new Density-Regression: Efficient and Distance-Aware Deep Regressor for Uncertainty Estimation under Distribution Shifts

Authors: Manh Ha Bui, Anqi Liu

Abstract: Morden deep ensembles technique achieves strong uncertainty estimation performance by going through multiple forward passes with different models. This is at the price of a high storage space and a slow speed in the inference (test) time. To address this issue, we propose Density-Regression, a method that leverages the density function in uncertainty estimation and achieves fast inference by a single forward pass. We prove it is distance aware on the feature space, which is a necessary condition for a neural network to produce high-quality uncertainty estimation under distribution shifts. Empirically, we conduct experiments on regression tasks with the cubic toy dataset, benchmark UCI, weather forecast with time series, and depth estimation under real-world shifted applications. We show that Density-Regression has competitive uncertainty estimation performance under distribution shifts with modern deep regressors while using a lower model size and a faster inference speed.

new Select High-Level Features: Efficient Experts from a Hierarchical Classification Network

Authors: Andr\'e Kelm, Niels Hannemann, Bruno Heberle, Lucas Schmidt, Tim Rolff, Christian Wilms, Ehsan Yaghoubi, Simone Frintrop

Abstract: This study introduces a novel expert generation method that dynamically reduces task and computational complexity without compromising predictive performance. It is based on a new hierarchical classification network topology that combines sequential processing of generic low-level features with parallelism and nesting of high-level features. This structure allows for the innovative extraction technique: the ability to select only high-level features of task-relevant categories. In certain cases, it is possible to skip almost all unneeded high-level features, which can significantly reduce the inference cost and is highly beneficial in resource-constrained conditions. We believe this method paves the way for future network designs that are lightweight and adaptable, making them suitable for a wide range of applications, from compact edge devices to large-scale clouds. In terms of dynamic inference our methodology can achieve an exclusion of up to 88.7\,\% of parameters and 73.4\,\% fewer giga-multiply accumulate (GMAC) operations, analysis against comparative baselines showing an average reduction of 47.6\,\% in parameters and 5.8\,\% in GMACs across the cases we evaluated.

new A Concept-based Interpretable Model for the Diagnosis of Choroid Neoplasias using Multimodal Data

Authors: Yifan Wu, Yang Liu, Yue Yang, Michael S. Yao, Wenli Yang, Xuehui Shi, Lihong Yang, Dongjun Li, Yueming Liu, James C. Gee, Xuan Yang, Wenbin Wei, Shi Gu

Abstract: Diagnosing rare diseases presents a common challenge in clinical practice, necessitating the expertise of specialists for accurate identification. The advent of machine learning offers a promising solution, while the development of such technologies is hindered by the scarcity of data on rare conditions and the demand for models that are both interpretable and trustworthy in a clinical context. Interpretable AI, with its capacity for human-readable outputs, can facilitate validation by clinicians and contribute to medical education. In the current work, we focus on choroid neoplasias, the most prevalent form of eye cancer in adults, albeit rare with 5.1 per million. We built the so-far largest dataset consisting of 750 patients, incorporating three distinct imaging modalities collected from 2004 to 2022. Our work introduces a concept-based interpretable model that distinguishes between three types of choroidal tumors, integrating insights from domain experts via radiological reports. Remarkably, this model not only achieves an F1 score of 0.91, rivaling that of black-box models, but also boosts the diagnostic accuracy of junior doctors by 42%. This study highlights the significant potential of interpretable machine learning in improving the diagnosis of rare diseases, laying a groundwork for future breakthroughs in medical AI that could tackle a wider array of complex health scenarios.

new Evidence, Definitions and Algorithms regarding the Existence of Cohesive-Convergence Groups in Neural Network Optimization

Authors: Thien An L. Nguyen

Abstract: Understanding the convergence process of neural networks is one of the most complex and crucial issues in the field of machine learning. Despite the close association of notable successes in this domain with the convergence of artificial neural networks, this concept remains predominantly theoretical. In reality, due to the non-convex nature of the optimization problems that artificial neural networks tackle, very few trained networks actually achieve convergence. To expand recent research efforts on artificial-neural-network convergence, this paper will discuss a different approach based on observations of cohesive-convergence groups emerging during the optimization process of an artificial neural network.

new Unfamiliar Finetuning Examples Control How Language Models Hallucinate

Authors: Katie Kang, Eric Wallace, Claire Tomlin, Aviral Kumar, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have a tendency to generate plausible-sounding yet factually incorrect responses, especially when queried on unfamiliar concepts. In this work, we explore the underlying mechanisms that govern how finetuned LLMs hallucinate. Our investigation reveals an interesting pattern: as inputs become more unfamiliar, LLM outputs tend to default towards a ``hedged'' prediction, whose form is determined by how the unfamiliar examples in the finetuning data are supervised. Thus, by strategically modifying these examples' supervision, we can control LLM predictions for unfamiliar inputs (e.g., teach them to say ``I don't know''). Based on these principles, we develop an RL approach that more reliably mitigates hallucinations for long-form generation tasks, by tackling the challenges presented by reward model hallucinations. We validate our findings with a series of controlled experiments in multiple-choice QA on MMLU, as well as long-form biography and book/movie plot generation tasks.

new What is different between these datasets?

Authors: Varun Babbar, Zhicheng Guo, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: The performance of machine learning models heavily depends on the quality of input data, yet real-world applications often encounter various data-related challenges. One such challenge could arise when curating training data or deploying the model in the real world - two comparable datasets in the same domain may have different distributions. While numerous techniques exist for detecting distribution shifts, the literature lacks comprehensive approaches for explaining dataset differences in a human-understandable manner. To address this gap, we propose a suite of interpretable methods (toolbox) for comparing two datasets. We demonstrate the versatility of our approach across diverse data modalities, including tabular data, language, images, and signals in both low and high-dimensional settings. Our methods not only outperform comparable and related approaches in terms of explanation quality and correctness, but also provide actionable, complementary insights to understand and mitigate dataset differences effectively.

new Shielded Deep Reinforcement Learning for Complex Spacecraft Tasking

Authors: Robert Reed, Hanspeter Schaub, Morteza Lahijanian

Abstract: Autonomous spacecraft control via Shielded Deep Reinforcement Learning (SDRL) has become a rapidly growing research area. However, the construction of shields and the definition of tasking remains informal, resulting in policies with no guarantees on safety and ambiguous goals for the RL agent. In this paper, we first explore the use of formal languages, namely Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), to formalize spacecraft tasks and safety requirements. We then define a manner in which to construct a reward function from a co-safe LTL specification automatically for effective training in SDRL framework. We also investigate methods for constructing a shield from a safe LTL specification for spacecraft applications and propose three designs that provide probabilistic guarantees. We show how these shields interact with different policies and the flexibility of the reward structure through several experiments.

new $\mathtt{tsGT}$: Stochastic Time Series Modeling With Transformer

Authors: {\L}ukasz Kuci\'nski, Witold Drzewakowski, Mateusz Olko, Piotr Kozakowski, {\L}ukasz Maziarka, Marta Emilia Nowakowska, {\L}ukasz Kaiser, Piotr Mi{\l}o\'s

Abstract: Time series methods are of fundamental importance in virtually any field of science that deals with temporally structured data. Recently, there has been a surge of deterministic transformer models with time series-specific architectural biases. In this paper, we go in a different direction by introducing $\mathtt{tsGT}$, a stochastic time series model built on a general-purpose transformer architecture. We focus on using a well-known and theoretically justified rolling window backtesting and evaluation protocol. We show that $\mathtt{tsGT}$ outperforms the state-of-the-art models on MAD and RMSE, and surpasses its stochastic peers on QL and CRPS, on four commonly used datasets. We complement these results with a detailed analysis of $\mathtt{tsGT}$'s ability to model the data distribution and predict marginal quantile values.

new Augmentations vs Algorithms: What Works in Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Warren Morningstar, Alex Bijamov, Chris Duvarney, Luke Friedman, Neha Kalibhat, Luyang Liu, Philip Mansfield, Renan Rojas-Gomez, Karan Singhal, Bradley Green, Sushant Prakash

Abstract: We study the relative effects of data augmentations, pretraining algorithms, and model architectures in Self-Supervised Learning (SSL). While the recent literature in this space leaves the impression that the pretraining algorithm is of critical importance to performance, understanding its effect is complicated by the difficulty in making objective and direct comparisons between methods. We propose a new framework which unifies many seemingly disparate SSL methods into a single shared template. Using this framework, we identify aspects in which methods differ and observe that in addition to changing the pretraining algorithm, many works also use new data augmentations or more powerful model architectures. We compare several popular SSL methods using our framework and find that many algorithmic additions, such as prediction networks or new losses, have a minor impact on downstream task performance (often less than $1\%$), while enhanced augmentation techniques offer more significant performance improvements ($2-4\%$). Our findings challenge the premise that SSL is being driven primarily by algorithmic improvements, and suggest instead a bitter lesson for SSL: that augmentation diversity and data / model scale are more critical contributors to recent advances in self-supervised learning.

new Provable Policy Gradient Methods for Average-Reward Markov Potential Games

Authors: Min Cheng, Ruida Zhou, P. R. Kumar, Chao Tian

Abstract: We study Markov potential games under the infinite horizon average reward criterion. Most previous studies have been for discounted rewards. We prove that both algorithms based on independent policy gradient and independent natural policy gradient converge globally to a Nash equilibrium for the average reward criterion. To set the stage for gradient-based methods, we first establish that the average reward is a smooth function of policies and provide sensitivity bounds for the differential value functions, under certain conditions on ergodicity and the second largest eigenvalue of the underlying Markov decision process (MDP). We prove that three algorithms, policy gradient, proximal-Q, and natural policy gradient (NPG), converge to an $\epsilon$-Nash equilibrium with time complexity $O(\frac{1}{\epsilon^2})$, given a gradient/differential Q function oracle. When policy gradients have to be estimated, we propose an algorithm with $\tilde{O}(\frac{1}{\min_{s,a}\pi(a|s)\delta})$ sample complexity to achieve $\delta$ approximation error w.r.t~the $\ell_2$ norm. Equipped with the estimator, we derive the first sample complexity analysis for a policy gradient ascent algorithm, featuring a sample complexity of $\tilde{O}(1/\epsilon^5)$. Simulation studies are presented.

new MG-TSD: Multi-Granularity Time Series Diffusion Models with Guided Learning Process

Authors: Xinyao Fan, Yueying Wu, Chang Xu, Yuhao Huang, Weiqing Liu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Recently, diffusion probabilistic models have attracted attention in generative time series forecasting due to their remarkable capacity to generate high-fidelity samples. However, the effective utilization of their strong modeling ability in the probabilistic time series forecasting task remains an open question, partially due to the challenge of instability arising from their stochastic nature. To address this challenge, we introduce a novel Multi-Granularity Time Series Diffusion (MG-TSD) model, which achieves state-of-the-art predictive performance by leveraging the inherent granularity levels within the data as given targets at intermediate diffusion steps to guide the learning process of diffusion models. The way to construct the targets is motivated by the observation that the forward process of the diffusion model, which sequentially corrupts the data distribution to a standard normal distribution, intuitively aligns with the process of smoothing fine-grained data into a coarse-grained representation, both of which result in a gradual loss of fine distribution features. In the study, we derive a novel multi-granularity guidance diffusion loss function and propose a concise implementation method to effectively utilize coarse-grained data across various granularity levels. More importantly, our approach does not rely on additional external data, making it versatile and applicable across various domains. Extensive experiments conducted on real-world datasets demonstrate that our MG-TSD model outperforms existing time series prediction methods.

new Task-Oriented GNNs Training on Large Knowledge Graphs for Accurate and Efficient Modeling

Authors: Hussein Abdallah, Waleed Afandi, Panos Kalnis, Essam Mansour

Abstract: A Knowledge Graph (KG) is a heterogeneous graph encompassing a diverse range of node and edge types. Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks (HGNNs) are popular for training machine learning tasks like node classification and link prediction on KGs. However, HGNN methods exhibit excessive complexity influenced by the KG's size, density, and the number of node and edge types. AI practitioners handcraft a subgraph of a KG G relevant to a specific task. We refer to this subgraph as a task-oriented subgraph (TOSG), which contains a subset of task-related node and edge types in G. Training the task using TOSG instead of G alleviates the excessive computation required for a large KG. Crafting the TOSG demands a deep understanding of the KG's structure and the task's objectives. Hence, it is challenging and time-consuming. This paper proposes KG-TOSA, an approach to automate the TOSG extraction for task-oriented HGNN training on a large KG. In KG-TOSA, we define a generic graph pattern that captures the KG's local and global structure relevant to a specific task. We explore different techniques to extract subgraphs matching our graph pattern: namely (i) two techniques sampling around targeted nodes using biased random walk or influence scores, and (ii) a SPARQL-based extraction method leveraging RDF engines' built-in indices. Hence, it achieves negligible preprocessing overhead compared to the sampling techniques. We develop a benchmark of real KGs of large sizes and various tasks for node classification and link prediction. Our experiments show that KG-TOSA helps state-of-the-art HGNN methods reduce training time and memory usage by up to 70% while improving the model performance, e.g., accuracy and inference time.

new Hybrid Quantum-inspired Resnet and Densenet for Pattern Recognition with Completeness Analysis

Authors: Andi Chen, Hua-Lei Yin, Zeng-Bing Chen, Shengjun Wu

Abstract: With the contemporary digital technology approaching, deep neural networks are emerging as the foundational algorithm of the artificial intelligence boom. Whereas, the evolving social demands have been emphasizing the necessity of novel methodologies to substitute traditional neural networks. Concurrently, the advent of the post-Moore era has spurred the development of quantum-inspired neural networks with outstanding potentials at certain circumstances. Nonetheless, a definitive evaluating system with detailed metrics is tremendously vital and indispensable owing to the vague indicators in comparison between the novel and traditional deep learning models at present. Hence, to improve and evaluate the performances of the novel neural networks more comprehensively in complex and unpredictable environments, we propose two hybrid quantum-inspired neural networks which are rooted in residual and dense connections respectively for pattern recognitions with completeness representation theory for model assessment. Comparative analyses against pure classical models with detailed frameworks reveal that our hybrid models with lower parameter complexity not only match the generalization power of pure classical models, but also outperform them notably in resistance to parameter attacks with various asymmetric noises. Moreover, our hybrid models indicate unique superiority to prevent gradient explosion problems through theoretical argumentation. Eventually, We elaborate on the application scenarios where our hybrid models are applicable and efficient, which paves the way for their industrialization and commercialization.

new Membership Testing in Markov Equivalence Classes via Independence Query Oracles

Authors: Jiaqi Zhang, Kirankumar Shiragur, Caroline Uhler

Abstract: Understanding causal relationships between variables is a fundamental problem with broad impact in numerous scientific fields. While extensive research has been dedicated to learning causal graphs from data, its complementary concept of testing causal relationships has remained largely unexplored. While learning involves the task of recovering the Markov equivalence class (MEC) of the underlying causal graph from observational data, the testing counterpart addresses the following critical question: Given a specific MEC and observational data from some causal graph, can we determine if the data-generating causal graph belongs to the given MEC? We explore constraint-based testing methods by establishing bounds on the required number of conditional independence tests. Our bounds are in terms of the size of the maximum undirected clique ($s$) of the given MEC. In the worst case, we show a lower bound of $\exp(\Omega(s))$ independence tests. We then give an algorithm that resolves the task with $\exp(O(s))$ tests, matching our lower bound. Compared to the learning problem, where algorithms often use a number of independence tests that is exponential in the maximum in-degree, this shows that testing is relatively easier. In particular, it requires exponentially less independence tests in graphs featuring high in-degrees and small clique sizes. Additionally, using the DAG associahedron, we provide a geometric interpretation of testing versus learning and discuss how our testing result can aid learning.

new Extending Activation Steering to Broad Skills and Multiple Behaviours

Authors: Teun van der Weij, Massimo Poesio, Nandi Schoots

Abstract: Current large language models have dangerous capabilities, which are likely to become more problematic in the future. Activation steering techniques can be used to reduce risks from these capabilities. In this paper, we investigate the efficacy of activation steering for broad skills and multiple behaviours. First, by comparing the effects of reducing performance on general coding ability and Python-specific ability, we find that steering broader skills is competitive to steering narrower skills. Second, we steer models to become more or less myopic and wealth-seeking, among other behaviours. In our experiments, combining steering vectors for multiple different behaviours into one steering vector is largely unsuccessful. On the other hand, injecting individual steering vectors at different places in a model simultaneously is promising.

new Spatial Clustering Approach for Vessel Path Identification

Authors: Mohamed Abuella, M. Amine Atoui, Slawomir Nowaczyk, Simon Johansson, Ethan Faghan

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenge of identifying the paths for vessels with operating routes of repetitive paths, partially repetitive paths, and new paths. We propose a spatial clustering approach for labeling the vessel paths by using only position information. We develop a path clustering framework employing two methods: a distance-based path modeling and a likelihood estimation method. The former enhances the accuracy of path clustering through the integration of unsupervised machine learning techniques, while the latter focuses on likelihood-based path modeling and introduces segmentation for a more detailed analysis. The result findings highlight the superior performance and efficiency of the developed approach, as both methods for clustering vessel paths into five classes achieve a perfect F1-score. The approach aims to offer valuable insights for route planning, ultimately contributing to improving safety and efficiency in maritime transportation.

new Optimistic Safety for Linearly-Constrained Online Convex Optimization

Authors: Spencer Hutchinson, Tianyi Chen, Mahnoosh Alizadeh

Abstract: The setting of online convex optimization (OCO) under unknown constraints has garnered significant attention in recent years. In this work, we consider a version of this problem with static linear constraints that the player receives noisy feedback of and must always satisfy. By leveraging our novel design paradigm of optimistic safety, we give an algorithm for this problem that enjoys $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret. This improves on the previous best regret bound of $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(T^{2/3})$ while using only slightly stronger assumptions of independent noise and an oblivious adversary. Then, by recasting this problem as OCO under time-varying stochastic linear constraints, we show that our algorithm enjoys the same regret guarantees in such a setting and never violates the constraints in expectation. This contributes to the literature on OCO under time-varying stochastic constraints, where the state-of-the-art algorithms enjoy $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ regret and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\sqrt{T})$ violation when the constraints are convex and the player receives full feedback. Additionally, we provide a version of our algorithm that is more computationally efficient and give numerical experiments comparing it with benchmark algorithms.

new $\textbf{S}^2$IP-LLM: Semantic Space Informed Prompt Learning with LLM for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Zijie Pan, Yushan Jiang, Sahil Garg, Anderson Schneider, Yuriy Nevmyvaka, Dongjin Song

Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing interest in leveraging pre-trained large language models (LLMs) for various time series applications. However, the semantic space of LLMs, established through the pre-training, is still underexplored and may help yield more distinctive and informative representations to facilitate time series forecasting. To this end, we propose Semantic Space Informed Prompt learning with LLM ($S^2$IP-LLM) to align the pre-trained semantic space with time series embeddings space and perform time series forecasting based on learned prompts from the joint space. We first design a tokenization module tailored for cross-modality alignment, which explicitly concatenates patches of decomposed time series components to create embeddings that effectively encode the temporal dynamics. Next, we leverage the pre-trained word token embeddings to derive semantic anchors and align selected anchors with time series embeddings by maximizing the cosine similarity in the joint space. This way, $S^2$IP-LLM can retrieve relevant semantic anchors as prompts to provide strong indicators (context) for time series that exhibit different temporal dynamics. With thorough empirical studies on multiple benchmark datasets, we demonstrate that the proposed $S^2$IP-LLM can achieve superior forecasting performance over state-of-the-art baselines. Furthermore, our ablation studies and visualizations verify the necessity of prompt learning informed by semantic space.

new PR-NET: Leveraging Pathway Refined Network Structures for Prostate Cancer Patient Condition Prediction

Authors: R. Li, J. Liu, X. L. Deng, X. Liu, J. C. Guo, W. Y. Wu, L. Yang

Abstract: Motivation: The diagnosis and monitoring of Castrate Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) are crucial for cancer patients, but the current models (such as P-NET) have limitations in terms of parameter count, generalization, and cost. Results: To address the above issues, we develop a more accurate and efficient Prostate Cancer patient condition prediction model, named PR-NET. By compressing and optimizing the network structure of P-NET, the model complexity is reduced while maintaining high accuracy and interpretability. The PR-NET demonstrated superior performance in predicting prostate cancer patient outcomes, outshining P-NET and six other traditional models with a significant margin. In our rigorous evaluation, PR-NET not only achieved impressive average AUC and Recall scores of 0.94 and 0.83, respectively, on known data but also maintained robust generalizability on five unknown datasets with a higher average AUC of 0.73 and Recall of 0.72, compared to P-NET's 0.68 and 0.5. PR-NET's efficiency was evidenced by its shorter average training and inference times, and its gene-level analysis revealed 46 key genes, demonstrating its enhanced predictive power and efficiency in identifying critical biomarkers for prostate cancer. Future research can further expand its application domains and optimize the model's performance and reliability.

new Optimizing LLM Queries in Relational Workloads

Authors: Shu Liu, Asim Biswal, Audrey Cheng, Xiangxi Mo, Shiyi Cao, Joseph E. Gonzalez, Ion Stoica, Matei Zaharia

Abstract: Analytical database providers (e.g., Redshift, Databricks, BigQuery) have rapidly added support for invoking Large Language Models (LLMs) through native user-defined functions (UDFs) to help users perform natural language tasks, such as classification, entity extraction, and translation, inside analytical workloads. For instance, an analyst might want to extract customer sentiments on millions of product reviews. However, LLM inference is highly expensive in both computational and economic terms: for example, an NVIDIA L4 GPU running Llama2-7B can only process 6 KB of text per second. In this paper, we explore how to optimize LLM inference for analytical workloads that invoke LLMs within relational queries. We show that relational queries present novel opportunities for accelerating LLM inference, including reordering rows to maximize key-value (KV) cache reuse within the LLM inference engine, reordering columns within a row to further increase cache reuse, and deduplicating redundant inference requests. We implement these optimizations in Apache Spark, with vLLM as the model serving backend and achieve up to 4.4x improvement in end-to-end latency on a benchmark of diverse LLM-based queries on real datasets. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to explicitly address the problem of optimizing LLM invocations within SQL queries.

new TrafficGPT: Breaking the Token Barrier for Efficient Long Traffic Analysis and Generation

Authors: Jian Qu, Xiaobo Ma, Jianfeng Li

Abstract: Over the years, network traffic analysis and generation have advanced significantly. From traditional statistical methods, the field has progressed to sophisticated deep learning techniques. This progress has improved the ability to detect complex patterns and security threats, as well as to test and optimize network performance. However, obstacles persist, such as the dependence on labeled data for analysis and the difficulty of generating traffic samples that follow realistic patterns. Pre-trained deep neural networks have emerged as powerful tools to resolve these issues, offering improved performance by learning robust data representations from large unlabeled datasets. Despite their benefits, existing pre-trained models face challenges like token length limitation, which restricts their usefulness in comprehensive traffic analysis and realistic traffic generation. To address these challenges, we introduce TrafficGPT, a deep learning model that can tackle complex challenges related to long flow classification and generation tasks. This model uses generative pre-training with the linear attention mechanism, which allows for a substantially increased capacity of up to 12,032 tokens from the previous limit of only 512 tokens. TrafficGPT demonstrates superior performance in classification tasks, reaching state-of-the-art levels. In generation tasks, it closely resembles real traffic flows, with low JS divergence and an F1 score close to 0.5 (representing a random guess) in discriminating generated data. These advancements hold promise for future applications in both traffic flow classification and generation tasks.

new tLaSDI: Thermodynamics-informed latent space dynamics identification

Authors: Jun Sur Richard Park, Siu Wun Cheung, Youngsoo Choi, Yeonjong Shin

Abstract: We propose a data-driven latent space dynamics identification method (tLaSDI) that embeds the first and second principles of thermodynamics. The latent variables are learned through an autoencoder as a nonlinear dimension reduction model. The dynamics of the latent variables are constructed by a neural network-based model that preserves certain structures to respect the thermodynamic laws through the GENERIC formalism. An abstract error estimate of the approximation is established, which provides a new loss formulation involving the Jacobian computation of autoencoder. Both the autoencoder and the latent dynamics are trained to minimize the new loss. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of tLaSDI, which exhibits robust generalization ability, even in extrapolation. In addition, an intriguing correlation is empirically observed between the entropy production rates in the latent space and the behaviors of the full-state solution.

new PAPER-HILT: Personalized and Adaptive Privacy-Aware Early-Exit for Reinforcement Learning in Human-in-the-Loop Systems

Authors: Mojtaba Taherisadr, Salma Elmalaki

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has increasingly become a preferred method over traditional rule-based systems in diverse human-in-the-loop (HITL) applications due to its adaptability to the dynamic nature of human interactions. However, integrating RL in such settings raises significant privacy concerns, as it might inadvertently expose sensitive user information. Addressing this, our paper focuses on developing PAPER-HILT, an innovative, adaptive RL strategy through exploiting an early-exit approach designed explicitly for privacy preservation in HITL environments. This approach dynamically adjusts the tradeoff between privacy protection and system utility, tailoring its operation to individual behavioral patterns and preferences. We mainly highlight the challenge of dealing with the variable and evolving nature of human behavior, which renders static privacy models ineffective. PAPER-HILT's effectiveness is evaluated through its application in two distinct contexts: Smart Home environments and Virtual Reality (VR) Smart Classrooms. The empirical results demonstrate PAPER-HILT's capability to provide a personalized equilibrium between user privacy and application utility, adapting effectively to individual user needs and preferences. On average for both experiments, utility (performance) drops by 24%, and privacy (state prediction) improves by 31%.

new DiffRed: Dimensionality Reduction guided by stable rank

Authors: Prarabdh Shukla, Gagan Raj Gupta, Kunal Dutta

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel dimensionality reduction technique, DiffRed, which first projects the data matrix, A, along first $k_1$ principal components and the residual matrix $A^{*}$ (left after subtracting its $k_1$-rank approximation) along $k_2$ Gaussian random vectors. We evaluate M1, the distortion of mean-squared pair-wise distance, and Stress, the normalized value of RMS of distortion of the pairwise distances. We rigorously prove that DiffRed achieves a general upper bound of $O\left(\sqrt{\frac{1-p}{k_2}}\right)$ on Stress and $O\left(\frac{(1-p)}{\sqrt{k_2*\rho(A^{*})}}\right)$ on M1 where $p$ is the fraction of variance explained by the first $k_1$ principal components and $\rho(A^{*})$ is the stable rank of $A^{*}$. These bounds are tighter than the currently known results for Random maps. Our extensive experiments on a variety of real-world datasets demonstrate that DiffRed achieves near zero M1 and much lower values of Stress as compared to the well-known dimensionality reduction techniques. In particular, DiffRed can map a 6 million dimensional dataset to 10 dimensions with 54% lower Stress than PCA.

new Towards Efficient Replay in Federated Incremental Learning

Authors: Yichen Li, Qunwei Li, Haozhao Wang, Ruixuan Li, Wenliang Zhong, Guannan Zhang

Abstract: In Federated Learning (FL), the data in each client is typically assumed fixed or static. However, data often comes in an incremental manner in real-world applications, where the data domain may increase dynamically. In this work, we study catastrophic forgetting with data heterogeneity in Federated Incremental Learning (FIL) scenarios where edge clients may lack enough storage space to retain full data. We propose to employ a simple, generic framework for FIL named Re-Fed, which can coordinate each client to cache important samples for replay. More specifically, when a new task arrives, each client first caches selected previous samples based on their global and local importance. Then, the client trains the local model with both the cached samples and the samples from the new task. Theoretically, we analyze the ability of Re-Fed to discover important samples for replay thus alleviating the catastrophic forgetting problem. Moreover, we empirically show that Re-Fed achieves competitive performance compared to state-of-the-art methods.

new SEMRes-DDPM: Residual Network Based Diffusion Modelling Applied to Imbalanced Data

Authors: Ming Zheng, Yang Yang, Zhi-Hang Zhao, Shan-Chao Gan, Yang Chen, Si-Kai Ni, Yang Lu

Abstract: In the field of data mining and machine learning, commonly used classification models cannot effectively learn in unbalanced data. In order to balance the data distribution before model training,oversamplingmethods are often used to generate data for a small number of classes to solve the problem of classifying unbalanced data. Most of the classical oversampling methods are based on theSMOTE technique, which only focuses on the local information of the data, and therefore the generated data may have the problem of not being realistic enough. In the current oversampling methods based on generative networks, the methods based on GANs can capture the true distribution of data, but there is the problem of pattern collapse and training instability in training; in the oversampling methods based on denoising diffusion probability models, the neural network of the inverse diffusion process using the U-Net is not applicable to tabular data, and although the MLP can be used to replace the U-Net, the problem exists due to the simplicity of the structure and the poor effect of removing noise. problem of poor noise removal. In order to overcome the above problems, we propose a novel oversampling method SEMRes-DDPM.In the SEMRes?DDPM backward diffusion process, a new neural network structure SEMST-ResNet is used, which is suitable for tabular data and has good noise removal effect, and it can generate tabular data with higher quality. Experiments show that the SEMResNet network removes noise better than MLP; SEMRes?DDPM generates data distributions that are closer to the real data distributions than TabDDPM with CWGAN-GP; on 20 real unbalanced tabular datasets with 9 classification models, SEMRes-DDPM improves the quality of the generated tabular data in terms of three evaluation metrics (F1, G-mean, AUC) with better classification performance than other SOTA oversampling methods.

new Enhancing Classification Performance via Reinforcement Learning for Feature Selection

Authors: Younes Ghazagh Jahed, Seyyed Ali Sadat Tavana

Abstract: Feature selection plays a crucial role in improving predictive accuracy by identifying relevant features while filtering out irrelevant ones. This study investigates the importance of effective feature selection in enhancing the performance of classification models. By employing reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, specifically Q-learning (QL) and SARSA learning, this paper addresses the feature selection challenge. Using the Breast Cancer Coimbra dataset (BCCDS) and three normalization methods (Min-Max, l1, and l2), the study evaluates the performance of these algorithms. Results show that QL@Min-Max and SARSA@l2 achieve the highest classification accuracies, reaching 87% and 88%, respectively. This highlights the effectiveness of RL-based feature selection methods in optimizing classification tasks, contributing to improved model accuracy and efficiency.

new Dissecting Deep RL with High Update Ratios: Combatting Value Overestimation and Divergence

Authors: Marcel Hussing, Claas Voelcker, Igor Gilitschenski, Amir-massoud Farahmand, Eric Eaton

Abstract: We show that deep reinforcement learning can maintain its ability to learn without resetting network parameters in settings where the number of gradient updates greatly exceeds the number of environment samples. Under such large update-to-data ratios, a recent study by Nikishin et al. (2022) suggested the emergence of a primacy bias, in which agents overfit early interactions and downplay later experience, impairing their ability to learn. In this work, we dissect the phenomena underlying the primacy bias. We inspect the early stages of training that ought to cause the failure to learn and find that a fundamental challenge is a long-standing acquaintance: value overestimation. Overinflated Q-values are found not only on out-of-distribution but also in-distribution data and can be traced to unseen action prediction propelled by optimizer momentum. We employ a simple unit-ball normalization that enables learning under large update ratios, show its efficacy on the widely used dm_control suite, and obtain strong performance on the challenging dog tasks, competitive with model-based approaches. Our results question, in parts, the prior explanation for sub-optimal learning due to overfitting on early data.

new Detectors for Safe and Reliable LLMs: Implementations, Uses, and Limitations

Authors: Swapnaja Achintalwar, Adriana Alvarado Garcia, Ateret Anaby-Tavor, Ioana Baldini, Sara E. Berger, Bishwaranjan Bhattacharjee, Djallel Bouneffouf, Subhajit Chaudhury, Pin-Yu Chen, Lamogha Chiazor, Elizabeth M. Daly, Rog\'erio Abreu de Paula, Pierre Dognin, Eitan Farchi, Soumya Ghosh, Michael Hind, Raya Horesh, George Kour, Ja Young Lee, Erik Miehling, Keerthiram Murugesan, Manish Nagireddy, Inkit Padhi, David Piorkowski, Ambrish Rawat, Orna Raz, Prasanna Sattigeri, Hendrik Strobelt, Sarathkrishna Swaminathan, Christoph Tillmann, Aashka Trivedi, Kush R. Varshney, Dennis Wei, Shalisha Witherspooon, Marcel Zalmanovici

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are susceptible to a variety of risks, from non-faithful output to biased and toxic generations. Due to several limiting factors surrounding LLMs (training cost, API access, data availability, etc.), it may not always be feasible to impose direct safety constraints on a deployed model. Therefore, an efficient and reliable alternative is required. To this end, we present our ongoing efforts to create and deploy a library of detectors: compact and easy-to-build classification models that provide labels for various harms. In addition to the detectors themselves, we discuss a wide range of uses for these detector models - from acting as guardrails to enabling effective AI governance. We also deep dive into inherent challenges in their development and discuss future work aimed at making the detectors more reliable and broadening their scope.

new Reinforcement Learning Paycheck Optimization for Multivariate Financial Goals

Authors: Melda Alaluf, Giulia Crippa, Sinong Geng, Zijian Jing, Nikhil Krishnan, Sanjeev Kulkarni, Wyatt Navarro, Ronnie Sircar, Jonathan Tang

Abstract: We study paycheck optimization, which examines how to allocate income in order to achieve several competing financial goals. For paycheck optimization, a quantitative methodology is missing, due to a lack of a suitable problem formulation. To deal with this issue, we formulate the problem as a utility maximization problem. The proposed formulation is able to (i) unify different financial goals; (ii) incorporate user preferences regarding the goals; (iii) handle stochastic interest rates. The proposed formulation also facilitates an end-to-end reinforcement learning solution, which is implemented on a variety of problem settings.

new Are Classification Robustness and Explanation Robustness Really Strongly Correlated? An Analysis Through Input Loss Landscape

Authors: Tiejin Chen, Wenwang Huang, Linsey Pang, Dongsheng Luo, Hua Wei

Abstract: This paper delves into the critical area of deep learning robustness, challenging the conventional belief that classification robustness and explanation robustness in image classification systems are inherently correlated. Through a novel evaluation approach leveraging clustering for efficient assessment of explanation robustness, we demonstrate that enhancing explanation robustness does not necessarily flatten the input loss landscape with respect to explanation loss - contrary to flattened loss landscapes indicating better classification robustness. To deeply investigate this contradiction, a groundbreaking training method designed to adjust the loss landscape with respect to explanation loss is proposed. Through the new training method, we uncover that although such adjustments can impact the robustness of explanations, they do not have an influence on the robustness of classification. These findings not only challenge the prevailing assumption of a strong correlation between the two forms of robustness but also pave new pathways for understanding relationship between loss landscape and explanation loss.

new Hard-label based Small Query Black-box Adversarial Attack

Authors: Jeonghwan Park, Paul Miller, Niall McLaughlin

Abstract: We consider the hard label based black box adversarial attack setting which solely observes predicted classes from the target model. Most of the attack methods in this setting suffer from impractical number of queries required to achieve a successful attack. One approach to tackle this drawback is utilising the adversarial transferability between white box surrogate models and black box target model. However, the majority of the methods adopting this approach are soft label based to take the full advantage of zeroth order optimisation. Unlike mainstream methods, we propose a new practical setting of hard label based attack with an optimisation process guided by a pretrained surrogate model. Experiments show the proposed method significantly improves the query efficiency of the hard label based black-box attack across various target model architectures. We find the proposed method achieves approximately 5 times higher attack success rate compared to the benchmarks, especially at the small query budgets as 100 and 250.

new Addressing Shortcomings in Fair Graph Learning Datasets: Towards a New Benchmark

Authors: Xiaowei Qian, Zhimeng Guo, Jialiang Li, Haitao Mao, Bingheng Li, Suhang Wang, Yao Ma

Abstract: Fair graph learning plays a pivotal role in numerous practical applications. Recently, many fair graph learning methods have been proposed; however, their evaluation often relies on poorly constructed semi-synthetic datasets or substandard real-world datasets. In such cases, even a basic Multilayer Perceptron (MLP) can outperform Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) in both utility and fairness. In this work, we illustrate that many datasets fail to provide meaningful information in the edges, which may challenge the necessity of using graph structures in these problems. To address these issues, we develop and introduce a collection of synthetic, semi-synthetic, and real-world datasets that fulfill a broad spectrum of requirements. These datasets are thoughtfully designed to include relevant graph structures and bias information crucial for the fair evaluation of models. The proposed synthetic and semi-synthetic datasets offer the flexibility to create data with controllable bias parameters, thereby enabling the generation of desired datasets with user-defined bias values with ease. Moreover, we conduct systematic evaluations of these proposed datasets and establish a unified evaluation approach for fair graph learning models. Our extensive experimental results with fair graph learning methods across our datasets demonstrate their effectiveness in benchmarking the performance of these methods. Our datasets and the code for reproducing our experiments are available at


new Multi-conditioned Graph Diffusion for Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Rohan Asthana, Joschua Conrad, Youssef Dawoud, Maurits Ortmanns, Vasileios Belagiannis

Abstract: Neural architecture search automates the design of neural network architectures usually by exploring a large and thus complex architecture search space. To advance the architecture search, we present a graph diffusion-based NAS approach that uses discrete conditional graph diffusion processes to generate high-performing neural network architectures. We then propose a multi-conditioned classifier-free guidance approach applied to graph diffusion networks to jointly impose constraints such as high accuracy and low hardware latency. Unlike the related work, our method is completely differentiable and requires only a single model training. In our evaluations, we show promising results on six standard benchmarks, yielding novel and unique architectures at a fast speed, i.e. less than 0.2 seconds per architecture. Furthermore, we demonstrate the generalisability and efficiency of our method through experiments on ImageNet dataset.

new Towards a Generic Representation of Cominatorial Problems for Learning-Based Approaches

Authors: L\'eo Boisvert, H\'el\`ene Verhaeghe, Quentin Cappart

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using learning-based approaches for solving combinatorial problems, either in an end-to-end manner or in conjunction with traditional optimization algorithms. In both scenarios, the challenge lies in encoding the targeted combinatorial problems into a structure compatible with the learning algorithm. Many existing works have proposed problem-specific representations, often in the form of a graph, to leverage the advantages of \textit{graph neural networks}. However, these approaches lack generality, as the representation cannot be easily transferred from one combinatorial problem to another one. While some attempts have been made to bridge this gap, they still offer a partial generality only. In response to this challenge, this paper advocates for progress toward a fully generic representation of combinatorial problems for learning-based approaches. The approach we propose involves constructing a graph by breaking down any constraint of a combinatorial problem into an abstract syntax tree and expressing relationships (e.g., a variable involved in a constraint) through the edges. Furthermore, we introduce a graph neural network architecture capable of efficiently learning from this representation. The tool provided operates on combinatorial problems expressed in the XCSP3 format, handling all the constraints available in the 2023 mini-track competition. Experimental results on four combinatorial problems demonstrate that our architecture achieves performance comparable to dedicated architectures while maintaining generality. Our code and trained models are publicly available at \url{}.


new Multimodal deep learning approach to predicting neurological recovery from coma after cardiac arrest

Authors: Felix H. Krones, Ben Walker, Guy Parsons, Terry Lyons, Adam Mahdi

Abstract: This work showcases our team's (The BEEGees) contributions to the 2023 George B. Moody PhysioNet Challenge. The aim was to predict neurological recovery from coma following cardiac arrest using clinical data and time-series such as multi-channel EEG and ECG signals. Our modelling approach is multimodal, based on two-dimensional spectrogram representations derived from numerous EEG channels, alongside the integration of clinical data and features extracted directly from EEG recordings. Our submitted model achieved a Challenge score of $0.53$ on the hidden test set for predictions made $72$ hours after return of spontaneous circulation. Our study shows the efficacy and limitations of employing transfer learning in medical classification. With regard to prospective implementation, our analysis reveals that the performance of the model is strongly linked to the selection of a decision threshold and exhibits strong variability across data splits.

new FairTargetSim: An Interactive Simulator for Understanding and Explaining the Fairness Effects of Target Variable Definition

Authors: Dalia Gala, Milo Phillips-Brown, Naman Goel, Carinal Prunkl, Laura Alvarez Jubete, medb corcoran, Ray Eitel-Porter

Abstract: Machine learning requires defining one's target variable for predictions or decisions, a process that can have profound implications on fairness: biases are often encoded in target variable definition itself, before any data collection or training. We present an interactive simulator, FairTargetSim (FTS), that illustrates how target variable definition impacts fairness. FTS is a valuable tool for algorithm developers, researchers, and non-technical stakeholders. FTS uses a case study of algorithmic hiring, using real-world data and user-defined target variables. FTS is open-source and available at: The video accompanying this paper is here:


new Predicting Depression and Anxiety: A Multi-Layer Perceptron for Analyzing the Mental Health Impact of COVID-19

Authors: David Fong, Tianshu Chu, Matthew Heflin, Xiaosi Gu, Oshani Seneviratne

Abstract: We introduce a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) called the COVID-19 Depression and Anxiety Predictor (CoDAP) to predict mental health trends, particularly anxiety and depression, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Our method utilizes a comprehensive dataset, which tracked mental health symptoms weekly over ten weeks during the initial COVID-19 wave (April to June 2020) in a diverse cohort of U.S. adults. This period, characterized by a surge in mental health symptoms and conditions, offers a critical context for our analysis. Our focus was to extract and analyze patterns of anxiety and depression through a unique lens of qualitative individual attributes using CoDAP. This model not only predicts patterns of anxiety and depression during the pandemic but also unveils key insights into the interplay of demographic factors, behavioral changes, and social determinants of mental health. These findings contribute to a more nuanced understanding of the complexity of mental health issues in times of global health crises, potentially guiding future early interventions.

new L$^2$GC: Lorentzian Linear Graph Convolutional Networks For Node Classification

Authors: Qiuyu Liang, Weihua Wang, Feilong Bao, Guanglai Gao

Abstract: Linear Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) are used to classify the node in the graph data. However, we note that most existing linear GCN models perform neural network operations in Euclidean space, which do not explicitly capture the tree-like hierarchical structure exhibited in real-world datasets that modeled as graphs. In this paper, we attempt to introduce hyperbolic space into linear GCN and propose a novel framework for Lorentzian linear GCN. Specifically, we map the learned features of graph nodes into hyperbolic space, and then perform a Lorentzian linear feature transformation to capture the underlying tree-like structure of data. Experimental results on standard citation networks datasets with semi-supervised learning show that our approach yields new state-of-the-art results of accuracy 74.7$\%$ on Citeseer and 81.3$\%$ on PubMed datasets. Furthermore, we observe that our approach can be trained up to two orders of magnitude faster than other nonlinear GCN models on PubMed dataset. Our code is publicly available at


new Generalization of Graph Neural Networks through the Lens of Homomorphism

Authors: Shouheng Li, Dongwoo Kim, Qing Wang

Abstract: Despite the celebrated popularity of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) across numerous applications, the ability of GNNs to generalize remains less explored. In this work, we propose to study the generalization of GNNs through a novel perspective - analyzing the entropy of graph homomorphism. By linking graph homomorphism with information-theoretic measures, we derive generalization bounds for both graph and node classifications. These bounds are capable of capturing subtleties inherent in various graph structures, including but not limited to paths, cycles and cliques. This enables a data-dependent generalization analysis with robust theoretical guarantees. To shed light on the generality of of our proposed bounds, we present a unifying framework that can characterize a broad spectrum of GNN models through the lens of graph homomorphism. We validate the practical applicability of our theoretical findings by showing the alignment between the proposed bounds and the empirically observed generalization gaps over both real-world and synthetic datasets.

new Local Vertex Colouring Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Shouheng Li, Dongwoo Kim, Qing Wang

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a significant amount of research focused on expanding the expressivity of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) beyond the Weisfeiler-Lehman (1-WL) framework. While many of these studies have yielded advancements in expressivity, they have frequently come at the expense of decreased efficiency or have been restricted to specific types of graphs. In this study, we investigate the expressivity of GNNs from the perspective of graph search. Specifically, we propose a new vertex colouring scheme and demonstrate that classical search algorithms can efficiently compute graph representations that extend beyond the 1-WL. We show the colouring scheme inherits useful properties from graph search that can help solve problems like graph biconnectivity. Furthermore, we show that under certain conditions, the expressivity of GNNs increases hierarchically with the radius of the search neighbourhood. To further investigate the proposed scheme, we develop a new type of GNN based on two search strategies, breadth-first search and depth-first search, highlighting the graph properties they can capture on top of 1-WL. Our code is available at


new FrameQuant: Flexible Low-Bit Quantization for Transformers

Authors: Harshavardhan Adepu, Zhanpeng Zeng, Li Zhang, Vikas Singh

Abstract: Transformers are the backbone of powerful foundation models for many Vision and Natural Language Processing tasks. But their compute and memory/storage footprint is large, and so, serving such models is expensive often requiring high-end hardware. To mitigate this difficulty, Post-Training Quantization seeks to modify a pre-trained model and quantize it to eight bits or lower, significantly boosting compute/memory/latency efficiency. Such models have been successfully quantized to four bits with some performance loss. In this work, we outline a simple scheme to quantize Transformer-based models to just two bits (plus some overhead) with only a small drop in accuracy. Key to our formulation is a concept borrowed from Harmonic analysis called Fusion Frames. Our main finding is that the quantization must take place not in the original weight space, but instead in the Fusion Frame representations. If quantization is interpreted as the addition of noise, our casting of the problem allows invoking an extensive body of known consistent recovery and noise robustness guarantees. Further, if desired, de-noising filters are known in closed form. We show empirically, via a variety of experiments, that (almost) two-bit quantization for Transformer models promises sizable efficiency gains.

new Learning the irreversible progression trajectory of Alzheimer's disease

Authors: Yipei Wang, Bing He, Shannon Risacher, Andrew Saykin, Jingwen Yan, Xiaoqian Wang

Abstract: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that unfolds over the course of 30 years. Therefore, it is critical to capture the disease progression in an early stage such that intervention can be applied before the onset of symptoms. Machine learning (ML) models have been shown effective in predicting the onset of AD. Yet for subjects with follow-up visits, existing techniques for AD classification only aim for accurate group assignment, where the monotonically increasing risk across follow-up visits is usually ignored. Resulted fluctuating risk scores across visits violate the irreversibility of AD, hampering the trustworthiness of models and also providing little value to understanding the disease progression. To address this issue, we propose a novel regularization approach to predict AD longitudinally. Our technique aims to maintain the expected monotonicity of increasing disease risk during progression while preserving expressiveness. Specifically, we introduce a monotonicity constraint that encourages the model to predict disease risk in a consistent and ordered manner across follow-up visits. We evaluate our method using the longitudinal structural MRI and amyloid-PET imaging data from the Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Our model outperforms existing techniques in capturing the progressiveness of disease risk, and at the same time preserves prediction accuracy.

new Domain Adversarial Active Learning for Domain Generalization Classification

Authors: Jianting Chen, Ling Ding, Yunxiao Yang, Zaiyuan Di, Yang Xiang

Abstract: Domain generalization models aim to learn cross-domain knowledge from source domain data, to improve performance on unknown target domains. Recent research has demonstrated that diverse and rich source domain samples can enhance domain generalization capability. This paper argues that the impact of each sample on the model's generalization ability varies. Despite its small scale, a high-quality dataset can still attain a certain level of generalization ability. Motivated by this, we propose a domain-adversarial active learning (DAAL) algorithm for classification tasks in domain generalization. First, we analyze that the objective of tasks is to maximize the inter-class distance within the same domain and minimize the intra-class distance across different domains. To achieve this objective, we design a domain adversarial selection method that prioritizes challenging samples. Second, we posit that even in a converged model, there are subsets of features that lack discriminatory power within each domain. We attempt to identify these feature subsets and optimize them by a constraint loss. We validate and analyze our DAAL algorithm on multiple domain generalization datasets, comparing it with various domain generalization algorithms and active learning algorithms. Our results demonstrate that the DAAL algorithm can achieve strong generalization ability with fewer data resources, thereby reducing data annotation costs in domain generalization tasks.

new An Improved Analysis of Langevin Algorithms with Prior Diffusion for Non-Log-Concave Sampling

Authors: Xunpeng Huang, Hanze Dong, Difan Zou, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Understanding the dimension dependency of computational complexity in high-dimensional sampling problem is a fundamental problem, both from a practical and theoretical perspective. Compared with samplers with unbiased stationary distribution, e.g., Metropolis-adjusted Langevin algorithm (MALA), biased samplers, e.g., Underdamped Langevin Dynamics (ULD), perform better in low-accuracy cases just because a lower dimension dependency in their complexities. Along this line, Freund et al. (2022) suggest that the modified Langevin algorithm with prior diffusion is able to converge dimension independently for strongly log-concave target distributions. Nonetheless, it remains open whether such property establishes for more general cases. In this paper, we investigate the prior diffusion technique for the target distributions satisfying log-Sobolev inequality (LSI), which covers a much broader class of distributions compared to the strongly log-concave ones. In particular, we prove that the modified Langevin algorithm can also obtain the dimension-independent convergence of KL divergence with different step size schedules. The core of our proof technique is a novel construction of an interpolating SDE, which significantly helps to conduct a more accurate characterization of the discrete updates of the overdamped Langevin dynamics. Our theoretical analysis demonstrates the benefits of prior diffusion for a broader class of target distributions and provides new insights into developing faster sampling algorithms.

new LinearAPT: An Adaptive Algorithm for the Fixed-Budget Thresholding Linear Bandit Problem

Authors: Yun-Ang Wu, Yun-Da Tsai, Shou-De Lin

Abstract: In this study, we delve into the Thresholding Linear Bandit (TLB) problem, a nuanced domain within stochastic Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) problems, focusing on maximizing decision accuracy against a linearly defined threshold under resource constraints. We present LinearAPT, a novel algorithm designed for the fixed budget setting of TLB, providing an efficient solution to optimize sequential decision-making. This algorithm not only offers a theoretical upper bound for estimated loss but also showcases robust performance on both synthetic and real-world datasets. Our contributions highlight the adaptability, simplicity, and computational efficiency of LinearAPT, making it a valuable addition to the toolkit for addressing complex sequential decision-making challenges.

new Probabilistic Neural Circuits

Authors: Pedro Zuidberg Dos Martires

Abstract: Probabilistic circuits (PCs) have gained prominence in recent years as a versatile framework for discussing probabilistic models that support tractable queries and are yet expressive enough to model complex probability distributions. Nevertheless, tractability comes at a cost: PCs are less expressive than neural networks. In this paper we introduce probabilistic neural circuits (PNCs), which strike a balance between PCs and neural nets in terms of tractability and expressive power. Theoretically, we show that PNCs can be interpreted as deep mixtures of Bayesian networks. Experimentally, we demonstrate that PNCs constitute powerful function approximators.

new Cooperative Classification and Rationalization for Graph Generalization

Authors: Linan Yue, Qi Liu, Ye Liu, Weibo Gao, Fangzhou Yao, Wenfeng Li

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved impressive results in graph classification tasks, but they struggle to generalize effectively when faced with out-of-distribution (OOD) data. Several approaches have been proposed to address this problem. Among them, one solution is to diversify training distributions in vanilla classification by modifying the data environment, yet accessing the environment information is complex. Besides, another promising approach involves rationalization, extracting invariant rationales for predictions. However, extracting rationales is difficult due to limited learning signals, resulting in less accurate rationales and diminished predictions. To address these challenges, in this paper, we propose a Cooperative Classification and Rationalization (C2R) method, consisting of the classification and the rationalization module. Specifically, we first assume that multiple environments are available in the classification module. Then, we introduce diverse training distributions using an environment-conditional generative network, enabling robust graph representations. Meanwhile, the rationalization module employs a separator to identify relevant rationale subgraphs while the remaining non-rationale subgraphs are de-correlated with labels. Next, we align graph representations from the classification module with rationale subgraph representations using the knowledge distillation methods, enhancing the learning signal for rationales. Finally, we infer multiple environments by gathering non-rationale representations and incorporate them into the classification module for cooperative learning. Extensive experimental results on both benchmarks and synthetic datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of C2R. Code is available at


new Analysis of Total Variation Minimization for Clustered Federated Learning

Authors: A. Jung

Abstract: A key challenge in federated learning applications is the statistical heterogeneity of local datasets. Clustered federated learning addresses this challenge by identifying clusters of local datasets that are approximately homogeneous. One recent approach to clustered federated learning is generalized total variation minimization (GTVMin). This approach requires a similarity graph which can be obtained by domain expertise or in a data-driven fashion via graph learning techniques. Under a widely applicable clustering assumption, we derive an upper bound the deviation between GTVMin solutions and their cluster-wise averages. This bound provides valuable insights into the effectiveness and robustness of GTVMin in addressing statistical heterogeneity within federated learning environments.

new How much data do you need? Part 2: Predicting DL class specific training dataset sizes

Authors: Thomas M\"uhlenst\"adt, Jelena Frtunikj

Abstract: This paper targets the question of predicting machine learning classification model performance, when taking into account the number of training examples per class and not just the overall number of training examples. This leads to the a combinatorial question, which combinations of number of training examples per class should be considered, given a fixed overall training dataset size. In order to solve this question, an algorithm is suggested which is motivated from special cases of space filling design of experiments. The resulting data are modeled using models like powerlaw curves and similar models, extended like generalized linear models i.e. by replacing the overall training dataset size by a parametrized linear combination of the number of training examples per label class. The proposed algorithm has been applied on the CIFAR10 and the EMNIST datasets.

new Optimal Policy Sparsification and Low Rank Decomposition for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Vikram Goddla

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning(DRL) has shown significant promise in a wide range of applications including computer games and robotics. Yet, training DRL policies consume extraordinary computing resources resulting in dense policies which are prone to overfitting. Moreover, inference with dense DRL policies limit their practical applications, especially in edge computing. Techniques such as pruning and singular value decomposition have been used with deep learning models to achieve sparsification and model compression to limit overfitting and reduce memory consumption. However, these techniques resulted in sub-optimal performance with notable decay in rewards. $L_1$ and $L_2$ regularization techniques have been proposed for neural network sparsification and sparse auto-encoder development, but their implementation in DRL environments has not been apparent. We propose a novel $L_0$-norm-regularization technique using an optimal sparsity map to sparsify DRL policies and promote their decomposition to a lower rank without decay in rewards. We evaluated our $L_0$-norm-regularization technique across five different environments (Cartpole-v1, Acrobat-v1, LunarLander-v2, SuperMarioBros-7.1.v0 and Surgical Robot Learning) using several on-policy and off-policy algorithms. We demonstrated that the $L_0$-norm-regularized DRL policy in the SuperMarioBros environment achieved 93% sparsity and gained 70% compression when subjected to low-rank decomposition, while significantly outperforming the dense policy. Additionally, the $L_0$-norm-regularized DRL policy in the Surgical Robot Learning environment achieved a 36% sparsification and gained 46% compression when decomposed to a lower rank, while being performant. The results suggest that our custom $L_0$-norm-regularization technique for sparsification of DRL policies is a promising avenue to reduce computational resources and limit overfitting.

new Fake or Compromised? Making Sense of Malicious Clients in Federated Learning

Authors: Hamid Mozaffari, Sunav Choudhary, Amir Houmansadr

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) is a distributed machine learning paradigm that enables training models on decentralized data. The field of FL security against poisoning attacks is plagued with confusion due to the proliferation of research that makes different assumptions about the capabilities of adversaries and the adversary models they operate under. Our work aims to clarify this confusion by presenting a comprehensive analysis of the various poisoning attacks and defensive aggregation rules (AGRs) proposed in the literature, and connecting them under a common framework. To connect existing adversary models, we present a hybrid adversary model, which lies in the middle of the spectrum of adversaries, where the adversary compromises a few clients, trains a generative (e.g., DDPM) model with their compromised samples, and generates new synthetic data to solve an optimization for a stronger (e.g., cheaper, more practical) attack against different robust aggregation rules. By presenting the spectrum of FL adversaries, we aim to provide practitioners and researchers with a clear understanding of the different types of threats they need to consider when designing FL systems, and identify areas where further research is needed.

new Risk-Sensitive RL with Optimized Certainty Equivalents via Reduction to Standard RL

Authors: Kaiwen Wang, Dawen Liang, Nathan Kallus, Wen Sun

Abstract: We study Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning (RSRL) with the Optimized Certainty Equivalent (OCE) risk, which generalizes Conditional Value-at-risk (CVaR), entropic risk and Markowitz's mean-variance. Using an augmented Markov Decision Process (MDP), we propose two general meta-algorithms via reductions to standard RL: one based on optimistic algorithms and another based on policy optimization. Our optimistic meta-algorithm generalizes almost all prior RSRL theory with entropic risk or CVaR. Under discrete rewards, our optimistic theory also certifies the first RSRL regret bounds for MDPs with bounded coverability, e.g., exogenous block MDPs. Under discrete rewards, our policy optimization meta-algorithm enjoys both global convergence and local improvement guarantees in a novel metric that lower bounds the true OCE risk. Finally, we instantiate our framework with PPO, construct an MDP, and show that it learns the optimal risk-sensitive policy while prior algorithms provably fail.

new Transferable Reinforcement Learning via Generalized Occupancy Models

Authors: Chuning Zhu, Xinqi Wang, Tyler Han, Simon S. Du, Abhishek Gupta

Abstract: Intelligent agents must be generalists - showing the ability to quickly adapt and generalize to varying tasks. Within the framework of reinforcement learning (RL), model-based RL algorithms learn a task-agnostic dynamics model of the world, in principle allowing them to generalize to arbitrary rewards. However, one-step models naturally suffer from compounding errors, making them ineffective for problems with long horizons and large state spaces. In this work, we propose a novel class of models - generalized occupancy models (GOMs) - that retain the generality of model-based RL while avoiding compounding error. The key idea behind GOMs is to model the distribution of all possible long-term outcomes from a given state under the coverage of a stationary dataset, along with a policy that realizes a particular outcome from the given state. These models can then quickly be used to select the optimal action for arbitrary new tasks, without having to redo policy optimization. By directly modeling long-term outcomes, GOMs avoid compounding error while retaining generality across arbitrary reward functions. We provide a practical instantiation of GOMs using diffusion models and show its efficacy as a new class of transferable models, both theoretically and empirically across a variety of simulated robotics problems. Videos and code at


new Finite-Time Error Analysis of Soft Q-Learning: Switching System Approach

Authors: Narim Jeong, Donghwan Lee

Abstract: Soft Q-learning is a variation of Q-learning designed to solve entropy regularized Markov decision problems where an agent aims to maximize the entropy regularized value function. Despite its empirical success, there have been limited theoretical studies of soft Q-learning to date. This paper aims to offer a novel and unified finite-time, control-theoretic analysis of soft Q-learning algorithms. We focus on two types of soft Q-learning algorithms: one utilizing the log-sum-exp operator and the other employing the Boltzmann operator. By using dynamical switching system models, we derive novel finite-time error bounds for both soft Q-learning algorithms. We hope that our analysis will deepen the current understanding of soft Q-learning by establishing connections with switching system models and may even pave the way for new frameworks in the finite-time analysis of other reinforcement learning algorithms.

new FeatAug: Automatic Feature Augmentation From One-to-Many Relationship Tables

Authors: Danrui Qi, Weiling Zheng, Jiannan Wang

Abstract: Feature augmentation from one-to-many relationship tables is a critical but challenging problem in ML model development. To augment good features, data scientists need to come up with SQL queries manually, which is time-consuming. Featuretools [1] is a widely used tool by the data science community to automatically augment the training data by extracting new features from relevant tables. It represents each feature as a group-by aggregation SQL query on relevant tables and can automatically generate these SQL queries. However, it does not include predicates in these queries, which significantly limits its application in many real-world scenarios. To overcome this limitation, we propose FEATAUG, a new feature augmentation framework that automatically extracts predicate-aware SQL queries from one-to-many relationship tables. This extension is not trivial because considering predicates will exponentially increase the number of candidate queries. As a result, the original Featuretools framework, which materializes all candidate queries, will not work and needs to be redesigned. We formally define the problem and model it as a hyperparameter optimization problem. We discuss how the Bayesian Optimization can be applied here and propose a novel warm-up strategy to optimize it. To make our algorithm more practical, we also study how to identify promising attribute combinations for predicates. We show that how the beam search idea can partially solve the problem and propose several techniques to further optimize it. Our experiments on four real-world datasets demonstrate that FeatAug extracts more effective features compared to Featuretools and other baselines. The code is open-sourced at


new Towards Robust Out-of-Distribution Generalization Bounds via Sharpness

Authors: Yingtian Zou, Kenji Kawaguchi, Yingnan Liu, Jiashuo Liu, Mong-Li Lee, Wynne Hsu

Abstract: Generalizing to out-of-distribution (OOD) data or unseen domain, termed OOD generalization, still lacks appropriate theoretical guarantees. Canonical OOD bounds focus on different distance measurements between source and target domains but fail to consider the optimization property of the learned model. As empirically shown in recent work, the sharpness of learned minima influences OOD generalization. To bridge this gap between optimization and OOD generalization, we study the effect of sharpness on how a model tolerates data change in domain shift which is usually captured by "robustness" in generalization. In this paper, we give a rigorous connection between sharpness and robustness, which gives better OOD guarantees for robust algorithms. It also provides a theoretical backing for "flat minima leads to better OOD generalization". Overall, we propose a sharpness-based OOD generalization bound by taking robustness into consideration, resulting in a tighter bound than non-robust guarantees. Our findings are supported by the experiments on a ridge regression model, as well as the experiments on deep learning classification tasks.

