new Can Large Language Models do Analytical Reasoning?

Authors: Yebowen Hu, Kaiqiang Song, Sangwoo Cho, Xiaoyang Wang, Hassan Foroosh, Dong Yu, Fei Liu

Abstract: This paper explores the cutting-edge Large Language Model with analytical reasoning on sports. Our analytical reasoning embodies the tasks of letting large language models count how many points each team scores in a quarter in the NBA and NFL games. Our major discoveries are in two folds. Firstly, we find among all the models we employed, GPT-4 stands out in effectiveness, followed by Claude-2.1, with GPT-3.5, Gemini-Pro, and Llama-2-70b lagging behind. Specifically, we compare three different prompting techniques and a divide-and-conquer approach, we find that the latter was the most effective. Our divide-and-conquer approach breaks down play-by-play data into smaller, more manageable segments, solves each piece individually, and then aggregates them together. Besides the divide-and-conquer approach, we also explore the Chain of Thought (CoT) strategy, which markedly improves outcomes for certain models, notably GPT-4 and Claude-2.1, with their accuracy rates increasing significantly. However, the CoT strategy has negligible or even detrimental effects on the performance of other models like GPT-3.5 and Gemini-Pro. Secondly, to our surprise, we observe that most models, including GPT-4, struggle to accurately count the total scores for NBA quarters despite showing strong performance in counting NFL quarter scores. This leads us to further investigate the factors that impact the complexity of analytical reasoning tasks with extensive experiments, through which we conclude that task complexity depends on the length of context, the information density, and the presence of related information. Our research provides valuable insights into the complexity of analytical reasoning tasks and potential directions for developing future large language models.

new Semi-Supervised Dialogue Abstractive Summarization via High-Quality Pseudolabel Selection

Authors: Jianfeng He, Hang Su, Jason Cai, Igor Shalyminov, Hwanjun Song, Saab Mansour

Abstract: Semi-supervised dialogue summarization (SSDS) leverages model-generated summaries to reduce reliance on human-labeled data and improve the performance of summarization models. While addressing label noise, previous works on semi-supervised learning primarily focus on natural language understanding tasks, assuming each sample has a unique label. However, these methods are not directly applicable to SSDS, as it is a generative task, and each dialogue can be summarized in different ways. In this work, we propose a novel scoring approach, SiCF, which encapsulates three primary dimensions of summarization model quality: Semantic invariance (indicative of model confidence), Coverage (factual recall), and Faithfulness (factual precision). Using the SiCF score, we select unlabeled dialogues with high-quality generated summaries to train summarization models. Comprehensive experiments on three public datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of SiCF scores in uncertainty estimation and semi-supervised learning for dialogue summarization tasks. Our code is available at \url{}.


new Transformers and Language Models in Form Understanding: A Comprehensive Review of Scanned Document Analysis

Authors: Abdelrahman Abdallah, Daniel Eberharter, Zoe Pfister, Adam Jatowt

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive survey of research works on the topic of form understanding in the context of scanned documents. We delve into recent advancements and breakthroughs in the field, highlighting the significance of language models and transformers in solving this challenging task. Our research methodology involves an in-depth analysis of popular documents and forms of understanding of trends over the last decade, enabling us to offer valuable insights into the evolution of this domain. Focusing on cutting-edge models, we showcase how transformers have propelled the field forward, revolutionizing form-understanding techniques. Our exploration includes an extensive examination of state-of-the-art language models designed to effectively tackle the complexities of noisy scanned documents. Furthermore, we present an overview of the latest and most relevant datasets, which serve as essential benchmarks for evaluating the performance of selected models. By comparing and contrasting the capabilities of these models, we aim to provide researchers and practitioners with useful guidance in choosing the most suitable solutions for their specific form understanding tasks.

new Don't Blame the Data, Blame the Model: Understanding Noise and Bias When Learning from Subjective Annotations

Authors: Abhishek Anand, Negar Mokhberian, Prathyusha Naresh Kumar, Anweasha Saha, Zihao He, Ashwin Rao, Fred Morstatter, Kristina Lerman

Abstract: Researchers have raised awareness about the harms of aggregating labels especially in subjective tasks that naturally contain disagreements among human annotators. In this work we show that models that are only provided aggregated labels show low confidence on high-disagreement data instances. While previous studies consider such instances as mislabeled, we argue that the reason the high-disagreement text instances have been hard-to-learn is that the conventional aggregated models underperform in extracting useful signals from subjective tasks. Inspired by recent studies demonstrating the effectiveness of learning from raw annotations, we investigate classifying using Multiple Ground Truth (Multi-GT) approaches. Our experiments show an improvement of confidence for the high-disagreement instances.

new DA-Net: A Disentangled and Adaptive Network for Multi-Source Cross-Lingual Transfer Learning

Authors: Ling Ge, Chunming Hu, Guanghui Ma, Jihong Liu, Hong Zhang

Abstract: Multi-Source cross-lingual transfer learning deals with the transfer of task knowledge from multiple labelled source languages to an unlabeled target language under the language shift. Existing methods typically focus on weighting the predictions produced by language-specific classifiers of different sources that follow a shared encoder. However, all source languages share the same encoder, which is updated by all these languages. The extracted representations inevitably contain different source languages' information, which may disturb the learning of the language-specific classifiers. Additionally, due to the language gap, language-specific classifiers trained with source labels are unable to make accurate predictions for the target language. Both facts impair the model's performance. To address these challenges, we propose a Disentangled and Adaptive Network (DA-Net). Firstly, we devise a feedback-guided collaborative disentanglement method that seeks to purify input representations of classifiers, thereby mitigating mutual interference from multiple sources. Secondly, we propose a class-aware parallel adaptation method that aligns class-level distributions for each source-target language pair, thereby alleviating the language pairs' language gap. Experimental results on three different tasks involving 38 languages validate the effectiveness of our approach.

new Attempt Towards Stress Transfer in Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation

Authors: Sai Akarsh, Vamshi Raghusimha, Anindita Mondal, Anil Vuppala

Abstract: The language diversity in India's education sector poses a significant challenge, hindering inclusivity. Despite the democratization of knowledge through online educational content, the dominance of English, as the internet's lingua franca, limits accessibility, emphasizing the crucial need for translation into Indian languages. Despite existing Speech-to-Speech Machine Translation (SSMT) technologies, the lack of intonation in these systems gives monotonous translations, leading to a loss of audience interest and disengagement from the content. To address this, our paper introduces a dataset with stress annotations in Indian English and also a Text-to-Speech (TTS) architecture capable of incorporating stress into synthesized speech. This dataset is used for training a stress detection model, which is then used in the SSMT system for detecting stress in the source speech and transferring it into the target language speech. The TTS architecture is based on FastPitch and can modify the variances based on stressed words given. We present an Indian English-to-Hindi SSMT system that can transfer stress and aim to enhance the overall quality and engagement of educational content.

new Metric-aware LLM inference

Authors: Michal Lukasik, Harikrishna Narasimhan, Aditya Krishna Menon, Felix Yu, Sanjiv Kumar

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated strong results on a range of NLP tasks. Typically, outputs are obtained via autoregressive sampling from the LLM's underlying distribution. We show that this inference strategy can be suboptimal for a range of tasks and associated evaluation metrics. As a remedy, we propose metric aware LLM inference: a decision theoretic approach optimizing for custom metrics at inference time. We report improvements over baselines on academic benchmarks and publicly available models.

new Large Language Models are In-Context Molecule Learners

Authors: Jiatong Li, Wei Liu, Zhihao Ding, Wenqi Fan, Yuqiang Li, Qing Li

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional performance in biochemical tasks, especially the molecule caption translation task, which aims to bridge the gap between molecules and natural language texts. However, previous methods in adapting LLMs to the molecule-caption translation task required extra domain-specific pre-training stages, suffered weak alignment between molecular and textual spaces, or imposed stringent demands on the scale of LLMs. To resolve the challenges, we propose In-Context Molecule Adaptation (ICMA), as a new paradigm allowing LLMs to learn the molecule-text alignment from context examples via In-Context Molecule Tuning. Specifically, ICMA incorporates the following three stages: Cross-modal Retrieval, Post-retrieval Re-ranking, and In-context Molecule Tuning. Initially, Cross-modal Retrieval utilizes BM25 Caption Retrieval and Molecule Graph Retrieval to retrieve informative context examples. Additionally, we also propose Post-retrieval Re-ranking with Sequence Reversal and Random Walk to further improve the quality of retrieval results. Finally, In-Context Molecule Tuning unlocks the in-context molecule learning capability of LLMs with retrieved examples and adapts the parameters of LLMs for the molecule-caption translation task. Experimental results demonstrate that ICMT can empower LLMs to achieve state-of-the-art or comparable performance without extra training corpora and intricate structures, showing that LLMs are inherently in-context molecule learners.

new Persona Extraction Through Semantic Similarity for Emotional Support Conversation Generation

Authors: Seunghee Han, Se Jin Park, Chae Won Kim, Yong Man Ro

Abstract: Providing emotional support through dialogue systems is becoming increasingly important in today's world, as it can support both mental health and social interactions in many conversation scenarios. Previous works have shown that using persona is effective for generating empathetic and supportive responses. They have often relied on pre-provided persona rather than inferring them during conversations. However, it is not always possible to obtain a user persona before the conversation begins. To address this challenge, we propose PESS (Persona Extraction through Semantic Similarity), a novel framework that can automatically infer informative and consistent persona from dialogues. We devise completeness loss and consistency loss based on semantic similarity scores. The completeness loss encourages the model to generate missing persona information, and the consistency loss guides the model to distinguish between consistent and inconsistent persona. Our experimental results demonstrate that high-quality persona information inferred by PESS is effective in generating emotionally supportive responses.

new Self-Evaluation of Large Language Model based on Glass-box Features

Authors: Hui Huang, Yingqi Qu, Jing Liu, Muyun Yang, Tiejun Zhao

Abstract: The proliferation of open-source Large Language Models (LLMs) underscores the pressing need for evaluation methods. Existing works primarily rely on external evaluators, focusing on training and prompting strategies. However, a crucial aspect - model-aware glass-box features - is overlooked. In this study, we explore the utility of glass-box features under the scenario of self-evaluation, namely applying an LLM to evaluate its own output. We investigate various glass-box feature groups and discovered that the softmax distribution serves as a reliable indicator for quality evaluation. Furthermore, we propose two strategies to enhance the evaluation by incorporating features derived from references. Experimental results on public benchmarks validate the feasibility of self-evaluation of LLMs using glass-box features.

new Aligners: Decoupling LLMs and Alignment

Authors: Lilian Ngweta, Mayank Agarwal, Subha Maity, Alex Gittens, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) need to be aligned with human expectations to ensure their safety and utility in most applications. Alignment is challenging, costly, and needs to be repeated for every LLM and alignment criterion. We propose to decouple LLMs and alignment by training aligner models that can be used to align any LLM for a given criteria on an as-needed basis, thus also reducing the potential negative impacts of alignment on performance. Our recipe for training the aligner models solely relies on synthetic data generated with a (prompted) LLM and can be easily adjusted for a variety of alignment criteria. We illustrate our method by training an "ethical" aligner and verify its efficacy empirically.

new DEEP-ICL: Definition-Enriched Experts for Language Model In-Context Learning

Authors: Xingwei Qu, Yiming Liang, Yucheng Wang, Tianyu Zheng, Tommy Yue, Lei Ma, Stephen W. Huang, Jiajun Zhang, Wenhu Chen, Chenghua Lin, Jie Fu, Ge Zhang

Abstract: It has long been assumed that the sheer number of parameters in large language models (LLMs) drives in-context learning (ICL) capabilities, enabling remarkable performance improvements by leveraging task-specific demonstrations. Challenging this hypothesis, we introduce DEEP-ICL, a novel task Definition Enriched ExPert Ensembling methodology for ICL. DEEP-ICL explicitly extracts task definitions from given demonstrations and generates responses through learning task-specific examples. We argue that improvement from ICL does not directly rely on model size, but essentially stems from understanding task definitions and task-guided learning. Inspired by this, DEEP-ICL combines two 3B models with distinct roles (one for concluding task definitions and the other for learning task demonstrations) and achieves comparable performance to LLaMA2-13B. Furthermore, our framework outperforms conventional ICL by overcoming pretraining sequence length limitations, by supporting unlimited demonstrations. We contend that DEEP-ICL presents a novel alternative for achieving efficient few-shot learning, extending beyond the conventional ICL.

new UltraWiki: Ultra-fine-grained Entity Set Expansion with Negative Seed Entities

Authors: Yangning Li, Qingsong Lv, Tianyu Yu, Yinghui Li, Shulin Huang, Tingwei Lu, Xuming Hu, Wenhao JIang, Hai-Tao Zheng, Hui Wang

Abstract: Entity Set Expansion (ESE) aims to identify new entities belonging to the same semantic class as a given set of seed entities. Traditional methods primarily relied on positive seed entities to represent a target semantic class, which poses challenge for the representation of ultra-fine-grained semantic classes. Ultra-fine-grained semantic classes are defined based on fine-grained semantic classes with more specific attribute constraints. Describing it with positive seed entities alone cause two issues: (i) Ambiguity among ultra-fine-grained semantic classes. (ii) Inability to define "unwanted" semantic. Due to these inherent shortcomings, previous methods struggle to address the ultra-fine-grained ESE (Ultra-ESE). To solve this issue, we first introduce negative seed entities in the inputs, which belong to the same fine-grained semantic class as the positive seed entities but differ in certain attributes. Negative seed entities eliminate the semantic ambiguity by contrast between positive and negative attributes. Meanwhile, it provide a straightforward way to express "unwanted". To assess model performance in Ultra-ESE, we constructed UltraWiki, the first large-scale dataset tailored for Ultra-ESE. UltraWiki encompasses 236 ultra-fine-grained semantic classes, where each query of them is represented with 3-5 positive and negative seed entities. A retrieval-based framework RetExpan and a generation-based framework GenExpan are proposed to comprehensively assess the efficacy of large language models from two different paradigms in Ultra-ESE. Moreover, we devised three strategies to enhance models' comprehension of ultra-fine-grained entities semantics: contrastive learning, retrieval augmentation, and chain-of-thought reasoning. Extensive experiments confirm the effectiveness of our proposed strategies and also reveal that there remains a large space for improvement in Ultra-ESE.

new Proxy-RLHF: Decoupling Generation and Alignment in Large Language Model with Proxy

Authors: Yu Zhu, Chuxiong Sun, Wenfei Yang, Wenqiang Wei, Bo Tang, Tianzhu Zhang, Zhiyu Li, Shifeng Zhang, Feiyu Xiong, Jie Hu, Mingchuan yang

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is the prevailing approach to ensure Large Language Models (LLMs) align with human values. However, existing RLHF methods require a high computational cost, one main reason being that RLHF assigns both the generation and alignment tasks to the LLM simultaneously. In this paper, we introduce Proxy-RLHF, which decouples the generation and alignment processes of LLMs, achieving alignment with human values at a much lower computational cost. We start with a novel Markov Decision Process (MDP) designed for the alignment process and employ Reinforcement Learning (RL) to train a streamlined proxy model that oversees the token generation of the LLM, without altering the LLM itself. Experiments show that our method achieves a comparable level of alignment with only 1\% of the training parameters of other methods.

