Timeline-based Process Discovery. (arXiv:2401.04114v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Harleen Kaur, Jan Mendling, Christoffer Rubensson, Timotheus Kampik

A key concern of automatic process discovery is to provide insights into performance aspects of business processes. Waiting times are of particular importance in this context. For that reason, it is surprising that current techniques for automatic process discovery generate directly-follows graphs and comparable process models, but often miss the opportunity to explicitly represent the time axis. In this paper, we present an approach for automatically constructing process models that explicitly align with a time axis. We exemplify our approach for directly-follows graphs. Our evaluation using two BPIC datasets and a proprietary dataset highlight the benefits of this representation in comparison to standard layout techniques.

Semantic Draw Engineering for Text-to-Image Creation. (arXiv:2401.04116v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Yang Li, Huaqiang Jiang, Yangkai Wu

Text-to-image generation is conducted through Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) or transformer models. However, the current challenge lies in accurately generating images based on textual descriptions, especially in scenarios where the content and theme of the target image are ambiguous. In this paper, we propose a method that utilizes artificial intelligence models for thematic creativity, followed by a classification modeling of the actual painting process. The method involves converting all visual elements into quantifiable data structures before creating images. We evaluate the effectiveness of this approach in terms of semantic accuracy, image reproducibility, and computational efficiency, in comparison with existing image generation algorithms.

RHOBIN Challenge: Reconstruction of Human Object Interaction. (arXiv:2401.04143v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xianghui Xie, Xi Wang, Nikos Athanasiou, Bharat Lal Bhatnagar, Chun-Hao P. Huang, Kaichun Mo, Hao Chen, Xia Jia, Zerui Zhang, Liangxian Cui, Xiao Lin, Bingqiao Qian, Jie Xiao, Wenfei Yang, Hyeongjin Nam, Daniel Sungho Jung, Kihoon Kim, Kyoung Mu Lee, Otmar Hilliges, Gerard Pons-Moll

Modeling the interaction between humans and objects has been an emerging research direction in recent years. Capturing human-object interaction is however a very challenging task due to heavy occlusion and complex dynamics, which requires understanding not only 3D human pose, and object pose but also the interaction between them. Reconstruction of 3D humans and objects has been two separate research fields in computer vision for a long time. We hence proposed the first RHOBIN challenge: reconstruction of human-object interactions in conjunction with the RHOBIN workshop. It was aimed at bringing the research communities of human and object reconstruction as well as interaction modeling together to discuss techniques and exchange ideas. Our challenge consists of three tracks of 3D reconstruction from monocular RGB images with a focus on dealing with challenging interaction scenarios. Our challenge attracted more than 100 participants with more than 300 submissions, indicating the broad interest in the research communities. This paper describes the settings of our challenge and discusses the winning methods of each track in more detail. We observe that the human reconstruction task is becoming mature even under heavy occlusion settings while object pose estimation and joint reconstruction remain challenging tasks. With the growing interest in interaction modeling, we hope this report can provide useful insights and foster future research in this direction. Our workshop website can be found at \href{https://rhobin-challenge.github.io/}{https://rhobin-challenge.github.io/}.

Two-stream joint matching method based on contrastive learning for few-shot action recognition. (arXiv:2401.04150v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Long Deng, Ziqiang Li, Bingxin Zhou, Zhongming Chen, Ao Li, Yongxin Ge

Although few-shot action recognition based on metric learning paradigm has achieved significant success, it fails to address the following issues: (1) inadequate action relation modeling and underutilization of multi-modal information; (2) challenges in handling video matching problems with different lengths and speeds, and video matching problems with misalignment of video sub-actions. To address these issues, we propose a Two-Stream Joint Matching method based on contrastive learning (TSJM), which consists of two modules: Multi-modal Contrastive Learning Module (MCL) and Joint Matching Module (JMM). The objective of the MCL is to extensively investigate the inter-modal mutual information relationships, thereby thoroughly extracting modal information to enhance the modeling of action relationships. The JMM aims to simultaneously address the aforementioned video matching problems. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated on two widely used few shot action recognition datasets, namely, SSv2 and Kinetics. Comprehensive ablation experiments are also conducted to substantiate the efficacy of our proposed approach.

Efficient Selective Audio Masked Multimodal Bottleneck Transformer for Audio-Video Classification. (arXiv:2401.04154v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wentao Zhu

Audio and video are two most common modalities in the mainstream media platforms, e.g., YouTube. To learn from multimodal videos effectively, in this work, we propose a novel audio-video recognition approach termed audio video Transformer, AVT, leveraging the effective spatio-temporal representation by the video Transformer to improve action recognition accuracy. For multimodal fusion, simply concatenating multimodal tokens in a cross-modal Transformer requires large computational and memory resources, instead we reduce the cross-modality complexity through an audio-video bottleneck Transformer. To improve the learning efficiency of multimodal Transformer, we integrate self-supervised objectives, i.e., audio-video contrastive learning, audio-video matching, and masked audio and video learning, into AVT training, which maps diverse audio and video representations into a common multimodal representation space. We further propose a masked audio segment loss to learn semantic audio activities in AVT. Extensive experiments and ablation studies on three public datasets and two in-house datasets consistently demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed AVT. Specifically, AVT outperforms its previous state-of-the-art counterparts on Kinetics-Sounds by 8%. AVT also surpasses one of the previous state-of-the-art video Transformers [25] by 10% on VGGSound by leveraging the audio signal. Compared to one of the previous state-of-the-art multimodal methods, MBT [32], AVT is 1.3% more efficient in terms of FLOPs and improves the accuracy by 3.8% on Epic-Kitchens-100.

Language-Conditioned Robotic Manipulation with Fast and Slow Thinking. (arXiv:2401.04181v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Minjie Zhu, Yichen Zhu, Jinming Li, Junjie Wen, Zhiyuan Xu, Zhengping Che, Chaomin Shen, Yaxin Peng, Dong Liu, Feifei Feng, Jian Tang

The language-conditioned robotic manipulation aims to transfer natural language instructions into executable actions, from simple pick-and-place to tasks requiring intent recognition and visual reasoning. Inspired by the dual process theory in cognitive science, which suggests two parallel systems of fast and slow thinking in human decision-making, we introduce Robotics with Fast and Slow Thinking (RFST), a framework that mimics human cognitive architecture to classify tasks and makes decisions on two systems based on instruction types. Our RFST consists of two key components: 1) an instruction discriminator to determine which system should be activated based on the current user instruction, and 2) a slow-thinking system that is comprised of a fine-tuned vision language model aligned with the policy networks, which allows the robot to recognize user intention or perform reasoning tasks. To assess our methodology, we built a dataset featuring real-world trajectories, capturing actions ranging from spontaneous impulses to tasks requiring deliberate contemplation. Our results, both in simulation and real-world scenarios, confirm that our approach adeptly manages intricate tasks that demand intent recognition and reasoning. The project is available at https://jlm-z.github.io/RSFT/

FunnyNet-W: Multimodal Learning of Funny Moments in Videos in the Wild. (arXiv:2401.04210v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhi-Song Liu, Robin Courant, Vicky Kalogeiton

Automatically understanding funny moments (i.e., the moments that make people laugh) when watching comedy is challenging, as they relate to various features, such as body language, dialogues and culture. In this paper, we propose FunnyNet-W, a model that relies on cross- and self-attention for visual, audio and text data to predict funny moments in videos. Unlike most methods that rely on ground truth data in the form of subtitles, in this work we exploit modalities that come naturally with videos: (a) video frames as they contain visual information indispensable for scene understanding, (b) audio as it contains higher-level cues associated with funny moments, such as intonation, pitch and pauses and (c) text automatically extracted with a speech-to-text model as it can provide rich information when processed by a Large Language Model. To acquire labels for training, we propose an unsupervised approach that spots and labels funny audio moments. We provide experiments on five datasets: the sitcoms TBBT, MHD, MUStARD, Friends, and the TED talk UR-Funny. Extensive experiments and analysis show that FunnyNet-W successfully exploits visual, auditory and textual cues to identify funny moments, while our findings reveal FunnyNet-W's ability to predict funny moments in the wild. FunnyNet-W sets the new state of the art for funny moment detection with multimodal cues on all datasets with and without using ground truth information.

SOAP: Cross-sensor Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection Using Stationary Object Aggregation Pseudo-labelling. (arXiv:2401.04230v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chengjie Huang, Vahdat Abdelzad, Sean Sedwards, Krzysztof Czarnecki

We consider the problem of cross-sensor domain adaptation in the context of LiDAR-based 3D object detection and propose Stationary Object Aggregation Pseudo-labelling (SOAP) to generate high quality pseudo-labels for stationary objects. In contrast to the current state-of-the-art in-domain practice of aggregating just a few input scans, SOAP aggregates entire sequences of point clouds at the input level to reduce the sensor domain gap. Then, by means of what we call quasi-stationary training and spatial consistency post-processing, the SOAP model generates accurate pseudo-labels for stationary objects, closing a minimum of 30.3% domain gap compared to few-frame detectors. Our results also show that state-of-the-art domain adaptation approaches can achieve even greater performance in combination with SOAP, in both the unsupervised and semi-supervised settings.

Data-Agnostic Face Image Synthesis Detection Using Bayesian CNNs. (arXiv:2401.04241v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Roberto Leyva, Victor Sanchez, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple

Face image synthesis detection is considerably gaining attention because of the potential negative impact on society that this type of synthetic data brings. In this paper, we propose a data-agnostic solution to detect the face image synthesis process. Specifically, our solution is based on an anomaly detection framework that requires only real data to learn the inference process. It is therefore data-agnostic in the sense that it requires no synthetic face images. The solution uses the posterior probability with respect to the reference data to determine if new samples are synthetic or not. Our evaluation results using different synthesizers show that our solution is very competitive against the state-of-the-art, which requires synthetic data for training.

Spatio-Temporal Turbulence Mitigation: A Translational Perspective. (arXiv:2401.04244v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Xingguang Zhang, Nicholas Chimitt, Yiheng Chi, Zhiyuan Mao, Stanley H. Chan

Recovering images distorted by atmospheric turbulence is a challenging inverse problem due to the stochastic nature of turbulence. Although numerous turbulence mitigation (TM) algorithms have been proposed, their efficiency and generalization to real-world dynamic scenarios remain severely limited. Building upon the intuitions of classical TM algorithms, we present the Deep Atmospheric TUrbulence Mitigation network (DATUM). DATUM aims to overcome major challenges when transitioning from classical to deep learning approaches. By carefully integrating the merits of classical multi-frame TM methods into a deep network structure, we demonstrate that DATUM can efficiently perform long-range temporal aggregation using a recurrent fashion, while deformable attention and temporal-channel attention seamlessly facilitate pixel registration and lucky imaging. With additional supervision, tilt and blur degradation can be jointly mitigated. These inductive biases empower DATUM to significantly outperform existing methods while delivering a tenfold increase in processing speed. A large-scale training dataset, ATSyn, is presented as a co-invention to enable generalization in real turbulence. Our code and datasets will be available at \href{https://xg416.github.io/DATUM}{\textcolor{pink}{https://xg416.github.io/DATUM}}

Robust Image Watermarking using Stable Diffusion. (arXiv:2401.04247v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lijun Zhang, Xiao Liu, Antoni Viros Martin, Cindy Xiong Bearfield, Yuriy Brun, Hui Guan

Watermarking images is critical for tracking image provenance and claiming ownership. With the advent of generative models, such as stable diffusion, able to create fake but realistic images, watermarking has become particularly important, e.g., to make generated images reliably identifiable. Unfortunately, the very same stable diffusion technology can remove watermarks injected using existing methods. To address this problem, we present a ZoDiac, which uses a pre-trained stable diffusion model to inject a watermark into the trainable latent space, resulting in watermarks that can be reliably detected in the latent vector, even when attacked. We evaluate ZoDiac on three benchmarks, MS-COCO, DiffusionDB, and WikiArt, and find that ZoDiac is robust against state-of-the-art watermark attacks, with a watermark detection rate over 98% and a false positive rate below 6.4%, outperforming state-of-the-art watermarking methods. Our research demonstrates that stable diffusion is a promising approach to robust watermarking, able to withstand even stable-diffusion-based attacks.

Detecting Face Synthesis Using a Concealed Fusion Model. (arXiv:2401.04257v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Roberto Leyva, Victor Sanchez, Gregory Epiphaniou, Carsten Maple

Face image synthesis is gaining more attention in computer security due to concerns about its potential negative impacts, including those related to fake biometrics. Hence, building models that can detect the synthesized face images is an important challenge to tackle. In this paper, we propose a fusion-based strategy to detect face image synthesis while providing resiliency to several attacks. The proposed strategy uses a late fusion of the outputs computed by several undisclosed models by relying on random polynomial coefficients and exponents to conceal a new feature space. Unlike existing concealing solutions, our strategy requires no quantization, which helps to preserve the feature space. Our experiments reveal that our strategy achieves state-of-the-art performance while providing protection against poisoning, perturbation, backdoor, and reverse model attacks.

StarCraftImage: A Dataset For Prototyping Spatial Reasoning Methods For Multi-Agent Environments. (arXiv:2401.04290v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sean Kulinski, Nicholas R. Waytowich, James Z. Hare, David I. Inouye

Spatial reasoning tasks in multi-agent environments such as event prediction, agent type identification, or missing data imputation are important for multiple applications (e.g., autonomous surveillance over sensor networks and subtasks for reinforcement learning (RL)). StarCraft II game replays encode intelligent (and adversarial) multi-agent behavior and could provide a testbed for these tasks; however, extracting simple and standardized representations for prototyping these tasks is laborious and hinders reproducibility. In contrast, MNIST and CIFAR10, despite their extreme simplicity, have enabled rapid prototyping and reproducibility of ML methods. Following the simplicity of these datasets, we construct a benchmark spatial reasoning dataset based on StarCraft II replays that exhibit complex multi-agent behaviors, while still being as easy to use as MNIST and CIFAR10. Specifically, we carefully summarize a window of 255 consecutive game states to create 3.6 million summary images from 60,000 replays, including all relevant metadata such as game outcome and player races. We develop three formats of decreasing complexity: Hyperspectral images that include one channel for every unit type (similar to multispectral geospatial images), RGB images that mimic CIFAR10, and grayscale images that mimic MNIST. We show how this dataset can be used for prototyping spatial reasoning methods. All datasets, code for extraction, and code for dataset loading can be found at https://starcraftdata.davidinouye.com

Vision Reimagined: AI-Powered Breakthroughs in WiFi Indoor Imaging. (arXiv:2401.04317v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jianyang Shi, Bowen Zhang, Amartansh Dubey, Ross Murch, Liwen Jing

Indoor imaging is a critical task for robotics and internet-of-things. WiFi as an omnipresent signal is a promising candidate for carrying out passive imaging and synchronizing the up-to-date information to all connected devices. This is the first research work to consider WiFi indoor imaging as a multi-modal image generation task that converts the measured WiFi power into a high-resolution indoor image. Our proposed WiFi-GEN network achieves a shape reconstruction accuracy that is 275% of that achieved by physical model-based inversion methods. Additionally, the Frechet Inception Distance score has been significantly reduced by 82%. To examine the effectiveness of models for this task, the first large-scale dataset is released containing 80,000 pairs of WiFi signal and imaging target. Our model absorbs challenges for the model-based methods including the non-linearity, ill-posedness and non-certainty into massive parameters of our generative AI network. The network is also designed to best fit measured WiFi signals and the desired imaging output. For reproducibility, we will release the data and code upon acceptance.