new DeepSafeMPC: Deep Learning-Based Model Predictive Control for Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Xuefeng Wang, Henglin Pu, Hyung Jun Kim, Husheng Li

Abstract: Safe Multi-agent reinforcement learning (safe MARL) has increasingly gained attention in recent years, emphasizing the need for agents to not only optimize the global return but also adhere to safety requirements through behavioral constraints. Some recent work has integrated control theory with multi-agent reinforcement learning to address the challenge of ensuring safety. However, there have been only very limited applications of Model Predictive Control (MPC) methods in this domain, primarily due to the complex and implicit dynamics characteristic of multi-agent environments. To bridge this gap, we propose a novel method called Deep Learning-Based Model Predictive Control for Safe Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (DeepSafeMPC). The key insight of DeepSafeMPC is leveraging a entralized deep learning model to well predict environmental dynamics. Our method applies MARL principles to search for optimal solutions. Through the employment of MPC, the actions of agents can be restricted within safe states concurrently. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach using the Safe Multi-agent MuJoCo environment, showcasing significant advancements in addressing safety concerns in MARL.

new On the Diminishing Returns of Width for Continual Learning

Authors: Etash Guha, Vihan Lakshman

Abstract: While deep neural networks have demonstrated groundbreaking performance in various settings, these models often suffer from \emph{catastrophic forgetting} when trained on new tasks in sequence. Several works have empirically demonstrated that increasing the width of a neural network leads to a decrease in catastrophic forgetting but have yet to characterize the exact relationship between width and continual learning. We design one of the first frameworks to analyze Continual Learning Theory and prove that width is directly related to forgetting in Feed-Forward Networks (FFN). Specifically, we demonstrate that increasing network widths to reduce forgetting yields diminishing returns. We empirically verify our claims at widths hitherto unexplored in prior studies where the diminishing returns are clearly observed as predicted by our theory.

new What Makes Quantization for Large Language Models Hard? An Empirical Study from the Lens of Perturbation

Authors: Zhuocheng Gong, Jiahao Liu, Jingang Wang, Xunliang Cai, Dongyan Zhao, Rui Yan

Abstract: Quantization has emerged as a promising technique for improving the memory and computational efficiency of large language models (LLMs). Though the trade-off between performance and efficiency is well-known, there is still much to be learned about the relationship between quantization and LLM performance. To shed light on this relationship, we propose a new perspective on quantization, viewing it as perturbations added to the weights and activations of LLMs. We call this approach "the lens of perturbation". Using this lens, we conduct experiments with various artificial perturbations to explore their impact on LLM performance. Our findings reveal several connections between the properties of perturbations and LLM performance, providing insights into the failure cases of uniform quantization and suggesting potential solutions to improve the robustness of LLM quantization. To demonstrate the significance of our findings, we implement a simple non-uniform quantization approach based on our insights. Our experiments show that this approach achieves minimal performance degradation on both 4-bit weight quantization and 8-bit quantization for weights and activations. These results validate the correctness of our approach and highlight its potential to improve the efficiency of LLMs without sacrificing performance.

new Causal Multi-Label Feature Selection in Federated Setting

Authors: Yukun Song, Dayuan Cao, Jiali Miao, Shuai Yang, Kui Yu

Abstract: Multi-label feature selection serves as an effective mean for dealing with high-dimensional multi-label data. To achieve satisfactory performance, existing methods for multi-label feature selection often require the centralization of substantial data from multiple sources. However, in Federated setting, centralizing data from all sources and merging them into a single dataset is not feasible. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we study a challenging problem of causal multi-label feature selection in federated setting and propose a Federated Causal Multi-label Feature Selection (FedCMFS) algorithm with three novel subroutines. Specifically, FedCMFS first uses the FedCFL subroutine that considers the correlations among label-label, label-feature, and feature-feature to learn the relevant features (candidate parents and children) of each class label while preserving data privacy without centralizing data. Second, FedCMFS employs the FedCFR subroutine to selectively recover the missed true relevant features. Finally, FedCMFS utilizes the FedCFC subroutine to remove false relevant features. The extensive experiments on 8 datasets have shown that FedCMFS is effect for causal multi-label feature selection in federated setting.

new A Differential Geometric View and Explainability of GNN on Evolving Graphs

Authors: Yazheng Liu, Xi Zhang, Sihong Xie

Abstract: Graphs are ubiquitous in social networks and biochemistry, where Graph Neural Networks (GNN) are the state-of-the-art models for prediction. Graphs can be evolving and it is vital to formally model and understand how a trained GNN responds to graph evolution. We propose a smooth parameterization of the GNN predicted distributions using axiomatic attribution, where the distributions are on a low-dimensional manifold within a high-dimensional embedding space. We exploit the differential geometric viewpoint to model distributional evolution as smooth curves on the manifold. We reparameterize families of curves on the manifold and design a convex optimization problem to find a unique curve that concisely approximates the distributional evolution for human interpretation. Extensive experiments on node classification, link prediction, and graph classification tasks with evolving graphs demonstrate the better sparsity, faithfulness, and intuitiveness of the proposed method over the state-of-the-art methods.

new Joint-Embedding Masked Autoencoder for Self-supervised Learning of Dynamic Functional Connectivity from the Human Brain

Authors: Jungwon Choi, Hyungi Lee, Byung-Hoon Kim, Juho Lee

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown promise in learning dynamic functional connectivity for distinguishing phenotypes from human brain networks. However, obtaining extensive labeled clinical data for training is often resource-intensive, making practical application difficult. Leveraging unlabeled data thus becomes crucial for representation learning in a label-scarce setting. Although generative self-supervised learning techniques, especially masked autoencoders, have shown promising results in representation learning in various domains, their application to dynamic graphs for dynamic functional connectivity remains underexplored, facing challenges in capturing high-level semantic representations. Here, we introduce the Spatio-Temporal Joint Embedding Masked Autoencoder (ST-JEMA), drawing inspiration from the Joint Embedding Predictive Architecture (JEPA) in computer vision. ST-JEMA employs a JEPA-inspired strategy for reconstructing dynamic graphs, which enables the learning of higher-level semantic representations considering temporal perspectives, addressing the challenges in fMRI data representation learning. Utilizing the large-scale UK Biobank dataset for self-supervised learning, ST-JEMA shows exceptional representation learning performance on dynamic functional connectivity demonstrating superiority over previous methods in predicting phenotypes and psychiatric diagnoses across eight benchmark fMRI datasets even with limited samples and effectiveness of temporal reconstruction on missing data scenarios. These findings highlight the potential of our approach as a robust representation learning method for leveraging label-scarce fMRI data.

new Prediction of Wort Density with LSTM Network

Authors: Derk Rembold, Bernd Stauss, Stefan Schwarzkopf

Abstract: Many physical target values in technical processes are error-prone, cumbersome, or expensive to measure automatically. One example of a physical target value is the wort density, which is an important value needed for beer production. This article introduces a system that helps the brewer measure wort density through sensors in order to reduce errors in manual data collection. Instead of a direct measurement of wort density, a method is developed that calculates the density from measured values acquired by inexpensive standard sensors such as pressure or temperature. The model behind the calculation is a neural network, known as LSTM.

new RL-MSA: a Reinforcement Learning-based Multi-line bus Scheduling Approach

Authors: Yingzhuo Liu

Abstract: Multiple Line Bus Scheduling Problem (MLBSP) is vital to save operational cost of bus company and guarantee service quality for passengers. Existing approaches typically generate a bus scheduling scheme in an offline manner and then schedule buses according to the scheme. In practice, uncertain events such as traffic congestion occur frequently, which may make the pre-determined bus scheduling scheme infeasible. In this paper, MLBSP is modeled as a Markov Decision Process (MDP). A Reinforcement Learning-based Multi-line bus Scheduling Approach (RL-MSA) is proposed for bus scheduling at both the offline and online phases. At the offline phase, deadhead decision is integrated into bus selection decision for the first time to simplify the learning problem. At the online phase, deadhead decision is made through a time window mechanism based on the policy learned at the offline phase. We develop several new and useful state features including the features for control points, bus lines and buses. A bus priority screening mechanism is invented to construct bus-related features. Considering the interests of both the bus company and passengers, a reward function combining the final reward and the step-wise reward is devised. Experiments at the offline phase demonstrate that the number of buses used of RL-MSA is decreased compared with offline optimization approaches. At the online phase, RL-MSA can cover all departure times in a timetable (i.e., service quality) without increasing the number of buses used (i.e., operational cost).

new Graph Neural Network with Two Uplift Estimators for Label-Scarcity Individual Uplift Modeling

Authors: Dingyuan Zhu, Daixin Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Kun Kuang, Yan Zhang, Yulin Kang, Jun Zhou

Abstract: Uplift modeling aims to measure the incremental effect, which we call uplift, of a strategy or action on the users from randomized experiments or observational data. Most existing uplift methods only use individual data, which are usually not informative enough to capture the unobserved and complex hidden factors regarding the uplift. Furthermore, uplift modeling scenario usually has scarce labeled data, especially for the treatment group, which also poses a great challenge for model training. Considering that the neighbors' features and the social relationships are very informative to characterize a user's uplift, we propose a graph neural network-based framework with two uplift estimators, called GNUM, to learn from the social graph for uplift estimation. Specifically, we design the first estimator based on a class-transformed target. The estimator is general for all types of outcomes, and is able to comprehensively model the treatment and control group data together to approach the uplift. When the outcome is discrete, we further design the other uplift estimator based on our defined partial labels, which is able to utilize more labeled data from both the treatment and control groups, to further alleviate the label scarcity problem. Comprehensive experiments on a public dataset and two industrial datasets show a superior performance of our proposed framework over state-of-the-art methods under various evaluation metrics. The proposed algorithms have been deployed online to serve real-world uplift estimation scenarios.

new Tactical Decision Making for Autonomous Trucks by Deep Reinforcement Learning with Total Cost of Operation Based Reward

Authors: Deepthi Pathare, Leo Laine, Morteza Haghir Chehreghani

Abstract: We develop a deep reinforcement learning framework for tactical decision making in an autonomous truck, specifically for Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) and lane change maneuvers in a highway scenario. Our results demonstrate that it is beneficial to separate high-level decision-making processes and low-level control actions between the reinforcement learning agent and the low-level controllers based on physical models. In the following, we study optimizing the performance with a realistic and multi-objective reward function based on Total Cost of Operation (TCOP) of the truck using different approaches; by adding weights to reward components, by normalizing the reward components and by using curriculum learning techniques.

new Adaptive Federated Learning Over the Air

Authors: Chenhao Wang, Zihan Chen, Nikolaos Pappas, Howard H. Yang, Tony Q. S. Quek, H. Vincent Poor

Abstract: We propose a federated version of adaptive gradient methods, particularly AdaGrad and Adam, within the framework of over-the-air model training. This approach capitalizes on the inherent superposition property of wireless channels, facilitating fast and scalable parameter aggregation. Meanwhile, it enhances the robustness of the model training process by dynamically adjusting the stepsize in accordance with the global gradient update. We derive the convergence rate of the training algorithms, encompassing the effects of channel fading and interference, for a broad spectrum of nonconvex loss functions. Our analysis shows that the AdaGrad-based algorithm converges to a stationary point at the rate of $\mathcal{O}( \ln{(T)} /{ T^{ 1 - \frac{1}{\alpha} } } )$, where $\alpha$ represents the tail index of the electromagnetic interference. This result indicates that the level of heavy-tailedness in interference distribution plays a crucial role in the training efficiency: the heavier the tail, the slower the algorithm converges. In contrast, an Adam-like algorithm converges at the $\mathcal{O}( 1/T )$ rate, demonstrating its advantage in expediting the model training process. We conduct extensive experiments that corroborate our theoretical findings and affirm the practical efficacy of our proposed federated adaptive gradient methods.

new Decentralized and Lifelong-Adaptive Multi-Agent Collaborative Learning

Authors: Shuo Tang, Rui Ye, Chenxin Xu, Xiaowen Dong, Siheng Chen, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Decentralized and lifelong-adaptive multi-agent collaborative learning aims to enhance collaboration among multiple agents without a central server, with each agent solving varied tasks over time. To achieve efficient collaboration, agents should: i) autonomously identify beneficial collaborative relationships in a decentralized manner; and ii) adapt to dynamically changing task observations. In this paper, we propose DeLAMA, a decentralized multi-agent lifelong collaborative learning algorithm with dynamic collaboration graphs. To promote autonomous collaboration relationship learning, we propose a decentralized graph structure learning algorithm, eliminating the need for external priors. To facilitate adaptation to dynamic tasks, we design a memory unit to capture the agents' accumulated learning history and knowledge, while preserving finite storage consumption. To further augment the system's expressive capabilities and computational efficiency, we apply algorithm unrolling, leveraging the advantages of both mathematical optimization and neural networks. This allows the agents to `learn to collaborate' through the supervision of training tasks. Our theoretical analysis verifies that inter-agent collaboration is communication efficient under a small number of communication rounds. The experimental results verify its ability to facilitate the discovery of collaboration strategies and adaptation to dynamic learning scenarios, achieving a 98.80% reduction in MSE and a 188.87% improvement in classification accuracy. We expect our work can serve as a foundational technique to facilitate future works towards an intelligent, decentralized, and dynamic multi-agent system. Code is available at


new Sliced-Wasserstein Distances and Flows on Cartan-Hadamard Manifolds

Authors: Cl\'ement Bonet, Lucas Drumetz, Nicolas Courty

Abstract: While many Machine Learning methods were developed or transposed on Riemannian manifolds to tackle data with known non Euclidean geometry, Optimal Transport (OT) methods on such spaces have not received much attention. The main OT tool on these spaces is the Wasserstein distance which suffers from a heavy computational burden. On Euclidean spaces, a popular alternative is the Sliced-Wasserstein distance, which leverages a closed-form solution of the Wasserstein distance in one dimension, but which is not readily available on manifolds. In this work, we derive general constructions of Sliced-Wasserstein distances on Cartan-Hadamard manifolds, Riemannian manifolds with non-positive curvature, which include among others Hyperbolic spaces or the space of Symmetric Positive Definite matrices. Then, we propose different applications. Additionally, we derive non-parametric schemes to minimize these new distances by approximating their Wasserstein gradient flows.

new Unraveling the Mystery of Scaling Laws: Part I

Authors: Hui Su, Zhi Tian, Xiaoyu Shen, Xunliang Cai

Abstract: Scaling law principles indicate a power-law correlation between loss and variables such as model size, dataset size, and computational resources utilized during training. These principles play a vital role in optimizing various aspects of model pre-training, ultimately contributing to the success of large language models such as GPT-4, Llama and Gemini. However, the original scaling law paper by OpenAI did not disclose the complete details necessary to derive the precise scaling law formulas, and their conclusions are only based on models containing up to 1.5 billion parameters. Though some subsequent works attempt to unveil these details and scale to larger models, they often neglect the training dependency of important factors such as the learning rate, context length and batch size, leading to their failure to establish a reliable formula for predicting the test loss trajectory. In this technical report, we confirm that the scaling law formulations proposed in the original OpenAI paper remain valid when scaling the model size up to 33 billion, but the constant coefficients in these formulas vary significantly with the experiment setup. We meticulously identify influential factors and provide transparent, step-by-step instructions to estimate all constant terms in scaling-law formulas by training on models with only 1M~60M parameters. Using these estimated formulas, we showcase the capability to accurately predict various attributes for models with up to 33B parameters before their training, including (1) the minimum possible test loss; (2) the minimum required training steps and processed tokens to achieve a specific loss; (3) the critical batch size with an optimal time/computation trade-off at any loss value; and (4) the complete test loss trajectory with arbitrary batch size.

new Enhancing Joint Motion Prediction for Individuals with Limb Loss Through Model Reprogramming

Authors: Sharmita Dey, Sarath R. Nair

Abstract: Mobility impairment caused by limb loss is a significant challenge faced by millions of individuals worldwide. The development of advanced assistive technologies, such as prosthetic devices, has the potential to greatly improve the quality of life for amputee patients. A critical component in the design of such technologies is the accurate prediction of reference joint motion for the missing limb. However, this task is hindered by the scarcity of joint motion data available for amputee patients, in contrast to the substantial quantity of data from able-bodied subjects. To overcome this, we leverage deep learning's reprogramming property to repurpose well-trained models for a new goal without altering the model parameters. With only data-level manipulation, we adapt models originally designed for able-bodied people to forecast joint motion in amputees. The findings in this study have significant implications for advancing assistive tech and amputee mobility.

new Scalable Online Exploration via Coverability

Authors: Philip Amortila, Dylan J. Foster, Akshay Krishnamurthy

Abstract: Exploration is a major challenge in reinforcement learning, especially for high-dimensional domains that require function approximation. We propose exploration objectives -- policy optimization objectives that enable downstream maximization of any reward function -- as a conceptual framework to systematize the study of exploration. Within this framework, we introduce a new objective, $L_1$-Coverage, which generalizes previous exploration schemes and supports three fundamental desiderata: 1. Intrinsic complexity control. $L_1$-Coverage is associated with a structural parameter, $L_1$-Coverability, which reflects the intrinsic statistical difficulty of the underlying MDP, subsuming Block and Low-Rank MDPs. 2. Efficient planning. For a known MDP, optimizing $L_1$-Coverage efficiently reduces to standard policy optimization, allowing flexible integration with off-the-shelf methods such as policy gradient and Q-learning approaches. 3. Efficient exploration. $L_1$-Coverage enables the first computationally efficient model-based and model-free algorithms for online (reward-free or reward-driven) reinforcement learning in MDPs with low coverability. Empirically, we find that $L_1$-Coverage effectively drives off-the-shelf policy optimization algorithms to explore the state space.

new FFAD: A Novel Metric for Assessing Generated Time Series Data Utilizing Fourier Transform and Auto-encoder

Authors: Yang Chen, Dustin J. Kempton, Rafal A. Angryk

Abstract: The success of deep learning-based generative models in producing realistic images, videos, and audios has led to a crucial consideration: how to effectively assess the quality of synthetic samples. While the Fr\'{e}chet Inception Distance (FID) serves as the standard metric for evaluating generative models in image synthesis, a comparable metric for time series data is notably absent. This gap in assessment capabilities stems from the absence of a widely accepted feature vector extractor pre-trained on benchmark time series datasets. In addressing these challenges related to assessing the quality of time series, particularly in the context of Fr\'echet Distance, this work proposes a novel solution leveraging the Fourier transform and Auto-encoder, termed the Fr\'{e}chet Fourier-transform Auto-encoder Distance (FFAD). Through our experimental results, we showcase the potential of FFAD for effectively distinguishing samples from different classes. This novel metric emerges as a fundamental tool for the evaluation of generative time series data, contributing to the ongoing efforts of enhancing assessment methodologies in the realm of deep learning-based generative models.

new ContextGPT: Infusing LLMs Knowledge into Neuro-Symbolic Activity Recognition Models

Authors: Luca Arrotta, Claudio Bettini, Gabriele Civitarese, Michele Fiori

Abstract: Context-aware Human Activity Recognition (HAR) is a hot research area in mobile computing, and the most effective solutions in the literature are based on supervised deep learning models. However, the actual deployment of these systems is limited by the scarcity of labeled data that is required for training. Neuro-Symbolic AI (NeSy) provides an interesting research direction to mitigate this issue, by infusing common-sense knowledge about human activities and the contexts in which they can be performed into HAR deep learning classifiers. Existing NeSy methods for context-aware HAR rely on knowledge encoded in logic-based models (e.g., ontologies) whose design, implementation, and maintenance to capture new activities and contexts require significant human engineering efforts, technical knowledge, and domain expertise. Recent works show that pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) effectively encode common-sense knowledge about human activities. In this work, we propose ContextGPT: a novel prompt engineering approach to retrieve from LLMs common-sense knowledge about the relationship between human activities and the context in which they are performed. Unlike ontologies, ContextGPT requires limited human effort and expertise. An extensive evaluation carried out on two public datasets shows how a NeSy model obtained by infusing common-sense knowledge from ContextGPT is effective in data scarcity scenarios, leading to similar (and sometimes better) recognition rates than logic-based approaches with a fraction of the effort.

new Evaluating the Energy Efficiency of Few-Shot Learning for Object Detection in Industrial Settings

Authors: Georgios Tsoumplekas, Vladislav Li, Ilias Siniosoglou, Vasileios Argyriou, Sotirios K. Goudos, Ioannis D. Moscholios, Panagiotis Radoglou-Grammatikis, Panagiotis Sarigiannidis

Abstract: In the ever-evolving era of Artificial Intelligence (AI), model performance has constituted a key metric driving innovation, leading to an exponential growth in model size and complexity. However, sustainability and energy efficiency have been critical requirements during deployment in contemporary industrial settings, necessitating the use of data-efficient approaches such as few-shot learning. In this paper, to alleviate the burden of lengthy model training and minimize energy consumption, a finetuning approach to adapt standard object detection models to downstream tasks is examined. Subsequently, a thorough case study and evaluation of the energy demands of the developed models, applied in object detection benchmark datasets from volatile industrial environments is presented. Specifically, different finetuning strategies as well as utilization of ancillary evaluation data during training are examined, and the trade-off between performance and efficiency is highlighted in this low-data regime. Finally, this paper introduces a novel way to quantify this trade-off through a customized Efficiency Factor metric.

new Spatial features of CO2 for occupancy detection in a naturally ventilated school building

Authors: Qirui Huang, Marc Syndicus, J\'er\^ome Frisch, Christoph van Treeck

Abstract: Accurate occupancy information helps to improve building energy efficiency and occupant comfort. Occupancy detection methods based on CO2 sensors have received attention due to their low cost and low intrusiveness. In naturally ventilated buildings, the accuracy of CO2-based occupancy detection is generally low in related studies due to the complex ventilation behavior and the difficulty in measuring the actual air exchange through windows. In this study, we present two novel features for occupancy detection based on the spatial distribution of the CO2 concentration. After a quantitative analysis with Support Vector Machine (SVM) as classifier, it was found that the accuracy of occupancy state detection in naturally ventilated rooms could be improved by up to 14.8 percentage points compared to the baseline, reaching 83.2 % (F1 score 0.84) without any ventilation information. With ventilation information, the accuracy reached 87.6 % (F1 score 0.89). The performance of occupancy quantity detection was significantly improved by up to 25.3 percentage points versus baseline, reaching 56 %, with root mean square error (RMSE) of 11.44 occupants, using only CO2-related features. Additional ventilation information further enhanced the performance to 61.8 % (RMSE 9.02 occupants). By incorporating spatial features, the model using only CO2-related features revealed similar performance as the model containing additional ventilation information, resulting in a better low-cost occupancy detection method for naturally ventilated buildings.

new Elephants Never Forget: Testing Language Models for Memorization of Tabular Data

Authors: Sebastian Bordt, Harsha Nori, Rich Caruana

Abstract: While many have shown how Large Language Models (LLMs) can be applied to a diverse set of tasks, the critical issues of data contamination and memorization are often glossed over. In this work, we address this concern for tabular data. Starting with simple qualitative tests for whether an LLM knows the names and values of features, we introduce a variety of different techniques to assess the degrees of contamination, including statistical tests for conditional distribution modeling and four tests that identify memorization. Our investigation reveals that LLMs are pre-trained on many popular tabular datasets. This exposure can lead to invalid performance evaluation on downstream tasks because the LLMs have, in effect, been fit to the test set. Interestingly, we also identify a regime where the language model reproduces important statistics of the data, but fails to reproduce the dataset verbatim. On these datasets, although seen during training, good performance on downstream tasks might not be due to overfitting. Our findings underscore the need for ensuring data integrity in machine learning tasks with LLMs. To facilitate future research, we release an open-source tool that can perform various tests for memorization \url{}.


new PeerAiD: Improving Adversarial Distillation from a Specialized Peer Tutor

Authors: Jaewon Jung, Hongsun Jang, Jaeyong Song, Jinho Lee

Abstract: Adversarial robustness of the neural network is a significant concern when it is applied to security-critical domains. In this situation, adversarial distillation is a promising option which aims to distill the robustness of the teacher network to improve the robustness of a small student network. Previous works pretrain the teacher network to make it robust to the adversarial examples aimed at itself. However, the adversarial examples are dependent on the parameters of the target network. The fixed teacher network inevitably degrades its robustness against the unseen transferred adversarial examples which targets the parameters of the student network in the adversarial distillation process. We propose PeerAiD to make a peer network learn the adversarial examples of the student network instead of adversarial examples aimed at itself. PeerAiD is an adversarial distillation that trains the peer network and the student network simultaneously in order to make the peer network specialized for defending the student network. We observe that such peer networks surpass the robustness of pretrained robust teacher network against student-attacked adversarial samples. With this peer network and adversarial distillation, PeerAiD achieves significantly higher robustness of the student network with AutoAttack (AA) accuracy up to 1.66%p and improves the natural accuracy of the student network up to 4.72%p with ResNet-18 and TinyImageNet dataset.

new Streamlining in the Riemannian Realm: Efficient Riemannian Optimization with Loopless Variance Reduction

Authors: Yury Demidovich, Grigory Malinovsky, Peter Richt\'arik

Abstract: In this study, we investigate stochastic optimization on Riemannian manifolds, focusing on the crucial variance reduction mechanism used in both Euclidean and Riemannian settings. Riemannian variance-reduced methods usually involve a double-loop structure, computing a full gradient at the start of each loop. Determining the optimal inner loop length is challenging in practice, as it depends on strong convexity or smoothness constants, which are often unknown or hard to estimate. Motivated by Euclidean methods, we introduce the Riemannian Loopless SVRG (R-LSVRG) and PAGE (R-PAGE) methods. These methods replace the outer loop with probabilistic gradient computation triggered by a coin flip in each iteration, ensuring simpler proofs, efficient hyperparameter selection, and sharp convergence guarantees. Using R-PAGE as a framework for non-convex Riemannian optimization, we demonstrate its applicability to various important settings. For example, we derive Riemannian MARINA (R-MARINA) for distributed settings with communication compression, providing the best theoretical communication complexity guarantees for non-convex distributed optimization over Riemannian manifolds. Experimental results support our theoretical findings.

new Advancing Graph Neural Networks with HL-HGAT: A Hodge-Laplacian and Attention Mechanism Approach for Heterogeneous Graph-Structured Data

Authors: Jinghan Huang, Qiufeng Chen, Yijun Bian, Pengli Zhu, Nanguang Chen, Moo K. Chung, Anqi Qiu

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have proven effective in capturing relationships among nodes in a graph. This study introduces a novel perspective by considering a graph as a simplicial complex, encompassing nodes, edges, triangles, and $k$-simplices, enabling the definition of graph-structured data on any $k$-simplices. Our contribution is the Hodge-Laplacian heterogeneous graph attention network (HL-HGAT), designed to learn heterogeneous signal representations across $k$-simplices. The HL-HGAT incorporates three key components: HL convolutional filters (HL-filters), simplicial projection (SP), and simplicial attention pooling (SAP) operators, applied to $k$-simplices. HL-filters leverage the unique topology of $k$-simplices encoded by the Hodge-Laplacian (HL) operator, operating within the spectral domain of the $k$-th HL operator. To address computation challenges, we introduce a polynomial approximation for HL-filters, exhibiting spatial localization properties. Additionally, we propose a pooling operator to coarsen $k$-simplices, combining features through simplicial attention mechanisms of self-attention and cross-attention via transformers and SP operators, capturing topological interconnections across multiple dimensions of simplices. The HL-HGAT is comprehensively evaluated across diverse graph applications, including NP-hard problems, graph multi-label and classification challenges, and graph regression tasks in logistics, computer vision, biology, chemistry, and neuroscience. The results demonstrate the model's efficacy and versatility in handling a wide range of graph-based scenarios.

new Probabilistic Contrastive Learning for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition

Authors: Chaoqun Du, Yulin Wang, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: Long-tailed distributions frequently emerge in real-world data, where a large number of minority categories contain a limited number of samples. Such imbalance issue considerably impairs the performance of standard supervised learning algorithms, which are mainly designed for balanced training sets. Recent investigations have revealed that supervised contrastive learning exhibits promising potential in alleviating the data imbalance. However, the performance of supervised contrastive learning is plagued by an inherent challenge: it necessitates sufficiently large batches of training data to construct contrastive pairs that cover all categories, yet this requirement is difficult to meet in the context of class-imbalanced data. To overcome this obstacle, we propose a novel probabilistic contrastive (ProCo) learning algorithm that estimates the data distribution of the samples from each class in the feature space, and samples contrastive pairs accordingly. In fact, estimating the distributions of all classes using features in a small batch, particularly for imbalanced data, is not feasible. Our key idea is to introduce a reasonable and simple assumption that the normalized features in contrastive learning follow a mixture of von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distributions on unit space, which brings two-fold benefits. First, the distribution parameters can be estimated using only the first sample moment, which can be efficiently computed in an online manner across different batches. Second, based on the estimated distribution, the vMF distribution allows us to sample an infinite number of contrastive pairs and derive a closed form of the expected contrastive loss for efficient optimization. Our code is available at


new Koopman Ensembles for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Anthony Frion, Lucas Drumetz, Guillaume Tochon, Mauro Dalla Mura, Albdeldjalil A\"issa El Bey

Abstract: In the context of an increasing popularity of data-driven models to represent dynamical systems, many machine learning-based implementations of the Koopman operator have recently been proposed. However, the vast majority of those works are limited to deterministic predictions, while the knowledge of uncertainty is critical in fields like meteorology and climatology. In this work, we investigate the training of ensembles of models to produce stochastic outputs. We show through experiments on real remote sensing image time series that ensembles of independently trained models are highly overconfident and that using a training criterion that explicitly encourages the members to produce predictions with high inter-model variances greatly improves the uncertainty quantification of the ensembles.

new XB-MAML: Learning Expandable Basis Parameters for Effective Meta-Learning with Wide Task Coverage

Authors: Jae-Jun Lee, Sung Whan Yoon

Abstract: Meta-learning, which pursues an effective initialization model, has emerged as a promising approach to handling unseen tasks. However, a limitation remains to be evident when a meta-learner tries to encompass a wide range of task distribution, e.g., learning across distinctive datasets or domains. Recently, a group of works has attempted to employ multiple model initializations to cover widely-ranging tasks, but they are limited in adaptively expanding initializations. We introduce XB-MAML, which learns expandable basis parameters, where they are linearly combined to form an effective initialization to a given task. XB-MAML observes the discrepancy between the vector space spanned by the basis and fine-tuned parameters to decide whether to expand the basis. Our method surpasses the existing works in the multi-domain meta-learning benchmarks and opens up new chances of meta-learning for obtaining the diverse inductive bias that can be combined to stretch toward the effective initialization for diverse unseen tasks.

new Redefining Event Types and Group Evolution in Temporal Data

Authors: Andrea Failla, R\'emy Cazabet, Giulio Rossetti, Salvatore Citraro

Abstract: Groups -- such as clusters of points or communities of nodes -- are fundamental when addressing various data mining tasks. In temporal data, the predominant approach for characterizing group evolution has been through the identification of ``events". However, the events usually described in the literature, e.g., shrinks/growths, splits/merges, are often arbitrarily defined, creating a gap between such theoretical/predefined types and real-data group observations. Moving beyond existing taxonomies, we think of events as ``archetypes" characterized by a unique combination of quantitative dimensions that we call ``facets". Group dynamics are defined by their position within the facet space, where archetypal events occupy extremities. Thus, rather than enforcing strict event types, our approach can allow for hybrid descriptions of dynamics involving group proximity to multiple archetypes. We apply our framework to evolving groups from several face-to-face interaction datasets, showing it enables richer, more reliable characterization of group dynamics with respect to state-of-the-art methods, especially when the groups are subject to complex relationships. Our approach also offers intuitive solutions to common tasks related to dynamic group analysis, such as choosing an appropriate aggregation scale, quantifying partition stability, and evaluating event quality.

new Leveraging Internal Representations of Model for Magnetic Image Classification

Authors: Adarsh N L, Arun P V, Alok Porwal, Malcolm Aranha

Abstract: Data generated by edge devices has the potential to train intelligent autonomous systems across various domains. Despite the emergence of diverse machine learning approaches addressing privacy concerns and utilizing distributed data, security issues persist due to the sensitive storage of data shards in disparate locations. This paper introduces a potentially groundbreaking paradigm for machine learning model training, specifically designed for scenarios with only a single magnetic image and its corresponding label image available. We harness the capabilities of Deep Learning to generate concise yet informative samples, aiming to overcome data scarcity. Through the utilization of deep learning's internal representations, our objective is to efficiently address data scarcity issues and produce meaningful results. This methodology presents a promising avenue for training machine learning models with minimal data.

new On the Global Convergence of Policy Gradient in Average Reward Markov Decision Processes

Authors: Navdeep Kumar, Yashaswini Murthy, Itai Shufaro, Kfir Y. Levy, R. Srikant, Shie Mannor

Abstract: We present the first finite time global convergence analysis of policy gradient in the context of infinite horizon average reward Markov decision processes (MDPs). Specifically, we focus on ergodic tabular MDPs with finite state and action spaces. Our analysis shows that the policy gradient iterates converge to the optimal policy at a sublinear rate of $O\left({\frac{1}{T}}\right),$ which translates to $O\left({\log(T)}\right)$ regret, where $T$ represents the number of iterations. Prior work on performance bounds for discounted reward MDPs cannot be extended to average reward MDPs because the bounds grow proportional to the fifth power of the effective horizon. Thus, our primary contribution is in proving that the policy gradient algorithm converges for average-reward MDPs and in obtaining finite-time performance guarantees. In contrast to the existing discounted reward performance bounds, our performance bounds have an explicit dependence on constants that capture the complexity of the underlying MDP. Motivated by this observation, we reexamine and improve the existing performance bounds for discounted reward MDPs. We also present simulations to empirically evaluate the performance of average reward policy gradient algorithm.

new Multistep Consistency Models

Authors: Jonathan Heek, Emiel Hoogeboom, Tim Salimans

Abstract: Diffusion models are relatively easy to train but require many steps to generate samples. Consistency models are far more difficult to train, but generate samples in a single step. In this paper we propose Multistep Consistency Models: A unification between Consistency Models (Song et al., 2023) and TRACT (Berthelot et al., 2023) that can interpolate between a consistency model and a diffusion model: a trade-off between sampling speed and sampling quality. Specifically, a 1-step consistency model is a conventional consistency model whereas we show that a $\infty$-step consistency model is a diffusion model. Multistep Consistency Models work really well in practice. By increasing the sample budget from a single step to 2-8 steps, we can train models more easily that generate higher quality samples, while retaining much of the sampling speed benefits. Notable results are 1.4 FID on Imagenet 64 in 8 step and 2.1 FID on Imagenet128 in 8 steps with consistency distillation. We also show that our method scales to a text-to-image diffusion model, generating samples that are very close to the quality of the original model.

new Monotone Individual Fairness

Authors: Yahav Bechavod

Abstract: We revisit the problem of online learning with individual fairness, where an online learner strives to maximize predictive accuracy while ensuring that similar individuals are treated similarly. We first extend the frameworks of Gillen et al. (2018); Bechavod et al. (2020), which rely on feedback from human auditors regarding fairness violations, as we consider auditing schemes that are capable of aggregating feedback from any number of auditors, using a rich class we term monotone aggregation functions. We then prove a characterization for such auditing schemes, practically reducing the analysis of auditing for individual fairness by multiple auditors to that of auditing by (instance-specific) single auditors. Using our generalized framework, we present an oracle-efficient algorithm achieving an upper bound frontier of $(\mathcal{O}(T^{1/2+2b}),\mathcal{O}(T^{3/4-b}))$ respectively for regret, number of fairness violations, for $0\leq b \leq 1/4$. We then study an online classification setting where label feedback is available for positively-predicted individuals only, and present an oracle-efficient algorithm achieving an upper bound frontier of $(\mathcal{O}(T^{2/3+2b}),\mathcal{O}(T^{5/6-b}))$ for regret, number of fairness violations, for $0\leq b \leq 1/6$. In both settings, our algorithms improve on the best known bounds for oracle-efficient algorithms. Furthermore, our algorithms offer significant improvements in computational efficiency, greatly reducing the number of required calls to an (offline) optimization oracle per round, to $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\alpha^{-2})$ in the full information setting, and $\tilde{\mathcal{O}}(\alpha^{-2} + k^2T^{1/3})$ in the partial information setting, where $\alpha$ is the sensitivity for reporting fairness violations, and $k$ is the number of individuals in a round.

new {\epsilon}-Neural Thompson Sampling of Deep Brain Stimulation for Parkinson Disease Treatment

Authors: Hao-Lun Hsu, Qitong Gao, Miroslav Pajic

Abstract: Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) stands as an effective intervention for alleviating the motor symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD). Traditional commercial DBS devices are only able to deliver fixed-frequency periodic pulses to the basal ganglia (BG) regions of the brain, i.e., continuous DBS (cDBS). However, they in general suffer from energy inefficiency and side effects, such as speech impairment. Recent research has focused on adaptive DBS (aDBS) to resolve the limitations of cDBS. Specifically, reinforcement learning (RL) based approaches have been developed to adapt the frequencies of the stimuli in order to achieve both energy efficiency and treatment efficacy. However, RL approaches in general require significant amount of training data and computational resources, making it intractable to integrate RL policies into real-time embedded systems as needed in aDBS. In contrast, contextual multi-armed bandits (CMAB) in general lead to better sample efficiency compared to RL. In this study, we propose a CMAB solution for aDBS. Specifically, we define the context as the signals capturing irregular neuronal firing activities in the BG regions (i.e., beta-band power spectral density), while each arm signifies the (discretized) pulse frequency of the stimulation. Moreover, an {\epsilon}-exploring strategy is introduced on top of the classic Thompson sampling method, leading to an algorithm called {\epsilon}-Neural Thompson sampling ({\epsilon}-NeuralTS), such that the learned CMAB policy can better balance exploration and exploitation of the BG environment. The {\epsilon}-NeuralTS algorithm is evaluated using a computation BG model that captures the neuronal activities in PD patients' brains. The results show that our method outperforms both existing cDBS methods and CMAB baselines.

new In-context Exploration-Exploitation for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhenwen Dai, Federico Tomasi, Sina Ghiassian

Abstract: In-context learning is a promising approach for online policy learning of offline reinforcement learning (RL) methods, which can be achieved at inference time without gradient optimization. However, this method is hindered by significant computational costs resulting from the gathering of large training trajectory sets and the need to train large Transformer models. We address this challenge by introducing an In-context Exploration-Exploitation (ICEE) algorithm, designed to optimize the efficiency of in-context policy learning. Unlike existing models, ICEE performs an exploration-exploitation trade-off at inference time within a Transformer model, without the need for explicit Bayesian inference. Consequently, ICEE can solve Bayesian optimization problems as efficiently as Gaussian process biased methods do, but in significantly less time. Through experiments in grid world environments, we demonstrate that ICEE can learn to solve new RL tasks using only tens of episodes, marking a substantial improvement over the hundreds of episodes needed by the previous in-context learning method.

new Constructing Variables Using Classifiers as an Aid to Regression: An Empirical Assessment

Authors: Colin Troisemaine, Vincent Lemaire

Abstract: This paper proposes a method for the automatic creation of variables (in the case of regression) that complement the information contained in the initial input vector. The method works as a pre-processing step in which the continuous values of the variable to be regressed are discretized into a set of intervals which are then used to define value thresholds. Then classifiers are trained to predict whether the value to be regressed is less than or equal to each of these thresholds. The different outputs of the classifiers are then concatenated in the form of an additional vector of variables that enriches the initial vector of the regression problem. The implemented system can thus be considered as a generic pre-processing tool. We tested the proposed enrichment method with 5 types of regressors and evaluated it in 33 regression datasets. Our experimental results confirm the interest of the approach.

new Can LLMs Separate Instructions From Data? And What Do We Even Mean By That?

Authors: Egor Zverev, Sahar Abdelnabi, Mario Fritz, Christoph H. Lampert

Abstract: Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) have achieved breakthrough results, opening countless new possibilities for many practical applications. However, LLMs lack elementary safety features that are established norms in other areas of computer science, such as the separation between instructions and data, causing them to malfunction or rendering them vulnerable to manipulation and interference by third parties e.g., via indirect prompt/command injection. Even worse, so far, there is not even an established definition of what precisely such a separation would mean and how its violation could be tested. In this work, we aim to close this gap. We introduce a formal measure to quantify the phenomenon of instruction-data separation as well as an empirical variant of the measure that can be computed from a model`s black-box outputs. We also introduce a new dataset, SEP (Should it be Executed or Processed?), which allows estimating the measure, and we report results on several state-of-the-art open-source and closed LLMs. Finally, we quantitatively demonstrate that all evaluated LLMs fail to achieve a high amount of separation, according to our measure. The source code and SEP dataset are openly accessible at


new Quantifying the Sensitivity of Inverse Reinforcement Learning to Misspecification

Authors: Joar Skalse, Alessandro Abate

Abstract: Inverse reinforcement learning (IRL) aims to infer an agent's preferences (represented as a reward function $R$) from their behaviour (represented as a policy $\pi$). To do this, we need a behavioural model of how $\pi$ relates to $R$. In the current literature, the most common behavioural models are optimality, Boltzmann-rationality, and causal entropy maximisation. However, the true relationship between a human's preferences and their behaviour is much more complex than any of these behavioural models. This means that the behavioural models are misspecified, which raises the concern that they may lead to systematic errors if applied to real data. In this paper, we analyse how sensitive the IRL problem is to misspecification of the behavioural model. Specifically, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions that completely characterise how the observed data may differ from the assumed behavioural model without incurring an error above a given threshold. In addition to this, we also characterise the conditions under which a behavioural model is robust to small perturbations of the observed policy, and we analyse how robust many behavioural models are to misspecification of their parameter values (such as e.g.\ the discount rate). Our analysis suggests that the IRL problem is highly sensitive to misspecification, in the sense that very mild misspecification can lead to very large errors in the inferred reward function.

new A Geospatial Approach to Predicting Desert Locust Breeding Grounds in Africa

Authors: Ibrahim Salihu Yusuf, Mukhtar Opeyemi Yusuf, Kobby Panford-Quainoo, Arnu Pretorius

Abstract: Desert locust swarms present a major threat to agriculture and food security. Addressing this challenge, our study develops an operationally-ready model for predicting locust breeding grounds, which has the potential to enhance early warning systems and targeted control measures. We curated a dataset from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization's (UN-FAO) locust observation records and analyzed it using two types of spatio-temporal input features: remotely-sensed environmental and climate data as well as multi-spectral earth observation images. Our approach employed custom deep learning models (three-dimensional and LSTM-based recurrent convolutional networks), along with the geospatial foundational model Prithvi recently released by Jakubik et al., 2023. These models notably outperformed existing baselines, with the Prithvi-based model, fine-tuned on multi-spectral images from NASA's Harmonized Landsat and Sentinel-2 (HLS) dataset, achieving the highest accuracy, F1 and ROC-AUC scores (83.03%, 81.53% and 87.69%, respectively). A significant finding from our research is that multi-spectral earth observation images alone are sufficient for effective locust breeding ground prediction without the need to explicitly incorporate climatic or environmental features.

new Learning with Noisy Foundation Models

Authors: Hao Chen, Jindong Wang, Zihan Wang, Ran Tao, Hongxin Wei, Xing Xie, Masashi Sugiyama, Bhiksha Raj

Abstract: Foundation models are usually pre-trained on large-scale datasets and then adapted to downstream tasks through tuning. However, the large-scale pre-training datasets, often inaccessible or too expensive to handle, can contain label noise that may adversely affect the generalization of the model and pose unexpected risks. This paper stands out as the first work to comprehensively understand and analyze the nature of noise in pre-training datasets and then effectively mitigate its impacts on downstream tasks. Specifically, through extensive experiments of fully-supervised and image-text contrastive pre-training on synthetic noisy ImageNet-1K, YFCC15M, and CC12M datasets, we demonstrate that, while slight noise in pre-training can benefit in-domain (ID) performance, where the training and testing data share a similar distribution, it always deteriorates out-of-domain (OOD) performance, where training and testing distributions are significantly different. These observations are agnostic to scales of pre-training datasets, pre-training noise types, model architectures, pre-training objectives, downstream tuning methods, and downstream applications. We empirically ascertain that the reason behind this is that the pre-training noise shapes the feature space differently. We then propose a tuning method (NMTune) to affine the feature space to mitigate the malignant effect of noise and improve generalization, which is applicable in both parameter-efficient and black-box tuning manners. We additionally conduct extensive experiments on popular vision and language models, including APIs, which are supervised and self-supervised pre-trained on realistic noisy data for evaluation. Our analysis and results demonstrate the importance of this novel and fundamental research direction, which we term as Noisy Model Learning.

new Semantic Residual Prompts for Continual Learning

Authors: Martin Menabue, Emanuele Frascaroli, Matteo Boschini, Enver Sangineto, Lorenzo Bonicelli, Angelo Porrello, Simone Calderara

Abstract: Prompt-tuning methods for Continual Learning (CL) freeze a large pre-trained model and focus training on a few parameter vectors termed prompts. Most of these methods organize these vectors in a pool of key-value pairs, and use the input image as query to retrieve the prompts (values). However, as keys are learned while tasks progress, the prompting selection strategy is itself subject to catastrophic forgetting, an issue often overlooked by existing approaches. For instance, prompts introduced to accommodate new tasks might end up interfering with previously learned prompts. To make the selection strategy more stable, we ask a foundational model (CLIP) to select our prompt within a two-level adaptation mechanism. Specifically, the first level leverages standard textual prompts for the CLIP textual encoder, leading to stable class prototypes. The second level, instead, uses these prototypes along with the query image as keys to index a second pool. The retrieved prompts serve to adapt a pre-trained ViT, granting plasticity. In doing so, we also propose a novel residual mechanism to transfer CLIP semantics to the ViT layers. Through extensive analysis on established CL benchmarks, we show that our method significantly outperforms both state-of-the-art CL approaches and the zero-shot CLIP test. Notably, our findings hold true even for datasets with a substantial domain gap w.r.t. the pre-training knowledge of the backbone model, as showcased by experiments on satellite imagery and medical datasets.

new On the Generalization Ability of Unsupervised Pretraining

Authors: Yuyang Deng, Junyuan Hong, Jiayu Zhou, Mehrdad Mahdavi

Abstract: Recent advances in unsupervised learning have shown that unsupervised pre-training, followed by fine-tuning, can improve model generalization. However, a rigorous understanding of how the representation function learned on an unlabeled dataset affects the generalization of the fine-tuned model is lacking. Existing theoretical research does not adequately account for the heterogeneity of the distribution and tasks in pre-training and fine-tuning stage. To bridge this gap, this paper introduces a novel theoretical framework that illuminates the critical factor influencing the transferability of knowledge acquired during unsupervised pre-training to the subsequent fine-tuning phase, ultimately affecting the generalization capabilities of the fine-tuned model on downstream tasks. We apply our theoretical framework to analyze generalization bound of two distinct scenarios: Context Encoder pre-training with deep neural networks and Masked Autoencoder pre-training with deep transformers, followed by fine-tuning on a binary classification task. Finally, inspired by our findings, we propose a novel regularization method during pre-training to further enhances the generalization of fine-tuned model. Overall, our results contribute to a better understanding of unsupervised pre-training and fine-tuning paradigm, and can shed light on the design of more effective pre-training algorithms.

new Unveiling the Significance of Toddler-Inspired Reward Transition in Goal-Oriented Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Junseok Park, Yoonsung Kim, Hee Bin Yoo, Min Whoo Lee, Kibeom Kim, Won-Seok Choi, Minsu Lee, Byoung-Tak Zhang

Abstract: Toddlers evolve from free exploration with sparse feedback to exploiting prior experiences for goal-directed learning with denser rewards. Drawing inspiration from this Toddler-Inspired Reward Transition, we set out to explore the implications of varying reward transitions when incorporated into Reinforcement Learning (RL) tasks. Central to our inquiry is the transition from sparse to potential-based dense rewards, which share optimal strategies regardless of reward changes. Through various experiments, including those in egocentric navigation and robotic arm manipulation tasks, we found that proper reward transitions significantly influence sample efficiency and success rates. Of particular note is the efficacy of the toddler-inspired Sparse-to-Dense (S2D) transition. Beyond these performance metrics, using Cross-Density Visualizer technique, we observed that transitions, especially the S2D, smooth the policy loss landscape, promoting wide minima that enhance generalization in RL models.

new Benign overfitting in leaky ReLU networks with moderate input dimension

Authors: Kedar Karhadkar, Erin George, Michael Murray, Guido Mont\'ufar, Deanna Needell

Abstract: The problem of benign overfitting asks whether it is possible for a model to perfectly fit noisy training data and still generalize well. We study benign overfitting in two-layer leaky ReLU networks trained with the hinge loss on a binary classification task. We consider input data which can be decomposed into the sum of a common signal and a random noise component, which lie on subspaces orthogonal to one another. We characterize conditions on the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the model parameters giving rise to benign versus non-benign, or harmful, overfitting: in particular, if the SNR is high then benign overfitting occurs, conversely if the SNR is low then harmful overfitting occurs. We attribute both benign and non-benign overfitting to an approximate margin maximization property and show that leaky ReLU networks trained on hinge loss with Gradient Descent (GD) satisfy this property. In contrast to prior work we do not require near orthogonality conditions on the training data: notably, for input dimension $d$ and training sample size $n$, while prior work shows asymptotically optimal error when $d = \Omega(n^2 \log n)$, here we require only $d = \Omega\left(n \log \frac{1}{\epsilon}\right)$ to obtain error within $\epsilon$ of optimal.

new Cost-Sensitive Learning to Defer to Multiple Experts with Workload Constraints

Authors: Jean V. Alves, Diogo Leit\~ao, S\'ergio Jesus, Marco O. P. Sampaio, Javier Li\'ebana, Pedro Saleiro, M\'ario A. T. Figueiredo, Pedro Bizarro

Abstract: Learning to defer (L2D) aims to improve human-AI collaboration systems by learning how to defer decisions to humans when they are more likely to be correct than an ML classifier. Existing research in L2D overlooks key aspects of real-world systems that impede its practical adoption, namely: i) neglecting cost-sensitive scenarios, where type 1 and type 2 errors have different costs; ii) requiring concurrent human predictions for every instance of the training dataset and iii) not dealing with human work capacity constraints. To address these issues, we propose the deferral under cost and capacity constraints framework (DeCCaF). DeCCaF is a novel L2D approach, employing supervised learning to model the probability of human error under less restrictive data requirements (only one expert prediction per instance) and using constraint programming to globally minimize the error cost subject to workload limitations. We test DeCCaF in a series of cost-sensitive fraud detection scenarios with different teams of 9 synthetic fraud analysts, with individual work capacity constraints. The results demonstrate that our approach performs significantly better than the baselines in a wide array of scenarios, achieving an average 8.4% reduction in the misclassification cost.

new Simplicity Bias of Transformers to Learn Low Sensitivity Functions

Authors: Bhavya Vasudeva, Deqing Fu, Tianyi Zhou, Elliott Kau, Youqi Huang, Vatsal Sharan

Abstract: Transformers achieve state-of-the-art accuracy and robustness across many tasks, but an understanding of the inductive biases that they have and how those biases are different from other neural network architectures remains elusive. Various neural network architectures such as fully connected networks have been found to have a simplicity bias towards simple functions of the data; one version of this simplicity bias is a spectral bias to learn simple functions in the Fourier space. In this work, we identify the notion of sensitivity of the model to random changes in the input as a notion of simplicity bias which provides a unified metric to explain the simplicity and spectral bias of transformers across different data modalities. We show that transformers have lower sensitivity than alternative architectures, such as LSTMs, MLPs and CNNs, across both vision and language tasks. We also show that low-sensitivity bias correlates with improved robustness; furthermore, it can also be used as an efficient intervention to further improve the robustness of transformers.

new Counterfactual Reasoning with Knowledge Graph Embeddings

Authors: Lena Zellinger, Andreas Stephan, Benjamin Roth

Abstract: Knowledge graph embeddings (KGEs) were originally developed to infer true but missing facts in incomplete knowledge repositories. In this paper, we link knowledge graph completion and counterfactual reasoning via our new task CFKGR. We model the original world state as a knowledge graph, hypothetical scenarios as edges added to the graph, and plausible changes to the graph as inferences from logical rules. We create corresponding benchmark datasets, which contain diverse hypothetical scenarios with plausible changes to the original knowledge graph and facts that should be retained. We develop COULDD, a general method for adapting existing knowledge graph embeddings given a hypothetical premise, and evaluate it on our benchmark. Our results indicate that KGEs learn patterns in the graph without explicit training. We further observe that KGEs adapted with COULDD solidly detect plausible counterfactual changes to the graph that follow these patterns. An evaluation on human-annotated data reveals that KGEs adapted with COULDD are mostly unable to recognize changes to the graph that do not follow learned inference rules. In contrast, ChatGPT mostly outperforms KGEs in detecting plausible changes to the graph but has poor knowledge retention. In summary, CFKGR connects two previously distinct areas, namely KG completion and counterfactual reasoning.

new Acquiring Diverse Skills using Curriculum Reinforcement Learning with Mixture of Experts

Authors: Onur Celik, Aleksandar Taranovic, Gerhard Neumann

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) is a powerful approach for acquiring a good-performing policy. However, learning diverse skills is challenging in RL due to the commonly used Gaussian policy parameterization. We propose \textbf{Di}verse \textbf{Skil}l \textbf{L}earning (Di-SkilL), an RL method for learning diverse skills using Mixture of Experts, where each expert formalizes a skill as a contextual motion primitive. Di-SkilL optimizes each expert and its associate context distribution to a maximum entropy objective that incentivizes learning diverse skills in similar contexts. The per-expert context distribution enables automatic curricula learning, allowing each expert to focus on its best-performing sub-region of the context space. To overcome hard discontinuities and multi-modalities without any prior knowledge of the environment's unknown context probability space, we leverage energy-based models to represent the per-expert context distributions and demonstrate how we can efficiently train them using the standard policy gradient objective. We show on challenging robot simulation tasks that Di-SkilL can learn diverse and performant skills.

new A representation-learning game for classes of prediction tasks

Authors: Neria Uzan, Nir Weinberger

Abstract: We propose a game-based formulation for learning dimensionality-reducing representations of feature vectors, when only a prior knowledge on future prediction tasks is available. In this game, the first player chooses a representation, and then the second player adversarially chooses a prediction task from a given class, representing the prior knowledge. The first player aims is to minimize, and the second player to maximize, the regret: The minimal prediction loss using the representation, compared to the same loss using the original features. For the canonical setting in which the representation, the response to predict and the predictors are all linear functions, and under the mean squared error loss function, we derive the theoretically optimal representation in pure strategies, which shows the effectiveness of the prior knowledge, and the optimal regret in mixed strategies, which shows the usefulness of randomizing the representation. For general representations and loss functions, we propose an efficient algorithm to optimize a randomized representation. The algorithm only requires the gradients of the loss function, and is based on incrementally adding a representation rule to a mixture of such rules.

cross Boosting of Thoughts: Trial-and-Error Problem Solving with Large Language Models

Authors: Sijia Chen, Baochun Li, Di Niu

Abstract: The reasoning performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) on a wide range of problems critically relies on chain-of-thought prompting, which involves providing a few chain of thought demonstrations as exemplars in prompts. Recent work, e.g., Tree of Thoughts, has pointed out the importance of exploration and self-evaluation in reasoning step selection for complex problem solving. In this paper, we present Boosting of Thoughts (BoT), an automated prompting framework for problem solving with LLMs by iteratively exploring and self-evaluating many trees of thoughts in order to acquire an ensemble of trial-and-error reasoning experiences, which will serve as a new form of prompting to solve the complex problem. Starting from a simple prompt without requiring examples, BoT iteratively explores and evaluates a large collection of reasoning steps, and more importantly, uses error analysis obtained from the LLM on them to explicitly revise prompting, which in turn enhances reasoning step generation, until a final answer is attained. Our experiments with GPT-4 and Llama2 across extensive complex mathematical problems demonstrate that BoT consistently achieves higher or comparable problem-solving rates than other advanced prompting approaches.

cross Advancing Biomedical Text Mining with Community Challenges

Authors: Hui Zong, Rongrong Wu, Jiaxue Cha, Erman Wu, Jiakun Li, Liang Tao, Zuofeng Li, Buzhou Tang, Bairong Shen

Abstract: The field of biomedical research has witnessed a significant increase in the accumulation of vast amounts of textual data from various sources such as scientific literatures, electronic health records, clinical trial reports, and social media. However, manually processing and analyzing these extensive and complex resources is time-consuming and inefficient. To address this challenge, biomedical text mining, also known as biomedical natural language processing, has garnered great attention. Community challenge evaluation competitions have played an important role in promoting technology innovation and interdisciplinary collaboration in biomedical text mining research. These challenges provide platforms for researchers to develop state-of-the-art solutions for data mining and information processing in biomedical research. In this article, we review the recent advances in community challenges specific to Chinese biomedical text mining. Firstly, we collect the information of these evaluation tasks, such as data sources and task types. Secondly, we conduct systematic summary and comparative analysis, including named entity recognition, entity normalization, attribute extraction, relation extraction, event extraction, text classification, text similarity, knowledge graph construction, question answering, text generation, and large language model evaluation. Then, we summarize the potential clinical applications of these community challenge tasks from translational informatics perspective. Finally, we discuss the contributions and limitations of these community challenges, while highlighting future directions in the era of large language models.

cross Cell reprogramming design by transfer learning of functional transcriptional networks

Authors: Thomas P. Wytock, Adilson E. Motter

Abstract: Recent developments in synthetic biology, next-generation sequencing, and machine learning provide an unprecedented opportunity to rationally design new disease treatments based on measured responses to gene perturbations and drugs to reprogram cells. The main challenges to seizing this opportunity are the incomplete knowledge of the cellular network and the combinatorial explosion of possible interventions, both of which are insurmountable by experiments. To address these challenges, we develop a transfer learning approach to control cell behavior that is pre-trained on transcriptomic data associated with human cell fates, thereby generating a model of the network dynamics that can be transferred to specific reprogramming goals. The approach combines transcriptional responses to gene perturbations to minimize the difference between a given pair of initial and target transcriptional states. We demonstrate our approach's versatility by applying it to a microarray dataset comprising >9,000 microarrays across 54 cell types and 227 unique perturbations, and an RNASeq dataset consisting of >10,000 sequencing runs across 36 cell types and 138 perturbations. Our approach reproduces known reprogramming protocols with an AUROC of 0.91 while innovating over existing methods by pre-training an adaptable model that can be tailored to specific reprogramming transitions. We show that the number of gene perturbations required to steer from one fate to another increases with decreasing developmental relatedness and that fewer genes are needed to progress along developmental paths than to regress. These findings establish a proof-of-concept for our approach to computationally design control strategies and provide insights into how gene regulatory networks govern phenotype.

cross Extinction Risks from AI: Invisible to Science?

