Backdoor Attack on Unpaired Medical Image-Text Foundation Models: A Pilot Study on MedCLIP. (arXiv:2401.01911v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ruinan Jin, Chun-Yin Huang, Chenyu You, Xiaoxiao Li

In recent years, foundation models (FMs) have solidified their role as cornerstone advancements in the deep learning domain. By extracting intricate patterns from vast datasets, these models consistently achieve state-of-the-art results across a spectrum of downstream tasks, all without necessitating extensive computational resources. Notably, MedCLIP, a vision-language contrastive learning-based medical FM, has been designed using unpaired image-text training. While the medical domain has often adopted unpaired training to amplify data, the exploration of potential security concerns linked to this approach hasn't kept pace with its practical usage. Notably, the augmentation capabilities inherent in unpaired training also indicate that minor label discrepancies can result in significant model deviations. In this study, we frame this label discrepancy as a backdoor attack problem. We further analyze its impact on medical FMs throughout the FM supply chain. Our evaluation primarily revolves around MedCLIP, emblematic of medical FM employing the unpaired strategy. We begin with an exploration of vulnerabilities in MedCLIP stemming from unpaired image-text matching, termed BadMatch. BadMatch is achieved using a modest set of wrongly labeled data. Subsequently, we disrupt MedCLIP's contrastive learning through BadDist-assisted BadMatch by introducing a Bad-Distance between the embeddings of clean and poisoned data. Additionally, combined with BadMatch and BadDist, the attacking pipeline consistently fends off backdoor assaults across diverse model designs, datasets, and triggers. Also, our findings reveal that current defense strategies are insufficient in detecting these latent threats in medical FMs' supply chains.

Shrinking Your TimeStep: Towards Low-Latency Neuromorphic Object Recognition with Spiking Neural Network. (arXiv:2401.01912v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yongqi Ding, Lin Zuo, Mengmeng Jing, Pei He, Yongjun Xiao

Neuromorphic object recognition with spiking neural networks (SNNs) is the cornerstone of low-power neuromorphic computing. However, existing SNNs suffer from significant latency, utilizing 10 to 40 timesteps or more, to recognize neuromorphic objects. At low latencies, the performance of existing SNNs is drastically degraded. In this work, we propose the Shrinking SNN (SSNN) to achieve low-latency neuromorphic object recognition without reducing performance. Concretely, we alleviate the temporal redundancy in SNNs by dividing SNNs into multiple stages with progressively shrinking timesteps, which significantly reduces the inference latency. During timestep shrinkage, the temporal transformer smoothly transforms the temporal scale and preserves the information maximally. Moreover, we add multiple early classifiers to the SNN during training to mitigate the mismatch between the surrogate gradient and the true gradient, as well as the gradient vanishing/exploding, thus eliminating the performance degradation at low latency. Extensive experiments on neuromorphic datasets, CIFAR10-DVS, N-Caltech101, and DVS-Gesture have revealed that SSNN is able to improve the baseline accuracy by 6.55% ~ 21.41%. With only 5 average timesteps and without any data augmentation, SSNN is able to achieve an accuracy of 73.63% on CIFAR10-DVS. This work presents a heterogeneous temporal scale SNN and provides valuable insights into the development of high-performance, low-latency SNNs.

Distilling Temporal Knowledge with Masked Feature Reconstruction for 3D Object Detection. (arXiv:2401.01918v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Haowen Zheng, Dong Cao, Jintao Xu, Rui Ai, Weihao Gu, Yang Yang, Yanyan Liang

Striking a balance between precision and efficiency presents a prominent challenge in the bird's-eye-view (BEV) 3D object detection. Although previous camera-based BEV methods achieved remarkable performance by incorporating long-term temporal information, most of them still face the problem of low efficiency. One potential solution is knowledge distillation. Existing distillation methods only focus on reconstructing spatial features, while overlooking temporal knowledge. To this end, we propose TempDistiller, a Temporal knowledge Distiller, to acquire long-term memory from a teacher detector when provided with a limited number of frames. Specifically, a reconstruction target is formulated by integrating long-term temporal knowledge through self-attention operation applied to feature teachers. Subsequently, novel features are generated for masked student features via a generator. Ultimately, we utilize this reconstruction target to reconstruct the student features. In addition, we also explore temporal relational knowledge when inputting full frames for the student model. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on the nuScenes benchmark. The experimental results show our method obtain an enhancement of +1.6 mAP and +1.1 NDS compared to the baseline, a speed improvement of approximately 6 FPS after compressing temporal knowledge, and the most accurate velocity estimation.

Unsupervised Object-Centric Learning from Multiple Unspecified Viewpoints. (arXiv:2401.01922v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jinyang Yuan, Tonglin Chen, Zhimeng Shen, Bin Li, Xiangyang Xue

Visual scenes are extremely diverse, not only because there are infinite possible combinations of objects and backgrounds but also because the observations of the same scene may vary greatly with the change of viewpoints. When observing a multi-object visual scene from multiple viewpoints, humans can perceive the scene compositionally from each viewpoint while achieving the so-called ``object constancy'' across different viewpoints, even though the exact viewpoints are untold. This ability is essential for humans to identify the same object while moving and to learn from vision efficiently. It is intriguing to design models that have a similar ability. In this paper, we consider a novel problem of learning compositional scene representations from multiple unspecified (i.e., unknown and unrelated) viewpoints without using any supervision and propose a deep generative model which separates latent representations into a viewpoint-independent part and a viewpoint-dependent part to solve this problem. During the inference, latent representations are randomly initialized and iteratively updated by integrating the information in different viewpoints with neural networks. Experiments on several specifically designed synthetic datasets have shown that the proposed method can effectively learn from multiple unspecified viewpoints.

Can We Generate Realistic Hands Only Using Convolution?. (arXiv:2401.01951v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mehran Hosseini, Peyman Hosseini

The enduring inability of image generative models to recreate intricate geometric features, such as those present in human hands and fingers has been an ongoing problem in image generation for nearly a decade. While strides have been made by increasing model sizes and diversifying training datasets, this issue remains prevalent across all models, from denoising diffusion models to Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN), pointing to a fundamental shortcoming in the underlying architectures. In this paper, we demonstrate how this problem can be mitigated by augmenting convolution layers geometric capabilities through providing them with a single input channel incorporating the relative $n$-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. We show that this drastically improves quality of hand and face images generated by GANs and Variational AutoEncoders (VAE).

Instruct-Imagen: Image Generation with Multi-modal Instruction. (arXiv:2401.01952v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hexiang Hu, Kelvin C.K. Chan, Yu-Chuan Su, Wenhu Chen, Yandong Li, Kihyuk Sohn, Yang Zhao, Xue Ben, Boqing Gong, William Cohen, Ming-Wei Chang, Xuhui Jia

This paper presents instruct-imagen, a model that tackles heterogeneous image generation tasks and generalizes across unseen tasks. We introduce *multi-modal instruction* for image generation, a task representation articulating a range of generation intents with precision. It uses natural language to amalgamate disparate modalities (e.g., text, edge, style, subject, etc.), such that abundant generation intents can be standardized in a uniform format.

We then build instruct-imagen by fine-tuning a pre-trained text-to-image diffusion model with a two-stage framework. First, we adapt the model using the retrieval-augmented training, to enhance model's capabilities to ground its generation on external multimodal context. Subsequently, we fine-tune the adapted model on diverse image generation tasks that requires vision-language understanding (e.g., subject-driven generation, etc.), each paired with a multi-modal instruction encapsulating the task's essence. Human evaluation on various image generation datasets reveals that instruct-imagen matches or surpasses prior task-specific models in-domain and demonstrates promising generalization to unseen and more complex tasks.

FMGS: Foundation Model Embedded 3D Gaussian Splatting for Holistic 3D Scene Understanding. (arXiv:2401.01970v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xingxing Zuo, Pouya Samangouei, Yunwen Zhou, Yan Di, Mingyang Li

Precisely perceiving the geometric and semantic properties of real-world 3D objects is crucial for the continued evolution of augmented reality and robotic applications. To this end, we present \algfull{} (\algname{}), which incorporates vision-language embeddings of foundation models into 3D Gaussian Splatting (GS). The key contribution of this work is an efficient method to reconstruct and represent 3D vision-language models. This is achieved by distilling feature maps generated from image-based foundation models into those rendered from our 3D model. To ensure high-quality rendering and fast training, we introduce a novel scene representation by integrating strengths from both GS and multi-resolution hash encodings (MHE). Our effective training procedure also introduces a pixel alignment loss that makes the rendered feature distance of same semantic entities close, following the pixel-level semantic boundaries. Our results demonstrate remarkable multi-view semantic consistency, facilitating diverse downstream tasks, beating state-of-the-art methods by $\mathbf{10.2}$ percent on open-vocabulary language-based object detection, despite that we are $\mathbf{851\times}$ faster for inference. This research explores the intersection of vision, language, and 3D scene representation, paving the way for enhanced scene understanding in uncontrolled real-world environments. We plan to release the code upon paper acceptance.

Towards Truly Zero-shot Compositional Visual Reasoning with LLMs as Programmers. (arXiv:2401.01974v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Aleksandar Stanić, Sergi Caelles, Michael Tschannen

Visual reasoning is dominated by end-to-end neural networks scaled to billions of model parameters and training examples. However, even the largest models struggle with compositional reasoning, generalization, fine-grained spatial and temporal reasoning, and counting. Visual reasoning with large language models (LLMs) as controllers can, in principle, address these limitations by decomposing the task and solving subtasks by orchestrating a set of (visual) tools. Recently, these models achieved great performance on tasks such as compositional visual question answering, visual grounding, and video temporal reasoning. Nevertheless, in their current form, these models heavily rely on human engineering of in-context examples in the prompt, which are often dataset- and task-specific and require significant labor by highly skilled programmers. In this work, we present a framework that mitigates these issues by introducing spatially and temporally abstract routines and by leveraging a small number of labeled examples to automatically generate in-context examples, thereby avoiding human-created in-context examples. On a number of visual reasoning tasks, we show that our framework leads to consistent gains in performance, makes LLMs as controllers setup more robust, and removes the need for human engineering of in-context examples.

AUPIMO: Redefining Visual Anomaly Detection Benchmarks with High Speed and Low Tolerance. (arXiv:2401.01984v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Joao P. C. Bertoldo, Dick Ameln, Ashwin Vaidya, Samet Akçay

Recent advances in visual anomaly detection research have seen AUROC and AUPRO scores on public benchmark datasets such as MVTec and VisA converge towards perfect recall, giving the impression that these benchmarks are near-solved. However, high AUROC and AUPRO scores do not always reflect qualitative performance, which limits the validity of these metrics in real-world applications. We argue that the artificial ceiling imposed by the lack of an adequate evaluation metric restrains progression of the field, and it is crucial that we revisit the evaluation metrics used to rate our algorithms. In response, we introduce Per-IMage Overlap (PIMO), a novel metric that addresses the shortcomings of AUROC and AUPRO. PIMO retains the recall-based nature of the existing metrics but introduces two distinctions: the assignment of curves (and respective area under the curve) is per-image, and its X-axis relies solely on normal images. Measuring recall per image simplifies instance score indexing and is more robust to noisy annotations. As we show, it also accelerates computation and enables the usage of statistical tests to compare models. By imposing low tolerance for false positives on normal images, PIMO provides an enhanced model validation procedure and highlights performance variations across datasets. Our experiments demonstrate that PIMO offers practical advantages and nuanced performance insights that redefine anomaly detection benchmarks -- notably challenging the perception that MVTec AD and VisA datasets have been solved by contemporary models. Available on GitHub:

GPS-SSL: Guided Positive Sampling to Inject Prior Into Self-Supervised Learning. (arXiv:2401.01990v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Aarash Feizi, Randall Balestriero, Adriana Romero-Soriano, Reihaneh Rabbany

We propose Guided Positive Sampling Self-Supervised Learning (GPS-SSL), a general method to inject a priori knowledge into Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) positive samples selection. Current SSL methods leverage Data-Augmentations (DA) for generating positive samples and incorporate prior knowledge - an incorrect, or too weak DA will drastically reduce the quality of the learned representation. GPS-SSL proposes instead to design a metric space where Euclidean distances become a meaningful proxy for semantic relationship. In that space, it is now possible to generate positive samples from nearest neighbor sampling. Any prior knowledge can now be embedded into that metric space independently from the employed DA. From its simplicity, GPS-SSL is applicable to any SSL method, e.g. SimCLR or BYOL. A key benefit of GPS-SSL is in reducing the pressure in tailoring strong DAs. For example GPS-SSL reaches 85.58% on Cifar10 with weak DA while the baseline only reaches 37.51%. We therefore move a step forward towards the goal of making SSL less reliant on DA. We also show that even when using strong DAs, GPS-SSL outperforms the baselines on under-studied domains. We evaluate GPS-SSL along with multiple baseline SSL methods on numerous downstream datasets from different domains when the models use strong or minimal data augmentations. We hope that GPS-SSL will open new avenues in studying how to inject a priori knowledge into SSL in a principled manner.

Improving Diffusion-Based Image Synthesis with Context Prediction. (arXiv:2401.02015v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ling Yang, Jingwei Liu, Shenda Hong, Zhilong Zhang, Zhilin Huang, Zheming Cai, Wentao Zhang, Bin Cui

Diffusion models are a new class of generative models, and have dramatically promoted image generation with unprecedented quality and diversity. Existing diffusion models mainly try to reconstruct input image from a corrupted one with a pixel-wise or feature-wise constraint along spatial axes. However, such point-based reconstruction may fail to make each predicted pixel/feature fully preserve its neighborhood context, impairing diffusion-based image synthesis. As a powerful source of automatic supervisory signal, context has been well studied for learning representations. Inspired by this, we for the first time propose ConPreDiff to improve diffusion-based image synthesis with context prediction. We explicitly reinforce each point to predict its neighborhood context (i.e., multi-stride features/tokens/pixels) with a context decoder at the end of diffusion denoising blocks in training stage, and remove the decoder for inference. In this way, each point can better reconstruct itself by preserving its semantic connections with neighborhood context. This new paradigm of ConPreDiff can generalize to arbitrary discrete and continuous diffusion backbones without introducing extra parameters in sampling procedure. Extensive experiments are conducted on unconditional image generation, text-to-image generation and image inpainting tasks. Our ConPreDiff consistently outperforms previous methods and achieves a new SOTA text-to-image generation results on MS-COCO, with a zero-shot FID score of 6.21.

Spikformer V2: Join the High Accuracy Club on ImageNet with an SNN Ticket. (arXiv:2401.02020v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Zhaokun Zhou, Kaiwei Che, Wei Fang, Keyu Tian, Yuesheng Zhu, Shuicheng Yan, Yonghong Tian, Li Yuan

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), known for their biologically plausible architecture, face the challenge of limited performance. The self-attention mechanism, which is the cornerstone of the high-performance Transformer and also a biologically inspired structure, is absent in existing SNNs. To this end, we explore the potential of leveraging both self-attention capability and biological properties of SNNs, and propose a novel Spiking Self-Attention (SSA) and Spiking Transformer (Spikformer). The SSA mechanism eliminates the need for softmax and captures the sparse visual feature employing spike-based Query, Key, and Value. This sparse computation without multiplication makes SSA efficient and energy-saving. Further, we develop a Spiking Convolutional Stem (SCS) with supplementary convolutional layers to enhance the architecture of Spikformer. The Spikformer enhanced with the SCS is referred to as Spikformer V2. To train larger and deeper Spikformer V2, we introduce a pioneering exploration of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) within the SNN. Specifically, we pre-train Spikformer V2 with masking and reconstruction style inspired by the mainstream self-supervised Transformer, and then finetune the Spikformer V2 on the image classification on ImageNet. Extensive experiments show that Spikformer V2 outperforms other previous surrogate training and ANN2SNN methods. An 8-layer Spikformer V2 achieves an accuracy of 80.38% using 4 time steps, and after SSL, a 172M 16-layer Spikformer V2 reaches an accuracy of 81.10% with just 1 time step. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that the SNN achieves 80+% accuracy on ImageNet. The code will be available at Spikformer V2.

