Scalable Qualitative Coding with LLMs: Chain-of-Thought Reasoning Matches Human Performance in Some Hermeneutic Tasks. (arXiv:2401.15170v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Zackary Okun Dunivin

Qualitative coding, or content analysis, extracts meaning from text to discern quantitative patterns across a corpus of texts. Recently, advances in the interpretive abilities of large language models (LLMs) offer potential for automating the coding process (applying category labels to texts), thereby enabling human researchers to concentrate on more creative research aspects, while delegating these interpretive tasks to AI. Our case study comprises a set of socio-historical codes on dense, paragraph-long passages representative of a humanistic study. We show that GPT-4 is capable of human-equivalent interpretations, whereas GPT-3.5 is not. Compared to our human-derived gold standard, GPT-4 delivers excellent intercoder reliability (Cohen's $\kappa \geq 0.79$) for 3 of 9 codes, and substantial reliability ($\kappa \geq 0.6$) for 8 of 9 codes. In contrast, GPT-3.5 greatly underperforms for all codes ($mean(\kappa) = 0.34$; $max(\kappa) = 0.55$). Importantly, we find that coding fidelity improves considerably when the LLM is prompted to give rationale justifying its coding decisions (chain-of-thought reasoning). We present these and other findings along with a set of best practices for adapting traditional codebooks for LLMs. Our results indicate that for certain codebooks, state-of-the-art LLMs are already adept at large-scale content analysis. Furthermore, they suggest the next generation of models will likely render AI coding a viable option for a majority of codebooks.

Transfer Learning for the Prediction of Entity Modifiers in Clinical Text: Application to Opioid Use Disorder Case Detection. (arXiv:2401.15222v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Abdullateef I. Almudaifer, Tobias O`Leary, Whitney Covington, JaMor Hairston, Zachary Deitch, Ankit Anand, Caleb M. Carroll, Estera Crisan, William Bradford, Lauren Walter, Eaton Ellen, Sue S. Feldman, John D. Osborne

Background: The semantics of entities extracted from a clinical text can be dramatically altered by modifiers, including entity negation, uncertainty, conditionality, severity, and subject. Existing models for determining modifiers of clinical entities involve regular expression or features weights that are trained independently for each modifier.

Methods: We develop and evaluate a multi-task transformer architecture design where modifiers are learned and predicted jointly using the publicly available SemEval 2015 Task 14 corpus and a new Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) data set that contains modifiers shared with SemEval as well as novel modifiers specific for OUD. We evaluate the effectiveness of our multi-task learning approach versus previously published systems and assess the feasibility of transfer learning for clinical entity modifiers when only a portion of clinical modifiers are shared.

Results: Our approach achieved state-of-the-art results on the ShARe corpus from SemEval 2015 Task 14, showing an increase of 1.1% on weighted accuracy, 1.7% on unweighted accuracy, and 10% on micro F1 scores.

Conclusions: We show that learned weights from our shared model can be effectively transferred to a new partially matched data set, validating the use of transfer learning for clinical text modifiers

Unlearning Reveals the Influential Training Data of Language Models. (arXiv:2401.15241v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Masaru Isonuma, Ivan Titov

In order to enhance the performance of language models while mitigating the risks of generating harmful content, it is crucial to identify which training dataset affects the model's outputs. Ideally, we can measure the influence of each dataset by removing it from training; however, it is prohibitively expensive to retrain a model multiple times. This paper presents UnTrac, which estimates the influence of a training dataset by unlearning it from the trained model. UnTrac is extremely simple; each training dataset is unlearned by gradient ascent, and we evaluate how much the model's predictions change after unlearning. We empirically examine if our methods can assess the influence of pretraining datasets on generating toxic, biased, and untruthful content. Experimental results demonstrate that our method estimates their influence much more accurately than existing methods while requiring neither excessive memory space nor multiple model checkpoints.

Improving Medical Reasoning through Retrieval and Self-Reflection with Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models. (arXiv:2401.15269v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Minbyul Jeong, Jiwoong Sohn, Mujeen Sung, Jaewoo Kang

Recent proprietary large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, have achieved a milestone in tackling diverse challenges in the biomedical domain, ranging from multiple-choice questions to long-form generations. To address challenges that still cannot be handled with the encoded knowledge of LLMs, various retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) methods have been developed by searching documents from the knowledge corpus and appending them unconditionally or selectively to the input of LLMs for generation. However, when applying existing methods to different domain-specific problems, poor generalization becomes apparent, leading to fetching incorrect documents or making inaccurate judgments. In this paper, we introduce Self-BioRAG, a framework reliable for biomedical text that specializes in generating explanations, retrieving domain-specific documents, and self-reflecting generated responses. We utilize 84k filtered biomedical instruction sets to train Self-BioRAG that can assess its generated explanations with customized reflective tokens. Our work proves that domain-specific components, such as a retriever, domain-related document corpus, and instruction sets are necessary for adhering to domain-related instructions. Using three major medical question-answering benchmark datasets, experimental results of Self-BioRAG demonstrate significant performance gains by achieving a 7.2% absolute improvement on average over the state-of-the-art open-foundation model with a parameter size of 7B or less. Overall, we analyze that Self-BioRAG finds the clues in the question, retrieves relevant documents if needed, and understands how to answer with information from retrieved documents and encoded knowledge as a medical expert does. We release our data and code for training our framework components and model weights (7B and 13B) to enhance capabilities in biomedical and clinical domains.

How We Refute Claims: Automatic Fact-Checking through Flaw Identification and Explanation. (arXiv:2401.15312v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Wei-Yu Kao, An-Zi Yen

Automated fact-checking is a crucial task in the governance of internet content. Although various studies utilize advanced models to tackle this issue, a significant gap persists in addressing complex real-world rumors and deceptive claims. To address this challenge, this paper explores the novel task of flaw-oriented fact-checking, including aspect generation and flaw identification. We also introduce RefuteClaim, a new framework designed specifically for this task. Given the absence of an existing dataset, we present FlawCheck, a dataset created by extracting and transforming insights from expert reviews into relevant aspects and identified flaws. The experimental results underscore the efficacy of RefuteClaim, particularly in classifying and elucidating false claims.

UNSEE: Unsupervised Non-contrastive Sentence Embeddings. (arXiv:2401.15316v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ömer Veysel Çağatan

We present UNSEE: Unsupervised Non-Contrastive Sentence Embeddings, a novel approach that outperforms SimCSE in the Massive Text Embedding benchmark. Our exploration begins by addressing the challenge of representation collapse, a phenomenon observed when contrastive objectives in SimCSE are replaced with non-contrastive objectives. To counter this issue, we propose a straightforward solution known as the target network, effectively mitigating representation collapse. The introduction of the target network allows us to leverage non-contrastive objectives, maintaining training stability while achieving performance improvements comparable to contrastive objectives. Our method has achieved peak performance in non-contrastive sentence embeddings through meticulous fine-tuning and optimization. This comprehensive effort has yielded superior sentence representation models, showcasing the effectiveness of our approach.

Equipping Language Models with Tool Use Capability for Tabular Data Analysis in Finance. (arXiv:2401.15328v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Adrian Theuma, Ehsan Shareghi

Large language models (LLMs) have exhibited an array of reasoning capabilities but face challenges like error propagation and hallucination, particularly in specialised areas like finance, where data is heterogeneous, and precision is paramount. We explore the potential of language model augmentation with external tools to mitigate these limitations and offload certain reasoning steps to external tools that are more suited for the task, instead of solely depending on the LLM's inherent abilities. More concretely, using financial domain question-answering datasets, we apply supervised fine-tuning on a LLaMA-2 13B Chat model to act both as a 'task router' and 'task solver'. The 'task router' dynamically directs a question to either be answered internally by the LLM or externally via the right tool from the tool set. Our tool-equipped SFT model, Raven, demonstrates an improvement of 35.2% and 5.06% over the base model and SFT-only baselines, respectively, and is highly competitive with strong GPT-3.5 results. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first that investigates tool augmentation of language models for the finance domain.

A Comprehensive Survey of Compression Algorithms for Language Models. (arXiv:2401.15347v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Seungcheol Park, Jaehyeon Choi, Sojin Lee, U Kang

How can we compress language models without sacrificing accuracy? The number of compression algorithms for language models is rapidly growing to benefit from remarkable advances of recent language models without side effects due to the gigantic size of language models, such as increased carbon emissions and expensive maintenance fees. While numerous compression algorithms have shown remarkable progress in compressing language models, it ironically becomes challenging to capture emerging trends and identify the fundamental concepts underlying them due to the excessive number of algorithms. In this paper, we survey and summarize diverse compression algorithms including pruning, quantization, knowledge distillation, low-rank approximation, parameter sharing, and efficient architecture design. We not only summarize the overall trend of diverse compression algorithms but also select representative algorithms and provide in-depth analyses of them. We discuss the value of each category of compression algorithms, and the desired properties of low-cost compression algorithms which have a significant impact due to the emergence of large language models. Finally, we introduce promising future research topics based on our survey results.

A Survey on Neural Topic Models: Methods, Applications, and Challenges. (arXiv:2401.15351v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Xiaobao Wu, Thong Nguyen, Anh Tuan Luu

Topic models have been prevalent for decades to discover latent topics and infer topic proportions of documents in an unsupervised fashion. They have been widely used in various applications like text analysis and context recommendation. Recently, the rise of neural networks has facilitated the emergence of a new research field -- Neural Topic Models (NTMs). Different from conventional topic models, NTMs directly optimize parameters without requiring model-specific derivations. This endows NTMs with better scalability and flexibility, resulting in significant research attention and plentiful new methods and applications. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey on neural topic models concerning methods, applications, and challenges. Specifically, we systematically organize current NTM methods according to their network structures and introduce the NTMs for various scenarios like short texts and cross-lingual documents. We also discuss a wide range of popular applications built on NTMs. Finally, we highlight the challenges confronted by NTMs to inspire future research.

Importance-Aware Data Augmentation for Document-Level Neural Machine Translation. (arXiv:2401.15360v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Minghao Wu, Yufei Wang, George Foster, Lizhen Qu, Gholamreza Haffari

Document-level neural machine translation (DocNMT) aims to generate translations that are both coherent and cohesive, in contrast to its sentence-level counterpart. However, due to its longer input length and limited availability of training data, DocNMT often faces the challenge of data sparsity. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel Importance-Aware Data Augmentation (IADA) algorithm for DocNMT that augments the training data based on token importance information estimated by the norm of hidden states and training gradients. We conduct comprehensive experiments on three widely-used DocNMT benchmarks. Our empirical results show that our proposed IADA outperforms strong DocNMT baselines as well as several data augmentation approaches, with statistical significance on both sentence-level and document-level BLEU.

LegalDuet: Learning Effective Representations for Legal Judgment Prediction through a Dual-View Legal Clue Reasoning. (arXiv:2401.15371v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Pengjie Liu, Zhenghao Liu, Xiaoyuan Yi, Liner Yang, Shuo Wang, Yu Gu, Ge Yu, Xing Xie, Shuang-hua Yang

Most existing Legal Judgment Prediction (LJP) models focus on discovering the legal triggers in the criminal fact description. However, in real-world scenarios, a professional judge not only needs to assimilate the law case experience that thrives on past sentenced legal judgments but also depends on the professional legal grounded reasoning that learned from professional legal knowledge. In this paper, we propose a LegalDuet model, which pretrains language models to learn a tailored embedding space for making legal judgments. It proposes a dual-view legal clue reasoning mechanism, which derives from two reasoning chains of judges: 1) Law Case Reasoning, which makes legal judgments according to the judgment experiences learned from analogy/confusing legal cases; 2) Legal Ground Reasoning, which lies in matching the legal clues between criminal cases and legal decisions. Our experiments show that LegalDuet achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CAIL2018 dataset and outperforms baselines with about 4% improvements on average. Our dual-view reasoning based pretraining can capture critical legal clues to learn a tailored embedding space to distinguish criminal cases. It reduces LegalDuet's uncertainty during prediction and brings pretraining advances to the confusing/low frequent charges. All codes are available at

A RAG-based Question Answering System Proposal for Understanding Islam: MufassirQAS LLM. (arXiv:2401.15378v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Ahmet Yusuf Alan, Enis Karaarslan, Omer Aydin

There exist challenges in learning and understanding religions as the presence of complexity and depth of religious doctrines and teachings. Chatbots as question-answering systems can help in solving these challenges. LLM chatbots use NLP techniques to establish connections between topics and accurately respond to complex questions. These capabilities make it perfect to be used in enlightenment on religion as a question answering chatbot. However, LLMs also have a tendency to generate false information, known as hallucination. The responses of the chatbots can include content that insults personal religious beliefs, interfaith conflicts, and controversial or sensitive topics. It needs to avoid such cases without promoting hate speech or offending certain groups of people or their beliefs. This study uses a vector database-based Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) approach to enhance the accuracy and transparency of LLMs. Our question-answering system is called as "MufassirQAS". We created a vector database with several open-access books that include Turkish context. These are Turkish translations, and interpretations on Islam. We worked on creating system prompts with care, ensuring they provide instructions that prevent harmful, offensive, or disrespectful responses. We also tested the MufassirQAS and ChatGPT with sensitive questions. We got better performance with our system. Study and enhancements are still in progress. Results and future works are given.

