new Can Large Language Models Play Games? A Case Study of A Self-Play Approach

Authors: Hongyi Guo, Zhihan Liu, Yufeng Zhang, Zhaoran Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) harness extensive data from the Internet, storing a broad spectrum of prior knowledge. While LLMs have proven beneficial as decision-making aids, their reliability is hampered by limitations in reasoning, hallucination phenomenon, and so on. On the other hand, Monte-Carlo Tree Search (MCTS) is a heuristic search algorithm that provides reliable decision-making solutions, achieved through recursive rollouts and self-play. However, the effectiveness of MCTS relies heavily on heuristic pruning and external value functions, particularly in complex decision scenarios. This work introduces an innovative approach that bolsters LLMs with MCTS self-play to efficiently resolve deterministic turn-based zero-sum games (DTZG), such as chess and go, without the need for additional training. Specifically, we utilize LLMs as both action pruners and proxies for value functions without the need for additional training. We theoretically prove that the suboptimality of the estimated value in our proposed method scales with $\tilde{\mathcal O}\Bigl(\frac{|\tilde {\mathcal A}|}{\sqrt{N}} + \epsilon_\mathrm{pruner} + \epsilon_\mathrm{critic}\Bigr)$, where \(N\) is the number of simulations, $|\tilde {\mathcal A}|$ is the cardinality of the pruned action space by LLM, and $\epsilon_\mathrm{pruner}$ and $\epsilon_\mathrm{critic}$ quantify the errors incurred by adopting LLMs as action space pruner and value function proxy, respectively. Our experiments in chess and go demonstrate the capability of our method to address challenges beyond the scope of MCTS and improve the performance of the directly application of LLMs.

new Tuning-Free Accountable Intervention for LLM Deployment -- A Metacognitive Approach

Authors: Zhen Tan, Jie Peng, Tianlong Chen, Huan Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have catalyzed transformative advances across a spectrum of natural language processing tasks through few-shot or zero-shot prompting, bypassing the need for parameter tuning. While convenient, this modus operandi aggravates ``hallucination'' concerns, particularly given the enigmatic ``black-box'' nature behind their gigantic model sizes. Such concerns are exacerbated in high-stakes applications (e.g., healthcare), where unaccountable decision errors can lead to devastating consequences. In contrast, human decision-making relies on nuanced cognitive processes, such as the ability to sense and adaptively correct misjudgments through conceptual understanding. Drawing inspiration from human cognition, we propose an innovative \textit{metacognitive} approach, dubbed \textbf{CLEAR}, to equip LLMs with capabilities for self-aware error identification and correction. Our framework facilitates the construction of concept-specific sparse subnetworks that illuminate transparent decision pathways. This provides a novel interface for model \textit{intervention} after deployment. Our intervention offers compelling advantages: (\textit{i})~at deployment or inference time, our metacognitive LLMs can self-consciously identify potential mispredictions with minimum human involvement, (\textit{ii})~the model has the capability to self-correct its errors efficiently, obviating the need for additional tuning, and (\textit{iii})~the rectification procedure is not only self-explanatory but also user-friendly, enhancing the interpretability and accessibility of the model. By integrating these metacognitive features, our approach pioneers a new path toward engendering greater trustworthiness and accountability in the deployment of LLMs.

new A Feature-based Generalizable Prediction Model for Both Perceptual and Abstract Reasoning

Authors: Quan Do, Thomas M. Morin, Chantal E. Stern, Michael E. Hasselmo

Abstract: A hallmark of human intelligence is the ability to infer abstract rules from limited experience and apply these rules to unfamiliar situations. This capacity is widely studied in the visual domain using the Raven's Progressive Matrices. Recent advances in deep learning have led to multiple artificial neural network models matching or even surpassing human performance. However, while humans can identify and express the rule underlying these tasks with little to no exposure, contemporary neural networks often rely on massive pattern-based training and cannot express or extrapolate the rule inferred from the task. Furthermore, most Raven's Progressive Matrices or Raven-like tasks used for neural network training used symbolic representations, whereas humans can flexibly switch between symbolic and continuous perceptual representations. In this work, we present an algorithmic approach to rule detection and application using feature detection, affine transformation estimation and search. We applied our model to a simplified Raven's Progressive Matrices task, previously designed for behavioral testing and neuroimaging in humans. The model exhibited one-shot learning and achieved near human-level performance in the symbolic reasoning condition of the simplified task. Furthermore, the model can express the relationships discovered and generate multi-step predictions in accordance with the underlying rule. Finally, the model can reason using continuous patterns. We discuss our results and their relevance to studying abstract reasoning in humans, as well as their implications for improving intelligent machines.

new Decomposing Vision-based LLM Predictions for Auto-Evaluation with GPT-4

Authors: Qingqing Zhu, Benjamin Hou, Tejas S. Mathai, Pritam Mukherjee, Qiao Jin, Xiuying Chen, Zhizheng Wang, Ruida Cheng, Ronald M. Summers, Zhiyong Lu

Abstract: The volume of CT exams being done in the world has been rising every year, which has led to radiologist burn-out. Large Language Models (LLMs) have the potential to reduce their burden, but their adoption in the clinic depends on radiologist trust, and easy evaluation of generated content. Presently, many automated methods are available to evaluate the reports generated for chest radiographs, but such an approach is not available for CT presently. In this paper, we propose a novel evaluation framework to judge the capabilities of vision-language LLMs in generating accurate summaries of CT-based abnormalities. CT slices containing an abnormality (e.g., lesion) were input to a vision-based LLM (GPT-4V, LLaVA-Med, and RadFM), and it generated a free-text summary of the predicted characteristics of the abnormality. Next, a GPT-4 model decomposed the summary into specific aspects (body part, location, type, and attributes), automatically evaluated the characteristics against the ground-truth, and generated a score for each aspect based on its clinical relevance and factual accuracy. These scores were then contrasted against those obtained from a clinician, and a high correlation ( 85%, p < .001) was observed. Although GPT-4V outperformed other models in our evaluation, it still requires overall improvement. Our evaluation method offers valuable insights into the specific areas that need the most enhancement, guiding future development in this field.

new Efficient Public Health Intervention Planning Using Decomposition-Based Decision-Focused Learning

Authors: Sanket Shah, Arun Suggala, Milind Tambe, Aparna Taneja

Abstract: The declining participation of beneficiaries over time is a key concern in public health programs. A popular strategy for improving retention is to have health workers `intervene' on beneficiaries at risk of dropping out. However, the availability and time of these health workers are limited resources. As a result, there has been a line of research on optimizing these limited intervention resources using Restless Multi-Armed Bandits (RMABs). The key technical barrier to using this framework in practice lies in the need to estimate the beneficiaries' RMAB parameters from historical data. Recent research has shown that Decision-Focused Learning (DFL), which focuses on maximizing the beneficiaries' adherence rather than predictive accuracy, improves the performance of intervention targeting using RMABs. Unfortunately, these gains come at a high computational cost because of the need to solve and evaluate the RMAB in each DFL training step. In this paper, we provide a principled way to exploit the structure of RMABs to speed up intervention planning by cleverly decoupling the planning for different beneficiaries. We use real-world data from an Indian NGO, ARMMAN, to show that our approach is up to two orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art approach while also yielding superior model performance. This would enable the NGO to scale up deployments using DFL to potentially millions of mothers, ultimately advancing progress toward UNSDG 3.1.

new Conservative DDPG -- Pessimistic RL without Ensemble

Authors: Nitsan Soffair, Shie Mannor

Abstract: DDPG is hindered by the overestimation bias problem, wherein its $Q$-estimates tend to overstate the actual $Q$-values. Traditional solutions to this bias involve ensemble-based methods, which require significant computational resources, or complex log-policy-based approaches, which are difficult to understand and implement. In contrast, we propose a straightforward solution using a $Q$-target and incorporating a behavioral cloning (BC) loss penalty. This solution, acting as an uncertainty measure, can be easily implemented with minimal code and without the need for an ensemble. Our empirical findings strongly support the superiority of Conservative DDPG over DDPG across various MuJoCo and Bullet tasks. We consistently observe better performance in all evaluated tasks and even competitive or superior performance compared to TD3 and TD7, all achieved with significantly reduced computational requirements.

new Enhancing Multi-Hop Knowledge Graph Reasoning through Reward Shaping Techniques

Authors: Chen Li, Haotian Zheng, Yiping Sun, Cangqing Wang, Liqiang Yu, Che Chang, Xinyu Tian, Bo Liu

Abstract: In the realm of computational knowledge representation, Knowledge Graph Reasoning (KG-R) stands at the forefront of facilitating sophisticated inferential capabilities across multifarious domains. The quintessence of this research elucidates the employment of reinforcement learning (RL) strategies, notably the REINFORCE algorithm, to navigate the intricacies inherent in multi-hop KG-R. This investigation critically addresses the prevalent challenges introduced by the inherent incompleteness of Knowledge Graphs (KGs), which frequently results in erroneous inferential outcomes, manifesting as both false negatives and misleading positives. By partitioning the Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) benchmark dataset into rich and sparse subsets, we investigate the efficacy of pre-trained BERT embeddings and Prompt Learning methodologies to refine the reward shaping process. This approach not only enhances the precision of multi-hop KG-R but also sets a new precedent for future research in the field, aiming to improve the robustness and accuracy of knowledge inference within complex KG frameworks. Our work contributes a novel perspective to the discourse on KG reasoning, offering a methodological advancement that aligns with the academic rigor and scholarly aspirations of the Natural journal, promising to invigorate further advancements in the realm of computational knowledge representation.

new OntoChat: a Framework for Conversational Ontology Engineering using Language Models

Authors: Bohui Zhang, Valentina Anita Carriero, Katrin Schreiberhuber, Stefani Tsaneva, Luc\'ia S\'anchez Gonz\'alez, Jongmo Kim, Jacopo de Berardinis

Abstract: Ontology engineering (OE) in large projects poses a number of challenges arising from the heterogeneous backgrounds of the various stakeholders, domain experts, and their complex interactions with ontology designers. This multi-party interaction often creates systematic ambiguities and biases from the elicitation of ontology requirements, which directly affect the design, evaluation and may jeopardise the target reuse. Meanwhile, current OE methodologies strongly rely on manual activities (e.g., interviews, discussion pages). After collecting evidence on the most crucial OE activities, we introduce OntoChat, a framework for conversational ontology engineering that supports requirement elicitation, analysis, and testing. By interacting with a conversational agent, users can steer the creation of user stories and the extraction of competency questions, while receiving computational support to analyse the overall requirements and test early versions of the resulting ontologies. We evaluate OntoChat by replicating the engineering of the Music Meta Ontology, and collecting preliminary metrics on the effectiveness of each component from users. We release all code at


new Towards Generalizable and Interpretable Motion Prediction: A Deep Variational Bayes Approach

Authors: Juanwu Lu, Wei Zhan, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Yeping Hu

Abstract: Estimating the potential behavior of the surrounding human-driven vehicles is crucial for the safety of autonomous vehicles in a mixed traffic flow. Recent state-of-the-art achieved accurate prediction using deep neural networks. However, these end-to-end models are usually black boxes with weak interpretability and generalizability. This paper proposes the Goal-based Neural Variational Agent (GNeVA), an interpretable generative model for motion prediction with robust generalizability to out-of-distribution cases. For interpretability, the model achieves target-driven motion prediction by estimating the spatial distribution of long-term destinations with a variational mixture of Gaussians. We identify a causal structure among maps and agents' histories and derive a variational posterior to enhance generalizability. Experiments on motion prediction datasets validate that the fitted model can be interpretable and generalizable and can achieve comparable performance to state-of-the-art results.

new TRAD: Enhancing LLM Agents with Step-Wise Thought Retrieval and Aligned Decision

Authors: Ruiwen Zhou, Yingxuan Yang, Muning Wen, Ying Wen, Wenhao Wang, Chunling Xi, Guoqiang Xu, Yong Yu, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: Numerous large language model (LLM) agents have been built for different tasks like web navigation and online shopping due to LLM's wide knowledge and text-understanding ability. Among these works, many of them utilize in-context examples to achieve generalization without the need for fine-tuning, while few of them have considered the problem of how to select and effectively utilize these examples. Recently, methods based on trajectory-level retrieval with task meta-data and using trajectories as in-context examples have been proposed to improve the agent's overall performance in some sequential decision making tasks. However, these methods can be problematic due to plausible examples retrieved without task-specific state transition dynamics and long input with plenty of irrelevant context. In this paper, we propose a novel framework (TRAD) to address these issues. TRAD first conducts Thought Retrieval, achieving step-level demonstration selection via thought matching, leading to more helpful demonstrations and less irrelevant input noise. Then, TRAD introduces Aligned Decision, complementing retrieved demonstration steps with their previous or subsequent steps, which enables tolerance for imperfect thought and provides a choice for balance between more context and less noise. Extensive experiments on ALFWorld and Mind2Web benchmarks show that TRAD not only outperforms state-of-the-art models but also effectively helps in reducing noise and promoting generalization. Furthermore, TRAD has been deployed in real-world scenarios of a global business insurance company and improves the success rate of robotic process automation.

new ArgMed-Agents: Explainable Clinical Decision Reasoning with Large Language Models via Argumentation Schemes

Authors: Shengxin Hong, Liang Xiao, Xin Zhang, Jianxia Chen

Abstract: There are two main barriers to using large language models (LLMs) in clinical reasoning. Firstly, while LLMs exhibit significant promise in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks, their performance in complex reasoning and planning falls short of expectations. Secondly, LLMs use uninterpretable methods to make clinical decisions that are fundamentally different from the clinician's cognitive processes. This leads to user distrust. In this paper, we present a multi-agent framework called ArgMed-Agents, which aims to enable LLM-based agents to make explainable clinical decision reasoning through interaction. ArgMed-Agents performs self-argumentation iterations via Argumentation Scheme for Clinical Decision (a reasoning mechanism for modeling cognitive processes in clinical reasoning), and then constructs the argumentation process as a directed graph representing conflicting relationships. Ultimately, Reasoner(a symbolic solver) identify a series of rational and coherent arguments to support decision. ArgMed-Agents enables LLMs to mimic the process of clinical argumentative reasoning by generating explanations of reasoning in a self-directed manner. The setup experiments show that ArgMed-Agents not only improves accuracy in complex clinical decision reasoning problems compared to other prompt methods, but more importantly, it provides users with decision explanations that increase their confidence.

new The negation of permutation mass function

Authors: Yongchuan Tang, Rongfei Li

Abstract: Negation is a important perspective of knowledge representation. Existing negation methods are mainly applied in probability theory, evidence theory and complex evidence theory. As a generalization of evidence theory, random permutation sets theory may represent information more precisely. However, how to apply the concept of negation to random permutation sets theory has not been studied. In this paper, the negation of permutation mass function is proposed. Moreover, in the negation process, the convergence of proposed negation method is verified. The trends of uncertainty and dissimilarity after each negation operation are investigated. Numerical examples are used to demonstrate the rationality of the proposed method.

new Better Understandings and Configurations in MaxSAT Local Search Solvers via Anytime Performance Analysis

Authors: Furong Ye, Chuan Luo, Shaowei Cai

Abstract: Though numerous solvers have been proposed for the MaxSAT problem, and the benchmark environment such as MaxSAT Evaluations provides a platform for the comparison of the state-of-the-art solvers, existing assessments were usually evaluated based on the quality, e.g., fitness, of the best-found solutions obtained within a given running time budget. However, concerning solely the final obtained solutions regarding specific time budgets may restrict us from comprehending the behavior of the solvers along the convergence process. This paper demonstrates that Empirical Cumulative Distribution Functions can be used to compare MaxSAT local search solvers' anytime performance across multiple problem instances and various time budgets. The assessment reveals distinctions in solvers' performance and displays that the (dis)advantages of solvers adjust along different running times. This work also exhibits that the quantitative and high variance assessment of anytime performance can guide machines, i.e., automatic configurators, to search for better parameter settings. Our experimental results show that the hyperparameter optimization tool, i.e., SMAC, generally achieves better parameter settings of local search when using the anytime performance as the cost function, compared to using the fitness of the best-found solutions.

new Real-Time Multimodal Cognitive Assistant for Emergency Medical Services

Authors: Keshara Weerasinghe, Saahith Janapati, Xueren Ge, Sion Kim, Sneha Iyer, John A. Stankovic, Homa Alemzadeh

Abstract: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) responders often operate under time-sensitive conditions, facing cognitive overload and inherent risks, requiring essential skills in critical thinking and rapid decision-making. This paper presents CognitiveEMS, an end-to-end wearable cognitive assistant system that can act as a collaborative virtual partner engaging in the real-time acquisition and analysis of multimodal data from an emergency scene and interacting with EMS responders through Augmented Reality (AR) smart glasses. CognitiveEMS processes the continuous streams of data in real-time and leverages edge computing to provide assistance in EMS protocol selection and intervention recognition. We address key technical challenges in real-time cognitive assistance by introducing three novel components: (i) a Speech Recognition model that is fine-tuned for real-world medical emergency conversations using simulated EMS audio recordings, augmented with synthetic data generated by large language models (LLMs); (ii) an EMS Protocol Prediction model that combines state-of-the-art (SOTA) tiny language models with EMS domain knowledge using graph-based attention mechanisms; (iii) an EMS Action Recognition module which leverages multimodal audio and video data and protocol predictions to infer the intervention/treatment actions taken by the responders at the incident scene. Our results show that for speech recognition we achieve superior performance compared to SOTA (WER of 0.290 vs. 0.618) on conversational data. Our protocol prediction component also significantly outperforms SOTA (top-3 accuracy of 0.800 vs. 0.200) and the action recognition achieves an accuracy of 0.727, while maintaining an end-to-end latency of 3.78s for protocol prediction on the edge and 0.31s on the server.

new Towards an educational tool for supporting neonatologists in the delivery room

Authors: Giorgio Leonardi, Clara Maldarizzi, Stefania Montani, Manuel Striani, Mariachiara Martina Strozzi

Abstract: Nowadays, there is evidence that several factors may increase the risk, for an infant, to require stabilisation or resuscitation manoeuvres at birth. However, this risk factors are not completely known, and a universally applicable model for predicting high-risk situations is not available yet. Considering both these limitations and the fact that the need for resuscitation at birth is a rare event, periodic training of the healthcare personnel responsible for newborn caring in the delivery room is mandatory. In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach for identifying risk factors and their impact on the birth event from real data, which can be used by personnel to progressively increase and update their knowledge. Our final goal will be the one of designing a user-friendly mobile application, able to improve the recognition rate and the planning of the appropriate interventions on high-risk patients.

new Responsible Artificial Intelligence: A Structured Literature Review

Authors: Sabrina Goellner, Marina Tropmann-Frick, Bostjan Brumen

Abstract: Our research endeavors to advance the concept of responsible artificial intelligence (AI), a topic of increasing importance within EU policy discussions. The EU has recently issued several publications emphasizing the necessity of trust in AI, underscoring the dual nature of AI as both a beneficial tool and a potential weapon. This dichotomy highlights the urgent need for international regulation. Concurrently, there is a need for frameworks that guide companies in AI development, ensuring compliance with such regulations. Our research aims to assist lawmakers and machine learning practitioners in navigating the evolving landscape of AI regulation, identifying focal areas for future attention. This paper introduces a comprehensive and, to our knowledge, the first unified definition of responsible AI. Through a structured literature review, we elucidate the current understanding of responsible AI. Drawing from this analysis, we propose an approach for developing a future framework centered around this concept. Our findings advocate for a human-centric approach to Responsible AI. This approach encompasses the implementation of AI methods with a strong emphasis on ethics, model explainability, and the pillars of privacy, security, and trust.

cross AI in ESG for Financial Institutions: An Industrial Survey

Authors: Jun Xu

Abstract: The burgeoning integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives within the financial sector represents a paradigm shift towards more sus-tainable and equitable financial practices. This paper surveys the industrial landscape to delineate the necessity and impact of AI in bolstering ESG frameworks. With the advent of stringent regulatory requirements and heightened stakeholder awareness, financial institutions (FIs) are increasingly compelled to adopt ESG criteria. AI emerges as a pivotal tool in navigating the complex in-terplay of financial activities and sustainability goals. Our survey categorizes AI applications across three main pillars of ESG, illustrating how AI enhances analytical capabilities, risk assessment, customer engagement, reporting accuracy and more. Further, we delve into the critical con-siderations surrounding the use of data and the development of models, underscoring the importance of data quality, privacy, and model robustness. The paper also addresses the imperative of responsible and sustainable AI, emphasizing the ethical dimensions of AI deployment in ESG-related banking processes. Conclusively, our findings suggest that while AI offers transformative potential for ESG in banking, it also poses significant challenges that necessitate careful consideration. The final part of the paper synthesizes the survey's insights, proposing a forward-looking stance on the adoption of AI in ESG practices. We conclude with recommendations with a reference architecture for future research and development, advocating for a balanced approach that leverages AI's strengths while mitigating its risks within the ESG domain.

cross From Algorithm Worship to the Art of Human Learning: Insights from 50-year journey of AI in Education

Authors: Kaska Porayska-Pomsta

Abstract: Current discourse surrounding Artificial Intelligence (AI) oscillates between hope and apprehension, painting a future where AI reshapes every facet of human life, including Education. This paper delves into the complexities of AI's role in Education, addressing the mixed messages that have both enthused and alarmed educators, policymakers, and the public. It explores the promises that AI holds for enhancing learning through personalisation at scale, against the backdrop of concerns about ethical implications, the devaluation of non-STEM subjects, and the potential transformative impact on our neurocognitive and socio-emotional functioning. Drawing on recent research and global discourse, the paper seeks to unpack the reasons behind the vagueness of current discussions on AI in Education (AIED) and the implications of this ambiguity for future educational practices and policies. By highlighting insights from educational research and synthesising evidence-based best practices in AIED, the aim is to provide a clearer understanding of how AI technologies can be aligned with the fundamental principles of learning and teaching, and explore what concrete actions may need to be prioritised now to truly enhance learning experiences and outcomes for all in the future.

cross AI for non-programmers: Applied AI in the lectures for students without programming skills

Authors: Julius Sch\"oning, Tim Wawer, Kai-Michael Griese

Abstract: Applications such as ChatGPT and WOMBO Dream make it easy to inspire students without programming knowledge to use artificial intelligence (AI). Therefore, given the increasing importance of AI in all disciplines, innovative strategies are needed to educate students in AI without programming knowledge so that AI can be integrated into their study modules as a future skill. This work presents a didactic planning script for applied AI. The didactic planning script is based on the AI application pipeline and links AI concepts with study-relevant topics. These linkages open up a new solution space and promote students' interest in and understanding of the potentials and risks of AI. An example lecture series for master students in energy management shows how AI can be seamlessly integrated into discipline-specific lectures. To this end, the planning script for applied AI is adapted to fit the study programs' topic. This specific teaching scenario enables students to solve a discipline-specific task step by step using the AI application pipeline. Thus, the application of the didactic planning script for applied AI shows the practical implementation of the theoretical concepts of AI. In addition, a checklist is presented that can be used to assess whether AI can be used in the discipline-specific lecture. AI as a future skill must be learned by students based on use cases that are relevant to the course of studies. For this reason, AI education should fit seamlessly into various curricula, even if the students do not have a programming background due to their field of study.

cross Monitoring the evolution of antisemitic discourse on extremist social media using BERT

Authors: Raza Ul Mustafa, Nathalie Japkowicz

Abstract: Racism and intolerance on social media contribute to a toxic online environment which may spill offline to foster hatred, and eventually lead to physical violence. That is the case with online antisemitism, the specific category of hatred considered in this study. Tracking antisemitic themes and their associated terminology over time in online discussions could help monitor the sentiments of their participants and their evolution, and possibly offer avenues for intervention that may prevent the escalation of hatred. Due to the large volume and constant evolution of online traffic, monitoring conversations manually is impractical. Instead, we propose an automated method that extracts antisemitic themes and terminology from extremist social media over time and captures their evolution. Since supervised learning would be too limited for such a task, we created an unsupervised online machine learning approach that uses large language models to assess the contextual similarity of posts. The method clusters similar posts together, dividing, and creating additional clusters over time when sub-themes emerge from existing ones or new themes appear. The antisemitic terminology used within each theme is extracted from the posts in each cluster. Our experiments show that our methodology outperforms existing baselines and demonstrates the kind of themes and sub-themes it discovers within antisemitic discourse along with their associated terminology. We believe that our approach will be useful for monitoring the evolution of all kinds of hatred beyond antisemitism on social platforms.

cross Teranga Go!: Carpooling Collaborative Consumption Community with multi-criteria hesitant fuzzy linguistic term set opinions to build confidence and trust

Authors: Rosana Montes, Ana M. Sanchez, Pedro Villar, Francisco Herrera

Abstract: Classic Delphi and Fuzzy Delphi methods are used to test content validity of a data collection tools such as questionnaires. Fuzzy Delphi takes the opinion issued by judges from a linguistic perspective reducing ambiguity in opinions by using fuzzy numbers. We propose an extension named 2-Tuple Fuzzy Linguistic Delphi method to deal with scenarios in which judges show different expertise degrees by using fuzzy multigranular semantics of the linguistic terms and to obtain intermediate and final results expressed by 2-tuple linguistic values. The key idea of our proposal is to validate the full questionnaire by means of the evaluation of its parts, defining the validity of each item as a Decision Making problem. Taking the opinion of experts, we measure the degree of consensus, the degree of consistency, and the linguistic score of each item, in order to detect those items that affect, positively or negatively, the quality of the instrument. Considering the real need to evaluate a b-learning educational experience with a consensual questionnaire, we present a Decision Making model for questionnaire validation that solve it. Additionally, we contribute to this consensus reaching problem by developing an online tool under GPL v3 license. The software visualizes the collective valuations for each iteration and assists to determine which parts of the questionnaire should be modified to reach a consensual solution.

cross Multi-source and multimodal data fusion for predicting academic performance in blended learning university courses

Authors: W. Chango, R. Cerezo, C. Romero

Abstract: In this paper we applied data fusion approaches for predicting the final academic performance of university students using multiple-source, multimodal data from blended learning environments. We collected and preprocessed data about first-year university students from different sources: theory classes, practical sessions, on-line Moodle sessions, and a final exam. Our objective was to discover which data fusion approach produced the best results using our data. We carried out experiments by applying four different data fusion approaches and six classification algorithms. The results showed that the best predictions were produced using ensembles and selecting the best attributes approach with discretized data. The best prediction models showed us that the level of attention in theory classes, scores in Moodle quizzes, and the level of activity in Moodle forums were the best set of attributes for predicting students' final performance in our courses.

cross SDXL Finetuned with LoRA for Coloring Therapy: Generating Graphic Templates Inspired by United Arab Emirates Culture

Authors: Abdulla Alfalasi, Esrat Khan, Mohamed Alhashmi, Raed Aldweik, Davor Svetinovic

Abstract: A transformative approach to mental health therapy lies at the crossroads of cultural heritage and advanced technology. This paper introduces an innovative method that fuses machine learning techniques with traditional Emirati motifs, focusing on the United Arab Emirates (UAE). We utilize the Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL) model, enhanced with Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA), to create culturally significant coloring templates featuring Al-Sadu weaving patterns. This novel approach leverages coloring therapy for its recognized stress-relieving benefits and embeds deep cultural resonance, making it a potent tool for therapeutic intervention and cultural preservation. Specifically targeting Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), our method demonstrates significant potential in reducing associated symptoms. Additionally, the paper delves into the broader implications of color and music therapy, emphasizing the importance of culturally tailored content. The technical aspects of the SDXL model and its LoRA fine-tuning showcase its capability to generate high-quality, culturally specific images. This research stands at the forefront of integrating mental wellness practices with cultural heritage, providing a groundbreaking perspective on the synergy between technology, culture, and healthcare. In future work, we aim to employ biosignals to assess the level of engagement and effectiveness of color therapy. A key focus will be to examine the impact of the Emirati heritage Al Sadu art on Emirati individuals and compare their responses with those of other nationalities. This will provide deeper insights into the cultural specificity of therapeutic interventions and further the understanding of the unique interplay between cultural identity and mental health therapy.

cross OpenHEXAI: An Open-Source Framework for Human-Centered Evaluation of Explainable Machine Learning

Authors: Jiaqi Ma, Vivian Lai, Yiming Zhang, Chacha Chen, Paul Hamilton, Davor Ljubenkov, Himabindu Lakkaraju, Chenhao Tan

Abstract: Recently, there has been a surge of explainable AI (XAI) methods driven by the need for understanding machine learning model behaviors in high-stakes scenarios. However, properly evaluating the effectiveness of the XAI methods inevitably requires the involvement of human subjects, and conducting human-centered benchmarks is challenging in a number of ways: designing and implementing user studies is complex; numerous design choices in the design space of user study lead to problems of reproducibility; and running user studies can be challenging and even daunting for machine learning researchers. To address these challenges, this paper presents OpenHEXAI, an open-source framework for human-centered evaluation of XAI methods. OpenHEXAI features (1) a collection of diverse benchmark datasets, pre-trained models, and post hoc explanation methods; (2) an easy-to-use web application for user study; (3) comprehensive evaluation metrics for the effectiveness of post hoc explanation methods in the context of human-AI decision making tasks; (4) best practice recommendations of experiment documentation; and (5) convenient tools for power analysis and cost estimation. OpenHEAXI is the first large-scale infrastructural effort to facilitate human-centered benchmarks of XAI methods. It simplifies the design and implementation of user studies for XAI methods, thus allowing researchers and practitioners to focus on the scientific questions. Additionally, it enhances reproducibility through standardized designs. Based on OpenHEXAI, we further conduct a systematic benchmark of four state-of-the-art post hoc explanation methods and compare their impacts on human-AI decision making tasks in terms of accuracy, fairness, as well as users' trust and understanding of the machine learning model.

cross Is ChatGPT More Empathetic than Humans?

Authors: Anuradha Welivita, Pearl Pu

Abstract: This paper investigates the empathetic responding capabilities of ChatGPT, particularly its latest iteration, GPT-4, in comparison to human-generated responses to a wide range of emotional scenarios, both positive and negative. We employ a rigorous evaluation methodology, involving a between-groups study with 600 participants, to evaluate the level of empathy in responses generated by humans and ChatGPT. ChatGPT is prompted in two distinct ways: a standard approach and one explicitly detailing empathy's cognitive, affective, and compassionate counterparts. Our findings indicate that the average empathy rating of responses generated by ChatGPT exceeds those crafted by humans by approximately 10%. Additionally, instructing ChatGPT to incorporate a clear understanding of empathy in its responses makes the responses align approximately 5 times more closely with the expectations of individuals possessing a high degree of empathy, compared to human responses. The proposed evaluation framework serves as a scalable and adaptable framework to assess the empathetic capabilities of newer and updated versions of large language models, eliminating the need to replicate the current study's results in future research.

cross HealMe: Harnessing Cognitive Reframing in Large Language Models for Psychotherapy

Authors: Mengxi Xiao, Qianqian Xie, Ziyan Kuang, Zhicheng Liu, Kailai Yang, Min Peng, Weiguang Han, Jimin Huang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) can play a vital role in psychotherapy by adeptly handling the crucial task of cognitive reframing and overcoming challenges such as shame, distrust, therapist skill variability, and resource scarcity. Previous LLMs in cognitive reframing mainly converted negative emotions to positive ones, but these approaches have limited efficacy, often not promoting clients' self-discovery of alternative perspectives. In this paper, we unveil the Helping and Empowering through Adaptive Language in Mental Enhancement (HealMe) model. This novel cognitive reframing therapy method effectively addresses deep-rooted negative thoughts and fosters rational, balanced perspectives. Diverging from traditional LLM methods, HealMe employs empathetic dialogue based on psychotherapeutic frameworks. It systematically guides clients through distinguishing circumstances from feelings, brainstorming alternative viewpoints, and developing empathetic, actionable suggestions. Moreover, we adopt the first comprehensive and expertly crafted psychological evaluation metrics, specifically designed to rigorously assess the performance of cognitive reframing, in both AI-simulated dialogues and real-world therapeutic conversations. Experimental results show that our model outperforms others in terms of empathy, guidance, and logical coherence, demonstrating its effectiveness and potential positive impact on psychotherapy.

cross Understanding Subjectivity through the Lens of Motivational Context in Model-Generated Image Satisfaction

Authors: Senjuti Dutta, Sherol Chen, Sunny Mak, Amnah Ahmad, Katherine Collins, Alena Butryna, Deepak Ramachandran, Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Ellie Pavlick, Ravi Rajakumar

Abstract: Image generation models are poised to become ubiquitous in a range of applications. These models are often fine-tuned and evaluated using human quality judgments that assume a universal standard, failing to consider the subjectivity of such tasks. To investigate how to quantify subjectivity, and the scale of its impact, we measure how assessments differ among human annotators across different use cases. Simulating the effects of ordinarily latent elements of annotators subjectivity, we contrive a set of motivations (t-shirt graphics, presentation visuals, and phone background images) to contextualize a set of crowdsourcing tasks. Our results show that human evaluations of images vary within individual contexts and across combinations of contexts. Three key factors affecting this subjectivity are image appearance, image alignment with text, and representation of objects mentioned in the text. Our study highlights the importance of taking individual users and contexts into account, both when building and evaluating generative models

cross Chaining text-to-image and large language model: A novel approach for generating personalized e-commerce banners

Authors: Shanu Vashishtha, Abhinav Prakash, Lalitesh Morishetti, Kaushiki Nag, Yokila Arora, Sushant Kumar, Kannan Achan

Abstract: Text-to-image models such as stable diffusion have opened a plethora of opportunities for generating art. Recent literature has surveyed the use of text-to-image models for enhancing the work of many creative artists. Many e-commerce platforms employ a manual process to generate the banners, which is time-consuming and has limitations of scalability. In this work, we demonstrate the use of text-to-image models for generating personalized web banners with dynamic content for online shoppers based on their interactions. The novelty in this approach lies in converting users' interaction data to meaningful prompts without human intervention. To this end, we utilize a large language model (LLM) to systematically extract a tuple of attributes from item meta-information. The attributes are then passed to a text-to-image model via prompt engineering to generate images for the banner. Our results show that the proposed approach can create high-quality personalized banners for users.

cross Cultural Bias in Explainable AI Research: A Systematic Analysis

Authors: Uwe Peters, Mary Carman

Abstract: For synergistic interactions between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) systems, AI outputs often need to be explainable to people. Explainable AI (XAI) systems are commonly tested in human user studies. However, whether XAI researchers consider potential cultural differences in human explanatory needs remains unexplored. We highlight psychological research that found significant differences in human explanations between many people from Western, commonly individualist countries and people from non-Western, often collectivist countries. We argue that XAI research currently overlooks these variations and that many popular XAI designs implicitly and problematically assume that Western explanatory needs are shared cross-culturally. Additionally, we systematically reviewed over 200 XAI user studies and found that most studies did not consider relevant cultural variations, sampled only Western populations, but drew conclusions about human-XAI interactions more generally. We also analyzed over 30 literature reviews of XAI studies. Most reviews did not mention cultural differences in explanatory needs or flag overly broad cross-cultural extrapolations of XAI user study results. Combined, our analyses provide evidence of a cultural bias toward Western populations in XAI research, highlighting an important knowledge gap regarding how culturally diverse users may respond to widely used XAI systems that future work can and should address.

cross Can Interpretability Layouts Influence Human Perception of Offensive Sentences?

Authors: Thiago Freitas dos Santos, Nardine Osman, Marco Schorlemmer

Abstract: This paper conducts a user study to assess whether three machine learning (ML) interpretability layouts can influence participants' views when evaluating sentences containing hate speech, focusing on the "Misogyny" and "Racism" classes. Given the existence of divergent conclusions in the literature, we provide empirical evidence on using ML interpretability in online communities through statistical and qualitative analyses of questionnaire responses. The Generalized Additive Model estimates participants' ratings, incorporating within-subject and between-subject designs. While our statistical analysis indicates that none of the interpretability layouts significantly influences participants' views, our qualitative analysis demonstrates the advantages of ML interpretability: 1) triggering participants to provide corrective feedback in case of discrepancies between their views and the model, and 2) providing insights to evaluate a model's behavior beyond traditional performance metrics.

cross A Cross-Modal Approach to Silent Speech with LLM-Enhanced Recognition

Authors: Tyler Benster, Guy Wilson, Reshef Elisha, Francis R Willett, Shaul Druckmann

Abstract: Silent Speech Interfaces (SSIs) offer a noninvasive alternative to brain-computer interfaces for soundless verbal communication. We introduce Multimodal Orofacial Neural Audio (MONA), a system that leverages cross-modal alignment through novel loss functions--cross-contrast (crossCon) and supervised temporal contrast (supTcon)--to train a multimodal model with a shared latent representation. This architecture enables the use of audio-only datasets like LibriSpeech to improve silent speech recognition. Additionally, our introduction of Large Language Model (LLM) Integrated Scoring Adjustment (LISA) significantly improves recognition accuracy. Together, MONA LISA reduces the state-of-the-art word error rate (WER) from 28.8% to 12.2% in the Gaddy (2020) benchmark dataset for silent speech on an open vocabulary. For vocal EMG recordings, our method improves the state-of-the-art from 23.3% to 3.7% WER. In the Brain-to-Text 2024 competition, LISA performs best, improving the top WER from 9.8% to 8.9%. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first instance where noninvasive silent speech recognition on an open vocabulary has cleared the threshold of 15% WER, demonstrating that SSIs can be a viable alternative to automatic speech recognition (ASR). Our work not only narrows the performance gap between silent and vocalized speech but also opens new possibilities in human-computer interaction, demonstrating the potential of cross-modal approaches in noisy and data-limited regimes.

cross Time2Stop: Adaptive and Explainable Human-AI Loop for Smartphone Overuse Intervention

Authors: Adiba Orzikulova, Han Xiao, Zhipeng Li, Yukang Yan, Yuntao Wang, Yuanchun Shi, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Sung-Ju Lee, Anind K Dey, Xuhai "Orson" Xu

Abstract: Despite a rich history of investigating smartphone overuse intervention techniques, AI-based just-in-time adaptive intervention (JITAI) methods for overuse reduction are lacking. We develop Time2Stop, an intelligent, adaptive, and explainable JITAI system that leverages machine learning to identify optimal intervention timings, introduces interventions with transparent AI explanations, and collects user feedback to establish a human-AI loop and adapt the intervention model over time. We conducted an 8-week field experiment (N=71) to evaluate the effectiveness of both the adaptation and explanation aspects of Time2Stop. Our results indicate that our adaptive models significantly outperform the baseline methods on intervention accuracy (>32.8\% relatively) and receptivity (>8.0\%). In addition, incorporating explanations further enhances the effectiveness by 53.8\% and 11.4\% on accuracy and receptivity, respectively. Moreover, Time2Stop significantly reduces overuse, decreasing app visit frequency by 7.0$\sim$8.9\%. Our subjective data also echoed these quantitative measures. Participants preferred the adaptive interventions and rated the system highly on intervention time accuracy, effectiveness, and level of trust. We envision our work can inspire future research on JITAI systems with a human-AI loop to evolve with users.

cross Plasmon Resonance Model: Investigation of Analysis of Fake News Diffusion Model with Third Mover Intervention Using Soliton Solution in Non-Complete Information Game under Repeated Dilemma Condition

Authors: Yasuko Kawahata

Abstract: In this research note, we propose a new approach to model the fake news diffusion process within the framework of incomplete information games. In particular, we use nonlinear partial differential equations to represent the phenomenon of plasmon resonance, in which the diffusion of fake news is rapidly amplified within a particular social group or communication network, and analyze its dynamics through a soliton solution approach. In addition, we consider how first mover, second mover, and third mover strategies interact within this nonlinear system and contribute to the amplification or suppression of fake news diffusion. The model aims to understand the mechanisms of fake news proliferation and provide insights into how to prevent or combat it. By combining concepts from the social sciences and the physical sciences, this study attempts to develop a new theoretical framework for the contemporary problem of fake news.

cross Optimizing Computer Lab Ergonomics in Universities: A Study on Anthropometric Measurements, Furniture Design, and ANOVA Test

Authors: Anik Kumar Saha, Md Abrar Jahin, Md. Rafiquzzaman, M. F. Mridha

Abstract: Many studies have shown how ergonomically designed furniture improves productivity and well-being. As computers have become a part of students' academic lives, they will grow further in the future. We propose anthropometric-based furniture dimensions suitable for university students to improve computer laboratory ergonomics. We collected data from 380 participants and analyzed 11 anthropometric measurements, correlating them to 11 furniture dimensions. Two types of furniture were studied: a non-adjustable chair with a non-adjustable table and an adjustable chair with a non-adjustable table. The mismatch calculation showed a significant difference between furniture dimensions and anthropometric measurements. The one-way ANOVA test with a significance level of 5% also showed a significant difference between proposed and existing furniture dimensions. The proposed dimensions were found to be more compatible and reduced mismatch percentages for both males and females compared to existing furniture. The proposed dimensions of the furniture set with adjustable seat height showed slightly improved results compared to the non-adjustable furniture set. This suggests that the proposed dimensions can improve comfort levels and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders among students. Further studies on the implementation and long-term effects of these proposed dimensions in real-world computer laboratory settings are recommended.

cross Eternal Sunshine of the Mechanical Mind: The Irreconcilability of Machine Learning and the Right to be Forgotten

Authors: Meem Arafat Manab

Abstract: As we keep rapidly advancing toward an era where artificial intelligence is a constant and normative experience for most of us, we must also be aware of what this vision and this progress entail. By first approximating neural connections and activities in computer circuits and then creating more and more sophisticated versions of this crude approximation, we are now facing an age to come where modern deep learning-based artificial intelligence systems can rightly be called thinking machines, and they are sometimes even lauded for their emergent behavior and black-box approaches. But as we create more powerful electronic brains, with billions of neural connections and parameters, can we guarantee that these mammoths built of artificial neurons will be able to forget the data that we store in them? If they are at some level like a brain, can the right to be forgotten still be protected while dealing with these AIs? The essential gap between machine learning and the RTBF is explored in this article, with a premonition of far-reaching conclusions if the gap is not bridged or reconciled any time soon. The core argument is that deep learning models, due to their structure and size, cannot be expected to forget or delete a data as it would be expected from a tabular database, and they should be treated more like a mechanical brain, albeit still in development.

cross Introducing First-Principles Calculations: New Approach to Group Dynamics and Bridging Social Phenomena in TeNP-Chain Based Social Dynamics Simulations

Authors: Yasuko Kawahata

Abstract: This note considers an innovative interdisciplinary methodology that bridges the gap between the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics applied to the study of materials such as tellurium nanoparticles (TeNPs) and graphene and the complex dynamics of social systems. The basis for this approach lies in the metaphorical parallels drawn between the structural features of TeNPs and graphene and the behavioral patterns of social groups in the face of misinformation. TeNPs exhibit unique properties such as the strengthening of covalent bonds within telluric chains and the disruption of secondary structure leading to the separation of these chains. This is analogous to increased cohesion within social groups and disruption of information flow between different subgroups, respectively. . Similarly, the outstanding properties of graphene, such as high electrical conductivity, strength, and flexibility, provide additional aspects for understanding the resilience and adaptability of social structures in response to external stimuli such as fake news. This research note proposes a novel metaphorical framework for analyzing the spread of fake news within social groups, analogous to the structural features of telluric nanoparticles (TeNPs). We investigate how the strengthening of covalent bonds within TeNPs reflects the strengthening of social cohesion in groups that share common beliefs and values.

cross A Concept-based Interpretable Model for the Diagnosis of Choroid Neoplasias using Multimodal Data

Authors: Yifan Wu, Yang Liu, Yue Yang, Michael S. Yao, Wenli Yang, Xuehui Shi, Lihong Yang, Dongjun Li, Yueming Liu, James C. Gee, Xuan Yang, Wenbin Wei, Shi Gu

Abstract: Diagnosing rare diseases presents a common challenge in clinical practice, necessitating the expertise of specialists for accurate identification. The advent of machine learning offers a promising solution, while the development of such technologies is hindered by the scarcity of data on rare conditions and the demand for models that are both interpretable and trustworthy in a clinical context. Interpretable AI, with its capacity for human-readable outputs, can facilitate validation by clinicians and contribute to medical education. In the current work, we focus on choroid neoplasias, the most prevalent form of eye cancer in adults, albeit rare with 5.1 per million. We built the so-far largest dataset consisting of 750 patients, incorporating three distinct imaging modalities collected from 2004 to 2022. Our work introduces a concept-based interpretable model that distinguishes between three types of choroidal tumors, integrating insights from domain experts via radiological reports. Remarkably, this model not only achieves an F1 score of 0.91, rivaling that of black-box models, but also boosts the diagnostic accuracy of junior doctors by 42%. This study highlights the significant potential of interpretable machine learning in improving the diagnosis of rare diseases, laying a groundwork for future breakthroughs in medical AI that could tackle a wider array of complex health scenarios.

cross Unfamiliar Finetuning Examples Control How Language Models Hallucinate

Authors: Katie Kang, Eric Wallace, Claire Tomlin, Aviral Kumar, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have a tendency to generate plausible-sounding yet factually incorrect responses, especially when queried on unfamiliar concepts. In this work, we explore the underlying mechanisms that govern how finetuned LLMs hallucinate. Our investigation reveals an interesting pattern: as inputs become more unfamiliar, LLM outputs tend to default towards a ``hedged'' prediction, whose form is determined by how the unfamiliar examples in the finetuning data are supervised. Thus, by strategically modifying these examples' supervision, we can control LLM predictions for unfamiliar inputs (e.g., teach them to say ``I don't know''). Based on these principles, we develop an RL approach that more reliably mitigates hallucinations for long-form generation tasks, by tackling the challenges presented by reward model hallucinations. We validate our findings with a series of controlled experiments in multiple-choice QA on MMLU, as well as long-form biography and book/movie plot generation tasks.

cross Geometric Neural Network based on Phase Space for BCI decoding

Authors: Igor Carrara, Bruno Aristimunha, Marie-Constance Corsi, Raphael Y. de Camargo, Sylvain Chevallier, Th\'eodore Papadopoulo

Abstract: The integration of Deep Learning (DL) algorithms on brain signal analysis is still in its nascent stages compared to their success in fields like Computer Vision, especially in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), where the brain activity is decoded to control external devices without requiring muscle control. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a widely adopted choice for designing BCI systems due to its non-invasive and cost-effective nature and excellent temporal resolution. Still, it comes at the expense of limited training data, poor signal-to-noise, and a large variability across and within-subject recordings. Finally, setting up a BCI system with many electrodes takes a long time, hindering the widespread adoption of reliable DL architectures in BCIs outside research laboratories. To improve adoption, we need to improve user comfort using, for instance, reliable algorithms that operate with few electrodes. \textbf{Approach:} Our research aims to develop a DL algorithm that delivers effective results with a limited number of electrodes. Taking advantage of the Augmented Covariance Method with SPDNet, we propose the SPDNet$_{\psi}$ architecture and analyze its performance and computational impact, as well as the interpretability of the results. The evaluation is conducted on 5-fold cross-validation, using only three electrodes positioned above the Motor Cortex. The methodology was tested on nearly 100 subjects from several open-source datasets using the Mother Of All BCI Benchmark (MOABB) framework. \textbf{Main results:} The results of our SPDNet$_{\psi}$ demonstrate that the augmented approach combined with the SPDNet significantly outperforms all the current state-of-the-art DL architecture in MI decoding. \textbf{Significance:} This new architecture is explainable, with a low number of trainable parameters and a reduced carbon footprint.

cross What is different between these datasets?

