techniques into a new data system we call Saturn. Experiments with benchmark DL workloads show that Saturn achieves 39-49% lower model selection runtimes than typical current DL practice.

Regret Analysis of Policy Gradient Algorithm for Infinite Horizon Average Reward Markov Decision Processes. (arXiv:2309.01922v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinbo Bai, Washim Uddin Mondal, Vaneet Aggarwal

In this paper, we consider an infinite horizon average reward Markov Decision Process (MDP). Distinguishing itself from existing works within this context, our approach harnesses the power of the general policy gradient-based algorithm, liberating it from the constraints of assuming a linear MDP structure. We propose a policy gradient-based algorithm and show its global convergence property. We then prove that the proposed algorithm has $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}({T}^{3/4})$ regret. Remarkably, this paper marks a pioneering effort by presenting the first exploration into regret-bound computation for the general parameterized policy gradient algorithm in the context of average reward scenarios.

Norm Tweaking: High-performance Low-bit Quantization of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2309.02784v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Liang Li, Qingyuan Li, Bo Zhang, Xiangxiang Chu

As the size of large language models (LLMs) continues to grow, model compression without sacrificing accuracy has become a crucial challenge for deployment. While some quantization methods, such as GPTQ, have made progress in achieving acceptable 4-bit weight-only quantization, attempts at lower-bit quantization often result in severe performance degradation. In this paper, we introduce a technique called norm tweaking, which can be used as a plugin in current PTQ methods to achieve high precision while being cost-efficient. Our approach is inspired by the observation that rectifying the quantized activation distribution to match its float counterpart can readily restore accuracy for LLMs. To achieve this, we carefully design a tweaking strategy that includes calibration data generation and channel-wise distance constraint to update the weights of normalization layers for better generalization. We conduct extensive experiments on various datasets using several open-sourced LLMs. Our method demonstrates significant improvements in both weight-only quantization and joint quantization of weights and activations, surpassing existing PTQ methods. On GLM-130B and OPT-66B, our method even achieves the same level of accuracy at 2-bit quantization as their float ones. Our simple and effective approach makes it more practical for real-world applications.

AmbientFlow: Invertible generative models from incomplete, noisy measurements. (arXiv:2309.04856v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Varun A. Kelkar, Rucha Deshpande, Arindam Banerjee, Mark A. Anastasio

Generative models have gained popularity for their potential applications in imaging science, such as image reconstruction, posterior sampling and data sharing. Flow-based generative models are particularly attractive due to their ability to tractably provide exact density estimates along with fast, inexpensive and diverse samples. Training such models, however, requires a large, high quality dataset of objects. In applications such as computed imaging, it is often difficult to acquire such data due to requirements such as long acquisition time or high radiation dose, while acquiring noisy or partially observed measurements of these objects is more feasible. In this work, we propose AmbientFlow, a framework for learning flow-based generative models directly from noisy and incomplete data. Using variational Bayesian methods, a novel framework for establishing flow-based generative models from noisy, incomplete data is proposed. Extensive numerical studies demonstrate the effectiveness of AmbientFlow in learning the object distribution. The utility of AmbientFlow in a downstream inference task of image reconstruction is demonstrated.

ScaLearn: Simple and Highly Parameter-Efficient Task Transfer by Learning to Scale. (arXiv:2310.01217v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Markus Frohmann, Carolin Holtermann, Shahed Masoudian, Anne Lauscher, Navid Rekabsaz

Multi-task learning (MTL) has shown considerable practical benefits, particularly when using pre-trained language models (PLMs). While this is commonly achieved by simultaneously learning $n$ tasks under a joint optimization procedure, recent methods such as AdapterFusion structure the problem into two distinct stages: (i) task learning, where knowledge specific to a task is encapsulated within sets of parameters (e.g., adapters), and (ii) transfer, where this already learned knowledge is leveraged for a target task. This separation of concerns provides numerous benefits, such as promoting reusability, and addressing cases involving data privacy and societal concerns; on the flip side, current two-stage MTL methods come with the cost of introducing a substantial number of additional parameters. In this work, we address this issue by leveraging the usefulness of linearly scaling the output representations of source adapters for transfer learning. We introduce ScaLearn, a simple and highly parameter-efficient two-stage MTL method that capitalizes on the knowledge of the source tasks by learning a minimal set of scaling parameters that enable effective knowledge transfer to a target task. Our experiments on three benchmarks (GLUE, SuperGLUE, and HumSet) show that our ScaLearn, in addition to facilitating the benefits of two-stage MTL, consistently outperforms strong baselines with only a small number of transfer parameters - roughly 0.35% of those of AdapterFusion. Remarkably, we observe that ScaLearn maintains its strong abilities even when further reducing parameters through uniform scaling and layer-sharing, achieving similarly competitive results with only $8$ transfer parameters for each target task. Our proposed approach thus demonstrates the power of simple scaling as a promise for more efficient task transfer.

