SEOpinion: Summarization and Exploration Opinion of E-Commerce Websites. (arXiv:2312.14171v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Alhassan Mabrouk, Rebeca P. Díaz-Redondo, Mohammed Kayed

E-Commerce (EC) websites provide a large amount of useful information that exceed human cognitive processing ability. In order to help customers in comparing alternatives when buying a product, previous studies designed opinion summarization systems based on customer reviews. They ignored templates' information provided by manufacturers, although these descriptive information have much product aspects or characteristics. Therefore, this paper proposes a methodology coined as SEOpinion (Summa-rization and Exploration of Opinions) which provides a summary for the product aspects and spots opinion(s) regarding them, using a combination of templates' information with the customer reviews in two main phases. First, the Hierarchical Aspect Extraction (HAE) phase creates a hierarchy of product aspects from the template. Subsequently, the Hierarchical Aspect-based Opinion Summarization (HAOS) phase enriches this hierarchy with customers' opinions; to be shown to other potential buyers. To test the feasibility of using Deep Learning-based BERT techniques with our approach, we have created a corpus by gathering information from the top five EC websites for laptops. The experimental results show that Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) achieves better results (77.4% and 82.6% in terms of F1-measure for the first and second phase) than the Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and the Support Vector Machine (SVM) technique.

Find the Lady: Permutation and Re-Synchronization of Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.14182v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Carl De Sousa Trias, Mihai Petru Mitrea, Attilio Fiandrotti, Marco Cagnazzo, Sumanta Chaudhuri, Enzo Tartaglione

Deep neural networks are characterized by multiple symmetrical, equi-loss solutions that are redundant. Thus, the order of neurons in a layer and feature maps can be given arbitrary permutations, without affecting (or minimally affecting) their output. If we shuffle these neurons, or if we apply to them some perturbations (like fine-tuning) can we put them back in the original order i.e. re-synchronize? Is there a possible corruption threat? Answering these questions is important for applications like neural network white-box watermarking for ownership tracking and integrity verification. We advance a method to re-synchronize the order of permuted neurons. Our method is also effective if neurons are further altered by parameter pruning, quantization, and fine-tuning, showing robustness to integrity attacks. Additionally, we provide theoretical and practical evidence for the usual means to corrupt the integrity of the model, resulting in a solution to counter it. We test our approach on popular computer vision datasets and models, and we illustrate the threat and our countermeasure on a popular white-box watermarking method.

On Early Detection of Hallucinations in Factual Question Answering. (arXiv:2312.14183v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ben Snyder, Marius Moisescu, Muhammad Bilal Zafar

While large language models (LLMs) have taken great strides towards helping humans with a plethora of tasks like search and summarization, hallucinations remain a major impediment towards gaining user trust. The fluency and coherence of model generations even when hallucinating makes it difficult to detect whether or not a model is hallucinating. In this work, we explore if the artifacts associated with the model generations can provide hints that the generation will contain hallucinations. Specifically, we probe LLMs at 1) the inputs via Integrated Gradients based token attribution, 2) the outputs via the Softmax probabilities, and 3) the internal state via self-attention and fully-connected layer activations for signs of hallucinations on open-ended question answering tasks. Our results show that the distributions of these artifacts differ between hallucinated and non-hallucinated generations. Building on this insight, we train binary classifiers that use these artifacts as input features to classify model generations into hallucinations and non-hallucinations. These hallucination classifiers achieve up to 0.80 AUROC. We further show that tokens preceding a hallucination can predict the subsequent hallucination before it occurs.

Large Language Models in Medical Term Classification and Unexpected Misalignment Between Response and Reasoning. (arXiv:2312.14184v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaodan Zhang, Sandeep Vemulapalli, Nabasmita Talukdar, Sumyeong Ahn, Jiankun Wang, Han Meng, Sardar Mehtab Bin Murtaza, Aakash Ajay Dave, Dmitry Leshchiner, Dimitri F. Joseph, Martin Witteveen-Lane, Dave Chesla, Jiayu Zhou, Bin Chen

This study assesses the ability of state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs) including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, Falcon, and LLaMA 2 to identify patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) from discharge summaries and examines instances where the models' responses were misaligned with their reasoning. Utilizing the MIMIC-IV v2.2 database, we focused on a cohort aged 65 and older, verifying MCI diagnoses against ICD codes and expert evaluations. The data was partitioned into training, validation, and testing sets in a 7:2:1 ratio for model fine-tuning and evaluation, with an additional metastatic cancer dataset from MIMIC III used to further assess reasoning consistency. GPT-4 demonstrated superior interpretative capabilities, particularly in response to complex prompts, yet displayed notable response-reasoning inconsistencies. In contrast, open-source models like Falcon and LLaMA 2 achieved high accuracy but lacked explanatory reasoning, underscoring the necessity for further research to optimize both performance and interpretability. The study emphasizes the significance of prompt engineering and the need for further exploration into the unexpected reasoning-response misalignment observed in GPT-4. The results underscore the promise of incorporating LLMs into healthcare diagnostics, contingent upon methodological advancements to ensure accuracy and clinical coherence of AI-generated outputs, thereby improving the trustworthiness of LLMs for medical decision-making.

Auto311: A Confidence-guided Automated System for Non-emergency Call. (arXiv:2312.14185v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zirong Chen, Xutong Sun, Yuanhe Li, Meiyi Ma

Emergency and non-emergency response systems are essential services provided by local governments and critical to protecting lives, the environment, and property. The effective handling of (non-)emergency calls is critical for public safety and well-being. By reducing the burden through non-emergency callers, residents in critical need of assistance through 911 will receive a fast and effective response. Collaborating with the Department of Emergency Communications (DEC) in Nashville, we analyzed 11,796 non-emergency call recordings and developed Auto311, the first automated system to handle 311 non-emergency calls, which (1) effectively and dynamically predicts ongoing non-emergency incident types to generate tailored case reports during the call; (2) itemizes essential information from dialogue contexts to complete the generated reports; and (3) strategically structures system-caller dialogues with optimized confidence. We used real-world data to evaluate the system's effectiveness and deployability. The experimental results indicate that the system effectively predicts incident type with an average F-1 score of 92.54%. Moreover, the system successfully itemizes critical information from relevant contexts to complete reports, evincing a 0.93 average consistency score compared to the ground truth. Additionally, emulations demonstrate that the system effectively decreases conversation turns as the utterance size gets more extensive and categorizes the ongoing call with 94.49% mean accuracy.

WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhanced Instruction Tuning with Refined Data Generation. (arXiv:2312.14187v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhaojian Yu, Xin Zhang, Ning Shang, Yangyu Huang, Can Xu, Yishujie Zhao, Wenxiang Hu, Qiufeng Yin

Recent work demonstrates that, after being fine-tuned on a high-quality instruction dataset, the resulting model can obtain impressive capabilities to address a wide range of tasks. However, existing methods for instruction data generation often produce duplicate data and are not controllable enough on data quality. In this paper, we extend the generalization of instruction tuning by classifying the instruction data to 4 code-related tasks and propose a LLM-based Generator-Discriminator data process framework to generate diverse, high-quality instruction data from open source code. Hence, we introduce CodeOcean, a dataset comprising 20,000 instruction instances across 4 universal code-related tasks,which is aimed at augmenting the effectiveness of instruction tuning and improving the generalization ability of fine-tuned model. Subsequently, we present WaveCoder, a fine-tuned Code LLM with Widespread And Versatile Enhanced instruction tuning. This model is specifically designed for enhancing instruction tuning of Code Language Models (LLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that Wavecoder models outperform other open-source models in terms of generalization ability across different code-related tasks at the same level of fine-tuning scale. Moreover, Wavecoder exhibits high efficiency in previous code generation tasks. This paper thus offers a significant contribution to the field of instruction data generation and fine-tuning models, providing new insights and tools for enhancing performance in code-related tasks.

Enhancing Neural Theorem Proving through Data Augmentation and Dynamic Sampling Method. (arXiv:2312.14188v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Rahul Vishwakarma, Subhankar Mishra

Theorem proving is a fundamental task in mathematics. With the advent of large language models (LLMs) and interactive theorem provers (ITPs) like Lean, there has been growing interest in integrating LLMs and ITPs to automate theorem proving. In this approach, the LLM generates proof steps (tactics), and the ITP checks the applicability of the tactics at the current goal. The two systems work together to complete the proof. In this paper, we introduce DS-Prover, a novel dynamic sampling method for theorem proving. This method dynamically determines the number of tactics to apply to expand the current goal, taking into account the remaining time compared to the total allocated time for proving a theorem. This makes the proof search process more efficient by adjusting the balance between exploration and exploitation as time passes. We also augment the training dataset by decomposing simplification and rewrite tactics with multiple premises into tactics with single premises. This gives the model more examples to learn from and helps it to predict the tactics with premises more accurately. We perform our experiments using the Mathlib dataset of the Lean theorem prover and report the performance on two standard datasets, MiniF2F and ProofNet. Our methods achieve significant performance gains on both datasets. We achieved a state-of-the-art performance (Pass@1) of 14.2% on the ProofNet dataset and a performance of 29.8% on MiniF2F, slightly surpassing the best-reported Pass@1 of 29.6% using Lean.

Benchmarking and Defending Against Indirect Prompt Injection Attacks on Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.14197v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jingwei Yi, Yueqi Xie, Bin Zhu, Keegan Hines, Emre Kiciman, Guangzhong Sun, Xing Xie, Fangzhao Wu

Recent remarkable advancements in large language models (LLMs) have led to their widespread adoption in various applications. A key feature of these applications is the combination of LLMs with external content, where user instructions and third-party content are combined to create prompts for LLM processing. These applications, however, are vulnerable to indirect prompt injection attacks, where malicious instructions embedded within external content compromise LLM's output, causing their responses to deviate from user expectations. Despite the discovery of this security issue, no comprehensive analysis of indirect prompt injection attacks on different LLMs is available due to the lack of a benchmark. Furthermore, no effective defense has been proposed.

In this work, we introduce the first benchmark, BIPIA, to measure the robustness of various LLMs and defenses against indirect prompt injection attacks. Our experiments reveal that LLMs with greater capabilities exhibit more vulnerable to indirect prompt injection attacks for text tasks, resulting in a higher ASR. We hypothesize that indirect prompt injection attacks are mainly due to the LLMs' inability to distinguish between instructions and external content. Based on this conjecture, we propose four black-box methods based on prompt learning and a white-box defense methods based on fine-tuning with adversarial training to enable LLMs to distinguish between instructions and external content and ignore instructions in the external content. Our experimental results show that our black-box defense methods can effectively reduce ASR but cannot completely thwart indirect prompt injection attacks, while our white-box defense method can reduce ASR to nearly zero with little adverse impact on the LLM's performance on general tasks. We hope that our benchmark and defenses can inspire future work in this important area.

Towards Better Visualizing the Decision Basis of Networks via Unfold and Conquer Attribution Guidance. (arXiv:2312.14201v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jung-Ho Hong, Woo-Jeoung Nam, Kyu-Sung Jeon, Seong-Whan Lee

Revealing the transparency of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has been widely studied to describe the decision mechanisms of network inner structures. In this paper, we propose a novel post-hoc framework, Unfold and Conquer Attribution Guidance (UCAG), which enhances the explainability of the network decision by spatially scrutinizing the input features with respect to the model confidence. Addressing the phenomenon of missing detailed descriptions, UCAG sequentially complies with the confidence of slices of the image, leading to providing an abundant and clear interpretation. Therefore, it is possible to enhance the representation ability of explanation by preserving the detailed descriptions of assistant input features, which are commonly overwhelmed by the main meaningful regions. We conduct numerous evaluations to validate the performance in several metrics: i) deletion and insertion, ii) (energy-based) pointing games, and iii) positive and negative density maps. Experimental results, including qualitative comparisons, demonstrate that our method outperforms the existing methods with the nature of clear and detailed explanations and applicability.

Illuminating the Black Box: A Psychometric Investigation into the Multifaceted Nature of Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.14202v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yang Lu, Jordan Yu, Shou-Hsuan Stephen Huang

This study explores the idea of AI Personality or AInality suggesting that Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit patterns similar to human personalities. Assuming that LLMs share these patterns with humans, we investigate using human-centered psychometric tests such as the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), Big Five Inventory (BFI), and Short Dark Triad (SD3) to identify and confirm LLM personality types. By introducing role-play prompts, we demonstrate the adaptability of LLMs, showing their ability to switch dynamically between different personality types. Using projective tests, such as the Washington University Sentence Completion Test (WUSCT), we uncover hidden aspects of LLM personalities that are not easily accessible through direct questioning. Projective tests allowed for a deep exploration of LLMs cognitive processes and thought patterns and gave us a multidimensional view of AInality. Our machine learning analysis revealed that LLMs exhibit distinct AInality traits and manifest diverse personality types, demonstrating dynamic shifts in response to external instructions. This study pioneers the application of projective tests on LLMs, shedding light on their diverse and adaptable AInality traits.

Experimenting with Large Language Models and vector embeddings in NASA SciX. (arXiv:2312.14211v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sergi Blanco-Cuaresma, Ioana Ciucă, Alberto Accomazzi, Michael J. Kurtz, Edwin A. Henneken, Kelly E. Lockhart, Felix Grezes, Thomas Allen, Golnaz Shapurian, Carolyn S. Grant, Donna M. Thompson, Timothy W. Hostetler, Matthew R. Templeton, Shinyi Chen, Jennifer Koch, Taylor Jacovich, Daniel Chivvis, Fernanda de Macedo Alves, Jean-Claude Paquin, Jennifer Bartlett, Mugdha Polimera, Stephanie Jarmak

Open-source Large Language Models enable projects such as NASA SciX (i.e., NASA ADS) to think out of the box and try alternative approaches for information retrieval and data augmentation, while respecting data copyright and users' privacy. However, when large language models are directly prompted with questions without any context, they are prone to hallucination. At NASA SciX we have developed an experiment where we created semantic vectors for our large collection of abstracts and full-text content, and we designed a prompt system to ask questions using contextual chunks from our system. Based on a non-systematic human evaluation, the experiment shows a lower degree of hallucination and better responses when using Retrieval Augmented Generation. Further exploration is required to design new features and data augmentation processes at NASA SciX that leverages this technology while respecting the high level of trust and quality that the project holds.

SimLM: Can Language Models Infer Parameters of Physical Systems?. (arXiv:2312.14215v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Sean Memery, Mirella Lapata, Kartic Subr

Recent developments in large-scale machine learning models for general-purpose understanding, translation and generation of language are driving impact across a variety of sectors including medicine, robotics, and scientific discovery. The strength of such Large Language Models (LLMs) stems from the large corpora that they are trained with. While this imbues them with a breadth of capabilities, they have been found unsuitable for some specific types of problems such as advanced mathematics. In this paper, we highlight the inability of LLMs to reason about physics tasks. We demonstrate that their ability to infer parameters of physical systems can be improved, without retraining, by augmenting their context with feedback from physical simulation.

Adversarial Infrared Curves: An Attack on Infrared Pedestrian Detectors in the Physical World. (arXiv:2312.14217v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Chengyin Hu, Weiwen Shi

Deep neural network security is a persistent concern, with considerable research on visible light physical attacks but limited exploration in the infrared domain. Existing approaches, like white-box infrared attacks using bulb boards and QR suits, lack realism and stealthiness. Meanwhile, black-box methods with cold and hot patches often struggle to ensure robustness. To bridge these gaps, we propose Adversarial Infrared Curves (AdvIC). Using Particle Swarm Optimization, we optimize two Bezier curves and employ cold patches in the physical realm to introduce perturbations, creating infrared curve patterns for physical sample generation. Our extensive experiments confirm AdvIC's effectiveness, achieving 94.8\% and 67.2\% attack success rates for digital and physical attacks, respectively. Stealthiness is demonstrated through a comparative analysis, and robustness assessments reveal AdvIC's superiority over baseline methods. When deployed against diverse advanced detectors, AdvIC achieves an average attack success rate of 76.8\%, emphasizing its robust nature. we explore adversarial defense strategies against AdvIC and examine its impact under various defense mechanisms. Given AdvIC's substantial security implications for real-world vision-based applications, urgent attention and mitigation efforts are warranted.

