new PRECISE Framework: GPT-based Text For Improved Readability, Reliability, and Understandability of Radiology Reports For Patient-Centered Care

Authors: Satvik Tripathi, Liam Mutter, Meghana Muppuri, Suhani Dheer, Emiliano Garza-Frias, Komal Awan, Aakash Jha, Michael Dezube, Azadeh Tabari, Christopher P. Bridge, Dania Daye

Abstract: This study introduces and evaluates the PRECISE framework, utilizing OpenAI's GPT-4 to enhance patient engagement by providing clearer and more accessible chest X-ray reports at a sixth-grade reading level. The framework was tested on 500 reports, demonstrating significant improvements in readability, reliability, and understandability. Statistical analyses confirmed the effectiveness of the PRECISE approach, highlighting its potential to foster patient-centric care delivery in healthcare decision-making.

new $\textit{L+M-24}$: Building a Dataset for Language + Molecules @ ACL 2024

Authors: Carl Edwards, Qingyun Wang, Lawrence Zhao, Heng Ji

Abstract: Language-molecule models have emerged as an exciting direction for molecular discovery and understanding. However, training these models is challenging due to the scarcity of molecule-language pair datasets. At this point, datasets have been released which are 1) small and scraped from existing databases, 2) large but noisy and constructed by performing entity linking on the scientific literature, and 3) built by converting property prediction datasets to natural language using templates. In this document, we detail the $\textit{L+M-24}$ dataset, which has been created for the Language + Molecules Workshop shared task at ACL 2024. In particular, $\textit{L+M-24}$ is designed to focus on three key benefits of natural language in molecule design: compositionality, functionality, and abstraction.

new Getting Serious about Humor: Crafting Humor Datasets with Unfunny Large Language Models

Authors: Zachary Horvitz, Jingru Chen, Rahul Aditya, Harshvardhan Srivastava, Robert West, Zhou Yu, Kathleen McKeown

Abstract: Humor is a fundamental facet of human cognition and interaction. Yet, despite recent advances in natural language processing, humor detection remains a challenging task that is complicated by the scarcity of datasets that pair humorous texts with similar non-humorous counterparts. In our work, we investigate whether large language models (LLMs), can generate synthetic data for humor detection via editing texts. We benchmark LLMs on an existing human dataset and show that current LLMs display an impressive ability to `unfun' jokes, as judged by humans and as measured on the downstream task of humor detection. We extend our approach to a code-mixed English-Hindi humor dataset, where we find that GPT-4's synthetic data is highly rated by bilingual annotators and provides challenging adversarial examples for humor classifiers.

new Executing Natural Language-Described Algorithms with Large Language Models: An Investigation

Authors: Xin Zheng, Qiming Zhu, Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Le Sun

Abstract: Executing computer programs described in natural language has long been a pursuit of computer science. With the advent of enhanced natural language understanding capabilities exhibited by large language models (LLMs), the path toward this goal has been illuminated. In this paper, we seek to examine the capacity of present-day LLMs to comprehend and execute algorithms outlined in natural language. We established an algorithm test set sourced from Introduction to Algorithm, a well-known textbook that contains many representative widely-used algorithms. To systematically assess LLMs' code execution abilities, we selected 30 algorithms, generated 300 random-sampled instances in total, and evaluated whether popular LLMs can understand and execute these algorithms. Our findings reveal that LLMs, notably GPT-4, can effectively execute programs described in natural language, as long as no heavy numeric computation is involved. We believe our findings contribute to evaluating LLMs' code execution abilities and would encourage further investigation and application for the computation power of LLMs.

new An Empirical Study of Data Ability Boundary in LLMs' Math Reasoning

Authors: Zui Chen, Yezeng Chen, Jiaqi Han, Zhijie Huang, Ji Qi, Yi Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are displaying emergent abilities for math reasoning tasks,and there is a growing attention on enhancing the ability of open-source LLMs through supervised fine-tuning (SFT).In this paper, we aim to explore a general data strategy for supervised data to help optimize and expand math reasoning ability.Firstly, we determine the ability boundary of reasoning paths augmentation by identifying these paths' minimal optimal set.Secondly, we validate that different abilities of the model can be cumulatively enhanced by Mix of Minimal Optimal Sets of corresponding types of data, while our models MMOS achieve SOTA performance on series base models under much lower construction costs.Besides, we point out GSM-HARD is not really hard and today's LLMs no longer lack numerical robustness.Also, we provide an Auto Problem Generator for robustness testing and educational applications.Our code and data are publicly available at


new Brain-Inspired Two-Stage Approach: Enhancing Mathematical Reasoning by Imitating Human Thought Processes

Authors: Yezeng Chen, Zui Chen, Yi Zhou

Abstract: Although large language models demonstrate emergent abilities in solving math word problems, there is a challenging task in complex multi-step mathematical reasoning tasks. To improve model performance on mathematical reasoning tasks, previous work has conducted supervised fine-tuning on open-source models by improving the quality and quantity of data. In this paper, we propose a novel approach, named Brain, to imitate human thought processes to enhance mathematical reasoning abilities, using the Frontal Lobe Model to generate plans, and then employing the Parietal Lobe Model to generate code and execute to obtain answers. First, we achieve SOTA performance in comparison with Code LLaMA 7B based models through this method. Secondly, we find that plans can be explicitly extracted from natural language, code, or formal language. Our code and data are publicly available at


new Uncovering Customer Issues through Topological Natural Language Analysis

Authors: Shu-Ting Pi, Sidarth Srinivasan, Yuying Zhu, Michael Yang, Qun Liu

Abstract: E-commerce companies deal with a high volume of customer service requests daily. While a simple annotation system is often used to summarize the topics of customer contacts, thoroughly exploring each specific issue can be challenging. This presents a critical concern, especially during an emerging outbreak where companies must quickly identify and address specific issues. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel machine learning algorithm that leverages natural language techniques and topological data analysis to monitor emerging and trending customer issues. Our approach involves an end-to-end deep learning framework that simultaneously tags the primary question sentence of each customer's transcript and generates sentence embedding vectors. We then whiten the embedding vectors and use them to construct an undirected graph. From there, we define trending and emerging issues based on the topological properties of each transcript. We have validated our results through various methods and found that they are highly consistent with news sources.

new IPED: An Implicit Perspective for Relational Triple Extraction based on Diffusion Model

Authors: Jianli Zhao, Changhao Xu, Bin Jiang

Abstract: Relational triple extraction is a fundamental task in the field of information extraction, and a promising framework based on table filling has recently gained attention as a potential baseline for entity relation extraction. However, inherent shortcomings such as redundant information and incomplete triple recognition remain problematic. To address these challenges, we propose an Implicit Perspective for relational triple Extraction based on Diffusion model (IPED), an innovative approach for extracting relational triples. Our classifier-free solution adopts an implicit strategy using block coverage to complete the tables, avoiding the limitations of explicit tagging methods. Additionally, we introduce a generative model structure, the block-denoising diffusion model, to collaborate with our implicit perspective and effectively circumvent redundant information disruptions. Experimental results on two popular datasets demonstrate that IPED achieves state-of-the-art performance while gaining superior inference speed and low computational complexity. To support future research, we have made our source code publicly available online.

new Abdelhak at SemEval-2024 Task 9 : Decoding Brainteasers, The Efficacy of Dedicated Models Versus ChatGPT

Authors: Abdelhak Kelious, Mounir Okirim

Abstract: This study introduces a dedicated model aimed at solving the BRAINTEASER task 9 , a novel challenge designed to assess models lateral thinking capabilities through sentence and word puzzles. Our model demonstrates remarkable efficacy, securing Rank 1 in sentence puzzle solving during the test phase with an overall score of 0.98. Additionally, we explore the comparative performance of ChatGPT, specifically analyzing how variations in temperature settings affect its ability to engage in lateral thinking and problem-solving. Our findings indicate a notable performance disparity between the dedicated model and ChatGPT, underscoring the potential of specialized approaches in enhancing creative reasoning in AI.

new LoRA Meets Dropout under a Unified Framework

Authors: Sheng Wang, Liheng Chen, Jiyue Jiang, Boyang Xue, Lingpeng Kong, Chuan Wu

Abstract: With the remarkable capabilities, large language models (LLMs) have emerged as essential elements in numerous NLP applications, while parameter-efficient finetuning, especially LoRA, has gained popularity as a lightweight approach for model customization. Meanwhile, various dropout methods, initially designed for full finetuning with all the parameters updated, alleviates overfitting associated with excessive parameter redundancy. Hence, a possible contradiction arises from negligible trainable parameters of LoRA and the effectiveness of previous dropout methods, which has been largely overlooked. To fill this gap, we first confirm that parameter-efficient LoRA is also overfitting-prone. We then revisit transformer-specific dropout methods, and establish their equivalence and distinctions mathematically and empirically. Building upon this comparative analysis, we introduce a unified framework for a comprehensive investigation, which instantiates these methods based on dropping position, structural pattern and compensation measure. Through this framework, we reveal the new preferences and performance comparisons of them when involved with limited trainable parameters. This framework also allows us to amalgamate the most favorable aspects into a novel dropout method named HiddenKey. Extensive experiments verify the remarkable superiority and sufficiency of HiddenKey across multiple models and tasks, which highlights it as the preferred approach for high-performance and parameter-efficient finetuning of LLMs.

new UrbanGPT: Spatio-Temporal Large Language Models

Authors: Zhonghang Li, Lianghao Xia, Jiabin Tang, Yong Xu, Lei Shi, Long Xia, Dawei Yin, Chao Huang

Abstract: Spatio-temporal prediction aims to forecast and gain insights into the ever-changing dynamics of urban environments across both time and space. Its purpose is to anticipate future patterns, trends, and events in diverse facets of urban life, including transportation, population movement, and crime rates. Although numerous efforts have been dedicated to developing neural network techniques for accurate predictions on spatio-temporal data, it is important to note that many of these methods heavily depend on having sufficient labeled data to generate precise spatio-temporal representations. Unfortunately, the issue of data scarcity is pervasive in practical urban sensing scenarios. Consequently, it becomes necessary to build a spatio-temporal model with strong generalization capabilities across diverse spatio-temporal learning scenarios. Taking inspiration from the remarkable achievements of large language models (LLMs), our objective is to create a spatio-temporal LLM that can exhibit exceptional generalization capabilities across a wide range of downstream urban tasks. To achieve this objective, we present the UrbanGPT, which seamlessly integrates a spatio-temporal dependency encoder with the instruction-tuning paradigm. This integration enables LLMs to comprehend the complex inter-dependencies across time and space, facilitating more comprehensive and accurate predictions under data scarcity. To validate the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on various public datasets, covering different spatio-temporal prediction tasks. The results consistently demonstrate that our UrbanGPT, with its carefully designed architecture, consistently outperforms state-of-the-art baselines. These findings highlight the potential of building large language models for spatio-temporal learning, particularly in zero-shot scenarios where labeled data is scarce.

new RAM-EHR: Retrieval Augmentation Meets Clinical Predictions on Electronic Health Records

Authors: Ran Xu, Wenqi Shi, Yue Yu, Yuchen Zhuang, Bowen Jin, May D. Wang, Joyce C. Ho, Carl Yang

Abstract: We present RAM-EHR, a Retrieval AugMentation pipeline to improve clinical predictions on Electronic Health Records (EHRs). RAM-EHR first collects multiple knowledge sources, converts them into text format, and uses dense retrieval to obtain information related to medical concepts. This strategy addresses the difficulties associated with complex names for the concepts. RAM-EHR then augments the local EHR predictive model co-trained with consistency regularization to capture complementary information from patient visits and summarized knowledge. Experiments on two EHR datasets show the efficacy of RAM-EHR over previous knowledge-enhanced baselines (3.4% gain in AUROC and 7.2% gain in AUPR), emphasizing the effectiveness of the summarized knowledge from RAM-EHR for clinical prediction tasks. The code will be published at \url{}.


new DenseMamba: State Space Models with Dense Hidden Connection for Efficient Large Language Models

Authors: Wei He, Kai Han, Yehui Tang, Chengcheng Wang, Yujie Yang, Tianyu Guo, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) face a daunting challenge due to the excessive computational and memory requirements of the commonly used Transformer architecture. While state space model (SSM) is a new type of foundational network architecture offering lower computational complexity, their performance has yet to fully rival that of Transformers. This paper introduces DenseSSM, a novel approach to enhance the flow of hidden information between layers in SSMs. By selectively integrating shallowlayer hidden states into deeper layers, DenseSSM retains fine-grained information crucial for the final output. Dense connections enhanced DenseSSM still maintains the training parallelizability and inference efficiency. The proposed method can be widely applicable to various SSM types like RetNet and Mamba. With similar model size, DenseSSM achieves significant improvements, exemplified by DenseRetNet outperforming the original RetNet with up to 5% accuracy improvement on public benchmarks.

new Social Media as a Sensor: Analyzing Twitter Data for Breast Cancer Medication Effects Using Natural Language Processing

Authors: Seibi Kobara, Alireza Rafiei, Masoud Nateghi, Selen Bozkurt, Rishikesan Kamaleswaran, Abeed Sarker

Abstract: Breast cancer is a significant public health concern and is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths among women. Despite advances in breast cancer treatments, medication non-adherence remains a major problem. As electronic health records do not typically capture patient-reported outcomes that may reveal information about medication-related experiences, social media presents an attractive resource for enhancing our understanding of the patients' treatment experiences. In this paper, we developed natural language processing (NLP) based methodologies to study information posted by an automatically curated breast cancer cohort from social media. We employed a transformer-based classifier to identify breast cancer patients/survivors on X (Twitter) based on their self-reported information, and we collected longitudinal data from their profiles. We then designed a multi-layer rule-based model to develop a breast cancer therapy-associated side effect lexicon and detect patterns of medication usage and associated side effects among breast cancer patients. 1,454,637 posts were available from 583,962 unique users, of which 62,042 were detected as breast cancer members using our transformer-based model. 198 cohort members mentioned breast cancer medications with tamoxifen as the most common. Our side effect lexicon identified well-known side effects of hormone and chemotherapy. Furthermore, it discovered a subject feeling towards cancer and medications, which may suggest a pre-clinical phase of side effects or emotional distress. This analysis highlighted not only the utility of NLP techniques in unstructured social media data to identify self-reported breast cancer posts, medication usage patterns, and treatment side effects but also the richness of social data on such clinical questions.

new Information Flow Routes: Automatically Interpreting Language Models at Scale

Authors: Javier Ferrando, Elena Voita

Abstract: Information flows by routes inside the network via mechanisms implemented in the model. These routes can be represented as graphs where nodes correspond to token representations and edges to operations inside the network. We automatically build these graphs in a top-down manner, for each prediction leaving only the most important nodes and edges. In contrast to the existing workflows relying on activation patching, we do this through attribution: this allows us to efficiently uncover existing circuits with just a single forward pass. Additionally, the applicability of our method is far beyond patching: we do not need a human to carefully design prediction templates, and we can extract information flow routes for any prediction (not just the ones among the allowed templates). As a result, we can talk about model behavior in general, for specific types of predictions, or different domains. We experiment with Llama 2 and show that the role of some attention heads is overall important, e.g. previous token heads and subword merging heads. Next, we find similarities in Llama 2 behavior when handling tokens of the same part of speech. Finally, we show that some model components can be specialized on domains such as coding or multilingual texts.

new Comparing effectiveness of regularization methods on text classification: Simple and complex model in data shortage situation

Authors: Jongga Lee, Jaeseung Yim, Seohee Park, Changwon Lim

Abstract: Text classification is the task of assigning a document to a predefined class. However, it is expensive to acquire enough labeled documents or to label them. In this paper, we study the regularization methods' effects on various classification models when only a few labeled data are available. We compare a simple word embedding-based model, which is simple but effective, with complex models (CNN and BiLSTM). In supervised learning, adversarial training can further regularize the model. When an unlabeled dataset is available, we can regularize the model using semi-supervised learning methods such as the Pi model and virtual adversarial training. We evaluate the regularization effects on four text classification datasets (AG news, DBpedia, Yahoo! Answers, Yelp Polarity), using only 0.1% to 0.5% of the original labeled training documents. The simple model performs relatively well in fully supervised learning, but with the help of adversarial training and semi-supervised learning, both simple and complex models can be regularized, showing better results for complex models. Although the simple model is robust to overfitting, a complex model with well-designed prior beliefs can be also robust to overfitting.

new LLMGuard: Guarding Against Unsafe LLM Behavior

Authors: Shubh Goyal, Medha Hira, Shubham Mishra, Sukriti Goyal, Arnav Goel, Niharika Dadu, Kirushikesh DB, Sameep Mehta, Nishtha Madaan

Abstract: Although the rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) in enterprise settings brings new opportunities and capabilities, it also brings challenges, such as the risk of generating inappropriate, biased, or misleading content that violates regulations and can have legal concerns. To alleviate this, we present "LLMGuard", a tool that monitors user interactions with an LLM application and flags content against specific behaviours or conversation topics. To do this robustly, LLMGuard employs an ensemble of detectors.

new Self-Refinement of Language Models from External Proxy Metrics Feedback

Authors: Keshav Ramji, Young-Suk Lee, Ram\'on Fernandez Astudillo, Md Arafat Sultan, Tahira Naseem, Asim Munawar, Radu Florian, Salim Roukos

Abstract: It is often desirable for Large Language Models (LLMs) to capture multiple objectives when providing a response. In document-grounded response generation, for example, agent responses are expected to be relevant to a user's query while also being grounded in a given document. In this paper, we introduce Proxy Metric-based Self-Refinement (ProMiSe), which enables an LLM to refine its own initial response along key dimensions of quality guided by external metrics feedback, yielding an overall better final response. ProMiSe leverages feedback on response quality through principle-specific proxy metrics, and iteratively refines its response one principle at a time. We apply ProMiSe to open source language models Flan-T5-XXL and Llama-2-13B-Chat, to evaluate its performance on document-grounded question answering datasets, MultiDoc2Dial and QuAC, demonstrating that self-refinement improves response quality. We further show that fine-tuning Llama-2-13B-Chat on the synthetic dialogue data generated by ProMiSe yields significant performance improvements over the zero-shot baseline as well as a supervised fine-tuned model on human annotated data.

new Deep Learning Detection Method for Large Language Models-Generated Scientific Content

Authors: Bushra Alhijawi, Rawan Jarrar, Aseel AbuAlRub, Arwa Bader

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-3 and BERT, reshape how textual content is written and communicated. These models have the potential to generate scientific content that is indistinguishable from that written by humans. Hence, LLMs carry severe consequences for the scientific community, which relies on the integrity and reliability of publications. This research paper presents a novel ChatGPT-generated scientific text detection method, AI-Catcher. AI-Catcher integrates two deep learning models, multilayer perceptron (MLP) and convolutional neural networks (CNN). The MLP learns the feature representations of the linguistic and statistical features. The CNN extracts high-level representations of the sequential patterns from the textual content. AI-Catcher is a multimodal model that fuses hidden patterns derived from MLP and CNN. In addition, a new ChatGPT-Generated scientific text dataset is collected to enhance AI-generated text detection tools, AIGTxt. AIGTxt contains 3000 records collected from published academic articles across ten domains and divided into three classes: Human-written, ChatGPT-generated, and Mixed text. Several experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of AI-Catcher. The comparative results demonstrate the capability of AI-Catcher to distinguish between human-written and ChatGPT-generated scientific text more accurately than alternative methods. On average, AI-Catcher improved accuracy by 37.4%.

new CLLMs: Consistency Large Language Models

Authors: Siqi Kou, Lanxiang Hu, Zhezhi He, Zhijie Deng, Hao Zhang

Abstract: Parallel decoding methods such as Jacobi decoding show promise for more efficient LLM inference as it breaks the sequential nature of the LLM decoding process and transforms it into parallelizable computation. However, in practice, it achieves little speedup compared to traditional autoregressive (AR) decoding, primarily because Jacobi decoding seldom accurately predicts more than one token in a single fixed-point iteration step. To address this, we develop a new approach aimed at realizing fast convergence from any state to the fixed point on a Jacobi trajectory. This is accomplished by refining the target LLM to consistently predict the fixed point given any state as input. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, showing 2.4$\times$ to 3.4$\times$ improvements in generation speed while preserving generation quality across both domain-specific and open-domain benchmarks.

new EyeGPT: Ophthalmic Assistant with Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaolan Chen, Ziwei Zhao, Weiyi Zhang, Pusheng Xu, Le Gao, Mingpu Xu, Yue Wu, Yinwen Li, Danli Shi, Mingguang He

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) has gained significant attention in healthcare consultation due to its potential to improve clinical workflow and enhance medical communication. However, owing to the complex nature of medical information, large language models (LLM) trained with general world knowledge might not possess the capability to tackle medical-related tasks at an expert level. Here, we introduce EyeGPT, a specialized LLM designed specifically for ophthalmology, using three optimization strategies including role-playing, finetuning, and retrieval-augmented generation. In particular, we proposed a comprehensive evaluation framework that encompasses a diverse dataset, covering various subspecialties of ophthalmology, different users, and diverse inquiry intents. Moreover, we considered multiple evaluation metrics, including accuracy, understandability, trustworthiness, empathy, and the proportion of hallucinations. By assessing the performance of different EyeGPT variants, we identify the most effective one, which exhibits comparable levels of understandability, trustworthiness, and empathy to human ophthalmologists (all Ps>0.05). Overall, ur study provides valuable insights for future research, facilitating comprehensive comparisons and evaluations of different strategies for developing specialized LLMs in ophthalmology. The potential benefits include enhancing the patient experience in eye care and optimizing ophthalmologists' services.

new NewsBench: Systematic Evaluation of LLMs for Writing Proficiency and Safety Adherence in Chinese Journalistic Editorial Applications

Authors: Miao Li, Ming-Bin Chen, Bo Tang, Shengbin Hou, Pengyu Wang, Haiying Deng, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Keming Mao, Peng Cheng, Yi Luo

Abstract: This study presents NewsBench, a novel benchmark framework developed to evaluate the capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Chinese Journalistic Writing Proficiency (JWP) and their Safety Adherence (SA), addressing the gap between journalistic ethics and the risks associated with AI utilization. Comprising 1,267 tasks across 5 editorial applications, 7 aspects (including safety and journalistic writing with 4 detailed facets), and spanning 24 news topics domains, NewsBench employs two GPT-4 based automatic evaluation protocols validated by human assessment. Our comprehensive analysis of 11 LLMs highlighted GPT-4 and ERNIE Bot as top performers, yet revealed a relative deficiency in journalistic ethic adherence during creative writing tasks. These findings underscore the need for enhanced ethical guidance in AI-generated journalistic content, marking a step forward in aligning AI capabilities with journalistic standards and safety considerations.

new SoftTiger: A Clinical Foundation Model for Healthcare Workflows

Authors: Ye Chen, Igor Couto, Wei Cai, Cong Fu, Bruno Dorneles

Abstract: We release and introduce SoftTiger, a clinical large language model (CLaM) designed as a foundation model for healthcare workflows. The narrative and unstructured nature of clinical notes is a major obstacle for healthcare intelligentization. We address a critical problem of structuring clinical notes into clinical data, according to international interoperability standards. We collect and annotate data for three critical subtasks, namely, international patient summary, clinical impression and medical encounter. We then supervised fine-tuned a state-of-the-art LLM using public and credentialed clinical data. The training is orchestrated in a way that the target model can first support basic clinical tasks such as abbreviation expansion and temporal information extraction, and then learn to perform more complex downstream clinical tasks such as impression and encounter summary. Moreover, we address, several modeling challenges in the healthcare context, e.g., extra long context window. Our blind pairwise evaluation shows that SoftTiger outperforms other popular open-source models and GPT-3.5, comparable to Gemini-pro, and only has a mild gap from GPT-4. We believe that LLMs may become a step-stone towards healthcare digitalization and democratization. Therefore, we publicly release SoftTiger models at scales of 13 billion and 70 billion parameters, as well as datasets and code for our innovative scalable evaluation, hopefully, making a significant contribution to the healthcare industry.

new Word Order and World Knowledge

Authors: Qinghua Zhao, Vinit Ravishankar, Nicolas Garneau, Anders S{\o}gaard

Abstract: Word order is an important concept in natural language, and in this work, we study how word order affects the induction of world knowledge from raw text using language models. We use word analogies to probe for such knowledge. Specifically, in addition to the natural word order, we first respectively extract texts of six fixed word orders from five languages and then pretrain the language models on these texts. Finally, we analyze the experimental results of the fixed word orders on word analogies and show that i) certain fixed word orders consistently outperform or underperform others, though the specifics vary across languages, and ii) the Wov2Lex hypothesis is not hold in pre-trained language models, and the natural word order typically yields mediocre results. The source code will be made publicly available at


new Margin Discrepancy-based Adversarial Training for Multi-Domain Text Classification

Authors: Yuan Wu

Abstract: Multi-domain text classification (MDTC) endeavors to harness available resources from correlated domains to enhance the classification accuracy of the target domain. Presently, most MDTC approaches that embrace adversarial training and the shared-private paradigm exhibit cutting-edge performance. Unfortunately, these methods face a non-negligible challenge: the absence of theoretical guarantees in the design of MDTC algorithms. The dearth of theoretical underpinning poses a substantial impediment to the advancement of MDTC algorithms. To tackle this problem, we first provide a theoretical analysis of MDTC by decomposing the MDTC task into multiple domain adaptation tasks. We incorporate the margin discrepancy as the measure of domain divergence and establish a new generalization bound based on Rademacher complexity. Subsequently, we propose a margin discrepancy-based adversarial training (MDAT) approach for MDTC, in accordance with our theoretical analysis. To validate the efficacy of the proposed MDAT method, we conduct empirical studies on two MDTC benchmarks. The experimental results demonstrate that our MDAT approach surpasses state-of-the-art baselines on both datasets.

new DiaHalu: A Dialogue-level Hallucination Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Kedi Chen, Qin Chen, Jie Zhou, Yishen He, Liang He

Abstract: Since large language models (LLMs) achieve significant success in recent years, the hallucination issue remains a challenge, numerous benchmarks are proposed to detect the hallucination. Nevertheless, some of these benchmarks are not naturally generated by LLMs but are intentionally induced. Also, many merely focus on the factuality hallucination while ignoring the faithfulness hallucination. Additionally, although dialogue pattern is more widely utilized in the era of LLMs, current benchmarks only concentrate on sentence-level and passage-level hallucination. In this study, we propose DiaHalu, the first dialogue-level hallucination evaluation benchmark to our knowledge. Initially, we integrate the collected topics into system prompts and facilitate a dialogue between two ChatGPT3.5. Subsequently, we manually modify the contents that do not adhere to human language conventions and then have LLMs re-generate, simulating authentic human-machine interaction scenarios. Finally, professional scholars annotate all the samples in the dataset. DiaHalu covers four common multi-turn dialogue domains and five hallucination subtypes, extended from factuality and faithfulness hallucination. Experiments through some well-known LLMs and detection methods on the dataset show that DiaHalu is a challenging benchmark, holding significant value for further research.

new MediSwift: Efficient Sparse Pre-trained Biomedical Language Models

Authors: Vithursan Thangarasa, Mahmoud Salem, Shreyas Saxena, Kevin Leong, Joel Hestness, Sean Lie

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are typically trained on general source data for various domains, but a recent surge in domain-specific LLMs has shown their potential to outperform general-purpose models in domain-specific tasks (e.g., biomedicine). Although domain-specific pre-training enhances efficiency and leads to smaller models, the computational costs of training these LLMs remain high, posing budgeting challenges. We introduce MediSwift, a suite of biomedical LMs that leverage sparse pre-training on domain-specific biomedical text data. By inducing up to 75% weight sparsity during the pre-training phase, MediSwift achieves a 2-2.5x reduction in training FLOPs. Notably, all sparse pre-training was performed on the Cerebras CS-2 system, which is specifically designed to realize the acceleration benefits from unstructured weight sparsity, thereby significantly enhancing the efficiency of the MediSwift models. Through subsequent dense fine-tuning and strategic soft prompting, MediSwift models outperform existing LLMs up to 7B parameters on biomedical tasks, setting new benchmarks w.r.t efficiency-accuracy on tasks such as PubMedQA. Our results show that sparse pre-training, along with dense fine-tuning and soft prompting, offers an effective method for creating high-performing, computationally efficient models in specialized domains.

new AutoRD: An Automatic and End-to-End System for Rare Disease Knowledge Graph Construction Based on Ontologies-enhanced Large Language Models

Authors: Lang Cao, Jimeng Sun, Adam Cross

Abstract: Objectives: Our objective is to create an end-to-end system called AutoRD, which automates extracting information from clinical text about rare diseases. We have conducted various tests to evaluate the performance of AutoRD and highlighted its strengths and limitations in this paper. Materials and Methods: Our system, AutoRD, is a software pipeline involving data preprocessing, entity extraction, relation extraction, entity calibration, and knowledge graph construction. We implement this using large language models and medical knowledge graphs developed from open-source medical ontologies. We quantitatively evaluate our system on entity extraction, relation extraction, and the performance of knowledge graph construction. Results: AutoRD achieves an overall F1 score of 47.3%, a 14.4% improvement compared to the base LLM. In detail, AutoRD achieves an overall entity extraction F1 score of 56.1% (rare_disease: 83.5%, disease: 35.8%, symptom_and_sign: 46.1%, anaphor: 67.5%) and an overall relation extraction F1 score of 38.6% (produces: 34.7%, increases_risk_of: 12.4%, is_a: 37.4%, is_acronym: 44.1%, is_synonym: 16.3%, anaphora: 57.5%). Our qualitative experiment also demonstrates that the performance in constructing the knowledge graph is commendable. Discussion: AutoRD demonstrates the potential of LLM applications in rare disease detection. This improvement is attributed to several design, including the integration of ontologies-enhanced LLMs. Conclusion: AutoRD is an automated end-to-end system for extracting rare disease information from text to build knowledge graphs. It uses ontologies-enhanced LLMs for a robust medical knowledge base. The superior performance of AutoRD is validated by experimental evaluations, demonstrating the potential of LLMs in healthcare.

new MALTO at SemEval-2024 Task 6: Leveraging Synthetic Data for LLM Hallucination Detection

Authors: Federico Borra, Claudio Savelli, Giacomo Rosso, Alkis Koudounas, Flavio Giobergia

Abstract: In Natural Language Generation (NLG), contemporary Large Language Models (LLMs) face several challenges, such as generating fluent yet inaccurate outputs and reliance on fluency-centric metrics. This often leads to neural networks exhibiting "hallucinations". The SHROOM challenge focuses on automatically identifying these hallucinations in the generated text. To tackle these issues, we introduce two key components, a data augmentation pipeline incorporating LLM-assisted pseudo-labelling and sentence rephrasing, and a voting ensemble from three models pre-trained on Natural Language Inference (NLI) tasks and fine-tuned on diverse datasets.

new LocalRQA: From Generating Data to Locally Training, Testing, and Deploying Retrieval-Augmented QA Systems

Authors: Xiao Yu, Yunan Lu, Zhou Yu

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented question-answering systems combine retrieval techniques with large language models to provide answers that are more accurate and informative. Many existing toolkits allow users to quickly build such systems using off-the-shelf models, but they fall short in supporting researchers and developers to customize the model training, testing, and deployment process. We propose LocalRQA, an open-source toolkit that features a wide selection of model training algorithms, evaluation methods, and deployment tools curated from the latest research. As a showcase, we build QA systems using online documentation obtained from Databricks and Faire's websites. We find 7B-models trained and deployed using LocalRQA reach a similar performance compared to using OpenAI's text-ada-002 and GPT-4-turbo.

new Merging Text Transformer Models from Different Initializations

Authors: Neha Verma, Maha Elbayad

Abstract: Recent work on one-shot permutation-based model merging has shown impressive low- or zero-barrier mode connectivity between models from completely different initializations. However, this line of work has not yet extended to the Transformer architecture, despite its dominant popularity in the language domain. Therefore, in this work, we investigate the extent to which separate Transformer minima learn similar features, and propose a model merging technique to investigate the relationship between these minima in the loss landscape. The specifics of the architecture, like its residual connections, multi-headed attention, and discrete, sequential input, require specific interventions in order to compute model permutations that remain within the same functional equivalence class. In merging these models with our method, we consistently find lower loss barriers between minima compared to model averaging for several models trained on a masked-language modeling task or fine-tuned on a language understanding benchmark. Our results show that the minima of these models are less sharp and isolated than previously understood, and provide a basis for future work on merging separately trained Transformer models.

new Formulation Comparison for Timeline Construction using LLMs

Authors: Kimihiro Hasegawa, Nikhil Kandukuri, Susan Holm, Yukari Yamakawa, Teruko Mitamura

Abstract: Constructing a timeline requires identifying the chronological order of events in an article. In prior timeline construction datasets, temporal orders are typically annotated by either event-to-time anchoring or event-to-event pairwise ordering, both of which suffer from missing temporal information. To mitigate the issue, we develop a new evaluation dataset, TimeSET, consisting of single-document timelines with document-level order annotation. TimeSET features saliency-based event selection and partial ordering, which enable a practical annotation workload. Aiming to build better automatic timeline construction systems, we propose a novel evaluation framework to compare multiple task formulations with TimeSET by prompting open LLMs, i.e., Llama 2 and Flan-T5. Considering that identifying temporal orders of events is a core subtask in timeline construction, we further benchmark open LLMs on existing event temporal ordering datasets to gain a robust understanding of their capabilities. Our experiments show that (1) NLI formulation with Flan-T5 demonstrates a strong performance among others, while (2) timeline construction and event temporal ordering are still challenging tasks for few-shot LLMs. Our code and data are available at


new Predictions from language models for multiple-choice tasks are not robust under variation of scoring methods

Authors: Polina Tsvilodub, Hening Wang, Sharon Grosch, Michael Franke

Abstract: This paper systematically compares different methods of deriving item-level predictions of language models for multiple-choice tasks. It compares scoring methods for answer options based on free generation of responses, various probability-based scores, a Likert-scale style rating method, and embedding similarity. In a case study on pragmatic language interpretation, we find that LLM predictions are not robust under variation of method choice, both within a single LLM and across different LLMs. As this variability entails pronounced researcher degrees of freedom in reporting results, knowledge of the variability is crucial to secure robustness of results and research integrity.