Selenite: Scaffolding Online Sensemaking with Comprehensive Overviews Elicited from Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.02161v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Michael Xieyang Liu, Tongshuang Wu, Tianying Chen, Franklin Mingzhe Li, Aniket Kittur, Brad A. Myers

Sensemaking in unfamiliar domains can be challenging, demanding considerable user effort to compare different options with respect to various criteria. Prior research and our formative study found that people would benefit from reading an overview of an information space upfront, including the criteria others previously found useful. However, existing sensemaking tools struggle with the "cold-start" problem -- not only requiring significant input from previous users to generate and share these overviews, but also that such overviews may turn out to be biased and incomplete. In this work, we introduce a novel system, Selenite, which leverages LLMs as reasoning machines and knowledge retrievers to automatically produce a comprehensive overview of options and criteria to jumpstart users' sensemaking processes. Subsequently, Selenite also adapts as people use it, helping users find, read, and navigate unfamiliar information in a systematic yet personalized manner. Through three studies, we found that Selenite produced accurate and high-quality overviews reliably, significantly accelerated users' information processing, and effectively improved their overall comprehension and sensemaking experience.

Attributing Learned Concepts in Neural Networks to Training Data. (arXiv:2310.03149v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Nicholas Konz, Charles Godfrey, Madelyn Shapiro, Jonathan Tu, Henry Kvinge, Davis Brown

By now there is substantial evidence that deep learning models learn certain human-interpretable features as part of their internal representations of data. As having the right (or wrong) concepts is critical to trustworthy machine learning systems, it is natural to ask which inputs from the model's original training set were most important for learning a concept at a given layer. To answer this, we combine data attribution methods with methods for probing the concepts learned by a model. Training network and probe ensembles for two concept datasets on a range of network layers, we use the recently developed TRAK method for large-scale data attribution. We find some evidence for convergence, where removing the 10,000 top attributing images for a concept and retraining the model does not change the location of the concept in the network nor the probing sparsity of the concept. This suggests that rather than being highly dependent on a few specific examples, the features that inform the development of a concept are spread in a more diffuse manner across its exemplars, implying robustness in concept formation.

A Language-Agent Approach to Formal Theorem-Proving. (arXiv:2310.04353v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Amitayush Thakur, Yeming Wen, Swarat Chaudhuri

Language agents, which use a large language model (LLM) capable of in-context learning to interact with an external environment, have recently emerged as a promising approach to control tasks. We present the first language-agent approach to formal theorem-proving. Our method, COPRA, uses a high-capacity, black-box LLM (GPT-4) as part of a policy for a stateful backtracking search. During the search, the policy can select proof tactics and retrieve lemmas and definitions from an external database. Each selected tactic is executed in the underlying proof framework, and the execution feedback is used to build the prompt for the next policy invocation. The search also tracks selected information from its history and uses it to reduce hallucinations and unnecessary LLM queries.

We evaluate our implementation of COPRA on the miniF2F benchmark for Lean and a set of Coq tasks from the Compcert project. On these benchmarks, COPRA significantly outperforms one-shot invocations of GPT-4, as well as state-of-the-art models fine-tuned on proof data, at finding correct proofs quickly. Our code and data are available at https://github.com/trishullab/copra.