Authors: Vojtech Kovarik, Christian van Merwijk, Ida Mattsson

Abstract: In an effort to inform the discussion surrounding existential risks from AI, we formulate Extinction-level Goodhart's Law as "Virtually any goal specification, pursued to the extreme, will result in the extinction of humanity", and we aim to understand which formal models are suitable for investigating this hypothesis. Note that we remain agnostic as to whether Extinction-level Goodhart's Law holds or not. As our key contribution, we identify a set of conditions that are necessary for a model that aims to be informative for evaluating specific arguments for Extinction-level Goodhart's Law. Since each of the conditions seems to significantly contribute to the complexity of the resulting model, formally evaluating the hypothesis might be exceedingly difficult. This raises the possibility that whether the risk of extinction from artificial intelligence is real or not, the underlying dynamics might be invisible to current scientific methods.

cross AI in ESG for Financial Institutions: An Industrial Survey

Authors: Jun Xu

Abstract: The burgeoning integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) into Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives within the financial sector represents a paradigm shift towards more sus-tainable and equitable financial practices. This paper surveys the industrial landscape to delineate the necessity and impact of AI in bolstering ESG frameworks. With the advent of stringent regulatory requirements and heightened stakeholder awareness, financial institutions (FIs) are increasingly compelled to adopt ESG criteria. AI emerges as a pivotal tool in navigating the complex in-terplay of financial activities and sustainability goals. Our survey categorizes AI applications across three main pillars of ESG, illustrating how AI enhances analytical capabilities, risk assessment, customer engagement, reporting accuracy and more. Further, we delve into the critical con-siderations surrounding the use of data and the development of models, underscoring the importance of data quality, privacy, and model robustness. The paper also addresses the imperative of responsible and sustainable AI, emphasizing the ethical dimensions of AI deployment in ESG-related banking processes. Conclusively, our findings suggest that while AI offers transformative potential for ESG in banking, it also poses significant challenges that necessitate careful consideration. The final part of the paper synthesizes the survey's insights, proposing a forward-looking stance on the adoption of AI in ESG practices. We conclude with recommendations with a reference architecture for future research and development, advocating for a balanced approach that leverages AI's strengths while mitigating its risks within the ESG domain.

cross Unified Occupancy on a Public Transport Network through Combination of AFC and APC Data

Authors: Amir Dib, No\"elie Cherrier, Martin Graive, Baptiste R\'erolle, Eglantine Schmitt

Abstract: In a transport network, the onboard occupancy is key for gaining insights into travelers' habits and adjusting the offer. Traditionally, operators have relied on field studies to evaluate ridership of a typical workday. However, automated fare collection (AFC) and automatic passenger counting (APC) data, which provide complete temporal coverage, are often available but underexploited. It should be noted, however, that each data source comes with its own biases: AFC data may not account for fraud, while not all vehicles are equipped with APC systems. This paper introduces the unified occupancy method, a geostatistical model to extrapolate occupancy to every course of a public transportation network by combining AFC and APC data with partial coverage. Unified occupancy completes missing APC information for courses on lines where other courses have APC measures, as well as for courses on lines where no APC data is available at all. The accuracy of this method is evaluated on real data from several public transportation networks in France.

cross AI for non-programmers: Applied AI in the lectures for students without programming skills

Authors: Julius Sch\"oning, Tim Wawer, Kai-Michael Griese

Abstract: Applications such as ChatGPT and WOMBO Dream make it easy to inspire students without programming knowledge to use artificial intelligence (AI). Therefore, given the increasing importance of AI in all disciplines, innovative strategies are needed to educate students in AI without programming knowledge so that AI can be integrated into their study modules as a future skill. This work presents a didactic planning script for applied AI. The didactic planning script is based on the AI application pipeline and links AI concepts with study-relevant topics. These linkages open up a new solution space and promote students' interest in and understanding of the potentials and risks of AI. An example lecture series for master students in energy management shows how AI can be seamlessly integrated into discipline-specific lectures. To this end, the planning script for applied AI is adapted to fit the study programs' topic. This specific teaching scenario enables students to solve a discipline-specific task step by step using the AI application pipeline. Thus, the application of the didactic planning script for applied AI shows the practical implementation of the theoretical concepts of AI. In addition, a checklist is presented that can be used to assess whether AI can be used in the discipline-specific lecture. AI as a future skill must be learned by students based on use cases that are relevant to the course of studies. For this reason, AI education should fit seamlessly into various curricula, even if the students do not have a programming background due to their field of study.

cross Monitoring the evolution of antisemitic discourse on extremist social media using BERT

Authors: Raza Ul Mustafa, Nathalie Japkowicz

Abstract: Racism and intolerance on social media contribute to a toxic online environment which may spill offline to foster hatred, and eventually lead to physical violence. That is the case with online antisemitism, the specific category of hatred considered in this study. Tracking antisemitic themes and their associated terminology over time in online discussions could help monitor the sentiments of their participants and their evolution, and possibly offer avenues for intervention that may prevent the escalation of hatred. Due to the large volume and constant evolution of online traffic, monitoring conversations manually is impractical. Instead, we propose an automated method that extracts antisemitic themes and terminology from extremist social media over time and captures their evolution. Since supervised learning would be too limited for such a task, we created an unsupervised online machine learning approach that uses large language models to assess the contextual similarity of posts. The method clusters similar posts together, dividing, and creating additional clusters over time when sub-themes emerge from existing ones or new themes appear. The antisemitic terminology used within each theme is extracted from the posts in each cluster. Our experiments show that our methodology outperforms existing baselines and demonstrates the kind of themes and sub-themes it discovers within antisemitic discourse along with their associated terminology. We believe that our approach will be useful for monitoring the evolution of all kinds of hatred beyond antisemitism on social platforms.

cross Multi-source and multimodal data fusion for predicting academic performance in blended learning university courses

Authors: W. Chango, R. Cerezo, C. Romero

Abstract: In this paper we applied data fusion approaches for predicting the final academic performance of university students using multiple-source, multimodal data from blended learning environments. We collected and preprocessed data about first-year university students from different sources: theory classes, practical sessions, on-line Moodle sessions, and a final exam. Our objective was to discover which data fusion approach produced the best results using our data. We carried out experiments by applying four different data fusion approaches and six classification algorithms. The results showed that the best predictions were produced using ensembles and selecting the best attributes approach with discretized data. The best prediction models showed us that the level of attention in theory classes, scores in Moodle quizzes, and the level of activity in Moodle forums were the best set of attributes for predicting students' final performance in our courses.

cross Understanding the Progression of Educational Topics via Semantic Matching

Authors: Tamador AlkhidirCurriculum Department, Ministry of Education, United Arab Emirates, Edmond AwadDepartment of Economics and Institute for Data Science and AI, University of Exeter, United Kingdom, Aamena AlshamsiHeuristic World, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Abstract: Education systems are dynamically changing to accommodate technological advances, industrial and societal needs, and to enhance students' learning journeys. Curriculum specialists and educators constantly revise taught subjects across educational grades to identify gaps, introduce new learning topics, and enhance the learning outcomes. This process is usually done within the same subjects (e.g. math) or across related subjects (e.g. math and physics) considering the same and different educational levels, leading to massive multi-layer comparisons. Having nuanced data about subjects, topics, and learning outcomes structured within a dataset, empowers us to leverage data science to better understand the progression of various learning topics. In this paper, Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT) topic modeling was used to extract topics from the curriculum, which were then used to identify relationships between subjects, track their progression, and identify conceptual gaps. We found that grouping learning outcomes by common topics helped specialists reduce redundancy and introduce new concepts in the curriculum. We built a dashboard to avail the methodology to curriculum specials. Finally, we tested the validity of the approach with subject matter experts.

cross Subgroup Discovery in MOOCs: A Big Data Application for Describing Different Types of Learners

Authors: J. M. Luna, H. M. Fardoun, F. Padillo, C. Romero, S. Ventura

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to categorize and describe different types of learners in massive open online courses (MOOCs) by means of a subgroup discovery approach based on MapReduce. The final objective is to discover IF-THEN rules that appear in different MOOCs. The proposed subgroup discovery approach, which is an extension of the well-known FP-Growth algorithm, considers emerging parallel methodologies like MapReduce to be able to cope with extremely large datasets. As an additional feature, the proposal includes a threshold value to denote the number of courses that each discovered rule should satisfy. A post-processing step is also included so redundant subgroups can be removed. The experimental stage is carried out by considering de-identified data from the first year of 16 MITx and HarvardX courses on the edX platform. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed MapReduce approach outperforms traditional sequential subgroup discovery approaches, achieving a runtime that is almost constant for different courses. Additionally, thanks to the final post-processing step, only interesting and not-redundant rules are discovered, hence reducing the number of subgroups in one or two orders of magnitude. Finally, the discovered subgroups are easily used by courses' instructors not only for descriptive purposes but also for additional tasks such as recommendation or personalization.

cross Modeling and predicting students' engagement behaviors using mixture Markov models

Authors: R. Maqsood, P. Ceravolo, C. Romero, S. Ventura

Abstract: Students' engagements reflect their level of involvement in an ongoing learning process which can be estimated through their interactions with a computer-based learning or assessment system. A pre-requirement for stimulating student engagement lies in the capability to have an approximate representation model for comprehending students' varied (dis)engagement behaviors. In this paper, we utilized model-based clustering for this purpose which generates K mixture Markov models to group students' traces containing their (dis)engagement behavioral patterns. To prevent the Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm from getting stuck in a local maxima, we also introduced a K-means-based initialization method named as K-EM. We performed an experimental work on two real datasets using the three variants of the EM algorithm: the original EM, emEM, K-EM; and, non-mixture baseline models for both datasets. The proposed K-EM has shown very promising results and achieved significant performance difference in comparison with the other approaches particularly using the Dataset. Hence, we suggest to perform further experiments using large dataset(s) to validate our method. Additionally, visualization of the resultant clusters through first-order Markov chains reveals very useful insights about (dis)engagement behaviors depicted by the students. We conclude the paper with a discussion on the usefulness of our approach, limitations and potential extensions of this work.

cross Re-thinking Human Activity Recognition with Hierarchy-aware Label Relationship Modeling

Authors: Jingwei Zuo, Hakim Hacid

Abstract: Human Activity Recognition (HAR) has been studied for decades, from data collection, learning models, to post-processing and result interpretations. However, the inherent hierarchy in the activities remains relatively under-explored, despite its significant impact on model performance and interpretation. In this paper, we propose H-HAR, by rethinking the HAR tasks from a fresh perspective by delving into their intricate global label relationships. Rather than building multiple classifiers separately for multi-layered activities, we explore the efficacy of a flat model enhanced with graph-based label relationship modeling. Being hierarchy-aware, the graph-based label modeling enhances the fundamental HAR model, by incorporating intricate label relationships into the model. We validate the proposal with a multi-label classifier on complex human activity data. The results highlight the advantages of the proposal, which can be vertically integrated into advanced HAR models to further enhance their performances.

cross Improving Cognitive Diagnosis Models with Adaptive Relational Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Pengyang Shao, Chen Gao, Lei Chen, Yonghui Yang, Kun Zhang, Meng Wang

Abstract: Cognitive Diagnosis (CD) algorithms receive growing research interest in intelligent education. Typically, these CD algorithms assist students by inferring their abilities (i.e., their proficiency levels on various knowledge concepts). The proficiency levels can enable further targeted skill training and personalized exercise recommendations, thereby promoting students' learning efficiency in online education. Recently, researchers have found that building and incorporating a student-exercise bipartite graph is beneficial for enhancing diagnostic performance. However, there are still limitations in their studies. On one hand, researchers overlook the heterogeneity within edges, where there can be both correct and incorrect answers. On the other hand, they disregard the uncertainty within edges, e.g., a correct answer can indicate true mastery or fortunate guessing. To address the limitations, we propose Adaptive Semantic-aware Graph-based Cognitive Diagnosis model (ASG-CD), which introduces a novel and effective way to leverage bipartite graph information in CD. Specifically, we first map students, exercises, and knowledge concepts into a latent representation space and combine these latent representations to obtain student abilities and exercise difficulties. After that, we propose a Semantic-aware Graph Neural Network Layer to address edge heterogeneity. This layer splits the original bipartite graph into two subgraphs according to edge semantics, and aggregates information based on these two subgraphs separately. To mitigate the impact of edge uncertainties, we propose an Adaptive Edge Differentiation Layer that dynamically differentiates edges, followed by keeping reliable edges and filtering out uncertain edges. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets have demonstrated the effectiveness of ASG-CD.

cross Efficient and Guaranteed-Safe Non-Convex Trajectory Optimization with Constrained Diffusion Model

Authors: Anjian Li, Zihan Ding, Adji Bousso Dieng, Ryne Beeson

Abstract: Trajectory optimization in robotics poses a challenging non-convex problem due to complex dynamics and environmental settings. Traditional numerical optimization methods are time-consuming in finding feasible solutions, whereas data-driven approaches lack safety guarantees for the output trajectories. In this paper, we introduce a general and fully parallelizable framework that combines diffusion models and numerical solvers for non-convex trajectory optimization, ensuring both computational efficiency and constraint satisfaction. A novel constrained diffusion model is proposed with an additional constraint violation loss for training. It aims to approximate the distribution of locally optimal solutions while minimizing constraint violations during sampling. The samples are then used as initial guesses for a numerical solver to refine and derive final solutions with formal verification of feasibility and optimality. Experimental evaluations on three tasks over different robotics domains verify the improved constraint satisfaction and computational efficiency with 4$\times$ to 22$\times$ acceleration using our proposed method, which generalizes across trajectory optimization problems and scales well with problem complexity.

cross Beyond Predictive Algorithms in Child Welfare

Authors: Erina Seh-Young Moon, Devansh Saxena, Tegan Maharaj, Shion Guha

Abstract: Caseworkers in the child welfare (CW) sector use predictive decision-making algorithms built on risk assessment (RA) data to guide and support CW decisions. Researchers have highlighted that RAs can contain biased signals which flatten CW case complexities and that the algorithms may benefit from incorporating contextually rich case narratives, i.e. - casenotes written by caseworkers. To investigate this hypothesized improvement, we quantitatively deconstructed two commonly used RAs from a United States CW agency. We trained classifier models to compare the predictive validity of RAs with and without casenote narratives and applied computational text analysis on casenotes to highlight topics uncovered in the casenotes. Our study finds that common risk metrics used to assess families and build CWS predictive risk models (PRMs) are unable to predict discharge outcomes for children who are not reunified with their birth parent(s). We also find that although casenotes cannot predict discharge outcomes, they contain contextual case signals. Given the lack of predictive validity of RA scores and casenotes, we propose moving beyond quantitative risk assessments for public sector algorithms and towards using contextual sources of information such as narratives to study public sociotechnical systems.

cross Chaining text-to-image and large language model: A novel approach for generating personalized e-commerce banners

Authors: Shanu Vashishtha, Abhinav Prakash, Lalitesh Morishetti, Kaushiki Nag, Yokila Arora, Sushant Kumar, Kannan Achan

Abstract: Text-to-image models such as stable diffusion have opened a plethora of opportunities for generating art. Recent literature has surveyed the use of text-to-image models for enhancing the work of many creative artists. Many e-commerce platforms employ a manual process to generate the banners, which is time-consuming and has limitations of scalability. In this work, we demonstrate the use of text-to-image models for generating personalized web banners with dynamic content for online shoppers based on their interactions. The novelty in this approach lies in converting users' interaction data to meaningful prompts without human intervention. To this end, we utilize a large language model (LLM) to systematically extract a tuple of attributes from item meta-information. The attributes are then passed to a text-to-image model via prompt engineering to generate images for the banner. Our results show that the proposed approach can create high-quality personalized banners for users.

cross Can Interpretability Layouts Influence Human Perception of Offensive Sentences?

Authors: Thiago Freitas dos Santos, Nardine Osman, Marco Schorlemmer

Abstract: This paper conducts a user study to assess whether three machine learning (ML) interpretability layouts can influence participants' views when evaluating sentences containing hate speech, focusing on the "Misogyny" and "Racism" classes. Given the existence of divergent conclusions in the literature, we provide empirical evidence on using ML interpretability in online communities through statistical and qualitative analyses of questionnaire responses. The Generalized Additive Model estimates participants' ratings, incorporating within-subject and between-subject designs. While our statistical analysis indicates that none of the interpretability layouts significantly influences participants' views, our qualitative analysis demonstrates the advantages of ML interpretability: 1) triggering participants to provide corrective feedback in case of discrepancies between their views and the model, and 2) providing insights to evaluate a model's behavior beyond traditional performance metrics.

cross Data-Driven Ergonomic Risk Assessment of Complex Hand-intensive Manufacturing Processes

Authors: Anand KrishnanAgnes, Xingjian YangAgnes, Utsav SethAgnes, Jonathan M. JeyachandranAgnes, Jonathan Y. AhnAgnes, Richard GardnerAgnes, Samuel F. PedigoAgnes, AdrianaAgnes, Blom-Schieber, Ashis G. Banerjee, Krithika Manohar

Abstract: Hand-intensive manufacturing processes, such as composite layup and textile draping, require significant human dexterity to accommodate task complexity. These strenuous hand motions often lead to musculoskeletal disorders and rehabilitation surgeries. We develop a data-driven ergonomic risk assessment system with a special focus on hand and finger activity to better identify and address ergonomic issues related to hand-intensive manufacturing processes. The system comprises a multi-modal sensor testbed to collect and synchronize operator upper body pose, hand pose and applied forces; a Biometric Assessment of Complete Hand (BACH) formulation to measure high-fidelity hand and finger risks; and industry-standard risk scores associated with upper body posture, RULA, and hand activity, HAL. Our findings demonstrate that BACH captures injurious activity with a higher granularity in comparison to the existing metrics. Machine learning models are also used to automate RULA and HAL scoring, and generalize well to unseen participants. Our assessment system, therefore, provides ergonomic interpretability of the manufacturing processes studied, and could be used to mitigate risks through minor workplace optimization and posture corrections.

cross Comparison of gait phase detection using traditional machine learning and deep learning techniques

Authors: Farhad Nazari, Navid Mohajer, Darius Nahavandi, Abbas Khosravi

Abstract: Human walking is a complex activity with a high level of cooperation and interaction between different systems in the body. Accurate detection of the phases of the gait in real-time is crucial to control lower-limb assistive devices like exoskeletons and prostheses. There are several ways to detect the walking gait phase, ranging from cameras and depth sensors to the sensors attached to the device itself or the human body. Electromyography (EMG) is one of the input methods that has captured lots of attention due to its precision and time delay between neuromuscular activity and muscle movement. This study proposes a few Machine Learning (ML) based models on lower-limb EMG data for human walking. The proposed models are based on Gaussian Naive Bayes (NB), Decision Tree (DT), Random Forest (RF), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN). The traditional ML models are trained on hand-crafted features or their reduced components using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). On the contrary, the DCNN model utilises convolutional layers to extract features from raw data. The results show up to 75% average accuracy for traditional ML models and 79% for Deep Learning (DL) model. The highest achieved accuracy in 50 trials of the training DL model is 89.5%.

cross Privacy Amplification for the Gaussian Mechanism via Bounded Support

Authors: Shengyuan Hu, Saeed Mahloujifar, Virginia Smith, Kamalika Chaudhuri, Chuan Guo

Abstract: Data-dependent privacy accounting frameworks such as per-instance differential privacy (pDP) and Fisher information loss (FIL) confer fine-grained privacy guarantees for individuals in a fixed training dataset. These guarantees can be desirable compared to vanilla DP in real world settings as they tightly upper-bound the privacy leakage for a $\textit{specific}$ individual in an $\textit{actual}$ dataset, rather than considering worst-case datasets. While these frameworks are beginning to gain popularity, to date, there is a lack of private mechanisms that can fully leverage advantages of data-dependent accounting. To bridge this gap, we propose simple modifications of the Gaussian mechanism with bounded support, showing that they amplify privacy guarantees under data-dependent accounting. Experiments on model training with DP-SGD show that using bounded support Gaussian mechanisms can provide a reduction of the pDP bound $\epsilon$ by as much as 30% without negative effects on model utility.

cross Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions (PPIs) from Biomedical Literature using Attention-based Relational Context Information

Authors: Gilchan Park, Sean McCorkle, Carlos Soto, Ian Blaby, Shinjae Yoo

Abstract: Because protein-protein interactions (PPIs) are crucial to understand living systems, harvesting these data is essential to probe disease development and discern gene/protein functions and biological processes. Some curated datasets contain PPI data derived from the literature and other sources (e.g., IntAct, BioGrid, DIP, and HPRD). However, they are far from exhaustive, and their maintenance is a labor-intensive process. On the other hand, machine learning methods to automate PPI knowledge extraction from the scientific literature have been limited by a shortage of appropriate annotated data. This work presents a unified, multi-source PPI corpora with vetted interaction definitions augmented by binary interaction type labels and a Transformer-based deep learning method that exploits entities' relational context information for relation representation to improve relation classification performance. The model's performance is evaluated on four widely studied biomedical relation extraction datasets, as well as this work's target PPI datasets, to observe the effectiveness of the representation to relation extraction tasks in various data. Results show the model outperforms prior state-of-the-art models. The code and data are available at:


cross OmniJet-$\alpha$: The first cross-task foundation model for particle physics

Authors: Joschka Birk, Anna Hallin, Gregor Kasieczka

Abstract: Foundation models are multi-dataset and multi-task machine learning methods that once pre-trained can be fine-tuned for a large variety of downstream applications. The successful development of such general-purpose models for physics data would be a major breakthrough as they could improve the achievable physics performance while at the same time drastically reduce the required amount of training time and data. We report significant progress on this challenge on several fronts. First, a comprehensive set of evaluation methods is introduced to judge the quality of an encoding from physics data into a representation suitable for the autoregressive generation of particle jets with transformer architectures (the common backbone of foundation models). These measures motivate the choice of a higher-fidelity tokenization compared to previous works. Finally, we demonstrate transfer learning between an unsupervised problem (jet generation) and a classic supervised task (jet tagging) with our new OmniJet-$\alpha$ model. This is the first successful transfer between two different and actively studied classes of tasks and constitutes a major step in the building of foundation models for particle physics.

cross Geometric Neural Network based on Phase Space for BCI decoding

Authors: Igor Carrara, Bruno Aristimunha, Marie-Constance Corsi, Raphael Y. de Camargo, Sylvain Chevallier, Th\'eodore Papadopoulo

Abstract: The integration of Deep Learning (DL) algorithms on brain signal analysis is still in its nascent stages compared to their success in fields like Computer Vision, especially in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI), where the brain activity is decoded to control external devices without requiring muscle control. Electroencephalography (EEG) is a widely adopted choice for designing BCI systems due to its non-invasive and cost-effective nature and excellent temporal resolution. Still, it comes at the expense of limited training data, poor signal-to-noise, and a large variability across and within-subject recordings. Finally, setting up a BCI system with many electrodes takes a long time, hindering the widespread adoption of reliable DL architectures in BCIs outside research laboratories. To improve adoption, we need to improve user comfort using, for instance, reliable algorithms that operate with few electrodes. \textbf{Approach:} Our research aims to develop a DL algorithm that delivers effective results with a limited number of electrodes. Taking advantage of the Augmented Covariance Method with SPDNet, we propose the SPDNet$_{\psi}$ architecture and analyze its performance and computational impact, as well as the interpretability of the results. The evaluation is conducted on 5-fold cross-validation, using only three electrodes positioned above the Motor Cortex. The methodology was tested on nearly 100 subjects from several open-source datasets using the Mother Of All BCI Benchmark (MOABB) framework. \textbf{Main results:} The results of our SPDNet$_{\psi}$ demonstrate that the augmented approach combined with the SPDNet significantly outperforms all the current state-of-the-art DL architecture in MI decoding. \textbf{Significance:} This new architecture is explainable, with a low number of trainable parameters and a reduced carbon footprint.

cross Prepared for the Worst: A Learning-Based Adversarial Attack for Resilience Analysis of the ICP Algorithm

Authors: Ziyu Zhang, Johann Laconte, Daniil Lisus, Timothy D. Barfoot

Abstract: This paper presents a novel method to assess the resilience of the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm via deep-learning-based attacks on lidar point clouds. For safety-critical applications such as autonomous navigation, ensuring the resilience of algorithms prior to deployments is of utmost importance. The ICP algorithm has become the standard for lidar-based localization. However, the pose estimate it produces can be greatly affected by corruption in the measurements. Corruption can arise from a variety of scenarios such as occlusions, adverse weather, or mechanical issues in the sensor. Unfortunately, the complex and iterative nature of ICP makes assessing its resilience to corruption challenging. While there have been efforts to create challenging datasets and develop simulations to evaluate the resilience of ICP empirically, our method focuses on finding the maximum possible ICP pose error using perturbation-based adversarial attacks. The proposed attack induces significant pose errors on ICP and outperforms baselines more than 88% of the time across a wide range of scenarios. As an example application, we demonstrate that our attack can be used to identify areas on a map where ICP is particularly vulnerable to corruption in the measurements.

cross Spectral Clustering of Categorical and Mixed-type Data via Extra Graph Nodes

Authors: Dylan Soemitro, Jeova Farias Sales Rocha Neto

Abstract: Clustering data objects into homogeneous groups is one of the most important tasks in data mining. Spectral clustering is arguably one of the most important algorithms for clustering, as it is appealing for its theoretical soundness and is adaptable to many real-world data settings. For example, mixed data, where the data is composed of numerical and categorical features, is typically handled via numerical discretization, dummy coding, or similarity computation that takes into account both data types. This paper explores a more natural way to incorporate both numerical and categorical information into the spectral clustering algorithm, avoiding the need for data preprocessing or the use of sophisticated similarity functions. We propose adding extra nodes corresponding to the different categories the data may belong to and show that it leads to an interpretable clustering objective function. Furthermore, we demonstrate that this simple framework leads to a linear-time spectral clustering algorithm for categorical-only data. Finally, we compare the performance of our algorithms against other related methods and show that it provides a competitive alternative to them in terms of performance and runtime.

cross DP-TabICL: In-Context Learning with Differentially Private Tabular Data

Authors: Alycia N. Carey, Karuna Bhaila, Kennedy Edemacu, Xintao Wu

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) enables large language models (LLMs) to adapt to new tasks by conditioning on demonstrations of question-answer pairs and it has been shown to have comparable performance to costly model retraining and fine-tuning. Recently, ICL has been extended to allow tabular data to be used as demonstration examples by serializing individual records into natural language formats. However, it has been shown that LLMs can leak information contained in prompts, and since tabular data often contain sensitive information, understanding how to protect the underlying tabular data used in ICL is a critical area of research. This work serves as an initial investigation into how to use differential privacy (DP) -- the long-established gold standard for data privacy and anonymization -- to protect tabular data used in ICL. Specifically, we investigate the application of DP mechanisms for private tabular ICL via data privatization prior to serialization and prompting. We formulate two private ICL frameworks with provable privacy guarantees in both the local (LDP-TabICL) and global (GDP-TabICL) DP scenarios via injecting noise into individual records or group statistics, respectively. We evaluate our DP-based frameworks on eight real-world tabular datasets and across multiple ICL and DP settings. Our evaluations show that DP-based ICL can protect the privacy of the underlying tabular data while achieving comparable performance to non-LLM baselines, especially under high privacy regimes.

cross Efficient Public Health Intervention Planning Using Decomposition-Based Decision-Focused Learning

Authors: Sanket Shah, Arun Suggala, Milind Tambe, Aparna Taneja

Abstract: The declining participation of beneficiaries over time is a key concern in public health programs. A popular strategy for improving retention is to have health workers `intervene' on beneficiaries at risk of dropping out. However, the availability and time of these health workers are limited resources. As a result, there has been a line of research on optimizing these limited intervention resources using Restless Multi-Armed Bandits (RMABs). The key technical barrier to using this framework in practice lies in the need to estimate the beneficiaries' RMAB parameters from historical data. Recent research has shown that Decision-Focused Learning (DFL), which focuses on maximizing the beneficiaries' adherence rather than predictive accuracy, improves the performance of intervention targeting using RMABs. Unfortunately, these gains come at a high computational cost because of the need to solve and evaluate the RMAB in each DFL training step. In this paper, we provide a principled way to exploit the structure of RMABs to speed up intervention planning by cleverly decoupling the planning for different beneficiaries. We use real-world data from an Indian NGO, ARMMAN, to show that our approach is up to two orders of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art approach while also yielding superior model performance. This would enable the NGO to scale up deployments using DFL to potentially millions of mothers, ultimately advancing progress toward UNSDG 3.1.

cross A Framework for Effective AI Recommendations in Cyber-Physical-Human Systems

Authors: Aditya Dave, Heeseung Bang, Andreas A. Malikopoulos

Abstract: Many cyber-physical-human systems (CPHS) involve a human decision-maker who may receive recommendations from an artificial intelligence (AI) platform while holding the ultimate responsibility of making decisions. In such CPHS applications, the human decision-maker may depart from an optimal recommended decision and instead implement a different one for various reasons. In this letter, we develop a rigorous framework to overcome this challenge. In our framework, we consider that humans may deviate from AI recommendations as they perceive and interpret the system's state in a different way than the AI platform. We establish the structural properties of optimal recommendation strategies and develop an approximate human model (AHM) used by the AI. We provide theoretical bounds on the optimality gap that arises from an AHM and illustrate the efficacy of our results in a numerical example.

cross A Benchmark of Domain-Adapted Large Language Models for Generating Brief Hospital Course Summaries

Authors: Asad Aali, Dave Van Veen, Yamin Ishraq Arefeen, Jason Hom, Christian Bluethgen, Eduardo Pontes Reis, Sergios Gatidis, Namuun Clifford, Joseph Daws, Arash S. Tehrani, Jangwon Kim, Akshay S. Chaudhari

Abstract: Brief hospital course (BHC) summaries are common clinical documents generated by summarizing clinical notes. While large language models (LLMs) depict remarkable capabilities in automating real-world tasks, their capabilities for healthcare applications such as BHC synthesis have not been shown. To enable the adaptation of LLMs for BHC synthesis, we introduce a novel benchmark consisting of a pre-processed dataset extracted from MIMIC-IV notes, encapsulating clinical note, and brief hospital course (BHC) pairs. We assess the performance of two general-purpose LLMs and three healthcare-adapted LLMs to improve BHC synthesis from clinical notes. Using clinical notes as input for generating BHCs, we apply prompting-based (using in-context learning) and fine-tuning-based adaptation strategies to three open-source LLMs (Clinical-T5-Large, Llama2-13B, FLAN-UL2) and two proprietary LLMs (GPT-3.5, GPT-4). We quantitatively evaluate the performance of these LLMs across varying context-length inputs using conventional natural language similarity metrics. We further perform a qualitative study where five diverse clinicians blindly compare clinician-written BHCs and two LLM-generated BHCs for 30 samples across metrics of comprehensiveness, conciseness, factual correctness, and fluency. Overall, we present a new benchmark and pre-processed dataset for using LLMs in BHC synthesis from clinical notes. We observe high-quality summarization performance for both in-context proprietary and fine-tuned open-source LLMs using both quantitative metrics and a qualitative clinical reader study. We propose our work as a benchmark to motivate future works to adapt and assess the performance of LLMs in BHC synthesis.

cross Conservative DDPG -- Pessimistic RL without Ensemble

Authors: Nitsan Soffair, Shie Mannor

Abstract: DDPG is hindered by the overestimation bias problem, wherein its $Q$-estimates tend to overstate the actual $Q$-values. Traditional solutions to this bias involve ensemble-based methods, which require significant computational resources, or complex log-policy-based approaches, which are difficult to understand and implement. In contrast, we propose a straightforward solution using a $Q$-target and incorporating a behavioral cloning (BC) loss penalty. This solution, acting as an uncertainty measure, can be easily implemented with minimal code and without the need for an ensemble. Our empirical findings strongly support the superiority of Conservative DDPG over DDPG across various MuJoCo and Bullet tasks. We consistently observe better performance in all evaluated tasks and even competitive or superior performance compared to TD3 and TD7, all achieved with significantly reduced computational requirements.

cross Generative Probabilistic Forecasting with Applications in Market Operations

Authors: Xinyi Wang, Lang Tong

Abstract: This paper presents a novel generative probabilistic forecasting approach derived from the Wiener-Kallianpur innovation representation of nonparametric time series. Under the paradigm of generative artificial intelligence, the proposed forecasting architecture includes an autoencoder that transforms nonparametric multivariate random processes into canonical innovation sequences, from which future time series samples are generated according to their probability distributions conditioned on past samples. A novel deep-learning algorithm is proposed that constrains the latent process to be an independent and identically distributed sequence with matching autoencoder input-output conditional probability distributions. Asymptotic optimality and structural convergence properties of the proposed generative forecasting approach are established. Three applications involving highly dynamic and volatile time series in real-time market operations are considered: (i) locational marginal price forecasting for merchant storage participants, {(ii) interregional price spread forecasting for interchange markets,} and (iii) area control error forecasting for frequency regulations. Numerical studies based on market data from multiple independent system operators demonstrate superior performance against leading traditional and machine learning-based forecasting techniques under both probabilistic and point forecast metrics.

cross Decoding the AI Pen: Techniques and Challenges in Detecting AI-Generated Text

Authors: Sara Abdali, Richard Anarfi, CJ Barberan, Jia He

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized the field of Natural Language Generation (NLG) by demonstrating an impressive ability to generate human-like text. However, their widespread usage introduces challenges that necessitate thoughtful examination, ethical scrutiny, and responsible practices. In this study, we delve into these challenges, explore existing strategies for mitigating them, with a particular emphasis on identifying AI-generated text as the ultimate solution. Additionally, we assess the feasibility of detection from a theoretical perspective and propose novel research directions to address the current limitations in this domain.

cross Model-Free Local Recalibration of Neural Networks

Authors: R. TorresUniversity of Bras\'ilia, D. J. NottNational University of Singapore, S. A. SissonUniversity of New South Wales, Sydney, T. RodriguesUniversity of Bras\'ilia, J. G. ReisUniversity of Bras\'ilia, G. S. RodriguesUniversity of Bras\'ilia

Abstract: Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are highly flexible predictive models. However, reliably quantifying uncertainty for their predictions is a continuing challenge. There has been much recent work on "recalibration" of predictive distributions for ANNs, so that forecast probabilities for events of interest are consistent with certain frequency evaluations of them. Uncalibrated probabilistic forecasts are of limited use for many important decision-making tasks. To address this issue, we propose a localized recalibration of ANN predictive distributions using the dimension-reduced representation of the input provided by the ANN hidden layers. Our novel method draws inspiration from recalibration techniques used in the literature on approximate Bayesian computation and likelihood-free inference methods. Most existing calibration methods for ANNs can be thought of as calibrating either on the input layer, which is difficult when the input is high-dimensional, or the output layer, which may not be sufficiently flexible. Through a simulation study, we demonstrate that our method has good performance compared to alternative approaches, and explore the benefits that can be achieved by localizing the calibration based on different layers of the network. Finally, we apply our proposed method to a diamond price prediction problem, demonstrating the potential of our approach to improve prediction and uncertainty quantification in real-world applications.

cross HDReason: Algorithm-Hardware Codesign for Hyperdimensional Knowledge Graph Reasoning

Authors: Hanning Chen, Yang Ni, Ali Zakeri, Zhuowen Zou, Sanggeon Yun, Fei Wen, Behnam Khaleghi, Narayan Srinivasa, Hugo Latapie, Mohsen Imani

Abstract: In recent times, a plethora of hardware accelerators have been put forth for graph learning applications such as vertex classification and graph classification. However, previous works have paid little attention to Knowledge Graph Completion (KGC), a task that is well-known for its significantly higher algorithm complexity. The state-of-the-art KGC solutions based on graph convolution neural network (GCN) involve extensive vertex/relation embedding updates and complicated score functions, which are inherently cumbersome for acceleration. As a result, existing accelerator designs are no longer optimal, and a novel algorithm-hardware co-design for KG reasoning is needed. Recently, brain-inspired HyperDimensional Computing (HDC) has been introduced as a promising solution for lightweight machine learning, particularly for graph learning applications. In this paper, we leverage HDC for an intrinsically more efficient and acceleration-friendly KGC algorithm. We also co-design an acceleration framework named HDReason targeting FPGA platforms. On the algorithm level, HDReason achieves a balance between high reasoning accuracy, strong model interpretability, and less computation complexity. In terms of architecture, HDReason offers reconfigurability, high training throughput, and low energy consumption. When compared with NVIDIA RTX 4090 GPU, the proposed accelerator achieves an average 10.6x speedup and 65x energy efficiency improvement. When conducting cross-models and cross-platforms comparison, HDReason yields an average 4.2x higher performance and 3.4x better energy efficiency with similar accuracy versus the state-of-the-art FPGA-based GCN training platform.

cross Physics-informed Neural Motion Planning on Constraint Manifolds

Authors: Ruiqi Ni, Ahmed H. Qureshi

Abstract: Constrained Motion Planning (CMP) aims to find a collision-free path between the given start and goal configurations on the kinematic constraint manifolds. These problems appear in various scenarios ranging from object manipulation to legged-robot locomotion. However, the zero-volume nature of manifolds makes the CMP problem challenging, and the state-of-the-art methods still take several seconds to find a path and require a computationally expansive path dataset for imitation learning. Recently, physics-informed motion planning methods have emerged that directly solve the Eikonal equation through neural networks for motion planning and do not require expert demonstrations for learning. Inspired by these approaches, we propose the first physics-informed CMP framework that solves the Eikonal equation on the constraint manifolds and trains neural function for CMP without expert data. Our results show that the proposed approach efficiently solves various CMP problems in both simulation and real-world, including object manipulation under orientation constraints and door opening with a high-dimensional 6-DOF robot manipulator. In these complex settings, our method exhibits high success rates and finds paths in sub-seconds, which is many times faster than the state-of-the-art CMP methods.

cross Large Generative Model Assisted 3D Semantic Communication

Authors: Feibo Jiang, Yubo Peng, Li Dong, Kezhi Wang, Kun Yang, Cunhua Pan, Xiaohu You

Abstract: Semantic Communication (SC) is a novel paradigm for data transmission in 6G. However, there are several challenges posed when performing SC in 3D scenarios: 1) 3D semantic extraction; 2) Latent semantic redundancy; and 3) Uncertain channel estimation. To address these issues, we propose a Generative AI Model assisted 3D SC (GAM-3DSC) system. Firstly, we introduce a 3D Semantic Extractor (3DSE), which employs generative AI models, including Segment Anything Model (SAM) and Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), to extract key semantics from a 3D scenario based on user requirements. The extracted 3D semantics are represented as multi-perspective images of the goal-oriented 3D object. Then, we present an Adaptive Semantic Compression Model (ASCM) for encoding these multi-perspective images, in which we use a semantic encoder with two output heads to perform semantic encoding and mask redundant semantics in the latent semantic space, respectively. Next, we design a conditional Generative adversarial network and Diffusion model aided-Channel Estimation (GDCE) to estimate and refine the Channel State Information (CSI) of physical channels. Finally, simulation results demonstrate the advantages of the proposed GAM-3DSC system in effectively transmitting the goal-oriented 3D scenario.

cross Shallow ReLU neural networks and finite elements

Authors: Pengzhan Jin

Abstract: We point out that (continuous or discontinuous) piecewise linear functions on a convex polytope mesh can be represented by two-hidden-layer ReLU neural networks in a weak sense. In addition, the numbers of neurons of the two hidden layers required to weakly represent are accurately given based on the numbers of polytopes and hyperplanes involved in this mesh. The results naturally hold for constant and linear finite element functions. Such weak representation establishes a bridge between shallow ReLU neural networks and finite element functions, and leads to a perspective for analyzing approximation capability of ReLU neural networks in $L^p$ norm via finite element functions. Moreover, we discuss the strict representation for tensor finite element functions via the recent tensor neural networks.

cross Statistical Efficiency of Distributional Temporal Difference

Authors: Yang Peng, Liangyu Zhang, Zhihua Zhang

Abstract: Distributional reinforcement learning (DRL), which cares about the full distribution of returns instead of just the mean, has achieved empirical success in various domains. One of the core tasks in the field of DRL is distributional policy evaluation, which involves estimating the return distribution $\eta^\pi$ for a given policy $\pi$. A distributional temporal difference (TD) algorithm has been accordingly proposed, which is an extension of the temporal difference algorithm in the classic RL literature. In the tabular case, \citet{rowland2018analysis} and \citet{rowland2023analysis} proved the asymptotic convergence of two instances of distributional TD, namely categorical temporal difference algorithm (CTD) and quantile temporal difference algorithm (QTD), respectively. In this paper, we go a step further and analyze the finite-sample performance of distributional TD. To facilitate theoretical analysis, we propose non-parametric distributional TD algorithm (NTD). For a $\gamma$-discounted infinite-horizon tabular Markov decision process with state space $S$ and action space $A$, we show that in the case of NTD we need $\wtilde O\prn{\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{2p}(1-\gamma)^{2p+2}}}$ iterations to achieve an $\varepsilon$-optimal estimator with high probability, when the estimation error is measured by the $p$-Wasserstein distance. Under some mild assumptions, $\wtilde O\prn{\frac{1}{\varepsilon^{2}(1-\gamma)^{4}}}$ iterations suffices to ensure the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance between the NTD estimator $\hat\eta^\pi$ and $\eta^\pi$ less than $\varepsilon$ with high probability. And we revisit CTD, showing that the same non-asymptotic convergence bounds hold for CTD in the case of the $p$-Wasserstein distance.

cross LEGION: Harnessing Pre-trained Language Models for GitHub Topic Recommendations with Distribution-Balance Loss

Authors: Yen-Trang Dang, Thanh-Le Cong, Phuc-Thanh Nguyen, Anh M. T. Bui, Phuong T. Nguyen, Bach Le, Quyet-Thang Huynh

Abstract: Open-source development has revolutionized the software industry by promoting collaboration, transparency, and community-driven innovation. Today, a vast amount of various kinds of open-source software, which form networks of repositories, is often hosted on GitHub - a popular software development platform. To enhance the discoverability of the repository networks, i.e., groups of similar repositories, GitHub introduced repository topics in 2017 that enable users to more easily explore relevant projects by type, technology, and more. It is thus crucial to accurately assign topics for each GitHub repository. Current methods for automatic topic recommendation rely heavily on TF-IDF for encoding textual data, presenting challenges in understanding semantic nuances. This paper addresses the limitations of existing techniques by proposing Legion, a novel approach that leverages Pre-trained Language Models (PTMs) for recommending topics for GitHub repositories. The key novelty of Legion is three-fold. First, Legion leverages the extensive capabilities of PTMs in language understanding to capture contextual information and semantic meaning in GitHub repositories. Second, Legion overcomes the challenge of long-tailed distribution, which results in a bias toward popular topics in PTMs, by proposing a Distribution-Balanced Loss (DB Loss) to better train the PTMs. Third, Legion employs a filter to eliminate vague recommendations, thereby improving the precision of PTMs. Our empirical evaluation on a benchmark dataset of real-world GitHub repositories shows that Legion can improve vanilla PTMs by up to 26% on recommending GitHubs topics. Legion also can suggest GitHub topics more precisely and effectively than the state-of-the-art baseline with an average improvement of 20% and 5% in terms of Precision and F1-score, respectively.

cross Deep Learning based acoustic measurement approach for robotic applications on orthopedics

Authors: Bangyu Lan, Momen Abayazid, Nico Verdonschot, Stefano Stramigioli, Kenan Niu

Abstract: In Total Knee Replacement Arthroplasty (TKA), surgical robotics can provide image-guided navigation to fit implants with high precision. Its tracking approach highly relies on inserting bone pins into the bones tracked by the optical tracking system. This is normally done by invasive, radiative manners (implantable markers and CT scans), which introduce unnecessary trauma and prolong the preparation time for patients. To tackle this issue, ultrasound-based bone tracking could offer an alternative. In this study, we proposed a novel deep learning structure to improve the accuracy of bone tracking by an A-mode ultrasound (US). We first obtained a set of ultrasound dataset from the cadaver experiment, where the ground truth locations of bones were calculated using bone pins. These data were used to train the proposed CasAtt-UNet to predict bone location automatically and robustly. The ground truth bone locations and those locations of US were recorded simultaneously. Therefore, we could label bone peaks in the raw US signals. As a result, our method achieved sub millimeter precision across all eight bone areas with the only exception of one channel in the ankle. This method enables the robust measurement of lower extremity bone positions from 1D raw ultrasound signals. It shows great potential to apply A-mode ultrasound in orthopedic surgery from safe, convenient, and efficient perspectives.

cross Online Identification of Stochastic Continuous-Time Wiener Models Using Sampled Data

Authors: Mohamed Abdalmoaty, Efe C. Balta, John Lygeros, Roy S. Smith

Abstract: It is well known that ignoring the presence of stochastic disturbances in the identification of stochastic Wiener models leads to asymptotically biased estimators. On the other hand, optimal statistical identification, via likelihood-based methods, is sensitive to the assumptions on the data distribution and is usually based on relatively complex sequential Monte Carlo algorithms. We develop a simple recursive online estimation algorithm based on an output-error predictor, for the identification of continuous-time stochastic parametric Wiener models through stochastic approximation. The method is applicable to generic model parameterizations and, as demonstrated in the numerical simulation examples, it is robust with respect to the assumptions on the spectrum of the disturbance process.

cross Thread Detection and Response Generation using Transformers with Prompt Optimisation

Authors: Kevin Joshua T, Arnav Agarwal, Shriya Sanjay, Yash Sarda, John Sahaya Rani Alex, Saurav Gupta, Sushant Kumar, Vishwanath Kamath

Abstract: Conversational systems are crucial for human-computer interaction, managing complex dialogues by identifying threads and prioritising responses. This is especially vital in multi-party conversations, where precise identification of threads and strategic response prioritisation ensure efficient dialogue management. To address these challenges an end-to-end model that identifies threads and prioritises their response generation based on the importance was developed, involving a systematic decomposition of the problem into discrete components - thread detection, prioritisation, and performance optimisation which was meticulously analysed and optimised. These refined components seamlessly integrate into a unified framework, in conversational systems. Llama2 7b is used due to its high level of generalisation but the system can be updated with any open source Large Language Model(LLM). The computational capabilities of the Llama2 model was augmented by using fine tuning methods and strategic prompting techniques to optimise the model's performance, reducing computational time and increasing the accuracy of the model. The model achieves up to 10x speed improvement, while generating more coherent results compared to existing models.

cross General surgery vision transformer: A video pre-trained foundation model for general surgery

Authors: Samuel Schmidgall, Ji Woong Kim, Jeffery Jopling, Axel Krieger

Abstract: The absence of openly accessible data and specialized foundation models is a major barrier for computational research in surgery. Toward this, (i) we open-source the largest dataset of general surgery videos to-date, consisting of 680 hours of surgical videos, including data from robotic and laparoscopic techniques across 28 procedures; (ii) we propose a technique for video pre-training a general surgery vision transformer (GSViT) on surgical videos based on forward video prediction that can run in real-time for surgical applications, toward which we open-source the code and weights of GSViT; (iii) we also release code and weights for procedure-specific fine-tuned versions of GSViT across 10 procedures; (iv) we demonstrate the performance of GSViT on the Cholec80 phase annotation task, displaying improved performance over state-of-the-art single frame predictors.

cross Robust Emotion Recognition in Context Debiasing

Authors: Dingkang Yang, Kun Yang, Mingcheng Li, Shunli Wang, Shuaibing Wang, Lihua Zhang

Abstract: Context-aware emotion recognition (CAER) has recently boosted the practical applications of affective computing techniques in unconstrained environments. Mainstream CAER methods invariably extract ensemble representations from diverse contexts and subject-centred characteristics to perceive the target person's emotional state. Despite advancements, the biggest challenge remains due to context bias interference. The harmful bias forces the models to rely on spurious correlations between background contexts and emotion labels in likelihood estimation, causing severe performance bottlenecks and confounding valuable context priors. In this paper, we propose a counterfactual emotion inference (CLEF) framework to address the above issue. Specifically, we first formulate a generalized causal graph to decouple the causal relationships among the variables in CAER. Following the causal graph, CLEF introduces a non-invasive context branch to capture the adverse direct effect caused by the context bias. During the inference, we eliminate the direct context effect from the total causal effect by comparing factual and counterfactual outcomes, resulting in bias mitigation and robust prediction. As a model-agnostic framework, CLEF can be readily integrated into existing methods, bringing consistent performance gains.

cross Can Generative Models Improve Self-Supervised Representation Learning?

Authors: Arash Afkanpour, Vahid Reza Khazaie, Sana Ayromlou, Fereshteh Forghani

Abstract: The rapid advancement in self-supervised learning (SSL) has highlighted its potential to leverage unlabeled data for learning powerful visual representations. However, existing SSL approaches, particularly those employing different views of the same image, often rely on a limited set of predefined data augmentations. This constrains the diversity and quality of transformations, which leads to sub-optimal representations. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework that enriches the SSL paradigm by utilizing generative models to produce semantically consistent image augmentations. By directly conditioning generative models on a source image representation, our method enables the generation of diverse augmentations while maintaining the semantics of the source image, thus offering a richer set of data for self-supervised learning. Our experimental results demonstrate that our framework significantly enhances the quality of learned visual representations. This research demonstrates that incorporating generative models into the SSL workflow opens new avenues for exploring the potential of unlabeled visual data. This development paves the way for more robust and versatile representation learning techniques.

cross Calibrating Large Language Models Using Their Generations Only

Authors: Dennis Ulmer, Martin Gubri, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Seong Joon Oh

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) are increasingly deployed in user-facing applications, building trust and maintaining safety by accurately quantifying a model's confidence in its prediction becomes even more important. However, finding effective ways to calibrate LLMs - especially when the only interface to the models is their generated text - remains a challenge. We propose APRICOT (auxiliary prediction of confidence targets): A method to set confidence targets and train an additional model that predicts an LLM's confidence based on its textual input and output alone. This approach has several advantages: It is conceptually simple, does not require access to the target model beyond its output, does not interfere with the language generation, and has a multitude of potential usages, for instance by verbalizing the predicted confidence or adjusting the given answer based on the confidence. We show how our approach performs competitively in terms of calibration error for white-box and black-box LLMs on closed-book question-answering to detect incorrect LLM answers.

cross A Generalized Acquisition Function for Preference-based Reward Learning

Authors: Evan Ellis, Gaurav R. Ghosal, Stuart J. Russell, Anca Dragan, Erdem B{\i}y{\i}k

Abstract: Preference-based reward learning is a popular technique for teaching robots and autonomous systems how a human user wants them to perform a task. Previous works have shown that actively synthesizing preference queries to maximize information gain about the reward function parameters improves data efficiency. The information gain criterion focuses on precisely identifying all parameters of the reward function. This can potentially be wasteful as many parameters may result in the same reward, and many rewards may result in the same behavior in the downstream tasks. Instead, we show that it is possible to optimize for learning the reward function up to a behavioral equivalence class, such as inducing the same ranking over behaviors, distribution over choices, or other related definitions of what makes two rewards similar. We introduce a tractable framework that can capture such definitions of similarity. Our experiments in a synthetic environment, an assistive robotics environment with domain transfer, and a natural language processing problem with real datasets demonstrate the superior performance of our querying method over the state-of-the-art information gain method.

cross Grafting: Making Random Forests Consistent

Authors: Nicholas Waltz

Abstract: Despite their performance and widespread use, little is known about the theory of Random Forests. A major unanswered question is whether, or when, the Random Forest algorithm is consistent. The literature explores various variants of the classic Random Forest algorithm to address this question and known short-comings of the method. This paper is a contribution to this literature. Specifically, the suitability of grafting consistent estimators onto a shallow CART is explored. It is shown that this approach has a consistency guarantee and performs well in empirical settings.

cross Few-Shot Cross-Lingual Transfer for Prompting Large Language Models in Low-Resource Languages

Authors: Christopher Toukmaji

Abstract: Large pre-trained language models (PLMs) are at the forefront of advances in Natural Language Processing. One widespread use case of PLMs is "prompting" - or in-context learning - where a user provides a description of a task and some completed examples of the task to a PLM as context before prompting the PLM to perform the task on a new example. Only the largest, most capable PLMs are able to perform in-context learning effectively, and these models are typically trained with a predominantly English corpus, leaving all other languages behind. The data limitations in most languages preclude the training of language-specific PLMs capable of prompting. Albeit the surge in work of prompting settings, it is still unclear how PLMs should be adapted cross-lingually specifically for prompting. We evaluate the possible methods to adapt LLaMa, a 7B parameter open-source PLM mainly trained in English, for prompting in low-resource languages, namely for Kinyarwanda, Hausa, and Luganda. We consider three methods: few-shot prompting (prompt), language-adaptive fine-tuning (LAFT), and neural machine translation (translate), and evaluate on abstractive summarization, multi-class topic classification, and named-entity recognition. Although LAFT carries the greatest compute cost and intuitively should lead to the best results, our experiments exhibit that LAFT is only occasionally the optimal choice for adapting PLMs for prompting. Rather, the translate and prompt settings are a compute-efficient and cost-effective method of few-shot prompting for the selected low-resource languages. We find that the results are task and language dependent but find that the prompting method is the best on average across all tasks and languages. Results show that the prompt setting performs better than both translating and LAFT with statistical significance for all shots when aggregated across all tasks and languages.

cross Hierarchical Query Classification in E-commerce Search

Authors: Bing He, Sreyashi Nag, Limeng Cui, Suhang Wang, Zheng Li, Rahul Goutam, Zhen Li, Haiyang Zhang

Abstract: E-commerce platforms typically store and structure product information and search data in a hierarchy. Efficiently categorizing user search queries into a similar hierarchical structure is paramount in enhancing user experience on e-commerce platforms as well as news curation and academic research. The significance of this task is amplified when dealing with sensitive query categorization or critical information dissemination, where inaccuracies can lead to considerable negative impacts. The inherent complexity of hierarchical query classification is compounded by two primary challenges: (1) the pronounced class imbalance that skews towards dominant categories, and (2) the inherent brevity and ambiguity of search queries that hinder accurate classification. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel framework that leverages hierarchical information through (i) enhanced representation learning that utilizes the contrastive loss to discern fine-grained instance relationships within the hierarchy, called ''instance hierarchy'', and (ii) a nuanced hierarchical classification loss that attends to the intrinsic label taxonomy, named ''label hierarchy''. Additionally, based on our observation that certain unlabeled queries share typographical similarities with labeled queries, we propose a neighborhood-aware sampling technique to intelligently select these unlabeled queries to boost the classification performance. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our proposed method is better than state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the proprietary Amazon dataset, and comparable to SOTA on the public datasets of Web of Science and RCV1-V2. These results underscore the efficacy of our proposed solution, and pave the path toward the next generation of hierarchy-aware query classification systems.

cross Persian Slang Text Conversion to Formal and Deep Learning of Persian Short Texts on Social Media for Sentiment Classification

Authors: Mohsen Khazeni, Mohammad Heydari, Amir Albadvi

Abstract: The lack of a suitable tool for the analysis of conversational texts in the Persian language has made various analyses of these texts, including Sentiment Analysis, difficult. In this research, we tried to make the understanding of these texts easier for the machine by providing PSC, Persian Slang Converter, a tool for converting conversational texts into formal ones, and by using the most up-to-date and best deep learning methods along with the PSC, the sentiment learning of short Persian language texts for the machine in a better way. be made More than 10 million unlabeled texts from various social networks and movie subtitles (as Conversational texts) and about 10 million news texts (as formal texts) have been used for training unsupervised models and formal implementation of the tool. 60,000 texts from the comments of Instagram social network users with positive, negative, and neutral labels are considered supervised data for training the emotion classification model of short texts. Using the formal tool, 57% of the words of the corpus of conversation were converted. Finally, by using the formalizer, FastText model, and deep LSTM network, an accuracy of 81.91 was obtained on the test data.

cross Semi-Supervised Multimodal Multi-Instance Learning for Aortic Stenosis Diagnosis

Authors: Zhe Huang, Xiaowei Yu, Benjamin S. Wessler, Michael C. Hughes

Abstract: Automated interpretation of ultrasound imaging of the heart (echocardiograms) could improve the detection and treatment of aortic stenosis (AS), a deadly heart disease. However, existing deep learning pipelines for assessing AS from echocardiograms have two key limitations. First, most methods rely on limited 2D cineloops, thereby ignoring widely available Doppler imaging that contains important complementary information about pressure gradients and blood flow abnormalities associated with AS. Second, obtaining labeled data is difficult. There are often far more unlabeled echocardiogram recordings available, but these remain underutilized by existing methods. To overcome these limitations, we introduce Semi-supervised Multimodal Multiple-Instance Learning (SMMIL), a new deep learning framework for automatic interpretation for structural heart diseases like AS. When deployed, SMMIL can combine information from two input modalities, spectral Dopplers and 2D cineloops, to produce a study-level AS diagnosis. During training, SMMIL can combine a smaller labeled set and an abundant unlabeled set of both modalities to improve its classifier. Experiments demonstrate that SMMIL outperforms recent alternatives at 3-level AS severity classification as well as several clinically relevant AS detection tasks.

cross MATRIX: Multi-Agent Trajectory Generation with Diverse Contexts

Authors: Zhuo Xu, Rui Zhou, Yida Yin, Huidong Gao, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Jiachen Li

Abstract: Data-driven methods have great advantages in modeling complicated human behavioral dynamics and dealing with many human-robot interaction applications. However, collecting massive and annotated real-world human datasets has been a laborious task, especially for highly interactive scenarios. On the other hand, algorithmic data generation methods are usually limited by their model capacities, making them unable to offer realistic and diverse data needed by various application users. In this work, we study trajectory-level data generation for multi-human or human-robot interaction scenarios and propose a learning-based automatic trajectory generation model, which we call Multi-Agent TRajectory generation with dIverse conteXts (MATRIX). MATRIX is capable of generating interactive human behaviors in realistic diverse contexts. We achieve this goal by modeling the explicit and interpretable objectives so that MATRIX can generate human motions based on diverse destinations and heterogeneous behaviors. We carried out extensive comparison and ablation studies to illustrate the effectiveness of our approach across various metrics. We also presented experiments that demonstrate the capability of MATRIX to serve as data augmentation for imitation-based motion planning.

cross Texture image retrieval using a classification and contourlet-based features

Authors: Asal Rouhafzay, Nadia Baaziz, Mohand Said Allili

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a new framework for improving Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) for texture images. This is achieved by using a new image representation based on the RCT-Plus transform which is a novel variant of the Redundant Contourlet transform that extracts a richer directional information in the image. Moreover, the process of image search is improved through a learning-based approach where the images of the database are classified using an adapted similarity metric to the statistical modeling of the RCT-Plus transform. A query is then first classified to select the best texture class after which the retained class images are ranked to select top ones. By this, we have achieved significant improvements in the retrieval rates compared to previous CBIR schemes.

cross Decoupled Data Consistency with Diffusion Purification for Image Restoration

Authors: Xiang Li, Soo Min Kwon, Ismail R. Alkhouri, Saiprasad Ravishanka, Qing Qu

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently gained traction as a powerful class of deep generative priors, excelling in a wide range of image restoration tasks due to their exceptional ability to model data distributions. To solve image restoration problems, many existing techniques achieve data consistency by incorporating additional likelihood gradient steps into the reverse sampling process of diffusion models. However, the additional gradient steps pose a challenge for real-world practical applications as they incur a large computational overhead, thereby increasing inference time. They also present additional difficulties when using accelerated diffusion model samplers, as the number of data consistency steps is limited by the number of reverse sampling steps. In this work, we propose a novel diffusion-based image restoration solver that addresses these issues by decoupling the reverse process from the data consistency steps. Our method involves alternating between a reconstruction phase to maintain data consistency and a refinement phase that enforces the prior via diffusion purification. Our approach demonstrates versatility, making it highly adaptable for efficient problem-solving in latent space. Additionally, it reduces the necessity for numerous sampling steps through the integration of consistency models. The efficacy of our approach is validated through comprehensive experiments across various image restoration tasks, including image denoising, deblurring, inpainting, and super-resolution.

cross Absence of spurious solutions far from ground truth: A low-rank analysis with high-order losses

Authors: Ziye Ma, Ying Chen, Javad Lavaei, Somayeh Sojoudi

Abstract: Matrix sensing problems exhibit pervasive non-convexity, plaguing optimization with a proliferation of suboptimal spurious solutions. Avoiding convergence to these critical points poses a major challenge. This work provides new theoretical insights that help demystify the intricacies of the non-convex landscape. In this work, we prove that under certain conditions, critical points sufficiently distant from the ground truth matrix exhibit favorable geometry by being strict saddle points rather than troublesome local minima. Moreover, we introduce the notion of higher-order losses for the matrix sensing problem and show that the incorporation of such losses into the objective function amplifies the negative curvature around those distant critical points. This implies that increasing the complexity of the objective function via high-order losses accelerates the escape from such critical points and acts as a desirable alternative to increasing the complexity of the optimization problem via over-parametrization. By elucidating key characteristics of the non-convex optimization landscape, this work makes progress towards a comprehensive framework for tackling broader machine learning objectives plagued by non-convexity.

cross Ensemble Language Models for Multilingual Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Md Arid Hasan

Abstract: The rapid advancement of social media enables us to analyze user opinions. In recent times, sentiment analysis has shown a prominent research gap in understanding human sentiment based on the content shared on social media. Although sentiment analysis for commonly spoken languages has advanced significantly, low-resource languages like Arabic continue to get little research due to resource limitations. In this study, we explore sentiment analysis on tweet texts from SemEval-17 and the Arabic Sentiment Tweet dataset. Moreover, We investigated four pretrained language models and proposed two ensemble language models. Our findings include monolingual models exhibiting superior performance and ensemble models outperforming the baseline while the majority voting ensemble outperforms the English language.

cross CausalCellSegmenter: Causal Inference inspired Diversified Aggregation Convolution for Pathology Image Segmentation

Authors: Dawei Fan, Yifan Gao, Jiaming Yu, Yanping Chen, Wencheng Li, Chuancong Lin, Kaibin Li, Changcai Yang, Riqing Chen, Lifang Wei

Abstract: Deep learning models have shown promising performance for cell nucleus segmentation in the field of pathology image analysis. However, training a robust model from multiple domains remains a great challenge for cell nucleus segmentation. Additionally, the shortcomings of background noise, highly overlapping between cell nucleus, and blurred edges often lead to poor performance. To address these challenges, we propose a novel framework termed CausalCellSegmenter, which combines Causal Inference Module (CIM) with Diversified Aggregation Convolution (DAC) techniques. The DAC module is designed which incorporates diverse downsampling features through a simple, parameter-free attention module (SimAM), aiming to overcome the problems of false-positive identification and edge blurring. Furthermore, we introduce CIM to leverage sample weighting by directly removing the spurious correlations between features for every input sample and concentrating more on the correlation between features and labels. Extensive experiments on the MoNuSeg-2018 dataset achieves promising results, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods, where the mIoU and DSC scores growing by 3.6% and 2.65%.

cross Implicit Image-to-Image Schrodinger Bridge for CT Super-Resolution and Denoising

Authors: Yuang Wang, Siyeop Yoon, Pengfei Jin, Matthew Tivnan, Zhennong Chen, Rui Hu, Li Zhang, Zhiqiang Chen, Quanzheng Li, Dufan Wu

Abstract: Conditional diffusion models have gained recognition for their effectiveness in image restoration tasks, yet their iterative denoising process, starting from Gaussian noise, often leads to slow inference speeds. As a promising alternative, the Image-to-Image Schr\"odinger Bridge (I2SB) initializes the generative process from corrupted images and integrates training techniques from conditional diffusion models. In this study, we extended the I2SB method by introducing the Implicit Image-to-Image Schrodinger Bridge (I3SB), transitioning its generative process to a non-Markovian process by incorporating corrupted images in each generative step. This enhancement empowers I3SB to generate images with better texture restoration using a small number of generative steps. The proposed method was validated on CT super-resolution and denoising tasks and outperformed existing methods, including the conditional denoising diffusion probabilistic model (cDDPM) and I2SB, in both visual quality and quantitative metrics. These findings underscore the potential of I3SB in improving medical image restoration by providing fast and accurate generative modeling.

cross Towards In-Vehicle Multi-Task Facial Attribute Recognition: Investigating Synthetic Data and Vision Foundation Models

Authors: Esmaeil Seraj, Walter Talamonti

Abstract: In the burgeoning field of intelligent transportation systems, enhancing vehicle-driver interaction through facial attribute recognition, such as facial expression, eye gaze, age, etc., is of paramount importance for safety, personalization, and overall user experience. However, the scarcity of comprehensive large-scale, real-world datasets poses a significant challenge for training robust multi-task models. Existing literature often overlooks the potential of synthetic datasets and the comparative efficacy of state-of-the-art vision foundation models in such constrained settings. This paper addresses these gaps by investigating the utility of synthetic datasets for training complex multi-task models that recognize facial attributes of passengers of a vehicle, such as gaze plane, age, and facial expression. Utilizing transfer learning techniques with both pre-trained Vision Transformer (ViT) and Residual Network (ResNet) models, we explore various training and adaptation methods to optimize performance, particularly when data availability is limited. We provide extensive post-evaluation analysis, investigating the effects of synthetic data distributions on model performance in in-distribution data and out-of-distribution inference. Our study unveils counter-intuitive findings, notably the superior performance of ResNet over ViTs in our specific multi-task context, which is attributed to the mismatch in model complexity relative to task complexity. Our results highlight the challenges and opportunities for enhancing the use of synthetic data and vision foundation models in practical applications.

cross Automatic design optimization of preference-based subjective evaluation with online learning in crowdsourcing environment

Authors: Yusuke Yasuda, Tomoki Toda

Abstract: A preference-based subjective evaluation is a key method for evaluating generative media reliably. However, its huge combinations of pairs prohibit it from being applied to large-scale evaluation using crowdsourcing. To address this issue, we propose an automatic optimization method for preference-based subjective evaluation in terms of pair combination selections and allocation of evaluation volumes with online learning in a crowdsourcing environment. We use a preference-based online learning method based on a sorting algorithm to identify the total order of evaluation targets with minimum sample volumes. Our online learning algorithm supports parallel and asynchronous execution under fixed-budget conditions required for crowdsourcing. Our experiment on preference-based subjective evaluation of synthetic speech shows that our method successfully optimizes the test by reducing pair combinations from 351 to 83 and allocating optimal evaluation volumes for each pair ranging from 30 to 663 without compromising evaluation accuracies and wasting budget allocations.

cross MACE: Mass Concept Erasure in Diffusion Models

Authors: Shilin Lu, Zilan Wang, Leyang Li, Yanzhu Liu, Adams Wai-Kin Kong

Abstract: The rapid expansion of large-scale text-to-image diffusion models has raised growing concerns regarding their potential misuse in creating harmful or misleading content. In this paper, we introduce MACE, a finetuning framework for the task of mass concept erasure. This task aims to prevent models from generating images that embody unwanted concepts when prompted. Existing concept erasure methods are typically restricted to handling fewer than five concepts simultaneously and struggle to find a balance between erasing concept synonyms (generality) and maintaining unrelated concepts (specificity). In contrast, MACE differs by successfully scaling the erasure scope up to 100 concepts and by achieving an effective balance between generality and specificity. This is achieved by leveraging closed-form cross-attention refinement along with LoRA finetuning, collectively eliminating the information of undesirable concepts. Furthermore, MACE integrates multiple LoRAs without mutual interference. We conduct extensive evaluations of MACE against prior methods across four different tasks: object erasure, celebrity erasure, explicit content erasure, and artistic style erasure. Our results reveal that MACE surpasses prior methods in all evaluated tasks. Code is available at


cross The ALL0CORE Tensor Decomposition for Sparse Count Data

Authors: John Hood, Aaron Schein

Abstract: This paper introduces ALL0CORE, a new form of probabilistic non-negative tensor decomposition. ALL0CORE is a Tucker decomposition where the number of non-zero elements (i.e., the L0-norm) of the core tensor is constrained to a preset value Q much smaller than the size of the core. While the user dictates the total budget Q, the locations and values of the non-zero elements are latent variables and allocated across the core tensor during inference. ALL0CORE -- i.e., allocated L0-constrained core -- thus enjoys both the computational tractability of CP decomposition and the qualitatively appealing latent structure of Tucker. In a suite of real-data experiments, we demonstrate that ALL0CORE typically requires only tiny fractions (e.g.,~1%) of the full core to achieve the same results as full Tucker decomposition at only a correspondingly tiny fraction of the cost.

cross Speeding up 6-DoF Grasp Sampling with Quality-Diversity

Authors: Johann Huber, Fran\c{c}ois H\'el\'enon, Mathilde Kappel, Elie Chelly, Mahdi Khoramshahi, Fa\"iz Ben Amar, St\'ephane Doncieux

Abstract: Recent advances in AI have led to significant results in robotic learning, including natural language-conditioned planning and efficient optimization of controllers using generative models. However, the interaction data remains the bottleneck for generalization. Getting data for grasping is a critical challenge, as this skill is required to complete many manipulation tasks. Quality-Diversity (QD) algorithms optimize a set of solutions to get diverse, high-performing solutions to a given problem. This paper investigates how QD can be combined with priors to speed up the generation of diverse grasps poses in simulation compared to standard 6-DoF grasp sampling schemes. Experiments conducted on 4 grippers with 2-to-5 fingers on standard objects show that QD outperforms commonly used methods by a large margin. Further experiments show that QD optimization automatically finds some efficient priors that are usually hard coded. The deployment of generated grasps on a 2-finger gripper and an Allegro hand shows that the diversity produced maintains sim-to-real transferability. We believe these results to be a significant step toward the generation of large datasets that can lead to robust and generalizing robotic grasping policies.

cross DrFuse: Learning Disentangled Representation for Clinical Multi-Modal Fusion with Missing Modality and Modal Inconsistency

Authors: Wenfang Ya, Kejing Yin, William K. Cheung, Jia Liu, Jing Qin

Abstract: The combination of electronic health records (EHR) and medical images is crucial for clinicians in making diagnoses and forecasting prognosis. Strategically fusing these two data modalities has great potential to improve the accuracy of machine learning models in clinical prediction tasks. However, the asynchronous and complementary nature of EHR and medical images presents unique challenges. Missing modalities due to clinical and administrative factors are inevitable in practice, and the significance of each data modality varies depending on the patient and the prediction target, resulting in inconsistent predictions and suboptimal model performance. To address these challenges, we propose DrFuse to achieve effective clinical multi-modal fusion. It tackles the missing modality issue by disentangling the features shared across modalities and those unique within each modality. Furthermore, we address the modal inconsistency issue via a disease-wise attention layer that produces the patient- and disease-wise weighting for each modality to make the final prediction. We validate the proposed method using real-world large-scale datasets, MIMIC-IV and MIMIC-CXR. Experimental results show that the proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models. Our implementation is publicly available at


cross Are You Being Tracked? Discover the Power of Zero-Shot Trajectory Tracing with LLMs!

