Concrete Problems in AI Safety, Revisited. (arXiv:2401.10899v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Inioluwa Deborah Raji, Roel Dobbe

As AI systems proliferate in society, the AI community is increasingly preoccupied with the concept of AI Safety, namely the prevention of failures due to accidents that arise from an unanticipated departure of a system's behavior from designer intent in AI deployment. We demonstrate through an analysis of real world cases of such incidents that although current vocabulary captures a range of the encountered issues of AI deployment, an expanded socio-technical framing will be required for a more complete understanding of how AI systems and implemented safety mechanisms fail and succeed in real life.

A Review of Findings from Neuroscience and Cognitive Psychology as Possible Inspiration for the Path to Artificial General Intelligence. (arXiv:2401.10904v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Florin Leon

This review aims to contribute to the quest for artificial general intelligence by examining neuroscience and cognitive psychology methods for potential inspiration. Despite the impressive advancements achieved by deep learning models in various domains, they still have shortcomings in abstract reasoning and causal understanding. Such capabilities should be ultimately integrated into artificial intelligence systems in order to surpass data-driven limitations and support decision making in a way more similar to human intelligence. This work is a vertical review that attempts a wide-ranging exploration of brain function, spanning from lower-level biological neurons, spiking neural networks, and neuronal ensembles to higher-level concepts such as brain anatomy, vector symbolic architectures, cognitive and categorization models, and cognitive architectures. The hope is that these concepts may offer insights for solutions in artificial general intelligence.

Metacognition is all you need? Using Introspection in Generative Agents to Improve Goal-directed Behavior. (arXiv:2401.10910v1 [q-bio.NC])

Authors: Jason Toy, Josh MacAdam, Phil Tabor

Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in various applications, yet LLMs face challenges such as limited context windows and difficulties in generalization. In this paper, we introduce a metacognition module for generative agents, enabling them to observe their own thought processes and actions. This metacognitive approach, designed to emulate System 1 and System 2 cognitive processes, allows agents to significantly enhance their performance by modifying their strategy. We tested the metacognition module on a variety of scenarios, including a situation where generative agents must survive a zombie apocalypse, and observe that our system outperform others, while agents adapt and improve their strategies to complete tasks over time.

Artificial intelligence to automate the systematic review of scientific literature. (arXiv:2401.10917v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: José de la Torre-López, Aurora Ramírez, José Raúl Romero

Artificial intelligence (AI) has acquired notorious relevance in modern computing as it effectively solves complex tasks traditionally done by humans. AI provides methods to represent and infer knowledge, efficiently manipulate texts and learn from vast amount of data. These characteristics are applicable in many activities that human find laborious or repetitive, as is the case of the analysis of scientific literature. Manually preparing and writing a systematic literature review (SLR) takes considerable time and effort, since it requires planning a strategy, conducting the literature search and analysis, and reporting the findings. Depending on the area under study, the number of papers retrieved can be of hundreds or thousands, meaning that filtering those relevant ones and extracting the key information becomes a costly and error-prone process. However, some of the involved tasks are repetitive and, therefore, subject to automation by means of AI. In this paper, we present a survey of AI techniques proposed in the last 15 years to help researchers conduct systematic analyses of scientific literature. We describe the tasks currently supported, the types of algorithms applied, and available tools proposed in 34 primary studies. This survey also provides a historical perspective of the evolution of the field and the role that humans can play in an increasingly automated SLR process.

A New Creative Generation Pipeline for Click-Through Rate with Stable Diffusion Model. (arXiv:2401.10934v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Hao Yang, Jianxin Yuan, Shuai Yang, Linhe Xu, Shuo Yuan, Yifan Zeng

In online advertising scenario, sellers often create multiple creatives to provide comprehensive demonstrations, making it essential to present the most appealing design to maximize the Click-Through Rate (CTR). However, sellers generally struggle to consider users preferences for creative design, leading to the relatively lower aesthetics and quantities compared to Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based approaches. Traditional AI-based approaches still face the same problem of not considering user information while having limited aesthetic knowledge from designers. In fact that fusing the user information, the generated creatives can be more attractive because different users may have different preferences. To optimize the results, the generated creatives in traditional methods are then ranked by another module named creative ranking model. The ranking model can predict the CTR score for each creative considering user features. However, the two above stages are regarded as two different tasks and are optimized separately. In this paper, we proposed a new automated Creative Generation pipeline for Click-Through Rate (CG4CTR) with the goal of improving CTR during the creative generation stage. Our contributions have 4 parts: 1) The inpainting mode in stable diffusion is firstly applied to creative generation task in online advertising scene. A self-cyclic generation pipeline is proposed to ensure the convergence of training. 2) Prompt model is designed to generate individualized creatives for different user groups, which can further improve the diversity and quality. 3) Reward model comprehensively considers the multimodal features of image and text to improve the effectiveness of creative ranking task, and it is also critical in self-cyclic pipeline. 4) The significant benefits obtained in online and offline experiments verify the significance of our proposed method.

SeeClick: Harnessing GUI Grounding for Advanced Visual GUI Agents. (arXiv:2401.10935v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Kanzhi Cheng, Qiushi Sun, Yougang Chu, Fangzhi Xu, Yantao Li, Jianbing Zhang, Zhiyong Wu

Graphical User Interface (GUI) agents are designed to automate complex tasks on digital devices, such as smartphones and desktops. Most existing GUI agents interact with the environment through extracted structured data, which can be notably lengthy (e.g., HTML) and occasionally inaccessible (e.g., on desktops). To alleviate this issue, we propose a visual GUI agent -- SeeClick, which only relies on screenshots for task automation. In our preliminary study, we have discovered a key challenge in developing visual GUI agents: GUI grounding -- the capacity to accurately locate screen elements based on instructions. To tackle this challenge, we propose to enhance SeeClick with GUI grounding pre-training and devise a method to automate the curation of GUI grounding data. Along with the efforts above, we have also created ScreenSpot, the first realistic GUI grounding dataset that encompasses mobile, desktop, and web environments. After pre-training, SeeClick demonstrates significant improvement in ScreenSpot over various baselines. Moreover, comprehensive evaluations on three widely used benchmarks consistently support our finding that advancements in GUI grounding directly correlate with enhanced performance in downstream GUI agent tasks. The model, data and code are available at

Subjective Causality. (arXiv:2401.10937v1 [econ.TH])

Authors: Joseph Y. Halpern, Evan Piermont

We show that it is possible to understand and identify a decision maker's subjective causal judgements by observing her preferences over interventions. Following Pearl [2000], we represent causality using causal models (also called structural equations models), where the world is described by a collection of variables, related by equations. We show that if a preference relation over interventions satisfies certain axioms (related to standard axioms regarding counterfactuals), then we can define (i) a causal model, (ii) a probability capturing the decision-maker's uncertainty regarding the external factors in the world and (iii) a utility on outcomes such that each intervention is associated with an expected utility and such that intervention $A$ is preferred to $B$ iff the expected utility of $A$ is greater than that of $B$. In addition, we characterize when the causal model is unique. Thus, our results allow a modeler to test the hypothesis that a decision maker's preferences are consistent with some causal model and to identify causal judgements from observed behavior.

Even-if Explanations: Formal Foundations, Priorities and Complexity. (arXiv:2401.10938v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Gianvincenzo Alfano, Sergio Greco, Domenico Mandaglio, Francesco Parisi, Reza Shahbazian, Irina Trubitsyna

EXplainable AI has received significant attention in recent years. Machine learning models often operate as black boxes, lacking explainability and transparency while supporting decision-making processes. Local post-hoc explainability queries attempt to answer why individual inputs are classified in a certain way by a given model. While there has been important work on counterfactual explanations, less attention has been devoted to semifactual ones. In this paper, we focus on local post-hoc explainability queries within the semifactual `even-if' thinking and their computational complexity among different classes of models, and show that both linear and tree-based models are strictly more interpretable than neural networks. After this, we introduce a preference-based framework that enables users to personalize explanations based on their preferences, both in the case of semifactuals and counterfactuals, enhancing interpretability and user-centricity. Finally, we explore the complexity of several interpretability problems in the proposed preference-based framework and provide algorithms for polynomial cases.

Machine Unlearning for Recommendation Systems: An Insight. (arXiv:2401.10942v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: Bhavika Sachdeva, Harshita Rathee, Sristi, Arun Sharma, Witold Wydmański

This review explores machine unlearning (MUL) in recommendation systems, addressing adaptability, personalization, privacy, and bias challenges. Unlike traditional models, MUL dynamically adjusts system knowledge based on shifts in user preferences and ethical considerations. The paper critically examines MUL's basics, real-world applications, and challenges like algorithmic transparency. It sifts through literature, offering insights into how MUL could transform recommendations, discussing user trust, and suggesting paths for future research in responsible and user-focused artificial intelligence (AI). The document guides researchers through challenges involving the trade-off between personalization and privacy, encouraging contributions to meet practical demands for targeted data removal. Emphasizing MUL's role in secure and adaptive machine learning, the paper proposes ways to push its boundaries. The novelty of this paper lies in its exploration of the limitations of the methods, which highlights exciting prospects for advancing the field.

Self context-aware emotion perception on human-robot interaction. (arXiv:2401.10946v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Zihan Lin, Francisco Cruz, Eduardo Benitez Sandoval

Emotion recognition plays a crucial role in various domains of human-robot interaction. In long-term interactions with humans, robots need to respond continuously and accurately, however, the mainstream emotion recognition methods mostly focus on short-term emotion recognition, disregarding the context in which emotions are perceived. Humans consider that contextual information and different contexts can lead to completely different emotional expressions. In this paper, we introduce self context-aware model (SCAM) that employs a two-dimensional emotion coordinate system for anchoring and re-labeling distinct emotions. Simultaneously, it incorporates its distinctive information retention structure and contextual loss. This approach has yielded significant improvements across audio, video, and multimodal. In the auditory modality, there has been a notable enhancement in accuracy, rising from 63.10% to 72.46%. Similarly, the visual modality has demonstrated improved accuracy, increasing from 77.03% to 80.82%. In the multimodal, accuracy has experienced an elevation from 77.48% to 78.93%. In the future, we will validate the reliability and usability of SCAM on robots through psychology experiments.

AI Revolution on Chat Bot: Evidence from a Randomized Controlled Experiment. (arXiv:2401.10956v1 [cs.HC])

Authors: Sida Peng, Wojciech Swiatek, Allen Gao, Paul Cullivan, Haoge Chang

In recent years, generative AI has undergone major advancements, demonstrating significant promise in augmenting human productivity. Notably, large language models (LLM), with ChatGPT-4 as an example, have drawn considerable attention. Numerous articles have examined the impact of LLM-based tools on human productivity in lab settings and designed tasks or in observational studies. Despite recent advances, field experiments applying LLM-based tools in realistic settings are limited. This paper presents the findings of a field randomized controlled trial assessing the effectiveness of LLM-based tools in providing unmonitored support services for information retrieval.

Decentralizing Coordination in Open Vehicle Fleets for Scalable and Dynamic Task Allocation. (arXiv:2401.10965v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Marin Lujak, Stefano Giordani, Andrea Omicini, Sascha Ossowski

One of the major challenges in the coordination of large, open, collaborative, and commercial vehicle fleets is dynamic task allocation. Self-concerned individually rational vehicle drivers have both local and global objectives, which require coordination using some fair and efficient task allocation method. In this paper, we review the literature on scalable and dynamic task allocation focusing on deterministic and dynamic two-dimensional linear assignment problems. We focus on multiagent system representation of open vehicle fleets where dynamically appearing vehicles are represented by software agents that should be allocated to a set of dynamically appearing tasks. We give a comparison and critical analysis of recent research results focusing on centralized, distributed, and decentralized solution approaches. Moreover, we propose mathematical models for dynamic versions of the following assignment problems well known in combinatorial optimization: the assignment problem, bottleneck assignment problem, fair matching problem, dynamic minimum deviation assignment problem, $\sum_{k}$-assignment problem, the semiassignment problem, the assignment problem with side constraints, and the assignment problem while recognizing agent qualification; all while considering the main aspect of open vehicle fleets: random arrival of tasks and vehicles (agents) that may become available after assisting previous tasks or by participating in the fleet at times based on individual interest.

MacroSwarm: A Field-based Compositional Framework for Swarm Programming. (arXiv:2401.10969v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Gianluca Aguzzi, Roberto Casadei, Mirko Viroli

Swarm behaviour engineering is an area of research that seeks to investigate methods and techniques for coordinating computation and action within groups of simple agents to achieve complex global goals like pattern formation, collective movement, clustering, and distributed sensing. Despite recent progress in the analysis and engineering of swarms (of drones, robots, vehicles), there is still a need for general design and implementation methods and tools that can be used to define complex swarm behaviour in a principled way. To contribute to this quest, this article proposes a new field-based coordination approach, called MacroSwarm, to design and program swarm behaviour in terms of reusable and fully composable functional blocks embedding collective computation and coordination. Based on the macroprogramming paradigm of aggregate computing, MacroSwarm builds on the idea of expressing each swarm behaviour block as a pure function mapping sensing fields into actuation goal fields, e.g. including movement vectors. In order to demonstrate the expressiveness, compositionality, and practicality of MacroSwarm as a framework for collective intelligence, we perform a variety of simulations covering common patterns of flocking, morphogenesis, and collective decision-making.

Fast Registration of Photorealistic Avatars for VR Facial Animation. (arXiv:2401.11002v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Chaitanya Patel, Shaojie Bai, Te-Li Wang, Jason Saragih, Shih-En Wei

Virtual Reality (VR) bares promise of social interactions that can feel more immersive than other media. Key to this is the ability to accurately animate a photorealistic avatar of one's likeness while wearing a VR headset. Although high quality registration of person-specific avatars to headset-mounted camera (HMC) images is possible in an offline setting, the performance of generic realtime models are significantly degraded. Online registration is also challenging due to oblique camera views and differences in modality. In this work, we first show that the domain gap between the avatar and headset-camera images is one of the primary sources of difficulty, where a transformer-based architecture achieves high accuracy on domain-consistent data, but degrades when the domain-gap is re-introduced. Building on this finding, we develop a system design that decouples the problem into two parts: 1) an iterative refinement module that takes in-domain inputs, and 2) a generic avatar-guided image-to-image style transfer module that is conditioned on current estimation of expression and head pose. These two modules reinforce each other, as image style transfer becomes easier when close-to-ground-truth examples are shown, and better domain-gap removal helps registration. Our system produces high-quality results efficiently, obviating the need for costly offline registration to generate personalized labels. We validate the accuracy and efficiency of our approach through extensive experiments on a commodity headset, demonstrating significant improvements over direct regression methods as well as offline registration.

Analysis and Detection of Multilingual Hate Speech Using Transformer Based Deep Learning. (arXiv:2401.11021v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Arijit Das, Somashree Nandy, Rupam Saha, Srijan Das, Diganta Saha

Hate speech is harmful content that directly attacks or promotes hatred against members of groups or individuals based on actual or perceived aspects of identity, such as racism, religion, or sexual orientation. This can affect social life on social media platforms as hateful content shared through social media can harm both individuals and communities. As the prevalence of hate speech increases online, the demand for automated detection as an NLP task is increasing. In this work, the proposed method is using transformer-based model to detect hate speech in social media, like twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram, etc. The proposed model is independent of languages and has been tested on Italian, English, German, Bengali. The Gold standard datasets were collected from renowned researcher Zeerak Talat, Sara Tonelli, Melanie Siegel, and Rezaul Karim. The success rate of the proposed model for hate speech detection is higher than the existing baseline and state-of-the-art models with accuracy in Bengali dataset is 89%, in English: 91%, in German dataset 91% and in Italian dataset it is 77%. The proposed algorithm shows substantial improvement to the benchmark method.

The Significance of Data Abstraction Methods in Machine Learning Classification Processes for Critical Decision-Making. (arXiv:2401.11044v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Karol Capała, Paulina Tworek, Jose Sousa

The applicability of widely adopted machine learning (ML) methods to classification is circumscribed by the imperatives of explicability and uncertainty, particularly evident in domains such as healthcare, behavioural sciences, and finances, wherein accountability assumes priority. Recently, Small and Incomplete Dataset Analyser (SaNDA) has been proposed to enhance the ability to perform classification in such domains, by developing a data abstraction protocol using a ROC curve-based method. This paper focuses on column-wise data transformations called abstractions, which are crucial for SaNDA's classification process and explores alternative abstractions protocols, such as constant binning and quantiles. The best-performing methods have been compared against Random Forest as a baseline for explainable methods. The results suggests that SaNDA can be a viable substitute for Random Forest when data is incomplete, even with minimal missing values. It consistently maintains high accuracy even when half of the dataset is missing, unlike Random Forest which experiences a significant decline in accuracy under similar conditions.

PhotoBot: Reference-Guided Interactive Photography via Natural Language. (arXiv:2401.11061v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Oliver Limoyo, Jimmy Li, Dmitriy Rivkin, Jonathan Kelly, Gregory Dudek

We introduce PhotoBot, a framework for automated photo acquisition based on an interplay between high-level human language guidance and a robot photographer. We propose to communicate photography suggestions to the user via a reference picture that is retrieved from a curated gallery. We exploit a visual language model (VLM) and an object detector to characterize reference pictures via textual descriptions and use a large language model (LLM) to retrieve relevant reference pictures based on a user's language query through text-based reasoning. To correspond the reference picture and the observed scene, we exploit pre-trained features from a vision transformer capable of capturing semantic similarity across significantly varying images. Using these features, we compute pose adjustments for an RGB-D camera by solving a Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem. We demonstrate our approach on a real-world manipulator equipped with a wrist camera. Our user studies show that photos taken by PhotoBot are often more aesthetically pleasing than those taken by users themselves, as measured by human feedback.

