Curve-based Neural Style Transfer. (arXiv:2401.08579v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yu-hsuan Chen, Levent Burak Kara, Jonathan Cagan

This research presents a new parametric style transfer framework specifically designed for curve-based design sketches. In this research, traditional challenges faced by neural style transfer methods in handling binary sketch transformations are effectively addressed through the utilization of parametric shape-editing rules, efficient curve-to-pixel conversion techniques, and the fine-tuning of VGG19 on ImageNet-Sketch, enhancing its role as a feature pyramid network for precise style extraction. By harmonizing intuitive curve-based imagery with rule-based editing, this study holds the potential to significantly enhance design articulation and elevate the practice of style transfer within the realm of product design.

Temporal Embeddings: Scalable Self-Supervised Temporal Representation Learning from Spatiotemporal Data for Multimodal Computer Vision. (arXiv:2401.08581v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yi Cao, Swetava Ganguli, Vipul Pandey

There exists a correlation between geospatial activity temporal patterns and type of land use. A novel self-supervised approach is proposed to stratify landscape based on mobility activity time series. First, the time series signal is transformed to the frequency domain and then compressed into task-agnostic temporal embeddings by a contractive autoencoder, which preserves cyclic temporal patterns observed in time series. The pixel-wise embeddings are converted to image-like channels that can be used for task-based, multimodal modeling of downstream geospatial tasks using deep semantic segmentation. Experiments show that temporal embeddings are semantically meaningful representations of time series data and are effective across different tasks such as classifying residential area and commercial areas. Temporal embeddings transform sequential, spatiotemporal motion trajectory data into semantically meaningful image-like tensor representations that can be combined (multimodal fusion) with other data modalities that are or can be transformed into image-like tensor representations (for e.g., RBG imagery, graph embeddings of road networks, passively collected imagery like SAR, etc.) to facilitate multimodal learning in geospatial computer vision. Multimodal computer vision is critical for training machine learning models for geospatial feature detection to keep a geospatial mapping service up-to-date in real-time and can significantly improve user experience and above all, user safety.

Nahid: AI-based Algorithm for operating fully-automatic surgery. (arXiv:2401.08584v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sina Saadati

In this paper, for the first time, a method is presented that can provide a fully automated surgery based on software and computer vision techniques. Then, the advantages and challenges of computerization of medical surgery are examined. Finally, the surgery related to isolated ovarian endometriosis disease has been examined, and based on the presented method, a more detailed algorithm is presented that is capable of automatically diagnosing and treating this disease during surgery as proof of our proposed method where a U-net is trained to detect the endometriosis during surgery.

Automatic extraction and 3D reconstruction of split wire from point cloud data based on improved DPC algorithm. (arXiv:2401.08587v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jia Cheng

In order to solve the problem of point cloud data splitting improved by DPC algorithm, a research on automatic separation and 3D reconstruction of point cloud data split lines is proposed. First, the relative coordinates of each point in the cloud point are calculated. Second, it is planned to develop a relative ensemble-based DPC swarm algorithm for analyzing the number of separation lines to determine all parts in the cloud content. Finally, fit each separator using the least squares method. iron. The cloud point of the resulting split subconductors has a clear demarcation line, and the distance between adjacent split subconductors is 0.45 m, divided by the four vertices of the square.

Improved Pothole Detection Using YOLOv7 and ESRGAN. (arXiv:2401.08588v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nirmal Kumar Rout, Gyanateet Dutta, Varun Sinha, Arghadeep Dey, Subhrangshu Mukherjee, Gopal Gupta

Potholes are common road hazards that is causing damage to vehicles and posing a safety risk to drivers. The introduction of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) is widely used in the industry for object detection based on Deep Learning methods and has achieved significant progress in hardware improvement and software implementations. In this paper, a unique better algorithm is proposed to warrant the use of low-resolution cameras or low-resolution images and video feed for automatic pothole detection using Super Resolution (SR) through Super Resolution Generative Adversarial Networks (SRGANs). Then we have proceeded to establish a baseline pothole detection performance on low quality and high quality dashcam images using a You Only Look Once (YOLO) network, namely the YOLOv7 network. We then have illustrated and examined the speed and accuracy gained above the benchmark after having upscaling implementation on the low quality images.

Automatic measurement of coverage area of water-based pesticides-surfactant formulation on plant leaves using deep learning tools. (arXiv:2401.08593v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fabio Grazioso, Anzhelika A. Atsapina, Gardoon L. O. Obaeed, Natalia A. Ivanova

A method to efficiently and quantitatively study the delivery of a pesticide-surfactant formulation in water solution over plants leaves is presented. Instead of measuring the contact angle, the surface of the leaves wet area is used as key parameter. To this goal, a deep learning model has been trained and tested, to automatically measure the surface of area wet with water solution over cucumber leaves, processing the frames of video footage. We have individuated an existing deep learning model, reported in literature for other applications, and we have applied it to this different task. We present the measurement technique, some details of the deep learning model, its training procedure and its image segmentation performance. Finally, we report the results of the wet areas surface measurement as a function of the concentration of a surfactant in the pesticide solution.

NutritionVerse-Real: An Open Access Manually Collected 2D Food Scene Dataset for Dietary Intake Estimation. (arXiv:2401.08598v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chi-en Amy Tai, Saeejith Nair, Olivia Markham, Matthew Keller, Yifan Wu, Yuhao Chen, Alexander Wong

Dietary intake estimation plays a crucial role in understanding the nutritional habits of individuals and populations, aiding in the prevention and management of diet-related health issues. Accurate estimation requires comprehensive datasets of food scenes, including images, segmentation masks, and accompanying dietary intake metadata. In this paper, we introduce NutritionVerse-Real, an open access manually collected 2D food scene dataset for dietary intake estimation with 889 images of 251 distinct dishes and 45 unique food types. The NutritionVerse-Real dataset was created by manually collecting images of food scenes in real life, measuring the weight of every ingredient and computing the associated dietary content of each dish using the ingredient weights and nutritional information from the food packaging or the Canada Nutrient File. Segmentation masks were then generated through human labelling of the images. We provide further analysis on the data diversity to highlight potential biases when using this data to develop models for dietary intake estimation. NutritionVerse-Real is publicly available at as part of an open initiative to accelerate machine learning for dietary sensing.

An annotated grain kernel image database for visual quality inspection. (arXiv:2401.08599v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lei Fan, Yiwen Ding, Dongdong Fan, Yong Wu, Hongxia Chu, Maurice Pagnucco, Yang Song

We present a machine vision-based database named GrainSet for the purpose of visual quality inspection of grain kernels. The database contains more than 350K single-kernel images with experts' annotations. The grain kernels used in the study consist of four types of cereal grains including wheat, maize, sorghum and rice, and were collected from over 20 regions in 5 countries. The surface information of each kernel is captured by our custom-built device equipped with high-resolution optic sensor units, and corresponding sampling information and annotations include collection location and time, morphology, physical size, weight, and Damage & Unsound grain categories provided by senior inspectors. In addition, we employed a commonly used deep learning model to provide classification results as a benchmark. We believe that our GrainSet will facilitate future research in fields such as assisting inspectors in grain quality inspections, providing guidance for grain storage and trade, and contributing to applications of smart agriculture.

SAM4UDASS: When SAM Meets Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Semantic Segmentation in Intelligent Vehicles. (arXiv:2401.08604v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Weihao Yan, Yeqiang Qian, Xingyuan Chen, Hanyang Zhuang, Chunxiang Wang, Ming Yang

Semantic segmentation plays a critical role in enabling intelligent vehicles to comprehend their surrounding environments. However, deep learning-based methods usually perform poorly in domain shift scenarios due to the lack of labeled data for training. Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) techniques have emerged to bridge the gap across different driving scenes and enhance model performance on unlabeled target environments. Although self-training UDA methods have achieved state-of-the-art results, the challenge of generating precise pseudo-labels persists. These pseudo-labels tend to favor majority classes, consequently sacrificing the performance of rare classes or small objects like traffic lights and signs. To address this challenge, we introduce SAM4UDASS, a novel approach that incorporates the Segment Anything Model (SAM) into self-training UDA methods for refining pseudo-labels. It involves Semantic-Guided Mask Labeling, which assigns semantic labels to unlabeled SAM masks using UDA pseudo-labels. Furthermore, we devise fusion strategies aimed at mitigating semantic granularity inconsistency between SAM masks and the target domain. SAM4UDASS innovatively integrate SAM with UDA for semantic segmentation in driving scenes and seamlessly complements existing self-training UDA methodologies. Extensive experiments on synthetic-to-real and normal-to-adverse driving datasets demonstrate its effectiveness. It brings more than 3% mIoU gains on GTA5-to-Cityscapes, SYNTHIA-to-Cityscapes, and Cityscapes-to-ACDC when using DAFormer and achieves SOTA when using MIC. The code will be available at

F4D: Factorized 4D Convolutional Neural Network for Efficient Video-level Representation Learning. (arXiv:2401.08609v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mohammad Al-Saad, Lakshmish Ramaswamy, Suchendra Bhandarkar

Recent studies have shown that video-level representation learning is crucial to the capture and understanding of the long-range temporal structure for video action recognition. Most existing 3D convolutional neural network (CNN)-based methods for video-level representation learning are clip-based and focus only on short-term motion and appearances. These CNN-based methods lack the capacity to incorporate and model the long-range spatiotemporal representation of the underlying video and ignore the long-range video-level context during training. In this study, we propose a factorized 4D CNN architecture with attention (F4D) that is capable of learning more effective, finer-grained, long-term spatiotemporal video representations. We demonstrate that the proposed F4D architecture yields significant performance improvements over the conventional 2D, and 3D CNN architectures proposed in the literature. Experiment evaluation on five action recognition benchmark datasets, i.e., Something-Something-v1, SomethingSomething-v2, Kinetics-400, UCF101, and HMDB51 demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed F4D network architecture for video-level action recognition.

Online Anomaly Detection over Live Social Video Streaming. (arXiv:2401.08615v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chengkun He, Xiangmin Zhou, Chen Wang, Iqbal Gondal, Jie Shao, Xun Yi

Social video anomaly is an observation in video streams that does not conform to a common pattern of dataset's behaviour. Social video anomaly detection plays a critical role in applications from e-commerce to e-learning. Traditionally, anomaly detection techniques are applied to find anomalies in video broadcasting. However, they neglect the live social video streams which contain interactive talk, speech, or lecture with audience. In this paper, we propose a generic framework for effectively online detecting Anomalies Over social Video LIve Streaming (AOVLIS). Specifically, we propose a novel deep neural network model called Coupling Long Short-Term Memory (CLSTM) that adaptively captures the history behaviours of the presenters and audience, and their mutual interactions to predict their behaviour at next time point over streams. Then we well integrate the CLSTM with a decoder layer, and propose a new reconstruction error-based scoring function $RE_{IA}$ to calculate the anomaly score of each video segment for anomaly detection. After that, we propose a novel model update scheme that incrementally maintains CLSTM and decoder. Moreover, we design a novel upper bound and ADaptive Optimisation Strategy (ADOS) for improving the efficiency of our solution. Extensive experiments are conducted to prove the superiority of AOVLIS.

Wake-Sleep Consolidated Learning. (arXiv:2401.08623v1 [cs.NE])

Authors: Amelia Sorrenti, Giovanni Bellitto, Federica Proietto Salanitri, Matteo Pennisi, Simone Palazzo, Concetto Spampinato

We propose Wake-Sleep Consolidated Learning (WSCL), a learning strategy leveraging Complementary Learning System theory and the wake-sleep phases of the human brain to improve the performance of deep neural networks for visual classification tasks in continual learning settings. Our method learns continually via the synchronization between distinct wake and sleep phases. During the wake phase, the model is exposed to sensory input and adapts its representations, ensuring stability through a dynamic parameter freezing mechanism and storing episodic memories in a short-term temporary memory (similarly to what happens in the hippocampus). During the sleep phase, the training process is split into NREM and REM stages. In the NREM stage, the model's synaptic weights are consolidated using replayed samples from the short-term and long-term memory and the synaptic plasticity mechanism is activated, strengthening important connections and weakening unimportant ones. In the REM stage, the model is exposed to previously-unseen realistic visual sensory experience, and the dreaming process is activated, which enables the model to explore the potential feature space, thus preparing synapses to future knowledge. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on three benchmark datasets: CIFAR-10, Tiny-ImageNet and FG-ImageNet. In all cases, our method outperforms the baselines and prior work, yielding a significant performance gain on continual visual classification tasks. Furthermore, we demonstrate the usefulness of all processing stages and the importance of dreaming to enable positive forward transfer.

Immature Green Apple Detection and Sizing in Commercial Orchards using YOLOv8 and Shape Fitting Techniques. (arXiv:2401.08629v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ranjan Sapkota, Dawood Ahmed, Martin Churuvija, Manoj Karkee

Detecting and estimating size of apples during the early stages of growth is crucial for predicting yield, pest management, and making informed decisions related to crop-load management, harvest and post-harvest logistics, and marketing. Traditional fruit size measurement methods are laborious and time-consuming. This study employs the state-of-the-art YOLOv8 object detection and instance segmentation algorithm in conjunction with geometric shape fitting techniques on 3D point cloud data to accurately determine the size of immature green apples (or fruitlet) in a commercial orchard environment. The methodology utilized two RGB-D sensors: the Intel RealSense D435i and the Microsoft Azure Kinect DK. Notably, the YOLOv8 instance segmentation models exhibited proficiency in immature green apple detection, with the YOLOv8m-seg model clinching the highest AP@0.5 and AP@0.75 scores of 0.94 and 0.91, respectively. Leveraging the ellipsoid fitting technique on images from the Azure Kinect, we observed remarkable metrics, including an RMSE of 2.35, MAE of 1.66, MAPE of 6.15, and an R-squared value of 0.9. Challenges such as partial occlusion, where YOLOv8 sometimes misinterpreted immature green apple clusters, were recognized. In a comparison of 102 outdoor samples, the Microsoft Azure Kinect showed better performance than the Intel Realsense D435i, as supported by the MAE data. This study emphasizes the combined effectiveness of shape-fitting methods and 3D sensors in improving fruitlet sizing for agriculture.

Creating Visual Effects with Neural Radiance Fields. (arXiv:2401.08633v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Cyrus Vachha

We present a pipeline for integrating NeRFs into traditional compositing VFX pipelines using Nerfstudio, an open-source framework for training and rendering NeRFs. Our approach involves using Blender, a widely used open-source 3D creation software, to align camera paths and composite NeRF renders with meshes and other NeRFs, allowing for seamless integration of NeRFs into traditional VFX pipelines. Our NeRF Blender add-on allows for more controlled camera trajectories of photorealistic scenes, compositing meshes and other environmental effects with NeRFs, and compositing multiple NeRFs in a single scene.This approach of generating NeRF aligned camera paths can be adapted to other 3D tool sets and workflows, enabling a more seamless integration of NeRFs into visual effects and film production. Documentation can be found here:

One-Step Diffusion Distillation via Deep Equilibrium Models. (arXiv:2401.08639v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zhengyang Geng, Ashwini Pokle, J. Zico Kolter

Diffusion models excel at producing high-quality samples but naively require hundreds of iterations, prompting multiple attempts to distill the generation process into a faster network. However, many existing approaches suffer from a variety of challenges: the process for distillation training can be complex, often requiring multiple training stages, and the resulting models perform poorly when utilized in single-step generative applications. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective means of distilling diffusion models directly from initial noise to the resulting image. Of particular importance to our approach is to leverage a new Deep Equilibrium (DEQ) model as the distilled architecture: the Generative Equilibrium Transformer (GET). Our method enables fully offline training with just noise/image pairs from the diffusion model while achieving superior performance compared to existing one-step methods on comparable training budgets. We demonstrate that the DEQ architecture is crucial to this capability, as GET matches a $5\times$ larger ViT in terms of FID scores while striking a critical balance of computational cost and image quality. Code, checkpoints, and datasets are available.

SAiD: Speech-driven Blendshape Facial Animation with Diffusion. (arXiv:2401.08655v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Inkyu Park, Jaewoong Cho

Speech-driven 3D facial animation is challenging due to the scarcity of large-scale visual-audio datasets despite extensive research. Most prior works, typically focused on learning regression models on a small dataset using the method of least squares, encounter difficulties generating diverse lip movements from speech and require substantial effort in refining the generated outputs. To address these issues, we propose a speech-driven 3D facial animation with a diffusion model (SAiD), a lightweight Transformer-based U-Net with a cross-modality alignment bias between audio and visual to enhance lip synchronization. Moreover, we introduce BlendVOCA, a benchmark dataset of pairs of speech audio and parameters of a blendshape facial model, to address the scarcity of public resources. Our experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves comparable or superior performance in lip synchronization to baselines, ensures more diverse lip movements, and streamlines the animation editing process.

Attention Modules Improve Modern Image-Level Anomaly Detection: A DifferNet Case Study. (arXiv:2401.08686v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: André Luiz B. Vieira e Silva, Francisco Simões, Danny Kowerko, Tobias Schlosser, Felipe Battisti, Veronica Teichrieb

Within (semi-)automated visual inspection, learning-based approaches for assessing visual defects, including deep neural networks, enable the processing of otherwise small defect patterns in pixel size on high-resolution imagery. The emergence of these often rarely occurring defect patterns explains the general need for labeled data corpora. To not only alleviate this issue but to furthermore advance the current state of the art in unsupervised visual inspection, this contribution proposes a DifferNet-based solution enhanced with attention modules utilizing SENet and CBAM as backbone - AttentDifferNet - to improve the detection and classification capabilities on three different visual inspection and anomaly detection datasets: MVTec AD, InsPLAD-fault, and Semiconductor Wafer. In comparison to the current state of the art, it is shown that AttentDifferNet achieves improved results, which are, in turn, highlighted throughout our quantitative as well as qualitative evaluation, indicated by a general improvement in AUC of 94.34 vs. 92.46, 96.67 vs. 94.69, and 90.20 vs. 88.74%. As our variants to AttentDifferNet show great prospects in the context of currently investigated approaches, a baseline is formulated, emphasizing the importance of attention for anomaly detection.

DA-BEV: Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Bird's Eye View Perception. (arXiv:2401.08687v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Kai Jiang, Jiaxing Huang, Weiying Xie, Yunsong Li, Ling Shao, Shijian Lu

Camera-only Bird's Eye View (BEV) has demonstrated great potential in environment perception in a 3D space. However, most existing studies were conducted under a supervised setup which cannot scale well while handling various new data. Unsupervised domain adaptive BEV, which effective learning from various unlabelled target data, is far under-explored. In this work, we design DA-BEV, the first domain adaptive camera-only BEV framework that addresses domain adaptive BEV challenges by exploiting the complementary nature of image-view features and BEV features. DA-BEV introduces the idea of query into the domain adaptation framework to derive useful information from image-view and BEV features. It consists of two query-based designs, namely, query-based adversarial learning (QAL) and query-based self-training (QST), which exploits image-view features or BEV features to regularize the adaptation of the other. Extensive experiments show that DA-BEV achieves superior domain adaptive BEV perception performance consistently across multiple datasets and tasks such as 3D object detection and 3D scene segmentation.

NODI: Out-Of-Distribution Detection with Noise from Diffusion. (arXiv:2401.08689v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jingqiu Zhou, Aojun Zou, Hongshen Li

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is a crucial part of deploying machine learning models safely. It has been extensively studied with a plethora of methods developed in the literature. This problem is tackled with an OOD score computation, however, previous methods compute the OOD scores with limited usage of the in-distribution dataset. For instance, the OOD scores are computed with information from a small portion of the in-distribution data. Furthermore, these methods encode images with a neural image encoder. The robustness of these methods is rarely checked with respect to image encoders of different training methods and architectures. In this work, we introduce the diffusion process into the OOD task. The diffusion model integrates information on the whole training set into the predicted noise vectors. What's more, we deduce a closed-form solution for the noise vector (stable point). Then the noise vector is converted into our OOD score, we test both the deep model predicted noise vector and the closed-form noise vector on the OOD benchmarks \cite{openood}. Our method outperforms previous OOD methods across all types of image encoders (Table. \ref{main}). A $3.5\%$ performance gain is achieved with the MAE-based image encoder. Moreover, we studied the robustness of OOD methods by applying different types of image encoders. Some OOD methods failed to generalize well when switching image encoders from ResNet to Vision Transformers, our method performs exhibits good robustness with all the image encoders.

Enabling Collaborative Clinical Diagnosis of Infectious Keratitis by Integrating Expert Knowledge and Interpretable Data-driven Intelligence. (arXiv:2401.08695v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Zhengqing Fang, Shuowen Zhou, Zhouhang Yuan, Yuxuan Si, Mengze Li, Jinxu Li, Yesheng Xu, Wenjia Xie, Kun Kuang, Yingming Li, Fei Wu, Yu-Feng Yao

Although data-driven artificial intelligence (AI) in medical image diagnosis has shown impressive performance in silico, the lack of interpretability makes it difficult to incorporate the "black box" into clinicians' workflows. To make the diagnostic patterns learned from data understandable by clinicians, we develop an interpretable model, knowledge-guided diagnosis model (KGDM), that provides a visualized reasoning process containing AI-based biomarkers and retrieved cases that with the same diagnostic patterns. It embraces clinicians' prompts into the interpreted reasoning through human-AI interaction, leading to potentially enhanced safety and more accurate predictions. This study investigates the performance, interpretability, and clinical utility of KGDM in the diagnosis of infectious keratitis (IK), which is the leading cause of corneal blindness. The classification performance of KGDM is evaluated on a prospective validation dataset, an external testing dataset, and an publicly available testing dataset. The diagnostic odds ratios (DOR) of the interpreted AI-based biomarkers are effective, ranging from 3.011 to 35.233 and exhibit consistent diagnostic patterns with clinic experience. Moreover, a human-AI collaborative diagnosis test is conducted and the participants with collaboration achieved a performance exceeding that of both humans and AI. By synergistically integrating interpretability and interaction, this study facilitates the convergence of clinicians' expertise and data-driven intelligence. The promotion of inexperienced ophthalmologists with the aid of AI-based biomarkers, as well as increased AI prediction by intervention from experienced ones, demonstrate a promising diagnostic paradigm for infectious keratitis using KGDM, which holds the potential for extension to other diseases where experienced medical practitioners are limited and the safety of AI is concerned.