DATT: Deep Adaptive Trajectory Tracking for Quadrotor Control. (arXiv:2310.09053v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Kevin Huang, Rwik Rana, Alexander Spitzer, Guanya Shi, Byron Boots

Precise arbitrary trajectory tracking for quadrotors is challenging due to unknown nonlinear dynamics, trajectory infeasibility, and actuation limits. To tackle these challenges, we present Deep Adaptive Trajectory Tracking (DATT), a learning-based approach that can precisely track arbitrary, potentially infeasible trajectories in the presence of large disturbances in the real world. DATT builds on a novel feedforward-feedback-adaptive control structure trained in simulation using reinforcement learning. When deployed on real hardware, DATT is augmented with a disturbance estimator using L1 adaptive control in closed-loop, without any fine-tuning. DATT significantly outperforms competitive adaptive nonlinear and model predictive controllers for both feasible smooth and infeasible trajectories in unsteady wind fields, including challenging scenarios where baselines completely fail. Moreover, DATT can efficiently run online with an inference time less than 3.2 ms, less than 1/4 of the adaptive nonlinear model predictive control baseline

GQKVA: Efficient Pre-training of Transformers by Grouping Queries, Keys, and Values. (arXiv:2311.03426v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Farnoosh Javadi, Walid Ahmed, Habib Hajimolahoseini, Foozhan Ataiefard, Mohammad Hassanpour, Saina Asani, Austin Wen, Omar Mohamed Awad, Kangling Liu, Yang Liu

Massive transformer-based models face several challenges, including slow and computationally intensive pre-training and over-parametrization. This paper addresses these challenges by proposing a versatile method called GQKVA, which generalizes query, key, and value grouping techniques. GQKVA is designed to speed up transformer pre-training while reducing the model size. Our experiments with various GQKVA variants highlight a clear trade-off between performance and model size, allowing for customized choices based on resource and time limitations. Our findings also indicate that the conventional multi-head attention approach is not always the best choice, as there are lighter and faster alternatives available. We tested our method on ViT, which achieved an approximate 0.3% increase in accuracy while reducing the model size by about 4% in the task of image classification. Additionally, our most aggressive model reduction experiment resulted in a reduction of approximately 15% in model size, with only around a 1% drop in accuracy.

FigStep: Jailbreaking Large Vision-language Models via Typographic Visual Prompts. (arXiv:2311.05608v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Yichen Gong, Delong Ran, Jinyuan Liu, Conglei Wang, Tianshuo Cong, Anyu Wang, Sisi Duan, Xiaoyun Wang

Ensuring the safety of artificial intelligence-generated content (AIGC) is a longstanding topic in the artificial intelligence (AI) community, and the safety concerns associated with Large Language Models (LLMs) have been widely investigated. Recently, large vision-language models (VLMs) represent an unprecedented revolution, as they are built upon LLMs but can incorporate additional modalities (e.g., images). However, the safety of VLMs lacks systematic evaluation, and there may be an overconfidence in the safety guarantees provided by their underlying LLMs. In this paper, to demonstrate that introducing additional modality modules leads to unforeseen AI safety issues, we propose FigStep, a straightforward yet effective jailbreaking algorithm against VLMs. Instead of feeding textual harmful instructions directly, FigStep converts the harmful content into images through typography to bypass the safety alignment within the textual module of the VLMs, inducing VLMs to output unsafe responses that violate common AI safety policies. In our evaluation, we manually review 46,500 model responses generated by 3 families of the promising open-source VLMs, i.e., LLaVA, MiniGPT4, and CogVLM (a total of 6 VLMs). The experimental results show that FigStep can achieve an average attack success rate of 82.50% on 500 harmful queries in 10 topics. Moreover, we demonstrate that the methodology of FigStep can even jailbreak GPT-4V, which already leverages an OCR detector to filter harmful queries. Above all, our work reveals that VLMs are vulnerable to jailbreaking attacks, which highlights the necessity of novel safety alignments between visual and textual modalities.

Evaluating Gender Bias in the Translation of Gender-Neutral Languages into English. (arXiv:2311.08836v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Spencer Rarrick, Ranjita Naik, Sundar Poudel, Vishal Chowdhary

Machine Translation (MT) continues to improve in quality and adoption, yet the inadvertent perpetuation of gender bias remains a significant concern. Despite numerous studies into gender bias in translations from gender-neutral languages such as Turkish into more strongly gendered languages like English, there are no benchmarks for evaluating this phenomenon or for assessing mitigation strategies. To address this gap, we introduce GATE X-E, an extension to the GATE (Rarrick et al., 2023) corpus, that consists of human translations from Turkish, Hungarian, Finnish, and Persian into English. Each translation is accompanied by feminine, masculine, and neutral variants for each possible gender interpretation. The dataset, which contains between 1250 and 1850 instances for each of the four language pairs, features natural sentences with a wide range of sentence lengths and domains, challenging translation rewriters on various linguistic phenomena. Additionally, we present an English gender rewriting solution built on GPT-3.5 Turbo and use GATE X-E to evaluate it. We open source our contributions to encourage further research on gender debiasing.

