new Training Small Multimodal Models to Bridge Biomedical Competency Gap: A Case Study in Radiology Imaging

Authors: Juan Manuel Zambrano Chaves, Shih-Cheng Huang, Yanbo Xu, Hanwen Xu, Naoto Usuyama, Sheng Zhang, Fei Wang, Yujia Xie, Mahmoud Khademi, Ziyi Yang, Hany Awadalla, Julia Gong, Houdong Hu, Jianwei Yang, Chunyuan Li, Jianfeng Gao, Yu Gu, Cliff Wong, Mu Wei, Tristan Naumann, Muhao Chen, Matthew P. Lungren, Serena Yeung-Levy, Curtis P. Langlotz, Sheng Wang, Hoifung Poon

Abstract: The scaling laws and extraordinary performance of large foundation models motivate the development and utilization of such large models in biomedicine. However, despite early promising results on some biomedical benchmarks, there are still major challenges that need to be addressed before these models can be used in real-world applications. Frontier models such as GPT-4V still have major competency gaps in multimodal capabilities for biomedical applications. Moreover, pragmatic issues such as access, cost, latency, and compliance make it hard for clinicians to use privately-hosted state-of-the-art large models directly on private patient data. In this paper, we explore training open-source small multimodal models (SMMs) to bridge biomedical competency gaps for unmet clinical needs. To maximize data efficiency, we adopt a modular approach by incorporating state-of-the-art pre-trained models for image and text modalities, and focusing on training a lightweight adapter to ground each modality to the text embedding space. We conduct a comprehensive study of this approach on radiology imaging. For training, we assemble a large dataset with over 1 million image-text pairs. For evaluation, we propose a clinically driven novel approach using GPT-4 and demonstrate its parity with expert evaluation. We also study grounding qualitatively using attention. For best practice, we conduct a systematic ablation study on various choices in data engineering and multimodal training. The resulting LLaVA-Rad (7B) model attains state-of-the-art results on radiology tasks such as report generation and cross-modal retrieval, even outperforming much larger models such as GPT-4V and Med-PaLM M (84B). LLaVA-Rad is fast and can be run on a single V100 GPU in private settings, offering a promising state-of-the-art tool for real-world clinical applications.

new Pix2Pix-OnTheFly: Leveraging LLMs for Instruction-Guided Image Editing

Authors: Rodrigo Santos, Jo\~ao Silva, Ant\'onio Branco

Abstract: The combination of language processing and image processing keeps attracting increased interest given recent impressive advances that leverage the combined strengths of both domains of research. Among these advances, the task of editing an image on the basis solely of a natural language instruction stands out as a most challenging endeavour. While recent approaches for this task resort, in one way or other, to some form of preliminary preparation, training or fine-tuning, this paper explores a novel approach: We propose a preparation-free method that permits instruction-guided image editing on the fly. This approach is organized along three steps properly orchestrated that resort to image captioning and DDIM inversion, followed by obtaining the edit direction embedding, followed by image editing proper. While dispensing with preliminary preparation, our approach demonstrates to be effective and competitive, outperforming recent, state of the art models for this task when evaluated on the MAGICBRUSH dataset.

new Debatrix: Multi-dimensinal Debate Judge with Iterative Chronological Analysis Based on LLM

Authors: Jingcong Liang, Rong Ye, Meng Han, Ruofei Lai, Xinyu Zhang, Xuanjing Huang, Zhongyu Wei

Abstract: How can we construct an automated debate judge to evaluate an extensive, vibrant, multi-turn debate? This task is challenging, as judging a debate involves grappling with lengthy texts, intricate argument relationships, and multi-dimensional assessments. At the same time, current research mainly focuses on short dialogues, rarely touching upon the evaluation of an entire debate. In this paper, by leveraging Large Language Models (LLMs), we propose Debatrix, which makes the analysis and assessment of multi-turn debates more aligned with majority preferences. Specifically, Debatrix features a vertical, iterative chronological analysis and a horizontal, multi-dimensional evaluation collaboration. To align with real-world debate scenarios, we introduced the PanelBench benchmark, comparing our system's performance to actual debate outcomes. The findings indicate a notable enhancement over directly using LLMs for debate evaluation. Source code and benchmark data are available online at .


new Gujarati-English Code-Switching Speech Recognition using ensemble prediction of spoken language

Authors: Yash Sharma, Basil Abraham, Preethi Jyothi

Abstract: An important and difficult task in code-switched speech recognition is to recognize the language, as lots of words in two languages can sound similar, especially in some accents. We focus on improving performance of end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition models by conditioning transformer layers on language ID of words and character in the output in an per layer supervised manner. To this end, we propose two methods of introducing language specific parameters and explainability in the multi-head attention mechanism, and implement a Temporal Loss that helps maintain continuity in input alignment. Despite being unable to reduce WER significantly, our method shows promise in predicting the correct language from just spoken data. We introduce regularization in the language prediction by dropping LID in the sequence, which helps align long repeated output sequences.

new Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Combat Online Hate: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Large Language Models in Hate Speech Detection

Authors: Tharindu Kumarage, Amrita Bhattacharjee, Joshua Garland

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) excel in many diverse applications beyond language generation, e.g., translation, summarization, and sentiment analysis. One intriguing application is in text classification. This becomes pertinent in the realm of identifying hateful or toxic speech -- a domain fraught with challenges and ethical dilemmas. In our study, we have two objectives: firstly, to offer a literature review revolving around LLMs as classifiers, emphasizing their role in detecting and classifying hateful or toxic content. Subsequently, we explore the efficacy of several LLMs in classifying hate speech: identifying which LLMs excel in this task as well as their underlying attributes and training. Providing insight into the factors that contribute to an LLM proficiency (or lack thereof) in discerning hateful content. By combining a comprehensive literature review with an empirical analysis, our paper strives to shed light on the capabilities and constraints of LLMs in the crucial domain of hate speech detection.

new Authorship Style Transfer with Policy Optimization

Authors: Shuai Liu, Shantanu Agarwal, Jonathan May

Abstract: Authorship style transfer aims to rewrite a given text into a specified target while preserving the original meaning in the source. Existing approaches rely on the availability of a large number of target style exemplars for model training. However, these overlook cases where a limited number of target style examples are available. The development of parameter-efficient transfer learning techniques and policy optimization (PO) approaches suggest lightweight PO is a feasible approach to low-resource style transfer. In this work, we propose a simple two step tune-and-optimize technique for low-resource textual style transfer. We apply our technique to authorship transfer as well as a larger-data native language style task and in both cases find it outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models.

new Big City Bias: Evaluating the Impact of Metropolitan Size on Computational Job Market Abilities of Language Models

Authors: Charlie Campanella, Rob van der Goot

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as a useful technology for job matching, for both candidates and employers. Job matching is often based on a particular geographic location, such as a city or region. However, LLMs have known biases, commonly derived from their training data. In this work, we aim to quantify the metropolitan size bias encoded within large language models, evaluating zero-shot salary, employer presence, and commute duration predictions in 384 of the United States' metropolitan regions. Across all benchmarks, we observe negative correlations between the metropolitan size and the performance of the LLMS, indicating that smaller regions are indeed underrepresented. More concretely, the smallest 10 metropolitan regions show upwards of 300% worse benchmark performance than the largest 10.

new Generating Clarification Questions for Disambiguating Contracts

Authors: Anmol Singhal, Chirag Jain, Preethu Rose Anish, Arkajyoti Chakraborty, Smita Ghaisas

Abstract: Enterprises frequently enter into commercial contracts that can serve as vital sources of project-specific requirements. Contractual clauses are obligatory, and the requirements derived from contracts can detail the downstream implementation activities that non-legal stakeholders, including requirement analysts, engineers, and delivery personnel, need to conduct. However, comprehending contracts is cognitively demanding and error-prone for such stakeholders due to the extensive use of Legalese and the inherent complexity of contract language. Furthermore, contracts often contain ambiguously worded clauses to ensure comprehensive coverage. In contrast, non-legal stakeholders require a detailed and unambiguous comprehension of contractual clauses to craft actionable requirements. In this work, we introduce a novel legal NLP task that involves generating clarification questions for contracts. These questions aim to identify contract ambiguities on a document level, thereby assisting non-legal stakeholders in obtaining the necessary details for eliciting requirements. This task is challenged by three core issues: (1) data availability, (2) the length and unstructured nature of contracts, and (3) the complexity of legal text. To address these issues, we propose ConRAP, a retrieval-augmented prompting framework for generating clarification questions to disambiguate contractual text. Experiments conducted on contracts sourced from the publicly available CUAD dataset show that ConRAP with ChatGPT can detect ambiguities with an F2 score of 0.87. 70% of the generated clarification questions are deemed useful by human evaluators.

new Contextual Clarity: Generating Sentences with Transformer Models using Context-Reverso Data

Authors: Ruslan Musaev

Abstract: In the age of information abundance, the ability to provide users with contextually relevant and concise information is crucial. Keyword in Context (KIC) generation is a task that plays a vital role in and generation applications, such as search engines, personal assistants, and content summarization. In this paper, we present a novel approach to generating unambiguous and brief sentence-contexts for given keywords using the T5 transformer model, leveraging data obtained from the Context-Reverso API. The code is available at .


new BAGEL: Bootstrapping Agents by Guiding Exploration with Language

Authors: Shikhar Murty, Christopher Manning, Peter Shaw, Mandar Joshi, Kenton Lee

Abstract: Following natural language instructions by executing actions in digital environments (e.g. web-browsers and REST APIs) is a challenging task for language model (LM) agents. Unfortunately, LM agents often fail to generalize to new environments without human demonstrations. This work presents BAGEL, a method for bootstrapping LM agents without human supervision. BAGEL converts a seed set of randomly explored trajectories or synthetic instructions, into demonstrations, via round-trips between two noisy LM components: an LM labeler which converts a trajectory into a synthetic instruction, and a zero-shot LM agent which maps the synthetic instruction into a refined trajectory. By performing these round-trips iteratively, BAGEL quickly converts the initial distribution of trajectories towards those that are well-described by natural language. We use BAGEL demonstrations to adapt a zero shot LM agent at test time via in-context learning over retrieved demonstrations, and find improvements of over 2-13% absolute on ToolQA and MiniWob++, with up to 13x reduction in execution failures.

new Rethinking Loss Functions for Fact Verification

Authors: Yuta Mukobara, Yutaro Shigeto, Masashi Shimbo

Abstract: We explore loss functions for fact verification in the FEVER shared task. While the cross-entropy loss is a standard objective for training verdict predictors, it fails to capture the heterogeneity among the FEVER verdict classes. In this paper, we develop two task-specific objectives tailored to FEVER. Experimental results confirm that the proposed objective functions outperform the standard cross-entropy. Performance is further improved when these objectives are combined with simple class weighting, which effectively overcomes the imbalance in the training data. The souce code is available at


new Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) for the Diagnosis of pronunciation of Speech Sound Disorders in Korean children

Authors: Taekyung Ahn, Yeonjung Hong, Younggon Im, Do Hyung Kim, Dayoung Kang, Joo Won Jeong, Jae Won Kim, Min Jung Kim, Ah-ra Cho, Dae-Hyun Jang, Hosung Nam

Abstract: This study presents a model of automatic speech recognition (ASR) designed to diagnose pronunciation issues in children with speech sound disorders (SSDs) to replace manual transcriptions in clinical procedures. Since ASR models trained for general purposes primarily predict input speech into real words, employing a well-known high-performance ASR model for evaluating pronunciation in children with SSDs is impractical. We fine-tuned the wav2vec 2.0 XLS-R model to recognize speech as pronounced rather than as existing words. The model was fine-tuned with a speech dataset from 137 children with inadequate speech production pronouncing 73 Korean words selected for actual clinical diagnosis. The model's predictions of the pronunciations of the words matched the human annotations with about 90% accuracy. While the model still requires improvement in recognizing unclear pronunciation, this study demonstrates that ASR models can streamline complex pronunciation error diagnostic procedures in clinical fields.

new Embedded Translations for Low-resource Automated Glossing

Authors: Changbing Yang, Garrett Nicolai, Miikka Silfverberg

Abstract: We investigate automatic interlinear glossing in low-resource settings. We augment a hard-attentional neural model with embedded translation information extracted from interlinear glossed text. After encoding these translations using large language models, specifically BERT and T5, we introduce a character-level decoder for generating glossed output. Aided by these enhancements, our model demonstrates an average improvement of 3.97\%-points over the previous state of the art on datasets from the SIGMORPHON 2023 Shared Task on Interlinear Glossing. In a simulated ultra low-resource setting, trained on as few as 100 sentences, our system achieves an average 9.78\%-point improvement over the plain hard-attentional baseline. These results highlight the critical role of translation information in boosting the system's performance, especially in processing and interpreting modest data sources. Our findings suggest a promising avenue for the documentation and preservation of languages, with our experiments on shared task datasets indicating significant advancements over the existing state of the art.

new MoleculeQA: A Dataset to Evaluate Factual Accuracy in Molecular Comprehension

Authors: Xingyu Lu, He Cao, Zijing Liu, Shengyuan Bai, Leqing Chen, Yuan Yao, Hai-Tao Zheng, Yu Li

Abstract: Large language models are playing an increasingly significant role in molecular research, yet existing models often generate erroneous information, posing challenges to accurate molecular comprehension. Traditional evaluation metrics for generated content fail to assess a model's accuracy in molecular understanding. To rectify the absence of factual evaluation, we present MoleculeQA, a novel question answering (QA) dataset which possesses 62K QA pairs over 23K molecules. Each QA pair, composed of a manual question, a positive option and three negative options, has consistent semantics with a molecular description from authoritative molecular corpus. MoleculeQA is not only the first benchmark for molecular factual bias evaluation but also the largest QA dataset for molecular research. A comprehensive evaluation on MoleculeQA for existing molecular LLMs exposes their deficiencies in specific areas and pinpoints several particularly crucial factors for molecular understanding.

new SpeechColab Leaderboard: An Open-Source Platform for Automatic Speech Recognition Evaluation

Authors: Jiayu Du, Jinpeng Li, Guoguo Chen, Wei-Qiang Zhang

Abstract: In the wake of the surging tide of deep learning over the past decade, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) has garnered substantial attention, leading to the emergence of numerous publicly accessible ASR systems that are actively being integrated into our daily lives. Nonetheless, the impartial and replicable evaluation of these ASR systems encounters challenges due to various crucial subtleties. In this paper we introduce the SpeechColab Leaderboard, a general-purpose, open-source platform designed for ASR evaluation. With this platform: (i) We report a comprehensive benchmark, unveiling the current state-of-the-art panorama for ASR systems, covering both open-source models and industrial commercial services. (ii) We quantize how distinct nuances in the scoring pipeline influence the final benchmark outcomes. These include nuances related to capitalization, punctuation, interjection, contraction, synonym usage, compound words, etc. These issues have gained prominence in the context of the transition towards an End-to-End future. (iii) We propose a practical modification to the conventional Token-Error-Rate (TER) evaluation metric, with inspirations from Kolmogorov complexity and Normalized Information Distance (NID). This adaptation, called modified-TER (mTER), achieves proper normalization and symmetrical treatment of reference and hypothesis. By leveraging this platform as a large-scale testing ground, this study demonstrates the robustness and backward compatibility of mTER when compared to TER. The SpeechColab Leaderboard is accessible at


new Validating and Exploring Large Geographic Corpora

Authors: Jonathan Dunn

Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of corpus creation decisions on large multi-lingual geographic web corpora. Beginning with a 427 billion word corpus derived from the Common Crawl, three methods are used to improve the quality of sub-corpora representing specific language-country pairs like New Zealand English: (i) the agreement of independent language identification systems, (ii) hash-based deduplication, and (iii) location-specific outlier detection. The impact of each of these steps is then evaluated at the language level and the country level by using corpus similarity measures to compare each resulting corpus with baseline data sets. The goal is to understand the impact of upstream data cleaning decisions on downstream corpora with a specific focus on under-represented languages and populations. The evaluation shows that the validity of sub-corpora is improved with each stage of cleaning but that this improvement is unevenly distributed across languages and populations. This result shows how standard corpus creation techniques can accidentally exclude under-represented populations.

new Large Language Models are Contrastive Reasoners

Authors: Liang Yao

Abstract: Prompting methods play a crucial role in enhancing the capabilities of pre-trained large language models (LLMs). We explore how contrastive prompting (CP) significantly improves the ability of large language models to perform complex reasoning. We demonstrate that LLMs are decent contrastive reasoners by simply adding "Let's give a correct and a wrong answer." before LLMs provide answers. Experiments on two large language models show that zero-shot contrastive prompting improves performance on a range of arithmetic, commonsense, and symbolic reasoning tasks without any hand-crafted few-shot examples, such as increasing the accuracy on GSM8K from 35.9% to 88.8% and AQUA-RAT from 41.3% to 62.2% with the state-of-the-art GPT-4 model. Our method not only surpasses zero-shot CoT and few-shot CoT in most arithmetic and commonsense reasoning tasks but also can seamlessly integrate with existing prompting methods, resulting in improved or comparable results when compared to state-of-the-art methods. Our code is available at


new Can Large Language Models Identify Authorship?