On Image Search in Histopathology. (arXiv:2401.08699v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: H.R. Tizhoosh, Liron Pantanowitz

Pathology images of histopathology can be acquired from camera-mounted microscopes or whole slide scanners. Utilizing similarity calculations to match patients based on these images holds significant potential in research and clinical contexts. Recent advancements in search technologies allow for nuanced quantification of cellular structures across diverse tissue types, facilitating comparisons and enabling inferences about diagnosis, prognosis, and predictions for new patients when compared against a curated database of diagnosed and treated cases. In this paper, we comprehensively review the latest developments in image search technologies for histopathology, offering a concise overview tailored for computational pathology researchers seeking effective, fast and efficient image search methods in their work.

Training program on sign language: social inclusion through Virtual Reality in ISENSE project. (arXiv:2401.08714v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Alessia Bisio, Enrique Yeguas-Bolívar, Pilar Aparicio-Martínez, María Dolores Redel-Macías, Sara Pinzi, Stefano Rossi, Juri Taborri

Structured hand gestures that incorporate visual motions and signs are used in sign language. Sign language is a valuable means of daily communication for individuals who are deaf or have speech impairments, but it is still rare among hearing people, and fewer are capable of understand it. Within the academic context, parents and teachers play a crucial role in supporting deaf students from childhood by facilitating their learning of sign language. In the last years, among all the teaching tools useful for learning sign language, the use of Virtual Reality (VR) has increased, as it has been demonstrated to improve retention, memory and attention during the learning process. The ISENSE project has been created to assist students with deafness during their academic life by proposing different technological tools for teaching sign language to the hearing community in the academic context. As part of the ISENSE project, this work aims to develop an application for Spanish and Italian sign language recognition that exploits the VR environment to quickly and easily create a comprehensive database of signs and an Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based software to accurately classify and recognize static and dynamic signs: from letters to sentences.

Unsupervised Pre-Training for 3D Leaf Instance Segmentation. (arXiv:2401.08720v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gianmarco Roggiolani, Federico Magistri, Tiziano Guadagnino, Jens Behley, Cyrill Stachniss

Crops for food, feed, fiber, and fuel are key natural resources for our society. Monitoring plants and measuring their traits is an important task in agriculture often referred to as plant phenotyping. Traditionally, this task is done manually, which is time- and labor-intensive. Robots can automate phenotyping providing reproducible and high-frequency measurements. Today's perception systems use deep learning to interpret these measurements, but require a substantial amount of annotated data to work well. Obtaining such labels is challenging as it often requires background knowledge on the side of the labelers. This paper addresses the problem of reducing the labeling effort required to perform leaf instance segmentation on 3D point clouds, which is a first step toward phenotyping in 3D. Separating all leaves allows us to count them and compute relevant traits as their areas, lengths, and widths. We propose a novel self-supervised task-specific pre-training approach to initialize the backbone of a network for leaf instance segmentation. We also introduce a novel automatic postprocessing that considers the difficulty of correctly segmenting the points close to the stem, where all the leaves petiole overlap. The experiments presented in this paper suggest that our approach boosts the performance over all the investigated scenarios. We also evaluate the embeddings to assess the quality of the fully unsupervised approach and see a higher performance of our domain-specific postprocessing.

HierSFL: Local Differential Privacy-aided Split Federated Learning in Mobile Edge Computing. (arXiv:2401.08723v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Minh K. Quan, Dinh C. Nguyen, Van-Dinh Nguyen, Mayuri Wijayasundara, Sujeeva Setunge, Pubudu N. Pathirana

Federated Learning is a promising approach for learning from user data while preserving data privacy. However, the high requirements of the model training process make it difficult for clients with limited memory or bandwidth to participate. To tackle this problem, Split Federated Learning is utilized, where clients upload their intermediate model training outcomes to a cloud server for collaborative server-client model training. This methodology facilitates resource-constrained clients' participation in model training but also increases the training time and communication overhead. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel algorithm, called Hierarchical Split Federated Learning (HierSFL), that amalgamates models at the edge and cloud phases, presenting qualitative directives for determining the best aggregation timeframes to reduce computation and communication expenses. By implementing local differential privacy at the client and edge server levels, we enhance privacy during local model parameter updates. Our experiments using CIFAR-10 and MNIST datasets show that HierSFL outperforms standard FL approaches with better training accuracy, training time, and communication-computing trade-offs. HierSFL offers a promising solution to mobile edge computing's challenges, ultimately leading to faster content delivery and improved mobile service quality.

Revealing Vulnerabilities in Stable Diffusion via Targeted Attacks. (arXiv:2401.08725v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chenyu Zhang, Lanjun Wang, Anan Liu

Recent developments in text-to-image models, particularly Stable Diffusion, have marked significant achievements in various applications. With these advancements, there are growing safety concerns about the vulnerability of the model that malicious entities exploit to generate targeted harmful images. However, the existing methods in the vulnerability of the model mainly evaluate the alignment between the prompt and generated images, but fall short in revealing the vulnerability associated with targeted image generation. In this study, we formulate the problem of targeted adversarial attack on Stable Diffusion and propose a framework to generate adversarial prompts. Specifically, we design a gradient-based embedding optimization method to craft reliable adversarial prompts that guide stable diffusion to generate specific images. Furthermore, after obtaining successful adversarial prompts, we reveal the mechanisms that cause the vulnerability of the model. Extensive experiments on two targeted attack tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in targeted attacks. The code can be obtained in

Bayes Conditional Distribution Estimation for Knowledge Distillation Based on Conditional Mutual Information. (arXiv:2401.08732v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Linfeng Ye, Shayan Mohajer Hamidi, Renhao Tan, En-Hui Yang

It is believed that in knowledge distillation (KD), the role of the teacher is to provide an estimate for the unknown Bayes conditional probability distribution (BCPD) to be used in the student training process. Conventionally, this estimate is obtained by training the teacher using maximum log-likelihood (MLL) method. To improve this estimate for KD, in this paper we introduce the concept of conditional mutual information (CMI) into the estimation of BCPD and propose a novel estimator called the maximum CMI (MCMI) method. Specifically, in MCMI estimation, both the log-likelihood and CMI of the teacher are simultaneously maximized when the teacher is trained. Through Eigen-CAM, it is further shown that maximizing the teacher's CMI value allows the teacher to capture more contextual information in an image cluster. Via conducting a thorough set of experiments, we show that by employing a teacher trained via MCMI estimation rather than one trained via MLL estimation in various state-of-the-art KD frameworks, the student's classification accuracy consistently increases, with the gain of up to 3.32\%. This suggests that the teacher's BCPD estimate provided by MCMI method is more accurate than that provided by MLL method. In addition, we show that such improvements in the student's accuracy are more drastic in zero-shot and few-shot settings. Notably, the student's accuracy increases with the gain of up to 5.72\% when 5\% of the training samples are available to the student (few-shot), and increases from 0\% to as high as 84\% for an omitted class (zero-shot). The code is available at \url{}.

Bag of Tricks to Boost Adversarial Transferability. (arXiv:2401.08734v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zeliang Zhang, Rongyi Zhu, Wei Yao, Xiaosen Wang, Chenliang Xu

Deep neural networks are widely known to be vulnerable to adversarial examples. However, vanilla adversarial examples generated under the white-box setting often exhibit low transferability across different models. Since adversarial transferability poses more severe threats to practical applications, various approaches have been proposed for better transferability, including gradient-based, input transformation-based, and model-related attacks, \etc. In this work, we find that several tiny changes in the existing adversarial attacks can significantly affect the attack performance, \eg, the number of iterations and step size. Based on careful studies of existing adversarial attacks, we propose a bag of tricks to enhance adversarial transferability, including momentum initialization, scheduled step size, dual example, spectral-based input transformation, and several ensemble strategies. Extensive experiments on the ImageNet dataset validate the high effectiveness of our proposed tricks and show that combining them can further boost adversarial transferability. Our work provides practical insights and techniques to enhance adversarial transferability, and offers guidance to improve the attack performance on the real-world application through simple adjustments.

EgoGen: An Egocentric Synthetic Data Generator. (arXiv:2401.08739v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Gen Li, Kaifeng Zhao, Siwei Zhang, Xiaozhong Lyu, Mihai Dusmanu, Yan Zhang, Marc Pollefeys, Siyu Tang

Understanding the world in first-person view is fundamental in Augmented Reality (AR). This immersive perspective brings dramatic visual changes and unique challenges compared to third-person views. Synthetic data has empowered third-person-view vision models, but its application to embodied egocentric perception tasks remains largely unexplored. A critical challenge lies in simulating natural human movements and behaviors that effectively steer the embodied cameras to capture a faithful egocentric representation of the 3D world. To address this challenge, we introduce EgoGen, a new synthetic data generator that can produce accurate and rich ground-truth training data for egocentric perception tasks. At the heart of EgoGen is a novel human motion synthesis model that directly leverages egocentric visual inputs of a virtual human to sense the 3D environment. Combined with collision-avoiding motion primitives and a two-stage reinforcement learning approach, our motion synthesis model offers a closed-loop solution where the embodied perception and movement of the virtual human are seamlessly coupled. Compared to previous works, our model eliminates the need for a pre-defined global path, and is directly applicable to dynamic environments. Combined with our easy-to-use and scalable data generation pipeline, we demonstrate EgoGen's efficacy in three tasks: mapping and localization for head-mounted cameras, egocentric camera tracking, and human mesh recovery from egocentric views. EgoGen will be fully open-sourced, offering a practical solution for creating realistic egocentric training data and aiming to serve as a useful tool for egocentric computer vision research. Refer to our project page:

SiT: Exploring Flow and Diffusion-based Generative Models with Scalable Interpolant Transformers. (arXiv:2401.08740v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nanye Ma, Mark Goldstein, Michael S. Albergo, Nicholas M. Boffi, Eric Vanden-Eijnden, Saining Xie

We present Scalable Interpolant Transformers (SiT), a family of generative models built on the backbone of Diffusion Transformers (DiT). The interpolant framework, which allows for connecting two distributions in a more flexible way than standard diffusion models, makes possible a modular study of various design choices impacting generative models built on dynamical transport: using discrete vs. continuous time learning, deciding the objective for the model to learn, choosing the interpolant connecting the distributions, and deploying a deterministic or stochastic sampler. By carefully introducing the above ingredients, SiT surpasses DiT uniformly across model sizes on the conditional ImageNet 256x256 benchmark using the exact same backbone, number of parameters, and GFLOPs. By exploring various diffusion coefficients, which can be tuned separately from learning, SiT achieves an FID-50K score of 2.06.

Fixed Point Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.08741v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xingjian Bai, Luke Melas-Kyriazi

We introduce the Fixed Point Diffusion Model (FPDM), a novel approach to image generation that integrates the concept of fixed point solving into the framework of diffusion-based generative modeling. Our approach embeds an implicit fixed point solving layer into the denoising network of a diffusion model, transforming the diffusion process into a sequence of closely-related fixed point problems. Combined with a new stochastic training method, this approach significantly reduces model size, reduces memory usage, and accelerates training. Moreover, it enables the development of two new techniques to improve sampling efficiency: reallocating computation across timesteps and reusing fixed point solutions between timesteps. We conduct extensive experiments with state-of-the-art models on ImageNet, FFHQ, CelebA-HQ, and LSUN-Church, demonstrating substantial improvements in performance and efficiency. Compared to the state-of-the-art DiT model, FPDM contains 87% fewer parameters, consumes 60% less memory during training, and improves image generation quality in situations where sampling computation or time is limited. Our code and pretrained models are available at

Fast Dynamic 3D Object Generation from a Single-view Video. (arXiv:2401.08742v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zijie Pan, Zeyu Yang, Xiatian Zhu, Li Zhang

Generating dynamic three-dimensional (3D) object from a single-view video is challenging due to the lack of 4D labeled data. Existing methods extend text-to-3D pipelines by transferring off-the-shelf image generation models such as score distillation sampling, but they are slow and expensive to scale (e.g., 150 minutes per object) due to the need for back-propagating the information-limited supervision signals through a large pretrained model. To address this limitation, we propose an efficient video-to-4D object generation framework called Efficient4D. It generates high-quality spacetime-consistent images under different camera views, and then uses them as labeled data to directly train a novel 4D Gaussian splatting model with explicit point cloud geometry, enabling real-time rendering under continuous camera trajectories. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real videos show that Efficient4D offers a remarkable 10-fold increase in speed when compared to prior art alternatives while preserving the same level of innovative view synthesis quality. For example, Efficient4D takes only 14 minutes to model a dynamic object.

MMToM-QA: Multimodal Theory of Mind Question Answering. (arXiv:2401.08743v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Chuanyang Jin, Yutong Wu, Jing Cao, Jiannan Xiang, Yen-Ling Kuo, Zhiting Hu, Tomer Ullman, Antonio Torralba, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Tianmin Shu

Theory of Mind (ToM), the ability to understand people's minds, is an essential ingredient for developing machines with human-level social intelligence. Recent machine learning models, particularly large language models, seem to show some aspects of ToM understanding. However, existing ToM benchmarks use unimodal datasets - either video or text. Human ToM, on the other hand, is more than video or text understanding. People can flexibly reason about another person's mind based on conceptual representations (e.g., goals, beliefs, plans) extracted from any available data, which can include visual cues, linguistic narratives, or both. To address this, we introduce a multimodal Theory of Mind question answering (MMToM-QA) benchmark. MMToM-QA comprehensively evaluates machine ToM both on multimodal data and on different kinds of unimodal data about a person's activity in a household environment. To engineer multimodal ToM capacity, we propose a novel method, BIP-ALM (Bayesian Inverse Planning Accelerated by Language Models). BIP-ALM extracts unified representations from multimodal data and utilizes language models for scalable Bayesian inverse planning. We conducted a systematic comparison of human performance, BIP-ALM, and state-of-the-art models, including GPT-4. The experiments demonstrate that large language models and large multimodal models still lack robust ToM capacity. BIP-ALM, on the other hand, shows promising results, by leveraging the power of both model-based mental inference and language models.

Segment Anything Model Can Not Segment Anything: Assessing AI Foundation Model's Generalizability in Permafrost Mapping. (arXiv:2401.08787v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Wenwen Li, Chia-Yu Hsu, Sizhe Wang, Yezhou Yang, Hyunho Lee, Anna Liljedahl, Chandi Witharana, Yili Yang, Brendan M. Rogers, Samantha T. Arundel, Matthew B. Jones, Kenton McHenry, Patricia Solis

This paper assesses trending AI foundation models, especially emerging computer vision foundation models and their performance in natural landscape feature segmentation. While the term foundation model has quickly garnered interest from the geospatial domain, its definition remains vague. Hence, this paper will first introduce AI foundation models and their defining characteristics. Built upon the tremendous success achieved by Large Language Models (LLMs) as the foundation models for language tasks, this paper discusses the challenges of building foundation models for geospatial artificial intelligence (GeoAI) vision tasks. To evaluate the performance of large AI vision models, especially Meta's Segment Anything Model (SAM), we implemented different instance segmentation pipelines that minimize the changes to SAM to leverage its power as a foundation model. A series of prompt strategies was developed to test SAM's performance regarding its theoretical upper bound of predictive accuracy, zero-shot performance, and domain adaptability through fine-tuning. The analysis used two permafrost feature datasets, ice-wedge polygons and retrogressive thaw slumps because (1) these landform features are more challenging to segment than manmade features due to their complicated formation mechanisms, diverse forms, and vague boundaries; (2) their presence and changes are important indicators for Arctic warming and climate change. The results show that although promising, SAM still has room for improvement to support AI-augmented terrain mapping. The spatial and domain generalizability of this finding is further validated using a more general dataset EuroCrop for agricultural field mapping. Finally, we discuss future research directions that strengthen SAM's applicability in challenging geospatial domains.

Learning Implicit Representation for Reconstructing Articulated Objects. (arXiv:2401.08809v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hao Zhang, Fang Li, Samyak Rawlekar, Narendra Ahuja

3D Reconstruction of moving articulated objects without additional information about object structure is a challenging problem. Current methods overcome such challenges by employing category-specific skeletal models. Consequently, they do not generalize well to articulated objects in the wild. We treat an articulated object as an unknown, semi-rigid skeletal structure surrounded by nonrigid material (e.g., skin). Our method simultaneously estimates the visible (explicit) representation (3D shapes, colors, camera parameters) and the implicit skeletal representation, from motion cues in the object video without 3D supervision. Our implicit representation consists of four parts. (1) Skeleton, which specifies how semi-rigid parts are connected. (2) \textcolor{black}{Skinning Weights}, which associates each surface vertex with semi-rigid parts with probability. (3) Rigidity Coefficients, specifying the articulation of the local surface. (4) Time-Varying Transformations, which specify the skeletal motion and surface deformation parameters. We introduce an algorithm that uses physical constraints as regularization terms and iteratively estimates both implicit and explicit representations. Our method is category-agnostic, thus eliminating the need for category-specific skeletons, we show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art across standard video datasets.

Adversarial Supervision Makes Layout-to-Image Diffusion Models Thrive. (arXiv:2401.08815v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yumeng Li, Margret Keuper, Dan Zhang, Anna Khoreva

Despite the recent advances in large-scale diffusion models, little progress has been made on the layout-to-image (L2I) synthesis task. Current L2I models either suffer from poor editability via text or weak alignment between the generated image and the input layout. This limits their usability in practice. To mitigate this, we propose to integrate adversarial supervision into the conventional training pipeline of L2I diffusion models (ALDM). Specifically, we employ a segmentation-based discriminator which provides explicit feedback to the diffusion generator on the pixel-level alignment between the denoised image and the input layout. To encourage consistent adherence to the input layout over the sampling steps, we further introduce the multistep unrolling strategy. Instead of looking at a single timestep, we unroll a few steps recursively to imitate the inference process, and ask the discriminator to assess the alignment of denoised images with the layout over a certain time window. Our experiments show that ALDM enables layout faithfulness of the generated images, while allowing broad editability via text prompts. Moreover, we showcase its usefulness for practical applications: by synthesizing target distribution samples via text control, we improve domain generalization of semantic segmentation models by a large margin (~12 mIoU points).

AiGen-FoodReview: A Multimodal Dataset of Machine-Generated Restaurant Reviews and Images on Social Media. (arXiv:2401.08825v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Alessandro Gambetti, Qiwei Han

Online reviews in the form of user-generated content (UGC) significantly impact consumer decision-making. However, the pervasive issue of not only human fake content but also machine-generated content challenges UGC's reliability. Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) may pave the way to fabricate indistinguishable fake generated content at a much lower cost. Leveraging OpenAI's GPT-4-Turbo and DALL-E-2 models, we craft AiGen-FoodReview, a multi-modal dataset of 20,144 restaurant review-image pairs divided into authentic and machine-generated. We explore unimodal and multimodal detection models, achieving 99.80% multimodal accuracy with FLAVA. We use attributes from readability and photographic theories to score reviews and images, respectively, demonstrating their utility as hand-crafted features in scalable and interpretable detection models, with comparable performance. The paper contributes by open-sourcing the dataset and releasing fake review detectors, recommending its use in unimodal and multimodal fake review detection tasks, and evaluating linguistic and visual features in synthetic versus authentic data.

Image Fusion in Remote Sensing: An Overview and Meta Analysis. (arXiv:2401.08837v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hessah Albanwan, Rongjun Qin, Yang Tang

Image fusion in Remote Sensing (RS) has been a consistent demand due to its ability to turn raw images of different resolutions, sources, and modalities into accurate, complete, and spatio-temporally coherent images. It greatly facilitates downstream applications such as pan-sharpening, change detection, land-cover classification, etc. Yet, image fusion solutions are highly disparate to various remote sensing problems and thus are often narrowly defined in existing reviews as topical applications, such as pan-sharpening, and spatial-temporal image fusion. Considering that image fusion can be theoretically applied to any gridded data through pixel-level operations, in this paper, we expanded its scope by comprehensively surveying relevant works with a simple taxonomy: 1) many-to-one image fusion; 2) many-to-many image fusion. This simple taxonomy defines image fusion as a mapping problem that turns either a single or a set of images into another single or set of images, depending on the desired coherence, e.g., spectral, spatial/resolution coherence, etc. We show that this simple taxonomy, despite the significant modality difference it covers, can be presented by a conceptually easy framework. In addition, we provide a meta-analysis to review the major papers studying the various types of image fusion and their applications over the years (from the 1980s to date), covering 5,926 peer-reviewed papers. Finally, we discuss the main benefits and emerging challenges to provide open research directions and potential future works.

Efficient Neural Representation of Volumetric Data using Coordinate-Based Networks. (arXiv:2401.08840v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sudarshan Devkota, Sumanta Pattanaik

In this paper, we propose an efficient approach for the compression and representation of volumetric data utilizing coordinate-based networks and multi-resolution hash encoding. Efficient compression of volumetric data is crucial for various applications, such as medical imaging and scientific simulations. Our approach enables effective compression by learning a mapping between spatial coordinates and intensity values. We compare different encoding schemes and demonstrate the superiority of multi-resolution hash encoding in terms of compression quality and training efficiency. Furthermore, we leverage optimization-based meta-learning, specifically using the Reptile algorithm, to learn weight initialization for neural representations tailored to volumetric data, enabling faster convergence during optimization. Additionally, we compare our approach with state-of-the-art methods to showcase improved image quality and compression ratios. These findings highlight the potential of coordinate-based networks and multi-resolution hash encoding for an efficient and accurate representation of volumetric data, paving the way for advancements in large-scale data visualization and other applications.

