new Video Relationship Detection Using Mixture of Experts

Authors: Ala Shaabana, Zahra Gharaee, Paul Fieguth

Abstract: Machine comprehension of visual information from images and videos by neural networks faces two primary challenges. Firstly, there exists a computational and inference gap in connecting vision and language, making it difficult to accurately determine which object a given agent acts on and represent it through language. Secondly, classifiers trained by a single, monolithic neural network often lack stability and generalization. To overcome these challenges, we introduce MoE-VRD, a novel approach to visual relationship detection utilizing a mixture of experts. MoE-VRD identifies language triplets in the form of < subject, predicate, object> tuples to extract relationships from visual processing. Leveraging recent advancements in visual relationship detection, MoE-VRD addresses the requirement for action recognition in establishing relationships between subjects (acting) and objects (being acted upon). In contrast to single monolithic networks, MoE-VRD employs multiple small models as experts, whose outputs are aggregated. Each expert in MoE-VRD specializes in visual relationship learning and object tagging. By utilizing a sparsely-gated mixture of experts, MoE-VRD enables conditional computation and significantly enhances neural network capacity without increasing computational complexity. Our experimental results demonstrate that the conditional computation capabilities and scalability of the mixture-of-experts approach lead to superior performance in visual relationship detection compared to state-of-the-art methods.

new LoDisc: Learning Global-Local Discriminative Features for Self-Supervised Fine-Grained Visual Recognition

Authors: Jialu Shi, Zhiqiang Wei, Jie Nie, Lei Huang

Abstract: Self-supervised contrastive learning strategy has attracted remarkable attention due to its exceptional ability in representation learning. However, current contrastive learning tends to learn global coarse-grained representations of the image that benefit generic object recognition, whereas such coarse-grained features are insufficient for fine-grained visual recognition. In this paper, we present to incorporate the subtle local fine-grained feature learning into global self-supervised contrastive learning through a pure self-supervised global-local fine-grained contrastive learning framework. Specifically, a novel pretext task called Local Discrimination (LoDisc) is proposed to explicitly supervise self-supervised model's focus towards local pivotal regions which are captured by a simple-but-effective location-wise mask sampling strategy. We show that Local Discrimination pretext task can effectively enhance fine-grained clues in important local regions, and the global-local framework further refines the fine-grained feature representations of images. Extensive experimental results on different fine-grained object recognition tasks demonstrate that the proposed method can lead to a decent improvement in different evaluation settings. Meanwhile, the proposed method is also effective in general object recognition tasks.

new A data-centric approach to class-specific bias in image data augmentation

Authors: Athanasios Angelakis, Andrey Rass

Abstract: Data augmentation (DA) enhances model generalization in computer vision but may introduce biases, impacting class accuracy unevenly. Our study extends this inquiry, examining DA's class-specific bias across various datasets, including those distinct from ImageNet, through random cropping. We evaluated this phenomenon with ResNet50, EfficientNetV2S, and SWIN ViT, discovering that while residual models showed similar bias effects, Vision Transformers exhibited greater robustness or altered dynamics. This suggests a nuanced approach to model selection, emphasizing bias mitigation. We also refined a "data augmentation robustness scouting" method to manage DA-induced biases more efficiently, reducing computational demands significantly (training 112 models instead of 1860; a reduction of factor 16.2) while still capturing essential bias trends.

new Scalable and Robust Transformer Decoders for Interpretable Image Classification with Foundation Models

Authors: Evelyn Mannix, Howard Bondell

Abstract: Interpretable computer vision models can produce transparent predictions, where the features of an image are compared with prototypes from a training dataset and the similarity between them forms a basis for classification. Nevertheless these methods are computationally expensive to train, introduce additional complexity and may require domain knowledge to adapt hyper-parameters to a new dataset. Inspired by developments in object detection, segmentation and large-scale self-supervised foundation vision models, we introduce Component Features (ComFe), a novel explainable-by-design image classification approach using a transformer-decoder head and hierarchical mixture-modelling. With only global image labels and no segmentation or part annotations, ComFe can identify consistent image components, such as the head, body, wings and tail of a bird, and the image background, and determine which of these features are informative in making a prediction. We demonstrate that ComFe obtains higher accuracy compared to previous interpretable models across a range of fine-grained vision benchmarks, without the need to individually tune hyper-parameters for each dataset. We also show that ComFe outperforms a non-interpretable linear head across a range of datasets, including ImageNet, and improves performance on generalisation and robustness benchmarks.

new An Explainable AI Framework for Artificial Intelligence of Medical Things

Authors: Al Amin, Kamrul Hasan, Saleh Zein-Sabatto, Deo Chimba, Imtiaz Ahmed, Tariqul Islam

Abstract: The healthcare industry has been revolutionized by the convergence of Artificial Intelligence of Medical Things (AIoMT), allowing advanced data-driven solutions to improve healthcare systems. With the increasing complexity of Artificial Intelligence (AI) models, the need for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) techniques become paramount, particularly in the medical domain, where transparent and interpretable decision-making becomes crucial. Therefore, in this work, we leverage a custom XAI framework, incorporating techniques such as Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME), SHapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP), and Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping (Grad-Cam), explicitly designed for the domain of AIoMT. The proposed framework enhances the effectiveness of strategic healthcare methods and aims to instill trust and promote understanding in AI-driven medical applications. Moreover, we utilize a majority voting technique that aggregates predictions from multiple convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and leverages their collective intelligence to make robust and accurate decisions in the healthcare system. Building upon this decision-making process, we apply the XAI framework to brain tumor detection as a use case demonstrating accurate and transparent diagnosis. Evaluation results underscore the exceptional performance of the XAI framework, achieving high precision, recall, and F1 scores with a training accuracy of 99% and a validation accuracy of 98%. Combining advanced XAI techniques with ensemble-based deep-learning (DL) methodologies allows for precise and reliable brain tumor diagnoses as an application of AIoMT.

new Towards learning-based planning:The nuPlan benchmark for real-world autonomous driving

Authors: Napat Karnchanachari, Dimitris Geromichalos, Kok Seang Tan, Nanxiang Li, Christopher Eriksen, Shakiba Yaghoubi, Noushin Mehdipour, Gianmarco Bernasconi, Whye Kit Fong, Yiluan Guo, Holger Caesar

Abstract: Machine Learning (ML) has replaced traditional handcrafted methods for perception and prediction in autonomous vehicles. Yet for the equally important planning task, the adoption of ML-based techniques is slow. We present nuPlan, the world's first real-world autonomous driving dataset, and benchmark. The benchmark is designed to test the ability of ML-based planners to handle diverse driving situations and to make safe and efficient decisions. To that end, we introduce a new large-scale dataset that consists of 1282 hours of diverse driving scenarios from 4 cities (Las Vegas, Boston, Pittsburgh, and Singapore) and includes high-quality auto-labeled object tracks and traffic light data. We exhaustively mine and taxonomize common and rare driving scenarios which are used during evaluation to get fine-grained insights into the performance and characteristics of a planner. Beyond the dataset, we provide a simulation and evaluation framework that enables a planner's actions to be simulated in closed-loop to account for interactions with other traffic participants. We present a detailed analysis of numerous baselines and investigate gaps between ML-based and traditional methods. Find the nuPlan dataset and code at

new MAP: MAsk-Pruning for Source-Free Model Intellectual Property Protection

Authors: Boyang Peng, Sanqing Qu, Yong Wu, Tianpei Zou, Lianghua He, Alois Knoll, Guang Chen, changjun jiang

Abstract: Deep learning has achieved remarkable progress in various applications, heightening the importance of safeguarding the intellectual property (IP) of well-trained models. It entails not only authorizing usage but also ensuring the deployment of models in authorized data domains, i.e., making models exclusive to certain target domains. Previous methods necessitate concurrent access to source training data and target unauthorized data when performing IP protection, making them risky and inefficient for decentralized private data. In this paper, we target a practical setting where only a well-trained source model is available and investigate how we can realize IP protection. To achieve this, we propose a novel MAsk Pruning (MAP) framework. MAP stems from an intuitive hypothesis, i.e., there are target-related parameters in a well-trained model, locating and pruning them is the key to IP protection. Technically, MAP freezes the source model and learns a target-specific binary mask to prevent unauthorized data usage while minimizing performance degradation on authorized data. Moreover, we introduce a new metric aimed at achieving a better balance between source and target performance degradation. To verify the effectiveness and versatility, we have evaluated MAP in a variety of scenarios, including vanilla source-available, practical source-free, and challenging data-free. Extensive experiments indicate that MAP yields new state-of-the-art performance.

new Dual-path Frequency Discriminators for Few-shot Anomaly Detection

Authors: Yuhu Bai, Jiangning Zhang, Yuhang Dong, Guanzhong Tian, Yunkang Cao, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Few-shot anomaly detection (FSAD) is essential in industrial manufacturing. However, existing FSAD methods struggle to effectively leverage a limited number of normal samples, and they may fail to detect and locate inconspicuous anomalies in the spatial domain. We further discover that these subtle anomalies would be more noticeable in the frequency domain. In this paper, we propose a Dual-Path Frequency Discriminators (DFD) network from a frequency perspective to tackle these issues. Specifically, we generate anomalies at both image-level and feature-level. Differential frequency components are extracted by the multi-frequency information construction module and supplied into the fine-grained feature construction module to provide adapted features. We consider anomaly detection as a discriminative classification problem, wherefore the dual-path feature discrimination module is employed to detect and locate the image-level and feature-level anomalies in the feature space. The discriminators aim to learn a joint representation of anomalous features and normal features in the latent space. Extensive experiments conducted on MVTec AD and VisA benchmarks demonstrate that our DFD surpasses current state-of-the-art methods. Source code will be available.

new ProMISe: Promptable Medical Image Segmentation using SAM

Authors: Jinfeng Wang, Sifan Song, Xinkun Wang, Yiyi Wang, Yiyi Miao, Jionglong Su, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: With the proposal of the Segment Anything Model (SAM), fine-tuning SAM for medical image segmentation (MIS) has become popular. However, due to the large size of the SAM model and the significant domain gap between natural and medical images, fine-tuning-based strategies are costly with potential risk of instability, feature damage and catastrophic forgetting. Furthermore, some methods of transferring SAM to a domain-specific MIS through fine-tuning strategies disable the model's prompting capability, severely limiting its utilization scenarios. In this paper, we propose an Auto-Prompting Module (APM), which provides SAM-based foundation model with Euclidean adaptive prompts in the target domain. Our experiments demonstrate that such adaptive prompts significantly improve SAM's non-fine-tuned performance in MIS. In addition, we propose a novel non-invasive method called Incremental Pattern Shifting (IPS) to adapt SAM to specific medical domains. Experimental results show that the IPS enables SAM to achieve state-of-the-art or competitive performance in MIS without the need for fine-tuning. By coupling these two methods, we propose ProMISe, an end-to-end non-fine-tuned framework for Promptable Medical Image Segmentation. Our experiments demonstrate that both using our methods individually or in combination achieves satisfactory performance in low-cost pattern shifting, with all of SAM's parameters frozen.

new SDPL: Shifting-Dense Partition Learning for UAV-View Geo-Localization

Authors: Quan Chen, Tingyu Wang, Zihao Yang, Haoran Li, Rongfeng Lu, Yaoqi Sun, Bolun Zheng, Chenggang Yan

Abstract: Cross-view geo-localization aims to match images of the same target from different platforms, e.g., drone and satellite. It is a challenging task due to the changing both appearance of targets and environmental content from different views. Existing methods mainly focus on digging more comprehensive information through feature maps segmentation, while inevitably destroy the image structure and are sensitive to the shifting and scale of the target in the query. To address the above issues, we introduce a simple yet effective part-based representation learning, called shifting-dense partition learning (SDPL). Specifically, we propose the dense partition strategy (DPS), which divides the image into multiple parts to explore contextual-information while explicitly maintain the global structure. To handle scenarios with non-centered targets, we further propose the shifting-fusion strategy, which generates multiple sets of parts in parallel based on various segmentation centers and then adaptively fuses all features to select the best partitions. Extensive experiments show that our SDPL is robust to position shifting and scale variations, and achieves competitive performance on two prevailing benchmarks, i.e., University-1652 and SUES-200.

new Image Coding for Machines with Edge Information Learning Using Segment Anything

Authors: Takahiro Shindo, Kein Yamada, Taiju Watanabe, Hiroshi Watanabe

Abstract: Image Coding for Machines (ICM) is an image compression technique for image recognition. This technique is essential due to the growing demand for image recognition AI. In this paper, we propose a method for ICM that focuses on encoding and decoding only the edge information of object parts in an image, which we call SA-ICM. This is an Learned Image Compression (LIC) model trained using edge information created by Segment Anything. Our method can be used for image recognition models with various tasks. SA-ICM is also robust to changes in input data, making it effective for a variety of use cases. Additionally, our method provides benefits from a privacy point of view, as it removes human facial information on the encoder's side, thus protecting one's privacy. Furthermore, this LIC model training method can be used to train Neural Representations for Videos (NeRV), which is a video compression model. By training NeRV using edge information created by Segment Anything, it is possible to create a NeRV that is effective for image recognition (SA-NeRV). Experimental results confirm the advantages of SA-ICM, presenting the best performance in image compression for image recognition. We also show that SA-NeRV is superior to ordinary NeRV in video compression for machines.

new YYDS: Visible-Infrared Person Re-Identification with Coarse Descriptions

Authors: Yunhao Du, Zhicheng Zhao, Fei Su

Abstract: Visible-infrared person re-identification (VI-ReID) is challenging due to considerable cross-modality discrepancies. Existing works mainly focus on learning modality-invariant features while suppressing modality-specific ones. However, retrieving visible images only depends on infrared samples is an extreme problem because of the absence of color information. To this end, we present the Refer-VI-ReID settings, which aims to match target visible images from both infrared images and coarse language descriptions (e.g., "a man with red top and black pants") to complement the missing color information. To address this task, we design a Y-Y-shape decomposition structure, dubbed YYDS, to decompose and aggregate texture and color features of targets. Specifically, the text-IoU regularization strategy is firstly presented to facilitate the decomposition training, and a joint relation module is then proposed to infer the aggregation. Furthermore, the cross-modal version of k-reciprocal re-ranking algorithm is investigated, named CMKR, in which three neighbor search strategies and one local query expansion method are explored to alleviate the modality bias problem of the near neighbors. We conduct experiments on SYSU-MM01, RegDB and LLCM datasets with our manually annotated descriptions. Both YYDS and CMKR achieve remarkable improvements over SOTA methods on all three datasets. Codes are available at


new SAM-PD: How Far Can SAM Take Us in Tracking and Segmenting Anything in Videos by Prompt Denoising

Authors: Tao Zhou, Wenhan Luo, Qi Ye, Zhiguo Shi, Jiming Chen

Abstract: Recently, promptable segmentation models, such as the Segment Anything Model (SAM), have demonstrated robust zero-shot generalization capabilities on static images. These promptable models exhibit denoising abilities for imprecise prompt inputs, such as imprecise bounding boxes. In this paper, we explore the potential of applying SAM to track and segment objects in videos where we recognize the tracking task as a prompt denoising task. Specifically, we iteratively propagate the bounding box of each object's mask in the preceding frame as the prompt for the next frame. Furthermore, to enhance SAM's denoising capability against position and size variations, we propose a multi-prompt strategy where we provide multiple jittered and scaled box prompts for each object and preserve the mask prediction with the highest semantic similarity to the template mask. We also introduce a point-based refinement stage to handle occlusions and reduce cumulative errors. Without involving tracking modules, our approach demonstrates comparable performance in video object/instance segmentation tasks on three datasets: DAVIS2017, YouTubeVOS2018, and UVO, serving as a concise baseline and endowing SAM-based downstream applications with tracking capabilities.

new CN-RMA: Combined Network with Ray Marching Aggregation for 3D Indoors Object Detection from Multi-view Images

Authors: Guanlin Shen, Jingwei Huang, Zhihua Hu, Bin Wang

Abstract: This paper introduces CN-RMA, a novel approach for 3D indoor object detection from multi-view images. We observe the key challenge as the ambiguity of image and 3D correspondence without explicit geometry to provide occlusion information. To address this issue, CN-RMA leverages the synergy of 3D reconstruction networks and 3D object detection networks, where the reconstruction network provides a rough Truncated Signed Distance Function (TSDF) and guides image features to vote to 3D space correctly in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, we associate weights to sampled points of each ray through ray marching, representing the contribution of a pixel in an image to corresponding 3D locations. Such weights are determined by the predicted signed distances so that image features vote only to regions near the reconstructed surface. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance in 3D object detection from multi-view images, as measured by mAP@0.25 and mAP@0.5 on the ScanNet and ARKitScenes datasets. The code and models are released at


new ACC-ViT : Atrous Convolution's Comeback in Vision Transformers

Authors: Nabil Ibtehaz, Ning Yan, Masood Mortazavi, Daisuke Kihara

Abstract: Transformers have elevated to the state-of-the-art vision architectures through innovations in attention mechanism inspired from visual perception. At present two classes of attentions prevail in vision transformers, regional and sparse attention. The former bounds the pixel interactions within a region; the latter spreads them across sparse grids. The opposing natures of them have resulted in a dilemma between either preserving hierarchical relation or attaining a global context. In this work, taking inspiration from atrous convolution, we introduce Atrous Attention, a fusion of regional and sparse attention, which can adaptively consolidate both local and global information, while maintaining hierarchical relations. As a further tribute to atrous convolution, we redesign the ubiquitous inverted residual convolution blocks with atrous convolution. Finally, we propose a generalized, hybrid vision transformer backbone, named ACC-ViT, following conventional practices for standard vision tasks. Our tiny version model achieves $\sim 84 \%$ accuracy on ImageNet-1K, with less than $28.5$ million parameters, which is $0.42\%$ improvement over state-of-the-art MaxViT while having $8.4\%$ less parameters. In addition, we have investigated the efficacy of ACC-ViT backbone under different evaluation settings, such as finetuning, linear probing, and zero-shot learning on tasks involving medical image analysis, object detection, and language-image contrastive learning. ACC-ViT is therefore a strong vision backbone, which is also competitive in mobile-scale versions, ideal for niche applications with small datasets.

new 3DTextureTransformer: Geometry Aware Texture Generation for Arbitrary Mesh Topology