Authors: Baixiang Huang, Canyu Chen, Kai Shu

Abstract: The ability to accurately identify authorship is crucial for verifying content authenticity and mitigating misinformation. Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional capacity for reasoning and problem-solving. However, their potential in authorship analysis, encompassing authorship verification and attribution, remains underexplored. This paper conducts a comprehensive evaluation of LLMs in these critical tasks. Traditional studies have depended on hand-crafted stylistic features, whereas state-of-the-art approaches leverage text embeddings from pre-trained language models. These methods, which typically require fine-tuning on labeled data, often suffer from performance degradation in cross-domain applications and provide limited explainability. This work seeks to address three research questions: (1) Can LLMs perform zero-shot, end-to-end authorship verification effectively? (2) Are LLMs capable of accurately attributing authorship among multiple candidates authors (e.g., 10 and 20)? (3) How can LLMs provide explainability in authorship analysis, particularly through the role of linguistic features? Moreover, we investigate the integration of explicit linguistic features to guide LLMs in their reasoning processes. Our extensive assessment demonstrates LLMs' proficiency in both tasks without the need for domain-specific fine-tuning, providing insights into their decision-making via a detailed analysis of linguistic features. This establishes a new benchmark for future research on LLM-based authorship analysis. The code and data are available at


new Research on the Application of Deep Learning-based BERT Model in Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Yichao Wu, Zhengyu Jin, Chenxi Shi, Penghao Liang, Tong Zhan

Abstract: This paper explores the application of deep learning techniques, particularly focusing on BERT models, in sentiment analysis. It begins by introducing the fundamental concept of sentiment analysis and how deep learning methods are utilized in this domain. Subsequently, it delves into the architecture and characteristics of BERT models. Through detailed explanation, it elucidates the application effects and optimization strategies of BERT models in sentiment analysis, supported by experimental validation. The experimental findings indicate that BERT models exhibit robust performance in sentiment analysis tasks, with notable enhancements post fine-tuning. Lastly, the paper concludes by summarizing the potential applications of BERT models in sentiment analysis and suggests directions for future research and practical implementations.

new Boosting Disfluency Detection with Large Language Model as Disfluency Generator

Authors: Zhenrong Cheng, Jiayan Guo, Hao Sun, Yan Zhang

Abstract: Current disfluency detection methods heavily rely on costly and scarce human-annotated data. To tackle this issue, some approaches employ heuristic or statistical features to generate disfluent sentences, partially improving detection performance. However, these sentences often deviate from real-life scenarios, constraining overall model enhancement. In this study, we propose a lightweight data augmentation approach for disfluency detection, utilizing the superior generative and semantic understanding capabilities of large language model (LLM) to generate disfluent sentences as augmentation data. We leverage LLM to generate diverse and more realistic sentences guided by specific prompts, without the need for fine-tuning the LLM. Subsequently, we apply an uncertainty-aware data filtering approach to improve the quality of the generated sentences, utilized in training a small detection model for improved performance. Experiments using enhanced data yielded state-of-the-art results. The results showed that using a small amount of LLM-generated enhanced data can significantly improve performance, thereby further enhancing cost-effectiveness.

new Skipformer: A Skip-and-Recover Strategy for Efficient Speech Recognition

Authors: Wenjing Zhu, Sining Sun, Changhao Shan, Peng Fan, Qing Yang

Abstract: Conformer-based attention models have become the de facto backbone model for Automatic Speech Recognition tasks. A blank symbol is usually introduced to align the input and output sequences for CTC or RNN-T models. Unfortunately, the long input length overloads computational budget and memory consumption quadratically by attention mechanism. In this work, we propose a "Skip-and-Recover" Conformer architecture, named Skipformer, to squeeze sequence input length dynamically and inhomogeneously. Skipformer uses an intermediate CTC output as criteria to split frames into three groups: crucial, skipping and ignoring. The crucial group feeds into next conformer blocks and its output joint with skipping group by original temporal order as the final encoder output. Experiments show that our model reduces the input sequence length by 31 times on Aishell-1 and 22 times on Librispeech corpus. Meanwhile, the model can achieve better recognition accuracy and faster inference speed than recent baseline models. Our code is open-sourced and available online.

new RECIPE4U: Student-ChatGPT Interaction Dataset in EFL Writing Education

Authors: Jieun Han, Haneul Yoo, Junho Myung, Minsun Kim, Tak Yeon Lee, So-Yeon Ahn, Alice Oh

Abstract: The integration of generative AI in education is expanding, yet empirical analyses of large-scale and real-world interactions between students and AI systems still remain limited. Addressing this gap, we present RECIPE4U (RECIPE for University), a dataset sourced from a semester-long experiment with 212 college students in English as Foreign Language (EFL) writing courses. During the study, students engaged in dialogues with ChatGPT to revise their essays. RECIPE4U includes comprehensive records of these interactions, including conversation logs, students' intent, students' self-rated satisfaction, and students' essay edit histories. In particular, we annotate the students' utterances in RECIPE4U with 13 intention labels based on our coding schemes. We establish baseline results for two subtasks in task-oriented dialogue systems within educational contexts: intent detection and satisfaction estimation. As a foundational step, we explore student-ChatGPT interaction patterns through RECIPE4U and analyze them by focusing on students' dialogue, essay data statistics, and students' essay edits. We further illustrate potential applications of RECIPE4U dataset for enhancing the incorporation of LLMs in educational frameworks. RECIPE4U is publicly available at


new Mastering Text, Code and Math Simultaneously via Fusing Highly Specialized Language Models

Authors: Ning Ding, Yulin Chen, Ganqu Cui, Xingtai Lv, Ruobing Xie, Bowen Zhou, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Underlying data distributions of natural language, programming code, and mathematical symbols vary vastly, presenting a complex challenge for large language models (LLMs) that strive to achieve high performance across all three domains simultaneously. Achieving a very high level of proficiency for an LLM within a specific domain often requires extensive training with relevant corpora, which is typically accompanied by a sacrifice in performance in other domains. In this paper, we propose to fuse models that are already highly-specialized directly. The proposed fusing framework, UltraFuser, consists of three distinct specialists that are already sufficiently trained on language, coding, and mathematics. A token-level gating mechanism is introduced to blend the specialists' outputs. A two-stage training strategy accompanied by balanced sampling is designed to ensure stability. To effectively train the fused model, we further construct a high-quality supervised instruction tuning dataset, UltraChat 2, which includes text, code, and mathematical content. This dataset comprises approximately 300,000 instructions and covers a wide range of topics in each domain. Experiments show that our model could simultaneously achieve mastery of the three crucial domains.

new Generative Pretrained Structured Transformers: Unsupervised Syntactic Language Models at Scale

Authors: Xiang Hu, Pengyu Ji, Qingyang Zhu, Wei Wu, Kewei Tu

Abstract: A syntactic language model (SLM) incrementally generates a sentence with its syntactic tree in a left-to-right manner. We present Generative Pretrained Structured Transformers (GPST), an unsupervised SLM at scale capable of being pre-trained from scratch on raw texts with high parallelism. GPST circumvents the limitations of previous SLMs such as relying on gold trees and sequential training. It consists of two components, a usual SLM supervised by a uni-directional language modeling loss, and an additional composition model, which induces syntactic parse trees and computes constituent representations, supervised by a bi-directional language modeling loss. We propose a representation surrogate to enable joint parallel training of the two models in a hard-EM fashion. We pre-train GPST on OpenWebText, a corpus with $9$ billion tokens, and demonstrate the superiority of GPST over GPT-2 with a comparable size in numerous tasks covering both language understanding and language generation. Meanwhile, GPST also significantly outperforms existing unsupervised SLMs on left-to-right grammar induction, while holding a substantial acceleration on training.

new Gemma: Open Models Based on Gemini Research and Technology

Authors: Gemma Team, Thomas Mesnard, Cassidy Hardin, Robert Dadashi, Surya Bhupatiraju, Shreya Pathak, Laurent Sifre, Morgane Rivi\`ere, Mihir Sanjay Kale, Juliette Love, Pouya Tafti, L\'eonard Hussenot, Aakanksha Chowdhery, Adam Roberts, Aditya Barua, Alex Botev, Alex Castro-Ros, Ambrose Slone, Am\'elie H\'eliou, Andrea Tacchetti, Anna Bulanova, Antonia Paterson, Beth Tsai, Bobak Shahriari, Charline Le Lan, Christopher A. Choquette-Choo, Cl\'ement Crepy, Daniel Cer, Daphne Ippolito, David Reid, Elena Buchatskaya, Eric Ni, Eric Noland, Geng Yan, George Tucker, George-Christian Muraru, Grigory Rozhdestvenskiy, Henryk Michalewski, Ian Tenney, Ivan Grishchenko, Jacob Austin, James Keeling, Jane Labanowski, Jean-Baptiste Lespiau, Jeff Stanway, Jenny Brennan, Jeremy Chen, Johan Ferret, Justin Chiu, Justin Mao-Jones, Katherine Lee, Kathy Yu, Katie Millican, Lars Lowe Sjoesund, Lisa Lee, Lucas Dixon, Machel Reid, Maciej Miku{\l}a, Mateo Wirth, Michael Sharman, Nikolai Chinaev, Nithum Thain, Olivier Bachem, Oscar Chang, Oscar Wahltinez, Paige Bailey, Paul Michel, Petko Yotov, Pier Giuseppe Sessa, Rahma Chaabouni, Ramona Comanescu, Reena Jana, Rohan Anil, Ross McIlroy, Ruibo Liu, Ryan Mullins, Samuel L Smith, Sebastian Borgeaud, Sertan Girgin, Sholto Douglas, Shree Pandya, Siamak Shakeri, Soham De, Ted Klimenko, Tom Hennigan, Vlad Feinberg, Wojciech Stokowiec, Yu-hui Chen, Zafarali Ahmed, Zhitao Gong, Tris Warkentin, Ludovic Peran, Minh Giang, Cl\'ement Farabet, Oriol Vinyals, Jeff Dean, Koray Kavukcuoglu, Demis Hassabis, Zoubin Ghahramani, Douglas Eck, Joelle Barral, Fernando Pereira, Eli Collins, Armand Joulin, Noah Fiedel, Evan Senter, Alek Andreev, Kathleen Kenealy

Abstract: This work introduces Gemma, a family of lightweight, state-of-the art open models built from the research and technology used to create Gemini models. Gemma models demonstrate strong performance across academic benchmarks for language understanding, reasoning, and safety. We release two sizes of models (2 billion and 7 billion parameters), and provide both pretrained and fine-tuned checkpoints. Gemma outperforms similarly sized open models on 11 out of 18 text-based tasks, and we present comprehensive evaluations of safety and responsibility aspects of the models, alongside a detailed description of model development. We believe the responsible release of LLMs is critical for improving the safety of frontier models, and for enabling the next wave of LLM innovations.

new Towards Personalized Evaluation of Large Language Models with An Anonymous Crowd-Sourcing Platform

Authors: Mingyue Cheng, Hao Zhang, Jiqian Yang, Qi Liu, Li Li, Xin Huang, Liwei Song, Zhi Li, Zhenya Huang, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Large language model evaluation plays a pivotal role in the enhancement of its capacity. Previously, numerous methods for evaluating large language models have been proposed in this area. Despite their effectiveness, these existing works mainly focus on assessing objective questions, overlooking the capability to evaluate subjective questions which is extremely common for large language models. Additionally, these methods predominantly utilize centralized datasets for evaluation, with question banks concentrated within the evaluation platforms themselves. Moreover, the evaluation processes employed by these platforms often overlook personalized factors, neglecting to consider the individual characteristics of both the evaluators and the models being evaluated. To address these limitations, we propose a novel anonymous crowd-sourcing evaluation platform, BingJian, for large language models that employs a competitive scoring mechanism where users participate in ranking models based on their performance. This platform stands out not only for its support of centralized evaluations to assess the general capabilities of models but also for offering an open evaluation gateway. Through this gateway, users have the opportunity to submit their questions, testing the models on a personalized and potentially broader range of capabilities. Furthermore, our platform introduces personalized evaluation scenarios, leveraging various forms of human-computer interaction to assess large language models in a manner that accounts for individual user preferences and contexts. The demonstration of BingJian can be accessed at


new StreamingDialogue: Prolonged Dialogue Learning via Long Context Compression with Minimal Losses

Authors: Jia-Nan Li, Quan Tu, Cunli Mao, Zhengtao Yu, Ji-Rong Wen, Rui Yan

Abstract: Standard Large Language Models (LLMs) struggle with handling dialogues with long contexts due to efficiency and consistency issues. According to our observation, dialogue contexts are highly structured, and the special token of \textit{End-of-Utterance} (EoU) in dialogues has the potential to aggregate information. We refer to the EoU tokens as ``conversational attention sinks'' (conv-attn sinks). Accordingly, we introduce StreamingDialogue, which compresses long dialogue history into conv-attn sinks with minimal losses, and thus reduces computational complexity quadratically with the number of sinks (i.e., the number of utterances). Current LLMs already demonstrate the ability to handle long context window, e.g., a window size of 200k or more. To this end, by compressing utterances into EoUs, our method has the potential to handle more than 200k of utterances, resulting in a prolonged dialogue learning. In order to minimize information losses from reconstruction after compression, we design two learning strategies of short-memory reconstruction (SMR) and long-memory reactivation (LMR). Our method outperforms strong baselines in dialogue tasks and achieves a 4 $\times$ speedup while reducing memory usage by 18 $\times$ compared to dense attention recomputation.

new Is Context Helpful for Chat Translation Evaluation?

