An Open-Source P2P SDK. (arXiv:2312.14934v1 [cs.NI])

Authors: Joseph Konan, Shikhar Agnihotri, Chia-Chun Hsieh

This white paper introduces, a groundbreaking open-source SDK incorporating peer-to-peer technology and advanced AI integration to transform VoIP and IoT applications. It addresses key market challenges by enhancing data security, elevating communication quality, and providing greater flexibility for developers and users. Developed in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University, sets a new standard for decentralized and democratized communication solutions.

AS-XAI: Self-supervised Automatic Semantic Interpretation for CNN. (arXiv:2312.14935v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Changqi Sun, Hao Xu, Yuntian Chen, Dongxiao Zhang

Explainable artificial intelligence (XAI) aims to develop transparent explanatory approaches for "black-box" deep learning models. However,it remains difficult for existing methods to achieve the trade-off of the three key criteria in interpretability, namely, reliability, causality, and usability, which hinder their practical applications. In this paper, we propose a self-supervised automatic semantic interpretable explainable artificial intelligence (AS-XAI) framework, which utilizes transparent orthogonal embedding semantic extraction spaces and row-centered principal component analysis (PCA) for global semantic interpretation of model decisions in the absence of human interference, without additional computational costs. In addition, the invariance of filter feature high-rank decomposition is used to evaluate model sensitivity to different semantic concepts. Extensive experiments demonstrate that robust and orthogonal semantic spaces can be automatically extracted by AS-XAI, providing more effective global interpretability for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and generating human-comprehensible explanations. The proposed approach offers broad fine-grained extensible practical applications, including shared semantic interpretation under out-of-distribution (OOD) categories, auxiliary explanations for species that are challenging to distinguish, and classification explanations from various perspectives.

PerCNet: Periodic Complete Representation for Crystal Graphs. (arXiv:2312.14936v1 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci])

Authors: Jiao Huang, Qianli Xing, Jinglong Ji, Bo Yang

Crystal material representation is the foundation of crystal material research. Existing works consider crystal molecules as graph data with different representation methods and leverage the advantages of techniques in graph learning. A reasonable crystal representation method should capture the local and global information. However, existing methods only consider the local information of crystal molecules by modeling the bond distance and bond angle of first-order neighbors of atoms, which leads to the issue that different crystals will have the same representation. To solve this many-to-one issue, we consider the global information by further considering dihedral angles, which can guarantee that the proposed representation corresponds one-to-one with the crystal material. We first propose a periodic complete representation and calculation algorithm for infinite extended crystal materials. A theoretical proof for the representation that satisfies the periodic completeness is provided. Based on the proposed representation, we then propose a network for predicting crystal material properties, PerCNet, with a specially designed message passing mechanism. Extensive experiments are conducted on two real-world material benchmark datasets. The PerCNet achieves the best performance among baseline methods in terms of MAE. In addition, our results demonstrate the importance of the periodic scheme and completeness for crystal representation learning.

Liquid State Genetic Programming. (arXiv:2312.14942v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Mihai Oltean

A new Genetic Programming variant called Liquid State Genetic Programming (LSGP) is proposed in this paper. LSGP is a hybrid method combining a dynamic memory for storing the inputs (the liquid) and a Genetic Programming technique used for the problem solving part. Several numerical experiments with LSGP are performed by using several benchmarking problems. Numerical experiments show that LSGP performs similarly and sometimes even better than standard Genetic Programming for the considered test problems.

Empowering ChatGPT-Like Large-Scale Language Models with Local Knowledge Base for Industrial Prognostics and Health Management. (arXiv:2312.14945v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Huan Wang, Yan-Fu Li, Min Xie

Prognostics and health management (PHM) is essential for industrial operation and maintenance, focusing on predicting, diagnosing, and managing the health status of industrial systems. The emergence of the ChatGPT-Like large-scale language model (LLM) has begun to lead a new round of innovation in the AI field. It has extensively promoted the level of intelligence in various fields. Therefore, it is also expected further to change the application paradigm in industrial PHM and promote PHM to become intelligent. Although ChatGPT-Like LLMs have rich knowledge reserves and powerful language understanding and generation capabilities, they lack domain-specific expertise, significantly limiting their practicability in PHM applications. To this end, this study explores the ChatGPT-Like LLM empowered by the local knowledge base (LKB) in industrial PHM to solve the above limitations. In addition, we introduce the method and steps of combining the LKB with LLMs, including LKB preparation, LKB vectorization, prompt engineering, etc. Experimental analysis of real cases shows that combining the LKB with ChatGPT-Like LLM can significantly improve its performance and make ChatGPT-Like LLMs more accurate, relevant, and able to provide more insightful information. This can promote the development of ChatGPT-Like LLMs in industrial PHM and promote their efficiency and quality.

An Evolving Population Approach to Data-Stream Classification with Extreme Verification Latency. (arXiv:2312.14948v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Conor Fahy, Shengxiang Yang

Recognising and reacting to change in non-stationary data-streams is a challenging task. The majority of research in this area assumes that the true class label of incoming points are available, either at each time step or intermittently with some latency. In the worse case this latency approaches infinity and we can assume that no labels are available beyond the initial training set. When change is expected and no further training labels are provided the challenge of maintaining a high classification accuracy is very great. The challenge is to propagate the original training information through several timesteps, possibly indefinitely, while adapting to underlying change in the data-stream. In this paper we conduct an initial study into the effectiveness of using an evolving, population-based approach as the mechanism for adapting to change. An ensemble of one-class-classifiers is maintained for each class. Each classifier is considered as an agent in the sub-population and is subject to selection pressure to find interesting areas of the feature space. This selection pressure forces the ensemble to adapt to the underlying change in the data-stream.

LLM Interactive Optimization of Open Source Python Libraries -- Case Studies and Generalization. (arXiv:2312.14949v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Andreas Florath, Franz Kiraly

With the advent of large language models (LLMs) like GPT-3, a natural question is the extent to which these models can be utilized for source code optimization. This paper presents methodologically stringent case studies applied to well-known open source python libraries pillow and numpy. We find that contemporary LLM ChatGPT-4 (state September and October 2023) is surprisingly adept at optimizing energy and compute efficiency. However, this is only the case in interactive use, with a human expert in the loop. Aware of experimenter bias, we document our qualitative approach in detail, and provide transcript and source code. We start by providing a detailed description of our approach in conversing with the LLM to optimize the _getextrema function in the pillow library, and a quantitative evaluation of the performance improvement. To demonstrate qualitative replicability, we report further attempts on another locus in the pillow library, and one code locus in the numpy library, to demonstrate generalization within and beyond a library. In all attempts, the performance improvement is significant (factor up to 38). We have also not omitted reporting of failed attempts (there were none). We conclude that LLMs are a promising tool for code optimization in open source libraries, but that the human expert in the loop is essential for success. Nonetheless, we were surprised by how few iterations were required to achieve substantial performance improvements that were not obvious to the expert in the loop. We would like bring attention to the qualitative nature of this study, more robust quantitative studies would need to introduce a layer of selecting experts in a representative sample -- we invite the community to collaborate.

TypeFly: Flying Drones with Large Language Model. (arXiv:2312.14950v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Guojun Chen, Xiaojing Yu, Lin Zhong

Commanding a drone with a natural language is not only user-friendly but also opens the door for emerging language agents to control the drone. Emerging large language models (LLMs) provide a previously impossible opportunity to automatically translate a task description in a natural language to a program that can be executed by the drone. However, powerful LLMs and their vision counterparts are limited in three important ways. First, they are only available as cloud-based services. Sending images to the cloud raises privacy concerns. Second, they are expensive, costing proportionally to the request size. Finally, without expensive fine-tuning, existing LLMs are quite limited in their capability of writing a program for specialized systems like drones.

In this paper, we present a system called TypeFly that tackles the above three problems using a combination of edge-based vision intelligence, novel programming language design, and prompt engineering. Instead of the familiar Python, TypeFly gets a cloud-based LLM service to write a program in a small, custom language called MiniSpec, based on task and scene descriptions in English. Such MiniSpec programs are not only succinct (and therefore efficient) but also able to consult the LLM during their execution using a special skill called query. Using a set of increasingly challenging drone tasks, we show that design choices made by TypeFly can reduce both the cost of LLM service and the task execution time by more than 2x. More importantly, query and prompt engineering techniques contributed by TypeFly significantly improve the chance of success of complex tasks.

Neuromorphic Co-Design as a Game. (arXiv:2312.14954v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Craig M. Vineyard, William M. Severa, James B. Aimone

Co-design is a prominent topic presently in computing, speaking to the mutual benefit of coordinating design choices of several layers in the technology stack. For example, this may be designing algorithms which can most efficiently take advantage of the acceleration properties of a given architecture, while simultaneously designing the hardware to support the structural needs of a class of computation. The implications of these design decisions are influential enough to be deemed a lottery, enabling an idea to win out over others irrespective of the individual merits. Coordination is a well studied topic in the mathematics of game theory, where in many cases without a coordination mechanism the outcome is sub-optimal. Here we consider what insights game theoretic analysis can offer for computer architecture co-design. In particular, we consider the interplay between algorithm and architecture advances in the field of neuromorphic computing. Analyzing developments of spiking neural network algorithms and neuromorphic hardware as a co-design game we use the Stag Hunt model to illustrate challenges for spiking algorithms or architectures to advance the field independently and advocate for a strategic pursuit to advance neuromorphic computing.

Optimizing Mario Adventures in a Constrained Environment. (arXiv:2312.14963v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Sanyam Jain

This project proposes and compares a new way to optimise Super Mario Bros. (SMB) environment where the control is in hand of two approaches, namely, Genetic Algorithm (MarioGA) and NeuroEvolution (MarioNE). Not only we learn playing SMB using these techniques, but also optimise it with constrains of collection of coins and finishing levels. Firstly, we formalise the SMB agent to maximize the total value of collected coins (reward) and maximising the total distance traveled (reward) in order to finish the level faster (time penalty) for both the algorithms. Secondly, we study MarioGA and its evaluation function (fitness criteria) including its representation methods, crossover used, mutation operator formalism, selection method used, MarioGA loop, and few other parameters. Thirdly, MarioNE is applied on SMB where a population of ANNs with random weights is generated, and these networks control Marios actions in the game. Fourth, SMB is further constrained to complete the task within the specified time, rebirths (deaths) within the limit, and performs actions or moves within the maximum allowed moves, while seeking to maximize the total coin value collected. This ensures an efficient way of finishing SMB levels. Finally, we provide a fivefold comparative analysis by plotting fitness plots, ability to finish different levels of world 1, and domain adaptation (transfer learning) of the trained models.

Scaling Down to Scale Up: A Cost-Benefit Analysis of Replacing OpenAI's GPT-4 with Self-Hosted Open Source SLMs in Production. (arXiv:2312.14972v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Chandra Irugalbandara, Ashish Mahendra, Roland Daynauth, Tharuka Kasthuri Arachchige, Krisztian Flautner, Lingjia Tang, Yiping Kang, Jason Mars

Many companies rely on APIs of managed AI models such as OpenAI's GPT-4 to create AI-enabled experiences in their products. Along with the benefits of ease of use and shortened time to production, this reliance on proprietary APIs has downsides in terms of model control, performance reliability, up-time predictability, and cost. At the same time, there has been a flurry of open source small language models (SLMs) that have been made available for commercial use. However, their readiness to replace existing capabilities remains unclear, and a systematic approach to test these models is not readily available. In this paper, we present a systematic evaluation methodology for, and characterization of, modern open source SLMs and their trade-offs when replacing a proprietary LLM APIs for a real-world product feature. We have designed SLaM, an automated analysis tool that enables the quantitative and qualitative testing of product features utilizing arbitrary SLMs. Using SLaM, we examine both the quality and the performance characteristics of modern SLMs relative to an existing customer-facing OpenAI-based implementation. We find that across 9 SLMs and 29 variants, we observe competitive quality-of-results for our use case, significant performance consistency improvement, and a cost reduction of 5x-29x when compared to OpenAI GPT-4.

Diffusion Models for Generative Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction for Applied Mathematicians. (arXiv:2312.14977v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Catherine F. Higham, Desmond J. Higham, Peter Grindrod

Generative artificial intelligence (AI) refers to algorithms that create synthetic but realistic output. Diffusion models currently offer state of the art performance in generative AI for images. They also form a key component in more general tools, including text-to-image generators and large language models. Diffusion models work by adding noise to the available training data and then learning how to reverse the process. The reverse operation may then be applied to new random data in order to produce new outputs. We provide a brief introduction to diffusion models for applied mathematicians and statisticians. Our key aims are (a) to present illustrative computational examples, (b) to give a careful derivation of the underlying mathematical formulas involved, and (c) to draw a connection with partial differential equation (PDE) diffusion models. We provide code for the computational experiments. We hope that this topic will be of interest to advanced undergraduate students and postgraduate students. Portions of the material may also provide useful motivational examples for those who teach courses in stochastic processes, inference, machine learning, PDEs or scientific computing.

On Quantifying Sentiments of Financial News -- Are We Doing the Right Things?. (arXiv:2312.14978v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Gourab Nath, Arav Sood, Aanchal Khanna, Savi Wilson, Karan Manot, Sree Kavya Durbaka

Typical investors start off the day by going through the daily news to get an intuition about the performance of the market. The speculations based on the tone of the news ultimately shape their responses towards the market. Today, computers are being trained to compute the news sentiment so that it can be used as a variable to predict stock market movements and returns. Some researchers have even developed news-based market indices to forecast stock market returns. Majority of the research in the field of news sentiment analysis has focussed on using libraries like Vader, Loughran-McDonald (LM), Harvard IV and Pattern. However, are the popular approaches for measuring financial news sentiment really approaching the problem of sentiment analysis correctly? Our experiments suggest that measuring sentiments using these libraries, especially for financial news, fails to depict the true picture and hence may not be very reliable. Therefore, the question remains: What is the most effective and accurate approach to measure financial news sentiment? Our paper explores these questions and attempts to answer them through SENTInews: a one-of-its-kind financial news sentiment analyzer customized to the Indian context

Learning to Prompt Knowledge Transfer for Open-World Continual Learning. (arXiv:2312.14990v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yujie Li, Xin Yang, Hao Wang, Xiangkun Wang, Tianrui Li

This paper studies the problem of continual learning in an open-world scenario, referred to as Open-world Continual Learning (OwCL). OwCL is increasingly rising while it is highly challenging in two-fold: i) learning a sequence of tasks without forgetting knowns in the past, and ii) identifying unknowns (novel objects/classes) in the future. Existing OwCL methods suffer from the adaptability of task-aware boundaries between knowns and unknowns, and do not consider the mechanism of knowledge transfer. In this work, we propose Pro-KT, a novel prompt-enhanced knowledge transfer model for OwCL. Pro-KT includes two key components: (1) a prompt bank to encode and transfer both task-generic and task-specific knowledge, and (2) a task-aware open-set boundary to identify unknowns in the new tasks. Experimental results using two real-world datasets demonstrate that the proposed Pro-KT outperforms the state-of-the-art counterparts in both the detection of unknowns and the classification of knowns markedly.

Bridging AI and Clinical Practice: Integrating Automated Sleep Scoring Algorithm with Uncertainty-Guided Physician Review. (arXiv:2312.14996v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Michal Bechny (1 and 2), Giuliana Monachino (1 and 2), Luigi Fiorillo (2), Julia van der Meer (3), Markus H. Schmidt (3 and 4), Claudio L. A. Bassetti (3), Athina Tzovara (1 and 5), Francesca D. Faraci (2) ((1) Institute of Computer Science, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (2) Institute of Digital Technologies for Personalized Healthcare (MeDiTech), University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, Lugano, Switzerland (3) Department of Neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland (4) Ohio Sleep Medicine Institute, Dublin, United States (5) Center for Experimental Neurology, Department of Neurology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland)

Purpose: This study aims to enhance the clinical use of automated sleep-scoring algorithms by incorporating an uncertainty estimation approach to efficiently assist clinicians in the manual review of predicted hypnograms, a necessity due to the notable inter-scorer variability inherent in polysomnography (PSG) databases. Our efforts target the extent of review required to achieve predefined agreement levels, examining both in-domain and out-of-domain data, and considering subjects diagnoses. Patients and methods: Total of 19578 PSGs from 13 open-access databases were used to train U-Sleep, a state-of-the-art sleep-scoring algorithm. We leveraged a comprehensive clinical database of additional 8832 PSGs, covering a full spectrum of ages and sleep-disorders, to refine the U-Sleep, and to evaluate different uncertainty-quantification approaches, including our novel confidence network. The ID data consisted of PSGs scored by over 50 physicians, and the two OOD sets comprised recordings each scored by a unique senior physician. Results: U-Sleep demonstrated robust performance, with Cohen's kappa (K) at 76.2% on ID and 73.8-78.8% on OOD data. The confidence network excelled at identifying uncertain predictions, achieving AUROC scores of 85.7% on ID and 82.5-85.6% on OOD data. Independently of sleep-disorder status, statistical evaluations revealed significant differences in confidence scores between aligning vs discording predictions, and significant correlations of confidence scores with classification performance metrics. To achieve K of at least 90% with physician intervention, examining less than 29.0% of uncertain epochs was required, substantially reducing physicians workload, and facilitating near-perfect agreement.

Synthetic images aid the recognition of human-made art forgeries. (arXiv:2312.14998v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Johann Ostmeyer, Ludovica Schaerf, Pavel Buividovich, Tessa Charles, Eric Postma, Carina Popovici

Previous research has shown that Artificial Intelligence is capable of distinguishing between authentic paintings by a given artist and human-made forgeries with remarkable accuracy, provided sufficient training. However, with the limited amount of existing known forgeries, augmentation methods for forgery detection are highly desirable. In this work, we examine the potential of incorporating synthetic artworks into training datasets to enhance the performance of forgery detection. Our investigation focuses on paintings by Vincent van Gogh, for which we release the first dataset specialized for forgery detection. To reinforce our results, we conduct the same analyses on the artists Amedeo Modigliani and Raphael. We train a classifier to distinguish original artworks from forgeries. For this, we use human-made forgeries and imitations in the style of well-known artists and augment our training sets with images in a similar style generated by Stable Diffusion and StyleGAN. We find that the additional synthetic forgeries consistently improve the detection of human-made forgeries. In addition, we find that, in line with previous research, the inclusion of synthetic forgeries in the training also enables the detection of AI-generated forgeries, especially if created using a similar generator.

C2FAR: Coarse-to-Fine Autoregressive Networks for Precise Probabilistic Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.15002v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shane Bergsma, Timothy Zeyl, Javad Rahimipour Anaraki, Lei Guo

We present coarse-to-fine autoregressive networks (C2FAR), a method for modeling the probability distribution of univariate, numeric random variables. C2FAR generates a hierarchical, coarse-to-fine discretization of a variable autoregressively; progressively finer intervals of support are generated from a sequence of binned distributions, where each distribution is conditioned on previously-generated coarser intervals. Unlike prior (flat) binned distributions, C2FAR can represent values with exponentially higher precision, for only a linear increase in complexity. We use C2FAR for probabilistic forecasting via a recurrent neural network, thus modeling time series autoregressively in both space and time. C2FAR is the first method to simultaneously handle discrete and continuous series of arbitrary scale and distribution shape. This flexibility enables a variety of time series use cases, including anomaly detection, interpolation, and compression. C2FAR achieves improvements over the state-of-the-art on several benchmark forecasting datasets.