RadarCam-Depth: Radar-Camera Fusion for Depth Estimation with Learned Metric Scale. (arXiv:2401.04325v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Han Li, Yukai Ma, Yaqing Gu, Kewei Hu, Yong Liu, Xingxing Zuo

We present a novel approach for metric dense depth estimation based on the fusion of a single-view image and a sparse, noisy Radar point cloud. The direct fusion of heterogeneous Radar and image data, or their encodings, tends to yield dense depth maps with significant artifacts, blurred boundaries, and suboptimal accuracy. To circumvent this issue, we learn to augment versatile and robust monocular depth prediction with the dense metric scale induced from sparse and noisy Radar data. We propose a Radar-Camera framework for highly accurate and fine-detailed dense depth estimation with four stages, including monocular depth prediction, global scale alignment of monocular depth with sparse Radar points, quasi-dense scale estimation through learning the association between Radar points and image patches, and local scale refinement of dense depth using a scale map learner. Our proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art Radar-Camera depth estimation methods by reducing the mean absolute error (MAE) of depth estimation by 25.6% and 40.2% on the challenging nuScenes dataset and our self-collected ZJU-4DRadarCam dataset, respectively.

BD-MSA: Body decouple VHR Remote Sensing Image Change Detection method guided by multi-scale feature information aggregation. (arXiv:2401.04330v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yonghui Tan, Xiaolong Li, Yishu Chen, Jinquan Ai

The purpose of remote sensing image change detection (RSCD) is to detect differences between bi-temporal images taken at the same place. Deep learning has been extensively used to RSCD tasks, yielding significant results in terms of result recognition. However, due to the shooting angle of the satellite, the impacts of thin clouds, and certain lighting conditions, the problem of fuzzy edges in the change region in some remote sensing photographs cannot be properly handled using current RSCD algorithms. To solve this issue, we proposed a Body Decouple Multi-Scale by fearure Aggregation change detection (BD-MSA), a novel model that collects both global and local feature map information in the channel and space dimensions of the feature map during the training and prediction phases. This approach allows us to successfully extract the change region's boundary information while also divorcing the change region's main body from its boundary. Numerous studies have shown that the assessment metrics and evaluation effects of the model described in this paper on the publicly available datasets DSIFN-CD and S2Looking are the best when compared to other models.

Mix-GENEO: A flexible filtration for multiparameter persistent homology detects digital images. (arXiv:2401.04332v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiaxing He, Bingzhe Hou, Tieru Wu, Yue Xin

Two important problems in the field of Topological Data Analysis are defining practical multifiltrations on objects and showing ability of TDA to detect the geometry. Motivated by the problems, we constuct three multifiltrations named multi-GENEO, multi-DGENEO and mix-GENEO, and prove the stability of both the interleaving distance and multiparameter persistence landscape of multi-GENEO with respect to the pseudometric of the subspace of bounded functions. We also give the estimations of upper bound for multi-DGENEO and mix-GENEO. Finally, we provide experiment results on MNIST dataset to demonstrate our bifiltrations have ability to detect geometric and topological differences of digital images.

Memory-Efficient Personalization using Quantized Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2401.04339v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hyogon Ryu, Seohyun Lim, Hyunjung Shim

The rise of billion-parameter diffusion models like Stable Diffusion XL, Imagen, and Dall-E3 markedly advances the field of generative AI. However, their large-scale nature poses challenges in fine-tuning and deployment due to high resource demands and slow inference speed. This paper ventures into the relatively unexplored yet promising realm of fine-tuning quantized diffusion models. We establish a strong baseline by customizing three models: PEQA for fine-tuning quantization parameters, Q-Diffusion for post-training quantization, and DreamBooth for personalization. Our analysis reveals a notable trade-off between subject and prompt fidelity within the baseline model. To address these issues, we introduce two strategies, inspired by the distinct roles of different timesteps in diffusion models: S1 optimizing a single set of fine-tuning parameters exclusively at selected intervals, and S2 creating multiple fine-tuning parameter sets, each specialized for different timestep intervals. Our approach not only enhances personalization but also upholds prompt fidelity and image quality, significantly outperforming the baseline qualitatively and quantitatively. The code will be made publicly available.

RomniStereo: Recurrent Omnidirectional Stereo Matching. (arXiv:2401.04345v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hualie Jiang, Rui Xu, Minglang Tan, Wenjie Jiang

Omnidirectional stereo matching (OSM) is an essential and reliable means for $360^{\circ}$ depth sensing. However, following earlier works on conventional stereo matching, prior state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods rely on a 3D encoder-decoder block to regularize the cost volume, causing the whole system complicated and sub-optimal results. Recently, the Recurrent All-pairs Field Transforms (RAFT) based approach employs the recurrent update in 2D and has efficiently improved image-matching tasks, \ie, optical flow, and stereo matching. To bridge the gap between OSM and RAFT, we mainly propose an opposite adaptive weighting scheme to seamlessly transform the outputs of spherical sweeping of OSM into the required inputs for the recurrent update, thus creating a recurrent omnidirectional stereo matching (RomniStereo) algorithm. Furthermore, we introduce two techniques, \ie, grid embedding and adaptive context feature generation, which also contribute to RomniStereo's performance. Our best model improves the average MAE metric by 40.7\% over the previous SOTA baseline across five datasets. When visualizing the results, our models demonstrate clear advantages on both synthetic and realistic examples. The code is available at \url{https://github.com/HalleyJiang/RomniStereo}.

Pre-trained Model Guided Fine-Tuning for Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness. (arXiv:2401.04350v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sibo Wang, Jie Zhang, Zheng Yuan, Shiguang Shan

Large-scale pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP have demonstrated impressive performance across various tasks, and exhibit remarkable zero-shot generalization capability, while they are also vulnerable to imperceptible adversarial examples. Existing works typically employ adversarial training (fine-tuning) as a defense method against adversarial examples. However, direct application to the CLIP model may result in overfitting, compromising the model's capacity for generalization. In this paper, we propose Pre-trained Model Guided Adversarial Fine-Tuning (PMG-AFT) method, which leverages supervision from the original pre-trained model by carefully designing an auxiliary branch, to enhance the model's zero-shot adversarial robustness. Specifically, PMG-AFT minimizes the distance between the features of adversarial examples in the target model and those in the pre-trained model, aiming to preserve the generalization features already captured by the pre-trained model. Extensive Experiments on 15 zero-shot datasets demonstrate that PMG-AFT significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art method, improving the top-1 robust accuracy by an average of 4.99%. Furthermore, our approach consistently improves clean accuracy by an average of 8.72%.

Knowledge-enhanced Multi-perspective Video Representation Learning for Scene Recognition. (arXiv:2401.04354v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuzheng Yu, Chen Jiang, Wei Zhang, Tian Gan, Linlin Chao, Jianan Zhao, Yuan Cheng, Qingpei Guo, Wei Chu

With the explosive growth of video data in real-world applications, a comprehensive representation of videos becomes increasingly important. In this paper, we address the problem of video scene recognition, whose goal is to learn a high-level video representation to classify scenes in videos. Due to the diversity and complexity of video contents in realistic scenarios, this task remains a challenge. Most existing works identify scenes for videos only from visual or textual information in a temporal perspective, ignoring the valuable information hidden in single frames, while several earlier studies only recognize scenes for separate images in a non-temporal perspective. We argue that these two perspectives are both meaningful for this task and complementary to each other, meanwhile, externally introduced knowledge can also promote the comprehension of videos. We propose a novel two-stream framework to model video representations from multiple perspectives, i.e. temporal and non-temporal perspectives, and integrate the two perspectives in an end-to-end manner by self-distillation. Besides, we design a knowledge-enhanced feature fusion and label prediction method that contributes to naturally introducing knowledge into the task of video scene recognition. Experiments conducted on a real-world dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

Iterative Feedback Network for Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration. (arXiv:2401.04357v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yifan Xie, Boyu Wang, Shiqi Li, Jihua Zhu

As a fundamental problem in computer vision, point cloud registration aims to seek the optimal transformation for aligning a pair of point clouds. In most existing methods, the information flows are usually forward transferring, thus lacking the guidance from high-level information to low-level information. Besides, excessive high-level information may be overly redundant, and directly using it may conflict with the original low-level information. In this paper, we propose a novel Iterative Feedback Network (IFNet) for unsupervised point cloud registration, in which the representation of low-level features is efficiently enriched by rerouting subsequent high-level features. Specifically, our IFNet is built upon a series of Feedback Registration Block (FRB) modules, with each module responsible for generating the feedforward rigid transformation and feedback high-level features. These FRB modules are cascaded and recurrently unfolded over time. Further, the Feedback Transformer is designed to efficiently select relevant information from feedback high-level features, which is utilized to refine the low-level features. What's more, we incorporate a geometry-awareness descriptor to empower the network for making full use of most geometric information, which leads to more precise registration results. Extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets demonstrate the superior registration performance of our IFNet.

Representative Feature Extraction During Diffusion Process for Sketch Extraction with One Example. (arXiv:2401.04362v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kwan Yun, Youngseo Kim, Kwanggyoon Seo, Chang Wook Seo, Junyong Noh

We introduce DiffSketch, a method for generating a variety of stylized sketches from images. Our approach focuses on selecting representative features from the rich semantics of deep features within a pretrained diffusion model. This novel sketch generation method can be trained with one manual drawing. Furthermore, efficient sketch extraction is ensured by distilling a trained generator into a streamlined extractor. We select denoising diffusion features through analysis and integrate these selected features with VAE features to produce sketches. Additionally, we propose a sampling scheme for training models using a conditional generative approach. Through a series of comparisons, we verify that distilled DiffSketch not only outperforms existing state-of-the-art sketch extraction methods but also surpasses diffusion-based stylization methods in the task of extracting sketches.

SoK: Facial Deepfake Detectors. (arXiv:2401.04364v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Binh M. Le, Jiwon Kim, Shahroz Tariq, Kristen Moore, Alsharif Abuadbba, Simon S. Woo

Deepfakes have rapidly emerged as a profound and serious threat to society, primarily due to their ease of creation and dissemination. This situation has triggered an accelerated development of deepfake detection technologies. However, many existing detectors rely heavily on lab-generated datasets for validation, which may not effectively prepare them for novel, emerging, and real-world deepfake techniques. In this paper, we conduct an extensive and comprehensive review and analysis of the latest state-of-the-art deepfake detectors, evaluating them against several critical criteria. These criteria facilitate the categorization of these detectors into 4 high-level groups and 13 fine-grained sub-groups, all aligned with a unified standard conceptual framework. This classification and framework offer deep and practical insights into the factors that affect detector efficacy. We assess the generalizability of 16 leading detectors across various standard attack scenarios, including black-box, white-box, and gray-box settings. Our systematized analysis and experimentation lay the groundwork for a deeper understanding of deepfake detectors and their generalizability, paving the way for future research focused on creating detectors adept at countering various attack scenarios. Additionally, this work offers insights for developing more proactive defenses against deepfakes.

Towards Real-World Aerial Vision Guidance with Categorical 6D Pose Tracker. (arXiv:2401.04377v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Jingtao Sun, Yaonan Wang, Danwei Wang

Tracking the object 6-DoF pose is crucial for various downstream robot tasks and real-world applications. In this paper, we investigate the real-world robot task of aerial vision guidance for aerial robotics manipulation, utilizing category-level 6-DoF pose tracking. Aerial conditions inevitably introduce special challenges, such as rapid viewpoint changes in pitch and roll. To support this task and challenge, we firstly introduce a robust category-level 6-DoF pose tracker (Robust6DoF). This tracker leverages shape and temporal prior knowledge to explore optimal inter-frame keypoint pairs, generated under a priori structural adaptive supervision in a coarse-to-fine manner. Notably, our Robust6DoF employs a Spatial-Temporal Augmentation module to deal with the problems of the inter-frame differences and intra-class shape variations through both temporal dynamic filtering and shape-similarity filtering. We further present a Pose-Aware Discrete Servo strategy (PAD-Servo), serving as a decoupling approach to implement the final aerial vision guidance task. It contains two servo action policies to better accommodate the structural properties of aerial robotics manipulation. Exhaustive experiments on four well-known public benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of our Robust6DoF. Real-world tests directly verify that our Robust6DoF along with PAD-Servo can be readily used in real-world aerial robotic applications.

Learning with Noisy Labels: Interconnection of Two Expectation-Maximizations. (arXiv:2401.04390v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Heewon Kim, Hyun Sung Chang, Kiho Cho, Jaeyun Lee, Bohyung Han

Labor-intensive labeling becomes a bottleneck in developing computer vision algorithms based on deep learning. For this reason, dealing with imperfect labels has increasingly gained attention and has become an active field of study. We address learning with noisy labels (LNL) problem, which is formalized as a task of finding a structured manifold in the midst of noisy data. In this framework, we provide a proper objective function and an optimization algorithm based on two expectation-maximization (EM) cycles. The separate networks associated with the two EM cycles collaborate to optimize the objective function, where one model is for distinguishing clean labels from corrupted ones while the other is for refurbishing the corrupted labels. This approach results in a non-collapsing LNL-flywheel model in the end. Experiments show that our algorithm achieves state-of-the-art performance in multiple standard benchmarks with substantial margins under various types of label noise.

MST: Adaptive Multi-Scale Tokens Guided Interactive Segmentation. (arXiv:2401.04403v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Long Xu, Shanghong Li, Yongquan Chen, Jun Luo

In the field of Industrial Informatics, interactive segmentation has gained significant attention for its application in human-computer interaction and data annotation. Existing algorithms, however, face challenges in balancing the segmentation accuracy between large and small targets, often leading to an increased number of user interactions. To tackle this, a novel multi-scale token adaptation algorithm, leveraging token similarity, has been devised to enhance segmentation across varying target sizes. This algorithm utilizes a differentiable top-k tokens selection mechanism, allowing for fewer tokens to be used while maintaining efficient multi-scale token interaction. Furthermore, a contrastive loss is introduced to better discriminate between target and background tokens, improving the correctness and robustness of the tokens similar to the target. Extensive benchmarking shows that the algorithm achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance compared to current methods. An interactive demo and all reproducible codes will be released at https://github.com/hahamyt/mst.