Spy-Watermark: Robust Invisible Watermarking for Backdoor Attack. (arXiv:2401.02031v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ruofei Wang, Renjie Wan, Zongyu Guo, Qing Guo, Rui Huang

Backdoor attack aims to deceive a victim model when facing backdoor instances while maintaining its performance on benign data. Current methods use manual patterns or special perturbations as triggers, while they often overlook the robustness against data corruption, making backdoor attacks easy to defend in practice. To address this issue, we propose a novel backdoor attack method named Spy-Watermark, which remains effective when facing data collapse and backdoor defense. Therein, we introduce a learnable watermark embedded in the latent domain of images, serving as the trigger. Then, we search for a watermark that can withstand collapse during image decoding, cooperating with several anti-collapse operations to further enhance the resilience of our trigger against data corruption. Extensive experiments are conducted on CIFAR10, GTSRB, and ImageNet datasets, demonstrating that Spy-Watermark overtakes ten state-of-the-art methods in terms of robustness and stealthiness.

DiffusionEdge: Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Crisp Edge Detection. (arXiv:2401.02032v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yunfan Ye, Kai Xu, Yuhang Huang, Renjiao Yi, Zhiping Cai

Limited by the encoder-decoder architecture, learning-based edge detectors usually have difficulty predicting edge maps that satisfy both correctness and crispness. With the recent success of the diffusion probabilistic model (DPM), we found it is especially suitable for accurate and crisp edge detection since the denoising process is directly applied to the original image size. Therefore, we propose the first diffusion model for the task of general edge detection, which we call DiffusionEdge. To avoid expensive computational resources while retaining the final performance, we apply DPM in the latent space and enable the classic cross-entropy loss which is uncertainty-aware in pixel level to directly optimize the parameters in latent space in a distillation manner. We also adopt a decoupled architecture to speed up the denoising process and propose a corresponding adaptive Fourier filter to adjust the latent features of specific frequencies. With all the technical designs, DiffusionEdge can be stably trained with limited resources, predicting crisp and accurate edge maps with much fewer augmentation strategies. Extensive experiments on four edge detection benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of DiffusionEdge both in correctness and crispness. On the NYUDv2 dataset, compared to the second best, we increase the ODS, OIS (without post-processing) and AC by 30.2%, 28.1% and 65.1%, respectively. Code:

Efficient Cloud-edge Collaborative Inference for Object Re-identification. (arXiv:2401.02041v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chuanming Wang, Yuxin Yang, Mengshi Qi, Huadong Ma

Current object re-identification (ReID) system follows the centralized processing paradigm, i.e., all computations are conducted in the cloud server and edge devices are only used to capture and send images. As the number of videos experiences a rapid escalation, this paradigm has become impractical due to the finite computational resources. In such a scenario, the ReID system should be converted to fit in the cloud-edge collaborative processing paradigm, which is crucial to boost the scalability and practicality of ReID systems. However, current relevant work lacks research on this issue, making it challenging for ReID methods to be adapted effectively. Therefore, we pioneer a cloud-edge collaborative inference framework for ReID systems and particularly propose a distribution-aware correlation modeling network (DaCM) to make the desired image return to the cloud server as soon as possible via learning to model the spatial-temporal correlations among instances. DaCM embeds the spatial-temporal correlations implicitly included in the timestamps into a graph structure, and it can be applied in the cloud to regulate the size of the upload window and on the edge device to adjust the sequence of images, respectively. Traditional ReID methods can be combined with DaCM seamlessly, enabling their application within our proposed edge-cloud collaborative framework. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method obviously reduces transmission overhead and significantly improves performance. We will release our code and model.

Generalizable vision-language pre-training for annotation-free pathology localization. (arXiv:2401.02044v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hao Yang, Hong-Yu Zhou, Cheng Li, Weijian Huang, Jiarun Liu, Shanshan Wang

Locating pathologies automatically from medical images aids the understanding of the emergence and progression of diseases, and such an ability can significantly benefit clinical diagnostics. However, existing deep learning models heavily rely on expert annotations and lack generalization capabilities in open clinical environments. In this study, we present a generalizable vision-language pre-training model for Annotation-Free pathology Localization (AFLoc). The core strength of AFLoc lies in its image annotation-free multi-level semantic structure-based contrastive learning, which comprehensively aligns multi-granularity medical concepts from reports with abundant image features, to adapt to the diverse expressions of observed and emerging unseen pathologies. We conducted extensive experimental validation across 4 distinct external datasets, encompassing 11 types of chest pathologies, to verify its generalization ability. The results demonstrate that AFLoc surpasses 6 state-of-the-art methods and even outperforms the human benchmark in locating 5 different pathologies, underscoring its suitability for complex clinical environments.

Encoder-Decoder Based Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) Model for Video Captioning. (arXiv:2401.02052v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sikiru Adewale, Tosin Ige, Bolanle Hafiz Matti

This work demonstrates the implementation and use of an encoder-decoder model to perform a many-to-many mapping of video data to text captions. The many-to-many mapping occurs via an input temporal sequence of video frames to an output sequence of words to form a caption sentence. Data preprocessing, model construction, and model training are discussed. Caption correctness is evaluated using 2-gram BLEU scores across the different splits of the dataset. Specific examples of output captions were shown to demonstrate model generality over the video temporal dimension. Predicted captions were shown to generalize over video action, even in instances where the video scene changed dramatically. Model architecture changes are discussed to improve sentence grammar and correctness.

Leveraging SAM for Single-Source Domain Generalization in Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2401.02076v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hanhui Wang, Huaize Ye, Yi Xia, Xueyan Zhang

Domain Generalization (DG) aims to reduce domain shifts between domains to achieve promising performance on the unseen target domain, which has been widely practiced in medical image segmentation. Single-source domain generalization (SDG) is the most challenging setting that trains on only one source domain. Although existing methods have made considerable progress on SDG of medical image segmentation, the performances are still far from the applicable standards when faced with a relatively large domain shift. In this paper, we leverage the Segment Anything Model (SAM) to SDG to greatly improve the ability of generalization. Specifically, we introduce a parallel framework, the source images are sent into the SAM module and normal segmentation module respectively. To reduce the calculation resources, we apply a merging strategy before sending images to the SAM module. We extract the bounding boxes from the segmentation module and send the refined version as prompts to the SAM module. We evaluate our model on a classic DG dataset and achieve competitive results compared to other state-of-the-art DG methods. Furthermore, We conducted a series of ablation experiments to prove the effectiveness of the proposed method. The code is publicly available at

Federated Class-Incremental Learning with Prototype Guided Transformer. (arXiv:2401.02094v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Haiyang Guo, Fei Zhu, Wenzhuo Liu, Xu-Yao Zhang, Cheng-Lin Liu

Existing federated learning methods have effectively addressed decentralized learning in scenarios involving data privacy and non-IID data. However, in real-world situations, each client dynamically learns new classes, requiring the global model to maintain discriminative capabilities for both new and old classes. To effectively mitigate the effects of catastrophic forgetting and data heterogeneity under low communication costs, we designed a simple and effective method named PLoRA. On the one hand, we adopt prototype learning to learn better feature representations and leverage the heuristic information between prototypes and class features to design a prototype re-weight module to solve the classifier bias caused by data heterogeneity without retraining the classification layer. On the other hand, our approach utilizes a pre-trained model as the backbone and utilizes LoRA to fine-tune with a tiny amount of parameters when learning new classes. Moreover, PLoRA does not rely on similarity-based module selection strategies, thereby further reducing communication overhead. Experimental results on standard datasets indicate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches significantly. More importantly, our method exhibits strong robustness and superiority in various scenarios and degrees of data heterogeneity. Our code will be publicly available.

Preserving Image Properties Through Initializations in Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.02097v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jeffrey Zhang, Shao-Yu Chang, Kedan Li, David Forsyth

Retail photography imposes specific requirements on images. For instance, images may need uniform background colors, consistent model poses, centered products, and consistent lighting. Minor deviations from these standards impact a site's aesthetic appeal, making the images unsuitable for use. We show that Stable Diffusion methods, as currently applied, do not respect these requirements. The usual practice of training the denoiser with a very noisy image and starting inference with a sample of pure noise leads to inconsistent generated images during inference. This inconsistency occurs because it is easy to tell the difference between samples of the training and inference distributions. As a result, a network trained with centered retail product images with uniform backgrounds generates images with erratic backgrounds. The problem is easily fixed by initializing inference with samples from an approximation of noisy images. However, in using such an approximation, the joint distribution of text and noisy image at inference time still slightly differs from that at training time. This discrepancy is corrected by training the network with samples from the approximate noisy image distribution. Extensive experiments on real application data show significant qualitative and quantitative improvements in performance from adopting these procedures. Finally, our procedure can interact well with other control-based methods to further enhance the controllability of diffusion-based methods.

CLAPP: Contrastive Language-Audio Pre-training in Passive Underwater Vessel Classification. (arXiv:2401.02099v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zeyu Li, Jingsheng Gao, Tong Yu, Suncheng Xiang, Jiacheng Ruan, Ting Liu, Yuzhuo Fu

Existing research on audio classification faces challenges in recognizing attributes of passive underwater vessel scenarios and lacks well-annotated datasets due to data privacy concerns. In this study, we introduce CLAPP (Contrastive Language-Audio Pre-training in Passive Underwater Vessel Classification), a novel model. Our aim is to train a neural network using a wide range of vessel audio and vessel state text pairs obtained from an oceanship dataset. CLAPP is capable of directly learning from raw vessel audio data and, when available, from carefully curated labels, enabling improved recognition of vessel attributes in passive underwater vessel scenarios. Model's zero-shot capability allows predicting the most relevant vessel state description for a given vessel audio, without directly optimizing for the task. Our approach aims to solve 2 challenges: vessel audio-text classification and passive underwater vessel audio attribute recognition. The proposed method achieves new state-of-the-art results on both Deepship and Shipsear public datasets, with a notable margin of about 7%-13% for accuracy compared to prior methods on zero-shot task.

Significance of Anatomical Constraints in Virtual Try-On. (arXiv:2401.02110v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Debapriya Roy, Sanchayan Santra, Diganta Mukherjee, Bhabatosh Chanda

The system of Virtual Try-ON (VTON) allows a user to try a product virtually. In general, a VTON system takes a clothing source and a person's image to predict the try-on output of the person in the given clothing. Although existing methods perform well for simple poses, in case of bent or crossed arms posture or when there is a significant difference between the alignment of the source clothing and the pose of the target person, these methods fail by generating inaccurate clothing deformations. In the VTON methods that employ Thin Plate Spline (TPS) based clothing transformations, this mainly occurs for two reasons - (1)~the second-order smoothness constraint of TPS that restricts the bending of the object plane. (2)~Overlaps among different clothing parts (e.g., sleeves and torso) can not be modeled by a single TPS transformation, as it assumes the clothing as a single planar object; therefore, disregards the independence of movement of different clothing parts. To this end, we make two major contributions. Concerning the bending limitations of TPS, we propose a human AnaTomy-Aware Geometric (ATAG) transformation. Regarding the overlap issue, we propose a part-based warping approach that divides the clothing into independently warpable parts to warp them separately and later combine them. Extensive analysis shows the efficacy of this approach.

Source-Free Online Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation of Satellite Images under Image Degradation. (arXiv:2401.02113v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fahim Faisal Niloy, Kishor Kumar Bhaumik, Simon S. Woo

Online adaptation to distribution shifts in satellite image segmentation stands as a crucial yet underexplored problem. In this paper, we address source-free and online domain adaptation, i.e., test-time adaptation (TTA), for satellite images, with the focus on mitigating distribution shifts caused by various forms of image degradation. Towards achieving this goal, we propose a novel TTA approach involving two effective strategies. First, we progressively estimate the global Batch Normalization (BN) statistics of the target distribution with incoming data stream. Leveraging these statistics during inference has the ability to effectively reduce domain gap. Furthermore, we enhance prediction quality by refining the predicted masks using global class centers. Both strategies employ dynamic momentum for fast and stable convergence. Notably, our method is backpropagation-free and hence fast and lightweight, making it highly suitable for on-the-fly adaptation to new domain. Through comprehensive experiments across various domain adaptation scenarios, we demonstrate the robust performance of our method.

Mobile ALOHA: Learning Bimanual Mobile Manipulation with Low-Cost Whole-Body Teleoperation. (arXiv:2401.02117v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Zipeng Fu, Tony Z. Zhao, Chelsea Finn

Imitation learning from human demonstrations has shown impressive performance in robotics. However, most results focus on table-top manipulation, lacking the mobility and dexterity necessary for generally useful tasks. In this work, we develop a system for imitating mobile manipulation tasks that are bimanual and require whole-body control. We first present Mobile ALOHA, a low-cost and whole-body teleoperation system for data collection. It augments the ALOHA system with a mobile base, and a whole-body teleoperation interface. Using data collected with Mobile ALOHA, we then perform supervised behavior cloning and find that co-training with existing static ALOHA datasets boosts performance on mobile manipulation tasks. With 50 demonstrations for each task, co-training can increase success rates by up to 90%, allowing Mobile ALOHA to autonomously complete complex mobile manipulation tasks such as sauteing and serving a piece of shrimp, opening a two-door wall cabinet to store heavy cooking pots, calling and entering an elevator, and lightly rinsing a used pan using a kitchen faucet. Project website:

Unified Diffusion-Based Rigid and Non-Rigid Editing with Text and Image Guidance. (arXiv:2401.02126v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiacheng Wang, Ping Liu, Wei Xu

Existing text-to-image editing methods tend to excel either in rigid or non-rigid editing but encounter challenges when combining both, resulting in misaligned outputs with the provided text prompts. In addition, integrating reference images for control remains challenging. To address these issues, we present a versatile image editing framework capable of executing both rigid and non-rigid edits, guided by either textual prompts or reference images. We leverage a dual-path injection scheme to handle diverse editing scenarios and introduce an integrated self-attention mechanism for fusion of appearance and structural information. To mitigate potential visual artifacts, we further employ latent fusion techniques to adjust intermediate latents. Compared to previous work, our approach represents a significant advance in achieving precise and versatile image editing. Comprehensive experiments validate the efficacy of our method, showcasing competitive or superior results in text-based editing and appearance transfer tasks, encompassing both rigid and non-rigid settings.

SyCoCa: Symmetrizing Contrastive Captioners with Attentive Masking for Multimodal Alignment. (arXiv:2401.02137v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ziping Ma, Furong Xu, Jian Liu, Ming Yang, Qingpei Guo

Multimodal alignment between language and vision is the fundamental topic in current vision-language model research. Contrastive Captioners (CoCa), as a representative method, integrates Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) and Image Caption (IC) into a unified framework, resulting in impressive results. CLIP imposes a bidirectional constraints on global representation of entire images and sentences. Although IC conducts an unidirectional image-to-text generation on local representation, it lacks any constraint on local text-to-image reconstruction, which limits the ability to understand images at a fine-grained level when aligned with texts. To achieve multimodal alignment from both global and local perspectives, this paper proposes Symmetrizing Contrastive Captioners (SyCoCa), which introduces bidirectional interactions on images and texts across the global and local representation levels. Specifically, we expand a Text-Guided Masked Image Modeling (TG-MIM) head based on ITC and IC heads. The improved SyCoCa can further leverage textual cues to reconstruct contextual images and visual cues to predict textual contents. When implementing bidirectional local interactions, the local contents of images tend to be cluttered or unrelated to their textual descriptions. Thus, we employ an attentive masking strategy to select effective image patches for interaction. Extensive experiments on five vision-language tasks, including image-text retrieval, image-captioning, visual question answering, and zero-shot/finetuned image classification, validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Explore Human Parsing Modality for Action Recognition. (arXiv:2401.02138v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jinfu Liu, Runwei Ding, Yuhang Wen, Nan Dai, Fanyang Meng, Shen Zhao, Mengyuan Liu

Multimodal-based action recognition methods have achieved high success using pose and RGB modality. However, skeletons sequences lack appearance depiction and RGB images suffer irrelevant noise due to modality limitations. To address this, we introduce human parsing feature map as a novel modality, since it can selectively retain effective semantic features of the body parts, while filtering out most irrelevant noise. We propose a new dual-branch framework called Ensemble Human Parsing and Pose Network (EPP-Net), which is the first to leverage both skeletons and human parsing modalities for action recognition. The first human pose branch feeds robust skeletons in graph convolutional network to model pose features, while the second human parsing branch also leverages depictive parsing feature maps to model parsing festures via convolutional backbones. The two high-level features will be effectively combined through a late fusion strategy for better action recognition. Extensive experiments on NTU RGB+D and NTU RGB+D 120 benchmarks consistently verify the effectiveness of our proposed EPP-Net, which outperforms the existing action recognition methods. Our code is available at:

Bayesian Intrinsic Groupwise Image Registration: Unsupervised Disentanglement of Anatomy and Geometry. (arXiv:2401.02141v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinzhe Luo, Xin Wang, Linda Shapiro, Chun Yuan, Jianfeng Feng, Xiahai Zhuang

This article presents a general Bayesian learning framework for multi-modal groupwise registration on medical images. The method builds on probabilistic modelling of the image generative process, where the underlying common anatomy and geometric variations of the observed images are explicitly disentangled as latent variables. Thus, groupwise registration is achieved through the solution to Bayesian inference. We propose a novel hierarchical variational auto-encoding architecture to realize the inference procedure of the latent variables, where the registration parameters can be calculated in a mathematically interpretable fashion. Remarkably, this new paradigm can learn groupwise registration in an unsupervised closed-loop self-reconstruction process, sparing the burden of designing complex intensity-based similarity measures. The computationally efficient disentangled architecture is also inherently scalable and flexible, allowing for groupwise registration on large-scale image groups with variable sizes. Furthermore, the inferred structural representations from disentanglement learning are capable of capturing the latent anatomy of the observations with visual semantics. Extensive experiments were conducted to validate the proposed framework, including four datasets from cardiac, brain and abdominal medical images. The results have demonstrated the superiority of our method over conventional similarity-based approaches in terms of accuracy, efficiency, scalability and interpretability.