Towards Event Extraction from Speech with Contextual Clues. (arXiv:2401.15385v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Jingqi Kang, Tongtong Wu, Jinming Zhao, Guitao Wang, Guilin Qi, Yuan-Fang Li, Gholamreza Haffari

While text-based event extraction has been an active research area and has seen successful application in many domains, extracting semantic events from speech directly is an under-explored problem. In this paper, we introduce the Speech Event Extraction (SpeechEE) task and construct three synthetic training sets and one human-spoken test set. Compared to event extraction from text, SpeechEE poses greater challenges mainly due to complex speech signals that are continuous and have no word boundaries. Additionally, unlike perceptible sound events, semantic events are more subtle and require a deeper understanding. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a sequence-to-structure generation paradigm that can produce events from speech signals in an end-to-end manner, together with a conditioned generation method that utilizes speech recognition transcripts as the contextual clue. We further propose to represent events with a flat format to make outputs more natural language-like. Our experimental results show that our method brings significant improvements on all datasets, achieving a maximum F1 gain of 10.7%. The code and datasets are released on

MultiHop-RAG: Benchmarking Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Multi-Hop Queries. (arXiv:2401.15391v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yixuan Tang, Yi Yang

Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) augments large language models (LLM) by retrieving relevant knowledge, showing promising potential in mitigating LLM hallucinations and enhancing response quality, thereby facilitating the great adoption of LLMs in practice. However, we find that existing RAG systems are inadequate in answering multi-hop queries, which require retrieving and reasoning over multiple pieces of supporting evidence. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no existing RAG benchmarking dataset focuses on multi-hop queries. In this paper, we develop a novel dataset, MultiHop-RAG, which consists of a knowledge base, a large collection of multi-hop queries, their ground-truth answers, and the associated supporting evidence. We detail the procedure of building the dataset, utilizing an English news article dataset as the underlying RAG knowledge base. We demonstrate the benchmarking utility of MultiHop-RAG in two experiments. The first experiment compares different embedding models for retrieving evidence for multi-hop queries. In the second experiment, we examine the capabilities of various state-of-the-art LLMs, including GPT-4, PaLM, and Llama2-70B, in reasoning and answering multi-hop queries given the evidence. Both experiments reveal that existing RAG methods perform unsatisfactorily in retrieving and answering multi-hop queries. We hope MultiHop-RAG will be a valuable resource for the community in developing effective RAG systems, thereby facilitating greater adoption of LLMs in practice. The MultiHop-RAG and implemented RAG system is publicly available at

Semantics of Multiword Expressions in Transformer-Based Models: A Survey. (arXiv:2401.15393v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Filip Miletić, Sabine Schulte im Walde

Multiword expressions (MWEs) are composed of multiple words and exhibit variable degrees of compositionality. As such, their meanings are notoriously difficult to model, and it is unclear to what extent this issue affects transformer architectures. Addressing this gap, we provide the first in-depth survey of MWE processing with transformer models. We overall find that they capture MWE semantics inconsistently, as shown by reliance on surface patterns and memorized information. MWE meaning is also strongly localized, predominantly in early layers of the architecture. Representations benefit from specific linguistic properties, such as lower semantic idiosyncrasy and ambiguity of target expressions. Our findings overall question the ability of transformer models to robustly capture fine-grained semantics. Furthermore, we highlight the need for more directly comparable evaluation setups.

Indexing Portuguese NLP Resources with PT-Pump-Up. (arXiv:2401.15400v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Rúben Almeida, Ricardo Campos, Alípio Jorge, Sérgio Nunes

The recent advances in natural language processing (NLP) are linked to training processes that require vast amounts of corpora. Access to this data is commonly not a trivial process due to resource dispersion and the need to maintain these infrastructures online and up-to-date. New developments in NLP are often compromised due to the scarcity of data or lack of a shared repository that works as an entry point to the community. This is especially true in low and mid-resource languages, such as Portuguese, which lack data and proper resource management infrastructures. In this work, we propose PT-Pump-Up, a set of tools that aim to reduce resource dispersion and improve the accessibility to Portuguese NLP resources. Our proposal is divided into four software components: a) a web platform to list the available resources; b) a client-side Python package to simplify the loading of Portuguese NLP resources; c) an administrative Python package to manage the platform and d) a public GitHub repository to foster future collaboration and contributions. All four components are accessible using:

A Survey on Data Augmentation in Large Model Era. (arXiv:2401.15422v1 [cs.LG])

Authors: Yue Zhou, Chenlu Guo, Xu Wang, Yi Chang, Yuan Wu

Large models, encompassing large language and diffusion models, have shown exceptional promise in approximating human-level intelligence, garnering significant interest from both academic and industrial spheres. However, the training of these large models necessitates vast quantities of high-quality data, and with continuous updates to these models, the existing reservoir of high-quality data may soon be depleted. This challenge has catalyzed a surge in research focused on data augmentation methods. Leveraging large models, these data augmentation techniques have outperformed traditional approaches. This paper offers an exhaustive review of large model-driven data augmentation methods, adopting a comprehensive perspective. We begin by establishing a classification of relevant studies into three main categories: image augmentation, text augmentation, and paired data augmentation. Following this, we delve into various data post-processing techniques pertinent to large model-based data augmentation. Our discussion then expands to encompass the array of applications for these data augmentation methods within natural language processing, computer vision, and audio signal processing. We proceed to evaluate the successes and limitations of large model-based data augmentation across different scenarios. Concluding our review, we highlight prospective challenges and avenues for future exploration in the field of data augmentation. Our objective is to furnish researchers with critical insights, ultimately contributing to the advancement of more sophisticated large models. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at:

Pre-training and Diagnosing Knowledge Base Completion Models. (arXiv:2401.15439v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Vid Kocijan, Myeongjun Erik Jang, Thomas Lukasiewicz

In this work, we introduce and analyze an approach to knowledge transfer from one collection of facts to another without the need for entity or relation matching. The method works for both canonicalized knowledge bases and uncanonicalized or open knowledge bases, i.e., knowledge bases where more than one copy of a real-world entity or relation may exist. The main contribution is a method that can make use of large-scale pre-training on facts, which were collected from unstructured text, to improve predictions on structured data from a specific domain. The introduced method is most impactful on small datasets such as ReVerb20k, where a 6% absolute increase of mean reciprocal rank and 65% relative decrease of mean rank over the previously best method was achieved, despite not relying on large pre-trained models like Bert. To understand the obtained pre-trained models better, we then introduce a novel dataset for the analysis of pre-trained models for Open Knowledge Base Completion, called Doge (Diagnostics of Open knowledge Graph Embeddings). It consists of 6 subsets and is designed to measure multiple properties of a pre-trained model: robustness against synonyms, ability to perform deductive reasoning, presence of gender stereotypes, consistency with reverse relations, and coverage of different areas of general knowledge. Using the introduced dataset, we show that the existing OKBC models lack consistency in the presence of synonyms and inverse relations and are unable to perform deductive reasoning. Moreover, their predictions often align with gender stereotypes, which persist even when presented with counterevidence. We additionally investigate the role of pre-trained word embeddings and demonstrate that avoiding biased word embeddings is not a sufficient measure to prevent biased behavior of OKBC models.

Learning to Trust Your Feelings: Leveraging Self-awareness in LLMs for Hallucination Mitigation. (arXiv:2401.15449v1 [cs.CL])

Authors: Yuxin Liang, Zhuoyang Song, Hao Wang, Jiaxing Zhang

We evaluate the ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to discern and express their internal knowledge state, a key factor in countering factual hallucination and ensuring reliable application of LLMs. We observe a robust self-awareness of internal knowledge state in LLMs, evidenced by over 85% accuracy in knowledge probing. However, LLMs often fail to express their internal knowledge during generation, leading to factual hallucinations. We develop an automated hallucination annotation tool, Dreamcatcher, which merges knowledge probing and consistency checking methods to rank factual preference data. Using knowledge preference as reward, We propose a Reinforcement Learning from Knowledge Feedback (RLKF) training framework, leveraging reinforcement learning to enhance the factuality and honesty of LLMs. Our experiments across multiple models show that RLKF training effectively enhances the ability of models to utilize their internal knowledge state, boosting performance in a variety of knowledge-based and honesty-related tasks.

Geographic Adaptation of Pretrained Language Models. (arXiv:2203.08565v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Valentin Hofmann, Goran Glavaš, Nikola Ljubešić, Janet B. Pierrehumbert, Hinrich Schütze

While pretrained language models (PLMs) have been shown to possess a plethora of linguistic knowledge, the existing body of research has largely neglected extralinguistic knowledge, which is generally difficult to obtain by pretraining on text alone. Here, we contribute to closing this gap by examining geolinguistic knowledge, i.e., knowledge about geographic variation in language. We introduce geoadaptation, an intermediate training step that couples language modeling with geolocation prediction in a multi-task learning setup. We geoadapt four PLMs, covering language groups from three geographic areas, and evaluate them on five different tasks: fine-tuned (i.e., supervised) geolocation prediction, zero-shot (i.e., unsupervised) geolocation prediction, fine-tuned language identification, zero-shot language identification, and zero-shot prediction of dialect features. Geoadaptation is very successful at injecting geolinguistic knowledge into the PLMs: the geoadapted PLMs consistently outperform PLMs adapted using only language modeling (by especially wide margins on zero-shot prediction tasks), and we obtain new state-of-the-art results on two benchmarks for geolocation prediction and language identification. Furthermore, we show that the effectiveness of geoadaptation stems from its ability to geographically retrofit the representation space of the PLMs.

MiniDisc: Minimal Distillation Schedule for Language Model Compression. (arXiv:2205.14570v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Chen Zhang, Yang Yang, Qifan Wang, Jiahao Liu, Jingang Wang, Wei Wu, Dawei Song

Recent studies have uncovered that language model distillation is less effective when facing a large capacity gap between the teacher and the student, and introduced teacher assistant-based distillation to bridge the gap. As a connection, the scale and the performance of the teacher assistant is of vital importance to bring the knowledge from the teacher to the student. However, existing teacher assistant-based methods require maximally many trials before scheduling an optimal teacher assistant. To this end, we propose a minimal distillation schedule (MiniDisc) for scheduling the optimal teacher assistant in minimally one trial. In particular, motivated by the finding that the performance of the student is positively correlated to the scale-performance tradeoff of the teacher assistant, MiniDisc is designed with a $\lambda$-tradeoff to measure the optimality of the teacher assistant without trial distillation to the student. MiniDisc then can schedule the optimal teacher assistant with the best $\lambda$-tradeoff in a sandwich framework. MiniDisc is evaluated with an extensive set of experiments on GLUE. Experimental results demonstrate the improved efficiency our MiniDisc compared to several state-of-the-art baselines. We further apply MiniDisc to a language model with billions of parameters and show its scalability.

DiSCoMaT: Distantly Supervised Composition Extraction from Tables in Materials Science Articles. (arXiv:2207.01079v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tanishq Gupta, Mohd Zaki, Devanshi Khatsuriya, Kausik Hira, N. M. Anoop Krishnan, Mausam

A crucial component in the curation of KB for a scientific domain (e.g., materials science, foods & nutrition, fuels) is information extraction from tables in the domain's published research articles. To facilitate research in this direction, we define a novel NLP task of extracting compositions of materials (e.g., glasses) from tables in materials science papers. The task involves solving several challenges in concert, such as tables that mention compositions have highly varying structures; text in captions and full paper needs to be incorporated along with data in tables; and regular languages for numbers, chemical compounds and composition expressions must be integrated into the model. We release a training dataset comprising 4,408 distantly supervised tables, along with 1,475 manually annotated dev and test tables. We also present a strong baseline DISCOMAT, that combines multiple graph neural networks with several task-specific regular expressions, features, and constraints. We show that DISCOMAT outperforms recent table processing architectures by significant margins.