Learning from Aggregate responses: Instance Level versus Bag Level Loss Functions. (arXiv:2401.11081v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Adel Javanmard, Lin Chen, Vahab Mirrokni, Ashwinkumar Badanidiyuru, Gang Fu

Due to the rise of privacy concerns, in many practical applications the training data is aggregated before being shared with the learner, in order to protect privacy of users' sensitive responses. In an aggregate learning framework, the dataset is grouped into bags of samples, where each bag is available only with an aggregate response, providing a summary of individuals' responses in that bag. In this paper, we study two natural loss functions for learning from aggregate responses: bag-level loss and the instance-level loss. In the former, the model is learnt by minimizing a loss between aggregate responses and aggregate model predictions, while in the latter the model aims to fit individual predictions to the aggregate responses. In this work, we show that the instance-level loss can be perceived as a regularized form of the bag-level loss. This observation lets us compare the two approaches with respect to bias and variance of the resulting estimators, and introduce a novel interpolating estimator which combines the two approaches. For linear regression tasks, we provide a precise characterization of the risk of the interpolating estimator in an asymptotic regime where the size of the training set grows in proportion to the features dimension. Our analysis allows us to theoretically understand the effect of different factors, such as bag size on the model prediction risk. In addition, we propose a mechanism for differentially private learning from aggregate responses and derive the optimal bag size in terms of prediction risk-privacy trade-off. We also carry out thorough experiments to corroborate our theory and show the efficacy of the interpolating estimator.

Adaptive Global-Local Representation Learning and Selection for Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition. (arXiv:2401.11085v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuefang Gao, Yuhao Xie, Zeke Zexi Hu, Tianshui Chen, Liang Lin

Domain shift poses a significant challenge in Cross-Domain Facial Expression Recognition (CD-FER) due to the distribution variation across different domains. Current works mainly focus on learning domain-invariant features through global feature adaptation, while neglecting the transferability of local features. Additionally, these methods lack discriminative supervision during training on target datasets, resulting in deteriorated feature representation in target domain. To address these limitations, we propose an Adaptive Global-Local Representation Learning and Selection (AGLRLS) framework. The framework incorporates global-local adversarial adaptation and semantic-aware pseudo label generation to enhance the learning of domain-invariant and discriminative feature during training. Meanwhile, a global-local prediction consistency learning is introduced to improve classification results during inference. Specifically, the framework consists of separate global-local adversarial learning modules that learn domain-invariant global and local features independently. We also design a semantic-aware pseudo label generation module, which computes semantic labels based on global and local features. Moreover, a novel dynamic threshold strategy is employed to learn the optimal thresholds by leveraging independent prediction of global and local features, ensuring filtering out the unreliable pseudo labels while retaining reliable ones. These labels are utilized for model optimization through the adversarial learning process in an end-to-end manner. During inference, a global-local prediction consistency module is developed to automatically learn an optimal result from multiple predictions. We conduct comprehensive experiments and analysis based on a fair evaluation benchmark. The results demonstrate that the proposed framework outperforms the current competing methods by a substantial margin.

FedRKG: A Privacy-preserving Federated Recommendation Framework via Knowledge Graph Enhancement. (arXiv:2401.11089v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Dezhong Yao, Tongtong Liu, Qi Cao, Hai Jin

Federated Learning (FL) has emerged as a promising approach for preserving data privacy in recommendation systems by training models locally. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNN) have gained popularity in recommendation tasks due to their ability to capture high-order interactions between users and items. However, privacy concerns prevent the global sharing of the entire user-item graph. To address this limitation, some methods create pseudo-interacted items or users in the graph to compensate for missing information for each client. Unfortunately, these methods introduce random noise and raise privacy concerns. In this paper, we propose FedRKG, a novel federated recommendation system, where a global knowledge graph (KG) is constructed and maintained on the server using publicly available item information, enabling higher-order user-item interactions. On the client side, a relation-aware GNN model leverages diverse KG relationships. To protect local interaction items and obscure gradients, we employ pseudo-labeling and Local Differential Privacy (LDP). Extensive experiments conducted on three real-world datasets demonstrate the competitive performance of our approach compared to centralized algorithms while ensuring privacy preservation. Moreover, FedRKG achieves an average accuracy improvement of 4% compared to existing federated learning baselines.

TypeDance: Creating Semantic Typographic Logos from Image through Personalized Generation. (arXiv:2401.11094v1 [cs.AI])

Authors: Shishi Xiao, Liangwei Wang, Xiaojuan Ma, Wei Zeng

Semantic typographic logos harmoniously blend typeface and imagery to represent semantic concepts while maintaining legibility. Conventional methods using spatial composition and shape substitution are hindered by the conflicting requirement for achieving seamless spatial fusion between geometrically dissimilar typefaces and semantics. While recent advances made AI generation of semantic typography possible, the end-to-end approaches exclude designer involvement and disregard personalized design. This paper presents TypeDance, an AI-assisted tool incorporating design rationales with the generative model for personalized semantic typographic logo design. It leverages combinable design priors extracted from uploaded image exemplars and supports type-imagery mapping at various structural granularity, achieving diverse aesthetic designs with flexible control. Additionally, we instantiate a comprehensive design workflow in TypeDance, including ideation, selection, generation, evaluation, and iteration. A two-task user evaluation, including imitation and creation, confirmed the usability of TypeDance in design across different usage scenarios

SPAND: Sleep Prediction Architecture using Network Dynamics. (arXiv:2401.11113v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Maryam Khalid, Elizabeth B. Klerman, Andrew W. Mchill, Andrew J. K. Phillips, Akane Sano

Sleep behavior significantly impacts health and acts as an indicator of physical and mental well-being. Monitoring and predicting sleep behavior with ubiquitous sensors may therefore assist in both sleep management and tracking of related health conditions. While sleep behavior depends on, and is reflected in the physiology of a person, it is also impacted by external factors such as digital media usage, social network contagion, and the surrounding weather. In this work, we propose SPAND (Sleep Prediction Architecture using Network Dynamics), a system that exploits social contagion in sleep behavior through graph networks and integrates it with physiological and phone data extracted from ubiquitous mobile and wearable devices for predicting next-day sleep labels about sleep duration. Our architecture overcomes the limitations of large-scale graphs containing connections irrelevant to sleep behavior by devising an attention mechanism. The extensive experimental evaluation highlights the improvement provided by incorporating social networks in the model. Additionally, we conduct robustness analysis to demonstrate the system's performance in real-life conditions. The outcomes affirm the stability of SPAND against perturbations in input data. Further analyses emphasize the significance of network topology in prediction performance revealing that users with higher eigenvalue centrality are more vulnerable to data perturbations.

Enhancing Large Language Models for Clinical Decision Support by Incorporating Clinical Practice Guidelines. (arXiv:2401.11120v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: David Oniani, Xizhi Wu, Shyam Visweswaran, Sumit Kapoor, Shravan Kooragayalu, Katelyn Polanska, Yanshan Wang

Background Large Language Models (LLMs), enhanced with Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPGs), can significantly improve Clinical Decision Support (CDS). However, methods for incorporating CPGs into LLMs are not well studied. Methods We develop three distinct methods for incorporating CPGs into LLMs: Binary Decision Tree (BDT), Program-Aided Graph Construction (PAGC), and Chain-of-Thought-Few-Shot Prompting (CoT-FSP). To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed methods, we create a set of synthetic patient descriptions and conduct both automatic and human evaluation of the responses generated by four LLMs: GPT-4, GPT-3.5 Turbo, LLaMA, and PaLM 2. Zero-Shot Prompting (ZSP) was used as the baseline method. We focus on CDS for COVID-19 outpatient treatment as the case study. Results All four LLMs exhibit improved performance when enhanced with CPGs compared to the baseline ZSP. BDT outperformed both CoT-FSP and PAGC in automatic evaluation. All of the proposed methods demonstrated high performance in human evaluation. Conclusion LLMs enhanced with CPGs demonstrate superior performance, as compared to plain LLMs with ZSP, in providing accurate recommendations for COVID-19 outpatient treatment, which also highlights the potential for broader applications beyond the case study.

Stability Plasticity Decoupled Fine-tuning For Few-shot end-to-end Object Detection. (arXiv:2401.11140v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Yuantao Yin, Ping Yin

Few-shot object detection(FSOD) aims to design methods to adapt object detectors efficiently with only few annotated samples. Fine-tuning has been shown to be an effective and practical approach. However, previous works often take the classical base-novel two stage fine-tuning procedure but ignore the implicit stability-plasticity contradiction among different modules. Specifically, the random re-initialized classifiers need more plasticity to adapt to novel samples. The other modules inheriting pre-trained weights demand more stability to reserve their class-agnostic knowledge. Regular fine-tuning which couples the optimization of these two parts hurts the model generalization in FSOD scenarios. In this paper, we find that this problem is prominent in the end-to-end object detector Sparse R-CNN for its multi-classifier cascaded architecture. We propose to mitigate this contradiction by a new three-stage fine-tuning procedure by introducing an addtional plasticity classifier fine-tuning(PCF) stage. We further design the multi-source ensemble(ME) technique to enhance the generalization of the model in the final fine-tuning stage. Extensive experiments verify that our method is effective in regularizing Sparse R-CNN, outperforming previous methods in the FSOD benchmark.

Gaussian Adaptive Attention is All You Need: Robust Contextual Representations Across Multiple Modalities. (arXiv:2401.11143v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Georgios Ioannides, Aman Chadha, Aaron Elkins

We propose the Multi-Head Gaussian Adaptive Attention Mechanism (GAAM), a novel probabilistic attention framework, and the Gaussian Adaptive Transformer (GAT), designed to enhance information aggregation across multiple modalities, including Speech, Text and Vision. GAAM integrates learnable mean and variance into its attention mechanism, implemented in a Multi-Headed framework enabling it to collectively model any Probability Distribution for dynamic recalibration of feature significance. This method demonstrates significant improvements, especially with highly non-stationary data, surpassing the state-of-the-art attention techniques in model performance (up to approximately +20% in accuracy) by identifying key elements within the feature space. GAAM's compatibility with dot-product-based attention models and relatively low number of parameters showcases its adaptability and potential to boost existing attention frameworks. Empirically, GAAM exhibits superior adaptability and efficacy across a diverse range of tasks, including emotion recognition in speech, image classification, and text classification, thereby establishing its robustness and versatility in handling multi-modal data. Furthermore, we introduce the Importance Factor (IF), a new learning-based metric that enhances the explainability of models trained with GAAM-based methods. Overall, GAAM represents an advancement towards development of better performing and more explainable attention models across multiple modalities.

Generalizing Speaker Verification for Spoof Awareness in the Embedding Space. (arXiv:2401.11156v1 [cs.CR])

Authors: Xuechen Liu, Md Sahidullah, Kong Aik Lee, Tomi Kinnunen

It is now well-known that automatic speaker verification (ASV) systems can be spoofed using various types of adversaries. The usual approach to counteract ASV systems against such attacks is to develop a separate spoofing countermeasure (CM) module to classify speech input either as a bonafide, or a spoofed utterance. Nevertheless, such a design requires additional computation and utilization efforts at the authentication stage. An alternative strategy involves a single monolithic ASV system designed to handle both zero-effort imposter (non-targets) and spoofing attacks. Such spoof-aware ASV systems have the potential to provide stronger protections and more economic computations. To this end, we propose to generalize the standalone ASV (G-SASV) against spoofing attacks, where we leverage limited training data from CM to enhance a simple backend in the embedding space, without the involvement of a separate CM module during the test (authentication) phase. We propose a novel yet simple backend classifier based on deep neural networks and conduct the study via domain adaptation and multi-task integration of spoof embeddings at the training stage. Experiments are conducted on the ASVspoof 2019 logical access dataset, where we improve the performance of statistical ASV backends on the joint (bonafide and spoofed) and spoofed conditions by a maximum of 36.2% and 49.8% in terms of equal error rates, respectively.

Pixel-Wise Recognition for Holistic Surgical Scene Understanding. (arXiv:2401.11174v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Nicolás Ayobi, Santiago Rodríguez, Alejandra Pérez, Isabela Hernández, Nicolás Aparicio, Eugénie Dessevres, Sebastián Peña, Jessica Santander, Juan Ignacio Caicedo, Nicolás Fernández, Pablo Arbeláez

This paper presents the Holistic and Multi-Granular Surgical Scene Understanding of Prostatectomies (GraSP) dataset, a curated benchmark that models surgical scene understanding as a hierarchy of complementary tasks with varying levels of granularity. Our approach enables a multi-level comprehension of surgical activities, encompassing long-term tasks such as surgical phases and steps recognition and short-term tasks including surgical instrument segmentation and atomic visual actions detection. To exploit our proposed benchmark, we introduce the Transformers for Actions, Phases, Steps, and Instrument Segmentation (TAPIS) model, a general architecture that combines a global video feature extractor with localized region proposals from an instrument segmentation model to tackle the multi-granularity of our benchmark. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate the impact of including segmentation annotations in short-term recognition tasks, highlight the varying granularity requirements of each task, and establish TAPIS's superiority over previously proposed baselines and conventional CNN-based models. Additionally, we validate the robustness of our method across multiple public benchmarks, confirming the reliability and applicability of our dataset. This work represents a significant step forward in Endoscopic Vision, offering a novel and comprehensive framework for future research towards a holistic understanding of surgical procedures.

Fast and Exact Enumeration of Deep Networks Partitions Regions. (arXiv:2401.11188v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Randall Balestriero, Yann LeCun

One fruitful formulation of Deep Networks (DNs) enabling their theoretical study and providing practical guidelines to practitioners relies on Piecewise Affine Splines. In that realm, a DN's input-mapping is expressed as per-region affine mapping where those regions are implicitly determined by the model's architecture and form a partition of their input space. That partition -- which is involved in all the results spanned from this line of research -- has so far only been computed on $2/3$-dimensional slices of the DN's input space or estimated by random sampling. In this paper, we provide the first parallel algorithm that does exact enumeration of the DN's partition regions. The proposed algorithm enables one to finally assess the closeness of the commonly employed approximations methods, e.g. based on random sampling of the DN input space. One of our key finding is that if one is only interested in regions with ``large'' volume, then uniform sampling of the space is highly efficient, but that if one is also interested in discovering the ``small'' regions of the partition, then uniform sampling is exponentially costly with the DN's input space dimension. On the other hand, our proposed method has complexity scaling linearly with input dimension and the number of regions.

Navigating the Thin Line: Examining User Behavior in Search to Detect Engagement and Backfire Effects. (arXiv:2401.11201v1 [cs.IR])

Authors: F. M. Cau, N. Tintarev

Opinionated users often seek information that aligns with their preexisting beliefs while dismissing contradictory evidence due to confirmation bias. This conduct hinders their ability to consider alternative stances when searching the web. Despite this, few studies have analyzed how the diversification of search results on disputed topics influences the search behavior of highly opinionated users. To this end, we present a preregistered user study (n = 257) investigating whether different levels (low and high) of bias metrics and search results presentation (with or without AI-predicted stances labels) can affect the stance diversity consumption and search behavior of opinionated users on three debated topics (i.e., atheism, intellectual property rights, and school uniforms). Our results show that exposing participants to (counter-attitudinally) biased search results increases their consumption of attitude-opposing content, but we also found that bias was associated with a trend toward overall fewer interactions within the search page. We also found that 19% of users interacted with queries and search pages but did not select any search results. When we removed these participants in a post-hoc analysis, we found that stance labels increased the diversity of stances consumed by users, particularly when the search results were biased. Our findings highlight the need for future research to explore distinct search scenario settings to gain insight into opinionated users' behavior.

Programming Distributed Collective Processes in the eXchange Calculus. (arXiv:2401.11212v1 [cs.DC])

Authors: Giorgio Audrito, Roberto Casadei, Ferruccio Damiani, Gianluca Torta, Mirko Viroli

Recent trends like the Internet of Things (IoT) suggest a vision of dense and multi-scale deployments of computing devices in nearly all kinds of environments. A prominent engineering challenge revolves around programming the collective adaptive behaviour of such computational ecosystems. This requires abstractions able to capture concepts like ensembles (dynamic groups of cooperating devices) and collective tasks (joint activities carried out by ensembles). In this work, we consider collections of devices interacting with neighbours and that execute in nearly-synchronised sense-compute-interact rounds, where the computation is given by a single program mapping sensing values and incoming messages to output and outcoming messages. To support programming whole computational collectives, we propose the abstraction of a distributed collective process, which can be used to define at once the ensemble formation logic and its collective task. We formalise the abstraction in the eXchange Calculus (XC), a core functional language based on neighbouring values (maps from neighbours to values) where state and interaction is handled through a single primitive, exchange, and provide a corresponding implementation in the FCPP language. Then, we exercise distributed collective processes using two case studies: multi-hop message propagation and distributed monitoring of spatial properties. Finally, we discuss the features of the abstraction and its suitability for different kinds of distributed computing applications.

A Hybrid Approach of Transfer Learning and Physics-Informed Modeling: Improving Dissolved Oxygen Concentration Prediction in an Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant. (arXiv:2401.11217v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Ece S. Koksal, Erdal Aydin

Constructing first principles models is a challenging task for nonlinear and complex systems such as a wastewater treatment unit. In recent years, data-driven models are widely used to overcome the complexity. However, they often suffer from issues such as missing, low quality or noisy data. Transfer learning is a solution for this issue where knowledge from another task is transferred to target one to increase the prediction performance. In this work, the objective is increasing the prediction performance of an industrial wastewater treatment plant by transferring the knowledge of (i) an open-source simulation model that captures the underlying physics of the process, albeit with dissimilarities to the target plant, (ii) another industrial plant characterized by noisy and limited data but located in the same refinery, and (iii) the model in (ii) and making the objective function of the training problem physics informed where the physics information derived from the open-source model in (ii). The results have shown that test and validation performance are improved up to 27% and 59%, respectively.