RIDGE: Reproducibility, Integrity, Dependability, Generalizability, and Efficiency Assessment of Medical Image Segmentation Models. (arXiv:2401.08847v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Farhad Maleki, Linda Moy, Reza Forghani, Tapotosh Ghosh, Katie Ovens, Steve Langer, Pouria Rouzrokh, Bardia Khosravi, Ali Ganjizadeh, Daniel Warren, Roxana Daneshjou, Mana Moassefi, Atlas Haddadi Avval, Susan Sotardi, Neil Tenenholtz, Felipe Kitamura, Timothy Kline

Deep learning techniques, despite their potential, often suffer from a lack of reproducibility and generalizability, impeding their clinical adoption. Image segmentation is one of the critical tasks in medical image analysis, in which one or several regions/volumes of interest should be annotated. This paper introduces the RIDGE checklist, a framework for assessing the Reproducibility, Integrity, Dependability, Generalizability, and Efficiency of deep learning-based medical image segmentation models. The checklist serves as a guide for researchers to enhance the quality and transparency of their work, ensuring that segmentation models are not only scientifically sound but also clinically relevant.

Cross-Level Multi-Instance Distillation for Self-Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Categorization. (arXiv:2401.08860v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Qi Bi, Wei Ji, Jingjun Yi, Haolan Zhan, Gui-Song Xia

High-quality annotation of fine-grained visual categories demands great expert knowledge, which is taxing and time consuming. Alternatively, learning fine-grained visual representation from enormous unlabeled images (e.g., species, brands) by self-supervised learning becomes a feasible solution. However, recent researches find that existing self-supervised learning methods are less qualified to represent fine-grained categories. The bottleneck lies in that the pre-text representation is built from every patch-wise embedding, while fine-grained categories are only determined by several key patches of an image. In this paper, we propose a Cross-level Multi-instance Distillation (CMD) framework to tackle the challenge. Our key idea is to consider the importance of each image patch in determining the fine-grained pre-text representation by multiple instance learning. To comprehensively learn the relation between informative patches and fine-grained semantics, the multi-instance knowledge distillation is implemented on both the region/image crop pairs from the teacher and student net, and the region-image crops inside the teacher / student net, which we term as intra-level multi-instance distillation and inter-level multi-instance distillation. Extensive experiments on CUB-200-2011, Stanford Cars and FGVC Aircraft show that the proposed method outperforms the contemporary method by upto 10.14% and existing state-of-the-art self-supervised learning approaches by upto 19.78% on both top-1 accuracy and Rank-1 retrieval metric.

The Effect of Intrinsic Dataset Properties on Generalization: Unraveling Learning Differences Between Natural and Medical Images. (arXiv:2401.08865v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nicholas Konz, Maciej A. Mazurowski

This paper investigates discrepancies in how neural networks learn from different imaging domains, which are commonly overlooked when adopting computer vision techniques from the domain of natural images to other specialized domains such as medical images. Recent works have found that the generalization error of a trained network typically increases with the intrinsic dimension ($d_{data}$) of its training set. Yet, the steepness of this relationship varies significantly between medical (radiological) and natural imaging domains, with no existing theoretical explanation. We address this gap in knowledge by establishing and empirically validating a generalization scaling law with respect to $d_{data}$, and propose that the substantial scaling discrepancy between the two considered domains may be at least partially attributed to the higher intrinsic "label sharpness" ($K_F$) of medical imaging datasets, a metric which we propose. Next, we demonstrate an additional benefit of measuring the label sharpness of a training set: it is negatively correlated with the trained model's adversarial robustness, which notably leads to models for medical images having a substantially higher vulnerability to adversarial attack. Finally, we extend our $d_{data}$ formalism to the related metric of learned representation intrinsic dimension ($d_{repr}$), derive a generalization scaling law with respect to $d_{repr}$, and show that $d_{data}$ serves as an upper bound for $d_{repr}$. Our theoretical results are supported by thorough experiments with six models and eleven natural and medical imaging datasets over a range of training set sizes. Our findings offer insights into the influence of intrinsic dataset properties on generalization, representation learning, and robustness in deep neural networks.

B-Cos Aligned Transformers Learn Human-Interpretable Features. (arXiv:2401.08868v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Manuel Tran, Amal Lahiani, Yashin Dicente Cid, Melanie Boxberg, Peter Lienemann, Christian Matek, Sophia J. Wagner, Fabian J. Theis, Eldad Klaiman, Tingying Peng

Vision Transformers (ViTs) and Swin Transformers (Swin) are currently state-of-the-art in computational pathology. However, domain experts are still reluctant to use these models due to their lack of interpretability. This is not surprising, as critical decisions need to be transparent and understandable. The most common approach to understanding transformers is to visualize their attention. However, attention maps of ViTs are often fragmented, leading to unsatisfactory explanations. Here, we introduce a novel architecture called the B-cos Vision Transformer (BvT) that is designed to be more interpretable. It replaces all linear transformations with the B-cos transform to promote weight-input alignment. In a blinded study, medical experts clearly ranked BvTs above ViTs, suggesting that our network is better at capturing biomedically relevant structures. This is also true for the B-cos Swin Transformer (Bwin). Compared to the Swin Transformer, it even improves the F1-score by up to 4.7% on two public datasets.

Evaluating the Utility of Conformal Prediction Sets for AI-Advised Image Labeling. (arXiv:2401.08876v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Dongping Zhang, Angelos Chatzimparmpas, Negar Kamali, Jessica Hullman

As deep neural networks are more commonly deployed in high-stakes domains, their lack of interpretability makes uncertainty quantification challenging. We investigate the effects of presenting conformal prediction sets$\unicode{x2013}$a method for generating valid confidence sets in distribution-free uncertainty quantification$\unicode{x2013}$to express uncertainty in AI-advised decision-making. Through a large pre-registered experiment, we compare the utility of conformal prediction sets to displays of Top-1 and Top-k predictions for AI-advised image labeling. We find that the utility of prediction sets for accuracy varies with the difficulty of the task: while they result in accuracy on par with or less than Top-1 and Top-k displays for easy images, prediction sets excel at assisting humans in labeling out-of-distribution (OOD) images especially when the set size is small. Our results empirically pinpoint the practical challenges of conformal prediction sets and provide implications on how to incorporate them for real-world decision-making.

PPR: Enhancing Dodging Attacks while Maintaining Impersonation Attacks on Face Recognition Systems. (arXiv:2401.08903v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Fengfan Zhou, Heifei Ling

Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition (FR) encompass two types: impersonation attacks and evasion attacks. We observe that achieving a successful impersonation attack on FR does not necessarily ensure a successful dodging attack on FR in the black-box setting. Introducing a novel attack method named Pre-training Pruning Restoration Attack (PPR), we aim to enhance the performance of dodging attacks whilst avoiding the degradation of impersonation attacks. Our method employs adversarial example pruning, enabling a portion of adversarial perturbations to be set to zero, while tending to maintain the attack performance. By utilizing adversarial example pruning, we can prune the pre-trained adversarial examples and selectively free up certain adversarial perturbations. Thereafter, we embed adversarial perturbations in the pruned area, which enhances the dodging performance of the adversarial face examples. The effectiveness of our proposed attack method is demonstrated through our experimental results, showcasing its superior performance.

Efficient Image Super-Resolution via Symmetric Visual Attention Network. (arXiv:2401.08913v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chengxu Wu, Qinrui Fan, Shu Hu, Xi Wu, Xin Wang, Jing Hu

An important development direction in the Single-Image Super-Resolution (SISR) algorithms is to improve the efficiency of the algorithms. Recently, efficient Super-Resolution (SR) research focuses on reducing model complexity and improving efficiency through improved deep small kernel convolution, leading to a small receptive field. The large receptive field obtained by large kernel convolution can significantly improve image quality, but the computational cost is too high. To improve the reconstruction details of efficient super-resolution reconstruction, we propose a Symmetric Visual Attention Network (SVAN) by applying large receptive fields. The SVAN decomposes a large kernel convolution into three different combinations of convolution operations and combines them with an attention mechanism to form a Symmetric Large Kernel Attention Block (SLKAB), which forms a symmetric attention block with a bottleneck structure by the size of the receptive field in the convolution combination to extract depth features effectively as the basic component of the SVAN. Our network gets a large receptive field while minimizing the number of parameters and improving the perceptual ability of the model. The experimental results show that the proposed SVAN can obtain high-quality super-resolution reconstruction results using only about 30% of the parameters of existing SOTA methods.

Idempotence and Perceptual Image Compression. (arXiv:2401.08920v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Tongda Xu, Ziran Zhu, Dailan He, Yanghao Li, Lina Guo, Yuanyuan Wang, Zhe Wang, Hongwei Qin, Yan Wang, Jingjing Liu, Ya-Qin Zhang

Idempotence is the stability of image codec to re-compression. At the first glance, it is unrelated to perceptual image compression. However, we find that theoretically: 1) Conditional generative model-based perceptual codec satisfies idempotence; 2) Unconditional generative model with idempotence constraint is equivalent to conditional generative codec. Based on this newfound equivalence, we propose a new paradigm of perceptual image codec by inverting unconditional generative model with idempotence constraints. Our codec is theoretically equivalent to conditional generative codec, and it does not require training new models. Instead, it only requires a pre-trained mean-square-error codec and unconditional generative model. Empirically, we show that our proposed approach outperforms state-of-the-art methods such as HiFiC and ILLM, in terms of Fr\'echet Inception Distance (FID). The source code is provided in

Subwavelength Imaging using a Solid-Immersion Diffractive Optical Processor. (arXiv:2401.08923v1 [physics.optics])

Authors: Jingtian Hu, Kun Liao, Niyazi Ulas Dinc, Carlo Gigli, Bijie Bai, Tianyi Gan, Xurong Li, Hanlong Chen, Xilin Yang, Yuhang Li, Cagatay Isil, Md Sadman Sakib Rahman, Jingxi Li, Xiaoyong Hu, Mona Jarrahi, Demetri Psaltis, Aydogan Ozcan

Phase imaging is widely used in biomedical imaging, sensing, and material characterization, among other fields. However, direct imaging of phase objects with subwavelength resolution remains a challenge. Here, we demonstrate subwavelength imaging of phase and amplitude objects based on all-optical diffractive encoding and decoding. To resolve subwavelength features of an object, the diffractive imager uses a thin, high-index solid-immersion layer to transmit high-frequency information of the object to a spatially-optimized diffractive encoder, which converts/encodes high-frequency information of the input into low-frequency spatial modes for transmission through air. The subsequent diffractive decoder layers (in air) are jointly designed with the encoder using deep-learning-based optimization, and communicate with the encoder layer to create magnified images of input objects at its output, revealing subwavelength features that would otherwise be washed away due to diffraction limit. We demonstrate that this all-optical collaboration between a diffractive solid-immersion encoder and the following decoder layers in air can resolve subwavelength phase and amplitude features of input objects in a highly compact design. To experimentally demonstrate its proof-of-concept, we used terahertz radiation and developed a fabrication method for creating monolithic multi-layer diffractive processors. Through these monolithically fabricated diffractive encoder-decoder pairs, we demonstrated phase-to-intensity transformations and all-optically reconstructed subwavelength phase features of input objects by directly transforming them into magnified intensity features at the output. This solid-immersion-based diffractive imager, with its compact and cost-effective design, can find wide-ranging applications in bioimaging, endoscopy, sensing and materials characterization.

Uncertainty-aware No-Reference Point Cloud Quality Assessment. (arXiv:2401.08926v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Songlin Fan, Zixuan Guo, Wei Gao, Ge Li

The evolution of compression and enhancement algorithms necessitates an accurate quality assessment for point clouds. Previous works consistently regard point cloud quality assessment (PCQA) as a MOS regression problem and devise a deterministic mapping, ignoring the stochasticity in generating MOS from subjective tests. Besides, the viewpoint switching of 3D point clouds in subjective tests reinforces the judging stochasticity of different subjects compared with traditional images. This work presents the first probabilistic architecture for no-reference PCQA, motivated by the labeling process of existing datasets. The proposed method can model the quality judging stochasticity of subjects through a tailored conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) and produces multiple intermediate quality ratings. These intermediate ratings simulate the judgments from different subjects and are then integrated into an accurate quality prediction, mimicking the generation process of a ground truth MOS. Specifically, our method incorporates a Prior Module, a Posterior Module, and a Quality Rating Generator, where the former two modules are introduced to model the judging stochasticity in subjective tests, while the latter is developed to generate diverse quality ratings. Extensive experiments indicate that our approach outperforms previous cutting-edge methods by a large margin and exhibits gratifying cross-dataset robustness.

3D Human Pose Analysis via Diffusion Synthesis. (arXiv:2401.08930v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Haorui Ji, Hongdong Li

Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable success in generative modeling. In this paper, we propose PADS (Pose Analysis by Diffusion Synthesis), a novel framework designed to address various challenges in 3D human pose analysis through a unified pipeline. Central to PADS are two distinctive strategies: i) learning a task-agnostic pose prior using a diffusion synthesis process to effectively capture the kinematic constraints in human pose data, and ii) unifying multiple pose analysis tasks like estimation, completion, denoising, etc, as instances of inverse problems. The learned pose prior will be treated as a regularization imposing on task-specific constraints, guiding the optimization process through a series of conditional denoising steps. PADS represents the first diffusion-based framework for tackling general 3D human pose analysis within the inverse problem framework. Its performance has been validated on different benchmarks, signaling the adaptability and robustness of this pipeline.

Learning to detect cloud and snow in remote sensing images from noisy labels. (arXiv:2401.08932v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zili Liu, Hao Chen, Wenyuan Li, Keyan Chen, Zipeng Qi, Chenyang Liu, Zhengxia Zou, Zhenwei Shi

Detecting clouds and snow in remote sensing images is an essential preprocessing task for remote sensing imagery. Previous works draw inspiration from semantic segmentation models in computer vision, with most research focusing on improving model architectures to enhance detection performance. However, unlike natural images, the complexity of scenes and the diversity of cloud types in remote sensing images result in many inaccurate labels in cloud and snow detection datasets, introducing unnecessary noises into the training and testing processes. By constructing a new dataset and proposing a novel training strategy with the curriculum learning paradigm, we guide the model in reducing overfitting to noisy labels. Additionally, we design a more appropriate model performance evaluation method, that alleviates the performance assessment bias caused by noisy labels. By conducting experiments on models with UNet and Segformer, we have validated the effectiveness of our proposed method. This paper is the first to consider the impact of label noise on the detection of clouds and snow in remote sensing images.

ICON: Incremental CONfidence for Joint Pose and Radiance Field Optimization. (arXiv:2401.08937v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Weiyao Wang, Pierre Gleize, Hao Tang, Xingyu Chen, Kevin J Liang, Matt Feiszli

Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) exhibit remarkable performance for Novel View Synthesis (NVS) given a set of 2D images. However, NeRF training requires accurate camera pose for each input view, typically obtained by Structure-from-Motion (SfM) pipelines. Recent works have attempted to relax this constraint, but they still often rely on decent initial poses which they can refine. Here we aim at removing the requirement for pose initialization. We present Incremental CONfidence (ICON), an optimization procedure for training NeRFs from 2D video frames. ICON only assumes smooth camera motion to estimate initial guess for poses. Further, ICON introduces ``confidence": an adaptive measure of model quality used to dynamically reweight gradients. ICON relies on high-confidence poses to learn NeRF, and high-confidence 3D structure (as encoded by NeRF) to learn poses. We show that ICON, without prior pose initialization, achieves superior performance in both CO3D and HO3D versus methods which use SfM pose.

Fluid Dynamic DNNs for Reliable and Adaptive Distributed Inference on Edge Devices. (arXiv:2401.08943v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lei Xun, Mingyu Hu, Hengrui Zhao, Amit Kumar Singh, Jonathon Hare, Geoff V. Merrett

Distributed inference is a popular approach for efficient DNN inference at the edge. However, traditional Static and Dynamic DNNs are not distribution-friendly, causing system reliability and adaptability issues. In this paper, we introduce Fluid Dynamic DNNs (Fluid DyDNNs), tailored for distributed inference. Distinct from Static and Dynamic DNNs, Fluid DyDNNs utilize a novel nested incremental training algorithm to enable independent and combined operation of its sub-networks, enhancing system reliability and adaptability. Evaluation on embedded Arm CPUs with a DNN model and the MNIST dataset, shows that in scenarios of single device failure, Fluid DyDNNs ensure continued inference, whereas Static and Dynamic DNNs fail. When devices are fully operational, Fluid DyDNNs can operate in either a High-Accuracy mode and achieve comparable accuracy with Static DNNs, or in a High-Throughput mode and achieve 2.5x and 2x throughput compared with Static and Dynamic DNNs, respectively.

Dynamic DNNs and Runtime Management for Efficient Inference on Mobile/Embedded Devices. (arXiv:2401.08965v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Lei Xun, Jonathon Hare, Geoff V. Merrett

Deep neural network (DNN) inference is increasingly being executed on mobile and embedded platforms due to several key advantages in latency, privacy and always-on availability. However, due to limited computing resources, efficient DNN deployment on mobile and embedded platforms is challenging. Although many hardware accelerators and static model compression methods were proposed by previous works, at system runtime, multiple applications are typically executed concurrently and compete for hardware resources. This raises two main challenges: Runtime Hardware Availability and Runtime Application Variability. Previous works have addressed these challenges through either dynamic neural networks that contain sub-networks with different performance trade-offs or runtime hardware resource management. In this thesis, we proposed a combined method, a system was developed for DNN performance trade-off management, combining the runtime trade-off opportunities in both algorithms and hardware to meet dynamically changing application performance targets and hardware constraints in real time. We co-designed novel Dynamic Super-Networks to maximise runtime system-level performance and energy efficiency on heterogeneous hardware platforms. Compared with SOTA, our experimental results using ImageNet on the GPU of Jetson Xavier NX show our model is 2.4x faster for similar ImageNet Top-1 accuracy, or 5.1% higher accuracy at similar latency. We also designed a hierarchical runtime resource manager that tunes both dynamic neural networks and DVFS at runtime. Compared with the Linux DVFS governor schedutil, our runtime approach achieves up to a 19% energy reduction and a 9% latency reduction in single model deployment scenario, and an 89% energy reduction and a 23% latency reduction in a two concurrent model deployment scenario.

COCO is "ALL'' You Need for Visual Instruction Fine-tuning. (arXiv:2401.08968v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xiaotian Han, Yiqi Wang, Bohan Zhai, Quanzeng You, Hongxia Yang

Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) are increasingly prominent in the field of artificial intelligence. Visual instruction fine-tuning (IFT) is a vital process for aligning MLLMs' output with user's intentions. High-quality and diversified instruction following data is the key to this fine-tuning process. Recent studies propose to construct visual IFT datasets through a multifaceted approach: transforming existing datasets with rule-based templates, employing GPT-4 for rewriting annotations, and utilizing GPT-4V for visual dataset pseudo-labeling. LLaVA-1.5 adopted similar approach and construct LLaVA-mix-665k, which is one of the simplest, most widely used, yet most effective IFT datasets today. Notably, when properly fine-tuned with this dataset, MLLMs can achieve state-of-the-art performance on several benchmarks. However, we noticed that models trained with this dataset often struggle to follow user instructions properly in multi-round dialog. In addition, tradition caption and VQA evaluation benchmarks, with their closed-form evaluation structure, are not fully equipped to assess the capabilities of modern open-ended generative MLLMs. This problem is not unique to the LLaVA-mix-665k dataset, but may be a potential issue in all IFT datasets constructed from image captioning or VQA sources, though the extent of this issue may vary. We argue that datasets with diverse and high-quality detailed instruction following annotations are essential and adequate for MLLMs IFT. In this work, we establish a new IFT dataset, with images sourced from the COCO dataset along with more diverse instructions. Our experiments show that when fine-tuned with out proposed dataset, MLLMs achieve better performance on open-ended evaluation benchmarks in both single-round and multi-round dialog setting.

Hearing Loss Detection from Facial Expressions in One-on-one Conversations. (arXiv:2401.08972v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yufeng Yin, Ishwarya Ananthabhotla, Vamsi Krishna Ithapu, Stavros Petridis, Yu-Hsiang Wu, Christi Miller

Individuals with impaired hearing experience difficulty in conversations, especially in noisy environments. This difficulty often manifests as a change in behavior and may be captured via facial expressions, such as the expression of discomfort or fatigue. In this work, we build on this idea and introduce the problem of detecting hearing loss from an individual's facial expressions during a conversation. Building machine learning models that can represent hearing-related facial expression changes is a challenge. In addition, models need to disentangle spurious age-related correlations from hearing-driven expressions. To this end, we propose a self-supervised pre-training strategy tailored for the modeling of expression variations. We also use adversarial representation learning to mitigate the age bias. We evaluate our approach on a large-scale egocentric dataset with real-world conversational scenarios involving subjects with hearing loss and show that our method for hearing loss detection achieves superior performance over baselines.