Assessing the Impact of Prompting, Persona, and Chain of Thought Methods on ChatGPT's Arithmetic Capabilities. (arXiv:2312.15006v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Yuhao Chen, Chloe Wong, Hanwen Yang, Juan Aguenza, Sai Bhujangari, Benthan Vu, Xun Lei, Amisha Prasad, Manny Fluss, Eric Phuong, Minghao Liu, James Davis

This study critically evaluates the mathematical proficiency of OpenAI's language model, ChatGPT, by juxtaposing its default computational capabilities against the efficiency of three prescriptive methods: strategic prompting, persona implementation, and the Chain of Thought approach. The evaluation harnessed the diverse and extensive problem sets from the MATH, GSM8K, and MMLU data-sets, which encompassing a broad spectrum of mathematical conundrums and levels of complexity. A sophisticated grading script was designed to determine the efficacy of these interventions in enhancing the model's mathematical precision. Contrary to expectations, our empirical analysis revealed that none of the trialed methods substantially improved ChatGPT's baseline performance. In some cases, these interventions inadvertently disrupted the model's response generation. This investigation concluded that while the pursuit of innovative strategies for augmenting language model performance remains crucial, the specific methods examined within this study did not induce significant improvements in ChatGPT's computational aptitude. These findings underscore the importance of further comprehensive research and exploration of novel techniques to enhance the precision and dependability of such models across diverse domains.

Detecting Technical Debt Using Natural Language Processing Approaches -- A Systematic Literature Review. (arXiv:2312.15020v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Edi Sutoyo, Andrea Capiluppi

Context: Technical debt (TD) is a well-known metaphor for the long-term effects of architectural decisions in software development and the trade-off between producing high-quality, effective, and efficient code and meeting a release schedule. Thus, the code degrades and needs refactoring. A lack of resources, time, knowledge, or experience on the development team might cause TD in any software development project. Objective: In the context of TD detection, NLP has been utilized to identify the presence of TD automatically and even recognize specific types of TD. However, the enormous variety of feature extraction approaches and ML/DL algorithms employed in the literature often hinders researchers from trying to improve their performance. Method: In light of this, this SLR proposes a taxonomy of feature extraction techniques and algorithms used in technical debt detection: its objective is to compare and benchmark their performance in the examined studies. Results: We selected 55 articles that passed the quality evaluation of this SLR. We then investigated which feature extractions and algorithms were employed to identify TD in each SDLC phase. All approaches proposed in the analyzed studies were grouped into NLP, NLP+ML, and NLP+DL. This allows us to discuss the performance in three different ways. Conclusion: Overall, the NLP+DL group consistently outperforms in precision and F1-score for all projects, and in all but one project for the recall metric. Regarding the feature extraction techniques, the PTWE consistently achieves higher precision, recall, and F1-score for each project analyzed. Furthermore, TD types have been mapped, when possible, to SDLC phases: this served to determine the best-performing feature extractions and algorithms for each SDLC phase. Finally, based on the SLR results, we also identify implications that could be of concern to researchers and practitioners.

Sparsity-Guided Holistic Explanation for LLMs with Interpretable Inference-Time Intervention. (arXiv:2312.15033v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zhen Tan, Tianlong Chen, Zhenyu Zhang, Huan Liu

Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved unprecedented breakthroughs in various natural language processing domains. However, the enigmatic ``black-box'' nature of LLMs remains a significant challenge for interpretability, hampering transparent and accountable applications. While past approaches, such as attention visualization, pivotal subnetwork extraction, and concept-based analyses, offer some insight, they often focus on either local or global explanations within a single dimension, occasionally falling short in providing comprehensive clarity. In response, we propose a novel methodology anchored in sparsity-guided techniques, aiming to provide a holistic interpretation of LLMs. Our framework, termed SparseCBM, innovatively integrates sparsity to elucidate three intertwined layers of interpretation: input, subnetwork, and concept levels. In addition, the newly introduced dimension of interpretable inference-time intervention facilitates dynamic adjustments to the model during deployment. Through rigorous empirical evaluations on real-world datasets, we demonstrate that SparseCBM delivers a profound understanding of LLM behaviors, setting it apart in both interpreting and ameliorating model inaccuracies. Codes are provided in supplements.

Towards Detecting Cascades of Biased Medical Claims on Twitter. (arXiv:2312.15040v1 [cs.SI])

Authors: Libby Tiderman, Juan Sanchez Mercedes, Fiona Romanoschi, Fabricio Murai

Social media may disseminate medical claims that highlight misleading correlations between social identifiers and diseases due to not accounting for structural determinants of health. Our research aims to identify biased medical claims on Twitter and measure their spread. We propose a machine learning framework that uses two models in tandem: RoBERTa to detect medical claims and DistilBERT to classify bias. After identifying original biased medical claims, we conducted a retweet cascade analysis, computing their individual reach and rate of spread. Tweets containing biased claims were found to circulate faster and further than unbiased claims.

Deformable 3D Gaussian Splatting for Animatable Human Avatars. (arXiv:2312.15059v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: HyunJun Jung, Nikolas Brasch, Jifei Song, Eduardo Perez-Pellitero, Yiren Zhou, Zhihao Li, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam

Recent advances in neural radiance fields enable novel view synthesis of photo-realistic images in dynamic settings, which can be applied to scenarios with human animation. Commonly used implicit backbones to establish accurate models, however, require many input views and additional annotations such as human masks, UV maps and depth maps. In this work, we propose ParDy-Human (Parameterized Dynamic Human Avatar), a fully explicit approach to construct a digital avatar from as little as a single monocular sequence. ParDy-Human introduces parameter-driven dynamics into 3D Gaussian Splatting where 3D Gaussians are deformed by a human pose model to animate the avatar. Our method is composed of two parts: A first module that deforms canonical 3D Gaussians according to SMPL vertices and a consecutive module that further takes their designed joint encodings and predicts per Gaussian deformations to deal with dynamics beyond SMPL vertex deformations. Images are then synthesized by a rasterizer. ParDy-Human constitutes an explicit model for realistic dynamic human avatars which requires significantly fewer training views and images. Our avatars learning is free of additional annotations such as masks and can be trained with variable backgrounds while inferring full-resolution images efficiently even on consumer hardware. We provide experimental evidence to show that ParDy-Human outperforms state-of-the-art methods on ZJU-MoCap and THUman4.0 datasets both quantitatively and visually.

Joint Self-Supervised and Supervised Contrastive Learning for Multimodal MRI Data: Towards Predicting Abnormal Neurodevelopment. (arXiv:2312.15064v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Zhiyuan Li, Hailong Li, Anca L. Ralescu, Jonathan R. Dillman, Mekibib Altaye, Kim M. Cecil, Nehal A. Parikh, Lili He

The integration of different imaging modalities, such as structural, diffusion tensor, and functional magnetic resonance imaging, with deep learning models has yielded promising outcomes in discerning phenotypic characteristics and enhancing disease diagnosis. The development of such a technique hinges on the efficient fusion of heterogeneous multimodal features, which initially reside within distinct representation spaces. Naively fusing the multimodal features does not adequately capture the complementary information and could even produce redundancy. In this work, we present a novel joint self-supervised and supervised contrastive learning method to learn the robust latent feature representation from multimodal MRI data, allowing the projection of heterogeneous features into a shared common space, and thereby amalgamating both complementary and analogous information across various modalities and among similar subjects. We performed a comparative analysis between our proposed method and alternative deep multimodal learning approaches. Through extensive experiments on two independent datasets, the results demonstrated that our method is significantly superior to several other deep multimodal learning methods in predicting abnormal neurodevelopment. Our method has the capability to facilitate computer-aided diagnosis within clinical practice, harnessing the power of multimodal data.

Recourse under Model Multiplicity via Argumentative Ensembling. (arXiv:2312.15097v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Junqi Jiang, Antonio Rago, Francesco Leofante, Francesca Toni

Model Multiplicity (MM) arises when multiple, equally performing machine learning models can be trained to solve the same prediction task. Recent studies show that models obtained under MM may produce inconsistent predictions for the same input. When this occurs, it becomes challenging to provide counterfactual explanations (CEs), a common means for offering recourse recommendations to individuals negatively affected by models' predictions. In this paper, we formalise this problem, which we name recourse-aware ensembling, and identify several desirable properties which methods for solving it should satisfy. We show that existing ensembling methods, naturally extended in different ways to provide CEs, fail to satisfy these properties. We then introduce argumentative ensembling, deploying computational argumentation to guarantee robustness of CEs to MM, while also accommodating customisable user preferences. We show theoretically and experimentally that argumentative ensembling satisfies properties which the existing methods lack, and that the trade-offs are minimal wrt accuracy.

Fix-Con: Automatic Fault Localization and Repair of Deep Learning Model Conversions. (arXiv:2312.15101v1 [cs.SE])

Authors: Nikolaos Louloudakis, Perry Gibson, José Cano, Ajitha Rajan

Converting deep learning models between frameworks is a common step to maximize model compatibility across devices and leverage optimization features that may be exclusively provided in one deep learning framework. However, this conversion process may be riddled with bugs, making the converted models either undeployable or problematic, considerably degrading their prediction correctness.

We propose an automated approach for fault localization and repair, Fix-Con, during model conversion between deep learning frameworks. Fix-Con is capable of detecting and fixing faults introduced in model input, parameters, hyperparameters, and the model graph during conversion.

Fix-Con uses a set of fault types mined from surveying conversion issues raised to localize potential conversion faults in the converted target model, and then repairs them appropriately, e.g. replacing the parameters of the target model with those from the source model. This is done iteratively for every image in the dataset with output label differences between the source model and the converted target model until all differences are resolved. We evaluate the effectiveness of Fix-Con in fixing model conversion bugs of three widely used image recognition models converted across four different deep learning frameworks. Overall, Fix-Con was able to either completely repair, or significantly improve the performance of 14 out of the 15 erroneous conversion cases.

Robust Sclera Segmentation for Skin-tone Agnostic Face Image Quality Assessment. (arXiv:2312.15102v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wassim Kabbani, Christoph Busch, Kiran Raja

Face image quality assessment (FIQA) is crucial for obtaining good face recognition performance. FIQA algorithms should be robust and insensitive to demographic factors. The eye sclera has a consistent whitish color in all humans regardless of their age, ethnicity and skin-tone. This work proposes a robust sclera segmentation method that is suitable for face images in the enrolment and the border control face recognition scenarios. It shows how the statistical analysis of the sclera pixels produces features that are invariant to skin-tone, age and ethnicity and thus can be incorporated into FIQA algorithms to make them agnostic to demographic factors.

Generative AI and the History of Architecture. (arXiv:2312.15106v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Joern Ploennigs, Markus Berger

Recent generative AI platforms are able to create texts or impressive images from simple text prompts. This makes them powerful tools for summarizing knowledge about architectural history or deriving new creative work in early design tasks like ideation, sketching and modelling. But, how good is the understanding of the generative AI models of the history of architecture? Has it learned to properly distinguish styles, or is it hallucinating information? In this chapter, we investigate this question for generative AI platforms for text and image generation for different architectural styles, to understand the capabilities and boundaries of knowledge of those tools. We also analyze how they are already being used by analyzing a data set of 101 million Midjourney queries to see if and how practitioners are already querying for specific architectural concepts.

UAS-based Automated Structural Inspection Path Planning via Visual Data Analytics and Optimization. (arXiv:2312.15109v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Yuxiang Zhao, Benhao Lu, Mohamad Alipour

Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) have gained significant traction for their application in infrastructure inspections. However, considering the enormous scale and complex nature of infrastructure, automation is essential for improving the efficiency and quality of inspection operations. One of the core problems in this regard is electing an optimal automated flight path that can achieve the mission objectives while minimizing flight time. This paper presents an effective formulation for the path planning problem in the context of structural inspections. Coverage is guaranteed as a constraint to ensure damage detectability and path length is minimized as an objective, thus maximizing efficiency while ensuring inspection quality. A two-stage algorithm is then devised to solve the path planning problem, composed of a genetic algorithm for determining the positions of viewpoints and a greedy algorithm for calculating the poses. A comprehensive sensitivity analysis is conducted to demonstrate the proposed algorithm's effectiveness and range of applicability. Applied examples of the algorithm, including partial space inspection with no-fly zones and focused inspection, are also presented, demonstrating the flexibility of the proposed method to meet real-world structural inspection requirements. In conclusion, the results of this study highlight the feasibility of the proposed approach and establish the groundwork for incorporating automation into UAS-based structural inspection mission planning.

EGAIN: Extended GAn INversion. (arXiv:2312.15116v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wassim Kabbani, Marcel Grimmer, Christoph Busch

Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have witnessed significant advances in recent years, generating increasingly higher quality images, which are non-distinguishable from real ones. Recent GANs have proven to encode features in a disentangled latent space, enabling precise control over various semantic attributes of the generated facial images such as pose, illumination, or gender. GAN inversion, which is projecting images into the latent space of a GAN, opens the door for the manipulation of facial semantics of real face images. This is useful for numerous applications such as evaluating the performance of face recognition systems. In this work, EGAIN, an architecture for constructing GAN inversion models, is presented. This architecture explicitly addresses some of the shortcomings in previous GAN inversion models. A specific model with the same name, egain, based on this architecture is also proposed, demonstrating superior reconstruction quality over state-of-the-art models, and illustrating the validity of the EGAIN architecture.

Scaling Is All You Need: Training Strong Policies for Autonomous Driving with JAX-Accelerated Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.15122v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Moritz Harmel, Anubhav Paras, Andreas Pasternak, Gary Linscott

Reinforcement learning has been used to train policies that outperform even the best human players in various games. However, a large amount of data is needed to achieve good performance, which in turn requires building large-scale frameworks and simulators. In this paper, we study how large-scale reinforcement learning can be applied to autonomous driving, analyze how the resulting policies perform as the experiment size is scaled, and what the most important factors contributing to policy performance are. To do this, we first introduce a hardware-accelerated autonomous driving simulator, which allows us to efficiently collect experience from billions of agent steps. This simulator is paired with a large-scale, multi-GPU reinforcement learning framework. We demonstrate that simultaneous scaling of dataset size, model size, and agent steps trained provides increasingly strong driving policies in regard to collision, traffic rule violations, and progress. In particular, our best policy reduces the failure rate by 57% while improving progress by 23% compared to the current state-of-the-art machine learning policies for autonomous driving.

Towards End-to-End Structure Solutions from Information-Compromised Diffraction Data via Generative Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.15136v1 [physics.comp-ph])

Authors: Gabe Guo, Judah Goldfeder, Ling Lan, Aniv Ray, Albert Hanming Yang, Boyuan Chen, Simon JL Billinge, Hod Lipson

The revolution in materials in the past century was built on a knowledge of the atomic arrangements and the structure-property relationship. The sine qua non for obtaining quantitative structural information is single crystal crystallography. However, increasingly we need to solve structures in cases where the information content in our input signal is significantly degraded, for example, due to orientational averaging of grains, finite size effects due to nanostructure, and mixed signals due to sample heterogeneity. Understanding the structure property relationships in such situations is, if anything, more important and insightful, yet we do not have robust approaches for accomplishing it. In principle, machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) are promising approaches since they augment information in the degraded input signal with prior knowledge learned from large databases of already known structures. Here we present a novel ML approach, a variational query-based multi-branch deep neural network that has the promise to be a robust but general tool to address this problem end-to-end. We demonstrate the approach on computed powder x-ray diffraction (PXRD), along with partial chemical composition information, as input. We choose as a structural representation a modified electron density we call the Cartesian mapped electron density (CMED), that straightforwardly allows our ML model to learn material structures across different chemistries, symmetries and crystal systems. When evaluated on theoretically simulated data for the cubic and trigonal crystal systems, the system achieves up to $93.4\%$ average similarity with the ground truth on unseen materials, both with known and partially-known chemical composition information, showing great promise for successful structure solution even from degraded and incomplete input data.

Interpretable Representations in Explainable AI: From Theory to Practice. (arXiv:2008.07007v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kacper Sokol, Peter Flach

Interpretable representations are the backbone of many explainers that target black-box predictive systems based on artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. They translate the low-level data representation necessary for good predictive performance into high-level human-intelligible concepts used to convey the explanatory insights. Notably, the explanation type and its cognitive complexity are directly controlled by the interpretable representation, tweaking which allows to target a particular audience and use case. However, many explainers built upon interpretable representations overlook their merit and fall back on default solutions that often carry implicit assumptions, thereby degrading the explanatory power and reliability of such techniques. To address this problem, we study properties of interpretable representations that encode presence and absence of human-comprehensible concepts. We demonstrate how they are operationalised for tabular, image and text data; discuss their assumptions, strengths and weaknesses; identify their core building blocks; and scrutinise their configuration and parameterisation. In particular, this in-depth analysis allows us to pinpoint their explanatory properties, desiderata and scope for (malicious) manipulation in the context of tabular data where a linear model is used to quantify the influence of interpretable concepts on a black-box prediction. Our findings lead to a range of recommendations for designing trustworthy interpretable representations; specifically, the benefits of class-aware (supervised) discretisation of tabular data, e.g., with decision trees, and sensitivity of image interpretable representations to segmentation granularity and occlusion colour.

A Longitudinal Multi-modal Dataset for Dementia Monitoring and Diagnosis. (arXiv:2109.01537v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Dimitris Gkoumas, Bo Wang, Adam Tsakalidis, Maria Wolters, Arkaitz Zubiaga, Matthew Purver, Maria Liakata

Dementia affects cognitive functions of adults, including memory, language, and behaviour. Standard diagnostic biomarkers such as MRI are costly, whilst neuropsychological tests suffer from sensitivity issues in detecting dementia onset. The analysis of speech and language has emerged as a promising and non-intrusive technology to diagnose and monitor dementia. Currently, most work in this direction ignores the multi-modal nature of human communication and interactive aspects of everyday conversational interaction. Moreover, most studies ignore changes in cognitive status over time due to the lack of consistent longitudinal data. Here we introduce a novel fine-grained longitudinal multi-modal corpus collected in a natural setting from healthy controls and people with dementia over two phases, each spanning 28 sessions. The corpus consists of spoken conversations, a subset of which are transcribed, as well as typed and written thoughts and associated extra-linguistic information such as pen strokes and keystrokes. We present the data collection process and describe the corpus in detail. Furthermore, we establish baselines for capturing longitudinal changes in language across different modalities for two cohorts, healthy controls and people with dementia, outlining future research directions enabled by the corpus.

Solving PDE-constrained Control Problems Using Operator Learning. (arXiv:2111.04941v3 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Rakhoon Hwang, Jae Yong Lee, Jin Young Shin, Hyung Ju Hwang

The modeling and control of complex physical systems are essential in real-world problems. We propose a novel framework that is generally applicable to solving PDE-constrained optimal control problems by introducing surrogate models for PDE solution operators with special regularizers. The procedure of the proposed framework is divided into two phases: solution operator learning for PDE constraints (Phase 1) and searching for optimal control (Phase 2). Once the surrogate model is trained in Phase 1, the optimal control can be inferred in Phase 2 without intensive computations. Our framework can be applied to both data-driven and data-free cases. We demonstrate the successful application of our method to various optimal control problems for different control variables with diverse PDE constraints from the Poisson equation to Burgers' equation.

Addressing Gap between Training Data and Deployed Environment by On-Device Learning. (arXiv:2203.01077v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kazuki Sunaga, Masaaki Kondo, Hiroki Matsutani

The accuracy of tinyML applications is often affected by various environmental factors, such as noises, location/calibration of sensors, and time-related changes. This article introduces a neural network based on-device learning (ODL) approach to address this issue by retraining in deployed environments. Our approach relies on semi-supervised sequential training of multiple neural networks tailored for low-end edge devices. This article introduces its algorithm and implementation on wireless sensor nodes consisting of a Raspberry Pi Pico and low-power wireless module. Experiments using vibration patterns of rotating machines demonstrate that retraining by ODL improves anomaly detection accuracy compared with a prediction-only deep neural network in a noisy environment. The results also show that the ODL approach can save communication cost and energy consumption for battery-powered Internet of Things devices.