GUESS:GradUally Enriching SyntheSis for Text-Driven Human Motion Generation. (arXiv:2401.02142v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuehao Gao, Yang Yang, Zhenyu Xie, Shaoyi Du, Zhongqian Sun, Yang Wu

In this paper, we propose a novel cascaded diffusion-based generative framework for text-driven human motion synthesis, which exploits a strategy named GradUally Enriching SyntheSis (GUESS as its abbreviation). The strategy sets up generation objectives by grouping body joints of detailed skeletons in close semantic proximity together and then replacing each of such joint group with a single body-part node. Such an operation recursively abstracts a human pose to coarser and coarser skeletons at multiple granularity levels. With gradually increasing the abstraction level, human motion becomes more and more concise and stable, significantly benefiting the cross-modal motion synthesis task. The whole text-driven human motion synthesis problem is then divided into multiple abstraction levels and solved with a multi-stage generation framework with a cascaded latent diffusion model: an initial generator first generates the coarsest human motion guess from a given text description; then, a series of successive generators gradually enrich the motion details based on the textual description and the previous synthesized results. Notably, we further integrate GUESS with the proposed dynamic multi-condition fusion mechanism to dynamically balance the cooperative effects of the given textual condition and synthesized coarse motion prompt in different generation stages. Extensive experiments on large-scale datasets verify that GUESS outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods by large margins in terms of accuracy, realisticness, and diversity. Code is available at

Exploring Boundary of GPT-4V on Marine Analysis: A Preliminary Case Study. (arXiv:2401.02147v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ziqiang Zheng, Yiwei Chen, Jipeng Zhang, Tuan-Anh Vu, Huimin Zeng, Yue Him Wong Tim, Sai-Kit Yeung

Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated a powerful ability to answer various queries as a general-purpose assistant. The continuous multi-modal large language models (MLLM) empower LLMs with the ability to perceive visual signals. The launch of GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) has generated significant interest in the research communities. GPT-4V(ison) has demonstrated significant power in both academia and industry fields, as a focal point in a new artificial intelligence generation. Though significant success was achieved by GPT-4V, exploring MLLMs in domain-specific analysis (e.g., marine analysis) that required domain-specific knowledge and expertise has gained less attention. In this study, we carry out the preliminary and comprehensive case study of utilizing GPT-4V for marine analysis. This report conducts a systematic evaluation of existing GPT-4V, assessing the performance of GPT-4V on marine research and also setting a new standard for future developments in MLLMs. The experimental results of GPT-4V show that the responses generated by GPT-4V are still far away from satisfying the domain-specific requirements of the marine professions. All images and prompts used in this study will be available at

Marginal Debiased Network for Fair Visual Recognition. (arXiv:2401.02150v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mei Wang, Weihong Deng, Sen Su

Deep neural networks (DNNs) are often prone to learn the spurious correlations between target classes and bias attributes, like gender and race, inherent in a major portion of training data (bias-aligned samples), thus showing unfair behavior and arising controversy in the modern pluralistic and egalitarian society. In this paper, we propose a novel marginal debiased network (MDN) to learn debiased representations. More specifically, a marginal softmax loss (MSL) is designed by introducing the idea of margin penalty into the fairness problem, which assigns a larger margin for bias-conflicting samples (data without spurious correlations) than for bias-aligned ones, so as to deemphasize the spurious correlations and improve generalization on unbiased test criteria. To determine the margins, our MDN is optimized through a meta learning framework. We propose a meta equalized loss (MEL) to perceive the model fairness, and adaptively update the margin parameters by metaoptimization which requires the trained model guided by the optimal margins should minimize MEL computed on an unbiased meta-validation set. Extensive experiments on BiasedMNIST, Corrupted CIFAR-10, CelebA and UTK-Face datasets demonstrate that our MDN can achieve a remarkable performance on under-represented samples and obtain superior debiased results against the previous approaches.

Frequency-Adaptive Pan-Sharpening with Mixture of Experts. (arXiv:2401.02151v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuanhua He, Keyu Yan, Rui Li, Chengjun Xie, Jie Zhang, Man Zhou

Pan-sharpening involves reconstructing missing high-frequency information in multi-spectral images with low spatial resolution, using a higher-resolution panchromatic image as guidance. Although the inborn connection with frequency domain, existing pan-sharpening research has not almost investigated the potential solution upon frequency domain. To this end, we propose a novel Frequency Adaptive Mixture of Experts (FAME) learning framework for pan-sharpening, which consists of three key components: the Adaptive Frequency Separation Prediction Module, the Sub-Frequency Learning Expert Module, and the Expert Mixture Module. In detail, the first leverages the discrete cosine transform to perform frequency separation by predicting the frequency mask. On the basis of generated mask, the second with low-frequency MOE and high-frequency MOE takes account for enabling the effective low-frequency and high-frequency information reconstruction. Followed by, the final fusion module dynamically weights high-frequency and low-frequency MOE knowledge to adapt to remote sensing images with significant content variations. Quantitative and qualitative experiments over multiple datasets demonstrate that our method performs the best against other state-of-the-art ones and comprises a strong generalization ability for real-world scenes. Code will be made publicly at \url{}.

Enhancing RAW-to-sRGB with Decoupled Style Structure in Fourier Domain. (arXiv:2401.02161v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuanhua He, Tao Hu, Guoli Wang, Zejin Wang, Run Wang, Qian Zhang, Keyu Yan, Ziyi Chen, Rui Li, Chenjun Xie, Jie Zhang, Man Zhou

RAW to sRGB mapping, which aims to convert RAW images from smartphones into RGB form equivalent to that of Digital Single-Lens Reflex (DSLR) cameras, has become an important area of research. However, current methods often ignore the difference between cell phone RAW images and DSLR camera RGB images, a difference that goes beyond the color matrix and extends to spatial structure due to resolution variations. Recent methods directly rebuild color mapping and spatial structure via shared deep representation, limiting optimal performance. Inspired by Image Signal Processing (ISP) pipeline, which distinguishes image restoration and enhancement, we present a novel Neural ISP framework, named FourierISP. This approach breaks the image down into style and structure within the frequency domain, allowing for independent optimization. FourierISP is comprised of three subnetworks: Phase Enhance Subnet for structural refinement, Amplitude Refine Subnet for color learning, and Color Adaptation Subnet for blending them in a smooth manner. This approach sharpens both color and structure, and extensive evaluations across varied datasets confirm that our approach realizes state-of-the-art results. Code will be available at ~\url{}.

Frequency Domain Nuances Mining for Visible-Infrared Person Re-identification. (arXiv:2401.02162v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yukang Zhang, Yang Lu, Yan Yan, Hanzi Wang, Xuelong Li

The key of visible-infrared person re-identification (VIReID) lies in how to minimize the modality discrepancy between visible and infrared images. Existing methods mainly exploit the spatial information while ignoring the discriminative frequency information. To address this issue, this paper aims to reduce the modality discrepancy from the frequency domain perspective. Specifically, we propose a novel Frequency Domain Nuances Mining (FDNM) method to explore the cross-modality frequency domain information, which mainly includes an amplitude guided phase (AGP) module and an amplitude nuances mining (ANM) module. These two modules are mutually beneficial to jointly explore frequency domain visible-infrared nuances, thereby effectively reducing the modality discrepancy in the frequency domain. Besides, we propose a center-guided nuances mining loss to encourage the ANM module to preserve discriminative identity information while discovering diverse cross-modality nuances. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that explores the potential frequency information for VIReID research. Extensive experiments show that the proposed FDNM has significant advantages in improving the performance of VIReID. Specifically, our method outperforms the second-best method by 5.2\% in Rank-1 accuracy and 5.8\% in mAP on the SYSU-MM01 dataset under the indoor search mode, respectively. Besides, we also validate the effectiveness and generalization of our method on the challenging visible-infrared face recognition task. \textcolor{magenta}{The code will be available.}

Prompt Decoupling for Text-to-Image Person Re-identification. (arXiv:2401.02173v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Weihao Li, Lei Tan, Pingyang Dai, Yan Zhang

Text-to-image person re-identification (TIReID) aims to retrieve the target person from an image gallery via a textual description query. Recently, pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP have attracted significant attention and have been widely utilized for this task due to their robust capacity for semantic concept learning and rich multi-modal knowledge. However, recent CLIP-based TIReID methods commonly rely on direct fine-tuning of the entire network to adapt the CLIP model for the TIReID task. Although these methods show competitive performance on this topic, they are suboptimal as they necessitate simultaneous domain adaptation and task adaptation. To address this issue, we attempt to decouple these two processes during the training stage. Specifically, we introduce the prompt tuning strategy to enable domain adaptation and propose a two-stage training approach to disentangle domain adaptation from task adaptation. In the first stage, we freeze the two encoders from CLIP and solely focus on optimizing the prompts to alleviate domain gap between the original training data of CLIP and downstream tasks. In the second stage, we maintain the fixed prompts and fine-tune the CLIP model to prioritize capturing fine-grained information, which is more suitable for TIReID task. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of our method on three widely used datasets. Compared to the directly fine-tuned approach, our method achieves significant improvements.

Nodule detection and generation on chest X-rays: NODE21 Challenge. (arXiv:2401.02192v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Ecem Sogancioglu, Bram van Ginneken, Finn Behrendt, Marcel Bengs, Alexander Schlaefer, Miron Radu, Di Xu, Ke Sheng, Fabien Scalzo, Eric Marcus, Samuele Papa, Jonas Teuwen, Ernst Th. Scholten, Steven Schalekamp, Nils Hendrix, Colin Jacobs, Ward Hendrix, Clara I Sánchez, Keelin Murphy

Pulmonary nodules may be an early manifestation of lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among both men and women. Numerous studies have established that deep learning methods can yield high-performance levels in the detection of lung nodules in chest X-rays. However, the lack of gold-standard public datasets slows down the progression of the research and prevents benchmarking of methods for this task. To address this, we organized a public research challenge, NODE21, aimed at the detection and generation of lung nodules in chest X-rays. While the detection track assesses state-of-the-art nodule detection systems, the generation track determines the utility of nodule generation algorithms to augment training data and hence improve the performance of the detection systems. This paper summarizes the results of the NODE21 challenge and performs extensive additional experiments to examine the impact of the synthetically generated nodule training images on the detection algorithm performance.

Slot-guided Volumetric Object Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2401.02241v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Di Qi, Tong Yang, Xiangyu Zhang

We present a novel framework for 3D object-centric representation learning. Our approach effectively decomposes complex scenes into individual objects from a single image in an unsupervised fashion. This method, called slot-guided Volumetric Object Radiance Fields (sVORF), composes volumetric object radiance fields with object slots as a guidance to implement unsupervised 3D scene decomposition. Specifically, sVORF obtains object slots from a single image via a transformer module, maps these slots to volumetric object radiance fields with a hypernetwork and composes object radiance fields with the guidance of object slots at a 3D location. Moreover, sVORF significantly reduces memory requirement due to small-sized pixel rendering during training. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach by showing top results in scene decomposition and generation tasks of complex synthetic datasets (e.g., Room-Diverse). Furthermore, we also confirm the potential of sVORF to segment objects in real-world scenes (e.g., the LLFF dataset). We hope our approach can provide preliminary understanding of the physical world and help ease future research in 3D object-centric representation learning.

ShapeAug: Occlusion Augmentation for Event Camera Data. (arXiv:2401.02274v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Katharina Bendig, René Schuster, Didier Stricker

Recently, Dynamic Vision Sensors (DVSs) sparked a lot of interest due to their inherent advantages over conventional RGB cameras. These advantages include a low latency, a high dynamic range and a low energy consumption. Nevertheless, the processing of DVS data using Deep Learning (DL) methods remains a challenge, particularly since the availability of event training data is still limited. This leads to a need for event data augmentation techniques in order to improve accuracy as well as to avoid over-fitting on the training data. Another challenge especially in real world automotive applications is occlusion, meaning one object is hindering the view onto the object behind it. In this paper, we present a novel event data augmentation approach, which addresses this problem by introducing synthetic events for randomly moving objects in a scene. We test our method on multiple DVS classification datasets, resulting in an relative improvement of up to 6.5 % in top1-accuracy. Moreover, we apply our augmentation technique on the real world Gen1 Automotive Event Dataset for object detection, where we especially improve the detection of pedestrians by up to 5 %.

Lightweight Fish Classification Model for Sustainable Marine Management: Indonesian Case. (arXiv:2401.02278v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Febrian Kurniawan, Gandeva Bayu Satrya, Firuz Kamalov

The enormous demand for seafood products has led to exploitation of marine resources and near-extinction of some species. In particular, overfishing is one the main issues in sustainable marine development. In alignment with the protection of marine resources and sustainable fishing, this study proposes to advance fish classification techniques that support identifying protected fish species using state-of-the-art machine learning. We use a custom modification of the MobileNet model to design a lightweight classifier called M-MobileNet that is capable of running on limited hardware. As part of the study, we compiled a labeled dataset of 37,462 images of fish found in the waters of the Indonesian archipelago. The proposed model is trained on the dataset to classify images of the captured fish into their species and give recommendations on whether they are consumable or not. Our modified MobileNet model uses only 50\% of the top layer parameters with about 42% GTX 860M utility and achieves up to 97% accuracy in fish classification and determining its consumability. Given the limited computing capacity available on many fishing vessels, the proposed model provides a practical solution to on-site fish classification. In addition, synchronized implementation of the proposed model on multiple vessels can supply valuable information about the movement and location of different species of fish.

PEGASUS: Physically Enhanced Gaussian Splatting Simulation System for 6DOF Object Pose Dataset Generation. (arXiv:2401.02281v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lukas Meyer, Floris Erich, Yusuke Yoshiyasu, Marc Stamminger, Noriaki Ando, Yukiyasu Domae

We introduce Physically Enhanced Gaussian Splatting Simulation System (PEGASUS) for 6DOF object pose dataset generation, a versatile dataset generator based on 3D Gaussian Splatting. Environment and object representations can be easily obtained using commodity cameras to reconstruct with Gaussian Splatting. PEGASUS allows the composition of new scenes by merging the respective underlying Gaussian Splatting point cloud of an environment with one or multiple objects. Leveraging a physics engine enables the simulation of natural object placement within a scene through interaction between meshes extracted for the objects and the environment. Consequently, an extensive amount of new scenes - static or dynamic - can be created by combining different environments and objects. By rendering scenes from various perspectives, diverse data points such as RGB images, depth maps, semantic masks, and 6DoF object poses can be extracted. Our study demonstrates that training on data generated by PEGASUS enables pose estimation networks to successfully transfer from synthetic data to real-world data. Moreover, we introduce the Ramen dataset, comprising 30 Japanese cup noodle items. This dataset includes spherical scans that captures images from both object hemisphere and the Gaussian Splatting reconstruction, making them compatible with PEGASUS.