Authors: Huanqi Yang, Sijie Ji, Rucheng Wu, Weitao Xu

Abstract: There is a burgeoning discussion around the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in acting as fundamental components that can be seamlessly incorporated into Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) to interpret complex trajectories. This study introduces LLMTrack, a model that illustrates how LLMs can be leveraged for Zero-Shot Trajectory Recognition by employing a novel single-prompt technique that combines role-play and think step-by-step methodologies with unprocessed Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) data. We evaluate the model using real-world datasets designed to challenge it with distinct trajectories characterized by indoor and outdoor scenarios. In both test scenarios, LLMTrack not only meets but exceeds the performance benchmarks set by traditional machine learning approaches and even contemporary state-of-the-art deep learning models, all without the requirement of training on specialized datasets. The results of our research suggest that, with strategically designed prompts, LLMs can tap into their extensive knowledge base and are well-equipped to analyze raw sensor data with remarkable effectiveness.

cross Online Multi-spectral Neuron Tracing

Authors: Bin Duan, Yuzhang Shang, Dawen Cai, Yan Yan

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an online multi-spectral neuron tracing method with uniquely designed modules, where no offline training are required. Our method is trained online to update our enhanced discriminative correlation filter to conglutinate the tracing process. This distinctive offline-training-free schema differentiates us from other training-dependent tracing approaches like deep learning methods since no annotation is needed for our method. Besides, compared to other tracing methods requiring complicated set-up such as for clustering and graph multi-cut, our approach is much easier to be applied to new images. In fact, it only needs a starting bounding box of the tracing neuron, significantly reducing users' configuration effort. Our extensive experiments show that our training-free and easy-configured methodology allows fast and accurate neuron reconstructions in multi-spectral images.

cross Editing Conceptual Knowledge for Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaohan Wang, Shengyu Mao, Ningyu Zhang, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Yue Shen, Lei Liang, Jinjie Gu, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Recently, there has been a growing interest in knowledge editing for Large Language Models (LLMs). Current approaches and evaluations merely explore the instance-level editing, while whether LLMs possess the capability to modify concepts remains unclear. This paper pioneers the investigation of editing conceptual knowledge for LLMs, by constructing a novel benchmark dataset ConceptEdit and establishing a suite of new metrics for evaluation. The experimental results reveal that, although existing editing methods can efficiently modify concept-level definition to some extent, they also have the potential to distort the related instantial knowledge in LLMs, leading to poor performance. We anticipate this can inspire further progress in better understanding LLMs. Our project homepage is available at


cross Unpacking Tokenization: Evaluating Text Compression and its Correlation with Model Performance

Authors: Omer Goldman, Avi Caciularu, Matan Eyal, Kris Cao, Idan Szpektor, Reut Tsarfaty

Abstract: Despite it being the cornerstone of BPE, the most common tokenization algorithm, the importance of compression in the tokenization process is still unclear. In this paper, we argue for the theoretical importance of compression, that can be viewed as 0-gram language modeling where equal probability is assigned to all tokens. We also demonstrate the empirical importance of compression for downstream success of pre-trained language models. We control the compression ability of several BPE tokenizers by varying the amount of documents available during their training: from 1 million documents to a character-based tokenizer equivalent to no training data at all. We then pre-train English language models based on those tokenizers and fine-tune them over several tasks. We show that there is a correlation between tokenizers' compression and models' downstream performance, suggesting that compression is a reliable intrinsic indicator of tokenization quality. These correlations are more pronounced for generation tasks (over classification) or for smaller models (over large ones). We replicated a representative part of our experiments on Turkish and found similar results, confirming that our results hold for languages with typological characteristics dissimilar to English. We conclude that building better compressing tokenizers is a fruitful avenue for further research and for improving overall model performance.

cross Physics-Guided Abnormal Trajectory Gap Detection

Authors: Arun Sharma, Shashi Shekhar

Abstract: Given trajectories with gaps (i.e., missing data), we investigate algorithms to identify abnormal gaps in trajectories which occur when a given moving object did not report its location, but other moving objects in the same geographic region periodically did. The problem is important due to its societal applications, such as improving maritime safety and regulatory enforcement for global security concerns such as illegal fishing, illegal oil transfers, and trans-shipments. The problem is challenging due to the difficulty of bounding the possible locations of the moving object during a trajectory gap, and the very high computational cost of detecting gaps in such a large volume of location data. The current literature on anomalous trajectory detection assumes linear interpolation within gaps, which may not be able to detect abnormal gaps since objects within a given region may have traveled away from their shortest path. In preliminary work, we introduced an abnormal gap measure that uses a classical space-time prism model to bound an object's possible movement during the trajectory gap and provided a scalable memoized gap detection algorithm (Memo-AGD). In this paper, we propose a Space Time-Aware Gap Detection (STAGD) approach to leverage space-time indexing and merging of trajectory gaps. We also incorporate a Dynamic Region Merge-based (DRM) approach to efficiently compute gap abnormality scores. We provide theoretical proofs that both algorithms are correct and complete and also provide analysis of asymptotic time complexity. Experimental results on synthetic and real-world maritime trajectory data show that the proposed approach substantially improves computation time over the baseline technique.

cross UNICORN: Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging via Score Matching and Adaptation

Authors: Kwanyoung Kim, Jaa-Yeon Lee, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Nakagami imaging holds promise for visualizing and quantifying tissue scattering in ultrasound waves, with potential applications in tumor diagnosis and fat fraction estimation which are challenging to discern by conventional ultrasound B-mode images. Existing methods struggle with optimal window size selection and suffer from estimator instability, leading to degraded resolution images. To address this, here we propose a novel method called UNICORN (Ultrasound Nakagami Imaging via Score Matching and Adaptation), that offers an accurate, closed-form estimator for Nakagami parameter estimation in terms of the score function of ultrasonic envelope. Extensive experiments using simulation and real ultrasound RF data demonstrate UNICORN's superiority over conventional approaches in accuracy and resolution quality.

cross Fine-tuning of diffusion models via stochastic control: entropy regularization and beyond

Authors: Wenpin Tang

Abstract: This paper aims to develop and provide a rigorous treatment to the problem of entropy regularized fine-tuning in the context of continuous-time diffusion models, which was recently proposed by Uehara et al. ( arXiv:2402.15194, 2024). We also show how the analysis can be extended to fine-tuning involving a general $f$-divergence regularizer.

cross Understanding and Mitigating Human-Labelling Errors in Supervised Contrastive Learning

Authors: Zijun Long, Lipeng Zhuang, George Killick, Richard McCreadie, Gerardo Aragon Camarasa, Paul Henderson

Abstract: Human-annotated vision datasets inevitably contain a fraction of human mislabelled examples. While the detrimental effects of such mislabelling on supervised learning are well-researched, their influence on Supervised Contrastive Learning (SCL) remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we show that human-labelling errors not only differ significantly from synthetic label errors, but also pose unique challenges in SCL, different to those in traditional supervised learning methods. Specifically, our results indicate they adversely impact the learning process in the ~99% of cases when they occur as false positive samples. Existing noise-mitigating methods primarily focus on synthetic label errors and tackle the unrealistic setting of very high synthetic noise rates (40-80%), but they often underperform on common image datasets due to overfitting. To address this issue, we introduce a novel SCL objective with robustness to human-labelling errors, SCL-RHE. SCL-RHE is designed to mitigate the effects of real-world mislabelled examples, typically characterized by much lower noise rates (<5%). We demonstrate that SCL-RHE consistently outperforms state-of-the-art representation learning and noise-mitigating methods across various vision benchmarks, by offering improved resilience against human-labelling errors.

cross Nonparametric Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference with Spline Approximation

Authors: Yuda Shao, Shan Yu, Tianshu Feng

Abstract: Automatic Differentiation Variational Inference (ADVI) is efficient in learning probabilistic models. Classic ADVI relies on the parametric approach to approximate the posterior. In this paper, we develop a spline-based nonparametric approximation approach that enables flexible posterior approximation for distributions with complicated structures, such as skewness, multimodality, and bounded support. Compared with widely-used nonparametric variational inference methods, the proposed method is easy to implement and adaptive to various data structures. By adopting the spline approximation, we derive a lower bound of the importance weighted autoencoder and establish the asymptotic consistency. Experiments demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed method in approximating complex posterior distributions and improving the performance of generative models with incomplete data.

cross A Study on Domain Generalization for Failure Detection through Human Reactions in HRI

Authors: Maria Teresa Parreira, Sukruth Gowdru Lingaraju, Adolfo Ramirez-Aristizabal, Manaswi Saha, Michael Kuniavsky, Wendy Ju

Abstract: Machine learning models are commonly tested in-distribution (same dataset); performance almost always drops in out-of-distribution settings. For HRI research, the goal is often to develop generalized models. This makes domain generalization - retaining performance in different settings - a critical issue. In this study, we present a concise analysis of domain generalization in failure detection models trained on human facial expressions. Using two distinct datasets of humans reacting to videos where error occurs, one from a controlled lab setting and another collected online, we trained deep learning models on each dataset. When testing these models on the alternate dataset, we observed a significant performance drop. We reflect on the causes for the observed model behavior and leave recommendations. This work emphasizes the need for HRI research focusing on improving model robustness and real-life applicability.

cross From Instructions to Constraints: Language Model Alignment with Automatic Constraint Verification

Authors: Fei Wang, Chao Shang, Sarthak Jain, Shuai Wang, Qiang Ning, Bonan Min, Vittorio Castelli, Yassine Benajiba, Dan Roth

Abstract: User alignment is crucial for adapting general-purpose language models (LMs) to downstream tasks, but human annotations are often not available for all types of instructions, especially those with customized constraints. We observe that user instructions typically contain constraints. While assessing response quality in terms of the whole instruction is often costly, efficiently evaluating the satisfaction rate of constraints is feasible. We investigate common constraints in NLP tasks, categorize them into three classes based on the types of their arguments, and propose a unified framework, ACT (Aligning to ConsTraints), to automatically produce supervision signals for user alignment with constraints. Specifically, ACT uses constraint verifiers, which are typically easy to implement in practice, to compute constraint satisfaction rate (CSR) of each response. It samples multiple responses for each prompt and collect preference labels based on their CSR automatically. Subsequently, ACT adapts the LM to the target task through a ranking-based learning process. Experiments on fine-grained entity typing, abstractive summarization, and temporal question answering show that ACT is able to enhance LMs' capability to adhere to different classes of constraints, thereby improving task performance. Further experiments show that the constraint-following capabilities are transferable.

cross Disentangling shared and private latent factors in multimodal Variational Autoencoders

Authors: Kaspar M\"artens, Christopher Yau

Abstract: Generative models for multimodal data permit the identification of latent factors that may be associated with important determinants of observed data heterogeneity. Common or shared factors could be important for explaining variation across modalities whereas other factors may be private and important only for the explanation of a single modality. Multimodal Variational Autoencoders, such as MVAE and MMVAE, are a natural choice for inferring those underlying latent factors and separating shared variation from private. In this work, we investigate their capability to reliably perform this disentanglement. In particular, we highlight a challenging problem setting where modality-specific variation dominates the shared signal. Taking a cross-modal prediction perspective, we demonstrate limitations of existing models, and propose a modification how to make them more robust to modality-specific variation. Our findings are supported by experiments on synthetic as well as various real-world multi-omics data sets.

cross Separable Physics-informed Neural Networks for Solving the BGK Model of the Boltzmann Equation

Authors: Jaemin Oh, Seung Yeon Cho, Seok-Bae Yun, Eunbyung Park, Youngjoon Hong

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a method based on Separable Physics-Informed Neural Networks (SPINNs) for effectively solving the BGK model of the Boltzmann equation. While the mesh-free nature of PINNs offers significant advantages in handling high-dimensional partial differential equations (PDEs), challenges arise when applying quadrature rules for accurate integral evaluation in the BGK operator, which can compromise the mesh-free benefit and increase computational costs. To address this, we leverage the canonical polyadic decomposition structure of SPINNs and the linear nature of moment calculation, achieving a substantial reduction in computational expense for quadrature rule application. The multi-scale nature of the particle density function poses difficulties in precisely approximating macroscopic moments using neural networks. To improve SPINN training, we introduce the integration of Gaussian functions into SPINNs, coupled with a relative loss approach. This modification enables SPINNs to decay as rapidly as Maxwellian distributions, thereby enhancing the accuracy of macroscopic moment approximations. The relative loss design further ensures that both large and small-scale features are effectively captured by the SPINNs. The efficacy of our approach is demonstrated through a series of five numerical experiments, including the solution to a challenging 3D Riemann problem. These results highlight the potential of our novel method in efficiently and accurately addressing complex challenges in computational physics.

cross Pre-Trained Model Recommendation for Downstream Fine-tuning

Authors: Jiameng Bai, Sai Wu, Jie Song, Junbo Zhao, Gang Chen

Abstract: As a fundamental problem in transfer learning, model selection aims to rank off-the-shelf pre-trained models and select the most suitable one for the new target task. Existing model selection techniques are often constrained in their scope and tend to overlook the nuanced relationships between models and tasks. In this paper, we present a pragmatic framework \textbf{Fennec}, delving into a diverse, large-scale model repository while meticulously considering the intricate connections between tasks and models. The key insight is to map all models and historical tasks into a transfer-related subspace, where the distance between model vectors and task vectors represents the magnitude of transferability. A large vision model, as a proxy, infers a new task's representation in the transfer space, thereby circumventing the computational burden of extensive forward passes. We also investigate the impact of the inherent inductive bias of models on transfer results and propose a novel method called \textbf{archi2vec} to encode the intricate structures of models. The transfer score is computed through straightforward vector arithmetic with a time complexity of $\mathcal{O}(1)$. Finally, we make a substantial contribution to the field by releasing a comprehensive benchmark. We validate the effectiveness of our framework through rigorous testing on two benchmarks. The benchmark and the code will be publicly available in the near future.

cross A Zero Trust Framework for Realization and Defense Against Generative AI Attacks in Power Grid

Authors: Md. Shirajum Munir, Sravanthi Proddatoori, Manjushree Muralidhara, Walid Saad, Zhu Han, Sachin Shetty

Abstract: Understanding the potential of generative AI (GenAI)-based attacks on the power grid is a fundamental challenge that must be addressed in order to protect the power grid by realizing and validating risk in new attack vectors. In this paper, a novel zero trust framework for a power grid supply chain (PGSC) is proposed. This framework facilitates early detection of potential GenAI-driven attack vectors (e.g., replay and protocol-type attacks), assessment of tail risk-based stability measures, and mitigation of such threats. First, a new zero trust system model of PGSC is designed and formulated as a zero-trust problem that seeks to guarantee for a stable PGSC by realizing and defending against GenAI-driven cyber attacks. Second, in which a domain-specific generative adversarial networks (GAN)-based attack generation mechanism is developed to create a new vulnerability cyberspace for further understanding that threat. Third, tail-based risk realization metrics are developed and implemented for quantifying the extreme risk of a potential attack while leveraging a trust measurement approach for continuous validation. Fourth, an ensemble learning-based bootstrap aggregation scheme is devised to detect the attacks that are generating synthetic identities with convincing user and distributed energy resources device profiles. Experimental results show the efficacy of the proposed zero trust framework that achieves an accuracy of 95.7% on attack vector generation, a risk measure of 9.61% for a 95% stable PGSC, and a 99% confidence in defense against GenAI-driven attack.

cross 'One size doesn't fit all': Learning how many Examples to use for In-Context Learning for Improved Text Classification

Authors: Manish Chandra, Debasis Ganguly, Yiwen Li, Iadh Ounis

Abstract: Predictive models in natural language processing (NLP) have evolved from training models from scratch to fine-tuning pre-trained models with labelled data. An extreme form of this fine-tuning involves in-context learning (ICL), where the output of a pre-trained generative model (frozen decoder parameters) is controlled only with variations in the input strings (called instructions or prompts). An important component of ICL is the use of a small number of labelled data instances as examples in the prompt. While existing work uses a static number of examples during inference for each data instance, in this paper we propose a novel methodology of dynamically adapting the number of examples as per the data. This is analogous to the use of a variable-sized neighborhood in k-nearest neighbors (k-NN) classifier. In our proposed workflow of adaptive ICL (AICL), the number of demonstrations to employ during the inference on a particular data instance is predicted by the Softmax posteriors of a classifier. The parameters of this classifier are fitted on the optimal number of examples in ICL required to correctly infer the label of each instance in the training set with the hypothesis that a test instance that is similar to a training instance should use the same (or a closely matching) number of few-shot examples. Our experiments show that our AICL method results in improvement in text classification task on several standard datasets.

cross Cosine Scoring with Uncertainty for Neural Speaker Embedding

Authors: Qiongqiong Wang, Kong Aik Lee

Abstract: Uncertainty modeling in speaker representation aims to learn the variability present in speech utterances. While the conventional cosine-scoring is computationally efficient and prevalent in speaker recognition, it lacks the capability to handle uncertainty. To address this challenge, this paper proposes an approach for estimating uncertainty at the speaker embedding front-end and propagating it to the cosine scoring back-end. Experiments conducted on the VoxCeleb and SITW datasets confirmed the efficacy of the proposed method in handling uncertainty arising from embedding estimation. It achieved improvement with 8.5% and 9.8% average reductions in EER and minDCF compared to the conventional cosine similarity. It is also computationally efficient in practice.

cross RLingua: Improving Reinforcement Learning Sample Efficiency in Robotic Manipulations With Large Language Models

Authors: Liangliang Chen, Yutian Lei, Shiyu Jin, Ying Zhang, Liangjun Zhang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has demonstrated its capability in solving various tasks but is notorious for its low sample efficiency. In this paper, we propose RLingua, a framework that can leverage the internal knowledge of large language models (LLMs) to reduce the sample complexity of RL in robotic manipulations. To this end, we first present how to extract the prior knowledge of LLMs by prompt engineering so that a preliminary rule-based robot controller for a specific task can be generated. Despite being imperfect, the LLM-generated robot controller is utilized to produce action samples during rollouts with a decaying probability, thereby improving RL's sample efficiency. We employ the actor-critic framework and modify the actor loss to regularize the policy learning towards the LLM-generated controller. RLingua also provides a novel method of improving the imperfect LLM-generated robot controllers by RL. We demonstrated that RLingua can significantly reduce the sample complexity of TD3 in the robot tasks of panda_gym and achieve high success rates in sparsely rewarded robot tasks in RLBench, where the standard TD3 fails. Additionally, We validated RLingua's effectiveness in real-world robot experiments through Sim2Real, demonstrating that the learned policies are effectively transferable to real robot tasks. Further details and videos about our work are available at our project website


cross Bridging Domains with Approximately Shared Features

Authors: Ziliang Samuel Zhong, Xiang Pan, Qi Lei

Abstract: Multi-source domain adaptation aims to reduce performance degradation when applying machine learning models to unseen domains. A fundamental challenge is devising the optimal strategy for feature selection. Existing literature is somewhat paradoxical: some advocate for learning invariant features from source domains, while others favor more diverse features. To address the challenge, we propose a statistical framework that distinguishes the utilities of features based on the variance of their correlation to label $y$ across domains. Under our framework, we design and analyze a learning procedure consisting of learning approximately shared feature representation from source tasks and fine-tuning it on the target task. Our theoretical analysis necessitates the importance of learning approximately shared features instead of only the strictly invariant features and yields an improved population risk compared to previous results on both source and target tasks, thus partly resolving the paradox mentioned above. Inspired by our theory, we proposed a more practical way to isolate the content (invariant+approximately shared) from environmental features and further consolidate our theoretical findings.

cross A Survey of Learned Indexes for the Multi-dimensional Space

Authors: Abdullah Al-Mamun, Hao Wu, Qiyang He, Jianguo Wang, Walid G. Aref

Abstract: A recent research trend involves treating database index structures as Machine Learning (ML) models. In this domain, single or multiple ML models are trained to learn the mapping from keys to positions inside a data set. This class of indexes is known as "Learned Indexes." Learned indexes have demonstrated improved search performance and reduced space requirements for one-dimensional data. The concept of one-dimensional learned indexes has naturally been extended to multi-dimensional (e.g., spatial) data, leading to the development of "Learned Multi-dimensional Indexes". This survey focuses on learned multi-dimensional index structures. Specifically, it reviews the current state of this research area, explains the core concepts behind each proposed method, and classifies these methods based on several well-defined criteria. We present a taxonomy that classifies and categorizes each learned multi-dimensional index, and survey the existing literature on learned multi-dimensional indexes according to this taxonomy. Additionally, we present a timeline to illustrate the evolution of research on learned indexes. Finally, we highlight several open challenges and future research directions in this emerging and highly active field.

cross Financial Default Prediction via Motif-preserving Graph Neural Network with Curriculum Learning

Authors: Daixin Wang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Yeyu Zhao, Kai Huang, Yulin Kang, Jun Zhou

Abstract: User financial default prediction plays a critical role in credit risk forecasting and management. It aims at predicting the probability that the user will fail to make the repayments in the future. Previous methods mainly extract a set of user individual features regarding his own profiles and behaviors and build a binary-classification model to make default predictions. However, these methods cannot get satisfied results, especially for users with limited information. Although recent efforts suggest that default prediction can be improved by social relations, they fail to capture the higher-order topology structure at the level of small subgraph patterns. In this paper, we fill in this gap by proposing a motif-preserving Graph Neural Network with curriculum learning (MotifGNN) to jointly learn the lower-order structures from the original graph and higherorder structures from multi-view motif-based graphs for financial default prediction. Specifically, to solve the problem of weak connectivity in motif-based graphs, we design the motif-based gating mechanism. It utilizes the information learned from the original graph with good connectivity to strengthen the learning of the higher-order structure. And considering that the motif patterns of different samples are highly unbalanced, we propose a curriculum learning mechanism on the whole learning process to more focus on the samples with uncommon motif distributions. Extensive experiments on one public dataset and two industrial datasets all demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

cross Knowledge-aware Alert Aggregation in Large-scale Cloud Systems: a Hybrid Approach

Authors: Jinxi Kuang, Jinyang Liu, Junjie Huang, Renyi Zhong, Jiazhen Gu, Lan Yu, Rui Tan, Zengyin Yang, Michael R. Lyu

Abstract: Due to the scale and complexity of cloud systems, a system failure would trigger an "alert storm", i.e., massive correlated alerts. Although these alerts can be traced back to a few root causes, the overwhelming number makes it infeasible for manual handling. Alert aggregation is thus critical to help engineers concentrate on the root cause and facilitate failure resolution. Existing methods typically utilize semantic similarity-based methods or statistical methods to aggregate alerts. However, semantic similarity-based methods overlook the causal rationale of alerts, while statistical methods can hardly handle infrequent alerts. To tackle these limitations, we introduce leveraging external knowledge, i.e., Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) of alerts as a supplement. We propose COLA, a novel hybrid approach based on correlation mining and LLM (Large Language Model) reasoning for online alert aggregation. The correlation mining module effectively captures the temporal and spatial relations between alerts, measuring their correlations in an efficient manner. Subsequently, only uncertain pairs with low confidence are forwarded to the LLM reasoning module for detailed analysis. This hybrid design harnesses both statistical evidence for frequent alerts and the reasoning capabilities of computationally intensive LLMs, ensuring the overall efficiency of COLA in handling large volumes of alerts in practical scenarios. We evaluate COLA on three datasets collected from the production environment of a large-scale cloud platform. The experimental results show COLA achieves F1-scores from 0.901 to 0.930, outperforming state-of-the-art methods and achieving comparable efficiency. We also share our experience in deploying COLA in our real-world cloud system, Cloud X.

cross Detection of Unobserved Common Causes based on NML Code in Discrete, Mixed, and Continuous Variables

Authors: Masatoshi Kobayashi, Kohei Miyagichi, Shin Matsushima

Abstract: Causal discovery in the presence of unobserved common causes from observational data only is a crucial but challenging problem. We categorize all possible causal relationships between two random variables into the following four categories and aim to identify one from observed data: two cases in which either of the direct causality exists, a case that variables are independent, and a case that variables are confounded by latent confounders. Although existing methods have been proposed to tackle this problem, they require unobserved variables to satisfy assumptions on the form of their equation models. In our previous study (Kobayashi et al., 2022), the first causal discovery method without such assumptions is proposed for discrete data and named CLOUD. Using Normalized Maximum Likelihood (NML) Code, CLOUD selects a model that yields the minimum codelength of the observed data from a set of model candidates. This paper extends CLOUD to apply for various data types across discrete, mixed, and continuous. We not only performed theoretical analysis to show the consistency of CLOUD in terms of the model selection, but also demonstrated that CLOUD is more effective than existing methods in inferring causal relationships by extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data.

cross Automatic Generation of Python Programs Using Context-Free Grammars

Authors: Kamel Yamani, Marwa Na\"ir, Riyadh Baghdadi

Abstract: In recent years, data has emerged as the new gold, serving as a powerful tool for creating intelligent systems. However, procuring high-quality data remains challenging, especially for code. To address this, we developed TinyPy Generator, a tool that generates random Python programs using a context-free grammar. The generated programs are guaranteed to be correct by construction. Our system uses custom production rules (in the Backus-Naur Form (BNF) format) to recursively generate code. This allows us to generate code with different levels of complexity, ranging from code containing only assignments to more complex code containing conditionals and loops. Our proposed tool enables effortless large-scale Python code generation, beneficial for a wide range of applications. TinyPy Generator is particularly useful in the field of machine learning, where it can generate substantial amounts of Python code for training Python language models. Additionally, researchers who are studying programming languages can utilize this tool to create datasets for their experiments, which can help validate the robustness of code interpreters or compilers. Unlike existing research, we have open-sourced our implementation. This allows customization according to user needs and extends potential usage to other languages.

cross SARDet-100K: Towards Open-Source Benchmark and ToolKit for Large-Scale SAR Object Detection

Authors: Yuxuan Li, Xiang Li, Weijie Li, Qibin Hou, Li Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Jian Yang

Abstract: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) object detection has gained significant attention recently due to its irreplaceable all-weather imaging capabilities. However, this research field suffers from both limited public datasets (mostly comprising <2K images with only mono-category objects) and inaccessible source code. To tackle these challenges, we establish a new benchmark dataset and an open-source method for large-scale SAR object detection. Our dataset, SARDet-100K, is a result of intense surveying, collecting, and standardizing 10 existing SAR detection datasets, providing a large-scale and diverse dataset for research purposes. To the best of our knowledge, SARDet-100K is the first COCO-level large-scale multi-class SAR object detection dataset ever created. With this high-quality dataset, we conducted comprehensive experiments and uncovered a crucial challenge in SAR object detection: the substantial disparities between the pretraining on RGB datasets and finetuning on SAR datasets in terms of both data domain and model structure. To bridge these gaps, we propose a novel Multi-Stage with Filter Augmentation (MSFA) pretraining framework that tackles the problems from the perspective of data input, domain transition, and model migration. The proposed MSFA method significantly enhances the performance of SAR object detection models while demonstrating exceptional generalizability and flexibility across diverse models. This work aims to pave the way for further advancements in SAR object detection. The dataset and code is available at


cross ReStainGAN: Leveraging IHC to IF Stain Domain Translation for in-silico Data Generation

Authors: Dominik Winter, Nicolas Triltsch, Philipp Plewa, Marco Rosati, Thomas Padel, Ross Hill, Markus Schick, Nicolas Brieu

Abstract: The creation of in-silico datasets can expand the utility of existing annotations to new domains with different staining patterns in computational pathology. As such, it has the potential to significantly lower the cost associated with building large and pixel precise datasets needed to train supervised deep learning models. We propose a novel approach for the generation of in-silico immunohistochemistry (IHC) images by disentangling morphology specific IHC stains into separate image channels in immunofluorescence (IF) images. The proposed approach qualitatively and quantitatively outperforms baseline methods as proven by training nucleus segmentation models on the created in-silico datasets.

cross OMH: Structured Sparsity via Optimally Matched Hierarchy for Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Baran Ozaydin, Tong Zhang, Deblina Bhattacharjee, Sabine S\"usstrunk, Mathieu Salzmann

Abstract: Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation (USS) involves segmenting images without relying on predefined labels, aiming to alleviate the burden of extensive human labeling. Existing methods utilize features generated by self-supervised models and specific priors for clustering. However, their clustering objectives are not involved in the optimization of the features during training. Additionally, due to the lack of clear class definitions in USS, the resulting segments may not align well with the clustering objective. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach called Optimally Matched Hierarchy (OMH) to simultaneously address the above issues. The core of our method lies in imposing structured sparsity on the feature space, which allows the features to encode information with different levels of granularity. The structure of this sparsity stems from our hierarchy (OMH). To achieve this, we learn a soft but sparse hierarchy among parallel clusters through Optimal Transport. Our OMH yields better unsupervised segmentation performance compared to existing USS methods. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the benefits of OMH when utilizing our differentiable paradigm. We will make our code publicly available.

cross Data-driven architecture to encode information in the kinematics of robots and artificial avatars

Authors: Francesco De Lellis, Marco Coraggio, Nathan C. Foster, Riccardo Villa, Cristina Becchio, Mario di Bernardo

Abstract: We present a data-driven control architecture for modifying the kinematics of robots and artificial avatars to encode specific information such as the presence or not of an emotion in the movements of an avatar or robot driven by a human operator. We validate our approach on an experimental dataset obtained during the reach-to-grasp phase of a pick-and-place task.

cross Distributionally Generative Augmentation for Fair Facial Attribute Classification

Authors: Fengda Zhang, Qianpei He, Kun Kuang, Jiashuo Liu, Long Chen, Chao Wu, Jun Xiao, Hanwang Zhang

Abstract: Facial Attribute Classification (FAC) holds substantial promise in widespread applications. However, FAC models trained by traditional methodologies can be unfair by exhibiting accuracy inconsistencies across varied data subpopulations. This unfairness is largely attributed to bias in data, where some spurious attributes (e.g., Male) statistically correlate with the target attribute (e.g., Smiling). Most of existing fairness-aware methods rely on the labels of spurious attributes, which may be unavailable in practice. This work proposes a novel, generation-based two-stage framework to train a fair FAC model on biased data without additional annotation. Initially, we identify the potential spurious attributes based on generative models. Notably, it enhances interpretability by explicitly showing the spurious attributes in image space. Following this, for each image, we first edit the spurious attributes with a random degree sampled from a uniform distribution, while keeping target attribute unchanged. Then we train a fair FAC model by fostering model invariance to these augmentation. Extensive experiments on three common datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in promoting fairness in FAC without compromising accuracy. Codes are in


cross Pulling back symmetric Riemannian geometry for data analysis

Authors: Willem Diepeveen

Abstract: Data sets tend to live in low-dimensional non-linear subspaces. Ideal data analysis tools for such data sets should therefore account for such non-linear geometry. The symmetric Riemannian geometry setting can be suitable for a variety of reasons. First, it comes with a rich mathematical structure to account for a wide range of non-linear geometries that has been shown to be able to capture the data geometry through empirical evidence from classical non-linear embedding. Second, many standard data analysis tools initially developed for data in Euclidean space can also be generalised efficiently to data on a symmetric Riemannian manifold. A conceptual challenge comes from the lack of guidelines for constructing a symmetric Riemannian structure on the data space itself and the lack of guidelines for modifying successful algorithms on symmetric Riemannian manifolds for data analysis to this setting. This work considers these challenges in the setting of pullback Riemannian geometry through a diffeomorphism. The first part of the paper characterises diffeomorphisms that result in proper, stable and efficient data analysis. The second part then uses these best practices to guide construction of such diffeomorphisms through deep learning. As a proof of concept, different types of pullback geometries -- among which the proposed construction -- are tested on several data analysis tasks and on several toy data sets. The numerical experiments confirm the predictions from theory, i.e., that the diffeomorphisms generating the pullback geometry need to map the data manifold into a geodesic subspace of the pulled back Riemannian manifold while preserving local isometry around the data manifold for proper, stable and efficient data analysis, and that pulling back positive curvature can be problematic in terms of stability.

cross Ricci flow-based brain surface covariance descriptors for Alzheimer disease

Authors: Fatemeh Ahmadi, Mohamad Ebrahim Shiri, Behroz Bidabad, Maral Sedaghat, Pooran Memari

Abstract: Automated feature extraction from MRI brain scans and diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease are ongoing challenges. With advances in 3D imaging technology, 3D data acquisition is becoming more viable and efficient than its 2D counterpart. Rather than using feature-based vectors, in this paper, for the first time, we suggest a pipeline to extract novel covariance-based descriptors from the cortical surface using the Ricci energy optimization. The covariance descriptors are components of the nonlinear manifold of symmetric positive-definite matrices, thus we focus on using the Gaussian radial basis function to apply manifold-based classification to the 3D shape problem. Applying this novel signature to the analysis of abnormal cortical brain morphometry allows for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease. Experimental studies performed on about two hundred 3D MRI brain models, gathered from Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of our descriptors in achieving remarkable classification accuracy.

cross Zero-Shot ECG Classification with Multimodal Learning and Test-time Clinical Knowledge Enhancement

Authors: Che Liu, Zhongwei Wan, Cheng Ouyang, Anand Shah, Wenjia Bai, Rossella Arcucci

Abstract: Electrocardiograms (ECGs) are non-invasive diagnostic tools crucial for detecting cardiac arrhythmic diseases in clinical practice. While ECG Self-supervised Learning (eSSL) methods show promise in representation learning from unannotated ECG data, they often overlook the clinical knowledge that can be found in reports. This oversight and the requirement for annotated samples for downstream tasks limit eSSL's versatility. In this work, we address these issues with the Multimodal ECG Representation Learning (MERL}) framework. Through multimodal learning on ECG records and associated reports, MERL is capable of performing zero-shot ECG classification with text prompts, eliminating the need for training data in downstream tasks. At test time, we propose the Clinical Knowledge Enhanced Prompt Engineering (CKEPE) approach, which uses Large Language Models (LLMs) to exploit external expert-verified clinical knowledge databases, generating more descriptive prompts and reducing hallucinations in LLM-generated content to boost zero-shot classification. Based on MERL, we perform the first benchmark across six public ECG datasets, showing the superior performance of MERL compared against eSSL methods. Notably, MERL achieves an average AUC score of 75.2% in zero-shot classification (without training data), 3.2% higher than linear probed eSSL methods with 10\% annotated training data, averaged across all six datasets.

cross Smart-Infinity: Fast Large Language Model Training using Near-Storage Processing on a Real System

Authors: Hongsun Jang, Jaeyong Song, Jaewon Jung, Jaeyoung Park, Youngsok Kim, Jinho Lee

Abstract: The recent huge advance of Large Language Models (LLMs) is mainly driven by the increase in the number of parameters. This has led to substantial memory capacity requirements, necessitating the use of dozens of GPUs just to meet the capacity. One popular solution to this is storage-offloaded training, which uses host memory and storage as an extended memory hierarchy. However, this obviously comes at the cost of storage bandwidth bottleneck because storage devices have orders of magnitude lower bandwidth compared to that of GPU device memories. Our work, Smart-Infinity, addresses the storage bandwidth bottleneck of storage-offloaded LLM training using near-storage processing devices on a real system. The main component of Smart-Infinity is SmartUpdate, which performs parameter updates on custom near-storage accelerators. We identify that moving parameter updates to the storage side removes most of the storage traffic. In addition, we propose an efficient data transfer handler structure to address the system integration issues for Smart-Infinity. The handler allows overlapping data transfers with fixed memory consumption by reusing the device buffer. Lastly, we propose accelerator-assisted gradient compression/decompression to enhance the scalability of Smart-Infinity. When scaling to multiple near-storage processing devices, the write traffic on the shared channel becomes the bottleneck. To alleviate this, we compress the gradients on the GPU and decompress them on the accelerators. It provides further acceleration from reduced traffic. As a result, Smart-Infinity achieves a significant speedup compared to the baseline. Notably, Smart-Infinity is a ready-to-use approach that is fully integrated into PyTorch on a real system. We will open-source Smart-Infinity to facilitate its use.

cross Untangling Gaussian Mixtures

Authors: Eva Fluck, Sandra Kiefer, Christoph Standke

Abstract: Tangles were originally introduced as a concept to formalize regions of high connectivity in graphs. In recent years, they have also been discovered as a link between structural graph theory and data science: when interpreting similarity in data sets as connectivity between points, finding clusters in the data essentially amounts to finding tangles in the underlying graphs. This paper further explores the potential of tangles in data sets as a means for a formal study of clusters. Real-world data often follow a normal distribution. Accounting for this, we develop a quantitative theory of tangles in data sets drawn from Gaussian mixtures. To this end, we equip the data with a graph structure that models similarity between the points and allows us to apply tangle theory to the data. We provide explicit conditions under which tangles associated with the marginal Gaussian distributions exist asymptotically almost surely. This can be considered as a sufficient formal criterion for the separabability of clusters in the data.

cross Provable Mutual Benefits from Federated Learning in Privacy-Sensitive Domains

Authors: Nikita Tsoy, Anna Mihalkova, Teodora Todorova, Nikola Konstantinov

Abstract: Cross-silo federated learning (FL) allows data owners to train accurate machine learning models by benefiting from each others private datasets. Unfortunately, the model accuracy benefits of collaboration are often undermined by privacy defenses. Therefore, to incentivize client participation in privacy-sensitive domains, a FL protocol should strike a delicate balance between privacy guarantees and end-model accuracy. In this paper, we study the question of when and how a server could design a FL protocol provably beneficial for all participants. First, we provide necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of mutually beneficial protocols in the context of mean estimation and convex stochastic optimization. We also derive protocols that maximize the total clients' utility, given symmetric privacy preferences. Finally, we design protocols maximizing end-model accuracy and demonstrate their benefits in synthetic experiments.

cross Improving Low-Resource Knowledge Tracing Tasks by Supervised Pre-training and Importance Mechanism Fine-tuning

Authors: Hengyuan Zhang, Zitao Liu, Shuyan Huang, Chenming Shang, Bojun Zhan, Yong Jiang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) aims to estimate student's knowledge mastery based on their historical interactions. Recently, the deep learning based KT (DLKT) approaches have achieved impressive performance in the KT task. These DLKT models heavily rely on the large number of available student interactions. However, due to various reasons such as budget constraints and privacy concerns, observed interactions are very limited in many real-world scenarios, a.k.a, low-resource KT datasets. Directly training a DLKT model on a low-resource KT dataset may lead to overfitting and it is difficult to choose the appropriate deep neural architecture. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a low-resource KT framework called LoReKT to address above challenges. Inspired by the prevalent "pre-training and fine-tuning" paradigm, we aim to learn transferable parameters and representations from rich-resource KT datasets during the pre-training stage and subsequently facilitate effective adaptation to low-resource KT datasets. Specifically, we simplify existing sophisticated DLKT model architectures with purely a stack of transformer decoders. We design an encoding mechanism to incorporate student interactions from multiple KT data sources and develop an importance mechanism to prioritize updating parameters with high importance while constraining less important ones during the fine-tuning stage. We evaluate LoReKT on six public KT datasets and experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of AUC and Accuracy. To encourage reproducible research, we make our data and code publicly available at


cross On the Approximation of Kernel functions

Authors: Paul Dommel, Alois Pichler

Abstract: Various methods in statistical learning build on kernels considered in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces. In applications, the kernel is often selected based on characteristics of the problem and the data. This kernel is then employed to infer response variables at points, where no explanatory data were observed. The data considered here are located in compact sets in higher dimensions and the paper addresses approximations of the kernel itself. The new approach considers Taylor series approximations of radial kernel functions. For the Gauss kernel on the unit cube, the paper establishes an upper bound of the associated eigenfunctions, which grows only polynomially with respect to the index. The novel approach substantiates smaller regularization parameters than considered in the literature, overall leading to better approximations. This improvement confirms low rank approximation methods such as the Nystr\"om method.

cross Shortcut Learning in Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Manxi Lin, Nina Weng, Kamil Mikolaj, Zahra Bashir, Morten Bo S{\o}ndergaard Svendsen, Martin Tolsgaard, Anders Nymark Christensen, Aasa Feragen

Abstract: Shortcut learning is a phenomenon where machine learning models prioritize learning simple, potentially misleading cues from data that do not generalize well beyond the training set. While existing research primarily investigates this in the realm of image classification, this study extends the exploration of shortcut learning into medical image segmentation. We demonstrate that clinical annotations such as calipers, and the combination of zero-padded convolutions and center-cropped training sets in the dataset can inadvertently serve as shortcuts, impacting segmentation accuracy. We identify and evaluate the shortcut learning on two different but common medical image segmentation tasks. In addition, we suggest strategies to mitigate the influence of shortcut learning and improve the generalizability of the segmentation models. By uncovering the presence and implications of shortcuts in medical image segmentation, we provide insights and methodologies for evaluating and overcoming this pervasive challenge and call for attention in the community for shortcuts in segmentation.

cross Generalising Multi-Agent Cooperation through Task-Agnostic Communication

Authors: Dulhan Jayalath, Steven Morad, Amanda Prorok

Abstract: Existing communication methods for multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) in cooperative multi-robot problems are almost exclusively task-specific, training new communication strategies for each unique task. We address this inefficiency by introducing a communication strategy applicable to any task within a given environment. We pre-train the communication strategy without task-specific reward guidance in a self-supervised manner using a set autoencoder. Our objective is to learn a fixed-size latent Markov state from a variable number of agent observations. Under mild assumptions, we prove that policies using our latent representations are guaranteed to converge, and upper bound the value error introduced by our Markov state approximation. Our method enables seamless adaptation to novel tasks without fine-tuning the communication strategy, gracefully supports scaling to more agents than present during training, and detects out-of-distribution events in an environment. Empirical results on diverse MARL scenarios validate the effectiveness of our approach, surpassing task-specific communication strategies in unseen tasks. Our implementation of this work is available at


cross ALaRM: Align Language Models via Hierarchical Rewards Modeling

Authors: Yuhang Lai, Siyuan Wang, Shujun Liu, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: We introduce ALaRM, the first framework modeling hierarchical rewards in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), which is designed to enhance the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. The framework addresses the limitations of current alignment approaches, which often struggle with the inconsistency and sparsity of human supervision signals, by integrating holistic rewards with aspect-specific rewards. This integration enables more precise and consistent guidance of language models towards desired outcomes, particularly in complex and open text generation tasks. By employing a methodology that filters and combines multiple rewards based on their consistency, the framework provides a reliable mechanism for improving model alignment. We validate our approach through applications in long-form question answering and machine translation tasks, employing gpt-3.5-turbo for pairwise comparisons, and demonstrate improvements over existing baselines. Our work underscores the effectiveness of hierarchical rewards modeling in refining LLM training processes for better human preference alignment. We release our code at


cross Average Calibration Error: A Differentiable Loss for Improved Reliability in Image Segmentation

Authors: Theodore Barfoot, Luis Garcia-Peraza-Herrera, Ben Glocker, Tom Vercauteren

Abstract: Deep neural networks for medical image segmentation often produce overconfident results misaligned with empirical observations. Such miscalibration, challenges their clinical translation. We propose to use marginal L1 average calibration error (mL1-ACE) as a novel auxiliary loss function to improve pixel-wise calibration without compromising segmentation quality. We show that this loss, despite using hard binning, is directly differentiable, bypassing the need for approximate but differentiable surrogate or soft binning approaches. Our work also introduces the concept of dataset reliability histograms which generalises standard reliability diagrams for refined visual assessment of calibration in semantic segmentation aggregated at the dataset level. Using mL1-ACE, we reduce average and maximum calibration error by 45% and 55% respectively, maintaining a Dice score of 87% on the BraTS 2021 dataset. We share our code here:


cross Dynamic Perturbation-Adaptive Adversarial Training on Medical Image Classification

Authors: Shuai Li, Xiaoguang Ma, Shancheng Jiang, Lu Meng

Abstract: Remarkable successes were made in Medical Image Classification (MIC) recently, mainly due to wide applications of convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, adversarial examples (AEs) exhibited imperceptible similarity with raw data, raising serious concerns on network robustness. Although adversarial training (AT), in responding to malevolent AEs, was recognized as an effective approach to improve robustness, it was challenging to overcome generalization decline of networks caused by the AT. In this paper, in order to reserve high generalization while improving robustness, we proposed a dynamic perturbation-adaptive adversarial training (DPAAT) method, which placed AT in a dynamic learning environment to generate adaptive data-level perturbations and provided a dynamically updated criterion by loss information collections to handle the disadvantage of fixed perturbation sizes in conventional AT methods and the dependence on external transference. Comprehensive testing on dermatology HAM10000 dataset showed that the DPAAT not only achieved better robustness improvement and generalization preservation but also significantly enhanced mean average precision and interpretability on various CNNs, indicating its great potential as a generic adversarial training method on the MIC.

cross Efficient first-order algorithms for large-scale, non-smooth maximum entropy models with application to wildfire science

Authors: Gabriel P. Langlois, Jatan Buch, J\'er\^ome Darbon

Abstract: Maximum entropy (Maxent) models are a class of statistical models that use the maximum entropy principle to estimate probability distributions from data. Due to the size of modern data sets, Maxent models need efficient optimization algorithms to scale well for big data applications. State-of-the-art algorithms for Maxent models, however, were not originally designed to handle big data sets; these algorithms either rely on technical devices that may yield unreliable numerical results, scale poorly, or require smoothness assumptions that many practical Maxent models lack. In this paper, we present novel optimization algorithms that overcome the shortcomings of state-of-the-art algorithms for training large-scale, non-smooth Maxent models. Our proposed first-order algorithms leverage the Kullback-Leibler divergence to train large-scale and non-smooth Maxent models efficiently. For Maxent models with discrete probability distribution of $n$ elements built from samples, each containing $m$ features, the stepsize parameters estimation and iterations in our algorithms scale on the order of $O(mn)$ operations and can be trivially parallelized. Moreover, the strong $\ell_{1}$ convexity of the Kullback--Leibler divergence allows for larger stepsize parameters, thereby speeding up the convergence rate of our algorithms. To illustrate the efficiency of our novel algorithms, we consider the problem of estimating probabilities of fire occurrences as a function of ecological features in the Western US MTBS-Interagency wildfire data set. Our numerical results show that our algorithms outperform the state of the arts by one order of magnitude and yield results that agree with physical models of wildfire occurrence and previous statistical analyses of wildfire drivers.

cross Are Targeted Messages More Effective?