Optimal Transcoding Resolution Prediction for Efficient Per-Title Bitrate Ladder Estimation. (arXiv:2401.04405v1 [cs.MM])

Authors: Jinhai Yang, Mengxi Guo, Shijie Zhao, Junlin Li, Li Zhang

Adaptive video streaming requires efficient bitrate ladder construction to meet heterogeneous network conditions and end-user demands. Per-title optimized encoding typically traverses numerous encoding parameters to search the Pareto-optimal operating points for each video. Recently, researchers have attempted to predict the content-optimized bitrate ladder for pre-encoding overhead reduction. However, existing methods commonly estimate the encoding parameters on the Pareto front and still require subsequent pre-encodings. In this paper, we propose to directly predict the optimal transcoding resolution at each preset bitrate for efficient bitrate ladder construction. We adopt a Temporal Attentive Gated Recurrent Network to capture spatial-temporal features and predict transcoding resolutions as a multi-task classification problem. We demonstrate that content-optimized bitrate ladders can thus be efficiently determined without any pre-encoding. Our method well approximates the ground-truth bitrate-resolution pairs with a slight Bj{\o}ntegaard Delta rate loss of 1.21% and significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art fixed ladder.

MapAI: Precision in Building Segmentation. (arXiv:2401.04406v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sander Riisøen Jyhne, Morten Goodwin, Per Arne Andersen, Ivar Oveland, Alexander Salveson Nossum, Karianne Ormseth, Mathilde Ørstavik, Andrew C. Flatman

MapAI: Precision in Building Segmentation is a competition arranged with the Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium (NORA) in collaboration with Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research at the University of Agder (CAIR), the Norwegian Mapping Authority, AI:Hub, Norkart, and the Danish Agency for Data Supply and Infrastructure. The competition will be held in the fall of 2022. It will be concluded at the Northern Lights Deep Learning conference focusing on the segmentation of buildings using aerial images and laser data. We propose two different tasks to segment buildings, where the first task can only utilize aerial images, while the second must use laser data (LiDAR) with or without aerial images. Furthermore, we use IoU and Boundary IoU to properly evaluate the precision of the models, with the latter being an IoU measure that evaluates the results' boundaries. We provide the participants with a training dataset and keep a test dataset for evaluation.

Meta-forests: Domain generalization on random forests with meta-learning. (arXiv:2401.04425v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuyang Sun, Panagiotis Kosmas

Domain generalization is a popular machine learning technique that enables models to perform well on the unseen target domain, by learning from multiple source domains. Domain generalization is useful in cases where data is limited, difficult, or expensive to collect, such as in object recognition and biomedicine. In this paper, we propose a novel domain generalization algorithm called "meta-forests", which builds upon the basic random forests model by incorporating the meta-learning strategy and maximum mean discrepancy measure. The aim of meta-forests is to enhance the generalization ability of classifiers by reducing the correlation among trees and increasing their strength. More specifically, meta-forests conducts meta-learning optimization during each meta-task, while also utilizing the maximum mean discrepancy as a regularization term to penalize poor generalization performance in the meta-test process. To evaluate the effectiveness of our algorithm, we test it on two publicly object recognition datasets and a glucose monitoring dataset that we have used in a previous study. Our results show that meta-forests outperforms state-of-the-art approaches in terms of generalization performance on both object recognition and glucose monitoring datasets.

Uncertainty-aware Sampling for Long-tailed Semi-supervised Learning. (arXiv:2401.04435v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kuo Yang, Duo Li, Menghan Hu, Guangtao Zhai, Xiaokang Yang, Xiao-Ping Zhang

For semi-supervised learning with imbalance classes, the long-tailed distribution of data will increase the model prediction bias toward dominant classes, undermining performance on less frequent classes. Existing methods also face challenges in ensuring the selection of sufficiently reliable pseudo-labels for model training and there is a lack of mechanisms to adjust the selection of more reliable pseudo-labels based on different training stages. To mitigate this issue, we introduce uncertainty into the modeling process for pseudo-label sampling, taking into account that the model performance on the tailed classes varies over different training stages. For example, at the early stage of model training, the limited predictive accuracy of model results in a higher rate of uncertain pseudo-labels. To counter this, we propose an Uncertainty-Aware Dynamic Threshold Selection (UDTS) approach. This approach allows the model to perceive the uncertainty of pseudo-labels at different training stages, thereby adaptively adjusting the selection thresholds for different classes. Compared to other methods such as the baseline method FixMatch, UDTS achieves an increase in accuracy of at least approximately 5.26%, 1.75%, 9.96%, and 1.28% on the natural scene image datasets CIFAR10-LT, CIFAR100-LT, STL-10-LT, and the medical image dataset TissueMNIST, respectively. The source code of UDTS is publicly available at: https://github.com/yangk/UDTS.

Empirical Analysis of Anomaly Detection on Hyperspectral Imaging Using Dimension Reduction Methods. (arXiv:2401.04437v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dongeon Kim, YeongHyeon Park

Recent studies try to use hyperspectral imaging (HSI) to detect foreign matters in products because it enables to visualize the invisible wavelengths including ultraviolet and infrared. Considering the enormous image channels of the HSI, several dimension reduction methods-e.g., PCA or UMAP-can be considered to reduce but those cannot ease the fundamental limitations, as follows: (1) latency of HSI capturing. (2) less explanation ability of the important channels. In this paper, to circumvent the aforementioned methods, one of the ways to channel reduction, on anomaly detection proposed HSI. Different from feature extraction methods (i.e., PCA or UMAP), feature selection can sort the feature by impact and show better explainability so we might redesign the task-optimized and cost-effective spectroscopic camera. Via the extensive experiment results with synthesized MVTec AD dataset, we confirm that the feature selection method shows 6.90x faster at the inference phase compared with feature extraction-based approaches while preserving anomaly detection performance. Ultimately, we conclude the advantage of feature selection which is effective yet fast.

Image classification network enhancement methods based on knowledge injection. (arXiv:2401.04441v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yishuang Tian, Ning Wang, Liang Zhang

The current deep neural network algorithm still stays in the end-to-end training supervision method like Image-Label pairs, which makes traditional algorithm is difficult to explain the reason for the results, and the prediction logic is difficult to understand and analyze. The current algorithm does not use the existing human knowledge information, which makes the model not in line with the human cognition model and makes the model not suitable for human use. In order to solve the above problems, the present invention provides a deep neural network training method based on the human knowledge, which uses the human cognition model to construct the deep neural network training model, and uses the existing human knowledge information to construct the deep neural network training model. This paper proposes a multi-level hierarchical deep learning algorithm, which is composed of multi-level hierarchical deep neural network architecture and multi-level hierarchical deep learning framework. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can effectively explain the hidden information of the neural network. The goal of our study is to improve the interpretability of deep neural networks (DNNs) by providing an analysis of the impact of knowledge injection on the classification task. We constructed a knowledge injection dataset with matching knowledge data and image classification data. The knowledge injection dataset is the benchmark dataset for the experiments in the paper. Our model expresses the improvement in interpretability and classification task performance of hidden layers at different scales.

A Novel Dataset for Non-Destructive Inspection of Handwritten Documents. (arXiv:2401.04448v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Eleonora Breci (1), Luca Guarnera (1), Sebastiano Battiato (1) ((1) University of Catania)

Forensic handwriting examination is a branch of Forensic Science that aims to examine handwritten documents in order to properly define or hypothesize the manuscript's author. These analysis involves comparing two or more (digitized) documents through a comprehensive comparison of intrinsic local and global features. If a correlation exists and specific best practices are satisfied, then it will be possible to affirm that the documents under analysis were written by the same individual. The need to create sophisticated tools capable of extracting and comparing significant features has led to the development of cutting-edge software with almost entirely automated processes, improving the forensic examination of handwriting and achieving increasingly objective evaluations. This is made possible by algorithmic solutions based on purely mathematical concepts. Machine Learning and Deep Learning models trained with specific datasets could turn out to be the key elements to best solve the task at hand. In this paper, we proposed a new and challenging dataset consisting of two subsets: the first consists of 21 documents written either by the classic ``pen and paper" approach (and later digitized) and directly acquired on common devices such as tablets; the second consists of 362 handwritten manuscripts by 124 different people, acquired following a specific pipeline. Our study pioneered a comparison between traditionally handwritten documents and those produced with digital tools (e.g., tablets). Preliminary results on the proposed datasets show that 90% classification accuracy can be achieved on the first subset (documents written on both paper and pen and later digitized and on tablets) and 96% on the second portion of the data. The datasets are available at https://iplab.dmi.unict.it/mfs/forensic-handwriting-analysis/novel-dataset-2023/.

D3AD: Dynamic Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2401.04463v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Justin Tebbe, Jawad Tayyub

Diffusion models have found valuable applications in anomaly detection by capturing the nominal data distribution and identifying anomalies via reconstruction. Despite their merits, they struggle to localize anomalies of varying scales, especially larger anomalies like entire missing components. Addressing this, we present a novel framework that enhances the capability of diffusion models, by extending the previous introduced implicit conditioning approach Meng et al. (2022) in three significant ways. First, we incorporate a dynamic step size computation that allows for variable noising steps in the forward process guided by an initial anomaly prediction. Second, we demonstrate that denoising an only scaled input, without any added noise, outperforms conventional denoising process. Third, we project images in a latent space to abstract away from fine details that interfere with reconstruction of large missing components. Additionally, we propose a fine-tuning mechanism that facilitates the model to effectively grasp the nuances of the target domain. Our method undergoes rigorous evaluation on two prominent anomaly detection datasets VISA and BTAD, yielding state-of-the-art performance. Importantly, our framework effectively localizes anomalies regardless of their scale, marking a pivotal advancement in diffusion-based anomaly detection.

PhilEO Bench: Evaluating Geo-Spatial Foundation Models. (arXiv:2401.04464v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Casper Fibaek, Luke Camilleri, Andreas Luyts, Nikolaos Dionelis, Bertrand Le Saux

Massive amounts of unlabelled data are captured by Earth Observation (EO) satellites, with the Sentinel-2 constellation generating 1.6 TB of data daily. This makes Remote Sensing a data-rich domain well suited to Machine Learning (ML) solutions. However, a bottleneck in applying ML models to EO is the lack of annotated data as annotation is a labour-intensive and costly process. As a result, research in this domain has focused on Self-Supervised Learning and Foundation Model approaches. This paper addresses the need to evaluate different Foundation Models on a fair and uniform benchmark by introducing the PhilEO Bench, a novel evaluation framework for EO Foundation Models. The framework comprises of a testbed and a novel 400 GB Sentinel-2 dataset containing labels for three downstream tasks, building density estimation, road segmentation, and land cover classification. We present experiments using our framework evaluating different Foundation Models, including Prithvi and SatMAE, at multiple n-shots and convergence rates.

MagicVideo-V2: Multi-Stage High-Aesthetic Video Generation. (arXiv:2401.04468v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Weimin Wang, Jiawei Liu, Zhijie Lin, Jiangqiao Yan, Shuo Chen, Chetwin Low, Tuyen Hoang, Jie Wu, Jun Hao Liew, Hanshu Yan, Daquan Zhou, Jiashi Feng

The growing demand for high-fidelity video generation from textual descriptions has catalyzed significant research in this field. In this work, we introduce MagicVideo-V2 that integrates the text-to-image model, video motion generator, reference image embedding module and frame interpolation module into an end-to-end video generation pipeline. Benefiting from these architecture designs, MagicVideo-V2 can generate an aesthetically pleasing, high-resolution video with remarkable fidelity and smoothness. It demonstrates superior performance over leading Text-to-Video systems such as Runway, Pika 1.0, Morph, Moon Valley and Stable Video Diffusion model via user evaluation at large scale.

Take A Shortcut Back: Mitigating the Gradient Vanishing for Training Spiking Neural Networks. (arXiv:2401.04486v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yufei Guo, Yuanpei Chen

The Spiking Neural Network (SNN) is a biologically inspired neural network infrastructure that has recently garnered significant attention. It utilizes binary spike activations to transmit information, thereby replacing multiplications with additions and resulting in high energy efficiency. However, training an SNN directly poses a challenge due to the undefined gradient of the firing spike process. Although prior works have employed various surrogate gradient training methods that use an alternative function to replace the firing process during back-propagation, these approaches ignore an intrinsic problem: gradient vanishing. To address this issue, we propose a shortcut back-propagation method in our paper, which advocates for transmitting the gradient directly from the loss to the shallow layers. This enables us to present the gradient to the shallow layers directly, thereby significantly mitigating the gradient vanishing problem. Additionally, this method does not introduce any burden during the inference phase. To strike a balance between final accuracy and ease of training, we also propose an evolutionary training framework and implement it by inducing a balance coefficient that dynamically changes with the training epoch, which further improves the network's performance. Extensive experiments conducted over static and dynamic datasets using several popular network structures reveal that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

WaveletFormerNet: A Transformer-based Wavelet Network for Real-world Non-homogeneous and Dense Fog Removal. (arXiv:2401.04550v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shengli Zhang, Zhiyong Tao, Sen Lin

Although deep convolutional neural networks have achieved remarkable success in removing synthetic fog, it is essential to be able to process images taken in complex foggy conditions, such as dense or non-homogeneous fog, in the real world. However, the haze distribution in the real world is complex, and downsampling can lead to color distortion or loss of detail in the output results as the resolution of a feature map or image resolution decreases. In addition to the challenges of obtaining sufficient training data, overfitting can also arise in deep learning techniques for foggy image processing, which can limit the generalization abilities of the model, posing challenges for its practical applications in real-world scenarios. Considering these issues, this paper proposes a Transformer-based wavelet network (WaveletFormerNet) for real-world foggy image recovery. We embed the discrete wavelet transform into the Vision Transformer by proposing the WaveletFormer and IWaveletFormer blocks, aiming to alleviate texture detail loss and color distortion in the image due to downsampling. We introduce parallel convolution in the Transformer block, which allows for the capture of multi-frequency information in a lightweight mechanism. Additionally, we have implemented a feature aggregation module (FAM) to maintain image resolution and enhance the feature extraction capacity of our model, further contributing to its impressive performance in real-world foggy image recovery tasks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our WaveletFormerNet performs better than state-of-the-art methods, as shown through quantitative and qualitative evaluations of minor model complexity. Additionally, our satisfactory results on real-world dust removal and application tests showcase the superior generalization ability and improved performance of WaveletFormerNet in computer vision-related applications.