Distillation-based fabric anomaly detection. (arXiv:2401.02287v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Simon Thomine, Hichem Snoussi

Unsupervised texture anomaly detection has been a concerning topic in a vast amount of industrial processes. Patterned textures inspection, particularly in the context of fabric defect detection, is indeed a widely encountered use case. This task involves handling a diverse spectrum of colors and textile types, encompassing a wide range of fabrics. Given the extensive variability in colors, textures, and defect types, fabric defect detection poses a complex and challenging problem in the field of patterned textures inspection. In this article, we propose a knowledge distillation-based approach tailored specifically for addressing the challenge of unsupervised anomaly detection in textures resembling fabrics. Our method aims to redefine the recently introduced reverse distillation approach, which advocates for an encoder-decoder design to mitigate classifier bias and to prevent the student from reconstructing anomalies. In this study, we present a new reverse distillation technique for the specific task of fabric defect detection. Our approach involves a meticulous design selection that strategically highlights high-level features. To demonstrate the capabilities of our approach both in terms of performance and inference speed, we conducted a series of experiments on multiple texture datasets, including MVTEC AD, AITEX, and TILDA, alongside conducting experiments on a dataset acquired from a textile manufacturing facility. The main contributions of this paper are the following: a robust texture anomaly detector utilizing a reverse knowledge-distillation technique suitable for both anomaly detection and domain generalization and a novel dataset encompassing a diverse range of fabrics and defects.

GridFormer: Point-Grid Transformer for Surface Reconstruction. (arXiv:2401.02292v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shengtao Li, Ge Gao, Yudong Liu, Yu-Shen Liu, Ming Gu

Implicit neural networks have emerged as a crucial technology in 3D surface reconstruction. To reconstruct continuous surfaces from discrete point clouds, encoding the input points into regular grid features (plane or volume) has been commonly employed in existing approaches. However, these methods typically use the grid as an index for uniformly scattering point features. Compared with the irregular point features, the regular grid features may sacrifice some reconstruction details but improve efficiency. To take full advantage of these two types of features, we introduce a novel and high-efficiency attention mechanism between the grid and point features named Point-Grid Transformer (GridFormer). This mechanism treats the grid as a transfer point connecting the space and point cloud. Our method maximizes the spatial expressiveness of grid features and maintains computational efficiency. Furthermore, optimizing predictions over the entire space could potentially result in blurred boundaries. To address this issue, we further propose a boundary optimization strategy incorporating margin binary cross-entropy loss and boundary sampling. This approach enables us to achieve a more precise representation of the object structure. Our experiments validate that our method is effective and outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches under widely used benchmarks by producing more precise geometry reconstructions. The code is available at

TR-DETR: Task-Reciprocal Transformer for Joint Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection. (arXiv:2401.02309v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hao Sun, Mingyao Zhou, Wenjing Chen, Wei Xie

Video moment retrieval (MR) and highlight detection (HD) based on natural language queries are two highly related tasks, which aim to obtain relevant moments within videos and highlight scores of each video clip. Recently, several methods have been devoted to building DETR-based networks to solve both MR and HD jointly. These methods simply add two separate task heads after multi-modal feature extraction and feature interaction, achieving good performance. Nevertheless, these approaches underutilize the reciprocal relationship between two tasks. In this paper, we propose a task-reciprocal transformer based on DETR (TR-DETR) that focuses on exploring the inherent reciprocity between MR and HD. Specifically, a local-global multi-modal alignment module is first built to align features from diverse modalities into a shared latent space. Subsequently, a visual feature refinement is designed to eliminate query-irrelevant information from visual features for modal interaction. Finally, a task cooperation module is constructed to refine the retrieval pipeline and the highlight score prediction process by utilizing the reciprocity between MR and HD. Comprehensive experiments on QVHighlights, Charades-STA and TVSum datasets demonstrate that TR-DETR outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods. Codes are available at \url{}.

SuperEdge: Towards a Generalization Model for Self-Supervised Edge Detection. (arXiv:2401.02313v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Leng Kai, Zhang Zhijie, Liu Jie, Zed Boukhers, Sui Wei, Cong Yang, Li Zhijun

Edge detection is a fundamental technique in various computer vision tasks. Edges are indeed effectively delineated by pixel discontinuity and can offer reliable structural information even in textureless areas. State-of-the-art heavily relies on pixel-wise annotations, which are labor-intensive and subject to inconsistencies when acquired manually. In this work, we propose a novel self-supervised approach for edge detection that employs a multi-level, multi-homography technique to transfer annotations from synthetic to real-world datasets. To fully leverage the generated edge annotations, we developed SuperEdge, a streamlined yet efficient model capable of concurrently extracting edges at pixel-level and object-level granularity. Thanks to self-supervised training, our method eliminates the dependency on manual annotated edge labels, thereby enhancing its generalizability across diverse datasets. Comparative evaluations reveal that SuperEdge advances edge detection, demonstrating improvements of 4.9% in ODS and 3.3% in OIS over the existing STEdge method on BIPEDv2.

BA-SAM: Scalable Bias-Mode Attention Mask for Segment Anything Model. (arXiv:2401.02317v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yiran Song, Qianyu Zhou, Xiangtai Li, Deng-Ping Fan, Xuequan Lu, Lizhuang Ma

In this paper, we address the challenge of image resolution variation for the Segment Anything Model (SAM). SAM, known for its zero-shot generalizability, exhibits a performance degradation when faced with datasets with varying image sizes. Previous approaches tend to resize the image to a fixed size or adopt structure modifications, hindering the preservation of SAM's rich prior knowledge. Besides, such task-specific tuning necessitates a complete retraining of the model, which is cost-expensive and unacceptable for deployment in the downstream tasks. In this paper, we reformulate this issue as a length extrapolation problem, where token sequence length varies while maintaining a consistent patch size for images of different sizes. To this end, we propose Scalable Bias-Mode Attention Mask (BA-SAM) to enhance SAM's adaptability to varying image resolutions while eliminating the need for structure modifications. Firstly, we introduce a new scaling factor to ensure consistent magnitude in the attention layer's dot product values when the token sequence length changes. Secondly, we present a bias-mode attention mask that allows each token to prioritize neighboring information, mitigating the impact of untrained distant information. Our BA-SAM demonstrates efficacy in two scenarios: zero-shot and fine-tuning. Extensive evaluation on diverse datasets, including DIS5K, DUTS, ISIC, COD10K, and COCO, reveals its ability to significantly mitigate performance degradation in the zero-shot setting and achieve state-of-the-art performance with minimal fine-tuning. Furthermore, we propose a generalized model and benchmark, showcasing BA-SAM's generalizability across all four datasets simultaneously.

ClassWise-SAM-Adapter: Parameter Efficient Fine-tuning Adapts Segment Anything to SAR Domain for Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2401.02326v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xinyang Pu, Hecheng Jia, Linghao Zheng, Feng Wang, Feng Xu

In the realm of artificial intelligence, the emergence of foundation models, backed by high computing capabilities and extensive data, has been revolutionary. Segment Anything Model (SAM), built on the Vision Transformer (ViT) model with millions of parameters and vast training dataset SA-1B, excels in various segmentation scenarios relying on its significance of semantic information and generalization ability. Such achievement of visual foundation model stimulates continuous researches on specific downstream tasks in computer vision. The ClassWise-SAM-Adapter (CWSAM) is designed to adapt the high-performing SAM for landcover classification on space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) images. The proposed CWSAM freezes most of SAM's parameters and incorporates lightweight adapters for parameter efficient fine-tuning, and a classwise mask decoder is designed to achieve semantic segmentation task. This adapt-tuning method allows for efficient landcover classification of SAR images, balancing the accuracy with computational demand. In addition, the task specific input module injects low frequency information of SAR images by MLP-based layers to improve the model performance. Compared to conventional state-of-the-art semantic segmentation algorithms by extensive experiments, CWSAM showcases enhanced performance with fewer computing resources, highlighting the potential of leveraging foundational models like SAM for specific downstream tasks in the SAR domain. The source code is available at:

LLaVA-$\phi$: Efficient Multi-Modal Assistant with Small Language Model. (arXiv:2401.02330v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yichen Zhu, Minjie Zhu, Ning Liu, Zhicai Ou, Xiaofeng Mou, Jian Tang

In this paper, we introduce LLaVA-$\phi$ (LLaVA-Phi), an efficient multi-modal assistant that harnesses the power of the recently advanced small language model, Phi-2, to facilitate multi-modal dialogues. LLaVA-Phi marks a notable advancement in the realm of compact multi-modal models. It demonstrates that even smaller language models, with as few as 2.7B parameters, can effectively engage in intricate dialogues that integrate both textual and visual elements, provided they are trained with high-quality corpora. Our model delivers commendable performance on publicly available benchmarks that encompass visual comprehension, reasoning, and knowledge-based perception. Beyond its remarkable performance in multi-modal dialogue tasks, our model opens new avenues for applications in time-sensitive environments and systems that require real-time interaction, such as embodied agents. It highlights the potential of smaller language models to achieve sophisticated levels of understanding and interaction, while maintaining greater resource efficiency.The project is available at {}.

Linguistic Profiling of Deepfakes: An Open Database for Next-Generation Deepfake Detection. (arXiv:2401.02335v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yabin Wang, Zhiwu Huang, Zhiheng Ma, Xiaopeng Hong

The emergence of text-to-image generative models has revolutionized the field of deepfakes, enabling the creation of realistic and convincing visual content directly from textual descriptions. However, this advancement presents considerably greater challenges in detecting the authenticity of such content. Existing deepfake detection datasets and methods often fall short in effectively capturing the extensive range of emerging deepfakes and offering satisfactory explanatory information for detection. To address the significant issue, this paper introduces a deepfake database (DFLIP-3K) for the development of convincing and explainable deepfake detection. It encompasses about 300K diverse deepfake samples from approximately 3K generative models, which boasts the largest number of deepfake models in the literature. Moreover, it collects around 190K linguistic footprints of these deepfakes. The two distinguished features enable DFLIP-3K to develop a benchmark that promotes progress in linguistic profiling of deepfakes, which includes three sub-tasks namely deepfake detection, model identification, and prompt prediction. The deepfake model and prompt are two essential components of each deepfake, and thus dissecting them linguistically allows for an invaluable exploration of trustworthy and interpretable evidence in deepfake detection, which we believe is the key for the next-generation deepfake detection. Furthermore, DFLIP-3K is envisioned as an open database that fosters transparency and encourages collaborative efforts to further enhance its growth. Our extensive experiments on the developed benchmark verify that our DFLIP-3K database is capable of serving as a standardized resource for evaluating and comparing linguistic-based deepfake detection, identification, and prompt prediction techniques.

Mining Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment for Zero-Shot Captioning via Text-Only Training. (arXiv:2401.02347v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Longtian Qiu, Shan Ning, Xuming He

Image captioning aims at generating descriptive and meaningful textual descriptions of images, enabling a broad range of vision-language applications. Prior works have demonstrated that harnessing the power of Contrastive Image Language Pre-training (CLIP) offers a promising approach to achieving zero-shot captioning, eliminating the need for expensive caption annotations. However, the widely observed modality gap in the latent space of CLIP harms the performance of zero-shot captioning by breaking the alignment between paired image-text features. To address this issue, we conduct an analysis on the CLIP latent space which leads to two findings. Firstly, we observe that the CLIP's visual feature of image subregions can achieve closer proximity to the paired caption due to the inherent information loss in text descriptions. In addition, we show that the modality gap between a paired image-text can be empirically modeled as a zero-mean Gaussian distribution. Motivated by the findings, we propose a novel zero-shot image captioning framework with text-only training to reduce the modality gap. In particular, we introduce a subregion feature aggregation to leverage local region information, which produces a compact visual representation for matching text representation. Moreover, we incorporate a noise injection and CLIP reranking strategy to boost captioning performance. We also extend our framework to build a zero-shot VQA pipeline, demonstrating its generality. Through extensive experiments on common captioning and VQA datasets such as MSCOCO, Flickr30k and VQAV2, we show that our method achieves remarkable performance improvements. Code is available at

Fit-NGP: Fitting Object Models to Neural Graphics Primitives. (arXiv:2401.02357v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Marwan Taher, Ignacio Alzugaray, Andrew J. Davison

Accurate 3D object pose estimation is key to enabling many robotic applications that involve challenging object interactions. In this work, we show that the density field created by a state-of-the-art efficient radiance field reconstruction method is suitable for highly accurate and robust pose estimation for objects with known 3D models, even when they are very small and with challenging reflective surfaces. We present a fully automatic object pose estimation system based on a robot arm with a single wrist-mounted camera, which can scan a scene from scratch, detect and estimate the 6-Degrees of Freedom (DoF) poses of multiple objects within a couple of minutes of operation. Small objects such as bolts and nuts are estimated with accuracy on order of 1mm.

A novel method to enhance pneumonia detection via a model-level ensembling of CNN and vision transformer. (arXiv:2401.02358v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Sandeep Angara, Nishith Reddy Mannuru, Aashrith Mannuru, Sharath Thirunagaru

Pneumonia remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Chest X-ray (CXR) imaging is a fundamental diagnostic tool, but traditional analysis relies on time-intensive expert evaluation. Recently, deep learning has shown immense potential for automating pneumonia detection from CXRs. This paper explores applying neural networks to improve CXR-based pneumonia diagnosis. We developed a novel model fusing Convolution Neural networks (CNN) and Vision Transformer networks via model-level ensembling. Our fusion architecture combines a ResNet34 variant and a Multi-Axis Vision Transformer small model. Both base models are initialized with ImageNet pre-trained weights. The output layers are removed, and features are combined using a flattening layer before final classification. Experiments used the Kaggle pediatric pneumonia dataset containing 1,341 normal and 3,875 pneumonia CXR images. We compared our model against standalone ResNet34, Vision Transformer, and Swin Transformer Tiny baseline models using identical training procedures. Extensive data augmentation, Adam optimization, learning rate warmup, and decay were employed. The fusion model achieved a state-of-the-art accuracy of 94.87%, surpassing the baselines. We also attained excellent sensitivity, specificity, kappa score, and positive predictive value. Confusion matrix analysis confirms fewer misclassifications. The ResNet34 and Vision Transformer combination enables jointly learning robust features from CNNs and Transformer paradigms. This model-level ensemble technique effectively integrates their complementary strengths for enhanced pneumonia classification.

An Open and Comprehensive Pipeline for Unified Object Grounding and Detection. (arXiv:2401.02361v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiangyu Zhao, Yicheng Chen, Shilin Xu, Xiangtai Li, Xinjiang Wang, Yining Li, Haian Huang

Grounding-DINO is a state-of-the-art open-set detection model that tackles multiple vision tasks including Open-Vocabulary Detection (OVD), Phrase Grounding (PG), and Referring Expression Comprehension (REC). Its effectiveness has led to its widespread adoption as a mainstream architecture for various downstream applications. However, despite its significance, the original Grounding-DINO model lacks comprehensive public technical details due to the unavailability of its training code. To bridge this gap, we present MM-Grounding-DINO, an open-source, comprehensive, and user-friendly baseline, which is built with the MMDetection toolbox. It adopts abundant vision datasets for pre-training and various detection and grounding datasets for fine-tuning. We give a comprehensive analysis of each reported result and detailed settings for reproduction. The extensive experiments on the benchmarks mentioned demonstrate that our MM-Grounding-DINO-Tiny outperforms the Grounding-DINO-Tiny baseline. We release all our models to the research community. Codes and trained models are released at

Survey of 3D Human Body Pose and Shape Estimation Methods for Contemporary Dance Applications. (arXiv:2401.02383v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Darshan Venkatrayappa, Alain Tremeau, Damien Muselet, Philippe Colantoni

3D human body shape and pose estimation from RGB images is a challenging problem with potential applications in augmented/virtual reality, healthcare and fitness technology and virtual retail. Recent solutions have focused on three types of inputs: i) single images, ii) multi-view images and iii) videos. In this study, we surveyed and compared 3D body shape and pose estimation methods for contemporary dance and performing arts, with a special focus on human body pose and dressing, camera viewpoint, illumination conditions and background conditions. We demonstrated that multi-frame methods, such as PHALP, provide better results than single-frame method for pose estimation when dancers are performing contemporary dances.

