GreenFlow: A Computation Allocation Framework for Building Environmentally Sound Recommendation System. (arXiv:2312.16176v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Xingyu Lu, Zhining Liu, Yanchu Guan, Hongxuan Zhang, Chenyi Zhuang, Wenqi Ma, Yize Tan, Jinjie Gu, Guannan Zhang

Given the enormous number of users and items, industrial cascade recommendation systems (RS) are continuously expanded in size and complexity to deliver relevant items, such as news, services, and commodities, to the appropriate users. In a real-world scenario with hundreds of thousands requests per second, significant computation is required to infer personalized results for each request, resulting in a massive energy consumption and carbon emission that raises concern.

This paper proposes GreenFlow, a practical computation allocation framework for RS, that considers both accuracy and carbon emission during inference. For each stage (e.g., recall, pre-ranking, ranking, etc.) of a cascade RS, when a user triggers a request, we define two actions that determine the computation: (1) the trained instances of models with different computational complexity; and (2) the number of items to be inferred in the stage. We refer to the combinations of actions in all stages as action chains. A reward score is estimated for each action chain, followed by dynamic primal-dual optimization considering both the reward and computation budget. Extensive experiments verify the effectiveness of the framework, reducing computation consumption by 41% in an industrial mobile application while maintaining commercial revenue. Moreover, the proposed framework saves approximately 5000kWh of electricity and reduces 3 tons of carbon emissions per day.

Learning to Infer Unobserved Behaviors: Estimating User's Preference for a Site over Other Sites. (arXiv:2312.16177v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Atanu R Sinha, Tanay Anand, Paridhi Maheshwari, A V Lakshmy, Vishal Jain

A site's recommendation system relies on knowledge of its users' preferences to offer relevant recommendations to them. These preferences are for attributes that comprise items and content shown on the site, and are estimated from the data of users' interactions with the site. Another form of users' preferences is material too, namely, users' preferences for the site over other sites, since that shows users' base level propensities to engage with the site. Estimating users' preferences for the site, however, faces major obstacles because (a) the focal site usually has no data of its users' interactions with other sites; these interactions are users' unobserved behaviors for the focal site; and (b) the Machine Learning literature in recommendation does not offer a model of this situation. Even if (b) is resolved, the problem in (a) persists since without access to data of its users' interactions with other sites, there is no ground truth for evaluation. Moreover, it is most useful when (c) users' preferences for the site can be estimated at the individual level, since the site can then personalize recommendations to individual users. We offer a method to estimate individual user's preference for a focal site, under this premise. In particular, we compute the focal site's share of a user's online engagements without any data from other sites. We show an evaluation framework for the model using only the focal site's data, allowing the site to test the model. We rely upon a Hierarchical Bayes Method and perform estimation in two different ways - Markov Chain Monte Carlo and Stochastic Gradient with Langevin Dynamics. Our results find good support for the approach to computing personalized share of engagement and for its evaluation.

Investigating salient representations and label Variance in Dimensional Speech Emotion Analysis. (arXiv:2312.16180v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Vikramjit Mitra, Jingping Nie, Erdrin Azemi

Representations derived from models such as BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and HuBERT (Hidden units BERT), have helped to achieve state-of-the-art performance in dimensional speech emotion recognition. Despite their large dimensionality, and even though these representations are not tailored for emotion recognition tasks, they are frequently used to train large speech emotion models with high memory and computational costs. In this work, we show that there exist lower-dimensional subspaces within the these pre-trained representational spaces that offer a reduction in downstream model complexity without sacrificing performance on emotion estimation. In addition, we model label uncertainty in the form of grader opinion variance, and demonstrate that such information can improve the models generalization capacity and robustness. Finally, we compare the robustness of the emotion models against acoustic degradations and observed that the reduced dimensional representations were able to retain the performance similar to the full-dimensional representations without significant regression in dimensional emotion performance.

LightGCN: Evaluated and Enhanced. (arXiv:2312.16183v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Milena Kapralova, Luca Pantea, Andrei Blahovici

This paper analyses LightGCN in the context of graph recommendation algorithms. Despite the initial design of Graph Convolutional Networks for graph classification, the non-linear operations are not always essential. LightGCN enables linear propagation of embeddings, enhancing performance. We reproduce the original findings, assess LightGCN's robustness on diverse datasets and metrics, and explore Graph Diffusion as an augmentation of signal propagation in LightGCN.

Dynamic Knowledge Injection for AIXI Agents. (arXiv:2312.16184v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Samuel Yang-Zhao, Kee Siong Ng, Marcus Hutter

Prior approximations of AIXI, a Bayesian optimality notion for general reinforcement learning, can only approximate AIXI's Bayesian environment model using an a-priori defined set of models. This is a fundamental source of epistemic uncertainty for the agent in settings where the existence of systematic bias in the predefined model class cannot be resolved by simply collecting more data from the environment. We address this issue in the context of Human-AI teaming by considering a setup where additional knowledge for the agent in the form of new candidate models arrives from a human operator in an online fashion. We introduce a new agent called DynamicHedgeAIXI that maintains an exact Bayesian mixture over dynamically changing sets of models via a time-adaptive prior constructed from a variant of the Hedge algorithm. The DynamicHedgeAIXI agent is the richest direct approximation of AIXI known to date and comes with good performance guarantees. Experimental results on epidemic control on contact networks validates the agent's practical utility.

The curious case of the test set AUROC. (arXiv:2312.16188v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Michael Roberts, Alon Hazan, Sören Dittmer, James H.F. Rudd, Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

Whilst the size and complexity of ML models have rapidly and significantly increased over the past decade, the methods for assessing their performance have not kept pace. In particular, among the many potential performance metrics, the ML community stubbornly continues to use (a) the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) for a validation and test cohort (distinct from training data) or (b) the sensitivity and specificity for the test data at an optimal threshold determined from the validation ROC. However, we argue that considering scores derived from the test ROC curve alone gives only a narrow insight into how a model performs and its ability to generalise.

OpenRL: A Unified Reinforcement Learning Framework. (arXiv:2312.16189v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Shiyu Huang, Wentse Chen, Yiwen Sun, Fuqing Bie, Wei-Wei Tu

We present OpenRL, an advanced reinforcement learning (RL) framework designed to accommodate a diverse array of tasks, from single-agent challenges to complex multi-agent systems. OpenRL's robust support for self-play training empowers agents to develop advanced strategies in competitive settings. Notably, OpenRL integrates Natural Language Processing (NLP) with RL, enabling researchers to address a combination of RL training and language-centric tasks effectively. Leveraging PyTorch's robust capabilities, OpenRL exemplifies modularity and a user-centric approach. It offers a universal interface that simplifies the user experience for beginners while maintaining the flexibility experts require for innovation and algorithm development. This equilibrium enhances the framework's practicality, adaptability, and scalability, establishing a new standard in RL research. To delve into OpenRL's features, we invite researchers and enthusiasts to explore our GitHub repository at and access our comprehensive documentation at

Hawkes-based cryptocurrency forecasting via Limit Order Book data. (arXiv:2312.16190v1 [q-fin.ST])

Authors: Raffaele Giuseppe Cestari, Filippo Barchi, Riccardo Busetto, Daniele Marazzina, Simone Formentin

Accurately forecasting the direction of financial returns poses a formidable challenge, given the inherent unpredictability of financial time series. The task becomes even more arduous when applied to cryptocurrency returns, given the chaotic and intricately complex nature of crypto markets. In this study, we present a novel prediction algorithm using limit order book (LOB) data rooted in the Hawkes model, a category of point processes. Coupled with a continuous output error (COE) model, our approach offers a precise forecast of return signs by leveraging predictions of future financial interactions. Capitalizing on the non-uniformly sampled structure of the original time series, our strategy surpasses benchmark models in both prediction accuracy and cumulative profit when implemented in a trading environment. The efficacy of our approach is validated through Monte Carlo simulations across 50 scenarios. The research draws on LOB measurements from a centralized cryptocurrency exchange where the stablecoin Tether is exchanged against the U.S. dollar.

SoK: Taming the Triangle -- On the Interplays between Fairness, Interpretability and Privacy in Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.16191v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Julien Ferry (LAAS-ROC), Ulrich Aïvodji (ETS), Sébastien Gambs (UQAM), Marie-José Huguet (LAAS-ROC), Mohamed Siala (LAAS-ROC)

Machine learning techniques are increasingly used for high-stakes decision-making, such as college admissions, loan attribution or recidivism prediction. Thus, it is crucial to ensure that the models learnt can be audited or understood by human users, do not create or reproduce discrimination or bias, and do not leak sensitive information regarding their training data. Indeed, interpretability, fairness and privacy are key requirements for the development of responsible machine learning, and all three have been studied extensively during the last decade. However, they were mainly considered in isolation, while in practice they interplay with each other, either positively or negatively. In this Systematization of Knowledge (SoK) paper, we survey the literature on the interactions between these three desiderata. More precisely, for each pairwise interaction, we summarize the identified synergies and tensions. These findings highlight several fundamental theoretical and empirical conflicts, while also demonstrating that jointly considering these different requirements is challenging when one aims at preserving a high level of utility. To solve this issue, we also discuss possible conciliation mechanisms, showing that a careful design can enable to successfully handle these different concerns in practice.

A Method for Auto-Differentiation of the Voronoi Tessellation. (arXiv:2312.16192v1 [cs.CG])

Authors: Sergei Shumilin, Alexander Ryabov, Evgeny Burnaev, Vladimir Vanovskii

Voronoi tessellation, also known as Voronoi diagram, is an important computational geometry technique that has applications in various scientific disciplines. It involves dividing a given space into regions based on the proximity to a set of points. Autodifferentiation is a powerful tool for solving optimization tasks. Autodifferentiation assumes constructing a computational graph that allows to compute gradients using backpropagation algorithm. However, often the Voronoi tessellation remains the only non-differentiable part of a pipeline, prohibiting end-to-end differentiation. We present the method for autodifferentiation of the 2D Voronoi tessellation. The method allows one to construct the Voronoi tessellation and pass gradients, making the construction end-to-end differentiable. We provide the implementation details and present several important applications. To the best of our knowledge this is the first autodifferentiable realization of the Voronoi tessellation providing full set of Voronoi geometrical parameters in a differentiable way.

INFAMOUS-NeRF: ImproviNg FAce MOdeling Using Semantically-Aligned Hypernetworks with Neural Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2312.16197v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Andrew Hou, Feng Liu, Zhiyuan Ren, Michel Sarkis, Ning Bi, Yiying Tong, Xiaoming Liu

We propose INFAMOUS-NeRF, an implicit morphable face model that introduces hypernetworks to NeRF to improve the representation power in the presence of many training subjects. At the same time, INFAMOUS-NeRF resolves the classic hypernetwork tradeoff of representation power and editability by learning semantically-aligned latent spaces despite the subject-specific models, all without requiring a large pretrained model. INFAMOUS-NeRF further introduces a novel constraint to improve NeRF rendering along the face boundary. Our constraint can leverage photometric surface rendering and multi-view supervision to guide surface color prediction and improve rendering near the surface. Finally, we introduce a novel, loss-guided adaptive sampling method for more effective NeRF training by reducing the sampling redundancy. We show quantitatively and qualitatively that our method achieves higher representation power than prior face modeling methods in both controlled and in-the-wild settings. Code and models will be released upon publication.

Enhancing User Intent Capture in Session-Based Recommendation with Attribute Patterns. (arXiv:2312.16199v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Xin Liu, Zheng Li, Yifan Gao, Jingfeng Yang, Tianyu Cao, Zhengyang Wang, Bing Yin, Yangqiu Song

The goal of session-based recommendation in E-commerce is to predict the next item that an anonymous user will purchase based on the browsing and purchase history. However, constructing global or local transition graphs to supplement session data can lead to noisy correlations and user intent vanishing. In this work, we propose the Frequent Attribute Pattern Augmented Transformer (FAPAT) that characterizes user intents by building attribute transition graphs and matching attribute patterns. Specifically, the frequent and compact attribute patterns are served as memory to augment session representations, followed by a gate and a transformer block to fuse the whole session information. Through extensive experiments on two public benchmarks and 100 million industrial data in three domains, we demonstrate that FAPAT consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods by an average of 4.5% across various evaluation metrics (Hits, NDCG, MRR). Besides evaluating the next-item prediction, we estimate the models' capabilities to capture user intents via predicting items' attributes and period-item recommendations.

User Consented Federated Recommender System Against Personalized Attribute Inference Attack. (arXiv:2312.16203v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Qi Hu, Yangqiu Song

Recommender systems can be privacy-sensitive. To protect users' private historical interactions, federated learning has been proposed in distributed learning for user representations. Using federated recommender (FedRec) systems, users can train a shared recommendation model on local devices and prevent raw data transmissions and collections. However, the recommendation model learned by a common FedRec may still be vulnerable to private information leakage risks, particularly attribute inference attacks, which means that the attacker can easily infer users' personal attributes from the learned model. Additionally, traditional FedRecs seldom consider the diverse privacy preference of users, leading to difficulties in balancing the recommendation utility and privacy preservation. Consequently, FedRecs may suffer from unnecessary recommendation performance loss due to over-protection and private information leakage simultaneously. In this work, we propose a novel user-consented federated recommendation system (UC-FedRec) to flexibly satisfy the different privacy needs of users by paying a minimum recommendation accuracy price. UC-FedRec allows users to self-define their privacy preferences to meet various demands and makes recommendations with user consent. Experiments conducted on different real-world datasets demonstrate that our framework is more efficient and flexible compared to baselines.

An Explainable AI Approach to Large Language Model Assisted Causal Model Auditing and Development. (arXiv:2312.16211v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Yanming Zhang, Brette Fitzgibbon, Dino Garofolo, Akshith Kota, Eric Papenhausen, Klaus Mueller

Causal networks are widely used in many fields, including epidemiology, social science, medicine, and engineering, to model the complex relationships between variables. While it can be convenient to algorithmically infer these models directly from observational data, the resulting networks are often plagued with erroneous edges. Auditing and correcting these networks may require domain expertise frequently unavailable to the analyst. We propose the use of large language models such as ChatGPT as an auditor for causal networks. Our method presents ChatGPT with a causal network, one edge at a time, to produce insights about edge directionality, possible confounders, and mediating variables. We ask ChatGPT to reflect on various aspects of each causal link and we then produce visualizations that summarize these viewpoints for the human analyst to direct the edge, gather more data, or test further hypotheses. We envision a system where large language models, automated causal inference, and the human analyst and domain expert work hand in hand as a team to derive holistic and comprehensive causal models for any given case scenario. This paper presents first results obtained with an emerging prototype.

Increasing Profitability and Confidence by using Interpretable Model for Investment Decisions. (arXiv:2312.16223v1 [q-fin.ST])

Authors: Sahar Arshad, Seemab Latif, Ahmad Salman, Saadia Irfan

Financial forecasting plays an important role in making informed decisions for financial stakeholders, specifically in the stock exchange market. In a traditional setting, investors commonly rely on the equity research department for valuable reports on market insights and investment recommendations. The equity research department, however, faces challenges in effectuating decision-making due to the demanding cognitive effort required for analyzing the inherently volatile nature of market dynamics. Furthermore, financial forecasting systems employed by analysts pose potential risks in terms of interpretability and gaining the trust of all stakeholders. This paper presents an interpretable decision-making model leveraging the SHAP-based explainability technique to forecast investment recommendations. The proposed solution not only provides valuable insights into the factors that influence forecasted recommendations but also caters to investors of varying types, including those interested in daily and short-term investment opportunities. To ascertain the efficacy of the proposed model, a case study is devised that demonstrates a notable enhancement in investor's portfolio value, employing our trading strategies. The results highlight the significance of incorporating interpretability in forecasting models to boost stakeholders' confidence and foster transparency in the stock exchange domain.

Deformable Audio Transformer for Audio Event Detection. (arXiv:2312.16228v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Wentao Zhu

Transformers have achieved promising results on a variety of tasks. However, the quadratic complexity in self-attention computation has limited the applications, especially in low-resource settings and mobile or edge devices. Existing works have proposed to exploit hand-crafted attention patterns to reduce computation complexity. However, such hand-crafted patterns are data-agnostic and may not be optimal. Hence, it is likely that relevant keys or values are being reduced, while less important ones are still preserved. Based on this key insight, we propose a novel deformable audio Transformer for audio recognition, named DATAR, where a deformable attention equipping with a pyramid transformer backbone is constructed and learnable. Such an architecture has been proven effective in prediction tasks,~\textit{e.g.}, event classification. Moreover, we identify that the deformable attention map computation may over-simplify the input feature, which can be further enhanced. Hence, we introduce a learnable input adaptor to alleviate this issue, and DATAR achieves state-of-the-art performance.

Revisiting Knowledge Distillation under Distribution Shift. (arXiv:2312.16242v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Songming Zhang, Ziyu Lyu, Xiaofeng Chen

Knowledge distillation transfers knowledge from large models into small models, and has recently made remarkable achievements. However, few studies has investigated the mechanism of knowledge distillation against distribution shift. Distribution shift refers to the data distribution drifts between training and testing phases. In this paper, we reconsider the paradigm of knowledge distillation by reformulating the objective function in shift situations. Under the real scenarios, we propose a unified and systematic framework to benchmark knowledge distillation against two general distributional shifts including diversity and correlation shift. The evaluation benchmark covers more than 30 methods from algorithmic, data-driven, and optimization perspectives for five benchmark datasets. Overall, we conduct extensive experiments on the student model. We reveal intriguing observations of poor teaching performance under distribution shifts; in particular, complex algorithms and data augmentation offer limited gains in many cases.

Are All Unseen Data Out-of-Distribution?. (arXiv:2312.16243v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Songming Zhang, Yuxiao Luo, Qizhou Wang, Haoang Chi, Weikai Li, Bo Han, Jinyan Li

Distributions of unseen data have been all treated as out-of-distribution (OOD), making their generalization a significant challenge. Much evidence suggests that the size increase of training data can monotonically decrease generalization errors in test data. However, this is not true from other observations and analysis. In particular, when the training data have multiple source domains and the test data contain distribution drifts, then not all generalization errors on the test data decrease monotonically with the increasing size of training data. Such a non-decreasing phenomenon is formally investigated under a linear setting with empirical verification across varying visual benchmarks. Motivated by these results, we redefine the OOD data as a type of data outside the convex hull of the training domains and prove a new generalization bound based on this new definition. It implies that the effectiveness of a well-trained model can be guaranteed for the unseen data that is within the convex hull of the training domains. But, for some data beyond the convex hull, a non-decreasing error trend can happen. Therefore, we investigate the performance of popular strategies such as data augmentation and pre-training to overcome this issue. Moreover, we propose a novel reinforcement learning selection algorithm in the source domains only that can deliver superior performance over the baseline methods.

XuanCe: A Comprehensive and Unified Deep Reinforcement Learning Library. (arXiv:2312.16248v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Wenzhang Liu, Wenzhe Cai, Kun Jiang, Guangran Cheng, Yuanda Wang, Jiawei Wang, Jingyu Cao, Lele Xu, Chaoxu Mu, Changyin Sun

In this paper, we present XuanCe, a comprehensive and unified deep reinforcement learning (DRL) library designed to be compatible with PyTorch, TensorFlow, and MindSpore. XuanCe offers a wide range of functionalities, including over 40 classical DRL and multi-agent DRL algorithms, with the flexibility to easily incorporate new algorithms and environments. It is a versatile DRL library that supports CPU, GPU, and Ascend, and can be executed on various operating systems such as Ubuntu, Windows, MacOS, and EulerOS. Extensive benchmarks conducted on popular environments including MuJoCo, Atari, and StarCraftII multi-agent challenge demonstrate the library's impressive performance. XuanCe is open-source and can be accessed at

More than Correlation: Do Large Language Models Learn Causal Representations of Space?. (arXiv:2312.16257v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yida Chen, Yixian Gan, Sijia Li, Li Yao, Xiaohan Zhao

Recent work found high mutual information between the learned representations of large language models (LLMs) and the geospatial property of its input, hinting an emergent internal model of space. However, whether this internal space model has any causal effects on the LLMs' behaviors was not answered by that work, led to criticism of these findings as mere statistical correlation. Our study focused on uncovering the causality of the spatial representations in LLMs. In particular, we discovered the potential spatial representations in DeBERTa, GPT-Neo using representational similarity analysis and linear and non-linear probing. Our casual intervention experiments showed that the spatial representations influenced the model's performance on next word prediction and a downstream task that relies on geospatial information. Our experiments suggested that the LLMs learn and use an internal model of space in solving geospatial related tasks.

AdapterDistillation: Non-Destructive Task Composition with Knowledge Distillation. (arXiv:2312.16261v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Junjie Wang, Yicheng Chen, Wangshu Zhang, Sen Hu, Teng Xu, Jing Zheng

Leveraging knowledge from multiple tasks through introducing a small number of task specific parameters into each transformer layer, also known as adapters, receives much attention recently. However, adding an extra fusion layer to implement knowledge composition not only increases the inference time but also is non-scalable for some applications. To avoid these issues, we propose a two-stage knowledge distillation algorithm called AdapterDistillation. In the first stage, we extract task specific knowledge by using local data to train a student adapter. In the second stage, we distill the knowledge from the existing teacher adapters into the student adapter to help its inference. Extensive experiments on frequently asked question retrieval in task-oriented dialog systems validate the efficiency of AdapterDistillation. We show that AdapterDistillation outperforms existing algorithms in terms of accuracy, resource consumption and inference time.

Maximizing the Success Probability of Policy Allocations in Online Systems. (arXiv:2312.16267v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Artem Betlei, Mariia Vladimirova, Mehdi Sebbar, Nicolas Urien, Thibaud Rahier, Benjamin Heymann

The effectiveness of advertising in e-commerce largely depends on the ability of merchants to bid on and win impressions for their targeted users. The bidding procedure is highly complex due to various factors such as market competition, user behavior, and the diverse objectives of advertisers. In this paper we consider the problem at the level of user timelines instead of individual bid requests, manipulating full policies (i.e. pre-defined bidding strategies) and not bid values. In order to optimally allocate policies to users, typical multiple treatments allocation methods solve knapsack-like problems which aim at maximizing an expected value under constraints. In the industrial contexts such as online advertising, we argue that optimizing for the probability of success is a more suited objective than expected value maximization, and we introduce the SuccessProbaMax algorithm that aims at finding the policy allocation which is the most likely to outperform a fixed reference policy. Finally, we conduct comprehensive experiments both on synthetic and real-world data to evaluate its performance. The results demonstrate that our proposed algorithm outperforms conventional expected-value maximization algorithms in terms of success rate.

Observable Propagation: A Data-Efficient Approach to Uncover Feature Vectors in Transformers. (arXiv:2312.16291v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jacob Dunefsky, Arman Cohan

A key goal of current mechanistic interpretability research in NLP is to find linear features (also called "feature vectors") for transformers: directions in activation space corresponding to concepts that are used by a given model in its computation. Present state-of-the-art methods for finding linear features require large amounts of labelled data -- both laborious to acquire and computationally expensive to utilize. In this work, we introduce a novel method, called "observable propagation" (in short: ObsProp), for finding linear features used by transformer language models in computing a given task -- using almost no data. Our paradigm centers on the concept of observables, linear functionals corresponding to given tasks. We then introduce a mathematical theory for the analysis of feature vectors: we provide theoretical motivation for why LayerNorm nonlinearities do not affect the direction of feature vectors; we also introduce a similarity metric between feature vectors called the coupling coefficient which estimates the degree to which one feature's output correlates with another's. We use ObsProp to perform extensive qualitative investigations into several tasks, including gendered occupational bias, political party prediction, and programming language detection. Our results suggest that ObsProp surpasses traditional approaches for finding feature vectors in the low-data regime, and that ObsProp can be used to better understand the mechanisms responsible for bias in large language models. Code for experiments can be found at

Incentive-Aware Synthetic Control: Accurate Counterfactual Estimation via Incentivized Exploration. (arXiv:2312.16307v1 [econ.EM])

Authors: Daniel Ngo, Keegan Harris, Anish Agarwal, Vasilis Syrgkanis, Zhiwei Steven Wu

We consider a panel data setting in which one observes measurements of units over time, under different interventions. Our focus is on the canonical family of synthetic control methods (SCMs) which, after a pre-intervention time period when all units are under control, estimate counterfactual outcomes for test units in the post-intervention time period under control by using data from donor units who have remained under control for the entire post-intervention period. In order for the counterfactual estimate produced by synthetic control for a test unit to be accurate, there must be sufficient overlap between the outcomes of the donor units and the outcomes of the test unit. As a result, a canonical assumption in the literature on SCMs is that the outcomes for the test units lie within either the convex hull or the linear span of the outcomes for the donor units. However despite their ubiquity, such overlap assumptions may not always hold, as is the case when, e.g., units select their own interventions and different subpopulations of units prefer different interventions a priori.

We shed light on this typically overlooked assumption, and we address this issue by incentivizing units with different preferences to take interventions they would not normally consider. Specifically, we provide a SCM for incentivizing exploration in panel data settings which provides incentive-compatible intervention recommendations to units by leveraging tools from information design and online learning. Using our algorithm, we show how to obtain valid counterfactual estimates using SCMs without the need for an explicit overlap assumption on the unit outcomes.

Unraveling the Key Components of OOD Generalization via Diversification. (arXiv:2312.16313v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Harold Benoit, Liangze Jiang, Andrei Atanov, Oğuzhan Fatih Kar, Mattia Rigotti, Amir Zamir

Real-world datasets may contain multiple features that explain the training data equally well, i.e., learning any of them would lead to correct predictions on the training data. However, many of them can be spurious, i.e., lose their predictive power under a distribution shift and fail to generalize to out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Recently developed ``diversification'' methods approach this problem by finding multiple diverse hypotheses that rely on different features. This paper aims to study this class of methods and identify the key components contributing to their OOD generalization abilities.

We show that (1) diversification methods are highly sensitive to the distribution of the unlabeled data used for diversification and can underperform significantly when away from a method-specific sweet spot. (2) Diversification alone is insufficient for OOD generalization. The choice of the used learning algorithm, e.g., the model's architecture and pretraining, is crucial, and using the second-best choice leads to an up to 20% absolute drop in accuracy.(3) The optimal choice of learning algorithm depends on the unlabeled data, and vice versa.Finally, we show that the above pitfalls cannot be alleviated by increasing the number of diverse hypotheses, allegedly the major feature of diversification methods.

These findings provide a clearer understanding of the critical design factors influencing the OOD generalization of diversification methods. They can guide practitioners in how to use the existing methods best and guide researchers in developing new, better ones.

LeanVec: Search your vectors faster by making them fit. (arXiv:2312.16335v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Mariano Tepper, Ishwar Singh Bhati, Cecilia Aguerrebere, Mark Hildebrand, Ted Willke

Modern deep learning models have the ability to generate high-dimensional vectors whose similarity reflects semantic resemblance. Thus, similarity search, i.e., the operation of retrieving those vectors in a large collection that are similar to a given query, has become a critical component of a wide range of applications that demand highly accurate and timely answers. In this setting, the high vector dimensionality puts similarity search systems under compute and memory pressure, leading to subpar performance. Additionally, cross-modal retrieval tasks have become increasingly common, e.g., where a user inputs a text query to find the most relevant images for that query. However, these queries often have different distributions than the database embeddings, making it challenging to achieve high accuracy. In this work, we present LeanVec, a framework that combines linear dimensionality reduction with vector quantization to accelerate similarity search on high-dimensional vectors while maintaining accuracy. We present LeanVec variants for in-distribution (ID) and out-of-distribution (OOD) queries. LeanVec-ID yields accuracies on par with those from recently introduced deep learning alternatives whose computational overhead precludes their usage in practice. LeanVec-OOD uses a novel technique for dimensionality reduction that considers the query and database distributions to simultaneously boost the accuracy and the performance of the framework even further (even presenting competitive results when the query and database distributions match). All in all, our extensive and varied experimental results show that LeanVec produces state-of-the-art results, with up to 3.7x improvement in search throughput and up to 4.9x faster index build time over the state of the art.

Learning temporal formulas from examples is hard. (arXiv:2312.16336v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Corto Mascle, Nathanaël Fijalkow, Guillaume Lagarde

We study the problem of learning linear temporal logic (LTL) formulas from examples, as a first step towards expressing a property separating positive and negative instances in a way that is comprehensible for humans. In this paper we initiate the study of the computational complexity of the problem. Our main results are hardness results: we show that the LTL learning problem is NP-complete, both for the full logic and for almost all of its fragments. This motivates the search for efficient heuristics, and highlights the complexity of expressing separating properties in concise natural language.