DCFL: Non-IID awareness Data Condensation aided Federated Learning. (arXiv:2312.14219v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shaohan Sha, YaFeng Sun

Federated learning is a decentralized learning paradigm wherein a central server trains a global model iteratively by utilizing clients who possess a certain amount of private datasets. The challenge lies in the fact that the client side private data may not be identically and independently distributed, significantly impacting the accuracy of the global model. Existing methods commonly address the Non-IID challenge by focusing on optimization, client selection and data complement. However, most approaches tend to overlook the perspective of the private data itself due to privacy constraints.Intuitively, statistical distinctions among private data on the client side can help mitigate the Non-IID degree. Besides, the recent advancements in dataset condensation technology have inspired us to investigate its potential applicability in addressing Non-IID issues while maintaining privacy. Motivated by this, we propose DCFL which divides clients into groups by using the Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA) method, then uses dataset condensation methods with non-IID awareness to complete clients. The private data from clients within the same group is complementary and their condensed data is accessible to all clients in the group. Additionally, CKA-guided client selection strategy, filtering mechanisms, and data enhancement techniques are incorporated to efficiently and precisely utilize the condensed data, enhance model performance, and minimize communication time. Experimental results demonstrate that DCFL achieves competitive performance on popular federated learning benchmarks including MNIST, FashionMNIST, SVHN, and CIFAR-10 with existing FL protocol.

Single-Cell RNA-seq Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2312.14220v1 [q-bio.GN])

Authors: Yixuan Wang, Shuangyin Li, Shimin DI, Lei Chen

The single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) technology enables researchers to study complex biological systems and diseases with high resolution. The central challenge is synthesizing enough scRNA-seq samples; insufficient samples can impede downstream analysis and reproducibility. While various methods have been attempted in past research, the resulting scRNA-seq samples were often of poor quality or limited in terms of useful specific cell subpopulations. To address these issues, we propose a novel method called Single-Cell Latent Diffusion (SCLD) based on the Diffusion Model. This method is capable of synthesizing large-scale, high-quality scRNA-seq samples, including both 'holistic' or targeted specific cellular subpopulations within a unified framework. A pre-guidance mechanism is designed for synthesizing specific cellular subpopulations, while a post-guidance mechanism aims to enhance the quality of scRNA-seq samples. The SCLD can synthesize large-scale and high-quality scRNA-seq samples for various downstream tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in cell classification and data distribution distances when evaluated on two scRNA-seq benchmarks. Additionally, visualization experiments show the SCLD's capability in synthesizing specific cellular subpopulations.

Hierarchical Topology Isomorphism Expertise Embedded Graph Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.14222v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jiangmeng Li, Yifan Jin, Hang Gao, Wenwen Qiang, Changwen Zheng, Fuchun Sun

Graph contrastive learning (GCL) aims to align the positive features while differentiating the negative features in the latent space by minimizing a pair-wise contrastive loss. As the embodiment of an outstanding discriminative unsupervised graph representation learning approach, GCL achieves impressive successes in various graph benchmarks. However, such an approach falls short of recognizing the topology isomorphism of graphs, resulting in that graphs with relatively homogeneous node features cannot be sufficiently discriminated. By revisiting classic graph topology recognition works, we disclose that the corresponding expertise intuitively complements GCL methods. To this end, we propose a novel hierarchical topology isomorphism expertise embedded graph contrastive learning, which introduces knowledge distillations to empower GCL models to learn the hierarchical topology isomorphism expertise, including the graph-tier and subgraph-tier. On top of this, the proposed method holds the feature of plug-and-play, and we empirically demonstrate that the proposed method is universal to multiple state-of-the-art GCL models. The solid theoretical analyses are further provided to prove that compared with conventional GCL methods, our method acquires the tighter upper bound of Bayes classification error. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world benchmarks to exhibit the performance superiority of our method over candidate GCL methods, e.g., for the real-world graph representation learning experiments, the proposed method beats the state-of-the-art method by 0.23\% on unsupervised representation learning setting, 0.43\% on transfer learning setting. Our code is available at

Deep de Finetti: Recovering Topic Distributions from Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.14226v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Liyi Zhang, R. Thomas McCoy, Theodore R. Sumers, Jian-Qiao Zhu, Thomas L. Griffiths

Large language models (LLMs) can produce long, coherent passages of text, suggesting that LLMs, although trained on next-word prediction, must represent the latent structure that characterizes a document. Prior work has found that internal representations of LLMs encode one aspect of latent structure, namely syntax; here we investigate a complementary aspect, namely the document's topic structure. We motivate the hypothesis that LLMs capture topic structure by connecting LLM optimization to implicit Bayesian inference. De Finetti's theorem shows that exchangeable probability distributions can be represented as a mixture with respect to a latent generating distribution. Although text is not exchangeable at the level of syntax, exchangeability is a reasonable starting assumption for topic structure. We thus hypothesize that predicting the next token in text will lead LLMs to recover latent topic distributions. We examine this hypothesis using Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA), an exchangeable probabilistic topic model, as a target, and we show that the representations formed by LLMs encode both the topics used to generate synthetic data and those used to explain natural corpus data.

ElasticTrainer: Speeding Up On-Device Training with Runtime Elastic Tensor Selection. (arXiv:2312.14227v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kai Huang, Boyuan Yang, Wei Gao

On-device training is essential for neural networks (NNs) to continuously adapt to new online data, but can be time-consuming due to the device's limited computing power. To speed up on-device training, existing schemes select trainable NN portion offline or conduct unrecoverable selection at runtime, but the evolution of trainable NN portion is constrained and cannot adapt to the current need for training. Instead, runtime adaptation of on-device training should be fully elastic, i.e., every NN substructure can be freely removed from or added to the trainable NN portion at any time in training. In this paper, we present ElasticTrainer, a new technique that enforces such elasticity to achieve the required training speedup with the minimum NN accuracy loss. Experiment results show that ElasticTrainer achieves up to 3.5x more training speedup in wall-clock time and reduces energy consumption by 2x-3x more compared to the existing schemes, without noticeable accuracy loss.

Real-time Neural Network Inference on Extremely Weak Devices: Agile Offloading with Explainable AI. (arXiv:2312.14229v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Kai Huang, Wei Gao

With the wide adoption of AI applications, there is a pressing need of enabling real-time neural network (NN) inference on small embedded devices, but deploying NNs and achieving high performance of NN inference on these small devices is challenging due to their extremely weak capabilities. Although NN partitioning and offloading can contribute to such deployment, they are incapable of minimizing the local costs at embedded devices. Instead, we suggest to address this challenge via agile NN offloading, which migrates the required computations in NN offloading from online inference to offline learning. In this paper, we present AgileNN, a new NN offloading technique that achieves real-time NN inference on weak embedded devices by leveraging eXplainable AI techniques, so as to explicitly enforce feature sparsity during the training phase and minimize the online computation and communication costs. Experiment results show that AgileNN's inference latency is >6x lower than the existing schemes, ensuring that sensory data on embedded devices can be timely consumed. It also reduces the local device's resource consumption by >8x, without impairing the inference accuracy.

Parrot Captions Teach CLIP to Spot Text. (arXiv:2312.14232v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yiqi Lin, Conghui He, Alex Jinpeng Wang, Bin Wang, Weijia Li, Mike Zheng Shou

Despite CLIP being the foundation model in numerous vision-language applications, the CLIP suffers from a severe text spotting bias. Such bias causes CLIP models to `Parrot' the visual text embedded within images while disregarding the authentic visual semantics. We uncover that in the most popular image-text dataset LAION-2B, the captions also densely parrot (spell) the text embedded in images. Our analysis shows that around \textbf{50\%} of images are embedded with visual text content, and \textbf{90\%} of their captions more or less parrot the visual text. Based on such observation, we thoroughly inspect the different release d versions of CLIP models and verify that the visual text is the dominant factor in measuring the LAION-style image-text similarity for these models. To examine whether these parrot captions shape the text spotting bias, we train a series of CLIP models with LAION subsets curated by different parrot-caption-oriented criteria. We show that training with parrot captions easily shapes such bias but harms the expected visual-language representation learning in CLIP models. This suggests that it is urgent to revisit either the design of CLIP-like models or the existing image-text dataset curation pipeline built on CLIP score filtering.

Exploring the intersection of Generative AI and Software Development. (arXiv:2312.14262v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Filipe Calegario, Vanilson Burégio, Francisco Erivaldo, Daniel Moraes Costa Andrade, Kailane Felix, Nathalia Barbosa, Pedro Lucas da Silva Lucena, César França

In the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), the synergy between generative AI and Software Engineering emerges as a transformative frontier. This whitepaper delves into the unexplored realm, elucidating how generative AI techniques can revolutionize software development. Spanning from project management to support and updates, we meticulously map the demands of each development stage and unveil the potential of generative AI in addressing them. Techniques such as zero-shot prompting, self-consistency, and multimodal chain-of-thought are explored, showcasing their unique capabilities in enhancing generative AI models. The significance of vector embeddings, context, plugins, tools, and code assistants is underscored, emphasizing their role in capturing semantic information and amplifying generative AI capabilities. Looking ahead, this intersection promises to elevate productivity, improve code quality, and streamline the software development process. This whitepaper serves as a guide for stakeholders, urging discussions and experiments in the application of generative AI in Software Engineering, fostering innovation and collaboration for a qualitative leap in the efficiency and effectiveness of software development.

Experimental demonstration of magnetic tunnel junction-based computational random-access memory. (arXiv:2312.14264v1 [cs.ET])

Authors: Yang Lv, Brandon R. Zink, Robert P. Bloom, Hüsrev Cılasun, Pravin Khanal, Salonik Resch, Zamshed Chowdhury, Ali Habiboglu, Weigang Wang, Sachin S. Sapatnekar, Ulya Karpuczu, Jian-Ping Wang

Conventional computing paradigm struggles to fulfill the rapidly growing demands from emerging applications, especially those for machine intelligence, because much of the power and energy is consumed by constant data transfers between logic and memory modules. A new paradigm, called "computational random-access memory (CRAM)" has emerged to address this fundamental limitation. CRAM performs logic operations directly using the memory cells themselves, without having the data ever leave the memory. The energy and performance benefits of CRAM for both conventional and emerging applications have been well established by prior numerical studies. However, there lacks an experimental demonstration and study of CRAM to evaluate its computation accuracy, which is a realistic and application-critical metrics for its technological feasibility and competitiveness. In this work, a CRAM array based on magnetic tunnel junctions (MTJs) is experimentally demonstrated. First, basic memory operations as well as 2-, 3-, and 5-input logic operations are studied. Then, a 1-bit full adder with two different designs is demonstrated. Based on the experimental results, a suite of modeling has been developed to characterize the accuracy of CRAM computation. Further analysis of scalar addition, multiplication, and matrix multiplication shows promising results. These results are then applied to a complete application: a neural network based handwritten digit classifier, as an example to show the connection between the application performance and further MTJ development. The classifier achieved almost-perfect classification accuracy, with reasonable projections of future MTJ development. With the confirmation of MTJ-based CRAM's accuracy, there is a strong case that this technology will have a significant impact on power- and energy-demanding applications of machine intelligence.

Benchmarking Multi-Agent Preference-based Reinforcement Learning for Human-AI Teaming. (arXiv:2312.14292v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Siddhant Bhambri, Mudit Verma, Anil Murthy, Subbarao Kambhampati

Preference-based Reinforcement Learning (PbRL) is an active area of research, and has made significant strides in single-agent actor and in observer human-in-the-loop scenarios. However, its application within the co-operative multi-agent RL frameworks, where humans actively participate and express preferences for agent behavior, remains largely uncharted. We consider a two-agent (Human-AI) cooperative setup where both the agents are rewarded according to human's reward function for the team. However, the agent does not have access to it, and instead, utilizes preference-based queries to elicit its objectives and human's preferences for the robot in the human-robot team. We introduce the notion of Human-Flexibility, i.e. whether the human partner is amenable to multiple team strategies, with a special case being Specified Orchestration where the human has a single team policy in mind (most constrained case). We propose a suite of domains to study PbRL for Human-AI cooperative setup which explicitly require forced cooperation. Adapting state-of-the-art single-agent PbRL algorithms to our two-agent setting, we conduct a comprehensive benchmarking study across our domain suite. Our findings highlight the challenges associated with high degree of Human-Flexibility and the limited access to the human's envisioned policy in PbRL for Human-AI cooperation. Notably, we observe that PbRL algorithms exhibit effective performance exclusively in the case of Specified Orchestration which can be seen as an upper bound PbRL performance for future research.

Autoencoder Based Face Verification System. (arXiv:2312.14301v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Enoch Solomon, Abraham Woubie, Eyael Solomon Emiru

The primary objective of this work is to present an alternative approach aimed at reducing the dependency on labeled data. Our proposed method involves utilizing autoencoder pre-training within a face image recognition task with two step processes. Initially, an autoencoder is trained in an unsupervised manner using a substantial amount of unlabeled training dataset. Subsequently, a deep learning model is trained with initialized parameters from the pre-trained autoencoder. This deep learning training process is conducted in a supervised manner, employing relatively limited labeled training dataset. During evaluation phase, face image embeddings is generated as the output of deep neural network layer. Our training is executed on the CelebA dataset, while evaluation is performed using benchmark face recognition datasets such as Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) and YouTube Faces (YTF). Experimental results demonstrate that by initializing the deep neural network with pre-trained autoencoder parameters achieve comparable results to state-of-the-art methods.

Exploiting Novel GPT-4 APIs. (arXiv:2312.14302v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Kellin Pelrine, Mohammad Taufeeque, Michał Zając, Euan McLean, Adam Gleave

Language model attacks typically assume one of two extreme threat models: full white-box access to model weights, or black-box access limited to a text generation API. However, real-world APIs are often more flexible than just text generation: these APIs expose ``gray-box'' access leading to new threat vectors. To explore this, we red-team three new functionalities exposed in the GPT-4 APIs: fine-tuning, function calling and knowledge retrieval. We find that fine-tuning a model on as few as 15 harmful examples or 100 benign examples can remove core safeguards from GPT-4, enabling a range of harmful outputs. Furthermore, we find that GPT-4 Assistants readily divulge the function call schema and can be made to execute arbitrary function calls. Finally, we find that knowledge retrieval can be hijacked by injecting instructions into retrieval documents. These vulnerabilities highlight that any additions to the functionality exposed by an API can create new vulnerabilities.

Social Recommendation through Heterogeneous Graph Modeling of the Long-term and Short-term Preference Defined by Dynamic Periods. (arXiv:2312.14306v1 [cs.SI])

Authors: Behafarid Mohammad Jafari, Xiao Luo, Ali Jafari

Social recommendations have been widely adopted in substantial domains. Recently, graph neural networks (GNN) have been employed in recommender systems due to their success in graph representation learning. However, dealing with the dynamic property of social network data is a challenge. This research presents a novel method that provides social recommendations by incorporating the dynamic property of social network data in a heterogeneous graph. The model aims to capture user preference over time without going through the complexities of a dynamic graph by adding period nodes to define users' long-term and short-term preferences and aggregating assigned edge weights. The model is applied to real-world data to argue its superior performance. Promising results demonstrate the effectiveness of this model.