On the Relation between Sensitivity and Accuracy in In-context Learning. (arXiv:2209.07661v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yanda Chen, Chen Zhao, Zhou Yu, Kathleen McKeown, He He

In-context learning (ICL) suffers from oversensitivity to the prompt, making it unreliable in real-world scenarios. We study the sensitivity of ICL with respect to multiple perturbation types. First, we find that label bias obscures the true sensitivity, and therefore prior work may have significantly underestimated ICL sensitivity. Second, we observe a strong negative correlation between ICL sensitivity and accuracy: predictions sensitive to perturbations are less likely to be correct. Motivated by these findings, we propose \textsc{SenSel}, a few-shot selective prediction method that abstains from sensitive predictions. Experiments on ten classification datasets show that \textsc{SenSel} consistently outperforms two commonly used confidence-based and entropy-based baselines on abstention decisions.

Graphemic Normalization of the Perso-Arabic Script. (arXiv:2210.12273v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Raiomond Doctor, Alexander Gutkin, Cibu Johny, Brian Roark, Richard Sproat

Since its original appearance in 1991, the Perso-Arabic script representation in Unicode has grown from 169 to over 440 atomic isolated characters spread over several code pages representing standard letters, various diacritics and punctuation for the original Arabic and numerous other regional orthographic traditions. This paper documents the challenges that Perso-Arabic presents beyond the best-documented languages, such as Arabic and Persian, building on earlier work by the expert community. We particularly focus on the situation in natural language processing (NLP), which is affected by multiple, often neglected, issues such as the use of visually ambiguous yet canonically nonequivalent letters and the mixing of letters from different orthographies. Among the contributing conflating factors are the lack of input methods, the instability of modern orthographies, insufficient literacy, and loss or lack of orthographic tradition. We evaluate the effects of script normalization on eight languages from diverse language families in the Perso-Arabic script diaspora on machine translation and statistical language modeling tasks. Our results indicate statistically significant improvements in performance in most conditions for all the languages considered when normalization is applied. We argue that better understanding and representation of Perso-Arabic script variation within regional orthographic traditions, where those are present, is crucial for further progress of modern computational NLP techniques especially for languages with a paucity of resources.

Compressing Transformer-based self-supervised models for speech processing. (arXiv:2211.09949v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Tzu-Quan Lin, Tsung-Huan Yang, Chun-Yao Chang, Kuang-Ming Chen, Tzu-hsun Feng, Hung-yi Lee, Hao Tang

Despite the success of Transformers in self- supervised learning with applications to various downstream tasks, the computational cost of training and inference remains a major challenge for applying these models to a wide spectrum of devices. Several isolated attempts have been made to compress Transformers, but the settings and metrics are different across studies. Trade-off at various compression rates are also largely missing in prior work, making it difficult to compare compression techniques. In this work, we aim to provide context for the isolated results, studying several commonly used compression techniques, including weight pruning, head pruning, low-rank approximation, and knowledge distillation. We report trade- off at various compression rate, including wall-clock time, the number of parameters, and the number of multiply-accumulate operations. Our results show that compared to recent approaches, basic compression techniques are strong baselines. We further present several applications of our results, revealing properties of Transformers, such as the significance of diagonal attention heads. In addition, our results lead to a simple combination of compression techniques that improves trade-off over recent approaches. We hope the results would promote more diverse comparisons among model compression techniques and promote the use of model compression as a tool for analyzing models. Our code of compressing speech self-supervised model is available at

AutoPEFT: Automatic Configuration Search for Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning. (arXiv:2301.12132v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Han Zhou, Xingchen Wan, Ivan Vulić, Anna Korhonen

Large pretrained language models are widely used in downstream NLP tasks via task-specific fine-tuning, but such procedures can be costly. Recently, Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods have achieved strong task performance while updating much fewer parameters than full model fine-tuning (FFT). However, it is non-trivial to make informed design choices on the PEFT configurations, such as their architecture, the number of tunable parameters, and even the layers in which the PEFT modules are inserted. Consequently, it is highly likely that the current, manually designed configurations are suboptimal in terms of their performance-efficiency trade-off. Inspired by advances in neural architecture search, we propose AutoPEFT for automatic PEFT configuration selection: we first design an expressive configuration search space with multiple representative PEFT modules as building blocks. Using multi-objective Bayesian optimisation in a low-cost setup, we then discover a Pareto-optimal set of configurations with strong performance-cost trade-offs across different numbers of parameters that are also highly transferable across different tasks. Empirically, on GLUE and SuperGLUE tasks, we show that AutoPEFT-discovered configurations significantly outperform existing PEFT methods and are on par or better than FFT without incurring substantial training efficiency costs.

Detecting Reddit Users with Depression Using a Hybrid Neural Network SBERT-CNN. (arXiv:2302.02759v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Ziyi Chen, Ren Yang, Sunyang Fu, Nansu Zong, Hongfang Liu, Ming Huang

Depression is a widespread mental health issue, affecting an estimated 3.8% of the global population. It is also one of the main contributors to disability worldwide. Recently it is becoming popular for individuals to use social media platforms (e.g., Reddit) to express their difficulties and health issues (e.g., depression) and seek support from other users in online communities. It opens great opportunities to automatically identify social media users with depression by parsing millions of posts for potential interventions. Deep learning methods have begun to dominate in the field of machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) because of their ease of use, efficient processing, and state-of-the-art results on many NLP tasks. In this work, we propose a hybrid deep learning model which combines a pretrained sentence BERT (SBERT) and convolutional neural network (CNN) to detect individuals with depression with their Reddit posts. The sentence BERT is used to learn the meaningful representation of semantic information in each post. CNN enables the further transformation of those embeddings and the temporal identification of behavioral patterns of users. We trained and evaluated the model performance to identify Reddit users with depression by utilizing the Self-reported Mental Health Diagnoses (SMHD) data. The hybrid deep learning model achieved an accuracy of 0.86 and an F1 score of 0.86 and outperformed the state-of-the-art documented result (F1 score of 0.79) by other machine learning models in the literature. The results show the feasibility of the hybrid model to identify individuals with depression. Although the hybrid model is validated to detect depression with Reddit posts, it can be easily tuned and applied to other text classification tasks and different clinical applications.

Flexible, Model-Agnostic Method for Materials Data Extraction from Text Using General Purpose Language Models. (arXiv:2302.04914v2 [cond-mat.mtrl-sci] UPDATED)

Authors: Maciej P. Polak, Shrey Modi, Anna Latosinska, Jinming Zhang, Ching-Wen Wang, Shanonan Wang, Ayan Deep Hazra, Dane Morgan

Accurate and comprehensive material databases extracted from research papers are critical for materials science and engineering but require significant human effort to develop. In this paper we present a simple method of extracting materials data from full texts of research papers suitable for quickly developing modest-sized databases. The method requires minimal to no coding, prior knowledge about the extracted property, or model training, and provides high recall and almost perfect precision in the resultant database. The method is fully automated except for one human-assisted step, which typically requires just a few hours of human labor. The method builds on top of natural language processing and large general language models but can work with almost any such model. The language models GPT-3/3.5, bart and DeBERTaV3 are evaluated here for comparison. We provide a detailed detailed analysis of the methods performance in extracting bulk modulus data, obtaining up to 90% precision at 96% recall, depending on the amount of human effort involved. We then demonstrate the methods broader effectiveness by developing a database of critical cooling rates for metallic glasses.

Like a Good Nearest Neighbor: Practical Content Moderation and Text Classification. (arXiv:2302.08957v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Luke Bates, Iryna Gurevych

Few-shot text classification systems have impressive capabilities but are infeasible to deploy and use reliably due to their dependence on prompting and billion-parameter language models. SetFit (Tunstall et al., 2022) is a recent, practical approach that fine-tunes a Sentence Transformer under a contrastive learning paradigm and achieves similar results to more unwieldy systems. Inexpensive text classification is important for addressing the problem of domain drift in all classification tasks, and especially in detecting harmful content, which plagues social media platforms. Here, we propose Like a Good Nearest Neighbor (LaGoNN), a modification to SetFit that introduces no learnable parameters but alters input text with information from its nearest neighbor, for example, the label and text, in the training data, making novel data appear similar to an instance on which the model was optimized. LaGoNN is effective at flagging undesirable content and text classification, and improves the performance of SetFit. To demonstrate the value of LaGoNN, we conduct a thorough study of text classification systems in the context of content moderation under four label distributions, and in general and multilingual classification settings.

Efficiently Aligned Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning for Conversational Tasks using Prompt-Tuning. (arXiv:2304.01295v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Lifu Tu, Jin Qu, Semih Yavuz, Shafiq Joty, Wenhao Liu, Caiming Xiong, Yingbo Zhou

Cross-lingual transfer of language models trained on high-resource languages like English has been widely studied for many NLP tasks, but focus on conversational tasks has been rather limited. This is partly due to the high cost of obtaining non-English conversational data, which results in limited coverage. In this work, we introduce XSGD for cross-lingual alignment pretraining, a parallel and large-scale multilingual conversation dataset that we created by translating the English-only Schema-Guided Dialogue (SGD) dataset (Rastogi et al., 2020) into 105 other languages. XSGD contains approximately 330k utterances per language. To facilitate aligned cross-lingual representations, we develop an efficient prompt-tuning-based method for learning alignment prompts. We also investigate two different classifiers: NLI-based and vanilla classifiers, and test cross-lingual capability enabled by the aligned prompts. We evaluate our model's cross-lingual generalization capabilities on two conversation tasks: slot-filling and intent classification. Our results demonstrate the strong and efficient modeling ability of NLI-based classifiers and the large cross-lingual transfer improvements achieved by our aligned prompts, particularly in few-shot settings. In addition, we highlight the nice results of our approach compared to LLMs such as text-davinci-003 and ChatGPT in both zero-shot and few-shot settings. While LLMs exhibit impressive performance in English, their cross-lingual capabilities in other languages, particularly low-resource languages, are limited.

LaMini-LM: A Diverse Herd of Distilled Models from Large-Scale Instructions. (arXiv:2304.14402v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Minghao Wu, Abdul Waheed, Chiyu Zhang, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed, Alham Fikri Aji

Large language models (LLMs) with instruction fine-tuning demonstrate superior generative capabilities. However, these models are resource-intensive. To alleviate this issue, we explore distilling knowledge from instruction-tuned LLMs into much smaller ones. To this end, we carefully develop a large set of 2.58M instructions based on both existing and newly-generated instructions. In addition to being sizable, we design our instructions to cover a broad set of topics to ensure diversity. Extensive analysis of our instruction dataset confirms its diversity, and we generate responses for these instructions using gpt-3.5-turbo. Leveraging these instructions, we fine-tune a diverse herd of models, collectively referred to as LaMini-LM, which includes models from both the encoder-decoder and decoder-only families, with varying sizes. We evaluate the performance of our models using automatic metrics on 15 different natural language processing (NLP) benchmarks, as well as through human assessment. The results demonstrate that our proposed LaMini-LM models are comparable to competitive baselines, while being much smaller in size.

Towards Building the Federated GPT: Federated Instruction Tuning. (arXiv:2305.05644v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jianyi Zhang, Saeed Vahidian, Martin Kuo, Chunyuan Li, Ruiyi Zhang, Tong Yu, Yufan Zhou, Guoyin Wang, Yiran Chen

While "instruction-tuned" generative large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated an impressive ability to generalize to new tasks, the training phases heavily rely on large amounts of diverse and high-quality instruction data (such as ChatGPT and GPT-4). Unfortunately, acquiring high-quality data, especially when it comes to human-written data, can pose significant challenges both in terms of cost and accessibility. Moreover, concerns related to privacy can further limit access to such data, making the process of obtaining it a complex and nuanced undertaking. Consequently, this hinders the generality of the tuned models and may restrict their effectiveness in certain contexts. To tackle this issue, our study introduces a new approach called Federated Instruction Tuning (FedIT), which leverages federated learning (FL) as the learning framework for the instruction tuning of LLMs. This marks the first exploration of FL-based instruction tuning for LLMs. This is especially important since text data is predominantly generated by end users. Therefore, it is imperative to design and adapt FL approaches to effectively leverage these users' diverse instructions stored on local devices, while preserving privacy and ensuring data security. In the current paper, by conducting widely used GPT-4 auto-evaluation, we demonstrate that by exploiting the heterogeneous and diverse sets of instructions on the client's end with the proposed framework FedIT, we improved the performance of LLMs compared to centralized training with only limited local instructions. Further, in this paper, we developed a Github repository named Shepherd. This repository offers a foundational framework for exploring federated fine-tuning of LLMs using heterogeneous instructions across diverse categories.