Phase-shifted remote photoplethysmography for estimating heart rate and blood pressure from facial video. (arXiv:2401.04560v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gyutae Hwang, Sang Jun Lee

Human health can be critically affected by cardiovascular diseases, such as hypertension, arrhythmias, and stroke. Heart rate and blood pressure are important biometric information for the monitoring of cardiovascular system and early diagnosis of cardiovascular diseases. Existing methods for estimating the heart rate are based on electrocardiography and photoplethyomography, which require contacting the sensor to the skin surface. Moreover, catheter and cuff-based methods for measuring blood pressure cause inconvenience and have limited applicability. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose a vision-based method for estimating the heart rate and blood pressure. This thesis proposes a 2-stage deep learning framework consisting of a dual remote photoplethysmography network (DRP-Net) and bounded blood pressure network (BBP-Net). In the first stage, DRP-Net infers remote photoplethysmography (rPPG) signals for the acral and facial regions, and these phase-shifted rPPG signals are utilized to estimate the heart rate. In the second stage, BBP-Net integrates temporal features and analyzes phase discrepancy between the acral and facial rPPG signals to estimate SBP and DBP values. To improve the accuracy of estimating the heart rate, we employed a data augmentation method based on a frame interpolation model. Moreover, we designed BBP-Net to infer blood pressure within a predefined range by incorporating a scaled sigmoid function. Our method resulted in estimating the heart rate with the mean absolute error (MAE) of 1.78 BPM, reducing the MAE by 34.31 % compared to the recent method, on the MMSE-HR dataset. The MAE for estimating the systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were 10.19 mmHg and 7.09 mmHg. On the V4V dataset, the MAE for the heart rate, SBP, and DBP were 3.83 BPM, 13.64 mmHg, and 9.4 mmHg, respectively.

An Automatic Cascaded Model for Hemorrhagic Stroke Segmentation and Hemorrhagic Volume Estimation. (arXiv:2401.04570v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Weijin Xu, Zhuang Sha, Huihua Yang, Rongcai Jiang, Zhanying Li, Wentao Liu, Ruisheng Su

Hemorrhagic Stroke (HS) has a rapid onset and is a serious condition that poses a great health threat. Promptly and accurately delineating the bleeding region and estimating the volume of bleeding in Computer Tomography (CT) images can assist clinicians in treatment planning, leading to improved treatment outcomes for patients. In this paper, a cascaded 3D model is constructed based on UNet to perform a two-stage segmentation of the hemorrhage area in CT images from rough to fine, and the hemorrhage volume is automatically calculated from the segmented area. On a dataset with 341 cases of hemorrhagic stroke CT scans, the proposed model provides high-quality segmentation outcome with higher accuracy (DSC 85.66%) and better computation efficiency (6.2 second per sample) when compared to the traditional Tada formula with respect to hemorrhage volume estimation.

Let's Go Shopping (LGS) -- Web-Scale Image-Text Dataset for Visual Concept Understanding. (arXiv:2401.04575v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yatong Bai, Utsav Garg, Apaar Shanker, Haoming Zhang, Samyak Parajuli, Erhan Bas, Isidora Filipovic, Amelia N. Chu, Eugenia D Fomitcheva, Elliot Branson, Aerin Kim, Somayeh Sojoudi, Kyunghyun Cho

Vision and vision-language applications of neural networks, such as image classification and captioning, rely on large-scale annotated datasets that require non-trivial data-collecting processes. This time-consuming endeavor hinders the emergence of large-scale datasets, limiting researchers and practitioners to a small number of choices. Therefore, we seek more efficient ways to collect and annotate images. Previous initiatives have gathered captions from HTML alt-texts and crawled social media postings, but these data sources suffer from noise, sparsity, or subjectivity. For this reason, we turn to commercial shopping websites whose data meet three criteria: cleanliness, informativeness, and fluency. We introduce the Let's Go Shopping (LGS) dataset, a large-scale public dataset with 15 million image-caption pairs from publicly available e-commerce websites. When compared with existing general-domain datasets, the LGS images focus on the foreground object and have less complex backgrounds. Our experiments on LGS show that the classifiers trained on existing benchmark datasets do not readily generalize to e-commerce data, while specific self-supervised visual feature extractors can better generalize. Furthermore, LGS's high-quality e-commerce-focused images and bimodal nature make it advantageous for vision-language bi-modal tasks: LGS enables image-captioning models to generate richer captions and helps text-to-image generation models achieve e-commerce style transfer.

Effective pruning of web-scale datasets based on complexity of concept clusters. (arXiv:2401.04578v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Amro Abbas, Evgenia Rusak, Kushal Tirumala, Wieland Brendel, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Ari S. Morcos

Utilizing massive web-scale datasets has led to unprecedented performance gains in machine learning models, but also imposes outlandish compute requirements for their training. In order to improve training and data efficiency, we here push the limits of pruning large-scale multimodal datasets for training CLIP-style models. Today's most effective pruning method on ImageNet clusters data samples into separate concepts according to their embedding and prunes away the most prototypical samples. We scale this approach to LAION and improve it by noting that the pruning rate should be concept-specific and adapted to the complexity of the concept. Using a simple and intuitive complexity measure, we are able to reduce the training cost to a quarter of regular training. By filtering from the LAION dataset, we find that training on a smaller set of high-quality data can lead to higher performance with significantly lower training costs. More specifically, we are able to outperform the LAION-trained OpenCLIP-ViT-B32 model on ImageNet zero-shot accuracy by 1.1p.p. while only using 27.7% of the data and training compute. Despite a strong reduction in training cost, we also see improvements on ImageNet dist. shifts, retrieval tasks and VTAB. On the DataComp Medium benchmark, we achieve a new state-of-the-art ImageNet zero-shot accuracy and a competitive average zero-shot accuracy on 38 evaluation tasks.

Enhanced Distribution Alignment for Post-Training Quantization of Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.04585v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xuewen Liu, Zhikai Li, Junrui Xiao, Qingyi Gu

Diffusion models have achieved great success in image generation tasks through iterative noise estimation. However, the heavy denoising process and complex neural networks hinder their low-latency applications in real-world scenarios. Quantization can effectively reduce model complexity, and post-training quantization (PTQ), which does not require fine-tuning, is highly promising in accelerating the denoising process. Unfortunately, we find that due to the highly dynamic distribution of activations in different denoising steps, existing PTQ methods for diffusion models suffer from distribution mismatch issues at both calibration sample level and reconstruction output level, which makes the performance far from satisfactory, especially in low-bit cases. In this paper, we propose Enhanced Distribution Alignment for Post-Training Quantization of Diffusion Models (EDA-DM) to address the above issues. Specifically, at the calibration sample level, we select calibration samples based on the density and diversity in the latent space, thus facilitating the alignment of their distribution with the overall samples; and at the reconstruction output level, we propose Fine-grained Block Reconstruction, which can align the outputs of the quantized model and the full-precision model at different network granularity. Extensive experiments demonstrate that EDA-DM outperforms the existing post-training quantization frameworks in both unconditional and conditional generation scenarios. At low-bit precision, the quantized models with our method even outperform the full-precision models on most datasets.

EmoGen: Emotional Image Content Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.04608v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jingyuan Yang, Jiawei Feng, Hui Huang

Recent years have witnessed remarkable progress in image generation task, where users can create visually astonishing images with high-quality. However, existing text-to-image diffusion models are proficient in generating concrete concepts (dogs) but encounter challenges with more abstract ones (emotions). Several efforts have been made to modify image emotions with color and style adjustments, facing limitations in effectively conveying emotions with fixed image contents. In this work, we introduce Emotional Image Content Generation (EICG), a new task to generate semantic-clear and emotion-faithful images given emotion categories. Specifically, we propose an emotion space and construct a mapping network to align it with the powerful Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) space, providing a concrete interpretation of abstract emotions. Attribute loss and emotion confidence are further proposed to ensure the semantic diversity and emotion fidelity of the generated images. Our method outperforms the state-of-the-art text-to-image approaches both quantitatively and qualitatively, where we derive three custom metrics, i.e., emotion accuracy, semantic clarity and semantic diversity. In addition to generation, our method can help emotion understanding and inspire emotional art design.

Generic Knowledge Boosted Pre-training For Remote Sensing Images. (arXiv:2401.04614v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ziyue Huang, Mingming Zhang, Yuan Gong, Qingjie Liu, Yunhong Wang

Deep learning models are essential for scene classification, change detection, land cover segmentation, and other remote sensing image understanding tasks. Most backbones of existing remote sensing deep learning models are typically initialized by pre-trained weights obtained from ImageNet pre-training (IMP). However, domain gaps exist between remote sensing images and natural images (e.g., ImageNet), making deep learning models initialized by pre-trained weights of IMP perform poorly for remote sensing image understanding. Although some pre-training methods are studied in the remote sensing community, current remote sensing pre-training methods face the problem of vague generalization by only using remote sensing images. In this paper, we propose a novel remote sensing pre-training framework, Generic Knowledge Boosted Remote Sensing Pre-training (GeRSP), to learn robust representations from remote sensing and natural images for remote sensing understanding tasks. GeRSP contains two pre-training branches: (1) A self-supervised pre-training branch is adopted to learn domain-related representations from unlabeled remote sensing images. (2) A supervised pre-training branch is integrated into GeRSP for general knowledge learning from labeled natural images. Moreover, GeRSP combines two pre-training branches using a teacher-student architecture to simultaneously learn representations with general and special knowledge, which generates a powerful pre-trained model for deep learning model initialization. Finally, we evaluate GeRSP and other remote sensing pre-training methods on three downstream tasks, i.e., object detection, semantic segmentation, and scene classification. The extensive experimental results consistently demonstrate that GeRSP can effectively learn robust representations in a unified manner, improving the performance of remote sensing downstream tasks.

Advancing Ante-Hoc Explainable Models through Generative Adversarial Networks. (arXiv:2401.04647v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Tanmay Garg, Deepika Vemuri, Vineeth N Balasubramanian

This paper presents a novel concept learning framework for enhancing model interpretability and performance in visual classification tasks. Our approach appends an unsupervised explanation generator to the primary classifier network and makes use of adversarial training. During training, the explanation module is optimized to extract visual concepts from the classifier's latent representations, while the GAN-based module aims to discriminate images generated from concepts, from true images. This joint training scheme enables the model to implicitly align its internally learned concepts with human-interpretable visual properties. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate the robustness of our approach, while producing coherent concept activations. We analyse the learned concepts, showing their semantic concordance with object parts and visual attributes. We also study how perturbations in the adversarial training protocol impact both classification and concept acquisition. In summary, this work presents a significant step towards building inherently interpretable deep vision models with task-aligned concept representations - a key enabler for developing trustworthy AI for real-world perception tasks.

Learning to Prompt Segment Anything Models. (arXiv:2401.04651v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiaxing Huang, Kai Jiang, Jingyi Zhang, Han Qiu, Lewei Lu, Shijian Lu, Eric Xing

Segment Anything Models (SAMs) like SEEM and SAM have demonstrated great potential in learning to segment anything. The core design of SAMs lies with Promptable Segmentation, which takes a handcrafted prompt as input and returns the expected segmentation mask. SAMs work with two types of prompts including spatial prompts (e.g., points) and semantic prompts (e.g., texts), which work together to prompt SAMs to segment anything on downstream datasets. Despite the important role of prompts, how to acquire suitable prompts for SAMs is largely under-explored. In this work, we examine the architecture of SAMs and identify two challenges for learning effective prompts for SAMs. To this end, we propose spatial-semantic prompt learning (SSPrompt) that learns effective semantic and spatial prompts for better SAMs. Specifically, SSPrompt introduces spatial prompt learning and semantic prompt learning, which optimize spatial prompts and semantic prompts directly over the embedding space and selectively leverage the knowledge encoded in pre-trained prompt encoders. Extensive experiments show that SSPrompt achieves superior image segmentation performance consistently across multiple widely adopted datasets.

Benchmark Analysis of Various Pre-trained Deep Learning Models on ASSIRA Cats and Dogs Dataset. (arXiv:2401.04666v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Galib Muhammad Shahriar Himel, Md. Masudul Islam

As the most basic application and implementation of deep learning, image classification has grown in popularity. Various datasets are provided by renowned data science communities for benchmarking machine learning algorithms and pre-trained models. The ASSIRA Cats & Dogs dataset is one of them and is being used in this research for its overall acceptance and benchmark standards. A comparison of various pre-trained models is demonstrated by using different types of optimizers and loss functions. Hyper-parameters are changed to gain the best result from a model. By applying this approach, we have got higher accuracy without major changes in the training model. To run the experiment, we used three different computer architectures: a laptop equipped with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070, a laptop equipped with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080Ti, and a desktop equipped with NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090. The acquired results demonstrate supremacy in terms of accuracy over the previously done experiments on this dataset. From this experiment, the highest accuracy which is 99.65% is gained using the NASNet Large.

CoordGate: Efficiently Computing Spatially-Varying Convolutions in Convolutional Neural Networks. (arXiv:2401.04680v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sunny Howard, Peter Norreys, Andreas Döpp

Optical imaging systems are inherently limited in their resolution due to the point spread function (PSF), which applies a static, yet spatially-varying, convolution to the image. This degradation can be addressed via Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), particularly through deblurring techniques. However, current solutions face certain limitations in efficiently computing spatially-varying convolutions. In this paper we propose CoordGate, a novel lightweight module that uses a multiplicative gate and a coordinate encoding network to enable efficient computation of spatially-varying convolutions in CNNs. CoordGate allows for selective amplification or attenuation of filters based on their spatial position, effectively acting like a locally connected neural network. The effectiveness of the CoordGate solution is demonstrated within the context of U-Nets and applied to the challenging problem of image deblurring. The experimental results show that CoordGate outperforms conventional approaches, offering a more robust and spatially aware solution for CNNs in various computer vision applications.

Low-Resource Vision Challenges for Foundation Models. (arXiv:2401.04716v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yunhua Zhang, Hazel Doughty, Cees G.M. Snoek

Low-resource settings are well-established in natural language processing, where many languages lack sufficient data for machine learning at scale. However, low-resource problems are under-explored in computer vision. In this paper, we strive to address this gap and explore the challenges of low-resource image tasks with vision foundation models. Thus, we first collect a benchmark of genuinely low-resource image data, covering historic maps, circuit diagrams, and mechanical drawings. These low-resource settings all share the three challenges of data scarcity, fine-grained differences, and the distribution shift from natural images to the specialized domain of interest. While existing foundation models have shown impressive generalizability, we find they cannot transfer well to our low-resource tasks. To begin to tackle the challenges of low-resource vision, we introduce one simple baseline per challenge. Specifically, we propose to i) enlarge the data space by generative models, ii) adopt the best sub-kernels to encode local regions for fine-grained difference discovery and iii) learn attention for specialized domains. Experiments on the three low-resource data sources in our benchmark demonstrate our proposals already provide a better baseline than common transfer learning, data augmentation, and fine-grained methods. This highlights the unique characteristics and challenges of low-resource vision for foundation models that warrant further investigation. Project website: https://xiaobai1217.github.io/Low-Resource-Vision/.