PG-Video-LLaVA: Pixel Grounding Large Video-Language Models. (arXiv:2311.13435v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shehan Munasinghe, Rusiru Thushara, Muhammad Maaz, Hanoona Abdul Rasheed, Salman Khan, Mubarak Shah, Fahad Khan

Extending image-based Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) to videos is challenging due to the inherent complexity of video data. The recent approaches extending image-based LMMs to videos either lack the grounding capabilities (e.g., VideoChat, Video-ChatGPT, Video-LLaMA) or do not utilize the audio-signals for better video understanding (e.g., Video-ChatGPT). Addressing these gaps, we propose PG-Video-LLaVA, the first LMM with pixel-level grounding capability, integrating audio cues by transcribing them into text to enrich video-context understanding. Our framework uses an off-the-shelf tracker and a novel grounding module, enabling it to spatially localize objects in videos following user instructions. We evaluate PG-Video-LLaVA using video-based generative and question-answering benchmarks and introduce new benchmarks specifically designed to measure prompt-based object grounding performance in videos. Further, we propose the use of Vicuna over GPT-3.5, as utilized in Video-ChatGPT, for video-based conversation benchmarking, ensuring reproducibility of results which is a concern with the proprietary nature of GPT-3.5. Our framework builds on SoTA image-based LLaVA model and extends its advantages to the video domain, delivering promising gains on video-based conversation and grounding tasks. Project Page: https://github.com/mbzuai-oryx/Video-LLaVA

FedEmb: A Vertical and Hybrid Federated Learning Algorithm using Network And Feature Embedding Aggregation. (arXiv:2312.00102v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Fanfei Meng, Lele Zhang, Yu Chen, Yuxin Wang

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging paradigm for decentralized training of machine learning models on distributed clients, without revealing the data to the central server. The learning scheme may be horizontal, vertical or hybrid (both vertical and horizontal). Most existing research work with deep neural network (DNN) modelling is focused on horizontal data distributions, while vertical and hybrid schemes are much less studied. In this paper, we propose a generalized algorithm FedEmb, for modelling vertical and hybrid DNN-based learning. The idea of our algorithm is characterised by higher inference accuracy, stronger privacy-preserving properties, and lower client-server communication bandwidth demands as compared with existing work. The experimental results show that FedEmb is an effective method to tackle both split feature & subject space decentralized problems, shows 0.3% to 4.2% inference accuracy improvement with limited privacy revealing for datasets stored in local clients, and reduces 88.9 % time complexity over vertical baseline method.

Empowering Autonomous Driving with Large Language Models: A Safety Perspective. (arXiv:2312.00812v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Yixuan Wang, Ruochen Jiao, Chengtian Lang, Sinong Simon Zhan, Chao Huang, Zhaoran Wang, Zhuoran Yang, Qi Zhu

Autonomous Driving (AD) faces crucial hurdles for commercial launch, notably in the form of diminished public trust and safety concerns from long-tail unforeseen driving scenarios. This predicament is due to the limitation of deep neural networks in AD software, which struggle with interpretability and exhibit poor generalization capabilities in out-of-distribution and uncertain scenarios. To this end, this paper advocates for the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) into the AD system, leveraging their robust common-sense knowledge, reasoning abilities, and human-interaction capabilities. The proposed approach deploys the LLM as an intelligent decision-maker in planning, incorporating safety verifiers for contextual safety learning to enhance overall AD performance and safety. We present results from two case studies that affirm the efficacy of our approach. We further discuss the potential integration of LLM for other AD software components including perception, prediction, and simulation. Despite the observed challenges in the case studies, the integration of LLMs is promising and beneficial for reinforcing both safety and performance in AD.