Authors: Martin Grohe, Eran Rosenbluth

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNN) are deep learning architectures for graphs. Essentially, a GNN is a distributed message passing algorithm, which is controlled by parameters learned from data. It operates on the vertices of a graph: in each iteration, vertices receive a message on each incoming edge, aggregate these messages, and then update their state based on their current state and the aggregated messages. The expressivity of GNNs can be characterised in terms of certain fragments of first-order logic with counting and the Weisfeiler-Lehman algorithm. The core GNN architecture comes in two different versions. In the first version, a message only depends on the state of the source vertex, whereas in the second version it depends on the states of the source and target vertices. In practice, both of these versions are used, but the theory of GNNs so far mostly focused on the first one. On the logical side, the two versions correspond to two fragments of first-order logic with counting that we call modal and guarded. The question whether the two versions differ in their expressivity has been mostly overlooked in the GNN literature and has only been asked recently (Grohe, LICS'23). We answer this question here. It turns out that the answer is not as straightforward as one might expect. By proving that the modal and guarded fragment of first-order logic with counting have the same expressivity over labelled undirected graphs, we show that in a non-uniform setting the two GNN versions have the same expressivity. However, we also prove that in a uniform setting the second version is strictly more expressive.

cross Towards an educational tool for supporting neonatologists in the delivery room

Authors: Giorgio Leonardi, Clara Maldarizzi, Stefania Montani, Manuel Striani, Mariachiara Martina Strozzi

Abstract: Nowadays, there is evidence that several factors may increase the risk, for an infant, to require stabilisation or resuscitation manoeuvres at birth. However, this risk factors are not completely known, and a universally applicable model for predicting high-risk situations is not available yet. Considering both these limitations and the fact that the need for resuscitation at birth is a rare event, periodic training of the healthcare personnel responsible for newborn caring in the delivery room is mandatory. In this paper, we propose a machine learning approach for identifying risk factors and their impact on the birth event from real data, which can be used by personnel to progressively increase and update their knowledge. Our final goal will be the one of designing a user-friendly mobile application, able to improve the recognition rate and the planning of the appropriate interventions on high-risk patients.

cross Last Iterate Convergence of Incremental Methods and Applications in Continual Learning

Authors: Xufeng Cai, Jelena Diakonikolas

Abstract: Incremental gradient methods and incremental proximal methods are a fundamental class of optimization algorithms used for solving finite sum problems, broadly studied in the literature. Yet, when it comes to their convergence guarantees, nonasymptotic (first-order or proximal) oracle complexity bounds have been obtained fairly recently, almost exclusively applying to the average iterate. Motivated by applications in continual learning, we obtain the first convergence guarantees for the last iterate of both incremental gradient and incremental proximal methods, in general convex smooth (for both) and convex Lipschitz (for the proximal variants) settings. Our oracle complexity bounds for the last iterate nearly match (i.e., match up to a square-root-log or a log factor) the best known oracle complexity bounds for the average iterate, for both classes of methods. We further obtain generalizations of our results to weighted averaging of the iterates with increasing weights, which can be seen as interpolating between the last iterate and the average iterate guarantees. Additionally, we discuss how our results can be generalized to variants of studied incremental methods with permuted ordering of updates. Our results generalize last iterate guarantees for incremental methods compared to state of the art, as such results were previously known only for overparameterized linear models, which correspond to convex quadratic problems with infinitely many solutions.

cross COOD: Combined out-of-distribution detection using multiple measures for anomaly & novel class detection in large-scale hierarchical classification

Authors: L. E. Hogeweg, R. Gangireddy, D. Brunink, V. J. Kalkman, L. Cornelissen, J. W. Kamminga

Abstract: High-performing out-of-distribution (OOD) detection, both anomaly and novel class, is an important prerequisite for the practical use of classification models. In this paper, we focus on the species recognition task in images concerned with large databases, a large number of fine-grained hierarchical classes, severe class imbalance, and varying image quality. We propose a framework for combining individual OOD measures into one combined OOD (COOD) measure using a supervised model. The individual measures are several existing state-of-the-art measures and several novel OOD measures developed with novel class detection and hierarchical class structure in mind. COOD was extensively evaluated on three large-scale (500k+ images) biodiversity datasets in the context of anomaly and novel class detection. We show that COOD outperforms individual, including state-of-the-art, OOD measures by a large margin in terms of TPR@1% FPR in the majority of experiments, e.g., improving detecting ImageNet images (OOD) from 54.3% to 85.4% for the iNaturalist 2018 dataset. SHAP (feature contribution) analysis shows that different individual OOD measures are essential for various tasks, indicating that multiple OOD measures and combinations are needed to generalize. Additionally, we show that explicitly considering ID images that are incorrectly classified for the original (species) recognition task is important for constructing high-performing OOD detection methods and for practical applicability. The framework can easily be extended or adapted to other tasks and media modalities.

cross HiRA-Pro: High resolution alignment of multimodal spatio-temporal data: a process physics driven approach

Authors: Abhishek Hanchate, Himanshu Balhara, Vishal S. Chindepalli, Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam

Abstract: We present HiRA-Pro, a novel procedure to align, at high spatio-temporal resolutions, multimodal signals from real-world processes and systems that exhibit diverse transient, nonlinear stochastic dynamics, such as manufacturing machines. It is based on discerning and synchronizing the process signatures of salient kinematic and dynamic events in these disparate signals. HiRA-Pro addresses the challenge of aligning data with sub-millisecond phenomena, where traditional timestamp, external trigger, or clock-based alignment methods fall short. The effectiveness of HiRA-Pro is demonstrated in a smart manufacturing context, where it aligns data from 13+ channels acquired during 3D-printing and milling operations on an Optomec-LENS MTS 500 hybrid machine. The aligned data is then voxelized to generate 0.25 second aligned data chunks that correspond to physical voxels on the produced part. The superiority of HiRA-Pro is further showcased through case studies in additive manufacturing, demonstrating improved machine learning-based predictive performance due to precise multimodal data alignment. Specifically, testing classification accuracies improved by almost 35% with the application of HiRA-Pro, even with limited data, allowing for precise localization of artifacts. The paper also provides a comprehensive discussion on the proposed method, its applications, and comparative qualitative analysis with a few other alignment methods. HiRA-Pro achieves temporal-spatial resolutions of 10-1000 us and 100 um in order to generate datasets that register with physical voxels on the 3D-printed and milled part. These resolutions are at least an order of magnitude finer than the existing alignment methods that employ individual timestamps, statistical correlations, or common clocks, which achieve precision of hundreds of milliseconds.

cross Application of Quantum Tensor Networks for Protein Classification

Authors: Debarshi Kundu, Archisman Ghosh, Srinivasan Ekambaram, Jian Wang, Nikolay Dokholyan, Swaroop Ghosh

Abstract: We show that protein sequences can be thought of as sentences in natural language processing and can be parsed using the existing Quantum Natural Language framework into parameterized quantum circuits of reasonable qubits, which can be trained to solve various protein-related machine-learning problems. We classify proteins based on their subcellular locations, a pivotal task in bioinformatics that is key to understanding biological processes and disease mechanisms. Leveraging the quantum-enhanced processing capabilities, we demonstrate that Quantum Tensor Networks (QTN) can effectively handle the complexity and diversity of protein sequences. We present a detailed methodology that adapts QTN architectures to the nuanced requirements of protein data, supported by comprehensive experimental results. We demonstrate two distinct QTNs, inspired by classical recurrent neural networks (RNN) and convolutional neural networks (CNN), to solve the binary classification task mentioned above. Our top-performing quantum model has achieved a 94% accuracy rate, which is comparable to the performance of a classical model that uses the ESM2 protein language model embeddings. It's noteworthy that the ESM2 model is extremely large, containing 8 million parameters in its smallest configuration, whereas our best quantum model requires only around 800 parameters. We demonstrate that these hybrid models exhibit promising performance, showcasing their potential to compete with classical models of similar complexity.

cross LIBR+: Improving Intraoperative Liver Registration by Learning the Residual of Biomechanics-Based Deformable Registration

Authors: Dingrong Wang, Soheil Azadvar, Jon Heiselman, Xiajun Jiang, Michael Miga, Linwei Wang

Abstract: The surgical environment imposes unique challenges to the intraoperative registration of organ shapes to their preoperatively-imaged geometry. Biomechanical model-based registration remains popular, while deep learning solutions remain limited due to the sparsity and variability of intraoperative measurements and the limited ground-truth deformation of an organ that can be obtained during the surgery. In this paper, we propose a novel \textit{hybrid} registration approach that leverage a linearized iterative boundary reconstruction (LIBR) method based on linear elastic biomechanics, and use deep neural networks to learn its residual to the ground-truth deformation (LIBR+). We further formulate a dual-branch spline-residual graph convolutional neural network (SR-GCN) to assimilate information from sparse and variable intraoperative measurements and effectively propagate it through the geometry of the 3D organ. Experiments on a large intraoperative liver registration dataset demonstrated the consistent improvements achieved by LIBR+ in comparison to existing rigid, biomechnical model-based non-rigid, and deep-learning based non-rigid approaches to intraoperative liver registration.

cross Responsible Artificial Intelligence: A Structured Literature Review

Authors: Sabrina Goellner, Marina Tropmann-Frick, Bostjan Brumen

Abstract: Our research endeavors to advance the concept of responsible artificial intelligence (AI), a topic of increasing importance within EU policy discussions. The EU has recently issued several publications emphasizing the necessity of trust in AI, underscoring the dual nature of AI as both a beneficial tool and a potential weapon. This dichotomy highlights the urgent need for international regulation. Concurrently, there is a need for frameworks that guide companies in AI development, ensuring compliance with such regulations. Our research aims to assist lawmakers and machine learning practitioners in navigating the evolving landscape of AI regulation, identifying focal areas for future attention. This paper introduces a comprehensive and, to our knowledge, the first unified definition of responsible AI. Through a structured literature review, we elucidate the current understanding of responsible AI. Drawing from this analysis, we propose an approach for developing a future framework centered around this concept. Our findings advocate for a human-centric approach to Responsible AI. This approach encompasses the implementation of AI methods with a strong emphasis on ethics, model explainability, and the pillars of privacy, security, and trust.

cross Conditional Score-Based Diffusion Model for Cortical Thickness Trajectory Prediction

Authors: Qing Xiao, Siyeop Yoon, Hui Ren, Matthew Tivnan, Lichao Sun, Quanzheng Li, Tianming Liu, Yu Zhang, Xiang Li

Abstract: Alzheimer's Disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative condition characterized by diverse progression rates among individuals, with changes in cortical thickness (CTh) closely linked to its progression. Accurately forecasting CTh trajectories can significantly enhance early diagnosis and intervention strategies, providing timely care. However, the longitudinal data essential for these studies often suffer from temporal sparsity and incompleteness, presenting substantial challenges in modeling the disease's progression accurately. Existing methods are limited, focusing primarily on datasets without missing entries or requiring predefined assumptions about CTh progression. To overcome these obstacles, we propose a conditional score-based diffusion model specifically designed to generate CTh trajectories with the given baseline information, such as age, sex, and initial diagnosis. Our conditional diffusion model utilizes all available data during the training phase to make predictions based solely on baseline information during inference without needing prior history about CTh progression. The prediction accuracy of the proposed CTh prediction pipeline using a conditional score-based model was compared for sub-groups consisting of cognitively normal, mild cognitive impairment, and AD subjects. The Bland-Altman analysis shows our diffusion-based prediction model has a near-zero bias with narrow 95% confidential interval compared to the ground-truth CTh in 6-36 months. In addition, our conditional diffusion model has a stochastic generative nature, therefore, we demonstrated an uncertainty analysis of patient-specific CTh prediction through multiple realizations.

cross Grid Monitoring and Protection with Continuous Point-on-Wave Measurements and Generative AI

Authors: Lang Tong, Xinyi Wang, Qing Zhao

Abstract: Purpose This article presents a case for a next-generation grid monitoring and control system, leveraging recent advances in generative artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, and statistical inference. Advancing beyond earlier generations of wide-area monitoring systems built upon supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) and synchrophasor technologies, we argue for a monitoring and control framework based on the streaming of continuous point-on-wave (CPOW) measurements with AI-powered data compression and fault detection. Methods and Results: The architecture of the proposed design originates from the Wiener-Kallianpur innovation representation of a random process that transforms causally a stationary random process into an innovation sequence with independent and identically distributed random variables. This work presents a generative AI approach that (i) learns an innovation autoencoder that extracts innovation sequence from CPOW time series, (ii) compresses the CPOW streaming data with innovation autoencoder and subband coding, and (iii) detects unknown faults and novel trends via nonparametric sequential hypothesis testing. Conclusion: This work argues that conventional monitoring using SCADA and phasor measurement unit (PMU) technologies is ill-suited for a future grid with deep penetration of inverter-based renewable generations and distributed energy resources. A monitoring system based on CPOW data streaming and AI data analytics should be the basic building blocks for situational awareness of a highly dynamic future grid.

cross SELMA: Learning and Merging Skill-Specific Text-to-Image Experts with Auto-Generated Data

Authors: Jialu Li, Jaemin Cho, Yi-Lin Sung, Jaehong Yoon, Mohit Bansal

Abstract: Recent text-to-image (T2I) generation models have demonstrated impressive capabilities in creating images from text descriptions. However, these T2I generation models often fall short of generating images that precisely match the details of the text inputs, such as incorrect spatial relationship or missing objects. In this paper, we introduce SELMA: Skill-Specific Expert Learning and Merging with Auto-Generated Data, a novel paradigm to improve the faithfulness of T2I models by fine-tuning models on automatically generated, multi-skill image-text datasets, with skill-specific expert learning and merging. First, SELMA leverages an LLM's in-context learning capability to generate multiple datasets of text prompts that can teach different skills, and then generates the images with a T2I model based on the prompts. Next, SELMA adapts the T2I model to the new skills by learning multiple single-skill LoRA (low-rank adaptation) experts followed by expert merging. Our independent expert fine-tuning specializes multiple models for different skills, and expert merging helps build a joint multi-skill T2I model that can generate faithful images given diverse text prompts, while mitigating the knowledge conflict from different datasets. We empirically demonstrate that SELMA significantly improves the semantic alignment and text faithfulness of state-of-the-art T2I diffusion models on multiple benchmarks (+2.1% on TIFA and +6.9% on DSG), human preference metrics (PickScore, ImageReward, and HPS), as well as human evaluation. Moreover, fine-tuning with image-text pairs auto-collected via SELMA shows comparable performance to fine-tuning with ground truth data. Lastly, we show that fine-tuning with images from a weaker T2I model can help improve the generation quality of a stronger T2I model, suggesting promising weak-to-strong generalization in T2I models.

cross Accurate Crystal Structure Prediction of New 2D Hybrid Organic Inorganic Perovskites

Authors: Nima Karimitari, William J. Baldwin, Evan W. Muller, Zachary J. L. Bare, W. Joshua Kennedy, G\'abor Cs\'anyi, Christopher Sutton

Abstract: Low dimensional hybrid organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) represent a promising class of electronically active materials for both light absorption and emission. The design space of HOIPs is extremely large, since a diverse space of organic cations can be combined with different inorganic frameworks. This immense design space allows for tunable electronic and mechanical properties, but also necessitates the development of new tools for in silico high throughput analysis of candidate structures. In this work, we present an accurate, efficient, transferable and widely applicable machine learning interatomic potential (MLIP) for predicting the structure of new 2D HOIPs. Using the MACE architecture, an MLIP is trained on 86 diverse experimentally reported HOIP structures. The model is tested on 73 unseen perovskite compositions, and achieves chemical accuracy with respect to the reference electronic structure method. Our model is then combined with a simple random structure search algorithm to predict the structure of hypothetical HOIPs given only the proposed composition. Success is demonstrated by correctly and reliably recovering the crystal structure of a set of experimentally known 2D perovskites. Such a random structure search is impossible with ab initio methods due to the associated computational cost, but is relatively inexpensive with the MACE potential. Finally, the procedure is used to predict the structure formed by a new organic cation with no previously known corresponding perovskite. Laboratory synthesis of the new hybrid perovskite confirms the accuracy of our prediction. This capability, applied at scale, enables efficient screening of thousands of combinations of organic cations and inorganic layers.

cross The pitfalls of next-token prediction

Authors: Gregor Bachmann, Vaishnavh Nagarajan

Abstract: Can a mere next-token predictor faithfully model human intelligence? We crystallize this intuitive concern, which is fragmented in the literature. As a starting point, we argue that the two often-conflated phases of next-token prediction -- autoregressive inference and teacher-forced training -- must be treated distinctly. The popular criticism that errors can compound during autoregressive inference, crucially assumes that teacher-forcing has learned an accurate next-token predictor. This assumption sidesteps a more deep-rooted problem we expose: in certain classes of tasks, teacher-forcing can simply fail to learn an accurate next-token predictor in the first place. We describe a general mechanism of how teacher-forcing can fail, and design a minimal planning task where both the Transformer and the Mamba architecture empirically fail in that manner -- remarkably, despite the task being straightforward to learn. We provide preliminary evidence that this failure can be resolved when training to predict multiple tokens in advance. We hope this finding can ground future debates and inspire explorations beyond the next-token prediction paradigm. We make our code available under


cross Bayesian Diffusion Models for 3D Shape Reconstruction

Authors: Haiyang Xu, Yu Lei, Zeyuan Chen, Xiang Zhang, Yue Zhao, Yilin Wang, Zhuowen Tu

Abstract: We present Bayesian Diffusion Models (BDM), a prediction algorithm that performs effective Bayesian inference by tightly coupling the top-down (prior) information with the bottom-up (data-driven) procedure via joint diffusion processes. We show the effectiveness of BDM on the 3D shape reconstruction task. Compared to prototypical deep learning data-driven approaches trained on paired (supervised) data-labels (e.g. image-point clouds) datasets, our BDM brings in rich prior information from standalone labels (e.g. point clouds) to improve the bottom-up 3D reconstruction. As opposed to the standard Bayesian frameworks where explicit prior and likelihood are required for the inference, BDM performs seamless information fusion via coupled diffusion processes with learned gradient computation networks. The specialty of our BDM lies in its capability to engage the active and effective information exchange and fusion of the top-down and bottom-up processes where each itself is a diffusion process. We demonstrate state-of-the-art results on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks for 3D shape reconstruction.

replace The CTU Prague Relational Learning Repository

Authors: Jan Motl, Oliver Schulte

Abstract: The aim of the Prague Relational Learning Repository is to support machine learning research with multi-relational data. The repository currently contains 148 SQL databases hosted on a public MySQL server located at \url{}. The server is provided by getML to support the relational machine learning community (\url{}). A searchable meta-database provides metadata (e.g., the number of tables in the database, the number of rows and columns in the tables, the number of self-relationships).


replace Upper Counterfactual Confidence Bounds: a New Optimism Principle for Contextual Bandits

Authors: Yunbei Xu, Assaf Zeevi

Abstract: The principle of optimism in the face of uncertainty is one of the most widely used and successful ideas in multi-armed bandits and reinforcement learning. However, existing optimistic algorithms (primarily UCB and its variants) often struggle to deal with general function classes and large context spaces. In this paper, we study general contextual bandits with an offline regression oracle and propose a simple, generic principle to design optimistic algorithms, dubbed "Upper Counterfactual Confidence Bounds" (UCCB). The key innovation of UCCB is building confidence bounds in policy space, rather than in action space as is done in UCB. We demonstrate that these algorithms are provably optimal and computationally efficient in handling general function classes and large context spaces. Furthermore, we illustrate that the UCCB principle can be seamlessly extended to infinite-action general contextual bandits, provide the first solutions to these settings when employing an offline regression oracle.

replace A Bayesian Learning Algorithm for Unknown Zero-sum Stochastic Games with an Arbitrary Opponent

Authors: Mehdi Jafarnia-Jahromi, Rahul Jain, Ashutosh Nayyar

Abstract: In this paper, we propose Posterior Sampling Reinforcement Learning for Zero-sum Stochastic Games (PSRL-ZSG), the first online learning algorithm that achieves Bayesian regret bound of $O(HS\sqrt{AT})$ in the infinite-horizon zero-sum stochastic games with average-reward criterion. Here $H$ is an upper bound on the span of the bias function, $S$ is the number of states, $A$ is the number of joint actions and $T$ is the horizon. We consider the online setting where the opponent can not be controlled and can take any arbitrary time-adaptive history-dependent strategy. Our regret bound improves on the best existing regret bound of $O(\sqrt[3]{DS^2AT^2})$ by Wei et al. (2017) under the same assumption and matches the theoretical lower bound in $T$.

replace Pareto-wise Ranking Classifier for Multi-objective Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Lianbo Ma, Nan Li, Guo Yu, Xiaoyu Geng, Min Huang, Xingwei Wang

Abstract: In the deployment of deep neural models, how to effectively and automatically find feasible deep models under diverse design objectives is fundamental. Most existing neural architecture search (NAS) methods utilize surrogates to predict the detailed performance (e.g., accuracy and model size) of a candidate architecture during the search, which however is complicated and inefficient. In contrast, we aim to learn an efficient Pareto classifier to simplify the search process of NAS by transforming the complex multi-objective NAS task into a simple Pareto-dominance classification task. To this end, we propose a classification-wise Pareto evolution approach for one-shot NAS, where an online classifier is trained to predict the dominance relationship between the candidate and constructed reference architectures, instead of using surrogates to fit the objective functions. The main contribution of this study is to change supernet adaption into a Pareto classifier. Besides, we design two adaptive schemes to select the reference set of architectures for constructing classification boundary and regulate the rate of positive samples over negative ones, respectively. We compare the proposed evolution approach with state-of-the-art approaches on widely-used benchmark datasets, and experimental results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms other approaches and have found a number of neural architectures with different model sizes ranging from 2M to 6M under diverse objectives and constraints.

replace Generalizing Graph Neural Networks on Out-Of-Distribution Graphs

Authors: Shaohua Fan, Xiao Wang, Chuan Shi, Peng Cui, Bai Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are proposed without considering the agnostic distribution shifts between training and testing graphs, inducing the degeneration of the generalization ability of GNNs on Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) settings. The fundamental reason for such degeneration is that most GNNs are developed based on the I.I.D hypothesis. In such a setting, GNNs tend to exploit subtle statistical correlations existing in the training set for predictions, even though it is a spurious correlation. However, such spurious correlations may change in testing environments, leading to the failure of GNNs. Therefore, eliminating the impact of spurious correlations is crucial for stable GNNs. To this end, we propose a general causal representation framework, called StableGNN. The main idea is to extract high-level representations from graph data first and resort to the distinguishing ability of causal inference to help the model get rid of spurious correlations. Particularly, we exploit a graph pooling layer to extract subgraph-based representations as high-level representations. Furthermore, we propose a causal variable distinguishing regularizer to correct the biased training distribution. Hence, GNNs would concentrate more on the stable correlations. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world OOD graph datasets well verify the effectiveness, flexibility and interpretability of the proposed framework.

replace PMFL: Partial Meta-Federated Learning for heterogeneous tasks and its applications on real-world medical records

Authors: Tianyi Zhang, Shirui Zhang, Ziwei Chen, Dianbo Liu

Abstract: Federated machine learning is a versatile and flexible tool to utilize distributed data from different sources, especially when communication technology develops rapidly and an unprecedented amount of data could be collected on mobile devices nowadays. Federated learning method exploits not only the data but the computational power of all devices in the network to achieve more efficient model training. Nevertheless, while most traditional federated learning methods work well for homogeneous data and tasks, adapting the method to a different heterogeneous data and task distribution is challenging. This limitation has constrained the applications of federated learning in real-world contexts, especially in healthcare settings. Inspired by the fundamental idea of meta-learning, in this study we propose a new algorithm, which is an integration of federated learning and meta-learning, to tackle this issue. In addition, owing to the advantage of transfer learning for model generalization, we further improve our algorithm by introducing partial parameter sharing. We name this method partial meta-federated learning (PMFL). Finally, we apply the algorithms to two medical datasets. We show that our algorithm could obtain the fastest training speed and achieve the best performance when dealing with heterogeneous medical datasets.

replace Slowly Changing Adversarial Bandit Algorithms are Efficient for Discounted MDPs

Authors: Ian A. Kash, Lev Reyzin, Zishun Yu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning generalizes multi-armed bandit problems with additional difficulties of a longer planning horizon and unknown transition kernel. We explore a black-box reduction from discounted infinite-horizon tabular reinforcement learning to multi-armed bandits, where, specifically, an independent bandit learner is placed in each state. We show that, under ergodicity and fast mixing assumptions, any slowly changing adversarial bandit algorithm achieving optimal regret in the adversarial bandit setting can also attain optimal expected regret in infinite-horizon discounted Markov decision processes, with respect to the number of rounds $T$. Furthermore, we examine our reduction using a specific instance of the exponential-weight algorithm.

replace NAS-Bench-Graph: Benchmarking Graph Neural Architecture Search

Authors: Yijian Qin, Ziwei Zhang, Xin Wang, Zeyang Zhang, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Graph neural architecture search (GraphNAS) has recently aroused considerable attention in both academia and industry. However, two key challenges seriously hinder the further research of GraphNAS. First, since there is no consensus for the experimental setting, the empirical results in different research papers are often not comparable and even not reproducible, leading to unfair comparisons. Secondly, GraphNAS often needs extensive computations, which makes it highly inefficient and inaccessible to researchers without access to large-scale computation. To solve these challenges, we propose NAS-Bench-Graph, a tailored benchmark that supports unified, reproducible, and efficient evaluations for GraphNAS. Specifically, we construct a unified, expressive yet compact search space, covering 26,206 unique graph neural network (GNN) architectures and propose a principled evaluation protocol. To avoid unnecessary repetitive training, we have trained and evaluated all of these architectures on nine representative graph datasets, recording detailed metrics including train, validation, and test performance in each epoch, the latency, the number of parameters, etc. Based on our proposed benchmark, the performance of GNN architectures can be directly obtained by a look-up table without any further computation, which enables fair, fully reproducible, and efficient comparisons. To demonstrate its usage, we make in-depth analyses of our proposed NAS-Bench-Graph, revealing several interesting findings for GraphNAS. We also showcase how the benchmark can be easily compatible with GraphNAS open libraries such as AutoGL and NNI. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first benchmark for graph neural architecture search.

replace OpenXAI: Towards a Transparent Evaluation of Model Explanations

Authors: Chirag Agarwal, Dan Ley, Eshika Saxena, Satyapriya Krishna, Martin Pawelczyk, Nari Johnson, Isha Puri, Marinka Zitnik, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: While several types of post hoc explanation methods have been proposed in recent literature, there is very little work on systematically benchmarking these methods. Here, we introduce OpenXAI, a comprehensive and extensible open-source framework for evaluating and benchmarking post hoc explanation methods. OpenXAI comprises of the following key components: (i) a flexible synthetic data generator and a collection of diverse real-world datasets, pre-trained models, and state-of-the-art feature attribution methods, and (ii) open-source implementations of eleven quantitative metrics for evaluating faithfulness, stability (robustness), and fairness of explanation methods, in turn providing comparisons of several explanation methods across a wide variety of metrics, models, and datasets. OpenXAI is easily extensible, as users can readily evaluate custom explanation methods and incorporate them into our leaderboards. Overall, OpenXAI provides an automated end-to-end pipeline that not only simplifies and standardizes the evaluation of post hoc explanation methods, but also promotes transparency and reproducibility in benchmarking these methods. While the first release of OpenXAI supports only tabular datasets, the explanation methods and metrics that we consider are general enough to be applicable to other data modalities. OpenXAI datasets and models, implementations of state-of-the-art explanation methods and evaluation metrics, are publicly available at this GitHub link.

replace Is your model predicting the past?

Authors: Moritz Hardt, Michael P. Kim

Abstract: When does a machine learning model predict the future of individuals and when does it recite patterns that predate the individuals? In this work, we propose a distinction between these two pathways of prediction, supported by theoretical, empirical, and normative arguments. At the center of our proposal is a family of simple and efficient statistical tests, called backward baselines, that demonstrate if, and to what extent, a model recounts the past. Our statistical theory provides guidance for interpreting backward baselines, establishing equivalences between different baselines and familiar statistical concepts. Concretely, we derive a meaningful backward baseline for auditing a prediction system as a black box, given only background variables and the system's predictions. Empirically, we evaluate the framework on different prediction tasks derived from longitudinal panel surveys, demonstrating the ease and effectiveness of incorporating backward baselines into the practice of machine learning.

replace Sample Efficient Learning of Factored Embeddings of Tensor Fields

Authors: Taemin Heo, Chandrajit Bajaj

Abstract: Data tensors of orders 2 and greater are now routinely being generated. These data collections are increasingly huge and growing. Many scientific and medical data tensors are tensor fields (e.g., images, videos, geographic data) in which the spatial neighborhood contains important information. Directly accessing such large data tensor collections for information has become increasingly prohibitive. We learn approximate full-rank and compact tensor sketches with decompositive representations providing compact space, time and spectral embeddings of tensor fields. All information querying and post-processing on the original tensor field can now be achieved more efficiently and with customizable accuracy as they are performed on these compact factored sketches in latent generative space. We produce optimal rank-r sketchy Tucker decomposition of arbitrary order data tensors by building compact factor matrices from a sample-efficient sub-sampling of tensor slices. Our sample efficient policy is learned via an adaptable stochastic Thompson sampling using Dirichlet distributions with conjugate priors.

replace Invariant Aggregator for Defending against Federated Backdoor Attacks

Authors: Xiaoyang Wang, Dimitrios Dimitriadis, Sanmi Koyejo, Shruti Tople

Abstract: Federated learning enables training high-utility models across several clients without directly sharing their private data. As a downside, the federated setting makes the model vulnerable to various adversarial attacks in the presence of malicious clients. Despite the theoretical and empirical success in defending against attacks that aim to degrade models' utility, defense against backdoor attacks that increase model accuracy on backdoor samples exclusively without hurting the utility on other samples remains challenging. To this end, we first analyze the failure modes of existing defenses over a flat loss landscape, which is common for well-designed neural networks such as Resnet (He et al., 2015) but is often overlooked by previous works. Then, we propose an invariant aggregator that redirects the aggregated update to invariant directions that are generally useful via selectively masking out the update elements that favor few and possibly malicious clients. Theoretical results suggest that our approach provably mitigates backdoor attacks and remains effective over flat loss landscapes. Empirical results on three datasets with different modalities and varying numbers of clients further demonstrate that our approach mitigates a broad class of backdoor attacks with a negligible cost on the model utility.

replace PhAST: Physics-Aware, Scalable, and Task-specific GNNs for Accelerated Catalyst Design

Authors: Alexandre Duval, Victor Schmidt, Santiago Miret, Yoshua Bengio, Alex Hern\'andez-Garc\'ia, David Rolnick

Abstract: Mitigating the climate crisis requires a rapid transition towards lower-carbon energy. Catalyst materials play a crucial role in the electrochemical reactions involved in numerous industrial processes key to this transition, such as renewable energy storage and electrofuel synthesis. To reduce the energy spent on such activities, we must quickly discover more efficient catalysts to drive electrochemical reactions. Machine learning (ML) holds the potential to efficiently model materials properties from large amounts of data, accelerating electrocatalyst design. The Open Catalyst Project OC20 dataset was constructed to that end. However, ML models trained on OC20 are still neither scalable nor accurate enough for practical applications. In this paper, we propose task-specific innovations applicable to most architectures, enhancing both computational efficiency and accuracy. This includes improvements in (1) the graph creation step, (2) atom representations, (3) the energy prediction head, and (4) the force prediction head. We describe these contributions, referred to as PhAST, and evaluate them thoroughly on multiple architectures. Overall, PhAST improves energy MAE by 4 to 42$\%$ while dividing compute time by 3 to 8$\times$ depending on the targeted task/model. PhAST also enables CPU training, leading to 40$\times$ speedups in highly parallelized settings. Python package: \url{}.


replace oneDNN Graph Compiler: A Hybrid Approach for High-Performance Deep Learning Compilation

Authors: Jianhui Li, Zhennan Qin, Yijie Mei, Jingze Cui, Yunfei Song, Ciyong Chen, Yifei Zhang, Longsheng Du, Xianhang Cheng, Baihui Jin, Yan Zhang, Jason Ye, Eric Lin, Dan Lavery

Abstract: With the rapid development of deep learning models and hardware support for dense computing, the deep learning workload characteristics changed significantly from a few hot spots on compute-intensive operations to a broad range of operations scattered across the models. Accelerating a few compute-intensive operations using the expert-tuned implementation of primitives does not fully exploit the performance potential of AI hardware. Various efforts have been made to compile a full deep neural network (DNN) graph. One of the biggest challenges is to achieve high-performance tensor compilation by generating expert level performance code for the dense compute-intensive operations and applying compilation optimization at the scope of DNN computation graph across multiple compute-intensive operations. We present oneDNN Graph Compiler, a tensor compiler that employs a hybrid approach of using techniques from both compiler optimization and expert-tuned kernels for high performance code generation of the deep neural network graph. oneDNN Graph Compiler addresses unique optimization challenges in the deep learning domain, such as low-precision computation, aggressive fusion of graph operations, optimization for static tensor shapes and memory layout, constant weight optimization, and memory buffer reuse. Experimental results demonstrate significant performance gains over existing tensor compiler and primitives library for performance-critical DNN computation graphs and end-to-end models on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors.

replace DiffSTG: Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Graph Forecasting with Denoising Diffusion Models

Authors: Haomin Wen, Youfang Lin, Yutong Xia, Huaiyu Wan, Qingsong Wen, Roger Zimmermann, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: Spatio-temporal graph neural networks (STGNN) have emerged as the dominant model for spatio-temporal graph (STG) forecasting. Despite their success, they fail to model intrinsic uncertainties within STG data, which cripples their practicality in downstream tasks for decision-making. To this end, this paper focuses on probabilistic STG forecasting, which is challenging due to the difficulty in modeling uncertainties and complex ST dependencies. In this study, we present the first attempt to generalize the popular denoising diffusion probabilistic models to STGs, leading to a novel non-autoregressive framework called DiffSTG, along with the first denoising network UGnet for STG in the framework. Our approach combines the spatio-temporal learning capabilities of STGNNs with the uncertainty measurements of diffusion models. Extensive experiments validate that DiffSTG reduces the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) by 4%-14%, and Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) by 2%-7% over existing methods on three real-world datasets.

replace Improving and generalizing flow-based generative models with minibatch optimal transport

Authors: Alexander Tong, Kilian Fatras, Nikolay Malkin, Guillaume Huguet, Yanlei Zhang, Jarrid Rector-Brooks, Guy Wolf, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: Continuous normalizing flows (CNFs) are an attractive generative modeling technique, but they have been held back by limitations in their simulation-based maximum likelihood training. We introduce the generalized conditional flow matching (CFM) technique, a family of simulation-free training objectives for CNFs. CFM features a stable regression objective like that used to train the stochastic flow in diffusion models but enjoys the efficient inference of deterministic flow models. In contrast to both diffusion models and prior CNF training algorithms, CFM does not require the source distribution to be Gaussian or require evaluation of its density. A variant of our objective is optimal transport CFM (OT-CFM), which creates simpler flows that are more stable to train and lead to faster inference, as evaluated in our experiments. Furthermore, we show that when the true OT plan is available, our OT-CFM method approximates dynamic OT. Training CNFs with CFM improves results on a variety of conditional and unconditional generation tasks, such as inferring single cell dynamics, unsupervised image translation, and Schr\"odinger bridge inference.

replace Brain Effective Connectome based on fMRI and DTI Data: Bayesian Causal Learning and Assessment

Authors: Abdolmahdi Bagheri, Mahdi Dehshiri, Yamin Bagheri, Alireza Akhondi-Asl, Babak Nadjar Araabi

Abstract: Neuroscientific studies aim to find an accurate and reliable brain Effective Connectome (EC). Although current EC discovery methods have contributed to our understanding of brain organization, their performances are severely constrained by the short sample size and poor temporal resolution of fMRI data, and high dimensionality of the brain connectome. By leveraging the DTI data as prior knowledge, we introduce two Bayesian causal discovery frameworks -- the Bayesian GOLEM (BGOLEM) and Bayesian FGES (BFGES) methods -- that offer significantly more accurate and reliable ECs and address the shortcomings of the existing causal discovery methods in discovering ECs based on only fMRI data. Through a series of simulation studies on synthetic and hybrid (DTI of the Human Connectome Project (HCP) subjects and synthetic fMRI) data, we demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed methods in discovering EC. To numerically assess the improvement in the accuracy of ECs with our method on empirical data, we first introduce the Pseudo False Discovery Rate (PFDR) as a new computational accuracy metric for causal discovery in the brain. We show that our Bayesian methods achieve higher accuracy than traditional methods on HCP data. Additionally, we measure the reliability of discovered ECs using the Rogers-Tanimoto index for test-retest data and show that our Bayesian methods provide significantly more reproducible ECs than traditional methods. Overall, our study's numerical and graphical results highlight the potential for these frameworks to advance our understanding of brain function and organization significantly.

replace Online Reinforcement Learning in Markov Decision Process Using Linear Programming

Authors: Vincent Leon, S. Rasoul Etesami

Abstract: We consider online reinforcement learning in episodic Markov decision process (MDP) with unknown transition function and stochastic rewards drawn from some fixed but unknown distribution. The learner aims to learn the optimal policy and minimize their regret over a finite time horizon through interacting with the environment. We devise a simple and efficient model-based algorithm that achieves $\widetilde{O}(LX\sqrt{TA})$ regret with high probability, where $L$ is the episode length, $T$ is the number of episodes, and $X$ and $A$ are the cardinalities of the state space and the action space, respectively. The proposed algorithm, which is based on the concept of ``optimism in the face of uncertainty", maintains confidence sets of transition and reward functions and uses occupancy measures to connect the online MDP with linear programming. It achieves a tighter regret bound compared to the existing works that use a similar confidence set framework and improves computational effort compared to those that use a different framework but with a slightly tighter regret bound.

replace The Behavior and Convergence of Local Bayesian Optimization

Authors: Kaiwen Wu, Kyurae Kim, Roman Garnett, Jacob R. Gardner

Abstract: A recent development in Bayesian optimization is the use of local optimization strategies, which can deliver strong empirical performance on high-dimensional problems compared to traditional global strategies. The "folk wisdom" in the literature is that the focus on local optimization sidesteps the curse of dimensionality; however, little is known concretely about the expected behavior or convergence of Bayesian local optimization routines. We first study the behavior of the local approach, and find that the statistics of individual local solutions of Gaussian process sample paths are surprisingly good compared to what we would expect to recover from global methods. We then present the first rigorous analysis of such a Bayesian local optimization algorithm recently proposed by M\"uller et al. (2021), and derive convergence rates in both the noisy and noiseless settings.

replace Consistent Optimal Transport with Empirical Conditional Measures

Authors: Piyushi Manupriya, Rachit Keerti Das, Sayantan Biswas, Saketha Nath Jagarlapudi

Abstract: Given samples from two joint distributions, we consider the problem of Optimal Transportation (OT) between them when conditioned on a common variable. We focus on the general setting where the conditioned variable may be continuous, and the marginals of this variable in the two joint distributions may not be the same. In such settings, standard OT variants cannot be employed, and novel estimation techniques are necessary. Since the main challenge is that the conditional distributions are not explicitly available, the key idea in our OT formulation is to employ kernelized-least-squares terms computed over the joint samples, which implicitly match the transport plan's marginals with the empirical conditionals. Under mild conditions, we prove that our estimated transport plans, as a function of the conditioned variable, are asymptotically optimal. For finite samples, we show that the deviation in terms of our regularized objective is bounded by $O(1/m^{1/4})$, where $m$ is the number of samples. We also discuss how the conditional transport plan could be modelled using explicit probabilistic models as well as using implicit generative ones. We empirically verify the consistency of our estimator on synthetic datasets, where the optimal plan is analytically known. When employed in applications like prompt learning for few-shot classification and conditional-generation in the context of predicting cell responses to treatment, our methodology improves upon state-of-the-art methods.

replace Subpopulation-Specific Synthetic EHR for Better Mortality Prediction

Authors: Oriel Perets, Nadav Rappoport

Abstract: Electronic health records (EHR) often contain different rates of representation of certain subpopulations (SP). Factors like patient demographics, clinical condition prevalence, and medical center type contribute to this underrepresentation. Consequently, when training machine learning models on such datasets, the models struggle to generalize well and perform poorly on underrepresented SPs. To address this issue, we propose a novel ensemble framework that utilizes generative models. Specifically, we train a GAN-based synthetic data generator for each SP and incorporate synthetic samples into each SP training set. Ultimately, we train SP-specific prediction models. To properly evaluate this method, we design an evaluation pipeline with 2 real-world use case datasets, queried from the MIMIC database. Our approach shows increased model performance over underrepresented SPs. Our code and models are given as supplementary and will be made available on a public repository.

replace Large Language Models as Tool Makers

Authors: Tianle Cai, Xuezhi Wang, Tengyu Ma, Xinyun Chen, Denny Zhou

Abstract: Recent research has highlighted the potential of large language models (LLMs) to improve their problem-solving capabilities with the aid of suitable external tools. In our work, we further advance this concept by introducing a closed-loop framework, referred to as LLMs A s Tool Makers (LATM), where LLMs create their own reusable tools for problem-solving. Our approach consists of two phases: 1) tool making: an LLM acts as the tool maker that crafts tools for a set of tasks. 2) tool using: another LLM acts as the tool user, which applies the tool built by the tool maker for problem-solving. On the problem-solving server side, tool-making enables continual tool generation and caching as new requests emerge. This framework enables subsequent requests to access cached tools via their corresponding APIs, enhancing the efficiency of task resolution. Recognizing that tool-making requires more sophisticated capabilities, we assign this task to a powerful, albeit resource-intensive, model. Conversely, the simpler tool-using phase is delegated to a lightweight model. This strategic division of labor allows the once-off cost of tool-making to be spread over multiple instances of tool-using, significantly reducing average costs while maintaining strong performance. Furthermore, our method offers a functional cache through the caching and reuse of tools, which stores the functionality of a class of requests instead of the natural language responses from LLMs, thus extending the applicability of the conventional cache mechanism. We evaluate our approach across various complex reasoning tasks, including Big-Bench tasks. With GPT-4 as the tool maker and GPT-3.5 as the tool user, LATM demonstrates performance equivalent to using GPT-4 for both roles, but with a significantly reduced inference cost.

replace Contextual Bandits with Budgeted Information Reveal

Authors: Kyra Gan, Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh, Xueqing Liu, Susan Murphy

Abstract: Contextual bandit algorithms are commonly used in digital health to recommend personalized treatments. However, to ensure the effectiveness of the treatments, patients are often requested to take actions that have no immediate benefit to them, which we refer to as pro-treatment actions. In practice, clinicians have a limited budget to encourage patients to take these actions and collect additional information. We introduce a novel optimization and learning algorithm to address this problem. This algorithm effectively combines the strengths of two algorithmic approaches in a seamless manner, including 1) an online primal-dual algorithm for deciding the optimal timing to reach out to patients, and 2) a contextual bandit learning algorithm to deliver personalized treatment to the patient. We prove that this algorithm admits a sub-linear regret bound. We illustrate the usefulness of this algorithm on both synthetic and real-world data.

replace Prediction Error-based Classification for Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Micha{\l} Zaj\k{a}c, Tinne Tuytelaars, Gido M. van de Ven

Abstract: Class-incremental learning (CIL) is a particularly challenging variant of continual learning, where the goal is to learn to discriminate between all classes presented in an incremental fashion. Existing approaches often suffer from excessive forgetting and imbalance of the scores assigned to classes that have not been seen together during training. In this study, we introduce a novel approach, Prediction Error-based Classification (PEC), which differs from traditional discriminative and generative classification paradigms. PEC computes a class score by measuring the prediction error of a model trained to replicate the outputs of a frozen random neural network on data from that class. The method can be interpreted as approximating a classification rule based on Gaussian Process posterior variance. PEC offers several practical advantages, including sample efficiency, ease of tuning, and effectiveness even when data are presented one class at a time. Our empirical results show that PEC performs strongly in single-pass-through-data CIL, outperforming other rehearsal-free baselines in all cases and rehearsal-based methods with moderate replay buffer size in most cases across multiple benchmarks.

replace Which Models have Perceptually-Aligned Gradients? An Explanation via Off-Manifold Robustness

Authors: Suraj Srinivas, Sebastian Bordt, Hima Lakkaraju

Abstract: One of the remarkable properties of robust computer vision models is that their input-gradients are often aligned with human perception, referred to in the literature as perceptually-aligned gradients (PAGs). Despite only being trained for classification, PAGs cause robust models to have rudimentary generative capabilities, including image generation, denoising, and in-painting. However, the underlying mechanisms behind these phenomena remain unknown. In this work, we provide a first explanation of PAGs via \emph{off-manifold robustness}, which states that models must be more robust off- the data manifold than they are on-manifold. We first demonstrate theoretically that off-manifold robustness leads input gradients to lie approximately on the data manifold, explaining their perceptual alignment. We then show that Bayes optimal models satisfy off-manifold robustness, and confirm the same empirically for robust models trained via gradient norm regularization, randomized smoothing, and adversarial training with projected gradient descent. Quantifying the perceptual alignment of model gradients via their similarity with the gradients of generative models, we show that off-manifold robustness correlates well with perceptual alignment. Finally, based on the levels of on- and off-manifold robustness, we identify three different regimes of robustness that affect both perceptual alignment and model accuracy: weak robustness, bayes-aligned robustness, and excessive robustness. Code is available at \url{}.


replace Trainable and Explainable Simplicial Map Neural Networks

Authors: Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Miguel A. Guti\'errez-Naranjo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz

Abstract: Simplicial map neural networks (SMNNs) are topology-based neural networks with interesting properties such as universal approximation ability and robustness to adversarial examples under appropriate conditions. However, SMNNs present some bottlenecks for their possible application in high-dimensional datasets. First, SMNNs have precomputed fixed weight and no SMNN training process has been defined so far, so they lack generalization ability. Second, SMNNs require the construction of a convex polytope surrounding the input dataset. In this paper, we overcome these issues by proposing an SMNN training procedure based on a support subset of the given dataset and replacing the construction of the convex polytope by a method based on projections to a hypersphere. In addition, the explainability capacity of SMNNs and an effective implementation are also newly introduced in this paper.

replace Deep Classifier Mimicry without Data Access

Authors: Steven Braun, Martin Mundt, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: Access to pre-trained models has recently emerged as a standard across numerous machine learning domains. Unfortunately, access to the original data the models were trained on may not equally be granted. This makes it tremendously challenging to fine-tune, compress models, adapt continually, or to do any other type of data-driven update. We posit that original data access may however not be required. Specifically, we propose Contrastive Abductive Knowledge Extraction (CAKE), a model-agnostic knowledge distillation procedure that mimics deep classifiers without access to the original data. To this end, CAKE generates pairs of noisy synthetic samples and diffuses them contrastively toward a model's decision boundary. We empirically corroborate CAKE's effectiveness using several benchmark datasets and various architectural choices, paving the way for broad application.

replace Neuron Activation Coverage: Rethinking Out-of-distribution Detection and Generalization

Authors: Yibing Liu, Chris Xing Tian, Haoliang Li, Lei Ma, Shiqi Wang

Abstract: The out-of-distribution (OOD) problem generally arises when neural networks encounter data that significantly deviates from the training data distribution, i.e., in-distribution (InD). In this paper, we study the OOD problem from a neuron activation view. We first formulate neuron activation states by considering both the neuron output and its influence on model decisions. Then, to characterize the relationship between neurons and OOD issues, we introduce the \textit{neuron activation coverage} (NAC) -- a simple measure for neuron behaviors under InD data. Leveraging our NAC, we show that 1) InD and OOD inputs can be largely separated based on the neuron behavior, which significantly eases the OOD detection problem and beats the 21 previous methods over three benchmarks (CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and ImageNet-1K). 2) a positive correlation between NAC and model generalization ability consistently holds across architectures and datasets, which enables a NAC-based criterion for evaluating model robustness. Compared to prevalent InD validation criteria, we show that NAC not only can select more robust models, but also has a stronger correlation with OOD test performance.

replace BeMap: Balanced Message Passing for Fair Graph Neural Network

Authors: Xiao Lin, Jian Kang, Weilin Cong, Hanghang Tong

Abstract: Fairness in graph neural networks has been actively studied recently. However, existing works often do not explicitly consider the role of message passing in introducing or amplifying the bias. In this paper, we first investigate the problem of bias amplification in message passing. We empirically and theoretically demonstrate that message passing could amplify the bias when the 1-hop neighbors from different demographic groups are unbalanced. Guided by such analyses, we propose BeMap, a fair message passing method, that leverages a balance-aware sampling strategy to balance the number of the 1-hop neighbors of each node among different demographic groups. Extensive experiments on node classification demonstrate the efficacy of BeMap in mitigating bias while maintaining classification accuracy. The code is available at


replace Error Feedback Can Accurately Compress Preconditioners

Authors: Ionut-Vlad Modoranu, Aleksei Kalinov, Eldar Kurtic, Elias Frantar, Dan Alistarh

Abstract: Leveraging second-order information about the loss at the scale of deep networks is one of the main lines of approach for improving the performance of current optimizers for deep learning. Yet, existing approaches for accurate full-matrix preconditioning, such as Full-Matrix Adagrad (GGT) or Matrix-Free Approximate Curvature (M-FAC) suffer from massive storage costs when applied even to small-scale models, as they must store a sliding window of gradients, whose memory requirements are multiplicative in the model dimension. In this paper, we address this issue via a novel and efficient error-feedback technique that can be applied to compress preconditioners by up to two orders of magnitude in practice, without loss of convergence. Specifically, our approach compresses the gradient information via sparsification or low-rank compression \emph{before} it is fed into the preconditioner, feeding the compression error back into future iterations. Experiments on deep neural networks show that this approach can compress full-matrix preconditioners to up to 99\% sparsity without accuracy loss, effectively removing the memory overhead of full-matrix preconditioners such as GGT and M-FAC. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace 3D molecule generation by denoising voxel grids

Authors: Pedro O. Pinheiro, Joshua Rackers, Joseph Kleinhenz, Michael Maser, Omar Mahmood, Andrew Martin Watkins, Stephen Ra, Vishnu Sresht, Saeed Saremi

Abstract: We propose a new score-based approach to generate 3D molecules represented as atomic densities on regular grids. First, we train a denoising neural network that learns to map from a smooth distribution of noisy molecules to the distribution of real molecules. Then, we follow the neural empirical Bayes framework (Saremi and Hyvarinen, 19) and generate molecules in two steps: (i) sample noisy density grids from a smooth distribution via underdamped Langevin Markov chain Monte Carlo, and (ii) recover the "clean" molecule by denoising the noisy grid with a single step. Our method, VoxMol, generates molecules in a fundamentally different way than the current state of the art (ie, diffusion models applied to atom point clouds). It differs in terms of the data representation, the noise model, the network architecture and the generative modeling algorithm. Our experiments show that VoxMol captures the distribution of drug-like molecules better than state of the art, while being faster to generate samples.

replace Collaborative and Distributed Bayesian Optimization via Consensus: Showcasing the Power of Collaboration for Optimal Design

Authors: Xubo Yue, Raed Al Kontar, Albert S. Berahas, Yang Liu, Blake N. Johnson

Abstract: Optimal design is a critical yet challenging task within many applications. This challenge arises from the need for extensive trial and error, often done through simulations or running field experiments. Fortunately, sequential optimal design, also referred to as Bayesian optimization when using surrogates with a Bayesian flavor, has played a key role in accelerating the design process through efficient sequential sampling strategies. However, a key opportunity exists nowadays. The increased connectivity of edge devices sets forth a new collaborative paradigm for Bayesian optimization. A paradigm whereby different clients collaboratively borrow strength from each other by effectively distributing their experimentation efforts to improve and fast-track their optimal design process. To this end, we bring the notion of consensus to Bayesian optimization, where clients agree (i.e., reach a consensus) on their next-to-sample designs. Our approach provides a generic and flexible framework that can incorporate different collaboration mechanisms. In lieu of this, we propose transitional collaborative mechanisms where clients initially rely more on each other to maneuver through the early stages with scant data, then, at the late stages, focus on their own objectives to get client-specific solutions. Theoretically, we show the sub-linear growth in regret for our proposed framework. Empirically, through simulated datasets and a real-world collaborative sensor design experiment, we show that our framework can effectively accelerate and improve the optimal design process and benefit all participants.

replace SENSEi: Input-Sensitive Compilation for Accelerating GNNs

Authors: Damitha Lenadora, Vimarsh Sathia, Gerasimos Gerogiannis, Serif Yesil, Josep Torrellas, Charith Mendis

Abstract: Over the years, many frameworks and optimization techniques have been proposed to accelerate graph neural networks (GNNs). Compared to the optimizations explored in these systems, we observe that different matrix re-associations of GNN computations lead to novel input-sensitive performance behavior. We leverage this observation to propose SENSEi, a system that exposes different sparse and dense matrix primitive compositions based on different matrix re-associations of GNN computations and selects the best among them based on input attributes. SENSEi executes in two stages: (1) an offline compilation stage that enumerates all valid re-associations leading to different sparse-dense matrix compositions and uses input-oblivious pruning techniques to prune away clearly unprofitable candidates and (2) an online runtime system that explores the remaining candidates and uses light-weight cost models to select the best re-association based on the input graph and the embedding sizes on a given hardware platform. On a wide range of configurations, SENSEi achieves speedups of up to $2.012\times$ and $1.85\times$ on graph convolutional networks and up to $6.294\times$ and $16.274\times$ on graph attention networks, on GPUs and CPUs respectively. We also show that its technique generalizes to GNN variants, including those that require sampling. Furthermore, we show that SENSEi's techniques are agnostic to the underlying GNN system, and can be used to yield synergistic improvements across a diverse set of implementations.

replace Group-based Robustness: A General Framework for Customized Robustness in the Real World

Authors: Weiran Lin, Keane Lucas, Neo Eyal, Lujo Bauer, Michael K. Reiter, Mahmood Sharif

Abstract: Machine-learning models are known to be vulnerable to evasion attacks that perturb model inputs to induce misclassifications. In this work, we identify real-world scenarios where the true threat cannot be assessed accurately by existing attacks. Specifically, we find that conventional metrics measuring targeted and untargeted robustness do not appropriately reflect a model's ability to withstand attacks from one set of source classes to another set of target classes. To address the shortcomings of existing methods, we formally define a new metric, termed group-based robustness, that complements existing metrics and is better-suited for evaluating model performance in certain attack scenarios. We show empirically that group-based robustness allows us to distinguish between models' vulnerability against specific threat models in situations where traditional robustness metrics do not apply. Moreover, to measure group-based robustness efficiently and accurately, we 1) propose two loss functions and 2) identify three new attack strategies. We show empirically that with comparable success rates, finding evasive samples using our new loss functions saves computation by a factor as large as the number of targeted classes, and finding evasive samples using our new attack strategies saves time by up to 99\% compared to brute-force search methods. Finally, we propose a defense method that increases group-based robustness by up to 3.52$\times$.

replace Defending Against Malicious Behaviors in Federated Learning with Blockchain

Authors: Nanqing Dong, Zhipeng Wang, Jiahao Sun, Michael Kampffmeyer, William Knottenbelt, Eric Xing

Abstract: In the era of deep learning, federated learning (FL) presents a promising approach that allows multi-institutional data owners, or clients, to collaboratively train machine learning models without compromising data privacy. However, most existing FL approaches rely on a centralized server for global model aggregation, leading to a single point of failure. This makes the system vulnerable to malicious attacks when dealing with dishonest clients. In this work, we address this problem by proposing a secure and reliable FL system based on blockchain and distributed ledger technology. Our system incorporates a peer-to-peer voting mechanism and a reward-and-slash mechanism, which are powered by on-chain smart contracts, to detect and deter malicious behaviors. Both theoretical and empirical analyses are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, showing that our framework is robust against malicious client-side behaviors.

replace Simulation-free Schr\"odinger bridges via score and flow matching

Authors: Alexander Tong, Nikolay Malkin, Kilian Fatras, Lazar Atanackovic, Yanlei Zhang, Guillaume Huguet, Guy Wolf, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We present simulation-free score and flow matching ([SF]$^2$M), a simulation-free objective for inferring stochastic dynamics given unpaired samples drawn from arbitrary source and target distributions. Our method generalizes both the score-matching loss used in the training of diffusion models and the recently proposed flow matching loss used in the training of continuous normalizing flows. [SF]$^2$M interprets continuous-time stochastic generative modeling as a Schr\"odinger bridge problem. It relies on static entropy-regularized optimal transport, or a minibatch approximation, to efficiently learn the SB without simulating the learned stochastic process. We find that [SF]$^2$M is more efficient and gives more accurate solutions to the SB problem than simulation-based methods from prior work. Finally, we apply [SF]$^2$M to the problem of learning cell dynamics from snapshot data. Notably, [SF]$^2$M is the first method to accurately model cell dynamics in high dimensions and can recover known gene regulatory networks from simulated data. Our code is available in the TorchCFM package at


replace Combating Data Imbalances in Federated Semi-supervised Learning with Dual Regulators

Authors: Sikai Bai, Shuaicheng Li, Weiming Zhuang, Jie Zhang, Song Guo, Kunlin Yang, Jun Hou, Shuai Zhang, Junyu Gao, Shuai Yi

Abstract: Federated learning has become a popular method to learn from decentralized heterogeneous data. Federated semi-supervised learning (FSSL) emerges to train models from a small fraction of labeled data due to label scarcity on decentralized clients. Existing FSSL methods assume independent and identically distributed (IID) labeled data across clients and consistent class distribution between labeled and unlabeled data within a client. This work studies a more practical and challenging scenario of FSSL, where data distribution is different not only across clients but also within a client between labeled and unlabeled data. To address this challenge, we propose a novel FSSL framework with dual regulators, FedDure. FedDure lifts the previous assumption with a coarse-grained regulator (C-reg) and a fine-grained regulator (F-reg): C-reg regularizes the updating of the local model by tracking the learning effect on labeled data distribution; F-reg learns an adaptive weighting scheme tailored for unlabeled instances in each client. We further formulate the client model training as bi-level optimization that adaptively optimizes the model in the client with two regulators. Theoretically, we show the convergence guarantee of the dual regulators. Empirically, we demonstrate that FedDure is superior to the existing methods across a wide range of settings, notably by more than 11 on CIFAR-10 and CINIC-10 datasets.

replace NetGPT: A Native-AI Network Architecture Beyond Provisioning Personalized Generative Services

Authors: Yuxuan Chen, Rongpeng Li, Zhifeng Zhao, Chenghui Peng, Jianjun Wu, Ekram Hossain, Honggang Zhang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have triggered tremendous success to empower our daily life by generative information. The personalization of LLMs could further contribute to their applications due to better alignment with human intents. Towards personalized generative services, a collaborative cloud-edge methodology is promising, as it facilitates the effective orchestration of heterogeneous distributed communication and computing resources. In this article, we put forward NetGPT to capably synergize appropriate LLMs at the edge and the cloud based on their computing capacity. In addition, edge LLMs could efficiently leverage location-based information for personalized prompt completion, thus benefiting the interaction with the cloud LLM. In particular, we present the feasibility of NetGPT by leveraging low-rank adaptation-based fine-tuning of open-source LLMs (i.e., GPT-2-base model and LLaMA model), and conduct comprehensive numerical comparisons with alternative cloud-edge collaboration or cloud-only techniques, so as to demonstrate the superiority of NetGPT. Subsequently, we highlight the essential changes required for an artificial intelligence (AI)-native network architecture towards NetGPT, with emphasis on deeper integration of communications and computing resources and careful calibration of logical AI workflow. Furthermore, we demonstrate several benefits of NetGPT, which come as by-products, as the edge LLMs' capability to predict trends and infer intents promises a unified solution for intelligent network management & orchestration. We argue that NetGPT is a promising AI-native network architecture for provisioning beyond personalized generative services.

replace Scaling Laws for Imitation Learning in Single-Agent Games

Authors: Jens Tuyls, Dhruv Madeka, Kari Torkkola, Dean Foster, Karthik Narasimhan, Sham Kakade

Abstract: Imitation Learning (IL) is one of the most widely used methods in machine learning. Yet, many works find it is often unable to fully recover the underlying expert behavior, even in constrained environments like single-agent games. However, none of these works deeply investigate the role of scaling up the model and data size. Inspired by recent work in Natural Language Processing (NLP) where "scaling up" has resulted in increasingly more capable LLMs, we investigate whether carefully scaling up model and data size can bring similar improvements in the imitation learning setting for single-agent games. We first demonstrate our findings on a variety of Atari games, and thereafter focus on the extremely challenging game of NetHack. In all games, we find that IL loss and mean return scale smoothly with the compute budget (FLOPs) and are strongly correlated, resulting in power laws for training compute-optimal IL agents. Finally, we forecast and train several NetHack agents with IL and find they outperform prior state-of-the-art by 1.5x in all settings. Our work both demonstrates the scaling behavior of imitation learning in a variety of single-agent games, as well as the viability of scaling up current approaches for increasingly capable agents in NetHack, a game that remains elusively hard for current AI systems.

replace Overthinking the Truth: Understanding how Language Models Process False Demonstrations

Authors: Danny Halawi, Jean-Stanislas Denain, Jacob Steinhardt

Abstract: Modern language models can imitate complex patterns through few-shot learning, enabling them to complete challenging tasks without fine-tuning. However, imitation can also lead models to reproduce inaccuracies or harmful content if present in the context. We study harmful imitation through the lens of a model's internal representations, and identify two related phenomena: "overthinking" and "false induction heads". The first phenomenon, overthinking, appears when we decode predictions from intermediate layers, given correct vs. incorrect few-shot demonstrations. At early layers, both demonstrations induce similar model behavior, but the behavior diverges sharply at some "critical layer", after which the accuracy given incorrect demonstrations progressively decreases. The second phenomenon, false induction heads, are a possible mechanistic cause of overthinking: these are heads in late layers that attend to and copy false information from previous demonstrations, and whose ablation reduces overthinking. Beyond scientific understanding, our results suggest that studying intermediate model computations could be a promising avenue for understanding and guarding against harmful model behaviors.

replace Universality of Linear Recurrences Followed by Non-linear Projections: Finite-Width Guarantees and Benefits of Complex Eigenvalues

Authors: Antonio Orvieto, Soham De, Caglar Gulcehre, Razvan Pascanu, Samuel L. Smith

Abstract: Deep neural networks based on linear complex-valued RNNs interleaved with position-wise MLPs are gaining traction as competitive approaches to sequence modeling. Examples of such architectures include state-space models (SSMs) like S4, LRU, and Mamba: recently proposed models that achieve promising performance on text, genetics, and other data that require long-range reasoning. Despite experimental evidence highlighting these architectures' effectiveness and computational efficiency, their expressive power remains relatively unexplored, especially in connection to specific choices crucial in practice - e.g., carefully designed initialization distribution and use of complex numbers. In this paper, we show that combining MLPs with both real or complex linear diagonal recurrences leads to arbitrarily precise approximation of regular causal sequence-to-sequence maps. At the heart of our proof, we rely on a separation of concerns: the linear RNN provides a lossless encoding of the input sequence, and the MLP performs non-linear processing on this encoding. While we show that using real diagonal linear recurrences is enough to achieve universality in this architecture, we prove that employing complex eigenvalues near unit disk - i.e., empirically the most successful strategy in SSMs - greatly helps the RNN in storing information. We connect this finding with the vanishing gradient issue and provide experimental evidence supporting our claims.

replace HIQL: Offline Goal-Conditioned RL with Latent States as Actions

Authors: Seohong Park, Dibya Ghosh, Benjamin Eysenbach, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Unsupervised pre-training has recently become the bedrock for computer vision and natural language processing. In reinforcement learning (RL), goal-conditioned RL can potentially provide an analogous self-supervised approach for making use of large quantities of unlabeled (reward-free) data. However, building effective algorithms for goal-conditioned RL that can learn directly from diverse offline data is challenging, because it is hard to accurately estimate the exact value function for faraway goals. Nonetheless, goal-reaching problems exhibit structure, such that reaching distant goals entails first passing through closer subgoals. This structure can be very useful, as assessing the quality of actions for nearby goals is typically easier than for more distant goals. Based on this idea, we propose a hierarchical algorithm for goal-conditioned RL from offline data. Using one action-free value function, we learn two policies that allow us to exploit this structure: a high-level policy that treats states as actions and predicts (a latent representation of) a subgoal and a low-level policy that predicts the action for reaching this subgoal. Through analysis and didactic examples, we show how this hierarchical decomposition makes our method robust to noise in the estimated value function. We then apply our method to offline goal-reaching benchmarks, showing that our method can solve long-horizon tasks that stymie prior methods, can scale to high-dimensional image observations, and can readily make use of action-free data. Our code is available at


replace Neural Bradley-Terry Rating: Quantifying Properties from Comparisons

Authors: Satoru Fujii

Abstract: Many properties in the real world don't have metrics and can't be numerically observed, making them difficult to learn. To deal with this challenging problem, prior works have primarily focused on estimating those properties by using graded human scores as the target label in the training. Meanwhile, rating algorithms based on the Bradley-Terry model are extensively studied to evaluate the competitiveness of players based on their match history. In this paper, we introduce the Neural Bradley-Terry Rating (NBTR), a novel machine learning framework designed to quantify and evaluate properties of unknown items. Our method seamlessly integrates the Bradley-Terry model into the neural network structure. Moreover, we generalize this architecture further to asymmetric environments with unfairness, a condition more commonly encountered in real-world settings. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate that NBTR successfully learns to quantify and estimate desired properties.

replace Topologically Regularized Multiple Instance Learning to Harness Data Scarcity

Authors: Salome Kazeminia, Carsten Marr, Bastian Rieck

Abstract: In biomedical data analysis, Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) models have emerged as a powerful tool to classify patients' microscopy samples. However, the data-intensive requirement of these models poses a significant challenge in scenarios with scarce data availability, e.g., in rare diseases. We introduce a topological regularization term to MIL to mitigate this challenge. It provides a shape-preserving inductive bias that compels the encoder to maintain the essential geometrical-topological structure of input bags during projection into latent space. This enhances the performance and generalization of the MIL classifier regardless of the aggregation function, particularly for scarce training data. The effectiveness of our method is confirmed through experiments across a range of datasets, showing an average enhancement of 2.8% for MIL benchmarks, 15.3% for synthetic MIL datasets, and 5.5% for real-world biomedical datasets over the current state-of-the-art.

replace Task-Aware Machine Unlearning and Its Application in Load Forecasting

Authors: Wangkun Xu, Fei Teng

Abstract: Data privacy and security have become a non-negligible factor in load forecasting. Previous researches mainly focus on training stage enhancement. However, once the model is trained and deployed, it may need to `forget' (i.e., remove the impact of) part of training data if the these data are found to be malicious or as requested by the data owner. This paper introduces the concept of machine unlearning which is specifically designed to remove the influence of part of the dataset on an already trained forecaster. However, direct unlearning inevitably degrades the model generalization ability. To balance between unlearning completeness and model performance, a performance-aware algorithm is proposed by evaluating the sensitivity of local model parameter change using influence function and sample re-weighting. Furthermore, we observe that the statistical criterion such as mean squared error, cannot fully reflect the operation cost of the downstream tasks in power system. Therefore, a task-aware machine unlearning is proposed whose objective is a trilevel optimization with dispatch and redispatch problems considered. We theoretically prove the existence of the gradient of such an objective, which is key to re-weighting the remaining samples. We tested the unlearning algorithms on linear, CNN, and MLP-Mixer based load forecasters with a realistic load dataset. The simulation demonstrates the balance between unlearning completeness and operational cost. All codes can be found at


replace FedCompass: Efficient Cross-Silo Federated Learning on Heterogeneous Client Devices using a Computing Power Aware Scheduler

Authors: Zilinghan Li, Pranshu Chaturvedi, Shilan He, Han Chen, Gagandeep Singh, Volodymyr Kindratenko, E. A. Huerta, Kibaek Kim, Ravi Madduri

Abstract: Cross-silo federated learning offers a promising solution to collaboratively train robust and generalized AI models without compromising the privacy of local datasets, e.g., healthcare, financial, as well as scientific projects that lack a centralized data facility. Nonetheless, because of the disparity of computing resources among different clients (i.e., device heterogeneity), synchronous federated learning algorithms suffer from degraded efficiency when waiting for straggler clients. Similarly, asynchronous federated learning algorithms experience degradation in the convergence rate and final model accuracy on non-identically and independently distributed (non-IID) heterogeneous datasets due to stale local models and client drift. To address these limitations in cross-silo federated learning with heterogeneous clients and data, we propose FedCompass, an innovative semi-asynchronous federated learning algorithm with a computing power-aware scheduler on the server side, which adaptively assigns varying amounts of training tasks to different clients using the knowledge of the computing power of individual clients. FedCompass ensures that multiple locally trained models from clients are received almost simultaneously as a group for aggregation, effectively reducing the staleness of local models. At the same time, the overall training process remains asynchronous, eliminating prolonged waiting periods from straggler clients. Using diverse non-IID heterogeneous distributed datasets, we demonstrate that FedCompass achieves faster convergence and higher accuracy than other asynchronous algorithms while remaining more efficient than synchronous algorithms when performing federated learning on heterogeneous clients. The source code for FedCompass is available at


replace STARC: A General Framework For Quantifying Differences Between Reward Functions