ChartAssisstant: A Universal Chart Multimodal Language Model via Chart-to-Table Pre-training and Multitask Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2401.02384v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fanqing Meng, Wenqi Shao, Quanfeng Lu, Peng Gao, Kaipeng Zhang, Yu Qiao, Ping Luo

Charts play a vital role in data visualization, understanding data patterns, and informed decision-making. However, their unique combination of graphical elements (e.g., bars, lines) and textual components (e.g., labels, legends) poses challenges for general-purpose multimodal models. While vision-language models trained on chart data excel in comprehension, they struggle with generalization and require task-specific fine-tuning. To address these challenges, we propose ChartAssistant, a chart-based vision-language model for universal chart comprehension and reasoning. ChartAssistant leverages ChartSFT, a comprehensive dataset covering diverse chart-related tasks with basic and specialized chart types. It undergoes a two-stage training process, starting with pre-training on chart-to-table parsing to align chart and text, followed by multitask instruction-following fine-tuning. This approach enables ChartAssistant to achieve competitive performance across various chart tasks without task-specific fine-tuning. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance gains over the state-of-the-art UniChart method, outperforming OpenAI's GPT-4V(ision) on real-world chart data. The code and data are available at

Learning the 3D Fauna of the Web. (arXiv:2401.02400v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zizhang Li, Dor Litvak, Ruining Li, Yunzhi Zhang, Tomas Jakab, Christian Rupprecht, Shangzhe Wu, Andrea Vedaldi, Jiajun Wu

Learning 3D models of all animals on the Earth requires massively scaling up existing solutions. With this ultimate goal in mind, we develop 3D-Fauna, an approach that learns a pan-category deformable 3D animal model for more than 100 animal species jointly. One crucial bottleneck of modeling animals is the limited availability of training data, which we overcome by simply learning from 2D Internet images. We show that prior category-specific attempts fail to generalize to rare species with limited training images. We address this challenge by introducing the Semantic Bank of Skinned Models (SBSM), which automatically discovers a small set of base animal shapes by combining geometric inductive priors with semantic knowledge implicitly captured by an off-the-shelf self-supervised feature extractor. To train such a model, we also contribute a new large-scale dataset of diverse animal species. At inference time, given a single image of any quadruped animal, our model reconstructs an articulated 3D mesh in a feed-forward fashion within seconds.

3D Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with 2D-3D Vision-Language Distillation. (arXiv:2401.02402v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zihao Xiao, Longlong Jing, Shangxuan Wu, Alex Zihao Zhu, Jingwei Ji, Chiyu Max Jiang, Wei-Chih Hung, Thomas Funkhouser, Weicheng Kuo, Anelia Angelova, Yin Zhou, Shiwei Sheng

3D panoptic segmentation is a challenging perception task, which aims to predict both semantic and instance annotations for 3D points in a scene. Although prior 3D panoptic segmentation approaches have achieved great performance on closed-set benchmarks, generalizing to novel categories remains an open problem. For unseen object categories, 2D open-vocabulary segmentation has achieved promising results that solely rely on frozen CLIP backbones and ensembling multiple classification outputs. However, we find that simply extending these 2D models to 3D does not achieve good performance due to poor per-mask classification quality on novel categories. In this paper, we propose the first method to tackle 3D open-vocabulary panoptic segmentation. Our model takes advantage of the fusion between learnable LiDAR features and dense frozen vision CLIP features, using a single classification head to make predictions for both base and novel classes. To further improve the classification performance on novel classes and leverage the CLIP model, we propose two novel loss functions: object-level distillation loss and voxel-level distillation loss. Our experiments on the nuScenes and SemanticKITTI datasets show that our method outperforms strong baselines by a large margin.

What You See is What You GAN: Rendering Every Pixel for High-Fidelity Geometry in 3D GANs. (arXiv:2401.02411v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Alex Trevithick, Matthew Chan, Towaki Takikawa, Umar Iqbal, Shalini De Mello, Manmohan Chandraker, Ravi Ramamoorthi, Koki Nagano

3D-aware Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have shown remarkable progress in learning to generate multi-view-consistent images and 3D geometries of scenes from collections of 2D images via neural volume rendering. Yet, the significant memory and computational costs of dense sampling in volume rendering have forced 3D GANs to adopt patch-based training or employ low-resolution rendering with post-processing 2D super resolution, which sacrifices multiview consistency and the quality of resolved geometry. Consequently, 3D GANs have not yet been able to fully resolve the rich 3D geometry present in 2D images. In this work, we propose techniques to scale neural volume rendering to the much higher resolution of native 2D images, thereby resolving fine-grained 3D geometry with unprecedented detail. Our approach employs learning-based samplers for accelerating neural rendering for 3D GAN training using up to 5 times fewer depth samples. This enables us to explicitly "render every pixel" of the full-resolution image during training and inference without post-processing superresolution in 2D. Together with our strategy to learn high-quality surface geometry, our method synthesizes high-resolution 3D geometry and strictly view-consistent images while maintaining image quality on par with baselines relying on post-processing super resolution. We demonstrate state-of-the-art 3D gemetric quality on FFHQ and AFHQ, setting a new standard for unsupervised learning of 3D shapes in 3D GANs.

LLM Augmented LLMs: Expanding Capabilities through Composition. (arXiv:2401.02412v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Rachit Bansal, Bidisha Samanta, Siddharth Dalmia, Nitish Gupta, Shikhar Vashishth, Sriram Ganapathy, Abhishek Bapna, Prateek Jain, Partha Talukdar

Foundational models with billions of parameters which have been trained on large corpora of data have demonstrated non-trivial skills in a variety of domains. However, due to their monolithic structure, it is challenging and expensive to augment them or impart new skills. On the other hand, due to their adaptation abilities, several new instances of these models are being trained towards new domains and tasks. In this work, we study the problem of efficient and practical composition of existing foundation models with more specific models to enable newer capabilities. To this end, we propose CALM -- Composition to Augment Language Models -- which introduces cross-attention between models to compose their representations and enable new capabilities. Salient features of CALM are: (i) Scales up LLMs on new tasks by 're-using' existing LLMs along with a few additional parameters and data, (ii) Existing model weights are kept intact, and hence preserves existing capabilities, and (iii) Applies to diverse domains and settings. We illustrate that augmenting PaLM2-S with a smaller model trained on low-resource languages results in an absolute improvement of up to 13\% on tasks like translation into English and arithmetic reasoning for low-resource languages. Similarly, when PaLM2-S is augmented with a code-specific model, we see a relative improvement of 40\% over the base model for code generation and explanation tasks -- on-par with fully fine-tuned counterparts.

Bring Metric Functions into Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.02414v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jie An, Zhengyuan Yang, Jianfeng Wang, Linjie Li, Zicheng Liu, Lijuan Wang, Jiebo Luo

We introduce a Cascaded Diffusion Model (Cas-DM) that improves a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) by effectively incorporating additional metric functions in training. Metric functions such as the LPIPS loss have been proven highly effective in consistency models derived from the score matching. However, for the diffusion counterparts, the methodology and efficacy of adding extra metric functions remain unclear. One major challenge is the mismatch between the noise predicted by a DDPM at each step and the desired clean image that the metric function works well on. To address this problem, we propose Cas-DM, a network architecture that cascades two network modules to effectively apply metric functions to the diffusion model training. The first module, similar to a standard DDPM, learns to predict the added noise and is unaffected by the metric function. The second cascaded module learns to predict the clean image, thereby facilitating the metric function computation. Experiment results show that the proposed diffusion model backbone enables the effective use of the LPIPS loss, leading to state-of-the-art image quality (FID, sFID, IS) on various established benchmarks.

ODIN: A Single Model for 2D and 3D Perception. (arXiv:2401.02416v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ayush Jain, Pushkal Katara, Nikolaos Gkanatsios, Adam W. Harley, Gabriel Sarch, Kriti Aggarwal, Vishrav Chaudhary, Katerina Fragkiadaki

State-of-the-art models on contemporary 3D perception benchmarks like ScanNet consume and label dataset-provided 3D point clouds, obtained through post processing of sensed multiview RGB-D images. They are typically trained in-domain, forego large-scale 2D pre-training and outperform alternatives that featurize the posed RGB-D multiview images instead. The gap in performance between methods that consume posed images versus post-processed 3D point clouds has fueled the belief that 2D and 3D perception require distinct model architectures. In this paper, we challenge this view and propose ODIN (Omni-Dimensional INstance segmentation), a model that can segment and label both 2D RGB images and 3D point clouds, using a transformer architecture that alternates between 2D within-view and 3D cross-view information fusion. Our model differentiates 2D and 3D feature operations through the positional encodings of the tokens involved, which capture pixel coordinates for 2D patch tokens and 3D coordinates for 3D feature tokens. ODIN achieves state-of-the-art performance on ScanNet200, Matterport3D and AI2THOR 3D instance segmentation benchmarks, and competitive performance on ScanNet, S3DIS and COCO. It outperforms all previous works by a wide margin when the sensed 3D point cloud is used in place of the point cloud sampled from 3D mesh. When used as the 3D perception engine in an instructable embodied agent architecture, it sets a new state-of-the-art on the TEACh action-from-dialogue benchmark. Our code and checkpoints can be found at the project website:

Learning to Prompt with Text Only Supervision for Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2401.02418v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Muhammad Uzair Khattak, Muhammad Ferjad Naeem, Muzammal Naseer, Luc Van Gool, Federico Tombari

Foundational vision-language models such as CLIP are becoming a new paradigm in vision, due to their excellent generalization abilities. However, adapting these models for downstream tasks while maintaining their generalization remains a challenge. In literature, one branch of methods adapts CLIP by learning prompts using visual information. While effective, most of these works require labeled data which is not practical, and often struggle to generalize towards new datasets due to over-fitting on the source data. An alternative approach resorts to training-free methods by generating class descriptions from large language models (LLMs) and perform prompt ensembling. However, these methods often generate class specific prompts that cannot be transferred to other classes, which incur higher costs by generating LLM descriptions for each class separately. In this work, we propose to combine the strengths of these both streams of methods by learning prompts using only text data derived from LLMs. As supervised training of prompts is not trivial due to absence of images, we develop a training approach that allows prompts to extract rich contextual knowledge from LLM data. Moreover, with LLM contextual data mapped within the learned prompts, it enables zero-shot transfer of prompts to new classes and datasets potentially cutting the LLM prompt engineering cost. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that learns generalized prompts using text only data. We perform extensive evaluations on 4 benchmarks where our method improves over prior ensembling works while being competitive to those utilizing labeled images. Our code and pre-trained models are available at

Handling Noisy Labels via One-Step Abductive Multi-Target Learning and Its Application to Helicobacter Pylori Segmentation. (arXiv:2011.14956v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongquan Yang, Yiming Yang, Jie Chen, Jiayi Zheng, Zhongxi Zheng

Learning from noisy labels is an important concern in plenty of real-world scenarios. Various approaches for this concern first make corrections corresponding to potentially noisy-labeled instances, and then update predictive model with information of the made corrections. However, in specific areas, such as medical histopathology whole slide image analysis (MHWSIA), it is often difficult or impossible for experts to manually achieve the noisy-free ground-truth labels which leads to labels with complex noise. This situation raises two more difficult problems: 1) the methodology of approaches making corrections corresponding to potentially noisy-labeled instances has limitations due to the complex noise existing in labels; and 2) the appropriate evaluation strategy for validation/testing is unclear because of the great difficulty in collecting the noisy-free ground-truth labels. For the problem 1), we present one-step abductive multi-target learning (OSAMTL) that imposes a one-step logical reasoning upon machine learning via a multi-target learning procedure to constrain the predictions of the learning model to be subject to our prior knowledge about the true target. For the problem 2), we propose a logical assessment formula (LAF) that evaluates the logical rationality of the outputs of an approach by estimating the consistencies between the predictions of the learning model and the logical facts narrated from the results of the one-step logical reasoning of OSAMTL. Based on the Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) segmentation task in MHWSIA, we show that OSAMTL enables the machine learning model achieving logically more rational predictions, which is beyond various state-of-the-art approaches in handling complex noisy labels.

From 2D Images to 3D Model:Weakly Supervised Multi-View Face Reconstruction with Deep Fusion. (arXiv:2204.03842v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weiguang Zhao, Chaolong Yang, Jianan Ye, Rui Zhang, Yuyao Yan, Xi Yang, Bin Dong, Amir Hussain, Kaizhu Huang

While weakly supervised multi-view face reconstruction (MVR) is garnering increased attention, one critical issue still remains open: how to effectively fuse multiple image information to reconstruct high-precision 3D models. In this regard, we propose a novel model called Deep Fusion MVR (DF-MVR) and design a multi-view encoding to single decoding framework with skip connections, able to extract, integrate, and compensate deep features with attention from multi-view images. Furthermore, we adopt the involution kernel to enrich deep fusion features with channel features. In addition, we develop the face parse network to learn, identify, and emphasize the critical common face area within multi-view images. Experiments on Pixel-Face and Bosphorus datasets indicate the superiority of our model. Without 3D annotation, DF-MVR achieves 5.2% and 3.0% RMSE improvement over the existing weakly supervised MVRs respectively on Pixel-Face and Bosphorus dataset. Code will be available publicly at

Audiovisual Masked Autoencoders. (arXiv:2212.05922v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mariana-Iuliana Georgescu, Eduardo Fonseca, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Mario Lucic, Cordelia Schmid, Anurag Arnab

Can we leverage the audiovisual information already present in video to improve self-supervised representation learning? To answer this question, we study various pretraining architectures and objectives within the masked autoencoding framework, motivated by the success of similar methods in natural language and image understanding. We show that we can achieve significant improvements on audiovisual downstream classification tasks, surpassing the state-of-the-art on VGGSound and AudioSet. Furthermore, we can leverage our audiovisual pretraining scheme for multiple unimodal downstream tasks using a single audiovisual pretrained model. We additionally demonstrate the transferability of our representations, achieving state-of-the-art audiovisual results on Epic Kitchens without pretraining specifically for this dataset.

Expressive Speech-driven Facial Animation with controllable emotions. (arXiv:2301.02008v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yutong Chen, Junhong Zhao, Wei-Qiang Zhang

It is in high demand to generate facial animation with high realism, but it remains a challenging task. Existing approaches of speech-driven facial animation can produce satisfactory mouth movement and lip synchronization, but show weakness in dramatic emotional expressions and flexibility in emotion control. This paper presents a novel deep learning-based approach for expressive facial animation generation from speech that can exhibit wide-spectrum facial expressions with controllable emotion type and intensity. We propose an emotion controller module to learn the relationship between the emotion variations (e.g., types and intensity) and the corresponding facial expression parameters. It enables emotion-controllable facial animation, where the target expression can be continuously adjusted as desired. The qualitative and quantitative evaluations show that the animation generated by our method is rich in facial emotional expressiveness while retaining accurate lip movement, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods.

Anatomy-aware and acquisition-agnostic joint registration with SynthMorph. (arXiv:2301.11329v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Malte Hoffmann, Andrew Hoopes, Douglas N. Greve, Bruce Fischl, Adrian V. Dalca

Affine image registration is a cornerstone of medical-image analysis. While classical algorithms can achieve excellent accuracy, they solve a time-consuming optimization for every image pair. Deep-learning (DL) methods learn a function that maps an image pair to an output transform. Evaluating the function is fast, but capturing large transforms can be challenging, and networks tend to struggle if a test-image characteristic shifts from the training domain, such as resolution. Most affine methods are agnostic to anatomy, meaning the registration will be inaccurate if algorithms consider all structures in the image.

We address these shortcomings with SynthMorph, an easy-to-use DL tool for joint affine-deformable registration of any brain image without preprocessing, right off the MRI scanner. First, we leverage a strategy to train networks with wildly varying images synthesized from label maps, yielding robust performance across acquisition specifics unseen at training. Second, we optimize the spatial overlap of select anatomical labels. This enables networks to distinguish anatomy of interest from irrelevant structures, removing the need for preprocessing that excludes content which would impinge on anatomy-specific registration. Third, we combine the affine model with a deformable hypernetwork that lets users choose the optimal deformation-field regularity for their specific data, at registration time, in a fraction of the time required by classical methods.

