Interpretable Knowledge Tracing via Response Influence-based Counterfactual Reasoning. (arXiv:2312.10045v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Jiajun Cui, Minghe Yu, Bo Jiang, Aimin Zhou, Jianyong Wang, Wei Zhang

Knowledge tracing (KT) plays a crucial role in computer-aided education and intelligent tutoring systems, aiming to assess students' knowledge proficiency by predicting their future performance on new questions based on their past response records. While existing deep learning knowledge tracing (DLKT) methods have significantly improved prediction accuracy and achieved state-of-the-art results, they often suffer from a lack of interpretability. To address this limitation, current approaches have explored incorporating psychological influences to achieve more explainable predictions, but they tend to overlook the potential influences of historical responses. In fact, understanding how models make predictions based on response influences can enhance the transparency and trustworthiness of the knowledge tracing process, presenting an opportunity for a new paradigm of interpretable KT. However, measuring unobservable response influences is challenging. In this paper, we resort to counterfactual reasoning that intervenes in each response to answer \textit{what if a student had answered a question incorrectly that he/she actually answered correctly, and vice versa}. Based on this, we propose RCKT, a novel response influence-based counterfactual knowledge tracing framework. RCKT generates response influences by comparing prediction outcomes from factual sequences and constructed counterfactual sequences after interventions. Additionally, we introduce maximization and inference techniques to leverage accumulated influences from different past responses, further improving the model's performance and credibility. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our RCKT method outperforms state-of-the-art knowledge tracing methods on four datasets against six baselines, and provides credible interpretations of response influences.

Deep Metric Learning for Computer Vision: A Brief Overview. (arXiv:2312.10046v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Deen Dayal Mohan, Bhavin Jawade, Srirangaraj Setlur, Venu Govindaraj

Objective functions that optimize deep neural networks play a vital role in creating an enhanced feature representation of the input data. Although cross-entropy-based loss formulations have been extensively used in a variety of supervised deep-learning applications, these methods tend to be less adequate when there is large intra-class variance and low inter-class variance in input data distribution. Deep Metric Learning seeks to develop methods that aim to measure the similarity between data samples by learning a representation function that maps these data samples into a representative embedding space. It leverages carefully designed sampling strategies and loss functions that aid in optimizing the generation of a discriminative embedding space even for distributions having low inter-class and high intra-class variances. In this chapter, we will provide an overview of recent progress in this area and discuss state-of-the-art Deep Metric Learning approaches.

Clustering Students According to their Academic Achievement Using Fuzzy Logic. (arXiv:2312.10047v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Serhiy Balovsyak, Oleksandr Derevyanchuk, Hanna Kravchenko, Yuriy Ushenko, Zhengbing Hu

The software for clustering students according to their educational achievements using fuzzy logic was developed in Python using the Google Colab cloud service. In the process of analyzing educational data, the problems of Data Mining are solved, since only some characteristics of the educational process are obtained from a large sample of data. Data clustering was performed using the classic K-Means method, which is characterized by simplicity and high speed. Cluster analysis was performed in the space of two features using the machine learning library scikit-learn (Python). The obtained clusters are described by fuzzy triangular membership functions, which allowed to correctly determine the membership of each student to a certain cluster. Creation of fuzzy membership functions is done using the scikit-fuzzy library. The development of fuzzy functions of objects belonging to clusters is also useful for educational purposes, as it allows a better understanding of the principles of using fuzzy logic. As a result of processing test educational data using the developed software, correct results were obtained. It is shown that the use of fuzzy membership functions makes it possible to correctly determine the belonging of students to certain clusters, even if such clusters are not clearly separated. Due to this, it is possible to more accurately determine the recommended level of difficulty of tasks for each student, depending on his previous evaluations.

Towards Goal-oriented Intelligent Tutoring Systems in Online Education. (arXiv:2312.10053v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Yang Deng, Zifeng Ren, An Zhang, Wenqiang Lei, Tat-Seng Chua

Interactive Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) enhance traditional ITSs by promoting effective learning through interactions and problem resolution in online education. Yet, proactive engagement, prioritizing resource optimization with planning and assessment capabilities, is often overlooked in current ITS designs. In this work, we investigate a new task, named Goal-oriented Intelligent Tutoring Systems (GITS), which aims to enable the student's mastery of a designated concept by strategically planning a customized sequence of exercises and assessment. To address the problem of goal-oriented policy learning in GITS, we propose a novel graph-based reinforcement learning framework, named Planning-Assessment-Interaction (PAI). Specifically, we first leverage cognitive structure information to improve state representation learning and action selection for planning the next action, which can be either to tutor an exercise or to assess the target concept. Further, we use a dynamically updated cognitive diagnosis model to simulate student responses to exercises and concepts. Three benchmark datasets across different subjects are constructed for enabling offline academic research on GITS. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of PAI and extensive analyses of various types of students are conducted to showcase the challenges in this task.

Next-Step Hint Generation for Introductory Programming Using Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.10055v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Lianne Roest, Hieke Keuning, Johan Jeuring

Large Language Models possess skills such as answering questions, writing essays or solving programming exercises. Since these models are easily accessible, researchers have investigated their capabilities and risks for programming education. This work explores how LLMs can contribute to programming education by supporting students with automated next-step hints. We investigate prompt practices that lead to effective next-step hints and use these insights to build our StAP-tutor. We evaluate this tutor by conducting an experiment with students, and performing expert assessments. Our findings show that most LLM-generated feedback messages describe one specific next step and are personalised to the student's code and approach. However, the hints may contain misleading information and lack sufficient detail when students approach the end of the assignment. This work demonstrates the potential for LLM-generated feedback, but further research is required to explore its practical implementation.

Dynamic Collaborative Filtering for Matrix- and Tensor-based Recommender Systems. (arXiv:2312.10064v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Albert Saiapin, Ivan Oseledets, Evgeny Frolov

In production applications of recommender systems, a continuous data flow is employed to update models in real-time. Many recommender models often require complete retraining to adapt to new data. In this work, we introduce a novel collaborative filtering model for sequential problems known as Tucker Integrator Recommender - TIRecA. TIRecA efficiently updates its parameters using only the new data segment, allowing incremental addition of new users and items to the recommender system. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed model, we conducted experiments on four publicly available datasets: MovieLens 20M, Amazon Beauty, Amazon Toys and Games, and Steam. Our comparison with general matrix and tensor-based baselines in terms of prediction quality and computational time reveals that TIRecA achieves comparable quality to the baseline methods, while being 10-20 times faster in training time.

Exploring Social Bias in Downstream Applications of Text-to-Image Foundation Models. (arXiv:2312.10065v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Adhithya Prakash Saravanan, Rafal Kocielnik, Roy Jiang, Pengrui Han, Anima Anandkumar

Text-to-image diffusion models have been adopted into key commercial workflows, such as art generation and image editing. Characterising the implicit social biases they exhibit, such as gender and racial stereotypes, is a necessary first step in avoiding discriminatory outcomes. While existing studies on social bias focus on image generation, the biases exhibited in alternate applications of diffusion-based foundation models remain under-explored. We propose methods that use synthetic images to probe two applications of diffusion models, image editing and classification, for social bias. Using our methodology, we uncover meaningful and significant inter-sectional social biases in \textit{Stable Diffusion}, a state-of-the-art open-source text-to-image model. Our findings caution against the uninformed adoption of text-to-image foundation models for downstream tasks and services.

Teenagers and Artificial Intelligence: Bootcamp Experience and Lessons Learned. (arXiv:2312.10067v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Uzay Macar, Blake Castleman, Noah Mauchly, Michael Jiang, Asma Aouissi, Salma Aouissi, Xena Maayah, Kaan Erdem, Rohith Ravindranath, Andrea Clark-Sevilla, Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi

Artificial intelligence (AI) stands out as a game-changer in today's technology landscape. However, the integration of AI education in classroom curricula currently lags behind, leaving teenagers inadequately prepared for an imminent AI-driven future.

In this pilot study, we designed a three-day bootcamp offered in the summer of 2023 to a cohort of 60 high school students. The curriculum was delivered in person through animated video content, easy-to-follow slides, interactive playgrounds, and quizzes. These were packaged in the early version of an online learning platform we are developing. Results from the post-bootcamp survey conveyed a 91.4% overall satisfaction. Despite the short bootcamp duration, 88.5% and 71.4% of teenagers responded that they had an improved understanding of AI concepts and programming, respectively.

Overall, we found that employing diverse modalities effectively engaged students, and building foundational modules proved beneficial for introducing more complex topics. Furthermore, using Google Colab notebooks for coding assignments proved challenging to most students. Students' activity on the platform and their answers to quizzes showed proficient engagement and a grasp of the material.

Our results strongly highlight the need for compelling and accessible AI education methods for the next generation and the potential for informal learning to fill the gap of providing early AI education to teenagers.

Estimation of Physical Parameters of Waveforms With Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.10068v1 [eess.SP])

Authors: Saad Ahmed Jamal, Thomas Corpetti, Dirk Tiede, Mathilde Letard, Dimitri Lague

Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) are fast emerging sensors in the field of Earth Observation. It is a remote sensing technology that utilizes laser beams to measure distances and create detailed three-dimensional representations of objects and environments. The potential of Full Waveform LiDAR is much greater than just height estimation and 3D reconstruction only. Overall shape of signal provides important information about properties of water body. However, the shape of FWL is unexplored as most LiDAR software work on point cloud by utilizing the maximum value within the waveform. Existing techniques in the field of LiDAR data analysis include depth estimation through inverse modeling and regression of logarithmic intensity and depth for approximating the attenuation coefficient. However, these methods suffer from limitations in accuracy. Depth estimation through inverse modeling provides only approximate values and does not account for variations in surface properties, while the regression approach for the attenuation coefficient is only able to generalize a value through several data points which lacks precision and may lead to significant errors in estimation. Additionally, there is currently no established modeling method available for predicting bottom reflectance. This research proposed a novel solution based on neural networks for parameter estimation in LIDAR data analysis. By leveraging the power of neural networks, the proposed solution successfully learned the inversion model, was able to do prediction of parameters such as depth, attenuation coefficient, and bottom reflectance. Performance of model was validated by testing it on real LiDAR data. In future, more data availability would enable more accuracy and reliability of such models.

Assessing the Usability of GutGPT: A Simulation Study of an AI Clinical Decision Support System for Gastrointestinal Bleeding Risk. (arXiv:2312.10072v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Colleen Chan, Kisung You, Sunny Chung, Mauro Giuffrè, Theo Saarinen, Niroop Rajashekar, Yuan Pu, Yeo Eun Shin, Loren Laine, Ambrose Wong, René Kizilcec, Jasjeet Sekhon, Dennis Shung

Applications of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have potential to enhance clinical decision support through conversational interfaces. However, challenges of human-algorithmic interaction and clinician trust are poorly understood. GutGPT, a LLM for gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding risk prediction and management guidance, was deployed in clinical simulation scenarios alongside the electronic health record (EHR) with emergency medicine physicians, internal medicine physicians, and medical students to evaluate its effect on physician acceptance and trust in AI clinical decision support systems (AI-CDSS). GutGPT provides risk predictions from a validated machine learning model and evidence-based answers by querying extracted clinical guidelines. Participants were randomized to GutGPT and an interactive dashboard, or the interactive dashboard and a search engine. Surveys and educational assessments taken before and after measured technology acceptance and content mastery. Preliminary results showed mixed effects on acceptance after using GutGPT compared to the dashboard or search engine but appeared to improve content mastery based on simulation performance. Overall, this study demonstrates LLMs like GutGPT could enhance effective AI-CDSS if implemented optimally and paired with interactive interfaces.

Data Scarcity in Recommendation Systems: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.10073v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Zefeng Chen, Wensheng Gan, Jiayang Wu, Kaixia Hu, Hong Lin

The prevalence of online content has led to the widespread adoption of recommendation systems (RSs), which serve diverse purposes such as news, advertisements, and e-commerce recommendations. Despite their significance, data scarcity issues have significantly impaired the effectiveness of existing RS models and hindered their progress. To address this challenge, the concept of knowledge transfer, particularly from external sources like pre-trained language models, emerges as a potential solution to alleviate data scarcity and enhance RS development. However, the practice of knowledge transfer in RSs is intricate. Transferring knowledge between domains introduces data disparities, and the application of knowledge transfer in complex RS scenarios can yield negative consequences if not carefully designed. Therefore, this article contributes to this discourse by addressing the implications of data scarcity on RSs and introducing various strategies, such as data augmentation, self-supervised learning, transfer learning, broad learning, and knowledge graph utilization, to mitigate this challenge. Furthermore, it delves into the challenges and future direction within the RS domain, offering insights that are poised to facilitate the development and implementation of robust RSs, particularly when confronted with data scarcity. We aim to provide valuable guidance and inspiration for researchers and practitioners, ultimately driving advancements in the field of RS.

Assessing LLMs for Moral Value Pluralism. (arXiv:2312.10075v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Noam Benkler, Drisana Mosaphir, Scott Friedman, Andrew Smart, Sonja Schmer-Galunder

The fields of AI current lacks methods to quantitatively assess and potentially alter the moral values inherent in the output of large language models (LLMs). However, decades of social science research has developed and refined widely-accepted moral value surveys, such as the World Values Survey (WVS), eliciting value judgments from direct questions in various geographies. We have turned those questions into value statements and use NLP to compute to how well popular LLMs are aligned with moral values for various demographics and cultures. While the WVS is accepted as an explicit assessment of values, we lack methods for assessing implicit moral and cultural values in media, e.g., encountered in social media, political rhetoric, narratives, and generated by AI systems such as LLMs that are increasingly present in our daily lives. As we consume online content and utilize LLM outputs, we might ask, which moral values are being implicitly promoted or undercut, or -- in the case of LLMs -- if they are intending to represent a cultural identity, are they doing so consistently? In this paper we utilize a Recognizing Value Resonance (RVR) NLP model to identify WVS values that resonate and conflict with a given passage of output text. We apply RVR to the text generated by LLMs to characterize implicit moral values, allowing us to quantify the moral/cultural distance between LLMs and various demographics that have been surveyed using the WVS. In line with other work we find that LLMs exhibit several Western-centric value biases; they overestimate how conservative people in non-Western countries are, they are less accurate in representing gender for non-Western countries, and portray older populations as having more traditional values. Our results highlight value misalignment and age groups, and a need for social science informed technological solutions addressing value plurality in LLMs.

Early ChatGPT User Portrait through the Lens of Data. (arXiv:2312.10078v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Yuyang Deng, Ni Zhao, Xin Huang

Since its launch, ChatGPT has achieved remarkable success as a versatile conversational AI platform, drawing millions of users worldwide and garnering widespread recognition across academic, industrial, and general communities. This paper aims to point a portrait of early GPT users and understand how they evolved. Specific questions include their topics of interest and their potential careers; and how this changes over time. We conduct a detailed analysis of real-world ChatGPT datasets with multi-turn conversations between users and ChatGPT. Through a multi-pronged approach, we quantify conversation dynamics by examining the number of turns, then gauge sentiment to understand user sentiment variations, and finally employ Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) to discern overarching topics within the conversation. By understanding shifts in user demographics and interests, we aim to shed light on the changing nature of human-AI interaction and anticipate future trends in user engagement with language models.

Music Recommendation on Spotify using Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.10079v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Chhavi Maheshwari

Hosting about 50 million songs and 4 billion playlists, there is an enormous amount of data generated at Spotify every single day - upwards of 600 gigabytes of data ( Since the algorithms that Spotify uses in recommendation systems is proprietary and confidential, code for big data analytics and recommendation can only be speculated. However, it is widely theorized that Spotify uses two main strategies to target users' playlists and personalized mixes that are infamous for their retention - exploration and exploitation ( This paper aims to appropriate filtering using the approach of deep learning for maximum user likeability. The architecture achieves 98.57% and 80% training and validation accuracy respectively.

No prejudice! Fair Federated Graph Neural Networks for Personalized Recommendation. (arXiv:2312.10080v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Nimesh Agrawal, Anuj Kumar Sirohi, Jayadeva, Sandeep Kumar

Ensuring fairness in Recommendation Systems (RSs) across demographic groups is critical due to the increased integration of RSs in applications such as personalized healthcare, finance, and e-commerce. Graph-based RSs play a crucial role in capturing intricate higher-order interactions among entities. However, integrating these graph models into the Federated Learning (FL) paradigm with fairness constraints poses formidable challenges as this requires access to the entire interaction graph and sensitive user information (such as gender, age, etc.) at the central server. This paper addresses the pervasive issue of inherent bias within RSs for different demographic groups without compromising the privacy of sensitive user attributes in FL environment with the graph-based model. To address the group bias, we propose F2PGNN (Fair Federated Personalized Graph Neural Network), a novel framework that leverages the power of Personalized Graph Neural Network (GNN) coupled with fairness considerations. Additionally, we use differential privacy techniques to fortify privacy protection. Experimental evaluation on three publicly available datasets showcases the efficacy of F2PGNN in mitigating group unfairness by 47% - 99% compared to the state-of-the-art while preserving privacy and maintaining the utility. The results validate the significance of our framework in achieving equitable and personalized recommendations using GNN within the FL landscape.

The Limits of Fair Medical Imaging AI In The Wild. (arXiv:2312.10083v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Yuzhe Yang, Haoran Zhang, Judy W Gichoya, Dina Katabi, Marzyeh Ghassemi

As artificial intelligence (AI) rapidly approaches human-level performance in medical imaging, it is crucial that it does not exacerbate or propagate healthcare disparities. Prior research has established AI's capacity to infer demographic data from chest X-rays, leading to a key concern: do models using demographic shortcuts have unfair predictions across subpopulations? In this study, we conduct a thorough investigation into the extent to which medical AI utilizes demographic encodings, focusing on potential fairness discrepancies within both in-distribution training sets and external test sets. Our analysis covers three key medical imaging disciplines: radiology, dermatology, and ophthalmology, and incorporates data from six global chest X-ray datasets. We confirm that medical imaging AI leverages demographic shortcuts in disease classification. While correcting shortcuts algorithmically effectively addresses fairness gaps to create "locally optimal" models within the original data distribution, this optimality is not true in new test settings. Surprisingly, we find that models with less encoding of demographic attributes are often most "globally optimal", exhibiting better fairness during model evaluation in new test environments. Our work establishes best practices for medical imaging models which maintain their performance and fairness in deployments beyond their initial training contexts, underscoring critical considerations for AI clinical deployments across populations and sites.

Advancements in Content-Based Image Retrieval: A Comprehensive Survey of Relevance Feedback Techniques. (arXiv:2312.10089v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hamed Qazanfari, Mohammad M. AlyanNezhadi, Zohreh Nozari Khoshdaregi

Content-based image retrieval (CBIR) systems have emerged as crucial tools in the field of computer vision, allowing for image search based on visual content rather than relying solely on metadata. This survey paper presents a comprehensive overview of CBIR, emphasizing its role in object detection and its potential to identify and retrieve visually similar images based on content features. Challenges faced by CBIR systems, including the semantic gap and scalability, are discussed, along with potential solutions. It elaborates on the semantic gap, which arises from the disparity between low-level features and high-level semantic concepts, and explores approaches to bridge this gap. One notable solution is the integration of relevance feedback (RF), empowering users to provide feedback on retrieved images and refine search results iteratively. The survey encompasses long-term and short-term learning approaches that leverage RF for enhanced CBIR accuracy and relevance. These methods focus on weight optimization and the utilization of active learning algorithms to select samples for training classifiers. Furthermore, the paper investigates machine learning techniques and the utilization of deep learning and convolutional neural networks to enhance CBIR performance. This survey paper plays a significant role in advancing the understanding of CBIR and RF techniques. It guides researchers and practitioners in comprehending existing methodologies, challenges, and potential solutions while fostering knowledge dissemination and identifying research gaps. By addressing future research directions, it sets the stage for advancements in CBIR that will enhance retrieval accuracy, usability, and effectiveness in various application domains.

Evaluative Item-Contrastive Explanations in Rankings. (arXiv:2312.10094v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Alessandro Castelnovo, Riccardo Crupi, Nicolò Mombelli, Gabriele Nanino, Daniele Regoli

The remarkable success of Artificial Intelligence in advancing automated decision-making is evident both in academia and industry. Within the plethora of applications, ranking systems hold significant importance in various domains. This paper advocates for the application of a specific form of Explainable AI -- namely, contrastive explanations -- as particularly well-suited for addressing ranking problems. This approach is especially potent when combined with an Evaluative AI methodology, which conscientiously evaluates both positive and negative aspects influencing a potential ranking. Therefore, the present work introduces Evaluative Item-Contrastive Explanations tailored for ranking systems and illustrates its application and characteristics through an experiment conducted on publicly available data.