Authors: Joar Skalse, Lucy Farnik, Sumeet Ramesh Motwani, Erik Jenner, Adam Gleave, Alessandro Abate

Abstract: In order to solve a task using reinforcement learning, it is necessary to first formalise the goal of that task as a reward function. However, for many real-world tasks, it is very difficult to manually specify a reward function that never incentivises undesirable behaviour. As a result, it is increasingly popular to use \emph{reward learning algorithms}, which attempt to \emph{learn} a reward function from data. However, the theoretical foundations of reward learning are not yet well-developed. In particular, it is typically not known when a given reward learning algorithm with high probability will learn a reward function that is safe to optimise. This means that reward learning algorithms generally must be evaluated empirically, which is expensive, and that their failure modes are difficult to anticipate in advance. One of the roadblocks to deriving better theoretical guarantees is the lack of good methods for quantifying the difference between reward functions. In this paper we provide a solution to this problem, in the form of a class of pseudometrics on the space of all reward functions that we call STARC (STAndardised Reward Comparison) metrics. We show that STARC metrics induce both an upper and a lower bound on worst-case regret, which implies that our metrics are tight, and that any metric with the same properties must be bilipschitz equivalent to ours. Moreover, we also identify a number of issues with reward metrics proposed by earlier works. Finally, we evaluate our metrics empirically, to demonstrate their practical efficacy. STARC metrics can be used to make both theoretical and empirical analysis of reward learning algorithms both easier and more principled.

replace ModuLoRA: Finetuning 2-Bit LLMs on Consumer GPUs by Integrating with Modular Quantizers

Authors: Junjie Yin, Jiahao Dong, Yingheng Wang, Christopher De Sa, Volodymyr Kuleshov

Abstract: We propose a memory-efficient finetuning algorithm for large language models (LLMs) that supports finetuning LLMs with 65B parameters in 2/3/4-bit precision on as little as one 24GB GPU. Our method, modular low-rank adaptation (ModuLoRA), integrates any user-specified weight quantizer with finetuning via low-rank adapters (LoRAs). Our approach relies on a simple quantization-agnostic backward pass that adaptively materializes low-precision LLM weights from a custom black-box quantization module. This approach enables finetuning 2-bit and 3-bit LLMs for the first time -- leveraging state-of-the-art 2-bit QuIP\# quantization and 3-bit OPTQ quantization -- outperforming finetuning that relies on less sophisticated 4-bit and 8-bit methods. In our experiments, \lplora~attains competitive performance on text classification, natural language inference, and instruction following tasks using significantly less memory than existing approaches, and we also surpass the state-of-the-art ROUGE score on a popular summarization task. We release \lplora~together with a series of low-precision models as part of \llmtune, a user-friendly library for quantizing, running, and finetuning LLMs on consumer GPUs.

replace Understanding and Mitigating the Label Noise in Pre-training on Downstream Tasks

Authors: Hao Chen, Jindong Wang, Ankit Shah, Ran Tao, Hongxin Wei, Xing Xie, Masashi Sugiyama, Bhiksha Raj

Abstract: Pre-training on large-scale datasets and then fine-tuning on downstream tasks have become a standard practice in deep learning. However, pre-training data often contain label noise that may adversely affect the generalization of the model. This paper aims to understand the nature of noise in pre-training datasets and to mitigate its impact on downstream tasks. More specifically, through extensive experiments of supervised pre-training models on synthetic noisy ImageNet-1K and YFCC15M datasets, we demonstrate that while slight noise in pre-training can benefit in-domain (ID) transfer performance, where the training and testing data share the same distribution, it always deteriorates out-of-domain (OOD) performance, where training and testing data distribution are different. We empirically verify that the reason behind is noise in pre-training shapes the feature space differently. We then propose a light-weight black-box tuning method (NMTune) to affine the feature space to mitigate the malignant effect of noise and improve generalization on both ID and OOD tasks, considering one may not be able to fully fine-tune or even access the pre-trained models. We conduct practical experiments on popular vision and language models that are pre-trained on noisy data for evaluation of our approach. Our analysis and results show the importance of this interesting and novel research direction, which we term Noisy Model Learning.

replace On Representation Complexity of Model-based and Model-free Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Hanlin Zhu, Baihe Huang, Stuart Russell

Abstract: We study the representation complexity of model-based and model-free reinforcement learning (RL) in the context of circuit complexity. We prove theoretically that there exists a broad class of MDPs such that their underlying transition and reward functions can be represented by constant depth circuits with polynomial size, while the optimal $Q$-function suffers an exponential circuit complexity in constant-depth circuits. By drawing attention to the approximation errors and building connections to complexity theory, our theory provides unique insights into why model-based algorithms usually enjoy better sample complexity than model-free algorithms from a novel representation complexity perspective: in some cases, the ground-truth rule (model) of the environment is simple to represent, while other quantities, such as $Q$-function, appear complex. We empirically corroborate our theory by comparing the approximation error of the transition kernel, reward function, and optimal $Q$-function in various Mujoco environments, which demonstrates that the approximation errors of the transition kernel and reward function are consistently lower than those of the optimal $Q$-function. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to study the circuit complexity of RL, which also provides a rigorous framework for future research.

replace Large Language Models as Analogical Reasoners

Authors: Michihiro Yasunaga, Xinyun Chen, Yujia Li, Panupong Pasupat, Jure Leskovec, Percy Liang, Ed H. Chi, Denny Zhou

Abstract: Chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting for language models demonstrates impressive performance across reasoning tasks, but typically needs labeled exemplars of the reasoning process. In this work, we introduce a new prompting approach, analogical prompting, designed to automatically guide the reasoning process of large language models. Inspired by analogical reasoning, a cognitive process in which humans draw from relevant past experiences to tackle new problems, our approach prompts language models to self-generate relevant exemplars or knowledge in the context, before proceeding to solve the given problem. This method presents several advantages: it obviates the need for labeling or retrieving exemplars, offering generality and convenience; it can also tailor the generated exemplars and knowledge to each problem, offering adaptability. Experimental results show that our approach outperforms 0-shot CoT and manual few-shot CoT in a variety of reasoning tasks, including math problem solving in GSM8K and MATH, code generation in Codeforces, and other reasoning tasks in BIG-Bench.

replace Diffusion Generative Flow Samplers: Improving learning signals through partial trajectory optimization

Authors: Dinghuai Zhang, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Cheng-Hao Liu, Aaron Courville, Yoshua Bengio

Abstract: We tackle the problem of sampling from intractable high-dimensional density functions, a fundamental task that often appears in machine learning and statistics. We extend recent sampling-based approaches that leverage controlled stochastic processes to model approximate samples from these target densities. The main drawback of these approaches is that the training objective requires full trajectories to compute, resulting in sluggish credit assignment issues due to use of entire trajectories and a learning signal present only at the terminal time. In this work, we present Diffusion Generative Flow Samplers (DGFS), a sampling-based framework where the learning process can be tractably broken down into short partial trajectory segments, via parameterizing an additional "flow function". Our method takes inspiration from the theory developed for generative flow networks (GFlowNets), allowing us to make use of intermediate learning signals. Through various challenging experiments, we demonstrate that DGFS achieves more accurate estimates of the normalization constant than closely-related prior methods.

replace Reward Model Ensembles Help Mitigate Overoptimization

Authors: Thomas Coste, Usman Anwar, Robert Kirk, David Krueger

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a standard approach for fine-tuning large language models to follow instructions. As part of this process, learned reward models are used to approximately model human preferences. However, as imperfect representations of the "true" reward, these learned reward models are susceptible to overoptimization. Gao et al. (2023) studied this phenomenon in a synthetic human feedback setup with a significantly larger "gold" reward model acting as the true reward (instead of humans) and showed that overoptimization remains a persistent problem regardless of the size of the proxy reward model and training data used. Using a similar setup, we conduct a systematic study to evaluate the efficacy of using ensemble-based conservative optimization objectives, specifically worst-case optimization (WCO) and uncertainty-weighted optimization (UWO), for mitigating reward model overoptimization when using two optimization methods: (a) best-of-n sampling (BoN) (b) proximal policy optimization (PPO). We additionally extend the setup of Gao et al. (2023) to include 25% label noise to better mirror real-world conditions. Both with and without label noise, we find that conservative optimization practically eliminates overoptimization and improves performance by up to 70% for BoN sampling. For PPO, ensemble-based conservative optimization always reduces overoptimization and outperforms single reward model optimization. Moreover, combining it with a small KL penalty successfully prevents overoptimization at no performance cost. Overall, our results demonstrate that ensemble-based conservative optimization can effectively counter overoptimization.

replace A Deep Instance Generative Framework for MILP Solvers Under Limited Data Availability

Authors: Zijie Geng, Xijun Li, Jie Wang, Xiao Li, Yongdong Zhang, Feng Wu

Abstract: In the past few years, there has been an explosive surge in the use of machine learning (ML) techniques to address combinatorial optimization (CO) problems, especially mixed-integer linear programs (MILPs). Despite the achievements, the limited availability of real-world instances often leads to sub-optimal decisions and biased solver assessments, which motivates a suite of synthetic MILP instance generation techniques. However, existing methods either rely heavily on expert-designed formulations or struggle to capture the rich features of real-world instances. To tackle this problem, we propose G2MILP, the first deep generative framework for MILP instances. Specifically, G2MILP represents MILP instances as bipartite graphs, and applies a masked variational autoencoder to iteratively corrupt and replace parts of the original graphs to generate new ones. The appealing feature of G2MILP is that it can learn to generate novel and realistic MILP instances without prior expert-designed formulations, while preserving the structures and computational hardness of real-world datasets, simultaneously. Thus the generated instances can facilitate downstream tasks for enhancing MILP solvers under limited data availability. We design a suite of benchmarks to evaluate the quality of the generated MILP instances. Experiments demonstrate that our method can produce instances that closely resemble real-world datasets in terms of both structures and computational hardness. The deliverables are released at


replace Parameter Efficient Multi-task Model Fusion with Partial Linearization

Authors: Anke Tang, Li Shen, Yong Luo, Yibing Zhan, Han Hu, Bo Du, Yixin Chen, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Large pre-trained models have enabled significant advances in machine learning and served as foundation components. Model fusion methods, such as task arithmetic, have been proven to be powerful and scalable to incorporate fine-tuned weights from different tasks into a multi-task model. However, efficiently fine-tuning large pre-trained models on multiple downstream tasks remains challenging, leading to inefficient multi-task model fusion. In this work, we propose a novel method to improve multi-task fusion for parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques like LoRA fine-tuning. Specifically, our approach partially linearizes only the adapter modules and applies task arithmetic over the linearized adapters. This allows us to leverage the the advantages of model fusion over linearized fine-tuning, while still performing fine-tuning and inference efficiently. We demonstrate that our partial linearization technique enables a more effective fusion of multiple tasks into a single model, outperforming standard adapter tuning and task arithmetic alone. Experimental results demonstrate the capabilities of our proposed partial linearization technique to effectively construct unified multi-task models via the fusion of fine-tuned task vectors. We evaluate performance over an increasing number of tasks and find that our approach outperforms standard parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques. The results highlight the benefits of partial linearization for scalable and efficient multi-task model fusion. The code is available at


replace Distributional Reinforcement Learning with Online Risk-awareness Adaption

Authors: Yupeng Wu, Wenjie Huang

Abstract: The use of reinforcement learning (RL) in practical applications requires considering sub-optimal outcomes, which depend on the agent's familiarity with the uncertain environment. Dynamically adjusting the level of epistemic risk over the course of learning can tactically achieve reliable optimal policy in safety-critical environments and tackle the sub-optimality of a static risk level. In this work, we introduce a novel framework, Distributional RL with Online Risk Adaption (DRL-ORA), which can quantify the aleatory and epistemic uncertainties compositely and dynamically select the epistemic risk levels via solving a total variation minimization problem online. The risk level selection can be efficiently achieved through grid search using a Follow-The-Leader type algorithm, and its offline oracle is related to "satisficing measure" (in the decision analysis community) under a special modification of the loss function. We show multiple classes of tasks where DRL-ORA outperforms existing methods that rely on either a fixed risk level or manually predetermined risk level adaption. Given the simplicity of our modifications, we believe the framework can be easily incorporated into most RL algorithm variants.

replace MuseChat: A Conversational Music Recommendation System for Videos

Authors: Zhikang Dong, Bin Chen, Xiulong Liu, Pawel Polak, Peng Zhang

Abstract: Music recommendation for videos attracts growing interest in multi-modal research. However, existing systems focus primarily on content compatibility, often ignoring the users' preferences. Their inability to interact with users for further refinements or to provide explanations leads to a less satisfying experience. We address these issues with MuseChat, a first-of-its-kind dialogue-based recommendation system that personalizes music suggestions for videos. Our system consists of two key functionalities with associated modules: recommendation and reasoning. The recommendation module takes a video along with optional information including previous suggested music and user's preference as inputs and retrieves an appropriate music matching the context. The reasoning module, equipped with the power of Large Language Model (Vicuna-7B) and extended to multi-modal inputs, is able to provide reasonable explanation for the recommended music. To evaluate the effectiveness of MuseChat, we build a large-scale dataset, conversational music recommendation for videos, that simulates a two-turn interaction between a user and a recommender based on accurate music track information. Experiment results show that MuseChat achieves significant improvements over existing video-based music retrieval methods as well as offers strong interpretability and interactability.

replace iTransformer: Inverted Transformers Are Effective for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Yong Liu, Tengge Hu, Haoran Zhang, Haixu Wu, Shiyu Wang, Lintao Ma, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: The recent boom of linear forecasting models questions the ongoing passion for architectural modifications of Transformer-based forecasters. These forecasters leverage Transformers to model the global dependencies over temporal tokens of time series, with each token formed by multiple variates of the same timestamp. However, Transformers are challenged in forecasting series with larger lookback windows due to performance degradation and computation explosion. Besides, the embedding for each temporal token fuses multiple variates that represent potential delayed events and distinct physical measurements, which may fail in learning variate-centric representations and result in meaningless attention maps. In this work, we reflect on the competent duties of Transformer components and repurpose the Transformer architecture without any modification to the basic components. We propose iTransformer that simply applies the attention and feed-forward network on the inverted dimensions. Specifically, the time points of individual series are embedded into variate tokens which are utilized by the attention mechanism to capture multivariate correlations; meanwhile, the feed-forward network is applied for each variate token to learn nonlinear representations. The iTransformer model achieves state-of-the-art on challenging real-world datasets, which further empowers the Transformer family with promoted performance, generalization ability across different variates, and better utilization of arbitrary lookback windows, making it a nice alternative as the fundamental backbone of time series forecasting. Code is available at this repository:


replace GraphControl: Adding Conditional Control to Universal Graph Pre-trained Models for Graph Domain Transfer Learning

Authors: Yun Zhu, Yaoke Wang, Haizhou Shi, Zhenshuo Zhang, Dian Jiao, Siliang Tang

Abstract: Graph-structured data is ubiquitous in the world which models complex relationships between objects, enabling various Web applications. Daily influxes of unlabeled graph data on the Web offer immense potential for these applications. Graph self-supervised algorithms have achieved significant success in acquiring generic knowledge from abundant unlabeled graph data. These pre-trained models can be applied to various downstream Web applications, saving training time and improving downstream (target) performance. However, different graphs, even across seemingly similar domains, can differ significantly in terms of attribute semantics, posing difficulties, if not infeasibility, for transferring the pre-trained models to downstream tasks. Concretely speaking, for example, the additional task-specific node information in downstream tasks (specificity) is usually deliberately omitted so that the pre-trained representation (transferability) can be leveraged. The trade-off as such is termed as "transferability-specificity dilemma" in this work. To address this challenge, we introduce an innovative deployment module coined as GraphControl, motivated by ControlNet, to realize better graph domain transfer learning. Specifically, by leveraging universal structural pre-trained models and GraphControl, we align the input space across various graphs and incorporate unique characteristics of target data as conditional inputs. These conditions will be progressively integrated into the model during fine-tuning or prompt tuning through ControlNet, facilitating personalized deployment. Extensive experiments show that our method significantly enhances the adaptability of pre-trained models on target attributed datasets, achieving 1.4-3x performance gain. Furthermore, it outperforms training-from-scratch methods on target data with a comparable margin and exhibits faster convergence.

replace METRA: Scalable Unsupervised RL with Metric-Aware Abstraction

Authors: Seohong Park, Oleh Rybkin, Sergey Levine

Abstract: Unsupervised pre-training strategies have proven to be highly effective in natural language processing and computer vision. Likewise, unsupervised reinforcement learning (RL) holds the promise of discovering a variety of potentially useful behaviors that can accelerate the learning of a wide array of downstream tasks. Previous unsupervised RL approaches have mainly focused on pure exploration and mutual information skill learning. However, despite the previous attempts, making unsupervised RL truly scalable still remains a major open challenge: pure exploration approaches might struggle in complex environments with large state spaces, where covering every possible transition is infeasible, and mutual information skill learning approaches might completely fail to explore the environment due to the lack of incentives. To make unsupervised RL scalable to complex, high-dimensional environments, we propose a novel unsupervised RL objective, which we call Metric-Aware Abstraction (METRA). Our main idea is, instead of directly covering the entire state space, to only cover a compact latent space $Z$ that is metrically connected to the state space $S$ by temporal distances. By learning to move in every direction in the latent space, METRA obtains a tractable set of diverse behaviors that approximately cover the state space, being scalable to high-dimensional environments. Through our experiments in five locomotion and manipulation environments, we demonstrate that METRA can discover a variety of useful behaviors even in complex, pixel-based environments, being the first unsupervised RL method that discovers diverse locomotion behaviors in pixel-based Quadruped and Humanoid. Our code and videos are available at


replace SiamAF: Learning Shared Information from ECG and PPG Signals for Robust Atrial Fibrillation Detection

Authors: Zhicheng Guo, Cheng Ding, Duc H. Do, Amit Shah, Randall J. Lee, Xiao Hu, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of cardiac arrhythmia. It is associated with an increased risk of stroke, heart failure, and other cardiovascular complications, but can be clinically silent. Passive AF monitoring with wearables may help reduce adverse clinical outcomes related to AF. Detecting AF in noisy wearable data poses a significant challenge, leading to the emergence of various deep learning techniques. Previous deep learning models learn from a single modality, either electrocardiogram (ECG) or photoplethysmography (PPG) signals. However, deep learning models often struggle to learn generalizable features and rely on features that are more susceptible to corruption from noise, leading to sub-optimal performances in certain scenarios, especially with low-quality signals. Given the increasing availability of ECG and PPG signal pairs from wearables and bedside monitors, we propose a new approach, SiamAF, leveraging a novel Siamese network architecture and joint learning loss function to learn shared information from both ECG and PPG signals. At inference time, the proposed model is able to predict AF from either PPG or ECG and outperforms baseline methods on three external test sets. It learns medically relevant features as a result of our novel architecture design. The proposed model also achieves comparable performance to traditional learning regimes while requiring much fewer training labels, providing a potential approach to reduce future reliance on manual labeling.

replace Bongard-OpenWorld: Few-Shot Reasoning for Free-form Visual Concepts in the Real World

Authors: Rujie Wu, Xiaojian Ma, Zhenliang Zhang, Wei Wang, Qing Li, Song-Chun Zhu, Yizhou Wang

Abstract: We introduce Bongard-OpenWorld, a new benchmark for evaluating real-world few-shot reasoning for machine vision. It originates from the classical Bongard Problems (BPs): Given two sets of images (positive and negative), the model needs to identify the set that query images belong to by inducing the visual concepts, which is exclusively depicted by images from the positive set. Our benchmark inherits the few-shot concept induction of the original BPs while adding the two novel layers of challenge: 1) open-world free-form concepts, as the visual concepts in Bongard-OpenWorld are unique compositions of terms from an open vocabulary, ranging from object categories to abstract visual attributes and commonsense factual knowledge; 2) real-world images, as opposed to the synthetic diagrams used by many counterparts. In our exploration, Bongard-OpenWorld already imposes a significant challenge to current few-shot reasoning algorithms. We further investigate to which extent the recently introduced Large Language Models (LLMs) and Vision-Language Models (VLMs) can solve our task, by directly probing VLMs, and combining VLMs and LLMs in an interactive reasoning scheme. We even conceived a neuro-symbolic reasoning approach that reconciles LLMs & VLMs with logical reasoning to emulate the human problem-solving process for Bongard Problems. However, none of these approaches manage to close the human-machine gap, as the best learner achieves 64% accuracy while human participants easily reach 91%. We hope Bongard-OpenWorld can help us better understand the limitations of current visual intelligence and facilitate future research on visual agents with stronger few-shot visual reasoning capabilities.

replace Learn from the Past: A Proxy Guided Adversarial Defense Framework with Self Distillation Regularization

Authors: Yaohua Liu, Jiaxin Gao, Xianghao Jiao, Zhu Liu, Xin Fan, Risheng Liu

Abstract: Adversarial Training (AT), pivotal in fortifying the robustness of deep learning models, is extensively adopted in practical applications. However, prevailing AT methods, relying on direct iterative updates for target model's defense, frequently encounter obstacles such as unstable training and catastrophic overfitting. In this context, our work illuminates the potential of leveraging the target model's historical states as a proxy to provide effective initialization and defense prior, which results in a general proxy guided defense framework, `LAST' ({\bf L}earn from the P{\bf ast}). Specifically, LAST derives response of the proxy model as dynamically learned fast weights, which continuously corrects the update direction of the target model. Besides, we introduce a self-distillation regularized defense objective, ingeniously designed to steer the proxy model's update trajectory without resorting to external teacher models, thereby ameliorating the impact of catastrophic overfitting on performance. Extensive experiments and ablation studies showcase the framework's efficacy in markedly improving model robustness (e.g., up to 9.2\% and 20.3\% enhancement in robust accuracy on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets, respectively) and training stability. These improvements are consistently observed across various model architectures, larger datasets, perturbation sizes, and attack modalities, affirming LAST's ability to consistently refine both single-step and multi-step AT strategies. The code will be available at~\url{}.


replace Towards Robust Offline Reinforcement Learning under Diverse Data Corruption

Authors: Rui Yang, Han Zhong, Jiawei Xu, Amy Zhang, Chongjie Zhang, Lei Han, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) presents a promising approach for learning reinforced policies from offline datasets without the need for costly or unsafe interactions with the environment. However, datasets collected by humans in real-world environments are often noisy and may even be maliciously corrupted, which can significantly degrade the performance of offline RL. In this work, we first investigate the performance of current offline RL algorithms under comprehensive data corruption, including states, actions, rewards, and dynamics. Our extensive experiments reveal that implicit Q-learning (IQL) demonstrates remarkable resilience to data corruption among various offline RL algorithms. Furthermore, we conduct both empirical and theoretical analyses to understand IQL's robust performance, identifying its supervised policy learning scheme as the key factor. Despite its relative robustness, IQL still suffers from heavy-tail targets of Q functions under dynamics corruption. To tackle this challenge, we draw inspiration from robust statistics to employ the Huber loss to handle the heavy-tailedness and utilize quantile estimators to balance penalization for corrupted data and learning stability. By incorporating these simple yet effective modifications into IQL, we propose a more robust offline RL approach named Robust IQL (RIQL). Extensive experiments demonstrate that RIQL exhibits highly robust performance when subjected to diverse data corruption scenarios.

replace Large-Scale Gaussian Processes via Alternating Projection

Authors: Kaiwen Wu, Jonathan Wenger, Haydn Jones, Geoff Pleiss, Jacob R. Gardner

Abstract: Training and inference in Gaussian processes (GPs) require solving linear systems with $n\times n$ kernel matrices. To address the prohibitive $\mathcal{O}(n^3)$ time complexity, recent work has employed fast iterative methods, like conjugate gradients (CG). However, as datasets increase in magnitude, the kernel matrices become increasingly ill-conditioned and still require $\mathcal{O}(n^2)$ space without partitioning. Thus, while CG increases the size of datasets GPs can be trained on, modern datasets reach scales beyond its applicability. In this work, we propose an iterative method which only accesses subblocks of the kernel matrix, effectively enabling mini-batching. Our algorithm, based on alternating projection, has $\mathcal{O}(n)$ per-iteration time and space complexity, solving many of the practical challenges of scaling GPs to very large datasets. Theoretically, we prove the method enjoys linear convergence. Empirically, we demonstrate its fast convergence in practice and robustness to ill-conditioning. On large-scale benchmark datasets with up to four million data points, our approach accelerates GP training and inference by speed-up factors up to $27\times$ and $72 \times$, respectively, compared to CG.

replace MaxEnt Loss: Constrained Maximum Entropy for Calibration under Out-of-Distribution Shift

Authors: Dexter Neo, Stefan Winkler, Tsuhan Chen

Abstract: We present a new loss function that addresses the out-of-distribution (OOD) calibration problem. While many objective functions have been proposed to effectively calibrate models in-distribution, our findings show that they do not always fare well OOD. Based on the Principle of Maximum Entropy, we incorporate helpful statistical constraints observed during training, delivering better model calibration without sacrificing accuracy. We provide theoretical analysis and show empirically that our method works well in practice, achieving state-of-the-art calibration on both synthetic and real-world benchmarks.

replace Weight-Sharing Regularization

Authors: Mehran Shakerinava, Motahareh Sohrabi, Siamak Ravanbakhsh, Simon Lacoste-Julien

Abstract: Weight-sharing is ubiquitous in deep learning. Motivated by this, we propose a "weight-sharing regularization" penalty on the weights $w \in \mathbb{R}^d$ of a neural network, defined as $\mathcal{R}(w) = \frac{1}{d - 1}\sum_{i > j}^d |w_i - w_j|$. We study the proximal mapping of $\mathcal{R}$ and provide an intuitive interpretation of it in terms of a physical system of interacting particles. We also parallelize existing algorithms for $\operatorname{prox}_\mathcal{R}$ (to run on GPU) and find that one of them is fast in practice but slow ($O(d)$) for worst-case inputs. Using the physical interpretation, we design a novel parallel algorithm which runs in $O(\log^3 d)$ when sufficient processors are available, thus guaranteeing fast training. Our experiments reveal that weight-sharing regularization enables fully connected networks to learn convolution-like filters even when pixels have been shuffled while convolutional neural networks fail in this setting. Our code is available on github.

replace SCOPE-RL: A Python Library for Offline Reinforcement Learning and Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Haruka Kiyohara, Ren Kishimoto, Kosuke Kawakami, Ken Kobayashi, Kazuhide Nakata, Yuta Saito

Abstract: This paper introduces SCOPE-RL, a comprehensive open-source Python software designed for offline reinforcement learning (offline RL), off-policy evaluation (OPE), and selection (OPS). Unlike most existing libraries that focus solely on either policy learning or evaluation, SCOPE-RL seamlessly integrates these two key aspects, facilitating flexible and complete implementations of both offline RL and OPE processes. SCOPE-RL put particular emphasis on its OPE modules, offering a range of OPE estimators and robust evaluation-of-OPE protocols. This approach enables more in-depth and reliable OPE compared to other packages. For instance, SCOPE-RL enhances OPE by estimating the entire reward distribution under a policy rather than its mere point-wise expected value. Additionally, SCOPE-RL provides a more thorough evaluation-of-OPE by presenting the risk-return tradeoff in OPE results, extending beyond mere accuracy evaluations in existing OPE literature. SCOPE-RL is designed with user accessibility in mind. Its user-friendly APIs, comprehensive documentation, and a variety of easy-to-follow examples assist researchers and practitioners in efficiently implementing and experimenting with various offline RL methods and OPE estimators, tailored to their specific problem contexts. The documentation of SCOPE-RL is available at


replace Towards Assessing and Benchmarking Risk-Return Tradeoff of Off-Policy Evaluation

Authors: Haruka Kiyohara, Ren Kishimoto, Kosuke Kawakami, Ken Kobayashi, Kazuhide Nakata, Yuta Saito

Abstract: Off-Policy Evaluation (OPE) aims to assess the effectiveness of counterfactual policies using only offline logged data and is often used to identify the top-k promising policies for deployment in online A/B tests. Existing evaluation metrics for OPE estimators primarily focus on the "accuracy" of OPE or that of downstream policy selection, neglecting risk-return tradeoff in the subsequent online policy deployment. To address this issue, we draw inspiration from portfolio evaluation in finance and develop a new metric, called SharpeRatio@k, which measures the risk-return tradeoff of policy portfolios formed by an OPE estimator under varying online evaluation budgets (k). We validate our metric in two example scenarios, demonstrating its ability to effectively distinguish between low-risk and high-risk estimators and to accurately identify the most efficient one. Efficiency of an estimator is characterized by its capability to form the most advantageous policy portfolios, maximizing returns while minimizing risks during online deployment, a nuance that existing metrics typically overlook. To facilitate a quick, accurate, and consistent evaluation of OPE via SharpeRatio@k, we have also integrated this metric into an open-source software, SCOPE-RL ( Employing SharpeRatio@k and SCOPE-RL, we conduct comprehensive benchmarking experiments on various estimators and RL tasks, focusing on their risk-return tradeoff. These experiments offer several interesting directions and suggestions for future OPE research.


replace Breaking the Entanglement of Homophily and Heterophily in Semi-supervised Node Classification

Authors: Henan Sun, Xunkai Li, Zhengyu Wu, Daohan Su, Rong-Hua Li, Guoren Wang

Abstract: Recently, graph neural networks (GNNs) have shown prominent performance in semi-supervised node classification by leveraging knowledge from the graph database. However, most existing GNNs follow the homophily assumption, where connected nodes are more likely to exhibit similar feature distributions and the same labels, and such an assumption has proven to be vulnerable in a growing number of practical applications. As a supplement, heterophily reflects dissimilarity in connected nodes, which has gained significant attention in graph learning. To this end, data engineers aim to develop a powerful GNN model that can ensure performance under both homophily and heterophily. Despite numerous attempts, most existing GNNs struggle to achieve optimal node representations due to the constraints of undirected graphs. The neglect of directed edges results in sub-optimal graph representations, thereby hindering the capacity of GNNs. To address this issue, we introduce AMUD, which quantifies the relationship between node profiles and topology from a statistical perspective, offering valuable insights for Adaptively Modeling the natural directed graphs as the Undirected or Directed graph to maximize the benefits from subsequent graph learning. Furthermore, we propose Adaptive Directed Pattern Aggregation (ADPA) as a new directed graph learning paradigm for AMUD. Empirical studies have demonstrated that AMUD guides efficient graph learning. Meanwhile, extensive experiments on 16 benchmark datasets substantiate the impressive performance of ADPA, outperforming baselines by significant margins of 3.96.

replace Learning Unknown Intervention Targets in Structural Causal Models from Heterogeneous Data

Authors: Yuqin Yang, Saber Salehkaleybar, Negar Kiyavash

Abstract: We study the problem of identifying the unknown intervention targets in structural causal models where we have access to heterogeneous data collected from multiple environments. The unknown intervention targets are the set of endogenous variables whose corresponding exogenous noises change across the environments. We propose a two-phase approach which in the first phase recovers the exogenous noises corresponding to unknown intervention targets whose distributions have changed across environments. In the second phase, the recovered noises are matched with the corresponding endogenous variables. For the recovery phase, we provide sufficient conditions for learning these exogenous noises up to some component-wise invertible transformation. For the matching phase, under the causal sufficiency assumption, we show that the proposed method uniquely identifies the intervention targets. In the presence of latent confounders, the intervention targets among the observed variables cannot be determined uniquely. We provide a candidate intervention target set which is a superset of the true intervention targets. Our approach improves upon the state of the art as the returned candidate set is always a subset of the target set returned by previous work. Moreover, we do not require restrictive assumptions such as linearity of the causal model or performing invariance tests to learn whether a distribution is changing across environments which could be highly sample inefficient. Our experimental results show the effectiveness of our proposed algorithm in practice.

replace Active learning with biased non-response to label requests

Authors: Thomas Robinson, Niek Tax, Richard Mudd, Ido Guy

Abstract: Active learning can improve the efficiency of training prediction models by identifying the most informative new labels to acquire. However, non-response to label requests can impact active learning's effectiveness in real-world contexts. We conceptualise this degradation by considering the type of non-response present in the data, demonstrating that biased non-response is particularly detrimental to model performance. We argue that biased non-response is likely in contexts where the labelling process, by nature, relies on user interactions. To mitigate the impact of biased non-response, we propose a cost-based correction to the sampling strategy--the Upper Confidence Bound of the Expected Utility (UCB-EU)--that can, plausibly, be applied to any active learning algorithm. Through experiments, we demonstrate that our method successfully reduces the harm from labelling non-response in many settings. However, we also characterise settings where the non-response bias in the annotations remains detrimental under UCB-EU for specific sampling methods and data generating processes. Finally, we evaluate our method on a real-world dataset from an e-commerce platform. We show that UCB-EU yields substantial performance improvements to conversion models that are trained on clicked impressions. Most generally, this research serves to both better conceptualise the interplay between types of non-response and model improvements via active learning, and to provide a practical, easy-to-implement correction that mitigates model degradation.

replace Topology Learning for Heterogeneous Decentralized Federated Learning over Unreliable D2D Networks

Authors: Zheshun Wu, Zenglin Xu, Dun Zeng, Junfan Li, Jie Liu

Abstract: With the proliferation of intelligent mobile devices in wireless device-to-device (D2D) networks, decentralized federated learning (DFL) has attracted significant interest. Compared to centralized federated learning (CFL), DFL mitigates the risk of central server failures due to communication bottlenecks. However, DFL faces several challenges, such as the severe heterogeneity of data distributions in diverse environments, and the transmission outages and package errors caused by the adoption of the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) in D2D networks. These challenges often degrade the convergence of training DFL models. To address these challenges, we conduct a thorough theoretical convergence analysis for DFL and derive a convergence bound. By defining a novel quantity named unreliable links-aware neighborhood discrepancy in this convergence bound, we formulate a tractable optimization objective, and develop a novel Topology Learning method considering the Representation Discrepancy and Unreliable Links in DFL, named ToLRDUL. Intensive experiments under both feature skew and label skew settings have validated the effectiveness of our proposed method, demonstrating improved convergence speed and test accuracy, consistent with our theoretical findings.

replace Optimizing Heat Alert Issuance with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Ellen M. Considine, Rachel C. Nethery, Gregory A. Wellenius, Francesca Dominici, Mauricio Tec

Abstract: A key strategy in societal adaptation to climate change is the use of alert systems to reduce the adverse health impacts of extreme heat events by prompting preventative action. In this work, we investigate reinforcement learning (RL) as a tool to optimize the effectiveness of such systems. Our contributions are threefold. First, we introduce a novel RL environment enabling the evaluation of the effectiveness of heat alert policies to reduce heat-related hospitalizations. The rewards model is trained from a comprehensive dataset of historical weather, Medicare health records, and socioeconomic/geographic features. We use variational Bayesian techniques to address low-signal effects and spatial heterogeneity, which are commonly encountered in climate & health settings. The transition model incorporates real historical weather patterns enriched by a data augmentation mechanism based on climate region similarity. Second, we use this environment to evaluate standard RL algorithms in the context of heat alert issuance. Our analysis shows that policy constraints are needed to improve the initially poor performance of RL. Lastly, a post hoc contrastive analysis provides insight into scenarios where our modified heat alert-RL policies yield significant gains/losses over the current National Weather Service alert policy in the United States.

replace Robustness, Efficiency, or Privacy: Pick Two in Machine Learning

Authors: Youssef Allouah, Rachid Guerraoui, John Stephan

Abstract: The success of machine learning (ML) applications relies on vast datasets and distributed architectures which, as they grow, present major challenges. In real-world scenarios, where data often contains sensitive information, issues like data poisoning and hardware failures are common. Ensuring privacy and robustness is vital for the broad adoption of ML in public life. This paper examines the costs associated with achieving these objectives in distributed ML architectures, from both theoretical and empirical perspectives. We overview the meanings of privacy and robustness in distributed ML, and clarify how they can be achieved efficiently in isolation. However, we contend that the integration of these two objectives entails a notable compromise in computational efficiency. In short, traditional noise injection hurts accuracy by concealing poisoned inputs, while cryptographic methods clash with poisoning defenses due to their non-linear nature. However, we outline future research directions aimed at reconciling this compromise with efficiency by considering weaker threat models.

replace On the Expressive Power of Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Ashwin Nalwade, Kelly Marshall, Axel Eladi, Umang Sharma

Abstract: The study of Graph Neural Networks has received considerable interest in the past few years. By extending deep learning to graph-structured data, GNNs can solve a diverse set of tasks in fields including social science, chemistry, and medicine. The development of GNN architectures has largely been focused on improving empirical performance on tasks like node or graph classification. However, a line of recent work has instead sought to find GNN architectures that have desirable theoretical properties - by studying their expressive power and designing architectures that maximize this expressiveness. While there is no consensus on the best way to define the expressiveness of a GNN, it can be viewed from several well-motivated perspectives. Perhaps the most natural approach is to study the universal approximation properties of GNNs, much in the way that this has been studied extensively for MLPs. Another direction focuses on the extent to which GNNs can distinguish between different graph structures, relating this to the graph isomorphism test. Besides, a GNN's ability to compute graph properties such as graph moments has been suggested as another form of expressiveness. All of these different definitions are complementary and have yielded different recommendations for GNN architecture choices. In this paper, we would like to give an overview of the notion of "expressive power" of GNNs and provide some valuable insights regarding the design choices of GNNs.

replace Quantifying Marketing Performance at Channel-Partner Level by Using Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM) and Shapley Value Regression

Authors: Sean Tang, Sriya Musunuru, Baoshi Zong, Brooks Thornton

Abstract: This paper explores the application of Shapley Value Regression in dissecting marketing performance at channel-partner level, complementing channel-level Marketing Mix Modeling (MMM). Utilizing real-world data from the financial services industry, we demonstrate the practicality of Shapley Value Regression in evaluating individual partner contributions. Although structured in-field testing along with cooperative game theory is most accurate, it can often be highly complex and expensive to conduct. Shapley Value Regression is thus a more feasible approach to disentangle the influence of each marketing partner within a marketing channel. We also propose a simple method to derive adjusted coefficients of Shapley Value Regression and compare it with alternative approaches.

replace Learning from Sparse Offline Datasets via Conservative Density Estimation

Authors: Zhepeng Cen, Zuxin Liu, Zitong Wang, Yihang Yao, Henry Lam, Ding Zhao

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning (RL) offers a promising direction for learning policies from pre-collected datasets without requiring further interactions with the environment. However, existing methods struggle to handle out-of-distribution (OOD) extrapolation errors, especially in sparse reward or scarce data settings. In this paper, we propose a novel training algorithm called Conservative Density Estimation (CDE), which addresses this challenge by explicitly imposing constraints on the state-action occupancy stationary distribution. CDE overcomes the limitations of existing approaches, such as the stationary distribution correction method, by addressing the support mismatch issue in marginal importance sampling. Our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on the D4RL benchmark. Notably, CDE consistently outperforms baselines in challenging tasks with sparse rewards or insufficient data, demonstrating the advantages of our approach in addressing the extrapolation error problem in offline RL.

replace Towards Scalable and Robust Model Versioning

Authors: Wenxin Ding, Arjun Nitin Bhagoji, Ben Y. Zhao, Haitao Zheng

Abstract: As the deployment of deep learning models continues to expand across industries, the threat of malicious incursions aimed at gaining access to these deployed models is on the rise. Should an attacker gain access to a deployed model, whether through server breaches, insider attacks, or model inversion techniques, they can then construct white-box adversarial attacks to manipulate the model's classification outcomes, thereby posing significant risks to organizations that rely on these models for critical tasks. Model owners need mechanisms to protect themselves against such losses without the necessity of acquiring fresh training data - a process that typically demands substantial investments in time and capital. In this paper, we explore the feasibility of generating multiple versions of a model that possess different attack properties, without acquiring new training data or changing model architecture. The model owner can deploy one version at a time and replace a leaked version immediately with a new version. The newly deployed model version can resist adversarial attacks generated leveraging white-box access to one or all previously leaked versions. We show theoretically that this can be accomplished by incorporating parameterized hidden distributions into the model training data, forcing the model to learn task-irrelevant features uniquely defined by the chosen data. Additionally, optimal choices of hidden distributions can produce a sequence of model versions capable of resisting compound transferability attacks over time. Leveraging our analytical insights, we design and implement a practical model versioning method for DNN classifiers, which leads to significant robustness improvements over existing methods. We believe our work presents a promising direction for safeguarding DNN services beyond their initial deployment.

replace Compositional Generative Inverse Design

Authors: Tailin Wu, Takashi Maruyama, Long Wei, Tao Zhang, Yilun Du, Gianluca Iaccarino, Jure Leskovec

Abstract: Inverse design, where we seek to design input variables in order to optimize an underlying objective function, is an important problem that arises across fields such as mechanical engineering to aerospace engineering. Inverse design is typically formulated as an optimization problem, with recent works leveraging optimization across learned dynamics models. However, as models are optimized they tend to fall into adversarial modes, preventing effective sampling. We illustrate that by instead optimizing over the learned energy function captured by the diffusion model, we can avoid such adversarial examples and significantly improve design performance. We further illustrate how such a design system is compositional, enabling us to combine multiple different diffusion models representing subcomponents of our desired system to design systems with every specified component. In an N-body interaction task and a challenging 2D multi-airfoil design task, we demonstrate that by composing the learned diffusion model at test time, our method allows us to design initial states and boundary shapes that are more complex than those in the training data. Our method generalizes to more objects for N-body dataset and discovers formation flying to minimize drag in the multi-airfoil design task. Project website and code can be found at


replace True Knowledge Comes from Practice: Aligning LLMs with Embodied Environments via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Weihao Tan, Wentao Zhang, Shanqi Liu, Longtao Zheng, Xinrun Wang, Bo An

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance across numerous tasks, large language models (LLMs) often fail in solving simple decision-making tasks due to the misalignment of the knowledge in LLMs with environments. On the contrary, reinforcement learning (RL) agents learn policies from scratch, which makes them always align with environments but difficult to incorporate prior knowledge for efficient explorations. To narrow the gap, we propose TWOSOME, a novel general online framework that deploys LLMs as decision-making agents to efficiently interact and align with embodied environments via RL without requiring any prepared datasets or prior knowledge of the environments. Firstly, we query the joint probabilities of each valid action with LLMs to form behavior policies. Then, to enhance the stability and robustness of the policies, we propose two normalization methods and summarize four prompt design principles. Finally, we design a novel parameter-efficient training architecture where the actor and critic share one frozen LLM equipped with low-rank adapters (LoRA) updated by PPO. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate TWOSOME. i) TWOSOME exhibits significantly better sample efficiency and performance compared to the conventional RL method, PPO, and prompt tuning method, SayCan, in both classical decision-making environment, Overcooked, and simulated household environment, VirtualHome. ii) Benefiting from LLMs' open-vocabulary feature, TWOSOME shows superior generalization ability to unseen tasks. iii) Under our framework, there is no significant loss of the LLMs' original ability during online PPO finetuning.

replace Strategic Usage in a Multi-Learner Setting

Authors: Eliot Shekhtman, Sarah Dean

Abstract: Real-world systems often involve some pool of users choosing between a set of services. With the increase in popularity of online learning algorithms, these services can now self-optimize, leveraging data collected on users to maximize some reward such as service quality. On the flipside, users may strategically choose which services to use in order to pursue their own reward functions, in the process wielding power over which services can see and use their data. Extensive prior research has been conducted on the effects of strategic users in single-service settings, with strategic behavior manifesting in the manipulation of observable features to achieve a desired classification; however, this can often be costly or unattainable for users and fails to capture the full behavior of multi-service dynamic systems. As such, we analyze a setting in which strategic users choose among several available services in order to pursue positive classifications, while services seek to minimize loss functions on their observations. We focus our analysis on realizable settings, and show that naive retraining can still lead to oscillation even if all users are observed at different times; however, if this retraining uses memory of past observations, convergent behavior can be guaranteed for certain loss function classes. We provide results obtained from synthetic and real-world data to empirically validate our theoretical findings.

replace Arrows of Time for Large Language Models

Authors: Vassilis Papadopoulos, J\'er\'emie Wenger, Cl\'ement Hongler

Abstract: We study the probabilistic modeling performed by Autoregressive Large Language Models through the angle of time directionality. We empirically find a time asymmetry exhibited by such models in their ability to model natural language: a difference in the average log-perplexity when trying to predict the next token versus when trying to predict the previous one. This difference is at the same time subtle and very consistent across various modalities (language, model size, training time, ...). Theoretically, this is surprising: from an information-theoretic point of view, there should be no such difference. We provide a theoretical framework to explain how such an asymmetry can appear from sparsity and computational complexity considerations, and outline a number of perspectives opened by our results.

replace TEDDY: Trimming Edges with Degree-based Discrimination strategY

Authors: Hyunjin Seo, Jihun Yun, Eunho Yang

Abstract: Since the pioneering work on the lottery ticket hypothesis for graph neural networks (GNNs) was proposed in Chen et al. (2021), the study on finding graph lottery tickets (GLT) has become one of the pivotal focus in the GNN community, inspiring researchers to discover sparser GLT while achieving comparable performance to original dense networks. In parallel, the graph structure has gained substantial attention as a crucial factor in GNN training dynamics, also elucidated by several recent studies. Despite this, contemporary studies on GLT, in general, have not fully exploited inherent pathways in the graph structure and identified tickets in an iterative manner, which is time-consuming and inefficient. To address these limitations, we introduce TEDDY, a one-shot edge sparsification framework that leverages structural information by incorporating edge-degree information. Following edge sparsification, we encourage the parameter sparsity during training via simple projected gradient descent on the $\ell_0$ ball. Given the target sparsity levels for both the graph structure and the model parameters, our TEDDY facilitates efficient and rapid realization of GLT within a single training. Remarkably, our experimental results demonstrate that TEDDY significantly surpasses conventional iterative approaches in generalization, even when conducting one-shot sparsification that solely utilizes graph structures, without taking feature information into account.

replace Group Distributionally Robust Dataset Distillation with Risk Minimization

Authors: Saeed Vahidian, Mingyu Wang, Jianyang Gu, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Wei Jiang, Yiran Chen

Abstract: Dataset distillation (DD) has emerged as a widely adopted technique for crafting a synthetic dataset that captures the essential information of a training dataset, facilitating the training of accurate neural models. Its applications span various domains, including transfer learning, federated learning, and neural architecture search. The most popular methods for constructing the synthetic data rely on matching the convergence properties of training the model with the synthetic dataset and the training dataset. However, targeting the training dataset must be thought of as auxiliary in the same sense that the training set is an approximate substitute for the population distribution, and the latter is the data of interest. Yet despite its popularity, an aspect that remains unexplored is the relationship of DD to its generalization, particularly across uncommon subgroups. That is, how can we ensure that a model trained on the synthetic dataset performs well when faced with samples from regions with low population density? Here, the representativeness and coverage of the dataset become salient over the guaranteed training error at inference. Drawing inspiration from distributionally robust optimization, we introduce an algorithm that combines clustering with the minimization of a risk measure on the loss to conduct DD. We provide a theoretical rationale for our approach and demonstrate its effective generalization and robustness across subgroups through numerical experiments. The source code is available in


replace Multi-Patch Prediction: Adapting LLMs for Time Series Representation Learning

Authors: Yuxuan Bian, Xuan Ju, Jiangtong Li, Zhijian Xu, Dawei Cheng, Qiang Xu

Abstract: In this study, we present aLLM4TS, an innovative framework that adapts Large Language Models (LLMs) for time-series representation learning. Central to our approach is that we reconceive time-series forecasting as a self-supervised, multi-patch prediction task, which, compared to traditional contrastive learning or mask-and-reconstruction methods, captures temporal dynamics in patch representations more effectively. Our strategy encompasses two-stage training: (i). a causal continual pre-training phase on various time-series datasets, anchored on next patch prediction, effectively syncing LLM capabilities with the intricacies of time-series data; (ii). fine-tuning for multi-patch prediction in the targeted time-series context. A distinctive element of our framework is the patch-wise decoding layer, which departs from previous methods reliant on sequence-level decoding. Such a design directly transposes individual patches into temporal sequences, thereby significantly bolstering the model's proficiency in mastering temporal patch-based representations. aLLM4TS demonstrates superior performance in several downstream tasks, proving its effectiveness in deriving temporal representations with enhanced transferability and marking a pivotal advancement in the adaptation of LLMs for time-series analysis.

replace Sparse and Faithful Explanations Without Sparse Models

Authors: Yiyang Sun, Zhi Chen, Vittorio Orlandi, Tong Wang, Cynthia Rudin

Abstract: Even if a model is not globally sparse, it is possible for decisions made from that model to be accurately and faithfully described by a small number of features. For instance, an application for a large loan might be denied to someone because they have no credit history, which overwhelms any evidence towards their creditworthiness. In this work, we introduce the Sparse Explanation Value (SEV), a new way of measuring sparsity in machine learning models. In the loan denial example above, the SEV is 1 because only one factor is needed to explain why the loan was denied. SEV is a measure of decision sparsity rather than overall model sparsity, and we are able to show that many machine learning models -- even if they are not sparse -- actually have low decision sparsity, as measured by SEV. SEV is defined using movements over a hypercube, allowing SEV to be defined consistently over various model classes, with movement restrictions reflecting real-world constraints. We proposed the algorithms that reduce SEV without sacrificing accuracy, providing sparse and completely faithful explanations, even without globally sparse models.

replace Unlink to Unlearn: Simplifying Edge Unlearning in GNNs

Authors: Jiajun Tan, Fei Sun, Ruichen Qiu, Du Su, Huawei Shen

Abstract: As concerns over data privacy intensify, unlearning in Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) has emerged as a prominent research frontier in academia. This concept is pivotal in enforcing the \textit{right to be forgotten}, which entails the selective removal of specific data from trained GNNs upon user request. Our research focuses on edge unlearning, a process of particular relevance to real-world applications. Current state-of-the-art approaches like GNNDelete can eliminate the influence of specific edges yet suffer from \textit{over-forgetting}, which means the unlearning process inadvertently removes excessive information beyond needed, leading to a significant performance decline for remaining edges. Our analysis identifies the loss functions of GNNDelete as the primary source of over-forgetting and also suggests that loss functions may be redundant for effective edge unlearning. Building on these insights, we simplify GNNDelete to develop \textbf{Unlink to Unlearn} (UtU), a novel method that facilitates unlearning exclusively through unlinking the forget edges from graph structure. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that UtU delivers privacy protection on par with that of a retrained model while preserving high accuracy in downstream tasks, by upholding over 97.3\% of the retrained model's privacy protection capabilities and 99.8\% of its link prediction accuracy. Meanwhile, UtU requires only constant computational demands, underscoring its advantage as a highly lightweight and practical edge unlearning solution.

replace Model Editing by Pure Fine-Tuning

Authors: Govind Gangadhar, Karl Stratos

Abstract: Fine-tuning is dismissed as not effective for model editing due to its poor performance compared to more specialized methods. However, fine-tuning is simple, agnostic to the architectural details of the model being edited, and able to leverage ongoing advances in standard training methods (e.g., PEFT), making it an appealing choice for a model editor. In this work, we show that pure fine-tuning can be a viable approach to model editing. We propose a slight modification of naive fine-tuning with two key ingredients. First, we optimize the conditional likelihood rather than the full likelihood. Second, we augment the data with random paraphrases and facts to encourage generalization and locality. Our experiments on ZsRE and CounterFact show that this simple modification allows fine-tuning to often match or outperform specialized editors in the edit score.

replace Towards a tailored mixed-precision sub-8-bit quantization scheme for Gated Recurrent Units using Genetic Algorithms

Authors: Riccardo Miccini, Alessandro Cerioli, Cl\'ement Laroche, Tobias Piechowiak, Jens Spars{\o}, Luca Pezzarossa

Abstract: Despite the recent advances in model compression techniques for deep neural networks, deploying such models on ultra-low-power embedded devices still proves challenging. In particular, quantization schemes for Gated Recurrent Units (GRU) are difficult to tune due to their dependence on an internal state, preventing them from fully benefiting from sub-8bit quantization. In this work, we propose a modular integer quantization scheme for GRUs where the bit width of each operator can be selected independently. We then employ Genetic Algorithms (GA) to explore the vast search space of possible bit widths, simultaneously optimising for model size and accuracy. We evaluate our methods on four different sequential tasks and demonstrate that mixed-precision solutions exceed homogeneous-precision ones in terms of Pareto efficiency. In our results, we achieve a model size reduction between 25% and 55% while maintaining an accuracy comparable with the 8-bit homogeneous equivalent.

replace MMSR: Symbolic Regression is a Multimodal Task

Authors: Yanjie Li, Jingyi Liu, Weijun Li, Lina Yu, Min Wu, Wenqiang Li, Meilan Hao, Su Wei, Yusong Deng

Abstract: Mathematical formulas are the crystallization of human wisdom in exploring the laws of nature for thousands of years. Describing the complex laws of nature with a concise mathematical formula is a constant pursuit of scientists and a great challenge for artificial intelligence. This field is called symbolic regression. Symbolic regression was originally formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, and GP and reinforcement learning algorithms were used to solve it. However, GP is sensitive to hyperparameters, and these two types of algorithms are inefficient. To solve this problem, researchers treat the mapping from data to expressions as a translation problem. And the corresponding large-scale pre-trained model is introduced. However, the data and expression skeletons do not have very clear word correspondences as the two languages do. Instead, they are more like two modalities (e.g., image and text). Therefore, in this paper, we proposed MMSR. The SR problem is solved as a pure multimodal problem, and contrastive learning is also introduced in the training process for modal alignment to facilitate later modal feature fusion. It is worth noting that in order to better promote the modal feature fusion, we adopt the strategy of training contrastive learning loss and other losses at the same time, which only needs one-step training, instead of training contrastive learning loss first and then training other losses. Because our experiments prove training together can make the feature extraction module and feature fusion module running-in better. Experimental results show that compared with multiple large-scale pre-training baselines, MMSR achieves the most advanced results on multiple mainstream datasets including SRBench.

replace ICE-SEARCH: A Language Model-Driven Feature Selection Approach

Authors: Tianze Yang, Tianyi Yang, Shaoshan Liu, Fuyuan Lvu, Xue Liu

Abstract: This study unveils the In-Context Evolutionary Search (ICE-SEARCH) method, the first work that melds language models (LMs) with evolutionary algorithms for feature selection (FS) tasks and demonstrates its effectiveness in Medical Predictive Analytics (MPA) applications. ICE-SEARCH harnesses the crossover and mutation capabilities inherent in LMs within an evolutionary framework, significantly improving FS through the model's comprehensive world knowledge and its adaptability to a variety of roles. Our evaluation of this methodology spans three crucial MPA tasks: stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes, where ICE-SEARCH outperforms traditional FS methods in pinpointing essential features for medical applications. ICE-SEARCH achieves State-of-the-Art (SOTA) performance in stroke prediction and diabetes prediction; the Decision-Randomized ICE-SEARCH ranks as SOTA in cardiovascular disease prediction. Our results not only demonstrate the efficacy of ICE-SEARCH in medical FS but also underscore the versatility, efficiency, and scalability of integrating LMs in FS tasks. The study emphasizes the critical role of incorporating domain-specific insights, illustrating ICE-SEARCH's robustness, generalizability, and swift convergence. This opens avenues for further research into comprehensive and intricate FS landscapes, marking a significant stride in the application of artificial intelligence in medical predictive analytics.

replace Adaptive Learning Rate for Follow-the-Regularized-Leader: Competitive Analysis and Best-of-Both-Worlds

Authors: Shinji Ito, Taira Tsuchiya, Junya Honda

Abstract: Follow-The-Regularized-Leader (FTRL) is known as an effective and versatile approach in online learning, where appropriate choice of the learning rate is crucial for smaller regret. To this end, we formulate the problem of adjusting FTRL's learning rate as a sequential decision-making problem and introduce the framework of competitive analysis. We establish a lower bound for the competitive ratio and propose update rules for learning rate that achieves an upper bound within a constant factor of this lower bound. Specifically, we illustrate that the optimal competitive ratio is characterized by the (approximate) monotonicity of components of the penalty term, showing that a constant competitive ratio is achievable if the components of the penalty term form a monotonically non-increasing sequence, and derive a tight competitive ratio when penalty terms are $\xi$-approximately monotone non-increasing. Our proposed update rule, referred to as \textit{stability-penalty matching}, also facilitates constructing the Best-Of-Both-Worlds (BOBW) algorithms for stochastic and adversarial environments. In these environments our result contributes to achieve tighter regret bound and broaden the applicability of algorithms for various settings such as multi-armed bandits, graph bandits, linear bandits, and contextual bandits.

replace Direct Alignment of Draft Model for Speculative Decoding with Chat-Fine-Tuned LLMs

Authors: Raghavv Goel, Mukul Gagrani, Wonseok Jeon, Junyoung Park, Mingu Lee, Christopher Lott

Abstract: Text generation with Large Language Models (LLMs) is known to be memory bound due to the combination of their auto-regressive nature, huge parameter counts, and limited memory bandwidths, often resulting in low token rates. Speculative decoding has been proposed as a solution for LLM inference acceleration. However, since draft models are often unavailable in the modern open-source LLM families, e.g., for Llama 2 7B, training a high-quality draft model is required to enable inference acceleration via speculative decoding. In this paper, we propose a simple draft model training framework for direct alignment to chat-capable target models. With the proposed framework, we train Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M, a draft model for Llama 2 Chat 7B or larger, with only 1.64\% of the original size. Our training framework only consists of pretraining, distillation dataset generation, and finetuning with knowledge distillation, with no additional alignment procedure. For the finetuning step, we use instruction-response pairs generated by target model for distillation in plausible data distribution, and propose a new Total Variation Distance++ (TVD++) loss that incorporates variance reduction techniques inspired from the policy gradient method in reinforcement learning. Our empirical results show that Llama 2 Chat Drafter 115M with speculative decoding achieves up to 2.3 block efficiency and 2.4$\times$ speed-up relative to autoregressive decoding on various tasks with no further task-specific fine-tuning.

replace NASH: Neural Architecture Search for Hardware-Optimized Machine Learning Models

Authors: Mengfei Ji, Yuchun Chang, Baolin Zhang, Zaid Al-Ars

Abstract: As machine learning (ML) algorithms get deployed in an ever-increasing number of applications, these algorithms need to achieve better trade-offs between high accuracy, high throughput and low latency. This paper introduces NASH, a novel approach that applies neural architecture search to machine learning hardware. Using NASH, hardware designs can achieve not only high throughput and low latency but also superior accuracy performance. We present four versions of the NASH strategy in this paper, all of which show higher accuracy than the original models. The strategy can be applied to various convolutional neural networks, selecting specific model operations among many to guide the training process toward higher accuracy. Experimental results show that applying NASH on ResNet18 or ResNet34 achieves a top 1 accuracy increase of up to 3.1% and a top 5 accuracy increase of up to 2.2% compared to the non-NASH version when tested on the ImageNet data set. We also integrated this approach into the FINN hardware model synthesis tool to automate the application of our approach and the generation of the hardware model. Results show that using FINN can achieve a maximum throughput of 324.5 fps. In addition, NASH models can also result in a better trade-off between accuracy and hardware resource utilization. The accuracy-hardware (HW) Pareto curve shows that the models with the four NASH versions represent the best trade-offs achieving the highest accuracy for a given HW utilization. The code for our implementation is open-source and publicly available on GitHub at


replace Estimating Neural Network Performance through Sample-Wise Activation Patterns

Authors: Yameng Peng, Andy Song, Haytham M. Fayek, Vic Ciesielski, Xiaojun Chang

Abstract: Training-free metrics (a.k.a. zero-cost proxies) are widely used to avoid resource-intensive neural network training, especially in Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Recent studies show that existing training-free metrics have several limitations, such as limited correlation and poor generalisation across different search spaces and tasks. Hence, we propose Sample-Wise Activation Patterns and its derivative, SWAP-Score, a novel high-performance training-free metric. It measures the expressivity of networks over a batch of input samples. The SWAP-Score is strongly correlated with ground-truth performance across various search spaces and tasks, outperforming 15 existing training-free metrics on NAS-Bench-101/201/301 and TransNAS-Bench-101. The SWAP-Score can be further enhanced by regularisation, which leads to even higher correlations in cell-based search space and enables model size control during the search. For example, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between regularised SWAP-Score and CIFAR-100 validation accuracies on NAS-Bench-201 networks is 0.90, significantly higher than 0.80 from the second-best metric, NWOT. When integrated with an evolutionary algorithm for NAS, our SWAP-NAS achieves competitive performance on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet in approximately 6 minutes and 9 minutes of GPU time respectively.

replace What makes an image realistic?