OCTO+: A Suite for Automatic Open-Vocabulary Object Placement in Mixed Reality. (arXiv:2401.08973v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Aditya Sharma, Luke Yoffe, Tobias Höllerer

One key challenge in Augmented Reality is the placement of virtual content in natural locations. Most existing automated techniques can only work with a closed-vocabulary, fixed set of objects. In this paper, we introduce and evaluate several methods for automatic object placement using recent advances in open-vocabulary vision-language models. Through a multifaceted evaluation, we identify a new state-of-the-art method, OCTO+. We also introduce a benchmark for automatically evaluating the placement of virtual objects in augmented reality, alleviating the need for costly user studies. Through this, in addition to human evaluations, we find that OCTO+ places objects in a valid region over 70% of the time, outperforming other methods on a range of metrics.

Attack and Reset for Unlearning: Exploiting Adversarial Noise toward Machine Unlearning through Parameter Re-initialization. (arXiv:2401.08998v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yoonhwa Jung, Ikhyun Cho, Shun-Hsiang Hsu, Julia Hockenmaier

With growing concerns surrounding privacy and regulatory compliance, the concept of machine unlearning has gained prominence, aiming to selectively forget or erase specific learned information from a trained model. In response to this critical need, we introduce a novel approach called Attack-and-Reset for Unlearning (ARU). This algorithm leverages meticulously crafted adversarial noise to generate a parameter mask, effectively resetting certain parameters and rendering them unlearnable. ARU outperforms current state-of-the-art results on two facial machine-unlearning benchmark datasets, MUFAC and MUCAC. In particular, we present the steps involved in attacking and masking that strategically filter and re-initialize network parameters biased towards the forget set. Our work represents a significant advancement in rendering data unexploitable to deep learning models through parameter re-initialization, achieved by harnessing adversarial noise to craft a mask.

Generalized Face Liveness Detection via De-spoofing Face Generator. (arXiv:2401.09006v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Xingming Long, Shiguang Shan, Jie Zhang

Previous Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) works face the challenge of generalizing in unseen domains. One of the major problems is that most existing FAS datasets are relatively small and lack data diversity. However, we find that there are numerous real faces that can be easily achieved under various conditions, which are neglected by previous FAS works. In this paper, we conduct an Anomalous cue Guided FAS (AG-FAS) method, which leverages real faces for improving model generalization via a De-spoofing Face Generator (DFG). Specifically, the DFG trained only on the real faces gains the knowledge of what a real face should be like and can generate a "real" version of the face corresponding to any given input face. The difference between the generated "real" face and the input face can provide an anomalous cue for the downstream FAS task. We then propose an Anomalous cue Guided FAS feature extraction Network (AG-Net) to further improve the FAS feature generalization via a cross-attention transformer. Extensive experiments on a total of nine public datasets show our method achieves state-of-the-art results under cross-domain evaluations with unseen scenarios and unknown presentation attacks.

Hybrid of DiffStride and Spectral Pooling in Convolutional Neural Networks. (arXiv:2401.09008v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Sulthan Rafif, Mochamad Arfan Ravy Wahyu Pratama, Mohammad Faris Azhar, Ahmad Mustafidul Ibad, Lailil Muflikhah, Novanto Yudistira

Stride determines the distance between adjacent filter positions as the filter moves across the input. A fixed stride causes important information contained in the image can not be captured, so that important information is not classified. Therefore, in previous research, the DiffStride Method was applied, namely the Strided Convolution Method with which it can learn its own stride value. Severe Quantization and a constraining lower bound on preserved information are arises with Max Pooling Downsampling Method. Spectral Pooling reduce the constraint lower bound on preserved information by cutting off the representation in the frequency domain. In this research a CNN Model is proposed with the Downsampling Learnable Stride Technique performed by Backpropagation combined with the Spectral Pooling Technique. Diffstride and Spectral Pooling techniques are expected to maintain most of the information contained in the image. In this study, we compare the Hybrid Method, which is a combined implementation of Spectral Pooling and DiffStride against the Baseline Method, which is the DiffStride implementation on ResNet 18. The accuracy result of the DiffStride combination with Spectral Pooling improves over DiffStride which is baseline method by 0.0094. This shows that the Hybrid Method can maintain most of the information by cutting of the representation in the frequency domain and determine the stride of the learning result through Backpropagation.

Change Detection Between Optical Remote Sensing Imagery and Map Data via Segment Anything Model (SAM). (arXiv:2401.09019v1 [eess.IV])

Authors: Hongruixuan Chen, Jian Song, Naoto Yokoya

Unsupervised multimodal change detection is pivotal for time-sensitive tasks and comprehensive multi-temporal Earth monitoring. In this study, we explore unsupervised multimodal change detection between two key remote sensing data sources: optical high-resolution imagery and OpenStreetMap (OSM) data. Specifically, we propose to utilize the vision foundation model Segmentation Anything Model (SAM), for addressing our task. Leveraging SAM's exceptional zero-shot transfer capability, high-quality segmentation maps of optical images can be obtained. Thus, we can directly compare these two heterogeneous data forms in the so-called segmentation domain. We then introduce two strategies for guiding SAM's segmentation process: the 'no-prompt' and 'box/mask prompt' methods. The two strategies are designed to detect land-cover changes in general scenarios and to identify new land-cover objects within existing backgrounds, respectively. Experimental results on three datasets indicate that the proposed approach can achieve more competitive results compared to representative unsupervised multimodal change detection methods.

Cross-modality Guidance-aided Multi-modal Learning with Dual Attention for MRI Brain Tumor Grading. (arXiv:2401.09029v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Dunyuan Xu, Xi Wang, Jinyue Cai, Pheng-Ann Heng

Brain tumor represents one of the most fatal cancers around the world, and is very common in children and the elderly. Accurate identification of the type and grade of tumor in the early stages plays an important role in choosing a precise treatment plan. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) protocols of different sequences provide clinicians with important contradictory information to identify tumor regions. However, manual assessment is time-consuming and error-prone due to big amount of data and the diversity of brain tumor types. Hence, there is an unmet need for MRI automated brain tumor diagnosis. We observe that the predictive capability of uni-modality models is limited and their performance varies widely across modalities, and the commonly used modality fusion methods would introduce potential noise, which results in significant performance degradation. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel cross-modality guidance-aided multi-modal learning with dual attention for addressing the task of MRI brain tumor grading. To balance the tradeoff between model efficiency and efficacy, we employ ResNet Mix Convolution as the backbone network for feature extraction. Besides, dual attention is applied to capture the semantic interdependencies in spatial and slice dimensions respectively. To facilitate information interaction among modalities, we design a cross-modality guidance-aided module where the primary modality guides the other secondary modalities during the process of training, which can effectively leverage the complementary information of different MRI modalities and meanwhile alleviate the impact of the possible noise.

VideoCrafter2: Overcoming Data Limitations for High-Quality Video Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.09047v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Haoxin Chen, Yong Zhang, Xiaodong Cun, Menghan Xia, Xintao Wang, Chao Weng, Ying Shan

Text-to-video generation aims to produce a video based on a given prompt. Recently, several commercial video models have been able to generate plausible videos with minimal noise, excellent details, and high aesthetic scores. However, these models rely on large-scale, well-filtered, high-quality videos that are not accessible to the community. Many existing research works, which train models using the low-quality WebVid-10M dataset, struggle to generate high-quality videos because the models are optimized to fit WebVid-10M. In this work, we explore the training scheme of video models extended from Stable Diffusion and investigate the feasibility of leveraging low-quality videos and synthesized high-quality images to obtain a high-quality video model. We first analyze the connection between the spatial and temporal modules of video models and the distribution shift to low-quality videos. We observe that full training of all modules results in a stronger coupling between spatial and temporal modules than only training temporal modules. Based on this stronger coupling, we shift the distribution to higher quality without motion degradation by finetuning spatial modules with high-quality images, resulting in a generic high-quality video model. Evaluations are conducted to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method, particularly in picture quality, motion, and concept composition.

Compose and Conquer: Diffusion-Based 3D Depth Aware Composable Image Synthesis. (arXiv:2401.09048v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jonghyun Lee, Hansam Cho, Youngjoon Yoo, Seoung Bum Kim, Yonghyun Jeong

Addressing the limitations of text as a source of accurate layout representation in text-conditional diffusion models, many works incorporate additional signals to condition certain attributes within a generated image. Although successful, previous works do not account for the specific localization of said attributes extended into the three dimensional plane. In this context, we present a conditional diffusion model that integrates control over three-dimensional object placement with disentangled representations of global stylistic semantics from multiple exemplar images. Specifically, we first introduce \textit{depth disentanglement training} to leverage the relative depth of objects as an estimator, allowing the model to identify the absolute positions of unseen objects through the use of synthetic image triplets. We also introduce \textit{soft guidance}, a method for imposing global semantics onto targeted regions without the use of any additional localization cues. Our integrated framework, \textsc{Compose and Conquer (CnC)}, unifies these techniques to localize multiple conditions in a disentangled manner. We demonstrate that our approach allows perception of objects at varying depths while offering a versatile framework for composing localized objects with different global semantics. Code:

Enhancing Lidar-based Object Detection in Adverse Weather using Offset Sequences in Time. (arXiv:2401.09049v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Raphael van Kempen, Tim Rehbronn, Abin Jose, Johannes Stegmaier, Bastian Lampe, Timo Woopen, Lutz Eckstein

Automated vehicles require an accurate perception of their surroundings for safe and efficient driving. Lidar-based object detection is a widely used method for environment perception, but its performance is significantly affected by adverse weather conditions such as rain and fog. In this work, we investigate various strategies for enhancing the robustness of lidar-based object detection by processing sequential data samples generated by lidar sensors. Our approaches leverage temporal information to improve a lidar object detection model, without the need for additional filtering or pre-processing steps. We compare $10$ different neural network architectures that process point cloud sequences including a novel augmentation strategy introducing a temporal offset between frames of a sequence during training and evaluate the effectiveness of all strategies on lidar point clouds under adverse weather conditions through experiments. Our research provides a comprehensive study of effective methods for mitigating the effects of adverse weather on the reliability of lidar-based object detection using sequential data that are evaluated using public datasets such as nuScenes, Dense, and the Canadian Adverse Driving Conditions Dataset. Our findings demonstrate that our novel method, involving temporal offset augmentation through randomized frame skipping in sequences, enhances object detection accuracy compared to both the baseline model (Pillar-based Object Detection) and no augmentation.

Consistent3D: Towards Consistent High-Fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Deterministic Sampling Prior. (arXiv:2401.09050v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Zike Wu, Pan Zhou, Xuanyu Yi, Xiaoding Yuan, Hanwang Zhang

Score distillation sampling (SDS) and its variants have greatly boosted the development of text-to-3D generation, but are vulnerable to geometry collapse and poor textures yet. To solve this issue, we first deeply analyze the SDS and find that its distillation sampling process indeed corresponds to the trajectory sampling of a stochastic differential equation (SDE): SDS samples along an SDE trajectory to yield a less noisy sample which then serves as a guidance to optimize a 3D model. However, the randomness in SDE sampling often leads to a diverse and unpredictable sample which is not always less noisy, and thus is not a consistently correct guidance, explaining the vulnerability of SDS. Since for any SDE, there always exists an ordinary differential equation (ODE) whose trajectory sampling can deterministically and consistently converge to the desired target point as the SDE, we propose a novel and effective "Consistent3D" method that explores the ODE deterministic sampling prior for text-to-3D generation. Specifically, at each training iteration, given a rendered image by a 3D model, we first estimate its desired 3D score function by a pre-trained 2D diffusion model, and build an ODE for trajectory sampling. Next, we design a consistency distillation sampling loss which samples along the ODE trajectory to generate two adjacent samples and uses the less noisy sample to guide another more noisy one for distilling the deterministic prior into the 3D model. Experimental results show the efficacy of our Consistent3D in generating high-fidelity and diverse 3D objects and large-scale scenes, as shown in Fig. 1. The codes are available at

CrossVideo: Self-supervised Cross-modal Contrastive Learning for Point Cloud Video Understanding. (arXiv:2401.09057v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yunze Liu, Changxi Chen, Zifan Wang, Li Yi

This paper introduces a novel approach named CrossVideo, which aims to enhance self-supervised cross-modal contrastive learning in the field of point cloud video understanding. Traditional supervised learning methods encounter limitations due to data scarcity and challenges in label acquisition. To address these issues, we propose a self-supervised learning method that leverages the cross-modal relationship between point cloud videos and image videos to acquire meaningful feature representations. Intra-modal and cross-modal contrastive learning techniques are employed to facilitate effective comprehension of point cloud video. We also propose a multi-level contrastive approach for both modalities. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses previous state-of-the-art approaches, and we conduct comprehensive ablation studies to validate the effectiveness of our proposed designs.

Autonomous Catheterization with Open-source Simulator and Expert Trajectory. (arXiv:2401.09059v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Tudor Jianu, Baoru Huang, Tuan Vo, Minh Nhat Vu, Jingxuan Kang, Hoan Nguyen, Olatunji Omisore, Pierre Berthet-Rayne, Sebastiano Fichera, Anh Nguyen

Endovascular robots have been actively developed in both academia and industry. However, progress toward autonomous catheterization is often hampered by the widespread use of closed-source simulators and physical phantoms. Additionally, the acquisition of large-scale datasets for training machine learning algorithms with endovascular robots is usually infeasible due to expensive medical procedures. In this chapter, we introduce CathSim, the first open-source simulator for endovascular intervention to address these limitations. CathSim emphasizes real-time performance to enable rapid development and testing of learning algorithms. We validate CathSim against the real robot and show that our simulator can successfully mimic the behavior of the real robot. Based on CathSim, we develop a multimodal expert navigation network and demonstrate its effectiveness in downstream endovascular navigation tasks. The intensive experimental results suggest that CathSim has the potential to significantly accelerate research in the autonomous catheterization field. Our project is publicly available at

Towards Continual Learning Desiderata via HSIC-Bottleneck Orthogonalization and Equiangular Embedding. (arXiv:2401.09067v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Depeng Li, Tianqi Wang, Junwei Chen, Qining Ren, Kenji Kawaguchi, Zhigang Zeng

Deep neural networks are susceptible to catastrophic forgetting when trained on sequential tasks. Various continual learning (CL) methods often rely on exemplar buffers or/and network expansion for balancing model stability and plasticity, which, however, compromises their practical value due to privacy and memory concerns. Instead, this paper considers a strict yet realistic setting, where the training data from previous tasks is unavailable and the model size remains relatively constant during sequential training. To achieve such desiderata, we propose a conceptually simple yet effective method that attributes forgetting to layer-wise parameter overwriting and the resulting decision boundary distortion. This is achieved by the synergy between two key components: HSIC-Bottleneck Orthogonalization (HBO) implements non-overwritten parameter updates mediated by Hilbert-Schmidt independence criterion in an orthogonal space and EquiAngular Embedding (EAE) enhances decision boundary adaptation between old and new tasks with predefined basis vectors. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves competitive accuracy performance, even with absolute superiority of zero exemplar buffer and 1.02x the base model.

Remote Sensing ChatGPT: Solving Remote Sensing Tasks with ChatGPT and Visual Models. (arXiv:2401.09083v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Haonan Guo, Xin Su, Chen Wu, Bo Du, Liangpei Zhang, Deren Li

Recently, the flourishing large language models(LLM), especially ChatGPT, have shown exceptional performance in language understanding, reasoning, and interaction, attracting users and researchers from multiple fields and domains. Although LLMs have shown great capacity to perform human-like task accomplishment in natural language and natural image, their potential in handling remote sensing interpretation tasks has not yet been fully explored. Moreover, the lack of automation in remote sensing task planning hinders the accessibility of remote sensing interpretation techniques, especially to non-remote sensing experts from multiple research fields. To this end, we present Remote Sensing ChatGPT, an LLM-powered agent that utilizes ChatGPT to connect various AI-based remote sensing models to solve complicated interpretation tasks. More specifically, given a user request and a remote sensing image, we utilized ChatGPT to understand user requests, perform task planning according to the tasks' functions, execute each subtask iteratively, and generate the final response according to the output of each subtask. Considering that LLM is trained with natural language and is not capable of directly perceiving visual concepts as contained in remote sensing images, we designed visual cues that inject visual information into ChatGPT. With Remote Sensing ChatGPT, users can simply send a remote sensing image with the corresponding request, and get the interpretation results as well as language feedback from Remote Sensing ChatGPT. Experiments and examples show that Remote Sensing ChatGPT can tackle a wide range of remote sensing tasks and can be extended to more tasks with more sophisticated models such as the remote sensing foundation model. The code and demo of Remote Sensing ChatGPT is publicly available at .

UniVG: Towards UNIfied-modal Video Generation. (arXiv:2401.09084v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Ludan Ruan, Lei Tian, Chuanwei Huang, Xu Zhang, Xinyan Xiao

Diffusion based video generation has received extensive attention and achieved considerable success within both the academic and industrial communities. However, current efforts are mainly concentrated on single-objective or single-task video generation, such as generation driven by text, by image, or by a combination of text and image. This cannot fully meet the needs of real-world application scenarios, as users are likely to input images and text conditions in a flexible manner, either individually or in combination. To address this, we propose a Unified-modal Video Genearation system that is capable of handling multiple video generation tasks across text and image modalities. To this end, we revisit the various video generation tasks within our system from the perspective of generative freedom, and classify them into high-freedom and low-freedom video generation categories. For high-freedom video generation, we employ Multi-condition Cross Attention to generate videos that align with the semantics of the input images or text. For low-freedom video generation, we introduce Biased Gaussian Noise to replace the pure random Gaussian Noise, which helps to better preserve the content of the input conditions. Our method achieves the lowest Fr\'echet Video Distance (FVD) on the public academic benchmark MSR-VTT, surpasses the current open-source methods in human evaluations, and is on par with the current close-source method Gen2. For more samples, visit

PIN-SLAM: LiDAR SLAM Using a Point-Based Implicit Neural Representation for Achieving Global Map Consistency. (arXiv:2401.09101v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Yue Pan, Xingguang Zhong, Louis Wiesmann, Thorbjörn Posewsky, Jens Behley, Cyrill Stachniss

Accurate and robust localization and mapping are essential components for most autonomous robots. In this paper, we propose a SLAM system for building globally consistent maps, called PIN-SLAM, that is based on an elastic and compact point-based implicit neural map representation. Taking range measurements as input, our approach alternates between incremental learning of the local implicit signed distance field and the pose estimation given the current local map using a correspondence-free, point-to-implicit model registration. Our implicit map is based on sparse optimizable neural points, which are inherently elastic and deformable with the global pose adjustment when closing a loop. Loops are also detected using the neural point features. Extensive experiments validate that PIN-SLAM is robust to various environments and versatile to different range sensors such as LiDAR and RGB-D cameras. PIN-SLAM achieves pose estimation accuracy better or on par with the state-of-the-art LiDAR odometry or SLAM systems and outperforms the recent neural implicit SLAM approaches while maintaining a more consistent, and highly compact implicit map that can be reconstructed as accurate and complete meshes. Finally, thanks to the voxel hashing for efficient neural points indexing and the fast implicit map-based registration without closest point association, PIN-SLAM can run at the sensor frame rate on a moderate GPU. Codes will be available at:

Trapped in texture bias? A large scale comparison of deep instance segmentation. (arXiv:2401.09109v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Johannes Theodoridis, Jessica Hofmann, Johannes Maucher, Andreas Schilling

Do deep learning models for instance segmentation generalize to novel objects in a systematic way? For classification, such behavior has been questioned. In this study, we aim to understand if certain design decisions such as framework, architecture or pre-training contribute to the semantic understanding of instance segmentation. To answer this question, we consider a special case of robustness and compare pre-trained models on a challenging benchmark for object-centric, out-of-distribution texture. We do not introduce another method in this work. Instead, we take a step back and evaluate a broad range of existing literature. This includes Cascade and Mask R-CNN, Swin Transformer, BMask, YOLACT(++), DETR, BCNet, SOTR and SOLOv2. We find that YOLACT++, SOTR and SOLOv2 are significantly more robust to out-of-distribution texture than other frameworks. In addition, we show that deeper and dynamic architectures improve robustness whereas training schedules, data augmentation and pre-training have only a minor impact. In summary we evaluate 68 models on 61 versions of MS COCO for a total of 4148 evaluations.

Stream Query Denoising for Vectorized HD Map Construction. (arXiv:2401.09112v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Shuo Wang, Fan Jia, Yingfei Liu, Yucheng Zhao, Zehui Chen, Tiancai Wang, Chi Zhang, Xiangyu Zhang, Feng Zhao

To enhance perception performance in complex and extensive scenarios within the realm of autonomous driving, there has been a noteworthy focus on temporal modeling, with a particular emphasis on streaming methods. The prevailing trend in streaming models involves the utilization of stream queries for the propagation of temporal information. Despite the prevalence of this approach, the direct application of the streaming paradigm to the construction of vectorized high-definition maps (HD-maps) fails to fully harness the inherent potential of temporal information. This paper introduces the Stream Query Denoising (SQD) strategy as a novel approach for temporal modeling in high-definition map (HD-map) construction. SQD is designed to facilitate the learning of temporal consistency among map elements within the streaming model. The methodology involves denoising the queries that have been perturbed by the addition of noise to the ground-truth information from the preceding frame. This denoising process aims to reconstruct the ground-truth information for the current frame, thereby simulating the prediction process inherent in stream queries. The SQD strategy can be applied to those streaming methods (e.g., StreamMapNet) to enhance the temporal modeling. The proposed SQD-MapNet is the StreamMapNet equipped with SQD. Extensive experiments on nuScenes and Argoverse2 show that our method is remarkably superior to other existing methods across all settings of close range and long range. The code will be available soon.