Casual Social Media Use among the Youth: Effects on Online and Offline Political Participation. (arXiv:2312.10095v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Mehdi Barati

Background: Previous studies suggest that social media use among the youth is correlated with online and offline political participation. There is also a mixed and inconclusive debate on whether more online political participation in the youth increases their offline political participation. Methods: This study uses three models of OLS, two-way fixed effects, and an instrumental variable approach to make causal inferences about social media use, online, and offline political participation of the youth. Findings: The analyses provide evidence of a large effect of casual social media use on online political participation, and no effect or negligible effect on offline political participation and voting behavior. The results from fixed effects and instrumental variable models provide strong evidence of elasticity between online and offline political participation in young individuals. On average, a one percent increase in online political participation increases the offline political activity index by 0.12 percent.

Towards Context-Aware Domain Generalization: Representing Environments with Permutation-Invariant Networks. (arXiv:2312.10107v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jens Müller, Lars Kühmichel, Martin Rohbeck, Stefan T. Radev, Ullrich Köthe

In this work, we show that information about the context of an input $X$ can improve the predictions of deep learning models when applied in new domains or production environments. We formalize the notion of context as a permutation-invariant representation of a set of data points that originate from the same environment/domain as the input itself. These representations are jointly learned with a standard supervised learning objective, providing incremental information about the unknown outcome. Furthermore, we offer a theoretical analysis of the conditions under which our approach can, in principle, yield benefits, and formulate two necessary criteria that can be easily verified in practice. Additionally, we contribute insights into the kind of distribution shifts for which our approach promises robustness. Our empirical evaluation demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach for both low-dimensional and high-dimensional data sets. Finally, we demonstrate that we can reliably detect scenarios where a model is tasked with unwarranted extrapolation in out-of-distribution (OOD) domains, identifying potential failure cases. Consequently, we showcase a method to select between the most predictive and the most robust model, circumventing the well-known trade-off between predictive performance and robustness.

Privacy-Aware Document Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2312.10108v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rubèn Tito, Khanh Nguyen, Marlon Tobaben, Raouf Kerkouche, Mohamed Ali Souibgui, Kangsoo Jung, Lei Kang, Ernest Valveny, Antti Honkela, Mario Fritz, Dimosthenis Karatzas

Document Visual Question Answering (DocVQA) is a fast growing branch of document understanding. Despite the fact that documents contain sensitive or copyrighted information, none of the current DocVQA methods offers strong privacy guarantees.

In this work, we explore privacy in the domain of DocVQA for the first time. We highlight privacy issues in state of the art multi-modal LLM models used for DocVQA, and explore possible solutions.

Specifically, we focus on the invoice processing use case as a realistic, widely used scenario for document understanding, and propose a large scale DocVQA dataset comprising invoice documents and associated questions and answers. We employ a federated learning scheme, that reflects the real-life distribution of documents in different businesses, and we explore the use case where the ID of the invoice issuer is the sensitive information to be protected.

We demonstrate that non-private models tend to memorise, behaviour that can lead to exposing private information. We then evaluate baseline training schemes employing federated learning and differential privacy in this multi-modal scenario, where the sensitive information might be exposed through any of the two input modalities: vision (document image) or language (OCR tokens).

Finally, we design an attack exploiting the memorisation effect of the model, and demonstrate its effectiveness in probing different DocVQA models.

Enlighten-Your-Voice: When Multimodal Meets Zero-shot Low-light Image Enhancement. (arXiv:2312.10109v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaofeng Zhang, Zishan Xu, Hao Tang, Chaochen Gu, Wei Chen, Shanying Zhu, Xinping Guan

Low-light image enhancement is a crucial visual task, and many unsupervised methods tend to overlook the degradation of visible information in low-light scenes, which adversely affects the fusion of complementary information and hinders the generation of satisfactory results. To address this, our study introduces ``Enlighten-Your-Voice'', a multimodal enhancement framework that innovatively enriches user interaction through voice and textual commands. This approach does not merely signify a technical leap but also represents a paradigm shift in user engagement. Our model is equipped with a Dual Collaborative Attention Module (DCAM) that meticulously caters to distinct content and color discrepancies, thereby facilitating nuanced enhancements. Complementarily, we introduce a Semantic Feature Fusion (SFM) plug-and-play module that synergizes semantic context with low-light enhancement operations, sharpening the algorithm's efficacy. Crucially, ``Enlighten-Your-Voice'' showcases remarkable generalization in unsupervised zero-shot scenarios. The source code can be accessed from

An Information-Flow Perspective on Algorithmic Fairness. (arXiv:2312.10128v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Samuel Teuber, Bernhard Beckert

This work presents insights gained by investigating the relationship between algorithmic fairness and the concept of secure information flow. The problem of enforcing secure information flow is well-studied in the context of information security: If secret information may "flow" through an algorithm or program in such a way that it can influence the program's output, then that is considered insecure information flow as attackers could potentially observe (parts of) the secret.

There is a strong correspondence between secure information flow and algorithmic fairness: if protected attributes such as race, gender, or age are treated as secret program inputs, then secure information flow means that these ``secret'' attributes cannot influence the result of a program. While most research in algorithmic fairness evaluation concentrates on studying the impact of algorithms (often treating the algorithm as a black-box), the concepts derived from information flow can be used both for the analysis of disparate treatment as well as disparate impact w.r.t. a structural causal model.

In this paper, we examine the relationship between quantitative as well as qualitative information-flow properties and fairness. Moreover, based on this duality, we derive a new quantitative notion of fairness called fairness spread, which can be easily analyzed using quantitative information flow and which strongly relates to counterfactual fairness. We demonstrate that off-the-shelf tools for information-flow properties can be used in order to formally analyze a program's algorithmic fairness properties, including the new notion of fairness spread as well as established notions such as demographic parity.

Data-Efficient Multimodal Fusion on a Single GPU. (arXiv:2312.10144v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Noël Vouitsis, Zhaoyan Liu, Satya Krishna Gorti, Valentin Villecroze, Jesse C. Cresswell, Guangwei Yu, Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem, Maksims Volkovs

The goal of multimodal alignment is to learn a single latent space that is shared between multimodal inputs. The most powerful models in this space have been trained using massive datasets of paired inputs and large-scale computational resources, making them prohibitively expensive to train in many practical scenarios. We surmise that existing unimodal encoders pre-trained on large amounts of unimodal data should provide an effective bootstrap to create multimodal models from unimodal ones at much lower costs. We therefore propose FuseMix, a multimodal augmentation scheme that operates on the latent spaces of arbitrary pre-trained unimodal encoders. Using FuseMix for multimodal alignment, we achieve competitive performance -- and in certain cases outperform state-of-the art methods -- in both image-text and audio-text retrieval, with orders of magnitude less compute and data: for example, we outperform CLIP on the Flickr30K text-to-image retrieval task with $\sim \! 600\times$ fewer GPU days and $\sim \! 80\times$ fewer image-text pairs. Additionally, we show how our method can be applied to convert pre-trained text-to-image generative models into audio-to-image ones. Code is available at:

Bayesian Metaplasticity from Synaptic Uncertainty. (arXiv:2312.10153v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Djohan Bonnet, Tifenn Hirtzlin, Tarcisius Januel, Thomas Dalgaty, Damien Querlioz, Elisa Vianello

Catastrophic forgetting remains a challenge for neural networks, especially in lifelong learning scenarios. In this study, we introduce MEtaplasticity from Synaptic Uncertainty (MESU), inspired by metaplasticity and Bayesian inference principles. MESU harnesses synaptic uncertainty to retain information over time, with its update rule closely approximating the diagonal Newton's method for synaptic updates. Through continual learning experiments on permuted MNIST tasks, we demonstrate MESU's remarkable capability to maintain learning performance across 100 tasks without the need of explicit task boundaries.

UINav: A maker of UI automation agents. (arXiv:2312.10170v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Wei Li, Fu-Lin Hsu, Will Bishop, Folawiyo Campbell-Ajala, Oriana Riva, Max Lin

An automation system that can execute natural language instructions by driving the user interface (UI) of an application can benefit users, especially when situationally or permanently impaired. Traditional automation systems (manual scripting, programming by demonstration tools, etc.) do not produce generalizable models that can tolerate changes in the UI or task workflow. Machine-learned automation agents generalize better, but either work only in simple, hand-crafted applications or rely on large pre-trained models, which may be too computationally expensive to run on mobile devices. In this paper, we propose \emph{UINav}, a demonstration-based agent maker system. UINav agents are lightweight enough to run on mobile devices, yet they achieve high success rates with a modest number of task demonstrations. To minimize the number of task demonstrations, UINav includes a referee model that allows users to receive immediate feedback on tasks where the agent is failing to best guide efforts to collect additional demonstrations. Further, UINav adopts macro actions to reduce an agent's state space, and augments human demonstrations to increase the diversity of training data. Our evaluation demonstrates that with an average of 10 demonstrations per task UINav can achieve an accuracy of 70\% or higher, and that with enough demonstrations it can achieve near-perfect success rates on 40+ different tasks.

Coupling Fairness and Pruning in a Single Run: a Bi-level Optimization Perspective. (arXiv:2312.10181v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yucong Dai, Gen Li, Feng Luo, Xiaolong Ma, Yongkai Wu

Deep neural networks have demonstrated remarkable performance in various tasks. With a growing need for sparse deep learning, model compression techniques, especially pruning, have gained significant attention. However, conventional pruning techniques can inadvertently exacerbate algorithmic bias, resulting in unequal predictions. To address this, we define a fair pruning task where a sparse model is derived subject to fairness requirements. In particular, we propose a framework to jointly optimize the pruning mask and weight update processes with fairness constraints. This framework is engineered to compress models that maintain performance while ensuring fairness in a single execution. To this end, we formulate the fair pruning problem as a novel constrained bi-level optimization task and derive efficient and effective solving strategies. We design experiments spanning various datasets and settings to validate our proposed method. Our empirical analysis contrasts our framework with several mainstream pruning strategies, emphasizing our method's superiority in maintaining model fairness, performance, and efficiency.

SoloPose: One-Shot Kinematic 3D Human Pose Estimation with Video Data Augmentation. (arXiv:2312.10195v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: David C. Jeong, Hongji Liu, Saunder Salazar, Jessie Jiang, Christopher A. Kitts

While recent two-stage many-to-one deep learning models have demonstrated great success in 3D human pose estimation, such models are inefficient ways to detect 3D key points in a sequential video relative to one-shot and many-to-many models. Another key drawback of two-stage and many-to-one models is that errors in the first stage will be passed onto the second stage. In this paper, we introduce SoloPose, a novel one-shot, many-to-many spatio-temporal transformer model for kinematic 3D human pose estimation of video. SoloPose is further fortified by HeatPose, a 3D heatmap based on Gaussian Mixture Model distributions that factors target key points as well as kinematically adjacent key points. Finally, we address data diversity constraints with the 3D AugMotion Toolkit, a methodology to augment existing 3D human pose datasets, specifically by projecting four top public 3D human pose datasets (Humans3.6M, MADS, AIST Dance++, MPI INF 3DHP) into a novel dataset (Humans7.1M) with a universal coordinate system. Extensive experiments are conducted on Human3.6M as well as the augmented Humans7.1M dataset, and SoloPose demonstrates superior results relative to the state-of-the-art approaches.

CARAT: Contrastive Feature Reconstruction and Aggregation for Multi-modal Multi-label Emotion Recognition. (arXiv:2312.10201v1 [cs.MM])

Authors: Cheng Peng, Ke Chen, Lidan Shou, Gang Chen

Multi-modal multi-label emotion recognition (MMER) aims to identify relevant emotions from multiple modalities. The challenge of MMER is how to effectively capture discriminative features for multiple labels from heterogeneous data. Recent studies are mainly devoted to exploring various fusion strategies to integrate multi-modal information into a unified representation for all labels. However, such a learning scheme not only overlooks the specificity of each modality but also fails to capture individual discriminative features for different labels. Moreover, dependencies of labels and modalities cannot be effectively modeled. To address these issues, this paper presents ContrAstive feature Reconstruction and AggregaTion (CARAT) for the MMER task. Specifically, we devise a reconstruction-based fusion mechanism to better model fine-grained modality-to-label dependencies by contrastively learning modal-separated and label-specific features. To further exploit the modality complementarity, we introduce a shuffle-based aggregation strategy to enrich co-occurrence collaboration among labels. Experiments on two benchmark datasets CMU-MOSEI and M3ED demonstrate the effectiveness of CARAT over state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at

The Complexity of Optimizing Atomic Congestion. (arXiv:2312.10219v1 [cs.GT])

Authors: Cornelius Brand, Robert Ganian, Subrahmanyam Kalyanasundaram, Fionn Mc Inerney

Atomic congestion games are a classic topic in network design, routing, and algorithmic game theory, and are capable of modeling congestion and flow optimization tasks in various application areas. While both the price of anarchy for such games as well as the computational complexity of computing their Nash equilibria are by now well-understood, the computational complexity of computing a system-optimal set of strategies -- that is, a centrally planned routing that minimizes the average cost of agents -- is severely understudied in the literature. We close this gap by identifying the exact boundaries of tractability for the problem through the lens of the parameterized complexity paradigm. After showing that the problem remains highly intractable even on extremely simple networks, we obtain a set of results which demonstrate that the structural parameters which control the computational (in)tractability of the problem are not vertex-separator based in nature (such as, e.g., treewidth), but rather based on edge separators. We conclude by extending our analysis towards the (even more challenging) min-max variant of the problem.

Constrained Meta-Reinforcement Learning for Adaptable Safety Guarantee with Differentiable Convex Programming. (arXiv:2312.10230v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Minjae Cho, Chuangchuang Sun

Despite remarkable achievements in artificial intelligence, the deployability of learning-enabled systems in high-stakes real-world environments still faces persistent challenges. For example, in safety-critical domains like autonomous driving, robotic manipulation, and healthcare, it is crucial not only to achieve high performance but also to comply with given constraints. Furthermore, adaptability becomes paramount in non-stationary domains, where environmental parameters are subject to change. While safety and adaptability are recognized as key qualities for the new generation of AI, current approaches have not demonstrated effective adaptable performance in constrained settings. Hence, this paper breaks new ground by studying the unique challenges of ensuring safety in non-stationary environments by solving constrained problems through the lens of the meta-learning approach (learning-to-learn). While unconstrained meta-learning al-ready encounters complexities in end-to-end differentiation of the loss due to the bi-level nature, its constrained counterpart introduces an additional layer of difficulty, since the constraints imposed on task-level updates complicate the differentiation process. To address the issue, we first employ successive convex-constrained policy updates across multiple tasks with differentiable convexprogramming, which allows meta-learning in constrained scenarios by enabling end-to-end differentiation. This approach empowers the agent to rapidly adapt to new tasks under non-stationarity while ensuring compliance with safety constraints.

Half-Truth: A Partially Fake Audio Detection Dataset. (arXiv:2104.03617v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiangyan Yi, Ye Bai, Jianhua Tao, Haoxin Ma, Zhengkun Tian, Chenglong Wang, Tao Wang, Ruibo Fu

Diverse promising datasets have been designed to hold back the development of fake audio detection, such as ASVspoof databases. However, previous datasets ignore an attacking situation, in which the hacker hides some small fake clips in real speech audio. This poses a serious threat since that it is difficult to distinguish the small fake clip from the whole speech utterance. Therefore, this paper develops such a dataset for half-truth audio detection (HAD). Partially fake audio in the HAD dataset involves only changing a few words in an utterance.The audio of the words is generated with the very latest state-of-the-art speech synthesis technology. We can not only detect fake uttrances but also localize manipulated regions in a speech using this dataset. Some benchmark results are presented on this dataset. The results show that partially fake audio presents much more challenging than fully fake audio for fake audio detection. The HAD dataset is publicly available:

On the Compression of Neural Networks Using $\ell_0$-Norm Regularization and Weight Pruning. (arXiv:2109.05075v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Felipe Dennis de Resende Oliveira, Eduardo Luiz Ortiz Batista, Rui Seara

Despite the growing availability of high-capacity computational platforms, implementation complexity still has been a great concern for the real-world deployment of neural networks. This concern is not exclusively due to the huge costs of state-of-the-art network architectures, but also due to the recent push towards edge intelligence and the use of neural networks in embedded applications. In this context, network compression techniques have been gaining interest due to their ability for reducing deployment costs while keeping inference accuracy at satisfactory levels. The present paper is dedicated to the development of a novel compression scheme for neural networks. To this end, a new form of $\ell_0$-norm-based regularization is firstly developed, which is capable of inducing strong sparseness in the network during training. Then, targeting the smaller weights of the trained network with pruning techniques, smaller yet highly effective networks can be obtained. The proposed compression scheme also involves the use of $\ell_2$-norm regularization to avoid overfitting as well as fine tuning to improve the performance of the pruned network. Experimental results are presented aiming to show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme as well as to make comparisons with competing approaches.

RecurSeed and EdgePredictMix: Pseudo-Label Refinement Learning for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation across Single- and Multi-Stage Frameworks. (arXiv:2204.06754v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sanghyun Jo, In-Jae Yu, Kyungsu Kim

Although weakly supervised semantic segmentation using only image-level labels (WSSS-IL) is potentially useful, its low performance and implementation complexity still limit its application. The main causes are (a) non-detection and (b) false-detection phenomena: (a) The class activation maps refined from existing WSSS-IL methods still only represent partial regions for large-scale objects, and (b) for small-scale objects, over-activation causes them to deviate from the object edges. We propose RecurSeed, which alternately reduces non- and false detections through recursive iterations, thereby implicitly finding an optimal junction that minimizes both errors. We also propose a novel data augmentation (DA) approach called EdgePredictMix, which further expresses an object's edge by utilizing the probability difference information between adjacent pixels in combining the segmentation results, thereby compensating for the shortcomings when applying the existing DA methods to WSSS. We achieved new state-of-the-art performances on both the PASCAL VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 benchmarks (VOC val: 74.4%, COCO val: 46.4%). The code is available at

Impartial Games: A Challenge for Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2205.12787v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Bei Zhou, Søren Riis

While AlphaZero-style reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms excel in various board games, in this paper we show that they face challenges on impartial games where players share pieces. We present a concrete example of a game - namely the children's game of Nim - and other impartial games that seem to be a stumbling block for AlphaZero-style and similar self-play reinforcement learning algorithms.

Our work is built on the challenges posed by the intricacies of data distribution on the ability of neural networks to learn parity functions, exacerbated by the noisy labels issue. Our findings are consistent with recent studies showing that AlphaZero-style algorithms are vulnerable to adversarial attacks and adversarial perturbations, showing the difficulty of learning to master the games in all legal states.

We show that Nim can be learned on small boards, but the learning progress of AlphaZero-style algorithms dramatically slows down when the board size increases. Intuitively, the difference between impartial games like Nim and partisan games like Chess and Go can be explained by the fact that if a small part of the board is covered for impartial games it is typically not possible to predict whether the position is won or lost as there is often zero correlation between the visible part of a partly blanked-out position and its correct evaluation. This situation starkly contrasts partisan games where a partly blanked-out board position typically provides abundant or at least non-trifle information about the value of the fully uncovered position.

Disentangled Representation with Causal Constraints for Counterfactual Fairness. (arXiv:2208.09147v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziqi Xu, Jixue Liu, Debo Cheng, Jiuyong Li, Lin Liu, Ke Wang

Much research has been devoted to the problem of learning fair representations; however, they do not explicitly the relationship between latent representations. In many real-world applications, there may be causal relationships between latent representations. Furthermore, most fair representation learning methods focus on group-level fairness and are based on correlations, ignoring the causal relationships underlying the data. In this work, we theoretically demonstrate that using the structured representations enable downstream predictive models to achieve counterfactual fairness, and then we propose the Counterfactual Fairness Variational AutoEncoder (CF-VAE) to obtain structured representations with respect to domain knowledge. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves better fairness and accuracy performance than the benchmark fairness methods.