Authors: Dharma KC, Clayton T. Morrison

Abstract: Learning to generate textures for a novel 3D mesh given a collection of 3D meshes and real-world 2D images is an important problem with applications in various domains such as 3D simulation, augmented and virtual reality, gaming, architecture, and design. Existing solutions either do not produce high-quality textures or deform the original high-resolution input mesh topology into a regular grid to make this generation easier but also lose the original mesh topology. In this paper, we present a novel framework called the 3DTextureTransformer that enables us to generate high-quality textures without deforming the original, high-resolution input mesh. Our solution, a hybrid of geometric deep learning and StyleGAN-like architecture, is flexible enough to work on arbitrary mesh topologies and also easily extensible to texture generation for point cloud representations. Our solution employs a message-passing framework in 3D in conjunction with a StyleGAN-like architecture for 3D texture generation. The architecture achieves state-of-the-art performance among a class of solutions that can learn from a collection of 3D geometry and real-world 2D images while working with any arbitrary mesh topology.

new Single-Image HDR Reconstruction Assisted Ghost Suppression and Detail Preservation Network for Multi-Exposure HDR Imaging

Authors: Huafeng Li, Zhenmei Yang, Yafei Zhang, Dapeng Tao, Zhengtao Yu

Abstract: The reconstruction of high dynamic range (HDR) images from multi-exposure low dynamic range (LDR) images in dynamic scenes presents significant challenges, especially in preserving and restoring information in oversaturated regions and avoiding ghosting artifacts. While current methods often struggle to address these challenges, our work aims to bridge this gap by developing a multi-exposure HDR image reconstruction network for dynamic scenes, complemented by single-frame HDR image reconstruction. This network, comprising single-frame HDR reconstruction with enhanced stop image (SHDR-ESI) and SHDR-ESI-assisted multi-exposure HDR reconstruction (SHDRA-MHDR), effectively leverages the ghost-free characteristic of single-frame HDR reconstruction and the detail-enhancing capability of ESI in oversaturated areas. Specifically, SHDR-ESI innovatively integrates single-frame HDR reconstruction with the utilization of ESI. This integration not only optimizes the single image HDR reconstruction process but also effectively guides the synthesis of multi-exposure HDR images in SHDR-AMHDR. In this method, the single-frame HDR reconstruction is specifically applied to reduce potential ghosting effects in multiexposure HDR synthesis, while the use of ESI images assists in enhancing the detail information in the HDR synthesis process. Technically, SHDR-ESI incorporates a detail enhancement mechanism, which includes a self-representation module and a mutual-representation module, designed to aggregate crucial information from both reference image and ESI. To fully leverage the complementary information from non-reference images, a feature interaction fusion module is integrated within SHDRA-MHDR. Additionally, a ghost suppression module, guided by the ghost-free results of SHDR-ESI, is employed to suppress the ghosting artifacts.

new Depth-aware Test-Time Training for Zero-shot Video Object Segmentation

Authors: Weihuang Liu, Xi Shen, Haolun Li, Xiuli Bi, Bo Liu, Chi-Man Pun, Xiaodong Cun

Abstract: Zero-shot Video Object Segmentation (ZSVOS) aims at segmenting the primary moving object without any human annotations. Mainstream solutions mainly focus on learning a single model on large-scale video datasets, which struggle to generalize to unseen videos. In this work, we introduce a test-time training (TTT) strategy to address the problem. Our key insight is to enforce the model to predict consistent depth during the TTT process. In detail, we first train a single network to perform both segmentation and depth prediction tasks. This can be effectively learned with our specifically designed depth modulation layer. Then, for the TTT process, the model is updated by predicting consistent depth maps for the same frame under different data augmentations. In addition, we explore different TTT weight updating strategies. Our empirical results suggest that the momentum-based weight initialization and looping-based training scheme lead to more stable improvements. Experiments show that the proposed method achieves clear improvements on ZSVOS. Our proposed video TTT strategy provides significant superiority over state-of-the-art TTT methods. Our code is available at:


new Active Generalized Category Discovery

Authors: Shijie Ma, Fei Zhu, Zhun Zhong, Xu-Yao Zhang, Cheng-Lin Liu

Abstract: Generalized Category Discovery (GCD) is a pragmatic and challenging open-world task, which endeavors to cluster unlabeled samples from both novel and old classes, leveraging some labeled data of old classes. Given that knowledge learned from old classes is not fully transferable to new classes, and that novel categories are fully unlabeled, GCD inherently faces intractable problems, including imbalanced classification performance and inconsistent confidence between old and new classes, especially in the low-labeling regime. Hence, some annotations of new classes are deemed necessary. However, labeling new classes is extremely costly. To address this issue, we take the spirit of active learning and propose a new setting called Active Generalized Category Discovery (AGCD). The goal is to improve the performance of GCD by actively selecting a limited amount of valuable samples for labeling from the oracle. To solve this problem, we devise an adaptive sampling strategy, which jointly considers novelty, informativeness and diversity to adaptively select novel samples with proper uncertainty. However, owing to the varied orderings of label indices caused by the clustering of novel classes, the queried labels are not directly applicable to subsequent training. To overcome this issue, we further propose a stable label mapping algorithm that transforms ground truth labels to the label space of the classifier, thereby ensuring consistent training across different active selection stages. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on both generic and fine-grained datasets. Our code is available at


new Controllable Generation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models: A Survey

Authors: Pu Cao, Feng Zhou, Qing Song, Lu Yang

Abstract: In the rapidly advancing realm of visual generation, diffusion models have revolutionized the landscape, marking a significant shift in capabilities with their impressive text-guided generative functions. However, relying solely on text for conditioning these models does not fully cater to the varied and complex requirements of different applications and scenarios. Acknowledging this shortfall, a variety of studies aim to control pre-trained text-to-image (T2I) models to support novel conditions. In this survey, we undertake a thorough review of the literature on controllable generation with T2I diffusion models, covering both the theoretical foundations and practical advancements in this domain. Our review begins with a brief introduction to the basics of denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) and widely used T2I diffusion models. We then reveal the controlling mechanisms of diffusion models, theoretically analyzing how novel conditions are introduced into the denoising process for conditional generation. Additionally, we offer a detailed overview of research in this area, organizing it into distinct categories from the condition perspective: generation with specific conditions, generation with multiple conditions, and universal controllable generation. For an exhaustive list of the controllable generation literature surveyed, please refer to our curated repository at \url{}.


new A$^{3}$lign-DFER: Pioneering Comprehensive Dynamic Affective Alignment for Dynamic Facial Expression Recognition with CLIP

Authors: Zeng Tao, Yan Wang, Junxiong Lin, Haoran Wang, Xinji Mai, Jiawen Yu, Xuan Tong, Ziheng Zhou, Shaoqi Yan, Qing Zhao, Liyuan Han, Wenqiang Zhang

Abstract: The performance of CLIP in dynamic facial expression recognition (DFER) task doesn't yield exceptional results as observed in other CLIP-based classification tasks. While CLIP's primary objective is to achieve alignment between images and text in the feature space, DFER poses challenges due to the abstract nature of text and the dynamic nature of video, making label representation limited and perfect alignment difficult. To address this issue, we have designed A$^{3}$lign-DFER, which introduces a new DFER labeling paradigm to comprehensively achieve alignment, thus enhancing CLIP's suitability for the DFER task. Specifically, our A$^{3}$lign-DFER method is designed with multiple modules that work together to obtain the most suitable expanded-dimensional embeddings for classification and to achieve alignment in three key aspects: affective, dynamic, and bidirectional. We replace the input label text with a learnable Multi-Dimensional Alignment Token (MAT), enabling alignment of text to facial expression video samples in both affective and dynamic dimensions. After CLIP feature extraction, we introduce the Joint Dynamic Alignment Synchronizer (JAS), further facilitating synchronization and alignment in the temporal dimension. Additionally, we implement a Bidirectional Alignment Training Paradigm (BAP) to ensure gradual and steady training of parameters for both modalities. Our insightful and concise A$^{3}$lign-DFER method achieves state-of-the-art results on multiple DFER datasets, including DFEW, FERV39k, and MAFW. Extensive ablation experiments and visualization studies demonstrate the effectiveness of A$^{3}$lign-DFER. The code will be available in the future.

new LORS: Low-rank Residual Structure for Parameter-Efficient Network Stacking

Authors: Jialin Li, Qiang Nie, Weifu Fu, Yuhuan Lin, Guangpin Tao, Yong Liu, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Deep learning models, particularly those based on transformers, often employ numerous stacked structures, which possess identical architectures and perform similar functions. While effective, this stacking paradigm leads to a substantial increase in the number of parameters, posing challenges for practical applications. In today's landscape of increasingly large models, stacking depth can even reach dozens, further exacerbating this issue. To mitigate this problem, we introduce LORS (LOw-rank Residual Structure). LORS allows stacked modules to share the majority of parameters, requiring a much smaller number of unique ones per module to match or even surpass the performance of using entirely distinct ones, thereby significantly reducing parameter usage. We validate our method by applying it to the stacked decoders of a query-based object detector, and conduct extensive experiments on the widely used MS COCO dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, as even with a 70\% reduction in the parameters of the decoder, our method still enables the model to achieve comparable or

new Effectiveness Assessment of Recent Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yao Jiang, Xinyu Yan, Ge-Peng Ji, Keren Fu, Meijun Sun, Huan Xiong, Deng-Ping Fan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Abstract: The advent of large vision-language models (LVLMs) represents a noteworthy advancement towards the pursuit of artificial general intelligence. However, the extent of their efficacy across both specialized and general tasks warrants further investigation. This article endeavors to evaluate the competency of popular LVLMs in specialized and general tasks, respectively, aiming to offer a comprehensive comprehension of these innovative methodologies. To gauge their efficacy in specialized tasks, we tailor a comprehensive testbed comprising three distinct scenarios: natural, healthcare, and industrial, encompassing six challenging tasks. These tasks include salient, camouflaged, and transparent object detection, as well as polyp and skin lesion detection, alongside industrial anomaly detection. We examine the performance of three recent open-source LVLMs -- MiniGPT-v2, LLaVA-1.5, and Shikra -- in the realm of visual recognition and localization. Moreover, we conduct empirical investigations utilizing the aforementioned models alongside GPT-4V, assessing their multi-modal understanding capacities in general tasks such as object counting, absurd question answering, affordance reasoning, attribute recognition, and spatial relation reasoning. Our investigations reveal that these models demonstrate limited proficiency not only in specialized tasks but also in general tasks. We delve deeper into this inadequacy and suggest several potential factors, including limited cognition in specialized tasks, object hallucination, text-to-image interference, and decreased robustness in complex problems. We hope this study would provide valuable insights for the future development of LVLMs, augmenting their power in coping with both general and specialized applications.

new AO-DETR: Anti-Overlapping DETR for X-Ray Prohibited Items Detection

Authors: Mingyuan Li, Tong Jia, Hao Wang, Bowen Ma, Shuyang Lin, Da Cai, Dongyue Chen

Abstract: Prohibited item detection in X-ray images is one of the most essential and highly effective methods widely employed in various security inspection scenarios. Considering the significant overlapping phenomenon in X-ray prohibited item images, we propose an Anti-Overlapping DETR (AO-DETR) based on one of the state-of-the-art general object detectors, DINO. Specifically, to address the feature coupling issue caused by overlapping phenomena, we introduce the Category-Specific One-to-One Assignment (CSA) strategy to constrain category-specific object queries in predicting prohibited items of fixed categories, which can enhance their ability to extract features specific to prohibited items of a particular category from the overlapping foreground-background features. To address the edge blurring problem caused by overlapping phenomena, we propose the Look Forward Densely (LFD) scheme, which improves the localization accuracy of reference boxes in mid-to-high-level decoder layers and enhances the ability to locate blurry edges of the final layer. Similar to DINO, our AO-DETR provides two different versions with distinct backbones, tailored to meet diverse application requirements. Extensive experiments on the PIXray and OPIXray datasets demonstrate that the proposed method surpasses the state-of-the-art object detectors, indicating its potential applications in the field of prohibited item detection. The source code will be released at


new Discriminative Probing and Tuning for Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Leigang Qu, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Hanwang Zhang, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Despite advancements in text-to-image generation (T2I), prior methods often face text-image misalignment problems such as relation confusion in generated images. Existing solutions involve cross-attention manipulation for better compositional understanding or integrating large language models for improved layout planning. However, the inherent alignment capabilities of T2I models are still inadequate. By reviewing the link between generative and discriminative modeling, we posit that T2I models' discriminative abilities may reflect their text-image alignment proficiency during generation. In this light, we advocate bolstering the discriminative abilities of T2I models to achieve more precise text-to-image alignment for generation. We present a discriminative adapter built on T2I models to probe their discriminative abilities on two representative tasks and leverage discriminative fine-tuning to improve their text-image alignment. As a bonus of the discriminative adapter, a self-correction mechanism can leverage discriminative gradients to better align generated images to text prompts during inference. Comprehensive evaluations across three benchmark datasets, including both in-distribution and out-of-distribution scenarios, demonstrate our method's superior generation performance. Meanwhile, it achieves state-of-the-art discriminative performance on the two discriminative tasks compared to other generative models.

new Spatiotemporal Pooling on Appropriate Topological Maps Represented as Two-Dimensional Images for EEG Classification

Authors: Takuto Fukushima, Ryusuke Miyamoto

Abstract: Motor imagery classification based on electroencephalography (EEG) signals is one of the most important brain-computer interface applications, although it needs further improvement. Several methods have attempted to obtain useful information from EEG signals by using recent deep learning techniques such as transformers. To improve the classification accuracy, this study proposes a novel EEG-based motor imagery classification method with three key features: generation of a topological map represented as a two-dimensional image from EEG signals with coordinate transformation based on t-SNE, use of the InternImage to extract spatial features, and use of spatiotemporal pooling inspired by PoolFormer to exploit spatiotemporal information concealed in a sequence of EEG images. Experimental results using the PhysioNet EEG Motor Movement/Imagery dataset showed that the proposed method achieved the best classification accuracy of 88.57%, 80.65%, and 70.17% on two-, three-, and four-class motor imagery tasks in cross-individual validation.

new Multi-step Temporal Modeling for UAV Tracking

Authors: Xiaoying Yuan, Tingfa Xu, Xincong Liu, Ying Wang, Haolin Qin, Yuqiang Fang, Jianan Li

Abstract: In the realm of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) tracking, Siamese-based approaches have gained traction due to their optimal balance between efficiency and precision. However, UAV scenarios often present challenges such as insufficient sampling resolution, fast motion and small objects with limited feature information. As a result, temporal context in UAV tracking tasks plays a pivotal role in target location, overshadowing the target's precise features. In this paper, we introduce MT-Track, a streamlined and efficient multi-step temporal modeling framework designed to harness the temporal context from historical frames for enhanced UAV tracking. This temporal integration occurs in two steps: correlation map generation and correlation map refinement. Specifically, we unveil a unique temporal correlation module that dynamically assesses the interplay between the template and search region features. This module leverages temporal information to refresh the template feature, yielding a more precise correlation map. Subsequently, we propose a mutual transformer module to refine the correlation maps of historical and current frames by modeling the temporal knowledge in the tracking sequence. This method significantly trims computational demands compared to the raw transformer. The compact yet potent nature of our tracking framework ensures commendable tracking outcomes, particularly in extended tracking scenarios.

new Learning to Remove Wrinkled Transparent Film with Polarized Prior

Authors: Jiaqi Tang, Ruizheng Wu, Xiaogang Xu, Sixing Hu, Ying-Cong Chen

Abstract: In this paper, we study a new problem, Film Removal (FR), which attempts to remove the interference of wrinkled transparent films and reconstruct the original information under films for industrial recognition systems. We first physically model the imaging of industrial materials covered by the film. Considering the specular highlight from the film can be effectively recorded by the polarized camera, we build a practical dataset with polarization information containing paired data with and without transparent film. We aim to remove interference from the film (specular highlights and other degradations) with an end-to-end framework. To locate the specular highlight, we use an angle estimation network to optimize the polarization angle with the minimized specular highlight. The image with minimized specular highlight is set as a prior for supporting the reconstruction network. Based on the prior and the polarized images, the reconstruction network can decouple all degradations from the film. Extensive experiments show that our framework achieves SOTA performance in both image reconstruction and industrial downstream tasks. Our code will be released at \url{}.


new Video-Driven Animation of Neural Head Avatars

Authors: Wolfgang Paier, Paul Hinzer, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert

Abstract: We present a new approach for video-driven animation of high-quality neural 3D head models, addressing the challenge of person-independent animation from video input. Typically, high-quality generative models are learned for specific individuals from multi-view video footage, resulting in person-specific latent representations that drive the generation process. In order to achieve person-independent animation from video input, we introduce an LSTM-based animation network capable of translating person-independent expression features into personalized animation parameters of person-specific 3D head models. Our approach combines the advantages of personalized head models (high quality and realism) with the convenience of video-driven animation employing multi-person facial performance capture. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach on synthesized animations with high quality based on different source videos as well as an ablation study.

new Single-to-Dual-View Adaptation for Egocentric 3D Hand Pose Estimation

Authors: Ruicong Liu, Takehiko Ohkawa, Mingfang Zhang, Yoichi Sato

Abstract: The pursuit of accurate 3D hand pose estimation stands as a keystone for understanding human activity in the realm of egocentric vision. The majority of existing estimation methods still rely on single-view images as input, leading to potential limitations, e.g., limited field-of-view and ambiguity in depth. To address these problems, adding another camera to better capture the shape of hands is a practical direction. However, existing multi-view hand pose estimation methods suffer from two main drawbacks: 1) Requiring multi-view annotations for training, which are expensive. 2) During testing, the model becomes inapplicable if camera parameters/layout are not the same as those used in training. In this paper, we propose a novel Single-to-Dual-view adaptation (S2DHand) solution that adapts a pre-trained single-view estimator to dual views. Compared with existing multi-view training methods, 1) our adaptation process is unsupervised, eliminating the need for multi-view annotation. 2) Moreover, our method can handle arbitrary dual-view pairs with unknown camera parameters, making the model applicable to diverse camera settings. Specifically, S2DHand is built on certain stereo constraints, including pair-wise cross-view consensus and invariance of transformation between both views. These two stereo constraints are used in a complementary manner to generate pseudo-labels, allowing reliable adaptation. Evaluation results reveal that S2DHand achieves significant improvements on arbitrary camera pairs under both in-dataset and cross-dataset settings, and outperforms existing adaptation methods with leading performance. Project page:


new Impacts of Color and Texture Distortions on Earth Observation Data in Deep Learning

Authors: Martin Willbo, Aleksis Pirinen, John Martinsson, Edvin Listo Zec, Olof Mogren, Mikael Nilsson

Abstract: Land cover classification and change detection are two important applications of remote sensing and Earth observation (EO) that have benefited greatly from the advances of deep learning. Convolutional and transformer-based U-net models are the state-of-the-art architectures for these tasks, and their performances have been boosted by an increased availability of large-scale annotated EO datasets. However, the influence of different visual characteristics of the input EO data on a model's predictions is not well understood. In this work we systematically examine model sensitivities with respect to several color- and texture-based distortions on the input EO data during inference, given models that have been trained without such distortions. We conduct experiments with multiple state-of-the-art segmentation networks for land cover classification and show that they are in general more sensitive to texture than to color distortions. Beyond revealing intriguing characteristics of widely used land cover classification models, our results can also be used to guide the development of more robust models within the EO domain.