Objects With Lighting: A Real-World Dataset for Evaluating Reconstruction and Rendering for Object Relighting. (arXiv:2401.09126v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Benjamin Ummenhofer, Sanskar Agrawal, Rene Sepulveda, Yixing Lao, Kai Zhang, Tianhang Cheng, Stephan Richter, Shenlong Wang, German Ros

Reconstructing an object from photos and placing it virtually in a new environment goes beyond the standard novel view synthesis task as the appearance of the object has to not only adapt to the novel viewpoint but also to the new lighting conditions and yet evaluations of inverse rendering methods rely on novel view synthesis data or simplistic synthetic datasets for quantitative analysis. This work presents a real-world dataset for measuring the reconstruction and rendering of objects for relighting. To this end, we capture the environment lighting and ground truth images of the same objects in multiple environments allowing to reconstruct the objects from images taken in one environment and quantify the quality of the rendered views for the unseen lighting environments. Further, we introduce a simple baseline composed of off-the-shelf methods and test several state-of-the-art methods on the relighting task and show that novel view synthesis is not a reliable proxy to measure performance. Code and dataset are available at .

SM$^3$: Self-Supervised Multi-task Modeling with Multi-view 2D Images for Articulated Objects. (arXiv:2401.09133v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Haowen Wang, Zhen Zhao, Zhao Jin, Zhengping Che, Liang Qiao, Yakun Huang, Zhipeng Fan, Xiuquan Qiao, Jian Tang

Reconstructing real-world objects and estimating their movable joint structures are pivotal technologies within the field of robotics. Previous research has predominantly focused on supervised approaches, relying on extensively annotated datasets to model articulated objects within limited categories. However, this approach falls short of effectively addressing the diversity present in the real world. To tackle this issue, we propose a self-supervised interaction perception method, referred to as SM$^3$, which leverages multi-view RGB images captured before and after interaction to model articulated objects, identify the movable parts, and infer the parameters of their rotating joints. By constructing 3D geometries and textures from the captured 2D images, SM$^3$ achieves integrated optimization of movable part and joint parameters during the reconstruction process, obviating the need for annotations. Furthermore, we introduce the MMArt dataset, an extension of PartNet-Mobility, encompassing multi-view and multi-modal data of articulated objects spanning diverse categories. Evaluations demonstrate that SM$^3$ surpasses existing benchmarks across various categories and objects, while its adaptability in real-world scenarios has been thoroughly validated.

Relative Pose for Nonrigid Multi-Perspective Cameras: The Static Case. (arXiv:2401.09140v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Min Li, Jiaqi Yang, Laurent Kneip

Multi-perspective cameras with potentially non-overlapping fields of view have become an important exteroceptive sensing modality in a number of applications such as intelligent vehicles, drones, and mixed reality headsets. In this work, we challenge one of the basic assumptions made in these scenarios, which is that the multi-camera rig is rigid. More specifically, we are considering the problem of estimating the relative pose between a static non-rigid rig in different spatial orientations while taking into account the effect of gravity onto the system. The deformable physical connections between each camera and the body center are approximated by a simple cantilever model, and inserted into the generalized epipolar constraint. Our results lead us to the important insight that the latent parameters of the deformation model, meaning the gravity vector in both views, become observable. We present a concise analysis of the observability of all variables based on noise, outliers, and rig rigidity for two different algorithms. The first one is a vision-only alternative, while the second one makes use of additional gravity measurements. To conclude, we demonstrate the ability to sense gravity in a real-world example, and discuss practical implications.

Continuous Piecewise-Affine Based Motion Model for Image Animation. (arXiv:2401.09146v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Hexiang Wang, Fengqi Liu, Qianyu Zhou, Ran Yi, Xin Tan, Lizhuang Ma

Image animation aims to bring static images to life according to driving videos and create engaging visual content that can be used for various purposes such as animation, entertainment, and education. Recent unsupervised methods utilize affine and thin-plate spline transformations based on keypoints to transfer the motion in driving frames to the source image. However, limited by the expressive power of the transformations used, these methods always produce poor results when the gap between the motion in the driving frame and the source image is large. To address this issue, we propose to model motion from the source image to the driving frame in highly-expressive diffeomorphism spaces. Firstly, we introduce Continuous Piecewise-Affine based (CPAB) transformation to model the motion and present a well-designed inference algorithm to generate CPAB transformation from control keypoints. Secondly, we propose a SAM-guided keypoint semantic loss to further constrain the keypoint extraction process and improve the semantic consistency between the corresponding keypoints on the source and driving images. Finally, we design a structure alignment loss to align the structure-related features extracted from driving and generated images, thus helping the generator generate results that are more consistent with the driving action. Extensive experiments on four datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method against state-of-the-art competitors quantitatively and qualitatively. Code will be publicly available at:

DK-SLAM: Monocular Visual SLAM with Deep Keypoints Adaptive Learning, Tracking and Loop-Closing. (arXiv:2401.09160v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Hao Qu, Lilian Zhang, Jun Mao, Junbo Tie, Xiaofeng He, Xiaoping Hu, Yifei Shi, Changhao Chen

Unreliable feature extraction and matching in handcrafted features undermine the performance of visual SLAM in complex real-world scenarios. While learned local features, leveraging CNNs, demonstrate proficiency in capturing high-level information and excel in matching benchmarks, they encounter challenges in continuous motion scenes, resulting in poor generalization and impacting loop detection accuracy. To address these issues, we present DK-SLAM, a monocular visual SLAM system with adaptive deep local features. MAML optimizes the training of these features, and we introduce a coarse-to-fine feature tracking approach. Initially, a direct method approximates the relative pose between consecutive frames, followed by a feature matching method for refined pose estimation. To counter cumulative positioning errors, a novel online learning binary feature-based online loop closure module identifies loop nodes within a sequence. Experimental results underscore DK-SLAM's efficacy, outperforms representative SLAM solutions, such as ORB-SLAM3 on publicly available datasets.

Unsupervised Multiple Domain Translation through Controlled Disentanglement in Variational Autoencoder. (arXiv:2401.09180v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Almudévar Antonio, Mariotte Théo, Ortega Alfonso, Tahon Marie

Unsupervised Multiple Domain Translation is the task of transforming data from one domain to other domains without having paired data to train the systems. Typically, methods based on Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) are used to address this task. However, our proposal exclusively relies on a modified version of a Variational Autoencoder. This modification consists of the use of two latent variables disentangled in a controlled way by design. One of this latent variables is imposed to depend exclusively on the domain, while the other one must depend on the rest of the variability factors of the data. Additionally, the conditions imposed over the domain latent variable allow for better control and understanding of the latent space. We empirically demonstrate that our approach works on different vision datasets improving the performance of other well known methods. Finally, we prove that, indeed, one of the latent variables stores all the information related to the domain and the other one hardly contains any domain information.

Exploring the Role of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) in Dental Radiography Segmentation: A Comprehensive Systematic Literature Review. (arXiv:2401.09190v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Walid Brahmi, Imen Jdey, Fadoua Drira

In the field of dentistry, there is a growing demand for increased precision in diagnostic tools, with a specific focus on advanced imaging techniques such as computed tomography, cone beam computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound, and traditional intra-oral periapical X-rays. Deep learning has emerged as a pivotal tool in this context, enabling the implementation of automated segmentation techniques crucial for extracting essential diagnostic data. This integration of cutting-edge technology addresses the urgent need for effective management of dental conditions, which, if left undetected, can have a significant impact on human health. The impressive track record of deep learning across various domains, including dentistry, underscores its potential to revolutionize early detection and treatment of oral health issues. Objective: Having demonstrated significant results in diagnosis and prediction, deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs) represent an emerging field of multidisciplinary research. The goals of this study were to provide a concise overview of the state of the art, standardize the current debate, and establish baselines for future research. Method: In this study, a systematic literature review is employed as a methodology to identify and select relevant studies that specifically investigate the deep learning technique for dental imaging analysis. This study elucidates the methodological approach, including the systematic collection of data, statistical analysis, and subsequent dissemination of outcomes. Conclusion: This work demonstrates how Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) can be employed to analyze images, serving as effective tools for detecting dental pathologies. Although this research acknowledged some limitations, CNNs utilized for segmenting and categorizing teeth exhibited their highest level of performance overall.

Training-Free Semantic Video Composition via Pre-trained Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2401.09195v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiaqi Guo, Sitong Su, Junchen Zhu, Lianli Gao, Jingkuan Song

The video composition task aims to integrate specified foregrounds and backgrounds from different videos into a harmonious composite. Current approaches, predominantly trained on videos with adjusted foreground color and lighting, struggle to address deep semantic disparities beyond superficial adjustments, such as domain gaps. Therefore, we propose a training-free pipeline employing a pre-trained diffusion model imbued with semantic prior knowledge, which can process composite videos with broader semantic disparities. Specifically, we process the video frames in a cascading manner and handle each frame in two processes with the diffusion model. In the inversion process, we propose Balanced Partial Inversion to obtain generation initial points that balance reversibility and modifiability. Then, in the generation process, we further propose Inter-Frame Augmented attention to augment foreground continuity across frames. Experimental results reveal that our pipeline successfully ensures the visual harmony and inter-frame coherence of the outputs, demonstrating efficacy in managing broader semantic disparities.

Dynamic Relation Transformer for Contextual Text Block Detection. (arXiv:2401.09232v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jiawei Wang, Shunchi Zhang, Kai Hu, Chixiang Ma, Zhuoyao Zhong, Lei Sun, Qiang Huo

Contextual Text Block Detection (CTBD) is the task of identifying coherent text blocks within the complexity of natural scenes. Previous methodologies have treated CTBD as either a visual relation extraction challenge within computer vision or as a sequence modeling problem from the perspective of natural language processing. We introduce a new framework that frames CTBD as a graph generation problem. This methodology consists of two essential procedures: identifying individual text units as graph nodes and discerning the sequential reading order relationships among these units as graph edges. Leveraging the cutting-edge capabilities of DQ-DETR for node detection, our framework innovates further by integrating a novel mechanism, a Dynamic Relation Transformer (DRFormer), dedicated to edge generation. DRFormer incorporates a dual interactive transformer decoder that deftly manages a dynamic graph structure refinement process. Through this iterative process, the model systematically enhances the graph's fidelity, ultimately resulting in improved precision in detecting contextual text blocks. Comprehensive experimental evaluations conducted on both SCUT-CTW-Context and ReCTS-Context datasets substantiate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results, underscoring the effectiveness and potential of our graph generation framework in advancing the field of CTBD.

DaFoEs: Mixing Datasets towards the generalization of vision-state deep-learning Force Estimation in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery. (arXiv:2401.09239v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mikel De Iturrate Reyzabal, Mingcong Chen, Wei Huang, Sebastien Ourselin, Hongbin Liu

Precisely determining the contact force during safe interaction in Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery (MIRS) is still an open research challenge. Inspired by post-operative qualitative analysis from surgical videos, the use of cross-modality data driven deep neural network models has been one of the newest approaches to predict sensorless force trends. However, these methods required for large and variable datasets which are not currently available. In this paper, we present a new vision-haptic dataset (DaFoEs) with variable soft environments for the training of deep neural models. In order to reduce the bias from a single dataset, we present a pipeline to generalize different vision and state data inputs for mixed dataset training, using a previously validated dataset with different setup. Finally, we present a variable encoder-decoder architecture to predict the forces done by the laparoscopic tool using single input or sequence of inputs. For input sequence, we use a recurrent decoder, named with the prefix R, and a new temporal sampling to represent the acceleration of the tool. During our training, we demonstrate that single dataset training tends to overfit to the training data domain, but has difficulties on translating the results across new domains. However, dataset mixing presents a good translation with a mean relative estimated force error of 5% and 12% for the recurrent and non-recurrent models respectively. Our method, also marginally increase the effectiveness of transformers for force estimation up to a maximum of ~15%, as the volume of available data is increase by 150%. In conclusion, we demonstrate that mixing experimental set ups for vision-state force estimation in MIRS is a possible approach towards the general solution of the problem.

Uncertainty estimates for semantic segmentation: providing enhanced reliability for automated motor claims handling. (arXiv:2401.09245v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Jan Küchler (1), Daniel Kröll (1), Sebastian Schoenen (1), Andreas Witte (1) ((1) ControlExpert GmbH, Langenfeld, Germany)

Deep neural network models for image segmentation can be a powerful tool for the automation of motor claims handling processes in the insurance industry. A crucial aspect is the reliability of the model outputs when facing adverse conditions, such as low quality photos taken by claimants to document damages. We explore the use of a meta-classification model to assess the precision of segments predicted by a model trained for the semantic segmentation of car body parts. Different sets of features correlated with the quality of a segment are compared, and an AUROC score of 0.915 is achieved for distinguishing between high- and low-quality segments. By removing low-quality segments, the average mIoU of the segmentation output is improved by 16 percentage points and the number of wrongly predicted segments is reduced by 77%.

3D Scene Geometry Estimation from 360$^\circ$ Imagery: A Survey. (arXiv:2401.09252v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Thiago Lopes Trugillo da Silveira, Paulo Gamarra Lessa Pinto, Jeffri Erwin Murrugarra Llerena, Claudio Rosito Jung

This paper provides a comprehensive survey on pioneer and state-of-the-art 3D scene geometry estimation methodologies based on single, two, or multiple images captured under the omnidirectional optics. We first revisit the basic concepts of the spherical camera model, and review the most common acquisition technologies and representation formats suitable for omnidirectional (also called 360$^\circ$, spherical or panoramic) images and videos. We then survey monocular layout and depth inference approaches, highlighting the recent advances in learning-based solutions suited for spherical data. The classical stereo matching is then revised on the spherical domain, where methodologies for detecting and describing sparse and dense features become crucial. The stereo matching concepts are then extrapolated for multiple view camera setups, categorizing them among light fields, multi-view stereo, and structure from motion (or visual simultaneous localization and mapping). We also compile and discuss commonly adopted datasets and figures of merit indicated for each purpose and list recent results for completeness. We conclude this paper by pointing out current and future trends.

An Efficient Generalizable Framework for Visuomotor Policies via Control-aware Augmentation and Privilege-guided Distillation. (arXiv:2401.09258v1 [cs.RO])

Authors: Yinuo Zhao, Kun Wu, Tianjiao Yi, Zhiyuan Xu, Xiaozhu Ju, Zhengping Che, Qinru Qiu, Chi Harold Liu, Jian Tang

Visuomotor policies, which learn control mechanisms directly from high-dimensional visual observations, confront challenges in adapting to new environments with intricate visual variations. Data augmentation emerges as a promising method for bridging these generalization gaps by enriching data variety. However, straightforwardly augmenting the entire observation shall impose excessive burdens on policy learning and may even result in performance degradation. In this paper, we propose to improve the generalization ability of visuomotor policies as well as preserve training stability from two aspects: 1) We learn a control-aware mask through a self-supervised reconstruction task with three auxiliary losses and then apply strong augmentation only to those control-irrelevant regions based on the mask to reduce the generalization gaps. 2) To address training instability issues prevalent in visual reinforcement learning (RL), we distill the knowledge from a pretrained RL expert processing low-level environment states, to the student visuomotor policy. The policy is subsequently deployed to unseen environments without any further finetuning. We conducted comparison and ablation studies across various benchmarks: the DMControl Generalization Benchmark (DMC-GB), the enhanced Robot Manipulation Distraction Benchmark (RMDB), and a specialized long-horizontal drawer-opening robotic task. The extensive experimental results well demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, e.g., showing a 17\% improvement over previous methods in the video-hard setting of DMC-GB.

P$^2$OT: Progressive Partial Optimal Transport for Deep Imbalanced Clustering. (arXiv:2401.09266v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chuyu Zhang, Hui Ren, Xuming He

Deep clustering, which learns representation and semantic clustering without labels information, poses a great challenge for deep learning-based approaches. Despite significant progress in recent years, most existing methods focus on uniformly distributed datasets, significantly limiting the practical applicability of their methods. In this paper, we first introduce a more practical problem setting named deep imbalanced clustering, where the underlying classes exhibit an imbalance distribution. To tackle this problem, we propose a novel pseudo-labeling-based learning framework. Our framework formulates pseudo-label generation as a progressive partial optimal transport problem, which progressively transports each sample to imbalanced clusters under prior distribution constraints, thus generating imbalance-aware pseudo-labels and learning from high-confident samples. In addition, we transform the initial formulation into an unbalanced optimal transport problem with augmented constraints, which can be solved efficiently by a fast matrix scaling algorithm. Experiments on various datasets, including a human-curated long-tailed CIFAR100, challenging ImageNet-R, and large-scale subsets of fine-grained iNaturalist2018 datasets, demonstrate the superiority of our method.

PixelDINO: Semi-Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Detecting Permafrost Disturbances. (arXiv:2401.09271v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Konrad Heidler, Ingmar Nitze, Guido Grosse, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Arctic Permafrost is facing significant changes due to global climate change. As these regions are largely inaccessible, remote sensing plays a crucial rule in better understanding the underlying processes not just on a local scale, but across the Arctic. In this study, we focus on the remote detection of retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS), a permafrost disturbance comparable to landslides induced by thawing. For such analyses from space, deep learning has become an indispensable tool, but limited labelled training data remains a challenge for training accurate models. To improve model generalization across the Arctic without the need for additional labelled data, we present a semi-supervised learning approach to train semantic segmentation models to detect RTS. Our framework called PixelDINO is trained in parallel on labelled data as well as unlabelled data. For the unlabelled data, the model segments the imagery into self-taught pseudo-classes and the training procedure ensures consistency of these pseudo-classes across strong augmentations of the input data. Our experimental results demonstrate that PixelDINO can improve model performance both over supervised baseline methods as well as existing semi-supervised semantic segmentation approaches, highlighting its potential for training robust models that generalize well to regions that were not included in the training data. The project page containing code and other materials for this study can be found at \url{}.

Scene Completeness-Aware Lidar Depth Completion for Driving Scenario. (arXiv:2003.06945v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cho-Ying Wu, Ulrich Neumann

This paper introduces Scene Completeness-Aware Depth Completion (SCADC) to complete raw lidar scans into dense depth maps with fine and complete scene structures. Recent sparse depth completion for lidars only focuses on the lower scenes and produces irregular estimations on the upper because existing datasets, such as KITTI, do not provide groundtruth for upper areas. These areas are considered less important since they are usually sky or trees of less scene understanding interest. However, we argue that in several driving scenarios such as large trucks or cars with loads, objects could extend to the upper parts of scenes. Thus depth maps with structured upper scene estimation are important for RGBD algorithms. SCADC adopts stereo images that produce disparities with better scene completeness but are generally less precise than lidars, to help sparse lidar depth completion. To our knowledge, we are the first to focus on scene completeness of sparse depth completion. We validate our SCADC on both depth estimate precision and scene-completeness on KITTI. Moreover, we experiment on less-explored outdoor RGBD semantic segmentation with scene completeness-aware D-input to validate our method.

Geometry-Aware Instance Segmentation with Disparity Maps. (arXiv:2006.07802v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cho-Ying Wu, Xiaoyan Hu, Michael Happold, Qiangeng Xu, Ulrich Neumann

Most previous works of outdoor instance segmentation for images only use color information. We explore a novel direction of sensor fusion to exploit stereo cameras. Geometric information from disparities helps separate overlapping objects of the same or different classes. Moreover, geometric information penalizes region proposals with unlikely 3D shapes thus suppressing false positive detections. Mask regression is based on 2D, 2.5D, and 3D ROI using the pseudo-lidar and image-based representations. These mask predictions are fused by a mask scoring process. However, public datasets only adopt stereo systems with shorter baseline and focal legnth, which limit measuring ranges of stereo cameras. We collect and utilize High-Quality Driving Stereo (HQDS) dataset, using much longer baseline and focal length with higher resolution. Our performance attains state of the art. Please refer to our project page. The full paper is available here.

Synergy between 3DMM and 3D Landmarks for Accurate 3D Facial Geometry. (arXiv:2110.09772v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cho-Ying Wu, Qiangeng Xu, Ulrich Neumann

This work studies learning from a synergy process of 3D Morphable Models (3DMM) and 3D facial landmarks to predict complete 3D facial geometry, including 3D alignment, face orientation, and 3D face modeling. Our synergy process leverages a representation cycle for 3DMM parameters and 3D landmarks. 3D landmarks can be extracted and refined from face meshes built by 3DMM parameters. We next reverse the representation direction and show that predicting 3DMM parameters from sparse 3D landmarks improves the information flow. Together we create a synergy process that utilizes the relation between 3D landmarks and 3DMM parameters, and they collaboratively contribute to better performance. We extensively validate our contribution on full tasks of facial geometry prediction and show our superior and robust performance on these tasks for various scenarios. Particularly, we adopt only simple and widely-used network operations to attain fast and accurate facial geometry prediction. Codes and data:

A Dempster-Shafer approach to trustworthy AI with application to fetal brain MRI segmentation. (arXiv:2204.02779v4 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lucas Fidon, Michael Aertsen, Florian Kofler, Andrea Bink, Anna L. David, Thomas Deprest, Doaa Emam, Frédéric Guffens, András Jakab, Gregor Kasprian, Patric Kienast, Andrew Melbourne, Bjoern Menze, Nada Mufti, Ivana Pogledic, Daniela Prayer, Marlene Stuempflen, Esther Van Elslander, Sébastien Ourselin, Jan Deprest, Tom Vercauteren

Deep learning models for medical image segmentation can fail unexpectedly and spectacularly for pathological cases and images acquired at different centers than training images, with labeling errors that violate expert knowledge. Such errors undermine the trustworthiness of deep learning models for medical image segmentation. Mechanisms for detecting and correcting such failures are essential for safely translating this technology into clinics and are likely to be a requirement of future regulations on artificial intelligence (AI). In this work, we propose a trustworthy AI theoretical framework and a practical system that can augment any backbone AI system using a fallback method and a fail-safe mechanism based on Dempster-Shafer theory. Our approach relies on an actionable definition of trustworthy AI. Our method automatically discards the voxel-level labeling predicted by the backbone AI that violate expert knowledge and relies on a fallback for those voxels. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed trustworthy AI approach on the largest reported annotated dataset of fetal MRI consisting of 540 manually annotated fetal brain 3D T2w MRIs from 13 centers. Our trustworthy AI method improves the robustness of a state-of-the-art backbone AI for fetal brain MRIs acquired across various centers and for fetuses with various brain abnormalities.