Verification of Locally Tight Programs. (arXiv:2204.10789v3 [cs.LO] UPDATED)

Authors: Jorge Fandinno, Vladimir Lifschitz, Nathan Temple

Program completion is a translation from the language of logic programs into the language of first-order theories. Its original definition has been extended to programs that include integer arithmetic, accept input, and distinguish between output predicates and auxiliary predicates. For tight programs, that generalization of completion is known to match the stable model semantics, which is the basis of answer set programming. We show that the tightness condition in this theorem can be replaced by a less restrictive "local tightness" requirement. From this fact we conclude that the proof assistant anthem-p2p can be used to verify equivalence between locally tight programs. Under consideration for publication in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming

Understanding Deep Learning via Decision Boundary. (arXiv:2206.01515v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shiye Lei, Fengxiang He, Yancheng Yuan, Dacheng Tao

This paper discovers that the neural network with lower decision boundary (DB) variability has better generalizability. Two new notions, algorithm DB variability and $(\epsilon, \eta)$-data DB variability, are proposed to measure the decision boundary variability from the algorithm and data perspectives. Extensive experiments show significant negative correlations between the decision boundary variability and the generalizability. From the theoretical view, two lower bounds based on algorithm DB variability are proposed and do not explicitly depend on the sample size. We also prove an upper bound of order $\mathcal{O}\left(\frac{1}{\sqrt{m}}+\epsilon+\eta\log\frac{1}{\eta}\right)$ based on data DB variability. The bound is convenient to estimate without the requirement of labels, and does not explicitly depend on the network size which is usually prohibitively large in deep learning.

Can large language models reason about medical questions?. (arXiv:2207.08143v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Valentin Liévin, Christoffer Egeberg Hother, Andreas Geert Motzfeldt, Ole Winther

Although large language models (LLMs) often produce impressive outputs, it remains unclear how they perform in real-world scenarios requiring strong reasoning skills and expert domain knowledge. We set out to investigate whether close- and open-source models (GPT-3.5, LLama-2, etc.) can be applied to answer and reason about difficult real-world-based questions. We focus on three popular medical benchmarks (MedQA-USMLE, MedMCQA, and PubMedQA) and multiple prompting scenarios: Chain-of-Thought (CoT, think step-by-step), few-shot and retrieval augmentation. Based on an expert annotation of the generated CoTs, we found that InstructGPT can often read, reason and recall expert knowledge. Last, by leveraging advances in prompt engineering (few-shot and ensemble methods), we demonstrated that GPT-3.5 not only yields calibrated predictive distributions, but also reaches the passing score on three datasets: MedQA-USMLE 60.2%, MedMCQA 62.7% and PubMedQA 78.2%. Open-source models are closing the gap: Llama-2 70B also passed the MedQA-USMLE with 62.5% accuracy.

SimCLF: A Simple Contrastive Learning Framework for Function-level Binary Embeddings. (arXiv:2209.02442v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Sun RuiJin, Guo Shize, Guo Jinhong, Li Wei, Zhan Dazhi, Sun Meng, Pan Zhisong

Function-level binary code similarity detection is a crucial aspect of cybersecurity. It enables the detection of bugs and patent infringements in released software and plays a pivotal role in preventing supply chain attacks. A practical embedding learning framework relies on the robustness of the assembly code representation and the accuracy of function-pair annotation, which is traditionally accomplished using supervised learning-based frameworks. However, annotating different function pairs with accurate labels poses considerable challenges. These supervised learning methods can be easily overtrained and suffer from representation robustness problems. To address these challenges, we propose SimCLF: A Simple Contrastive Learning Framework for Function-level Binary Embeddings. We take an unsupervised learning approach and formulate binary code similarity detection as instance discrimination. SimCLF directly operates on disassembled binary functions and could be implemented with any encoder. It does not require manually annotated information but only augmented data. Augmented data is generated using compiler optimization options and code obfuscation techniques. The experimental results demonstrate that SimCLF surpasses the state-of-the-art in accuracy and has a significant advantage in few-shot settings.

A Survey on Generative Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2209.02646v10 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Hanqun Cao, Cheng Tan, Zhangyang Gao, Yilun Xu, Guangyong Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng, Stan Z. Li

Deep generative models have unlocked another profound realm of human creativity. By capturing and generalizing patterns within data, we have entered the epoch of all-encompassing Artificial Intelligence for General Creativity (AIGC). Notably, diffusion models, recognized as one of the paramount generative models, materialize human ideation into tangible instances across diverse domains, encompassing imagery, text, speech, biology, and healthcare. To provide advanced and comprehensive insights into diffusion, this survey comprehensively elucidates its developmental trajectory and future directions from three distinct angles: the fundamental formulation of diffusion, algorithmic enhancements, and the manifold applications of diffusion. Each layer is meticulously explored to offer a profound comprehension of its evolution. Structured and summarized approaches are presented in

A Faithful Deep Sensitivity Estimation for Accelerated Magnetic Resonance Imaging. (arXiv:2210.12723v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zi Wang, Haoming Fang, Chen Qian, Boxuan Shi, Lijun Bao, Liuhong Zhu, Jianjun Zhou, Wenping Wei, Jianzhong Lin, Di Guo, Xiaobo Qu

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an essential diagnostic tool that suffers from prolonged scan time. To alleviate this limitation, advanced fast MRI technology attracts extensive research interests. Recent deep learning has shown its great potential in improving image quality and reconstruction speed. Faithful coil sensitivity estimation is vital for MRI reconstruction. However, most deep learning methods still rely on pre-estimated sensitivity maps and ignore their inaccuracy, resulting in the significant quality degradation of reconstructed images. In this work, we propose a Joint Deep Sensitivity estimation and Image reconstruction network, called JDSI. During the image artifacts removal, it gradually provides more faithful sensitivity maps with high-frequency information, leading to improved image reconstructions. To understand the behavior of the network, the mutual promotion of sensitivity estimation and image reconstruction is revealed through the visualization of network intermediate results. Results on in vivo datasets and radiologist reader study demonstrate that, for both calibration-based and calibrationless reconstruction, the proposed JDSI achieves the state-of-the-art performance visually and quantitatively, especially when the acceleration factor is high. Additionally, JDSI owns nice robustness to patients and autocalibration signals.

Tackling Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning with Class Prototypes. (arXiv:2212.02758v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yutong Dai, Zeyuan Chen, Junnan Li, Shelby Heinecke, Lichao Sun, Ran Xu

Data heterogeneity across clients in federated learning (FL) settings is a widely acknowledged challenge. In response, personalized federated learning (PFL) emerged as a framework to curate local models for clients' tasks. In PFL, a common strategy is to develop local and global models jointly - the global model (for generalization) informs the local models, and the local models (for personalization) are aggregated to update the global model. A key observation is that if we can improve the generalization ability of local models, then we can improve the generalization of global models, which in turn builds better personalized models. In this work, we consider class imbalance, an overlooked type of data heterogeneity, in the classification setting. We propose FedNH, a novel method that improves the local models' performance for both personalization and generalization by combining the uniformity and semantics of class prototypes. FedNH initially distributes class prototypes uniformly in the latent space and smoothly infuses the class semantics into class prototypes. We show that imposing uniformity helps to combat prototype collapse while infusing class semantics improves local models. Extensive experiments were conducted on popular classification datasets under the cross-device setting. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness and stability of our method over recent works.

t-SMILES: A Scalable Fragment-based Molecular Representation Framework for De Novo Molecule Generation. (arXiv:2301.01829v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Juan-Ni Wu, Tong Wang, Yue Chen, Li-Juan Tang, Hai-Long Wu, Ru-Qin Yu

Effective representation of molecules is a crucial factor affecting the performance of artificial intelligence models. This study introduces a flexible, fragment-based, multiscale molecular representation framework called t-SMILES (tree-based SMILES) with three code algorithms: TSSA (t-SMILES with Shared Atom), TSDY (t-SMILES with Dummy Atom) and TSID (t-SMILES with ID). It describes molecules using SMILES-type strings obtained by performing a breadth-first search on a full binary tree formed from a fragmented molecular graph. Systematic evaluations using JTVAE, BRICS, MMPA, and Scaffold show the feasibility to construct a multilingual molecular description system, where various descriptions complement each other, enhancing the overall performance. Additionally, it exhibits impressive performance on low-resource datasets, whether the model is original, data augmented, or pre-training fine-tuned. It significantly outperforms classical SMILES, DeepSMILES, SELFIES and baseline models in goal-directed tasks. Furthermore, it surpasses start-of-the-art fragment, graph and SMILES based approaches on ChEMBL, Zinc, and QM9.

EHRSQL: A Practical Text-to-SQL Benchmark for Electronic Health Records. (arXiv:2301.07695v5 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Gyubok Lee, Hyeonji Hwang, Seongsu Bae, Yeonsu Kwon, Woncheol Shin, Seongjun Yang, Minjoon Seo, Jong-Yeup Kim, Edward Choi

We present a new text-to-SQL dataset for electronic health records (EHRs). The utterances were collected from 222 hospital staff members, including physicians, nurses, and insurance review and health records teams. To construct the QA dataset on structured EHR data, we conducted a poll at a university hospital and used the responses to create seed questions. We then manually linked these questions to two open-source EHR databases, MIMIC-III and eICU, and included various time expressions and held-out unanswerable questions in the dataset, which were also collected from the poll. Our dataset poses a unique set of challenges: the model needs to 1) generate SQL queries that reflect a wide range of needs in the hospital, including simple retrieval and complex operations such as calculating survival rate, 2) understand various time expressions to answer time-sensitive questions in healthcare, and 3) distinguish whether a given question is answerable or unanswerable. We believe our dataset, EHRSQL, can serve as a practical benchmark for developing and assessing QA models on structured EHR data and take a step further towards bridging the gap between text-to-SQL research and its real-life deployment in healthcare. EHRSQL is available at

Trust Region-Based Safe Distributional Reinforcement Learning for Multiple Constraints. (arXiv:2301.10923v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dohyeong Kim, Kyungjae Lee, Songhwai Oh

In safety-critical robotic tasks, potential failures must be reduced, and multiple constraints must be met, such as avoiding collisions, limiting energy consumption, and maintaining balance. Thus, applying safe reinforcement learning (RL) in such robotic tasks requires to handle multiple constraints and use risk-averse constraints rather than risk-neutral constraints. To this end, we propose a trust region-based safe RL algorithm for multiple constraints called a safe distributional actor-critic (SDAC). Our main contributions are as follows: 1) introducing a gradient integration method to manage infeasibility issues in multi-constrained problems, ensuring theoretical convergence, and 2) developing a TD($\lambda$) target distribution to estimate risk-averse constraints with low biases. We evaluate SDAC through extensive experiments involving multi- and single-constrained robotic tasks. While maintaining high scores, SDAC shows 1.93 times fewer steps to satisfy all constraints in multi-constrained tasks and 1.78 times fewer constraint violations in single-constrained tasks compared to safe RL baselines. Code is available at:

DynGFN: Towards Bayesian Inference of Gene Regulatory Networks with GFlowNets. (arXiv:2302.04178v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lazar Atanackovic, Alexander Tong, Bo Wang, Leo J. Lee, Yoshua Bengio, Jason Hartford

One of the grand challenges of cell biology is inferring the gene regulatory network (GRN) which describes interactions between genes and their products that control gene expression and cellular function. We can treat this as a causal discovery problem but with two non-standard challenges: (1) regulatory networks are inherently cyclic so we should not model a GRN as a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and (2) observations have significant measurement noise, so for typical sample sizes there will always be a large equivalence class of graphs that are likely given the data, and we want methods that capture this uncertainty. Existing methods either focus on challenge (1), identifying cyclic structure from dynamics, or on challenge (2) learning complex Bayesian posteriors over DAGs, but not both. In this paper we leverage the fact that it is possible to estimate the "velocity" of gene expression with RNA velocity techniques to develop an approach that addresses both challenges. Because we have access to velocity information, we can treat the Bayesian structure learning problem as a problem of sparse identification of a dynamical system, capturing cyclic feedback loops through time. Since our objective is to model uncertainty over discrete structures, we leverage Generative Flow Networks (GFlowNets) to estimate the posterior distribution over the combinatorial space of possible sparse dependencies. Our results indicate that our method learns posteriors that better encapsulate the distributions of cyclic structures compared to counterpart state-of-the-art Bayesian structure learning approaches.

DualStreamFoveaNet: A Dual Stream Fusion Architecture with Anatomical Awareness for Robust Fovea Localization. (arXiv:2302.06961v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sifan Song, Jinfeng Wang, Zilong Wang, Jionglong Su, Xiaowei Ding, Kang Dang

Accurate fovea localization is essential for analyzing retinal diseases to prevent irreversible vision loss. While current deep learning-based methods outperform traditional ones, they still face challenges such as the lack of local anatomical landmarks around the fovea, the inability to robustly handle diseased retinal images, and the variations in image conditions. In this paper, we propose a novel transformer-based architecture called DualStreamFoveaNet (DSFN) for multi-cue fusion. This architecture explicitly incorporates long-range connections and global features using retina and vessel distributions for robust fovea localization. We introduce a spatial attention mechanism in the dual-stream encoder to extract and fuse self-learned anatomical information, focusing more on features distributed along blood vessels and significantly reducing computational costs by decreasing token numbers. Our extensive experiments show that the proposed architecture achieves state-of-the-art performance on two public datasets and one large-scale private dataset. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the DSFN is more robust on both normal and diseased retina images and has better generalization capacity in cross-dataset experiments.

Investigating the Effectiveness of Task-Agnostic Prefix Prompt for Instruction Following. (arXiv:2302.14691v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Seonghyeon Ye, Hyeonbin Hwang, Sohee Yang, Hyeongu Yun, Yireun Kim, Minjoon Seo

In this paper, we present our finding that prepending a Task-Agnostic Prefix Prompt (TAPP) to the input improves the instruction-following ability of various Large Language Models (LLMs) during inference. TAPP is different from canonical prompts for LLMs in that it is a fixed prompt prepended to the beginning of every input regardless of the target task for zero-shot generalization. We observe that both base LLMs (i.e. not fine-tuned to follow instructions) and instruction-tuned models benefit from TAPP, resulting in 34.58% and 12.26% improvement on average, respectively. This implies that the instruction-following ability of LLMs can be improved during inference time with a fixed prompt constructed with simple heuristics. We hypothesize that TAPP assists language models to better estimate the output distribution by focusing more on the instruction of the target task during inference. In other words, such ability does not seem to be sufficiently activated in not only base LLMs but also many instruction-fine-tuned LLMs. All experiments are reproducible from

Learning with Explanation Constraints. (arXiv:2303.14496v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rattana Pukdee, Dylan Sam, J. Zico Kolter, Maria-Florina Balcan, Pradeep Ravikumar

As larger deep learning models are hard to interpret, there has been a recent focus on generating explanations of these black-box models. In contrast, we may have apriori explanations of how models should behave. In this paper, we formalize this notion as learning from explanation constraints and provide a learning theoretic framework to analyze how such explanations can improve the learning of our models. One may naturally ask, "When would these explanations be helpful?" Our first key contribution addresses this question via a class of models that satisfies these explanation constraints in expectation over new data. We provide a characterization of the benefits of these models (in terms of the reduction of their Rademacher complexities) for a canonical class of explanations given by gradient information in the settings of both linear models and two layer neural networks. In addition, we provide an algorithmic solution for our framework, via a variational approximation that achieves better performance and satisfies these constraints more frequently, when compared to simpler augmented Lagrangian methods to incorporate these explanations. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach over a large array of synthetic and real-world experiments.

CRN: Camera Radar Net for Accurate, Robust, Efficient 3D Perception. (arXiv:2304.00670v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Youngseok Kim, Juyeb Shin, Sanmin Kim, In-Jae Lee, Jun Won Choi, Dongsuk Kum

Autonomous driving requires an accurate and fast 3D perception system that includes 3D object detection, tracking, and segmentation. Although recent low-cost camera-based approaches have shown promising results, they are susceptible to poor illumination or bad weather conditions and have a large localization error. Hence, fusing camera with low-cost radar, which provides precise long-range measurement and operates reliably in all environments, is promising but has not yet been thoroughly investigated. In this paper, we propose Camera Radar Net (CRN), a novel camera-radar fusion framework that generates a semantically rich and spatially accurate bird's-eye-view (BEV) feature map for various tasks. To overcome the lack of spatial information in an image, we transform perspective view image features to BEV with the help of sparse but accurate radar points. We further aggregate image and radar feature maps in BEV using multi-modal deformable attention designed to tackle the spatial misalignment between inputs. CRN with real-time setting operates at 20 FPS while achieving comparable performance to LiDAR detectors on nuScenes, and even outperforms at a far distance on 100m setting. Moreover, CRN with offline setting yields 62.4% NDS, 57.5% mAP on nuScenes test set and ranks first among all camera and camera-radar 3D object detectors.

Deep Manifold Learning for Reading Comprehension and Logical Reasoning Tasks with Polytuplet Loss. (arXiv:2304.01046v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jeffrey Lu, Ivan Rodriguez

The current trend in developing machine learning models for reading comprehension and logical reasoning tasks is focused on improving the models' abilities to understand and utilize logical rules. This work focuses on providing a novel loss function and accompanying model architecture that has more interpretable components than some other models by representing a common strategy employed by humans when given reading comprehension and logical reasoning tasks. Our strategy involves emphasizing relative accuracy over absolute accuracy and can theoretically produce the correct answer with incomplete knowledge. We examine the effectiveness of this strategy to solve reading comprehension and logical reasoning questions. The models were evaluated on the ReClor dataset, a challenging reading comprehension and logical reasoning benchmark. We propose the polytuplet loss function, which forces prioritization of learning the relative correctness of answer choices over learning the true accuracy of each choice. Our results indicate that models employing polytuplet loss outperform existing baseline models, though further research is required to quantify the benefits it may present.

Structured prompt interrogation and recursive extraction of semantics (SPIRES): A method for populating knowledge bases using zero-shot learning. (arXiv:2304.02711v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: J. Harry Caufield, Harshad Hegde, Vincent Emonet, Nomi L. Harris, Marcin P. Joachimiak, Nicolas Matentzoglu, HyeongSik Kim, Sierra A.T. Moxon, Justin T. Reese, Melissa A. Haendel, Peter N. Robinson, Christopher J. Mungall

Creating knowledge bases and ontologies is a time consuming task that relies on a manual curation. AI/NLP approaches can assist expert curators in populating these knowledge bases, but current approaches rely on extensive training data, and are not able to populate arbitrary complex nested knowledge schemas.

Here we present Structured Prompt Interrogation and Recursive Extraction of Semantics (SPIRES), a Knowledge Extraction approach that relies on the ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform zero-shot learning (ZSL) and general-purpose query answering from flexible prompts and return information conforming to a specified schema. Given a detailed, user-defined knowledge schema and an input text, SPIRES recursively performs prompt interrogation against GPT-3+ to obtain a set of responses matching the provided schema. SPIRES uses existing ontologies and vocabularies to provide identifiers for all matched elements.

We present examples of use of SPIRES in different domains, including extraction of food recipes, multi-species cellular signaling pathways, disease treatments, multi-step drug mechanisms, and chemical to disease causation graphs. Current SPIRES accuracy is comparable to the mid-range of existing Relation Extraction (RE) methods, but has the advantage of easy customization, flexibility, and, crucially, the ability to perform new tasks in the absence of any training data. This method supports a general strategy of leveraging the language interpreting capabilities of LLMs to assemble knowledge bases, assisting manual knowledge curation and acquisition while supporting validation with publicly-available databases and ontologies external to the LLM.

SPIRES is available as part of the open source OntoGPT package: monarch-initiative/ontogpt.

Sampling-based Reactive Synthesis for Nondeterministic Hybrid Systems. (arXiv:2304.06876v3 [eess.SY] UPDATED)

Authors: Qi Heng Ho, Zachary N. Sunberg, Morteza Lahijanian

This paper introduces a sampling-based strategy synthesis algorithm for nondeterministic hybrid systems with complex continuous dynamics under temporal and reachability constraints. We model the evolution of the hybrid system as a two-player game, where the nondeterminism is an adversarial player whose objective is to prevent achieving temporal and reachability goals. The aim is to synthesize a winning strategy -- a reactive (robust) strategy that guarantees the satisfaction of the goals under all possible moves of the adversarial player. Our proposed approach involves growing a (search) game-tree in the hybrid space by combining sampling-based motion planning with a novel bandit-based technique to select and improve on partial strategies. We show that the algorithm is probabilistically complete, i.e., the algorithm will asymptotically almost surely find a winning strategy, if one exists. The case studies and benchmark results show that our algorithm is general and effective, and consistently outperforms state of the art algorithms.