new HaluEval-Wild: Evaluating Hallucinations of Language Models in the Wild

Authors: Zhiying Zhu, Zhiqing Sun, Yiming Yang

Abstract: Hallucinations pose a significant challenge to the reliability of large language models (LLMs) in critical domains. Recent benchmarks designed to assess LLM hallucinations within conventional NLP tasks, such as knowledge-intensive question answering (QA) and summarization, are insufficient for capturing the complexities of user-LLM interactions in dynamic, real-world settings. To address this gap, we introduce HaluEval-Wild, the first benchmark specifically designed to evaluate LLM hallucinations in the wild. We meticulously collect challenging (adversarially filtered by Alpaca) user queries from existing real-world user-LLM interaction datasets, including ShareGPT, to evaluate the hallucination rates of various LLMs. Upon analyzing the collected queries, we categorize them into five distinct types, which enables a fine-grained analysis of the types of hallucinations LLMs exhibit, and synthesize the reference answers with the powerful GPT-4 model and retrieval-augmented generation (RAG). Our benchmark offers a novel approach towards enhancing our comprehension and improvement of LLM reliability in scenarios reflective of real-world interactions.

new Can Your Model Tell a Negation from an Implicature? Unravelling Challenges With Intent Encoders

Authors: Yuwei Zhang, Siffi Singh, Sailik Sengupta, Igor Shalyminov, Hang Su, Hwanjun Song, Saab Mansour

Abstract: Conversational systems often rely on embedding models for intent classification and intent clustering tasks. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs), which enable instructional embeddings allowing one to adjust semantics over the embedding space using prompts, are being viewed as a panacea for these downstream conversational tasks. However, traditional evaluation benchmarks rely solely on task metrics that don't particularly measure gaps related to semantic understanding. Thus, we propose an intent semantic toolkit that gives a more holistic view of intent embedding models by considering three tasks-- (1) intent classification, (2) intent clustering, and (3) a novel triplet task. The triplet task gauges the model's understanding of two semantic concepts paramount in real-world conversational systems-- negation and implicature. We observe that current embedding models fare poorly in semantic understanding of these concepts. To address this, we propose a pre-training approach to improve the embedding model by leveraging augmentation with data generated by an auto-regressive model and a contrastive loss term. Our approach improves the semantic understanding of the intent embedding model on the aforementioned linguistic dimensions while slightly effecting their performance on downstream task metrics.

new Measuring Meaning Composition in the Human Brain with Composition Scores from Large Language Models

Authors: Changjiang Gao, Jixing Li, Jiajun Chen, Shujian Huang

Abstract: The process of meaning composition, wherein smaller units like morphemes or words combine to form the meaning of phrases and sentences, is essential for human sentence comprehension. Despite extensive neurolinguistic research into the brain regions involved in meaning composition, a computational metric to quantify the extent of composition is still lacking. Drawing on the key-value memory interpretation of transformer feed-forward network blocks, we introduce the Composition Score, a novel model-based metric designed to quantify the degree of meaning composition during sentence comprehension. Experimental findings show that this metric correlates with brain clusters associated with word frequency, structural processing, and general sensitivity to words, suggesting the multifaceted nature of meaning composition during human sentence comprehension.

new Computational Modelling of Plurality and Definiteness in Chinese Noun Phrases

Authors: Yuqi Liu, Guanyi Chen, Kees van Deemter

Abstract: Theoretical linguists have suggested that some languages (e.g., Chinese and Japanese) are "cooler" than other languages based on the observation that the intended meaning of phrases in these languages depends more on their contexts. As a result, many expressions in these languages are shortened, and their meaning is inferred from the context. In this paper, we focus on the omission of the plurality and definiteness markers in Chinese noun phrases (NPs) to investigate the predictability of their intended meaning given the contexts. To this end, we built a corpus of Chinese NPs, each of which is accompanied by its corresponding context, and by labels indicating its singularity/plurality and definiteness/indefiniteness. We carried out corpus assessments and analyses. The results suggest that Chinese speakers indeed drop plurality and definiteness markers very frequently. Building on the corpus, we train a bank of computational models using both classic machine learning models and state-of-the-art pre-trained language models to predict the plurality and definiteness of each NP. We report on the performance of these models and analyse their behaviours.

new Acceleron: A Tool to Accelerate Research Ideation

Authors: Harshit Nigam, Manasi Patwardhan, Lovekesh Vig, Gautam Shroff

Abstract: Several tools have recently been proposed for assisting researchers during various stages of the research life-cycle. However, these primarily concentrate on tasks such as retrieving and recommending relevant literature, reviewing and critiquing the draft, and writing of research manuscripts. Our investigation reveals a significant gap in availability of tools specifically designed to assist researchers during the challenging ideation phase of the research life-cycle. To aid with research ideation, we propose `Acceleron', a research accelerator for different phases of the research life cycle, and which is specially designed to aid the ideation process. Acceleron guides researchers through the formulation of a comprehensive research proposal, encompassing a novel research problem. The proposals motivation is validated for novelty by identifying gaps in the existing literature and suggesting a plausible list of techniques to solve the proposed problem. We leverage the reasoning and domain-specific skills of Large Language Models (LLMs) to create an agent-based architecture incorporating colleague and mentor personas for LLMs. The LLM agents emulate the ideation process undertaken by researchers, engaging researchers in an interactive fashion to aid in the development of the research proposal. Notably, our tool addresses challenges inherent in LLMs, such as hallucinations, implements a two-stage aspect-based retrieval to manage precision-recall trade-offs, and tackles issues of unanswerability. As evaluation, we illustrate the execution of our motivation validation and method synthesis workflows on proposals from the ML and NLP domain, given by 3 distinct researchers. Our observations and evaluations provided by the researchers illustrate the efficacy of the tool in terms of assisting researchers with appropriate inputs at distinct stages and thus leading to improved time efficiency.

new Exploring Continual Learning of Compositional Generalization in NLI

Authors: Xiyan Fu, Anette Frank

Abstract: Compositional Natural Language Inference has been explored to assess the true abilities of neural models to perform NLI. Yet, current evaluations assume models to have full access to all primitive inferences in advance, in contrast to humans that continuously acquire inference knowledge. In this paper, we introduce the Continual Compositional Generalization in Inference (C2Gen NLI) challenge, where a model continuously acquires knowledge of constituting primitive inference tasks as a basis for compositional inferences. We explore how continual learning affects compositional generalization in NLI, by designing a continual learning setup for compositional NLI inference tasks. Our experiments demonstrate that models fail to compositionally generalize in a continual scenario. To address this problem, we first benchmark various continual learning algorithms and verify their efficacy. We then further analyze C2Gen, focusing on how to order primitives and compositional inference types and examining correlations between subtasks. Our analyses show that by learning subtasks continuously while observing their dependencies and increasing degrees of difficulty, continual learning can enhance composition generalization ability.

new Promising and worth-to-try future directions for advancing state-of-the-art surrogates methods of agent-based models in social and health computational sciences

Authors: Atiyah Elsheikh

Abstract: The execution and runtime performance of model-based analysis tools for realistic large-scale ABMs (Agent-Based Models) can be excessively long. This due to the computational demand exponentially proportional to the model size (e.g. Population size) and the number of model parameters. Even the runtime of a single simulation of a realistic ABM may demand huge computational resources when attempting to employ realistic population size. The main aim of this ad-hoc brief report is to highlight some of surrogate models that were adequate and computationally less demanding for nonlinear dynamical models in various modeling application areas.To the author knowledge, these methods have been not, at least extensively, employed for ABMs within the field of (SHCS) Social Health Computational Sciences, yet. Thus, they might be, but not necessarily, useful in progressing state of the art for establishing surrogate models for ABMs in the field of SHCS.

new Classist Tools: Social Class Correlates with Performance in NLP

Authors: Amanda Cercas Curry, Giuseppe Attanasio, Zeerak Talat, Dirk Hovy

Abstract: Since the foundational work of William Labov on the social stratification of language (Labov, 1964), linguistics has made concentrated efforts to explore the links between sociodemographic characteristics and language production and perception. But while there is strong evidence for socio-demographic characteristics in language, they are infrequently used in Natural Language Processing (NLP). Age and gender are somewhat well represented, but Labov's original target, socioeconomic status, is noticeably absent. And yet it matters. We show empirically that NLP disadvantages less-privileged socioeconomic groups. We annotate a corpus of 95K utterances from movies with social class, ethnicity and geographical language variety and measure the performance of NLP systems on three tasks: language modelling, automatic speech recognition, and grammar error correction. We find significant performance disparities that can be attributed to socioeconomic status as well as ethnicity and geographical differences. With NLP technologies becoming ever more ubiquitous and quotidian, they must accommodate all language varieties to avoid disadvantaging already marginalised groups. We argue for the inclusion of socioeconomic class in future language technologies.

new Low-Resource Court Judgment Summarization for Common Law Systems

Authors: Shuaiqi Liu, Jiannong Cao, Yicong Li, Ruosong Yang, Zhiyuan Wen

Abstract: Common law courts need to refer to similar precedents' judgments to inform their current decisions. Generating high-quality summaries of court judgment documents can facilitate legal practitioners to efficiently review previous cases and assist the general public in accessing how the courts operate and how the law is applied. Previous court judgment summarization research focuses on civil law or a particular jurisdiction's judgments. However, judges can refer to the judgments from all common law jurisdictions. Current summarization datasets are insufficient to satisfy the demands of summarizing precedents across multiple jurisdictions, especially when labeled data are scarce for many jurisdictions. To address the lack of datasets, we present CLSum, the first dataset for summarizing multi-jurisdictional common law court judgment documents. Besides, this is the first court judgment summarization work adopting large language models (LLMs) in data augmentation, summary generation, and evaluation. Specifically, we design an LLM-based data augmentation method incorporating legal knowledge. We also propose a legal knowledge enhanced evaluation metric based on LLM to assess the quality of generated judgment summaries. Our experimental results verify that the LLM-based summarization methods can perform well in the few-shot and zero-shot settings. Our LLM-based data augmentation method can mitigate the impact of low data resources. Furthermore, we carry out comprehensive comparative experiments to find essential model components and settings that are capable of enhancing summarization performance.

new Pearl: A Review-driven Persona-Knowledge Grounded Conversational Recommendation Dataset

Authors: Minjin Kim, Minju Kim, Hana Kim, Beong-woo Kwak, Soyeon Chun, Hyunseo Kim, SeongKu Kang, Youngjae Yu, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: Conversational recommender system is an emerging area that has garnered an increasing interest in the community, especially with the advancements in large language models (LLMs) that enable diverse reasoning over conversational input. Despite the progress, the field has many aspects left to explore. The currently available public datasets for conversational recommendation lack specific user preferences and explanations for recommendations, hindering high-quality recommendations. To address such challenges, we present a novel conversational recommendation dataset named PEARL, synthesized with persona- and knowledge-augmented LLM simulators. We obtain detailed persona and knowledge from real-world reviews and construct a large-scale dataset with over 57k dialogues. Our experimental results demonstrate that utterances in PEARL include more specific user preferences, show expertise in the target domain, and provide recommendations more relevant to the dialogue context than those in prior datasets.

new Do Large Language Model Understand Multi-Intent Spoken Language ?

Authors: Shangjian Yin, Peijie Huang, Yuhong Xu, Haojing Huang, Jiatian Chen

Abstract: This study marks a significant advancement by harnessing Large Language Models (LLMs) for multi-intent spoken language understanding (SLU), proposing a unique methodology that capitalizes on the generative power of LLMs within an SLU context. Our innovative technique reconfigures entity slots specifically for LLM application in multi-intent SLU environments and introduces the concept of Sub-Intent Instruction (SII), enhancing the dissection and interpretation of intricate, multi-intent communication within varied domains. The resultant datasets, dubbed LM-MixATIS and LM-MixSNIPS, are crafted from pre-existing benchmarks. Our research illustrates that LLMs can match and potentially excel beyond the capabilities of current state-of-the-art multi-intent SLU models. It further explores LLM efficacy across various intent configurations and dataset proportions. Moreover, we introduce two pioneering metrics, Entity Slot Accuracy (ESA) and Combined Semantic Accuracy (CSA), to provide an in-depth analysis of LLM proficiency in this complex field.

new NLPre: a revised approach towards language-centric benchmarking of Natural Language Preprocessing systems

Authors: Martyna Wi\k{a}cek, Piotr Rybak, {\L}ukasz Pszenny, Alina Wr\'oblewska

Abstract: With the advancements of transformer-based architectures, we observe the rise of natural language preprocessing (NLPre) tools capable of solving preliminary NLP tasks (e.g. tokenisation, part-of-speech tagging, dependency parsing, or morphological analysis) without any external linguistic guidance. It is arduous to compare novel solutions to well-entrenched preprocessing toolkits, relying on rule-based morphological analysers or dictionaries. Aware of the shortcomings of existing NLPre evaluation approaches, we investigate a novel method of reliable and fair evaluation and performance reporting. Inspired by the GLUE benchmark, the proposed language-centric benchmarking system enables comprehensive ongoing evaluation of multiple NLPre tools, while credibly tracking their performance. The prototype application is configured for Polish and integrated with the thoroughly assembled NLPre-PL benchmark. Based on this benchmark, we conduct an extensive evaluation of a variety of Polish NLPre systems. To facilitate the construction of benchmarking environments for other languages, e.g. NLPre-GA for Irish or NLPre-ZH for Chinese, we ensure full customization of the publicly released source code of the benchmarking system. The links to all the resources (deployed platforms, source code, trained models, datasets etc.) can be found on the project website:


new Where does In-context Translation Happen in Large Language Models

Authors: Suzanna Sia, David Mueller, Kevin Duh

Abstract: Self-supervised large language models have demonstrated the ability to perform Machine Translation (MT) via in-context learning, but little is known about where the model performs the task with respect to prompt instructions and demonstration examples. In this work, we attempt to characterize the region where large language models transition from in-context learners to translation models. Through a series of layer-wise context-masking experiments on \textsc{GPTNeo2.7B}, \textsc{Bloom3B}, \textsc{Llama7b} and \textsc{Llama7b-chat}, we demonstrate evidence of a "task recognition" point where the translation task is encoded into the input representations and attention to context is no longer necessary. We further observe correspondence between the low performance when masking out entire layers, and the task recognition layers. Taking advantage of this redundancy results in 45\% computational savings when prompting with 5 examples, and task recognition achieved at layer 14 / 32. Our layer-wise fine-tuning experiments indicate that the most effective layers for MT fine-tuning are the layers critical to task recognition.

new Uncertainty-Aware Relational Graph Neural Network for Few-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Qian Li, Shu Guo, Yingjia Chen, Cheng Ji, Jiawei Sheng, Jianxin Li