Universal Pyramid Adversarial Training for Improved ViT Performance. (arXiv:2312.16339v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ping-yeh Chiang, Yipin Zhou, Omid Poursaeed, Satya Narayan Shukla, Ashish Shah, Tom Goldstein, Ser-Nam Lim

Recently, Pyramid Adversarial training (Herrmann et al., 2022) has been shown to be very effective for improving clean accuracy and distribution-shift robustness of vision transformers. However, due to the iterative nature of adversarial training, the technique is up to 7 times more expensive than standard training. To make the method more efficient, we propose Universal Pyramid Adversarial training, where we learn a single pyramid adversarial pattern shared across the whole dataset instead of the sample-wise patterns. With our proposed technique, we decrease the computational cost of Pyramid Adversarial training by up to 70% while retaining the majority of its benefit on clean performance and distribution-shift robustness. In addition, to the best of our knowledge, we are also the first to find that universal adversarial training can be leveraged to improve clean model performance.

Alternate Training of Shared and Task-Specific Parameters for Multi-Task Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.16340v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Stefania Bellavia, Francesco Della Santa, Alessandra Papini

This paper introduces novel alternate training procedures for hard-parameter sharing Multi-Task Neural Networks (MTNNs). Traditional MTNN training faces challenges in managing conflicting loss gradients, often yielding sub-optimal performance. The proposed alternate training method updates shared and task-specific weights alternately, exploiting the multi-head architecture of the model. This approach reduces computational costs, enhances training regularization, and improves generalization. Convergence properties similar to those of the classical stochastic gradient method are established. Empirical experiments demonstrate delayed overfitting, improved prediction, and reduced computational demands. In summary, our alternate training procedures offer a promising advancement for the training of hard-parameter sharing MTNNs.

Harnessing the Power of Federated Learning in Federated Contextual Bandits. (arXiv:2312.16341v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Chengshuai Shi, Ruida Zhou, Kun Yang, Cong Shen

Federated learning (FL) has demonstrated great potential in revolutionizing distributed machine learning, and tremendous efforts have been made to extend it beyond the original focus on supervised learning. Among many directions, federated contextual bandits (FCB), a pivotal integration of FL and sequential decision-making, has garnered significant attention in recent years. Despite substantial progress, existing FCB approaches have largely employed their tailored FL components, often deviating from the canonical FL framework. Consequently, even renowned algorithms like FedAvg remain under-utilized in FCB, let alone other FL advancements. Motivated by this disconnection, this work takes one step towards building a tighter relationship between the canonical FL study and the investigations on FCB. In particular, a novel FCB design, termed FedIGW, is proposed to leverage a regression-based CB algorithm, i.e., inverse gap weighting. Compared with existing FCB approaches, the proposed FedIGW design can better harness the entire spectrum of FL innovations, which is concretely reflected as (1) flexible incorporation of (both existing and forthcoming) FL protocols; (2) modularized plug-in of FL analyses in performance guarantees; (3) seamless integration of FL appendages (such as personalization, robustness, and privacy). We substantiate these claims through rigorous theoretical analyses and empirical evaluations.

Smuche: Scalar-Multiplicative Caching in Homomorphic Encryption. (arXiv:2312.16352v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Dongfang Zhao

Addressing the challenge of balancing security and efficiency when deploying machine learning systems in untrusted environments, such as federated learning, remains a critical concern. A promising strategy to tackle this issue involves optimizing the performance of fully homomorphic encryption (HE). Recent research highlights the efficacy of advanced caching techniques, such as Rache, in significantly enhancing the performance of HE schemes without compromising security. However, Rache is constrained by an inherent limitation: its performance overhead is heavily influenced by the characteristics of plaintext models, specifically exhibiting a caching time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(N)$, where $N$ represents the number of cached pivots based on specific radixes. This caching overhead becomes impractical for handling large-scale data. In this study, we introduce a novel \textit{constant-time} caching technique that is independent of any parameters. The core concept involves applying scalar multiplication to a single cached ciphertext, followed by the introduction of a completely new and constant-time randomness. Leveraging the inherent characteristics of constant-time construction, we coin the term ``Smuche'' for this innovative caching technique, which stands for Scalar-multiplicative Caching of Homomorphic Encryption. We implemented Smuche from scratch and conducted comparative evaluations against two baseline schemes, Rache and CKKS. Our experimental results underscore the effectiveness of Smuche in addressing the identified limitations and optimizing the performance of homomorphic encryption in practical scenarios.

Keeping Teams in the Game: Predicting Dropouts in Online Problem-Based Learning Competition. (arXiv:2312.16362v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Aditya Panwar, Ashwin T S, Ramkumar Rajendran, Kavi Arya

Online learning and MOOCs have become increasingly popular in recent years, and the trend will continue, given the technology boom. There is a dire need to observe learners' behavior in these online courses, similar to what instructors do in a face-to-face classroom. Learners' strategies and activities become crucial to understanding their behavior. One major challenge in online courses is predicting and preventing dropout behavior. While several studies have tried to perform such analysis, there is still a shortage of studies that employ different data streams to understand and predict the drop rates. Moreover, studies rarely use a fully online team-based collaborative environment as their context. Thus, the current study employs an online longitudinal problem-based learning (PBL) collaborative robotics competition as the testbed. Through methodological triangulation, the study aims to predict dropout behavior via the contributions of Discourse discussion forum 'activities' of participating teams, along with a self-reported Online Learning Strategies Questionnaire (OSLQ). The study also uses Qualitative interviews to enhance the ground truth and results. The OSLQ data is collected from more than 4000 participants. Furthermore, the study seeks to establish the reliability of OSLQ to advance research within online environments. Various Machine Learning algorithms are applied to analyze the data. The findings demonstrate the reliability of OSLQ with our substantial sample size and reveal promising results for predicting the dropout rate in online competition.

Active Third-Person Imitation Learning. (arXiv:2312.16365v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Timo Klein, Susanna Weinberger, Adish Singla, Sebastian Tschiatschek

We consider the problem of third-person imitation learning with the additional challenge that the learner must select the perspective from which they observe the expert. In our setting, each perspective provides only limited information about the expert's behavior, and the learning agent must carefully select and combine information from different perspectives to achieve competitive performance. This setting is inspired by real-world imitation learning applications, e.g., in robotics, a robot might observe a human demonstrator via camera and receive information from different perspectives depending on the camera's position. We formalize the aforementioned active third-person imitation learning problem, theoretically analyze its characteristics, and propose a generative adversarial network-based active learning approach. Empirically, we demstrate that our proposed approach can effectively learn from expert demonstrations and explore the importance of different architectural choices for the learner's performance.

Photovoltaic power forecasting using quantum machine learning. (arXiv:2312.16379v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Asel Sagingalieva, Stefan Komornyik, Arsenii Senokosov, Ayush Joshi, Alexander Sedykh, Christopher Mansell, Olga Tsurkan, Karan Pinto, Markus Pflitsch, Alexey Melnikov

Predicting solar panel power output is crucial for advancing the energy transition but is complicated by the variable and non-linear nature of solar energy. This is influenced by numerous meteorological factors, geographical positioning, and photovoltaic cell properties, posing significant challenges to forecasting accuracy and grid stability. Our study introduces a suite of solutions centered around hybrid quantum neural networks designed to tackle these complexities. The first proposed model, the Hybrid Quantum Long Short-Term Memory, surpasses all tested models by over 40% lower mean absolute and mean squared errors. The second proposed model, Hybrid Quantum Sequence-to-Sequence neural network, once trained, predicts photovoltaic power with 16% lower mean absolute error for arbitrary time intervals without the need for prior meteorological data, highlighting its versatility. Moreover, our hybrid models perform better even when trained on limited datasets, underlining their potential utility in data-scarce scenarios. These findings represent a stride towards resolving time series prediction challenges in energy power forecasting through hybrid quantum models, showcasing the transformative potential of quantum machine learning in catalyzing the renewable energy transition.

Learning Time-aware Graph Structures for Spatially Correlated Time Series Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.16403v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Minbo Ma, Jilin Hu, Christian S. Jensen, Fei Teng, Peng Han, Zhiqiang Xu, Tianrui Li

Spatio-temporal forecasting of future values of spatially correlated time series is important across many cyber-physical systems (CPS). Recent studies offer evidence that the use of graph neural networks to capture latent correlations between time series holds a potential for enhanced forecasting. However, most existing methods rely on pre-defined or self-learning graphs, which are either static or unintentionally dynamic, and thus cannot model the time-varying correlations that exhibit trends and periodicities caused by the regularity of the underlying processes in CPS. To tackle such limitation, we propose Time-aware Graph Structure Learning (TagSL), which extracts time-aware correlations among time series by measuring the interaction of node and time representations in high-dimensional spaces. Notably, we introduce time discrepancy learning that utilizes contrastive learning with distance-based regularization terms to constrain learned spatial correlations to a trend sequence. Additionally, we propose a periodic discriminant function to enable the capture of periodic changes from the state of nodes. Next, we present a Graph Convolution-based Gated Recurrent Unit (GCGRU) that jointly captures spatial and temporal dependencies while learning time-aware and node-specific patterns. Finally, we introduce a unified framework named Time-aware Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network (TGCRN), combining TagSL, and GCGRU in an encoder-decoder architecture for multi-step spatio-temporal forecasting. We report on experiments with TGCRN and popular existing approaches on five real-world datasets, thus providing evidence that TGCRN is capable of advancing the state-of-the-art. We also cover a detailed ablation study and visualization analysis, offering detailed insight into the effectiveness of time-aware structure learning.

Dynamic Sub-graph Distillation for Robust Semi-supervised Continual Learning. (arXiv:2312.16409v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yan Fan, Yu Wang, Pengfei Zhu, Qinghua Hu

Continual learning (CL) has shown promising results and comparable performance to learning at once in a fully supervised manner. However, CL strategies typically require a large number of labeled samples, making their real-life deployment challenging. In this work, we focus on semi-supervised continual learning (SSCL), where the model progressively learns from partially labeled data with unknown categories. We provide a comprehensive analysis of SSCL and demonstrate that unreliable distributions of unlabeled data lead to unstable training and refinement of the progressing stages. This problem severely impacts the performance of SSCL. To address the limitations, we propose a novel approach called Dynamic Sub-Graph Distillation (DSGD) for semi-supervised continual learning, which leverages both semantic and structural information to achieve more stable knowledge distillation on unlabeled data and exhibit robustness against distribution bias. Firstly, we formalize a general model of structural distillation and design a dynamic graph construction for the continual learning progress. Next, we define a structure distillation vector and design a dynamic sub-graph distillation algorithm, which enables end-to-end training and adaptability to scale up tasks. The entire proposed method is adaptable to various CL methods and supervision settings. Finally, experiments conducted on three datasets CIFAR10, CIFAR100, and ImageNet-100, with varying supervision ratios, demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed approach in mitigating the catastrophic forgetting problem in semi-supervised continual learning scenarios.

Bellman Optimal Step-size Straightening of Flow-Matching Models. (arXiv:2312.16414v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Bao Nguyen, Binh Nguyen, Viet Anh Nguyen

Flow matching is a powerful framework for generating high-quality samples in various applications, especially image synthesis. However, the intensive computational demands of these models, especially during the fine-tuning process and sampling processes, pose significant challenges for low-resource scenarios. This paper introduces Bellman Optimal Step-size Straightening (BOSS) technique for distilling flow-matching generative models: it aims specifically for a few step efficient image sampling while adhering to a computational budget constraint. First, this technique involves a dynamic programming algorithm that optimizes the step sizes of the pretrained network. Then, it refines the velocity network to match the optimal step sizes, aiming to straighten the generation paths. Extensive experimental evaluations across image generation tasks demonstrate the efficacy of BOSS in terms of both resource utilization and image quality. Our results reveal that BOSS achieves substantial gains in efficiency while maintaining competitive sample quality, effectively bridging the gap between low-resource constraints and the demanding requirements of flow-matching generative models. Our paper also fortifies the responsible development of artificial intelligence, offering a more sustainable generative model that reduces computational costs and environmental footprints. Our code can be found at

Refining Latent Homophilic Structures over Heterophilic Graphs for Robust Graph Convolution Networks. (arXiv:2312.16418v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Chenyang Qiu, Guoshun Nan, Tianyu Xiong, Wendi Deng, Di Wang, Zhiyang Teng, Lijuan Sun, Qimei Cui, Xiaofeng Tao

Graph convolution networks (GCNs) are extensively utilized in various graph tasks to mine knowledge from spatial data. Our study marks the pioneering attempt to quantitatively investigate the GCN robustness over omnipresent heterophilic graphs for node classification. We uncover that the predominant vulnerability is caused by the structural out-of-distribution (OOD) issue. This finding motivates us to present a novel method that aims to harden GCNs by automatically learning Latent Homophilic Structures over heterophilic graphs. We term such a methodology as LHS. To elaborate, our initial step involves learning a latent structure by employing a novel self-expressive technique based on multi-node interactions. Subsequently, the structure is refined using a pairwisely constrained dual-view contrastive learning approach. We iteratively perform the above procedure, enabling a GCN model to aggregate information in a homophilic way on heterophilic graphs. Armed with such an adaptable structure, we can properly mitigate the structural OOD threats over heterophilic graphs. Experiments on various benchmarks show the effectiveness of the proposed LHS approach for robust GCNs.

Soft Contrastive Learning for Time Series. (arXiv:2312.16424v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Seunghan Lee, Taeyoung Park, Kibok Lee

Contrastive learning has shown to be effective to learn representations from time series in a self-supervised way. However, contrasting similar time series instances or values from adjacent timestamps within a time series leads to ignore their inherent correlations, which results in deteriorating the quality of learned representations. To address this issue, we propose SoftCLT, a simple yet effective soft contrastive learning strategy for time series. This is achieved by introducing instance-wise and temporal contrastive loss with soft assignments ranging from zero to one. Specifically, we define soft assignments for 1) instance-wise contrastive loss by the distance between time series on the data space, and 2) temporal contrastive loss by the difference of timestamps. SoftCLT is a plug-and-play method for time series contrastive learning that improves the quality of learned representations without bells and whistles. In experiments, we demonstrate that SoftCLT consistently improves the performance in various downstream tasks including classification, semi-supervised learning, transfer learning, and anomaly detection, showing state-of-the-art performance. Code is available at this repository:

Learning to Embed Time Series Patches Independently. (arXiv:2312.16427v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Seunghan Lee, Taeyoung Park, Kibok Lee

Masked time series modeling has recently gained much attention as a self-supervised representation learning strategy for time series. Inspired by masked image modeling in computer vision, recent works first patchify and partially mask out time series, and then train Transformers to capture the dependencies between patches by predicting masked patches from unmasked patches. However, we argue that capturing such patch dependencies might not be an optimal strategy for time series representation learning; rather, learning to embed patches independently results in better time series representations. Specifically, we propose to use 1) the simple patch reconstruction task, which autoencode each patch without looking at other patches, and 2) the simple patch-wise MLP that embeds each patch independently. In addition, we introduce complementary contrastive learning to hierarchically capture adjacent time series information efficiently. Our proposed method improves time series forecasting and classification performance compared to state-of-the-art Transformer-based models, while it is more efficient in terms of the number of parameters and training/inference time. Code is available at this repository:

GAD-PVI: A General Accelerated Dynamic-Weight Particle-Based Variational Inference Framework. (arXiv:2312.16429v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Fangyikang Wang, Huminhao Zhu, Chao Zhang, Hanbin Zhao, Hui Qian

Particle-based Variational Inference (ParVI) methods approximate the target distribution by iteratively evolving finite weighted particle systems. Recent advances of ParVI methods reveal the benefits of accelerated position update strategies and dynamic weight adjustment approaches. In this paper, we propose the first ParVI framework that possesses both accelerated position update and dynamical weight adjustment simultaneously, named the General Accelerated Dynamic-Weight Particle-based Variational Inference (GAD-PVI) framework. Generally, GAD-PVI simulates the semi-Hamiltonian gradient flow on a novel Information-Fisher-Rao space, which yields an additional decrease on the local functional dissipation. GAD-PVI is compatible with different dissimilarity functionals and associated smoothing approaches under three information metrics. Experiments on both synthetic and real-world data demonstrate the faster convergence and reduced approximation error of GAD-PVI methods over the state-of-the-art.

Preference as Reward, Maximum Preference Optimization with Importance Sampling. (arXiv:2312.16430v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zaifan Jiang, Xing Huang, Chao Wei

Preference learning is a key technology for aligning language models with human values. Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is a model based algorithm to optimize preference learning, which first fitting a reward model for preference score, and then optimizing generating policy with on-policy PPO algorithm to maximize the reward. The processing of RLHF is complex, time-consuming and unstable. Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) algorithm using off-policy algorithm to direct optimize generating policy and eliminating the need for reward model, which is data efficient and stable. DPO use Bradley-Terry model and log-loss which leads to over-fitting to the preference data at the expense of ignoring KL-regularization term when preference near deterministic. IPO uses a root-finding pairwise MSE loss to solve the ignoring KL-regularization problem, and learning an optimal policy. But IPO's pairwise loss still can't s make the KL-regularization to work. In this paper, we design a simple and intuitive off-policy preferences optimization algorithm from an importance sampling view, and add an off-policy KL-regularization term which makes KL-regularization truly effective. To simplify the learning process and save memory usage, we can generate regularization data in advance, which eliminate the needs for both reward model and reference policy in the stage of optimization.

Randomized Signature Methods in Optimal Portfolio Selection. (arXiv:2312.16448v1 [q-fin.PM])

Authors: Erdinc Akyildirim, Matteo Gambara, Josef Teichmann, Syang Zhou

We present convincing empirical results on the application of Randomized Signature Methods for non-linear, non-parametric drift estimation for a multi-variate financial market. Even though drift estimation is notoriously ill defined due to small signal to noise ratio, one can still try to learn optimal non-linear maps from data to future returns for the purposes of portfolio optimization. Randomized Signatures, in contrast to classical signatures, allow for high dimensional market dimension and provide features on the same scale. We do not contribute to the theory of Randomized Signatures here, but rather present our empirical findings on portfolio selection in real world settings including real market data and transaction costs.

FCDNet: Frequency-Guided Complementary Dependency Modeling for Multivariate Time-Series Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.16450v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Weijun Chen, Heyuan Wang, Ye Tian, Shijie Guan, Ning Liu

Multivariate time-series (MTS) forecasting is a challenging task in many real-world non-stationary dynamic scenarios. In addition to intra-series temporal signals, the inter-series dependency also plays a crucial role in shaping future trends. How to enable the model's awareness of dependency information has raised substantial research attention. Previous approaches have either presupposed dependency constraints based on domain knowledge or imposed them using real-time feature similarity. However, MTS data often exhibit both enduring long-term static relationships and transient short-term interactions, which mutually influence their evolving states. It is necessary to recognize and incorporate the complementary dependencies for more accurate MTS prediction. The frequency information in time series reflects the evolutionary rules behind complex temporal dynamics, and different frequency components can be used to well construct long-term and short-term interactive dependency structures between variables. To this end, we propose FCDNet, a concise yet effective framework for multivariate time-series forecasting. Specifically, FCDNet overcomes the above limitations by applying two light-weight dependency constructors to help extract long- and short-term dependency information adaptively from multi-level frequency patterns. With the growth of input variables, the number of trainable parameters in FCDNet only increases linearly, which is conducive to the model's scalability and avoids over-fitting. Additionally, adopting a frequency-based perspective can effectively mitigate the influence of noise within MTS data, which helps capture more genuine dependencies. The experimental results on six real-world datasets from multiple fields show that FCDNet significantly exceeds strong baselines, with an average improvement of 6.82% on MAE, 4.98% on RMSE, and 4.91% on MAPE.

Learn From Orientation Prior for Radiograph Super-Resolution: Orientation Operator Transformer. (arXiv:2312.16455v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Yongsong Huang, Tomo Miyazaki, Xiaofeng Liu, Kaiyuan Jiang, Zhengmi Tang, Shinichiro Omachi

Background and objective: High-resolution radiographic images play a pivotal role in the early diagnosis and treatment of skeletal muscle-related diseases. It is promising to enhance image quality by introducing single-image super-resolution (SISR) model into the radiology image field. However, the conventional image pipeline, which can learn a mixed mapping between SR and denoising from the color space and inter-pixel patterns, poses a particular challenge for radiographic images with limited pattern features. To address this issue, this paper introduces a novel approach: Orientation Operator Transformer - $O^{2}$former. Methods: We incorporate an orientation operator in the encoder to enhance sensitivity to denoising mapping and to integrate orientation prior. Furthermore, we propose a multi-scale feature fusion strategy to amalgamate features captured by different receptive fields with the directional prior, thereby providing a more effective latent representation for the decoder. Based on these innovative components, we propose a transformer-based SISR model, i.e., $O^{2}$former, specifically designed for radiographic images. Results: The experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves the best or second-best performance in the objective metrics compared with the competitors at $\times 4$ upsampling factor. For qualitative, more objective details are observed to be recovered. Conclusions: In this study, we propose a novel framework called $O^{2}$former for radiological image super-resolution tasks, which improves the reconstruction model's performance by introducing an orientation operator and multi-scale feature fusion strategy. Our approach is promising to further promote the radiographic image enhancement field.

Adaptive trajectory-constrained exploration strategy for deep reinforcement learning. (arXiv:2312.16456v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Guojian Wang, Faguo Wu, Xiao Zhang, Ning Guo, Zhiming Zheng

Deep reinforcement learning (DRL) faces significant challenges in addressing the hard-exploration problems in tasks with sparse or deceptive rewards and large state spaces. These challenges severely limit the practical application of DRL. Most previous exploration methods relied on complex architectures to estimate state novelty or introduced sensitive hyperparameters, resulting in instability. To mitigate these issues, we propose an efficient adaptive trajectory-constrained exploration strategy for DRL. The proposed method guides the policy of the agent away from suboptimal solutions by leveraging incomplete offline demonstrations as references. This approach gradually expands the exploration scope of the agent and strives for optimality in a constrained optimization manner. Additionally, we introduce a novel policy-gradient-based optimization algorithm that utilizes adaptively clipped trajectory-distance rewards for both single- and multi-agent reinforcement learning. We provide a theoretical analysis of our method, including a deduction of the worst-case approximation error bounds, highlighting the validity of our approach for enhancing exploration. To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we conducted experiments on two large 2D grid world mazes and several MuJoCo tasks. The extensive experimental results demonstrate the significant advantages of our method in achieving temporally extended exploration and avoiding myopic and suboptimal behaviors in both single- and multi-agent settings. Notably, the specific metrics and quantifiable results further support these findings. The code used in the study is available at \url{}.

Transfer and Alignment Network for Generalized Category Discovery. (arXiv:2312.16467v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wenbin An, Feng Tian, Wenkai Shi, Yan Chen, Yaqiang Wu, Qianying Wang, Ping Chen

Generalized Category Discovery is a crucial real-world task. Despite the improved performance on known categories, current methods perform poorly on novel categories. We attribute the poor performance to two reasons: biased knowledge transfer between labeled and unlabeled data and noisy representation learning on the unlabeled data. To mitigate these two issues, we propose a Transfer and Alignment Network (TAN), which incorporates two knowledge transfer mechanisms to calibrate the biased knowledge and two feature alignment mechanisms to learn discriminative features. Specifically, we model different categories with prototypes and transfer the prototypes in labeled data to correct model bias towards known categories. On the one hand, we pull instances with known categories in unlabeled data closer to these prototypes to form more compact clusters and avoid boundary overlap between known and novel categories. On the other hand, we use these prototypes to calibrate noisy prototypes estimated from unlabeled data based on category similarities, which allows for more accurate estimation of prototypes for novel categories that can be used as reliable learning targets later. After knowledge transfer, we further propose two feature alignment mechanisms to acquire both instance- and category-level knowledge from unlabeled data by aligning instance features with both augmented features and the calibrated prototypes, which can boost model performance on both known and novel categories with less noise. Experiments on three benchmark datasets show that our model outperforms SOTA methods, especially on novel categories. Theoretical analysis is provided for an in-depth understanding of our model in general. Our code and data are available at

A Survey on Super Resolution for video Enhancement Using GAN. (arXiv:2312.16471v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Ankush Maity, Roshan Pious, Sourabh Kumar Lenka, Vishal Choudhary, Prof.Sharyau Lokande

This compilation of various research paper highlights provides a comprehensive overview of recent developments in super-resolution image and video using deep learning algorithms such as Generative Adversarial Networks. The studies covered in these summaries provide fresh techniques to addressing the issues of improving image and video quality, such as recursive learning for video super-resolution, novel loss functions, frame-rate enhancement, and attention model integration. These approaches are frequently evaluated using criteria such as PSNR, SSIM, and perceptual indices. These advancements, which aim to increase the visual clarity and quality of low-resolution video, have tremendous potential in a variety of sectors ranging from surveillance technology to medical imaging. In addition, this collection delves into the wider field of Generative Adversarial Networks, exploring their principles, training approaches, and applications across a broad range of domains, while also emphasizing the challenges and opportunities for future research in this rapidly advancing and changing field of artificial intelligence.

MolSets: Molecular Graph Deep Sets Learning for Mixture Property Modeling. (arXiv:2312.16473v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hengrui Zhang, Jie Chen, James M. Rondinelli, Wei Chen

Recent advances in machine learning (ML) have expedited materials discovery and design. One significant challenge faced in ML for materials is the expansive combinatorial space of potential materials formed by diverse constituents and their flexible configurations. This complexity is particularly evident in molecular mixtures, a frequently explored space for materials such as battery electrolytes. Owing to the complex structures of molecules and the sequence-independent nature of mixtures, conventional ML methods have difficulties in modeling such systems. Here we present MolSets, a specialized ML model for molecular mixtures. Representing individual molecules as graphs and their mixture as a set, MolSets leverages a graph neural network and the deep sets architecture to extract information at the molecule level and aggregate it at the mixture level, thus addressing local complexity while retaining global flexibility. We demonstrate the efficacy of MolSets in predicting the conductivity of lithium battery electrolytes and highlight its benefits in virtual screening of the combinatorial chemical space.

Federated Continual Learning via Knowledge Fusion: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.16475v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Xin Yang, Hao Yu, Xin Gao, Hao Wang, Junbo Zhang, Tianrui Li

Data privacy and silos are nontrivial and greatly challenging in many real-world applications. Federated learning is a decentralized approach to training models across multiple local clients without the exchange of raw data from client devices to global servers. However, existing works focus on a static data environment and ignore continual learning from streaming data with incremental tasks. Federated Continual Learning (FCL) is an emerging paradigm to address model learning in both federated and continual learning environments. The key objective of FCL is to fuse heterogeneous knowledge from different clients and retain knowledge of previous tasks while learning on new ones. In this work, we delineate federated learning and continual learning first and then discuss their integration, i.e., FCL, and particular FCL via knowledge fusion. In summary, our motivations are four-fold: we (1) raise a fundamental problem called ''spatial-temporal catastrophic forgetting'' and evaluate its impact on the performance using a well-known method called federated averaging (FedAvg), (2) integrate most of the existing FCL methods into two generic frameworks, namely synchronous FCL and asynchronous FCL, (3) categorize a large number of methods according to the mechanism involved in knowledge fusion, and finally (4) showcase an outlook on the future work of FCL.

Noisy Correspondence Learning with Self-Reinforcing Errors Mitigation. (arXiv:2312.16478v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zhuohang Dang, Minnan Luo, Chengyou Jia, Guang Dai, Xiaojun Chang, Jingdong Wang

Cross-modal retrieval relies on well-matched large-scale datasets that are laborious in practice. Recently, to alleviate expensive data collection, co-occurring pairs from the Internet are automatically harvested for training. However, it inevitably includes mismatched pairs, \ie, noisy correspondences, undermining supervision reliability and degrading performance. Current methods leverage deep neural networks' memorization effect to address noisy correspondences, which overconfidently focus on \emph{similarity-guided training with hard negatives} and suffer from self-reinforcing errors. In light of above, we introduce a novel noisy correspondence learning framework, namely \textbf{S}elf-\textbf{R}einforcing \textbf{E}rrors \textbf{M}itigation (SREM). Specifically, by viewing sample matching as classification tasks within the batch, we generate classification logits for the given sample. Instead of a single similarity score, we refine sample filtration through energy uncertainty and estimate model's sensitivity of selected clean samples using swapped classification entropy, in view of the overall prediction distribution. Additionally, we propose cross-modal biased complementary learning to leverage negative matches overlooked in hard-negative training, further improving model optimization stability and curbing self-reinforcing errors. Extensive experiments on challenging benchmarks affirm the efficacy and efficiency of SREM.