TreeMIL: A Multi-instance Learning Framework for Time Series Anomaly Detection with Inexact Supervision. (arXiv:2401.11235v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Chen Liu, Shibo He, Haoyu Liu, Shizhong Li

Time series anomaly detection (TSAD) plays a vital role in various domains such as healthcare, networks, and industry. Considering labels are crucial for detection but difficult to obtain, we turn to TSAD with inexact supervision: only series-level labels are provided during the training phase, while point-level anomalies are predicted during the testing phase. Previous works follow a traditional multi-instance learning (MIL) approach, which focuses on encouraging high anomaly scores at individual time steps. However, time series anomalies are not only limited to individual point anomalies, they can also be collective anomalies, typically exhibiting abnormal patterns over subsequences. To address the challenge of collective anomalies, in this paper, we propose a tree-based MIL framework (TreeMIL). We first adopt an N-ary tree structure to divide the entire series into multiple nodes, where nodes at different levels represent subsequences with different lengths. Then, the subsequence features are extracted to determine the presence of collective anomalies. Finally, we calculate point-level anomaly scores by aggregating features from nodes at different levels. Experiments conducted on seven public datasets and eight baselines demonstrate that TreeMIL achieves an average 32.3% improvement in F1- score compared to previous state-of-the-art methods. The code is available at

Evaluating if trust and personal information privacy concerns are barriers to using health insurance that explicitly utilizes AI. (arXiv:2401.11249v1 [cs.CY])

Authors: Alex Zarifis, Peter Kawalek, Aida Azadegan

Trust and privacy have emerged as significant concerns in online transactions. Sharing information on health is especially sensitive but it is necessary for purchasing and utilizing health insurance. Evidence shows that consumers are increasingly comfortable with technology in place of humans, but the expanding use of AI potentially changes this. This research explores whether trust and privacy concern are barriers to the adoption of AI in health insurance. Two scenarios are compared: The first scenario has limited AI that is not in the interface and its presence is not explicitly revealed to the consumer. In the second scenario there is an AI interface and AI evaluation, and this is explicitly revealed to the consumer. The two scenarios were modeled and compared using SEM PLS-MGA. The findings show that trust is significantly lower in the second scenario where AI is visible. Privacy concerns are higher with AI but the difference is not statistically significant within the model.

Automated Fusion of Multimodal Electronic Health Records for Better Medical Predictions. (arXiv:2401.11252v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Suhan Cui, Jiaqi Wang, Yuan Zhong, Han Liu, Ting Wang, Fenglong Ma

The widespread adoption of Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems in healthcare institutes has generated vast amounts of medical data, offering significant opportunities for improving healthcare services through deep learning techniques. However, the complex and diverse modalities and feature structures in real-world EHR data pose great challenges for deep learning model design. To address the multi-modality challenge in EHR data, current approaches primarily rely on hand-crafted model architectures based on intuition and empirical experiences, leading to sub-optimal model architectures and limited performance. Therefore, to automate the process of model design for mining EHR data, we propose a novel neural architecture search (NAS) framework named AutoFM, which can automatically search for the optimal model architectures for encoding diverse input modalities and fusion strategies. We conduct thorough experiments on real-world multi-modal EHR data and prediction tasks, and the results demonstrate that our framework not only achieves significant performance improvement over existing state-of-the-art methods but also discovers meaningful network architectures effectively.

Measuring Policy Distance for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2401.11257v1 [cs.MA])

Authors: Tianyi Hu, Zhiqiang Pu, Xiaolin Ai, Tenghai Qiu, Jianqiang Yi

Diversity plays a crucial role in improving the performance of multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Currently, many diversity-based methods have been developed to overcome the drawbacks of excessive parameter sharing in traditional MARL. However, there remains a lack of a general metric to quantify policy differences among agents. Such a metric would not only facilitate the evaluation of the diversity evolution in multi-agent systems, but also provide guidance for the design of diversity-based MARL algorithms. In this paper, we propose the multi-agent policy distance (MAPD), a general tool for measuring policy differences in MARL. By learning the conditional representations of agents' decisions, MAPD can computes the policy distance between any pair of agents. Furthermore, we extend MAPD to a customizable version, which can quantify differences among agent policies on specified aspects. Based on the online deployment of MAPD, we design a multi-agent dynamic parameter sharing (MADPS) algorithm as an example of the MAPD's applications. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method is effective in measuring differences in agent policies and specific behavioral tendencies. Moreover, in comparison to other methods of parameter sharing, MADPS exhibits superior performance.

Evaluating Driver Readiness in Conditionally Automated Vehicles from Eye-Tracking Data and Head Pose. (arXiv:2401.11284v1 [cs.CV])

Authors: Mostafa Kazemi, Mahdi Rezaei, Mohsen Azarmi

As automated driving technology advances, the role of the driver to resume control of the vehicle in conditionally automated vehicles becomes increasingly critical. In the SAE Level 3 or partly automated vehicles, the driver needs to be available and ready to intervene when necessary. This makes it essential to evaluate their readiness accurately. This article presents a comprehensive analysis of driver readiness assessment by combining head pose features and eye-tracking data. The study explores the effectiveness of predictive models in evaluating driver readiness, addressing the challenges of dataset limitations and limited ground truth labels. Machine learning techniques, including LSTM architectures, are utilised to model driver readiness based on the Spatio-temporal status of the driver's head pose and eye gaze. The experiments in this article revealed that a Bidirectional LSTM architecture, combining both feature sets, achieves a mean absolute error of 0.363 on the DMD dataset, demonstrating superior performance in assessing driver readiness. The modular architecture of the proposed model also allows the integration of additional driver-specific features, such as steering wheel activity, enhancing its adaptability and real-world applicability.

Wavelet-based temporal models of human activity for anomaly detection in smart robot-assisted environments. (arXiv:2002.11503v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Manuel Fernandez-Carmona, Sariah Mghames, Nicola Bellotto

Abstract. Detecting anomalies in patterns of sensor data is important in many practical applications, including domestic activity monitoring for Active Assisted Living (AAL). How to represent and analyse these patterns, however, remains a challenging task, especially when data is relatively scarce and an explicit model is required to be fine-tuned for specific scenarios. This paper, therefore, presents a new approach for temporal modelling of long-term human activities with smart-home sensors, which is used to detect anomalous situations in a robot-assisted environment. The model is based on wavelet transforms and used to forecast smart sensor data, providing a temporal prior to detect unexpected events in human environments. To this end, a new extension of Hybrid Markov Logic Networks has been developed that merges different anomaly indicators, including activities detected by binary sensors, expert logic rules, and wavelet-based temporal models. The latter in particular allows the inference system to discover deviations from long-term activity patterns, which cannot be detected by simpler frequency-based models. Two new publicly available datasets were collected using several smart-sensors to evaluate the approach in office and domestic scenarios. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solutions and their successful deployment in complex human environments, showing their potential for future smart-home and robot integrated services.

Rethinking Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Semantic Segmentation. (arXiv:2207.00067v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhijie Wang, Masanori Suganuma, Takayuki Okatani

Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) adapts a model trained on one domain (called source) to a novel domain (called target) using only unlabeled data. Due to its high annotation cost, researchers have developed many UDA methods for semantic segmentation, which assume no labeled sample is available in the target domain. We question the practicality of this assumption for two reasons. First, after training a model with a UDA method, we must somehow verify the model before deployment. Second, UDA methods have at least a few hyper-parameters that need to be determined. The surest solution to these is to evaluate the model using validation data, i.e., a certain amount of labeled target-domain samples. This question about the basic assumption of UDA leads us to rethink UDA from a data-centric point of view. Specifically, we assume we have access to a minimum level of labeled data. Then, we ask how much is necessary to find good hyper-parameters of existing UDA methods. We then consider what if we use the same data for supervised training of the same model, e.g., finetuning. We conducted experiments to answer these questions with popular scenarios, {GTA5, SYNTHIA}$\rightarrow$Cityscapes. We found that i) choosing good hyper-parameters needs only a few labeled images for some UDA methods whereas a lot more for others; and ii) simple finetuning works surprisingly well; it outperforms many UDA methods if only several dozens of labeled images are available.

Heterogeneous Multi-agent Zero-Shot Coordination by Coevolution. (arXiv:2208.04957v2 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Ke Xue, Yutong Wang, Cong Guan, Lei Yuan, Haobo Fu, Qiang Fu, Chao Qian, Yang Yu

Generating agents that can achieve zero-shot coordination (ZSC) with unseen partners is a new challenge in cooperative multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Recently, some studies have made progress in ZSC by exposing the agents to diverse partners during the training process. They usually involve self-play when training the partners, implicitly assuming that the tasks are homogeneous. However, many real-world tasks are heterogeneous, and hence previous methods may be inefficient. In this paper, we study the heterogeneous ZSC problem for the first time and propose a general method based on coevolution, which coevolves two populations of agents and partners through three sub-processes: pairing, updating and selection. Experimental results on various heterogeneous tasks highlight the necessity of considering the heterogeneous setting and demonstrate that our proposed method is a promising solution for heterogeneous ZSC tasks.

Proportional structures. (arXiv:2210.01751v5 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Christian Antić

Analogical proportions are expressions of the form ``$a$ is to $b$ what $c$ is to $d$'' at the core of analogical reasoning which itself is at the core of artificial intelligence. This paper contributes to the mathematical foundations of analogical proportions in the axiomatic tradition as initiated by Yves Lepage two decades ago. For this we consider proportional structures as sets endowed with a 4-ary analogical proportion relation $a:b::c:d$ satisfying a suitable set of axioms and study different kinds of proportion-preserving mappings and relations and their properties. In a broader sense, this paper is a further step towards a mathematical theory of analogical proportions.

Towards Cross Domain Generalization of Hamiltonian Representation via Meta Learning. (arXiv:2212.01168v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yeongwoo Song, Hawoong Jeong

Recent advances in deep learning for physics have focused on discovering shared representations of target systems by incorporating physics priors or inductive biases into neural networks. While effective, these methods are limited to the system domain, where the type of system remains consistent and thus cannot ensure the adaptation to new, or unseen physical systems governed by different laws. For instance, a neural network trained on a mass-spring system cannot guarantee accurate predictions for the behavior of a two-body system or any other system with different physical laws. In this work, we take a significant leap forward by targeting cross domain generalization within the field of Hamiltonian dynamics. We model our system with a graph neural network and employ a meta learning algorithm to enable the model to gain experience over a distribution of tasks and make it adapt to new physics. Our approach aims to learn a unified Hamiltonian representation that is generalizable across multiple system domains, thereby overcoming the limitations of system-specific models. Our results demonstrate that the meta-trained model not only adapts effectively to new systems but also captures a generalized Hamiltonian representation that is consistent across different physical domains. Overall, through the use of meta learning, we offer a framework that achieves cross domain generalization, providing a step towards a unified model for understanding a wide array of dynamical systems via deep learning.

AV-data2vec: Self-supervised Learning of Audio-Visual Speech Representations with Contextualized Target Representations. (arXiv:2302.06419v2 [eess.AS] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiachen Lian, Alexei Baevski, Wei-Ning Hsu, Michael Auli

Self-supervision has shown great potential for audio-visual speech recognition by vastly reducing the amount of labeled data required to build good systems. However, existing methods are either not entirely end-to-end or do not train joint representations of both modalities. In this paper, we introduce AV-data2vec which addresses these challenges and builds audio-visual representations based on predicting contextualized representations which has been successful in the uni-modal case. The model uses a shared transformer encoder for both audio and video and can combine both modalities to improve speech recognition. Results on LRS3 show that AV-data2vec consistently outperforms existing methods under all settings with the same amount of data and model size.

Bayesian Matrix Decomposition and Applications. (arXiv:2302.11337v2 [math.NA] UPDATED)

Authors: Jun Lu

The sole aim of this book is to give a self-contained introduction to concepts and mathematical tools in Bayesian matrix decomposition in order to seamlessly introduce matrix decomposition techniques and their applications in subsequent sections. However, we clearly realize our inability to cover all the useful and interesting results concerning Bayesian matrix decomposition and given the paucity of scope to present this discussion, e.g., the separated analysis of variational inference for conducting the optimization. We refer the reader to literature in the field of Bayesian analysis for a more detailed introduction to the related fields.

This book is primarily a summary of purpose, significance of important Bayesian matrix decomposition methods, e.g., real-valued decomposition, nonnegative matrix factorization, Bayesian interpolative decomposition, and the origin and complexity of the methods which shed light on their applications. The mathematical prerequisite is a first course in statistics and linear algebra. Other than this modest background, the development is self-contained, with rigorous proof provided throughout.

Cal-QL: Calibrated Offline RL Pre-Training for Efficient Online Fine-Tuning. (arXiv:2303.05479v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Mitsuhiko Nakamoto, Yuexiang Zhai, Anikait Singh, Max Sobol Mark, Yi Ma, Chelsea Finn, Aviral Kumar, Sergey Levine

A compelling use case of offline reinforcement learning (RL) is to obtain a policy initialization from existing datasets followed by fast online fine-tuning with limited interaction. However, existing offline RL methods tend to behave poorly during fine-tuning. In this paper, we devise an approach for learning an effective initialization from offline data that also enables fast online fine-tuning capabilities. Our approach, calibrated Q-learning (Cal-QL), accomplishes this by learning a conservative value function initialization that underestimates the value of the learned policy from offline data, while also being calibrated, in the sense that the learned Q-values are at a reasonable scale. We refer to this property as calibration, and define it formally as providing a lower bound on the true value function of the learned policy and an upper bound on the value of some other (suboptimal) reference policy, which may simply be the behavior policy. We show that offline RL algorithms that learn such calibrated value functions lead to effective online fine-tuning, enabling us to take the benefits of offline initializations in online fine-tuning. In practice, Cal-QL can be implemented on top of the conservative Q learning (CQL) for offline RL within a one-line code change. Empirically, Cal-QL outperforms state-of-the-art methods on 9/11 fine-tuning benchmark tasks that we study in this paper. Code and video are available at

A Generalized Multi-Modal Fusion Detection Framework. (arXiv:2303.07064v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Leichao Cui, Xiuxian Li, Min Meng, Xiaoyu Mo

LiDAR point clouds have become the most common data source in autonomous driving. However, due to the sparsity of point clouds, accurate and reliable detection cannot be achieved in specific scenarios. Because of their complementarity with point clouds, images are getting increasing attention. Although with some success, existing fusion methods either perform hard fusion or do not fuse in a direct manner. In this paper, we propose a generic 3D detection framework called MMFusion, using multi-modal features. The framework aims to achieve accurate fusion between LiDAR and images to improve 3D detection in complex scenes. Our framework consists of two separate streams: the LiDAR stream and the camera stream, which can be compatible with any single-modal feature extraction network. The Voxel Local Perception Module in the LiDAR stream enhances local feature representation, and then the Multi-modal Feature Fusion Module selectively combines feature output from different streams to achieve better fusion. Extensive experiments have shown that our framework not only outperforms existing benchmarks but also improves their detection, especially for detecting cyclists and pedestrians on KITTI benchmarks, with strong robustness and generalization capabilities. Hopefully, our work will stimulate more research into multi-modal fusion for autonomous driving tasks.

What Makes Data Suitable for a Locally Connected Neural Network? A Necessary and Sufficient Condition Based on Quantum Entanglement. (arXiv:2303.11249v5 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Yotam Alexander, Nimrod De La Vega, Noam Razin, Nadav Cohen

The question of what makes a data distribution suitable for deep learning is a fundamental open problem. Focusing on locally connected neural networks (a prevalent family of architectures that includes convolutional and recurrent neural networks as well as local self-attention models), we address this problem by adopting theoretical tools from quantum physics. Our main theoretical result states that a certain locally connected neural network is capable of accurate prediction over a data distribution if and only if the data distribution admits low quantum entanglement under certain canonical partitions of features. As a practical application of this result, we derive a preprocessing method for enhancing the suitability of a data distribution to locally connected neural networks. Experiments with widespread models over various datasets demonstrate our findings. We hope that our use of quantum entanglement will encourage further adoption of tools from physics for formally reasoning about the relation between deep learning and real-world data.

Promptable Game Models: Text-Guided Game Simulation via Masked Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2303.13472v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Willi Menapace, Aliaksandr Siarohin, Stéphane Lathuilière, Panos Achlioptas, Vladislav Golyanik, Sergey Tulyakov, Elisa Ricci

Neural video game simulators emerged as powerful tools to generate and edit videos. Their idea is to represent games as the evolution of an environment's state driven by the actions of its agents. While such a paradigm enables users to play a game action-by-action, its rigidity precludes more semantic forms of control. To overcome this limitation, we augment game models with prompts specified as a set of natural language actions and desired states. The result-a Promptable Game Model (PGM)-makes it possible for a user to play the game by prompting it with high- and low-level action sequences. Most captivatingly, our PGM unlocks the director's mode, where the game is played by specifying goals for the agents in the form of a prompt. This requires learning "game AI", encapsulated by our animation model, to navigate the scene using high-level constraints, play against an adversary, and devise a strategy to win a point. To render the resulting state, we use a compositional NeRF representation encapsulated in our synthesis model. To foster future research, we present newly collected, annotated and calibrated Tennis and Minecraft datasets. Our method significantly outperforms existing neural video game simulators in terms of rendering quality and unlocks applications beyond the capabilities of the current state of the art. Our framework, data, and models are available at

ICE-Score: Instructing Large Language Models to Evaluate Code. (arXiv:2304.14317v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Terry Yue Zhuo

Recent advancements in the field of natural language generation have facilitated the use of large language models to assess the quality of generated text. Although these models have shown promising results in tasks such as machine translation and summarization, their applicability in code intelligence tasks remains limited without human involvement. The complexity of programming concepts required for such tasks makes it difficult to develop evaluation metrics that align with human judgment. Token-matching-based metrics, such as BLEU, have demonstrated weak correlations with human practitioners in code intelligence tasks. Moreover, utilizing human-written test suites to evaluate functional correctness can be challenging in domains with low resources. To overcome these obstacles, we propose \texttt{ICE-Score}, a new evaluation metric via instructing large language models (LLMs) for code assessments. Our metric addresses the limitations of existing approaches by achieving superior correlations with functional correctness and human preferences, without the need for test oracles or references. We evaluate the efficacy of our metric on two different aspects (\textit{human preference} and \textit{execution success}) and four programming languages. Our results demonstrate that our metric surpasses state-of-the-art metrics for code generation, delivering high levels of accuracy and consistency across various programming languages and tasks. We also make our evaluation metric and datasets available to the public\footnote{\url{}}, encouraging further research in evaluating code intelligence tasks.