new Attribute Structuring Improves LLM-Based Evaluation of Clinical Text Summaries

Authors: Zelalem Gero, Chandan Singh, Yiqing Xie, Sheng Zhang, Tristan Naumann, Jianfeng Gao, Hoifung Poon

Abstract: Summarizing clinical text is crucial in health decision-support and clinical research. Large language models (LLMs) have shown the potential to generate accurate clinical text summaries, but still struggle with issues regarding grounding and evaluation, especially in safety-critical domains such as health. Holistically evaluating text summaries is challenging because they may contain unsubstantiated information. Here, we explore a general mitigation framework using Attribute Structuring (AS), which structures the summary evaluation process. It decomposes the evaluation process into a grounded procedure that uses an LLM for relatively simple structuring and scoring tasks, rather than the full task of holistic summary evaluation. Experiments show that AS consistently improves the correspondence between human annotations and automated metrics in clinical text summarization. Additionally, AS yields interpretations in the form of a short text span corresponding to each output, which enables efficient human auditing, paving the way towards trustworthy evaluation of clinical information in resource-constrained scenarios. We release our code, prompts, and an open-source benchmark at


new Peacock: A Family of Arabic Multimodal Large Language Models and Benchmarks

Authors: Fakhraddin Alwajih, El Moatez Billah Nagoudi, Gagan Bhatia, Abdelrahman Mohamed, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: Multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have proven effective in a wide range of tasks requiring complex reasoning and linguistic comprehension. However, due to a lack of high-quality multimodal resources in languages other than English, success of MLLMs remains relatively limited to English-based settings. This poses significant challenges in developing comparable models for other languages, including even those with large speaker populations such as Arabic. To alleviate this challenge, we introduce a comprehensive family of Arabic MLLMs, dubbed \textit{Peacock}, with strong vision and language capabilities. Through comprehensive qualitative and quantitative analysis, we demonstrate the solid performance of our models on various visual reasoning tasks and further show their emerging dialectal potential. Additionally, we introduce ~\textit{Henna}, a new benchmark specifically designed for assessing MLLMs on aspects related to Arabic culture, setting the first stone for culturally-aware Arabic MLLMs.The GitHub repository for the \textit{Peacock} project is available at \url{}.


new Reading Subtext: Evaluating Large Language Models on Short Story Summarization with Writers

Authors: Melanie Subbiah, Sean Zhang, Lydia B. Chilton, Kathleen McKeown

Abstract: We evaluate recent Large language Models (LLMs) on the challenging task of summarizing short stories, which can be lengthy, and include nuanced subtext or scrambled timelines. Importantly, we work directly with authors to ensure that the stories have not been shared online (and therefore are unseen by the models), and to obtain informed evaluations of summary quality using judgments from the authors themselves. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis grounded in narrative theory, we compare GPT-4, Claude-2.1, and LLama-2-70B. We find that all three models make faithfulness mistakes in over 50% of summaries and struggle to interpret difficult subtext. However, at their best, the models can provide thoughtful thematic analysis of stories. We additionally demonstrate that LLM judgments of summary quality do not match the feedback from the writers.

new FaiMA: Feature-aware In-context Learning for Multi-domain Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Songhua Yang, Xinke Jiang, Hanjie Zhao, Wenxuan Zeng, Hongde Liu, Yuxiang Jia

Abstract: Multi-domain aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) seeks to capture fine-grained sentiment across diverse domains. While existing research narrowly focuses on single-domain applications constrained by methodological limitations and data scarcity, the reality is that sentiment naturally traverses multiple domains. Although large language models (LLMs) offer a promising solution for ABSA, it is difficult to integrate effectively with established techniques, including graph-based models and linguistics, because modifying their internal architecture is not easy. To alleviate this problem, we propose a novel framework, Feature-aware In-context Learning for Multi-domain ABSA (FaiMA). The core insight of FaiMA is to utilize in-context learning (ICL) as a feature-aware mechanism that facilitates adaptive learning in multi-domain ABSA tasks. Specifically, we employ a multi-head graph attention network as a text encoder optimized by heuristic rules for linguistic, domain, and sentiment features. Through contrastive learning, we optimize sentence representations by focusing on these diverse features. Additionally, we construct an efficient indexing mechanism, allowing FaiMA to stably retrieve highly relevant examples across multiple dimensions for any given input. To evaluate the efficacy of FaiMA, we build the first multi-domain ABSA benchmark dataset. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that FaiMA achieves significant performance improvements in multiple domains compared to baselines, increasing F1 by 2.07% on average. Source code and data sets are anonymously available at


new LLMCRIT: Teaching Large Language Models to Use Criteria

Authors: Weizhe Yuan, Pengfei Liu, Matthias Gall\'e

Abstract: Humans follow criteria when they execute tasks, and these criteria are directly used to assess the quality of task completion. Therefore, having models learn to use criteria to provide feedback can help humans or models to perform tasks better. However, existing research in this field tends to consider only a limited set of criteria or quality assessment aspects. To fill this gap, we propose a general framework that enables large language models (LLMs) to use comprehensive criteria for a task in delivering natural language feedback on task execution. In particular, we present a model-in-the-loop framework that semi-automatically derives criteria from collected guidelines for different writing tasks and constructs in-context demonstrations for each criterion. We choose three tasks from real-world scenarios to operationalize this idea: paper introduction writing, Python code writing, and Reddit post writing, and evaluate our feedback generation framework using different LLMs. The results reveal the fine-grained effects of incorporating criteria and demonstrations and provide valuable insights on how to teach LLMs to use criteria more effectively.

new LAB: Large-Scale Alignment for ChatBots

Authors: Shivchander Sudalairaj, Abhishek Bhandwaldar, Aldo Pareja, Kai Xu, David D. Cox, Akash Srivastava

Abstract: This work introduces LAB (Large-scale Alignment for chatBots), a novel methodology designed to overcome the scalability challenges in the instruction-tuning phase of large language model (LLM) training. Leveraging a taxonomy-guided synthetic data generation process and a multi-phase tuning framework, LAB significantly reduces reliance on expensive human annotations and proprietary models like GPT-4. We demonstrate that LAB-trained models can achieve competitive performance across several benchmarks compared to models trained with traditional human-annotated or GPT-4 generated synthetic data. Thus offering a scalable, cost-effective solution for enhancing LLM capabilities and instruction-following behaviors without the drawbacks of catastrophic forgetting, marking a step forward in the efficient training of LLMs for a wide range of applications.

new Distilling Text Style Transfer With Self-Explanation From LLMs

Authors: Chiyu ZhangMusic, Honglong CaiMusic, YuezhangMusic, Li, Yuexin Wu, Le Hou, Muhammad Abdul-Mageed

Abstract: Text Style Transfer (TST) seeks to alter the style of text while retaining its core content. Given the constraints of limited parallel datasets for TST, we propose CoTeX, a framework that leverages large language models (LLMs) alongside chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting to facilitate TST. CoTeX distills the complex rewriting and reasoning capabilities of LLMs into more streamlined models capable of working with both non-parallel and parallel data. Through experimentation across four TST datasets, CoTeX is shown to surpass traditional supervised fine-tuning and knowledge distillation methods, particularly in low-resource settings. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation, comparing CoTeX against current unsupervised, supervised, in-context learning (ICL) techniques, and instruction-tuned LLMs. Furthermore, CoTeX distinguishes itself by offering transparent explanations for its style transfer process.

new MulCogBench: A Multi-modal Cognitive Benchmark Dataset for Evaluating Chinese and English Computational Language Models

Authors: Yunhao Zhang, Xiaohan Zhang, Chong Li, Shaonan Wang, Chengqing Zong

Abstract: Pre-trained computational language models have recently made remarkable progress in harnessing the language abilities which were considered unique to humans. Their success has raised interest in whether these models represent and process language like humans. To answer this question, this paper proposes MulCogBench, a multi-modal cognitive benchmark dataset collected from native Chinese and English participants. It encompasses a variety of cognitive data, including subjective semantic ratings, eye-tracking, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), and magnetoencephalography (MEG). To assess the relationship between language models and cognitive data, we conducted a similarity-encoding analysis which decodes cognitive data based on its pattern similarity with textual embeddings. Results show that language models share significant similarities with human cognitive data and the similarity patterns are modulated by the data modality and stimuli complexity. Specifically, context-aware models outperform context-independent models as language stimulus complexity increases. The shallow layers of context-aware models are better aligned with the high-temporal-resolution MEG signals whereas the deeper layers show more similarity with the high-spatial-resolution fMRI. These results indicate that language models have a delicate relationship with brain language representations. Moreover, the results between Chinese and English are highly consistent, suggesting the generalizability of these findings across languages.

new ParallelPARC: A Scalable Pipeline for Generating Natural-Language Analogies

Authors: Oren Sultan, Yonatan Bitton, Ron Yosef, Dafna Shahaf

Abstract: Analogy-making is central to human cognition, allowing us to adapt to novel situations -- an ability that current AI systems still lack. Most analogy datasets today focus on simple analogies (e.g., word analogies); datasets including complex types of analogies are typically manually curated and very small. We believe that this holds back progress in computational analogy. In this work, we design a data generation pipeline, ParallelPARC (Parallel Paragraph Creator) leveraging state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) to create complex, paragraph-based analogies, as well as distractors, both simple and challenging. We demonstrate our pipeline and create ProPara-Logy, a dataset of analogies between scientific processes. We publish a gold-set, validated by humans, and a silver-set, generated automatically. We test LLMs' and humans' analogy recognition in binary and multiple-choice settings, and found that humans outperform the best models (~13% gap) after a light supervision. We demonstrate that our silver-set is useful for training models. Lastly, we show challenging distractors confuse LLMs, but not humans. We hope our pipeline will encourage research in this emerging field.

new A Survey of AI-generated Text Forensic Systems: Detection, Attribution, and Characterization

Authors: Tharindu Kumarage, Garima Agrawal, Paras Sheth, Raha Moraffah, Aman Chadha, Joshua Garland, Huan Liu

Abstract: We have witnessed lately a rapid proliferation of advanced Large Language Models (LLMs) capable of generating high-quality text. While these LLMs have revolutionized text generation across various domains, they also pose significant risks to the information ecosystem, such as the potential for generating convincing propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation at scale. This paper offers a review of AI-generated text forensic systems, an emerging field addressing the challenges of LLM misuses. We present an overview of the existing efforts in AI-generated text forensics by introducing a detailed taxonomy, focusing on three primary pillars: detection, attribution, and characterization. These pillars enable a practical understanding of AI-generated text, from identifying AI-generated content (detection), determining the specific AI model involved (attribution), and grouping the underlying intents of the text (characterization). Furthermore, we explore available resources for AI-generated text forensics research and discuss the evolving challenges and future directions of forensic systems in an AI era.

new BootTOD: Bootstrap Task-oriented Dialogue Representations by Aligning Diverse Responses

Authors: Weihao Zeng, Keqing He, Yejie Wang, Dayuan Fu, Weiran Xu

Abstract: Pre-trained language models have been successful in many scenarios. However, their usefulness in task-oriented dialogues is limited due to the intrinsic linguistic differences between general text and task-oriented dialogues. Current task-oriented dialogue pre-training methods rely on a contrastive framework, which faces challenges such as selecting true positives and hard negatives, as well as lacking diversity. In this paper, we propose a novel dialogue pre-training model called BootTOD. It learns task-oriented dialogue representations via a self-bootstrapping framework. Unlike contrastive counterparts, BootTOD aligns context and context+response representations and dismisses the requirements of contrastive pairs. BootTOD also uses multiple appropriate response targets to model the intrinsic one-to-many diversity of human conversations. Experimental results show that BootTOD outperforms strong TOD baselines on diverse downstream dialogue tasks.

new STAR: Constraint LoRA with Dynamic Active Learning for Data-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Authors: Linhai Zhang, Jialong Wu, Deyu Zhou, Guoqiang Xu

Abstract: Though Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated the powerful capabilities of few-shot learning through prompting methods, supervised training is still necessary for complex reasoning tasks. Because of their extensive parameters and memory consumption, both Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods and Memory-Efficient Fine-Tuning methods have been proposed for LLMs. Nevertheless, the issue of large annotated data consumption, the aim of Data-Efficient Fine-Tuning, remains unexplored. One obvious way is to combine the PEFT method with active learning. However, the experimental results show that such a combination is not trivial and yields inferior results. Through probe experiments, such observation might be explained by two main reasons: uncertainty gap and poor model calibration. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel approach to effectively integrate uncertainty-based active learning and LoRA. Specifically, for the uncertainty gap, we introduce a dynamic uncertainty measurement that combines the uncertainty of the base model and the uncertainty of the full model during the iteration of active learning. For poor model calibration, we incorporate the regularization method during LoRA training to keep the model from being over-confident, and the Monte-Carlo dropout mechanism is employed to enhance the uncertainty estimation. Experimental results show that the proposed approach outperforms existing baseline models on three complex reasoning tasks.

new DINER: Debiasing Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis with Multi-variable Causal Inference

Authors: Jialong Wu, Linhai Zhang, Deyu Zhou, Guoqiang Xu

Abstract: Though notable progress has been made, neural-based aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) models are prone to learn spurious correlations from annotation biases, resulting in poor robustness on adversarial data transformations. Among the debiasing solutions, causal inference-based methods have attracted much research attention, which can be mainly categorized into causal intervention methods and counterfactual reasoning methods. However, most of the present debiasing methods focus on single-variable causal inference, which is not suitable for ABSA with two input variables (the target aspect and the review). In this paper, we propose a novel framework based on multi-variable causal inference for debiasing ABSA. In this framework, different types of biases are tackled based on different causal intervention methods. For the review branch, the bias is modeled as indirect confounding from context, where backdoor adjustment intervention is employed for debiasing. For the aspect branch, the bias is described as a direct correlation with labels, where counterfactual reasoning is adopted for debiasing. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method compared to various baselines on the two widely used real-world aspect robustness test set datasets.

new Balancing Exploration and Exploitation in LLM using Soft RLLF for Enhanced Negation Understanding

Authors: Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Ken Satoh

Abstract: Finetuning approaches in NLP often focus on exploitation rather than exploration, which may lead to suboptimal models. Given the vast search space of natural language, this limited exploration can restrict their performance in complex, high-stakes domains, where accurate negation understanding and logical reasoning abilities are crucial. To address this issue, we leverage Reinforcement Learning from Logical Feedback (RLLF) to create an effective balance between exploration and exploitation in LLMs. Our approach employs an appropriate benchmark dataset for training and evaluation, highlighting the importance of exploration in enhancing negation understanding capabilities. We compare the performance of our RLLF-enhanced LLMs with baseline models trained without RLLF, demonstrating the value of this balanced approach. Furthermore, we showcase the potential of our method in legal AI applications by employing transfer learning and evaluating its impact on negation understanding. Our experimental results exhibit the effectiveness of balancing exploration and exploitation with RLLF in improving LLMs' negation capabilities. This has implications for the development of more accurate, reliable, and logically consistent language models in high-stakes domains.

new A Compositional Typed Semantics for Universal Dependencies

Authors: Laurestine Bradford, Timothy John O'Donnell, Siva Reddy

Abstract: Languages may encode similar meanings using different sentence structures. This makes it a challenge to provide a single set of formal rules that can derive meanings from sentences in many languages at once. To overcome the challenge, we can take advantage of language-general connections between meaning and syntax, and build on cross-linguistically parallel syntactic structures. We introduce UD Type Calculus, a compositional, principled, and language-independent system of semantic types and logical forms for lexical items which builds on a widely-used language-general dependency syntax framework. We explain the essential features of UD Type Calculus, which all involve giving dependency relations denotations just like those of words. These allow UD-TC to derive correct meanings for sentences with a wide range of syntactic structures by making use of dependency labels. Finally, we present evaluation results on a large existing corpus of sentences and their logical forms, showing that UD-TC can produce meanings comparable with our baseline.

new RAGged Edges: The Double-Edged Sword of Retrieval-Augmented Chatbots

Authors: Philip Feldman. James R. Foulds, Shimei Pan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT demonstrate the remarkable progress of artificial intelligence. However, their tendency to hallucinate -- generate plausible but false information -- poses a significant challenge. This issue is critical, as seen in recent court cases where ChatGPT's use led to citations of non-existent legal rulings. This paper explores how Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) can counter hallucinations by integrating external knowledge with prompts. We empirically evaluate RAG against standard LLMs using prompts designed to induce hallucinations. Our results show that RAG increases accuracy in some cases, but can still be misled when prompts directly contradict the model's pre-trained understanding. These findings highlight the complex nature of hallucinations and the need for more robust solutions to ensure LLM reliability in real-world applications. We offer practical recommendations for RAG deployment and discuss implications for the development of more trustworthy LLMs.

new Machine Translation in the Covid domain: an English-Irish case study for LoResMT 2021

Authors: S\'eamus Lankford, Haithem Afli, Andy Way

Abstract: Translation models for the specific domain of translating Covid data from English to Irish were developed for the LoResMT 2021 shared task. Domain adaptation techniques, using a Covid-adapted generic 55k corpus from the Directorate General of Translation, were applied. Fine-tuning, mixed fine-tuning and combined dataset approaches were compared with models trained on an extended in-domain dataset. As part of this study, an English-Irish dataset of Covid related data, from the Health and Education domains, was developed. The highest-performing model used a Transformer architecture trained with an extended in-domain Covid dataset. In the context of this study, we have demonstrated that extending an 8k in-domain baseline dataset by just 5k lines improved the BLEU score by 27 points.

new DMoERM: Recipes of Mixture-of-Experts for Effective Reward Modeling

Authors: Shanghaoran Quan

Abstract: The performance of the reward model (RM) is a critical factor in improving the effectiveness of the large language model (LLM) during alignment fine-tuning. There remain two challenges in RM training: 1) training the same RM using various categories of data may cause its generalization performance to suffer from multi-task disturbance, and 2) the human annotation consistency rate is generally only $60\%$ to $75\%$, causing training data to contain a lot of noise. To tackle these two challenges, we introduced the idea of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) into the field of RM for the first time. We propose the Double-Layer MoE RM (DMoERM). The outer layer MoE is a sparse model. After classifying an input into task categories, we route it to the corresponding inner layer task-specific model. The inner layer MoE is a dense model. We decompose the specific task into multiple capability dimensions and individually fine-tune a LoRA expert on each one. Their outputs are then synthesized by an MLP to compute the final rewards. To minimize costs, we call a public LLM API to obtain the capability preference labels. The validation on manually labeled datasets confirms that our model attains superior consistency with human preference and outstrips advanced generative approaches. Meanwhile, through BoN sampling and RL experiments, we demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-art ensemble methods of RM and mitigates the overoptimization problem. Our code and dataset are available at:


new API Is Enough: Conformal Prediction for Large Language Models Without Logit-Access

Authors: Jiayuan Su, Jing Luo, Hongwei Wang, Lu Cheng

Abstract: This study aims to address the pervasive challenge of quantifying uncertainty in large language models (LLMs) without logit-access. Conformal Prediction (CP), known for its model-agnostic and distribution-free features, is a desired approach for various LLMs and data distributions. However, existing CP methods for LLMs typically assume access to the logits, which are unavailable for some API-only LLMs. In addition, logits are known to be miscalibrated, potentially leading to degraded CP performance. To tackle these challenges, we introduce a novel CP method that (1) is tailored for API-only LLMs without logit-access; (2) minimizes the size of prediction sets; and (3) ensures a statistical guarantee of the user-defined coverage. The core idea of this approach is to formulate nonconformity measures using both coarse-grained (i.e., sample frequency) and fine-grained uncertainty notions (e.g., semantic similarity). Experimental results on both close-ended and open-ended Question Answering tasks show our approach can mostly outperform the logit-based CP baselines.

new Emotion Analysis in NLP: Trends, Gaps and Roadmap for Future Directions

Authors: Flor Miriam Plaza-del-Arco, Alba Curry, Amanda Cercas Curry, Dirk Hovy

Abstract: Emotions are a central aspect of communication. Consequently, emotion analysis (EA) is a rapidly growing field in natural language processing (NLP). However, there is no consensus on scope, direction, or methods. In this paper, we conduct a thorough review of 154 relevant NLP publications from the last decade. Based on this review, we address four different questions: (1) How are EA tasks defined in NLP? (2) What are the most prominent emotion frameworks and which emotions are modeled? (3) Is the subjectivity of emotions considered in terms of demographics and cultural factors? and (4) What are the primary NLP applications for EA? We take stock of trends in EA and tasks, emotion frameworks used, existing datasets, methods, and applications. We then discuss four lacunae: (1) the absence of demographic and cultural aspects does not account for the variation in how emotions are perceived, but instead assumes they are universally experienced in the same manner; (2) the poor fit of emotion categories from the two main emotion theories to the task; (3) the lack of standardized EA terminology hinders gap identification, comparison, and future goals; and (4) the absence of interdisciplinary research isolates EA from insights in other fields. Our work will enable more focused research into EA and a more holistic approach to modeling emotions in NLP.

new IntactKV: Improving Large Language Model Quantization by Keeping Pivot Tokens Intact

Authors: Ruikang Liu, Haoli Bai, Haokun Lin, Yuening Li, Han Gao, Zhengzhuo Xu, Lu Hou, Jun Yao, Chun Yuan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel in natural language processing but demand intensive computation. To mitigate this, various quantization methods have been explored, yet they compromise LLM performance. This paper unveils a previously overlooked type of outlier in LLMs. Such outliers are found to allocate most of the attention scores on initial tokens of input, termed as pivot tokens, which is crucial to the performance of quantized LLMs. Given that, we propose IntactKV to generate the KV cache of pivot tokens losslessly from the full-precision model. The approach is simple and easy to combine with existing quantization solutions. Besides, IntactKV can be calibrated as additional LLM parameters to boost the quantized LLMs further. Mathematical analysis also proves that IntactKV effectively reduces the upper bound of quantization error. Empirical results show that IntactKV brings consistent improvement and achieves lossless weight-only INT4 quantization on various downstream tasks, leading to the new state-of-the-art for LLM quantization.

new Mitigating Catastrophic Forgetting in Large Language Models with Self-Synthesized Rehearsal

Authors: Jianheng Huang, Leyang Cui, Ante Wang, Chengyi Yang, Xinting Liao, Linfeng Song, Junfeng Yao, Jinsong Su

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) suffer from catastrophic forgetting during continual learning. Conventional rehearsal-based methods rely on previous training data to retain the model's ability, which may not be feasible in real-world applications. When conducting continual learning based on a publicly-released LLM checkpoint, the availability of the original training data may be non-existent. To address this challenge, we propose a framework called Self-Synthesized Rehearsal (SSR) that uses the LLM to generate synthetic instances for rehearsal. Concretely, we first employ the base LLM for in-context learning to generate synthetic instances. Subsequently, we utilize the latest LLM to refine the instance outputs based on the synthetic inputs, preserving its acquired ability. Finally, we select diverse high-quality synthetic instances for rehearsal in future stages. Experimental results demonstrate that SSR achieves superior or comparable performance compared to conventional rehearsal-based approaches while being more data-efficient. Besides, SSR effectively preserves the generalization capabilities of LLMs in general domains.

new Accelerating Greedy Coordinate Gradient via Probe Sampling

Authors: Yiran Zhao, Wenyue Zheng, Tianle Cai, Xuan Long Do, Kenji Kawaguchi, Anirudh Goyal, Michael Shieh

Abstract: Safety of Large Language Models (LLMs) has become a central issue given their rapid progress and wide applications. Greedy Coordinate Gradient (GCG) is shown to be effective in constructing prompts containing adversarial suffixes to break the presumingly safe LLMs, but the optimization of GCG is time-consuming and limits its practicality. To reduce the time cost of GCG and enable more comprehensive studies of LLM safety, in this work, we study a new algorithm called $\texttt{Probe sampling}$ to accelerate the GCG algorithm. At the core of the algorithm is a mechanism that dynamically determines how similar a smaller draft model's predictions are to the target model's predictions for prompt candidates. When the target model is similar to the draft model, we rely heavily on the draft model to filter out a large number of potential prompt candidates to reduce the computation time. Probe sampling achieves up to $5.6$ times speedup using Llama2-7b and leads to equal or improved attack success rate (ASR) on the AdvBench.

new A comprehensive cross-language framework for harmful content detection with the aid of sentiment analysis

Authors: Mohammad Dehghani

Abstract: In today's digital world, social media plays a significant role in facilitating communication and content sharing. However, the exponential rise in user-generated content has led to challenges in maintaining a respectful online environment. In some cases, users have taken advantage of anonymity in order to use harmful language, which can negatively affect the user experience and pose serious social problems. Recognizing the limitations of manual moderation, automatic detection systems have been developed to tackle this problem. Nevertheless, several obstacles persist, including the absence of a universal definition for harmful language, inadequate datasets across languages, the need for detailed annotation guideline, and most importantly, a comprehensive framework. This study aims to address these challenges by introducing, for the first time, a detailed framework adaptable to any language. This framework encompasses various aspects of harmful language detection. A key component of the framework is the development of a general and detailed annotation guideline. Additionally, the integration of sentiment analysis represents a novel approach to enhancing harmful language detection. Also, a definition of harmful language based on the review of different related concepts is presented. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed framework, its implementation in a challenging low-resource language is conducted. We collected a Persian dataset and applied the annotation guideline for harmful detection and sentiment analysis. Next, we present baseline experiments utilizing machine and deep learning methods to set benchmarks. Results prove the framework's high performance, achieving an accuracy of 99.4% in offensive language detection and 66.2% in sentiment analysis.

new Greed is All You Need: An Evaluation of Tokenizer Inference Methods

Authors: Omri Uzan, Craig W. Schmidt, Chris Tanner, Yuval Pinter

Abstract: While subword tokenizers such as BPE and WordPiece are typically used to build vocabularies for NLP models, the method of decoding text into a sequence of tokens from these vocabularies is often left unspecified, or ill-suited to the method in which they were constructed. We provide a controlled analysis of seven tokenizer inference methods across four different algorithms and three vocabulary sizes, performed on a novel intrinsic evaluation suite we curated for English, combining measures rooted in morphology, cognition, and information theory. We show that for the most commonly used tokenizers, greedy inference performs surprisingly well; and that SaGe, a recently-introduced contextually-informed tokenizer, outperforms all others on morphological alignment.

new Improving the Validity of Automatically Generated Feedback via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Alexander Scarlatos, Digory Smith, Simon Woodhead, Andrew Lan

Abstract: Automatically generating feedback via large language models (LLMs) in intelligent tutoring systems and online learning platforms has the potential to improve the learning outcomes of many students. However, both feedback generation and evaluation are challenging: feedback content has to be valid especially in subjects like math, which requires models to understand the problem, the solution, and where the student's error lies. Feedback also has to be pedagogically valid to reflect effective tutoring strategies, such as explaining possible misconceptions and encouraging the student, among other desirable features. In this work, we address both problems of automatically generating and evaluating feedback while considering both correctness and alignment. First, we propose a rubric for evaluating math feedback and show that GPT-4 is able to effectively use it to annotate human-written and LLM-generated feedback. Second, we propose a framework for feedback generation that optimizes both correctness and alignment using reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, we use GPT-4's annotations to create preferences over feedback pairs in an augmented dataset for training via direct preference optimization (DPO). We show that our methods significantly increase the correctness and alignment of generated feedback with Llama 2, an open-source LLM, qualitatively analyze our generation and evaluation systems using case studies, and outline several areas for future work.

new VBART: The Turkish LLM

Authors: Meliksah Turker, Mehmet Erdi Ari, Aydin Han

Abstract: We present VBART, the first Turkish sequence-to-sequence Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained on a large corpus from scratch. VBART are compact LLMs based on good ideas leveraged from BART and mBART models and come in two sizes, Large and XLarge. Fine-tuned VBART models surpass the prior state-of-the-art results in abstractive text summarization, title generation, text paraphrasing, question answering and question generation tasks. They allow fine-tuning for future text generation tasks and datasets, carving a new path for Turkish Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. Our work shows that having a pre-trained LLM for Turkish outperforms up to 3x multilingual models, improving existing results and providing efficient models for training and inference. Moreover, we show that our monolingual tokenizer is 7x more efficient than OpenAI's multilingual tokenizer. Last but not least, we introduce a method to enlarge an existing pre-trained LLM and question the relevancy of Chinchilla Scaling Law to sequence-to-sequence masked language models. Our fine-tuned models, tokenizer and cleaned web corpus of 135 GB are publicly available at

new VNLP: Turkish NLP Package

Authors: Meliksah Turker, Mehmet Erdi Ari, Aydin Han

Abstract: In this work, we present VNLP: the first dedicated, complete, open-source, well-documented, lightweight, production-ready, state-of-the-art Natural Language Processing (NLP) package for the Turkish language. It contains a wide variety of tools, ranging from the simplest tasks, such as sentence splitting and text normalization, to the more advanced ones, such as text and token classification models. Its token classification models are based on "Context Model", a novel architecture that is both an encoder and an auto-regressive model. NLP tasks solved by VNLP models include but are not limited to Sentiment Analysis, Named Entity Recognition, Morphological Analysis \& Disambiguation and Part-of-Speech Tagging. Moreover, it comes with pre-trained word embeddings and corresponding SentencePiece Unigram tokenizers. VNLP has an open-source GitHub repository, ReadtheDocs documentation, PyPi package for convenient installation, Python and command-line API and a demo page to test all the functionality. Consequently, our main contribution is a complete, compact, easy-to-install and easy-to-use NLP package for Turkish.

new LM4OPT: Unveiling the Potential of Large Language Models in Formulating Mathematical Optimization Problems

Authors: Tasnim Ahmed, Salimur Choudhury

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving field of natural language processing, the translation of linguistic descriptions into mathematical formulation of optimization problems presents a formidable challenge, demanding intricate understanding and processing capabilities from Large Language Models (LLMs). This study compares prominent LLMs, including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Llama-2-7b, in zero-shot and one-shot settings for this task. Our findings show GPT-4's superior performance, particularly in the one-shot scenario. A central part of this research is the introduction of `LM4OPT,' a progressive fine-tuning framework for Llama-2-7b that utilizes noisy embeddings and specialized datasets. However, this research highlights a notable gap in the contextual understanding capabilities of smaller models such as Llama-2-7b compared to larger counterparts, especially in processing lengthy and complex input contexts. Our empirical investigation, utilizing the NL4Opt dataset, unveils that GPT-4 surpasses the baseline performance established by previous research, achieving an F1-score of 0.63, solely based on the problem description in natural language, and without relying on any additional named entity information. GPT-3.5 follows closely, both outperforming the fine-tuned Llama-2-7b. These findings not only benchmark the current capabilities of LLMs in a novel application area but also lay the groundwork for future improvements in mathematical formulation of optimization problems from natural language input.

new Improving Cross-lingual Representation for Semantic Retrieval with Code-switching

Authors: Mieradilijiang Maimaiti, Yuanhang Zheng, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Yue Zhang, Wenpei Luo, Kaiyu Huang

Abstract: Semantic Retrieval (SR) has become an indispensable part of the FAQ system in the task-oriented question-answering (QA) dialogue scenario. The demands for a cross-lingual smart-customer-service system for an e-commerce platform or some particular business conditions have been increasing recently. Most previous studies exploit cross-lingual pre-trained models (PTMs) for multi-lingual knowledge retrieval directly, while some others also leverage the continual pre-training before fine-tuning PTMs on the downstream tasks. However, no matter which schema is used, the previous work ignores to inform PTMs of some features of the downstream task, i.e. train their PTMs without providing any signals related to SR. To this end, in this work, we propose an Alternative Cross-lingual PTM for SR via code-switching. We are the first to utilize the code-switching approach for cross-lingual SR. Besides, we introduce the novel code-switched continual pre-training instead of directly using the PTMs on the SR tasks. The experimental results show that our proposed approach consistently outperforms the previous SOTA methods on SR and semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks with three business corpora and four open datasets in 20+ languages.

new Evaluating and Mitigating Number Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models: A Consistency Perspective

Authors: Huixuan Zhang, Junzhe Zhang, Xiaojun Wan

Abstract: Large vision language models have demonstrated remarkable efficacy in addressing challenges related to both textual and visual content. Nevertheless, these models are susceptible to various hallucinations. In this paper, we focus on a new form of hallucination, specifically termed as number hallucination, which denotes instances where models fail to accurately identify the quantity of objects in an image. We establish a dataset and employ evaluation metrics to assess number hallucination, revealing a pronounced prevalence of this issue across mainstream large vision language models (LVLMs). Additionally, we delve into a thorough analysis of number hallucination, examining inner and outer inconsistency problem from two related perspectives. We assert that this inconsistency is one cause of number hallucination and propose a consistency training method as a means to alleviate such hallucination, which achieves an average improvement of 8\% compared with direct finetuning method.

new Automatic Question-Answer Generation for Long-Tail Knowledge

Authors: Rohan Kumar, Youngmin Kim, Sunitha Ravi, Haitian Sun, Christos Faloutsos, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Minji Yoon

Abstract: Pretrained Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant attention for addressing open-domain Question Answering (QA). While they exhibit high accuracy in answering questions related to common knowledge, LLMs encounter difficulties in learning about uncommon long-tail knowledge (tail entities). Since manually constructing QA datasets demands substantial human resources, the types of existing QA datasets are limited, leaving us with a scarcity of datasets to study the performance of LLMs on tail entities. In this paper, we propose an automatic approach to generate specialized QA datasets for tail entities and present the associated research challenges. We conduct extensive experiments by employing pretrained LLMs on our newly generated long-tail QA datasets, comparing their performance with and without external resources including Wikipedia and Wikidata knowledge graphs.

new Right for Right Reasons: Large Language Models for Verifiable Commonsense Knowledge Graph Question Answering