new MAGR: Manifold-Aligned Graph Regularization for Continual Action Quality Assessment

Authors: Kanglei Zhou, Liyuan Wang, Xingxing Zhang, Hubert P. H. Shum, Frederick W. B. Li, Jianguo Li, Xiaohui Liang

Abstract: Action Quality Assessment (AQA) evaluates diverse skills but models struggle with non-stationary data. We propose Continual AQA (CAQA) to refine models using sparse new data. Feature replay preserves memory without storing raw inputs. However, the misalignment between static old features and the dynamically changing feature manifold causes severe catastrophic forgetting. To address this novel problem, we propose Manifold-Aligned Graph Regularization (MAGR), which first aligns deviated old features to the current feature manifold, ensuring representation consistency. It then constructs a graph jointly arranging old and new features aligned with quality scores. Experiments show MAGR outperforms recent strong baselines with up to 6.56%, 5.66%, 15.64%, and 9.05% correlation gains on the MTL-AQA, FineDiving, UNLV-Dive, and JDM-MSA split datasets, respectively. This validates MAGR for continual assessment challenges arising from non-stationary skill variations.

new StableDrag: Stable Dragging for Point-based Image Editing

Authors: Yutao Cui, Xiaotong Zhao, Guozhen Zhang, Shengming Cao, Kai Ma, Limin Wang

Abstract: Point-based image editing has attracted remarkable attention since the emergence of DragGAN. Recently, DragDiffusion further pushes forward the generative quality via adapting this dragging technique to diffusion models. Despite these great success, this dragging scheme exhibits two major drawbacks, namely inaccurate point tracking and incomplete motion supervision, which may result in unsatisfactory dragging outcomes. To tackle these issues, we build a stable and precise drag-based editing framework, coined as StableDrag, by designing a discirminative point tracking method and a confidence-based latent enhancement strategy for motion supervision. The former allows us to precisely locate the updated handle points, thereby boosting the stability of long-range manipulation, while the latter is responsible for guaranteeing the optimized latent as high-quality as possible across all the manipulation steps. Thanks to these unique designs, we instantiate two types of image editing models including StableDrag-GAN and StableDrag-Diff, which attains more stable dragging performance, through extensive qualitative experiments and quantitative assessment on DragBench.

new FriendNet: Detection-Friendly Dehazing Network

Authors: Yihua Fan, Yongzhen Wang, Mingqiang Wei, Fu Lee Wang, Haoran Xie

Abstract: Adverse weather conditions often impair the quality of captured images, inevitably inducing cutting-edge object detection models for advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving. In this paper, we raise an intriguing question: can the combination of image restoration and object detection enhance detection performance in adverse weather conditions? To answer it, we propose an effective architecture that bridges image dehazing and object detection together via guidance information and task-driven learning to achieve detection-friendly dehazing, termed FriendNet. FriendNet aims to deliver both high-quality perception and high detection capacity. Different from existing efforts that intuitively treat image dehazing as pre-processing, FriendNet establishes a positive correlation between these two tasks. Clean features generated by the dehazing network potentially contribute to improvements in object detection performance. Conversely, object detection crucially guides the learning process of the image dehazing network under the task-driven learning scheme. We shed light on how downstream tasks can guide upstream dehazing processes, considering both network architecture and learning objectives. We design Guidance Fusion Block (GFB) and Guidance Attention Block (GAB) to facilitate the integration of detection information into the network. Furthermore, the incorporation of the detection task loss aids in refining the optimization process. Additionally, we introduce a new Physics-aware Feature Enhancement Block (PFEB), which integrates physics-based priors to enhance the feature extraction and representation capabilities. Extensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets demonstrate the superiority of our method over state-of-the-art methods on both image quality and detection precision. Our source code is available at


new Disentangled Diffusion-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation with Hierarchical Spatial and Temporal Denoiser

Authors: Qingyuan Cai, Xuecai Hu, Saihui Hou, Li Yao, Yongzhen Huang

Abstract: Recently, diffusion-based methods for monocular 3D human pose estimation have achieved state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance by directly regressing the 3D joint coordinates from the 2D pose sequence. Although some methods decompose the task into bone length and bone direction prediction based on the human anatomical skeleton to explicitly incorporate more human body prior constraints, the performance of these methods is significantly lower than that of the SOTA diffusion-based methods. This can be attributed to the tree structure of the human skeleton. Direct application of the disentangled method could amplify the accumulation of hierarchical errors, propagating through each hierarchy. Meanwhile, the hierarchical information has not been fully explored by the previous methods. To address these problems, a Disentangled Diffusion-based 3D Human Pose Estimation method with Hierarchical Spatial and Temporal Denoiser is proposed, termed DDHPose. In our approach: (1) We disentangle the 3D pose and diffuse the bone length and bone direction during the forward process of the diffusion model to effectively model the human pose prior. A disentanglement loss is proposed to supervise diffusion model learning. (2) For the reverse process, we propose Hierarchical Spatial and Temporal Denoiser (HSTDenoiser) to improve the hierarchical modeling of each joint. Our HSTDenoiser comprises two components: the Hierarchical-Related Spatial Transformer (HRST) and the Hierarchical-Related Temporal Transformer (HRTT). HRST exploits joint spatial information and the influence of the parent joint on each joint for spatial modeling, while HRTT utilizes information from both the joint and its hierarchical adjacent joints to explore the hierarchical temporal correlations among joints.

new TextMonkey: An OCR-Free Large Multimodal Model for Understanding Document

Authors: Yuliang Liu, Biao Yang, Qiang Liu, Zhang Li, Zhiyin Ma, Shuo Zhang, Xiang Bai

Abstract: We present TextMonkey, a large multimodal model (LMM) tailored for text-centric tasks, including document question answering (DocVQA) and scene text analysis. Our approach introduces enhancement across several dimensions: by adopting Shifted Window Attention with zero-initialization, we achieve cross-window connectivity at higher input resolutions and stabilize early training; We hypothesize that images may contain redundant tokens, and by using similarity to filter out significant tokens, we can not only streamline the token length but also enhance the model's performance. Moreover, by expanding our model's capabilities to encompass text spotting and grounding, and incorporating positional information into responses, we enhance interpretability and minimize hallucinations. Additionally, TextMonkey can be finetuned to gain the ability to comprehend commands for clicking screenshots. Overall, our method notably boosts performance across various benchmark datasets, achieving increases of 5.2%, 6.9%, and 2.8% in Scene Text-Centric VQA, Document Oriented VQA, and KIE, respectively, especially with a score of 561 on OCRBench, surpassing prior open-sourced large multimodal models for document understanding. Code will be released at


new Source Matters: Source Dataset Impact on Model Robustness in Medical Imaging

Authors: Dovile Juodelyte, Yucheng Lu, Amelia Jim\'enez-S\'anchez, Sabrina Bottazzi, Enzo Ferrante, Veronika Cheplygina

Abstract: Transfer learning has become an essential part of medical imaging classification algorithms, often leveraging ImageNet weights. However, the domain shift from natural to medical images has prompted alternatives such as RadImageNet, often demonstrating comparable classification performance. However, it remains unclear whether the performance gains from transfer learning stem from improved generalization or shortcut learning. To address this, we investigate potential confounders -- whether synthetic or sampled from the data -- across two publicly available chest X-ray and CT datasets. We show that ImageNet and RadImageNet achieve comparable classification performance, yet ImageNet is much more prone to overfitting to confounders. We recommend that researchers using ImageNet-pretrained models reexamine their model robustness by conducting similar experiments. Our code and experiments are available at


new Discriminative Sample-Guided and Parameter-Efficient Feature Space Adaptation for Cross-Domain Few-Shot Learning

Authors: Rashindrie Perera, Saman Halgamuge

Abstract: In this paper, we look at cross-domain few-shot classification which presents the challenging task of learning new classes in unseen domains with few labelled examples. Existing methods, though somewhat effective, encounter several limitations, which we address in this work through two significant improvements. First, to address overfitting associated with fine-tuning a large number of parameters on small datasets, we introduce a lightweight parameter-efficient adaptation strategy. This strategy employs a linear transformation of pre-trained features, significantly reducing the trainable parameter count. Second, we replace the traditional nearest centroid classifier with a variance-aware loss function, enhancing the model's sensitivity to the inter- and intra-class variances within the training set for improved clustering in feature space. Empirical evaluations on the Meta-Dataset benchmark showcase that our approach not only improves accuracy up to 7.7% and 5.3% on seen and unseen datasets respectively but also achieves this performance while being at least ~3x more parameter-efficient than existing methods, establishing a new state-of-the-art in cross-domain few-shot learning. Our code can be found at


new Finding Waldo: Towards Efficient Exploration of NeRF Scene Space

Authors: Evangelos Skartados, Mehmet Kerim Yucel, Bruno Manganelli, Anastasios Drosou, Albert Sa\`a-Garriga

Abstract: Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have quickly become the primary approach for 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis in recent years due to their remarkable performance. Despite the huge interest in NeRF methods, a practical use case of NeRFs has largely been ignored; the exploration of the scene space modelled by a NeRF. In this paper, for the first time in the literature, we propose and formally define the scene exploration framework as the efficient discovery of NeRF model inputs (i.e. coordinates and viewing angles), using which one can render novel views that adhere to user-selected criteria. To remedy the lack of approaches addressing scene exploration, we first propose two baseline methods called Guided-Random Search (GRS) and Pose Interpolation-based Search (PIBS). We then cast scene exploration as an optimization problem, and propose the criteria-agnostic Evolution-Guided Pose Search (EGPS) for efficient exploration. We test all three approaches with various criteria (e.g. saliency maximization, image quality maximization, photo-composition quality improvement) and show that our EGPS performs more favourably than other baselines. We finally highlight key points and limitations, and outline directions for future research in scene exploration.

new T-TAME: Trainable Attention Mechanism for Explaining Convolutional Networks and Vision Transformers

Authors: Mariano V. Ntrougkas, Nikolaos Gkalelis, Vasileios Mezaris

Abstract: The development and adoption of Vision Transformers and other deep-learning architectures for image classification tasks has been rapid. However, the "black box" nature of neural networks is a barrier to adoption in applications where explainability is essential. While some techniques for generating explanations have been proposed, primarily for Convolutional Neural Networks, adapting such techniques to the new paradigm of Vision Transformers is non-trivial. This paper presents T-TAME, Transformer-compatible Trainable Attention Mechanism for Explanations, a general methodology for explaining deep neural networks used in image classification tasks. The proposed architecture and training technique can be easily applied to any convolutional or Vision Transformer-like neural network, using a streamlined training approach. After training, explanation maps can be computed in a single forward pass; these explanation maps are comparable to or outperform the outputs of computationally expensive perturbation-based explainability techniques, achieving SOTA performance. We apply T-TAME to three popular deep learning classifier architectures, VGG-16, ResNet-50, and ViT-B-16, trained on the ImageNet dataset, and we demonstrate improvements over existing state-of-the-art explainability methods. A detailed analysis of the results and an ablation study provide insights into how the T-TAME design choices affect the quality of the generated explanation maps.

new Explainable Face Verification via Feature-Guided Gradient Backpropagation

Authors: Yuhang Lu, Zewei Xu, Touradj Ebrahimi

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed significant advancement in face recognition (FR) techniques, with their applications widely spread in people's lives and security-sensitive areas. There is a growing need for reliable interpretations of decisions of such systems. Existing studies relying on various mechanisms have investigated the usage of saliency maps as an explanation approach, but suffer from different limitations. This paper first explores the spatial relationship between face image and its deep representation via gradient backpropagation. Then a new explanation approach FGGB has been conceived, which provides precise and insightful similarity and dissimilarity saliency maps to explain the "Accept" and "Reject" decision of an FR system. Extensive visual presentation and quantitative measurement have shown that FGGB achieves superior performance in both similarity and dissimilarity maps when compared to current state-of-the-art explainable face verification approaches.

new Out of the Room: Generalizing Event-Based Dynamic Motion Segmentation for Complex Scenes

Authors: Stamatios Georgoulis, Weining Ren, Alfredo Bochicchio, Daniel Eckert, Yuanyou Li, Abel Gawel

Abstract: Rapid and reliable identification of dynamic scene parts, also known as motion segmentation, is a key challenge for mobile sensors. Contemporary RGB camera-based methods rely on modeling camera and scene properties however, are often under-constrained and fall short in unknown categories. Event cameras have the potential to overcome these limitations, but corresponding methods have only been demonstrated in smaller-scale indoor environments with simplified dynamic objects. This work presents an event-based method for class-agnostic motion segmentation that can successfully be deployed across complex large-scale outdoor environments too. To this end, we introduce a novel divide-and-conquer pipeline that combines: (a) ego-motion compensated events, computed via a scene understanding module that predicts monocular depth and camera pose as auxiliary tasks, and (b) optical flow from a dedicated optical flow module. These intermediate representations are then fed into a segmentation module that predicts motion segmentation masks. A novel transformer-based temporal attention module in the segmentation module builds correlations across adjacent 'frames' to get temporally consistent segmentation masks. Our method sets the new state-of-the-art on the classic EV-IMO benchmark (indoors), where we achieve improvements of 2.19 moving object IoU (2.22 mIoU) and 4.52 point IoU respectively, as well as on a newly-generated motion segmentation and tracking benchmark (outdoors) based on the DSEC event dataset, termed DSEC-MOTS, where we show improvement of 12.91 moving object IoU.

new Unbiased Estimator for Distorted Conics in Camera Calibration

Authors: Chaehyeon Song, Jaeho Shin, Myung-Hwan Jeon, Jongwoo Lim, Ayoung Kim

Abstract: In the literature, points and conics have been major features for camera geometric calibration. Although conics are more informative features than points, the loss of the conic property under distortion has critically limited the utility of conic features in camera calibration. Many existing approaches addressed conic-based calibration by ignoring distortion or introducing 3D spherical targets to circumvent this limitation. In this paper, we present a novel formulation for conic-based calibration using moments. Our derivation is based on the mathematical finding that the first moment can be estimated without bias even under distortion. This allows us to track moment changes during projection and distortion, ensuring the preservation of the first moment of the distorted conic. With an unbiased estimator, the circular patterns can be accurately detected at the sub-pixel level and can now be fully exploited for an entire calibration pipeline, resulting in significantly improved calibration. The entire code is readily available from

new Embodied Understanding of Driving Scenarios

Authors: Yunsong Zhou, Linyan Huang, Qingwen Bu, Jia Zeng, Tianyu Li, Hang Qiu, Hongzi Zhu, Minyi Guo, Yu Qiao, Hongyang Li

Abstract: Embodied scene understanding serves as the cornerstone for autonomous agents to perceive, interpret, and respond to open driving scenarios. Such understanding is typically founded upon Vision-Language Models (VLMs). Nevertheless, existing VLMs are restricted to the 2D domain, devoid of spatial awareness and long-horizon extrapolation proficiencies. We revisit the key aspects of autonomous driving and formulate appropriate rubrics. Hereby, we introduce the Embodied Language Model (ELM), a comprehensive framework tailored for agents' understanding of driving scenes with large spatial and temporal spans. ELM incorporates space-aware pre-training to endow the agent with robust spatial localization capabilities. Besides, the model employs time-aware token selection to accurately inquire about temporal cues. We instantiate ELM on the reformulated multi-faced benchmark, and it surpasses previous state-of-the-art approaches in all aspects. All code, data, and models will be publicly shared.

new Pix2Gif: Motion-Guided Diffusion for GIF Generation

Authors: Hitesh Kandala, Jianfeng Gao, Jianwei Yang

Abstract: We present Pix2Gif, a motion-guided diffusion model for image-to-GIF (video) generation. We tackle this problem differently by formulating the task as an image translation problem steered by text and motion magnitude prompts, as shown in teaser fig. To ensure that the model adheres to motion guidance, we propose a new motion-guided warping module to spatially transform the features of the source image conditioned on the two types of prompts. Furthermore, we introduce a perceptual loss to ensure the transformed feature map remains within the same space as the target image, ensuring content consistency and coherence. In preparation for the model training, we meticulously curated data by extracting coherent image frames from the TGIF video-caption dataset, which provides rich information about the temporal changes of subjects. After pretraining, we apply our model in a zero-shot manner to a number of video datasets. Extensive qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our model -- it not only captures the semantic prompt from text but also the spatial ones from motion guidance. We train all our models using a single node of 16xV100 GPUs. Code, dataset and models are made public at:


new CAT: Enhancing Multimodal Large Language Model to Answer Questions in Dynamic Audio-Visual Scenarios

Authors: Qilang Ye, Zitong Yu, Rui Shao, Xinyu Xie, Philip Torr, Xiaochun Cao

Abstract: This paper focuses on the challenge of answering questions in scenarios that are composed of rich and complex dynamic audio-visual components. Although existing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) can respond to audio-visual content, these responses are sometimes ambiguous and fail to describe specific audio-visual events. To overcome this limitation, we introduce the CAT, which enhances MLLM in three ways: 1) besides straightforwardly bridging audio and video, we design a clue aggregator that aggregates question-related clues in dynamic audio-visual scenarios to enrich the detailed knowledge required for large language models. 2) CAT is trained on a mixed multimodal dataset, allowing direct application in audio-visual scenarios. Notably, we collect an audio-visual joint instruction dataset named AVinstruct, to further enhance the capacity of CAT to model cross-semantic correlations. 3) we propose AI-assisted ambiguity-aware direct preference optimization, a strategy specialized in retraining the model to favor the non-ambiguity response and improve the ability to localize specific audio-visual objects. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that CAT outperforms existing methods on multimodal tasks, especially in Audio-Visual Question Answering (AVQA) tasks. The codes and the collected instructions are released at


new Audio-Visual Person Verification based on Recursive Fusion of Joint Cross-Attention

Authors: R. Gnana Praveen, Jahangir Alam

Abstract: Person or identity verification has been recently gaining a lot of attention using audio-visual fusion as faces and voices share close associations with each other. Conventional approaches based on audio-visual fusion rely on score-level or early feature-level fusion techniques. Though existing approaches showed improvement over unimodal systems, the potential of audio-visual fusion for person verification is not fully exploited. In this paper, we have investigated the prospect of effectively capturing both the intra- and inter-modal relationships across audio and visual modalities, which can play a crucial role in significantly improving the fusion performance over unimodal systems. In particular, we introduce a recursive fusion of a joint cross-attentional model, where a joint audio-visual feature representation is employed in the cross-attention framework in a recursive fashion to progressively refine the feature representations that can efficiently capture the intra-and inter-modal relationships. To further enhance the audio-visual feature representations, we have also explored BLSTMs to improve the temporal modeling of audio-visual feature representations. Extensive experiments are conducted on the Voxceleb1 dataset to evaluate the proposed model. Results indicate that the proposed model shows promising improvement in fusion performance by adeptly capturing the intra-and inter-modal relationships across audio and visual modalities.