Logic-Scaffolding: Personalized Aspect-Instructed Recommendation Explanation Generation using LLMs. (arXiv:2312.14345v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Behnam Rahdari, Hao Ding, Ziwei Fan, Yifei Ma, Zhuotong Chen, Anoop Deoras, Branislav Kveton

The unique capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), such as the natural language text generation ability, position them as strong candidates for providing explanation for recommendations. However, despite the size of the LLM, most existing models struggle to produce zero-shot explanations reliably. To address this issue, we propose a framework called Logic-Scaffolding, that combines the ideas of aspect-based explanation and chain-of-thought prompting to generate explanations through intermediate reasoning steps. In this paper, we share our experience in building the framework and present an interactive demonstration for exploring our results.

Don't Believe Everything You Read: Enhancing Summarization Interpretability through Automatic Identification of Hallucinations in Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.14346v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Priyesh Vakharia, Devavrat Joshi, Meenal Chavan, Dhananjay Sonawane, Bhrigu Garg, Parsa Mazaheri, Ian Lane

Large Language Models (LLMs) are adept at text manipulation -- tasks such as machine translation and text summarization. However, these models can also be prone to hallucination, which can be detrimental to the faithfulness of any answers that the model provides. Recent works in combating hallucinations in LLMs deal with identifying hallucinated sentences and categorizing the different ways in which models hallucinate. This paper takes a deep dive into LLM behavior with respect to hallucinations, defines a token-level approach to identifying different kinds of hallucinations, and further utilizes this token-level tagging to improve the interpretability and faithfulness of LLMs in dialogue summarization tasks. Through this, the paper presents a new, enhanced dataset and a new training paradigm.

AdapTraj: A Multi-Source Domain Generalization Framework for Multi-Agent Trajectory Prediction. (arXiv:2312.14394v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Tangwen Qian, Yile Chen, Gao Cong, Yongjun Xu, Fei Wang

Multi-agent trajectory prediction, as a critical task in modeling complex interactions of objects in dynamic systems, has attracted significant research attention in recent years. Despite the promising advances, existing studies all follow the assumption that data distribution observed during model learning matches that encountered in real-world deployments. However, this assumption often does not hold in practice, as inherent distribution shifts might exist in the mobility patterns for deployment environments, thus leading to poor domain generalization and performance degradation. Consequently, it is appealing to leverage trajectories from multiple source domains to mitigate such discrepancies for multi-agent trajectory prediction task. However, the development of multi-source domain generalization in this task presents two notable issues: (1) negative transfer; (2) inadequate modeling for external factors. To address these issues, we propose a new causal formulation to explicitly model four types of features: domain-invariant and domain-specific features for both the focal agent and neighboring agents. Building upon the new formulation, we propose AdapTraj, a multi-source domain generalization framework specifically tailored for multi-agent trajectory prediction. AdapTraj serves as a plug-and-play module that is adaptable to a variety of models. Extensive experiments on four datasets with different domains demonstrate that AdapTraj consistently outperforms other baselines by a substantial margin.

Unsupervised Deep Learning Image Verification Method. (arXiv:2312.14395v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Enoch Solomon, Abraham Woubie, Eyael Solomon Emiru

Although deep learning are commonly employed for image recognition, usually huge amount of labeled training data is required, which may not always be readily available. This leads to a noticeable performance disparity when compared to state-of-the-art unsupervised face verification techniques. In this work, we propose a method to narrow this gap by leveraging an autoencoder to convert the face image vector into a novel representation. Notably, the autoencoder is trained to reconstruct neighboring face image vectors rather than the original input image vectors. These neighbor face image vectors are chosen through an unsupervised process based on the highest cosine scores with the training face image vectors. The proposed method achieves a relative improvement of 56\% in terms of EER over the baseline system on Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) dataset. This has successfully narrowed down the performance gap between cosine and PLDA scoring systems.

The Fairness Fair: Bringing Human Perception into Collective Decision-Making. (arXiv:2312.14402v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Hadi Hosseini

Fairness is one of the most desirable societal principles in collective decision-making. It has been extensively studied in the past decades for its axiomatic properties and has received substantial attention from the multiagent systems community in recent years for its theoretical and computational aspects in algorithmic decision-making. However, these studies are often not sufficiently rich to capture the intricacies of human perception of fairness in the ambivalent nature of the real-world problems. We argue that not only fair solutions should be deemed desirable by social planners (designers), but they should be governed by human and societal cognition, consider perceived outcomes based on human judgement, and be verifiable. We discuss how achieving this goal requires a broad transdisciplinary approach ranging from computing and AI to behavioral economics and human-AI interaction. In doing so, we identify shortcomings and long-term challenges of the current literature of fair division, describe recent efforts in addressing them, and more importantly, highlight a series of open research directions.

Generative Pretraining at Scale: Transformer-Based Encoding of Transactional Behavior for Fraud Detection. (arXiv:2312.14406v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ze Yu Zhao (1), Zheng Zhu (1), Guilin Li (1), Wenhan Wang (1), Bo Wang (1) ((1) Tencent, WeChat Pay)

In this work, we introduce an innovative autoregressive model leveraging Generative Pretrained Transformer (GPT) architectures, tailored for fraud detection in payment systems. Our approach innovatively confronts token explosion and reconstructs behavioral sequences, providing a nuanced understanding of transactional behavior through temporal and contextual analysis. Utilizing unsupervised pretraining, our model excels in feature representation without the need for labeled data. Additionally, we integrate a differential convolutional approach to enhance anomaly detection, bolstering the security and efficacy of one of the largest online payment merchants in China. The scalability and adaptability of our model promise broad applicability in various transactional contexts.

Enhancing Actionable Formal Concept Identification with Base-Equivalent Conceptual-Relevance. (arXiv:2312.14421v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Ayao Bobi, Rokia Missaoui, Mohamed Hamza Ibrahim

In knowledge discovery applications, the pattern set generated from data can be tremendously large and hard to explore by analysts. In the Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) framework, there have been studies to identify important formal concepts through the stability index and other quality measures. In this paper, we introduce the Base-Equivalent Conceptual Relevance (BECR) score, a novel conceptual relevance interestingness measure for improving the identification of actionable concepts. From a conceptual perspective, the base and equivalent attributes are considered meaningful information and are highly essential to maintain the conceptual structure of concepts. Thus, the basic idea of BECR is that the more base and equivalent attributes and minimal generators a concept intent has, the more relevant it is. As such, BECR quantifies these attributes and minimal generators per concept intent. Our preliminary experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets show the efficiency of BECR compared to the well-known stability index.

A Unified Industrial Large Knowledge Model Framework in Smart Manufacturing. (arXiv:2312.14428v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jay Lee, Hanqi Su

The recent emergence of large language models (LLMs) shows the potential for artificial general intelligence, revealing new opportunities in industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. However, a notable gap exists in applying these LLMs in industry, primarily due to their training on general knowledge rather than domain-specific knowledge. Such specialized domain knowledge is vital for effectively addressing the complex needs of industrial applications. To bridge this gap, this paper proposes an Industrial Large Knowledge Model (ILKM) framework emphasizing their potential to revolutionize the industry in smart manufacturing. In addition, ILKMs and LLMs are compared from eight perspectives. Finally, "6S Principle" is proposed as the guideline for the development of ILKMs in smart manufacturing.

PC-Conv: Unifying Homophily and Heterophily with Two-fold Filtering. (arXiv:2312.14438v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Bingheng Li, Erlin Pan, Zhao Kang

Recently, many carefully crafted graph representation learning methods have achieved impressive performance on either strong heterophilic or homophilic graphs, but not both. Therefore, they are incapable of generalizing well across real-world graphs with different levels of homophily. This is attributed to their neglect of homophily in heterophilic graphs, and vice versa. In this paper, we propose a two-fold filtering mechanism to extract homophily in heterophilic graphs and vice versa. In particular, we extend the graph heat equation to perform heterophilic aggregation of global information from a long distance. The resultant filter can be exactly approximated by the Possion-Charlier (PC) polynomials. To further exploit information at multiple orders, we introduce a powerful graph convolution PC-Conv and its instantiation PCNet for the node classification task. Compared with state-of-the-art GNNs, PCNet shows competitive performance on well-known homophilic and heterophilic graphs. Our implementation is available at

On the Effectiveness of Unlearning in Session-Based Recommendation. (arXiv:2312.14447v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Xin Xin, Liu Yang, Ziqi Zhao, Pengjie Ren, Zhumin Chen, Jun Ma, Zhaochun Ren

Session-based recommendation predicts users' future interests from previous interactions in a session. Despite the memorizing of historical samples, the request of unlearning, i.e., to remove the effect of certain training samples, also occurs for reasons such as user privacy or model fidelity. However, existing studies on unlearning are not tailored for the session-based recommendation. On the one hand, these approaches cannot achieve satisfying unlearning effects due to the collaborative correlations and sequential connections between the unlearning item and the remaining items in the session. On the other hand, seldom work has conducted the research to verify the unlearning effectiveness in the session-based recommendation scenario. In this paper, we propose SRU, a session-based recommendation unlearning framework, which enables high unlearning efficiency, accurate recommendation performance, and improved unlearning effectiveness in session-based recommendation. Specifically, we first partition the training sessions into separate sub-models according to the similarity across the sessions, then we utilize an attention-based aggregation layer to fuse the hidden states according to the correlations between the session and the centroid of the data in the sub-model. To improve the unlearning effectiveness, we further propose three extra data deletion strategies, including collaborative extra deletion (CED), neighbor extra deletion (NED), and random extra deletion (RED). Besides, we propose an evaluation metric that measures whether the unlearning sample can be inferred after the data deletion to verify the unlearning effectiveness. We implement SRU with three representative session-based recommendation models and conduct experiments on three benchmark datasets. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods.

Attacking Byzantine Robust Aggregation in High Dimensions. (arXiv:2312.14461v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Sarthak Choudhary, Aashish Kolluri, Prateek Saxena

Training modern neural networks or models typically requires averaging over a sample of high-dimensional vectors. Poisoning attacks can skew or bias the average vectors used to train the model, forcing the model to learn specific patterns or avoid learning anything useful. Byzantine robust aggregation is a principled algorithmic defense against such biasing. Robust aggregators can bound the maximum bias in computing centrality statistics, such as mean, even when some fraction of inputs are arbitrarily corrupted. Designing such aggregators is challenging when dealing with high dimensions. However, the first polynomial-time algorithms with strong theoretical bounds on the bias have recently been proposed. Their bounds are independent of the number of dimensions, promising a conceptual limit on the power of poisoning attacks in their ongoing arms race against defenses.

In this paper, we show a new attack called HIDRA on practical realization of strong defenses which subverts their claim of dimension-independent bias. HIDRA highlights a novel computational bottleneck that has not been a concern of prior information-theoretic analysis. Our experimental evaluation shows that our attacks almost completely destroy the model performance, whereas existing attacks with the same goal fail to have much effect. Our findings leave the arms race between poisoning attacks and provable defenses wide open.

Not All Tasks Are Equally Difficult: Multi-Task Reinforcement Learning with Dynamic Depth Routing. (arXiv:2312.14472v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Jinmin He, Kai Li, Yifan Zang, Haobo Fu, Qiang Fu, Junliang Xing, Jian Cheng

Multi-task reinforcement learning endeavors to accomplish a set of different tasks with a single policy. To enhance data efficiency by sharing parameters across multiple tasks, a common practice segments the network into distinct modules and trains a routing network to recombine these modules into task-specific policies. However, existing routing approaches employ a fixed number of modules for all tasks, neglecting that tasks with varying difficulties commonly require varying amounts of knowledge. This work presents a Dynamic Depth Routing (D2R) framework, which learns strategic skipping of certain intermediate modules, thereby flexibly choosing different numbers of modules for each task. Under this framework, we further introduce a ResRouting method to address the issue of disparate routing paths between behavior and target policies during off-policy training. In addition, we design an automatic route-balancing mechanism to encourage continued routing exploration for unmastered tasks without disturbing the routing of mastered ones. We conduct extensive experiments on various robotics manipulation tasks in the Meta-World benchmark, where D2R achieves state-of-the-art performance with significantly improved learning efficiency.

Part to Whole: Collaborative Prompting for Surgical Instrument Segmentation. (arXiv:2312.14481v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wenxi Yue, Jing Zhang, Kun Hu, Qiuxia Wu, Zongyuan Ge, Yong Xia, Jiebo Luo, Zhiyong Wang

Foundation models like the Segment Anything Model (SAM) have demonstrated promise in generic object segmentation. However, directly applying SAM to surgical instrument segmentation presents key challenges. First, SAM relies on per-frame point-or-box prompts which complicate surgeon-computer interaction. Also, SAM yields suboptimal performance on segmenting surgical instruments, owing to insufficient surgical data in its pre-training as well as the complex structure and fine-grained details of various surgical instruments. To address these challenges, in this paper, we investigate text promptable surgical instrument segmentation and propose SP-SAM (SurgicalPart-SAM), a novel efficient-tuning approach that integrates surgical instrument structure knowledge with the generic segmentation knowledge of SAM. Specifically, we achieve this by proposing (1) collaborative prompts in the text form "[part name] of [instrument category name]" that decompose instruments into fine-grained parts; (2) a Cross-Modal Prompt Encoder that encodes text prompts jointly with visual embeddings into discriminative part-level representations; and (3) a Part-to-Whole Selective Fusion and a Hierarchical Decoding strategy that selectively assemble the part-level representations into a whole for accurate instrument segmentation. Built upon them, SP-SAM acquires a better capability to comprehend surgical instrument structures and distinguish between various categories. Extensive experiments on both the EndoVis2018 and EndoVis2017 datasets demonstrate SP-SAM's state-of-the-art performance with minimal tunable parameters. Code is at

Language Model is a Branch Predictor for Simultaneous Machine Translation. (arXiv:2312.14488v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Aoxiong Yin, Tianyun Zhong, Haoyuan Li, Siliang Tang, Zhou Zhao

The primary objective of simultaneous machine translation (SiMT) is to minimize latency while preserving the quality of the final translation. Drawing inspiration from CPU branch prediction techniques, we propose incorporating branch prediction techniques in SiMT tasks to reduce translation latency. Specifically, we utilize a language model as a branch predictor to predict potential branch directions, namely, future source words. Subsequently, we utilize the predicted source words to decode the output in advance. When the actual source word deviates from the predicted source word, we use the real source word to decode the output again, replacing the predicted output. To further reduce computational costs, we share the parameters of the encoder and the branch predictor, and utilize a pre-trained language model for initialization. Our proposed method can be seamlessly integrated with any SiMT model. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our approach can improve translation quality and latency at the same time. Our code is available at .

Hutchinson Trace Estimation for High-Dimensional and High-Order Physics-Informed Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.14499v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zheyuan Hu, Zekun Shi, George Em Karniadakis, Kenji Kawaguchi

Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) have proven effective in solving partial differential equations (PDEs), especially when some data are available by blending seamlessly data and physics. However, extending PINNs to high-dimensional and even high-order PDEs encounters significant challenges due to the computational cost associated with automatic differentiation in the residual loss. Herein, we address the limitations of PINNs in handling high-dimensional and high-order PDEs by introducing Hutchinson Trace Estimation (HTE). Starting with the second-order high-dimensional PDEs ubiquitous in scientific computing, HTE transforms the calculation of the entire Hessian matrix into a Hessian vector product (HVP). This approach alleviates the computational bottleneck via Taylor-mode automatic differentiation and significantly reduces memory consumption from the Hessian matrix to HVP. We further showcase HTE's convergence to the original PINN loss and its unbiased behavior under specific conditions. Comparisons with Stochastic Dimension Gradient Descent (SDGD) highlight the distinct advantages of HTE, particularly in scenarios with significant variance among dimensions. We further extend HTE to higher-order and higher-dimensional PDEs, specifically addressing the biharmonic equation. By employing tensor-vector products (TVP), HTE efficiently computes the colossal tensor associated with the fourth-order high-dimensional biharmonic equation, saving memory and enabling rapid computation. The effectiveness of HTE is illustrated through experimental setups, demonstrating comparable convergence rates with SDGD under memory and speed constraints. Additionally, HTE proves valuable in accelerating the Gradient-Enhanced PINN (gPINN) version as well as the Biharmonic equation. Overall, HTE opens up a new capability in scientific machine learning for tackling high-order and high-dimensional PDEs.