SCENE: Self-Labeled Counterfactuals for Extrapolating to Negative Examples. (arXiv:2305.07984v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Deqing Fu, Ameya Godbole, Robin Jia

Detecting negatives (such as non-entailment relationships, unanswerable questions, and false claims) is an important and challenging aspect of many natural language understanding tasks. Though manually collecting challenging negative examples can help models detect them, it is both costly and domain-specific. In this work, we propose Self-labeled Counterfactuals for Extrapolating to Negative Examples (SCENE), an automatic method for synthesizing training data that greatly improves models' ability to detect challenging negative examples. In contrast with standard data augmentation, which synthesizes new examples for existing labels, SCENE can synthesize negative examples zero-shot from only positive ones. Given a positive example, SCENE perturbs it with a mask infilling model, then determines whether the resulting example is negative based on a self-training heuristic. With access to only answerable training examples, SCENE can close 69.6% of the performance gap on SQuAD 2.0, a dataset where half of the evaluation examples are unanswerable, compared to a model trained on SQuAD 2.0. Our method also extends to boolean question answering and recognizing textual entailment, and improves generalization from SQuAD to ACE-whQA, an out-of-domain extractive QA benchmark.

Large Language Models Leverage External Knowledge to Extend Clinical Insight Beyond Language Boundaries. (arXiv:2305.10163v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiageng Wu, Xian Wu, Zhaopeng Qiu, Minghui Li, Yingying Zhang, Yefeng Zheng, Jie Yang

Objectives: Large Language Models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and Med-PaLM have excelled in various medical question-answering tasks. However, these English-centric models encounter challenges in non-English clinical settings, primarily due to limited clinical knowledge in respective languages, a consequence of imbalanced training corpora. We systematically evaluate LLMs in the Chinese medical context and develop a novel in-context learning framework to enhance their performance.

Materials and Methods: The latest China National Medical Licensing Examination (CNMLE-2022) served as the benchmark. We collected 53 medical books and 381,149 medical questions to construct the medical knowledge base and question bank. The proposed Knowledge and Few-shot Enhancement In-context Learning (KFE) framework leverages the in-context learning ability of LLMs to integrate diverse external clinical knowledge sources. We evaluated KFE with ChatGPT(GPT3.5), GPT4, Baichuan2-7b, and Baichuan2-13B in CNMLE-2022 and further investigated the effectiveness of different pathways for incorporating LLMs with medical knowledge from seven distinct perspectives.

Results: Directly applying ChatGPT failed to qualify for the CNMLE-2022 at a score of 51. Cooperated with the KFE framework, the LLMs with varying sizes yielded consistent and significant improvements. The ChatGPT's performance surged to 70.04 and GPT-4 achieved the highest score of 82.59. This surpasses the qualification threshold (60) and exceeds the average human score of 68.70, affirming the effectiveness and robustness of the framework. It also enabled a smaller Baichuan2-13B to pass the examination, showcasing the great potential in low-resource settings. This study shed light on the optimal practices to enhance the capabilities of LLMs in non-English medical scenarios.

Solving NLP Problems through Human-System Collaboration: A Discussion-based Approach. (arXiv:2305.11789v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Masahiro Kaneko, Graham Neubig, Naoaki Okazaki

Humans work together to solve common problems by having discussions, explaining, and agreeing or disagreeing with each other. Similarly, if a system can have discussions with humans when solving tasks, it can improve the system's performance and reliability. In previous research on explainability, it has only been possible for the system to make predictions and for humans to ask questions about them rather than having a mutual exchange of opinions. This research aims to create a dataset and computational framework for systems that discuss and refine their predictions through dialogue. Through experiments, we show that the proposed system can have beneficial discussions with humans improving the accuracy by up to 25 points in the natural language inference task.

EnCore: Fine-Grained Entity Typing by Pre-Training Entity Encoders on Coreference Chains. (arXiv:2305.12924v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Frank Mtumbuka, Steven Schockaert

Entity typing is the task of assigning semantic types to the entities that are mentioned in a text. In the case of fine-grained entity typing (FET), a large set of candidate type labels is considered. Since obtaining sufficient amounts of manual annotations is then prohibitively expensive, FET models are typically trained using distant supervision. In this paper, we propose to improve on this process by pre-training an entity encoder such that embeddings of coreferring entities are more similar to each other than to the embeddings of other entities. The main problem with this strategy, which helps to explain why it has not previously been considered, is that predicted coreference links are often too noisy. We show that this problem can be addressed by using a simple trick: we only consider coreference links that are predicted by two different off-the-shelf systems. With this prudent use of coreference links, our pre-training strategy allows us to improve the state-of-the-art in benchmarks on fine-grained entity typing, as well as traditional entity extraction.

CEO: Corpus-based Open-Domain Event Ontology Induction. (arXiv:2305.13521v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Nan Xu, Hongming Zhang, Jianshu Chen

Existing event-centric NLP models often only apply to the pre-defined ontology, which significantly restricts their generalization capabilities. This paper presents CEO, a novel Corpus-based Event Ontology induction model to relax the restriction imposed by pre-defined event ontologies. Without direct supervision, CEO leverages distant supervision from available summary datasets to detect corpus-wise salient events and exploits external event knowledge to force events within a short distance to have close embeddings. Experiments on three popular event datasets show that the schema induced by CEO has better coverage and higher accuracy than previous methods. Moreover, CEO is the first event ontology induction model that can induce a hierarchical event ontology with meaningful names on eleven open-domain corpora, making the induced schema more trustworthy and easier to be further curated.

mPLM-Sim: Better Cross-Lingual Similarity and Transfer in Multilingual Pretrained Language Models. (arXiv:2305.13684v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Peiqin Lin, Chengzhi Hu, Zheyu Zhang, André F. T. Martins, Hinrich Schütze

Recent multilingual pretrained language models (mPLMs) have been shown to encode strong language-specific signals, which are not explicitly provided during pretraining. It remains an open question whether it is feasible to employ mPLMs to measure language similarity, and subsequently use the similarity results to select source languages for boosting cross-lingual transfer. To investigate this, we propose mPLMSim, a language similarity measure that induces the similarities across languages from mPLMs using multi-parallel corpora. Our study shows that mPLM-Sim exhibits moderately high correlations with linguistic similarity measures, such as lexicostatistics, genealogical language family, and geographical sprachbund. We also conduct a case study on languages with low correlation and observe that mPLM-Sim yields more accurate similarity results. Additionally, we find that similarity results vary across different mPLMs and different layers within an mPLM. We further investigate whether mPLMSim is effective for zero-shot cross-lingual transfer by conducting experiments on both low-level syntactic tasks and high-level semantic tasks. The experimental results demonstrate that mPLM-Sim is capable of selecting better source languages than linguistic measures, resulting in a 1%-2% improvement in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer performance.

ConvGQR: Generative Query Reformulation for Conversational Search. (arXiv:2305.15645v3 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Fengran Mo, Kelong Mao, Yutao Zhu, Yihong Wu, Kaiyu Huang, Jian-Yun Nie

In conversational search, the user's real search intent for the current turn is dependent on the previous conversation history. It is challenging to determine a good search query from the whole conversation context. To avoid the expensive re-training of the query encoder, most existing methods try to learn a rewriting model to de-contextualize the current query by mimicking the manual query rewriting. However, manually rewritten queries are not always the best search queries. Training a rewriting model on them would limit the model's ability to produce good search queries. Another useful hint is the potential answer to the question. In this paper, we propose ConvGQR, a new framework to reformulate conversational queries based on generative pre-trained language models (PLMs), one for query rewriting and another for generating potential answers. By combining both, ConvGQR can produce better search queries. In addition, to relate query reformulation to retrieval performance, we propose a knowledge infusion mechanism to optimize both query reformulation and retrieval. Extensive experiments on four conversational search datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of ConvGQR.

Give Me More Details: Improving Fact-Checking with Latent Retrieval. (arXiv:2305.16128v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xuming Hu, Junzhe Chen, Zhijiang Guo, Philip S. Yu

Evidence plays a crucial role in automated fact-checking. When verifying real-world claims, existing fact-checking systems either assume the evidence sentences are given or use the search snippets returned by the search engine. Such methods ignore the challenges of collecting evidence and may not provide sufficient information to verify real-world claims. Aiming at building a better fact-checking system, we propose to incorporate full text from source documents as evidence and introduce two enriched datasets. The first one is a multilingual dataset, while the second one is monolingual (English). We further develop a latent variable model to jointly extract evidence sentences from documents and perform claim verification. Experiments indicate that including source documents can provide sufficient contextual clues even when gold evidence sentences are not annotated. The proposed system is able to achieve significant improvements upon best-reported models under different settings.

Measuring the Robustness of NLP Models to Domain Shifts. (arXiv:2306.00168v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Nitay Calderon, Naveh Porat, Eyal Ben-David, Alexander Chapanin, Zorik Gekhman, Nadav Oved, Vitaly Shalumov, Roi Reichart

Existing research on Domain Robustness (DR) suffers from disparate setups, lack of task variety, and scarce research on recent capabilities such as few-shot learning. Furthermore, we claim that the common practice of measuring DR might further obscure the picture. Current research focuses on challenge sets and relies solely on the Source Drop (SD): Using the source in-domain performance as a reference point for degradation. However, the Target Drop (TD), which measures degradation from the target in-domain performance, should be used as a complementary point of view. In this study, we developed a benchmark comprised of seven NLP tasks, including classification, QA, and generation. Our benchmark focuses on natural topical domain shifts and enables measuring both the SD and the TD. Our comprehensive study, involving over 14,000 domain shifts across 18 fine-tuned and few-shot models, shows that both model types suffer from drops upon domain shifts. While fine-tuned models excel in-domain, few-shot LLMs often surpass them cross-domain, showing better robustness. In addition, we found that a large SD can be explained by shifting to a harder domain rather than by a genuine DR challenge. Thus, the TD is a more reliable metric for assessing DR.

Corrections of Zipf's and Heaps' Laws Derived from Hapax Rate Models. (arXiv:2307.12896v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Łukasz Dębowski

The article introduces corrections to Zipf's and Heaps' laws based on systematic models of the proportion of hapaxes, i.e., words that occur once. The derivation rests on two assumptions: The first one is the standard urn model which predicts that marginal frequency distributions for shorter texts look as if word tokens were sampled blindly from a given longer text. The second assumption posits that the hapax rate is a simple function of the text length. Four such functions are discussed: the constant model, the Davis model, the linear model, and the logistic model. It is shown that the logistic model yields the best fit.

Mental-LLM: Leveraging Large Language Models for Mental Health Prediction via Online Text Data. (arXiv:2307.14385v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xuhai Xu, Bingsheng Yao, Yuanzhe Dong, Saadia Gabriel, Hong Yu, James Hendler, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Anind K. Dey, Dakuo Wang

Advances in large language models (LLMs) have empowered a variety of applications. However, there is still a significant gap in research when it comes to understanding and enhancing the capabilities of LLMs in the field of mental health. In this work, we present a comprehensive evaluation of multiple LLMs on various mental health prediction tasks via online text data, including Alpaca, Alpaca-LoRA, FLAN-T5, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4. We conduct a broad range of experiments, covering zero-shot prompting, few-shot prompting, and instruction fine-tuning. The results indicate a promising yet limited performance of LLMs with zero-shot and few-shot prompt designs for mental health tasks. More importantly, our experiments show that instruction finetuning can significantly boost the performance of LLMs for all tasks simultaneously. Our best-finetuned models, Mental-Alpaca and Mental-FLAN-T5, outperform the best prompt design of GPT-3.5 (25 and 15 times bigger) by 10.9% on balanced accuracy and the best of GPT-4 (250 and 150 times bigger) by 4.8%. They further perform on par with the state-of-the-art task-specific language model. We also conduct an exploratory case study on LLMs' capability on mental health reasoning tasks, illustrating the promising capability of certain models such as GPT-4. We summarize our findings into a set of action guidelines for potential methods to enhance LLMs' capability for mental health tasks. Meanwhile, we also emphasize the important limitations before achieving deployability in real-world mental health settings, such as known racial and gender bias. We highlight the important ethical risks accompanying this line of research.