Authors: Sweta Agrawal, Amin Farajian, Patrick Fernandes, Ricardo Rei, Andr\'e F. T. Martins

Abstract: Despite the recent success of automatic metrics for assessing translation quality, their application in evaluating the quality of machine-translated chats has been limited. Unlike more structured texts like news, chat conversations are often unstructured, short, and heavily reliant on contextual information. This poses questions about the reliability of existing sentence-level metrics in this domain as well as the role of context in assessing the translation quality. Motivated by this, we conduct a meta-evaluation of existing sentence-level automatic metrics, primarily designed for structured domains such as news, to assess the quality of machine-translated chats. We find that reference-free metrics lag behind reference-based ones, especially when evaluating translation quality in out-of-English settings. We then investigate how incorporating conversational contextual information in these metrics affects their performance. Our findings show that augmenting neural learned metrics with contextual information helps improve correlation with human judgments in the reference-free scenario and when evaluating translations in out-of-English settings. Finally, we propose a new evaluation metric, Context-MQM, that utilizes bilingual context with a large language model (LLM) and further validate that adding context helps even for LLM-based evaluation metrics.

new Knowledge Conflicts for LLMs: A Survey

Authors: Rongwu Xu, Zehan Qi, Cunxiang Wang, Hongru Wang, Yue Zhang, Wei Xu

Abstract: This survey provides an in-depth analysis of knowledge conflicts for large language models (LLMs), highlighting the complex challenges they encounter when blending contextual and parametric knowledge. Our focus is on three categories of knowledge conflicts: context-memory, inter-context, and intra-memory conflict. These conflicts can significantly impact the trustworthiness and performance of LLMs, especially in real-world applications where noise and misinformation are common. By categorizing these conflicts, exploring the causes, examining the behaviors of LLMs under such conflicts, and reviewing available solutions, this survey aims to shed light on strategies for improving the robustness of LLMs, thereby serving as a valuable resource for advancing research in this evolving area.

new Autoregressive Score Generation for Multi-trait Essay Scoring

Authors: Heejin Do, Yunsu Kim, Gary Geunbae Lee

Abstract: Recently, encoder-only pre-trained models such as BERT have been successfully applied in automated essay scoring (AES) to predict a single overall score. However, studies have yet to explore these models in multi-trait AES, possibly due to the inefficiency of replicating BERT-based models for each trait. Breaking away from the existing sole use of encoder, we propose an autoregressive prediction of multi-trait scores (ArTS), incorporating a decoding process by leveraging the pre-trained T5. Unlike prior regression or classification methods, we redefine AES as a score-generation task, allowing a single model to predict multiple scores. During decoding, the subsequent trait prediction can benefit by conditioning on the preceding trait scores. Experimental results proved the efficacy of ArTS, showing over 5% average improvements in both prompts and traits.

new From human experts to machines: An LLM supported approach to ontology and knowledge graph construction

Authors: Vamsi Krishna Kommineni, Birgitta K\"onig-Ries, Sheeba Samuel

Abstract: The conventional process of building Ontologies and Knowledge Graphs (KGs) heavily relies on human domain experts to define entities and relationship types, establish hierarchies, maintain relevance to the domain, fill the ABox (or populate with instances), and ensure data quality (including amongst others accuracy and completeness). On the other hand, Large Language Models (LLMs) have recently gained popularity for their ability to understand and generate human-like natural language, offering promising ways to automate aspects of this process. This work explores the (semi-)automatic construction of KGs facilitated by open-source LLMs. Our pipeline involves formulating competency questions (CQs), developing an ontology (TBox) based on these CQs, constructing KGs using the developed ontology, and evaluating the resultant KG with minimal to no involvement of human experts. We showcase the feasibility of our semi-automated pipeline by creating a KG on deep learning methodologies by exploiting scholarly publications. To evaluate the answers generated via Retrieval-Augmented-Generation (RAG) as well as the KG concepts automatically extracted using LLMs, we design a judge LLM, which rates the generated content based on ground truth. Our findings suggest that employing LLMs could potentially reduce the human effort involved in the construction of KGs, although a human-in-the-loop approach is recommended to evaluate automatically generated KGs.

new SMART: Submodular Data Mixture Strategy for Instruction Tuning

Authors: H S V N S Kowndinya Renduchintala, Sumit Bhatia, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

Abstract: Instruction Tuning involves finetuning a language model on a collection of instruction-formatted datasets in order to enhance the generalizability of the model to unseen tasks. Studies have shown the importance of balancing different task proportions during finetuning, but finding the right balance remains challenging. Unfortunately, there's currently no systematic method beyond manual tuning or relying on practitioners' intuition. In this paper, we introduce SMART (Submodular data Mixture strAtegy for instRuction Tuning) - a novel data mixture strategy which makes use of a submodular function to assign importance scores to tasks which are then used to determine the mixture weights. Given a fine-tuning budget, SMART redistributes the budget among tasks and selects non-redundant samples from each task. Experimental results demonstrate that SMART significantly outperforms traditional methods such as examples proportional mixing and equal mixing. Furthermore, SMART facilitates the creation of data mixtures based on a few representative subsets of tasks alone and through task pruning analysis, we reveal that in a limited budget setting, allocating budget among a subset of representative tasks yields superior performance compared to distributing the budget among all tasks. The code for reproducing our results is open-sourced at


new Learning to Describe for Predicting Zero-shot Drug-Drug Interactions

Authors: Fangqi Zhu, Yongqi Zhang, Lei Chen, Bing Qin, Ruifeng Xu

Abstract: Adverse drug-drug interactions~(DDIs) can compromise the effectiveness of concurrent drug administration, posing a significant challenge in healthcare. As the development of new drugs continues, the potential for unknown adverse effects resulting from DDIs becomes a growing concern. Traditional computational methods for DDI prediction may fail to capture interactions for new drugs due to the lack of knowledge. In this paper, we introduce a new problem setup as zero-shot DDI prediction that deals with the case of new drugs. Leveraging textual information from online databases like DrugBank and PubChem, we propose an innovative approach TextDDI with a language model-based DDI predictor and a reinforcement learning~(RL)-based information selector, enabling the selection of concise and pertinent text for accurate DDI prediction on new drugs. Empirical results show the benefits of the proposed approach on several settings including zero-shot and few-shot DDI prediction, and the selected texts are semantically relevant. Our code and data are available at \url{}.


new Misinformation is not about Bad Facts: An Analysis of the Production and Consumption of Fringe Content

Authors: JooYoung Lee, Emily Booth, Hany Farid, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu

Abstract: What if misinformation is not an information problem at all? Our findings suggest that online fringe ideologies spread through the use of content that is consensus-based and "factually correct". We found that Australian news publishers with both moderate and far-right political leanings contain comparable levels of information completeness and quality; and furthermore, that far-right Twitter users often share from moderate sources. However, a stark difference emerges when we consider two additional factors: 1) the narrow topic selection of articles by far-right users, suggesting that they cherrypick only news articles that engage with specific topics of their concern, and 2) the difference between moderate and far-right publishers when we examine the writing style of their articles. Furthermore, we can even identify users prone to sharing misinformation based on their communication style. These findings have important implications for countering online misinformation, as they highlight the powerful role that users' personal bias towards specific topics, and publishers' writing styles, have in amplifying fringe ideologies online.

new Authorship Verification based on the Likelihood Ratio of Grammar Models

Authors: Andrea Nini, Oren Halvani, Lukas Graner, Valerio Gherardi, Shunichi Ishihara

Abstract: Authorship Verification (AV) is the process of analyzing a set of documents to determine whether they were written by a specific author. This problem often arises in forensic scenarios, e.g., in cases where the documents in question constitute evidence for a crime. Existing state-of-the-art AV methods use computational solutions that are not supported by a plausible scientific explanation for their functioning and that are often difficult for analysts to interpret. To address this, we propose a method relying on calculating a quantity we call $\lambda_G$ (LambdaG): the ratio between the likelihood of a document given a model of the Grammar for the candidate author and the likelihood of the same document given a model of the Grammar for a reference population. These Grammar Models are estimated using $n$-gram language models that are trained solely on grammatical features. Despite not needing large amounts of data for training, LambdaG still outperforms other established AV methods with higher computational complexity, including a fine-tuned Siamese Transformer network. Our empirical evaluation based on four baseline methods applied to twelve datasets shows that LambdaG leads to better results in terms of both accuracy and AUC in eleven cases and in all twelve cases if considering only topic-agnostic methods. The algorithm is also highly robust to important variations in the genre of the reference population in many cross-genre comparisons. In addition to these properties, we demonstrate how LambdaG is easier to interpret than the current state-of-the-art. We argue that the advantage of LambdaG over other methods is due to fact that it is compatible with Cognitive Linguistic theories of language processing.

new Data-oriented Dynamic Fine-tuning Parameter Selection Strategy for FISH Mask based Efficient Fine-tuning

Authors: Ming Dong, Kang Xue, Bolong Zheng, Tingting He

Abstract: In view of the huge number of parameters of Large language models (LLMs) , tuning all parameters is very costly, and accordingly fine-tuning specific parameters is more sensible. Most of parameter efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) concentrate on parameter selection strategies, such as additive method, selective method and reparametrization-based method. However, there are few methods that consider the impact of data samples on parameter selecting, such as Fish Mask based method. Fish Mask randomly choose a part of data samples and treat them equally during parameter selection, which is unable to dynamically select optimal parameters for inconstant data distributions. In this work, we adopt a data-oriented perspective, then proposing an IRD ($\mathrm{\underline I}$terative sample-parameter $\mathrm{\underline R}$ange $\mathrm{\underline D}$ecreasing) algorithm to search the best setting of sample-parameter pair for FISH Mask. In each iteration, by searching the set of samples and parameters with larger Fish information, IRD can find better sample-parameter pair in most scale. We demonstrate the effectiveness and rationality of proposed strategy by conducting experiments on GLUE benchmark. Experimental results show our strategy optimizes the parameter selection and achieves preferable performance.

new Rich Semantic Knowledge Enhanced Large Language Models for Few-shot Chinese Spell Checking

Authors: Ming Dong, Yujing Chen, Miao Zhang, Hao Sun, Tingting He

Abstract: Chinese Spell Checking (CSC) is a widely used technology, which plays a vital role in speech to text (STT) and optical character recognition (OCR). Most of the existing CSC approaches relying on BERT architecture achieve excellent performance. However, limited by the scale of the foundation model, BERT-based method does not work well in few-shot scenarios, showing certain limitations in practical applications. In this paper, we explore using an in-context learning method named RS-LLM (Rich Semantic based LLMs) to introduce large language models (LLMs) as the foundation model. Besides, we study the impact of introducing various Chinese rich semantic information in our framework. We found that by introducing a small number of specific Chinese rich semantic structures, LLMs achieve better performance than the BERT-based model on few-shot CSC task. Furthermore, we conduct experiments on multiple datasets, and the experimental results verified the superiority of our proposed framework.

new Automatic Interactive Evaluation for Large Language Models with State Aware Patient Simulator

Authors: Yusheng Liao, Yutong Meng, Yuhao Wang, Hongcheng Liu, Yanfeng Wang, Yu Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in human interactions, yet their application within the medical field remains insufficiently explored. Previous works mainly focus on the performance of medical knowledge with examinations, which is far from the realistic scenarios, falling short in assessing the abilities of LLMs on clinical tasks. In the quest to enhance the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in healthcare, this paper introduces the Automated Interactive Evaluation (AIE) framework and the State-Aware Patient Simulator (SAPS), targeting the gap between traditional LLM evaluations and the nuanced demands of clinical practice. Unlike prior methods that rely on static medical knowledge assessments, AIE and SAPS provide a dynamic, realistic platform for assessing LLMs through multi-turn doctor-patient simulations. This approach offers a closer approximation to real clinical scenarios and allows for a detailed analysis of LLM behaviors in response to complex patient interactions. Our extensive experimental validation demonstrates the effectiveness of the AIE framework, with outcomes that align well with human evaluations, underscoring its potential to revolutionize medical LLM testing for improved healthcare delivery.

new Language models scale reliably with over-training and on downstream tasks

Authors: Samir Yitzhak Gadre, Georgios Smyrnis, Vaishaal Shankar, Suchin Gururangan, Mitchell Wortsman, Rulin Shao, Jean Mercat, Alex Fang, Jeffrey Li, Sedrick Keh, Rui Xin, Marianna Nezhurina, Igor Vasiljevic, Jenia Jitsev, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Gabriel Ilharco, Shuran Song, Thomas Kollar, Yair Carmon, Achal Dave, Reinhard Heckel, Niklas Muennighoff, Ludwig Schmidt

Abstract: Scaling laws are useful guides for developing language models, but there are still gaps between current scaling studies and how language models are ultimately trained and evaluated. For instance, scaling is usually studied in the compute-optimal training regime (i.e., "Chinchilla optimal" regime); however, in practice, models are often over-trained to reduce inference costs. Moreover, scaling laws mostly predict loss on next-token prediction, but ultimately models are compared based on downstream task performance. In this paper, we address both shortcomings. To do so, we create a testbed of 104 models with 0.011B to 6.9B parameters trained with various numbers of tokens on three data distributions. First, we investigate scaling in the over-trained regime. We fit scaling laws that extrapolate in both the number of model parameters and the ratio of training tokens to parameters. This enables us to predict the validation loss of a 1.4B parameter, 900B token run (i.e., 32$\times$ over-trained) and a 6.9B parameter, 138B token run$\unicode{x2014}$each from experiments that take 300$\times$ less compute. Second, we relate the perplexity of a language model to its downstream task performance via a power law. We use this law to predict top-1 error averaged over downstream tasks for the two aforementioned models using experiments that take 20$\times$ less compute. Our experiments are available at


new Non-discrimination Criteria for Generative Language Models

Authors: Sara Sterlie, Nina Weng, Aasa Feragen

Abstract: Within recent years, generative AI, such as large language models, has undergone rapid development. As these models become increasingly available to the public, concerns arise about perpetuating and amplifying harmful biases in applications. Gender stereotypes can be harmful and limiting for the individuals they target, whether they consist of misrepresentation or discrimination. Recognizing gender bias as a pervasive societal construct, this paper studies how to uncover and quantify the presence of gender biases in generative language models. In particular, we derive generative AI analogues of three well-known non-discrimination criteria from classification, namely independence, separation and sufficiency. To demonstrate these criteria in action, we design prompts for each of the criteria with a focus on occupational gender stereotype, specifically utilizing the medical test to introduce the ground truth in the generative AI context. Our results address the presence of occupational gender bias within such conversational language models.

new Call Me When Necessary: LLMs can Efficiently and Faithfully Reason over Structured Environments

Authors: Sitao Cheng, Ziyuan Zhuang, Yong Xu, Fangkai Yang, Chaoyun Zhang, Xiaoting Qin, Xiang Huang, Ling Chen, Qingwei Lin, Dongmei Zhang, Saravan Rajmohan, Qi Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown potential in reasoning over structured environments, e.g., knowledge graph and table. Such tasks typically require multi-hop reasoning, i.e., match natural language utterance with instances in the environment. Previous methods leverage LLMs to incrementally build a reasoning path, where the LLMs either invoke tools or pick up schemas by step-by-step interacting with the environment. We propose Reasoning-Path-Editing (Readi), a novel framework where LLMs can efficiently and faithfully reason over structured environments. In Readi, LLMs initially generate a reasoning path given a query, and edit the path only when necessary. We instantiate the path on structured environments and provide feedback to edit the path if anything goes wrong. Experimental results on three KGQA datasets and two TableQA datasets show the effectiveness of Readi, significantly surpassing all LLM-based methods (by 9.1% on WebQSP, 12.4% on MQA-3H and 10.9% on WTQ), comparable with state-of-the-art fine-tuned methods (67% on CWQ and 74.7% on WebQSP) and substantially boosting the vanilla LLMs (by 14.9% on CWQ). Our code will be available upon publication.

new DevBench: A Comprehensive Benchmark for Software Development

Authors: Bowen Li, Wenhan Wu, Ziwei Tang, Lin Shi, John Yang, Jinyang Li, Shunyu Yao, Chen Qian, Binyuan Hui, Qicheng Zhang, Zhiyin Yu, He Du, Ping Yang, Dahua Lin, Chao Peng, Kai Chen

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have significantly enhanced their coding capabilities. However, existing benchmarks predominantly focused on simplified or isolated aspects of programming, such as single-file code generation or repository issue debugging, falling short of measuring the full spectrum of challenges raised by real-world programming activities. To this end, we propose DevBench, a comprehensive benchmark that evaluates LLMs across various stages of the software development lifecycle, including software design, environment setup, implementation, acceptance testing, and unit testing. DevBench features a wide range of programming languages and domains, high-quality data collection, and carefully designed and verified metrics for each task. Empirical studies show that current LLMs, including GPT-4-Turbo, fail to solve the challenges presented within DevBench. Analyses reveal that models struggle with understanding the complex structures in the repository, managing the compilation process, and grasping advanced programming concepts. Our findings offer actionable insights for the future development of LLMs toward real-world programming applications. Our benchmark is available at


new MedInsight: A Multi-Source Context Augmentation Framework for Generating Patient-Centric Medical Responses using Large Language Models

Authors: Subash Neupane, Shaswata Mitra, Sudip Mittal, Noorbakhsh Amiri Golilarz, Shahram Rahimi, Amin Amirlatifi

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in generating human-like responses. However, their lack of domain-specific knowledge limits their applicability in healthcare settings, where contextual and comprehensive responses are vital. To address this challenge and enable the generation of patient-centric responses that are contextually relevant and comprehensive, we propose MedInsight:a novel retrieval augmented framework that augments LLM inputs (prompts) with relevant background information from multiple sources. MedInsight extracts pertinent details from the patient's medical record or consultation transcript. It then integrates information from authoritative medical textbooks and curated web resources based on the patient's health history and condition. By constructing an augmented context combining the patient's record with relevant medical knowledge, MedInsight generates enriched, patient-specific responses tailored for healthcare applications such as diagnosis, treatment recommendations, or patient education. Experiments on the MTSamples dataset validate MedInsight's effectiveness in generating contextually appropriate medical responses. Quantitative evaluation using the Ragas metric and TruLens for answer similarity and answer correctness demonstrates the model's efficacy. Furthermore, human evaluation studies involving Subject Matter Expert (SMEs) confirm MedInsight's utility, with moderate inter-rater agreement on the relevance and correctness of the generated responses.

new Zero-shot and Few-shot Generation Strategies for Artificial Clinical Records

Authors: Erlend Frayling, Jake Lever, Graham McDonald

Abstract: The challenge of accessing historical patient data for clinical research, while adhering to privacy regulations, is a significant obstacle in medical science. An innovative approach to circumvent this issue involves utilising synthetic medical records that mirror real patient data without compromising individual privacy. The creation of these synthetic datasets, particularly without using actual patient data to train Large Language Models (LLMs), presents a novel solution as gaining access to sensitive patient information to train models is also a challenge. This study assesses the capability of the Llama 2 LLM to create synthetic medical records that accurately reflect real patient information, employing zero-shot and few-shot prompting strategies for comparison against fine-tuned methodologies that do require sensitive patient data during training. We focus on generating synthetic narratives for the History of Present Illness section, utilising data from the MIMIC-IV dataset for comparison. In this work introduce a novel prompting technique that leverages a chain-of-thought approach, enhancing the model's ability to generate more accurate and contextually relevant medical narratives without prior fine-tuning. Our findings suggest that this chain-of-thought prompted approach allows the zero-shot model to achieve results on par with those of fine-tuned models, based on Rouge metrics evaluation.