new Dynamic Cross Attention for Audio-Visual Person Verification

Authors: R. Gnana Praveen, Jahangir Alam

Abstract: Although person or identity verification has been predominantly explored using individual modalities such as face and voice, audio-visual fusion has recently shown immense potential to outperform unimodal approaches. Audio and visual modalities are often expected to pose strong complementary relationships, which plays a crucial role in effective audio-visual fusion. However, they may not always strongly complement each other, they may also exhibit weak complementary relationships, resulting in poor audio-visual feature representations. In this paper, we propose a Dynamic Cross-Attention (DCA) model that can dynamically select the cross-attended or unattended features on the fly based on the strong or weak complementary relationships, respectively, across audio and visual modalities. In particular, a conditional gating layer is designed to evaluate the contribution of the cross-attention mechanism and choose cross-attended features only when they exhibit strong complementary relationships, otherwise unattended features. Extensive experiments are conducted on the Voxceleb1 dataset to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed model. Results indicate that the proposed model consistently improves the performance on multiple variants of cross-attention while outperforming the state-of-the-art methods.

new Faster Neighborhood Attention: Reducing the O(n^2) Cost of Self Attention at the Threadblock Level

Authors: Ali Hassani, Wen-Mei Hwu, Humphrey Shi

Abstract: Neighborhood attention reduces the cost of self attention by restricting each token's attention span to its nearest neighbors. This restriction, parameterized by a window size and dilation factor, draws a spectrum of possible attention patterns between linear projection and self attention. Neighborhood attention, and more generally sliding window attention patterns, have long been bounded by infrastructure, particularly in higher-rank spaces (2-D and 3-D), calling for the development of custom kernels, which have been limited in either functionality, or performance, if not both. In this work, we first show that neighborhood attention can be represented as a batched GEMM problem, similar to standard attention, and implement it for 1-D and 2-D neighborhood attention. These kernels on average provide 895% and 272% improvement in full precision latency compared to existing naive kernels for 1-D and 2-D neighborhood attention respectively. We find certain inherent inefficiencies in all unfused neighborhood attention kernels that bound their performance and lower-precision scalability. We also developed fused neighborhood attention; an adaptation of fused dot-product attention kernels that allow fine-grained control over attention across different spatial axes. Known for reducing the quadratic time complexity of self attention to a linear complexity, neighborhood attention can now enjoy a reduced and constant memory footprint, and record-breaking half precision latency. We observe that our fused kernels successfully circumvent some of the unavoidable inefficiencies in unfused implementations. While our unfused GEMM-based kernels only improve half precision performance compared to naive kernels by an average of 496% and 113% in 1-D and 2-D problems respectively, our fused kernels improve naive kernels by an average of 1607% and 581% in 1-D and 2-D problems respectively.

new PixArt-\Sigma: Weak-to-Strong Training of Diffusion Transformer for 4K Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Junsong Chen, Chongjian Ge, Enze Xie, Yue Wu, Lewei Yao, Xiaozhe Ren, Zhongdao Wang, Ping Luo, Huchuan Lu, Zhenguo Li

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce PixArt-\Sigma, a Diffusion Transformer model~(DiT) capable of directly generating images at 4K resolution. PixArt-\Sigma represents a significant advancement over its predecessor, PixArt-\alpha, offering images of markedly higher fidelity and improved alignment with text prompts. A key feature of PixArt-\Sigma is its training efficiency. Leveraging the foundational pre-training of PixArt-\alpha, it evolves from the `weaker' baseline to a `stronger' model via incorporating higher quality data, a process we term "weak-to-strong training". The advancements in PixArt-\Sigma are twofold: (1) High-Quality Training Data: PixArt-\Sigma incorporates superior-quality image data, paired with more precise and detailed image captions. (2) Efficient Token Compression: we propose a novel attention module within the DiT framework that compresses both keys and values, significantly improving efficiency and facilitating ultra-high-resolution image generation. Thanks to these improvements, PixArt-\Sigma achieves superior image quality and user prompt adherence capabilities with significantly smaller model size (0.6B parameters) than existing text-to-image diffusion models, such as SDXL (2.6B parameters) and SD Cascade (5.1B parameters). Moreover, PixArt-\Sigma's capability to generate 4K images supports the creation of high-resolution posters and wallpapers, efficiently bolstering the production of high-quality visual content in industries such as film and gaming.

new AUFormer: Vision Transformers are Parameter-Efficient Facial Action Unit Detectors

Authors: Kaishen Yuan, Zitong Yu, Xin Liu, Weicheng Xie, Huanjing Yue, Jingyu Yang

Abstract: Facial Action Units (AU) is a vital concept in the realm of affective computing, and AU detection has always been a hot research topic. Existing methods suffer from overfitting issues due to the utilization of a large number of learnable parameters on scarce AU-annotated datasets or heavy reliance on substantial additional relevant data. Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning (PETL) provides a promising paradigm to address these challenges, whereas its existing methods lack design for AU characteristics. Therefore, we innovatively investigate PETL paradigm to AU detection, introducing AUFormer and proposing a novel Mixture-of-Knowledge Expert (MoKE) collaboration mechanism. An individual MoKE specific to a certain AU with minimal learnable parameters first integrates personalized multi-scale and correlation knowledge. Then the MoKE collaborates with other MoKEs in the expert group to obtain aggregated information and inject it into the frozen Vision Transformer (ViT) to achieve parameter-efficient AU detection. Additionally, we design a Margin-truncated Difficulty-aware Weighted Asymmetric Loss (MDWA-Loss), which can encourage the model to focus more on activated AUs, differentiate the difficulty of unactivated AUs, and discard potential mislabeled samples. Extensive experiments from various perspectives, including within-domain, cross-domain, data efficiency, and micro-expression domain, demonstrate AUFormer's state-of-the-art performance and robust generalization abilities without relying on additional relevant data. The code for AUFormer is available at


new Delving into the Trajectory Long-tail Distribution for Muti-object Tracking

Authors: Sijia Chen, En Yu, Jinyang Li, Wenbing Tao

Abstract: Multiple Object Tracking (MOT) is a critical area within computer vision, with a broad spectrum of practical implementations. Current research has primarily focused on the development of tracking algorithms and enhancement of post-processing techniques. Yet, there has been a lack of thorough examination concerning the nature of tracking data it self. In this study, we pioneer an exploration into the distribution patterns of tracking data and identify a pronounced long-tail distribution issue within existing MOT datasets. We note a significant imbalance in the distribution of trajectory lengths across different pedestrians, a phenomenon we refer to as "pedestrians trajectory long-tail distribution". Addressing this challenge, we introduce a bespoke strategy designed to mitigate the effects of this skewed distribution. Specifically, we propose two data augmentation strategies, including Stationary Camera View Data Augmentation (SVA) and Dynamic Camera View Data Augmentation (DVA) , designed for viewpoint states and the Group Softmax (GS) module for Re-ID. SVA is to backtrack and predict the pedestrian trajectory of tail classes, and DVA is to use diffusion model to change the background of the scene. GS divides the pedestrians into unrelated groups and performs softmax operation on each group individually. Our proposed strategies can be integrated into numerous existing tracking systems, and extensive experimentation validates the efficacy of our method in reducing the influence of long-tail distribution on multi-object tracking performance. The code is available at


new ObjectCompose: Evaluating Resilience of Vision-Based Models on Object-to-Background Compositional Changes

Authors: Hashmat Shadab Malik, Muhammad Huzaifa, Muzammal Naseer, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Abstract: Given the large-scale multi-modal training of recent vision-based models and their generalization capabilities, understanding the extent of their robustness is critical for their real-world deployment. In this work, we evaluate the resilience of current vision-based models against diverse object-to-background context variations. The majority of robustness evaluation methods have introduced synthetic datasets to induce changes to object characteristics (viewpoints, scale, color) or utilized image transformation techniques (adversarial changes, common corruptions) on real images to simulate shifts in distributions. Recent works have explored leveraging large language models and diffusion models to generate changes in the background. However, these methods either lack in offering control over the changes to be made or distort the object semantics, making them unsuitable for the task. Our method, on the other hand, can induce diverse object-to-background changes while preserving the original semantics and appearance of the object. To achieve this goal, we harness the generative capabilities of text-to-image, image-to-text, and image-to-segment models to automatically generate a broad spectrum of object-to-background changes. We induce both natural and adversarial background changes by either modifying the textual prompts or optimizing the latents and textual embedding of text-to-image models. This allows us to quantify the role of background context in understanding the robustness and generalization of deep neural networks. We produce various versions of standard vision datasets (ImageNet, COCO), incorporating either diverse and realistic backgrounds into the images or introducing color, texture, and adversarial changes in the background. We conduct extensive experiment to analyze the robustness of vision-based models against object-to-background context variations across diverse tasks.

new Masked Capsule Autoencoders

Authors: Miles Everett, Mingjun Zhong, Georgios Leontidis

Abstract: We propose Masked Capsule Autoencoders (MCAE), the first Capsule Network that utilises pretraining in a self-supervised manner. Capsule Networks have emerged as a powerful alternative to Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), and have shown favourable properties when compared to Vision Transformers (ViT), but have struggled to effectively learn when presented with more complex data, leading to Capsule Network models that do not scale to modern tasks. Our proposed MCAE model alleviates this issue by reformulating the Capsule Network to use masked image modelling as a pretraining stage before finetuning in a supervised manner. Across several experiments and ablations studies we demonstrate that similarly to CNNs and ViTs, Capsule Networks can also benefit from self-supervised pretraining, paving the way for further advancements in this neural network domain. For instance, pretraining on the Imagenette dataset, a dataset of 10 classes of Imagenet-sized images, we achieve not only state-of-the-art results for Capsule Networks but also a 9% improvement compared to purely supervised training. Thus we propose that Capsule Networks benefit from and should be trained within a masked image modelling framework, with a novel capsule decoder, to improve a Capsule Network's performance on realistic-sized images.

new SnapNTell: Enhancing Entity-Centric Visual Question Answering with Retrieval Augmented Multimodal LLM

Authors: Jielin Qiu, Andrea Madotto, Zhaojiang Lin, Paul A. Crook, Yifan Ethan Xu, Xin Luna Dong, Christos Faloutsos, Lei Li, Babak Damavandi, Seungwhan Moon

Abstract: Vision-extended LLMs have made significant strides in Visual Question Answering (VQA). Despite these advancements, VLLMs still encounter substantial difficulties in handling queries involving long-tail entities, with a tendency to produce erroneous or hallucinated responses. In this work, we introduce a novel evaluative benchmark named \textbf{SnapNTell}, specifically tailored for entity-centric VQA. This task aims to test the models' capabilities in identifying entities and providing detailed, entity-specific knowledge. We have developed the \textbf{SnapNTell Dataset}, distinct from traditional VQA datasets: (1) It encompasses a wide range of categorized entities, each represented by images and explicitly named in the answers; (2) It features QA pairs that require extensive knowledge for accurate responses. The dataset is organized into 22 major categories, containing 7,568 unique entities in total. For each entity, we curated 10 illustrative images and crafted 10 knowledge-intensive QA pairs. To address this novel task, we devised a scalable, efficient, and transparent retrieval-augmented multimodal LLM. Our approach markedly outperforms existing methods on the SnapNTell dataset, achieving a 66.5\% improvement in the BELURT score. We will soon make the dataset and the source code publicly accessible.

new I Can't Believe It's Not Scene Flow!

Authors: Ishan Khatri, Kyle Vedder, Neehar Peri, Deva Ramanan, James Hays

Abstract: Current scene flow methods broadly fail to describe motion on small objects, and current scene flow evaluation protocols hide this failure by averaging over many points, with most drawn larger objects. To fix this evaluation failure, we propose a new evaluation protocol, Bucket Normalized EPE, which is class-aware and speed-normalized, enabling contextualized error comparisons between object types that move at vastly different speeds. To highlight current method failures, we propose a frustratingly simple supervised scene flow baseline, TrackFlow, built by bolting a high-quality pretrained detector (trained using many class rebalancing techniques) onto a simple tracker, that produces state-of-the-art performance on current standard evaluations and large improvements over prior art on our new evaluation. Our results make it clear that all scene flow evaluations must be class and speed aware, and supervised scene flow methods must address point class imbalances. We release the evaluation code publicly at


new That's My Point: Compact Object-centric LiDAR Pose Estimation for Large-scale Outdoor Localisation

Authors: Georgi Pramatarov, Matthew Gadd, Paul Newman, Daniele De Martini

Abstract: This paper is about 3D pose estimation on LiDAR scans with extremely minimal storage requirements to enable scalable mapping and localisation. We achieve this by clustering all points of segmented scans into semantic objects and representing them only with their respective centroid and semantic class. In this way, each LiDAR scan is reduced to a compact collection of four-number vectors. This abstracts away important structural information from the scenes, which is crucial for traditional registration approaches. To mitigate this, we introduce an object-matching network based on self- and cross-correlation that captures geometric and semantic relationships between entities. The respective matches allow us to recover the relative transformation between scans through weighted Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) and RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC). We demonstrate that such representation is sufficient for metric localisation by registering point clouds taken under different viewpoints on the KITTI dataset, and at different periods of time localising between KITTI and KITTI-360. We achieve accurate metric estimates comparable with state-of-the-art methods with almost half the representation size, specifically 1.33 kB on average.

new Efficient LoFTR: Semi-Dense Local Feature Matching with Sparse-Like Speed

Authors: Yifan Wang, Xingyi He, Sida Peng, Dongli Tan, Xiaowei Zhou

Abstract: We present a novel method for efficiently producing semi-dense matches across images. Previous detector-free matcher LoFTR has shown remarkable matching capability in handling large-viewpoint change and texture-poor scenarios but suffers from low efficiency. We revisit its design choices and derive multiple improvements for both efficiency and accuracy. One key observation is that performing the transformer over the entire feature map is redundant due to shared local information, therefore we propose an aggregated attention mechanism with adaptive token selection for efficiency. Furthermore, we find spatial variance exists in LoFTR's fine correlation module, which is adverse to matching accuracy. A novel two-stage correlation layer is proposed to achieve accurate subpixel correspondences for accuracy improvement. Our efficiency optimized model is $\sim 2.5\times$ faster than LoFTR which can even surpass state-of-the-art efficient sparse matching pipeline SuperPoint + LightGlue. Moreover, extensive experiments show that our method can achieve higher accuracy compared with competitive semi-dense matchers, with considerable efficiency benefits. This opens up exciting prospects for large-scale or latency-sensitive applications such as image retrieval and 3D reconstruction. Project page:


cross Enhancing chest X-ray datasets with privacy-preserving large language models and multi-type annotations: a data-driven approach for improved classification

Authors: Ricardo Bigolin Lanfredi, Pritam Mukherjee, Ronald Summers

Abstract: In chest X-ray (CXR) image analysis, rule-based systems are usually employed to extract labels from reports, but concerns exist about label quality. These datasets typically offer only presence labels, sometimes with binary uncertainty indicators, which limits their usefulness. In this work, we present MAPLEZ (Medical report Annotations with Privacy-preserving Large language model using Expeditious Zero shot answers), a novel approach leveraging a locally executable Large Language Model (LLM) to extract and enhance findings labels on CXR reports. MAPLEZ extracts not only binary labels indicating the presence or absence of a finding but also the location, severity, and radiologists' uncertainty about the finding. Over eight abnormalities from five test sets, we show that our method can extract these annotations with an increase of 5 percentage points (pp) in F1 score for categorical presence annotations and more than 30 pp increase in F1 score for the location annotations over competing labelers. Additionally, using these improved annotations in classification supervision, we demonstrate substantial advancements in model quality, with an increase of 1.7 pp in AUROC over models trained with annotations from the state-of-the-art approach. We share code and annotations.

cross Improving Adversarial Training using Vulnerability-Aware Perturbation Budget

Authors: Olukorede Fakorede, Modeste Atsague, Jin Tian

Abstract: Adversarial Training (AT) effectively improves the robustness of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) to adversarial attacks. Generally, AT involves training DNN models with adversarial examples obtained within a pre-defined, fixed perturbation bound. Notably, individual natural examples from which these adversarial examples are crafted exhibit varying degrees of intrinsic vulnerabilities, and as such, crafting adversarial examples with fixed perturbation radius for all instances may not sufficiently unleash the potency of AT. Motivated by this observation, we propose two simple, computationally cheap vulnerability-aware reweighting functions for assigning perturbation bounds to adversarial examples used for AT, named Margin-Weighted Perturbation Budget (MWPB) and Standard-Deviation-Weighted Perturbation Budget (SDWPB). The proposed methods assign perturbation radii to individual adversarial samples based on the vulnerability of their corresponding natural examples. Experimental results show that the proposed methods yield genuine improvements in the robustness of AT algorithms against various adversarial attacks.

cross Transformers and Language Models in Form Understanding: A Comprehensive Review of Scanned Document Analysis

Authors: Abdelrahman Abdallah, Daniel Eberharter, Zoe Pfister, Adam Jatowt

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive survey of research works on the topic of form understanding in the context of scanned documents. We delve into recent advancements and breakthroughs in the field, highlighting the significance of language models and transformers in solving this challenging task. Our research methodology involves an in-depth analysis of popular documents and forms of understanding of trends over the last decade, enabling us to offer valuable insights into the evolution of this domain. Focusing on cutting-edge models, we showcase how transformers have propelled the field forward, revolutionizing form-understanding techniques. Our exploration includes an extensive examination of state-of-the-art language models designed to effectively tackle the complexities of noisy scanned documents. Furthermore, we present an overview of the latest and most relevant datasets, which serve as essential benchmarks for evaluating the performance of selected models. By comparing and contrasting the capabilities of these models, we aim to provide researchers and practitioners with useful guidance in choosing the most suitable solutions for their specific form understanding tasks.

cross Multi-Object Tracking with Camera-LiDAR Fusion for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Riccardo Pieroni, Simone Specchia, Matteo Corno, Sergio Matteo Savaresi

Abstract: This paper presents a novel multi-modal Multi-Object Tracking (MOT) algorithm for self-driving cars that combines camera and LiDAR data. Camera frames are processed with a state-of-the-art 3D object detector, whereas classical clustering techniques are used to process LiDAR observations. The proposed MOT algorithm comprises a three-step association process, an Extended Kalman filter for estimating the motion of each detected dynamic obstacle, and a track management phase. The EKF motion model requires the current measured relative position and orientation of the observed object and the longitudinal and angular velocities of the ego vehicle as inputs. Unlike most state-of-the-art multi-modal MOT approaches, the proposed algorithm does not rely on maps or knowledge of the ego global pose. Moreover, it uses a 3D detector exclusively for cameras and is agnostic to the type of LiDAR sensor used. The algorithm is validated both in simulation and with real-world data, with satisfactory results.