We rigorously analyze how competing architectures learn affine transforms and compare state-of-the-art registration tools across an extremely diverse set of neuroimaging data, aiming to truly capture the behavior of methods in the real world. SynthMorph demonstrates consistent and improved accuracy. It is available at, as a single complete end-to-end solution for registration of brain MRI.

A Survey and Benchmark of Automatic Surface Reconstruction from Point Clouds. (arXiv:2301.13656v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Raphael Sulzer, Renaud Marlet, Bruno Vallet, Loic Landrieu

We present a comprehensive survey and benchmark of both traditional and learning-based methods for surface reconstruction from point clouds. This task is particularly challenging for real-world acquisitions due to factors like noise, outliers, non-uniform sampling, and missing data. Traditional approaches often simplify the problem by imposing handcrafted priors on either the input point clouds or the resulting surface, a process that can necessitate tedious hyperparameter tuning. Conversely, deep learning models have the capability to directly learn the properties of input point clouds and desired surfaces from data. We study the influence of these handcrafted and learned priors on the precision and robustness of surface reconstruction techniques. We evaluate various time-tested and contemporary methods in a standardized manner. When both trained and evaluated on point clouds with identical characteristics, the learning-based models consistently produce superior surfaces compared to their traditional counterparts$\unicode{x2013}$even in scenarios involving novel shape categories. However, traditional methods demonstrate greater resilience to the diverse array of point cloud anomalies commonly found in real-world 3D acquisitions. For the benefit of the research community, we make our code and datasets available, inviting further enhancements to learning-based surface reconstruction. This can be accessed at .

Learning to Generalize towards Unseen Domains via a Content-Aware Style Invariant Model for Disease Detection from Chest X-rays. (arXiv:2302.13991v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohammad Zunaed, Md. Aynal Haque, Taufiq Hasan

Performance degradation due to distribution discrepancy is a longstanding challenge in intelligent imaging, particularly for chest X-rays (CXRs). Recent studies have demonstrated that CNNs are biased toward styles (e.g., uninformative textures) rather than content (e.g., shape), in stark contrast to the human vision system. Radiologists tend to learn visual cues from CXRs and thus perform well across multiple domains. Motivated by this, we employ the novel on-the-fly style randomization modules at both image (SRM-IL) and feature (SRM-FL) levels to create rich style perturbed features while keeping the content intact for robust cross-domain performance. Previous methods simulate unseen domains by constructing new styles via interpolation or swapping styles from existing data, limiting them to available source domains during training. However, SRM-IL samples the style statistics from the possible value range of a CXR image instead of the training data to achieve more diversified augmentations. Moreover, we utilize pixel-wise learnable parameters in the SRM-FL compared to pre-defined channel-wise mean and standard deviations as style embeddings for capturing more representative style features. Additionally, we leverage consistency regularizations on global semantic features and predictive distributions from with and without style-perturbed versions of the same CXR to tweak the model's sensitivity toward content markers for accurate predictions. Our proposed method, trained on CheXpert and MIMIC-CXR datasets, achieves 77.32$\pm$0.35, 88.38$\pm$0.19, 82.63$\pm$0.13 AUCs(%) on the unseen domain test datasets, i.e., BRAX, VinDr-CXR, and NIH chest X-ray14, respectively, compared to 75.56$\pm$0.80, 87.57$\pm$0.46, 82.07$\pm$0.19 from state-of-the-art models on five-fold cross-validation with statistically significant results in thoracic disease classification.

Training-free Content Injection using h-space in Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2303.15403v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaeseok Jeong, Mingi Kwon, Youngjung Uh

Diffusion models (DMs) synthesize high-quality images in various domains. However, controlling their generative process is still hazy because the intermediate variables in the process are not rigorously studied. Recently, the bottleneck feature of the U-Net, namely $h$-space, is found to convey the semantics of the resulting image. It enables StyleCLIP-like latent editing within DMs. In this paper, we explore further usage of $h$-space beyond attribute editing, and introduce a method to inject the content of one image into another image by combining their features in the generative processes. Briefly, given the original generative process of the other image, 1) we gradually blend the bottleneck feature of the content with proper normalization, and 2) we calibrate the skip connections to match the injected content. Unlike custom-diffusion approaches, our method does not require time-consuming optimization or fine-tuning. Instead, our method manipulates intermediate features within a feed-forward generative process. Furthermore, our method does not require supervision from external networks. The code is available at

Zero-Shot Video Editing Using Off-The-Shelf Image Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2303.17599v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wen Wang, Yan Jiang, Kangyang Xie, Zide Liu, Hao Chen, Yue Cao, Xinlong Wang, Chunhua Shen

Large-scale text-to-image diffusion models achieve unprecedented success in image generation and editing. However, how to extend such success to video editing is unclear. Recent initial attempts at video editing require significant text-to-video data and computation resources for training, which is often not accessible. In this work, we propose vid2vid-zero, a simple yet effective method for zero-shot video editing. Our vid2vid-zero leverages off-the-shelf image diffusion models, and doesn't require training on any video. At the core of our method is a null-text inversion module for text-to-video alignment, a cross-frame modeling module for temporal consistency, and a spatial regularization module for fidelity to the original video. Without any training, we leverage the dynamic nature of the attention mechanism to enable bi-directional temporal modeling at test time. Experiments and analyses show promising results in editing attributes, subjects, places, etc., in real-world videos. Code is made available at \url{}.

VideoChat: Chat-Centric Video Understanding. (arXiv:2305.06355v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: KunChang Li, Yinan He, Yi Wang, Yizhuo Li, Wenhai Wang, Ping Luo, Yali Wang, Limin Wang, Yu Qiao

In this paper, we initiate an attempt of developing an end-to-end chat-centric video understanding system, coined as VideoChat. It integrates video foundation models and large language models via a learnable neural interface, excelling in spatiotemporal reasoning, event localization, and causal relationship inference. To instructively tune this system, we build a video-centric instruction dataset, composed of thousands of videos associated with detailed descriptions and conversations. This dataset emphasizes spatiotemporal reasoning and captures causal relationships, providing a valuable asset for training our chat-centric video understanding system. Preliminary qualitative experiments demonstrate the potential of our system across a broad spectrum of video applications, which could serve as a simple prototype system for future research on chat-centric video understanding. Access our code and data at

The Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2023: Focus on Pediatrics (CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs). (arXiv:2305.17033v4 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Anahita Fathi Kazerooni, Nastaran Khalili, Xinyang Liu, Debanjan Haldar, Zhifan Jiang, Syed Muhammed Anwar, Jake Albrecht, Maruf Adewole, Udunna Anazodo, Hannah Anderson, Sina Bagheri, Ujjwal Baid, Timothy Bergquist, Austin J. Borja, Evan Calabrese, Verena Chung, Gian-Marco Conte, Farouk Dako, James Eddy, Ivan Ezhov, Ariana Familiar, Keyvan Farahani, Shuvanjan Haldar, Juan Eugenio Iglesias, Anastasia Janas, Elaine Johansen, Blaise V Jones, Florian Kofler, Dominic LaBella, Hollie Anne Lai, Koen Van Leemput, Hongwei Bran Li, Nazanin Maleki, Aaron S McAllister, Zeke Meier, Bjoern Menze, Ahmed W Moawad, Khanak K Nandolia, Julija Pavaine, Marie Piraud, Tina Poussaint, Sanjay P Prabhu, Zachary Reitman, Andres Rodriguez, Jeffrey D Rudie, Ibraheem Salman Shaikh, Lubdha M. Shah, Nakul Sheth, Russel Taki Shinohara, et al. (23 additional authors not shown)

Pediatric tumors of the central nervous system are the most common cause of cancer-related death in children. The five-year survival rate for high-grade gliomas in children is less than 20\%. Due to their rarity, the diagnosis of these entities is often delayed, their treatment is mainly based on historic treatment concepts, and clinical trials require multi-institutional collaborations. The MICCAI Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge is a landmark community benchmark event with a successful history of 12 years of resource creation for the segmentation and analysis of adult glioma. Here we present the CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge, which represents the first BraTS challenge focused on pediatric brain tumors with data acquired across multiple international consortia dedicated to pediatric neuro-oncology and clinical trials. The BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge focuses on benchmarking the development of volumentric segmentation algorithms for pediatric brain glioma through standardized quantitative performance evaluation metrics utilized across the BraTS 2023 cluster of challenges. Models gaining knowledge from the BraTS-PEDs multi-parametric structural MRI (mpMRI) training data will be evaluated on separate validation and unseen test mpMRI dataof high-grade pediatric glioma. The CBTN-CONNECT-DIPGR-ASNR-MICCAI BraTS-PEDs 2023 challenge brings together clinicians and AI/imaging scientists to lead to faster development of automated segmentation techniques that could benefit clinical trials, and ultimately the care of children with brain tumors.

Accelerating Text-to-Image Editing via Cache-Enabled Sparse Diffusion Inference. (arXiv:2305.17423v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zihao Yu, Haoyang Li, Fangcheng Fu, Xupeng Miao, Bin Cui

Due to the recent success of diffusion models, text-to-image generation is becoming increasingly popular and achieves a wide range of applications. Among them, text-to-image editing, or continuous text-to-image generation, attracts lots of attention and can potentially improve the quality of generated images. It's common to see that users may want to slightly edit the generated image by making minor modifications to their input textual descriptions for several rounds of diffusion inference. However, such an image editing process suffers from the low inference efficiency of many existing diffusion models even using GPU accelerators. To solve this problem, we introduce Fast Image Semantically Edit (FISEdit), a cached-enabled sparse diffusion model inference engine for efficient text-to-image editing. The key intuition behind our approach is to utilize the semantic mapping between the minor modifications on the input text and the affected regions on the output image. For each text editing step, FISEdit can automatically identify the affected image regions and utilize the cached unchanged regions' feature map to accelerate the inference process. Extensive empirical results show that FISEdit can be $3.4\times$ and $4.4\times$ faster than existing methods on NVIDIA TITAN RTX and A100 GPUs respectively, and even generates more satisfactory images.

Quantifying Deep Learning Model Uncertainty in Conformal Prediction. (arXiv:2306.00876v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hamed Karimi, Reza Samavi

Precise estimation of predictive uncertainty in deep neural networks is a critical requirement for reliable decision-making in machine learning and statistical modeling, particularly in the context of medical AI. Conformal Prediction (CP) has emerged as a promising framework for representing the model uncertainty by providing well-calibrated confidence levels for individual predictions. However, the quantification of model uncertainty in conformal prediction remains an active research area, yet to be fully addressed. In this paper, we explore state-of-the-art CP methodologies and their theoretical foundations. We propose a probabilistic approach in quantifying the model uncertainty derived from the produced prediction sets in conformal prediction and provide certified boundaries for the computed uncertainty. By doing so, we allow model uncertainty measured by CP to be compared by other uncertainty quantification methods such as Bayesian (e.g., MC-Dropout and DeepEnsemble) and Evidential approaches.

Dynamically Masked Discriminator for Generative Adversarial Networks. (arXiv:2306.07716v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wentian Zhang, Haozhe Liu, Bing Li, Jinheng Xie, Yawen Huang, Yuexiang Li, Yefeng Zheng, Bernard Ghanem

Training Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) remains a challenging problem. The discriminator trains the generator by learning the distribution of real/generated data. However, the distribution of generated data changes throughout the training process, which is difficult for the discriminator to learn. In this paper, we propose a novel method for GANs from the viewpoint of online continual learning. We observe that the discriminator model, trained on historically generated data, often slows down its adaptation to the changes in the new arrival generated data, which accordingly decreases the quality of generated results. By treating the generated data in training as a stream, we propose to detect whether the discriminator slows down the learning of new knowledge in generated data. Therefore, we can explicitly enforce the discriminator to learn new knowledge fast. Particularly, we propose a new discriminator, which automatically detects its retardation and then dynamically masks its features, such that the discriminator can adaptively learn the temporally-vary distribution of generated data. Experimental results show our method outperforms the state-of-the-art approaches.

Shadow Generation with Decomposed Mask Prediction and Attentive Shadow Filling. (arXiv:2306.17358v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinhao Tao, Junyan Cao, Yan Hong, Li Niu

Image composition refers to inserting a foreground object into a background image to obtain a composite image. In this work, we focus on generating plausible shadows for the inserted foreground object to make the composite image more realistic. To supplement the existing small-scale dataset, we create a large-scale dataset called RdSOBA with rendering techniques. Moreover, we design a two-stage network named DMASNet with decomposed mask prediction and attentive shadow filling. Specifically, in the first stage, we decompose shadow mask prediction into box prediction and shape prediction. In the second stage, we attend to reference background shadow pixels to fill the foreground shadow. Abundant experiments prove that our DMASNet achieves better visual effects and generalizes well to real composite images.

InternVid: A Large-scale Video-Text Dataset for Multimodal Understanding and Generation. (arXiv:2307.06942v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yi Wang, Yinan He, Yizhuo Li, Kunchang Li, Jiashuo Yu, Xin Ma, Xinhao Li, Guo Chen, Xinyuan Chen, Yaohui Wang, Conghui He, Ping Luo, Ziwei Liu, Yali Wang, Limin Wang, Yu Qiao

This paper introduces InternVid, a large-scale video-centric multimodal dataset that enables learning powerful and transferable video-text representations for multimodal understanding and generation. The InternVid dataset contains over 7 million videos lasting nearly 760K hours, yielding 234M video clips accompanied by detailed descriptions of total 4.1B words. Our core contribution is to develop a scalable approach to autonomously build a high-quality video-text dataset with large language models (LLM), thereby showcasing its efficacy in learning video-language representation at scale. Specifically, we utilize a multi-scale approach to generate video-related descriptions. Furthermore, we introduce ViCLIP, a video-text representation learning model based on ViT-L. Learned on InternVid via contrastive learning, this model demonstrates leading zero-shot action recognition and competitive video retrieval performance. Beyond basic video understanding tasks like recognition and retrieval, our dataset and model have broad applications. They are particularly beneficial for generating interleaved video-text data for learning a video-centric dialogue system, advancing video-to-text and text-to-video generation research. These proposed resources provide a tool for researchers and practitioners interested in multimodal video understanding and generation.

Learning to Generate Training Datasets for Robust Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2308.02535v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Marwane Hariat, Olivier Laurent, Rémi Kazmierczak, Shihao Zhang, Andrei Bursuc, Angela Yao, Gianni Franchi

Semantic segmentation methods have advanced significantly. Still, their robustness to real-world perturbations and object types not seen during training remains a challenge, particularly in safety-critical applications. We propose a novel approach to improve the robustness of semantic segmentation techniques by leveraging the synergy between label-to-image generators and image-to-label segmentation models. Specifically, we design Robusta, a novel robust conditional generative adversarial network to generate realistic and plausible perturbed images that can be used to train reliable segmentation models. We conduct in-depth studies of the proposed generative model, assess the performance and robustness of the downstream segmentation network, and demonstrate that our approach can significantly enhance the robustness in the face of real-world perturbations, distribution shifts, and out-of-distribution samples. Our results suggest that this approach could be valuable in safety-critical applications, where the reliability of perception modules such as semantic segmentation is of utmost importance and comes with a limited computational budget in inference. We release our code at

Exploiting Spatial-Temporal Context for Interacting Hand Reconstruction on Monocular RGB Video. (arXiv:2308.04074v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Weichao Zhao, Hezhen Hu, Wengang Zhou, Li li, Houqiang Li

Reconstructing interacting hands from monocular RGB data is a challenging task, as it involves many interfering factors, e.g. self- and mutual occlusion and similar textures. Previous works only leverage information from a single RGB image without modeling their physically plausible relation, which leads to inferior reconstruction results. In this work, we are dedicated to explicitly exploiting spatial-temporal information to achieve better interacting hand reconstruction. On one hand, we leverage temporal context to complement insufficient information provided by the single frame, and design a novel temporal framework with a temporal constraint for interacting hand motion smoothness. On the other hand, we further propose an interpenetration detection module to produce kinetically plausible interacting hands without physical collisions. Extensive experiments are performed to validate the effectiveness of our proposed framework, which achieves new state-of-the-art performance on public benchmarks.