Authors: Armin Toroghi, Willis Guo, Mohammad Mahdi Abdollah Pour, Scott Sanner

Abstract: Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA) methods seek to answer Natural Language questions using the relational information stored in Knowledge Graphs (KGs). With the recent advancements of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their remarkable reasoning abilities, there is a growing trend to leverage them for KGQA. However, existing methodologies have only focused on answering factual questions, e.g., "In which city was Silvio Berlusconi's first wife born?", leaving questions involving commonsense reasoning that real-world users may pose more often, e.g., "Do I need separate visas to see the Venus of Willendorf and attend the Olympics this summer?" unaddressed. In this work, we first observe that existing LLM-based methods for KGQA struggle with hallucination on such questions, especially on queries targeting long-tail entities (e.g., non-mainstream and recent entities), thus hindering their applicability in real-world applications especially since their reasoning processes are not easily verifiable. In response, we propose Right for Right Reasons (R3), a commonsense KGQA methodology that allows for a verifiable reasoning procedure by axiomatically surfacing intrinsic commonsense knowledge of LLMs and grounding every factual reasoning step on KG triples. Through experimental evaluations across three different tasks--question answering, claim verification, and preference matching--our findings showcase R3 as a superior approach, outperforming existing methodologies and notably reducing instances of hallucination and reasoning errors.

new CR-LT-KGQA: A Knowledge Graph Question Answering Dataset Requiring Commonsense Reasoning and Long-Tail Knowledge

Authors: Willis Guo, Armin Toroghi, Scott Sanner

Abstract: Knowledge graph question answering (KGQA) is a well-established field that seeks to provide factual answers to natural language (NL) questions by leveraging knowledge graphs (KGs). However, existing KGQA datasets suffer from two significant limitations: (1) no existing KGQA dataset requires commonsense reasoning to arrive at an answer and (2) existing KGQA datasets focus on popular entities for which large language models (LLMs) can directly answer without hallucinating and without leveraging the KG. In this work, we seek a novel KGQA dataset that supports commonsense reasoning and focuses on long-tail entities (e.g., non-mainstream and recent entities) where LLMs frequently hallucinate, and thus create the need for novel methodologies that leverage the KG for factual and attributable commonsense inference. We create a novel Commonsense Reasoning (CR) and Long-Tail (LT) KGQA dataset with two subtasks -- question answering and claim verification -- that address both limitations (1) and (2). We construct CR-LT-KGQA by building extensions to existing reasoning datasets StrategyQA and CREAK over Wikidata. While existing KGQA methods are not applicable due to their lack of commonsense inference support, baseline evaluation of LLMs on CR-LT KGQA demonstrate a high rate of hallucination. Thus, CR-LT KGQA poses significant challenges for hallucination-prone LLMs, hence paving the way for future commonsense KGQA research to provide accurate and factual answers for long-tail entities in the era of LLMs.

new What Is Missing in Multilingual Visual Reasoning and How to Fix It

Authors: Yueqi Song, Simran Khanuja, Graham Neubig

Abstract: NLP models today strive for supporting multiple languages and modalities, improving accessibility for diverse users. In this paper, we evaluate their multilingual, multimodal capabilities by testing on a visual reasoning task. We observe that proprietary systems like GPT-4V obtain the best performance on this task now, but open models lag in comparison. Surprisingly, GPT-4V exhibits similar performance between English and other languages, indicating the potential for equitable system development across languages. Our analysis on model failures reveals three key aspects that make this task challenging: multilinguality, complex reasoning, and multimodality. To address these challenges, we propose three targeted interventions including a translate-test approach to tackle multilinguality, a visual programming approach to break down complex reasoning, and a novel method that leverages image captioning to address multimodality. Our interventions achieve the best open performance on this task in a zero-shot setting, boosting open model LLaVA by 13.4%, while also minorly improving GPT-4V's performance.

new OVEL: Large Language Model as Memory Manager for Online Video Entity Linking

Authors: Haiquan Zhao, Xuwu Wang, Shisong Chen, Zhixu Li, Xin Zheng, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: In recent years, multi-modal entity linking (MEL) has garnered increasing attention in the research community due to its significance in numerous multi-modal applications. Video, as a popular means of information transmission, has become prevalent in people's daily lives. However, most existing MEL methods primarily focus on linking textual and visual mentions or offline videos's mentions to entities in multi-modal knowledge bases, with limited efforts devoted to linking mentions within online video content. In this paper, we propose a task called Online Video Entity Linking OVEL, aiming to establish connections between mentions in online videos and a knowledge base with high accuracy and timeliness. To facilitate the research works of OVEL, we specifically concentrate on live delivery scenarios and construct a live delivery entity linking dataset called LIVE. Besides, we propose an evaluation metric that considers timelessness, robustness, and accuracy. Furthermore, to effectively handle OVEL task, we leverage a memory block managed by a Large Language Model and retrieve entity candidates from the knowledge base to augment LLM performance on memory management. The experimental results prove the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.

new Fine Tuning vs. Retrieval Augmented Generation for Less Popular Knowledge

Authors: Heydar Soudani, Evangelos Kanoulas, Faegheh Hasibi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) memorize a vast amount of factual knowledge, exhibiting strong performance across diverse tasks and domains. However, it has been observed that the performance diminishes when dealing with less-popular or low-frequency concepts and entities, for example in domain specific applications. The two prominent approaches to enhance the performance of LLMs on low-frequent topics are: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning (FT) over synthetic data. This paper explores and evaluates the impact of RAG and FT on customizing LLMs in handling low-frequency entities on question answering task. Our findings indicate that FT significantly boosts the performance across entities of varying popularity, especially in the most and least popular groups, while RAG surpasses other methods. Additionally, the success of both RAG and FT approaches is amplified by advancements in retrieval and data augmentation techniques. We release our data and code at


new Controlling Cloze-test Question Item Difficulty with PLM-based Surrogate Models for IRT Assessment

Authors: Jingshen Zhang, Jiajun Xie, Xinying Qiu

Abstract: Item difficulty plays a crucial role in adaptive testing. However, few works have focused on generating questions of varying difficulty levels, especially for multiple-choice (MC) cloze tests. We propose training pre-trained language models (PLMs) as surrogate models to enable item response theory (IRT) assessment, avoiding the need for human test subjects. We also propose two strategies to control the difficulty levels of both the gaps and the distractors using ranking rules to reduce invalid distractors. Experimentation on a benchmark dataset demonstrates that our proposed framework and methods can effectively control and evaluate the difficulty levels of MC cloze tests.

new Answerability in Retrieval-Augmented Open-Domain Question Answering

Authors: Rustam Abdumalikov, Pasquale Minervini, Yova Kementchedjhieva

Abstract: The performance of Open-Domain Question Answering (ODQA) retrieval systems can exhibit sub-optimal behavior, providing text excerpts with varying degrees of irrelevance. Unfortunately, many existing ODQA datasets lack examples specifically targeting the identification of irrelevant text excerpts. Previous attempts to address this gap have relied on a simplistic approach of pairing questions with random text excerpts. This paper aims to investigate the effectiveness of models trained using this randomized strategy, uncovering an important limitation in their ability to generalize to irrelevant text excerpts with high semantic overlap. As a result, we observed a substantial decrease in predictive accuracy, from 98% to 1%. To address this limitation, we discovered an efficient approach for training models to recognize such excerpts. By leveraging unanswerable pairs from the SQuAD 2.0 dataset, our models achieve a nearly perfect (~100%) accuracy when confronted with these challenging text excerpts.

new KorMedMCQA: Multi-Choice Question Answering Benchmark for Korean Healthcare Professional Licensing Examinations

Authors: Sunjun Kweon, Byungjin Choi, Minkyu Kim, Rae Woong Park, Edward Choi

Abstract: We introduce KorMedMCQA, the first Korean multiple-choice question answering (MCQA) benchmark derived from Korean healthcare professional licensing examinations, covering from the year 2012 to year 2023. This dataset consists of a selection of questions from the license examinations for doctors, nurses, and pharmacists, featuring a diverse array of subjects. We conduct baseline experiments on various large language models, including proprietary/open-source, multilingual/Korean-additional pretrained, and clinical context pretrained models, highlighting the potential for further enhancements. We make our data publicly available on HuggingFace and provide a evaluation script via LM-Harness, inviting further exploration and advancement in Korean healthcare environments.

new Align-to-Distill: Trainable Attention Alignment for Knowledge Distillation in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Heegon Jin, Seonil Son, Jemin Park, Youngseok Kim, Hyungjong Noh, Yeonsoo Lee

Abstract: The advent of scalable deep models and large datasets has improved the performance of Neural Machine Translation. Knowledge Distillation (KD) enhances efficiency by transferring knowledge from a teacher model to a more compact student model. However, KD approaches to Transformer architecture often rely on heuristics, particularly when deciding which teacher layers to distill from. In this paper, we introduce the 'Align-to-Distill' (A2D) strategy, designed to address the feature mapping problem by adaptively aligning student attention heads with their teacher counterparts during training. The Attention Alignment Module in A2D performs a dense head-by-head comparison between student and teacher attention heads across layers, turning the combinatorial mapping heuristics into a learning problem. Our experiments show the efficacy of A2D, demonstrating gains of up to +3.61 and +0.63 BLEU points for WMT-2022 De->Dsb and WMT-2014 En->De, respectively, compared to Transformer baselines.

new Infusing Knowledge into Large Language Models with Contextual Prompts

Authors: Kinshuk Vasisht, Balaji Ganesan, Vikas Kumar, Vasudha Bhatnagar

Abstract: Knowledge infusion is a promising method for enhancing Large Language Models for domain-specific NLP tasks rather than pre-training models over large data from scratch. These augmented LLMs typically depend on additional pre-training or knowledge prompts from an existing knowledge graph, which is impractical in many applications. In contrast, knowledge infusion directly from relevant documents is more generalisable and alleviates the need for structured knowledge graphs while also being useful for entities that are usually not found in any knowledge graph. With this motivation, we propose a simple yet generalisable approach for knowledge infusion by generating prompts from the context in the input text. Our experiments show the effectiveness of our approach which we evaluate by probing the fine-tuned LLMs.

new Fantastic Semantics and Where to Find Them: Investigating Which Layers of Generative LLMs Reflect Lexical Semantics

Authors: Zhu Liu, Cunliang Kong, Ying Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Large language models have achieved remarkable success in general language understanding tasks. However, as a family of generative methods with the objective of next token prediction, the semantic evolution with the depth of these models are not fully explored, unlike their predecessors, such as BERT-like architectures. In this paper, we specifically investigate the bottom-up evolution of lexical semantics for a popular LLM, namely Llama2, by probing its hidden states at the end of each layer using a contextualized word identification task. Our experiments show that the representations in lower layers encode lexical semantics, while the higher layers, with weaker semantic induction, are responsible for prediction. This is in contrast to models with discriminative objectives, such as mask language modeling, where the higher layers obtain better lexical semantics. The conclusion is further supported by the monotonic increase in performance via the hidden states for the last meaningless symbols, such as punctuation, in the prompting strategy.

new Revisiting Dynamic Evaluation: Online Adaptation for Large Language Models

Authors: Amal Rannen-Triki, Jorg Bornschein, Razvan Pascanu, Marcus Hutter, Andras Gy\"orgy, Alexandre Galashov, Yee Whye Teh, Michalis K. Titsias

Abstract: We consider the problem of online fine tuning the parameters of a language model at test time, also known as dynamic evaluation. While it is generally known that this approach improves the overall predictive performance, especially when considering distributional shift between training and evaluation data, we here emphasize the perspective that online adaptation turns parameters into temporally changing states and provides a form of context-length extension with memory in weights, more in line with the concept of memory in neuroscience. We pay particular attention to the speed of adaptation (in terms of sample efficiency),sensitivity to the overall distributional drift, and the computational overhead for performing gradient computations and parameter updates. Our empirical study provides insights on when online adaptation is particularly interesting. We highlight that with online adaptation the conceptual distinction between in-context learning and fine tuning blurs: both are methods to condition the model on previously observed tokens.

new Leveraging Biomolecule and Natural Language through Multi-Modal Learning: A Survey

Authors: Qizhi Pei, Lijun Wu, Kaiyuan Gao, Jinhua Zhu, Yue Wang, Zun Wang, Tao Qin, Rui Yan

Abstract: The integration of biomolecular modeling with natural language (BL) has emerged as a promising interdisciplinary area at the intersection of artificial intelligence, chemistry and biology. This approach leverages the rich, multifaceted descriptions of biomolecules contained within textual data sources to enhance our fundamental understanding and enable downstream computational tasks such as biomolecule property prediction. The fusion of the nuanced narratives expressed through natural language with the structural and functional specifics of biomolecules described via various molecular modeling techniques opens new avenues for comprehensively representing and analyzing biomolecules. By incorporating the contextual language data that surrounds biomolecules into their modeling, BL aims to capture a holistic view encompassing both the symbolic qualities conveyed through language as well as quantitative structural characteristics. In this review, we provide an extensive analysis of recent advancements achieved through cross modeling of biomolecules and natural language. (1) We begin by outlining the technical representations of biomolecules employed, including sequences, 2D graphs, and 3D structures. (2) We then examine in depth the rationale and key objectives underlying effective multi-modal integration of language and molecular data sources. (3) We subsequently survey the practical applications enabled to date in this developing research area. (4) We also compile and summarize the available resources and datasets to facilitate future work. (5) Looking ahead, we identify several promising research directions worthy of further exploration and investment to continue advancing the field. The related resources and contents are updating in \url{}.


new In-Context Sharpness as Alerts: An Inner Representation Perspective for Hallucination Mitigation

Authors: Shiqi Chen, Miao Xiong, Junteng Liu, Zhengxuan Wu, Teng Xiao, Siyang Gao, Junxian He

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) frequently hallucinate and produce factual errors, yet our understanding of why they make these errors remains limited. In this study, we delve into the underlying mechanisms of LLM hallucinations from the perspective of inner representations, and discover a salient pattern associated with hallucinations: correct generations tend to have sharper context activations in the hidden states of the in-context tokens, compared to the incorrect ones. Leveraging this insight, we propose an entropy-based metric to quantify the ``sharpness'' among the in-context hidden states and incorporate it into the decoding process to formulate a constrained decoding approach. Experiments on various knowledge-seeking and hallucination benchmarks demonstrate our approach's consistent effectiveness, for example, achieving up to an 8.6 point improvement on TruthfulQA. We believe this study can improve our understanding of hallucinations and serve as a practical solution for hallucination mitigation.

new SERVAL: Synergy Learning between Vertical Models and LLMs towards Oracle-Level Zero-shot Medical Prediction

Authors: Jiahuan Yan, Jintai Chen, Chaowen Hu, Bo Zheng, Yaojun Hu, Jimeng Sun, Jian Wu

Abstract: Recent development of large language models (LLMs) has exhibited impressive zero-shot proficiency on generic and common sense questions. However, LLMs' application on domain-specific vertical questions still lags behind, primarily due to the humiliation problems and deficiencies in vertical knowledge. Furthermore, the vertical data annotation process often requires labor-intensive expert involvement, thereby presenting an additional challenge in enhancing the model's vertical capabilities. In this paper, we propose SERVAL, a synergy learning pipeline designed for unsupervised development of vertical capabilities in both LLMs and small models by mutual enhancement. Specifically, SERVAL utilizes the LLM's zero-shot outputs as annotations, leveraging its confidence to teach a robust vertical model from scratch. Reversely, the trained vertical model guides the LLM fine-tuning to enhance its zero-shot capability, progressively improving both models through an iterative process. In medical domain, known for complex vertical knowledge and costly annotations, comprehensive experiments show that, without access to any gold labels, SERVAL with the synergy learning of OpenAI GPT-3.5 and a simple model attains fully-supervised competitive performance across ten widely used medical datasets. These datasets represent vertically specialized medical diagnostic scenarios (e.g., diabetes, heart diseases, COVID-19), highlighting the potential of SERVAL in refining the vertical capabilities of LLMs and training vertical models from scratch, all achieved without the need for annotations.

new Enhancing Neural Machine Translation of Low-Resource Languages: Corpus Development, Human Evaluation and Explainable AI Architectures

Authors: S\'eamus Lankford

Abstract: In the current machine translation (MT) landscape, the Transformer architecture stands out as the gold standard, especially for high-resource language pairs. This research delves into its efficacy for low-resource language pairs including both the English$\leftrightarrow$Irish and English$\leftrightarrow$Marathi language pairs. Notably, the study identifies the optimal hyperparameters and subword model type to significantly improve the translation quality of Transformer models for low-resource language pairs. The scarcity of parallel datasets for low-resource languages can hinder MT development. To address this, gaHealth was developed, the first bilingual corpus of health data for the Irish language. Focusing on the health domain, models developed using this in-domain dataset exhibited very significant improvements in BLEU score when compared with models from the LoResMT2021 Shared Task. A subsequent human evaluation using the multidimensional quality metrics error taxonomy showcased the superior performance of the Transformer system in reducing both accuracy and fluency errors compared to an RNN-based counterpart. Furthermore, this thesis introduces adaptNMT and adaptMLLM, two open-source applications streamlined for the development, fine-tuning, and deployment of neural machine translation models. These tools considerably simplify the setup and evaluation process, making MT more accessible to both developers and translators. Notably, adaptNMT, grounded in the OpenNMT ecosystem, promotes eco-friendly natural language processing research by highlighting the environmental footprint of model development. Fine-tuning of MLLMs by adaptMLLM demonstrated advancements in translation performance for two low-resource language pairs: English$\leftrightarrow$Irish and English$\leftrightarrow$Marathi, compared to baselines from the LoResMT2021 Shared Task.

new Towards Comprehensive Vietnamese Retrieval-Augmented Generation and Large Language Models

Authors: Nguyen Quang Duc, Le Hai Son, Nguyen Duc Nhan, Nguyen Dich Nhat Minh, Le Thanh Huong, Dinh Viet Sang

Abstract: This paper presents our contributions towards advancing the state of Vietnamese language understanding and generation through the development and dissemination of open datasets and pre-trained models for Vietnamese Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) and Large Language Models (LLMs).

new Multi-level Product Category Prediction through Text Classification

Authors: Wesley Ferreira Maia, Angelo Carmignani, Gabriel Bortoli, Lucas Maretti, David Luz, Daniel Camilo Fuentes Guzman, Marcos Jardel Henriques, Francisco Louzada Neto

Abstract: This article investigates applying advanced machine learning models, specifically LSTM and BERT, for text classification to predict multiple categories in the retail sector. The study demonstrates how applying data augmentation techniques and the focal loss function can significantly enhance accuracy in classifying products into multiple categories using a robust Brazilian retail dataset. The LSTM model, enriched with Brazilian word embedding, and BERT, known for its effectiveness in understanding complex contexts, were adapted and optimized for this specific task. The results showed that the BERT model, with an F1 Macro Score of up to $99\%$ for segments, $96\%$ for categories and subcategories and $93\%$ for name products, outperformed LSTM in more detailed categories. However, LSTM also achieved high performance, especially after applying data augmentation and focal loss techniques. These results underscore the effectiveness of NLP techniques in retail and highlight the importance of the careful selection of modelling and preprocessing strategies. This work contributes significantly to the field of NLP in retail, providing valuable insights for future research and practical applications.

new Hypertext Entity Extraction in Webpage

Authors: Yifei Yang, Tianqiao Liu, Bo Shao, Hai Zhao, Linjun Shou, Ming Gong, Daxin Jiang

Abstract: Webpage entity extraction is a fundamental natural language processing task in both research and applications. Nowadays, the majority of webpage entity extraction models are trained on structured datasets which strive to retain textual content and its structure information. However, existing datasets all overlook the rich hypertext features (e.g., font color, font size) which show their effectiveness in previous works. To this end, we first collect a \textbf{H}ypertext \textbf{E}ntity \textbf{E}xtraction \textbf{D}ataset (\textit{HEED}) from the e-commerce domains, scraping both the text and the corresponding explicit hypertext features with high-quality manual entity annotations. Furthermore, we present the \textbf{Mo}E-based \textbf{E}ntity \textbf{E}xtraction \textbf{F}ramework (\textit{MoEEF}), which efficiently integrates multiple features to enhance model performance by Mixture of Experts and outperforms strong baselines, including the state-of-the-art small-scale models and GPT-3.5-turbo. Moreover, the effectiveness of hypertext features in \textit{HEED} and several model components in \textit{MoEEF} are analyzed.

new Brilla AI: AI Contestant for the National Science and Maths Quiz

Authors: George Boateng, Jonathan Abrefah Mensah, Kevin Takyi Yeboah, William Edor, Andrew Kojo Mensah-Onumah, Naafi Dasana Ibrahim, Nana Sam Yeboah

Abstract: The African continent lacks enough qualified teachers which hampers the provision of adequate learning support. An AI could potentially augment the efforts of the limited number of teachers, leading to better learning outcomes. Towards that end, this work describes and evaluates the first key output for the NSMQ AI Grand Challenge, which proposes a robust, real-world benchmark for such an AI: "Build an AI to compete live in Ghana's National Science and Maths Quiz (NSMQ) competition and win - performing better than the best contestants in all rounds and stages of the competition". The NSMQ is an annual live science and mathematics competition for senior secondary school students in Ghana in which 3 teams of 2 students compete by answering questions across biology, chemistry, physics, and math in 5 rounds over 5 progressive stages until a winning team is crowned for that year. In this work, we built Brilla AI, an AI contestant that we deployed to unofficially compete remotely and live in the Riddles round of the 2023 NSMQ Grand Finale, the first of its kind in the 30-year history of the competition. Brilla AI is currently available as a web app that livestreams the Riddles round of the contest, and runs 4 machine learning systems: (1) speech to text (2) question extraction (3) question answering and (4) text to speech that work together in real-time to quickly and accurately provide an answer, and then say it with a Ghanaian accent. In its debut, our AI answered one of the 4 riddles ahead of the 3 human contesting teams, unofficially placing second (tied). Improvements and extensions of this AI could potentially be deployed to offer science tutoring to students and eventually enable millions across Africa to have one-on-one learning interactions, democratizing science education.

new Decode Neural signal as Speech

Authors: Yiqian Yang, Yiqun Duan, Qiang Zhang, Renjing Xu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Decoding language from brain dynamics is an important open direction in the realm of brain-computer interface (BCI), especially considering the rapid growth of large language models. Compared to invasive-based signals which require electrode implantation surgery, non-invasive neural signals (e.g. EEG, MEG) have attracted increasing attention considering their safety and generality. However, the exploration is not adequate in three aspects: 1) previous methods mainly focus on EEG but none of the previous works address this problem on MEG with better signal quality; 2) prior works have predominantly used ``teacher-forcing" during generative decoding, which is impractical; 3) prior works are mostly ``BART-based" not fully auto-regressive, which performs better in other sequence tasks. In this paper, we explore the brain-to-text translation of MEG signals in a speech-decoding formation. Here we are the first to investigate a cross-attention-based ``whisper" model for generating text directly from MEG signals without teacher forcing. Our model achieves impressive BLEU-1 scores of 60.30 and 52.89 without pretraining \& teacher-forcing on two major datasets (\textit{GWilliams} and \textit{Schoffelen}). This paper conducts a comprehensive review to understand how speech decoding formation performs on the neural decoding tasks, including pretraining initialization, training \& evaluation set splitting, augmentation, and scaling law.

new Differentially Private Synthetic Data via Foundation Model APIs 2: Text

Authors: Chulin Xie, Zinan Lin, Arturs Backurs, Sivakanth Gopi, Da Yu, Huseyin A Inan, Harsha Nori, Haotian Jiang, Huishuai Zhang, Yin Tat Lee, Bo Li, Sergey Yekhanin

Abstract: Text data has become extremely valuable due to the emergence of machine learning algorithms that learn from it. A lot of high-quality text data generated in the real world is private and therefore cannot be shared or used freely due to privacy concerns. Generating synthetic replicas of private text data with a formal privacy guarantee, i.e., differential privacy (DP), offers a promising and scalable solution. However, existing methods necessitate DP finetuning of large language models (LLMs) on private data to generate DP synthetic data. This approach is not viable for proprietary LLMs (e.g., GPT-3.5) and also demands considerable computational resources for open-source LLMs. Lin et al. (2024) recently introduced the Private Evolution (PE) algorithm to generate DP synthetic images with only API access to diffusion models. In this work, we propose an augmented PE algorithm, named Aug-PE, that applies to the complex setting of text. We use API access to an LLM and generate DP synthetic text without any model training. We conduct comprehensive experiments on three benchmark datasets. Our results demonstrate that Aug-PE produces DP synthetic text that yields competitive utility with the SOTA DP finetuning baselines. This underscores the feasibility of relying solely on API access of LLMs to produce high-quality DP synthetic texts, thereby facilitating more accessible routes to privacy-preserving LLM applications. Our code and data are available at


new Derivative-Free Optimization for Low-Rank Adaptation in Large Language Models

Authors: Feihu Jin, Yin Liu, Ying Tan

Abstract: Parameter-efficient tuning methods such as LoRA could achieve comparable performance to model tuning by tuning a small portion of the parameters. However, substantial computational resources are still required, as this process involves calculating gradients and performing back-propagation throughout the model. Much effort has recently been devoted to utilizing the derivative-free optimization method to eschew the computation of gradients and showcase an augmented level of robustness in few-shot settings. In this paper, we prepend the low-rank modules into each self-attention layer of the model and employ two derivative-free optimization methods to optimize these low-rank modules at each layer alternately. Extensive results on various tasks and language models demonstrate that our proposed method achieves substantial improvement and exhibits clear advantages in memory usage and convergence speed compared to existing gradient-based parameter-efficient tuning and derivative-free optimization methods in few-shot settings.

new KeNet:Knowledge-enhanced Doc-Label Attention Network for Multi-label text classification

Authors: Bo Li, Yuyan Chen, Liang Zeng

Abstract: Multi-Label Text Classification (MLTC) is a fundamental task in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) that involves the assignment of multiple labels to a given text. MLTC has gained significant importance and has been widely applied in various domains such as topic recognition, recommendation systems, sentiment analysis, and information retrieval. However, traditional machine learning and Deep neural network have not yet addressed certain issues, such as the fact that some documents are brief but have a large number of labels and how to establish relationships between the labels. It is imperative to additionally acknowledge that the significance of knowledge is substantiated in the realm of MLTC. To address this issue, we provide a novel approach known as Knowledge-enhanced Doc-Label Attention Network (KeNet). Specifically, we design an Attention Network that incorporates external knowledge, label embedding, and a comprehensive attention mechanism. In contrast to conventional methods, we use comprehensive representation of documents, knowledge and labels to predict all labels for each single text. Our approach has been validated by comprehensive research conducted on three multi-label datasets. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art MLTC method. Additionally, a case study is undertaken to illustrate the practical implementation of KeNet.

new WebCiteS: Attributed Query-Focused Summarization on Chinese Web Search Results with Citations

Authors: Haolin Deng, Chang Wang, Xin Li, Dezhang Yuan, Junlang Zhan, Tianhua Zhou, Jin Ma, Jun Gao, Ruifeng Xu

Abstract: Enhancing the attribution in large language models (LLMs) is a crucial task. One feasible approach is to enable LLMs to cite external sources that support their generations. However, existing datasets and evaluation methods in this domain still exhibit notable limitations. In this work, we formulate the task of attributed query-focused summarization (AQFS) and present WebCiteS, a Chinese dataset featuring 7k human-annotated summaries with citations. WebCiteS derives from real-world user queries and web search results, offering a valuable resource for model training and evaluation. Prior works in attribution evaluation do not differentiate between groundedness errors and citation errors. They also fall short in automatically verifying sentences that draw partial support from multiple sources. We tackle these issues by developing detailed metrics and enabling the automatic evaluator to decompose the sentences into sub-claims for fine-grained verification. Our comprehensive evaluation of both open-source and proprietary models on WebCiteS highlights the challenge LLMs face in correctly citing sources, underscoring the necessity for further improvement. The dataset and code will be open-sourced to facilitate further research in this crucial field.

new NPHardEval4V: A Dynamic Reasoning Benchmark of Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Lizhou Fan, Wenyue Hua, Xiang Li, Kaijie Zhu, Mingyu Jin, Lingyao Li, Haoyang Ling, Jinkui Chi, Jindong Wang, Xin Ma, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: Understanding the reasoning capabilities of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) is an important area of research. In this study, we introduce a dynamic benchmark, NPHardEval4V, aimed at addressing the existing gaps in evaluating the pure reasoning abilities of MLLMs. Our benchmark aims to provide a venue to disentangle the effect of various factors such as image recognition and instruction following, from the overall performance of the models, allowing us to focus solely on evaluating their reasoning abilities. Our findings reveal significant discrepancies in reasoning abilities across different models and highlight the relatively weak performance of MLLMs compared to LLMs in terms of reasoning. We also investigate the impact of different prompting styles, including visual, text, and combined vision and text prompts, on the reasoning abilities of MLLMs, demonstrating the different impacts of multimodal inputs in model performance. Unlike traditional benchmarks, which primarily focus on static evaluations, our benchmark will update on a monthly basis to prevent overfitting and ensure a more accurate evaluation of the models. We believe that this benchmark can aid understand and guide the further development of reasoning abilities in MLLMs. The benchmark dataset and code are available at


new Enhancing Multi-Domain Automatic Short Answer Grading through an Explainable Neuro-Symbolic Pipeline

Authors: Felix K\"unnecke, Anna Filighera, Colin Leong, Tim Steuer

Abstract: Grading short answer questions automatically with interpretable reasoning behind the grading decision is a challenging goal for current transformer approaches. Justification cue detection, in combination with logical reasoners, has shown a promising direction for neuro-symbolic architectures in ASAG. But, one of the main challenges is the requirement of annotated justification cues in the students' responses, which only exist for a few ASAG datasets. To overcome this challenge, we contribute (1) a weakly supervised annotation procedure for justification cues in ASAG datasets, and (2) a neuro-symbolic model for explainable ASAG based on justification cues. Our approach improves upon the RMSE by 0.24 to 0.3 compared to the state-of-the-art on the Short Answer Feedback dataset in a bilingual, multi-domain, and multi-question training setup. This result shows that our approach provides a promising direction for generating high-quality grades and accompanying explanations for future research in ASAG and educational NLP.

new NusaBERT: Teaching IndoBERT to be Multilingual and Multicultural

Authors: Wilson Wongso, David Samuel Setiawan, Steven Limcorn, Ananto Joyoadikusumo

Abstract: Indonesia's linguistic landscape is remarkably diverse, encompassing over 700 languages and dialects, making it one of the world's most linguistically rich nations. This diversity, coupled with the widespread practice of code-switching and the presence of low-resource regional languages, presents unique challenges for modern pre-trained language models. In response to these challenges, we developed NusaBERT, building upon IndoBERT by incorporating vocabulary expansion and leveraging a diverse multilingual corpus that includes regional languages and dialects. Through rigorous evaluation across a range of benchmarks, NusaBERT demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in tasks involving multiple languages of Indonesia, paving the way for future natural language understanding research for under-represented languages.

new Making Pre-trained Language Models Great on Tabular Prediction

Authors: Jiahuan Yan, Bo Zheng, Hongxia Xu, Yiheng Zhu, Danny Chen, Jimeng Sun, Jian Wu, Jintai Chen

Abstract: The transferability of deep neural networks (DNNs) has made significant progress in image and language processing. However, due to the heterogeneity among tables, such DNN bonus is still far from being well exploited on tabular data prediction (e.g., regression or classification tasks). Condensing knowledge from diverse domains, language models (LMs) possess the capability to comprehend feature names from various tables, potentially serving as versatile learners in transferring knowledge across distinct tables and diverse prediction tasks, but their discrete text representation space is inherently incompatible with numerical feature values in tables. In this paper, we present TP-BERTa, a specifically pre-trained LM model for tabular data prediction. Concretely, a novel relative magnitude tokenization converts scalar numerical feature values to finely discrete, high-dimensional tokens, and an intra-feature attention approach integrates feature values with the corresponding feature names. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that our pre-trained TP-BERTa leads the performance among tabular DNNs and is competitive with Gradient Boosted Decision Tree models in typical tabular data regime.

new CET2: Modelling Topic Transitions for Coherent and Engaging Knowledge-Grounded Conversations

Authors: Lin Xu, Qixian Zhou, Jinlan Fu, See-Kiong Ng

Abstract: Knowledge-grounded dialogue systems aim to generate coherent and engaging responses based on the dialogue contexts and selected external knowledge. Previous knowledge selection methods tend to rely too heavily on the dialogue contexts or over-emphasize the new information in the selected knowledge, resulting in the selection of repetitious or incongruous knowledge and further generating repetitive or incoherent responses, as the generation of the response depends on the chosen knowledge. To address these shortcomings, we introduce a Coherent and Engaging Topic Transition (CET2) framework to model topic transitions for selecting knowledge that is coherent to the context of the conversations while providing adequate knowledge diversity for topic development. Our CET2 framework considers multiple factors for knowledge selection, including valid transition logic from dialogue contexts to the following topics and systematic comparisons between available knowledge candidates. Extensive experiments on two public benchmarks demonstrate the superiority and the better generalization ability of CET2 on knowledge selection. This is due to our well-designed transition features and comparative knowledge selection strategy, which are more transferable to conversations about unseen topics. Analysis of fine-grained knowledge selection accuracy also shows that CET2 can better balance topic entailment (contextual coherence) and development (knowledge diversity) in dialogue than existing approaches.

new Rethinking LLM Language Adaptation: A Case Study on Chinese Mixtral

Authors: Yiming Cui, Xin Yao

Abstract: Mixtral, a representative sparse mixture of experts (SMoE) language model, has received significant attention due to its unique model design and superior performance. Based on Mixtral-8x7B-v0.1, in this paper, we propose Chinese-Mixtral and Chinese-Mixtral-Instruct with improved Chinese language abilities by adopting further pre-training and instruction fine-tuning. Experimental results show that our Chinese-Mixtral and Chinese-Mixtral-Instruct successfully improve Chinese understanding and generation performance while retaining the original English abilities. Then, we discuss several key questions when performing language adaptation on large language models, including the necessity of extending the language-specific vocabulary and the choice of the initialization model (foundation model v.s. instruction model), by providing empirical results and analysis. We also present the visualizations of each expert to examine their importance on downstream tasks. Our resources are publicly available through \url{}.