cross Closing the Visual Sim-to-Real Gap with Object-Composable NeRFs

Authors: Nikhil Mishra, Maximilian Sieb, Pieter Abbeel, Xi Chen

Abstract: Deep learning methods for perception are the cornerstone of many robotic systems. Despite their potential for impressive performance, obtaining real-world training data is expensive, and can be impractically difficult for some tasks. Sim-to-real transfer with domain randomization offers a potential workaround, but often requires extensive manual tuning and results in models that are brittle to distribution shift between sim and real. In this work, we introduce Composable Object Volume NeRF (COV-NeRF), an object-composable NeRF model that is the centerpiece of a real-to-sim pipeline for synthesizing training data targeted to scenes and objects from the real world. COV-NeRF extracts objects from real images and composes them into new scenes, generating photorealistic renderings and many types of 2D and 3D supervision, including depth maps, segmentation masks, and meshes. We show that COV-NeRF matches the rendering quality of modern NeRF methods, and can be used to rapidly close the sim-to-real gap across a variety of perceptual modalities.

cross DNAct: Diffusion Guided Multi-Task 3D Policy Learning

Authors: Ge Yan, Yueh-Hua Wu, Xiaolong Wang

Abstract: This paper presents DNAct, a language-conditioned multi-task policy framework that integrates neural rendering pre-training and diffusion training to enforce multi-modality learning in action sequence spaces. To learn a generalizable multi-task policy with few demonstrations, the pre-training phase of DNAct leverages neural rendering to distill 2D semantic features from foundation models such as Stable Diffusion to a 3D space, which provides a comprehensive semantic understanding regarding the scene. Consequently, it allows various applications to challenging robotic tasks requiring rich 3D semantics and accurate geometry. Furthermore, we introduce a novel approach utilizing diffusion training to learn a vision and language feature that encapsulates the inherent multi-modality in the multi-task demonstrations. By reconstructing the action sequences from different tasks via the diffusion process, the model is capable of distinguishing different modalities and thus improving the robustness and the generalizability of the learned representation. DNAct significantly surpasses SOTA NeRF-based multi-task manipulation approaches with over 30% improvement in success rate. Project website:

cross Radiative Gaussian Splatting for Efficient X-ray Novel View Synthesis

Authors: Yuanhao Cai, Yixun Liang, Jiahao Wang, Angtian Wang, Yulun Zhang, Xiaokang Yang, Zongwei Zhou, Alan Yuille

Abstract: X-ray is widely applied for transmission imaging due to its stronger penetration than natural light. When rendering novel view X-ray projections, existing methods mainly based on NeRF suffer from long training time and slow inference speed. In this paper, we propose a 3D Gaussian splatting-based framework, namely X-Gaussian, for X-ray novel view synthesis. Firstly, we redesign a radiative Gaussian point cloud model inspired by the isotropic nature of X-ray imaging. Our model excludes the influence of view direction when learning to predict the radiation intensity of 3D points. Based on this model, we develop a Differentiable Radiative Rasterization (DRR) with CUDA implementation. Secondly, we customize an Angle-pose Cuboid Uniform Initialization (ACUI) strategy that directly uses the parameters of the X-ray scanner to compute the camera information and then uniformly samples point positions within a cuboid enclosing the scanned object. Experiments show that our X-Gaussian outperforms state-of-the-art methods by 6.5 dB while enjoying less than 15% training time and over 73x inference speed. The application on sparse-view CT reconstruction also reveals the practical values of our method. Code and models will be publicly available at . A video demo of the training process visualization is at .


cross Hitchhiker's guide to cancer-associated lymphoid aggregates in histology images: manual and deep learning-based quantification approaches

Authors: Karina Silina, Francesco Ciompi

Abstract: Quantification of lymphoid aggregates including tertiary lymphoid structures with germinal centers in histology images of cancer is a promising approach for developing prognostic and predictive tissue biomarkers. In this article, we provide recommendations for identifying lymphoid aggregates in tissue sections from routine pathology workflows such as hematoxylin and eosin staining. To overcome the intrinsic variability associated with manual image analysis (such as subjective decision making, attention span), we recently developed a deep learning-based algorithm called HookNet-TLS to detect lymphoid aggregates and germinal centers in various tissues. Here, we additionally provide a guideline for using manually annotated images for training and implementing HookNet-TLS for automated and objective quantification of lymphoid aggregates in various cancer types.

cross SWAP-NAS: Sample-Wise Activation Patterns For Ultra-Fast NAS

Authors: Yameng Peng, Andy Song, Haytham M. Fayek, Vic Ciesielski, Xiaojun Chang

Abstract: Training-free metrics (a.k.a. zero-cost proxies) are widely used to avoid resource-intensive neural network training, especially in Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Recent studies show that existing training-free metrics have several limitations, such as limited correlation and poor generalisation across different search spaces and tasks. Hence, we propose Sample-Wise Activation Patterns and its derivative, SWAP-Score, a novel high-performance training-free metric. It measures the expressivity of networks over a batch of input samples. The SWAP-Score is strongly correlated with ground-truth performance across various search spaces and tasks, outperforming 15 existing training-free metrics on NAS-Bench-101/201/301 and TransNAS-Bench-101. The SWAP-Score can be further enhanced by regularisation, which leads to even higher correlations in cell-based search space and enables model size control during the search. For example, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between regularised SWAP-Score and CIFAR-100 validation accuracies on NAS-Bench-201 networks is 0.90, significantly higher than 0.80 from the second-best metric, NWOT. When integrated with an evolutionary algorithm for NAS, our SWAP-NAS achieves competitive performance on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet in approximately 6 minutes and 9 minutes of GPU time respectively.

cross A Study of Dropout-Induced Modality Bias on Robustness to Missing Video Frames for Audio-Visual Speech Recognition

Authors: Yusheng Dai, Hang Chen, Jun Du, Ruoyu Wang, Shihao Chen, Jiefeng Ma, Haotian Wang, Chin-Hui Lee

Abstract: Advanced Audio-Visual Speech Recognition (AVSR) systems have been observed to be sensitive to missing video frames, performing even worse than single-modality models. While applying the dropout technique to the video modality enhances robustness to missing frames, it simultaneously results in a performance loss when dealing with complete data input. In this paper, we investigate this contrasting phenomenon from the perspective of modality bias and reveal that an excessive modality bias on the audio caused by dropout is the underlying reason. Moreover, we present the Modality Bias Hypothesis (MBH) to systematically describe the relationship between modality bias and robustness against missing modality in multimodal systems. Building on these findings, we propose a novel Multimodal Distribution Approximation with Knowledge Distillation (MDA-KD) framework to reduce over-reliance on the audio modality and to maintain performance and robustness simultaneously. Finally, to address an entirely missing modality, we adopt adapters to dynamically switch decision strategies. The effectiveness of our proposed approach is evaluated and validated through a series of comprehensive experiments using the MISP2021 and MISP2022 datasets. Our code is available at


cross MedM2G: Unifying Medical Multi-Modal Generation via Cross-Guided Diffusion with Visual Invariant

Authors: Chenlu Zhan, Yu Lin, Gaoang Wang, Hongwei Wang, Jian Wu

Abstract: Medical generative models, acknowledged for their high-quality sample generation ability, have accelerated the fast growth of medical applications. However, recent works concentrate on separate medical generation models for distinct medical tasks and are restricted to inadequate medical multi-modal knowledge, constraining medical comprehensive diagnosis. In this paper, we propose MedM2G, a Medical Multi-Modal Generative framework, with the key innovation to align, extract, and generate medical multi-modal within a unified model. Extending beyond single or two medical modalities, we efficiently align medical multi-modal through the central alignment approach in the unified space. Significantly, our framework extracts valuable clinical knowledge by preserving the medical visual invariant of each imaging modal, thereby enhancing specific medical information for multi-modal generation. By conditioning the adaptive cross-guided parameters into the multi-flow diffusion framework, our model promotes flexible interactions among medical multi-modal for generation. MedM2G is the first medical generative model that unifies medical generation tasks of text-to-image, image-to-text, and unified generation of medical modalities (CT, MRI, X-ray). It performs 5 medical generation tasks across 10 datasets, consistently outperforming various state-of-the-art works.

cross Improved Focus on Hard Samples for Lung Nodule Detection

Authors: Yujiang Chen, Mei Xie

Abstract: Recently, lung nodule detection methods based on deep learning have shown excellent performance in the medical image processing field. Considering that only a few public lung datasets are available and lung nodules are more difficult to detect in CT images than in natural images, the existing methods face many bottlenecks when detecting lung nodules, especially hard ones in CT images. In order to solve these problems, we plan to enhance the focus of our network. In this work, we present an improved detection network that pays more attention to hard samples and datasets to deal with lung nodules by introducing deformable convolution and self-paced learning. Experiments on the LUNA16 dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed components and show that our method has reached competitive performance.

cross Hyperspectral unmixing for Raman spectroscopy via physics-constrained autoencoders

Authors: Dimitar Georgiev, \'Alvaro Fern\'andez-Galiana, Simon Vilms Pedersen, Georgios Papadopoulos, Ruoxiao Xie, Molly M. Stevens, Mauricio Barahona

Abstract: Raman spectroscopy is widely used across scientific domains to characterize the chemical composition of samples in a non-destructive, label-free manner. Many applications entail the unmixing of signals from mixtures of molecular species to identify the individual components present and their proportions, yet conventional methods for chemometrics often struggle with complex mixture scenarios encountered in practice. Here, we develop hyperspectral unmixing algorithms based on autoencoder neural networks, and we systematically validate them using both synthetic and experimental benchmark datasets created in-house. Our results demonstrate that unmixing autoencoders provide improved accuracy, robustness and efficiency compared to standard unmixing methods. We also showcase the applicability of autoencoders to complex biological settings by showing improved biochemical characterization of volumetric Raman imaging data from a monocytic cell.

cross Reducing self-supervised learning complexity improves weakly-supervised classification performance in computational pathology

Authors: Tim Lenz, Omar S. M. El Nahhas, Marta Ligero, Jakob Nikolas Kather

Abstract: Deep Learning models have been successfully utilized to extract clinically actionable insights from routinely available histology data. Generally, these models require annotations performed by clinicians, which are scarce and costly to generate. The emergence of self-supervised learning (SSL) methods remove this barrier, allowing for large-scale analyses on non-annotated data. However, recent SSL approaches apply increasingly expansive model architectures and larger datasets, causing the rapid escalation of data volumes, hardware prerequisites, and overall expenses, limiting access to these resources to few institutions. Therefore, we investigated the complexity of contrastive SSL in computational pathology in relation to classification performance with the utilization of consumer-grade hardware. Specifically, we analyzed the effects of adaptations in data volume, architecture, and algorithms on downstream clas- sification tasks, emphasizing their impact on computational resources. We trained breast cancer foundation models on a large public patient cohort and validated them on various downstream classification tasks in a weakly supervised manner on two external public patient cohorts. Our experiments demonstrate that we can improve downstream classification performance whilst reducing SSL training duration by 90%. In summary, we propose a set of adaptations which enable the utilization of SSL in computational pathology in non-resource abundant environments.

cross A Domain Translation Framework with an Adversarial Denoising Diffusion Model to Generate Synthetic Datasets of Echocardiography Images

Authors: Cristiana Tiago, Sten Roar Snare, Jurica Sprem, Kristin McLeod

Abstract: Currently, medical image domain translation operations show a high demand from researchers and clinicians. Amongst other capabilities, this task allows the generation of new medical images with sufficiently high image quality, making them clinically relevant. Deep Learning (DL) architectures, most specifically deep generative models, are widely used to generate and translate images from one domain to another. The proposed framework relies on an adversarial Denoising Diffusion Model (DDM) to synthesize echocardiography images and perform domain translation. Contrary to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), DDMs are able to generate high quality image samples with a large diversity. If a DDM is combined with a GAN, this ability to generate new data is completed at an even faster sampling time. In this work we trained an adversarial DDM combined with a GAN to learn the reverse denoising process, relying on a guide image, making sure relevant anatomical structures of each echocardiography image were kept and represented on the generated image samples. For several domain translation operations, the results verified that such generative model was able to synthesize high quality image samples: MSE: 11.50 +/- 3.69, PSNR (dB): 30.48 +/- 0.09, SSIM: 0.47 +/- 0.03. The proposed method showed high generalization ability, introducing a framework to create echocardiography images suitable to be used for clinical research purposes.

cross MedFLIP: Medical Vision-and-Language Self-supervised Fast Pre-Training with Masked Autoencoder

Authors: Lei Li, Tianfang Zhang, Xinglin Zhang, Jiaqi Liu, Bingqi Ma, Yan Luo, Tao Chen

Abstract: Within the domain of medical analysis, extensive research has explored the potential of mutual learning between Masked Autoencoders(MAEs) and multimodal data. However, the impact of MAEs on intermodality remains a key challenge. We introduce MedFLIP, a Fast Language-Image Pre-training method for Medical analysis. We explore MAEs for zero-shot learning with crossed domains, which enhances the model ability to learn from limited data, a common scenario in medical diagnostics. We verify that masking an image does not affect intermodal learning. Furthermore, we propose the SVD loss to enhance the representation learning for characteristics of medical images, aiming to improve classification accuracy by leveraging the structural intricacies of such data. Lastly, we validate using language will improve the zero-shot performance for the medical image analysis. MedFLIP scaling of the masking process marks an advancement in the field, offering a pathway to rapid and precise medical image analysis without the traditional computational bottlenecks. Through experiments and validation, MedFLIP demonstrates efficient performance improvements, setting an explored standard for future research and application in medical diagnostics.

cross How Far Are We from Intelligent Visual Deductive Reasoning?

Authors: Yizhe Zhang, He Bai, Ruixiang Zhang, Jiatao Gu, Shuangfei Zhai, Josh Susskind, Navdeep Jaitly

Abstract: Vision-Language Models (VLMs) such as GPT-4V have recently demonstrated incredible strides on diverse vision language tasks. We dig into vision-based deductive reasoning, a more sophisticated but less explored realm, and find previously unexposed blindspots in the current SOTA VLMs. Specifically, we leverage Raven's Progressive Matrices (RPMs), to assess VLMs' abilities to perform multi-hop relational and deductive reasoning relying solely on visual clues. We perform comprehensive evaluations of several popular VLMs employing standard strategies such as in-context learning, self-consistency, and Chain-of-thoughts (CoT) on three diverse datasets, including the Mensa IQ test, IntelligenceTest, and RAVEN. The results reveal that despite the impressive capabilities of LLMs in text-based reasoning, we are still far from achieving comparable proficiency in visual deductive reasoning. We found that certain standard strategies that are effective when applied to LLMs do not seamlessly translate to the challenges presented by visual reasoning tasks. Moreover, a detailed analysis reveals that VLMs struggle to solve these tasks mainly because they are unable to perceive and comprehend multiple, confounding abstract patterns in RPM examples.

replace Multi-modal learning for geospatial vegetation forecasting

Authors: Vitus Benson, Claire Robin, Christian Requena-Mesa, Lazaro Alonso, Nuno Carvalhais, Jos\'e Cort\'es, Zhihan Gao, Nora Linscheid, M\'elanie Weynants, Markus Reichstein

Abstract: The innovative application of precise geospatial vegetation forecasting holds immense potential across diverse sectors, including agriculture, forestry, humanitarian aid, and carbon accounting. To leverage the vast availability of satellite imagery for this task, various works have applied deep neural networks for predicting multispectral images in photorealistic quality. However, the important area of vegetation dynamics has not been thoroughly explored. Our study breaks new ground by introducing GreenEarthNet, the first dataset specifically designed for high-resolution vegetation forecasting, and Contextformer, a novel deep learning approach for predicting vegetation greenness from Sentinel 2 satellite images with fine resolution across Europe. Our multi-modal transformer model Contextformer leverages spatial context through a vision backbone and predicts the temporal dynamics on local context patches incorporating meteorological time series in a parameter-efficient manner. The GreenEarthNet dataset features a learned cloud mask and an appropriate evaluation scheme for vegetation modeling. It also maintains compatibility with the existing satellite imagery forecasting dataset EarthNet2021, enabling cross-dataset model comparisons. Our extensive qualitative and quantitative analyses reveal that our methods outperform a broad range of baseline techniques. This includes surpassing previous state-of-the-art models on EarthNet2021, as well as adapted models from time series forecasting and video prediction. To the best of our knowledge, this work presents the first models for continental-scale vegetation modeling at fine resolution able to capture anomalies beyond the seasonal cycle, thereby paving the way for predicting vegetation health and behaviour in response to climate variability and extremes.

replace TensoIR: Tensorial Inverse Rendering

Authors: Haian Jin, Isabella Liu, Peijia Xu, Xiaoshuai Zhang, Songfang Han, Sai Bi, Xiaowei Zhou, Zexiang Xu, Hao Su

Abstract: We propose TensoIR, a novel inverse rendering approach based on tensor factorization and neural fields. Unlike previous works that use purely MLP-based neural fields, thus suffering from low capacity and high computation costs, we extend TensoRF, a state-of-the-art approach for radiance field modeling, to estimate scene geometry, surface reflectance, and environment illumination from multi-view images captured under unknown lighting conditions. Our approach jointly achieves radiance field reconstruction and physically-based model estimation, leading to photo-realistic novel view synthesis and relighting results. Benefiting from the efficiency and extensibility of the TensoRF-based representation, our method can accurately model secondary shading effects (like shadows and indirect lighting) and generally support input images captured under single or multiple unknown lighting conditions. The low-rank tensor representation allows us to not only achieve fast and compact reconstruction but also better exploit shared information under an arbitrary number of capturing lighting conditions. We demonstrate the superiority of our method to baseline methods qualitatively and quantitatively on various challenging synthetic and real-world scenes.

replace EasyPortrait -- Face Parsing and Portrait Segmentation Dataset

Authors: Karina Kvanchiani, Elizaveta Petrova, Karen Efremyan, Alexander Sautin, Alexander Kapitanov