Just-in-Time Security Patch Detection -- LLM At the Rescue for Data Augmentation. (arXiv:2312.01241v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Xunzhu Tang, Zhenghan Chen, Kisub Kim, Haoye Tian, Saad Ezzini, Jacques Klein

In the face of growing vulnerabilities found in open-source software, the need to identify {discreet} security patches has become paramount. The lack of consistency in how software providers handle maintenance often leads to the release of security patches without comprehensive advisories, leaving users vulnerable to unaddressed security risks. To address this pressing issue, we introduce a novel security patch detection system, LLMDA, which capitalizes on Large Language Models (LLMs) and code-text alignment methodologies for patch review, data enhancement, and feature combination. Within LLMDA, we initially utilize LLMs for examining patches and expanding data of PatchDB and SPI-DB, two security patch datasets from recent literature. We then use labeled instructions to direct our LLMDA, differentiating patches based on security relevance. Following this, we apply a PTFormer to merge patches with code, formulating hybrid attributes that encompass both the innate details and the interconnections between the patches and the code. This distinctive combination method allows our system to capture more insights from the combined context of patches and code, hence improving detection precision. Finally, we devise a probabilistic batch contrastive learning mechanism within batches to augment the capability of the our LLMDA in discerning security patches. The results reveal that LLMDA significantly surpasses the start of the art techniques in detecting security patches, underscoring its promise in fortifying software maintenance.

Sample-based Dynamic Hierarchical Transformer with Layer and Head Flexibility via Contextual Bandit. (arXiv:2312.03038v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Fanfei Meng, Lele Zhang, Yu Chen, Yuxin Wang

Transformer requires a fixed number of layers and heads which makes them inflexible to the complexity of individual samples and expensive in training and inference. To address this, we propose a sample-based Dynamic Hierarchical Transformer (DHT) model whose layers and heads can be dynamically configured with single data samples via solving contextual bandit problems. To determine the number of layers and heads, we use the Uniform Confidence Bound while we deploy combinatorial Thompson Sampling in order to select specific head combinations given their number. Different from previous work that focuses on compressing trained networks for inference only, DHT is not only advantageous for adaptively optimizing the underlying network architecture during training but also has a flexible network for efficient inference. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first comprehensive data-driven dynamic transformer without any additional auxiliary neural networks that implement the dynamic system. According to the experiment results, we achieve up to 74% computational savings for both training and inference with a minimal loss of accuracy.

DeceptPrompt: Exploiting LLM-driven Code Generation via Adversarial Natural Language Instructions. (arXiv:2312.04730v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Fangzhou Wu, Xiaogeng Liu, Chaowei Xiao

With the advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs), significant progress has been made in code generation, enabling LLMs to transform natural language into programming code. These Code LLMs have been widely accepted by massive users and organizations. However, a dangerous nature is hidden in the code, which is the existence of fatal vulnerabilities. While some LLM providers have attempted to address these issues by aligning with human guidance, these efforts fall short of making Code LLMs practical and robust. Without a deep understanding of the performance of the LLMs under the practical worst cases, it would be concerning to apply them to various real-world applications. In this paper, we answer the critical issue: Are existing Code LLMs immune to generating vulnerable code? If not, what is the possible maximum severity of this issue in practical deployment scenarios? In this paper, we introduce DeceptPrompt, a novel algorithm that can generate adversarial natural language instructions that drive the Code LLMs to generate functionality correct code with vulnerabilities. DeceptPrompt is achieved through a systematic evolution-based algorithm with a fine grain loss design. The unique advantage of DeceptPrompt enables us to find natural prefix/suffix with totally benign and non-directional semantic meaning, meanwhile, having great power in inducing the Code LLMs to generate vulnerable code. This feature can enable us to conduct the almost-worstcase red-teaming on these LLMs in a real scenario, where users are using natural language. Our extensive experiments and analyses on DeceptPrompt not only validate the effectiveness of our approach but also shed light on the huge weakness of LLMs in the code generation task. When applying the optimized prefix/suffix, the attack success rate (ASR) will improve by average 50% compared with no prefix/suffix applying.