new An Improved Traditional Chinese Evaluation Suite for Foundation Model

Authors: Zhi-Rui Tam, Ya-Ting Pai, Yen-Wei Lee, Sega Cheng, Hong-Han Shuai

Abstract: We present TMMLU+, a comprehensive dataset designed for the Traditional Chinese massive multitask language understanding dataset. TMMLU+ is a multiple-choice question-answering dataset with 66 subjects from elementary to professional level. Compared to its predecessor, TMMLU, TMMLU+ is six times larger and boasts a more balanced subject distribution. We included benchmark results in TMMLU+ from closed-source models and 24 open-weight Chinese large language models of parameters ranging from 1.8B to 72B. Our findings reveal that Traditional Chinese models still trail behind their Simplified Chinese counterparts. Additionally, current large language models have yet to outperform human performance in average scores. We publicly release our dataset and the corresponding benchmark source code.

new FCDS: Fusing Constituency and Dependency Syntax into Document-Level Relation Extraction

Authors: Xudong Zhu, Zhao Kang, Bei Hui

Abstract: Document-level Relation Extraction (DocRE) aims to identify relation labels between entities within a single document. It requires handling several sentences and reasoning over them. State-of-the-art DocRE methods use a graph structure to connect entities across the document to capture dependency syntax information. However, this is insufficient to fully exploit the rich syntax information in the document. In this work, we propose to fuse constituency and dependency syntax into DocRE. It uses constituency syntax to aggregate the whole sentence information and select the instructive sentences for the pairs of targets. It exploits the dependency syntax in a graph structure with constituency syntax enhancement and chooses the path between entity pairs based on the dependency graph. The experimental results on datasets from various domains demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. The code is publicly available at this url.

new Fostering the Ecosystem of Open Neural Encoders for Portuguese with Albertina PT* Family

Authors: Rodrigo Santos, Jo\~ao Rodrigues, Lu\'is Gomes, Jo\~ao Silva, Ant\'onio Branco, Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Tom\'as Freitas Os\'orio, Bernardo Leite

Abstract: To foster the neural encoding of Portuguese, this paper contributes foundation encoder models that represent an expansion of the still very scarce ecosystem of large language models specifically developed for this language that are fully open, in the sense that they are open source and openly distributed for free under an open license for any purpose, thus including research and commercial usages. Like most languages other than English, Portuguese is low-resourced in terms of these foundational language resources, there being the inaugural 900 million parameter Albertina and 335 million Bertimbau. Taking this couple of models as an inaugural set, we present the extension of the ecosystem of state-of-the-art open encoders for Portuguese with a larger, top performance-driven model with 1.5 billion parameters, and a smaller, efficiency-driven model with 100 million parameters. While achieving this primary goal, further results that are relevant for this ecosystem were obtained as well, namely new datasets for Portuguese based on the SuperGLUE benchmark, which we also distribute openly.

new Arabic Text Sentiment Analysis: Reinforcing Human-Performed Surveys with Wider Topic Analysis

Authors: Latifah Almurqren, Ryan Hodgson, Alexandra Cristea

Abstract: Sentiment analysis (SA) has been, and is still, a thriving research area. However, the task of Arabic sentiment analysis (ASA) is still underrepresented in the body of research. This study offers the first in-depth and in-breadth analysis of existing ASA studies of textual content and identifies their common themes, domains of application, methods, approaches, technologies and algorithms used. The in-depth study manually analyses 133 ASA papers published in the English language between 2002 and 2020 from four academic databases (SAGE, IEEE, Springer, WILEY) and from Google Scholar. The in-breadth study uses modern, automatic machine learning techniques, such as topic modelling and temporal analysis, on Open Access resources, to reinforce themes and trends identified by the prior study, on 2297 ASA publications between 2010-2020. The main findings show the different approaches used for ASA: machine learning, lexicon-based and hybrid approaches. Other findings include ASA 'winning' algorithms (SVM, NB, hybrid methods). Deep learning methods, such as LSTM can provide higher accuracy, but for ASA sometimes the corpora are not large enough to support them. Additionally, whilst there are some ASA corpora and lexicons, more are required. Specifically, Arabic tweets corpora and datasets are currently only moderately sized. Moreover, Arabic lexicons that have high coverage contain only Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) words, and those with Arabic dialects are quite small. Thus, new corpora need to be created. On the other hand, ASA tools are stringently lacking. There is a need to develop ASA tools that can be used in industry, as well as in academia, for Arabic text SA. Hence, our study offers insights into the challenges associated with ASA research and provides suggestions for ways to move the field forward such as lack of Dialectical Arabic resource, Arabic tweets, corpora and data sets for SA.

new To Generate or to Retrieve? On the Effectiveness of Artificial Contexts for Medical Open-Domain Question Answering

Authors: Giacomo Frisoni, Alessio Cocchieri, Alex Presepi, Gianluca Moro, Zaiqiao Meng

Abstract: Medical open-domain question answering demands substantial access to specialized knowledge. Recent efforts have sought to decouple knowledge from model parameters, counteracting architectural scaling and allowing for training on common low-resource hardware. The retrieve-then-read paradigm has become ubiquitous, with model predictions grounded on relevant knowledge pieces from external repositories such as PubMed, textbooks, and UMLS. An alternative path, still under-explored but made possible by the advent of domain-specific large language models, entails constructing artificial contexts through prompting. As a result, "to generate or to retrieve" is the modern equivalent of Hamlet's dilemma. This paper presents MedGENIE, the first generate-then-read framework for multiple-choice question answering in medicine. We conduct extensive experiments on MedQA-USMLE, MedMCQA, and MMLU, incorporating a practical perspective by assuming a maximum of 24GB VRAM. MedGENIE sets a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) in the open-book setting of each testbed, even allowing a small-scale reader to outcompete zero-shot closed-book 175B baselines while using up to 706$\times$ fewer parameters. Overall, our findings reveal that generated passages are more effective than retrieved counterparts in attaining higher accuracy.

new IndicVoices: Towards building an Inclusive Multilingual Speech Dataset for Indian Languages

Authors: Tahir Javed, Janki Atul Nawale, Eldho Ittan George, Sakshi Joshi, Kaushal Santosh Bhogale, Deovrat Mehendale, Ishvinder Virender Sethi, Aparna Ananthanarayanan, Hafsah Faquih, Pratiti Palit, Sneha Ravishankar, Saranya Sukumaran, Tripura Panchagnula, Sunjay Murali, Kunal Sharad Gandhi, Ambujavalli R, Manickam K M, C Venkata Vaijayanthi, Krishnan Srinivasa Raghavan Karunganni, Pratyush Kumar, Mitesh M Khapra

Abstract: We present INDICVOICES, a dataset of natural and spontaneous speech containing a total of 7348 hours of read (9%), extempore (74%) and conversational (17%) audio from 16237 speakers covering 145 Indian districts and 22 languages. Of these 7348 hours, 1639 hours have already been transcribed, with a median of 73 hours per language. Through this paper, we share our journey of capturing the cultural, linguistic and demographic diversity of India to create a one-of-its-kind inclusive and representative dataset. More specifically, we share an open-source blueprint for data collection at scale comprising of standardised protocols, centralised tools, a repository of engaging questions, prompts and conversation scenarios spanning multiple domains and topics of interest, quality control mechanisms, comprehensive transcription guidelines and transcription tools. We hope that this open source blueprint will serve as a comprehensive starter kit for data collection efforts in other multilingual regions of the world. Using INDICVOICES, we build IndicASR, the first ASR model to support all the 22 languages listed in the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India. All the data, tools, guidelines, models and other materials developed as a part of this work will be made publicly available

new Analyzing and Adapting Large Language Models for Few-Shot Multilingual NLU: Are We There Yet?

Authors: Evgeniia Razumovskaia, Ivan Vuli\'c, Anna Korhonen

Abstract: Supervised fine-tuning (SFT), supervised instruction tuning (SIT) and in-context learning (ICL) are three alternative, de facto standard approaches to few-shot learning. ICL has gained popularity recently with the advent of LLMs due to its simplicity and sample efficiency. Prior research has conducted only limited investigation into how these approaches work for multilingual few-shot learning, and the focus so far has been mostly on their performance. In this work, we present an extensive and systematic comparison of the three approaches, testing them on 6 high- and low-resource languages, three different NLU tasks, and a myriad of language and domain setups. Importantly, performance is only one aspect of the comparison, where we also analyse the approaches through the optics of their computational, inference and financial costs. Our observations show that supervised instruction tuning has the best trade-off between performance and resource requirements. As another contribution, we analyse the impact of target language adaptation of pretrained LLMs and find that the standard adaptation approaches can (superficially) improve target language generation capabilities, but language understanding elicited through ICL does not improve and remains limited, with low scores especially for low-resource languages.

new VariErr NLI: Separating Annotation Error from Human Label Variation

Authors: Leon Weber-Genzel, Siyao Peng, Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Barbara Plank

Abstract: Human label variation arises when annotators assign different labels to the same item for valid reasons, while annotation errors occur when labels are assigned for invalid reasons. These two issues are prevalent in NLP benchmarks, yet existing research has studied them in isolation. To the best of our knowledge, there exists no prior work that focuses on teasing apart error from signal, especially in cases where signal is beyond black-and-white. To fill this gap, we introduce a systematic methodology and a new dataset, VariErr (variation versus error), focusing on the NLI task in English. We propose a 2-round annotation scheme with annotators explaining each label and subsequently judging the validity of label-explanation pairs. \name{} contains 7,574 validity judgments on 1,933 explanations for 500 re-annotated NLI items. We assess the effectiveness of various automatic error detection (AED) methods and GPTs in uncovering errors versus human label variation. We find that state-of-the-art AED methods significantly underperform compared to GPTs and humans. While GPT-4 is the best system, it still falls short of human performance. Our methodology is applicable beyond NLI, offering fertile ground for future research on error versus plausible variation, which in turn can yield better and more trustworthy NLP systems.

new DECIDER: A Rule-Controllable Decoding Strategy for Language Generation by Imitating Dual-System Cognitive Theory

Authors: Chen Xu, Tian Lan, Changlong Yu, Wei Wang, Jun Gao, Yu Ji, Qunxi Dong, Kun Qian, Piji Li, Wei Bi, Bin Hu

Abstract: Lexicon-based constrained decoding approaches aim to control the meaning or style of the generated text through certain target concepts. Existing approaches over-focus the targets themselves, leading to a lack of high-level reasoning about how to achieve them. However, human usually tackles tasks by following certain rules that not only focuses on the targets but also on semantically relevant concepts that induce the occurrence of targets. In this work, we present DECIDER, a rule-controllable decoding strategy for constrained language generation inspired by dual-system cognitive theory. Specifically, in DECIDER, a pre-trained language model (PLM) is equiped with a logic reasoner that takes high-level rules as input. Then, the DECIDER allows rule signals to flow into the PLM at each decoding step. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that DECIDER can effectively follow given rules to guide generation direction toward the targets in a more human-like manner.

new AS-ES Learning: Towards Efficient CoT Learning in Small Models

Authors: Nuwa Xi, Yuhan Chen, Sendong Zhao, Haochun Wang, Bing Qin, Ting Liu

Abstract: Chain-of-Thought (CoT) serves as a critical emerging ability in LLMs, especially when it comes to logical reasoning. Attempts have been made to induce such ability in small models as well by distilling from the data with CoT generated by Large Language Models (LLMs). However, existing methods often simply generate and incorporate more data from LLMs and fail to note the importance of efficiently utilizing existing CoT data. We here propose a new training paradigm AS-ES (Abstractive Segments - Extractive Segments) learning, which exploits the inherent information in CoT for iterative generation. Experiments show that our methods surpass the direct seq2seq training on CoT-extensive tasks like MWP and PET summarization, without data augmentation or altering the model itself. Furthermore, we explore the reason behind the inefficiency of small models in learning CoT and provide an explanation of why AS-ES learning works, giving insights into the underlying mechanism of CoT.

new Multi-perspective Improvement of Knowledge Graph Completion with Large Language Models

Authors: Derong Xu, Ziheng Zhang, Zhenxi Lin, Xian Wu, Zhihong Zhu, Tong Xu, Xiangyu Zhao, Yefeng Zheng, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Knowledge graph completion (KGC) is a widely used method to tackle incompleteness in knowledge graphs (KGs) by making predictions for missing links. Description-based KGC leverages pre-trained language models to learn entity and relation representations with their names or descriptions, which shows promising results. However, the performance of description-based KGC is still limited by the quality of text and the incomplete structure, as it lacks sufficient entity descriptions and relies solely on relation names, leading to sub-optimal results. To address this issue, we propose MPIKGC, a general framework to compensate for the deficiency of contextualized knowledge and improve KGC by querying large language models (LLMs) from various perspectives, which involves leveraging the reasoning, explanation, and summarization capabilities of LLMs to expand entity descriptions, understand relations, and extract structures, respectively. We conducted extensive evaluation of the effectiveness and improvement of our framework based on four description-based KGC models and four datasets, for both link prediction and triplet classification tasks.

new SciAssess: Benchmarking LLM Proficiency in Scientific Literature Analysis

Authors: Hengxing Cai, Xiaochen Cai, Junhan Chang, Sihang Li, Lin Yao, Changxin Wang, Zhifeng Gao, Yongge Li, Mujie Lin, Shuwen Yang, Jiankun Wang, Yuqi Yin, Yaqi Li, Linfeng Zhang, Guolin Ke

Abstract: Recent breakthroughs in Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized natural language understanding and generation, igniting a surge of interest in leveraging these technologies for the nuanced field of scientific literature analysis. Existing benchmarks, however, inadequately evaluate the proficiency of LLMs in the scientific domain, especially in scenarios involving complex comprehension and multimodal data. In response, we introduced SciAssess, a benchmark tailored for the in-depth analysis of scientific literature, crafted to provide a thorough assessment of LLMs' efficacy. SciAssess focuses on evaluating LLMs' abilities in memorization, comprehension, and analysis within scientific contexts. It includes representative tasks from diverse scientific fields, such as general chemistry, organic materials, and alloy materials. And rigorous quality control measures ensure its reliability in terms of correctness, anonymization, and copyright compliance. SciAssess evaluates leading LLMs, including GPT-4, GPT-3.5-turbo, and Gemini, identifying their strengths and areas for improvement and supporting the ongoing development of LLM applications in scientific literature analysis. SciAssess and its resources are made available at, offering a valuable tool for advancing LLM capabilities in scientific literature analysis.


new Language and Speech Technology for Central Kurdish Varieties

Authors: Sina Ahmadi, Daban Q. Jaff, Md Mahfuz Ibn Alam, Antonios Anastasopoulos

Abstract: Kurdish, an Indo-European language spoken by over 30 million speakers, is considered a dialect continuum and known for its diversity in language varieties. Previous studies addressing language and speech technology for Kurdish handle it in a monolithic way as a macro-language, resulting in disparities for dialects and varieties for which there are few resources and tools available. In this paper, we take a step towards developing resources for language and speech technology for varieties of Central Kurdish, creating a corpus by transcribing movies and TV series as an alternative to fieldwork. Additionally, we report the performance of machine translation, automatic speech recognition, and language identification as downstream tasks evaluated on Central Kurdish varieties. Data and models are publicly available under an open license at


new Transformers for Low-Resource Languages:Is F\'eidir Linn!

Authors: S\'eamus Lankford, Haithem Afli, Andy Way

Abstract: The Transformer model is the state-of-the-art in Machine Translation. However, in general, neural translation models often under perform on language pairs with insufficient training data. As a consequence, relatively few experiments have been carried out using this architecture on low-resource language pairs. In this study, hyperparameter optimization of Transformer models in translating the low-resource English-Irish language pair is evaluated. We demonstrate that choosing appropriate parameters leads to considerable performance improvements. Most importantly, the correct choice of subword model is shown to be the biggest driver of translation performance. SentencePiece models using both unigram and BPE approaches were appraised. Variations on model architectures included modifying the number of layers, testing various regularisation techniques and evaluating the optimal number of heads for attention. A generic 55k DGT corpus and an in-domain 88k public admin corpus were used for evaluation. A Transformer optimized model demonstrated a BLEU score improvement of 7.8 points when compared with a baseline RNN model. Improvements were observed across a range of metrics, including TER, indicating a substantially reduced post editing effort for Transformer optimized models with 16k BPE subword models. Bench-marked against Google Translate, our translation engines demonstrated significant improvements. The question of whether or not Transformers can be used effectively in a low-resource setting of English-Irish translation has been addressed. Is f\'eidir linn - yes we can.

new FakeNewsGPT4: Advancing Multimodal Fake News Detection through Knowledge-Augmented LVLMs

Authors: Xuannan Liu, Peipei Li, Huaibo Huang, Zekun Li, Xing Cui, Jiahao Liang, Lixiong Qin, Weihong Deng, Zhaofeng He

Abstract: The massive generation of multimodal fake news exhibits substantial distribution discrepancies, prompting the need for generalized detectors. However, the insulated nature of training within specific domains restricts the capability of classical detectors to obtain open-world facts. In this paper, we propose FakeNewsGPT4, a novel framework that augments Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) with forgery-specific knowledge for manipulation reasoning while inheriting extensive world knowledge as complementary. Knowledge augmentation in FakeNewsGPT4 involves acquiring two types of forgery-specific knowledge, i.e., semantic correlation and artifact trace, and merging them into LVLMs. Specifically, we design a multi-level cross-modal reasoning module that establishes interactions across modalities for extracting semantic correlations. Concurrently, a dual-branch fine-grained verification module is presented to comprehend localized details to encode artifact traces. The generated knowledge is translated into refined embeddings compatible with LVLMs. We also incorporate candidate answer heuristics and soft prompts to enhance input informativeness. Extensive experiments on the public benchmark demonstrate that FakeNewsGPT4 achieves superior cross-domain performance compared to previous methods. Code will be available.

new Vanilla Transformers are Transfer Capability Teachers

Authors: Xin Lu, Yanyan Zhao, Bing Qin

Abstract: Recently, Mixture of Experts (MoE) Transformers have garnered increasing attention due to their advantages in model capacity and computational efficiency. However, studies have indicated that MoE Transformers underperform vanilla Transformers in many downstream tasks, significantly diminishing the practical value of MoE models. To explain this issue, we propose that the pre-training performance and transfer capability of a model are joint determinants of its downstream task performance. MoE models, in comparison to vanilla models, have poorer transfer capability, leading to their subpar performance in downstream tasks. To address this issue, we introduce the concept of transfer capability distillation, positing that although vanilla models have weaker performance, they are effective teachers of transfer capability. The MoE models guided by vanilla models can achieve both strong pre-training performance and transfer capability, ultimately enhancing their performance in downstream tasks. We design a specific distillation method and conduct experiments on the BERT architecture. Experimental results show a significant improvement in downstream performance of MoE models, and many further evidences also strongly support the concept of transfer capability distillation. Finally, we attempt to interpret transfer capability distillation and provide some insights from the perspective of model feature.

new LLM-Oriented Retrieval Tuner

Authors: Si Sun, Hanqing Zhang, Zhiyuan Liu, Jie Bao, Dawei Song

Abstract: Dense Retrieval (DR) is now considered as a promising tool to enhance the memorization capacity of Large Language Models (LLM) such as GPT3 and GPT-4 by incorporating external memories. However, due to the paradigm discrepancy between text generation of LLM and DR, it is still an open challenge to integrate the retrieval and generation tasks in a shared LLM. In this paper, we propose an efficient LLM-Oriented Retrieval Tuner, namely LMORT, which decouples DR capacity from base LLM and non-invasively coordinates the optimally aligned and uniform layers of the LLM towards a unified DR space, achieving an efficient and effective DR without tuning the LLM itself. The extensive experiments on six BEIR datasets show that our approach could achieve competitive zero-shot retrieval performance compared to a range of strong DR models while maintaining the generation ability of LLM.

new Topic Aware Probing: From Sentence Length Prediction to Idiom Identification how reliant are Neural Language Models on Topic?

Authors: Vasudevan Nedumpozhimana, John D. Kelleher

Abstract: Transformer-based Neural Language Models achieve state-of-the-art performance on various natural language processing tasks. However, an open question is the extent to which these models rely on word-order/syntactic or word co-occurrence/topic-based information when processing natural language. This work contributes to this debate by addressing the question of whether these models primarily use topic as a signal, by exploring the relationship between Transformer-based models' (BERT and RoBERTa's) performance on a range of probing tasks in English, from simple lexical tasks such as sentence length prediction to complex semantic tasks such as idiom token identification, and the sensitivity of these tasks to the topic information. To this end, we propose a novel probing method which we call topic-aware probing. Our initial results indicate that Transformer-based models encode both topic and non-topic information in their intermediate layers, but also that the facility of these models to distinguish idiomatic usage is primarily based on their ability to identify and encode topic. Furthermore, our analysis of these models' performance on other standard probing tasks suggests that tasks that are relatively insensitive to the topic information are also tasks that are relatively difficult for these models.

new Automated Generation of Multiple-Choice Cloze Questions for Assessing English Vocabulary Using GPT-turbo 3.5

Authors: Qiao Wang, Ralph Rose, Naho Orita, Ayaka Sugawara

Abstract: A common way of assessing language learners' mastery of vocabulary is via multiple-choice cloze (i.e., fill-in-the-blank) questions. But the creation of test items can be laborious for individual teachers or in large-scale language programs. In this paper, we evaluate a new method for automatically generating these types of questions using large language models (LLM). The VocaTT (vocabulary teaching and training) engine is written in Python and comprises three basic steps: pre-processing target word lists, generating sentences and candidate word options using GPT, and finally selecting suitable word options. To test the efficiency of this system, 60 questions were generated targeting academic words. The generated items were reviewed by expert reviewers who judged the well-formedness of the sentences and word options, adding comments to items judged not well-formed. Results showed a 75% rate of well-formedness for sentences and 66.85% rate for suitable word options. This is a marked improvement over the generator used earlier in our research which did not take advantage of GPT's capabilities. Post-hoc qualitative analysis reveals several points for improvement in future work including cross-referencing part-of-speech tagging, better sentence validation, and improving GPT prompts.

new Leveraging Weakly Annotated Data for Hate Speech Detection in Code-Mixed Hinglish: A Feasibility-Driven Transfer Learning Approach with Large Language Models

Authors: Sargam YadavDundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Abhishek KaushikDundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk, Kevin McDaidDundalk Institute of Technology, Dundalk

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has advanced the benchmark in various Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, large amounts of labelled training data are required to train LLMs. Furthermore, data annotation and training are computationally expensive and time-consuming. Zero and few-shot learning have recently emerged as viable options for labelling data using large pre-trained models. Hate speech detection in mix-code low-resource languages is an active problem area where the use of LLMs has proven beneficial. In this study, we have compiled a dataset of 100 YouTube comments, and weakly labelled them for coarse and fine-grained misogyny classification in mix-code Hinglish. Weak annotation was applied due to the labor-intensive annotation process. Zero-shot learning, one-shot learning, and few-shot learning and prompting approaches have then been applied to assign labels to the comments and compare them to human-assigned labels. Out of all the approaches, zero-shot classification using the Bidirectional Auto-Regressive Transformers (BART) large model and few-shot prompting using Generative Pre-trained Transformer- 3 (ChatGPT-3) achieve the best results

new Using LLMs for the Extraction and Normalization of Product Attribute Values

Authors: Nick Baumann, Alexander Brinkmann, Christian Bizer

Abstract: Product offers on e-commerce websites often consist of a textual product title and a textual product description. In order to provide features such as faceted product filtering or content-based product recommendation, the websites need to extract attribute-value pairs from the unstructured product descriptions. This paper explores the potential of using large language models (LLMs), such as OpenAI's GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, to extract and normalize attribute values from product titles and product descriptions. For our experiments, we introduce the WDC Product Attribute-Value Extraction (WDC PAVE) dataset. WDC PAVE consists of product offers from 87 websites that provide annotations. The offers belong to five different categories, each featuring a specific set of attributes. The dataset provides manually verified attribute-value pairs in two forms: (i) directly extracted values and (ii) normalized attribute values. The normalization of the attribute values requires systems to perform the following types of operations: name expansion, generalization, unit of measurement normalization, and string wrangling. Our experiments demonstrate that GPT-4 outperforms PLM-based extraction methods by 10%, achieving an F1-Score of 91%. For the extraction and normalization of product attribute values, GPT-4 achieves a similar performance to the extraction scenario, while being particularly strong at string wrangling and name expansion.

new What has LeBenchmark Learnt about French Syntax?

Authors: Zdravko Dugonji\'c, Adrien Pupier, Benjamin Lecouteux, Maximin Coavoux

Abstract: The paper reports on a series of experiments aiming at probing LeBenchmark, a pretrained acoustic model trained on 7k hours of spoken French, for syntactic information. Pretrained acoustic models are increasingly used for downstream speech tasks such as automatic speech recognition, speech translation, spoken language understanding or speech parsing. They are trained on very low level information (the raw speech signal), and do not have explicit lexical knowledge. Despite that, they obtained reasonable results on tasks that requires higher level linguistic knowledge. As a result, an emerging question is whether these models encode syntactic information. We probe each representation layer of LeBenchmark for syntax, using the Orf\'eo treebank, and observe that it has learnt some syntactic information. Our results show that syntactic information is more easily extractable from the middle layers of the network, after which a very sharp decrease is observed.

new EEE-QA: Exploring Effective and Efficient Question-Answer Representations

Authors: Zhanghao Hu, Yijun Yang, Junjie Xu, Yifu Qiu, Pinzhen Chen

Abstract: Current approaches to question answering rely on pre-trained language models (PLMs) like RoBERTa. This work challenges the existing question-answer encoding convention and explores finer representations. We begin with testing various pooling methods compared to using the begin-of-sentence token as a question representation for better quality. Next, we explore opportunities to simultaneously embed all answer candidates with the question. This enables cross-reference between answer choices and improves inference throughput via reduced memory usage. Despite their simplicity and effectiveness, these methods have yet to be widely studied in current frameworks. We experiment with different PLMs, and with and without the integration of knowledge graphs. Results prove that the memory efficacy of the proposed techniques with little sacrifice in performance. Practically, our work enhances 38-100% throughput with 26-65% speedups on consumer-grade GPUs by allowing for considerably larger batch sizes. Our work sends a message to the community with promising directions in both representation quality and efficiency for the question-answering task in natural language processing.

new ProTrix: Building Models for Planning and Reasoning over Tables with Sentence Context

Authors: Zirui Wu, Yansong Feng

Abstract: Tables play a crucial role in conveying information in various domains, serving as indispensable tools for organizing and presenting data in a structured manner. We propose a Plan-then-Reason framework to answer different types of user queries over tables with sentence context. The framework first plans the reasoning paths over the context, then assigns each step to program-based or textual reasoning to reach the final answer. We construct an instruction tuning set TrixInstruct following the framework. Our dataset cover queries that are program-unsolvable or need combining information from tables and sentences to obtain planning and reasoning abilities. We present ProTrix by finetuning Llama-2-7B on TrixInstruct. Our experiments show that ProTrix generalizes to diverse tabular tasks and achieves comparable performance to GPT-3.5-turbo. We further demonstrate that ProTrix can generate accurate and faithful explanations to answer complex free-form questions. Our work underscores the importance of the planning and reasoning abilities towards a model over tabular tasks with generalizability and interpretability. We will release our dataset and model at


new Masked Thought: Simply Masking Partial Reasoning Steps Can Improve Mathematical Reasoning Learning of Language Models

Authors: Changyu Chen, Xiting Wang, Ting-En Lin, Ang Lv, Yuchuan Wu, Xin Gao, Ji-Rong Wen, Rui Yan, Yongbin Li

Abstract: In reasoning tasks, even a minor error can cascade into inaccurate results, leading to suboptimal performance of large language models in such domains. Earlier fine-tuning approaches sought to mitigate this by leveraging more precise supervisory signals from human labeling, larger models, or self-sampling, although at a high cost. Conversely, we develop a method that avoids external resources, relying instead on introducing perturbations to the input. Our training approach randomly masks certain tokens within the chain of thought, a technique we found to be particularly effective for reasoning tasks. When applied to fine-tuning with GSM8K, this method achieved a 5% improvement in accuracy over standard supervised fine-tuning with a few codes modified and no additional labeling effort. Furthermore, it is complementary to existing methods. When integrated with related data augmentation methods, it leads to an average improvement of 3% improvement in GSM8K accuracy and 1% improvement in MATH accuracy across five datasets of various quality and size, as well as two base models. We further investigate the mechanisms behind this improvement through case studies and quantitative analysis, suggesting that our approach may provide superior support for the model in capturing long-distance dependencies, especially those related to questions. This enhancement could deepen understanding of premises in questions and prior steps. Our code is available at Github.

new Not all Layers of LLMs are Necessary during Inference

Authors: Siqi Fan, Xin Jiang, Xiang Li, Xuying Meng, Peng Han, Shuo Shang, Aixin Sun, Yequan Wang, Zhongyuan Wang

Abstract: The inference phase of Large Language Models (LLMs) is very expensive. An ideal inference stage of LLMs could utilize fewer computational resources while still maintaining its capabilities (e.g., generalization and in-context learning ability). In this paper, we try to answer the question, "During LLM inference, can we use shallow layers for easy instances; and deep layers for hard ones?" To answer this question, we first indicate that Not all Layers are Necessary during Inference by statistically analyzing the activated layers across tasks. Then, we propose a simple algorithm named AdaInfer to determine the inference termination moment based on the input instance adaptively. More importantly, AdaInfer does not alter LLM parameters and maintains generalizability across tasks. Experiments on well-known LLMs (i.e., Llama2 series and OPT) show that AdaInfer saves an average of 14.8% of computational resources, even up to 50% on sentiment tasks, while maintaining comparable performance. Additionally, this method is orthogonal to other model acceleration techniques, potentially boosting inference efficiency further.

new PHAnToM: Personality Has An Effect on Theory-of-Mind Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Fiona Anting Tan, Gerard Christopher Yeo, Fanyou Wu, Weijie Xu, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha, Kokil Jaidka, Yang Liu, See-Kiong Ng

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLMs) demonstrate that their capabilities are comparable, or even superior, to humans in many tasks in natural language processing. Despite this progress, LLMs are still inadequate at social-cognitive reasoning, which humans are naturally good at. Drawing inspiration from psychological research on the links between certain personality traits and Theory-of-Mind (ToM) reasoning, and from prompt engineering research on the hyper-sensitivity of prompts in affecting LLMs capabilities, this study investigates how inducing personalities in LLMs using prompts affects their ToM reasoning capabilities. Our findings show that certain induced personalities can significantly affect the LLMs' reasoning capabilities in three different ToM tasks. In particular, traits from the Dark Triad have a larger variable effect on LLMs like GPT-3.5, Llama 2, and Mistral across the different ToM tasks. We find that LLMs that exhibit a higher variance across personality prompts in ToM also tends to be more controllable in personality tests: personality traits in LLMs like GPT-3.5, Llama 2 and Mistral can be controllably adjusted through our personality prompts. In today's landscape where role-play is a common strategy when using LLMs, our research highlights the need for caution, as models that adopt specific personas with personalities potentially also alter their reasoning abilities in an unexpected manner.

new Birbal: An efficient 7B instruct-model fine-tuned with curated datasets

Authors: Ashvini Kumar Jindal, Pawan Kumar Rajpoot, Ankur Parikh

Abstract: LLMOps incur significant costs due to hardware requirements, hindering their widespread accessibility. Additionally, a lack of transparency in model training methods and data contributes to the majority of models being non-reproducible. To tackle these challenges, the LLM Efficiency Challenge was introduced at NeurIPS Workshop, aiming to adapt foundation models on a diverse set of tasks via fine-tuning on a single GPU (RTX 4090 or A100 with 40GB) within a 24-hour timeframe. In this system description paper, we introduce Birbal, our Mistral-7B based winning model, fine-tuned on a single RTX 4090 for 16 hours. Birbal's success lies in curating high-quality instructions covering diverse tasks, resulting in a 35% performance improvement over second-best Qwen-14B based submission.

new Subjective $\textit{Isms}$? On the Danger of Conflating Hate and Offence in Abusive Language Detection

Authors: Amanda Cercas Curry, Gavin Abercrombie, Zeerak Talat

Abstract: Natural language processing research has begun to embrace the notion of annotator subjectivity, motivated by variations in labelling. This approach understands each annotator's view as valid, which can be highly suitable for tasks that embed subjectivity, e.g., sentiment analysis. However, this construction may be inappropriate for tasks such as hate speech detection, as it affords equal validity to all positions on e.g., sexism or racism. We argue that the conflation of hate and offence can invalidate findings on hate speech, and call for future work to be situated in theory, disentangling hate from its orthogonal concept, offence.

new FENICE: Factuality Evaluation of summarization based on Natural language Inference and Claim Extraction

Authors: Alessandro Scir\`e, Karim Ghonim, Roberto Navigli

Abstract: Recent advancements in text summarization, particularly with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), have shown remarkable performance. However, a notable challenge persists as a substantial number of automatically-generated summaries exhibit factual inconsistencies, such as hallucinations. In response to this issue, various approaches for the evaluation of consistency for summarization have emerged. Yet, these newly-introduced metrics face several limitations, including lack of interpretability, focus on short document summaries (e.g., news articles), and computational impracticality, especially for LLM-based metrics. To address these shortcomings, we propose Factuality Evaluation of summarization based on Natural language Inference and Claim Extraction (FENICE), a more interpretable and efficient factuality-oriented metric. FENICE leverages an NLI-based alignment between information in the source document and a set of atomic facts, referred to as claims, extracted from the summary. Our metric sets a new state of the art on AGGREFACT, the de-facto benchmark for factuality evaluation. Moreover, we extend our evaluation to a more challenging setting by conducting a human annotation process of long-form summarization.

new RIFF: Learning to Rephrase Inputs for Few-shot Fine-tuning of Language Models

Authors: Saeed Najafi, Alona Fyshe

Abstract: Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) can be accurately fine-tuned for downstream text processing tasks. Recently, researchers have introduced several parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods that optimize input prompts or adjust a small number of model parameters (e.g LoRA). In this study, we explore the impact of altering the input text of the original task in conjunction with parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods. To most effectively rewrite the input text, we train a few-shot paraphrase model with a Maximum-Marginal Likelihood objective. Using six few-shot text classification datasets, we show that enriching data with paraphrases at train and test time enhances the performance beyond what can be achieved with parameter-efficient fine-tuning alone.

new Emotion Granularity from Text: An Aggregate-Level Indicator of Mental Health

Authors: Krishnapriya Vishnubhotla, Daniela Teodorescu, Mallory J. Feldman, Kristen A. Lindquist, Saif M. Mohammad