Abstract: Recently, video conferencing apps have become functional by accomplishing such computer vision-based features as real-time background removal and face beautification. Limited variability in existing portrait segmentation and face parsing datasets, including head poses, ethnicity, scenes, and occlusions specific to video conferencing, motivated us to create a new dataset, EasyPortrait, for these tasks simultaneously. It contains 40,000 primarily indoor photos repeating video meeting scenarios with 13,705 unique users and fine-grained segmentation masks separated into 9 classes. Inappropriate annotation masks from other datasets caused a revision of annotator guidelines, resulting in EasyPortrait's ability to process cases, such as teeth whitening and skin smoothing. The pipeline for data mining and high-quality mask annotation via crowdsourcing is also proposed in this paper. In the ablation study experiments, we proved the importance of data quantity and diversity in head poses in our dataset for the effective learning of the model. The cross-dataset evaluation experiments confirmed the best domain generalization ability among portrait segmentation datasets. Moreover, we demonstrate the simplicity of training segmentation models on EasyPortrait without extra training tricks. The proposed dataset and trained models are publicly available.

replace CDUL: CLIP-Driven Unsupervised Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification

Authors: Rabab Abdelfattah, Qing Guo, Xiaoguang Li, Xiaofeng Wang, Song Wang

Abstract: This paper presents a CLIP-based unsupervised learning method for annotation-free multi-label image classification, including three stages: initialization, training, and inference. At the initialization stage, we take full advantage of the powerful CLIP model and propose a novel approach to extend CLIP for multi-label predictions based on global-local image-text similarity aggregation. To be more specific, we split each image into snippets and leverage CLIP to generate the similarity vector for the whole image (global) as well as each snippet (local). Then a similarity aggregator is introduced to leverage the global and local similarity vectors. Using the aggregated similarity scores as the initial pseudo labels at the training stage, we propose an optimization framework to train the parameters of the classification network and refine pseudo labels for unobserved labels. During inference, only the classification network is used to predict the labels of the input image. Extensive experiments show that our method outperforms state-of-the-art unsupervised methods on MS-COCO, PASCAL VOC 2007, PASCAL VOC 2012, and NUS datasets and even achieves comparable results to weakly supervised classification methods.

replace High-Level Parallelism and Nested Features for Dynamic Inference Cost and Top-Down Attention

Authors: Andr\'e Peter Kelm, Niels Hannemann, Bruno Heberle, Lucas Schmidt, Tim Rolff, Christian Wilms, Ehsan Yaghoubi, Simone Frintrop

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel network topology that seamlessly integrates dynamic inference cost with a top-down attention mechanism, addressing two significant gaps in traditional deep learning models. Drawing inspiration from human perception, we combine sequential processing of generic low-level features with parallelism and nesting of high-level features. This design not only reflects a finding from recent neuroscience research regarding - spatially and contextually distinct neural activations - in human cortex, but also introduces a novel "cutout" technique: the ability to selectively activate %segments of the network for task-relevant only network segments of task-relevant categories to optimize inference cost and eliminate the need for re-training. We believe this paves the way for future network designs that are lightweight and adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from compact edge devices to large-scale clouds. Our proposed topology also comes with a built-in top-down attention mechanism, which allows processing to be directly influenced by either enhancing or inhibiting category-specific high-level features, drawing parallels to the selective attention mechanism observed in human cognition. Using targeted external signals, we experimentally enhanced predictions across all tested models. In terms of dynamic inference cost our methodology can achieve an exclusion of up to $73.48\,\%$ of parameters and $84.41\,\%$ fewer giga-multiply-accumulate (GMAC) operations, analysis against comparative baselines show an average reduction of $40\,\%$ in parameters and $8\,\%$ in GMACs across the cases we evaluated.

replace Interactive segmentation in aerial images: a new benchmark and an open access web-based tool

Authors: Zhe Wang, Shoukun Sun, Xiang Que, Xiaogang Ma

Abstract: Deep learning has gradually become powerful in segmenting and classifying aerial images. However, in remote sensing applications, the lack of training datasets and the difficulty of accuracy assessment have always been challenges for the deep learning based classification. In recent years, interactive semantic segmentation proposed in computer vision has achieved an ideal state of human-computer interaction segmentation. It can provide expert experience and utilize deep learning for efficient segmentation. However, few papers discussed its application in remote sensing imagery. This study aims to bridge the gap between interactive segmentation and remote sensing analysis by conducting a benchmark study on various interactive segmentation models. We assessed the performance of five state-of-the-art interactive segmentation methods (Reviving Iterative Training with Mask Guidance for Interactive Segmentation (RITM), FocalClick, SimpleClick, Iterative Click Loss (ICL), and Segment Anything (SAM)) on two high-resolution aerial imagery datasets. The Cascade-Forward Refinement approach, an innovative inference strategy for interactive segmentation, was also introduced to enhance the segmentation results. We evaluated these methods on various land cover types, object sizes, and band combinations in the datasets. SimpleClick model consistently outperformed the other methods in our experiments. Conversely, the SAM performed less effectively than other models. Building upon these findings, we developed an online tool called RSISeg for interactive segmentation of remote sensing data. RSISeg incorporates a well-performing interactive model that is finetuned with remote sensing data. Compared to existing interactive segmentation tools, RSISeg offers robust interactivity, modifiability, and adaptability to remote sensing data.

replace PointSSC: A Cooperative Vehicle-Infrastructure Point Cloud Benchmark for Semantic Scene Completion

Authors: Yuxiang Yan, Boda Liu, Jianfei Ai, Qinbu Li, Ru Wan, Jian Pu

Abstract: Semantic Scene Completion (SSC) aims to jointly generate space occupancies and semantic labels for complex 3D scenes. Most existing SSC models focus on volumetric representations, which are memory-inefficient for large outdoor spaces. Point clouds provide a lightweight alternative but existing benchmarks lack outdoor point cloud scenes with semantic labels. To address this, we introduce PointSSC, the first cooperative vehicle-infrastructure point cloud benchmark for semantic scene completion. These scenes exhibit long-range perception and minimal occlusion. We develop an automated annotation pipeline leveraging Semantic Segment Anything to efficiently assign semantics. To benchmark progress, we propose a LiDAR-based model with a Spatial-Aware Transformer for global and local feature extraction and a Completion and Segmentation Cooperative Module for joint completion and segmentation. PointSSC provides a challenging testbed to drive advances in semantic point cloud completion for real-world navigation. The code and datasets are available at


replace Detect Everything with Few Examples

Authors: Xinyu Zhang, Yuting Wang, Abdeslam Boularias

Abstract: Few-shot object detection aims at detecting novel categories given a few example images. Recent methods focus on finetuning strategies, with complicated procedures that prohibit a wider application. In this paper, we introduce DE-ViT, a few-shot object detector without the need for finetuning. DE-ViT's novel architecture is based on a new region-propagation mechanism for localization. The propagated region masks are transformed into bounding boxes through a learnable spatial integral layer. Instead of training prototype classifiers, we propose to use prototypes to project ViT features into a subspace that is robust to overfitting on base classes. We evaluate DE-ViT on few-shot, and one-shot object detection benchmarks with Pascal VOC, COCO, and LVIS. DE-ViT establishes new state-of-the-art results on all benchmarks. Notably, for COCO, DE-ViT surpasses the few-shot SoTA by 15 mAP on 10-shot and 7.2 mAP on 30-shot and one-shot SoTA by 2.8 AP50. For LVIS, DE-ViT outperforms few-shot SoTA by 20 box APr.

replace Geometry-Guided Ray Augmentation for Neural Surface Reconstruction with Sparse Views

Authors: Jiawei Yao, Chen Wang, Tong Wu, Chuming Li

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel method for 3D scene and object reconstruction from sparse multi-view images. Different from previous methods that leverage extra information such as depth or generalizable features across scenes, our approach leverages the scene properties embedded in the multi-view inputs to create precise pseudo-labels for optimization without any prior training. Specifically, we introduce a geometry-guided approach that improves surface reconstruction accuracy from sparse views by leveraging spherical harmonics to predict the novel radiance while holistically considering all color observations for a point in the scene. Also, our pipeline exploits proxy geometry and correctly handles the occlusion in generating the pseudo-labels of radiance, which previous image-warping methods fail to avoid. Our method, dubbed Ray Augmentation (RayAug), achieves superior results on DTU and Blender datasets without requiring prior training, demonstrating its effectiveness in addressing the problem of sparse view reconstruction. Our pipeline is flexible and can be integrated into other implicit neural reconstruction methods for sparse views.

replace VeCLIP: Improving CLIP Training via Visual-enriched Captions

Authors: Zhengfeng Lai, Haotian Zhang, Bowen Zhang, Wentao Wu, Haoping Bai, Aleksei Timofeev, Xianzhi Du, Zhe Gan, Jiulong Shan, Chen-Nee Chuah, Yinfei Yang, Meng Cao

Abstract: Large-scale web-crawled datasets are fundamental for the success of pre-training vision-language models, such as CLIP. However, the inherent noise and potential irrelevance of web-crawled AltTexts pose challenges in achieving precise image-text alignment. Existing methods utilizing large language models (LLMs) for caption rewriting have shown promise on small, curated datasets like CC3M and CC12M. This study introduces a scalable pipeline for noisy caption rewriting. Unlike recent LLM rewriting techniques, we emphasize the incorporation of visual concepts into captions, termed as Visual-enriched Captions (VeCap). To ensure data diversity, we propose a novel mixed training scheme that optimizes the utilization of AltTexts alongside newly generated VeCap. We showcase the adaptation of this method for training CLIP on large-scale web-crawled datasets, termed VeCLIP. Employing this cost-effective pipeline, we effortlessly scale our dataset up to 300 million samples named VeCap dataset. Our results show significant advantages in image-text alignment and overall model performance. For example, VeCLIP achieves up to +25.2% gain in COCO and Flickr30k retrieval tasks under the 12M setting. For data efficiency, VeCLIP achieves +3% gain while only using 14% of the data employed in the vanilla CLIP and 11% in ALIGN. We also note the VeCap data is complementary with other well curated datasets good for zero-shot classification tasks. When combining VeCap and DFN, our model can achieve strong performance on both of image-text retrieval and zero-shot classification tasks, e.g. 83.1% accuracy@1 on ImageNet zero-shot for a H/14 model. We release the pre-trained models at


replace Always Clear Days: Degradation Type and Severity Aware All-In-One Adverse Weather Removal

Authors: Yu-Wei Chen, Soo-Chang Pei

Abstract: All-in-one adverse weather removal is an emerging topic on image restoration, which aims to restore multiple weather degradations in an unified model, and the challenge are twofold. First, discover and handle the property of multi-domain in target distribution formed by multiple weather conditions. Second, design efficient and effective operations for different degradations. To resolve this problem, most prior works focus on the multi-domain caused by different weather types. Inspired by inter\&intra-domain adaptation literature, we observe that not only weather type but also weather severity introduce multi-domain within each weather type domain, which is ignored by previous methods, and further limit their performance. To this end, we propose a degradation type and severity aware model, called UtilityIR, for blind all-in-one bad weather image restoration. To extract weather information from single image, we propose a novel Marginal Quality Ranking Loss (MQRL) and utilize Contrastive Loss (CL) to guide weather severity and type extraction, and leverage a bag of novel techniques such as Multi-Head Cross Attention (MHCA) and Local-Global Adaptive Instance Normalization (LG-AdaIN) to efficiently restore spatial varying weather degradation. The proposed method can outperform the state-of-the-art methods subjectively and objectively on different weather removal tasks with a large margin, and enjoy less model parameters. Proposed method even can restore unseen combined multiple degradation images, and modulate restoration level. Implementation code and pre-trained weights will be available at \url{}


replace SkelVIT: Consensus of Vision Transformers for a Lightweight Skeleton-Based Action Recognition System

Authors: Ozge Oztimur Karadag

Abstract: Skeleton-based action recognition receives the attention of many researchers as it is robust to viewpoint and illumination changes, and its processing is much more efficient than the processing of video frames. With the emergence of deep learning models, it has become very popular to represent the skeleton data in pseudo-image form and apply CNN for action recognition. Thereafter, studies concentrated on finding effective methods for forming pseudo-images. Recently, attention networks, more specifically transformers have provided promising results in various vision problems. In this study, the effectiveness of VIT for skeleton-based action recognition is examined and its robustness on the pseudo-image representation scheme is investigated. To this end, a three-level architecture, SkelVit is proposed, which forms a set of pseudo images, applies a classifier on each of the representations, and combines their results to find the final action class. The performance of SkelVit is examined thoroughly via a set of experiments. First, the sensitivity of the system to representation is investigated by comparing it with two of the state-of-the-art pseudo-image representation methods. Then, the classifiers of SkelVit are realized in two experimental setups by CNNs and VITs, and their performances are compared. In the final experimental setup, the contribution of combining classifiers is examined by applying the model with a different number of classifiers. Experimental studies reveal that the proposed system with its lightweight representation scheme achieves better results than the state-of-the-art methods. It is also observed that the vision transformer is less sensitive to the initial pseudo-image representation compared to CNN. Nevertheless, even with the vision transformer, the recognition performance can be further improved by the consensus of classifiers.

replace PatchCraft: Exploring Texture Patch for Efficient AI-generated Image Detection

Authors: Nan Zhong, Yiran Xu, Sheng Li, Zhenxing Qian, Xinpeng Zhang

Abstract: Recent generative models show impressive performance in generating photographic images. Humans can hardly distinguish such incredibly realistic-looking AI-generated images from real ones. AI-generated images may lead to ubiquitous disinformation dissemination. Therefore, it is of utmost urgency to develop a detector to identify AI generated images. Most existing detectors suffer from sharp performance drops over unseen generative models. In this paper, we propose a novel AI-generated image detector capable of identifying fake images created by a wide range of generative models. We observe that the texture patches of images tend to reveal more traces left by generative models compared to the global semantic information of the images. A novel Smash&Reconstruction preprocessing is proposed to erase the global semantic information and enhance texture patches. Furthermore, pixels in rich texture regions exhibit more significant fluctuations than those in poor texture regions. Synthesizing realistic rich texture regions proves to be more challenging for existing generative models. Based on this principle, we leverage the inter-pixel correlation contrast between rich and poor texture regions within an image to further boost the detection performance. In addition, we build a comprehensive AI-generated image detection benchmark, which includes 17 kinds of prevalent generative models, to evaluate the effectiveness of existing baselines and our approach. Our benchmark provides a leaderboard for follow-up studies. Extensive experimental results show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art baselines by a significant margin. Our project:


replace Efficient Out-of-Distribution Detection with Prototypical Semi-Supervised Learning and Foundation Models

Authors: Evelyn Mannix, Howard Bondell

Abstract: This paper describes PAWS-VMK, an improved approach to prototypical semi-supervised learning in the field of computer vision, specifically designed to utilize a frozen foundation model as the neural network backbone. This method outperforms previous results in semi-supervised learning and out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, improving upon the Predicting View-Assignments With Support Samples (PAWS) semi-supervised learning method. We introduce (1) parametric von-Mises Fisher Stochastic Neighbour Embedding (vMF-SNE) to pretrain the projection head using the high-quality embeddings of the foundation model; (2) a MixMatch inspired loss, where predictions across multiple views are averaged to provide a more reliable supervision signal compared to the consistency loss used in PAWS and (3) simple $k$-Means prototype selection (SKMPS), a technique that provides superior performance to other unsupervised label selection approaches in this context. PAWS-VMK sets new benchmarks in semi-supervised learning for CIFAR-10 (99.2%) and CIFAR-100 (89.8%) with four labelled instances per class, and Food-101 (90.1%) with two labelled instances per class. We also observe that PAWS-VMK can efficiently detect OOD samples in a manner that is competitive with specialised methods specifically designed for this purpose, achieving 93.1/98.0 and 95.2/96.3 on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 OpenOOD benchmarks.

replace Each Test Image Deserves A Specific Prompt: Continual Test-Time Adaptation for 2D Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Ziyang Chen, Yiwen Ye, Mengkang Lu, Yongsheng Pan, Yong Xia

Abstract: Distribution shift widely exists in medical images acquired from different medical centres and poses a significant obstacle to deploying the pre-trained semantic segmentation model in real-world applications. Test-time adaptation has proven its effectiveness in tackling the cross-domain distribution shift during inference. However, most existing methods achieve adaptation by updating the pre-trained models, rendering them susceptible to error accumulation and catastrophic forgetting when encountering a series of distribution shifts (i.e., under the continual test-time adaptation setup). To overcome these challenges caused by updating the models, in this paper, we freeze the pre-trained model and propose the Visual Prompt-based Test-Time Adaptation (VPTTA) method to train a specific prompt for each test image to align the statistics in the batch normalization layers. Specifically, we present the low-frequency prompt, which is lightweight with only a few parameters and can be effectively trained in a single iteration. To enhance prompt initialization, we equip VPTTA with a memory bank to benefit the current prompt from previous ones. Additionally, we design a warm-up mechanism, which mixes source and target statistics to construct warm-up statistics, thereby facilitating the training process. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our VPTTA over other state-of-the-art methods on two medical image segmentation benchmark tasks. The code and weights of pre-trained source models are available at


replace Dynamic Inertial Poser (DynaIP): Part-Based Motion Dynamics Learning for Enhanced Human Pose Estimation with Sparse Inertial Sensors

Authors: Yu Zhang, Songpengcheng Xia, Lei Chu, Jiarui Yang, Qi Wu, Ling Pei

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel human pose estimation approach using sparse inertial sensors, addressing the shortcomings of previous methods reliant on synthetic data. It leverages a diverse array of real inertial motion capture data from different skeleton formats to improve motion diversity and model generalization. This method features two innovative components: a pseudo-velocity regression model for dynamic motion capture with inertial sensors, and a part-based model dividing the body and sensor data into three regions, each focusing on their unique characteristics. The approach demonstrates superior performance over state-of-the-art models across five public datasets, notably reducing pose error by 19\% on the DIP-IMU dataset, thus representing a significant improvement in inertial sensor-based human pose estimation. Our codes are available at {\url{}}.


replace Diffusion Noise Feature: Accurate and Fast Generated Image Detection

Authors: Yichi Zhang, Xiaogang Xu

Abstract: Generative models have reached an advanced stage where they can produce remarkably realistic images. However, this remarkable generative capability also introduces the risk of disseminating false or misleading information. Notably, existing image detectors for generated images encounter challenges such as low accuracy and limited generalization. This paper seeks to address this issue by seeking a representation with strong generalization capabilities to enhance the detection of generated images. Our investigation has revealed that real and generated images display distinct latent Gaussian representations when subjected to an inverse diffusion process within a pre-trained diffusion model. Exploiting this disparity, we can amplify subtle artifacts in generated images. Building upon this insight, we introduce a novel image representation known as Diffusion Noise Feature (DNF). DNF is extracted from the estimated noise generated during the inverse diffusion process. A simple classifier, e.g., ResNet50, trained on DNF achieves high accuracy, robustness, and generalization capabilities for detecting generated images (even the corresponding generator is built with datasets/structures that are not seen during the classifier's training). We conducted experiments using four training datasets and five testsets, achieving state-of-the-art detection performance.

replace BVI-Artefact: An Artefact Detection Benchmark Dataset for Streamed Videos