ZodiacEdge: a Datalog Engine With Incremental Rule Set Maintenance. (arXiv:2312.14530v1 [cs.DB])

Authors: Weiqin Xu, Olivier Curé

In this paper, we tackle the incremental maintenance of Datalog inference materialisation when the rule set can be updated. This is particularly relevant in the context of the Internet of Things and Edge computing where smart devices may need to reason over newly acquired knowledge represented as Datalog rules. Our solution is based on an adaptation of a stratification strategy applied to a dependency hypergraph whose nodes correspond to rule sets in a Datalog program. Our implementation supports recursive rules containing both negation and aggregation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system on real and synthetic data.

DuaLight: Enhancing Traffic Signal Control by Leveraging Scenario-Specific and Scenario-Shared Knowledge. (arXiv:2312.14532v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Jiaming Lu, Jingqing Ruan, Haoyuan Jiang, Ziyue Li, Hangyu Mao, Rui Zhao

Reinforcement learning has been revolutionizing the traditional traffic signal control task, showing promising power to relieve congestion and improve efficiency. However, the existing methods lack effective learning mechanisms capable of absorbing dynamic information inherent to a specific scenario and universally applicable dynamic information across various scenarios. Moreover, within each specific scenario, they fail to fully capture the essential empirical experiences about how to coordinate between neighboring and target intersections, leading to sub-optimal system-wide outcomes.

Viewing these issues, we propose DuaLight, which aims to leverage both the experiential information within a single scenario and the generalizable information across various scenarios for enhanced decision-making. Specifically, DuaLight introduces a scenario-specific experiential weight module with two learnable parts: Intersection-wise and Feature-wise, guiding how to adaptively utilize neighbors and input features for each scenario, thus providing a more fine-grained understanding of different intersections. Furthermore, we implement a scenario-shared Co-Train module to facilitate the learning of generalizable dynamics information across different scenarios. Empirical results on both real-world and synthetic scenarios show DuaLight achieves competitive performance across various metrics, offering a promising solution to alleviate traffic congestion, with 3-7\% improvements. The code is available under:

Multi-view user representation learning for user matching without personal information. (arXiv:2312.14533v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Hongliu Cao, Ilias El Baamrani, Eoin Thomas

As the digitization of travel industry accelerates, analyzing and understanding travelers' behaviors becomes increasingly important. However, traveler data frequently exhibit high data sparsity due to the relatively low frequency of user interactions with travel providers. Compounding this effect the multiplication of devices, accounts and platforms while browsing travel products online also leads to data dispersion. To deal with these challenges, probabilistic traveler matching can be used. Most existing solutions for user matching are not suitable for traveler matching as a traveler's browsing history is typically short and URLs in the travel industry are very heterogeneous with many tokens. To deal with these challenges, we propose the similarity based multi-view information fusion to learn a better user representation from URLs by treating the URLs as multi-view data. The experimental results show that the proposed multi-view user representation learning can take advantage of the complementary information from different views, highlight the key information in URLs and perform significantly better than other representation learning solutions for the user matching task.

ADA-GAD: Anomaly-Denoised Autoencoders for Graph Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2312.14535v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Junwei He, Qianqian Xu, Yangbangyan Jiang, Zitai Wang, Qingming Huang

Graph anomaly detection is crucial for identifying nodes that deviate from regular behavior within graphs, benefiting various domains such as fraud detection and social network. Although existing reconstruction-based methods have achieved considerable success, they may face the \textit{Anomaly Overfitting} and \textit{Homophily Trap} problems caused by the abnormal patterns in the graph, breaking the assumption that normal nodes are often better reconstructed than abnormal ones. Our observations indicate that models trained on graphs with fewer anomalies exhibit higher detection performance. Based on this insight, we introduce a novel two-stage framework called Anomaly-Denoised Autoencoders for Graph Anomaly Detection (ADA-GAD). In the first stage, we design a learning-free anomaly-denoised augmentation method to generate graphs with reduced anomaly levels. We pretrain graph autoencoders on these augmented graphs at multiple levels, which enables the graph autoencoders to capture normal patterns. In the next stage, the decoders are retrained for detection on the original graph, benefiting from the multi-level representations learned in the previous stage. Meanwhile, we propose the node anomaly distribution regularization to further alleviate \textit{Anomaly Overfitting}. We validate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

Adaptive Reconvergence-driven AIG Rewriting via Strategy Learning. (arXiv:2312.14536v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Liwei Ni, Zonglin Yang, Jiaxi Zhang, Junfeng Liu, Huawei Li, Biwei Xie, Xinquan Li

Rewriting is a common procedure in logic synthesis aimed at improving the performance, power, and area (PPA) of circuits. The traditional reconvergence-driven And-Inverter Graph (AIG) rewriting method focuses solely on optimizing the reconvergence cone through Boolean algebra minimization. However, there exist opportunities to incorporate other node-rewriting algorithms that are better suited for specific cones. In this paper, we propose an adaptive reconvergence-driven AIG rewriting algorithm that combines two key techniques: multi-strategy-based AIG rewriting and strategy learning-based algorithm selection. The multi-strategy-based rewriting method expands upon the traditional approach by incorporating support for multi-node-rewriting algorithms, thus expanding the optimization space. Additionally, the strategy learning-based algorithm selection method determines the most suitable node-rewriting algorithm for a given cone. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method yields a significant average improvement of 5.567\% in size and 5.327\% in depth.

Inclusive normalization of face images to passport format. (arXiv:2312.14544v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hongliu Cao, Minh Nhat Do, Alexis Ravanel, Eoin Thomas

Face recognition has been used more and more in real world applications in recent years. However, when the skin color bias is coupled with intra-personal variations like harsh illumination, the face recognition task is more likely to fail, even during human inspection. Face normalization methods try to deal with such challenges by removing intra-personal variations from an input image while keeping the identity the same. However, most face normalization methods can only remove one or two variations and ignore dataset biases such as skin color bias. The outputs of many face normalization methods are also not realistic to human observers. In this work, a style based face normalization model (StyleFNM) is proposed to remove most intra-personal variations including large changes in pose, bad or harsh illumination, low resolution, blur, facial expressions, and accessories like sunglasses among others. The dataset bias is also dealt with in this paper by controlling a pretrained GAN to generate a balanced dataset of passport-like images. The experimental results show that StyleFNM can generate more realistic outputs and can improve significantly the accuracy and fairness of face recognition systems.

The Economics of Human Oversight: How Norms and Incentives Affect Costs and Performance of AI Workers. (arXiv:2312.14565v1 [econ.GN])

Authors: Johann Laux, Fabian Stephany, Alice Liefgreen

The global surge in AI applications is transforming industries, leading to displacement and complementation of existing jobs, while also giving rise to new employment opportunities. Human oversight of AI is an emerging task in which human workers interact with an AI model to improve its performance, safety, and compliance with normative principles. Data annotation, encompassing the labelling of images or annotating of texts, serves as a critical human oversight process, as the quality of a dataset directly influences the quality of AI models trained on it. Therefore, the efficiency of human oversight work stands as an important competitive advantage for AI developers. This paper delves into the foundational economics of human oversight, with a specific focus on the impact of norm design and monetary incentives on data quality and costs. An experimental study involving 307 data annotators examines six groups with varying task instructions (norms) and monetary incentives. Results reveal that annotators provided with clear rules exhibit higher accuracy rates, outperforming those with vague standards by 14%. Similarly, annotators receiving an additional monetary incentive perform significantly better, with the highest accuracy rate recorded in the group working with both clear rules and incentives (87.5% accuracy). However, both groups require more time to complete tasks, with a 31% increase in average task completion time compared to those working with standards and no incentives. These empirical findings underscore the trade-off between data quality and efficiency in data curation, shedding light on the nuanced impact of norm design and incentives on the economics of AI development. The paper contributes experimental insights to discussions on the economical, ethical, and legal considerations of AI technologies.

Creating New Voices using Normalizing Flows. (arXiv:2312.14569v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Piotr Bilinski, Thomas Merritt, Abdelhamid Ezzerg, Kamil Pokora, Sebastian Cygert, Kayoko Yanagisawa, Roberto Barra-Chicote, Daniel Korzekwa

Creating realistic and natural-sounding synthetic speech remains a big challenge for voice identities unseen during training. As there is growing interest in synthesizing voices of new speakers, here we investigate the ability of normalizing flows in text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) modes to extrapolate from speakers observed during training to create unseen speaker identities. Firstly, we create an approach for TTS and VC, and then we comprehensively evaluate our methods and baselines in terms of intelligibility, naturalness, speaker similarity, and ability to create new voices. We use both objective and subjective metrics to benchmark our techniques on 2 evaluation tasks: zero-shot and new voice speech synthesis. The goal of the former task is to measure the precision of the conversion to an unseen voice. The goal of the latter is to measure the ability to create new voices. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that the proposed approach systematically allows to obtain state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot speech synthesis and creates various new voices, unobserved in the training set. We consider this work to be the first attempt to synthesize new voices based on mel-spectrograms and normalizing flows, along with a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the TTS and VC modes.

Hierarchical Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Assessing False-Data Injection Attacks on Transportation Networks. (arXiv:2312.14625v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Taha Eghtesad, Sirui Li, Yevgeniy Vorobeychik, Aron Laszka

The increasing reliance of drivers on navigation applications has made transportation networks more susceptible to data-manipulation attacks by malicious actors. Adversaries may exploit vulnerabilities in the data collection or processing of navigation services to inject false information, and to thus interfere with the drivers' route selection. Such attacks can significantly increase traffic congestions, resulting in substantial waste of time and resources, and may even disrupt essential services that rely on road networks. To assess the threat posed by such attacks, we introduce a computational framework to find worst-case data-injection attacks against transportation networks. First, we devise an adversarial model with a threat actor who can manipulate drivers by increasing the travel times that they perceive on certain roads. Then, we employ hierarchical multi-agent reinforcement learning to find an approximate optimal adversarial strategy for data manipulation. We demonstrate the applicability of our approach through simulating attacks on the Sioux Falls, ND network topology.

Towards more sustainable enterprise data and application management with cross silo Federated Learning and Analytics. (arXiv:2312.14628v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hongliu Cao

To comply with new legal requirements and policies committed to privacy protection, more and more companies start to deploy cross-silo Federated Learning at global scale, where several clients/silos collaboratively train a global model under the coordination of a central server. Instead of data sharing and transmission, clients train models using their private local data and exchange model updates. However, there is little understanding of the carbon emission impact of cross silo Federated Learning due to the lack of related works. In this study, we first analyze the sustainability aspect of cross-silo Federated Learning, across the AI product life cycle instead of focusing only on the model training, with the comparison to the centralized method. A more holistic quantitative cost and CO2 emission estimation method for real world cross-silo Federated Learning setting is proposed. Secondly, we propose a novel data and application management system using cross silo Federated Learning and analytics to make IT companies more sustainable and cost effective.

Mining multi-modal communication patterns in interaction with explainable and non-explainable robots. (arXiv:2312.14634v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Suna Bensch, Amanda Eriksson

We investigate interaction patterns for humans interacting with explainable and non-explainable robots. Non-explainable robots are here robots that do not explain their actions or non-actions, neither do they give any other feedback during interaction, in contrast to explainable robots. We video recorded and analyzed human behavior during a board game, where 20 humans verbally instructed either an explainable or non-explainable Pepper robot to move objects on the board. The transcriptions and annotations of the videos were transformed into transactions for association rule mining. Association rules discovered communication patterns in the interaction between the robots and the humans, and the most interesting rules were also tested with regular chi-square tests. Some statistically significant results are that there is a strong correlation between men and non-explainable robots and women and explainable robots, and that humans mirror some of the robot's modality. Our results also show that it is important to contextualize human interaction patterns, and that this can be easily done using association rules as an investigative tool. The presented results are important when designing robots that should adapt their behavior to become understandable for the interacting humans.

Fluid Simulation on Neural Flow Maps. (arXiv:2312.14635v1 [cs.GR])

Authors: Yitong Deng, Hong-Xing Yu, Diyang Zhang, Jiajun Wu, Bo Zhu

We introduce Neural Flow Maps, a novel simulation method bridging the emerging paradigm of implicit neural representations with fluid simulation based on the theory of flow maps, to achieve state-of-the-art simulation of inviscid fluid phenomena. We devise a novel hybrid neural field representation, Spatially Sparse Neural Fields (SSNF), which fuses small neural networks with a pyramid of overlapping, multi-resolution, and spatially sparse grids, to compactly represent long-term spatiotemporal velocity fields at high accuracy. With this neural velocity buffer in hand, we compute long-term, bidirectional flow maps and their Jacobians in a mechanistically symmetric manner, to facilitate drastic accuracy improvement over existing solutions. These long-range, bidirectional flow maps enable high advection accuracy with low dissipation, which in turn facilitates high-fidelity incompressible flow simulations that manifest intricate vortical structures. We demonstrate the efficacy of our neural fluid simulation in a variety of challenging simulation scenarios, including leapfrogging vortices, colliding vortices, vortex reconnections, as well as vortex generation from moving obstacles and density differences. Our examples show increased performance over existing methods in terms of energy conservation, visual complexity, adherence to experimental observations, and preservation of detailed vortical structures.

Collaborative Synthesis of Patient Records through Multi-Visit Health State Inference. (arXiv:2312.14646v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Hongda Sun, Hongzhan Lin, Rui Yan

Electronic health records (EHRs) have become the foundation of machine learning applications in healthcare, while the utility of real patient records is often limited by privacy and security concerns. Synthetic EHR generation provides an additional perspective to compensate for this limitation. Most existing methods synthesize new records based on real EHR data, without consideration of different types of events in EHR data, which cannot control the event combinations in line with medical common sense. In this paper, we propose MSIC, a Multi-visit health Status Inference model for Collaborative EHR synthesis to address these limitations. First, we formulate the synthetic EHR generation process as a probabilistic graphical model and tightly connect different types of events by modeling the latent health states. Then, we derive a health state inference method tailored for the multi-visit scenario to effectively utilize previous records to synthesize current and future records. Furthermore, we propose to generate medical reports to add textual descriptions for each medical event, providing broader applications for synthesized EHR data. For generating different paragraphs in each visit, we incorporate a multi-generator deliberation framework to collaborate the message passing of multiple generators and employ a two-phase decoding strategy to generate high-quality reports. Our extensive experiments on the widely used benchmarks, MIMIC-III and MIMIC-IV, demonstrate that MSIC advances state-of-the-art results on the quality of synthetic data while maintaining low privacy risks.