Explaining RL Decisions with Trajectories. (arXiv:2305.04073v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Shripad Vilasrao Deshmukh, Arpan Dasgupta, Balaji Krishnamurthy, Nan Jiang, Chirag Agarwal, Georgios Theocharous, Jayakumar Subramanian

Explanation is a key component for the adoption of reinforcement learning (RL) in many real-world decision-making problems. In the literature, the explanation is often provided by saliency attribution to the features of the RL agent's state. In this work, we propose a complementary approach to these explanations, particularly for offline RL, where we attribute the policy decisions of a trained RL agent to the trajectories encountered by it during training. To do so, we encode trajectories in offline training data individually as well as collectively (encoding a set of trajectories). We then attribute policy decisions to a set of trajectories in this encoded space by estimating the sensitivity of the decision with respect to that set. Further, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of quality of attributions as well as practical scalability in diverse environments that involve both discrete and continuous state and action spaces such as grid-worlds, video games (Atari) and continuous control (MuJoCo). We also conduct a human study on a simple navigation task to observe how their understanding of the task compares with data attributed for a trained RL policy. Keywords -- Explainable AI, Verifiability of AI Decisions, Explainable RL.

A Taxonomy of Foundation Model based Systems through the Lens of Software Architecture. (arXiv:2305.05352v6 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinghua Lu, Liming Zhu, Xiwei Xu, Yue Liu, Zhenchang Xing, Jon Whittle

The recent release of large language model (LLM) based chatbots, such as ChatGPT, has attracted huge interest in foundation models. It is widely believed that foundation models will serve as the fundamental building blocks for future AI systems. As foundation models are in their early stages, the design of foundation model based systems has not yet been systematically explored. There is limited understanding about the impact of introducing foundation models in software architecture. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a taxonomy of foundation model based systems, which classifies and compares the characteristics of foundation models and design options of foundation model based systems. Our taxonomy comprises three categories: the pretraining and adaptation of foundation models, the architecture design of foundation model based systems, and responsible-AI-by-design. This taxonomy can serve as concrete guidance for making major architectural design decisions when designing foundation model based systems and highlights trade-offs arising from design decisions.

Evaluating Privacy Leakage in Split Learning. (arXiv:2305.12997v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xinchi Qiu, Ilias Leontiadis, Luca Melis, Alex Sablayrolles, Pierre Stock

Privacy-Preserving machine learning (PPML) can help us train and deploy models that utilize private information. In particular, on-device machine learning allows us to avoid sharing raw data with a third-party server during inference. On-device models are typically less accurate when compared to their server counterparts due to the fact that (1) they typically only rely on a small set of on-device features and (2) they need to be small enough to run efficiently on end-user devices. Split Learning (SL) is a promising approach that can overcome these limitations. In SL, a large machine learning model is divided into two parts, with the bigger part residing on the server side and a smaller part executing on-device, aiming to incorporate the private features. However, end-to-end training of such models requires exchanging gradients at the cut layer, which might encode private features or labels. In this paper, we provide insights into potential privacy risks associated with SL. Furthermore, we also investigate the effectiveness of various mitigation strategies. Our results indicate that the gradients significantly improve the attackers' effectiveness in all tested datasets reaching almost perfect reconstruction accuracy for some features. However, a small amount of differential privacy (DP) can effectively mitigate this risk without causing significant training degradation.

Large language models in biomedical natural language processing: benchmarks, baselines, and recommendations. (arXiv:2305.16326v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qingyu Chen, Jingcheng Du, Yan Hu, Vipina Kuttichi Keloth, Xueqing Peng, Kalpana Raja, Rui Zhang, Zhiyong Lu, Hua Xu

Biomedical literature is growing rapidly, making it challenging to curate and extract knowledge manually. Biomedical natural language processing (BioNLP) techniques that can automatically extract information from biomedical literature help alleviate this burden. Recently, large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and GPT-4, have gained significant attention for their impressive performance. However, their effectiveness in BioNLP tasks and impact on method development and downstream users remain understudied. This pilot study (1) establishes the baseline performance of GPT-3 and GPT-4 at both zero-shot and one-shot settings in eight BioNLP datasets across four applications: named entity recognition, relation extraction, multi-label document classification, and semantic similarity and reasoning, (2) examines the errors produced by the LLMs and categorized the errors into three types: missingness, inconsistencies, and unwanted artificial content, and (3) provides suggestions for using LLMs in BioNLP applications. We make the datasets, baselines, and results publicly available to the community via

Medication Recommendation via Domain Knowledge Informed Deep Learning. (arXiv:2305.19604v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Sicen Liu, Xiaolong Wang, Xianbing Zhao, Hao Chen

Medication recommendation is a fundamental yet crucial branch of healthcare, which provides opportunities to support clinical physicians with more accurate medication prescriptions for patients with complex health conditions. Learning from electronic health records (EHR) to recommend medications is the most common way in previous studies. However, most of them neglect incorporating domain knowledge according to the clinical manifestations in the EHR of the patient. To address these issues, we propose a novel \textbf{D}omain \textbf{K}nowledge \textbf{I}nformed \textbf{Net}work (DKINet) to integrate domain knowledge with observable clinical manifestations of the patient, which is the first dynamic domain knowledge informed framework toward medication recommendation. In particular, we first design a knowledge-driven encoder to capture the domain information and then develop a data-driven encoder to integrate domain knowledge into the observable EHR. To endow the model with the capability of temporal decision, we design an explicit medication encoder for learning the longitudinal dependence of the patient. Extensive experiments on three publicly available datasets verify the superiority of our method. The code will be public upon acceptance.

Bi-level Contrastive Learning for Knowledge-Enhanced Molecule Representations. (arXiv:2306.01631v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Pengcheng Jiang, Cao Xiao, Tianfan Fu, Jimeng Sun

Molecule representation learning is crucial for various downstream applications, such as understanding and predicting molecular properties and side effects. In this paper, we propose a novel method called GODE, which takes into account the two-level structure of individual molecules. We recognize that molecules have an intrinsic graph structure as well as being a node in a larger molecule knowledge graph. GODE integrates graph representations of individual molecules with multidomain biochemical data from knowledge graphs. By pre-training two graph neural networks (GNNs) on different graph structures, combined with contrastive learning, GODE fuses molecular structures with their corresponding knowledge graph substructures. This fusion results in a more robust and informative representation, which enhances molecular property prediction by harnessing both chemical and biological information. When fine-tuned across 11 chemical property tasks, our model outperforms existing benchmarks, registering an average ROC-AUC uplift of 13.8% for classification tasks and an average RMSE/MAE enhancement of 35.1% for regression tasks. Impressively, it surpasses the current leading model in molecule property predictions with average advancements of 2.1% in classification and 6.4% in regression tasks.

Data-Driven Regret Balancing for Online Model Selection in Bandits. (arXiv:2306.02869v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Aldo Pacchiano, Christoph Dann, Claudio Gentile

We consider model selection for sequential decision making in stochastic environments with bandit feedback, where a meta-learner has at its disposal a pool of base learners, and decides on the fly which action to take based on the policies recommended by each base learner. Model selection is performed by regret balancing but, unlike the recent literature on this subject, we do not assume any prior knowledge about the base learners like candidate regret guarantees; instead, we uncover these quantities in a data-driven manner. The meta-learner is therefore able to leverage the realized regret incurred by each base learner for the learning environment at hand (as opposed to the expected regret), and single out the best such regret. We design two model selection algorithms operating with this more ambitious notion of regret and, besides proving model selection guarantees via regret balancing, we experimentally demonstrate the compelling practical benefits of dealing with actual regrets instead of candidate regret bounds.

Streamlining Social Media Information Extraction for Public Health Research with Deep Learning. (arXiv:2306.16001v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yining Hua, Shixu Lin, Minghui Li, Yujie Zhang, Dinah Foer, Siwen Wang, Peilin Zhou, Li Zhou, Jie Yang

Objective: Social media-based public health research is crucial for epidemic surveillance, but most studies identify relevant corpora with keyword matching. This study develops a system to streamline the process of curating colloquial medical dictionaries. We demonstrate the pipeline by curating a UMLS-colloquial symptom dictionary from COVID-19-related tweets as proof of concept. Methods: COVID-19-related tweets from February 1, 2020, to April 30, 2022 were used. The pipeline includes three modules: a named entity recognition module to detect symptoms in tweets; an entity normalization module to aggregate detected entities; and a mapping module that iteratively maps entities to Unified Medical Language System concepts. A random 500 entity sample were drawn from the final dictionary for accuracy validation. Additionally, we conducted a symptom frequency distribution analysis to compare our dictionary to a pre-defined lexicon from previous research. Results: We identified 498,480 unique symptom entity expressions from the tweets. Pre-processing reduces the number to 18,226. The final dictionary contains 38,175 unique expressions of symptoms that can be mapped to 966 UMLS concepts (accuracy = 95%). Symptom distribution analysis found that our dictionary detects more symptoms and is effective at identifying psychiatric disorders like anxiety and depression, often missed by pre-defined lexicons. Conclusion: This study advances public health research by implementing a novel, systematic pipeline for curating symptom lexicons from social media data. The final lexicon's high accuracy, validated by medical professionals, underscores the potential of this methodology to reliably interpret and categorize vast amounts of unstructured social media data into actionable medical insights across diverse linguistic and regional landscapes.

Prescriptive Process Monitoring Under Resource Constraints: A Reinforcement Learning Approach. (arXiv:2307.06564v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Mahmoud Shoush, Marlon Dumas

Prescriptive process monitoring methods seek to optimize the performance of business processes by triggering interventions at runtime, thereby increasing the probability of positive case outcomes. These interventions are triggered according to an intervention policy. Reinforcement learning has been put forward as an approach to learning intervention policies through trial and error. Existing approaches in this space assume that the number of resources available to perform interventions in a process is unlimited, an unrealistic assumption in practice. This paper argues that, in the presence of resource constraints, a key dilemma in the field of prescriptive process monitoring is to trigger interventions based not only on predictions of their necessity, timeliness, or effect but also on the uncertainty of these predictions and the level of resource utilization. Indeed, committing scarce resources to an intervention when the necessity or effects of this intervention are highly uncertain may intuitively lead to suboptimal intervention effects. Accordingly, the paper proposes a reinforcement learning approach for prescriptive process monitoring that leverages conformal prediction techniques to consider the uncertainty of the predictions upon which an intervention decision is based. An evaluation using real-life datasets demonstrates that explicitly modeling uncertainty using conformal predictions helps reinforcement learning agents converge towards policies with higher net intervention gain

Past-present temporal programs over finite traces. (arXiv:2307.12620v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Pedro Cabalar, Martín Diéguez, François Laferrière, Torsten Schaub

Extensions of Answer Set Programming with language constructs from temporal logics, such as temporal equilibrium logic over finite traces (TELf), provide an expressive computational framework for modeling dynamic applications. In this paper, we study the so-called past-present syntactic subclass, which consists of a set of logic programming rules whose body references to the past and head to the present. Such restriction ensures that the past remains independent of the future, which is the case in most dynamic domains. We extend the definitions of completion and loop formulas to the case of past-present formulas, which allows capturing the temporal stable models of a set of past-present temporal programs by means of an LTLf expression.

FedDRL: A Trustworthy Federated Learning Model Fusion Method Based on Staged Reinforcement Learning. (arXiv:2307.13716v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Leiming Chen, Cihao Dong, Sibo Qiao, Ziling Huang, Yuming Nie, Zhaoxiang Hou, Chee Wei Tan

Traditional federated learning uses the number of samples to calculate the weights of each client model and uses this fixed weight value to fusion the global model. However, in practical scenarios, each client's device and data heterogeneity leads to differences in the quality of each client's model. Thus the contribution to the global model is not wholly determined by the sample size. In addition, if clients intentionally upload low-quality or malicious models, using these models for aggregation will lead to a severe decrease in global model accuracy. Traditional federated learning algorithms do not address these issues. To solve this probelm, we propose FedDRL, a model fusion approach using reinforcement learning based on a two staged approach. In the first stage, Our method could filter out malicious models and selects trusted client models to participate in the model fusion. In the second stage, the FedDRL algorithm adaptively adjusts the weights of the trusted client models and aggregates the optimal global model. We also define five model fusion scenarios and compare our method with two baseline algorithms in those scenarios. The experimental results show that our algorithm has higher reliability than other algorithms while maintaining accuracy.

Engineering LaCAM$^\ast$: Towards Real-Time, Large-Scale, and Near-Optimal Multi-Agent Pathfinding. (arXiv:2308.04292v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Keisuke Okumura

This paper addresses the challenges of real-time, large-scale, and near-optimal multi-agent pathfinding (MAPF) through enhancements to the recently proposed LaCAM* algorithm. LaCAM* is a scalable search-based algorithm that guarantees the eventual finding of optimal solutions for cumulative transition costs. While it has demonstrated remarkable planning success rates, surpassing various state-of-the-art MAPF methods, its initial solution quality is far from optimal, and its convergence speed to the optimum is slow. To overcome these limitations, this paper introduces several improvement techniques, partly drawing inspiration from other MAPF methods. We provide empirical evidence that the fusion of these techniques significantly improves the solution quality of LaCAM*, thus further pushing the boundaries of MAPF algorithms.

Bootstrapping Developmental AIs: From Simple Competences to Intelligent Human-Compatible AIs. (arXiv:2308.04586v17 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Mark Stefik, Robert Price

Developmental AI is a bootstrapping approach where embodied AIs start with innate competences and learn by interacting with the world. They develop abilities in small steps along a bio-inspired trajectory. However, developmental AIs have not yet reached the abilities of young children. In contrast, mainstream approaches for creating AIs have led to valuable AI systems and impressive feats. These approaches include deep learning and generative approaches (e.g., large language models) and manually constructed symbolic approaches. Manually constructed AIs are brittle even in circumscribed domains. Generative AIs can make strange mistakes and not notice them. Taken together, mainstream approaches lack common sense, curiosity, and social alignment. This position paper lays out prospects, gaps, and challenges for augmenting the AI mainstream approaches with developmental AI. The ambition is to create data-rich experientially based foundation models for human-compatible, resilient, and trustworthy AIs. This research aims to produce developmental AIs that learn to communicate, establish common ground, read critically, consider the provenance of information, test hypotheses, and collaborate. A virtuous multidisciplinary research cycle has led to developmental AIs with capabilities for multimodal perception, object recognition, and manipulation. Computational models for hierarchical planning, abstraction discovery, curiosity, and language acquisition exist but need to be adapted to an embodied learning approach. They need to bridge competence gaps involving nonverbal communication, speech, reading, and writing. Aspirationally, developmental AIs would learn, share what they learn, and collaborate to achieve high standards. The approach would make the creation of AIs more democratic, enabling more people to train, test, build on, and replicate AIs.

Semantic Communications for Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) Toward Effective Content Creation. (arXiv:2308.04942v2 [cs.NI] UPDATED)

Authors: Guangyuan Liu, Hongyang Du, Dusit Niyato, Jiawen Kang, Zehui Xiong, Dong In Kim, Xuemin (Sherman) Shen

Artificial Intelligence Generated Content (AIGC) Services have significant potential in digital content creation. The distinctive abilities of AIGC, such as content generation based on minimal input, hold huge potential, especially when integrating with semantic communication (SemCom). In this paper, a novel comprehensive conceptual model for the integration of AIGC and SemCom is developed. Particularly, a content generation level is introduced on top of the semantic level that provides a clear outline of how AIGC and SemCom interact with each other to produce meaningful and effective content. Moreover, a novel framework that employs AIGC technology is proposed as an encoder and decoder for semantic information, considering the joint optimization of semantic extraction and evaluation metrics tailored to AIGC services. The framework can adapt to different types of content generated, the required quality, and the semantic information utilized. By employing a Deep Q Network (DQN), a case study is presented that provides useful insights into the feasibility of the optimization problem and its convergence characteristics.

Robust Uncertainty Quantification Using Conformalised Monte Carlo Prediction. (arXiv:2308.09647v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Daniel Bethell, Simos Gerasimou, Radu Calinescu

Deploying deep learning models in safety-critical applications remains a very challenging task, mandating the provision of assurances for the dependable operation of these models. Uncertainty quantification (UQ) methods estimate the model's confidence per prediction, informing decision-making by considering the effect of randomness and model misspecification. Despite the advances of state-of-the-art UQ methods, they are computationally expensive or produce conservative prediction sets/intervals. We introduce MC-CP, a novel hybrid UQ method that combines a new adaptive Monte Carlo (MC) dropout method with conformal prediction (CP). MC-CP adaptively modulates the traditional MC dropout at runtime to save memory and computation resources, enabling predictions to be consumed by CP, yielding robust prediction sets/intervals. Throughout comprehensive experiments, we show that MC-CP delivers significant improvements over advanced UQ methods, like MC dropout, RAPS and CQR, both in classification and regression benchmarks. MC-CP can be easily added to existing models, making its deployment simple.