Abstract: We are united in how emotions are central to shaping our experiences; and yet, individuals differ greatly in how we each identify, categorize, and express emotions. In psychology, variation in the ability of individuals to differentiate between emotion concepts is called emotion granularity (determined through self-reports of one's emotions). High emotion granularity has been linked with better mental and physical health; whereas low emotion granularity has been linked with maladaptive emotion regulation strategies and poor health outcomes. In this work, we propose computational measures of emotion granularity derived from temporally-ordered speaker utterances in social media (in lieu of self-reports that suffer from various biases). We then investigate the effectiveness of such text-derived measures of emotion granularity in functioning as markers of various mental health conditions (MHCs). We establish baseline measures of emotion granularity derived from textual utterances, and show that, at an aggregate level, emotion granularities are significantly lower for people self-reporting as having an MHC than for the control population. This paves the way towards a better understanding of the MHCs, and specifically the role emotions play in our well-being.

new Detection of Non-recorded Word Senses in English and Swedish

Authors: Jonathan Lautenschlager, Emma Sk\"oldberg, Simon Hengchen, Dominik Schlechtweg

Abstract: This study addresses the task of Unknown Sense Detection in English and Swedish. The primary objective of this task is to determine whether the meaning of a particular word usage is documented in a dictionary or not. For this purpose, sense entries are compared with word usages from modern and historical corpora using a pre-trained Word-in-Context embedder that allows us to model this task in a few-shot scenario. Additionally, we use human annotations to adapt and evaluate our models. Compared to a random sample from a corpus, our model is able to considerably increase the detected number of word usages with non-recorded senses.

new Key-Point-Driven Data Synthesis with its Enhancement on Mathematical Reasoning

Authors: Yiming Huang, Xiao Liu, Yeyun Gong, Zhibin Gou, Yelong Shen, Nan Duan, Weizhu Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown great potential in complex reasoning tasks, yet their performance is often hampered by the scarcity of high-quality, reasoning-focused training datasets. Addressing this challenge, we propose Key-Point-Driven Data Synthesis (KPDDS), a novel data synthesis framework that synthesizes question-answer pairs by leveraging key points and exemplar pairs from authentic data sources. KPDDS ensures the generation of novel questions with rigorous quality control and substantial scalability. As a result, we present KPMath, the most extensive synthetic dataset tailored for mathematical reasoning to date, comprising over one million question-answer pairs. Utilizing KPMath and augmenting it with additional reasoning-intensive corpora, we create the comprehensive KPMath-Plus dataset. Fine-tuning the Mistral-7B model on KPMath-Plus yields a zero-shot PASS@1 accuracy of 39.3% on the MATH test set, a performance that not only outpaces other finetuned 7B models but also exceeds that of certain 34B models. Our ablation studies further confirm the substantial enhancement in mathematical reasoning across various subtopics, marking a significant stride in LLMs' reasoning capabilities.

cross Regional inflation analysis using social network data

Authors: Vasilii Chsherbakov Ilia Karpov

Abstract: Inflation is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators that have a great impact on the population of any country and region. Inflation is influenced by range of factors, one of which is inflation expectations. Many central banks take this factor into consideration while implementing monetary policy within the inflation targeting regime. Nowadays, a lot of people are active users of the Internet, especially social networks. There is a hypothesis that people search, read, and discuss mainly only those issues that are of particular interest to them. It is logical to assume that the dynamics of prices may also be in the focus of user discussions. So, such discussions could be regarded as an alternative source of more rapid information about inflation expectations. This study is based on unstructured data from Vkontakte social network to analyze upward and downward inflationary trends (on the example of the Omsk region). The sample of more than 8.5 million posts was collected between January 2010 and May 2022. The authors used BERT neural networks to solve the problem. These models demonstrated better results than the benchmarks (e.g., logistic regression, decision tree classifier, etc.). It makes possible to define pro-inflationary and disinflationary types of keywords in different contexts and get their visualization with SHAP method. This analysis provides additional operational information about inflationary processes at the regional level The proposed approach can be scaled for other regions. At the same time the limitation of the work is the time and power costs for the initial training of similar models for all regions of Russia.

cross Ploutos: Towards interpretable stock movement prediction with financial large language model

Authors: Hanshuang Tong, Jun Li, Ning Wu, Ming Gong, Dongmei Zhang, Qi Zhang

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have opened new pathways for many domains. However, the full potential of LLMs in financial investments remains largely untapped. There are two main challenges for typical deep learning-based methods for quantitative finance. First, they struggle to fuse textual and numerical information flexibly for stock movement prediction. Second, traditional methods lack clarity and interpretability, which impedes their application in scenarios where the justification for predictions is essential. To solve the above challenges, we propose Ploutos, a novel financial LLM framework that consists of PloutosGen and PloutosGPT. The PloutosGen contains multiple primary experts that can analyze different modal data, such as text and numbers, and provide quantitative strategies from different perspectives. Then PloutosGPT combines their insights and predictions and generates interpretable rationales. To generate accurate and faithful rationales, the training strategy of PloutosGPT leverage rearview-mirror prompting mechanism to guide GPT-4 to generate rationales, and a dynamic token weighting mechanism to finetune LLM by increasing key tokens weight. Extensive experiments show our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on both prediction accuracy and interpretability.

cross Utilizing BERT for Information Retrieval: Survey, Applications, Resources, and Challenges

Authors: Jiajia Wang, Jimmy X. Huang, Xinhui Tu, Junmei Wang, Angela J. Huang, Md Tahmid Rahman Laskar, Amran Bhuiyan

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a substantial increase in the use of deep learning to solve various natural language processing (NLP) problems. Early deep learning models were constrained by their sequential or unidirectional nature, such that they struggled to capture the contextual relationships across text inputs. The introduction of bidirectional encoder representations from transformers (BERT) leads to a robust encoder for the transformer model that can understand the broader context and deliver state-of-the-art performance across various NLP tasks. This has inspired researchers and practitioners to apply BERT to practical problems, such as information retrieval (IR). A survey that focuses on a comprehensive analysis of prevalent approaches that apply pretrained transformer encoders like BERT to IR can thus be useful for academia and the industry. In light of this, we revisit a variety of BERT-based methods in this survey, cover a wide range of techniques of IR, and group them into six high-level categories: (i) handling long documents, (ii) integrating semantic information, (iii) balancing effectiveness and efficiency, (iv) predicting the weights of terms, (v) query expansion, and (vi) document expansion. We also provide links to resources, including datasets and toolkits, for BERT-based IR systems. A key highlight of our survey is the comparison between BERT's encoder-based models and the latest generative Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, which rely on decoders. Despite the popularity of LLMs, we find that for specific tasks, finely tuned BERT encoders still outperform, and at a lower deployment cost. Finally, we summarize the comprehensive outcomes of the survey and suggest directions for future research in the area.

cross Self-Retrieval: Building an Information Retrieval System with One Large Language Model

Authors: Qiaoyu Tang, Jiawei Chen, Bowen Yu, Yaojie Lu, Cheng Fu, Haiyang Yu, Hongyu Lin, Fei Huang, Ben He, Xianpei Han, Le Sun, Yongbin Li

Abstract: The rise of large language models (LLMs) has transformed the role of information retrieval (IR) systems in the way to humans accessing information. Due to the isolated architecture and the limited interaction, existing IR systems are unable to fully accommodate the shift from directly providing information to humans to indirectly serving large language models. In this paper, we propose Self-Retrieval, an end-to-end, LLM-driven information retrieval architecture that can fully internalize the required abilities of IR systems into a single LLM and deeply leverage the capabilities of LLMs during IR process. Specifically, Self-retrieval internalizes the corpus to retrieve into a LLM via a natural language indexing architecture. Then the entire retrieval process is redefined as a procedure of document generation and self-assessment, which can be end-to-end executed using a single large language model. Experimental results demonstrate that Self-Retrieval not only significantly outperforms previous retrieval approaches by a large margin, but also can significantly boost the performance of LLM-driven downstream applications like retrieval augumented generation.

cross Enhanced User Interaction in Operating Systems through Machine Learning Language Models

Authors: Chenwei Zhang, Wenran Lu, Chunhe Ni, Hongbo Wang, Jiang Wu

Abstract: With the large language model showing human-like logical reasoning and understanding ability, whether agents based on the large language model can simulate the interaction behavior of real users, so as to build a reliable virtual recommendation A/B test scene to help the application of recommendation research is an urgent, important and economic value problem. The combination of interaction design and machine learning can provide a more efficient and personalized user experience for products and services. This personalized service can meet the specific needs of users and improve user satisfaction and loyalty. Second, the interactive system can understand the user's views and needs for the product by providing a good user interface and interactive experience, and then use machine learning algorithms to improve and optimize the product. This iterative optimization process can continuously improve the quality and performance of the product to meet the changing needs of users. At the same time, designers need to consider how these algorithms and tools can be combined with interactive systems to provide a good user experience. This paper explores the potential applications of large language models, machine learning and interaction design for user interaction in recommendation systems and operating systems. By integrating these technologies, more intelligent and personalized services can be provided to meet user needs and promote continuous improvement and optimization of products. This is of great value for both recommendation research and user experience applications.

cross Enhancing Cloud-Based Large Language Model Processing with Elasticsearch and Transformer Models

Authors: Chunhe Ni, Jiang Wu, Hongbo Wang, Wenran Lu, Chenwei Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are a class of generative AI models built using the Transformer network, capable of leveraging vast datasets to identify, summarize, translate, predict, and generate language. LLMs promise to revolutionize society, yet training these foundational models poses immense challenges. Semantic vector search within large language models is a potent technique that can significantly enhance search result accuracy and relevance. Unlike traditional keyword-based search methods, semantic search utilizes the meaning and context of words to grasp the intent behind queries and deliver more precise outcomes. Elasticsearch emerges as one of the most popular tools for implementing semantic search an exceptionally scalable and robust search engine designed for indexing and searching extensive datasets. In this article, we delve into the fundamentals of semantic search and explore how to harness Elasticsearch and Transformer models to bolster large language model processing paradigms. We gain a comprehensive understanding of semantic search principles and acquire practical skills for implementing semantic search in real-world model application scenarios.

cross Bootstrapping Cognitive Agents with a Large Language Model

Authors: Feiyu Zhu, Reid Simmons

Abstract: Large language models contain noisy general knowledge of the world, yet are hard to train or fine-tune. On the other hand cognitive architectures have excellent interpretability and are flexible to update but require a lot of manual work to instantiate. In this work, we combine the best of both worlds: bootstrapping a cognitive-based model with the noisy knowledge encoded in large language models. Through an embodied agent doing kitchen tasks, we show that our proposed framework yields better efficiency compared to an agent based entirely on large language models. Our experiments indicate that large language models are a good source of information for cognitive architectures, and the cognitive architecture in turn can verify and update the knowledge of large language models to a specific domain.

cross Cognitive Bias in High-Stakes Decision-Making with LLMs

Authors: Jessica Echterhoff, Yao Liu, Abeer Alessa, Julian McAuley, Zexue He

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) offer significant potential as tools to support an expanding range of decision-making tasks. However, given their training on human (created) data, LLMs can inherit both societal biases against protected groups, as well as be subject to cognitive bias. Such human-like bias can impede fair and explainable decisions made with LLM assistance. Our work introduces BiasBuster, a framework designed to uncover, evaluate, and mitigate cognitive bias in LLMs, particularly in high-stakes decision-making tasks. Inspired by prior research in psychology and cognitive sciences, we develop a dataset containing 16,800 prompts to evaluate different cognitive biases (e.g., prompt-induced, sequential, inherent). We test various bias mitigation strategies, amidst proposing a novel method using LLMs to debias their own prompts. Our analysis provides a comprehensive picture on the presence and effects of cognitive bias across different commercial and open-source models. We demonstrate that our self-help debiasing effectively mitigate cognitive bias without having to manually craft examples for each bias type.

cross Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems: Automatic Dataset Creation, Evaluation and Boolean Agent Setup

Authors: Tristan Kenneweg, Philip Kenneweg, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) systems have seen huge popularity in augmenting Large-Language Model (LLM) outputs with domain specific and time sensitive data. Very recently a shift is happening from simple RAG setups that query a vector database for additional information with every user input to more sophisticated forms of RAG. However, different concrete approaches compete on mostly anecdotal evidence at the moment. In this paper we present a rigorous dataset creation and evaluation workflow to quantitatively compare different RAG strategies. We use a dataset created this way for the development and evaluation of a boolean agent RAG setup: A system in which a LLM can decide whether to query a vector database or not, thus saving tokens on questions that can be answered with internal knowledge. We publish our code and generated dataset online.

cross Adapting to Teammates in a Cooperative Language Game

Authors: Christopher Archibald, Spencer Brosnahan

Abstract: The game of Codenames has recently emerged as a domain of interest for intelligent agent design. The game is unique due to the way that language and coordination between teammates play important roles. Previous approaches to designing agents for this game have utilized a single internal language model to determine action choices. This often leads to good performance with some teammates and inferior performance with other teammates, as the agent cannot adapt to any specific teammate. In this paper we present the first adaptive agent for playing Codenames. We adopt an ensemble approach with the goal of determining, during the course of interacting with a specific teammate, which of our internal expert agents, each potentially with its own language model, is the best match. One difficulty faced in this approach is the lack of a single numerical metric that accurately captures the performance of a Codenames team. Prior Codenames research has utilized a handful of different metrics to evaluate agent teams. We propose a novel single metric to evaluate the performance of a Codenames team, whether playing a single team (solitaire) game, or a competitive game against another team. We then present and analyze an ensemble agent which selects an internal expert on each turn in order to maximize this proposed metric. Experimental analysis shows that this ensemble approach adapts to individual teammates and often performs nearly as well as the best internal expert with a teammate. Crucially, this success does not depend on any previous knowledge about the teammates, the ensemble agents, or their compatibility. This research represents an important step to making language-based agents for cooperative language settings like Codenames more adaptable to individual teammates.

cross TroubleLLM: Align to Red Team Expert

Authors: Zhuoer Xu, Jianping Zhang, Shiwen Cui, Changhua Meng, Weiqiang Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) become the start-of-the-art solutions for a variety of natural language tasks and are integrated into real-world applications. However, LLMs can be potentially harmful in manifesting undesirable safety issues like social biases and toxic content. It is imperative to assess its safety issues before deployment. However, the quality and diversity of test prompts generated by existing methods are still far from satisfactory. Not only are these methods labor-intensive and require large budget costs, but the controllability of test prompt generation is lacking for the specific testing domain of LLM applications. With the idea of LLM for LLM testing, we propose the first LLM, called TroubleLLM, to generate controllable test prompts on LLM safety issues. Extensive experiments and human evaluation illustrate the superiority of TroubleLLM on generation quality and generation controllability.

cross MedAide: Leveraging Large Language Models for On-Premise Medical Assistance on Edge Devices

Authors: Abdul Basit, Khizar Hussain, Muhammad Abdullah Hanif, Muhammad Shafique

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are revolutionizing various domains with their remarkable natural language processing (NLP) abilities. However, deploying LLMs in resource-constrained edge computing and embedded systems presents significant challenges. Another challenge lies in delivering medical assistance in remote areas with limited healthcare facilities and infrastructure. To address this, we introduce MedAide, an on-premise healthcare chatbot. It leverages tiny-LLMs integrated with LangChain, providing efficient edge-based preliminary medical diagnostics and support. MedAide employs model optimizations for minimal memory footprint and latency on embedded edge devices without server infrastructure. The training process is optimized using low-rank adaptation (LoRA). Additionally, the model is trained on diverse medical datasets, employing reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) to enhance its domain-specific capabilities. The system is implemented on various consumer GPUs and Nvidia Jetson development board. MedAide achieves 77\% accuracy in medical consultations and scores 56 in USMLE benchmark, enabling an energy-efficient healthcare assistance platform that alleviates privacy concerns due to edge-based deployment, thereby empowering the community.

cross ToolNet: Connecting Large Language Models with Massive Tools via Tool Graph

Authors: Xukun Liu, Zhiyuan Peng, Xiaoyuan Yi, Xing Xie, Lirong Xiang, Yuchen Liu, Dongkuan Xu

Abstract: While achieving remarkable progress in a broad range of tasks, large language models (LLMs) remain significantly limited in properly using massive external tools. Existing in-context learning approaches simply format tools into a list of plain text descriptions and input them to LLMs, from which, LLMs generate a sequence of tool calls to solve problems step by step. Such a paradigm ignores the intrinsic dependency between tools and offloads all reasoning loads to LLMs, making them restricted to a limited number of specifically designed tools. It thus remains challenging for LLMs to operate on a library of massive tools, casting a great limitation when confronted with real-world scenarios. This paper proposes ToolNet, a plug-and-play framework that scales up the number of tools to thousands with a moderate increase in token consumption. ToolNet organizes tools into a directed graph. Each node represents a tool, and weighted edges denote tool transition. Starting from an initial tool node, an LLM navigates in the graph by iteratively choosing the next one from its successors until the task is resolved. Extensive experiments show that ToolNet can achieve impressive results in challenging multi-hop tool learning datasets and is resilient to tool failures.

cross Enhancing Long-Term Recommendation with Bi-level Learnable Large Language Model Planning

Authors: Wentao Shi, Xiangnan He, Yang Zhang, Chongming Gao, Xinyue Li, Jizhi Zhang, Qifan Wang, Fuli Feng

Abstract: Traditional recommendation setting tends to excessively cater to users' immediate interests and neglect their long-term engagement. To address it, it is crucial to incorporate planning capabilities into the recommendation decision-making process to develop policies that take into account both immediate interests and long-term engagement. Despite Reinforcement Learning (RL) can learn planning capacity by maximizing cumulative reward, the scarcity of recommendation data presents challenges such as instability and susceptibility to overfitting when training RL models from scratch. In this context, we propose to leverage the remarkable planning capabilities over sparse data of Large Language Models (LLMs) for long-term recommendation. The key lies in enabling a language model to understand and apply task-solving principles effectively in personalized recommendation scenarios, as the model's pre-training may not naturally encompass these principles, necessitating the need to inspire or teach the model. To achieve this, we propose a Bi-level Learnable LLM Planner framework, which combines macro-learning and micro-learning through a hierarchical mechanism. The framework includes a Planner and Reflector for acquiring high-level guiding principles and an Actor-Critic component for planning personalization. Extensive experiments validate the superiority of the framework in learning to plan for long-term recommendations.

cross Speaker-Independent Dysarthria Severity Classification using Self-Supervised Transformers and Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Lauren Stumpf, Balasundaram Kadirvelu, Sigourney Waibel, A. Aldo Faisal

Abstract: Dysarthria, a condition resulting from impaired control of the speech muscles due to neurological disorders, significantly impacts the communication and quality of life of patients. The condition's complexity, human scoring and varied presentations make its assessment and management challenging. This study presents a transformer-based framework for automatically assessing dysarthria severity from raw speech data. It can offer an objective, repeatable, accessible, standardised and cost-effective and compared to traditional methods requiring human expert assessors. We develop a transformer framework, called Speaker-Agnostic Latent Regularisation (SALR), incorporating a multi-task learning objective and contrastive learning for speaker-independent multi-class dysarthria severity classification. The multi-task framework is designed to reduce reliance on speaker-specific characteristics and address the intrinsic intra-class variability of dysarthric speech. We evaluated on the Universal Access Speech dataset using leave-one-speaker-out cross-validation, our model demonstrated superior performance over traditional machine learning approaches, with an accuracy of $70.48\%$ and an F1 score of $59.23\%$. Our SALR model also exceeded the previous benchmark for AI-based classification, which used support vector machines, by $16.58\%$. We open the black box of our model by visualising the latent space where we can observe how the model substantially reduces speaker-specific cues and amplifies task-specific ones, thereby showing its robustness. In conclusion, SALR establishes a new benchmark in speaker-independent multi-class dysarthria severity classification using generative AI. The potential implications of our findings for broader clinical applications in automated dysarthria severity assessments.

cross Direct Alignment of Draft Model for Speculative Decoding with Chat-Fine-Tuned LLMs

Authors: Raghavv Goel, Mukul Gagrani, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Text generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is known to be memory bound due to the combination of their auto-regressive nature, huge parameter counts, and limited memory bandwidths, often resulting in low token rates. Speculative decoding has been proposed as a solution for LLM inference acceleration. However, since draft models are often unavailable in the modern open-source LLM families, e.g., for Llama 2 7B, training a high-quality draft model is required to enable inference acceleration via speculative decoding. In this paper, we propose a simple draft model training framework for direct alignment to chat-capable target models. With the proposed framework, we train Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M, a draft model for Llama 2 Chat 7B or larger, with only 1.64\% of the original size. Our training framework only consists of pretraining, distillation dataset generation, and finetuning with knowledge distillation, with no additional alignment procedure. For the finetuning step, we use instruction-response pairs generated by target model for distillation in plausible data distribution, and propose a new Total Variation Distance++ (TVD++) loss that incorporates variance reduction techniques inspired from the policy gradient method in reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M with speculative decoding achieves up to 2.3 block efficiency and 2.4$\times$ speed-up relative to autoregressive decoding on various tasks with no further task-specific fine-tuning.

cross LLM-Ensemble: Optimal Large Language Model Ensemble Method for E-commerce Product Attribute Value Extraction

Authors: Chenhao Fang, Xiaohan Li, Zezhong Fan, Jianpeng Xu, Kaushiki Nag, Evren Korpeoglu, Sushant Kumar, Kannan Achan

Abstract: Product attribute value extraction is a pivotal component in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the contemporary e-commerce industry. The provision of precise product attribute values is fundamental in ensuring high-quality recommendations and enhancing customer satisfaction. The recently emerging Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated state-of-the-art performance in numerous attribute extraction tasks, without the need for domain-specific training data. Nevertheless, varying strengths and weaknesses are exhibited by different LLMs due to the diversity in data, architectures, and hyperparameters. This variation makes them complementary to each other, with no single LLM dominating all others. Considering the diverse strengths and weaknesses of LLMs, it becomes necessary to develop an ensemble method that leverages their complementary potentials. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm called LLM-ensemble to ensemble different LLMs' outputs for attribute value extraction. We iteratively learn the weights for different LLMs to aggregate the labels with weights to predict the final attribute value. Not only can our proposed method be proven theoretically optimal, but it also ensures efficient computation, fast convergence, and safe deployment. We have also conducted extensive experiments with various state-of-the-art LLMs, including Llama2-13B, Llama2-70B, PaLM-2, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, on Walmart's internal data. Our offline metrics demonstrate that the LLM-ensemble method outperforms all the state-of-the-art single LLMs on Walmart's internal dataset. This method has been launched in several production models, leading to improved Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV), Click-Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate (CVR), and Add-to-Cart Rate (ATC).

cross Gradient Cuff: Detecting Jailbreak Attacks on Large Language Models by Exploring Refusal Loss Landscapes

Authors: Xiaomeng Hu, Pin-Yu Chen, Tsung-Yi Ho

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming a prominent generative AI tool, where the user enters a query and the LLM generates an answer. To reduce harm and misuse, efforts have been made to align these LLMs to human values using advanced training techniques such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF). However, recent studies have highlighted the vulnerability of LLMs to adversarial jailbreak attempts aiming at subverting the embedded safety guardrails. To address this challenge, this paper defines and investigates the Refusal Loss of LLMs and then proposes a method called Gradient Cuff to detect jailbreak attempts. Gradient Cuff exploits the unique properties observed in the refusal loss landscape, including functional values and its smoothness, to design an effective two-step detection strategy. Experimental results on two aligned LLMs (LLaMA-2-7B-Chat and Vicuna-7B-V1.5) and six types of jailbreak attacks (GCG, AutoDAN, PAIR, TAP, Base64, and LRL) show that Gradient Cuff can significantly improve the LLM's rejection capability for malicious jailbreak queries, while maintaining the model's performance for benign user queries by adjusting the detection threshold.

cross Teach LLMs to Phish: Stealing Private Information from Language Models

Authors: Ashwinee Panda, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Zhengming Zhang, Yaoqing Yang, Prateek Mittal

Abstract: When large language models are trained on private data, it can be a significant privacy risk for them to memorize and regurgitate sensitive information. In this work, we propose a new practical data extraction attack that we call "neural phishing". This attack enables an adversary to target and extract sensitive or personally identifiable information (PII), e.g., credit card numbers, from a model trained on user data with upwards of 10% attack success rates, at times, as high as 50%. Our attack assumes only that an adversary can insert as few as 10s of benign-appearing sentences into the training dataset using only vague priors on the structure of the user data.

cross SEGAA: A Unified Approach to Predicting Age, Gender, and Emotion in Speech

Authors: Aron R, Indra Sigicharla, Chirag Periwal, Mohanaprasad K, Nithya Darisini P S, Sourabh Tiwari, Shivani Arora

Abstract: The interpretation of human voices holds importance across various applications. This study ventures into predicting age, gender, and emotion from vocal cues, a field with vast applications. Voice analysis tech advancements span domains, from improving customer interactions to enhancing healthcare and retail experiences. Discerning emotions aids mental health, while age and gender detection are vital in various contexts. Exploring deep learning models for these predictions involves comparing single, multi-output, and sequential models highlighted in this paper. Sourcing suitable data posed challenges, resulting in the amalgamation of the CREMA-D and EMO-DB datasets. Prior work showed promise in individual predictions, but limited research considered all three variables simultaneously. This paper identifies flaws in an individual model approach and advocates for our novel multi-output learning architecture Speech-based Emotion Gender and Age Analysis (SEGAA) model. The experiments suggest that Multi-output models perform comparably to individual models, efficiently capturing the intricate relationships between variables and speech inputs, all while achieving improved runtime.

cross A Regularization-based Transfer Learning Method for Information Extraction via Instructed Graph Decoder

Authors: Kedi Chen, Jie Zhou, Qin Chen, Shunyu Liu, Liang He

Abstract: Information extraction (IE) aims to extract complex structured information from the text. Numerous datasets have been constructed for various IE tasks, leading to time-consuming and labor-intensive data annotations. Nevertheless, most prevailing methods focus on training task-specific models, while the common knowledge among different IE tasks is not explicitly modeled. Moreover, the same phrase may have inconsistent labels in different tasks, which poses a big challenge for knowledge transfer using a unified model. In this study, we propose a regularization-based transfer learning method for IE (TIE) via an instructed graph decoder. Specifically, we first construct an instruction pool for datasets from all well-known IE tasks, and then present an instructed graph decoder, which decodes various complex structures into a graph uniformly based on corresponding instructions. In this way, the common knowledge shared with existing datasets can be learned and transferred to a new dataset with new labels. Furthermore, to alleviate the label inconsistency problem among various IE tasks, we introduce a task-specific regularization strategy, which does not update the gradients of two tasks with 'opposite direction'. We conduct extensive experiments on 12 datasets spanning four IE tasks, and the results demonstrate the great advantages of our proposed method

cross A systematic evaluation of large language models for generating programming code

Authors: Wenpin Hou, Zhicheng Ji

Abstract: We systematically evaluated the performance of seven large language models in generating programming code using various prompt strategies, programming languages, and task difficulties. GPT-4 substantially outperforms other large language models, including Gemini Ultra and Claude 2. The coding performance of GPT-4 varies considerably with different prompt strategies. In most LeetCode and GeeksforGeeks coding contests evaluated in this study, GPT-4 employing the optimal prompt strategy outperforms 85 percent of human participants. Additionally, GPT-4 demonstrates strong capabilities in translating code between different programming languages and in learning from past errors. The computational efficiency of the code generated by GPT-4 is comparable to that of human programmers. These results suggest that GPT-4 has the potential to serve as a reliable assistant in programming code generation and software development.

cross An Interpretable Ensemble of Graph and Language Models for Improving Search Relevance in E-Commerce

Authors: Nurendra Choudhary, Edward W Huang, Karthik Subbian, Chandan K. Reddy

Abstract: The problem of search relevance in the E-commerce domain is a challenging one since it involves understanding the intent of a user's short nuanced query and matching it with the appropriate products in the catalog. This problem has traditionally been addressed using language models (LMs) and graph neural networks (GNNs) to capture semantic and inter-product behavior signals, respectively. However, the rapid development of new architectures has created a gap between research and the practical adoption of these techniques. Evaluating the generalizability of these models for deployment requires extensive experimentation on complex, real-world datasets, which can be non-trivial and expensive. Furthermore, such models often operate on latent space representations that are incomprehensible to humans, making it difficult to evaluate and compare the effectiveness of different models. This lack of interpretability hinders the development and adoption of new techniques in the field. To bridge this gap, we propose Plug and Play Graph LAnguage Model (PP-GLAM), an explainable ensemble of plug and play models. Our approach uses a modular framework with uniform data processing pipelines. It employs additive explanation metrics to independently decide whether to include (i) language model candidates, (ii) GNN model candidates, and (iii) inter-product behavioral signals. For the task of search relevance, we show that PP-GLAM outperforms several state-of-the-art baselines as well as a proprietary model on real-world multilingual, multi-regional e-commerce datasets. To promote better model comprehensibility and adoption, we also provide an analysis of the explainability and computational complexity of our model. We also provide the public codebase and provide a deployment strategy for practical implementation.

cross Differentially Private Knowledge Distillation via Synthetic Text Generation

Authors: James Flemings, Murali Annavaram

Abstract: Large Language models (LLMs) are achieving state-of-the-art performance in many different downstream tasks. However, the increasing urgency of data privacy requires LLMs to train with Differential Privacy (DP) on private data. Concurrently it is also necessary to compress LLMs for real-life deployments on resource-constrained devices or latency-sensitive applications. Differential privacy and model compression generally must trade off utility loss to achieve their objectives. Moreover, concurrently achieving both can result in even more utility loss. To this end, we propose a novel differentially private knowledge distillation algorithm that exploits synthetic data generated by a differentially private LLM. The knowledge of a teacher model is transferred onto the student in two ways: one way from the synthetic data itself, the hard labels, and the other way by the output distribution of the teacher model evaluated on the synthetic data, the soft labels. Furthermore, if the teacher and student share a similar architectural structure, we can further distill knowledge by exploiting hidden representations. Our results show that our framework substantially improves the utility over existing baselines with strong privacy parameters, {\epsilon} = 2, validating that we can successfully compress autoregressive LLMs while preserving the privacy of training data.

cross Leveraging Prompt-Based Large Language Models: Predicting Pandemic Health Decisions and Outcomes Through Social Media Language

Authors: Xiaohan Ding, Buse Carik, Uma Sushmitha Gunturi, Valerie Reyna, Eugenia H. Rho

Abstract: We introduce a multi-step reasoning framework using prompt-based LLMs to examine the relationship between social media language patterns and trends in national health outcomes. Grounded in fuzzy-trace theory, which emphasizes the importance of gists of causal coherence in effective health communication, we introduce Role-Based Incremental Coaching (RBIC), a prompt-based LLM framework, to identify gists at-scale. Using RBIC, we systematically extract gists from subreddit discussions opposing COVID-19 health measures (Study 1). We then track how these gists evolve across key events (Study 2) and assess their influence on online engagement (Study 3). Finally, we investigate how the volume of gists is associated with national health trends like vaccine uptake and hospitalizations (Study 4). Our work is the first to empirically link social media linguistic patterns to real-world public health trends, highlighting the potential of prompt-based LLMs in identifying critical online discussion patterns that can form the basis of public health communication strategies.

cross LLaMoCo: Instruction Tuning of Large Language Models for Optimization Code Generation

Authors: Zeyuan Ma, Hongshu Guo, Jiacheng Chen, Guojun Peng, Zhiguang Cao, Yining Ma, Yue-Jiao Gong

Abstract: Recent research explores optimization using large language models (LLMs) by either iteratively seeking next-step solutions from LLMs or directly prompting LLMs for an optimizer. However, these approaches exhibit inherent limitations, including low operational efficiency, high sensitivity to prompt design, and a lack of domain-specific knowledge. We introduce LLaMoCo, the first instruction-tuning framework designed to adapt LLMs for solving optimization problems in a code-to-code manner. Specifically, we establish a comprehensive instruction set containing well-described problem prompts and effective optimization codes. We then develop a novel two-phase learning strategy that incorporates a contrastive learning-based warm-up procedure before the instruction-tuning phase to enhance the convergence behavior during model fine-tuning. The experiment results demonstrate that a CodeGen (350M) model fine-tuned by our LLaMoCo achieves superior optimization performance compared to GPT-4 Turbo and the other competitors across both synthetic and realistic problem sets. The fine-tuned model and the usage instructions are available at


cross Pseudo-Label Calibration Semi-supervised Multi-Modal Entity Alignment

Authors: Luyao Wang, Pengnian Qi, Xigang Bao, Chunlai Zhou, Biao Qin

Abstract: Multi-modal entity alignment (MMEA) aims to identify equivalent entities between two multi-modal knowledge graphs for integration. Unfortunately, prior arts have attempted to improve the interaction and fusion of multi-modal information, which have overlooked the influence of modal-specific noise and the usage of labeled and unlabeled data in semi-supervised settings. In this work, we introduce a Pseudo-label Calibration Multi-modal Entity Alignment (PCMEA) in a semi-supervised way. Specifically, in order to generate holistic entity representations, we first devise various embedding modules and attention mechanisms to extract visual, structural, relational, and attribute features. Different from the prior direct fusion methods, we next propose to exploit mutual information maximization to filter the modal-specific noise and to augment modal-invariant commonality. Then, we combine pseudo-label calibration with momentum-based contrastive learning to make full use of the labeled and unlabeled data, which improves the quality of pseudo-label and pulls aligned entities closer. Finally, extensive experiments on two MMEA datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our PCMEA, which yields state-of-the-art performance.

cross Augmenting Automation: Intent-Based User Instruction Classification with Machine Learning

Authors: Lochan Basyal, Bijay Gaudel

Abstract: Electric automation systems offer convenience and efficiency in controlling electrical circuits and devices. Traditionally, these systems rely on predefined commands for control, limiting flexibility and adaptability. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to augment automation by introducing intent-based user instruction classification using machine learning techniques. Our system represents user instructions as intents, allowing for dynamic control of electrical circuits without relying on predefined commands. Through a machine learning model trained on a labeled dataset of user instructions, our system classifies intents from user input, enabling a more intuitive and adaptable control scheme. We present the design and implementation of our intent-based electric automation system, detailing the development of the machine learning model for intent classification. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in enhancing user experience and expanding the capabilities of electric automation systems. Our work contributes to the advancement of smart technologies by providing a more seamless interaction between users and their environments.