Pub/Sub Message Brokers for GenAI. (arXiv:2312.14647v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Alaa Saleh, Susanna Pirttikangas, Lauri Lovén

In today's digital world, Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) such as Large Language Models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly prevalent, extending its reach across diverse applications. This surge in adoption has sparked a significant increase in demand for data-centric GenAI models, highlighting the necessity for robust data communication infrastructures. Central to this need are message brokers, which serve as essential channels for data transfer within various system components. This survey aims to delve into a comprehensive analysis of traditional and modern message brokers, offering a comparative study of prevalent platforms. Our study considers numerous criteria including, but not limited to, open-source availability, integrated monitoring tools, message prioritization mechanisms, capabilities for parallel processing, reliability, distribution and clustering functionalities, authentication processes, data persistence strategies, fault tolerance, and scalability. Furthermore, we explore the intrinsic constraints that the design and operation of each message broker might impose, recognizing that these limitations are crucial in understanding their real-world applicability. We then leverage these insights to propose a sophisticated message broker framework -- one designed with the adaptability and robustness necessary to meet the evolving requisites of GenAI applications. Finally, this study examines the enhancement of message broker mechanisms specifically for GenAI contexts, emphasizing the criticality of developing a versatile message broker framework. Such a framework would be poised for quick adaptation, catering to the dynamic and growing demands of GenAI in the foreseeable future. Through this dual-pronged approach, we intend to contribute a foundational compendium that can guide future innovations and infrastructural advancements in the realm of GenAI data communication.

Zero-shot Causal Graph Extrapolation from Text via LLMs. (arXiv:2312.14670v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Alessandro Antonucci, Gregorio Piqué, Marco Zaffalon

We evaluate the ability of large language models (LLMs) to infer causal relations from natural language. Compared to traditional natural language processing and deep learning techniques, LLMs show competitive performance in a benchmark of pairwise relations without needing (explicit) training samples. This motivates us to extend our approach to extrapolating causal graphs through iterated pairwise queries. We perform a preliminary analysis on a benchmark of biomedical abstracts with ground-truth causal graphs validated by experts. The results are promising and support the adoption of LLMs for such a crucial step in causal inference, especially in medical domains, where the amount of scientific text to analyse might be huge, and the causal statements are often implicit.

MEAOD: Model Extraction Attack against Object Detectors. (arXiv:2312.14677v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Zeyu Li, Chenghui Shi, Yuwen Pu, Xuhong Zhang, Yu Li, Jinbao Li, Shouling Ji

The widespread use of deep learning technology across various industries has made deep neural network models highly valuable and, as a result, attractive targets for potential attackers. Model extraction attacks, particularly query-based model extraction attacks, allow attackers to replicate a substitute model with comparable functionality to the victim model and present a significant threat to the confidentiality and security of MLaaS platforms. While many studies have explored threats of model extraction attacks against classification models in recent years, object detection models, which are more frequently used in real-world scenarios, have received less attention. In this paper, we investigate the challenges and feasibility of query-based model extraction attacks against object detection models and propose an effective attack method called MEAOD. It selects samples from the attacker-possessed dataset to construct an efficient query dataset using active learning and enhances the categories with insufficient objects. We additionally improve the extraction effectiveness by updating the annotations of the query dataset. According to our gray-box and black-box scenarios experiments, we achieve an extraction performance of over 70% under the given condition of a 10k query budget.

Engineered Ordinary Differential Equations as Classification Algorithm (EODECA): thorough characterization and testing. (arXiv:2312.14681v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Raffaele Marino, Lorenzo Buffoni, Lorenzo Chicchi, Lorenzo Giambagli, Duccio Fanelli

EODECA (Engineered Ordinary Differential Equations as Classification Algorithm) is a novel approach at the intersection of machine learning and dynamical systems theory, presenting a unique framework for classification tasks [1]. This method stands out with its dynamical system structure, utilizing ordinary differential equations (ODEs) to efficiently handle complex classification challenges. The paper delves into EODECA's dynamical properties, emphasizing its resilience against random perturbations and robust performance across various classification scenarios. Notably, EODECA's design incorporates the ability to embed stable attractors in the phase space, enhancing reliability and allowing for reversible dynamics. In this paper, we carry out a comprehensive analysis by expanding on the work [1], and employing a Euler discretization scheme. In particular, we evaluate EODECA's performance across five distinct classification problems, examining its adaptability and efficiency. Significantly, we demonstrate EODECA's effectiveness on the MNIST and Fashion MNIST datasets, achieving impressive accuracies of $98.06\%$ and $88.21\%$, respectively. These results are comparable to those of a multi-layer perceptron (MLP), underscoring EODECA's potential in complex data processing tasks. We further explore the model's learning journey, assessing its evolution in both pre and post training environments and highlighting its ability to navigate towards stable attractors. The study also investigates the invertibility of EODECA, shedding light on its decision-making processes and internal workings. This paper presents a significant step towards a more transparent and robust machine learning paradigm, bridging the gap between machine learning algorithms and dynamical systems methodologies.

A Mathematical Guide to Operator Learning. (arXiv:2312.14688v1 [math.NA])

Authors: Nicolas Boullé, Alex Townsend

Operator learning aims to discover properties of an underlying dynamical system or partial differential equation (PDE) from data. Here, we present a step-by-step guide to operator learning. We explain the types of problems and PDEs amenable to operator learning, discuss various neural network architectures, and explain how to employ numerical PDE solvers effectively. We also give advice on how to create and manage training data and conduct optimization. We offer intuition behind the various neural network architectures employed in operator learning by motivating them from the point-of-view of numerical linear algebra.

Gerrymandering Planar Graphs. (arXiv:2312.14721v1 [cs.GT])

Authors: Jack Dippel, Max Dupré la Tour, April Niu, Adrian Vetta

We study the computational complexity of the map redistricting problem (gerrymandering). Mathematically, the electoral district designer (gerrymanderer) attempts to partition a weighted graph into $k$ connected components (districts) such that its candidate (party) wins as many districts as possible. Prior work has principally concerned the special cases where the graph is a path or a tree. Our focus concerns the realistic case where the graph is planar. We prove that the gerrymandering problem is solvable in polynomial time in $\lambda$-outerplanar graphs, when the number of candidates and $\lambda$ are constants and the vertex weights (voting weights) are polynomially bounded. In contrast, the problem is NP-complete in general planar graphs even with just two candidates. This motivates the study of approximation algorithms for gerrymandering planar graphs. However, when the number of candidates is large, we prove it is hard to distinguish between instances where the gerrymanderer cannot win a single district and instances where the gerrymanderer can win at least one district. This immediately implies that the redistricting problem is inapproximable in polynomial time in planar graphs, unless P=NP. This conclusion appears terminal for the design of good approximation algorithms -- but it is not. The inapproximability bound can be circumvented as it only applies when the maximum number of districts the gerrymanderer can win is extremely small, say one. Indeed, for a fixed number of candidates, our main result is that there is a constant factor approximation algorithm for redistricting unweighted planar graphs, provided the optimal value is a large enough constant.

Computational Semantics and Evaluation Benchmark for Interrogative Sentences via Combinatory Categorial Grammar. (arXiv:2312.14737v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Hayate Funakura, Koji Mineshima

We present a compositional semantics for various types of polar questions and wh-questions within the framework of Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG). To assess the explanatory power of our proposed analysis, we introduce a question-answering dataset QSEM specifically designed to evaluate the semantics of interrogative sentences. We implement our analysis using existing CCG parsers and conduct evaluations using the dataset. Through the evaluation, we have obtained annotated data with CCG trees and semantic representations for about half of the samples included in QSEM. Furthermore, we discuss the discrepancy between the theoretical capacity of CCG and the capabilities of existing CCG parsers.

Large Language Model (LLM) Bias Index -- LLMBI. (arXiv:2312.14769v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Abiodun Finbarrs Oketunji, Muhammad Anas, Deepthi Saina

The Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) is a pioneering approach designed to quantify and address biases inherent in large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4. We recognise the increasing prevalence and impact of LLMs across diverse sectors. This research introduces a novel metric, LLMBI, to systematically measure and mitigate biases potentially skewing model responses. We formulated LLMBI using a composite scoring system incorporating multiple dimensions of bias, including but not limited to age, gender, and racial biases.

To operationalise this metric, we engaged in a multi-step process involving collecting and annotating LLM responses, applying sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for bias detection, and computing the LLMBI score through a specially crafted mathematical formula. The formula integrates weighted averages of various bias dimensions, a penalty for dataset diversity deficiencies, and a correction for sentiment biases. Our empirical analysis, conducted using responses from OpenAI's API, employs advanced sentiment analysis as a representative method for bias detection.

The research reveals LLMs, whilst demonstrating impressive capabilities in text generation, exhibit varying degrees of bias across different dimensions. LLMBI provides a quantifiable measure to compare biases across models and over time, offering a vital tool for systems engineers, researchers and regulators in enhancing the fairness and reliability of LLMs. It highlights the potential of LLMs in mimicking unbiased human-like responses. Additionally, it underscores the necessity of continuously monitoring and recalibrating such models to align with evolving societal norms and ethical standards.

The Rate-Distortion-Perception-Classification Tradeoff: Joint Source Coding and Modulation via Inverse-Domain GANs. (arXiv:2312.14792v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Junli Fang, João F. C. Mota, Baoshan Lu, Weicheng Zhang, Xuemin Hong

The joint source coding and modulation (JSCM) framework was enabled by recent developments in deep learning, which allows to automatically learn from data, and in an end-to-end fashion, the best compression codes and modulation schemes. In this paper, we show the existence of a strict tradeoff between channel rate, distortion, perception, and classification accuracy in a JSCM scenario. We then propose two image compression methods to navigate that tradeoff: an inverse-domain generative adversarial network (ID-GAN), which achieves extreme compression, and a simpler, heuristic method that reveals insights about the performance of ID-GAN. Experiment results not only corroborate the theoretical findings, but also demonstrate that the proposed ID-GAN algorithm significantly improves system performance compared to traditional separation-based methods and recent deep JSCM architectures.

An Empirical Study on Compliance with Ranking Transparency in the Software Documentation of EU Online Platforms. (arXiv:2312.14794v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Francesco Sovrano, Michaël Lognoul, Alberto Bacchelli

Compliance with the European Union's Platform-to-Business (P2B) Regulation is challenging for online platforms, and assessing their compliance can be difficult for public authorities. This is partly due to the lack of automated tools for assessing the information (e.g., software documentation) platforms provide concerning ranking transparency. Our study tackles this issue in two ways. First, we empirically evaluate the compliance of six major platforms (Amazon, Bing, Booking, Google, Tripadvisor, and Yahoo), revealing substantial differences in their documentation. Second, we introduce and test automated compliance assessment tools based on ChatGPT and information retrieval technology. These tools are evaluated against human judgments, showing promising results as reliable proxies for compliance assessments. Our findings could help enhance regulatory compliance and align with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 10.3, which seeks to reduce inequality, including business disparities, on these platforms.

A Tricycle Model to Accurately Control an Autonomous Racecar with Locked Differential. (arXiv:2312.14808v1 [eess.SY])

Authors: Ayoub Raji, Nicola Musiu, Alessandro Toschi, Francesco Prignoli, Eugenio Mascaro, Pietro Musso, Francesco Amerotti, Alexander Liniger, Silvio Sorrentino, Marko Bertogna

In this paper, we present a novel formulation to model the effects of a locked differential on the lateral dynamics of an autonomous open-wheel racecar. The model is used in a Model Predictive Controller in which we included a micro-steps discretization approach to accurately linearize the dynamics and produce a prediction suitable for real-time implementation. The stability analysis of the model is presented, as well as a brief description of the overall planning and control scheme which includes an offline trajectory generation pipeline, an online local speed profile planner, and a low-level longitudinal controller. An improvement of the lateral path tracking is demonstrated in preliminary experimental results that have been produced on a Dallara AV-21 during the first Indy Autonomous Challenge event on the Monza F1 racetrack. Final adjustments and tuning have been performed in a high-fidelity simulator demonstrating the effectiveness of the solution when performing close to the tire limits.

An investigation of belief-free DRL and MCTS for inspection and maintenance planning. (arXiv:2312.14824v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Daniel Koutas, Elizabeth Bismut, Daniel Straub

We propose a novel Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) architecture for sequential decision processes under uncertainty, as encountered in inspection and maintenance (I&M) planning. Unlike other DRL algorithms for (I&M) planning, the proposed +RQN architecture dispenses with computing the belief state and directly handles erroneous observations instead. We apply the algorithm to a basic I&M planning problem for a one-component system subject to deterioration. In addition, we investigate the performance of Monte Carlo tree search for the I&M problem and compare it to the +RQN. The comparison includes a statistical analysis of the two methods' resulting policies, as well as their visualization in the belief space.

Learning Lagrangian Multipliers for the Travelling Salesman Problem. (arXiv:2312.14836v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Augustin Parjadis, Quentin Cappart, Bistra Dilkina, Aaron Ferber, Louis-Martin Rousseau

Lagrangian relaxation is a versatile mathematical technique employed to relax constraints in an optimization problem, enabling the generation of dual bounds to prove the optimality of feasible solutions and the design of efficient propagators in constraint programming (such as the weighted circuit constraint). However, the conventional process of deriving Lagrangian multipliers (e.g., using subgradient methods) is often computationally intensive, limiting its practicality for large-scale or time-sensitive problems. To address this challenge, we propose an innovative unsupervised learning approach that harnesses the capabilities of graph neural networks to exploit the problem structure, aiming to generate accurate Lagrangian multipliers efficiently. We apply this technique to the well-known Held-Karp Lagrangian relaxation for the travelling salesman problem. The core idea is to predict accurate Lagrangian multipliers and to employ them as a warm start for generating Held-Karp relaxation bounds. These bounds are subsequently utilized to enhance the filtering process carried out by branch-and-bound algorithms. In contrast to much of the existing literature, which primarily focuses on finding feasible solutions, our approach operates on the dual side, demonstrating that learning can also accelerate the proof of optimality. We conduct experiments across various distributions of the metric travelling salesman problem, considering instances with up to 200 cities. The results illustrate that our approach can improve the filtering level of the weighted circuit global constraint, reduce the optimality gap by a factor two for unsolved instances up to a timeout, and reduce the execution time for solved instances by 10%.

TACO: Topics in Algorithmic COde generation dataset. (arXiv:2312.14852v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Rongao Li (1 and 2), Jie Fu (1), Bo-Wen Zhang (1), Tao Huang (2), Zhihong Sun (2), Chen Lyu (2), Guang Liu (1), Zhi Jin (3), Ge Li (3) ((1) Beijing Academy of Artificial Intelligence, (2) School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University, China, (3) Key Lab of HCST (PKU), MOE, SCS, Peking University, China)

We introduce TACO, an open-source, large-scale code generation dataset, with a focus on the optics of algorithms, designed to provide a more challenging training dataset and evaluation benchmark in the field of code generation models. TACO includes competition-level programming questions that are more challenging, to enhance or evaluate problem understanding and reasoning abilities in real-world programming scenarios. There are 25433 and 1000 coding problems in training and test set, as well as up to 1.55 million diverse solution answers. Moreover, each TACO problem includes several fine-grained labels such as task topics, algorithms, programming skills, and difficulty levels, providing a more precise reference for the training and evaluation of code generation models. The dataset and evaluation scripts are available on Hugging Face Hub ( and Github (

Turbulence: Systematically and Automatically Testing Instruction-Tuned Large Language Models for Code. (arXiv:2312.14856v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Shahin Honarvar, Mark van der Wilk, Alastair Donaldson

We present a method for systematically evaluating the correctness and robustness of instruction-tuned large language models (LLMs) for code generation via a new benchmark, Turbulence. Turbulence consists of a large set of natural language $\textit{question templates}$, each of which is a programming problem, parameterised so that it can be asked in many different forms. Each question template has an associated $\textit{test oracle}$ that judges whether a code solution returned by an LLM is correct. Thus, from a single question template, it is possible to ask an LLM a $\textit{neighbourhood}$ of very similar programming questions, and assess the correctness of the result returned for each question. This allows gaps in an LLM's code generation abilities to be identified, including $\textit{anomalies}$ where the LLM correctly solves $\textit{almost all}$ questions in a neighbourhood but fails for particular parameter instantiations. We present experiments against five LLMs from OpenAI, Cohere and Meta, each at two temperature configurations. Our findings show that, across the board, Turbulence is able to reveal gaps in LLM reasoning ability. This goes beyond merely highlighting that LLMs sometimes produce wrong code (which is no surprise): by systematically identifying cases where LLMs are able to solve some problems in a neighbourhood but do not manage to generalise to solve the whole neighbourhood, our method is effective at highlighting $\textit{robustness}$ issues. We present data and examples that shed light on the kinds of mistakes that LLMs make when they return incorrect code results.