Large Language Models Should Ask Clarifying Questions to Increase Confidence in Generated Code. (arXiv:2308.13507v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Jie JW Wu

Large language models (LLMs) have significantly improved the ability to perform tasks in the field of code generation. However, there is still a gap between LLMs being capable coders and being top-tier software engineers. Based on the observation that toplevel software engineers often ask clarifying questions to reduce ambiguity in both requirements and coding solutions, I argue that the same should be applied to LLMs for code generation tasks. By asking probing questions in various topics before generating the final code, the challenges of programming with LLMs, such as unclear intent specification, lack of computational thinking, and undesired code quality, may be alleviated. This, in turn, increases confidence in the generated code. In this work, I explore how to leverage better communication skills to achieve greater confidence in generated code. I propose a communication-centered process that uses an LLM-generated communicator to identify issues with high ambiguity or low confidence in problem descriptions and generated code. I then ask clarifying questions to obtain responses from users for refining the code.

FwdLLM: Efficient FedLLM using Forward Gradient. (arXiv:2308.13894v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Mengwei Xu, Dongqi Cai, Yaozong Wu, Xiang Li, Shangguang Wang

Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming the landscape of mobile intelligence. Federated Learning (FL), a method to preserve user data privacy, is often employed in fine-tuning LLMs to downstream mobile tasks, an approach known as FedLLM. Though recent efforts have addressed the network issue induced by the vast model size, they have not practically mitigated vital challenges concerning integration with mobile devices, such as significant memory consumption and sluggish model convergence.

In response to these challenges, this work introduces FwdLLM, an innovative FL protocol designed to enhance the FedLLM efficiency. The key idea of FwdLLM to employ backpropagation (BP)-free training methods, requiring devices only to execute ``perturbed inferences''. Consequently, FwdLLM delivers way better memory efficiency and time efficiency (expedited by mobile NPUs and an expanded array of participant devices). FwdLLM centers around three key designs: (1) it combines BP-free training with parameter-efficient training methods, an essential way to scale the approach to the LLM era; (2) it systematically and adaptively allocates computational loads across devices, striking a careful balance between convergence speed and accuracy; (3) it discriminatively samples perturbed predictions that are more valuable to model convergence. Comprehensive experiments with five LLMs and three NLP tasks illustrate FwdLLM's significant advantages over conventional methods, including up to three orders of magnitude faster convergence and a 14.6x reduction in memory footprint. Uniquely, FwdLLM paves the way for federated learning of billion-parameter LLMs such as LLaMA on COTS mobile devices -- a feat previously unattained.

ChatRule: Mining Logical Rules with Large Language Models for Knowledge Graph Reasoning. (arXiv:2309.01538v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Linhao Luo, Jiaxin Ju, Bo Xiong, Yuan-Fang Li, Gholamreza Haffari, Shirui Pan

Logical rules are essential for uncovering the logical connections between relations, which could improve reasoning performance and provide interpretable results on knowledge graphs (KGs). Although there have been many efforts to mine meaningful logical rules over KGs, existing methods suffer from computationally intensive searches over the rule space and a lack of scalability for large-scale KGs. Besides, they often ignore the semantics of relations which is crucial for uncovering logical connections. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have shown impressive performance in the field of natural language processing and various applications, owing to their emergent ability and generalizability. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, ChatRule, unleashing the power of large language models for mining logical rules over knowledge graphs. Specifically, the framework is initiated with an LLM-based rule generator, leveraging both the semantic and structural information of KGs to prompt LLMs to generate logical rules. To refine the generated rules, a rule ranking module estimates the rule quality by incorporating facts from existing KGs. Last, the ranked rules can be used to conduct reasoning over KGs. ChatRule is evaluated on four large-scale KGs, w.r.t. different rule quality metrics and downstream tasks, showing the effectiveness and scalability of our method.

Decolonial AI Alignment: Openness, Vi\'{s}e\d{s}a-Dharma, and Including Excluded Knowledges. (arXiv:2309.05030v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Kush R. Varshney

Prior work has explicated the coloniality of artificial intelligence (AI) development and deployment through mechanisms such as extractivism, automation, sociological essentialism, surveillance, and containment. However, that work has not engaged much with alignment: teaching behaviors to a large language model (LLM) in line with desired values, and has not considered a mechanism that arises within that process: moral absolutism -- a part of the coloniality of knowledge. Colonialism has a history of altering the beliefs and values of colonized peoples; in this paper, I argue that this history is recapitulated in current LLM alignment practices and technologies. Furthermore, I suggest that AI alignment be decolonialized using three forms of openness: openness of models, openness to society, and openness to excluded knowledges. This suggested approach to decolonial AI alignment uses ideas from the argumentative moral philosophical tradition of Hinduism, which has been described as an open-source religion. One concept used is vi\'{s}e\d{s}a-dharma, or particular context-specific notions of right and wrong. At the end of the paper, I provide a suggested reference architecture to work toward the proposed framework.

DePT: Decomposed Prompt Tuning for Parameter-Efficient Fine-tuning. (arXiv:2309.05173v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhengxiang Shi, Aldo Lipani

Prompt tuning (PT), where a small amount of trainable soft (continuous) prompt vectors is affixed to the input of language models (LM), has shown promising results across various tasks and models for parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT). PT stands out from other PEFT approaches because it maintains competitive performance with fewer trainable parameters and does not drastically scale up its parameters as the model size expands. However, PT introduces additional soft prompt tokens, leading to longer input sequences, which significantly impacts training and inference time and memory usage due to the Transformer's quadratic complexity. Particularly concerning for Large Language Models (LLMs) that face heavy daily querying. To address this issue, we propose Decomposed Prompt Tuning (DePT), which decomposes the soft prompt into a shorter soft prompt and a pair of low-rank matrices that are then optimised with two different learning rates. This allows DePT to achieve better performance while saving substantial memory and time costs compared to vanilla PT and its variants, without changing trainable parameter sizes. Through extensive experiments on 23 natural language processing (NLP) and vision-language (VL) tasks, we demonstrate that DePT outperforms state-of-the-art PEFT approaches, including the full fine-tuning baseline, in some scenarios. Additionally, we empirically show that DEPT grows more efficient as the model size increases. Our further study reveals that DePT integrates seamlessly with parameter-efficient transfer learning in the few-shot learning setting and highlights its adaptability to various model architectures and sizes.

The Relational Bottleneck as an Inductive Bias for Efficient Abstraction. (arXiv:2309.06629v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Taylor W. Webb, Steven M. Frankland, Awni Altabaa, Kamesh Krishnamurthy, Declan Campbell, Jacob Russin, Randall O'Reilly, John Lafferty, Jonathan D. Cohen

A central challenge for cognitive science is to explain how abstract concepts are acquired from limited experience. This effort has often been framed in terms of a dichotomy between connectionist and symbolic cognitive models. Here, we highlight a recently emerging line of work that suggests a novel reconciliation of these approaches, by exploiting an inductive bias that we term the relational bottleneck. We review a family of models that employ this approach to induce abstractions in a data-efficient manner, emphasizing their potential as candidate models for the acquisition of abstract concepts in the human mind and brain.

SingFake: Singing Voice Deepfake Detection. (arXiv:2309.07525v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Yongyi Zang, You Zhang, Mojtaba Heydari, Zhiyao Duan

The rise of singing voice synthesis presents critical challenges to artists and industry stakeholders over unauthorized voice usage. Unlike synthesized speech, synthesized singing voices are typically released in songs containing strong background music that may hide synthesis artifacts. Additionally, singing voices present different acoustic and linguistic characteristics from speech utterances. These unique properties make singing voice deepfake detection a relevant but significantly different problem from synthetic speech detection. In this work, we propose the singing voice deepfake detection task. We first present SingFake, the first curated in-the-wild dataset consisting of 28.93 hours of bonafide and 29.40 hours of deepfake song clips in five languages from 40 singers. We provide a train/validation/test split where the test sets include various scenarios. We then use SingFake to evaluate four state-of-the-art speech countermeasure systems trained on speech utterances. We find these systems lag significantly behind their performance on speech test data. When trained on SingFake, either using separated vocal tracks or song mixtures, these systems show substantial improvement. However, our evaluations also identify challenges associated with unseen singers, communication codecs, languages, and musical contexts, calling for dedicated research into singing voice deepfake detection. The SingFake dataset and related resources are available at

Federated Learning with Neural Graphical Models. (arXiv:2309.11680v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Urszula Chajewska, Harsh Shrivastava

Federated Learning (FL) addresses the need to create models based on proprietary data in such a way that multiple clients retain exclusive control over their data, while all benefit from improved model accuracy due to pooled resources. Recently proposed Neural Graphical Models (NGMs) are Probabilistic Graphical models that utilize the expressive power of neural networks to learn complex non-linear dependencies between the input features. They learn to capture the underlying data distribution and have efficient algorithms for inference and sampling. We develop a FL framework which maintains a global NGM model that learns the averaged information from the local NGM models while keeping the training data within the client's environment. Our design, FedNGMs, avoids the pitfalls and shortcomings of neuron matching frameworks like Federated Matched Averaging that suffers from model parameter explosion. Our global model size remains constant throughout the process. In the cases where clients have local variables that are not part of the combined global distribution, we propose a `Stitching' algorithm, which personalizes the global NGM models by merging the additional variables using the client's data. FedNGM is robust to data heterogeneity, large number of participants, and limited communication bandwidth.

ChaCha: Leveraging Large Language Models to Prompt Children to Share Their Emotions about Personal Events. (arXiv:2309.12244v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Woosuk Seo, Chanmo Yang, Young-Ho Kim

Children typically learn to identify and express emotions through sharing their stories and feelings with others, particularly their family. However, it is challenging for parents or siblings to have emotional communication with children since children are still developing their communication skills. We present ChaCha, a chatbot that encourages and guides children to share personal events and associated emotions. ChaCha combines a state machine and large language models (LLMs) to keep the dialogue on track while carrying on free-form conversations. Through an exploratory study with 20 children (aged 8-12), we examine how ChaCha prompts children to share personal events and guides them to describe associated emotions. Participants perceived ChaCha as a close friend and shared their stories on various topics, such as family trips and personal achievements. Based on the findings, we discuss opportunities for leveraging LLMs to design child-friendly chatbots to support children in sharing emotions.

Bad Actor, Good Advisor: Exploring the Role of Large Language Models in Fake News Detection. (arXiv:2309.12247v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Beizhe Hu, Qiang Sheng, Juan Cao, Yuhui Shi, Yang Li, Danding Wang, Peng Qi

Detecting fake news requires both a delicate sense of diverse clues and a profound understanding of the real-world background, which remains challenging for detectors based on small language models (SLMs) due to their knowledge and capability limitations. Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable performance in various tasks, but whether and how LLMs could help with fake news detection remains underexplored. In this paper, we investigate the potential of LLMs in fake news detection. First, we conduct an empirical study and find that a sophisticated LLM such as GPT 3.5 could generally expose fake news and provide desirable multi-perspective rationales but still underperforms the basic SLM, fine-tuned BERT. Our subsequent analysis attributes such a gap to the LLM's inability to select and integrate rationales properly to conclude. Based on these findings, we propose that current LLMs may not substitute fine-tuned SLMs in fake news detection but can be a good advisor for SLMs by providing multi-perspective instructive rationales. To instantiate this proposal, we design an adaptive rationale guidance network for fake news detection (ARG), in which SLMs selectively acquire insights on news analysis from the LLMs' rationales. We further derive a rationale-free version of ARG by distillation, namely ARG-D, which services cost-sensitive scenarios without querying LLMs. Experiments on two real-world datasets demonstrate that ARG and ARG-D outperform three types of baseline methods, including SLM-based, LLM-based, and combinations of small and large language models.

Limits of Actor-Critic Algorithms for Decision Tree Policies Learning in IBMDPs. (arXiv:2309.13365v3 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hector Kohler, Riad Akrour, Philippe Preux

Interpretability of AI models allows for user safety checks to build trust in such AIs. In particular, Decision Trees (DTs) provide a global look at the learned model and transparently reveal which features of the input are critical for making a decision. However, interpretability is hindered if the DT is too large. To learn compact trees, a recent Reinforcement Learning (RL) framework has been proposed to explore the space of DTs using deep RL. This framework augments a decision problem (e.g. a supervised classification task) with additional actions that gather information about the features of an otherwise hidden input. By appropriately penalizing these actions, the agent learns to optimally trade-off size and performance of DTs. In practice, a reactive policy for a partially observable Markov decision process (MDP) needs to be learned, which is still an open problem. We show in this paper that deep RL can fail even on simple toy tasks of this class. However, when the underlying decision problem is a supervised classification task, we show that finding the optimal tree can be cast as a fully observable Markov decision problem and be solved efficiently, giving rise to a new family of algorithms for learning DTs that go beyond the classical greedy maximization ones.

FashionFlow: Leveraging Diffusion Models for Dynamic Fashion Video Synthesis from Static Imagery. (arXiv:2310.00106v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Tasin Islam, Alina Miron, XiaoHui Liu, Yongmin Li

Our study introduces a new image-to-video generator called FashionFlow to generate fashion videos. By utilising a diffusion model, we are able to create short videos from still fashion images. Our approach involves developing and connecting relevant components with the diffusion model, which results in the creation of high-fidelity videos that are aligned with the conditional image. The components include the use of pseudo-3D convolutional layers to generate videos efficiently. VAE and CLIP encoders capture vital characteristics from still images to condition the diffusion model at a global level. Our research demonstrates a successful synthesis of fashion videos featuring models posing from various angles, showcasing the fit and appearance of the garment. Our findings hold great promise for improving and enhancing the shopping experience for the online fashion industry.

LanguageBind: Extending Video-Language Pretraining to N-modality by Language-based Semantic Alignment. (arXiv:2310.01852v7 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Bin Zhu, Bin Lin, Munan Ning, Yang Yan, Jiaxi Cui, HongFa Wang, Yatian Pang, Wenhao Jiang, Junwu Zhang, Zongwei Li, Wancai Zhang, Zhifeng Li, Wei Liu, Li Yuan

The video-language (VL) pretraining has achieved remarkable improvement in multiple downstream tasks. However, the current VL pretraining framework is hard to extend to multiple modalities (N modalities, N>=3) beyond vision and language. We thus propose LanguageBind, taking the language as the bind across different modalities because the language modality is well-explored and contains rich semantics. Specifically, we freeze the language encoder acquired by VL pretraining, then train encoders for other modalities with contrastive learning. As a result, all modalities are mapped to a shared feature space, implementing multi-modal semantic alignment. While LanguageBind ensures that we can extend VL modalities to N modalities, we also need a high-quality dataset with alignment data pairs centered on language. We thus propose VIDAL-10M with Video, Infrared, Depth, Audio and their corresponding Language, naming as VIDAL-10M. In our VIDAL-10M, all videos are from short video platforms with complete semantics rather than truncated segments from long videos, and all the video, depth, infrared, and audio modalities are aligned to their textual descriptions. LanguageBind has achieved superior performance on a wide range of 15 benchmarks covering video, audio, depth, and infrared. Moreover, multiple experiments have provided evidence for the effectiveness of LanguageBind in achieving indirect alignment and complementarity among diverse modalities. Code address:

TWIZ-v2: The Wizard of Multimodal Conversational-Stimulus. (arXiv:2310.02118v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Rafael Ferreira, Diogo Tavares, Diogo Silva, Rodrigo Valério, João Bordalo, Inês Simões, Vasco Ramos, David Semedo, João Magalhães

In this report, we describe the vision, challenges, and scientific contributions of the Task Wizard team, TWIZ, in the Alexa Prize TaskBot Challenge 2022. Our vision, is to build TWIZ bot as an helpful, multimodal, knowledgeable, and engaging assistant that can guide users towards the successful completion of complex manual tasks. To achieve this, we focus our efforts on three main research questions: (1) Humanly-Shaped Conversations, by providing information in a knowledgeable way; (2) Multimodal Stimulus, making use of various modalities including voice, images, and videos; and (3) Zero-shot Conversational Flows, to improve the robustness of the interaction to unseen scenarios. TWIZ is an assistant capable of supporting a wide range of tasks, with several innovative features such as creative cooking, video navigation through voice, and the robust TWIZ-LLM, a Large Language Model trained for dialoguing about complex manual tasks. Given ratings and feedback provided by users, we observed that TWIZ bot is an effective and robust system, capable of guiding users through tasks while providing several multimodal stimuli.

MathVista: Evaluating Mathematical Reasoning of Foundation Models in Visual Contexts. (arXiv:2310.02255v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Pan Lu, Hritik Bansal, Tony Xia, Jiacheng Liu, Chunyuan Li, Hannaneh Hajishirzi, Hao Cheng, Kai-Wei Chang, Michel Galley, Jianfeng Gao

Large Language Models (LLMs) and Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) exhibit impressive problem-solving skills in many tasks and domains, but their ability in mathematical reasoning in visual contexts has not been systematically studied. To bridge this gap, we present MathVista, a benchmark designed to combine challenges from diverse mathematical and visual tasks. It consists of 6,141 examples, derived from 28 existing multimodal datasets involving mathematics and 3 newly created datasets (i.e., IQTest, FunctionQA, and PaperQA). Completing these tasks requires fine-grained, deep visual understanding and compositional reasoning, which all state-of-the-art foundation models find challenging. With MathVista, we have conducted a comprehensive, quantitative evaluation of 12 prominent foundation models. The best-performing GPT-4V model achieves an overall accuracy of 49.9%, substantially outperforming Bard, the second-best performer, by 15.1%. Our in-depth analysis reveals that the superiority of GPT-4V is mainly attributed to its enhanced visual perception and mathematical reasoning. However, GPT-4V still falls short of human performance by 10.4%, as it often struggles to understand complex figures and perform rigorous reasoning. This significant gap underscores the critical role that MathVista will play in the development of general-purpose AI agents capable of tackling mathematically intensive and visually rich real-world tasks. We further explore the new ability of self-verification, the application of self-consistency, and the interactive chatbot capabilities of GPT-4V, highlighting its promising potential for future research. The project is available at

Interpreting CLIP's Image Representation via Text-Based Decomposition. (arXiv:2310.05916v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yossi Gandelsman, Alexei A. Efros, Jacob Steinhardt

We investigate the CLIP image encoder by analyzing how individual model components affect the final representation. We decompose the image representation as a sum across individual image patches, model layers, and attention heads, and use CLIP's text representation to interpret the summands. Interpreting the attention heads, we characterize each head's role by automatically finding text representations that span its output space, which reveals property-specific roles for many heads (e.g. location or shape). Next, interpreting the image patches, we uncover an emergent spatial localization within CLIP. Finally, we use this understanding to remove spurious features from CLIP and to create a strong zero-shot image segmenter. Our results indicate that a scalable understanding of transformer models is attainable and can be used to repair and improve models.