Expressivity and Approximation Properties of Deep Neural Networks with ReLU$^k$ Activation. (arXiv:2312.16483v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Juncai He, Tong Mao, Jinchao Xu

In this paper, we investigate the expressivity and approximation properties of deep neural networks employing the ReLU$^k$ activation function for $k \geq 2$. Although deep ReLU networks can approximate polynomials effectively, deep ReLU$^k$ networks have the capability to represent higher-degree polynomials precisely. Our initial contribution is a comprehensive, constructive proof for polynomial representation using deep ReLU$^k$ networks. This allows us to establish an upper bound on both the size and count of network parameters. Consequently, we are able to demonstrate a suboptimal approximation rate for functions from Sobolev spaces as well as for analytic functions. Additionally, through an exploration of the representation power of deep ReLU$^k$ networks for shallow networks, we reveal that deep ReLU$^k$ networks can approximate functions from a range of variation spaces, extending beyond those generated solely by the ReLU$^k$ activation function. This finding demonstrates the adaptability of deep ReLU$^k$ networks in approximating functions within various variation spaces.

Best-of-Both-Worlds Linear Contextual Bandits. (arXiv:2312.16489v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Masahiro Kato, Shinji Ito

This study investigates the problem of $K$-armed linear contextual bandits, an instance of the multi-armed bandit problem, under an adversarial corruption. At each round, a decision-maker observes an independent and identically distributed context and then selects an arm based on the context and past observations. After selecting an arm, the decision-maker incurs a loss corresponding to the selected arm. The decision-maker aims to minimize the cumulative loss over the trial. The goal of this study is to develop a strategy that is effective in both stochastic and adversarial environments, with theoretical guarantees. We first formulate the problem by introducing a novel setting of bandits with adversarial corruption, referred to as the contextual adversarial regime with a self-bounding constraint. We assume linear models for the relationship between the loss and the context. Then, we propose a strategy that extends the RealLinExp3 by Neu & Olkhovskaya (2020) and the Follow-The-Regularized-Leader (FTRL). The regret of our proposed algorithm is shown to be upper-bounded by $O\left(\min\left\{\frac{(\log(T))^3}{\Delta_{*}} + \sqrt{\frac{C(\log(T))^3}{\Delta_{*}}},\ \ \sqrt{T}(\log(T))^2\right\}\right)$, where $T \in\mathbb{N}$ is the number of rounds, $\Delta_{*} > 0$ is the constant minimum gap between the best and suboptimal arms for any context, and $C\in[0, T] $ is an adversarial corruption parameter. This regret upper bound implies $O\left(\frac{(\log(T))^3}{\Delta_{*}}\right)$ in a stochastic environment and by $O\left( \sqrt{T}(\log(T))^2\right)$ in an adversarial environment. We refer to our strategy as the Best-of-Both-Worlds (BoBW) RealFTRL, due to its theoretical guarantees in both stochastic and adversarial regimes.

Attention-Enhanced Reservoir Computing. (arXiv:2312.16503v1 [cs.ET])

Authors: Felix Köster, Kazutaka Kanno, Jun Ohkubo, Atsushi Uchida

Photonic reservoir computing has been recently utilized in time series forecasting as the need for hardware implementations to accelerate these predictions has increased. Forecasting chaotic time series remains a significant challenge, an area where the conventional reservoir computing framework encounters limitations of prediction accuracy. We introduce an attention mechanism to the reservoir computing model in the output stage. This attention layer is designed to prioritize distinct features and temporal sequences, thereby substantially enhancing the forecasting accuracy. Our results show that a photonic reservoir computer enhanced with the attention mechanism exhibits improved forecasting capabilities for smaller reservoirs. These advancements highlight the transformative possibilities of reservoir computing for practical applications where accurate forecasting of chaotic time series is crucial.

Using Enriched Category Theory to Construct the Nearest Neighbour Classification Algorithm. (arXiv:2312.16529v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Matthew Pugh, Jo Grundy, Corina Cirstea, Nick Harris

Exploring whether Enriched Category Theory could provide the foundation of an alternative approach to Machine Learning. This paper is the first to construct and motivate a Machine Learning algorithm solely with Enriched Category Theory. In order to supplement evidence that Category Theory can be used to motivate robust and explainable algorithms, it is shown that a series of reasonable assumptions about a dataset lead to the construction of the Nearest Neighbours Algorithm. In particular, as an extension of the original dataset using profunctors in the category of Lawvere metric spaces. This leads to a definition of an Enriched Nearest Neighbours Algorithm, which consequently also produces an enriched form of the Voronoi diagram. This paper is intended to be accessible without any knowledge of Category Theory

Fl RDT based ultimate lowering of the negative spherical perceptron capacity. (arXiv:2312.16531v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Mihailo Stojnic

We consider the classical \emph{spherical} perceptrons and study their capacities. The famous zero-threshold case was solved in the sixties of the last century (see, \cite{Wendel62,Winder,Cover65}) through the high-dimensional combinatorial considerations. The general threshold, $\kappa$, case though turned out to be much harder and stayed out of reach for the following several decades. A substantial progress was then made in \cite{SchTir02} and \cite{StojnicGardGen13} where the \emph{positive} threshold ($\kappa\geq 0$) scenario was finally fully settled. While the negative counterpart ($\kappa\leq 0$) remained out of reach, \cite{StojnicGardGen13} did show that the random duality theory (RDT) is still powerful enough to provide excellent upper bounds. Moreover, in \cite{StojnicGardSphNeg13}, a \emph{partially lifted} RDT variant was considered and it was shown that the upper bounds of \cite{StojnicGardGen13} can be lowered. After recent breakthroughs in studying bilinearly indexed (bli) random processes in \cite{Stojnicsflgscompyx23,Stojnicnflgscompyx23}, \emph{fully lifted} random duality theory (fl RDT) was developed in \cite{Stojnicflrdt23}. We here first show that the \emph{negative spherical perceptrons} can be fitted into the frame of the fl RDT and then employ the whole fl RDT machinery to characterize the capacity. To be fully practically operational, the fl RDT requires a substantial numerical work. We, however, uncover remarkable closed form analytical relations among key lifting parameters. Such a discovery enables performing the needed numerical calculations to obtain concrete capacity values. We also observe that an excellent convergence (with the relative improvement $\sim 0.1\%$) is achieved already on the third (second non-trivial) level of the \emph{stationarized} full lifting.

FALCON: Feature-Label Constrained Graph Net Collapse for Memory Efficient GNNs. (arXiv:2312.16542v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Christopher Adnel, Islem Rekik

Graph Neural Network (GNN) ushered in a new era of machine learning with interconnected datasets. While traditional neural networks can only be trained on independent samples, GNN allows for the inclusion of inter-sample interactions in the training process. This gain, however, incurs additional memory cost, rendering most GNNs unscalable for real-world applications involving vast and complicated networks with tens of millions of nodes (e.g., social circles, web graphs, and brain graphs). This means that storing the graph in the main memory can be difficult, let alone training the GNN model with significantly less GPU memory. While much of the recent literature has focused on either mini-batching GNN methods or quantization, graph reduction methods remain largely scarce. Furthermore, present graph reduction approaches have several drawbacks. First, most graph reduction focuses only on the inference stage (e.g., condensation and distillation) and requires full graph GNN training, which does not reduce training memory footprint. Second, many methods focus solely on the graph's structural aspect, ignoring the initial population feature-label distribution, resulting in a skewed post-reduction label distribution. Here, we propose a Feature-Label COnstrained graph Net collapse, FALCON, to address these limitations. Our three core contributions lie in (i) designing FALCON, a topology-aware graph reduction technique that preserves feature-label distribution; (ii) implementation of FALCON with other memory reduction methods (i.e., mini-batched GNN and quantization) for further memory reduction; (iii) extensive benchmarking and ablation studies against SOTA methods to evaluate FALCON memory reduction. Our extensive results show that FALCON can significantly collapse various public datasets while achieving equal prediction quality across GNN models. Code:

How Robust are LLMs to In-Context Majority Label Bias?. (arXiv:2312.16549v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Karan Gupta, Sumegh Roychowdhury, Siva Rajesh Kasa, Santhosh Kumar Kasa, Anish Bhanushali, Nikhil Pattisapu, Prasanna Srinivasa Murthy

In the In-Context Learning (ICL) setup, various forms of label biases can manifest. One such manifestation is majority label bias, which arises when the distribution of labeled examples in the in-context samples is skewed towards one or more specific classes making Large Language Models (LLMs) more prone to predict those labels. Such discrepancies can arise from various factors, including logistical constraints, inherent biases in data collection methods, limited access to diverse data sources, etc. which are unavoidable in a real-world industry setup. In this work, we study the robustness of in-context learning in LLMs to shifts that occur due to majority label bias within the purview of text classification tasks. Prior works have shown that in-context learning with LLMs is susceptible to such biases. In our study, we go one level deeper and show that the robustness boundary varies widely for different models and tasks, with certain LLMs being highly robust (~90%) to majority label bias. Additionally, our findings also highlight the impact of model size and the richness of instructional prompts contributing towards model robustness. We restrict our study to only publicly available open-source models to ensure transparency and reproducibility.

AE-Flow: AutoEncoder Normalizing Flow. (arXiv:2312.16552v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Jakub Mosiński, Piotr Biliński, Thomas Merritt, Abdelhamid Ezzerg, Daniel Korzekwa

Recently normalizing flows have been gaining traction in text-to-speech (TTS) and voice conversion (VC) due to their state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance. Normalizing flows are unsupervised generative models. In this paper, we introduce supervision to the training process of normalizing flows, without the need for parallel data. We call this training paradigm AutoEncoder Normalizing Flow (AE-Flow). It adds a reconstruction loss forcing the model to use information from the conditioning to reconstruct an audio sample. Our goal is to understand the impact of each component and find the right combination of the negative log-likelihood (NLL) and the reconstruction loss in training normalizing flows with coupling blocks. For that reason we will compare flow-based mapping model trained with: (i) NLL loss, (ii) NLL and reconstruction losses, as well as (iii) reconstruction loss only. Additionally, we compare our model with SOTA VC baseline. The models are evaluated in terms of naturalness, speaker similarity, intelligibility in many-to-many and many-to-any VC settings. The results show that the proposed training paradigm systematically improves speaker similarity and naturalness when compared to regular training methods of normalizing flows. Furthermore, we show that our method improves speaker similarity and intelligibility over the state-of-the-art.

A Theoretical Analysis of Efficiency Constrained Utility-Privacy Bi-Objective Optimization in Federated Learning. (arXiv:2312.16554v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hanlin Gu (1), Xinyuan Zhao (2), Yuxing Han (2), Yan Kang (1), Lixin Fan (1), Qiang Yang (1 and 3) ((1) WeBank, China, (2) Tsinghua University, China, (3) Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China)

Federated learning (FL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively learn a shared model without sharing their individual data. Concerns about utility, privacy, and training efficiency in FL have garnered significant research attention. Differential privacy has emerged as a prevalent technique in FL, safeguarding the privacy of individual user data while impacting utility and training efficiency. Within Differential Privacy Federated Learning (DPFL), previous studies have primarily focused on the utility-privacy trade-off, neglecting training efficiency, which is crucial for timely completion. Moreover, differential privacy achieves privacy by introducing controlled randomness (noise) on selected clients in each communication round. Previous work has mainly examined the impact of noise level ($\sigma$) and communication rounds ($T$) on the privacy-utility dynamic, overlooking other influential factors like the sample ratio ($q$, the proportion of selected clients). This paper systematically formulates an efficiency-constrained utility-privacy bi-objective optimization problem in DPFL, focusing on $\sigma$, $T$, and $q$. We provide a comprehensive theoretical analysis, yielding analytical solutions for the Pareto front. Extensive empirical experiments verify the validity and efficacy of our analysis, offering valuable guidance for low-cost parameter design in DPFL.

Joint empirical risk minimization for instance-dependent positive-unlabeled data. (arXiv:2312.16557v1 [stat.ML])

Authors: Wojciech Rejchel, Paweł Teisseyre, Jan Mielniczuk

Learning from positive and unlabeled data (PU learning) is actively researched machine learning task. The goal is to train a binary classification model based on a training dataset containing part of positives which are labeled, and unlabeled instances. Unlabeled set includes remaining part of positives and all negative observations. An important element in PU learning is modeling of the labeling mechanism, i.e. labels' assignment to positive observations. Unlike in many prior works, we consider a realistic setting for which probability of label assignment, i.e. propensity score, is instance-dependent. In our approach we investigate minimizer of an empirical counterpart of a joint risk which depends on both posterior probability of inclusion in a positive class as well as on a propensity score. The non-convex empirical risk is alternately optimised with respect to parameters of both functions. In the theoretical analysis we establish risk consistency of the minimisers using recently derived methods from the theory of empirical processes. Besides, the important development here is a proposed novel implementation of an optimisation algorithm, for which sequential approximation of a set of positive observations among unlabeled ones is crucial. This relies on modified technique of 'spies' as well as on a thresholding rule based on conditional probabilities. Experiments conducted on 20 data sets for various labeling scenarios show that the proposed method works on par or more effectively than state-of-the-art methods based on propensity function estimation.

Adaptive Message Passing: A General Framework to Mitigate Oversmoothing, Oversquashing, and Underreaching. (arXiv:2312.16560v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Federico Errica, Henrik Christiansen, Viktor Zaverkin, Takashi Maruyama, Mathias Niepert, Francesco Alesiani

Long-range interactions are essential for the correct description of complex systems in many scientific fields. The price to pay for including them in the calculations, however, is a dramatic increase in the overall computational costs. Recently, deep graph networks have been employed as efficient, data-driven surrogate models for predicting properties of complex systems represented as graphs. These models rely on a local and iterative message passing strategy that should, in principle, capture long-range information without explicitly modeling the corresponding interactions. In practice, most deep graph networks cannot really model long-range dependencies due to the intrinsic limitations of (synchronous) message passing, namely oversmoothing, oversquashing, and underreaching. This work proposes a general framework that learns to mitigate these limitations: within a variational inference framework, we endow message passing architectures with the ability to freely adapt their depth and filter messages along the way. With theoretical and empirical arguments, we show that this simple strategy better captures long-range interactions, by surpassing the state of the art on five node and graph prediction datasets suited for this problem. Our approach consistently improves the performances of the baselines tested on these tasks. We complement the exposition with qualitative analyses and ablations to get a deeper understanding of the framework's inner workings.

RDGCL: Reaction-Diffusion Graph Contrastive Learning for Recommendation. (arXiv:2312.16563v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Jeongwhan Choi, Hyowon Wi, Chaejeong Lee, Sung-Bae Cho, Dongha Lee, Noseong Park

Contrastive learning (CL) has emerged as a promising technique for improving recommender systems, addressing the challenge of data sparsity by leveraging self-supervised signals from raw data. Integration of CL with graph convolutional network (GCN)-based collaborative filterings (CFs) has been explored in recommender systems. However, current CL-based recommendation models heavily rely on low-pass filters and graph augmentations. In this paper, we propose a novel CL method for recommender systems called the reaction-diffusion graph contrastive learning model (RDGCL). We design our own GCN for CF based on both the diffusion, i.e., low-pass filter, and the reaction, i.e., high-pass filter, equations. Our proposed CL-based training occurs between reaction and diffusion-based embeddings, so there is no need for graph augmentations. Experimental evaluation on 6 benchmark datasets demonstrates that our proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art CL-based recommendation models. By enhancing recommendation accuracy and diversity, our method brings an advancement in CL for recommender systems.

Inverse Reinforcement Learning with Unknown Reward Model based on Structural Risk Minimization. (arXiv:2312.16566v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Chendi Qu, Jianping He, Xiaoming Duan, Jiming Chen

Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) usually assumes the model of the reward function is pre-specified and estimates the parameter only. However, how to determine a proper reward model is nontrivial. A simplistic model is less likely to contain the real reward function, while a model with high complexity leads to substantial computation cost and risks overfitting. This paper addresses this trade-off in IRL model selection by introducing the structural risk minimization (SRM) method from statistical learning. SRM selects an optimal reward function class from a hypothesis set minimizing both estimation error and model complexity. To formulate an SRM scheme for IRL, we estimate policy gradient by demonstration serving as empirical risk and establish the upper bound of Rademacher complexity of hypothesis classes as model penalty. The learning guarantee is further presented. In particular, we provide explicit SRM for the common linear weighted sum setting in IRL. Simulations demonstrate the performance and efficiency of our scheme.

Continuous-time Autoencoders for Regular and Irregular Time Series Imputation. (arXiv:2312.16581v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Hyowon Wi, Yehjin Shin, Noseong Park, Sungpil Woo, Sunhwan Lim

Time series imputation is one of the most fundamental tasks for time series. Real-world time series datasets are frequently incomplete (or irregular with missing observations), in which case imputation is strongly required. Many different time series imputation methods have been proposed. Recent self-attention-based methods show the state-of-the-art imputation performance. However, it has been overlooked for a long time to design an imputation method based on continuous-time recurrent neural networks (RNNs), i.e., neural controlled differential equations (NCDEs). To this end, we redesign time series (variational) autoencoders based on NCDEs. Our method, called continuous-time autoencoder (CTA), encodes an input time series sample into a continuous hidden path (rather than a hidden vector) and decodes it to reconstruct and impute the input. In our experiments with 4 datasets and 19 baselines, our method shows the best imputation performance in almost all cases.

Enhancing Traffic Flow Prediction using Outlier-Weighted AutoEncoders: Handling Real-Time Changes. (arXiv:2312.16596v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Himanshu Choudhary, Marwan Hassani

In today's urban landscape, traffic congestion poses a critical challenge, especially during outlier scenarios. These outliers can indicate abrupt traffic peaks, drops, or irregular trends, often arising from factors such as accidents, events, or roadwork. Moreover, Given the dynamic nature of traffic, the need for real-time traffic modeling also becomes crucial to ensure accurate and up-to-date traffic predictions. To address these challenges, we introduce the Outlier Weighted Autoencoder Modeling (OWAM) framework. OWAM employs autoencoders for local outlier detection and generates correlation scores to assess neighboring traffic's influence. These scores serve as a weighted factor for neighboring sensors, before fusing them into the model. This information enhances the traffic model's performance and supports effective real-time updates, a crucial aspect for capturing dynamic traffic patterns. OWAM demonstrates a favorable trade-off between accuracy and efficiency, rendering it highly suitable for real-world applications. The research findings contribute significantly to the development of more efficient and adaptive traffic prediction models, advancing the field of transportation management for the future. The code and datasets of our framework is publicly available under

scRNA-seq Data Clustering by Cluster-aware Iterative Contrastive Learning. (arXiv:2312.16600v1 [q-bio.GN])

Authors: Weikang Jiang, Jinxian Wang, Jihong Guan, Shuigeng Zhou

Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) enables researchers to analyze gene expression at single-cell level. One important task in scRNA-seq data analysis is unsupervised clustering, which helps identify distinct cell types, laying down the foundation for other downstream analysis tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel method called Cluster-aware Iterative Contrastive Learning (CICL in short) for scRNA-seq data clustering, which utilizes an iterative representation learning and clustering framework to progressively learn the clustering structure of scRNA-seq data with a cluster-aware contrastive loss. CICL consists of a Transformer encoder, a clustering head, a projection head and a contrastive loss module. First, CICL extracts the feature vectors of the original and augmented data by the Transformer encoder. Then, it computes the clustering centroids by K-means and employs the student t-distribution to assign pseudo-labels to all cells in the clustering head. The projection-head uses a Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) to obtain projections of the augmented data. At last, both pseudo-labels and projections are used in the contrastive loss to guide the model training. Such a process goes iteratively so that the clustering result becomes better and better. Extensive experiments on 25 real world scRNA-seq datasets show that CICL outperforms the SOTA methods. Concretely, CICL surpasses the existing methods by from 14% to 280%, and from 5% to 133% on average in terms of performance metrics ARI and NMI respectively.

Twice Class Bias Correction for Imbalanced Semi-Supervised Learning. (arXiv:2312.16604v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Lan Li, Bowen Tao, Lu Han, De-chuan Zhan, Han-jia Ye

Differing from traditional semi-supervised learning, class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning presents two distinct challenges: (1) The imbalanced distribution of training samples leads to model bias towards certain classes, and (2) the distribution of unlabeled samples is unknown and potentially distinct from that of labeled samples, which further contributes to class bias in the pseudo-labels during training. To address these dual challenges, we introduce a novel approach called \textbf{T}wice \textbf{C}lass \textbf{B}ias \textbf{C}orrection (\textbf{TCBC}). We begin by utilizing an estimate of the class distribution from the participating training samples to correct the model, enabling it to learn the posterior probabilities of samples under a class-balanced prior. This correction serves to alleviate the inherent class bias of the model. Building upon this foundation, we further estimate the class bias of the current model parameters during the training process. We apply a secondary correction to the model's pseudo-labels for unlabeled samples, aiming to make the assignment of pseudo-labels across different classes of unlabeled samples as equitable as possible. Through extensive experimentation on CIFAR10/100-LT, STL10-LT, and the sizable long-tailed dataset SUN397, we provide conclusive evidence that our proposed TCBC method reliably enhances the performance of class-imbalanced semi-supervised learning.

Exploiting hidden structures in non-convex games for convergence to Nash equilibrium. (arXiv:2312.16609v1 [cs.GT])

Authors: Iosif Sakos, Emmanouil-Vasileios Vlatakis-Gkaragkounis, Panayotis Mertikopoulos, Georgios Piliouras

A wide array of modern machine learning applications - from adversarial models to multi-agent reinforcement learning - can be formulated as non-cooperative games whose Nash equilibria represent the system's desired operational states. Despite having a highly non-convex loss landscape, many cases of interest possess a latent convex structure that could potentially be leveraged to yield convergence to equilibrium. Driven by this observation, our paper proposes a flexible first-order method that successfully exploits such "hidden structures" and achieves convergence under minimal assumptions for the transformation connecting the players' control variables to the game's latent, convex-structured layer. The proposed method - which we call preconditioned hidden gradient descent (PHGD) - hinges on a judiciously chosen gradient preconditioning scheme related to natural gradient methods. Importantly, we make no separability assumptions for the game's hidden structure, and we provide explicit convergence rate guarantees for both deterministic and stochastic environments.

Efficient Deweather Mixture-of-Experts with Uncertainty-aware Feature-wise Linear Modulation. (arXiv:2312.16610v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Rongyu Zhang, Yulin Luo, Jiaming Liu, Huanrui Yang, Zhen Dong, Denis Gudovskiy, Tomoyuki Okuno, Yohei Nakata, Kurt Keutzer, Yuan Du, Shanghang Zhang

The Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) approach has demonstrated outstanding scalability in multi-task learning including low-level upstream tasks such as concurrent removal of multiple adverse weather effects. However, the conventional MoE architecture with parallel Feed Forward Network (FFN) experts leads to significant parameter and computational overheads that hinder its efficient deployment. In addition, the naive MoE linear router is suboptimal in assigning task-specific features to multiple experts which limits its further scalability. In this work, we propose an efficient MoE architecture with weight sharing across the experts. Inspired by the idea of linear feature modulation (FM), our architecture implicitly instantiates multiple experts via learnable activation modulations on a single shared expert block. The proposed Feature Modulated Expert (FME) serves as a building block for the novel Mixture-of-Feature-Modulation-Experts (MoFME) architecture, which can scale up the number of experts with low overhead. We further propose an Uncertainty-aware Router (UaR) to assign task-specific features to different FM modules with well-calibrated weights. This enables MoFME to effectively learn diverse expert functions for multiple tasks. The conducted experiments on the multi-deweather task show that our MoFME outperforms the baselines in the image restoration quality by 0.1-0.2 dB and achieves SOTA-compatible performance while saving more than 72% of parameters and 39% inference time over the conventional MoE counterpart. Experiments on the downstream segmentation and classification tasks further demonstrate the generalizability of MoFME to real open-world applications.

Learning from small data sets: Patch-based regularizers in inverse problems for image reconstruction. (arXiv:2312.16611v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Moritz Piening, Fabian Altekrüger, Johannes Hertrich, Paul Hagemann, Andrea Walther, Gabriele Steidl

The solution of inverse problems is of fundamental interest in medical and astronomical imaging, geophysics as well as engineering and life sciences. Recent advances were made by using methods from machine learning, in particular deep neural networks. Most of these methods require a huge amount of (paired) data and computer capacity to train the networks, which often may not be available. Our paper addresses the issue of learning from small data sets by taking patches of very few images into account. We focus on the combination of model-based and data-driven methods by approximating just the image prior, also known as regularizer in the variational model. We review two methodically different approaches, namely optimizing the maximum log-likelihood of the patch distribution, and penalizing Wasserstein-like discrepancies of whole empirical patch distributions. From the point of view of Bayesian inverse problems, we show how we can achieve uncertainty quantification by approximating the posterior using Langevin Monte Carlo methods. We demonstrate the power of the methods in computed tomography, image super-resolution, and inpainting. Indeed, the approach provides also high-quality results in zero-shot super-resolution, where only a low-resolution image is available. The paper is accompanied by a GitHub repository containing implementations of all methods as well as data examples so that the reader can get their own insight into the performance.

Exploring intra-task relations to improve meta-learning algorithms. (arXiv:2312.16612v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Prabhat Agarwal, Shreya Singh

Meta-learning has emerged as an effective methodology to model several real-world tasks and problems due to its extraordinary effectiveness in the low-data regime. There are many scenarios ranging from the classification of rare diseases to language modelling of uncommon languages where the availability of large datasets is rare. Similarly, for more broader scenarios like self-driving, an autonomous vehicle needs to be trained to handle every situation well. This requires training the ML model on a variety of tasks with good quality data. But often times, we find that the data distribution across various tasks is skewed, i.e.the data follows a long-tail distribution. This leads to the model performing well on some tasks and not performing so well on others leading to model robustness issues. Meta-learning has recently emerged as a potential learning paradigm which can effectively learn from one task and generalize that learning to unseen tasks. In this study, we aim to exploit external knowledge of task relations to improve training stability via effective mini-batching of tasks. We hypothesize that selecting a diverse set of tasks in a mini-batch will lead to a better estimate of the full gradient and hence will lead to a reduction of noise in training.

Self-supervised Pretraining for Robust Personalized Voice Activity Detection in Adverse Conditions. (arXiv:2312.16613v1 [cs.SD])

Authors: Holger Severin Bovbjerg (1), Jesper Jensen (1, 2), Jan Østergaard (1), Zheng-Hua Tan (1, 3) ((1) Aalborg University, (2) Oticon, (3) Pioneer Centre for AI, Denmark)

In this paper, we propose the use of self-supervised pretraining on a large unlabelled data set to improve the performance of a personalized voice activity detection (VAD) model in adverse conditions. We pretrain a long short-term memory (LSTM)-encoder using the autoregressive predictive coding (APC) framework and fine-tune it for personalized VAD. We also propose a denoising variant of APC, with the goal of improving the robustness of personalized VAD. The trained models are systematically evaluated on both clean speech and speech contaminated by various types of noise at different SNR-levels and compared to a purely supervised model. Our experiments show that self-supervised pretraining not only improves performance in clean conditions, but also yields models which are more robust to adverse conditions compared to purely supervised learning.

Agnostically Learning Multi-index Models with Queries. (arXiv:2312.16616v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ilias Diakonikolas, Daniel M. Kane, Vasilis Kontonis, Christos Tzamos, Nikos Zarifis

We study the power of query access for the task of agnostic learning under the Gaussian distribution. In the agnostic model, no assumptions are made on the labels and the goal is to compute a hypothesis that is competitive with the {\em best-fit} function in a known class, i.e., it achieves error $\mathrm{opt}+\epsilon$, where $\mathrm{opt}$ is the error of the best function in the class. We focus on a general family of Multi-Index Models (MIMs), which are $d$-variate functions that depend only on few relevant directions, i.e., have the form $g(\mathbf{W} \mathbf{x})$ for an unknown link function $g$ and a $k \times d$ matrix $\mathbf{W}$. Multi-index models cover a wide range of commonly studied function classes, including constant-depth neural networks with ReLU activations, and intersections of halfspaces.

Our main result shows that query access gives significant runtime improvements over random examples for agnostically learning MIMs. Under standard regularity assumptions for the link function (namely, bounded variation or surface area), we give an agnostic query learner for MIMs with complexity $O(k)^{\mathrm{poly}(1/\epsilon)} \; \mathrm{poly}(d) $. In contrast, algorithms that rely only on random examples inherently require $d^{\mathrm{poly}(1/\epsilon)}$ samples and runtime, even for the basic problem of agnostically learning a single ReLU or a halfspace.