Learning the meanings of function words from grounded language using a visual question answering model. (arXiv:2308.08628v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Eva Portelance, Michael C. Frank, Dan Jurafsky

Interpreting a seemingly-simple function word like "or", "behind", or "more" can require logical, numerical, and relational reasoning. How are such words learned by children? Prior acquisition theories have often relied on positing a foundation of innate knowledge. Yet recent neural-network based visual question answering models apparently can learn to use function words as part of answering questions about complex visual scenes. In this paper, we study what these models learn about function words, in the hope of better understanding how the meanings of these words can be learnt by both models and children. We show that recurrent models trained on visually grounded language learn gradient semantics for function words requiring spacial and numerical reasoning. Furthermore, we find that these models can learn the meanings of logical connectives "and" and "or" without any prior knowledge of logical reasoning, as well as early evidence that they are sensitive to alternative expressions when interpreting language. Finally, we show that word learning difficulty is dependent on frequency in models' input. Our findings offer proof-of-concept evidence that it is possible to learn the nuanced interpretations of function words in visually grounded context by using non-symbolic general statistical learning algorithms, without any prior knowledge of linguistic meaning.

Can ChatGPT replace StackOverflow? A Study on Robustness and Reliability of Large Language Model Code Generation. (arXiv:2308.10335v5 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Li Zhong, Zilong Wang

Recently, the large language models (LLMs) have shown extraordinary ability in understanding natural language and generating programming code. It has been a common practice of software engineers to consult LLMs when encountering coding questions. Although efforts have been made to avoid syntax errors and align the code with the intended semantics, the reliability and robustness of the code generationfrom LLMs have not yet been thoroughly studied. The executable code is not equivalent to the reliable and robust code, especially in the context of real-world software development. The misuse of APIs in the generated code could lead to severe problem, such as resource leaks, program crashes. To make things worse, the users of LLM code generation services are actually the developers that are most vulnerable to these code that seems right -- They are always novice developers that are not familiar with the APIs that LLMs generate code for them. Therefore, they could hardly tell the misuse in the code generated by LLMs, which further facilitates the incorrect code applied in real-world software. Existing code evaluation benchmark and datasets focus on crafting small tasks such as programming questions in coding interviews, which however deviates from the problem that developers would ask LLM for real-world coding help. To fill the missing piece, in this work, we propose a dataset RobustAPI for evaluating the reliability and robustness of code generated by LLMs. We collect 1208 coding questions from StackOverflow on 24 representative Java APIs. We summarize thecommon misuse patterns of these APIs and evaluate them oncurrent popular LLMs. The evaluation results show that evenfor GPT-4, 62% of the generated code contains API misuses,which would cause unexpected consequences if the code isintroduced into real-world software.

Manifold-based Verbalizer Space Re-embedding for Tuning-free Prompt-based Classification. (arXiv:2309.04174v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Haochun Wang, Sendong Zhao, Chi Liu, Nuwa Xi, Muzhen Cai, Bing Qin, Ting Liu

Prompt-based classification adapts tasks to a cloze question format utilizing the [MASK] token and the filled tokens are then mapped to labels through pre-defined verbalizers. Recent studies have explored the use of verbalizer embeddings to reduce labor in this process. However, all existing studies require a tuning process for either the pre-trained models or additional trainable embeddings. Meanwhile, the distance between high-dimensional verbalizer embeddings should not be measured by Euclidean distance due to the potential for non-linear manifolds in the representation space. In this study, we propose a tuning-free manifold-based space re-embedding method called Locally Linear Embedding with Intra-class Neighborhood Constraint (LLE-INC) for verbalizer embeddings, which preserves local properties within the same class as guidance for classification. Experimental results indicate that even without tuning any parameters, our LLE-INC is on par with automated verbalizers with parameter tuning. And with the parameter updating, our approach further enhances prompt-based tuning by up to 3.2%. Furthermore, experiments with the LLaMA-7B&13B indicate that LLE-INC is an efficient tuning-free classification approach for the hyper-scale language models.

Breaking through the learning plateaus of in-context learning in Transformer. (arXiv:2309.06054v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Jingwen Fu, Tao Yang, Yuwang Wang, Yan Lu, Nanning Zheng

In-context learning, i.e., learning from context examples, is an impressive ability of Transformer. Training Transformers to possess this in-context learning skill is computationally intensive due to the occurrence of learning plateaus, which are periods within the training process where there is minimal or no enhancement in the model's in-context learning capability. To study the mechanism behind the learning plateaus, we conceptually seperate a component within the model's internal representation that is exclusively affected by the model's weights. We call this the "weights component", and the remainder is identified as the "context component". By conducting meticulous and controlled experiments on synthetic tasks, we note that the persistence of learning plateaus correlates with compromised functionality of the weights component. Recognizing the impaired performance of the weights component as a fundamental behavior drives learning plateaus, we have developed three strategies to expedite the learning of Transformers. The effectiveness of these strategies is further confirmed in natural language processing tasks. In conclusion, our research demonstrates the feasibility of cultivating a powerful in-context learning ability within AI systems in an eco-friendly manner.

Mitigating Hallucinations and Off-target Machine Translation with Source-Contrastive and Language-Contrastive Decoding. (arXiv:2309.07098v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Rico Sennrich, Jannis Vamvas, Alireza Mohammadshahi

Hallucinations and off-target translation remain unsolved problems in MT, especially for low-resource languages and massively multilingual models. In this paper, we introduce two related methods to mitigate these failure cases with a modified decoding objective, without either requiring retraining or external models. In source-contrastive decoding, we search for a translation that is probable given the correct input, but improbable given a random input segment. In language-contrastive decoding, we search for a translation that is probable, but improbable given the wrong language indicator token. Experiments on the massively multilingual models M2M-100 (418M) and SMaLL-100 show that these methods suppress hallucinations and off-target translations, reducing the number of translations with segment-level chrF2 below 10 by 67-83% on average, and the number of translations with oscillatory hallucinations by 75-92% on average, across 57 tested translation directions. In a proof of concept on out-of-English translation, we also show that we can suppress off-target translations with large language models. We release our source code at

Media of Langue: The dictionary that visualizes Inter-Lingual Semantic Network/Space. (arXiv:2309.08609v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Goki Muramoto, Atsuki Sato, Takayoshi Koyama

This paper introduces "Media of Langue," a novel dictionary visualizing Inter-lingual semantic network/space. Our proposed Inter-lingual semantic network/space is formed solely from the accumulation of translation practices between two or more language systems, in contrast to existing semantic networks/spaces that explicitly use "intra"-lingual relations. By visualizing this network/space for humans, an Inter-lingual dictionary can be realized that points to the semantic place of many words at once with a chain of mutual translation, which also contains the functions of existing dictionaries such as bilingual and synonym dictionaries. We implemented and published this interface as a web application, focusing on seven language pairs. In this paper, we first describe Inter-lingual semantic network/space with its basic features and the way to develop it from bilingual corpora, then details the design of "Media of Langue," with a quick analysis and illustrative examples of use cases. Our website is A demonstration video is available at

Towards LLM-guided Causal Explainability for Black-box Text Classifiers. (arXiv:2309.13340v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Amrita Bhattacharjee, Raha Moraffah, Joshua Garland, Huan Liu

With the advent of larger and more complex deep learning models, such as in Natural Language Processing (NLP), model qualities like explainability and interpretability, albeit highly desirable, are becoming harder challenges to tackle and solve. For example, state-of-the-art models in text classification are black-box by design. Although standard explanation methods provide some degree of explainability, these are mostly correlation-based methods and do not provide much insight into the model. The alternative of causal explainability is more desirable to achieve but extremely challenging in NLP due to a variety of reasons. Inspired by recent endeavors to utilize Large Language Models (LLMs) as experts, in this work, we aim to leverage the instruction-following and textual understanding capabilities of recent state-of-the-art LLMs to facilitate causal explainability via counterfactual explanation generation for black-box text classifiers. To do this, we propose a three-step pipeline via which, we use an off-the-shelf LLM to: (1) identify the latent or unobserved features in the input text, (2) identify the input features associated with the latent features, and finally (3) use the identified input features to generate a counterfactual explanation. We experiment with our pipeline on multiple NLP text classification datasets, with several recent LLMs, and present interesting and promising findings.

Syllable-level lyrics generation from melody exploiting character-level language model. (arXiv:2310.00863v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zhe Zhang, Karol Lasocki, Yi Yu, Atsuhiro Takasu

The generation of lyrics tightly connected to accompanying melodies involves establishing a mapping between musical notes and syllables of lyrics. This process requires a deep understanding of music constraints and semantic patterns at syllable-level, word-level, and sentence-level semantic meanings. However, pre-trained language models specifically designed at the syllable level are publicly unavailable. To solve these challenging issues, we propose to exploit fine-tuning character-level language models for syllable-level lyrics generation from symbolic melody. In particular, our method endeavors to incorporate linguistic knowledge of the language model into the beam search process of a syllable-level Transformer generator network. Additionally, by exploring ChatGPT-based evaluation for generated lyrics, along with human subjective evaluation, we demonstrate that our approach enhances the coherence and correctness of the generated lyrics, eliminating the need to train expensive new language models.

Model Tells You What to Discard: Adaptive KV Cache Compression for LLMs. (arXiv:2310.01801v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Suyu Ge, Yunan Zhang, Liyuan Liu, Minjia Zhang, Jiawei Han, Jianfeng Gao

In this study, we introduce adaptive KV cache compression, a plug-and-play method that reduces the memory footprint of generative inference for Large Language Models (LLMs). Different from the conventional KV cache that retains key and value vectors for all context tokens, we conduct targeted profiling to discern the intrinsic structure of attention modules. Based on the recognized structure, we then construct the KV cache in an adaptive manner: evicting long-range contexts on attention heads emphasizing local contexts, discarding non-special tokens on attention heads centered on special tokens, and only employing the standard KV cache for attention heads that broadly attend to all tokens. Moreover, with the lightweight attention profiling used to guide the construction of the adaptive KV cache, FastGen can be deployed without resource-intensive fine-tuning or re-training. In our experiments across various asks, FastGen demonstrates substantial reduction on GPU memory consumption with negligible generation quality loss. We will release our code and the compatible CUDA kernel for reproducibility.

Low-Resource Languages Jailbreak GPT-4. (arXiv:2310.02446v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Zheng-Xin Yong, Cristina Menghini, Stephen H. Bach

AI safety training and red-teaming of large language models (LLMs) are measures to mitigate the generation of unsafe content. Our work exposes the inherent cross-lingual vulnerability of these safety mechanisms, resulting from the linguistic inequality of safety training data, by successfully circumventing GPT-4's safeguard through translating unsafe English inputs into low-resource languages. On the AdvBenchmark, GPT-4 engages with the unsafe translated inputs and provides actionable items that can get the users towards their harmful goals 79% of the time, which is on par with or even surpassing state-of-the-art jailbreaking attacks. Other high-/mid-resource languages have significantly lower attack success rate, which suggests that the cross-lingual vulnerability mainly applies to low-resource languages. Previously, limited training on low-resource languages primarily affects speakers of those languages, causing technological disparities. However, our work highlights a crucial shift: this deficiency now poses a risk to all LLMs users. Publicly available translation APIs enable anyone to exploit LLMs' safety vulnerabilities. Therefore, our work calls for a more holistic red-teaming efforts to develop robust multilingual safeguards with wide language coverage.

BioT5: Enriching Cross-modal Integration in Biology with Chemical Knowledge and Natural Language Associations. (arXiv:2310.07276v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qizhi Pei, Wei Zhang, Jinhua Zhu, Kehan Wu, Kaiyuan Gao, Lijun Wu, Yingce Xia, Rui Yan

Recent advancements in biological research leverage the integration of molecules, proteins, and natural language to enhance drug discovery. However, current models exhibit several limitations, such as the generation of invalid molecular SMILES, underutilization of contextual information, and equal treatment of structured and unstructured knowledge. To address these issues, we propose $\mathbf{BioT5}$, a comprehensive pre-training framework that enriches cross-modal integration in biology with chemical knowledge and natural language associations. $\mathbf{BioT5}$ utilizes SELFIES for $100%$ robust molecular representations and extracts knowledge from the surrounding context of bio-entities in unstructured biological literature. Furthermore, $\mathbf{BioT5}$ distinguishes between structured and unstructured knowledge, leading to more effective utilization of information. After fine-tuning, BioT5 shows superior performance across a wide range of tasks, demonstrating its strong capability of capturing underlying relations and properties of bio-entities. Our code is available at $\href{}{Github}$.