Detecting fake accounts through Generative Adversarial Network in online social media. (arXiv:2210.15657v2 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinus Bordbar, Mohammadreza Mohammadrezaie, Saman Ardalan, Mohammad Ebrahim Shiri

Online social media is integral to human life, facilitating messaging, information sharing, and confidential communication while preserving privacy. Platforms like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook exemplify this phenomenon. However, users face challenges due to network anomalies, often stemming from malicious activities such as identity theft for financial gain or harm. This paper proposes a novel method using user similarity measures and the Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) algorithm to identify fake user accounts in the Twitter dataset. Despite the problem's complexity, the method achieves an AUC rate of 80\% in classifying and detecting fake accounts. Notably, the study builds on previous research, highlighting advancements and insights into the evolving landscape of anomaly detection in online social networks.

Neural Meta-Symbolic Reasoning and Learning. (arXiv:2211.11650v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zihan Ye, Hikaru Shindo, Devendra Singh Dhami, Kristian Kersting

Deep neural learning uses an increasing amount of computation and data to solve very specific problems. By stark contrast, human minds solve a wide range of problems using a fixed amount of computation and limited experience. One ability that seems crucial to this kind of general intelligence is meta-reasoning, i.e., our ability to reason about reasoning. To make deep learning do more from less, we propose the first neural meta-symbolic system (NEMESYS) for reasoning and learning: meta programming using differentiable forward-chaining reasoning in first-order logic. Differentiable meta programming naturally allows NEMESYS to reason and learn several tasks efficiently. This is different from performing object-level deep reasoning and learning, which refers in some way to entities external to the system. In contrast, NEMESYS enables self-introspection, lifting from object- to meta-level reasoning and vice versa. In our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that NEMESYS can solve different kinds of tasks by adapting the meta-level programs without modifying the internal reasoning system. Moreover, we show that NEMESYS can learn meta-level programs given examples. This is difficult, if not impossible, for standard differentiable logic programming

Fake detection in imbalance dataset by Semi-supervised learning with GAN. (arXiv:2212.01071v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinus Bordbar, Saman Ardalan, Mohammadreza Mohammadrezaie, Zahra Ghasemi

As social media continues to grow rapidly, the prevalence of harassment on these platforms has also increased. This has piqued the interest of researchers in the field of fake detection. Social media data, often forms complex graphs with numerous nodes, posing several challenges. These challenges and limitations include dealing with a significant amount of irrelevant features in matrices and addressing issues such as high data dispersion and an imbalanced class distribution within the dataset. To overcome these challenges and limitations, researchers have employed auto-encoders and a combination of semi-supervised learning with a GAN algorithm, referred to as SGAN. Our proposed method utilizes auto-encoders for feature extraction and incorporates SGAN. By leveraging an unlabeled dataset, the unsupervised layer of SGAN compensates for the limited availability of labeled data, making efficient use of the limited number of labeled instances. Multiple evaluation metrics were employed, including the Confusion Matrix and the ROC curve. The dataset was divided into training and testing sets, with 100 labeled samples for training and 1,000 samples for testing. The novelty of our research lies in applying SGAN to address the issue of imbalanced datasets in fake account detection. By optimizing the use of a smaller number of labeled instances and reducing the need for extensive computational power, our method offers a more efficient solution. Additionally, our study contributes to the field by achieving an 81% accuracy in detecting fake accounts using only 100 labeled samples. This demonstrates the potential of SGAN as a powerful tool for handling minority classes and addressing big data challenges in fake account detection.

ClimaX: A foundation model for weather and climate. (arXiv:2301.10343v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Tung Nguyen, Johannes Brandstetter, Ashish Kapoor, Jayesh K. Gupta, Aditya Grover

Most state-of-the-art approaches for weather and climate modeling are based on physics-informed numerical models of the atmosphere. These approaches aim to model the non-linear dynamics and complex interactions between multiple variables, which are challenging to approximate. Additionally, many such numerical models are computationally intensive, especially when modeling the atmospheric phenomenon at a fine-grained spatial and temporal resolution. Recent data-driven approaches based on machine learning instead aim to directly solve a downstream forecasting or projection task by learning a data-driven functional mapping using deep neural networks. However, these networks are trained using curated and homogeneous climate datasets for specific spatiotemporal tasks, and thus lack the generality of numerical models. We develop and demonstrate ClimaX, a flexible and generalizable deep learning model for weather and climate science that can be trained using heterogeneous datasets spanning different variables, spatio-temporal coverage, and physical groundings. ClimaX extends the Transformer architecture with novel encoding and aggregation blocks that allow effective use of available compute while maintaining general utility. ClimaX is pre-trained with a self-supervised learning objective on climate datasets derived from CMIP6. The pre-trained ClimaX can then be fine-tuned to address a breadth of climate and weather tasks, including those that involve atmospheric variables and spatio-temporal scales unseen during pretraining. Compared to existing data-driven baselines, we show that this generality in ClimaX results in superior performance on benchmarks for weather forecasting and climate projections, even when pretrained at lower resolutions and compute budgets. The source code is available at

Editing Language Model-based Knowledge Graph Embeddings. (arXiv:2301.10405v7 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyuan Cheng, Bozhong Tian, Xi Chen, Ningyu Zhang, Qingbing Liu, Huajun Chen

Recently decades have witnessed the empirical success of framing Knowledge Graph (KG) embeddings via language models. However, language model-based KG embeddings are usually deployed as static artifacts, making them difficult to modify post-deployment without re-training after deployment. To address this issue, we propose a new task of editing language model-based KG embeddings in this paper. This task is designed to facilitate rapid, data-efficient updates to KG embeddings without compromising the performance of other aspects. We build four new datasets: E-FB15k237, A-FB15k237, E-WN18RR, and A-WN18RR, and evaluate several knowledge editing baselines demonstrating the limited ability of previous models to handle the proposed challenging task. We further propose a simple yet strong baseline dubbed KGEditor, which utilizes additional parametric layers of the hypernetwork to edit/add facts. Our comprehensive experimental results reveal that KGEditor excels in updating specific facts without impacting the overall performance, even when faced with limited training resources. Code and datasets are available in

Efficient Enumeration of Markov Equivalent DAGs. (arXiv:2301.12212v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Marcel Wienöbst, Malte Luttermann, Max Bannach, Maciej Liśkiewicz

Enumerating the directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of a Markov equivalence class (MEC) is an important primitive in causal analysis. The central resource from the perspective of computational complexity is the delay, that is, the time an algorithm that lists all members of the class requires between two consecutive outputs. Commonly used algorithms for this task utilize the rules proposed by Meek (1995) or the transformational characterization by Chickering (1995), both resulting in superlinear delay. In this paper, we present the first linear-time delay algorithm. On the theoretical side, we show that our algorithm can be generalized to enumerate DAGs represented by models that incorporate background knowledge, such as MPDAGs; on the practical side, we provide an efficient implementation and evaluate it in a series of experiments. Complementary to the linear-time delay algorithm, we also provide intriguing insights into Markov equivalence itself: All members of an MEC can be enumerated such that two successive DAGs have structural Hamming distance at most three.

Limited Query Graph Connectivity Test. (arXiv:2302.13036v3 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingyu Guo, Jialiang Li, Aneta Neumann, Frank Neumann, Hung Nguyen

We propose a combinatorial optimisation model called Limited Query Graph Connectivity Test. We consider a graph whose edges have two possible states (On/Off). The edges' states are hidden initially. We could query an edge to reveal its state. Given a source s and a destination t, we aim to test s-t connectivity by identifying either a path (consisting of only On edges) or a cut (consisting of only Off edges). We are limited to B queries, after which we stop regardless of whether graph connectivity is established. We aim to design a query policy that minimizes the expected number of queries.

Our model is mainly motivated by a cyber security use case where we need to establish whether an attack path exists in a network, between a source and a destination. Edge query is resolved by manual effort from the IT admin, which is the motivation behind query minimization.

Our model is highly related to monotone Stochastic Boolean Function Evaluation (SBFE). There are two existing exact algorithms for SBFE that are prohibitively expensive. We propose a significantly more scalable exact algorithm. While previous exact algorithms only scale for trivial graphs (i.e., past works experimented on at most 20 edges), we empirically demonstrate that our algorithm is scalable for a wide range of much larger practical graphs (i.e., Windows domain network graphs with tens of thousands of edges).

We propose three heuristics. Our best-performing heuristic is via reducing the search horizon of the exact algorithm. The other two are via reinforcement learning (RL) and Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS). We also derive an anytime algorithm for computing the performance lower bound. Experimentally, we show that all our heuristics are near optimal. The exact algorithm based heuristic outperforms all, surpassing RL, MCTS and 8 existing heuristics ported from SBFE and related literature.

FFT-based Dynamic Token Mixer for Vision. (arXiv:2303.03932v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuki Tatsunami, Masato Taki

Multi-head-self-attention (MHSA)-equipped models have achieved notable performance in computer vision. Their computational complexity is proportional to quadratic numbers of pixels in input feature maps, resulting in slow processing, especially when dealing with high-resolution images. New types of token-mixer are proposed as an alternative to MHSA to circumvent this problem: an FFT-based token-mixer involves global operations similar to MHSA but with lower computational complexity. However, despite its attractive properties, the FFT-based token-mixer has not been carefully examined in terms of its compatibility with the rapidly evolving MetaFormer architecture. Here, we propose a novel token-mixer called Dynamic Filter and novel image recognition models, DFFormer and CDFFormer, to close the gaps above. The results of image classification and downstream tasks, analysis, and visualization show that our models are helpful. Notably, their throughput and memory efficiency when dealing with high-resolution image recognition is remarkable. Our results indicate that Dynamic Filter is one of the token-mixer options that should be seriously considered. The code is available at

Understanding the Role of the Projector in Knowledge Distillation. (arXiv:2303.11098v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Roy Miles, Krystian Mikolajczyk

In this paper we revisit the efficacy of knowledge distillation as a function matching and metric learning problem. In doing so we verify three important design decisions, namely the normalisation, soft maximum function, and projection layers as key ingredients. We theoretically show that the projector implicitly encodes information on past examples, enabling relational gradients for the student. We then show that the normalisation of representations is tightly coupled with the training dynamics of this projector, which can have a large impact on the students performance. Finally, we show that a simple soft maximum function can be used to address any significant capacity gap problems. Experimental results on various benchmark datasets demonstrate that using these insights can lead to superior or comparable performance to state-of-the-art knowledge distillation techniques, despite being much more computationally efficient. In particular, we obtain these results across image classification (CIFAR100 and ImageNet), object detection (COCO2017), and on more difficult distillation objectives, such as training data efficient transformers, whereby we attain a 77.2% top-1 accuracy with DeiT-Ti on ImageNet. Code and models are publicly available.

SoftCLIP: Softer Cross-modal Alignment Makes CLIP Stronger. (arXiv:2303.17561v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuting Gao, Jinfeng Liu, Zihan Xu, Tong Wu Enwei Zhang, Wei Liu, Jie Yang, Ke Li, Xing Sun

During the preceding biennium, vision-language pre-training has achieved noteworthy success on several downstream tasks. Nevertheless, acquiring high-quality image-text pairs, where the pairs are entirely exclusive of each other, remains a challenging task, and noise exists in the commonly used datasets. To address this issue, we propose SoftCLIP, a novel approach that relaxes the strict one-to-one constraint and achieves a soft cross-modal alignment by introducing a softened target, which is generated from the fine-grained intra-modal self-similarity. The intra-modal guidance is indicative to enable two pairs have some local similarities and model many-to-many relationships between the two modalities. Besides, since the positive still dominates in the softened target distribution, we disentangle the negatives in the distribution to further boost the relation alignment with the negatives in the cross-modal learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SoftCLIP. In particular, on ImageNet zero-shot classification task, using CC3M/CC12M as pre-training dataset, SoftCLIP brings a top-1 accuracy improvement of 6.8%/7.2% over the CLIP baseline.

Knowledge-enhanced Agents for Interactive Text Games. (arXiv:2305.05091v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Prateek Chhikara, Jiarui Zhang, Filip Ilievski, Jonathan Francis, Kaixin Ma

Communication via natural language is a key aspect of machine intelligence, and it requires computational models to learn and reason about world concepts, with varying levels of supervision. Significant progress has been made on fully-supervised non-interactive tasks, such as question-answering and procedural text understanding. Yet, various sequential interactive tasks, as in text-based games, have revealed limitations of existing approaches in terms of coherence, contextual awareness, and their ability to learn effectively from the environment. In this paper, we propose a knowledge-injection framework for improved functional grounding of agents in text-based games. Specifically, we consider two forms of domain knowledge that we inject into learning-based agents: memory of previous correct actions and affordances of relevant objects in the environment. Our framework supports two representative model classes: reinforcement learning agents and language model agents. Furthermore, we devise multiple injection strategies for the above domain knowledge types and agent architectures, including injection via knowledge graphs and augmentation of the existing input encoding strategies. We experiment with four models on the 10 tasks in the ScienceWorld text-based game environment, to illustrate the impact of knowledge injection on various model configurations and challenging task settings. Our findings provide crucial insights into the interplay between task properties, model architectures, and domain knowledge for interactive contexts.

A Surprisingly Simple Continuous-Action POMDP Solver: Lazy Cross-Entropy Search Over Policy Trees. (arXiv:2305.08049v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Marcus Hoerger, Hanna Kurniawati, Dirk Kroese, Nan Ye

The Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) provides a principled framework for decision making in stochastic partially observable environments. However, computing good solutions for problems with continuous action spaces remains challenging. To ease this challenge, we propose a simple online POMDP solver, called Lazy Cross-Entropy Search Over Policy Trees (LCEOPT). At each planning step, our method uses a novel lazy Cross-Entropy method to search the space of policy trees, which provide a simple policy representation. Specifically, we maintain a distribution on promising finite-horizon policy trees. The distribution is iteratively updated by sampling policies, evaluating them via Monte Carlo simulation, and refitting them to the top-performing ones. Our method is lazy in the sense that it exploits the policy tree representation to avoid redundant computations in policy sampling, evaluation, and distribution update. This leads to computational savings of up to two orders of magnitude. Our LCEOPT is surprisingly simple as compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, yet empirically outperforms them on several continuous-action POMDP problems, particularly for problems with higher-dimensional action spaces.

ZeroSCROLLS: A Zero-Shot Benchmark for Long Text Understanding. (arXiv:2305.14196v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Uri Shaham, Maor Ivgi, Avia Efrat, Jonathan Berant, Omer Levy

We introduce ZeroSCROLLS, a zero-shot benchmark for natural language understanding over long texts, which contains only test and small validation sets, without training data. We adapt six tasks from the SCROLLS benchmark, and add four new datasets, including two novel information fusing tasks, such as aggregating the percentage of positive reviews. Using ZeroSCROLLS, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation of both open-source and closed large language models, finding that Claude outperforms ChatGPT, and that GPT-4 achieves the highest average score. However, there is still room for improvement on multiple open challenges in ZeroSCROLLS, such as aggregation tasks, where models struggle to pass the naive baseline. As the state of the art is a moving target, we invite researchers to evaluate their ideas on the live ZeroSCROLLS leaderboard.

Negative Feedback Training: A Novel Concept to Improve Robustness of NVCIM DNN Accelerators. (arXiv:2305.14561v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifan Qin, Zheyu Yan, Wujie Wen, Xiaobo Sharon Hu, Yiyu Shi

Compute-in-memory (CIM) accelerators built upon non-volatile memory (NVM) devices excel in energy efficiency and latency when performing Deep Neural Network (DNN) inference, thanks to their in-situ data processing capability. However, the stochastic nature and intrinsic variations of NVM devices often result in performance degradation in DNN inference. Introducing these non-ideal device behaviors during DNN training enhances robustness, but drawbacks include limited accuracy improvement, reduced prediction confidence, and convergence issues. This arises from a mismatch between the deterministic training and non-deterministic device variations, as such training, though considering variations, relies solely on the model's final output. In this work, we draw inspiration from the control theory and propose a novel training concept: Negative Feedback Training (NFT) leveraging the multi-scale noisy information captured from network. We develop two specific NFT instances, Oriented Variational Forward (OVF) and Intermediate Representation Snapshot (IRS). Extensive experiments show that our methods outperform existing state-of-the-art methods with up to a 46.71% improvement in inference accuracy while reducing epistemic uncertainty, boosting output confidence, and improving convergence probability. Their effectiveness highlights the generality and practicality of our NFT concept in enhancing DNN robustness against device variations.

GLOBE-CE: A Translation-Based Approach for Global Counterfactual Explanations. (arXiv:2305.17021v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dan Ley, Saumitra Mishra, Daniele Magazzeni

Counterfactual explanations have been widely studied in explainability, with a range of application dependent methods prominent in fairness, recourse and model understanding. The major shortcoming associated with these methods, however, is their inability to provide explanations beyond the local or instance-level. While many works touch upon the notion of a global explanation, typically suggesting to aggregate masses of local explanations in the hope of ascertaining global properties, few provide frameworks that are both reliable and computationally tractable. Meanwhile, practitioners are requesting more efficient and interactive explainability tools. We take this opportunity to propose Global & Efficient Counterfactual Explanations (GLOBE-CE), a flexible framework that tackles the reliability and scalability issues associated with current state-of-the-art, particularly on higher dimensional datasets and in the presence of continuous features. Furthermore, we provide a unique mathematical analysis of categorical feature translations, utilising it in our method. Experimental evaluation with publicly available datasets and user studies demonstrate that GLOBE-CE performs significantly better than the current state-of-the-art across multiple metrics (e.g., speed, reliability).

VILAS: Exploring the Effects of Vision and Language Context in Automatic Speech Recognition. (arXiv:2305.19972v2 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziyi Ni, Minglun Han, Feilong Chen, Linghui Meng, Jing Shi, Pin Lv, Bo Xu

Enhancing automatic speech recognition (ASR) performance by leveraging additional multimodal information has shown promising results in previous studies. However, most of these works have primarily focused on utilizing visual cues derived from human lip motions. In fact, context-dependent visual and linguistic cues can also benefit in many scenarios. In this paper, we first propose ViLaS (Vision and Language into Automatic Speech Recognition), a novel multimodal ASR model based on the continuous integrate-and-fire (CIF) mechanism, which can integrate visual and textual context simultaneously or separately, to facilitate speech recognition. Next, we introduce an effective training strategy that improves performance in modal-incomplete test scenarios. Then, to explore the effects of integrating vision and language, we create VSDial, a multimodal ASR dataset with multimodal context cues in both Chinese and English versions. Finally, empirical results are reported on the public Flickr8K and self-constructed VSDial datasets. We explore various cross-modal fusion schemes, analyze fine-grained crossmodal alignment on VSDial, and provide insights into the effects of integrating multimodal information on speech recognition.

BetaZero: Belief-State Planning for Long-Horizon POMDPs using Learned Approximations. (arXiv:2306.00249v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Robert J. Moss, Anthony Corso, Jef Caers, Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Real-world planning problems, including autonomous driving and sustainable energy applications like carbon storage and resource exploration, have recently been modeled as partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) and solved using approximate methods. To solve high-dimensional POMDPs in practice, state-of-the-art methods use online planning with problem-specific heuristics to reduce planning horizons and make the problems tractable. Algorithms that learn approximations to replace heuristics have recently found success in large-scale fully observable domains. The key insight is the combination of online Monte Carlo tree search with offline neural network approximations of the optimal policy and value function. In this work, we bring this insight to partially observed domains and propose BetaZero, a belief-state planning algorithm for high-dimensional POMDPs. BetaZero learns offline approximations that replace heuristics to enable online decision making in long-horizon problems. We address several challenges inherent in large-scale partially observable domains; namely challenges of transitioning in stochastic environments, prioritizing action branching with a limited search budget, and representing beliefs as input to the network. To formalize the use of all limited search information we train against a novel Q-weighted policy vector target. We test BetaZero on various well-established benchmark POMDPs found in the literature and a real-world, high-dimensional problem of critical mineral exploration. Experiments show that BetaZero outperforms state-of-the-art POMDP solvers on a variety of tasks.

FigGen: Text to Scientific Figure Generation. (arXiv:2306.00800v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Juan A Rodriguez, David Vazquez, Issam Laradji, Marco Pedersoli, Pau Rodriguez

The generative modeling landscape has experienced tremendous growth in recent years, particularly in generating natural images and art. Recent techniques have shown impressive potential in creating complex visual compositions while delivering impressive realism and quality. However, state-of-the-art methods have been focusing on the narrow domain of natural images, while other distributions remain unexplored. In this paper, we introduce the problem of text-to-figure generation, that is creating scientific figures of papers from text descriptions. We present FigGen, a diffusion-based approach for text-to-figure as well as the main challenges of the proposed task. Code and models are available at

Learning Linear Causal Representations from Interventions under General Nonlinear Mixing. (arXiv:2306.02235v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Buchholz, Goutham Rajendran, Elan Rosenfeld, Bryon Aragam, Bernhard Schölkopf, Pradeep Ravikumar

We study the problem of learning causal representations from unknown, latent interventions in a general setting, where the latent distribution is Gaussian but the mixing function is completely general. We prove strong identifiability results given unknown single-node interventions, i.e., without having access to the intervention targets. This generalizes prior works which have focused on weaker classes, such as linear maps or paired counterfactual data. This is also the first instance of causal identifiability from non-paired interventions for deep neural network embeddings. Our proof relies on carefully uncovering the high-dimensional geometric structure present in the data distribution after a non-linear density transformation, which we capture by analyzing quadratic forms of precision matrices of the latent distributions. Finally, we propose a contrastive algorithm to identify the latent variables in practice and evaluate its performance on various tasks.