Authors: Varun Babbar, Zhicheng Guo, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: The performance of machine learning models heavily depends on the quality of input data, yet real-world applications often encounter various data-related challenges. One such challenge could arise when curating training data or deploying the model in the real world - two comparable datasets in the same domain may have different distributions. While numerous techniques exist for detecting distribution shifts, the literature lacks comprehensive approaches for explaining dataset differences in a human-understandable manner. To address this gap, we propose a suite of interpretable methods (toolbox) for comparing two datasets. We demonstrate the versatility of our approach across diverse data modalities, including tabular data, language, images, and signals in both low and high-dimensional settings. Our methods not only outperform comparable and related approaches in terms of explanation quality and correctness, but also provide actionable, complementary insights to understand and mitigate dataset differences effectively.

cross Feature CAM: Interpretable AI in Image Classification

Authors: Frincy Clement, Ji Yang, Irene Cheng

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks have often been called the black box because of the complex, deep architecture and non-transparency presented by the inner layers. There is a lack of trust to use Artificial Intelligence in critical and high-precision fields such as security, finance, health, and manufacturing industries. A lot of focused work has been done to provide interpretable models, intending to deliver meaningful insights into the thoughts and behavior of neural networks. In our research, we compare the state-of-the-art methods in the Activation-based methods (ABM) for interpreting predictions of CNN models, specifically in the application of Image Classification. We then extend the same for eight CNN-based architectures to compare the differences in visualization and thus interpretability. We introduced a novel technique Feature CAM, which falls in the perturbation-activation combination, to create fine-grained, class-discriminative visualizations. The resulting saliency maps from our experiments proved to be 3-4 times better human interpretable than the state-of-the-art in ABM. At the same time it reserves machine interpretability, which is the average confidence scores in classification.

cross DP-TabICL: In-Context Learning with Differentially Private Tabular Data

Authors: Alycia N. Carey, Karuna Bhaila, Kennedy Edemacu, Xintao Wu

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) enables large language models (LLMs) to adapt to new tasks by conditioning on demonstrations of question-answer pairs and it has been shown to have comparable performance to costly model retraining and fine-tuning. Recently, ICL has been extended to allow tabular data to be used as demonstration examples by serializing individual records into natural language formats. However, it has been shown that LLMs can leak information contained in prompts, and since tabular data often contain sensitive information, understanding how to protect the underlying tabular data used in ICL is a critical area of research. This work serves as an initial investigation into how to use differential privacy (DP) -- the long-established gold standard for data privacy and anonymization -- to protect tabular data used in ICL. Specifically, we investigate the application of DP mechanisms for private tabular ICL via data privatization prior to serialization and prompting. We formulate two private ICL frameworks with provable privacy guarantees in both the local (LDP-TabICL) and global (GDP-TabICL) DP scenarios via injecting noise into individual records or group statistics, respectively. We evaluate our DP-based frameworks on eight real-world tabular datasets and across multiple ICL and DP settings. Our evaluations show that DP-based ICL can protect the privacy of the underlying tabular data while achieving comparable performance to non-LLM baselines, especially under high privacy regimes.

cross Are Large Language Models Aligned with People's Social Intuitions for Human-Robot Interactions?

Authors: Lennart Wachowiak, Andrew Coles, Oya Celiktutan, Gerard Canal

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly used in robotics, especially for high-level action planning. Meanwhile, many robotics applications involve human supervisors or collaborators. Hence, it is crucial for LLMs to generate socially acceptable actions that align with people's preferences and values. In this work, we test whether LLMs capture people's intuitions about behavior judgments and communication preferences in human-robot interaction (HRI) scenarios. For evaluation, we reproduce three HRI user studies, comparing the output of LLMs with that of real participants. We find that GPT-4 strongly outperforms other models, generating answers that correlate strongly with users' answers in two studies $\unicode{x2014}$ the first study dealing with selecting the most appropriate communicative act for a robot in various situations ($r_s$ = 0.82), and the second with judging the desirability, intentionality, and surprisingness of behavior ($r_s$ = 0.83). However, for the last study, testing whether people judge the behavior of robots and humans differently, no model achieves strong correlations. Moreover, we show that vision models fail to capture the essence of video stimuli and that LLMs tend to rate different communicative acts and behavior desirability higher than people.

cross A Framework for Effective AI Recommendations in Cyber-Physical-Human Systems

Authors: Aditya Dave, Heeseung Bang, Andreas A. Malikopoulos

Abstract: Many cyber-physical-human systems (CPHS) involve a human decision-maker who may receive recommendations from an artificial intelligence (AI) platform while holding the ultimate responsibility of making decisions. In such CPHS applications, the human decision-maker may depart from an optimal recommended decision and instead implement a different one for various reasons. In this letter, we develop a rigorous framework to overcome this challenge. In our framework, we consider that humans may deviate from AI recommendations as they perceive and interpret the system's state in a different way than the AI platform. We establish the structural properties of optimal recommendation strategies and develop an approximate human model (AHM) used by the AI. We provide theoretical bounds on the optimality gap that arises from an AHM and illustrate the efficacy of our results in a numerical example.

cross A Benchmark of Domain-Adapted Large Language Models for Generating Brief Hospital Course Summaries

Authors: Asad Aali, Dave Van Veen, Yamin Ishraq Arefeen, Jason Hom, Christian Bluethgen, Eduardo Pontes Reis, Sergios Gatidis, Namuun Clifford, Joseph Daws, Arash S. Tehrani, Jangwon Kim, Akshay S. Chaudhari

Abstract: Brief hospital course (BHC) summaries are common clinical documents generated by summarizing clinical notes. While large language models (LLMs) depict remarkable capabilities in automating real-world tasks, their capabilities for healthcare applications such as BHC synthesis have not been shown. To enable the adaptation of LLMs for BHC synthesis, we introduce a novel benchmark consisting of a pre-processed dataset extracted from MIMIC-IV notes, encapsulating clinical note, and brief hospital course (BHC) pairs. We assess the performance of two general-purpose LLMs and three healthcare-adapted LLMs to improve BHC synthesis from clinical notes. Using clinical notes as input for generating BHCs, we apply prompting-based (using in-context learning) and fine-tuning-based adaptation strategies to three open-source LLMs (Clinical-T5-Large, Llama2-13B, FLAN-UL2) and two proprietary LLMs (GPT-3.5, GPT-4). We quantitatively evaluate the performance of these LLMs across varying context-length inputs using conventional natural language similarity metrics. We further perform a qualitative study where five diverse clinicians blindly compare clinician-written BHCs and two LLM-generated BHCs for 30 samples across metrics of comprehensiveness, conciseness, factual correctness, and fluency. Overall, we present a new benchmark and pre-processed dataset for using LLMs in BHC synthesis from clinical notes. We observe high-quality summarization performance for both in-context proprietary and fine-tuned open-source LLMs using both quantitative metrics and a qualitative clinical reader study. We propose our work as a benchmark to motivate future works to adapt and assess the performance of LLMs in BHC synthesis.

cross Decoding the AI Pen: Techniques and Challenges in Detecting AI-Generated Text

Authors: Sara Abdali, Richard Anarfi, CJ Barberan, Jia He

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG) by demonstrating an impressive ability to generate human-like text. However, their widespread usage introduces challenges that necessitate thoughtful examination, ethical scrutiny, and responsible practices. In this study, we delve into these challenges, explore existing strategies for mitigating them, with a particular emphasis on identifying AI-generated text as the ultimate solution. Additionally, we assess the feasibility of detection from a theoretical perspective and propose novel research directions to address the current limitations in this domain.

cross MG-TSD: Multi-Granularity Time Series Diffusion Models with Guided Learning Process

Authors: Xinyao Fan, Yueying Wu, Chang Xu, Yuhao Huang, Weiqing Liu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Recently, diffusion probabilistic models have attracted attention in generative time series forecasting due to their remarkable capacity to generate high-fidelity samples. However, the effective utilization of their strong modeling ability in the probabilistic time series forecasting task remains an open question, partially due to the challenge of instability arising from their stochastic nature. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel Multi-Granularity Time Series Diffusion (MG-TSD) model, which achieves state-of-the-art predictive performance by leveraging the inherent granularity levels within the data as given targets at intermediate diffusion steps to guide the learning process of diffusion models. The way to construct the targets is motivated by the observation that the forward process of the diffusion model, which sequentially corrupts the data distribution to a standard normal distribution, intuitively aligns with the process of smoothing fine-grained data into a coarse-grained representation, both of which result in a gradual loss of fine distribution features. In the study, we derive a novel multi-granularity guidance diffusion loss function and propose a concise implementation method to effectively utilize coarse-grained data across various granularity levels. More importantly, our approach does not rely on additional external data, making it versatile and applicable across various domains. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate that our MG-TSD model outperforms existing time series prediction methods.

cross Task-Oriented GNNs Training on Large Knowledge Graphs for Accurate and Efficient Modeling

Authors: Hussein Abdallah, Waleed Afandi, Panos Kalnis, Essam Mansour

Abstract: A Knowledge Graph (KG) is a heterogeneous graph encompassing a diverse range of node and edge types. Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (HGNNs) are popular for training machine learning tasks like node classification and link prediction on KGs. However, HGNN methods exhibit excessive complexity influenced by the KG's size, density, and the number of node and edge types. AI practitioners handcraft a subgraph of a KG G relevant to a specific task. We refer to this subgraph as a task-oriented subgraph (TOSG), which contains a subset of task-related node and edge types in G. Training the task using TOSG instead of G alleviates the excessive computation required for a large KG. Crafting the TOSG demands a deep understanding of the KG's structure and the task's objectives. Hence, it is challenging and time-consuming. This paper proposes KG-TOSA, an approach to automate the TOSG extraction for task-oriented HGNN training on a large KG. In KG-TOSA, we define a generic graph pattern that captures the KG's local and global structure relevant to a specific task. We explore different techniques to extract subgraphs matching our graph pattern: namely (i) two techniques sampling around targeted nodes using biased random walk or influence scores, and (ii) a SPARQL-based extraction method leveraging RDF engines' built-in indices. Hence, it achieves negligible preprocessing overhead compared to the sampling techniques. We develop a benchmark of real KGs of large sizes and various tasks for node classification and link prediction. Our experiments show that KG-TOSA helps state-of-the-art HGNN methods reduce training time and memory usage by up to 70% while improving the model performance, e.g., accuracy and inference time.

cross Membership Testing in Markov Equivalence Classes via Independence Query Oracles

Authors: Jiaqi Zhang, Kirankumar Shiragur, Caroline Uhler

Abstract: Understanding causal relationships between variables is a fundamental problem with broad impact in numerous scientific fields. While extensive research has been dedicated to learning causal graphs from data, its complementary concept of testing causal relationships has remained largely unexplored. While learning involves the task of recovering the Markov equivalence class (MEC) of the underlying causal graph from observational data, the testing counterpart addresses the following critical question: Given a specific MEC and observational data from some causal graph, can we determine if the data-generating causal graph belongs to the given MEC? We explore constraint-based testing methods by establishing bounds on the required number of conditional independence tests. Our bounds are in terms of the size of the maximum undirected clique ($s$) of the given MEC. In the worst case, we show a lower bound of $\exp(\Omega(s))$ independence tests. We then give an algorithm that resolves the task with $\exp(O(s))$ tests, matching our lower bound. Compared to the learning problem, where algorithms often use a number of independence tests that is exponential in the maximum in-degree, this shows that testing is relatively easier. In particular, it requires exponentially less independence tests in graphs featuring high in-degrees and small clique sizes. Additionally, using the DAG associahedron, we provide a geometric interpretation of testing versus learning and discuss how our testing result can aid learning.

cross HDReason: Algorithm-Hardware Codesign for Hyperdimensional Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Authors: Hanning Chen, Yang Ni, Ali Zakeri, Zhuowen Zou, Sanggeon Yun, Fei Wen, Behnam Khaleghi, Narayan Srinivasa, Hugo Latapie, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: In recent times, a plethora of hardware accelerators have been put forth for graph learning applications such as vertex classification and graph classification. However, previous works have paid little attention to Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC), a task that is well-known for its significantly higher algorithm complexity. The state-of-the-art KGC solutions based on graph convolution neural network (GCN) involve extensive vertex/relation embedding updates and complicated score functions, which are inherently cumbersome for acceleration. As a result, existing accelerator designs are no longer optimal, and a novel algorithm-hardware co-design for KG reasoning is needed. Recently, brain-inspired HyperDimensional Computing (HDC) has been introduced as a promising solution for lightweight machine learning, particularly for graph learning applications. In this paper, we leverage HDC for an intrinsically more efficient and acceleration-friendly KGC algorithm. We also co-design an acceleration framework named HDReason targeting FPGA platforms. On the algorithm level, HDReason achieves a balance between high reasoning accuracy, strong model interpretability, and less computation complexity. In terms of architecture, HDReason offers reconfigurability, high training throughput, and low energy consumption. When compared with NVIDIA RTX 4090 GPU, the proposed accelerator achieves an average 10.6x speedup and 65x energy efficiency improvement. When conducting cross-models and cross-platforms comparison, HDReason yields an average 4.2x higher performance and 3.4x better energy efficiency with similar accuracy versus the state-of-the-art FPGA-based GCN training platform.

cross Investigation into the Potential of Parallel Quantum Annealing for Simultaneous Optimization of Multiple Problems: A Comprehensive Study

Authors: Arit Kumar Bishwas, Anuraj Som, Saurabh Choudhary

Abstract: Parallel Quantum Annealing is a technique to solve multiple optimization problems simultaneously. Parallel quantum annealing aims to optimize the utilization of available qubits on a quantum topology by addressing multiple independent problems in a single annealing cycle. This study provides insights into the potential and the limitations of this parallelization method. The experiments consisting of two different problems are integrated, and various problem dimensions are explored including normalization techniques using specific methods such as DWaveSampler with Default Embedding, DWaveSampler with Custom Embedding and LeapHybridSampler. This method minimizes idle qubits and holds promise for substantial speed-up, as indicated by the Time-to-Solution (TTS) metric, compared to traditional quantum annealing, which solves problems sequentially and may leave qubits unutilized.

cross Extending Activation Steering to Broad Skills and Multiple Behaviours

Authors: Teun van der Weij, Massimo Poesio, Nandi Schoots

Abstract: Current large language models have dangerous capabilities, which are likely to become more problematic in the future. Activation steering techniques can be used to reduce risks from these capabilities. In this paper, we investigate the efficacy of activation steering for broad skills and multiple behaviours. First, by comparing the effects of reducing performance on general coding ability and Python-specific ability, we find that steering broader skills is competitive to steering narrower skills. Second, we steer models to become more or less myopic and wealth-seeking, among other behaviours. In our experiments, combining steering vectors for multiple different behaviours into one steering vector is largely unsuccessful. On the other hand, injecting individual steering vectors at different places in a model simultaneously is promising.

cross Towards Deviation-Robust Agent Navigation via Perturbation-Aware Contrastive Learning

Authors: Bingqian Lin, Yanxin Long, Yi Zhu, Fengda Zhu, Xiaodan Liang, Qixiang Ye, Liang Lin

Abstract: Vision-and-language navigation (VLN) asks an agent to follow a given language instruction to navigate through a real 3D environment. Despite significant advances, conventional VLN agents are trained typically under disturbance-free environments and may easily fail in real-world scenarios, since they are unaware of how to deal with various possible disturbances, such as sudden obstacles or human interruptions, which widely exist and may usually cause an unexpected route deviation. In this paper, we present a model-agnostic training paradigm, called Progressive Perturbation-aware Contrastive Learning (PROPER) to enhance the generalization ability of existing VLN agents, by requiring them to learn towards deviation-robust navigation. Specifically, a simple yet effective path perturbation scheme is introduced to implement the route deviation, with which the agent is required to still navigate successfully following the original instruction. Since directly enforcing the agent to learn perturbed trajectories may lead to inefficient training, a progressively perturbed trajectory augmentation strategy is designed, where the agent can self-adaptively learn to navigate under perturbation with the improvement of its navigation performance for each specific trajectory. For encouraging the agent to well capture the difference brought by perturbation, a perturbation-aware contrastive learning mechanism is further developed by contrasting perturbation-free trajectory encodings and perturbation-based counterparts. Extensive experiments on R2R show that PROPER can benefit multiple VLN baselines in perturbation-free scenarios. We further collect the perturbed path data to construct an introspection subset based on the R2R, called Path-Perturbed R2R (PP-R2R). The results on PP-R2R show unsatisfying robustness of popular VLN agents and the capability of PROPER in improving the navigation robustness.

cross On the Benefits of Fine-Grained Loss Truncation: A Case Study on Factuality in Summarization

Authors: Lorenzo Jaime Yu Flores, Arman Cohan

Abstract: Text summarization and simplification are among the most widely used applications of AI. However, models developed for such tasks are often prone to hallucination, which can result from training on unaligned data. One efficient approach to address this issue is Loss Truncation (LT) (Kang and Hashimoto, 2020), an approach to modify the standard log loss to adaptively remove noisy examples during training. However, we find that LT alone yields a considerable number of hallucinated entities on various datasets. We study the behavior of the underlying losses between factual and non-factual examples, to understand and refine the performance of LT. We demonstrate that LT's performance is limited when the underlying assumption that noisy targets have higher NLL loss is not satisfied, and find that word-level NLL among entities provides better signal for distinguishing factuality. We then leverage this to propose a fine-grained NLL loss and fine-grained data cleaning strategies, and observe improvements in hallucination reduction across some datasets. Our work is available at https://

URLs: https://

cross ItD: Large Language Models Can Teach Themselves Induction through Deduction

Authors: Wangtao Sun, Haotian Xu, Xuanqing Yu, Pei Chen, Shizhu He, Jun Zhao, Kang Liu

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) are showing impressive performance on a wide range of Natural Language Processing tasks, researchers have found that they still have limited ability to conduct induction. Recent works mainly adopt ``post processes'' paradigms to improve the performance of LLMs on induction (e.g., the hypothesis search & refinement methods), but their performance is still constrained by the inherent inductive capability of the LLMs. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Induction through Deduction (ItD), to enable the LLMs to teach themselves induction through deduction. The ItD framework is composed of two main components: a Deductive Data Generation module to generate induction data and a Naive Bayesian Induction module to optimize the fine-tuning and decoding of LLMs. Our empirical results showcase the effectiveness of ItD on two induction benchmarks, achieving relative performance improvement of 36% and 10% compared with previous state-of-the-art, respectively. Our ablation study verifies the effectiveness of two key modules of ItD. We also verify the effectiveness of ItD across different LLMs and deductors. The data and code of this paper can be found at


cross Privacy-Preserving Diffusion Model Using Homomorphic Encryption

Authors: Yaojian Chen, Qiben Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a privacy-preserving stable diffusion framework leveraging homomorphic encryption, called HE-Diffusion, which primarily focuses on protecting the denoising phase of the diffusion process. HE-Diffusion is a tailored encryption framework specifically designed to align with the unique architecture of stable diffusion, ensuring both privacy and functionality. To address the inherent computational challenges, we propose a novel min-distortion method that enables efficient partial image encryption, significantly reducing the overhead without compromising the model's output quality. Furthermore, we adopt a sparse tensor representation to expedite computational operations, enhancing the overall efficiency of the privacy-preserving diffusion process. We successfully implement HE-based privacy-preserving stable diffusion inference. The experimental results show that HE-Diffusion achieves 500 times speedup compared with the baseline method, and reduces time cost of the homomorphically encrypted inference to the minute level. Both the performance and accuracy of the HE-Diffusion are on par with the plaintext counterpart. Our approach marks a significant step towards integrating advanced cryptographic techniques with state-of-the-art generative models, paving the way for privacy-preserving and efficient image generation in critical applications.

cross Recurrent Aligned Network for Generalized Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Yonghao Dong, Le Wang, Sanping Zhou, Gang Hua, Changyin Sun

Abstract: Pedestrian trajectory prediction is a crucial component in computer vision and robotics, but remains challenging due to the domain shift problem. Previous studies have tried to tackle this problem by leveraging a portion of the trajectory data from the target domain to adapt the model. However, such domain adaptation methods are impractical in real-world scenarios, as it is infeasible to collect trajectory data from all potential target domains. In this paper, we study a task named generalized pedestrian trajectory prediction, with the aim of generalizing the model to unseen domains without accessing their trajectories. To tackle this task, we introduce a Recurrent Aligned Network~(RAN) to minimize the domain gap through domain alignment. Specifically, we devise a recurrent alignment module to effectively align the trajectory feature spaces at both time-state and time-sequence levels by the recurrent alignment strategy.Furthermore, we introduce a pre-aligned representation module to combine social interactions with the recurrent alignment strategy, which aims to consider social interactions during the alignment process instead of just target trajectories. We extensively evaluate our method and compare it with state-of-the-art methods on three widely used benchmarks. The experimental results demonstrate the superior generalization capability of our method. Our work not only fills the gap in the generalization setting for practical pedestrian trajectory prediction but also sets strong baselines in this field.

cross Algorithmic progress in language models

Authors: Anson Ho, Tamay Besiroglu, Ege Erdil, David Owen, Robi Rahman, Zifan Carl Guo, David Atkinson, Neil Thompson, Jaime Sevilla

Abstract: We investigate the rate at which algorithms for pre-training language models have improved since the advent of deep learning. Using a dataset of over 200 language model evaluations on Wikitext and Penn Treebank spanning 2012-2023, we find that the compute required to reach a set performance threshold has halved approximately every 8 months, with a 95% confidence interval of around 5 to 14 months, substantially faster than hardware gains per Moore's Law. We estimate augmented scaling laws, which enable us to quantify algorithmic progress and determine the relative contributions of scaling models versus innovations in training algorithms. Despite the rapid pace of algorithmic progress and the development of new architectures such as the transformer, our analysis reveals that the increase in compute made an even larger contribution to overall performance improvements over this time period. Though limited by noisy benchmark data, our analysis quantifies the rapid progress in language modeling, shedding light on the relative contributions from compute and algorithms.

cross MP2D: An Automated Topic Shift Dialogue Generation Framework Leveraging Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Yerin Hwang, Yongil Kim, Yunah Jang, Jeesoo Bang, Hyunkyung Bae, Kyomin Jung

Abstract: Despite advancements in on-topic dialogue systems, effectively managing topic shifts within dialogues remains a persistent challenge, largely attributed to the limited availability of training datasets. To address this issue, we propose Multi-Passage to Dialogue (MP2D), a data generation framework that automatically creates conversational question-answering datasets with natural topic transitions. By leveraging the relationships between entities in a knowledge graph, MP2D maps the flow of topics within a dialogue, effectively mirroring the dynamics of human conversation. It retrieves relevant passages corresponding to the topics and transforms them into dialogues through the passage-to-dialogue method. Through quantitative and qualitative experiments, we demonstrate MP2D's efficacy in generating dialogue with natural topic shifts. Furthermore, this study introduces a novel benchmark for topic shift dialogues, TS-WikiDialog. Utilizing the dataset, we demonstrate that even Large Language Models (LLMs) struggle to handle topic shifts in dialogue effectively, and we showcase the performance improvements of models trained on datasets generated by MP2D across diverse topic shift dialogue tasks.

cross Quantum-HPC Framework with multi-GPU-Enabled Hybrid Quantum-Classical Workflow: Applications in Quantum Simulations

Authors: Kuan-Cheng Chen, Xiaoren Li, Xiaotian Xu, Yun-Yuan Wang, Chen-Yu Liu

Abstract: Achieving high-performance computation on quantum systems presents a formidable challenge that necessitates bridging the capabilities between quantum hardware and classical computing resources. This study introduces an innovative distribution-aware Quantum-Classical-Quantum (QCQ) architecture, which integrates cutting-edge quantum software framework works with high-performance classical computing resources to address challenges in quantum simulation for materials and condensed matter physics. At the heart of this architecture is the seamless integration of VQE algorithms running on QPUs for efficient quantum state preparation, Tensor Network states, and QCNNs for classifying quantum states on classical hardware. For benchmarking quantum simulators, the QCQ architecture utilizes the cuQuantum SDK to leverage multi-GPU acceleration, integrated with PennyLane's Lightning plugin, demonstrating up to tenfold increases in computational speed for complex phase transition classification tasks compared to traditional CPU-based methods. This significant acceleration enables models such as the transverse field Ising and XXZ systems to accurately predict phase transitions with a 99.5% accuracy. The architecture's ability to distribute computation between QPUs and classical resources addresses critical bottlenecks in Quantum-HPC, paving the way for scalable quantum simulation. The QCQ framework embodies a synergistic combination of quantum algorithms, machine learning, and Quantum-HPC capabilities, enhancing its potential to provide transformative insights into the behavior of quantum systems across different scales. As quantum hardware continues to improve, this hybrid distribution-aware framework will play a crucial role in realizing the full potential of quantum computing by seamlessly integrating distributed quantum resources with the state-of-the-art classical computing infrastructure.

cross Long-term Frame-Event Visual Tracking: Benchmark Dataset and Baseline

Authors: Xiao Wang, Ju Huang, Shiao Wang, Chuanming Tang, Bo Jiang, Yonghong Tian, Jin Tang, Bin Luo

Abstract: Current event-/frame-event based trackers undergo evaluation on short-term tracking datasets, however, the tracking of real-world scenarios involves long-term tracking, and the performance of existing tracking algorithms in these scenarios remains unclear. In this paper, we first propose a new long-term and large-scale frame-event single object tracking dataset, termed FELT. It contains 742 videos and 1,594,474 RGB frames and event stream pairs and has become the largest frame-event tracking dataset to date. We re-train and evaluate 15 baseline trackers on our dataset for future works to compare. More importantly, we find that the RGB frames and event streams are naturally incomplete due to the influence of challenging factors and spatially sparse event flow. In response to this, we propose a novel associative memory Transformer network as a unified backbone by introducing modern Hopfield layers into multi-head self-attention blocks to fuse both RGB and event data. Extensive experiments on both FELT and RGB-T tracking dataset LasHeR fully validated the effectiveness of our model. The dataset and source code can be found at \url{}.


cross Hufu: A Modality-Agnositc Watermarking System for Pre-Trained Transformers via Permutation Equivariance

Authors: Hengyuan Xu, Liyao Xiang, Xingjun Ma, Borui Yang, Baochun Li

Abstract: With the blossom of deep learning models and services, it has become an imperative concern to safeguard the valuable model parameters from being stolen. Watermarking is considered an important tool for ownership verification. However, current watermarking schemes are customized for different models and tasks, hard to be integrated as an integrated intellectual protection service. We propose Hufu, a modality-agnostic watermarking system for pre-trained Transformer-based models, relying on the permutation equivariance property of Transformers. Hufu embeds watermark by fine-tuning the pre-trained model on a set of data samples specifically permuted, and the embedded model essentially contains two sets of weights -- one for normal use and the other for watermark extraction which is triggered on permuted inputs. The permutation equivariance ensures minimal interference between these two sets of model weights and thus high fidelity on downstream tasks. Since our method only depends on the model itself, it is naturally modality-agnostic, task-independent, and trigger-sample-free. Extensive experiments on the state-of-the-art vision Transformers, BERT, and GPT2 have demonstrated Hufu's superiority in meeting watermarking requirements including effectiveness, efficiency, fidelity, and robustness, showing its great potential to be deployed as a uniform ownership verification service for various Transformers.

cross Reverse That Number! Decoding Order Matters in Arithmetic Learning

Authors: Daniel Zhang-Li, Nianyi Lin, Jifan Yu, Zheyuan Zhang, Zijun Yao, Xiaokang Zhang, Lei Hou, Jing Zhang, Juanzi Li

Abstract: Recent advancements in pretraining have demonstrated that modern Large Language Models (LLMs) possess the capability to effectively learn arithmetic operations. However, despite acknowledging the significance of digit order in arithmetic computation, current methodologies predominantly rely on sequential, step-by-step approaches for teaching LLMs arithmetic, resulting in a conclusion where obtaining better performance involves fine-grained step-by-step. Diverging from this conventional path, our work introduces a novel strategy that not only reevaluates the digit order by prioritizing output from the least significant digit but also incorporates a step-by-step methodology to substantially reduce complexity. We have developed and applied this method in a comprehensive set of experiments. Compared to the previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) method, our findings reveal an overall improvement of in accuracy while requiring only a third of the tokens typically used during training. For the purpose of facilitating replication and further research, we have made our code and dataset publicly available at \url{}.


cross Towards Optimizing Human-Centric Objectives in AI-Assisted Decision-Making With Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zana Bu\c{c}inca, Siddharth Swaroop, Amanda E. Paluch, Susan A. Murphy, Krzysztof Z. Gajos

Abstract: As AI assistance is increasingly infused into decision-making processes, we may seek to optimize human-centric objectives beyond decision accuracy, such as skill improvement or task enjoyment of individuals interacting with these systems. With this aspiration in mind, we propose offline reinforcement learning (RL) as a general approach for modeling human-AI decision-making to optimize such human-centric objectives. Our approach seeks to optimize different objectives by adaptively providing decision support to humans -- the right type of assistance, to the right person, at the right time. We instantiate our approach with two objectives: human-AI accuracy on the decision-making task and human learning about the task, and learn policies that optimize these two objectives from previous human-AI interaction data. We compare the optimized policies against various baselines in AI-assisted decision-making. Across two experiments (N = 316 and N = 964), our results consistently demonstrate that people interacting with policies optimized for accuracy achieve significantly better accuracy -- and even human-AI complementarity -- compared to those interacting with any other type of AI support. Our results further indicate that human learning is more difficult to optimize than accuracy, with participants who interacted with learning-optimized policies showing significant learning improvement only at times. Our research (1) demonstrates offline RL to be a promising approach to model dynamics of human-AI decision-making, leading to policies that may optimize various human-centric objectives and provide novel insights about the AI-assisted decision-making space, and (2) emphasizes the importance of considering human-centric objectives beyond decision accuracy in AI-assisted decision-making, while also opening up the novel research challenge of optimizing such objectives.

cross GPT as Psychologist? Preliminary Evaluations for GPT-4V on Visual Affective Computing

Authors: Hao Lu, Xuesong Niu, Jiyao Wang, Yin Wang, Qingyong Hu, Jiaqi Tang, Yuting Zhang, Kaishen Yuan, Bin Huang, Zitong Yu, Dengbo He, Shuiguang Deng, Hao Chen, Yingcong Chen, Shiguang Shan

Abstract: Multimodal language models (MLMs) are designed to process and integrate information from multiple sources, such as text, speech, images, and videos. Despite its success in language understanding, it is critical to evaluate the performance of downstream tasks for better human-centric applications. This paper assesses the application of MLMs with 5 crucial abilities for affective computing, spanning from visual affective tasks and reasoning tasks. The results show that GPT4 has high accuracy in facial action unit recognition and micro-expression detection while its general facial expression recognition performance is not accurate. We also highlight the challenges of achieving fine-grained micro-expression recognition and the potential for further study and demonstrate the versatility and potential of GPT4 for handling advanced tasks in emotion recognition and related fields by integrating with task-related agents for more complex tasks, such as heart rate estimation through signal processing. In conclusion, this paper provides valuable insights into the potential applications and challenges of MLMs in human-centric computing. The interesting samples are available at \url{}.


cross SEMRes-DDPM: Residual Network Based Diffusion Modelling Applied to Imbalanced Data

Authors: Ming Zheng, Yang Yang, Zhi-Hang Zhao, Shan-Chao Gan, Yang Chen, Si-Kai Ni, Yang Lu

Abstract: In the field of data mining and machine learning, commonly used classification models cannot effectively learn in unbalanced data. In order to balance the data distribution before model training,oversamplingmethods are often used to generate data for a small number of classes to solve the problem of classifying unbalanced data. Most of the classical oversampling methods are based on theSMOTE technique, which only focuses on the local information of the data, and therefore the generated data may have the problem of not being realistic enough. In the current oversampling methods based on generative networks, the methods based on GANs can capture the true distribution of data, but there is the problem of pattern collapse and training instability in training; in the oversampling methods based on denoising diffusion probability models, the neural network of the inverse diffusion process using the U-Net is not applicable to tabular data, and although the MLP can be used to replace the U-Net, the problem exists due to the simplicity of the structure and the poor effect of removing noise. problem of poor noise removal. In order to overcome the above problems, we propose a novel oversampling method SEMRes-DDPM.In the SEMRes?DDPM backward diffusion process, a new neural network structure SEMST-ResNet is used, which is suitable for tabular data and has good noise removal effect, and it can generate tabular data with higher quality. Experiments show that the SEMResNet network removes noise better than MLP; SEMRes?DDPM generates data distributions that are closer to the real data distributions than TabDDPM with CWGAN-GP; on 20 real unbalanced tabular datasets with 9 classification models, SEMRes-DDPM improves the quality of the generated tabular data in terms of three evaluation metrics (F1, G-mean, AUC) with better classification performance than other SOTA oversampling methods.

cross High Throughput Phenotyping of Physician Notes with Large Language and Hybrid NLP Models

Authors: Syed I. Munzir, Daniel B. Hier, Michael D. Carrithers

Abstract: Deep phenotyping is the detailed description of patient signs and symptoms using concepts from an ontology. The deep phenotyping of the numerous physician notes in electronic health records requires high throughput methods. Over the past thirty years, progress toward making high throughput phenotyping feasible. In this study, we demonstrate that a large language model and a hybrid NLP model (combining word vectors with a machine learning classifier) can perform high throughput phenotyping on physician notes with high accuracy. Large language models will likely emerge as the preferred method for high throughput deep phenotyping of physician notes.

cross Learned 3D volumetric recovery of clouds and its uncertainty for climate analysis

Authors: Roi Ronen, Ilan Koren, Aviad Levis, Eshkol Eytan, Vadim Holodovsky, Yoav Y. Schechner

Abstract: Significant uncertainty in climate prediction and cloud physics is tied to observational gaps relating to shallow scattered clouds. Addressing these challenges requires remote sensing of their three-dimensional (3D) heterogeneous volumetric scattering content. This calls for passive scattering computed tomography (CT). We design a learning-based model (ProbCT) to achieve CT of such clouds, based on noisy multi-view spaceborne images. ProbCT infers - for the first time - the posterior probability distribution of the heterogeneous extinction coefficient, per 3D location. This yields arbitrary valuable statistics, e.g., the 3D field of the most probable extinction and its uncertainty. ProbCT uses a neural-field representation, making essentially real-time inference. ProbCT undergoes supervised training by a new labeled multi-class database of physics-based volumetric fields of clouds and their corresponding images. To improve out-of-distribution inference, we incorporate self-supervised learning through differential rendering. We demonstrate the approach in simulations and on real-world data, and indicate the relevance of 3D recovery and uncertainty to precipitation and renewable energy.

cross Classifying Objects in 3D Point Clouds Using Recurrent Neural Network: A GRU LSTM Hybrid Approach

Authors: Ramin Mousa, Mitra Khezli, Saba Hesaraki

Abstract: Accurate classification of objects in 3D point clouds is a significant problem in several applications, such as autonomous navigation and augmented/virtual reality scenarios, which has become a research hot spot. In this paper, we presented a deep learning strategy for 3D object classification in augmented reality. The proposed approach is a combination of the GRU and LSTM. LSTM networks learn longer dependencies well, but due to the number of gates, it takes longer to train; on the other hand, GRU networks have a weaker performance than LSTM, but their training speed is much higher than GRU, which is The speed is due to its fewer gates. The proposed approach used the combination of speed and accuracy of these two networks. The proposed approach achieved an accuracy of 0.99 in the 4,499,0641 points dataset, which includes eight classes (unlabeled, man-made terrain, natural terrain, high vegetation, low vegetation, buildings, hardscape, scanning artifacts, cars). Meanwhile, the traditional machine learning approaches could achieve a maximum accuracy of 0.9489 in the best case. Keywords: Point Cloud Classification, Virtual Reality, Hybrid Model, GRULSTM, GRU, LSTM

cross Calibrating Large Language Models Using Their Generations Only

Authors: Dennis Ulmer, Martin Gubri, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Seong Joon Oh

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) are increasingly deployed in user-facing applications, building trust and maintaining safety by accurately quantifying a model's confidence in its prediction becomes even more important. However, finding effective ways to calibrate LLMs - especially when the only interface to the models is their generated text - remains a challenge. We propose APRICOT (auxiliary prediction of confidence targets): A method to set confidence targets and train an additional model that predicts an LLM's confidence based on its textual input and output alone. This approach has several advantages: It is conceptually simple, does not require access to the target model beyond its output, does not interfere with the language generation, and has a multitude of potential usages, for instance by verbalizing the predicted confidence or adjusting the given answer based on the confidence. We show how our approach performs competitively in terms of calibration error for white-box and black-box LLMs on closed-book question-answering to detect incorrect LLM answers.

cross Dissecting Deep RL with High Update Ratios: Combatting Value Overestimation and Divergence

Authors: Marcel Hussing, Claas Voelcker, Igor Gilitschenski, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Eric Eaton

Abstract: We show that deep reinforcement learning can maintain its ability to learn without resetting network parameters in settings where the number of gradient updates greatly exceeds the number of environment samples. Under such large update-to-data ratios, a recent study by Nikishin et al. (2022) suggested the emergence of a primacy bias, in which agents overfit early interactions and downplay later experience, impairing their ability to learn. In this work, we dissect the phenomena underlying the primacy bias. We inspect the early stages of training that ought to cause the failure to learn and find that a fundamental challenge is a long-standing acquaintance: value overestimation. Overinflated Q-values are found not only on out-of-distribution but also in-distribution data and can be traced to unseen action prediction propelled by optimizer momentum. We employ a simple unit-ball normalization that enables learning under large update ratios, show its efficacy on the widely used dm_control suite, and obtain strong performance on the challenging dog tasks, competitive with model-based approaches. Our results question, in parts, the prior explanation for sub-optimal learning due to overfitting on early data.

cross A Generalized Acquisition Function for Preference-based Reward Learning

Authors: Evan Ellis, Gaurav R. Ghosal, Stuart J. Russell, Anca Dragan, Erdem B{\i}y{\i}k

Abstract: Preference-based reward learning is a popular technique for teaching robots and autonomous systems how a human user wants them to perform a task. Previous works have shown that actively synthesizing preference queries to maximize information gain about the reward function parameters improves data efficiency. The information gain criterion focuses on precisely identifying all parameters of the reward function. This can potentially be wasteful as many parameters may result in the same reward, and many rewards may result in the same behavior in the downstream tasks. Instead, we show that it is possible to optimize for learning the reward function up to a behavioral equivalence class, such as inducing the same ranking over behaviors, distribution over choices, or other related definitions of what makes two rewards similar. We introduce a tractable framework that can capture such definitions of similarity. Our experiments in a synthetic environment, an assistive robotics environment with domain transfer, and a natural language processing problem with real datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our querying method over the state-of-the-art information gain method.

cross Hard-label based Small Query Black-box Adversarial Attack

Authors: Jeonghwan Park, Paul Miller, Niall McLaughlin

Abstract: We consider the hard label based black box adversarial attack setting which solely observes predicted classes from the target model. Most of the attack methods in this setting suffer from impractical number of queries required to achieve a successful attack. One approach to tackle this drawback is utilising the adversarial transferability between white box surrogate models and black box target model. However, the majority of the methods adopting this approach are soft label based to take the full advantage of zeroth order optimisation. Unlike mainstream methods, we propose a new practical setting of hard label based attack with an optimisation process guided by a pretrained surrogate model. Experiments show the proposed method significantly improves the query efficiency of the hard label based black-box attack across various target model architectures. We find the proposed method achieves approximately 5 times higher attack success rate compared to the benchmarks, especially at the small query budgets as 100 and 250.

cross Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer for Prompting Large Language Models in Low-Resource Languages

Authors: Christopher Toukmaji

Abstract: Large pre-trained language models (PLMs) are at the forefront of advances in Natural Language Processing. One widespread use case of PLMs is "prompting" - or in-context learning - where a user provides a description of a task and some completed examples of the task to a PLM as context before prompting the PLM to perform the task on a new example. Only the largest, most capable PLMs are able to perform in-context learning effectively, and these models are typically trained with a predominantly English corpus, leaving all other languages behind. The data limitations in most languages preclude the training of language-specific PLMs capable of prompting. Albeit the surge in work of prompting settings, it is still unclear how PLMs should be adapted cross-lingually specifically for prompting. We evaluate the possible methods to adapt LLaMa, a 7B parameter open-source PLM mainly trained in English, for prompting in low-resource languages, namely for Kinyarwanda, Hausa, and Luganda. We consider three methods: few-shot prompting (prompt), language-adaptive fine-tuning (LAFT), and neural machine translation (translate), and evaluate on abstractive summarization, multi-class topic classification, and named-entity recognition. Although LAFT carries the greatest compute cost and intuitively should lead to the best results, our experiments exhibit that LAFT is only occasionally the optimal choice for adapting PLMs for prompting. Rather, the translate and prompt settings are a compute-efficient and cost-effective method of few-shot prompting for the selected low-resource languages. We find that the results are task and language dependent but find that the prompting method is the best on average across all tasks and languages. Results show that the prompt setting performs better than both translating and LAFT with statistical significance for all shots when aggregated across all tasks and languages.