Reconstructing Materials Tetrahedron: Challenges in Materials Information Extraction. (arXiv:2310.08383v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kausik Hira, Mohd Zaki, Dhruvil Sheth, Mausam, N M Anoop Krishnan

Discovery of new materials has a documented history of propelling human progress for centuries and more. The behaviour of a material is a function of its composition, structure, and properties, which further depend on its processing and testing conditions. Recent developments in deep learning and natural language processing have enabled information extraction at scale from published literature such as peer-reviewed publications, books, and patents. However, this information is spread in multiple formats, such as tables, text, and images, and with little or no uniformity in reporting style giving rise to several machine learning challenges. Here, we discuss, quantify, and document these challenges in automated information extraction (IE) from materials science literature towards the creation of a large materials science knowledge base. Specifically, we focus on IE from text and tables and outline several challenges with examples. We hope the present work inspires researchers to address the challenges in a coherent fashion, providing a fillip to IE towards a materials knowledge base.

Establishing Vocabulary Tests as a Benchmark for Evaluating Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.14703v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Gonzalo Martínez, Javier Conde, Elena Merino-Gómez, Beatriz Bermúdez-Margaretto, José Alberto Hernández, Pedro Reviriego, Marc Brysbaert

Vocabulary tests, once a cornerstone of language modeling evaluation, have been largely overlooked in the current landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Llama, Mistral, and GPT. While most LLM evaluation benchmarks focus on specific tasks or domain-specific knowledge, they often neglect the fundamental linguistic aspects of language understanding and production. In this paper, we advocate for the revival of vocabulary tests as a valuable tool for assessing LLM performance. We evaluate seven LLMs using two vocabulary test formats across two languages and uncover surprising gaps in their lexical knowledge. These findings shed light on the intricacies of LLM word representations, their learning mechanisms, and performance variations across models and languages. Moreover, the ability to automatically generate and perform vocabulary tests offers new opportunities to expand the approach and provide a more complete picture of LLMs' language skills.

An Open Source Data Contamination Report for Large Language Models. (arXiv:2310.17589v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yucheng Li, Frank Guerin, Chenghua Lin

Data contamination in model evaluation has become increasingly prevalent with the growing popularity of large language models. It allows models to "cheat" via memorisation instead of displaying true capabilities. Therefore, contamination analysis has become an crucial part of reliable model evaluation to validate results. However, existing contamination analysis is usually conducted internally by large language model developers and often lacks transparency and completeness. This paper presents an extensive data contamination report for over 15 popular large language models across six popular multiple-choice QA benchmarks. We also introduce an open-source pipeline that enables the community to perform contamination analysis on customised data and models. Our experiments reveal varying contamination levels ranging from 1\% to 45\% across benchmarks, with the contamination degree increasing rapidly over time. Performance analysis of large language models indicates that data contamination does not necessarily lead to increased model metrics: while significant accuracy boosts of up to 14\% and 7\% are observed on contaminated C-Eval and Hellaswag benchmarks, only a minimal increase is noted on contaminated MMLU. We also find larger models seem able to gain more advantages than smaller models on contaminated test sets.

GateLoop: Fully Data-Controlled Linear Recurrence for Sequence Modeling. (arXiv:2311.01927v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Tobias Katsch

Linear Recurrence has proven to be a powerful tool for modeling long sequences efficiently. In this work, we show that existing models fail to take full advantage of its potential. Motivated by this finding, we develop GateLoop, a foundational sequence model that generalizes linear recurrent models such as S4, S5, LRU and RetNet, by employing data-controlled state transitions. Utilizing this theoretical advance, GateLoop empirically outperforms existing models for auto-regressive language modeling. Our method comes with a low-cost $O(l)$ recurrent mode and an efficient $O(l \log_{2} l)$ parallel mode making use of highly optimized associative scan implementations. Furthermore, we derive an $O(l^2)$ surrogate attention mode, revealing remarkable implications for Transformer and recently proposed architectures. Specifically, we prove that our approach can be interpreted as providing data-controlled relative-positional information to Attention. While many existing models solely rely on data-controlled cumulative sums for context aggregation, our findings suggest that incorporating data-controlled complex cumulative products may be a crucial step towards more powerful sequence models.

Conversation Understanding using Relational Temporal Graph Neural Networks with Auxiliary Cross-Modality Interaction. (arXiv:2311.04507v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Cam-Van Thi Nguyen, Anh-Tuan Mai, The-Son Le, Hai-Dang Kieu, Duc-Trong Le

Emotion recognition is a crucial task for human conversation understanding. It becomes more challenging with the notion of multimodal data, e.g., language, voice, and facial expressions. As a typical solution, the global- and the local context information are exploited to predict the emotional label for every single sentence, i.e., utterance, in the dialogue. Specifically, the global representation could be captured via modeling of cross-modal interactions at the conversation level. The local one is often inferred using the temporal information of speakers or emotional shifts, which neglects vital factors at the utterance level. Additionally, most existing approaches take fused features of multiple modalities in an unified input without leveraging modality-specific representations. Motivating from these problems, we propose the Relational Temporal Graph Neural Network with Auxiliary Cross-Modality Interaction (CORECT), an novel neural network framework that effectively captures conversation-level cross-modality interactions and utterance-level temporal dependencies with the modality-specific manner for conversation understanding. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of CORECT via its state-of-the-art results on the IEMOCAP and CMU-MOSEI datasets for the multimodal ERC task Implementation available at:\_EMNLP2023

Bias Runs Deep: Implicit Reasoning Biases in Persona-Assigned LLMs. (arXiv:2311.04892v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Shashank Gupta, Vaishnavi Shrivastava, Ameet Deshpande, Ashwin Kalyan, Peter Clark, Ashish Sabharwal, Tushar Khot

Recent works have showcased the ability of LLMs to embody diverse personas in their responses, exemplified by prompts like 'You are Yoda. Explain the Theory of Relativity.' While this ability allows personalization of LLMs and enables human behavior simulation, its effect on LLMs' capabilities remains unclear. To fill this gap, we present the first extensive study of the unintended side-effects of persona assignment on the ability of LLMs to perform basic reasoning tasks. Our study covers 24 reasoning datasets, 4 LLMs, and 19 diverse personas (e.g. an Asian person) spanning 5 socio-demographic groups. Our experiments unveil that LLMs harbor deep rooted bias against various socio-demographics underneath a veneer of fairness. While they overtly reject stereotypes when explicitly asked ('Are Black people less skilled at mathematics?'), they manifest stereotypical and erroneous presumptions when asked to answer questions while adopting a persona. These can be observed as abstentions in responses, e.g., 'As a Black person, I can't answer this question as it requires math knowledge', and generally result in a substantial performance drop. Our experiments with ChatGPT-3.5 show that this bias is ubiquitous - 80% of our personas demonstrate bias; it is significant - some datasets show performance drops of 70%+; and can be especially harmful for certain groups - some personas suffer statistically significant drops on 80%+ of the datasets. Overall, all 4 LLMs exhibit this bias to varying extents, with GPT-4-Turbo showing the least but still a problematic amount of bias (evident in 42% of the personas). Further analysis shows that these persona-induced errors can be hard-to-discern and hard-to-avoid. Our findings serve as a cautionary tale that the practice of assigning personas to LLMs - a trend on the rise - can surface their deep-rooted biases and have unforeseeable and detrimental side-effects.

A Comprehensive Evaluation of GPT-4V on Knowledge-Intensive Visual Question Answering. (arXiv:2311.07536v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Yunxin Li, Longyue Wang, Baotian Hu, Xinyu Chen, Wanqi Zhong, Chenyang Lyu, Wei Wang, Min Zhang

The emergence of multimodal large models (MLMs) has significantly advanced the field of visual understanding, offering remarkable capabilities in the realm of visual question answering (VQA). Yet, the true challenge lies in the domain of knowledge-intensive VQA tasks, which necessitate not just recognition of visual elements, but also a deep comprehension of the visual information in conjunction with a vast repository of learned knowledge. To uncover such capabilities of MLMs, particularly the newly introduced GPT-4V, we provide an in-depth evaluation from three perspectives: 1) Commonsense Knowledge, which assesses how well models can understand visual cues and connect to general knowledge; 2) Fine-grained World Knowledge, which tests the model's skill in reasoning out specific knowledge from images, showcasing their proficiency across various specialized fields; 3) Comprehensive Knowledge with Decision-making Rationales, which examines model's capability to provide logical explanations for its inference, facilitating a deeper analysis from the interpretability perspective. Extensive experiments indicate that GPT-4V achieves SOTA performance on above three tasks. Interestingly, we find that: a) GPT-4V demonstrates enhanced reasoning and explanation when using composite images as few-shot; b) GPT-4V produces severe hallucinations when dealing with world knowledge, highlighting the future need for advancements in this research direction.

Knowledge Graph Construction in Power Distribution Networks. (arXiv:2311.08724v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xiang Li, Che Wang, Bing Li, Hao Chen, Sizhe Li

In this paper, we propose a method for knowledge graph construction in power distribution networks. This method leverages entity features, which involve their semantic, phonetic, and syntactic characteristics, in both the knowledge graph of distribution network and the dispatching texts. An enhanced model based on Convolutional Neural Network, is utilized for effectively matching dispatch text entities with those in the knowledge graph. The effectiveness of this model is evaluated through experiments in real-world power distribution dispatch scenarios. The results indicate that, compared with the baselines, the proposed model excels in linking a variety of entity types, demonstrating high overall accuracy in power distribution knowledge graph construction task.

Investigating Hallucinations in Pruned Large Language Models for Abstractive Summarization. (arXiv:2311.09335v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: George Chrysostomou, Zhixue Zhao, Miles Williams, Nikolaos Aletras

Despite the remarkable performance of generative large language models (LLMs) on abstractive summarization, they face two significant challenges: their considerable size and tendency to hallucinate. Hallucinations are concerning because they erode reliability and raise safety issues. Pruning is a technique that reduces model size by removing redundant weights, enabling more efficient sparse inference. Pruned models yield downstream task performance comparable to the original, making them ideal alternatives when operating on a limited budget. However, the effect that pruning has upon hallucinations in abstractive summarization with LLMs has yet to be explored. In this paper, we provide an extensive empirical study across five summarization datasets, two state-of-the-art pruning methods, and five instruction-tuned LLMs. Surprisingly, we find that hallucinations from pruned LLMs are less prevalent than the original models. Our analysis suggests that pruned models tend to depend more on the source document for summary generation. This leads to a higher lexical overlap between the generated summary and the source document, which could be a reason for the reduction in hallucination risk.

Dynamic Fault Analysis in Substations Based on Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2311.13708v4 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Weiwei Li, Xing Liu, Wei Wang, Lu Chen, Sizhe Li, Hui Fan

To address the challenge of identifying hidden danger in substations from unstructured text, a novel dynamic analysis method is proposed. We first extract relevant information from the unstructured text, and then leverages a flexible distributed search engine built on Elastic-Search to handle the data. Following this, the hidden Markov model is employed to train the data within the engine. The Viterbi algorithm is integrated to decipher the hidden state sequences, facilitating the segmentation and labeling of entities related to hidden dangers. The final step involves using the Neo4j graph database to dynamically create a knowledge graph that visualizes hidden dangers in the substation. The effectiveness of the proposed method is demonstrated through a case analysis from a specific substation with hidden dangers revealed in the text records.

Automatic Time Signature Determination for New Scores Using Lyrics for Latent Rhythmic Structure. (arXiv:2311.15480v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Callie C. Liao, Duoduo Liao, Jesse Guessford

There has recently been a sharp increase in interest in Artificial Intelligence-Generated Content (AIGC). Despite this, musical components such as time signatures have not been studied sufficiently to form an algorithmic determination approach for new compositions, especially lyrical songs. This is likely because of the neglect of musical details, which is critical for constructing a robust framework. Specifically, time signatures establish the fundamental rhythmic structure for almost all aspects of a song, including the phrases and notes. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that only uses lyrics as input to automatically generate a fitting time signature for lyrical songs and uncover the latent rhythmic structure utilizing explainable machine learning models. In particular, we devise multiple methods that are associated with discovering lyrical patterns and creating new features that simultaneously contain lyrical, rhythmic, and statistical information. In this approach, the best of our experimental results reveal a 97.6% F1 score and a 0.996 Area Under the Curve (AUC) of the Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) score. In conclusion, our research directly generates time signatures from lyrics automatically for new scores utilizing machine learning, which is an innovative idea that approaches an understudied component of musicology and therefore contributes significantly to the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) music generation.