Elephants and Algorithms: A Review of the Current and Future Role of AI in Elephant Monitoring. (arXiv:2306.13803v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Leandra Brickson, Fritz Vollrath, Alexander J. Titus

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) present revolutionary opportunities to enhance our understanding of animal behavior and conservation strategies. Using elephants, a crucial species in Africa's protected areas, as our focal point, we delve into the role of AI and ML in their conservation. Given the increasing amounts of data gathered from a variety of sensors like cameras, microphones, geophones, drones, and satellites, the challenge lies in managing and interpreting this vast data. New AI and ML techniques offer solutions to streamline this process, helping us extract vital information that might otherwise be overlooked. This paper focuses on the different AI-driven monitoring methods and their potential for improving elephant conservation. Collaborative efforts between AI experts and ecological researchers are essential in leveraging these innovative technologies for enhanced wildlife conservation, setting a precedent for numerous other species.

Learning to Rank in Generative Retrieval. (arXiv:2306.15222v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongqi Li, Nan Yang, Liang Wang, Furu Wei, Wenjie Li

Generative retrieval stands out as a promising new paradigm in text retrieval that aims to generate identifier strings of relevant passages as the retrieval target. This generative paradigm taps into powerful generative language models, distinct from traditional sparse or dense retrieval methods. However, only learning to generate is insufficient for generative retrieval. Generative retrieval learns to generate identifiers of relevant passages as an intermediate goal and then converts predicted identifiers into the final passage rank list. The disconnect between the learning objective of autoregressive models and the desired passage ranking target leads to a learning gap. To bridge this gap, we propose a learning-to-rank framework for generative retrieval, dubbed LTRGR. LTRGR enables generative retrieval to learn to rank passages directly, optimizing the autoregressive model toward the final passage ranking target via a rank loss. This framework only requires an additional learning-to-rank training phase to enhance current generative retrieval systems and does not add any burden to the inference stage. We conducted experiments on three public benchmarks, and the results demonstrate that LTRGR achieves state-of-the-art performance among generative retrieval methods. The code and checkpoints are released at

All in One: Multi-task Prompting for Graph Neural Networks. (arXiv:2307.01504v2 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiangguo Sun, Hong Cheng, Jia Li, Bo Liu, Jihong Guan

Recently, ''pre-training and fine-tuning'' has been adopted as a standard workflow for many graph tasks since it can take general graph knowledge to relieve the lack of graph annotations from each application. However, graph tasks with node level, edge level, and graph level are far diversified, making the pre-training pretext often incompatible with these multiple tasks. This gap may even cause a ''negative transfer'' to the specific application, leading to poor results. Inspired by the prompt learning in natural language processing (NLP), which has presented significant effectiveness in leveraging prior knowledge for various NLP tasks, we study the prompting topic for graphs with the motivation of filling the gap between pre-trained models and various graph tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-task prompting method for graph models. Specifically, we first unify the format of graph prompts and language prompts with the prompt token, token structure, and inserting pattern. In this way, the prompting idea from NLP can be seamlessly introduced to the graph area. Then, to further narrow the gap between various graph tasks and state-of-the-art pre-training strategies, we further study the task space of various graph applications and reformulate downstream problems to the graph-level task. Afterward, we introduce meta-learning to efficiently learn a better initialization for the multi-task prompt of graphs so that our prompting framework can be more reliable and general for different tasks. We conduct extensive experiments, results from which demonstrate the superiority of our method.

STS-CCL: Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Contextual Contrastive Learning for Urban Traffic Forecasting. (arXiv:2307.02507v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lincan Li, Kaixiang Yang, Fengji Luo, Jichao Bi

Efficiently capturing the complex spatiotemporal representations from large-scale unlabeled traffic data remains to be a challenging task. In considering of the dilemma, this work employs the advanced contrastive learning and proposes a novel Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Contextual Contrastive Learning (STS-CCL) model. First, we elaborate the basic and strong augmentation methods for spatiotemporal graph data, which not only perturb the data in terms of graph structure and temporal characteristics, but also employ a learning-based dynamic graph view generator for adaptive augmentation. Second, we introduce a Spatial-Temporal Synchronous Contrastive Module (STS-CM) to simultaneously capture the decent spatial-temporal dependencies and realize graph-level contrasting. To further discriminate node individuals in negative filtering, a Semantic Contextual Contrastive method is designed based on semantic features and spatial heterogeneity, achieving node-level contrastive learning along with negative filtering. Finally, we present a hard mutual-view contrastive training scheme and extend the classic contrastive loss to an integrated objective function, yielding better performance. Extensive experiments and evaluations demonstrate that building a predictor upon STS-CCL contrastive learning model gains superior performance than existing traffic forecasting benchmarks. The proposed STS-CCL is highly suitable for large datasets with only a few labeled data and other spatiotemporal tasks with data scarcity issue.

Does Visual Pretraining Help End-to-End Reasoning?. (arXiv:2307.08506v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chen Sun, Calvin Luo, Xingyi Zhou, Anurag Arnab, Cordelia Schmid

We aim to investigate whether end-to-end learning of visual reasoning can be achieved with general-purpose neural networks, with the help of visual pretraining. A positive result would refute the common belief that explicit visual abstraction (e.g. object detection) is essential for compositional generalization on visual reasoning, and confirm the feasibility of a neural network "generalist" to solve visual recognition and reasoning tasks. We propose a simple and general self-supervised framework which "compresses" each video frame into a small set of tokens with a transformer network, and reconstructs the remaining frames based on the compressed temporal context. To minimize the reconstruction loss, the network must learn a compact representation for each image, as well as capture temporal dynamics and object permanence from temporal context. We perform evaluation on two visual reasoning benchmarks, CATER and ACRE. We observe that pretraining is essential to achieve compositional generalization for end-to-end visual reasoning. Our proposed framework outperforms traditional supervised pretraining, including image classification and explicit object detection, by large margins.

Neural Bradley-Terry Rating: Quantifying Properties from Comparisons. (arXiv:2307.13709v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Satoru Fujii

Many properties in the real world doesn't have metrics and can't be numerically observed, making them difficult to learn. To deal with this challenging problem, prior works have primarily focused on estimating those properties by using graded human scores as the target label in the training. Meanwhile, rating algorithms based on the Bradley-Terry model are extensively studied to evaluate the competitiveness of players based on their match history. In this paper, we introduce the Neural Bradley-Terry Rating (NBTR), a novel machine learning framework designed to quantify and evaluate properties of unknown items. Our method seamlessly integrates the Bradley-Terry model into the neural network structure. Moreover, we generalize this architecture further to asymmetric environments with unfairness, a condition more commonly encountered in real-world settings. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate that NBTR successfully learns to quantify and estimate desired properties.

Minimally-Supervised Speech Synthesis with Conditional Diffusion Model and Language Model: A Comparative Study of Semantic Coding. (arXiv:2307.15484v3 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Chunyu Qiang, Hao Li, Hao Ni, He Qu, Ruibo Fu, Tao Wang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang

Recently, there has been a growing interest in text-to-speech (TTS) methods that can be trained with minimal supervision by combining two types of discrete speech representations and using two sequence-to-sequence tasks to decouple TTS. However, existing methods suffer from three problems: the high dimensionality and waveform distortion of discrete speech representations, the prosodic averaging problem caused by the duration prediction model in non-autoregressive frameworks, and the information redundancy and dimension explosion problems of existing semantic encoding methods. To address these problems, three progressive methods are proposed. First, we propose Diff-LM-Speech, an autoregressive structure consisting of a language model and diffusion models, which models the semantic embedding into the mel-spectrogram based on a diffusion model to achieve higher audio quality. We also introduce a prompt encoder structure based on a variational autoencoder and a prosody bottleneck to improve prompt representation ability. Second, we propose Tetra-Diff-Speech, a non-autoregressive structure consisting of four diffusion model-based modules that design a duration diffusion model to achieve diverse prosodic expressions. Finally, we propose Tri-Diff-Speech, a non-autoregressive structure consisting of three diffusion model-based modules that verify the non-necessity of existing semantic encoding models and achieve the best results. Experimental results show that our proposed methods outperform baseline methods. We provide a website with audio samples.

ETHER: Aligning Emergent Communication for Hindsight Experience Replay. (arXiv:2307.15494v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kevin Denamganaï, Daniel Hernandez, Ozan Vardal, Sondess Missaoui, James Alfred Walker

Natural language instruction following is paramount to enable collaboration between artificial agents and human beings. Natural language-conditioned reinforcement learning (RL) agents have shown how natural languages' properties, such as compositionality, can provide a strong inductive bias to learn complex policies. Previous architectures like HIGhER combine the benefit of language-conditioning with Hindsight Experience Replay (HER) to deal with sparse rewards environments. Yet, like HER, HIGhER relies on an oracle predicate function to provide a feedback signal highlighting which linguistic description is valid for which state. This reliance on an oracle limits its application. Additionally, HIGhER only leverages the linguistic information contained in successful RL trajectories, thus hurting its final performance and data-efficiency. Without early successful trajectories, HIGhER is no better than DQN upon which it is built. In this paper, we propose the Emergent Textual Hindsight Experience Replay (ETHER) agent, which builds on HIGhER and addresses both of its limitations by means of (i) a discriminative visual referential game, commonly studied in the subfield of Emergent Communication (EC), used here as an unsupervised auxiliary task and (ii) a semantic grounding scheme to align the emergent language with the natural language of the instruction-following benchmark. We show that the referential game's agents make an artificial language emerge that is aligned with the natural-like language used to describe goals in the BabyAI benchmark and that it is expressive enough so as to also describe unsuccessful RL trajectories and thus provide feedback to the RL agent to leverage the linguistic, structured information contained in all trajectories. Our work shows that EC is a viable unsupervised auxiliary task for RL and provides missing pieces to make HER more widely applicable.

Bootstrapping Developmental AIs: From Simple Competences to Intelligent Human-Compatible AIs. (arXiv:2308.04586v13 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Mark Stefik, Robert Price

Mainstream approaches for creating AIs include deep learning and generative approaches (e.g., large language models) and manually constructed symbolic approaches. These approaches have led to valuable AI systems and impressive feats, but they can create risks when their operations affect people. Manually constructed AIs are brittle even in circumscribed domains. Generative AIs make strange mistakes and do not notice them. These AIs cannot be instructed easily, fail to use common sense, and lack curiosity. They lack social alignment. Developmental AI is a bootstrapping approach that uses embodied AIs. The AIs start with innate competences and learn by interacting with their environment. The AIs develop abilities in small steps along a bio-inspired trajectory. Developmental AIs have shown capabilities for multimodal perception, object recognition, and manipulation. Powerful computational models for hierarchical planning, abstraction discovery, curiosity, and language acquisition exist but need to be adapted to an embodied approach. This research aims to produce AIs that learn to communicate, establish common ground, read critically, consider the provenance of information, test hypotheses, and collaborate. However, developmental AI systems have not yet passed the abilities of young children. They need to bridge competence gaps involving nonverbal communication, speech, reading, and writing. Scaling to practical applications also requires reducing hardware costs. This position paper lays out prospects, gaps, and challenges for this approach. The ambition is to create data-rich experientially based foundation models for human-compatible, resilient, and trustworthy AIs. The AIs would learn, share what they learn, and collaborate to achieve high standards. The approach would make AI technology more democratic and enable more people to train, test, build on, and replicate AIs.

Few-shot Class-incremental Learning: A Survey. (arXiv:2308.06764v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinghua Zhang, Li Liu, Olli Silvén, Matti Pietikäinen, Dewen Hu

Few-shot Class-Incremental Learning (FSCIL) presents a unique challenge in Machine Learning (ML), as it necessitates the Incremental Learning (IL) of new classes from sparsely labeled training samples without forgetting previous knowledge. While this field has seen recent progress, it remains an active exploration area. This paper aims to provide a comprehensive and systematic review of FSCIL. In our in-depth examination, we delve into various facets of FSCIL, encompassing the problem definition, the discussion of the primary challenges of unreliable empirical risk minimization and the stability-plasticity dilemma, general schemes, and relevant problems of IL and Few-shot Learning (FSL). Besides, we offer an overview of benchmark datasets and evaluation metrics. Furthermore, we introduce the Few-shot Class-incremental Classification (FSCIC) methods from data-based, structure-based, and optimization-based approaches and the Few-shot Class-incremental Object Detection (FSCIOD) methods from anchor-free and anchor-based approaches. Beyond these, we present several promising research directions within FSCIL that merit further investigation.

FusionPlanner: A Multi-task Motion Planner for Mining Trucks via Multi-sensor Fusion. (arXiv:2308.06931v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyu Teng, Luxi Li, Yuchen Li, Xuemin Hu, Lingxi Li, Yunfeng Ai, Long Chen

In recent years, significant achievements have been made in motion planning for intelligent vehicles. However, as a typical unstructured environment, open-pit mining attracts limited attention due to its complex operational conditions and adverse environmental factors. A comprehensive paradigm for unmanned transportation in open-pit mines is proposed in this research. Firstly, we propose a multi-task motion planning algorithm, called FusionPlanner, for autonomous mining trucks by the multi-sensor fusion method to adapt both lateral and longitudinal control tasks for unmanned transportation. Then, we develop a novel benchmark called MiningNav, which offers three validation approaches to evaluate the trustworthiness and robustness of well-trained algorithms in transportation roads of open-pit mines. Finally, we introduce the Parallel Mining Simulator (PMS), a new high-fidelity simulator specifically designed for open-pit mining scenarios. PMS enables the users to manage and control open-pit mine transportation from both the single-truck control and multi-truck scheduling perspectives. The performance of FusionPlanner is tested by MiningNav in PMS, and the empirical results demonstrate a significant reduction in the number of collisions and takeovers of our planner. We anticipate our unmanned transportation paradigm will bring mining trucks one step closer to trustworthiness and robustness in continuous round-the-clock unmanned transportation.

Can Transformers Learn Optimal Filtering for Unknown Systems?. (arXiv:2308.08536v2 [eess.SY] UPDATED)

Authors: Haldun Balim, Zhe Du, Samet Oymak, Necmiye Ozay

Transformer models have shown great success in natural language processing; however, their potential remains mostly unexplored for dynamical systems. In this work, we investigate the optimal output estimation problem using transformers, which generate output predictions using all the past ones. Particularly, we train the transformer using various distinct systems and then evaluate the performance on unseen systems with unknown dynamics. Empirically, the trained transformer adapts exceedingly well to different unseen systems and even matches the optimal performance given by the Kalman filter for linear systems. In more complex settings with non-i.i.d. noise, time-varying dynamics, and nonlinear dynamics like a quadrotor system with unknown parameters, transformers also demonstrate promising results. To support our experimental findings, we provide statistical guarantees that quantify the amount of training data required for the transformer to achieve a desired excess risk. Finally, we point out some limitations by identifying two classes of problems that lead to degraded performance, highlighting the need for caution when using transformers for control and estimation.

From Hope to Safety: Unlearning Biases of Deep Models via Gradient Penalization in Latent Space. (arXiv:2308.09437v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Maximilian Dreyer, Frederik Pahde, Christopher J. Anders, Wojciech Samek, Sebastian Lapuschkin

Deep Neural Networks are prone to learning spurious correlations embedded in the training data, leading to potentially biased predictions. This poses risks when deploying these models for high-stake decision-making, such as in medical applications. Current methods for post-hoc model correction either require input-level annotations which are only possible for spatially localized biases, or augment the latent feature space, thereby hoping to enforce the right reasons. We present a novel method for model correction on the concept level that explicitly reduces model sensitivity towards biases via gradient penalization. When modeling biases via Concept Activation Vectors, we highlight the importance of choosing robust directions, as traditional regression-based approaches such as Support Vector Machines tend to result in diverging directions. We effectively mitigate biases in controlled and real-world settings on the ISIC, Bone Age, ImageNet and CelebA datasets using VGG, ResNet and EfficientNet architectures. Code is available on

On the Unexpected Abilities of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2308.09720v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Stefano Nolfi

Large Language Models (LLMs) are capable of displaying a wide range of abilities that are not directly connected with the task for which they are trained: predicting the next words of human-written texts. In this article, I review recent research investigating the cognitive abilities developed by LLMs and their relation to human cognition. I discuss the nature of the indirect process that leads to the acquisition of these cognitive abilities, their relation to other indirect processes, and the implications for the acquisition of integrated abilities. Moreover, I propose the factors that enable the development of abilities that are related only very indirectly to the proximal objective of the training task. Finally, I discuss whether the full set of capabilities that LLMs could possibly develop is predictable.

BLIVA: A Simple Multimodal LLM for Better Handling of Text-Rich Visual Questions. (arXiv:2308.09936v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenbo Hu, Yifan Xu, Yi Li, Weiyue Li, Zeyuan Chen, Zhuowen Tu

Vision Language Models (VLMs), which extend Large Language Models (LLM) by incorporating visual understanding capability, have demonstrated significant advancements in addressing open-ended visual question-answering (VQA) tasks. However, these models cannot accurately interpret images infused with text, a common occurrence in real-world scenarios. Standard procedures for extracting information from images often involve learning a fixed set of query embeddings. These embeddings are designed to encapsulate image contexts and are later used as soft prompt inputs in LLMs. Yet, this process is limited to the token count, potentially curtailing the recognition of scenes with text-rich context. To improve upon them, the present study introduces BLIVA: an augmented version of InstructBLIP with Visual Assistant. BLIVA incorporates the query embeddings from InstructBLIP and also directly projects encoded patch embeddings into the LLM, a technique inspired by LLaVA. This approach assists the model to capture intricate details potentially missed during the query decoding process. Empirical evidence demonstrates that our model, BLIVA, significantly enhances performance in processing text-rich VQA benchmarks (up to 17.76% in OCR-VQA benchmark) and in undertaking general (not particularly text-rich) VQA benchmarks (up to 7.9% in Visual Spatial Reasoning benchmark), and achieved 17.72% overall improvement in a comprehensive multimodal LLM benchmark (MME), comparing to our baseline InstructBLIP. BLIVA demonstrates significant capability in decoding real-world images, irrespective of text presence. To demonstrate the broad industry applications enabled by BLIVA, we evaluate the model using a new dataset comprising YouTube thumbnails paired with question-answer sets across 11 diverse categories. Our code and models are freely accessible at

ExpeL: LLM Agents Are Experiential Learners. (arXiv:2308.10144v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Andrew Zhao, Daniel Huang, Quentin Xu, Matthieu Lin, Yong-Jin Liu, Gao Huang

The recent surge in research interest in applying large language models (LLMs) to decision-making tasks has flourished by leveraging the extensive world knowledge embedded in LLMs. While there is a growing demand to tailor LLMs for custom decision-making tasks, finetuning them for specific tasks is resource-intensive and may diminish the model's generalization capabilities. Moreover, state-of-the-art language models like GPT-4 and Claude are primarily accessible through API calls, with their parametric weights remaining proprietary and unavailable to the public. This scenario emphasizes the growing need for new methodologies that allow learning from agent experiences without requiring parametric updates. To address these problems, we introduce the Experiential Learning (ExpeL) agent. Our agent autonomously gathers experiences and extracts knowledge using natural language from a collection of training tasks. At inference, the agent recalls its extracted insights and past experiences to make informed decisions. Our empirical results highlight the robust learning efficacy of the ExpeL agent, indicating a consistent enhancement in its performance as it accumulates experiences. We further explore the emerging capabilities and transfer learning potential of the ExpeL agent through qualitative observations and additional experiments.