Our algorithmic result establishes a strong computational separation between the agnostic PAC and the agnostic PAC+Query models under the Gaussian distribution. Prior to our work, no such separation was known -- even for the special case of agnostically learning a single halfspace, for which it was an open problem first posed by Feldman. Our results are enabled by a general dimension-reduction technique that leverages query access to estimate gradients of (a smoothed version of) the underlying label function.

DOSA-MO: Dual-stage Optimizer for Systematic overestimation Adjustment in Multi-Objective problems improves biomarker discovery. (arXiv:2312.16624v1 [q-bio.QM])

Authors: Luca Cattelani, Vittorio Fortino

The challenge in biomarker discovery and validation using machine learning from omics data lies in the abundance of molecular features but scarcity of samples. Most machine learning-based feature selection methods necessitate of hyperparameter tuning, typically performed by evaluating numerous alternatives on a validation set. Every evaluation has a performance estimation error and when the selection takes place between many models the best ones are almost certainly overestimated. Biomarker identification is a typical multi-objective problem with trade-offs between the predictive ability and the parsimony in the number of molecular features. Genetic algorithms are a popular tool for multi-objective optimization but they evolve numerous solutions and are prone to overestimation. Methods have been proposed to reduce the overestimation after a model has already been selected in single-objective problems, but to the best of our knowledge no algorithm existed that was capable of reducing the overestimation during the optimization, leading to a better model selection, or that had been applied in the more general domain of multi-objective problems. We propose DOSA-MO, a novel multi-objective optimization wrapper algorithm that learns how the original estimation, its variance, and the feature set size of the solutions predict the overestimation, and adjusts the expectation of the performance during the optimization, improving the composition of the solution set. We verify that DOSA-MO improves the performance of a state-of-the-art genetic algorithm on left-out or external sample sets, when predicting cancer subtypes and/or patient overall survival, using three transcriptomics datasets for kidney and breast cancer.

Sorting of Smartphone Components for Recycling Through Convolutional Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.16626v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Álvaro G. Becker, Marcelo P. Cenci, Thiago L. T. da Silveira, Hugo M. Veit

The recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment is an essential tool in allowing for a circular economy, presenting the potential for significant environmental and economic gain. However, traditional material separation techniques, based on physical and chemical processes, require substantial investment and do not apply to all cases. In this work, we investigate using an image classification neural network as a potential means to control an automated material separation process in treating smartphone waste, acting as a more efficient, less costly, and more widely applicable alternative to existing tools. We produced a dataset with 1,127 images of pyrolyzed smartphone components, which was then used to train and assess a VGG-16 image classification model. The model achieved 83.33% accuracy, lending credence to the viability of using such a neural network in material separation.

MIM4DD: Mutual Information Maximization for Dataset Distillation. (arXiv:2312.16627v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yuzhang Shang, Zhihang Yuan, Yan Yan

Dataset distillation (DD) aims to synthesize a small dataset whose test performance is comparable to a full dataset using the same model. State-of-the-art (SoTA) methods optimize synthetic datasets primarily by matching heuristic indicators extracted from two networks: one from real data and one from synthetic data (see Fig.1, Left), such as gradients and training trajectories. DD is essentially a compression problem that emphasizes maximizing the preservation of information contained in the data. We argue that well-defined metrics which measure the amount of shared information between variables in information theory are necessary for success measurement but are never considered by previous works. Thus, we introduce mutual information (MI) as the metric to quantify the shared information between the synthetic and the real datasets, and devise MIM4DD numerically maximizing the MI via a newly designed optimizable objective within a contrastive learning framework to update the synthetic dataset. Specifically, we designate the samples in different datasets that share the same labels as positive pairs and vice versa negative pairs. Then we respectively pull and push those samples in positive and negative pairs into contrastive space via minimizing NCE loss. As a result, the targeted MI can be transformed into a lower bound represented by feature maps of samples, which is numerically feasible. Experiment results show that MIM4DD can be implemented as an add-on module to existing SoTA DD methods.

Fault-Tolerant Vertical Federated Learning on Dynamic Networks. (arXiv:2312.16638v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Surojit Ganguli, Zeyu Zhou, Christopher G. Brinton, David I. Inouye

Vertical Federated learning (VFL) is a class of FL where each client shares the same sample space but only holds a subset of the features. While VFL tackles key privacy challenges of distributed learning, it often assumes perfect hardware and communication capabilities. This assumption hinders the broad deployment of VFL, particularly on edge devices, which are heterogeneous in their in-situ capabilities and will connect/disconnect from the network over time. To address this gap, we define Internet Learning (IL) including its data splitting and network context and which puts good performance under extreme dynamic condition of clients as the primary goal. We propose VFL as a naive baseline and develop several extensions to handle the IL paradigm of learning. Furthermore, we implement new methods, propose metrics, and extensively analyze results based on simulating a sensor network. The results show that the developed methods are more robust to changes in the network than VFL baseline.

Computational Tradeoffs of Optimization-Based Bound Tightening in ReLU Networks. (arXiv:2312.16699v1 [math.OC])

Authors: Fabian Badilla, Marcos Goycoolea, Gonzalo Muñoz, Thiago Serra

The use of Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) models to represent neural networks with Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) activations has become increasingly widespread in the last decade. This has enabled the use of MILP technology to test-or stress-their behavior, to adversarially improve their training, and to embed them in optimization models leveraging their predictive power. Many of these MILP models rely on activation bounds. That is, bounds on the input values of each neuron. In this work, we explore the tradeoff between the tightness of these bounds and the computational effort of solving the resulting MILP models. We provide guidelines for implementing these models based on the impact of network structure, regularization, and rounding.

Rethinking Tabular Data Understanding with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2312.16702v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Tianyang Liu, Fei Wang, Muhao Chen

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown to be capable of various tasks, yet their capability in interpreting and reasoning over tabular data remains an underexplored area. In this context, this study investigates from three core perspectives: the robustness of LLMs to structural perturbations in tables, the comparative analysis of textual and symbolic reasoning on tables, and the potential of boosting model performance through the aggregation of multiple reasoning pathways. We discover that structural variance of tables presenting the same content reveals a notable performance decline, particularly in symbolic reasoning tasks. This prompts the proposal of a method for table structure normalization. Moreover, textual reasoning slightly edges out symbolic reasoning, and a detailed error analysis reveals that each exhibits different strengths depending on the specific tasks. Notably, the aggregation of textual and symbolic reasoning pathways, bolstered by a mix self-consistency mechanism, resulted in achieving SOTA performance, with an accuracy of 73.6% on WIKITABLEQUESTIONS, representing a substantial advancement over previous existing table processing paradigms of LLMs.

Knowledge Enhanced Conditional Imputation for Healthcare Time-series. (arXiv:2312.16713v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Linglong Qian, Zina Ibrahim, Hugh Logan Ellis, Ao Zhang, Yuezhou Zhang, Tao Wang, Richard Dobson

This study presents a novel approach to addressing the challenge of missing data in multivariate time series, with a particular focus on the complexities of healthcare data. Our Conditional Self-Attention Imputation (CSAI) model, grounded in a transformer-based framework, introduces a conditional hidden state initialization tailored to the intricacies of medical time series data. This methodology diverges from traditional imputation techniques by specifically targeting the imbalance in missing data distribution, a crucial aspect often overlooked in healthcare datasets. By integrating advanced knowledge embedding and a non-uniform masking strategy, CSAI adeptly adjusts to the distinct patterns of missing data in Electronic Health Records (EHRs).

Adversarial Attacks on LoRa Device Identification and Rogue Signal Detection with Deep Learning. (arXiv:2312.16715v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Yalin E. Sagduyu, Tugba Erpek

Low-Power Wide-Area Network (LPWAN) technologies, such as LoRa, have gained significant attention for their ability to enable long-range, low-power communication for Internet of Things (IoT) applications. However, the security of LoRa networks remains a major concern, particularly in scenarios where device identification and classification of legitimate and spoofed signals are crucial. This paper studies a deep learning framework to address these challenges, considering LoRa device identification and legitimate vs. rogue LoRa device classification tasks. A deep neural network (DNN), either a convolutional neural network (CNN) or feedforward neural network (FNN), is trained for each task by utilizing real experimental I/Q data for LoRa signals, while rogue signals are generated by using kernel density estimation (KDE) of received signals by rogue devices. Fast Gradient Sign Method (FGSM)-based adversarial attacks are considered for LoRa signal classification tasks using deep learning models. The impact of these attacks is assessed on the performance of two tasks, namely device identification and legitimate vs. rogue device classification, by utilizing separate or common perturbations against these signal classification tasks. Results presented in this paper quantify the level of transferability of adversarial attacks on different LoRa signal classification tasks as a major vulnerability and highlight the need to make IoT applications robust to adversarial attacks.

Landslide Detection and Segmentation Using Remote Sensing Images and Deep Neural Network. (arXiv:2312.16717v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cam Le, Lam Pham, Jasmin Lampert, Matthias Schlögl, Alexander Schindler

Knowledge about historic landslide event occurrence is important for supporting disaster risk reduction strategies. Building upon findings from 2022 Landslide4Sense Competition, we propose a deep neural network based system for landslide detection and segmentation from multisource remote sensing image input. We use a U-Net trained with Cross Entropy loss as baseline model. We then improve the U-Net baseline model by leveraging a wide range of deep learning techniques. In particular, we conduct feature engineering by generating new band data from the original bands, which helps to enhance the quality of remote sensing image input. Regarding the network architecture, we replace traditional convolutional layers in the U-Net baseline by a residual-convolutional layer. We also propose an attention layer which leverages the multi-head attention scheme. Additionally, we generate multiple output masks with three different resolutions, which creates an ensemble of three outputs in the inference process to enhance the performance. Finally, we propose a combined loss function which leverages Focal loss and IoU loss to train the network. Our experiments on the development set of the Landslide4Sense challenge achieve an F1 score and an mIoU score of 84.07 and 76.07, respectively. Our best model setup outperforms the challenge baseline and the proposed U-Net baseline, improving the F1 score/mIoU score by 6.8/7.4 and 10.5/8.8, respectively.

FairCompass: Operationalising Fairness in Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.16726v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Jessica Liu, Huaming Chen, Jun Shen, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo

As artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly becomes an integral part of our societal and individual activities, there is a growing imperative to develop responsible AI solutions. Despite a diverse assortment of machine learning fairness solutions is proposed in the literature, there is reportedly a lack of practical implementation of these tools in real-world applications. Industry experts have participated in thorough discussions on the challenges associated with operationalising fairness in the development of machine learning-empowered solutions, in which a shift toward human-centred approaches is promptly advocated to mitigate the limitations of existing techniques. In this work, we propose a human-in-the-loop approach for fairness auditing, presenting a mixed visual analytical system (hereafter referred to as 'FairCompass'), which integrates both subgroup discovery technique and the decision tree-based schema for end users. Moreover, we innovatively integrate an Exploration, Guidance and Informed Analysis loop, to facilitate the use of the Knowledge Generation Model for Visual Analytics in FairCompass. We evaluate the effectiveness of FairCompass for fairness auditing in a real-world scenario, and the findings demonstrate the system's potential for real-world deployability. We anticipate this work will address the current gaps in research for fairness and facilitate the operationalisation of fairness in machine learning systems.

Foundations of Reinforcement Learning and Interactive Decision Making. (arXiv:2312.16730v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Dylan J. Foster, Alexander Rakhlin

These lecture notes give a statistical perspective on the foundations of reinforcement learning and interactive decision making. We present a unifying framework for addressing the exploration-exploitation dilemma using frequentist and Bayesian approaches, with connections and parallels between supervised learning/estimation and decision making as an overarching theme. Special attention is paid to function approximation and flexible model classes such as neural networks. Topics covered include multi-armed and contextual bandits, structured bandits, and reinforcement learning with high-dimensional feedback.

Disentangled Continual Learning: Separating Memory Edits from Model Updates. (arXiv:2312.16731v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Sebastian Dziadzio, Çağatay Yıldız, Gido M. van de Ven, Tomasz Trzciński, Tinne Tuytelaars, Matthias Bethge

The ability of machine learning systems to learn continually is hindered by catastrophic forgetting, the tendency of neural networks to overwrite existing knowledge when learning a new task. Existing continual learning methods alleviate this problem through regularisation, parameter isolation, or rehearsal, and are typically evaluated on benchmarks consisting of a handful of tasks. We propose a novel conceptual approach to continual classification that aims to disentangle class-specific information that needs to be memorised from the class-agnostic knowledge that encapsulates generalization. We store the former in a buffer that can be easily pruned or updated when new categories arrive, while the latter is represented with a neural network that generalizes across tasks. We show that the class-agnostic network does not suffer from catastrophic forgetting and by leveraging it to perform classification, we improve accuracy on past tasks over time. In addition, our approach supports open-set classification and one-shot generalization. To test our conceptual framework, we introduce Infinite dSprites, a tool for creating continual classification and disentanglement benchmarks of arbitrary length with full control over generative factors. We show that over a sufficiently long time horizon all major types of continual learning methods break down, while our approach enables continual learning over hundreds of tasks with explicit control over memorization and forgetting.

SuperServe: Fine-Grained Inference Serving for Unpredictable Workloads. (arXiv:2312.16733v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Alind Khare, Dhruv Garg, Sukrit Kalra, Snigdha Grandhi, Ion Stoica, Alexey Tumanov

The increasing deployment of ML models on the critical path of production applications in both datacenter and the edge requires ML inference serving systems to serve these models under unpredictable and bursty request arrival rates. Serving models under such conditions requires these systems to strike a careful balance between the latency and accuracy requirements of the application and the overall efficiency of utilization of scarce resources. State-of-the-art systems resolve this tension by either choosing a static point in the latency-accuracy tradeoff space to serve all requests or load specific models on the critical path of request serving. In this work, we instead resolve this tension by simultaneously serving the entire-range of models spanning the latency-accuracy tradeoff space. Our novel mechanism, SubNetAct, achieves this by carefully inserting specialized operators in weight-shared SuperNetworks. These operators enable SubNetAct to dynamically route requests through the network to meet a latency and accuracy target. SubNetAct requires upto 2.6x lower memory to serve a vastly-higher number of models than prior state-of-the-art. In addition, SubNetAct's near-instantaneous actuation of models unlocks the design space of fine-grained, reactive scheduling policies. We explore the design of one such extremely effective policy, SlackFit and instantiate both SubNetAct and SlackFit in a real system, SuperServe. SuperServe achieves 4.67% higher accuracy for the same SLO attainment and 2.85x higher SLO attainment for the same accuracy on a trace derived from the real-world Microsoft Azure Functions workload and yields the best trade-offs on a wide range of extremely-bursty synthetic traces automatically.

The Fourth International Verification of Neural Networks Competition (VNN-COMP 2023): Summary and Results. (arXiv:2312.16760v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Christopher Brix, Stanley Bak, Changliu Liu, Taylor T. Johnson

This report summarizes the 4th International Verification of Neural Networks Competition (VNN-COMP 2023), held as a part of the 6th Workshop on Formal Methods for ML-Enabled Autonomous Systems (FoMLAS), that was collocated with the 35th International Conference on Computer-Aided Verification (CAV). VNN-COMP is held annually to facilitate the fair and objective comparison of state-of-the-art neural network verification tools, encourage the standardization of tool interfaces, and bring together the neural network verification community. To this end, standardized formats for networks (ONNX) and specification (VNN-LIB) were defined, tools were evaluated on equal-cost hardware (using an automatic evaluation pipeline based on AWS instances), and tool parameters were chosen by the participants before the final test sets were made public. In the 2023 iteration, 7 teams participated on a diverse set of 10 scored and 4 unscored benchmarks. This report summarizes the rules, benchmarks, participating tools, results, and lessons learned from this iteration of this competition.

Neural Operator Approximations of Backstepping Kernels for $2\times 2$ Hyperbolic PDEs. (arXiv:2312.16762v1 [math.OC])

Authors: Shanshan Wang, Mamadou Diagne, Miroslav Krstić

Deep neural network approximation of nonlinear operators, commonly referred to as DeepONet, has so far proven capable of approximating PDE backstepping designs in which a single Goursat-form PDE governs a single feedback gain function. In boundary control of coupled PDEs, coupled Goursat-form PDEs govern two or more gain kernels - a PDE structure unaddressed thus far with DeepONet. In this note we open the subject of approximating systems of gain kernel PDEs for hyperbolic PDE plants by considering a simple counter-convecting $2\times 2$ coupled system in whose control a $2\times 2$ Goursat form kernel PDE system arises. Such a coupled kernel PDE problem arises in several canonical $2\times 2$ hyperbolic PDE problems: oil drilling, Saint-Venant model of shallow water waves, and Aw-Rascle model of stop-and-go instability in congested traffic flow. In this paper, we establish the continuity of the mapping from (a total of five) plant PDE functional coefficients to the kernel PDE solutions, prove the existence of an arbitrarily close DeepONet approximation to the kernel PDEs, and establish that the DeepONet-approximated gains guarantee stabilization when replacing the exact backstepping gain kernels. The DeepONet operator speeds the computation of the controller gains by multiple orders of magnitude and its theoretically proven stabilizing capability is illustrated by simulations.

Unsupversied feature correlation model to predict breast abnormal variation maps in longitudinal mammograms. (arXiv:2312.16772v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Jun Bai, Annie Jin, Madison Adams, Clifford Yang, Sheida Nabavi

Breast cancer continues to be a significant cause of mortality among women globally. Timely identification and precise diagnosis of breast abnormalities are critical for enhancing patient prognosis. In this study, we focus on improving the early detection and accurate diagnosis of breast abnormalities, which is crucial for improving patient outcomes and reducing the mortality rate of breast cancer. To address the limitations of traditional screening methods, a novel unsupervised feature correlation network was developed to predict maps indicating breast abnormal variations using longitudinal 2D mammograms. The proposed model utilizes the reconstruction process of current year and prior year mammograms to extract tissue from different areas and analyze the differences between them to identify abnormal variations that may indicate the presence of cancer. The model is equipped with a feature correlation module, an attention suppression gate, and a breast abnormality detection module that work together to improve the accuracy of the prediction. The proposed model not only provides breast abnormal variation maps, but also distinguishes between normal and cancer mammograms, making it more advanced compared to the state-of the-art baseline models. The results of the study show that the proposed model outperforms the baseline models in terms of Accuracy, Sensitivity, Specificity, Dice score, and cancer detection rate.

Learning Scalable Structural Representations for Link Prediction with Bloom Signatures. (arXiv:2312.16784v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Tianyi Zhang, Haoteng Yin, Rongzhe Wei, Pan Li, Anshumali Shrivastava

Graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown great potential in learning on graphs, but they are known to perform sub-optimally on link prediction tasks. Existing GNNs are primarily designed to learn node-wise representations and usually fail to capture pairwise relations between target nodes, which proves to be crucial for link prediction. Recent works resort to learning more expressive edge-wise representations by enhancing vanilla GNNs with structural features such as labeling tricks and link prediction heuristics, but they suffer from high computational overhead and limited scalability. To tackle this issue, we propose to learn structural link representations by augmenting the message-passing framework of GNNs with Bloom signatures. Bloom signatures are hashing-based compact encodings of node neighborhoods, which can be efficiently merged to recover various types of edge-wise structural features. We further show that any type of neighborhood overlap-based heuristic can be estimated by a neural network that takes Bloom signatures as input. GNNs with Bloom signatures are provably more expressive than vanilla GNNs and also more scalable than existing edge-wise models. Experimental results on five standard link prediction benchmarks show that our proposed model achieves comparable or better performance than existing edge-wise GNN models while being 3-200 $\times$ faster and more memory-efficient for online inference.

Mitigating Degree Biases in Message Passing Mechanism by Utilizing Community Structures. (arXiv:2312.16788v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Van Thuy Hoang, O-Joun Lee

This study utilizes community structures to address node degree biases in message-passing (MP) via learnable graph augmentations and novel graph transformers. Recent augmentation-based methods showed that MP neural networks often perform poorly on low-degree nodes, leading to degree biases due to a lack of messages reaching low-degree nodes. Despite their success, most methods use heuristic or uniform random augmentations, which are non-differentiable and may not always generate valuable edges for learning representations. In this paper, we propose Community-aware Graph Transformers, namely CGT, to learn degree-unbiased representations based on learnable augmentations and graph transformers by extracting within community structures. We first design a learnable graph augmentation to generate more within-community edges connecting low-degree nodes through edge perturbation. Second, we propose an improved self-attention to learn underlying proximity and the roles of nodes within the community. Third, we propose a self-supervised learning task that could learn the representations to preserve the global graph structure and regularize the graph augmentations. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets showed CGT outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and significantly improves the node degree biases. The source code is available at

Learning the Dynamic Correlations and Mitigating Noise by Hierarchical Convolution for Long-term Sequence Forecasting. (arXiv:2312.16790v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Zhihao Yu, Liantao Ma, Yasha Wang, Junfeng Zhao

Deep learning algorithms, especially Transformer-based models, have achieved significant performance by capturing long-range dependencies and historical information. However, the power of convolution has not been fully investigated. Moreover, most existing works ignore the dynamic interaction among variables and evolutionary noise in series. Addressing these issues, we propose a Hierarchical Memorizing Network (HMNet). In particular, a hierarchical convolution structure is introduced to extract the information from the series at various scales. Besides, we propose a dynamic variable interaction module to learn the varying correlation and an adaptive denoising module to search and exploit similar patterns to alleviate noises. These modules can cooperate with the hierarchical structure from the perspective of fine to coarse grain. Experiments on five benchmarks demonstrate that HMNet significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models by 10.6% on MSE and 5.7% on MAE. Our code is released at

Distributed Learning with Compressed Gradient Differences. (arXiv:1901.09269v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Konstantin Mishchenko, Eduard Gorbunov, Martin Takáč, Peter Richtárik

Training large machine learning models requires a distributed computing approach, with communication of the model updates being the bottleneck. For this reason, several methods based on the compression (e.g., sparsification and/or quantization) of updates were recently proposed, including QSGD (Alistarh et al., 2017), TernGrad (Wen et al., 2017), SignSGD (Bernstein et al., 2018), and DQGD (Khirirat et al., 2018). However, none of these methods are able to learn the gradients, which renders them incapable of converging to the true optimum in the batch mode. In this work we propose a new distributed learning method -- DIANA -- which resolves this issue via compression of gradient differences. We perform a theoretical analysis in the strongly convex and nonconvex settings and show that our rates are superior to existing rates. We also provide theory to support non-smooth regularizers study the difference between quantization schemes. Our analysis of block-quantization and differences between $\ell_2$ and $\ell_{\infty}$ quantization closes the gaps in theory and practice. Finally, by applying our analysis technique to TernGrad, we establish the first convergence rate for this method.

A Geometric Modeling of Occam's Razor in Deep Learning. (arXiv:1905.11027v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ke Sun, Frank Nielsen

Why do deep neural networks (DNNs) benefit from very high dimensional parameter spaces? Their huge parameter complexities vs. stunning performances in practice is all the more intriguing and not explainable using the standard theory of regular models. In this work, we propose a geometrically flavored information-theoretic approach to study this phenomenon. Namely, we introduce the locally varying dimensionality of the parameter space of neural network models by considering the number of significant dimensions of the Fisher information matrix, and model the parameter space as a manifold using the framework of singular semi-Riemannian geometry. We derive model complexity measures which yield short description lengths for deep neural network models based on their singularity analysis thus explaining the good performance of DNNs despite their large number of parameters.

On the Principle of Least Symmetry Breaking in Shallow ReLU Models. (arXiv:1912.11939v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yossi Arjevani, Michael Field

We consider the optimization problem associated with fitting two-layer ReLU networks with respect to the squared loss, where labels are assumed to be generated by a target network. Focusing first on standard Gaussian inputs, we show that the structure of spurious local minima detected by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is, in a well-defined sense, the \emph{least loss of symmetry} with respect to the target weights. A closer look at the analysis indicates that this principle of least symmetry breaking may apply to a broader range of settings. Motivated by this, we conduct a series of experiments which corroborate this hypothesis for different classes of non-isotropic non-product distributions, smooth activation functions and networks with a few layers.

The Utility of Feature Reuse: Transfer Learning in Data-Starved Regimes. (arXiv:2003.04117v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Rashik Shadman, M.G. Sarwar Murshed, Edward Verenich, Alvaro Velasquez, Faraz Hussain

The use of transfer learning with deep neural networks has increasingly become widespread for deploying well-tested computer vision systems to newer domains, especially those with limited datasets. We describe a transfer learning use case for a domain with a data-starved regime, having fewer than 100 labeled target samples. We evaluate the effectiveness of convolutional feature extraction and fine-tuning of overparameterized models with respect to the size of target training data, as well as their generalization performance on data with covariate shift, or out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Our experiments demonstrate that both overparameterization and feature reuse contribute to the successful application of transfer learning in training image classifiers in data-starved regimes. We provide visual explanations to support our findings and conclude that transfer learning enhances the performance of CNN architectures in data-starved regimes.

Gasper: GrAph Signal ProcEssing in R. (arXiv:2007.10642v5 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Basile de Loynes, Fabien Navarro, Baptiste Olivier

We present a short tutorial on to the use of the R gasper package. Gasper is a package dedicated to signal processing on graphs. It also provides an interface to the SuiteSparse Matrix Collection.

Policy design in experiments with unknown interference. (arXiv:2011.08174v8 [econ.EM] UPDATED)

Authors: Davide Viviano, Jess Rudder

This paper studies experimental designs for estimation and inference on policies with spillover effects. Units are organized into a finite number of large clusters and interact in unknown ways within each cluster. First, we introduce a single-wave experiment that, by varying the randomization across cluster pairs, estimates the marginal effect of a change in treatment probabilities, taking spillover effects into account. Using the marginal effect, we propose a test for policy optimality. Second, we design a multiple-wave experiment to estimate welfare-maximizing treatment rules. We provide strong theoretical guarantees and an implementation in a large-scale field experiment.

Estimating a Directed Tree for Extremes. (arXiv:2102.06197v4 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Ngoc Mai Tran, Johannes Buck, Claudia Klüppelberg

We propose a new method to estimate a root-directed spanning tree from extreme data. A prominent example is a river network, to be discovered from extreme flow measured at a set of stations. Our new algorithm utilizes qualitative aspects of a max-linear Bayesian network, which has been designed for modelling causality in extremes. The algorithm estimates bivariate scores and returns a root-directed spanning tree. It performs extremely well on benchmark data and new data. We prove that the new estimator is consistent under a max-linear Bayesian network model with noise. We also assess its strengths and limitations in a small simulation study.

Symmetry Breaking in Symmetric Tensor Decomposition. (arXiv:2103.06234v2 [math.OC] UPDATED)

Authors: Yossi Arjevani, Joan Bruna, Michael Field, Joe Kileel, Matthew Trager, Francis Williams

In this note, we consider the highly nonconvex optimization problem associated with computing the rank decomposition of symmetric tensors. We formulate the invariance properties of the loss function and show that critical points detected by standard gradient based methods are \emph{symmetry breaking} with respect to the target tensor. The phenomena, seen for different choices of target tensors and norms, make possible the use of recently developed analytic and algebraic tools for studying nonconvex optimization landscapes exhibiting symmetry breaking phenomena of similar nature.

The Limiting Dynamics of SGD: Modified Loss, Phase Space Oscillations, and Anomalous Diffusion. (arXiv:2107.09133v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel Kunin, Javier Sagastuy-Brena, Lauren Gillespie, Eshed Margalit, Hidenori Tanaka, Surya Ganguli, Daniel L. K. Yamins

In this work we explore the limiting dynamics of deep neural networks trained with stochastic gradient descent (SGD). As observed previously, long after performance has converged, networks continue to move through parameter space by a process of anomalous diffusion in which distance travelled grows as a power law in the number of gradient updates with a nontrivial exponent. We reveal an intricate interaction between the hyperparameters of optimization, the structure in the gradient noise, and the Hessian matrix at the end of training that explains this anomalous diffusion. To build this understanding, we first derive a continuous-time model for SGD with finite learning rates and batch sizes as an underdamped Langevin equation. We study this equation in the setting of linear regression, where we can derive exact, analytic expressions for the phase space dynamics of the parameters and their instantaneous velocities from initialization to stationarity. Using the Fokker-Planck equation, we show that the key ingredient driving these dynamics is not the original training loss, but rather the combination of a modified loss, which implicitly regularizes the velocity, and probability currents, which cause oscillations in phase space. We identify qualitative and quantitative predictions of this theory in the dynamics of a ResNet-18 model trained on ImageNet. Through the lens of statistical physics, we uncover a mechanistic origin for the anomalous limiting dynamics of deep neural networks trained with SGD.