Abstract: Few-shot knowledge graph completion (FKGC) aims to query the unseen facts of a relation given its few-shot reference entity pairs. The side effect of noises due to the uncertainty of entities and triples may limit the few-shot learning, but existing FKGC works neglect such uncertainty, which leads them more susceptible to limited reference samples with noises. In this paper, we propose a novel uncertainty-aware few-shot KG completion framework (UFKGC) to model uncertainty for a better understanding of the limited data by learning representations under Gaussian distribution. Uncertainty representation is first designed for estimating the uncertainty scope of the entity pairs after transferring feature representations into a Gaussian distribution. Further, to better integrate the neighbors with uncertainty characteristics for entity features, we design an uncertainty-aware relational graph neural network (UR-GNN) to conduct convolution operations between the Gaussian distributions. Then, multiple random samplings are conducted for reference triples within the Gaussian distribution to generate smooth reference representations during the optimization. The final completion score for each query instance is measured by the designed uncertainty optimization to make our approach more robust to the noises in few-shot scenarios. Experimental results show that our approach achieves excellent performance on two benchmark datasets compared to its competitors.

new MaCmS: Magahi Code-mixed Dataset for Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Priya Rani, Gaurav Negi, Theodorus Fransen, John P. McCrae

Abstract: The present paper introduces new sentiment data, MaCMS, for Magahi-Hindi-English (MHE) code-mixed language, where Magahi is a less-resourced minority language. This dataset is the first Magahi-Hindi-English code-mixed dataset for sentiment analysis tasks. Further, we also provide a linguistics analysis of the dataset to understand the structure of code-mixing and a statistical study to understand the language preferences of speakers with different polarities. With these analyses, we also train baseline models to evaluate the dataset's quality.

new QAQ: Quality Adaptive Quantization for LLM KV Cache

Authors: Shichen Dong, Wen Cheng, Jiayu Qin, Wei Wang

Abstract: The emergence of LLMs has ignited a fresh surge of breakthroughs in NLP applications, particularly in domains such as question-answering systems and text generation. As the need for longer context grows, a significant bottleneck in model deployment emerges due to the linear expansion of the Key-Value (KV) cache with the context length. Existing methods primarily rely on various hypotheses, such as sorting the KV cache based on attention scores for replacement or eviction, to compress the KV cache and improve model throughput. However, heuristics used by these strategies may wrongly evict essential KV cache, which can significantly degrade model performance. In this paper, we propose QAQ, a Quality Adaptive Quantization scheme for the KV cache. We theoretically demonstrate that key cache and value cache exhibit distinct sensitivities to quantization, leading to the formulation of separate quantization strategies for their non-uniform quantization. Through the integration of dedicated outlier handling, as well as an improved attention-aware approach, QAQ achieves up to 10x the compression ratio of the KV cache size with a neglectable impact on model performance. QAQ significantly reduces the practical hurdles of deploying LLMs, opening up new possibilities for longer-context applications. The code is available at

new Yi: Open Foundation Models by 01.AI

Authors: 01. AI, :, Alex Young, Bei Chen, Chao Li, Chengen Huang, Ge Zhang, Guanwei Zhang, Heng Li, Jiangcheng Zhu, Jianqun Chen, Jing Chang, Kaidong Yu, Peng Liu, Qiang Liu, Shawn Yue, Senbin Yang, Shiming Yang, Tao Yu, Wen Xie, Wenhao Huang, Xiaohui Hu, Xiaoyi Ren, Xinyao Niu, Pengcheng Nie, Yuchi Xu, Yudong Liu, Yue Wang, Yuxuan Cai, Zhenyu Gu, Zhiyuan Liu, Zonghong Dai

Abstract: We introduce the Yi model family, a series of language and multimodal models that demonstrate strong multi-dimensional capabilities. The Yi model family is based on 6B and 34B pretrained language models, then we extend them to chat models, 200K long context models, depth-upscaled models, and vision-language models. Our base models achieve strong performance on a wide range of benchmarks like MMLU, and our finetuned chat models deliver strong human preference rate on major evaluation platforms like AlpacaEval and Chatbot Arena. Building upon our scalable super-computing infrastructure and the classical transformer architecture, we attribute the performance of Yi models primarily to its data quality resulting from our data-engineering efforts. For pretraining, we construct 3.1 trillion tokens of English and Chinese corpora using a cascaded data deduplication and quality filtering pipeline. For finetuning, we polish a small scale (less than 10K) instruction dataset over multiple iterations such that every single instance has been verified directly by our machine learning engineers. For vision-language, we combine the chat language model with a vision transformer encoder and train the model to align visual representations to the semantic space of the language model. We further extend the context length to 200K through lightweight continual pretraining and demonstrate strong needle-in-a-haystack retrieval performance. We show that extending the depth of the pretrained checkpoint through continual pretraining further improves performance. We believe that given our current results, continuing to scale up model parameters using thoroughly optimized data will lead to even stronger frontier models.

new Chain of Thought Explanation for Dialogue State Tracking

Authors: Lin Xu, Ningxin Peng, Daquan Zhou, See-Kiong Ng, Jinlan Fu

Abstract: Dialogue state tracking (DST) aims to record user queries and goals during a conversational interaction achieved by maintaining a prede- fined set of slots and their corresponding values. Current approaches decide slot values opaquely, while humans usually adopt a more deliberate approach by collecting information from relevant dialogue turns and then reasoning the appropriate values. In this work, we focus on the steps needed to figure out slot values by proposing a model named Chain-of-Thought-Explanation (CoTE) for the DST task. CoTE, which is built on the generative DST framework, is designed to create detailed explanations step by step after determining the slot values. This process leads to more accurate and reliable slot values. More-over, to improve the reasoning ability of the CoTE, we further construct more fluent and high-quality explanations with automatic paraphrasing, leading the method CoTE-refined. Experimental results on three widely recognized DST benchmarks-MultiWOZ 2.2, WoZ 2.0, and M2M-demonstrate the remarkable effectiveness of the CoTE. Furthermore, through a meticulous fine-grained analysis, we observe significant benefits of our CoTE on samples characterized by longer dialogue turns, user responses, and reasoning steps.

new Telecom Language Models: Must They Be Large?

Authors: Nicola Piovesan, Antonio De Domenico, Fadhel Ayed

Abstract: The increasing interest in Large Language Models (LLMs) within the telecommunications sector underscores their potential to revolutionize operational efficiency. However, the deployment of these sophisticated models is often hampered by their substantial size and computational demands, raising concerns about their viability in resource-constrained environments. Addressing this challenge, recent advancements have seen the emergence of small language models that surprisingly exhibit performance comparable to their larger counterparts in many tasks, such as coding and common-sense reasoning. Phi-2, a compact yet powerful model, exemplifies this new wave of efficient small language models. This paper conducts a comprehensive evaluation of Phi-2's intrinsic understanding of the telecommunications domain. Recognizing the scale-related limitations, we enhance Phi-2's capabilities through a Retrieval-Augmented Generation approach, meticulously integrating an extensive knowledge base specifically curated with telecom standard specifications. The enhanced Phi-2 model demonstrates a profound improvement in accuracy, answering questions about telecom standards with a precision that closely rivals the more resource-intensive GPT-3.5. The paper further explores the refined capabilities of Phi-2 in addressing problem-solving scenarios within the telecom sector, highlighting its potential and limitations.

new Greater than the sum of its parts: The role of minority and majority status in collaborative problem-solving communication

Authors: Jacqueline G. Cavazos, Nia Nixon

Abstract: Collaborative problem-solving (CPS) is a vital skill used both in the workplace and in educational environments. CPS is useful in tackling increasingly complex global, economic, and political issues and is considered a central 21st century skill. The increasingly connected global community presents a fruitful opportunity for creative and collaborative problem-solving interactions and solutions that involve diverse perspectives. Unfortunately, women and underrepresented minorities (URMs) often face obstacles during collaborative interactions that hinder their key participation in these problem-solving conversations. Here, we explored the communication patterns of minority and non-minority individuals working together in a CPS task. Group Communication Analysis (GCA), a temporally-sensitive computational linguistic tool, was used to examine how URM status impacts individuals' sociocognitive linguistic patterns. Results show differences across racial/ethnic groups in key sociocognitive features that indicate fruitful collaborative interactions. We also investigated how the groups' racial/ethnic composition impacts both individual and group communication patterns. In general, individuals in more demographically diverse groups displayed more productive communication behaviors than individuals who were in majority-dominated groups. We discuss the implications of individual and group diversity on communication patterns that emerge during CPS and how these patterns can impact collaborative outcomes.

new Fact-Checking the Output of Large Language Models via Token-Level Uncertainty Quantification

Authors: Ekaterina Fadeeva, Aleksandr Rubashevskii, Artem Shelmanov, Sergey Petrakov, Haonan Li, Hamdy Mubarak, Evgenii Tsymbalov, Gleb Kuzmin, Alexander Panchenko, Timothy Baldwin, Preslav Nakov, Maxim Panov

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are notorious for hallucinating, i.e., producing erroneous claims in their output. Such hallucinations can be dangerous, as occasional factual inaccuracies in the generated text might be obscured by the rest of the output being generally factual, making it extremely hard for the users to spot them. Current services that leverage LLMs usually do not provide any means for detecting unreliable generations. Here, we aim to bridge this gap. In particular, we propose a novel fact-checking and hallucination detection pipeline based on token-level uncertainty quantification. Uncertainty scores leverage information encapsulated in the output of a neural network or its layers to detect unreliable predictions, and we show that they can be used to fact-check the atomic claims in the LLM output. Moreover, we present a novel token-level uncertainty quantification method that removes the impact of uncertainty about what claim to generate on the current step and what surface form to use. Our method Claim Conditioned Probability (CCP) measures only the uncertainty of particular claim value expressed by the model. Experiments on the task of biography generation demonstrate strong improvements for CCP compared to the baselines for six different LLMs and three languages. Human evaluation reveals that the fact-checking pipeline based on uncertainty quantification is competitive with a fact-checking tool that leverages external knowledge.

new Common 7B Language Models Already Possess Strong Math Capabilities

Authors: Chen Li, Weiqi Wang, Jingcheng Hu, Yixuan Wei, Nanning Zheng, Han Hu, Zheng Zhang, Houwen Peng

Abstract: Mathematical capabilities were previously believed to emerge in common language models only at a very large scale or require extensive math-related pre-training. This paper shows that the LLaMA-2 7B model with common pre-training already exhibits strong mathematical abilities, as evidenced by its impressive accuracy of 97.7% and 72.0% on the GSM8K and MATH benchmarks, respectively, when selecting the best response from 256 random generations. The primary issue with the current base model is the difficulty in consistently eliciting its inherent mathematical capabilities. Notably, the accuracy for the first answer drops to 49.5% and 7.9% on the GSM8K and MATH benchmarks, respectively. We find that simply scaling up the SFT data can significantly enhance the reliability of generating correct answers. However, the potential for extensive scaling is constrained by the scarcity of publicly available math questions. To overcome this limitation, we employ synthetic data, which proves to be nearly as effective as real data and shows no clear saturation when scaled up to approximately one million samples. This straightforward approach achieves an accuracy of 82.6% on GSM8K and 40.6% on MATH using LLaMA-2 7B models, surpassing previous models by 14.2% and 20.8%, respectively. We also provide insights into scaling behaviors across different reasoning complexities and error types.

new LLMs in the Imaginarium: Tool Learning through Simulated Trial and Error

Authors: Boshi Wang, Hao Fang, Jason Eisner, Benjamin Van Durme, Yu Su

Abstract: Tools are essential for large language models (LLMs) to acquire up-to-date information and take consequential actions in external environments. Existing work on tool-augmented LLMs primarily focuses on the broad coverage of tools and the flexibility of adding new tools. However, a critical aspect that has surprisingly been understudied is simply how accurately an LLM uses tools for which it has been trained. We find that existing LLMs, including GPT-4 and open-source LLMs specifically fine-tuned for tool use, only reach a correctness rate in the range of 30% to 60%, far from reliable use in practice. We propose a biologically inspired method for tool-augmented LLMs, simulated trial and error (STE), that orchestrates three key mechanisms for successful tool use behaviors in the biological system: trial and error, imagination, and memory. Specifically, STE leverages an LLM's 'imagination' to simulate plausible scenarios for using a tool, after which the LLM interacts with the tool to learn from its execution feedback. Both short-term and long-term memory are employed to improve the depth and breadth of the exploration, respectively. Comprehensive experiments on ToolBench show that STE substantially improves tool learning for LLMs under both in-context learning and fine-tuning settings, bringing a boost of 46.7% to Mistral-Instruct-7B and enabling it to outperform GPT-4. We also show effective continual learning of tools via a simple experience replay strategy.

cross Media Bias Matters: Understanding the Impact of Politically Biased News on Vaccine Attitudes in Social Media

Authors: Bohan Jiang, Lu Cheng, Zhen Tan, Ruocheng Guo, Huan Liu

Abstract: News media has been utilized as a political tool to stray from facts, presenting biased claims without evidence. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, politically biased news (PBN) has significantly undermined public trust in vaccines, despite strong medical evidence supporting their efficacy. In this paper, we analyze: (i) how inherent vaccine stances subtly influence individuals' selection of news sources and participation in social media discussions; and (ii) the impact of exposure to PBN on users' attitudes toward vaccines. In doing so, we first curate a comprehensive dataset that connects PBN with related social media discourse. Utilizing advanced deep learning and causal inference techniques, we reveal distinct user behaviors between social media groups with various vaccine stances. Moreover, we observe that individuals with moderate stances, particularly the vaccine-hesitant majority, are more vulnerable to the influence of PBN compared to those with extreme views. Our findings provide critical insights to foster this line of research.

cross Can Large Language Models Reason and Plan?