MarkovGen: Structured Prediction for Efficient Text-to-Image Generation. (arXiv:2308.10997v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sadeep Jayasumana, Daniel Glasner, Srikumar Ramalingam, Andreas Veit, Ayan Chakrabarti, Sanjiv Kumar

Modern text-to-image generation models produce high-quality images that are both photorealistic and faithful to the text prompts. However, this quality comes at significant computational cost: nearly all of these models are iterative and require running sampling multiple times with large models. This iterative process is needed to ensure that different regions of the image are not only aligned with the text prompt, but also compatible with each other. In this work, we propose a light-weight approach to achieving this compatibility between different regions of an image, using a Markov Random Field (MRF) model. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this method on top of the latent token-based Muse text-to-image model. The MRF richly encodes the compatibility among image tokens at different spatial locations to improve quality and significantly reduce the required number of Muse sampling steps. Inference with the MRF is significantly cheaper, and its parameters can be quickly learned through back-propagation by modeling MRF inference as a differentiable neural-network layer. Our full model, MarkovGen, uses this proposed MRF model to both speed up Muse by 1.5X and produce higher quality images by decreasing undesirable image artifacts.

Knowledge Graph Prompting for Multi-Document Question Answering. (arXiv:2308.11730v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Wang, Nedim Lipka, Ryan A. Rossi, Alexa Siu, Ruiyi Zhang, Tyler Derr

The `pre-train, prompt, predict' paradigm of large language models (LLMs) has achieved remarkable success in open-domain question answering (OD-QA). However, few works explore this paradigm in the scenario of multi-document question answering (MD-QA), a task demanding a thorough understanding of the logical associations among the contents and structures of different documents. To fill this crucial gap, we propose a Knowledge Graph Prompting (KGP) method to formulate the right context in prompting LLMs for MD-QA, which consists of a graph construction module and a graph traversal module. For graph construction, we create a knowledge graph (KG) over multiple documents with nodes symbolizing passages or document structures (e.g., pages/tables), and edges denoting the semantic/lexical similarity between passages or intra-document structural relations. For graph traversal, we design an LLM-based graph traversal agent that navigates across nodes and gathers supporting passages assisting LLMs in MD-QA. The constructed graph serves as the global ruler that regulates the transitional space among passages and reduces retrieval latency. Concurrently, the graph traversal agent acts as a local navigator that gathers pertinent context to progressively approach the question and guarantee retrieval quality. Extensive experiments underscore the efficacy of KGP for MD-QA, signifying the potential of leveraging graphs in enhancing the prompt design for LLMs. Our code:

Will More Expressive Graph Neural Networks do Better on Generative Tasks?. (arXiv:2308.11978v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiandong Zou, Xiangyu Zhao, Pietro Liò, Yiren Zhao

Graph generation poses a significant challenge as it involves predicting a complete graph with multiple nodes and edges based on simply a given label. This task also carries fundamental importance to numerous real-world applications, including de-novo drug and molecular design. In recent years, several successful methods have emerged in the field of graph generation. However, these approaches suffer from two significant shortcomings: (1) the underlying Graph Neural Network (GNN) architectures used in these methods are often underexplored; and (2) these methods are often evaluated on only a limited number of metrics. To fill this gap, we investigate the expressiveness of GNNs under the context of the molecular graph generation task, by replacing the underlying GNNs of graph generative models with more expressive GNNs. Specifically, we analyse the performance of six GNNs on six different molecular generative objectives on the ZINC-250k dataset in two different generative frameworks: autoregressive generation models, such as GCPN and GraphAF, and one-shot generation models, such as GraphEBM. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that advanced GNNs can indeed improve the performance of GCPN, GraphAF, and GraphEBM on molecular generation tasks, but GNN expressiveness is not a necessary condition for a good GNN-based generative model. Moreover, we show that GCPN and GraphAF with advanced GNNs can achieve state-of-the-art results across 17 other non-GNN-based graph generative approaches, such as variational autoencoders and Bayesian optimisation models, on the proposed molecular generative objectives (DRD2, Median1, Median2), which are important metrics for de-novo molecular design.

When Do Program-of-Thoughts Work for Reasoning?. (arXiv:2308.15452v6 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Bi, Ningyu Zhang, Yinuo Jiang, Shumin Deng, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

In the realm of embodied artificial intelligence, the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) play a pivotal role. Although there are effective methods like program-of-thought prompting for LLMs which uses programming language to tackle complex reasoning tasks, the specific impact of code data on the improvement of reasoning capabilities remains under-explored. To address this gap, we propose complexity-impacted reasoning score (CIRS), which combines structural and logical attributes, to measure the correlation between code and reasoning abilities. Specifically, we use the abstract syntax tree to encode the structural information and calculate logical complexity by considering the difficulty and the cyclomatic complexity. Through an empirical analysis, we find not all code data of complexity can be learned or understood by LLMs. Optimal level of complexity is critical to the improvement of reasoning abilities by program-aided prompting. Then we design an auto-synthesizing and stratifying algorithm, and apply it to instruction generation for mathematical reasoning and code data filtering for code generation tasks. Extensive results demonstrates the effectiveness of our proposed approach. Code will be integrated into the EasyInstruct framework at

Learning Speech Representation From Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining. (arXiv:2309.00424v5 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Chunyu Qiang, Hao Li, Yixin Tian, Ruibo Fu, Tao Wang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang

For fine-grained generation and recognition tasks such as minimally-supervised text-to-speech (TTS), voice conversion (VC), and automatic speech recognition (ASR), the intermediate representations extracted from speech should serve as a "bridge" between text and acoustic information, containing information from both modalities. The semantic content is emphasized, while the paralinguistic information such as speaker identity and acoustic details should be de-emphasized. However, existing methods for extracting fine-grained intermediate representations from speech suffer from issues of excessive redundancy and dimension explosion. Contrastive learning is a good method for modeling intermediate representations from two modalities. However, existing contrastive learning methods in the audio field focus on extracting global descriptive information for downstream audio classification tasks, making them unsuitable for TTS, VC, and ASR tasks. To address these issues, we propose a method named "Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining (CTAP)", which uses two encoders to bring phoneme and speech into a joint multimodal space, learning how to connect phoneme and speech at the frame level. The CTAP model is trained on 210k speech and phoneme pairs, achieving minimally-supervised TTS, VC, and ASR. The proposed CTAP method offers a promising solution for fine-grained generation and recognition downstream tasks in speech processing. We provide a website with audio samples.

Deep Learning-Aided Subspace-Based DOA Recovery for Sparse Arrays. (arXiv:2309.05109v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Yoav Amiel, Dor H. Shmuel, Nir Shlezinger, Wasim Huleihel

Sparse arrays enable resolving more direction of arrivals (DoAs) than antenna elements using non-uniform arrays. This is typically achieved by reconstructing the covariance of a virtual large uniform linear array (ULA), which is then processed by subspace DoA estimators. However, these method assume that the signals are non-coherent and the array is calibrated; the latter often challenging to achieve in sparse arrays, where one cannot access the virtual array elements. In this work, we propose Sparse-SubspaceNet, which leverages deep learning to enable subspace-based DoA recovery from sparse miscallibrated arrays with coherent sources. Sparse- SubspaceNet utilizes a dedicated deep network to learn from data how to compute a surrogate virtual array covariance that is divisible into distinguishable subspaces. By doing so, we learn to cope with coherent sources and miscalibrated sparse arrays, while preserving the interpretability and the suitability of model-based subspace DoA estimators.

DePT: Decomposed Prompt Tuning for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning. (arXiv:2309.05173v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhengxiang Shi, Aldo Lipani

Prompt tuning (PT), where a small amount of trainable soft (continuous) prompt vectors is affixed to the input of language models (LM), has shown promising results across various tasks and models for parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). PT stands out from other PEFT approaches because it maintains competitive performance with fewer trainable parameters and does not drastically scale up its parameters as the model size expands. However, PT introduces additional soft prompt tokens, leading to longer input sequences, which significantly impacts training and inference time and memory usage due to the Transformer's quadratic complexity. Particularly concerning for Large Language Models (LLMs) that face heavy daily querying. To address this issue, we propose Decomposed Prompt Tuning (DePT), which decomposes the soft prompt into a shorter soft prompt and a pair of low-rank matrices that are then optimised with two different learning rates. This allows DePT to achieve better performance while saving over 20% memory and time costs compared to vanilla PT and its variants, without changing trainable parameter sizes. Through extensive experiments on 23 natural language processing (NLP) and vision-language (VL) tasks, we demonstrate that DePT outperforms state-of-the-art PEFT approaches, including the full fine-tuning baseline in some scenarios. Additionally, we empirically show that DEPT grows more efficient as the model size increases. Our further study reveals that DePT integrates seamlessly with parameter-efficient transfer learning in the few-shot learning setting and highlights its adaptability to various model architectures and sizes.

Leveraging SE(3) Equivariance for Learning 3D Geometric Shape Assembly. (arXiv:2309.06810v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruihai Wu, Chenrui Tie, Yushi Du, Yan Zhao, Hao Dong

Shape assembly aims to reassemble parts (or fragments) into a complete object, which is a common task in our daily life. Different from the semantic part assembly (e.g., assembling a chair's semantic parts like legs into a whole chair), geometric part assembly (e.g., assembling bowl fragments into a complete bowl) is an emerging task in computer vision and robotics. Instead of semantic information, this task focuses on geometric information of parts. As the both geometric and pose space of fractured parts are exceptionally large, shape pose disentanglement of part representations is beneficial to geometric shape assembly. In our paper, we propose to leverage SE(3) equivariance for such shape pose disentanglement. Moreover, while previous works in vision and robotics only consider SE(3) equivariance for the representations of single objects, we move a step forward and propose leveraging SE(3) equivariance for representations considering multi-part correlations, which further boosts the performance of the multi-part assembly. Experiments demonstrate the significance of SE(3) equivariance and our proposed method for geometric shape assembly. Project page:

Towards Reliable Dermatology Evaluation Benchmarks. (arXiv:2309.06961v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fabian Gröger, Simone Lionetti, Philippe Gottfrois, Alvaro Gonzalez-Jimenez, Matthew Groh, Roxana Daneshjou, Labelling Consortium, Alexander A. Navarini, Marc Pouly

Benchmark datasets for digital dermatology unwittingly contain inaccuracies that reduce trust in model performance estimates. We propose a resource-efficient data-cleaning protocol to identify issues that escaped previous curation. The protocol leverages an existing algorithmic cleaning strategy and is followed by a confirmation process terminated by an intuitive stopping criterion. Based on confirmation by multiple dermatologists, we remove irrelevant samples and near duplicates and estimate the percentage of label errors in six dermatology image datasets for model evaluation promoted by the International Skin Imaging Collaboration. Along with this paper, we publish revised file lists for each dataset which should be used for model evaluation. Our work paves the way for more trustworthy performance assessment in digital dermatology.

Geometric structure of Deep Learning networks and construction of global ${\mathcal L}^2$ minimizers. (arXiv:2309.10639v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Thomas Chen, Patricia Muñoz Ewald

In this paper, we provide a geometric interpretation of the structure of Deep Learning (DL) networks, characterized by $L$ hidden layers, a ReLU ramp activation function, an $\mathcal{L}^2$ Schatten class (or Hilbert-Schmidt) cost function, and input and output spaces $\mathbb{R}^Q$ with equal dimension $Q\geq1$. The hidden layers are also defined on $\mathbb{R}^{Q}$; the training input size $N$ can be arbitrarily large - thus, we are considering the underparametrized regime. We apply our recent results on shallow neural networks to construct an explicit family of minimizers for the global minimum of the cost function in the case $L\geq Q$, which we show to be degenerate. In the context presented here, the hidden layers of the DL network "curate" the training inputs by recursive application of a truncation map that minimizes the noise to signal ratio of the training inputs. Moreover, we determine a set of $2^Q-1$ distinct degenerate local minima of the cost function. Our constructions make no use of gradient descent algorithms at all.

On the Computational Benefit of Multimodal Learning. (arXiv:2309.13782v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhou Lu

Human perception inherently operates in a multimodal manner. Similarly, as machines interpret the empirical world, their learning processes ought to be multimodal. The recent, remarkable successes in empirical multimodal learning underscore the significance of understanding this paradigm. Yet, a solid theoretical foundation for multimodal learning has eluded the field for some time. While a recent study by Lu (2023) has shown the superior sample complexity of multimodal learning compared to its unimodal counterpart, another basic question remains: does multimodal learning also offer computational advantages over unimodal learning? This work initiates a study on the computational benefit of multimodal learning. We demonstrate that, under certain conditions, multimodal learning can outpace unimodal learning exponentially in terms of computation. Specifically, we present a learning task that is NP-hard for unimodal learning but is solvable in polynomial time by a multimodal algorithm. Our construction is based on a novel modification to the intersection of two half-spaces problem.

Multi-Source Domain Adaptation for Object Detection with Prototype-based Mean-teacher. (arXiv:2309.14950v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Atif Belal, Akhil Meethal, Francisco Perdigon Romero, Marco Pedersoli, Eric Granger

Adapting visual object detectors to operational target domains is a challenging task, commonly achieved using unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) methods. Recent studies have shown that when the labeled dataset comes from multiple source domains, treating them as separate domains and performing a multi-source domain adaptation (MSDA) improves the accuracy and robustness over blending these source domains and performing a UDA. For adaptation, existing MSDA methods learn domain-invariant and domain-specific parameters (for each source domain). However, unlike single-source UDA methods, learning domain-specific parameters makes them grow significantly in proportion to the number of source domains. This paper proposes a novel MSDA method called Prototype-based Mean Teacher (PMT), which uses class prototypes instead of domain-specific subnets to encode domain-specific information. These prototypes are learned using a contrastive loss, aligning the same categories across domains and separating different categories far apart. Given the use of prototypes, the number of parameters required for our PMT method does not increase significantly with the number of source domains, thus reducing memory issues and possible overfitting. Empirical studies indicate that PMT outperforms state-of-the-art MSDA methods on several challenging object detection datasets. Our code is available at

Maximum diffusion reinforcement learning. (arXiv:2309.15293v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Thomas A. Berrueta, Allison Pinosky, Todd D. Murphey

The assumption that data are independent and identically distributed underpins all machine learning. When data are collected sequentially from agent experiences this assumption does not generally hold, as in reinforcement learning. Here, we derive a method that overcomes these limitations by exploiting the statistical mechanics of ergodic processes, which we term maximum diffusion reinforcement learning. By decorrelating agent experiences, our approach provably enables single-shot learning in continuous deployments over the course of individual task attempts. Moreover, we prove our approach generalizes well-known maximum entropy techniques, and robustly exceeds state-of-the-art performance across popular benchmarks. Our results at the nexus of physics, learning, and control pave the way towards more transparent and reliable decision-making in reinforcement learning agents, such as locomoting robots and self-driving cars.

High-Fidelity Speech Synthesis with Minimal Supervision: All Using Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2309.15512v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Chunyu Qiang, Hao Li, Yixin Tian, Yi Zhao, Ying Zhang, Longbiao Wang, Jianwu Dang

Text-to-speech (TTS) methods have shown promising results in voice cloning, but they require a large number of labeled text-speech pairs. Minimally-supervised speech synthesis decouples TTS by combining two types of discrete speech representations(semantic \& acoustic) and using two sequence-to-sequence tasks to enable training with minimal supervision. However, existing methods suffer from information redundancy and dimension explosion in semantic representation, and high-frequency waveform distortion in discrete acoustic representation. Autoregressive frameworks exhibit typical instability and uncontrollability issues. And non-autoregressive frameworks suffer from prosodic averaging caused by duration prediction models. To address these issues, we propose a minimally-supervised high-fidelity speech synthesis method, where all modules are constructed based on the diffusion models. The non-autoregressive framework enhances controllability, and the duration diffusion model enables diversified prosodic expression. Contrastive Token-Acoustic Pretraining (CTAP) is used as an intermediate semantic representation to solve the problems of information redundancy and dimension explosion in existing semantic coding methods. Mel-spectrogram is used as the acoustic representation. Both semantic and acoustic representations are predicted by continuous variable regression tasks to solve the problem of high-frequency fine-grained waveform distortion. Experimental results show that our proposed method outperforms the baseline method. We provide audio samples on our website.

AdaRefiner: Refining Decisions of Language Models with Adaptive Feedback. (arXiv:2309.17176v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Wanpeng Zhang, Zongqing Lu

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant success across various domains. However, their application in complex decision-making tasks frequently necessitates intricate prompt engineering or fine-tuning, leading to challenges in unseen downstream tasks and heavy demands on computational resources. Meanwhile, Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been recognized as effective in decision-making problems but struggles in environments with sparse rewards, such as open-world games. To overcome these challenges, we introduce AdaRefiner, a novel framework designed to enhance the synergy between LLMs and RL feedback. The key component of AdaRefiner is a lightweight Adapter Language Model (LM), which automatically refines task comprehension based on feedback from RL agents. This method mitigates the need for intricate prompt engineering and intensive LLM fine-tuning while maintaining the LLMs' generalization abilities and enhancing their decision-making capabilities in downstream tasks. Empirical evaluations of AdaRefiner on 22 diverse tasks within the open-world game Crafter have demonstrated its superior effectiveness, especially in guiding agents towards higher-level and common-sense skills. Our work makes contributions to the automatic self-refinement of LLMs with RL feedback, offering a more adaptable and efficient solution for complex decision-making problems.

Selenite: Scaffolding Online Sensemaking with Comprehensive Overviews Elicited from Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.02161v3 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Michael Xieyang Liu, Tongshuang Wu, Tianying Chen, Franklin Mingzhe Li, Aniket Kittur, Brad A. Myers

Sensemaking in unfamiliar domains can be challenging, demanding considerable user effort to compare different options with respect to various criteria. Prior research and our formative study found that people would benefit from reading an overview of an information space upfront, including the criteria others previously found useful. However, existing sensemaking tools struggle with the "cold-start" problem -- not only requiring significant input from previous users to generate and share these overviews, but also that such overviews may turn out to be biased and incomplete. In this work, we introduce a novel system, Selenite, which leverages LLMs as reasoning machines and knowledge retrievers to automatically produce a comprehensive overview of options and criteria to jumpstart users' sensemaking processes. Subsequently, Selenite also adapts as people use it, helping users find, read, and navigate unfamiliar information in a systematic yet personalized manner. Through three studies, we found that Selenite produced accurate and high-quality overviews reliably, significantly accelerated users' information processing, and effectively improved their overall comprehension and sensemaking experience.

MagicDrive: Street View Generation with Diverse 3D Geometry Control. (arXiv:2310.02601v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruiyuan Gao, Kai Chen, Enze Xie, Lanqing Hong, Zhenguo Li, Dit-Yan Yeung, Qiang Xu

Recent advancements in diffusion models have significantly enhanced the data synthesis with 2D control. Yet, precise 3D control in street view generation, crucial for 3D perception tasks, remains elusive. Specifically, utilizing Bird's-Eye View (BEV) as the primary condition often leads to challenges in geometry control (e.g., height), affecting the representation of object shapes, occlusion patterns, and road surface elevations, all of which are essential to perception data synthesis, especially for 3D object detection tasks. In this paper, we introduce MagicDrive, a novel street view generation framework offering diverse 3D geometry controls, including camera poses, road maps, and 3D bounding boxes, together with textual descriptions, achieved through tailored encoding strategies. Besides, our design incorporates a cross-view attention module, ensuring consistency across multiple camera views. With MagicDrive, we achieve high-fidelity street-view synthesis that captures nuanced 3D geometry and various scene descriptions, enhancing tasks like BEV segmentation and 3D object detection.

Point-PEFT: Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning for 3D Pre-trained Models. (arXiv:2310.03059v5 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yiwen Tang, Ray Zhang, Zoey Guo, Xianzheng Ma, Dong Wang, Zhigang Wang, Bin Zhao, Xuelong Li

The popularity of pre-trained large models has revolutionized downstream tasks across diverse fields, such as language, vision, and multi-modality. To minimize the adaption cost for downstream tasks, many Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) techniques are proposed for language and 2D image pre-trained models. However, the specialized PEFT method for 3D pre-trained models is still under-explored. To this end, we introduce Point-PEFT, a novel framework for adapting point cloud pre-trained models with minimal learnable parameters. Specifically, for a pre-trained 3D model, we freeze most of its parameters, and only tune the newly added PEFT modules on downstream tasks, which consist of a Point-prior Prompt and a Geometry-aware Adapter. The Point-prior Prompt adopts a set of learnable prompt tokens, for which we propose to construct a memory bank with domain-specific knowledge, and utilize a parameter-free attention to enhance the prompt tokens. The Geometry-aware Adapter aims to aggregate point cloud features within spatial neighborhoods to capture fine-grained geometric information through local interactions. Extensive experiments indicate that our Point-PEFT can achieve better performance than the full fine-tuning on various downstream tasks, while using only 5% of the trainable parameters, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach. Code is released at

Taming Binarized Neural Networks and Mixed-Integer Programs. (arXiv:2310.04469v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Johannes Aspman, Georgios Korpas, Jakub Marecek

There has been a great deal of recent interest in binarized neural networks, especially because of their explainability. At the same time, automatic differentiation algorithms such as backpropagation fail for binarized neural networks, which limits their applicability. By reformulating the problem of training binarized neural networks as a subadditive dual of a mixed-integer program, we show that binarized neural networks admit a tame representation. This, in turn, makes it possible to use the framework of Bolte et al. for implicit differentiation, which offers the possibility for practical implementation of backpropagation in the context of binarized neural networks. This approach could also be used for a broader class of mixed-integer programs, beyond the training of binarized neural networks, as encountered in symbolic approaches to AI and beyond.