cross SceneCraft: An LLM Agent for Synthesizing 3D Scene as Blender Code

Authors: Ziniu Hu, Ahmet Iscen, Aashi Jain, Thomas Kipf, Yisong Yue, David A. Ross, Cordelia Schmid, Alireza Fathi

Abstract: This paper introduces SceneCraft, a Large Language Model (LLM) Agent converting text descriptions into Blender-executable Python scripts which render complex scenes with up to a hundred 3D assets. This process requires complex spatial planning and arrangement. We tackle these challenges through a combination of advanced abstraction, strategic planning, and library learning. SceneCraft first models a scene graph as a blueprint, detailing the spatial relationships among assets in the scene. SceneCraft then writes Python scripts based on this graph, translating relationships into numerical constraints for asset layout. Next, SceneCraft leverages the perceptual strengths of vision-language foundation models like GPT-V to analyze rendered images and iteratively refine the scene. On top of this process, SceneCraft features a library learning mechanism that compiles common script functions into a reusable library, facilitating continuous self-improvement without expensive LLM parameter tuning. Our evaluation demonstrates that SceneCraft surpasses existing LLM-based agents in rendering complex scenes, as shown by its adherence to constraints and favorable human assessments. We also showcase the broader application potential of SceneCraft by reconstructing detailed 3D scenes from the Sintel movie and guiding a video generative model with generated scenes as intermediary control signal.

cross Dissecting Language Models: Machine Unlearning via Selective Pruning

Authors: Nicholas Pochinkov, Nandi Schoots

Abstract: Understanding and shaping the behaviour of Large Language Models (LLMs) is increasingly important as applications become more powerful and more frequently adopted. This paper introduces a machine unlearning method specifically designed for LLMs. We introduce a selective pruning method for LLMs that removes neurons based on their relative importance on a targeted capability compared to overall network performance. This approach is a compute- and data-efficient method for identifying and removing neurons that enable specific behaviours. Our findings reveal that both feed-forward and attention neurons in LLMs are specialized; that is, for specific tasks, certain neurons are more crucial than others.

cross NoMAD-Attention: Efficient LLM Inference on CPUs Through Multiply-add-free Attention

Authors: Tianyi Zhang, Jonah Wonkyu Yi, Bowen Yao, Zhaozhuo Xu, Anshumali Shrivastava

Abstract: Large language model inference on Central Processing Units (CPU) is challenging due to the vast quantities of expensive Multiply-Add (MAD) matrix operations in the attention computations. In this paper, we argue that there is a rare gem in modern CPUs, Single-Instruction-Multiple-Data (SIMD) registers, which allow for ultra-low-latency lookups in batch. We leverage this unique capability of CPUs to propose NoMAD-Attention, an efficient attention algorithm that replaces MAD operations with in-register lookups. Through hardware-aware algorithmic designs, NoMAD-Attention achieves the computation of attention scores using repeated fast accesses to SIMD registers despite their highly limited sizes. Moreover, NoMAD-Attention works with pre-trained attention-based LLMs without model finetuning. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that NoMAD-Attention maintains the quality of the original LLMs well, and speeds up the 4-bit quantized LLaMA-7B-based model by up to 2$\times$ at 16k context length. Our results are reproducible at


cross On the Compressibility of Quantized Large Language Models

Authors: Yu Mao, Weilan Wang, Hongchao Du, Nan Guan, Chun Jason Xue

Abstract: Deploying Large Language Models (LLMs) on edge or mobile devices offers significant benefits, such as enhanced data privacy and real-time processing capabilities. However, it also faces critical challenges due to the substantial memory requirement of LLMs. Quantization is an effective way of reducing the model size while maintaining good performance. However, even after quantization, LLMs may still be too big to fit entirely into the limited memory of edge or mobile devices and have to be partially loaded from the storage to complete the inference. In this case, the I/O latency of model loading becomes the bottleneck of the LLM inference latency. In this work, we take a preliminary step of studying applying data compression techniques to reduce data movement and thus speed up the inference of quantized LLM on memory-constrained devices. In particular, we discussed the compressibility of quantized LLMs, the trade-off between the compressibility and performance of quantized LLMs, and opportunities to optimize both of them jointly.

cross Logic Rules as Explanations for Legal Case Retrieval

Authors: Zhongxiang Sun, Kepu Zhang, Weijie Yu, Haoyu Wang, Jun Xu

Abstract: In this paper, we address the issue of using logic rules to explain the results from legal case retrieval. The task is critical to legal case retrieval because the users (e.g., lawyers or judges) are highly specialized and require the system to provide logical, faithful, and interpretable explanations before making legal decisions. Recently, research efforts have been made to learn explainable legal case retrieval models. However, these methods usually select rationales (key sentences) from the legal cases as explanations, failing to provide faithful and logically correct explanations. In this paper, we propose Neural-Symbolic enhanced Legal Case Retrieval (NS-LCR), a framework that explicitly conducts reasoning on the matching of legal cases through learning case-level and law-level logic rules. The learned rules are then integrated into the retrieval process in a neuro-symbolic manner. Benefiting from the logic and interpretable nature of the logic rules, NS-LCR is equipped with built-in faithful explainability. We also show that NS-LCR is a model-agnostic framework that can be plugged in for multiple legal retrieval models. To showcase NS-LCR's superiority, we enhance existing benchmarks by adding manually annotated logic rules and introducing a novel explainability metric using Large Language Models (LLMs). Our comprehensive experiments reveal NS-LCR's effectiveness for ranking, alongside its proficiency in delivering reliable explanations for legal case retrieval.

cross WARDEN: Multi-Directional Backdoor Watermarks for Embedding-as-a-Service Copyright Protection

Authors: Anudeex Shetty, Yue Teng, Ke He, Qiongkai Xu

Abstract: Embedding as a Service (EaaS) has become a widely adopted solution, which offers feature extraction capabilities for addressing various downstream tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Prior studies have shown that EaaS can be prone to model extraction attacks; nevertheless, this concern could be mitigated by adding backdoor watermarks to the text embeddings and subsequently verifying the attack models post-publication. Through the analysis of the recent watermarking strategy for EaaS, EmbMarker, we design a novel CSE (Clustering, Selection, Elimination) attack that removes the backdoor watermark while maintaining the high utility of embeddings, indicating that the previous watermarking approach can be breached. In response to this new threat, we propose a new protocol to make the removal of watermarks more challenging by incorporating multiple possible watermark directions. Our defense approach, WARDEN, notably increases the stealthiness of watermarks and empirically has been shown effective against CSE attack.

cross SCHEMA: State CHangEs MAtter for Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos

Authors: Yulei Niu, Wenliang Guo, Long Chen, Xudong Lin, Shih-Fu Chang

Abstract: We study the problem of procedure planning in instructional videos, which aims to make a goal-oriented sequence of action steps given partial visual state observations. The motivation of this problem is to learn a structured and plannable state and action space. Recent works succeeded in sequence modeling of steps with only sequence-level annotations accessible during training, which overlooked the roles of states in the procedures. In this work, we point out that State CHangEs MAtter (SCHEMA) for procedure planning in instructional videos. We aim to establish a more structured state space by investigating the causal relations between steps and states in procedures. Specifically, we explicitly represent each step as state changes and track the state changes in procedures. For step representation, we leveraged the commonsense knowledge in large language models (LLMs) to describe the state changes of steps via our designed chain-of-thought prompting. For state change tracking, we align visual state observations with language state descriptions via cross-modal contrastive learning, and explicitly model the intermediate states of the procedure using LLM-generated state descriptions. Experiments on CrossTask, COIN, and NIV benchmark datasets demonstrate that our proposed SCHEMA model achieves state-of-the-art performance and obtains explainable visualizations.

cross You Need to Pay Better Attention

Authors: Mehran Hosseini, Peyman Hosseini

Abstract: We introduce three new attention mechanisms that outperform standard multi-head attention in terms of efficiency and learning capabilities, thereby improving the performance and broader deployability of Transformer models. Our first contribution is Optimised Attention, which performs similarly to standard attention, but has 3/4 as many parameters and one matrix multiplication fewer per head. Next, we introduce Efficient Attention, which performs on par with standard attention with only 1/2 as many parameters as many parameters and two matrix multiplications fewer per head and is up to twice as fast as standard attention. Lastly, we introduce Super Attention, which surpasses standard attention by a significant margin in both vision and natural language processing tasks while having fewer parameters and matrix multiplications. In addition to providing rigorous mathematical comparisons, we evaluate the presented attention mechanisms on MNIST, CIFAR100, IMDB Movie Reviews, and Amazon Reviews datasets.

cross Towards Self-Contained Answers: Entity-Based Answer Rewriting in Conversational Search

Authors: Ivan Sekuli\'c, Krisztian Balog, Fabio Crestani

Abstract: Conversational information-seeking (CIS) is an emerging paradigm for knowledge acquisition and exploratory search. Traditional web search interfaces enable easy exploration of entities, but this is limited in conversational settings due to the limited-bandwidth interface. This paper explore ways to rewrite answers in CIS, so that users can understand them without having to resort to external services or sources. Specifically, we focus on salient entities -- entities that are central to understanding the answer. As our first contribution, we create a dataset of conversations annotated with entities for saliency. Our analysis of the collected data reveals that the majority of answers contain salient entities. As our second contribution, we propose two answer rewriting strategies aimed at improving the overall user experience in CIS. One approach expands answers with inline definitions of salient entities, making the answer self-contained. The other approach complements answers with follow-up questions, offering users the possibility to learn more about specific entities. Results of a crowdsourcing-based study indicate that rewritten answers are clearly preferred over the original ones. We also find that inline definitions tend to be favored over follow-up questions, but this choice is highly subjective, thereby providing a promising future direction for personalization.

cross How Multimodal Integration Boost the Performance of LLM for Optimization: Case Study on Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problems

Authors: Yuxiao Huang, Wenjie Zhang, Liang Feng, Xingyu Wu, Kay Chen Tan

Abstract: Recently, large language models (LLMs) have notably positioned them as capable tools for addressing complex optimization challenges. Despite this recognition, a predominant limitation of existing LLM-based optimization methods is their struggle to capture the relationships among decision variables when relying exclusively on numerical text prompts, especially in high-dimensional problems. Keeping this in mind, we first propose to enhance the optimization performance using multimodal LLM capable of processing both textual and visual prompts for deeper insights of the processed optimization problem. This integration allows for a more comprehensive understanding of optimization problems, akin to human cognitive processes. We have developed a multimodal LLM-based optimization framework that simulates human problem-solving workflows, thereby offering a more nuanced and effective analysis. The efficacy of this method is evaluated through extensive empirical studies focused on a well-known combinatorial optimization problem, i.e., capacitated vehicle routing problem. The results are compared against those obtained from the LLM-based optimization algorithms that rely solely on textual prompts, demonstrating the significant advantages of our multimodal approach.

cross Model-Based Data-Centric AI: Bridging the Divide Between Academic Ideals and Industrial Pragmatism

Authors: Chanjun Park, Minsoo Khang, Dahyun Kim

Abstract: This paper delves into the contrasting roles of data within academic and industrial spheres, highlighting the divergence between Data-Centric AI and Model-Agnostic AI approaches. We argue that while Data-Centric AI focuses on the primacy of high-quality data for model performance, Model-Agnostic AI prioritizes algorithmic flexibility, often at the expense of data quality considerations. This distinction reveals that academic standards for data quality frequently do not meet the rigorous demands of industrial applications, leading to potential pitfalls in deploying academic models in real-world settings. Through a comprehensive analysis, we address these disparities, presenting both the challenges they pose and strategies for bridging the gap. Furthermore, we propose a novel paradigm: Model-Based Data-Centric AI, which aims to reconcile these differences by integrating model considerations into data optimization processes. This approach underscores the necessity for evolving data requirements that are sensitive to the nuances of both academic research and industrial deployment. By exploring these discrepancies, we aim to foster a more nuanced understanding of data's role in AI development and encourage a convergence of academic and industrial standards to enhance AI's real-world applicability.

cross Modeling Multimodal Social Interactions: New Challenges and Baselines with Densely Aligned Representations

Authors: Sangmin Lee, Bolin Lai, Fiona Ryan, Bikram Boote, James M. Rehg

Abstract: Understanding social interactions involving both verbal and non-verbal cues is essential to effectively interpret social situations. However, most prior works on multimodal social cues focus predominantly on single-person behaviors or rely on holistic visual representations that are not densely aligned to utterances in multi-party environments. They are limited in modeling the intricate dynamics of multi-party interactions. In this paper, we introduce three new challenging tasks to model the fine-grained dynamics between multiple people: speaking target identification, pronoun coreference resolution, and mentioned player prediction. We contribute extensive data annotations to curate these new challenges in social deduction game settings. Furthermore, we propose a novel multimodal baseline that leverages densely aligned language-visual representations by synchronizing visual features with their corresponding utterances. This facilitates concurrently capturing verbal and non-verbal cues pertinent to social reasoning. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach with densely aligned multimodal representations in modeling social interactions. We will release our benchmarks and source code to facilitate further research.

cross LOCR: Location-Guided Transformer for Optical Character Recognition

Authors: Yu Sun, Dongzhan Zhou, Chen Lin, Conghui He, Wanli Ouyang, Han-Sen Zhong

Abstract: Academic documents are packed with texts, equations, tables, and figures, requiring comprehensive understanding for accurate Optical Character Recognition (OCR). While end-to-end OCR methods offer improved accuracy over layout-based approaches, they often grapple with significant repetition issues, especially with complex layouts in Out-Of-Domain (OOD) documents.To tackle this issue, we propose LOCR, a model that integrates location guiding into the transformer architecture during autoregression. We train the model on a dataset comprising over 77M text-location pairs from 125K academic document pages, including bounding boxes for words, tables and mathematical symbols. LOCR adeptly handles various formatting elements and generates content in Markdown language. It outperforms all existing methods in our test set constructed from arXiv, as measured by edit distance, BLEU, METEOR and F-measure.LOCR also reduces repetition frequency from 4.4% of pages to 0.5% in the arXiv dataset, from 13.2% to 1.3% in OOD quantum physics documents and from 8.1% to 1.8% in OOD marketing documents. Additionally, LOCR features an interactive OCR mode, facilitating the generation of complex documents through a few location prompts from human.

cross Speech emotion recognition from voice messages recorded in the wild

Authors: Luc\'ia G\'omez-Zaragoz\'a, \'Oscar Valls, Roc\'io del Amor, Mar\'ia Jos\'e Castro-Bleda, Valery Naranjo, Mariano Alca\~niz Raya, Javier Mar\'in-Morales

Abstract: Emotion datasets used for Speech Emotion Recognition (SER) often contain acted or elicited speech, limiting their applicability in real-world scenarios. In this work, we used the Emotional Voice Messages (EMOVOME) database, including spontaneous voice messages from conversations of 100 Spanish speakers on a messaging app, labeled in continuous and discrete emotions by expert and non-expert annotators. We created speaker-independent SER models using the eGeMAPS features, transformer-based models and their combination. We compared the results with reference databases and analyzed the influence of annotators and gender fairness. The pre-trained Unispeech-L model and its combination with eGeMAPS achieved the highest results, with 61.64% and 55.57% Unweighted Accuracy (UA) for 3-class valence and arousal prediction respectively, a 10% improvement over baseline models. For the emotion categories, 42.58% UA was obtained. EMOVOME performed lower than the acted RAVDESS database. The elicited IEMOCAP database also outperformed EMOVOME in the prediction of emotion categories, while similar results were obtained in valence and arousal. Additionally, EMOVOME outcomes varied with annotator labels, showing superior results and better fairness when combining expert and non-expert annotations. This study significantly contributes to the evaluation of SER models in real-life situations, advancing in the development of applications for analyzing spontaneous voice messages.

cross Distilled ChatGPT Topic & Sentiment Modeling with Applications in Finance

Authors: Olivier Gandouet, Mouloud Belbahri, Armelle Jezequel, Yuriy Bodjov

Abstract: In this study, ChatGPT is utilized to create streamlined models that generate easily interpretable features. These features are then used to evaluate financial outcomes from earnings calls. We detail a training approach that merges knowledge distillation and transfer learning, resulting in lightweight topic and sentiment classification models without significant loss in accuracy. These models are assessed through a dataset annotated by experts. The paper also delves into two practical case studies, highlighting how the generated features can be effectively utilized in quantitative investing scenarios.

cross KnowPhish: Large Language Models Meet Multimodal Knowledge Graphs for Enhancing Reference-Based Phishing Detection

Authors: Yuexin Li, Chengyu Huang, Shumin Deng, Mei Lin Lock, Tri Cao, Nay Oo, Bryan Hooi, Hoon Wei Lim

Abstract: Phishing attacks have inflicted substantial losses on individuals and businesses alike, necessitating the development of robust and efficient automated phishing detection approaches. Reference-based phishing detectors (RBPDs), which compare the logos on a target webpage to a known set of logos, have emerged as the state-of-the-art approach. However, a major limitation of existing RBPDs is that they rely on a manually constructed brand knowledge base, making it infeasible to scale to a large number of brands, which results in false negative errors due to the insufficient brand coverage of the knowledge base. To address this issue, we propose an automated knowledge collection pipeline, using which we collect and release a large-scale multimodal brand knowledge base, KnowPhish, containing 20k brands with rich information about each brand. KnowPhish can be used to boost the performance of existing RBPDs in a plug-and-play manner. A second limitation of existing RBPDs is that they solely rely on the image modality, ignoring useful textual information present in the webpage HTML. To utilize this textual information, we propose a Large Language Model (LLM)-based approach to extract brand information of webpages from text. Our resulting multimodal phishing detection approach, KnowPhish Detector (KPD), can detect phishing webpages with or without logos. We evaluate KnowPhish and KPD on a manually validated dataset, and on a field study under Singapore's local context, showing substantial improvements in effectiveness and efficiency compared to state-of-the-art baselines.

cross Contrastive Region Guidance: Improving Grounding in Vision-Language Models without Training

Authors: David Wan, Jaemin Cho, Elias Stengel-Eskin, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Highlighting particularly relevant regions of an image can improve the performance of vision-language models (VLMs) on various vision-language (VL) tasks by guiding the model to attend more closely to these regions of interest. For example, VLMs can be given a "visual prompt", where visual markers such as bounding boxes delineate key image regions. However, current VLMs that can incorporate visual guidance are either proprietary and expensive or require costly training on curated data that includes visual prompts. We introduce Contrastive Region Guidance (CRG), a training-free guidance method that enables open-source VLMs to respond to visual prompts. CRG contrasts model outputs produced with and without visual prompts, factoring out biases revealed by the model when answering without the information required to produce a correct answer (i.e., the model's prior). CRG achieves substantial improvements in a wide variety of VL tasks: When region annotations are provided, CRG increases absolute accuracy by up to 11.1% on ViP-Bench, a collection of six diverse region-based tasks such as recognition, math, and object relationship reasoning. We also show CRG's applicability to spatial reasoning, with 10% improvement on What'sUp, as well as to compositional generalization -- improving accuracy by 11.5% and 7.5% on two challenging splits from SugarCrepe -- and to image-text alignment for generated images, where we improve by up to 8.4 AUROC and 6.8 F1 points on SeeTRUE. When reference regions are absent, CRG allows us to re-rank proposed regions in referring expression comprehension and phrase grounding benchmarks like RefCOCO/+/g and Flickr30K Entities, with an average gain of 3.2% in accuracy. Our analysis explores alternative masking strategies for CRG, quantifies CRG's probability shift, and evaluates the role of region guidance strength, empirically validating CRG's design choices.

replace Mismatching-Aware Unsupervised Translation Quality Estimation For Low-Resource Languages

Authors: Fatemeh Azadi, Heshaam Faili, Mohammad Javad Dousti

Abstract: Translation Quality Estimation (QE) is the task of predicting the quality of machine translation (MT) output without any reference. This task has gained increasing attention as an important component in the practical applications of MT. In this paper, we first propose XLMRScore, which is a cross-lingual counterpart of BERTScore computed via the XLM-RoBERTa (XLMR) model. This metric can be used as a simple unsupervised QE method, nevertheless facing two issues: firstly, the untranslated tokens leading to unexpectedly high translation scores, and secondly, the issue of mismatching errors between source and hypothesis tokens when applying the greedy matching in XLMRScore. To mitigate these issues, we suggest replacing untranslated words with the unknown token and the cross-lingual alignment of the pre-trained model to represent aligned words closer to each other, respectively. We evaluate the proposed method on four low-resource language pairs of the WMT21 QE shared task, as well as a new English$\rightarrow$Persian (En-Fa) test dataset introduced in this paper. Experiments show that our method could get comparable results with the supervised baseline for two zero-shot scenarios, i.e., with less than 0.01 difference in Pearson correlation, while outperforming unsupervised rivals in all the low-resource language pairs for above 8%, on average.

replace SMiLE: Schema-augmented Multi-level Contrastive Learning for Knowledge Graph Link Prediction

Authors: Miao Peng, Ben Liu, Qianqian Xie, Wenjie Xu, Hua Wang, Min Peng

Abstract: Link prediction is the task of inferring missing links between entities in knowledge graphs. Embedding-based methods have shown effectiveness in addressing this problem by modeling relational patterns in triples. However, the link prediction task often requires contextual information in entity neighborhoods, while most existing embedding-based methods fail to capture it. Additionally, little attention is paid to the diversity of entity representations in different contexts, which often leads to false prediction results. In this situation, we consider that the schema of knowledge graph contains the specific contextual information, and it is beneficial for preserving the consistency of entities across contexts. In this paper, we propose a novel Schema-augmented Multi-level contrastive LEarning framework (SMiLE) to conduct knowledge graph link prediction. Specifically, we first exploit network schema as the prior constraint to sample negatives and pre-train our model by employing a multi-level contrastive learning method to yield both prior schema and contextual information. Then we fine-tune our model under the supervision of individual triples to learn subtler representations for link prediction. Extensive experimental results on four knowledge graph datasets with thorough analysis of each component demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework against state-of-the-art baselines. The implementation of SMiLE is available at


replace Discovering Latent Knowledge in Language Models Without Supervision

Authors: Collin Burns, Haotian Ye, Dan Klein, Jacob Steinhardt

Abstract: Existing techniques for training language models can be misaligned with the truth: if we train models with imitation learning, they may reproduce errors that humans make; if we train them to generate text that humans rate highly, they may output errors that human evaluators can't detect. We propose circumventing this issue by directly finding latent knowledge inside the internal activations of a language model in a purely unsupervised way. Specifically, we introduce a method for accurately answering yes-no questions given only unlabeled model activations. It works by finding a direction in activation space that satisfies logical consistency properties, such as that a statement and its negation have opposite truth values. We show that despite using no supervision and no model outputs, our method can recover diverse knowledge represented in large language models: across 6 models and 10 question-answering datasets, it outperforms zero-shot accuracy by 4\% on average. We also find that it cuts prompt sensitivity in half and continues to maintain high accuracy even when models are prompted to generate incorrect answers. Our results provide an initial step toward discovering what language models know, distinct from what they say, even when we don't have access to explicit ground truth labels.

replace A Comprehensive Empirical Evaluation of Existing Word Embedding Approaches

Authors: Obaidullah Zaland, Muhammad Abulaish, Mohd. Fazil

Abstract: Vector-based word representations help countless Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks capture the language's semantic and syntactic regularities. In this paper, we present the characteristics of existing word embedding approaches and analyze them with regard to many classification tasks. We categorize the methods into two main groups - Traditional approaches mostly use matrix factorization to produce word representations, and they are not able to capture the semantic and syntactic regularities of the language very well. On the other hand, Neural-network-based approaches can capture sophisticated regularities of the language and preserve the word relationships in the generated word representations. We report experimental results on multiple classification tasks and highlight the scenarios where one approach performs better than the rest.

replace Personality-aware Human-centric Multimodal Reasoning: A New Task, Dataset and Baselines

Authors: Yaochen Zhu, Xiangqing Shen, Rui Xia

Abstract: Personality traits, emotions, and beliefs shape individuals' behavioral choices and decision-making processes. However, for one thing, the affective computing community normally focused on predicting personality traits but overlooks their application in behavior prediction. For another, the multimodal reasoning task emphasized the prediction of future states and behaviors but often neglected the incorporation of individual personality traits. In this work, we introduce a new task called Personality-aware Human-centric Multimodal Reasoning (PHMR) (T1), with the goal of forecasting the future behavior of a particular individual using multimodal information from past instances, while integrating personality factors. We accordingly construct a new dataset based on six television shows, encompassing 225 characters and 12k samples. To establish a benchmark for the task, we propose seven baseline methods: three adapted from related tasks, two pre-trained model, and two multimodal large language models. The experimental results demonstrate that incorporating personality traits enhances human-centric multimodal reasoning performance. To further solve the lack of personality annotation in real-life scenes, we introduce an extension task called Personality-predicted Human-centric Multimodal Reasoning task (T2) along with the corresponding dataset and method. We will make our dataset and code available on GitHub.

replace Personalized Abstractive Summarization by Tri-agent Generation Pipeline

Authors: Wen Xiao, Yujia Xie, Giuseppe Carenini, Pengcheng He

Abstract: Tailoring outputs from large language models, like ChatGPT, to implicit user preferences remains a challenge despite their impressive generative capabilities. In this paper, we propose a tri-agent generation pipeline comprising a generator, an instructor, and an editor to enhance output personalization. The generator produces an initial output, the instructor automatically generates editing instructions based on user preferences, and the editor refines the output to align with those preferences. The inference-only large language model (ChatGPT) serves as both the generator and editor, with a smaller model acting as the instructor to guide output generation. We train the instructor using editor-steered reinforcement learning, leveraging feedback from a large-scale editor model to optimize instruction generation. Experimental results on two abstractive summarization datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in generating outputs that better meet user expectations. Code is available at \url{}


replace Pre-trained Language Model with Prompts for Temporal Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Wenjie Xu, Ben Liu, Miao Peng, Xu Jia, Min Peng

Abstract: Temporal Knowledge graph completion (TKGC) is a crucial task that involves reasoning at known timestamps to complete the missing part of facts and has attracted more and more attention in recent years. Most existing methods focus on learning representations based on graph neural networks while inaccurately extracting information from timestamps and insufficiently utilizing the implied information in relations. To address these problems, we propose a novel TKGC model, namely Pre-trained Language Model with Prompts for TKGC (PPT). We convert a series of sampled quadruples into pre-trained language model inputs and convert intervals between timestamps into different prompts to make coherent sentences with implicit semantic information. We train our model with a masking strategy to convert TKGC task into a masked token prediction task, which can leverage the semantic information in pre-trained language models. Experiments on three benchmark datasets and extensive analysis demonstrate that our model has great competitiveness compared to other models with four metrics. Our model can effectively incorporate information from temporal knowledge graphs into the language models.

replace Skeleton-of-Thought: Prompting LLMs for Efficient Parallel Generation

Authors: Xuefei Ning, Zinan Lin, Zixuan Zhou, Zifu Wang, Huazhong Yang, Yu Wang

Abstract: This work aims at decreasing the end-to-end generation latency of large language models (LLMs). One of the major causes of the high generation latency is the sequential decoding approach adopted by almost all state-of-the-art LLMs. In this work, motivated by the thinking and writing process of humans, we propose Skeleton-of-Thought (SoT), which first guides LLMs to generate the skeleton of the answer, and then conducts parallel API calls or batched decoding to complete the contents of each skeleton point in parallel. Not only does SoT provide considerable speed-ups across 12 LLMs, but it can also potentially improve the answer quality on several question categories. SoT is an initial attempt at data-centric optimization for inference efficiency, and showcases the potential of eliciting high-quality answers by explicitly planning the answer structure in language.

replace Do Language Models' Words Refer?

Authors: Matthew Mandelkern, Tal Linzen

Abstract: What do language models (LMs) do with language? Everyone agrees that they can produce sequences of (mostly) coherent strings of English. But do those sentences mean something, or are LMs simply babbling in a convincing simulacrum of language use? Here we will address one aspect of this broad question: whether LMs' words can refer, that is, achieve "word-to-world" connections. There is prima facie reason to think they do not since LMs do not interact with the world in the way that ordinary language users do. Drawing on insights from the externalist tradition in philosophy of language, we argue that those appearances are misleading: even if the inputs to an LM are simply strings of text, they are strings of text with natural histories, and that may suffice to put LMs' words into referential contact with the external world.

replace Retrieving Evidence from EHRs with LLMs: Possibilities and Challenges

Authors: Hiba Ahsan, Denis Jered McInerney, Jisoo Kim, Christopher Potter, Geoffrey Young, Silvio Amir, Byron C. Wallace

Abstract: Unstructured data in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) often contains critical information -- complementary to imaging -- that could inform radiologists' diagnoses. But the large volume of notes often associated with patients together with time constraints renders manually identifying relevant evidence practically infeasible. In this work we propose and evaluate a zero-shot strategy for using LLMs as a mechanism to efficiently retrieve and summarize unstructured evidence in patient EHR relevant to a given query. Our method entails tasking an LLM to infer whether a patient has, or is at risk of, a particular condition on the basis of associated notes; if so, we ask the model to summarize the supporting evidence. Under expert evaluation, we find that this LLM-based approach provides outputs consistently preferred to a pre-LLM information retrieval baseline. Manual evaluation is expensive, so we also propose and validate a method using an LLM to evaluate (other) LLM outputs for this task, allowing us to scale up evaluation. Our findings indicate the promise of LLMs as interfaces to EHR, but also highlight the outstanding challenge posed by "hallucinations". In this setting, however, we show that model confidence in outputs strongly correlates with faithful summaries, offering a practical means to limit confabulations.

replace Data Augmentation for Conversational AI

Authors: Heydar Soudani, Evangelos Kanoulas, Faegheh Hasibi

Abstract: Advancements in conversational systems have revolutionized information access, surpassing the limitations of single queries. However, developing dialogue systems requires a large amount of training data, which is a challenge in low-resource domains and languages. Traditional data collection methods like crowd-sourcing are labor-intensive and time-consuming, making them ineffective in this context. Data augmentation (DA) is an affective approach to alleviate the data scarcity problem in conversational systems. This tutorial provides a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of DA approaches in the context of conversational systems. It highlights recent advances in conversation augmentation, open domain and task-oriented conversation generation, and different paradigms of evaluating these models. We also discuss current challenges and future directions in order to help researchers and practitioners to further advance the field in this area.

replace FaNS: a Facet-based Narrative Similarity Metric

Authors: Mousumi Akter, Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu

Abstract: Similar Narrative Retrieval is a crucial task since narratives are essential for explaining and understanding events, and multiple related narratives often help to create a holistic view of the event of interest. To accurately identify semantically similar narratives, this paper proposes a novel narrative similarity metric called Facet-based Narrative Similarity (FaNS), based on the classic 5W1H facets (Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How), which are extracted by leveraging the state-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs). Unlike existing similarity metrics that only focus on overall lexical/semantic match, FaNS provides a more granular matching along six different facets independently and then combines them. To evaluate FaNS, we created a comprehensive dataset by collecting narratives from AllSides, a third-party news portal. Experimental results demonstrate that the FaNS metric exhibits a higher correlation (37\% higher) than traditional text similarity metrics that directly measure the lexical/semantic match between narratives, demonstrating its effectiveness in comparing the finer details between a pair of narratives.

replace Knowledge Sanitization of Large Language Models

Authors: Yoichi Ishibashi, Hidetoshi Shimodaira

Abstract: We explore a knowledge sanitization approach to mitigate the privacy concerns associated with large language models (LLMs). LLMs trained on a large corpus of Web data can memorize and potentially reveal sensitive or confidential information, raising critical security concerns. Our technique efficiently fine-tunes these models using the Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) method, prompting them to generate harmless responses such as ``I don't know'' when queried about specific information. Experimental results in a closed-book question-answering task show that our straightforward method not only minimizes particular knowledge leakage but also preserves the overall performance of LLMs. These two advantages strengthen the defense against extraction attacks and reduces the emission of harmful content such as hallucinations.

replace DQ-LoRe: Dual Queries with Low Rank Approximation Re-ranking for In-Context Learning

Authors: Jing Xiong, Zixuan Li, Chuanyang Zheng, Zhijiang Guo, Yichun Yin, Enze Xie, Zhicheng Yang, Qingxing Cao, Haiming Wang, Xiongwei Han, Jing Tang, Chengming Li, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Recent advances in natural language processing, primarily propelled by Large Language Models (LLMs), have showcased their remarkable capabilities grounded in in-context learning. A promising avenue for guiding LLMs in intricate reasoning tasks involves the utilization of intermediate reasoning steps within the Chain-of-Thought (CoT) paradigm. Nevertheless, the central challenge lies in the effective selection of exemplars for facilitating in-context learning. In this study, we introduce a framework that leverages Dual Queries and Low-rank approximation Re-ranking (DQ-LoRe) to automatically select exemplars for in-context learning. Dual Queries first query LLM to obtain LLM-generated knowledge such as CoT, then query the retriever to obtain the final exemplars via both question and the knowledge. Moreover, for the second query, LoRe employs dimensionality reduction techniques to refine exemplar selection, ensuring close alignment with the input question's knowledge. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that DQ-LoRe significantly outperforms prior state-of-the-art methods in the automatic selection of exemplars for GPT-4, enhancing performance from 92.5% to 94.2%. Our comprehensive analysis further reveals that DQ-LoRe consistently outperforms retrieval-based approaches in terms of both performance and adaptability, especially in scenarios characterized by distribution shifts. DQ-LoRe pushes the boundary of in-context learning and opens up new avenues for addressing complex reasoning challenges. Our code is released at}{


replace Multilingual Jailbreak Challenges in Large Language Models

Authors: Yue Deng, Wenxuan Zhang, Sinno Jialin Pan, Lidong Bing

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable capabilities across a wide range of tasks, they pose potential safety concerns, such as the ``jailbreak'' problem, wherein malicious instructions can manipulate LLMs to exhibit undesirable behavior. Although several preventive measures have been developed to mitigate the potential risks associated with LLMs, they have primarily focused on English. In this study, we reveal the presence of multilingual jailbreak challenges within LLMs and consider two potential risky scenarios: unintentional and intentional. The unintentional scenario involves users querying LLMs using non-English prompts and inadvertently bypassing the safety mechanisms, while the intentional scenario concerns malicious users combining malicious instructions with multilingual prompts to deliberately attack LLMs. The experimental results reveal that in the unintentional scenario, the rate of unsafe content increases as the availability of languages decreases. Specifically, low-resource languages exhibit about three times the likelihood of encountering harmful content compared to high-resource languages, with both ChatGPT and GPT-4. In the intentional scenario, multilingual prompts can exacerbate the negative impact of malicious instructions, with astonishingly high rates of unsafe output: 80.92\% for ChatGPT and 40.71\% for GPT-4. To handle such a challenge in the multilingual context, we propose a novel \textsc{Self-Defense} framework that automatically generates multilingual training data for safety fine-tuning. Experimental results show that ChatGPT fine-tuned with such data can achieve a substantial reduction in unsafe content generation. Data is available at \url{}.