new Token Alignment via Character Matching for Subword Completion

Authors: Ben Athiwaratkun, Shiqi Wang, Mingyue Shang, Yuchen Tian, Zijian Wang, Sujan Kumar Gonugondla, Sanjay Krishna Gouda, Rob Kwiatowski, Ramesh Nallapati, Bing Xiang

Abstract: Generative models, widely utilized in various applications, can often struggle with prompts corresponding to partial tokens. This struggle stems from tokenization, where partial tokens fall out of distribution during inference, leading to incorrect or nonsensical outputs. This paper examines a technique to alleviate the tokenization artifact on text completion in generative models, maintaining performance even in regular non-subword cases. The method, termed token alignment, involves backtracking to the last complete tokens and ensuring the model's generation aligns with the prompt. This approach showcases marked improvement across many partial token scenarios, including nuanced cases like space-prefix and partial indentation, with only a minor time increase. The technique and analysis detailed in this paper contribute to the continuous advancement of generative models in handling partial inputs, bearing relevance for applications like code completion and text autocompletion.

new Do Language Models Care About Text Quality? Evaluating Web-Crawled Corpora Across 11 Languages

Authors: Rik van Noord, Taja Kuzman, Peter Rupnik, Nikola Ljube\v{s}i\'c, Miquel Espl\`a-Gomis, Gema Ram\'irez-S\'anchez, Antonio Toral

Abstract: Large, curated, web-crawled corpora play a vital role in training language models (LMs). They form the lion's share of the training data in virtually all recent LMs, such as the well-known GPT, LLaMA and XLM-RoBERTa models. However, despite this importance, relatively little attention has been given to the quality of these corpora. In this paper, we compare four of the currently most relevant large, web-crawled corpora (CC100, MaCoCu, mC4 and OSCAR) across eleven lower-resourced European languages. Our approach is two-fold: first, we perform an intrinsic evaluation by performing a human evaluation of the quality of samples taken from different corpora; then, we assess the practical impact of the qualitative differences by training specific LMs on each of the corpora and evaluating their performance on downstream tasks. We find that there are clear differences in quality of the corpora, with MaCoCu and OSCAR obtaining the best results. However, during the extrinsic evaluation, we actually find that the CC100 corpus achieves the highest scores. We conclude that, in our experiments, the quality of the web-crawled corpora does not seem to play a significant role when training LMs.

new TeaMs-RL: Teaching LLMs to Teach Themselves Better Instructions via Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Shangding Gu, Alois Knoll, Ming Jin

Abstract: The development of Large Language Models (LLMs) often confronts challenges stemming from the heavy reliance on human annotators in the reinforcement learning with human feedback (RLHF) framework, or the frequent and costly external queries tied to the self-instruct paradigm. In this work, we pivot to Reinforcement Learning (RL) -- but with a twist. Diverging from the typical RLHF, which refines LLMs following instruction data training, we use RL to directly generate the foundational instruction dataset that alone suffices for fine-tuning. Our method, TeaMs-RL, uses a suite of textual operations and rules, prioritizing the diversification of training datasets. It facilitates the generation of high-quality data without excessive reliance on external advanced models, paving the way for a single fine-tuning step and negating the need for subsequent RLHF stages. Our findings highlight key advantages of our approach: reduced need for human involvement and fewer model queries (only $5.73\%$ of WizardLM's total), along with enhanced capabilities of LLMs in crafting and comprehending complex instructions compared to strong baselines, and substantially improved model privacy protection.

new SOTOPIA-$\pi$: Interactive Learning of Socially Intelligent Language Agents

Authors: Ruiyi Wang, Haofei Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Zhengyang Qi, Maarten Sap, Graham Neubig, Yonatan Bisk, Hao Zhu

Abstract: Humans learn social skills through both imitation and social interaction. This social learning process is largely understudied by existing research on building language agents. Motivated by this gap, we propose an interactive learning method, SOTOPIA-$\pi$, improving the social intelligence of language agents. This method leverages behavior cloning and self-reinforcement training on filtered social interaction data according to large language model (LLM) ratings. We show that our training method allows a 7B LLM to reach the social goal completion ability of an expert model (GPT-4-based agent), while improving the safety of language agents and maintaining general QA ability on the MMLU benchmark. We also find that this training paradigm uncovers some difficulties in LLM-based evaluation of social intelligence: LLM-based evaluators overestimate the abilities of the language agents trained specifically for social interaction.

new Strengthening Multimodal Large Language Model with Bootstrapped Preference Optimization

Authors: Renjie Pi, Tianyang Han, Wei Xiong, Jipeng Zhang, Runtao Liu, Rui Pan, Tong Zhang

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) excel in generating responses based on visual inputs. However, they often suffer from a bias towards generating responses similar to their pretraining corpus, overshadowing the importance of visual information. We treat this bias as a "preference" for pretraining statistics, which hinders the model's grounding in visual input. To mitigate this issue, we propose Bootstrapped Preference Optimization (BPO), which conducts preference learning with datasets containing negative responses bootstrapped from the model itself. Specifically, we propose the following two strategies: 1) using distorted image inputs to the MLLM for eliciting responses that contain signified pretraining bias; 2) leveraging text-based LLM to explicitly inject erroneous but common elements into the original response. Those undesirable responses are paired with original annotated responses from the datasets to construct the preference dataset, which is subsequently utilized to perform preference learning. Our approach effectively suppresses pretrained LLM bias, enabling enhanced grounding in visual inputs. Extensive experimentation demonstrates significant performance improvements across multiple benchmarks, advancing the state-of-the-art in multimodal conversational systems.

new Improving Acoustic Word Embeddings through Correspondence Training of Self-supervised Speech Representations

Authors: Amit Meghanani, Thomas Hain

Abstract: Acoustic word embeddings (AWEs) are vector representations of spoken words. An effective method for obtaining AWEs is the Correspondence Auto-Encoder (CAE). In the past, the CAE method has been associated with traditional MFCC features. Representations obtained from self-supervised learning (SSL)-based speech models such as HuBERT, Wav2vec2, etc., are outperforming MFCC in many downstream tasks. However, they have not been well studied in the context of learning AWEs. This work explores the effectiveness of CAE with SSL-based speech representations to obtain improved AWEs. Additionally, the capabilities of SSL-based speech models are explored in cross-lingual scenarios for obtaining AWEs. Experiments are conducted on five languages: Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and English. HuBERT-based CAE model achieves the best results for word discrimination in all languages, despite Hu-BERT being pre-trained on English only. Also, the HuBERT-based CAE model works well in cross-lingual settings. It outperforms MFCC-based CAE models trained on the target languages when trained on one source language and tested on target languages.

new The Garden of Forking Paths: Observing Dynamic Parameters Distribution in Large Language Models

Authors: Carlo Nicolini, Jacopo Staiano, Bruno Lepri, Raffaele Marino

Abstract: A substantial gap persists in understanding the reasons behind the exceptional performance of the Transformer architecture in NLP. A particularly unexplored area involves the mechanistic description of how the distribution of parameters evolves over time during training. In this work we suggest that looking at the time evolution of the statistic distribution of model parameters, and specifically at bifurcation effects, can help understanding the model quality, potentially reducing training costs and evaluation efforts and empirically showing the reasons behind the effectiveness of weights sparsification.

new Steering LLMs Towards Unbiased Responses: A Causality-Guided Debiasing Framework

Authors: Jingling Li, Zeyu Tang, Xiaoyu Liu, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang, Liu Leqi, Yang Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can easily generate biased and discriminative responses. As LLMs tap into consequential decision-making (e.g., hiring and healthcare), it is of crucial importance to develop strategies to mitigate these biases. This paper focuses on social bias, tackling the association between demographic information and LLM outputs. We propose a causality-guided debiasing framework that utilizes causal understandings of (1) the data-generating process of the training corpus fed to LLMs, and (2) the internal reasoning process of LLM inference, to guide the design of prompts for debiasing LLM outputs through selection mechanisms. Our framework unifies existing de-biasing prompting approaches such as inhibitive instructions and in-context contrastive examples, and sheds light on new ways of debiasing by encouraging bias-free reasoning. Our strong empirical performance on real-world datasets demonstrates that our framework provides principled guidelines on debiasing LLM outputs even with only the black-box access.

cross Empowering Private Tutoring by Chaining Large Language Models

Authors: Yulin Chen, Ning Ding, Hai-Tao Zheng, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: Artificial intelligence has been applied in various aspects of online education to facilitate teaching and learning. However, few approaches has been made toward a complete AI-powered tutoring system. In this work, we explore the development of a full-fledged intelligent tutoring system powered by state-of-the-art large language models (LLMs), covering automatic course planning and adjusting, tailored instruction, and flexible quiz evaluation. To make the system robust to prolonged interaction and cater to individualized education, the system is decomposed into three inter-connected core processes-interaction, reflection, and reaction. Each process is implemented by chaining LLM-powered tools along with dynamically updated memory modules. Tools are LLMs prompted to execute one specific task at a time, while memories are data storage that gets updated during education process. Statistical results from learning logs demonstrate the effectiveness and mechanism of each tool usage. Subjective feedback from human users reveal the usability of each function, and comparison with ablation systems further testify the benefits of the designed processes in long-term interaction.

cross From English to ASIC: Hardware Implementation with Large Language Model

Authors: Emil Goh, Maoyang Xiang, I-Chyn Wey, T. Hui Teo

Abstract: In the realm of ASIC engineering, the landscape has been significantly reshaped by the rapid development of LLM, paralleled by an increase in the complexity of modern digital circuits. This complexity has escalated the requirements for HDL coding, necessitating a higher degree of precision and sophistication. However, challenges have been faced due to the less-than-optimal performance of modern language models in generating hardware description code, a situation further exacerbated by the scarcity of the corresponding high-quality code datasets. These challenges have highlighted the gap between the potential of LLMs to revolutionize digital circuit design and their current capabilities in accurately interpreting and implementing hardware specifications. To address these challenges, a strategy focusing on the fine-tuning of the leading-edge nature language model and the reshuffling of the HDL code dataset has been developed. The fine-tuning aims to enhance models' proficiency in generating precise and efficient ASIC design, while the dataset reshuffling is intended to broaden the scope and improve the quality of training material. The model demonstrated significant improvements compared to the base model, with approximately 10% to 20% increase in accuracy across a wide range of temperature for the pass@1 metric. This approach is expected to facilitate a simplified and more efficient LLM-assisted framework for complex circuit design, leveraging their capabilities to meet the sophisticated demands of HDL coding and thus streamlining the ASIC development process.

cross Multi-Task Media-Bias Analysis Generalization for Pre-Trained Identification of Expressions

Authors: Tom\'a\v{s} Horych, Martin Wessel, Jan Philip Wahle, Terry Ruas, Jerome Wa{\ss}muth, Andr\'e Greiner-Petter, Akiko Aizawa, Bela Gipp, Timo Spinde

Abstract: Media bias detection poses a complex, multifaceted problem traditionally tackled using single-task models and small in-domain datasets, consequently lacking generalizability. To address this, we introduce MAGPIE, the first large-scale multi-task pre-training approach explicitly tailored for media bias detection. To enable pre-training at scale, we present Large Bias Mixture (LBM), a compilation of 59 bias-related tasks. MAGPIE outperforms previous approaches in media bias detection on the Bias Annotation By Experts (BABE) dataset, with a relative improvement of 3.3% F1-score. MAGPIE also performs better than previous models on 5 out of 8 tasks in the Media Bias Identification Benchmark (MBIB). Using a RoBERTa encoder, MAGPIE needs only 15% of finetuning steps compared to single-task approaches. Our evaluation shows, for instance, that tasks like sentiment and emotionality boost all learning, all tasks enhance fake news detection, and scaling tasks leads to the best results. MAGPIE confirms that MTL is a promising approach for addressing media bias detection, enhancing the accuracy and efficiency of existing models. Furthermore, LBM is the first available resource collection focused on media bias MTL.

cross ProtLLM: An Interleaved Protein-Language LLM with Protein-as-Word Pre-Training

Authors: Le Zhuo, Zewen Chi, Minghao Xu, Heyan Huang, Heqi Zheng, Conghui He, Xian-Ling Mao, Wentao Zhang

Abstract: We propose ProtLLM, a versatile cross-modal large language model (LLM) for both protein-centric and protein-language tasks. ProtLLM features a unique dynamic protein mounting mechanism, enabling it to handle complex inputs where the natural language text is interspersed with an arbitrary number of proteins. Besides, we propose the protein-as-word language modeling approach to train ProtLLM. By developing a specialized protein vocabulary, we equip the model with the capability to predict not just natural language but also proteins from a vast pool of candidates. Additionally, we construct a large-scale interleaved protein-text dataset, named InterPT, for pre-training. This dataset comprehensively encompasses both (1) structured data sources like protein annotations and (2) unstructured data sources like biological research papers, thereby endowing ProtLLM with crucial knowledge for understanding proteins. We evaluate ProtLLM on classic supervised protein-centric tasks and explore its novel protein-language applications. Experimental results demonstrate that ProtLLM not only achieves superior performance against protein-specialized baselines on protein-centric tasks but also induces zero-shot and in-context learning capabilities on protein-language tasks.

cross Merino: Entropy-driven Design for Generative Language Models on IoT Devices

Authors: Youpeng Zhao, Ming Lin, Huadong Tang, Qiang Wu, Jun Wang

Abstract: Generative Large Language Models (LLMs) stand as a revolutionary advancement in the modern era of artificial intelligence (AI). However, directly deploying LLMs in resource-constrained hardware, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, is difficult due to their high computational cost. In this paper, we propose a novel information-entropy framework for designing mobile-friendly generative language models. Our key design paradigm is to maximize the entropy of transformer decoders within the given computational budgets. The whole design procedure involves solving a mathematical programming (MP) problem, which can be done on the CPU within minutes, making it nearly zero-cost. We evaluate our designed models, termed MeRino, across nine NLP downstream tasks, showing their competitive performance against the state-of-the-art autoregressive transformer models under the mobile setting. Notably, MeRino achieves similar or better zero performance compared to the 350M parameter OPT while being 4.9x faster on NVIDIA Jetson Nano with 5.5x reduction in model size. Code will be made available soon.

cross Speech Robust Bench: A Robustness Benchmark For Speech Recognition

Authors: Muhammad A. Shah, David Solans Noguero, Mikko A. Heikkila, Nicolas Kourtellis

Abstract: As Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models become ever more pervasive, it is important to ensure that they make reliable predictions under corruptions present in the physical and digital world. We propose Speech Robust Bench (SRB), a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the robustness of ASR models to diverse corruptions. SRB is composed of 69 input perturbations which are intended to simulate various corruptions that ASR models may encounter in the physical and digital world. We use SRB to evaluate the robustness of several state-of-the-art ASR models and observe that model size and certain modeling choices such as discrete representations, and self-training appear to be conducive to robustness. We extend this analysis to measure the robustness of ASR models on data from various demographic subgroups, namely English and Spanish speakers, and males and females, and observed noticeable disparities in the model's robustness across subgroups. We believe that SRB will facilitate future research towards robust ASR models, by making it easier to conduct comprehensive and comparable robustness evaluations.

cross The evaluation of a code-switched Sepedi-English automatic speech recognition system

Authors: Amanda Phaladi, Thipe Modipa

Abstract: Speech technology is a field that encompasses various techniques and tools used to enable machines to interact with speech, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), spoken dialog systems, and others, allowing a device to capture spoken words through a microphone from a human speaker. End-to-end approaches such as Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) and attention-based methods are the most used for the development of ASR systems. However, these techniques were commonly used for research and development for many high-resourced languages with large amounts of speech data for training and evaluation, leaving low-resource languages relatively underdeveloped. While the CTC method has been successfully used for other languages, its effectiveness for the Sepedi language remains uncertain. In this study, we present the evaluation of the Sepedi-English code-switched automatic speech recognition system. This end-to-end system was developed using the Sepedi Prompted Code Switching corpus and the CTC approach. The performance of the system was evaluated using both the NCHLT Sepedi test corpus and the Sepedi Prompted Code Switching corpus. The model produced the lowest WER of 41.9%, however, the model faced challenges in recognizing the Sepedi only text.