YAYI 2: Multilingual Open-Source Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.14862v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yin Luo, Qingchao Kong, Nan Xu, Jia Cao, Bao Hao, Baoyu Qu, Bo Chen, Chao Zhu, Chenyang Zhao, Donglei Zhang, Fan Feng, Feifei Zhao, Hailong Sun, Hanxuan Yang, Haojun Pan, Hongyu Liu, Jianbin Guo, Jiangtao Du, Jingyi Wang, Junfeng Li, Lei Sun, Liduo Liu, Lifeng Dong, Lili Liu, Lin Wang, Liwen Zhang, Minzheng Wang, Pin Wang, Ping Yu, Qingxiao Li, Rui Yan, Rui Zou, Ruiqun Li, Taiwen Huang, Xiaodong Wang, Xiaofei Wu, Xin Peng, Xina Zhang, Xing Fang, Xinglin Xiao, Yanni Hao, Yao Dong, Yigang Wang, Ying Liu, Yongyu Jiang, Yungan Wang, Yuqi Wang, Zhangsheng Wang, Zhaoxin Yu, Zhen Luo, Wenji Mao, Lei Wang, Dajun Zeng

As the latest advancements in natural language processing, large language models (LLMs) have achieved human-level language understanding and generation abilities in many real-world tasks, and even have been regarded as a potential path to the artificial general intelligence. To better facilitate research on LLMs, many open-source LLMs, such as Llama 2 and Falcon, have recently been proposed and gained comparable performances to proprietary models. However, these models are primarily designed for English scenarios and exhibit poor performances in Chinese contexts. In this technical report, we propose YAYI 2, including both base and chat models, with 30 billion parameters. YAYI 2 is pre-trained from scratch on a multilingual corpus which contains 2.65 trillion tokens filtered by our pre-training data processing pipeline. The base model is aligned with human values through supervised fine-tuning with millions of instructions and reinforcement learning from human feedback. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmarks, such as MMLU and CMMLU, consistently demonstrate that the proposed YAYI 2 outperforms other similar sized open-source models.

VIEScore: Towards Explainable Metrics for Conditional Image Synthesis Evaluation. (arXiv:2312.14867v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Max Ku, Dongfu Jiang, Cong Wei, Xiang Yue, Wenhu Chen

In the rapidly advancing field of conditional image generation research, challenges such as limited explainability lie in effectively evaluating the performance and capabilities of various models. This paper introduces VIESCORE, a Visual Instruction-guided Explainable metric for evaluating any conditional image generation tasks. VIESCORE leverages general knowledge from Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) as the backbone and does not require training or fine-tuning. We evaluate VIESCORE on seven prominent tasks in conditional image tasks and found: (1) VIESCORE (GPT4-v) achieves a high Spearman correlation of 0.3 with human evaluations, while the human-to-human correlation is 0.45. (2) VIESCORE (with open-source MLLM) is significantly weaker than GPT-4v in evaluating synthetic images. (3) VIESCORE achieves a correlation on par with human ratings in the generation tasks but struggles in editing tasks. With these results, we believe VIESCORE shows its great potential to replace human judges in evaluating image synthesis tasks.

BrainVis: Exploring the Bridge between Brain and Visual Signals via Image Reconstruction. (arXiv:2312.14871v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Honghao Fu, Zhiqi Shen, Jing Jih Chin, Hao Wang

Analyzing and reconstructing visual stimuli from brain signals effectively advances understanding of the human visual system. However, the EEG signals are complex and contain a amount of noise. This leads to substantial limitations in existing works of visual stimuli reconstruction from EEG, such as difficulties in aligning EEG embeddings with the fine-grained semantic information and a heavy reliance on additional large self-collected dataset for training. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach called BrainVis. Firstly, we divide the EEG signals into various units and apply a self-supervised approach on them to obtain EEG time-domain features, in an attempt to ease the training difficulty. Additionally, we also propose to utilize the frequency-domain features to enhance the EEG representations. Then, we simultaneously align EEG time-frequency embeddings with the interpolation of the coarse and fine-grained semantics in the CLIP space, to highlight the primary visual components and reduce the cross-modal alignment difficulty. Finally, we adopt the cascaded diffusion models to reconstruct images. Our proposed BrainVis outperforms state of the arts in both semantic fidelity reconstruction and generation quality. Notably, we reduce the training data scale to 10% of the previous work.

Automating the Design of Multigrid Methods with Evolutionary Program Synthesis. (arXiv:2312.14875v1 [math.NA])

Authors: Jonas Schmitt

Many of the most fundamental laws of nature can be formulated as partial differential equations (PDEs). Understanding these equations is, therefore, of exceptional importance for many branches of modern science and engineering. However, since the general solution of many PDEs is unknown, the efficient approximate solution of these equations is one of humanity's greatest challenges. While multigrid represents one of the most effective methods for solving PDEs numerically, in many cases, the design of an efficient or at least working multigrid solver is an open problem. This thesis demonstrates that grammar-guided genetic programming, an evolutionary program synthesis technique, can discover multigrid methods of unprecedented structure that achieve a high degree of efficiency and generalization. For this purpose, we develop a novel context-free grammar that enables the automated generation of multigrid methods in a symbolically-manipulable formal language, based on which we can apply the same multigrid-based solver to problems of different sizes without having to adapt its internal structure. Treating the automated design of an efficient multigrid method as a program synthesis task allows us to find novel sequences of multigrid operations, including the combination of different smoothing and coarse-grid correction steps on each level of the discretization hierarchy. To prove the feasibility of this approach, we present its implementation in the form of the Python framework EvoStencils, which is freely available as open-source software. This implementation comprises all steps from representing the algorithmic sequence of a multigrid method in the form of a directed acyclic graph of Python objects to its automatic generation and optimization using the capabilities of the code generation framework ExaStencils and the evolutionary computation library DEAP.

Robust Knowledge Extraction from Large Language Models using Social Choice Theory. (arXiv:2312.14877v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Nico Potyka, Yuqicheng Zhu, Yunjie He, Evgeny Kharlamov, Steffen Staab

Large-language models (LLMs) have the potential to support a wide range of applications like conversational agents, creative writing, text improvement, and general query answering. However, they are ill-suited for query answering in high-stake domains like medicine because they generate answers at random and their answers are typically not robust - even the same query can result in different answers when prompted multiple times. In order to improve the robustness of LLM queries, we propose using ranking queries repeatedly and to aggregate the queries using methods from social choice theory. We study ranking queries in diagnostic settings like medical and fault diagnosis and discuss how the Partial Borda Choice function from the literature can be applied to merge multiple query results. We discuss some additional interesting properties in our setting and evaluate the robustness of our approach empirically.

Pangu-Agent: A Fine-Tunable Generalist Agent with Structured Reasoning. (arXiv:2312.14878v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Filippos Christianos, Georgios Papoudakis, Matthieu Zimmer, Thomas Coste, Zhihao Wu, Jingxuan Chen, Khyati Khandelwal, James Doran, Xidong Feng, Jiacheng Liu, Zheng Xiong, Yicheng Luo, Jianye Hao, Kun Shao, Haitham Bou-Ammar, Jun Wang

A key method for creating Artificial Intelligence (AI) agents is Reinforcement Learning (RL). However, constructing a standalone RL policy that maps perception to action directly encounters severe problems, chief among them being its lack of generality across multiple tasks and the need for a large amount of training data. The leading cause is that it cannot effectively integrate prior information into the perception-action cycle when devising the policy. Large language models (LLMs) emerged as a fundamental way to incorporate cross-domain knowledge into AI agents but lack crucial learning and adaptation toward specific decision problems. This paper presents a general framework model for integrating and learning structured reasoning into AI agents' policies. Our methodology is motivated by the modularity found in the human brain. The framework utilises the construction of intrinsic and extrinsic functions to add previous understandings of reasoning structures. It also provides the adaptive ability to learn models inside every module or function, consistent with the modular structure of cognitive processes. We describe the framework in-depth and compare it with other AI pipelines and existing frameworks. The paper explores practical applications, covering experiments that show the effectiveness of our method. Our results indicate that AI agents perform and adapt far better when organised reasoning and prior knowledge are embedded. This opens the door to more resilient and general AI agent systems.

SutraNets: Sub-series Autoregressive Networks for Long-Sequence, Probabilistic Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.14880v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shane Bergsma, Timothy Zeyl, Lei Guo

We propose SutraNets, a novel method for neural probabilistic forecasting of long-sequence time series. SutraNets use an autoregressive generative model to factorize the likelihood of long sequences into products of conditional probabilities. When generating long sequences, most autoregressive approaches suffer from harmful error accumulation, as well as challenges in modeling long-distance dependencies. SutraNets treat long, univariate prediction as multivariate prediction over lower-frequency sub-series. Autoregression proceeds across time and across sub-series in order to ensure coherent multivariate (and, hence, high-frequency univariate) outputs. Since sub-series can be generated using fewer steps, SutraNets effectively reduce error accumulation and signal path distances. We find SutraNets to significantly improve forecasting accuracy over competitive alternatives on six real-world datasets, including when we vary the number of sub-series and scale up the depth and width of the underlying sequence models.

NPHardEval: Dynamic Benchmark on Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models via Complexity Classes. (arXiv:2312.14890v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Lizhou Fan, Wenyue Hua, Lingyao Li, Haoyang Ling, Yongfeng Zhang, Libby Hemphill

Complex reasoning ability is one of the most important features of current LLMs, which has also been leveraged to play an integral role in complex decision-making tasks. Therefore, the investigation into the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) is critical: numerous benchmarks have been established to assess the reasoning abilities of LLMs. However, current benchmarks are inadequate in offering a rigorous evaluation of the full extent of reasoning abilities that LLMs are capable of achieving. They are also prone to the risk of overfitting, as these benchmarks, being publicly accessible and static, allow models to potentially tailor their responses to specific benchmark metrics, thereby inflating their performance. Addressing these limitations, our research introduces a new benchmark, named NPHardEval. This benchmark is designed to evaluate the reasoning abilities of LLMs across a broad spectrum of 900 algorithmic questions, extending up to the NP-Hard complexity class. These questions are meticulously chosen to represent a wide range of complexity class below the NP-hard complexity class, offering a rigorous measure of the reasoning ability of LLMs. Through this study, we shed light on the current state of reasoning in LLMs, providing an objective and rigorous perspective through the comparison of LLMs' performance across complex classes. Moreover, this benchmark is designed with a dynamic update mechanism, where the datapoints are refreshed on a monthly basis. Such regular updates play a crucial role in mitigating the risk of LLMs overfitting to the benchmark, promoting a more accurate and reliable assessment of their reasoning capabilities. The benchmark dataset and code of NPHardEval are available at

FAST: Feature Aware Similarity Thresholding for Weak Unlearning in Black-Box Generative Models. (arXiv:2312.14895v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Subhodip Panda, Prathosh AP

The heightened emphasis on the regulation of deep generative models, propelled by escalating concerns pertaining to privacy and compliance with regulatory frameworks, underscores the imperative need for precise control mechanisms over these models. This urgency is particularly underscored by instances in which generative models generate outputs that encompass objectionable, offensive, or potentially injurious content. In response, machine unlearning has emerged to selectively forget specific knowledge or remove the influence of undesirable data subsets from pre-trained models. However, modern machine unlearning approaches typically assume access to model parameters and architectural details during unlearning, which is not always feasible. In multitude of downstream tasks, these models function as black-box systems, with inaccessible pre-trained parameters, architectures, and training data. In such scenarios, the possibility of filtering undesired outputs becomes a practical alternative. The primary goal of this study is twofold: first, to elucidate the relationship between filtering and unlearning processes, and second, to formulate a methodology aimed at mitigating the display of undesirable outputs generated from models characterized as black-box systems. Theoretical analysis in this study demonstrates that, in the context of black-box models, filtering can be seen as a form of weak unlearning. Our proposed \textbf{\textit{Feature Aware Similarity Thresholding(FAST)}} method effectively suppresses undesired outputs by systematically encoding the representation of unwanted features in the latent space.

A Novel Sampled Clustering Algorithm for Rice Phenotypic Data. (arXiv:2312.14920v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mithun Singh, Kapil Ahuja, Milind B. Ratnaparkhe

Phenotypic (or Physical) characteristics of plant species are commonly used to perform clustering. In one of our recent works (Shastri et al. (2021)), we used a probabilistically sampled (using pivotal sampling) and spectrally clustered algorithm to group soybean species. These techniques were used to obtain highly accurate clusterings at a reduced cost. In this work, we extend the earlier algorithm to cluster rice species. We improve the base algorithm in three ways. First, we propose a new function to build the similarity matrix in Spectral Clustering. Commonly, a natural exponential function is used for this purpose. Based upon the spectral graph theory and the involved Cheeger's inequality, we propose the use a base "a" exponential function instead. This gives a similarity matrix spectrum favorable for clustering, which we support via an eigenvalue analysis.

Second, the function used to build the similarity matrix in Spectral Clustering was earlier scaled with a fixed factor (called global scaling). Based upon the idea of Zelnik-Manor and Perona (2004), we now use a factor that varies with matrix elements (called local scaling) and works better. Third, to compute the inclusion probability of a specie in the pivotal sampling algorithm, we had earlier used the notion of deviation that captured how far specie's characteristic values were from their respective base values (computed over all species). A maximum function was used before to find the base values. We now use a median function, which is more intuitive. We support this choice using a statistical analysis. With experiments on 1865 rice species, we demonstrate that in terms of silhouette values, our new Sampled Spectral Clustering is 61% better than Hierarchical Clustering (currently prevalent). Also, our new algorithm is significantly faster than Hierarchical Clustering due to the involved sampling.

Training Convolutional Neural Networks with the Forward-Forward algorithm. (arXiv:2312.14924v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Riccardo Scodellaro, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Frauke Alves, Matthias Schröter

The recent successes in analyzing images with deep neural networks are almost exclusively achieved with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The training of these CNNs, and in fact of all deep neural network architectures, uses the backpropagation algorithm where the output of the network is compared with the desired result and the difference is then used to tune the weights of the network towards the desired outcome. In a 2022 preprint, Geoffrey Hinton suggested an alternative way of training which passes the desired results together with the images at the input of the network. This so called Forward Forward (FF) algorithm has up to now only been used in fully connected networks. In this paper, we show how the FF paradigm can be extended to CNNs. Our FF-trained CNN, featuring a novel spatially-extended labeling technique, achieves a classification accuracy of 99.0% on the MNIST hand-written digits dataset. We show how different hyperparameters affect the performance of the proposed algorithm and compare the results with CNN trained with the standard backpropagation approach. Furthermore, we use Class Activation Maps to investigate which type of features are learnt by the FF algorithm.