Cumulative Regret Analysis of the Piyavskii--Shubert Algorithm and Its Variants for Global Optimization. (arXiv:2108.10859v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kaan Gokcesu, Hakan Gokcesu

We study the problem of global optimization, where we analyze the performance of the Piyavskii--Shubert algorithm and its variants. For any given time duration $T$, instead of the extensively studied simple regret (which is the difference of the losses between the best estimate up to $T$ and the global minimum), we study the cumulative regret up to time $T$. For $L$-Lipschitz continuous functions, we show that the cumulative regret is $O(L\log T)$. For $H$-Lipschitz smooth functions, we show that the cumulative regret is $O(H)$. We analytically extend our results for functions with Holder continuous derivatives, which cover both the Lipschitz continuous and the Lipschitz smooth functions, individually. We further show that a simpler variant of the Piyavskii-Shubert algorithm performs just as well as the traditional variants for the Lipschitz continuous or the Lipschitz smooth functions. We further extend our results to broader classes of functions, and show that, our algorithm efficiently determines its queries; and achieves nearly minimax optimal (up to log factors) cumulative regret, for general convex or even concave regularity conditions on the extrema of the objective (which encompasses many preceding regularities). We consider further extensions by investigating the performance of the Piyavskii-Shubert variants in the scenarios with unknown regularity, noisy evaluation and multivariate domain.

Matrix Decomposition and Applications. (arXiv:2201.00145v3 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Authors: Jun Lu

In 1954, Alston S. Householder published Principles of Numerical Analysis, one of the first modern treatments on matrix decomposition that favored a (block) LU decomposition-the factorization of a matrix into the product of lower and upper triangular matrices. And now, matrix decomposition has become a core technology in machine learning, largely due to the development of the back propagation algorithm in fitting a neural network. The sole aim of this survey is to give a self-contained introduction to concepts and mathematical tools in numerical linear algebra and matrix analysis in order to seamlessly introduce matrix decomposition techniques and their applications in subsequent sections. However, we clearly realize our inability to cover all the useful and interesting results concerning matrix decomposition and given the paucity of scope to present this discussion, e.g., the separated analysis of the Euclidean space, Hermitian space, Hilbert space, and things in the complex domain. We refer the reader to literature in the field of linear algebra for a more detailed introduction to the related fields.

Occupancy Information Ratio: Infinite-Horizon, Information-Directed, Parameterized Policy Search. (arXiv:2201.08832v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wesley A. Suttle, Alec Koppel, Ji Liu

In this work, we propose an information-directed objective for infinite-horizon reinforcement learning (RL), called the occupancy information ratio (OIR), inspired by the information ratio objectives used in previous information-directed sampling schemes for multi-armed bandits and Markov decision processes as well as recent advances in general utility RL. The OIR, comprised of a ratio between the average cost of a policy and the entropy of its induced state occupancy measure, enjoys rich underlying structure and presents an objective to which scalable, model-free policy search methods naturally apply. Specifically, we show by leveraging connections between quasiconcave optimization and the linear programming theory for Markov decision processes that the OIR problem can be transformed and solved via concave programming methods when the underlying model is known. Since model knowledge is typically lacking in practice, we lay the foundations for model-free OIR policy search methods by establishing a corresponding policy gradient theorem. Building on this result, we subsequently derive REINFORCE- and actor-critic-style algorithms for solving the OIR problem in policy parameter space. Crucially, exploiting the powerful hidden quasiconcavity property implied by the concave programming transformation of the OIR problem, we establish finite-time convergence of the REINFORCE-style scheme to global optimality and asymptotic convergence of the actor-critic-style scheme to (near) global optimality under suitable conditions. Finally, we experimentally illustrate the utility of OIR-based methods over vanilla methods in sparse-reward settings, supporting the OIR as an alternative to existing RL objectives.

Lyapunov-Guided Representation of Recurrent Neural Network Performance. (arXiv:2204.04876v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ryan Vogt, Yang Zheng, Eli Shlizerman

Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) are ubiquitous computing systems for sequences and multivariate time series data. While several robust architectures of RNN are known, it is unclear how to relate RNN initialization, architecture, and other hyperparameters with accuracy for a given task. In this work, we propose to treat RNN as dynamical systems and to correlate hyperparameters with accuracy through Lyapunov spectral analysis, a methodology specifically designed for nonlinear dynamical systems. To address the fact that RNN features go beyond the existing Lyapunov spectral analysis, we propose to infer relevant features from the Lyapunov spectrum with an Autoencoder and an embedding of its latent representation (AeLLE). Our studies of various RNN architectures show that AeLLE successfully correlates RNN Lyapunov spectrum with accuracy. Furthermore, the latent representation learned by AeLLE is generalizable to novel inputs from the same task and is formed early in the process of RNN training. The latter property allows for the prediction of the accuracy to which RNN would converge when training is complete. We conclude that representation of RNN through Lyapunov spectrum along with AeLLE provides a novel method for organization and interpretation of variants of RNN architectures.

Augmentation-Aware Self-Supervision for Data-Efficient GAN Training. (arXiv:2205.15677v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Liang Hou, Qi Cao, Yige Yuan, Songtao Zhao, Chongyang Ma, Siyuan Pan, Pengfei Wan, Zhongyuan Wang, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng

Training generative adversarial networks (GANs) with limited data is challenging because the discriminator is prone to overfitting. Previously proposed differentiable augmentation demonstrates improved data efficiency of training GANs. However, the augmentation implicitly introduces undesired invariance to augmentation for the discriminator since it ignores the change of semantics in the label space caused by data transformation, which may limit the representation learning ability of the discriminator and ultimately affect the generative modeling performance of the generator. To mitigate the negative impact of invariance while inheriting the benefits of data augmentation, we propose a novel augmentation-aware self-supervised discriminator that predicts the augmentation parameter of the augmented data. Particularly, the prediction targets of real data and generated data are required to be distinguished since they are different during training. We further encourage the generator to adversarially learn from the self-supervised discriminator by generating augmentation-predictable real and not fake data. This formulation connects the learning objective of the generator and the arithmetic $-$ harmonic mean divergence under certain assumptions. We compare our method with state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods using the class-conditional BigGAN and unconditional StyleGAN2 architectures on data-limited CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, FFHQ, LSUN-Cat, and five low-shot datasets. Experimental results demonstrate significant improvements of our method over SOTA methods in training data-efficient GANs.

Weakly-supervised segmentation using inherently-explainable classification models and their application to brain tumour classification. (arXiv:2206.05148v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Soumick Chatterjee, Hadya Yassin, Florian Dubost, Andreas Nürnberger, Oliver Speck

Deep learning models have shown their potential for several applications. However, most of the models are opaque and difficult to trust due to their complex reasoning - commonly known as the black-box problem. Some fields, such as medicine, require a high degree of transparency to accept and adopt such technologies. Consequently, creating explainable/interpretable models or applying post-hoc methods on classifiers to build trust in deep learning models are required. Moreover, deep learning methods can be used for segmentation tasks, which typically require hard-to-obtain, time-consuming manually-annotated segmentation labels for training. This paper introduces three inherently-explainable classifiers to tackle both of these problems as one. The localisation heatmaps provided by the networks -- representing the models' focus areas and being used in classification decision-making -- can be directly interpreted, without requiring any post-hoc methods to derive information for model explanation. The models are trained by using the input image and only the classification labels as ground-truth in a supervised fashion - without using any information about the location of the region of interest (i.e. the segmentation labels), making the segmentation training of the models weakly-supervised through classification labels. The final segmentation is obtained by thresholding these heatmaps. The models were employed for the task of multi-class brain tumour classification using two different datasets, resulting in the best F1-score of 0.93 for the supervised classification task while securing a median Dice score of 0.67$\pm$0.08 for the weakly-supervised segmentation task. Furthermore, the obtained accuracy on a subset of tumour-only images outperformed the state-of-the-art glioma tumour grading binary classifiers with the best model achieving 98.7\% accuracy.

Many-body localized hidden generative models. (arXiv:2207.02346v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Weishun Zhong, Xun Gao, Susanne F. Yelin, Khadijeh Najafi

Born machines are quantum-inspired generative models that leverage the probabilistic nature of quantum states. Here, we present a new architecture called many-body localized (MBL) hidden Born machine that utilizes both MBL dynamics and hidden units as learning resources. We show that the hidden units act as an effective thermal bath that enhances the trainability of the system, while the MBL dynamics stabilize the training trajectories. We numerically demonstrate that the MBL hidden Born machine is capable of learning a variety of tasks, including a toy version of MNIST handwritten digits, quantum data obtained from quantum many-body states, and non-local parity data. Our architecture and algorithm provide novel strategies of utilizing quantum many-body systems as learning resources, and reveal a powerful connection between disorder, interaction, and learning in quantum many-body systems.

SHAP-XRT: The Shapley Value Meets Conditional Independence Testing. (arXiv:2207.07038v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jacopo Teneggi, Beepul Bharti, Yaniv Romano, Jeremias Sulam

The complex nature of artificial neural networks raises concerns on their reliability, trustworthiness, and fairness in real-world scenarios. The Shapley value -- a solution concept from game theory -- is one of the most popular explanation methods for machine learning models. More traditionally, from a statistical perspective, feature importance is defined in terms of conditional independence. So far, these two approaches to interpretability and feature importance have been considered separate and distinct. In this work, we show that Shapley-based explanation methods and conditional independence testing are closely related. We introduce the SHAPley EXplanation Randomization Test (SHAP-XRT), a testing procedure inspired by the Conditional Randomization Test (CRT) for a specific notion of local (i.e., on a sample) conditional independence. With it, we prove that for binary classification problems, the marginal contributions in the Shapley value provide lower and upper bounds to the expected $p$-values of their respective tests. Furthermore, we show that the Shapley value itself provides an upper bound to the expected $p$-value of a global (i.e., overall) null hypothesis. As a result, we further our understanding of Shapley-based explanation methods from a novel perspective and characterize the conditions under which one can make statistically valid claims about feature importance via the Shapley value.

Robust Unsupervised Multi-task and Transfer Learning on Gaussian Mixture Models. (arXiv:2209.15224v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Ye Tian, Haolei Weng, Yang Feng

Unsupervised learning has been widely used in many real-world applications. One of the simplest and most important unsupervised learning models is the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). In this work, we study the multi-task learning problem on GMMs, which aims to leverage potentially similar GMM parameter structures among tasks to obtain improved learning performance compared to single-task learning. We propose a multi-task GMM learning procedure based on the EM algorithm that not only can effectively utilize unknown similarity between related tasks but is also robust against a fraction of outlier tasks from arbitrary distributions. The proposed procedure is shown to achieve minimax optimal rate of convergence for both parameter estimation error and the excess mis-clustering error, in a wide range of regimes. Moreover, we generalize our approach to tackle the problem of transfer learning for GMMs, where similar theoretical results are derived. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our methods through simulations and real data examples. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work studying multi-task and transfer learning on GMMs with theoretical guarantees.

A Latent Space Correlation-Aware Autoencoder for Anomaly Detection in Skewed Data. (arXiv:2301.00462v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Padmaksha Roy

Unsupervised learning-based anomaly detection in latent space has gained importance since discriminating anomalies from normal data becomes difficult in high-dimensional space. Both density estimation and distance-based methods to detect anomalies in latent space have been explored in the past. These methods prove that retaining valuable properties of input data in latent space helps in the better reconstruction of test data. Moreover, real-world sensor data is skewed and non-Gaussian in nature, making mean-based estimators unreliable for skewed data. Again, anomaly detection methods based on reconstruction error rely on Euclidean distance, which does not consider useful correlation information in the feature space and also fails to accurately reconstruct the data when it deviates from the training distribution. In this work, we address the limitations of reconstruction error-based autoencoders and propose a kernelized autoencoder that leverages a robust form of Mahalanobis distance (MD) to measure latent dimension correlation to effectively detect both near and far anomalies. This hybrid loss is aided by the principle of maximizing the mutual information gain between the latent dimension and the high-dimensional prior data space by maximizing the entropy of the latent space while preserving useful correlation information of the original data in the low-dimensional latent space. The multi-objective function has two goals -- it measures correlation information in the latent feature space in the form of robust MD distance and simultaneously tries to preserve useful correlation information from the original data space in the latent space by maximizing mutual information between the prior and latent space.

One-shot domain adaptation in video-based assessment of surgical skills. (arXiv:2301.00812v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Erim Yanik, Steven Schwaitzberg, Gene Yang, Xavier Intes, Suvranu De

Deep Learning (DL) has achieved automatic and objective assessment of surgical skills. However, the applicability of DL models is often hampered by their substantial data requirements and confinement to specific training domains. This prevents them from transitioning to new tasks with scarce data. Therefore, domain adaptation emerges as a critical element for the practical implementation of DL in real-world scenarios. Herein, we introduce A-VBANet, a novel meta-learning model capable of delivering domain-agnostic surgical skill classification via one-shot learning. A-VBANet has been rigorously developed and tested on five diverse laparoscopic and robotic surgical simulators. Furthermore, we extend its validation to operating room (OR) videos of laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Our model successfully adapts with accuracies up to 99.5% in one-shot and 99.9% in few-shot settings for simulated tasks and 89.7% for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. This research marks the first instance of a domain-agnostic methodology for surgical skill assessment, paving the way for more precise and accessible training evaluation across diverse high-stakes environments such as real-life surgery where data is scarce.

gRoMA: a Tool for Measuring the Global Robustness of Deep Neural Networks. (arXiv:2301.02288v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Natan Levy, Raz Yerushalmi, Guy Katz

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, and have been achieving remarkable performance in a variety of complex tasks. Nevertheless, their integration into safety-critical systems, such as in the aerospace or automotive domains, poses a significant challenge due to the threat of adversarial inputs: perturbations in inputs that might cause the DNN to make grievous mistakes. Multiple studies have demonstrated that even modern DNNs are susceptible to adversarial inputs, and this risk must thus be measured and mitigated to allow the deployment of DNNs in critical settings. Here, we present gRoMA (global Robustness Measurement and Assessment), an innovative and scalable tool that implements a probabilistic approach to measure the global categorial robustness of a DNN. Specifically, gRoMA measures the probability of encountering adversarial inputs for a specific output category. Our tool operates on pre-trained, black-box classification DNNs, and generates input samples belonging to an output category of interest. It measures the DNN's susceptibility to adversarial inputs around these inputs, and aggregates the results to infer the overall global categorial robustness of the DNN up to some small bounded statistical error.

We evaluate our tool on the popular Densenet DNN model over the CIFAR10 dataset. Our results reveal significant gaps in the robustness of the different output categories. This experiment demonstrates the usefulness and scalability of our approach and its potential for allowing DNNs to be deployed within critical systems of interest.

Differentiable modeling to unify machine learning and physical models and advance Geosciences. (arXiv:2301.04027v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chaopeng Shen, Alison P. Appling, Pierre Gentine, Toshiyuki Bandai, Hoshin Gupta, Alexandre Tartakovsky, Marco Baity-Jesi, Fabrizio Fenicia, Daniel Kifer, Li Li, Xiaofeng Liu, Wei Ren, Yi Zheng, Ciaran J. Harman, Martyn Clark, Matthew Farthing, Dapeng Feng, Praveen Kumar, Doaa Aboelyazeed, Farshid Rahmani, Hylke E. Beck, Tadd Bindas, Dipankar Dwivedi, Kuai Fang, Marvin Höge, Chris Rackauckas, Tirthankar Roy, Chonggang Xu, Binayak Mohanty, Kathryn Lawson

Process-Based Modeling (PBM) and Machine Learning (ML) are often perceived as distinct paradigms in the geosciences. Here we present differentiable geoscientific modeling as a powerful pathway toward dissolving the perceived barrier between them and ushering in a paradigm shift. For decades, PBM offered benefits in interpretability and physical consistency but struggled to efficiently leverage large datasets. ML methods, especially deep networks, presented strong predictive skills yet lacked the ability to answer specific scientific questions. While various methods have been proposed for ML-physics integration, an important underlying theme -- differentiable modeling -- is not sufficiently recognized. Here we outline the concepts, applicability, and significance of differentiable geoscientific modeling (DG). "Differentiable" refers to accurately and efficiently calculating gradients with respect to model variables, critically enabling the learning of high-dimensional unknown relationships. DG refers to a range of methods connecting varying amounts of prior knowledge to neural networks and training them together, capturing a different scope than physics-guided machine learning and emphasizing first principles. Preliminary evidence suggests DG offers better interpretability and causality than ML, improved generalizability and extrapolation capability, and strong potential for knowledge discovery, while approaching the performance of purely data-driven ML. DG models require less training data while scaling favorably in performance and efficiency with increasing amounts of data. With DG, geoscientists may be better able to frame and investigate questions, test hypotheses, and discover unrecognized linkages.

Editing Language Model-based Knowledge Graph Embeddings. (arXiv:2301.10405v8 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyuan Cheng, Ningyu Zhang, Bozhong Tian, Xi Chen, Qingbing Liu, Huajun Chen

Recently decades have witnessed the empirical success of framing Knowledge Graph (KG) embeddings via language models. However, language model-based KG embeddings are usually deployed as static artifacts, making them difficult to modify post-deployment without re-training after deployment. To address this issue, we propose a new task of editing language model-based KG embeddings in this paper. This task is designed to facilitate rapid, data-efficient updates to KG embeddings without compromising the performance of other aspects. We build four new datasets: E-FB15k237, A-FB15k237, E-WN18RR, and A-WN18RR, and evaluate several knowledge editing baselines demonstrating the limited ability of previous models to handle the proposed challenging task. We further propose a simple yet strong baseline dubbed KGEditor, which utilizes additional parametric layers of the hypernetwork to edit/add facts. Our comprehensive experimental results reveal that KGEditor excels in updating specific facts without impacting the overall performance, even when faced with limited training resources. Code and datasets are available in

Towards Large Certified Radius in Randomized Smoothing using Quasiconcave Optimization. (arXiv:2302.00209v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo-Han Kung, Shang-Tse Chen

Randomized smoothing is currently the state-of-the-art method that provides certified robustness for deep neural networks. However, due to its excessively conservative nature, this method of incomplete verification often cannot achieve an adequate certified radius on real-world datasets. One way to obtain a larger certified radius is to use an input-specific algorithm instead of using a fixed Gaussian filter for all data points. Several methods based on this idea have been proposed, but they either suffer from high computational costs or gain marginal improvement in certified radius. In this work, we show that by exploiting the quasiconvex problem structure, we can find the optimal certified radii for most data points with slight computational overhead. This observation leads to an efficient and effective input-specific randomized smoothing algorithm. We conduct extensive experiments and empirical analysis on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet. The results show that the proposed method significantly enhances the certified radii with low computational overhead.

How to Trust Your Diffusion Model: A Convex Optimization Approach to Conformal Risk Control. (arXiv:2302.03791v3 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Jacopo Teneggi, Matthew Tivnan, J. Webster Stayman, Jeremias Sulam

Score-based generative modeling, informally referred to as diffusion models, continue to grow in popularity across several important domains and tasks. While they provide high-quality and diverse samples from empirical distributions, important questions remain on the reliability and trustworthiness of these sampling procedures for their responsible use in critical scenarios. Conformal prediction is a modern tool to construct finite-sample, distribution-free uncertainty guarantees for any black-box predictor. In this work, we focus on image-to-image regression tasks and we present a generalization of the Risk-Controlling Prediction Sets (RCPS) procedure, that we term $K$-RCPS, which allows to $(i)$ provide entrywise calibrated intervals for future samples of any diffusion model, and $(ii)$ control a certain notion of risk with respect to a ground truth image with minimal mean interval length. Differently from existing conformal risk control procedures, ours relies on a novel convex optimization approach that allows for multidimensional risk control while provably minimizing the mean interval length. We illustrate our approach on two real-world image denoising problems: on natural images of faces as well as on computed tomography (CT) scans of the abdomen, demonstrating state of the art performance.

Adversarial Model for Offline Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2302.11048v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohak Bhardwaj, Tengyang Xie, Byron Boots, Nan Jiang, Ching-An Cheng

We propose a novel model-based offline Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework, called Adversarial Model for Offline Reinforcement Learning (ARMOR), which can robustly learn policies to improve upon an arbitrary reference policy regardless of data coverage. ARMOR is designed to optimize policies for the worst-case performance relative to the reference policy through adversarially training a Markov decision process model. In theory, we prove that ARMOR, with a well-tuned hyperparameter, can compete with the best policy within data coverage when the reference policy is supported by the data. At the same time, ARMOR is robust to hyperparameter choices: the policy learned by ARMOR, with "any" admissible hyperparameter, would never degrade the performance of the reference policy, even when the reference policy is not covered by the dataset. To validate these properties in practice, we design a scalable implementation of ARMOR, which by adversarial training, can optimize policies without using model ensembles in contrast to typical model-based methods. We show that ARMOR achieves competent performance with both state-of-the-art offline model-free and model-based RL algorithms and can robustly improve the reference policy over various hyperparameter choices.

MDF-Net for abnormality detection by fusing X-rays with clinical data. (arXiv:2302.13390v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chihcheng Hsieh, Isabel Blanco Nobre, Sandra Costa Sousa, Chun Ouyang, Margot Brereton, Jacinto C. Nascimento, Joaquim Jorge, Catarina Moreira

This study investigates the effects of including patients' clinical information on the performance of deep learning (DL) classifiers for disease location in chest X-ray images. Although current classifiers achieve high performance using chest X-ray images alone, our interviews with radiologists indicate that clinical data is highly informative and essential for interpreting images and making proper diagnoses.

In this work, we propose a novel architecture consisting of two fusion methods that enable the model to simultaneously process patients' clinical data (structured data) and chest X-rays (image data). Since these data modalities are in different dimensional spaces, we propose a spatial arrangement strategy, spatialization, to facilitate the multimodal learning process in a Mask R-CNN model. We performed an extensive experimental evaluation using MIMIC-Eye, a dataset comprising modalities: MIMIC-CXR (chest X-ray images), MIMIC IV-ED (patients' clinical data), and REFLACX (annotations of disease locations in chest X-rays).

Results show that incorporating patients' clinical data in a DL model together with the proposed fusion methods improves the disease localization in chest X-rays by 12\% in terms of Average Precision compared to a standard Mask R-CNN using only chest X-rays. Further ablation studies also emphasize the importance of multimodal DL architectures and the incorporation of patients' clinical data in disease localization. The architecture proposed in this work is publicly available to promote the scientific reproducibility of our study (

SUREL+: Moving from Walks to Sets for Scalable Subgraph-based Graph Representation Learning. (arXiv:2303.03379v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Haoteng Yin, Muhan Zhang, Jianguo Wang, Pan Li

Subgraph-based graph representation learning (SGRL) has recently emerged as a powerful tool in many prediction tasks on graphs due to its advantages in model expressiveness and generalization ability. Most previous SGRL models face computational challenges associated with the high cost of subgraph extraction for each training or test query. Recently, SUREL was proposed to accelerate SGRL, which samples random walks offline and joins these walks online as a proxy of subgraph for representation learning. Thanks to the reusability of sampled walks across different queries, SUREL achieves state-of-the-art performance in terms of scalability and prediction accuracy. However, SUREL still suffers from high computational overhead caused by node duplication in sampled walks. In this work, we propose a novel framework SUREL+ that upgrades SUREL by using node sets instead of walks to represent subgraphs. This set-based representation eliminates repeated nodes by definition but can also be irregular in size. To address this issue, we design a customized sparse data structure to efficiently store and access node sets and provide a specialized operator to join them in parallel batches. SUREL+ is modularized to support multiple types of set samplers, structural features, and neural encoders to complement the structural information loss after the reduction from walks to sets. Extensive experiments have been performed to validate SUREL+ in the prediction tasks of links, relation types, and higher-order patterns. SUREL+ achieves 3-11$\times$ speedups of SUREL while maintaining comparable or even better prediction performance; compared to other SGRL baselines, SUREL+ achieves $\sim$20$\times$ speedups and significantly improves the prediction accuracy.

Towards provably efficient quantum algorithms for large-scale machine-learning models. (arXiv:2303.03428v5 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Junyu Liu, Minzhao Liu, Jin-Peng Liu, Ziyu Ye, Yunfei Wang, Yuri Alexeev, Jens Eisert, Liang Jiang

Large machine learning models are revolutionary technologies of artificial intelligence whose bottlenecks include huge computational expenses, power, and time used both in the pre-training and fine-tuning process. In this work, we show that fault-tolerant quantum computing could possibly provide provably efficient resolutions for generic (stochastic) gradient descent algorithms, scaling as O(T^2 polylog(n)), where n is the size of the models and T is the number of iterations in the training, as long as the models are both sufficiently dissipative and sparse, with small learning rates. Based on earlier efficient quantum algorithms for dissipative differential equations, we find and prove that similar algorithms work for (stochastic) gradient descent, the primary algorithm for machine learning. In practice, we benchmark instances of large machine learning models from 7 million to 103 million parameters. We find that, in the context of sparse training, a quantum enhancement is possible at the early stage of learning after model pruning, motivating a sparse parameter download and re-upload scheme. Our work shows solidly that fault-tolerant quantum algorithms could potentially contribute to most state-of-the-art, large-scale machine-learning problems.

Identification of Negative Transfers in Multitask Learning Using Surrogate Models. (arXiv:2303.14582v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dongyue Li, Huy L. Nguyen, Hongyang R. Zhang

Multitask learning is widely used in practice to train a low-resource target task by augmenting it with multiple related source tasks. Yet, naively combining all the source tasks with a target task does not always improve the prediction performance for the target task due to negative transfers. Thus, a critical problem in multitask learning is identifying subsets of source tasks that would benefit the target task. This problem is computationally challenging since the number of subsets grows exponentially with the number of source tasks; efficient heuristics for subset selection do not always capture the relationship between task subsets and multitask learning performances. In this paper, we introduce an efficient procedure to address this problem via surrogate modeling. In surrogate modeling, we sample (random) subsets of source tasks and precompute their multitask learning performances. Then, we approximate the precomputed performances with a linear regression model that can also predict the multitask performance of unseen task subsets. We show theoretically and empirically that fitting this model only requires sampling linearly many subsets in the number of source tasks. The fitted model provides a relevance score between each source and target task. We use the relevance scores to perform subset selection for multitask learning by thresholding. Through extensive experiments, we show that our approach predicts negative transfers from multiple source tasks to target tasks much more accurately than existing task affinity measures. Additionally, we demonstrate that for several weak supervision datasets, our approach consistently improves upon existing optimization methods for multitask learning.

NeBLa: Neural Beer-Lambert for 3D Reconstruction of Oral Structures from Panoramic Radiographs. (arXiv:2304.04027v5 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sihwa Park, Seongjun Kim, Doeyoung Kwon, Yohan Jang, In-Seok Song, Seungjun Baek

Panoramic radiography (Panoramic X-ray, PX) is a widely used imaging modality for dental examination. However, PX only provides a flattened 2D image, lacking in a 3D view of the oral structure. In this paper, we propose NeBLa (Neural Beer-Lambert) to estimate 3D oral structures from real-world PX. NeBLa tackles full 3D reconstruction for varying subjects (patients) where each reconstruction is based only on a single panoramic image. We create an intermediate representation called simulated PX (SimPX) from 3D Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) data based on the Beer-Lambert law of X-ray rendering and rotational principles of PX imaging. SimPX aims at not only truthfully simulating PX, but also facilitates the reverting process back to 3D data. We propose a novel neural model based on ray tracing which exploits both global and local input features to convert SimPX to 3D output. At inference, a real PX image is translated to a SimPX-style image with semantic regularization, and the translated image is processed by generation module to produce high-quality outputs. Experiments show that NeBLa outperforms prior state-of-the-art in reconstruction tasks both quantitatively and qualitatively. Unlike prior methods, NeBLa does not require any prior information such as the shape of dental arches, nor the matched PX-CBCT dataset for training, which is difficult to obtain in clinical practice. Our code is available at

Transfer Learning Across Heterogeneous Features For Efficient Tensor Program Generation. (arXiv:2304.05430v2 [cs.PL] UPDATED)

Authors: Gaurav Verma, Siddhisanket Raskar, Zhen Xie, Abid M Malik, Murali Emani, Barbara Chapman

Tuning tensor program generation involves searching for various possible program transformation combinations for a given program on target hardware to optimize the tensor program execution. It is already a complex process because of the massive search space and exponential combinations of transformations make auto-tuning tensor program generation more challenging, especially when we have a heterogeneous target. In this research, we attempt to address these problems by learning the joint neural network and hardware features and transferring them to the new target hardware. We extensively study the existing state-of-the-art dataset, TenSet, perform comparative analysis on the test split strategies and propose methodologies to prune the dataset. We adopt an attention-inspired approach for tuning the tensor programs enabling them to embed neural network and hardware-specific features. Our approach could prune the dataset up to 45\% of the baseline without compromising the Pairwise Comparison Accuracy (PCA). Further, the proposed methodology can achieve on-par or improved mean inference time with 25%-40% of the baseline tuning time across different networks and target hardware.