cross LiveCodeBench: Holistic and Contamination Free Evaluation of Large Language Models for Code

Authors: Naman Jain, King Han, Alex Gu, Wen-Ding Li, Fanjia Yan, Tianjun Zhang, Sida Wang, Armando Solar-Lezama, Koushik Sen, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) applied to code-related applications have emerged as a prominent field, attracting significant interest from both academia and industry. However, as new and improved LLMs are developed, existing evaluation benchmarks (e.g., HumanEval, MBPP) are no longer sufficient for assessing their capabilities. In this work, we propose LiveCodeBench, a comprehensive and contamination-free evaluation of LLMs for code, which continuously collects new problems over time from contests across three competition platforms, namely LeetCode, AtCoder, and CodeForces. Notably, our benchmark also focuses on a broader range of code related capabilities, such as self-repair, code execution, and test output prediction, beyond just code generation. Currently, LiveCodeBench hosts four hundred high-quality coding problems that were published between May 2023 and February 2024. We have evaluated 9 base LLMs and 20 instruction-tuned LLMs on LiveCodeBench. We present empirical findings on contamination, holistic performance comparisons, potential overfitting in existing benchmarks as well as individual model comparisons. We will release all prompts and model completions for further community analysis, along with a general toolkit for adding new scenarios and model

cross CHAI: Clustered Head Attention for Efficient LLM Inference

Authors: Saurabh Agarwal, Bilge Acun, Basil Homer, Mostafa Elhoushi, Yejin Lee, Shivaram Venkataraman, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Carole-Jean Wu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) with hundreds of billions of parameters have transformed the field of machine learning. However, serving these models at inference time is both compute and memory intensive, where a single request can require multiple GPUs and tens of Gigabytes of memory. Multi-Head Attention is one of the key components of LLMs, which can account for over 50% of LLMs memory and compute requirement. We observe that there is a high amount of redundancy across heads on which tokens they pay attention to. Based on this insight, we propose Clustered Head Attention (CHAI). CHAI combines heads with a high amount of correlation for self-attention at runtime, thus reducing both memory and compute. In our experiments, we show that CHAI is able to reduce the memory requirements for storing K,V cache by up to 21.4% and inference time latency by up to 1.73x without any fine-tuning required. CHAI achieves this with a maximum 3.2% deviation in accuracy across 3 different models (i.e. OPT-66B, LLAMA-7B, LLAMA-33B) and 5 different evaluation datasets.

cross FluoroSAM: A Language-aligned Foundation Model for X-ray Image Segmentation

Authors: Benjamin D. Killeen, Liam J. Wang, Han Zhang, Mehran Armand, Russell H. Taylor, Greg Osgood, Mathias Unberath

Abstract: Automated X-ray image segmentation would accelerate research and development in diagnostic and interventional precision medicine. Prior efforts have contributed task-specific models capable of solving specific image analysis problems, but the utility of these models is restricted to their particular task domain, and expanding to broader use requires additional data, labels, and retraining efforts. Recently, foundation models (FMs) -- machine learning models trained on large amounts of highly variable data thus enabling broad applicability -- have emerged as promising tools for automated image analysis. Existing FMs for medical image analysis focus on scenarios and modalities where objects are clearly defined by visually apparent boundaries, such as surgical tool segmentation in endoscopy. X-ray imaging, by contrast, does not generally offer such clearly delineated boundaries or structure priors. During X-ray image formation, complex 3D structures are projected in transmission onto the imaging plane, resulting in overlapping features of varying opacity and shape. To pave the way toward an FM for comprehensive and automated analysis of arbitrary medical X-ray images, we develop FluoroSAM, a language-aligned variant of the Segment-Anything Model, trained from scratch on 1.6M synthetic X-ray images. FluoroSAM is trained on data including masks for 128 organ types and 464 non-anatomical objects, such as tools and implants. In real X-ray images of cadaveric specimens, FluoroSAM is able to segment bony anatomical structures based on text-only prompting with 0.51 and 0.79 DICE with point-based refinement, outperforming competing SAM variants for all structures. FluoroSAM is also capable of zero-shot generalization to segmenting classes beyond the training set thanks to its language alignment, which we demonstrate for full lung segmentation on real chest X-rays.

cross Mechanics of Next Token Prediction with Self-Attention

Authors: Yingcong Li, Yixiao Huang, M. Emrullah Ildiz, Ankit Singh Rawat, Samet Oymak

Abstract: Transformer-based language models are trained on large datasets to predict the next token given an input sequence. Despite this simple training objective, they have led to revolutionary advances in natural language processing. Underlying this success is the self-attention mechanism. In this work, we ask: $\textit{What}$ $\textit{does}$ $\textit{a}$ $\textit{single}$ $\textit{self-attention}$ $\textit{layer}$ $\textit{learn}$ $\textit{from}$ $\textit{next-token}$ $\textit{prediction?}$ We show that training self-attention with gradient descent learns an automaton which generates the next token in two distinct steps: $\textbf{(1)}$ $\textbf{Hard}$ $\textbf{retrieval:}$ Given input sequence, self-attention precisely selects the $\textit{high-priority}$ $\textit{input}$ $\textit{tokens}$ associated with the last input token. $\textbf{(2)}$ $\textbf{Soft}$ $\textbf{composition:}$ It then creates a convex combination of the high-priority tokens from which the next token can be sampled. Under suitable conditions, we rigorously characterize these mechanics through a directed graph over tokens extracted from the training data. We prove that gradient descent implicitly discovers the strongly-connected components (SCC) of this graph and self-attention learns to retrieve the tokens that belong to the highest-priority SCC available in the context window. Our theory relies on decomposing the model weights into a directional component and a finite component that correspond to hard retrieval and soft composition steps respectively. This also formalizes a related implicit bias formula conjectured in [Tarzanagh et al. 2023]. We hope that these findings shed light on how self-attention processes sequential data and pave the path toward demystifying more complex architectures.

cross AI-Assisted Causal Pathway Diagram for Human-Centered Design

Authors: Ruican Zhong, Donghoon Shin, Rosemary Meza, Predrag Klasnja, Lucas Colusso, Gary Hsieh

Abstract: This paper explores the integration of causal pathway diagrams (CPD) into human-centered design (HCD), investigating how these diagrams can enhance the early stages of the design process. A dedicated CPD plugin for the online collaborative whiteboard platform Miro was developed to streamline diagram creation and offer real-time AI-driven guidance. Through a user study with designers (N=20), we found that CPD's branching and its emphasis on causal connections supported both divergent and convergent processes during design. CPD can also facilitate communication among stakeholders. Additionally, we found our plugin significantly reduces designers' cognitive workload and increases their creativity during brainstorming, highlighting the implications of AI-assisted tools in supporting creative work and evidence-based designs.

cross Legally Binding but Unfair? Towards Assessing Fairness of Privacy Policies

Authors: Vincent Freiberger, Erik Buchmann

Abstract: Privacy policies are expected to inform data subjects about their data protection rights. They should explain the data controller's data management practices, and make facts such as retention periods or data transfers to third parties transparent. Privacy policies only fulfill their purpose, if they are correctly perceived, interpreted, understood, and trusted by the data subject. Amongst others, this requires that a privacy policy is written in a fair way, e.g., it does not use polarizing terms, does not require a certain education, or does not assume a particular social background. In this work-in-progress paper, we outline our approach to assessing fairness in privacy policies. To this end, we identify from fundamental legal sources and fairness research, how the dimensions informational fairness, representational fairness and ethics/morality are related to privacy policies. We propose options to automatically assess policies in these fairness dimensions, based on text statistics, linguistic methods and artificial intelligence. Finally, we conduct initial experiments with German privacy policies to provide evidence that our approach is applicable. Our experiments indicate that there are indeed issues in all three dimensions of fairness. For example, our approach finds out if a policy discriminates against individuals with impaired reading skills or certain demographics, and identifies questionable ethics. This is important, as future privacy policies may be used in a corpus for legal artificial intelligence models.

cross From Paper to Card: Transforming Design Implications with Generative AI

Authors: Donghoon Shin, Lucy Lu Wang, Gary Hsieh

Abstract: Communicating design implications is common within the HCI community when publishing academic papers, yet these papers are rarely read and used by designers. One solution is to use design cards as a form of translational resource that communicates valuable insights from papers in a more digestible and accessible format to assist in design processes. However, creating design cards can be time-consuming, and authors may lack the resources/know-how to produce cards. Through an iterative design process, we built a system that helps create design cards from academic papers using an LLM and text-to-image model. Our evaluation with designers (N=21) and authors of selected papers (N=12) revealed that designers perceived the design implications from our design cards as more inspiring and generative, compared to reading original paper texts, and the authors viewed our system as an effective way of communicating their design implications. We also propose future enhancements for AI-generated design cards.

cross MolBind: Multimodal Alignment of Language, Molecules, and Proteins

Authors: Teng Xiao, Chao Cui, Huaisheng Zhu, Vasant G. Honavar

Abstract: Recent advancements in biology and chemistry have leveraged multi-modal learning, integrating molecules and their natural language descriptions to enhance drug discovery. However, current pre-training frameworks are limited to two modalities, and designing a unified network to process different modalities (e.g., natural language, 2D molecular graphs, 3D molecular conformations, and 3D proteins) remains challenging due to inherent gaps among them. In this work, we propose MolBind, a framework that trains encoders for multiple modalities through contrastive learning, mapping all modalities to a shared feature space for multi-modal semantic alignment. To facilitate effective pre-training of MolBind on multiple modalities, we also build and collect a high-quality dataset with four modalities, MolBind-M4, including graph-language, conformation-language, graph-conformation, and conformation-protein paired data. MolBind shows superior zero-shot learning performance across a wide range of tasks, demonstrating its strong capability of capturing the underlying semantics of multiple modalities.

cross Log Summarisation for Defect Evolution Analysis

Authors: Rares Dolga, Ran Zmigrod, Rui Silva, Salwa Alamir, Sameena Shah

Abstract: Log analysis and monitoring are essential aspects in software maintenance and identifying defects. In particular, the temporal nature and vast size of log data leads to an interesting and important research question: How can logs be summarised and monitored over time? While this has been a fundamental topic of research in the software engineering community, work has typically focused on heuristic-, syntax-, or static-based methods. In this work, we suggest an online semantic-based clustering approach to error logs that dynamically updates the log clusters to enable monitoring code error life-cycles. We also introduce a novel metric to evaluate the performance of temporal log clusters. We test our system and evaluation metric with an industrial dataset and find that our solution outperforms similar systems. We hope that our work encourages further temporal exploration in defect datasets.

cross Translating between SQL Dialects for Cloud Migration

Authors: Ran Zmigrod, Salwa Alamir, Xiaomo Liu

Abstract: Migrations of systems from on-site premises to the cloud has been a fundamental endeavor by many industrial institutions. A crucial component of such cloud migrations is the transition of databases to be hosted online. In this work, we consider the difficulties of this migration for SQL databases. While SQL is one of the prominent methods for storing database procedures, there are a plethora of different SQL dialects (e.g., MySQL, Postgres, etc.) which can complicate migrations when the on-premise SQL dialect differs to the dialect hosted on the cloud. Tools exist by common cloud provides such as AWS and Azure to aid in translating between dialects in order to mitigate the majority of the difficulties. However, these tools do not successfully translate $100\%$ of the code. Consequently, software engineers must manually convert the remainder of the untranslated database. For large organizations, this task quickly becomes intractable and so more innovative solutions are required. We consider this challenge a novel yet vital industrial research problem for any large corporation that is considering cloud migrations. Furthermore, we introduce potential avenues of research to tackle this challenge that have yielded promising preliminary results.

cross Tastle: Distract Large Language Models for Automatic Jailbreak Attack

Authors: Zeguan Xiao, Yan Yang, Guanhua Chen, Yun Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved significant advances in recent days. Extensive efforts have been made before the public release of LLMs to align their behaviors with human values. The primary goal of alignment is to ensure their helpfulness, honesty and harmlessness. However, even meticulously aligned LLMs remain vulnerable to malicious manipulations such as jailbreaking, leading to unintended behaviors. The jailbreak is to intentionally develop a malicious prompt that escapes from the LLM security restrictions to produce uncensored detrimental contents. Previous works explore different jailbreak methods for red teaming LLMs, yet they encounter challenges regarding to effectiveness and scalability. In this work, we propose Tastle, a novel black-box jailbreak framework for automated red teaming of LLMs. We designed malicious content concealing and memory reframing with an iterative optimization algorithm to jailbreak LLMs, motivated by the research about the distractibility and over-confidence phenomenon of LLMs. Extensive experiments of jailbreaking both open-source and proprietary LLMs demonstrate the superiority of our framework in terms of effectiveness, scalability and transferability. We also evaluate the effectiveness of existing jailbreak defense methods against our attack and highlight the crucial need to develop more effective and practical defense strategies.

cross ILCiteR: Evidence-grounded Interpretable Local Citation Recommendation

Authors: Sayar Ghosh Roy, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Existing Machine Learning approaches for local citation recommendation directly map or translate a query, which is typically a claim or an entity mention, to citation-worthy research papers. Within such a formulation, it is challenging to pinpoint why one should cite a specific research paper for a particular query, leading to limited recommendation interpretability. To alleviate this, we introduce the evidence-grounded local citation recommendation task, where the target latent space comprises evidence spans for recommending specific papers. Using a distantly-supervised evidence retrieval and multi-step re-ranking framework, our proposed system, ILCiteR, recommends papers to cite for a query grounded on similar evidence spans extracted from the existing research literature. Unlike past formulations that simply output recommendations, ILCiteR retrieves ranked lists of evidence span and recommended paper pairs. Secondly, previously proposed neural models for citation recommendation require expensive training on massive labeled data, ideally after every significant update to the pool of candidate papers. In contrast, ILCiteR relies solely on distant supervision from a dynamic evidence database and pre-trained Transformer-based Language Models without any model training. We contribute a novel dataset for the evidence-grounded local citation recommendation task and demonstrate the efficacy of our proposed conditional neural rank-ensembling approach for re-ranking evidence spans.

cross DAM: Dynamic Adapter Merging for Continual Video QA Learning

Authors: Feng Cheng, Ziyang Wang, Yi-Lin Sung, Yan-Bo Lin, Mohit Bansal, Gedas Bertasius

Abstract: We present a parameter-efficient method for continual video question-answering (VidQA) learning. Our method, named DAM, uses the proposed Dynamic Adapter Merging to (i) mitigate catastrophic forgetting, (ii) enable efficient adaptation to continually arriving datasets, (iii) handle inputs from unknown datasets during inference, and (iv) enable knowledge sharing across similar dataset domains. Given a set of continually streaming VidQA datasets, we sequentially train dataset-specific adapters for each dataset while freezing the parameters of a large pretrained video-language backbone. During inference, given a video-question sample from an unknown domain, our method first uses the proposed non-parametric router function to compute a probability for each adapter, reflecting how relevant that adapter is to the current video-question input instance. Subsequently, the proposed dynamic adapter merging scheme aggregates all the adapter weights into a new adapter instance tailored for that particular test sample to compute the final VidQA prediction, mitigating the impact of inaccurate router predictions and facilitating knowledge sharing across domains. Our DAM model outperforms prior state-of-the-art continual learning approaches by 9.1% while exhibiting 1.9% less forgetting on 6 VidQA datasets spanning various domains. We further extend DAM to continual image classification and image QA and outperform prior methods by a large margin. The code is publicly available at:


cross Simple and Scalable Strategies to Continually Pre-train Large Language Models

Authors: Adam Ibrahim, Benjamin Th\'erien, Kshitij Gupta, Mats L. Richter, Quentin Anthony, Timoth\'ee Lesort, Eugene Belilovsky, Irina Rish

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are routinely pre-trained on billions of tokens, only to start the process over again once new data becomes available. A much more efficient solution is to continually pre-train these models, saving significant compute compared to re-training. However, the distribution shift induced by new data typically results in degraded performance on previous data or poor adaptation to the new data. In this work, we show that a simple and scalable combination of learning rate (LR) re-warming, LR re-decaying, and replay of previous data is sufficient to match the performance of fully re-training from scratch on all available data, as measured by final loss and language model (LM) evaluation benchmarks. Specifically, we show this for a weak but realistic distribution shift between two commonly used LLM pre-training datasets (English$\rightarrow$English) and a stronger distribution shift (English$\rightarrow$German) at the $405$M parameter model scale with large dataset sizes (hundreds of billions of tokens). Selecting the weak but realistic shift for larger-scale experiments, we also find that our continual learning strategies match the re-training baseline for a 10B parameter LLM. Our results demonstrate that LLMs can be successfully updated via simple and scalable continual learning strategies, matching the re-training baseline using only a fraction of the compute. Finally, inspired by previous work, we propose alternatives to the cosine learning rate schedule that help circumvent forgetting induced by LR re-warming and that are not bound to a fixed token budget.