Flow Dynamics Correction for Action Recognition. (arXiv:2310.10059v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lei Wang, Piotr Koniusz

Various research studies indicate that action recognition performance highly depends on the types of motions being extracted and how accurate the human actions are represented. In this paper, we investigate different optical flow, and features extracted from these optical flow that capturing both short-term and long-term motion dynamics. We perform power normalization on the magnitude component of optical flow for flow dynamics correction to boost subtle or dampen sudden motions. We show that existing action recognition models which rely on optical flow are able to get performance boosted with our corrected optical flow. To further improve performance, we integrate our corrected flow dynamics into popular models through a simple hallucination step by selecting only the best performing optical flow features, and we show that by 'translating' the CNN feature maps into these optical flow features with different scales of motions leads to the new state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks including HMDB-51, YUP++, fine-grained action recognition on MPII Cooking Activities, and large-scale Charades.

PoisonPrompt: Backdoor Attack on Prompt-based Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.12439v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongwei Yao, Jian Lou, Zhan Qin

Prompts have significantly improved the performance of pretrained Large Language Models (LLMs) on various downstream tasks recently, making them increasingly indispensable for a diverse range of LLM application scenarios. However, the backdoor vulnerability, a serious security threat that can maliciously alter the victim model's normal predictions, has not been sufficiently explored for prompt-based LLMs. In this paper, we present POISONPROMPT, a novel backdoor attack capable of successfully compromising both hard and soft prompt-based LLMs. We evaluate the effectiveness, fidelity, and robustness of POISONPROMPT through extensive experiments on three popular prompt methods, using six datasets and three widely used LLMs. Our findings highlight the potential security threats posed by backdoor attacks on prompt-based LLMs and emphasize the need for further research in this area.

HetGPT: Harnessing the Power of Prompt Tuning in Pre-Trained Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks. (arXiv:2310.15318v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yihong Ma, Ning Yan, Jiayu Li, Masood Mortazavi, Nitesh V. Chawla

Graphs have emerged as a natural choice to represent and analyze the intricate patterns and rich information of the Web, enabling applications such as online page classification and social recommendation. The prevailing "pre-train, fine-tune" paradigm has been widely adopted in graph machine learning tasks, particularly in scenarios with limited labeled nodes. However, this approach often exhibits a misalignment between the training objectives of pretext tasks and those of downstream tasks. This gap can result in the "negative transfer" problem, wherein the knowledge gained from pre-training adversely affects performance in the downstream tasks. The surge in prompt-based learning within Natural Language Processing (NLP) suggests the potential of adapting a "pre-train, prompt" paradigm to graphs as an alternative. However, existing graph prompting techniques are tailored to homogeneous graphs, neglecting the inherent heterogeneity of Web graphs. To bridge this gap, we propose HetGPT, a general post-training prompting framework to improve the predictive performance of pre-trained heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs). The key is the design of a novel prompting function that integrates a virtual class prompt and a heterogeneous feature prompt, with the aim to reformulate downstream tasks to mirror pretext tasks. Moreover, HetGPT introduces a multi-view neighborhood aggregation mechanism, capturing the complex neighborhood structure in heterogeneous graphs. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets demonstrate HetGPT's capability to enhance the performance of state-of-the-art HGNNs on semi-supervised node classification.

An Open Source Data Contamination Report for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.17589v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yucheng Li

Data contamination in language model evaluation is increasingly prevalent as the popularity of large language models. It allows models to "cheat" via memorisation instead of displaying true capabilities. Therefore, contamination analysis has became an crucial part of reliable model evaluation to validate results. However, existing contamination analysis is usually conducted internally by LLM developers and often lacks transparency and completeness. This paper present an open source data contamination reports for the Llama series models. We analyse six popular multi-choice QA benchmarks and quantify their overlapping with the training set of Llama. Various levels of contamination ranging from 1\% to 8.7\% are found across benchmarks. Our comparison also reveals that Llama models can gain over 5\% higher accuracy on contaminated subsets versus clean subsets. Data and code are available at:

Is Channel Independent strategy optimal for Time Series Forecasting?. (arXiv:2310.17658v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuan Peiwen, Zhu Changsheng

There has been an emergence of various models for long-term time series forecasting. Recent studies have demonstrated that a single linear layer, using Channel Dependent (CD) or Channel Independent (CI) modeling, can even outperform a large number of sophisticated models. However, current research primarily considers CD and CI as two complementary yet mutually exclusive approaches, unable to harness these two extremes simultaneously. And it is also a challenging issue that both CD and CI are static strategies that cannot be determined to be optimal for a specific dataset without extensive experiments. In this paper, we reconsider whether the current CI strategy is the best solution for time series forecasting. First, we propose a simple yet effective strategy called CSC, which stands for $\mathbf{C}$hannel $\mathbf{S}$elf-$\mathbf{C}$lustering strategy, for linear models. Our Channel Self-Clustering (CSC) enhances CI strategy's performance improvements while reducing parameter size, for exmpale by over 10 times on electricity dataset, and significantly cutting training time. Second, we further propose Channel Rearrangement (CR), a method for deep models inspired by the self-clustering. CR attains competitive performance against baselines. Finally, we also discuss whether it is best to forecast the future values using the historical values of the same channel as inputs. We hope our findings and methods could inspire new solutions beyond CD/CI.

FormalGeo: The First Step Toward Human-like IMO-level Geometric Automated Reasoning. (arXiv:2310.18021v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaokai Zhang, Na Zhu, Yiming He, Jia Zou, Qike Huang, Xiaoxiao Jin, Yanjun Guo, Chenyang Mao, Zhe Zhu, Dengfeng Yue, Fangzhen Zhu, Yang Li, Yifan Wang, Yiwen Huang, Runan Wang, Cheng Qin, Zhenbing Zeng, Shaorong Xie, Xiangfeng Luo, Tuo Leng

This is the first paper in a series of work we have accomplished over the past three years. In this paper, we have constructed a complete and compatible formal plane geometry system. This will serve as a crucial bridge between IMO-level plane geometry challenges and readable AI automated reasoning. Within this formal framework, we have been able to seamlessly integrate modern AI models with our formal system. AI is now capable of providing deductive reasoning solutions to IMO-level plane geometry problems, just like handling other natural languages, and these proofs are readable, traceable, and verifiable. We propose the geometry formalization theory (GFT) to guide the development of the geometry formal system. Based on the GFT, we have established the FormalGeo, which consists of 88 geometric predicates and 196 theorems. It can represent, validate, and solve IMO-level geometry problems. we also have crafted the FGPS (formal geometry problem solver) in Python. It serves as both an interactive assistant for verifying problem-solving processes and an automated problem solver. We've annotated the formalgeo7k and formalgeo-imo datasets. The former contains 6,981 (expand to 133,818 through data augmentation) geometry problems, while the latter includes 18 (expand to 2,627 and continuously increasing) IMO-level challenging geometry problems. All annotated problems include detailed formal language descriptions and solutions. Implementation of the formal system and experiments validate the correctness and utility of the GFT. The backward depth-first search method only yields a 2.42% problem-solving failure rate, and we can incorporate deep learning techniques to achieve lower one. The source code of FGPS and datasets are available at

ReConTab: Regularized Contrastive Representation Learning for Tabular Data. (arXiv:2310.18541v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Suiyao Chen, Jing Wu, Naira Hovakimyan, Handong Yao

Representation learning stands as one of the critical machine learning techniques across various domains. Through the acquisition of high-quality features, pre-trained embeddings significantly reduce input space redundancy, benefiting downstream pattern recognition tasks such as classification, regression, or detection. Nonetheless, in the domain of tabular data, feature engineering and selection still heavily rely on manual intervention, leading to time-consuming processes and necessitating domain expertise. In response to this challenge, we introduce ReConTab, a deep automatic representation learning framework with regularized contrastive learning. Agnostic to any type of modeling task, ReConTab constructs an asymmetric autoencoder based on the same raw features from model inputs, producing low-dimensional representative embeddings. Specifically, regularization techniques are applied for raw feature selection. Meanwhile, ReConTab leverages contrastive learning to distill the most pertinent information for downstream tasks. Experiments conducted on extensive real-world datasets substantiate the framework's capacity to yield substantial and robust performance improvements. Furthermore, we empirically demonstrate that pre-trained embeddings can seamlessly integrate as easily adaptable features, enhancing the performance of various traditional methods such as XGBoost and Random Forest.

Towards Generalized Multi-stage Clustering: Multi-view Self-distillation. (arXiv:2310.18890v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiatai Wang, Zhiwei Xu, Xin Wang, Tao Li

Existing multi-stage clustering methods independently learn the salient features from multiple views and then perform the clustering task. Particularly, multi-view clustering (MVC) has attracted a lot of attention in multi-view or multi-modal scenarios. MVC aims at exploring common semantics and pseudo-labels from multiple views and clustering in a self-supervised manner. However, limited by noisy data and inadequate feature learning, such a clustering paradigm generates overconfident pseudo-labels that mis-guide the model to produce inaccurate predictions. Therefore, it is desirable to have a method that can correct this pseudo-label mistraction in multi-stage clustering to avoid the bias accumulation. To alleviate the effect of overconfident pseudo-labels and improve the generalization ability of the model, this paper proposes a novel multi-stage deep MVC framework where multi-view self-distillation (DistilMVC) is introduced to distill dark knowledge of label distribution. Specifically, in the feature subspace at different hierarchies, we explore the common semantics of multiple views through contrastive learning and obtain pseudo-labels by maximizing the mutual information between views. Additionally, a teacher network is responsible for distilling pseudo-labels into dark knowledge, supervising the student network and improving its predictive capabilities to enhance the robustness. Extensive experiments on real-world multi-view datasets show that our method has better clustering performance than state-of-the-art methods.

Pre-trained Recommender Systems: A Causal Debiasing Perspective. (arXiv:2310.19251v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziqian Lin, Hao Ding, Nghia Hoang, Branislav Kveton, Anoop Deoras, Hao Wang

Recent studies on pre-trained vision/language models have demonstrated the practical benefit of a new, promising solution-building paradigm in AI where models can be pre-trained on broad data describing a generic task space and then adapted successfully to solve a wide range of downstream tasks, even when training data is severely limited (e.g., in zero- or few-shot learning scenarios). Inspired by such progress, we investigate in this paper the possibilities and challenges of adapting such a paradigm to the context of recommender systems, which is less investigated from the perspective of pre-trained model. In particular, we propose to develop a generic recommender that captures universal interaction patterns by training on generic user-item interaction data extracted from different domains, which can then be fast adapted to improve few-shot learning performance in unseen new domains (with limited data).

However, unlike vision/language data which share strong conformity in the semantic space, universal patterns underlying recommendation data collected across different domains (e.g., different countries or different E-commerce platforms) are often occluded by both in-domain and cross-domain biases implicitly imposed by the cultural differences in their user and item bases, as well as their uses of different e-commerce platforms. As shown in our experiments, such heterogeneous biases in the data tend to hinder the effectiveness of the pre-trained model. To address this challenge, we further introduce and formalize a causal debiasing perspective, which is substantiated via a hierarchical Bayesian deep learning model, named PreRec. Our empirical studies on real-world data show that the proposed model could significantly improve the recommendation performance in zero- and few-shot learning settings under both cross-market and cross-platform scenarios.

RayDF: Neural Ray-surface Distance Fields with Multi-view Consistency. (arXiv:2310.19629v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhuoman Liu, Bo Yang, Yan Luximon, Ajay Kumar, Jinxi Li

In this paper, we study the problem of continuous 3D shape representations. The majority of existing successful methods are coordinate-based implicit neural representations. However, they are inefficient to render novel views or recover explicit surface points. A few works start to formulate 3D shapes as ray-based neural functions, but the learned structures are inferior due to the lack of multi-view geometry consistency. To tackle these challenges, we propose a new framework called RayDF. It consists of three major components: 1) the simple ray-surface distance field, 2) the novel dual-ray visibility classifier, and 3) a multi-view consistency optimization module to drive the learned ray-surface distances to be multi-view geometry consistent. We extensively evaluate our method on three public datasets, demonstrating remarkable performance in 3D surface point reconstruction on both synthetic and challenging real-world 3D scenes, clearly surpassing existing coordinate-based and ray-based baselines. Most notably, our method achieves a 1000x faster speed than coordinate-based methods to render an 800x800 depth image, showing the superiority of our method for 3D shape representation. Our code and data are available at

NExT-Chat: An LMM for Chat, Detection and Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.04498v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ao Zhang, Yuan Yao, Wei Ji, Zhiyuan Liu, Tat-Seng Chua

The development of large language models (LLMs) has greatly advanced the field of multimodal understanding, leading to the emergence of large multimodal models (LMMs). In order to enhance the level of visual comprehension, recent studies have equipped LMMs with region-level understanding capabilities by representing object bounding box coordinates as a series of text sequences (pix2seq). In this paper, we introduce a novel paradigm for object location modeling called pix2emb method, where we ask the LMM to output the location embeddings and then decode them with different decoders. This paradigm allows us to use different location formats (such as bounding boxes and masks) in multimodal conversations. Leveraging the proposed pix2emb method, we train an LMM named NExT-Chat and demonstrate its capability of handling multiple tasks like visual grounding, region captioning, and grounded reasoning. Comprehensive experiments show the effectiveness of our NExT-Chat on various tasks, e.g., NExT-Chat (87.7) vs. Shikra (86.9) on POPE-Random, NExT-Chat (68.9) vs. LISA (67.9) on referring expression segmentation task, and NExT-Chat (79.6) vs. Kosmos-2 (62.3) on region caption task. The code and model are released at

Pre-training LLMs using human-like development data corpus. (arXiv:2311.04666v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Khushi Bhardwaj, Raj Sanjay Shah, Sashank Varma

Pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown success in a diverse set of language inference and understanding tasks. The pre-training stage of LLMs looks at a large corpus of raw textual data. The BabyLM shared task compares LLM pre-training to human language acquisition, where the number of tokens seen by 13-year-old kids is magnitudes smaller than the number of tokens seen by LLMs. In this work, we pre-train and evaluate LLMs on their ability to learn contextual word representations using roughly the same number of tokens as seen by children. We provide a strong set of baselines; with different architectures, evaluation of changes in performance across epochs, and reported pre-training metrics for the strict small and strict tracks of the task. We also try to loosely replicate the RoBERTa baseline given by the task organizers to observe the training robustness to hyperparameter selection and replicability. We provide the submission details to the strict and strict-small tracks in this report.

Generalization Analogies: A Testbed for Generalizing AI Oversight to Hard-To-Measure Domains. (arXiv:2311.07723v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Joshua Clymer, Garrett Baker, Rohan Subramani, Sam Wang

As AI systems become more intelligent and their behavior becomes more challenging to assess, they may learn to game the flaws of human feedback instead of genuinely striving to follow instructions; however, this risk can be mitigated by controlling how LLMs generalize human feedback to situations where it is unreliable. To better understand how reward models generalize, we craft 69 distribution shifts spanning 8 categories. We find that reward models do not learn to evaluate `instruction-following' by default and instead favor personas that resemble internet text. Techniques for interpreting reward models' internal representations achieve better generalization than standard fine-tuning, but still frequently fail to distinguish instruction-following from conflated behaviors. We consolidate the 15 most challenging distribution shifts into the GENeralization analogIES (GENIES) benchmark, which we hope will enable progress toward controlling reward model generalization.

Simplifying Complex Observation Models in Continuous POMDP Planning with Probabilistic Guarantees and Practice. (arXiv:2311.07745v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Idan Lev-Yehudi, Moran Barenboim, Vadim Indelman

Solving partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) with high dimensional and continuous observations, such as camera images, is required for many real life robotics and planning problems. Recent researches suggested machine learned probabilistic models as observation models, but their use is currently too computationally expensive for online deployment. We deal with the question of what would be the implication of using simplified observation models for planning, while retaining formal guarantees on the quality of the solution. Our main contribution is a novel probabilistic bound based on a statistical total variation distance of the simplified model. We show that it bounds the theoretical POMDP value w.r.t. original model, from the empirical planned value with the simplified model, by generalizing recent results of particle-belief MDP concentration bounds. Our calculations can be separated into offline and online parts, and we arrive at formal guarantees without having to access the costly model at all during planning, which is also a novel result. Finally, we demonstrate in simulation how to integrate the bound into the routine of an existing continuous online POMDP solver.

Enhancing Object Coherence in Layout-to-Image Synthesis. (arXiv:2311.10522v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Layout-to-image synthesis is an emerging technique in conditional image generation. It aims to generate complex scenes, where users require fine control over the layout of the objects in a scene. However, it remains challenging to control the object coherence, including semantic coherence (e.g., the cat looks at the flowers or not) and physical coherence (e.g., the hand and the racket should not be misaligned). In this paper, we propose a novel diffusion model with effective global semantic fusion (GSF) and self-similarity feature enhancement modules to guide the object coherence for this task. For semantic coherence, we argue that the image caption contains rich information for defining the semantic relationship within the objects in the images. Instead of simply employing cross-attention between captions and generated images, which addresses the highly relevant layout restriction and semantic coherence separately and thus leads to unsatisfying results shown in our experiments, we develop GSF to fuse the supervision from the layout restriction and semantic coherence requirement and exploit it to guide the image synthesis process. Moreover, to improve the physical coherence, we develop a Self-similarity Coherence Attention (SCA) module to explicitly integrate local contextual physical coherence into each pixel's generation process. Specifically, we adopt a self-similarity map to encode the coherence restrictions and employ it to extract coherent features from text embedding. Through visualization of our self-similarity map, we explore the essence of SCA, revealing that its effectiveness is not only in capturing reliable physical coherence patterns but also in enhancing complex texture generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in both image generation quality and controllability.

Chatbots as social companions: How people perceive consciousness, human likeness, and social health benefits in machines. (arXiv:2311.10599v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Rose Guingrich, Michael S. A. Graziano

As artificial intelligence (AI) becomes more widespread, one question that arises is how human-AI interaction might impact human-human interaction. Chatbots, for example, are increasingly used as social companions, but little is known about how their use impacts human relationships. A common hypothesis is that these companion bots are detrimental to social health by harming or replacing human interaction. To understand how companion bots impact social health, we studied people who used companion bots and people who did not. Contrary to expectations, companion bot users indicated that these relationships were beneficial to their social health, whereas nonusers viewed them as harmful. Another common assumption is that people perceive conscious, humanlike AI as disturbing and threatening. Among both users and nonusers, however, we found the opposite: perceiving companion bots as more conscious and humanlike correlated with more positive opinions and better social health benefits. Humanlike bots may aid social health by supplying reliable and safe interactions, without necessarily harming human relationships.

Fair Enough? A map of the current limitations of the requirements to have "fair" algorithms. (arXiv:2311.12435v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Alessandro Castelnovo, Nicole Inverardi, Gabriele Nanino, Ilaria Giuseppina Penco, Daniele Regoli

In the recent years, the raise in the usage and efficiency of Artificial Intelligence and, more in general, of Automated Decision-Making systems has brought with it an increasing and welcome awareness of the risks associated with such systems. One of such risks is that of perpetuating or even amplifying bias and unjust disparities present in the data from which many of these systems learn to adjust and optimise their decisions. This awareness has on one side encouraged several scientific communities to come up with more and more appropriate ways and methods to assess, quantify, and possibly mitigate such biases and disparities. On the other hand, it has prompted more and more layers of society, including policy makers, to call for "fair" algorithms. We believe that while a lot of excellent and multidisciplinary research is currently being conducted, what is still fundamentally missing is the awareness that having "fair" algorithms is per se a nearly meaningless requirement, that needs to be complemented with a lot of additional societal choices to become actionable. Namely, there is a hiatus between what the society is demanding from Automated Decision-Making systems, and what this demand actually means in real-world scenarios. In this work, we outline the key features of such a hiatus, and pinpoint a list of fundamental ambiguities and attention points that we as a society must address in order to give a concrete meaning to the increasing demand of fairness in Automated Decision-Making systems.