Mixed-Integer Optimal Control via Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study on Hybrid Vehicle Energy Management. (arXiv:2305.01461v2 [eess.SY] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinming Xu, Yuan Lin

Many optimal control problems require the simultaneous output of continuous and discrete control variables. Such problems are usually formulated as mixed-integer optimal control (MIOC) problems, which are challenging to solve due to the complexity of the solution space. Numerical methods such as branch-and-bound are computationally expensive and unsuitable for real-time control. This brief proposes a novel continuous-discrete reinforcement learning (CDRL) algorithm, twin delayed deep deterministic actor-Q (TD3AQ), for MIOC problems. TD3AQ combines the advantages of both actor-critic and Q-learning methods, and can handle the continuous and discrete action spaces simultaneously. The proposed algorithm is evaluated on a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) energy management problem, where real-time control of the continuous variable, engine torque, and discrete variables, gear shift and clutch engagement/disengagement is essential to maximize fuel economy while satisfying driving constraints. Simulation results on different drive cycles show that TD3AQ achieves near-optimal control compared to dynamic programming (DP) and outperforms baseline reinforcement learning algorithms.

Lift Yourself Up: Retrieval-augmented Text Generation with Self Memory. (arXiv:2305.02437v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xin Cheng, Di Luo, Xiuying Chen, Lemao Liu, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan

With direct access to human-written reference as memory, retrieval-augmented generation has achieved much progress in a wide range of text generation tasks. Since better memory would typically prompt better generation~(we define this as primal problem). The traditional approach for memory retrieval involves selecting memory that exhibits the highest similarity to the input. However, this method is constrained by the quality of the fixed corpus from which memory is retrieved. In this paper, by exploring the duality of the primal problem: better generation also prompts better memory, we propose a novel framework, selfmem, which addresses this limitation by iteratively employing a retrieval-augmented generator to create an unbounded memory pool and using a memory selector to choose one output as memory for the subsequent generation round. This enables the model to leverage its own output, referred to as self-memory, for improved generation. We evaluate the effectiveness of selfmem on three distinct text generation tasks: neural machine translation, abstractive text summarization, and dialogue generation, under two generation paradigms: fine-tuned small model and few-shot LLM. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art results in four directions in JRC-Acquis, XSum (50.3 ROUGE-1), and BigPatent (62.9 ROUGE-1), demonstrating the potential of self-memory in enhancing retrieval-augmented generation models. Furthermore, we conduct thorough analyses of each component in the selfmem framework to identify bottlenecks and provide insights for future research.

From Shortcuts to Triggers: Backdoor Defense with Denoised PoE. (arXiv:2305.14910v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qin Liu, Fei Wang, Chaowei Xiao, Muhao Chen

Language models are often at risk of diverse backdoor attacks, especially data poisoning. Thus, it is important to investigate defense solutions for addressing them. Existing backdoor defense methods mainly focus on backdoor attacks with explicit triggers, leaving a universal defense against various backdoor attacks with diverse triggers largely unexplored. In this paper, we propose an end-to-end ensemble-based backdoor defense framework, DPoE (Denoised Product-of-Experts), which is inspired by the shortcut nature of backdoor attacks, to defend various backdoor attacks. DPoE consists of two models: a shallow model that captures the backdoor shortcuts and a main model that is prevented from learning the backdoor shortcuts. To address the label flip caused by backdoor attackers, DPoE incorporates a denoising design. Experiments on SST-2 dataset show that DPoE significantly improves the defense performance against various types of backdoor triggers including word-level, sentence-level, and syntactic triggers. Furthermore, DPoE is also effective under a more challenging but practical setting that mixes multiple types of trigger.

Coarse-Tuning Models of Code with Reinforcement Learning Feedback. (arXiv:2305.18341v2 [cs.PL] UPDATED)

Authors: Abhinav Jain (1), Chima Adiole (1), Swarat Chaudhuri (2), Thomas Reps (3), Chris Jermaine (1) ((1) Rice University, (2) UT Austin, (3) University of Wisconsin)

Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained on code have recently emerged as the dominant approach to program synthesis. However, these models are trained using next-token prediction, which ignores the syntax and semantics of code. We propose RLCF, that further trains a pre-trained LLM via reinforcement learning, using feedback from a grounding function that scores the quality of the code. The grounding function uses (i) compiler-derived feedback on whether the code it generates passes a set of correctness checks; and (ii) feedback from a different LLM that compares the generated code to a reference code. RLCF is model- and language-agnostic. We empirically evaluate it on the MBJP and MathQA tasks for Java. Our experiments show that RLCF raises the odds that an LLM-generated program compiles, is executable, and produces the right output on tests, often allowing LLMs to match the performance of 2x-8x larger LLMs.

Judging LLM-as-a-Judge with MT-Bench and Chatbot Arena. (arXiv:2306.05685v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Lianmin Zheng, Wei-Lin Chiang, Ying Sheng, Siyuan Zhuang, Zhanghao Wu, Yonghao Zhuang, Zi Lin, Zhuohan Li, Dacheng Li, Eric P. Xing, Hao Zhang, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica

Evaluating large language model (LLM) based chat assistants is challenging due to their broad capabilities and the inadequacy of existing benchmarks in measuring human preferences. To address this, we explore using strong LLMs as judges to evaluate these models on more open-ended questions. We examine the usage and limitations of LLM-as-a-judge, including position, verbosity, and self-enhancement biases, as well as limited reasoning ability, and propose solutions to mitigate some of them. We then verify the agreement between LLM judges and human preferences by introducing two benchmarks: MT-bench, a multi-turn question set; and Chatbot Arena, a crowdsourced battle platform. Our results reveal that strong LLM judges like GPT-4 can match both controlled and crowdsourced human preferences well, achieving over 80% agreement, the same level of agreement between humans. Hence, LLM-as-a-judge is a scalable and explainable way to approximate human preferences, which are otherwise very expensive to obtain. Additionally, we show our benchmark and traditional benchmarks complement each other by evaluating several variants of LLaMA and Vicuna. The MT-bench questions, 3K expert votes, and 30K conversations with human preferences are publicly available at

Large Generative AI Models for Telecom: The Next Big Thing?. (arXiv:2306.10249v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Lina Bariah, Qiyang Zhao, Hang Zou, Yu Tian, Faouzi Bader, Merouane Debbah

The evolution of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) constitutes a turning point in reshaping the future of technology in different aspects. Wireless networks in particular, with the blooming of self-evolving networks, represent a rich field for exploiting GenAI and reaping several benefits that can fundamentally change the way how wireless networks are designed and operated nowadays. To be specific, large GenAI models are envisioned to open up a new era of autonomous wireless networks, in which multi-modal GenAI models trained over various Telecom data, can be fine-tuned to perform several downstream tasks, eliminating the need for building and training dedicated AI models for each specific task and paving the way for the realization of artificial general intelligence (AGI)-empowered wireless networks. In this article, we aim to unfold the opportunities that can be reaped from integrating large GenAI models into the Telecom domain. In particular, we first highlight the applications of large GenAI models in future wireless networks, defining potential use-cases and revealing insights on the associated theoretical and practical challenges. Furthermore, we unveil how 6G can open up new opportunities through connecting multiple on-device large GenAI models, and hence, paves the way to the collective intelligence paradigm. Finally, we put a forward-looking vision on how large GenAI models will be the key to realize self-evolving networks.

About the Cost of Central Privacy in Density Estimation. (arXiv:2306.14535v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Clément Lalanne (ENS de Lyon, OCKHAM), Aurélien Garivier (UMPA-ENSL, MC2), Rémi Gribonval (OCKHAM)

We study non-parametric density estimation for densities in Lipschitz and Sobolev spaces, and under central privacy. In particular, we investigate regimes where the privacy budget is not supposed to be constant. We consider the classical definition of central differential privacy, but also the more recent notion of central concentrated differential privacy. We recover the result of Barber \& Duchi (2014) stating that histogram estimators are optimal against Lipschitz distributions for the L2 risk, and under regular differential privacy, and we extend it to other norms and notions of privacy. Then, we investigate higher degrees of smoothness, drawing two conclusions: First, and contrary to what happens with constant privacy budget (Wasserman \& Zhou, 2010), there are regimes where imposing privacy degrades the regular minimax risk of estimation on Sobolev densities. Second, so-called projection estimators are near-optimal against the same classes of densities in this new setup with pure differential privacy, but contrary to the constant privacy budget case, it comes at the cost of relaxation. With zero concentrated differential privacy, there is no need for relaxation, and we prove that the estimation is optimal.

TransformerG2G: Adaptive time-stepping for learning temporal graph embeddings using transformers. (arXiv:2307.02588v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alan John Varghese, Aniruddha Bora, Mengjia Xu, George Em Karniadakis

Dynamic graph embedding has emerged as a very effective technique for addressing diverse temporal graph analytic tasks (i.e., link prediction, node classification, recommender systems, anomaly detection, and graph generation) in various applications. Such temporal graphs exhibit heterogeneous transient dynamics, varying time intervals, and highly evolving node features throughout their evolution. Hence, incorporating long-range dependencies from the historical graph context plays a crucial role in accurately learning their temporal dynamics. In this paper, we develop a graph embedding model with uncertainty quantification, TransformerG2G, by exploiting the advanced transformer encoder to first learn intermediate node representations from its current state ($t$) and previous context (over timestamps [$t-1, t-l$], $l$ is the length of context). Moreover, we employ two projection layers to generate lower-dimensional multivariate Gaussian distributions as each node's latent embedding at timestamp $t$. We consider diverse benchmarks with varying levels of ``novelty" as measured by the TEA (Temporal Edge Appearance) plots. Our experiments demonstrate that the proposed TransformerG2G model outperforms conventional multi-step methods and our prior work (DynG2G) in terms of both link prediction accuracy and computational efficiency, especially for high degree of novelty. Furthermore, the learned time-dependent attention weights across multiple graph snapshots reveal the development of an automatic adaptive time stepping enabled by the transformer. Importantly, by examining the attention weights, we can uncover temporal dependencies, identify influential elements, and gain insights into the complex interactions within the graph structure. For example, we identified a strong correlation between attention weights and node degree at the various stages of the graph topology evolution.

Learned Kernels for Interpretable and Efficient Medical Time Series Processing. (arXiv:2307.05385v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Sully F. Chen, Zhicheng Guo, Cheng Ding, Xiao Hu, Cynthia Rudin

Background: Signal processing methods are the foundation for clinical interpretation across a wide variety of medical applications. The advent of deep learning allowed for an explosion of new models that offered unprecedented performance but at a cost: deep learning models are often compute-intensive and lack interpretability.

Methods: We propose a sparse, interpretable architecture for medical time series processing. The method learns a set of lightweight flexible kernels to construct a single-layer neural network, providing a new efficient, robust, and interpretable approach. We introduce novel parameter reduction techniques to further reduce the size of our network. We demonstrate the power of our architecture on the important task of photoplethysmography artifact detection, where our approach has performance similar to the state-of-the-art deep neural networks with several orders of magnitude fewer parameters, allowing for the integration of deep neural network level performance into extremely low-power wearable devices.

Results: Our interpretable method achieves greater than 99\% of the performance of the state-of-the-art methods on the artifact detection task, and even outperforms the state-of-the-art on a challenging out-of-distribution test set, while using dramatically fewer parameters (2\% of the parameters of Segade, and about half of the parameters of Tiny-PPG).

Conclusions: Learned kernels are competitive with deep neural networks for medical time series processing with dramatically fewer parameters. Our method is particularly suited for real-time applications and low-power devices, and it maintains interpretability.

Exploring Large Language Model for Graph Data Understanding in Online Job Recommendations. (arXiv:2307.05722v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Likang Wu, Zhaopeng Qiu, Zhi Zheng, Hengshu Zhu, Enhong Chen

Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language processing tasks, demonstrating their exceptional capabilities in various domains. However, their potential for behavior graph understanding in job recommendations remains largely unexplored. This paper focuses on unveiling the capability of large language models in understanding behavior graphs and leveraging this understanding to enhance recommendations in online recruitment, including the promotion of out-of-distribution (OOD) application. We present a novel framework that harnesses the rich contextual information and semantic representations provided by large language models to analyze behavior graphs and uncover underlying patterns and relationships. Specifically, we propose a meta-path prompt constructor that leverages LLM recommender to understand behavior graphs for the first time and design a corresponding path augmentation module to alleviate the prompt bias introduced by path-based sequence input. By leveraging this capability, our framework enables personalized and accurate job recommendations for individual users. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on a comprehensive dataset and demonstrate its ability to improve the relevance and quality of recommended quality. This research not only sheds light on the untapped potential of large language models but also provides valuable insights for developing advanced recommendation systems in the recruitment market. The findings contribute to the growing field of natural language processing and offer practical implications for enhancing job search experiences. We release the code at

Towards Automatic Boundary Detection for Human-AI Collaborative Hybrid Essay in Education. (arXiv:2307.12267v6 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zijie Zeng, Lele Sha, Yuheng Li, Kaixun Yang, Dragan Gašević, Guanliang Chen

The recent large language models (LLMs), e.g., ChatGPT, have been able to generate human-like and fluent responses when provided with specific instructions. While admitting the convenience brought by technological advancement, educators also have concerns that students might leverage LLMs to complete their writing assignments and pass them off as their original work. Although many AI content detection studies have been conducted as a result of such concerns, most of these prior studies modeled AI content detection as a classification problem, assuming that a text is either entirely human-written or entirely AI-generated. In this study, we investigated AI content detection in a rarely explored yet realistic setting where the text to be detected is collaboratively written by human and generative LLMs (i.e., hybrid text). We first formalized the detection task as identifying the transition points between human-written content and AI-generated content from a given hybrid text (boundary detection). Then we proposed a two-step approach where we (1) separated AI-generated content from human-written content during the encoder training process; and (2) calculated the distances between every two adjacent prototypes and assumed that the boundaries exist between the two adjacent prototypes that have the furthest distance from each other. Through extensive experiments, we observed the following main findings: (1) the proposed approach consistently outperformed the baseline methods across different experiment settings; (2) the encoder training process can significantly boost the performance of the proposed approach; (3) when detecting boundaries for single-boundary hybrid essays, the proposed approach could be enhanced by adopting a relatively large prototype size, leading to a 22% improvement in the In-Domain evaluation and an 18% improvement in the Out-of-Domain evaluation.

EnrichEvent: Enriching Social Data with Contextual Information for Emerging Event Extraction. (arXiv:2307.16082v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohammadali Sefidi Esfahani, Mohammad Akbari

Social platforms have emerged as crucial platforms for disseminating information and discussing real-life social events, offering researchers an excellent opportunity to design and implement novel event detection frameworks. However, most existing approaches only exploit keyword burstiness or network structures to detect unspecified events. Thus, they often need help identifying unknown events regarding the challenging nature of events and social data. Social data, e.g., tweets, is characterized by misspellings, incompleteness, word sense ambiguation, irregular language, and variation in aspects of opinions. Moreover, extracting discriminative features and patterns for evolving events by exploiting the limited structural knowledge is almost infeasible. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a novel framework, namely EnrichEvent, that leverages the linguistic and contextual representations of streaming social data. In particular, we leverage contextual and linguistic knowledge to detect semantically related tweets and enhance the effectiveness of the event detection approaches. Eventually, our proposed framework produces cluster chains for each event to show the evolving variation of the event through time. We conducted extensive experiments to evaluate our framework, validating its high performance and effectiveness in detecting and distinguishing unspecified social events.

GPTScan: Detecting Logic Vulnerabilities in Smart Contracts by Combining GPT with Program Analysis. (arXiv:2308.03314v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuqiang Sun, Daoyuan Wu, Yue Xue, Han Liu, Haijun Wang, Zhengzi Xu, Xiaofei Xie, Yang Liu

Smart contracts are prone to various vulnerabilities, leading to substantial financial losses over time. Current analysis tools mainly target vulnerabilities with fixed control or data-flow patterns, such as re-entrancy and integer overflow. However, a recent study on Web3 security bugs revealed that about 80% of these bugs cannot be audited by existing tools due to the lack of domain-specific property description and checking. Given recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs), it is worth exploring how Generative Pre-training Transformer (GPT) could aid in detecting logicc vulnerabilities.

In this paper, we propose GPTScan, the first tool combining GPT with static analysis for smart contract logic vulnerability detection. Instead of relying solely on GPT to identify vulnerabilities, which can lead to high false positives and is limited by GPT's pre-trained knowledge, we utilize GPT as a versatile code understanding tool. By breaking down each logic vulnerability type into scenarios and properties, GPTScan matches candidate vulnerabilities with GPT. To enhance accuracy, GPTScan further instructs GPT to intelligently recognize key variables and statements, which are then validated by static confirmation. Evaluation on diverse datasets with around 400 contract projects and 3K Solidity files shows that GPTScan achieves high precision (over 90%) for token contracts and acceptable precision (57.14%) for large projects like Web3Bugs. It effectively detects ground-truth logic vulnerabilities with a recall of over 70%, including 9 new vulnerabilities missed by human auditors. GPTScan is fast and cost-effective, taking an average of 14.39 seconds and 0.01 USD to scan per thousand lines of Solidity code. Moreover, static confirmation helps GPTScan reduce two-thirds of false positives.

VisIT-Bench: A Benchmark for Vision-Language Instruction Following Inspired by Real-World Use. (arXiv:2308.06595v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yonatan Bitton, Hritik Bansal, Jack Hessel, Rulin Shao, Wanrong Zhu, Anas Awadalla, Josh Gardner, Rohan Taori, Ludwig Schmidt

We introduce VisIT-Bench (Visual InsTruction Benchmark), a benchmark for evaluation of instruction-following vision-language models for real-world use. Our starting point is curating 70 'instruction families' that we envision instruction tuned vision-language models should be able to address. Extending beyond evaluations like VQAv2 and COCO, tasks range from basic recognition to game playing and creative generation. Following curation, our dataset comprises 592 test queries, each with a human-authored instruction-conditioned caption. These descriptions surface instruction-specific factors, e.g., for an instruction asking about the accessibility of a storefront for wheelchair users, the instruction-conditioned caption describes ramps/potential obstacles. These descriptions enable 1) collecting human-verified reference outputs for each instance; and 2) automatic evaluation of candidate multimodal generations using a text-only LLM, aligning with human judgment. We quantify quality gaps between models and references using both human and automatic evaluations; e.g., the top-performing instruction-following model wins against the GPT-4 reference in just 27% of the comparison. VisIT-Bench is dynamic to participate, practitioners simply submit their model's response on the project website; Data, code and leaderboard is available at

Leveraging Symmetries in Pick and Place. (arXiv:2308.07948v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Haojie Huang, Dian Wang, Arsh Tangri, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Robotic pick and place tasks are symmetric under translations and rotations of both the object to be picked and the desired place pose. For example, if the pick object is rotated or translated, then the optimal pick action should also rotate or translate. The same is true for the place pose; if the desired place pose changes, then the place action should also transform accordingly. A recently proposed pick and place framework known as Transporter Net captures some of these symmetries, but not all. This paper analytically studies the symmetries present in planar robotic pick and place and proposes a method of incorporating equivariant neural models into Transporter Net in a way that captures all symmetries. The new model, which we call Equivariant Transporter Net, is equivariant to both pick and place symmetries and can immediately generalize pick and place knowledge to different pick and place poses. We evaluate the new model empirically and show that it is much more sample efficient than the non-symmetric version, resulting in a system that can imitate demonstrated pick and place behavior using very few human demonstrations on a variety of imitation learning tasks.