replace A New Quantum CNN Model for Image Classification

Authors: X. Q. Zhao, T. L. Chen

Abstract: Quantum density matrix represents all the information of the entire quantum system, and novel models of meaning employing density matrices naturally model linguistic phenomena such as hyponymy and linguistic ambiguity, among others in quantum question answering tasks. Naturally, we argue that the quantum density matrix can enhance the image feature information and the relationship between the features for the classical image classification. Specifically, we (i) combine density matrices and CNN to design a new mechanism; (ii) apply the new mechanism to some representative classical image classification tasks. A series of experiments show that the application of quantum density matrix in image classification has the generalization and high efficiency on different datasets. The application of quantum density matrix both in classical question answering tasks and classical image classification tasks show more effective performance.

replace Two-stage LLM Fine-tuning with Less Specialization and More Generalization

Authors: Yihan Wang, Si Si, Daliang Li, Michal Lukasik, Felix Yu, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Inderjit S Dhillon, Sanjiv Kumar

Abstract: Pretrained large language models (LLMs) are general purpose problem solvers applicable to a diverse set of tasks with prompts. They can be further improved towards a specific task by fine-tuning on a specialized dataset. However, fine-tuning usually makes the model narrowly specialized on this dataset with reduced general in-context learning performances, which is undesirable whenever the fine-tuned model needs to handle additional tasks where no fine-tuning data is available. In this work, we first demonstrate that fine-tuning on a single task indeed decreases LLMs' general in-context learning performance. We discover one important cause of such forgetting, format specialization, where the model overfits to the format of the fine-tuned task.We further show that format specialization happens at the very beginning of fine-tuning. To solve this problem, we propose Prompt Tuning with MOdel Tuning (ProMoT), a simple yet effective two-stage fine-tuning framework that reduces format specialization and improves generalization.ProMoT offloads task-specific format learning into additional and removable parameters by first doing prompt tuning and then fine-tuning the model itself with this soft prompt attached. With experiments on several fine-tuning tasks and 8 in-context evaluation tasks, we show that ProMoT achieves comparable performance on fine-tuned tasks to standard fine-tuning, but with much less loss of in-context learning performances across a board range of out-of-domain evaluation tasks. More importantly, ProMoT can even enhance generalization on in-context learning tasks that are semantically related to the fine-tuned task, e.g. ProMoT on En-Fr translation significantly improves performance on other language pairs, and ProMoT on NLI improves performance on summarization. Experiments also show that ProMoT can improve the generalization performance of multi-task training.

replace A Comprehensive Study of Gender Bias in Chemical Named Entity Recognition Models

Authors: Xingmeng Zhao, Ali Niazi, Anthony Rios

Abstract: Chemical named entity recognition (NER) models are used in many downstream tasks, from adverse drug reaction identification to pharmacoepidemiology. However, it is unknown whether these models work the same for everyone. Performance disparities can potentially cause harm rather than the intended good. This paper assesses gender-related performance disparities in chemical NER systems. We develop a framework for measuring gender bias in chemical NER models using synthetic data and a newly annotated corpus of over 92,405 words with self-identified gender information from Reddit. Our evaluation of multiple biomedical NER models reveals evident biases. For instance, synthetic data suggests female-related names are frequently misclassified as chemicals, especially for brand name mentions. Additionally, we observe performance disparities between female- and male-associated data in both datasets. Many systems fail to detect contraceptives such as birth control. Our findings emphasize the biases in chemical NER models, urging practitioners to account for these biases in downstream applications.

replace Retentive or Forgetful? Diving into the Knowledge Memorizing Mechanism of Language Models

Authors: Boxi Cao, Qiaoyu Tang, Hongyu Lin, Shanshan Jiang, Bin Dong, Xianpei Han, Jiawei Chen, Tianshu Wang, Le Sun

Abstract: Memory is one of the most essential cognitive functions serving as a repository of world knowledge and episodes of activities. In recent years, large-scale pre-trained language models have shown remarkable memorizing ability. On the contrary, vanilla neural networks without pre-training have been long observed suffering from the catastrophic forgetting problem. To investigate such a retentive-forgetful contradiction and understand the memory mechanism of language models, we conduct thorough experiments by controlling the target knowledge types, the learning strategies and the learning schedules. We find that: 1) Vanilla language models are forgetful; 2) Pre-training leads to retentive language models; 3) Knowledge relevance and diversification significantly influence the memory formation. These conclusions are useful for understanding the abilities of pre-trained language models and shed light on designing and evaluating new learning and inference algorithms of language models.

replace Schema-Driven Information Extraction from Heterogeneous Tables

Authors: Fan Bai, Junmo Kang, Gabriel Stanovsky, Dayne Freitag, Alan Ritter

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the question of whether large language models can support cost-efficient information extraction from tables. We introduce schema-driven information extraction, a new task that transforms tabular data into structured records following a human-authored schema. To assess various LLM's capabilities on this task, we present a benchmark comprised of tables from four diverse domains: machine learning papers, chemistry literature, material science journals, and webpages. We use this collection of annotated tables to evaluate the ability of open-source and API-based language models to extract information from tables covering diverse domains and data formats. Our experiments demonstrate that surprisingly competitive performance can be achieved without requiring task-specific pipelines or labels, achieving F1 scores ranging from 74.2 to 96.1, while maintaining cost efficiency. Moreover, through detailed ablation studies and analyses, we investigate the factors contributing to model success and validate the practicality of distilling compact models to reduce API reliance.

replace BED: Bi-Encoder-Based Detectors for Out-of-Distribution Detection

Authors: Louis Owen, Biddwan Ahmed, Abhay Kumar

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel method leveraging bi-encoder-based detectors along with a comprehensive study comparing different out-of-distribution (OOD) detection methods in NLP using different feature extractors. The feature extraction stage employs popular methods such as Universal Sentence Encoder (USE), BERT, MPNET, and GLOVE to extract informative representations from textual data. The evaluation is conducted on several datasets, including CLINC150, ROSTD-Coarse, SNIPS, and YELLOW. Performance is assessed using metrics such as F1-Score, MCC, FPR@90, FPR@95, AUPR, an AUROC. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed bi-encoder-based detectors outperform other methods, both those that require OOD labels in training and those that do not, across all datasets, showing great potential for OOD detection in NLP. The simplicity of the training process and the superior detection performance make them applicable to real-world scenarios. The presented methods and benchmarking metrics serve as a valuable resource for future research in OOD detection, enabling further advancements in this field. The code and implementation details can be found on our GitHub repository:


replace In-Context Learning Learns Label Relationships but Is Not Conventional Learning

Authors: Jannik Kossen, Yarin Gal, Tom Rainforth

Abstract: The predictions of Large Language Models (LLMs) on downstream tasks often improve significantly when including examples of the input--label relationship in the context. However, there is currently no consensus about how this in-context learning (ICL) ability of LLMs works. For example, while Xie et al. (2021) liken ICL to a general-purpose learning algorithm, Min et al. (2022) argue ICL does not even learn label relationships from in-context examples. In this paper, we provide novel insights into how ICL leverages label information, revealing both capabilities and limitations. To ensure we obtain a comprehensive picture of ICL behavior, we study probabilistic aspects of ICL predictions and thoroughly examine the dynamics of ICL as more examples are provided. Our experiments show that ICL predictions almost always depend on in-context labels and that ICL can learn truly novel tasks in-context. However, we also find that ICL struggles to fully overcome prediction preferences acquired from pre-training data and, further, that ICL does not consider all in-context information equally.

replace Detection of ChatGPT Fake Science with the xFakeSci Learning Algorithm

Authors: Ahmed Abdeen Hamed, Xindong Wu

Abstract: ChatGPT and generative AI tools are becoming the new reality. This work is motivated by the premise that ``ChatGPT content may exhibit a distinctive behavior that can be separated from scientific articles''. In this study, we demonstrate how we tested this premise in two phases and prove its validity. Subsequently, we introduce xFakeSci, a novel learning algorithm, that is capable of distinguishing ChatGPT-generated articles from publications produced by scientists. The algorithm is trained using network models driven from multiple types of data sources, such as ChatGPT-generated documents achieved by means of prompt-engineering, and PubMed articles. To mitigate over-fitting issues, we incorporate a calibration step that is built upon data-driven heuristics, including ratios. We evaluate the algorithm across multiple datasets covering publication periods and diseases (cancer, depression, and Alzheimer's). Further, we show how the algorithm is benchmarked against the state-of-the-art (SOTA) algorithms. While the xFakeSci algorithm achieve F1 score ranging from 80% - 94%, SOTA algorithms score F1 values between 38% - 52%. We attribute the noticeable difference to the introduction of calibration and a proximity distance heuristic, which we underscore this promising performance. Indeed, the prediction of fake science generated by ChatGPT presents a considerable challenge. Nonetheless, the introduction of xFakeSci algorithm is a significant step on the way to combating fake science.

replace PROGrasp: Pragmatic Human-Robot Communication for Object Grasping

Authors: Gi-Cheon Kang, Junghyun Kim, Jaein Kim, Byoung-Tak Zhang

Abstract: Interactive Object Grasping (IOG) is the task of identifying and grasping the desired object via human-robot natural language interaction. Current IOG systems assume that a human user initially specifies the target object's category (e.g., bottle). Inspired by pragmatics, where humans often convey their intentions by relying on context to achieve goals, we introduce a new IOG task, Pragmatic-IOG, and the corresponding dataset, Intention-oriented Multi-modal Dialogue (IM-Dial). In our proposed task scenario, an intention-oriented utterance (e.g., "I am thirsty") is initially given to the robot. The robot should then identify the target object by interacting with a human user. Based on the task setup, we propose a new robotic system that can interpret the user's intention and pick up the target object, Pragmatic Object Grasping (PROGrasp). PROGrasp performs Pragmatic-IOG by incorporating modules for visual grounding, question asking, object grasping, and most importantly, answer interpretation for pragmatic inference. Experimental results show that PROGrasp is effective in offline (i.e., target object discovery) and online (i.e., IOG with a physical robot arm) settings. Code and data are available at


replace CRAFT: Customizing LLMs by Creating and Retrieving from Specialized Toolsets

Authors: Lifan Yuan, Yangyi Chen, Xingyao Wang, Yi R. Fung, Hao Peng, Heng Ji

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are often augmented with tools to solve complex tasks. By generating code snippets and executing them through task-specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), they can offload certain functions to dedicated external modules, such as image encoding and performing calculations. However, most existing approaches to augment LLMs with tools are constrained by general-purpose APIs and lack the flexibility for tailoring them to specific tasks. In this work, we present CRAFT, a general tool creation and retrieval framework for LLMs. It creates toolsets specifically curated for the tasks and equips LLMs with a component that retrieves tools from these sets to enhance their capability to solve complex tasks. For each task, we collect specific code solutions by prompting GPT-4 to solve the training examples. Following a validation step ensuring the correctness, these solutions are abstracted into code snippets to enhance reusability, and deduplicated for higher quality. At inference time, the language model retrieves snippets from the toolsets and then executes them or generates the output conditioning on the retrieved snippets. Our method is designed to be flexible and offers a plug-and-play approach to adapt off-the-shelf LLMs to unseen domains and modalities, without any finetuning. Experiments on vision-language, tabular processing, and mathematical reasoning tasks show that our approach achieves substantial improvements compared to strong baselines. In addition, our in-depth analysis reveals that: (1) consistent performance improvement can be achieved by scaling up the number of tools and the capability of the backbone models; (2) each component of our approach contributes to the performance gains; (3) the created tools are well-structured and reliable with low complexity and atomicity. The code is available at


replace Quantifying the Plausibility of Context Reliance in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Gabriele Sarti, Grzegorz Chrupa{\l}a, Malvina Nissim, Arianna Bisazza

Abstract: Establishing whether language models can use contextual information in a human-plausible way is important to ensure their trustworthiness in real-world settings. However, the questions of when and which parts of the context affect model generations are typically tackled separately, with current plausibility evaluations being practically limited to a handful of artificial benchmarks. To address this, we introduce Plausibility Evaluation of Context Reliance (PECoRe), an end-to-end interpretability framework designed to quantify context usage in language models' generations. Our approach leverages model internals to (i) contrastively identify context-sensitive target tokens in generated texts and (ii) link them to contextual cues justifying their prediction. We use \pecore to quantify the plausibility of context-aware machine translation models, comparing model rationales with human annotations across several discourse-level phenomena. Finally, we apply our method to unannotated model translations to identify context-mediated predictions and highlight instances of (im)plausible context usage throughout generation.

replace Demystifying Embedding Spaces using Large Language Models

Authors: Guy Tennenholtz, Yinlam Chow, Chih-Wei Hsu, Jihwan Jeong, Lior Shani, Azamat Tulepbergenov, Deepak Ramachandran, Martin Mladenov, Craig Boutilier

Abstract: Embeddings have become a pivotal means to represent complex, multi-faceted information about entities, concepts, and relationships in a condensed and useful format. Nevertheless, they often preclude direct interpretation. While downstream tasks make use of these compressed representations, meaningful interpretation usually requires visualization using dimensionality reduction or specialized machine learning interpretability methods. This paper addresses the challenge of making such embeddings more interpretable and broadly useful, by employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to directly interact with embeddings -- transforming abstract vectors into understandable narratives. By injecting embeddings into LLMs, we enable querying and exploration of complex embedding data. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of diverse tasks, including: enhancing concept activation vectors (CAVs), communicating novel embedded entities, and decoding user preferences in recommender systems. Our work couples the immense information potential of embeddings with the interpretative power of LLMs.

replace Scaling Laws of RoPE-based Extrapolation

Authors: Xiaoran Liu, Hang Yan, Shuo Zhang, Chenxin An, Xipeng Qiu, Dahua Lin

Abstract: The extrapolation capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) based on Rotary Position Embedding is currently a topic of considerable interest. The mainstream approach to addressing extrapolation with LLMs involves modifying RoPE by replacing 10000, the rotary base of $\theta_n={10000}^{-2n/d}$ in the original RoPE, with a larger value and providing longer fine-tuning text. In this work, we first observe that fine-tuning a RoPE-based LLM with either a smaller or larger base in pre-training context length could significantly enhance its extrapolation performance. After that, we propose \textbf{\textit{Scaling Laws of RoPE-based Extrapolation}}, a unified framework from the periodic perspective, to describe the relationship between the extrapolation performance and base value as well as tuning context length. In this process, we also explain the origin of the RoPE-based extrapolation issue by \textbf{\textit{critical dimension for extrapolation}}. Besides these observations and analyses, we achieve extrapolation up to 1 million context length within only 16K training length on LLaMA2 7B and 13B.

replace GenTKG: Generative Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graph

Authors: Ruotong Liao, Xu Jia, Yunpu Ma, Yangzhe Li, Volker Tresp

Abstract: The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have ignited interest in the temporal knowledge graph (tKG) domain, where conventional embedding-based and rule-based methods dominate. The question remains open of whether pre-trained LLMs can understand structured temporal relational data and replace them as the foundation model for temporal relational forecasting. Therefore, we bring temporal knowledge forecasting into the generative setting. However, challenges occur in the huge chasms between complex temporal graph data structure and sequential natural expressions LLMs can handle, and between the enormous data sizes of tKGs and heavy computation costs of finetuning LLMs. To address these challenges, we propose a novel retrieval-augmented generation framework named GenTKG combining a temporal logical rule-based retrieval strategy and few-shot parameter-efficient instruction tuning to solve the above challenges, respectively. Extensive experiments have shown that GenTKG outperforms conventional methods of temporal relational forecasting with low computation resources using extremely limited training data as few as 16 samples. GenTKG also highlights remarkable cross-domain generalizability with outperforming performance on unseen datasets without re-training, and in-domain generalizability regardless of time split in the same dataset. Our work reveals the huge potential of LLMs in the tKG domain and opens a new frontier for generative forecasting on tKGs. Code and data are released here:


replace LitCab: Lightweight Language Model Calibration over Short- and Long-form Responses

Authors: Xin Liu, Muhammad Khalifa, Lu Wang

Abstract: A model is considered well-calibrated when its probability estimate aligns with the actual likelihood of the output being correct. Calibrating language models (LMs) is crucial, as it plays a vital role in detecting and mitigating hallucinations of LMs as well as building more trustworthy models. However, standard calibration techniques may not be suited for LM calibration. For instance, post-processing methods such as temperature scaling do not reorder the candidate generations. On the other hand, training-based methods require fine-tuning the entire model, which is impractical for LMs of large scale. We present LitCab, a lightweight calibration mechanism consisting of a single linear layer that takes the input text representation and predicts a bias term, which is then added to the LM output logits. LitCab improves model calibration by only adding < 2% of the original model parameters. For evaluation, we construct CaT, a benchmark consisting of eight text generation tasks, covering responses ranging from short phrases to paragraphs. We test LitCab with Llama2-7B, where it improves calibration across all tasks, reducing the average ECE score by as large as 30%. We further conduct a comprehensive evaluation with multiple popular open-sourced LMs from GPT and LLaMA families, yielding the following key findings: (i) Larger models within the same family exhibit better calibration on tasks with short generation tasks, but not necessarily for longer ones. (ii) GPT-family models show superior calibration compared to LLaMA, Llama2, and Vicuna models, despite having much fewer parameters. (iii) Fine-tuning pretrained model (e.g., LLaMA) with samples of limited purpose (e.g., conversations) may lead to worse calibration, highlighting the importance of fine-tuning setups for calibrating LMs.

replace Speculative Contrastive Decoding

Authors: Hongyi Yuan, Keming Lu, Fei Huang, Zheng Yuan, Chang Zhou

Abstract: Large language models~(LLMs) exhibit exceptional performance in language tasks, yet their auto-regressive inference is limited due to high computational requirements and is sub-optimal due to the exposure bias. Inspired by speculative decoding and contrastive decoding, we introduce Speculative Contrastive Decoding~(SCD), a straightforward yet powerful decoding approach that leverages predictions from smaller language models~(LMs) to achieve both decoding acceleration and quality improvement. Extensive evaluations and analyses on four diverse language tasks demonstrate the effectiveness of SCD, showing that decoding efficiency and quality can compatibly benefit from one smaller LM.

replace Deceptive Semantic Shortcuts on Reasoning Chains: How Far Can Models Go without Hallucination?