Jump Cut Smoothing for Talking Heads. (arXiv:2401.04718v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaojuan Wang, Taesung Park, Yang Zhou, Eli Shechtman, Richard Zhang

A jump cut offers an abrupt, sometimes unwanted change in the viewing experience. We present a novel framework for smoothing these jump cuts, in the context of talking head videos. We leverage the appearance of the subject from the other source frames in the video, fusing it with a mid-level representation driven by DensePose keypoints and face landmarks. To achieve motion, we interpolate the keypoints and landmarks between the end frames around the cut. We then use an image translation network from the keypoints and source frames, to synthesize pixels. Because keypoints can contain errors, we propose a cross-modal attention scheme to select and pick the most appropriate source amongst multiple options for each key point. By leveraging this mid-level representation, our method can achieve stronger results than a strong video interpolation baseline. We demonstrate our method on various jump cuts in the talking head videos, such as cutting filler words, pauses, and even random cuts. Our experiments show that we can achieve seamless transitions, even in the challenging cases where the talking head rotates or moves drastically in the jump cut.

Low-resource finetuning of foundation models beats state-of-the-art in histopathology. (arXiv:2401.04720v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Benedikt Roth, Valentin Koch, Sophia J. Wagner, Julia A. Schnabel, Carsten Marr, Tingying Peng

To handle the large scale of whole slide images in computational pathology, most approaches first tessellate the images into smaller patches, extract features from these patches, and finally aggregate the feature vectors with weakly-supervised learning. The performance of this workflow strongly depends on the quality of the extracted features. Recently, foundation models in computer vision showed that leveraging huge amounts of data through supervised or self-supervised learning improves feature quality and generalizability for a variety of tasks. In this study, we benchmark the most popular vision foundation models as feature extractors for histopathology data. We evaluate the models in two settings: slide-level classification and patch-level classification. We show that foundation models are a strong baseline. Our experiments demonstrate that by finetuning a foundation model on a single GPU for only two hours or three days depending on the dataset, we can match or outperform state-of-the-art feature extractors for computational pathology. These findings imply that even with little resources one can finetune a feature extractor tailored towards a specific downstream task and dataset. This is a considerable shift from the current state, where only few institutions with large amounts of resources and datasets are able to train a feature extractor. We publish all code used for training and evaluation as well as the finetuned models.

U-Mamba: Enhancing Long-range Dependency for Biomedical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2401.04722v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Jun Ma, Feifei Li, Bo Wang

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and Transformers have been the most popular architectures for biomedical image segmentation, but both of them have limited ability to handle long-range dependencies because of inherent locality or computational complexity. To address this challenge, we introduce U-Mamba, a general-purpose network for biomedical image segmentation. Inspired by the State Space Sequence Models (SSMs), a new family of deep sequence models known for their strong capability in handling long sequences, we design a hybrid CNN-SSM block that integrates the local feature extraction power of convolutional layers with the abilities of SSMs for capturing the long-range dependency. Moreover, U-Mamba enjoys a self-configuring mechanism, allowing it to automatically adapt to various datasets without manual intervention. We conduct extensive experiments on four diverse tasks, including the 3D abdominal organ segmentation in CT and MR images, instrument segmentation in endoscopy images, and cell segmentation in microscopy images. The results reveal that U-Mamba outperforms state-of-the-art CNN-based and Transformer-based segmentation networks across all tasks. This opens new avenues for efficient long-range dependency modeling in biomedical image analysis. The code, models, and data are publicly available at https://wanglab.ai/u-mamba.html.

Revisiting Adversarial Training at Scale. (arXiv:2401.04727v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zeyu Wang, Xianhang Li, Hongru Zhu, Cihang Xie

The machine learning community has witnessed a drastic change in the training pipeline, pivoted by those ''foundation models'' with unprecedented scales. However, the field of adversarial training is lagging behind, predominantly centered around small model sizes like ResNet-50, and tiny and low-resolution datasets like CIFAR-10. To bridge this transformation gap, this paper provides a modern re-examination with adversarial training, investigating its potential benefits when applied at scale. Additionally, we introduce an efficient and effective training strategy to enable adversarial training with giant models and web-scale data at an affordable computing cost. We denote this newly introduced framework as AdvXL.

Empirical results demonstrate that AdvXL establishes new state-of-the-art robust accuracy records under AutoAttack on ImageNet-1K. For example, by training on DataComp-1B dataset, our AdvXL empowers a vanilla ViT-g model to substantially surpass the previous records of $l_{\infty}$-, $l_{2}$-, and $l_{1}$-robust accuracy by margins of 11.4%, 14.2% and 12.9%, respectively. This achievement posits AdvXL as a pioneering approach, charting a new trajectory for the efficient training of robust visual representations at significantly larger scales. Our code is available at https://github.com/UCSC-VLAA/AdvXL.

Morphable Diffusion: 3D-Consistent Diffusion for Single-image Avatar Creation. (arXiv:2401.04728v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiyi Chen, Marko Mihajlovic, Shaofei Wang, Sergey Prokudin, Siyu Tang

Recent advances in generative diffusion models have enabled the previously unfeasible capability of generating 3D assets from a single input image or a text prompt. In this work, we aim to enhance the quality and functionality of these models for the task of creating controllable, photorealistic human avatars. We achieve this by integrating a 3D morphable model into the state-of-the-art multiview-consistent diffusion approach. We demonstrate that accurate conditioning of a generative pipeline on the articulated 3D model enhances the baseline model performance on the task of novel view synthesis from a single image. More importantly, this integration facilitates a seamless and accurate incorporation of facial expression and body pose control into the generation process. To the best of our knowledge, our proposed framework is the first diffusion model to enable the creation of fully 3D-consistent, animatable, and photorealistic human avatars from a single image of an unseen subject; extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluations demonstrate the advantages of our approach over existing state-of-the-art avatar creation models on both novel view and novel expression synthesis tasks.

A Simple Baseline for Spoken Language to Sign Language Translation with 3D Avatars. (arXiv:2401.04730v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ronglai Zuo, Fangyun Wei, Zenggui Chen, Brian Mak, Jiaolong Yang, Xin Tong

The objective of this paper is to develop a functional system for translating spoken languages into sign languages, referred to as Spoken2Sign translation. The Spoken2Sign task is orthogonal and complementary to traditional sign language to spoken language (Sign2Spoken) translation. To enable Spoken2Sign translation, we present a simple baseline consisting of three steps: 1) creating a gloss-video dictionary using existing Sign2Spoken benchmarks; 2) estimating a 3D sign for each sign video in the dictionary; 3) training a Spoken2Sign model, which is composed of a Text2Gloss translator, a sign connector, and a rendering module, with the aid of the yielded gloss-3D sign dictionary. The translation results are then displayed through a sign avatar. As far as we know, we are the first to present the Spoken2Sign task in an output format of 3D signs. In addition to its capability of Spoken2Sign translation, we also demonstrate that two by-products of our approach-3D keypoint augmentation and multi-view understanding-can assist in keypoint-based sign language understanding. Code and models will be available at https://github.com/FangyunWei/SLRT

PHPQ: Pyramid Hybrid Pooling Quantization for Efficient Fine-Grained Image Retrieval. (arXiv:2109.05206v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziyun Zeng, Jinpeng Wang, Bin Chen, Tao Dai, Shu-Tao Xia, Zhi Wang

Deep hashing approaches, including deep quantization and deep binary hashing, have become a common solution to large-scale image retrieval due to their high computation and storage efficiency. Most existing hashing methods cannot produce satisfactory results for fine-grained retrieval, because they usually adopt the outputs of the last CNN layer to generate binary codes. Since deeper layers tend to summarize visual clues, e.g., texture, into abstract semantics, e.g., dogs and cats, the feature produced by the last CNN layer is less effective in capturing subtle but discriminative visual details that mostly exist in shallow layers. To improve fine-grained image hashing, we propose Pyramid Hybrid Pooling Quantization (PHPQ). Specifically, we propose a Pyramid Hybrid Pooling (PHP) module to capture and preserve fine-grained semantic information from multi-level features, which emphasizes the subtle discrimination of different sub-categories. Besides, we propose a learnable quantization module with a partial codebook attention mechanism, which helps to optimize the most relevant codewords and improves the quantization. Comprehensive experiments on two widely-used public benchmarks, i.e., CUB-200-2011 and Stanford Dogs, demonstrate that PHPQ outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

Volley Revolver: A Novel Matrix-Encoding Method for Privacy-Preserving Neural Networks (Inference). (arXiv:2201.12577v4 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: John Chiang

In this work, we present a novel matrix-encoding method that is particularly convenient for neural networks to make predictions in a privacy-preserving manner using homomorphic encryption. Based on this encoding method, we implement a convolutional neural network for handwritten image classification over encryption. For two matrices $A$ and $B$ to perform homomorphic multiplication, the main idea behind it, in a simple version, is to encrypt matrix $A$ and the transpose of matrix $B$ into two ciphertexts respectively. With additional operations, the homomorphic matrix multiplication can be calculated over encrypted matrices efficiently. For the convolution operation, we in advance span each convolution kernel to a matrix space of the same size as the input image so as to generate several ciphertexts, each of which is later used together with the ciphertext encrypting input images for calculating some of the final convolution results. We accumulate all these intermediate results and thus complete the convolution operation.

In a public cloud with 40 vCPUs, our convolutional neural network implementation on the MNIST testing dataset takes $\sim$ 287 seconds to compute ten likelihoods of 32 encrypted images of size $28 \times 28$ simultaneously. The data owner only needs to upload one ciphertext ($\sim 19.8$ MB) encrypting these 32 images to the public cloud.

Diverse super-resolution with pretrained deep hiererarchical VAEs. (arXiv:2205.10347v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jean Prost, Antoine Houdard, Andrés Almansa, Nicolas Papadakis

We investigate the problem of producing diverse solutions to an image super-resolution problem. From a probabilistic perspective, this can be done by sampling from the posterior distribution of an inverse problem, which requires the definition of a prior distribution on the high-resolution images. In this work, we propose to use a pretrained hierarchical variational autoencoder (HVAE) as a prior. We train a lightweight stochastic encoder to encode low-resolution images in the latent space of a pretrained HVAE. At inference, we combine the low-resolution encoder and the pretrained generative model to super-resolve an image. We demonstrate on the task of face super-resolution that our method provides an advantageous trade-off between the computational efficiency of conditional normalizing flows techniques and the sample quality of diffusion based methods.

Exploiting Cultural Biases via Homoglyphs in Text-to-Image Synthesis. (arXiv:2209.08891v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lukas Struppek, Dominik Hintersdorf, Felix Friedrich, Manuel Brack, Patrick Schramowski, Kristian Kersting

Models for text-to-image synthesis, such as DALL-E~2 and Stable Diffusion, have recently drawn a lot of interest from academia and the general public. These models are capable of producing high-quality images that depict a variety of concepts and styles when conditioned on textual descriptions. However, these models adopt cultural characteristics associated with specific Unicode scripts from their vast amount of training data, which may not be immediately apparent. We show that by simply inserting single non-Latin characters in a textual description, common models reflect cultural stereotypes and biases in their generated images. We analyze this behavior both qualitatively and quantitatively, and identify a model's text encoder as the root cause of the phenomenon. Additionally, malicious users or service providers may try to intentionally bias the image generation to create racist stereotypes by replacing Latin characters with similarly-looking characters from non-Latin scripts, so-called homoglyphs. To mitigate such unnoticed script attacks, we propose a novel homoglyph unlearning method to fine-tune a text encoder, making it robust against homoglyph manipulations.

Learning image representations for anomaly detection: application to discovery of histological alterations in drug development. (arXiv:2210.07675v7 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Igor Zingman, Birgit Stierstorfer, Charlotte Lempp, Fabian Heinemann

We present a system for anomaly detection in histopathological images. In histology, normal samples are usually abundant, whereas anomalous (pathological) cases are scarce or not available. Under such settings, one-class classifiers trained on healthy data can detect out-of-distribution anomalous samples. Such approaches combined with pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) representations of images were previously employed for anomaly detection (AD). However, pre-trained off-the-shelf CNN representations may not be sensitive to abnormal conditions in tissues, while natural variations of healthy tissue may result in distant representations. To adapt representations to relevant details in healthy tissue we propose training a CNN on an auxiliary task that discriminates healthy tissue of different species, organs, and staining reagents. Almost no additional labeling workload is required, since healthy samples come automatically with aforementioned labels. During training we enforce compact image representations with a center-loss term, which further improves representations for AD. The proposed system outperforms established AD methods on a published dataset of liver anomalies. Moreover, it provided comparable results to conventional methods specifically tailored for quantification of liver anomalies. We show that our approach can be used for toxicity assessment of candidate drugs at early development stages and thereby may reduce expensive late-stage drug attrition.

Perceptual Video Coding for Machines via Satisfied Machine Ratio Modeling. (arXiv:2211.06797v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qi Zhang, Shanshe Wang, Xinfeng Zhang, Chuanmin Jia, Zhao Wang, Siwei Ma, Wen Gao

Video Coding for Machines (VCM) aims to compress visual signals for machine analysis. However, existing methods only consider a few machines, neglecting the majority. Moreover, the machine's perceptual characteristics are not leveraged effectively, resulting in suboptimal compression efficiency. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces Satisfied Machine Ratio (SMR), a metric that statistically evaluates the perceptual quality of compressed images and videos for machines by aggregating satisfaction scores from them. Each score is derived from machine perceptual differences between original and compressed images. Targeting image classification and object detection tasks, we build two representative machine libraries for SMR annotation and create a large-scale SMR dataset to facilitate SMR studies. We then propose an SMR prediction model based on the correlation between deep feature differences and SMR. Furthermore, we introduce an auxiliary task to increase the prediction accuracy by predicting the SMR difference between two images in different quality. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SMR models significantly improve compression performance for machines and exhibit robust generalizability on unseen machines, codecs, datasets, and frame types. SMR enables perceptual coding for machines and propels VCM from specificity to generality. Code is available at https://github.com/ywwynm/SMR.

Identification of Surface Defects on Solar PV Panels and Wind Turbine Blades using Attention based Deep Learning Model. (arXiv:2211.15374v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Divyanshi Dwivedi, K. Victor Sam Moses Babu, Pradeep Kumar Yemula, Pratyush Chakraborty, Mayukha Pal

The global generation of renewable energy has rapidly increased, primarily due to the installation of large-scale renewable energy power plants. However, monitoring renewable energy assets in these large plants remains challenging due to environmental factors that could result in reduced power generation, malfunctioning, and degradation of asset life. Therefore, the detection of surface defects on renewable energy assets is crucial for maintaining the performance and efficiency of these plants. This paper proposes an innovative detection framework to achieve an economical surface monitoring system for renewable energy assets. High-resolution images of the assets are captured regularly and inspected to identify surface or structural damages on solar panels and wind turbine blades. {Vision transformer (ViT), one of the latest attention-based deep learning (DL) models in computer vision, is proposed in this work to classify surface defects.} The ViT model outperforms other DL models, including MobileNet, VGG16, Xception, EfficientNetB7, and ResNet50, achieving high accuracy scores above 97\% for both wind and solar plant assets. From the results, our proposed model demonstrates its potential for monitoring and detecting damages in renewable energy assets for efficient and reliable operation of renewable power plants.