SwinLSTM:Improving Spatiotemporal Prediction Accuracy using Swin Transformer and LSTM. (arXiv:2308.09891v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Song Tang, Chuang Li, Pu Zhang, RongNian Tang

Integrating CNNs and RNNs to capture spatiotemporal dependencies is a prevalent strategy for spatiotemporal prediction tasks. However, the property of CNNs to learn local spatial information decreases their efficiency in capturing spatiotemporal dependencies, thereby limiting their prediction accuracy. In this paper, we propose a new recurrent cell, SwinLSTM, which integrates Swin Transformer blocks and the simplified LSTM, an extension that replaces the convolutional structure in ConvLSTM with the self-attention mechanism. Furthermore, we construct a network with SwinLSTM cell as the core for spatiotemporal prediction. Without using unique tricks, SwinLSTM outperforms state-of-the-art methods on Moving MNIST, Human3.6m, TaxiBJ, and KTH datasets. In particular, it exhibits a significant improvement in prediction accuracy compared to ConvLSTM. Our competitive experimental results demonstrate that learning global spatial dependencies is more advantageous for models to capture spatiotemporal dependencies. We hope that SwinLSTM can serve as a solid baseline to promote the advancement of spatiotemporal prediction accuracy. The codes are publicly available at

Efficient Real-time Path Planning with Self-evolving Particle Swarm Optimization in Dynamic Scenarios. (arXiv:2308.10169v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Jinghao Xin, Zhi Li, Yang Zhang, Ning Li

Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) has demonstrated efficacy in addressing static path planning problems. Nevertheless, such application on dynamic scenarios has been severely precluded by PSO's low computational efficiency and premature convergence downsides. To address these limitations, we proposed a Tensor Operation Form (TOF) that converts particle-wise manipulations to tensor operations, thereby enhancing computational efficiency. Harnessing the computational advantage of TOF, a variant of PSO, designated as Self-Evolving Particle Swarm Optimization (SEPSO) was developed. The SEPSO is underpinned by a novel Hierarchical Self-Evolving Framework (HSEF) that enables autonomous optimization of its own hyper-parameters to evade premature convergence. Additionally, a Priori Initialization (PI) mechanism and an Auto Truncation (AT) mechanism that substantially elevates the real-time performance of SEPSO on dynamic path planning problems were introduced. Comprehensive experiments on four widely used benchmark optimization functions have been initially conducted to corroborate the validity of SEPSO. Following this, a dynamic simulation environment that encompasses moving start/target points and dynamic/static obstacles was employed to assess the effectiveness of SEPSO on the dynamic path planning problem. Simulation results exhibit that the proposed SEPSO is capable of generating superior paths with considerably better real-time performance (67 path planning computations per second in a regular desktop computer) in contrast to alternative methods. The code and video of this paper can be accessed here.

Fact-checking information generated by a large language model can decrease news discernment. (arXiv:2308.10800v3 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Matthew R. DeVerna, Harry Yaojun Yan, Kai-Cheng Yang, Filippo Menczer

Fact checking can be an effective strategy against misinformation, but its implementation at scale is impeded by the overwhelming volume of information online. Recent artificial intelligence (AI) language models have shown impressive ability in fact-checking tasks, but how humans interact with fact-checking information provided by these models is unclear. Here, we investigate the impact of fact-checking information generated by a popular large language model (LLM) on belief in, and sharing intent of, political news in a preregistered randomized control experiment. Although the LLM performs reasonably well in debunking false headlines, we find that it does not significantly affect participants' ability to discern headline accuracy or share accurate news. Subsequent analysis reveals that the AI fact-checker is harmful in specific cases: it decreases beliefs in true headlines that it mislabels as false and increases beliefs in false headlines that it is unsure about. On the positive side, the AI fact-checking information increases sharing intents for correctly labeled true headlines. When participants are given the option to view LLM fact checks and choose to do so, they are significantly more likely to share both true and false news but only more likely to believe false news. Our findings highlight an important source of potential harm stemming from AI applications and underscore the critical need for policies to prevent or mitigate such unintended consequences.

Knowledge Graph Prompting for Multi-Document Question Answering. (arXiv:2308.11730v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Wang, Nedim Lipka, Ryan A. Rossi, Alexa Siu, Ruiyi Zhang, Tyler Derr

The `pre-train, prompt, predict' paradigm of large language models (LLMs) has achieved remarkable success in open-domain question answering (OD-QA). However, few works explore this paradigm in the scenario of multi-document question answering (MD-QA), a task demanding a thorough understanding of the logical associations among the contents and structures of different documents. To fill this crucial gap, we propose a Knowledge Graph Prompting (KGP) method to formulate the right context in prompting LLMs for MD-QA, which consists of a graph construction module and a graph traversal module. For graph construction, we create a knowledge graph (KG) over multiple documents with nodes symbolizing passages or document structures (e.g., pages/tables), and edges denoting the semantic/lexical similarity between passages or intra-document structural relations. For graph traversal, we design an LLM-based graph traversal agent that navigates across nodes and gathers supporting passages assisting LLMs in MD-QA. The constructed graph serves as the global ruler that regulates the transitional space among passages and reduces retrieval latency. Concurrently, the graph traversal agent acts as a local navigator that gathers pertinent context to progressively approach the question and guarantee retrieval quality. Extensive experiments underscore the efficacy of KGP for MD-QA, signifying the potential of leveraging graphs in enhancing the prompt design for LLMs. Our code:

MedAlign: A Clinician-Generated Dataset for Instruction Following with Electronic Medical Records. (arXiv:2308.14089v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Scott L. Fleming, Alejandro Lozano, William J. Haberkorn, Jenelle A. Jindal, Eduardo P. Reis, Rahul Thapa, Louis Blankemeier, Julian Z. Genkins, Ethan Steinberg, Ashwin Nayak, Birju S. Patel, Chia-Chun Chiang, Alison Callahan, Zepeng Huo, Sergios Gatidis, Scott J. Adams, Oluseyi Fayanju, Shreya J. Shah, Thomas Savage, Ethan Goh, Akshay S. Chaudhari, Nima Aghaeepour, Christopher Sharp, Michael A. Pfeffer, Percy Liang, Jonathan H. Chen, Keith E. Morse, Emma P. Brunskill, Jason A. Fries, Nigam H. Shah

The ability of large language models (LLMs) to follow natural language instructions with human-level fluency suggests many opportunities in healthcare to reduce administrative burden and improve quality of care. However, evaluating LLMs on realistic text generation tasks for healthcare remains challenging. Existing question answering datasets for electronic health record (EHR) data fail to capture the complexity of information needs and documentation burdens experienced by clinicians. To address these challenges, we introduce MedAlign, a benchmark dataset of 983 natural language instructions for EHR data. MedAlign is curated by 15 clinicians (7 specialities), includes clinician-written reference responses for 303 instructions, and provides 276 longitudinal EHRs for grounding instruction-response pairs. We used MedAlign to evaluate 6 general domain LLMs, having clinicians rank the accuracy and quality of each LLM response. We found high error rates, ranging from 35% (GPT-4) to 68% (MPT-7B-Instruct), and an 8.3% drop in accuracy moving from 32k to 2k context lengths for GPT-4. Finally, we report correlations between clinician rankings and automated natural language generation metrics as a way to rank LLMs without human review. We make MedAlign available under a research data use agreement to enable LLM evaluations on tasks aligned with clinician needs and preferences.

Beta Diffusion. (arXiv:2309.07867v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingyuan Zhou, Tianqi Chen, Zhendong Wang, Huangjie Zheng

We introduce beta diffusion, a novel generative modeling method that integrates demasking and denoising to generate data within bounded ranges. Using scaled and shifted beta distributions, beta diffusion utilizes multiplicative transitions over time to create both forward and reverse diffusion processes, maintaining beta distributions in both the forward marginals and the reverse conditionals, given the data at any point in time. Unlike traditional diffusion-based generative models relying on additive Gaussian noise and reweighted evidence lower bounds (ELBOs), beta diffusion is multiplicative and optimized with KL-divergence upper bounds (KLUBs) derived from the convexity of the KL divergence. We demonstrate that the proposed KLUBs are more effective for optimizing beta diffusion compared to negative ELBOs, which can also be derived as the KLUBs of the same KL divergence with its two arguments swapped. The loss function of beta diffusion, expressed in terms of Bregman divergence, further supports the efficacy of KLUBs for optimization. Experimental results on both synthetic data and natural images demonstrate the unique capabilities of beta diffusion in generative modeling of range-bounded data and validate the effectiveness of KLUBs in optimizing diffusion models, thereby making them valuable additions to the family of diffusion-based generative models and the optimization techniques used to train them.

Neural Speaker Diarization Using Memory-Aware Multi-Speaker Embedding with Sequence-to-Sequence Architecture. (arXiv:2309.09180v2 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Gaobin Yang, Maokui He, Shutong Niu, Ruoyu Wang, Yanyan Yue, Shuangqing Qian, Shilong Wu, Jun Du, Chin-Hui Lee

We propose a novel neural speaker diarization system using memory-aware multi-speaker embedding with sequence-to-sequence architecture (NSD-MS2S), which integrates the strengths of memory-aware multi-speaker embedding (MA-MSE) and sequence-to-sequence (Seq2Seq) architecture, leading to improvement in both efficiency and performance. Next, we further decrease the memory occupation of decoding by incorporating input features fusion and then employ a multi-head attention mechanism to capture features at different levels. NSD-MS2S achieved a macro diarization error rate (DER) of 15.9% on the CHiME-7 EVAL set, which signifies a relative improvement of 49% over the official baseline system, and is the key technique for us to achieve the best performance for the main track of CHiME-7 DASR Challenge. Additionally, we introduce a deep interactive module (DIM) in MA-MSE module to better retrieve a cleaner and more discriminative multi-speaker embedding, enabling the current model to outperform the system we used in the CHiME-7 DASR Challenge. Our code will be available at

Physics of Language Models: Part 3.1, Knowledge Storage and Extraction. (arXiv:2309.14316v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zeyuan Allen-Zhu, Yuanzhi Li

Large language models (LLMs) can store a vast amount of world knowledge, often extractable via question-answering (e.g., "What is Abraham Lincoln's birthday?"). However, do they answer such questions based on exposure to similar questions during training (i.e., cheating), or by genuinely learning to extract knowledge from sources like Wikipedia?

In this paper, we investigate this issue using a controlled biography dataset. We find a strong correlation between the model's ability to extract knowledge and various diversity measures of the training data. $\textbf{Essentially}$, for knowledge to be reliably extracted, it must be sufficiently augmented (e.g., through paraphrasing, sentence shuffling) $\textit{during pretraining}$. Without such augmentation, knowledge may be memorized but not extractable, leading to 0% accuracy, regardless of subsequent instruction fine-tuning.

To understand why this occurs, we employ (nearly) linear probing to demonstrate a strong connection between the observed correlation and how the model internally encodes knowledge -- whether it is linearly encoded in the hidden embeddings of entity names or distributed across other token embeddings in the training text.

This paper provides $\textbf{several key recommendations for LLM pretraining in the industry}$: (1) rewrite the pretraining data -- using small, auxiliary models -- to provide knowledge augmentation, and (2) incorporate more instruction-finetuning data into the pretraining stage before it becomes too late.

Recurrent Hypernetworks are Surprisingly Strong in Meta-RL. (arXiv:2309.14970v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jacob Beck, Risto Vuorio, Zheng Xiong, Shimon Whiteson

Deep reinforcement learning (RL) is notoriously impractical to deploy due to sample inefficiency. Meta-RL directly addresses this sample inefficiency by learning to perform few-shot learning when a distribution of related tasks is available for meta-training. While many specialized meta-RL methods have been proposed, recent work suggests that end-to-end learning in conjunction with an off-the-shelf sequential model, such as a recurrent network, is a surprisingly strong baseline. However, such claims have been controversial due to limited supporting evidence, particularly in the face of prior work establishing precisely the opposite. In this paper, we conduct an empirical investigation. While we likewise find that a recurrent network can achieve strong performance, we demonstrate that the use of hypernetworks is crucial to maximizing their potential. Surprisingly, when combined with hypernetworks, the recurrent baselines that are far simpler than existing specialized methods actually achieve the strongest performance of all methods evaluated. We provide code at

Natural Language based Context Modeling and Reasoning for Ubiquitous Computing with Large Language Models: A Tutorial. (arXiv:2309.15074v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Haoyi Xiong, Jiang Bian, Sijia Yang, Xiaofei Zhang, Linghe Kong, Daqing Zhang

Large language models (LLMs) have become phenomenally surging, since 2018--two decades after introducing context-awareness into computing systems. Through taking into account the situations of ubiquitous devices, users and the societies, context-aware computing has enabled a wide spectrum of innovative applications, such as assisted living, location-based social network services and so on. To recognize contexts and make decisions for actions accordingly, various artificial intelligence technologies, such as Ontology and OWL, have been adopted as representations for context modeling and reasoning. Recently, with the rise of LLMs and their improved natural language understanding and reasoning capabilities, it has become feasible to model contexts using natural language and perform context reasoning by interacting with LLMs such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. In this tutorial, we demonstrate the use of texts, prompts, and autonomous agents (AutoAgents) that enable LLMs to perform context modeling and reasoning without requiring fine-tuning of the model. We organize and introduce works in the related field, and name this computing paradigm as the LLM-driven Context-aware Computing (LCaC). In the LCaC paradigm, users' requests, sensors reading data, and the command to actuators are supposed to be represented as texts. Given the text of users' request and sensor data, the AutoAgent models the context by prompting and sends to the LLM for context reasoning. LLM generates a plan of actions and responds to the AutoAgent, which later follows the action plan to foster context-awareness. To prove the concepts, we use two showcases--(1) operating a mobile z-arm in an apartment for assisted living, and (2) planning a trip and scheduling the itinerary in a context-aware and personalized manner.

Iterative Option Discovery for Planning, by Planning. (arXiv:2310.01569v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Kenny Young, Richard S. Sutton

Discovering useful temporal abstractions, in the form of options, is widely thought to be key to applying reinforcement learning and planning to increasingly complex domains. Building on the empirical success of the Expert Iteration approach to policy learning used in AlphaZero, we propose Option Iteration, an analogous approach to option discovery. Rather than learning a single strong policy that is trained to match the search results everywhere, Option Iteration learns a set of option policies trained such that for each state encountered, at least one policy in the set matches the search results for some horizon into the future. Intuitively, this may be significantly easier as it allows the algorithm to hedge its bets compared to learning a single globally strong policy, which may have complex dependencies on the details of the current state. Having learned such a set of locally strong policies, we can use them to guide the search algorithm resulting in a virtuous cycle where better options lead to better search results which allows for training of better options. We demonstrate experimentally that planning using options learned with Option Iteration leads to a significant benefit in challenging planning environments compared to an analogous planning algorithm operating in the space of primitive actions and learning a single rollout policy with Expert Iteration.

Co-NavGPT: Multi-Robot Cooperative Visual Semantic Navigation using Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.07937v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Bangguo Yu, Hamidreza Kasaei, Ming Cao

In advanced human-robot interaction tasks, visual target navigation is crucial for autonomous robots navigating unknown environments. While numerous approaches have been developed in the past, most are designed for single-robot operations, which often suffer from reduced efficiency and robustness due to environmental complexities. Furthermore, learning policies for multi-robot collaboration are resource-intensive. To address these challenges, we propose Co-NavGPT, an innovative framework that integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) as a global planner for multi-robot cooperative visual target navigation. Co-NavGPT encodes the explored environment data into prompts, enhancing LLMs' scene comprehension. It then assigns exploration frontiers to each robot for efficient target search. Experimental results on Habitat-Matterport 3D (HM3D) demonstrate that Co-NavGPT surpasses existing models in success rates and efficiency without any learning process, demonstrating the vast potential of LLMs in multi-robot collaboration domains. The supplementary video, prompts, and code can be accessed via the following link:

Can We Edit Multimodal Large Language Models?. (arXiv:2310.08475v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyuan Cheng, Bozhong Tian, Qingbin Liu, Xi Chen, Yongheng Wang, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

In this paper, we focus on editing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Compared to editing single-modal LLMs, multimodal model editing is more challenging, which demands a higher level of scrutiny and careful consideration in the editing process. To facilitate research in this area, we construct a new benchmark, dubbed MMEdit, for editing multimodal LLMs and establishing a suite of innovative metrics for evaluation. We conduct comprehensive experiments involving various model editing baselines and analyze the impact of editing different components for multimodal LLMs. Empirically, we notice that previous baselines can implement editing multimodal LLMs to some extent, but the effect is still barely satisfactory, indicating the potential difficulty of this task. We hope that our work can provide the NLP community with insights. Code and dataset are available in

Fine-tuning ChatGPT for Automatic Scoring. (arXiv:2310.10072v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ehsan Latif, Xiaoming Zhai

This study highlights the potential of fine-tuned ChatGPT (GPT-3.5) for automatically scoring student written constructed responses using example assessment tasks in science education. Recent studies on OpenAI's generative model GPT-3.5 proved its superiority in predicting the natural language with high accuracy and human-like responses. GPT-3.5 has been trained over enormous online language materials such as journals and Wikipedia; therefore, more than direct usage of pre-trained GPT-3.5 is required for automatic scoring as students utilize a different language than trained material. These imply that a domain-specific model, fine-tuned over data for specific tasks, can enhance model performance. In this study, we fine-tuned GPT-3.5 on six assessment tasks with a diverse dataset of middle-school and high-school student responses and expert scoring. The six tasks comprise two multi-label and four multi-class assessment tasks. We compare the performance of fine-tuned GPT-3.5 with the fine-tuned state-of-the-art Google's generated language model, BERT. The results show that in-domain training corpora constructed from science questions and responses for BERT achieved average accuracy = 0.838, SD = 0.069. GPT-3.5 shows a remarkable average increase (9.1%) in automatic scoring accuracy (mean = 9.15, SD = 0.042) for the six tasks, p =0.001 < 0.05. Specifically, for multi-label tasks (item 1 with 5 labels; item 2 with 10 labels), GPT-3.5 achieved significantly higher scoring accuracy than BERT across all the labels, with the second item achieving a 7.1% increase. The average scoring increase for the four multi-class items for GPT-3.5 was 10.6% compared to BERT. Our study confirmed the effectiveness of fine-tuned GPT-3.5 for automatic scoring of student responses on domain-specific data in education with high accuracy. We have released fine-tuned models for public use and community engagement.

Improving Generalization of Alignment with Human Preferences through Group Invariant Learning. (arXiv:2310.11971v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rui Zheng, Wei Shen, Yuan Hua, Wenbin Lai, Shihan Dou, Yuhao Zhou, Zhiheng Xi, Xiao Wang, Haoran Huang, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

The success of AI assistants based on language models (LLMs) hinges crucially on Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), which enables the generation of responses more aligned with human preferences. As universal AI assistants, there's a growing expectation for them to perform consistently across various domains. However, previous work shows that Reinforcement Learning (RL) often exploits shortcuts to attain high rewards and overlooks challenging samples. This focus on quick reward gains undermines both the stability in training and the model's ability to generalize to new, unseen data. In this work, we propose a novel approach that can learn a consistent policy via RL across various data groups or domains. Given the challenges associated with acquiring group annotations, our method automatically classifies data into different groups, deliberately maximizing performance variance. Then, we optimize the policy to perform well on challenging groups. Lastly, leveraging the established groups, our approach adaptively adjusts the exploration space, allocating more learning capacity to more challenging data and preventing the model from over-optimizing on simpler data. Experimental results indicate that our approach significantly enhances training stability and model generalization.