A General Implicit Framework for Fast NeRF Composition and Rendering. (arXiv:2308.04669v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinyu Gao, Ziyi Yang, Yunlu Zhao, Yuxiang Sun, Xiaogang Jin, Changqing Zou

A variety of Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) methods have recently achieved remarkable success in high render speed. However, current accelerating methods are specialized and incompatible with various implicit methods, preventing real-time composition over various types of NeRF works. Because NeRF relies on sampling along rays, it is possible to provide general guidance for acceleration. To that end, we propose a general implicit pipeline for composing NeRF objects quickly. Our method enables the casting of dynamic shadows within or between objects using analytical light sources while allowing multiple NeRF objects to be seamlessly placed and rendered together with any arbitrary rigid transformations. Mainly, our work introduces a new surface representation known as Neural Depth Fields (NeDF) that quickly determines the spatial relationship between objects by allowing direct intersection computation between rays and implicit surfaces. It leverages an intersection neural network to query NeRF for acceleration instead of depending on an explicit spatial structure.Our proposed method is the first to enable both the progressive and interactive composition of NeRF objects. Additionally, it also serves as a previewing plugin for a range of existing NeRF works.

MLN-net: A multi-source medical image segmentation method for clustered microcalcifications using multiple layer normalization. (arXiv:2309.02742v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ke Wang, Zanting Ye, Xiang Xie, Haidong Cui, Tao Chen, Banteng Liu

Accurate segmentation of clustered microcalcifications in mammography is crucial for the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer. Despite exhibiting expert-level accuracy, recent deep learning advancements in medical image segmentation provide insufficient contribution to practical applications, due to the domain shift resulting from differences in patient postures, individual gland density, and imaging modalities of mammography etc. In this paper, a novel framework named MLN-net, which can accurately segment multi-source images using only single source images, is proposed for clustered microcalcification segmentation. We first propose a source domain image augmentation method to generate multi-source images, leading to improved generalization. And a structure of multiple layer normalization (LN) layers is used to construct the segmentation network, which can be found efficient for clustered microcalcification segmentation in different domains. Additionally, a branch selection strategy is designed for measuring the similarity of the source domain data and the target domain data. To validate the proposed MLN-net, extensive analyses including ablation experiments are performed, comparison of 12 baseline methods. Extensive experiments validate the effectiveness of MLN-net in segmenting clustered microcalcifications from different domains and the its segmentation accuracy surpasses state-of-the-art methods. Code will be available at

Towards Fully Decoupled End-to-End Person Search. (arXiv:2309.04967v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Pengcheng Zhang, Xiao Bai, Jin Zheng, Xin Ning

End-to-end person search aims to jointly detect and re-identify a target person in raw scene images with a unified model. The detection task unifies all persons while the re-id task discriminates different identities, resulting in conflict optimal objectives. Existing works proposed to decouple end-to-end person search to alleviate such conflict. Yet these methods are still sub-optimal on one or two of the sub-tasks due to their partially decoupled models, which limits the overall person search performance. In this paper, we propose to fully decouple person search towards optimal person search. A task-incremental person search network is proposed to incrementally construct an end-to-end model for the detection and re-id sub-task, which decouples the model architecture for the two sub-tasks. The proposed task-incremental network allows task-incremental training for the two conflicting tasks. This enables independent learning for different objectives thus fully decoupled the model for persons earch. Comprehensive experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed fully decoupled models for end-to-end person search.

FactoFormer: Factorized Hyperspectral Transformers with Self-Supervised Pretraining. (arXiv:2309.09431v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaheer Mohamed, Maryam Haghighat, Tharindu Fernando, Sridha Sridharan, Clinton Fookes, Peyman Moghadam

Hyperspectral images (HSIs) contain rich spectral and spatial information. Motivated by the success of transformers in the field of natural language processing and computer vision where they have shown the ability to learn long range dependencies within input data, recent research has focused on using transformers for HSIs. However, current state-of-the-art hyperspectral transformers only tokenize the input HSI sample along the spectral dimension, resulting in the under-utilization of spatial information. Moreover, transformers are known to be data-hungry and their performance relies heavily on large-scale pretraining, which is challenging due to limited annotated hyperspectral data. Therefore, the full potential of HSI transformers has not been fully realized. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel factorized spectral-spatial transformer that incorporates factorized self-supervised pretraining procedures, leading to significant improvements in performance. The factorization of the inputs allows the spectral and spatial transformers to better capture the interactions within the hyperspectral data cubes. Inspired by masked image modeling pretraining, we also devise efficient masking strategies for pretraining each of the spectral and spatial transformers. We conduct experiments on six publicly available datasets for HSI classification task and demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance in all the datasets. The code for our model will be made available at

Rewrite Caption Semantics: Bridging Semantic Gaps for Language-Supervised Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2309.13505v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yun Xing, Jian Kang, Aoran Xiao, Jiahao Nie, Ling Shao, Shijian Lu

Vision-Language Pre-training has demonstrated its remarkable zero-shot recognition ability and potential to learn generalizable visual representations from language supervision. Taking a step ahead, language-supervised semantic segmentation enables spatial localization of textual inputs by learning pixel grouping solely from image-text pairs. Nevertheless, the state-of-the-art suffers from clear semantic gaps between visual and textual modality: plenty of visual concepts appeared in images are missing in their paired captions. Such semantic misalignment circulates in pre-training, leading to inferior zero-shot performance in dense predictions due to insufficient visual concepts captured in textual representations. To close such semantic gap, we propose Concept Curation (CoCu), a pipeline that leverages CLIP to compensate for the missing semantics. For each image-text pair, we establish a concept archive that maintains potential visually-matched concepts with our proposed vision-driven expansion and text-to-vision-guided ranking. Relevant concepts can thus be identified via cluster-guided sampling and fed into pre-training, thereby bridging the gap between visual and textual semantics. Extensive experiments over a broad suite of 8 segmentation benchmarks show that CoCu achieves superb zero-shot transfer performance and greatly boosts language-supervised segmentation baseline by a large margin, suggesting the value of bridging semantic gap in pre-training data.

LinFlo-Net: A two-stage deep learning method to generate simulation ready meshes of the heart. (arXiv:2310.20065v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Arjun Narayanan, Fanwei Kong, Shawn Shadden

We present a deep learning model to automatically generate computer models of the human heart from patient imaging data with an emphasis on its capability to generate thin-walled cardiac structures. Our method works by deforming a template mesh to fit the cardiac structures to the given image. Compared with prior deep learning methods that adopted this approach, our framework is designed to minimize mesh self-penetration, which typically arises when deforming surface meshes separated by small distances. We achieve this by using a two-stage diffeomorphic deformation process along with a novel loss function derived from the kinematics of motion that penalizes surface contact and interpenetration. Our model demonstrates comparable accuracy with state-of-the-art methods while additionally producing meshes free of self-intersections. The resultant meshes are readily usable in physics based simulation, minimizing the need for post-processing and cleanup.

Fast Certification of Vision-Language Models Using Incremental Randomized Smoothing. (arXiv:2311.09024v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: A K Nirala (1), A Joshi (2), C Hegde (2), S Sarkar (1) ((1) Iowa State University, (2) New York University)

A key benefit of deep vision-language models such as CLIP is that they enable zero-shot open vocabulary classification; the user has the ability to define novel class labels via natural language prompts at inference time. However, while CLIP-based zero-shot classifiers have demonstrated competitive performance across a range of domain shifts, they remain highly vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Therefore, ensuring the robustness of such models is crucial for their reliable deployment in the wild.

In this work, we introduce Open Vocabulary Certification (OVC), a fast certification method designed for open-vocabulary models like CLIP via randomized smoothing techniques. Given a base "training" set of prompts and their corresponding certified CLIP classifiers, OVC relies on the observation that a classifier with a novel prompt can be viewed as a perturbed version of nearby classifiers in the base training set. Therefore, OVC can rapidly certify the novel classifier using a variation of incremental randomized smoothing. By using a caching trick, we achieve approximately two orders of magnitude acceleration in the certification process for novel prompts. To achieve further (heuristic) speedups, OVC approximates the embedding space at a given input using a multivariate normal distribution bypassing the need for sampling via forward passes through the vision backbone. We demonstrate the effectiveness of OVC on through experimental evaluation using multiple vision-language backbones on the CIFAR-10 and ImageNet test datasets.

Spiking NeRF: Representing the Real-World Geometry by a Discontinuous Representation. (arXiv:2311.09077v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhanfeng Liao, Qian Zheng, Yan Liu, Gang Pan

A crucial reason for the success of existing NeRF-based methods is to build a neural density field for the geometry representation via multiple perceptron layers (MLPs). MLPs are continuous functions, however, real geometry or density field is frequently discontinuous at the interface between the air and the surface. Such a contrary brings the problem of unfaithful geometry representation. To this end, this paper proposes spiking NeRF, which leverages spiking neurons and a hybrid Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-Spiking Neural Network (SNN) framework to build a discontinuous density field for faithful geometry representation. Specifically, we first demonstrate the reason why continuous density fields will bring inaccuracy. Then, we propose to use the spiking neurons to build a discontinuous density field. We conduct a comprehensive analysis for the problem of existing spiking neuron models and then provide the numerical relationship between the parameter of the spiking neuron and the theoretical accuracy of geometry. Based on this, we propose a bounded spiking neuron to build the discontinuous density field. Our method achieves SOTA performance. The source code and the supplementary material are available at

Depth-Regularized Optimization for 3D Gaussian Splatting in Few-Shot Images. (arXiv:2311.13398v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jaeyoung Chung, Jeongtaek Oh, Kyoung Mu Lee

In this paper, we present a method to optimize Gaussian splatting with a limited number of images while avoiding overfitting. Representing a 3D scene by combining numerous Gaussian splats has yielded outstanding visual quality. However, it tends to overfit the training views when only a small number of images are available. To address this issue, we introduce a dense depth map as a geometry guide to mitigate overfitting. We obtained the depth map using a pre-trained monocular depth estimation model and aligning the scale and offset using sparse COLMAP feature points. The adjusted depth aids in the color-based optimization of 3D Gaussian splatting, mitigating floating artifacts, and ensuring adherence to geometric constraints. We verify the proposed method on the NeRF-LLFF dataset with varying numbers of few images. Our approach demonstrates robust geometry compared to the original method that relies solely on images. Project page:

Fusion of Single and Integral Multispectral Aerial Images. (arXiv:2311.17515v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohamed Youssef, Oliver Bimber

A novel hybrid (model- and learning-based) architecture is presented for fusing the most significant features from conventional aerial images with the ones from integral aerial images that are the result of synthetic aperture sensing for removing occlusion. It combines the environment's spatial references with features of unoccluded targets that would normally be hidden by dense vegetation. Our method out-beats state-of-the-art two-channel and multi-channel fusion approaches visually and quantitatively in common metrics, such as mutual information, visual information fidelity, and peak signal-to-noise ratio. The proposed model does not require manually tuned parameters, can be extended to an arbitrary number and combinations of spectral channels, and is reconfigurable for addressing different use cases.

InstructTA: Instruction-Tuned Targeted Attack for Large Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2312.01886v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xunguang Wang, Zhenlan Ji, Pingchuan Ma, Zongjie Li, Shuai Wang

Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have demonstrated their incredible capability in image understanding and response generation. However, this rich visual interaction also makes LVLMs vulnerable to adversarial examples. In this paper, we formulate a novel and practical gray-box attack scenario that the adversary can only access the visual encoder of the victim LVLM, without the knowledge of its prompts (which are often proprietary for service providers and not publicly available) and its underlying large language model (LLM). This practical setting poses challenges to the cross-prompt and cross-model transferability of targeted adversarial attack, which aims to confuse the LVLM to output a response that is semantically similar to the attacker's chosen target text. To this end, we propose an instruction-tuned targeted attack (dubbed InstructTA) to deliver the targeted adversarial attack on LVLMs with high transferability. Initially, we utilize a public text-to-image generative model to "reverse" the target response into a target image, and employ GPT-4 to infer a reasonable instruction $\boldsymbol{p}^\prime$ from the target response. We then form a local surrogate model (sharing the same visual encoder with the victim LVLM) to extract instruction-aware features of an adversarial image example and the target image, and minimize the distance between these two features to optimize the adversarial example. To further improve the transferability, we augment the instruction $\boldsymbol{p}^\prime$ with instructions paraphrased from an LLM. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in targeted attack performance and transferability.

UpFusion: Novel View Diffusion from Unposed Sparse View Observations. (arXiv:2312.06661v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Bharath Raj Nagoor Kani, Hsin-Ying Lee, Sergey Tulyakov, Shubham Tulsiani

We propose UpFusion, a system that can perform novel view synthesis and infer 3D representations for an object given a sparse set of reference images without corresponding pose information. Current sparse-view 3D inference methods typically rely on camera poses to geometrically aggregate information from input views, but are not robust in-the-wild when such information is unavailable/inaccurate. In contrast, UpFusion sidesteps this requirement by learning to implicitly leverage the available images as context in a conditional generative model for synthesizing novel views. We incorporate two complementary forms of conditioning into diffusion models for leveraging the input views: a) via inferring query-view aligned features using a scene-level transformer, b) via intermediate attentional layers that can directly observe the input image tokens. We show that this mechanism allows generating high-fidelity novel views while improving the synthesis quality given additional (unposed) images. We evaluate our approach on the Co3Dv2 and Google Scanned Objects datasets and demonstrate the benefits of our method over pose-reliant sparse-view methods as well as single-view methods that cannot leverage additional views. Finally, we also show that our learned model can generalize beyond the training categories and even allow reconstruction from self-captured images of generic objects in-the-wild.

CLASS-M: Adaptive stain separation-based contrastive learning with pseudo-labeling for histopathological image classification. (arXiv:2312.06978v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Bodong Zhang, Hamid Manoochehri, Man Minh Ho, Fahimeh Fooladgar, Yosep Chong, Beatrice S. Knudsen, Deepika Sirohi, Tolga Tasdizen

Histopathological image classification is an important task in medical image analysis. Recent approaches generally rely on weakly supervised learning due to the ease of acquiring case-level labels from pathology reports. However, patch-level classification is preferable in applications where only a limited number of cases are available or when local prediction accuracy is critical. On the other hand, acquiring extensive datasets with localized labels for training is not feasible. In this paper, we propose a semi-supervised patch-level histopathological image classification model, named CLASS-M, that does not require extensively labeled datasets. CLASS-M is formed by two main parts: a contrastive learning module that uses separated Hematoxylin and Eosin images generated through an adaptive stain separation process, and a module with pseudo-labels using MixUp. We compare our model with other state-of-the-art models on two clear cell renal cell carcinoma datasets. We demonstrate that our CLASS-M model has the best performance on both datasets. Our code is available at

VSFormer: Visual-Spatial Fusion Transformer for Correspondence Pruning. (arXiv:2312.08774v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tangfei Liao, Xiaoqin Zhang, Li Zhao, Tao Wang, Guobao Xiao

Correspondence pruning aims to find correct matches (inliers) from an initial set of putative correspondences, which is a fundamental task for many applications. The process of finding is challenging, given the varying inlier ratios between scenes/image pairs due to significant visual differences. However, the performance of the existing methods is usually limited by the problem of lacking visual cues (\eg texture, illumination, structure) of scenes. In this paper, we propose a Visual-Spatial Fusion Transformer (VSFormer) to identify inliers and recover camera poses accurately. Firstly, we obtain highly abstract visual cues of a scene with the cross attention between local features of two-view images. Then, we model these visual cues and correspondences by a joint visual-spatial fusion module, simultaneously embedding visual cues into correspondences for pruning. Additionally, to mine the consistency of correspondences, we also design a novel module that combines the KNN-based graph and the transformer, effectively capturing both local and global contexts. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed VSFormer outperforms state-of-the-art methods on outdoor and indoor benchmarks. Our code is provided at the following repository:

Continual Learning: Forget-free Winning Subnetworks for Video Representations. (arXiv:2312.11973v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haeyong Kang, Jaehong Yoon, Sung Ju Hwang, Chang D. Yoo