Explainability as statistical inference. (arXiv:2212.03131v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hugo Henri Joseph Senetaire, Damien Garreau, Jes Frellsen, Pierre-Alexandre Mattei

A wide variety of model explanation approaches have been proposed in recent years, all guided by very different rationales and heuristics. In this paper, we take a new route and cast interpretability as a statistical inference problem. We propose a general deep probabilistic model designed to produce interpretable predictions. The model parameters can be learned via maximum likelihood, and the method can be adapted to any predictor network architecture and any type of prediction problem. Our method is a case of amortized interpretability models, where a neural network is used as a selector to allow for fast interpretation at inference time. Several popular interpretability methods are shown to be particular cases of regularised maximum likelihood for our general model. We propose new datasets with ground truth selection which allow for the evaluation of the features importance map. Using these datasets, we show experimentally that using multiple imputation provides more reasonable interpretations.

Prompt-Based Editing for Text Style Transfer. (arXiv:2301.11997v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Guoqing Luo, Yu Tong Han, Lili Mou, Mauajama Firdaus

Prompting approaches have been recently explored in text style transfer, where a textual prompt is used to query a pretrained language model to generate style-transferred texts word by word in an autoregressive manner. However, such a generation process is less controllable and early prediction errors may affect future word predictions. In this paper, we present a prompt-based editing approach for text style transfer. Specifically, we prompt a pretrained language model for style classification and use the classification probability to compute a style score. Then, we perform discrete search with word-level editing to maximize a comprehensive scoring function for the style-transfer task. In this way, we transform a prompt-based generation problem into a classification one, which is a training-free process and more controllable than the autoregressive generation of sentences. In our experiments, we performed both automatic and human evaluation on three style-transfer benchmark datasets, and show that our approach largely outperforms the state-of-the-art systems that have 20 times more parameters. Additional empirical analyses further demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Identifying regions of importance in wall-bounded turbulence through explainable deep learning. (arXiv:2302.01250v3 [physics.flu-dyn] UPDATED)

Authors: Andres Cremades, Sergio Hoyas, Rahul Deshpande, Pedro Quintero, Martin Lellep, Will Junghoon Lee, Jason Monty, Nicholas Hutchins, Moritz Linkmann, Ivan Marusic, Ricardo Vinuesa

Despite its great scientific and technological importance, wall-bounded turbulence is an unresolved problem in classical physics that requires new perspectives to be tackled. One of the key strategies has been to study interactions among the energy-containing coherent structures in the flow. Such interactions are explored in this study for the first time using an explainable deep-learning method. The instantaneous velocity field obtained from a turbulent channel flow simulation is used to predict the velocity field in time through a U-net architecture. Based on the predicted flow, we assess the importance of each structure for this prediction using the game-theoretic algorithm of SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP). This work provides results in agreement with previous observations in the literature and extends them by revealing that the most important structures in the flow are not necessarily the ones with the highest contribution to the Reynolds shear stress. We also apply the method to an experimental database, where we can identify completely new structures based on their importance score. This framework has the potential to shed light on numerous fundamental phenomena of wall-bounded turbulence, including novel strategies for flow control.

Future Aware Pricing and Matching for Sustainable On-demand Ride Pooling. (arXiv:2302.10510v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Xianjie Zhang, Pradeep Varakantham, Hao Jiang

The popularity of on-demand ride pooling is owing to the benefits offered to customers (lower prices), taxi drivers (higher revenue), environment (lower carbon footprint due to fewer vehicles) and aggregation companies like Uber (higher revenue). To achieve these benefits, two key interlinked challenges have to be solved effectively: (a) pricing -- setting prices to customer requests for taxis; and (b) matching -- assignment of customers (that accepted the prices) to taxis/cars. Traditionally, both these challenges have been studied individually and using myopic approaches (considering only current requests), without considering the impact of current matching on addressing future requests. In this paper, we develop a novel framework that handles the pricing and matching problems together, while also considering the future impact of the pricing and matching decisions. In our experimental results on a real-world taxi dataset, we demonstrate that our framework can significantly improve revenue (up to 17% and on average 6.4%) in a sustainable manner by reducing the number of vehicles (up to 14% and on average 10.6%) required to obtain a given fixed revenue and the overall distance travelled by vehicles (up to 11.1% and on average 3.7%). That is to say, we are able to provide an ideal win-win scenario for all stakeholders (customers, drivers, aggregator, environment) involved by obtaining higher revenue for customers, drivers, aggregator (ride pooling company) while being good for the environment (due to fewer number of vehicles on the road and lesser fuel consumed).

Gradient Sparsification for Efficient Wireless Federated Learning with Differential Privacy. (arXiv:2304.04164v3 [cs.DC] UPDATED)

Authors: Kang Wei, Jun Li, Chuan Ma, Ming Ding, Feng Shu, Haitao Zhao, Wen Chen, Hongbo Zhu

Federated learning (FL) enables distributed clients to collaboratively train a machine learning model without sharing raw data with each other. However, it suffers the leakage of private information from uploading models. In addition, as the model size grows, the training latency increases due to limited transmission bandwidth and the model performance degrades while using differential privacy (DP) protection. In this paper, we propose a gradient sparsification empowered FL framework over wireless channels, in order to improve training efficiency without sacrificing convergence performance. Specifically, we first design a random sparsification algorithm to retain a fraction of the gradient elements in each client's local training, thereby mitigating the performance degradation induced by DP and and reducing the number of transmission parameters over wireless channels. Then, we analyze the convergence bound of the proposed algorithm, by modeling a non-convex FL problem. Next, we formulate a time-sequential stochastic optimization problem for minimizing the developed convergence bound, under the constraints of transmit power, the average transmitting delay, as well as the client's DP requirement. Utilizing the Lyapunov drift-plus-penalty framework, we develop an analytical solution to the optimization problem. Extensive experiments have been implemented on three real life datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm. We show that our proposed algorithms can fully exploit the interworking between communication and computation to outperform the baselines, i.e., random scheduling, round robin and delay-minimization algorithms.

FlightBERT++: A Non-autoregressive Multi-Horizon Flight Trajectory Prediction Framework. (arXiv:2305.01658v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dongyue Guo, Zheng Zhang, Zhen Yan, Jianwei Zhang, Yi Lin

Flight Trajectory Prediction (FTP) is an essential task in Air Traffic Control (ATC), which can assist air traffic controllers in managing airspace more safely and efficiently. Existing approaches generally perform multi-horizon FTP tasks in an autoregressive manner, thereby suffering from error accumulation and low-efficiency problems. In this paper, a novel framework, called FlightBERT++, is proposed to i) forecast multi-horizon flight trajectories directly in a non-autoregressive way, and ii) improve the limitation of the binary encoding (BE) representation in the FlightBERT. Specifically, the FlightBERT++ is implemented by a generalized encoder-decoder architecture, in which the encoder learns the temporal-spatial patterns from historical observations and the decoder predicts the flight status for the future horizons. Compared with conventional architecture, an innovative horizon-aware contexts generator is dedicatedly designed to consider the prior horizon information, which further enables non-autoregressive multi-horizon prediction. Moreover, a differential prompted decoder is proposed to enhance the capability of the differential predictions by leveraging the stationarity of the differential sequence. The experimental results on a real-world dataset demonstrated that the FlightBERT++ outperformed the competitive baselines in both FTP performance and computational efficiency.

Spear Phishing With Large Language Models. (arXiv:2305.06972v3 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Julian Hazell

Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI), particularly in the domain of large language models (LLMs), has resulted in powerful and versatile dual-use systems. This intelligence can be put towards a wide variety of beneficial tasks, yet it can also be used to cause harm. This study explores one such harm by examining how LLMs can be used for spear phishing, a form of cybercrime that involves manipulating targets into divulging sensitive information. I first explore LLMs' ability to assist with the reconnaissance and message generation stages of a spear phishing attack, where I find that LLMs are capable of assisting with the email generation phase of a spear phishing attack. To explore how LLMs could potentially be harnessed to scale spear phishing campaigns, I then create unique spear phishing messages for over 600 British Members of Parliament using OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4 models. My findings provide some evidence that these messages are not only realistic but also cost-effective, with each email costing only a fraction of a cent to generate. Next, I demonstrate how basic prompt engineering can circumvent safeguards installed in LLMs, highlighting the need for further research into robust interventions that can help prevent models from being misused. To further address these evolving risks, I explore two potential solutions: structured access schemes, such as application programming interfaces, and LLM-based defensive systems.

Unsupervised Melody-to-Lyric Generation. (arXiv:2305.19228v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yufei Tian, Anjali Narayan-Chen, Shereen Oraby, Alessandra Cervone, Gunnar Sigurdsson, Chenyang Tao, Wenbo Zhao, Yiwen Chen, Tagyoung Chung, Jing Huang, Nanyun Peng

Automatic melody-to-lyric generation is a task in which song lyrics are generated to go with a given melody. It is of significant practical interest and more challenging than unconstrained lyric generation as the music imposes additional constraints onto the lyrics. The training data is limited as most songs are copyrighted, resulting in models that underfit the complicated cross-modal relationship between melody and lyrics. In this work, we propose a method for generating high-quality lyrics without training on any aligned melody-lyric data. Specifically, we design a hierarchical lyric generation framework that first generates a song outline and second the complete lyrics. The framework enables disentanglement of training (based purely on text) from inference (melody-guided text generation) to circumvent the shortage of parallel data.

We leverage the segmentation and rhythm alignment between melody and lyrics to compile the given melody into decoding constraints as guidance during inference. The two-step hierarchical design also enables content control via the lyric outline, a much-desired feature for democratizing collaborative song creation. Experimental results show that our model can generate high-quality lyrics that are more on-topic, singable, intelligible, and coherent than strong baselines, for example SongMASS, a SOTA model trained on a parallel dataset, with a 24% relative overall quality improvement based on human ratings.

Reconciling Predictive and Statistical Parity: A Causal Approach. (arXiv:2306.05059v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Drago Plecko, Elias Bareinboim

Since the rise of fair machine learning as a critical field of inquiry, many different notions on how to quantify and measure discrimination have been proposed in the literature. Some of these notions, however, were shown to be mutually incompatible. Such findings make it appear that numerous different kinds of fairness exist, thereby making a consensus on the appropriate measure of fairness harder to reach, hindering the applications of these tools in practice. In this paper, we investigate one of these key impossibility results that relates the notions of statistical and predictive parity. Specifically, we derive a new causal decomposition formula for the fairness measures associated with predictive parity, and obtain a novel insight into how this criterion is related to statistical parity through the legal doctrines of disparate treatment, disparate impact, and the notion of business necessity. Our results show that through a more careful causal analysis, the notions of statistical and predictive parity are not really mutually exclusive, but complementary and spanning a spectrum of fairness notions through the concept of business necessity. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of our findings on a real-world example.

MRFI: An Open Source Multi-Resolution Fault Injection Framework for Neural Network Processing. (arXiv:2306.11758v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Haitong Huang, Cheng Liu, Bo Liu, Xinghua Xue, Huawei Li, Xiaowei Li

To ensure resilient neural network processing on even unreliable hardware, comprehensive reliability analysis against various hardware faults is generally required before the deep neural network models are deployed, and efficient error injection tools are highly demanded. However, most existing fault injection tools remain rather limited to basic fault injection to neurons and fail to provide fine-grained vulnerability analysis capability. In addition, many of the fault injection tools still need to change the neural network models and make the fault injection closely coupled with normal neural network processing, which further complicates the use of the fault injection tools and slows down the fault simulation. In this work, we propose MRFI, a highly configurable multi-resolution fault injection tool for deep neural networks. It enables users to modify an independent fault configuration file rather than neural network models for the fault injection and vulnerability analysis. Particularly, it integrates extensive fault analysis functionalities from different perspectives and enables multi-resolution investigation of the vulnerability of neural networks. In addition, it does not modify the major neural network computing framework of PyTorch. Hence, it allows parallel processing on GPUs naturally and exhibits fast fault simulation according to our experiments.

S.T.A.R.-Track: Latent Motion Models for End-to-End 3D Object Tracking with Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Appearance Representations. (arXiv:2306.17602v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Simon Doll, Niklas Hanselmann, Lukas Schneider, Richard Schulz, Markus Enzweiler, Hendrik P.A. Lensch

Following the tracking-by-attention paradigm, this paper introduces an object-centric, transformer-based framework for tracking in 3D. Traditional model-based tracking approaches incorporate the geometric effect of object- and ego motion between frames with a geometric motion model. Inspired by this, we propose S.T.A.R.-Track, which uses a novel latent motion model (LMM) to additionally adjust object queries to account for changes in viewing direction and lighting conditions directly in the latent space, while still modeling the geometric motion explicitly. Combined with a novel learnable track embedding that aids in modeling the existence probability of tracks, this results in a generic tracking framework that can be integrated with any query-based detector. Extensive experiments on the nuScenes benchmark demonstrate the benefits of our approach, showing \ac{sota} performance for DETR3D-based trackers while drastically reducing the number of identity switches of tracks at the same time.

Self-Supervised Pre-Training Boosts Semantic Scene Segmentation on LiDAR Data. (arXiv:2309.02139v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mariona Carós, Ariadna Just, Santi Seguí, Jordi Vitrià

Airborne LiDAR systems have the capability to capture the Earth's surface by generating extensive point cloud data comprised of points mainly defined by 3D coordinates. However, labeling such points for supervised learning tasks is time-consuming. As a result, there is a need to investigate techniques that can learn from unlabeled data to significantly reduce the number of annotated samples. In this work, we propose to train a self-supervised encoder with Barlow Twins and use it as a pre-trained network in the task of semantic scene segmentation. The experimental results demonstrate that our unsupervised pre-training boosts performance once fine-tuned on the supervised task, especially for under-represented categories.

Building Flexible, Scalable, and Machine Learning-ready Multimodal Oncology Datasets. (arXiv:2310.01438v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Aakash Tripathi, Asim Waqas, Kavya Venkatesan, Yasin Yilmaz, Ghulam Rasool

The advancements in data acquisition, storage, and processing techniques have resulted in the rapid growth of heterogeneous medical data. Integrating radiological scans, histopathology images, and molecular information with clinical data is essential for developing a holistic understanding of the disease and optimizing treatment. The need for integrating data from multiple sources is further pronounced in complex diseases such as cancer for enabling precision medicine and personalized treatments. This work proposes Multimodal Integration of Oncology Data System (MINDS) - a flexible, scalable, and cost-effective metadata framework for efficiently fusing disparate data from public sources such as the Cancer Research Data Commons (CRDC) into an interconnected, patient-centric framework. MINDS offers an interface for exploring relationships across data types and building cohorts for developing large-scale multimodal machine learning models. By harmonizing multimodal data, MINDS aims to potentially empower researchers with greater analytical ability to uncover diagnostic and prognostic insights and enable evidence-based personalized care. MINDS tracks granular end-to-end data provenance, ensuring reproducibility and transparency. The cloud-native architecture of MINDS can handle exponential data growth in a secure, cost-optimized manner while ensuring substantial storage optimization, replication avoidance, and dynamic access capabilities. Auto-scaling, access controls, and other mechanisms guarantee pipelines' scalability and security. MINDS overcomes the limitations of existing biomedical data silos via an interoperable metadata-driven approach that represents a pivotal step toward the future of oncology data integration.