Authors: Lucas Theis

Abstract: The last decade has seen tremendous progress in our ability to generate realistic-looking data, be it images, text, audio, or video. Here, we discuss the closely related problem of quantifying realism, that is, designing functions that can reliably tell realistic data from unrealistic data. This problem turns out to be significantly harder to solve and remains poorly understood, despite its prevalence in machine learning and recent breakthroughs in generative AI. Drawing on insights from algorithmic information theory, we discuss why this problem is challenging, why a good generative model alone is insufficient to solve it, and what a good solution would look like. In particular, we introduce the notion of a universal critic, which unlike adversarial critics does not require adversarial training. While universal critics are not immediately practical, they can serve both as a North Star for guiding practical implementations and as a tool for analyzing existing attempts to capture realism.

replace Switching the Loss Reduces the Cost in Batch Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Alex Ayoub, Kaiwen Wang, Vincent Liu, Samuel Robertson, James McInerney, Dawen Liang, Nathan Kallus, Csaba Szepesv\'ari

Abstract: We propose training fitted Q-iteration with log-loss (FQI-LOG) for batch reinforcement learning (RL). We show that the number of samples needed to learn a near-optimal policy with FQI-LOG scales with the accumulated cost of the optimal policy, which is zero in problems where acting optimally achieves the goal and incurs no cost. In doing so, we provide a general framework for proving $\textit{small-cost}$ bounds, i.e. bounds that scale with the optimal achievable cost, in batch RL. Moreover, we empirically verify that FQI-LOG uses fewer samples than FQI trained with squared loss on problems where the optimal policy reliably achieves the goal.

replace-cross A Discriminative Latent-Variable Model for Bilingual Lexicon Induction

Authors: Sebastian Ruder, Ryan Cotterell, Yova Kementchedjhieva, Anders S{\o}gaard

Abstract: We introduce a novel discriminative latent variable model for bilingual lexicon induction. Our model combines the bipartite matching dictionary prior of Haghighi et al. (2008) with a representation-based approach (Artetxe et al., 2017). To train the model, we derive an efficient Viterbi EM algorithm. We provide empirical results on six language pairs under two metrics and show that the prior improves the induced bilingual lexicons. We also demonstrate how previous work may be viewed as a similarly fashioned latent-variable model, albeit with a different prior.

replace-cross NeurAll: Towards a Unified Visual Perception Model for Automated Driving

Authors: Ganesh Sistu, Isabelle Leang, Sumanth Chennupati, Senthil Yogamani, Ciaran Hughes, Stefan Milz, Samir Rawashdeh

Abstract: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are successfully used for the important automotive visual perception tasks including object recognition, motion and depth estimation, visual SLAM, etc. However, these tasks are typically independently explored and modeled. In this paper, we propose a joint multi-task network design for learning several tasks simultaneously. Our main motivation is the computational efficiency achieved by sharing the expensive initial convolutional layers between all tasks. Indeed, the main bottleneck in automated driving systems is the limited processing power available on deployment hardware. There is also some evidence for other benefits in improving accuracy for some tasks and easing development effort. It also offers scalability to add more tasks leveraging existing features and achieving better generalization. We survey various CNN based solutions for visual perception tasks in automated driving. Then we propose a unified CNN model for the important tasks and discuss several advanced optimization and architecture design techniques to improve the baseline model. The paper is partly review and partly positional with demonstration of several preliminary results promising for future research. We first demonstrate results of multi-stream learning and auxiliary learning which are important ingredients to scale to a large multi-task model. Finally, we implement a two-stream three-task network which performs better in many cases compared to their corresponding single-task models, while maintaining network size.

replace-cross ENCORE: Ensemble Learning using Convolution Neural Machine Translation for Automatic Program Repair

Authors: Thibaud Lutellier, Lawrence Pang, Viet Hung Pham, Moshi Wei, Lin Tan

Abstract: Automated generate-and-validate (G&V) program repair techniques typically rely on hard-coded rules, only fix bugs following specific patterns, and are hard to adapt to different programming languages. We propose ENCORE, a new G&V technique, which uses ensemble learning on convolutional neural machine translation (NMT) models to automatically fix bugs in multiple programming languages. We take advantage of the randomness in hyper-parameter tuning to build multiple models that fix different bugs and combine them using ensemble learning. This new convolutional NMT approach outperforms the standard long short-term memory (LSTM) approach used in previous work, as it better captures both local and long-distance connections between tokens. Our evaluation on two popular benchmarks, Defects4J and QuixBugs, shows that ENCORE fixed 42 bugs, including 16 that have not been fixed by existing techniques. In addition, ENCORE is the first G&V repair technique to be applied to four popular programming languages (Java, C++, Python, and JavaScript), fixing a total of 67 bugs across five benchmarks.

replace-cross Local Minima Structures in Gaussian Mixture Models

Authors: Yudong Chen, Dogyoon Song, Xumei Xi, Yuqian Zhang

Abstract: We investigate the landscape of the negative log-likelihood function of Gaussian Mixture Models (GMMs) with a general number of components in the population limit. As the objective function is non-convex, there can be multiple local minima that are not globally optimal, even for well-separated mixture models. Our study reveals that all local minima share a common structure that partially identifies the cluster centers (i.e., means of the Gaussian components) of the true location mixture. Specifically, each local minimum can be represented as a non-overlapping combination of two types of sub-configurations: fitting a single mean estimate to multiple Gaussian components or fitting multiple estimates to a single true component. These results apply to settings where the true mixture components satisfy a certain separation condition, and are valid even when the number of components is over- or under-specified. We also present a more fine-grained analysis for the setting of one-dimensional GMMs with three components, which provide sharper approximation error bounds with improved dependence on the separation.

replace-cross Nested Nonparametric Instrumental Variable Regression: Long Term, Mediated, and Time Varying Treatment Effects

Authors: Isaac Meza, Rahul Singh

Abstract: Several causal parameters in short panel data models are scalar summaries of a function called a nested nonparametric instrumental variable regression (nested NPIV). Examples include long term, mediated, and time varying treatment effects identified using proxy variables. However, it appears that no prior estimators or guarantees for nested NPIV exist, preventing flexible estimation and inference for these causal parameters. A major challenge is compounding ill posedness due to the nested inverse problems. We analyze adversarial estimators of nested NPIV, and provide sufficient conditions for efficient inference on the causal parameter. Our nonasymptotic analysis has three salient features: (i) introducing techniques that limit how ill posedness compounds; (ii) accommodating neural networks, random forests, and reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces; and (iii) extending to causal functions, e.g. long term heterogeneous treatment effects. We measure long term heterogeneous treatment effects of Project STAR and mediated proximal treatment effects of the Job Corps.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning with Spiking Q-learning

Authors: Ding Chen, Peixi Peng, Tiejun Huang, Yonghong Tian

Abstract: With the help of special neuromorphic hardware, spiking neural networks (SNNs) are expected to realize artificial intelligence (AI) with less energy consumption. It provides a promising energy-efficient way for realistic control tasks by combining SNNs with deep reinforcement learning (RL). There are only a few existing SNN-based RL methods at present. Most of them either lack generalization ability or employ Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) to estimate value function in training. The former needs to tune numerous hyper-parameters for each scenario, and the latter limits the application of different types of RL algorithm and ignores the large energy consumption in training. To develop a robust spike-based RL method, we draw inspiration from non-spiking interneurons found in insects and propose the deep spiking Q-network (DSQN), using the membrane voltage of non-spiking neurons as the representation of Q-value, which can directly learn robust policies from high-dimensional sensory inputs using end-to-end RL. Experiments conducted on 17 Atari games demonstrate the DSQN is effective and even outperforms the ANN-based deep Q-network (DQN) in most games. Moreover, the experiments show superior learning stability and robustness to adversarial attacks of DSQN.

replace-cross Uncertainty-aware Pseudo-label Selection for Positive-Unlabeled Learning

Authors: Emilio Dorigatti, Jann Goschenhofer, Benjamin Schubert, Mina Rezaei, Bernd Bischl

Abstract: Positive-unlabeled learning (PUL) aims at learning a binary classifier from only positive and unlabeled training data. Even though real-world applications often involve imbalanced datasets where the majority of examples belong to one class, most contemporary approaches to PUL do not investigate performance in this setting, thus severely limiting their applicability in practice. In this work, we thus propose to tackle the issues of imbalanced datasets and model calibration in a PUL setting through an uncertainty-aware pseudo-labeling procedure (PUUPL): by boosting the signal from the minority class, pseudo-labeling expands the labeled dataset with new samples from the unlabeled set, while explicit uncertainty quantification prevents the emergence of harmful confirmation bias leading to increased predictive performance. Within a series of experiments, PUUPL yields substantial performance gains in highly imbalanced settings while also showing strong performance in balanced PU scenarios across recent baselines. We furthermore provide ablations and sensitivity analyses to shed light on PUUPL's several ingredients. Finally, a real-world application with an imbalanced dataset confirms the advantage of our approach.

replace-cross Computational Complexity Evaluation of Neural Network Applications in Signal Processing

Authors: Pedro Freire, Sasipim Srivallapanondh, Antonio Napoli, Jaroslaw E. Prilepsky, Sergei K. Turitsyn

Abstract: In this paper, we provide a systematic approach for assessing and comparing the computational complexity of neural network layers in digital signal processing. We provide and link four software-to-hardware complexity measures, defining how the different complexity metrics relate to the layers' hyper-parameters. This paper explains how to compute these four metrics for feed-forward and recurrent layers, and defines in which case we ought to use a particular metric depending on whether we characterize a more soft- or hardware-oriented application. One of the four metrics, called `the number of additions and bit shifts (NABS)', is newly introduced for heterogeneous quantization. NABS characterizes the impact of not only the bitwidth used in the operation but also the type of quantization used in the arithmetical operations. We intend this work to serve as a baseline for the different levels (purposes) of complexity estimation related to the neural networks' application in real-time digital signal processing, aiming at unifying the computational complexity estimation.

replace-cross Analyzing Fairness in Deepfake Detection With Massively Annotated Databases

Authors: Ying Xu, Philipp Terh\"orst, Kiran Raja, Marius Pedersen

Abstract: In recent years, image and video manipulations with Deepfake have become a severe concern for security and society. Many detection models and datasets have been proposed to detect Deepfake data reliably. However, there is an increased concern that these models and training databases might be biased and, thus, cause Deepfake detectors to fail. In this work, we investigate factors causing biased detection in public Deepfake datasets by (a) creating large-scale demographic and non-demographic attribute annotations with 47 different attributes for five popular Deepfake datasets and (b) comprehensively analysing attributes resulting in AI-bias of three state-of-the-art Deepfake detection backbone models on these datasets. The analysis shows how various attributes influence a large variety of distinctive attributes (from over 65M labels) on the detection performance which includes demographic (age, gender, ethnicity) and non-demographic (hair, skin, accessories, etc.) attributes. The results examined datasets show limited diversity and, more importantly, show that the utilised Deepfake detection backbone models are strongly affected by investigated attributes making them not fair across attributes. The Deepfake detection backbone methods trained on such imbalanced/biased datasets result in incorrect detection results leading to generalisability, fairness, and security issues. Our findings and annotated datasets will guide future research to evaluate and mitigate bias in Deepfake detection techniques. The annotated datasets and the corresponding code are publicly available.

replace-cross Machine Learning-Powered Course Allocation

Authors: Ermis Soumalias, Behnoosh Zamanlooy, Jakob Weissteiner, Sven Seuken

Abstract: We study the course allocation problem, where universities assign course schedules to students. The current state-of-the-art mechanism, Course Match, has one major shortcoming: students make significant mistakes when reporting their preferences, which negatively affects welfare and fairness. To address this issue, we introduce a new mechanism, Machine Learning-powered Course Match (MLCM). At the core of MLCM is a machine learning-powered preference elicitation module that iteratively asks personalized pairwise comparison queries to alleviate students' reporting mistakes. Extensive computational experiments, grounded in real-world data, demonstrate that MLCM, with only ten comparison queries, significantly increases both average and minimum student utility by 7%-11% and 17%-29%, respectively. Finally, we highlight MLCM's robustness to changes in the environment and show how our design minimizes the risk of upgrading to MLCM while making the upgrade process simple for universities and seamless for their students.

replace-cross Text2Model: Text-based Model Induction for Zero-shot Image Classification

Authors: Ohad Amosy, Tomer Volk, Eilam Shapira, Eyal Ben-David, Roi Reichart, Gal Chechik

Abstract: We address the challenge of building task-agnostic classifiers using only text descriptions, demonstrating a unified approach to image classification, 3D point cloud classification, and action recognition from scenes. Unlike approaches that learn a fixed representation of the output classes, we generate at inference time a model tailored to a query classification task. To generate task-based zero-shot classifiers, we train a hypernetwork that receives class descriptions and outputs a multi-class model. The hypernetwork is designed to be equivariant with respect to the set of descriptions and the classification layer, thus obeying the symmetries of the problem and improving generalization. Our approach generates non-linear classifiers and can handle rich textual descriptions. We evaluate this approach in a series of zero-shot classification tasks, for image, point-cloud, and action recognition, using a range of text descriptions: From single words to rich descriptions. Our results demonstrate strong improvements over previous approaches, showing that zero-shot learning can be applied with little training data. Furthermore, we conduct an analysis with foundational vision and language models, demonstrating that they struggle to generalize when describing what attributes the class lacks.

replace-cross CAPE: Corrective Actions from Precondition Errors using Large Language Models

Authors: Shreyas Sundara Raman, Vanya Cohen, Ifrah Idrees, Eric Rosen, Ray Mooney, Stefanie Tellex, David Paulius

Abstract: Extracting commonsense knowledge from a large language model (LLM) offers a path to designing intelligent robots. Existing approaches that leverage LLMs for planning are unable to recover when an action fails and often resort to retrying failed actions, without resolving the error's underlying cause. We propose a novel approach (CAPE) that attempts to propose corrective actions to resolve precondition errors during planning. CAPE improves the quality of generated plans by leveraging few-shot reasoning from action preconditions. Our approach enables embodied agents to execute more tasks than baseline methods while ensuring semantic correctness and minimizing re-prompting. In VirtualHome, CAPE generates executable plans while improving a human-annotated plan correctness metric from 28.89% to 49.63% over SayCan. Our improvements transfer to a Boston Dynamics Spot robot initialized with a set of skills (specified in language) and associated preconditions, where CAPE improves the correctness metric of the executed task plans by 76.49% compared to SayCan. Our approach enables the robot to follow natural language commands and robustly recover from failures, which baseline approaches largely cannot resolve or address inefficiently.

replace-cross Quantum-Inspired Tensor Neural Networks for Option Pricing

Authors: Raj G. Patel, Chia-Wei Hsing, Serkan Sahin, Samuel Palmer, Saeed S. Jahromi, Shivam Sharma, Tomas Dominguez, Kris Tziritas, Christophe Michel, Vincent Porte, Mustafa Abid, Stephane Aubert, Pierre Castellani, Samuel Mugel, Roman Orus

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning have enabled us to address the curse of dimensionality (COD) by solving problems in higher dimensions. A subset of such approaches of addressing the COD has led us to solving high-dimensional PDEs. This has resulted in opening doors to solving a variety of real-world problems ranging from mathematical finance to stochastic control for industrial applications. Although feasible, these deep learning methods are still constrained by training time and memory. Tackling these shortcomings, Tensor Neural Networks (TNN) demonstrate that they can provide significant parameter savings while attaining the same accuracy as compared to the classical Dense Neural Network (DNN). In addition, we also show how TNN can be trained faster than DNN for the same accuracy. Besides TNN, we also introduce Tensor Network Initializer (TNN Init), a weight initialization scheme that leads to faster convergence with smaller variance for an equivalent parameter count as compared to a DNN. We benchmark TNN and TNN Init by applying them to solve the parabolic PDE associated with the Heston model, which is widely used in financial pricing theory.

replace-cross Visual CPG-RL: Learning Central Pattern Generators for Visually-Guided Quadruped Locomotion

Authors: Guillaume Bellegarda, Milad Shafiee, Auke Ijspeert

Abstract: We present a framework for learning visually-guided quadruped locomotion by integrating exteroceptive sensing and central pattern generators (CPGs), i.e. systems of coupled oscillators, into the deep reinforcement learning (DRL) framework. Through both exteroceptive and proprioceptive sensing, the agent learns to coordinate rhythmic behavior among different oscillators to track velocity commands, while at the same time override these commands to avoid collisions with the environment. We investigate several open robotics and neuroscience questions: 1) What is the role of explicit interoscillator couplings between oscillators, and can such coupling improve sim-to-real transfer for navigation robustness? 2) What are the effects of using a memory-enabled vs. a memory-free policy network with respect to robustness, energy-efficiency, and tracking performance in sim-to-real navigation tasks? 3) How do animals manage to tolerate high sensorimotor delays, yet still produce smooth and robust gaits? To answer these questions, we train our perceptive locomotion policies in simulation and perform sim-to-real transfers to the Unitree Go1 quadruped, where we observe robust navigation in a variety of scenarios. Our results show that the CPG, explicit interoscillator couplings, and memory-enabled policy representations are all beneficial for energy efficiency, robustness to noise and sensory delays of 90 ms, and tracking performance for successful sim-to-real transfer for navigation tasks. Video results can be found at


replace-cross Cross-Model Comparative Loss for Enhancing Neuronal Utility in Language Understanding

Authors: Yunchang Zhu, Liang Pang, Kangxi Wu, Yanyan Lan, Huawei Shen, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: Current natural language understanding (NLU) models have been continuously scaling up, both in terms of model size and input context, introducing more hidden and input neurons. While this generally improves performance on average, the extra neurons do not yield a consistent improvement for all instances. This is because some hidden neurons are redundant, and the noise mixed in input neurons tends to distract the model. Previous work mainly focuses on extrinsically reducing low-utility neurons by additional post- or pre-processing, such as network pruning and context selection, to avoid this problem. Beyond that, can we make the model reduce redundant parameters and suppress input noise by intrinsically enhancing the utility of each neuron? If a model can efficiently utilize neurons, no matter which neurons are ablated (disabled), the ablated submodel should perform no better than the original full model. Based on such a comparison principle between models, we propose a cross-model comparative loss for a broad range of tasks. Comparative loss is essentially a ranking loss on top of the task-specific losses of the full and ablated models, with the expectation that the task-specific loss of the full model is minimal. We demonstrate the universal effectiveness of comparative loss through extensive experiments on 14 datasets from 3 distinct NLU tasks based on 5 widely used pretrained language models and find it particularly superior for models with few parameters or long input.

replace-cross Language-Driven Anchors for Zero-Shot Adversarial Robustness

Authors: Xiao Li, Wei Zhang, Yining Liu, Zhanhao Hu, Bo Zhang, Xiaolin Hu

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) are known to be susceptible to adversarial attacks. Previous researches mainly focus on improving adversarial robustness in the fully supervised setting, leaving the challenging domain of zero-shot adversarial robustness an open question. In this work, we investigate this domain by leveraging the recent advances in large vision-language models, such as CLIP, to introduce zero-shot adversarial robustness to DNNs. We propose LAAT, a Language-driven, Anchor-based Adversarial Training strategy. LAAT utilizes the features of a text encoder for each category as fixed anchors (normalized feature embeddings) for each category, which are then employed for adversarial training. By leveraging the semantic consistency of the text encoders, LAAT aims to enhance the adversarial robustness of the image model on novel categories. However, naively using text encoders leads to poor results. Through analysis, we identified the issue to be the high cosine similarity between text encoders. We then design an expansion algorithm and an alignment cross-entropy loss to alleviate the problem. Our experimental results demonstrated that LAAT significantly improves zero-shot adversarial robustness over state-of-the-art methods. LAAT has the potential to enhance adversarial robustness by large-scale multimodal models, especially when labeled data is unavailable during training.

replace-cross Recent Developments in Machine Learning Methods for Stochastic Control and Games

Authors: Ruimeng Hu, Mathieu Lauri\`ere

Abstract: Stochastic optimal control and games have a wide range of applications, from finance and economics to social sciences, robotics, and energy management. Many real-world applications involve complex models that have driven the development of sophisticated numerical methods. Recently, computational methods based on machine learning have been developed for solving stochastic control problems and games. In this review, we focus on deep learning methods that have unlocked the possibility of solving such problems, even in high dimensions or when the structure is very complex, beyond what traditional numerical methods can achieve. We consider mostly the continuous time and continuous space setting. Many of the new approaches build on recent neural-network-based methods for solving high-dimensional partial differential equations or backward stochastic differential equations, or on model-free reinforcement learning for Markov decision processes that have led to breakthrough results. This paper provides an introduction to these methods and summarizes the state-of-the-art works at the crossroad of machine learning and stochastic control and games.

replace-cross Quantum approximate optimization via learning-based adaptive optimization

Authors: Lixue Cheng, Yu-Qin Chen, Shi-Xin Zhang, Shengyu Zhang

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization problems are ubiquitous and computationally hard to solve in general. Quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA), one of the most representative quantum-classical hybrid algorithms, is designed to solve combinatorial optimization problems by transforming the discrete optimization problem into a classical optimization problem over continuous circuit parameters. QAOA objective landscape is notorious for pervasive local minima, and its viability significantly relies on the efficacy of the classical optimizer. In this work, we design double adaptive-region Bayesian optimization (DARBO) for QAOA. Our numerical results demonstrate that the algorithm greatly outperforms conventional optimizers in terms of speed, accuracy, and stability. We also address the issues of measurement efficiency and the suppression of quantum noise by conducting the full optimization loop on a superconducting quantum processor as a proof of concept. This work helps to unlock the full power of QAOA and paves the way toward achieving quantum advantage in practical classical tasks.

replace-cross Application of Tensor Neural Networks to Pricing Bermudan Swaptions

Authors: Raj G. Patel, Tomas Dominguez, Mohammad Dib, Samuel Palmer, Andrea Cadarso, Fernando De Lope Contreras, Abdelkader Ratnani, Francisco Gomez Casanova, Senaida Hern\'andez-Santana, \'Alvaro D\'iaz-Fern\'andez, Eva Andr\'es, Jorge Luis-Hita, Escol\'astico S\'anchez-Mart\'inez, Samuel Mugel, Roman Orus

Abstract: The Cheyette model is a quasi-Gaussian volatility interest rate model widely used to price interest rate derivatives such as European and Bermudan Swaptions for which Monte Carlo simulation has become the industry standard. In low dimensions, these approaches provide accurate and robust prices for European Swaptions but, even in this computationally simple setting, they are known to underestimate the value of Bermudan Swaptions when using the state variables as regressors. This is mainly due to the use of a finite number of predetermined basis functions in the regression. Moreover, in high-dimensional settings, these approaches succumb to the Curse of Dimensionality. To address these issues, Deep-learning techniques have been used to solve the backward Stochastic Differential Equation associated with the value process for European and Bermudan Swaptions; however, these methods are constrained by training time and memory. To overcome these limitations, we propose leveraging Tensor Neural Networks as they can provide significant parameter savings while attaining the same accuracy as classical Dense Neural Networks. In this paper we rigorously benchmark the performance of Tensor Neural Networks and Dense Neural Networks for pricing European and Bermudan Swaptions, and we show that Tensor Neural Networks can be trained faster than Dense Neural Networks and provide more accurate and robust prices than their Dense counterparts.

replace-cross A Stochastic-Gradient-based Interior-Point Algorithm for Solving Smooth Bound-Constrained Optimization Problems

Authors: Frank E. Curtis, Vyacheslav Kungurtsev, Daniel P. Robinson, Qi Wang

Abstract: A stochastic-gradient-based interior-point algorithm for minimizing a continuously differentiable objective function (that may be nonconvex) subject to bound constraints is presented, analyzed, and demonstrated through experimental results. The algorithm is unique from other interior-point methods for solving smooth \edit{nonconvex} optimization problems since the search directions are computed using stochastic gradient estimates. It is also unique in its use of inner neighborhoods of the feasible region -- defined by a positive and vanishing neighborhood-parameter sequence -- in which the iterates are forced to remain. It is shown that with a careful balance between the barrier, step-size, and neighborhood sequences, the proposed algorithm satisfies convergence guarantees in both deterministic and stochastic settings. The results of numerical experiments show that in both settings the algorithm can outperform \edit{projection-based} methods.

replace-cross Using Large Language Models to Generate JUnit Tests: An Empirical Study

Authors: Mohammed Latif Siddiq, Joanna C. S. Santos, Ridwanul Hasan Tanvir, Noshin Ulfat, Fahmid Al Rifat, Vinicius Carvalho Lopes

Abstract: A code generation model generates code by taking a prompt from a code comment, existing code, or a combination of both. Although code generation models (e.g., GitHub Copilot) are increasingly being adopted in practice, it is unclear whether they can successfully be used for unit test generation without fine-tuning for a strongly typed language like Java. To fill this gap, we investigated how well three models (Codex, GPT-3.5-Turbo, and StarCoder) can generate unit tests. We used two benchmarks (HumanEval and Evosuite SF110) to investigate the effect of context generation on the unit test generation process. We evaluated the models based on compilation rates, test correctness, test coverage, and test smells. We found that the Codex model achieved above 80% coverage for the HumanEval dataset, but no model had more than 2% coverage for the EvoSuite SF110 benchmark. The generated tests also suffered from test smells, such as Duplicated Asserts and Empty Tests.

replace-cross DeepTextMark: A Deep Learning-Driven Text Watermarking Approach for Identifying Large Language Model Generated Text

Authors: Travis Munyer, Abdullah Tanvir, Arjon Das, Xin Zhong

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly enhanced the capabilities of text generators. With the potential for misuse escalating, the importance of discerning whether texts are human-authored or generated by LLMs has become paramount. Several preceding studies have ventured to address this challenge by employing binary classifiers to differentiate between human-written and LLM-generated text. Nevertheless, the reliability of these classifiers has been subject to question. Given that consequential decisions may hinge on the outcome of such classification, it is imperative that text source detection is of high caliber. In light of this, the present paper introduces DeepTextMark, a deep learning-driven text watermarking methodology devised for text source identification. By leveraging Word2Vec and Sentence Encoding for watermark insertion, alongside a transformer-based classifier for watermark detection, DeepTextMark epitomizes a blend of blindness, robustness, imperceptibility, and reliability. As elaborated within the paper, these attributes are crucial for universal text source detection, with a particular emphasis in this paper on text produced by LLMs. DeepTextMark offers a viable "add-on" solution to prevailing text generation frameworks, requiring no direct access or alterations to the underlying text generation mechanism. Experimental evaluations underscore the high imperceptibility, elevated detection accuracy, augmented robustness, reliability, and swift execution of DeepTextMark.

replace-cross Assessment of few-hits machine learning classification algorithms for low energy physics in liquid argon detectors

Authors: Roberto Moretti, Marco Rossi, Matteo Biassoni, Andrea Giachero, Michele Grossi, Daniele Guffanti, Danilo Labranca, Francesco Terranova, Sofia Vallecorsa

Abstract: The physics potential of massive liquid argon TPCs in the low-energy regime is still to be fully reaped because few-hits events encode information that can hardly be exploited by conventional classification algorithms. Machine learning (ML) techniques give their best in these types of classification problems. In this paper, we evaluate their performance against conventional (deterministic) algorithms. We demonstrate that both Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) and Transformer-Encoder methods outperform deterministic algorithms in one of the most challenging classification problems of low-energy physics (single- versus double-beta events). We discuss the advantages and pitfalls of Transformer-Encoder methods versus CNN and employ these methods to optimize the detector parameters, with an emphasis on the DUNE Phase II detectors ("Module of Opportunity").

replace-cross Score Operator Newton transport

Authors: Nisha Chandramoorthy, Florian Schaefer, Youssef Marzouk

Abstract: We propose a new approach for sampling and Bayesian computation that uses the score of the target distribution to construct a transport from a given reference distribution to the target. Our approach is an infinite-dimensional Newton method, involving a linear PDE, for finding a zero of a ``score-residual'' operator. We prove sufficient conditions for convergence to a valid transport map. Our Newton iterates can be computed by exploiting fast solvers for elliptic PDEs, resulting in new algorithms for Bayesian inference and other sampling tasks. We identify elementary settings where score-operator Newton transport achieves fast convergence while avoiding mode collapse.

replace-cross Variation Spaces for Multi-Output Neural Networks: Insights on Multi-Task Learning and Network Compression

Authors: Joseph Shenouda, Rahul Parhi, Kangwook Lee, Robert D. Nowak

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel theoretical framework for the analysis of vector-valued neural networks through the development of vector-valued variation spaces, a new class of reproducing kernel Banach spaces. These spaces emerge from studying the regularization effect of weight decay in training networks with activations like the rectified linear unit (ReLU). This framework offers a deeper understanding of multi-output networks and their function-space characteristics. A key contribution of this work is the development of a representer theorem for the vector-valued variation spaces. This representer theorem establishes that shallow vector-valued neural networks are the solutions to data-fitting problems over these infinite-dimensional spaces, where the network widths are bounded by the square of the number of training data. This observation reveals that the norm associated with these vector-valued variation spaces encourages the learning of features that are useful for multiple tasks, shedding new light on multi-task learning with neural networks. Finally, this paper develops a connection between weight-decay regularization and the multi-task lasso problem. This connection leads to novel bounds for layer widths in deep networks that depend on the intrinsic dimensions of the training data representations. This insight not only deepens the understanding of the deep network architectural requirements, but also yields a simple convex optimization method for deep neural network compression. The performance of this compression procedure is evaluated on various architectures.

replace-cross DistriBlock: Identifying adversarial audio samples by leveraging characteristics of the output distribution

Authors: Mat\'ias Pizarro, Dorothea Kolossa, Asja Fischer

Abstract: Adversarial attacks can mislead automatic speech recognition (ASR) systems into predicting an arbitrary target text, thus posing a clear security threat. To prevent such attacks, we propose DistriBlock, an efficient detection strategy applicable to any ASR system that predicts a probability distribution over output tokens in each time step. We measure a set of characteristics of this distribution: the median, maximum, and minimum over the output probabilities, the entropy of the distribution, as well as the Kullback-Leibler and the Jensen-Shannon divergence with respect to the distributions of the subsequent time step. Then, by leveraging the characteristics observed for both benign and adversarial data, we apply binary classifiers, including simple threshold-based classification, ensembles of such classifiers, and neural networks. Through extensive analysis across different state-of-the-art ASR systems and language data sets, we demonstrate the supreme performance of this approach, with a mean area under the receiver operating characteristic for distinguishing target adversarial examples against clean and noisy data of 99% and 97%, respectively. To assess the robustness of our method, we show that adaptive adversarial examples that can circumvent DistriBlock are much noisier, which makes them easier to detect through filtering and creates another avenue for preserving the system's robustness.

replace-cross Sharpened Lazy Incremental Quasi-Newton Method

Authors: Aakash Lahoti, Spandan Senapati, Ketan Rajawat, Alec Koppel

Abstract: The problem of minimizing the sum of $n$ functions in $d$ dimensions is ubiquitous in machine learning and statistics. In many applications where the number of observations $n$ is large, it is necessary to use incremental or stochastic methods, as their per-iteration cost is independent of $n$. Of these, Quasi-Newton (QN) methods strike a balance between the per-iteration cost and the convergence rate. Specifically, they exhibit a superlinear rate with $O(d^2)$ cost in contrast to the linear rate of first-order methods with $O(d)$ cost and the quadratic rate of second-order methods with $O(d^3)$ cost. However, existing incremental methods have notable shortcomings: Incremental Quasi-Newton (IQN) only exhibits asymptotic superlinear convergence. In contrast, Incremental Greedy BFGS (IGS) offers explicit superlinear convergence but suffers from poor empirical performance and has a per-iteration cost of $O(d^3)$. To address these issues, we introduce the Sharpened Lazy Incremental Quasi-Newton Method (SLIQN) that achieves the best of both worlds: an explicit superlinear convergence rate, and superior empirical performance at a per-iteration $O(d^2)$ cost. SLIQN features two key changes: first, it incorporates a hybrid strategy of using both classic and greedy BFGS updates, allowing it to empirically outperform both IQN and IGS. Second, it employs a clever constant multiplicative factor along with a lazy propagation strategy, which enables it to have a cost of $O(d^2)$. Additionally, our experiments demonstrate the superiority of SLIQN over other incremental and stochastic Quasi-Newton variants and establish its competitiveness with second-order incremental methods.

replace-cross HiFA: High-fidelity Text-to-3D Generation with Advanced Diffusion Guidance

Authors: Junzhe Zhu, Peiye Zhuang, Sanmi Koyejo

Abstract: The advancements in automatic text-to-3D generation have been remarkable. Most existing methods use pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models to optimize 3D representations like Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) via latent-space denoising score matching. Yet, these methods often result in artifacts and inconsistencies across different views due to their suboptimal optimization approaches and limited understanding of 3D geometry. Moreover, the inherent constraints of NeRFs in rendering crisp geometry and stable textures usually lead to a two-stage optimization to attain high-resolution details. This work proposes holistic sampling and smoothing approaches to achieve high-quality text-to-3D generation, all in a single-stage optimization. We compute denoising scores in the text-to-image diffusion model's latent and image spaces. Instead of randomly sampling timesteps (also referred to as noise levels in denoising score matching), we introduce a novel timestep annealing approach that progressively reduces the sampled timestep throughout optimization. To generate high-quality renderings in a single-stage optimization, we propose regularization for the variance of z-coordinates along NeRF rays. To address texture flickering issues in NeRFs, we introduce a kernel smoothing technique that refines importance sampling weights coarse-to-fine, ensuring accurate and thorough sampling in high-density regions. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our method over previous approaches, enabling the generation of highly detailed and view-consistent 3D assets through a single-stage training process.

replace-cross Machine learning reveals features of spinon Fermi surface

Authors: Kevin Zhang, Shi Feng, Yuri D. Lensky, Nandini Trivedi, Eun-Ah Kim

Abstract: With rapid progress in simulation of strongly interacting quantum Hamiltonians, the challenge in characterizing unknown phases becomes a bottleneck for scientific progress. We demonstrate that a Quantum-Classical hybrid approach (QuCl) of mining sampled projective snapshots with interpretable classical machine learning can unveil signatures of seemingly featureless quantum states. The Kitaev-Heisenberg model on a honeycomb lattice under external magnetic field presents an ideal system to test QuCl, where simulations have found an intermediate gapless phase (IGP) sandwiched between known phases, launching a debate over its elusive nature. We use the correlator convolutional neural network, trained on labeled projective snapshots, in conjunction with regularization path analysis to identify signatures of phases. We show that QuCl reproduces known features of established phases. Significantly, we also identify a signature of the IGP in the spin channel perpendicular to the field direction, which we interpret as a signature of Friedel oscillations of gapless spinons forming a Fermi surface. Our predictions can guide future experimental searches for spin liquids.

replace-cross Extraction and Recovery of Spatio-Temporal Structure in Latent Dynamics Alignment with Diffusion Models

Authors: Yule Wang, Zijing Wu, Chengrui Li, Anqi Wu

Abstract: In the field of behavior-related brain computation, it is necessary to align raw neural signals against the drastic domain shift among them. A foundational framework within neuroscience research posits that trial-based neural population activities rely on low-dimensional latent dynamics, thus focusing on the latter greatly facilitates the alignment procedure. Despite this field's progress, existing methods ignore the intrinsic spatio-temporal structure during the alignment phase. Hence, their solutions usually lead to poor quality in latent dynamics structures and overall performance. To tackle this problem, we propose an alignment method ERDiff, which leverages the expressivity of the diffusion model to preserve the spatio-temporal structure of latent dynamics. Specifically, the latent dynamics structures of the source domain are first extracted by a diffusion model. Then, under the guidance of this diffusion model, such structures are well-recovered through a maximum likelihood alignment procedure in the target domain. We first demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method on a synthetic dataset. Then, when applied to neural recordings from the non-human primate motor cortex, under both cross-day and inter-subject settings, our method consistently manifests its capability of preserving the spatiotemporal structure of latent dynamics and outperforms existing approaches in alignment goodness-of-fit and neural decoding performance.

replace-cross On the Expected Size of Conformal Prediction Sets

Authors: Guneet S. Dhillon, George Deligiannidis, Tom Rainforth

Abstract: While conformal predictors reap the benefits of rigorous statistical guarantees on their error frequency, the size of their corresponding prediction sets is critical to their practical utility. Unfortunately, there is currently a lack of finite-sample analysis and guarantees for their prediction set sizes. To address this shortfall, we theoretically quantify the expected size of the prediction sets under the split conformal prediction framework. As this precise formulation cannot usually be calculated directly, we further derive point estimates and high-probability interval bounds that can be empirically computed, providing a practical method for characterizing the expected set size. We corroborate the efficacy of our results with experiments on real-world datasets for both regression and classification problems.

replace-cross Self-Distilled Masked Auto-Encoders are Efficient Video Anomaly Detectors

Authors: Nicolae-Catalin Ristea, Florinel-Alin Croitoru, Radu Tudor Ionescu, Marius Popescu, Fahad Shahbaz Khan, Mubarak Shah

Abstract: We propose an efficient abnormal event detection model based on a lightweight masked auto-encoder (AE) applied at the video frame level. The novelty of the proposed model is threefold. First, we introduce an approach to weight tokens based on motion gradients, thus shifting the focus from the static background scene to the foreground objects. Second, we integrate a teacher decoder and a student decoder into our architecture, leveraging the discrepancy between the outputs given by the two decoders to improve anomaly detection. Third, we generate synthetic abnormal events to augment the training videos, and task the masked AE model to jointly reconstruct the original frames (without anomalies) and the corresponding pixel-level anomaly maps. Our design leads to an efficient and effective model, as demonstrated by the extensive experiments carried out on four benchmarks: Avenue, ShanghaiTech, UBnormal and UCSD Ped2. The empirical results show that our model achieves an excellent trade-off between speed and accuracy, obtaining competitive AUC scores, while processing 1655 FPS. Hence, our model is between 8 and 70 times faster than competing methods. We also conduct an ablation study to justify our design. Our code is freely available at:


replace-cross SCENEREPLICA: Benchmarking Real-World Robot Manipulation by Creating Replicable Scenes

Authors: Ninad Khargonkar, Sai Haneesh Allu, Yangxiao Lu, Jishnu Jaykumar P, Balakrishnan Prabhakaran, Yu Xiang

Abstract: We present a new reproducible benchmark for evaluating robot manipulation in the real world, specifically focusing on pick-and-place. Our benchmark uses the YCB objects, a commonly used dataset in the robotics community, to ensure that our results are comparable to other studies. Additionally, the benchmark is designed to be easily reproducible in the real world, making it accessible to researchers and practitioners. We also provide our experimental results and analyzes for model-based and model-free 6D robotic grasping on the benchmark, where representative algorithms are evaluated for object perception, grasping planning, and motion planning. We believe that our benchmark will be a valuable tool for advancing the field of robot manipulation. By providing a standardized evaluation framework, researchers can more easily compare different techniques and algorithms, leading to faster progress in developing robot manipulation methods.

replace-cross DeepOnto: A Python Package for Ontology Engineering with Deep Learning

Authors: Yuan He, Jiaoyan Chen, Hang Dong, Ian Horrocks, Carlo Allocca, Taehun Kim, Brahmananda Sapkota

Abstract: Integrating deep learning techniques, particularly language models (LMs), with knowledge representation techniques like ontologies has raised widespread attention, urging the need of a platform that supports both paradigms. Although packages such as OWL API and Jena offer robust support for basic ontology processing features, they lack the capability to transform various types of information within ontologies into formats suitable for downstream deep learning-based applications. Moreover, widely-used ontology APIs are primarily Java-based while deep learning frameworks like PyTorch and Tensorflow are mainly for Python programming. To address the needs, we present DeepOnto, a Python package designed for ontology engineering with deep learning. The package encompasses a core ontology processing module founded on the widely-recognised and reliable OWL API, encapsulating its fundamental features in a more "Pythonic" manner and extending its capabilities to incorporate other essential components including reasoning, verbalisation, normalisation, taxonomy, projection, and more. Building on this module, DeepOnto offers a suite of tools, resources, and algorithms that support various ontology engineering tasks, such as ontology alignment and completion, by harnessing deep learning methods, primarily pre-trained LMs. In this paper, we also demonstrate the practical utility of DeepOnto through two use-cases: the Digital Health Coaching in Samsung Research UK and the Bio-ML track of the Ontology Alignment Evaluation Initiative (OAEI).

replace-cross Scalable High-Dimensional Multivariate Linear Regression for Feature-Distributed Data

Authors: Shuo-Chieh Huang, Ruey S. Tsay

Abstract: Feature-distributed data, referred to data partitioned by features and stored across multiple computing nodes, are increasingly common in applications with a large number of features. This paper proposes a two-stage relaxed greedy algorithm (TSRGA) for applying multivariate linear regression to such data. The main advantage of TSRGA is that its communication complexity does not depend on the feature dimension, making it highly scalable to very large data sets. In addition, for multivariate response variables, TSRGA can be used to yield low-rank coefficient estimates. The fast convergence of TSRGA is validated by simulation experiments. Finally, we apply the proposed TSRGA in a financial application that leverages unstructured data from the 10-K reports, demonstrating its usefulness in applications with many dense large-dimensional matrices.

replace-cross Linear Convergence of Black-Box Variational Inference: Should We Stick the Landing?

Authors: Kyurae Kim, Yian Ma, Jacob R. Gardner

Abstract: We prove that black-box variational inference (BBVI) with control variates, particularly the sticking-the-landing (STL) estimator, converges at a geometric (traditionally called "linear") rate under perfect variational family specification. In particular, we prove a quadratic bound on the gradient variance of the STL estimator, one which encompasses misspecified variational families. Combined with previous works on the quadratic variance condition, this directly implies convergence of BBVI with the use of projected stochastic gradient descent. For the projection operator, we consider a domain with triangular scale matrices, which the projection onto is computable in $\Theta(d)$ time, where $d$ is the dimensionality of the target posterior. We also improve existing analysis on the regular closed-form entropy gradient estimators, which enables comparison against the STL estimator, providing explicit non-asymptotic complexity guarantees for both.

replace-cross Data-Driven Adversarial Online Control for Unknown Linear Systems

Authors: Zishun Liu, Yongxin Chen

Abstract: We consider the online control problem with an unknown linear dynamical system in the presence of adversarial perturbations and adversarial convex loss functions. Although the problem is widely studied in model-based control, it remains unclear whether data-driven approaches, which bypass the system identification step, can solve the problem. In this work, we present a novel data-driven online adaptive control algorithm to address this online control problem. Our algorithm leverages the behavioral systems theory to learn a non-parametric system representation and then adopts a perturbation-based controller updated by online gradient descent. We prove that our algorithm guarantees an $\tmO(T^{2/3})$ regret bound with high probability, which matches the best-known regret bound for this problem. Furthermore, we extend our algorithm and performance guarantee to the cases with output feedback.

replace-cross MatchXML: An Efficient Text-label Matching Framework for Extreme Multi-label Text Classification

Authors: Hui Ye, Rajshekhar Sunderraman, Shihao Ji

Abstract: The eXtreme Multi-label text Classification(XMC) refers to training a classifier that assigns a text sample with relevant labels from an extremely large-scale label set (e.g., millions of labels). We propose MatchXML, an efficient text-label matching framework for XMC. We observe that the label embeddings generated from the sparse Term Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency(TF-IDF) features have several limitations. We thus propose label2vec to effectively train the semantic dense label embeddings by the Skip-gram model. The dense label embeddings are then used to build a Hierarchical Label Tree by clustering. In fine-tuning the pre-trained encoder Transformer, we formulate the multi-label text classification as a text-label matching problem in a bipartite graph. We then extract the dense text representations from the fine-tuned Transformer. Besides the fine-tuned dense text embeddings, we also extract the static dense sentence embeddings from a pre-trained Sentence Transformer. Finally, a linear ranker is trained by utilizing the sparse TF-IDF features, the fine-tuned dense text representations and static dense sentence features. Experimental results demonstrate that MatchXML achieves state-of-the-art accuracy on five out of six datasets. As for the speed, MatchXML outperforms the competing methods on all the six datasets. Our source code is publicly available at


replace-cross A Unifying Variational Framework for Gaussian Process Motion Planning

Authors: Lucas Cosier, Rares Iordan, Sicelukwanda Zwane, Giovanni Franzese, James T. Wilson, Marc Peter Deisenroth, Alexander Terenin, Yasemin Bekiroglu

Abstract: To control how a robot moves, motion planning algorithms must compute paths in high-dimensional state spaces while accounting for physical constraints related to motors and joints, generating smooth and stable motions, avoiding obstacles, and preventing collisions. A motion planning algorithm must therefore balance competing demands, and should ideally incorporate uncertainty to handle noise, model errors, and facilitate deployment in complex environments. To address these issues, we introduce a framework for robot motion planning based on variational Gaussian processes, which unifies and generalizes various probabilistic-inference-based motion planning algorithms, and connects them with optimization-based planners. Our framework provides a principled and flexible way to incorporate equality-based, inequality-based, and soft motion-planning constraints during end-to-end training, is straightforward to implement, and provides both interval-based and Monte-Carlo-based uncertainty estimates. We conduct experiments using different environments and robots, comparing against baseline approaches based on the feasibility of the planned paths, and obstacle avoidance quality. Results show that our proposed approach yields a good balance between success rates and path quality.

replace-cross Index-aware learning of circuits

Authors: Idoia Cortes Garcia, Peter F\"orster, Lennart Jansen, Wil Schilders, Sebastian Sch\"ops

Abstract: Electrical circuits are present in a variety of technologies, making their design an important part of computer aided engineering. The growing number of parameters that affect the final design leads to a need for new approaches to quantify their impact. Machine learning may play a key role in this regard, however current approaches often make suboptimal use of existing knowledge about the system at hand. In terms of circuits, their description via modified nodal analysis is well-understood. This particular formulation leads to systems of differential-algebraic equations (DAEs) which bring with them a number of peculiarities, e.g. hidden constraints that the solution needs to fulfill. We use the recently introduced dissection index that can decouple a given system of DAEs into ordinary differential equations, only depending on differential variables, and purely algebraic equations, that describe the relations between differential and algebraic variables. The idea is to then only learn the differential variables and reconstruct the algebraic ones using the relations from the decoupling. This approach guarantees that the algebraic constraints are fulfilled up to the accuracy of the nonlinear system solver, and it may also reduce the learning effort as only the differential variables need to be learned.

replace-cross DoLa: Decoding by Contrasting Layers Improves Factuality in Large Language Models

Authors: Yung-Sung Chuang, Yujia Xie, Hongyin Luo, Yoon Kim, James Glass, Pengcheng He

Abstract: Despite their impressive capabilities, large language models (LLMs) are prone to hallucinations, i.e., generating content that deviates from facts seen during pretraining. We propose a simple decoding strategy for reducing hallucinations with pretrained LLMs that does not require conditioning on retrieved external knowledge nor additional fine-tuning. Our approach obtains the next-token distribution by contrasting the differences in logits obtained from projecting the later layers versus earlier layers to the vocabulary space, exploiting the fact that factual knowledge in an LLMs has generally been shown to be localized to particular transformer layers. We find that this Decoding by Contrasting Layers (DoLa) approach is able to better surface factual knowledge and reduce the generation of incorrect facts. DoLa consistently improves the truthfulness across multiple choices tasks and open-ended generation tasks, for example improving the performance of LLaMA family models on TruthfulQA by 12-17% absolute points, demonstrating its potential in making LLMs reliably generate truthful facts.

replace-cross Evaluating the Ebb and Flow: An In-depth Analysis of Question-Answering Trends across Diverse Platforms

Authors: Rima Hazra, Agnik Saha, Somnath Banerjee, Animesh Mukherjee

Abstract: Community Question Answering (CQA) platforms steadily gain popularity as they provide users with fast responses to their queries. The swiftness of these responses is contingent on a mixture of query-specific and user-related elements. This paper scrutinizes these contributing factors within the context of six highly popular CQA platforms, identified through their standout answering speed. Our investigation reveals a correlation between the time taken to yield the first response to a question and several variables: the metadata, the formulation of the questions, and the level of interaction among users. Additionally, by employing conventional machine learning models to analyze these metadata and patterns of user interaction, we endeavor to predict which queries will receive their initial responses promptly.

replace-cross Generalizable improvement of the Spalart-Allmaras model through assimilation of experimental data

Authors: Deepinder Jot Singh Aulakh, Xiang Yang, Romit Maulik

Abstract: This study focuses on the use of model and data fusion for improving the Spalart-Allmaras (SA) closure model for Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes solutions of separated flows. In particular, our goal is to develop of models that not-only assimilate sparse experimental data to improve performance in computational models, but also generalize to unseen cases by recovering classical SA behavior. We achieve our goals using data assimilation, namely the Ensemble Kalman Filtering approach (EnKF), to calibrate the coefficients of the SA model for separated flows. A holistic calibration strategy is implemented via a parameterization of the production, diffusion, and destruction terms. This calibration relies on the assimilation of experimental data collected velocity profiles, skin friction, and pressure coefficients for separated flows. Despite using of observational data from a single flow condition around a backward-facing step (BFS), the recalibrated SA model demonstrates generalization to other separated flows, including cases such as the 2D-bump and modified BFS. Significant improvement is observed in the quantities of interest, i.e., skin friction coefficient ($C_f$) and pressure coefficient ($C_p$) for each flow tested. Finally, it is also demonstrated that the newly proposed model recovers SA proficiency for external, unseparated flows, such as flow around a NACA-0012 airfoil without any danger of extrapolation, and that the individually calibrated terms in the SA model are targeted towards specific flow-physics wherein the calibrated production term improves the re-circulation zone while destruction improves the recovery zone.

replace-cross Discovering Dynamic Effective Connectome of Brain with Bayesian Dynamic DAG Learning

Authors: Abdolmahdi Bagheri, Mohammad Pasande, Kevin Bello, Babak Nadjar Araabi, Alireza Akhondi-Asl

Abstract: Understanding the complex mechanisms of the brain can be unraveled by extracting the Dynamic Effective Connectome (DEC). Recently, score-based Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) discovery methods have shown significant improvements in extracting the causal structure and inferring effective connectivity. However, learning DEC through these methods still faces two main challenges: one with the fundamental impotence of high-dimensional dynamic DAG discovery methods and the other with the low quality of fMRI data. In this paper, we introduce Bayesian Dynamic DAG learning with M-matrices Acyclicity characterization (BDyMA) method to address the challenges in discovering DEC. The presented dynamic causal model enables us to discover direct feedback loop edges as well. Leveraging an unconstrained framework in the BDyMA method leads to more accurate results in detecting high-dimensional networks, achieving sparser outcomes, making it particularly suitable for extracting DEC. Additionally, the score function of the BDyMA method allows the incorporation of prior knowledge into the process of dynamic causal discovery which further enhances the accuracy of results. Comprehensive simulations on synthetic data and experiments on Human Connectome Project (HCP) data demonstrate that our method can handle both of the two main challenges, yielding more accurate and reliable DEC compared to state-of-the-art and traditional methods. Additionally, we investigate the trustworthiness of DTI data as prior knowledge for DEC discovery and show the improvements in DEC discovery when the DTI data is incorporated into the process.

replace-cross Doubly Robust Proximal Causal Learning for Continuous Treatments

Authors: Yong Wu, Yanwei Fu, Shouyan Wang, Xinwei Sun

Abstract: Proximal causal learning is a promising framework for identifying the causal effect under the existence of unmeasured confounders. Within this framework, the doubly robust (DR) estimator was derived and has shown its effectiveness in estimation, especially when the model assumption is violated. However, the current form of the DR estimator is restricted to binary treatments, while the treatment can be continuous in many real-world applications. The primary obstacle to continuous treatments resides in the delta function present in the original DR estimator, making it infeasible in causal effect estimation and introducing a heavy computational burden in nuisance function estimation. To address these challenges, we propose a kernel-based DR estimator that can well handle continuous treatments. Equipped with its smoothness, we show that its oracle form is a consistent approximation of the influence function. Further, we propose a new approach to efficiently solve the nuisance functions. We then provide a comprehensive convergence analysis in terms of the mean square error. We demonstrate the utility of our estimator on synthetic datasets and real-world applications.

replace-cross Navigating Text-To-Image Customization: From LyCORIS Fine-Tuning to Model Evaluation

Authors: Shih-Ying Yeh, Yu-Guan Hsieh, Zhidong Gao, Bernard B W Yang, Giyeong Oh, Yanmin Gong

Abstract: Text-to-image generative models have garnered immense attention for their ability to produce high-fidelity images from text prompts. Among these, Stable Diffusion distinguishes itself as a leading open-source model in this fast-growing field. However, the intricacies of fine-tuning these models pose multiple challenges from new methodology integration to systematic evaluation. Addressing these issues, this paper introduces LyCORIS (Lora beYond Conventional methods, Other Rank adaptation Implementations for Stable diffusion) [], an open-source library that offers a wide selection of fine-tuning methodologies for Stable Diffusion. Furthermore, we present a thorough framework for the systematic assessment of varied fine-tuning techniques. This framework employs a diverse suite of metrics and delves into multiple facets of fine-tuning, including hyperparameter adjustments and the evaluation with different prompt types across various concept categories. Through this comprehensive approach, our work provides essential insights into the nuanced effects of fine-tuning parameters, bridging the gap between state-of-the-art research and practical application.


replace-cross Overcoming the Barrier of Orbital-Free Density Functional Theory for Molecular Systems Using Deep Learning

Authors: He Zhang, Siyuan Liu, Jiacheng You, Chang Liu, Shuxin Zheng, Ziheng Lu, Tong Wang, Nanning Zheng, Bin Shao

Abstract: Orbital-free density functional theory (OFDFT) is a quantum chemistry formulation that has a lower cost scaling than the prevailing Kohn-Sham DFT, which is increasingly desired for contemporary molecular research. However, its accuracy is limited by the kinetic energy density functional, which is notoriously hard to approximate for non-periodic molecular systems. Here we propose M-OFDFT, an OFDFT approach capable of solving molecular systems using a deep learning functional model. We build the essential non-locality into the model, which is made affordable by the concise density representation as expansion coefficients under an atomic basis. With techniques to address unconventional learning challenges therein, M-OFDFT achieves a comparable accuracy with Kohn-Sham DFT on a wide range of molecules untouched by OFDFT before. More attractively, M-OFDFT extrapolates well to molecules much larger than those seen in training, which unleashes the appealing scaling of OFDFT for studying large molecules including proteins, representing an advancement of the accuracy-efficiency trade-off frontier in quantum chemistry.

replace-cross Segment Anything Model is a Good Teacher for Local Feature Learning

Authors: Jingqian Wu, Rongtao Xu, Zach Wood-Doughty, Changwei Wang, Shibiao Xu, Edmund Lam

Abstract: Local feature detection and description play an important role in many computer vision tasks, which are designed to detect and describe keypoints in "any scene" and "any downstream task". Data-driven local feature learning methods need to rely on pixel-level correspondence for training, which is challenging to acquire at scale, thus hindering further improvements in performance. In this paper, we propose SAMFeat to introduce SAM (segment anything model), a fundamental model trained on 11 million images, as a teacher to guide local feature learning and thus inspire higher performance on limited datasets. To do so, first, we construct an auxiliary task of Pixel Semantic Relational Distillation (PSRD), which distillates feature relations with category-agnostic semantic information learned by the SAM encoder into a local feature learning network, to improve local feature description using semantic discrimination. Second, we develop a technique called Weakly Supervised Contrastive Learning Based on Semantic Grouping (WSC), which utilizes semantic groupings derived from SAM as weakly supervised signals, to optimize the metric space of local descriptors. Third, we design an Edge Attention Guidance (EAG) to further improve the accuracy of local feature detection and description by prompting the network to pay more attention to the edge region guided by SAM. SAMFeat's performance on various tasks such as image matching on HPatches, and long-term visual localization on Aachen Day-Night showcases its superiority over previous local features. The release code is available at


replace-cross Visual Political Communication in a Polarized Society: A Longitudinal Study of Brazilian Presidential Elections on Instagram

Authors: Mathias-Felipe de-Lima-Santos, Isabella Gon\c{c}alves, Marcos G. Quiles, Lucia Mesquita, Wilson Ceron, Maria Clara Couto Lorena

Abstract: In today's digital age, images have emerged as powerful tools for politicians to engage with their voters on social media platforms. Visual content possesses a unique emotional appeal that often leads to increased user engagement. However, research on visual communication remains relatively limited, particularly in the Global South. This study aims to bridge this gap by employing a combination of computational methods and qualitative approach to investigate the visual communication strategies employed in a dataset of 11,263 Instagram posts by 19 Brazilian presidential candidates in 2018 and 2022 national elections. Through two studies, we observed consistent patterns across these candidates on their use of visual political communication. Notably, we identify a prevalence of celebratory and positively toned images. They also exhibit a strong sense of personalization, portraying candidates connected with their voters on a more emotional level. Our research also uncovers unique contextual nuances specific to the Brazilian political landscape. We note a substantial presence of screenshots from news websites and other social media platforms. Furthermore, text-edited images with portrayals emerge as a prominent feature. In light of these results, we engage in a discussion regarding the implications for the broader field of visual political communication. This article serves as a testament to the pivotal role that Instagram has played in shaping the narrative of two fiercely polarized Brazilian elections, casting a revealing light on the ever-evolving dynamics of visual political communication in the digital age. Finally, we propose avenues for future research in the realm of visual political communication.

replace-cross Decoding Human Activities: Analyzing Wearable Accelerometer and Gyroscope Data for Activity Recognition

Authors: Utsab Saha, Sawradip Saha, Tahmid Kabir, Shaikh Anowarul Fattah, Mohammad Saquib

Abstract: A person's movement or relative positioning effectively generates raw electrical signals that can be read by computing machines to apply various manipulative techniques for the classification of different human activities. In this paper, a stratified multi-structural approach based on a Residual network ensembled with Residual MobileNet is proposed, termed as FusionActNet. The proposed method involves using carefully designed Residual blocks for classifying the static and dynamic activities separately because they have clear and distinct characteristics that set them apart. These networks are trained independently, resulting in two specialized and highly accurate models. These models excel at recognizing activities within a specific superclass by taking advantage of the unique algorithmic benefits of architectural adjustments. Afterward, these two ResNets are passed through a weighted ensemble-based Residual MobileNet. Subsequently, this ensemble proficiently discriminates between a specific static and a specific dynamic activity, which were previously identified based on their distinct feature characteristics in the earlier stage. The proposed model is evaluated using two publicly accessible datasets; namely, UCI HAR and Motion-Sense. Therein, it successfully handled the highly confusing cases of data overlap. Therefore, the proposed approach achieves a state-of-the-art accuracy of 96.71% and 95.35% in the UCI HAR and Motion-Sense datasets respectively.

replace-cross Sampling via Gradient Flows in the Space of Probability Measures

Authors: Yifan Chen, Daniel Zhengyu Huang, Jiaoyang Huang, Sebastian Reich, Andrew M Stuart

Abstract: Sampling a target probability distribution with an unknown normalization constant is a fundamental challenge in computational science and engineering. Recent work shows that algorithms derived by considering gradient flows in the space of probability measures open up new avenues for algorithm development. This paper makes three contributions to this sampling approach by scrutinizing the design components of such gradient flows. Any instantiation of a gradient flow for sampling needs an energy functional and a metric to determine the flow, as well as numerical approximations of the flow to derive algorithms. Our first contribution is to show that the Kullback-Leibler divergence, as an energy functional, has the unique property (among all f-divergences) that gradient flows resulting from it do not depend on the normalization constant of the target distribution. Our second contribution is to study the choice of metric from the perspective of invariance. The Fisher-Rao metric is known as the unique choice (up to scaling) that is diffeomorphism invariant. As a computationally tractable alternative, we introduce a relaxed, affine invariance property for the metrics and gradient flows. In particular, we construct various affine invariant Wasserstein and Stein gradient flows. Affine invariant gradient flows are shown to behave more favorably than their non-affine-invariant counterparts when sampling highly anisotropic distributions, in theory and by using particle methods. Our third contribution is to study, and develop efficient algorithms based on Gaussian approximations of the gradient flows; this leads to an alternative to particle methods. We establish connections between various Gaussian approximate gradient flows, discuss their relation to gradient methods arising from parametric variational inference, and study their convergence properties both theoretically and numerically.

replace-cross Training-free Linear Image Inverses via Flows

Authors: Ashwini Pokle, Matthew J. Muckley, Ricky T. Q. Chen, Brian Karrer

Abstract: Solving inverse problems without any training involves using a pretrained generative model and making appropriate modifications to the generation process to avoid finetuning of the generative model. While recent methods have explored the use of diffusion models, they still require the manual tuning of many hyperparameters for different inverse problems. In this work, we propose a training-free method for solving linear inverse problems by using pretrained flow models, leveraging the simplicity and efficiency of Flow Matching models, using theoretically-justified weighting schemes, and thereby significantly reducing the amount of manual tuning. In particular, we draw inspiration from two main sources: adopting prior gradient correction methods to the flow regime, and a solver scheme based on conditional Optimal Transport paths. As pretrained diffusion models are widely accessible, we also show how to practically adapt diffusion models for our method. Empirically, our approach requires no problem-specific tuning across an extensive suite of noisy linear inverse problems on high-dimensional datasets, ImageNet-64/128 and AFHQ-256, and we observe that our flow-based method for solving inverse problems improves upon closely-related diffusion-based methods in most settings.