Authors: Bangzheng Li, Ben Zhou, Fei Wang, Xingyu Fu, Dan Roth, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Despite the recent advancement in large language models (LLMs) and their high performances across numerous benchmarks, recent research has unveiled that LLMs suffer from hallucinations and unfaithful reasoning. This work studies a specific type of hallucination induced by semantic associations. Specifically, we investigate to what extent LLMs take shortcuts from certain keyword/entity biases in the prompt instead of following the correct reasoning path. To quantify this phenomenon, we propose a novel probing method and benchmark called EureQA. We start from questions that LLMs will answer correctly with utmost certainty, and mask the important entity with evidence sentence recursively, asking models to find masked entities according to a chain of evidence before answering the question. During the construction of the evidence, we purposefully replace semantic clues (entities) that may lead to the correct answer with distractor clues (evidence) that will not directly lead to the correct answer but require a chain-like reasoning process. We evaluate if models can follow the correct reasoning chain instead of short-cutting through distractor clues. We find that existing LLMs lack the necessary capabilities to follow correct reasoning paths and resist the attempt of greedy shortcuts. We show that the distractor semantic associations often lead to model hallucination, which is strong evidence that questions the validity of current LLM reasoning.

replace SUQL: Conversational Search over Structured and Unstructured Data with Large Language Models

Authors: Shicheng Liu, Jialiang Xu, Wesley Tjangnaka, Sina J. Semnani, Chen Jie Yu, Monica S. Lam

Abstract: While most conversational agents are grounded on either free-text or structured knowledge, many knowledge corpora consist of hybrid sources. This paper presents the first conversational agent that supports the full generality of hybrid data access for large knowledge corpora, through a language we developed called SUQL (Structured and Unstructured Query Language). Specifically, SUQL extends SQL with free-text primitives (summary and answer), so information retrieval can be composed with structured data accesses arbitrarily in a formal, succinct, precise, and interpretable notation. With SUQL, we propose the first semantic parser, an LLM with in-context learning, that can handle hybrid data sources. Our in-context learning-based approach, when applied to the HybridQA dataset, comes within 8.9% exact match and 7.1% F1 of the SOTA, which was trained on 62K data samples. More significantly, unlike previous approaches, our technique is applicable to large databases and free-text corpora. We introduce a dataset consisting of crowdsourced questions and conversations on Yelp, a large, real restaurant knowledge base with structured and unstructured data. We show that our few-shot conversational agent based on SUQL finds an entity satisfying all user requirements 90.3% of the time, compared to 63.4% for a baseline based on linearization.

replace KnowGPT: Knowledge Injection for Large Language Models

Authors: Qinggang Zhang, Junnan Dong, Hao Chen, Daochen Zha, Zailiang Yu, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Generative Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, offer interactive APIs that can answer common questions at a human-expert level. However, these models often give inaccurate or incorrect responses when faced with questions requiring domain-specific or professional-specific knowledge not covered in their training corpus. Furthermore, many state-of-the-art LLMs are not open-source, making it challenging to inject knowledge with model APIs only. In this work, we introduce KnowGPT, a black-box knowledge injection framework for LLMs in question answering. KnowGPT leverages deep reinforcement learning (RL) to extract relevant knowledge from Knowledge Graphs (KGs) and use Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) to construct the most suitable prompt for each question. Our extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets showcase that KnowGPT significantly enhances the existing methods. Notably, KnowGPT achieves an average improvement of 23.7% over ChatGPT and an average improvement of 2.9% over GPT-4. Additionally, KnowGPT attains a 91.6% accuracy on the OpenbookQA official leaderboard, which is comparable to human-level performance.

replace SciGLM: Training Scientific Language Models with Self-Reflective Instruction Annotation and Tuning

Authors: Dan Zhang, Ziniu Hu, Sining Zhoubian, Zhengxiao Du, Kaiyu Yang, Zihan Wang, Yisong Yue, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in assisting scientific discovery. However, such applications are currently limited by LLMs' deficiencies in understanding intricate scientific concepts, deriving symbolic equations, and solving advanced numerical calculations. To bridge these gaps, we introduce SciGLM, a suite of scientific language models able to conduct college-level scientific reasoning. Central to our approach is a novel self-reflective instruction annotation framework to address the data scarcity challenge in the science domain. This framework leverages existing LLMs to generate step-by-step reasoning for unlabelled scientific questions, followed by a process of self-reflective critic-and-revise. Applying this framework, we curated SciInstruct, a diverse and high-quality dataset encompassing physics, chemistry, math, and formal proofs. We fine-tuned the ChatGLM family of language models with SciInstruct, enhancing their scientific and mathematical reasoning capabilities. Remarkably, the SciGLM consistently improves both the base model (ChatGLM3-6B-Base) by 4.87% and larger-scale models (32B) by 2.67%, without sacrificing the language understanding capabilities of the base model. This makes SciGLM a suitable foundational model to facilitate diverse scientific discovery tasks. For the benefit of the wider research community, we release SciInstruct, and SciGLM, alongside a self-reflective framework and fine-tuning code at


replace ToPro: Token-Level Prompt Decomposition for Cross-Lingual Sequence Labeling Tasks

Authors: Bolei Ma, Ercong Nie, Shuzhou Yuan, Helmut Schmid, Michael F\"arber, Frauke Kreuter, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: Prompt-based methods have been successfully applied to multilingual pretrained language models for zero-shot cross-lingual understanding. However, most previous studies primarily focused on sentence-level classification tasks, and only a few considered token-level labeling tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER) and Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging. In this paper, we propose Token-Level Prompt Decomposition (ToPro), which facilitates the prompt-based method for token-level sequence labeling tasks. The ToPro method decomposes an input sentence into single tokens and applies one prompt template to each token. Our experiments on multilingual NER and POS tagging datasets demonstrate that ToPro-based fine-tuning outperforms Vanilla fine-tuning and Prompt-Tuning in zero-shot cross-lingual transfer, especially for languages that are typologically different from the source language English. Our method also attains state-of-the-art performance when employed with the mT5 model. Besides, our exploratory study in multilingual large language models shows that ToPro performs much better than the current in-context learning method. Overall, the performance improvements show that ToPro could potentially serve as a novel and simple benchmarking method for sequence labeling tasks.

replace Unveiling the Secrets of Engaging Conversations: Factors that Keep Users Hooked on Role-Playing Dialog Agents

Authors: Shuai Zhang, Yu Lu, Junwen Liu, Jia Yu, Huachuan Qiu, Yuming Yan, Zhenzhong Lan

Abstract: With the growing humanlike nature of dialog agents, people are now engaging in extended conversations that can stretch from brief moments to substantial periods of time. Understanding the factors that contribute to sustaining these interactions is crucial, yet existing studies primarily focusing on short-term simulations that rarely explore such prolonged and real conversations. In this paper, we investigate the factors influencing retention rates in real interactions with roleplaying models. By analyzing a large dataset of interactions between real users and thousands of characters, we systematically examine multiple factors and assess their impact on user retention rate. Surprisingly, we find that the degree to which the bot embodies the roles it plays has limited influence on retention rates, while the length of each turn it speaks significantly affects retention rates. This study sheds light on the critical aspects of user engagement with role-playing models and provides valuable insights for future improvements in the development of large language models for role-playing purposes.

replace LongAgent: Scaling Language Models to 128k Context through Multi-Agent Collaboration

Authors: Jun Zhao, Can Zu, Hao Xu, Yi Lu, Wei He, Yiwen Ding, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive performance in understanding language and executing complex reasoning tasks. However, LLMs with long context windows have been notorious for their expensive training costs and high inference latency. Even the most advanced models such as GPT-4 and Claude2 often make mistakes when processing inputs of over $100k$ tokens, a phenomenon also known as \textit{lost in the middle}. In this paper, we propose \textsc{LongAgent}, a method based on multi-agent collaboration, which scales LLMs (e.g., LLaMA) to a context of 128K and demonstrates potential superiority in long-text processing compared to GPT-4. In \textsc{LongAgent}, a leader is responsible for understanding user intent and directing team members to acquire information from documents. Due to members' hallucinations, it is non-trivial for a leader to obtain accurate information from the responses of dozens to hundreds of members. To address this, we develop an \textit{inter-member communication} mechanism to resolve response conflicts caused by hallucinations through information sharing. Our experimental results indicate that \textsc{LongAgent} offers a promising alternative for long-text processing. The agent team instantiated with LLaMA-7B achieves significant improvements in tasks such as 128k-long text retrieval, multi-hop question answering, compared to GPT-4.

replace A Unified Taxonomy-Guided Instruction Tuning Framework for Entity Set Expansion and Taxonomy Expansion

Authors: Yanzhen Shen, Yu Zhang, Yunyi Zhang, Jiawei Han

Abstract: Entity Set Expansion, Taxonomy Expansion, and Seed-Guided Taxonomy Construction are three representative tasks that can be used to automatically populate an existing taxonomy with new entities. However, previous approaches often address these tasks separately with heterogeneous techniques, lacking a unified perspective. To tackle this issue, in this paper, we identify the common key skills needed for these tasks from the view of taxonomy structures -- finding 'siblings' and finding 'parents' -- and propose a unified taxonomy-guided instruction tuning framework to jointly solve the three tasks. To be specific, by leveraging the existing taxonomy as a rich source of entity relationships, we utilize instruction tuning to fine-tune a large language model to generate parent and sibling entities. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of TaxoInstruct, which outperforms task-specific baselines across all three tasks.

replace TOOLVERIFIER: Generalization to New Tools via Self-Verification

Authors: Dheeraj Mekala, Jason Weston, Jack Lanchantin, Roberta Raileanu, Maria Lomeli, Jingbo Shang, Jane Dwivedi-Yu

Abstract: Teaching language models to use tools is an important milestone towards building general assistants, but remains an open problem. While there has been significant progress on learning to use specific tools via fine-tuning, language models still struggle with learning how to robustly use new tools from only a few demonstrations. In this work we introduce a self-verification method which distinguishes between close candidates by self-asking contrastive questions during (1) tool selection; and (2) parameter generation. We construct synthetic, high-quality, self-generated data for this goal using Llama-2 70B, which we intend to release publicly. Extensive experiments on 4 tasks from the ToolBench benchmark, consisting of 17 unseen tools, demonstrate an average improvement of 22% over few-shot baselines, even in scenarios where the distinctions between candidate tools are finely nuanced.

replace Benchmarking Large Language Models on Answering and Explaining Challenging Medical Questions

Authors: Hanjie Chen, Zhouxiang Fang, Yash Singla, Mark Dredze

Abstract: LLMs have demonstrated impressive performance in answering medical questions, such as passing scores on medical licensing examinations. However, medical board exam questions or general clinical questions do not capture the complexity of realistic clinical cases. Moreover, the lack of reference explanations means we cannot easily evaluate the reasoning of model decisions, a crucial component of supporting doctors in making complex medical decisions. To address these challenges, we construct two new datasets: JAMA Clinical Challenge and Medbullets. JAMA Clinical Challenge consists of questions based on challenging clinical cases, while Medbullets comprises USMLE Step 2&3 style clinical questions. Both datasets are structured as multiple-choice question-answering tasks, where each question is accompanied by an expert-written explanation. We evaluate four LLMs on the two datasets using various prompts. Experiments demonstrate that our datasets are harder than previous benchmarks. The inconsistency between automatic and human evaluations of model-generated explanations highlights the need to develop new metrics to support future research on explainable medical QA.

replace MuseGraph: Graph-oriented Instruction Tuning of Large Language Models for Generic Graph Mining

Authors: Yanchao Tan, Hang Lv, Xinyi Huang, Jiawei Zhang, Shiping Wang, Carl Yang

Abstract: Graphs with abundant attributes are essential in modeling interconnected entities and improving predictions in various real-world applications. Traditional Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which are commonly used for modeling attributed graphs, need to be re-trained every time when applied to different graph tasks and datasets. Although the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) has introduced a new paradigm in natural language processing, the generative potential of LLMs in graph mining remains largely under-explored. To this end, we propose a novel framework MuseGraph, which seamlessly integrates the strengths of GNNs and LLMs and facilitates a more effective and generic approach for graph mining across different tasks and datasets. Specifically, we first introduce a compact graph description via the proposed adaptive input generation to encapsulate key information from the graph under the constraints of language token limitations. Then, we propose a diverse instruction generation mechanism, which distills the reasoning capabilities from LLMs (e.g., GPT-4) to create task-specific Chain-of-Thought-based instruction packages for different graph tasks. Finally, we propose a graph-aware instruction tuning with a dynamic instruction package allocation strategy across tasks and datasets, ensuring the effectiveness and generalization of the training process. Our experimental results demonstrate significant improvements in different graph tasks, showcasing the potential of our MuseGraph in enhancing the accuracy of graph-oriented downstream tasks while keeping the generation powers of LLMs.

replace Electrocardiogram Instruction Tuning for Report Generation

Authors: Zhongwei Wan, Che Liu, Xin Wang, Chaofan Tao, Hui Shen, Zhenwu Peng, Jie Fu, Rossella Arcucci, Huaxiu Yao, Mi Zhang

Abstract: Electrocardiogram (ECG) serves as the primary non-invasive diagnostic tool for cardiac conditions monitoring, are crucial in assisting clinicians. Recent studies have concentrated on classifying cardiac conditions using ECG data but have overlooked ECG report generation, which is not only time-consuming but also requires clinical expertise. To automate ECG report generation and ensure its versatility, we propose the Multimodal ECG Instruction Tuning (MEIT) framework, the \textit{first} attempt to tackle ECG report generation with LLMs and multimodal instructions. To facilitate future research, we establish a benchmark to evaluate MEIT with various LLMs backbones across two large-scale ECG datasets. Our approach uniquely aligns the representations of the ECG signal and the report, and we conduct extensive experiments to benchmark MEIT with nine open source LLMs, using more than 800,000 ECG reports. MEIT's results underscore the superior performance of instruction-tuned LLMs, showcasing their proficiency in quality report generation, zero-shot capabilities, and resilience to signal perturbation. These findings emphasize the efficacy of our MEIT framework and its potential for real-world clinical application.

replace Multilingual Turn-taking Prediction Using Voice Activity Projection

Authors: Koji Inoue, Bing'er Jiang, Erik Ekstedt, Tatsuya Kawahara, Gabriel Skantze