Class-Continuous Conditional Generative Neural Radiance Field. (arXiv:2301.00950v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiwook Kim, Minhyeok Lee

The 3D-aware image synthesis focuses on conserving spatial consistency besides generating high-resolution images with fine details. Recently, Neural Radiance Field (NeRF) has been introduced for synthesizing novel views with low computational cost and superior performance. While several works investigate a generative NeRF and show remarkable achievement, they cannot handle conditional and continuous feature manipulation in the generation procedure. In this work, we introduce a novel model, called Class-Continuous Conditional Generative NeRF ($\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF), which can synthesize conditionally manipulated photorealistic 3D-consistent images by projecting conditional features to the generator and the discriminator. The proposed $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF is evaluated with three image datasets, AFHQ, CelebA, and Cars. As a result, our model shows strong 3D-consistency with fine details and smooth interpolation in conditional feature manipulation. For instance, $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF exhibits a Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID) of 7.64 in 3D-aware face image synthesis with a $\text{128}^{2}$ resolution. Additionally, we provide FIDs of generated 3D-aware images of each class of the datasets as it is possible to synthesize class-conditional images with $\text{C}^{3}$G-NeRF.

DAFD: Domain Adaptation via Feature Disentanglement for Image Classification. (arXiv:2301.13337v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhize Wu, Changjiang Du, Le Zou, Ming Tan, Tong Xu, Fan Cheng, Fudong Nian, Thomas Weise

A good feature representation is the key to image classification. In practice, image classifiers may be applied in scenarios different from what they have been trained on. This so-called domain shift leads to a significant performance drop in image classification. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) reduces the domain shift by transferring the knowledge learned from a labeled source domain to an unlabeled target domain. We perform feature disentanglement for UDA by distilling category-relevant features and excluding category-irrelevant features from the global feature maps. This disentanglement prevents the network from overfitting to category-irrelevant information and makes it focus on information useful for classification. This reduces the difficulty of domain alignment and improves the classification accuracy on the target domain. We propose a coarse-to-fine domain adaptation method called Domain Adaptation via Feature Disentanglement~(DAFD), which has two components: (1)the Category-Relevant Feature Selection (CRFS) module, which disentangles the category-relevant features from the category-irrelevant features, and (2)the Dynamic Local Maximum Mean Discrepancy (DLMMD) module, which achieves fine-grained alignment by reducing the discrepancy within the category-relevant features from different domains. Combined with the CRFS, the DLMMD module can align the category-relevant features properly. We conduct comprehensive experiment on four standard datasets. Our results clearly demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our approach in domain adaptive image classification tasks and its competitiveness to the state of the art.

Implicit and Explicit Commonsense for Multi-sentence Video Captioning. (arXiv:2303.07545v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shih-Han Chou, James J. Little, Leonid Sigal

Existing dense or paragraph video captioning approaches rely on holistic representations of videos, possibly coupled with learned object/action representations, to condition hierarchical language decoders. However, they fundamentally lack the commonsense knowledge of the world required to reason about progression of events, causality, and even the function of certain objects within a scene. To address this limitation we propose a novel video captioning Transformer-based model, that takes into account both implicit (visuo-lingual and purely linguistic) and explicit (knowledge-base) commonsense knowledge. We show that these forms of knowledge, in isolation and in combination, enhance the quality of produced captions. Further, inspired by imitation learning, we propose a new task of instruction generation, where the goal is to produce a set of linguistic instructions from a video demonstration of its performance. We formalize the task using the ALFRED dataset [54] generated using an AI2-THOR environment. While instruction generation is conceptually similar to paragraph captioning, it differs in the fact that it exhibits stronger object persistence, as well as spatially-aware and causal sentence structure. We show that our commonsense knowledge enhanced approach produces significant improvements on this task (up to 57% in METEOR and 8.5% in CIDEr), as well as the state-of-the-art result on more traditional video captioning in the ActivityNet Captions dataset [29].

GP-PCS: One-shot Feature-Preserving Point Cloud Simplification with Gaussian Processes on Riemannian Manifolds. (arXiv:2303.15225v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Stuti Pathak, Thomas M. McDonald, Seppe Sels, Rudi Penne

The processing, storage and transmission of large-scale point clouds is an ongoing challenge in the computer vision community which hinders progress in the application of 3D models to real-world settings, such as autonomous driving, virtual reality and remote sensing. We propose a novel, one-shot point cloud simplification method which preserves both the salient structural features and the overall shape of a point cloud without any prior surface reconstruction step. Our method employs Gaussian processes suitable for functions defined on Riemannian manifolds, allowing us to model the surface variation function across any given point cloud. A simplified version of the original cloud is obtained by sequentially selecting points using a greedy sparsification scheme. The selection criterion used for this scheme ensures that the simplified cloud best represents the surface variation of the original point cloud. We evaluate our method on several benchmark and self-acquired point clouds, compare it to a range of existing methods, demonstrate its application in downstream tasks of registration and surface reconstruction, and show that our method is competitive both in terms of empirical performance and computational efficiency.

Cross-Class Feature Augmentation for Class Incremental Learning. (arXiv:2304.01899v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Taehoon Kim, Jaeyoo Park, Bohyung Han

We propose a novel class incremental learning approach by incorporating a feature augmentation technique motivated by adversarial attacks. We employ a classifier learned in the past to complement training examples rather than simply play a role as a teacher for knowledge distillation towards subsequent models. The proposed approach has a unique perspective to utilize the previous knowledge in class incremental learning since it augments features of arbitrary target classes using examples in other classes via adversarial attacks on a previously learned classifier. By allowing the cross-class feature augmentations, each class in the old tasks conveniently populates samples in the feature space, which alleviates the collapse of the decision boundaries caused by sample deficiency for the previous tasks, especially when the number of stored exemplars is small. This idea can be easily incorporated into existing class incremental learning algorithms without any architecture modification. Extensive experiments on the standard benchmarks show that our method consistently outperforms existing class incremental learning methods by significant margins in various scenarios, especially under an environment with an extremely limited memory budget.

Parallel Spiking Neurons with High Efficiency and Ability to Learn Long-term Dependencies. (arXiv:2304.12760v4 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Fang, Zhaofei Yu, Zhaokun Zhou, Ding Chen, Yanqi Chen, Zhengyu Ma, Timothée Masquelier, Yonghong Tian

Vanilla spiking neurons in Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) use charge-fire-reset neuronal dynamics, which can only be simulated serially and can hardly learn long-time dependencies. We find that when removing reset, the neuronal dynamics can be reformulated in a non-iterative form and parallelized. By rewriting neuronal dynamics without reset to a general formulation, we propose the Parallel Spiking Neuron (PSN), which generates hidden states that are independent of their predecessors, resulting in parallelizable neuronal dynamics and extremely high simulation speed. The weights of inputs in the PSN are fully connected, which maximizes the utilization of temporal information. To avoid the use of future inputs for step-by-step inference, the weights of the PSN can be masked, resulting in the masked PSN. By sharing weights across time-steps based on the masked PSN, the sliding PSN is proposed to handle sequences of varying lengths. We evaluate the PSN family on simulation speed and temporal/static data classification, and the results show the overwhelming advantage of the PSN family in efficiency and accuracy. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study about parallelizing spiking neurons and can be a cornerstone for the spiking deep learning research. Our codes are available at \url{https://github.com/fangwei123456/Parallel-Spiking-Neuron}.

NeRF-LiDAR: Generating Realistic LiDAR Point Clouds with Neural Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2304.14811v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Junge Zhang, Feihu Zhang, Shaochen Kuang, Li Zhang

Labeling LiDAR point clouds for training autonomous driving is extremely expensive and difficult. LiDAR simulation aims at generating realistic LiDAR data with labels for training and verifying self-driving algorithms more efficiently. Recently, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have been proposed for novel view synthesis using implicit reconstruction of 3D scenes. Inspired by this, we present NeRF-LIDAR, a novel LiDAR simulation method that leverages real-world information to generate realistic LIDAR point clouds. Different from existing LiDAR simulators, we use real images and point cloud data collected by self-driving cars to learn the 3D scene representation, point cloud generation and label rendering. We verify the effectiveness of our NeRF-LiDAR by training different 3D segmentation models on the generated LiDAR point clouds. It reveals that the trained models are able to achieve similar accuracy when compared with the same model trained on the real LiDAR data. Besides, the generated data is capable of boosting the accuracy through pre-training which helps reduce the requirements of the real labeled data.

Variational Classification. (arXiv:2305.10406v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Shehzaad Dhuliawala, Mrinmaya Sachan, Carl Allen

We present a latent variable model for classification that provides a novel probabilistic interpretation of neural network softmax classifiers. We derive a variational objective to train the model, analogous to the evidence lower bound (ELBO) used to train variational auto-encoders, that generalises the softmax cross-entropy loss. Treating inputs to the softmax layer as samples of a latent variable, our abstracted perspective reveals a potential inconsistency between their anticipated distribution, required for accurate label predictions, and their empirical distribution found in practice. We augment the variational objective to mitigate such inconsistency and induce a chosen latent distribution, instead of the implicit assumption found in a standard softmax layer. Overall, we provide new theoretical insight into the inner workings of widely-used softmax classifiers. Empirical evaluation on image and text classification datasets demonstrates that our proposed approach, variational classification, maintains classification accuracy while the reshaped latent space improves other desirable properties of a classifier, such as calibration, adversarial robustness, robustness to distribution shift and sample efficiency useful in low data settings.

Getting ViT in Shape: Scaling Laws for Compute-Optimal Model Design. (arXiv:2305.13035v5 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ibrahim Alabdulmohsin, Xiaohua Zhai, Alexander Kolesnikov, Lucas Beyer

Scaling laws have been recently employed to derive compute-optimal model size (number of parameters) for a given compute duration. We advance and refine such methods to infer compute-optimal model shapes, such as width and depth, and successfully implement this in vision transformers. Our shape-optimized vision transformer, SoViT, achieves results competitive with models that exceed twice its size, despite being pre-trained with an equivalent amount of compute. For example, SoViT-400m/14 achieves 90.3% fine-tuning accuracy on ILSRCV2012, surpassing the much larger ViT-g/14 and approaching ViT-G/14 under identical settings, with also less than half the inference cost. We conduct a thorough evaluation across multiple tasks, such as image classification, captioning, VQA and zero-shot transfer, demonstrating the effectiveness of our model across a broad range of domains and identifying limitations. Overall, our findings challenge the prevailing approach of blindly scaling up vision models and pave a path for a more informed scaling.

Weakly Supervised 3D Open-vocabulary Segmentation. (arXiv:2305.14093v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kunhao Liu, Fangneng Zhan, Jiahui Zhang, Muyu Xu, Yingchen Yu, Abdulmotaleb El Saddik, Christian Theobalt, Eric Xing, Shijian Lu

Open-vocabulary segmentation of 3D scenes is a fundamental function of human perception and thus a crucial objective in computer vision research. However, this task is heavily impeded by the lack of large-scale and diverse 3D open-vocabulary segmentation datasets for training robust and generalizable models. Distilling knowledge from pre-trained 2D open-vocabulary segmentation models helps but it compromises the open-vocabulary feature as the 2D models are mostly finetuned with close-vocabulary datasets. We tackle the challenges in 3D open-vocabulary segmentation by exploiting pre-trained foundation models CLIP and DINO in a weakly supervised manner. Specifically, given only the open-vocabulary text descriptions of the objects in a scene, we distill the open-vocabulary multimodal knowledge and object reasoning capability of CLIP and DINO into a neural radiance field (NeRF), which effectively lifts 2D features into view-consistent 3D segmentation. A notable aspect of our approach is that it does not require any manual segmentation annotations for either the foundation models or the distillation process. Extensive experiments show that our method even outperforms fully supervised models trained with segmentation annotations in certain scenes, suggesting that 3D open-vocabulary segmentation can be effectively learned from 2D images and text-image pairs. Code is available at \url{https://github.com/Kunhao-Liu/3D-OVS}.

Summarizing Stream Data for Memory-Constrained Online Continual Learning. (arXiv:2305.16645v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianyang Gu, Kai Wang, Wei Jiang, Yang You

Replay-based methods have proved their effectiveness on online continual learning by rehearsing past samples from an auxiliary memory. With many efforts made on improving training schemes based on the memory, however, the information carried by each sample in the memory remains under-investigated. Under circumstances with restricted storage space, the informativeness of the memory becomes critical for effective replay. Although some works design specific strategies to select representative samples, by only employing a small number of original images, the storage space is still not well utilized. To this end, we propose to Summarize the knowledge from the Stream Data (SSD) into more informative samples by distilling the training characteristics of real images. Through maintaining the consistency of training gradients and relationship to the past tasks, the summarized samples are more representative for the stream data compared to the original images. Extensive experiments are conducted on multiple online continual learning benchmarks to support that the proposed SSD method significantly enhances the replay effects. We demonstrate that with limited extra computational overhead, SSD provides more than 3% accuracy boost for sequential CIFAR-100 under extremely restricted memory buffer. Code in https://github.com/vimar-gu/SSD.

ReConPatch : Contrastive Patch Representation Learning for Industrial Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2305.16713v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jeeho Hyun, Sangyun Kim, Giyoung Jeon, Seung Hwan Kim, Kyunghoon Bae, Byung Jun Kang

Anomaly detection is crucial to the advanced identification of product defects such as incorrect parts, misaligned components, and damages in industrial manufacturing. Due to the rare observations and unknown types of defects, anomaly detection is considered to be challenging in machine learning. To overcome this difficulty, recent approaches utilize the common visual representations pre-trained from natural image datasets and distill the relevant features. However, existing approaches still have the discrepancy between the pre-trained feature and the target data, or require the input augmentation which should be carefully designed, particularly for the industrial dataset. In this paper, we introduce ReConPatch, which constructs discriminative features for anomaly detection by training a linear modulation of patch features extracted from the pre-trained model. ReConPatch employs contrastive representation learning to collect and distribute features in a way that produces a target-oriented and easily separable representation. To address the absence of labeled pairs for the contrastive learning, we utilize two similarity measures between data representations, pairwise and contextual similarities, as pseudo-labels. Our method achieves the state-of-the-art anomaly detection performance (99.72%) for the widely used and challenging MVTec AD dataset. Additionally, we achieved a state-of-the-art anomaly detection performance (95.8%) for the BTAD dataset.