TerrainMesh: Metric-Semantic Terrain Reconstruction from Aerial Images Using Joint 2D-3D Learning. (arXiv:2204.10993v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qiaojun Feng, Nikolay Atanasov

This paper considers outdoor terrain mapping using RGB images obtained from an aerial vehicle. While feature-based localization and mapping techniques deliver real-time vehicle odometry and sparse keypoint depth reconstruction, a dense model of the environment geometry and semantics (vegetation, buildings, etc.) is usually recovered offline with significant computation and storage. This paper develops a joint 2D-3D learning approach to reconstruct a local metric-semantic mesh at each camera keyframe maintained by a visual odometry algorithm. Given the estimated camera trajectory, the local meshes can be assembled into a global environment model to capture the terrain topology and semantics during online operation. A local mesh is reconstructed using an initialization and refinement stage. In the initialization stage, we estimate the mesh vertex elevation by solving a least squares problem relating the vertex barycentric coordinates to the sparse keypoint depth measurements. In the refinement stage, we associate 2D image and semantic features with the 3D mesh vertices using camera projection and apply graph convolution to refine the mesh vertex spatial coordinates and semantic features based on joint 2D and 3D supervision. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation using real aerial images show the potential of our method to support environmental monitoring and surveillance applications.

Robust and Large-Payload DNN Watermarking via Fixed, Distribution-Optimized, Weights. (arXiv:2208.10973v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Benedetta Tondi, Andrea Costanzo, Mauro Barni

The design of an effective multi-bit watermarking algorithm hinges upon finding a good trade-off between the three fundamental requirements forming the watermarking trade-off triangle, namely, robustness against network modifications, payload, and unobtrusiveness, ensuring minimal impact on the performance of the watermarked network. In this paper, we first revisit the nature of the watermarking trade-off triangle for the DNN case, then we exploit our findings to propose a white-box, multi-bit watermarking method achieving very large payload and strong robustness against network modification. In the proposed system, the weights hosting the watermark are set prior to training, making sure that their amplitude is large enough to bear the target payload and survive network modifications, notably retraining, and are left unchanged throughout the training process. The distribution of the weights carrying the watermark is theoretically optimised to ensure the secrecy of the watermark and make sure that the watermarked weights are indistinguishable from the non-watermarked ones. The proposed method can achieve outstanding performance, with no significant impact on network accuracy, including robustness against network modifications, retraining and transfer learning, while ensuring a payload which is out of reach of state of the art methods achieving a lower - or at most comparable - robustness.

Adjacent-Level Feature Cross-Fusion With 3-D CNN for Remote Sensing Image Change Detection. (arXiv:2302.05109v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuanxin Ye, Mengmeng Wang, Liang Zhou, Guangyang Lei, Jianwei Fan, Yao Qin

Deep learning-based change detection (CD) using remote sensing images has received increasing attention in recent years. However, how to effectively extract and fuse the deep features of bi-temporal images for improving the accuracy of CD is still a challenge. To address that, a novel adjacent-level feature fusion network with 3D convolution (named AFCF3D-Net) is proposed in this article. First, through the inner fusion property of 3D convolution, we design a new feature fusion way that can simultaneously extract and fuse the feature information from bi-temporal images. Then, to alleviate the semantic gap between low-level features and high-level features, we propose an adjacent-level feature cross-fusion (AFCF) module to aggregate complementary feature information between the adjacent levels. Furthermore, the full-scale skip connection strategy is introduced to improve the capability of pixel-wise prediction and the compactness of changed objects in the results. Finally, the proposed AFCF3D-Net has been validated on the three challenging remote sensing CD datasets: the Wuhan building dataset (WHU-CD), the LEVIR building dataset (LEVIR-CD), and the Sun Yat-Sen University dataset (SYSU-CD). The results of quantitative analysis and qualitative comparison demonstrate that the proposed AFCF3D-Net achieves better performance compared to other state-of-the-art methods. The code for this work is available at

BiomedCLIP: a multimodal biomedical foundation model pretrained from fifteen million scientific image-text pairs. (arXiv:2303.00915v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sheng Zhang, Yanbo Xu, Naoto Usuyama, Hanwen Xu, Jaspreet Bagga, Robert Tinn, Sam Preston, Rajesh Rao, Mu Wei, Naveen Valluri, Cliff Wong, Andrea Tupini, Yu Wang, Matt Mazzola, Swadheen Shukla, Lars Liden, Jianfeng Gao, Matthew P. Lungren, Tristan Naumann, Sheng Wang, Hoifung Poon

Biomedical data is inherently multimodal, comprising physical measurements and natural language narratives. A generalist biomedical AI model needs to simultaneously process different modalities of data, including text and images. Therefore, training an effective generalist biomedical model requires high-quality multimodal data, such as parallel image-text pairs. Here, we present PMC-15M, a novel dataset that is two orders of magnitude larger than existing biomedical multimodal datasets such as MIMIC-CXR, and spans a diverse range of biomedical image types. PMC-15M contains 15 million biomedical image-text pairs collected from 4.4 million scientific articles. Based on PMC-15M, we have pretrained BiomedCLIP, a multimodal foundation model, with domain-specific adaptations tailored to biomedical vision-language processing. We conducted extensive experiments and ablation studies on standard biomedical imaging tasks from retrieval to classification to visual question-answering (VQA). BiomedCLIP achieved new state-of-the-art results in a wide range of standard datasets, substantially outperforming prior approaches. Intriguingly, by large-scale pretraining on diverse biomedical image types, BiomedCLIP even outperforms state-of-the-art radiology-specific models such as BioViL in radiology-specific tasks such as RSNA pneumonia detection. In summary, BiomedCLIP is a fully open-access foundation model that achieves state-of-the-art performance on various biomedical tasks, paving the way for transformative multimodal biomedical discovery and applications. We release our models at to facilitate future research in multimodal biomedical AI.

Pixel-wise Gradient Uncertainty for Convolutional Neural Networks applied to Out-of-Distribution Segmentation. (arXiv:2303.06920v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Kira Maag, Tobias Riedlinger

In recent years, deep neural networks have defined the state-of-the-art in semantic segmentation where their predictions are constrained to a predefined set of semantic classes. They are to be deployed in applications such as automated driving, although their categorically confined expressive power runs contrary to such open world scenarios. Thus, the detection and segmentation of objects from outside their predefined semantic space, i.e., out-of-distribution (OoD) objects, is of highest interest. Since uncertainty estimation methods like softmax entropy or Bayesian models are sensitive to erroneous predictions, these methods are a natural baseline for OoD detection. Here, we present a method for obtaining uncertainty scores from pixel-wise loss gradients which can be computed efficiently during inference. Our approach is simple to implement for a large class of models, does not require any additional training or auxiliary data and can be readily used on pre-trained segmentation models. Our experiments show the ability of our method to identify wrong pixel classifications and to estimate prediction quality at negligible computational overhead. In particular, we observe superior performance in terms of OoD segmentation to comparable baselines on the SegmentMeIfYouCan benchmark, clearly outperforming other methods.

Evaluate Geometry of Radiance Fields with Low-frequency Color Prior. (arXiv:2304.04351v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qihang Fang, Yafei Song, Keqiang Li, Li Shen, Huaiyu Wu, Gang Xiong, Liefeng Bo

A radiance field is an effective representation of 3D scenes, which has been widely adopted in novel-view synthesis and 3D reconstruction. It is still an open and challenging problem to evaluate the geometry, i.e., the density field, as the ground-truth is almost impossible to obtain. One alternative indirect solution is to transform the density field into a point-cloud and compute its Chamfer Distance with the scanned ground-truth. However, many widely-used datasets have no point-cloud ground-truth since the scanning process along with the equipment is expensive and complicated. To this end, we propose a novel metric, named Inverse Mean Residual Color (IMRC), which can evaluate the geometry only with the observation images. Our key insight is that the better the geometry, the lower-frequency the computed color field. From this insight, given a reconstructed density field and observation images, we design a closed-form method to approximate the color field with low-frequency spherical harmonics, and compute the inverse mean residual color. Then the higher the IMRC, the better the geometry. Qualitative and quantitative experimental results verify the effectiveness of our proposed IMRC metric. We also benchmark several state-of-the-art methods using IMRC to promote future related research. Our code is available at

Region-Enhanced Feature Learning for Scene Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2304.07486v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xin Kang, Chaoqun Wang, Xuejin Chen

Semantic segmentation in complex scenes relies not only on object appearance but also on object location and the surrounding environment. Nonetheless, it is difficult to model long-range context in the format of pairwise point correlations due to the huge computational cost for large-scale point clouds. In this paper, we propose using regions as the intermediate representation of point clouds instead of fine-grained points or voxels to reduce the computational burden. We introduce a novel Region-Enhanced Feature Learning Network (REFL-Net) that leverages region correlations to enhance point feature learning. We design a region-based feature enhancement (RFE) module, which consists of a Semantic-Spatial Region Extraction stage and a Region Dependency Modeling stage. In the first stage, the input points are grouped into a set of regions based on their semantic and spatial proximity. In the second stage, we explore inter-region semantic and spatial relationships by employing a self-attention block on region features and then fuse point features with the region features to obtain more discriminative representations. Our proposed RFE module is plug-and-play and can be integrated with common semantic segmentation backbones. We conduct extensive experiments on ScanNetV2 and S3DIS datasets and evaluate our RFE module with different segmentation backbones. Our REFL-Net achieves 1.8% mIoU gain on ScanNetV2 and 1.7% mIoU gain on S3DIS with negligible computational cost compared with backbone models. Both quantitative and qualitative results show the powerful long-range context modeling ability and strong generalization ability of our REFL-Net.

Deep Attention Unet: A Network Model with Global Feature Perception Ability. (arXiv:2304.10829v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiacheng Li

Remote sensing image segmentation is a specific task of remote sensing image interpretation. A good remote sensing image segmentation algorithm can provide guidance for environmental protection, agricultural production, and urban construction. This paper proposes a new type of UNet image segmentation algorithm based on channel self attention mechanism and residual connection called . In my experiment, the new network model improved mIOU by 2.48% compared to traditional UNet on the FoodNet dataset. The image segmentation algorithm proposed in this article enhances the internal connections between different items in the image, thus achieving better segmentation results for remote sensing images with occlusion.

Segment Anything Model for Medical Images?. (arXiv:2304.14660v7 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuhao Huang, Xin Yang, Lian Liu, Han Zhou, Ao Chang, Xinrui Zhou, Rusi Chen, Junxuan Yu, Jiongquan Chen, Chaoyu Chen, Sijing Liu, Haozhe Chi, Xindi Hu, Kejuan Yue, Lei Li, Vicente Grau, Deng-Ping Fan, Fajin Dong, Dong Ni

The Segment Anything Model (SAM) is the first foundation model for general image segmentation. It has achieved impressive results on various natural image segmentation tasks. However, medical image segmentation (MIS) is more challenging because of the complex modalities, fine anatomical structures, uncertain and complex object boundaries, and wide-range object scales. To fully validate SAM's performance on medical data, we collected and sorted 53 open-source datasets and built a large medical segmentation dataset with 18 modalities, 84 objects, 125 object-modality paired targets, 1050K 2D images, and 6033K masks. We comprehensively analyzed different models and strategies on the so-called COSMOS 1050K dataset. Our findings mainly include the following: 1) SAM showed remarkable performance in some specific objects but was unstable, imperfect, or even totally failed in other situations. 2) SAM with the large ViT-H showed better overall performance than that with the small ViT-B. 3) SAM performed better with manual hints, especially box, than the Everything mode. 4) SAM could help human annotation with high labeling quality and less time. 5) SAM was sensitive to the randomness in the center point and tight box prompts, and may suffer from a serious performance drop. 6) SAM performed better than interactive methods with one or a few points, but will be outpaced as the number of points increases. 7) SAM's performance correlated to different factors, including boundary complexity, intensity differences, etc. 8) Finetuning the SAM on specific medical tasks could improve its average DICE performance by 4.39% and 6.68% for ViT-B and ViT-H, respectively. We hope that this comprehensive report can help researchers explore the potential of SAM applications in MIS, and guide how to appropriately use and develop SAM.

On the Hidden Mystery of OCR in Large Multimodal Models. (arXiv:2305.07895v5 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuliang Liu, Zhang Li, Biao Yang, Chunyuan Li, Xucheng Yin, Cheng-lin Liu, Lianwen Jin, Xiang Bai

Large models have recently played a dominant role in natural language processing and multimodal vision-language learning. However, their effectiveness in text-related visual tasks remains relatively unexplored. In this paper, we conducted a comprehensive evaluation of Large Multimodal Models, such as GPT4V and Gemini, in various text-related visual tasks including Text Recognition, Scene Text-Centric Visual Question Answering (VQA), Document-Oriented VQA, Key Information Extraction (KIE), and Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition (HMER). To facilitate the assessment of Optical Character Recognition (OCR) capabilities in Large Multimodal Models, we propose OCRBench, a comprehensive evaluation benchmark.Our study encompasses 29 datasets, making it the most comprehensive OCR evaluation benchmark available. Furthermore, our study reveals both the strengths and weaknesses of these models, particularly in handling multilingual text, handwritten text, non-semantic text, and mathematical expression recognition. Most importantly, the baseline results showcased in this study could provide a foundational framework for the conception and assessment of innovative strategies targeted at enhancing zero-shot multimodal techniques. The evaluation pipeline and benchmark are available at

Training Transitive and Commutative Multimodal Transformers with LoReTTa. (arXiv:2305.14243v5 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Manuel Tran, Yashin Dicente Cid, Amal Lahiani, Fabian J. Theis, Tingying Peng, Eldad Klaiman

Training multimodal foundation models is challenging due to the limited availability of multimodal datasets. While many public datasets pair images with text, few combine images with audio or text with audio. Even rarer are datasets that align all three modalities at once. Critical domains such as healthcare, infrastructure, or transportation are particularly affected by missing modalities. This makes it difficult to integrate all modalities into a large pre-trained neural network that can be used out-of-the-box or fine-tuned for different downstream tasks. We introduce LoReTTa (Linking mOdalities with a tRansitive and commutativE pre-Training sTrAtegy) to address this understudied problem. Our self-supervised framework unifies causal modeling and masked modeling with the rules of commutativity and transitivity. This allows us to transition within and between modalities. As a result, our pre-trained models are better at exploring the true underlying joint probability distribution. Given a dataset containing only the disjoint combinations (A, B) and (B, C), LoReTTa can model the relation A <-> C with A <-> B <-> C. In particular, we show that a transformer pre-trained with LoReTTa can handle any mixture of modalities at inference time, including the never-seen pair (A, C) and the triplet (A, B, C). We extensively evaluate our approach on a synthetic, medical, and reinforcement learning dataset. Across different domains, our universal multimodal transformer consistently outperforms strong baselines such as GPT, BERT, and CLIP on tasks involving the missing modality tuple.

Alleviating Exposure Bias in Diffusion Models through Sampling with Shifted Time Steps. (arXiv:2305.15583v5 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingxiao Li, Tingyu Qu, Ruicong Yao, Wei Sun, Marie-Francine Moens

Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPM) have shown remarkable efficacy in the synthesis of high-quality images. However, their inference process characteristically requires numerous, potentially hundreds, of iterative steps, which could exaggerate the problem of exposure bias due to the training and inference discrepancy. Previous work has attempted to mitigate this issue by perturbing inputs during training, which consequently mandates the retraining of the DPM. In this work, we conduct a systematic study of exposure bias in DPM and, intriguingly, we find that the exposure bias could be alleviated with a novel sampling method that we propose, without retraining the model. We empirically and theoretically show that, during inference, for each backward time step $t$ and corresponding state $\hat{x}_t$, there might exist another time step $t_s$ which exhibits superior coupling with $\hat{x}_t$. Based on this finding, we introduce a sampling method named Time-Shift Sampler. Our framework can be seamlessly integrated to existing sampling algorithms, such as DDPM, DDIM and other high-order solvers, inducing merely minimal additional computations. Experimental results show our method brings significant and consistent improvements in FID scores on different datasets and sampling methods. For example, integrating Time-Shift Sampler to F-PNDM yields a FID=3.88, achieving 44.49\% improvements as compared to F-PNDM, on CIFAR-10 with 10 sampling steps, which is more performant than the vanilla DDIM with 100 sampling steps. Our code is available at

Diffusion-Based Adversarial Sample Generation for Improved Stealthiness and Controllability. (arXiv:2305.16494v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haotian Xue, Alexandre Araujo, Bin Hu, Yongxin Chen

Neural networks are known to be susceptible to adversarial samples: small variations of natural examples crafted to deliberately mislead the models. While they can be easily generated using gradient-based techniques in digital and physical scenarios, they often differ greatly from the actual data distribution of natural images, resulting in a trade-off between strength and stealthiness. In this paper, we propose a novel framework dubbed Diffusion-Based Projected Gradient Descent (Diff-PGD) for generating realistic adversarial samples. By exploiting a gradient guided by a diffusion model, Diff-PGD ensures that adversarial samples remain close to the original data distribution while maintaining their effectiveness. Moreover, our framework can be easily customized for specific tasks such as digital attacks, physical-world attacks, and style-based attacks. Compared with existing methods for generating natural-style adversarial samples, our framework enables the separation of optimizing adversarial loss from other surrogate losses (e.g., content/smoothness/style loss), making it more stable and controllable. Finally, we demonstrate that the samples generated using Diff-PGD have better transferability and anti-purification power than traditional gradient-based methods. Code will be released in

Improved Probabilistic Image-Text Representations. (arXiv:2305.18171v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sanghyuk Chun

Image-Text Matching (ITM) task, a fundamental vision-language (VL) task, suffers from the inherent ambiguity arising from multiplicity and imperfect annotations. Deterministic functions are not sufficiently powerful to capture ambiguity, prompting the exploration of probabilistic embeddings to tackle the challenge. However, the existing probabilistic ITM approach encounters two key shortcomings; the burden of heavy computations due to the Monte Carlo approximation, and the loss saturation issue in the face of abundant false negatives. To overcome the issues, this paper presents an improved Probabilistic Cross-Modal Embeddings (named PCME++) by introducing a new probabilistic distance with a closed-form solution. In addition, two optimization techniques are proposed to enhance PCME++ further: first, the incorporation of pseudo-positives to prevent the loss saturation problem under massive false negatives; second, mixed sample data augmentation for probabilistic matching. Experimental results on MS-COCO Caption and two extended benchmarks, CxC and ECCV Caption, demonstrate the effectiveness of PCME++ compared to state-of-the-art ITM methods. The robustness of PCME++ is also evaluated under noisy image-text correspondences. In addition, the potential applicability of PCME++ in automatic prompt tuning for zero-shot classification is shown. The code is available at

Enhancing image quality prediction with self-supervised visual masking. (arXiv:2305.19858v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Uğur Çoğalan, Mojtaba Bemana, Hans-Peter Seidel, Karol Myszkowski

Full-reference image quality metrics (FR-IQMs) aim to measure the visual differences between a pair of reference and distorted images, with the goal of accurately predicting human judgments. However, existing FR-IQMs, including traditional ones like PSNR and SSIM and even perceptual ones such as HDR-VDP, LPIPS, and DISTS, still fall short in capturing the complexities and nuances of human perception. In this work, rather than devising a novel IQM model, we seek to improve upon the perceptual quality of existing FR-IQM methods. We achieve this by considering visual masking, an important characteristic of the human visual system that changes its sensitivity to distortions as a function of local image content. Specifically, for a given FR-IQM metric, we propose to predict a visual masking model that modulates reference and distorted images in a way that penalizes the visual errors based on their visibility. Since the ground truth visual masks are difficult to obtain, we demonstrate how they can be derived in a self-supervised manner solely based on mean opinion scores (MOS) collected from an FR-IQM dataset. Our approach results in enhanced FR-IQM metrics that are more in line with human prediction both visually and quantitatively.

ScrollTimes: Tracing the Provenance of Paintings as a Window into History. (arXiv:2306.08834v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Zhang, Wong Kam-Kwai, Yitian Chen, Ailing Jia, Luwei Wang, Jian-Wei Zhang, Lechao Cheng, Huamin Qu, Wei Chen

The study of cultural artifact provenance, tracing ownership and preservation, holds significant importance in archaeology and art history. Modern technology has advanced this field, yet challenges persist, including recognizing evidence from diverse sources, integrating sociocultural context, and enhancing interactive automation for comprehensive provenance analysis. In collaboration with art historians, we examined the handscroll, a traditional Chinese painting form that provides a rich source of historical data and a unique opportunity to explore history through cultural artifacts. We present a three-tiered methodology encompassing artifact, contextual, and provenance levels, designed to create a "Biography" for handscroll. Our approach incorporates the application of image processing techniques and language models to extract, validate, and augment elements within handscroll using various cultural heritage databases. To facilitate efficient analysis of non-contiguous extracted elements, we have developed a distinctive layout. Additionally, we introduce ScrollTimes, a visual analysis system tailored to support the three-tiered analysis of handscroll, allowing art historians to interactively create biographies tailored to their interests. Validated through case studies and expert interviews, our approach offers a window into history, fostering a holistic understanding of handscroll provenance and historical significance.