ImageReward: Learning and Evaluating Human Preferences for Text-to-Image Generation. (arXiv:2304.05977v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiazheng Xu, Xiao Liu, Yuchen Wu, Yuxuan Tong, Qinkai Li, Ming Ding, Jie Tang, Yuxiao Dong

We present a comprehensive solution to learn and improve text-to-image models from human preference feedback. To begin with, we build ImageReward -- the first general-purpose text-to-image human preference reward model -- to effectively encode human preferences. Its training is based on our systematic annotation pipeline including rating and ranking, which collects 137k expert comparisons to date. In human evaluation, ImageReward outperforms existing scoring models and metrics, making it a promising automatic metric for evaluating text-to-image synthesis. On top of it, we propose Reward Feedback Learning (ReFL), a direct tuning algorithm to optimize diffusion models against a scorer. Both automatic and human evaluation support ReFL's advantages over compared methods. All code and datasets are provided at \url{}.

Align your Latents: High-Resolution Video Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2304.08818v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Andreas Blattmann, Robin Rombach, Huan Ling, Tim Dockhorn, Seung Wook Kim, Sanja Fidler, Karsten Kreis

Latent Diffusion Models (LDMs) enable high-quality image synthesis while avoiding excessive compute demands by training a diffusion model in a compressed lower-dimensional latent space. Here, we apply the LDM paradigm to high-resolution video generation, a particularly resource-intensive task. We first pre-train an LDM on images only; then, we turn the image generator into a video generator by introducing a temporal dimension to the latent space diffusion model and fine-tuning on encoded image sequences, i.e., videos. Similarly, we temporally align diffusion model upsamplers, turning them into temporally consistent video super resolution models. We focus on two relevant real-world applications: Simulation of in-the-wild driving data and creative content creation with text-to-video modeling. In particular, we validate our Video LDM on real driving videos of resolution 512 x 1024, achieving state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, our approach can easily leverage off-the-shelf pre-trained image LDMs, as we only need to train a temporal alignment model in that case. Doing so, we turn the publicly available, state-of-the-art text-to-image LDM Stable Diffusion into an efficient and expressive text-to-video model with resolution up to 1280 x 2048. We show that the temporal layers trained in this way generalize to different fine-tuned text-to-image LDMs. Utilizing this property, we show the first results for personalized text-to-video generation, opening exciting directions for future content creation. Project page:

Heterogeneous-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2304.09870v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifan Zhong, Jakub Grudzien Kuba, Xidong Feng, Siyi Hu, Jiaming Ji, Yaodong Yang

The necessity for cooperation among intelligent machines has popularised cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) in AI research. However, many research endeavours heavily rely on parameter sharing among agents, which confines them to only homogeneous-agent setting and leads to training instability and lack of convergence guarantees. To achieve effective cooperation in the general heterogeneous-agent setting, we propose Heterogeneous-Agent Reinforcement Learning (HARL) algorithms that resolve the aforementioned issues. Central to our findings are the multi-agent advantage decomposition lemma and the sequential update scheme. Based on these, we develop the provably correct Heterogeneous-Agent Trust Region Learning (HATRL), and derive HATRPO and HAPPO by tractable approximations. Furthermore, we discover a novel framework named Heterogeneous-Agent Mirror Learning (HAML), which strengthens theoretical guarantees for HATRPO and HAPPO and provides a general template for cooperative MARL algorithmic designs. We prove that all algorithms derived from HAML inherently enjoy monotonic improvement of joint return and convergence to Nash Equilibrium. As its natural outcome, HAML validates more novel algorithms in addition to HATRPO and HAPPO, including HAA2C, HADDPG, and HATD3, which generally outperform their existing MA-counterparts. We comprehensively test HARL algorithms on six challenging benchmarks and demonstrate their superior effectiveness and stability for coordinating heterogeneous agents compared to strong baselines such as MAPPO and QMIX.

Generating images of rare concepts using pre-trained diffusion models. (arXiv:2304.14530v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dvir Samuel, Rami Ben-Ari, Simon Raviv, Nir Darshan, Gal Chechik

Text-to-image diffusion models can synthesize high-quality images, but they have various limitations. Here we highlight a common failure mode of these models, namely, generating uncommon concepts and structured concepts like hand palms. We show that their limitation is partly due to the long-tail nature of their training data: web-crawled data sets are strongly unbalanced, causing models to under-represent concepts from the tail of the distribution. We characterize the effect of unbalanced training data on text-to-image models and offer a remedy. We show that rare concepts can be correctly generated by carefully selecting suitable generation seeds in the noise space, using a small reference set of images, a technique that we call SeedSelect. SeedSelect does not require retraining or finetuning the diffusion model. We assess the faithfulness, quality and diversity of SeedSelect in creating rare objects and generating complex formations like hand images, and find it consistently achieves superior performance. We further show the advantage of SeedSelect in semantic data augmentation. Generating semantically appropriate images can successfully improve performance in few-shot recognition benchmarks, for classes from the head and from the tail of the training data of diffusion models

A Survey on Out-of-Distribution Detection in NLP. (arXiv:2305.03236v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Lang, Yinhe Zheng, Yixuan Li, Jian Sun, Fei Huang, Yongbin Li

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is essential for the reliable and safe deployment of machine learning systems in the real world. Great progress has been made over the past years. This paper presents the first review of recent advances in OOD detection with a particular focus on natural language processing approaches. First, we provide a formal definition of OOD detection and discuss several related fields. We then categorize recent algorithms into three classes according to the data they used: (1) OOD data available, (2) OOD data unavailable + in-distribution (ID) label available, and (3) OOD data unavailable + ID label unavailable. Third, we introduce datasets, applications, and metrics. Finally, we summarize existing work and present potential future research topics.

Designing Discontinuities. (arXiv:2305.08559v3 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Ibtihal Ferwana, Suyoung Park, Ting-Yi Wu, Lav R. Varshney

Discontinuities can be fairly arbitrary but also cause a significant impact on outcomes in larger systems. Indeed, their arbitrariness is why they have been used to infer causal relationships among variables in numerous settings. Regression discontinuity from econometrics assumes the existence of a discontinuous variable that splits the population into distinct partitions to estimate the causal effects of a given phenomenon. Here we consider the design of partitions for a given discontinuous variable to optimize a certain effect previously studied using regression discontinuity. To do so, we propose a quantization-theoretic approach to optimize the effect of interest, first learning the causal effect size of a given discontinuous variable and then applying dynamic programming for optimal quantization design of discontinuities to balance the gain and loss in that effect size. We also develop a computationally-efficient reinforcement learning algorithm for the dynamic programming formulation of optimal quantization. We demonstrate our approach by designing optimal time zone borders for counterfactuals of social capital, social mobility, and health. This is based on regression discontinuity analyses we perform on novel data, which may be of independent empirical interest.

Question-Answering System Extracts Information on Injection Drug Use from Clinical Notes. (arXiv:2305.08777v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Maria Mahbub, Ian Goethert, Ioana Danciu, Kathryn Knight, Sudarshan Srinivasan, Suzanne Tamang, Karine Rozenberg-Ben-Dror, Hugo Solares, Susana Martins, Jodie Trafton, Edmon Begoli, Gregory Peterson

Background: Injection drug use (IDU) is a dangerous health behavior that increases mortality and morbidity. Identifying IDU early and initiating harm reduction interventions can benefit individuals at risk. However, extracting IDU behaviors from patients' electronic health records (EHR) is difficult because there is no International Classification of Disease (ICD) code and the only place IDU information can be indicated is unstructured free-text clinical notes. Although natural language processing can efficiently extract this information from unstructured data, there are no validated tools. Methods: To address this gap in clinical information, we design and demonstrate a question-answering (QA) framework to extract information on IDU from clinical notes. Our framework involves two main steps: (1) generating a gold-standard QA dataset and (2) developing and testing the QA model. We utilize 2323 clinical notes of 1145 patients sourced from the VA Corporate Data Warehouse to construct the gold-standard dataset for developing and evaluating the QA model. We also demonstrate the QA model's ability to extract IDU-related information on temporally out-of-distribution data. Results: Here we show that for a strict match between gold-standard and predicted answers, the QA model achieves 51.65% F1 score. For a relaxed match between the gold-standard and predicted answers, the QA model obtains 78.03% F1 score, along with 85.38% Precision and 79.02% Recall scores. Moreover, the QA model demonstrates consistent performance when subjected to temporally out-of-distribution data. Conclusions: Our study introduces a QA framework designed to extract IDU information from clinical notes, aiming to enhance the accurate and efficient detection of people who inject drugs, extract relevant information, and ultimately facilitate informed patient care.

Cross-Gate MLP with Protein Complex Invariant Embedding is A One-Shot Antibody Designer. (arXiv:2305.09480v4 [q-bio.BM] UPDATED)

Authors: Cheng Tan, Zhangyang Gao, Lirong Wu, Jun Xia, Jiangbin Zheng, Xihong Yang, Yue Liu, Bozhen Hu, Stan Z. Li

Antibodies are crucial proteins produced by the immune system in response to foreign substances or antigens. The specificity of an antibody is determined by its complementarity-determining regions (CDRs), which are located in the variable domains of the antibody chains and form the antigen-binding site. Previous studies have utilized complex techniques to generate CDRs, but they suffer from inadequate geometric modeling. Moreover, the common iterative refinement strategies lead to an inefficient inference. In this paper, we propose a \textit{simple yet effective} model that can co-design 1D sequences and 3D structures of CDRs in a one-shot manner. To achieve this, we decouple the antibody CDR design problem into two stages: (i) geometric modeling of protein complex structures and (ii) sequence-structure co-learning. We develop a novel macromolecular structure invariant embedding, typically for protein complexes, that captures both intra- and inter-component interactions among the backbone atoms, including C$\alpha$, N, C, and O atoms, to achieve comprehensive geometric modeling. Then, we introduce a simple cross-gate MLP for sequence-structure co-learning, allowing sequence and structure representations to implicitly refine each other. This enables our model to design desired sequences and structures in a one-shot manner. Extensive experiments are conducted to evaluate our results at both the sequence and structure levels, which demonstrate that our model achieves superior performance compared to the state-of-the-art antibody CDR design methods.

Multi-Task Models Adversarial Attacks. (arXiv:2305.12066v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Lijun Zhang, Xiao Liu, Kaleel Mahmood, Caiwen Ding, Hui Guan

Multi-Task Learning (MTL) involves developing a singular model, known as a multi-task model, to concurrently perform multiple tasks. While the security of single-task models has been thoroughly studied, multi-task models pose several critical security questions, such as 1) their vulnerability to single-task adversarial attacks, 2) the possibility of designing attacks that target multiple tasks, and 3) the impact of task sharing and adversarial training on their resilience to such attacks. This paper addresses these queries through detailed analysis and rigorous experimentation. First, we explore the adaptation of single-task white-box attacks to multi-task models and identify their limitations. We then introduce a novel attack framework, the Gradient Balancing Multi-Task Attack (GB-MTA), which treats attacking a multi-task model as an optimization problem. This problem, based on averaged relative loss change across tasks, is approximated as an integer linear programming problem. Extensive evaluations on MTL benchmarks, NYUv2 and Tiny-Taxonomy, demonstrate GB-MTA's effectiveness against both standard and adversarially trained multi-task models. The results also highlight a trade-off between task accuracy improvement via parameter sharing and increased model vulnerability due to enhanced attack transferability.

Understanding Multi-phase Optimization Dynamics and Rich Nonlinear Behaviors of ReLU Networks. (arXiv:2305.12467v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingze Wang, Chao Ma

The training process of ReLU neural networks often exhibits complicated nonlinear phenomena. The nonlinearity of models and non-convexity of loss pose significant challenges for theoretical analysis. Therefore, most previous theoretical works on the optimization dynamics of neural networks focus either on local analysis (like the end of training) or approximate linear models (like Neural Tangent Kernel). In this work, we conduct a complete theoretical characterization of the training process of a two-layer ReLU network trained by Gradient Flow on a linearly separable data. In this specific setting, our analysis captures the whole optimization process starting from random initialization to final convergence. Despite the relatively simple model and data that we studied, we reveal four different phases from the whole training process showing a general simplifying-to-complicating learning trend. Specific nonlinear behaviors can also be precisely identified and captured theoretically, such as initial condensation, saddle-to-plateau dynamics, plateau escape, changes of activation patterns, learning with increasing complexity, etc.

Towards generalizing deep-audio fake detection networks. (arXiv:2305.13033v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Konstantin Gasenzer (1), Moritz Wolter (1) ((1) High Performance Computing and Analytics Lab, Universität Bonn, Germany)

Today's generative neural networks allow the creation of high-quality synthetic speech at scale. While we welcome the creative use of this new technology, we must also recognize the risks. As synthetic speech is abused for monetary and identity theft, we require a broad set of deepfake identification tools. Furthermore, previous work reported a limited ability of deep classifiers to generalize to unseen audio generators. We study the frequency domain fingerprints of current audio generators. Building on top of the discovered frequency footprints, we train excellent lightweight detectors that generalize. We report improved results on the WaveFake dataset and an extended version. To account for the rapid progress in the field, we extend the WaveFake dataset by additionally considering samples drawn from the novel Avocodo and BigVGAN networks.

Embedding Inequalities for Barron-type Spaces. (arXiv:2305.19082v3 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Lei Wu

An important problem in machine learning theory is to understand the approximation and generalization properties of two-layer neural networks in high dimensions. To this end, researchers have introduced the Barron space $\mathcal{B}_s(\Omega)$ and the spectral Barron space $\mathcal{F}_s(\Omega)$, where the index $s\in [0,\infty)$ indicates the smoothness of functions within these spaces and $\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^d$ denotes the input domain. However, the precise relationship between the two types of Barron spaces remains unclear. In this paper, we establish a continuous embedding between them as implied by the following inequality: for any $\delta\in (0,1), s\in \mathbb{N}^{+}$ and $f: \Omega \mapsto\mathbb{R}$, it holds that \[ \delta \|f\|_{\mathcal{F}_{s-\delta}(\Omega)}\lesssim_s \|f\|_{\mathcal{B}_s(\Omega)}\lesssim_s \|f\|_{\mathcal{F}_{s+1}(\Omega)}. \]

Importantly, the constants do not depend on the input dimension $d$, suggesting that the embedding is effective in high dimensions. Moreover, we also show that the lower and upper bound are both tight.

SimFBO: Towards Simple, Flexible and Communication-efficient Federated Bilevel Learning. (arXiv:2305.19442v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifan Yang, Peiyao Xiao, Kaiyi Ji

Federated bilevel optimization (FBO) has shown great potential recently in machine learning and edge computing due to the emerging nested optimization structure in meta-learning, fine-tuning, hyperparameter tuning, etc. However, existing FBO algorithms often involve complicated computations and require multiple sub-loops per iteration, each of which contains a number of communication rounds. In this paper, we propose a simple and flexible FBO framework named SimFBO, which is easy to implement without sub-loops, and includes a generalized server-side aggregation and update for improving communication efficiency. We further propose System-level heterogeneity robust FBO (ShroFBO) as a variant of SimFBO with stronger resilience to heterogeneous local computation. We show that SimFBO and ShroFBO provably achieve a linear convergence speedup with partial client participation and client sampling without replacement, as well as improved sample and communication complexities. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods over existing FBO algorithms.

Russo-Ukrainian War: Prediction and explanation of Twitter suspension. (arXiv:2306.03502v2 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Alexander Shevtsov, Despoina Antonakaki, Ioannis Lamprou, Ioannis Kontogiorgakis, Polyvios Pratikakis, Sotiris Ioannidis

On 24 February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, starting what is now known as the Russo-Ukrainian War, initiating an online discourse on social media. Twitter as one of the most popular SNs, with an open and democratic character, enables a transparent discussion among its large user base. Unfortunately, this often leads to Twitter's policy violations, propaganda, abusive actions, civil integrity violation, and consequently to user accounts' suspension and deletion. This study focuses on the Twitter suspension mechanism and the analysis of shared content and features of the user accounts that may lead to this. Toward this goal, we have obtained a dataset containing 107.7M tweets, originating from 9.8 million users, using Twitter API. We extract the categories of shared content of the suspended accounts and explain their characteristics, through the extraction of text embeddings in junction with cosine similarity clustering. Our results reveal scam campaigns taking advantage of trending topics regarding the Russia-Ukrainian conflict for Bitcoin and Ethereum fraud, spam, and advertisement campaigns. Additionally, we apply a machine learning methodology including a SHapley Additive explainability model to understand and explain how user accounts get suspended.

CAVEN: An Embodied Conversational Agent for Efficient Audio-Visual Navigation in Noisy Environments. (arXiv:2306.04047v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiulong Liu, Sudipta Paul, Moitreya Chatterjee, Anoop Cherian

Audio-visual navigation of an agent towards locating an audio goal is a challenging task especially when the audio is sporadic or the environment is noisy. In this paper, we present CAVEN, a Conversation-based Audio-Visual Embodied Navigation framework in which the agent may interact with a human/oracle for solving the task of navigating to an audio goal. Specifically, CAVEN is modeled as a budget-aware partially observable semi-Markov decision process that implicitly learns the uncertainty in the audio-based navigation policy to decide when and how the agent may interact with the oracle. Our CAVEN agent can engage in fully-bidirectional natural language conversations by producing relevant questions and interpret free-form, potentially noisy responses from the oracle based on the audio-visual context. To enable such a capability, CAVEN is equipped with: (i) a trajectory forecasting network that is grounded in audio-visual cues to produce a potential trajectory to the estimated goal, and (ii) a natural language based question generation and reasoning network to pose an interactive question to the oracle or interpret the oracle's response to produce navigation instructions. To train the interactive modules, we present a large scale dataset: AVN-Instruct, based on the Landmark-RxR dataset. To substantiate the usefulness of conversations, we present experiments on the benchmark audio-goal task using the SoundSpaces simulator under various noisy settings. Our results reveal that our fully-conversational approach leads to nearly an order-of-magnitude improvement in success rate, especially in localizing new sound sources and against methods that only use uni-directional interaction.

AVOIDDS: Aircraft Vision-based Intruder Detection Dataset and Simulator. (arXiv:2306.11203v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Elysia Q. Smyers, Sydney M. Katz, Anthony L. Corso, Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Designing robust machine learning systems remains an open problem, and there is a need for benchmark problems that cover both environmental changes and evaluation on a downstream task. In this work, we introduce AVOIDDS, a realistic object detection benchmark for the vision-based aircraft detect-and-avoid problem. We provide a labeled dataset consisting of 72,000 photorealistic images of intruder aircraft with various lighting conditions, weather conditions, relative geometries, and geographic locations. We also provide an interface that evaluates trained models on slices of this dataset to identify changes in performance with respect to changing environmental conditions. Finally, we implement a fully-integrated, closed-loop simulator of the vision-based detect-and-avoid problem to evaluate trained models with respect to the downstream collision avoidance task. This benchmark will enable further research in the design of robust machine learning systems for use in safety-critical applications. The AVOIDDS dataset and code are publicly available at and respectively.

Leveraging Locality and Robustness to Achieve Massively Scalable Gaussian Process Regression. (arXiv:2306.14731v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Robert Allison, Anthony Stephenson, Samuel F, Edward Pyzer-Knapp

The accurate predictions and principled uncertainty measures provided by GP regression incur O(n^3) cost which is prohibitive for modern-day large-scale applications. This has motivated extensive work on computationally efficient approximations. We introduce a new perspective by exploring robustness properties and limiting behaviour of GP nearest-neighbour (GPnn) prediction. We demonstrate through theory and simulation that as the data-size n increases, accuracy of estimated parameters and GP model assumptions become increasingly irrelevant to GPnn predictive accuracy. Consequently, it is sufficient to spend small amounts of work on parameter estimation in order to achieve high MSE accuracy, even in the presence of gross misspecification. In contrast, as n tends to infinity, uncertainty calibration and NLL are shown to remain sensitive to just one parameter, the additive noise-variance; but we show that this source of inaccuracy can be corrected for, thereby achieving both well-calibrated uncertainty measures and accurate predictions at remarkably low computational cost. We exhibit a very simple GPnn regression algorithm with stand-out performance compared to other state-of-the-art GP approximations as measured on large UCI datasets. It operates at a small fraction of those other methods' training costs, for example on a basic laptop taking about 30 seconds to train on a dataset of size n = 1.6 x 10^6.

Safe Model-Based Multi-Agent Mean-Field Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2306.17052v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Matej Jusup, Barna Pásztor, Tadeusz Janik, Kenan Zhang, Francesco Corman, Andreas Krause, Ilija Bogunovic

Many applications, e.g., in shared mobility, require coordinating a large number of agents. Mean-field reinforcement learning addresses the resulting scalability challenge by optimizing the policy of a representative agent interacting with the infinite population of identical agents instead of considering individual pairwise interactions. In this paper, we address an important generalization where there exist global constraints on the distribution of agents (e.g., requiring capacity constraints or minimum coverage requirements to be met). We propose Safe-M$^3$-UCRL, the first model-based mean-field reinforcement learning algorithm that attains safe policies even in the case of unknown transitions. As a key ingredient, it uses epistemic uncertainty in the transition model within a log-barrier approach to ensure pessimistic constraints satisfaction with high probability. Beyond the synthetic swarm motion benchmark, we showcase Safe-M$^3$-UCRL on the vehicle repositioning problem faced by many shared mobility operators and evaluate its performance through simulations built on vehicle trajectory data from a service provider in Shenzhen. Our algorithm effectively meets the demand in critical areas while ensuring service accessibility in regions with low demand.

Enhancing training of physics-informed neural networks using domain-decomposition based preconditioning strategies. (arXiv:2306.17648v2 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Authors: Alena Kopaničáková, Hardik Kothari, George Em Karniadakis, Rolf Krause

We propose to enhance the training of physics-informed neural networks (PINNs). To this aim, we introduce nonlinear additive and multiplicative preconditioning strategies for the widely used L-BFGS optimizer. The nonlinear preconditioners are constructed by utilizing the Schwarz domain-decomposition framework, where the parameters of the network are decomposed in a layer-wise manner. Through a series of numerical experiments, we demonstrate that both, additive and multiplicative preconditioners significantly improve the convergence of the standard L-BFGS optimizer, while providing more accurate solutions of the underlying partial differential equations. Moreover, the additive preconditioner is inherently parallel, thus giving rise to a novel approach to model parallelism.

Look, Remember and Reason: Grounded reasoning in videos with language models. (arXiv:2306.17778v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Apratim Bhattacharyya, Sunny Panchal, Mingu Lee, Reza Pourreza, Pulkit Madan, Roland Memisevic

Multi-modal language models (LM) have recently shown promising performance in high-level reasoning tasks on videos. However, existing methods still fall short in tasks like causal or compositional spatiotemporal reasoning over actions, in which model predictions need to be grounded in fine-grained low-level details, such as object motions and object interactions. In this work, we propose training an LM end-to-end on low-level surrogate tasks, including object detection, re-identification, and tracking, to endow the model with the required low-level visual capabilities. We show that a two-stream video encoder with spatiotemporal attention is effective at capturing the required static and motion-based cues in the video. By leveraging the LM's ability to perform the low-level surrogate tasks, we can cast reasoning in videos as the three-step process of Look, Remember, Reason wherein visual information is extracted using low-level visual skills step-by-step and then integrated to arrive at a final answer. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework on diverse visual reasoning tasks from the ACRE, CATER, and Something-Else datasets. Our approach is trainable end-to-end and surpasses state-of-the-art task-specific methods across these tasks by a large margin.

Deep learning for dynamic graphs: models and benchmarks. (arXiv:2307.06104v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Alessio Gravina, Davide Bacciu

Recent progress in research on Deep Graph Networks (DGNs) has led to a maturation of the domain of learning on graphs. Despite the growth of this research field, there are still important challenges that are yet unsolved. Specifically, there is an urge of making DGNs suitable for predictive tasks on realworld systems of interconnected entities, which evolve over time. With the aim of fostering research in the domain of dynamic graphs, at first, we survey recent advantages in learning both temporal and spatial information, providing a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in the domain of representation learning for dynamic graphs. Secondly, we conduct a fair performance comparison among the most popular proposed approaches on node and edge-level tasks, leveraging rigorous model selection and assessment for all the methods, thus establishing a sound baseline for evaluating new architectures and approaches

Adaptive Topological Feature via Persistent Homology: Filtration Learning for Point Clouds. (arXiv:2307.09259v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Naoki Nishikawa, Yuichi Ike, Kenji Yamanishi

Machine learning for point clouds has been attracting much attention, with many applications in various fields, such as shape recognition and material science. For enhancing the accuracy of such machine learning methods, it is often effective to incorporate global topological features, which are typically extracted by persistent homology. In the calculation of persistent homology for a point cloud, we choose a filtration for the point cloud, an increasing sequence of spaces. Since the performance of machine learning methods combined with persistent homology is highly affected by the choice of a filtration, we need to tune it depending on data and tasks. In this paper, we propose a framework that learns a filtration adaptively with the use of neural networks. In order to make the resulting persistent homology isometry-invariant, we develop a neural network architecture with such invariance. Additionally, we show a theoretical result on a finite-dimensional approximation of filtration functions, which justifies the proposed network architecture. Experimental results demonstrated the efficacy of our framework in several classification tasks.

PreDiff: Precipitation Nowcasting with Latent Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2307.10422v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhihan Gao, Xingjian Shi, Boran Han, Hao Wang, Xiaoyong Jin, Danielle Maddix, Yi Zhu, Mu Li, Yuyang Wang

Earth system forecasting has traditionally relied on complex physical models that are computationally expensive and require significant domain expertise. In the past decade, the unprecedented increase in spatiotemporal Earth observation data has enabled data-driven forecasting models using deep learning techniques. These models have shown promise for diverse Earth system forecasting tasks but either struggle with handling uncertainty or neglect domain-specific prior knowledge, resulting in averaging possible futures to blurred forecasts or generating physically implausible predictions. To address these limitations, we propose a two-stage pipeline for probabilistic spatiotemporal forecasting: 1) We develop PreDiff, a conditional latent diffusion model capable of probabilistic forecasts. 2) We incorporate an explicit knowledge alignment mechanism to align forecasts with domain-specific physical constraints. This is achieved by estimating the deviation from imposed constraints at each denoising step and adjusting the transition distribution accordingly. We conduct empirical studies on two datasets: N-body MNIST, a synthetic dataset with chaotic behavior, and SEVIR, a real-world precipitation nowcasting dataset. Specifically, we impose the law of conservation of energy in N-body MNIST and anticipated precipitation intensity in SEVIR. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of PreDiff in handling uncertainty, incorporating domain-specific prior knowledge, and generating forecasts that exhibit high operational utility.

Bounded P-values in Parametric Programming-based Selective Inference. (arXiv:2307.11351v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Tomohiro Shiraishi, Daiki Miwa, Vo Nguyen Le Duy, Ichiro Takeuchi

Selective inference (SI) has been actively studied as a promising framework for statistical hypothesis testing for data-driven hypotheses. The basic idea of SI is to make inferences conditional on an event that a hypothesis is selected. In order to perform SI, this event must be characterized in a traceable form. When selection event is too difficult to characterize, additional conditions are introduced for tractability. This additional conditions often causes the loss of power, and this issue is referred to as over-conditioning in [Fithian et al., 2014]. Parametric programming-based SI (PP-based SI) has been proposed as one way to address the over-conditioning issue. The main problem of PP-based SI is its high computational cost due to the need to exhaustively explore the data space. In this study, we introduce a procedure to reduce the computational cost while guaranteeing the desired precision, by proposing a method to compute the lower and upper bounds of p-values. We also proposed three types of search strategies that efficiently improve these bounds. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in hypothesis testing problems for feature selection in linear models and attention region identification in deep neural networks.