Improving Cross-Domain Hate Speech Generalizability with Emotion Knowledge. (arXiv:2311.14865v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shi Yin Hong, Susan Gauch

Reliable automatic hate speech (HS) detection systems must adapt to the in-flow of diverse new data to curtail hate speech. However, hate speech detection systems commonly lack generalizability in identifying hate speech dissimilar to data used in training, impeding their robustness in real-world deployments. In this work, we propose a hate speech generalization framework that leverages emotion knowledge in a multitask architecture to improve the generalizability of hate speech detection in a cross-domain setting. We investigate emotion corpora with varying emotion categorical scopes to determine the best corpus scope for supplying emotion knowledge to foster generalized hate speech detection. We further assess the relationship between using pretrained Transformers models adapted for hate speech and its effect on our emotion-enriched hate speech generalization model. We perform extensive experiments on six publicly available datasets sourced from different online domains and show that our emotion-enriched HS detection generalization method demonstrates consistent generalization improvement in cross-domain evaluation, increasing generalization performance up to 18.1% and average cross-domain performance up to 8.5%, according to the F1 measure.

YUAN 2.0: A Large Language Model with Localized Filtering-based Attention. (arXiv:2311.15786v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaohua Wu, Xudong Zhao, Shenling Wang, Jiangang Luo, Lingjun Li, Xi Chen, Bing Zhao, Wei Wang, Tong Yu, Rongguo Zhang, Jiahua Zhang, Chao Wang

In this work, we develop and release Yuan 2.0, a series of large language models with parameters ranging from 2.1 billion to 102.6 billion. The Localized Filtering-based Attention (LFA) is introduced to incorporate prior knowledge of local dependencies of natural language into Attention. A data filtering and generating system is presented to build pre-training and fine-tuning dataset in high quality. A distributed training method with non-uniform pipeline parallel, data parallel, and optimizer parallel is proposed, which greatly reduces the bandwidth requirements of intra-node communication, and achieves good performance in large-scale distributed training. Yuan 2.0 models display impressive ability in code generation, math problem-solving, and chatting compared with existing models. The latest version of YUAN 2.0, including model weights and source code, is accessible at Github.

Gene-MOE: A sparsely gated prognosis and classification framework exploiting pan-cancer genomic information. (arXiv:2311.17401v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiangyu Meng, Xue Li, Qing Yang, Huanhuan Dai, Lian Qiao, Hongzhen Ding, Long Hao, Xun Wang

Benefiting from the advancements in deep learning, various genomic analytical techniques, such as survival analysis, classification of tumors and their subtypes, and exploration of specific pathways, have significantly enhanced our understanding of the biological mechanisms driving cancer. However, the overfitting issue, arising from the limited number of patient samples, poses a challenge in improving the accuracy of genome analysis by deepening the neural network. Furthermore, it remains uncertain whether novel approaches such as the sparsely gated mixture of expert (MOE) and self-attention mechanisms can improve the accuracy of genomic analysis. In this paper, we introduce a novel sparsely gated RNA-seq analysis framework called Gene-MOE. This framework exploits the potential of the MOE layers and the proposed mixture of attention expert (MOAE) layers to enhance the analysis accuracy. Additionally, it addresses overfitting challenges by integrating pan-cancer information from 33 distinct cancer types through pre-training.We pre-trained Gene-MOE on TCGA pan-cancer RNA-seq dataset with 33 cancer types. Subsequently, we conducted experiments involving cancer classification and survival analysis based on the pre-trained Gene-MOE. According to the survival analysis results on 14 cancer types, Gene-MOE outperformed state-of-the-art models on 12 cancer types. Through detailed feature analysis, we found that the Gene-MOE model could learn rich feature representations of high-dimensional genes. According to the classification results, the total accuracy of the classification model for 33 cancer classifications reached 95.8%, representing the best performance compared to state-of-the-art models. These results indicate that Gene-MOE holds strong potential for use in cancer classification and survival analysis.

Search Still Matters: Information Retrieval in the Era of Generative AI. (arXiv:2311.18550v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: William R. Hersh

Objective: Information retrieval (IR, also known as search) systems are ubiquitous in modern times. How does the emergence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), based on large language models (LLMs), fit into the IR process? Process: This perspective explores the use of generative AI in the context of the motivations, considerations, and outcomes of the IR process with a focus on the academic use of such systems. Conclusions: There are many information needs, from simple to complex, that motivate use of IR. Users of such systems, particularly academics, have concerns for authoritativeness, timeliness, and contextualization of search. While LLMs may provide functionality that aids the IR process, the continued need for search systems, and research into their improvement, remains essential.

SynFundus: A synthetic fundus images dataset with millions of samples and multi-disease annotations. (arXiv:2312.00377v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fangxin Shang, Jie Fu, Yehui Yang, Haifeng Huang, Junwei Liu, Lei Ma

In the field of medical imaging, there are seldom large-scale public datasets with high-quality annotations due to data privacy and annotation cost. To address this issue, we release SynFundus-1M, a high-quality synthetic dataset containing over \textbf{1 million} fundus images w.r.t. 11 disease types. Moreover, we intentionally diversify the readability of the images and accordingly provide 4 types of the quality score for each image. To the best of our knowledge, SynFundus-1M is currently the largest fundus dataset with the most sophisticated annotations. All the images are generated by a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model, named SynFundus-Generator. Trained with over 1.3 million private fundus images, our SynFundus-Generator achieves significant superior performance in generating fundus images compared to some recent related works. Furthermore, we blend some synthetic images from SynFundus-1M with real fundus images, and ophthalmologists can hardly distinguish the synthetic images from real ones. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that both convolutional neural networs (CNN) and Vision Transformer (ViT) can benefit from SynFundus-1M by pretraining or training directly. Compared to datasets like ImageNet or EyePACS, models trained on SynFundus-1M not only achieve better performance but also faster convergence on various downstream tasks.

Self Generated Wargame AI: Double Layer Agent Task Planning Based on Large Language Model. (arXiv:2312.01090v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Y.Sun, J.Zhao, C.Yu, W.Wang, X.Zhou

The large language models represented by ChatGPT have a disruptive impact on the field of artificial intelligence. But it mainly focuses on natural language processing, speech recognition, machine learning and natural language understanding. This paper innovatively applies the large language model to the field of intelligent decision-making, places the large language model in the decision-making center, and constructs an agent architecture with the large language model as the core. Based on this, it further proposes a two-layer agent task planning, issues and executes decision commands through the interaction of natural language, and carries out simulation verification through the wargame simulation environment. Through the game confrontation simulation experiment, it is found that the intelligent decision-making ability of the large language model is significantly stronger than the commonly used reinforcement learning AI and rule AI, and the intelligence, understandability and generalization are all better. And through experiments, it was found that the intelligence of the large language model is closely related to prompt. This work also extends the large language model from previous human-computer interaction to the field of intelligent decision-making, which has important reference value and significance for the development of intelligent decision-making.

Conditional Variational Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2312.02246v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Gabriel della Maggiora, Luis Alberto Croquevielle, Nikita Desphande, Harry Horsley, Thomas Heinis, Artur Yakimovich

Inverse problems aim to determine parameters from observations, a crucial task in engineering and science. Lately, generative models, especially diffusion models, have gained popularity in this area for their ability to produce realistic solutions and their good mathematical properties. Despite their success, an important drawback of diffusion models is their sensitivity to the choice of variance schedule, which controls the dynamics of the diffusion process. Fine-tuning this schedule for specific applications is crucial but time-costly and does not guarantee an optimal result. We propose a novel approach for learning the schedule as part of the training process. Our method supports probabilistic conditioning on data, provides high-quality solutions, and is flexible, proving able to adapt to different applications with minimum overhead. This approach is tested in two unrelated inverse problems: super-resolution microscopy and quantitative phase imaging, yielding comparable or superior results to previous methods and fine-tuned diffusion models. We conclude that fine-tuning the schedule by experimentation should be avoided because it can be learned during training in a stable way that yields better results.

Amortized Bayesian Decision Making for simulation-based models. (arXiv:2312.02674v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mila Gorecki, Jakob H. Macke, Michael Deistler

Simulation-based inference (SBI) provides a powerful framework for inferring posterior distributions of stochastic simulators in a wide range of domains. In many settings, however, the posterior distribution is not the end goal itself -- rather, the derived parameter values and their uncertainties are used as a basis for deciding what actions to take. Unfortunately, because posterior distributions provided by SBI are (potentially crude) approximations of the true posterior, the resulting decisions can be suboptimal. Here, we address the question of how to perform Bayesian decision making on stochastic simulators, and how one can circumvent the need to compute an explicit approximation to the posterior. Our method trains a neural network on simulated data and can predict the expected cost given any data and action, and can, thus, be directly used to infer the action with lowest cost. We apply our method to several benchmark problems and demonstrate that it induces similar cost as the true posterior distribution. We then apply the method to infer optimal actions in a real-world simulator in the medical neurosciences, the Bayesian Virtual Epileptic Patient, and demonstrate that it allows to infer actions associated with low cost after few simulations.

Exploring Error Bits for Memory Failure Prediction: An In-Depth Correlative Study. (arXiv:2312.02855v2 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: Qiao Yu, Wengui Zhang, Jorge Cardoso, Odej Kao

In large-scale datacenters, memory failure is a common cause of server crashes, with Uncorrectable Errors (UEs) being a major indicator of Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) defects. Existing approaches primarily focus on predicting UEs using Correctable Errors (CEs), without fully considering the information provided by error bits. However, error bit patterns have a strong correlation with the occurrence of UEs. In this paper, we present a comprehensive study on the correlation between CEs and UEs, specifically emphasizing the importance of spatio-temporal error bit information. Our analysis reveals a strong correlation between spatio-temporal error bits and UE occurrence. Through evaluations using real-world datasets, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves prediction performance by 15% in F1-score compared to the state-of-the-art algorithms. Overall, our approach effectively reduces the number of virtual machine interruptions caused by UEs by approximately 59%.

Teaching Specific Scientific Knowledge into Large Language Models through Additional Training. (arXiv:2312.03360v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kan Hatakeyama-Sato, Yasuhiko Igarashi, Shun Katakami, Yuta Nabae, Teruaki Hayakawa

Through additional training, we explore embedding specialized scientific knowledge into the Llama 2 Large Language Model (LLM). Key findings reveal that effective knowledge integration requires reading texts from multiple perspectives, especially in instructional formats. We utilize text augmentation to tackle the scarcity of specialized texts, including style conversions and translations. Hyperparameter optimization proves crucial, with different size models (7b, 13b, and 70b) reasonably undergoing additional training. Validating our methods, we construct a dataset of 65,000 scientific papers. Although we have succeeded in partially embedding knowledge, the study highlights the complexities and limitations of incorporating specialized information into LLMs, suggesting areas for further improvement.

The unreasonable effectiveness of AI CADe polyp detectors to generalize to new countries. (arXiv:2312.06833v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Joel Shor, Hiro-o Yamano, Daisuke Tsurumaru, Yotami Intrator, Hiroki Kayama, Joe Ledsam, Atsushi Hamabe, Koji Ando, Mitsuhiko Ota, Haruei Ogino, Hiroshi Nakase, Kaho Kobayashi, Eiji Oki, Roman Goldenberg, Ehud Rivlin, Ichiro Takemasa

$\textbf{Background and aims}$: Artificial Intelligence (AI) Computer-Aided Detection (CADe) is commonly used for polyp detection, but data seen in clinical settings can differ from model training. Few studies evaluate how well CADe detectors perform on colonoscopies from countries not seen during training, and none are able to evaluate performance without collecting expensive and time-intensive labels.

$\textbf{Methods}$: We trained a CADe polyp detector on Israeli colonoscopy videos (5004 videos, 1106 hours) and evaluated on Japanese videos (354 videos, 128 hours) by measuring the True Positive Rate (TPR) versus false alarms per minute (FAPM). We introduce a colonoscopy dissimilarity measure called "MAsked mediCal Embedding Distance" (MACE) to quantify differences between colonoscopies, without labels. We evaluated CADe on all Japan videos and on those with the highest MACE.

$\textbf{Results}$: MACE correctly quantifies that narrow-band imaging (NBI) and chromoendoscopy (CE) frames are less similar to Israel data than Japan whitelight (bootstrapped z-test, |z| > 690, p < $10^{-8}$ for both). Despite differences in the data, CADe performance on Japan colonoscopies was non-inferior to Israel ones without additional training (TPR at 0.5 FAPM: 0.957 and 0.972 for Israel and Japan; TPR at 1.0 FAPM: 0.972 and 0.989 for Israel and Japan; superiority test t > 45.2, p < $10^{-8}$). Despite not being trained on NBI or CE, TPR on those subsets were non-inferior to Japan overall (non-inferiority test t > 47.3, p < $10^{-8}$, $\delta$ = 1.5% for both).

$\textbf{Conclusion}$: Differences that prevent CADe detectors from performing well in non-medical settings do not degrade the performance of our AI CADe polyp detector when applied to data from a new country. MACE can help medical AI models internationalize by identifying the most "dissimilar" data on which to evaluate models.

Unsupervised Extractive Summarization with Learnable Length Control Strategies. (arXiv:2312.06901v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Renlong Jie, Xiaojun Meng, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu

Unsupervised extractive summarization is an important technique in information extraction and retrieval. Compared with supervised method, it does not require high-quality human-labelled summaries for training and thus can be easily applied for documents with different types, domains or languages. Most of existing unsupervised methods including TextRank and PACSUM rely on graph-based ranking on sentence centrality. However, this scorer can not be directly applied in end-to-end training, and the positional-related prior assumption is often needed for achieving good summaries. In addition, less attention is paid to length-controllable extractor, where users can decide to summarize texts under particular length constraint. This paper introduces an unsupervised extractive summarization model based on a siamese network, for which we develop a trainable bidirectional prediction objective between the selected summary and the original document. Different from the centrality-based ranking methods, our extractive scorer can be trained in an end-to-end manner, with no other requirement of positional assumption. In addition, we introduce a differentiable length control module by approximating 0-1 knapsack solver for end-to-end length-controllable extracting. Experiments show that our unsupervised method largely outperforms the centrality-based baseline using a same sentence encoder. In terms of length control ability, via our trainable knapsack module, the performance consistently outperforms the strong baseline without utilizing end-to-end training. Human evaluation further evidences that our method performs the best among baselines in terms of relevance and consistency.

The Parameterized Complexity of Coordinated Motion Planning. (arXiv:2312.07144v2 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

Authors: Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Iyad Kanj

In Coordinated Motion Planning (CMP), we are given a rectangular-grid on which $k$ robots occupy $k$ distinct starting gridpoints and need to reach $k$ distinct destination gridpoints. In each time step, any robot may move to a neighboring gridpoint or stay in its current gridpoint, provided that it does not collide with other robots. The goal is to compute a schedule for moving the $k$ robots to their destinations which minimizes a certain objective target - prominently the number of time steps in the schedule, i.e., the makespan, or the total length traveled by the robots. We refer to the problem arising from minimizing the former objective target as CMP-M and the latter as CMP-L. Both CMP-M and CMP-L are fundamental problems that were posed as the computational geometry challenge of SoCG 2021, and CMP also embodies the famous $(n^2-1)$-puzzle as a special case.

In this paper, we settle the parameterized complexity of CMP-M and CMP-L with respect to their two most fundamental parameters: the number of robots, and the objective target. We develop a new approach to establish the fixed-parameter tractability of both problems under the former parameterization that relies on novel structural insights into optimal solutions to the problem. When parameterized by the objective target, we show that CMP-L remains fixed-parameter tractable while CMP-M becomes para-NP-hard. The latter result is noteworthy, not only because it improves the previously-known boundaries of intractability for the problem, but also because the underlying reduction allows us to establish - as a simpler case - the NP-hardness of the classical Vertex Disjoint and Edge Disjoint Paths problems with constant path-lengths on grids.

ReRoGCRL: Representation-based Robustness in Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.07392v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiangyu Yin, Sihao Wu, Jiaxu Liu, Meng Fang, Xingyu Zhao, Xiaowei Huang, Wenjie Ruan

While Goal-Conditioned Reinforcement Learning (GCRL) has gained attention, its algorithmic robustness against adversarial perturbations remains unexplored. The attacks and robust representation training methods that are designed for traditional RL become less effective when applied to GCRL. To address this challenge, we first propose the Semi-Contrastive Representation attack, a novel approach inspired by the adversarial contrastive attack. Unlike existing attacks in RL, it only necessitates information from the policy function and can be seamlessly implemented during deployment. Then, to mitigate the vulnerability of existing GCRL algorithms, we introduce Adversarial Representation Tactics, which combines Semi-Contrastive Adversarial Augmentation with Sensitivity-Aware Regularizer to improve the adversarial robustness of the underlying RL agent against various types of perturbations. Extensive experiments validate the superior performance of our attack and defence methods across multiple state-of-the-art GCRL algorithms. Our tool ReRoGCRL is available at

LLMEval: A Preliminary Study on How to Evaluate Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.07398v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Yue Zhang, Ming Zhang, Haipeng Yuan, Shichun Liu, Yongyao Shi, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Recently, the evaluation of Large Language Models has emerged as a popular area of research. The three crucial questions for LLM evaluation are ``what, where, and how to evaluate''. However, the existing research mainly focuses on the first two questions, which are basically what tasks to give the LLM during testing and what kind of knowledge it should deal with. As for the third question, which is about what standards to use, the types of evaluators, how to score, and how to rank, there hasn't been much discussion. In this paper, we analyze evaluation methods by comparing various criteria with both manual and automatic evaluation, utilizing onsite, crowd-sourcing, public annotators and GPT-4, with different scoring methods and ranking systems. We propose a new dataset, LLMEval and conduct evaluations on 20 LLMs. A total of 2,186 individuals participated, leading to the generation of 243,337 manual annotations and 57,511 automatic evaluation results. We perform comparisons and analyses of different settings and conduct 10 conclusions that can provide some insights for evaluating LLM in the future. The dataset and the results are publicly available at .

SocialStigmaQA: A Benchmark to Uncover Stigma Amplification in Generative Language Models. (arXiv:2312.07492v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Manish Nagireddy, Lamogha Chiazor, Moninder Singh, Ioana Baldini

Current datasets for unwanted social bias auditing are limited to studying protected demographic features such as race and gender. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive benchmark that is meant to capture the amplification of social bias, via stigmas, in generative language models. Taking inspiration from social science research, we start with a documented list of 93 US-centric stigmas and curate a question-answering (QA) dataset which involves simple social situations. Our benchmark, SocialStigmaQA, contains roughly 10K prompts, with a variety of prompt styles, carefully constructed to systematically test for both social bias and model robustness. We present results for SocialStigmaQA with two open source generative language models and we find that the proportion of socially biased output ranges from 45% to 59% across a variety of decoding strategies and prompting styles. We demonstrate that the deliberate design of the templates in our benchmark (e.g., adding biasing text to the prompt or using different verbs that change the answer that indicates bias) impacts the model tendencies to generate socially biased output. Additionally, through manual evaluation, we discover problematic patterns in the generated chain-of-thought output that range from subtle bias to lack of reasoning.

Warning: This paper contains examples of text which are toxic, biased, and potentially harmful.

Real-time Network Intrusion Detection via Decision Transformers. (arXiv:2312.07696v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Jingdi Chen, Hanhan Zhou, Yongsheng Mei, Gina Adam, Nathaniel D. Bastian, Tian Lan

Many cybersecurity problems that require real-time decision-making based on temporal observations can be abstracted as a sequence modeling problem, e.g., network intrusion detection from a sequence of arriving packets. Existing approaches like reinforcement learning may not be suitable for such cybersecurity decision problems, since the Markovian property may not necessarily hold and the underlying network states are often not observable. In this paper, we cast the problem of real-time network intrusion detection as casual sequence modeling and draw upon the power of the transformer architecture for real-time decision-making. By conditioning a causal decision transformer on past trajectories, consisting of the rewards, network packets, and detection decisions, our proposed framework will generate future detection decisions to achieve the desired return. It enables decision transformers to be applied to real-time network intrusion detection, as well as a novel tradeoff between the accuracy and timeliness of detection. The proposed solution is evaluated on public network intrusion detection datasets and outperforms several baseline algorithms using reinforcement learning and sequence modeling, in terms of detection accuracy and timeliness.