Dynamic Fault Characteristics Evaluation in Power Grid. (arXiv:2311.16522v4 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Hao Pei, Si Lin, Chuanfu Li, Che Wang, Haoming Chen, Sizhe Li

To enhance the intelligence degree in operation and maintenance, a novel method for fault detection in power grids is proposed. The proposed GNN-based approach first identifies fault nodes through a specialized feature extraction method coupled with a knowledge graph. By incorporating temporal data, the method leverages the status of nodes from preceding and subsequent time periods to help current fault detection. To validate the effectiveness of the node features, a correlation analysis of the output features from each node was conducted. The results from experiments show that this method can accurately locate fault nodes in simulation scenarios with a remarkable accuracy. Additionally, the graph neural network based feature modeling allows for a qualitative examination of how faults spread across nodes, which provides valuable insights for analyzing fault nodes.

Automatic Functional Differentiation in JAX. (arXiv:2311.18727v2 [cs.PL] UPDATED)

Authors: Min Lin

We extend JAX with the capability to automatically differentiate higher-order functions (functionals and operators). By representing functions as a generalization of arrays, we seamlessly use JAX's existing primitive system to implement higher-order functions. We present a set of primitive operators that serve as foundational building blocks for constructing several key types of functionals. For every introduced primitive operator, we derive and implement both linearization and transposition rules, aligning with JAX's internal protocols for forward and reverse mode automatic differentiation. This enhancement allows for functional differentiation in the same syntax traditionally use for functions. The resulting functional gradients are themselves functions ready to be invoked in python. We showcase this tool's efficacy and simplicity through applications where functional derivatives are indispensable. The source code of this work is released at .

MultiGPrompt for Multi-Task Pre-Training and Prompting on Graphs. (arXiv:2312.03731v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xingtong Yu, Chang Zhou, Yuan Fang, Xinming Zhang

Graphs can inherently model interconnected objects on the Web, thereby facilitating a series of Web applications, such as web analyzing and content recommendation. Recently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a mainstream technique for graph representation learning. However, their efficacy within an end-to-end supervised framework is significantly tied to the availabilityof task-specific labels. To mitigate labeling costs and enhance robustness in few-shot settings, pre-training on self-supervised tasks has emerged as a promising method, while prompting has been proposed to further narrow the objective gap between pretext and downstream tasks. Although there has been some initial exploration of prompt-based learning on graphs, they primarily leverage a single pretext task, resulting in a limited subset of general knowledge that could be learned from the pre-training data. Hence, in this paper, we propose MultiGPrompt, a novel multi-task pre-training and prompting framework to exploit multiple pretext tasks for more comprehensive pre-trained knowledge. First, in pre-training, we design a set of pretext tokens to synergize multiple pretext tasks. Second, we propose a dual-prompt mechanism consisting of composed and open prompts to leverage task-specific and global pre-training knowledge, to guide downstream tasks in few-shot settings. Finally, we conduct extensive experiments on six public datasets to evaluate and analyze MultiGPrompt.

A Pseudo-Semantic Loss for Autoregressive Models with Logical Constraints. (arXiv:2312.03905v2 [cs.LG] UPDATED)

Authors: Kareem Ahmed, Kai-Wei Chang, Guy Van den Broeck

Neuro-symbolic AI bridges the gap between purely symbolic and neural approaches to learning. This often requires maximizing the likelihood of a symbolic constraint w.r.t the neural network's output distribution. Such output distributions are typically assumed to be fully-factorized. This limits the applicability of neuro-symbolic learning to the more expressive autoregressive distributions, e.g., transformers. Under such distributions, computing the likelihood of even simple constraints is #P-hard. Instead of attempting to enforce the constraint on the entire output distribution, we propose to do so on a random, local approximation thereof. More precisely, we optimize the likelihood of the constraint under a pseudolikelihood-based approximation centered around a model sample. Our approximation is factorized, allowing the reuse of solutions to sub-problems, a main tenet for efficiently computing neuro-symbolic losses. Moreover, it is a local, high-fidelity approximation of the likelihood, exhibiting low entropy and KL-divergence around the model sample. We evaluate our approach on Sudoku and shortest-path prediction cast as autoregressive generation, and observe that we greatly improve upon the base model's ability to predict logically-consistent outputs. We also evaluate on the task of detoxifying large language models. Using a simple constraint disallowing a list of toxic words, we are able to steer the model's outputs away from toxic generations, achieving SoTA detoxification compared to previous approaches.

Knowledge Graph Enhanced Aspect-Level Sentiment Analysis. (arXiv:2312.10048v3 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Kavita Sharma, Ritu Patel, Sunita Iyer

In this paper, we propose a novel method to enhance sentiment analysis by addressing the challenge of context-specific word meanings. It combines the advantages of a BERT model with a knowledge graph based synonym data. This synergy leverages a dynamic attention mechanism to develop a knowledge-driven state vector. For classifying sentiments linked to specific aspects, the approach constructs a memory bank integrating positional data. The data are then analyzed using a DCGRU to pinpoint sentiment characteristics related to specific aspect terms. Experiments on three widely used datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our method in sentiment classification.

TEILP: Time Prediction over Knowledge Graphs via Logical Reasoning. (arXiv:2312.15816v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siheng Xiong, Yuan Yang, Ali Payani, James C Kerce, Faramarz Fekri

Conventional embedding-based models approach event time prediction in temporal knowledge graphs (TKGs) as a ranking problem. However, they often fall short in capturing essential temporal relationships such as order and distance. In this paper, we propose TEILP, a logical reasoning framework that naturally integrates such temporal elements into knowledge graph predictions. We first convert TKGs into a temporal event knowledge graph (TEKG) which has a more explicit representation of time in term of nodes of the graph. The TEKG equips us to develop a differentiable random walk approach to time prediction. Finally, we introduce conditional probability density functions, associated with the logical rules involving the query interval, using which we arrive at the time prediction. We compare TEILP with state-of-the-art methods on five benchmark datasets. We show that our model achieves a significant improvement over baselines while providing interpretable explanations. In particular, we consider several scenarios where training samples are limited, event types are imbalanced, and forecasting the time of future events based on only past events is desired. In all these cases, TEILP outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of robustness.

Rule-Guided Joint Embedding Learning over Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2401.02968v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qisong Li, Ji Lin, Sijia Wei, Neng Liu

Recent studies focus on embedding learning over knowledge graphs, which map entities and relations in knowledge graphs into low-dimensional vector spaces. While existing models mainly consider the aspect of graph structure, there exists a wealth of contextual and literal information that can be utilized for more effective embedding learning. This paper introduces a novel model that incorporates both contextual and literal information into entity and relation embeddings by utilizing graph convolutional networks. Specifically, for contextual information, we assess its significance through confidence and relatedness metrics. In addition, a unique rule-based method is developed to calculate the confidence metric, and the relatedness metric is derived from the literal information's representations. We validate our model performance with thorough experiments on two established benchmark datasets.

Text Classification Based on Knowledge Graphs and Improved Attention Mechanism. (arXiv:2401.03591v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Siyu Li, Lu Chen, Chenwei Song, Xinyi Liu

To resolve the semantic ambiguity in texts, we propose a model, which innovatively combines a knowledge graph with an improved attention mechanism. An existing knowledge base is utilized to enrich the text with relevant contextual concepts. The model operates at both character and word levels to deepen its understanding by integrating the concepts. We first adopt information gain to select import words. Then an encoder-decoder framework is used to encode the text along with the related concepts. The local attention mechanism adjusts the weight of each concept, reducing the influence of irrelevant or noisy concepts during classification. We improve the calculation formula for attention scores in the local self-attention mechanism, ensuring that words with different frequencies of occurrence in the text receive higher attention scores. Finally, the model employs a Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit (Bi-GRU), which is effective in feature extraction from texts for improved classification accuracy. Its performance is demonstrated on datasets such as AGNews, Ohsumed, and TagMyNews, achieving accuracy of 75.1%, 58.7%, and 68.5% respectively, showing its effectiveness in classifying tasks.

Semantic Parsing for Question Answering over Knowledge Graphs. (arXiv:2401.06772v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sijia Wei, Wenwen Zhang, Qisong Li, Jiang Zhao

In this paper, we introduce a novel method with graph-to-segment mapping for question answering over knowledge graphs, which helps understanding question utterances. This method centers on semantic parsing, a key approach for interpreting these utterances. The challenges lie in comprehending implicit entities, relationships, and complex constraints like time, ordinality, and aggregation within questions, contextualized by the knowledge graph. Our framework employs a combination of rule-based and neural-based techniques to parse and construct highly accurate and comprehensive semantic segment sequences. These sequences form semantic query graphs, effectively representing question utterances. We approach question semantic parsing as a sequence generation task, utilizing an encoder-decoder neural network to transform natural language questions into semantic segments. Moreover, to enhance the parsing of implicit entities and relations, we incorporate a graph neural network that leverages the context of the knowledge graph to better understand question representations. Our experimental evaluations on two datasets demonstrate the effectiveness and superior performance of our model in semantic parsing for question answering.

Knowledge Graph Driven Recommendation System Algorithm. (arXiv:2401.10244v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Chaoyang Zhang, Yanan Li, Shen Chen, Siwei Fan, Wei Li

In this paper, we propose a novel graph neural network-based recommendation model called KGLN, which leverages Knowledge Graph (KG) information to enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of personalized recommendations. We first use a single-layer neural network to merge individual node features in the graph, and then adjust the aggregation weights of neighboring entities by incorporating influence factors. The model evolves from a single layer to multiple layers through iteration, enabling entities to access extensive multi-order associated entity information. The final step involves integrating features of entities and users to produce a recommendation score. The model performance was evaluated by comparing its effects on various aggregation methods and influence factors. In tests over the MovieLen-1M and Book-Crossing datasets, KGLN shows an Area Under the ROC curve (AUC) improvement of 0.3% to 5.9% and 1.1% to 8.2%, respectively, which is better than existing benchmark methods like LibFM, DeepFM, Wide&Deep, and RippleNet.

Weakly Supervised Gaussian Contrastive Grounding with Large Multimodal Models for Video Question Answering. (arXiv:2401.10711v2 [cs.CV] UPDATED)

Authors: Haibo Wang, Chenghang Lai, Yixuan Sun, Weifeng Ge

Video Question Answering (VideoQA) aims to answer natural language questions based on the information observed in videos. Despite the recent success of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) in image-language understanding and reasoning, they deal with VideoQA insufficiently by simply taking uniformly sampled frames as visual inputs, which ignores question-relevant visual clues. Moreover, there are no human annotations for question-critical timestamps in existing VideoQA datasets. In light of this, we propose a novel weakly supervised framework to enforce the LMMs to reason out the answers with question-critical moments as visual inputs. Specifically, we fuse the question and answer pairs as event descriptions to find multiple keyframes as target moments, which will be pseudo-labels. With these pseudo-labels as additionally weak supervision, we devise a lightweight Gaussian-based Contrastive Grounding (GCG) module. GCG learns multiple Gaussian functions to characterize the temporal structure of the video, and sample question-critical frames as positive moments to be the visual inputs of LMMs. Extensive experiments on several VideoQA benchmarks verify the effectiveness of our framework, and we achieve substantial improvements compared to previous state-of-the-art methods.

Mitigating Hallucinations of Large Language Models via Knowledge Consistent Alignment. (arXiv:2401.10768v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Fanqi Wan, Xinting Huang, Leyang Cui, Xiaojun Quan, Wei Bi, Shuming Shi

While Large Language Models (LLMs) have proven to be exceptional on a variety of tasks after alignment, they may still produce responses that contradict the context or world knowledge confidently, a phenomenon known as ``hallucination''. In this paper, we demonstrate that reducing the inconsistency between the external knowledge encapsulated in the training data and the intrinsic knowledge inherited in the pretraining corpus could mitigate hallucination in alignment. Specifically, we introduce a novel knowledge consistent alignment (KCA) approach, which involves automatically formulating examinations based on external knowledge for accessing the comprehension of LLMs. For data encompassing knowledge inconsistency, KCA implements several simple yet efficient strategies for processing. We illustrate the superior performance of the proposed KCA approach in mitigating hallucinations across six benchmarks using LLMs of different backbones and scales. Furthermore, we confirm the correlation between knowledge inconsistency and hallucination, signifying the effectiveness of reducing knowledge inconsistency in alleviating hallucinations. Our code, model weights, and data are public at \url{}.