Authors: Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract: While humans sometimes do show the capability of correcting their own erroneous guesses with self-critiquing, there seems to be no basis for that assumption in the case of LLMs.

cross Exploring LLM-based Agents for Root Cause Analysis

Authors: Devjeet Roy, Xuchao Zhang, Rashi Bhave, Chetan Bansal, Pedro Las-Casas, Rodrigo Fonseca, Saravan Rajmohan

Abstract: The growing complexity of cloud based software systems has resulted in incident management becoming an integral part of the software development lifecycle. Root cause analysis (RCA), a critical part of the incident management process, is a demanding task for on-call engineers, requiring deep domain knowledge and extensive experience with a team's specific services. Automation of RCA can result in significant savings of time, and ease the burden of incident management on on-call engineers. Recently, researchers have utilized Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform RCA, and have demonstrated promising results. However, these approaches are not able to dynamically collect additional diagnostic information such as incident related logs, metrics or databases, severely restricting their ability to diagnose root causes. In this work, we explore the use of LLM based agents for RCA to address this limitation. We present a thorough empirical evaluation of a ReAct agent equipped with retrieval tools, on an out-of-distribution dataset of production incidents collected at Microsoft. Results show that ReAct performs competitively with strong retrieval and reasoning baselines, but with highly increased factual accuracy. We then extend this evaluation by incorporating discussions associated with incident reports as additional inputs for the models, which surprisingly does not yield significant performance improvements. Lastly, we conduct a case study with a team at Microsoft to equip the ReAct agent with tools that give it access to external diagnostic services that are used by the team for manual RCA. Our results show how agents can overcome the limitations of prior work, and practical considerations for implementing such a system in practice.

cross Chatbot Arena: An Open Platform for Evaluating LLMs by Human Preference

Authors: Wei-Lin Chiang, Lianmin Zheng, Ying Sheng, Anastasios Nikolas Angelopoulos, Tianle Li, Dacheng Li, Hao Zhang, Banghua Zhu, Michael Jordan, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have unlocked new capabilities and applications; however, evaluating the alignment with human preferences still poses significant challenges. To address this issue, we introduce Chatbot Arena, an open platform for evaluating LLMs based on human preferences. Our methodology employs a pairwise comparison approach and leverages input from a diverse user base through crowdsourcing. The platform has been operational for several months, amassing over 240K votes. This paper describes the platform, analyzes the data we have collected so far, and explains the tried-and-true statistical methods we are using for efficient and accurate evaluation and ranking of models. We confirm that the crowdsourced questions are sufficiently diverse and discriminating and that the crowdsourced human votes are in good agreement with those of expert raters. These analyses collectively establish a robust foundation for the credibility of Chatbot Arena. Because of its unique value and openness, Chatbot Arena has emerged as one of the most referenced LLM leaderboards, widely cited by leading LLM developers and companies. Our demo is publicly available at \url{}.


cross Generative AI for Synthetic Data Generation: Methods, Challenges and the Future

Authors: Xu Guo, Yiqiang Chen

Abstract: The recent surge in research focused on generating synthetic data from large language models (LLMs), especially for scenarios with limited data availability, marks a notable shift in Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Their ability to perform comparably to real-world data positions this approach as a compelling solution to low-resource challenges. This paper delves into advanced technologies that leverage these gigantic LLMs for the generation of task-specific training data. We outline methodologies, evaluation techniques, and practical applications, discuss the current limitations, and suggest potential pathways for future research.

cross On the Essence and Prospect: An Investigation of Alignment Approaches for Big Models

Authors: Xinpeng Wang, Shitong Duan, Xiaoyuan Yi, Jing Yao, Shanlin Zhou, Zhihua Wei, Peng Zhang, Dongkuan Xu, Maosong Sun, Xing Xie

Abstract: Big models have achieved revolutionary breakthroughs in the field of AI, but they might also pose potential concerns. Addressing such concerns, alignment technologies were introduced to make these models conform to human preferences and values. Despite considerable advancements in the past year, various challenges lie in establishing the optimal alignment strategy, such as data cost and scalable oversight, and how to align remains an open question. In this survey paper, we comprehensively investigate value alignment approaches. We first unpack the historical context of alignment tracing back to the 1920s (where it comes from), then delve into the mathematical essence of alignment (what it is), shedding light on the inherent challenges. Following this foundation, we provide a detailed examination of existing alignment methods, which fall into three categories: Reinforcement Learning, Supervised Fine-Tuning, and In-context Learning, and demonstrate their intrinsic connections, strengths, and limitations, helping readers better understand this research area. In addition, two emerging topics, personal alignment, and multimodal alignment, are also discussed as novel frontiers in this field. Looking forward, we discuss potential alignment paradigms and how they could handle remaining challenges, prospecting where future alignment will go.

cross Can Small Language Models be Good Reasoners for Sequential Recommendation?

Authors: Yuling Wang, Changxin Tian, Binbin Hu, Yanhua Yu, Ziqi Liu, Zhiqiang Zhang, Jun Zhou, Liang Pang, Xiao Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) open up new horizons for sequential recommendations, owing to their remarkable language comprehension and generation capabilities. However, there are still numerous challenges that should be addressed to successfully implement sequential recommendations empowered by LLMs. Firstly, user behavior patterns are often complex, and relying solely on one-step reasoning from LLMs may lead to incorrect or task-irrelevant responses. Secondly, the prohibitively resource requirements of LLM (e.g., ChatGPT-175B) are overwhelmingly high and impractical for real sequential recommender systems. In this paper, we propose a novel Step-by-step knowLedge dIstillation fraMework for recommendation (SLIM), paving a promising path for sequential recommenders to enjoy the exceptional reasoning capabilities of LLMs in a "slim" (i.e., resource-efficient) manner. We introduce CoT prompting based on user behavior sequences for the larger teacher model. The rationales generated by the teacher model are then utilized as labels to distill the downstream smaller student model (e.g., LLaMA2-7B). In this way, the student model acquires the step-by-step reasoning capabilities in recommendation tasks. We encode the generated rationales from the student model into a dense vector, which empowers recommendation in both ID-based and ID-agnostic scenarios. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of SLIM over state-of-the-art baselines, and further analysis showcasing its ability to generate meaningful recommendation reasoning at affordable costs.

cross Advancing Biomedical Text Mining with Community Challenges

Authors: Hui Zong, Rongrong Wu, Jiaxue Cha, Erman Wu, Jiakun Li, Liang Tao, Zuofeng Li, Buzhou Tang, Bairong Shen

Abstract: The field of biomedical research has witnessed a significant increase in the accumulation of vast amounts of textual data from various sources such as scientific literatures, electronic health records, clinical trial reports, and social media. However, manually processing and analyzing these extensive and complex resources is time-consuming and inefficient. To address this challenge, biomedical text mining, also known as biomedical natural language processing, has garnered great attention. Community challenge evaluation competitions have played an important role in promoting technology innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration in biomedical text mining research. These challenges provide platforms for researchers to develop state-of-the-art solutions for data mining and information processing in biomedical research. In this article, we review the recent advances in community challenges specific to Chinese biomedical text mining. Firstly, we collect the information of these evaluation tasks, such as data sources and task types. Secondly, we conduct systematic summary and comparative analysis, including named entity recognition, entity normalization, attribute extraction, relation extraction, event extraction, text classification, text similarity, knowledge graph construction, question answering, text generation, and large language model evaluation. Then, we summarize the potential clinical applications of these community challenge tasks from translational informatics perspective. Finally, we discuss the contributions and limitations of these community challenges, while highlighting future directions in the era of large language models.

cross A New Benchmark for Evaluating Automatic Speech Recognition in the Arabic Call Domain

Authors: Qusai Abo Obaidah, Muhy Eddin Zater, Adnan Jaljuli, Ali Mahboub, Asma Hakouz, Bashar Alfrou, Yazan Estaitia

Abstract: This work is an attempt to introduce a comprehensive benchmark for Arabic speech recognition, specifically tailored to address the challenges of telephone conversations in Arabic language. Arabic, characterized by its rich dialectal diversity and phonetic complexity, presents a number of unique challenges for automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems. These challenges are further amplified in the domain of telephone calls, where audio quality, background noise, and conversational speech styles negatively affect recognition accuracy. Our work aims to establish a robust benchmark that not only encompasses the broad spectrum of Arabic dialects but also emulates the real-world conditions of call-based communications. By incorporating diverse dialectical expressions and accounting for the variable quality of call recordings, this benchmark seeks to provide a rigorous testing ground for the development and evaluation of ASR systems capable of navigating the complexities of Arabic speech in telephonic contexts. This work also attempts to establish a baseline performance evaluation using state-of-the-art ASR technologies.

cross ALTO: An Efficient Network Orchestrator for Compound AI Systems

Authors: Keshav Santhanam, Deepti Raghavan, Muhammad Shahir Rahman, Thejas Venkatesh, Neha Kunjal, Pratiksha Thaker, Philip Levis, Matei Zaharia

Abstract: We present ALTO, a network orchestrator for efficiently serving compound AI systems such as pipelines of language models. ALTO achieves high throughput and low latency by taking advantage of an optimization opportunity specific to generative language models: streaming intermediate outputs. As language models produce outputs token by token, ALTO exposes opportunities to stream intermediate outputs between stages when possible. We highlight two new challenges of correctness and load balancing which emerge when streaming intermediate data across distributed pipeline stage instances. We also motivate the need for an aggregation-aware routing interface and distributed prompt-aware scheduling to address these challenges. We demonstrate the impact of ALTO's partial output streaming on a complex chatbot verification pipeline, increasing throughput by up to 3x for a fixed latency target of 4 seconds / request while also reducing tail latency by 1.8x compared to a baseline serving approach.

cross Online Adaptation of Language Models with a Memory of Amortized Contexts

Authors: Jihoon Tack, Jaehyung Kim, Eric Mitchell, Jinwoo Shin, Yee Whye Teh, Jonathan Richard Schwarz

Abstract: Due to the rapid generation and dissemination of information, large language models (LLMs) quickly run out of date despite enormous development costs. Due to this crucial need to keep models updated, online learning has emerged as a critical necessity when utilizing LLMs for real-world applications. However, given the ever-expanding corpus of unseen documents and the large parameter space of modern LLMs, efficient adaptation is essential. To address these challenges, we propose Memory of Amortized Contexts (MAC), an efficient and effective online adaptation framework for LLMs with strong knowledge retention. We propose an amortized feature extraction and memory-augmentation approach to compress and extract information from new documents into compact modulations stored in a memory bank. When answering questions, our model attends to and extracts relevant knowledge from this memory bank. To learn informative modulations in an efficient manner, we utilize amortization-based meta-learning, which substitutes the optimization process with a single forward pass of the encoder. Subsequently, we learn to choose from and aggregate selected documents into a single modulation by conditioning on the question, allowing us to adapt a frozen language model during test time without requiring further gradient updates. Our experiment demonstrates the superiority of MAC in multiple aspects, including online adaptation performance, time, and memory efficiency. Code is available at:


cross Discriminative Probing and Tuning for Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Leigang Qu, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Hanwang Zhang, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Despite advancements in text-to-image generation (T2I), prior methods often face text-image misalignment problems such as relation confusion in generated images. Existing solutions involve cross-attention manipulation for better compositional understanding or integrating large language models for improved layout planning. However, the inherent alignment capabilities of T2I models are still inadequate. By reviewing the link between generative and discriminative modeling, we posit that T2I models' discriminative abilities may reflect their text-image alignment proficiency during generation. In this light, we advocate bolstering the discriminative abilities of T2I models to achieve more precise text-to-image alignment for generation. We present a discriminative adapter built on T2I models to probe their discriminative abilities on two representative tasks and leverage discriminative fine-tuning to improve their text-image alignment. As a bonus of the discriminative adapter, a self-correction mechanism can leverage discriminative gradients to better align generated images to text prompts during inference. Comprehensive evaluations across three benchmark datasets, including both in-distribution and out-of-distribution scenarios, demonstrate our method's superior generation performance. Meanwhile, it achieves state-of-the-art discriminative performance on the two discriminative tasks compared to other generative models.

cross ProMoAI: Process Modeling with Generative AI

Authors: Humam Kourani, Alessandro Berti, Daniel Schuster, Wil M. P. van der Aalst

Abstract: ProMoAI is a novel tool that leverages Large Language Models (LLMs) to automatically generate process models from textual descriptions, incorporating advanced prompt engineering, error handling, and code generation techniques. Beyond automating the generation of complex process models, ProMoAI also supports process model optimization. Users can interact with the tool by providing feedback on the generated model, which is then used for refining the process model. ProMoAI utilizes the capabilities LLMs to offer a novel, AI-driven approach to process modeling, significantly reducing the barrier to entry for users without deep technical knowledge in process modeling.

cross From Graph to Word Bag: Introducing Domain Knowledge to Confusing Charge Prediction

Authors: Ang Li, Qiangchao Chen, Yiquan Wu, Ming Cai, Xiang Zhou, Fei Wu, Kun Kuang

Abstract: Confusing charge prediction is a challenging task in legal AI, which involves predicting confusing charges based on fact descriptions. While existing charge prediction methods have shown impressive performance, they face significant challenges when dealing with confusing charges, such as Snatch and Robbery. In the legal domain, constituent elements play a pivotal role in distinguishing confusing charges. Constituent elements are fundamental behaviors underlying criminal punishment and have subtle distinctions among charges. In this paper, we introduce a novel From Graph to Word Bag (FWGB) approach, which introduces domain knowledge regarding constituent elements to guide the model in making judgments on confusing charges, much like a judge's reasoning process. Specifically, we first construct a legal knowledge graph containing constituent elements to help select keywords for each charge, forming a word bag. Subsequently, to guide the model's attention towards the differentiating information for each charge within the context, we expand the attention mechanism and introduce a new loss function with attention supervision through words in the word bag. We construct the confusing charges dataset from real-world judicial documents. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, especially in maintaining exceptional performance in imbalanced label distributions.

cross SGNet: Folding Symmetrical Protein Complex with Deep Learning

Authors: Zhaoqun Li, Jingcheng Yu, Qiwei Ye

Abstract: Deep learning has made significant progress in protein structure prediction, advancing the development of computational biology. However, despite the high accuracy achieved in predicting single-chain structures, a significant number of large homo-oligomeric assemblies exhibit internal symmetry, posing a major challenge in structure determination. The performances of existing deep learning methods are limited since the symmetrical protein assembly usually has a long sequence, making structural computation infeasible. In addition, multiple identical subunits in symmetrical protein complex cause the issue of supervision ambiguity in label assignment, requiring a consistent structure modeling for the training. To tackle these problems, we propose a protein folding framework called SGNet to model protein-protein interactions in symmetrical assemblies. SGNet conducts feature extraction on a single subunit and generates the whole assembly using our proposed symmetry module, which largely mitigates computational problems caused by sequence length. Thanks to the elaborate design of modeling symmetry consistently, we can model all global symmetry types in quaternary protein structure prediction. Extensive experimental results on a benchmark of symmetrical protein complexes further demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

cross Membership Inference Attacks and Privacy in Topic Modeling

Authors: Nico Manzonelli, Wanrong Zhang, Salil Vadhan

Abstract: Recent research shows that large language models are susceptible to privacy attacks that infer aspects of the training data. However, it is unclear if simpler generative models, like topic models, share similar vulnerabilities. In this work, we propose an attack against topic models that can confidently identify members of the training data in Latent Dirichlet Allocation. Our results suggest that the privacy risks associated with generative modeling are not restricted to large neural models. Additionally, to mitigate these vulnerabilities, we explore differentially private (DP) topic modeling. We propose a framework for private topic modeling that incorporates DP vocabulary selection as a pre-processing step, and show that it improves privacy while having limited effects on practical utility.

cross GraphInstruct: Empowering Large Language Models with Graph Understanding and Reasoning Capability

Authors: Zihan Luo, Xiran Song, Hong Huang, Jianxun Lian, Chenhao Zhang, Jinqi Jiang, Xing Xie, Hai Jin