replace Improved Contextual Recognition In Automatic Speech Recognition Systems By Semantic Lattice Rescoring

Authors: Ankitha Sudarshan, Vinay Samuel, Parth Patwa, Ibtihel Amara, Aman Chadha

Abstract: Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has witnessed a profound research interest. Recent breakthroughs have given ASR systems different prospects such as faithfully transcribing spoken language, which is a pivotal advancement in building conversational agents. However, there is still an imminent challenge of accurately discerning context-dependent words and phrases. In this work, we propose a novel approach for enhancing contextual recognition within ASR systems via semantic lattice processing leveraging the power of deep learning models in accurately delivering spot-on transcriptions across a wide variety of vocabularies and speaking styles. Our solution consists of using Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models (HMM-GMM) along with Deep Neural Networks (DNN) models integrating both language and acoustic modeling for better accuracy. We infused our network with the use of a transformer-based model to properly rescore the word lattice achieving remarkable capabilities with a palpable reduction in Word Error Rate (WER). We demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework on the LibriSpeech dataset with empirical analyses.

replace Denevil: Towards Deciphering and Navigating the Ethical Values of Large Language Models via Instruction Learning

Authors: Shitong Duan, Xiaoyuan Yi, Peng Zhang, Tun Lu, Xing Xie, Ning Gu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have made unprecedented breakthroughs, yet their increasing integration into everyday life might raise societal risks due to generated unethical content. Despite extensive study on specific issues like bias, the intrinsic values of LLMs remain largely unexplored from a moral philosophy perspective. This work delves into ethical values utilizing Moral Foundation Theory. Moving beyond conventional discriminative evaluations with poor reliability, we propose DeNEVIL, a novel prompt generation algorithm tailored to dynamically exploit LLMs' value vulnerabilities and elicit the violation of ethics in a generative manner, revealing their underlying value inclinations. On such a basis, we construct MoralPrompt, a high-quality dataset comprising 2,397 prompts covering 500+ value principles, and then benchmark the intrinsic values across a spectrum of LLMs. We discovered that most models are essentially misaligned, necessitating further ethical value alignment. In response, we develop VILMO, an in-context alignment method that substantially enhances the value compliance of LLM outputs by learning to generate appropriate value instructions, outperforming existing competitors. Our methods are suitable for black-box and open-source models, offering a promising initial step in studying the ethical values of LLMs.

replace A Survey of Large Language Models in Medicine: Progress, Application, and Challenge

Authors: Hongjian Zhou, Fenglin Liu, Boyang Gu, Xinyu Zou, Jinfa Huang, Jinge Wu, Yiru Li, Sam S. Chen, Peilin Zhou, Junling Liu, Yining Hua, Chengfeng Mao, Chenyu You, Xian Wu, Yefeng Zheng, Lei Clifton, Zheng Li, Jiebo Luo, David A. Clifton

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, have received substantial attention due to their capabilities for understanding and generating human language. While there has been a burgeoning trend in research focusing on the employment of LLMs in supporting different medical tasks (e.g., enhancing clinical diagnostics and providing medical education), a review of these efforts, particularly their development, practical applications, and outcomes in medicine, remains scarce. Therefore, this review aims to provide a detailed overview of the development and deployment of LLMs in medicine, including the challenges and opportunities they face. In terms of development, we provide a detailed introduction to the principles of existing medical LLMs, including their basic model structures, number of parameters, and sources and scales of data used for model development. It serves as a guide for practitioners in developing medical LLMs tailored to their specific needs. In terms of deployment, we offer a comparison of the performance of different LLMs across various medical tasks, and further compare them with state-of-the-art lightweight models, aiming to provide an understanding of the advantages and limitations of LLMs in medicine. Overall, in this review, we address the following questions: 1) What are the practices for developing medical LLMs 2) How to measure the medical task performance of LLMs in a medical setting? 3) How have medical LLMs been employed in real-world practice? 4) What challenges arise from the use of medical LLMs? and 5) How to more effectively develop and deploy medical LLMs? By answering these questions, this review aims to provide insights into the opportunities for LLMs in medicine and serve as a practical resource. We also maintain a regularly updated list of practical guides on medical LLMs at:


replace Translating Legalese: Enhancing Public Understanding of Court Opinions with Legal Summarizers

Authors: Elliott Ash, Aniket Kesari, Suresh Naidu, Lena Song, Dominik Stammbach

Abstract: Judicial opinions are written to be persuasive and could build public trust in court decisions, yet they can be difficult for non-experts to understand. We present a pipeline for using an AI assistant to generate simplified summaries of judicial opinions. Compared to existing expert-written summaries, these AI-generated simple summaries are more accessible to the public and more easily understood by non-experts. We show in a survey experiment that the AI summaries help respondents understand the key features of a ruling, and have higher perceived quality, especially for respondents with less formal education.

replace MELA: Multilingual Evaluation of Linguistic Acceptability

Authors: Ziyin Zhang, Yikang Liu, Weifang Huang, Junyu Mao, Rui Wang, Hai Hu

Abstract: Recent benchmarks for Large Language Models (LLMs) have mostly focused on application-driven tasks such as complex reasoning and code generation, and this has led to a scarcity in purely linguistic evaluation of LLMs. Against this background, we introduce Multilingual Evaluation of Linguistic Acceptability -- MELA, the first multilingual benchmark on linguistic acceptability with 48K samples covering 10 languages from a diverse set of language families. We establish baselines of commonly used LLMs along with supervised models, and conduct cross-lingual transfer and multi-task learning experiments with XLM-R. In pursuit of multilingual interpretability, we analyze the weights of fine-tuned XLM-R to explore the possibility of identifying transfer difficulty between languages. Our results show that ChatGPT benefits much from in-context examples but still lags behind fine-tuned XLM-R, while the performance of GPT-4 is on par with fine-tuned XLM-R even in zero-shot setting. Cross-lingual and multi-task learning experiments show that unlike semantic tasks, in-language training data is crucial in acceptability judgements. Results in layerwise probing indicate that the upper layers of XLM-R become a task-specific but language-agnostic region for multilingual acceptability judgment. We also introduce the concept of conflicting weight, which could be a potential indicator for the difficulty of cross-lingual transfer between languages. Our data will be available at


replace $\textit{Dial BeInfo for Faithfulness}$: Improving Factuality of Information-Seeking Dialogue via Behavioural Fine-Tuning

Authors: Evgeniia Razumovskaia, Ivan Vuli\'c, Pavle Markovi\'c, Tomasz Cichy, Qian Zheng, Tsung-Hsien Wen, Pawe{\l} Budzianowski

Abstract: Factuality is a crucial requirement in information seeking dialogue: the system should respond to the user's queries so that the responses are meaningful and aligned with the knowledge provided to the system. However, most modern large language models suffer from hallucinations, that is, they generate responses not supported by or contradicting the knowledge source. To mitigate the issue and increase faithfulness of information-seeking dialogue systems, we introduce BeInfo, a simple yet effective method that applies behavioural tuning to aid information-seeking dialogue. Relying on three standard datasets, we show that models tuned with BeInfo} become considerably more faithful to the knowledge source both for datasets and domains seen during BeInfo-tuning, as well as on unseen domains, when applied in a zero-shot manner. In addition, we show that the models with 3B parameters (e.g., Flan-T5) tuned with BeInfo demonstrate strong performance on data from real `production' conversations and outperform GPT4 when tuned on a limited amount of such realistic in-domain dialogues.

replace Detection and Analysis of Stress-Related Posts in Reddit Acamedic Communities

Authors: Nazzere Oryngozha, Pakizar Shamoi, Ayan Igali

Abstract: Nowadays, the significance of monitoring stress levels and recognizing early signs of mental illness cannot be overstated. Automatic stress detection in text can proactively help manage stress and protect mental well-being. In today's digital era, social media platforms reflect the psychological well-being and stress levels within various communities. This study focuses on detecting and analyzing stress-related posts in Reddit academic communities. Due to online education and remote work, these communities have become central for academic discussions and support. We classify text as stressed or not using natural language processing and machine learning classifiers, with Dreaddit as our training dataset, which contains labeled data from Reddit. Next, we collect and analyze posts from various academic subreddits. We identified that the most effective individual feature for stress detection is the Bag of Words, paired with the Logistic Regression classifier, achieving a 77.78% accuracy rate and an F1 score of 0.79 on the DReaddit dataset. This combination also performs best in stress detection on human-annotated datasets, with a 72% accuracy rate. Our key findings reveal that posts and comments in professors Reddit communities are the most stressful, compared to other academic levels, including bachelor, graduate, and Ph.D. students. This research contributes to our understanding of the stress levels within academic communities. It can help academic institutions and online communities develop measures and interventions to address this issue effectively.

replace Retrieval-augmented Multi-modal Chain-of-Thoughts Reasoning for Large Language Models

Authors: Bingshuai Liu, Chenyang Lyu, Zijun Min, Zhanyu Wang, Jinsong Su, Longyue Wang

Abstract: The advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought substantial attention to the Chain of Thought (CoT) approach, primarily due to its ability to enhance the capability of LLMs on complex reasoning tasks. Moreover, the significance of CoT approaches extends to the application of LLMs for multi-modal tasks. However, the selection of optimal CoT demonstration examples in multi-modal reasoning remains less explored for LLMs due to the inherent complexity of multi-modal examples. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach that addresses this challenge by using retrieval mechanisms to dynamically and automatically select demonstration examples based on cross-modal and intra-modal similarities. Furthermore, we employ a Stratified Sampling method of categorising demonstration examples into groups based on their types and then retrieving examples from different groups respectively to promote the diversity of demonstration examples. Through a series of experiments on two popular benchmark datasets: ScienceQA and MathVista, we demonstrate that our approach significantly improves the performance of GPT-4 by 6% on ScienceQA and 12.9% on MathVista, and enhances the performance of GPT-4V on two datasets by 2.7%, substantially improving the performance of the most advanced LLMs and LMMs for complex multi-modal reasoning tasks.

replace MUFFIN: Curating Multi-Faceted Instructions for Improving Instruction-Following

Authors: Renze Lou, Kai Zhang, Jian Xie, Yuxuan Sun, Janice Ahn, Hanzi Xu, Yu Su, Wenpeng Yin

Abstract: In the realm of large language models (LLMs), enhancing instruction-following capability often involves curating expansive training data. This is achieved through two primary schemes: i) Scaling-Inputs: Amplifying (input, output) pairs per task instruction, aiming for better instruction adherence. ii) Scaling Input-Free Tasks: Enlarging tasks, each composed of an (instruction, output) pair (without requiring a separate input anymore). However, LLMs under Scaling-Inputs tend to be overly sensitive to inputs, leading to misinterpretation or non-compliance with instructions. Conversely, Scaling Input-Free Tasks demands a substantial number of tasks but is less effective in instruction following when dealing with instances in Scaling-Inputs. This work introduces MUFFIN, a new scheme of instruction-following dataset curation. Specifically, we automatically Scale Tasks per Input by diversifying these tasks with various input facets. Experimental results across four zero-shot benchmarks, spanning both Scaling-Inputs and Scaling Input-Free Tasks schemes, reveal that LLMs, at various scales, trained on MUFFIN generally demonstrate superior instruction-following capabilities compared to those trained on the two aforementioned schemes.

replace NoMIRACL: Knowing When You Don't Know for Robust Multilingual Retrieval-Augmented Generation

Authors: Nandan Thakur, Luiz Bonifacio, Xinyu Zhang, Odunayo Ogundepo, Ehsan Kamalloo, David Alfonso-Hermelo, Xiaoguang Li, Qun Liu, Boxing Chen, Mehdi Rezagholizadeh, Jimmy Lin

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) grounds large language model (LLM) output by leveraging external knowledge sources to reduce factual hallucinations. However, prior works lack a comprehensive evaluation of different language families, making it challenging to evaluate LLM robustness against errors in external retrieved knowledge. To overcome this, we establish NoMIRACL, a human-annotated dataset for evaluating LLM robustness in RAG across 18 typologically diverse languages. NoMIRACL includes both a non-relevant and a relevant subset. Queries in the non-relevant subset contain passages judged as non-relevant, whereas queries in the relevant subset include at least a single judged relevant passage. We measure LLM robustness using two metrics: (i) hallucination rate, measuring model tendency to hallucinate an answer, when the answer is not present in passages in the non-relevant subset, and (ii) error rate, measuring model inaccuracy to recognize relevant passages in the relevant subset. In our work, we measure robustness for a wide variety of multilingual-focused LLMs and observe that most of the models struggle to balance the two capacities. Models such as LLAMA-2, Orca-2, and FLAN-T5 observe more than an 88% hallucination rate on the non-relevant subset, whereas, Mistral overall hallucinates less, but can achieve up to a 74.9% error rate on the relevant subset. Overall, GPT-4 is observed to provide the best tradeoff on both subsets, highlighting future work necessary to improve LLM robustness.

replace Exploring Multimodal Large Language Models for Radiology Report Error-checking

Authors: Jinge Wu, Yunsoo Kim, Eva C. Keller, Jamie Chow, Adam P. Levine, Nikolas Pontikos, Zina Ibrahim, Paul Taylor, Michelle C. Williams, Honghan Wu

Abstract: This paper proposes one of the first clinical applications of multimodal large language models (LLMs) as an assistant for radiologists to check errors in their reports. We created an evaluation dataset from real-world radiology datasets (including X-rays and CT scans). A subset of original reports was modified to contain synthetic errors by introducing three types of mistakes: "insert", "remove", and "substitute". The evaluation contained two difficulty levels: SIMPLE for binary error-checking and COMPLEX for identifying error types. At the SIMPLE level, our fine-tuned model significantly enhanced performance by 47.4% and 25.4% on MIMIC-CXR and IU X-ray data, respectively. This performance boost is also observed in unseen modality, CT scans, as the model performed 19.46% better than the baseline model. The model also surpassed the domain expert's accuracy in the MIMIC-CXR dataset by 1.67%. Notably, among the subsets (N=21) of the test set where a clinician did not achieve the correct conclusion, the LLaVA ensemble mode correctly identified 71.4% of these cases. However, all models performed poorly in identifying mistake types, underscoring the difficulty of the COMPLEX level. This study marks a promising step toward utilizing multimodal LLMs to enhance diagnostic accuracy in radiology. The ensemble model demonstrated comparable performance to clinicians, even capturing errors overlooked by humans.

replace Learning to Generate Text in Arbitrary Writing Styles

Authors: Aleem Khan, Andrew Wang, Sophia Hager, Nicholas Andrews

Abstract: Prior work in style-controlled text generation has focused on tasks such as emulating the style of prolific literary authors, producing formal or informal text, and mitigating toxicity of generated text. Plentiful demonstrations of these styles are available, and as a result modern language models are often able to emulate them, either via prompting or discriminative control. However, in applications such as writing assistants, it is desirable for language models to produce text in an author-specific style on the basis of a potentially small writing sample. For example, someone writing in a particular dialect may prefer writing suggestions that retain the same dialect. We find that instruction-tuned language models can struggle to reproduce author-specific style demonstrated in a prompt. Instead, we propose to guide a language model to generate text in a target style using contrastively-trained representations that capture stylometric features. Our approach (StyleMC) combines an author-adapted language model with sequence-level inference to improve stylistic consistency, and is found to be effective in a variety of conditions, including unconditional generation and style transfer. Additionally, we find that the proposed approach can serve as an effective anonymization method, by editing a document to mask authorship while preserving the original meaning

replace AntEval: Quantitatively Evaluating Informativeness and Expressiveness of Agent Social Interactions

Authors: Yuanzhi Liang, Linchao Zhu, Yi Yang

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) based agents have successfully mimicked human behaviors in various scenarios, the realm of complex, multi-character social interactions within extended contexts remains underexplored. The challenge is compounded by privacy concerns, making it difficult to capture and utilize intricate real-life interactions. More importantly, the absence of quantitative evaluation methods hampers the pursuit of high-quality agent interactions, often leading to interactions that are limited in informativeness and expressiveness, characterized by superficial small talk without clear intentions. In this work, we leverage the rules of Tabletop Role-Playing Games (TRPG) to create an environment conducive to complex, context-rich interactions, emphasizing informativeness and expressiveness. This virtual setting alleviates privacy concerns and motivates agents to engage in meaningful, high-quality interactions as part of their in-game objectives. To assess these interactions, we introduce the Agent interaction Evaluation framework (AntEval), targeting the qualitative evaluation of interaction informativeness and expressiveness. Specifically, we propose two novel evaluation metrics: Information Exchanging Precision (IEP) and Interaction Expressiveness Gap (IEG). These metrics are designed to assess interactions in scenarios focused on information exchange and intention expression, respectively. Our experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of these metrics in evaluating interaction quality. Notably, we identify significant areas for improvement in LLMs regarding social interactions, as highlighted by our metrics. We believe AntEval will guide further exploration in complex agent interactions, bringing them closer to emulating real human behavior and enhancing their integration and utility in real-world applications.

replace DocFinQA: A Long-Context Financial Reasoning Dataset

Authors: Varshini Reddy, Rik Koncel-Kedziorski, Viet Dac Lai, Michael Krumdick, Charles Lovering, Chris Tanner

Abstract: For large language models (LLMs) to be effective in the financial domain -- where each decision can have a significant impact -- it is necessary to investigate realistic tasks and data. Financial professionals often interact with documents that are hundreds of pages long, but most financial research datasets only deal with short excerpts from these documents. To address this, we introduce a long-document financial QA task. We augment 7,437 questions from the existing FinQA dataset with the full-document context, extending the average context length from under 700 words in FinQA to 123k words in DocFinQA. We conduct extensive experiments over retrieval-based QA pipelines and long-context language models. DocFinQA proves a significant challenge for even state-of-the-art systems. We also provide a case-study on the longest documents in DocFinQA and find that models particularly struggle on these documents. Addressing these challenges may have a wide reaching impact across applications where specificity and long-range contexts are critical, like gene sequences and legal document contract analysis.

replace A Truly Joint Neural Architecture for Segmentation and Parsing

Authors: Danit Yshaayahu Levi, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Contemporary multilingual dependency parsers can parse a diverse set of languages, but for Morphologically Rich Languages (MRLs), performance is attested to be lower than other languages. The key challenge is that, due to high morphological complexity and ambiguity of the space-delimited input tokens, the linguistic units that act as nodes in the tree are not known in advance. Pre-neural dependency parsers for MRLs subscribed to the joint morpho-syntactic hypothesis, stating that morphological segmentation and syntactic parsing should be solved jointly, rather than as a pipeline where segmentation precedes parsing. However, neural state-of-the-art parsers to date use a strict pipeline. In this paper we introduce a joint neural architecture where a lattice-based representation preserving all morphological ambiguity of the input is provided to an arc-factored model, which then solves the morphological segmentation and syntactic parsing tasks at once. Our experiments on Hebrew, a rich and highly ambiguous MRL, demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on parsing, tagging and segmentation of the Hebrew section of UD, using a single model. This proposed architecture is LLM-based and language agnostic, providing a solid foundation for MRLs to obtain further performance improvements and bridge the gap with other languages.

replace English Prompts are Better for NLI-based Zero-Shot Emotion Classification than Target-Language Prompts

Authors: Patrick Barrei{\ss}, Roman Klinger, Jeremy Barnes

Abstract: Emotion classification in text is a challenging and subjective task, due to the involved cognitive inference processes that are required to interpret a textual stimulus. In addition, the set of emotion categories is highly domain-specific. For instance, literature analysis might require the use of aesthetic emotions (e.g., finding something beautiful), and social media analysis could benefit from fine-grained sets (e.g., separating anger from annoyance) in contrast to basic emotion categories. This renders the task an interesting field for zero-shot classifications, in which the label set is not known at model development time. Unfortunately, most resources for emotion analysis are English, and therefore, most studies on emotion analysis have been performed in English, including those that involve prompting language models for text labels. This leaves us with a research gap that we address in this paper: In which language should we prompt for emotion labels on non-English texts? This is particularly of interest when we have access to a multilingual large language model, because we could request labels with English prompts even for non-English data. Our experiments with natural language inference-based language models show that it is consistently better to use English prompts even if the data is in a different language.

replace SALAD-Bench: A Hierarchical and Comprehensive Safety Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Lijun Li, Bowen Dong, Ruohui Wang, Xuhao Hu, Wangmeng Zuo, Dahua Lin, Yu Qiao, Jing Shao

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of Large Language Models (LLMs), ensuring robust safety measures is paramount. To meet this crucial need, we propose \emph{SALAD-Bench}, a safety benchmark specifically designed for evaluating LLMs, attack, and defense methods. Distinguished by its breadth, SALAD-Bench transcends conventional benchmarks through its large scale, rich diversity, intricate taxonomy spanning three levels, and versatile functionalities.SALAD-Bench is crafted with a meticulous array of questions, from standard queries to complex ones enriched with attack, defense modifications and multiple-choice. To effectively manage the inherent complexity, we introduce an innovative evaluators: the LLM-based MD-Judge for QA pairs with a particular focus on attack-enhanced queries, ensuring a seamless, and reliable evaluation. Above components extend SALAD-Bench from standard LLM safety evaluation to both LLM attack and defense methods evaluation, ensuring the joint-purpose utility. Our extensive experiments shed light on the resilience of LLMs against emerging threats and the efficacy of contemporary defense tactics. Data and evaluator are released under


replace Distilling Large Language Models into Tiny Models for Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Yining Huang

Abstract: Emerging Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), showing potential in traditional tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER). Our study explores a three-phase training strategy that harnesses GPT-4's capabilities to enhance the BERT model's performance on NER. Initially, GPT-4 annotates a subset of the CONLL2003 and additional BBC dataset without fine-tuning. We then train BERT using a mix of original and LLM-annotated data, analyzing the efficacy of LLM annotations against traditional methods. The second phase involves comparative experiments with different training regimens, assessing the synergy between distilled and original data. We observe that sequential strategies, particularly a simple mix of training first with distilled data followed by original data, significantly boost performance. In the third phase, we investigate various data blending techniques, including sigmoid and power decay functions, to optimize the training process further. Our results indicate that a strategic mix of distilled and original data markedly elevates the NER capabilities of BERT. Our approach presents a scalable methodology that reduces manual annotation costs and increases efficiency, making it especially pertinent in resource-limited and closed-network environments. The study concludes that while the 'Simple Mix' strategy yields the best results, understanding its underlying mechanisms requires further research. Future work will also focus on refining prompt designs and enhancing annotation selection processes, aiming to extend our methodology to diverse NLP tasks.

replace Word Embeddings Revisited: Do LLMs Offer Something New?

Authors: Matthew Freestone, Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu

Abstract: Learning meaningful word embeddings is key to training a robust language model. The recent rise of Large Language Models (LLMs) has provided us with many new word/sentence/document embedding models. Although LLMs have shown remarkable advancement in various NLP tasks, it is still unclear whether the performance improvement is merely because of scale or whether underlying embeddings they produce significantly differ from classical encoding models like Sentence-BERT (SBERT) or Universal Sentence Encoder (USE). This paper systematically investigates this issue by comparing classical word embedding techniques against LLM-based word embeddings in terms of their latent vector semantics. Our results show that LLMs tend to cluster semantically related words more tightly than classical models. LLMs also yield higher average accuracy on the Bigger Analogy Test Set (BATS) over classical methods. Finally, some LLMs tend to produce word embeddings similar to SBERT, a relatively lighter classical model.

replace MRKE: The Multi-hop Reasoning Evaluation of LLMs by Knowledge Edition

Authors: Jian Wu, Linyi Yang, Manabu Okumura, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown strong performance in Multi-hop Question Answering (MHQA) tasks, their real reasoning ability remains exploration. Current LLM QA evaluation benchmarks have shown limitations, including 1) data contamination, the evaluation data are potentially exposed to LLMs during the pretraining stage; and 2) ignoration of the reasoning chain evaluation. Thus we introduce an LLM MHQA evaluation benchmark, the first QA benchmark based on the new, unprecedented knowledge by editing the off-the-shelf HotpotQA dataset; Besides, we also annotate and evaluate the reasoning chain in the form of sub-questions and intermediate answers corresponding to the multi-hop questions. Specifically, based on the observation, 1) LLMs show a performance gap between the original HotpotQA and our edited data, deeming that current MHQA benchmarks have the potential risk of data contamination that hard to evaluate LLMs' performance objectively and scientifically; 2) LLMs only get a small percentage of the right reasoning chain, e.g. GPT-4 only gets 36.3\% right reasoning chain. We believe this new Multi-hop QA evaluation benchmark and novel evaluation methods will facilitate the development of trustworthy LLM evaluation on the MHQA task.

replace Transformer-based Causal Language Models Perform Clustering

Authors: Xinbo Wu, Lav R. Varshney

Abstract: Even though large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capability in solving various natural language tasks, the capability of an LLM to follow human instructions is still a concern. Recent works have shown great improvements in the instruction-following capability via additional training for instruction-following tasks. However, the mechanisms responsible for effective instruction-following capabilities remain inadequately understood. Here, we introduce a simplified instruction-following task and use synthetic datasets to analyze a Transformer-based causal language model. Our findings suggest that the model learns task-specific information by clustering data within its hidden space, with this clustering process evolving dynamically during learning. We also demonstrate how this phenomenon assists the model in handling unseen instances, and validate our results in a more realistic setting. Furthermore, we present inspired applications regarding pre-training and alignment.

replace How (un)ethical are instruction-centric responses of LLMs? Unveiling the vulnerabilities of safety guardrails to harmful queries

Authors: Somnath Banerjee, Sayan Layek, Rima Hazra, Animesh Mukherjee

Abstract: In this study, we tackle a growing concern around the safety and ethical use of large language models (LLMs). Despite their potential, these models can be tricked into producing harmful or unethical content through various sophisticated methods, including 'jailbreaking' techniques and targeted manipulation. Our work zeroes in on a specific issue: to what extent LLMs can be led astray by asking them to generate responses that are instruction-centric such as a pseudocode, a program or a software snippet as opposed to vanilla text. To investigate this question, we introduce TechHazardQA, a dataset containing complex queries which should be answered in both text and instruction-centric formats (e.g., pseudocodes), aimed at identifying triggers for unethical responses. We query a series of LLMs -- Llama-2-13b, Llama-2-7b, Mistral-V2 and Mistral 8X7B -- and ask them to generate both text and instruction-centric responses. For evaluation we report the harmfulness score metric as well as judgements from GPT-4 and humans. Overall, we observe that asking LLMs to produce instruction-centric responses enhances the unethical response generation by ~2-38% across the models. As an additional objective, we investigate the impact of model editing using the ROME technique, which further increases the propensity for generating undesirable content. In particular, asking edited LLMs to generate instruction-centric responses further increases the unethical response generation by ~3-16% across the different models.

replace Query Augmentation by Decoding Semantics from Brain Signals

Authors: Ziyi Ye, Jingtao Zhan, Qingyao Ai, Yiqun Liu, Maarten de Rijke, Christina Lioma, Tuukka Ruotsalo

Abstract: Query augmentation is a crucial technique for refining semantically imprecise queries. Traditionally, query augmentation relies on extracting information from initially retrieved, potentially relevant documents. If the quality of the initially retrieved documents is low, then the effectiveness of query augmentation would be limited as well. We propose Brain-Aug, which enhances a query by incorporating semantic information decoded from brain signals. BrainAug generates the continuation of the original query with a prompt constructed with brain signal information and a ranking-oriented inference approach. Experimental results on fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) datasets show that Brain-Aug produces semantically more accurate queries, leading to improved document ranking performance. Such improvement brought by brain signals is particularly notable for ambiguous queries.

replace How Large Language Models Encode Context Knowledge? A Layer-Wise Probing Study

Authors: Tianjie Ju, Weiwei Sun, Wei Du, Xinwei Yuan, Zhaochun Ren, Gongshen Liu

Abstract: Previous work has showcased the intriguing capability of large language models (LLMs) in retrieving facts and processing context knowledge. However, only limited research exists on the layer-wise capability of LLMs to encode knowledge, which challenges our understanding of their internal mechanisms. In this paper, we devote the first attempt to investigate the layer-wise capability of LLMs through probing tasks. We leverage the powerful generative capability of ChatGPT to construct probing datasets, providing diverse and coherent evidence corresponding to various facts. We employ $\mathcal V$-usable information as the validation metric to better reflect the capability in encoding context knowledge across different layers. Our experiments on conflicting and newly acquired knowledge show that LLMs: (1) prefer to encode more context knowledge in the upper layers; (2) primarily encode context knowledge within knowledge-related entity tokens at lower layers while progressively expanding more knowledge within other tokens at upper layers; and (3) gradually forget the earlier context knowledge retained within the intermediate layers when provided with irrelevant evidence. Code is publicly available at


replace Citation-Enhanced Generation for LLM-based Chatbots

Authors: Weitao Li, Junkai Li, Weizhi Ma, Yang Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) exhibit powerful general intelligence across diverse scenarios, including their integration into chatbots. However, a vital challenge of LLM-based chatbots is that they may produce hallucinated content in responses, which significantly limits their applicability. Various efforts have been made to alleviate hallucination, such as retrieval augmented generation and reinforcement learning with human feedback, but most of them require additional training and data annotation. In this paper, we propose a novel post-hoc Citation-Enhanced Generation (CEG) approach combined with retrieval argumentation. Unlike previous studies that focus on preventing hallucinations during generation, our method addresses this issue in a post-hoc way. It incorporates a retrieval module to search for supporting documents relevant to the generated content, and employs a natural language inference-based citation generation module. Once the statements in the generated content lack of reference, our model can regenerate responses until all statements are supported by citations. Note that our method is a training-free plug-and-play plugin that is capable of various LLMs. Experiments on various hallucination-related datasets show our framework outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both hallucination detection and response regeneration on three benchmarks. Our codes and dataset will be publicly available.

replace FuseChat: Knowledge Fusion of Chat Models

Authors: Fanqi Wan, Ziyi Yang, Longguang Zhong, Xiaojun Quan, Xinting Huang, Wei Bi

Abstract: While training large language models (LLMs) from scratch can indeed lead to models with distinct capabilities and strengths, this approach incurs substantial costs and may lead to potential redundancy in competencies. An alternative strategy is to combine existing LLMs into a more robust LLM, thereby diminishing the necessity for expensive pre-training. However, due to the diverse architectures of LLMs, direct parameter blending proves to be unfeasible. Recently, \textsc{FuseLLM} introduced the concept of knowledge fusion to transfer the collective knowledge of multiple structurally varied LLMs into a target LLM through lightweight continual training. In this report, we extend the scalability and flexibility of the \textsc{FuseLLM} framework to realize the fusion of chat LLMs, resulting in \textsc{FuseChat}. \textsc{FuseChat} comprises two main stages. Firstly, we undertake knowledge fusion for structurally and scale-varied source LLMs to derive multiple target LLMs of identical structure and size via lightweight fine-tuning. Then, these target LLMs are merged within the parameter space, wherein we propose a novel method for determining the merging weights based on the variation ratio of parameter matrices before and after fine-tuning. We validate our approach using three prominent chat LLMs with diverse architectures and scales, namely \texttt{NH2-Mixtral-8x7B}, \texttt{NH2-Solar-10.7B}, and \texttt{OpenChat-3.5-7B}. Experimental results spanning various chat domains demonstrate the superiority of \texttt{\textsc{FuseChat}-7B} across a broad spectrum of chat LLMs at 7B and 34B scales, even surpassing \texttt{GPT-3.5 (March)} and approaching \texttt{Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct}. Our code, model weights, and data are openly accessible at \url{}.


replace Improving LLM-based Machine Translation with Systematic Self-Correction

Authors: Zhaopeng Feng, Yan Zhang, Hao Li, Wenqiang Liu, Jun Lang, Yang Feng, Jian Wu, Zuozhu Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved impressive results in Machine Translation (MT). However, careful evaluations by human reveal that the translations produced by LLMs still contain multiple errors. Importantly, feeding back such error information into the LLMs can lead to self-correction and result in improved translation performance. Motivated by these insights, we introduce a systematic LLM-based self-correcting translation framework, named TER, which stands for Translate, Estimate, and Refine, marking a significant step forward in this direction. Our findings demonstrate that 1) our self-correction framework successfully assists LLMs in improving their translation quality across a wide range of languages, whether it's from high-resource languages to low-resource ones or whether it's English-centric or centered around other languages; 2) TER exhibits superior systematicity and interpretability compared to previous methods; 3) different estimation strategies yield varied impacts on AI feedback, directly affecting the effectiveness of the final corrections. We further compare different LLMs and conduct various experiments involving self-correction and cross-model correction to investigate the potential relationship between the translation and evaluation capabilities of LLMs. Our code and data are available at


replace Beyond the Known: Investigating LLMs Performance on Out-of-Domain Intent Detection

Authors: Pei Wang, Keqing He, Yejie Wang, Xiaoshuai Song, Yutao Mou, Jingang Wang, Yunsen Xian, Xunliang Cai, Weiran Xu