Optimizing the Passenger Flow for Airport Security Check. (arXiv:2312.05259v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuxin Wang, Fanfei Meng, Xiaotian Wang, Chaoyu Xie

Due to the necessary security for the airport and flight, passengers are required to have strict security check before getting aboard. However, there are frequent complaints of wasting huge amount of time while waiting for the security check. This paper presents a potential solution aimed at optimizing gate setup procedures specifically tailored for Chicago OHare International Airport. By referring to queueing theory and performing Monte Carlo simulations, we propose an approach to significantly diminish the average waiting time to a more manageable level. Additionally, our study meticulously examines and identifies the influential factors contributing to this optimization, providing a comprehensive understanding of their impact.

AI Competitions and Benchmarks: towards impactful challenges with post-challenge papers, benchmarks and other dissemination actions. (arXiv:2312.06036v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Antoine Marot, David Rousseau, Zhen Xu

Organising an AI challenge does not end with the final event. The long-lasting impact also needs to be organised. This chapter covers the various activities after the challenge is formally finished. The target audience of different post-challenge activities is identified. The various outputs of the challenge are listed with the means to collect them. The main part of the chapter is a template for a typical post-challenge paper, including possible graphs as well as advice on how to turn the challenge into a long-lasting benchmark.

Survey on Memory-Augmented Neural Networks: Cognitive Insights to AI Applications. (arXiv:2312.06141v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Savya Khosla, Zhen Zhu, Yifei He

This paper explores Memory-Augmented Neural Networks (MANNs), delving into how they blend human-like memory processes into AI. It covers different memory types, like sensory, short-term, and long-term memory, linking psychological theories with AI applications. The study investigates advanced architectures such as Hopfield Networks, Neural Turing Machines, Correlation Matrix Memories, Memformer, and Neural Attention Memory, explaining how they work and where they excel. It dives into real-world uses of MANNs across Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, Multimodal Learning, and Retrieval Models, showing how memory boosters enhance accuracy, efficiency, and reliability in AI tasks. Overall, this survey provides a comprehensive view of MANNs, offering insights for future research in memory-based AI systems.

LLF-Bench: Benchmark for Interactive Learning from Language Feedback. (arXiv:2312.06853v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Ching-An Cheng, Andrey Kolobov, Dipendra Misra, Allen Nie, Adith Swaminathan

We introduce a new benchmark, LLF-Bench (Learning from Language Feedback Benchmark; pronounced as "elf-bench"), to evaluate the ability of AI agents to interactively learn from natural language feedback and instructions. Learning from language feedback (LLF) is essential for people, largely because the rich information this feedback provides can help a learner avoid much of trial and error and thereby speed up the learning process. Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently enabled AI agents to comprehend natural language -- and hence AI agents can potentially benefit from language feedback during learning like humans do. But existing interactive benchmarks do not assess this crucial capability: they either use numeric reward feedback or require no learning at all (only planning or information retrieval). LLF-Bench is designed to fill this omission. LLF-Bench is a diverse collection of sequential decision-making tasks that includes user recommendation, poem writing, navigation, and robot control. The objective of an agent is to interactively solve these tasks based on their natural-language instructions and the feedback received after taking actions. Crucially, to ensure that the agent actually "learns" from the feedback, LLF-Bench implements several randomization techniques (such as paraphrasing and environment randomization) to ensure that the task isn't familiar to the agent and that the agent is robust to various verbalizations. In addition, LLF-Bench provides a unified OpenAI Gym interface for all its tasks and allows the users to easily configure the information the feedback conveys (among suggestion, explanation, and instantaneous performance) to study how agents respond to different types of feedback. Together, these features make LLF-Bench a unique research platform for developing and testing LLF agents.

The Logic of Doxastic Strategies. (arXiv:2312.07107v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Junli Jiang, Pavel Naumov

In many real-world situations, there is often not enough information to know that a certain strategy will succeed in achieving the goal, but there is a good reason to believe that it will. The paper introduces the term ``doxastic'' for such strategies.

The main technical contribution is a sound and complete logical system that describes the interplay between doxastic strategy and belief modalities.