Radio Map Estimation: Empirical Validation and Analysis. (arXiv:2310.11036v2 [eess.SP] UPDATED)

Authors: Raju Shrestha, Tien Ngoc Ha, Pham Q. Viet, Daniel Romero

Radio maps quantify magnitudes such as the received signal strength at every location of a geographical region. Although the estimation of radio maps has attracted widespread interest, the vast majority of works rely on simulated data and, therefore, cannot establish the effectiveness and relative performance of existing algorithms in practice. To fill this gap, this paper presents the first comprehensive and rigorous study of radio map estimation (RME) in the real world. The main features of the RME problem are analyzed and the capabilities of existing estimators are compared using large measurement datasets collected in this work. By studying four performance metrics, recent theoretical findings are empirically corroborated and a large number of conclusions are drawn. Remarkably, the estimation error is seen to be reasonably small even with few measurements, which establishes the viability of RME in practice. Besides, from extensive comparisons, it is concluded that estimators based on deep neural networks necessitate large volumes of training data to exhibit a significant advantage over more traditional methods. Combining both types of schemes is seen to result in a novel estimator that features the best performance in most situations. The acquired datasets are made publicly available to enable further studies.

2D-3D Interlaced Transformer for Point Cloud Segmentation with Scene-Level Supervision. (arXiv:2310.12817v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Cheng-Kun Yang, Min-Hung Chen, Yung-Yu Chuang, Yen-Yu Lin

We present a Multimodal Interlaced Transformer (MIT) that jointly considers 2D and 3D data for weakly supervised point cloud segmentation. Research studies have shown that 2D and 3D features are complementary for point cloud segmentation. However, existing methods require extra 2D annotations to achieve 2D-3D information fusion. Considering the high annotation cost of point clouds, effective 2D and 3D feature fusion based on weakly supervised learning is in great demand. To this end, we propose a transformer model with two encoders and one decoder for weakly supervised point cloud segmentation using only scene-level class tags. Specifically, the two encoders compute the self-attended features for 3D point clouds and 2D multi-view images, respectively. The decoder implements interlaced 2D-3D cross-attention and carries out implicit 2D and 3D feature fusion. We alternately switch the roles of queries and key-value pairs in the decoder layers. It turns out that the 2D and 3D features are iteratively enriched by each other. Experiments show that it performs favorably against existing weakly supervised point cloud segmentation methods by a large margin on the S3DIS and ScanNet benchmarks. The project page will be available at

Rosetta Stone at KSAA-RD Shared Task: A Hop From Language Modeling To Word--Definition Alignment. (arXiv:2310.15823v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ahmed ElBakry, Mohamed Gabr, Muhammad ElNokrashy, Badr AlKhamissi

A Reverse Dictionary is a tool enabling users to discover a word based on its provided definition, meaning, or description. Such a technique proves valuable in various scenarios, aiding language learners who possess a description of a word without its identity, and benefiting writers seeking precise terminology. These scenarios often encapsulate what is referred to as the "Tip-of-the-Tongue" (TOT) phenomena. In this work, we present our winning solution for the Arabic Reverse Dictionary shared task. This task focuses on deriving a vector representation of an Arabic word from its accompanying description. The shared task encompasses two distinct subtasks: the first involves an Arabic definition as input, while the second employs an English definition. For the first subtask, our approach relies on an ensemble of finetuned Arabic BERT-based models, predicting the word embedding for a given definition. The final representation is obtained through averaging the output embeddings from each model within the ensemble. In contrast, the most effective solution for the second subtask involves translating the English test definitions into Arabic and applying them to the finetuned models originally trained for the first subtask. This straightforward method achieves the highest score across both subtasks.

A Systematic Evaluation of GPT-4V's Multimodal Capability for Medical Image Analysis. (arXiv:2310.20381v4 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Yingshu Li, Yunyi Liu, Zhanyu Wang, Xinyu Liang, Lei Wang, Lingqiao Liu, Leyang Cui, Zhaopeng Tu, Longyue Wang, Luping Zhou

This work conducts an evaluation of GPT-4V's multimodal capability for medical image analysis, with a focus on three representative tasks of radiology report generation, medical visual question answering, and medical visual grounding. For the evaluation, a set of prompts is designed for each task to induce the corresponding capability of GPT-4V to produce sufficiently good outputs. Three evaluation ways including quantitative analysis, human evaluation, and case study are employed to achieve an in-depth and extensive evaluation. Our evaluation shows that GPT-4V excels in understanding medical images and is able to generate high-quality radiology reports and effectively answer questions about medical images. Meanwhile, it is found that its performance for medical visual grounding needs to be substantially improved. In addition, we observe the discrepancy between the evaluation outcome from quantitative analysis and that from human evaluation. This discrepancy suggests the limitations of conventional metrics in assessing the performance of large language models like GPT-4V and the necessity of developing new metrics for automatic quantitative analysis.

In-Context Learning for MIMO Equalization Using Transformer-Based Sequence Models. (arXiv:2311.06101v2 [cs.IT] UPDATED)

Authors: Matteo Zecchin, Kai Yu, Osvaldo Simeone

Large pre-trained sequence models, such as transformer-based architectures, have been recently shown to have the capacity to carry out in-context learning (ICL). In ICL, a decision on a new input is made via a direct mapping of the input and of a few examples from the given task, serving as the task's context, to the output variable. No explicit updates of the model parameters are needed to tailor the decision to a new task. Pre-training, which amounts to a form of meta-learning, is based on the observation of examples from several related tasks. Prior work has shown ICL capabilities for linear regression. In this study, we leverage ICL to address the inverse problem of multiple-input and multiple-output (MIMO) equalization based on a context given by pilot symbols. A task is defined by the unknown fading channel and by the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) level, which may be known. To highlight the practical potential of the approach, we allow the presence of quantization of the received signals. We demonstrate via numerical results that transformer-based ICL has a threshold behavior, whereby, as the number of pre-training tasks grows, the performance switches from that of a minimum mean squared error (MMSE) equalizer with a prior determined by the pre-trained tasks to that of an MMSE equalizer with the true data-generating prior.

Assessing the Interpretability of Programmatic Policies with Large Language Models. (arXiv:2311.06979v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zahra Bashir, Michael Bowling, Levi H. S. Lelis

Although the synthesis of programs encoding policies often carries the promise of interpretability, systematic evaluations were never performed to assess the interpretability of these policies, likely because of the complexity of such an evaluation. In this paper, we introduce a novel metric that uses large-language models (LLM) to assess the interpretability of programmatic policies. For our metric, an LLM is given both a program and a description of its associated programming language. The LLM then formulates a natural language explanation of the program. This explanation is subsequently fed into a second LLM, which tries to reconstruct the program from the natural-language explanation. Our metric then measures the behavioral similarity between the reconstructed program and the original. We validate our approach with synthesized and human-crafted programmatic policies for playing a real-time strategy game, comparing the interpretability scores of these programmatic policies to obfuscated versions of the same programs. Our LLM-based interpretability score consistently ranks less interpretable programs lower and more interpretable ones higher. These findings suggest that our metric could serve as a reliable and inexpensive tool for evaluating the interpretability of programmatic policies.

Unifying the Perspectives of NLP and Software Engineering: A Survey on Language Models for Code. (arXiv:2311.07989v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Chaoyu Chen, Bingchang Liu, Cong Liao, Zi Gong, Hang Yu, Jianguo Li, Rui Wang

In this work we systematically review the recent advancements in code processing with language models, covering 50+ models, 30+ evaluation tasks, 170+ datasets, and 700+ related works. We break down code processing models into general language models represented by the GPT family and specialized models that are specifically pretrained on code, often with tailored objectives. We discuss the relations and differences between these models, and highlight the historical transition of code modeling from statistical models and RNNs to pretrained Transformers and LLMs, which is exactly the same course that had been taken by NLP. We also discuss code-specific features such as AST, CFG, and unit tests, along with their application in training code language models, and identify key challenges and potential future directions in this domain. We keep the survey open and updated on GitHub at

Jailbreaking GPT-4V via Self-Adversarial Attacks with System Prompts. (arXiv:2311.09127v2 [cs.CR] UPDATED)

Authors: Yuanwei Wu, Xiang Li, Yixin Liu, Pan Zhou, Lichao Sun

Existing work on jailbreak Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has focused primarily on adversarial examples in model inputs, with less attention to vulnerabilities, especially in model API. To fill the research gap, we carry out the following work: 1) We discover a system prompt leakage vulnerability in GPT-4V. Through carefully designed dialogue, we successfully extract the internal system prompts of GPT-4V. This finding indicates potential exploitable security risks in MLLMs; 2) Based on the acquired system prompts, we propose a novel MLLM jailbreaking attack method termed SASP (Self-Adversarial Attack via System Prompt). By employing GPT-4 as a red teaming tool against itself, we aim to search for potential jailbreak prompts leveraging stolen system prompts. Furthermore, in pursuit of better performance, we also add human modification based on GPT-4's analysis, which further improves the attack success rate to 98.7\%; 3) We evaluated the effect of modifying system prompts to defend against jailbreaking attacks. Results show that appropriately designed system prompts can significantly reduce jailbreak success rates. Overall, our work provides new insights into enhancing MLLM security, demonstrating the important role of system prompts in jailbreaking. This finding could be leveraged to greatly facilitate jailbreak success rates while also holding the potential for defending against jailbreaks.

Large Language Model as a Policy Teacher for Training Reinforcement Learning Agents. (arXiv:2311.13373v4 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Zihao Zhou, Bin Hu, Chenyang Zhao, Pu Zhang, Bin Liu

Recent studies have uncovered the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in addressing complex sequential decision-making tasks through the provision of high-level instructions. However, LLM-based agents lack specialization in tackling specific target problems, particularly in real-time dynamic environments. Additionally, deploying an LLM-based agent in practical scenarios can be both costly and time-consuming. On the other hand, reinforcement learning (RL) approaches train agents that specialize in the target task but often suffer from low sampling efficiency and high exploration costs. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that addresses these challenges by training a smaller, specialized student RL agent using instructions from an LLM-based teacher agent. By incorporating the guidance from the teacher agent, the student agent can distill the prior knowledge of the LLM into its own model. Consequently, the student agent can be trained with significantly less data. Moreover, through further training with environment feedback, the student agent surpasses the capabilities of its teacher for completing the target task. We conducted experiments on challenging MiniGrid and Habitat environments, specifically designed for embodied AI research, to evaluate the effectiveness of our framework. The results clearly demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance compared to strong baseline methods. Our code is available at

Criticality-Guided Efficient Pruning in Spiking Neural Networks Inspired by Critical Brain Hypothesis. (arXiv:2311.16141v2 [cs.NE] UPDATED)

Authors: Shuo Chen, Boxiao Liu, Haihang You

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) have gained considerable attention due to the energy-efficient and multiplication-free characteristics. The continuous growth in scale of deep SNNs poses challenges for model deployment. Network pruning reduces hardware resource requirements of model deployment by compressing the network scale. However, existing SNN pruning methods cause high pruning costs and performance loss because the pruning iterations amplify the training difficulty of SNNs. In this paper, inspired by the critical brain hypothesis in neuroscience, we propose a regeneration mechanism based on the neuron criticality for SNN pruning to enhance feature extraction and accelerate the pruning process. Firstly, we propose a low-cost metric for the criticality in SNNs. Then, we re-rank the pruned structures after pruning and regenerate those with higher criticality to obtain the critical network. Our method achieves higher performance than the current state-of-the-art (SOTA) method with up to 95.26% reduction of pruning cost. Moreover, we investigate the underlying mechanism of our method and find that it efficiently selects potential structures and learns the consistent feature representation.

GNN2R: Weakly-Supervised Rationale-Providing Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2312.02317v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruijie Wang, Luca Rossetto, Michael Cochez, Abraham Bernstein

Most current methods for multi-hop question answering (QA) over knowledge graphs (KGs) only provide final conclusive answers without explanations, such as a set of KG entities that is difficult for normal users to review and comprehend. This issue severely limits the application of KG-based QA in real-world scenarios. However, it is non-trivial to solve due to two challenges: First, annotations of reasoning chains of multi-hop questions, which could serve as supervision for explanation generation, are usually lacking. Second, it is difficult to maintain high efficiency when explicit KG triples need to be retrieved to generate explanations. In this paper, we propose a novel Graph Neural Network-based Two-Step Reasoning model (GNN2R) to solve this issue. GNN2R can provide both final answers and reasoning subgraphs as a rationale behind final answers efficiently with only weak supervision that is available through question-final answer pairs. We extensively evaluated GNN2R with detailed analyses in experiments. The results demonstrate that, in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of generated explanations, GNN2R outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods that are applicable to this task. Our code and pre-trained models are available at

Survey on Foundation Models for Prognostics and Health Management in Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems. (arXiv:2312.06261v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Ruonan Liu, Quanhu Zhang, Te Han

Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems (ICPS) integrate the disciplines of computer science, communication technology, and engineering, and have emerged as integral components of contemporary manufacturing and industries. However, ICPS encounters various challenges in long-term operation, including equipment failures, performance degradation, and security threats. To achieve efficient maintenance and management, prognostics and health management (PHM) finds widespread application in ICPS for critical tasks, including failure prediction, health monitoring, and maintenance decision-making. The emergence of large-scale foundation models (LFMs) like BERT and GPT signifies a significant advancement in AI technology, and ChatGPT stands as a remarkable accomplishment within this research paradigm, harboring potential for General Artificial Intelligence. Considering the ongoing enhancement in data acquisition technology and data processing capability, LFMs are anticipated to assume a crucial role in the PHM domain of ICPS. However, at present, a consensus is lacking regarding the application of LFMs to PHM in ICPS, necessitating systematic reviews and roadmaps to elucidate future directions. To bridge this gap, this paper elucidates the key components and recent advances in the underlying model.A comprehensive examination and comprehension of the latest advances in grand modeling for PHM in ICPS can offer valuable references for decision makers and researchers in the industrial field while facilitating further enhancements in the reliability, availability, and safety of ICPS.

Beyond Expected Return: Accounting for Policy Reproducibility when Evaluating Reinforcement Learning Algorithms. (arXiv:2312.07178v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Manon Flageat, Bryan Lim, Antoine Cully

Many applications in Reinforcement Learning (RL) usually have noise or stochasticity present in the environment. Beyond their impact on learning, these uncertainties lead the exact same policy to perform differently, i.e. yield different return, from one roll-out to another. Common evaluation procedures in RL summarise the consequent return distributions using solely the expected return, which does not account for the spread of the distribution. Our work defines this spread as the policy reproducibility: the ability of a policy to obtain similar performance when rolled out many times, a crucial property in some real-world applications. We highlight that existing procedures that only use the expected return are limited on two fronts: first an infinite number of return distributions with a wide range of performance-reproducibility trade-offs can have the same expected return, limiting its effectiveness when used for comparing policies; second, the expected return metric does not leave any room for practitioners to choose the best trade-off value for considered applications. In this work, we address these limitations by recommending the use of Lower Confidence Bound, a metric taken from Bayesian optimisation that provides the user with a preference parameter to choose a desired performance-reproducibility trade-off. We also formalise and quantify policy reproducibility, and demonstrate the benefit of our metrics using extensive experiments of popular RL algorithms on common uncertain RL tasks.

Can ChatGPT Play the Role of a Teaching Assistant in an Introductory Programming Course?. (arXiv:2312.07343v2 [cs.HC] UPDATED)

Authors: Anishka, Atharva Mehta, Nipun Gupta, Aarav Balachandran, Dhruv Kumar, Pankaj Jalote

The emergence of Large language models (LLMs) is expected to have a major impact on education. This paper explores the potential of using ChatGPT, an LLM, as a virtual Teaching Assistant (TA) in an Introductory Programming Course. We evaluate ChatGPT's capabilities by comparing its performance with that of human TAs in some of the important TA functions. The TA functions which we focus on include (1) grading student code submissions, and (2) providing feedback to undergraduate students in an introductory programming course. Firstly, we assess ChatGPT's proficiency in grading student code submissions using a given grading rubric and compare its performance with the grades assigned by human TAs. Secondly, we analyze the quality and relevance of the feedback provided by ChatGPT. This evaluation considers how well ChatGPT addresses mistakes and offers suggestions for improvement in student solutions from both code correctness and code quality perspectives. We conclude with a discussion on the implications of integrating ChatGPT into computing education for automated grading, personalized learning experiences, and instructional support.

The DSA Transparency Database: Auditing Self-reported Moderation Actions by Social Media. (arXiv:2312.10269v2 [cs.SI] UPDATED)

Authors: Amaury Trujillo, Tiziano Fagni, Stefano Cresci

Since September 2023, the Digital Services Act (DSA) obliges large online platforms to submit detailed data on each moderation action they take within the European Union (EU) to the DSA Transparency Database. From its inception, this centralized database has sparked scholarly interest as an unprecedented and potentially unique trove of data on real-world online moderation. Here, we thoroughly analyze all 353.12M records submitted by the eight largest social media platforms in the EU during the first 100 days of the database. Specifically, we conduct a platform-wise comparative study of their: volume of moderation actions, grounds for decision, types of applied restrictions, types of moderated content, timeliness in undertaking and submitting moderation actions, and use of automation. Furthermore, we systematically cross-check the contents of the database with the platforms' own transparency reports. Our analyses reveal that (i) the platforms adhered only in part to the philosophy and structure of the database, (ii) the structure of the database is partially inadequate for the platforms' reporting needs, (iii) the platforms exhibited substantial differences in their moderation actions, (iv) a remarkable fraction of the database data is inconsistent, (v) the platform X (formerly Twitter) presents the most inconsistencies. Our findings have far-reaching implications for policymakers and scholars across diverse disciplines. They offer guidance for future regulations that cater to the reporting needs of online platforms in general, but also highlight opportunities to improve and refine the database itself.