cross CarbonNet: How Computer Vision Plays a Role in Climate Change? Application: Learning Geomechanics from Subsurface Geometry of CCS to Mitigate Global Warming

Authors: Wei Chen, Yunan Li, Yuan Tian

Abstract: We introduce a new approach using computer vision to predict the land surface displacement from subsurface geometry images for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). CCS has been proved to be a key component for a carbon neutral society. However, scientists see there are challenges along the way including the high computational cost due to the large model scale and limitations to generalize a pre-trained model with complex physics. We tackle those challenges by training models directly from the subsurface geometry images. The goal is to understand the respons of land surface displacement due to carbon injection and utilize our trained models to inform decision making in CCS projects. We implement multiple models (CNN, ResNet, and ResNetUNet) for static mechanics problem, which is a image prediction problem. Next, we use the LSTM and transformer for transient mechanics scenario, which is a video prediction problem. It shows ResNetUNet outperforms the others thanks to its architecture in static mechanics problem, and LSTM shows comparable performance to transformer in transient problem. This report proceeds by outlining our dataset in detail followed by model descriptions in method section. Result and discussion state the key learning, observations, and conclusion with future work rounds out the paper.

cross Towards a Generic Representation of Cominatorial Problems for Learning-Based Approaches

Authors: L\'eo Boisvert, H\'el\`ene Verhaeghe, Quentin Cappart

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using learning-based approaches for solving combinatorial problems, either in an end-to-end manner or in conjunction with traditional optimization algorithms. In both scenarios, the challenge lies in encoding the targeted combinatorial problems into a structure compatible with the learning algorithm. Many existing works have proposed problem-specific representations, often in the form of a graph, to leverage the advantages of \textit{graph neural networks}. However, these approaches lack generality, as the representation cannot be easily transferred from one combinatorial problem to another one. While some attempts have been made to bridge this gap, they still offer a partial generality only. In response to this challenge, this paper advocates for progress toward a fully generic representation of combinatorial problems for learning-based approaches. The approach we propose involves constructing a graph by breaking down any constraint of a combinatorial problem into an abstract syntax tree and expressing relationships (e.g., a variable involved in a constraint) through the edges. Furthermore, we introduce a graph neural network architecture capable of efficiently learning from this representation. The tool provided operates on combinatorial problems expressed in the XCSP3 format, handling all the constraints available in the 2023 mini-track competition. Experimental results on four combinatorial problems demonstrate that our architecture achieves performance comparable to dedicated architectures while maintaining generality. Our code and trained models are publicly available at \url{}.


cross FairTargetSim: An Interactive Simulator for Understanding and Explaining the Fairness Effects of Target Variable Definition

Authors: Dalia Gala, Milo Phillips-Brown, Naman Goel, Carinal Prunkl, Laura Alvarez Jubete, medb corcoran, Ray Eitel-Porter

Abstract: Machine learning requires defining one's target variable for predictions or decisions, a process that can have profound implications on fairness: biases are often encoded in target variable definition itself, before any data collection or training. We present an interactive simulator, FairTargetSim (FTS), that illustrates how target variable definition impacts fairness. FTS is a valuable tool for algorithm developers, researchers, and non-technical stakeholders. FTS uses a case study of algorithmic hiring, using real-world data and user-defined target variables. FTS is open-source and available at: The video accompanying this paper is here:


cross A Preliminary Exploration of YouTubers' Use of Generative-AI in Content Creation

Authors: Yao Lyu, He Zhang, Shuo Niu, Jie Cai

Abstract: Content creators increasingly utilize generative artificial intelligence (Gen-AI) on platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, Instagram, and various blogging sites to produce imaginative images, AI-generated videos, and articles using Large Language Models (LLMs). Despite its growing popularity, there remains an underexplored area concerning the specific domains where AI-generated content is being applied, and the methodologies content creators employ with Gen-AI tools during the creation process. This study initially explores this emerging area through a qualitative analysis of 68 YouTube videos demonstrating Gen-AI usage. Our research focuses on identifying the content domains, the variety of tools used, the activities performed, and the nature of the final products generated by Gen-AI in the context of user-generated content.

cross MATRIX: Multi-Agent Trajectory Generation with Diverse Contexts

Authors: Zhuo Xu, Rui Zhou, Yida Yin, Huidong Gao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Jiachen Li

Abstract: Data-driven methods have great advantages in modeling complicated human behavioral dynamics and dealing with many human-robot interaction applications. However, collecting massive and annotated real-world human datasets has been a laborious task, especially for highly interactive scenarios. On the other hand, algorithmic data generation methods are usually limited by their model capacities, making them unable to offer realistic and diverse data needed by various application users. In this work, we study trajectory-level data generation for multi-human or human-robot interaction scenarios and propose a learning-based automatic trajectory generation model, which we call Multi-Agent TRajectory generation with dIverse conteXts (MATRIX). MATRIX is capable of generating interactive human behaviors in realistic diverse contexts. We achieve this goal by modeling the explicit and interpretable objectives so that MATRIX can generate human motions based on diverse destinations and heterogeneous behaviors. We carried out extensive comparison and ablation studies to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach across various metrics. We also presented experiments that demonstrate the capability of MATRIX to serve as data augmentation for imitation-based motion planning.

cross Decoupled Data Consistency with Diffusion Purification for Image Restoration

Authors: Xiang Li, Soo Min Kwon, Ismail R. Alkhouri, Saiprasad Ravishanka, Qing Qu

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently gained traction as a powerful class of deep generative priors, excelling in a wide range of image restoration tasks due to their exceptional ability to model data distributions. To solve image restoration problems, many existing techniques achieve data consistency by incorporating additional likelihood gradient steps into the reverse sampling process of diffusion models. However, the additional gradient steps pose a challenge for real-world practical applications as they incur a large computational overhead, thereby increasing inference time. They also present additional difficulties when using accelerated diffusion model samplers, as the number of data consistency steps is limited by the number of reverse sampling steps. In this work, we propose a novel diffusion-based image restoration solver that addresses these issues by decoupling the reverse process from the data consistency steps. Our method involves alternating between a reconstruction phase to maintain data consistency and a refinement phase that enforces the prior via diffusion purification. Our approach demonstrates versatility, making it highly adaptable for efficient problem-solving in latent space. Additionally, it reduces the necessity for numerous sampling steps through the integration of consistency models. The efficacy of our approach is validated through comprehensive experiments across various image restoration tasks, including image denoising, deblurring, inpainting, and super-resolution.

cross Target-constrained Bidirectional Planning for Generation of Target-oriented Proactive Dialogue

Authors: Jian Wang, Dongding Lin, Wenjie Li

Abstract: Target-oriented proactive dialogue systems aim to lead conversations from a dialogue context toward a pre-determined target, such as making recommendations on designated items or introducing new specific topics. To this end, it is critical for such dialogue systems to plan reasonable actions to drive the conversation proactively, and meanwhile, to plan appropriate topics to move the conversation forward to the target topic smoothly. In this work, we mainly focus on effective dialogue planning for target-oriented dialogue generation. Inspired by decision-making theories in cognitive science, we propose a novel target-constrained bidirectional planning (TRIP) approach, which plans an appropriate dialogue path by looking ahead and looking back. By formulating the planning as a generation task, our TRIP bidirectionally generates a dialogue path consisting of a sequence of pairs using two Transformer decoders. They are expected to supervise each other and converge on consistent actions and topics by minimizing the decision gap and contrastive generation of targets. Moreover, we propose a target-constrained decoding algorithm with a bidirectional agreement to better control the planning process. Subsequently, we adopt the planned dialogue paths to guide dialogue generation in a pipeline manner, where we explore two variants: prompt-based generation and plan-controlled generation. Extensive experiments are conducted on two challenging dialogue datasets, which are re-purposed for exploring target-oriented dialogue. Our automatic and human evaluations demonstrate that the proposed methods significantly outperform various baseline models.

cross L$^2$GC: Lorentzian Linear Graph Convolutional Networks For Node Classification

Authors: Qiuyu Liang, Weihua Wang, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao

Abstract: Linear Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are used to classify the node in the graph data. However, we note that most existing linear GCN models perform neural network operations in Euclidean space, which do not explicitly capture the tree-like hierarchical structure exhibited in real-world datasets that modeled as graphs. In this paper, we attempt to introduce hyperbolic space into linear GCN and propose a novel framework for Lorentzian linear GCN. Specifically, we map the learned features of graph nodes into hyperbolic space, and then perform a Lorentzian linear feature transformation to capture the underlying tree-like structure of data. Experimental results on standard citation networks datasets with semi-supervised learning show that our approach yields new state-of-the-art results of accuracy 74.7$\%$ on Citeseer and 81.3$\%$ on PubMed datasets. Furthermore, we observe that our approach can be trained up to two orders of magnitude faster than other nonlinear GCN models on PubMed dataset. Our code is publicly available at


cross Towards In-Vehicle Multi-Task Facial Attribute Recognition: Investigating Synthetic Data and Vision Foundation Models

Authors: Esmaeil Seraj, Walter Talamonti

Abstract: In the burgeoning field of intelligent transportation systems, enhancing vehicle-driver interaction through facial attribute recognition, such as facial expression, eye gaze, age, etc., is of paramount importance for safety, personalization, and overall user experience. However, the scarcity of comprehensive large-scale, real-world datasets poses a significant challenge for training robust multi-task models. Existing literature often overlooks the potential of synthetic datasets and the comparative efficacy of state-of-the-art vision foundation models in such constrained settings. This paper addresses these gaps by investigating the utility of synthetic datasets for training complex multi-task models that recognize facial attributes of passengers of a vehicle, such as gaze plane, age, and facial expression. Utilizing transfer learning techniques with both pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) and Residual Network (ResNet) models, we explore various training and adaptation methods to optimize performance, particularly when data availability is limited. We provide extensive post-evaluation analysis, investigating the effects of synthetic data distributions on model performance in in-distribution data and out-of-distribution inference. Our study unveils counter-intuitive findings, notably the superior performance of ResNet over ViTs in our specific multi-task context, which is attributed to the mismatch in model complexity relative to task complexity. Our results highlight the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the use of synthetic data and vision foundation models in practical applications.

cross RepoHyper: Better Context Retrieval Is All You Need for Repository-Level Code Completion

Authors: Huy N. Phan, Hoang N. Phan, Tien N. Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: Code Large Language Models (CodeLLMs) have demonstrated impressive proficiency in code completion tasks. However, they often fall short of fully understanding the extensive context of a project repository, such as the intricacies of relevant files and class hierarchies, which can result in less precise completions. To overcome these limitations, we present RepoHyper, a multifaceted framework designed to address the complex challenges associated with repository-level code completion. Central to RepoHyper is the Repo-level Semantic Graph (RSG), a novel semantic graph structure that encapsulates the vast context of code repositories. Furthermore, RepoHyper leverages Expand and Refine retrieval method, including a graph expansion and a link prediction algorithm applied to the RSG, enabling the effective retrieval and prioritization of relevant code snippets. Our evaluations show that RepoHyper markedly outperforms existing techniques in repository-level code completion, showcasing enhanced accuracy across various datasets when compared to several strong baselines.

cross Can LLM Substitute Human Labeling? A Case Study of Fine-grained Chinese Address Entity Recognition Dataset for UAV Delivery

Authors: Yuxuan Yao, Sichun Luo, Haohan Zhao, Guanzhi Deng, Linqi Song

Abstract: We present CNER-UAV, a fine-grained \textbf{C}hinese \textbf{N}ame \textbf{E}ntity \textbf{R}ecognition dataset specifically designed for the task of address resolution in \textbf{U}nmanned \textbf{A}erial \textbf{V}ehicle delivery systems. The dataset encompasses a diverse range of five categories, enabling comprehensive training and evaluation of NER models. To construct this dataset, we sourced the data from a real-world UAV delivery system and conducted a rigorous data cleaning and desensitization process to ensure privacy and data integrity. The resulting dataset, consisting of around 12,000 annotated samples, underwent human experts and \textbf{L}arge \textbf{L}anguage \textbf{M}odel annotation. We evaluated classical NER models on our dataset and provided in-depth analysis. The dataset and models are publicly available at \url{}.


cross Large Language Models on Fine-grained Emotion Detection Dataset with Data Augmentation and Transfer Learning

Authors: Kaipeng Wang, Zhi Jing, Yongye Su, Yikun Han

Abstract: This paper delves into enhancing the classification performance on the GoEmotions dataset, a large, manually annotated dataset for emotion detection in text. The primary goal of this paper is to address the challenges of detecting subtle emotions in text, a complex issue in Natural Language Processing (NLP) with significant practical applications. The findings offer valuable insights into addressing the challenges of emotion detection in text and suggest directions for future research, including the potential for a survey paper that synthesizes methods and performances across various datasets in this domain.

cross FMPAF: How Do Fed Chairs Affect the Financial Market? A Fine-grained Monetary Policy Analysis Framework on Their Language

Authors: Yayue Deng, Mohan Xu, Yao Tang

Abstract: The effectiveness of central bank communication is a crucial aspect of monetary policy transmission. While recent research has examined the influence of policy communication by the chairs of the Federal Reserve on various financial variables, much of the literature relies on rule-based or dictionary-based methods in parsing the language of the chairs, leaving nuanced information about policy stance contained in nonverbal emotion out of the analysis. In the current study, we propose the Fine-Grained Monetary Policy Analysis Framework (FMPAF), a novel approach that integrates large language models (LLMs) with regression analysis to provide a comprehensive analysis of the impact of the press-conference communications of chairs of the Federal Reserve on financial markets. We conduct extensive comparisons of model performance under different levels of granularity, modalities, and communication scenarios. Based on our preferred specification, a one-unit increase in the sentiment score is associated with an increase of the price of S\&P 500 Exchange-Traded Fund by approximately 500 basis points, a 15-basis-point decrease in the policy interest rate, while not leading to a significant response in exchange rates.

cross FedPIT: Towards Privacy-preserving and Few-shot Federated Instruction Tuning

Authors: Zhuo Zhang, Jingyuan Zhang, Jintao Huang, Lizhen Qu, Hongzhi Zhang, Zenglin Xu

Abstract: Instruction tuning has proven essential for enhancing the performance of large language models (LLMs) in generating human-aligned responses. However, collecting diverse, high-quality instruction data for tuning poses challenges, particularly in privacy-sensitive domains. Federated instruction tuning (FedIT) has emerged as a solution, leveraging federated learning from multiple data owners while preserving privacy. Yet, it faces challenges due to limited instruction data and vulnerabilities to training data extraction attacks. To address these issues, we propose a novel federated algorithm, FedPIT, which utilizes LLMs' in-context learning capability to self-generate task-specific synthetic data for training autonomously. Our method employs parameter-isolated training to maintain global parameters trained on synthetic data and local parameters trained on augmented local data, effectively thwarting data extraction attacks. Extensive experiments on real-world medical data demonstrate the effectiveness of FedPIT in improving federated few-shot performance while preserving privacy and robustness against data heterogeneity.

cross MACE: Mass Concept Erasure in Diffusion Models

Authors: Shilin Lu, Zilan Wang, Leyang Li, Yanzhu Liu, Adams Wai-Kin Kong

Abstract: The rapid expansion of large-scale text-to-image diffusion models has raised growing concerns regarding their potential misuse in creating harmful or misleading content. In this paper, we introduce MACE, a finetuning framework for the task of mass concept erasure. This task aims to prevent models from generating images that embody unwanted concepts when prompted. Existing concept erasure methods are typically restricted to handling fewer than five concepts simultaneously and struggle to find a balance between erasing concept synonyms (generality) and maintaining unrelated concepts (specificity). In contrast, MACE differs by successfully scaling the erasure scope up to 100 concepts and by achieving an effective balance between generality and specificity. This is achieved by leveraging closed-form cross-attention refinement along with LoRA finetuning, collectively eliminating the information of undesirable concepts. Furthermore, MACE integrates multiple LoRAs without mutual interference. We conduct extensive evaluations of MACE against prior methods across four different tasks: object erasure, celebrity erasure, explicit content erasure, and artistic style erasure. Our results reveal that MACE surpasses prior methods in all evaluated tasks. Code is available at


cross Fine-grainedly Synthesize Streaming Data Based On Large Language Models With Graph Structure Understanding For Data Sparsity

Authors: Xin Zhang, Linhai Zhang, Deyu Zhou, Guoqiang Xu

Abstract: Due to the sparsity of user data, sentiment analysis on user reviews in e-commerce platforms often suffers from poor performance, especially when faced with extremely sparse user data or long-tail labels. Recently, the emergence of LLMs has introduced new solutions to such problems by leveraging graph structures to generate supplementary user profiles. However, previous approaches have not fully utilized the graph understanding capabilities of LLMs and have struggled to adapt to complex streaming data environments. In this work, we propose a fine-grained streaming data synthesis framework that categorizes sparse users into three categories: Mid-tail, Long-tail, and Extreme. Specifically, we design LLMs to comprehensively understand three key graph elements in streaming data, including Local-global Graph Understanding, Second-Order Relationship Extraction, and Product Attribute Understanding, which enables the generation of high-quality synthetic data to effectively address sparsity across different categories. Experimental results on three real datasets demonstrate significant performance improvements, with synthesized data contributing to MSE reductions of 45.85%, 3.16%, and 62.21%, respectively.

cross Fluent: Round-efficient Secure Aggregation for Private Federated Learning

Authors: Xincheng Li, Jianting Ning, Geong Sen Poh, Leo Yu Zhang, Xinchun Yin, Tianwei Zhang

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) facilitates collaborative training of machine learning models among a large number of clients while safeguarding the privacy of their local datasets. However, FL remains susceptible to vulnerabilities such as privacy inference and inversion attacks. Single-server secure aggregation schemes were proposed to address these threats. Nonetheless, they encounter practical constraints due to their round and communication complexities. This work introduces Fluent, a round and communication-efficient secure aggregation scheme for private FL. Fluent has several improvements compared to state-of-the-art solutions like Bell et al. (CCS 2020) and Ma et al. (SP 2023): (1) it eliminates frequent handshakes and secret sharing operations by efficiently reusing the shares across multiple training iterations without leaking any private information; (2) it accomplishes both the consistency check and gradient unmasking in one logical step, thereby reducing another round of communication. With these innovations, Fluent achieves the fewest communication rounds (i.e., two in the collection phase) in the malicious server setting, in contrast to at least three rounds in existing schemes. This significantly minimizes the latency for geographically distributed clients; (3) Fluent also introduces Fluent-Dynamic with a participant selection algorithm and an alternative secret sharing scheme. This can facilitate dynamic client joining and enhance the system flexibility and scalability. We implemented Fluent and compared it with existing solutions. Experimental results show that Fluent improves the computational cost by at least 75% and communication overhead by at least 25% for normal clients. Fluent also reduces the communication overhead for the server at the expense of a marginal increase in computational cost.

cross All-in-one platform for AI R&D in medical imaging, encompassing data collection, selection, annotation, and pre-processing

Authors: Changhee Han, Kyohei Shibano, Wataru Ozaki, Keishiro Osaki, Takafumi Haraguchi, Daisuke Hirahara, Shumon Kimura, Yasuyuki Kobayashi, Gento Mogi

Abstract: Deep Learning is advancing medical imaging Research and Development (R&D), leading to the frequent clinical use of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML)-based medical devices. However, to advance AI R&D, two challenges arise: 1) significant data imbalance, with most data from Europe/America and under 10% from Asia, despite its 60% global population share; and 2) hefty time and investment needed to curate proprietary datasets for commercial use. In response, we established the first commercial medical imaging platform, encompassing steps like: 1) data collection, 2) data selection, 3) annotation, and 4) pre-processing. Moreover, we focus on harnessing under-represented data from Japan and broader Asia, including Computed Tomography, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, and Whole Slide Imaging scans. Using the collected data, we are preparing/providing ready-to-use datasets for medical AI R&D by 1) offering these datasets to AI firms, biopharma, and medical device makers and 2) using them as training/test data to develop tailored AI solutions for such entities. We also aim to merge Blockchain for data security and plan to synthesize rare disease data via generative AI. DataHub Website:


cross Can Large Language Models Automatically Score Proficiency of Written Essays?

Authors: Watheq Mansour, Salam Albatarni, Sohaila Eltanbouly, Tamer Elsayed

Abstract: Although several methods were proposed to address the problem of automated essay scoring (AES) in the last 50 years, there is still much to desire in terms of effectiveness. Large Language Models (LLMs) are transformer-based models that demonstrate extraordinary capabilities on various tasks. In this paper, we test the ability of LLMs, given their powerful linguistic knowledge, to analyze and effectively score written essays. We experimented with two popular LLMs, namely ChatGPT and Llama. We aim to check if these models can do this task and, if so, how their performance is positioned among the state-of-the-art (SOTA) models across two levels, holistically and per individual writing trait. We utilized prompt-engineering tactics in designing four different prompts to bring their maximum potential to this task. Our experiments conducted on the ASAP dataset revealed several interesting observations. First, choosing the right prompt depends highly on the model and nature of the task. Second, the two LLMs exhibited comparable average performance in AES, with a slight advantage for ChatGPT. Finally, despite the performance gap between the two LLMs and SOTA models in terms of predictions, they provide feedback to enhance the quality of the essays, which can potentially help both teachers and students.

cross DiffuMatting: Synthesizing Arbitrary Objects with Matting-level Annotation

Authors: Xiaobin Hu, Xu Peng, Donghao Luo, Xiaozhong Ji, Jinlong Peng, Zhengkai Jiang, Jiangning Zhang, Taisong Jin, Chengjie Wang, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Due to the difficulty and labor-consuming nature of getting highly accurate or matting annotations, there only exists a limited amount of highly accurate labels available to the public. To tackle this challenge, we propose a DiffuMatting which inherits the strong Everything generation ability of diffusion and endows the power of "matting anything". Our DiffuMatting can 1). act as an anything matting factory with high accurate annotations 2). be well-compatible with community LoRAs or various conditional control approaches to achieve the community-friendly art design and controllable generation. Specifically, inspired by green-screen-matting, we aim to teach the diffusion model to paint on a fixed green screen canvas. To this end, a large-scale greenscreen dataset (Green100K) is collected as a training dataset for DiffuMatting. Secondly, a green background control loss is proposed to keep the drawing board as a pure green color to distinguish the foreground and background. To ensure the synthesized object has more edge details, a detailed-enhancement of transition boundary loss is proposed as a guideline to generate objects with more complicated edge structures. Aiming to simultaneously generate the object and its matting annotation, we build a matting head to make a green color removal in the latent space of the VAE decoder. Our DiffuMatting shows several potential applications (e.g., matting-data generator, community-friendly art design and controllable generation). As a matting-data generator, DiffuMatting synthesizes general object and portrait matting sets, effectively reducing the relative MSE error by 15.4% in General Object Matting and 11.4% in Portrait Matting tasks.

cross Domain Adversarial Active Learning for Domain Generalization Classification

Authors: Jianting Chen, Ling Ding, Yunxiao Yang, Zaiyuan Di, Yang Xiang

Abstract: Domain generalization models aim to learn cross-domain knowledge from source domain data, to improve performance on unknown target domains. Recent research has demonstrated that diverse and rich source domain samples can enhance domain generalization capability. This paper argues that the impact of each sample on the model's generalization ability varies. Despite its small scale, a high-quality dataset can still attain a certain level of generalization ability. Motivated by this, we propose a domain-adversarial active learning (DAAL) algorithm for classification tasks in domain generalization. First, we analyze that the objective of tasks is to maximize the inter-class distance within the same domain and minimize the intra-class distance across different domains. To achieve this objective, we design a domain adversarial selection method that prioritizes challenging samples. Second, we posit that even in a converged model, there are subsets of features that lack discriminatory power within each domain. We attempt to identify these feature subsets and optimize them by a constraint loss. We validate and analyze our DAAL algorithm on multiple domain generalization datasets, comparing it with various domain generalization algorithms and active learning algorithms. Our results demonstrate that the DAAL algorithm can achieve strong generalization ability with fewer data resources, thereby reducing data annotation costs in domain generalization tasks.

cross Are You Being Tracked? Discover the Power of Zero-Shot Trajectory Tracing with LLMs!

Authors: Huanqi Yang, Sijie Ji, Rucheng Wu, Weitao Xu

Abstract: There is a burgeoning discussion around the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in acting as fundamental components that can be seamlessly incorporated into Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) to interpret complex trajectories. This study introduces LLMTrack, a model that illustrates how LLMs can be leveraged for Zero-Shot Trajectory Recognition by employing a novel single-prompt technique that combines role-play and think step-by-step methodologies with unprocessed Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data. We evaluate the model using real-world datasets designed to challenge it with distinct trajectories characterized by indoor and outdoor scenarios. In both test scenarios, LLMTrack not only meets but exceeds the performance benchmarks set by traditional machine learning approaches and even contemporary state-of-the-art deep learning models, all without the requirement of training on specialized datasets. The results of our research suggest that, with strategically designed prompts, LLMs can tap into their extensive knowledge base and are well-equipped to analyze raw sensor data with remarkable effectiveness.

cross Limit of the Maximum Random Permutation Set Entropy

Authors: Jiefeng Zhou, Zhen Li, Kang Hao Cheong, Yong Deng

Abstract: The Random Permutation Set (RPS) is a new type of set proposed recently, which can be regarded as the generalization of evidence theory. To measure the uncertainty of RPS, the entropy of RPS and its corresponding maximum entropy have been proposed. Exploring the maximum entropy provides a possible way of understanding the physical meaning of RPS. In this paper, a new concept, the envelope of entropy function, is defined. In addition, the limit of the envelope of RPS entropy is derived and proved. Compared with the existing method, the computational complexity of the proposed method to calculate the envelope of RPS entropy decreases greatly. The result shows that when $N \to \infty$, the limit form of the envelope of the entropy of RPS converges to $e \times (N!)^2$, which is highly connected to the constant $e$ and factorial. Finally, numerical examples validate the efficiency and conciseness of the proposed envelope, which provides a new insight into the maximum entropy function.

cross $V_kD:$ Improving Knowledge Distillation using Orthogonal Projections

Authors: Roy Miles, Ismail Elezi, Jiankang Deng

Abstract: Knowledge distillation is an effective method for training small and efficient deep learning models. However, the efficacy of a single method can degenerate when transferring to other tasks, modalities, or even other architectures. To address this limitation, we propose a novel constrained feature distillation method. This method is derived from a small set of core principles, which results in two emerging components: an orthogonal projection and a task-specific normalisation. Equipped with both of these components, our transformer models can outperform all previous methods on ImageNet and reach up to a 4.4% relative improvement over the previous state-of-the-art methods. To further demonstrate the generality of our method, we apply it to object detection and image generation, whereby we obtain consistent and substantial performance improvements over state-of-the-art. Code and models are publicly available:


cross MoST: Motion Style Transformer between Diverse Action Contents

Authors: Boeun Kim, Jungho Kim, Hyung Jin Chang, Jin Young Choi

Abstract: While existing motion style transfer methods are effective between two motions with identical content, their performance significantly diminishes when transferring style between motions with different contents. This challenge lies in the lack of clear separation between content and style of a motion. To tackle this challenge, we propose a novel motion style transformer that effectively disentangles style from content and generates a plausible motion with transferred style from a source motion. Our distinctive approach to achieving the goal of disentanglement is twofold: (1) a new architecture for motion style transformer with 'part-attentive style modulator across body parts' and 'Siamese encoders that encode style and content features separately'; (2) style disentanglement loss. Our method outperforms existing methods and demonstrates exceptionally high quality, particularly in motion pairs with different contents, without the need for heuristic post-processing. Codes are available at


cross Probabilistic Neural Circuits

Authors: Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires

Abstract: Probabilistic circuits (PCs) have gained prominence in recent years as a versatile framework for discussing probabilistic models that support tractable queries and are yet expressive enough to model complex probability distributions. Nevertheless, tractability comes at a cost: PCs are less expressive than neural networks. In this paper we introduce probabilistic neural circuits (PNCs), which strike a balance between PCs and neural nets in terms of tractability and expressive power. Theoretically, we show that PNCs can be interpreted as deep mixtures of Bayesian networks. Experimentally, we demonstrate that PNCs constitute powerful function approximators.

cross Cooperative Classification and Rationalization for Graph Generalization

Authors: Linan Yue, Qi Liu, Ye Liu, Weibo Gao, Fangzhou Yao, Wenfeng Li

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved impressive results in graph classification tasks, but they struggle to generalize effectively when faced with out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Several approaches have been proposed to address this problem. Among them, one solution is to diversify training distributions in vanilla classification by modifying the data environment, yet accessing the environment information is complex. Besides, another promising approach involves rationalization, extracting invariant rationales for predictions. However, extracting rationales is difficult due to limited learning signals, resulting in less accurate rationales and diminished predictions. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a Cooperative Classification and Rationalization (C2R) method, consisting of the classification and the rationalization module. Specifically, we first assume that multiple environments are available in the classification module. Then, we introduce diverse training distributions using an environment-conditional generative network, enabling robust graph representations. Meanwhile, the rationalization module employs a separator to identify relevant rationale subgraphs while the remaining non-rationale subgraphs are de-correlated with labels. Next, we align graph representations from the classification module with rationale subgraph representations using the knowledge distillation methods, enhancing the learning signal for rationales. Finally, we infer multiple environments by gathering non-rationale representations and incorporate them into the classification module for cooperative learning. Extensive experimental results on both benchmarks and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of C2R. Code is available at


cross Text-Guided Variational Image Generation for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Segmentation

Authors: Mingyu Lee, Jongwon Choi

Abstract: We propose a text-guided variational image generation method to address the challenge of getting clean data for anomaly detection in industrial manufacturing. Our method utilizes text information about the target object, learned from extensive text library documents, to generate non-defective data images resembling the input image. The proposed framework ensures that the generated non-defective images align with anticipated distributions derived from textual and image-based knowledge, ensuring stability and generality. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, surpassing previous methods even with limited non-defective data. Our approach is validated through generalization tests across four baseline models and three distinct datasets. We present an additional analysis to enhance the effectiveness of anomaly detection models by utilizing the generated images.

cross Editing Conceptual Knowledge for Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaohan Wang, Shengyu Mao, Ningyu Zhang, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Yue Shen, Lei Liang, Jinjie Gu, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing interest in knowledge editing for Large Language Models (LLMs). Current approaches and evaluations merely explore the instance-level editing, while whether LLMs possess the capability to modify concepts remains unclear. This paper pioneers the investigation of editing conceptual knowledge for LLMs, by constructing a novel benchmark dataset ConceptEdit and establishing a suite of new metrics for evaluation. The experimental results reveal that, although existing editing methods can efficiently modify concept-level definition to some extent, they also have the potential to distort the related instantial knowledge in LLMs, leading to poor performance. We anticipate this can inspire further progress in better understanding LLMs. Our project homepage is available at


cross Unpacking Tokenization: Evaluating Text Compression and its Correlation with Model Performance

Authors: Omer Goldman, Avi Caciularu, Matan Eyal, Kris Cao, Idan Szpektor, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Despite it being the cornerstone of BPE, the most common tokenization algorithm, the importance of compression in the tokenization process is still unclear. In this paper, we argue for the theoretical importance of compression, that can be viewed as 0-gram language modeling where equal probability is assigned to all tokens. We also demonstrate the empirical importance of compression for downstream success of pre-trained language models. We control the compression ability of several BPE tokenizers by varying the amount of documents available during their training: from 1 million documents to a character-based tokenizer equivalent to no training data at all. We then pre-train English language models based on those tokenizers and fine-tune them over several tasks. We show that there is a correlation between tokenizers' compression and models' downstream performance, suggesting that compression is a reliable intrinsic indicator of tokenization quality. These correlations are more pronounced for generation tasks (over classification) or for smaller models (over large ones). We replicated a representative part of our experiments on Turkish and found similar results, confirming that our results hold for languages with typological characteristics dissimilar to English. We conclude that building better compressing tokenizers is a fruitful avenue for further research and for improving overall model performance.

cross FARPLS: A Feature-Augmented Robot Trajectory Preference Labeling System to Assist Human Labelers' Preference Elicitation

Authors: Hanfang Lyu, Yuanchen Bai, Xin Liang, Ujaan Das, Chuhan Shi, Leiliang Gong, Yingchi Li, Mingfei Sun, Ming Ge, Xiaojuan Ma

Abstract: Preference-based learning aims to align robot task objectives with human values. One of the most common methods to infer human preferences is by pairwise comparisons of robot task trajectories. Traditional comparison-based preference labeling systems seldom support labelers to digest and identify critical differences between complex trajectories recorded in videos. Our formative study (N = 12) suggests that individuals may overlook non-salient task features and establish biased preference criteria during their preference elicitation process because of partial observations. In addition, they may experience mental fatigue when given many pairs to compare, causing their label quality to deteriorate. To mitigate these issues, we propose FARPLS, a Feature-Augmented Robot trajectory Preference Labeling System. FARPLS highlights potential outliers in a wide variety of task features that matter to humans and extracts the corresponding video keyframes for easy review and comparison. It also dynamically adjusts the labeling order according to users' familiarities, difficulties of the trajectory pair, and level of disagreements. At the same time, the system monitors labelers' consistency and provides feedback on labeling progress to keep labelers engaged. A between-subjects study (N = 42, 105 pairs of robot pick-and-place trajectories per person) shows that FARPLS can help users establish preference criteria more easily and notice more relevant details in the presented trajectories than the conventional interface. FARPLS also improves labeling consistency and engagement, mitigating challenges in preference elicitation without raising cognitive loads significantly

cross Physics-Guided Abnormal Trajectory Gap Detection

Authors: Arun Sharma, Shashi Shekhar

Abstract: Given trajectories with gaps (i.e., missing data), we investigate algorithms to identify abnormal gaps in trajectories which occur when a given moving object did not report its location, but other moving objects in the same geographic region periodically did. The problem is important due to its societal applications, such as improving maritime safety and regulatory enforcement for global security concerns such as illegal fishing, illegal oil transfers, and trans-shipments. The problem is challenging due to the difficulty of bounding the possible locations of the moving object during a trajectory gap, and the very high computational cost of detecting gaps in such a large volume of location data. The current literature on anomalous trajectory detection assumes linear interpolation within gaps, which may not be able to detect abnormal gaps since objects within a given region may have traveled away from their shortest path. In preliminary work, we introduced an abnormal gap measure that uses a classical space-time prism model to bound an object's possible movement during the trajectory gap and provided a scalable memoized gap detection algorithm (Memo-AGD). In this paper, we propose a Space Time-Aware Gap Detection (STAGD) approach to leverage space-time indexing and merging of trajectory gaps. We also incorporate a Dynamic Region Merge-based (DRM) approach to efficiently compute gap abnormality scores. We provide theoretical proofs that both algorithms are correct and complete and also provide analysis of asymptotic time complexity. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world maritime trajectory data show that the proposed approach substantially improves computation time over the baseline technique.

cross UNICORN: Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging via Score Matching and Adaptation

Authors: Kwanyoung Kim, Jaa-Yeon Lee, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Nakagami imaging holds promise for visualizing and quantifying tissue scattering in ultrasound waves, with potential applications in tumor diagnosis and fat fraction estimation which are challenging to discern by conventional ultrasound B-mode images. Existing methods struggle with optimal window size selection and suffer from estimator instability, leading to degraded resolution images. To address this, here we propose a novel method called UNICORN (Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging via Score Matching and Adaptation), that offers an accurate, closed-form estimator for Nakagami parameter estimation in terms of the score function of ultrasonic envelope. Extensive experiments using simulation and real ultrasound RF data demonstrate UNICORN's superiority over conventional approaches in accuracy and resolution quality.

cross Understanding and Mitigating Human-Labelling Errors in Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors: Zijun Long, Lipeng Zhuang, George Killick, Richard McCreadie, Gerardo Aragon Camarasa, Paul Henderson

Abstract: Human-annotated vision datasets inevitably contain a fraction of human mislabelled examples. While the detrimental effects of such mislabelling on supervised learning are well-researched, their influence on Supervised Contrastive Learning (SCL) remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we show that human-labelling errors not only differ significantly from synthetic label errors, but also pose unique challenges in SCL, different to those in traditional supervised learning methods. Specifically, our results indicate they adversely impact the learning process in the ~99% of cases when they occur as false positive samples. Existing noise-mitigating methods primarily focus on synthetic label errors and tackle the unrealistic setting of very high synthetic noise rates (40-80%), but they often underperform on common image datasets due to overfitting. To address this issue, we introduce a novel SCL objective with robustness to human-labelling errors, SCL-RHE. SCL-RHE is designed to mitigate the effects of real-world mislabelled examples, typically characterized by much lower noise rates (<5%). We demonstrate that SCL-RHE consistently outperforms state-of-the-art representation learning and noise-mitigating methods across various vision benchmarks, by offering improved resilience against human-labelling errors.

cross Optimal Policy Sparsification and Low Rank Decomposition for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Vikram Goddla

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning(DRL) has shown significant promise in a wide range of applications including computer games and robotics. Yet, training DRL policies consume extraordinary computing resources resulting in dense policies which are prone to overfitting. Moreover, inference with dense DRL policies limit their practical applications, especially in edge computing. Techniques such as pruning and singular value decomposition have been used with deep learning models to achieve sparsification and model compression to limit overfitting and reduce memory consumption. However, these techniques resulted in sub-optimal performance with notable decay in rewards. $L_1$ and $L_2$ regularization techniques have been proposed for neural network sparsification and sparse auto-encoder development, but their implementation in DRL environments has not been apparent. We propose a novel $L_0$-norm-regularization technique using an optimal sparsity map to sparsify DRL policies and promote their decomposition to a lower rank without decay in rewards. We evaluated our $L_0$-norm-regularization technique across five different environments (Cartpole-v1, Acrobat-v1, LunarLander-v2, SuperMarioBros-7.1.v0 and Surgical Robot Learning) using several on-policy and off-policy algorithms. We demonstrated that the $L_0$-norm-regularized DRL policy in the SuperMarioBros environment achieved 93% sparsity and gained 70% compression when subjected to low-rank decomposition, while significantly outperforming the dense policy. Additionally, the $L_0$-norm-regularized DRL policy in the Surgical Robot Learning environment achieved a 36% sparsification and gained 46% compression when decomposed to a lower rank, while being performant. The results suggest that our custom $L_0$-norm-regularization technique for sparsification of DRL policies is a promising avenue to reduce computational resources and limit overfitting.

cross An End-to-End Deep Learning Generative Framework for Refinable Shape Matching and Generation

Authors: Soodeh Kalaie, Andy Bulpitt, Alejandro F. Frangi, Ali Gooya

Abstract: Generative modelling for shapes is a prerequisite for In-Silico Clinical Trials (ISCTs), which aim to cost-effectively validate medical device interventions using synthetic anatomical shapes, often represented as 3D surface meshes. However, constructing AI models to generate shapes closely resembling the real mesh samples is challenging due to variable vertex counts, connectivities, and the lack of dense vertex-wise correspondences across the training data. Employing graph representations for meshes, we develop a novel unsupervised geometric deep-learning model to establish refinable shape correspondences in a latent space, construct a population-derived atlas and generate realistic synthetic shapes. We additionally extend our proposed base model to a joint shape generative-clustering multi-atlas framework to incorporate further variability and preserve more details in the generated shapes. Experimental results using liver and left-ventricular models demonstrate the approach's applicability to computational medicine, highlighting its suitability for ISCTs through a comparative analysis.

cross Leveraging Computer Vision in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for Examining Visitation and Mobility

Authors: Scott Siegel, Jiaqing Zhang, Sabyasachi Bandyopadhyay, Subhash Nerella, Brandon Silva, Tezcan Baslanti, Azra Bihorac, Parisa Rashidi

Abstract: Despite the importance of closely monitoring patients in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU), many aspects are still assessed in a limited manner due to the time constraints imposed on healthcare providers. For example, although excessive visitations during rest hours can potentially exacerbate the risk of circadian rhythm disruption and delirium, it is not captured in the ICU. Likewise, while mobility can be an important indicator of recovery or deterioration in ICU patients, it is only captured sporadically or not captured at all. In the past few years, the computer vision field has found application in many domains by reducing the human burden. Using computer vision systems in the ICU can also potentially enable non-existing assessments or enhance the frequency and accuracy of existing assessments while reducing the staff workload. In this study, we leverage a state-of-the-art noninvasive computer vision system based on depth imaging to characterize ICU visitations and patients' mobility. We then examine the relationship between visitation and several patient outcomes, such as pain, acuity, and delirium. We found an association between deteriorating patient acuity and the incidence of delirium with increased visitations. In contrast, self-reported pain, reported using the Defense and Veteran Pain Rating Scale (DVPRS), was correlated with decreased visitations. Our findings highlight the feasibility and potential of using noninvasive autonomous systems to monitor ICU patients.

cross From Instructions to Constraints: Language Model Alignment with Automatic Constraint Verification

Authors: Fei Wang, Chao Shang, Sarthak Jain, Shuai Wang, Qiang Ning, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli, Yassine Benajiba, Dan Roth

Abstract: User alignment is crucial for adapting general-purpose language models (LMs) to downstream tasks, but human annotations are often not available for all types of instructions, especially those with customized constraints. We observe that user instructions typically contain constraints. While assessing response quality in terms of the whole instruction is often costly, efficiently evaluating the satisfaction rate of constraints is feasible. We investigate common constraints in NLP tasks, categorize them into three classes based on the types of their arguments, and propose a unified framework, ACT (Aligning to ConsTraints), to automatically produce supervision signals for user alignment with constraints. Specifically, ACT uses constraint verifiers, which are typically easy to implement in practice, to compute constraint satisfaction rate (CSR) of each response. It samples multiple responses for each prompt and collect preference labels based on their CSR automatically. Subsequently, ACT adapts the LM to the target task through a ranking-based learning process. Experiments on fine-grained entity typing, abstractive summarization, and temporal question answering show that ACT is able to enhance LMs' capability to adhere to different classes of constraints, thereby improving task performance. Further experiments show that the constraint-following capabilities are transferable.

cross Exploiting the Margin: How Capitalism Fuels AI at the Expense of Minoritized Groups

Authors: Nelson Col\'on Vargas

Abstract: This article investigates the complex nexus of capitalism, racial oppression, and artificial intelligence (AI), revealing how these elements coalesce to deepen social inequities. By tracing the historical exploitation of marginalized communities through capitalist practices, the study demonstrates how AI technologies not only reflect but also amplify societal biases, particularly in exacerbating racial disparities. Through a focused analysis, the paper presents how AI's development and application exploit marginalized groups via mechanisms such as gig economy labor abuses, biased facial recognition technologies, and the disproportionate mental health burdens placed on these communities. These examples underscore the critical role of AI in reinforcing and intensifying existing inequalities. Concluding that unregulated AI significantly threatens to compound current oppressions, the article calls for a concerted effort towards responsible AI development. This entails adopting a holistic approach that rectifies systemic flaws and champions the empowerment of marginalized individuals, ensuring that technological advancement contributes to societal healing rather than perpetuating cycles of exploitation.

cross MOAB: Multi-Modal Outer Arithmetic Block For Fusion Of Histopathological Images And Genetic Data For Brain Tumor Grading

Authors: Omnia AlwazzanSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Queen Mary Digital Environment Research Institute, Abbas KhanSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Queen Mary Digital Environment Research Institute, Ioannis PatrasSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Queen Mary Digital Environment Research Institute, Gregory SlabaughSchool of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, Queen Mary University of London, UK, Queen Mary Digital Environment Research Institute

Abstract: Brain tumors are an abnormal growth of cells in the brain. They can be classified into distinct grades based on their growth. Often grading is performed based on a histological image and is one of the most significant predictors of a patients prognosis, the higher the grade, the more aggressive the tumor. Correct diagnosis of a tumor grade remains challenging. Though histopathological grading has been shown to be prognostic, results are subject to interobserver variability, even among experienced pathologists. Recently, the World Health Organization reported that advances in molecular genetics have led to improvements in tumor classification. This paper seeks to integrate histological images and genetic data for improved computer-aided diagnosis. We propose a novel Multi-modal Outer Arithmetic Block (MOAB) based on arithmetic operations to combine latent representations of the different modalities for predicting the tumor grade (Grade \rom{2}, \rom{3} and \rom{4}). Extensive experiments evaluate the effectiveness of our approach. By applying MOAB to The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) glioma dataset, we show that it can improve separation between similar classes (Grade \rom{2} and \rom{3}) and outperform prior state-of-the-art grade classification techniques.