Learning Generalizable Agents via Saliency-Guided Features Decorrelation. (arXiv:2310.05086v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Sili Huang, Yanchao Sun, Jifeng Hu, Siyuan Guo, Hechang Chen, Yi Chang, Lichao Sun, Bo Yang

In visual-based Reinforcement Learning (RL), agents often struggle to generalize well to environmental variations in the state space that were not observed during training. The variations can arise in both task-irrelevant features, such as background noise, and task-relevant features, such as robot configurations, that are related to the optimal decisions. To achieve generalization in both situations, agents are required to accurately understand the impact of changed features on the decisions, i.e., establishing the true associations between changed features and decisions in the policy model. However, due to the inherent correlations among features in the state space, the associations between features and decisions become entangled, making it difficult for the policy to distinguish them. To this end, we propose Saliency-Guided Features Decorrelation (SGFD) to eliminate these correlations through sample reweighting. Concretely, SGFD consists of two core techniques: Random Fourier Functions (RFF) and the saliency map. RFF is utilized to estimate the complex non-linear correlations in high-dimensional images, while the saliency map is designed to identify the changed features. Under the guidance of the saliency map, SGFD employs sample reweighting to minimize the estimated correlations related to changed features, thereby achieving decorrelation in visual RL tasks. Our experimental results demonstrate that SGFD can generalize well on a wide range of test environments and significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in handling both task-irrelevant variations and task-relevant variations.

Guiding Language Model Reasoning with Planning Tokens. (arXiv:2310.05707v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyi Wang, Lucas Caccia, Oleksiy Ostapenko, Xingdi Yuan, Alessandro Sordoni

Large language models (LLMs) have recently attracted considerable interest for their ability to perform complex reasoning tasks, such as chain-of-thought reasoning. However, most of the existing approaches to enhance this ability rely heavily on data-driven methods, while neglecting the structural aspects of the model's reasoning capacity. We find that while LLMs can manage individual reasoning steps well, they struggle with maintaining consistency across an entire reasoning chain. To solve this, we introduce 'planning tokens' at the start of each reasoning step, serving as a guide for the model. These token embeddings are then fine-tuned along with the rest of the model parameters. Our approach requires a negligible increase in trainable parameters (just 0.001%) and can be applied through either full fine-tuning or a more parameter-efficient scheme. We demonstrate our method's effectiveness by applying it to three different LLMs, showing notable accuracy improvements across three math word problem datasets w.r.t. plain chain-of-thought fine-tuning baselines.

Absolute Policy Optimization. (arXiv:2310.13230v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Weiye Zhao, Feihan Li, Yifan Sun, Rui Chen, Tianhao Wei, Changliu Liu

In recent years, trust region on-policy reinforcement learning has achieved impressive results in addressing complex control tasks and gaming scenarios. However, contemporary state-of-the-art algorithms within this category primarily emphasize improvement in expected performance, lacking the ability to control over the worst-case performance outcomes. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel objective function; by optimizing which, it will lead to guaranteed monotonic improvement in the lower bound of near-total performance samples (absolute performance). Considering this groundbreaking theoretical advancement, we then refine this theoretically grounded algorithm through a series of approximations, resulting in a practical solution called Absolute Policy Optimization (APO). Our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach across challenging continuous control benchmark tasks and extend its applicability to mastering Atari games. Our findings reveal that APO significantly outperforms state-of-the-art policy gradient algorithms, resulting in substantial improvements in both expected performance and worst-case performance.

How Far Have We Gone in Vulnerability Detection Using Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.12420v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zeyu Gao, Hao Wang, Yuchen Zhou, Wenyu Zhu, Chao Zhang

As software becomes increasingly complex and prone to vulnerabilities, automated vulnerability detection is critically important, yet challenging. Given the significant successes of large language models (LLMs) in various tasks, there is growing anticipation of their efficacy in vulnerability detection. However, a quantitative understanding of their potential in vulnerability detection is still missing. To bridge this gap, we introduce a comprehensive vulnerability benchmark VulBench. This benchmark aggregates high-quality data from a wide range of CTF (Capture-the-Flag) challenges and real-world applications, with annotations for each vulnerable function detailing the vulnerability type and its root cause. Through our experiments encompassing 16 LLMs and 6 state-of-the-art (SOTA) deep learning-based models and static analyzers, we find that several LLMs outperform traditional deep learning approaches in vulnerability detection, revealing an untapped potential in LLMs. This work contributes to the understanding and utilization of LLMs for enhanced software security.

MMMU: A Massive Multi-discipline Multimodal Understanding and Reasoning Benchmark for Expert AGI. (arXiv:2311.16502v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiang Yue, Yuansheng Ni, Kai Zhang, Tianyu Zheng, Ruoqi Liu, Ge Zhang, Samuel Stevens, Dongfu Jiang, Weiming Ren, Yuxuan Sun, Cong Wei, Botao Yu, Ruibin Yuan, Renliang Sun, Ming Yin, Boyuan Zheng, Zhenzhu Yang, Yibo Liu, Wenhao Huang, Huan Sun, Yu Su, Wenhu Chen

We introduce MMMU: a new benchmark designed to evaluate multimodal models on massive multi-discipline tasks demanding college-level subject knowledge and deliberate reasoning. MMMU includes 11.5K meticulously collected multimodal questions from college exams, quizzes, and textbooks, covering six core disciplines: Art & Design, Business, Science, Health & Medicine, Humanities & Social Science, and Tech & Engineering. These questions span 30 subjects and 183 subfields, comprising 30 highly heterogeneous image types, such as charts, diagrams, maps, tables, music sheets, and chemical structures. Unlike existing benchmarks, MMMU focuses on advanced perception and reasoning with domain-specific knowledge, challenging models to perform tasks akin to those faced by experts. The evaluation of 14 open-source LMMs as well as the proprietary GPT-4V(ision) and Gemini highlights the substantial challenges posed by MMMU. Even the advanced GPT-4V and Gemini Ultra only achieve accuracies of 56% and 59% respectively, indicating significant room for improvement. We believe MMMU will stimulate the community to build next-generation multimodal foundation models towards expert artificial general intelligence.

A quantitative fusion strategy of stock picking and timing based on Particle Swarm Optimized-Back Propagation Neural Network and Multivariate Gaussian-Hidden Markov Model. (arXiv:2312.05756v3 [cs.CE] UPDATED)

Authors: Huajian Li, Longjian Li, Jiajian Liang, Weinan Dai

In recent years, machine learning (ML) has brought effective approaches and novel techniques to economic decision, investment forecasting, and risk management, etc., coping the variable and intricate nature of economic and financial environments. For the investment in stock market, this research introduces a pioneering quantitative fusion model combining stock timing and picking strategy by leveraging the Multivariate Gaussian-Hidden Markov Model (MGHMM) and Back Propagation Neural Network optimized by Particle Swarm (PSO-BPNN). After the information coefficients (IC) between fifty-two factors that have been winsorized, neutralized and standardized and the return of CSI 300 index are calculated, a given amount of factors that rank ahead are choose to be candidate factors heading for the input of PSO-BPNN after dimension reduction by Principal Component Analysis (PCA), followed by a certain amount of constituent stocks outputted. Subsequently, we conduct the prediction and trading on the basis of the screening stocks and stock market state outputted by MGHMM trained using inputting CSI 300 index data after Box-Cox transformation, bespeaking eximious performance during the period of past four years. Ultimately, some conventional forecast and trading methods are compared with our strategy in Chinese stock market. Our fusion strategy incorporating stock picking and timing presented in this article provide a innovative technique for financial analysis.

Factored Online Planning in Many-Agent POMDPs. (arXiv:2312.11434v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Maris F.L. Galesloot, Thiago D. Simão, Sebastian Junges, Nils Jansen

In centralized multi-agent systems, often modeled as multi-agent partially observable Markov decision processes (MPOMDPs), the action and observation spaces grow exponentially with the number of agents, making the value and belief estimation of single-agent online planning ineffective. Prior work partially tackles value estimation by exploiting the inherent structure of multi-agent settings via so-called coordination graphs. Additionally, belief estimation has been improved by incorporating the likelihood of observations into the approximation. However, the challenges of value estimation and belief estimation have only been tackled individually, which prevents existing methods from scaling to many agents. Therefore, we address these challenges simultaneously. First, we introduce weighted particle filtering to a sample-based online planner for MPOMDPs. Second, we present a scalable approximation of the belief. Third, we bring an approach that exploits the typical locality of agent interactions to novel online planning algorithms for MPOMDPs operating on a so-called sparse particle filter tree. Our experimental evaluation against several state-of-the-art baselines shows that our methods (1) are competitive in settings with only a few agents and (2) improve over the baselines in the presence of many agents.

A Case Study on Test Case Construction with Large Language Models: Unveiling Practical Insights and Challenges. (arXiv:2312.12598v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Roberto Francisco de Lima Junior, Luiz Fernando Paes de Barros Presta, Lucca Santos Borborema, Vanderson Nogueira da Silva, Marcio Leal de Melo Dahia, Anderson Carlos Sousa e Santos

This paper presents a detailed case study examining the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the construction of test cases within the context of software engineering. LLMs, characterized by their advanced natural language processing capabilities, are increasingly garnering attention as tools to automate and enhance various aspects of the software development life cycle. Leveraging a case study methodology, we systematically explore the integration of LLMs in the test case construction process, aiming to shed light on their practical efficacy, challenges encountered, and implications for software quality assurance. The study encompasses the selection of a representative software application, the formulation of test case construction methodologies employing LLMs, and the subsequent evaluation of outcomes. Through a blend of qualitative and quantitative analyses, this study assesses the impact of LLMs on test case comprehensiveness, accuracy, and efficiency. Additionally, delves into challenges such as model interpretability and adaptation to diverse software contexts. The findings from this case study contributes with nuanced insights into the practical utility of LLMs in the domain of test case construction, elucidating their potential benefits and limitations. By addressing real-world scenarios and complexities, this research aims to inform software practitioners and researchers alike about the tangible implications of incorporating LLMs into the software testing landscape, fostering a more comprehensive understanding of their role in optimizing the software development process.

Optimizing Distributed Training on Frontier for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.12705v2 [cs.DC] UPDATED)

Authors: Sajal Dash, Isaac Lyngaas, Junqi Yin, Xiao Wang, Romain Egele, Guojing Cong, Feiyi Wang, Prasanna Balaprakash

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success as foundational models, benefiting various downstream applications through fine-tuning. Recent studies on loss scaling have demonstrated the superior performance of larger LLMs compared to their smaller counterparts. Nevertheless, training LLMs with billions of parameters poses significant challenges and requires considerable computational resources. For example, training a one trillion parameter GPT-style model on 20 trillion tokens requires a staggering 120 million exaflops of computation. This research explores efficient distributed training strategies to extract this computation from Frontier, the world's first exascale supercomputer dedicated to open science. We enable and investigate various model and data parallel training techniques, such as tensor parallelism, pipeline parallelism, and sharded data parallelism, to facilitate training a trillion-parameter model on Frontier. We empirically assess these techniques and their associated parameters to determine their impact on memory footprint, communication latency, and GPU's computational efficiency. We analyze the complex interplay among these techniques and find a strategy to combine them to achieve high throughput through hyperparameter tuning. We have identified efficient strategies for training large LLMs of varying sizes through empirical analysis and hyperparameter tuning. For 22 Billion, 175 Billion, and 1 Trillion parameters, we achieved GPU throughputs of $38.38\%$, $36.14\%$, and $31.96\%$, respectively. For the training of the 175 Billion parameter model and the 1 Trillion parameter model, we achieved $100\%$ weak scaling efficiency on 1024 and 3072 MI250X GPUs, respectively. We also achieved strong scaling efficiencies of $89\%$ and $87\%$ for these two models.

RadEdit: stress-testing biomedical vision models via diffusion image editing. (arXiv:2312.12865v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fernando Pérez-García, Sam Bond-Taylor, Pedro P. Sanchez, Boris van Breugel, Daniel C. Castro, Harshita Sharma, Valentina Salvatelli, Maria T. A. Wetscherek, Hannah Richardson, Matthew P. Lungren, Aditya Nori, Javier Alvarez-Valle, Ozan Oktay, Maximilian Ilse

Biomedical imaging datasets are often small and biased, meaning that real-world performance of predictive models can be substantially lower than expected from internal testing. This work proposes using generative image editing to simulate dataset shifts and diagnose failure modes of biomedical vision models; this can be used in advance of deployment to assess readiness, potentially reducing cost and patient harm. Existing editing methods can produce undesirable changes, with spurious correlations learned due to the co-occurrence of disease and treatment interventions, limiting practical applicability. To address this, we train a text-to-image diffusion model on multiple chest X-ray datasets and introduce a new editing method RadEdit that uses multiple masks, if present, to constrain changes and ensure consistency in the edited images. We consider three types of dataset shifts: acquisition shift, manifestation shift, and population shift, and demonstrate that our approach can diagnose failures and quantify model robustness without additional data collection, complementing more qualitative tools for explainable AI.

Zero-1-to-3: Domain-level Zero-shot Cognitive Diagnosis via One Batch of Early-bird Students towards Three Diagnostic Objectives. (arXiv:2312.13434v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Weibo Gao, Qi Liu, Hao Wang, Linan Yue, Haoyang Bi, Yin Gu, Fangzhou Yao, Zheng Zhang, Xin Li, Yuanjing He

Cognitive diagnosis seeks to estimate the cognitive states of students by exploring their logged practice quiz data. It plays a pivotal role in personalized learning guidance within intelligent education systems. In this paper, we focus on an important, practical, yet often underexplored task: domain-level zero-shot cognitive diagnosis (DZCD), which arises due to the absence of student practice logs in newly launched domains. Recent cross-domain diagnostic models have been demonstrated to be a promising strategy for DZCD. These methods primarily focus on how to transfer student states across domains. However, they might inadvertently incorporate non-transferable information into student representations, thereby limiting the efficacy of knowledge transfer. To tackle this, we propose Zero-1-to-3, a domain-level zero-shot cognitive diagnosis framework via one batch of early-bird students towards three diagnostic objectives. Our approach initiates with pre-training a diagnosis model with dual regularizers, which decouples student states into domain-shared and domain-specific parts. The shared cognitive signals can be transferred to the target domain, enriching the cognitive priors for the new domain, which ensures the cognitive state propagation objective. Subsequently, we devise a strategy to generate simulated practice logs for cold-start students through analyzing the behavioral patterns from early-bird students, fulfilling the domain-adaption goal. Consequently, we refine the cognitive states of cold-start students as diagnostic outcomes via virtual data, aligning with the diagnosis-oriented goal. Finally, extensive experiments on six real-world datasets highlight the efficacy of our model for DZCD and its practical application in question recommendation.

On Partial Optimal Transport: Revising the Infeasibility of Sinkhorn and Efficient Gradient Methods. (arXiv:2312.13970v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Anh Duc Nguyen, Tuan Dung Nguyen, Quang Minh Nguyen, Hoang H. Nguyen, Lam M. Nguyen, Kim-Chuan Toh

This paper studies the Partial Optimal Transport (POT) problem between two unbalanced measures with at most $n$ supports and its applications in various AI tasks such as color transfer or domain adaptation. There is hence the need for fast approximations of POT with increasingly large problem sizes in arising applications. We first theoretically and experimentally investigate the infeasibility of the state-of-the-art Sinkhorn algorithm for POT due to its incompatible rounding procedure, which consequently degrades its qualitative performance in real world applications like point-cloud registration. To this end, we propose a novel rounding algorithm for POT, and then provide a feasible Sinkhorn procedure with a revised computation complexity of $\mathcal{\widetilde O}(n^2/\varepsilon^4)$. Our rounding algorithm also permits the development of two first-order methods to approximate the POT problem. The first algorithm, Adaptive Primal-Dual Accelerated Gradient Descent (APDAGD), finds an $\varepsilon$-approximate solution to the POT problem in $\mathcal{\widetilde O}(n^{2.5}/\varepsilon)$, which is better in $\varepsilon$ than revised Sinkhorn. The second method, Dual Extrapolation, achieves the computation complexity of $\mathcal{\widetilde O}(n^2/\varepsilon)$, thereby being the best in the literature. We further demonstrate the flexibility of POT compared to standard OT as well as the practicality of our algorithms on real applications where two marginal distributions are unbalanced.