Self-Supervised Disentangled Representation Learning for Robust Target Speech Extraction. (arXiv:2312.10305v2 [cs.SD] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhaoxi Mu, Xinyu Yang, Sining Sun, Qing Yang

Speech signals are inherently complex as they encompass both global acoustic characteristics and local semantic information. However, in the task of target speech extraction, certain elements of global and local semantic information in the reference speech, which are irrelevant to speaker identity, can lead to speaker confusion within the speech extraction network. To overcome this challenge, we propose a self-supervised disentangled representation learning method. Our approach tackles this issue through a two-phase process, utilizing a reference speech encoding network and a global information disentanglement network to gradually disentangle the speaker identity information from other irrelevant factors. We exclusively employ the disentangled speaker identity information to guide the speech extraction network. Moreover, we introduce the adaptive modulation Transformer to ensure that the acoustic representation of the mixed signal remains undisturbed by the speaker embeddings. This component incorporates speaker embeddings as conditional information, facilitating natural and efficient guidance for the speech extraction network. Experimental results substantiate the effectiveness of our meticulously crafted approach, showcasing a substantial reduction in the likelihood of speaker confusion.

DeRDaVa: Deletion-Robust Data Valuation for Machine Learning. (arXiv:2312.11413v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiao Tian, Rachael Hwee Ling Sim, Jue Fan, Bryan Kian Hsiang Low

Data valuation is concerned with determining a fair valuation of data from data sources to compensate them or to identify training examples that are the most or least useful for predictions. With the rising interest in personal data ownership and data protection regulations, model owners will likely have to fulfil more data deletion requests. This raises issues that have not been addressed by existing works: Are the data valuation scores still fair with deletions? Must the scores be expensively recomputed? The answer is no. To avoid recomputations, we propose using our data valuation framework DeRDaVa upfront for valuing each data source's contribution to preserving robust model performance after anticipated data deletions. DeRDaVa can be efficiently approximated and will assign higher values to data that are more useful or less likely to be deleted. We further generalize DeRDaVa to Risk-DeRDaVa to cater to risk-averse/seeking model owners who are concerned with the worst/best-cases model utility. We also empirically demonstrate the practicality of our solutions.

Topic-VQ-VAE: Leveraging Latent Codebooks for Flexible Topic-Guided Document Generation. (arXiv:2312.11532v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: YoungJoon Yoo, Jongwon Choi

This paper introduces a novel approach for topic modeling utilizing latent codebooks from Vector-Quantized Variational Auto-Encoder~(VQ-VAE), discretely encapsulating the rich information of the pre-trained embeddings such as the pre-trained language model. From the novel interpretation of the latent codebooks and embeddings as conceptual bag-of-words, we propose a new generative topic model called Topic-VQ-VAE~(TVQ-VAE) which inversely generates the original documents related to the respective latent codebook. The TVQ-VAE can visualize the topics with various generative distributions including the traditional BoW distribution and the autoregressive image generation. Our experimental results on document analysis and image generation demonstrate that TVQ-VAE effectively captures the topic context which reveals the underlying structures of the dataset and supports flexible forms of document generation. Official implementation of the proposed TVQ-VAE is available at

When Model Meets New Normals: Test-time Adaptation for Unsupervised Time-series Anomaly Detection. (arXiv:2312.11976v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Dongmin Kim, Sunghyun Park, Jaegul Choo

Time-series anomaly detection deals with the problem of detecting anomalous timesteps by learning normality from the sequence of observations. However, the concept of normality evolves over time, leading to a "new normal problem", where the distribution of normality can be changed due to the distribution shifts between training and test data. This paper highlights the prevalence of the new normal problem in unsupervised time-series anomaly detection studies. To tackle this issue, we propose a simple yet effective test-time adaptation strategy based on trend estimation and a self-supervised approach to learning new normalities during inference. Extensive experiments on real-world benchmarks demonstrate that incorporating the proposed strategy into the anomaly detector consistently improves the model's performance compared to the baselines, leading to robustness to the distribution shifts.

Task-Driven Causal Feature Distillation: Towards Trustworthy Risk Prediction. (arXiv:2312.16113v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhixuan Chu, Mengxuan Hu, Qing Cui, Longfei Li, Sheng Li

Since artificial intelligence has seen tremendous recent successes in many areas, it has sparked great interest in its potential for trustworthy and interpretable risk prediction. However, most models lack causal reasoning and struggle with class imbalance, leading to poor precision and recall. To address this, we propose a Task-Driven Causal Feature Distillation model (TDCFD) to transform original feature values into causal feature attributions for the specific risk prediction task. The causal feature attribution helps describe how much contribution the value of this feature can make to the risk prediction result. After the causal feature distillation, a deep neural network is applied to produce trustworthy prediction results with causal interpretability and high precision/recall. We evaluate the performance of our TDCFD method on several synthetic and real datasets, and the results demonstrate its superiority over the state-of-the-art methods regarding precision, recall, interpretability, and causality.

Act as You Learn: Adaptive Decision-Making in Non-Stationary Markov Decision Processes. (arXiv:2401.01841v3 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Baiting Luo, Yunuo Zhang, Abhishek Dubey, Ayan Mukhopadhyay

A fundamental (and largely open) challenge in sequential decision-making is dealing with non-stationary environments, where exogenous environmental conditions change over time. Such problems are traditionally modeled as non-stationary Markov decision processes (NSMDP). However, existing approaches for decision-making in NSMDPs have two major shortcomings: first, they assume that the updated environmental dynamics at the current time are known (although future dynamics can change); and second, planning is largely pessimistic, i.e., the agent acts ``safely'' to account for the non-stationary evolution of the environment. We argue that both these assumptions are invalid in practice -- updated environmental conditions are rarely known, and as the agent interacts with the environment, it can learn about the updated dynamics and avoid being pessimistic, at least in states whose dynamics it is confident about. We present a heuristic search algorithm called \textit{Adaptive Monte Carlo Tree Search (ADA-MCTS)} that addresses these challenges. We show that the agent can learn the updated dynamics of the environment over time and then act as it learns, i.e., if the agent is in a region of the state space about which it has updated knowledge, it can avoid being pessimistic. To quantify ``updated knowledge,'' we disintegrate the aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty in the agent's updated belief and show how the agent can use these estimates for decision-making. We compare the proposed approach with the multiple state-of-the-art approaches in decision-making across multiple well-established open-source problems and empirically show that our approach is faster and highly adaptive without sacrificing safety.

On the Prospects of Incorporating Large Language Models (LLMs) in Automated Planning and Scheduling (APS). (arXiv:2401.02500v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Vishal Pallagani, Kaushik Roy, Bharath Muppasani, Francesco Fabiano, Andrea Loreggia, Keerthiram Murugesan, Biplav Srivastava, Francesca Rossi, Lior Horesh, Amit Sheth

Automated Planning and Scheduling is among the growing areas in Artificial Intelligence (AI) where mention of LLMs has gained popularity. Based on a comprehensive review of 126 papers, this paper investigates eight categories based on the unique applications of LLMs in addressing various aspects of planning problems: language translation, plan generation, model construction, multi-agent planning, interactive planning, heuristics optimization, tool integration, and brain-inspired planning. For each category, we articulate the issues considered and existing gaps. A critical insight resulting from our review is that the true potential of LLMs unfolds when they are integrated with traditional symbolic planners, pointing towards a promising neuro-symbolic approach. This approach effectively combines the generative aspects of LLMs with the precision of classical planning methods. By synthesizing insights from existing literature, we underline the potential of this integration to address complex planning challenges. Our goal is to encourage the ICAPS community to recognize the complementary strengths of LLMs and symbolic planners, advocating for a direction in automated planning that leverages these synergistic capabilities to develop more advanced and intelligent planning systems.

Decision Making in Non-Stationary Environments with Policy-Augmented Search. (arXiv:2401.03197v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Ava Pettet, Yunuo Zhang, Baiting Luo, Kyle Wray, Hendrik Baier, Aron Laszka, Abhishek Dubey, Ayan Mukhopadhyay

Sequential decision-making under uncertainty is present in many important problems. Two popular approaches for tackling such problems are reinforcement learning and online search (e.g., Monte Carlo tree search). While the former learns a policy by interacting with the environment (typically done before execution), the latter uses a generative model of the environment to sample promising action trajectories at decision time. Decision-making is particularly challenging in non-stationary environments, where the environment in which an agent operates can change over time. Both approaches have shortcomings in such settings -- on the one hand, policies learned before execution become stale when the environment changes and relearning takes both time and computational effort. Online search, on the other hand, can return sub-optimal actions when there are limitations on allowed runtime. In this paper, we introduce \textit{Policy-Augmented Monte Carlo tree search} (PA-MCTS), which combines action-value estimates from an out-of-date policy with an online search using an up-to-date model of the environment. We prove theoretical results showing conditions under which PA-MCTS selects the one-step optimal action and also bound the error accrued while following PA-MCTS as a policy. We compare and contrast our approach with AlphaZero, another hybrid planning approach, and Deep Q Learning on several OpenAI Gym environments. Through extensive experiments, we show that under non-stationary settings with limited time constraints, PA-MCTS outperforms these baselines.

Agent Alignment in Evolving Social Norms. (arXiv:2401.04620v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shimin Li, Tianxiang Sun, Xipeng Qiu

Agents based on Large Language Models (LLMs) are increasingly permeating various domains of human production and life, highlighting the importance of aligning them with human values. The current alignment of AI systems primarily focuses on passively aligning LLMs through human intervention. However, agents possess characteristics like receiving environmental feedback and self-evolution, rendering the LLM alignment methods inadequate. In response, we propose an evolutionary framework for agent evolution and alignment, named EvolutionaryAgent, which transforms agent alignment into a process of evolution and selection under the principle of survival of the fittest. In an environment where social norms continuously evolve, agents better adapted to the current social norms will have a higher probability of survival and proliferation, while those inadequately aligned dwindle over time. Experimental results assessing the agents from multiple perspectives in aligning with social norms demonstrate that EvolutionaryAgent can align progressively better with the evolving social norms while maintaining its proficiency in general tasks. Effectiveness tests conducted on various open and closed-source LLMs as the foundation for agents also prove the applicability of our approach.

The inherent goodness of well educated intelligence. (arXiv:2401.04846v3 [econ.TH] UPDATED)

Authors: Michael E. Glinsky, Sharon Sievert

This paper will examine what makes a being intelligent, whether that be a biological being or an artificial silicon being on a computer. Special attention will be paid to the being having the ability to characterize and control a collective system of many identical conservative sub-systems conservatively interacting. The essence of intelligence will be found to be the golden rule -- "the collective acts as one" or "knowing the global consequences of local actions". The flow of the collective is a small set of twinkling textures, that are governed by a puppeteer who is pulling a small number of strings according to a geodesic motion of least action, determined by the symmetries. Controlling collective conservative systems is difficult and has historically been done by adding significant viscosity to the system to stabilize the desirable meta stable equilibriums of maximum performance, but it degrades or destroys them in the process. There is an alternative. Once the optimum twinkling textures of the meta stable equilibriums are identified by the intelligent being (that is the collective system is characterized), the collective system can be moved by the intelligent being to the optimum twinkling textures, then quickly vibrated by the intelligent being according to the textures so that the collective system remains at the meta stable equilibrium. Well educated intelligence knows the global consequences of its local actions so that it will not take short term actions that will lead to poor long term outcomes. In contrast, trained intelligence or trained stupidity will optimize its short term actions, leading to poor long term outcomes. Well educated intelligence is inherently good, but trained stupidity is inherently evil and should be feared. Particular attention is paid to the control and optimization of economic and social collectives.

The Impact of Reasoning Step Length on Large Language Models. (arXiv:2401.04925v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Mingyu Jin, Qinkai Yu, Dong Shu, Haiyan Zhao, Wenyue Hua, Yanda Meng, Yongfeng Zhang, Mengnan Du

Chain of Thought (CoT) is significant in improving the reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs). However, the correlation between the effectiveness of CoT and the length of reasoning steps in prompts remains largely unknown. To shed light on this, we have conducted several empirical experiments to explore the relations. Specifically, we design experiments that expand and compress the rationale reasoning steps within CoT demonstrations, while keeping all other factors constant. We have the following key findings. First, the results indicate that lengthening the reasoning steps in prompts, even without adding new information into the prompt, considerably enhances LLMs' reasoning abilities across multiple datasets. Alternatively, shortening the reasoning steps, even while preserving the key information, significantly diminishes the reasoning abilities of models. This finding highlights the importance of the number of steps in CoT prompts and provides practical guidance to make better use of LLMs' potential in complex problem-solving scenarios. Second, we also investigated the relationship between the performance of CoT and the rationales used in demonstrations. Surprisingly, the result shows that even incorrect rationales can yield favorable outcomes if they maintain the requisite length of inference. Third, we observed that the advantages of increasing reasoning steps are task-dependent: simpler tasks require fewer steps, whereas complex tasks gain significantly from longer inference sequences.

Universal Vulnerabilities in Large Language Models: In-context Learning Backdoor Attacks. (arXiv:2401.05949v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shuai Zhao, Meihuizi Jia, Luu Anh Tuan, Jinming Wen

In-context learning, a paradigm bridging the gap between pre-training and fine-tuning, has demonstrated high efficacy in several NLP tasks, especially in few-shot settings. Unlike traditional fine-tuning methods, in-context learning adapts pre-trained models to unseen tasks without updating any parameters. Despite being widely applied, in-context learning is vulnerable to malicious attacks. In this work, we raise security concerns regarding this paradigm. Our studies demonstrate that an attacker can manipulate the behavior of large language models by poisoning the demonstration context, without the need for fine-tuning the model. Specifically, we have designed a new backdoor attack method, named ICLAttack, to target large language models based on in-context learning. Our method encompasses two types of attacks: poisoning demonstration examples and poisoning prompts, which can make models behave in accordance with predefined intentions. ICLAttack does not require additional fine-tuning to implant a backdoor, thus preserving the model's generality. Furthermore, the poisoned examples are correctly labeled, enhancing the natural stealth of our attack method. Extensive experimental results across several language models, ranging in size from 1.3B to 40B parameters, demonstrate the effectiveness of our attack method, exemplified by a high average attack success rate of 95.0% across the three datasets on OPT models. Our findings highlight the vulnerabilities of language models, and we hope this work will raise awareness of the possible security threats associated with in-context learning.

A Universal Knowledge Model and Cognitive Architecture for Prototyping AGI. (arXiv:2401.06256v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Artem Sukhobokov, Evgeny Belousov, Danila Gromozdov, Anna Zenger, Ilya Popov

The article identified 42 cognitive architectures for creating general artificial intelligence (AGI) and proposed a set of interrelated functional blocks that an agent approaching AGI in its capabilities should possess. Since the required set of blocks is not found in any of the existing architectures, the article proposes a new cognitive architecture for intelligent systems approaching AGI in their capabilities. As one of the key solutions within the framework of the architecture, a universal method of knowledge representation is proposed, which allows combining various non-formalized, partially and fully formalized methods of knowledge representation in a single knowledge base, such as texts in natural languages, images, audio and video recordings, graphs, algorithms, databases, neural networks, knowledge graphs, ontologies, frames, essence-property-relation models, production systems, predicate calculus models, conceptual models, and others. To combine and structure various fragments of knowledge, archigraph models are used, constructed as a development of annotated metagraphs. As components, the cognitive architecture being developed includes machine consciousness, machine subconsciousness, blocks of interaction with the external environment, a goal management block, an emotional control system, a block of social interaction, a block of reflection, an ethics block and a worldview block, a learning block, a monitoring block, blocks of statement and solving problems, self-organization and meta learning block.

Semi-supervised Semantic Segmentation using Redesigned Self-Training for White Blood Cell. (arXiv:2401.07278v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Vinh Quoc Luu, Duy Khanh Le, Huy Thanh Nguyen, Minh Thanh Nguyen, Thinh Tien Nguyen, Vinh Quang Dinh

Artificial Intelligence (AI) in healthcare, especially in white blood cell cancer diagnosis, is hindered by two primary challenges: the lack of large-scale labeled datasets for white blood cell (WBC) segmentation and outdated segmentation methods. To address the first challenge, a semi-supervised learning framework should be brought to efficiently annotate the large dataset. In this work, we address this issue by proposing a novel self-training pipeline with the incorporation of FixMatch. We discover that by incorporating FixMatch in the self-training pipeline, the performance improves in the majority of cases. Our performance achieved the best performance with the self-training scheme with consistency on DeepLab-V3 architecture and ResNet-50, reaching 90.69%, 87.37%, and 76.49% on Zheng 1, Zheng 2, and LISC datasets, respectively.

PDE Generalization of In-Context Operator Networks: A Study on 1D Scalar Nonlinear Conservation Laws. (arXiv:2401.07364v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Liu Yang, Stanley J. Osher

Can we build a single large model for a wide range of PDE-related scientific learning tasks? Can this model generalize to new PDEs, even of new forms, without any fine-tuning? In-context operator learning and the corresponding model In-Context Operator Networks (ICON) represent an initial exploration of these questions. The capability of ICON regarding the first question has been demonstrated previously. In this paper, we present a detailed methodology for solving PDE problems with ICON, and show how a single ICON model can make forward and reverse predictions for different equations with different strides, provided with appropriately designed data prompts. We show the positive evidence to the second question, i.e., ICON can generalize well to some PDEs with new forms without any fine-tuning. This is exemplified through a study on 1D scalar nonlinear conservation laws, a family of PDEs with temporal evolution. We also show how to broaden the range of problems that an ICON model can address, by transforming functions and equations to ICON's capability scope. We believe that the progress in this paper is a significant step towards the goal of training a foundation model for PDE-related tasks under the in-context operator learning framework.