cross Video Generation with Consistency Tuning

Authors: Chaoyi Wang, Yaozhe Song, Yafeng Zhang, Jun Pei, Lijie Xia, Jianpo Liu

Abstract: Currently, various studies have been exploring generation of long videos. However, the generated frames in these videos often exhibit jitter and noise. Therefore, in order to generate the videos without these noise, we propose a novel framework composed of four modules: separate tuning module, average fusion module, combined tuning module, and inter-frame consistency module. By applying our newly proposed modules subsequently, the consistency of the background and foreground in each video frames is optimized. Besides, the experimental results demonstrate that videos generated by our method exhibit a high quality in comparison of the state-of-the-art methods.

cross Human and Automatic Interpretation of Romanian Noun Compounds

Authors: Ioana Marinescu, Christiane Fellbaum

Abstract: Determining the intended, context-dependent meanings of noun compounds like "shoe sale" and "fire sale" remains a challenge for NLP. Previous work has relied on inventories of semantic relations that capture the different meanings between compound members. Focusing on Romanian compounds, whose morphosyntax differs from that of their English counterparts, we propose a new set of relations and test it with human annotators and a neural net classifier. Results show an alignment of the network's predictions and human judgments, even where the human agreement rate is low. Agreement tracks with the frequency of the selected relations, regardless of structural differences. However, the most frequently selected relation was none of the sixteen labeled semantic relations, indicating the need for a better relation inventory.

cross Pre-Trained Model Recommendation for Downstream Fine-tuning

Authors: Jiameng Bai, Sai Wu, Jie Song, Junbo Zhao, Gang Chen

Abstract: As a fundamental problem in transfer learning, model selection aims to rank off-the-shelf pre-trained models and select the most suitable one for the new target task. Existing model selection techniques are often constrained in their scope and tend to overlook the nuanced relationships between models and tasks. In this paper, we present a pragmatic framework \textbf{Fennec}, delving into a diverse, large-scale model repository while meticulously considering the intricate connections between tasks and models. The key insight is to map all models and historical tasks into a transfer-related subspace, where the distance between model vectors and task vectors represents the magnitude of transferability. A large vision model, as a proxy, infers a new task's representation in the transfer space, thereby circumventing the computational burden of extensive forward passes. We also investigate the impact of the inherent inductive bias of models on transfer results and propose a novel method called \textbf{archi2vec} to encode the intricate structures of models. The transfer score is computed through straightforward vector arithmetic with a time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(1)$. Finally, we make a substantial contribution to the field by releasing a comprehensive benchmark. We validate the effectiveness of our framework through rigorous testing on two benchmarks. The benchmark and the code will be publicly available in the near future.

cross DeepSafeMPC: Deep Learning-Based Model Predictive Control for Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Xuefeng Wang, Henglin Pu, Hyung Jun Kim, Husheng Li

Abstract: Safe Multi-agent reinforcement learning (safe MARL) has increasingly gained attention in recent years, emphasizing the need for agents to not only optimize the global return but also adhere to safety requirements through behavioral constraints. Some recent work has integrated control theory with multi-agent reinforcement learning to address the challenge of ensuring safety. However, there have been only very limited applications of Model Predictive Control (MPC) methods in this domain, primarily due to the complex and implicit dynamics characteristic of multi-agent environments. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel method called Deep Learning-Based Model Predictive Control for Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (DeepSafeMPC). The key insight of DeepSafeMPC is leveraging a entralized deep learning model to well predict environmental dynamics. Our method applies MARL principles to search for optimal solutions. Through the employment of MPC, the actions of agents can be restricted within safe states concurrently. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using the Safe Multi-agent MuJoCo environment, showcasing significant advancements in addressing safety concerns in MARL.

cross On the Diminishing Returns of Width for Continual Learning

Authors: Etash Guha, Vihan Lakshman

Abstract: While deep neural networks have demonstrated groundbreaking performance in various settings, these models often suffer from \emph{catastrophic forgetting} when trained on new tasks in sequence. Several works have empirically demonstrated that increasing the width of a neural network leads to a decrease in catastrophic forgetting but have yet to characterize the exact relationship between width and continual learning. We design one of the first frameworks to analyze Continual Learning Theory and prove that width is directly related to forgetting in Feed-Forward Networks (FFN). Specifically, we demonstrate that increasing network widths to reduce forgetting yields diminishing returns. We empirically verify our claims at widths hitherto unexplored in prior studies where the diminishing returns are clearly observed as predicted by our theory.

cross What Makes Quantization for Large Language Models Hard? An Empirical Study from the Lens of Perturbation

Authors: Zhuocheng Gong, Jiahao Liu, Jingang Wang, Xunliang Cai, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan

Abstract: Quantization has emerged as a promising technique for improving the memory and computational efficiency of large language models (LLMs). Though the trade-off between performance and efficiency is well-known, there is still much to be learned about the relationship between quantization and LLM performance. To shed light on this relationship, we propose a new perspective on quantization, viewing it as perturbations added to the weights and activations of LLMs. We call this approach "the lens of perturbation". Using this lens, we conduct experiments with various artificial perturbations to explore their impact on LLM performance. Our findings reveal several connections between the properties of perturbations and LLM performance, providing insights into the failure cases of uniform quantization and suggesting potential solutions to improve the robustness of LLM quantization. To demonstrate the significance of our findings, we implement a simple non-uniform quantization approach based on our insights. Our experiments show that this approach achieves minimal performance degradation on both 4-bit weight quantization and 8-bit quantization for weights and activations. These results validate the correctness of our approach and highlight its potential to improve the efficiency of LLMs without sacrificing performance.

cross A Logical Pattern Memory Pre-trained Model for Entailment Tree Generation

Authors: Li Yuan, Yi Cai, Haopeng Ren, Jiexin Wang

Abstract: Generating coherent and credible explanations remains a significant challenge in the field of AI. In recent years, researchers have delved into the utilization of entailment trees to depict explanations, which exhibit a reasoning process of how a hypothesis is deduced from the supporting facts. However, existing models often overlook the importance of generating intermediate conclusions with logical consistency from the given facts, leading to inaccurate conclusions and undermining the overall credibility of entailment trees. To address this limitation, we propose the logical pattern memory pre-trained model (LMPM). LMPM incorporates an external memory structure to learn and store the latent representations of logical patterns, which aids in generating logically consistent conclusions. Furthermore, to mitigate the influence of logically irrelevant domain knowledge in the Wikipedia-based data, we introduce an entity abstraction approach to construct the dataset for pre-training LMPM. The experimental results highlight the effectiveness of our approach in improving the quality of entailment tree generation. By leveraging logical entailment patterns, our model produces more coherent and reasonable conclusions that closely align with the underlying premises. Code and Data are released at


cross RLingua: Improving Reinforcement Learning Sample Efficiency in Robotic Manipulations With Large Language Models

Authors: Liangliang Chen, Yutian Lei, Shiyu Jin, Ying Zhang, Liangjun Zhang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated its capability in solving various tasks but is notorious for its low sample efficiency. In this paper, we propose RLingua, a framework that can leverage the internal knowledge of large language models (LLMs) to reduce the sample complexity of RL in robotic manipulations. To this end, we first present how to extract the prior knowledge of LLMs by prompt engineering so that a preliminary rule-based robot controller for a specific task can be generated. Despite being imperfect, the LLM-generated robot controller is utilized to produce action samples during rollouts with a decaying probability, thereby improving RL's sample efficiency. We employ the actor-critic framework and modify the actor loss to regularize the policy learning towards the LLM-generated controller. RLingua also provides a novel method of improving the imperfect LLM-generated robot controllers by RL. We demonstrated that RLingua can significantly reduce the sample complexity of TD3 in the robot tasks of panda_gym and achieve high success rates in sparsely rewarded robot tasks in RLBench, where the standard TD3 fails. Additionally, We validated RLingua's effectiveness in real-world robot experiments through Sim2Real, demonstrating that the learned policies are effectively transferable to real robot tasks. Further details and videos about our work are available at our project website


cross A Differential Geometric View and Explainability of GNN on Evolving Graphs

Authors: Yazheng Liu, Xi Zhang, Sihong Xie

Abstract: Graphs are ubiquitous in social networks and biochemistry, where Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are the state-of-the-art models for prediction. Graphs can be evolving and it is vital to formally model and understand how a trained GNN responds to graph evolution. We propose a smooth parameterization of the GNN predicted distributions using axiomatic attribution, where the distributions are on a low-dimensional manifold within a high-dimensional embedding space. We exploit the differential geometric viewpoint to model distributional evolution as smooth curves on the manifold. We reparameterize families of curves on the manifold and design a convex optimization problem to find a unique curve that concisely approximates the distributional evolution for human interpretation. Extensive experiments on node classification, link prediction, and graph classification tasks with evolving graphs demonstrate the better sparsity, faithfulness, and intuitiveness of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art methods.

cross Fine-Grained Pillar Feature Encoding Via Spatio-Temporal Virtual Grid for 3D Object Detection

Authors: Konyul Park, Yecheol Kim, Junho Koh, Byungwoo Park, Jun Won Choi

Abstract: Developing high-performance, real-time architectures for LiDAR-based 3D object detectors is essential for the successful commercialization of autonomous vehicles. Pillar-based methods stand out as a practical choice for onboard deployment due to their computational efficiency. However, despite their efficiency, these methods can sometimes underperform compared to alternative point encoding techniques such as Voxel-encoding or PointNet++. We argue that current pillar-based methods have not sufficiently captured the fine-grained distributions of LiDAR points within each pillar structure. Consequently, there exists considerable room for improvement in pillar feature encoding. In this paper, we introduce a novel pillar encoding architecture referred to as Fine-Grained Pillar Feature Encoding (FG-PFE). FG-PFE utilizes Spatio-Temporal Virtual (STV) grids to capture the distribution of point clouds within each pillar across vertical, temporal, and horizontal dimensions. Through STV grids, points within each pillar are individually encoded using Vertical PFE (V-PFE), Temporal PFE (T-PFE), and Horizontal PFE (H-PFE). These encoded features are then aggregated through an Attentive Pillar Aggregation method. Our experiments conducted on the nuScenes dataset demonstrate that FG-PFE achieves significant performance improvements over baseline models such as PointPillar, CenterPoint-Pillar, and PillarNet, with only a minor increase in computational overhead.

cross CoRAL: Collaborative Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models Improve Long-tail Recommendation

Authors: Junda Wu, Cheng-Chun Chang, Tong Yu, Zhankui He, Jianing Wang, Yupeng Hou, Julian McAuley

Abstract: The long-tail recommendation is a challenging task for traditional recommender systems, due to data sparsity and data imbalance issues. The recent development of large language models (LLMs) has shown their abilities in complex reasoning, which can help to deduce users' preferences based on very few previous interactions. However, since most LLM-based systems rely on items' semantic meaning as the sole evidence for reasoning, the collaborative information of user-item interactions is neglected, which can cause the LLM's reasoning to be misaligned with task-specific collaborative information of the dataset. To further align LLMs' reasoning to task-specific user-item interaction knowledge, we introduce collaborative retrieval-augmented LLMs, CoRAL, which directly incorporate collaborative evidence into the prompts. Based on the retrieved user-item interactions, the LLM can analyze shared and distinct preferences among users, and summarize the patterns indicating which types of users would be attracted by certain items. The retrieved collaborative evidence prompts the LLM to align its reasoning with the user-item interaction patterns in the dataset. However, since the capacity of the input prompt is limited, finding the minimally-sufficient collaborative information for recommendation tasks can be challenging. We propose to find the optimal interaction set through a sequential decision-making process and develop a retrieval policy learned through a reinforcement learning (RL) framework, CoRAL. Our experimental results show that CoRAL can significantly improve LLMs' reasoning abilities on specific recommendation tasks. Our analysis also reveals that CoRAL can more efficiently explore collaborative information through reinforcement learning.

cross Unsupervised Real-Time Hallucination Detection based on the Internal States of Large Language Models

Authors: Weihang Su, Changyue Wang, Qingyao Ai, Yiran HU, Zhijing Wu, Yujia Zhou, Yiqun Liu

Abstract: Hallucinations in large language models (LLMs) refer to the phenomenon of LLMs producing responses that are coherent yet factually inaccurate. This issue undermines the effectiveness of LLMs in practical applications, necessitating research into detecting and mitigating hallucinations of LLMs. Previous studies have mainly concentrated on post-processing techniques for hallucination detection, which tend to be computationally intensive and limited in effectiveness due to their separation from the LLM's inference process. To overcome these limitations, we introduce MIND, an unsupervised training framework that leverages the internal states of LLMs for real-time hallucination detection without requiring manual annotations. Additionally, we present HELM, a new benchmark for evaluating hallucination detection across multiple LLMs, featuring diverse LLM outputs and the internal states of LLMs during their inference process. Our experiments demonstrate that MIND outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods in hallucination detection.

cross RecAI: Leveraging Large Language Models for Next-Generation Recommender Systems

Authors: Jianxun Lian, Yuxuan Lei, Xu Huang, Jing Yao, Wei Xu, Xing Xie

Abstract: This paper introduces RecAI, a practical toolkit designed to augment or even revolutionize recommender systems with the advanced capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). RecAI provides a suite of tools, including Recommender AI Agent, Recommendation-oriented Language Models, Knowledge Plugin, RecExplainer, and Evaluator, to facilitate the integration of LLMs into recommender systems from multifaceted perspectives. The new generation of recommender systems, empowered by LLMs, are expected to be more versatile, explainable, conversational, and controllable, paving the way for more intelligent and user-centric recommendation experiences. We hope the open-source of RecAI can help accelerate evolution of new advanced recommender systems. The source code of RecAI is available at \url{}.


cross RL-MSA: a Reinforcement Learning-based Multi-line bus Scheduling Approach

Authors: Yingzhuo Liu

Abstract: Multiple Line Bus Scheduling Problem (MLBSP) is vital to save operational cost of bus company and guarantee service quality for passengers. Existing approaches typically generate a bus scheduling scheme in an offline manner and then schedule buses according to the scheme. In practice, uncertain events such as traffic congestion occur frequently, which may make the pre-determined bus scheduling scheme infeasible. In this paper, MLBSP is modeled as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). A Reinforcement Learning-based Multi-line bus Scheduling Approach (RL-MSA) is proposed for bus scheduling at both the offline and online phases. At the offline phase, deadhead decision is integrated into bus selection decision for the first time to simplify the learning problem. At the online phase, deadhead decision is made through a time window mechanism based on the policy learned at the offline phase. We develop several new and useful state features including the features for control points, bus lines and buses. A bus priority screening mechanism is invented to construct bus-related features. Considering the interests of both the bus company and passengers, a reward function combining the final reward and the step-wise reward is devised. Experiments at the offline phase demonstrate that the number of buses used of RL-MSA is decreased compared with offline optimization approaches. At the online phase, RL-MSA can cover all departure times in a timetable (i.e., service quality) without increasing the number of buses used (i.e., operational cost).

cross Ada-Tracker: Soft Tissue Tracking via Inter-Frame and Adaptive-Template Matching

Authors: Jiaxin Guo, Jiangliu Wang, Zhaoshuo Li, Tongyu Jia, Qi Dou, Yun-Hui Liu

Abstract: Soft tissue tracking is crucial for computer-assisted interventions. Existing approaches mainly rely on extracting discriminative features from the template and videos to recover corresponding matches. However, it is difficult to adopt these techniques in surgical scenes, where tissues are changing in shape and appearance throughout the surgery. To address this problem, we exploit optical flow to naturally capture the pixel-wise tissue deformations and adaptively correct the tracked template. Specifically, we first implement an inter-frame matching mechanism to extract a coarse region of interest based on optical flow from consecutive frames. To accommodate appearance change and alleviate drift, we then propose an adaptive-template matching method, which updates the tracked template based on the reliability of the estimates. Our approach, Ada-Tracker, enjoys both short-term dynamics modeling by capturing local deformations and long-term dynamics modeling by introducing global temporal compensation. We evaluate our approach on the public SurgT benchmark, which is generated from Hamlyn, SCARED, and Kidney boundary datasets. The experimental results show that Ada-Tracker achieves superior accuracy and performs more robustly against prior works. Code is available at


cross Structure Your Data: Towards Semantic Graph Counterfactuals

Authors: Angeliki Dimitriou, Maria Lymperaiou, Giorgos Filandrianos, Konstantinos Thomas, Giorgos Stamou

Abstract: Counterfactual explanations (CEs) based on concepts are explanations that consider alternative scenarios to understand which high-level semantic features contributed to particular model predictions. In this work, we propose CEs based on the semantic graphs accompanying input data to achieve more descriptive, accurate, and human-aligned explanations. Building upon state-of-the-art (SoTA) conceptual attempts, we adopt a model-agnostic edit-based approach and introduce leveraging GNNs for efficient Graph Edit Distance (GED) computation. With a focus on the visual domain, we represent images as scene graphs and obtain their GNN embeddings to bypass solving the NP-hard graph similarity problem for all input pairs, an integral part of the CE computation process. We apply our method to benchmark and real-world datasets with varying difficulty and availability of semantic annotations. Testing on diverse classifiers, we find that our CEs outperform previous SoTA explanation models based on semantics, including both white and black-box as well as conceptual and pixel-level approaches. Their superiority is proven quantitatively and qualitatively, as validated by human subjects, highlighting the significance of leveraging semantic edges in the presence of intricate relationships. Our model-agnostic graph-based approach is widely applicable and easily extensible, producing actionable explanations across different contexts.

cross Active Generation for Image Classification

Authors: Tao Huang, Jiaqi Liu, Shan You, Chang Xu

Abstract: Recently, the growing capabilities of deep generative models have underscored their potential in enhancing image classification accuracy. However, existing methods often demand the generation of a disproportionately large number of images compared to the original dataset, while having only marginal improvements in accuracy. This computationally expensive and time-consuming process hampers the practicality of such approaches. In this paper, we propose to address the efficiency of image generation by focusing on the specific needs and characteristics of the model. With a central tenet of active learning, our method, named ActGen, takes a training-aware approach to image generation. It aims to create images akin to the challenging or misclassified samples encountered by the current model and incorporates these generated images into the training set to augment model performance. ActGen introduces an attentive image guidance technique, using real images as guides during the denoising process of a diffusion model. The model's attention on class prompt is leveraged to ensure the preservation of similar foreground object while diversifying the background. Furthermore, we introduce a gradient-based generation guidance method, which employs two losses to generate more challenging samples and prevent the generated images from being too similar to previously generated ones. Experimental results on the CIFAR and ImageNet datasets demonstrate that our method achieves better performance with a significantly reduced number of generated images.

cross How to Understand Named Entities: Using Common Sense for News Captioning

Authors: Ning Xu, Yanhui Wang, Tingting Zhang, Hongshuo Tian, Mohan Kankanhalli, An-An Liu

Abstract: News captioning aims to describe an image with its news article body as input. It greatly relies on a set of detected named entities, including real-world people, organizations, and places. This paper exploits commonsense knowledge to understand named entities for news captioning. By ``understand'', we mean correlating the news content with common sense in the wild, which helps an agent to 1) distinguish semantically similar named entities and 2) describe named entities using words outside of training corpora. Our approach consists of three modules: (a) Filter Module aims to clarify the common sense concerning a named entity from two aspects: what does it mean? and what is it related to?, which divide the common sense into explanatory knowledge and relevant knowledge, respectively. (b) Distinguish Module aggregates explanatory knowledge from node-degree, dependency, and distinguish three aspects to distinguish semantically similar named entities. (c) Enrich Module attaches relevant knowledge to named entities to enrich the entity description by commonsense information (e.g., identity and social position). Finally, the probability distributions from both modules are integrated to generate the news captions. Extensive experiments on two challenging datasets (i.e., GoodNews and NYTimes) demonstrate the superiority of our method. Ablation studies and visualization further validate its effectiveness in understanding named entities.

cross Tactical Decision Making for Autonomous Trucks by Deep Reinforcement Learning with Total Cost of Operation Based Reward

Authors: Deepthi Pathare, Leo Laine, Morteza Haghir Chehreghani

Abstract: We develop a deep reinforcement learning framework for tactical decision making in an autonomous truck, specifically for Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and lane change maneuvers in a highway scenario. Our results demonstrate that it is beneficial to separate high-level decision-making processes and low-level control actions between the reinforcement learning agent and the low-level controllers based on physical models. In the following, we study optimizing the performance with a realistic and multi-objective reward function based on Total Cost of Operation (TCOP) of the truck using different approaches; by adding weights to reward components, by normalizing the reward components and by using curriculum learning techniques.

cross SARDet-100K: Towards Open-Source Benchmark and ToolKit for Large-Scale SAR Object Detection

Authors: Yuxuan Li, Xiang Li, Weijie Li, Qibin Hou, Li Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jian Yang

Abstract: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) object detection has gained significant attention recently due to its irreplaceable all-weather imaging capabilities. However, this research field suffers from both limited public datasets (mostly comprising <2K images with only mono-category objects) and inaccessible source code. To tackle these challenges, we establish a new benchmark dataset and an open-source method for large-scale SAR object detection. Our dataset, SARDet-100K, is a result of intense surveying, collecting, and standardizing 10 existing SAR detection datasets, providing a large-scale and diverse dataset for research purposes. To the best of our knowledge, SARDet-100K is the first COCO-level large-scale multi-class SAR object detection dataset ever created. With this high-quality dataset, we conducted comprehensive experiments and uncovered a crucial challenge in SAR object detection: the substantial disparities between the pretraining on RGB datasets and finetuning on SAR datasets in terms of both data domain and model structure. To bridge these gaps, we propose a novel Multi-Stage with Filter Augmentation (MSFA) pretraining framework that tackles the problems from the perspective of data input, domain transition, and model migration. The proposed MSFA method significantly enhances the performance of SAR object detection models while demonstrating exceptional generalizability and flexibility across diverse models. This work aims to pave the way for further advancements in SAR object detection. The dataset and code is available at


cross Decentralized and Lifelong-Adaptive Multi-Agent Collaborative Learning

Authors: Shuo Tang, Rui Ye, Chenxin Xu, Xiaowen Dong, Siheng Chen, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Decentralized and lifelong-adaptive multi-agent collaborative learning aims to enhance collaboration among multiple agents without a central server, with each agent solving varied tasks over time. To achieve efficient collaboration, agents should: i) autonomously identify beneficial collaborative relationships in a decentralized manner; and ii) adapt to dynamically changing task observations. In this paper, we propose DeLAMA, a decentralized multi-agent lifelong collaborative learning algorithm with dynamic collaboration graphs. To promote autonomous collaboration relationship learning, we propose a decentralized graph structure learning algorithm, eliminating the need for external priors. To facilitate adaptation to dynamic tasks, we design a memory unit to capture the agents' accumulated learning history and knowledge, while preserving finite storage consumption. To further augment the system's expressive capabilities and computational efficiency, we apply algorithm unrolling, leveraging the advantages of both mathematical optimization and neural networks. This allows the agents to `learn to collaborate' through the supervision of training tasks. Our theoretical analysis verifies that inter-agent collaboration is communication efficient under a small number of communication rounds. The experimental results verify its ability to facilitate the discovery of collaboration strategies and adaptation to dynamic learning scenarios, achieving a 98.80% reduction in MSE and a 188.87% improvement in classification accuracy. We expect our work can serve as a foundational technique to facilitate future works towards an intelligent, decentralized, and dynamic multi-agent system. Code is available at


cross ReStainGAN: Leveraging IHC to IF Stain Domain Translation for in-silico Data Generation

Authors: Dominik Winter, Nicolas Triltsch, Philipp Plewa, Marco Rosati, Thomas Padel, Ross Hill, Markus Schick, Nicolas Brieu

Abstract: The creation of in-silico datasets can expand the utility of existing annotations to new domains with different staining patterns in computational pathology. As such, it has the potential to significantly lower the cost associated with building large and pixel precise datasets needed to train supervised deep learning models. We propose a novel approach for the generation of in-silico immunohistochemistry (IHC) images by disentangling morphology specific IHC stains into separate image channels in immunofluorescence (IF) images. The proposed approach qualitatively and quantitatively outperforms baseline methods as proven by training nucleus segmentation models on the created in-silico datasets.

cross ContextGPT: Infusing LLMs Knowledge into Neuro-Symbolic Activity Recognition Models

Authors: Luca Arrotta, Claudio Bettini, Gabriele Civitarese, Michele Fiori

Abstract: Context-aware Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a hot research area in mobile computing, and the most effective solutions in the literature are based on supervised deep learning models. However, the actual deployment of these systems is limited by the scarcity of labeled data that is required for training. Neuro-Symbolic AI (NeSy) provides an interesting research direction to mitigate this issue, by infusing common-sense knowledge about human activities and the contexts in which they can be performed into HAR deep learning classifiers. Existing NeSy methods for context-aware HAR rely on knowledge encoded in logic-based models (e.g., ontologies) whose design, implementation, and maintenance to capture new activities and contexts require significant human engineering efforts, technical knowledge, and domain expertise. Recent works show that pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) effectively encode common-sense knowledge about human activities. In this work, we propose ContextGPT: a novel prompt engineering approach to retrieve from LLMs common-sense knowledge about the relationship between human activities and the context in which they are performed. Unlike ontologies, ContextGPT requires limited human effort and expertise. An extensive evaluation carried out on two public datasets shows how a NeSy model obtained by infusing common-sense knowledge from ContextGPT is effective in data scarcity scenarios, leading to similar (and sometimes better) recognition rates than logic-based approaches with a fraction of the effort.

cross Exploiting Style Latent Flows for Generalizing Deepfake Detection Video Detection

Authors: Jongwook Choi, Taehoon Kim, Yonghyun Jeong, Seungryul Baek, Jongwon Choi

Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for the detection of fake videos, based on the analysis of style latent vectors and their abnormal behavior in temporal changes in the generated videos. We discovered that the generated facial videos suffer from the temporal distinctiveness in the temporal changes of style latent vectors, which are inevitable during the generation of temporally stable videos with various facial expressions and geometric transformations. Our framework utilizes the StyleGRU module, trained by contrastive learning, to represent the dynamic properties of style latent vectors. Additionally, we introduce a style attention module that integrates StyleGRU-generated features with content-based features, enabling the detection of visual and temporal artifacts. We demonstrate our approach across various benchmark scenarios in deepfake detection, showing its superiority in cross-dataset and cross-manipulation scenarios. Through further analysis, we also validate the importance of using temporal changes of style latent vectors to improve the generality of deepfake video detection.

cross Cross-domain and Cross-dimension Learning for Image-to-Graph Transformers

Authors: Alexander H. Berger, Laurin Lux, Suprosanna Shit, Ivan Ezhov, Georgios Kaissis, Martin J. Menten, Daniel Rueckert, Johannes C. Paetzold

Abstract: Direct image-to-graph transformation is a challenging task that solves object detection and relationship prediction in a single model. Due to the complexity of this task, large training datasets are rare in many domains, which makes the training of large networks challenging. This data sparsity necessitates the establishment of pre-training strategies akin to the state-of-the-art in computer vision. In this work, we introduce a set of methods enabling cross-domain and cross-dimension transfer learning for image-to-graph transformers. We propose (1) a regularized edge sampling loss for sampling the optimal number of object relationships (edges) across domains, (2) a domain adaptation framework for image-to-graph transformers that aligns features from different domains, and (3) a simple projection function that allows us to pretrain 3D transformers on 2D input data. We demonstrate our method's utility in cross-domain and cross-dimension experiments, where we pretrain our models on 2D satellite images before applying them to vastly different target domains in 2D and 3D. Our method consistently outperforms a series of baselines on challenging benchmarks, such as retinal or whole-brain vessel graph extraction.

cross Guiding Clinical Reasoning with Large Language Models via Knowledge Seeds

Authors: Jiageng WU, Xian Wu, Jie Yang

Abstract: Clinical reasoning refers to the cognitive process that physicians employ in evaluating and managing patients. This process typically involves suggesting necessary examinations, diagnosing patients' diseases, and deciding on appropriate therapies, etc. Accurate clinical reasoning requires extensive medical knowledge and rich clinical experience, setting a high bar for physicians. This is particularly challenging in developing countries due to the overwhelming number of patients and limited physician resources, contributing significantly to global health inequity and necessitating automated clinical reasoning approaches. Recently, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 have demonstrated their potential in clinical reasoning. However, these LLMs are prone to hallucination problems, and the reasoning process of LLMs may not align with the clinical decision path of physicians. In this study, we introduce a novel framework, In-Context Padding (ICP), designed to enhance LLMs with medical knowledge. Specifically, we infer critical clinical reasoning elements (referred to as knowledge seeds) and use these as anchors to guide the generation process of LLMs. Experiments on two clinical question datasets demonstrate that ICP significantly improves the clinical reasoning ability of LLMs.

cross MedKP: Medical Dialogue with Knowledge Enhancement and Clinical Pathway Encoding

Authors: Jiageng Wu, Xian Wu, Yefeng Zheng, Jie Yang

Abstract: With appropriate data selection and training techniques, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional success in various medical examinations and multiple-choice questions. However, the application of LLMs in medical dialogue generation-a task more closely aligned with actual medical practice-has been less explored. This gap is attributed to the insufficient medical knowledge of LLMs, which leads to inaccuracies and hallucinated information in the generated medical responses. In this work, we introduce the Medical dialogue with Knowledge enhancement and clinical Pathway encoding (MedKP) framework, which integrates an external knowledge enhancement module through a medical knowledge graph and an internal clinical pathway encoding via medical entities and physician actions. Evaluated with comprehensive metrics, our experiments on two large-scale, real-world online medical consultation datasets (MedDG and KaMed) demonstrate that MedKP surpasses multiple baselines and mitigates the incidence of hallucinations, achieving a new state-of-the-art. Extensive ablation studies further reveal the effectiveness of each component of MedKP. This enhancement advances the development of reliable, automated medical consultation responses using LLMs, thereby broadening the potential accessibility of precise and real-time medical assistance.

cross Forest Inspection Dataset for Aerial Semantic Segmentation and Depth Estimation

Authors: Bianca-Cerasela-Zelia Blaga, Sergiu Nedevschi

Abstract: Humans use UAVs to monitor changes in forest environments since they are lightweight and provide a large variety of surveillance data. However, their information does not present enough details for understanding the scene which is needed to assess the degree of deforestation. Deep learning algorithms must be trained on large amounts of data to output accurate interpretations, but ground truth recordings of annotated forest imagery are not available. To solve this problem, we introduce a new large aerial dataset for forest inspection which contains both real-world and virtual recordings of natural environments, with densely annotated semantic segmentation labels and depth maps, taken in different illumination conditions, at various altitudes and recording angles. We test the performance of two multi-scale neural networks for solving the semantic segmentation task (HRNet and PointFlow network), studying the impact of the various acquisition conditions and the capabilities of transfer learning from virtual to real data. Our results showcase that the best results are obtained when the training is done on a dataset containing a large variety of scenarios, rather than separating the data into specific categories. We also develop a framework to assess the deforestation degree of an area.

cross Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of Few-Shot Learning for Object Detection in Industrial Settings

Authors: Georgios Tsoumplekas, Vladislav Li, Ilias Siniosoglou, Vasileios Argyriou, Sotirios K. Goudos, Ioannis D. Moscholios, Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis

Abstract: In the ever-evolving era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), model performance has constituted a key metric driving innovation, leading to an exponential growth in model size and complexity. However, sustainability and energy efficiency have been critical requirements during deployment in contemporary industrial settings, necessitating the use of data-efficient approaches such as few-shot learning. In this paper, to alleviate the burden of lengthy model training and minimize energy consumption, a finetuning approach to adapt standard object detection models to downstream tasks is examined. Subsequently, a thorough case study and evaluation of the energy demands of the developed models, applied in object detection benchmark datasets from volatile industrial environments is presented. Specifically, different finetuning strategies as well as utilization of ancillary evaluation data during training are examined, and the trade-off between performance and efficiency is highlighted in this low-data regime. Finally, this paper introduces a novel way to quantify this trade-off through a customized Efficiency Factor metric.

cross KELLMRec: Knowledge-Enhanced Large Language Models for Recommendation

Authors: Weiqing Luo, Chonggang Song, Lingling Yi, Gong Cheng

Abstract: The utilization of semantic information is an important research problem in the field of recommender systems, which aims to complement the missing parts of mainstream ID-based approaches. With the rise of LLM, its ability to act as a knowledge base and its reasoning capability have opened up new possibilities for this research area, making LLM-based recommendation an emerging research direction. However, directly using LLM to process semantic information for recommendation scenarios is unreliable and sub-optimal due to several problems such as hallucination. A promising way to cope with this is to use external knowledge to aid LLM in generating truthful and usable text. Inspired by the above motivation, we propose a Knowledge-Enhanced LLMRec method. In addition to using external knowledge in prompts, the proposed method also includes a knowledge-based contrastive learning scheme for training. Experiments on public datasets and in-enterprise datasets validate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

cross Zero-Shot ECG Classification with Multimodal Learning and Test-time Clinical Knowledge Enhancement

Authors: Che Liu, Zhongwei Wan, Cheng Ouyang, Anand Shah, Wenjia Bai, Rossella Arcucci

Abstract: Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are non-invasive diagnostic tools crucial for detecting cardiac arrhythmic diseases in clinical practice. While ECG Self-supervised Learning (eSSL) methods show promise in representation learning from unannotated ECG data, they often overlook the clinical knowledge that can be found in reports. This oversight and the requirement for annotated samples for downstream tasks limit eSSL's versatility. In this work, we address these issues with the Multimodal ECG Representation Learning (MERL}) framework. Through multimodal learning on ECG records and associated reports, MERL is capable of performing zero-shot ECG classification with text prompts, eliminating the need for training data in downstream tasks. At test time, we propose the Clinical Knowledge Enhanced Prompt Engineering (CKEPE) approach, which uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to exploit external expert-verified clinical knowledge databases, generating more descriptive prompts and reducing hallucinations in LLM-generated content to boost zero-shot classification. Based on MERL, we perform the first benchmark across six public ECG datasets, showing the superior performance of MERL compared against eSSL methods. Notably, MERL achieves an average AUC score of 75.2% in zero-shot classification (without training data), 3.2% higher than linear probed eSSL methods with 10\% annotated training data, averaged across all six datasets.

cross FashionReGen: LLM-Empowered Fashion Report Generation

Authors: Yujuan Ding, Yunshan Ma, Wenqi Fan, Yige Yao, Tat-Seng Chua, Qing Li

Abstract: Fashion analysis refers to the process of examining and evaluating trends, styles, and elements within the fashion industry to understand and interpret its current state, generating fashion reports. It is traditionally performed by fashion professionals based on their expertise and experience, which requires high labour cost and may also produce biased results for relying heavily on a small group of people. In this paper, to tackle the Fashion Report Generation (FashionReGen) task, we propose an intelligent Fashion Analyzing and Reporting system based the advanced Large Language Models (LLMs), debbed as GPT-FAR. Specifically, it tries to deliver FashionReGen based on effective catwalk analysis, which is equipped with several key procedures, namely, catwalk understanding, collective organization and analysis, and report generation. By posing and exploring such an open-ended, complex and domain-specific task of FashionReGen, it is able to test the general capability of LLMs in fashion domain. It also inspires the explorations of more high-level tasks with industrial significance in other domains. Video illustration and more materials of GPT-FAR can be found in


cross CEAT: Continual Expansion and Absorption Transformer for Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learnin

Authors: Xinyuan Gao, Songlin Dong, Yuhang He, Xing Wei, Yihong Gong

Abstract: In real-world applications, dynamic scenarios require the models to possess the capability to learn new tasks continuously without forgetting the old knowledge. Experience-Replay methods store a subset of the old images for joint training. In the scenario of more strict privacy protection, storing the old images becomes infeasible, which leads to a more severe plasticity-stability dilemma and classifier bias. To meet the above challenges, we propose a new architecture, named continual expansion and absorption transformer~(CEAT). The model can learn the novel knowledge by extending the expanded-fusion layers in parallel with the frozen previous parameters. After the task ends, we losslessly absorb the extended parameters into the backbone to ensure that the number of parameters remains constant. To improve the learning ability of the model, we designed a novel prototype contrastive loss to reduce the overlap between old and new classes in the feature space. Besides, to address the classifier bias towards the new classes, we propose a novel approach to generate the pseudo-features to correct the classifier. We experiment with our methods on three standard Non-Exemplar Class-Incremental Learning~(NECIL) benchmarks. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model gets a significant improvement compared with the previous works and achieves 5.38%, 5.20%, and 4.92% improvement on CIFAR-100, TinyImageNet, and ImageNet-Subset.

cross Car Damage Detection and Patch-to-Patch Self-supervised Image Alignment

Authors: Hanxiao Chen

Abstract: Most computer vision applications aim to identify pixels in a scene and use them for diverse purposes. One intriguing application is car damage detection for insurance carriers which tends to detect all car damages by comparing both pre-trip and post-trip images, even requiring two components: (i) car damage detection; (ii) image alignment. Firstly, we implemented a Mask R-CNN model to detect car damages on custom images. Whereas for the image alignment section, we especially propose a novel self-supervised Patch-to-Patch SimCLR inspired alignment approach to find perspective transformations between custom pre/post car rental images except for traditional computer vision methods.

cross Poisoning Programs by Un-Repairing Code: Security Concerns of AI-generated Code

Authors: Cristina Improta

Abstract: AI-based code generators have gained a fundamental role in assisting developers in writing software starting from natural language (NL). However, since these large language models are trained on massive volumes of data collected from unreliable online sources (e.g., GitHub, Hugging Face), AI models become an easy target for data poisoning attacks, in which an attacker corrupts the training data by injecting a small amount of poison into it, i.e., astutely crafted malicious samples. In this position paper, we address the security of AI code generators by identifying a novel data poisoning attack that results in the generation of vulnerable code. Next, we devise an extensive evaluation of how these attacks impact state-of-the-art models for code generation. Lastly, we discuss potential solutions to overcome this threat.

cross Streamlining in the Riemannian Realm: Efficient Riemannian Optimization with Loopless Variance Reduction

Authors: Yury Demidovich, Grigory Malinovsky, Peter Richt\'arik

Abstract: In this study, we investigate stochastic optimization on Riemannian manifolds, focusing on the crucial variance reduction mechanism used in both Euclidean and Riemannian settings. Riemannian variance-reduced methods usually involve a double-loop structure, computing a full gradient at the start of each loop. Determining the optimal inner loop length is challenging in practice, as it depends on strong convexity or smoothness constants, which are often unknown or hard to estimate. Motivated by Euclidean methods, we introduce the Riemannian Loopless SVRG (R-LSVRG) and PAGE (R-PAGE) methods. These methods replace the outer loop with probabilistic gradient computation triggered by a coin flip in each iteration, ensuring simpler proofs, efficient hyperparameter selection, and sharp convergence guarantees. Using R-PAGE as a framework for non-convex Riemannian optimization, we demonstrate its applicability to various important settings. For example, we derive Riemannian MARINA (R-MARINA) for distributed settings with communication compression, providing the best theoretical communication complexity guarantees for non-convex distributed optimization over Riemannian manifolds. Experimental results support our theoretical findings.

cross Improving Low-Resource Knowledge Tracing Tasks by Supervised Pre-training and Importance Mechanism Fine-tuning

Authors: Hengyuan Zhang, Zitao Liu, Shuyan Huang, Chenming Shang, Bojun Zhan, Yong Jiang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) aims to estimate student's knowledge mastery based on their historical interactions. Recently, the deep learning based KT (DLKT) approaches have achieved impressive performance in the KT task. These DLKT models heavily rely on the large number of available student interactions. However, due to various reasons such as budget constraints and privacy concerns, observed interactions are very limited in many real-world scenarios, a.k.a, low-resource KT datasets. Directly training a DLKT model on a low-resource KT dataset may lead to overfitting and it is difficult to choose the appropriate deep neural architecture. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a low-resource KT framework called LoReKT to address above challenges. Inspired by the prevalent "pre-training and fine-tuning" paradigm, we aim to learn transferable parameters and representations from rich-resource KT datasets during the pre-training stage and subsequently facilitate effective adaptation to low-resource KT datasets. Specifically, we simplify existing sophisticated DLKT model architectures with purely a stack of transformer decoders. We design an encoding mechanism to incorporate student interactions from multiple KT data sources and develop an importance mechanism to prioritize updating parameters with high importance while constraining less important ones during the fine-tuning stage. We evaluate LoReKT on six public KT datasets and experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of AUC and Accuracy. To encourage reproducible research, we make our data and code publicly available at


cross Enhancing Image Caption Generation Using Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback

Authors: Adarsh N L, Arun P V, Aravindh N L

Abstract: Research on generative models to produce human-aligned / human-preferred outputs has seen significant recent contributions. Between text and image-generative models, we narrowed our focus to text-based generative models, particularly to produce captions for images that align with human preferences. In this research, we explored a potential method to amplify the performance of the Deep Neural Network Model to generate captions that are preferred by humans. This was achieved by integrating Supervised Learning and Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) using the Flickr8k dataset. Also, a novel loss function that is capable of optimizing the model based on human feedback is introduced. In this paper, we provide a concise sketch of our approach and results, hoping to contribute to the ongoing advances in the field of human-aligned generative AI models.

cross ACT-MNMT Auto-Constriction Turning for Multilingual Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Shaojie Dai, Xin Liu, Ping Luo, Yue Yu

Abstract: Large language model (LLM) has achieved promising performance in multilingual machine translation tasks through zero/few-shot prompts or prompt-tuning. However, due to the mixture of multilingual data during the pre-training of LLM, the LLM-based translation models face the off-target issue in both prompt-based methods, including a series of phenomena, namely instruction misunderstanding, translation with wrong language and over-generation. For this issue, this paper introduces an \textbf{\underline{A}}uto-\textbf{\underline{C}}onstriction \textbf{\underline{T}}urning mechanism for \textbf{\underline{M}}ultilingual \textbf{\underline{N}}eural \textbf{\underline{M}}achine \textbf{\underline{T}}ranslation (\model), which is a novel supervised fine-tuning mechanism and orthogonal to the traditional prompt-based methods. In this method, \model automatically constructs a constrained template in the target side by adding trigger tokens ahead of the ground truth. Furthermore, trigger tokens can be arranged and combined freely to represent different task semantics, and they can be iteratively updated to maximize the label likelihood. Experiments are performed on WMT test sets with multiple metrics, and the experimental results demonstrate that \model achieves substantially improved performance across multiple translation directions and reduce the off-target phenomena in the translation.

cross ALaRM: Align Language Models via Hierarchical Rewards Modeling

Authors: Yuhang Lai, Siyuan Wang, Shujun Liu, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: We introduce ALaRM, the first framework modeling hierarchical rewards in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), which is designed to enhance the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. The framework addresses the limitations of current alignment approaches, which often struggle with the inconsistency and sparsity of human supervision signals, by integrating holistic rewards with aspect-specific rewards. This integration enables more precise and consistent guidance of language models towards desired outcomes, particularly in complex and open text generation tasks. By employing a methodology that filters and combines multiple rewards based on their consistency, the framework provides a reliable mechanism for improving model alignment. We validate our approach through applications in long-form question answering and machine translation tasks, employing gpt-3.5-turbo for pairwise comparisons, and demonstrate improvements over existing baselines. Our work underscores the effectiveness of hierarchical rewards modeling in refining LLM training processes for better human preference alignment. We release our code at


cross An Image is Worth 1/2 Tokens After Layer 2: Plug-and-Play Inference Acceleration for Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Liang Chen, Haozhe Zhao, Tianyu Liu, Shuai Bai, Junyang Lin, Chang Zhou, Baobao Chang

Abstract: In this study, we identify the inefficient attention phenomena in Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs), notably within prominent models like LLaVA-1.5, QwenVL-Chat and Video-LLaVA. We find out that the attention computation over visual tokens is of extreme inefficiency in the deep layers of popular LVLMs, suggesting a need for a sparser approach compared to textual data handling. To this end, we introduce FastV, a versatile plug-and-play method designed to optimize computational efficiency by learning adaptive attention patterns in early layers and pruning visual tokens in subsequent ones. Our evaluations demonstrate FastV's ability to dramatically reduce computational costs (e.g., a 45 reduction in FLOPs for LLaVA-1.5-13B) without sacrificing performance in a wide range of image and video understanding tasks. The computational efficiency and performance trade-off of FastV are highly customizable and pareto-efficient. It can compress the FLOPs of a 13B-parameter model to achieve a lower budget than that of a 7B-parameter model, while still maintaining superior performance. We believe FastV has practical values for deployment of LVLMs in edge devices and commercial models. Code is released at


cross Genetic Learning for Designing Sim-to-Real Data Augmentations

Authors: Bram Vanherle, Nick Michiels, Frank Van Reeth

Abstract: Data augmentations are useful in closing the sim-to-real domain gap when training on synthetic data. This is because they widen the training data distribution, thus encouraging the model to generalize better to other domains. Many image augmentation techniques exist, parametrized by different settings, such as strength and probability. This leads to a large space of different possible augmentation policies. Some policies work better than others for overcoming the sim-to-real gap for specific datasets, and it is unclear why. This paper presents two different interpretable metrics that can be combined to predict how well a certain augmentation policy will work for a specific sim-to-real setting, focusing on object detection. We validate our metrics by training many models with different augmentation policies and showing a strong correlation with performance on real data. Additionally, we introduce GeneticAugment, a genetic programming method that can leverage these metrics to automatically design an augmentation policy for a specific dataset without needing to train a model.

cross Are Targeted Messages More Effective?