Abstract: Evaluating and enhancing the general capabilities of large language models (LLMs) has been an important research topic. Graph is a common data structure in the real world, and understanding graph data is a crucial part for advancing general intelligence. To evaluate and enhance the graph understanding abilities of LLMs, in this paper, we propose a benchmark named GraphInstruct, which comprehensively includes 21 classical graph reasoning tasks, providing diverse graph generation pipelines and detailed reasoning steps. Based on GraphInstruct, we further construct GraphLM through efficient instruction-tuning, which shows prominent graph understanding capability. In order to enhance the LLM with graph reasoning capability as well, we propose a step mask training strategy, and construct a model named GraphLM+. As one of the pioneering efforts to enhance the graph understanding and reasoning abilities of LLMs, extensive experiments have demonstrated the superiority of GraphLM and GraphLM+ over other LLMs. We look forward to more researchers exploring the potential of LLMs in the graph data mining domain through GraphInstruct. Our code for generating GraphInstruct is released publicly at:


cross Wiki-TabNER:Advancing Table Interpretation Through Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Aneta Koleva, Martin Ringsquandl, Ahmed Hatem, Thomas Runkler, Volker Tresp

Abstract: Web tables contain a large amount of valuable knowledge and have inspired tabular language models aimed at tackling table interpretation (TI) tasks. In this paper, we analyse a widely used benchmark dataset for evaluation of TI tasks, particularly focusing on the entity linking task. Our analysis reveals that this dataset is overly simplified, potentially reducing its effectiveness for thorough evaluation and failing to accurately represent tables as they appear in the real-world. To overcome this drawback, we construct and annotate a new more challenging dataset. In addition to introducing the new dataset, we also introduce a novel problem aimed at addressing the entity linking task: named entity recognition within cells. Finally, we propose a prompting framework for evaluating the newly developed large language models (LLMs) on this novel TI task. We conduct experiments on prompting LLMs under various settings, where we use both random and similarity-based selection to choose the examples presented to the models. Our ablation study helps us gain insights into the impact of the few-shot examples. Additionally, we perform qualitative analysis to gain insights into the challenges encountered by the models and to understand the limitations of the proposed dataset.

cross Strong Priority and Determinacy in Timed CCS

Authors: Luigi Liquori, Michael Mendler

Abstract: Building on the classical theory of process algebra with priorities, we identify a new scheduling mechanism, called "sequentially constructive reduction" which is designed to capture the essence of synchronous programming. The distinctive property of this evaluation strategy is to achieve determinism-by-construction for multi-cast concurrent communication. In particular, it permits us to model shared memory multi-threading with reaction to absence as it lies at the core of the programming language Esterel. In the technical setting of CCS extended by clocks and priorities, we prove for a large class of processes, which we call "structurally coherent" the confluence property for constructive reductions. We further show that under some syntactic restrictions, called "pivotable" the operators of prefix, summation, parallel composition, restriction and hiding preserve structural coherence. This covers a strictly larger class of processes compared to those that are confluent in Milner's classical theory of CCS without priorities.

cross MedFLIP: Medical Vision-and-Language Self-supervised Fast Pre-Training with Masked Autoencoder

Authors: Lei Li, Tianfang Zhang, Xinglin Zhang, Jiaqi Liu, Bingqi Ma, Yan Luo, Tao Chen

Abstract: Within the domain of medical analysis, extensive research has explored the potential of mutual learning between Masked Autoencoders(MAEs) and multimodal data. However, the impact of MAEs on intermodality remains a key challenge. We introduce MedFLIP, a Fast Language-Image Pre-training method for Medical analysis. We explore MAEs for zero-shot learning with crossed domains, which enhances the model ability to learn from limited data, a common scenario in medical diagnostics. We verify that masking an image does not affect intermodal learning. Furthermore, we propose the SVD loss to enhance the representation learning for characteristics of medical images, aiming to improve classification accuracy by leveraging the structural intricacies of such data. Lastly, we validate using language will improve the zero-shot performance for the medical image analysis. MedFLIP scaling of the masking process marks an advancement in the field, offering a pathway to rapid and precise medical image analysis without the traditional computational bottlenecks. Through experiments and validation, MedFLIP demonstrates efficient performance improvements, setting an explored standard for future research and application in medical diagnostics.

cross How Far Are We from Intelligent Visual Deductive Reasoning?

Authors: Yizhe Zhang, He Bai, Ruixiang Zhang, Jiatao Gu, Shuangfei Zhai, Josh Susskind, Navdeep Jaitly

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as GPT-4V have recently demonstrated incredible strides on diverse vision language tasks. We dig into vision-based deductive reasoning, a more sophisticated but less explored realm, and find previously unexposed blindspots in the current SOTA VLMs. Specifically, we leverage Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPMs), to assess VLMs' abilities to perform multi-hop relational and deductive reasoning relying solely on visual clues. We perform comprehensive evaluations of several popular VLMs employing standard strategies such as in-context learning, self-consistency, and Chain-of-thoughts (CoT) on three diverse datasets, including the Mensa IQ test, IntelligenceTest, and RAVEN. The results reveal that despite the impressive capabilities of LLMs in text-based reasoning, we are still far from achieving comparable proficiency in visual deductive reasoning. We found that certain standard strategies that are effective when applied to LLMs do not seamlessly translate to the challenges presented by visual reasoning tasks. Moreover, a detailed analysis reveals that VLMs struggle to solve these tasks mainly because they are unable to perceive and comprehend multiple, confounding abstract patterns in RPM examples.

replace Interactive Question Answering Systems: Literature Review

Authors: Giovanni Maria Biancofiore, Yashar Deldjoo, Tommaso Di Noia, Eugenio Di Sciascio, Fedelucio Narducci

Abstract: Question answering systems are recognized as popular and frequently effective means of information seeking on the web. In such systems, information seekers can receive a concise response to their query by presenting their questions in natural language. Interactive question answering is a recently proposed and increasingly popular solution that resides at the intersection of question answering and dialogue systems. On the one hand, the user can ask questions in normal language and locate the actual response to her inquiry; on the other hand, the system can prolong the question-answering session into a dialogue if there are multiple probable replies, very few, or ambiguities in the initial request. By permitting the user to ask more questions, interactive question answering enables users to dynamically interact with the system and receive more precise results. This survey offers a detailed overview of the interactive question-answering methods that are prevalent in current literature. It begins by explaining the foundational principles of question-answering systems, hence defining new notations and taxonomies to combine all identified works inside a unified framework. The reviewed published work on interactive question-answering systems is then presented and examined in terms of its proposed methodology, evaluation approaches, and dataset/application domain. We also describe trends surrounding specific tasks and issues raised by the community, so shedding light on the future interests of scholars. Our work is further supported by a GitHub page with a synthesis of all the major topics covered in this literature study.


replace Processing Natural Language on Embedded Devices: How Well Do Transformer Models Perform?

Authors: Souvika Sarkar, Mohammad Fakhruddin Babar, Md Mahadi Hassan, Monowar Hasan, Shubhra Kanti Karmaker Santu

Abstract: This paper presents a performance study of transformer language models under different hardware configurations and accuracy requirements and derives empirical observations about these resource/accuracy trade-offs. In particular, we study how the most commonly used BERT-based language models (viz., BERT, RoBERTa, DistilBERT, and TinyBERT) perform on embedded systems. We tested them on four off-the-shelf embedded platforms (Raspberry Pi, Jetson, UP2, and UDOO) with 2 GB and 4 GB memory (i.e., a total of eight hardware configurations) and four datasets (i.e., HuRIC, GoEmotion, CoNLL, WNUT17) running various NLP tasks. Our study finds that executing complex NLP tasks (such as "sentiment" classification) on embedded systems is feasible even without any GPUs (e.g., Raspberry Pi with 2 GB of RAM). Our findings can help designers understand the deployability and performance of transformer language models, especially those based on BERT architectures.

replace Enhancing Large Language Models Against Inductive Instructions with Dual-critique Prompting

Authors: Rui Wang, Hongru Wang, Fei Mi, Yi Chen, Boyang Xue, Kam-Fai Wong, Ruifeng Xu

Abstract: Numerous works are proposed to align large language models (LLMs) with human intents to better fulfill instructions, ensuring they are trustful and helpful. Nevertheless, some human instructions are often malicious or misleading and following them will lead to untruthful and unsafe responses. Previous work rarely focused on understanding how LLMs manage instructions based on counterfactual premises, referred to here as \textit{inductive instructions}, which may stem from users' false beliefs or malicious intents. In this paper, we aim to reveal the behaviors of LLMs towards \textit{inductive instructions} and enhance their truthfulness and helpfulness accordingly. Specifically, we first introduce a benchmark of \underline{\textbf{Indu}}ctive {In\underline{\textbf{st}}ruct}ions (\textsc{\textbf{INDust}}), where the false knowledge is incorporated into instructions in multiple different styles. After extensive human and automatic evaluations, we uncovered a universal vulnerability among LLMs in processing inductive instructions. Additionally, we identified that different inductive styles affect the models' ability to identify the same underlying errors, and the complexity of the underlying assumptions also influences the model's performance. Motivated by these results, we propose \textsc{Dual-critique} prompting to improve LLM robustness against inductive instructions. Our experiments demonstrate that \textsc{Dual-critique} prompting significantly bolsters the robustness of a diverse array of LLMs, even when confronted with varying degrees of inductive instruction complexity and differing inductive styles.

replace Enabling and Analyzing How to Efficiently Extract Information from Hybrid Long Documents with LLMs

Authors: Chongjian Yue, Xinrun Xu, Xiaojun Ma, Lun Du, Hengyu Liu, Zhiming Ding, Yanbing Jiang, Shi Han, Dongmei Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) demonstrate exceptional performance in textual understanding and tabular reasoning tasks. However, their ability to comprehend and analyze hybrid text, containing textual and tabular data, remains underexplored. In this research, we specialize in harnessing the potential of LLMs to comprehend critical information from financial reports, which are hybrid long-documents. We propose an Automated Financial Information Extraction (AFIE) framework that enhances LLMs' ability to comprehend and extract information from financial reports. To evaluate AFIE, we develop a Financial Reports Numerical Extraction (FINE) dataset and conduct an extensive experimental analysis. Our framework is effectively validated on GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, yielding average accuracy increases of 53.94% and 33.77%, respectively, compared to a naive method. These results suggest that the AFIE framework offers accuracy for automated numerical extraction from complex, hybrid documents.

replace Constructing Colloquial Dataset for Persian Sentiment Analysis of Social Microblogs

Authors: Mojtaba MazoochiICT Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, Leila RabieiIran Telecommunication Research Center, Farzaneh RahmaniComputer Department, Mehralborz University, Tehran, Iran, Zeinab RajabiComputer Department, Hazrat-e Masoumeh University, Qom, Iran

Abstract: Introduction: Microblogging websites have massed rich data sources for sentiment analysis and opinion mining. In this regard, sentiment classification has frequently proven inefficient because microblog posts typically lack syntactically consistent terms and representatives since users on these social networks do not like to write lengthy statements. Also, there are some limitations to low-resource languages. The Persian language has exceptional characteristics and demands unique annotated data and models for the sentiment analysis task, which are distinctive from text features within the English dialect. Method: This paper first constructs a user opinion dataset called ITRC-Opinion in a collaborative environment and insource way. Our dataset contains 60,000 informal and colloquial Persian texts from social microblogs such as Twitter and Instagram. Second, this study proposes a new architecture based on the convolutional neural network (CNN) model for more effective sentiment analysis of colloquial text in social microblog posts. The constructed datasets are used to evaluate the presented architecture. Furthermore, some models, such as LSTM, CNN-RNN, BiLSTM, and BiGRU with different word embeddings, including Fasttext, Glove, and Word2vec, investigated our dataset and evaluated the results. Results: The results demonstrate the benefit of our dataset and the proposed model (72% accuracy), displaying meaningful improvement in sentiment classification performance.

replace Align With Purpose: Optimize Desired Properties in CTC Models with a General Plug-and-Play Framework

Authors: Eliya Segev, Maya Alroy, Ronen Katsir, Noam Wies, Ayana Shenhav, Yael Ben-Oren, David Zar, Oren Tadmor, Jacob Bitterman, Amnon Shashua, Tal Rosenwein

Abstract: Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) is a widely used criterion for training supervised sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models. It enables learning the relations between input and output sequences, termed alignments, by marginalizing over perfect alignments (that yield the ground truth), at the expense of imperfect alignments. This binary differentiation of perfect and imperfect alignments falls short of capturing other essential alignment properties that hold significance in other real-world applications. Here we propose $\textit{Align With Purpose}$, a $\textbf{general Plug-and-Play framework}$ for enhancing a desired property in models trained with the CTC criterion. We do that by complementing the CTC with an additional loss term that prioritizes alignments according to a desired property. Our method does not require any intervention in the CTC loss function, enables easy optimization of a variety of properties, and allows differentiation between both perfect and imperfect alignments. We apply our framework in the domain of Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and show its generality in terms of property selection, architectural choice, and scale of training dataset (up to 280,000 hours). To demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework, we apply it to two unrelated properties: emission time and word error rate (WER). For the former, we report an improvement of up to 570ms in latency optimization with a minor reduction in WER, and for the latter, we report a relative improvement of 4.5% WER over the baseline models. To the best of our knowledge, these applications have never been demonstrated to work on a scale of data as large as ours. Notably, our method can be implemented using only a few lines of code, and can be extended to other alignment-free loss functions and to domains other than ASR.

replace Does Writing with Language Models Reduce Content Diversity?