O3D: Offline Data-driven Discovery and Distillation for Sequential Decision-Making with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.14403v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuchen Xiao, Yanchao Sun, Mengda Xu, Udari Madhushani, Jared Vann, Deepeka Garg, Sumitra Ganesh

Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have exhibited promising performance in solving sequential decision-making problems. By imitating few-shot examples provided in the prompts (i.e., in-context learning), an LLM agent can interact with an external environment and complete given tasks without additional training. However, such few-shot examples are often insufficient to generate high-quality solutions for complex and long-horizon tasks, while the limited context length cannot consume larger-scale demonstrations. To this end, we propose an offline learning framework that utilizes offline data at scale (e.g, logs of human interactions) to facilitate the in-context learning performance of LLM agents. We formally define LLM-powered policies with both text-based approaches and code-based approaches. We then introduce an Offline Data-driven Discovery and Distillation (O3D) framework to improve LLM-powered policies without finetuning. O3D automatically discovers reusable skills and distills generalizable knowledge across multiple tasks based on offline interaction data, advancing the capability of solving downstream tasks. Empirical results under two interactive decision-making benchmarks (ALFWorld and WebShop) demonstrate that O3D can notably enhance the decision-making capabilities of LLMs through the offline discovery and distillation process, and consistently outperform baselines across various LLMs with both text-based-policy and code-based-policy.

DeTiME: Diffusion-Enhanced Topic Modeling using Encoder-decoder based LLM. (arXiv:2310.15296v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Weijie Xu, Wenxiang Hu, Fanyou Wu, Srinivasan Sengamedu

In the burgeoning field of natural language processing (NLP), Neural Topic Models (NTMs) , Large Language Models (LLMs) and Diffusion model have emerged as areas of significant research interest. Despite this, NTMs primarily utilize contextual embeddings from LLMs, which are not optimal for clustering or capable for topic based text generation. NTMs have never been combined with diffusion model for text generation. Our study addresses these gaps by introducing a novel framework named Diffusion-Enhanced Topic Modeling using Encoder-Decoder-based LLMs (DeTiME). DeTiME leverages Encoder-Decoder-based LLMs to produce highly clusterable embeddings that could generate topics that exhibit both superior clusterability and enhanced semantic coherence compared to existing methods. Additionally, by exploiting the power of diffusion model, our framework also provides the capability to do topic based text generation. This dual functionality allows users to efficiently produce highly clustered topics and topic based text generation simultaneously. DeTiME's potential extends to generating clustered embeddings as well. Notably, our proposed framework(both encoder-decoder based LLM and diffusion model) proves to be efficient to train and exhibits high adaptability to other LLMs and diffusion model, demonstrating its potential for a wide array of applications.

Ontology Revision based on Pre-trained Language Models. (arXiv:2310.18378v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Qiu Ji, Guilin Qi, Yuxin Ye, Jiaye Li, Site Li, Jianjie Ren, Songtao Lu

Ontology revision aims to seamlessly incorporate a new ontology into an existing ontology and plays a crucial role in tasks such as ontology evolution, ontology maintenance, and ontology alignment. Similar to repair single ontologies, resolving logical incoherence in the task of ontology revision is also important and meaningful, because incoherence is a main potential factor to cause inconsistency and reasoning with an inconsistent ontology will obtain meaningless answers.To deal with this problem, various ontology revision approaches have been proposed to define revision operators and design ranking strategies for axioms in an ontology. However, they rarely consider axiom semantics which provides important information to differentiate axioms. In addition, pre-trained models can be utilized to encode axiom semantics, and have been widely applied in many natural language processing tasks and ontology-related ones in recent years.Therefore, in this paper, we study how to apply pre-trained models to revise ontologies. We first define four scoring functions to rank axioms based on a pre-trained model by considering various information from an ontology. Based on the functions, an ontology revision algorithm is then proposed to deal with unsatisfiable concepts at once. To improve efficiency, an adapted revision algorithm is designed to deal with unsatisfiable concepts group by group. We conduct experiments over 19 ontology pairs and compare our algorithms and scoring functions with existing ones. According to the experiments, our algorithms could achieve promising performance.

EHRXQA: A Multi-Modal Question Answering Dataset for Electronic Health Records with Chest X-ray Images. (arXiv:2310.18652v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Seongsu Bae, Daeun Kyung, Jaehee Ryu, Eunbyeol Cho, Gyubok Lee, Sunjun Kweon, Jungwoo Oh, Lei Ji, Eric I-Chao Chang, Tackeun Kim, Edward Choi

Electronic Health Records (EHRs), which contain patients' medical histories in various multi-modal formats, often overlook the potential for joint reasoning across imaging and table modalities underexplored in current EHR Question Answering (QA) systems. In this paper, we introduce EHRXQA, a novel multi-modal question answering dataset combining structured EHRs and chest X-ray images. To develop our dataset, we first construct two uni-modal resources: 1) The MIMIC-CXR-VQA dataset, our newly created medical visual question answering (VQA) benchmark, specifically designed to augment the imaging modality in EHR QA, and 2) EHRSQL (MIMIC-IV), a refashioned version of a previously established table-based EHR QA dataset. By integrating these two uni-modal resources, we successfully construct a multi-modal EHR QA dataset that necessitates both uni-modal and cross-modal reasoning. To address the unique challenges of multi-modal questions within EHRs, we propose a NeuralSQL-based strategy equipped with an external VQA API. This pioneering endeavor enhances engagement with multi-modal EHR sources and we believe that our dataset can catalyze advances in real-world medical scenarios such as clinical decision-making and research. EHRXQA is available at

Multi-level Relation Learning for Cross-domain Few-shot Hyperspectral Image Classification. (arXiv:2311.01212v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chun Liu, Longwei Yang, Zheng Li, Wei Yang, Zhigang Han, Jianzhong Guo, Junyong Yu

Cross-domain few-shot hyperspectral image classification focuses on learning prior knowledge from a large number of labeled samples from source domains and then transferring the knowledge to the tasks which contain few labeled samples in target domains. Following the metric-based manner, many current methods first extract the features of the query and support samples, and then directly predict the classes of query samples according to their distance to the support samples or prototypes. The relations between samples have not been fully explored and utilized. Different from current works, this paper proposes to learn sample relations on different levels and take them into the model learning process, to improve the cross-domain few-shot hyperspectral image classification. Building on current method of "Deep Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning for Hyperspectral Image Classification" which adopts a domain discriminator to deal with domain-level distribution difference, the proposed method applies contrastive learning to learn the class-level sample relations to obtain more discriminable sample features. In addition, it adopts a transformer based cross-attention learning module to learn the set-level sample relations and acquire the attention from query samples to support samples. Our experimental results have demonstrated the contribution of the multi-level relation learning mechanism for few-shot hyperspectral image classification when compared with the state of the art methods.

Multimodal and Force-Matched Imitation Learning with a See-Through Visuotactile Sensor. (arXiv:2311.01248v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Trevor Ablett, Oliver Limoyo, Adam Sigal, Affan Jilani, Jonathan Kelly, Kaleem Siddiqi, Francois Hogan, Gregory Dudek

Kinesthetic Teaching is a popular approach to collecting expert robotic demonstrations of contact-rich tasks for imitation learning (IL), but it typically only measures motion, ignoring the force placed on the environment by the robot. Furthermore, contact-rich tasks require accurate sensing of both reaching and touching, which can be difficult to provide with conventional sensing modalities. We address these challenges with a See-Through-your-Skin (STS) visuotactile sensor, using the sensor both (i) as a measurement tool to improve kinesthetic teaching, and (ii) as a policy input in contact-rich door manipulation tasks. An STS sensor can be switched between visual and tactile modes by leveraging a semi-transparent surface and controllable lighting, allowing for both pre-contact visual sensing and during-contact tactile sensing with a single sensor. First, we propose tactile force matching, a methodology that enables a robot to match forces read during kinesthetic teaching using tactile signals. Second, we develop a policy that controls STS mode switching, allowing a policy to learn the appropriate moment to switch an STS from its visual to its tactile mode. Finally, we study multiple observation configurations to compare and contrast the value of visual and tactile data from an STS with visual data from a wrist-mounted eye-in-hand camera. With over 3,000 test episodes from real-world manipulation experiments, we find that the inclusion of force matching raises average policy success rates by 62.5%, STS mode switching by 30.3%, and STS data as a policy input by 42.5%. Our results highlight the utility of see-through tactile sensing for IL, both for data collection to allow force matching, and for policy execution to allow accurate task feedback.

Auto deep learning for bioacoustic signals. (arXiv:2311.04945v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Giulio Tosato, Abdelrahman Shehata, Joshua Janssen, Kees Kamp, Pramatya Jati, Dan Stowell

This study investigates the potential of automated deep learning to enhance the accuracy and efficiency of multi-class classification of bird vocalizations, compared against traditional manually-designed deep learning models. Using the Western Mediterranean Wetland Birds dataset, we investigated the use of AutoKeras, an automated machine learning framework, to automate neural architecture search and hyperparameter tuning. Comparative analysis validates our hypothesis that the AutoKeras-derived model consistently outperforms traditional models like MobileNet, ResNet50 and VGG16. Our approach and findings underscore the transformative potential of automated deep learning for advancing bioacoustics research and models. In fact, the automated techniques eliminate the need for manual feature engineering and model design while improving performance. This study illuminates best practices in sampling, evaluation and reporting to enhance reproducibility in this nascent field. All the code used is available at https: //

Keywords: AutoKeras; automated deep learning; audio classification; Wetlands Bird dataset; comparative analysis; bioacoustics; validation dataset; multi-class classification; spectrograms.

Deep Learning in Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography Imaging: A Dual-Pronged Approach for Pulmonary Embolism Detection. (arXiv:2311.05197v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fabiha Bushra, Muhammad E. H. Chowdhury, Rusab Sarmun, Saidul Kabir, Menatalla Said, Sohaib Bassam Zoghoul, Adam Mushtak, Israa Al-Hashimi, Abdulrahman Alqahtani, Anwarul Hasan

The increasing reliance on Computed Tomography Pulmonary Angiography for Pulmonary Embolism (PE) diagnosis presents challenges and a pressing need for improved diagnostic solutions. The primary objective of this study is to leverage deep learning techniques to enhance the Computer Assisted Diagnosis of PE. With this aim, we propose a classifier-guided detection approach that effectively leverages the classifier's probabilistic inference to direct the detection predictions, marking a novel contribution in the domain of automated PE diagnosis. Our end-to-end classification framework introduces an Attention-Guided Convolutional Neural Network (AG-CNN) that leverages local context by utilizing an attention mechanism. This approach emulates a human expert's attention by looking at both global appearances and local lesion regions before forming a conclusive decision. The classifier demonstrates strong performance on the FUMPE dataset, achieving AUROC, sensitivity, specificity, and F1-score of 0.927, 0.862, 0.879, and 0.805 respectively with Inception-v3 backbone architecture. Moreover, AG-CNN outperforms the baseline DenseNet-121 model, achieving an 8.1% AUROC gain. While prior studies have primarily focused on PE detection in main arteries, our utilization of cutting-edge object detection models and ensembling techniques greatly improves the accuracy of finding small embolisms in the peripheral arteries. Finally, our proposed classifier-guided detection approach further refines the detection metrics contributing new state-of-the-art to the community: mAP$_{50}$, sensitivity and F1-score of 0.846, 0.901 and 0.779 respectively outperforming the former benchmark with a significant 3.7% improvement in mAP$_{50}$. Our research aims to elevate PE patient care by integrating AI solutions into clinical workflows, highlighting the potential of human-AI collaboration in medical diagnostics.

Adversarial Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2311.11261v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaming Zhang, Xingjun Ma, Xin Wang, Lingyu Qiu, Jiaqi Wang, Yu-Gang Jiang, Jitao Sang

With the rapid advancement of multimodal learning, pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as CLIP have demonstrated remarkable capacities in bridging the gap between visual and language modalities. However, these models remain vulnerable to adversarial attacks, particularly in the image modality, presenting considerable security risks. This paper introduces Adversarial Prompt Tuning (AdvPT), a novel technique to enhance the adversarial robustness of image encoders in VLMs. AdvPT innovatively leverages learnable text prompts and aligns them with adversarial image embeddings, to address the vulnerabilities inherent in VLMs without the need for extensive parameter training or modification of the model architecture. We demonstrate that AdvPT improves resistance against white-box and black-box adversarial attacks and exhibits a synergistic effect when combined with existing image-processing-based defense techniques, further boosting defensive capabilities. Comprehensive experimental analyses provide insights into adversarial prompt tuning, a novel paradigm devoted to improving resistance to adversarial images through textual input modifications, paving the way for future robust multimodal learning research. These findings open up new possibilities for enhancing the security of VLMs. Our code is available at

ChatGPT and post-test probability. (arXiv:2311.12188v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Samuel J. Weisenthal

Reinforcement learning-based large language models, such as ChatGPT, are believed to have potential to aid human experts in many domains, including healthcare. There is, however, little work on ChatGPT's ability to perform a key task in healthcare: formal, probabilistic medical diagnostic reasoning. This type of reasoning is used, for example, to update a pre-test probability to a post-test probability. In this work, we probe ChatGPT's ability to perform this task. In particular, we ask ChatGPT to give examples of how to use Bayes rule for medical diagnosis. Our prompts range from queries that use terminology from pure probability (e.g., requests for a posterior of A given B and C) to queries that use terminology from medical diagnosis (e.g., requests for a posterior probability of Covid given a test result and cough). We show how the introduction of medical variable names leads to an increase in the number of errors that ChatGPT makes. Given our results, we also show how one can use prompt engineering to facilitate ChatGPT's partial avoidance of these errors. We discuss our results in light of recent commentaries on sensitivity and specificity. We also discuss how our results might inform new research directions for large language models.

Nav-Q: Quantum Deep Reinforcement Learning for Collision-Free Navigation of Self-Driving Cars. (arXiv:2311.12875v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Akash Sinha, Antonio Macaluso, Matthias Klusch

The task of collision-free navigation (CFN) of self-driving cars is an NP-hard problem usually tackled using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL). While DRL methods have proven to be effective, their implementation requires substantial computing resources and extended training periods to develop a robust agent. On the other hand, quantum reinforcement learning has recently demonstrated faster convergence and improved stability in simple, non-real-world environments.

In this work, we propose Nav-Q, the first quantum-supported DRL algorithm for CFN of self-driving cars, that leverages quantum computation for improving the training performance without the requirement for onboard quantum hardware. Nav-Q is based on the actor-critic approach, where the critic is implemented using a hybrid quantum-classical algorithm suitable for near-term quantum devices. We assess the performance of Nav-Q using the CARLA driving simulator, a de facto standard benchmark for evaluating state-of-the-art DRL methods. Our empirical evaluations showcase that Nav-Q surpasses its classical counterpart in terms of training stability and, in certain instances, with respect to the convergence rate. Furthermore, we assess Nav-Q in relation to effective dimension, unveiling that the incorporation of a quantum component results in a model with greater descriptive power compared to classical baselines. Finally, we evaluate the performance of Nav-Q using noisy quantum simulation, observing that the quantum noise deteriorates the training performances but enhances the exploratory tendencies of the agent during training.

General Phrase Debiaser: Debiasing Masked Language Models at a Multi-Token Level. (arXiv:2311.13892v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Bingkang Shi, Xiaodan Zhang, Dehan Kong, Yulei Wu, Zongzhen Liu, Honglei Lyu, Longtao Huang

The social biases and unwelcome stereotypes revealed by pretrained language models are becoming obstacles to their application. Compared to numerous debiasing methods targeting word level, there has been relatively less attention on biases present at phrase level, limiting the performance of debiasing in discipline domains. In this paper, we propose an automatic multi-token debiasing pipeline called \textbf{General Phrase Debiaser}, which is capable of mitigating phrase-level biases in masked language models. Specifically, our method consists of a \textit{phrase filter stage} that generates stereotypical phrases from Wikipedia pages as well as a \textit{model debias stage} that can debias models at the multi-token level to tackle bias challenges on phrases. The latter searches for prompts that trigger model's bias, and then uses them for debiasing. State-of-the-art results on standard datasets and metrics show that our approach can significantly reduce gender biases on both career and multiple disciplines, across models with varying parameter sizes.

RichDreamer: A Generalizable Normal-Depth Diffusion Model for Detail Richness in Text-to-3D. (arXiv:2311.16918v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lingteng Qiu, Guanying Chen, Xiaodong Gu, Qi Zuo, Mutian Xu, Yushuang Wu, Weihao Yuan, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Xiaoguang Han

Lifting 2D diffusion for 3D generation is a challenging problem due to the lack of geometric prior and the complex entanglement of materials and lighting in natural images. Existing methods have shown promise by first creating the geometry through score-distillation sampling (SDS) applied to rendered surface normals, followed by appearance modeling. However, relying on a 2D RGB diffusion model to optimize surface normals is suboptimal due to the distribution discrepancy between natural images and normals maps, leading to instability in optimization. In this paper, recognizing that the normal and depth information effectively describe scene geometry and be automatically estimated from images, we propose to learn a generalizable Normal-Depth diffusion model for 3D generation. We achieve this by training on the large-scale LAION dataset together with the generalizable image-to-depth and normal prior models. In an attempt to alleviate the mixed illumination effects in the generated materials, we introduce an albedo diffusion model to impose data-driven constraints on the albedo component. Our experiments show that when integrated into existing text-to-3D pipelines, our models significantly enhance the detail richness, achieving state-of-the-art results. Our project page is

Look Before You Leap: Unveiling the Power of GPT-4V in Robotic Vision-Language Planning. (arXiv:2311.17842v2 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Yingdong Hu, Fanqi Lin, Tong Zhang, Li Yi, Yang Gao

In this study, we are interested in imbuing robots with the capability of physically-grounded task planning. Recent advancements have shown that large language models (LLMs) possess extensive knowledge useful in robotic tasks, especially in reasoning and planning. However, LLMs are constrained by their lack of world grounding and dependence on external affordance models to perceive environmental information, which cannot jointly reason with LLMs. We argue that a task planner should be an inherently grounded, unified multimodal system. To this end, we introduce Robotic Vision-Language Planning (ViLa), a novel approach for long-horizon robotic planning that leverages vision-language models (VLMs) to generate a sequence of actionable steps. ViLa directly integrates perceptual data into its reasoning and planning process, enabling a profound understanding of commonsense knowledge in the visual world, including spatial layouts and object attributes. It also supports flexible multimodal goal specification and naturally incorporates visual feedback. Our extensive evaluation, conducted in both real-robot and simulated environments, demonstrates ViLa's superiority over existing LLM-based planners, highlighting its effectiveness in a wide array of open-world manipulation tasks.

ArabIcros: AI-Powered Arabic Crossword Puzzle Generation for Educational Applications. (arXiv:2312.01339v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kamyar Zeinalipour, Mohamed Zaky Saad, Marco Maggini, Marco Gori

This paper presents the first Arabic crossword puzzle generator driven by advanced AI technology. Leveraging cutting-edge large language models including GPT4, GPT3-Davinci, GPT3-Curie, GPT3-Babbage, GPT3-Ada, and BERT, the system generates distinctive and challenging clues. Based on a dataset comprising over 50,000 clue-answer pairs, the generator employs fine-tuning, few/zero-shot learning strategies, and rigorous quality-checking protocols to enforce the generation of high-quality clue-answer pairs. Importantly, educational crosswords contribute to enhancing memory, expanding vocabulary, and promoting problem-solving skills, thereby augmenting the learning experience through a fun and engaging approach, reshaping the landscape of traditional learning methods. The overall system can be exploited as a powerful educational tool that amalgamates AI and innovative learning techniques, heralding a transformative era for Arabic crossword puzzles and the intersection of technology and education.