Foundation Model for Endoscopy Video Analysis via Large-scale Self-supervised Pre-train. (arXiv:2306.16741v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhao Wang, Chang Liu, Shaoting Zhang, Qi Dou

Foundation models have exhibited remarkable success in various applications, such as disease diagnosis and text report generation. To date, a foundation model for endoscopic video analysis is still lacking. In this paper, we propose Endo-FM, a foundation model specifically developed using massive endoscopic video data. First, we build a video transformer, which captures both local and global long-range dependencies across spatial and temporal dimensions. Second, we pre-train our transformer model using global and local views via a self-supervised manner, aiming to make it robust to spatial-temporal variations and discriminative across different scenes. To develop the foundation model, we construct a large-scale endoscopy video dataset by combining 9 publicly available datasets and a privately collected dataset from Baoshan Branch of Renji Hospital in Shanghai, China. Our dataset overall consists of over 33K video clips with up to 5 million frames, encompassing various protocols, target organs, and disease types. Our pre-trained Endo-FM can be easily adopted for a given downstream task via fine-tuning by serving as the backbone. With experiments on 3 different types of downstream tasks, including classification, segmentation, and detection, our Endo-FM surpasses the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) self-supervised pre-training and adapter-based transfer learning methods by a significant margin, such as VCL (3.1% F1, 4.8% Dice, and 5.5% F1 for classification, segmentation, and detection) and ST-Adapter (5.9% F1, 9.6% Dice, and 9.9% F1 for classification, segmentation, and detection). Code, datasets, and models are released at https://github.com/med-air/Endo-FM.

Stimulating the Diffusion Model for Image Denoising via Adaptive Embedding and Ensembling. (arXiv:2307.03992v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tong Li, Hansen Feng, Lizhi Wang, Zhiwei Xiong, Hua Huang

Image denoising is a fundamental problem in computational photography, where achieving high-quality perceptual performance with low distortion is highly demanding. Current methods either struggle with perceptual performance or suffer from significant distortion. Recently, the emerging diffusion model achieves state-of-the-art performance in various tasks, and its denoising mechanism demonstrates great potential for image denoising. However, stimulating diffusion models for image denoising is not straightforward and requires solving several critical problems. On the one hand, the input inconsistency hinders the connection of diffusion models and image denoising. On the other hand, the content inconsistency between the generated image and the desired denoised image introduces additional distortion. To tackle these problems, we present a novel strategy called Diffusion Model for Image Denoising (DMID) by understanding and rethinking the diffusion model from a denoising perspective. Our DMID strategy includes an adaptive embedding method that embeds the noisy image into a pre-trained diffusion model, and an adaptive ensembling method that reduces distortion in the denoised image. Our DMID strategy achieves state-of-the-art performance on all distortion-based and perceptual metrics, for both Gaussian and real-world image denoising.

G2L: Semantically Aligned and Uniform Video Grounding via Geodesic and Game Theory. (arXiv:2307.14277v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongxiang Li, Meng Cao, Xuxin Cheng, Yaowei Li, Zhihong Zhu, Yuexian Zou

The recent video grounding works attempt to introduce vanilla contrastive learning into video grounding. However, we claim that this naive solution is suboptimal. Contrastive learning requires two key properties: (1) \emph{alignment} of features of similar samples, and (2) \emph{uniformity} of the induced distribution of the normalized features on the hypersphere. Due to two annoying issues in video grounding: (1) the co-existence of some visual entities in both ground truth and other moments, \ie semantic overlapping; (2) only a few moments in the video are annotated, \ie sparse annotation dilemma, vanilla contrastive learning is unable to model the correlations between temporally distant moments and learned inconsistent video representations. Both characteristics lead to vanilla contrastive learning being unsuitable for video grounding. In this paper, we introduce Geodesic and Game Localization (G2L), a semantically aligned and uniform video grounding framework via geodesic and game theory. We quantify the correlations among moments leveraging the geodesic distance that guides the model to learn the correct cross-modal representations. Furthermore, from the novel perspective of game theory, we propose semantic Shapley interaction based on geodesic distance sampling to learn fine-grained semantic alignment in similar moments. Experiments on three benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

Improving Generalization Capability of Deep Learning-Based Nuclei Instance Segmentation by Non-deterministic Train Time and Deterministic Test Time Stain Normalization. (arXiv:2309.06143v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Amirreza Mahbod, Georg Dorffner, Isabella Ellinger, Ramona Woitek, Sepideh Hatamikia

With the advent of digital pathology and microscopic systems that can scan and save whole slide histological images automatically, there is a growing trend to use computerized methods to analyze acquired images. Among different histopathological image analysis tasks, nuclei instance segmentation plays a fundamental role in a wide range of clinical and research applications. While many semi- and fully-automatic computerized methods have been proposed for nuclei instance segmentation, deep learning (DL)-based approaches have been shown to deliver the best performances. However, the performance of such approaches usually degrades when tested on unseen datasets.

In this work, we propose a novel method to improve the generalization capability of a DL-based automatic segmentation approach. Besides utilizing one of the state-of-the-art DL-based models as a baseline, our method incorporates non-deterministic train time and deterministic test time stain normalization, and ensembling to boost the segmentation performance. We trained the model with one single training set and evaluated its segmentation performance on seven test datasets. Our results show that the proposed method provides up to 4.9%, 5.4%, and 5.9% better average performance in segmenting nuclei based on Dice score, aggregated Jaccard index, and panoptic quality score, respectively, compared to the baseline segmentation model.

Mitigate Replication and Copying in Diffusion Models with Generalized Caption and Dual Fusion Enhancement. (arXiv:2309.07254v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chenghao Li, Dake Chen, Yuke Zhang, Peter A. Beerel

While diffusion models demonstrate a remarkable capability for generating high-quality images, their tendency to `replicate' training data raises privacy concerns. Although recent research suggests that this replication may stem from the insufficient generalization of training data captions and duplication of training images, effective mitigation strategies remain elusive. To address this gap, our paper first introduces a generality score that measures the caption generality and employ large language model (LLM) to generalize training captions. Subsequently, we leverage generalized captions and propose a novel dual fusion enhancement approach to mitigate the replication of diffusion models. Our empirical results demonstrate that our proposed methods can significantly reduce replication by 43.5% compared to the original diffusion model while maintaining the diversity and quality of generations. Code is available at https://github.com/HowardLi0816/dual-fusion-diffusion.

A Comparative Study of Filters and Deep Learning Models to predict Diabetic Retinopathy. (arXiv:2309.15216v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Roshan Vasu Muddaluru, Sharvaani Ravikumar Thoguluva, Shruti Prabha, Tanuja Konda Reddy, Dr. Suja Palaniswamy

The retina is an essential component of the visual system, and maintaining eyesight depends on the timely and accurate detection of disorders. The early-stage detection and severity classification of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR), a significant risk to the public's health is the primary goal of this work. This study compares the outcomes of various deep learning models, including InceptionNetV3, DenseNet121, and other CNN-based models, utilizing a variety of image filters, including Gaussian, grayscale, and Gabor. These models could detect subtle pathological alterations and use that information to estimate the risk of retinal illnesses. The objective is to improve the diagnostic processes for DR, the primary cause of diabetes-related blindness, by utilizing deep learning models. A comparative analysis between Greyscale, Gaussian and Gabor filters has been provided after applying these filters on the retinal images. The Gaussian filter has been identified as the most promising filter by resulting in 96% accuracy using InceptionNetV3.

Improving Video Deepfake Detection: A DCT-Based Approach with Patch-Level Analysis. (arXiv:2310.11204v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Luca Guarnera (1), Salvatore Manganello (1), Sebastiano Battiato (1) ((1) University of Catania)

A new algorithm for the detection of deepfakes in digital videos is presented. The I-frames were extracted in order to provide faster computation and analysis than approaches described in the literature. To identify the discriminating regions within individual video frames, the entire frame, background, face, eyes, nose, mouth, and face frame were analyzed separately. From the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), the Beta components were extracted from the AC coefficients and used as input to standard classifiers. Experimental results show that the eye and mouth regions are those most discriminative and able to determine the nature of the video under analysis.

VKIE: The Application of Key Information Extraction on Video Text. (arXiv:2310.11650v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyu An, Ye Liu, Haoyuan Peng, Di Yin

Extracting structured information from videos is critical for numerous downstream applications in the industry. In this paper, we define a significant task of extracting hierarchical key information from visual texts on videos. To fulfill this task, we decouple it into four subtasks and introduce two implementation solutions called PipVKIE and UniVKIE. PipVKIE sequentially completes the four subtasks in continuous stages, while UniVKIE is improved by unifying all the subtasks into one backbone. Both PipVKIE and UniVKIE leverage multimodal information from vision, text, and coordinates for feature representation. Extensive experiments on one well-defined dataset demonstrate that our solutions can achieve remarkable performance and efficient inference speed.

FaultSeg Swin-UNETR: Transformer-Based Self-Supervised Pretraining Model for Fault Recognition. (arXiv:2310.17974v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zeren Zhang, Ran Chen, Jinwen Ma

This paper introduces an approach to enhance seismic fault recognition through self-supervised pretraining. Seismic fault interpretation holds great significance in the fields of geophysics and geology. However, conventional methods for seismic fault recognition encounter various issues, including dependence on data quality and quantity, as well as susceptibility to interpreter subjectivity. Currently, automated fault recognition methods proposed based on small synthetic datasets experience performance degradation when applied to actual seismic data. To address these challenges, we have introduced the concept of self-supervised learning, utilizing a substantial amount of relatively easily obtainable unlabeled seismic data for pretraining. Specifically, we have employed the Swin Transformer model as the core network and employed the SimMIM pretraining task to capture unique features related to discontinuities in seismic data. During the fine-tuning phase, inspired by edge detection techniques, we have also refined the structure of the Swin-UNETR model, enabling multiscale decoding and fusion for more effective fault detection. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method attains state-of-the-art performance on the Thebe dataset, as measured by the OIS and ODS metrics.

Understanding Deep Representation Learning via Layerwise Feature Compression and Discrimination. (arXiv:2311.02960v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Peng Wang, Xiao Li, Can Yaras, Zhihui Zhu, Laura Balzano, Wei Hu, Qing Qu

Over the past decade, deep learning has proven to be a highly effective tool for learning meaningful features from raw data. However, it remains an open question how deep networks perform hierarchical feature learning across layers. In this work, we attempt to unveil this mystery by investigating the structures of intermediate features. Motivated by our empirical findings that linear layers mimic the roles of deep layers in nonlinear networks for feature learning, we explore how deep linear networks transform input data into output by investigating the output (i.e., features) of each layer after training in the context of multi-class classification problems. Toward this goal, we first define metrics to measure within-class compression and between-class discrimination of intermediate features, respectively. Through theoretical analysis of these two metrics, we show that the evolution of features follows a simple and quantitative pattern from shallow to deep layers when the input data is nearly orthogonal and the network weights are minimum-norm, balanced, and approximate low-rank: Each layer of the linear network progressively compresses within-class features at a geometric rate and discriminates between-class features at a linear rate with respect to the number of layers that data have passed through. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first quantitative characterization of feature evolution in hierarchical representations of deep linear networks. Empirically, our extensive experiments not only validate our theoretical results numerically but also reveal a similar pattern in deep nonlinear networks which aligns well with recent empirical studies. Moreover, we demonstrate the practical implications of our results in transfer learning. Our code is available at \url{https://github.com/Heimine/PNC_DLN}.

Deep Interactive Segmentation of Medical Images: A Systematic Review and Taxonomy. (arXiv:2311.13964v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zdravko Marinov, Paul F. Jäger, Jan Egger, Jens Kleesiek, Rainer Stiefelhagen

Interactive segmentation is a crucial research area in medical image analysis aiming to boost the efficiency of costly annotations by incorporating human feedback. This feedback takes the form of clicks, scribbles, or masks and allows for iterative refinement of the model output so as to efficiently guide the system towards the desired behavior. In recent years, deep learning-based approaches have propelled results to a new level causing a rapid growth in the field with 121 methods proposed in the medical imaging domain alone. In this review, we provide a structured overview of this emerging field featuring a comprehensive taxonomy, a systematic review of existing methods, and an in-depth analysis of current practices. Based on these contributions, we discuss the challenges and opportunities in the field. For instance, we find that there is a severe lack of comparison across methods which needs to be tackled by standardized baselines and benchmarks.

Semantics-aware Motion Retargeting with Vision-Language Models. (arXiv:2312.01964v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haodong Zhang, ZhiKe Chen, Haocheng Xu, Lei Hao, Xiaofei Wu, Songcen Xu, Zhensong Zhang, Yue Wang, Rong Xiong

Capturing and preserving motion semantics is essential to motion retargeting between animation characters. However, most of the previous works neglect the semantic information or rely on human-designed joint-level representations. Here, we present a novel Semantics-aware Motion reTargeting (SMT) method with the advantage of vision-language models to extract and maintain meaningful motion semantics. We utilize a differentiable module to render 3D motions. Then the high-level motion semantics are incorporated into the motion retargeting process by feeding the vision-language model with the rendered images and aligning the extracted semantic embeddings. To ensure the preservation of fine-grained motion details and high-level semantics, we adopt a two-stage pipeline consisting of skeleton-aware pre-training and fine-tuning with semantics and geometry constraints. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed method in producing high-quality motion retargeting results while accurately preserving motion semantics. Project page can be found at https://sites.google.com/view/smtnet.

Stronger, Fewer, & Superior: Harnessing Vision Foundation Models for Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2312.04265v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhixiang Wei, Lin Chen, Yi Jin, Xiaoxiao Ma, Tianle Liu, Pengyang Ling, Ben Wang, Huaian Chen, Jinjin Zheng

In this paper, we first assess and harness various Vision Foundation Models (VFMs) in the context of Domain Generalized Semantic Segmentation (DGSS). Driven by the motivation that Leveraging Stronger pre-trained models and Fewer trainable parameters for Superior generalizability, we introduce a robust fine-tuning approach, namely Rein, to parameter-efficiently harness VFMs for DGSS. Built upon a set of trainable tokens, each linked to distinct instances, Rein precisely refines and forwards the feature maps from each layer to the next layer within the backbone. This process produces diverse refinements for different categories within a single image. With fewer trainable parameters, Rein efficiently fine-tunes VFMs for DGSS tasks, surprisingly surpassing full parameter fine-tuning. Extensive experiments across various settings demonstrate that Rein significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods. Remarkably, with just an extra 1% of trainable parameters within the frozen backbone, Rein achieves a mIoU of 68.1% on the Cityscapes, without accessing any real urban-scene datasets.Code is available at https://github.com/w1oves/Rein.git.

Customize-It-3D: High-Quality 3D Creation from A Single Image Using Subject-Specific Knowledge Prior. (arXiv:2312.11535v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Nan Huang, Ting Zhang, Yuhui Yuan, Dong Chen, Shanghang Zhang

In this paper, we present a novel two-stage approach that fully utilizes the information provided by the reference image to establish a customized knowledge prior for image-to-3D generation. While previous approaches primarily rely on a general diffusion prior, which struggles to yield consistent results with the reference image, we propose a subject-specific and multi-modal diffusion model. This model not only aids NeRF optimization by considering the shading mode for improved geometry but also enhances texture from the coarse results to achieve superior refinement. Both aspects contribute to faithfully aligning the 3D content with the subject. Extensive experiments showcase the superiority of our method, Customize-It-3D, outperforming previous works by a substantial margin. It produces faithful 360-degree reconstructions with impressive visual quality, making it well-suited for various applications, including text-to-3D creation.