Authors: Vishakh Padmakumar, He He

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have led to a surge in collaborative writing with model assistance. As different users incorporate suggestions from the same model, there is a risk of decreased diversity in the produced content, potentially limiting diverse perspectives in public discourse. In this work, we measure the impact of co-writing on diversity via a controlled experiment, where users write argumentative essays in three setups -- using a base LLM (GPT3), a feedback-tuned LLM (InstructGPT), and writing without model help. We develop a set of diversity metrics and find that writing with InstructGPT (but not the GPT3) results in a statistically significant reduction in diversity. Specifically, it increases the similarity between the writings of different authors and reduces the overall lexical and content diversity. We additionally find that this effect is mainly attributable to InstructGPT contributing less diverse text to co-written essays. In contrast, the user-contributed text remains unaffected by model collaboration. This suggests that the recent improvement in generation quality from adapting models to human feedback might come at the cost of more homogeneous and less diverse content.

replace Query-Dependent Prompt Evaluation and Optimization with Offline Inverse RL

Authors: Hao Sun, Alihan H\"uy\"uk, Mihaela van der Schaar

Abstract: In this study, we aim to enhance the arithmetic reasoning ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) through zero-shot prompt optimization. We identify a previously overlooked objective of query dependency in such optimization and elucidate two ensuing challenges that impede the successful and economical design of prompt optimization techniques. One primary issue is the absence of an effective method to evaluate prompts during inference when the golden answer is unavailable. Concurrently, learning via interactions with the LLMs to navigate the expansive natural language prompting space proves to be resource-intensive. To address this, we introduce Prompt-OIRL, which harnesses offline inverse reinforcement learning to draw insights from offline prompting demonstration data. Such data exists as by-products when diverse prompts are benchmarked on open-accessible datasets. With Prompt-OIRL, the query-dependent prompt optimization objective is achieved by first learning an offline reward model. This model can evaluate any query-prompt pairs without accessing LLMs. Subsequently, a best-of-N strategy is deployed to recommend the optimal prompt. Our experimental evaluations across various LLM scales and arithmetic reasoning datasets underscore both the efficacy and economic viability of the proposed approach.

replace Benchmarking Procedural Language Understanding for Low-Resource Languages: A Case Study on Turkish

Authors: Arda Uzunoglu, G\"ozde G\"ul \c{S}ahin

Abstract: Understanding procedural natural language (e.g., step-by-step instructions) is a crucial step to execution and planning. However, while there are ample corpora and downstream tasks available in English, the field lacks such resources for most languages. To address this gap, we conduct a case study on Turkish procedural texts. We first expand the number of tutorials in Turkish wikiHow from 2,000 to 52,000 using automated translation tools, where the translation quality and loyalty to the original meaning are validated by a team of experts on a random set. Then, we generate several downstream tasks on the corpus, such as linking actions, goal inference, and summarization. To tackle these tasks, we implement strong baseline models via fine-tuning large language-specific models such as TR-BART and BERTurk, as well as multilingual models such as mBART, mT5, and XLM. We find that language-specific models consistently outperform their multilingual models by a significant margin across most procedural language understanding (PLU) tasks. We release our corpus, downstream tasks and the baseline models with GGLAB-KU/turkish-plu.


replace SIB-200: A Simple, Inclusive, and Big Evaluation Dataset for Topic Classification in 200+ Languages and Dialects

Authors: David Ifeoluwa Adelani, Hannah Liu, Xiaoyu Shen, Nikita Vassilyev, Jesujoba O. Alabi, Yanke Mao, Haonan Gao, Annie En-Shiun Lee

Abstract: Despite the progress we have recorded in the last few years in multilingual natural language processing, evaluation is typically limited to a small set of languages with available datasets which excludes a large number of low-resource languages. In this paper, we created SIB-200 -- a large-scale open-sourced benchmark dataset for topic classification in 200 languages and dialects to address the lack of evaluation dataset for Natural Language Understanding (NLU). For many of the languages covered in SIB-200, this is the first publicly available evaluation dataset for NLU. The dataset is based on Flores-200 machine translation corpus. We annotated the English portion of the dataset and extended the sentence-level annotation to the remaining 203 languages covered in the corpus. Despite the simplicity of this task, our evaluation in full-supervised setting, cross-lingual transfer setting and prompting of large language model setting show that there is still a large gap between the performance of high-resource and low-resource languages when multilingual evaluation is scaled to numerous world languages. We found that languages unseen during the pre-training of multilingual language models, under-represented language families (like Nilotic and Altantic-Congo), and languages from the regions of Africa, Americas, Oceania and South East Asia, often have the lowest performance on our topic classification dataset. We hope our dataset will encourage a more inclusive evaluation of multilingual language models on a more diverse set of languages.


replace CoT-BERT: Enhancing Unsupervised Sentence Representation through Chain-of-Thought

Authors: Bowen Zhang, Kehua Chang, Chunping Li

Abstract: Unsupervised sentence representation learning endeavors to transform input sentences into fixed-length vectors enriched with intricate semantic information while obviating the reliance on labeled data. Recent strides in this domain have been significantly propelled by breakthroughs in contrastive learning and prompt engineering. Despite these advancements, the field has reached a plateau, leading some researchers to incorporate external components to enhance sentence embeddings' quality. Such integration, though beneficial, complicates the solutions and inflates the demand for computational resources. In response to these challenges, this paper presents CoT-BERT, an innovative method that harnesses the progressive thinking of Chain-of-Thought reasoning to tap into the latent potential of pre-trained models like BERT. Additionally, we develop an advanced contrastive learning loss function and propose a novel template denoising strategy. Rigorous experimentation substantiates CoT-BERT surpasses a range of well-established baselines by relying exclusively on the intrinsic strengths of pre-trained models.

replace Unsupervised Pretraining for Fact Verification by Language Model Distillation

Authors: Adri\'an Bazaga, Pietro Li\`o, Gos Micklem

Abstract: Fact verification aims to verify a claim using evidence from a trustworthy knowledge base. To address this challenge, algorithms must produce features for every claim that are both semantically meaningful, and compact enough to find a semantic alignment with the source information. In contrast to previous work, which tackled the alignment problem by learning over annotated corpora of claims and their corresponding labels, we propose SFAVEL (Self-supervised Fact Verification via Language Model Distillation), a novel unsupervised pretraining framework that leverages pre-trained language models to distil self-supervised features into high-quality claim-fact alignments without the need for annotations. This is enabled by a novel contrastive loss function that encourages features to attain high-quality claim and evidence alignments whilst preserving the semantic relationships across the corpora. Notably, we present results that achieve a new state-of-the-art on FB15k-237 (+5.3% Hits@1) and FEVER (+8% accuracy) with linear evaluation.

replace GenTKG: Generative Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graph

Authors: Ruotong Liao, Xu Jia, Yunpu Ma, Yangzhe Li, Volker Tresp

Abstract: The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have ignited interest in the temporal knowledge graph (tKG) domain, where conventional embedding-based and rule-based methods dominate. The question remains open of whether pre-trained LLMs can understand structured temporal relational data and replace them as the foundation model for temporal relational forecasting. Therefore, we bring temporal knowledge forecasting into the generative setting. However, challenges occur in the huge chasms between complex temporal graph data structure and sequential natural expressions LLMs can handle, and between the enormous data sizes of tKGs and heavy computation costs of finetuning LLMs. To address these challenges, we propose a novel retrieval-augmented generation framework named GenTKG combining a temporal logical rule-based retrieval strategy and few-shot parameter-efficient instruction tuning to solve the above challenges, respectively. Extensive experiments have shown that GenTKG outperforms conventional methods of temporal relational forecasting with low computation resources using extremely limited training data as few as 16 samples. GenTKG also highlights remarkable cross-domain generalizability with outperforming performance on unseen datasets without re-training, and in-domain generalizability regardless of time split in the same dataset. Our work reveals the huge potential of LLMs in the tKG domain and opens a new frontier for generative forecasting on tKGs.

replace LLM-Based Agent Society Investigation: Collaboration and Confrontation in Avalon Gameplay

Authors: Yihuai Lan, Zhiqiang Hu, Lei Wang, Yang Wang, Deheng Ye, Peilin Zhao, Ee-Peng Lim, Hui Xiong, Hao Wang

Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the open research problem of uncovering the social behaviors of LLM-based agents. To achieve this goal, we adopt Avalon, a representative communication game, as the environment and use system prompts to guide LLM agents to play the game. While previous studies have conducted preliminary investigations into gameplay with LLM agents, there lacks research on their social behaviors. In this paper, we present a novel framework designed to seamlessly adapt to Avalon gameplay. The core of our proposed framework is a multi-agent system that enables efficient communication and interaction among agents. We evaluate the performance of our framework based on metrics from two perspectives: winning the game and analyzing the social behaviors of LLM agents. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in generating adaptive and intelligent agents and highlight the potential of LLM-based agents in addressing the challenges associated with dynamic social environment interaction. By analyzing the social behaviors of LLM agents from the aspects of both collaboration and confrontation, we provide insights into the research and applications of this domain. Our code is publicly available at


replace ChipNeMo: Domain-Adapted LLMs for Chip Design

Authors: Mingjie Liu, Teodor-Dumitru Ene, Robert Kirby, Chris Cheng, Nathaniel Pinckney, Rongjian Liang, Jonah Alben, Himyanshu Anand, Sanmitra Banerjee, Ismet Bayraktaroglu, Bonita Bhaskaran, Bryan Catanzaro, Arjun Chaudhuri, Sharon Clay, Bill Dally, Laura Dang, Parikshit Deshpande, Siddhanth Dhodhi, Sameer Halepete, Eric Hill, Jiashang Hu, Sumit Jain, Ankit Jindal, Brucek Khailany, George Kokai, Kishor Kunal, Xiaowei Li, Charley Lind, Hao Liu, Stuart Oberman, Sujeet Omar, Sreedhar Pratty, Jonathan Raiman, Ambar Sarkar, Zhengjiang Shao, Hanfei Sun, Pratik P Suthar, Varun Tej, Walker Turner, Kaizhe Xu, Haoxing Ren

Abstract: ChipNeMo aims to explore the applications of large language models (LLMs) for industrial chip design. Instead of directly deploying off-the-shelf commercial or open-source LLMs, we instead adopt the following domain adaptation techniques: domain-adaptive tokenization, domain-adaptive continued pretraining, model alignment with domain-specific instructions, and domain-adapted retrieval models. We evaluate these methods on three selected LLM applications for chip design: an engineering assistant chatbot, EDA script generation, and bug summarization and analysis. Our evaluations demonstrate that domain-adaptive pretraining of language models, can lead to superior performance in domain related downstream tasks compared to their base LLaMA2 counterparts, without degradations in generic capabilities. In particular, our largest model, ChipNeMo-70B, outperforms the highly capable GPT-4 on two of our use cases, namely engineering assistant chatbot and EDA scripts generation, while exhibiting competitive performance on bug summarization and analysis. These results underscore the potential of domain-specific customization for enhancing the effectiveness of large language models in specialized applications.

replace Interpreting User Requests in the Context of Natural Language Standing Instructions

Authors: Nikita Moghe, Patrick Xia, Jacob Andreas, Jason Eisner, Benjamin Van Durme, Harsh Jhamtani

Abstract: Users of natural language interfaces, generally powered by Large Language Models (LLMs),often must repeat their preferences each time they make a similar request. We describe an approach to LLM-based dialogue modeling in which persistent user constraints and preferences -- collectively termed standing instructions -- as additional context for such interfaces. For example, when a user states "I'm hungry", a previously expressed preference for Persian food can be automatically added to the LLM prompt, influencing the search for relevant restaurants. We develop NLSI, a language-to-program dataset consisting of over 2.4K dialogues spanning 17 domains, where each dialogue is paired with a user profile (a set of users specific standing instructions) and corresponding structured representations (API calls). A key challenge in NLSI is to identify which subset of the standing instructions is applicable to a given dialogue. NLSI contains diverse phenomena, from simple preferences to interdependent instructions such as triggering a hotel search whenever the user is booking tickets to an event. We conduct experiments on NLSI using prompting with large language models and various retrieval approaches, achieving a maximum of 44.7% exact match on API prediction. Our results demonstrate the challenges in identifying the relevant standing instructions and their interpretation into API calls.

replace Steering Llama 2 via Contrastive Activation Addition

Authors: Nina Rimsky, Nick Gabrieli, Julian Schulz, Meg Tong, Evan Hubinger, Alexander Matt Turner

Abstract: We introduce Contrastive Activation Addition (CAA), an innovative method for steering language models by modifying their activations during forward passes. CAA computes "steering vectors" by averaging the difference in residual stream activations between pairs of positive and negative examples of a particular behavior, such as factual versus hallucinatory responses. During inference, these steering vectors are added at all token positions after the user's prompt with either a positive or negative coefficient, allowing precise control over the degree of the targeted behavior. We evaluate CAA's effectiveness on Llama 2 Chat using multiple-choice behavioral question datasets and open-ended generation tasks. We demonstrate that CAA significantly alters model behavior, is effective over and on top of traditional methods like finetuning and system prompt design, and minimally reduces capabilities. Moreover, we gain deeper insights into CAA's mechanisms by employing various activation space interpretation methods. CAA accurately steers model outputs and sheds light on how high-level concepts are represented in Large Language Models (LLMs).

replace Quality and Quantity of Machine Translation References for Automatic Metrics

Authors: Vil\'em Zouhar, Ond\v{r}ej Bojar

Abstract: Automatic machine translation metrics typically rely on human translations to determine the quality of system translations. Common wisdom in the field dictates that the human references should be of very high quality. However, there are no cost-benefit analyses that could be used to guide practitioners who plan to collect references for machine translation evaluation. We find that higher-quality references lead to better metric correlations with humans at the segment-level. Having up to 7 references per segment and taking their average (or maximum) helps all metrics. Interestingly, the references from vendors of different qualities can be mixed together and improve metric success. Higher quality references, however, cost more to create and we frame this as an optimization problem: given a specific budget, what references should be collected to maximize metric success. These findings can be used by evaluators of shared tasks when references need to be created under a certain budget.

replace English Prompts are Better for NLI-based Zero-Shot Emotion Classification than Target-Language Prompts

Authors: Patrick Barei{\ss}, Roman Klinger, Jeremy Barnes

Abstract: Emotion classification in text is a challenging task due to the processes involved when interpreting a textual description of a potential emotion stimulus. In addition, the set of emotion categories is highly domain-specific. For instance, literature analysis might require the use of aesthetic emotions (e.g., finding something beautiful), and social media analysis could benefit from fine-grained sets (e.g., separating anger from annoyance) than only those that represent basic categories as they have been proposed by Paul Ekman (anger, disgust, fear, joy, surprise, sadness). This renders the task an interesting field for zero-shot classifications, in which the label set is not known at model development time. Unfortunately, most resources for emotion analysis are English, and therefore, most studies on emotion analysis have been performed in English, including those that involve prompting language models for text labels. This leaves us with a research gap that we address in this paper: In which language should we prompt for emotion labels on non-English texts? This is particularly of interest when we have access to a multilingual large language model, because we could request labels with English prompts even for non-English data. Our experiments with natural language inference-based language models show that it is consistently better to use English prompts even if the data is in a different language.

replace Knowledge-to-SQL: Enhancing SQL Generation with Data Expert LLM

Authors: Zijin Hong, Zheng Yuan, Hao Chen, Qinggang Zhang, Feiran Huang, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Generating accurate SQL for user queries (text-to-SQL) is a long-standing problem since the generation of the SQL requires comprehending the query and database and retrieving the accurate data from the database accordingly. Existing models rely on the comprehensive ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) to generate the SQL according to the database schema. However, there is some necessary knowledge that is not explicitly included in the database schema or has been learned by LLMs. Thus, the generated SQL of the knowledge-insufficient queries may be inaccurate, which negatively impacts the robustness of the text-to-SQL models. To deal with this situation, we propose the Knowledge-to-SQL framework, which employs tailored Data Expert LLM (DELLM) to provide helpful knowledge for all types of text-to-SQL models. Specifically, we provide the detailed design of DELLM, in terms of table reading, and the basic fine-tuning process. We further provide a Preference Learning via Database Feedback (PLDBF) training strategy to guide the DELLM to generate more helpful knowledge for LLMs. Extensive experiments verify DELLM can enhance the state-of-the-art LLMs on text-to-SQL tasks. The model structure and the parameter weight of DELLM are released for further research.

replace AnyGPT: Unified Multimodal LLM with Discrete Sequence Modeling

Authors: Jun Zhan, Junqi Dai, Jiasheng Ye, Yunhua Zhou, Dong Zhang, Zhigeng Liu, Xin Zhang, Ruibin Yuan, Ge Zhang, Linyang Li, Hang Yan, Jie Fu, Tao Gui, Tianxiang Sun, Yugang Jiang, Xipeng Qiu