Jellyfish: A Large Language Model for Data Preprocessing. (arXiv:2312.01678v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Haochen Zhang, Yuyang Dong, Chuan Xiao, Masafumi Oyamada

In this paper, we present Jellyfish, an open-source LLM as a universal task solver for DP. Built on the Llama 2 13B model, Jellyfish is instruction-tuned with the datasets of several typical DP tasks including error detection, data imputation, schema matching, and entity matching, and delivers generalizability to other tasks. Remarkably, Jellyfish can operate on a local, single, and low-priced GPU with its 13 billion parameters, ensuring data security and enabling further tuning. Its proficiency in understanding natural language allows users to manually craft instructions for DP tasks. Unlike many existing methods that heavily rely on prior knowledge, Jellyfish acquires domain knowledge during its tuning process and integrates optional knowledge injection during inference. A distinctive feature of Jellyfish is its interpreter, which elucidates its output decisions. To construct Jellyfish, we develop a series of pre-tuning and DP-tuning techniques. Jellyfish is equipped with an instance serializer, which automatically translates raw data into model prompts, and a knowledge injector, which optionally introduces task- and dataset-specific knowledge to enhance DP performance. Our evaluation of Jellyfish, using a range of real datasets, shows its competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art methods and its strong generalizability to unseen tasks. Jellyfish's performance rivals that of GPT series models, and its interpreter offers enhanced reasoning capabilities compared to GPT-3.5. Furthermore, our evaluation highlights the effectiveness of the techniques employed in constructing Jellyfish. Our model is available at Hugging Face: .

Data Management For Large Language Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.01700v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zige Wang, Wanjun Zhong, Yufei Wang, Qi Zhu, Fei Mi, Baojun Wang, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu

Data plays a fundamental role in the training of Large Language Models (LLMs). Effective data management, particularly in the formulation of a well-suited training dataset, holds significance for enhancing model performance and improving training efficiency during pretraining and supervised fine-tuning phases. Despite the considerable importance of data management, the current research community still falls short in providing a systematic analysis of the rationale behind management strategy selection, its consequential effects, methodologies for evaluating curated datasets, and the ongoing pursuit of improved strategies. Consequently, the exploration of data management has attracted more and more attention among the research community. This survey provides a comprehensive overview of current research in data management within both the pretraining and supervised fine-tuning stages of LLMs, covering various noteworthy aspects of data management strategy design: data quantity, data quality, domain/task composition, etc. Looking toward the future, we extrapolate existing challenges and outline promising directions for development in this field. Therefore, this survey serves as a guiding resource for practitioners aspiring to construct powerful LLMs through effective data management practices. The collection of the latest papers is available at

GNN2R: Weakly-Supervised Rationale-Providing Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2312.02317v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruijie Wang, Luca Rossetto, Michael Cochez, Abraham Bernstein

Most current methods for multi-hop question answering (QA) over knowledge graphs (KGs) only provide final conclusive answers without explanations, such as a set of KG entities that is difficult for normal users to review and comprehend. This issue severely limits the application of KG-based QA in real-world scenarios. However, it is non-trivial to solve due to two challenges: First, annotations of reasoning chains of multi-hop questions, which could serve as supervision for explanation generation, are usually lacking. Second, it is difficult to maintain high efficiency when explicit KG triples need to be retrieved to generate explanations. In this paper, we propose a novel Graph Neural Network-based Two-Step Reasoning model (GNN2R) to solve this issue. GNN2R can provide both final answers and reasoning subgraphs as a rationale behind final answers efficiently with only weak supervision that is available through question-final answer pairs. We extensively evaluated GNN2R with detailed analyses in experiments. The results demonstrate that, in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of generated explanations, GNN2R outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods that are applicable to this task. Our code and pre-trained models are available at

SAMSGL: Series-Aligned Multi-Scale Graph Learning for Spatio-Temporal Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.02646v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaobei Zou, Luolin Xiong, Yang Tang, Jurgen Kurths

Spatio-temporal forecasting in various domains, like traffic prediction and weather forecasting, is a challenging endeavor, primarily due to the difficulties in modeling propagation dynamics and capturing high-dimensional interactions among nodes. Despite the significant strides made by graph-based networks in spatio-temporal forecasting, there remain two pivotal factors closely related to forecasting performance that need further consideration: time delays in propagation dynamics and multi-scale high-dimensional interactions. In this work, we present a Series-Aligned Multi-Scale Graph Learning (SAMSGL) framework, aiming to enhance forecasting performance. In order to handle time delays in spatial interactions, we propose a series-aligned graph convolution layer to facilitate the aggregation of non-delayed graph signals, thereby mitigating the influence of time delays for the improvement in accuracy. To understand global and local spatio-temporal interactions, we develop a spatio-temporal architecture via multi-scale graph learning, which encompasses two essential components: multi-scale graph structure learning and graph-fully connected (Graph-FC) blocks. The multi-scale graph structure learning includes a global graph structure to learn both delayed and non-delayed node embeddings, as well as a local one to learn node variations influenced by neighboring factors. The Graph-FC blocks synergistically fuse spatial and temporal information to boost prediction accuracy. To evaluate the performance of SAMSGL, we conduct experiments on meteorological and traffic forecasting datasets, which demonstrate its effectiveness and superiority.

Efficient Large Language Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.03863v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhongwei Wan, Xin Wang, Che Liu, Samiul Alam, Yu Zheng, Jiachen Liu, Zhongnan Qu, Shen Yan, Yi Zhu, Quanlu Zhang, Mosharaf Chowdhury, Mi Zhang

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities in important tasks such as natural language understanding, language generation, and complex reasoning and have the potential to make a substantial impact on our society. Such capabilities, however, come with the considerable resources they demand, highlighting the strong need to develop effective techniques for addressing their efficiency challenges. In this survey, we provide a systematic and comprehensive review of efficient LLMs research. We organize the literature in a taxonomy consisting of three main categories, covering distinct yet interconnected efficient LLMs topics from model-centric, data-centric, and framework-centric perspective, respectively. We have also created a GitHub repository where we compile the papers featured in this survey at, and will actively maintain this repository and incorporate new research as it emerges. We hope our survey can serve as a valuable resource to help researchers and practitioners gain a systematic understanding of the research developments in efficient LLMs and inspire them to contribute to this important and exciting field.

Moirai: Towards Optimal Placement for Distributed Inference on Heterogeneous Devices. (arXiv:2312.04025v3 [cs.DC] UPDATED)

Authors: Beibei Zhang, Hongwei Zhu, Feng Gao, Zhihui Yang, Sean Xiaoyang Wang

The escalating size of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) has spurred a growing research interest in hosting and serving DNN models across multiple devices. A number of studies have been reported to partition a DNN model across devices, providing device placement solutions. The methods appeared in the literature, however, either suffer from poor placement performance due to the exponential search space or miss an optimal placement as a consequence of the reduced search space with limited heuristics. Moreover, these methods have ignored the runtime inter-operator optimization of a computation graph when coarsening the graph, which degrades the end-to-end inference performance. This paper presents Moirai that better exploits runtime inter-operator fusion in a model to render a coarsened computation graph, reducing the search space while maintaining the inter-operator optimization provided by inference backends. Moirai also generalizes the device placement algorithm from multiple perspectives by considering inference constraints and device heterogeneity.Extensive experimental evaluation with 11 large DNNs demonstrates that Moirai outperforms the state-of-the-art counterparts, i.e., Placeto, m-SCT, and GETF, up to 4.28$\times$ in reduction of the end-to-end inference latency. Moirai code is anonymously released at \url{}.

Large Scale Foundation Models for Intelligent Manufacturing Applications: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.06718v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Haotian Zhang, Semujju Stuart Dereck, Zhicheng Wang, Xianwei Lv, Kang Xu, Liang Wu, Ye Jia, Jing Wu, Zhuo Long, Wensheng Liang, X.G. Ma, Ruiyan Zhuang

Although the applications of artificial intelligence especially deep learning had greatly improved various aspects of intelligent manufacturing, they still face challenges for wide employment due to the poor generalization ability, difficulties to establish high-quality training datasets, and unsatisfactory performance of deep learning methods. The emergence of large scale foundational models(LSFMs) had triggered a wave in the field of artificial intelligence, shifting deep learning models from single-task, single-modal, limited data patterns to a paradigm encompassing diverse tasks, multimodal, and pre-training on massive datasets. Although LSFMs had demonstrated powerful generalization capabilities, automatic high-quality training dataset generation and superior performance across various domains, applications of LSFMs on intelligent manufacturing were still in their nascent stage. A systematic overview of this topic was lacking, especially regarding which challenges of deep learning can be addressed by LSFMs and how these challenges can be systematically tackled. To fill this gap, this paper systematically expounded current statue of LSFMs and their advantages in the context of intelligent manufacturing. and compared comprehensively with the challenges faced by current deep learning models in various intelligent manufacturing applications. We also outlined the roadmaps for utilizing LSFMs to address these challenges. Finally, case studies of applications of LSFMs in real-world intelligent manufacturing scenarios were presented to illustrate how LSFMs could help industries, improve their efficiency.

On Diversified Preferences of Large Language Model Alignment. (arXiv:2312.07401v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Dun Zeng, Yong Dai, Pengyu Cheng, Tianhao Hu, Wanshun Chen, Nan Du, Zenglin Xu

Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences has been recognized as the key to improving LLMs' interaction quality. However, in this pluralistic world, human preferences can be diversified by people's different tastes, which hinders the effectiveness of LLM alignment methods. In this paper, we provide the first quantitative analysis to verify the existence of diversified preferences in commonly used human feedback datasets. To mitigate the alignment ineffectiveness caused by diversified preferences, we propose a novel \textbf{M}ulti-\textbf{O}bjective \textbf{Re}ward learning method (MORE), which can automatically adjust the learning gradients across different preference data sources. In experiments, we evaluate MORE with the Pythia-1.4B model on five mixed human preference datasets, on which our method achieves superior performance compared with other baselines in terms of preference accuracy and prediction calibration.

Astrocyte-Enabled Advancements in Spiking Neural Networks for Large Language Modeling. (arXiv:2312.07625v2 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Guobin Shen, Dongcheng Zhao, Yiting Dong, Yang Li, Jindong Li, Kang Sun, Yi Zeng

Within the complex neuroarchitecture of the brain, astrocytes play crucial roles in development, structure, and metabolism. These cells regulate neural activity through tripartite synapses, directly impacting cognitive processes such as learning and memory. Despite the growing recognition of astrocytes' significance, traditional Spiking Neural Network (SNN) models remain predominantly neuron-centric, overlooking the profound influence of astrocytes on neural dynamics. Inspired by these biological insights, we have developed an Astrocyte-Modulated Spiking Unit (AM-SU), an innovative framework that integrates neuron-astrocyte interactions into the computational paradigm, demonstrating wide applicability across various hardware platforms. Our Astrocyte-Modulated Spiking Neural Network (AstroSNN) exhibits exceptional performance in tasks involving memory retention and natural language generation, particularly in handling long-term dependencies and complex linguistic structures. The design of AstroSNN not only enhances its biological authenticity but also introduces novel computational dynamics, enabling more effective processing of complex temporal dependencies. Furthermore, AstroSNN shows low latency, high throughput, and reduced memory usage in practical applications, making it highly suitable for resource-constrained environments. By successfully integrating astrocytic dynamics into intelligent neural networks, our work narrows the gap between biological plausibility and neural modeling, laying the groundwork for future biologically-inspired neural computing research that includes both neurons and astrocytes.

Harmonics of Learning: Universal Fourier Features Emerge in Invariant Networks. (arXiv:2312.08550v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Giovanni Luca Marchetti, Christopher Hillar, Danica Kragic, Sophia Sanborn

In this work, we formally prove that, under certain conditions, if a neural network is invariant to a finite group then its weights recover the Fourier transform on that group. This provides a mathematical explanation for the emergence of Fourier features -- a ubiquitous phenomenon in both biological and artificial learning systems. The results hold even for non-commutative groups, in which case the Fourier transform encodes all the irreducible unitary group representations. Our findings have consequences for the problem of symmetry discovery. Specifically, we demonstrate that the algebraic structure of an unknown group can be recovered from the weights of a network that is at least approximately invariant within certain bounds. Overall, this work contributes to a foundation for an algebraic learning theory of invariant neural network representations.

Metacognition-Enhanced Few-Shot Prompting With Positive Reinforcement. (arXiv:2312.08642v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Ji, Wen Wu, Yi Hu, Hong Zheng, Liang He

Few-shot prompting elicits the remarkable abilities of large language models by equipping them with a few demonstration examples in the input. However, the traditional method of providing large language models with all demonstration input-output pairs at once may not effectively guide large language models to learn the specific input-output mapping relationship. In this paper, inspired by the regulatory and supportive role of metacognition in students' learning, we propose a novel metacognition-enhanced few-shot prompting, which guides large language models to reflect on their thought processes to comprehensively learn the given demonstration examples. Furthermore, considering that positive reinforcement can improve students' learning motivation, we introduce positive reinforcement into our metacognition-enhanced few-shot prompting to promote the few-shot learning of large language models by providing response-based positive feedback. The experimental results on two real-world datasets show that our metacognition-enhanced few-shot prompting with positive reinforcement surpasses traditional few-shot prompting in classification accuracy and macro F1.

Boosting LLM Reasoning: Push the Limits of Few-shot Learning with Reinforced In-Context Pruning. (arXiv:2312.08901v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xijie Huang, Li Lyna Zhang, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Mao Yang

Large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in various tasks, yet they still struggle with math reasoning. Despite efforts to optimize Chain-of-Thoughts (CoT) prompts and fine-tune LLMs, the potential of few-shot learning remains unexplored. In this work, we propose CoT-Influx, a novel approach pushing the boundaries of few-shot CoT learning to improve LLM math reasoning capabilities. CoT-Influx addresses the challenges of the selection of useful examples and limited number of examples due to restricted context window length. Inspired by our observation that natural language inputs contain many redundancy, we propose a coarse-to-fine pruner as a plug-and-play module for LLMs, which first identifies as many crucial CoT examples as possible and then further prunes unimportant tokens within the context window. To train the pruner, we collect a math reasoning dataset with diverse difficulty and steps, introduce a reward to measure both the input's effectiveness for math reasoning and token length constraints, and propose a novel training approach with reinforcement learning. As a result, CoT-Influx significantly outperforms CoT and few-shot prompting baselines across various LLMs (LLaMA2-7B, 13B, 70B) and 5 mathematical datasets, achieving up to 4.55% absolute improvements. Remarkably, without any fine-tuning, LLaMA2-70B with CoT-Influx surpasses GPT-3.5 and a wide range of larger LLMs (PaLM, Minerva, etc.) on the GSM8K.

GSQA: An End-to-End Model for Generative Spoken Question Answering. (arXiv:2312.09781v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Min-Han Shih, Ho-Lam Chung, Yu-Chi Pai, Ming-Hao Hsu, Guan-Ting Lin, Shang-Wen Li, Hung-yi Lee

In recent advancements in spoken question answering (QA), end-to-end models have made significant strides. However, previous research has primarily focused on extractive span selection. While this extractive-based approach is effective when answers are present directly within the input, it falls short in addressing abstractive questions, where answers are not directly extracted but inferred from the given information. To bridge this gap, we introduce the first end-to-end Generative Spoken Question Answering (GSQA) model that empowers the system to engage in abstractive reasoning. The challenge in training our GSQA model lies in the absence of a spoken abstractive QA dataset. We propose using text models for initialization and leveraging the extractive QA dataset to transfer knowledge from the text generative model to the spoken generative model. Experimental results indicate that our model surpasses the previous extractive model by 3% on extractive QA datasets. Furthermore, the GSQA model has only been fine-tuned on the spoken extractive QA dataset. Despite not having seen any spoken abstractive QA data, it can still closely match the performance of the cascade model. In conclusion, our GSQA model shows the potential to generalize to a broad spectrum of questions, thus further expanding the spoken question answering capabilities of abstractive QA. Our code is available at

Imitate the Good and Avoid the Bad: An Incremental Approach to Safe Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2312.10385v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Huy Hoang, Tien Mai, Pradeep Varakantham

A popular framework for enforcing safe actions in Reinforcement Learning (RL) is Constrained RL, where trajectory based constraints on expected cost (or other cost measures) are employed to enforce safety and more importantly these constraints are enforced while maximizing expected reward. Most recent approaches for solving Constrained RL convert the trajectory based cost constraint into a surrogate problem that can be solved using minor modifications to RL methods. A key drawback with such approaches is an over or underestimation of the cost constraint at each state. Therefore, we provide an approach that does not modify the trajectory based cost constraint and instead imitates ``good'' trajectories and avoids ``bad'' trajectories generated from incrementally improving policies. We employ an oracle that utilizes a reward threshold (which is varied with learning) and the overall cost constraint to label trajectories as ``good'' or ``bad''. A key advantage of our approach is that we are able to work from any starting policy or set of trajectories and improve on it. In an exhaustive set of experiments, we demonstrate that our approach is able to outperform top benchmark approaches for solving Constrained RL problems, with respect to expected cost, CVaR cost, or even unknown cost constraints.

DeepArt: A Benchmark to Advance Fidelity Research in AI-Generated Content. (arXiv:2312.10407v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wentao Wang, Xuanyao Huang, Tianyang Wang, Swalpa Kumar Roy

This paper explores the image synthesis capabilities of GPT-4, a leading multi-modal large language model. We establish a benchmark for evaluating the fidelity of texture features in images generated by GPT-4, comprising manually painted pictures and their AI-generated counterparts. The contributions of this study are threefold: First, we provide an in-depth analysis of the fidelity of image synthesis features based on GPT-4, marking the first such study on this state-of-the-art model. Second, the quantitative and qualitative experiments fully reveals the limitations of the GPT-4 model in image synthesis. Third, we have compiled a unique benchmark of manual drawings and corresponding GPT-4-generated images, introducing a new task to advance fidelity research in AI-generated content (AIGC). The dataset is available at: \url{}.