StableLLaVA: Enhanced Visual Instruction Tuning with Synthesized Image-Dialogue Data. (arXiv:2308.10253v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yanda Li, Chi Zhang, Gang Yu, Zhibin Wang, Bin Fu, Guosheng Lin, Chunhua Shen, Ling Chen, Yunchao Wei

The remarkable multimodal capabilities demonstrated by OpenAI's GPT-4 have sparked significant interest in the development of multimodal Large Language Models (LLMs). A primary research objective of such models is to align visual and textual modalities effectively while comprehending human instructions. Current methodologies often rely on annotations derived from benchmark datasets to construct image-dialogue datasets for training purposes, akin to instruction tuning in LLMs. However, these datasets often exhibit domain bias, potentially constraining the generative capabilities of the models. In an effort to mitigate these limitations, we propose a novel data collection methodology that synchronously synthesizes images and dialogues for visual instruction tuning. This approach harnesses the power of generative models, marrying the abilities of ChatGPT and text-to-image generative models to yield a diverse and controllable dataset with varied image content. Additionally, datasets can be arbitrarily scaled. This not only provides greater flexibility compared to existing methodologies but also significantly enhances several model capabilities. Our research includes comprehensive experiments conducted on various datasets. The results emphasize substantial enhancements in more than ten commonly assessed capabilities. Additionally, our model achieves state-of-the-art results across multiple widely recognized multimodal benchmarks.

Audio Generation with Multiple Conditional Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2308.11940v4 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhifang Guo, Jianguo Mao, Rui Tao, Long Yan, Kazushige Ouchi, Hong Liu, Xiangdong Wang

Text-based audio generation models have limitations as they cannot encompass all the information in audio, leading to restricted controllability when relying solely on text. To address this issue, we propose a novel model that enhances the controllability of existing pre-trained text-to-audio models by incorporating additional conditions including content (timestamp) and style (pitch contour and energy contour) as supplements to the text. This approach achieves fine-grained control over the temporal order, pitch, and energy of generated audio. To preserve the diversity of generation, we employ a trainable control condition encoder that is enhanced by a large language model and a trainable Fusion-Net to encode and fuse the additional conditions while keeping the weights of the pre-trained text-to-audio model frozen. Due to the lack of suitable datasets and evaluation metrics, we consolidate existing datasets into a new dataset comprising the audio and corresponding conditions and use a series of evaluation metrics to evaluate the controllability performance. Experimental results demonstrate that our model successfully achieves fine-grained control to accomplish controllable audio generation. Audio samples and our dataset are publicly available at

Region-Disentangled Diffusion Model for High-Fidelity PPG-to-ECG Translation. (arXiv:2308.13568v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Debaditya Shome, Pritam Sarkar, Ali Etemad

The high prevalence of cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) calls for accessible and cost-effective continuous cardiac monitoring tools. Despite Electrocardiography (ECG) being the gold standard, continuous monitoring remains a challenge, leading to the exploration of Photoplethysmography (PPG), a promising but more basic alternative available in consumer wearables. This notion has recently spurred interest in translating PPG to ECG signals. In this work, we introduce Region-Disentangled Diffusion Model (RDDM), a novel diffusion model designed to capture the complex temporal dynamics of ECG. Traditional Diffusion models like Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DDPM) face challenges in capturing such nuances due to the indiscriminate noise addition process across the entire signal. Our proposed RDDM overcomes such limitations by incorporating a novel forward process that selectively adds noise to specific regions of interest (ROI) such as QRS complex in ECG signals, and a reverse process that disentangles the denoising of ROI and non-ROI regions. Quantitative experiments demonstrate that RDDM can generate high-fidelity ECG from PPG in as few as 10 diffusion steps, making it highly effective and computationally efficient. Additionally, to rigorously validate the usefulness of the generated ECG signals, we introduce CardioBench, a comprehensive evaluation benchmark for a variety of cardiac-related tasks including heart rate and blood pressure estimation, stress classification, and the detection of atrial fibrillation and diabetes. Our thorough experiments show that RDDM achieves state-of-the-art performance on CardioBench. To the best of our knowledge, RDDM is the first diffusion model for cross-modal signal-to-signal translation in the bio-signal domain.

Distributional Off-Policy Evaluation for Slate Recommendations. (arXiv:2308.14165v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Shreyas Chaudhari, David Arbour, Georgios Theocharous, Nikos Vlassis

Recommendation strategies are typically evaluated by using previously logged data, employing off-policy evaluation methods to estimate their expected performance. However, for strategies that present users with slates of multiple items, the resulting combinatorial action space renders many of these methods impractical. Prior work has developed estimators that leverage the structure in slates to estimate the expected off-policy performance, but the estimation of the entire performance distribution remains elusive. Estimating the complete distribution allows for a more comprehensive evaluation of recommendation strategies, particularly along the axes of risk and fairness that employ metrics computable from the distribution. In this paper, we propose an estimator for the complete off-policy performance distribution for slates and establish conditions under which the estimator is unbiased and consistent. This builds upon prior work on off-policy evaluation for slates and off-policy distribution estimation in reinforcement learning. We validate the efficacy of our method empirically on synthetic data as well as on a slate recommendation simulator constructed from real-world data (MovieLens-20M). Our results show a significant reduction in estimation variance and improved sample efficiency over prior work across a range of slate structures.

An Adaptive Tangent Feature Perspective of Neural Networks. (arXiv:2308.15478v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel LeJeune, Sina Alemohammad

In order to better understand feature learning in neural networks, we propose a framework for understanding linear models in tangent feature space where the features are allowed to be transformed during training. We consider linear transformations of features, resulting in a joint optimization over parameters and transformations with a bilinear interpolation constraint. We show that this optimization problem has an equivalent linearly constrained optimization with structured regularization that encourages approximately low rank solutions. Specializing to neural network structure, we gain insights into how the features and thus the kernel function change, providing additional nuance to the phenomenon of kernel alignment when the target function is poorly represented using tangent features. In addition to verifying our theoretical observations in real neural networks on a simple regression problem, we empirically show that an adaptive feature implementation of tangent feature classification has an order of magnitude lower sample complexity than the fixed tangent feature model on MNIST and CIFAR-10.

Random Postprocessing for Combinatorial Bayesian Optimization. (arXiv:2309.02842v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Keisuke Morita, Yoshihiko Nishikawa, Masayuki Ohzeki

Model-based sequential approaches to discrete "black-box" optimization, including Bayesian optimization techniques, often access the same points multiple times for a given objective function in interest, resulting in many steps to find the global optimum. Here, we numerically study the effect of a postprocessing method on Bayesian optimization that strictly prohibits duplicated samples in the dataset. We find the postprocessing method significantly reduces the number of sequential steps to find the global optimum, especially when the acquisition function is of maximum a posterior estimation. Our results provide a simple but general strategy to solve the slow convergence of Bayesian optimization for high-dimensional problems.

PromptTTS++: Controlling Speaker Identity in Prompt-Based Text-to-Speech Using Natural Language Descriptions. (arXiv:2309.08140v2 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Reo Shimizu, Ryuichi Yamamoto, Masaya Kawamura, Yuma Shirahata, Hironori Doi, Tatsuya Komatsu, Kentaro Tachibana

We propose PromptTTS++, a prompt-based text-to-speech (TTS) synthesis system that allows control over speaker identity using natural language descriptions. To control speaker identity within the prompt-based TTS framework, we introduce the concept of speaker prompt, which describes voice characteristics (e.g., gender-neutral, young, old, and muffled) designed to be approximately independent of speaking style. Since there is no large-scale dataset containing speaker prompts, we first construct a dataset based on the LibriTTS-R corpus with manually annotated speaker prompts. We then employ a diffusion-based acoustic model with mixture density networks to model diverse speaker factors in the training data. Unlike previous studies that rely on style prompts describing only a limited aspect of speaker individuality, such as pitch, speaking speed, and energy, our method utilizes an additional speaker prompt to effectively learn the mapping from natural language descriptions to the acoustic features of diverse speakers. Our subjective evaluation results show that the proposed method can better control speaker characteristics than the methods without the speaker prompt. Audio samples are available at

An Evaluation of Machine Learning Approaches for Early Diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder. (arXiv:2309.11646v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Rownak Ara Rasul, Promy Saha, Diponkor Bala, S M Rakib Ul Karim, Md. Ibrahim Abdullah, Bishwajit Saha

Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurological disease characterized by difficulties with social interaction, communication, and repetitive activities. While its primary origin lies in genetics, early detection is crucial, and leveraging machine learning offers a promising avenue for a faster and more cost-effective diagnosis. This study employs diverse machine learning methods to identify crucial ASD traits, aiming to enhance and automate the diagnostic process. We study eight state-of-the-art classification models to determine their effectiveness in ASD detection. We evaluate the models using accuracy, precision, recall, specificity, F1-score, area under the curve (AUC), kappa, and log loss metrics to find the best classifier for these binary datasets. Among all the classification models, for the children dataset, the SVM and LR models achieve the highest accuracy of 100% and for the adult dataset, the LR model produces the highest accuracy of 97.14%. Our proposed ANN model provides the highest accuracy of 94.24% for the new combined dataset when hyperparameters are precisely tuned for each model. As almost all classification models achieve high accuracy which utilize true labels, we become interested in delving into five popular clustering algorithms to understand model behavior in scenarios without true labels. We calculate Normalized Mutual Information (NMI), Adjusted Rand Index (ARI), and Silhouette Coefficient (SC) metrics to select the best clustering models. Our evaluation finds that spectral clustering outperforms all other benchmarking clustering models in terms of NMI and ARI metrics while demonstrating comparability to the optimal SC achieved by k-means. The implemented code is available at GitHub.

Data is often loadable in short depth: Quantum circuits from tensor networks for finance, images, fluids, and proteins. (arXiv:2309.13108v3 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Raghav Jumade, Nicolas PD Sawaya

Though there has been substantial progress in developing quantum algorithms to study classical datasets, the cost of simply \textit{loading} classical data is an obstacle to quantum advantage. When the amplitude encoding is used, loading an arbitrary classical vector requires up to exponential circuit depths with respect to the number of qubits. Here, we address this ``input problem'' with two contributions. First, we introduce a circuit compilation method based on tensor network (TN) theory. Our method -- AMLET (Automatic Multi-layer Loader Exploiting TNs) -- proceeds via careful construction of a specific TN topology and can be tailored to arbitrary circuit depths. Second, we perform numerical experiments on real-world classical data from four distinct areas: finance, images, fluid mechanics, and proteins. To the best of our knowledge, this is the broadest numerical analysis to date of loading classical data into a quantum computer. The required circuit depths are often several orders of magnitude lower than the exponentially-scaling general loading algorithm would require. Besides introducing a more efficient loading algorithm, this work demonstrates that many classical datasets are loadable in depths that are much shorter than previously expected, which has positive implications for speeding up classical workloads on quantum computers.

Bayesian Design Principles for Frequentist Sequential Learning. (arXiv:2310.00806v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunbei Xu, Assaf Zeevi

We develop a general theory to optimize the frequentist regret for sequential learning problems, where efficient bandit and reinforcement learning algorithms can be derived from unified Bayesian principles. We propose a novel optimization approach to generate "algorithmic beliefs" at each round, and use Bayesian posteriors to make decisions. The optimization objective to create "algorithmic beliefs," which we term "Algorithmic Information Ratio," represents an intrinsic complexity measure that effectively characterizes the frequentist regret of any algorithm. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first systematical approach to make Bayesian-type algorithms prior-free and applicable to adversarial settings, in a generic and optimal manner. Moreover, the algorithms are simple and often efficient to implement. As a major application, we present a novel algorithm for multi-armed bandits that achieves the "best-of-all-worlds" empirical performance in the stochastic, adversarial, and non-stationary environments. And we illustrate how these principles can be used in linear bandits, bandit convex optimization, and reinforcement learning.

Mini-BEHAVIOR: A Procedurally Generated Benchmark for Long-horizon Decision-Making in Embodied AI. (arXiv:2310.01824v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Emily Jin, Jiaheng Hu, Zhuoyi Huang, Ruohan Zhang, Jiajun Wu, Li Fei-Fei, Roberto Martín-Martín

We present Mini-BEHAVIOR, a novel benchmark for embodied AI that challenges agents to use reasoning and decision-making skills to solve complex activities that resemble everyday human challenges. The Mini-BEHAVIOR environment is a fast, realistic Gridworld environment that offers the benefits of rapid prototyping and ease of use while preserving a symbolic level of physical realism and complexity found in complex embodied AI benchmarks. We introduce key features such as procedural generation, to enable the creation of countless task variations and support open-ended learning. Mini-BEHAVIOR provides implementations of various household tasks from the original BEHAVIOR benchmark, along with starter code for data collection and reinforcement learning agent training. In essence, Mini-BEHAVIOR offers a fast, open-ended benchmark for evaluating decision-making and planning solutions in embodied AI. It serves as a user-friendly entry point for research and facilitates the evaluation and development of solutions, simplifying their assessment and development while advancing the field of embodied AI. Code is publicly available at

Ophiuchus: Scalable Modeling of Protein Structures through Hierarchical Coarse-graining SO(3)-Equivariant Autoencoders. (arXiv:2310.02508v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Allan dos Santos Costa, Ilan Mitnikov, Mario Geiger, Manvitha Ponnapati, Tess Smidt, Joseph Jacobson

Three-dimensional native states of natural proteins display recurring and hierarchical patterns. Yet, traditional graph-based modeling of protein structures is often limited to operate within a single fine-grained resolution, and lacks hourglass neural architectures to learn those high-level building blocks. We narrow this gap by introducing Ophiuchus, an SO(3)-equivariant coarse-graining model that efficiently operates on all-atom protein structures. Our model departs from current approaches that employ graph modeling, instead focusing on local convolutional coarsening to model sequence-motif interactions with efficient time complexity in protein length. We measure the reconstruction capabilities of Ophiuchus across different compression rates, and compare it to existing models. We examine the learned latent space and demonstrate its utility through conformational interpolation. Finally, we leverage denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) in the latent space to efficiently sample protein structures. Our experiments demonstrate Ophiuchus to be a scalable basis for efficient protein modeling and generation.

Attributing Learned Concepts in Neural Networks to Training Data. (arXiv:2310.03149v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Nicholas Konz, Charles Godfrey, Madelyn Shapiro, Jonathan Tu, Henry Kvinge, Davis Brown

By now there is substantial evidence that deep learning models learn certain human-interpretable features as part of their internal representations of data. As having the right (or wrong) concepts is critical to trustworthy machine learning systems, it is natural to ask which inputs from the model's original training set were most important for learning a concept at a given layer. To answer this, we combine data attribution methods with methods for probing the concepts learned by a model. Training network and probe ensembles for two concept datasets on a range of network layers, we use the recently developed TRAK method for large-scale data attribution. We find some evidence for convergence, where removing the 10,000 top attributing images for a concept and retraining the model does not change the location of the concept in the network nor the probing sparsity of the concept. This suggests that rather than being highly dependent on a few specific examples, the features that inform the development of a concept are spread in a more diffuse manner across its exemplars, implying robustness in concept formation.

DSAC-T: Distributional Soft Actor-Critic with Three Refinements. (arXiv:2310.05858v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jingliang Duan, Wenxuan Wang, Liming Xiao, Jiaxin Gao, Shengbo Eben Li

Reinforcement learning (RL) has proven to be highly effective in tackling complex decision-making and control tasks. However, prevalent model-free RL methods often face severe performance degradation due to the well-known overestimation issue. In response to this problem, we recently introduced an off-policy RL algorithm, called distributional soft actor-critic (DSAC or DSAC-v1), which can effectively improve the value estimation accuracy by learning a continuous Gaussian value distribution. Nonetheless, standard DSAC has its own shortcomings, including occasionally unstable learning processes and the necessity for task-specific reward scaling, which may hinder its overall performance and adaptability in some special tasks. This paper further introduces three important refinements to standard DSAC in order to address these shortcomings. These refinements consist of expected value substituting, twin value distribution learning, and variance-based critic gradient adjusting. The modified RL algorithm is named as DSAC with three refinements (DSAC-T or DSAC-v2), and its performances are systematically evaluated on a diverse set of benchmark tasks. Without any task-specific hyperparameter tuning, DSAC-T surpasses or matches a lot of mainstream model-free RL algorithms, including SAC, TD3, DDPG, TRPO, and PPO, in all tested environments. Additionally, DSAC-T, unlike its standard version, ensures a highly stable learning process and delivers similar performance across varying reward scales.

Can We Edit Multimodal Large Language Models?. (arXiv:2310.08475v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyuan Cheng, Bozhong Tian, Qingbin Liu, Xi Chen, Yongheng Wang, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

In this paper, we focus on editing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Compared to editing single-modal LLMs, multimodal model editing is more challenging, which demands a higher level of scrutiny and careful consideration in the editing process. To facilitate research in this area, we construct a new benchmark, dubbed MMEdit, for editing multimodal LLMs and establishing a suite of innovative metrics for evaluation. We conduct comprehensive experiments involving various model editing baselines and analyze the impact of editing different components for multimodal LLMs. Empirically, we notice that previous baselines can implement editing multimodal LLMs to some extent, but the effect is still barely satisfactory, indicating the potential difficulty of this task. We hope that our work can provide the NLP community with insights. Code and dataset are available in

Gaining Wisdom from Setbacks: Aligning Large Language Models via Mistake Analysis. (arXiv:2310.10477v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kai Chen, Chunwei Wang, Kuo Yang, Jianhua Han, Lanqing Hong, Fei Mi, Hang Xu, Zhengying Liu, Wenyong Huang, Zhenguo Li, Dit-Yan Yeung, Lifeng Shang, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu

The rapid development of large language models (LLMs) has not only provided numerous opportunities but also presented significant challenges. This becomes particularly evident when LLMs inadvertently generate harmful or toxic content, either unintentionally or because of intentional inducement. Existing alignment methods usually direct LLMs toward favorable outcomes by utilizing human-annotated, flawless instruction-response pairs. Conversely, this study proposes a novel alignment technique based on mistake analysis, which deliberately exposes LLMs to erroneous content to learn the reasons for mistakes and how to avoid them. In this case, mistakes are repurposed into valuable data for alignment, effectively helping to avoid the production of erroneous responses. Without external models or human annotations, our method leverages a model's intrinsic ability to discern undesirable mistakes and improves the safety of its generated responses. Experimental results reveal that our method outperforms existing alignment approaches in enhancing model safety while maintaining the overall utility.

United We Stand: Using Epoch-wise Agreement of Ensembles to Combat Overfit. (arXiv:2310.11077v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Uri Stern, Daniel Shwartz, Daphna Weinshall

Deep neural networks have become the method of choice for solving many classification tasks, largely because they can fit very complex functions defined over raw data. The downside of such powerful learners is the danger of overfit. In this paper, we introduce a novel ensemble classifier for deep networks that effectively overcomes overfitting by combining models generated at specific intermediate epochs during training. Our method allows for the incorporation of useful knowledge obtained by the models during the overfitting phase without deterioration of the general performance, which is usually missed when early stopping is used. To motivate this approach, we begin with the theoretical analysis of a regression model, whose prediction -- that the variance among classifiers increases when overfit occurs -- is demonstrated empirically in deep networks in common use. Guided by these results, we construct a new ensemble-based prediction method, where the prediction is determined by the class that attains the most consensual prediction throughout the training epochs. Using multiple image and text classification datasets, we show that when regular ensembles suffer from overfit, our method eliminates the harmful reduction in generalization due to overfit, and often even surpasses the performance obtained by early stopping. Our method is easy to implement and can be integrated with any training scheme and architecture, without additional prior knowledge beyond the training set. It is thus a practical and useful tool to overcome overfit. Code is available at

Relearning Forgotten Knowledge: on Forgetting, Overfit and Training-Free Ensembles of DNNs. (arXiv:2310.11094v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Uri Stern, Daphna Weinshall

The infrequent occurrence of overfit in deep neural networks is perplexing. On the one hand, theory predicts that as models get larger they should eventually become too specialized for a specific training set, with ensuing decrease in generalization. In contrast, empirical results in image classification indicate that increasing the training time of deep models or using bigger models almost never hurts generalization. Is it because the way we measure overfit is too limited? Here, we introduce a novel score for quantifying overfit, which monitors the forgetting rate of deep models on validation data. Presumably, this score indicates that even while generalization improves overall, there are certain regions of the data space where it deteriorates. When thus measured, we show that overfit can occur with and without a decrease in validation accuracy, and may be more common than previously appreciated. This observation may help to clarify the aforementioned confusing picture. We use our observations to construct a new ensemble method, based solely on the training history of a single network, which provides significant improvement in performance without any additional cost in training time. An extensive empirical evaluation with modern deep models shows our method's utility on multiple datasets, neural networks architectures and training schemes, both when training from scratch and when using pre-trained networks in transfer learning. Notably, our method outperforms comparable methods while being easier to implement and use, and further improves the performance of competitive networks on Imagenet by 1%.

Predicting Transcription Factor Binding Sites using Transformer based Capsule Network. (arXiv:2310.15202v2 [q-bio.GN] UPDATED)

Authors: Nimisha Ghosh, Daniele Santoni, Indrajit Saha, Giovanni Felici

Prediction of binding sites for transcription factors is important to understand how they regulate gene expression and how this regulation can be modulated for therapeutic purposes. Although in the past few years there are significant works addressing this issue, there is still space for improvement. In this regard, a transformer based capsule network viz. DNABERT-Cap is proposed in this work to predict transcription factor binding sites mining ChIP-seq datasets. DNABERT-Cap is a bidirectional encoder pre-trained with large number of genomic DNA sequences, empowered with a capsule layer responsible for the final prediction. The proposed model builds a predictor for transcription factor binding sites using the joint optimisation of features encompassing both bidirectional encoder and capsule layer, along with convolutional and bidirectional long-short term memory layers. To evaluate the efficiency of the proposed approach, we use a benchmark ChIP-seq datasets of five cell lines viz. A549, GM12878, Hep-G2, H1-hESC and Hela, available in the ENCODE repository. The results show that the average area under the receiver operating characteristic curve score exceeds 0.91 for all such five cell lines. DNABERT-Cap is also compared with existing state-of-the-art deep learning based predictors viz. DeepARC, DeepTF, CNN-Zeng and DeepBind, and is seen to outperform them.

Convergence of Sign-based Random Reshuffling Algorithms for Nonconvex Optimization. (arXiv:2310.15976v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhen Qin, Zhishuai Liu, Pan Xu

signSGD is popular in nonconvex optimization due to its communication efficiency. Yet, existing analyses of signSGD rely on assuming that data are sampled with replacement in each iteration, contradicting the practical implementation where data are randomly reshuffled and sequentially fed into the algorithm. We bridge this gap by proving the first convergence result of signSGD with random reshuffling (SignRR) for nonconvex optimization. Given the dataset size $n$, the number of epochs of data passes $T$, and the variance bound of a stochastic gradient $\sigma^2$, we show that SignRR has the same convergence rate $O(\log(nT)/\sqrt{nT} + \|\sigma\|_1)$ as signSGD \citep{bernstein2018signsgd}. We then present SignRVR and SignRVM, which leverage variance-reduced gradients and momentum updates respectively, both converging at $O(\log (nT)/\sqrt{nT} + \log (nT)\sqrt{n}/\sqrt{T})$. In contrast with the analysis of signSGD, our results do not require an extremely large batch size in each iteration to be of the same order as the total number of iterations \citep{bernstein2018signsgd} or the signs of stochastic and true gradients match element-wise with a minimum probability of 1/2 \citep{safaryan2021stochastic}. We also extend our algorithms to cases where data are distributed across different machines, yielding dist-SignRVR and dist-SignRVM, both converging at $O(\log (n_0T)/\sqrt{n_0T} + \log (n_0T)\sqrt{n_0}/\sqrt{T})$, where $n_0$ is the dataset size of a single machine. We back up our theoretical findings through experiments on simulated and real-world problems, verifying that randomly reshuffled sign methods match or surpass existing baselines.

Hierarchical Randomized Smoothing. (arXiv:2310.16221v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yan Scholten, Jan Schuchardt, Aleksandar Bojchevski, Stephan Günnemann

Real-world data is complex and often consists of objects that can be decomposed into multiple entities (e.g. images into pixels, graphs into interconnected nodes). Randomized smoothing is a powerful framework for making models provably robust against small changes to their inputs - by guaranteeing robustness of the majority vote when randomly adding noise before classification. Yet, certifying robustness on such complex data via randomized smoothing is challenging when adversaries do not arbitrarily perturb entire objects (e.g. images) but only a subset of their entities (e.g. pixels). As a solution, we introduce hierarchical randomized smoothing: We partially smooth objects by adding random noise only on a randomly selected subset of their entities. By adding noise in a more targeted manner than existing methods we obtain stronger robustness guarantees while maintaining high accuracy. We initialize hierarchical smoothing using different noising distributions, yielding novel robustness certificates for discrete and continuous domains. We experimentally demonstrate the importance of hierarchical smoothing in image and node classification, where it yields superior robustness-accuracy trade-offs. Overall, hierarchical smoothing is an important contribution towards models that are both - certifiably robust to perturbations and accurate.

Do Graph Neural Networks Dream of Landau Damping? Insights from Kinetic Simulations of a Plasma Sheet Model. (arXiv:2310.17646v2 [physics.plasm-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Diogo D Carvalho, Diogo R Ferreira, Luis O Silva

We explore the possibility of fully replacing a plasma physics kinetic simulator with a graph neural network-based simulator. We focus on this class of surrogate models given the similarity between their message-passing update mechanism and the traditional physics solver update, and the possibility of enforcing known physical priors into the graph construction and update. We show that our model learns the kinetic plasma dynamics of the one-dimensional plasma model, a predecessor of contemporary kinetic plasma simulation codes, and recovers a wide range of well-known kinetic plasma processes, including plasma thermalization, electrostatic fluctuations about thermal equilibrium, and the drag on a fast sheet and Landau damping. We compare the performance against the original plasma model in terms of run-time, conservation laws, and temporal evolution of key physical quantities. The limitations of the model are presented and possible directions for higher-dimensional surrogate models for kinetic plasmas are discussed.

scBeacon: single-cell biomarker extraction via identifying paired cell clusters across biological conditions with contrastive siamese networks. (arXiv:2311.02594v2 [q-bio.GN] UPDATED)

Authors: Chenyu Liu, Yong Jin Kweon, Jun Ding

Despite the breakthroughs in biomarker discovery facilitated by differential gene analysis, challenges remain, particularly at the single-cell level. Traditional methodologies heavily rely on user-supplied cell annotations, focusing on individually expressed data, often neglecting the critical interactions between biological conditions, such as healthy versus diseased states. In response, here we introduce scBeacon, an innovative framework built upon a deep contrastive siamese network. scBeacon pioneers an unsupervised approach, adeptly identifying matched cell populations across varied conditions, enabling a refined differential gene analysis. By utilizing a VQ-VAE framework, a contrastive siamese network, and a greedy iterative strategy, scBeacon effectively pinpoints differential genes that hold potential as key biomarkers. Comprehensive evaluations on a diverse array of datasets validate scBeacon's superiority over existing single-cell differential gene analysis tools. Its precision and adaptability underscore its significant role in enhancing diagnostic accuracy in biomarker discovery. With the emphasis on the importance of biomarkers in diagnosis, scBeacon is positioned to be a pivotal asset in the evolution of personalized medicine and targeted treatments.

Leveraging High-Level Synthesis and Large Language Models to Generate, Simulate, and Deploy a Uniform Random Number Generator Hardware Design. (arXiv:2311.03489v3 [cs.AR] UPDATED)

Authors: James T. Meech

We present a new high-level synthesis methodology for using large language model tools to generate hardware designs. The methodology uses exclusively open-source tools excluding the large language model. As a case study, we use our methodology to generate a permuted congruential random number generator design with a wishbone interface. We verify the functionality and quality of the random number generator design using large language model-generated simulations and the Dieharder randomness test suite. We document all the large language model chat logs, Python scripts, Verilog scripts, and simulation results used in the case study. We believe that our method of hardware design generation coupled with the open source silicon 130 nm design tools will revolutionize application-specific integrated circuit design. Our methodology significantly lowers the bar to entry when building domain-specific computing accelerators for the Internet of Things and proof of concept prototypes for later fabrication in more modern process nodes.

Why Do Probabilistic Clinical Models Fail To Transport Between Sites?. (arXiv:2311.04787v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Thomas A. Lasko, Eric V. Strobl, William W. Stead

The rising popularity of artificial intelligence in healthcare is highlighting the problem that a computational model achieving super-human clinical performance at its training sites may perform substantially worse at new sites. In this perspective, we present common sources for this failure to transport, which we divide into sources under the control of the experimenter and sources inherent to the clinical data-generating process. Of the inherent sources we look a little deeper into site-specific clinical practices that can affect the data distribution, and propose a potential solution intended to isolate the imprint of those practices on the data from the patterns of disease cause and effect that are the usual target of probabilistic clinical models.