Authors: Martin Grohe, Eran Rosenbluth

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNN) are deep learning architectures for graphs. Essentially, a GNN is a distributed message passing algorithm, which is controlled by parameters learned from data. It operates on the vertices of a graph: in each iteration, vertices receive a message on each incoming edge, aggregate these messages, and then update their state based on their current state and the aggregated messages. The expressivity of GNNs can be characterised in terms of certain fragments of first-order logic with counting and the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. The core GNN architecture comes in two different versions. In the first version, a message only depends on the state of the source vertex, whereas in the second version it depends on the states of the source and target vertices. In practice, both of these versions are used, but the theory of GNNs so far mostly focused on the first one. On the logical side, the two versions correspond to two fragments of first-order logic with counting that we call modal and guarded. The question whether the two versions differ in their expressivity has been mostly overlooked in the GNN literature and has only been asked recently (Grohe, LICS'23). We answer this question here. It turns out that the answer is not as straightforward as one might expect. By proving that the modal and guarded fragment of first-order logic with counting have the same expressivity over labelled undirected graphs, we show that in a non-uniform setting the two GNN versions have the same expressivity. However, we also prove that in a uniform setting the second version is strictly more expressive.

cross In-context Exploration-Exploitation for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhenwen Dai, Federico Tomasi, Sina Ghiassian

Abstract: In-context learning is a promising approach for online policy learning of offline reinforcement learning (RL) methods, which can be achieved at inference time without gradient optimization. However, this method is hindered by significant computational costs resulting from the gathering of large training trajectory sets and the need to train large Transformer models. We address this challenge by introducing an In-context Exploration-Exploitation (ICEE) algorithm, designed to optimize the efficiency of in-context policy learning. Unlike existing models, ICEE performs an exploration-exploitation trade-off at inference time within a Transformer model, without the need for explicit Bayesian inference. Consequently, ICEE can solve Bayesian optimization problems as efficiently as Gaussian process biased methods do, but in significantly less time. Through experiments in grid world environments, we demonstrate that ICEE can learn to solve new RL tasks using only tens of episodes, marking a substantial improvement over the hundreds of episodes needed by the previous in-context learning method.

cross NeuPAN: Direct Point Robot Navigation with End-to-End Model-based Learning

Authors: Ruihua Han, Shuai Wang, Shuaijun Wang, Zeqing Zhang, Jianjun Chen, Shijie Lin, Chengyang Li, Chengzhong Xu, Yonina C. Eldar, Qi Hao, Jia Pan

Abstract: Navigating a nonholonomic robot in a cluttered environment requires extremely accurate perception and locomotion for collision avoidance. This paper presents NeuPAN: a real-time, highly-accurate, map-free, robot-agnostic, and environment-invariant robot navigation solution. Leveraging a tightly-coupled perception-locomotion framework, NeuPAN has two key innovations compared to existing approaches: 1) it directly maps raw points to a learned multi-frame distance space, avoiding error propagation from perception to control; 2) it is interpretable from an end-to-end model-based learning perspective, enabling provable convergence. The crux of NeuPAN is to solve a high-dimensional end-to-end mathematical model with various point-level constraints using the plug-and-play (PnP) proximal alternating-minimization network (PAN) with neurons in the loop. This allows NeuPAN to generate real-time, end-to-end, physically-interpretable motions directly from point clouds, which seamlessly integrates data- and knowledge-engines, where its network parameters are adjusted via back propagation. We evaluate NeuPAN on car-like robot, wheel-legged robot, and passenger autonomous vehicle, in both simulated and real-world environments. Experiments demonstrate that NeuPAN outperforms various benchmarks, in terms of accuracy, efficiency, robustness, and generalization capability across various environments, including the cluttered sandbox, office, corridor, and parking lot. We show that NeuPAN works well in unstructured environments with arbitrary-shape undetectable objects, making impassable ways passable.

cross The Power of Noise: Toward a Unified Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Representation Framework

Authors: Zhuo Chen, Yin Fang, Yichi Zhang, Lingbing Guo, Jiaoyan Chen, Huajun Chen, Wen Zhang

Abstract: The advancement of Multi-modal Pre-training highlights the necessity for a robust Multi-Modal Knowledge Graph (MMKG) representation learning framework. This framework is crucial for integrating structured knowledge into multi-modal Large Language Models (LLMs) at scale, aiming to alleviate issues like knowledge misconceptions and multi-modal hallucinations. In this work, to evaluate models' ability to accurately embed entities within MMKGs, we focus on two widely researched tasks: Multi-modal Knowledge Graph Completion (MKGC) and Multi-modal Entity Alignment (MMEA). Building on this foundation, we propose a novel SNAG method that utilizes a Transformer-based architecture equipped with modality-level noise masking for the robust integration of multi-modal entity features in KGs. By incorporating specific training objectives for both MKGC and MMEA, our approach achieves SOTA performance across a total of ten datasets (three for MKGC and seven for MEMA), demonstrating its robustness and versatility. Besides, SNAG can not only function as a standalone model but also enhance other existing methods, providing stable performance improvements. Our code and data are available at:


cross Medical Image Synthesis via Fine-Grained Image-Text Alignment and Anatomy-Pathology Prompting

Authors: Wenting Chen, Pengyu Wang, Hui Ren, Lichao Sun, Quanzheng Li, Yixuan Yuan, Xiang Li

Abstract: Data scarcity and privacy concerns limit the availability of high-quality medical images for public use, which can be mitigated through medical image synthesis. However, current medical image synthesis methods often struggle to accurately capture the complexity of detailed anatomical structures and pathological conditions. To address these challenges, we propose a novel medical image synthesis model that leverages fine-grained image-text alignment and anatomy-pathology prompts to generate highly detailed and accurate synthetic medical images. Our method integrates advanced natural language processing techniques with image generative modeling, enabling precise alignment between descriptive text prompts and the synthesized images' anatomical and pathological details. The proposed approach consists of two key components: an anatomy-pathology prompting module and a fine-grained alignment-based synthesis module. The anatomy-pathology prompting module automatically generates descriptive prompts for high-quality medical images. To further synthesize high-quality medical images from the generated prompts, the fine-grained alignment-based synthesis module pre-defines a visual codebook for the radiology dataset and performs fine-grained alignment between the codebook and generated prompts to obtain key patches as visual clues, facilitating accurate image synthesis. We validate the superiority of our method through experiments on public chest X-ray datasets and demonstrate that our synthetic images preserve accurate semantic information, making them valuable for various medical applications.

cross RA-ISF: Learning to Answer and Understand from Retrieval Augmentation via Iterative Self-Feedback

Authors: Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng, Xuhong Zhang, Weihao Liu, Jianwei Yin, Jiannan Cao, Tianyu Du

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate exceptional performance in numerous tasks but still heavily rely on knowledge stored in their parameters. Moreover, updating this knowledge incurs high training costs. Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) methods address this issue by integrating external knowledge. The model can answer questions it couldn't previously by retrieving knowledge relevant to the query. This approach improves performance in certain scenarios for specific tasks. However, if irrelevant texts are retrieved, it may impair model performance. In this paper, we propose Retrieval Augmented Iterative Self-Feedback (RA-ISF), a framework that iteratively decomposes tasks and processes them in three submodules to enhance the model's problem-solving capabilities. Experiments show that our method outperforms existing benchmarks, performing well on models like GPT3.5, Llama2, significantly enhancing factual reasoning capabilities and reducing hallucinations.

cross Learning with Noisy Foundation Models

Authors: Hao Chen, Jindong Wang, Zihan Wang, Ran Tao, Hongxin Wei, Xing Xie, Masashi Sugiyama, Bhiksha Raj

Abstract: Foundation models are usually pre-trained on large-scale datasets and then adapted to downstream tasks through tuning. However, the large-scale pre-training datasets, often inaccessible or too expensive to handle, can contain label noise that may adversely affect the generalization of the model and pose unexpected risks. This paper stands out as the first work to comprehensively understand and analyze the nature of noise in pre-training datasets and then effectively mitigate its impacts on downstream tasks. Specifically, through extensive experiments of fully-supervised and image-text contrastive pre-training on synthetic noisy ImageNet-1K, YFCC15M, and CC12M datasets, we demonstrate that, while slight noise in pre-training can benefit in-domain (ID) performance, where the training and testing data share a similar distribution, it always deteriorates out-of-domain (OOD) performance, where training and testing distributions are significantly different. These observations are agnostic to scales of pre-training datasets, pre-training noise types, model architectures, pre-training objectives, downstream tuning methods, and downstream applications. We empirically ascertain that the reason behind this is that the pre-training noise shapes the feature space differently. We then propose a tuning method (NMTune) to affine the feature space to mitigate the malignant effect of noise and improve generalization, which is applicable in both parameter-efficient and black-box tuning manners. We additionally conduct extensive experiments on popular vision and language models, including APIs, which are supervised and self-supervised pre-trained on realistic noisy data for evaluation. Our analysis and results demonstrate the importance of this novel and fundamental research direction, which we term as Noisy Model Learning.

cross Exploring Large Language Models and Hierarchical Frameworks for Classification of Large Unstructured Legal Documents

Authors: Nishchal Prasad, Mohand Boughanem, Taoufiq Dkaki

Abstract: Legal judgment prediction suffers from the problem of long case documents exceeding tens of thousands of words, in general, and having a non-uniform structure. Predicting judgments from such documents becomes a challenging task, more so on documents with no structural annotation. We explore the classification of these large legal documents and their lack of structural information with a deep-learning-based hierarchical framework which we call MESc; "Multi-stage Encoder-based Supervised with-clustering"; for judgment prediction. Specifically, we divide a document into parts to extract their embeddings from the last four layers of a custom fine-tuned Large Language Model, and try to approximate their structure through unsupervised clustering. Which we use in another set of transformer encoder layers to learn the inter-chunk representations. We analyze the adaptability of Large Language Models (LLMs) with multi-billion parameters (GPT-Neo, and GPT-J) with the hierarchical framework of MESc and compare them with their standalone performance on legal texts. We also study their intra-domain(legal) transfer learning capability and the impact of combining embeddings from their last layers in MESc. We test these methods and their effectiveness with extensive experiments and ablation studies on legal documents from India, the European Union, and the United States with the ILDC dataset and a subset of the LexGLUE dataset. Our approach achieves a minimum total performance gain of approximately 2 points over previous state-of-the-art methods.

cross Unveiling the Significance of Toddler-Inspired Reward Transition in Goal-Oriented Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Junseok Park, Yoonsung Kim, Hee Bin Yoo, Min Whoo Lee, Kibeom Kim, Won-Seok Choi, Minsu Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang

Abstract: Toddlers evolve from free exploration with sparse feedback to exploiting prior experiences for goal-directed learning with denser rewards. Drawing inspiration from this Toddler-Inspired Reward Transition, we set out to explore the implications of varying reward transitions when incorporated into Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks. Central to our inquiry is the transition from sparse to potential-based dense rewards, which share optimal strategies regardless of reward changes. Through various experiments, including those in egocentric navigation and robotic arm manipulation tasks, we found that proper reward transitions significantly influence sample efficiency and success rates. Of particular note is the efficacy of the toddler-inspired Sparse-to-Dense (S2D) transition. Beyond these performance metrics, using Cross-Density Visualizer technique, we observed that transitions, especially the S2D, smooth the policy loss landscape, promoting wide minima that enhance generalization in RL models.

cross LIBR+: Improving Intraoperative Liver Registration by Learning the Residual of Biomechanics-Based Deformable Registration

Authors: Dingrong Wang, Soheil Azadvar, Jon Heiselman, Xiajun Jiang, Michael Miga, Linwei Wang

Abstract: The surgical environment imposes unique challenges to the intraoperative registration of organ shapes to their preoperatively-imaged geometry. Biomechanical model-based registration remains popular, while deep learning solutions remain limited due to the sparsity and variability of intraoperative measurements and the limited ground-truth deformation of an organ that can be obtained during the surgery. In this paper, we propose a novel \textit{hybrid} registration approach that leverage a linearized iterative boundary reconstruction (LIBR) method based on linear elastic biomechanics, and use deep neural networks to learn its residual to the ground-truth deformation (LIBR+). We further formulate a dual-branch spline-residual graph convolutional neural network (SR-GCN) to assimilate information from sparse and variable intraoperative measurements and effectively propagate it through the geometry of the 3D organ. Experiments on a large intraoperative liver registration dataset demonstrated the consistent improvements achieved by LIBR+ in comparison to existing rigid, biomechnical model-based non-rigid, and deep-learning based non-rigid approaches to intraoperative liver registration.

cross Cost-Sensitive Learning to Defer to Multiple Experts with Workload Constraints

Authors: Jean V. Alves, Diogo Leit\~ao, S\'ergio Jesus, Marco O. P. Sampaio, Javier Li\'ebana, Pedro Saleiro, M\'ario A. T. Figueiredo, Pedro Bizarro

Abstract: Learning to defer (L2D) aims to improve human-AI collaboration systems by learning how to defer decisions to humans when they are more likely to be correct than an ML classifier. Existing research in L2D overlooks key aspects of real-world systems that impede its practical adoption, namely: i) neglecting cost-sensitive scenarios, where type 1 and type 2 errors have different costs; ii) requiring concurrent human predictions for every instance of the training dataset and iii) not dealing with human work capacity constraints. To address these issues, we propose the deferral under cost and capacity constraints framework (DeCCaF). DeCCaF is a novel L2D approach, employing supervised learning to model the probability of human error under less restrictive data requirements (only one expert prediction per instance) and using constraint programming to globally minimize the error cost subject to workload limitations. We test DeCCaF in a series of cost-sensitive fraud detection scenarios with different teams of 9 synthetic fraud analysts, with individual work capacity constraints. The results demonstrate that our approach performs significantly better than the baselines in a wide array of scenarios, achieving an average 8.4% reduction in the misclassification cost.

cross MEND: Meta dEmonstratioN Distillation for Efficient and Effective In-Context Learning

Authors: Yichuan Li, Xiyao Ma, Sixing Lu, Kyumin Lee, Xiaohu Liu, Chenlei Guo

Abstract: Large Language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive in-context learning (ICL) capabilities, where a LLM makes predictions for a given test input together with a few input-output pairs (demonstrations). Nevertheless, the inclusion of demonstrations leads to a quadratic increase in the computational overhead of the self-attention mechanism. Existing solutions attempt to distill lengthy demonstrations into compact vectors. However, they often require task-specific retraining or compromise LLM's in-context learning performance. To mitigate these challenges, we present Meta dEmonstratioN Distillation (MEND), where a language model learns to distill any lengthy demonstrations into vectors without retraining for a new downstream task. We exploit the knowledge distillation to enhance alignment between MEND and LLM, achieving both efficiency and effectiveness simultaneously. MEND is endowed with the meta-knowledge of distilling demonstrations through a two-stage training process, which includes meta-distillation pretraining and fine-tuning. Comprehensive evaluations across seven diverse ICL task partitions using decoder-only (GPT-2) and encoder-decoder (T5) attest to MEND's prowess. It not only matches but often outperforms the Vanilla ICL as well as other state-of-the-art distillation models, while significantly reducing the computational demands. This innovation promises enhanced scalability and efficiency for the practical deployment of large language models

cross Simplicity Bias of Transformers to Learn Low Sensitivity Functions

Authors: Bhavya Vasudeva, Deqing Fu, Tianyi Zhou, Elliott Kau, Youqi Huang, Vatsal Sharan

Abstract: Transformers achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and robustness across many tasks, but an understanding of the inductive biases that they have and how those biases are different from other neural network architectures remains elusive. Various neural network architectures such as fully connected networks have been found to have a simplicity bias towards simple functions of the data; one version of this simplicity bias is a spectral bias to learn simple functions in the Fourier space. In this work, we identify the notion of sensitivity of the model to random changes in the input as a notion of simplicity bias which provides a unified metric to explain the simplicity and spectral bias of transformers across different data modalities. We show that transformers have lower sensitivity than alternative architectures, such as LSTMs, MLPs and CNNs, across both vision and language tasks. We also show that low-sensitivity bias correlates with improved robustness; furthermore, it can also be used as an efficient intervention to further improve the robustness of transformers.

cross Counterfactual Reasoning with Knowledge Graph Embeddings

Authors: Lena Zellinger, Andreas Stephan, Benjamin Roth

Abstract: Knowledge graph embeddings (KGEs) were originally developed to infer true but missing facts in incomplete knowledge repositories. In this paper, we link knowledge graph completion and counterfactual reasoning via our new task CFKGR. We model the original world state as a knowledge graph, hypothetical scenarios as edges added to the graph, and plausible changes to the graph as inferences from logical rules. We create corresponding benchmark datasets, which contain diverse hypothetical scenarios with plausible changes to the original knowledge graph and facts that should be retained. We develop COULDD, a general method for adapting existing knowledge graph embeddings given a hypothetical premise, and evaluate it on our benchmark. Our results indicate that KGEs learn patterns in the graph without explicit training. We further observe that KGEs adapted with COULDD solidly detect plausible counterfactual changes to the graph that follow these patterns. An evaluation on human-annotated data reveals that KGEs adapted with COULDD are mostly unable to recognize changes to the graph that do not follow learned inference rules. In contrast, ChatGPT mostly outperforms KGEs in detecting plausible changes to the graph but has poor knowledge retention. In summary, CFKGR connects two previously distinct areas, namely KG completion and counterfactual reasoning.

cross SELMA: Learning and Merging Skill-Specific Text-to-Image Experts with Auto-Generated Data

Authors: Jialu Li, Jaemin Cho, Yi-Lin Sung, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Recent text-to-image (T2I) generation models have demonstrated impressive capabilities in creating images from text descriptions. However, these T2I generation models often fall short of generating images that precisely match the details of the text inputs, such as incorrect spatial relationship or missing objects. In this paper, we introduce SELMA: Skill-Specific Expert Learning and Merging with Auto-Generated Data, a novel paradigm to improve the faithfulness of T2I models by fine-tuning models on automatically generated, multi-skill image-text datasets, with skill-specific expert learning and merging. First, SELMA leverages an LLM's in-context learning capability to generate multiple datasets of text prompts that can teach different skills, and then generates the images with a T2I model based on the prompts. Next, SELMA adapts the T2I model to the new skills by learning multiple single-skill LoRA (low-rank adaptation) experts followed by expert merging. Our independent expert fine-tuning specializes multiple models for different skills, and expert merging helps build a joint multi-skill T2I model that can generate faithful images given diverse text prompts, while mitigating the knowledge conflict from different datasets. We empirically demonstrate that SELMA significantly improves the semantic alignment and text faithfulness of state-of-the-art T2I diffusion models on multiple benchmarks (+2.1% on TIFA and +6.9% on DSG), human preference metrics (PickScore, ImageReward, and HPS), as well as human evaluation. Moreover, fine-tuning with image-text pairs auto-collected via SELMA shows comparable performance to fine-tuning with ground truth data. Lastly, we show that fine-tuning with images from a weaker T2I model can help improve the generation quality of a stronger T2I model, suggesting promising weak-to-strong generalization in T2I models.

cross The pitfalls of next-token prediction

Authors: Gregor Bachmann, Vaishnavh Nagarajan

Abstract: Can a mere next-token predictor faithfully model human intelligence? We crystallize this intuitive concern, which is fragmented in the literature. As a starting point, we argue that the two often-conflated phases of next-token prediction -- autoregressive inference and teacher-forced training -- must be treated distinctly. The popular criticism that errors can compound during autoregressive inference, crucially assumes that teacher-forcing has learned an accurate next-token predictor. This assumption sidesteps a more deep-rooted problem we expose: in certain classes of tasks, teacher-forcing can simply fail to learn an accurate next-token predictor in the first place. We describe a general mechanism of how teacher-forcing can fail, and design a minimal planning task where both the Transformer and the Mamba architecture empirically fail in that manner -- remarkably, despite the task being straightforward to learn. We provide preliminary evidence that this failure can be resolved when training to predict multiple tokens in advance. We hope this finding can ground future debates and inspire explorations beyond the next-token prediction paradigm. We make our code available under


replace Quantifying intrinsic causal contributions via structure preserving interventions

Authors: Dominik Janzing, Patrick Bl\"obaum, Atalanti A. Mastakouri, Philipp M. Faller, Lenon Minorics, Kailash Budhathoki

Abstract: We propose a notion of causal influence that describes the `intrinsic' part of the contribution of a node on a target node in a DAG. By recursively writing each node as a function of the upstream noise terms, we separate the intrinsic information added by each node from the one obtained from its ancestors. To interpret the intrinsic information as a {\it causal} contribution, we consider `structure-preserving interventions' that randomize each node in a way that mimics the usual dependence on the parents and does not perturb the observed joint distribution. To get a measure that is invariant with respect to relabelling nodes we use Shapley based symmetrization and show that it reduces in the linear case to simple ANOVA after resolving the target node into noise variables. We describe our contribution analysis for variance and entropy, but contributions for other target metrics can be defined analogously. The code is available in the package gcm of the open source library DoWhy.

replace Unveiling Project-Specific Bias in Neural Code Models

Authors: Zhiming Li, Yanzhou Li, Tianlin Li, Mengnan Du, Bozhi Wu, Yushi Cao, Junzhe Jiang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Deep learning has introduced significant improvements in many software analysis tasks. Although the Large Language Models (LLMs) based neural code models demonstrate commendable performance when trained and tested within the intra-project independent and identically distributed (IID) setting, they often struggle to generalize effectively to real-world inter-project out-of-distribution (OOD) data. In this work, we show that this phenomenon is caused by the heavy reliance on project-specific shortcuts for prediction instead of ground-truth evidence. We propose a Cond-Idf measurement to interpret this behavior, which quantifies the relatedness of a token with a label and its project-specificness. The strong correlation between model behavior and the proposed measurement indicates that without proper regularization, models tend to leverage spurious statistical cues for prediction. Equipped with these observations, we propose a novel bias mitigation mechanism that regularizes the model's learning behavior by leveraging latent logic relations among samples. Experimental results on two representative program analysis tasks indicate that our mitigation framework can improve both inter-project OOD generalization and adversarial robustness, while not sacrificing accuracy on intra-project IID data.

replace Limited or Biased: Modeling Sub-Rational Human Investors in Financial Markets

Authors: Penghang Liu, Kshama Dwarakanath, Svitlana S Vyetrenko, Tucker Balch

Abstract: Human decision-making in real-life deviates significantly from the optimal decisions made by fully rational agents, primarily due to computational limitations or psychological biases. While existing studies in behavioral finance have discovered various aspects of human sub-rationality, there lacks a comprehensive framework to transfer these findings into an adaptive human model applicable across diverse financial market scenarios. In this study, we introduce a flexible model that incorporates five different aspects of human sub-rationality using reinforcement learning. Our model is trained using a high-fidelity multi-agent market simulator, which overcomes limitations associated with the scarcity of labeled data of individual investors. We evaluate the behavior of sub-rational human investors using hand-crafted market scenarios and SHAP value analysis, showing that our model accurately reproduces the observations in the previous studies and reveals insights of the driving factors of human behavior. Finally, we explore the impact of sub-rationality on the investor's Profit and Loss (PnL) and market quality. Our experiments reveal that bounded-rational and prospect-biased human behaviors improve liquidity but diminish price efficiency, whereas human behavior influenced by myopia, optimism, and pessimism reduces market liquidity.

replace CAPE: Corrective Actions from Precondition Errors using Large Language Models

Authors: Shreyas Sundara Raman, Vanya Cohen, Ifrah Idrees, Eric Rosen, Ray Mooney, Stefanie Tellex, David Paulius

Abstract: Extracting commonsense knowledge from a large language model (LLM) offers a path to designing intelligent robots. Existing approaches that leverage LLMs for planning are unable to recover when an action fails and often resort to retrying failed actions, without resolving the error's underlying cause. We propose a novel approach (CAPE) that attempts to propose corrective actions to resolve precondition errors during planning. CAPE improves the quality of generated plans by leveraging few-shot reasoning from action preconditions. Our approach enables embodied agents to execute more tasks than baseline methods while ensuring semantic correctness and minimizing re-prompting. In VirtualHome, CAPE generates executable plans while improving a human-annotated plan correctness metric from 28.89% to 49.63% over SayCan. Our improvements transfer to a Boston Dynamics Spot robot initialized with a set of skills (specified in language) and associated preconditions, where CAPE improves the correctness metric of the executed task plans by 76.49% compared to SayCan. Our approach enables the robot to follow natural language commands and robustly recover from failures, which baseline approaches largely cannot resolve or address inefficiently.

replace Optimized Vectorizing of Building Structures with Switch: High-Efficiency Convolutional Channel-Switch Hybridization Strategy

Authors: Moule Lin, Weipeng Jing, Chao Li, Andr\'as Jung

Abstract: The building planar graph reconstruction, a.k.a. footprint reconstruction, which lies in the domain of computer vision and geoinformatics, has been long afflicted with the challenge of redundant parameters in conventional convolutional models. Therefore, in this letter, we proposed an advanced and adaptive shift architecture, namely the Switch operator, which incorporates non-exponential growth parameters while retaining analogous functionalities to integrate local feature spatial information, resembling a high-dimensional convolution operation. The Switch operator, cross-channel operation, architecture implements the XOR operation to alternately exchange adjacent or diagonal features, and then blends alternating channels through a 1x1 convolution operation to consolidate information from different channels. The SwitchNN architecture, on the other hand, incorporates a group-based parameter-sharing mechanism inspired by the convolutional neural network process and thereby significantly reducing the number of parameters. We validated our proposed approach through experiments on the SpaceNet corpus, a publicly available dataset annotated with 2,001 buildings across the cities of Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Paris. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of this innovative architecture in building planar graph reconstruction from 2D building images.

replace DeepOnto: A Python Package for Ontology Engineering with Deep Learning

Authors: Yuan He, Jiaoyan Chen, Hang Dong, Ian Horrocks, Carlo Allocca, Taehun Kim, Brahmananda Sapkota

Abstract: Integrating deep learning techniques, particularly language models (LMs), with knowledge representation techniques like ontologies has raised widespread attention, urging the need of a platform that supports both paradigms. Although packages such as OWL API and Jena offer robust support for basic ontology processing features, they lack the capability to transform various types of information within ontologies into formats suitable for downstream deep learning-based applications. Moreover, widely-used ontology APIs are primarily Java-based while deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and Tensorflow are mainly for Python programming. To address the needs, we present DeepOnto, a Python package designed for ontology engineering with deep learning. The package encompasses a core ontology processing module founded on the widely-recognised and reliable OWL API, encapsulating its fundamental features in a more "Pythonic" manner and extending its capabilities to incorporate other essential components including reasoning, verbalisation, normalisation, taxonomy, projection, and more. Building on this module, DeepOnto offers a suite of tools, resources, and algorithms that support various ontology engineering tasks, such as ontology alignment and completion, by harnessing deep learning methods, primarily pre-trained LMs. In this paper, we also demonstrate the practical utility of DeepOnto through two use-cases: the Digital Health Coaching in Samsung Research UK and the Bio-ML track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).

replace Rethinking Mobile AI Ecosystem in the LLM Era

Authors: Jinliang Yuan, Chen Yang, Dongqi Cai, Shihe Wang, Xin Yuan, Zeling Zhang, Xiang Li, Dingge Zhang, Hanzi Mei, Xianqing Jia, Shangguang Wang, Mengwei Xu

Abstract: In today's landscape, smartphones have evolved into hubs for hosting a multitude of deep learning models aimed at local execution. A key realization driving this work is the notable fragmentation among these models, characterized by varied architectures, operators, and implementations. This fragmentation imposes a significant burden on the comprehensive optimization of hardware, system settings, and algorithms. Buoyed by the recent strides in large foundation models, this work introduces a pioneering paradigm for mobile AI: a collaborative management approach between the mobile OS and hardware, overseeing a foundational model capable of serving a broad spectrum of mobile AI tasks, if not all. This foundational model resides within the NPU and remains impervious to app or OS revisions, akin to firmware. Concurrently, each app contributes a concise, offline fine-tuned "adapter" tailored to distinct downstream tasks. From this concept emerges a concrete instantiation known as \sys. It amalgamates a curated selection of publicly available Large Language Models (LLMs) and facilitates dynamic data flow. This concept's viability is substantiated through the creation of an exhaustive benchmark encompassing 38 mobile AI tasks spanning 50 datasets, including domains such as Computer Vision (CV), Natural Language Processing (NLP), audio, sensing, and multimodal inputs. Spanning this benchmark, \sys unveils its impressive performance. It attains accuracy parity in 85\% of tasks, demonstrates improved scalability in terms of storage and memory, and offers satisfactory inference speed on Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) mobile devices fortified with NPU support. This stands in stark contrast to task-specific models tailored for individual applications.

replace AutoDroid: LLM-powered Task Automation in Android

Authors: Hao Wen, Yuanchun Li, Guohong Liu, Shanhui Zhao, Tao Yu, Toby Jia-Jun Li, Shiqi Jiang, Yunhao Liu, Yaqin Zhang, Yunxin Liu

Abstract: Mobile task automation is an attractive technique that aims to enable voice-based hands-free user interaction with smartphones. However, existing approaches suffer from poor scalability due to the limited language understanding ability and the non-trivial manual efforts required from developers or end-users. The recent advance of large language models (LLMs) in language understanding and reasoning inspires us to rethink the problem from a model-centric perspective, where task preparation, comprehension, and execution are handled by a unified language model. In this work, we introduce AutoDroid, a mobile task automation system capable of handling arbitrary tasks on any Android application without manual efforts. The key insight is to combine the commonsense knowledge of LLMs and domain-specific knowledge of apps through automated dynamic analysis. The main components include a functionality-aware UI representation method that bridges the UI with the LLM, exploration-based memory injection techniques that augment the app-specific domain knowledge of LLM, and a multi-granularity query optimization module that reduces the cost of model inference. We integrate AutoDroid with off-the-shelf LLMs including online GPT-4/GPT-3.5 and on-device Vicuna, and evaluate its performance on a new benchmark for memory-augmented Android task automation with 158 common tasks. The results demonstrated that AutoDroid is able to precisely generate actions with an accuracy of 90.9%, and complete tasks with a success rate of 71.3%, outperforming the GPT-4-powered baselines by 36.4% and 39.7%. The demo, benchmark suites, and source code of AutoDroid will be released at url{}.


replace Exploring Iterative Enhancement for Improving Learnersourced Multiple-Choice Question Explanations with Large Language Models

Authors: Qiming Bao, Juho Leinonen, Alex Yuxuan Peng, Wanjun Zhong, Ga\"el Gendron, Timothy Pistotti, Alice Huang, Paul Denny, Michael Witbrock, Jiamou Liu

Abstract: Large language models exhibit superior capabilities in processing and understanding language, yet their applications in educational contexts remain underexplored. Learnersourcing enhances learning by engaging students in creating their own educational content. When learnersourcing multiple-choice questions, creating explanations for the solution of a question is a crucial step; it helps other students understand the solution and promotes a deeper understanding of related concepts. However, it is often difficult for students to craft effective solution explanations, due to limited subject understanding. To help scaffold the task of automated explanation generation, we present and evaluate a framework called "ILearner-LLM", that iteratively enhances the generated explanations for the given questions with large language models. Comprising an explanation generation model and an explanation evaluation model, the framework generates high-quality student-aligned explanations by iteratively feeding the quality rating score from the evaluation model back into the instruction prompt of the explanation generation model. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our ILearner-LLM on LLaMA2-13B and GPT-4 to generate higher quality explanations that are closer to those written by students on five PeerWise datasets. Our findings represent a promising path to enrich the learnersourcing experience for students and to enhance the capabilities of large language models for educational applications.

replace LLM4VV: Developing LLM-Driven Testsuite for Compiler Validation

Authors: Christian Munley, Aaron Jarmusch, Sunita Chandrasekaran

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are a new and powerful tool for a wide span of applications involving natural language and demonstrate impressive code generation abilities. The goal of this work is to automatically generate tests and use these tests to validate and verify compiler implementations of a directive-based parallel programming paradigm, OpenACC. To do so, in this paper, we explore the capabilities of state-of-the-art LLMs, including open-source LLMs -- Meta Codellama, Phind fine-tuned version of Codellama, Deepseek Deepseek Coder and closed-source LLMs -- OpenAI GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4-Turbo. We further fine-tuned the open-source LLMs and GPT-3.5-Turbo using our own testsuite dataset along with using the OpenACC specification. We also explored these LLMs using various prompt engineering techniques that include code template, template with retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), one-shot example, one-shot with RAG, expressive prompt with code template and RAG. This paper highlights our findings from over 5000 tests generated via all the above mentioned methods. Our contributions include: (a) exploring the capabilities of the latest and relevant LLMs for code generation, (b) investigating fine-tuning and prompt methods, and (c) analyzing the outcome of LLMs generated tests including manually analysis of representative set of tests. We found the LLM Deepseek-Coder-33b-Instruct produced the most passing tests followed by GPT-4-Turbo.

replace InstructDET: Diversifying Referring Object Detection with Generalized Instructions

Authors: Ronghao Dang, Jiangyan Feng, Haodong Zhang, Chongjian Ge, Lin Song, Lijun Gong, Chengju Liu, Qijun Chen, Feng Zhu, Rui Zhao, Yibing Song

Abstract: We propose InstructDET, a data-centric method for referring object detection (ROD) that localizes target objects based on user instructions. While deriving from referring expressions (REC), the instructions we leverage are greatly diversified to encompass common user intentions related to object detection. For one image, we produce tremendous instructions that refer to every single object and different combinations of multiple objects. Each instruction and its corresponding object bounding boxes (bbxs) constitute one training data pair. In order to encompass common detection expressions, we involve emerging vision-language model (VLM) and large language model (LLM) to generate instructions guided by text prompts and object bbxs, as the generalizations of foundation models are effective to produce human-like expressions (e.g., describing object property, category, and relationship). We name our constructed dataset as InDET. It contains images, bbxs and generalized instructions that are from foundation models. Our InDET is developed from existing REC datasets and object detection datasets, with the expanding potential that any image with object bbxs can be incorporated through using our InstructDET method. By using our InDET dataset, we show that a conventional ROD model surpasses existing methods on standard REC datasets and our InDET test set. Our data-centric method InstructDET, with automatic data expansion by leveraging foundation models, directs a promising field that ROD can be greatly diversified to execute common object detection instructions.

replace Self Model for Embodied Intelligence: Modeling Full-Body Human Musculoskeletal System and Locomotion Control with Hierarchical Low-Dimensional Representation

Authors: Kaibo He, Chenhui Zuo, Jing Shao, Yanan Sui

Abstract: Modeling and control of the human musculoskeletal system is important for understanding human motor functions, developing embodied intelligence, and optimizing human-robot interaction systems. However, current open-source models are restricted to a limited range of body parts and often with a reduced number of muscles. There is also a lack of algorithms capable of controlling over 600 muscles to generate reasonable human movements. To fill this gap, we build a musculoskeletal model with 90 body segments, 206 joints, and 700 muscle-tendon units, allowing simulation of full-body dynamics and interaction with various devices. We develop a new algorithm using low-dimensional representation and hierarchical deep reinforcement learning to achieve state-of-the-art full-body control. We validate the effectiveness of our model and algorithm in simulations with real human locomotion data. The musculoskeletal model, along with its control algorithm, will be made available to the research community to promote a deeper understanding of human motion control and better design of interactive robots.

replace State Machine of Thoughts: Leveraging Past Reasoning Trajectories for Enhancing Problem Solving

Authors: Jia Liu, Jie Shuai, Xiyao Li

Abstract: Current Large Language Model-based agents reason within an exploration-evaluation framework, navigating problem-solving processes in a tree-like manner. However, these methods often neglect successful reasoning trajectories once a problem is resolved, leading to inefficient use of these trajectories for future analogous problems. To address this inefficiency, we adopt a state machine to record experience derived from previous reasoning trajectories. Within the state machine, states represent decomposed sub-problems, while state transitions reflect the dependencies among sub-problems. The state machine records both successful and failed trajectories. Utilizing the experience from the state machine, our proposed State Machine of Thoughts (SMoT) selects the most optimal sub-solutions and avoids incorrect ones. Our experiments show that SMoT can significantly improve problem-solving abilities in two exploration-intensive problems: the 24-point game and a taxi navigation reinforcement learning game.

replace XXAI: Explicitly Explainable AI provides transparency in automatic decision-making by overcoming the limitations of symbolic AI

Authors: V. L. Kalmykov, L. V. Kalmykov

Abstract: There are concerns about the reliability and safety of sub-symbolic neural network AI because its decisions cannot be explained explicitly. This is the black box problem of modern AI. At the same time, symbolic AI has the nature of a white box and is able to ensure the reliability and safety of its decisions. However, several problems prevent the widespread use of symbolic AI: the opacity of mathematical models and natural language terms, the lack of a unified ontology, and the combinatorial explosion of search capabilities. To solve the black-box problem of AI, we propose Explicitly Explainable AI (XXAI) - a fully transparent white-box AI based on deterministic logical cellular automata whose rules are derived from the first principles of the general theory of the relevant domain. In this case, the general theory of the domain plays the role of a knowledge base for deriving the inferences of the cellular automata. A cellular automaton implements parallel multi-level logical inference at all levels of organization - from local interactions of the element base to the system as a whole. Our verification of several ecological hypotheses sets a precedent for the successful implementation of the proposed solution. XXAI can automatically verify the reliability, safety, and ethicality of sub-symbolic neural network AI decisions during both the final and training phases. This paper presents the theoretical and methodological foundations for creating XXAI and discusses the prospects for this direction.

replace The inherent goodness of well educated intelligence

Authors: Michael E. Glinsky, Sharon Sievert

Abstract: This paper will examine what makes a being intelligent, whether that be a biological being or an artificial silicon being on a computer. Special attention will be paid to the being having the ability to characterize and control a collective system of many identical conservative sub-systems conservatively interacting. The essence of intelligence will be found to be the golden rule -- "the collective acts as one" or "knowing the global consequences of local actions". The flow of the collective is a small set of twinkling textures, that are governed by a puppeteer who is pulling a small number of strings according to a geodesic motion of least action, determined by the symmetries. Controlling collective conservative systems is difficult and has historically been done by adding significant viscosity to the system to stabilize the desirable meta stable equilibriums of maximum performance, but it degrades or destroys them in the process. There is an alternative. Once the optimum twinkling textures of the meta stable equilibriums are identified, the collective system can be moved to the optimum twinkling textures, then quickly vibrated according to the textures so that the collective system remains at the meta stable equilibrium. Well educated intelligence knows the global consequences of its local actions so that it will not take short term actions that will lead to poor long term outcomes. In contrast, trained intelligence or trained stupidity will optimize its short term actions, leading to poor long term outcomes. Well educated intelligence is inherently good, but trained stupidity is inherently evil and should be feared. Particular attention is paid to the control and optimization of economic and social collectives. These new results are also applicable to physical collectives such as fields, fluids and plasmas.

replace Can Large Language Model Agents Simulate Human Trust Behaviors?

Authors: Chengxing Xie, Canyu Chen, Feiran Jia, Ziyu Ye, Kai Shu, Adel Bibi, Ziniu Hu, Philip Torr, Bernard Ghanem, Guohao Li

Abstract: Large Language Model (LLM) agents have been increasingly adopted as simulation tools to model humans in applications such as social science. However, one fundamental question remains: can LLM agents really simulate human behaviors? In this paper, we focus on one of the most critical behaviors in human interactions, trust, and aim to investigate whether or not LLM agents can simulate human trust behaviors. We first find that LLM agents generally exhibit trust behaviors, referred to as agent trust, under the framework of Trust Games, which are widely recognized in behavioral economics. Then, we discover that LLM agents can have high behavioral alignment with humans regarding trust behaviors, particularly for GPT-4, indicating the feasibility to simulate human trust behaviors with LLM agents. In addition, we probe into the biases in agent trust and the differences in agent trust towards agents and humans. We also explore the intrinsic properties of agent trust under conditions including advanced reasoning strategies and external manipulations. We further offer important implications of our discoveries for various scenarios where trust is paramount. Our study provides new insights into the behaviors of LLM agents and the fundamental analogy between LLMs and humans.

replace Random Graph Set and Evidence Pattern Reasoning Model

Authors: Tianxiang Zhan, Zhen Li, Yong Deng

Abstract: Evidence theory is widely used in decision-making and reasoning systems. In previous research, Transferable Belief Model (TBM) is a commonly used evidential decision making model, but TBM is a non-preference model. In order to better fit the decision making goals, the Evidence Pattern Reasoning Model (EPRM) is proposed. By defining pattern operators and decision making operators, corresponding preferences can be set for different tasks. Random Permutation Set (RPS) expands order information for evidence theory. It is hard for RPS to characterize the complex relationship between samples such as cycling, paralleling relationships. Therefore, Random Graph Set (RGS) were proposed to model complex relationships and represent more event types. In order to illustrate the significance of RGS and EPRM, an experiment of aircraft velocity ranking was designed and 10,000 cases were simulated. The implementation of EPRM called Conflict Resolution Decision optimized 18.17\% of the cases compared to Mean Velocity Decision, effectively improving the aircraft velocity ranking. EPRM provides a unified solution for evidence-based decision making.

replace A Self-matching Training Method with Annotation Embedding Models for Ontology Subsumption Prediction

Authors: Yukihiro Shiraishi, Ken Kaneiwa

Abstract: Recently, ontology embeddings representing entities in a low-dimensional space have been proposed for ontology completion. However, the ontology embeddings for concept subsumption prediction do not address the difficulties of similar and isolated entities and fail to extract the global information of annotation axioms from an ontology. In this paper, we propose a self-matching training method for the two ontology embedding models: Inverted-index Matrix Embedding (InME) and Co-occurrence Matrix Embedding (CoME). The two embeddings capture the global and local information in annotation axioms by means of the occurring locations of each word in a set of axioms and the co-occurrences of words in each axiom. The self-matching training method increases the robustness of the concept subsumption prediction when predicted superclasses are similar to subclasses and are isolated to other entities in an ontology. Our evaluation experiments show that the self-matching training method with InME outperforms the existing ontology embeddings for the GO and FoodOn ontologies and that the method with the concatenation of CoME and OWL2Vec* outperforms them for the HeLiS ontology.

replace The Case for Globalizing Fairness: A Mixed Methods Study on Colonialism, AI, and Health in Africa

Authors: Mercy Asiedu, Awa Dieng, Iskandar Haykel, Negar Rostamzadeh, Stephen Pfohl, Chirag Nagpal, Maria Nagawa, Abigail Oppong, Sanmi Koyejo, Katherine Heller

Abstract: With growing application of machine learning (ML) technologies in healthcare, there have been calls for developing techniques to understand and mitigate biases these systems may exhibit. Fair-ness considerations in the development of ML-based solutions for health have particular implications for Africa, which already faces inequitable power imbalances between the Global North and South.This paper seeks to explore fairness for global health, with Africa as a case study. We conduct a scoping review to propose axes of disparities for fairness consideration in the African context and delineate where they may come into play in different ML-enabled medical modalities. We then conduct qualitative research studies with 672 general population study participants and 28 experts inML, health, and policy focused on Africa to obtain corroborative evidence on the proposed axes of disparities. Our analysis focuses on colonialism as the attribute of interest and examines the interplay between artificial intelligence (AI), health, and colonialism. Among the pre-identified attributes, we found that colonial history, country of origin, and national income level were specific axes of disparities that participants believed would cause an AI system to be biased.However, there was also divergence of opinion between experts and general population participants. Whereas experts generally expressed a shared view about the relevance of colonial history for the development and implementation of AI technologies in Africa, the majority of the general population participants surveyed did not think there was a direct link between AI and colonialism. Based on these findings, we provide practical recommendations for developing fairness-aware ML solutions for health in Africa.

replace DeepCRE: Revolutionizing Drug R&D with Cutting-Edge Computational Models

Authors: Yushuai Wu

Abstract: The fields of pharmaceutical development and therapeutic application both face substantial challenges. The therapeutic domain calls for more treatment alternatives, while numerous promising pre-clinical drugs have failed in clinical trials. One of the reasons is the inadequacy of Cross-drug Response Evaluation (CRE) during the late stage of drug development. Although in-silico CRE models offer a solution to this problem, existing methodologies are either limited to early development stages or lack the capacity for a comprehensive CRE analysis. Herein, we introduce a novel computational model named DeepCRE and present the potential of DeepCRE in advancing therapeutic discovery and development. DeepCRE outperforms the existing best models by achieving an average performance improvement of 17.7\% in patient-level CRE and a 5-fold increase in indication-level CRE. Furthermore, DeepCRE has identified six drug candidates that show significantly greater effectiveness than a comparator set of two approved drugs in 5/8 colorectal cancer (CRC) organoids. This highlights DeepCRE's ability to identify a collection of drug candidates with superior therapeutic effects, underscoring its potential to revolutionize the field of therapeutic development.

replace Personalizing explanations of AI-driven hints to users' cognitive abilities: an empirical evaluation

Authors: Vedant Bahel, Harshinee Sriram, Cristina Conati

Abstract: We investigate personalizing the explanations that an Intelligent Tutoring System generates to justify the hints it provides to students to foster their learning. The personalization targets students with low levels of two traits, Need for Cognition and Conscientiousness, and aims to enhance these students' engagement with the explanations, based on prior findings that these students do not naturally engage with the explanations but they would benefit from them if they do. To evaluate the effectiveness of the personalization, we conducted a user study where we found that our proposed personalization significantly increases our target users' interaction with the hint explanations, their understanding of the hints and their learning. Hence, this work provides valuable insights into effectively personalizing AI-driven explanations for cognitively demanding tasks such as learning.

replace Can Large Language Models Reason and Plan?