Abstract: We introduce AnyGPT, an any-to-any multimodal language model that utilizes discrete representations for the unified processing of various modalities, including speech, text, images, and music. AnyGPT can be trained stably without any alterations to the current large language model (LLM) architecture or training paradigms. Instead, it relies exclusively on data-level preprocessing, facilitating the seamless integration of new modalities into LLMs, akin to the incorporation of new languages. We build a multimodal text-centric dataset for multimodal alignment pre-training. Utilizing generative models, we synthesize the first large-scale any-to-any multimodal instruction dataset. It consists of 108k samples of multi-turn conversations that intricately interweave various modalities, thus equipping the model to handle arbitrary combinations of multimodal inputs and outputs. Experimental results demonstrate that AnyGPT is capable of facilitating any-to-any multimodal conversation while achieving performance comparable to specialized models across all modalities, proving that discrete representations can effectively and conveniently unify multiple modalities within a language model. Demos are shown in


replace A Multimodal In-Context Tuning Approach for E-Commerce Product Description Generation

Authors: Yunxin Li, Baotian Hu, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Yuxin Ding, Min Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new setting for generating product descriptions from images, augmented by marketing keywords. It leverages the combined power of visual and textual information to create descriptions that are more tailored to the unique features of products. For this setting, previous methods utilize visual and textual encoders to encode the image and keywords and employ a language model-based decoder to generate the product description. However, the generated description is often inaccurate and generic since same-category products have similar copy-writings, and optimizing the overall framework on large-scale samples makes models concentrate on common words yet ignore the product features. To alleviate the issue, we present a simple and effective Multimodal In-Context Tuning approach, named ModICT, which introduces a similar product sample as the reference and utilizes the in-context learning capability of language models to produce the description. During training, we keep the visual encoder and language model frozen, focusing on optimizing the modules responsible for creating multimodal in-context references and dynamic prompts. This approach preserves the language generation prowess of large language models (LLMs), facilitating a substantial increase in description diversity. To assess the effectiveness of ModICT across various language model scales and types, we collect data from three distinct product categories within the E-commerce domain. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ModICT significantly improves the accuracy (by up to 3.3% on Rouge-L) and diversity (by up to 9.4% on D-5) of generated results compared to conventional methods. Our findings underscore the potential of ModICT as a valuable tool for enhancing automatic generation of product descriptions in a wide range of applications. Code is at:


replace Ranking Large Language Models without Ground Truth

Authors: Amit Dhurandhar, Rahul Nair, Moninder Singh, Elizabeth Daly, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy

Abstract: Evaluation and ranking of large language models (LLMs) has become an important problem with the proliferation of these models and their impact. Evaluation methods either require human responses which are expensive to acquire or use pairs of LLMs to evaluate each other which can be unreliable. In this paper, we provide a novel perspective where, given a dataset of prompts (viz. questions, instructions, etc.) and a set of LLMs, we rank them without access to any ground truth or reference responses. Inspired by real life where both an expert and a knowledgeable person can identify a novice our main idea is to consider triplets of models, where each one of them evaluates the other two, correctly identifying the worst model in the triplet with high probability. We also analyze our idea and provide sufficient conditions for it to succeed. Applying this idea repeatedly, we propose two methods to rank LLMs. In experiments on different generative tasks (summarization, multiple-choice, and dialog), our methods reliably recover close to true rankings without reference data. This points to a viable low-resource mechanism for practical use.

replace Mitigating Reversal Curse via Semantic-aware Permutation Training

Authors: Qingyan Guo, Rui Wang, Junliang Guo, Xu Tan, Jiang Bian, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance across diverse tasks, recent studies showcase that causal LLMs suffer from the "reversal curse". It is a typical example that the model knows "A's father is B", but is unable to reason "B's child is A". This limitation poses a challenge to the advancement of artificial general intelligence (AGI), as it suggests a gap in the models' ability to comprehend and apply bidirectional reasoning. In this paper, we first conduct substantial evaluation and identify that the root cause of the reversal curse lies in the different word order between the training and inference stage, namely, the poor ability of causal language models to predict antecedent words within the training data. Accordingly, permutation on the training data is considered as a potential solution, since this can make the model predict antecedent words or tokens. However, previous permutation methods may disrupt complete phrases or entities, thereby posing challenges for the model to comprehend and learn from training data. To address this issue, we propose Semantic-aware Permutation Training (SPT), which addresses this issue by segmenting the training sentences into semantic units (i.e., entities or phrases) with an assistant language model and permuting these units before feeding into the model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SPT effectively mitigates the reversal curse since the performance on reversed questions approximates that on the forward ones, and significantly advances the performance of existing works.

replace Merging Text Transformer Models from Different Initializations

Authors: Neha Verma, Maha Elbayad

Abstract: Recent work on one-shot permutation-based model merging has shown impressive low- or zero-barrier mode connectivity between models from completely different initializations. However, this line of work has not yet extended to the Transformer architecture, despite its dominant popularity in the language domain. Therefore, in this work, we investigate the extent to which separate Transformer minima learn similar features, and propose a model merging technique to investigate the relationship between these minima in the loss landscape. The specifics of the architecture, like its residual connections, multi-headed attention, and discrete, sequential input, require specific interventions in order to compute model permutations that remain within the same functional equivalence class. In merging these models with our method, we consistently find lower loss barriers between minima compared to model averaging for several models trained on a masked-language modeling task or fine-tuned on a language understanding benchmark. Our results show that the minima of these models are less sharp and isolated than previously understood, and provide a basis for future work on merging separately trained Transformer models.

replace LAB: Large-Scale Alignment for ChatBots

Authors: Shivchander Sudalairaj, Abhishek Bhandwaldar, Aldo Pareja, Kai Xu, David D. Cox, Akash Srivastava

Abstract: This work introduces LAB (Large-scale Alignment for chatBots), a novel methodology designed to overcome the scalability challenges in the instruction-tuning phase of large language model (LLM) training. Leveraging a taxonomy-guided synthetic data generation process and a multi-phase tuning framework, LAB significantly reduces reliance on expensive human annotations and proprietary models like GPT-4. We demonstrate that LAB-trained models can achieve competitive performance across several benchmarks compared to models trained with traditional human-annotated or GPT-4 generated synthetic data. Thus offering a scalable, cost-effective solution for enhancing LLM capabilities and instruction-following behaviors without the drawbacks of catastrophic forgetting, marking a step forward in the efficient training of LLMs for a wide range of applications.

replace Fine Tuning vs. Retrieval Augmented Generation for Less Popular Knowledge

Authors: Heydar Soudani, Evangelos Kanoulas, Faegheh Hasibi

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) memorize a vast amount of factual knowledge, exhibiting strong performance across diverse tasks and domains. However, it has been observed that the performance diminishes when dealing with less-popular or low-frequency concepts and entities, for example in domain specific applications. The two prominent approaches to enhance the performance of LLMs on low-frequent topics are: Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) and fine-tuning (FT) over synthetic data. This paper explores and evaluates the impact of RAG and FT on customizing LLMs in handling low-frequency entities on question answering task. Our findings indicate that FT significantly boosts the performance across entities of varying popularity, especially in the most and least popular groups, while RAG surpasses other methods. Additionally, the success of both RAG and FT approaches is amplified by advancements in retrieval and data augmentation techniques. We release our data and code at


replace OffLanDat: A Community Based Implicit Offensive Language Dataset Generated by Large Language Model Through Prompt Engineering

Authors: Amit Das, Mostafa Rahgouy, Dongji Feng, Zheng Zhang, Tathagata Bhattacharya, Nilanjana Raychawdhary, Mary Sandage, Lauramarie Pope, Gerry Dozier, Cheryl Seals

Abstract: The widespread presence of offensive languages on social media has resulted in adverse effects on societal well-being. As a result, it has become very important to address this issue with high priority. Offensive languages exist in both explicit and implicit forms, with the latter being more challenging to detect. Current research in this domain encounters several challenges. Firstly, the existing datasets primarily rely on the collection of texts containing explicit offensive keywords, making it challenging to capture implicitly offensive contents that are devoid of these keywords. Secondly, usual methodologies tend to focus solely on textual analysis, neglecting the valuable insights that community information can provide. In this research paper, we introduce a novel dataset OffLanDat, a community based implicit offensive language dataset generated by ChatGPT containing data for 38 different target groups. Despite limitations in generating offensive texts using ChatGPT due to ethical constraints, we present a prompt-based approach that effectively generates implicit offensive languages. To ensure data quality, we evaluate our data with human. Additionally, we employ a prompt-based Zero-Shot method with ChatGPT and compare the detection results between human annotation and ChatGPT annotation. We utilize existing state-of-the-art models to see how effective they are in detecting such languages. We will make our code and dataset public for other researchers.

replace PARADISE: Evaluating Implicit Planning Skills of Language Models with Procedural Warnings and Tips Dataset

Authors: Arda Uzunoglu, Abdalfatah Rashid Safa, G\"ozde G\"ul \c{S}ahin

Abstract: Recently, there has been growing interest within the community regarding whether large language models are capable of planning or executing plans. However, most prior studies use LLMs to generate high-level plans for simplified scenarios lacking linguistic complexity and domain diversity, limiting analysis of their planning abilities. These setups constrain evaluation methods (e.g., predefined action space), architectural choices (e.g., only generative models), and overlook the linguistic nuances essential for realistic analysis. To tackle this, we present PARADISE, an abductive reasoning task using Q\&A format on practical procedural text sourced from wikiHow. It involves warning and tip inference tasks directly associated with goals, excluding intermediary steps, with the aim of testing the ability of the models to infer implicit knowledge of the plan solely from the given goal. Our experiments, utilizing fine-tuned language models and zero-shot prompting, reveal the effectiveness of task-specific small models over large language models in most scenarios. Despite advancements, all models fall short of human performance. Notably, our analysis uncovers intriguing insights, such as variations in model behavior with dropped keywords, struggles of BERT-family and GPT-4 with physical and abstract goals, and the proposed tasks offering valuable prior knowledge for other unseen procedural tasks. The PARADISE dataset and associated resources are publicly available for further research exploration with


replace A Modular Approach for Multimodal Summarization of TV Shows

Authors: Louis Mahon, Mirella Lapata

Abstract: In this paper we address the task of summarizing television shows, which touches key areas in AI research: complex reasoning, multiple modalities, and long narratives. We present a modular approach where separate components perform specialized sub-tasks which we argue affords greater flexibility compared to end-to-end methods. Our modules involve detecting scene boundaries, reordering scenes so as to minimize the number of cuts between different events, converting visual information to text, summarizing the dialogue in each scene, and fusing the scene summaries into a final summary for the entire episode. We also present a new metric, PREFS (Precision and Recall Evaluation of Summary FactS), to measure both precision and recall of generated summaries, which we decompose into atomic facts. Tested on the recently released SummScreen3D dataset Papalampidi and Lapata (2023), our method produces higher quality summaries than comparison models, as measured with ROUGE and our new fact-based metric.

replace ShortGPT: Layers in Large Language Models are More Redundant Than You Expect

Authors: Xin Men, Mingyu Xu, Qingyu Zhang, Bingning Wang, Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Weipeng Chen

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) continue to advance in performance, their size has escalated significantly, with current LLMs containing billions or even trillions of parameters. However, in this study, we discovered that many layers of LLMs exhibit high similarity, and some layers play a negligible role in network functionality. Based on this observation, we define a metric called Block Influence (BI) to gauge the significance of each layer in LLMs. We then propose a straightforward pruning approach: layer removal, in which we directly delete the redundant layers in LLMs based on their BI scores. Experiments demonstrate that our method, which we call ShortGPT, significantly outperforms previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods in model pruning. Moreover, ShortGPT is orthogonal to quantization-like methods, enabling further reduction in parameters and computation. The ability to achieve better results through simple layer removal, as opposed to more complex pruning techniques, suggests a high degree of redundancy in the model architecture.

replace Emojinize: Enriching Any Text with Emoji Translations

Authors: Lars Henning Klein, Roland Aydin, Robert West

Abstract: Emoji have become ubiquitous in written communication, on the Web and beyond. They can emphasize or clarify emotions, add details to conversations, or simply serve decorative purposes. This casual use, however, barely scratches the surface of the expressive power of emoji. To further unleash this power, we present Emojinize, a method for translating arbitrary text phrases into sequences of one or more emoji without requiring human input. By leveraging the power of large language models, Emojinize can choose appropriate emoji by disambiguating based on context (eg, cricket-bat vs bat) and can express complex concepts compositionally by combining multiple emoji (eq, "Emojinize" is translated to input-latin-letters right-arrow grinning-face). In a cloze test--based user study, we show that Emojinize's emoji translations increase the human guessability of masked words by 55%, whereas human-picked emoji translations do so by only 29%. These results suggest that emoji provide a sufficiently rich vocabulary to accurately translate a wide variety of words. Moreover, annotating words and phrases with Emojinize's emoji translations opens the door to numerous downstream applications, including children learning how to read, adults learning foreign languages, and text understanding for people with learning disabilities.

replace SaulLM-7B: A pioneering Large Language Model for Law

Authors: Pierre Colombo, Telmo Pessoa Pires, Malik Boudiaf, Dominic Culver, Rui Melo, Caio Corro, Andre F. T. Martins, Fabrizio Esposito, Vera L\'ucia Raposo, Sofia Morgado, Michael Desa

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce SaulLM-7B, a large language model (LLM) tailored for the legal domain. With 7 billion parameters, SaulLM-7B is the first LLM designed explicitly for legal text comprehension and generation. Leveraging the Mistral 7B architecture as its foundation, SaulLM-7B is trained on an English legal corpus of over 30 billion tokens. SaulLM-7B exhibits state-of-the-art proficiency in understanding and processing legal documents. Additionally, we present a novel instructional fine-tuning method that leverages legal datasets to further enhance SaulLM-7B's performance in legal tasks. SaulLM-7B is released under the MIT License.

replace-cross Can phones, syllables, and words emerge as side-products of cross-situational audiovisual learning? -- A computational investigation

Authors: Khazar Khorrami, Okko R\"as\"anen

Abstract: Decades of research has studied how language learning infants learn to discriminate speech sounds, segment words, and associate words with their meanings. While gradual development of such capabilities is unquestionable, the exact nature of these skills and the underlying mental representations yet remains unclear. In parallel, computational studies have shown that basic comprehension of speech can be achieved by statistical learning between speech and concurrent referentially ambiguous visual input. These models can operate without prior linguistic knowledge such as representations of linguistic units, and without learning mechanisms specifically targeted at such units. This has raised the question of to what extent knowledge of linguistic units, such as phone(me)s, syllables, and words, could actually emerge as latent representations supporting the translation between speech and representations in other modalities, and without the units being proximal learning targets for the learner. In this study, we formulate this idea as the so-called latent language hypothesis (LLH), connecting linguistic representation learning to general predictive processing within and across sensory modalities. We review the extent that the audiovisual aspect of LLH is supported by the existing computational studies. We then explore LLH further in extensive learning simulations with different neural network models for audiovisual cross-situational learning, and comparing learning from both synthetic and real speech data. We investigate whether the latent representations learned by the networks reflect phonetic, syllabic, or lexical structure of input speech by utilizing an array of complementary evaluation metrics related to linguistic selectivity and temporal characteristics of the representations. As a result, we find that representations associated...