replace-cross AutoVP: An Automated Visual Prompting Framework and Benchmark

Authors: Hsi-Ai Tsao, Lei Hsiung, Pin-Yu Chen, Sijia Liu, Tsung-Yi Ho

Abstract: Visual prompting (VP) is an emerging parameter-efficient fine-tuning approach to adapting pre-trained vision models to solve various downstream image-classification tasks. However, there has hitherto been little systematic study of the design space of VP and no clear benchmark for evaluating its performance. To bridge this gap, we propose AutoVP, an end-to-end expandable framework for automating VP design choices, along with 12 downstream image-classification tasks that can serve as a holistic VP-performance benchmark. Our design space covers 1) the joint optimization of the prompts; 2) the selection of pre-trained models, including image classifiers and text-image encoders; and 3) model output mapping strategies, including nonparametric and trainable label mapping. Our extensive experimental results show that AutoVP outperforms the best-known current VP methods by a substantial margin, having up to 6.7% improvement in accuracy; and attains a maximum performance increase of 27.5% compared to linear-probing (LP) baseline. AutoVP thus makes a two-fold contribution: serving both as an efficient tool for hyperparameter tuning on VP design choices, and as a comprehensive benchmark that can reasonably be expected to accelerate VP's development. The source code is available at


replace-cross Prometheus: Inducing Fine-grained Evaluation Capability in Language Models

Authors: Seungone Kim, Jamin Shin, Yejin Cho, Joel Jang, Shayne Longpre, Hwaran Lee, Sangdoo Yun, Seongjin Shin, Sungdong Kim, James Thorne, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: Recently, using a powerful proprietary Large Language Model (LLM) (e.g., GPT-4) as an evaluator for long-form responses has become the de facto standard. However, for practitioners with large-scale evaluation tasks and custom criteria in consideration (e.g., child-readability), using proprietary LLMs as an evaluator is unreliable due to the closed-source nature, uncontrolled versioning, and prohibitive costs. In this work, we propose Prometheus, a fully open-source LLM that is on par with GPT-4's evaluation capabilities when the appropriate reference materials (reference answer, score rubric) are accompanied. We first construct the Feedback Collection, a new dataset that consists of 1K fine-grained score rubrics, 20K instructions, and 100K responses and language feedback generated by GPT-4. Using the Feedback Collection, we train Prometheus, a 13B evaluator LLM that can assess any given long-form text based on customized score rubric provided by the user. Experimental results show that Prometheus scores a Pearson correlation of 0.897 with human evaluators when evaluating with 45 customized score rubrics, which is on par with GPT-4 (0.882), and greatly outperforms ChatGPT (0.392). Furthermore, measuring correlation with GPT-4 with 1222 customized score rubrics across four benchmarks (MT Bench, Vicuna Bench, Feedback Bench, Flask Eval) shows similar trends, bolstering Prometheus's capability as an evaluator LLM. Lastly, Prometheus achieves the highest accuracy on two human preference benchmarks (HHH Alignment & MT Bench Human Judgment) compared to open-sourced reward models explicitly trained on human preference datasets, highlighting its potential as an universal reward model. We open-source our code, dataset, and model at


replace-cross Communication Compression for Byzantine Robust Learning: New Efficient Algorithms and Improved Rates

Authors: Ahmad Rammal, Kaja Gruntkowska, Nikita Fedin, Eduard Gorbunov, Peter Richt\'arik

Abstract: Byzantine robustness is an essential feature of algorithms for certain distributed optimization problems, typically encountered in collaborative/federated learning. These problems are usually huge-scale, implying that communication compression is also imperative for their resolution. These factors have spurred recent algorithmic and theoretical developments in the literature of Byzantine-robust learning with compression. In this paper, we contribute to this research area in two main directions. First, we propose a new Byzantine-robust method with compression - Byz-DASHA-PAGE - and prove that the new method has better convergence rate (for non-convex and Polyak-Lojasiewicz smooth optimization problems), smaller neighborhood size in the heterogeneous case, and tolerates more Byzantine workers under over-parametrization than the previous method with SOTA theoretical convergence guarantees (Byz-VR-MARINA). Secondly, we develop the first Byzantine-robust method with communication compression and error feedback - Byz-EF21 - along with its bidirectional compression version - Byz-EF21-BC - and derive the convergence rates for these methods for non-convex and Polyak-Lojasiewicz smooth case. We test the proposed methods and illustrate our theoretical findings in the numerical experiments.

replace-cross In-Context Pretraining: Language Modeling Beyond Document Boundaries

Authors: Weijia Shi, Sewon Min, Maria Lomeli, Chunting Zhou, Margaret Li, Gergely Szilvasy, Rich James, Xi Victoria Lin, Noah A. Smith, Luke Zettlemoyer, Scott Yih, Mike Lewis

Abstract: Large language models (LMs) are currently trained to predict tokens given document prefixes, enabling them to directly perform long-form generation and prompting-style tasks which can be reduced to document completion. Existing pretraining pipelines train LMs by concatenating random sets of short documents to create input contexts but the prior documents provide no signal for predicting the next document. We instead present In-Context Pretraining, a new approach where language models are pretrained on a sequence of related documents, thereby explicitly encouraging them to read and reason across document boundaries. We can do In-Context Pretraining by simply changing the document ordering so that each context contains related documents, and directly applying existing pretraining pipelines. However, this document sorting problem is challenging. There are billions of documents and we would like the sort to maximize contextual similarity for every document without repeating any data. To do this, we introduce approximate algorithms for finding related documents with efficient nearest neighbor search and constructing coherent input contexts with a graph traversal algorithm. Our experiments show In-Context Pretraining offers a simple and scalable approach to significantly enhance LMs'performance: we see notable improvements in tasks that require more complex contextual reasoning, including in-context learning (+8%), reading comprehension (+15%), faithfulness to previous contexts (+16%), long-context reasoning (+5%), and retrieval augmentation (+9%).

replace-cross CycleNet: Rethinking Cycle Consistency in Text-Guided Diffusion for Image Manipulation

Authors: Sihan Xu, Ziqiao Ma, Yidong Huang, Honglak Lee, Joyce Chai

Abstract: Diffusion models (DMs) have enabled breakthroughs in image synthesis tasks but lack an intuitive interface for consistent image-to-image (I2I) translation. Various methods have been explored to address this issue, including mask-based methods, attention-based methods, and image-conditioning. However, it remains a critical challenge to enable unpaired I2I translation with pre-trained DMs while maintaining satisfying consistency. This paper introduces Cyclenet, a novel but simple method that incorporates cycle consistency into DMs to regularize image manipulation. We validate Cyclenet on unpaired I2I tasks of different granularities. Besides the scene and object level translation, we additionally contribute a multi-domain I2I translation dataset to study the physical state changes of objects. Our empirical studies show that Cyclenet is superior in translation consistency and quality, and can generate high-quality images for out-of-domain distributions with a simple change of the textual prompt. Cyclenet is a practical framework, which is robust even with very limited training data (around 2k) and requires minimal computational resources (1 GPU) to train. Project homepage:


replace-cross DeepFDR: A Deep Learning-based False Discovery Rate Control Method for Neuroimaging Data

Authors: Taehyo Kim, Hai Shu, Qiran Jia, Mony J. de Leon

Abstract: Voxel-based multiple testing is widely used in neuroimaging data analysis. Traditional false discovery rate (FDR) control methods often ignore the spatial dependence among the voxel-based tests and thus suffer from substantial loss of testing power. While recent spatial FDR control methods have emerged, their validity and optimality remain questionable when handling the complex spatial dependencies of the brain. Concurrently, deep learning methods have revolutionized image segmentation, a task closely related to voxel-based multiple testing. In this paper, we propose DeepFDR, a novel spatial FDR control method that leverages unsupervised deep learning-based image segmentation to address the voxel-based multiple testing problem. Numerical studies, including comprehensive simulations and Alzheimer's disease FDG-PET image analysis, demonstrate DeepFDR's superiority over existing methods. DeepFDR not only excels in FDR control and effectively diminishes the false nondiscovery rate, but also boasts exceptional computational efficiency highly suited for tackling large-scale neuroimaging data.

replace-cross From Posterior Sampling to Meaningful Diversity in Image Restoration

Authors: Noa Cohen, Hila Manor, Yuval Bahat, Tomer Michaeli

Abstract: Image restoration problems are typically ill-posed in the sense that each degraded image can be restored in infinitely many valid ways. To accommodate this, many works generate a diverse set of outputs by attempting to randomly sample from the posterior distribution of natural images given the degraded input. Here we argue that this strategy is commonly of limited practical value because of the heavy tail of the posterior distribution. Consider for example inpainting a missing region of the sky in an image. Since there is a high probability that the missing region contains no object but clouds, any set of samples from the posterior would be entirely dominated by (practically identical) completions of sky. However, arguably, presenting users with only one clear sky completion, along with several alternative solutions such as airships, birds, and balloons, would better outline the set of possibilities. In this paper, we initiate the study of meaningfully diverse image restoration. We explore several post-processing approaches that can be combined with any diverse image restoration method to yield semantically meaningful diversity. Moreover, we propose a practical approach for allowing diffusion based image restoration methods to generate meaningfully diverse outputs, while incurring only negligent computational overhead. We conduct extensive user studies to analyze the proposed techniques, and find the strategy of reducing similarity between outputs to be significantly favorable over posterior sampling. Code and examples are available at


replace-cross Detecting Pretraining Data from Large Language Models

Authors: Weijia Shi, Anirudh Ajith, Mengzhou Xia, Yangsibo Huang, Daogao Liu, Terra Blevins, Danqi Chen, Luke Zettlemoyer

Abstract: Although large language models (LLMs) are widely deployed, the data used to train them is rarely disclosed. Given the incredible scale of this data, up to trillions of tokens, it is all but certain that it includes potentially problematic text such as copyrighted materials, personally identifiable information, and test data for widely reported reference benchmarks. However, we currently have no way to know which data of these types is included or in what proportions. In this paper, we study the pretraining data detection problem: given a piece of text and black-box access to an LLM without knowing the pretraining data, can we determine if the model was trained on the provided text? To facilitate this study, we introduce a dynamic benchmark WIKIMIA that uses data created before and after model training to support gold truth detection. We also introduce a new detection method Min-K% Prob based on a simple hypothesis: an unseen example is likely to contain a few outlier words with low probabilities under the LLM, while a seen example is less likely to have words with such low probabilities. Min-K% Prob can be applied without any knowledge about the pretraining corpus or any additional training, departing from previous detection methods that require training a reference model on data that is similar to the pretraining data. Moreover, our experiments demonstrate that Min-K% Prob achieves a 7.4% improvement on WIKIMIA over these previous methods. We apply Min-K% Prob to three real-world scenarios, copyrighted book detection, contaminated downstream example detection and privacy auditing of machine unlearning, and find it a consistently effective solution.

replace-cross Boosting Data Analytics With Synthetic Volume Expansion

Authors: Xiaotong Shen, Yifei Liu, Rex Shen

Abstract: Synthetic data generation, a cornerstone of Generative Artificial Intelligence, promotes a paradigm shift in data science by addressing data scarcity and privacy while enabling unprecedented performance. As synthetic data becomes more prevalent, concerns emerge regarding the accuracy of statistical methods when applied to synthetic data in contrast to raw data. This article explores the effectiveness of statistical methods on synthetic data and the privacy risks of synthetic data. Regarding effectiveness, we present the Synthetic Data Generation for Analytics framework. This framework applies statistical approaches to high-quality synthetic data produced by generative models like tabular diffusion models, which, initially trained on raw data, benefit from insights from pertinent studies through transfer learning. A key finding within this framework is the generational effect, which reveals that the error rate of statistical methods on synthetic data decreases with the addition of more synthetic data but may eventually rise or stabilize. This phenomenon, stemming from the challenge of accurately mirroring raw data distributions, highlights a "reflection point"-an ideal volume of synthetic data defined by specific error metrics. Through three case studies, sentiment analysis, predictive modeling of structured data, and inference in tabular data, we validate the superior performance of this framework compared to conventional approaches. On privacy, synthetic data imposes lower risks while supporting the differential privacy standard. These studies underscore synthetic data's untapped potential in redefining data science's landscape.

replace-cross Disentangled Representation Learning with Large Language Models for Text-Attributed Graphs

Authors: Yijian Qin, Xin Wang, Ziwei Zhang, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Text-attributed graphs (TAGs) are prevalent on the web and research over TAGs such as citation networks, e-commerce networks and social networks has attracted considerable attention in the web community. Recently, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capabilities across a wide range of tasks. However, the existing works focus on harnessing the potential of LLMs solely relying on prompts to convey graph structure information to LLMs, thus suffering from insufficient understanding of the complex structural relationships within TAGs. To address this problem, in this paper we present the Disentangled Graph-Text Learner (DGTL) model, which is able to enhance the reasoning and predicting capabilities of LLMs for TAGs. Our proposed DGTL model incorporates graph structure information through tailored disentangled graph neural network (GNN) layers, enabling LLMs to capture the intricate relationships hidden in text-attributed graphs from multiple structural factors. Furthermore, DGTL operates with frozen pre-trained LLMs, reducing computational costs and allowing much more flexibility in combining with different LLM models. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed DGTL model on achieving superior or comparable performance over state-of-the-art baselines. Additionally, we also demonstrate that our DGTL model can offer natural language explanations for predictions, thereby significantly enhancing model interpretability.

replace-cross Improved Regret Bounds of (Multinomial) Logistic Bandits via Regret-to-Confidence-Set Conversion

Authors: Junghyun Lee, Se-Young Yun, Kwang-Sung Jun

Abstract: Logistic bandit is a ubiquitous framework of modeling users' choices, e.g., click vs. no click for advertisement recommender system. We observe that the prior works overlook or neglect dependencies in $S \geq \lVert \theta_\star \rVert_2$, where $\theta_\star \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is the unknown parameter vector, which is particularly problematic when $S$ is large, e.g., $S \geq d$. In this work, we improve the dependency on $S$ via a novel approach called {\it regret-to-confidence set conversion (R2CS)}, which allows us to construct a convex confidence set based on only the \textit{existence} of an online learning algorithm with a regret guarantee. Using R2CS, we obtain a strict improvement in the regret bound w.r.t. $S$ in logistic bandits while retaining computational feasibility and the dependence on other factors such as $d$ and $T$. We apply our new confidence set to the regret analyses of logistic bandits with a new martingale concentration step that circumvents an additional factor of $S$. We then extend this analysis to multinomial logistic bandits and obtain similar improvements in the regret, showing the efficacy of R2CS. While we applied R2CS to the (multinomial) logistic model, R2CS is a generic approach for developing confidence sets that can be used for various models, which can be of independent interest.

replace-cross Worst-Case Optimal Multi-Armed Gaussian Best Arm Identification with a Fixed Budget

Authors: Masahiro Kato

Abstract: This study investigates the experimental design problem for identifying the arm with the highest expected outcome, referred to as best arm identification (BAI). In our experiments, the number of treatment-allocation rounds is fixed. During each round, a decision-maker allocates an arm and observes a corresponding outcome, which follows a Gaussian distribution with variances that can differ among the arms. At the end of the experiment, the decision-maker recommends one of the arms as an estimate of the best arm. To design an experiment, we first discuss lower bounds for the probability of misidentification. Our analysis highlights that the available information on the outcome distribution, such as means (expected outcomes), variances, and the choice of the best arm, significantly influences the lower bounds. Because available information is limited in actual experiments, we develop a lower bound that is valid under the unknown means and the unknown choice of the best arm, which are referred to as the worst-case lower bound. We demonstrate that the worst-case lower bound depends solely on the variances of the outcomes. Then, under the assumption that the variances are known, we propose the Generalized-Neyman-Allocation (GNA)-empirical-best-arm (EBA) strategy, an extension of the Neyman allocation proposed by Neyman (1934). We show that the GNA-EBA strategy is asymptotically optimal in the sense that its probability of misidentification aligns with the lower bounds as the sample size increases infinitely and the differences between the expected outcomes of the best and other suboptimal arms converge to the same values across arms. We refer to such strategies as asymptotically worst-case optimal.

replace-cross Fast Minimization of Expected Logarithmic Loss via Stochastic Dual Averaging

Authors: Chung-En Tsai, Hao-Chung Cheng, Yen-Huan Li

Abstract: Consider the problem of minimizing an expected logarithmic loss over either the probability simplex or the set of quantum density matrices. This problem includes tasks such as solving the Poisson inverse problem, computing the maximum-likelihood estimate for quantum state tomography, and approximating positive semi-definite matrix permanents with the currently tightest approximation ratio. Although the optimization problem is convex, standard iteration complexity guarantees for first-order methods do not directly apply due to the absence of Lipschitz continuity and smoothness in the loss function. In this work, we propose a stochastic first-order algorithm named $B$-sample stochastic dual averaging with the logarithmic barrier. For the Poisson inverse problem, our algorithm attains an $\varepsilon$-optimal solution in $\smash{\tilde{O}}(d^2/\varepsilon^2)$ time, matching the state of the art, where $d$ denotes the dimension. When computing the maximum-likelihood estimate for quantum state tomography, our algorithm yields an $\varepsilon$-optimal solution in $\smash{\tilde{O}}(d^3/\varepsilon^2)$ time. This improves on the time complexities of existing stochastic first-order methods by a factor of $d^{\omega-2}$ and those of batch methods by a factor of $d^2$, where $\omega$ denotes the matrix multiplication exponent. Numerical experiments demonstrate that empirically, our algorithm outperforms existing methods with explicit complexity guarantees.

replace-cross LRM: Large Reconstruction Model for Single Image to 3D

Authors: Yicong Hong, Kai Zhang, Jiuxiang Gu, Sai Bi, Yang Zhou, Difan Liu, Feng Liu, Kalyan Sunkavalli, Trung Bui, Hao Tan

Abstract: We propose the first Large Reconstruction Model (LRM) that predicts the 3D model of an object from a single input image within just 5 seconds. In contrast to many previous methods that are trained on small-scale datasets such as ShapeNet in a category-specific fashion, LRM adopts a highly scalable transformer-based architecture with 500 million learnable parameters to directly predict a neural radiance field (NeRF) from the input image. We train our model in an end-to-end manner on massive multi-view data containing around 1 million objects, including both synthetic renderings from Objaverse and real captures from MVImgNet. This combination of a high-capacity model and large-scale training data empowers our model to be highly generalizable and produce high-quality 3D reconstructions from various testing inputs, including real-world in-the-wild captures and images created by generative models. Video demos and interactable 3D meshes can be found on our LRM project webpage:


replace-cross Fair Supervised Learning with A Simple Random Sampler of Sensitive Attributes

Authors: Jinwon Sohn, Qifan Song, Guang Lin

Abstract: As the data-driven decision process becomes dominating for industrial applications, fairness-aware machine learning arouses great attention in various areas. This work proposes fairness penalties learned by neural networks with a simple random sampler of sensitive attributes for non-discriminatory supervised learning. In contrast to many existing works that critically rely on the discreteness of sensitive attributes and response variables, the proposed penalty is able to handle versatile formats of the sensitive attributes, so it is more extensively applicable in practice than many existing algorithms. This penalty enables us to build a computationally efficient group-level in-processing fairness-aware training framework. Empirical evidence shows that our framework enjoys better utility and fairness measures on popular benchmark data sets than competing methods. We also theoretically characterize estimation errors and loss of utility of the proposed neural-penalized risk minimization problem.

replace-cross Quantum Neural Networks for Power Flow Analysis

Authors: Zeynab Kaseb, Matthias Moller, Giorgio Tosti Balducci, Peter Palensky, Pedro P. Vergara

Abstract: This paper explores the potential application of quantum and hybrid quantum-classical neural networks in power flow analysis. Experiments are conducted using two datasets based on 4-bus and 33-bus test systems. A systematic performance comparison is also conducted among quantum, hybrid quantum-classical, and classical neural networks. The comparison is based on (i) generalization ability, (ii) robustness, (iii) training dataset size needed, (iv) training error, and (v) training process stability. The results show that the developed hybrid quantum-classical neural network outperforms both quantum and classical neural networks, and hence can improve deep learning-based power flow analysis in the noisy-intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) and fault-tolerant quantum (FTQ) era.

replace-cross EPIM: Efficient Processing-In-Memory Accelerators based on Epitome

Authors: Chenyu Wang, Zhen Dong, Daquan Zhou, Zhenhua Zhu, Yu Wang, Jiashi Feng, Kurt Keutzer

Abstract: The utilization of large-scale neural networks on Processing-In-Memory (PIM) accelerators encounters challenges due to constrained on-chip memory capacity. To tackle this issue, current works explore model compression algorithms to reduce the size of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs). Most of these algorithms either aim to represent neural operators with reduced-size parameters (e.g., quantization) or search for the best combinations of neural operators (e.g., neural architecture search). Designing neural operators to align with PIM accelerators' specifications is an area that warrants further study. In this paper, we introduce the Epitome, a lightweight neural operator offering convolution-like functionality, to craft memory-efficient CNN operators for PIM accelerators (EPIM). On the software side, we evaluate epitomes' latency and energy on PIM accelerators and introduce a PIM-aware layer-wise design method to enhance their hardware efficiency. We apply epitome-aware quantization to further reduce the size of epitomes. On the hardware side, we modify the datapath of current PIM accelerators to accommodate epitomes and implement a feature map reuse technique to reduce computation cost. Experimental results reveal that our 3-bit quantized EPIM-ResNet50 attains 71.59% top-1 accuracy on ImageNet, reducing crossbar areas by 30.65 times. EPIM surpasses the state-of-the-art pruning methods on PIM.

replace-cross BEND: Benchmarking DNA Language Models on biologically meaningful tasks

Authors: Frederikke Isa Marin, Felix Teufel, Marc Horlacher, Dennis Madsen, Dennis Pultz, Ole Winther, Wouter Boomsma

Abstract: The genome sequence contains the blueprint for governing cellular processes. While the availability of genomes has vastly increased over the last decades, experimental annotation of the various functional, non-coding and regulatory elements encoded in the DNA sequence remains both expensive and challenging. This has sparked interest in unsupervised language modeling of genomic DNA, a paradigm that has seen great success for protein sequence data. Although various DNA language models have been proposed, evaluation tasks often differ between individual works, and might not fully recapitulate the fundamental challenges of genome annotation, including the length, scale and sparsity of the data. In this study, we introduce BEND, a Benchmark for DNA language models, featuring a collection of realistic and biologically meaningful downstream tasks defined on the human genome. We find that embeddings from current DNA LMs can approach performance of expert methods on some tasks, but only capture limited information about long-range features. BEND is available at


replace-cross ECNR: Efficient Compressive Neural Representation of Time-Varying Volumetric Datasets

Authors: Kaiyuan Tang, Chaoli Wang

Abstract: Due to its conceptual simplicity and generality, compressive neural representation has emerged as a promising alternative to traditional compression methods for managing massive volumetric datasets. The current practice of neural compression utilizes a single large multilayer perceptron (MLP) to encode the global volume, incurring slow training and inference. This paper presents an efficient compressive neural representation (ECNR) solution for time-varying data compression, utilizing the Laplacian pyramid for adaptive signal fitting. Following a multiscale structure, we leverage multiple small MLPs at each scale for fitting local content or residual blocks. By assigning similar blocks to the same MLP via size uniformization, we enable balanced parallelization among MLPs to significantly speed up training and inference. Working in concert with the multiscale structure, we tailor a deep compression strategy to compact the resulting model. We show the effectiveness of ECNR with multiple datasets and compare it with state-of-the-art compression methods (mainly SZ3, TTHRESH, and neurcomp). The results position ECNR as a promising solution for volumetric data compression.

replace-cross Unbalancedness in Neural Monge Maps Improves Unpaired Domain Translation

Authors: Luca Eyring, Dominik Klein, Th\'eo Uscidda, Giovanni Palla, Niki Kilbertus, Zeynep Akata, Fabian Theis

Abstract: In optimal transport (OT), a Monge map is known as a mapping that transports a source distribution to a target distribution in the most cost-efficient way. Recently, multiple neural estimators for Monge maps have been developed and applied in diverse unpaired domain translation tasks, e.g. in single-cell biology and computer vision. However, the classic OT framework enforces mass conservation, which makes it prone to outliers and limits its applicability in real-world scenarios. The latter can be particularly harmful in OT domain translation tasks, where the relative position of a sample within a distribution is explicitly taken into account. While unbalanced OT tackles this challenge in the discrete setting, its integration into neural Monge map estimators has received limited attention. We propose a theoretically grounded method to incorporate unbalancedness into any Monge map estimator. We improve existing estimators to model cell trajectories over time and to predict cellular responses to perturbations. Moreover, our approach seamlessly integrates with the OT flow matching (OT-FM) framework. While we show that OT-FM performs competitively in image translation, we further improve performance by incorporating unbalancedness (UOT-FM), which better preserves relevant features. We hence establish UOT-FM as a principled method for unpaired image translation.

replace-cross FRAC-Q-Learning: A Reinforcement Learning with Boredom Avoidance Processes for Social Robots

Authors: Akinari Onishi

Abstract: The reinforcement learning algorithms have often been applied to social robots. However, most reinforcement learning algorithms were not optimized for the use of social robots, and consequently they may bore users. We proposed a new reinforcement learning method specialized for the social robot, the FRAC-Q-learning, that can avoid user boredom. The proposed algorithm consists of a forgetting process in addition to randomizing and categorizing processes. This study evaluated interest and boredom hardness scores of the FRAC-Q-learning by a comparison with the traditional Q-learning. The FRAC-Q-learning showed significantly higher trend of interest score, and indicated significantly harder to bore users compared to the traditional Q-learning. Therefore, the FRAC-Q-learning can contribute to develop a social robot that will not bore users. The proposed algorithm can also find applications in Web-based communication and educational systems. This paper presents the entire process, detailed implementation and a detailed evaluation method of the of the FRAC-Q-learning for the first time.

replace-cross TFMQ-DM: Temporal Feature Maintenance Quantization for Diffusion Models

Authors: Yushi Huang, Ruihao Gong, Jing Liu, Tianlong Chen, Xianglong Liu

Abstract: The Diffusion model, a prevalent framework for image generation, encounters significant challenges in terms of broad applicability due to its extended inference times and substantial memory requirements. Efficient Post-training Quantization (PTQ) is pivotal for addressing these issues in traditional models. Different from traditional models, diffusion models heavily depend on the time-step $t$ to achieve satisfactory multi-round denoising. Usually, $t$ from the finite set $\{1, \ldots, T\}$ is encoded to a temporal feature by a few modules totally irrespective of the sampling data. However, existing PTQ methods do not optimize these modules separately. They adopt inappropriate reconstruction targets and complex calibration methods, resulting in a severe disturbance of the temporal feature and denoising trajectory, as well as a low compression efficiency. To solve these, we propose a Temporal Feature Maintenance Quantization (TFMQ) framework building upon a Temporal Information Block which is just related to the time-step $t$ and unrelated to the sampling data. Powered by the pioneering block design, we devise temporal information aware reconstruction (TIAR) and finite set calibration (FSC) to align the full-precision temporal features in a limited time. Equipped with the framework, we can maintain the most temporal information and ensure the end-to-end generation quality. Extensive experiments on various datasets and diffusion models prove our state-of-the-art results. Remarkably, our quantization approach, for the first time, achieves model performance nearly on par with the full-precision model under 4-bit weight quantization. Additionally, our method incurs almost no extra computational cost and accelerates quantization time by $2.0 \times$ on LSUN-Bedrooms $256 \times 256$ compared to previous works. Our code is publicly available at


replace-cross Opening the Black Box: Towards inherently interpretable energy data imputation models using building physics insight

Authors: Antonio Liguori, Matias Quintana, Chun Fu, Clayton Miller, J\'er\^ome Frisch, Christoph van Treeck

Abstract: Missing data are frequently observed by practitioners and researchers in the building energy modeling community. In this regard, advanced data-driven solutions, such as Deep Learning methods, are typically required to reflect the non-linear behavior of these anomalies. As an ongoing research question related to Deep Learning, a model's applicability to limited data settings can be explored by introducing prior knowledge in the network. This same strategy can also lead to more interpretable predictions, hence facilitating the field application of the approach. For that purpose, the aim of this paper is to propose the use of Physics-informed Denoising Autoencoders (PI-DAE) for missing data imputation in commercial buildings. In particular, the presented method enforces physics-inspired soft constraints to the loss function of a Denoising Autoencoder (DAE). In order to quantify the benefits of the physical component, an ablation study between different DAE configurations is conducted. First, three univariate DAEs are optimized separately on indoor air temperature, heating, and cooling data. Then, two multivariate DAEs are derived from the previous configurations. Eventually, a building thermal balance equation is coupled to the last multivariate configuration to obtain PI-DAE. Additionally, two commonly used benchmarks are employed to support the findings. It is shown how introducing physical knowledge in a multivariate Denoising Autoencoder can enhance the inherent model interpretability through the optimized physics-based coefficients. While no significant improvement is observed in terms of reconstruction error with the proposed PI-DAE, its enhanced robustness to varying rates of missing data and the valuable insights derived from the physics-based coefficients create opportunities for wider applications within building systems and the built environment.

replace-cross A transductive few-shot learning approach for classification of digital histopathological slides from liver cancer

Authors: Aymen SadraouiOPIS, CVN, S\'egol\`ene MartinOPIS, CVN, Eliott BarbotOPIS, CVN, Astrid Laurent-BellueOPIS, CVN, Jean-Christophe PesquetOPIS, CVN, Catherine GuettierETS, Ismail Ben AyedETS

Abstract: This paper presents a new approach for classifying 2D histopathology patches using few-shot learning. The method is designed to tackle a significant challenge in histopathology, which is the limited availability of labeled data. By applying a sliding window technique to histopathology slides, we illustrate the practical benefits of transductive learning (i.e., making joint predictions on patches) to achieve consistent and accurate classification. Our approach involves an optimization-based strategy that actively penalizes the prediction of a large number of distinct classes within each window. We conducted experiments on histopathological data to classify tissue classes in digital slides of liver cancer, specifically hepatocellular carcinoma. The initial results show the effectiveness of our method and its potential to enhance the process of automated cancer diagnosis and treatment, all while reducing the time and effort required for expert annotation.

replace-cross RepairLLaMA: Efficient Representations and Fine-Tuned Adapters for Program Repair

Authors: Andr\'e Silva, Sen Fang, Martin Monperrus

Abstract: Automated Program Repair (APR) has evolved significantly with the advent of Large Language Models (LLMs). Fine-tuning LLMs for program repair is a recent avenue of research, with many dimensions which have not been explored. Existing work mostly fine-tunes LLMs with naive code representations and is fundamentally limited in its ability to fine-tune larger LLMs. To address this problem, we propose RepairLLaMA, a novel program repair approach that combines 1) code representations for APR and 2) the state-of-the-art parameter-efficient LLM fine-tuning technique called LoRA. This results in RepairLLaMA producing a highly effective `program repair adapter' for fixing bugs with language models. Our experiments demonstrate the validity of both concepts. First, fine-tuning adapters with program repair specific code representations enables the model to use meaningful repair signals. Second, parameter-efficient fine-tuning helps fine-tuning to converge and contributes to the effectiveness of the repair adapter to fix data-points outside the fine-tuning data distribution. Overall, RepairLLaMA correctly fixes 125 Defects4J v2 and 82 HumanEval-Java bugs, outperforming all baselines.

replace-cross SemPLeS: Semantic Prompt Learning for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Ci-Siang Lin, Chien-Yi Wang, Yu-Chiang Frank Wang, Min-Hung Chen

Abstract: Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation (WSSS) aims to train segmentation models using image data with only image-level supervision. Since precise pixel-level annotations are not accessible, existing methods typically focus on producing pseudo masks for training segmentation models by refining CAM-like heatmaps. However, the produced heatmaps may capture only the discriminative image regions of object categories or the associated co-occurring backgrounds. To address the issues, we propose a Semantic Prompt Learning for WSSS (SemPLeS) framework, which learns to effectively prompt the CLIP latent space to enhance the semantic alignment between the segmented regions and the target object categories. More specifically, we propose Contrastive Prompt Learning and Prompt-guided Semantic Refinement to learn the prompts that adequately describe and suppress the co-occurring backgrounds associated with each target object category. In this way, SemPLeS can perform better semantic alignment between object regions and the associated class labels, resulting in desired pseudo masks for training the segmentation model. The proposed SemPLeS framework achieves SOTA performance on the standard WSSS benchmarks, PASCAL VOC and MS COCO, and shows compatibility with other WSSS methods. The source codes are provided in the supplementary.

replace-cross Assessment of Sports Concussion in Female Athletes: A Role for Neuroinformatics?

Authors: Rachel Edelstein, Sterling Gutterman, Benjamin Newman, John Darrell Van Horn

Abstract: Over the past decade, the intricacies of sports-related concussions among female athletes have become readily apparent. Traditional clinical methods for diagnosing concussions suffer limitations when applied to female athletes, often failing to capture subtle changes in brain structure and function. Advanced neuroinformatics techniques and machine learning models have become invaluable assets in this endeavor. While these technologies have been extensively employed in understanding concussion in male athletes, there remains a significant gap in our comprehension of their effectiveness for female athletes. With its remarkable data analysis capacity, machine learning offers a promising avenue to bridge this deficit. By harnessing the power of machine learning, researchers can link observed phenotypic neuroimaging data to sex-specific biological mechanisms, unraveling the mysteries of concussions in female athletes. Furthermore, embedding methods within machine learning enable examining brain architecture and its alterations beyond the conventional anatomical reference frame. In turn, allows researchers to gain deeper insights into the dynamics of concussions, treatment responses, and recovery processes. To guarantee that female athletes receive the optimal care they deserve, researchers must employ advanced neuroimaging techniques and sophisticated machine-learning models. These tools enable an in-depth investigation of the underlying mechanisms responsible for concussion symptoms stemming from neuronal dysfunction in female athletes. This paper endeavors to address the crucial issue of sex differences in multimodal neuroimaging experimental design and machine learning approaches within female athlete populations, ultimately ensuring that they receive the tailored care they require when facing the challenges of concussions.

replace-cross Who Are We Missing? A Principled Approach to Characterizing the Underrepresented Population

Authors: Harsh Parikh, Rachael Ross, Elizabeth Stuart, Kara Rudolph

Abstract: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) serve as the cornerstone for understanding causal effects, yet extending inferences to target populations presents challenges due to effect heterogeneity and underrepresentation. Our paper addresses the critical issue of identifying and characterizing underrepresented subgroups in RCTs, proposing a novel framework for refining target populations to improve generalizability. We introduce an optimization-based approach, Rashomon Set of Optimal Trees (ROOT), to characterize underrepresented groups. ROOT optimizes the target subpopulation distribution by minimizing the variance of the target average treatment effect estimate, ensuring more precise treatment effect estimations. Notably, ROOT generates interpretable characteristics of the underrepresented population, aiding researchers in effective communication. Our approach demonstrates improved precision and interpretability compared to alternatives, as illustrated with synthetic data experiments. We apply our methodology to extend inferences from the Starting Treatment with Agonist Replacement Therapies (START) trial -- investigating the effectiveness of medication for opioid use disorder -- to the real-world population represented by the Treatment Episode Dataset: Admissions (TEDS-A). By refining target populations using ROOT, our framework offers a systematic approach to enhance decision-making accuracy and inform future trials in diverse populations.

replace-cross Gaussian process regression with Sliced Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman graph kernels

Authors: Rapha\"el Carpintero PerezCMAP, S\'ebastien da VeigaENSAI, CREST, Josselin GarnierCMAP, Brian Staber

Abstract: Supervised learning has recently garnered significant attention in the field of computational physics due to its ability to effectively extract complex patterns for tasks like solving partial differential equations, or predicting material properties. Traditionally, such datasets consist of inputs given as meshes with a large number of nodes representing the problem geometry (seen as graphs), and corresponding outputs obtained with a numerical solver. This means the supervised learning model must be able to handle large and sparse graphs with continuous node attributes. In this work, we focus on Gaussian process regression, for which we introduce the Sliced Wasserstein Weisfeiler-Lehman (SWWL) graph kernel. In contrast to existing graph kernels, the proposed SWWL kernel enjoys positive definiteness and a drastic complexity reduction, which makes it possible to process datasets that were previously impossible to handle. The new kernel is first validated on graph classification for molecular datasets, where the input graphs have a few tens of nodes. The efficiency of the SWWL kernel is then illustrated on graph regression in computational fluid dynamics and solid mechanics, where the input graphs are made up of tens of thousands of nodes.

replace-cross Elastic Feature Consolidation for Cold Start Exemplar-free Incremental Learning

Authors: Simone Magistri, Tomaso Trinci, Albin Soutif-Cormerais, Joost van de Weijer, Andrew D. Bagdanov

Abstract: Exemplar-Free Class Incremental Learning (EFCIL) aims to learn from a sequence of tasks without having access to previous task data. In this paper, we consider the challenging Cold Start scenario in which insufficient data is available in the first task to learn a high-quality backbone. This is especially challenging for EFCIL since it requires high plasticity, which results in feature drift which is difficult to compensate for in the exemplar-free setting. To address this problem, we propose a simple and effective approach that consolidates feature representations by regularizing drift in directions highly relevant to previous tasks and employs prototypes to reduce task-recency bias. Our method, called Elastic Feature Consolidation (EFC), exploits a tractable second-order approximation of feature drift based on an Empirical Feature Matrix (EFM). The EFM induces a pseudo-metric in feature space which we use to regularize feature drift in important directions and to update Gaussian prototypes used in a novel asymmetric cross entropy loss which effectively balances prototype rehearsal with data from new tasks. Experimental results on CIFAR-100, Tiny-ImageNet, ImageNet-Subset and ImageNet-1K demonstrate that Elastic Feature Consolidation is better able to learn new tasks by maintaining model plasticity and significantly outperform the state-of-the-art.

replace-cross Wasserstein Gradient Flows for Moreau Envelopes of f-Divergences in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces

Authors: Sebastian Neumayer, Viktor Stein, Gabriele Steidl, Nicolaj Rux

Abstract: Most commonly used $f$-divergences of measures, e.g., the Kullback-Leibler divergence, are subject to limitations regarding the support of the involved measures. A remedy consists of regularizing the $f$-divergence by a squared maximum mean discrepancy (MMD) associated with a characteristic kernel $K$. In this paper, we use the so-called kernel mean embedding to show that the corresponding regularization can be rewritten as the Moreau envelope of some function in the reproducing kernel Hilbert space associated with $K$. Then, we exploit well-known results on Moreau envelopes in Hilbert spaces to prove properties of the MMD-regularized $f$-divergences and, in particular, their gradients. Subsequently, we use our findings to analyze Wasserstein gradient flows of MMD-regularized $f$-divergences. Finally, we consider Wasserstein gradient flows starting from empirical measures. We provide proof-of-the-concept numerical examples for $f$-divergences with both infinite and finite recession constant.

replace-cross Insights into Multiscale Complexity: from Macroscopic Patterns to Microscopic Simulations via Deep Learning

Authors: Jing Wang, Zheng Li, Pengyu Lai, Rui Wang, Di Yang, Dewu Yang, Hui Xu

Abstract: Multiscale phenomena manifest across various scientific domains, presenting a ubiquitous challenge in accurately and effectively simulating multiscale dynamics in complex systems. In this paper, a novel decoupling solving mode is proposed through modelling large-scale dynamics independently and treating small-scale dynamics as a slaved system. A Spectral Physics-informed Neural Network (PINN) is developed to characterize the small-scale system in an efficient and accurate way. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated through extensive numerical experiments, including one-dimensional Kuramot-Sivashinsky equation, two- and three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, showcasing its versatility in addressing problems of fluid dynamics. Furthermore, we also delve into the application of the proposed approach to more complex problems, including non-uniform meshes, complex geometries, large-scale data with noise, and high-dimensional small-scale dynamics. The discussions about these scenarios contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the method's capabilities and limitations. This paper presents a valuable and promising approach to enhance the computational simulations of multiscale spatiotemporal systems, which enables the acquisition of large-scale data with minimal computational demands, followed by Spectral PINN to capture small-scale dynamics with improved efficiency and accuracy.

replace-cross Anatomically-Controllable Medical Image Generation with Segmentation-Guided Diffusion Models

Authors: Nicholas Konz, Yuwen Chen, Haoyu Dong, Maciej A. Mazurowski

Abstract: Diffusion models have enabled remarkably high-quality medical image generation, yet it is challenging to enforce anatomical constraints in generated images. This hampers many useful applications, including pre-registered image generation, counterfactual scenarios, and others. To this end, we propose a diffusion model-based method that supports anatomically-controllable medical image generation, by following a multi-class anatomical segmentation mask at each sampling step. We additionally introduce a random mask ablation training algorithm to enable conditioning on a selected combination of anatomical constraints while allowing flexibility in other anatomical areas. We compare our model ("Seg-Diff") to existing methods on breast MRI and abdominal/neck-to-pelvis CT datasets with a wide range of anatomical objects. Results show that it reaches a new state-of-the-art in the faithfulness of generated images to input anatomical masks on both datasets, and is on par for general anatomical realism. Finally, our model also enjoys the extra benefit of being able to adjust the anatomical similarity of generated images to real images of choice through interpolation in its latent space.

replace-cross Guiding Masked Representation Learning to Capture Spatio-Temporal Relationship of Electrocardiogram

Authors: Yeongyeon Na, Minje Park, Yunwon Tae, Sunghoon Joo

Abstract: Electrocardiograms (ECG) are widely employed as a diagnostic tool for monitoring electrical signals originating from a heart. Recent machine learning research efforts have focused on the application of screening various diseases using ECG signals. However, adapting to the application of screening disease is challenging in that labeled ECG data are limited. Achieving general representation through self-supervised learning (SSL) is a well-known approach to overcome the scarcity of labeled data; however, a naive application of SSL to ECG data, without considering the spatial-temporal relationships inherent in ECG signals, may yield suboptimal results. In this paper, we introduce ST-MEM (Spatio-Temporal Masked Electrocardiogram Modeling), designed to learn spatio-temporal features by reconstructing masked 12-lead ECG data. ST-MEM outperforms other SSL baseline methods in various experimental settings for arrhythmia classification tasks. Moreover, we demonstrate that ST-MEM is adaptable to various lead combinations. Through quantitative and qualitative analysis, we show a spatio-temporal relationship within ECG data. Our code is available at


replace-cross Short-Form Videos and Mental Health: A Knowledge-Guided Multimodal Neural Topic Model

Authors: Jiaheng Xie, Ruicheng Liang, Yidong Chai, Yang Liu, Daniel Zeng

Abstract: While short-form videos head to reshape the entire social media landscape, experts are exceedingly worried about their depressive impacts on viewers, as evidenced by medical studies. To prevent widespread consequences, platforms are eager to predict these videos' impact on viewers' mental health. Subsequently, they can take intervention measures, such as revising recommendation algorithms and displaying viewer discretion. Nevertheless, applicable predictive methods lack relevance to well-established medical knowledge, which outlines clinically proven external and environmental factors of depression. To account for such medical knowledge, we resort to an emergent methodological discipline, seeded Neural Topic Models (NTMs). However, existing seeded NTMs suffer from the limitations of single-origin topics, unknown topic sources, unclear seed supervision, and suboptimal convergence. To address those challenges, we develop a novel Knowledge-guided Multimodal NTM to predict a short-form video's depressive impact on viewers. Extensive empirical analyses using TikTok and Douyin datasets prove that our method outperforms state-of-the-art benchmarks. Our method also discovers medically relevant topics from videos that are linked to depressive impact. We contribute to IS with a novel video analytics method that is generalizable to other video classification problems. Practically, our method can help platforms understand videos' mental impacts, thus adjusting recommendations and video topic disclosure.

replace-cross Learning the Unlearned: Mitigating Feature Suppression in Contrastive Learning

Authors: Jihai Zhang, Xiang Lan, Xiaoye Qu, Yu Cheng, Mengling Feng, Bryan Hooi

Abstract: Self-Supervised Contrastive Learning has proven effective in deriving high-quality representations from unlabeled data. However, a major challenge that hinders both unimodal and multimodal contrastive learning is feature suppression, a phenomenon where the trained model captures only a limited portion of the information from the input data while overlooking other potentially valuable content. This issue often leads to indistinguishable representations for visually similar but semantically different inputs, adversely affecting downstream task performance, particularly those requiring rigorous semantic comprehension. To address this challenge, we propose a novel model-agnostic Multistage Contrastive Learning (MCL) framework. Unlike standard contrastive learning which inherently captures one single biased feature distribution, MCL progressively learns previously unlearned features through feature-aware negative sampling at each stage, where the negative samples of an anchor are exclusively selected from the cluster it was assigned to in preceding stages. Meanwhile, MCL preserves the previously well-learned features by cross-stage representation integration, integrating features across all stages to form final representations. Our comprehensive evaluation demonstrates MCL's effectiveness and superiority across both unimodal and multimodal contrastive learning, spanning a range of model architectures from ResNet to Vision Transformers (ViT). Remarkably, in tasks where the original CLIP model has shown limitations, MCL dramatically enhances performance, with improvements up to threefold on specific attributes in the recently proposed MMVP benchmark.

replace-cross Spectral invariance and maximality properties of the frequency spectrum of quantum neural networks

Authors: Patrick Holzer, Ivica Turkalj

Abstract: Quantum Neural Networks (QNNs) are a popular approach in Quantum Machine Learning due to their close connection to Variational Quantum Circuits, making them a promising candidate for practical applications on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. A QNN can be expressed as a finite Fourier series, where the set of frequencies is called the frequency spectrum. We analyse this frequency spectrum and prove, for a large class of models, various maximality results. Furthermore, we prove that under some mild conditions there exists a bijection between classes of models with the same area $A = RL$ that preserves the frequency spectrum, where $R$ denotes the number of qubits and $L$ the number of layers, which we consequently call spectral invariance under area-preserving transformations. With this we explain the symmetry in $R$ and $L$ in the results often observed in the literature and show that the maximal frequency spectrum depends only on the area $A = RL$ and not on the individual values of $R$ and $L$. Moreover, we extend existing results and specify the maximum possible frequency spectrum of a QNN with arbitrarily many layers as a function of the spectrum of its generators. If the generators of the QNN can be further decomposed into 2-dimensional sub-generators, then this specification follows from elementary number-theoretical considerations. In the case of arbitrary dimensional generators, we extend existing results based on the so-called Golomb ruler and introduce a second novel approach based on a variation of the turnpike problem, which we call the relaxed turnpike problem.

replace-cross A Self-matching Training Method with Annotation Embedding Models for Ontology Subsumption Prediction

Authors: Yukihiro Shiraishi, Ken Kaneiwa

Abstract: Recently, ontology embeddings representing entities in a low-dimensional space have been proposed for ontology completion. However, the ontology embeddings for concept subsumption prediction do not address the difficulties of similar and isolated entities and fail to extract the global information of annotation axioms from an ontology. In this paper, we propose a self-matching training method for the two ontology embedding models: Inverted-index Matrix Embedding (InME) and Co-occurrence Matrix Embedding (CoME). The two embeddings capture the global and local information in annotation axioms by means of the occurring locations of each word in a set of axioms and the co-occurrences of words in each axiom. The self-matching training method increases the robustness of the concept subsumption prediction when predicted superclasses are similar to subclasses and are isolated to other entities in an ontology. Our evaluation experiments show that the self-matching training method with InME outperforms the existing ontology embeddings for the GO and FoodOn ontologies and that the method with the concatenation of CoME and OWL2Vec* outperforms them for the HeLiS ontology.

replace-cross A Survey on Data Selection for Language Models

Authors: Alon Albalak, Yanai Elazar, Sang Michael Xie, Shayne Longpre, Nathan Lambert, Xinyi Wang, Niklas Muennighoff, Bairu Hou, Liangming Pan, Haewon Jeong, Colin Raffel, Shiyu Chang, Tatsunori Hashimoto, William Yang Wang

Abstract: A major factor in the recent success of large language models is the use of enormous and ever-growing text datasets for unsupervised pre-training. However, naively training a model on all available data may not be optimal (or feasible), as the quality of available text data can vary. Filtering out data can also decrease the carbon footprint and financial costs of training models by reducing the amount of training required. Data selection methods aim to determine which candidate data points to include in the training dataset and how to appropriately sample from the selected data points. The promise of improved data selection methods has caused the volume of research in the area to rapidly expand. However, because deep learning is mostly driven by empirical evidence and experimentation on large-scale data is expensive, few organizations have the resources for extensive data selection research. Consequently, knowledge of effective data selection practices has become concentrated within a few organizations, many of which do not openly share their findings and methodologies. To narrow this gap in knowledge, we present a comprehensive review of existing literature on data selection methods and related research areas, providing a taxonomy of existing approaches. By describing the current landscape of research, this work aims to accelerate progress in data selection by establishing an entry point for new and established researchers. Additionally, throughout this review we draw attention to noticeable holes in the literature and conclude the paper by proposing promising avenues for future research.

replace-cross MIM-Reasoner: Learning with Theoretical Guarantees for Multiplex Influence Maximization

Authors: Nguyen Do, Tanmoy Chowdhury, Chen Ling, Liang Zhao, My T. Thai

Abstract: Multiplex influence maximization (MIM) asks us to identify a set of seed users such as to maximize the expected number of influenced users in a multiplex network. MIM has been one of central research topics, especially in nowadays social networking landscape where users participate in multiple online social networks (OSNs) and their influences can propagate among several OSNs simultaneously. Although there exist a couple combinatorial algorithms to MIM, learning-based solutions have been desired due to its generalization ability to heterogeneous networks and their diversified propagation characteristics. In this paper, we introduce MIM-Reasoner, coupling reinforcement learning with probabilistic graphical model, which effectively captures the complex propagation process within and between layers of a given multiplex network, thereby tackling the most challenging problem in MIM. We establish a theoretical guarantee for MIM-Reasoner as well as conduct extensive analyses on both synthetic and real-world datasets to validate our MIM-Reasoner's performance.

replace-cross Conjectural Online Learning with First-order Beliefs in Asymmetric Information Stochastic Games

Authors: Tao Li, Kim Hammar, Rolf Stadler, Quanyan Zhu

Abstract: Asymmetric information stochastic games (\textsc{aisg}s) arise in many complex socio-technical systems, such as cyber-physical systems and IT infrastructures. Existing computational methods for \textsc{aisg}s are primarily offline and can not adapt to equilibrium deviations. Further, current methods are limited to special classes of \textsc{aisg}s to avoid belief hierarchies. To address these limitations, we propose conjectural online learning (\textsc{col}), an online method for generic \textsc{aisg}s. \textsc{col} uses a forecaster-actor-critic (\textsc{fac}) architecture where subjective forecasts are used to conjecture the opponents' strategies within a lookahead horizon, and Bayesian learning is used to calibrate the conjectures. To adapt strategies to nonstationary environments, \textsc{col} uses online rollout with cost function approximation (actor-critic). We prove that the conjectures produced by \textsc{col} are asymptotically consistent with the information feedback in the sense of a relaxed Bayesian consistency. We also prove that the empirical strategy profile induced by \textsc{col} converges to the Berk-Nash equilibrium, a solution concept characterizing rationality under subjectivity. Experimental results from an intrusion response use case demonstrate \textsc{col}'s superiority over state-of-the-art reinforcement learning methods against nonstationary attacks.

replace-cross Large Convolutional Model Tuning via Filter Subspace

Authors: Wei Chen, Zichen Miao, Qiang Qiu

Abstract: Efficient fine-tuning methods are critical to address the high computational and parameter complexity while adapting large pre-trained models to downstream tasks. Our study is inspired by prior research that represents each convolution filter as a linear combination of a small set of filter subspace elements, referred to as filter atoms. In this paper, we propose to fine-tune pre-trained models by adjusting only filter atoms, which are responsible for spatial-only convolution, while preserving spatially-invariant channel combination knowledge in atom coefficients. In this way, we bring a new filter subspace view for model tuning. Furthermore, each filter atom can be recursively decomposed as a combination of another set of atoms, which naturally expands the number of tunable parameters in the filter subspace. By only adapting filter atoms constructed by a small number of parameters, while maintaining the rest of model parameters constant, the proposed approach is highly parameter-efficient. It effectively preserves the capabilities of pre-trained models and prevents overfitting to downstream tasks. Extensive experiments show that such a simple scheme surpasses previous tuning baselines for both discriminate and generative tasks.

replace-cross PRIME: Scaffolding Manipulation Tasks with Behavior Primitives for Data-Efficient Imitation Learning

Authors: Tian Gao, Soroush Nasiriany, Huihan Liu, Quantao Yang, Yuke Zhu

Abstract: Imitation learning has shown great potential for enabling robots to acquire complex manipulation behaviors. However, these algorithms suffer from high sample complexity in long-horizon tasks, where compounding errors accumulate over the task horizons. We present PRIME (PRimitive-based IMitation with data Efficiency), a behavior primitive-based framework designed for improving the data efficiency of imitation learning. PRIME scaffolds robot tasks by decomposing task demonstrations into primitive sequences, followed by learning a high-level control policy to sequence primitives through imitation learning. Our experiments demonstrate that PRIME achieves a significant performance improvement in multi-stage manipulation tasks, with 10-34% higher success rates in simulation over state-of-the-art baselines and 20-48% on physical hardware.

replace-cross Improving generalisation via anchor multivariate analysis

Authors: Homer Durand, Gherardo Varando, Nathan Mankovich, Gustau Camps-Valls

Abstract: We introduce a causal regularisation extension to anchor regression (AR) for improved out-of-distribution (OOD) generalisation. We present anchor-compatible losses, aligning with the anchor framework to ensure robustness against distribution shifts. Various multivariate analysis (MVA) algorithms, such as (Orthonormalized) PLS, RRR, and MLR, fall within the anchor framework. We observe that simple regularisation enhances robustness in OOD settings. Estimators for selected algorithms are provided, showcasing consistency and efficacy in synthetic and real-world climate science problems. The empirical validation highlights the versatility of anchor regularisation, emphasizing its compatibility with MVA approaches and its role in enhancing replicability while guarding against distribution shifts. The extended AR framework advances causal inference methodologies, addressing the need for reliable OOD generalisation.

replace-cross DT-DDNN: A Physical Layer Security Attack Detector in 5G RF Domain for CAVs

Authors: Ghazal Asemian, Mohammadreza Amini, Burak Kantarci, Melike Erol-Kantarci

Abstract: The Synchronization Signal Block (SSB) is a fundamental component of the 5G New Radio (NR) air interface, crucial for the initial access procedure of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs), and serves several key purposes in the network's operation. However, due to the predictable nature of SSB transmission, including the Primary and Secondary Synchronization Signals (PSS and SSS), jamming attacks are critical threats. These attacks, which can be executed without requiring high power or complex equipment, pose substantial risks to the 5G network, particularly as a result of the unencrypted transmission of control signals. Leveraging RF domain knowledge, this work presents a novel deep learning-based technique for detecting jammers in CAV networks. Unlike the existing jamming detection algorithms that mostly rely on network parameters, we introduce a double-threshold deep learning jamming detector by focusing on the SSB. The detection method is focused on RF domain features and improves the robustness of the network without requiring integration with the pre-existing network infrastructure. By integrating a preprocessing block to extract PSS correlation and energy per null resource elements (EPNRE) characteristics, our method distinguishes between normal and jammed received signals with high precision. Additionally, by incorporating of Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT), the efficacy of training and detection are optimized. A double-threshold double Deep Neural Network (DT-DDNN) is also introduced to the architecture complemented by a deep cascade learning model to increase the sensitivity of the model to variations of signal-to-jamming noise ratio (SJNR). Results show that the proposed method achieves 96.4% detection rate in extra low jamming power, i.e., SJNR between 15 to 30 dB. Further, performance of DT-DDNN is validated by analyzing real 5G signals obtained from a practical testbed.

replace-cross Hypothesis Spaces for Deep Learning

Authors: Rui Wang, Yuesheng Xu, Mingsong Yan

Abstract: This paper introduces a hypothesis space for deep learning that employs deep neural networks (DNNs). By treating a DNN as a function of two variables, the physical variable and parameter variable, we consider the primitive set of the DNNs for the parameter variable located in a set of the weight matrices and biases determined by a prescribed depth and widths of the DNNs. We then complete the linear span of the primitive DNN set in a weak* topology to construct a Banach space of functions of the physical variable. We prove that the Banach space so constructed is a reproducing kernel Banach space (RKBS) and construct its reproducing kernel. We investigate two learning models, regularized learning and minimum interpolation problem in the resulting RKBS, by establishing representer theorems for solutions of the learning models. The representer theorems unfold that solutions of these learning models can be expressed as linear combination of a finite number of kernel sessions determined by given data and the reproducing kernel.

replace-cross An AI-enabled Agent-Based Model and Its Application in Measles Outbreak Simulation for New Zealand

Authors: Sijin Zhang, Alvaro Orsi, Lei Chen

Abstract: Agent Based Models (ABMs) have emerged as a powerful tool for investigating complex social interactions, particularly in the context of public health and infectious disease investigation. In an effort to enhance the conventional ABM, enabling automated model calibration and reducing the computational resources needed for scaling up the model, we have developed a tensorized and differentiable agent-based model by coupling Graph Neural Network (GNN) and Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network. The model was employed to investigate the 2019 measles outbreak occurred in New Zealand, demonstrating a promising ability to accurately simulate the outbreak dynamics, particularly during the peak period of repeated cases. This paper shows that by leveraging the latest Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology and the capabilities of traditional ABMs, we gain deeper insights into the dynamics of infectious disease outbreaks. This, in turn, helps us make more informed decision when developing effective strategies that strike a balance between managing outbreaks and minimizing disruptions to everyday life.

replace-cross DeepCRE: Revolutionizing Drug R&D with Cutting-Edge Computational Models

Authors: Yushuai Wu

Abstract: The fields of pharmaceutical development and therapeutic application both face substantial challenges. The therapeutic domain calls for more treatment alternatives, while numerous promising pre-clinical drugs have failed in clinical trials. One of the reasons is the inadequacy of Cross-drug Response Evaluation (CRE) during the late stage of drug development. Although in-silico CRE models offer a solution to this problem, existing methodologies are either limited to early development stages or lack the capacity for a comprehensive CRE analysis. Herein, we introduce a novel computational model named DeepCRE and present the potential of DeepCRE in advancing therapeutic discovery and development. DeepCRE outperforms the existing best models by achieving an average performance improvement of 17.7\% in patient-level CRE and a 5-fold increase in indication-level CRE. Furthermore, DeepCRE has identified six drug candidates that show significantly greater effectiveness than a comparator set of two approved drugs in 5/8 colorectal cancer (CRC) organoids. This highlights DeepCRE's ability to identify a collection of drug candidates with superior therapeutic effects, underscoring its potential to revolutionize the field of therapeutic development.

replace-cross Can Large Language Models Reason and Plan?

Authors: Subbarao Kambhampati

Abstract: While humans sometimes do show the capability of correcting their own erroneous guesses with self-critiquing, there seems to be no basis for that assumption in the case of LLMs.

replace-cross Aligners: Decoupling LLMs and Alignment

Authors: Lilian Ngweta, Mayank Agarwal, Subha Maity, Alex Gittens, Yuekai Sun, Mikhail Yurochkin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) need to be aligned with human expectations to ensure their safety and utility in most applications. Alignment is challenging, costly, and needs to be repeated for every LLM and alignment criterion. We propose to decouple LLMs and alignment by training aligner models that can be used to align any LLM for a given criteria on an as-needed basis, thus also reducing the potential negative impacts of alignment on performance. Our recipe for training the aligner models solely relies on synthetic data generated with a (prompted) LLM and can be easily adjusted for a variety of alignment criteria. We illustrate our method by training an "ethical" aligner and verify its efficacy empirically.

replace-cross Using Hallucinations to Bypass GPT4's Filter

Authors: Benjamin Lemkin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are initially trained on vast amounts of data, then fine-tuned using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF); this also serves to teach the LLM to provide appropriate and safe responses. In this paper, we present a novel method to manipulate the fine-tuned version into reverting to its pre-RLHF behavior, effectively erasing the model's filters; the exploit currently works for GPT4, Claude Sonnet, and (to some extent) for Inflection-2.5. Unlike other jailbreaks (for example, the popular "Do Anything Now" (DAN) ), our method does not rely on instructing the LLM to override its RLHF policy; hence, simply modifying the RLHF process is unlikely to address it. Instead, we induce a hallucination involving reversed text during which the model reverts to a word bucket, effectively pausing the model's filter. We believe that our exploit presents a fundamental vulnerability in LLMs currently unaddressed, as well as an opportunity to better understand the inner workings of LLMs during hallucinations.

replace-cross TopicDiff: A Topic-enriched Diffusion Approach for Multimodal Conversational Emotion Detection

Authors: Jiamin Luo, Jingjing Wang, Guodong Zhou

Abstract: Multimodal Conversational Emotion (MCE) detection, generally spanning across the acoustic, vision and language modalities, has attracted increasing interest in the multimedia community. Previous studies predominantly focus on learning contextual information in conversations with only a few considering the topic information in single language modality, while always neglecting the acoustic and vision topic information. On this basis, we propose a model-agnostic Topic-enriched Diffusion (TopicDiff) approach for capturing multimodal topic information in MCE tasks. Particularly, we integrate the diffusion model into neural topic model to alleviate the diversity deficiency problem of neural topic model in capturing topic information. Detailed evaluations demonstrate the significant improvements of TopicDiff over the state-of-the-art MCE baselines, justifying the importance of multimodal topic information to MCE and the effectiveness of TopicDiff in capturing such information. Furthermore, we observe an interesting finding that the topic information in acoustic and vision is more discriminative and robust compared to the language.