Prompt Based Tri-Channel Graph Convolution Neural Network for Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction. (arXiv:2312.11152v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kun Peng, Lei Jiang, Hao Peng, Rui Liu, Zhengtao Yu, Jiaqian Ren, Zhifeng Hao, Philip S.Yu

Aspect Sentiment Triplet Extraction (ASTE) is an emerging task to extract a given sentence's triplets, which consist of aspects, opinions, and sentiments. Recent studies tend to address this task with a table-filling paradigm, wherein word relations are encoded in a two-dimensional table, and the process involves clarifying all the individual cells to extract triples. However, these studies ignore the deep interaction between neighbor cells, which we find quite helpful for accurate extraction. To this end, we propose a novel model for the ASTE task, called Prompt-based Tri-Channel Graph Convolution Neural Network (PT-GCN), which converts the relation table into a graph to explore more comprehensive relational information. Specifically, we treat the original table cells as nodes and utilize a prompt attention score computation module to determine the edges' weights. This enables us to construct a target-aware grid-like graph to enhance the overall extraction process. After that, a triple-channel convolution module is conducted to extract precise sentiment knowledge. Extensive experiments on the benchmark datasets show that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. The code is available at

"Paraphrasing The Original Text" Makes High Accuracy Long-Context QA. (arXiv:2312.11193v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yijiong Yu

Although LLMs continue to iterate and improve, most open-source models still have a context window of no more than 4k, limiting their ability to handle long-context problems. Most existing open-source models for long-context chat still lack satisfactory accuracy. To address this issue, I approach it from the perspective of training data and theoretically prove that training the capability to handle long contexts requires "effective" rather than "long" data. Based on this, I propose using the "original text paraphrase" task, and successfully extend the context window of the existing model to 32k by a low-cost and effective method, achieving extremely high accuracy in multi-document-QA and surpassing all existing open-source models of the same scale. The model and training data have been open-sourced on HuggingFace( and WiseModel(

An In-depth Look at Gemini's Language Abilities. (arXiv:2312.11444v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Syeda Nahida Akter, Zichun Yu, Aashiq Muhamed, Tianyue Ou, Alex Bäuerle, Ángel Alexander Cabrera, Krish Dholakia, Chenyan Xiong, Graham Neubig

The recently released Google Gemini class of models are the first to comprehensively report results that rival the OpenAI GPT series across a wide variety of tasks. In this paper, we do an in-depth exploration of Gemini's language abilities, making two contributions. First, we provide a third-party, objective comparison of the abilities of the OpenAI GPT and Google Gemini models with reproducible code and fully transparent results. Second, we take a closer look at the results, identifying areas where one of the two model classes excels. We perform this analysis over 10 datasets testing a variety of language abilities, including reasoning, answering knowledge-based questions, solving math problems, translating between languages, generating code, and acting as instruction-following agents. From this analysis, we find that Gemini Pro achieves accuracy that is close but slightly inferior to the corresponding GPT 3.5 Turbo on all tasks that we benchmarked. We further provide explanations for some of this under-performance, including failures in mathematical reasoning with many digits, sensitivity to multiple-choice answer ordering, aggressive content filtering, and others. We also identify areas where Gemini demonstrates comparably high performance, including generation into non-English languages, and handling longer and more complex reasoning chains. Code and data for reproduction can be found at

User Modeling in the Era of Large Language Models: Current Research and Future Directions. (arXiv:2312.11518v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaoxuan Tan, Meng Jiang

User modeling (UM) aims to discover patterns or learn representations from user data about the characteristics of a specific user, such as profile, preference, and personality. The user models enable personalization and suspiciousness detection in many online applications such as recommendation, education, and healthcare. Two common types of user data are text and graph, as the data usually contain a large amount of user-generated content (UGC) and online interactions. The research of text and graph mining is developing rapidly, contributing many notable solutions in the past two decades. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown superior performance on generating, understanding, and even reasoning over text data. The approaches of user modeling have been equipped with LLMs and soon become outstanding. This article summarizes existing research about how and why LLMs are great tools of modeling and understanding UGC. Then it reviews a few categories of large language models for user modeling (LLM-UM) approaches that integrate the LLMs with text and graph-based methods in different ways. Then it introduces specific LLM-UM techniques for a variety of UM applications. Finally, it presents remaining challenges and future directions in the LLM-UM research. We maintain the reading list at:

A Survey of Reasoning with Foundation Models. (arXiv:2312.11562v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiankai Sun, Chuanyang Zheng, Enze Xie, Zhengying Liu, Ruihang Chu, Jianing Qiu, Jiaqi Xu, Mingyu Ding, Hongyang Li, Mengzhe Geng, Yue Wu, Wenhai Wang, Junsong Chen, Zhangyue Yin, Xiaozhe Ren, Jie Fu, Junxian He, Wu Yuan, Qi Liu, Xihui Liu, Yu Li, Hao Dong, Yu Cheng, Ming Zhang, Pheng Ann Heng, Jifeng Dai, Ping Luo, Jingdong Wang, Ji-Rong Wen, Xipeng Qiu, Yike Guo, Hui Xiong, Qun Liu, Zhenguo Li

Reasoning, a crucial ability for complex problem-solving, plays a pivotal role in various real-world settings such as negotiation, medical diagnosis, and criminal investigation. It serves as a fundamental methodology in the field of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). With the ongoing development of foundation models, there is a growing interest in exploring their abilities in reasoning tasks. In this paper, we introduce seminal foundation models proposed or adaptable for reasoning, highlighting the latest advancements in various reasoning tasks, methods, and benchmarks. We then delve into the potential future directions behind the emergence of reasoning abilities within foundation models. We also discuss the relevance of multimodal learning, autonomous agents, and super alignment in the context of reasoning. By discussing these future research directions, we hope to inspire researchers in their exploration of this field, stimulate further advancements in reasoning with foundation models, and contribute to the development of AGI.

Model Stealing Attack against Recommender System. (arXiv:2312.11571v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhihao Zhu, Rui Fan, Chenwang Wu, Yi Yang, Defu Lian, Enhong Chen

Recent studies have demonstrated the vulnerability of recommender systems to data privacy attacks. However, research on the threat to model privacy in recommender systems, such as model stealing attacks, is still in its infancy. Some adversarial attacks have achieved model stealing attacks against recommender systems, to some extent, by collecting abundant training data of the target model (target data) or making a mass of queries. In this paper, we constrain the volume of available target data and queries and utilize auxiliary data, which shares the item set with the target data, to promote model stealing attacks. Although the target model treats target and auxiliary data differently, their similar behavior patterns allow them to be fused using an attention mechanism to assist attacks. Besides, we design stealing functions to effectively extract the recommendation list obtained by querying the target model. Experimental results show that the proposed methods are applicable to most recommender systems and various scenarios and exhibit excellent attack performance on multiple datasets.

AI-Based Energy Transportation Safety: Pipeline Radial Threat Estimation Using Intelligent Sensing System. (arXiv:2312.11583v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chengyuan Zhu, Yiyuan Yang, Kaixiang Yang, Haifeng Zhang, Qinmin Yang, C. L. Philip Chen

The application of artificial intelligence technology has greatly enhanced and fortified the safety of energy pipelines, particularly in safeguarding against external threats. The predominant methods involve the integration of intelligent sensors to detect external vibration, enabling the identification of event types and locations, thereby replacing manual detection methods. However, practical implementation has exposed a limitation in current methods - their constrained ability to accurately discern the spatial dimensions of external signals, which complicates the authentication of threat events. Our research endeavors to overcome the above issues by harnessing deep learning techniques to achieve a more fine-grained recognition and localization process. This refinement is crucial in effectively identifying genuine threats to pipelines, thus enhancing the safety of energy transportation. This paper proposes a radial threat estimation method for energy pipelines based on distributed optical fiber sensing technology. Specifically, we introduce a continuous multi-view and multi-domain feature fusion methodology to extract comprehensive signal features and construct a threat estimation and recognition network. The utilization of collected acoustic signal data is optimized, and the underlying principle is elucidated. Moreover, we incorporate the concept of transfer learning through a pre-trained model, enhancing both recognition accuracy and training efficiency. Empirical evidence gathered from real-world scenarios underscores the efficacy of our method, notably in its substantial reduction of false alarms and remarkable gains in recognition accuracy. More generally, our method exhibits versatility and can be extrapolated to a broader spectrum of recognition tasks and scenarios.

Synergistic Anchored Contrastive Pre-training for Few-Shot Relation Extraction. (arXiv:2312.12021v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Da Luo, Yanglei Gan, Rui Hou, Run Lin, Qiao Liu, Yuxiang Cai, Wannian Gao

Few-shot Relation Extraction (FSRE) aims to extract relational facts from a sparse set of labeled corpora. Recent studies have shown promising results in FSRE by employing Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) within the framework of supervised contrastive learning, which considers both instances and label facts. However, how to effectively harness massive instance-label pairs to encompass the learned representation with semantic richness in this learning paradigm is not fully explored. To address this gap, we introduce a novel synergistic anchored contrastive pre-training framework. This framework is motivated by the insight that the diverse viewpoints conveyed through instance-label pairs capture incomplete yet complementary intrinsic textual semantics. Specifically, our framework involves a symmetrical contrastive objective that encompasses both sentence-anchored and label-anchored contrastive losses. By combining these two losses, the model establishes a robust and uniform representation space. This space effectively captures the reciprocal alignment of feature distributions among instances and relational facts, simultaneously enhancing the maximization of mutual information across diverse perspectives within the same relation. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves significant performance enhancements compared to baseline models in downstream FSRE tasks. Furthermore, our approach exhibits superior adaptability to handle the challenges of domain shift and zero-shot relation extraction. Our code is available online at

HGE: Embedding Temporal Knowledge Graphs in a Product Space of Heterogeneous Geometric Subspaces. (arXiv:2312.13680v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiaxin Pan, Mojtaba Nayyeri, Yinan Li, Steffen Staab

Temporal knowledge graphs represent temporal facts $(s,p,o,\tau)$ relating a subject $s$ and an object $o$ via a relation label $p$ at time $\tau$, where $\tau$ could be a time point or time interval. Temporal knowledge graphs may exhibit static temporal patterns at distinct points in time and dynamic temporal patterns between different timestamps. In order to learn a rich set of static and dynamic temporal patterns and apply them for inference, several embedding approaches have been suggested in the literature. However, as most of them resort to single underlying embedding spaces, their capability to model all kinds of temporal patterns was severely limited by having to adhere to the geometric property of their one embedding space. We lift this limitation by an embedding approach that maps temporal facts into a product space of several heterogeneous geometric subspaces with distinct geometric properties, i.e.\ Complex, Dual, and Split-complex spaces. In addition, we propose a temporal-geometric attention mechanism to integrate information from different geometric subspaces conveniently according to the captured relational and temporal information. Experimental results on standard temporal benchmark datasets favorably evaluate our approach against state-of-the-art models.

On Task Performance and Model Calibration with Supervised and Self-Ensembled In-Context Learning. (arXiv:2312.13772v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Chengzu Li, Han Zhou, Goran Glavaš, Anna Korhonen, Ivan Vulić

Following the standard supervised fine-tuning (SFT) paradigm, in-context learning (ICL) has become an efficient approach propelled by the recent advancements in large language models (LLMs), yielding promising performance across various tasks in few-shot data setups. However, both paradigms are prone to suffer from the critical problem of overconfidence (i.e., miscalibration), especially in such limited data setups. In this work, we deliver an in-depth analysis of the behavior across different choices of learning methods from the perspective of both performance and calibration, as well as their interplay. Through extensive controlled experiments, we find that simultaneous gains for both task performance and calibration are difficult to achieve, and the problem of miscalibration exists across all learning methods in low-resource scenarios. To address this challenging trade-off between performance and calibration, we then investigate the potential of self-ensembling techniques applied at different modeling stages (e.g., variations of in-context examples or variations in prompts or different ensembling strategies). We justify the feasibility of self-ensembling on SFT in addition to ICL, to make the predictions more calibrated and have comparable or even better performance. Our work sheds light on which learning paradigm to choose and how to enhance both task performance and calibration of LLMs.

Fed-CO2: Cooperation of Online and Offline Models for Severe Data Heterogeneity in Federated Learning. (arXiv:2312.13923v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhongyi Cai, Ye Shi, Wei Huang, Jingya Wang

Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising distributed learning paradigm that enables multiple clients to learn a global model collaboratively without sharing their private data. However, the effectiveness of FL is highly dependent on the quality of the data that is being used for training. In particular, data heterogeneity issues, such as label distribution skew and feature skew, can significantly impact the performance of FL. Previous studies in FL have primarily focused on addressing label distribution skew data heterogeneity, while only a few recent works have made initial progress in tackling feature skew issues. Notably, these two forms of data heterogeneity have been studied separately and have not been well explored within a unified FL framework. To address this gap, we propose Fed-CO$_{2}$, a universal FL framework that handles both label distribution skew and feature skew within a \textbf{C}ooperation mechanism between the \textbf{O}nline and \textbf{O}ffline models. Specifically, the online model learns general knowledge that is shared among all clients, while the offline model is trained locally to learn the specialized knowledge of each individual client. To further enhance model cooperation in the presence of feature shifts, we design an intra-client knowledge transfer mechanism that reinforces mutual learning between the online and offline models, and an inter-client knowledge transfer mechanism to increase the models' domain generalization ability. Extensive experiments show that our Fed-CO$_{2}$ outperforms a wide range of existing personalized federated learning algorithms in terms of handling label distribution skew and feature skew, both individually and collectively. The empirical results are supported by our convergence analyses in a simplified setting.

WaveCoder: Widespread And Versatile Enhanced Instruction Tuning with Refined Data Generation. (arXiv:2312.14187v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaojian Yu, Xin Zhang, Ning Shang, Yangyu Huang, Can Xu, Yishujie Zhao, Wenxiang Hu, Qiufeng Yin

Recent work demonstrates that, after being fine-tuned on a high-quality instruction dataset, the resulting model can obtain impressive capabilities to address a wide range of tasks. However, existing methods for instruction data generation often produce duplicate data and are not controllable enough on data quality. In this paper, we extend the generalization of instruction tuning by classifying the instruction data to 4 code-related tasks and propose a LLM-based Generator-Discriminator data process framework to generate diverse, high-quality instruction data from open source code. Hence, we introduce CodeOcean, a dataset comprising 20,000 instruction instances across 4 universal code-related tasks,which is aimed at augmenting the effectiveness of instruction tuning and improving the generalization ability of fine-tuned model. Subsequently, we present WaveCoder, a fine-tuned Code LLM with Widespread And Versatile Enhanced instruction tuning. This model is specifically designed for enhancing instruction tuning of Code Language Models (LLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that Wavecoder models outperform other open-source models in terms of generalization ability across different code-related tasks at the same level of fine-tuning scale. Moreover, Wavecoder exhibits high efficiency in previous code generation tasks. This paper thus offers a significant contribution to the field of instruction data generation and fine-tuning models, providing new insights and tools for enhancing performance in code-related tasks.

Hierarchical Topology Isomorphism Expertise Embedded Graph Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.14222v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiangmeng Li, Yifan Jin, Hang Gao, Wenwen Qiang, Changwen Zheng, Fuchun Sun

Graph contrastive learning (GCL) aims to align the positive features while differentiating the negative features in the latent space by minimizing a pair-wise contrastive loss. As the embodiment of an outstanding discriminative unsupervised graph representation learning approach, GCL achieves impressive successes in various graph benchmarks. However, such an approach falls short of recognizing the topology isomorphism of graphs, resulting in that graphs with relatively homogeneous node features cannot be sufficiently discriminated. By revisiting classic graph topology recognition works, we disclose that the corresponding expertise intuitively complements GCL methods. To this end, we propose a novel hierarchical topology isomorphism expertise embedded graph contrastive learning, which introduces knowledge distillations to empower GCL models to learn the hierarchical topology isomorphism expertise, including the graph-tier and subgraph-tier. On top of this, the proposed method holds the feature of plug-and-play, and we empirically demonstrate that the proposed method is universal to multiple state-of-the-art GCL models. The solid theoretical analyses are further provided to prove that compared with conventional GCL methods, our method acquires the tighter upper bound of Bayes classification error. We conduct extensive experiments on real-world benchmarks to exhibit the performance superiority of our method over candidate GCL methods, e.g., for the real-world graph representation learning experiments, the proposed method beats the state-of-the-art method by 0.23% on unsupervised representation learning setting, 0.43% on transfer learning setting. Our code is available at

Large Language Model (LLM) Bias Index -- LLMBI. (arXiv:2312.14769v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Abiodun Finbarrs Oketunji, Muhammad Anas, Deepthi Saina

The Large Language Model Bias Index (LLMBI) is a pioneering approach designed to quantify and address biases inherent in large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4. We recognise the increasing prevalence and impact of LLMs across diverse sectors. This research introduces a novel metric, LLMBI, to systematically measure and mitigate biases potentially skewing model responses. We formulated LLMBI using a composite scoring system incorporating multiple dimensions of bias, including but not limited to age, gender, and racial biases.

To operationalise this metric, we engaged in a multi-step process involving collecting and annotating LLM responses, applying sophisticated Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques for bias detection, and computing the LLMBI score through a specially crafted mathematical formula. The formula integrates weighted averages of various bias dimensions, a penalty for dataset diversity deficiencies, and a correction for sentiment biases. Our empirical analysis, conducted using responses from OpenAI's API, employs advanced sentiment analysis as a representative method for bias detection.

The research reveals LLMs, whilst demonstrating impressive capabilities in text generation, exhibit varying degrees of bias across different dimensions. LLMBI provides a quantifiable measure to compare biases across models and over time, offering a vital tool for systems engineers, researchers and regulators in enhancing the fairness and reliability of LLMs. It highlights the potential of LLMs in mimicking unbiased human-like responses. Additionally, it underscores the necessity of continuously monitoring and recalibrating such models to align with evolving societal norms and ethical standards.

TACO: Topics in Algorithmic COde generation dataset. (arXiv:2312.14852v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Rongao Li, Jie Fu, Bo-Wen Zhang, Tao Huang, Zhihong Sun, Chen Lyu, Guang Liu, Zhi Jin, Ge Li

We introduce TACO, an open-source, large-scale code generation dataset, with a focus on the optics of algorithms, designed to provide a more challenging training dataset and evaluation benchmark in the field of code generation models. TACO includes competition-level programming questions that are more challenging, to enhance or evaluate problem understanding and reasoning abilities in real-world programming scenarios. There are 25433 and 1000 coding problems in training and test set, as well as up to 1.55 million diverse solution answers. Moreover, each TACO problem includes several fine-grained labels such as task topics, algorithms, programming skills, and difficulty levels, providing a more precise reference for the training and evaluation of code generation models. The dataset and evaluation scripts are available on Hugging Face Hub ( and Github (

NPHardEval: Dynamic Benchmark on Reasoning Ability of Large Language Models via Complexity Classes. (arXiv:2312.14890v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Lizhou Fan, Wenyue Hua, Lingyao Li, Haoyang Ling, Yongfeng Zhang, Libby Hemphill

Complex reasoning ability is one of the most important features of current LLMs, which has also been leveraged to play an integral role in complex decision-making tasks. Therefore, the investigation into the reasoning capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) is critical: numerous benchmarks have been established to assess the reasoning abilities of LLMs. However, current benchmarks are inadequate in offering a rigorous evaluation of the full extent of reasoning abilities that LLMs are capable of achieving. They are also prone to the risk of overfitting, as these benchmarks, being publicly accessible and static, allow models to potentially tailor their responses to specific benchmark metrics, thereby inflating their performance. Addressing these limitations, our research introduces a new benchmark, named NPHardEval. This benchmark is designed to evaluate the reasoning abilities of LLMs across a broad spectrum of 900 algorithmic questions, extending up to the NP-Hard complexity class. These questions are meticulously chosen to represent a wide range of complexity class below the NP-hard complexity class, offering a rigorous measure of the reasoning ability of LLMs. Through this study, we shed light on the current state of reasoning in LLMs, providing an objective and rigorous perspective through the comparison of LLMs' performance across complex classes. Moreover, this benchmark is designed with a dynamic update mechanism, where the datapoints are refreshed on a monthly basis. Such regular updates play a crucial role in mitigating the risk of LLMs overfitting to the benchmark, promoting a more accurate and reliable assessment of their reasoning capabilities. The benchmark dataset and code of NPHardEval are available at

Training Convolutional Neural Networks with the Forward-Forward algorithm. (arXiv:2312.14924v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Riccardo Scodellaro, Ajinkya Kulkarni, Frauke Alves, Matthias Schröter

The recent successes in analyzing images with deep neural networks are almost exclusively achieved with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). The training of these CNNs, and in fact of all deep neural network architectures, uses the backpropagation algorithm where the output of the network is compared with the desired result and the difference is then used to tune the weights of the network towards the desired outcome. In a 2022 preprint, Geoffrey Hinton suggested an alternative way of training which passes the desired results together with the images at the input of the network. This so called Forward Forward (FF) algorithm has up to now only been used in fully connected networks. In this paper, we show how the FF paradigm can be extended to CNNs. Our FF-trained CNN, featuring a novel spatially-extended labeling technique, achieves a classification accuracy of 99.0% on the MNIST hand-written digits dataset. We show how different hyperparameters affect the performance of the proposed algorithm and compare the results with CNN trained with the standard backpropagation approach. Furthermore, we use Class Activation Maps to investigate which type of features are learnt by the FF algorithm.

From Google Gemini to OpenAI Q* (Q-Star): A Survey of Reshaping the Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Landscape. (arXiv:2312.10868v1 [cs.AI] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Timothy R. McIntosh, Teo Susnjak, Tong Liu, Paul Watters, Malka N. Halgamuge

This comprehensive survey explored the evolving landscape of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), with a specific focus on the transformative impacts of Mixture of Experts (MoE), multimodal learning, and the speculated advancements towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). It critically examined the current state and future trajectory of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), exploring how innovations like Google's Gemini and the anticipated OpenAI Q* project are reshaping research priorities and applications across various domains, including an impact analysis on the generative AI research taxonomy. It assessed the computational challenges, scalability, and real-world implications of these technologies while highlighting their potential in driving significant progress in fields like healthcare, finance, and education. It also addressed the emerging academic challenges posed by the proliferation of both AI-themed and AI-generated preprints, examining their impact on the peer-review process and scholarly communication. The study highlighted the importance of incorporating ethical and human-centric methods in AI development, ensuring alignment with societal norms and welfare, and outlined a strategy for future AI research that focuses on a balanced and conscientious use of MoE, multimodality, and AGI in generative AI.