Abstract: This paper investigates the application of voice activity projection (VAP), a predictive turn-taking model for spoken dialogue, on multilingual data, encompassing English, Mandarin, and Japanese. The VAP model continuously predicts the upcoming voice activities of participants in dyadic dialogue, leveraging a cross-attention Transformer to capture the dynamic interplay between participants. The results show that a monolingual VAP model trained on one language does not make good predictions when applied to other languages. However, a multilingual model, trained on all three languages, demonstrates predictive performance on par with monolingual models across all languages. Further analyses show that the multilingual model has learned to discern the language of the input signal. We also analyze the sensitivity to pitch, a prosodic cue that is thought to be important for turn-taking. Finally, we compare two different audio encoders, contrastive predictive coding (CPC) pre-trained on English, with a recent model based on multilingual wav2vec 2.0 (MMS).

replace Naming, Describing, and Quantifying Visual Objects in Humans and LLMs

Authors: Alberto Testoni, Juell Sprott, Sandro Pezzelle

Abstract: While human speakers use a variety of different expressions when describing the same object in an image, giving rise to a distribution of plausible labels driven by pragmatic constraints, the extent to which current Vision \& Language Large Language Models (VLLMs) can mimic this crucial feature of language use is an open question. This applies to common, everyday objects, but it is particularly interesting for uncommon or novel objects for which a category label may be lacking or fuzzy. Furthermore, humans show clear production preferences for highly context-sensitive expressions, such as the quantifiers `few' or `most'. In our work, we evaluate VLLMs (FROMAGe, BLIP-2, LLaVA) on three categories (nouns, attributes, and quantifiers) where humans show great subjective variability concerning the distribution over plausible labels, using datasets and resources mostly under-explored in previous work. Our results reveal mixed evidence on the ability of VLLMs to capture human naming preferences, with all models failing in tasks that require high-level reasoning such as assigning quantifiers.

replace StableToolBench: Towards Stable Large-Scale Benchmarking on Tool Learning of Large Language Models

Authors: Zhicheng Guo, Sijie Cheng, Hao Wang, Shihao Liang, Yujia Qin, Peng Li, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun, Yang Liu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have witnessed remarkable advancements in recent years, prompting the exploration of tool learning, which integrates LLMs with external tools to address diverse real-world challenges. Assessing the capability of LLMs to utilise tools necessitates large-scale and stable benchmarks. However, previous works relied on either hand-crafted online tools with limited scale, or large-scale real online APIs suffering from instability of API status. To address this problem, we introduce StableToolBench, a benchmark evolving from ToolBench, proposing a virtual API server and stable evaluation system. The virtual API server contains a caching system and API simulators which are complementary to alleviate the change in API status. Meanwhile, the stable evaluation system designs solvable pass and win rates using GPT-4 as the automatic evaluator to eliminate the randomness during evaluation. Experimental results demonstrate the stability of StableToolBench, and further discuss the effectiveness of API simulators, the caching system, and the evaluator system.

replace Beyond Memorization: The Challenge of Random Memory Access in Language Models

Authors: Tongyao Zhu, Qian Liu, Liang Pang, Zhengbao Jiang, Min-Yen Kan, Min Lin

Abstract: Recent developments in Language Models (LMs) have shown their effectiveness in NLP tasks, particularly in knowledge-intensive tasks. However, the mechanisms underlying knowledge storage and memory access within their parameters remain elusive. In this paper, we investigate whether a generative LM (e.g., GPT-2) is able to access its memory sequentially or randomly. Through carefully-designed synthetic tasks, covering the scenarios of full recitation, selective recitation and grounded question answering, we reveal that LMs manage to sequentially access their memory while encountering challenges in randomly accessing memorized content. We find that techniques including recitation and permutation improve the random memory access capability of LMs. Furthermore, by applying this intervention to realistic scenarios of open-domain question answering, we validate that enhancing random access by recitation leads to notable improvements in question answering. The code to reproduce our experiments can be found at


replace-cross UniTabE: A Universal Pretraining Protocol for Tabular Foundation Model in Data Science

Authors: Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Guang Liu, Ledell Wu, Qi Liu

Abstract: Recent advancements in NLP have witnessed the groundbreaking impact of pretrained models, yielding impressive outcomes across various tasks. This study seeks to extend the power of pretraining methodologies to facilitating the prediction over tables in data science, a domain traditionally overlooked, yet inherently challenging due to the plethora of table schemas intrinsic to different tasks. The primary research questions underpinning this work revolve around the establishment of a universal pretraining protocol for tables with varied structures, the generalizability and transferability of learned knowledge across tasks, the adaptation to diverse downstream applications, and the incorporation of incremental columns over time. In response to these challenges, we introduce UniTabE, a straightforward yet effective method designed to process tables in a uniform manner, devoid of constraints imposed by specific table structures. UniTabE's core concept relies on representing each basic table element with a module, termed TabUnit. This is subsequently followed by a Transformer encoder to refine the representation. Moreover, our model is designed to facilitate pretraining and finetuning through the utilization of free-form prompts. In order to implement the pretraining phase, we curated an expansive tabular dataset comprising approximately 13B samples, meticulously gathered from the Kaggle platform. This research primarily centers on classification and regression tasks involving tabular data, and conducts rigorous experimental testing and analyses to validate the effectiveness of our methodology. The experimental results demonstrate UniTabE's superior performance against several baselines across massive benchmarks. This, therefore, underscores UniTabE's potential to significantly enhance the semantic representation of tabular data, thereby marking a significant stride for tabular data analysis.

replace-cross Octavius: Mitigating Task Interference in MLLMs via LoRA-MoE

Authors: Zeren Chen, Ziqin Wang, Zhen Wang, Huayang Liu, Zhenfei Yin, Si Liu, Lu Sheng, Wanli Ouyang, Yu Qiao, Jing Shao

Abstract: Recent studies have demonstrated Large Language Models (LLMs) can extend their zero-shot generalization capabilities to multimodal learning through instruction tuning. As more modalities and downstream tasks are introduced, negative conflicts and interference may have a worse impact on performance. While this phenomenon has been overlooked in previous work, we propose a novel and extensible framework, called Octavius, for comprehensive studies and experimentation on multimodal learning with Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). Specifically, we combine the well-known Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) and one of the representative PEFT techniques, i.e., LoRA, designing a novel LLM-based decoder, called LoRA-MoE, for multimodal learning. To the best of our knowledge, we are one of the pioneering efforts to introduce MoE into MLLMs to address this problem. The experimental results (about 20% improvement) have shown the effectiveness and versatility of our design in various 2D and 3D downstream tasks. Code and datasets are available at


replace-cross Agent Lumos: Unified and Modular Training for Open-Source Language Agents

Authors: Da Yin, Faeze Brahman, Abhilasha Ravichander, Khyathi Chandu, Kai-Wei Chang, Yejin Choi, Bill Yuchen Lin

Abstract: Closed-source agents suffer from several issues such as a lack of affordability, transparency, and reproducibility, particularly on complex interactive tasks. This motivates the development of open-source alternatives. We introduce LUMOS, one of the first frameworks for training open-source LLM-based agents. LUMOS features a learnable, unified, and modular architecture with a planning module that learns high-level subgoal generation, and a grounding module trained to translate these into actions using various tools in the execution module. The design allows for modular upgrades and wider applicability to diverse interactive tasks. To foster generalizable agent learning, we collect large-scale, unified, and high-quality training annotations derived from diverse ground-truth reasoning rationales across various complex interactive tasks. On 9 datasets, LUMOS exhibits several key advantages: (1) LUMOS excels multiple larger open-source agents on the held-out datasets (unused for training) for each task type. LUMOS even surpasses GPT agents on QA and web tasks; (2) LUMOS outperforms open-source agents produced by chain-of-thoughts and unmodularized integrated training; and (3) LUMOS effectively generalizes to unseen tasks, outperforming 33B-scale agents and domain-specific agents.

replace-cross WsiCaption: Multiple Instance Generation of Pathology Reports for Gigapixel Whole-Slide Images

Authors: Pingyi Chen, Honglin Li, Chenglu Zhu, Sunyi Zheng, Zhongyi Shui, Lin Yang

Abstract: Whole slide images are the foundation of digital pathology for the diagnosis and treatment of carcinomas. Writing pathology reports is laborious and error-prone for inexperienced pathologists. To reduce the workload and improve clinical automation, we investigate how to generate pathology reports given whole slide images. On the data end, we curated the largest WSI-text dataset (TCGA-PathoText). In specific, we collected nearly 10000 high-quality WSI-text pairs for visual-language models by recognizing and cleaning pathology reports which narrate diagnostic slides in TCGA. On the model end, we propose the multiple instance generative model (MI-Gen) which can produce pathology reports for gigapixel WSIs. We benchmark our model on the largest subset of TCGA-PathoText. Experimental results show our model can generate pathology reports which contain multiple clinical clues and achieve competitive performance on certain slide-level tasks. We observe that simple semantic extraction from the pathology reports can achieve the best performance (0.838 of F1 score) on BRCA subtyping surpassing previous state-of-the-art approaches. Our collected dataset and related code are available.

replace-cross MLLMs-Augmented Visual-Language Representation Learning

Authors: Yanqing Liu, Kai Wang, Wenqi Shao, Ping Luo, Yu Qiao, Mike Zheng Shou, Kaipeng Zhang, Yang You

Abstract: Visual-language pre-training has achieved remarkable success in many multi-modal tasks, largely attributed to the availability of large-scale image-text datasets. In this work, we demonstrate that Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) can enhance visual-language representation learning by establishing richer image-text associations for image-text datasets. Our approach is simple, utilizing MLLMs to extend multiple diverse captions for each image. To prevent the bias introduced by MLLMs' hallucinations and monotonous language styles, we propose "text shearing" to maintain the quality and availability of extended captions. In image-text retrieval, without introducing additional training cost, our method consistently obtains 5.6 ~ 35.0 and 16.8 ~ 46.1 improvement on Recall@1 under the fine-tuning and zero-shot settings, respectively. Notably, we obtain zero-shot results that are comparable to fine-tuning on target datasets, which encourages more exploration of the versatile use of MLLMs.

replace-cross Jellyfish: A Large Language Model for Data Preprocessing

Authors: Haochen Zhang, Yuyang Dong, Chuan Xiao, Masafumi Oyamada

Abstract: This paper explores the utilization of LLMs for data preprocessing (DP), a crucial step in the data mining pipeline that transforms raw data into a clean format conducive to easy processing. Whereas the use of LLMs has sparked interest in devising universal solutions to DP, recent initiatives in this domain typically rely on GPT APIs, raising inevitable data breach concerns. Unlike these approaches, we consider instruction-tuning local LLMs (7 - 13B models) as universal DP ask solver. We select a collection of datasets across four representative DP tasks and construct instruction-tuning data using serialization and knowledge injection techniques tailored to DP. As such, the instruction-tuned LLMs empower users to manually craft instructions for DP. Meanwhile, they can operate on a local, single, and low-priced GPU, ensuring data security and enabling further tuning. Our experiments show that our dataset constructed for DP instruction tuning, namely Jellyfish, effectively enhances LLMs' DP performances and barely compromises their abilities in NLP tasks. By tuning Mistral-7B and OpenOrca-Platypus2-13B with Jellyfish, the models deliver competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art DP methods and strong generalizability to unseen tasks. The models' performance rivals that of GPT series models, and the interpretation offers enhanced reasoning capabilities compared to GPT-3.5. The 7B and 13B Jellyfish models are available at Hugging Face:


replace-cross Beyond Gradient and Priors in Privacy Attacks: Leveraging Pooler Layer Inputs of Language Models in Federated Learning

Authors: Jianwei Li, Sheng Liu, Qi Lei

Abstract: Language models trained via federated learning (FL) demonstrate impressive capabilities in handling complex tasks while protecting user privacy. Recent studies indicate that leveraging gradient information and prior knowledge can potentially reveal training samples within FL setting. However, these investigations have overlooked the potential privacy risks tied to the intrinsic architecture of the models. This paper presents a two-stage privacy attack strategy that targets the vulnerabilities in the architecture of contemporary language models, significantly enhancing attack performance by initially recovering certain feature directions as additional supervisory signals. Our comparative experiments demonstrate superior attack performance across various datasets and scenarios, highlighting the privacy leakage risk associated with the increasingly complex architectures of language models. We call for the community to recognize and address these potential privacy risks in designing large language models.

replace-cross GPT-4V(ision) is a Generalist Web Agent, if Grounded

Authors: Boyuan Zheng, Boyu Gou, Jihyung Kil, Huan Sun, Yu Su

Abstract: The recent development on large multimodal models (LMMs), especially GPT-4V(ision) and Gemini, has been quickly expanding the capability boundaries of multimodal models beyond traditional tasks like image captioning and visual question answering. In this work, we explore the potential of LMMs like GPT-4V as a generalist web agent that can follow natural language instructions to complete tasks on any given website. We propose SEEACT, a generalist web agent that harnesses the power of LMMs for integrated visual understanding and acting on the web. We evaluate on the recent MIND2WEB benchmark. In addition to standard offline evaluation on cached websites, we enable a new online evaluation setting by developing a tool that allows running web agents on live websites. We show that GPT-4V presents a great potential for web agents -- it can successfully complete 51.1 of the tasks on live websites if we manually ground its textual plans into actions on the websites. This substantially outperforms text-only LLMs like GPT-4 or smaller models (FLAN-T5 and BLIP-2) specifically fine-tuned for web agents. However, grounding still remains a major challenge. Existing LMM grounding strategies like set-of-mark prompting turns out to be not effective for web agents, and the best grounding strategy we develop in this paper leverages both the HTML structure and visuals. Yet, there is still a substantial gap with oracle grounding, leaving ample room for further improvement. All code, data, and evaluation tools are available at


replace-cross Network Formation and Dynamics Among Multi-LLMs

Authors: Marios Papachristou, Yuan Yuan

Abstract: Social networks shape opinions, behaviors, and information dissemination in human societies. As large language models (LLMs) increasingly integrate into social and professional environments, understanding their behavior within the context of social interactions and networks becomes essential. Our study analyzes LLMs' network formation behavior to examine whether the dynamics of multiple LLMs are similar to or different from human social dynamics. We observe that LLMs exhibit key social network principles, including preferential attachment, triadic closure, homophily, community structure, and the small-world phenomenon, when asked about their preferences in network formation. We also investigate LLMs' decision-making based on real-world networks, revealing that triadic closure and homophily have a stronger influence than preferential attachment and that LLMs perform well in network formation predictions. Overall, our study opens up new possibilities for using LLMs in network science research and helps develop socially aware LLMs by shedding light on their network formation behaviors and exploring their impacts on social dynamics.

replace-cross Non-verbal information in spontaneous speech -- towards a new framework of analysis

Authors: Tirza Biron, Moshe Barboy, Eran Ben-Artzy, Alona Golubchik, Yanir Marmor, Smadar Szekely, Yaron Winter, David Harel

Abstract: Non-verbal signals in speech are encoded by prosody and carry information that ranges from conversation action to attitude and emotion. Despite its importance, the principles that govern prosodic structure are not yet adequately understood. This paper offers an analytical schema and a technological proof-of-concept for the categorization of prosodic signals and their association with meaning. The schema interprets surface-representations of multi-layered prosodic events. As a first step towards implementation, we present a classification process that disentangles prosodic phenomena of three orders. It relies on fine-tuning a pre-trained speech recognition model, enabling the simultaneous multi-class/multi-label detection. It generalizes over a large variety of spontaneous data, performing on a par with, or superior to, human annotation. In addition to a standardized formalization of prosody, disentangling prosodic patterns can direct a theory of communication and speech organization. A welcome by-product is an interpretation of prosody that will enhance speech- and language-related technologies.

replace-cross Mipha: A Comprehensive Overhaul of Multimodal Assistant with Small Language Models

Authors: Minjie Zhu, Yichen Zhu, Xin Liu, Ning Liu, Zhiyuan Xu, Chaomin Shen, Yaxin Peng, Zhicai Ou, Feifei Feng, Jian Tang

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have showcased impressive skills in tasks related to visual understanding and reasoning. Yet, their widespread application faces obstacles due to the high computational demands during both the training and inference phases, restricting their use to a limited audience within the research and user communities. In this paper, we investigate the design aspects of Multimodal Small Language Models (MSLMs) and propose an efficient multimodal assistant named Mipha, which is designed to create synergy among various aspects: visual representation, language models, and optimization strategies. We show that without increasing the volume of training data, our Mipha-3B outperforms the state-of-the-art large MLLMs, especially LLaVA-1.5-13B, on multiple benchmarks. Through detailed discussion, we provide insights and guidelines for developing strong MSLMs that rival the capabilities of MLLMs. Our code is available at