Polynomial-based Self-Attention for Table Representation learning. (arXiv:2312.07753v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Jayoung Kim, Yehjin Shin, Jeongwhan Choi, Hyowon Wi, Noseong Park

Structured data, which constitutes a significant portion of existing data types, has been a long-standing research topic in the field of machine learning. Various representation learning methods for tabular data have been proposed, ranging from encoder-decoder structures to Transformers. Among these, Transformer-based methods have achieved state-of-the-art performance not only in tabular data but also in various other fields, including computer vision and natural language processing. However, recent studies have revealed that self-attention, a key component of Transformers, can lead to an oversmoothing issue. We show that Transformers for tabular data also face this problem, and to address the problem, we propose a novel matrix polynomial-based self-attention layer as a substitute for the original self-attention layer, which enhances model scalability. In our experiments with three representative table learning models equipped with our proposed layer, we illustrate that the layer effectively mitigates the oversmoothing problem and enhances the representation performance of the existing methods, outperforming the state-of-the-art table representation methods.

Exploring the Impact of Lay User Feedback for Improving AI Fairness. (arXiv:2312.08064v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Evdoxia Taka, Yuri Nakao, Ryosuke Sonoda, Takuya Yokota, Lin Luo, Simone Stumpf

Fairness in AI is a growing concern for high-stakes decision making. Engaging stakeholders, especially lay users, in fair AI development is promising yet overlooked. Recent efforts explore enabling lay users to provide AI fairness-related feedback, but there is still a lack of understanding of how to integrate users' feedback into an AI model and the impacts of doing so. To bridge this gap, we collected feedback from 58 lay users on the fairness of a XGBoost model trained on the Home Credit dataset, and conducted offline experiments to investigate the effects of retraining models on accuracy, and individual and group fairness. Our work contributes baseline results of integrating user fairness feedback in XGBoost, and a dataset and code framework to bootstrap research in engaging stakeholders in AI fairness. Our discussion highlights the challenges of employing user feedback in AI fairness and points the way to a future application area of interactive machine learning.

World Models via Policy-Guided Trajectory Diffusion. (arXiv:2312.08533v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Marc Rigter, Jun Yamada, Ingmar Posner

World models are a powerful tool for developing intelligent agents. By predicting the outcome of a sequence of actions, world models enable policies to be optimised via on-policy reinforcement learning (RL) using synthetic data, i.e. in "in imagination". Existing world models are autoregressive in that they interleave predicting the next state with sampling the next action from the policy. Prediction error inevitably compounds as the trajectory length grows. In this work, we propose a novel world modelling approach that is not autoregressive and generates entire on-policy trajectories in a single pass through a diffusion model. Our approach, Policy-Guided Trajectory Diffusion (PolyGRAD), leverages a denoising model in addition to the gradient of the action distribution of the policy to diffuse a trajectory of initially random states and actions into an on-policy synthetic trajectory. We analyse the connections between PolyGRAD, score-based generative models, and classifier-guided diffusion models. Our results demonstrate that PolyGRAD outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in terms of trajectory prediction error for moderate-length trajectories, with the exception of autoregressive diffusion. At short horizons, PolyGRAD obtains comparable errors to autoregressive diffusion, but with significantly lower computational requirements. Our experiments also demonstrate that PolyGRAD enables performant policies to be trained via on-policy RL in imagination for MuJoCo continuous control domains. Thus, PolyGRAD introduces a new paradigm for scalable and non-autoregressive on-policy world modelling.

MaxK-GNN: Towards Theoretical Speed Limits for Accelerating Graph Neural Networks Training. (arXiv:2312.08656v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongwu Peng, Xi Xie, Kaustubh Shivdikar, MD Amit Hasan, Jiahui Zhao, Shaoyi Huang, Omer Khan, David Kaeli, Caiwen Ding

In the acceleration of deep neural network training, the GPU has become the mainstream platform. GPUs face substantial challenges on GNNs, such as workload imbalance and memory access irregularities, leading to underutilized hardware. Existing solutions such as PyG, DGL with cuSPARSE, and GNNAdvisor frameworks partially address these challenges but memory traffic is still significant.

We argue that drastic performance improvements can only be achieved by the vertical optimization of algorithm and system innovations, rather than treating the speedup optimization as an "after-thought" (i.e., (i) given a GNN algorithm, designing an accelerator, or (ii) given hardware, mainly optimizing the GNN algorithm). In this paper, we present MaxK-GNN, an advanced high-performance GPU training system integrating algorithm and system innovation. (i) We introduce the MaxK nonlinearity and provide a theoretical analysis of MaxK nonlinearity as a universal approximator, and present the Compressed Balanced Sparse Row (CBSR) format, designed to store the data and index of the feature matrix after nonlinearity; (ii) We design a coalescing enhanced forward computation with row-wise product-based SpGEMM Kernel using CBSR for input feature matrix fetching and strategic placement of a sparse output accumulation buffer in shared memory; (iii) We develop an optimized backward computation with outer product-based and SSpMM Kernel.

We conduct extensive evaluations of MaxK-GNN and report the end-to-end system run-time. Experiments show that MaxK-GNN system could approach the theoretical speedup limit according to Amdahl's law. We achieve comparable accuracy to SOTA GNNs, but at a significantly increased speed: 3.22/4.24 times speedup (vs. theoretical limits, 5.52/7.27 times) on Reddit compared to DGL and GNNAdvisor implementations.

Labels Need Prompts Too: Mask Matching for Natural Language Understanding Tasks. (arXiv:2312.08726v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo Li, Wei Ye, Quansen Wang, Wen Zhao, Shikun Zhang

Textual label names (descriptions) are typically semantically rich in many natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. In this paper, we incorporate the prompting methodology, which is widely used to enrich model input, into the label side for the first time. Specifically, we propose a Mask Matching method, which equips an input with a prompt and its label with another, and then makes predictions by matching their mask representations. We evaluate our method extensively on 8 NLU tasks with 14 datasets. The experimental results show that Mask Matching significantly outperforms its counterparts of fine-tuning and conventional prompt-tuning, setting up state-of-the-art performances in several datasets. Mask Matching is particularly good at handling NLU tasks with large label counts and informative label names. As pioneering efforts that investigate the label-side prompt, we also discuss open issues for future study.

Learning from Polar Representation: An Extreme-Adaptive Model for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.08763v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yanhong Li, Jack Xu, David C. Anastasiu

In the hydrology field, time series forecasting is crucial for efficient water resource management, improving flood and drought control and increasing the safety and quality of life for the general population. However, predicting long-term streamflow is a complex task due to the presence of extreme events. It requires the capture of long-range dependencies and the modeling of rare but important extreme values. Existing approaches often struggle to tackle these dual challenges simultaneously. In this paper, we specifically delve into these issues and propose Distance-weighted Auto-regularized Neural network (DAN), a novel extreme-adaptive model for long-range forecasting of stremflow enhanced by polar representation learning. DAN utilizes a distance-weighted multi-loss mechanism and stackable blocks to dynamically refine indicator sequences from exogenous data, while also being able to handle uni-variate time-series by employing Gaussian Mixture probability modeling to improve robustness to severe events. We also introduce Kruskal-Wallis sampling and gate control vectors to handle imbalanced extreme data. On four real-life hydrologic streamflow datasets, we demonstrate that DAN significantly outperforms both state-of-the-art hydrologic time series prediction methods and general methods designed for long-term time series prediction.

Forbidden Facts: An Investigation of Competing Objectives in Llama-2. (arXiv:2312.08793v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Tony T. Wang, Miles Wang, Kaivalya Hariharan, Nir Shavit

LLMs often face competing pressures (for example helpfulness vs. harmlessness). To understand how models resolve such conflicts, we study Llama-2-chat models on the forbidden fact task. Specifically, we instruct Llama-2 to truthfully complete a factual recall statement while forbidding it from saying the correct answer. This often makes the model give incorrect answers. We decompose Llama-2 into 1000+ components, and rank each one with respect to how useful it is for forbidding the correct answer. We find that in aggregate, around 35 components are enough to reliably implement the full suppression behavior. However, these components are fairly heterogeneous and many operate using faulty heuristics. We discover that one of these heuristics can be exploited via a manually designed adversarial attack which we call The California Attack. Our results highlight some roadblocks standing in the way of being able to successfully interpret advanced ML systems. Project website available at .

Modeling Complex Mathematical Reasoning via Large Language Model based MathAgent. (arXiv:2312.08926v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Haoran Liao, Qinyi Du, Shaohua Hu, Hao He, Yanyan Xu, Jidong Tian, Yaohui Jin

Large language models (LLMs) face challenges in solving complex mathematical problems that require comprehensive capacities to parse the statements, associate domain knowledge, perform compound logical reasoning, and integrate the intermediate rationales. Tackling all these problems once could be arduous for LLMs, thus leading to confusion in generation. In this work, we explore the potential of enhancing LLMs with agents by meticulous decomposition and modeling of mathematical reasoning process. Specifically, we propose a formal description of the mathematical solving and extend LLMs with an agent-based zero-shot framework named $\bf{P}$lanner-$\bf{R}$easoner-$\bf{E}$xecutor-$\bf{R}$eflector (PRER). We further provide and implement two MathAgents that define the logical forms and inherent relations via a pool of actions in different grains and orientations: MathAgent-M adapts its actions to LLMs, while MathAgent-H aligns with humankind. Experiments on miniF2F and MATH have demonstrated the effectiveness of PRER and proposed MathAgents, achieving an increase of $12.3\%$($53.9\%\xrightarrow{}66.2\%$) on the MiniF2F, $9.2\%$ ($49.8\%\xrightarrow{}59.0\%$) on MATH, and $13.2\%$($23.2\%\xrightarrow{}35.4\%$) for level-5 problems of MATH against GPT-4. Further analytical results provide more insightful perspectives on exploiting the behaviors of LLMs as agents.

Perspectives on the State and Future of Deep Learning -- 2023. (arXiv:2312.09323v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Micah Goldblum, Anima Anandkumar, Richard Baraniuk, Tom Goldstein, Kyunghyun Cho, Zachary C Lipton, Melanie Mitchell, Preetum Nakkiran, Max Welling, Andrew Gordon Wilson

The goal of this series is to chronicle opinions and issues in the field of machine learning as they stand today and as they change over time. The plan is to host this survey periodically until the AI singularity paperclip-frenzy-driven doomsday, keeping an updated list of topical questions and interviewing new community members for each edition. In this issue, we probed people's opinions on interpretable AI, the value of benchmarking in modern NLP, the state of progress towards understanding deep learning, and the future of academia.

Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Time Series Classification: a Benchmark. (arXiv:2312.09857v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hassan Ismail Fawaz, Ganesh Del Grosso, Tanguy Kerdoncuff, Aurelie Boisbunon, Illyyne Saffar

Unsupervised Domain Adaptation (UDA) aims to harness labeled source data to train models for unlabeled target data. Despite extensive research in domains like computer vision and natural language processing, UDA remains underexplored for time series data, which has widespread real-world applications ranging from medicine and manufacturing to earth observation and human activity recognition. Our paper addresses this gap by introducing a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating UDA techniques for time series classification, with a focus on deep learning methods. We provide seven new benchmark datasets covering various domain shifts and temporal dynamics, facilitating fair and standardized UDA method assessments with state of the art neural network backbones (e.g. Inception) for time series data. This benchmark offers insights into the strengths and limitations of the evaluated approaches while preserving the unsupervised nature of domain adaptation, making it directly applicable to practical problems. Our paper serves as a vital resource for researchers and practitioners, advancing domain adaptation solutions for time series data and fostering innovation in this critical field. The implementation code of this benchmark is available at

Toward Computationally Efficient Inverse Reinforcement Learning via Reward Shaping. (arXiv:2312.09983v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lauren H. Cooke, Harvey Klyne, Edwin Zhang, Cassidy Laidlaw, Milind Tambe, Finale Doshi-Velez

Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) is computationally challenging, with common approaches requiring the solution of multiple reinforcement learning (RL) sub-problems. This work motivates the use of potential-based reward shaping to reduce the computational burden of each RL sub-problem. This work serves as a proof-of-concept and we hope will inspire future developments towards computationally efficient IRL.

Challenges with unsupervised LLM knowledge discovery. (arXiv:2312.10029v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sebastian Farquhar, Vikrant Varma, Zachary Kenton, Johannes Gasteiger, Vladimir Mikulik, Rohin Shah

We show that existing unsupervised methods on large language model (LLM) activations do not discover knowledge -- instead they seem to discover whatever feature of the activations is most prominent. The idea behind unsupervised knowledge elicitation is that knowledge satisfies a consistency structure, which can be used to discover knowledge. We first prove theoretically that arbitrary features (not just knowledge) satisfy the consistency structure of a particular leading unsupervised knowledge-elicitation method, contrast-consistent search (Burns et al. - arXiv:2212.03827). We then present a series of experiments showing settings in which unsupervised methods result in classifiers that do not predict knowledge, but instead predict a different prominent feature. We conclude that existing unsupervised methods for discovering latent knowledge are insufficient, and we contribute sanity checks to apply to evaluating future knowledge elicitation methods. Conceptually, we hypothesise that the identification issues explored here, e.g. distinguishing a model's knowledge from that of a simulated character's, will persist for future unsupervised methods.

GALAXY: Graph-based Active Learning at the Extreme. (arXiv:2202.01402v2 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Jifan Zhang, Julian Katz-Samuels, Robert Nowak

Active learning is a label-efficient approach to train highly effective models while interactively selecting only small subsets of unlabelled data for labelling and training. In "open world" settings, the classes of interest can make up a small fraction of the overall dataset -- most of the data may be viewed as an out-of-distribution or irrelevant class. This leads to extreme class-imbalance, and our theory and methods focus on this core issue. We propose a new strategy for active learning called GALAXY (Graph-based Active Learning At the eXtrEme), which blends ideas from graph-based active learning and deep learning. GALAXY automatically and adaptively selects more class-balanced examples for labeling than most other methods for active learning. Our theory shows that GALAXY performs a refined form of uncertainty sampling that gathers a much more class-balanced dataset than vanilla uncertainty sampling. Experimentally, we demonstrate GALAXY's superiority over existing state-of-art deep active learning algorithms in unbalanced vision classification settings generated from popular datasets.

Algorithm Selection for Deep Active Learning with Imbalanced Datasets. (arXiv:2302.07317v3 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Jifan Zhang, Shuai Shao, Saurabh Verma, Robert Nowak

Label efficiency has become an increasingly important objective in deep learning applications. Active learning aims to reduce the number of labeled examples needed to train deep networks, but the empirical performance of active learning algorithms can vary dramatically across datasets and applications. It is difficult to know in advance which active learning strategy will perform well or best in a given application. To address this, we propose the first adaptive algorithm selection strategy for deep active learning. For any unlabeled dataset, our (meta) algorithm TAILOR (Thompson ActIve Learning algORithm selection) iteratively and adaptively chooses among a set of candidate active learning algorithms. TAILOR uses novel reward functions aimed at gathering class-balanced examples. Extensive experiments in multi-class and multi-label applications demonstrate TAILOR's effectiveness in achieving accuracy comparable or better than that of the best of the candidate algorithms. Our implementation of TAILOR is open-sourced at

UPGPT: Universal Diffusion Model for Person Image Generation, Editing and Pose Transfer. (arXiv:2304.08870v2 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Soon Yau Cheong, Armin Mustafa, Andrew Gilbert

Text-to-image models (T2I) such as StableDiffusion have been used to generate high quality images of people. However, due to the random nature of the generation process, the person has a different appearance e.g. pose, face, and clothing, despite using the same text prompt. The appearance inconsistency makes T2I unsuitable for pose transfer. We address this by proposing a multimodal diffusion model that accepts text, pose, and visual prompting. Our model is the first unified method to perform all person image tasks - generation, pose transfer, and mask-less edit. We also pioneer using small dimensional 3D body model parameters directly to demonstrate new capability - simultaneous pose and camera view interpolation while maintaining the person's appearance.

LabelBench: A Comprehensive Framework for Benchmarking Adaptive Label-Efficient Learning. (arXiv:2306.09910v2 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Jifan Zhang, Yifang Chen, Gregory Canal, Stephen Mussmann, Arnav M. Das, Gantavya Bhatt, Yinglun Zhu, Simon Shaolei Du, Kevin Jamieson, Robert D Nowak

Labeled data are critical to modern machine learning applications, but obtaining labels can be expensive. To mitigate this cost, machine learning methods, such as transfer learning, semi-supervised learning and active learning, aim to be label-efficient: achieving high predictive performance from relatively few labeled examples. While obtaining the best label-efficiency in practice often requires combinations of these techniques, existing benchmark and evaluation frameworks do not capture a concerted combination of all such techniques. This paper addresses this deficiency by introducing LabelBench, a new computationally-efficient framework for joint evaluation of multiple label-efficient learning techniques. As an application of LabelBench, we introduce a novel benchmark of state-of-the-art active learning methods in combination with semi-supervised learning for fine-tuning pretrained vision transformers. Our benchmark demonstrates better label-efficiencies than previously reported in active learning. LabelBench's modular codebase is open-sourced for the broader community to contribute label-efficient learning methods and benchmarks. The repository can be found at:

Smart Agent-Based Modeling: On the Use of Large Language Models in Computer Simulations. (arXiv:2311.06330v4 [cs.AI] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Zengqing Wu, Run Peng, Xu Han, Shuyuan Zheng, Yixin Zhang, Chuan Xiao

Computer simulations offer a robust toolset for exploring complex systems across various disciplines. A particularly impactful approach within this realm is Agent-Based Modeling (ABM), which harnesses the interactions of individual agents to emulate intricate system dynamics. ABM's strength lies in its bottom-up methodology, illuminating emergent phenomena by modeling the behaviors of individual components of a system. Yet, ABM has its own set of challenges, notably its struggle with modeling natural language instructions and common sense in mathematical equations or rules. This paper seeks to transcend these boundaries by integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT into ABM. This amalgamation gives birth to a novel framework, Smart Agent-Based Modeling (SABM). Building upon the concept of smart agents -- entities characterized by their intelligence, adaptability, and computation ability -- we explore in the direction of utilizing LLM-powered agents to simulate real-world scenarios with increased nuance and realism. In this comprehensive exploration, we elucidate the state of the art of ABM, introduce SABM's potential and methodology, and present three case studies (source codes available at, demonstrating the SABM methodology and validating its effectiveness in modeling real-world systems. Furthermore, we cast a vision towards several aspects of the future of SABM, anticipating a broader horizon for its applications. Through this endeavor, we aspire to redefine the boundaries of computer simulations, enabling a more profound understanding of complex systems.

ViscoNet: Bridging and Harmonizing Visual and Textual Conditioning for ControlNet. (arXiv:2312.03154v1 [cs.CV] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Soon Yau Cheong, Armin Mustafa, Andrew Gilbert

This paper introduces ViscoNet, a novel method that enhances text-to-image human generation models with visual prompting. Unlike existing methods that rely on lengthy text descriptions to control the image structure, ViscoNet allows users to specify the visual appearance of the target object with a reference image. ViscoNet disentangles the object's appearance from the image background and injects it into a pre-trained latent diffusion model (LDM) model via a ControlNet branch. This way, ViscoNet mitigates the style mode collapse problem and enables precise and flexible visual control. We demonstrate the effectiveness of ViscoNet on human image generation, where it can manipulate visual attributes and artistic styles with text and image prompts. We also show that ViscoNet can learn visual conditioning from small and specific object domains while preserving the generative power of the LDM backbone.

DIRECT: Deep Active Learning under Imbalance and Label Noise. (arXiv:2312.09196v1 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Shyam Nuggehalli, Jifan Zhang, Lalit Jain, Robert Nowak

Class imbalance is a prevalent issue in real world machine learning applications, often leading to poor performance in rare and minority classes. With an abundance of wild unlabeled data, active learning is perhaps the most effective technique in solving the problem at its root -- collecting a more balanced and informative set of labeled examples during annotation. In this work, we propose a novel algorithm that first identifies the class separation threshold and then annotate the most uncertain examples from the minority classes, close to the separation threshold. Through a novel reduction to one-dimensional active learning, our algorithm DIRECT is able to leverage the classic active learning literature to address issues such as batch labeling and tolerance towards label noise. Compared to existing algorithms, our algorithm saves more than 15\% of the annotation budget compared to state-of-art active learning algorithm and more than 90\% of annotation budget compared to random sampling.