Online Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation via Contrastive Motion Clustering. (arXiv:2306.12048v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Lin Xi, Weihai Chen, Xingming Wu, Zhong Liu, Zhengguo Li

Online unsupervised video object segmentation (UVOS) uses the previous frames as its input to automatically separate the primary object(s) from a streaming video without using any further manual annotation. A major challenge is that the model has no access to the future and must rely solely on the history, i.e., the segmentation mask is predicted from the current frame as soon as it is captured. In this work, a novel contrastive motion clustering algorithm with an optical flow as its input is proposed for the online UVOS by exploiting the common fate principle that visual elements tend to be perceived as a group if they possess the same motion pattern. We build a simple and effective auto-encoder to iteratively summarize non-learnable prototypical bases for the motion pattern, while the bases in turn help learn the representation of the embedding network. Further, a contrastive learning strategy based on a boundary prior is developed to improve foreground and background feature discrimination in the representation learning stage. The proposed algorithm can be optimized on arbitrarily-scale data i.e., frame, clip, dataset) and performed in an online fashion. Experiments on $\textit{DAVIS}_{\textit{16}}$, $\textit{FBMS}$, and $\textit{SegTrackV2}$ datasets show that the accuracy of our method surpasses the previous state-of-the-art (SoTA) online UVOS method by a margin of 0.8%, 2.9%, and 1.1%, respectively. Furthermore, by using an online deep subspace clustering to tackle the motion grouping, our method is able to achieve higher accuracy at $3\times$ faster inference time compared to SoTA online UVOS method, and making a good trade-off between effectiveness and efficiency. Our code is available at

Image Background Serves as Good Proxy for Out-of-distribution Data. (arXiv:2307.00519v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Sen Pei

Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection empowers the model trained on the closed image set to identify unknown data in the open world. Though many prior techniques have yielded considerable improvements in this research direction, two crucial obstacles still remain. Firstly, a unified perspective has yet to be presented to view the developed arts with individual designs, which is vital for providing insights into future work. Secondly, we expect sufficient natural OOD supervision to promote the generation of compact boundaries between the in-distribution (ID) and OOD data without collecting explicit OOD samples. To tackle these issues, we propose a general probabilistic framework to interpret many existing methods and an OOD-data-free model, namely \textbf{S}elf-supervised \textbf{S}ampling for \textbf{O}OD \textbf{D}etection (SSOD). SSOD efficiently exploits natural OOD signals from the ID data based on the local property of convolution. With these supervisions, it jointly optimizes the OOD detection and conventional ID classification in an end-to-end manner. Extensive experiments reveal that SSOD establishes competitive state-of-the-art performance on many large-scale benchmarks, outperforming the best previous method by a large margin, \eg, reporting \textbf{-6.28\%} FPR95 and \textbf{+0.77\%} AUROC on ImageNet, \textbf{-19.01\%} FPR95 and \textbf{+3.04\%} AUROC on CIFAR-10, and top-ranked performance on hard OOD datasets, \ie, ImageNet-O and OpenImage-O.

A Probabilistic Fluctuation based Membership Inference Attack for Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2308.12143v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Wenjie Fu, Huandong Wang, Chen Gao, Guanghua Liu, Yong Li, Tao Jiang

Membership Inference Attack (MIA) identifies whether a record exists in a machine learning model's training set by querying the model. MIAs on the classic classification models have been well-studied, and recent works have started to explore how to transplant MIA onto generative models. Our investigation indicates that existing MIAs designed for generative models mainly depend on the overfitting in target models. However, overfitting can be avoided by employing various regularization techniques, whereas existing MIAs demonstrate poor performance in practice. Unlike overfitting, memorization is essential for deep learning models to attain optimal performance, making it a more prevalent phenomenon. Memorization in generative models leads to an increasing trend in the probability distribution of generating records around the member record. Therefore, we propose a Probabilistic Fluctuation Assessing Membership Inference Attack (PFAMI), a black-box MIA that infers memberships by detecting these trends via analyzing the overall probabilistic fluctuations around given records. We conduct extensive experiments across multiple generative models and datasets, which demonstrate PFAMI can improve the attack success rate (ASR) by about 27.9% when compared with the best baseline.

MS23D: : A 3D Object Detection Method Using Multi-Scale Semantic Feature Points to Construct 3D Feature Layer. (arXiv:2308.16518v6 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongxin Shao, Aihong Tan, Binrui Wang, Tianhong Yan, Zhetao Sun, Yiyang Zhang, Jiaxin Liu

LiDAR point clouds can effectively depict the motion and posture of objects in three-dimensional space. Many studies accomplish the 3D object detection by voxelizing point clouds. However, in autonomous driving scenarios, the sparsity and hollowness of point clouds create some difficulties for voxel-based methods. The sparsity of point clouds makes it challenging to describe the geometric features of objects. The hollowness of point clouds poses difficulties for the aggregation of 3D features. We propose a two-stage 3D object detection framework, called MS23D. (1) We propose a method using voxel feature points from multi-branch to construct the 3D feature layer. Using voxel feature points from different branches, we construct a relatively compact 3D feature layer with rich semantic features. Additionally, we propose a distance-weighted sampling method, reducing the loss of foreground points caused by downsampling and allowing the 3D feature layer to retain more foreground points. (2) In response to the hollowness of point clouds, we predict the offsets between deep-level feature points and the object's centroid, making them as close as possible to the object's centroid. This enables the aggregation of these feature points with abundant semantic features. For feature points from shallow-level, we retain them on the object's surface to describe the geometric features of the object. To validate our approach, we evaluated its effectiveness on both the KITTI and ONCE datasets.

MMSFormer: Multimodal Transformer for Material and Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2309.04001v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Md Kaykobad Reza, Ashley Prater-Bennette, M. Salman Asif

Leveraging information across diverse modalities is known to enhance performance on multimodal segmentation tasks. However, effectively fusing information from different modalities remains challenging due to the unique characteristics of each modality. In this paper, we propose a novel fusion strategy that can effectively fuse information from different modality combinations. We also propose a new model named Multi-Modal Segmentation TransFormer (MMSFormer) that incorporates the proposed fusion strategy to perform multimodal material and semantic segmentation tasks. MMSFormer outperforms current state-of-the-art models on three different datasets. As we begin with only one input modality, performance improves progressively as additional modalities are incorporated, showcasing the effectiveness of the fusion block in combining useful information from diverse input modalities. Ablation studies show that different modules in the fusion block are crucial for overall model performance. Furthermore, our ablation studies also highlight the capacity of different input modalities to improve performance in the identification of different types of materials. The code and pretrained models will be made available at

PoseFix: Correcting 3D Human Poses with Natural Language. (arXiv:2309.08480v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Ginger Delmas, Philippe Weinzaepfel, Francesc Moreno-Noguer, Grégory Rogez

Automatically producing instructions to modify one's posture could open the door to endless applications, such as personalized coaching and in-home physical therapy. Tackling the reverse problem (i.e., refining a 3D pose based on some natural language feedback) could help for assisted 3D character animation or robot teaching, for instance. Although a few recent works explore the connections between natural language and 3D human pose, none focus on describing 3D body pose differences. In this paper, we tackle the problem of correcting 3D human poses with natural language. To this end, we introduce the PoseFix dataset, which consists of several thousand paired 3D poses and their corresponding text feedback, that describe how the source pose needs to be modified to obtain the target pose. We demonstrate the potential of this dataset on two tasks: (1) text-based pose editing, that aims at generating corrected 3D body poses given a query pose and a text modifier; and (2) correctional text generation, where instructions are generated based on the differences between two body poses.

PPT: Token Pruning and Pooling for Efficient Vision Transformers. (arXiv:2310.01812v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinjian Wu, Fanhu Zeng, Xiudong Wang, Yunhe Wang, Xinghao Chen

Vision Transformers (ViTs) have emerged as powerful models in the field of computer vision, delivering superior performance across various vision tasks. However, the high computational complexity poses a significant barrier to their practical applications in real-world scenarios. Motivated by the fact that not all tokens contribute equally to the final predictions and fewer tokens bring less computational cost, reducing redundant tokens has become a prevailing paradigm for accelerating vision transformers. However, we argue that it is not optimal to either only reduce inattentive redundancy by token pruning, or only reduce duplicative redundancy by token merging. To this end, in this paper we propose a novel acceleration framework, namely token Pruning & Pooling Transformers (PPT), to adaptively tackle these two types of redundancy in different layers. By heuristically integrating both token pruning and token pooling techniques in ViTs without additional trainable parameters, PPT effectively reduces the model complexity while maintaining its predictive accuracy. For example, PPT reduces over 37% FLOPs and improves the throughput by over 45% for DeiT-S without any accuracy drop on the ImageNet dataset. The code is available at and

Balancing stability and plasticity in continual learning: the readout-decomposition of activation change (RDAC) framework. (arXiv:2310.04741v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel Anthes, Sushrut Thorat, Peter König, Tim C. Kietzmann

Continual learning (CL) algorithms strive to acquire new knowledge while preserving prior information. However, this stability-plasticity trade-off remains a central challenge. This paper introduces a framework that dissects this trade-off, offering valuable insights into CL algorithms. The Readout-Decomposition of Activation Change (RDAC) framework first addresses the stability-plasticity dilemma and its relation to catastrophic forgetting. It relates learning-induced activation changes in the range of prior readouts to the degree of stability and changes in the null space to the degree of plasticity. In deep non-linear networks tackling split-CIFAR-110 tasks, the framework clarifies the stability-plasticity trade-offs of the popular regularization algorithms Synaptic intelligence (SI), Elastic-weight consolidation (EWC), and learning without Forgetting (LwF), and replay-based algorithms Gradient episodic memory (GEM), and data replay. GEM and data replay preserved stability and plasticity, while SI, EWC, and LwF traded off plasticity for stability. The inability of the regularization algorithms to maintain plasticity was linked to them restricting the change of activations in the null space of the prior readout. Additionally, for one-hidden-layer linear neural networks, we derived a gradient decomposition algorithm to restrict activation change only in the range of the prior readouts, to maintain high stability while not further sacrificing plasticity. Results demonstrate that the algorithm maintained stability without significant plasticity loss. The RDAC framework informs the behavior of existing CL algorithms and paves the way for novel CL approaches. Finally, it sheds light on the connection between learning-induced activation/representation changes and the stability-plasticity dilemma, also offering insights into representational drift in biological systems.

FairTune: Optimizing Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning for Fairness in Medical Image Analysis. (arXiv:2310.05055v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Raman Dutt, Ondrej Bohdal, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Timothy Hospedales

Training models with robust group fairness properties is crucial in ethically sensitive application areas such as medical diagnosis. Despite the growing body of work aiming to minimise demographic bias in AI, this problem remains challenging. A key reason for this challenge is the fairness generalisation gap: High-capacity deep learning models can fit all training data nearly perfectly, and thus also exhibit perfect fairness during training. In this case, bias emerges only during testing when generalisation performance differs across subgroups. This motivates us to take a bi-level optimisation perspective on fair learning: Optimising the learning strategy based on validation fairness. Specifically, we consider the highly effective workflow of adapting pre-trained models to downstream medical imaging tasks using parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) techniques. There is a trade-off between updating more parameters, enabling a better fit to the task of interest vs. fewer parameters, potentially reducing the generalisation gap. To manage this tradeoff, we propose FairTune, a framework to optimise the choice of PEFT parameters with respect to fairness. We demonstrate empirically that FairTune leads to improved fairness on a range of medical imaging datasets. The code is available at

Efficient Adaptation of Large Vision Transformer via Adapter Re-Composing. (arXiv:2310.06234v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Dong, Dawei Yan, Zhijun Lin, Peng Wang

The advent of high-capacity pre-trained models has revolutionized problem-solving in computer vision, shifting the focus from training task-specific models to adapting pre-trained models. Consequently, effectively adapting large pre-trained models to downstream tasks in an efficient manner has become a prominent research area. Existing solutions primarily concentrate on designing lightweight adapters and their interaction with pre-trained models, with the goal of minimizing the number of parameters requiring updates. In this study, we propose a novel Adapter Re-Composing (ARC) strategy that addresses efficient pre-trained model adaptation from a fresh perspective. Our approach considers the reusability of adaptation parameters and introduces a parameter-sharing scheme. Specifically, we leverage symmetric down-/up-projections to construct bottleneck operations, which are shared across layers. By learning low-dimensional re-scaling coefficients, we can effectively re-compose layer-adaptive adapters. This parameter-sharing strategy in adapter design allows us to significantly reduce the number of new parameters while maintaining satisfactory performance, thereby offering a promising approach to compress the adaptation cost. We conduct experiments on 24 downstream image classification tasks using various Vision Transformer variants to evaluate our method. The results demonstrate that our approach achieves compelling transfer learning performance with a reduced parameter count. Our code is available at \href{}{}.

Generalizing Medical Image Representations via Quaternion Wavelet Networks. (arXiv:2310.10224v3 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Luigi Sigillo, Eleonora Grassucci, Aurelio Uncini, Danilo Comminiello

Neural network generalizability is becoming a broad research field due to the increasing availability of datasets from different sources and for various tasks. This issue is even wider when processing medical data, where a lack of methodological standards causes large variations being provided by different imaging centers or acquired with various devices and cofactors. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel, generalizable, data- and task-agnostic framework able to extract salient features from medical images. The proposed quaternion wavelet network (QUAVE) can be easily integrated with any pre-existing medical image analysis or synthesis task, and it can be involved with real, quaternion, or hypercomplex-valued models, generalizing their adoption to single-channel data. QUAVE first extracts different sub-bands through the quaternion wavelet transform, resulting in both low-frequency/approximation bands and high-frequency/fine-grained features. Then, it weighs the most representative set of sub-bands to be involved as input to any other neural model for image processing, replacing standard data samples. We conduct an extensive experimental evaluation comprising different datasets, diverse image analysis, and synthesis tasks including reconstruction, segmentation, and modality translation. We also evaluate QUAVE in combination with both real and quaternion-valued models. Results demonstrate the effectiveness and the generalizability of the proposed framework that improves network performance while being flexible to be adopted in manifold scenarios and robust to domain shifts. The full code is available at:

Stanford-ORB: A Real-World 3D Object Inverse Rendering Benchmark. (arXiv:2310.16044v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhengfei Kuang, Yunzhi Zhang, Hong-Xing Yu, Samir Agarwala, Shangzhe Wu, Jiajun Wu

We introduce Stanford-ORB, a new real-world 3D Object inverse Rendering Benchmark. Recent advances in inverse rendering have enabled a wide range of real-world applications in 3D content generation, moving rapidly from research and commercial use cases to consumer devices. While the results continue to improve, there is no real-world benchmark that can quantitatively assess and compare the performance of various inverse rendering methods. Existing real-world datasets typically only consist of the shape and multi-view images of objects, which are not sufficient for evaluating the quality of material recovery and object relighting. Methods capable of recovering material and lighting often resort to synthetic data for quantitative evaluation, which on the other hand does not guarantee generalization to complex real-world environments. We introduce a new dataset of real-world objects captured under a variety of natural scenes with ground-truth 3D scans, multi-view images, and environment lighting. Using this dataset, we establish the first comprehensive real-world evaluation benchmark for object inverse rendering tasks from in-the-wild scenes, and compare the performance of various existing methods.

Patch-Based Deep Unsupervised Image Segmentation using Graph Cuts. (arXiv:2311.01475v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Isaac Wasserman, Jeova Farias Sales Rocha Neto

Unsupervised image segmentation aims at grouping different semantic patterns in an image without the use of human annotation. Similarly, image clustering searches for groupings of images based on their semantic content without supervision. Classically, both problems have captivated researchers as they drew from sound mathematical concepts to produce concrete applications. With the emergence of deep learning, the scientific community turned its attention to complex neural network-based solvers that achieved impressive results in those domains but rarely leveraged the advances made by classical methods. In this work, we propose a patch-based unsupervised image segmentation strategy that bridges advances in unsupervised feature extraction from deep clustering methods with the algorithmic help of classical graph-based methods. We show that a simple convolutional neural network, trained to classify image patches and iteratively regularized using graph cuts, naturally leads to a state-of-the-art fully-convolutional unsupervised pixel-level segmenter. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this is the ideal setting for leveraging the patch-level pairwise features generated by vision transformer models. Our results on real image data demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed methodology.

NEURO HAND: A weakly supervised Hierarchical Attention Network for interpretable neuroimaging abnormality Detection. (arXiv:2311.02992v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: David A. Wood

Clinical neuroimaging data is naturally hierarchical. Different magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences within a series, different slices covering the head, and different regions within each slice all confer different information. In this work we present a hierarchical attention network for abnormality detection using MRI scans obtained in a clinical hospital setting. The proposed network is suitable for non-volumetric data (i.e. stacks of high-resolution MRI slices), and can be trained from binary examination-level labels. We show that this hierarchical approach leads to improved classification, while providing interpretability through either coarse inter- and intra-slice abnormality localisation, or giving importance scores for different slices and sequences, making our model suitable for use as an automated triaging system in radiology departments.

Diagonal Hierarchical Consistency Learning for Semi-supervised Medical Image Segmentation. (arXiv:2311.06031v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Heejoon Koo

Medical image segmentation, which is essential for many clinical applications, has achieved almost human-level performance via data-driven deep learning technologies. Nevertheless, its performance is predicated upon the costly process of manually annotating a vast amount of medical images. To this end, we propose a novel framework for robust semi-supervised medical image segmentation using diagonal hierarchical consistency learning (DiHC-Net). First, it is composed of multiple sub-models with identical multi-scale architecture but with distinct sub-layers, such as up-sampling and normalisation layers. Second, with mutual consistency, a novel consistency regularisation is enforced between one model's intermediate and final prediction and soft pseudo labels from other models in a diagonal hierarchical fashion. A series of experiments verifies the efficacy of our simple framework, outperforming all previous approaches on public benchmark dataset on organ and tumour.

Improved Dense Nested Attention Network Based on Transformer for Infrared Small Target Detection. (arXiv:2311.08747v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chun Bao, Jie Cao, Yaqian Ning, Tianhua Zhao, Zhijun Li, Zechen Wang, Li Zhang, Qun Hao

Infrared small target detection based on deep learning offers unique advantages in separating small targets from complex and dynamic backgrounds. However, the features of infrared small targets gradually weaken as the depth of convolutional neural network (CNN) increases. To address this issue, we propose a novel method for detecting infrared small targets called improved dense nested attention network (IDNANet), which is based on the transformer architecture. We preserve the dense nested structure of dense nested attention network (DNANet) and introduce the Swin-transformer during feature extraction stage to enhance the continuity of features. Furthermore, we integrate the ACmix attention structure into the dense nested structure to enhance the features of intermediate layers. Additionally, we design a weighted dice binary cross-entropy (WD-BCE) loss function to mitigate the negative impact of foreground-background imbalance in the samples. Moreover, we develop a dataset specifically for infrared small targets, called BIT-SIRST. The dataset comprises a significant amount of real-world targets and manually annotated labels, as well as synthetic data and corresponding labels. We have evaluated the effectiveness of our method through experiments conducted on public datasets. In comparison to other state-of-the-art methods, our approach outperforms in terms of probability of detection ($P_d$), false-alarm rate ($F_a$), and mean intersection of union ($mIoU$). The $mIoU$ reaches 90.89\% on the NUDT-SIRST dataset and 79.72\% on the SIRST dataset. The BIT-SIRST dataset and codes are available openly at \href{\_sirst}{\color[HTML]{B22222}{\_sirst}}.

Fast and accurate sparse-view CBCT reconstruction using meta-learned neural attenuation field and hash-encoding regularization. (arXiv:2312.01689v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Heejun Shin, Taehee Kim, Jongho Lee, Se Young Chun, Seungryung Cho, Dongmyung Shin

Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) is an emerging medical imaging technique to visualize the internal anatomical structures of patients. During a CBCT scan, several projection images of different angles or views are collectively utilized to reconstruct a tomographic image. However, reducing the number of projections in a CBCT scan while preserving the quality of a reconstructed image is challenging due to the nature of an ill-posed inverse problem. Recently, a neural attenuation field (NAF) method was proposed by adopting a neural radiance field algorithm as a new way for CBCT reconstruction, demonstrating fast and promising results using only 50 views. However, decreasing the number of projections is still preferable to reduce potential radiation exposure, and a faster reconstruction time is required considering a typical scan time. In this work, we propose a fast and accurate sparse-view CBCT reconstruction (FACT) method to provide better reconstruction quality and faster optimization speed in the minimal number of view acquisitions ($<$ 50 views). In the FACT method, we meta-trained a neural network and a hash-encoder using a few scans (= 15), and a new regularization technique is utilized to reconstruct the details of an anatomical structure. In conclusion, we have shown that the FACT method produced better, and faster reconstruction results over the other conventional algorithms based on CBCT scans of different body parts (chest, head, and abdomen) and CT vendors (Siemens, Phillips, and GE).

Stable Diffusion for Data Augmentation in COCO and Weed Datasets. (arXiv:2312.03996v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Boyang Deng

Generative models have increasingly impacted relative tasks, from computer vision to interior design and other fields. Stable diffusion is an outstanding diffusion model that paves the way for producing high-resolution images with thorough details from text prompts or reference images. It will be an interesting topic about gaining improvements for small datasets with image-sparse categories. This study utilized seven common categories and three widespread weed species to evaluate the efficiency of a stable diffusion model. In detail, Stable diffusion was used to generate synthetic images belonging to these classes; three techniques (i.e., Image-to-image translation, Dreambooth, and ControlNet) based on stable diffusion were leveraged for image generation with different focuses. Then, classification and detection tasks were conducted based on these synthetic images, whose performance was compared to the models trained on original images. Promising results have been achieved in some classes. This seminal study may expedite the adaption of stable diffusion models to different fields.