Authors: Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract: While humans sometimes do show the capability of correcting their own erroneous guesses with self-critiquing, there seems to be no basis for that assumption in the case of LLMs.

replace Competitive Facility Location under Random Utilities and Routing Constraints

Authors: Hoang Giang Pham, Tien Thanh Dam, Ngan Ha Duong, Tien Mai, Minh Hoang Ha

Abstract: In this paper, we study a facility location problem within a competitive market context, where customer demand is predicted by a random utility choice model. Unlike prior research, which primarily focuses on simple constraints such as a cardinality constraint on the number of selected locations, we introduce routing constraints that necessitate the selection of locations in a manner that guarantees the existence of a tour visiting all chosen locations while adhering to a specified tour length upper bound. Such routing constraints find crucial applications in various real-world scenarios. The problem at hand features a non-linear objective function, resulting from the utilization of random utilities, together with complex routing constraints, making it computationally challenging. To tackle this problem, we explore three types of valid cuts, namely, outer-approximation and submodular cuts to handle the nonlinear objective function, as well as sub-tour elimination cuts to address the complex routing constraints. These lead to the development of two exact solution methods: a nested cutting plane and nested branch-and-cut algorithms, where these valid cuts are iteratively added to a master problem through two nested loops. We also prove that our nested cutting plane method always converges to optimality after a finite number of iterations. Furthermore, we develop a local search-based metaheuristic tailored for solving large-scale instances and show its pros and cons compared to exact methods. Extensive experiments are conducted on problem instances of varying sizes, demonstrating that our approach excels in terms of solution quality and computation time when compared to other baseline approaches.

replace Self-Supervision in Time for Satellite Images(S3-TSS): A novel method of SSL technique in Satellite images

Authors: Akansh Maurya, Hewan Shrestha, Mohammad Munem Shahriar

Abstract: With the limited availability of labeled data with various atmospheric conditions in remote sensing images, it seems useful to work with self-supervised algorithms. Few pretext-based algorithms, including from rotation, spatial context and jigsaw puzzles are not appropriate for satellite images. Often, satellite images have a higher temporal frequency. So, the temporal dimension of remote sensing data provides natural augmentation without requiring us to create artificial augmentation of images. Here, we propose S3-TSS, a novel method of self-supervised learning technique that leverages natural augmentation occurring in temporal dimension. We compare our results with current state-of-the-art methods and also perform various experiments. We observed that our method was able to perform better than baseline SeCo in four downstream datasets. Code for our work can be found here:


replace DeepSeek-VL: Towards Real-World Vision-Language Understanding

Authors: Haoyu Lu, Wen Liu, Bo Zhang, Bingxuan Wang, Kai Dong, Bo Liu, Jingxiang Sun, Tongzheng Ren, Zhuoshu Li, Hao Yang, Yaofeng Sun, Chengqi Deng, Hanwei Xu, Zhenda Xie, Chong Ruan

Abstract: We present DeepSeek-VL, an open-source Vision-Language (VL) Model designed for real-world vision and language understanding applications. Our approach is structured around three key dimensions: We strive to ensure our data is diverse, scalable, and extensively covers real-world scenarios including web screenshots, PDFs, OCR, charts, and knowledge-based content, aiming for a comprehensive representation of practical contexts. Further, we create a use case taxonomy from real user scenarios and construct an instruction tuning dataset accordingly. The fine-tuning with this dataset substantially improves the model's user experience in practical applications. Considering efficiency and the demands of most real-world scenarios, DeepSeek-VL incorporates a hybrid vision encoder that efficiently processes high-resolution images (1024 x 1024), while maintaining a relatively low computational overhead. This design choice ensures the model's ability to capture critical semantic and detailed information across various visual tasks. We posit that a proficient Vision-Language Model should, foremost, possess strong language abilities. To ensure the preservation of LLM capabilities during pretraining, we investigate an effective VL pretraining strategy by integrating LLM training from the beginning and carefully managing the competitive dynamics observed between vision and language modalities. The DeepSeek-VL family (both 1.3B and 7B models) showcases superior user experiences as a vision-language chatbot in real-world applications, achieving state-of-the-art or competitive performance across a wide range of visual-language benchmarks at the same model size while maintaining robust performance on language-centric benchmarks. We have made both 1.3B and 7B models publicly accessible to foster innovations based on this foundation model.

replace-cross Wise-SrNet: A Novel Architecture for Enhancing Image Classification by Learning Spatial Resolution of Feature Maps

Authors: Mohammad Rahimzadeh, AmirAli Askari, Soroush Parvin, Elnaz Safi, Mohammad Reza Mohammadi

Abstract: One of the main challenges since the advancement of convolutional neural networks is how to connect the extracted feature map to the final classification layer. VGG models used two sets of fully connected layers for the classification part of their architectures, which significantly increased the number of models' weights. ResNet and the next deep convolutional models used the Global Average Pooling (GAP) layer to compress the feature map and feed it to the classification layer. Although using the GAP layer reduces the computational cost, but also causes losing spatial resolution of the feature map, which results in decreasing learning efficiency. In this paper, we aim to tackle this problem by replacing the GAP layer with a new architecture called Wise-SrNet. It is inspired by the depthwise convolutional idea and is designed for processing spatial resolution while not increasing computational cost. We have evaluated our method using three different datasets: Intel Image Classification Challenge, MIT Indoors Scenes, and a part of the ImageNet dataset. We investigated the implementation of our architecture on several models of the Inception, ResNet, and DenseNet families. Applying our architecture has revealed a significant effect on increasing convergence speed and accuracy. Our Experiments on images with 224*224 resolution increased the Top-1 accuracy between 2% to 8% on different datasets and models. Running our models on 512*512 resolution images of the MIT Indoors Scenes dataset showed a notable result of improving the Top-1 accuracy within 3% to 26%. We will also demonstrate the GAP layer's disadvantage when the input images are large and the number of classes is not few. In this circumstance, our proposed architecture can do a great help in enhancing classification results. The code is shared at


replace-cross Generalizing Graph Neural Networks on Out-Of-Distribution Graphs

Authors: Shaohua Fan, Xiao Wang, Chuan Shi, Peng Cui, Bai Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are proposed without considering the agnostic distribution shifts between training and testing graphs, inducing the degeneration of the generalization ability of GNNs on Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) settings. The fundamental reason for such degeneration is that most GNNs are developed based on the I.I.D hypothesis. In such a setting, GNNs tend to exploit subtle statistical correlations existing in the training set for predictions, even though it is a spurious correlation. However, such spurious correlations may change in testing environments, leading to the failure of GNNs. Therefore, eliminating the impact of spurious correlations is crucial for stable GNNs. To this end, we propose a general causal representation framework, called StableGNN. The main idea is to extract high-level representations from graph data first and resort to the distinguishing ability of causal inference to help the model get rid of spurious correlations. Particularly, we exploit a graph pooling layer to extract subgraph-based representations as high-level representations. Furthermore, we propose a causal variable distinguishing regularizer to correct the biased training distribution. Hence, GNNs would concentrate more on the stable correlations. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world OOD graph datasets well verify the effectiveness, flexibility and interpretability of the proposed framework.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning with Spiking Q-learning

Authors: Ding Chen, Peixi Peng, Tiejun Huang, Yonghong Tian

Abstract: With the help of special neuromorphic hardware, spiking neural networks (SNNs) are expected to realize artificial intelligence (AI) with less energy consumption. It provides a promising energy-efficient way for realistic control tasks by combining SNNs with deep reinforcement learning (RL). There are only a few existing SNN-based RL methods at present. Most of them either lack generalization ability or employ Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to estimate value function in training. The former needs to tune numerous hyper-parameters for each scenario, and the latter limits the application of different types of RL algorithm and ignores the large energy consumption in training. To develop a robust spike-based RL method, we draw inspiration from non-spiking interneurons found in insects and propose the deep spiking Q-network (DSQN), using the membrane voltage of non-spiking neurons as the representation of Q-value, which can directly learn robust policies from high-dimensional sensory inputs using end-to-end RL. Experiments conducted on 17 Atari games demonstrate the DSQN is effective and even outperforms the ANN-based deep Q-network (DQN) in most games. Moreover, the experiments show superior learning stability and robustness to adversarial attacks of DSQN.

replace-cross OpenXAI: Towards a Transparent Evaluation of Model Explanations

Authors: Chirag Agarwal, Dan Ley, Eshika Saxena, Satyapriya Krishna, Martin Pawelczyk, Nari Johnson, Isha Puri, Marinka Zitnik, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: While several types of post hoc explanation methods have been proposed in recent literature, there is very little work on systematically benchmarking these methods. Here, we introduce OpenXAI, a comprehensive and extensible open-source framework for evaluating and benchmarking post hoc explanation methods. OpenXAI comprises of the following key components: (i) a flexible synthetic data generator and a collection of diverse real-world datasets, pre-trained models, and state-of-the-art feature attribution methods, and (ii) open-source implementations of eleven quantitative metrics for evaluating faithfulness, stability (robustness), and fairness of explanation methods, in turn providing comparisons of several explanation methods across a wide variety of metrics, models, and datasets. OpenXAI is easily extensible, as users can readily evaluate custom explanation methods and incorporate them into our leaderboards. Overall, OpenXAI provides an automated end-to-end pipeline that not only simplifies and standardizes the evaluation of post hoc explanation methods, but also promotes transparency and reproducibility in benchmarking these methods. While the first release of OpenXAI supports only tabular datasets, the explanation methods and metrics that we consider are general enough to be applicable to other data modalities. OpenXAI datasets and models, implementations of state-of-the-art explanation methods and evaluation metrics, are publicly available at this GitHub link.

replace-cross Machine Learning-Powered Course Allocation

Authors: Ermis Soumalias, Behnoosh Zamanlooy, Jakob Weissteiner, Sven Seuken

Abstract: We study the course allocation problem, where universities assign course schedules to students. The current state-of-the-art mechanism, Course Match, has one major shortcoming: students make significant mistakes when reporting their preferences, which negatively affects welfare and fairness. To address this issue, we introduce a new mechanism, Machine Learning-powered Course Match (MLCM). At the core of MLCM is a machine learning-powered preference elicitation module that iteratively asks personalized pairwise comparison queries to alleviate students' reporting mistakes. Extensive computational experiments, grounded in real-world data, demonstrate that MLCM, with only ten comparison queries, significantly increases both average and minimum student utility by 7%-11% and 17%-29%, respectively. Finally, we highlight MLCM's robustness to changes in the environment and show how our design minimizes the risk of upgrading to MLCM while making the upgrade process simple for universities and seamless for their students.

replace-cross Visual CPG-RL: Learning Central Pattern Generators for Visually-Guided Quadruped Locomotion

Authors: Guillaume Bellegarda, Milad Shafiee, Auke Ijspeert

Abstract: We present a framework for learning visually-guided quadruped locomotion by integrating exteroceptive sensing and central pattern generators (CPGs), i.e. systems of coupled oscillators, into the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework. Through both exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensing, the agent learns to coordinate rhythmic behavior among different oscillators to track velocity commands, while at the same time override these commands to avoid collisions with the environment. We investigate several open robotics and neuroscience questions: 1) What is the role of explicit interoscillator couplings between oscillators, and can such coupling improve sim-to-real transfer for navigation robustness? 2) What are the effects of using a memory-enabled vs. a memory-free policy network with respect to robustness, energy-efficiency, and tracking performance in sim-to-real navigation tasks? 3) How do animals manage to tolerate high sensorimotor delays, yet still produce smooth and robust gaits? To answer these questions, we train our perceptive locomotion policies in simulation and perform sim-to-real transfers to the Unitree Go1 quadruped, where we observe robust navigation in a variety of scenarios. Our results show that the CPG, explicit interoscillator couplings, and memory-enabled policy representations are all beneficial for energy efficiency, robustness to noise and sensory delays of 90 ms, and tracking performance for successful sim-to-real transfer for navigation tasks. Video results can be found at


replace-cross Language-Driven Anchors for Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Xiao Li, Wei Zhang, Yining Liu, Zhanhao Hu, Bo Zhang, Xiaolin Hu

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are known to be susceptible to adversarial attacks. Previous researches mainly focus on improving adversarial robustness in the fully supervised setting, leaving the challenging domain of zero-shot adversarial robustness an open question. In this work, we investigate this domain by leveraging the recent advances in large vision-language models, such as CLIP, to introduce zero-shot adversarial robustness to DNNs. We propose LAAT, a Language-driven, Anchor-based Adversarial Training strategy. LAAT utilizes the features of a text encoder for each category as fixed anchors (normalized feature embeddings) for each category, which are then employed for adversarial training. By leveraging the semantic consistency of the text encoders, LAAT aims to enhance the adversarial robustness of the image model on novel categories. However, naively using text encoders leads to poor results. Through analysis, we identified the issue to be the high cosine similarity between text encoders. We then design an expansion algorithm and an alignment cross-entropy loss to alleviate the problem. Our experimental results demonstrated that LAAT significantly improves zero-shot adversarial robustness over state-of-the-art methods. LAAT has the potential to enhance adversarial robustness by large-scale multimodal models, especially when labeled data is unavailable during training.

replace-cross ReelFramer: Human-AI Co-Creation for News-to-Video Translation

Authors: Sitong Wang, Samia Menon, Tao Long, Keren Henderson, Dingzeyu Li, Kevin Crowston, Mark Hansen, Jeffrey V. Nickerson, Lydia B. Chilton

Abstract: Short videos on social media are the dominant way young people consume content. News outlets aim to reach audiences through news reels -- short videos conveying news -- but struggle to translate traditional journalistic formats into short, entertaining videos. To translate news into social media reels, we support journalists in reframing the narrative. In literature, narrative framing is a high-level structure that shapes the overall presentation of a story. We identified three narrative framings for reels that adapt social media norms but preserve news value, each with a different balance of information and entertainment. We introduce ReelFramer, a human-AI co-creative system that helps journalists translate print articles into scripts and storyboards. ReelFramer supports exploring multiple narrative framings to find one appropriate to the story. AI suggests foundational narrative details, including characters, plot, setting, and key information. ReelFramer also supports visual framing; AI suggests character and visual detail designs before generating a full storyboard. Our studies show that narrative framing introduces the necessary diversity to translate various articles into reels, and establishing foundational details helps generate scripts that are more relevant and coherent. We also discuss the benefits of using narrative framing and foundational details in content retargeting.

replace-cross RSBA: Robust Statistical Backdoor Attack under Privilege-Constrained Scenarios

Authors: Xiaolei Liu, Ming Yi, Kangyi Ding, Bangzhou Xin, Yixiao Xu, Li Yan, Chao Shen

Abstract: Learning-based systems have been demonstrated to be vulnerable to backdoor attacks, wherein malicious users manipulate model performance by injecting backdoors into the target model and activating them with specific triggers. Previous backdoor attack methods primarily focused on two key metrics: attack success rate and stealthiness. However, these methods often necessitate significant privileges over the target model, such as control over the training process, making them challenging to implement in real-world scenarios. Moreover, the robustness of existing backdoor attacks is not guaranteed, as they prove sensitive to defenses such as image augmentations and model distillation. In this paper, we address these two limitations and introduce RSBA (Robust Statistical Backdoor Attack under Privilege-constrained Scenarios). The key insight of RSBA is that statistical features can naturally divide images into different groups, offering a potential implementation of triggers. This type of trigger is more robust than manually designed ones, as it is widely distributed in normal images. By leveraging these statistical triggers, RSBA enables attackers to conduct black-box attacks by solely poisoning the labels or the images. We empirically and theoretically demonstrate the robustness of RSBA against image augmentations and model distillation. Experimental results show that RSBA achieves a 99.83\% attack success rate in black-box scenarios. Remarkably, it maintains a high success rate even after model distillation, where attackers lack access to the training dataset of the student model (1.39\% success rate for baseline methods on average).

replace-cross Markov $\alpha$-Potential Games

Authors: Xin Guo, Xinyu Li, Chinmay Maheshwari, Shankar Sastry, Manxi Wu

Abstract: This paper proposes a new framework of Markov $\alpha$-potential games to study Markov games. In this new framework, Markov games are shown to be Markov $\alpha$-potential games, and the existence of an associated $\alpha$-potential function is established. Any optimizer of an $\alpha$-potential function is shown to be an $\alpha$-stationary NE. Two important classes of practically significant Markov games, Markov congestion games and the perturbed Markov team games, are studied via this framework of Markov $\alpha$-potential games, with explicit characterization of an upper bound for $\alpha$ and its relation to game parameters. Additionally, a semi-infinite linear programming based formulation is presented to obtain an upper bound for $\alpha$ for any Markov game. Furthermore, two equilibrium approximation algorithms, namely the projected gradient-ascent algorithm and the sequential maximum improvement algorithm, are presented along with their Nash regret analysis, and corroborated by numerical experiments.

replace-cross Jailbreaking ChatGPT via Prompt Engineering: An Empirical Study

Authors: Yi Liu, Gelei Deng, Zhengzi Xu, Yuekang Li, Yaowen Zheng, Ying Zhang, Lida Zhao, Tianwei Zhang, Kailong Wang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), like ChatGPT, have demonstrated vast potential but also introduce challenges related to content constraints and potential misuse. Our study investigates three key research questions: (1) the number of different prompt types that can jailbreak LLMs, (2) the effectiveness of jailbreak prompts in circumventing LLM constraints, and (3) the resilience of ChatGPT against these jailbreak prompts. Initially, we develop a classification model to analyze the distribution of existing prompts, identifying ten distinct patterns and three categories of jailbreak prompts. Subsequently, we assess the jailbreak capability of prompts with ChatGPT versions 3.5 and 4.0, utilizing a dataset of 3,120 jailbreak questions across eight prohibited scenarios. Finally, we evaluate the resistance of ChatGPT against jailbreak prompts, finding that the prompts can consistently evade the restrictions in 40 use-case scenarios. The study underscores the importance of prompt structures in jailbreaking LLMs and discusses the challenges of robust jailbreak prompt generation and prevention.

replace-cross Large Language Models as Tool Makers

Authors: Tianle Cai, Xuezhi Wang, Tengyu Ma, Xinyun Chen, Denny Zhou

Abstract: Recent research has highlighted the potential of large language models (LLMs) to improve their problem-solving capabilities with the aid of suitable external tools. In our work, we further advance this concept by introducing a closed-loop framework, referred to as LLMs A s Tool Makers (LATM), where LLMs create their own reusable tools for problem-solving. Our approach consists of two phases: 1) tool making: an LLM acts as the tool maker that crafts tools for a set of tasks. 2) tool using: another LLM acts as the tool user, which applies the tool built by the tool maker for problem-solving. On the problem-solving server side, tool-making enables continual tool generation and caching as new requests emerge. This framework enables subsequent requests to access cached tools via their corresponding APIs, enhancing the efficiency of task resolution. Recognizing that tool-making requires more sophisticated capabilities, we assign this task to a powerful, albeit resource-intensive, model. Conversely, the simpler tool-using phase is delegated to a lightweight model. This strategic division of labor allows the once-off cost of tool-making to be spread over multiple instances of tool-using, significantly reducing average costs while maintaining strong performance. Furthermore, our method offers a functional cache through the caching and reuse of tools, which stores the functionality of a class of requests instead of the natural language responses from LLMs, thus extending the applicability of the conventional cache mechanism. We evaluate our approach across various complex reasoning tasks, including Big-Bench tasks. With GPT-4 as the tool maker and GPT-3.5 as the tool user, LATM demonstrates performance equivalent to using GPT-4 for both roles, but with a significantly reduced inference cost.

replace-cross HiFA: High-fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Advanced Diffusion Guidance

Authors: Junzhe Zhu, Peiye Zhuang, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: The advancements in automatic text-to-3D generation have been remarkable. Most existing methods use pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models to optimize 3D representations like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) via latent-space denoising score matching. Yet, these methods often result in artifacts and inconsistencies across different views due to their suboptimal optimization approaches and limited understanding of 3D geometry. Moreover, the inherent constraints of NeRFs in rendering crisp geometry and stable textures usually lead to a two-stage optimization to attain high-resolution details. This work proposes holistic sampling and smoothing approaches to achieve high-quality text-to-3D generation, all in a single-stage optimization. We compute denoising scores in the text-to-image diffusion model's latent and image spaces. Instead of randomly sampling timesteps (also referred to as noise levels in denoising score matching), we introduce a novel timestep annealing approach that progressively reduces the sampled timestep throughout optimization. To generate high-quality renderings in a single-stage optimization, we propose regularization for the variance of z-coordinates along NeRF rays. To address texture flickering issues in NeRFs, we introduce a kernel smoothing technique that refines importance sampling weights coarse-to-fine, ensuring accurate and thorough sampling in high-density regions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over previous approaches, enabling the generation of highly detailed and view-consistent 3D assets through a single-stage training process.

replace-cross Prediction Error-based Classification for Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Micha{\l} Zaj\k{a}c, Tinne Tuytelaars, Gido M. van de Ven

Abstract: Class-incremental learning (CIL) is a particularly challenging variant of continual learning, where the goal is to learn to discriminate between all classes presented in an incremental fashion. Existing approaches often suffer from excessive forgetting and imbalance of the scores assigned to classes that have not been seen together during training. In this study, we introduce a novel approach, Prediction Error-based Classification (PEC), which differs from traditional discriminative and generative classification paradigms. PEC computes a class score by measuring the prediction error of a model trained to replicate the outputs of a frozen random neural network on data from that class. The method can be interpreted as approximating a classification rule based on Gaussian Process posterior variance. PEC offers several practical advantages, including sample efficiency, ease of tuning, and effectiveness even when data are presented one class at a time. Our empirical results show that PEC performs strongly in single-pass-through-data CIL, outperforming other rehearsal-free baselines in all cases and rehearsal-based methods with moderate replay buffer size in most cases across multiple benchmarks.

replace-cross Trainable and Explainable Simplicial Map Neural Networks

Authors: Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Miguel A. Guti\'errez-Naranjo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz

Abstract: Simplicial map neural networks (SMNNs) are topology-based neural networks with interesting properties such as universal approximation ability and robustness to adversarial examples under appropriate conditions. However, SMNNs present some bottlenecks for their possible application in high-dimensional datasets. First, SMNNs have precomputed fixed weight and no SMNN training process has been defined so far, so they lack generalization ability. Second, SMNNs require the construction of a convex polytope surrounding the input dataset. In this paper, we overcome these issues by proposing an SMNN training procedure based on a support subset of the given dataset and replacing the construction of the convex polytope by a method based on projections to a hypersphere. In addition, the explainability capacity of SMNNs and an effective implementation are also newly introduced in this paper.

replace-cross Deep Classifier Mimicry without Data Access

Authors: Steven Braun, Martin Mundt, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: Access to pre-trained models has recently emerged as a standard across numerous machine learning domains. Unfortunately, access to the original data the models were trained on may not equally be granted. This makes it tremendously challenging to fine-tune, compress models, adapt continually, or to do any other type of data-driven update. We posit that original data access may however not be required. Specifically, we propose Contrastive Abductive Knowledge Extraction (CAKE), a model-agnostic knowledge distillation procedure that mimics deep classifiers without access to the original data. To this end, CAKE generates pairs of noisy synthetic samples and diffuses them contrastively toward a model's decision boundary. We empirically corroborate CAKE's effectiveness using several benchmark datasets and various architectural choices, paving the way for broad application.

replace-cross BeMap: Balanced Message Passing for Fair Graph Neural Network

Authors: Xiao Lin, Jian Kang, Weilin Cong, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Fairness in graph neural networks has been actively studied recently. However, existing works often do not explicitly consider the role of message passing in introducing or amplifying the bias. In this paper, we first investigate the problem of bias amplification in message passing. We empirically and theoretically demonstrate that message passing could amplify the bias when the 1-hop neighbors from different demographic groups are unbalanced. Guided by such analyses, we propose BeMap, a fair message passing method, that leverages a balance-aware sampling strategy to balance the number of the 1-hop neighbors of each node among different demographic groups. Extensive experiments on node classification demonstrate the efficacy of BeMap in mitigating bias while maintaining classification accuracy. The code is available at


replace-cross TransERR: Translation-based Knowledge Graph Embedding via Efficient Relation Rotation

Authors: Jiang Li, Xiangdong Su, Fujun Zhang, Guanglai Gao

Abstract: This paper presents a translation-based knowledge geraph embedding method via efficient relation rotation (TransERR), a straightforward yet effective alternative to traditional translation-based knowledge graph embedding models. Different from the previous translation-based models, TransERR encodes knowledge graphs in the hypercomplex-valued space, thus enabling it to possess a higher degree of translation freedom in mining latent information between the head and tail entities. To further minimize the translation distance, TransERR adaptively rotates the head entity and the tail entity with their corresponding unit quaternions, which are learnable in model training. We also provide mathematical proofs to demonstrate the ability of TransERR in modeling various relation patterns, including symmetry, antisymmetry, inversion, composition, and subrelation patterns. The experiments on 10 benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness and the generalization of TransERR. The results also indicate that TransERR can better encode large-scale datasets with fewer parameters than the previous translation-based models. Our code and datasets are available at~\url{}.


replace-cross Group-based Robustness: A General Framework for Customized Robustness in the Real World

Authors: Weiran Lin, Keane Lucas, Neo Eyal, Lujo Bauer, Michael K. Reiter, Mahmood Sharif

Abstract: Machine-learning models are known to be vulnerable to evasion attacks that perturb model inputs to induce misclassifications. In this work, we identify real-world scenarios where the true threat cannot be assessed accurately by existing attacks. Specifically, we find that conventional metrics measuring targeted and untargeted robustness do not appropriately reflect a model's ability to withstand attacks from one set of source classes to another set of target classes. To address the shortcomings of existing methods, we formally define a new metric, termed group-based robustness, that complements existing metrics and is better-suited for evaluating model performance in certain attack scenarios. We show empirically that group-based robustness allows us to distinguish between models' vulnerability against specific threat models in situations where traditional robustness metrics do not apply. Moreover, to measure group-based robustness efficiently and accurately, we 1) propose two loss functions and 2) identify three new attack strategies. We show empirically that with comparable success rates, finding evasive samples using our new loss functions saves computation by a factor as large as the number of targeted classes, and finding evasive samples using our new attack strategies saves time by up to 99\% compared to brute-force search methods. Finally, we propose a defense method that increases group-based robustness by up to 3.52$\times$.

replace-cross Image Matters: A New Dataset and Empirical Study for Multimodal Hyperbole Detection

Authors: Huixuan Zhang, Xiaojun Wan

Abstract: Hyperbole, or exaggeration, is a common linguistic phenomenon. The detection of hyperbole is an important part of understanding human expression. There have been several studies on hyperbole detection, but most of which focus on text modality only. However, with the development of social media, people can create hyperbolic expressions with various modalities, including text, images, videos, etc. In this paper, we focus on multimodal hyperbole detection. We create a multimodal detection dataset from Weibo (a Chinese social media) and carry out some studies on it. We treat the text and image from a piece of weibo as two modalities and explore the role of text and image for hyperbole detection. Different pre-trained multimodal encoders are also evaluated on this downstream task to show their performance. Besides, since this dataset is constructed from five different topics, we also evaluate the cross-domain performance of different models. These studies can serve as a benchmark and point out the direction of further study on multimodal hyperbole detection.

replace-cross Defending Against Malicious Behaviors in Federated Learning with Blockchain

Authors: Nanqing Dong, Zhipeng Wang, Jiahao Sun, Michael Kampffmeyer, William Knottenbelt, Eric Xing

Abstract: In the era of deep learning, federated learning (FL) presents a promising approach that allows multi-institutional data owners, or clients, to collaboratively train machine learning models without compromising data privacy. However, most existing FL approaches rely on a centralized server for global model aggregation, leading to a single point of failure. This makes the system vulnerable to malicious attacks when dealing with dishonest clients. In this work, we address this problem by proposing a secure and reliable FL system based on blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Our system incorporates a peer-to-peer voting mechanism and a reward-and-slash mechanism, which are powered by on-chain smart contracts, to detect and deter malicious behaviors. Both theoretical and empirical analyses are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, showing that our framework is robust against malicious client-side behaviors.

replace-cross Node-weighted Graph Convolutional Network for Depression Detection in Transcribed Clinical Interviews

Authors: Sergio Burdisso, Esa\'u Villatoro-Tello, Srikanth Madikeri, Petr Motlicek

Abstract: We propose a simple approach for weighting self-connecting edges in a Graph Convolutional Network (GCN) and show its impact on depression detection from transcribed clinical interviews. To this end, we use a GCN for modeling non-consecutive and long-distance semantics to classify the transcriptions into depressed or control subjects. The proposed method aims to mitigate the limiting assumptions of locality and the equal importance of self-connections vs. edges to neighboring nodes in GCNs, while preserving attractive features such as low computational cost, data agnostic, and interpretability capabilities. We perform an exhaustive evaluation in two benchmark datasets. Results show that our approach consistently outperforms the vanilla GCN model as well as previously reported results, achieving an F1=0.84 on both datasets. Finally, a qualitative analysis illustrates the interpretability capabilities of the proposed approach and its alignment with previous findings in psychology.

replace-cross Combating Data Imbalances in Federated Semi-supervised Learning with Dual Regulators

Authors: Sikai Bai, Shuaicheng Li, Weiming Zhuang, Jie Zhang, Song Guo, Kunlin Yang, Jun Hou, Shuai Zhang, Junyu Gao, Shuai Yi

Abstract: Federated learning has become a popular method to learn from decentralized heterogeneous data. Federated semi-supervised learning (FSSL) emerges to train models from a small fraction of labeled data due to label scarcity on decentralized clients. Existing FSSL methods assume independent and identically distributed (IID) labeled data across clients and consistent class distribution between labeled and unlabeled data within a client. This work studies a more practical and challenging scenario of FSSL, where data distribution is different not only across clients but also within a client between labeled and unlabeled data. To address this challenge, we propose a novel FSSL framework with dual regulators, FedDure. FedDure lifts the previous assumption with a coarse-grained regulator (C-reg) and a fine-grained regulator (F-reg): C-reg regularizes the updating of the local model by tracking the learning effect on labeled data distribution; F-reg learns an adaptive weighting scheme tailored for unlabeled instances in each client. We further formulate the client model training as bi-level optimization that adaptively optimizes the model in the client with two regulators. Theoretically, we show the convergence guarantee of the dual regulators. Empirically, we demonstrate that FedDure is superior to the existing methods across a wide range of settings, notably by more than 11 on CIFAR-10 and CINIC-10 datasets.

replace-cross Scaling Laws for Imitation Learning in Single-Agent Games

Authors: Jens Tuyls, Dhruv Madeka, Kari Torkkola, Dean Foster, Karthik Narasimhan, Sham Kakade

Abstract: Imitation Learning (IL) is one of the most widely used methods in machine learning. Yet, many works find it is often unable to fully recover the underlying expert behavior, even in constrained environments like single-agent games. However, none of these works deeply investigate the role of scaling up the model and data size. Inspired by recent work in Natural Language Processing (NLP) where "scaling up" has resulted in increasingly more capable LLMs, we investigate whether carefully scaling up model and data size can bring similar improvements in the imitation learning setting for single-agent games. We first demonstrate our findings on a variety of Atari games, and thereafter focus on the extremely challenging game of NetHack. In all games, we find that IL loss and mean return scale smoothly with the compute budget (FLOPs) and are strongly correlated, resulting in power laws for training compute-optimal IL agents. Finally, we forecast and train several NetHack agents with IL and find they outperform prior state-of-the-art by 1.5x in all settings. Our work both demonstrates the scaling behavior of imitation learning in a variety of single-agent games, as well as the viability of scaling up current approaches for increasingly capable agents in NetHack, a game that remains elusively hard for current AI systems.

replace-cross Overthinking the Truth: Understanding how Language Models Process False Demonstrations

Authors: Danny Halawi, Jean-Stanislas Denain, Jacob Steinhardt

Abstract: Modern language models can imitate complex patterns through few-shot learning, enabling them to complete challenging tasks without fine-tuning. However, imitation can also lead models to reproduce inaccuracies or harmful content if present in the context. We study harmful imitation through the lens of a model's internal representations, and identify two related phenomena: "overthinking" and "false induction heads". The first phenomenon, overthinking, appears when we decode predictions from intermediate layers, given correct vs. incorrect few-shot demonstrations. At early layers, both demonstrations induce similar model behavior, but the behavior diverges sharply at some "critical layer", after which the accuracy given incorrect demonstrations progressively decreases. The second phenomenon, false induction heads, are a possible mechanistic cause of overthinking: these are heads in late layers that attend to and copy false information from previous demonstrations, and whose ablation reduces overthinking. Beyond scientific understanding, our results suggest that studying intermediate model computations could be a promising avenue for understanding and guarding against harmful model behaviors.

replace-cross HIQL: Offline Goal-Conditioned RL with Latent States as Actions

Authors: Seohong Park, Dibya Ghosh, Benjamin Eysenbach, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Unsupervised pre-training has recently become the bedrock for computer vision and natural language processing. In reinforcement learning (RL), goal-conditioned RL can potentially provide an analogous self-supervised approach for making use of large quantities of unlabeled (reward-free) data. However, building effective algorithms for goal-conditioned RL that can learn directly from diverse offline data is challenging, because it is hard to accurately estimate the exact value function for faraway goals. Nonetheless, goal-reaching problems exhibit structure, such that reaching distant goals entails first passing through closer subgoals. This structure can be very useful, as assessing the quality of actions for nearby goals is typically easier than for more distant goals. Based on this idea, we propose a hierarchical algorithm for goal-conditioned RL from offline data. Using one action-free value function, we learn two policies that allow us to exploit this structure: a high-level policy that treats states as actions and predicts (a latent representation of) a subgoal and a low-level policy that predicts the action for reaching this subgoal. Through analysis and didactic examples, we show how this hierarchical decomposition makes our method robust to noise in the estimated value function. We then apply our method to offline goal-reaching benchmarks, showing that our method can solve long-horizon tasks that stymie prior methods, can scale to high-dimensional image observations, and can readily make use of action-free data. Our code is available at


replace-cross Neural Bradley-Terry Rating: Quantifying Properties from Comparisons

Authors: Satoru Fujii

Abstract: Many properties in the real world don't have metrics and can't be numerically observed, making them difficult to learn. To deal with this challenging problem, prior works have primarily focused on estimating those properties by using graded human scores as the target label in the training. Meanwhile, rating algorithms based on the Bradley-Terry model are extensively studied to evaluate the competitiveness of players based on their match history. In this paper, we introduce the Neural Bradley-Terry Rating (NBTR), a novel machine learning framework designed to quantify and evaluate properties of unknown items. Our method seamlessly integrates the Bradley-Terry model into the neural network structure. Moreover, we generalize this architecture further to asymmetric environments with unfairness, a condition more commonly encountered in real-world settings. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate that NBTR successfully learns to quantify and estimate desired properties.

replace-cross Strategic Preys Make Acute Predators: Enhancing Camouflaged Object Detectors by Generating Camouflaged Objects

Authors: Chunming He, Kai Li, Yachao Zhang, Yulun Zhang, Zhenhua Guo, Xiu Li, Martin Danelljan, Fisher Yu

Abstract: Camouflaged object detection (COD) is the challenging task of identifying camouflaged objects visually blended into surroundings. Albeit achieving remarkable success, existing COD detectors still struggle to obtain precise results in some challenging cases. To handle this problem, we draw inspiration from the prey-vs-predator game that leads preys to develop better camouflage and predators to acquire more acute vision systems and develop algorithms from both the prey side and the predator side. On the prey side, we propose an adversarial training framework, Camouflageator, which introduces an auxiliary generator to generate more camouflaged objects that are harder for a COD method to detect. Camouflageator trains the generator and detector in an adversarial way such that the enhanced auxiliary generator helps produce a stronger detector. On the predator side, we introduce a novel COD method, called Internal Coherence and Edge Guidance (ICEG), which introduces a camouflaged feature coherence module to excavate the internal coherence of camouflaged objects, striving to obtain more complete segmentation results. Additionally, ICEG proposes a novel edge-guided separated calibration module to remove false predictions to avoid obtaining ambiguous boundaries. Extensive experiments show that ICEG outperforms existing COD detectors and Camouflageator is flexible to improve various COD detectors, including ICEG, which brings state-of-the-art COD performance.

replace-cross Improving Audio-Visual Speech Recognition by Lip-Subword Correlation Based Visual Pre-training and Cross-Modal Fusion Encoder

Authors: Yusheng Dai, Hang Chen, Jun Du, Xiaofei Ding, Ning Ding, Feijun Jiang, Chin-Hui Lee

Abstract: In recent research, slight performance improvement is observed from automatic speech recognition systems to audio-visual speech recognition systems in the end-to-end framework with low-quality videos. Unmatching convergence rates and specialized input representations between audio and visual modalities are considered to cause the problem. In this paper, we propose two novel techniques to improve audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) under a pre-training and fine-tuning training framework. First, we explore the correlation between lip shapes and syllable-level subword units in Mandarin to establish good frame-level syllable boundaries from lip shapes. This enables accurate alignment of video and audio streams during visual model pre-training and cross-modal fusion. Next, we propose an audio-guided cross-modal fusion encoder (CMFE) neural network to utilize main training parameters for multiple cross-modal attention layers to make full use of modality complementarity. Experiments on the MISP2021-AVSR data set show the effectiveness of the two proposed techniques. Together, using only a relatively small amount of training data, the final system achieves better performances than state-of-the-art systems with more complex front-ends and back-ends.

replace-cross Large Language Models for Software Engineering: A Systematic Literature Review

Authors: Xinyi Hou, Yanjie Zhao, Yue Liu, Zhou Yang, Kailong Wang, Li Li, Xiapu Luo, David Lo, John Grundy, Haoyu Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have significantly impacted numerous domains, including Software Engineering (SE). Many recent publications have explored LLMs applied to various SE tasks. Nevertheless, a comprehensive understanding of the application, effects, and possible limitations of LLMs on SE is still in its early stages. To bridge this gap, we conducted a systematic literature review on LLM4SE, with a particular focus on understanding how LLMs can be exploited to optimize processes and outcomes. We collect and analyze 229 research papers from 2017 to 2023 to answer four key research questions (RQs). In RQ1, we categorize different LLMs that have been employed in SE tasks, characterizing their distinctive features and uses. In RQ2, we analyze the methods used in data collection, preprocessing, and application highlighting the role of well-curated datasets for successful LLM for SE implementation. RQ3 investigates the strategies employed to optimize and evaluate the performance of LLMs in SE. Finally, RQ4 examines the specific SE tasks where LLMs have shown success to date, illustrating their practical contributions to the field. From the answers to these RQs, we discuss the current state-of-the-art and trends, identifying gaps in existing research, and flagging promising areas for future study.

replace-cross SICNN: Soft Interference Cancellation Inspired Neural Network Equalizers

Authors: Stefan Baumgartner, Oliver Lang, Mario Huemer

Abstract: In recent years data-driven machine learning approaches have been extensively studied to replace or enhance traditionally model-based processing in digital communication systems. In this work, we focus on equalization and propose a novel neural network (NN-)based approach, referred to as SICNN. SICNN is designed by deep unfolding a model-based iterative soft interference cancellation (SIC) method. It eliminates the main disadvantages of its model-based counterpart, which suffers from high computational complexity and performance degradation due to required approximations. We present different variants of SICNN. SICNNv1 is specifically tailored to single carrier frequency domain equalization (SC-FDE) systems, the communication system mainly regarded in this work. SICNNv2 is more universal and is applicable as an equalizer in any communication system with a block-based data transmission scheme. Moreover, for both SICNNv1 and SICNNv2, we present versions with highly reduced numbers of learnable parameters. Another contribution of this work is a novel approach for generating training datasets for NN-based equalizers, which significantly improves their performance at high signal-to-noise ratios. We compare the bit error ratio performance of the proposed NN-based equalizers with state-of-the-art model-based and NN-based approaches, highlighting the superiority of SICNNv1 over all other methods for SC-FDE. Exemplarily, to emphasize its universality, SICNNv2 is additionally applied to a unique word orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (UW-OFDM) system, where it achieves state-of-the-art performance. Furthermore, we present a thorough complexity analysis of the proposed NN-based equalization approaches, and we investigate the influence of the training set size on the performance of NN-based equalizers.

replace-cross CodeApex: A Bilingual Programming Evaluation Benchmark for Large Language Models

Authors: Lingyue Fu, Huacan Chai, Shuang Luo, Kounianhua Du, Weiming Zhang, Longteng Fan, Jiayi Lei, Renting Rui, Jianghao Lin, Yuchen Fang, Yifan Liu, Jingkuan Wang, Siyuan Qi, Kangning Zhang, Weinan Zhang, Yong Yu