Spatial-Temporal Decoupling Contrastive Learning for Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition. (arXiv:2312.15144v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Shaojie Zhang, Jianqin Yin, Yonghao Dang

Skeleton-based action recognition is a central task of human-computer interaction. However, most of the previous methods suffer from two issues: (i) semantic ambiguity arising from spatiotemporal information mixture; and (ii) overlooking the explicit exploitation of the latent data distributions (i.e., the intra-class variations and inter-class relations), thereby leading to local optimum solutions of the skeleton encoders. To mitigate this, we propose a spatial-temporal decoupling contrastive learning (STD-CL) framework to obtain discriminative and semantically distinct representations from the sequences, which can be incorporated into almost all previous skeleton encoders and have no impact on the skeleton encoders when testing. Specifically, we decouple the global features into spatial-specific and temporal-specific features to reduce the spatiotemporal coupling of features. Furthermore, to explicitly exploit the latent data distributions, we employ the attentive features to contrastive learning, which models the cross-sequence semantic relations by pulling together the features from the positive pairs and pushing away the negative pairs. Extensive experiments show that STD-CL with four various skeleton encoders (HCN, 2S-AGCN, CTR-GCN, and Hyperformer) achieves solid improvement on NTU60, NTU120, and NW-UCLA benchmarks. The code will be released.

Adaptive FSS: A Novel Few-Shot Segmentation Framework via Prototype Enhancement. (arXiv:2312.15731v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jing Wang, Jinagyun Li, Chen Chen, Yisi Zhang, Haoran Shen, Tianxiang Zhang

The Few-Shot Segmentation (FSS) aims to accomplish the novel class segmentation task with a few annotated images. Current FSS research based on meta-learning focus on designing a complex interaction mechanism between the query and support feature. However, unlike humans who can rapidly learn new things from limited samples, the existing approach relies solely on fixed feature matching to tackle new tasks, lacking adaptability. In this paper, we propose a novel framework based on the adapter mechanism, namely Adaptive FSS, which can efficiently adapt the existing FSS model to the novel classes. In detail, we design the Prototype Adaptive Module (PAM), which utilizes accurate category information provided by the support set to derive class prototypes, enhancing class-specific information in the multi-stage representation. In addition, our approach is compatible with diverse FSS methods with different backbones by simply inserting PAM between the layers of the encoder. Experiments demonstrate that our method effectively improves the performance of the FSS models (e.g., MSANet, HDMNet, FPTrans, and DCAMA) and achieve new state-of-the-art (SOTA) results (i.e., 72.4\% and 79.1\% mIoU on PASCAL-5$^i$ 1-shot and 5-shot settings, 52.7\% and 60.0\% mIoU on COCO-20$^i$ 1-shot and 5-shot settings). Our code can be available at https://github.com/jingw193/AdaptiveFSS.

A comprehensive framework for occluded human pose estimation. (arXiv:2401.00155v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Linhao Xu, Lin Zhao, Xinxin Sun, Di Wang, Guangyu Li, Kedong Yan

Occlusion presents a significant challenge in human pose estimation. The challenges posed by occlusion can be attributed to the following factors: 1) Data: The collection and annotation of occluded human pose samples are relatively challenging. 2) Feature: Occlusion can cause feature confusion due to the high similarity between the target person and interfering individuals. 3) Inference: Robust inference becomes challenging due to the loss of complete body structural information. The existing methods designed for occluded human pose estimation usually focus on addressing only one of these factors. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive framework DAG (Data, Attention, Graph) to address the performance degradation caused by occlusion. Specifically, we introduce the mask joints with instance paste data augmentation technique to simulate occlusion scenarios. Additionally, an Adaptive Discriminative Attention Module (ADAM) is proposed to effectively enhance the features of target individuals. Furthermore, we present the Feature-Guided Multi-Hop GCN (FGMP-GCN) to fully explore the prior knowledge of body structure and improve pose estimation results. Through extensive experiments conducted on three benchmark datasets for occluded human pose estimation, we demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms existing methods. Code and data will be publicly available.

Masked Modeling for Self-supervised Representation Learning on Vision and Beyond. (arXiv:2401.00897v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyuan Li, Luyuan Zhang, Zedong Wang, Di Wu, Lirong Wu, Zicheng Liu, Jun Xia, Cheng Tan, Yang Liu, Baigui Sun, Stan Z. Li

As the deep learning revolution marches on, self-supervised learning has garnered increasing attention in recent years thanks to its remarkable representation learning ability and the low dependence on labeled data. Among these varied self-supervised techniques, masked modeling has emerged as a distinctive approach that involves predicting parts of the original data that are proportionally masked during training. This paradigm enables deep models to learn robust representations and has demonstrated exceptional performance in the context of computer vision, natural language processing, and other modalities. In this survey, we present a comprehensive review of the masked modeling framework and its methodology. We elaborate on the details of techniques within masked modeling, including diverse masking strategies, recovering targets, network architectures, and more. Then, we systematically investigate its wide-ranging applications across domains. Furthermore, we also explore the commonalities and differences between masked modeling methods in different fields. Toward the end of this paper, we conclude by discussing the limitations of current techniques and point out several potential avenues for advancing masked modeling research. A paper list project with this survey is available at \url{https://github.com/Lupin1998/Awesome-MIM}.

A Comprehensive Study of Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2401.01286v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ningyu Zhang, Yunzhi Yao, Bozhong Tian, Peng Wang, Shumin Deng, Mengru Wang, Zekun Xi, Shengyu Mao, Jintian Zhang, Yuansheng Ni, Siyuan Cheng, Ziwen Xu, Xin Xu, Jia-Chen Gu, Yong Jiang, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang, Lei Liang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Xiaowei Zhu, Jun Zhou, Huajun Chen

Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown extraordinary capabilities in understanding and generating text that closely mirrors human communication. However, a primary limitation lies in the significant computational demands during training, arising from their extensive parameterization. This challenge is further intensified by the dynamic nature of the world, necessitating frequent updates to LLMs to correct outdated information or integrate new knowledge, thereby ensuring their continued relevance. Note that many applications demand continual model adjustments post-training to address deficiencies or undesirable behaviors. There is an increasing interest in efficient, lightweight methods for on-the-fly model modifications. To this end, recent years have seen a burgeoning in the techniques of knowledge editing for LLMs, which aim to efficiently modify LLMs' behaviors within specific domains while preserving overall performance across various inputs. In this paper, we first define the knowledge editing problem and then provide a comprehensive review of cutting-edge approaches. Drawing inspiration from educational and cognitive research theories, we propose a unified categorization criterion that classifies knowledge editing methods into three groups: resorting to external knowledge, merging knowledge into the model, and editing intrinsic knowledge. Furthermore, we introduce a new benchmark, KnowEdit, for a comprehensive empirical evaluation of representative knowledge editing approaches. Additionally, we provide an in-depth analysis of knowledge location, which can give a deeper understanding of the knowledge structures inherent within LLMs. Finally, we discuss several potential applications of knowledge editing, outlining its broad and impactful implications.

GPS-SSL: Guided Positive Sampling to Inject Prior Into Self-Supervised Learning. (arXiv:2401.01990v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Aarash Feizi, Randall Balestriero, Adriana Romero-Soriano, Reihaneh Rabbany

We propose Guided Positive Sampling Self-Supervised Learning (GPS-SSL), a general method to inject a priori knowledge into Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) positive samples selection. Current SSL methods leverage Data-Augmentations (DA) for generating positive samples and incorporate prior knowledge - an incorrect, or too weak DA will drastically reduce the quality of the learned representation. GPS-SSL proposes instead to design a metric space where Euclidean distances become a meaningful proxy for semantic relationship. In that space, it is now possible to generate positive samples from nearest neighbor sampling. Any prior knowledge can now be embedded into that metric space independently from the employed DA. From its simplicity, GPS-SSL is applicable to any SSL method, e.g. SimCLR or BYOL. A key benefit of GPS-SSL is in reducing the pressure in tailoring strong DAs. For example GPS-SSL reaches 85.58% on Cifar10 with weak DA while the baseline only reaches 37.51%. We therefore move a step forward towards the goal of making SSL less reliant on DA. We also show that even when using strong DAs, GPS-SSL outperforms the baselines on under-studied domains. We evaluate GPS-SSL along with multiple baseline SSL methods on numerous downstream datasets from different domains when the models use strong or minimal data augmentations. We hope that GPS-SSL will open new avenues in studying how to inject a priori knowledge into SSL in a principled manner.

DiffusionEdge: Diffusion Probabilistic Model for Crisp Edge Detection. (arXiv:2401.02032v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunfan Ye, Kai Xu, Yuhang Huang, Renjiao Yi, Zhiping Cai

Limited by the encoder-decoder architecture, learning-based edge detectors usually have difficulty predicting edge maps that satisfy both correctness and crispness. With the recent success of the diffusion probabilistic model (DPM), we found it is especially suitable for accurate and crisp edge detection since the denoising process is directly applied to the original image size. Therefore, we propose the first diffusion model for the task of general edge detection, which we call DiffusionEdge. To avoid expensive computational resources while retaining the final performance, we apply DPM in the latent space and enable the classic cross-entropy loss which is uncertainty-aware in pixel level to directly optimize the parameters in latent space in a distillation manner. We also adopt a decoupled architecture to speed up the denoising process and propose a corresponding adaptive Fourier filter to adjust the latent features of specific frequencies. With all the technical designs, DiffusionEdge can be stably trained with limited resources, predicting crisp and accurate edge maps with much fewer augmentation strategies. Extensive experiments on four edge detection benchmarks demonstrate the superiority of DiffusionEdge both in correctness and crispness. On the NYUDv2 dataset, compared to the second best, we increase the ODS, OIS (without post-processing) and AC by 30.2%, 28.1% and 65.1%, respectively. Code: https://github.com/GuHuangAI/DiffusionEdge.

Weakly Semi-supervised Tool Detection in Minimally Invasive Surgery Videos. (arXiv:2401.02791v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ryo Fujii, Ryo Hachiuma, Hideo Saito

Surgical tool detection is essential for analyzing and evaluating minimally invasive surgery videos. Current approaches are mostly based on supervised methods that require large, fully instance-level labels (i.e., bounding boxes). However, large image datasets with instance-level labels are often limited because of the burden of annotation. Thus, surgical tool detection is important when providing image-level labels instead of instance-level labels since image-level annotations are considerably more time-efficient than instance-level annotations. In this work, we propose to strike a balance between the extremely costly annotation burden and detection performance. We further propose a co-occurrence loss, which considers a characteristic that some tool pairs often co-occur together in an image to leverage image-level labels. Encapsulating the knowledge of co-occurrence using the co-occurrence loss helps to overcome the difficulty in classification that originates from the fact that some tools have similar shapes and textures. Extensive experiments conducted on the Endovis2018 dataset in various data settings show the effectiveness of our method.

MvKSR: Multi-view Knowledge-guided Scene Recovery for Hazy and Rainy Degradation. (arXiv:2401.03800v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Dong Yang, Wenyu Xu, Yuan Gao, Yuxu Lu, Jingming Zhang, Yu Guo

High-quality imaging is crucial for ensuring safety supervision and intelligent deployment in fields like transportation and industry. It enables precise and detailed monitoring of operations, facilitating timely detection of potential hazards and efficient management. However, adverse weather conditions, such as atmospheric haziness and precipitation, can have a significant impact on image quality. When the atmosphere contains dense haze or water droplets, the incident light scatters, leading to degraded captured images. This degradation is evident in the form of image blur and reduced contrast, increasing the likelihood of incorrect assessments and interpretations by intelligent imaging systems (IIS). To address the challenge of restoring degraded images in hazy and rainy conditions, this paper proposes a novel multi-view knowledge-guided scene recovery network (termed MvKSR). Specifically, guided filtering is performed on the degraded image to separate high/low-frequency components. Subsequently, an en-decoder-based multi-view feature coarse extraction module (MCE) is used to coarsely extract features from different views of the degraded image. The multi-view feature fine fusion module (MFF) will learn and infer the restoration of degraded images through mixed supervision under different views. Additionally, we suggest an atrous residual block to handle global restoration and local repair in hazy/rainy/mixed scenes. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that MvKSR outperforms other state-of-the-art methods in terms of efficiency and stability for restoring degraded scenarios in IIS.

WidthFormer: Toward Efficient Transformer-based BEV View Transformation. (arXiv:2401.03836v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chenhongyi Yang, Tianwei Lin, Lichao Huang, Elliot J. Crowley

In this work, we present WidthFormer, a novel transformer-based Bird's-Eye-View (BEV) 3D detection method tailored for real-time autonomous-driving applications. WidthFormer is computationally efficient, robust and does not require any special engineering effort to deploy. In this work, we propose a novel 3D positional encoding mechanism capable of accurately encapsulating 3D geometric information, which enables our model to generate high-quality BEV representations with only a single transformer decoder layer. This mechanism is also beneficial for existing sparse 3D object detectors. Inspired by the recently-proposed works, we further improve our model's efficiency by vertically compressing the image features when serving as attention keys and values. We also introduce two modules to compensate for potential information loss due to feature compression. Experimental evaluation on the widely-used nuScenes 3D object detection benchmark demonstrates that our method outperforms previous approaches across different 3D detection architectures. More importantly, our model is highly efficient. For example, when using $256\times 704$ input images, it achieves 1.5 ms and 2.8 ms latency on NVIDIA 3090 GPU and Horizon Journey-5 edge computing chips, respectively. Furthermore, WidthFormer also exhibits strong robustness to different degrees of camera perturbations. Our study offers valuable insights into the deployment of BEV transformation methods in real-world, complex road environments. Code is available at https://github.com/ChenhongyiYang/WidthFormer .

Hyperspectral Image Denoising via Spatial-Spectral Recurrent Transformer. (arXiv:2401.03885v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Guanyiman Fu, Fengchao Xiong, Jianfeng Lu, Jun Zhou, Jiantao Zhou, Yuntao Qian

Hyperspectral images (HSIs) often suffer from noise arising from both intra-imaging mechanisms and environmental factors. Leveraging domain knowledge specific to HSIs, such as global spectral correlation (GSC) and non-local spatial self-similarity (NSS), is crucial for effective denoising. Existing methods tend to independently utilize each of these knowledge components with multiple blocks, overlooking the inherent 3D nature of HSIs where domain knowledge is strongly interlinked, resulting in suboptimal performance. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a spatial-spectral recurrent transformer U-Net (SSRT-UNet) for HSI denoising. The proposed SSRT-UNet integrates NSS and GSC properties within a single SSRT block. This block consists of a spatial branch and a spectral branch. The spectral branch employs a combination of transformer and recurrent neural network to perform recurrent computations across bands, allowing for GSC exploitation beyond a fixed number of bands. Concurrently, the spatial branch encodes NSS for each band by sharing keys and values with the spectral branch under the guidance of GSC. This interaction between the two branches enables the joint utilization of NSS and GSC, avoiding their independent treatment. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms several alternative approaches. The source code will be available at https://github.com/lronkitty/SSRT.