Location Sensitive Embedding for Knowledge Graph Reasoning. (arXiv:2401.10893v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Deepak Banerjee, Anjali Ishaan

Embedding methods transform the knowledge graph into a continuous, low-dimensional space, facilitating inference and completion tasks. Existing methods are mainly divided into two types: translational distance models and semantic matching models. A key challenge in translational distance models is their inability to effectively differentiate between 'head' and 'tail' entities in graphs. To address this problem, a novel location-sensitive embedding (LSE) method has been developed. LSE innovatively modifies the head entity using relation-specific mappings, conceptualizing relations as linear transformations rather than mere translations. The theoretical foundations of LSE, including its representational capabilities and its connections to existing models, have been thoroughly examined. A more streamlined variant, LSE-d, which employs a diagonal matrix for transformations to enhance practical efficiency, is also proposed. Experiments conducted on four large-scale KG datasets for link prediction show that LSEd either outperforms or is competitive with state-of-the-art related works.

Improving Small Language Models' Mathematical Reasoning via Equation-of-Thought Distillation. (arXiv:2401.11864v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Xunyu Zhu, Jian Li, Yong Liu, Can Ma, Weiping Wang

This work addresses the challenge of democratizing advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) by compressing their mathematical reasoning capabilities into sub-billion parameter Small Language Models (SLMs) without compromising performance. We introduce Equation-of-Thought Distillation (EoTD), a novel technique that encapsulates the reasoning process into equation-based representations to construct an EoTD dataset for fine-tuning SLMs. Additionally, we propose the Ensemble Thoughts Distillation (ETD) framework to enhance the reasoning performance of SLMs. This involves creating a reasoning dataset with multiple thought processes, including Chain-of-Thought (CoT), Program-of-Thought (PoT), and Equation-of-Thought (EoT), and using it for fine-tuning. Our experimental findings demonstrate that EoTD significantly boosts the reasoning abilities of SLMs, while ETD enables these models to achieve state-of-the-art reasoning performance.

Misgendering and Assuming Gender in Machine Translation when Working with Low-Resource Languages. (arXiv:2401.13165v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Sourojit Ghosh, Srishti Chatterjee

This chapter focuses on gender-related errors in machine translation (MT) in the context of low-resource languages. We begin by explaining what low-resource languages are, examining the inseparable social and computational factors that create such linguistic hierarchies. We demonstrate through a case study of our mother tongue Bengali, a global language spoken by almost 300 million people but still classified as low-resource, how gender is assumed and inferred in translations to and from the high(est)-resource English when no such information is provided in source texts. We discuss the postcolonial and societal impacts of such errors leading to linguistic erasure and representational harms, and conclude by discussing potential solutions towards uplifting languages by providing them more agency in MT conversations.

Can AI Assistants Know What They Don't Know?. (arXiv:2401.13275v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Qinyuan Cheng, Tianxiang Sun, Xiangyang Liu, Wenwei Zhang, Zhangyue Yin, Shimin Li, Linyang Li, Zhengfu He, Kai Chen, Xipeng Qiu

Recently, AI assistants based on large language models (LLMs) show surprising performance in many tasks, such as dialogue, solving math problems, writing code, and using tools. Although LLMs possess intensive world knowledge, they still make factual errors when facing some knowledge intensive tasks, like open-domain question answering. These untruthful responses from the AI assistant may cause significant risks in practical applications. We believe that an AI assistant's refusal to answer questions it does not know is a crucial method for reducing hallucinations and making the assistant truthful. Therefore, in this paper, we ask the question "Can AI assistants know what they don't know and express them through natural language?" To answer this question, we construct a model-specific "I don't know" (Idk) dataset for an assistant, which contains its known and unknown questions, based on existing open-domain question answering datasets. Then we align the assistant with its corresponding Idk dataset and observe whether it can refuse to answer its unknown questions after alignment. Experimental results show that after alignment with Idk datasets, the assistant can refuse to answer most its unknown questions. For questions they attempt to answer, the accuracy is significantly higher than before the alignment.

Large Malaysian Language Model Based on Mistral for Enhanced Local Language Understanding. (arXiv:2401.13565v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Husein Zolkepli, Aisyah Razak, Kamarul Adha, Ariff Nazhan

In this paper, we present significant advancements in the pretraining of Mistral 7B, a large-scale language model, using a dataset of 32.6 GB, equivalent to 1.1 billion tokens. We explore the impact of extending the context length, releasing models with context lengths of 4096 and 32768 tokens, and further refining performance with a specialized 16384 context length instruction-tuned model, we called it Malaysian Mistral.

Our experiments demonstrate the efficacy of continue pretraining and the influence of extended context lengths on Mistral 7B's language understanding capabilities. Additionally, we release a model specifically tuned with a 16384 context length instruction, showcasing its potential for capturing nuanced language intricacies.

Furthermore, our research contributes to the benchmarking of Malaysian Mistral against prominent language models, including ChatGPT3.5 and Claude 2. We present compelling results indicating Malaysian Mistral's superior performance on Tatabahasa (Malay grammar) test set, particularly when fine-tuned with instructions.

All models released at

Investigating the Efficacy of Large Language Models for Code Clone Detection. (arXiv:2401.13802v2 [cs.SE] UPDATED)

Authors: Mohamad Khajezade, Jie JW Wu, Fatemeh Hendijani Fard, Gema Rodríguez-Pérez, Mohamed Sami Shehata

Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable success in various natural language processing and software engineering tasks, such as code generation. The LLMs are mainly utilized in the prompt-based zero/few-shot paradigm to guide the model in accomplishing the task. GPT-based models are one of the popular ones studied for tasks such as code comment generation or test generation. These tasks are `generative' tasks. However, there is limited research on the usage of LLMs for `non-generative' tasks such as classification using the prompt-based paradigm. In this preliminary exploratory study, we investigated the applicability of LLMs for Code Clone Detection (CCD), a non-generative task. By building a mono-lingual and cross-lingual CCD dataset derived from CodeNet, we first investigated two different prompts using ChatGPT to detect Type-4 code clones in Java-Java and Java-Ruby pairs in a zero-shot setting. We then conducted an analysis to understand the strengths and weaknesses of ChatGPT in CCD. ChatGPT surpasses the baselines in cross-language CCD attaining an F1-score of 0.877 and achieves comparable performance to fully fine-tuned models for mono-lingual CCD, with an F1-score of 0.878. Also, the prompt and the difficulty level of the problems has an impact on the performance of ChatGPT. Finally we provide insights and future directions based on our initial analysis

WebVoyager: Building an End-to-End Web Agent with Large Multimodal Models. (arXiv:2401.13919v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hongliang He, Wenlin Yao, Kaixin Ma, Wenhao Yu, Yong Dai, Hongming Zhang, Zhenzhong Lan, Dong Yu

The advancement of large language models (LLMs) leads to a new era marked by the development of autonomous applications in the real world, which drives innovation in the creation of advanced web-based agents. Existing web agents typically only handle one input modality and are evaluated only in simplified web simulators or static web snapshots, greatly limiting their applicability in real-world scenarios. To bridge this gap, we introduce WebVoyager, an innovative Large Multimodal Model (LMM) powered web agent that can complete user instructions end-to-end by interacting with real-world websites. Moreover, we propose a new evaluation protocol for web agents to address the challenges of automatic evaluation of open-ended web agent tasks, leveraging the robust multimodal comprehension capabilities of GPT-4V. We create a new benchmark by gathering real-world tasks from 15 widely used websites to evaluate our agents. We show that WebVoyager achieves a 55.7% task success rate, significantly surpassing the performance of both GPT-4 (All Tools) and the WebVoyager (text-only) setups, underscoring the exceptional capability of WebVoyager in practical applications. We found that our proposed automatic evaluation achieves 85.3% agreement with human judgment, paving the way for further development of web agents in a real-world setting.

BayesPrompt: Prompting Large-Scale Pre-Trained Language Models on Few-shot Inference via Debiased Domain Abstraction. (arXiv:2401.14166v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Jiangmeng Li, Fei Song, Yifan Jin, Wenwen Qiang, Changwen Zheng, Fuchun Sun, Hui Xiong

As a novel and effective fine-tuning paradigm based on large-scale pre-trained language models (PLMs), prompt-tuning aims to reduce the gap between downstream tasks and pre-training objectives. While prompt-tuning has yielded continuous advancements in various tasks, such an approach still remains a persistent defect: prompt-tuning methods fail to generalize to specific few-shot patterns. From the perspective of distribution analyses, we disclose that the intrinsic issues behind the phenomenon are the over-multitudinous conceptual knowledge contained in PLMs and the abridged knowledge for target downstream domains, which jointly result in that PLMs mis-locate the knowledge distributions corresponding to the target domains in the universal knowledge embedding space. To this end, we intuitively explore to approximate the unabridged target domains of downstream tasks in a debiased manner, and then abstract such domains to generate discriminative prompts, thereby providing the de-ambiguous guidance for PLMs. Guided by such an intuition, we propose a simple yet effective approach, namely BayesPrompt, to learn prompts that contain the domain discriminative information against the interference from domain-irrelevant knowledge. BayesPrompt primitively leverages known distributions to approximate the debiased factual distributions of target domains and further uniformly samples certain representative features from the approximated distributions to generate the ultimate prompts for PLMs. We provide theoretical insights with the connection to domain adaptation. Empirically, our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on benchmarks.

Commonsense-augmented Memory Construction and Management in Long-term Conversations via Context-aware Persona Refinement. (arXiv:2401.14215v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Hana Kim, Kai Tzu-iunn Ong, Seoyeon Kim, Dongha Lee, Jinyoung Yeo

Memorizing and utilizing speakers' personas is a common practice for response generation in long-term conversations. Yet, human-authored datasets often provide uninformative persona sentences that hinder response quality. This paper presents a novel framework that leverages commonsense-based persona expansion to address such issues in long-term conversation. While prior work focuses on not producing personas that contradict others, we focus on transforming contradictory personas into sentences that contain rich speaker information, by refining them based on their contextual backgrounds with designed strategies. As the pioneer of persona expansion in multi-session settings, our framework facilitates better response generation via human-like persona refinement. The supplementary video of our work is available at

MaLLaM -- Malaysia Large Language Model. (arXiv:2401.14680v2 [cs.CL] UPDATED)

Authors: Husein Zolkepli, Aisyah Razak, Kamarul Adha, Ariff Nazhan

Addressing the gap in Large Language Model pretrained from scratch with Malaysian context, We trained models with 1.1 billion, 3 billion, and 5 billion parameters on a substantial 349GB dataset, equivalent to 90 billion tokens based on our pretrained Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) tokenizer for a single epoch. MaLLaM contributes to enhanced natural language understanding and generation tasks in the Malay language. Although trained on a smaller dataset of 90 billion tokens, our instruction-tuned MaLLaM models perform competitively. When compared to ChatGPT3.5 and Malaysian Mistral, MaLLaM's instruction-tuned models demonstrate notable proficiency, underscoring the effectiveness of our approach in capturing and understanding the nuances of the Malaysian language. MaLLaM models mark a significant contribution to the field, providing comprehensive language representations grounded in Malaysian context. This endeavor aims to pave the way for enhanced natural language understanding and generation tasks specific to the linguistic nuances present in Malaysia. We discuss the training methodology, dataset composition, and the potential impact of MaLLaM in advancing the capabilities of large language models within the context of the Malay language.

All models released at

The Power of Noise: Redefining Retrieval for RAG Systems. (arXiv:2401.14887v2 [cs.IR] UPDATED)

Authors: Florin Cuconasu, Giovanni Trappolini, Federico Siciliano, Simone Filice, Cesare Campagnano, Yoelle Maarek, Nicola Tonellotto, Fabrizio Silvestri

Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems represent a significant advancement over traditional Large Language Models (LLMs). RAG systems enhance their generation ability by incorporating external data retrieved through an Information Retrieval (IR) phase, overcoming the limitations of standard LLMs, which are restricted to their pre-trained knowledge and limited context window. Most research in this area has predominantly concentrated on the generative aspect of LLMs within RAG systems. Our study fills this gap by thoroughly and critically analyzing the influence of IR components on RAG systems. This paper analyzes which characteristics a retriever should possess for an effective RAG's prompt formulation, focusing on the type of documents that should be retrieved. We evaluate various elements, such as the relevance of the documents to the prompt, their position, and the number included in the context. Our findings reveal, among other insights, that including irrelevant documents can unexpectedly enhance performance by more than 30% in accuracy, contradicting our initial assumption of diminished quality. These results underscore the need for developing specialized strategies to integrate retrieval with language generation models, thereby laying the groundwork for future research in this field.