replace-cross EasyNER: A Customizable Easy-to-Use Pipeline for Deep Learning- and Dictionary-based Named Entity Recognition from Medical Text

Authors: Rafsan Ahmed, Petter Berntsson, Alexander Skafte, Salma Kazemi Rashed, Marcus Klang, Adam Barvesten, Ola Olde, William Lindholm, Antton Lamarca Arrizabalaga, Pierre Nugues, Sonja Aits

Abstract: Background Medical research generates millions of publications and it is a great challenge for researchers to utilize this information in full since its scale and complexity greatly surpasses human reading capabilities. Automated text mining can help extract and connect information spread across this large body of literature but this technology is not easily accessible to life scientists. Results Here, we developed an easy-to-use end-to-end pipeline for deep learning- and dictionary-based named entity recognition (NER) of typical entities found in medical research articles, including diseases, cells, chemicals, genes/proteins, and species. The pipeline can access and process large medical research article collections (PubMed, CORD-19) or raw text and incorporates a series of deep learning models fine-tuned on the HUNER corpora collection. In addition, the pipeline can perform dictionary-based NER related to COVID-19 and other medical topics. Users can also load their own NER models and dictionaries to include additional entities. The output consists of publication-ready ranked lists and graphs of detected entities and files containing the annotated texts. An associated script allows rapid inspection of the results for specific entities of interest. As model use cases, the pipeline was deployed on two collections of autophagy-related abstracts from PubMed and on the CORD19 dataset, a collection of 764 398 research article abstracts related to COVID-19. Conclusions The NER pipeline we present is applicable in a variety of medical research settings and makes customizable text mining accessible to life scientists.

replace-cross A new mapping of technological interdependence

Authors: A. Fronzetti Colladon, B. Guardabascio, F. Venturini

Abstract: How does technological interdependence affect a sector's ability to innovate? This paper answers this question by looking at knowledge interdependence (knowledge spillovers and technological complementarities) and structural interdependence (intersectoral network linkages). We examine these two dimensions of technological interdependence by applying novel methods of text mining and network analysis to the documents of 6.5 million patents granted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) between 1976 and 2021. We show that both dimensions positively affect sector innovation. While the impact of knowledge interdependence is slightly larger in the long-term horizon, positive shocks affecting the network linkages (structural interdependence) produce greater and more enduring effects on innovation performance in a relatively short run. Our analysis also highlights that patent text contains a wealth of information often not captured by traditional innovation metrics, such as patent citations.

replace-cross Intrinsic Language-Guided Exploration for Complex Long-Horizon Robotic Manipulation Tasks

Authors: Eleftherios Triantafyllidis, Filippos Christianos, Zhibin Li

Abstract: Current reinforcement learning algorithms struggle in sparse and complex environments, most notably in long-horizon manipulation tasks entailing a plethora of different sequences. In this work, we propose the Intrinsically Guided Exploration from Large Language Models (IGE-LLMs) framework. By leveraging LLMs as an assistive intrinsic reward, IGE-LLMs guides the exploratory process in reinforcement learning to address intricate long-horizon with sparse rewards robotic manipulation tasks. We evaluate our framework and related intrinsic learning methods in an environment challenged with exploration, and a complex robotic manipulation task challenged by both exploration and long-horizons. Results show IGE-LLMs (i) exhibit notably higher performance over related intrinsic methods and the direct use of LLMs in decision-making, (ii) can be combined and complement existing learning methods highlighting its modularity, (iii) are fairly insensitive to different intrinsic scaling parameters, and (iv) maintain robustness against increased levels of uncertainty and horizons.

replace-cross Can LLMs Follow Simple Rules?

Authors: Norman Mu, Sarah Chen, Zifan Wang, Sizhe Chen, David Karamardian, Lulwa Aljeraisy, Basel Alomair, Dan Hendrycks, David Wagner

Abstract: As Large Language Models (LLMs) are deployed with increasing real-world responsibilities, it is important to be able to specify and constrain the behavior of these systems in a reliable manner. Model developers may wish to set explicit rules for the model, such as "do not generate abusive content", but these may be circumvented by jailbreaking techniques. Existing evaluations of adversarial attacks and defenses on LLMs generally require either expensive manual review or unreliable heuristic checks. To address this issue, we propose Rule-following Language Evaluation Scenarios (RuLES), a programmatic framework for measuring rule-following ability in LLMs. RuLES consists of 14 simple text scenarios in which the model is instructed to obey various rules while interacting with the user. Each scenario has a programmatic evaluation function to determine whether the model has broken any rules in a conversation. Our evaluations of proprietary and open models show that almost all current models struggle to follow scenario rules, even on straightforward test cases. We also demonstrate that simple optimization attacks suffice to significantly increase failure rates on test cases. We conclude by exploring two potential avenues for improvement: test-time steering and supervised fine-tuning.

replace-cross AST-T5: Structure-Aware Pretraining for Code Generation and Understanding

Authors: Linyuan Gong, Mostafa Elhoushi, Alvin Cheung

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have made significant advancements in code-related tasks, yet many LLMs treat code as simple sequences, neglecting its structured nature. We introduce AST-T5, a novel pretraining paradigm that leverages the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) for enhanced code generation, transpilation, and understanding. Using dynamic programming, our AST-Aware Segmentation retains code structure, while our AST-Aware Span Corruption objective equips the model to reconstruct various code structures. Unlike other models, AST-T5 avoids intricate program analyses or architectural changes, so it integrates seamlessly with any encoder-decoder Transformer. Evaluations show that AST-T5 consistently outperforms similar-sized LMs across various code-related tasks. Structure-awareness makes AST-T5 particularly powerful in code-to-code tasks, surpassing CodeT5 by 2 points in exact match score for the Bugs2Fix task and by 3 points in exact match score for Java-C# Transpilation in CodeXGLUE. Our code and model are publicly available at


replace-cross Q&A Prompts: Discovering Rich Visual Clues through Mining Question-Answer Prompts for VQA requiring Diverse World Knowledge

Authors: Haibi Wang, Weifeng Ge

Abstract: With the breakthrough of multi-modal large language models, answering complex visual questions that demand advanced reasoning abilities and world knowledge has become a much more important testbed for developing AI models than ever. However, equipping AI models with robust cross-modality reasoning ability remains challenging since the cognition scheme of humans has not been understood systematically. In this paper, we believe that if we can collect visual clues in the given image as much as possible, we will recognize the image more accurately, understand the question better, recall relevant knowledge more easily, and finally reason out the answer. We discover these rich visual clues by mining question-answer pairs in images and sending them into multi-modal large language models as prompts. We call the proposed method Q&A Prompts. Specifically, we first use the image-answer pairs and the corresponding questions in the training set as inputs and outputs to train a visual question generation model. Then, we use an image tagging model to identify various instances and send packaged image-tag pairs into the visual question generation model to generate relevant questions with the extracted image tags as answers. Finally, we encode these generated question-answer pairs as prompts with a visual-aware prompting module and send them into pre-trained multi-modal large language models to reason out the final answers. Experimental results show that, compared with state-of-the-art methods, our Q&A Prompts achieves substantial improvements on the challenging visual question answering datasets requiring reasoning over diverse world knowledge, such as OK-VQA and A-OKVQA.

replace-cross Can Large Language Models Replace Economic Choice Prediction Labs?

Authors: Eilam Shapira, Omer Madmon, Roi Reichart, Moshe Tennenholtz

Abstract: Economic choice prediction is an essential challenging task, often constrained by the difficulties in acquiring human choice data. Indeed, experimental economics studies had focused mostly on simple choice settings. The AI community has recently contributed to that effort in two ways: considering whether LLMs can substitute for humans in the above-mentioned simple choice prediction settings, and the study through ML lens of more elaborated but still rigorous experimental economics settings, employing incomplete information, repetitive play, and natural language communication, notably language-based persuasion games. This leaves us with a major inspiration: can LLMs be used to fully simulate the economic environment and generate data for efficient human choice prediction, substituting for the elaborated economic lab studies? We pioneer the study of this subject, demonstrating its feasibility. In particular, we show that a model trained solely on LLM-generated data can effectively predict human behavior in a language-based persuasion game, and can even outperform models trained on actual human data.

replace-cross MUSTARD: Mastering Uniform Synthesis of Theorem and Proof Data

Authors: Yinya Huang, Xiaohan Lin, Zhengying Liu, Qingxing Cao, Huajian Xin, Haiming Wang, Zhenguo Li, Linqi Song, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) have witnessed significant advancement in various tasks, including mathematical reasoning and theorem proving. As these two tasks require strict and formal multi-step inference, they are appealing domains for exploring the reasoning ability of LLMs but still face important challenges. Previous studies such as Chain-of-Thought (CoT) have revealed the effectiveness of intermediate steps guidance. However, such step-wise annotation requires heavy labor, leading to insufficient training steps for current benchmarks. To fill this gap, this work introduces MUSTARD, a data generation framework that masters uniform synthesis of theorem and proof data of high quality and diversity. MUSTARD synthesizes data in three stages: (1) It samples a few mathematical concept seeds as the problem category. (2) Then, it prompts a generative language model with the sampled concepts to obtain both the problems and their step-wise formal solutions. (3) Lastly, the framework utilizes a proof assistant (e.g., Lean Prover) to filter the valid proofs. With the proposed MUSTARD, we present a theorem-and-proof benchmark MUSTARDSAUCE with 5,866 valid data points. Each data point contains an informal statement, an informal proof, and a translated formal proof that passes the prover validation. We perform extensive analysis and demonstrate that MUSTARD generates validated high-quality step-by-step data. We further apply the MUSTARDSAUCE for fine-tuning smaller language models. The fine-tuned Llama 2-7B achieves a 15.41% average relative performance gain in automated theorem proving, and 8.18% in math word problems. Codes and data are available at


replace-cross Token-Specific Watermarking with Enhanced Detectability and Semantic Coherence for Large Language Models

Authors: Mingjia Huo, Sai Ashish Somayajula, Youwei Liang, Ruisi Zhang, Farinaz Koushanfar, Pengtao Xie

Abstract: Large language models generate high-quality responses with potential misinformation, underscoring the need for regulation by distinguishing AI-generated and human-written texts. Watermarking is pivotal in this context, which involves embedding hidden markers in texts during the LLM inference phase, which is imperceptible to humans. Current watermarking algorithms, however, face the challenge of achieving both the detectability of inserted watermarks and the semantic integrity of generated texts, where enhancing one aspect often undermines the other. To overcome this, we introduce a novel multi-objective optimization (MOO) approach for watermarking that utilizes lightweight networks to generate token-specific watermarking logits and splitting ratios. By leveraging MOO to optimize for both detection and semantic objective functions, our method simultaneously achieves detectability and semantic integrity. Experimental results show that our method outperforms current watermarking techniques in enhancing the detectability of texts generated by LLMs while maintaining their semantic coherence. Our code is available at


replace-cross Direct Alignment of Draft Model for Speculative Decoding with Chat-Fine-Tuned LLMs

Authors: Raghavv Goel, Mukul Gagrani, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Text generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is known to be memory bound due to the combination of their auto-regressive nature, huge parameter counts, and limited memory bandwidths, often resulting in low token rates. Speculative decoding has been proposed as a solution for LLM inference acceleration. However, since draft models are often unavailable in the modern open-source LLM families, e.g., for Llama 2 7B, training a high-quality draft model is required to enable inference acceleration via speculative decoding. In this paper, we propose a simple draft model training framework for direct alignment to chat-capable target models. With the proposed framework, we train Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M, a draft model for Llama 2 Chat 7B or larger, with only 1.64\% of the original size. Our training framework only consists of pretraining, distillation dataset generation, and finetuning with knowledge distillation, with no additional alignment procedure. For the finetuning step, we use instruction-response pairs generated by target model for distillation in plausible data distribution, and propose a new Total Variation Distance++ (TVD++) loss that incorporates variance reduction techniques inspired from the policy gradient method in reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M with speculative decoding achieves up to 2.3 block efficiency and 2.4$\times$ speed-up relative to autoregressive decoding on various tasks with no further task-specific fine-tuning.

replace-cross The WMDP Benchmark: Measuring and Reducing Malicious Use With Unlearning

Authors: Nathaniel Li, Alexander Pan, Anjali Gopal, Summer Yue, Daniel Berrios, Alice Gatti, Justin D. Li, Ann-Kathrin Dombrowski, Shashwat Goel, Long Phan, Gabriel Mukobi, Nathan Helm-Burger, Rassin Lababidi, Lennart Justen, Andrew B. Liu, Michael Chen, Isabelle Barrass, Oliver Zhang, Xiaoyuan Zhu, Rishub Tamirisa, Bhrugu Bharathi, Adam Khoja, Zhenqi Zhao, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Cort B. Breuer, Andy Zou, Mantas Mazeika, Zifan Wang, Palash Oswal, Weiran Liu, Adam A. Hunt, Justin Tienken-Harder, Kevin Y. Shih, Kemper Talley, John Guan, Russell Kaplan, Ian Steneker, David Campbell, Brad Jokubaitis, Alex Levinson, Jean Wang, William Qian, Kallol Krishna Karmakar, Steven Basart, Stephen Fitz, Mindy Levine, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, Uday Tupakula, Vijay Varadharajan, Yan Shoshitaishvili, Jimmy Ba, Kevin M. Esvelt, Alexandr Wang, Dan Hendrycks

Abstract: The White House Executive Order on Artificial Intelligence highlights the risks of large language models (LLMs) empowering malicious actors in developing biological, cyber, and chemical weapons. To measure these risks of malicious use, government institutions and major AI labs are developing evaluations for hazardous capabilities in LLMs. However, current evaluations are private, preventing further research into mitigating risk. Furthermore, they focus on only a few, highly specific pathways for malicious use. To fill these gaps, we publicly release the Weapons of Mass Destruction Proxy (WMDP) benchmark, a dataset of 4,157 multiple-choice questions that serve as a proxy measurement of hazardous knowledge in biosecurity, cybersecurity, and chemical security. WMDP was developed by a consortium of academics and technical consultants, and was stringently filtered to eliminate sensitive information prior to public release. WMDP serves two roles: first, as an evaluation for hazardous knowledge in LLMs, and second, as a benchmark for unlearning methods to remove such hazardous knowledge. To guide progress on unlearning, we develop CUT, a state-of-the-art unlearning method based on controlling model representations. CUT reduces model performance on WMDP while maintaining general capabilities in areas such as biology and computer science, suggesting that unlearning may be a concrete path towards reducing malicious use from LLMs. We release our benchmark and code publicly at