Authors: Chen Feng, Duolikun Danier, Fan Zhang, Alex Mackin, Andy Collins, David Bull

Abstract: Professionally generated content (PGC) streamed online can contain visual artefacts that degrade the quality of user experience. These artefacts arise from different stages of the streaming pipeline, including acquisition, post-production, compression, and transmission. To better guide streaming experience enhancement, it is important to detect specific artefacts at the user end in the absence of a pristine reference. In this work, we address the lack of a comprehensive benchmark for artefact detection within streamed PGC, via the creation and validation of a large database, BVI-Artefact. Considering the ten most relevant artefact types encountered in video streaming, we collected and generated 480 video sequences, each containing various artefacts with associated binary artefact labels. Based on this new database, existing artefact detection methods are benchmarked, with results showing the challenging nature of this tasks and indicating the requirement of more reliable artefact detection methods. To facilitate further research in this area, we have made BVI-Artifact publicly available at


replace Diffusion Model with Perceptual Loss

Authors: Shanchuan Lin, Xiao Yang

Abstract: Diffusion models trained with mean squared error loss tend to generate unrealistic samples. Current state-of-the-art models rely on classifier-free guidance to improve sample quality, yet its surprising effectiveness is not fully understood. In this paper, we show that the effectiveness of classifier-free guidance partly originates from it being a form of implicit perceptual guidance. As a result, we can directly incorporate perceptual loss in diffusion training to improve sample quality. Since the score matching objective used in diffusion training strongly resembles the denoising autoencoder objective used in unsupervised training of perceptual networks, the diffusion model itself is a perceptual network and can be used to generate meaningful perceptual loss. We propose a novel self-perceptual objective that results in diffusion models capable of generating more realistic samples. For conditional generation, our method only improves sample quality without entanglement with the conditional input and therefore does not sacrifice sample diversity. Our method can also improve sample quality for unconditional generation, which was not possible with classifier-free guidance before.

replace AutoFT: Learning an Objective for Robust Fine-Tuning

Authors: Caroline Choi, Yoonho Lee, Annie Chen, Allan Zhou, Aditi Raghunathan, Chelsea Finn

Abstract: Foundation models encode rich representations that can be adapted to downstream tasks by fine-tuning. However, fine-tuning a model on one data distribution often degrades performance under distribution shifts. Current approaches to robust fine-tuning use hand-crafted regularization techniques to constrain the fine-tuning process towards the pretrained model. Yet, it is hard to specify how to adapt relevant characteristics of the foundation model during fine-tuning, as this depends on how the pre-training, fine-tuning, and test data distributions relate to each other. We propose AutoFT, a data-driven approach for robust fine-tuning. Given a task, AutoFT searches for a fine-tuning procedure that enhances out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization. Specifically, AutoFT uses bi-level optimization to search for an objective function and hyperparameters that maximize post-adaptation performance on a small OOD validation set. We evaluate AutoFT on nine natural distribution shifts. Our experiments show that AutoFT significantly improves generalization to OOD inputs, outperforming existing robust fine-tuning methods. Notably, AutoFT achieves a new state-of-the-art on the WILDS iWildCam and FMoW benchmarks, outperforming the previous best methods by $6.0\%$ and $1.5\%$, respectively.

replace Q&A Prompts: Discovering Rich Visual Clues through Mining Question-Answer Prompts for VQA requiring Diverse World Knowledge

Authors: Haibi Wang, Weifeng Ge

Abstract: With the breakthrough of multi-modal large language models, answering complex visual questions that demand advanced reasoning abilities and world knowledge has become a much more important testbed for developing AI models than ever. However, equipping AI models with robust cross-modality reasoning ability remains challenging since the cognition scheme of humans has not been understood systematically. In this paper, we believe that if we can collect visual clues in the given image as much as possible, we will recognize the image more accurately, understand the question better, recall relevant knowledge more easily, and finally reason out the answer. We discover these rich visual clues by mining question-answer pairs in images and sending them into multi-modal large language models as prompts. We call the proposed method Q&A Prompts. Specifically, we first use the image-answer pairs and the corresponding questions in the training set as inputs and outputs to train a visual question generation model. Then, we use an image tagging model to identify various instances and send packaged image-tag pairs into the visual question generation model to generate relevant questions with the extracted image tags as answers. Finally, we encode these generated question-answer pairs as prompts with a visual-aware prompting module and send them into pre-trained multi-modal large language models to reason out the final answers. Experimental results show that, compared with state-of-the-art methods, our Q&A Prompts achieves substantial improvements on the challenging visual question answering datasets requiring reasoning over diverse world knowledge, such as OK-VQA and A-OKVQA.

replace ConRF: Zero-shot Stylization of 3D Scenes with Conditioned Radiation Fields

Authors: Xingyu Miao, Yang Bai, Haoran Duan, Fan Wan, Yawen Huang, Yang Long, Yefeng Zheng

Abstract: Most of the existing works on arbitrary 3D NeRF style transfer required retraining on each single style condition. This work aims to achieve zero-shot controlled stylization in 3D scenes utilizing text or visual input as conditioning factors. We introduce ConRF, a novel method of zero-shot stylization. Specifically, due to the ambiguity of CLIP features, we employ a conversion process that maps the CLIP feature space to the style space of a pre-trained VGG network and then refine the CLIP multi-modal knowledge into a style transfer neural radiation field. Additionally, we use a 3D volumetric representation to perform local style transfer. By combining these operations, ConRF offers the capability to utilize either text or images as references, resulting in the generation of sequences with novel views enhanced by global or local stylization. Our experiment demonstrates that ConRF outperforms other existing methods for 3D scene and single-text stylization in terms of visual quality.

replace Hybrid Reasoning Based on Large Language Models for Autonomous Car Driving

Authors: Mehdi Azarafza, Mojtaba Nayyeri, Charles Steinmetz, Steffen Staab, Achim Rettberg

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention for their ability to understand text and images, generate human-like text, and perform complex reasoning tasks. However, their ability to generalize this advanced reasoning with a combination of natural language text for decision-making in dynamic situations requires further exploration. In this study, we investigate how well LLMs can adapt and apply a combination of arithmetic and common-sense reasoning, particularly in autonomous driving scenarios. We hypothesize that LLMs hybrid reasoning abilities can improve autonomous driving by enabling them to analyze detected object and sensor data, understand driving regulations and physical laws, and offer additional context. This addresses complex scenarios, like decisions in low visibility (due to weather conditions), where traditional methods might fall short. We evaluated Large Language Models (LLMs) based on accuracy by comparing their answers with human-generated ground truth inside CARLA. The results showed that when a combination of images (detected objects) and sensor data is fed into the LLM, it can offer precise information for brake and throttle control in autonomous vehicles across various weather conditions. This formulation and answers can assist in decision-making for auto-pilot systems.

replace IRConStyle: Image Restoration Framework Using Contrastive Learning and Style Transfer

Authors: Dongqi Fan, Xin Zhao, Liang Chang

Abstract: Recently, the contrastive learning paradigm has achieved remarkable success in high-level tasks such as classification, detection, and segmentation. However, contrastive learning applied in low-level tasks, like image restoration, is limited, and its effectiveness is uncertain. This raises a question: Why does the contrastive learning paradigm not yield satisfactory results in image restoration? In this paper, we conduct in-depth analyses and propose three guidelines to address the above question. In addition, inspired by style transfer and based on contrastive learning, we propose a novel module for image restoration called \textbf{ConStyle}, which can be efficiently integrated into any U-Net structure network. By leveraging the flexibility of ConStyle, we develop a \textbf{general restoration network} for image restoration. ConStyle and the general restoration network together form an image restoration framework, namely \textbf{IRConStyle}. To demonstrate the capability and compatibility of ConStyle, we replace the general restoration network with transformer-based, CNN-based, and MLP-based networks, respectively. We perform extensive experiments on various image restoration tasks, including denoising, deblurring, deraining, and dehazing. The results on 19 benchmarks demonstrate that ConStyle can be integrated with any U-Net-based network and significantly enhance performance. For instance, ConStyle NAFNet significantly outperforms the original NAFNet on SOTS outdoor (dehazing) and Rain100H (deraining) datasets, with PSNR improvements of 4.16 dB and 3.58 dB with 85% fewer parameters.

replace DistriFusion: Distributed Parallel Inference for High-Resolution Diffusion Models

Authors: Muyang Li, Tianle Cai, Jiaxin Cao, Qinsheng Zhang, Han Cai, Junjie Bai, Yangqing Jia, Ming-Yu Liu, Kai Li, Song Han

Abstract: Diffusion models have achieved great success in synthesizing high-quality images. However, generating high-resolution images with diffusion models is still challenging due to the enormous computational costs, resulting in a prohibitive latency for interactive applications. In this paper, we propose DistriFusion to tackle this problem by leveraging parallelism across multiple GPUs. Our method splits the model input into multiple patches and assigns each patch to a GPU. However, naively implementing such an algorithm breaks the interaction between patches and loses fidelity, while incorporating such an interaction will incur tremendous communication overhead. To overcome this dilemma, we observe the high similarity between the input from adjacent diffusion steps and propose displaced patch parallelism, which takes advantage of the sequential nature of the diffusion process by reusing the pre-computed feature maps from the previous timestep to provide context for the current step. Therefore, our method supports asynchronous communication, which can be pipelined by computation. Extensive experiments show that our method can be applied to recent Stable Diffusion XL with no quality degradation and achieve up to a 6.1$\times$ speedup on eight NVIDIA A100s compared to one. Our code is publicly available at


replace DAMSDet: Dynamic Adaptive Multispectral Detection Transformer with Competitive Query Selection and Adaptive Feature Fusion

Authors: Junjie Guo, Chenqiang Gao, Fangcen Liu, Deyu Meng, Xinbo Gao

Abstract: Infrared-visible object detection aims to achieve robust even full-day object detection by fusing the complementary information of infrared and visible images. However, highly dynamically variable complementary characteristics and commonly existing modality misalignment make the fusion of complementary information difficult. In this paper, we propose a Dynamic Adaptive Multispectral Detection Transformer (DAMSDet) to simultaneously address these two challenges. Specifically, we propose a Modality Competitive Query Selection strategy to provide useful prior information. This strategy can dynamically select basic salient modality feature representation for each object. To effectively mine the complementary information and adapt to misalignment situations, we propose a Multispectral Deformable Cross-attention module to adaptively sample and aggregate multi-semantic level features of infrared and visible images for each object. In addition, we further adopt the cascade structure of DETR to better mine complementary information. Experiments on four public datasets of different scenes demonstrate significant improvements compared to other state-of-the-art methods. The code will be released at


replace OOTDiffusion: Outfitting Fusion based Latent Diffusion for Controllable Virtual Try-on

Authors: Yuhao Xu, Tao Gu, Weifeng Chen, Chengcai Chen

Abstract: We present OOTDiffusion, a novel network architecture for realistic and controllable image-based virtual try-on (VTON). We leverage the power of pretrained latent diffusion models, designing an outfitting UNet to learn the garment detail features. Without a redundant warping process, the garment features are precisely aligned with the target human body via the proposed outfitting fusion in the self-attention layers of the denoising UNet. In order to further enhance the controllability, we introduce outfitting dropout to the training process, which enables us to adjust the strength of the garment features through classifier-free guidance. Our comprehensive experiments on the VITON-HD and Dress Code datasets demonstrate that OOTDiffusion efficiently generates high-quality try-on results for arbitrary human and garment images, which outperforms other VTON methods in both realism and controllability, indicating an impressive breakthrough in virtual try-on. Our source code is available at


replace RankED: Addressing Imbalance and Uncertainty in Edge Detection Using Ranking-based Losses

Authors: Bedrettin Cetinkaya, Sinan Kalkan, Emre Akbas

Abstract: Detecting edges in images suffers from the problems of (P1) heavy imbalance between positive and negative classes as well as (P2) label uncertainty owing to disagreement between different annotators. Existing solutions address P1 using class-balanced cross-entropy loss and dice loss and P2 by only predicting edges agreed upon by most annotators. In this paper, we propose RankED, a unified ranking-based approach that addresses both the imbalance problem (P1) and the uncertainty problem (P2). RankED tackles these two problems with two components: One component which ranks positive pixels over negative pixels, and the second which promotes high confidence edge pixels to have more label certainty. We show that RankED outperforms previous studies and sets a new state-of-the-art on NYUD-v2, BSDS500 and Multi-cue datasets. Code is available at


replace Vision-RWKV: Efficient and Scalable Visual Perception with RWKV-Like Architectures

Authors: Yuchen Duan, Weiyun Wang, Zhe Chen, Xizhou Zhu, Lewei Lu, Tong Lu, Yu Qiao, Hongsheng Li, Jifeng Dai, Wenhai Wang

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized computer vision and natural language processing, but their high computational complexity limits their application in high-resolution image processing and long-context analysis. This paper introduces Vision-RWKV (VRWKV), a model adapted from the RWKV model used in the NLP field with necessary modifications for vision tasks. Similar to the Vision Transformer (ViT), our model is designed to efficiently handle sparse inputs and demonstrate robust global processing capabilities, while also scaling up effectively, accommodating both large-scale parameters and extensive datasets. Its distinctive advantage lies in its reduced spatial aggregation complexity, which renders it exceptionally adept at processing high-resolution images seamlessly, eliminating the necessity for windowing operations. Our evaluations demonstrate that VRWKV surpasses ViT's performance in image classification and has significantly faster speeds and lower memory usage processing high-resolution inputs. In dense prediction tasks, it outperforms window-based models, maintaining comparable speeds. These results highlight VRWKV's potential as a more efficient alternative for visual perception tasks. Code is released at \url{}.


replace False Positive Sampling-based Data Augmentation for Enhanced 3D Object Detection Accuracy

Authors: Jiyong Oh, Junhaeng Lee, Woongchan Byun, Minsang Kong, Sang Hun Lee

Abstract: Recent studies have focused on enhancing the performance of 3D object detection models. Among various approaches, ground-truth sampling has been proposed as an augmentation technique to address the challenges posed by limited ground-truth data. However, an inherent issue with ground-truth sampling is its tendency to increase false positives. Therefore, this study aims to overcome the limitations of ground-truth sampling and improve the performance of 3D object detection models by developing a new augmentation technique called false-positive sampling. False-positive sampling involves retraining the model using point clouds that are identified as false positives in the model's predictions. We propose an algorithm that utilizes both ground-truth and false-positive sampling and an algorithm for building the false-positive sample database. Additionally, we analyze the principles behind the performance enhancement due to false-positive sampling and propose a technique that applies the concept of curriculum learning to the sampling strategy that encompasses both false-positive and ground-truth sampling techniques. Our experiments demonstrate that models utilizing false-positive sampling show a reduction in false positives and exhibit improved object detection performance. On the KITTI and Waymo Open datasets, models with false-positive sampling surpass the baseline models by a large margin.

replace PromptKD: Unsupervised Prompt Distillation for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Zheng Li, Xiang Li, Xinyi Fu, Xing Zhang, Weiqiang Wang, Shuo Chen, Jian Yang

Abstract: Prompt learning has emerged as a valuable technique in enhancing vision-language models (VLMs) such as CLIP for downstream tasks in specific domains. Existing work mainly focuses on designing various learning forms of prompts, neglecting the potential of prompts as effective distillers for learning from larger teacher models. In this paper, we introduce an unsupervised domain prompt distillation framework, which aims to transfer the knowledge of a larger teacher model to a lightweight target model through prompt-driven imitation using unlabeled domain images. Specifically, our framework consists of two distinct stages. In the initial stage, we pre-train a large CLIP teacher model using domain (few-shot) labels. After pre-training, we leverage the unique decoupled-modality characteristics of CLIP by pre-computing and storing the text features as class vectors only once through the teacher text encoder. In the subsequent stage, the stored class vectors are shared across teacher and student image encoders for calculating the predicted logits. Further, we align the logits of both the teacher and student models via KL divergence, encouraging the student image encoder to generate similar probability distributions to the teacher through the learnable prompts. The proposed prompt distillation process eliminates the reliance on labeled data, enabling the algorithm to leverage a vast amount of unlabeled images within the domain. Finally, the well-trained student image encoders and pre-stored text features (class vectors) are utilized for inference. To our best knowledge, we are the first to (1) perform unsupervised domain-specific prompt-driven knowledge distillation for CLIP, and (2) establish a practical pre-storing mechanism of text features as shared class vectors between teacher and student. Extensive experiments on 11 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

replace Learning Zero-Shot Material States Segmentation, by Implanting Natural Image Patterns in Synthetic Data

Authors: Sagi Eppel, Jolina Li, Manuel Drehwald, Alan Aspuru-Guzik

Abstract: Visual understanding and segmentation of materials and their states is fundamental for understanding the physical world. The infinite textures, shapes and often blurry boundaries formed by material make this task particularly hard to generalize. Whether it's identifying wet regions of a surface, minerals in rocks, infected regions in plants, or pollution in water, each material state has its own unique form. For neural nets to learn class-agnostic materials segmentation it is necessary to first collect and annotate data that capture this complexity. Collecting real-world images and manually annotating is limited both by the cost and limited precision of manual labor. In contrast, synthetic data is highly accurate and almost cost-free but fails to replicate the vast diversity of the material world. In this work, we suggest a method to bridge this crucial gap, by implanting patterns extracted from real-world images, in synthetic data. Hence, patterns automatically collected from natural images are used to map materials into synthetic scenes. This unsupervised approach allows the generated data to capture the vast complexity of the real world while maintaining the precision and scale of synthetic data. We also present the first general benchmark for class-agnostic material state segmentation. The benchmark images contain a wide range of real-world images of material states, from cooking, food, rocks, construction, plants, and liquids each in various states (wet/dry/stained/cooked/burned/worned/rusted/sediment/foam...). The annotation includes both partial similarity between regions with similar but not identical materials, and hard segmentation of only points of the exact same material state. We show that net trains on MatSeg significantly outperform existing state-of-the-art methods on this task.

replace Scene Depth Estimation from Traditional Oriental Landscape Paintings

Authors: Sungho Kang, YeongHyeon Park, Hyunkyu Park, Juneho Yi

Abstract: Scene depth estimation from paintings can streamline the process of 3D sculpture creation so that visually impaired people appreciate the paintings with tactile sense. However, measuring depth of oriental landscape painting images is extremely challenging due to its unique method of depicting depth and poor preservation. To address the problem of scene depth estimation from oriental landscape painting images, we propose a novel framework that consists of two-step Image-to-Image translation method with CLIP-based image matching at the front end to predict the real scene image that best matches with the given oriental landscape painting image. Then, we employ a pre-trained SOTA depth estimation model for the generated real scene image. In the first step, CycleGAN converts an oriental landscape painting image into a pseudo-real scene image. We utilize CLIP to semantically match landscape photo images with an oriental landscape painting image for training CycleGAN in an unsupervised manner. Then, the pseudo-real scene image and oriental landscape painting image are fed into DiffuseIT to predict a final real scene image in the second step. Finally, we measure depth of the generated real scene image using a pre-trained depth estimation model such as MiDaS. Experimental results show that our approach performs well enough to predict real scene images corresponding to oriental landscape painting images. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to measure the depth of oriental landscape painting images. Our research potentially assists visually impaired people in experiencing paintings in diverse ways. We will release our code and resulting dataset.