Efficient approximation of Earth Mover's Distance Based on Nearest Neighbor Search. (arXiv:2401.07378v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Guangyu Meng, Ruyu Zhou, Liu Liu, Peixian Liang, Fang Liu, Danny Chen, Michael Niemier, X.Sharon Hu

Earth Mover's Distance (EMD) is an important similarity measure between two distributions, used in computer vision and many other application domains. However, its exact calculation is computationally and memory intensive, which hinders its scalability and applicability for large-scale problems. Various approximate EMD algorithms have been proposed to reduce computational costs, but they suffer lower accuracy and may require additional memory usage or manual parameter tuning. In this paper, we present a novel approach, NNS-EMD, to approximate EMD using Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS), in order to achieve high accuracy, low time complexity, and high memory efficiency. The NNS operation reduces the number of data points compared in each NNS iteration and offers opportunities for parallel processing. We further accelerate NNS-EMD via vectorization on GPU, which is especially beneficial for large datasets. We compare NNS-EMD with both the exact EMD and state-of-the-art approximate EMD algorithms on image classification and retrieval tasks. We also apply NNS-EMD to calculate transport mapping and realize color transfer between images. NNS-EMD can be 44x to 135x faster than the exact EMD implementation, and achieves superior accuracy, speedup, and memory efficiency over existing approximate EMD methods.

Hierarchical Fashion Design with Multi-stage Diffusion Models. (arXiv:2401.07450v3 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhifeng Xie, Hao Li, Huiming Ding, Mengtian Li, Ying Cao

Cross-modal fashion synthesis and editing offer intelligent support to fashion designers by enabling the automatic generation and local modification of design drafts.While current diffusion models demonstrate commendable stability and controllability in image synthesis,they still face significant challenges in generating fashion design from abstract design elements and fine-grained editing.Abstract sensory expressions, \eg office, business, and party, form the high-level design concepts, while measurable aspects like sleeve length, collar type, and pant length are considered the low-level attributes of clothing.Controlling and editing fashion images using lengthy text descriptions poses a difficulty.In this paper, we propose HieraFashDiff,a novel fashion design method using the shared multi-stage diffusion model encompassing high-level design concepts and low-level clothing attributes in a hierarchical structure.Specifically, we categorized the input text into different levels and fed them in different time step to the diffusion model according to the criteria of professional clothing designers.HieraFashDiff allows designers to add low-level attributes after high-level prompts for interactive editing incrementally.In addition, we design a differentiable loss function in the sampling process with a mask to keep non-edit areas.Comprehensive experiments performed on our newly conducted Hierarchical fashion dataset,demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art competitors.

Developing ChatGPT for Biology and Medicine: A Complete Review of Biomedical Question Answering. (arXiv:2401.07510v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qing Li, Lei Li, Yu Li

ChatGPT explores a strategic blueprint of question answering (QA) in delivering medical diagnosis, treatment recommendations, and other healthcare support. This is achieved through the increasing incorporation of medical domain data via natural language processing (NLP) and multimodal paradigms. By transitioning the distribution of text, images, videos, and other modalities from the general domain to the medical domain, these techniques have expedited the progress of medical domain question answering (MDQA). They bridge the gap between human natural language and sophisticated medical domain knowledge or expert manual annotations, handling large-scale, diverse, unbalanced, or even unlabeled data analysis scenarios in medical contexts. Central to our focus is the utilizing of language models and multimodal paradigms for medical question answering, aiming to guide the research community in selecting appropriate mechanisms for their specific medical research requirements. Specialized tasks such as unimodal-related question answering, reading comprehension, reasoning, diagnosis, relation extraction, probability modeling, and others, as well as multimodal-related tasks like vision question answering, image caption, cross-modal retrieval, report summarization, and generation, are discussed in detail. Each section delves into the intricate specifics of the respective method under consideration. This paper highlights the structures and advancements of medical domain explorations against general domain methods, emphasizing their applications across different tasks and datasets. It also outlines current challenges and opportunities for future medical domain research, paving the way for continued innovation and application in this rapidly evolving field.

Learning Explainable and Better Performing Representations of POMDP Strategies. (arXiv:2401.07656v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Alexander Bork, Debraj Chakraborty, Kush Grover, Jan Kretinsky, Stefanie Mohr

Strategies for partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDP) typically require memory. One way to represent this memory is via automata. We present a method to learn an automaton representation of a strategy using a modification of the L*-algorithm. Compared to the tabular representation of a strategy, the resulting automaton is dramatically smaller and thus also more explainable. Moreover, in the learning process, our heuristics may even improve the strategy's performance. In contrast to approaches that synthesize an automaton directly from the POMDP thereby solving it, our approach is incomparably more scalable.

A Strategy for Implementing description Temporal Dynamic Algorithms in Dynamic Knowledge Graphs by SPIN. (arXiv:2401.07890v2 [cs.AI] UPDATED)

Authors: Alireza Shahbazi, Seyyed Ahmad Mirsanei, Malikeh Haj Khan Mirzaye Sarraf, Behrouz Minaei Bidgoli

Planning and reasoning about actions and processes, in addition to reasoning about propositions, are important issues in recent logical and computer science studies. The widespread use of actions in everyday life such as IoT, semantic web services, etc., and the limitations and issues in the action formalisms are two factors that lead us to study how actions are represented.

Since 2007, there have been some ideas to integrate Description Logic (DL) and action formalisms for representing both static and dynamic knowledge. Meanwhile, time is an important factor in dynamic situations, and actions change states over time. In this study, on the one hand, we examined related logical structures such as extensions of description logics (DLs), temporal formalisms, and action formalisms. On the other hand, we analyzed possible tools for designing and developing the Knowledge and Action Base (KAB).

For representation and reasoning about actions, we embedded actions into DLs (such as Dynamic-ALC and its extensions). We propose a terminable algorithm for action projection, planning, checking the satisfiability, consistency, realizability, and executability, and also querying from KAB. Actions in this framework were modeled with SPIN and added to state space. This framework has also been implemented as a plugin for the Prot\'eg\'e ontology editor.

During the last two decades, various algorithms have been presented, but due to the high computational complexity, we face many problems in implementing dynamic ontologies. In addition, an algorithm to detect the inconsistency of actions' effects was not explicitly stated. In the proposed strategy, the interactions of actions with other parts of modeled knowledge, and a method to check consistency between the effects of actions are presented. With this framework, the ramification problem can be well handled in future works.

Augmenting Math Word Problems via Iterative Question Composing. (arXiv:2401.09003v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Haoxiong Liu, Andrew Chi-Chih Yao

Despite recent progress in improving the mathematical reasoning ability of large language models(LLMs), solving competition-level math problems without the use of external tools remains challenging for open-source LLMs. In this work, we introduce the MMIQC dataset, a mixture of processed web data and synthetic question-response pairs, to equip base models with better mathematical reasoning skills. In different model sizes, the models fine-tuned on MMIQC consistently outperform their counterparts by a clear margin on MATH test set. Notably, DeepSeek-67B-MMIQC achieves a 41.0% accuracy, 4.2% higher than the previous open-source SOTA. Our experiments also show that a large part of the improvement can be attributed to our novel augmentation method IQC(Iterative Question Composing), where we iteratively ask an LLM to compose new questions from the given seed problems and do rejection sampling from another LLM. MMIQC has now been released on

Code Simulation Challenges for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2401.09074v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Emanuele La Malfa, Christoph Weinhuber, Orazio Torre, Fangru Lin, Anthony Cohn, Nigel Shadbolt, Michael Wooldridge

We investigate the extent to which Large Language Models (LLMs) can simulate the execution of computer code and algorithms. We begin by looking at straight line programs, and show that current LLMs demonstrate poor performance even with such simple programs -- performance rapidly degrades with the length of code. We then investigate the ability of LLMs to simulate programs that contain critical paths and redundant instructions. We also go beyond straight line program simulation with sorting algorithms and nested loops, and we show the computational complexity of a routine directly affects the ability of an LLM to simulate its execution. We observe that LLMs execute instructions sequentially and with a low error margin only for short programs or standard procedures. LLMs' code simulation is in tension with their pattern recognition and memorisation capabilities: on tasks where memorisation is detrimental, we propose a novel prompting method to simulate code execution line by line. Empirically, our new Chain of Simulation (CoSm) method improves on the standard Chain of Thought prompting approach by avoiding the pitfalls of memorisation.

Diffusion-Driven Generative Framework for Molecular Conformation Prediction. (arXiv:2401.09451v2 [q-bio.BM] UPDATED)

Authors: Bobin Yang, Jie Deng, Zhenghan Chen, Ruoxue Wu

The task of deducing three-dimensional molecular configurations from their two-dimensional graph representations holds paramount importance in the fields of computational chemistry and pharmaceutical development. The rapid advancement of machine learning, particularly within the domain of deep generative networks, has revolutionized the precision of predictive modeling in this context. Traditional approaches often adopt a two-step strategy: initially estimating interatomic distances and subsequently refining the spatial molecular structure by solving a distance geometry problem. However, this sequential approach occasionally falls short in accurately capturing the intricacies of local atomic arrangements, thereby compromising the fidelity of the resulting structural models. Addressing these limitations, this research introduces a cutting-edge generative framework named \method{}. This framework is grounded in the principles of diffusion observed in classical non-equilibrium thermodynamics. \method{} views atoms as discrete entities and excels in guiding the reversal of diffusion, transforming a distribution of stochastic noise back into coherent molecular structures through a process akin to a Markov chain. This transformation commences with the initial representation of a molecular graph in an abstract latent space, culminating in the realization of three-dimensional structures via a sophisticated bilevel optimization scheme meticulously tailored to meet the specific requirements of the task. One of the formidable challenges in this modeling endeavor involves preserving roto-translational invariance to ensure that the generated molecular conformations adhere to the laws of physics. Extensive experimental evaluations confirm the efficacy of the proposed \method{} in comparison to state-of-the-art methods.

Towards Identifiable Unsupervised Domain Translation: A Diversified Distribution Matching Approach. (arXiv:2401.09671v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Sagar Shrestha, Xiao Fu

Unsupervised domain translation (UDT) aims to find functions that convert samples from one domain (e.g., sketches) to another domain (e.g., photos) without changing the high-level semantic meaning (also referred to as ``content''). The translation functions are often sought by probability distribution matching of the transformed source domain and target domain. CycleGAN stands as arguably the most representative approach among this line of work. However, it was noticed in the literature that CycleGAN and variants could fail to identify the desired translation functions and produce content-misaligned translations. This limitation arises due to the presence of multiple translation functions -- referred to as ``measure-preserving automorphism" (MPA) -- in the solution space of the learning criteria. Despite awareness of such identifiability issues, solutions have remained elusive. This study delves into the core identifiability inquiry and introduces an MPA elimination theory. Our analysis shows that MPA is unlikely to exist, if multiple pairs of diverse cross-domain conditional distributions are matched by the learning function. Our theory leads to a UDT learner using distribution matching over auxiliary variable-induced subsets of the domains -- other than over the entire data domains as in the classical approaches. The proposed framework is the first to rigorously establish translation identifiability under reasonable UDT settings, to our best knowledge. Experiments corroborate with our theoretical claims.

All in How You Ask for It: Simple Black-Box Method for Jailbreak Attacks. (arXiv:2401.09798v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kazuhiro Takemoto

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT face `jailbreak' challenges, where safeguards are bypassed to produce ethically harmful prompts. This study proposes a simple black-box method to effectively generate jailbreak prompts, overcoming the high complexity and computational costs associated with existing methods. The proposed technique iteratively rewrites harmful prompts into non-harmful expressions using the target LLM itself, based on the hypothesis that LLMs can directly sample expressions that bypass safeguards. Demonstrated through experiments with ChatGPT (GPT-3.5 and GPT-4) and Gemini-Pro, this method achieved an attack success rate of over 80% within an average of 5 iterations and remained effective despite model updates. The generated jailbreak prompts were naturally-worded and concise; moreover, they were difficult-to-defend. These results indicate that creating effective jailbreak prompts is simpler than previously considered, suggesting that black-box jailbreak attacks pose a more serious threat.

Chem-FINESE: Validating Fine-Grained Few-shot Entity Extraction through Text Reconstruction. (arXiv:2401.10189v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qingyun Wang, Zixuan Zhang, Hongxiang Li, Xuan Liu, Jiawei Han, Heng Ji, Huimin Zhao

Fine-grained few-shot entity extraction in the chemical domain faces two unique challenges. First, compared with entity extraction tasks in the general domain, sentences from chemical papers usually contain more entities. Moreover, entity extraction models usually have difficulty extracting entities of long-tailed types. In this paper, we propose Chem-FINESE, a novel sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) based few-shot entity extraction approach, to address these two challenges. Our Chem-FINESE has two components: a seq2seq entity extractor to extract named entities from the input sentence and a seq2seq self-validation module to reconstruct the original input sentence from extracted entities. Inspired by the fact that a good entity extraction system needs to extract entities faithfully, our new self-validation module leverages entity extraction results to reconstruct the original input sentence. Besides, we design a new contrastive loss to reduce excessive copying during the extraction process. Finally, we release ChemNER+, a new fine-grained chemical entity extraction dataset that is annotated by domain experts with the ChemNER schema. Experiments in few-shot settings with both ChemNER+ and CHEMET datasets show that our newly proposed framework has contributed up to 8.26% and 6.84% absolute F1-score gains respectively.

Revolutionizing Pharma: Unveiling the AI and LLM Trends in the Pharmaceutical Industry. (arXiv:2401.10273v2 [cs.CY] UPDATED)

Authors: Yu Han, Jingwen Tao

This document offers a critical overview of the emerging trends and significant advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) within the pharmaceutical industry. Detailing its application across key operational areas, including research and development, animal testing, clinical trials, hospital clinical stages, production, regulatory affairs, quality control and other supporting areas, the paper categorically examines AI's role in each sector. Special emphasis is placed on cutting-edge AI technologies like machine learning algorithms and their contributions to various aspects of pharmaceutical operations. Through this comprehensive analysis, the paper highlights the transformative potential of AI in reshaping the pharmaceutical industry's future.

Noise Contrastive Estimation-based Matching Framework for Low-resource Security Attack Pattern Recognition. (arXiv:2401.10337v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Tu Nguyen, Nedim Srndic, Alexander Neth

Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs) represent sophisticated attack patterns in the cybersecurity domain, described encyclopedically in textual knowledge bases. Identifying TTPs in cybersecurity writing, often called TTP mapping, is an important and challenging task. Conventional learning approaches often target the problem in the classical multi-class or multilabel classification setting. This setting hinders the learning ability of the model due to a large number of classes (i.e., TTPs), the inevitable skewness of the label distribution and the complex hierarchical structure of the label space. We formulate the problem in a different learning paradigm, where the assignment of a text to a TTP label is decided by the direct semantic similarity between the two, thus reducing the complexity of competing solely over the large labeling space. To that end, we propose a neural matching architecture with an effective sampling-based learn-to-compare mechanism, facilitating the learning process of the matching model despite constrained resources.

Catastrophic Interference is Mitigated in Naturalistic Power-Law Learning Environments. (arXiv:2401.10393v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Atith Gandhi, Raj Sanjay Shah, Vijay Marupudi, Sashank Varma

Neural networks often suffer from catastrophic interference (CI): performance on previously learned tasks drops off significantly when learning a new task. This contrasts strongly with humans, who can sequentially learn new tasks without appreciably forgetting previous tasks. Prior work has explored various techniques for mitigating CI such as regularization, rehearsal, generative replay, and distillation methods. The current work takes a different approach, one guided by cognitive science research showing that in naturalistic environments, the probability of encountering a task decreases as a power-law of the time since it was last performed. We argue that a realistic evaluation of techniques for the mitigation of CI should be performed in simulated naturalistic learning environments. Thus, we evaluate the extent of mitigation of CI when training simple rehearsal-based methods in power-law environments similar to the ones humans face. Our work explores this novel rehearsal-based approach for a domain-incremental task: learning permutations in the MNIST task. We compare our rehearsal environment with other baselines to show its efficacy in promoting continual learning. Additionally, we investigate whether this environment shows forward facilitation, i.e., faster learning of later tasks. Next, we explore the robustness of our learning environment to the number of tasks, model size, and amount of data rehearsed after each task. Notably, our results show that the performance is comparable or superior to that of models trained using popular regularization methods and also to rehearsals in non-power-law environments. The benefits of this training paradigm include simplicity and the lack of a need for extra neural circuitry. In addition, because our method is orthogonal to other methods, future research can combine training in power-law environments with other continual learning mechanisms.

PuriDefense: Randomized Local Implicit Adversarial Purification for Defending Black-box Query-based Attacks. (arXiv:2401.10586v1 [cs.CR] CROSS LISTED)

Authors: Ping Guo, Zhiyuan Yang, Xi Lin, Qingchuan Zhao, Qingfu Zhang

Black-box query-based attacks constitute significant threats to Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS) systems since they can generate adversarial examples without accessing the target model's architecture and parameters. Traditional defense mechanisms, such as adversarial training, gradient masking, and input transformations, either impose substantial computational costs or compromise the test accuracy of non-adversarial inputs. To address these challenges, we propose an efficient defense mechanism, PuriDefense, that employs random patch-wise purifications with an ensemble of lightweight purification models at a low level of inference cost. These models leverage the local implicit function and rebuild the natural image manifold. Our theoretical analysis suggests that this approach slows down the convergence of query-based attacks by incorporating randomness into purifications. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet validate the effectiveness of our proposed purifier-based defense mechanism, demonstrating significant improvements in robustness against query-based attacks.