Abstract: With the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs), there has been a significant improvement in the programming capabilities of models, attracting growing attention from researchers. Evaluating the programming capabilities of LLMs is crucial as it reflects the multifaceted abilities of LLMs, and it has numerous downstream applications. In this paper, we propose CodeApex, a bilingual benchmark dataset focusing on the programming comprehension, code generation, and code correction abilities of LLMs. Programming comprehension task tests LLMs on multiple-choice exam questions covering conceptual understanding, commonsense reasoning, and multi-hop reasoning. The code generation task evaluates LLMs through completing C++ functions based on provided descriptions and prototypes. The code correction task asks LLMs to fix real-world erroneous code segments with different error messages. We evaluate 12 widely used LLMs, including both general-purpose and specialized models. GPT-4 exhibits the best programming capabilities, achieving approximate accuracy of 69%, 54%, and 66% on the three tasks, respectively. Compared to human performance, there is still significant room for improvement in LLM programming. We hope that CodeApex can serve as a reference for evaluating the coding capabilities of LLMs, further promoting their development and growth.

replace-cross DoLa: Decoding by Contrasting Layers Improves Factuality in Large Language Models

Authors: Yung-Sung Chuang, Yujia Xie, Hongyin Luo, Yoon Kim, James Glass, Pengcheng He

Abstract: Despite their impressive capabilities, large language models (LLMs) are prone to hallucinations, i.e., generating content that deviates from facts seen during pretraining. We propose a simple decoding strategy for reducing hallucinations with pretrained LLMs that does not require conditioning on retrieved external knowledge nor additional fine-tuning. Our approach obtains the next-token distribution by contrasting the differences in logits obtained from projecting the later layers versus earlier layers to the vocabulary space, exploiting the fact that factual knowledge in an LLMs has generally been shown to be localized to particular transformer layers. We find that this Decoding by Contrasting Layers (DoLa) approach is able to better surface factual knowledge and reduce the generation of incorrect facts. DoLa consistently improves the truthfulness across multiple choices tasks and open-ended generation tasks, for example improving the performance of LLaMA family models on TruthfulQA by 12-17% absolute points, demonstrating its potential in making LLMs reliably generate truthful facts.

replace-cross LMSYS-Chat-1M: A Large-Scale Real-World LLM Conversation Dataset

Authors: Lianmin Zheng, Wei-Lin Chiang, Ying Sheng, Tianle Li, Siyuan Zhuang, Zhanghao Wu, Yonghao Zhuang, Zhuohan Li, Zi Lin, Eric P. Xing, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, Hao Zhang

Abstract: Studying how people interact with large language models (LLMs) in real-world scenarios is increasingly important due to their widespread use in various applications. In this paper, we introduce LMSYS-Chat-1M, a large-scale dataset containing one million real-world conversations with 25 state-of-the-art LLMs. This dataset is collected from 210K unique IP addresses in the wild on our Vicuna demo and Chatbot Arena website. We offer an overview of the dataset's content, including its curation process, basic statistics, and topic distribution, highlighting its diversity, originality, and scale. We demonstrate its versatility through four use cases: developing content moderation models that perform similarly to GPT-4, building a safety benchmark, training instruction-following models that perform similarly to Vicuna, and creating challenging benchmark questions. We believe that this dataset will serve as a valuable resource for understanding and advancing LLM capabilities. The dataset is publicly available at


replace-cross Scene Informer: Anchor-based Occlusion Inference and Trajectory Prediction in Partially Observable Environments

Authors: Bernard Lange, Jiachen Li, Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Abstract: Navigating complex and dynamic environments requires autonomous vehicles (AVs) to reason about both visible and occluded regions. This involves predicting the future motion of observed agents, inferring occluded ones, and modeling their interactions based on vectorized scene representations of the partially observable environment. However, prior work on occlusion inference and trajectory prediction have developed in isolation, with the former based on simplified rasterized methods and the latter assuming full environment observability. We introduce the Scene Informer, a unified approach for predicting both observed agent trajectories and inferring occlusions in a partially observable setting. It uses a transformer to aggregate various input modalities and facilitate selective queries on occlusions that might intersect with the AV's planned path. The framework estimates occupancy probabilities and likely trajectories for occlusions, as well as forecast motion for observed agents. We explore common observability assumptions in both domains and their performance impact. Our approach outperforms existing methods in both occupancy prediction and trajectory prediction in partially observable setting on the Waymo Open Motion Dataset.

replace-cross Navigating Text-To-Image Customization: From LyCORIS Fine-Tuning to Model Evaluation

Authors: Shih-Ying Yeh, Yu-Guan Hsieh, Zhidong Gao, Bernard B W Yang, Giyeong Oh, Yanmin Gong

Abstract: Text-to-image generative models have garnered immense attention for their ability to produce high-fidelity images from text prompts. Among these, Stable Diffusion distinguishes itself as a leading open-source model in this fast-growing field. However, the intricacies of fine-tuning these models pose multiple challenges from new methodology integration to systematic evaluation. Addressing these issues, this paper introduces LyCORIS (Lora beYond Conventional methods, Other Rank adaptation Implementations for Stable diffusion) [], an open-source library that offers a wide selection of fine-tuning methodologies for Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we present a thorough framework for the systematic assessment of varied fine-tuning techniques. This framework employs a diverse suite of metrics and delves into multiple facets of fine-tuning, including hyperparameter adjustments and the evaluation with different prompt types across various concept categories. Through this comprehensive approach, our work provides essential insights into the nuanced effects of fine-tuning parameters, bridging the gap between state-of-the-art research and practical application.


replace-cross STARC: A General Framework For Quantifying Differences Between Reward Functions

Authors: Joar Skalse, Lucy Farnik, Sumeet Ramesh Motwani, Erik Jenner, Adam Gleave, Alessandro Abate

Abstract: In order to solve a task using reinforcement learning, it is necessary to first formalise the goal of that task as a reward function. However, for many real-world tasks, it is very difficult to manually specify a reward function that never incentivises undesirable behaviour. As a result, it is increasingly popular to use \emph{reward learning algorithms}, which attempt to \emph{learn} a reward function from data. However, the theoretical foundations of reward learning are not yet well-developed. In particular, it is typically not known when a given reward learning algorithm with high probability will learn a reward function that is safe to optimise. This means that reward learning algorithms generally must be evaluated empirically, which is expensive, and that their failure modes are difficult to anticipate in advance. One of the roadblocks to deriving better theoretical guarantees is the lack of good methods for quantifying the difference between reward functions. In this paper we provide a solution to this problem, in the form of a class of pseudometrics on the space of all reward functions that we call STARC (STAndardised Reward Comparison) metrics. We show that STARC metrics induce both an upper and a lower bound on worst-case regret, which implies that our metrics are tight, and that any metric with the same properties must be bilipschitz equivalent to ours. Moreover, we also identify a number of issues with reward metrics proposed by earlier works. Finally, we evaluate our metrics empirically, to demonstrate their practical efficacy. STARC metrics can be used to make both theoretical and empirical analysis of reward learning algorithms both easier and more principled.

replace-cross ModuLoRA: Finetuning 2-Bit LLMs on Consumer GPUs by Integrating with Modular Quantizers

Authors: Junjie Yin, Jiahao Dong, Yingheng Wang, Christopher De Sa, Volodymyr Kuleshov

Abstract: We propose a memory-efficient finetuning algorithm for large language models (LLMs) that supports finetuning LLMs with 65B parameters in 2/3/4-bit precision on as little as one 24GB GPU. Our method, modular low-rank adaptation (ModuLoRA), integrates any user-specified weight quantizer with finetuning via low-rank adapters (LoRAs). Our approach relies on a simple quantization-agnostic backward pass that adaptively materializes low-precision LLM weights from a custom black-box quantization module. This approach enables finetuning 2-bit and 3-bit LLMs for the first time -- leveraging state-of-the-art 2-bit QuIP\# quantization and 3-bit OPTQ quantization -- outperforming finetuning that relies on less sophisticated 4-bit and 8-bit methods. In our experiments, \lplora~attains competitive performance on text classification, natural language inference, and instruction following tasks using significantly less memory than existing approaches, and we also surpass the state-of-the-art ROUGE score on a popular summarization task. We release \lplora~together with a series of low-precision models as part of \llmtune, a user-friendly library for quantizing, running, and finetuning LLMs on consumer GPUs.

replace-cross Understanding and Mitigating the Label Noise in Pre-training on Downstream Tasks

Authors: Hao Chen, Jindong Wang, Ankit Shah, Ran Tao, Hongxin Wei, Xing Xie, Masashi Sugiyama, Bhiksha Raj

Abstract: Pre-training on large-scale datasets and then fine-tuning on downstream tasks have become a standard practice in deep learning. However, pre-training data often contain label noise that may adversely affect the generalization of the model. This paper aims to understand the nature of noise in pre-training datasets and to mitigate its impact on downstream tasks. More specifically, through extensive experiments of supervised pre-training models on synthetic noisy ImageNet-1K and YFCC15M datasets, we demonstrate that while slight noise in pre-training can benefit in-domain (ID) transfer performance, where the training and testing data share the same distribution, it always deteriorates out-of-domain (OOD) performance, where training and testing data distribution are different. We empirically verify that the reason behind is noise in pre-training shapes the feature space differently. We then propose a light-weight black-box tuning method (NMTune) to affine the feature space to mitigate the malignant effect of noise and improve generalization on both ID and OOD tasks, considering one may not be able to fully fine-tune or even access the pre-trained models. We conduct practical experiments on popular vision and language models that are pre-trained on noisy data for evaluation of our approach. Our analysis and results show the importance of this interesting and novel research direction, which we term Noisy Model Learning.

replace-cross Visual Political Communication in a Polarized Society: A Longitudinal Study of Brazilian Presidential Elections on Instagram

Authors: Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos, Isabella Gon\c{c}alves, Marcos G. Quiles, Lucia Mesquita, Wilson Ceron, Maria Clara Couto Lorena

Abstract: In today's digital age, images have emerged as powerful tools for politicians to engage with their voters on social media platforms. Visual content possesses a unique emotional appeal that often leads to increased user engagement. However, research on visual communication remains relatively limited, particularly in the Global South. This study aims to bridge this gap by employing a combination of computational methods and qualitative approach to investigate the visual communication strategies employed in a dataset of 11,263 Instagram posts by 19 Brazilian presidential candidates in 2018 and 2022 national elections. Through two studies, we observed consistent patterns across these candidates on their use of visual political communication. Notably, we identify a prevalence of celebratory and positively toned images. They also exhibit a strong sense of personalization, portraying candidates connected with their voters on a more emotional level. Our research also uncovers unique contextual nuances specific to the Brazilian political landscape. We note a substantial presence of screenshots from news websites and other social media platforms. Furthermore, text-edited images with portrayals emerge as a prominent feature. In light of these results, we engage in a discussion regarding the implications for the broader field of visual political communication. This article serves as a testament to the pivotal role that Instagram has played in shaping the narrative of two fiercely polarized Brazilian elections, casting a revealing light on the ever-evolving dynamics of visual political communication in the digital age. Finally, we propose avenues for future research in the realm of visual political communication.

replace-cross Diffusion Generative Flow Samplers: Improving learning signals through partial trajectory optimization

Authors: Dinghuai Zhang, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Cheng-Hao Liu, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We tackle the problem of sampling from intractable high-dimensional density functions, a fundamental task that often appears in machine learning and statistics. We extend recent sampling-based approaches that leverage controlled stochastic processes to model approximate samples from these target densities. The main drawback of these approaches is that the training objective requires full trajectories to compute, resulting in sluggish credit assignment issues due to use of entire trajectories and a learning signal present only at the terminal time. In this work, we present Diffusion Generative Flow Samplers (DGFS), a sampling-based framework where the learning process can be tractably broken down into short partial trajectory segments, via parameterizing an additional "flow function". Our method takes inspiration from the theory developed for generative flow networks (GFlowNets), allowing us to make use of intermediate learning signals. Through various challenging experiments, we demonstrate that DGFS achieves more accurate estimates of the normalization constant than closely-related prior methods.

replace-cross Cold-start Bundle Recommendation via Popularity-based Coalescence and Curriculum Heating

Authors: Hyunsik Jeon, Jong-eun Lee, Jeongin Yun, U Kang

Abstract: How can we recommend cold-start bundles to users? The cold-start problem in bundle recommendation is crucial because new bundles are continuously created on the Web for various marketing purposes. Despite its importance, existing methods for cold-start item recommendation are not readily applicable to bundles. They depend overly on historical information, even for less popular bundles, failing to address the primary challenge of the highly skewed distribution of bundle interactions. In this work, we propose CoHeat (Popularity-based Coalescence and Curriculum Heating), an accurate approach for cold-start bundle recommendation. CoHeat first represents users and bundles through graph-based views, capturing collaborative information effectively. To estimate the user-bundle relationship more accurately, CoHeat addresses the highly skewed distribution of bundle interactions through a popularity-based coalescence approach, which incorporates historical and affiliation information based on the bundle's popularity. Furthermore, it effectively learns latent representations by exploiting curriculum learning and contrastive learning. CoHeat demonstrates superior performance in cold-start bundle recommendation, achieving up to 193% higher nDCG@20 compared to the best competitor.

replace-cross From Text to Self: Users' Perceptions of Potential of AI on Interpersonal Communication and Self

Authors: Yue Fu, Sami Foell, Xuhai Xu, Alexis Hiniker

Abstract: In the rapidly evolving landscape of AI-mediated communication (AIMC), tools powered by Large Language Models (LLMs) are becoming integral to interpersonal communication. Employing a mixed-methods approach, we conducted a one-week diary and interview study to explore users' perceptions of these tools' ability to: 1) support interpersonal communication in the short-term, and 2) lead to potential long-term effects. Our findings indicate that participants view AIMC support favorably, citing benefits such as increased communication confidence, and finding precise language to express their thoughts, navigating linguistic and cultural barriers. However, the study also uncovers current limitations of AIMC tools, including verbosity, unnatural responses, and excessive emotional intensity. These shortcomings are further exacerbated by user concerns about inauthenticity and potential overreliance on the technology. Furthermore, we identified four key communication spaces delineated by communication stakes (high or low) and relationship dynamics (formal or informal) that differentially predict users' attitudes toward AIMC tools. Specifically, participants found the tool is more suitable for communicating in formal relationships than informal ones and more beneficial in high-stakes than low-stakes communication.

replace-cross Training-free Linear Image Inverses via Flows

Authors: Ashwini Pokle, Matthew J. Muckley, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Brian Karrer

Abstract: Solving inverse problems without any training involves using a pretrained generative model and making appropriate modifications to the generation process to avoid finetuning of the generative model. While recent methods have explored the use of diffusion models, they still require the manual tuning of many hyperparameters for different inverse problems. In this work, we propose a training-free method for solving linear inverse problems by using pretrained flow models, leveraging the simplicity and efficiency of Flow Matching models, using theoretically-justified weighting schemes, and thereby significantly reducing the amount of manual tuning. In particular, we draw inspiration from two main sources: adopting prior gradient correction methods to the flow regime, and a solver scheme based on conditional Optimal Transport paths. As pretrained diffusion models are widely accessible, we also show how to practically adapt diffusion models for our method. Empirically, our approach requires no problem-specific tuning across an extensive suite of noisy linear inverse problems on high-dimensional datasets, ImageNet-64/128 and AFHQ-256, and we observe that our flow-based method for solving inverse problems improves upon closely-related diffusion-based methods in most settings.

replace-cross METRA: Scalable Unsupervised RL with Metric-Aware Abstraction

Authors: Seohong Park, Oleh Rybkin, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Unsupervised pre-training strategies have proven to be highly effective in natural language processing and computer vision. Likewise, unsupervised reinforcement learning (RL) holds the promise of discovering a variety of potentially useful behaviors that can accelerate the learning of a wide array of downstream tasks. Previous unsupervised RL approaches have mainly focused on pure exploration and mutual information skill learning. However, despite the previous attempts, making unsupervised RL truly scalable still remains a major open challenge: pure exploration approaches might struggle in complex environments with large state spaces, where covering every possible transition is infeasible, and mutual information skill learning approaches might completely fail to explore the environment due to the lack of incentives. To make unsupervised RL scalable to complex, high-dimensional environments, we propose a novel unsupervised RL objective, which we call Metric-Aware Abstraction (METRA). Our main idea is, instead of directly covering the entire state space, to only cover a compact latent space $Z$ that is metrically connected to the state space $S$ by temporal distances. By learning to move in every direction in the latent space, METRA obtains a tractable set of diverse behaviors that approximately cover the state space, being scalable to high-dimensional environments. Through our experiments in five locomotion and manipulation environments, we demonstrate that METRA can discover a variety of useful behaviors even in complex, pixel-based environments, being the first unsupervised RL method that discovers diverse locomotion behaviors in pixel-based Quadruped and Humanoid. Our code and videos are available at


replace-cross SiamAF: Learning Shared Information from ECG and PPG Signals for Robust Atrial Fibrillation Detection

Authors: Zhicheng Guo, Cheng Ding, Duc H. Do, Amit Shah, Randall J. Lee, Xiao Hu, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia. It is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and other cardiovascular complications, but can be clinically silent. Passive AF monitoring with wearables may help reduce adverse clinical outcomes related to AF. Detecting AF in noisy wearable data poses a significant challenge, leading to the emergence of various deep learning techniques. Previous deep learning models learn from a single modality, either electrocardiogram (ECG) or photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. However, deep learning models often struggle to learn generalizable features and rely on features that are more susceptible to corruption from noise, leading to sub-optimal performances in certain scenarios, especially with low-quality signals. Given the increasing availability of ECG and PPG signal pairs from wearables and bedside monitors, we propose a new approach, SiamAF, leveraging a novel Siamese network architecture and joint learning loss function to learn shared information from both ECG and PPG signals. At inference time, the proposed model is able to predict AF from either PPG or ECG and outperforms baseline methods on three external test sets. It learns medically relevant features as a result of our novel architecture design. The proposed model also achieves comparable performance to traditional learning regimes while requiring much fewer training labels, providing a potential approach to reduce future reliance on manual labeling.

replace-cross In-Context Pretraining: Language Modeling Beyond Document Boundaries

Authors: Weijia Shi, Sewon Min, Maria Lomeli, Chunting Zhou, Margaret Li, Gergely Szilvasy, Rich James, Xi Victoria Lin, Noah A. Smith, Luke Zettlemoyer, Scott Yih, Mike Lewis

Abstract: Large language models (LMs) are currently trained to predict tokens given document prefixes, enabling them to directly perform long-form generation and prompting-style tasks which can be reduced to document completion. Existing pretraining pipelines train LMs by concatenating random sets of short documents to create input contexts but the prior documents provide no signal for predicting the next document. We instead present In-Context Pretraining, a new approach where language models are pretrained on a sequence of related documents, thereby explicitly encouraging them to read and reason across document boundaries. We can do In-Context Pretraining by simply changing the document ordering so that each context contains related documents, and directly applying existing pretraining pipelines. However, this document sorting problem is challenging. There are billions of documents and we would like the sort to maximize contextual similarity for every document without repeating any data. To do this, we introduce approximate algorithms for finding related documents with efficient nearest neighbor search and constructing coherent input contexts with a graph traversal algorithm. Our experiments show In-Context Pretraining offers a simple and scalable approach to significantly enhance LMs'performance: we see notable improvements in tasks that require more complex contextual reasoning, including in-context learning (+8%), reading comprehension (+15%), faithfulness to previous contexts (+16%), long-context reasoning (+5%), and retrieval augmentation (+9%).

replace-cross Towards Robust Offline Reinforcement Learning under Diverse Data Corruption

Authors: Rui Yang, Han Zhong, Jiawei Xu, Amy Zhang, Chongjie Zhang, Lei Han, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) presents a promising approach for learning reinforced policies from offline datasets without the need for costly or unsafe interactions with the environment. However, datasets collected by humans in real-world environments are often noisy and may even be maliciously corrupted, which can significantly degrade the performance of offline RL. In this work, we first investigate the performance of current offline RL algorithms under comprehensive data corruption, including states, actions, rewards, and dynamics. Our extensive experiments reveal that implicit Q-learning (IQL) demonstrates remarkable resilience to data corruption among various offline RL algorithms. Furthermore, we conduct both empirical and theoretical analyses to understand IQL's robust performance, identifying its supervised policy learning scheme as the key factor. Despite its relative robustness, IQL still suffers from heavy-tail targets of Q functions under dynamics corruption. To tackle this challenge, we draw inspiration from robust statistics to employ the Huber loss to handle the heavy-tailedness and utilize quantile estimators to balance penalization for corrupted data and learning stability. By incorporating these simple yet effective modifications into IQL, we propose a more robust offline RL approach named Robust IQL (RIQL). Extensive experiments demonstrate that RIQL exhibits highly robust performance when subjected to diverse data corruption scenarios.

replace-cross CycleNet: Rethinking Cycle Consistency in Text-Guided Diffusion for Image Manipulation

Authors: Sihan Xu, Ziqiao Ma, Yidong Huang, Honglak Lee, Joyce Chai

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) have enabled breakthroughs in image synthesis tasks but lack an intuitive interface for consistent image-to-image (I2I) translation. Various methods have been explored to address this issue, including mask-based methods, attention-based methods, and image-conditioning. However, it remains a critical challenge to enable unpaired I2I translation with pre-trained DMs while maintaining satisfying consistency. This paper introduces Cyclenet, a novel but simple method that incorporates cycle consistency into DMs to regularize image manipulation. We validate Cyclenet on unpaired I2I tasks of different granularities. Besides the scene and object level translation, we additionally contribute a multi-domain I2I translation dataset to study the physical state changes of objects. Our empirical studies show that Cyclenet is superior in translation consistency and quality, and can generate high-quality images for out-of-domain distributions with a simple change of the textual prompt. Cyclenet is a practical framework, which is robust even with very limited training data (around 2k) and requires minimal computational resources (1 GPU) to train. Project homepage:


replace-cross Plug-and-Play Policy Planner for Large Language Model Powered Dialogue Agents

Authors: Yang Deng, Wenxuan Zhang, Wai Lam, See-Kiong Ng, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Proactive dialogues serve as a practical yet challenging dialogue problem in the era of large language models (LLMs), where the dialogue policy planning is the key to improving the proactivity of LLMs. Most existing studies enable the dialogue policy planning of LLMs using various prompting schemes or iteratively enhance this capability in handling the given case with verbal AI feedback. However, these approaches are either bounded by the policy planning capability of the frozen LLMs or hard to be transferred to new cases. In this work, we introduce a new dialogue policy planning paradigm to strategize LLMs for proactive dialogue problems with a tunable language model plug-in as a plug-and-play dialogue policy planner, named PPDPP. Specifically, we develop a novel training framework to facilitate supervised fine-tuning over available human-annotated data as well as reinforcement learning from goal-oriented AI feedback with dynamic interaction data collected by the LLM-based self-play simulation. In this manner, the LLM-powered dialogue agent can not only be generalized to different cases after the training, but also be applicable to different applications by just substituting the learned plug-in. In addition, we propose to evaluate the policy planning capability of dialogue systems under the interactive setting. Experimental results demonstrate that PPDPP consistently and substantially outperforms existing approaches on three different proactive dialogue applications, including negotiation, emotional support, and tutoring dialogues.

replace-cross Selective Visual Representations Improve Convergence and Generalization for Embodied AI

Authors: Ainaz Eftekhar, Kuo-Hao Zeng, Jiafei Duan, Ali Farhadi, Ani Kembhavi, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: Embodied AI models often employ off the shelf vision backbones like CLIP to encode their visual observations. Although such general purpose representations encode rich syntactic and semantic information about the scene, much of this information is often irrelevant to the specific task at hand. This introduces noise within the learning process and distracts the agent's focus from task-relevant visual cues. Inspired by selective attention in humans-the process through which people filter their perception based on their experiences, knowledge, and the task at hand-we introduce a parameter-efficient approach to filter visual stimuli for embodied AI. Our approach induces a task-conditioned bottleneck using a small learnable codebook module. This codebook is trained jointly to optimize task reward and acts as a task-conditioned selective filter over the visual observation. Our experiments showcase state-of-the-art performance for object goal navigation and object displacement across 5 benchmarks, ProcTHOR, ArchitecTHOR, RoboTHOR, AI2-iTHOR, and ManipulaTHOR. The filtered representations produced by the codebook are also able generalize better and converge faster when adapted to other simulation environments such as Habitat. Our qualitative analyses show that agents explore their environments more effectively and their representations retain task-relevant information like target object recognition while ignoring superfluous information about other objects. Code and pretrained models are available at our project website:


replace-cross LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D

Authors: Yicong Hong, Kai Zhang, Jiuxiang Gu, Sai Bi, Yang Zhou, Difan Liu, Feng Liu, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Trung Bui, Hao Tan

Abstract: We propose the first Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) that predicts the 3D model of an object from a single input image within just 5 seconds. In contrast to many previous methods that are trained on small-scale datasets such as ShapeNet in a category-specific fashion, LRM adopts a highly scalable transformer-based architecture with 500 million learnable parameters to directly predict a neural radiance field (NeRF) from the input image. We train our model in an end-to-end manner on massive multi-view data containing around 1 million objects, including both synthetic renderings from Objaverse and real captures from MVImgNet. This combination of a high-capacity model and large-scale training data empowers our model to be highly generalizable and produce high-quality 3D reconstructions from various testing inputs, including real-world in-the-wild captures and images created by generative models. Video demos and interactable 3D meshes can be found on our LRM project webpage:


replace-cross VERVE: Template-based ReflectiVE Rewriting for MotiVational IntErviewing

Authors: Do June Min, Ver\'onica P\'erez-Rosas, Kenneth Resnicow, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Reflective listening is a fundamental skill that counselors must acquire to achieve proficiency in motivational interviewing (MI). It involves responding in a manner that acknowledges and explores the meaning of what the client has expressed in the conversation. In this work, we introduce the task of counseling response rewriting, which transforms non-reflective statements into reflective responses. We introduce VERVE, a template-based rewriting system with paraphrase-augmented training and adaptive template updating. VERVE first creates a template by identifying and filtering out tokens that are not relevant to reflections and constructs a reflective response using the template. Paraphrase-augmented training allows the model to learn less-strict fillings of masked spans, and adaptive template updating helps discover effective templates for rewriting without significantly removing the original content. Using both automatic and human evaluations, we compare our method against text rewriting baselines and show that our framework is effective in turning non-reflective statements into more reflective responses while achieving a good content preservation-reflection style trade-off.

replace-cross Generating Progressive Images from Pathological Transitions via Diffusion Model

Authors: Zeyu Liu, Tianyi Zhang, Yufang He, Yunlu Feng, Yu Zhao, Guanglei Zhang

Abstract: Deep learning is widely applied in computer-aided pathological diagnosis, which alleviates the pathologist workload and provide timely clinical analysis. However, most models generally require large-scale annotated data for training, which faces challenges due to the sampling and annotation scarcity in pathological images. The rapid developing generative models shows potential to generate more training samples from recent studies. However, they also struggle in generalization diversity with limited training data, incapable of generating effective samples. Inspired by the pathological transitions between different stages, we propose an adaptive depth-controlled diffusion (ADD) network to generate pathological progressive images for effective data augmentation. This novel approach roots in domain migration, where a hybrid attention strategy guides the bidirectional diffusion, blending local and global attention priorities. With feature measuring, the adaptive depth-controlled strategy ensures the migration and maintains locational similarity in simulating the pathological feature transition. Based on tiny training set (samples less than 500), the ADD yields cross-domain progressive images with corresponding soft-labels. Experiments on two datasets suggest significant improvements in generation diversity, and the effectiveness with generated progressive samples are highlighted in downstream classifications. The code is available at


replace-cross Mobile-Seed: Joint Semantic Segmentation and Boundary Detection for Mobile Robots

Authors: Youqi Liao, Shuhao Kang, Jianping Li, Yang Liu, Yun Liu, Zhen Dong, Bisheng Yang, Xieyuanli Chen

Abstract: Precise and rapid delineation of sharp boundaries and robust semantics is essential for numerous downstream robotic tasks, such as robot grasping and manipulation, real-time semantic mapping, and online sensor calibration performed on edge computing units. Although boundary detection and semantic segmentation are complementary tasks, most studies focus on lightweight models for semantic segmentation but overlook the critical role of boundary detection. In this work, we introduce Mobile-Seed, a lightweight, dual-task framework tailored for simultaneous semantic segmentation and boundary detection. Our framework features a two-stream encoder, an active fusion decoder (AFD) and a dual-task regularization approach. The encoder is divided into two pathways: one captures category-aware semantic information, while the other discerns boundaries from multi-scale features. The AFD module dynamically adapts the fusion of semantic and boundary information by learning channel-wise relationships, allowing for precise weight assignment of each channel. Furthermore, we introduce a regularization loss to mitigate the conflicts in dual-task learning and deep diversity supervision. Compared to existing methods, the proposed Mobile-Seed offers a lightweight framework to simultaneously improve semantic segmentation performance and accurately locate object boundaries. Experiments on the Cityscapes dataset have shown that Mobile-Seed achieves notable improvement over the state-of-the-art (SOTA) baseline by 2.2 percentage points (pp) in mIoU and 4.2 pp in mF-score, while maintaining an online inference speed of 23.9 frames-per-second (FPS) with 1024x2048 resolution input on an RTX 2080 Ti GPU. Additional experiments on CamVid and PASCAL Context datasets confirm our method's generalizability. Code and additional results are publicly available at


replace-cross Unbalancedness in Neural Monge Maps Improves Unpaired Domain Translation

Authors: Luca Eyring, Dominik Klein, Th\'eo Uscidda, Giovanni Palla, Niki Kilbertus, Zeynep Akata, Fabian Theis

Abstract: In optimal transport (OT), a Monge map is known as a mapping that transports a source distribution to a target distribution in the most cost-efficient way. Recently, multiple neural estimators for Monge maps have been developed and applied in diverse unpaired domain translation tasks, e.g. in single-cell biology and computer vision. However, the classic OT framework enforces mass conservation, which makes it prone to outliers and limits its applicability in real-world scenarios. The latter can be particularly harmful in OT domain translation tasks, where the relative position of a sample within a distribution is explicitly taken into account. While unbalanced OT tackles this challenge in the discrete setting, its integration into neural Monge map estimators has received limited attention. We propose a theoretically grounded method to incorporate unbalancedness into any Monge map estimator. We improve existing estimators to model cell trajectories over time and to predict cellular responses to perturbations. Moreover, our approach seamlessly integrates with the OT flow matching (OT-FM) framework. While we show that OT-FM performs competitively in image translation, we further improve performance by incorporating unbalancedness (UOT-FM), which better preserves relevant features. We hence establish UOT-FM as a principled method for unpaired image translation.

replace-cross TFMQ-DM: Temporal Feature Maintenance Quantization for Diffusion Models

Authors: Yushi Huang, Ruihao Gong, Jing Liu, Tianlong Chen, Xianglong Liu

Abstract: The Diffusion model, a prevalent framework for image generation, encounters significant challenges in terms of broad applicability due to its extended inference times and substantial memory requirements. Efficient Post-training Quantization (PTQ) is pivotal for addressing these issues in traditional models. Different from traditional models, diffusion models heavily depend on the time-step $t$ to achieve satisfactory multi-round denoising. Usually, $t$ from the finite set $\{1, \ldots, T\}$ is encoded to a temporal feature by a few modules totally irrespective of the sampling data. However, existing PTQ methods do not optimize these modules separately. They adopt inappropriate reconstruction targets and complex calibration methods, resulting in a severe disturbance of the temporal feature and denoising trajectory, as well as a low compression efficiency. To solve these, we propose a Temporal Feature Maintenance Quantization (TFMQ) framework building upon a Temporal Information Block which is just related to the time-step $t$ and unrelated to the sampling data. Powered by the pioneering block design, we devise temporal information aware reconstruction (TIAR) and finite set calibration (FSC) to align the full-precision temporal features in a limited time. Equipped with the framework, we can maintain the most temporal information and ensure the end-to-end generation quality. Extensive experiments on various datasets and diffusion models prove our state-of-the-art results. Remarkably, our quantization approach, for the first time, achieves model performance nearly on par with the full-precision model under 4-bit weight quantization. Additionally, our method incurs almost no extra computational cost and accelerates quantization time by $2.0 \times$ on LSUN-Bedrooms $256 \times 256$ compared to previous works. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross SCOPE-RL: A Python Library for Offline Reinforcement Learning and Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Haruka Kiyohara, Ren Kishimoto, Kosuke Kawakami, Ken Kobayashi, Kazuhide Nakata, Yuta Saito

Abstract: This paper introduces SCOPE-RL, a comprehensive open-source Python software designed for offline reinforcement learning (offline RL), off-policy evaluation (OPE), and selection (OPS). Unlike most existing libraries that focus solely on either policy learning or evaluation, SCOPE-RL seamlessly integrates these two key aspects, facilitating flexible and complete implementations of both offline RL and OPE processes. SCOPE-RL put particular emphasis on its OPE modules, offering a range of OPE estimators and robust evaluation-of-OPE protocols. This approach enables more in-depth and reliable OPE compared to other packages. For instance, SCOPE-RL enhances OPE by estimating the entire reward distribution under a policy rather than its mere point-wise expected value. Additionally, SCOPE-RL provides a more thorough evaluation-of-OPE by presenting the risk-return tradeoff in OPE results, extending beyond mere accuracy evaluations in existing OPE literature. SCOPE-RL is designed with user accessibility in mind. Its user-friendly APIs, comprehensive documentation, and a variety of easy-to-follow examples assist researchers and practitioners in efficiently implementing and experimenting with various offline RL methods and OPE estimators, tailored to their specific problem contexts. The documentation of SCOPE-RL is available at


replace-cross Towards Assessing and Benchmarking Risk-Return Tradeoff of Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Haruka Kiyohara, Ren Kishimoto, Kosuke Kawakami, Ken Kobayashi, Kazuhide Nakata, Yuta Saito

Abstract: Off-Policy Evaluation (OPE) aims to assess the effectiveness of counterfactual policies using only offline logged data and is often used to identify the top-k promising policies for deployment in online A/B tests. Existing evaluation metrics for OPE estimators primarily focus on the "accuracy" of OPE or that of downstream policy selection, neglecting risk-return tradeoff in the subsequent online policy deployment. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from portfolio evaluation in finance and develop a new metric, called SharpeRatio@k, which measures the risk-return tradeoff of policy portfolios formed by an OPE estimator under varying online evaluation budgets (k). We validate our metric in two example scenarios, demonstrating its ability to effectively distinguish between low-risk and high-risk estimators and to accurately identify the most efficient one. Efficiency of an estimator is characterized by its capability to form the most advantageous policy portfolios, maximizing returns while minimizing risks during online deployment, a nuance that existing metrics typically overlook. To facilitate a quick, accurate, and consistent evaluation of OPE via SharpeRatio@k, we have also integrated this metric into an open-source software, SCOPE-RL ( Employing SharpeRatio@k and SCOPE-RL, we conduct comprehensive benchmarking experiments on various estimators and RL tasks, focusing on their risk-return tradeoff. These experiments offer several interesting directions and suggestions for future OPE research.


replace-cross Breaking the Entanglement of Homophily and Heterophily in Semi-supervised Node Classification

Authors: Henan Sun, Xunkai Li, Zhengyu Wu, Daohan Su, Rong-Hua Li, Guoren Wang

Abstract: Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown prominent performance in semi-supervised node classification by leveraging knowledge from the graph database. However, most existing GNNs follow the homophily assumption, where connected nodes are more likely to exhibit similar feature distributions and the same labels, and such an assumption has proven to be vulnerable in a growing number of practical applications. As a supplement, heterophily reflects dissimilarity in connected nodes, which has gained significant attention in graph learning. To this end, data engineers aim to develop a powerful GNN model that can ensure performance under both homophily and heterophily. Despite numerous attempts, most existing GNNs struggle to achieve optimal node representations due to the constraints of undirected graphs. The neglect of directed edges results in sub-optimal graph representations, thereby hindering the capacity of GNNs. To address this issue, we introduce AMUD, which quantifies the relationship between node profiles and topology from a statistical perspective, offering valuable insights for Adaptively Modeling the natural directed graphs as the Undirected or Directed graph to maximize the benefits from subsequent graph learning. Furthermore, we propose Adaptive Directed Pattern Aggregation (ADPA) as a new directed graph learning paradigm for AMUD. Empirical studies have demonstrated that AMUD guides efficient graph learning. Meanwhile, extensive experiments on 16 benchmark datasets substantiate the impressive performance of ADPA, outperforming baselines by significant margins of 3.96.

replace-cross Redefining Developer Assistance: Through Large Language Models in Software Ecosystem

Authors: Somnath Banerjee, Avik Dutta, Sayan Layek, Amruit Sahoo, Sam Conrad Joyce, Rima Hazra

Abstract: In this paper, we delve into the advancement of domain-specific Large Language Models (LLMs) with a focus on their application in software development. We introduce DevAssistLlama, a model developed through instruction tuning, to assist developers in processing software-related natural language queries. This model, a variant of instruction tuned LLM, is particularly adept at handling intricate technical documentation, enhancing developer capability in software specific tasks. The creation of DevAssistLlama involved constructing an extensive instruction dataset from various software systems, enabling effective handling of Named Entity Recognition (NER), Relation Extraction (RE), and Link Prediction (LP). Our results demonstrate DevAssistLlama's superior capabilities in these tasks, in comparison with other models including ChatGPT. This research not only highlights the potential of specialized LLMs in software development also the pioneer LLM for this domain.

replace-cross Learning Unknown Intervention Targets in Structural Causal Models from Heterogeneous Data

Authors: Yuqin Yang, Saber Salehkaleybar, Negar Kiyavash

Abstract: We study the problem of identifying the unknown intervention targets in structural causal models where we have access to heterogeneous data collected from multiple environments. The unknown intervention targets are the set of endogenous variables whose corresponding exogenous noises change across the environments. We propose a two-phase approach which in the first phase recovers the exogenous noises corresponding to unknown intervention targets whose distributions have changed across environments. In the second phase, the recovered noises are matched with the corresponding endogenous variables. For the recovery phase, we provide sufficient conditions for learning these exogenous noises up to some component-wise invertible transformation. For the matching phase, under the causal sufficiency assumption, we show that the proposed method uniquely identifies the intervention targets. In the presence of latent confounders, the intervention targets among the observed variables cannot be determined uniquely. We provide a candidate intervention target set which is a superset of the true intervention targets. Our approach improves upon the state of the art as the returned candidate set is always a subset of the target set returned by previous work. Moreover, we do not require restrictive assumptions such as linearity of the causal model or performing invariance tests to learn whether a distribution is changing across environments which could be highly sample inefficient. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in practice.

replace-cross Synergistic Anchored Contrastive Pre-training for Few-Shot Relation Extraction

Authors: Da Luo, Yanglei Gan, Rui Hou, Run Lin, Qiao Liu, Yuxiang Cai, Wannian Gao

Abstract: Few-shot Relation Extraction (FSRE) aims to extract relational facts from a sparse set of labeled corpora. Recent studies have shown promising results in FSRE by employing Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) within the framework of supervised contrastive learning, which considers both instances and label facts. However, how to effectively harness massive instance-label pairs to encompass the learned representation with semantic richness in this learning paradigm is not fully explored. To address this gap, we introduce a novel synergistic anchored contrastive pre-training framework. This framework is motivated by the insight that the diverse viewpoints conveyed through instance-label pairs capture incomplete yet complementary intrinsic textual semantics. Specifically, our framework involves a symmetrical contrastive objective that encompasses both sentence-anchored and label-anchored contrastive losses. By combining these two losses, the model establishes a robust and uniform representation space. This space effectively captures the reciprocal alignment of feature distributions among instances and relational facts, simultaneously enhancing the maximization of mutual information across diverse perspectives within the same relation. Experimental results demonstrate that our framework achieves significant performance enhancements compared to baseline models in downstream FSRE tasks. Furthermore, our approach exhibits superior adaptability to handle the challenges of domain shift and zero-shot relation extraction. Our code is available online at


replace-cross Alleviating Hallucinations of Large Language Models through Induced Hallucinations

Authors: Yue Zhang, Leyang Cui, Wei Bi, Shuming Shi

Abstract: Despite their impressive capabilities, large language models (LLMs) have been observed to generate responses that include inaccurate or fabricated information, a phenomenon commonly known as ``hallucination''. In this work, we propose a simple \textit{Induce-then-Contrast} Decoding (ICD) strategy to alleviate hallucinations. We first construct a factually weak LLM by inducing hallucinations from the original LLMs. Then, we penalize these induced hallucinations during decoding to enhance the factuality of the generated content. Concretely, we determine the final next-token predictions by amplifying the predictions from the original model and downplaying the induced untruthful predictions via contrastive decoding. Experimental results on both discrimination-based and generation-based hallucination evaluation benchmarks, such as TruthfulQA and \textsc{FActScore}, demonstrate that our proposed ICD methods can effectively enhance the factuality of LLMs across various model sizes and families. For example, when equipped with ICD, Llama2-7B-Chat and Mistral-7B-Instruct achieve performance comparable to ChatGPT and GPT4 on TruthfulQA, respectively.

replace-cross On the Expressive Power of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Ashwin Nalwade, Kelly Marshall, Axel Eladi, Umang Sharma

Abstract: The study of Graph Neural Networks has received considerable interest in the past few years. By extending deep learning to graph-structured data, GNNs can solve a diverse set of tasks in fields including social science, chemistry, and medicine. The development of GNN architectures has largely been focused on improving empirical performance on tasks like node or graph classification. However, a line of recent work has instead sought to find GNN architectures that have desirable theoretical properties - by studying their expressive power and designing architectures that maximize this expressiveness. While there is no consensus on the best way to define the expressiveness of a GNN, it can be viewed from several well-motivated perspectives. Perhaps the most natural approach is to study the universal approximation properties of GNNs, much in the way that this has been studied extensively for MLPs. Another direction focuses on the extent to which GNNs can distinguish between different graph structures, relating this to the graph isomorphism test. Besides, a GNN's ability to compute graph properties such as graph moments has been suggested as another form of expressiveness. All of these different definitions are complementary and have yielded different recommendations for GNN architecture choices. In this paper, we would like to give an overview of the notion of "expressive power" of GNNs and provide some valuable insights regarding the design choices of GNNs.

replace-cross SecureReg: A Combined Framework for Proactively Exposing Malicious Domain Name Registrations

Authors: Furkan \c{C}olhak, Mert \.Ilhan Ecevit, Hasan Da\u{g}, Reiner Creutzburg

Abstract: Rising cyber threats, with miscreants registering thousands of new domains daily for Internet-scale attacks like spam, phishing, and drive-by downloads, emphasize the need for innovative detection methods. This paper introduces a cutting-edge approach for identifying suspicious domains at the onset of the registration process. The accompanying data pipeline generates crucial features by comparing new domains to registered domains,emphasizing the crucial similarity score. Leveraging a novel combination of Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques, including a pretrained Canine model, and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) models, our system analyzes semantic and numerical attributes, providing a robust solution for early threat detection. This integrated approach significantly reduces the window of vulnerability, fortifying defenses against potential threats. The findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the integrated approach and contribute to the ongoing efforts in developing proactive strategies to mitigate the risks associated with illicit online activities through the early identification of suspicious domain registrations.

replace-cross Phishing Website Detection through Multi-Model Analysis of HTML Content

Authors: Furkan \c{C}olhak, Mert \.Ilhan Ecevit, Bilal Emir U\c{c}ar, Reiner Creutzburg, Hasan Da\u{g}

Abstract: The way we communicate and work has changed significantly with the rise of the Internet. While it has opened up new opportunities, it has also brought about an increase in cyber threats. One common and serious threat is phishing, where cybercriminals employ deceptive methods to steal sensitive information.This study addresses the pressing issue of phishing by introducing an advanced detection model that meticulously focuses on HTML content. Our proposed approach integrates a specialized Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) model for structured tabular data and two pretrained Natural Language Processing (NLP) models for analyzing textual features such as page titles and content. The embeddings from these models are harmoniously combined through a novel fusion process. The resulting fused embeddings are then input into a linear classifier. Recognizing the scarcity of recent datasets for comprehensive phishing research, our contribution extends to the creation of an up-to-date dataset, which we openly share with the community. The dataset is meticulously curated to reflect real-life phishing conditions, ensuring relevance and applicability. The research findings highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach, with the CANINE demonstrating superior performance in analyzing page titles and the RoBERTa excelling in evaluating page content. The fusion of two NLP and one MLP model,termed MultiText-LP, achieves impressive results, yielding a 96.80 F1 score and a 97.18 accuracy score on our research dataset. Furthermore, our approach outperforms existing methods on the CatchPhish HTML dataset, showcasing its efficacies.