How Well Does GPT-4V(ision) Adapt to Distribution Shifts? A Preliminary Investigation. (arXiv:2312.07424v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhongyi Han, Guanglin Zhou, Rundong He, Jindong Wang, Tailin Wu, Yilong Yin, Salman Khan, Lina Yao, Tongliang Liu, Kun Zhang

In machine learning, generalization against distribution shifts -- where deployment conditions diverge from the training scenarios -- is crucial, particularly in fields like climate modeling, biomedicine, and autonomous driving. The emergence of foundation models, distinguished by their extensive pretraining and task versatility, has led to an increased interest in their adaptability to distribution shifts. GPT-4V(ision) acts as the most advanced publicly accessible multimodal foundation model, with extensive applications across various domains, including anomaly detection, video understanding, image generation, and medical diagnosis. However, its robustness against data distributions remains largely underexplored. Addressing this gap, this study rigorously evaluates GPT-4V's adaptability and generalization capabilities in dynamic environments, benchmarking against prominent models like CLIP and LLaVA. We delve into GPT-4V's zero-shot generalization across 13 diverse datasets spanning natural, medical, and molecular domains. We further investigate its adaptability to controlled data perturbations and examine the efficacy of in-context learning as a tool to enhance its adaptation. Our findings delineate GPT-4V's capability boundaries in distribution shifts, shedding light on its strengths and limitations across various scenarios. Importantly, this investigation contributes to our understanding of how AI foundation models generalize to distribution shifts, offering pivotal insights into their adaptability and robustness. Code is publicly available at https://github.com/jameszhou-gl/gpt-4v-distribution-shift.

High Dynamic Range Image Reconstruction via Deep Explicit Polynomial Curve Estimation. (arXiv:2307.16426v1 [eess.IV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Jiaqi Tang, Xiaogang Xu, Sixing Hu, Ying-Cong Chen

Due to limited camera capacities, digital images usually have a narrower dynamic illumination range than real-world scene radiance. To resolve this problem, High Dynamic Range (HDR) reconstruction is proposed to recover the dynamic range to better represent real-world scenes. However, due to different physical imaging parameters, the tone-mapping functions between images and real radiance are highly diverse, which makes HDR reconstruction extremely challenging. Existing solutions can not explicitly clarify a corresponding relationship between the tone-mapping function and the generated HDR image, but this relationship is vital when guiding the reconstruction of HDR images. To address this problem, we propose a method to explicitly estimate the tone mapping function and its corresponding HDR image in one network. Firstly, based on the characteristics of the tone mapping function, we construct a model by a polynomial to describe the trend of the tone curve. To fit this curve, we use a learnable network to estimate the coefficients of the polynomial. This curve will be automatically adjusted according to the tone space of the Low Dynamic Range (LDR) image, and reconstruct the real HDR image. Besides, since all current datasets do not provide the corresponding relationship between the tone mapping function and the LDR image, we construct a new dataset with both synthetic and real images. Extensive experiments show that our method generalizes well under different tone-mapping functions and achieves SOTA performance.

A Hitchhiker's Guide to Geometric GNNs for 3D Atomic Systems. (arXiv:2312.07511v1 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Alexandre Duval, Simon V. Mathis, Chaitanya K. Joshi, Victor Schmidt, Santiago Miret, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Taco Cohen, Pietro Lio, Yoshua Bengio, Michael Bronstein

Recent advances in computational modelling of atomic systems, spanning molecules, proteins, and materials, represent them as geometric graphs with atoms embedded as nodes in 3D Euclidean space. In these graphs, the geometric attributes transform according to the inherent physical symmetries of 3D atomic systems, including rotations and translations in Euclidean space, as well as node permutations. In recent years, Geometric Graph Neural Networks have emerged as the preferred machine learning architecture powering applications ranging from protein structure prediction to molecular simulations and material generation. Their specificity lies in the inductive biases they leverage -- such as physical symmetries and chemical properties -- to learn informative representations of these geometric graphs. In this opinionated paper, we provide a comprehensive and self-contained overview of the field of Geometric GNNs for 3D atomic systems. We cover fundamental background material and introduce a pedagogical taxonomy of Geometric GNN architectures:(1) invariant networks, (2) equivariant networks in Cartesian basis, (3) equivariant networks in spherical basis, and (4) unconstrained networks. Additionally, we outline key datasets and application areas and suggest future research directions. The objective of this work is to present a structured perspective on the field, making it accessible to newcomers and aiding practitioners in gaining an intuition for its mathematical abstractions.