Prune-Deprune: Adaptive Compression-Aware Split Learning and Inference for Enhanced Network Efficiency. (arXiv:2311.05739v2 [cs.NI] UPDATED)

Authors: Akrit Mudvari, Antero Vainio, Iason Ofeidis, Sasu Tarkoma, Leandros Tassiulas

The growing number of AI-driven applications in mobile devices has led to solutions that integrate deep learning models with the available edge-cloud resources. Due to multiple benefits such as reduction in on-device energy consumption, improved latency, improved network usage, and certain privacy improvements, split learning, where deep learning models are split away from the mobile device and computed in a distributed manner, has become an extensively explored topic. Incorporating compression-aware methods (where learning adapts to compression level of the communicated data) has made split learning even more advantageous. This method could even offer a viable alternative to traditional methods, such as federated learning techniques. In this work, we develop an adaptive compression-aware split learning method ('deprune') to improve and train deep learning models so that they are much more network-efficient, which would make them ideal to deploy in weaker devices with the help of edge-cloud resources. This method is also extended ('prune') to very quickly train deep learning models through a transfer learning approach, which trades off little accuracy for much more network-efficient inference abilities. We show that the 'deprune' method can reduce network usage by 4x when compared with a split-learning approach (that does not use our method) without loss of accuracy, while also improving accuracy over compression-aware split-learning by 4 percent. Lastly, we show that the 'prune' method can reduce the training time for certain models by up to 6x without affecting the accuracy when compared against a compression-aware split-learning approach.

Efficient Parallelization of a Ubiquitous Sequential Computation. (arXiv:2311.06281v4 [cs.DS] UPDATED)

Authors: Franz A. Heinsen

We find a succinct expression for computing the sequence $x_t = a_t x_{t-1} + b_t$ in parallel with two prefix sums, given $t = (1, 2, \dots, n)$, $a_t \in \mathbb{R}^n$, $b_t \in \mathbb{R}^n$, and initial value $x_0 \in \mathbb{R}$. On $n$ parallel processors, the computation of $n$ elements incurs $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ time and $\mathcal{O}(n)$ space. Sequences of this form are ubiquitous in science and engineering, making efficient parallelization useful for a vast number of applications. We implement our expression in software, test it on parallel hardware, and verify that it executes faster than sequential computation by a factor of $\frac{n}{\log n}$.

Curriculum Learning and Imitation Learning for Model-free Control on Financial Time-series. (arXiv:2311.13326v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Woosung Koh, Insu Choi, Yuntae Jang, Gimin Kang, Woo Chang Kim

Curriculum learning and imitation learning have been leveraged extensively in the robotics domain. However, minimal research has been done on leveraging these ideas on control tasks over highly stochastic time-series data. Here, we theoretically and empirically explore these approaches in a representative control task over complex time-series data. We implement the fundamental ideas of curriculum learning via data augmentation, while imitation learning is implemented via policy distillation from an oracle. Our findings reveal that curriculum learning should be considered a novel direction in improving control-task performance over complex time-series. Our ample random-seed out-sample empirics and ablation studies are highly encouraging for curriculum learning for time-series control. These findings are especially encouraging as we tune all overlapping hyperparameters on the baseline -- giving an advantage to the baseline. On the other hand, we find that imitation learning should be used with caution.

A Baseline Analysis of Reward Models' Ability To Accurately Analyze Foundation Models Under Distribution Shift. (arXiv:2311.14743v6 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Will LeVine, Ben Pikus, Anthony Chen, Sean Hendryx

Foundation models, specifically Large Language Models (LLM's), have lately gained wide-spread attention and adoption. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) involves training a reward model to capture desired behaviors, which is then used to align LLM's. These reward models are additionally used at inference-time to estimate LLM responses' adherence to those desired behaviors. However, there is little work measuring how robust these reward models are to distribution shifts. In this work, we evaluate how reward model performance - measured via accuracy and calibration (i.e. alignment between accuracy and confidence) - is affected by distribution shift. We show novel calibration patterns and accuracy drops due to OOD prompts and responses, and that the reward model is more sensitive to shifts in responses than prompts. Additionally, we adapt an OOD detection technique commonly used in classification to the reward model setting to detect these distribution shifts in prompts and responses.

Set Features for Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2311.14773v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Niv Cohen, Issar Tzachor, Yedid Hoshen

This paper proposes set features for detecting anomalies in samples that consist of unusual combinations of normal elements. Many leading methods discover anomalies by detecting an unusual part of a sample. For example, state-of-the-art segmentation-based approaches, first classify each element of the sample (e.g., image patch) as normal or anomalous and then classify the entire sample as anomalous if it contains anomalous elements. However, such approaches do not extend well to scenarios where the anomalies are expressed by an unusual combination of normal elements. In this paper, we overcome this limitation by proposing set features that model each sample by the distribution of its elements. We compute the anomaly score of each sample using a simple density estimation method, using fixed features. Our approach outperforms the previous state-of-the-art in image-level logical anomaly detection and sequence-level time series anomaly detection.

On the Robustness of Decision-Focused Learning. (arXiv:2311.16487v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yehya Farhat

Decision-Focused Learning (DFL) is an emerging learning paradigm that tackles the task of training a machine learning (ML) model to predict missing parameters of an incomplete optimization problem, where the missing parameters are predicted. DFL trains an ML model in an end-to-end system, by integrating the prediction and optimization tasks, providing better alignment of the training and testing objectives. DFL has shown a lot of promise and holds the capacity to revolutionize decision-making in many real-world applications. However, very little is known about the performance of these models under adversarial attacks. We adopt ten unique DFL methods and benchmark their performance under two distinctly focused attacks adapted towards the Predict-then-Optimize problem setting. Our study proposes the hypothesis that the robustness of a model is highly correlated with its ability to find predictions that lead to optimal decisions without deviating from the ground-truth label. Furthermore, we provide insight into how to target the models that violate this condition and show how these models respond differently depending on the achieved optimality at the end of their training cycles.

StyleCap: Automatic Speaking-Style Captioning from Speech Based on Speech and Language Self-supervised Learning Models. (arXiv:2311.16509v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kazuki Yamauchi, Yusuke Ijima, Yuki Saito

We propose StyleCap, a method to generate natural language descriptions of speaking styles appearing in speech. Although most of conventional techniques for para-/non-linguistic information recognition focus on the category classification or the intensity estimation of pre-defined labels, they cannot provide the reasoning of the recognition result in an interpretable manner. StyleCap is a first step towards an end-to-end method for generating speaking-style prompts from speech, i.e., automatic speaking-style captioning. StyleCap is trained with paired data of speech and natural language descriptions. We train neural networks that convert a speech representation vector into prefix vectors that are fed into a large language model (LLM)-based text decoder. We explore an appropriate text decoder and speech feature representation suitable for this new task. The experimental results demonstrate that our StyleCap leveraging richer LLMs for the text decoder, speech self-supervised learning (SSL) features, and sentence rephrasing augmentation improves the accuracy and diversity of generated speaking-style captions. Samples of speaking-style captions generated by our StyleCap are publicly available.

Grounding Foundation Models through Federated Transfer Learning: A General Framework. (arXiv:2311.17431v6 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yan Kang, Tao Fan, Hanlin Gu, Xiaojin Zhang, Lixin Fan, Qiang Yang

Foundation Models (FMs) such as GPT-4 encoded with vast knowledge and powerful emergent abilities have achieved remarkable success in various natural language processing and computer vision tasks. Grounding FMs by adapting them to domain-specific tasks or augmenting them with domain-specific knowledge enables us to exploit the full potential of FMs. However, grounding FMs faces several challenges, stemming primarily from constrained computing resources, data privacy, model heterogeneity, and model ownership. Federated Transfer Learning (FTL), the combination of federated learning and transfer learning, provides promising solutions to address these challenges. In recent years, the need for grounding FMs leveraging FTL, coined FTL-FM, has arisen strongly in both academia and industry. Motivated by the strong growth in FTL-FM research and the potential impact of FTL-FM on industrial applications, we propose an FTL-FM framework that formulates problems of grounding FMs in the federated learning setting, construct a detailed taxonomy based on the FTL-FM framework to categorize state-of-the-art FTL-FM works, and comprehensively overview FTL-FM works based on the proposed taxonomy. We also establish correspondences between FTL-FM and conventional phases of adapting FM so that FM practitioners can align their research works with FTL-FM. In addition, we overview advanced efficiency-improving and privacy-preserving techniques because efficiency and privacy are critical concerns in FTL-FM. Last, we discuss opportunities and future research directions of FTL-FM.

New Online Communities: Graph Deep Learning on Anonymous Voting Networks to Identify Sybils in Polycentric Governance. (arXiv:2311.17929v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Quinn DuPont

This research examines the polycentric governance of digital assets in blockchain-based Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs). It offers a theoretical framework and addresses a critical challenge facing decentralized governance by developing a method to identify sybils, or spurious identities. The method uses graph deep learning techniques to identify sybil activity in a DAO governance dataset ( Specifically, a Graph Convolutional Neural Network (GCNN) learned voting behaviours and a fast k-means vector clustering algorithm (FAISS) used the high dimensional embeddings to identify similar nodes in a graph. The results reveal that deep learning can effectively identify sybils, reducing the voting graph by 2-5%. This research underscores the importance of sybil resistance in DAOs and offers a novel perspective on decentralized governance, informing future policy, regulation, and governance practices.

Digital Histopathology with Graph Neural Networks: Concepts and Explanations for Clinicians. (arXiv:2312.02225v2 [] UPDATED)

Authors: Alessandro Farace di Villaforesta, Lucie Charlotte Magister, Pietro Barbiero, Pietro Liò

To address the challenge of the ``black-box" nature of deep learning in medical settings, we combine GCExplainer - an automated concept discovery solution - along with Logic Explained Networks to provide global explanations for Graph Neural Networks. We demonstrate this using a generally applicable graph construction and classification pipeline, involving panoptic segmentation with HoVer-Net and cancer prediction with Graph Convolution Networks. By training on H&E slides of breast cancer, we show promising results in offering explainable and trustworthy AI tools for clinicians.

Spectral methods for Neural Integral Equations. (arXiv:2312.05654v2 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Authors: Emanuele Zappala

Neural integral equations are deep learning models based on the theory of integral equations, where the model consists of an integral operator and the corresponding equation (of the second kind) which is learned through an optimization procedure. This approach allows to leverage the nonlocal properties of integral operators in machine learning, but it is computationally expensive. In this article, we introduce a framework for neural integral equations based on spectral methods that allows us to learn an operator in the spectral domain, resulting in a cheaper computational cost, as well as in high interpolation accuracy. We study the properties of our methods and show various theoretical guarantees regarding the approximation capabilities of the model, and convergence to solutions of the numerical methods. We provide numerical experiments to demonstrate the practical effectiveness of the resulting model.

Micro-Macro Consistency in Multiscale Modeling: Score-Based Model Assisted Sampling of Fast/Slow Dynamical Systems. (arXiv:2312.05715v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ellis R. Crabtree, Juan M. Bello-Rivas, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis

A valuable step in the modeling of multiscale dynamical systems in fields such as computational chemistry, biology, materials science and more, is the representative sampling of the phase space over long timescales of interest; this task is not, however, without challenges. For example, the long term behavior of a system with many degrees of freedom often cannot be efficiently computationally explored by direct dynamical simulation; such systems can often become trapped in local free energy minima. In the study of physics-based multi-time-scale dynamical systems, techniques have been developed for enhancing sampling in order to accelerate exploration beyond free energy barriers. On the other hand, in the field of Machine Learning, a generic goal of generative models is to sample from a target density, after training on empirical samples from this density. Score based generative models (SGMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art capabilities in generating plausible data from target training distributions. Conditional implementations of such generative models have been shown to exhibit significant parallels with long-established -- and physics based -- solutions to enhanced sampling. These physics-based methods can then be enhanced through coupling with the ML generative models, complementing the strengths and mitigating the weaknesses of each technique. In this work, we show that that SGMs can be used in such a coupling framework to improve sampling in multiscale dynamical systems.

Transformers Implement Functional Gradient Descent to Learn Non-Linear Functions In Context. (arXiv:2312.06528v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiang Cheng, Yuxin Chen, Suvrit Sra

Many neural network architectures have been shown to be Turing Complete, and can thus implement arbitrary algorithms. However, Transformers are unique in that they can implement gradient-based learning algorithms \emph{under simple parameter configurations}. A line of recent work shows that linear Transformers naturally learn to implement gradient descent (GD) when trained on a linear regression in-context learning task. But the linearity assumption (either in the Transformer architecture or in the learning task) is far from realistic settings where non-linear activations crucially enable Transformers to learn complicated non-linear functions. In this paper, we provide theoretical and empirical evidence that non-linear Transformers can, and \emph{in fact do}, learn to implement learning algorithms to learn non-linear functions in context. Our results apply to a broad class of combinations of non-linear architectures, and non-linear in-context learning tasks. Interestingly, we show that the optimal choice of non-linear activation depends in a natural way on the non-linearity of the learning task.

Steering Llama 2 via Contrastive Activation Addition. (arXiv:2312.06681v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Nina Rimsky, Nick Gabrieli, Julian Schulz, Meg Tong, Evan Hubinger, Alexander Matt Turner

We introduce Contrastive Activation Addition (CAA), an innovative method for steering language models by modifying activations during their forward passes. CAA computes ``steering vectors'' by averaging the difference in residual stream activations between pairs of positive and negative examples of a particular behavior such as factual versus hallucinatory responses. During inference, these steering vectors are added at all token positions after the user's prompt with either a positive or negative coefficient, allowing precise control over the degree of the targeted behavior. We evaluate CAA's effectiveness on Llama 2 Chat using both multiple-choice behavioral question datasets and open-ended generation tasks. We demonstrate that CAA significantly alters model behavior, outperforms traditional methods like finetuning and few-shot prompting, and minimally reduces capabilities. Moreover, by employing various activation space interpretation methods, we gain deeper insights into CAA's mechanisms. CAA both accurately steers model outputs and also sheds light on how high-level concepts are represented in Large Language Models (LLMs).

SocialStigmaQA: A Benchmark to Uncover Stigma Amplification in Generative Language Models. (arXiv:2312.07492v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Manish Nagireddy, Lamogha Chiazor, Moninder Singh, Ioana Baldini

Current datasets for unwanted social bias auditing are limited to studying protected demographic features such as race and gender. In this work, we introduce a comprehensive benchmark that is meant to capture the amplification of social bias, via stigmas, in generative language models. Taking inspiration from social science research, we start with a documented list of 93 US-centric stigmas and curate a question-answering (QA) dataset which involves simple social situations. Our benchmark, SocialStigmaQA, contains roughly 10K prompts, with a variety of prompt styles, carefully constructed to systematically test for both social bias and model robustness. We present results for SocialStigmaQA with two open source generative language models and we find that the proportion of socially biased output ranges from 45% to 59% across a variety of decoding strategies and prompting styles. We demonstrate that the deliberate design of the templates in our benchmark (e.g., adding biasing text to the prompt or using different verbs that change the answer that indicates bias) impacts the model tendencies to generate socially biased output. Additionally, through manual evaluation, we discover problematic patterns in the generated chain-of-thought output that range from subtle bias to lack of reasoning.

Warning: This paper contains examples of text which are toxic, biased, and potentially harmful.

Cooperative Learning for Cost-Adaptive Inference. (arXiv:2312.08532v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xingli Fang, Richard Bradford, Jung-Eun Kim

We propose a cooperative training framework for deep neural network architectures that enables the runtime network depths to change to satisfy dynamic computing resource requirements. In our framework, the number of layers participating in computation can be chosen dynamically to meet performance-cost trade-offs at inference runtime. Our method trains two Teammate nets and a Leader net, and two sets of Teammate sub-networks with various depths through knowledge distillation. The Teammate nets derive sub-networks and transfer knowledge to them, and to each other, while the Leader net guides Teammate nets to ensure accuracy. The approach trains the framework atomically at once instead of individually training various sizes of models; in a sense, the various-sized networks are all trained at once, in a "package deal." The proposed framework is not tied to any specific architecture but can incorporate any existing models/architectures, therefore it can maintain stable results and is insensitive to the size of a dataset's feature map. Compared with other related approaches, it provides comparable accuracy to its full network while various sizes of models are available.

How to Raise a Robot -- A Case for Neuro-Symbolic AI in Constrained Task Planning for Humanoid Assistive Robots. (arXiv:2312.08820v3 [cs.RO] UPDATED)

Authors: Niklas Hemken, Florian Jacob, Fabian Peller-Konrad, Rainer Kartmann, Tamim Asfour, Hannes Hartenstein

Humanoid robots will be able to assist humans in their daily life, in particular due to their versatile action capabilities. However, while these robots need a certain degree of autonomy to learn and explore, they also should respect various constraints, for access control and beyond. We explore the novel field of incorporating privacy, security, and access control constraints with robot task planning approaches. We report preliminary results on the classical symbolic approach, deep-learned neural networks, and modern ideas using large language models as knowledge base. From analyzing their trade-offs, we conclude that a hybrid approach is necessary, and thereby present a new use case for the emerging field of neuro-symbolic artificial intelligence.

Math-Shepherd: Verify and Reinforce LLMs Step-by-step without Human Annotations. (arXiv:2312.08935v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Peiyi Wang, Lei Li, Zhihong Shao, R.X. Xu, Damai Dai, Yifei Li, Deli Chen, Y.Wu, Zhifang Sui

In this paper, we present an innovative process-oriented math process reward model called \textbf{Math-Shepherd}, which assigns a reward score to each step of math problem solutions. The training of Math-Shepherd is achieved using automatically constructed process-wise supervision data, breaking the bottleneck of heavy reliance on manual annotation in existing work. We explore the effectiveness of Math-Shepherd in two scenarios: 1) \textit{Verification}: Math-Shepherd is utilized for reranking multiple outputs generated by Large Language Models (LLMs); 2) \textit{Reinforcement Learning}: Math-Shepherd is employed to reinforce LLMs with step-by-step Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO). With Math-Shepherd, a series of open-source LLMs demonstrates exceptional performance. For instance, the step-by-step PPO with Math-Shepherd significantly improves the accuracy of Mistral-7B (77.9\%$\to$84.1\% on GSM8K and 28.6\%$\to$33.0\% on MATH). The accuracy can be further enhanced to 89.1\% and 43.5\% on GSM8K and MATH with the verification of Math-Shepherd, respectively. We believe that automatic process supervision holds significant potential for the future evolution of LLMs.

Quantum Generative Adversarial Networks: Bridging Classical and Quantum Realms. (arXiv:2312.09939v2 [quant-ph] UPDATED)

Authors: Sahil Nokhwal, Suman Nokhwal, Saurabh Pahune, Ankit Chaudhary

In this pioneering research paper, we present a groundbreaking exploration into the synergistic fusion of classical and quantum computing paradigms within the realm of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Our objective is to seamlessly integrate quantum computational elements into the conventional GAN architecture, thereby unlocking novel pathways for enhanced training processes.

Drawing inspiration from the inherent capabilities of quantum bits (qubits), we delve into the incorporation of quantum data representation methodologies within the GAN framework. By capitalizing on the unique quantum features, we aim to accelerate the training process of GANs, offering a fresh perspective on the optimization of generative models.

Our investigation deals with theoretical considerations and evaluates the potential quantum advantages that may manifest in terms of training efficiency and generative quality. We confront the challenges inherent in the quantum-classical amalgamation, addressing issues related to quantum hardware constraints, error correction mechanisms, and scalability considerations. This research is positioned at the forefront of quantum-enhanced machine learning, presenting a critical stride towards harnessing the computational power of quantum systems to expedite the training of Generative Adversarial Networks. Through our comprehensive examination of the interface between classical and quantum realms, we aim to uncover transformative insights that will propel the field forward, fostering innovation and advancing the frontier of quantum machine learning.

Accelerating Neural Network Training: A Brief Review. (arXiv:2312.10024v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sahil Nokhwal, Priyanka Chilakalapudi, Preeti Donekal, Suman Nokhwal, Saurabh Pahune, Ankit Chaudhary

The process of training a deep neural network is characterized by significant time requirements and associated costs. Although researchers have made considerable progress in this area, further work is still required due to resource constraints. This study examines innovative approaches to expedite the training process of deep neural networks (DNN), with specific emphasis on three state-of-the-art models such as ResNet50, Vision Transformer (ViT), and EfficientNet. The research utilizes sophisticated methodologies, including Gradient Accumulation (GA), Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP), and Pin Memory (PM), in order to optimize performance and accelerate the training procedure.

The study examines the effects of these methodologies on the DNN models discussed earlier, assessing their efficacy with regard to training rate and computational efficacy. The study showcases the efficacy of including GA as a strategic approach, resulting in a noteworthy decrease in the duration required for training. This enables the models to converge at a faster pace. The utilization of AMP enhances the speed of computations by taking advantage of the advantages offered by lower precision arithmetic while maintaining the correctness of the model.

Furthermore, this study investigates the application of Pin Memory as a strategy to enhance the efficiency of data transmission between the central processing unit and the graphics processing unit, thereby offering a promising opportunity for enhancing overall performance. The experimental findings demonstrate that the combination of these sophisticated methodologies significantly accelerates the training of DNNs, offering vital insights for experts seeking to improve the effectiveness of deep learning processes.

Harnessing the Power of Neural Operators with Automatically Encoded Conservation Laws. (arXiv:2312.11176v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Ning Liu, Yiming Fan, Xianyi Zeng, Milan Klöwer, Yue Yu

Neural operators (NOs) have emerged as effective tools for modeling complex physical systems in scientific machine learning. In NOs, a central characteristic is to learn the governing physical laws directly from data. In contrast to other machine learning applications, partial knowledge is often known a priori about the physical system at hand whereby quantities such as mass, energy and momentum are exactly conserved. Currently, NOs have to learn these conservation laws from data and can only approximately satisfy them due to finite training data and random noise. In this work, we introduce conservation law-encoded neural operators (clawNOs), a suite of NOs that endow inference with automatic satisfaction of such conservation laws. ClawNOs are built with a divergence-free prediction of the solution field, with which the continuity equation is automatically guaranteed. As a consequence, clawNOs are compliant with the most fundamental and ubiquitous conservation laws essential for correct physical consistency. As demonstrations, we consider a wide variety of scientific applications ranging from constitutive modeling of material deformation, incompressible fluid dynamics, to atmospheric simulation. ClawNOs significantly outperform the state-of-the-art NOs in learning efficacy, especially in small-data regimes.

Towards Efficient Verification of Quantized Neural Networks. (arXiv:2312.12679v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Pei Huang, Haoze Wu, Yuting Yang, Ieva Daukantas, Min Wu, Yedi Zhang, Clark Barrett

Quantization replaces floating point arithmetic with integer arithmetic in deep neural network models, providing more efficient on-device inference with less power and memory. In this work, we propose a framework for formally verifying properties of quantized neural networks. Our baseline technique is based on integer linear programming which guarantees both soundness and completeness. We then show how efficiency can be improved by utilizing gradient-based heuristic search methods and also bound-propagation techniques. We evaluate our approach on perception networks quantized with PyTorch. Our results show that we can verify quantized networks with better scalability and efficiency than the previous state of the art.

Deep Neural Networks and Finite Elements of Any Order on Arbitrary Dimensions. (arXiv:2312.14276v2 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Authors: Juncai He, Jinchao Xu

In this study, we establish that deep neural networks employing ReLU and ReLU$^2$ activation functions are capable of representing Lagrange finite element functions of any order on simplicial meshes across arbitrary dimensions. We introduce a novel global formulation of the basis functions for Lagrange elements, grounded in a geometric decomposition of these elements and leveraging two essential properties of high-dimensional simplicial meshes and barycentric coordinate functions. This representation theory facilitates a natural approximation result for such deep neural networks. Our findings present the first demonstration of how deep neural networks can systematically generate general continuous piecewise polynomial functions.

Deep Copula-Based Survival Analysis for Dependent Censoring with Identifiability Guarantees. (arXiv:2312.15566v2 [stat.ML] UPDATED)

Authors: Weijia Zhang, Chun Kai Ling, Xuanhui Zhang

Censoring is the central problem in survival analysis where either the time-to-event (for instance, death), or the time-tocensoring (such as loss of follow-up) is observed for each sample. The majority of existing machine learning-based survival analysis methods assume that survival is conditionally independent of censoring given a set of covariates; an assumption that cannot be verified since only marginal distributions is available from the data. The existence of dependent censoring, along with the inherent bias in current estimators has been demonstrated in a variety of applications, accentuating the need for a more nuanced approach. However, existing methods that adjust for dependent censoring require practitioners to specify the ground truth copula. This requirement poses a significant challenge for practical applications, as model misspecification can lead to substantial bias. In this work, we propose a flexible deep learning-based survival analysis method that simultaneously accommodate for dependent censoring and eliminates the requirement for specifying the ground truth copula. We theoretically prove the identifiability of our model under a broad family of copulas and survival distributions. Experiments results from a wide range of datasets demonstrate that our approach successfully discerns the underlying dependency structure and significantly reduces survival estimation bias when compared to existing methods.

Self-Supervised Learning for Few-Shot Bird Sound Classification. (arXiv:2312.15824v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Ilyass Moummad, Romain Serizel, Nicolas Farrugia

Self-supervised learning (SSL) in audio holds significant potential across various domains, particularly in situations where abundant, unlabeled data is readily available at no cost. This is particularly pertinent in bioacoustics, where biologists routinely collect extensive sound datasets from the natural environment. In this study, we demonstrate that SSL is capable of acquiring meaningful representations of bird sounds from audio recordings without the need for annotations. Our experiments showcase that these learned representations exhibit the capacity to generalize to new bird species in few-shot learning (FSL) scenarios. Additionally, we show that selecting windows with high bird activation for self-supervised learning, using a pretrained audio neural network, significantly enhances the quality of the learned representations.

Exploiting the capacity of deep networks only at training stage for nonlinear black-box system identification. (arXiv:2312.15969v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Vahid MohammadZadeh Eivaghi, Mahdi Aliyari Shooredeli

To benefit from the modeling capacity of deep models in system identification, without worrying about inference time, this study presents a novel training strategy that uses deep models only at the training stage. For this purpose two separate models with different structures and goals are employed. The first one is a deep generative model aiming at modeling the distribution of system output(s), called the teacher model, and the second one is a shallow basis function model, named the student model, fed by system input(s) to predict the system output(s). That means these isolated paths must reach the same ultimate target. As deep models show a great performance in modeling of highly nonlinear systems, aligning the representation space learned by these two models make the student model to inherit the approximation power of the teacher model. The proposed objective function consists of the objective of each student and teacher model adding up with a distance penalty between the learned latent representations. The simulation results on three nonlinear benchmarks show a comparative performance with examined deep architectures applied on the same benchmarks. Algorithmic transparency and structure efficiency are also achieved as byproducts.

Discrete Messages Improve Communication Efficiency among Isolated Intelligent Agents. (arXiv:2312.15985v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hang Chen, Yuchuan Jang, Weijie Zhou, Cristian Meo, Ziwei Chen, Dianbo Liu

Individuals, despite having varied life experiences and learning processes, can communicate effectively through languages. This study aims to explore the efficiency of language as a communication medium. We put forth two specific hypotheses: First, discrete messages are more effective than continuous ones when agents have diverse personal experiences. Second, communications using multiple discrete tokens are more advantageous than those using a single token. To valdate these hypotheses, we designed multi-agent machine learning experiments to assess communication efficiency using various information transmission methods between speakers and listeners. Our empirical findings indicate that, in scenarios where agents are exposed to different data, communicating through sentences composed of discrete tokens offers the best inter-agent communication efficiency. The limitations of our finding include lack of systematic advantages over other more sophisticated encoder-decoder model such as variational autoencoder and lack of evluation on non-image dataset, which we will leave for future studies.

Personalized Federated Learning with Attention-based Client Selection. (arXiv:2312.15148v1 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Zihan Chen, Jundong Li, Cong Shen

Personalized Federated Learning (PFL) relies on collective data knowledge to build customized models. However, non-IID data between clients poses significant challenges, as collaborating with clients who have diverse data distributions can harm local model performance, especially with limited training data. To address this issue, we propose FedACS, a new PFL algorithm with an Attention-based Client Selection mechanism. FedACS integrates an attention mechanism to enhance collaboration among clients with similar data distributions and mitigate the data scarcity issue. It prioritizes and allocates resources based on data similarity. We further establish the theoretical convergence behavior of FedACS. Experiments on CIFAR10 and FMNIST validate FedACS's superiority, showcasing its potential to advance personalized federated learning. By tackling non-IID data challenges and data scarcity, FedACS offers promising advances in the field of personalized federated learning.