Inspired by the Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH), which highlights the existence of efficient subnetworks within larger, dense networks, a high-performing Winning Subnetwork (WSN) in terms of task performance under appropriate sparsity conditions is considered for various continual learning tasks. It leverages pre-existing weights from dense networks to achieve efficient learning in Task Incremental Learning (TIL) scenarios. In Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning (FSCIL), a variation of WSN referred to as the Soft subnetwork (SoftNet) is designed to prevent overfitting when the data samples are scarce. Furthermore, the sparse reuse of WSN weights is considered for Video Incremental Learning (VIL). The use of Fourier Subneural Operator (FSO) within WSN is considered. It enables compact encoding of videos and identifies reusable subnetworks across varying bandwidths. We have integrated FSO into different architectural frameworks for continual learning, including VIL, TIL, and FSCIL. Our comprehensive experiments demonstrate FSO's effectiveness, significantly improving task performance at various convolutional representational levels. Specifically, FSO enhances higher-layer performance in TIL and FSCIL and lower-layer performance in VIL

SLP-Net:An efficient lightweight network for segmentation of skin lesions. (arXiv:2312.12789v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo Yang, Hong Peng, Chenggang Guo, Xiaohui Luo, Jun Wang, Xianzhong Long

Prompt treatment for melanoma is crucial. To assist physicians in identifying lesion areas precisely in a quick manner, we propose a novel skin lesion segmentation technique namely SLP-Net, an ultra-lightweight segmentation network based on the spiking neural P(SNP) systems type mechanism. Most existing convolutional neural networks achieve high segmentation accuracy while neglecting the high hardware cost. SLP-Net, on the contrary, has a very small number of parameters and a high computation speed. We design a lightweight multi-scale feature extractor without the usual encoder-decoder structure. Rather than a decoder, a feature adaptation module is designed to replace it and implement multi-scale information decoding. Experiments at the ISIC2018 challenge demonstrate that the proposed model has the highest Acc and DSC among the state-of-the-art methods, while experiments on the PH2 dataset also demonstrate a favorable generalization ability. Finally, we compare the computational complexity as well as the computational speed of the models in experiments, where SLP-Net has the highest overall superiority

Multi-stages attention Breast cancer classification based on nonlinear spiking neural P neurons with autapses. (arXiv:2312.12804v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Bo Yang, Hong Peng, Xiaohui Luo, Jun Wang

Breast cancer(BC) is a prevalent type of malignant tumor in women. Early diagnosis and treatment are vital for enhancing the patients' survival rate. Downsampling in deep networks may lead to loss of information, so for compensating the detail and edge information and allowing convolutional neural networks to pay more attention to seek the lesion region, we propose a multi-stages attention architecture based on NSNP neurons with autapses. First, unlike the single-scale attention acquisition methods of existing methods, we set up spatial attention acquisition at each feature map scale of the convolutional network to obtain an fusion global information on attention guidance. Then we introduce a new type of NSNP variants called NSNP neurons with autapses. Specifically, NSNP systems are modularized as feature encoders, recoding the features extracted from convolutional neural network as well as the fusion of attention information and preserve the key characteristic elements in feature maps. This ensures the retention of valuable data while gradually transforming high-dimensional complicated info into low-dimensional ones. The proposed method is evaluated on the public dataset BreakHis at various magnifications and classification tasks. It achieves a classification accuracy of 96.32% at all magnification cases, outperforming state-of-the-art methods. Ablation studies are also performed, verifying the proposed model's efficacy. The source code is available at XhuBobYoung/Breast-cancer-Classification.

High-Fidelity Diffusion-based Image Editing. (arXiv:2312.15707v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chen Hou, Guoqiang Wei, Zhibo Chen

Diffusion models have attained remarkable success in the domains of image generation and editing. It is widely recognized that employing larger inversion and denoising steps in diffusion model leads to improved image reconstruction quality. However, the editing performance of diffusion models tends to be no more satisfactory even with increasing denoising steps. The deficiency in editing could be attributed to the conditional Markovian property of the editing process, where errors accumulate throughout denoising steps. To tackle this challenge, we first propose an innovative framework where a rectifier module is incorporated to modulate diffusion model weights with residual features, thereby providing compensatory information to bridge the fidelity gap. Furthermore, we introduce a novel learning paradigm aimed at minimizing error propagation during the editing process, which trains the editing procedure in a manner similar to denoising score-matching. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed framework and training strategy achieve high-fidelity reconstruction and editing results across various levels of denoising steps, meanwhile exhibits exceptional performance in terms of both quantitative metric and qualitative assessments. Moreover, we explore our model's generalization through several applications like image-to-image translation and out-of-domain image editing.

Video Understanding with Large Language Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2312.17432v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunlong Tang, Jing Bi, Siting Xu, Luchuan Song, Susan Liang, Teng Wang, Daoan Zhang, Jie An, Jingyang Lin, Rongyi Zhu, Ali Vosoughi, Chao Huang, Zeliang Zhang, Feng Zheng, Jianguo Zhang, Ping Luo, Jiebo Luo, Chenliang Xu

With the burgeoning growth of online video platforms and the escalating volume of video content, the demand for proficient video understanding tools has intensified markedly. Given the remarkable capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in language and multimodal tasks, this survey provides a detailed overview of the recent advancements in video understanding harnessing the power of LLMs (Vid-LLMs). The emergent capabilities of Vid-LLMs are surprisingly advanced, particularly their ability for open-ended spatial-temporal reasoning combined with commonsense knowledge, suggesting a promising path for future video understanding. We examine the unique characteristics and capabilities of Vid-LLMs, categorizing the approaches into four main types: LLM-based Video Agents, Vid-LLMs Pretraining, Vid-LLMs Instruction Tuning, and Hybrid Methods. Furthermore, this survey presents a comprehensive study of the tasks, datasets, and evaluation methodologies for Vid-LLMs. Additionally, it explores the expansive applications of Vid-LLMs across various domains, highlighting their remarkable scalability and versatility in real-world video understanding challenges. Finally, it summarizes the limitations of existing Vid-LLMs and outlines directions for future research. For more information, readers are recommended to visit the repository at

HEAP: Unsupervised Object Discovery and Localization with Contrastive Grouping. (arXiv:2312.17492v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xin Zhang, Jinheng Xie, Yuan Yuan, Michael Bi Mi, Robby T. Tan

Unsupervised object discovery and localization aims to detect or segment objects in an image without any supervision. Recent efforts have demonstrated a notable potential to identify salient foreground objects by utilizing self-supervised transformer features. However, their scopes only build upon patch-level features within an image, neglecting region/image-level and cross-image relationships at a broader scale. Moreover, these methods cannot differentiate various semantics from multiple instances. To address these problems, we introduce Hierarchical mErging framework via contrAstive grouPing (HEAP). Specifically, a novel lightweight head with cross-attention mechanism is designed to adaptively group intra-image patches into semantically coherent regions based on correlation among self-supervised features. Further, to ensure the distinguishability among various regions, we introduce a region-level contrastive clustering loss to pull closer similar regions across images. Also, an image-level contrastive loss is present to push foreground and background representations apart, with which foreground objects and background are accordingly discovered. HEAP facilitates efficient hierarchical image decomposition, which contributes to more accurate object discovery while also enabling differentiation among objects of various classes. Extensive experimental results on semantic segmentation retrieval, unsupervised object discovery, and saliency detection tasks demonstrate that HEAP achieves state-of-the-art performance.

TSGAN: An Optical-to-SAR Dual Conditional GAN for Optical based SAR Temporal Shifting. (arXiv:2401.00440v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Moien Rangzan, Sara Attarchi, Richard Gloaguen, Seyed Kazem Alavipanah

In contrast to the well-investigated field of SAR-to-Optical translation, this study explores the lesser-investigated domain of Optical-to-SAR translation, a challenging field due to the ill-posed nature of this translation. The complexity arises as a single optical data can have multiple SAR representations based on the SAR viewing geometry. We propose a novel approach, termed SAR Temporal Shifting, which inputs an optical data from the desired timestamp along with a SAR data from a different temporal point but with a consistent viewing geometry as the expected SAR data, both complemented with a change map of optical data during the intervening period. This model modifies the SAR data based on the changes observed in optical data to generate the SAR data for the desired timestamp. Our model, a dual conditional Generative Adversarial Network (GAN), named Temporal Shifting GAN (TSGAN), incorporates a siamese encoder in both the Generator and the Discriminator. To prevent the model from overfitting on the input SAR data, we employed a change weighted loss function. Our approach surpasses traditional translation methods by eliminating the GAN's fiction phenomenon, particularly in unchanged regions, resulting in higher SSIM and PSNR in these areas. Additionally, modifications to the Pix2Pix architecture and the inclusion of attention mechanisms have enhanced the model's performance on all regions of the data. This research paves the way for leveraging legacy optical datasets, the most abundant and longstanding source of Earth imagery data, extending their use to SAR domains and temporal analyses. To foster further research, we provide the code, datasets used in our study, and a framework for generating paired SAR-Optical datasets for new regions of interest. These resources are available on

Accurate Leukocyte Detection Based on Deformable-DETR and Multi-Level Feature Fusion for Aiding Diagnosis of Blood Diseases. (arXiv:2401.00926v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yifei Chen, Chenyan Zhang, Ben Chen, Yiyu Huang, Yifei Sun, Changmiao Wang, Xianjun Fu, Yuxing Dai, Feiwei Qin, Yong Peng, Yu Gao

In standard hospital blood tests, the traditional process requires doctors to manually isolate leukocytes from microscopic images of patients' blood using microscopes. These isolated leukocytes are then categorized via automatic leukocyte classifiers to determine the proportion and volume of different types of leukocytes present in the blood samples, aiding disease diagnosis. This methodology is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but it also has a high propensity for errors due to factors such as image quality and environmental conditions, which could potentially lead to incorrect subsequent classifications and misdiagnosis. To address these issues, this paper proposes an innovative method of leukocyte detection: the Multi-level Feature Fusion and Deformable Self-attention DETR (MFDS-DETR). To tackle the issue of leukocyte scale disparity, we designed the High-level Screening-feature Fusion Pyramid (HS-FPN), enabling multi-level fusion. This model uses high-level features as weights to filter low-level feature information via a channel attention module and then merges the screened information with the high-level features, thus enhancing the model's feature expression capability. Further, we address the issue of leukocyte feature scarcity by incorporating a multi-scale deformable self-attention module in the encoder and using the self-attention and cross-deformable attention mechanisms in the decoder, which aids in the extraction of the global features of the leukocyte feature maps. The effectiveness, superiority, and generalizability of the proposed MFDS-DETR method are confirmed through comparisons with other cutting-edge leukocyte detection models using the private WBCDD, public LISC and BCCD datasets. Our source code and private WBCCD dataset are available at

BLADE: Box-Level Supervised Amodal Segmentation through Directed Expansion. (arXiv:2401.01642v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaochen Liu, Zhixuan Li, Tingting Jiang

Perceiving the complete shape of occluded objects is essential for human and machine intelligence. While the amodal segmentation task is to predict the complete mask of partially occluded objects, it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to annotate the pixel-level ground truth amodal masks. Box-level supervised amodal segmentation addresses this challenge by relying solely on ground truth bounding boxes and instance classes as supervision, thereby alleviating the need for exhaustive pixel-level annotations. Nevertheless, current box-level methodologies encounter limitations in generating low-resolution masks and imprecise boundaries, failing to meet the demands of practical real-world applications. We present a novel solution to tackle this problem by introducing a directed expansion approach from visible masks to corresponding amodal masks. Our approach involves a hybrid end-to-end network based on the overlapping region - the area where different instances intersect. Diverse segmentation strategies are applied for overlapping regions and non-overlapping regions according to distinct characteristics. To guide the expansion of visible masks, we introduce an elaborately-designed connectivity loss for overlapping regions, which leverages correlations with visible masks and facilitates accurate amodal segmentation. Experiments are conducted on several challenging datasets and the results show that our proposed method can outperform existing state-of-the-art methods with large margins.

Few-shot Adaptation of Multi-modal Foundation Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2401.01736v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Fan Liu, Tianshu Zhang, Wenwen Dai, Wenwen Cai, Xiaocong Zhou, Delong Chen

Multi-modal (vision-language) models, such as CLIP, are replacing traditional supervised pre-training models (e.g., ImageNet-based pre-training) as the new generation of visual foundation models. These models with robust and aligned semantic representations learned from billions of internet image-text pairs and can be applied to various downstream tasks in a zero-shot manner. However, in some fine-grained domains like medical imaging and remote sensing, the performance of multi-modal foundation models often leaves much to be desired. Consequently, many researchers have begun to explore few-shot adaptation methods for these models, gradually deriving three main technical approaches: 1) prompt-based methods, 2) adapter-based methods, and 3) external knowledge-based methods. Nevertheless, this rapidly developing field has produced numerous results without a comprehensive survey to systematically organize the research progress. Therefore, in this survey, we introduce and analyze the research advancements in few-shot adaptation methods for multi-modal models, summarizing commonly used datasets and experimental setups, and comparing the results of different methods. In addition, due to the lack of reliable theoretical support for existing methods, we derive the few-shot adaptation generalization error bound for multi-modal models. The theorem reveals that the generalization error of multi-modal foundation models is constrained by three factors: domain gap, model capacity, and sample size. Based on this, we propose three possible solutions from the following aspects: 1) adaptive domain generalization, 2) adaptive model selection, and 3) adaptive knowledge utilization.

HawkRover: An Autonomous mmWave Vehicular Communication Testbed with Multi-sensor Fusion and Deep Learning. (arXiv:2401.01822v2 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Ethan Zhu, Haijian Sun, Mingyue Ji

Connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) have become a transformative technology that can change our daily life. Currently, millimeter-wave (mmWave) bands are identified as the promising CAV connectivity solution. While it can provide high data rate, their realization faces many challenges such as high attenuation during mmWave signal propagation and mobility management. Existing solution has to initiate pilot signal to measure channel information, then apply signal processing to calculate the best narrow beam towards the receiver end to guarantee sufficient signal power. This process takes significant overhead and time, hence not suitable for vehicles. In this study, we propose an autonomous and low-cost testbed to collect extensive co-located mmWave signal and other sensors data such as LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), cameras, ultrasonic, etc, traditionally for ``automated'', to facilitate mmWave vehicular communications. Intuitively, these sensors can build a 3D map around the vehicle and signal propagation path can be estimated, eliminating iterative the process via pilot signals. This multimodal data fusion, together with AI, is expected to bring significant advances in ``connected'' research.

Frequency Domain Modality-invariant Feature Learning for Visible-infrared Person Re-Identification. (arXiv:2401.01839v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yulin Li, Tianzhu Zhang, Yongdong Zhang

Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) is challenging due to the significant cross-modality discrepancies between visible and infrared images. While existing methods have focused on designing complex network architectures or using metric learning constraints to learn modality-invariant features, they often overlook which specific component of the image causes the modality discrepancy problem. In this paper, we first reveal that the difference in the amplitude component of visible and infrared images is the primary factor that causes the modality discrepancy and further propose a novel Frequency Domain modality-invariant feature learning framework (FDMNet) to reduce modality discrepancy from the frequency domain perspective. Our framework introduces two novel modules, namely the Instance-Adaptive Amplitude Filter (IAF) module and the Phrase-Preserving Normalization (PPNorm) module, to enhance the modality-invariant amplitude component and suppress the modality-specific component at both the image- and feature-levels. Extensive experimental results on two standard benchmarks, SYSU-MM01 and RegDB, demonstrate the superior performance of our FDMNet against state-of-the-art methods.

Diabetic Retinopathy Using Gaussian Filter. (arXiv:2309.15216v2 [cs.LG] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Roshan Vasu Muddaluru, Sharvaani Ravikumar Thoguluva, Shruti Prabha, Tanuja Konda Reddy, Dr. Suja P

The retina is an essential component of the visual system, and maintaining eyesight depends on the timely and correct detection of disorders. This research specifically addresses the early-stage detection and severity classification of diabetic retinopathy (DR), a serious public health hazard. We compare the results of different deep learning models such as InceptionV3, DenseNet121 and other CNN based models by using different image filters, such as Gaussian, grayscale and Gabor. These models could detect subtle pathological alterations and use that information to estimate the risk of retinal illnesses. The objective is to improve the diagnostic processes for diabetic retinopathy, the primary cause of diabetes-related blindness, by utilizing deep learning models. A comparative analysis between Greyscale, Gaussian and Gabor filters has been provided after applying these filters on the retinal images. The Gaussian filter resulted to be the most promising filter giving the best accuracies for all the models. The best performing model was InceptionV3 which gave an accuracy of 96% on Gaussian images, therefore Gaussian filter emerged as our most promising filter.