replace-cross InfiAgent-DABench: Evaluating Agents on Data Analysis Tasks

Authors: Xueyu Hu, Ziyu Zhao, Shuang Wei, Ziwei Chai, Qianli Ma, Guoyin Wang, Xuwu Wang, Jing Su, Jingjing Xu, Ming Zhu, Yao Cheng, Jianbo Yuan, Jiwei Li, Kun Kuang, Yang Yang, Hongxia Yang, Fei Wu

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce InfiAgent-DABench, the first benchmark specifically designed to evaluate LLM-based agents on data analysis tasks. These tasks require agents to end-to-end solving complex tasks by interacting with an execution environment. This benchmark contains DAEval, a dataset consisting of 257 data analysis questions derived from 52 CSV files, and an agent framework which incorporates LLMs to serve as data analysis agents for both serving and evaluation. Since data analysis questions are often open-ended and hard to evaluate without human supervision, we adopt a format-prompting technique to convert each question into a closed-form format so that they can be automatically evaluated. Our extensive benchmarking of 34 LLMs uncovers the current challenges encountered in data analysis tasks. In addition, building on top of our agent framework, we develop a specialized agent, DAAgent, which surpasses GPT-3.5 by 3.9% on DABench. Evaluation datasets and toolkits for InfiAgent-DABench are released at .


replace-cross Generative AI in EU Law: Liability, Privacy, Intellectual Property, and Cybersecurity

Authors: Claudio Novelli, Federico Casolari, Philipp Hacker, Giorgio Spedicato, Luciano Floridi

Abstract: The advent of Generative AI, particularly through Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and its successors, marks a paradigm shift in the AI landscape. Advanced LLMs exhibit multimodality, handling diverse data formats, thereby broadening their application scope. However, the complexity and emergent autonomy of these models introduce challenges in predictability and legal compliance. This paper delves into the legal and regulatory implications of Generative AI and LLMs in the European Union context, analyzing aspects of liability, privacy, intellectual property, and cybersecurity. It critically examines the adequacy of the existing and proposed EU legislation, including the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) draft, in addressing the unique challenges posed by Generative AI in general and LLMs in particular. The paper identifies potential gaps and shortcomings in the legislative framework and proposes recommendations to ensure the safe and compliant deployment of generative models, ensuring they align with the EU's evolving digital landscape and legal standards.

replace-cross Learning from Sparse Offline Datasets via Conservative Density Estimation

Authors: Zhepeng Cen, Zuxin Liu, Zitong Wang, Yihang Yao, Henry Lam, Ding Zhao

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising direction for learning policies from pre-collected datasets without requiring further interactions with the environment. However, existing methods struggle to handle out-of-distribution (OOD) extrapolation errors, especially in sparse reward or scarce data settings. In this paper, we propose a novel training algorithm called Conservative Density Estimation (CDE), which addresses this challenge by explicitly imposing constraints on the state-action occupancy stationary distribution. CDE overcomes the limitations of existing approaches, such as the stationary distribution correction method, by addressing the support mismatch issue in marginal importance sampling. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the D4RL benchmark. Notably, CDE consistently outperforms baselines in challenging tasks with sparse rewards or insufficient data, demonstrating the advantages of our approach in addressing the extrapolation error problem in offline RL.

replace-cross Code-Based English Models Surprising Performance on Chinese QA Pair Extraction Task

Authors: Linghan Zheng, Hui Liu, Xiaojun Lin, Jiayuan Dong, Yue Sheng, Gang Shi, Zhiwei Liu, Hongwei Chen

Abstract: In previous studies, code-based models have consistently outperformed text-based models in reasoning-intensive scenarios. When generating our knowledge base for Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), we observed that code-based models also perform exceptionally well in Chinese QA Pair Extraction task. Further, our experiments and the metrics we designed discovered that code-based models containing a certain amount of Chinese data achieve even better performance. Additionally, the capabilities of code-based English models in specified Chinese tasks offer a distinct perspective for discussion on the philosophical "Chinese Room" thought experiment.

replace-cross Large receptive field strategy and important feature extraction strategy in 3D object detection

Authors: Leichao Cui, Xiuxian Li, Min Meng, Guangyu Jia

Abstract: The enhancement of 3D object detection is pivotal for precise environmental perception and improved task execution capabilities in autonomous driving. LiDAR point clouds, offering accurate depth information, serve as a crucial information for this purpose. Our study focuses on key challenges in 3D target detection. To tackle the challenge of expanding the receptive field of a 3D convolutional kernel, we introduce the Dynamic Feature Fusion Module (DFFM). This module achieves adaptive expansion of the 3D convolutional kernel's receptive field, balancing the expansion with acceptable computational loads. This innovation reduces operations, expands the receptive field, and allows the model to dynamically adjust to different object requirements. Simultaneously, we identify redundant information in 3D features. Employing the Feature Selection Module (FSM) quantitatively evaluates and eliminates non-important features, achieving the separation of output box fitting and feature extraction. This innovation enables the detector to focus on critical features, resulting in model compression, reduced computational burden, and minimized candidate frame interference. Extensive experiments confirm that both DFFM and FSM not only enhance current benchmarks, particularly in small target detection, but also accelerate network performance. Importantly, these modules exhibit effective complementarity.

replace-cross Compositional Generative Inverse Design

Authors: Tailin Wu, Takashi Maruyama, Long Wei, Tao Zhang, Yilun Du, Gianluca Iaccarino, Jure Leskovec

Abstract: Inverse design, where we seek to design input variables in order to optimize an underlying objective function, is an important problem that arises across fields such as mechanical engineering to aerospace engineering. Inverse design is typically formulated as an optimization problem, with recent works leveraging optimization across learned dynamics models. However, as models are optimized they tend to fall into adversarial modes, preventing effective sampling. We illustrate that by instead optimizing over the learned energy function captured by the diffusion model, we can avoid such adversarial examples and significantly improve design performance. We further illustrate how such a design system is compositional, enabling us to combine multiple different diffusion models representing subcomponents of our desired system to design systems with every specified component. In an N-body interaction task and a challenging 2D multi-airfoil design task, we demonstrate that by composing the learned diffusion model at test time, our method allows us to design initial states and boundary shapes that are more complex than those in the training data. Our method generalizes to more objects for N-body dataset and discovers formation flying to minimize drag in the multi-airfoil design task. Project website and code can be found at


replace-cross True Knowledge Comes from Practice: Aligning LLMs with Embodied Environments via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Weihao Tan, Wentao Zhang, Shanqi Liu, Longtao Zheng, Xinrun Wang, Bo An

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance across numerous tasks, large language models (LLMs) often fail in solving simple decision-making tasks due to the misalignment of the knowledge in LLMs with environments. On the contrary, reinforcement learning (RL) agents learn policies from scratch, which makes them always align with environments but difficult to incorporate prior knowledge for efficient explorations. To narrow the gap, we propose TWOSOME, a novel general online framework that deploys LLMs as decision-making agents to efficiently interact and align with embodied environments via RL without requiring any prepared datasets or prior knowledge of the environments. Firstly, we query the joint probabilities of each valid action with LLMs to form behavior policies. Then, to enhance the stability and robustness of the policies, we propose two normalization methods and summarize four prompt design principles. Finally, we design a novel parameter-efficient training architecture where the actor and critic share one frozen LLM equipped with low-rank adapters (LoRA) updated by PPO. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate TWOSOME. i) TWOSOME exhibits significantly better sample efficiency and performance compared to the conventional RL method, PPO, and prompt tuning method, SayCan, in both classical decision-making environment, Overcooked, and simulated household environment, VirtualHome. ii) Benefiting from LLMs' open-vocabulary feature, TWOSOME shows superior generalization ability to unseen tasks. iii) Under our framework, there is no significant loss of the LLMs' original ability during online PPO finetuning.

replace-cross Adversarial Training on Purification (AToP): Advancing Both Robustness and Generalization

Authors: Guang Lin, Chao Li, Jianhai Zhang, Toshihisa Tanaka, Qibin Zhao

Abstract: The deep neural networks are known to be vulnerable to well-designed adversarial attacks. The most successful defense technique based on adversarial training (AT) can achieve optimal robustness against particular attacks but cannot generalize well to unseen attacks. Another effective defense technique based on adversarial purification (AP) can enhance generalization but cannot achieve optimal robustness. Meanwhile, both methods share one common limitation on the degraded standard accuracy. To mitigate these issues, we propose a novel pipeline called Adversarial Training on Purification (AToP), which comprises two components: perturbation destruction by random transforms (RT) and purifier model fine-tuned (FT) by adversarial loss. RT is essential to avoid overlearning to known attacks resulting in the robustness generalization to unseen attacks and FT is essential for the improvement of robustness. To evaluate our method in an efficient and scalable way, we conduct extensive experiments on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNette to demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art results and exhibits generalization ability against unseen attacks.

replace-cross Arrows of Time for Large Language Models

Authors: Vassilis Papadopoulos, J\'er\'emie Wenger, Cl\'ement Hongler

Abstract: We study the probabilistic modeling performed by Autoregressive Large Language Models through the angle of time directionality. We empirically find a time asymmetry exhibited by such models in their ability to model natural language: a difference in the average log-perplexity when trying to predict the next token versus when trying to predict the previous one. This difference is at the same time subtle and very consistent across various modalities (language, model size, training time, ...). Theoretically, this is surprising: from an information-theoretic point of view, there should be no such difference. We provide a theoretical framework to explain how such an asymmetry can appear from sparsity and computational complexity considerations, and outline a number of perspectives opened by our results.

replace-cross Local Feature Matching Using Deep Learning: A Survey

Authors: Shibiao Xu, Shunpeng Chen, Rongtao Xu, Changwei Wang, Peng Lu, Li Guo

Abstract: Local feature matching enjoys wide-ranging applications in the realm of computer vision, encompassing domains such as image retrieval, 3D reconstruction, and object recognition. However, challenges persist in improving the accuracy and robustness of matching due to factors like viewpoint and lighting variations. In recent years, the introduction of deep learning models has sparked widespread exploration into local feature matching techniques. The objective of this endeavor is to furnish a comprehensive overview of local feature matching methods. These methods are categorized into two key segments based on the presence of detectors. The Detector-based category encompasses models inclusive of Detect-then-Describe, Joint Detection and Description, Describe-then-Detect, as well as Graph Based techniques. In contrast, the Detector-free category comprises CNN Based, Transformer Based, and Patch Based methods. Our study extends beyond methodological analysis, incorporating evaluations of prevalent datasets and metrics to facilitate a quantitative comparison of state-of-the-art techniques. The paper also explores the practical application of local feature matching in diverse domains such as Structure from Motion, Remote Sensing Image Registration, and Medical Image Registration, underscoring its versatility and significance across various fields. Ultimately, we endeavor to outline the current challenges faced in this domain and furnish future research directions, thereby serving as a reference for researchers involved in local feature matching and its interconnected domains. A comprehensive list of studies in this survey is available at .


replace-cross Leveraging Swin Transformer for Local-to-Global Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Rozhan Ahmadi, Shohreh Kasaei

Abstract: In recent years, weakly supervised semantic segmentation using image-level labels as supervision has received significant attention in the field of computer vision. Most existing methods have addressed the challenges arising from the lack of spatial information in these labels by focusing on facilitating supervised learning through the generation of pseudo-labels from class activation maps (CAMs). Due to the localized pattern detection of CNNs, CAMs often emphasize only the most discriminative parts of an object, making it challenging to accurately distinguish foreground objects from each other and the background. Recent studies have shown that Vision Transformer (ViT) features, due to their global view, are more effective in capturing the scene layout than CNNs. However, the use of hierarchical ViTs has not been extensively explored in this field. This work explores the use of Swin Transformer by proposing "SWTformer" to enhance the accuracy of the initial seed CAMs by bringing local and global views together. SWTformer-V1 generates class probabilities and CAMs using only the patch tokens as features. SWTformer-V2 incorporates a multi-scale feature fusion mechanism to extract additional information and utilizes a background-aware mechanism to generate more accurate localization maps with improved cross-object discrimination. Based on experiments on the PascalVOC 2012 dataset, SWTformer-V1 achieves a 0.98% mAP higher localization accuracy, outperforming state-of-the-art models. It also yields comparable performance by 0.82% mIoU on average higher than other methods in generating initial localization maps, depending only on the classification network. SWTformer-V2 further improves the accuracy of the generated seed CAMs by 5.32% mIoU, further proving the effectiveness of the local-to-global view provided by the Swin transformer. Code available at:


replace-cross TEDDY: Trimming Edges with Degree-based Discrimination strategY

Authors: Hyunjin Seo, Jihun Yun, Eunho Yang

Abstract: Since the pioneering work on the lottery ticket hypothesis for graph neural networks (GNNs) was proposed in Chen et al. (2021), the study on finding graph lottery tickets (GLT) has become one of the pivotal focus in the GNN community, inspiring researchers to discover sparser GLT while achieving comparable performance to original dense networks. In parallel, the graph structure has gained substantial attention as a crucial factor in GNN training dynamics, also elucidated by several recent studies. Despite this, contemporary studies on GLT, in general, have not fully exploited inherent pathways in the graph structure and identified tickets in an iterative manner, which is time-consuming and inefficient. To address these limitations, we introduce TEDDY, a one-shot edge sparsification framework that leverages structural information by incorporating edge-degree information. Following edge sparsification, we encourage the parameter sparsity during training via simple projected gradient descent on the $\ell_0$ ball. Given the target sparsity levels for both the graph structure and the model parameters, our TEDDY facilitates efficient and rapid realization of GLT within a single training. Remarkably, our experimental results demonstrate that TEDDY significantly surpasses conventional iterative approaches in generalization, even when conducting one-shot sparsification that solely utilizes graph structures, without taking feature information into account.

replace-cross Group Distributionally Robust Dataset Distillation with Risk Minimization

Authors: Saeed Vahidian, Mingyu Wang, Jianyang Gu, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Wei Jiang, Yiran Chen

Abstract: Dataset distillation (DD) has emerged as a widely adopted technique for crafting a synthetic dataset that captures the essential information of a training dataset, facilitating the training of accurate neural models. Its applications span various domains, including transfer learning, federated learning, and neural architecture search. The most popular methods for constructing the synthetic data rely on matching the convergence properties of training the model with the synthetic dataset and the training dataset. However, targeting the training dataset must be thought of as auxiliary in the same sense that the training set is an approximate substitute for the population distribution, and the latter is the data of interest. Yet despite its popularity, an aspect that remains unexplored is the relationship of DD to its generalization, particularly across uncommon subgroups. That is, how can we ensure that a model trained on the synthetic dataset performs well when faced with samples from regions with low population density? Here, the representativeness and coverage of the dataset become salient over the guaranteed training error at inference. Drawing inspiration from distributionally robust optimization, we introduce an algorithm that combines clustering with the minimization of a risk measure on the loss to conduct DD. We provide a theoretical rationale for our approach and demonstrate its effective generalization and robustness across subgroups through numerical experiments. The source code is available in


replace-cross On the Detection of Reviewer-Author Collusion Rings From Paper Bidding

Authors: Steven Jecmen, Nihar B. Shah, Fei Fang, Leman Akoglu

Abstract: A major threat to the peer-review systems of computer science conferences is the existence of "collusion rings" between reviewers. In such collusion rings, reviewers who have also submitted their own papers to the conference work together to manipulate the conference's paper assignment, with the aim of being assigned to review each other's papers. The most straightforward way that colluding reviewers can manipulate the paper assignment is by indicating their interest in each other's papers through strategic paper bidding. One potential approach to solve this important problem would be to detect the colluding reviewers from their manipulated bids, after which the conference can take appropriate action. While prior work has developed effective techniques to detect other kinds of fraud, no research has yet established that detecting collusion rings is even possible. In this work, we tackle the question of whether it is feasible to detect collusion rings from the paper bidding. To answer this question, we conduct empirical analysis of two realistic conference bidding datasets, including evaluations of existing algorithms for fraud detection in other applications. We find that collusion rings can achieve considerable success at manipulating the paper assignment while remaining hidden from detection: for example, in one dataset, undetected colluders are able to achieve assignment to up to 30% of the papers authored by other colluders. In addition, when 10 colluders bid on all of each other's papers, no detection algorithm outputs a group of reviewers with more than 31% overlap with the true colluders. These results suggest that collusion cannot be effectively detected from the bidding using popular existing tools, demonstrating the need to develop more complex detection algorithms as well as those that leverage additional metadata (e.g., reviewer-paper text-similarity scores).

replace-cross Guiding Masked Representation Learning to Capture Spatio-Temporal Relationship of Electrocardiogram

Authors: Yeongyeon Na, Minje Park, Yunwon Tae, Sunghoon Joo

Abstract: Electrocardiograms (ECG) are widely employed as a diagnostic tool for monitoring electrical signals originating from a heart. Recent machine learning research efforts have focused on the application of screening various diseases using ECG signals. However, adapting to the application of screening disease is challenging in that labeled ECG data are limited. Achieving general representation through self-supervised learning (SSL) is a well-known approach to overcome the scarcity of labeled data; however, a naive application of SSL to ECG data, without considering the spatial-temporal relationships inherent in ECG signals, may yield suboptimal results. In this paper, we introduce ST-MEM (Spatio-Temporal Masked Electrocardiogram Modeling), designed to learn spatio-temporal features by reconstructing masked 12-lead ECG data. ST-MEM outperforms other SSL baseline methods in various experimental settings for arrhythmia classification tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that ST-MEM is adaptable to various lead combinations. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we show a spatio-temporal relationship within ECG data. Our code is available at


replace-cross Unlink to Unlearn: Simplifying Edge Unlearning in GNNs

Authors: Jiajun Tan, Fei Sun, Ruichen Qiu, Du Su, Huawei Shen

Abstract: As concerns over data privacy intensify, unlearning in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has emerged as a prominent research frontier in academia. This concept is pivotal in enforcing the \textit{right to be forgotten}, which entails the selective removal of specific data from trained GNNs upon user request. Our research focuses on edge unlearning, a process of particular relevance to real-world applications. Current state-of-the-art approaches like GNNDelete can eliminate the influence of specific edges yet suffer from \textit{over-forgetting}, which means the unlearning process inadvertently removes excessive information beyond needed, leading to a significant performance decline for remaining edges. Our analysis identifies the loss functions of GNNDelete as the primary source of over-forgetting and also suggests that loss functions may be redundant for effective edge unlearning. Building on these insights, we simplify GNNDelete to develop \textbf{Unlink to Unlearn} (UtU), a novel method that facilitates unlearning exclusively through unlinking the forget edges from graph structure. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that UtU delivers privacy protection on par with that of a retrained model while preserving high accuracy in downstream tasks, by upholding over 97.3\% of the retrained model's privacy protection capabilities and 99.8\% of its link prediction accuracy. Meanwhile, UtU requires only constant computational demands, underscoring its advantage as a highly lightweight and practical edge unlearning solution.

replace-cross Model Editing by Pure Fine-Tuning

Authors: Govind Gangadhar, Karl Stratos

Abstract: Fine-tuning is dismissed as not effective for model editing due to its poor performance compared to more specialized methods. However, fine-tuning is simple, agnostic to the architectural details of the model being edited, and able to leverage ongoing advances in standard training methods (e.g., PEFT), making it an appealing choice for a model editor. In this work, we show that pure fine-tuning can be a viable approach to model editing. We propose a slight modification of naive fine-tuning with two key ingredients. First, we optimize the conditional likelihood rather than the full likelihood. Second, we augment the data with random paraphrases and facts to encourage generalization and locality. Our experiments on ZsRE and CounterFact show that this simple modification allows fine-tuning to often match or outperform specialized editors in the edit score.

replace-cross Me LLaMA: Foundation Large Language Models for Medical Applications

Authors: Qianqian Xie, Qingyu Chen, Aokun Chen, Cheng Peng, Yan Hu, Fongci Lin, Xueqing Peng, Jimin Huang, Jeffrey Zhang, Vipina Keloth, Xingyu Zhou, Huan He, Lucila Ohno-Machido, Yonghui Wu, Hua Xu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and LLaMA have shown great promise in many AI applications. However, their performance on medical tasks is suboptimal and can be improved by training on extensive domain-specific datasets. This study introduces Me LLaMA, a medical LLM family that includes foundation models - Me LLaMA 13/70B, along with their chat-enhanced versions - Me LLaMA 13/70B-chat, developed through continual pre-training and instruction tuning of LLaMA2 using large medical datasets. Our domain-specific data suite for training and evaluation includes a large-scale, continual pre-training dataset with 129B tokens, an instruction tuning dataset with 214k samples, and a new medical evaluation benchmark (MIBE) across six tasks with 12 datasets. Our extensive evaluation using the MIBE shows that Me LLaMA models achieve overall better performance than existing open-source medical LLMs in zero-shot, few-shot and supervised learning abilities. Their zero-shot performance is comparable with ChatGPT across 7 out of 8 datasets, with a slight variance of within 3%, and yet falls short when compared to GPT-4. In addition, we investigated the catastrophic forgetting problem, and our results show that Me LLaMA models outperform other open-source medical LLMs in mitigating this issue. Me LLaMA is one of the largest open-source medical foundation LLMs that use both biomedical and clinical data. It exhibits superior performance across both general and medical tasks compared to other open-source medical LLMs, rendering it an attractive choice for medical AI applications. We release our models, datasets, and evaluation scripts at:


replace-cross Emotion Classification in Short English Texts using Deep Learning Techniques

Authors: Siddhanth Bhat

Abstract: Detecting emotions in limited text datasets from under-resourced languages presents a formidable obstacle, demanding specialized frameworks and computational strategies. This study conducts a thorough examination of deep learning techniques for discerning emotions in short English texts. Deep learning approaches employ transfer learning and word embedding, notably BERT, to attain superior accuracy. To evaluate these methods, we introduce the "SmallEnglishEmotions" dataset, comprising 6372 varied short English texts annotated with five primary emotion categories. Our experiments reveal that transfer learning and BERT-based text embedding outperform alternative methods in accurately categorizing the text in the dataset.

replace-cross LLM Inference Unveiled: Survey and Roofline Model Insights

Authors: Zhihang Yuan, Yuzhang Shang, Yang Zhou, Zhen Dong, Zhe Zhou, Chenhao Xue, Bingzhe Wu, Zhikai Li, Qingyi Gu, Yong Jae Lee, Yan Yan, Beidi Chen, Guangyu Sun, Kurt Keutzer

Abstract: The field of efficient Large Language Model (LLM) inference is rapidly evolving, presenting a unique blend of opportunities and challenges. Although the field has expanded and is vibrant, there hasn't been a concise framework that analyzes the various methods of LLM Inference to provide a clear understanding of this domain. Our survey stands out from traditional literature reviews by not only summarizing the current state of research but also by introducing a framework based on roofline model for systematic analysis of LLM inference techniques. This framework identifies the bottlenecks when deploying LLMs on hardware devices and provides a clear understanding of practical problems, such as why LLMs are memory-bound, how much memory and computation they need, and how to choose the right hardware. We systematically collate the latest advancements in efficient LLM inference, covering crucial areas such as model compression (e.g., Knowledge Distillation and Quantization), algorithm improvements (e.g., Early Exit and Mixture-of-Expert), and both hardware and system-level enhancements. Our survey stands out by analyzing these methods with roofline model, helping us understand their impact on memory access and computation. This distinctive approach not only showcases the current research landscape but also delivers valuable insights for practical implementation, positioning our work as an indispensable resource for researchers new to the field as well as for those seeking to deepen their understanding of efficient LLM deployment. The analyze tool, LLM-Viewer, is open-sourced.

replace-cross MIM-Reasoner: Learning with Theoretical Guarantees for Multiplex Influence Maximization

Authors: Nguyen Do, Tanmoy Chowdhury, Chen Ling, Liang Zhao, My T. Thai

Abstract: Multiplex influence maximization (MIM) asks us to identify a set of seed users such as to maximize the expected number of influenced users in a multiplex network. MIM has been one of central research topics, especially in nowadays social networking landscape where users participate in multiple online social networks (OSNs) and their influences can propagate among several OSNs simultaneously. Although there exist a couple combinatorial algorithms to MIM, learning-based solutions have been desired due to its generalization ability to heterogeneous networks and their diversified propagation characteristics. In this paper, we introduce MIM-Reasoner, coupling reinforcement learning with probabilistic graphical model, which effectively captures the complex propagation process within and between layers of a given multiplex network, thereby tackling the most challenging problem in MIM. We establish a theoretical guarantee for MIM-Reasoner as well as conduct extensive analyses on both synthetic and real-world datasets to validate our MIM-Reasoner's performance.

replace-cross LDB: A Large Language Model Debugger via Verifying Runtime Execution Step-by-step

Authors: Lily Zhong, Zilong Wang, Jingbo Shang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are leading significant progress in code generation. Beyond one-pass code generation, recent works further integrate unit tests and program verifiers into LLMs to iteratively refine the generated programs. However, these works consider the generated programs as an indivisible entity, which falls short for LLMs in debugging the programs, especially when the programs contain complex logic flows and data operations. In contrast, when human developers debug programs, they typically set breakpoints and selectively examine runtime execution information. The execution flow and the intermediate variables play a crucial role in the debugging process, yet they are underutilized in the existing literature on code generation. In this study, we introduce Large Language Model Debugger (LDB), a novel debugging framework that enables LLMs to refine their generated programs with the runtime execution information. Specifically, LDB segments the programs into basic blocks and tracks the values of intermediate variables after each block throughout the runtime execution. This allows LLMs to concentrate on simpler code units within the overall execution flow, verify their correctness against the task description block by block, and efficiently pinpoint any potential errors. Experiments demonstrate that LDB consistently enhances the baseline performance by up to 9.8% across the HumanEval, MBPP, and TransCoder benchmarks, archiving new state-of-the-art performance in code debugging for various LLM selections.

replace-cross MMSR: Symbolic Regression is a Multimodal Task

Authors: Yanjie Li, Jingyi Liu, Weijun Li, Lina Yu, Min Wu, Wenqiang Li, Meilan Hao, Su Wei, Yusong Deng

Abstract: Mathematical formulas are the crystallization of human wisdom in exploring the laws of nature for thousands of years. Describing the complex laws of nature with a concise mathematical formula is a constant pursuit of scientists and a great challenge for artificial intelligence. This field is called symbolic regression. Symbolic regression was originally formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, and GP and reinforcement learning algorithms were used to solve it. However, GP is sensitive to hyperparameters, and these two types of algorithms are inefficient. To solve this problem, researchers treat the mapping from data to expressions as a translation problem. And the corresponding large-scale pre-trained model is introduced. However, the data and expression skeletons do not have very clear word correspondences as the two languages do. Instead, they are more like two modalities (e.g., image and text). Therefore, in this paper, we proposed MMSR. The SR problem is solved as a pure multimodal problem, and contrastive learning is also introduced in the training process for modal alignment to facilitate later modal feature fusion. It is worth noting that in order to better promote the modal feature fusion, we adopt the strategy of training contrastive learning loss and other losses at the same time, which only needs one-step training, instead of training contrastive learning loss first and then training other losses. Because our experiments prove training together can make the feature extraction module and feature fusion module running-in better. Experimental results show that compared with multiple large-scale pre-training baselines, MMSR achieves the most advanced results on multiple mainstream datasets including SRBench.

replace-cross ICE-SEARCH: A Language Model-Driven Feature Selection Approach

Authors: Tianze Yang, Tianyi Yang, Shaoshan Liu, Fuyuan Lvu, Xue Liu

Abstract: This study unveils the In-Context Evolutionary Search (ICE-SEARCH) method, the first work that melds language models (LMs) with evolutionary algorithms for feature selection (FS) tasks and demonstrates its effectiveness in Medical Predictive Analytics (MPA) applications. ICE-SEARCH harnesses the crossover and mutation capabilities inherent in LMs within an evolutionary framework, significantly improving FS through the model's comprehensive world knowledge and its adaptability to a variety of roles. Our evaluation of this methodology spans three crucial MPA tasks: stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, where ICE-SEARCH outperforms traditional FS methods in pinpointing essential features for medical applications. ICE-SEARCH achieves State-of-the-Art (SOTA) performance in stroke prediction and diabetes prediction; the Decision-Randomized ICE-SEARCH ranks as SOTA in cardiovascular disease prediction. Our results not only demonstrate the efficacy of ICE-SEARCH in medical FS but also underscore the versatility, efficiency, and scalability of integrating LMs in FS tasks. The study emphasizes the critical role of incorporating domain-specific insights, illustrating ICE-SEARCH's robustness, generalizability, and swift convergence. This opens avenues for further research into comprehensive and intricate FS landscapes, marking a significant stride in the application of artificial intelligence in medical predictive analytics.

replace-cross Survey in Characterization of Semantic Change

Authors: Jader Martins Camboim de S\'a, Marcos Da Silveira, C\'edric Pruski

Abstract: Live languages continuously evolve to integrate the cultural change of human societies. This evolution manifests through neologisms (new words) or \textbf{semantic changes} of words (new meaning to existing words). Understanding the meaning of words is vital for interpreting texts coming from different cultures (regionalism or slang), domains (e.g., technical terms), or periods. In computer science, these words are relevant to computational linguistics algorithms such as translation, information retrieval, question answering, etc. Semantic changes can potentially impact the quality of the outcomes of these algorithms. Therefore, it is important to understand and characterize these changes formally. The study of this impact is a recent problem that has attracted the attention of the computational linguistics community. Several approaches propose methods to detect semantic changes with good precision, but more effort is needed to characterize how the meaning of words changes and to reason about how to reduce the impact of semantic change. This survey provides an understandable overview of existing approaches to the \textit{characterization of semantic changes} and also formally defines three classes of characterizations: if the meaning of a word becomes more general or narrow (change in dimension) if the word is used in a more pejorative or positive/ameliorated sense (change in orientation), and if there is a trend to use the word in a, for instance, metaphoric or metonymic context (change in relation). We summarized the main aspects of the selected publications in a table and discussed the needs and trends in the research activities on semantic change characterization.

replace-cross TV-TREES: Multimodal Entailment Trees for Neuro-Symbolic Video Reasoning

Authors: Kate Sanders, Nathaniel Weir, Benjamin Van Durme

Abstract: It is challenging to perform question-answering over complex, multimodal content such as television clips. This is in part because current video-language models rely on single-modality reasoning, have lowered performance on long inputs, and lack interpetability. We propose TV-TREES, the first multimodal entailment tree generator. TV-TREES serves as an approach to video understanding that promotes interpretable joint-modality reasoning by producing trees of entailment relationships between simple premises directly entailed by the videos and higher-level conclusions. We then introduce the task of multimodal entailment tree generation to evaluate the reasoning quality of such methods. Our method's experimental results on the challenging TVQA dataset demonstrate intepretable, state-of-the-art zero-shot performance on full video clips, illustrating a best-of-both-worlds contrast to black-box methods.

replace-cross Direct Alignment of Draft Model for Speculative Decoding with Chat-Fine-Tuned LLMs

Authors: Raghavv Goel, Mukul Gagrani, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Text generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is known to be memory bound due to the combination of their auto-regressive nature, huge parameter counts, and limited memory bandwidths, often resulting in low token rates. Speculative decoding has been proposed as a solution for LLM inference acceleration. However, since draft models are often unavailable in the modern open-source LLM families, e.g., for Llama 2 7B, training a high-quality draft model is required to enable inference acceleration via speculative decoding. In this paper, we propose a simple draft model training framework for direct alignment to chat-capable target models. With the proposed framework, we train Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M, a draft model for Llama 2 Chat 7B or larger, with only 1.64\% of the original size. Our training framework only consists of pretraining, distillation dataset generation, and finetuning with knowledge distillation, with no additional alignment procedure. For the finetuning step, we use instruction-response pairs generated by target model for distillation in plausible data distribution, and propose a new Total Variation Distance++ (TVD++) loss that incorporates variance reduction techniques inspired from the policy gradient method in reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M with speculative decoding achieves up to 2.3 block efficiency and 2.4$\times$ speed-up relative to autoregressive decoding on various tasks with no further task-specific fine-tuning.

replace-cross PRIME: Scaffolding Manipulation Tasks with Behavior Primitives for Data-Efficient Imitation Learning

Authors: Tian Gao, Soroush Nasiriany, Huihan Liu, Quantao Yang, Yuke Zhu

Abstract: Imitation learning has shown great potential for enabling robots to acquire complex manipulation behaviors. However, these algorithms suffer from high sample complexity in long-horizon tasks, where compounding errors accumulate over the task horizons. We present PRIME (PRimitive-based IMitation with data Efficiency), a behavior primitive-based framework designed for improving the data efficiency of imitation learning. PRIME scaffolds robot tasks by decomposing task demonstrations into primitive sequences, followed by learning a high-level control policy to sequence primitives through imitation learning. Our experiments demonstrate that PRIME achieves a significant performance improvement in multi-stage manipulation tasks, with 10-34% higher success rates in simulation over state-of-the-art baselines and 20-48% on physical hardware.

replace-cross GPTSee: Enhancing Moment Retrieval and Highlight Detection via Description-Based Similarity Features

Authors: Yunzhuo Sun, Yifang Xu, Zien Xie, Yukun Shu, Sidan Du

Abstract: Moment retrieval (MR) and highlight detection (HD) aim to identify relevant moments and highlights in video from corresponding natural language query. Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated proficiency in various computer vision tasks. However, existing methods for MR\&HD have not yet been integrated with LLMs. In this letter, we propose a novel two-stage model that takes the output of LLMs as the input to the second-stage transformer encoder-decoder. First, MiniGPT-4 is employed to generate the detailed description of the video frame and rewrite the query statement, fed into the encoder as new features. Then, semantic similarity is computed between the generated description and the rewritten queries. Finally, continuous high-similarity video frames are converted into span anchors, serving as prior position information for the decoder. Experiments demonstrate that our approach achieves a state-of-the-art result, and by using only span anchors and similarity scores as outputs, positioning accuracy outperforms traditional methods, like Moment-DETR.

replace-cross NASH: Neural Architecture Search for Hardware-Optimized Machine Learning Models

Authors: Mengfei Ji, Yuchun Chang, Baolin Zhang, Zaid Al-Ars

Abstract: As machine learning (ML) algorithms get deployed in an ever-increasing number of applications, these algorithms need to achieve better trade-offs between high accuracy, high throughput and low latency. This paper introduces NASH, a novel approach that applies neural architecture search to machine learning hardware. Using NASH, hardware designs can achieve not only high throughput and low latency but also superior accuracy performance. We present four versions of the NASH strategy in this paper, all of which show higher accuracy than the original models. The strategy can be applied to various convolutional neural networks, selecting specific model operations among many to guide the training process toward higher accuracy. Experimental results show that applying NASH on ResNet18 or ResNet34 achieves a top 1 accuracy increase of up to 3.1% and a top 5 accuracy increase of up to 2.2% compared to the non-NASH version when tested on the ImageNet data set. We also integrated this approach into the FINN hardware model synthesis tool to automate the application of our approach and the generation of the hardware model. Results show that using FINN can achieve a maximum throughput of 324.5 fps. In addition, NASH models can also result in a better trade-off between accuracy and hardware resource utilization. The accuracy-hardware (HW) Pareto curve shows that the models with the four NASH versions represent the best trade-offs achieving the highest accuracy for a given HW utilization. The code for our implementation is open-source and publicly available on GitHub at


replace-cross "In Dialogues We Learn": Towards Personalized Dialogue Without Pre-defined Profiles through In-Dialogue Learning

Authors: Chuanqi Cheng, Quan Tu, Wei Wu, Shuo Shang, Cunli Mao, Zhengtao Yu, Rui Yan

Abstract: Personalized dialogue systems have gained significant attention in recent years for their ability to generate responses in alignment with different personas. However, most existing approaches rely on pre-defined personal profiles, which are not only time-consuming and labor-intensive to create but also lack flexibility. We propose In-Dialogue Learning (IDL), a fine-tuning framework that enhances the ability of pre-trained large language models to leverage dialogue history to characterize persona for completing personalized dialogue generation tasks without pre-defined profiles. Our experiments on three datasets demonstrate that IDL brings substantial improvements, with BLEU and ROUGE scores increasing by up to 200% and 247%, respectively. Additionally, the results of human evaluations further validate the efficacy of our proposed method.

replace-cross Apollo: An Lightweight Multilingual Medical LLM towards Democratizing Medical AI to 6B People

Authors: Xidong Wang, Nuo Chen, Junyin Chen, Yan Hu, Yidong Wang, Xiangbo Wu, Anningzhe Gao, Xiang Wan, Haizhou Li, Benyou Wang

Abstract: Despite the vast repository of global medical knowledge predominantly being in English, local languages are crucial for delivering tailored healthcare services, particularly in areas with limited medical resources. To extend the reach of medical AI advancements to a broader population, we aim to develop medical LLMs across the six most widely spoken languages, encompassing a global population of 6.1 billion. This effort culminates in the creation of the ApolloCorpora multilingual medical dataset and the XMedBench benchmark. In the multilingual medical benchmark, the released Apollo models, at various relatively-small sizes (i.e., 0.5B, 1.8B, 2B, 6B, and 7B), achieve the best performance among models of equivalent size. Especially, Apollo-7B is the state-of-the-art multilingual medical LLMs up to 70B. Additionally, these lite models could be used to improve the multi-lingual medical capabilities of larger models without fine-tuning in a proxy-tuning fashion. We will open-source training corpora, code, model weights and evaluation benchmark.

replace-cross Are Language Models Puzzle Prodigies? Algorithmic Puzzles Unveil Serious Challenges in Multimodal Reasoning

Authors: Deepanway Ghosal, Vernon Toh Yan Han, Chia Yew Ken, Soujanya Poria

Abstract: This paper introduces the novel task of multimodal puzzle solving, framed within the context of visual question-answering. We present a new dataset, AlgoPuzzleVQA designed to challenge and evaluate the capabilities of multimodal language models in solving algorithmic puzzles that necessitate both visual understanding, language understanding, and complex algorithmic reasoning. We create the puzzles to encompass a diverse array of mathematical and algorithmic topics such as boolean logic, combinatorics, graph theory, optimization, search, etc., aiming to evaluate the gap between visual data interpretation and algorithmic problem-solving skills. The dataset is generated automatically from code authored by humans. All our puzzles have exact solutions that can be found from the algorithm without tedious human calculations. It ensures that our dataset can be scaled up arbitrarily in terms of reasoning complexity and dataset size. Our investigation reveals that large language models (LLMs) such as GPT4V and Gemini exhibit limited performance in puzzle-solving tasks. We find that their performance is near random in a multi-choice question-answering setup for a significant number of puzzles. The findings emphasize the challenges of integrating visual, language, and algorithmic knowledge for solving complex reasoning problems.

replace-cross Aligners: Decoupling LLMs and Alignment

Authors: Lilian Ngweta, Mayank Agarwal, Subha Maity, Alex Gittens, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) need to be aligned with human expectations to ensure their safety and utility in most applications. Alignment is challenging, costly, and needs to be repeated for every LLM and alignment criterion. We propose to decouple LLMs and alignment by training aligner models that can be used to align any LLM for a given criteria on an as-needed basis, thus also reducing the potential negative impacts of alignment on performance. Our recipe for training the aligner models solely relies on synthetic data generated with a (prompted) LLM and can be easily adjusted for a variety of alignment criteria. We illustrate our method by training an "ethical" aligner and verify its efficacy empirically.

replace-cross Using Hallucinations to Bypass GPT4's Filter

Authors: Benjamin Lemkin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are initially trained on vast amounts of data, then fine-tuned using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF); this also serves to teach the LLM to provide appropriate and safe responses. In this paper, we present a novel method to manipulate the fine-tuned version into reverting to its pre-RLHF behavior, effectively erasing the model's filters; the exploit currently works for GPT4, Claude Sonnet, and (to some extent) for Inflection-2.5. Unlike other jailbreaks (for example, the popular "Do Anything Now" (DAN) ), our method does not rely on instructing the LLM to override its RLHF policy; hence, simply modifying the RLHF process is unlikely to address it. Instead, we induce a hallucination involving reversed text during which the model reverts to a word bucket, effectively pausing the model's filter. We believe that our exploit presents a fundamental vulnerability in LLMs currently unaddressed, as well as an opportunity to better understand the inner workings of LLMs during hallucinations.

replace-cross TopicDiff: A Topic-enriched Diffusion Approach for Multimodal Conversational Emotion Detection

Authors: Jiamin Luo, Jingjing Wang, Guodong Zhou

Abstract: Multimodal Conversational Emotion (MCE) detection, generally spanning across the acoustic, vision and language modalities, has attracted increasing interest in the multimedia community. Previous studies predominantly focus on learning contextual information in conversations with only a few considering the topic information in single language modality, while always neglecting the acoustic and vision topic information. On this basis, we propose a model-agnostic Topic-enriched Diffusion (TopicDiff) approach for capturing multimodal topic information in MCE tasks. Particularly, we integrate the diffusion model into neural topic model to alleviate the diversity deficiency problem of neural topic model in capturing topic information. Detailed evaluations demonstrate the significant improvements of TopicDiff over the state-of-the-art MCE baselines, justifying the importance of multimodal topic information to MCE and the effectiveness of TopicDiff in capturing such information. Furthermore, we observe an interesting finding that the topic information in acoustic and vision is more discriminative and robust compared to the language.

replace-cross A Mixed-Integer Conic Program for the Moving-Target Traveling Salesman Problem based on a Graph of Convex Sets

Authors: Allen George Philip, Zhongqiang Ren, Sivakumar Rathinam, Howie Choset

Abstract: This paper introduces a new formulation that finds the optimum for the Moving-Target Traveling Salesman Problem (MT-TSP), which seeks to find a shortest path for an agent, that starts at a depot, visits a set of moving targets exactly once within their assigned time-windows, and returns to the depot. The formulation relies on the key idea that when the targets move along lines, their trajectories become convex sets within the space-time coordinate system. The problem then reduces to finding the shortest path within a graph of convex sets, subject to some speed constraints. We compare our formulation with the current state-of-the-art Mixed Integer Conic Program (MICP) solver for the MT-TSP. The experimental results show that our formulation outperforms the MICP for instances with up to 20 targets, with up to two orders of magnitude reduction in runtime, and up to a 60\% tighter optimality gap. We also show that the solution cost from the convex relaxation of our formulation provides significantly tighter lower bounds for the MT-TSP than the ones from the MICP.

replace-cross Fooling Neural Networks for Motion Forecasting via Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Edgar Medina, Leyong Loh

Abstract: Human motion prediction is still an open problem, which is extremely important for autonomous driving and safety applications. Although there are great advances in this area, the widely studied topic of adversarial attacks has not been applied to multi-regression models such as GCNs and MLP-based architectures in human motion prediction. This work intends to reduce this gap using extensive quantitative and qualitative experiments in state-of-the-art architectures similar to the initial stages of adversarial attacks in image classification. The results suggest that models are susceptible to attacks even on low levels of perturbation. We also show experiments with 3D transformations that affect the model performance, in particular, we show that most models are sensitive to simple rotations and translations which do not alter joint distances. We conclude that similar to earlier CNN models, motion forecasting tasks are susceptible to small perturbations and simple 3D transformations.

replace-cross Rule-driven News Captioning

Authors: Ning Xu, Tingting Zhang, Hongshuo Tian, An-An Liu

Abstract: News captioning task aims to generate sentences by describing named entities or concrete events for an image with its news article. Existing methods have achieved remarkable results by relying on the large-scale pre-trained models, which primarily focus on the correlations between the input news content and the output predictions. However, the news captioning requires adhering to some fundamental rules of news reporting, such as accurately describing the individuals and actions associated with the event. In this paper, we propose the rule-driven news captioning method, which can generate image descriptions following designated rule signal. Specifically, we first design the news-aware semantic rule for the descriptions. This rule incorporates the primary action depicted in the image (e.g., "performing") and the roles played by named entities involved in the action (e.g., "Agent" and "Place"). Second, we inject this semantic rule into the large-scale pre-trained model, BART, with the prefix-tuning strategy, where multiple encoder layers are embedded with news-aware semantic rule. Finally, we can effectively guide BART to generate news sentences that comply with the designated rule. Extensive experiments on two widely used datasets (i.e., GoodNews and NYTimes800k) demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.