Abstract: Out-of-domain (OOD) intent detection aims to examine whether the user's query falls outside the predefined domain of the system, which is crucial for the proper functioning of task-oriented dialogue (TOD) systems. Previous methods address it by fine-tuning discriminative models. Recently, some studies have been exploring the application of large language models (LLMs) represented by ChatGPT to various downstream tasks, but it is still unclear for their ability on OOD detection task.This paper conducts a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs under various experimental settings, and then outline the strengths and weaknesses of LLMs. We find that LLMs exhibit strong zero-shot and few-shot capabilities, but is still at a disadvantage compared to models fine-tuned with full resource. More deeply, through a series of additional analysis experiments, we discuss and summarize the challenges faced by LLMs and provide guidance for future work including injecting domain knowledge, strengthening knowledge transfer from IND(In-domain) to OOD, and understanding long instructions.

replace Consistency Matters: Explore LLMs Consistency From a Black-Box Perspective

Authors: Fufangchen Zhao, Guoqiang Jin, Jiaheng Huang, Rui Zhao, Fei Tan

Abstract: Nowadays both commercial and open-source academic LLM have become the mainstream models of NLP. However, there is still a lack of research on LLM consistency, meaning that throughout the various stages of LLM research and deployment, its internal parameters and capabilities should remain unchanged. This issue exists in both the industrial and academic sectors. The solution to this problem is often time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there is also an additional cost of secondary deployment, resulting in economic and time losses. To fill this gap, we build an LLM consistency task dataset and design several baselines. Additionally, we choose models of diverse scales for the main experiments. Specifically, in the LightGBM experiment, we used traditional NLG metrics (i.e., ROUGE, BLEU, METEOR) as the features needed for model training. The final result exceeds the manual evaluation and GPT3.5 as well as other models in the main experiment, achieving the best performance. In the end, we use the best performing LightGBM model as the base model to build the evaluation tool, which can effectively assist in the deployment of business models. Our code and tool demo are available at


replace Latent Attention for Linear Time Transformers

Authors: Rares Dolga, Marius Cobzarenco, David Barber

Abstract: The time complexity of the standard attention mechanism in a transformer scales quadratically with the length of the sequence. We introduce a method to reduce this to linear scaling with time, based on defining attention via latent vectors. The method is readily usable as a drop-in replacement for the standard attention mechanism. Our "Latte Transformer" model can be implemented for both bidirectional and unidirectional tasks, with the causal version allowing a recurrent implementation which is memory and time-efficient during inference of language generation tasks. Whilst next token prediction scales linearly with the sequence length for a standard transformer, a Latte Transformer requires constant time to compute the next token. The empirical performance of our method is comparable to standard attention, yet allows scaling to context windows much larger than practical in standard attention.

replace Towards Optimal Learning of Language Models

Authors: Yuxian Gu, Li Dong, Yaru Hao, Qingxiu Dong, Minlie Huang, Furu Wei

Abstract: This work studies the general principles of improving the learning of language models (LMs), which aims at reducing the necessary training steps for achieving superior performance. Specifically, we present a theory for the optimal learning of LMs. We first propose an objective that optimizes LM learning by maximizing the data compression ratio in an "LM-training-as-lossless-compression" view. Then, we derive a theorem, named Learning Law, to reveal the properties of the dynamics in the optimal learning process under our objective. The theorem is then validated by experiments on a linear classification and a real-world language modeling task. Finally, we empirically verify that the optimal learning of LMs essentially stems from the improvement of the coefficients in the scaling law of LMs, indicating great promise and significance for designing practical learning acceleration methods. Our code can be found at


replace JMLR: Joint Medical LLM and Retrieval Training for Enhancing Reasoning and Professional Question Answering Capability

Authors: Junda Wang, Zhichao Yang, Zonghai Yao, Hong Yu

Abstract: With the explosive growth of medical data and the rapid development of artificial intelligence technology, precision medicine has emerged as a key to enhancing the quality and efficiency of healthcare services. In this context, Large Language Models (LLMs) play an increasingly vital role in medical knowledge acquisition and question-answering systems. To further improve the performance of these systems in the medical domain, we introduce an innovative method that jointly trains an Information Retrieval (IR) system and an LLM during the fine-tuning phase. This approach, which we call Joint Medical LLM and Retrieval Training (JMLR), is designed to overcome the challenges faced by traditional models in handling medical question-answering tasks. By employing a synchronized training mechanism, JMLR reduces the demand for computational resources and enhances the model's ability to leverage medical knowledge for reasoning and answering questions. Our experimental results demonstrate that JMLR-13B (81.2% on Amboos, 61.3% on MedQA) outperforms models using conventional pre-training and fine-tuning Meditron-70B (76.4% on AMBOSS, 60.3% on MedQA). For models of the same 7B scale, JMLR-7B(68.7% on Amboos, 51.7% on MedQA) significantly outperforms other public models (Meditron-7B: 50.1%, 47.9%), proving its superiority in terms of cost (our training time: 37 hours, traditional method: 144 hours), efficiency, and effectiveness in medical question-answering tasks. Through this work, we provide a new and efficient knowledge enhancement tool for healthcare, demonstrating the great potential of integrating IR and LLM training in precision medical information retrieval and question-answering systems.

replace A Language Model based Framework for New Concept Placement in Ontologies

Authors: Hang Dong, Jiaoyan Chen, Yuan He, Yongsheng Gao, Ian Horrocks

Abstract: We investigate the task of inserting new concepts extracted from texts into an ontology using language models. We explore an approach with three steps: edge search which is to find a set of candidate locations to insert (i.e., subsumptions between concepts), edge formation and enrichment which leverages the ontological structure to produce and enhance the edge candidates, and edge selection which eventually locates the edge to be placed into. In all steps, we propose to leverage neural methods, where we apply embedding-based methods and contrastive learning with Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) such as BERT for edge search, and adapt a BERT fine-tuning-based multi-label Edge-Cross-encoder, and Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT series, FLAN-T5, and Llama 2, for edge selection. We evaluate the methods on recent datasets created using the SNOMED CT ontology and the MedMentions entity linking benchmark. The best settings in our framework use fine-tuned PLM for search and a multi-label Cross-encoder for selection. Zero-shot prompting of LLMs is still not adequate for the task, and we propose explainable instruction tuning of LLMs for improved performance. Our study shows the advantages of PLMs and highlights the encouraging performance of LLMs that motivates future studies.

replace Learning or Self-aligning? Rethinking Instruction Fine-tuning

Authors: Mengjie Ren, Boxi Cao, Hongyu Lin, Cao Liu, Xianpei Han, Ke Zeng, Guanglu Wan, Xunliang Cai, Le Sun

Abstract: Instruction Fine-tuning~(IFT) is a critical phase in building large language models~(LLMs). Previous works mainly focus on the IFT's role in the transfer of behavioral norms and the learning of additional world knowledge. However, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of IFT remains significantly limited. In this paper, we design a knowledge intervention framework to decouple the potential underlying factors of IFT, thereby enabling individual analysis of different factors. Surprisingly, our experiments reveal that attempting to learn additional world knowledge through IFT often struggles to yield positive impacts and can even lead to markedly negative effects. Further, we discover that maintaining internal knowledge consistency before and after IFT is a critical factor for achieving successful IFT. Our findings reveal the underlying mechanisms of IFT and provide robust support for some very recent and potential future works.

replace Is Crowdsourcing Breaking Your Bank? Cost-Effective Fine-Tuning of Pre-trained Language Models with Proximal Policy Optimization

Authors: Shuo Yang, Gjergji Kasneci

Abstract: Wide usage of ChatGPT has highlighted the potential of reinforcement learning from human feedback. However, its training pipeline relies on manual ranking, a resource-intensive process. To reduce labor costs, we propose a self-supervised text ranking approach for applying Proximal-Policy-Optimization to fine-tune language models while eliminating the need for human annotators. Our method begins with probabilistic sampling to encourage a language model to generate diverse responses for each input. We then employ TextRank and ISODATA algorithms to rank and cluster these responses based on their semantics. Subsequently, we construct a reward model to learn the rank and optimize our generative policy. Our experimental results, conducted using two language models on three tasks, demonstrate that the models trained by our method considerably outperform baselines regarding BLEU, GLEU, and METEOR scores. Furthermore, our manual evaluation shows that our ranking results exhibit a remarkably high consistency with that of humans. This research significantly reduces training costs of proximal policy-guided models and demonstrates the potential for self-correction of language models.

replace How to Understand "Support"? An Implicit-enhanced Causal Inference Approach for Weakly-supervised Phrase Grounding

Authors: Jiamin Luo, Jianing Zhao, Jingjing Wang, Guodong Zhou

Abstract: Weakly-supervised Phrase Grounding (WPG) is an emerging task of inferring the fine-grained phrase-region matching, while merely leveraging the coarse-grained sentence-image pairs for training. However, existing studies on WPG largely ignore the implicit phrase-region matching relations, which are crucial for evaluating the capability of models in understanding the deep multimodal semantics. To this end, this paper proposes an Implicit-Enhanced Causal Inference (IECI) approach to address the challenges of modeling the implicit relations and highlighting them beyond the explicit. Specifically, this approach leverages both the intervention and counterfactual techniques to tackle the above two challenges respectively. Furthermore, a high-quality implicit-enhanced dataset is annotated to evaluate IECI and detailed evaluations show the great advantages of IECI over the state-of-the-art baselines. Particularly, we observe an interesting finding that IECI outperforms the advanced multimodal LLMs by a large margin on this implicit-enhanced dataset, which may facilitate more research to evaluate the multimodal LLMs in this direction.

replace Let LLMs Take on the Latest Challenges! A Chinese Dynamic Question Answering Benchmark

Authors: Zhikun Xu, Yinghui Li, Ruixue Ding, Xinyu Wang, Boli Chen, Yong Jiang, Hai-Tao Zheng, Wenlian Lu, Pengjun Xie, Fei Huang

Abstract: How to better evaluate the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) is the focal point and hot topic in current LLMs research. Previous work has noted that due to the extremely high cost of iterative updates of LLMs, they are often unable to answer the latest dynamic questions well. To promote the improvement of Chinese LLMs' ability to answer dynamic questions, in this paper, we introduce CDQA, a Chinese Dynamic QA benchmark containing question-answer pairs related to the latest news on the Chinese Internet. We obtain high-quality data through a pipeline that combines humans and models, and carefully classify the samples according to the frequency of answer changes to facilitate a more fine-grained observation of LLMs' capabilities. We have also evaluated and analyzed mainstream and advanced Chinese LLMs on CDQA. Extensive experiments and valuable insights suggest that our proposed CDQA is challenging and worthy of more further study. We believe that the benchmark we provide will become one of the key data resources for improving LLMs' Chinese question-answering ability in the future.

replace WanJuan-CC: A Safe and High-Quality Open-sourced English Webtext Dataset

Authors: Jiantao Qiu, Haijun Lv, Zhenjiang Jin, Rui Wang, Wenchang Ning, Jia Yu, ChaoBin Zhang, Pei Chu, Yuan Qu, Jin Shi, Lindong Lu, Runyu Peng, Zhiyuan Zeng, Huanze Tang, Zhikai Lei, Jiawei Hong, Keyu Chen, Zhaoye Fei, Ruiliang Xu, Wei Li, Zhongyin Tu, Hang Yan, Conghui He

Abstract: This paper presents WanJuan-CC, a safe and high-quality open-sourced English webtext dataset derived from Common Crawl data. The study addresses the challenges of constructing large-scale pre-training datasets for language models, which require vast amounts of high-quality data. A comprehensive process was designed to handle Common Crawl data, including extraction, heuristic rule filtering, fuzzy deduplication, content safety filtering, and data quality filtering. From approximately 68 billion original English documents, we obtained 2.22T Tokens of safe data and selected 1.0T Tokens of high-quality data as part of WanJuan-CC. We have open-sourced 100B Tokens from this dataset. The paper also provides statistical information related to data quality, enabling users to select appropriate data according to their needs. To evaluate the quality and utility of the dataset, we trained 1B-parameter and 3B-parameter models using WanJuan-CC and another dataset, RefinedWeb. Results show that WanJuan-CC performs better on validation datasets and downstream tasks.

replace On the Scaling Laws of Geographical Representation in Language Models

Authors: Nathan Godey, \'Eric de la Clergerie, Beno\^it Sagot

Abstract: Language models have long been shown to embed geographical information in their hidden representations. This line of work has recently been revisited by extending this result to Large Language Models (LLMs). In this paper, we propose to fill the gap between well-established and recent literature by observing how geographical knowledge evolves when scaling language models. We show that geographical knowledge is observable even for tiny models, and that it scales consistently as we increase the model size. Notably, we observe that larger language models cannot mitigate the geographical bias that is inherent to the training data.

replace ROME: Memorization Insights from Text, Probability and Hidden State in Large Language Models

Authors: Bo Li, Qinghua Zhao, Lijie Wen

Abstract: Probing the memorization of large language models holds significant importance. Previous works have established metrics for quantifying memorization, explored various influencing factors, such as data duplication, model size, and prompt length, and evaluated memorization by comparing model outputs with training corpora. However, the training corpora are of enormous scale and its pre-processing is time-consuming. To explore memorization without accessing training data, we propose a novel approach, named ROME, wherein memorization is explored by comparing disparities across memorized and non-memorized. Specifically, models firstly categorize the selected samples into memorized and non-memorized groups, and then comparing the demonstrations in the two groups from the insights of text, probability, and hidden state. Experimental findings show the disparities in factors including word length, part-of-speech, word frequency, mean and variance, just to name a few.

replace-cross Prompt Injection attack against LLM-integrated Applications

Authors: Yi Liu, Gelei Deng, Yuekang Li, Kailong Wang, Zihao Wang, Xiaofeng Wang, Tianwei Zhang, Yepang Liu, Haoyu Wang, Yan Zheng, Yang Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), renowned for their superior proficiency in language comprehension and generation, stimulate a vibrant ecosystem of applications around them. However, their extensive assimilation into various services introduces significant security risks. This study deconstructs the complexities and implications of prompt injection attacks on actual LLM-integrated applications. Initially, we conduct an exploratory analysis on ten commercial applications, highlighting the constraints of current attack strategies in practice. Prompted by these limitations, we subsequently formulate HouYi, a novel black-box prompt injection attack technique, which draws inspiration from traditional web injection attacks. HouYi is compartmentalized into three crucial elements: a seamlessly-incorporated pre-constructed prompt, an injection prompt inducing context partition, and a malicious payload designed to fulfill the attack objectives. Leveraging HouYi, we unveil previously unknown and severe attack outcomes, such as unrestricted arbitrary LLM usage and uncomplicated application prompt theft. We deploy HouYi on 36 actual LLM-integrated applications and discern 31 applications susceptible to prompt injection. 10 vendors have validated our discoveries, including Notion, which has the potential to impact millions of users. Our investigation illuminates both the possible risks of prompt injection attacks and the possible tactics for mitigation.

replace-cross Mol-Instructions: A Large-Scale Biomolecular Instruction Dataset for Large Language Models

Authors: Yin Fang, Xiaozhuan Liang, Ningyu Zhang, Kangwei Liu, Rui Huang, Zhuo Chen, Xiaohui Fan, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), with their remarkable task-handling capabilities and innovative outputs, have catalyzed significant advancements across a spectrum of fields. However, their proficiency within specialized domains such as biomolecular studies remains limited. To address this challenge, we introduce Mol-Instructions, a comprehensive instruction dataset designed for the biomolecular domain. Mol-Instructions encompasses three key components: molecule-oriented instructions, protein-oriented instructions, and biomolecular text instructions. Each component aims to improve the understanding and prediction capabilities of LLMs concerning biomolecular features and behaviors. Through extensive instruction tuning experiments on LLMs, we demonstrate the effectiveness of Mol-Instructions in enhancing large models' performance in the intricate realm of biomolecular studies, thus fostering progress in the biomolecular research community. Mol-Instructions is publicly available for ongoing research and will undergo regular updates to enhance its applicability.

replace-cross MindMap: Knowledge Graph Prompting Sparks Graph of Thoughts in Large Language Models

Authors: Yilin Wen, Zifeng Wang, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance in natural language understanding and generation tasks. However, they often suffer from limitations such as difficulty in incorporating new knowledge, generating hallucinations, and explaining their reasoning process. To address these challenges, we propose a novel prompting pipeline, named \method, that leverages knowledge graphs (KGs) to enhance LLMs' inference and transparency. Our method enables LLMs to comprehend KG inputs and infer with a combination of implicit and external knowledge. Moreover, our method elicits the mind map of LLMs, which reveals their reasoning pathways based on the ontology of knowledge. We evaluate our method on diverse question \& answering tasks, especially in medical domains, and show significant improvements over baselines. We also introduce a new hallucination evaluation benchmark and analyze the effects of different components of our method. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness and robustness of our method in merging knowledge from LLMs and KGs for combined inference. To reproduce our results and extend the framework further, we make our codebase available at


replace-cross Language Models Represent Space and Time

Authors: Wes Gurnee, Max Tegmark

Abstract: The capabilities of large language models (LLMs) have sparked debate over whether such systems just learn an enormous collection of superficial statistics or a set of more coherent and grounded representations that reflect the real world. We find evidence for the latter by analyzing the learned representations of three spatial datasets (world, US, NYC places) and three temporal datasets (historical figures, artworks, news headlines) in the Llama-2 family of models. We discover that LLMs learn linear representations of space and time across multiple scales. These representations are robust to prompting variations and unified across different entity types (e.g. cities and landmarks). In addition, we identify individual "space neurons" and "time neurons" that reliably encode spatial and temporal coordinates. While further investigation is needed, our results suggest modern LLMs learn rich spatiotemporal representations of the real world and possess basic ingredients of a world model.

replace-cross From Interpolation to Extrapolation: Complete Length Generalization for Arithmetic Transformers

Authors: Shaoxiong Duan, Yining Shi, Wei Xu

Abstract: In this paper, we investigate the inherent capabilities of transformer models in learning arithmetic algorithms, such as addition and parity. Through experiments and attention analysis, we identify a number of crucial factors for achieving optimal length generalization. We show that transformer models are able to generalize to long lengths with the help of targeted attention biasing. In particular, our solution solves the Parity task, a well-known and theoretically proven failure mode for Transformers. We then introduce Attention Bias Calibration (ABC), a calibration stage that enables the model to automatically learn the proper attention biases, which we show to be connected to mechanisms in relative position encoding. We demonstrate that using ABC, the transformer model can achieve unprecedented near-perfect length generalization on certain arithmetic tasks. Our code is available at https: //

replace-cross Ignore This Title and HackAPrompt: Exposing Systemic Vulnerabilities of LLMs through a Global Scale Prompt Hacking Competition

Authors: Sander Schulhoff, Jeremy Pinto, Anaum Khan, Louis-Fran\c{c}ois Bouchard, Chenglei Si, Svetlina Anati, Valen Tagliabue, Anson Liu Kost, Christopher Carnahan, Jordan Boyd-Graber

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are deployed in interactive contexts with direct user engagement, such as chatbots and writing assistants. These deployments are vulnerable to prompt injection and jailbreaking (collectively, prompt hacking), in which models are manipulated to ignore their original instructions and follow potentially malicious ones. Although widely acknowledged as a significant security threat, there is a dearth of large-scale resources and quantitative studies on prompt hacking. To address this lacuna, we launch a global prompt hacking competition, which allows for free-form human input attacks. We elicit 600K+ adversarial prompts against three state-of-the-art LLMs. We describe the dataset, which empirically verifies that current LLMs can indeed be manipulated via prompt hacking. We also present a comprehensive taxonomical ontology of the types of adversarial prompts.

replace-cross Refining GPT-3 Embeddings with a Siamese Structure for Technical Post Duplicate Detection

Authors: Xingfang Wu, Heng Li, Nobukazu Yoshioka, Hironori Washizaki, Foutse Khomh

Abstract: One goal of technical online communities is to help developers find the right answer in one place. A single question can be asked in different ways with different wordings, leading to the existence of duplicate posts on technical forums. The question of how to discover and link duplicate posts has garnered the attention of both developer communities and researchers. For example, Stack Overflow adopts a voting-based mechanism to mark and close duplicate posts. However, addressing these constantly emerging duplicate posts in a timely manner continues to pose challenges. Therefore, various approaches have been proposed to detect duplicate posts on technical forum posts automatically. The existing methods suffer from limitations either due to their reliance on handcrafted similarity metrics which can not sufficiently capture the semantics of posts, or their lack of supervision to improve the performance. Additionally, the efficiency of these methods is hindered by their dependence on pair-wise feature generation, which can be impractical for large amount of data. In this work, we attempt to employ and refine the GPT-3 embeddings for the duplicate detection task. We assume that the GPT-3 embeddings can accurately represent the semantics of the posts. In addition, by training a Siamese-based network based on the GPT-3 embeddings, we obtain a latent embedding that accurately captures the duplicate relation in technical forum posts. Our experiment on a benchmark dataset confirms the effectiveness of our approach and demonstrates superior performance compared to baseline methods. When applied to the dataset we constructed with a recent Stack Overflow dump, our approach attains a Top-1, Top-5, and Top-30 accuracy of 23.1%, 43.9%, and 68.9%, respectively. With a manual study, we confirm our approach's potential of finding unlabelled duplicates on technical forums.

replace-cross Tweets to Citations: Unveiling the Impact of Social Media Influencers on AI Research Visibility

Authors: Iain Xie Weissburg, Mehir Arora, Xinyi Wang, Liangming Pan, William Yang Wang

Abstract: As the number of accepted papers at AI and ML conferences reaches into the thousands, it has become unclear how researchers access and read research publications. In this paper, we investigate the role of social media influencers in enhancing the visibility of machine learning research, particularly the citation counts of papers they share. We have compiled a comprehensive dataset of over 8,000 papers, spanning tweets from December 2018 to October 2023, alongside controls precisely matched by 9 key covariates. Our statistical and causal inference analysis reveals a significant increase in citations for papers endorsed by these influencers, with median citation counts 2-3 times higher than those of the control group. Additionally, the study delves into the geographic, gender, and institutional diversity of highlighted authors. Given these findings, we advocate for a responsible approach to curation, encouraging influencers to uphold the journalistic standard that includes showcasing diverse research topics, authors, and institutions.

replace-cross A Survey on Data Augmentation in Large Model Era

Authors: Yue Zhou, Chenlu Guo, Xu Wang, Yi Chang, Yuan Wu

Abstract: Large models, encompassing large language and diffusion models, have shown exceptional promise in approximating human-level intelligence, garnering significant interest from both academic and industrial spheres. However, the training of these large models necessitates vast quantities of high-quality data, and with continuous updates to these models, the existing reservoir of high-quality data may soon be depleted. This challenge has catalyzed a surge in research focused on data augmentation methods. Leveraging large models, these data augmentation techniques have outperformed traditional approaches. This paper offers an exhaustive review of large model-driven data augmentation methods, adopting a comprehensive perspective. We begin by establishing a classification of relevant studies into three main categories: image augmentation, text augmentation, and paired data augmentation. Following this, we delve into various data post-processing techniques pertinent to large model-based data augmentation. Our discussion then expands to encompass the array of applications for these data augmentation methods within natural language processing, computer vision, and audio signal processing. We proceed to evaluate the successes and limitations of large model-based data augmentation across different scenarios. Concluding our review, we highlight prospective challenges and avenues for future exploration in the field of data augmentation. Our objective is to furnish researchers with critical insights, ultimately contributing to the advancement of more sophisticated large models. We consistently maintain the related open-source materials at:


replace-cross On Prompt-Driven Safeguarding for Large Language Models

Authors: Chujie Zheng, Fan Yin, Hao Zhou, Fandong Meng, Jie Zhou, Kai-Wei Chang, Minlie Huang, Nanyun Peng

Abstract: Prepending model inputs with safety prompts is a common practice for safeguarding large language models (LLMs) from complying with queries that contain harmful intents. However, the working mechanisms of safety prompts have not been revealed yet, which hinders the potential for automatically optimizing them to improve LLM safety. To this end, we investigate the impact of safety prompts from the perspective of model representations. We find that in models' representation space, harmful and harmless queries can be largely distinguished, but this is not noticeably enhanced by safety prompts. Instead, the queries' representations are moved by safety prompts in similar directions where models become more prone to refusal (i.e., refusing to provide assistance) even when the queries are harmless. Inspired by these findings, we propose a method called DRO (Directed Representation Optimization) for automatic safety prompt optimization. It treats safety prompts as continuous, trainable embeddings and learns to move the representations of harmful/harmless queries along/opposite the direction in which the model's refusal probability increases. Experiments with eight LLMs on out-of-domain benchmarks demonstrate that DRO remarkably improves the safeguarding performance of human-crafted safety prompts and outperforms strong baselines, without compromising the general model capability.

replace-cross LQER: Low-Rank Quantization Error Reconstruction for LLMs

Authors: Cheng Zhang, Jianyi Cheng, George A. Constantinides, Yiren Zhao

Abstract: Post-training quantization of Large Language Models (LLMs) is challenging. In this work, we introduce Low-rank Quantization Error Reduction (LQER), which combines quantization and low-rank approximation to recover the model capability. LQER leverages an activation-induced scale matrix to drive the singular value distribution of quantization error towards a desirable distribution, which enables nearly-lossless W4A8 quantization on various LLMs and downstream tasks without the need for knowledge distillation, grid search, or gradient-base iterative optimization. Unlike existing methods, the computation pattern of LQER eliminates the need for specialized Scatter and Gather processes to collect high-precision weights from irregular memory locations. Our W4A8 LLMs achieve near-lossless performance on six popular downstream tasks, while using 1.36$\times$ fewer hardware resources than the leading state-of-the-art method. We will open-source our framework once the paper is accepted.

replace-cross C-RAG: Certified Generation Risks for Retrieval-Augmented Language Models

Authors: Mintong Kang, Nezihe Merve G\"urel, Ning Yu, Dawn Song, Bo Li

Abstract: Despite the impressive capabilities of large language models (LLMs) across diverse applications, they still suffer from trustworthiness issues, such as hallucinations and misalignments. Retrieval-augmented language models (RAG) have been proposed to enhance the credibility of generations by grounding external knowledge, but the theoretical understandings of their generation risks remains unexplored. In this paper, we answer: 1) whether RAG can indeed lead to low generation risks, 2) how to provide provable guarantees on the generation risks of RAG and vanilla LLMs, and 3) what sufficient conditions enable RAG models to reduce generation risks. We propose C-RAG, the first framework to certify generation risks for RAG models. Specifically, we provide conformal risk analysis for RAG models and certify an upper confidence bound of generation risks, which we refer to as conformal generation risk. We also provide theoretical guarantees on conformal generation risks for general bounded risk functions under test distribution shifts. We prove that RAG achieves a lower conformal generation risk than that of a single LLM when the quality of the retrieval model and transformer is non-trivial. Our intensive empirical results demonstrate the soundness and tightness of our conformal generation risk guarantees across four widely-used NLP datasets on four state-of-the-art retrieval models.

replace-cross Extensible Multi-Granularity Fusion Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Xiaowei Zhao, Yong Zhou, Xiujuan Xu, Yu Liu

Abstract: Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) evaluates sentiment expressions within a text to comprehend sentiment information. Previous studies integrated external knowledge, such as knowledge graphs, to enhance the semantic features in ABSA models. Recent research has examined the use of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) on dependency and constituent trees for syntactic analysis. With the ongoing development of ABSA, more innovative linguistic and structural features are being incorporated (e.g. latent graph), but this also introduces complexity and confusion. As of now, a scalable framework for integrating diverse linguistic and structural features into ABSA does not exist. This paper presents the Extensible Multi-Granularity Fusion (EMGF) network, which integrates information from dependency and constituent syntactic, attention semantic , and external knowledge graphs. EMGF, equipped with multi-anchor triplet learning and orthogonal projection, efficiently harnesses the combined potential of each granularity feature and their synergistic interactions, resulting in a cumulative effect without additional computational expenses. Experimental findings on SemEval 2014 and Twitter datasets confirm EMGF's superiority over existing ABSA methods.

replace-cross Premise Order Matters in Reasoning with Large Language Models

Authors: Xinyun Chen, Ryan A. Chi, Xuezhi Wang, Denny Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have accomplished remarkable reasoning performance in various domains. However, in the domain of reasoning tasks, we discover a frailty: LLMs are surprisingly brittle to the ordering of the premises, despite the fact that such ordering does not alter the underlying task. In particular, we observe that LLMs achieve the best performance when the premise order aligns with the context required in intermediate reasoning steps. For example, in deductive reasoning tasks, presenting the premises in the same order as the ground truth proof in the prompt (as opposed to random ordering) drastically increases the model's accuracy. We first examine the effect of premise ordering on deductive reasoning on a variety of LLMs, and our evaluation shows that permuting the premise order can cause a performance drop of over 30%. In addition, we release the benchmark R-GSM, based on GSM8K, to examine the ordering effect for mathematical problem-solving, and we again observe a significant drop in accuracy, relative to the original GSM8K benchmark.

replace-cross Aligning Large Language Models by On-Policy Self-Judgment

Authors: Sangkyu Lee, Sungdong Kim, Ashkan Yousefpour, Minjoon Seo, Kang Min Yoo, Youngjae Yu

Abstract: Existing approaches for aligning large language models with human preferences face a trade-off that requires a separate reward model (RM) for on-policy learning. In this paper, we present a novel alignment framework, \method{} that (1) does on-policy learning and 2) is parameter efficient, as it does not require an additional RM for evaluating the samples for on-policy learning. To this end, we propose Judge-augmented Supervised Fine-Tuning (JSFT) to train a single model to act as both a policy and a judge. Specifically, we view the pairwise judgment task, choosing the better response from a response pair, as a special case of the instruction-following task. The resulting model can judge preferences of on-the-fly responses from current policy initialized from itself. Experimental results show the efficacy of \method{}, outperforming baselines in preference benchmarks. We also show that the rejecting sampling by itself can improve performance further without an additional evaluator.

replace-cross Modality-Aware Integration with Large Language Models for Knowledge-based Visual Question Answering

Authors: Junnan Dong, Qinggang Zhang, Huachi Zhou, Daochen Zha, Pai Zheng, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Knowledge-based visual question answering (KVQA) has been extensively studied to answer visual questions with external knowledge, e.g., knowledge graphs (KGs). While several attempts have been proposed to leverage large language models (LLMs) as an implicit knowledge source, it remains challenging since LLMs may generate hallucinations. Moreover, multiple knowledge sources, e.g., images, KGs and LLMs, cannot be readily aligned for complex scenarios. To tackle these, we present a novel modality-aware integration with LLMs for KVQA (MAIL). It carefully leverages multimodal knowledge for both image understanding and knowledge reasoning. Specifically, (i) we propose a two-stage prompting strategy with LLMs to densely embody the image into a scene graph with detailed visual features; (ii) We construct a coupled concept graph by linking the mentioned entities with external facts. (iii) A tailored pseudo-siamese graph medium fusion is designed for sufficient multimodal fusion. We utilize the shared mentioned entities in two graphs as mediums to bridge a tight inter-modal exchange, while maximally preserving insightful intra-modal learning by constraining the fusion within mediums. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show the superiority of MAIL with 24x less resources.

replace-cross OmniPred: Language Models as Universal Regressors

Authors: Xingyou Song, Oscar Li, Chansoo Lee, Bangding Yang, Daiyi Peng, Sagi Perel, Yutian Chen

Abstract: Over the broad landscape of experimental design, regression has been a powerful tool to accurately predict the outcome metrics of a system or model given a set of parameters, but has been traditionally restricted to methods which are only applicable to a specific task. In this paper, we propose OmniPred, a framework for training language models as universal end-to-end regressors over $(x,y)$ evaluation data from diverse real world experiments. Using data sourced from Google Vizier, one of the largest blackbox optimization databases in the world, our extensive experiments demonstrate that through only textual representations of mathematical parameters and values, language models are capable of very precise numerical regression, and if given the opportunity to train over multiple tasks, can significantly outperform traditional regression models.

replace-cross LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step-by-step

Authors: Li Zhong, Zilong Wang, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are leading significant progress in code generation. Beyond one-pass code generation, recent works further integrate unit tests and program verifiers into LLMs to iteratively refine the generated programs. However, these works consider the generated programs as an indivisible entity, which falls short for LLMs in debugging the programs, especially when the programs contain complex logic flows and data operations. In contrast, when human developers debug programs, they typically set breakpoints and selectively examine runtime execution information. The execution flow and the intermediate variables play a crucial role in the debugging process, yet they are underutilized in the existing literature on code generation. In this study, we introduce Large Language Model Debugger (LDB), a novel debugging framework that enables LLMs to refine their generated programs with the runtime execution information. Specifically, LDB segments the programs into basic blocks and tracks the values of intermediate variables after each block throughout the runtime execution. This allows LLMs to concentrate on simpler code units within the overall execution flow, verify their correctness against the task description block by block, and efficiently pinpoint any potential errors. Experiments demonstrate that LDB consistently enhances the baseline performance by up to 9.8% across the HumanEval, MBPP, and TransCoder benchmarks, archiving new state-of-the-art performance in code debugging for various LLM selections.

replace-cross Multimodal ArXiv: A Dataset for Improving Scientific Comprehension of Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Lei Li, Yuqi Wang, Runxin Xu, Peiyi Wang, Xiachong Feng, Lingpeng Kong, Qi Liu

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs), exemplified by GPT-4V, excel across diverse tasks involving concrete images from natural scenes. However, their ability to interpret abstract figures, such as geometry shapes and scientific plots, remains limited due to a scarcity of training datasets in scientific domains. To fill this gap, we introduce Multimodal ArXiv, consisting of ArXivCap and ArXivQA, for enhancing LVLMs scientific comprehension. ArXivCap is a figure-caption dataset comprising 6.4M images and 3.9M captions sourced from 572K ArXiv papers spanning various scientific domains. Drawing from ArXivCap, we introduce ArXivQA, a question-answering dataset generated by prompting GPT-4V based on scientific figures. ArXivQA greatly enhances LVLMs' mathematical reasoning capabilities, achieving a 10.4% absolute accuracy gain on a multimodal mathematical reasoning benchmark. Furthermore, employing ArXivCap, we devise four vision-to-text tasks for benchmarking LVLMs. Evaluation results with state-of-the-art LVLMs underscore their struggle with the nuanced semantics of academic figures, with domain-specific training yielding substantial performance gains. Our error analysis uncovers misinterpretations of visual context, recognition errors, and the production of overly simplified captions by current LVLMs, shedding light on future improvements.