Caregiver Talk Shapes Toddler Vision: A Computational Study of Dyadic Play. (arXiv:2312.04118v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Timothy Schaumlöffel, Arthur Aubret, Gemma Roig, Jochen Triesch

Infants' ability to recognize and categorize objects develops gradually. The second year of life is marked by both the emergence of more semantic visual representations and a better understanding of word meaning. This suggests that language input may play an important role in shaping visual representations. However, even in suitable contexts for word learning like dyadic play sessions, caregivers utterances are sparse and ambiguous, often referring to objects that are different from the one to which the child attends. Here, we systematically investigate to what extent caregivers' utterances can nevertheless enhance visual representations. For this we propose a computational model of visual representation learning during dyadic play. We introduce a synthetic dataset of ego-centric images perceived by a toddler-agent that moves and rotates toy objects in different parts of its home environment while hearing caregivers' utterances, modeled as captions. We propose to model toddlers' learning as simultaneously aligning representations for 1) close-in-time images and 2) co-occurring images and utterances. We show that utterances with statistics matching those of real caregivers give rise to representations supporting improved category recognition. Our analysis reveals that a small decrease/increase in object-relevant naming frequencies can drastically impact the learned representations. This affects the attention on object names within an utterance, which is required for efficient visuo-linguistic alignment. Overall, our results support the hypothesis that caregivers' naming utterances can improve toddlers' visual representations.

MIMIR: Masked Image Modeling for Mutual Information-based Adversarial Robustness. (arXiv:2312.04960v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiaoyun Xu, Shujian Yu, Jingzheng Wu, Stjepan Picek

Vision Transformers (ViTs) achieve superior performance on various tasks compared to convolutional neural networks (CNNs), but ViTs are also vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Adversarial training is one of the most successful methods to build robust CNN models. Thus, recent works explored new methodologies for adversarial training of ViTs based on the differences between ViTs and CNNs, such as better training strategies, preventing attention from focusing on a single block, or discarding low-attention embeddings. However, these methods still follow the design of traditional supervised adversarial training, limiting the potential of adversarial training on ViTs. This paper proposes a novel defense method, MIMIR, which aims to build a different adversarial training methodology by utilizing Masked Image Modeling at pre-training. We create an autoencoder that accepts adversarial examples as input but takes the clean examples as the modeling target. Then, we create a mutual information (MI) penalty following the idea of the Information Bottleneck. Among the two information source inputs and corresponding adversarial perturbation, the perturbation information is eliminated due to the constraint of the modeling target. Next, we provide a theoretical analysis of MIMIR using the bounds of the MI penalty. We also design two adaptive attacks when the adversary is aware of the MIMIR defense and show that MIMIR still performs well. The experimental results show that MIMIR improves (natural and adversarial) accuracy on average by 4.19% on CIFAR-10 and 5.52% on ImageNet-1K, compared to baselines. On Tiny-ImageNet, we obtained improved natural accuracy of 2.99\% on average and comparable adversarial accuracy. Our code and trained models are publicly available

TiMix: Text-aware Image Mixing for Effective Vision-Language Pre-training. (arXiv:2312.08846v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Chaoya Jiang, Wei ye, Haiyang Xu, Qinghao Ye, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Shikun Zhang

Self-supervised Multi-modal Contrastive Learning (SMCL) remarkably advances modern Vision-Language Pre-training (VLP) models by aligning visual and linguistic modalities. Due to noises in web-harvested text-image pairs, however, scaling up training data volume in SMCL presents considerable obstacles in terms of computational cost and data inefficiency. To improve data efficiency in VLP, we propose Text-aware Image Mixing (TiMix), which integrates mix-based data augmentation techniques into SMCL, yielding significant performance improvements without significantly increasing computational overhead. We provide a theoretical analysis of TiMixfrom a mutual information (MI) perspective, showing that mixed data samples for cross-modal contrastive learning implicitly serve as a regularizer for the contrastive loss. The experimental results demonstrate that TiMix exhibits a comparable performance on downstream tasks, even with a reduced amount of training data and shorter training time, when benchmarked against existing methods. This work empirically and theoretically demonstrates the potential of data mixing for data-efficient and computationally viable VLP, benefiting broader VLP model adoption in practical scenarios.

Test-Time Domain Adaptation by Learning Domain-Aware Batch Normalization. (arXiv:2312.10165v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yanan Wu, Zhixiang Chi, Yang Wang, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Songhe Feng

Test-time domain adaptation aims to adapt the model trained on source domains to unseen target domains using a few unlabeled images. Emerging research has shown that the label and domain information is separately embedded in the weight matrix and batch normalization (BN) layer. Previous works normally update the whole network naively without explicitly decoupling the knowledge between label and domain. As a result, it leads to knowledge interference and defective distribution adaptation. In this work, we propose to reduce such learning interference and elevate the domain knowledge learning by only manipulating the BN layer. However, the normalization step in BN is intrinsically unstable when the statistics are re-estimated from a few samples. We find that ambiguities can be greatly reduced when only updating the two affine parameters in BN while keeping the source domain statistics. To further enhance the domain knowledge extraction from unlabeled data, we construct an auxiliary branch with label-independent self-supervised learning (SSL) to provide supervision. Moreover, we propose a bi-level optimization based on meta-learning to enforce the alignment of two learning objectives of auxiliary and main branches. The goal is to use the auxiliary branch to adapt the domain and benefit main task for subsequent inference. Our method keeps the same computational cost at inference as the auxiliary branch can be thoroughly discarded after adaptation. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms the prior works on five WILDS real-world domain shift datasets. Our method can also be integrated with methods with label-dependent optimization to further push the performance boundary. Our code is available at

PPEA-Depth: Progressive Parameter-Efficient Adaptation for Self-Supervised Monocular Depth Estimation. (arXiv:2312.13066v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yue-Jiang Dong, Yuan-Chen Guo, Ying-Tian Liu, Fang-Lue Zhang, Song-Hai Zhang

Self-supervised monocular depth estimation is of significant importance with applications spanning across autonomous driving and robotics. However, the reliance on self-supervision introduces a strong static-scene assumption, thereby posing challenges in achieving optimal performance in dynamic scenes, which are prevalent in most real-world situations. To address these issues, we propose PPEA-Depth, a Progressive Parameter-Efficient Adaptation approach to transfer a pre-trained image model for self-supervised depth estimation. The training comprises two sequential stages: an initial phase trained on a dataset primarily composed of static scenes, succeeded by an expansion to more intricate datasets involving dynamic scenes. To facilitate this process, we design compact encoder and decoder adapters to enable parameter-efficient tuning, allowing the network to adapt effectively. They not only uphold generalized patterns from pre-trained image models but also retain knowledge gained from the preceding phase into the subsequent one. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PPEA-Depth achieves state-of-the-art performance on KITTI, CityScapes and DDAD datasets.

InternVL: Scaling up Vision Foundation Models and Aligning for Generic Visual-Linguistic Tasks. (arXiv:2312.14238v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhe Chen, Jiannan Wu, Wenhai Wang, Weijie Su, Guo Chen, Sen Xing, Muyan Zhong, Qinglong Zhang, Xizhou Zhu, Lewei Lu, Bin Li, Ping Luo, Tong Lu, Yu Qiao, Jifeng Dai

The exponential growth of large language models (LLMs) has opened up numerous possibilities for multimodal AGI systems. However, the progress in vision and vision-language foundation models, which are also critical elements of multi-modal AGI, has not kept pace with LLMs. In this work, we design a large-scale vision-language foundation model (InternVL), which scales up the vision foundation model to 6 billion parameters and progressively aligns it with the LLM, using web-scale image-text data from various sources. This model can be broadly applied to and achieve state-of-the-art performance on 32 generic visual-linguistic benchmarks including visual perception tasks such as image-level or pixel-level recognition, vision-language tasks such as zero-shot image/video classification, zero-shot image/video-text retrieval, and link with LLMs to create multi-modal dialogue systems. It has powerful visual capabilities and can be a good alternative to the ViT-22B. We hope that our research could contribute to the development of multi-modal large models. Code and models are available at

Diff-PCR: Diffusion-Based Correspondence Searching in Doubly Stochastic Matrix Space for Point Cloud Registration. (arXiv:2401.00436v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Qianliang Wu, Haobo Jiang, Yaqing Ding, Lei Luo, Jin Xie, Jian Yang

Efficiently finding optimal correspondences between point clouds is crucial for solving both rigid and non-rigid point cloud registration problems. Existing methods often rely on geometric or semantic feature embedding to establish correspondences and estimate transformations or flow fields. Recently, state-of-the-art methods have employed RAFT-like iterative updates to refine the solution. However, these methods have certain limitations. Firstly, their iterative refinement design lacks transparency, and their iterative updates follow a fixed path during the refinement process, which can lead to suboptimal results. Secondly, these methods overlook the importance of refining or optimizing correspondences (or matching matrices) as a precursor to solving transformations or flow fields. They typically compute candidate correspondences based on distances in the point feature space. However, they only project the candidate matching matrix into some matrix space once with Sinkhorn or dual softmax operations to obtain final correspondences. This one-shot projected matching matrix may be far from the globally optimal one, and these approaches do not consider the distribution of the target matching matrix. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that exploits the Denoising Diffusion Model to predict a searching gradient for the optimal matching matrix within the Doubly Stochastic Matrix Space. During the reverse denoising process, our method iteratively searches for better solutions along this denoising gradient, which points towards the maximum likelihood direction of the target matching matrix. Our method offers flexibility by allowing the search to start from any initial matching matrix provided by the online backbone or white noise. Experimental evaluations on the 3DMatch/3DLoMatch and 4DMatch/4DLoMatch datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our newly designed framework.

MLLM-Protector: Ensuring MLLM's Safety without Hurting Performance. (arXiv:2401.02906v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Renjie Pi, Tianyang Han, Yueqi Xie, Rui Pan, Qing Lian, Hanze Dong, Jipeng Zhang, Tong Zhang

The deployment of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) has brought forth a unique vulnerability: susceptibility to malicious attacks through visual inputs. We delve into the novel challenge of defending MLLMs against such attacks. We discovered that images act as a "foreign language" that is not considered during alignment, which can make MLLMs prone to producing harmful responses. Unfortunately, unlike the discrete tokens considered in text-based LLMs, the continuous nature of image signals presents significant alignment challenges, which poses difficulty to thoroughly cover the possible scenarios. This vulnerability is exacerbated by the fact that open-source MLLMs are predominantly fine-tuned on limited image-text pairs that is much less than the extensive text-based pretraining corpus, which makes the MLLMs more prone to catastrophic forgetting of their original abilities during explicit alignment tuning. To tackle these challenges, we introduce MLLM-Protector, a plug-and-play strategy combining a lightweight harm detector and a response detoxifier. The harm detector's role is to identify potentially harmful outputs from the MLLM, while the detoxifier corrects these outputs to ensure the response stipulates to the safety standards. This approach effectively mitigates the risks posed by malicious visual inputs without compromising the model's overall performance. Our results demonstrate that MLLM-Protector offers a robust solution to a previously unaddressed aspect of MLLM security.

Self-supervised Feature Adaptation for 3D Industrial Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2401.03145v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuanpeng Tu, Boshen Zhang, Liang Liu, Yuxi Li, Xuhai Chen, Jiangning Zhang, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang, Cai Rong Zhao

Industrial anomaly detection is generally addressed as an unsupervised task that aims at locating defects with only normal training samples. Recently, numerous 2D anomaly detection methods have been proposed and have achieved promising results, however, using only the 2D RGB data as input is not sufficient to identify imperceptible geometric surface anomalies. Hence, in this work, we focus on multi-modal anomaly detection. Specifically, we investigate early multi-modal approaches that attempted to utilize models pre-trained on large-scale visual datasets, i.e., ImageNet, to construct feature databases. And we empirically find that directly using these pre-trained models is not optimal, it can either fail to detect subtle defects or mistake abnormal features as normal ones. This may be attributed to the domain gap between target industrial data and source data.Towards this problem, we propose a Local-to-global Self-supervised Feature Adaptation (LSFA) method to finetune the adaptors and learn task-oriented representation toward anomaly detection.Both intra-modal adaptation and cross-modal alignment are optimized from a local-to-global perspective in LSFA to ensure the representation quality and consistency in the inference stage.Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method not only brings a significant performance boost to feature embedding based approaches, but also outperforms previous State-of-The-Art (SoTA) methods prominently on both MVTec-3D AD and Eyecandies datasets, e.g., LSFA achieves 97.1% I-AUROC on MVTec-3D, surpass previous SoTA by +3.4%.

Exploring Vulnerabilities of No-Reference Image Quality Assessment Models: A Query-Based Black-Box Method. (arXiv:2401.05217v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chenxi Yang, Yujia Liu, Dingquan Li, Tingting Jiang

No-Reference Image Quality Assessment (NR-IQA) aims to predict image quality scores consistent with human perception without relying on pristine reference images, serving as a crucial component in various visual tasks. Ensuring the robustness of NR-IQA methods is vital for reliable comparisons of different image processing techniques and consistent user experiences in recommendations. The attack methods for NR-IQA provide a powerful instrument to test the robustness of NR-IQA. However, current attack methods of NR-IQA heavily rely on the gradient of the NR-IQA model, leading to limitations when the gradient information is unavailable. In this paper, we present a pioneering query-based black box attack against NR-IQA methods. We propose the concept of score boundary and leverage an adaptive iterative approach with multiple score boundaries. Meanwhile, the initial attack directions are also designed to leverage the characteristics of the Human Visual System (HVS). Experiments show our method outperforms all compared state-of-the-art attack methods and is far ahead of previous black-box methods. The effective NR-IQA model DBCNN suffers a Spearman's rank-order correlation coefficient (SROCC) decline of 0.6381 attacked by our method, revealing the vulnerability of NR-IQA models to black-box attacks. The proposed attack method also provides a potent tool for further exploration into NR-IQA robustness.

Self Expanding Convolutional Neural Networks. (arXiv:2401.05686v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Blaise Appolinary, Alex Deaconu, Sophia Yang, Qingze (Eric)Li

In this paper, we present a novel method for dynamically expanding Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) during training, aimed at meeting the increasing demand for efficient and sustainable deep learning models. Our approach, drawing from the seminal work on Self-Expanding Neural Networks (SENN), employs a natural expansion score as an expansion criteria to address the common issue of over-parameterization in deep convolutional neural networks, thereby ensuring that the model's complexity is finely tuned to the task's specific needs. A significant benefit of this method is its eco-friendly nature, as it obviates the necessity of training multiple models of different sizes. We employ a strategy where a single model is dynamically expanded, facilitating the extraction of checkpoints at various complexity levels, effectively reducing computational resource use and energy consumption while also expediting the development cycle by offering diverse model complexities from a single training session. We evaluate our method on the CIFAR-10 dataset and our experimental results validate this approach, demonstrating that dynamically adding layers not only maintains but also improves CNN performance, underscoring the effectiveness of our expansion criteria. This approach marks a considerable advancement in developing adaptive, scalable, and environmentally considerate neural network architectures, addressing key challenges in the field of deep learning.

Frequency Masking for Universal Deepfake Detection. (arXiv:2401.06506v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Chandler Timm Doloriel, Ngai-Man Cheung

We study universal deepfake detection. Our goal is to detect synthetic images from a range of generative AI approaches, particularly from emerging ones which are unseen during training of the deepfake detector. Universal deepfake detection requires outstanding generalization capability. Motivated by recently proposed masked image modeling which has demonstrated excellent generalization in self-supervised pre-training, we make the first attempt to explore masked image modeling for universal deepfake detection. We study spatial and frequency domain masking in training deepfake detectors. Based on empirical analysis, we propose a novel deepfake detector via frequency masking. Our focus on frequency domain is different from the majority, which primarily target spatial domain detection. Our comparative analyses reveal substantial performance gains over existing methods. Code and models are publicly available.

Adversarial Examples are Misaligned in Diffusion Model Manifolds. (arXiv:2401.06637v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Peter Lorenz, Ricard Durall, Janis Keuper

In recent years, diffusion models (DMs) have drawn significant attention for their success in approximating data distributions, yielding state-of-the-art generative results. Nevertheless, the versatility of these models extends beyond their generative capabilities to encompass various vision applications, such as image inpainting, segmentation, adversarial robustness, among others. This study is dedicated to the investigation of adversarial attacks through the lens of diffusion models. However, our objective does not involve enhancing the adversarial robustness of image classifiers. Instead, our focus lies in utilizing the diffusion model to detect and analyze the anomalies introduced by these attacks on images. To that end, we systematically examine the alignment of the distributions of adversarial examples when subjected to the process of transformation using diffusion models. The efficacy of this approach is assessed across CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, including varying image sizes in the latter. The results demonstrate a notable capacity to discriminate effectively between benign and attacked images, providing compelling evidence that adversarial instances do not align with the learned manifold of the DMs.

IVIM-Morph: Motion-compensated quantitative Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) analysis for functional fetal lung maturity assessment from diffusion-weighted MRI data. (arXiv:2401.07126v2 [eess.IV] UPDATED)

Authors: Noga Kertes, Yael Zaffrani-Reznikov, Onur Afacan, Sila Kurugol, Simon K. Warfield, Moti Freiman

Quantitative analysis of pseudo-diffusion in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DWI) data shows potential for assessing fetal lung maturation and generating valuable imaging biomarkers. Yet, the clinical utility of DWI data is hindered by unavoidable fetal motion during acquisition. We present IVIM-morph, a self-supervised deep neural network model for motion-corrected quantitative analysis of DWI data using the Intra-voxel Incoherent Motion (IVIM) model. IVIM-morph combines two sub-networks, a registration sub-network, and an IVIM model fitting sub-network, enabling simultaneous estimation of IVIM model parameters and motion. To promote physically plausible image registration, we introduce a biophysically informed loss function that effectively balances registration and model-fitting quality. We validated the efficacy of IVIM-morph by establishing a correlation between the predicted IVIM model parameters of the lung and gestational age (GA) using fetal DWI data of 39 subjects. IVIM-morph exhibited a notably improved correlation with gestational age (GA) when performing in-vivo quantitative analysis of fetal lung DWI data during the canalicular phase. IVIM-morph shows potential in developing valuable biomarkers for non-invasive assessment of fetal lung maturity with DWI data. Moreover, its adaptability opens the door to potential applications in other clinical contexts where motion compensation is essential for quantitative DWI analysis. The IVIM-morph code is readily available at:

Phenotyping calcification in vascular tissues using artificial intelligence. (arXiv:2401.07825v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Mehdi Ramezanpour, Anne M. Robertson, Yasutaka Tobe, Xiaowei Jia, Juan R. Cebral

Vascular calcification is implicated as an important factor in major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), including heart attack and stroke. A controversy remains over how to integrate the diverse forms of vascular calcification into clinical risk assessment tools. Even the commonly used calcium score for coronary arteries, which assumes risk scales positively with total calcification, has important inconsistencies. Fundamental studies are needed to determine how risk is influenced by the diverse calcification phenotypes. However, studies of these kinds are hindered by the lack of high-throughput, objective, and non-destructive tools for classifying calcification in imaging data sets. Here, we introduce a new classification system for phenotyping calcification along with a semi-automated, non-destructive pipeline that can distinguish these phenotypes in even atherosclerotic tissues. The pipeline includes a deep-learning-based framework for segmenting lipid pools in noisy micro-CT images and an unsupervised clustering framework for categorizing calcification based on size, clustering, and topology. This approach is illustrated for five vascular specimens, providing phenotyping for thousands of calcification particles across as many as 3200 images in less than seven hours. Average Dice Similarity Coefficients of 0.96 and 0.87 could be achieved for tissue and lipid pool, respectively, with training and validation needed on only 13 images despite the high heterogeneity in these tissues. By introducing an efficient and comprehensive approach to phenotyping calcification, this work enables large-scale studies to identify a more reliable indicator of the risk of cardiovascular events, a leading cause of global mortality and morbidity.

Learned Image Compression with ROI-Weighted Distortion and Bit Allocation. (arXiv:2401.08154v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Wei Jiang, Yongqi Zhai, Hangyu Li, Ronggang Wang

This one page paper describes our method for the track of image compression. To achieve better perceptual quality, we use the adversarial loss to generate realistic textures, use region of interest (ROI) mask to guide the bit allocation for different regions. Our Team name is TLIC.

Generative Denoise Distillation: Simple Stochastic Noises Induce Efficient Knowledge Transfer for Dense Prediction. (arXiv:2401.08332v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaoge Liu, Xiaohao Xu, Yunkang Cao, Weiming Shen

Knowledge distillation is the process of transferring knowledge from a more powerful large model (teacher) to a simpler counterpart (student). Numerous current approaches involve the student imitating the knowledge of the teacher directly. However, redundancy still exists in the learned representations through these prevalent methods, which tend to learn each spatial location's features indiscriminately. To derive a more compact representation (concept feature) from the teacher, inspired by human cognition, we suggest an innovative method, termed Generative Denoise Distillation (GDD), where stochastic noises are added to the concept feature of the student to embed them into the generated instance feature from a shallow network. Then, the generated instance feature is aligned with the knowledge of the instance from the teacher. We extensively experiment with object detection, instance segmentation, and semantic segmentation to demonstrate the versatility and effectiveness of our method. Notably, GDD achieves new state-of-the-art performance in the tasks mentioned above. We have achieved substantial improvements in semantic segmentation by enhancing PspNet and DeepLabV3, both of which are based on ResNet-18, resulting in mIoU scores of 74.67 and 77.69, respectively, surpassing their previous scores of 69.85 and 73.20 on the Cityscapes dataset of 20 categories. The source code is available at