replace DLP-GAN: learning to draw modern Chinese landscape photos with generative adversarial network

Authors: Xiangquan Gui, Binxuan Zhang, Li Li, Yi Yang

Abstract: Chinese landscape painting has a unique and artistic style, and its drawing technique is highly abstract in both the use of color and the realistic representation of objects. Previous methods focus on transferring from modern photos to ancient ink paintings. However, little attention has been paid to translating landscape paintings into modern photos. To solve such problems, in this paper, we (1) propose DLP-GAN (Draw Modern Chinese Landscape Photos with Generative Adversarial Network), an unsupervised cross-domain image translation framework with a novel asymmetric cycle mapping, and (2) introduce a generator based on a dense-fusion module to match different translation directions. Moreover, a dual-consistency loss is proposed to balance the realism and abstraction of model painting. In this way, our model can draw landscape photos and sketches in the modern sense. Finally, based on our collection of modern landscape and sketch datasets, we compare the images generated by our model with other benchmarks. Extensive experiments including user studies show that our model outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

replace CMDA: Cross-Modal and Domain Adversarial Adaptation for LiDAR-Based 3D Object Detection

Authors: Gyusam Chang, Wonseok Roh, Sujin Jang, Dongwook Lee, Daehyun Ji, Gyeongrok Oh, Jinsun Park, Jinkyu Kim, Sangpil Kim

Abstract: Recent LiDAR-based 3D Object Detection (3DOD) methods show promising results, but they often do not generalize well to target domains outside the source (or training) data distribution. To reduce such domain gaps and thus to make 3DOD models more generalizable, we introduce a novel unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) method, called CMDA, which (i) leverages visual semantic cues from an image modality (i.e., camera images) as an effective semantic bridge to close the domain gap in the cross-modal Bird's Eye View (BEV) representations. Further, (ii) we also introduce a self-training-based learning strategy, wherein a model is adversarially trained to generate domain-invariant features, which disrupt the discrimination of whether a feature instance comes from a source or an unseen target domain. Overall, our CMDA framework guides the 3DOD model to generate highly informative and domain-adaptive features for novel data distributions. In our extensive experiments with large-scale benchmarks, such as nuScenes, Waymo, and KITTI, those mentioned above provide significant performance gains for UDA tasks, achieving state-of-the-art performance.

replace-cross Deep Variational Network Toward Blind Image Restoration

Authors: Zongsheng Yue, Hongwei Yong, Qian Zhao, Lei Zhang, Deyu Meng, Kwan-Yen K. Wong

Abstract: Blind image restoration (IR) is a common yet challenging problem in computer vision. Classical model-based methods and recent deep learning (DL)-based methods represent two different methodologies for this problem, each with their own merits and drawbacks. In this paper, we propose a novel blind image restoration method, aiming to integrate both the advantages of them. Specifically, we construct a general Bayesian generative model for the blind IR, which explicitly depicts the degradation process. In this proposed model, a pixel-wise non-i.i.d. Gaussian distribution is employed to fit the image noise. It is with more flexibility than the simple i.i.d. Gaussian or Laplacian distributions as adopted in most of conventional methods, so as to handle more complicated noise types contained in the image degradation. To solve the model, we design a variational inference algorithm where all the expected posteriori distributions are parameterized as deep neural networks to increase their model capability. Notably, such an inference algorithm induces a unified framework to jointly deal with the tasks of degradation estimation and image restoration. Further, the degradation information estimated in the former task is utilized to guide the latter IR process. Experiments on two typical blind IR tasks, namely image denoising and super-resolution, demonstrate that the proposed method achieves superior performance over current state-of-the-arts.

replace-cross Can phones, syllables, and words emerge as side-products of cross-situational audiovisual learning? -- A computational investigation

Authors: Khazar Khorrami, Okko R\"as\"anen

Abstract: Decades of research has studied how language learning infants learn to discriminate speech sounds, segment words, and associate words with their meanings. While gradual development of such capabilities is unquestionable, the exact nature of these skills and the underlying mental representations yet remains unclear. In parallel, computational studies have shown that basic comprehension of speech can be achieved by statistical learning between speech and concurrent referentially ambiguous visual input. These models can operate without prior linguistic knowledge such as representations of linguistic units, and without learning mechanisms specifically targeted at such units. This has raised the question of to what extent knowledge of linguistic units, such as phone(me)s, syllables, and words, could actually emerge as latent representations supporting the translation between speech and representations in other modalities, and without the units being proximal learning targets for the learner. In this study, we formulate this idea as the so-called latent language hypothesis (LLH), connecting linguistic representation learning to general predictive processing within and across sensory modalities. We review the extent that the audiovisual aspect of LLH is supported by the existing computational studies. We then explore LLH further in extensive learning simulations with different neural network models for audiovisual cross-situational learning, and comparing learning from both synthetic and real speech data. We investigate whether the latent representations learned by the networks reflect phonetic, syllabic, or lexical structure of input speech by utilizing an array of complementary evaluation metrics related to linguistic selectivity and temporal characteristics of the representations. As a result, we find that representations associated...

replace-cross Identifying Spurious Biases Early in Training through the Lens of Simplicity Bias

Authors: Yu Yang, Eric Gan, Gintare Karolina Dziugaite, Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Abstract: Neural networks trained with (stochastic) gradient descent have an inductive bias towards learning simpler solutions. This makes them highly prone to learning spurious correlations in the training data, that may not hold at test time. In this work, we provide the first theoretical analysis of the effect of simplicity bias on learning spurious correlations. Notably, we show that examples with spurious features are provably separable based on the model's output early in training. We further illustrate that if spurious features have a small enough noise-to-signal ratio, the network's output on the majority of examples is almost exclusively determined by the spurious features, leading to poor worst-group test accuracy. Finally, we propose SPARE, which identifies spurious correlations early in training and utilizes importance sampling to alleviate their effect. Empirically, we demonstrate that SPARE outperforms state-of-the-art methods by up to 21.1% in worst-group accuracy, while being up to 12x faster. We also show that SPARE is a highly effective but lightweight method to discover spurious correlations.

replace-cross Generative Adversarial Networks for Stain Normalisation in Histopathology

Authors: Jack Breen, Kieran Zucker, Katie Allen, Nishant Ravikumar, Nicolas M. Orsi

Abstract: The rapid growth of digital pathology in recent years has provided an ideal opportunity for the development of artificial intelligence-based tools to improve the accuracy and efficiency of clinical diagnoses. One of the significant roadblocks to current research is the high level of visual variability across digital pathology images, causing models to generalise poorly to unseen data. Stain normalisation aims to standardise the visual profile of digital pathology images without changing the structural content of the images. In this chapter, we explore different techniques which have been used for stain normalisation in digital pathology, with a focus on approaches which utilise generative adversarial networks (GANs). Typically, GAN-based methods outperform non-generative approaches but at the cost of much greater computational requirements. However, it is not clear which method is best for stain normalisation in general, with different GAN and non-GAN approaches outperforming each other in different scenarios and according to different performance metrics. This is an ongoing field of study as researchers aim to identify a method which efficiently and effectively normalises pathology images to make AI models more robust and generalisable.

replace-cross Learning Abstract Visual Reasoning via Task Decomposition: A Case Study in Raven Progressive Matrices

Authors: Jakub Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof Krawiec

Abstract: Learning to perform abstract reasoning often requires decomposing the task in question into intermediate subgoals that are not specified upfront, but need to be autonomously devised by the learner. In Raven Progressive Matrices (RPM), the task is to choose one of the available answers given a context, where both the context and answers are composite images featuring multiple objects in various spatial arrangements. As this high-level goal is the only guidance available, learning to solve RPMs is challenging. In this study, we propose a deep learning architecture based on the transformer blueprint which, rather than directly making the above choice, addresses the subgoal of predicting the visual properties of individual objects and their arrangements. The multidimensional predictions obtained in this way are then directly juxtaposed to choose the answer. We consider a few ways in which the model parses the visual input into tokens and several regimes of masking parts of the input in self-supervised training. In experimental assessment, the models not only outperform state-of-the-art methods but also provide interesting insights and partial explanations about the inference. The design of the method also makes it immune to biases that are known to be present in some RPM benchmarks.

replace-cross Analyzing and Improving Optimal-Transport-based Adversarial Networks

Authors: Jaemoo Choi, Jaewoong Choi, Myungjoo Kang

Abstract: Optimal Transport (OT) problem aims to find a transport plan that bridges two distributions while minimizing a given cost function. OT theory has been widely utilized in generative modeling. In the beginning, OT distance has been used as a measure for assessing the distance between data and generated distributions. Recently, OT transport map between data and prior distributions has been utilized as a generative model. These OT-based generative models share a similar adversarial training objective. In this paper, we begin by unifying these OT-based adversarial methods within a single framework. Then, we elucidate the role of each component in training dynamics through a comprehensive analysis of this unified framework. Moreover, we suggest a simple but novel method that improves the previously best-performing OT-based model. Intuitively, our approach conducts a gradual refinement of the generated distribution, progressively aligning it with the data distribution. Our approach achieves a FID score of 2.51 on CIFAR-10 and 5.99 on CelebA-HQ-256, outperforming unified OT-based adversarial approaches.

replace-cross PtychoDV: Vision Transformer-Based Deep Unrolling Network for Ptychographic Image Reconstruction

Authors: Weijie Gan, Qiuchen Zhai, Michael Thompson McCann, Cristina Garcia Cardona, Ulugbek S. Kamilov, Brendt Wohlberg

Abstract: Ptychography is an imaging technique that captures multiple overlapping snapshots of a sample, illuminated coherently by a moving localized probe. The image recovery from ptychographic data is generally achieved via an iterative algorithm that solves a nonlinear phase retrieval problem derived from measured diffraction patterns. However, these iterative approaches have high computational cost. In this paper, we introduce PtychoDV, a novel deep model-based network designed for efficient, high-quality ptychographic image reconstruction. PtychoDV comprises a vision transformer that generates an initial image from the set of raw measurements, taking into consideration their mutual correlations. This is followed by a deep unrolling network that refines the initial image using learnable convolutional priors and the ptychography measurement model. Experimental results on simulated data demonstrate that PtychoDV is capable of outperforming existing deep learning methods for this problem, and significantly reduces computational cost compared to iterative methodologies, while maintaining competitive performance.

replace-cross Retinal OCT Synthesis with Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Layer Segmentation

Authors: Yuli Wu, Weidong He, Dennis Eschweiler, Ningxin Dou, Zixin Fan, Shengli Mi, Peter Walter, Johannes Stegmaier

Abstract: Modern biomedical image analysis using deep learning often encounters the challenge of limited annotated data. To overcome this issue, deep generative models can be employed to synthesize realistic biomedical images. In this regard, we propose an image synthesis method that utilizes denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPMs) to automatically generate retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) images. By providing rough layer sketches, the trained DDPMs can generate realistic circumpapillary OCT images. We further find that more accurate pseudo labels can be obtained through knowledge adaptation, which greatly benefits the segmentation task. Through this, we observe a consistent improvement in layer segmentation accuracy, which is validated using various neural networks. Furthermore, we have discovered that a layer segmentation model trained solely with synthesized images can achieve comparable results to a model trained exclusively with real images. These findings demonstrate the promising potential of DDPMs in reducing the need for manual annotations of retinal OCT images.

replace-cross RED-DOT: Multimodal Fact-checking via Relevant Evidence Detection

Authors: Stefanos-Iordanis Papadopoulos, Christos Koutlis, Symeon Papadopoulos, Panagiotis C. Petrantonakis

Abstract: Online misinformation is often multimodal in nature, i.e., it is caused by misleading associations between texts and accompanying images. To support the fact-checking process, researchers have been recently developing automatic multimodal methods that gather and analyze external information, evidence, related to the image-text pairs under examination. However, prior works assumed all external information collected from the web to be relevant. In this study, we introduce a "Relevant Evidence Detection" (RED) module to discern whether each piece of evidence is relevant, to support or refute the claim. Specifically, we develop the "Relevant Evidence Detection Directed Transformer" (RED-DOT) and explore multiple architectural variants (e.g., single or dual-stage) and mechanisms (e.g., "guided attention"). Extensive ablation and comparative experiments demonstrate that RED-DOT achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art (SotA) on the VERITE benchmark by up to 33.7%. Furthermore, our evidence re-ranking and element-wise modality fusion led to RED-DOT surpassing the SotA on NewsCLIPings+ by up to 3% without the need for numerous evidence or multiple backbone encoders. We release our code at:


replace-cross Mitigating Biases with Diverse Ensembles and Diffusion Models

Authors: Luca Scimeca, Alexander Rubinstein, Damien Teney, Seong Joon Oh, Armand Mihai Nicolicioiu, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: Spurious correlations in the data, where multiple cues are predictive of the target labels, often lead to a phenomenon known as shortcut learning, where a model relies on erroneous, easy-to-learn cues while ignoring reliable ones. In this work, we propose an ensemble diversification framework exploiting Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) to mitigate this form of bias. We show that at particular training intervals, DPMs can generate images with novel feature combinations, even when trained on samples displaying correlated input features. We leverage this crucial property to generate synthetic counterfactuals to increase model diversity via ensemble disagreement. We show that DPM-guided diversification is sufficient to remove dependence on primary shortcut cues, without a need for additional supervised signals. We further empirically quantify its efficacy on several diversification objectives, and finally show improved generalization and diversification performance on par with prior work that relies on auxiliary data collection.

replace-cross RankDVQA-mini: Knowledge Distillation-Driven Deep Video Quality Assessment

Authors: Chen Feng, Duolikun Danier, Haoran Wang, Fan Zhang, Benoit Vallade, Alex Mackin, David Bull

Abstract: Deep learning-based video quality assessment (deep VQA) has demonstrated significant potential in surpassing conventional metrics, with promising improvements in terms of correlation with human perception. However, the practical deployment of such deep VQA models is often limited due to their high computational complexity and large memory requirements. To address this issue, we aim to significantly reduce the model size and runtime of one of the state-of-the-art deep VQA methods, RankDVQA, by employing a two-phase workflow that integrates pruning-driven model compression with multi-level knowledge distillation. The resulting lightweight full reference quality metric, RankDVQA-mini, requires less than 10% of the model parameters compared to its full version (14% in terms of FLOPs), while still retaining a quality prediction performance that is superior to most existing deep VQA methods. The source code of the RankDVQA-mini has been released at for public evaluation.


replace-cross Scalable Wasserstein Gradient Flow for Generative Modeling through Unbalanced Optimal Transport

Authors: Jaemoo Choi, Jaewoong Choi, Myungjoo Kang

Abstract: Wasserstein Gradient Flow (WGF) describes the gradient dynamics of probability density within the Wasserstein space. WGF provides a promising approach for conducting optimization over the probability distributions. Numerically approximating the continuous WGF requires the time discretization method. The most well-known method for this is the JKO scheme. In this regard, previous WGF models employ the JKO scheme and parametrize transport map for each JKO step. However, this approach results in quadratic training complexity $O(K^2)$ with the number of JKO step $K$. This severely limits the scalability of WGF models. In this paper, we introduce a scalable WGF-based generative model, called Semi-dual JKO (S-JKO). Our model is based on the semi-dual form of the JKO step, derived from the equivalence between the JKO step and the Unbalanced Optimal Transport. Our approach reduces the training complexity to $O(K)$. We demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms existing WGF-based generative models, achieving FID scores of 2.62 on CIFAR-10 and 5.46 on CelebA-HQ-256, which are comparable to state-of-the-art image generative models.

replace-cross AnyGPT: Unified Multimodal LLM with Discrete Sequence Modeling

Authors: Jun Zhan, Junqi Dai, Jiasheng Ye, Yunhua Zhou, Dong Zhang, Zhigeng Liu, Xin Zhang, Ruibin Yuan, Ge Zhang, Linyang Li, Hang Yan, Jie Fu, Tao Gui, Tianxiang Sun, Yugang Jiang, Xipeng Qiu

Abstract: We introduce AnyGPT, an any-to-any multimodal language model that utilizes discrete representations for the unified processing of various modalities, including speech, text, images, and music. AnyGPT can be trained stably without any alterations to the current large language model (LLM) architecture or training paradigms. Instead, it relies exclusively on data-level preprocessing, facilitating the seamless integration of new modalities into LLMs, akin to the incorporation of new languages. We build a multimodal text-centric dataset for multimodal alignment pre-training. Utilizing generative models, we synthesize the first large-scale any-to-any multimodal instruction dataset. It consists of 108k samples of multi-turn conversations that intricately interweave various modalities, thus equipping the model to handle arbitrary combinations of multimodal inputs and outputs. Experimental results demonstrate that AnyGPT is capable of facilitating any-to-any multimodal conversation while achieving performance comparable to specialized models across all modalities, proving that discrete representations can effectively and conveniently unify multiple modalities within a language model. Demos are shown in


replace-cross A Multimodal In-Context Tuning Approach for E-Commerce Product Description Generation

Authors: Yunxin Li, Baotian Hu, Wenhan Luo, Lin Ma, Yuxin Ding, Min Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new setting for generating product descriptions from images, augmented by marketing keywords. It leverages the combined power of visual and textual information to create descriptions that are more tailored to the unique features of products. For this setting, previous methods utilize visual and textual encoders to encode the image and keywords and employ a language model-based decoder to generate the product description. However, the generated description is often inaccurate and generic since same-category products have similar copy-writings, and optimizing the overall framework on large-scale samples makes models concentrate on common words yet ignore the product features. To alleviate the issue, we present a simple and effective Multimodal In-Context Tuning approach, named ModICT, which introduces a similar product sample as the reference and utilizes the in-context learning capability of language models to produce the description. During training, we keep the visual encoder and language model frozen, focusing on optimizing the modules responsible for creating multimodal in-context references and dynamic prompts. This approach preserves the language generation prowess of large language models (LLMs), facilitating a substantial increase in description diversity. To assess the effectiveness of ModICT across various language model scales and types, we collect data from three distinct product categories within the E-commerce domain. Extensive experiments demonstrate that ModICT significantly improves the accuracy (by up to 3.3% on Rouge-L) and diversity (by up to 9.4% on D-5) of generated results compared to conventional methods. Our findings underscore the potential of ModICT as a valuable tool for enhancing automatic generation of product descriptions in a wide range of applications. Code is at: