new Merino: Entropy-driven Design for Generative Language Models on IoT Devices

Authors: Youpeng Zhao, Ming Lin, Huadong Tang, Qiang Wu, Jun Wang

Abstract: Generative Large Language Models (LLMs) stand as a revolutionary advancement in the modern era of artificial intelligence (AI). However, directly deploying LLMs in resource-constrained hardware, such as Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, is difficult due to their high computational cost. In this paper, we propose a novel information-entropy framework for designing mobile-friendly generative language models. Our key design paradigm is to maximize the entropy of transformer decoders within the given computational budgets. The whole design procedure involves solving a mathematical programming (MP) problem, which can be done on the CPU within minutes, making it nearly zero-cost. We evaluate our designed models, termed MeRino, across nine NLP downstream tasks, showing their competitive performance against the state-of-the-art autoregressive transformer models under the mobile setting. Notably, MeRino achieves similar or better zero performance compared to the 350M parameter OPT while being 4.9x faster on NVIDIA Jetson Nano with 5.5x reduction in model size. Code will be made available soon.

new Sketching the Heat Kernel: Using Gaussian Processes to Embed Data

Authors: Anna C. Gilbert, Kevin O'Neill

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel, non-deterministic method for embedding data in low-dimensional Euclidean space based on computing realizations of a Gaussian process depending on the geometry of the data. This type of embedding first appeared in (Adler et al, 2018) as a theoretical model for a generic manifold in high dimensions. In particular, we take the covariance function of the Gaussian process to be the heat kernel, and computing the embedding amounts to sketching a matrix representing the heat kernel. The Karhunen-Lo\`eve expansion reveals that the straight-line distances in the embedding approximate the diffusion distance in a probabilistic sense, avoiding the need for sharp cutoffs and maintaining some of the smaller-scale structure. Our method demonstrates further advantage in its robustness to outliers. We justify the approach with both theory and experiments.

new Revisiting Edge Perturbation for Graph Neural Network in Graph Data Augmentation and Attack

Authors: Xin Liu, Yuxiang Zhang, Meng Wu, Mingyu Yan, Kun He, Wei Yan, Shirui Pan, Xiaochun Ye, Dongrui Fan

Abstract: Edge perturbation is a basic method to modify graph structures. It can be categorized into two veins based on their effects on the performance of graph neural networks (GNNs), i.e., graph data augmentation and attack. Surprisingly, both veins of edge perturbation methods employ the same operations, yet yield opposite effects on GNNs' accuracy. A distinct boundary between these methods in using edge perturbation has never been clearly defined. Consequently, inappropriate perturbations may lead to undesirable outcomes, necessitating precise adjustments to achieve desired effects. Therefore, questions of ``why edge perturbation has a two-faced effect?'' and ``what makes edge perturbation flexible and effective?'' still remain unanswered. In this paper, we will answer these questions by proposing a unified formulation and establishing a clear boundary between two categories of edge perturbation methods. Specifically, we conduct experiments to elucidate the differences and similarities between these methods and theoretically unify the workflow of these methods by casting it to one optimization problem. Then, we devise Edge Priority Detector (EPD) to generate a novel priority metric, bridging these methods up in the workflow. Experiments show that EPD can make augmentation or attack flexibly and achieve comparable or superior performance to other counterparts with less time overhead.

new Abstracting Sparse DNN Acceleration via Structured Sparse Tensor Decomposition

Authors: Geonhwa Jeong, Po-An Tsai, Abhimanyu R. Bambhaniya, Stephen W. Keckler, Tushar Krishna

Abstract: Exploiting sparsity in deep neural networks (DNNs) has been a promising area to meet the growing computation need of modern DNNs. However, in practice, sparse DNN acceleration still faces a key challenge. To minimize the overhead of sparse acceleration, hardware designers have proposed structured sparse hardware support recently, which provides limited flexibility and requires extra model fine-tuning. Moreover, any sparse model fine-tuned for certain structured sparse hardware cannot be accelerated by other structured hardware. To bridge the gap between sparse DNN models and hardware, this paper proposes tensor approximation via structured decomposition (TASD), which leverages the distributive property in linear algebra to turn any sparse tensor into a series of structured sparse tensors. Next, we develop a software framework, TASDER, to accelerate DNNs by searching layer-wise, high-quality structured decomposition for both weight and activation tensors so that they can be accelerated by any systems with structured sparse hardware support. Evaluation results show that, by exploiting prior structured sparse hardware baselines, our method can accelerate off-the-shelf dense and sparse DNNs without fine-tuning and improves energy-delay-product by up to 83% and 74% on average.

new Optimizing Polynomial Graph Filters: A Novel Adaptive Krylov Subspace Approach

Authors: Keke Huang, Wencai Cao, Hoang Ta, Xiaokui Xiao, Pietro Li\`o

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), known as spectral graph filters, find a wide range of applications in web networks. To bypass eigendecomposition, polynomial graph filters are proposed to approximate graph filters by leveraging various polynomial bases for filter training. However, no existing studies have explored the diverse polynomial graph filters from a unified perspective for optimization. In this paper, we first unify polynomial graph filters, as well as the optimal filters of identical degrees into the Krylov subspace of the same order, thus providing equivalent expressive power theoretically. Next, we investigate the asymptotic convergence property of polynomials from the unified Krylov subspace perspective, revealing their limited adaptability in graphs with varying heterophily degrees. Inspired by those facts, we design a novel adaptive Krylov subspace approach to optimize polynomial bases with provable controllability over the graph spectrum so as to adapt various heterophily graphs. Subsequently, we propose AdaptKry, an optimized polynomial graph filter utilizing bases from the adaptive Krylov subspaces. Meanwhile, in light of the diverse spectral properties of complex graphs, we extend AdaptKry by leveraging multiple adaptive Krylov bases without incurring extra training costs. As a consequence, extended AdaptKry is able to capture the intricate characteristics of graphs and provide insights into their inherent complexity. We conduct extensive experiments across a series of real-world datasets. The experimental results demonstrate the superior filtering capability of AdaptKry, as well as the optimized efficacy of the adaptive Krylov basis.

new Towards Faithful Explanations: Boosting Rationalization with Shortcuts Discovery

Authors: Linan Yue, Qi Liu, Yichao Du, Li Wang, Weibo Gao, Yanqing An

Abstract: The remarkable success in neural networks provokes the selective rationalization. It explains the prediction results by identifying a small subset of the inputs sufficient to support them. Since existing methods still suffer from adopting the shortcuts in data to compose rationales and limited large-scale annotated rationales by human, in this paper, we propose a Shortcuts-fused Selective Rationalization (SSR) method, which boosts the rationalization by discovering and exploiting potential shortcuts. Specifically, SSR first designs a shortcuts discovery approach to detect several potential shortcuts. Then, by introducing the identified shortcuts, we propose two strategies to mitigate the problem of utilizing shortcuts to compose rationales. Finally, we develop two data augmentations methods to close the gap in the number of annotated rationales. Extensive experimental results on real-world datasets clearly validate the effectiveness of our proposed method.

new DeepCDCL: An CDCL-based Neural Network Verification Framework

Authors: Zongxin Liu, Pengfei Yang, Lijun Zhang, Xiaowei Huang

Abstract: Neural networks in safety-critical applications face increasing safety and security concerns due to their susceptibility to little disturbance. In this paper, we propose DeepCDCL, a novel neural network verification framework based on the Conflict-Driven Clause Learning (CDCL) algorithm. We introduce an asynchronous clause learning and management structure, reducing redundant time consumption compared to the direct application of the CDCL framework. Furthermore, we also provide a detailed evaluation of the performance of our approach on the ACAS Xu and MNIST datasets, showing that a significant speed-up is achieved in most cases.

new Efficient Post-Training Augmentation for Adaptive Inference in Heterogeneous and Distributed IoT Environments

Authors: Max Sponner, Lorenzo Servadei, Bernd Waschneck, Robert Wille, Akash Kumar

Abstract: Early Exit Neural Networks (EENNs) present a solution to enhance the efficiency of neural network deployments. However, creating EENNs is challenging and requires specialized domain knowledge, due to the large amount of additional design choices. To address this issue, we propose an automated augmentation flow that focuses on converting an existing model into an EENN. It performs all required design decisions for the deployment to heterogeneous or distributed hardware targets: Our framework constructs the EENN architecture, maps its subgraphs to the hardware targets, and configures its decision mechanism. To the best of our knowledge, it is the first framework that is able to perform all of these steps. We evaluated our approach on a collection of Internet-of-Things and standard image classification use cases. For a speech command detection task, our solution was able to reduce the mean operations per inference by 59.67%. For an ECG classification task, it was able to terminate all samples early, reducing the mean inference energy by 74.9% and computations by 78.3%. On CIFAR-10, our solution was able to achieve up to a 58.75% reduction in computations. The search on a ResNet-152 base model for CIFAR-10 took less than nine hours on a laptop CPU. Our proposed approach enables the creation of EENN optimized for IoT environments and can reduce the inference cost of Deep Learning applications on embedded and fog platforms, while also significantly reducing the search cost - making it more accessible for scientists and engineers in industry and research. The low search cost improves the accessibility of EENNs, with the potential to improve the efficiency of neural networks in a wide range of practical applications.

new Temporal Decisions: Leveraging Temporal Correlation for Efficient Decisions in Early Exit Neural Networks

Authors: Max Sponner, Lorenzo Servadei, Bernd Waschneck, Robert Wille, Akash Kumar

Abstract: Deep Learning is becoming increasingly relevant in Embedded and Internet-of-things applications. However, deploying models on embedded devices poses a challenge due to their resource limitations. This can impact the model's inference accuracy and latency. One potential solution are Early Exit Neural Networks, which adjust model depth dynamically through additional classifiers attached between their hidden layers. However, the real-time termination decision mechanism is critical for the system's efficiency, latency, and sustained accuracy. This paper introduces Difference Detection and Temporal Patience as decision mechanisms for Early Exit Neural Networks. They leverage the temporal correlation present in sensor data streams to efficiently terminate the inference. We evaluate their effectiveness in health monitoring, image classification, and wake-word detection tasks. Our novel contributions were able to reduce the computational footprint compared to established decision mechanisms significantly while maintaining higher accuracy scores. We achieved a reduction of mean operations per inference by up to 80% while maintaining accuracy levels within 5% of the original model. These findings highlight the importance of considering temporal correlation in sensor data to improve the termination decision.

new Conditional computation in neural networks: principles and research trends

Authors: Simone Scardapane, Alessandro Baiocchi, Alessio Devoto, Valerio Marsocci, Pasquale Minervini, Jary Pomponi

Abstract: This article summarizes principles and ideas from the emerging area of applying \textit{conditional computation} methods to the design of neural networks. In particular, we focus on neural networks that can dynamically activate or de-activate parts of their computational graph conditionally on their input. Examples include the dynamic selection of, e.g., input tokens, layers (or sets of layers), and sub-modules inside each layer (e.g., channels in a convolutional filter). We first provide a general formalism to describe these techniques in an uniform way. Then, we introduce three notable implementations of these principles: mixture-of-experts (MoEs) networks, token selection mechanisms, and early-exit neural networks. The paper aims to provide a tutorial-like introduction to this growing field. To this end, we analyze the benefits of these modular designs in terms of efficiency, explainability, and transfer learning, with a focus on emerging applicative areas ranging from automated scientific discovery to semantic communication.

new Applying ranking techniques for estimating influence of Earth variables on temperature forecast error

Authors: M. Julia Flores, Melissa Ruiz-V\'asquez, Ana Bastos, Ren\'e Orth

Abstract: This paper describes how to analyze the influence of Earth system variables on the errors when providing temperature forecasts. The initial framework to get the data has been based on previous research work, which resulted in a very interesting discovery. However, the aforementioned study only worked on individual correlations of the variables with respect to the error. This research work is going to re-use the main ideas but introduce three main novelties: (1) applying a data science approach by a few representative locations; (2) taking advantage of the rankings created by Spearman correlation but enriching them with other metrics looking for a more robust ranking of the variables; (3) evaluation of the methodology by learning random forest models for regression with the distinct experimental variations. The main contribution is the framework that shows how to convert correlations into rankings and combine them into an aggregate ranking. We have carried out experiments on five chosen locations to analyze the behavior of this ranking-based methodology. The results show that the specific performance is dependent on the location and season, which is expected, and that this selection technique works properly with Random Forest models but can also improve simpler regression models such as Bayesian Ridge. This work also contributes with an extensive analysis of the results. We can conclude that this selection based on the top-k ranked variables seems promising for this real problem, and it could also be applied in other domains.

new Feasibility of machine learning-based rice yield prediction in India at the district level using climate reanalysis data

Authors: Djavan De Clercq, Adam Mahdi

Abstract: Yield forecasting, the science of predicting agricultural productivity before the crop harvest occurs, helps a wide range of stakeholders make better decisions around agricultural planning. This study aims to investigate whether machine learning-based yield prediction models can capably predict Kharif season rice yields at the district level in India several months before the rice harvest takes place. The methodology involved training 19 machine learning models such as CatBoost, LightGBM, Orthogonal Matching Pursuit, and Extremely Randomized Trees on 20 years of climate, satellite, and rice yield data across 247 of Indian rice-producing districts. In addition to model-building, a dynamic dashboard was built understand how the reliability of rice yield predictions varies across districts. The results of the proof-of-concept machine learning pipeline demonstrated that rice yields can be predicted with a reasonable degree of accuracy, with out-of-sample R2, MAE, and MAPE performance of up to 0.82, 0.29, and 0.16 respectively. These results outperformed test set performance reported in related literature on rice yield modeling in other contexts and countries. In addition, SHAP value analysis was conducted to infer both the importance and directional impact of the climate and remote sensing variables included in the model. Important features driving rice yields included temperature, soil water volume, and leaf area index. In particular, higher temperatures in August correlate with increased rice yields, particularly when the leaf area index in August is also high. Building on the results, a proof-of-concept dashboard was developed to allow users to easily explore which districts may experience a rise or fall in yield relative to the previous year.

new Do Deep Neural Network Solutions Form a Star Domain?

Authors: Ankit Sonthalia, Alexander Rubinstein, Ehsan Abbasnejad, Seong Joon Oh

Abstract: Entezari et al. (2022) conjectured that neural network solution sets reachable via stochastic gradient descent (SGD) are convex, considering permutation invariances. This means that two independent solutions can be connected by a linear path with low loss, given one of them is appropriately permuted. However, current methods to test this theory often fail to eliminate loss barriers between two independent solutions (Ainsworth et al., 2022; Benzing et al., 2022). In this work, we conjecture that a more relaxed claim holds: the SGD solution set is a star domain that contains a star model that is linearly connected to all the other solutions via paths with low loss values, modulo permutations. We propose the Starlight algorithm that finds a star model of a given learning task. We validate our claim by showing that this star model is linearly connected with other independently found solutions. As an additional benefit of our study, we demonstrate better uncertainty estimates on Bayesian Model Averaging over the obtained star domain. Code is available at


new KnowCoder: Coding Structured Knowledge into LLMs for Universal Information Extraction

Authors: Zixuan Li, Yutao Zeng, Yuxin Zuo, Weicheng Ren, Wenxuan Liu, Miao Su, Yucan Guo, Yantao Liu, Xiang Li, Zhilei Hu, Long Bai, Wei Li, Yidan Liu, Pan Yang, Xiaolong Jin, Jiafeng Guo, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: In this paper, we propose KnowCoder, a Large Language Model (LLM) to conduct Universal Information Extraction (UIE) via code generation. KnowCoder aims to develop a kind of unified schema representation that LLMs can easily understand and an effective learning framework that encourages LLMs to follow schemas and extract structured knowledge accurately. To achieve these, KnowCoder introduces a code-style schema representation method to uniformly transform different schemas into Python classes, with which complex schema information, such as constraints among tasks in UIE, can be captured in an LLM-friendly manner. We further construct a code-style schema library covering over $\textbf{30,000}$ types of knowledge, which is the largest one for UIE, to the best of our knowledge. To ease the learning process of LLMs, KnowCoder contains a two-phase learning framework that enhances its schema understanding ability via code pretraining and its schema following ability via instruction tuning. After code pretraining on around $1.5$B automatically constructed data, KnowCoder already attains remarkable generalization ability and achieves relative improvements by $\textbf{49.8\%}$ F1, compared to LLaMA2, under the few-shot setting. After instruction tuning, KnowCoder further exhibits strong generalization ability on unseen schemas and achieves up to $\textbf{12.5\%}$ and $\textbf{21.9\%}$, compared to sota baselines, under the zero-shot setting and the low resource setting, respectively. Additionally, based on our unified schema representations, various human-annotated datasets can simultaneously be utilized to refine KnowCoder, which achieves significant improvements up to $\textbf{7.5\%}$ under the supervised setting.

new Do Agents Dream of Electric Sheep?: Improving Generalization in Reinforcement Learning through Generative Learning

Authors: Giorgio Franceschelli, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: The Overfitted Brain hypothesis suggests dreams happen to allow generalization in the human brain. Here, we ask if the same is true for reinforcement learning agents as well. Given limited experience in a real environment, we use imagination-based reinforcement learning to train a policy on dream-like episodes, where non-imaginative, predicted trajectories are modified through generative augmentations. Experiments on four ProcGen environments show that, compared to classic imagination and offline training on collected experience, our method can reach a higher level of generalization when dealing with sparsely rewarded environments.

new Supervised Time Series Classification for Anomaly Detection in Subsea Engineering

Authors: Ergys \c{C}okaj, Halvor Snersrud Gustad, Andrea Leone, Per Thomas Moe, Lasse Moldestad

Abstract: Time series classification is of significant importance in monitoring structural systems. In this work, we investigate the use of supervised machine learning classification algorithms on simulated data based on a physical system with two states: Intact and Broken. We provide a comprehensive discussion of the preprocessing of temporal data, using measures of statistical dispersion and dimension reduction techniques. We present an intuitive baseline method and discuss its efficiency. We conclude with a comparison of the various methods based on different performance metrics, showing the advantage of using machine learning techniques as a tool in decision making.

new xMLP: Revolutionizing Private Inference with Exclusive Square Activation

Authors: Jiajie Li, Jinjun Xiong

Abstract: Private Inference (PI) enables deep neural networks (DNNs) to work on private data without leaking sensitive information by exploiting cryptographic primitives such as multi-party computation (MPC) and homomorphic encryption (HE). However, the use of non-linear activations such as ReLU in DNNs can lead to impractically high PI latency in existing PI systems, as ReLU requires the use of costly MPC computations, such as Garbled Circuits. Since square activations can be processed by Beaver's triples hundreds of times faster compared to ReLU, they are more friendly to PI tasks, but using them leads to a notable drop in model accuracy. This paper starts by exploring the reason for such an accuracy drop after using square activations, and concludes that this is due to an "information compounding" effect. Leveraging this insight, we propose xMLP, a novel DNN architecture that uses square activations exclusively while maintaining parity in both accuracy and efficiency with ReLU-based DNNs. Our experiments on CIFAR-100 and ImageNet show that xMLP models consistently achieve better performance than ResNet models with fewer activation layers and parameters while maintaining consistent performance with its ReLU-based variants. Remarkably, when compared to state-of-the-art PI Models, xMLP demonstrates superior performance, achieving a 0.58% increase in accuracy with 7x faster PI speed. Moreover, it delivers a significant accuracy improvement of 4.96% while maintaining the same PI latency. When offloading PI to the GPU, xMLP is up to 700x faster than the previous state-of-the-art PI model with comparable accuracy.

new McCatch: Scalable Microcluster Detection in Dimensional and Nondimensional Datasets

Authors: Braulio V. S\'anchez Vinces, Robson L. F. Cordeiro, Christos Faloutsos

Abstract: How could we have an outlier detector that works even with nondimensional data, and ranks together both singleton microclusters ('one-off' outliers) and nonsingleton microclusters by their anomaly scores? How to obtain scores that are principled in one scalable and 'hands-off' manner? Microclusters of outliers indicate coalition or repetition in fraud activities, etc.; their identification is thus highly desirable. This paper presents McCatch: a new algorithm that detects microclusters by leveraging our proposed 'Oracle' plot (1NN Distance versus Group 1NN Distance). We study 31 real and synthetic datasets with up to 1M data elements to show that McCatch is the only method that answers both of the questions above; and, it outperforms 11 other methods, especially when the data has nonsingleton microclusters or is nondimensional. We also showcase McCatch's ability to detect meaningful microclusters in graphs, fingerprints, logs of network connections, text data, and satellite imagery. For example, it found a 30-elements microcluster of confirmed 'Denial of Service' attacks in the network logs, taking only ~3 minutes for 222K data elements on a stock desktop.

new MicroT: Low-Energy and Adaptive Models for MCUs

Authors: Yushan Huang, Ranya Aloufi, Xavier Cadet, Yuchen Zhao, Payam Barnaghi, Hamed Haddadi

Abstract: We propose MicroT, a low-energy, multi-task adaptive model framework for resource-constrained MCUs. We divide the original model into a feature extractor and a classifier. The feature extractor is obtained through self-supervised knowledge distillation and further optimized into part and full models through model splitting and joint training. These models are then deployed on MCUs, with classifiers added and trained on local tasks, ultimately performing stage-decision for joint inference. In this process, the part model initially processes the sample, and if the confidence score falls below the set threshold, the full model will resume and continue the inference. We evaluate MicroT on two models, three datasets, and two MCU boards. Our experimental evaluation shows that MicroT effectively improves model performance and reduces energy consumption when dealing with multiple local tasks. Compared to the unoptimized feature extractor, MicroT can improve accuracy by up to 9.87%. On MCUs, compared to the standard full model inference, MicroT can save up to about 29.13% in energy consumption. MicroT also allows users to adaptively adjust the stage-decision ratio as needed, better balancing model performance and energy consumption. Under the standard stage-decision ratio configuration, MicroT can increase accuracy by 5.91% and save about 14.47% of energy consumption.

new DrivAerNet: A Parametric Car Dataset for Data-Driven Aerodynamic Design and Graph-Based Drag Prediction

Authors: Mohamed Elrefaie, Angela Dai, Faez Ahmed

Abstract: This study introduces DrivAerNet, a large-scale high-fidelity CFD dataset of 3D industry-standard car shapes, and RegDGCNN, a dynamic graph convolutional neural network model, both aimed at aerodynamic car design through machine learning. DrivAerNet, with its 4000 detailed 3D car meshes using 0.5 million surface mesh faces and comprehensive aerodynamic performance data comprising of full 3D pressure, velocity fields, and wall-shear stresses, addresses the critical need for extensive datasets to train deep learning models in engineering applications. It is 60\% larger than the previously available largest public dataset of cars, and is the only open-source dataset that also models wheels and underbody. RegDGCNN leverages this large-scale dataset to provide high-precision drag estimates directly from 3D meshes, bypassing traditional limitations such as the need for 2D image rendering or Signed Distance Fields (SDF). By enabling fast drag estimation in seconds, RegDGCNN facilitates rapid aerodynamic assessments, offering a substantial leap towards integrating data-driven methods in automotive design. Together, DrivAerNet and RegDGCNN promise to accelerate the car design process and contribute to the development of more efficient vehicles. To lay the groundwork for future innovations in the field, the dataset and code used in our study are publicly accessible at \url{}


new CHAI: Clustered Head Attention for Efficient LLM Inference

Authors: Saurabh Agarwal, Bilge Acun, Basil Homer, Mostafa Elhoushi, Yejin Lee, Shivaram Venkataraman, Dimitris Papailiopoulos, Carole-Jean Wu

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) with hundreds of billions of parameters have transformed the field of machine learning. However, serving these models at inference time is both compute and memory intensive, where a single request can require multiple GPUs and tens of Gigabytes of memory. Multi-Head Attention is one of the key components of LLMs, which can account for over 50% of LLMs memory and compute requirement. We observe that there is a high amount of redundancy across heads on which tokens they pay attention to. Based on this insight, we propose Clustered Head Attention (CHAI). CHAI combines heads with a high amount of correlation for self-attention at runtime, thus reducing both memory and compute. In our experiments, we show that CHAI is able to reduce the memory requirements for storing K,V cache by up to 21.4% and inference time latency by up to 1.73x without any fine-tuning required. CHAI achieves this with a maximum 3.2% deviation in accuracy across 3 different models (i.e. OPT-66B, LLAMA-7B, LLAMA-33B) and 5 different evaluation datasets.

new Mechanics of Next Token Prediction with Self-Attention

Authors: Yingcong Li, Yixiao Huang, M. Emrullah Ildiz, Ankit Singh Rawat, Samet Oymak

Abstract: Transformer-based language models are trained on large datasets to predict the next token given an input sequence. Despite this simple training objective, they have led to revolutionary advances in natural language processing. Underlying this success is the self-attention mechanism. In this work, we ask: $\textit{What}$ $\textit{does}$ $\textit{a}$ $\textit{single}$ $\textit{self-attention}$ $\textit{layer}$ $\textit{learn}$ $\textit{from}$ $\textit{next-token}$ $\textit{prediction?}$ We show that training self-attention with gradient descent learns an automaton which generates the next token in two distinct steps: $\textbf{(1)}$ $\textbf{Hard}$ $\textbf{retrieval:}$ Given input sequence, self-attention precisely selects the $\textit{high-priority}$ $\textit{input}$ $\textit{tokens}$ associated with the last input token. $\textbf{(2)}$ $\textbf{Soft}$ $\textbf{composition:}$ It then creates a convex combination of the high-priority tokens from which the next token can be sampled. Under suitable conditions, we rigorously characterize these mechanics through a directed graph over tokens extracted from the training data. We prove that gradient descent implicitly discovers the strongly-connected components (SCC) of this graph and self-attention learns to retrieve the tokens that belong to the highest-priority SCC available in the context window. Our theory relies on decomposing the model weights into a directional component and a finite component that correspond to hard retrieval and soft composition steps respectively. This also formalizes a related implicit bias formula conjectured in [Tarzanagh et al. 2023]. We hope that these findings shed light on how self-attention processes sequential data and pave the path toward demystifying more complex architectures.

new Efficient Language Model Architectures for Differentially Private Federated Learning

Authors: Jae Hun Ro, Srinadh Bhojanapalli, Zheng Xu, Yanxiang Zhang, Ananda Theertha Suresh

Abstract: Cross-device federated learning (FL) is a technique that trains a model on data distributed across typically millions of edge devices without data leaving the devices. SGD is the standard client optimizer for on device training in cross-device FL, favored for its memory and computational efficiency. However, in centralized training of neural language models, adaptive optimizers are preferred as they offer improved stability and performance. In light of this, we ask if language models can be modified such that they can be efficiently trained with SGD client optimizers and answer this affirmatively. We propose a scale-invariant Coupled Input Forget Gate (SI CIFG) recurrent network by modifying the sigmoid and tanh activations in the recurrent cell and show that this new model converges faster and achieves better utility than the standard CIFG recurrent model in cross-device FL in large scale experiments. We further show that the proposed scale invariant modification also helps in federated learning of larger transformer models. Finally, we demonstrate the scale invariant modification is also compatible with other non-adaptive algorithms. Particularly, our results suggest an improved privacy utility trade-off in federated learning with differential privacy.

new Early Directional Convergence in Deep Homogeneous Neural Networks for Small Initializations

Authors: Akshay Kumar, Jarvis Haupt

Abstract: This paper studies the gradient flow dynamics that arise when training deep homogeneous neural networks, starting with small initializations. The present work considers neural networks that are assumed to have locally Lipschitz gradients and an order of homogeneity strictly greater than two. This paper demonstrates that for sufficiently small initializations, during the early stages of training, the weights of the neural network remain small in norm and approximately converge in direction along the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) points of the neural correlation function introduced in [1]. Additionally, for square loss and under a separability assumption on the weights of neural networks, a similar directional convergence of gradient flow dynamics is shown near certain saddle points of the loss function.

new Towards Independence Criterion in Machine Unlearning of Features and Labels

Authors: Ling Han, Nanqing Luo, Hao Huang, Jing Chen, Mary-Anne Hartley

Abstract: This work delves into the complexities of machine unlearning in the face of distributional shifts, particularly focusing on the challenges posed by non-uniform feature and label removal. With the advent of regulations like the GDPR emphasizing data privacy and the right to be forgotten, machine learning models face the daunting task of unlearning sensitive information without compromising their integrity or performance. Our research introduces a novel approach that leverages influence functions and principles of distributional independence to address these challenges. By proposing a comprehensive framework for machine unlearning, we aim to ensure privacy protection while maintaining model performance and adaptability across varying distributions. Our method not only facilitates efficient data removal but also dynamically adjusts the model to preserve its generalization capabilities. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in scenarios characterized by significant distributional shifts, making substantial contributions to the field of machine unlearning. This research paves the way for developing more resilient and adaptable unlearning techniques, ensuring models remain robust and accurate in the dynamic landscape of data privacy and machine learning.

new Representing Molecules as Random Walks Over Interpretable Grammars

Authors: Michael Sun, Minghao Guo, Weize Yuan, Veronika Thost, Crystal Elaine Owens, Aristotle Franklin Grosz, Sharvaa Selvan, Katelyn Zhou, Hassan Mohiuddin, Benjamin J Pedretti, Zachary P Smith, Jie Chen, Wojciech Matusik

Abstract: Recent research in molecular discovery has primarily been devoted to small, drug-like molecules, leaving many similarly important applications in material design without adequate technology. These applications often rely on more complex molecular structures with fewer examples that are carefully designed using known substructures. We propose a data-efficient and interpretable model for representing and reasoning over such molecules in terms of graph grammars that explicitly describe the hierarchical design space featuring motifs to be the design basis. We present a novel representation in the form of random walks over the design space, which facilitates both molecule generation and property prediction. We demonstrate clear advantages over existing methods in terms of performance, efficiency, and synthesizability of predicted molecules, and we provide detailed insights into the method's chemical interpretability.

new Measuring the Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Deep Neural Networks: An Empirical Analysis and Design Recommendations

Authors: Charles Edison Tripp, Jordan Perr-Sauer, Jamil Gafur, Amabarish Nag, Avi Purkayastha, Sagi Zisman, Erik A. Bensen

Abstract: Addressing the so-called ``Red-AI'' trend of rising energy consumption by large-scale neural networks, this study investigates the actual energy consumption, as measured by node-level watt-meters, of training various fully connected neural network architectures. We introduce the BUTTER-E dataset, an augmentation to the BUTTER Empirical Deep Learning dataset, containing energy consumption and performance data from 63,527 individual experimental runs spanning 30,582 distinct configurations: 13 datasets, 20 sizes (number of trainable parameters), 8 network ``shapes'', and 14 depths on both CPU and GPU hardware collected using node-level watt-meters. This dataset reveals the complex relationship between dataset size, network structure, and energy use, and highlights the impact of cache effects. We propose a straightforward and effective energy model that accounts for network size, computing, and memory hierarchy. Our analysis also uncovers a surprising, hardware-mediated non-linear relationship between energy efficiency and network design, challenging the assumption that reducing the number of parameters or FLOPs is the best way to achieve greater energy efficiency. Highlighting the need for cache-considerate algorithm development, we suggest a combined approach to energy efficient network, algorithm, and hardware design. This work contributes to the fields of sustainable computing and Green AI, offering practical guidance for creating more energy-efficient neural networks and promoting sustainable AI.

new The Effect of Different Optimization Strategies to Physics-Constrained Deep Learning for Soil Moisture Estimation

Authors: Jianxin Xie, Bing Yao, Zheyu Jiang

Abstract: Soil moisture is a key hydrological parameter that has significant importance to human society and the environment. Accurate modeling and monitoring of soil moisture in crop fields, especially in the root zone (top 100 cm of soil), is essential for improving agricultural production and crop yield with the help of precision irrigation and farming tools. Realizing the full sensor data potential depends greatly on advanced analytical and predictive domain-aware models. In this work, we propose a physics-constrained deep learning (P-DL) framework to integrate physics-based principles on water transport and water sensing signals for effective reconstruction of the soil moisture dynamics. We adopt three different optimizers, namely Adam, RMSprop, and GD, to minimize the loss function of P-DL during the training process. In the illustrative case study, we demonstrate the empirical convergence of Adam optimizers outperforms the other optimization methods in both mini-batch and full-batch training.

new MolBind: Multimodal Alignment of Language, Molecules, and Proteins

Authors: Teng Xiao, Chao Cui, Huaisheng Zhu, Vasant G. Honavar

Abstract: Recent advancements in biology and chemistry have leveraged multi-modal learning, integrating molecules and their natural language descriptions to enhance drug discovery. However, current pre-training frameworks are limited to two modalities, and designing a unified network to process different modalities (e.g., natural language, 2D molecular graphs, 3D molecular conformations, and 3D proteins) remains challenging due to inherent gaps among them. In this work, we propose MolBind, a framework that trains encoders for multiple modalities through contrastive learning, mapping all modalities to a shared feature space for multi-modal semantic alignment. To facilitate effective pre-training of MolBind on multiple modalities, we also build and collect a high-quality dataset with four modalities, MolBind-M4, including graph-language, conformation-language, graph-conformation, and conformation-protein paired data. MolBind shows superior zero-shot learning performance across a wide range of tasks, demonstrating its strong capability of capturing the underlying semantics of multiple modalities.

new Learning-driven Physically-aware Large-scale Circuit Gate Sizing

Authors: Yuyang Ye, Peng Xu, Lizheng Ren, Tinghuan Chen, Hao Yan, Bei Yu, Longxing Shi

Abstract: Gate sizing plays an important role in timing optimization after physical design. Existing machine learning-based gate sizing works cannot optimize timing on multiple timing paths simultaneously and neglect the physical constraint on layouts. They cause sub-optimal sizing solutions and low-efficiency issues when compared with commercial gate sizing tools. In this work, we propose a learning-driven physically-aware gate sizing framework to optimize timing performance on large-scale circuits efficiently. In our gradient descent optimization-based work, for obtaining accurate gradients, a multi-modal gate sizing-aware timing model is achieved via learning timing information on multiple timing paths and physical information on multiple-scaled layouts jointly. Then, gradient generation based on the sizing-oriented estimator and adaptive back-propagation are developed to update gate sizes. Our results demonstrate that our work achieves higher timing performance improvements in a faster way compared with the commercial gate sizing tool.

new Unsupervised Learning of Hybrid Latent Dynamics: A Learn-to-Identify Framework

Authors: Yubo Ye, Sumeet Vadhavkar, Xiajun Jiang, Ryan Missel, Huafeng Liu, Linwei Wang

Abstract: Modern applications increasingly require unsupervised learning of latent dynamics from high-dimensional time-series. This presents a significant challenge of identifiability: many abstract latent representations may reconstruct observations, yet do they guarantee an adequate identification of the governing dynamics? This paper investigates this challenge from two angles: the use of physics inductive bias specific to the data being modeled, and a learn-to-identify strategy that separates forecasting objectives from the data used for the identification. We combine these two strategies in a novel framework for unsupervised meta-learning of hybrid latent dynamics (Meta-HyLaD) with: 1) a latent dynamic function that hybridize known mathematical expressions of prior physics with neural functions describing its unknown errors, and 2) a meta-learning formulation to learn to separately identify both components of the hybrid dynamics. Through extensive experiments on five physics and one biomedical systems, we provide strong evidence for the benefits of Meta-HyLaD to integrate rich prior knowledge while identifying their gap to observed data.

new PAGE: Domain-Incremental Adaptation with Past-Agnostic Generative Replay for Smart Healthcare

Authors: Chia-Hao Li, Niraj K. Jha

Abstract: We propose PAGE, a domain-incremental adaptation strategy with past-agnostic generative replay for smart healthcare. PAGE enables generative replay without the aid of any preserved data or information from prior domains. When adapting to a new domain, it exploits real data from the new distribution and the current model to generate synthetic data that retain the learned knowledge of previous domains. By replaying the synthetic data with the new real data during training, PAGE achieves a good balance between domain adaptation and knowledge retention. In addition, we incorporate an extended inductive conformal prediction (EICP) method into PAGE to produce a confidence score and a credibility value for each detection result. This makes the predictions interpretable and provides statistical guarantees for disease detection in smart healthcare applications. We demonstrate PAGE's effectiveness in domain-incremental disease detection with three distinct disease datasets collected from commercially available WMSs. PAGE achieves highly competitive performance against state-of-the-art with superior scalability, data privacy, and feasibility. Furthermore, PAGE can enable up to 75% reduction in clinical workload with the help of EICP.

new Deep Submodular Peripteral Network

Authors: Gantavya Bhatt, Arnav Das, Jeff Bilmes

Abstract: Submodular functions, crucial for various applications, often lack practical learning methods for their acquisition. Seemingly unrelated, learning a scaling from oracles offering graded pairwise preferences (GPC) is underexplored, despite a rich history in psychometrics. In this paper, we introduce deep submodular peripteral networks (DSPNs), a novel parametric family of submodular functions, and methods for their training using a contrastive-learning inspired GPC-ready strategy to connect and then tackle both of the above challenges. We introduce newly devised GPC-style "peripteral" loss which leverages numerically graded relationships between pairs of objects (sets in our case). Unlike traditional contrastive learning, our method utilizes graded comparisons, extracting more nuanced information than just binary-outcome comparisons, and contrasts sets of any size (not just two). We also define a novel suite of automatic sampling strategies for training, including active-learning inspired submodular feedback. We demonstrate DSPNs' efficacy in learning submodularity from a costly target submodular function showing superiority in downstream tasks such as experimental design and streaming applications.

new AutoDFP: Automatic Data-Free Pruning via Channel Similarity Reconstruction

Authors: Siqi Li, Jun Chen, Jingyang Xiang, Chengrui Zhu, Yong Liu

Abstract: Structured pruning methods are developed to bridge the gap between the massive scale of neural networks and the limited hardware resources. Most current structured pruning methods rely on training datasets to fine-tune the compressed model, resulting in high computational burdens and being inapplicable for scenarios with stringent requirements on privacy and security. As an alternative, some data-free methods have been proposed, however, these methods often require handcraft parameter tuning and can only achieve inflexible reconstruction. In this paper, we propose the Automatic Data-Free Pruning (AutoDFP) method that achieves automatic pruning and reconstruction without fine-tuning. Our approach is based on the assumption that the loss of information can be partially compensated by retaining focused information from similar channels. Specifically, We formulate data-free pruning as an optimization problem, which can be effectively addressed through reinforcement learning. AutoDFP assesses the similarity of channels for each layer and provides this information to the reinforcement learning agent, guiding the pruning and reconstruction process of the network. We evaluate AutoDFP with multiple networks on multiple datasets, achieving impressive compression results. For instance, on the CIFAR-10 dataset, AutoDFP demonstrates a 2.87\% reduction in accuracy loss compared to the recently proposed data-free pruning method DFPC with fewer FLOPs on VGG-16. Furthermore, on the ImageNet dataset, AutoDFP achieves 43.17\% higher accuracy than the SOTA method with the same 80\% preserved ratio on MobileNet-V1.

new BG-HGNN: Toward Scalable and Efficient Heterogeneous Graph Neural Network

Authors: Junwei Su, Lingjun Mao, Chuan Wu

Abstract: Many computer vision and machine learning problems are modelled as learning tasks on heterogeneous graphs, featuring a wide array of relations from diverse types of nodes and edges. Heterogeneous graph neural networks (HGNNs) stand out as a promising neural model class designed for heterogeneous graphs. Built on traditional GNNs, existing HGNNs employ different parameter spaces to model the varied relationships. However, the practical effectiveness of existing HGNNs is often limited to simple heterogeneous graphs with few relation types. This paper first highlights and demonstrates that the standard approach employed by existing HGNNs inevitably leads to parameter explosion and relation collapse, making HGNNs less effective or impractical for complex heterogeneous graphs with numerous relation types. To overcome this issue, we introduce a novel framework, Blend&Grind-HGNN (BG-HGNN), which effectively tackles the challenges by carefully integrating different relations into a unified feature space manageable by a single set of parameters. This results in a refined HGNN method that is more efficient and effective in learning from heterogeneous graphs, especially when the number of relations grows. Our empirical studies illustrate that BG-HGNN significantly surpasses existing HGNNs in terms of parameter efficiency (up to 28.96 $\times$), training throughput (up to 8.12 $\times$), and accuracy (up to 1.07 $\times$).

new PaddingFlow: Improving Normalizing Flows with Padding-Dimensional Noise

Authors: Qinglong Meng, Chongkun Xia, Xueqian Wang

Abstract: Normalizing flow is a generative modeling approach with efficient sampling. However, Flow-based models suffer two issues, which are manifold and discrete data. If the target distribution is a manifold, which means the dimension of the latent target distribution and the dimension of the data distribution are unmatched, flow-based models might perform badly. Discrete data makes flow-based models collapse into a degenerate mixture of point masses. In this paper, to sidestep such two issues we propose PaddingFlow, a novel dequantization method, which improves normalizing flows with padding-dimensional noise. PaddingFlow is easy to implement, computationally cheap, widely suitable for various tasks, and generates samples that are unbiased estimations of the data. Especially, our method can overcome the limitation of existing dequantization methods that have to change the data distribution, which might degrade performance. We validate our method on the main benchmarks of unconditional density estimation, including five tabular datasets and four image datasets for VAE models, and the IK experiments which are conditional density estimation. The results show that PaddingFlow can provide improvement on all tasks in this paper.

new Robust Decision Aggregation with Adversarial Experts

Authors: Yongkang Guo, Yuqing Kong

Abstract: We consider a binary decision aggregation problem in the presence of both truthful and adversarial experts. The truthful experts will report their private signals truthfully with proper incentive, while the adversarial experts can report arbitrarily. The decision maker needs to design a robust aggregator to forecast the true state of the world based on the reports of experts. The decision maker does not know the specific information structure, which is a joint distribution of signals, states, and strategies of adversarial experts. We want to find the optimal aggregator minimizing regret under the worst information structure. The regret is defined by the difference in expected loss between the aggregator and a benchmark who makes the optimal decision given the joint distribution and reports of truthful experts. We prove that when the truthful experts are symmetric and adversarial experts are not too numerous, the truncated mean is optimal, which means that we remove some lowest reports and highest reports and take averaging among the left reports. Moreover, for many settings, the optimal aggregators are in the family of piecewise linear functions. The regret is independent of the total number of experts but only depends on the ratio of adversaries. We evaluate our aggregators by numerical experiment in an ensemble learning task. We also obtain some negative results for the aggregation problem with adversarial experts under some more general information structures and experts' report space.

new Scattered Mixture-of-Experts Implementation

Authors: Shawn Tan, Yikang Shen, Rameswar Panda, Aaron Courville

Abstract: We present ScatterMoE, an implementation of Sparse Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) on GPUs. ScatterMoE builds upon existing implementations, and overcoming some of the limitations to improve inference and training speed, and memory footprint. This implementation achieves this by avoiding padding and making excessive copies of the input. We introduce ParallelLinear, the main component we use to build our implementation and the various kernels used to speed up the operation. We benchmark our implementation against Megablocks, and show that it enables a higher throughput and lower memory footprint. We also show how ParallelLinear enables extension of the Mixture-of-Experts concept by demonstrating with an implementation of Mixture of Attention.

new Machine Unlearning: Taxonomy, Metrics, Applications, Challenges, and Prospects

Authors: Na Li, Chunyi Zhou, Yansong Gao, Hui Chen, Anmin Fu, Zhi Zhang, Yu Shui

Abstract: Personal digital data is a critical asset, and governments worldwide have enforced laws and regulations to protect data privacy. Data users have been endowed with the right to be forgotten of their data. In the course of machine learning (ML), the forgotten right requires a model provider to delete user data and its subsequent impact on ML models upon user requests. Machine unlearning emerges to address this, which has garnered ever-increasing attention from both industry and academia. While the area has developed rapidly, there is a lack of comprehensive surveys to capture the latest advancements. Recognizing this shortage, we conduct an extensive exploration to map the landscape of machine unlearning including the (fine-grained) taxonomy of unlearning algorithms under centralized and distributed settings, debate on approximate unlearning, verification and evaluation metrics, challenges and solutions for unlearning under different applications, as well as attacks targeting machine unlearning. The survey concludes by outlining potential directions for future research, hoping to serve as a guide for interested scholars.

new Random Search as a Baseline for Sparse Neural Network Architecture Search

Authors: Rezsa Farahani

Abstract: Sparse neural networks have shown similar or better generalization performance than their dense counterparts while having higher parameter efficiency. This has motivated a number of works to learn, induce, or search for high performing sparse networks. While reports of quality or efficiency gains are impressive, standard baselines are lacking, therefore hindering having reliable comparability and reproducibility across methods. In this work, we provide an evaluation approach and a naive Random Search baseline method for finding good sparse configurations. We apply Random Search on the node space of an overparameterized network with the goal of finding better initialized sparse sub-networks that are positioned more advantageously in the loss landscape. We record sparse network post-training performances at various levels of sparsity and compare against both their fully connected parent networks and random sparse configurations at the same sparsity levels. We observe that for this architecture search task, initialized sparse networks found by Random Search neither perform better nor converge more efficiently than their random counterparts. Thus we conclude that Random Search may be viewed as a suitable neutral baseline for sparsity search methods.

new CleanAgent: Automating Data Standardization with LLM-based Agents

Authors: Danrui Qi, Jiannan Wang

Abstract: Data standardization is a crucial part in data science life cycle. While tools like Pandas offer robust functionalities, their complexity and the manual effort required for customizing code to diverse column types pose significant challenges. Although large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have shown promise in automating this process through natural language understanding and code generation, it still demands expert-level programming knowledge and continuous interaction for prompt refinement. To solve these challenges, our key idea is to propose a Python library with declarative, unified APIs for standardizing column types, simplifying the code generation of LLM with concise API calls. We first propose Dataprep.Clean which is written as a component of the Dataprep Library, offers a significant reduction in complexity by enabling the standardization of specific column types with a single line of code. Then we introduce the CleanAgent framework integrating Dataprep.Clean and LLM-based agents to automate the data standardization process. With CleanAgent, data scientists need only provide their requirements once, allowing for a hands-free, automatic standardization process.

new HRLAIF: Improvements in Helpfulness and Harmlessness in Open-domain Reinforcement Learning From AI Feedback

Authors: Ang Li, Qiugen Xiao, Peng Cao, Jian Tang, Yi Yuan, Zijie Zhao, Xiaoyuan Chen, Liang Zhang, Xiangyang Li, Kaitong Yang, Weidong Guo, Yukang Gan, Daniell Wang, Ying Shan

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (RLAIF) has the advantages of shorter annotation cycles and lower costs over Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), making it highly efficient during the rapid strategy iteration periods of large language model (LLM) training. Using ChatGPT as a labeler to provide feedback on open-domain prompts in RLAIF training, we observe an increase in human evaluators' preference win ratio for model responses, but a decrease in evaluators' satisfaction rate. Analysis suggests that the decrease in satisfaction rate is mainly due to some responses becoming less helpful, particularly in terms of correctness and truthfulness, highlighting practical limitations of basic RLAIF. In this paper, we propose Hybrid Reinforcement Learning from AI Feedback (HRLAIF). This method enhances the accuracy of AI annotations for responses, making the model's helpfulness more robust in training process. Additionally, it employs AI for Red Teaming, further improving the model's harmlessness. Human evaluation results show that HRLAIF inherits the ability of RLAIF to enhance human preference for outcomes at a low cost while also improving the satisfaction rate of responses. Compared to the policy model before Reinforcement Learning (RL), it achieves an increase of 2.08\% in satisfaction rate, effectively addressing the issue of a decrease of 4.58\% in satisfaction rate after basic RLAIF.

new Bayesian Optimization that Limits Search Region to Lower Dimensions Utilizing Local GPR

Authors: Yasunori Taguchi, Hiro Gangi

Abstract: Optimization of product and system characteristics is required in many fields, including design and control. Bayesian optimization (BO) is often used when there are high observing costs, because BO theoretically guarantees an upper bound on regret. However, computational costs increase exponentially with the number of parameters to be optimized, decreasing search efficiency. We propose a BO that limits the search region to lower dimensions and utilizes local Gaussian process regression (LGPR) to scale the BO to higher dimensions. LGPR treats the low-dimensional search region as "local," improving prediction accuracies there. The LGPR model is trained on a local subset of data specific to that region. This improves prediction accuracy and search efficiency and reduces the time complexity of matrix inversion in the Gaussian process regression. In evaluations with 20D Ackley and Rosenbrock functions, search efficiencies are equal to or higher than those of the compared methods, improved by about 69% and 40% from the case without LGPR. We apply our method to an automatic design task for a power semiconductor device. We successfully reduce the specific on-resistance to 25% better than a conventional method and 3.4% better than without LGPR.

new Fast Inference of Removal-Based Node Influence

Authors: Weikai Li, Zhiping Xiao, Xiao Luo, Yizhou Sun

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) are widely utilized to capture the information spreading patterns in graphs. While remarkable performance has been achieved, there is a new trending topic of evaluating node influence. We propose a new method of evaluating node influence, which measures the prediction change of a trained GNN model caused by removing a node. A real-world application is, "In the task of predicting Twitter accounts' polarity, had a particular account been removed, how would others' polarity change?". We use the GNN as a surrogate model whose prediction could simulate the change of nodes or edges caused by node removal. To obtain the influence for every node, a straightforward way is to alternately remove every node and apply the trained GNN on the modified graph. It is reliable but time-consuming, so we need an efficient method. The related lines of work, such as graph adversarial attack and counterfactual explanation, cannot directly satisfy our needs, since they do not focus on the global influence score for every node. We propose an efficient and intuitive method, NOde-Removal-based fAst GNN inference (NORA), which uses the gradient to approximate the node-removal influence. It only costs one forward propagation and one backpropagation to approximate the influence score for all nodes. Extensive experiments on six datasets and six GNN models verify the effectiveness of NORA. Our code is available at


new A Sparsity Principle for Partially Observable Causal Representation Learning

Authors: Danru Xu, Dingling Yao, S\'ebastien Lachapelle, Perouz Taslakian, Julius von K\"ugelgen, Francesco Locatello, Sara Magliacane

Abstract: Causal representation learning aims at identifying high-level causal variables from perceptual data. Most methods assume that all latent causal variables are captured in the high-dimensional observations. We instead consider a partially observed setting, in which each measurement only provides information about a subset of the underlying causal state. Prior work has studied this setting with multiple domains or views, each depending on a fixed subset of latents. Here, we focus on learning from unpaired observations from a dataset with an instance-dependent partial observability pattern. Our main contribution is to establish two identifiability results for this setting: one for linear mixing functions without parametric assumptions on the underlying causal model, and one for piecewise linear mixing functions with Gaussian latent causal variables. Based on these insights, we propose two methods for estimating the underlying causal variables by enforcing sparsity in the inferred representation. Experiments on different simulated datasets and established benchmarks highlight the effectiveness of our approach in recovering the ground-truth latents.

new Data augmentation with automated machine learning: approaches and performance comparison with classical data augmentation methods

Authors: Alhassan Mumuni, Fuseini Mumuni

Abstract: Data augmentation is arguably the most important regularization technique commonly used to improve generalization performance of machine learning models. It primarily involves the application of appropriate data transformation operations to create new data samples with desired properties. Despite its effectiveness, the process is often challenging because of the time-consuming trial and error procedures for creating and testing different candidate augmentations and their hyperparameters manually. Automated data augmentation methods aim to automate the process. State-of-the-art approaches typically rely on automated machine learning (AutoML) principles. This work presents a comprehensive survey of AutoML-based data augmentation techniques. We discuss various approaches for accomplishing data augmentation with AutoML, including data manipulation, data integration and data synthesis techniques. We present extensive discussion of techniques for realizing each of the major subtasks of the data augmentation process: search space design, hyperparameter optimization and model evaluation. Finally, we carried out an extensive comparison and analysis of the performance of automated data augmentation techniques and state-of-the-art methods based on classical augmentation approaches. The results show that AutoML methods for data augmentation currently outperform state-of-the-art techniques based on conventional approaches.

new Decoupled Federated Learning on Long-Tailed and Non-IID data with Feature Statistics

Authors: Zhuoxin Chen, Zhenyu Wu, Yang Ji

Abstract: Federated learning is designed to enhance data security and privacy, but faces challenges when dealing with heterogeneous data in long-tailed and non-IID distributions. This paper explores an overlooked scenario where tail classes are sparsely distributed over a few clients, causing the models trained with these classes to have a lower probability of being selected during client aggregation, leading to slower convergence rates and poorer model performance. To address this issue, we propose a two-stage Decoupled Federated learning framework using Feature Statistics (DFL-FS). In the first stage, the server estimates the client's class coverage distributions through masked local feature statistics clustering to select models for aggregation to accelerate convergence and enhance feature learning without privacy leakage. In the second stage, DFL-FS employs federated feature regeneration based on global feature statistics and utilizes resampling and weighted covariance to calibrate the global classifier to enhance the model's adaptability to long-tailed data distributions. We conducted experiments on CIFAR10-LT and CIFAR100-LT datasets with various long-tailed rates. The results demonstrate that our method outperforms state-of-the-art methods in both accuracy and convergence rate.

new Nonlinear Manifold Learning Determines Microgel Size from Raman Spectroscopy

Authors: Eleni D. Koronaki, Luise F. Kaven, Johannes M. M. Faust, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Alexander Mitsos

Abstract: Polymer particle size constitutes a crucial characteristic of product quality in polymerization. Raman spectroscopy is an established and reliable process analytical technology for in-line concentration monitoring. Recent approaches and some theoretical considerations show a correlation between Raman signals and particle sizes but do not determine polymer size from Raman spectroscopic measurements accurately and reliably. With this in mind, we propose three alternative machine learning workflows to perform this task, all involving diffusion maps, a nonlinear manifold learning technique for dimensionality reduction: (i) directly from diffusion maps, (ii) alternating diffusion maps, and (iii) conformal autoencoder neural networks. We apply the workflows to a data set of Raman spectra with associated size measured via dynamic light scattering of 47 microgel (cross-linked polymer) samples in a diameter range of 208nm to 483 nm. The conformal autoencoders substantially outperform state-of-the-art methods and results for the first time in a promising prediction of polymer size from Raman spectra.

new FSDR: A Novel Deep Learning-based Feature Selection Algorithm for Pseudo Time-Series Data using Discrete Relaxation

Authors: Mohammad Rahman, Manzur Murshed, Shyh Wei Teng, Manoranjan Paul

Abstract: Conventional feature selection algorithms applied to Pseudo Time-Series (PTS) data, which consists of observations arranged in sequential order without adhering to a conventional temporal dimension, often exhibit impractical computational complexities with high dimensional data. To address this challenge, we introduce a Deep Learning (DL)-based feature selection algorithm: Feature Selection through Discrete Relaxation (FSDR), tailored for PTS data. Unlike the existing feature selection algorithms, FSDR learns the important features as model parameters using discrete relaxation, which refers to the process of approximating a discrete optimisation problem with a continuous one. FSDR is capable of accommodating a high number of feature dimensions, a capability beyond the reach of existing DL-based or traditional methods. Through testing on a hyperspectral dataset (i.e., a type of PTS data), our experimental results demonstrate that FSDR outperforms three commonly used feature selection algorithms, taking into account a balance among execution time, $R^2$, and $RMSE$.

new Reduced Jeffries-Matusita distance: A Novel Loss Function to Improve Generalization Performance of Deep Classification Models

Authors: Mohammad Lashkari, Amin Gheibi

Abstract: The generalization performance of deep neural networks in classification tasks is a major concern in machine learning research. Despite widespread techniques used to diminish the over-fitting issue such as data augmentation, pseudo-labeling, regularization, and ensemble learning, this performance still needs to be enhanced with other approaches. In recent years, it has been theoretically demonstrated that the loss function characteristics i.e. its Lipschitzness and maximum value affect the generalization performance of deep neural networks which can be utilized as a guidance to propose novel distance measures. In this paper, by analyzing the aforementioned characteristics, we introduce a distance called Reduced Jeffries-Matusita as a loss function for training deep classification models to reduce the over-fitting issue. In our experiments, we evaluate the new loss function in two different problems: image classification in computer vision and node classification in the context of graph learning. The results show that the new distance measure stabilizes the training process significantly, enhances the generalization ability, and improves the performance of the models in the Accuracy and F1-score metrics, even if the training set size is small.

new Causal Graph Neural Networks for Wildfire Danger Prediction

Authors: Shan Zhao, Ioannis Prapas, Ilektra Karasante, Zhitong Xiong, Ioannis Papoutsis, Gustau Camps-Valls, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Abstract: Wildfire forecasting is notoriously hard due to the complex interplay of different factors such as weather conditions, vegetation types and human activities. Deep learning models show promise in dealing with this complexity by learning directly from data. However, to inform critical decision making, we argue that we need models that are right for the right reasons; that is, the implicit rules learned should be grounded by the underlying processes driving wildfires. In that direction, we propose integrating causality with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) that explicitly model the causal mechanism among complex variables via graph learning. The causal adjacency matrix considers the synergistic effect among variables and removes the spurious links from highly correlated impacts. Our methodology's effectiveness is demonstrated through superior performance forecasting wildfire patterns in the European boreal and mediterranean biome. The gain is especially prominent in a highly imbalanced dataset, showcasing an enhanced robustness of the model to adapt to regime shifts in functional relationships. Furthermore, SHAP values from our trained model further enhance our understanding of the model's inner workings.

new DeepCSHAP: Utilizing Shapley Values to Explain Deep Complex-Valued Neural Networks

Authors: Florian Eilers, Xiaoyi Jiang

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks are widely used in academy as well as corporate and public applications, including safety critical applications such as health care and autonomous driving. The ability to explain their output is critical for safety reasons as well as acceptance among applicants. A multitude of methods have been proposed to explain real-valued neural networks. Recently, complex-valued neural networks have emerged as a new class of neural networks dealing with complex-valued input data without the necessity of projecting them onto $\mathbb{R}^2$. This brings up the need to develop explanation algorithms for this kind of neural networks. In this paper we provide these developments. While we focus on adapting the widely used DeepSHAP algorithm to the complex domain, we also present versions of four gradient based explanation methods suitable for use in complex-valued neural networks. We evaluate the explanation quality of all presented algorithms and provide all of them as an open source library adaptable to most recent complex-valued neural network architectures.

new Reproducibility and Geometric Intrinsic Dimensionality: An Investigation on Graph Neural Network Research

Authors: Tobias Hille, Maximilian Stubbemann, Tom Hanika

Abstract: Difficulties in replication and reproducibility of empirical evidences in machine learning research have become a prominent topic in recent years. Ensuring that machine learning research results are sound and reliable requires reproducibility, which verifies the reliability of research findings using the same code and data. This promotes open and accessible research, robust experimental workflows, and the rapid integration of new findings. Evaluating the degree to which research publications support these different aspects of reproducibility is one goal of the present work. For this we introduce an ontology of reproducibility in machine learning and apply it to methods for graph neural networks. Building on these efforts we turn towards another critical challenge in machine learning, namely the curse of dimensionality, which poses challenges in data collection, representation, and analysis, making it harder to find representative data and impeding the training and inference processes. Using the closely linked concept of geometric intrinsic dimension we investigate to which extend the used machine learning models are influenced by the intrinsic dimension of the data sets they are trained on.

new Actor-Critic Physics-informed Neural Lyapunov Control

Authors: Jiarui Wang, Mahyar Fazlyab

Abstract: Designing control policies for stabilization tasks with provable guarantees is a long-standing problem in nonlinear control. A crucial performance metric is the size of the resulting region of attraction, which essentially serves as a robustness "margin" of the closed-loop system against uncertainties. In this paper, we propose a new method to train a stabilizing neural network controller along with its corresponding Lyapunov certificate, aiming to maximize the resulting region of attraction while respecting the actuation constraints. Crucial to our approach is the use of Zubov's Partial Differential Equation (PDE), which precisely characterizes the true region of attraction of a given control policy. Our framework follows an actor-critic pattern where we alternate between improving the control policy (actor) and learning a Zubov function (critic). Finally, we compute the largest certifiable region of attraction by invoking an SMT solver after the training procedure. Our numerical experiments on several design problems show consistent and significant improvements in the size of the resulting region of attraction.

new An Analysis of Human Alignment of Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Lorenz Linhardt, Marco Morik, Sidney Bender, Naima Elosegui Borras

Abstract: Diffusion models, trained on large amounts of data, showed remarkable performance for image synthesis. They have high error consistency with humans and low texture bias when used for classification. Furthermore, prior work demonstrated the decomposability of their bottleneck layer representations into semantic directions. In this work, we analyze how well such representations are aligned to human responses on a triplet odd-one-out task. We find that despite the aforementioned observations: I) The representational alignment with humans is comparable to that of models trained only on ImageNet-1k. II) The most aligned layers of the denoiser U-Net are intermediate layers and not the bottleneck. III) Text conditioning greatly improves alignment at high noise levels, hinting at the importance of abstract textual information, especially in the early stage of generation.

new SoK: Reducing the Vulnerability of Fine-tuned Language Models to Membership Inference Attacks

Authors: Guy Amit, Abigail Goldsteen, Ariel Farkash

Abstract: Natural language processing models have experienced a significant upsurge in recent years, with numerous applications being built upon them. Many of these applications require fine-tuning generic base models on customized, proprietary datasets. This fine-tuning data is especially likely to contain personal or sensitive information about individuals, resulting in increased privacy risk. Membership inference attacks are the most commonly employed attack to assess the privacy leakage of a machine learning model. However, limited research is available on the factors that affect the vulnerability of language models to this kind of attack, or on the applicability of different defense strategies in the language domain. We provide the first systematic review of the vulnerability of fine-tuned large language models to membership inference attacks, the various factors that come into play, and the effectiveness of different defense strategies. We find that some training methods provide significantly reduced privacy risk, with the combination of differential privacy and low-rank adaptors achieving the best privacy protection against these attacks.

new DiPrompT: Disentangled Prompt Tuning for Multiple Latent Domain Generalization in Federated Learning

Authors: Sikai Bai, Jie Zhang, Shuaicheng Li, Song Guo, Jingcai Guo, Jun Hou, Tao Han, Xiaocheng Lu

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm for learning from decentralized data, and federated domain generalization further considers the test dataset (target domain) is absent from the decentralized training data (source domains). However, most existing FL methods assume that domain labels are provided during training, and their evaluation imposes explicit constraints on the number of domains, which must strictly match the number of clients. Because of the underutilization of numerous edge devices and additional cross-client domain annotations in the real world, such restrictions may be impractical and involve potential privacy leaks. In this paper, we propose an efficient and novel approach, called Disentangled Prompt Tuning (DiPrompT), a method that tackles the above restrictions by learning adaptive prompts for domain generalization in a distributed manner. Specifically, we first design two types of prompts, i.e., global prompt to capture general knowledge across all clients and domain prompts to capture domain-specific knowledge. They eliminate the restriction on the one-to-one mapping between source domains and local clients. Furthermore, a dynamic query metric is introduced to automatically search the suitable domain label for each sample, which includes two-substep text-image alignments based on prompt tuning without labor-intensive annotation. Extensive experiments on multiple datasets demonstrate that our DiPrompT achieves superior domain generalization performance over state-of-the-art FL methods when domain labels are not provided, and even outperforms many centralized learning methods using domain labels.

new CINA: Conditional Implicit Neural Atlas for Spatio-Temporal Representation of Fetal Brains

Authors: Maik Dannecker, Vanessa Kyriakopoulou, Lucilio Cordero-Grande, Anthony N. Price, Joseph V. Hajnal, Daniel Rueckert

Abstract: We introduce a conditional implicit neural atlas (CINA) for spatio-temporal atlas generation from Magnetic Resonance Images (MRI) of the neurotypical and pathological fetal brain, that is fully independent of affine or non-rigid registration. During training, CINA learns a general representation of the fetal brain and encodes subject specific information into latent code. After training, CINA can construct a faithful atlas with tissue probability maps of the fetal brain for any gestational age (GA) and anatomical variation covered within the training domain. Thus, CINA is competent to represent both, neurotypical and pathological brains. Furthermore, a trained CINA model can be fit to brain MRI of unseen subjects via test-time optimization of the latent code. CINA can then produce probabilistic tissue maps tailored to a particular subject. We evaluate our method on a total of 198 T2 weighted MRI of normal and abnormal fetal brains from the dHCP and FeTA datasets. We demonstrate CINA's capability to represent a fetal brain atlas that can be flexibly conditioned on GA and on anatomical variations like ventricular volume or degree of cortical folding, making it a suitable tool for modeling both neurotypical and pathological brains. We quantify the fidelity of our atlas by means of tissue segmentation and age prediction and compare it to an established baseline. CINA demonstrates superior accuracy for neurotypical brains and pathological brains with ventriculomegaly. Moreover, CINA scores a mean absolute error of 0.23 weeks in fetal brain age prediction, further confirming an accurate representation of fetal brain development.

new Federated Knowledge Graph Unlearning via Diffusion Model

Authors: Bingchen Liu, Yuanyuan Fang

Abstract: Federated learning (FL) promotes the development and application of artificial intelligence technologies by enabling model sharing and collaboration while safeguarding data privacy. Knowledge graph (KG) embedding representation provides a foundation for knowledge reasoning and applications by mapping entities and relations into vector space. Federated KG embedding enables the utilization of knowledge from diverse client sources while safeguarding the privacy of local data. However, due to demands such as privacy protection and the need to adapt to dynamic data changes, investigations into machine unlearning (MU) have been sparked. However, it is challenging to maintain the performance of KG embedding models while forgetting the influence of specific forgotten data on the model. In this paper, we propose FedDM, a novel framework tailored for machine unlearning in federated knowledge graphs. Leveraging diffusion models, we generate noisy data to sensibly mitigate the influence of specific knowledge on FL models while preserving the overall performance concerning the remaining data. We conduct experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets to assess the efficacy of the proposed model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FedDM yields promising results in knowledge forgetting.

new Structural perspective on constraint-based learning of Markov networks

Authors: Tuukka Korhonen, Fedor V. Fomin, Pekka Parviainen

Abstract: Markov networks are probabilistic graphical models that employ undirected graphs to depict conditional independence relationships among variables. Our focus lies in constraint-based structure learning, which entails learning the undirected graph from data through the execution of conditional independence tests. We establish theoretical limits concerning two critical aspects of constraint-based learning of Markov networks: the number of tests and the sizes of the conditioning sets. These bounds uncover an exciting interplay between the structural properties of the graph and the amount of tests required to learn a Markov network. The starting point of our work is that the graph parameter maximum pairwise connectivity, $\kappa$, that is, the maximum number of vertex-disjoint paths connecting a pair of vertices in the graph, is responsible for the sizes of independence tests required to learn the graph. On one hand, we show that at least one test with the size of the conditioning set at least $\kappa$ is always necessary. On the other hand, we prove that any graph can be learned by performing tests of size at most $\kappa$. This completely resolves the question of the minimum size of conditioning sets required to learn the graph. When it comes to the number of tests, our upper bound on the sizes of conditioning sets implies that every $n$-vertex graph can be learned by at most $n^{\kappa}$ tests with conditioning sets of sizes at most $\kappa$. We show that for any upper bound $q$ on the sizes of the conditioning sets, there exist graphs with $O(n q)$ vertices that require at least $n^{\Omega(\kappa)}$ tests to learn. This lower bound holds even when the treewidth and the maximum degree of the graph are at most $\kappa+2$. On the positive side, we prove that every graph of bounded treewidth can be learned by a polynomial number of tests with conditioning sets of sizes at most $2\kappa$.

new A Physics-driven GraphSAGE Method for Physical Process Simulations Described by Partial Differential Equations

Authors: Hang Hu, Sidi Wu, Guoxiong Cai, Na Liu

Abstract: Physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) have successfully addressed various computational physics problems based on partial differential equations (PDEs). However, while tackling issues related to irregularities like singularities and oscillations, trained solutions usually suffer low accuracy. In addition, most current works only offer the trained solution for predetermined input parameters. If any change occurs in input parameters, transfer learning or retraining is required, and traditional numerical techniques also need an independent simulation. In this work, a physics-driven GraphSAGE approach (PD-GraphSAGE) based on the Galerkin method and piecewise polynomial nodal basis functions is presented to solve computational problems governed by irregular PDEs and to develop parametric PDE surrogate models. This approach employs graph representations of physical domains, thereby reducing the demands for evaluated points due to local refinement. A distance-related edge feature and a feature mapping strategy are devised to help training and convergence for singularity and oscillation situations, respectively. The merits of the proposed method are demonstrated through a couple of cases. Moreover, the robust PDE surrogate model for heat conduction problems parameterized by the Gaussian random field source is successfully established, which not only provides the solution accurately but is several times faster than the finite element method in our experiments.

new Caformer: Rethinking Time Series Analysis from Causal Perspective

Authors: Kexuan Zhang, Xiaobei Zou, Yang Tang

Abstract: Time series analysis is a vital task with broad applications in various domains. However, effectively capturing cross-dimension and cross-time dependencies in non-stationary time series poses significant challenges, particularly in the context of environmental factors. The spurious correlation induced by the environment confounds the causal relationships between cross-dimension and cross-time dependencies. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework called Caformer (\underline{\textbf{Ca}}usal Trans\underline{\textbf{former}}) for time series analysis from a causal perspective. Specifically, our framework comprises three components: Dynamic Learner, Environment Learner, and Dependency Learner. The Dynamic Learner unveils dynamic interactions among dimensions, the Environment Learner mitigates spurious correlations caused by environment with a back-door adjustment, and the Dependency Learner aims to infer robust interactions across both time and dimensions. Our Caformer demonstrates consistent state-of-the-art performance across five mainstream time series analysis tasks, including long- and short-term forecasting, imputation, classification, and anomaly detection, with proper interpretability.

new Machine Learning Optimized Orthogonal Basis Piecewise Polynomial Approximation

Authors: Hannes Waclawek, Stefan Huber

Abstract: Piecewise Polynomials (PPs) are utilized in several engineering disciplines, like trajectory planning, to approximate position profiles given in the form of a set of points. While the approximation target along with domain-specific requirements, like Ck -continuity, can be formulated as a system of equations and a result can be computed directly, such closed-form solutions posses limited flexibility with respect to polynomial degrees, polynomial bases or adding further domain-specific requirements. Sufficiently complex optimization goals soon call for the use of numerical methods, like gradient descent. Since gradient descent lies at the heart of training Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), modern Machine Learning (ML) frameworks like TensorFlow come with a set of gradient-based optimizers potentially suitable for a wide range of optimization problems beyond the training task for ANNs. Our approach is to utilize the versatility of PP models and combine it with the potential of modern ML optimizers for the use in function approximation in 1D trajectory planning in the context of electronic cam design. We utilize available optimizers of the ML framework TensorFlow directly, outside of the scope of ANNs, to optimize model parameters of our PP model. In this paper, we show how an orthogonal polynomial basis contributes to improving approximation and continuity optimization performance. Utilizing Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind, we develop a novel regularization approach enabling clearly improved convergence behavior. We show that, using this regularization approach, Chebyshev basis performs better than power basis for all relevant optimizers in the combined approximation and continuity optimization setting and demonstrate usability of the presented approach within the electronic cam domain.

new Improving Implicit Regularization of SGD with Preconditioning for Least Square Problems

Authors: Junwei Su, Difan Zou, Chuan Wu

Abstract: Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) exhibits strong algorithmic regularization effects in practice and plays an important role in the generalization of modern machine learning. However, prior research has revealed instances where the generalization performance of SGD is worse than ridge regression due to uneven optimization along different dimensions. Preconditioning offers a natural solution to this issue by rebalancing optimization across different directions. Yet, the extent to which preconditioning can enhance the generalization performance of SGD and whether it can bridge the existing gap with ridge regression remains uncertain. In this paper, we study the generalization performance of SGD with preconditioning for the least squared problem. We make a comprehensive comparison between preconditioned SGD and (standard \& preconditioned) ridge regression. Our study makes several key contributions toward understanding and improving SGD with preconditioning. First, we establish excess risk bounds (generalization performance) for preconditioned SGD and ridge regression under an arbitrary preconditions matrix. Second, leveraging the excessive risk characterization of preconditioned SGD and ridge regression, we show that (through construction) there exists a simple preconditioned matrix that can outperform (standard \& preconditioned) ridge regression. Finally, we show that our proposed preconditioning matrix is straightforward enough to allow robust estimation from finite samples while maintaining a theoretical advantage over ridge regression. Our empirical results align with our theoretical findings, collectively showcasing the enhanced regularization effect of preconditioned SGD.

new Can physical information aid the generalization ability of Neural Networks for hydraulic modeling?

Authors: Gianmarco Guglielmo, Andrea Montessori, Jean-Michel Tucny, Michele La Rocca, Pietro Prestininzi

Abstract: Application of Neural Networks to river hydraulics is fledgling, despite the field suffering from data scarcity, a challenge for machine learning techniques. Consequently, many purely data-driven Neural Networks proved to lack predictive capabilities. In this work, we propose to mitigate such problem by introducing physical information into the training phase. The idea is borrowed from Physics-Informed Neural Networks which have been recently proposed in other contexts. Physics-Informed Neural Networks embed physical information in the form of the residual of the Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) governing the phenomenon and, as such, are conceived as neural solvers, i.e. an alternative to traditional numerical solvers. Such approach is seldom suitable for environmental hydraulics, where epistemic uncertainties are large, and computing residuals of PDEs exhibits difficulties similar to those faced by classical numerical methods. Instead, we envisaged the employment of Neural Networks as neural operators, featuring physical constraints formulated without resorting to PDEs. The proposed novel methodology shares similarities with data augmentation and regularization. We show that incorporating such soft physical information can improve predictive capabilities.

new Data-Efficient Sleep Staging with Synthetic Time Series Pretraining

Authors: Niklas Grieger, Siamak Mehrkanoon, Stephan Bialonski

Abstract: Analyzing electroencephalographic (EEG) time series can be challenging, especially with deep neural networks, due to the large variability among human subjects and often small datasets. To address these challenges, various strategies, such as self-supervised learning, have been suggested, but they typically rely on extensive empirical datasets. Inspired by recent advances in computer vision, we propose a pretraining task termed "frequency pretraining" to pretrain a neural network for sleep staging by predicting the frequency content of randomly generated synthetic time series. Our experiments demonstrate that our method surpasses fully supervised learning in scenarios with limited data and few subjects, and matches its performance in regimes with many subjects. Furthermore, our results underline the relevance of frequency information for sleep stage scoring, while also demonstrating that deep neural networks utilize information beyond frequencies to enhance sleep staging performance, which is consistent with previous research. We anticipate that our approach will be advantageous across a broad spectrum of applications where EEG data is limited or derived from a small number of subjects, including the domain of brain-computer interfaces.

new On the Convergence of Locally Adaptive and Scalable Diffusion-Based Sampling Methods for Deep Bayesian Neural Network Posteriors

Authors: Tim Rensmeyer, Oliver Niggemann

Abstract: Achieving robust uncertainty quantification for deep neural networks represents an important requirement in many real-world applications of deep learning such as medical imaging where it is necessary to assess the reliability of a neural network's prediction. Bayesian neural networks are a promising approach for modeling uncertainties in deep neural networks. Unfortunately, generating samples from the posterior distribution of neural networks is a major challenge. One significant advance in that direction would be the incorporation of adaptive step sizes, similar to modern neural network optimizers, into Monte Carlo Markov chain sampling algorithms without significantly increasing computational demand. Over the past years, several papers have introduced sampling algorithms with claims that they achieve this property. However, do they indeed converge to the correct distribution? In this paper, we demonstrate that these methods can have a substantial bias in the distribution they sample, even in the limit of vanishing step sizes and at full batch size.

new Verifix: Post-Training Correction to Improve Label Noise Robustness with Verified Samples

Authors: Sangamesh Kodge, Deepak Ravikumar, Gobinda Saha, Kaushik Roy

Abstract: Label corruption, where training samples have incorrect labels, can significantly degrade the performance of machine learning models. This corruption often arises from non-expert labeling or adversarial attacks. Acquiring large, perfectly labeled datasets is costly, and retraining large models from scratch when a clean dataset becomes available is computationally expensive. To address this challenge, we propose Post-Training Correction, a new paradigm that adjusts model parameters after initial training to mitigate label noise, eliminating the need for retraining. We introduce Verifix, a novel Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) based algorithm that leverages a small, verified dataset to correct the model weights using a single update. Verifix uses SVD to estimate a Clean Activation Space and then projects the model's weights onto this space to suppress activations corresponding to corrupted data. We demonstrate Verifix's effectiveness on both synthetic and real-world label noise. Experiments on the CIFAR dataset with 25% synthetic corruption show 7.36% generalization improvements on average. Additionally, we observe generalization improvements of up to 2.63% on naturally corrupted datasets like WebVision1.0 and Clothing1M.

new Human Alignment of Large Language Models through Online Preference Optimisation

Authors: Daniele Calandriello, Daniel Guo, Remi Munos, Mark Rowland, Yunhao Tang, Bernardo Avila Pires, Pierre Harvey Richemond, Charline Le Lan, Michal Valko, Tianqi Liu, Rishabh Joshi, Zeyu Zheng, Bilal Piot

Abstract: Ensuring alignment of language models' outputs with human preferences is critical to guarantee a useful, safe, and pleasant user experience. Thus, human alignment has been extensively studied recently and several methods such as Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF), Direct Policy Optimisation (DPO) and Sequence Likelihood Calibration (SLiC) have emerged. In this paper, our contribution is two-fold. First, we show the equivalence between two recent alignment methods, namely Identity Policy Optimisation (IPO) and Nash Mirror Descent (Nash-MD). Second, we introduce a generalisation of IPO, named IPO-MD, that leverages the regularised sampling approach proposed by Nash-MD. This equivalence may seem surprising at first sight, since IPO is an offline method whereas Nash-MD is an online method using a preference model. However, this equivalence can be proven when we consider the online version of IPO, that is when both generations are sampled by the online policy and annotated by a trained preference model. Optimising the IPO loss with such a stream of data becomes then equivalent to finding the Nash equilibrium of the preference model through self-play. Building on this equivalence, we introduce the IPO-MD algorithm that generates data with a mixture policy (between the online and reference policy) similarly as the general Nash-MD algorithm. We compare online-IPO and IPO-MD to different online versions of existing losses on preference data such as DPO and SLiC on a summarisation task.

new Disparate Effect Of Missing Mediators On Transportability of Causal Effects

Authors: Vishwali Mhasawade, Rumi Chunara

Abstract: Transported mediation effects provide an avenue to understand how upstream interventions (such as improved neighborhood conditions like green spaces) would work differently when applied to different populations as a result of factors that mediate the effects. However, when mediators are missing in the population where the effect is to be transported, these estimates could be biased. We study this issue of missing mediators, motivated by challenges in public health, wherein mediators can be missing, not at random. We propose a sensitivity analysis framework that quantifies the impact of missing mediator data on transported mediation effects. This framework enables us to identify the settings under which the conditional transported mediation effect is rendered insignificant for the subgroup with missing mediator data. Specifically, we provide the bounds on the transported mediation effect as a function of missingness. We then apply the framework to longitudinal data from the Moving to Opportunity Study, a large-scale housing voucher experiment, to quantify the effect of missing mediators on transport effect estimates of voucher receipt, an upstream intervention on living location, in childhood on subsequent risk of mental health or substance use disorder mediated through parental health across sites. Our findings provide a tangible understanding of how much missing data can be withstood for unbiased effect estimates.

new Extracting Explanations, Justification, and Uncertainty from Black-Box Deep Neural Networks

Authors: Paul Ardis, Arjuna Flenner

Abstract: Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) do not inherently compute or exhibit empirically-justified task confidence. In mission critical applications, it is important to both understand associated DNN reasoning and its supporting evidence. In this paper, we propose a novel Bayesian approach to extract explanations, justifications, and uncertainty estimates from DNNs. Our approach is efficient both in terms of memory and computation, and can be applied to any black box DNN without any retraining, including applications to anomaly detection and out-of-distribution detection tasks. We validate our approach on the CIFAR-10 dataset, and show that it can significantly improve the interpretability and reliability of DNNs.

new When can we Approximate Wide Contrastive Models with Neural Tangent Kernels and Principal Component Analysis?

Authors: Gautham Govind Anil, Pascal Esser, Debarghya Ghoshdastidar

Abstract: Contrastive learning is a paradigm for learning representations from unlabelled data that has been highly successful for image and text data. Several recent works have examined contrastive losses to claim that contrastive models effectively learn spectral embeddings, while few works show relations between (wide) contrastive models and kernel principal component analysis (PCA). However, it is not known if trained contrastive models indeed correspond to kernel methods or PCA. In this work, we analyze the training dynamics of two-layer contrastive models, with non-linear activation, and answer when these models are close to PCA or kernel methods. It is well known in the supervised setting that neural networks are equivalent to neural tangent kernel (NTK) machines, and that the NTK of infinitely wide networks remains constant during training. We provide the first convergence results of NTK for contrastive losses, and present a nuanced picture: NTK of wide networks remains almost constant for cosine similarity based contrastive losses, but not for losses based on dot product similarity. We further study the training dynamics of contrastive models with orthogonality constraints on output layer, which is implicitly assumed in works relating contrastive learning to spectral embedding. Our deviation bounds suggest that representations learned by contrastive models are close to the principal components of a certain matrix computed from random features. We empirically show that our theoretical results possibly hold beyond two-layer networks.

new Implicit Regularization of Gradient Flow on One-Layer Softmax Attention

Authors: Heejune Sheen, Siyu Chen, Tianhao Wang, Harrison H. Zhou

Abstract: We study gradient flow on the exponential loss for a classification problem with a one-layer softmax attention model, where the key and query weight matrices are trained separately. Under a separability assumption on the data, we show that when gradient flow achieves the minimal loss value, it further implicitly minimizes the nuclear norm of the product of the key and query weight matrices. Such implicit regularization can be described by a Support Vector Machine (SVM) problem with respect to the attention weights. This finding contrasts with prior results showing that the gradient descent induces an implicit regularization on the Frobenius norm on the product weight matrix when the key and query matrices are combined into a single weight matrix for training. For diagonal key and query matrices, our analysis builds upon the reparameterization technique and exploits approximate KKT conditions of the SVM associated with the classification data. Moreover, the results are extended to general weights configurations given proper alignment of the weight matrices' singular spaces with the data features at initialization.

new Simple and Scalable Strategies to Continually Pre-train Large Language Models

Authors: Adam Ibrahim, Benjamin Th\'erien, Kshitij Gupta, Mats L. Richter, Quentin Anthony, Timoth\'ee Lesort, Eugene Belilovsky, Irina Rish

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are routinely pre-trained on billions of tokens, only to start the process over again once new data becomes available. A much more efficient solution is to continually pre-train these models, saving significant compute compared to re-training. However, the distribution shift induced by new data typically results in degraded performance on previous data or poor adaptation to the new data. In this work, we show that a simple and scalable combination of learning rate (LR) re-warming, LR re-decaying, and replay of previous data is sufficient to match the performance of fully re-training from scratch on all available data, as measured by final loss and language model (LM) evaluation benchmarks. Specifically, we show this for a weak but realistic distribution shift between two commonly used LLM pre-training datasets (English$\rightarrow$English) and a stronger distribution shift (English$\rightarrow$German) at the $405$M parameter model scale with large dataset sizes (hundreds of billions of tokens). Selecting the weak but realistic shift for larger-scale experiments, we also find that our continual learning strategies match the re-training baseline for a 10B parameter LLM. Our results demonstrate that LLMs can be successfully updated via simple and scalable continual learning strategies, matching the re-training baseline using only a fraction of the compute. Finally, inspired by previous work, we propose alternatives to the cosine learning rate schedule that help circumvent forgetting induced by LR re-warming and that are not bound to a fixed token budget.

cross $\widetilde{O}(T^{-1})$ Convergence to (Coarse) Correlated Equilibria in Full-Information General-Sum Markov Games

Authors: Weichao Mao, Haoran Qiu, Chen Wang, Hubertus Franke, Zbigniew Kalbarczyk, Tamer Ba\c{s}ar

Abstract: No-regret learning has a long history of being closely connected to game theory. Recent works have devised uncoupled no-regret learning dynamics that, when adopted by all the players in normal-form games, converge to various equilibrium solutions at a near-optimal rate of $\widetilde{O}(T^{-1})$, a significant improvement over the $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ rate of classic no-regret learners. However, analogous convergence results are scarce in Markov games, a more generic setting that lays the foundation for multi-agent reinforcement learning. In this work, we close this gap by showing that the optimistic-follow-the-regularized-leader (OFTRL) algorithm, together with appropriate value update procedures, can find $\widetilde{O}(T^{-1})$-approximate (coarse) correlated equilibria in full-information general-sum Markov games within $T$ iterations. Numerical results are also included to corroborate our theoretical findings.

cross Digital Video Manipulation Detection Technique Based on Compression Algorithms

Authors: Edgar Gonzalez Fernandez, Ana Lucila Sandoval Orozco, Luis Javier Garcia Villalba

Abstract: Digital images and videos play a very important role in everyday life. Nowadays, people have access the affordable mobile devices equipped with advanced integrated cameras and powerful image processing applications. Technological development facilitates not only the generation of multimedia content, but also the intentional modification of it, either with recreational or malicious purposes. This is where forensic techniques to detect manipulation of images and videos become essential. This paper proposes a forensic technique by analysing compression algorithms used by the H.264 coding. The presence of recompression uses information of macroblocks, a characteristic of the H.264-MPEG4 standard, and motion vectors. A Vector Support Machine is used to create the model that allows to accurately detect if a video has been recompressed.

cross Change Point Detection with Copula Entropy based Two-Sample Test

Authors: Jian Ma

Abstract: Change point detection is a typical task that aim to find changes in time series and can be tackled with two-sample test. Copula Entropy is a mathematical concept for measuring statistical independence and a two-sample test based on it was introduced recently. In this paper we propose a nonparametric multivariate method for multiple change point detection with the copula entropy-based two-sample test. The single change point detection is first proposed as a group of two-sample tests on every points of time series data and the change point is considered as with the maximum of the test statistics. The multiple change point detection is then proposed by combining the single change point detection method with binary segmentation strategy. We verified the effectiveness of our method and compared it with the other similar methods on the simulated univariate and multivariate data and the Nile data.

cross MIP: CLIP-based Image Reconstruction from PEFT Gradients

Authors: Peiheng Zhou, Ming Hu, Xiaofei Xie, Yihao Huang, Kangjie Chen, Mingsong Chen

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model, as an effective pre-trained multimodal neural network, has been widely used in distributed machine learning tasks, especially Federated Learning (FL). Typically, CLIP-based FL adopts Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) for model training, which only fine-tunes adapter parameters or soft prompts rather than the full parameters. Although PEFT is different from the traditional training mode, in this paper, we theoretically analyze that the gradients of adapters or soft prompts can still be used to perform image reconstruction attacks. Based on our theoretical analysis, we propose Multm-In-Parvo (MIP), a proprietary reconstruction attack method targeting CLIP-based distributed machine learning architecture. Specifically, MIP can reconstruct CLIP training images according to the gradients of soft prompts or an adapter. In addition, MIP includes a label prediction strategy to accelerate convergence and an inverse gradient estimation mechanism to avoid the vanishing gradient problem on the text encoder. Experimental results show that MIP can effectively reconstruct training images according to the gradients of soft prompts or adapters of CLIP models.

cross DecompDiff: Diffusion Models with Decomposed Priors for Structure-Based Drug Design

Authors: Jiaqi Guan, Xiangxin Zhou, Yuwei Yang, Yu Bao, Jian Peng, Jianzhu Ma, Qiang Liu, Liang Wang, Quanquan Gu

Abstract: Designing 3D ligands within a target binding site is a fundamental task in drug discovery. Existing structured-based drug design methods treat all ligand atoms equally, which ignores different roles of atoms in the ligand for drug design and can be less efficient for exploring the large drug-like molecule space. In this paper, inspired by the convention in pharmaceutical practice, we decompose the ligand molecule into two parts, namely arms and scaffold, and propose a new diffusion model, DecompDiff, with decomposed priors over arms and scaffold. In order to facilitate the decomposed generation and improve the properties of the generated molecules, we incorporate both bond diffusion in the model and additional validity guidance in the sampling phase. Extensive experiments on CrossDocked2020 show that our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance in generating high-affinity molecules while maintaining proper molecular properties and conformational stability, with up to -8.39 Avg. Vina Dock score and 24.5 Success Rate. The code is provided at


cross Multiple Access in the Era of Distributed Computing and Edge Intelligence

Authors: Nikos G. Evgenidis, Nikos A. Mitsiou, Vasiliki I. Koutsioumpa, Sotiris A. Tegos, Panagiotis D. Diamantoulakis, George K. Karagiannidis

Abstract: This paper focuses on the latest research and innovations in fundamental next-generation multiple access (NGMA) techniques and the coexistence with other key technologies for the sixth generation (6G) of wireless networks. In more detail, we first examine multi-access edge computing (MEC), which is critical to meeting the growing demand for data processing and computational capacity at the edge of the network, as well as network slicing. We then explore over-the-air (OTA) computing, which is considered to be an approach that provides fast and efficient computation of various functions. We also explore semantic communications, identified as an effective way to improve communication systems by focusing on the exchange of meaningful information, thus minimizing unnecessary data and increasing efficiency. The interrelationship between machine learning (ML) and multiple access technologies is also reviewed, with an emphasis on federated learning, federated distillation, split learning, reinforcement learning, and the development of ML-based multiple access protocols. Finally, the concept of digital twinning and its role in network management is discussed, highlighting how virtual replication of physical networks can lead to improvements in network efficiency and reliability.

cross Addressing the Regulatory Gap: Moving Towards an EU AI Audit Ecosystem Beyond the AIA by Including Civil Society

Authors: David Hartmann, Jos\'e Renato Laranjeira de Pereira, Chiara Streitb\"orger, Bettina Berendt

Abstract: The European legislature has proposed the Digital Services Act (DSA) and Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA) to regulate platforms and Artificial Intelligence (AI) products. We review to what extent third-party audits are part of both laws and to what extent access to models and data is provided. By considering the value of third-party audits and third-party data access in an audit ecosystem, we identify a regulatory gap in that the Artificial Intelligence Act does not provide access to data for researchers and civil society. Our contributions to the literature include: (1) Defining an AI audit ecosystem that incorporates compliance and oversight. (2) Highlighting a regulatory gap within the DSA and AIA regulatory framework, preventing the establishment of an AI audit ecosystem. (3) Emphasizing that third-party audits by research and civil society must be part of that ecosystem and demand that the AIA include data and model access for certain AI products. We call for the DSA to provide NGOs and investigative journalists with data access to platforms by delegated acts and for adaptions and amendments of the AIA to provide third-party audits and data and model access at least for high-risk systems to close the regulatory gap. Regulations modeled after European Union AI regulations should enable data access and third-party audits, fostering an AI audit ecosystem that promotes compliance and oversight mechanisms.

cross Enhancing Kubernetes Automated Scheduling with Deep Learning and Reinforcement Techniques for Large-Scale Cloud Computing Optimization

Authors: Zheng Xu, Yulu Gong, Yanlin Zhou, Qiaozhi Bao, Wenpin Qian

Abstract: With the continuous expansion of the scale of cloud computing applications, artificial intelligence technologies such as Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning have gradually become the key tools to solve the automated task scheduling of large-scale cloud computing systems. Aiming at the complexity and real-time requirement of task scheduling in large-scale cloud computing system, this paper proposes an automatic task scheduling scheme based on deep learning and reinforcement learning. Firstly, the deep learning technology is used to monitor and predict the parameters in the cloud computing system in real time to obtain the system status information. Then, combined with reinforcement learning algorithm, the task scheduling strategy is dynamically adjusted according to the real-time system state and task characteristics to achieve the optimal utilization of system resources and the maximum of task execution efficiency. This paper verifies the effectiveness and performance advantages of the proposed scheme in experiments, and proves the potential and application prospect of deep learning and reinforcement learning in automatic task scheduling in large-scale cloud computing systems.

cross Advancing Investment Frontiers: Industry-grade Deep Reinforcement Learning for Portfolio Optimization

Authors: Philip Ndikum, Serge Ndikum

Abstract: This research paper delves into the application of Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) in asset-class agnostic portfolio optimization, integrating industry-grade methodologies with quantitative finance. At the heart of this integration is our robust framework that not only merges advanced DRL algorithms with modern computational techniques but also emphasizes stringent statistical analysis, software engineering and regulatory compliance. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study integrating financial Reinforcement Learning with sim-to-real methodologies from robotics and mathematical physics, thus enriching our frameworks and arguments with this unique perspective. Our research culminates with the introduction of AlphaOptimizerNet, a proprietary Reinforcement Learning agent (and corresponding library). Developed from a synthesis of state-of-the-art (SOTA) literature and our unique interdisciplinary methodology, AlphaOptimizerNet demonstrates encouraging risk-return optimization across various asset classes with realistic constraints. These preliminary results underscore the practical efficacy of our frameworks. As the finance sector increasingly gravitates towards advanced algorithmic solutions, our study bridges theoretical advancements with real-world applicability, offering a template for ensuring safety and robust standards in this technologically driven future.

cross A Neural-Evolutionary Algorithm for Autonomous Transit Network Design

Authors: Andrew Holliday, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: Planning a public transit network is a challenging optimization problem, but essential in order to realize the benefits of autonomous buses. We propose a novel algorithm for planning networks of routes for autonomous buses. We first train a graph neural net model as a policy for constructing route networks, and then use the policy as one of several mutation operators in a evolutionary algorithm. We evaluate this algorithm on a standard set of benchmarks for transit network design, and find that it outperforms the learned policy alone by up to 20\% and a plain evolutionary algorithm approach by up to 53\% on realistic benchmark instances.

cross On the Societal Impact of Open Foundation Models

Authors: Sayash Kapoor, Rishi Bommasani, Kevin Klyman, Shayne Longpre, Ashwin Ramaswami, Peter Cihon, Aspen Hopkins, Kevin Bankston, Stella Biderman, Miranda Bogen, Rumman Chowdhury, Alex Engler, Peter Henderson, Yacine Jernite, Seth Lazar, Stefano Maffulli, Alondra Nelson, Joelle Pineau, Aviya Skowron, Dawn Song, Victor Storchan, Daniel Zhang, Daniel E. Ho, Percy Liang, Arvind Narayanan

Abstract: Foundation models are powerful technologies: how they are released publicly directly shapes their societal impact. In this position paper, we focus on open foundation models, defined here as those with broadly available model weights (e.g. Llama 2, Stable Diffusion XL). We identify five distinctive properties (e.g. greater customizability, poor monitoring) of open foundation models that lead to both their benefits and risks. Open foundation models present significant benefits, with some caveats, that span innovation, competition, the distribution of decision-making power, and transparency. To understand their risks of misuse, we design a risk assessment framework for analyzing their marginal risk. Across several misuse vectors (e.g. cyberattacks, bioweapons), we find that current research is insufficient to effectively characterize the marginal risk of open foundation models relative to pre-existing technologies. The framework helps explain why the marginal risk is low in some cases, clarifies disagreements about misuse risks by revealing that past work has focused on different subsets of the framework with different assumptions, and articulates a way forward for more constructive debate. Overall, our work helps support a more grounded assessment of the societal impact of open foundation models by outlining what research is needed to empirically validate their theoretical benefits and risks.

cross ProtLLM: An Interleaved Protein-Language LLM with Protein-as-Word Pre-Training

Authors: Le Zhuo, Zewen Chi, Minghao Xu, Heyan Huang, Heqi Zheng, Conghui He, Xian-Ling Mao, Wentao Zhang

Abstract: We propose ProtLLM, a versatile cross-modal large language model (LLM) for both protein-centric and protein-language tasks. ProtLLM features a unique dynamic protein mounting mechanism, enabling it to handle complex inputs where the natural language text is interspersed with an arbitrary number of proteins. Besides, we propose the protein-as-word language modeling approach to train ProtLLM. By developing a specialized protein vocabulary, we equip the model with the capability to predict not just natural language but also proteins from a vast pool of candidates. Additionally, we construct a large-scale interleaved protein-text dataset, named InterPT, for pre-training. This dataset comprehensively encompasses both (1) structured data sources like protein annotations and (2) unstructured data sources like biological research papers, thereby endowing ProtLLM with crucial knowledge for understanding proteins. We evaluate ProtLLM on classic supervised protein-centric tasks and explore its novel protein-language applications. Experimental results demonstrate that ProtLLM not only achieves superior performance against protein-specialized baselines on protein-centric tasks but also induces zero-shot and in-context learning capabilities on protein-language tasks.

cross The Fusion of Deep Reinforcement Learning and Edge Computing for Real-time Monitoring and Control Optimization in IoT Environments

Authors: Jingyu Xu, Weixiang Wan, Linying Pan, Wenjian Sun, Yuxiang Liu

Abstract: In response to the demand for real-time performance and control quality in industrial Internet of Things (IoT) environments, this paper proposes an optimization control system based on deep reinforcement learning and edge computing. The system leverages cloud-edge collaboration, deploys lightweight policy networks at the edge, predicts system states, and outputs controls at a high frequency, enabling monitoring and optimization of industrial objectives. Additionally, a dynamic resource allocation mechanism is designed to ensure rational scheduling of edge computing resources, achieving global optimization. Results demonstrate that this approach reduces cloud-edge communication latency, accelerates response to abnormal situations, reduces system failure rates, extends average equipment operating time, and saves costs for manual maintenance and replacement. This ensures real-time and stable control.

cross Physics-informed generative model for drug-like molecule conformers

Authors: David C. Williams, Neil Imana

Abstract: We present a diffusion-based, generative model for conformer generation. Our model is focused on the reproduction of bonded structure and is constructed from the associated terms traditionally found in classical force fields to ensure a physically relevant representation. Techniques in deep learning are used to infer atom typing and geometric parameters from a training set. Conformer sampling is achieved by taking advantage of recent advancements in diffusion-based generation. By training on large, synthetic data sets of diverse, drug-like molecules optimized with the semiempirical GFN2-xTB method, high accuracy is achieved for bonded parameters, exceeding that of conventional, knowledge-based methods. Results are also compared to experimental structures from the Protein Databank (PDB) and Cambridge Structural Database (CSD).

cross Value Prediction for Spatiotemporal Gait Data Using Deep Learning

Authors: Ryan Cavanagh, Jelena Trajkovic, Wenlu Zhang, I-Hung Khoo, Vennila Krishnan

Abstract: Human gait has been commonly used for the diagnosis and evaluation of medical conditions and for monitoring the progress during treatment and rehabilitation. The use of wearable sensors that capture pressure or motion has yielded techniques that analyze the gait data to aid recovery, identify activity performed, or identify individuals. Deep learning, usually employing classification, has been successfully utilized in a variety of applications such as computer vision, biomedical imaging analysis, and natural language processing. We expand the application of deep learning to value prediction of time-series of spatiotemporal gait data. Moreover, we explore several deep learning architectures (Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and RNN combined with Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN)) to make short- and long-distance predictions using two different experimental setups. Our results show that short-distance prediction has an RMSE as low as 0.060675, and long-distance prediction RMSE as low as 0.106365. Additionally, the results show that the proposed deep learning models are capable of predicting the entire trial when trained and validated using the trials from the same participant. The proposed, customized models, used with value prediction open possibilities for additional applications, such as fall prediction, in-home progress monitoring, aiding of exoskeleton movement, and authentication.

cross Intelligent Monitoring Framework for Cloud Services: A Data-Driven Approach

Authors: Pooja Srinivas, Fiza Husain, Anjaly Parayil, Ayush Choure, Chetan Bansal, Saravan Rajmohan

Abstract: Cloud service owners need to continuously monitor their services to ensure high availability and reliability. Gaps in monitoring can lead to delay in incident detection and significant negative customer impact. Current process of monitor creation is ad-hoc and reactive in nature. Developers create monitors using their tribal knowledge and, primarily, a trial and error based process. As a result, monitors often have incomplete coverage which leads to production issues, or, redundancy which results in noise and wasted effort. In this work, we address this issue by proposing an intelligent monitoring framework that recommends monitors for cloud services based on their service properties. We start by mining the attributes of 30,000+ monitors from 791 production services at Microsoft and derive a structured ontology for monitors. We focus on two crucial dimensions: what to monitor (resources) and which metrics to monitor. We conduct an extensive empirical study and derive key insights on the major classes of monitors employed by cloud services at Microsoft, their associated dimensions, and the interrelationship between service properties and this ontology. Using these insights, we propose a deep learning based framework that recommends monitors based on the service properties. Finally, we conduct a user study with engineers from Microsoft which demonstrates the usefulness of the proposed framework. The proposed framework along with the ontology driven projections, succeeded in creating production quality recommendations for majority of resource classes. This was also validated by the users from the study who rated the framework's usefulness as 4.27 out of 5.

cross Corruption-Robust Offline Two-Player Zero-Sum Markov Games

Authors: Andi Nika, Debmalya Mandal, Adish Singla, Goran Radanovi\'c

Abstract: We study data corruption robustness in offline two-player zero-sum Markov games. Given a dataset of realized trajectories of two players, an adversary is allowed to modify an $\epsilon$-fraction of it. The learner's goal is to identify an approximate Nash Equilibrium policy pair from the corrupted data. We consider this problem in linear Markov games under different degrees of data coverage and corruption. We start by providing an information-theoretic lower bound on the suboptimality gap of any learner. Next, we propose robust versions of the Pessimistic Minimax Value Iteration algorithm, both under coverage on the corrupted data and under coverage only on the clean data, and show that they achieve (near)-optimal suboptimality gap bounds with respect to $\epsilon$. We note that we are the first to provide such a characterization of the problem of learning approximate Nash Equilibrium policies in offline two-player zero-sum Markov games under data corruption.

cross Speech Robust Bench: A Robustness Benchmark For Speech Recognition

Authors: Muhammad A. Shah, David Solans Noguero, Mikko A. Heikkila, Nicolas Kourtellis

Abstract: As Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) models become ever more pervasive, it is important to ensure that they make reliable predictions under corruptions present in the physical and digital world. We propose Speech Robust Bench (SRB), a comprehensive benchmark for evaluating the robustness of ASR models to diverse corruptions. SRB is composed of 69 input perturbations which are intended to simulate various corruptions that ASR models may encounter in the physical and digital world. We use SRB to evaluate the robustness of several state-of-the-art ASR models and observe that model size and certain modeling choices such as discrete representations, and self-training appear to be conducive to robustness. We extend this analysis to measure the robustness of ASR models on data from various demographic subgroups, namely English and Spanish speakers, and males and females, and observed noticeable disparities in the model's robustness across subgroups. We believe that SRB will facilitate future research towards robust ASR models, by making it easier to conduct comprehensive and comparable robustness evaluations.

cross Text-to-Audio Generation Synchronized with Videos

Authors: Shentong Mo, Jing Shi, Yapeng Tian

Abstract: In recent times, the focus on text-to-audio (TTA) generation has intensified, as researchers strive to synthesize audio from textual descriptions. However, most existing methods, though leveraging latent diffusion models to learn the correlation between audio and text embeddings, fall short when it comes to maintaining a seamless synchronization between the produced audio and its video. This often results in discernible audio-visual mismatches. To bridge this gap, we introduce a groundbreaking benchmark for Text-to-Audio generation that aligns with Videos, named T2AV-Bench. This benchmark distinguishes itself with three novel metrics dedicated to evaluating visual alignment and temporal consistency. To complement this, we also present a simple yet effective video-aligned TTA generation model, namely T2AV. Moving beyond traditional methods, T2AV refines the latent diffusion approach by integrating visual-aligned text embeddings as its conditional foundation. It employs a temporal multi-head attention transformer to extract and understand temporal nuances from video data, a feat amplified by our Audio-Visual ControlNet that adeptly merges temporal visual representations with text embeddings. Further enhancing this integration, we weave in a contrastive learning objective, designed to ensure that the visual-aligned text embeddings resonate closely with the audio features. Extensive evaluations on the AudioCaps and T2AV-Bench demonstrate that our T2AV sets a new standard for video-aligned TTA generation in ensuring visual alignment and temporal consistency.

cross Hair and scalp disease detection using deep learning

Authors: Kavita Sultanpure, Bhairavi Shirsath, Bhakti Bhande, Harshada Sawai, Srushti Gawade, Suraj Samgir

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a notable advancement in the integration of healthcare and technology, particularly evident in the field of medical image analysis. This paper introduces a pioneering approach in dermatology, presenting a robust method for the detection of hair and scalp diseases using state-of-the-art deep learning techniques. Our methodology relies on Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), well-known for their efficacy in image recognition, to meticulously analyze images for various dermatological conditions affecting the hair and scalp. Our proposed system represents a significant advancement in dermatological diagnostics, offering a non-invasive and highly efficient means of early detection and diagnosis. By leveraging the capabilities of CNNs, our model holds the potential to revolutionize dermatology, providing accessible and timely healthcare solutions. Furthermore, the seamless integration of our trained model into a web-based platform developed with the Django framework ensures broad accessibility and usability, democratizing advanced medical diagnostics. The integration of machine learning algorithms into web applications marks a pivotal moment in healthcare delivery, promising empowerment for both healthcare providers and patients. Through the synergy between technology and healthcare, our paper outlines the meticulous methodology, technical intricacies, and promising future prospects of our system. With a steadfast commitment to advancing healthcare frontiers, our goal is to significantly contribute to leveraging technology for improved healthcare outcomes globally. This endeavor underscores the profound impact of technological innovation in shaping the future of healthcare delivery and patient care, highlighting the transformative potential of our approach.

cross A Mathematical Framework for the Problem of Security for Cognition in Neurotechnology

Authors: Bryce Allen Bagley

Abstract: The rapid advancement in neurotechnology in recent years has created an emerging critical intersection between neurotechnology and security. Implantable devices, non-invasive monitoring, and non-invasive therapies all carry with them the prospect of violating the privacy and autonomy of individuals' cognition. A growing number of scientists and physicians have made calls to address this issue -- which we term Cognitive Security -- but applied efforts have been limited. A major barrier hampering scientific and engineering efforts to address Cognitive Security is the lack of a clear means of describing and analyzing relevant problems. In this paper we develop Cognitive Security, a mathematical framework which enables such description and analysis by drawing on methods and results from multiple fields. We demonstrate certain statistical properties which have significant implications for Cognitive Security, and then present descriptions of the algorithmic problems faced by attackers attempting to violate privacy and autonomy, and defenders attempting to obstruct such attempts.

cross The evaluation of a code-switched Sepedi-English automatic speech recognition system

Authors: Amanda Phaladi, Thipe Modipa

Abstract: Speech technology is a field that encompasses various techniques and tools used to enable machines to interact with speech, such as automatic speech recognition (ASR), spoken dialog systems, and others, allowing a device to capture spoken words through a microphone from a human speaker. End-to-end approaches such as Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) and attention-based methods are the most used for the development of ASR systems. However, these techniques were commonly used for research and development for many high-resourced languages with large amounts of speech data for training and evaluation, leaving low-resource languages relatively underdeveloped. While the CTC method has been successfully used for other languages, its effectiveness for the Sepedi language remains uncertain. In this study, we present the evaluation of the Sepedi-English code-switched automatic speech recognition system. This end-to-end system was developed using the Sepedi Prompted Code Switching corpus and the CTC approach. The performance of the system was evaluated using both the NCHLT Sepedi test corpus and the Sepedi Prompted Code Switching corpus. The model produced the lowest WER of 41.9%, however, the model faced challenges in recognizing the Sepedi only text.

cross SAMDA: Leveraging SAM on Few-Shot Domain Adaptation for Electronic Microscopy Segmentation

Authors: Yiran Wang, Li Xiao

Abstract: It has been shown that traditional deep learning methods for electronic microscopy segmentation usually suffer from low transferability when samples and annotations are limited, while large-scale vision foundation models are more robust when transferring between different domains but facing sub-optimal improvement under fine-tuning. In this work, we present a new few-shot domain adaptation framework SAMDA, which combines the Segment Anything Model(SAM) with nnUNet in the embedding space to achieve high transferability and accuracy. Specifically, we choose the Unet-based network as the "expert" component to learn segmentation features efficiently and design a SAM-based adaptation module as the "generic" component for domain transfer. By amalgamating the "generic" and "expert" components, we mitigate the modality imbalance in the complex pre-training knowledge inherent to large-scale Vision Foundation models and the challenge of transferability inherent to traditional neural networks. The effectiveness of our model is evaluated on two electron microscopic image datasets with different modalities for mitochondria segmentation, which improves the dice coefficient on the target domain by 6.7%. Also, the SAM-based adaptor performs significantly better with only a single annotated image than the 10-shot domain adaptation on nnUNet. We further verify our model on four MRI datasets from different sources to prove its generalization ability.

cross Unsupervised self-organising map of prostate cell Raman spectra shows disease-state subclustering

Authors: Daniel West, Susan Stepney, Y. Hancock

Abstract: Prostate cancer is a disease which poses an interesting clinical question: should it be treated? A small subset of prostate cancers are aggressive and require removal and treatment to prevent metastatic spread. However, conventional diagnostics remain challenged to risk-stratify such patients, hence, new methods of approach to biomolecularly subclassify the disease are needed. Here we use an unsupervised, self-organising map approach to analyse live-cell Raman spectroscopy data obtained from prostate cell-lines; our aim is to test the feasibility of this method to differentiate, at the single-cell-level, cancer from normal using high-dimensional datasets with minimal preprocessing. The results demonstrate not only successful separation of normal prostate and cancer cells, but also a new subclustering of the prostate cancer cell-line into two groups. Initial analysis of the spectra from each of the cancer subclusters demonstrates a differential expression of lipids, which, against the normal control, may be linked to disease-related changes in cellular signalling.

cross LiveCodeBench: Holistic and Contamination Free Evaluation of Large Language Models for Code

Authors: Naman Jain, King Han, Alex Gu, Wen-Ding Li, Fanjia Yan, Tianjun Zhang, Sida Wang, Armando Solar-Lezama, Koushik Sen, Ion Stoica

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) applied to code-related applications have emerged as a prominent field, attracting significant interest from both academia and industry. However, as new and improved LLMs are developed, existing evaluation benchmarks (e.g., HumanEval, MBPP) are no longer sufficient for assessing their capabilities. In this work, we propose LiveCodeBench, a comprehensive and contamination-free evaluation of LLMs for code, which continuously collects new problems over time from contests across three competition platforms, namely LeetCode, AtCoder, and CodeForces. Notably, our benchmark also focuses on a broader range of code related capabilities, such as self-repair, code execution, and test output prediction, beyond just code generation. Currently, LiveCodeBench hosts four hundred high-quality coding problems that were published between May 2023 and February 2024. We have evaluated 9 base LLMs and 20 instruction-tuned LLMs on LiveCodeBench. We present empirical findings on contamination, holistic performance comparisons, potential overfitting in existing benchmarks as well as individual model comparisons. We will release all prompts and model completions for further community analysis, along with a general toolkit for adding new scenarios and model

cross Motifs, Phrases, and Beyond: The Modelling of Structure in Symbolic Music Generation

Authors: Keshav Bhandari, Simon Colton

Abstract: Modelling musical structure is vital yet challenging for artificial intelligence systems that generate symbolic music compositions. This literature review dissects the evolution of techniques for incorporating coherent structure, from symbolic approaches to foundational and transformative deep learning methods that harness the power of computation and data across a wide variety of training paradigms. In the later stages, we review an emerging technique which we refer to as "sub-task decomposition" that involves decomposing music generation into separate high-level structural planning and content creation stages. Such systems incorporate some form of musical knowledge or neuro-symbolic methods by extracting melodic skeletons or structural templates to guide the generation. Progress is evident in capturing motifs and repetitions across all three eras reviewed, yet modelling the nuanced development of themes across extended compositions in the style of human composers remains difficult. We outline several key future directions to realize the synergistic benefits of combining approaches from all eras examined.

cross Gujarati-English Code-Switching Speech Recognition using ensemble prediction of spoken language

Authors: Yash Sharma, Basil Abraham, Preethi Jyothi

Abstract: An important and difficult task in code-switched speech recognition is to recognize the language, as lots of words in two languages can sound similar, especially in some accents. We focus on improving performance of end-to-end Automatic Speech Recognition models by conditioning transformer layers on language ID of words and character in the output in an per layer supervised manner. To this end, we propose two methods of introducing language specific parameters and explainability in the multi-head attention mechanism, and implement a Temporal Loss that helps maintain continuity in input alignment. Despite being unable to reduce WER significantly, our method shows promise in predicting the correct language from just spoken data. We introduce regularization in the language prediction by dropping LID in the sequence, which helps align long repeated output sequences.

cross Aedes aegypti Egg Counting with Neural Networks for Object Detection

Authors: Micheli Nayara de Oliveira Vicente, Gabriel Toshio Hirokawa Higa, Jo\~ao Vitor de Andrade Porto, Higor Henrique, Picoli Nucci, Asser Botelho Santana, Karla Rejane de Andrade Porto, Antonia Railda Roel, Hemerson Pistori

Abstract: Aedes aegypti is still one of the main concerns when it comes to disease vectors. Among the many ways to deal with it, there are important protocols that make use of egg numbers in ovitraps to calculate indices, such as the LIRAa and the Breteau Index, which can provide information on predictable outbursts and epidemics. Also, there are many research lines that require egg numbers, specially when mass production of mosquitoes is needed. Egg counting is a laborious and error-prone task that can be automated via computer vision-based techniques, specially deep learning-based counting with object detection. In this work, we propose a new dataset comprising field and laboratory eggs, along with test results of three neural networks applied to the task: Faster R-CNN, Side-Aware Boundary Localization and FoveaBox.

cross CT evaluation of 2D and 3D holistic deep learning methods for the volumetric segmentation of airway lesions

Authors: Amel Imene Hadj Bouzid, Baudouin Denis de Senneville, Fabien Baldacci, Pascal Desbarats, Patrick Berger, Ilyes Benlala, Ga\"el Dournes

Abstract: This research embarked on a comparative exploration of the holistic segmentation capabilities of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in both 2D and 3D formats, focusing on cystic fibrosis (CF) lesions. The study utilized data from two CF reference centers, covering five major CF structural changes. Initially, it compared the 2D and 3D models, highlighting the 3D model's superior capability in capturing complex features like mucus plugs and consolidations. To improve the 2D model's performance, a loss adapted to fine structures segmentation was implemented and evaluated, significantly enhancing its accuracy, though not surpassing the 3D model's performance. The models underwent further validation through external evaluation against pulmonary function tests (PFTs), confirming the robustness of the findings. Moreover, this study went beyond comparing metrics; it also included comprehensive assessments of the models' interpretability and reliability, providing valuable insights for their clinical application.

cross TutoAI: A Cross-domain Framework for AI-assisted Mixed-media Tutorial Creation on Physical Tasks

Authors: Yuexi Chen, Vlad I. Morariu, Anh Truong, Zhicheng Liu

Abstract: Mixed-media tutorials, which integrate videos, images, text, and diagrams to teach procedural skills, offer more browsable alternatives than timeline-based videos. However, manually creating such tutorials is tedious, and existing automated solutions are often restricted to a particular domain. While AI models hold promise, it is unclear how to effectively harness their powers, given the multi-modal data involved and the vast landscape of models. We present TutoAI, a cross-domain framework for AI-assisted mixed-media tutorial creation on physical tasks. First, we distill common tutorial components by surveying existing work; then, we present an approach to identify, assemble, and evaluate AI models for component extraction; finally, we propose guidelines for designing user interfaces (UI) that support tutorial creation based on AI-generated components. We show that TutoAI has achieved higher or similar quality compared to a baseline model in preliminary user studies.

cross FluoroSAM: A Language-aligned Foundation Model for X-ray Image Segmentation

Authors: Benjamin D. Killeen, Liam J. Wang, Han Zhang, Mehran Armand, Russell H. Taylor, Greg Osgood, Mathias Unberath

Abstract: Automated X-ray image segmentation would accelerate research and development in diagnostic and interventional precision medicine. Prior efforts have contributed task-specific models capable of solving specific image analysis problems, but the utility of these models is restricted to their particular task domain, and expanding to broader use requires additional data, labels, and retraining efforts. Recently, foundation models (FMs) -- machine learning models trained on large amounts of highly variable data thus enabling broad applicability -- have emerged as promising tools for automated image analysis. Existing FMs for medical image analysis focus on scenarios and modalities where objects are clearly defined by visually apparent boundaries, such as surgical tool segmentation in endoscopy. X-ray imaging, by contrast, does not generally offer such clearly delineated boundaries or structure priors. During X-ray image formation, complex 3D structures are projected in transmission onto the imaging plane, resulting in overlapping features of varying opacity and shape. To pave the way toward an FM for comprehensive and automated analysis of arbitrary medical X-ray images, we develop FluoroSAM, a language-aligned variant of the Segment-Anything Model, trained from scratch on 1.6M synthetic X-ray images. FluoroSAM is trained on data including masks for 128 organ types and 464 non-anatomical objects, such as tools and implants. In real X-ray images of cadaveric specimens, FluoroSAM is able to segment bony anatomical structures based on text-only prompting with 0.51 and 0.79 DICE with point-based refinement, outperforming competing SAM variants for all structures. FluoroSAM is also capable of zero-shot generalization to segmenting classes beyond the training set thanks to its language alignment, which we demonstrate for full lung segmentation on real chest X-rays.

cross Characterising harmful data sources when constructing multi-fidelity surrogate models

Authors: Nicolau Andr\'es-Thi\'o, Mario Andr\'es Mu\~noz, Kate Smith-Miles

Abstract: Surrogate modelling techniques have seen growing attention in recent years when applied to both modelling and optimisation of industrial design problems. These techniques are highly relevant when assessing the performance of a particular design carries a high cost, as the overall cost can be mitigated via the construction of a model to be queried in lieu of the available high-cost source. The construction of these models can sometimes employ other sources of information which are both cheaper and less accurate. The existence of these sources however poses the question of which sources should be used when constructing a model. Recent studies have attempted to characterise harmful data sources to guide practitioners in choosing when to ignore a certain source. These studies have done so in a synthetic setting, characterising sources using a large amount of data that is not available in practice. Some of these studies have also been shown to potentially suffer from bias in the benchmarks used in the analysis. In this study, we present a characterisation of harmful low-fidelity sources using only the limited data available to train a surrogate model. We employ recently developed benchmark filtering techniques to conduct a bias-free assessment, providing objectively varied benchmark suites of different sizes for future research. Analysing one of these benchmark suites with the technique known as Instance Space Analysis, we provide an intuitive visualisation of when a low-fidelity source should be used and use this analysis to provide guidelines that can be used in an applied industrial setting.

cross Cost-Effective Methodology for Complex Tuning Searches in HPC: Navigating Interdependencies and Dimensionality

Authors: Adrian Perez Dieguez, Min Choi, Mahmut Okyay, Mauro Del Ben, Bryan M. Wong, Khaled Z. Ibrahim

Abstract: Tuning searches are pivotal in High-Performance Computing (HPC), addressing complex optimization challenges in computational applications. The complexity arises not only from finely tuning parameters within routines but also potential interdependencies among them, rendering traditional optimization methods inefficient. Instead of scrutinizing interdependencies among parameters and routines, practitioners often face the dilemma of conducting independent tuning searches for each routine, thereby overlooking interdependence, or pursuing a more resource-intensive joint search for all routines. This decision is driven by the consideration that some interdependence analysis and high-dimensional decomposition techniques in literature may be prohibitively expensive in HPC tuning searches. Our methodology adapts and refines these methods to ensure computational feasibility while maximizing performance gains in real-world scenarios. Our methodology leverages a cost-effective interdependence analysis to decide whether to merge several tuning searches into a joint search or conduct orthogonal searches. Tested on synthetic functions with varying levels of parameter interdependence, our methodology efficiently explores the search space. In comparison to Bayesian-optimization-based full independent or fully joint searches, our methodology suggested an optimized breakdown of independent and merged searches that led to final configurations up to 8% more accurate, reducing the search time by up to 95%. When applied to GPU-offloaded Real-Time Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (RT-TDDFT), an application in computational materials science that challenges modern HPC autotuners, our methodology achieved an effective tuning search. Its adaptability and efficiency extend beyond RT-TDDFT, making it valuable for related applications in HPC.

cross Asymptotics of Random Feature Regression Beyond the Linear Scaling Regime

Authors: Hong Hu, Yue M. Lu, Theodor Misiakiewicz

Abstract: Recent advances in machine learning have been achieved by using overparametrized models trained until near interpolation of the training data. It was shown, e.g., through the double descent phenomenon, that the number of parameters is a poor proxy for the model complexity and generalization capabilities. This leaves open the question of understanding the impact of parametrization on the performance of these models. How does model complexity and generalization depend on the number of parameters $p$? How should we choose $p$ relative to the sample size $n$ to achieve optimal test error? In this paper, we investigate the example of random feature ridge regression (RFRR). This model can be seen either as a finite-rank approximation to kernel ridge regression (KRR), or as a simplified model for neural networks trained in the so-called lazy regime. We consider covariates uniformly distributed on the $d$-dimensional sphere and compute sharp asymptotics for the RFRR test error in the high-dimensional polynomial scaling, where $p,n,d \to \infty$ while $p/ d^{\kappa_1}$ and $n / d^{\kappa_2}$ stay constant, for all $\kappa_1 , \kappa_2 \in \mathbb{R}_{>0}$. These asymptotics precisely characterize the impact of the number of random features and regularization parameter on the test performance. In particular, RFRR exhibits an intuitive trade-off between approximation and generalization power. For $n = o(p)$, the sample size $n$ is the bottleneck and RFRR achieves the same performance as KRR (which is equivalent to taking $p = \infty$). On the other hand, if $p = o(n)$, the number of random features $p$ is the limiting factor and RFRR test error matches the approximation error of the random feature model class (akin to taking $n = \infty$). Finally, a double descent appears at $n= p$, a phenomenon that was previously only characterized in the linear scaling $\kappa_1 = \kappa_2 = 1$.

cross Iterative Learning for Joint Image Denoising and Motion Artifact Correction of 3D Brain MRI

Authors: Lintao Zhang, Mengqi Wu, Lihong Wang, David C. Steffens, Guy G. Potter, Mingxia Liu

Abstract: Image noise and motion artifacts greatly affect the quality of brain MRI and negatively influence downstream medical image analysis. Previous studies often focus on 2D methods that process each volumetric MR image slice-by-slice, thus losing important 3D anatomical information. Additionally, these studies generally treat image denoising and artifact correction as two standalone tasks, without considering their potential relationship, especially on low-quality images where severe noise and motion artifacts occur simultaneously. To address these issues, we propose a Joint image Denoising and motion Artifact Correction (JDAC) framework via iterative learning to handle noisy MRIs with motion artifacts, consisting of an adaptive denoising model and an anti-artifact model. In the adaptive denoising model, we first design a novel noise level estimation strategy, and then adaptively reduce the noise through a U-Net backbone with feature normalization conditioning on the estimated noise variance. The anti-artifact model employs another U-Net for eliminating motion artifacts, incorporating a novel gradient-based loss function designed to maintain the integrity of brain anatomy during the motion correction process. These two models are iteratively employed for joint image denoising and artifact correction through an iterative learning framework. An early stopping strategy depending on noise level estimation is applied to accelerate the iteration process. The denoising model is trained with 9,544 T1-weighted MRIs with manually added Gaussian noise as supervision. The anti-artifact model is trained on 552 T1-weighted MRIs with motion artifacts and paired motion-free images. Experimental results on a public dataset and a clinical study suggest the effectiveness of JDAC in both tasks of denoising and motion artifact correction, compared with several state-of-the-art methods.

cross EM-TTS: Efficiently Trained Low-Resource Mongolian Lightweight Text-to-Speech

Authors: Ziqi Liang, Haoxiang Shi, Jiawei Wang, Keda Lu

Abstract: Recently, deep learning-based Text-to-Speech (TTS) systems have achieved high-quality speech synthesis results. Recurrent neural networks have become a standard modeling technique for sequential data in TTS systems and are widely used. However, training a TTS model which includes RNN components requires powerful GPU performance and takes a long time. In contrast, CNN-based sequence synthesis techniques can significantly reduce the parameters and training time of a TTS model while guaranteeing a certain performance due to their high parallelism, which alleviate these economic costs of training. In this paper, we propose a lightweight TTS system based on deep convolutional neural networks, which is a two-stage training end-to-end TTS model and does not employ any recurrent units. Our model consists of two stages: Text2Spectrum and SSRN. The former is used to encode phonemes into a coarse mel spectrogram and the latter is used to synthesize the complete spectrum from the coarse mel spectrogram. Meanwhile, we improve the robustness of our model by a series of data augmentations, such as noise suppression, time warping, frequency masking and time masking, for solving the low resource mongolian problem. Experiments show that our model can reduce the training time and parameters while ensuring the quality and naturalness of the synthesized speech compared to using mainstream TTS models. Our method uses NCMMSC2022-MTTSC Challenge dataset for validation, which significantly reduces training time while maintaining a certain accuracy.

cross Tractable Local Equilibria in Non-Concave Games

Authors: Yang Cai, Constantinos Daskalakis, Haipeng Luo, Chen-Yu Wei, Weiqiang Zheng

Abstract: While Online Gradient Descent and other no-regret learning procedures are known to efficiently converge to coarse correlated equilibrium in games where each agent's utility is concave in their own strategy, this is not the case when the utilities are non-concave, a situation that is common in machine learning applications where the agents' strategies are parameterized by deep neural networks, or the agents' utilities are computed by a neural network, or both. Indeed, non-concave games present a host of game-theoretic and optimization challenges: (i) Nash equilibria may fail to exist; (ii) local Nash equilibria exist but are intractable; and (iii) mixed Nash, correlated, and coarse correlated equilibria have infinite support in general, and are intractable. To sidestep these challenges we propose a new solution concept, termed $(\varepsilon, \Phi(\delta))$-local equilibrium, which generalizes local Nash equilibrium in non-concave games, as well as (coarse) correlated equilibrium in concave games. Importantly, we show that two instantiations of this solution concept capture the convergence guarantees of Online Gradient Descent and no-regret learning, which we show efficiently converge to this type of equilibrium in non-concave games with smooth utilities.

cross Learnable Community-Aware Transformer for Brain Connectome Analysis with Token Clustering

Authors: Yanting Yang, Beidi Zhao, Zhuohao Ni, Yize Zhao, Xiaoxiao Li

Abstract: Neuroscientific research has revealed that the complex brain network can be organized into distinct functional communities, each characterized by a cohesive group of regions of interest (ROIs) with strong interconnections. These communities play a crucial role in comprehending the functional organization of the brain and its implications for neurological conditions, including Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and biological differences, such as in gender. Traditional models have been constrained by the necessity of predefined community clusters, limiting their flexibility and adaptability in deciphering the brain's functional organization. Furthermore, these models were restricted by a fixed number of communities, hindering their ability to accurately represent the brain's dynamic nature. In this study, we present a token clustering brain transformer-based model ($\texttt{TC-BrainTF}$) for joint community clustering and classification. Our approach proposes a novel token clustering (TC) module based on the transformer architecture, which utilizes learnable prompt tokens with orthogonal loss where each ROI embedding is projected onto the prompt embedding space, effectively clustering ROIs into communities and reducing the dimensions of the node representation via merging with communities. Our results demonstrate that our learnable community-aware model $\texttt{TC-BrainTF}$ offers improved accuracy in identifying ASD and classifying genders through rigorous testing on ABIDE and HCP datasets. Additionally, the qualitative analysis on $\texttt{TC-BrainTF}$ has demonstrated the effectiveness of the designed TC module and its relevance to neuroscience interpretations.

cross LIX: Implicitly Infusing Spatial Geometric Prior Knowledge into Visual Semantic Segmentation for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Sicen Guo, Zhiyuan Wu, Qijun Chen, Ioannis Pitas, Rui Fan

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance achieved by data-fusion networks with duplex encoders for visual semantic segmentation, they become ineffective when spatial geometric data are not available. Implicitly infusing the spatial geometric prior knowledge acquired by a duplex-encoder teacher model into a single-encoder student model is a practical, albeit less explored research avenue. This paper delves into this topic and resorts to knowledge distillation approaches to address this problem. We introduce the Learning to Infuse "X" (LIX) framework, with novel contributions in both logit distillation and feature distillation aspects. We present a mathematical proof that underscores the limitation of using a single fixed weight in decoupled knowledge distillation and introduce a logit-wise dynamic weight controller as a solution to this issue. Furthermore, we develop an adaptively-recalibrated feature distillation algorithm, including two technical novelties: feature recalibration via kernel regression and in-depth feature consistency quantification via centered kernel alignment. Extensive experiments conducted with intermediate-fusion and late-fusion networks across various public datasets provide both quantitative and qualitative evaluations, demonstrating the superior performance of our LIX framework when compared to other state-of-the-art approaches.

cross Research on the Application of Deep Learning-based BERT Model in Sentiment Analysis

Authors: Yichao Wu, Zhengyu Jin, Chenxi Shi, Penghao Liang, Tong Zhan

Abstract: This paper explores the application of deep learning techniques, particularly focusing on BERT models, in sentiment analysis. It begins by introducing the fundamental concept of sentiment analysis and how deep learning methods are utilized in this domain. Subsequently, it delves into the architecture and characteristics of BERT models. Through detailed explanation, it elucidates the application effects and optimization strategies of BERT models in sentiment analysis, supported by experimental validation. The experimental findings indicate that BERT models exhibit robust performance in sentiment analysis tasks, with notable enhancements post fine-tuning. Lastly, the paper concludes by summarizing the potential applications of BERT models in sentiment analysis and suggests directions for future research and practical implementations.

cross Efficient geometric Markov chain Monte Carlo for nonlinear Bayesian inversion enabled by derivative-informed neural operators

Authors: Lianghao Cao, Thomas O'Leary-Roseberry, Omar Ghattas

Abstract: We propose an operator learning approach to accelerate geometric Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) for solving infinite-dimensional nonlinear Bayesian inverse problems. While geometric MCMC employs high-quality proposals that adapt to posterior local geometry, it requires computing local gradient and Hessian information of the log-likelihood, incurring a high cost when the parameter-to-observable (PtO) map is defined through expensive model simulations. We consider a delayed-acceptance geometric MCMC method driven by a neural operator surrogate of the PtO map, where the proposal is designed to exploit fast surrogate approximations of the log-likelihood and, simultaneously, its gradient and Hessian. To achieve a substantial speedup, the surrogate needs to be accurate in predicting both the observable and its parametric derivative (the derivative of the observable with respect to the parameter). Training such a surrogate via conventional operator learning using input--output samples often demands a prohibitively large number of model simulations. In this work, we present an extension of derivative-informed operator learning [O'Leary-Roseberry et al., J. Comput. Phys., 496 (2024)] using input--output--derivative training samples. Such a learning method leads to derivative-informed neural operator (DINO) surrogates that accurately predict the observable and its parametric derivative at a significantly lower training cost than the conventional method. Cost and error analysis for reduced basis DINO surrogates are provided. Numerical studies on PDE-constrained Bayesian inversion demonstrate that DINO-driven MCMC generates effective posterior samples 3--9 times faster than geometric MCMC and 60--97 times faster than prior geometry-based MCMC. Furthermore, the training cost of DINO surrogates breaks even after collecting merely 10--25 effective posterior samples compared to geometric MCMC.

cross Continuous Object State Recognition for Cooking Robots Using Pre-Trained Vision-Language Models and Black-box Optimization

Authors: Kento Kawaharazuka, Naoaki Kanazawa, Yoshiki Obinata, Kei Okada, Masayuki Inaba

Abstract: The state recognition of the environment and objects by robots is generally based on the judgement of the current state as a classification problem. On the other hand, state changes of food in cooking happen continuously and need to be captured not only at a certain time point but also continuously over time. In addition, the state changes of food are complex and cannot be easily described by manual programming. Therefore, we propose a method to recognize the continuous state changes of food for cooking robots through the spoken language using pre-trained large-scale vision-language models. By using models that can compute the similarity between images and texts continuously over time, we can capture the state changes of food while cooking. We also show that by adjusting the weighting of each text prompt based on fitting the similarity changes to a sigmoid function and then performing black-box optimization, more accurate and robust continuous state recognition can be achieved. We demonstrate the effectiveness and limitations of this method by performing the recognition of water boiling, butter melting, egg cooking, and onion stir-frying.

cross Towards Unified Modeling for Positive and Negative Preferences in Sign-Aware Recommendation

Authors: Yuting Liu, Yizhou Dang, Yuliang Liang, Qiang Liu, Guibing Guo, Jianzhe Zhao, Xingwei Wang

Abstract: Recently, sign-aware graph recommendation has drawn much attention as it will learn users' negative preferences besides positive ones from both positive and negative interactions (i.e., links in a graph) with items. To accommodate the different semantics of negative and positive links, existing works utilize two independent encoders to model users' positive and negative preferences, respectively. However, these approaches cannot learn the negative preferences from high-order heterogeneous interactions between users and items formed by multiple links with different signs, resulting in inaccurate and incomplete negative user preferences. To cope with these intractable issues, we propose a novel \textbf{L}ight \textbf{S}igned \textbf{G}raph Convolution Network specifically for \textbf{Rec}ommendation (\textbf{LSGRec}), which adopts a unified modeling approach to simultaneously model high-order users' positive and negative preferences on a signed user-item interaction graph. Specifically, for the negative preferences within high-order heterogeneous interactions, first-order negative preferences are captured by the negative links, while high-order negative preferences are propagated along positive edges. Then, recommendation results are generated based on positive preferences and optimized with negative ones. Finally, we train representations of users and items through different auxiliary tasks. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing baselines regarding performance and computational efficiency. Our code is available at \url{}.


cross Skipformer: A Skip-and-Recover Strategy for Efficient Speech Recognition

Authors: Wenjing Zhu, Sining Sun, Changhao Shan, Peng Fan, Qing Yang

Abstract: Conformer-based attention models have become the de facto backbone model for Automatic Speech Recognition tasks. A blank symbol is usually introduced to align the input and output sequences for CTC or RNN-T models. Unfortunately, the long input length overloads computational budget and memory consumption quadratically by attention mechanism. In this work, we propose a "Skip-and-Recover" Conformer architecture, named Skipformer, to squeeze sequence input length dynamically and inhomogeneously. Skipformer uses an intermediate CTC output as criteria to split frames into three groups: crucial, skipping and ignoring. The crucial group feeds into next conformer blocks and its output joint with skipping group by original temporal order as the final encoder output. Experiments show that our model reduces the input sequence length by 31 times on Aishell-1 and 22 times on Librispeech corpus. Meanwhile, the model can achieve better recognition accuracy and faster inference speed than recent baseline models. Our code is open-sourced and available online.

cross SNOW-SCA: ML-assisted Side-Channel Attack on SNOW-V

Authors: Harshit Saurabh, Anupam Golder, Samarth Shivakumar Titti, Suparna Kundu, Chaoyun Li, Angshuman Karmakar, Debayan Das

Abstract: This paper presents SNOW-SCA, the first power side-channel analysis (SCA) attack of a 5G mobile communication security standard candidate, SNOW-V, running on a 32-bit ARM Cortex-M4 microcontroller. First, we perform a generic known-key correlation (KKC) analysis to identify the leakage points. Next, a correlation power analysis (CPA) attack is performed, which reduces the attack complexity to two key guesses for each key byte. The correct secret key is then uniquely identified utilizing linear discriminant analysis (LDA). The profiled SCA attack with LDA achieves 100% accuracy after training with $<200$ traces, which means the attack succeeds with just a single trace. Overall, using the \textit{combined CPA and LDA attack} model, the correct secret key byte is recovered with <50 traces collected using the ChipWhisperer platform. The entire 256-bit secret key of SNOW-V can be recovered incrementally using the proposed SCA attack. Finally, we suggest low-overhead countermeasures that can be used to prevent these SCA attacks.

cross Knowledge Conflicts for LLMs: A Survey

Authors: Rongwu Xu, Zehan Qi, Cunxiang Wang, Hongru Wang, Yue Zhang, Wei Xu

Abstract: This survey provides an in-depth analysis of knowledge conflicts for large language models (LLMs), highlighting the complex challenges they encounter when blending contextual and parametric knowledge. Our focus is on three categories of knowledge conflicts: context-memory, inter-context, and intra-memory conflict. These conflicts can significantly impact the trustworthiness and performance of LLMs, especially in real-world applications where noise and misinformation are common. By categorizing these conflicts, exploring the causes, examining the behaviors of LLMs under such conflicts, and reviewing available solutions, this survey aims to shed light on strategies for improving the robustness of LLMs, thereby serving as a valuable resource for advancing research in this evolving area.

cross LLM-Assisted Light: Leveraging Large Language Model Capabilities for Human-Mimetic Traffic Signal Control in Complex Urban Environments

Authors: Maonan Wang, Aoyu Pang, Yuheng Kan, Man-On Pun, Chung Shue Chen, Bo Huang

Abstract: Traffic congestion in metropolitan areas presents a formidable challenge with far-reaching economic, environmental, and societal ramifications. Therefore, effective congestion management is imperative, with traffic signal control (TSC) systems being pivotal in this endeavor. Conventional TSC systems, designed upon rule-based algorithms or reinforcement learning (RL), frequently exhibit deficiencies in managing the complexities and variabilities of urban traffic flows, constrained by their limited capacity for adaptation to unfamiliar scenarios. In response to these limitations, this work introduces an innovative approach that integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) into TSC, harnessing their advanced reasoning and decision-making faculties. Specifically, a hybrid framework that augments LLMs with a suite of perception and decision-making tools is proposed, facilitating the interrogation of both the static and dynamic traffic information. This design places the LLM at the center of the decision-making process, combining external traffic data with established TSC methods. Moreover, a simulation platform is developed to corroborate the efficacy of the proposed framework. The findings from our simulations attest to the system's adeptness in adjusting to a multiplicity of traffic environments without the need for additional training. Notably, in cases of Sensor Outage (SO), our approach surpasses conventional RL-based systems by reducing the average waiting time by $20.4\%$. This research signifies a notable advance in TSC strategies and paves the way for the integration of LLMs into real-world, dynamic scenarios, highlighting their potential to revolutionize traffic management. The related code is available at \href{}{}.


cross STMPL: Human Soft-Tissue Simulation

Authors: Anton Agafonov, Lihi Zelnik-Manor

Abstract: In various applications, such as virtual reality and gaming, simulating the deformation of soft tissues in the human body during interactions with external objects is essential. Traditionally, Finite Element Methods (FEM) have been employed for this purpose, but they tend to be slow and resource-intensive. In this paper, we propose a unified representation of human body shape and soft tissue with a data-driven simulator of non-rigid deformations. This approach enables rapid simulation of realistic interactions. Our method builds upon the SMPL model, which generates human body shapes considering rigid transformations. We extend SMPL by incorporating a soft tissue layer and an intuitive representation of external forces applied to the body during object interactions. Specifically, we mapped the 3D body shape and soft tissue and applied external forces to 2D UV maps. Leveraging a UNET architecture designed for 2D data, our approach achieves high-accuracy inference in real time. Our experiment shows that our method achieves plausible deformation of the soft tissue layer, even for unseen scenarios.

cross Mean-Field Microcanonical Gradient Descent

Authors: Marcus H\"aggbom, Morten Karlsmark, Joakim and\'en

Abstract: Microcanonical gradient descent is a sampling procedure for energy-based models allowing for efficient sampling of distributions in high dimension. It works by transporting samples from a high-entropy distribution, such as Gaussian white noise, to a low-energy region using gradient descent. We put this model in the framework of normalizing flows, showing how it can often overfit by losing an unnecessary amount of entropy in the descent. As a remedy, we propose a mean-field microcanonical gradient descent that samples several weakly coupled data points simultaneously, allowing for better control of the entropy loss while paying little in terms of likelihood fit. We study these models in the context of financial time series, illustrating the improvements on both synthetic and real data.

cross SMART: Submodular Data Mixture Strategy for Instruction Tuning

Authors: H S V N S Kowndinya Renduchintala, Sumit Bhatia, Ganesh Ramakrishnan

Abstract: Instruction Tuning involves finetuning a language model on a collection of instruction-formatted datasets in order to enhance the generalizability of the model to unseen tasks. Studies have shown the importance of balancing different task proportions during finetuning, but finding the right balance remains challenging. Unfortunately, there's currently no systematic method beyond manual tuning or relying on practitioners' intuition. In this paper, we introduce SMART (Submodular data Mixture strAtegy for instRuction Tuning) - a novel data mixture strategy which makes use of a submodular function to assign importance scores to tasks which are then used to determine the mixture weights. Given a fine-tuning budget, SMART redistributes the budget among tasks and selects non-redundant samples from each task. Experimental results demonstrate that SMART significantly outperforms traditional methods such as examples proportional mixing and equal mixing. Furthermore, SMART facilitates the creation of data mixtures based on a few representative subsets of tasks alone and through task pruning analysis, we reveal that in a limited budget setting, allocating budget among a subset of representative tasks yields superior performance compared to distributing the budget among all tasks. The code for reproducing our results is open-sourced at


cross Optimizing Risk-averse Human-AI Hybrid Teams

Authors: Andrew Fuchs, Andrea Passarella, Marco Conti

Abstract: We anticipate increased instances of humans and AI systems working together in what we refer to as a hybrid team. The increase in collaboration is expected as AI systems gain proficiency and their adoption becomes more widespread. However, their behavior is not error-free, making hybrid teams a very suitable solution. As such, we consider methods for improving performance for these teams of humans and AI systems. For hybrid teams, we will refer to both the humans and AI systems as agents. To improve team performance over that seen for agents operating individually, we propose a manager which learns, through a standard Reinforcement Learning scheme, how to best delegate, over time, the responsibility of taking a decision to any of the agents. We further guide the manager's learning so they also minimize how many changes in delegation are made resulting from undesirable team behavior. We demonstrate the optimality of our manager's performance in several grid environments which include failure states which terminate an episode and should be avoided. We perform our experiments with teams of agents with varying degrees of acceptable risk, in the form of proximity to a failure state, and measure the manager's ability to make effective delegation decisions with respect to its own risk-based constraints, then compare these to the optimal decisions. Our results show our manager can successfully learn desirable delegations which result in team paths near/exactly optimal with respect to path length and number of delegations.

cross The Development and Performance of a Machine Learning Based Mobile Platform for Visually Determining the Etiology of Penile Pathology

Authors: Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz, Sithira Ambepitiya, Raghavendra Tirupathi, Jeffrey D. Klausner, Yudara Kularathne

Abstract: Machine-learning algorithms can facilitate low-cost, user-guided visual diagnostic platforms for addressing disparities in access to sexual health services. We developed a clinical image dataset using original and augmented images for five penile diseases: herpes eruption, syphilitic chancres, penile candidiasis, penile cancer, and genital warts. We used a U-net architecture model for semantic pixel segmentation into background or subject image, the Inception-ResNet version 2 neural architecture to classify each pixel as diseased or non-diseased, and a salience map using GradCAM++. We trained the model on a random 91% sample of the image database using 150 epochs per image, and evaluated the model on the remaining 9% of images, assessing recall (or sensitivity), precision, specificity, and F1-score (accuracy). Of the 239 images in the validation dataset, 45 (18.8%) were of genital warts, 43 (18.0%) were of HSV infection, 29 (12.1%) were of penile cancer, 40 (16.7%) were of penile candidiasis, 37 (15.5%) were of syphilitic chancres, and 45 (18.8%) were of non-diseased penises. The overall accuracy of the model for correctly classifying the diseased image was 0.944. Between July 1st and October 1st 2023, there were 2,640 unique users of the mobile platform. Among a random sample of submissions (n=437), 271 (62.0%) were from the United States, 64 (14.6%) from Singapore, 41 (9.4%) from Candia, 40 (9.2%) from the United Kingdom, and 21 (4.8%) from Vietnam. The majority (n=277 [63.4%]) were between 18 and 30 years old. We report on the development of a machine-learning model for classifying five penile diseases, which demonstrated excellent performance on a validation dataset. That model is currently in use globally and has the potential to improve access to diagnostic services for penile diseases.

cross COSTREAM: Learned Cost Models for Operator Placement in Edge-Cloud Environments

Authors: Roman Heinrich, Carsten Binnig, Harald Kornmayer, Manisha Luthra

Abstract: In this work, we present COSTREAM, a novel learned cost model for Distributed Stream Processing Systems that provides accurate predictions of the execution costs of a streaming query in an edge-cloud environment. The cost model can be used to find an initial placement of operators across heterogeneous hardware, which is particularly important in these environments. In our evaluation, we demonstrate that COSTREAM can produce highly accurate cost estimates for the initial operator placement and even generalize to unseen placements, queries, and hardware. When using COSTREAM to optimize the placements of streaming operators, a median speed-up of around 21x can be achieved compared to baselines.

cross Authorship Verification based on the Likelihood Ratio of Grammar Models

Authors: Andrea Nini, Oren Halvani, Lukas Graner, Valerio Gherardi, Shunichi Ishihara

Abstract: Authorship Verification (AV) is the process of analyzing a set of documents to determine whether they were written by a specific author. This problem often arises in forensic scenarios, e.g., in cases where the documents in question constitute evidence for a crime. Existing state-of-the-art AV methods use computational solutions that are not supported by a plausible scientific explanation for their functioning and that are often difficult for analysts to interpret. To address this, we propose a method relying on calculating a quantity we call $\lambda_G$ (LambdaG): the ratio between the likelihood of a document given a model of the Grammar for the candidate author and the likelihood of the same document given a model of the Grammar for a reference population. These Grammar Models are estimated using $n$-gram language models that are trained solely on grammatical features. Despite not needing large amounts of data for training, LambdaG still outperforms other established AV methods with higher computational complexity, including a fine-tuned Siamese Transformer network. Our empirical evaluation based on four baseline methods applied to twelve datasets shows that LambdaG leads to better results in terms of both accuracy and AUC in eleven cases and in all twelve cases if considering only topic-agnostic methods. The algorithm is also highly robust to important variations in the genre of the reference population in many cross-genre comparisons. In addition to these properties, we demonstrate how LambdaG is easier to interpret than the current state-of-the-art. We argue that the advantage of LambdaG over other methods is due to fact that it is compatible with Cognitive Linguistic theories of language processing.

cross Diffusion Models with Implicit Guidance for Medical Anomaly Detection

Authors: Cosmin I. Bercea, Benedikt Wiestler, Daniel Rueckert, Julia A. Schnabel

Abstract: Diffusion models have advanced unsupervised anomaly detection by improving the transformation of pathological images into pseudo-healthy equivalents. Nonetheless, standard approaches may compromise critical information during pathology removal, leading to restorations that do not align with unaffected regions in the original scans. Such discrepancies can inadvertently increase false positive rates and reduce specificity, complicating radiological evaluations. This paper introduces Temporal Harmonization for Optimal Restoration (THOR), which refines the de-noising process by integrating implicit guidance through temporal anomaly maps. THOR aims to preserve the integrity of healthy tissue in areas unaffected by pathology. Comparative evaluations show that THOR surpasses existing diffusion-based methods in detecting and segmenting anomalies in brain MRIs and wrist X-rays. Code:


cross Unleashing the Power of Meta-tuning for Few-shot Generalization Through Sparse Interpolated Experts

Authors: Shengzhuang Chen, Jihoon Tack, Yunqiao Yang, Yee Whye Teh, Jonathan Richard Schwarz, Ying Wei

Abstract: Conventional wisdom suggests parameter-efficient fine-tuning of foundation models as the state-of-the-art method for transfer learning in vision, replacing the rich literature of alternatives such as meta-learning. In trying to harness the best of both worlds, meta-tuning introduces a subsequent optimization stage of foundation models but has so far only shown limited success and crucially tends to underperform on out-of-domain (OOD) tasks. In this paper, we introduce Sparse MetA-Tuning (SMAT), a method inspired by sparse mixture-of-experts approaches and trained to isolate subsets of pre-trained parameters automatically for meta-tuning on each task. SMAT successfully overcomes OOD sensitivity and delivers on the promise of enhancing the transfer abilities of vision foundation models beyond parameter-efficient finetuning. We establish new state-of-the-art results on a challenging combination of Meta-Dataset augmented with additional OOD tasks in both zero-shot and gradient-based adaptation settings. In addition, we provide a thorough analysis of the superiority of learned over hand-designed sparsity patterns for sparse expert methods and the pivotal importance of the sparsity level in balancing between in-domain and out-of-domain generalization. Our code is publicly available.

cross From Weak to Strong Sound Event Labels using Adaptive Change-Point Detection and Active Learning

Authors: John Martinsson, Olof Mogren, Maria Sandsten, Tuomas Virtanen

Abstract: In this work we propose an audio recording segmentation method based on an adaptive change point detection (A-CPD) for machine guided weak label annotation of audio recording segments. The goal is to maximize the amount of information gained about the temporal activation's of the target sounds. For each unlabeled audio recording, we use a prediction model to derive a probability curve used to guide annotation. The prediction model is initially pre-trained on available annotated sound event data with classes that are disjoint from the classes in the unlabeled dataset. The prediction model then gradually adapts to the annotations provided by the annotator in an active learning loop. The queries used to guide the weak label annotator towards strong labels are derived using change point detection on these probabilities. We show that it is possible to derive strong labels of high quality even with a limited annotation budget, and show favorable results for A-CPD when compared to two baseline query strategies.

cross HOLMES: HOLonym-MEronym based Semantic inspection for Convolutional Image Classifiers

Authors: Francesco Dibitonto, Fabio Garcea, Andr\'e Panisson, Alan Perotti, Lia Morra

Abstract: Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are nowadays the model of choice in Computer Vision, thanks to their ability to automatize the feature extraction process in visual tasks. However, the knowledge acquired during training is fully subsymbolic, and hence difficult to understand and explain to end users. In this paper, we propose a new technique called HOLMES (HOLonym-MEronym based Semantic inspection) that decomposes a label into a set of related concepts, and provides component-level explanations for an image classification model. Specifically, HOLMES leverages ontologies, web scraping and transfer learning to automatically construct meronym (parts)-based detectors for a given holonym (class). Then, it produces heatmaps at the meronym level and finally, by probing the holonym CNN with occluded images, it highlights the importance of each part on the classification output. Compared to state-of-the-art saliency methods, HOLMES takes a step further and provides information about both where and what the holonym CNN is looking at, without relying on densely annotated datasets and without forcing concepts to be associated to single computational units. Extensive experimental evaluation on different categories of objects (animals, tools and vehicles) shows the feasibility of our approach. On average, HOLMES explanations include at least two meronyms, and the ablation of a single meronym roughly halves the holonym model confidence. The resulting heatmaps were quantitatively evaluated using the deletion/insertion/preservation curves. All metrics were comparable to those achieved by GradCAM, while offering the advantage of further decomposing the heatmap in human-understandable concepts, thus highlighting both the relevance of meronyms to object classification, as well as HOLMES ability to capture it. The code is available at


cross Language models scale reliably with over-training and on downstream tasks

Authors: Samir Yitzhak Gadre, Georgios Smyrnis, Vaishaal Shankar, Suchin Gururangan, Mitchell Wortsman, Rulin Shao, Jean Mercat, Alex Fang, Jeffrey Li, Sedrick Keh, Rui Xin, Marianna Nezhurina, Igor Vasiljevic, Jenia Jitsev, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Gabriel Ilharco, Shuran Song, Thomas Kollar, Yair Carmon, Achal Dave, Reinhard Heckel, Niklas Muennighoff, Ludwig Schmidt

Abstract: Scaling laws are useful guides for developing language models, but there are still gaps between current scaling studies and how language models are ultimately trained and evaluated. For instance, scaling is usually studied in the compute-optimal training regime (i.e., "Chinchilla optimal" regime); however, in practice, models are often over-trained to reduce inference costs. Moreover, scaling laws mostly predict loss on next-token prediction, but ultimately models are compared based on downstream task performance. In this paper, we address both shortcomings. To do so, we create a testbed of 104 models with 0.011B to 6.9B parameters trained with various numbers of tokens on three data distributions. First, we investigate scaling in the over-trained regime. We fit scaling laws that extrapolate in both the number of model parameters and the ratio of training tokens to parameters. This enables us to predict the validation loss of a 1.4B parameter, 900B token run (i.e., 32$\times$ over-trained) and a 6.9B parameter, 138B token run$\unicode{x2014}$each from experiments that take 300$\times$ less compute. Second, we relate the perplexity of a language model to its downstream task performance via a power law. We use this law to predict top-1 error averaged over downstream tasks for the two aforementioned models using experiments that take 20$\times$ less compute. Our experiments are available at


cross Regret Analysis of Policy Optimization over Submanifolds for Linearly Constrained Online LQG

Authors: Ting-Jui Chang, Shahin Shahrampour

Abstract: Recent advancement in online optimization and control has provided novel tools to study online linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problems, where cost matrices are varying adversarially over time. However, the controller parameterization of existing works may not satisfy practical conditions like sparsity due to physical connections. In this work, we study online linear quadratic Gaussian problems with a given linear constraint imposed on the controller. Inspired by the recent work of [1] which proposed, for a linearly constrained policy optimization of an offline LQR, a second order method equipped with a Riemannian metric that emerges naturally in the context of optimal control problems, we propose online optimistic Newton on manifold (OONM) which provides an online controller based on the prediction on the first and second order information of the function sequence. To quantify the proposed algorithm, we leverage the notion of regret defined as the sub-optimality of its cumulative cost to that of a (locally) minimizing controller sequence and provide the regret bound in terms of the path-length of the minimizer sequence. Simulation results are also provided to verify the property of OONM.

cross Consistent Prompting for Rehearsal-Free Continual Learning

Authors: Zhanxin Gao, Jun Cen, Xiaobin Chang

Abstract: Continual learning empowers models to adapt autonomously to the ever-changing environment or data streams without forgetting old knowledge. Prompt-based approaches are built on frozen pre-trained models to learn the task-specific prompts and classifiers efficiently. Existing prompt-based methods are inconsistent between training and testing, limiting their effectiveness. Two types of inconsistency are revealed. Test predictions are made from all classifiers while training only focuses on the current task classifier without holistic alignment, leading to Classifier inconsistency. Prompt inconsistency indicates that the prompt selected during testing may not correspond to the one associated with this task during training. In this paper, we propose a novel prompt-based method, Consistent Prompting (CPrompt), for more aligned training and testing. Specifically, all existing classifiers are exposed to prompt training, resulting in classifier consistency learning. In addition, prompt consistency learning is proposed to enhance prediction robustness and boost prompt selection accuracy. Our Consistent Prompting surpasses its prompt-based counterparts and achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple continual learning benchmarks. Detailed analysis shows that improvements come from more consistent training and testing.

cross Local Binary and Multiclass SVMs Trained on a Quantum Annealer

Authors: Enrico Zardini, Amer Delilbasic, Enrico Blanzieri, Gabriele Cavallaro, Davide Pastorello

Abstract: Support vector machines (SVMs) are widely used machine learning models (e.g., in remote sensing), with formulations for both classification and regression tasks. In the last years, with the advent of working quantum annealers, hybrid SVM models characterised by quantum training and classical execution have been introduced. These models have demonstrated comparable performance to their classical counterparts. However, they are limited in the training set size due to the restricted connectivity of the current quantum annealers. Hence, to take advantage of large datasets (like those related to Earth observation), a strategy is required. In the classical domain, local SVMs, namely, SVMs trained on the data samples selected by a k-nearest neighbors model, have already proven successful. Here, the local application of quantum-trained SVM models is proposed and empirically assessed. In particular, this approach allows overcoming the constraints on the training set size of the quantum-trained models while enhancing their performance. In practice, the FaLK-SVM method, designed for efficient local SVMs, has been combined with quantum-trained SVM models for binary and multiclass classification. In addition, for comparison, FaLK-SVM has been interfaced for the first time with a classical single-step multiclass SVM model (CS SVM). Concerning the empirical evaluation, D-Wave's quantum annealers and real-world datasets taken from the remote sensing domain have been employed. The results have shown the effectiveness and scalability of the proposed approach, but also its practical applicability in a real-world large-scale scenario.

cross Link Prediction for Social Networks using Representation Learning and Heuristic-based Features

Authors: Samarth Khanna, Sree Bhattacharyya, Sudipto Ghosh, Kushagra Agarwal, Asit Kumar Das

Abstract: The exponential growth in scale and relevance of social networks enable them to provide expansive insights. Predicting missing links in social networks efficiently can help in various modern-day business applications ranging from generating recommendations to influence analysis. Several categories of solutions exist for the same. Here, we explore various feature extraction techniques to generate representations of nodes and edges in a social network that allow us to predict missing links. We compare the results of using ten feature extraction techniques categorized across Structural embeddings, Neighborhood-based embeddings, Graph Neural Networks, and Graph Heuristics, followed by modeling with ensemble classifiers and custom Neural Networks. Further, we propose combining heuristic-based features and learned representations that demonstrate improved performance for the link prediction task on social network datasets. Using this method to generate accurate recommendations for many applications is a matter of further study that appears very promising. The code for all the experiments has been made public.

cross Multifidelity linear regression for scientific machine learning from scarce data

Authors: Elizabeth Qian, Anirban Chaudhuri, Dayoung Kang, Vignesh Sella

Abstract: Machine learning (ML) methods, which fit to data the parameters of a given parameterized model class, have garnered significant interest as potential methods for learning surrogate models for complex engineering systems for which traditional simulation is expensive. However, in many scientific and engineering settings, generating high-fidelity data on which to train ML models is expensive, and the available budget for generating training data is limited. ML models trained on the resulting scarce high-fidelity data have high variance and are sensitive to vagaries of the training data set. We propose a new multifidelity training approach for scientific machine learning that exploits the scientific context where data of varying fidelities and costs are available; for example high-fidelity data may be generated by an expensive fully resolved physics simulation whereas lower-fidelity data may arise from a cheaper model based on simplifying assumptions. We use the multifidelity data to define new multifidelity Monte Carlo estimators for the unknown parameters of linear regression models, and provide theoretical analyses that guarantee the approach's accuracy and improved robustness to small training budgets. Numerical results verify the theoretical analysis and demonstrate that multifidelity learned models trained on scarce high-fidelity data and additional low-fidelity data achieve order-of-magnitude lower model variance than standard models trained on only high-fidelity data of comparable cost. This illustrates that in the scarce data regime, our multifidelity training strategy yields models with lower expected error than standard training approaches.

cross Leveraging Non-Decimated Wavelet Packet Features and Transformer Models for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Guy P Nason, James L. Wei

Abstract: This article combines wavelet analysis techniques with machine learning methods for univariate time series forecasting, focusing on three main contributions. Firstly, we consider the use of Daubechies wavelets with different numbers of vanishing moments as input features to both non-temporal and temporal forecasting methods, by selecting these numbers during the cross-validation phase. Secondly, we compare the use of both the non-decimated wavelet transform and the non-decimated wavelet packet transform for computing these features, the latter providing a much larger set of potentially useful coefficient vectors. The wavelet coefficients are computed using a shifted version of the typical pyramidal algorithm to ensure no leakage of future information into these inputs. Thirdly, we evaluate the use of these wavelet features on a significantly wider set of forecasting methods than previous studies, including both temporal and non-temporal models, and both statistical and deep learning-based methods. The latter include state-of-the-art transformer-based neural network architectures. Our experiments suggest significant benefit in replacing higher-order lagged features with wavelet features across all examined non-temporal methods for one-step-forward forecasting, and modest benefit when used as inputs for temporal deep learning-based models for long-horizon forecasting.

cross A Decade's Battle on Dataset Bias: Are We There Yet?

Authors: Zhuang Liu, Kaiming He

Abstract: We revisit the "dataset classification" experiment suggested by Torralba and Efros a decade ago, in the new era with large-scale, diverse, and hopefully less biased datasets as well as more capable neural network architectures. Surprisingly, we observe that modern neural networks can achieve excellent accuracy in classifying which dataset an image is from: e.g., we report 84.7% accuracy on held-out validation data for the three-way classification problem consisting of the YFCC, CC, and DataComp datasets. Our further experiments show that such a dataset classifier could learn semantic features that are generalizable and transferable, which cannot be simply explained by memorization. We hope our discovery will inspire the community to rethink the issue involving dataset bias and model capabilities.

cross Self-Supervised Learning for Covariance Estimation

Authors: Tzvi Diskin, Ami Wiesel

Abstract: We consider the use of deep learning for covariance estimation. We propose to globally learn a neural network that will then be applied locally at inference time. Leveraging recent advancements in self-supervised foundational models, we train the network without any labeling by simply masking different samples and learning to predict their covariance given their surrounding neighbors. The architecture is based on the popular attention mechanism. Its main advantage over classical methods is the automatic exploitation of global characteristics without any distributional assumptions or regularization. It can be pre-trained as a foundation model and then be repurposed for various downstream tasks, e.g., adaptive target detection in radar or hyperspectral imagery.

cross Zero-shot and Few-shot Generation Strategies for Artificial Clinical Records

Authors: Erlend Frayling, Jake Lever, Graham McDonald

Abstract: The challenge of accessing historical patient data for clinical research, while adhering to privacy regulations, is a significant obstacle in medical science. An innovative approach to circumvent this issue involves utilising synthetic medical records that mirror real patient data without compromising individual privacy. The creation of these synthetic datasets, particularly without using actual patient data to train Large Language Models (LLMs), presents a novel solution as gaining access to sensitive patient information to train models is also a challenge. This study assesses the capability of the Llama 2 LLM to create synthetic medical records that accurately reflect real patient information, employing zero-shot and few-shot prompting strategies for comparison against fine-tuned methodologies that do require sensitive patient data during training. We focus on generating synthetic narratives for the History of Present Illness section, utilising data from the MIMIC-IV dataset for comparison. In this work introduce a novel prompting technique that leverages a chain-of-thought approach, enhancing the model's ability to generate more accurate and contextually relevant medical narratives without prior fine-tuning. Our findings suggest that this chain-of-thought prompted approach allows the zero-shot model to achieve results on par with those of fine-tuned models, based on Rouge metrics evaluation.

cross Digital Twin-assisted Reinforcement Learning for Resource-aware Microservice Offloading in Edge Computing

Authors: Xiangchun Chen, Jiannong Cao, Zhixuan Liang, Yuvraj Sahni, Mingjin Zhang

Abstract: Collaborative edge computing (CEC) has emerged as a promising paradigm, enabling edge nodes to collaborate and execute microservices from end devices. Microservice offloading, a fundamentally important problem, decides when and where microservices are executed upon the arrival of services. However, the dynamic nature of the real-world CEC environment often leads to inefficient microservice offloading strategies, resulting in underutilized resources and network congestion. To address this challenge, we formulate an online joint microservice offloading and bandwidth allocation problem, JMOBA, to minimize the average completion time of services. In this paper, we introduce a novel microservice offloading algorithm, DTDRLMO, which leverages deep reinforcement learning (DRL) and digital twin technology. Specifically, we employ digital twin techniques to predict and adapt to changing edge node loads and network conditions of CEC in real-time. Furthermore, this approach enables the generation of an efficient offloading plan, selecting the most suitable edge node for each microservice. Simulation results on real-world and synthetic datasets demonstrate that DTDRLMO outperforms heuristic and learning-based methods in average service completion time.

cross Diffusion-based Iterative Counterfactual Explanations for Fetal Ultrasound Image Quality Assessment

Authors: Paraskevas Pegios, Manxi Lin, Nina Weng, Morten Bo S{\o}ndergaard Svendsen, Zahra Bashir, Siavash Bigdeli, Anders Nymark Christensen, Martin Tolsgaard, Aasa Feragen

Abstract: Obstetric ultrasound image quality is crucial for accurate diagnosis and monitoring of fetal health. However, producing high-quality standard planes is difficult, influenced by the sonographer's expertise and factors like the maternal BMI or the fetus dynamics. In this work, we propose using diffusion-based counterfactual explainable AI to generate realistic high-quality standard planes from low-quality non-standard ones. Through quantitative and qualitative evaluation, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in producing plausible counterfactuals of increased quality. This shows future promise both for enhancing training of clinicians by providing visual feedback, as well as for improving image quality and, consequently, downstream diagnosis and monitoring.

cross Ambient Diffusion Posterior Sampling: Solving Inverse Problems with Diffusion Models trained on Corrupted Data

Authors: Asad Aali, Giannis Daras, Brett Levac, Sidharth Kumar, Alexandros G. Dimakis, Jonathan I. Tamir

Abstract: We provide a framework for solving inverse problems with diffusion models learned from linearly corrupted data. Our method, Ambient Diffusion Posterior Sampling (A-DPS), leverages a generative model pre-trained on one type of corruption (e.g. image inpainting) to perform posterior sampling conditioned on measurements from a potentially different forward process (e.g. image blurring). We test the efficacy of our approach on standard natural image datasets (CelebA, FFHQ, and AFHQ) and we show that A-DPS can sometimes outperform models trained on clean data for several image restoration tasks in both speed and performance. We further extend the Ambient Diffusion framework to train MRI models with access only to Fourier subsampled multi-coil MRI measurements at various acceleration factors (R=2, 4, 6, 8). We again observe that models trained on highly subsampled data are better priors for solving inverse problems in the high acceleration regime than models trained on fully sampled data. We open-source our code and the trained Ambient Diffusion MRI models: .


cross Learning How to Strategically Disclose Information

Authors: Raj Kiriti Velicheti, Melih Bastopcu, S. Rasoul Etesami, Tamer Ba\c{s}ar

Abstract: Strategic information disclosure, in its simplest form, considers a game between an information provider (sender) who has access to some private information that an information receiver is interested in. While the receiver takes an action that affects the utilities of both players, the sender can design information (or modify beliefs) of the receiver through signal commitment, hence posing a Stackelberg game. However, obtaining a Stackelberg equilibrium for this game traditionally requires the sender to have access to the receiver's objective. In this work, we consider an online version of information design where a sender interacts with a receiver of an unknown type who is adversarially chosen at each round. Restricting attention to Gaussian prior and quadratic costs for the sender and the receiver, we show that $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret is achievable with full information feedback, where $T$ is the total number of interactions between the sender and the receiver. Further, we propose a novel parametrization that allows the sender to achieve $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T})$ regret for a general convex utility function. We then consider the Bayesian Persuasion problem with an additional cost term in the objective function, which penalizes signaling policies that are more informative and obtain $\mathcal{O}(\log(T))$ regret. Finally, we establish a sublinear regret bound for the partial information feedback setting and provide simulations to support our theoretical results.

cross Steering LLMs Towards Unbiased Responses: A Causality-Guided Debiasing Framework

Authors: Jingling Li, Zeyu Tang, Xiaoyu Liu, Peter Spirtes, Kun Zhang, Liu Leqi, Yang Liu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can easily generate biased and discriminative responses. As LLMs tap into consequential decision-making (e.g., hiring and healthcare), it is of crucial importance to develop strategies to mitigate these biases. This paper focuses on social bias, tackling the association between demographic information and LLM outputs. We propose a causality-guided debiasing framework that utilizes causal understandings of (1) the data-generating process of the training corpus fed to LLMs, and (2) the internal reasoning process of LLM inference, to guide the design of prompts for debiasing LLM outputs through selection mechanisms. Our framework unifies existing de-biasing prompting approaches such as inhibitive instructions and in-context contrastive examples, and sheds light on new ways of debiasing by encouraging bias-free reasoning. Our strong empirical performance on real-world datasets demonstrates that our framework provides principled guidelines on debiasing LLM outputs even with only the black-box access.

cross Neural reproducing kernel Banach spaces and representer theorems for deep networks

Authors: Francesca Bartolucci, Ernesto De Vito, Lorenzo Rosasco, Stefano Vigogna

Abstract: Studying the function spaces defined by neural networks helps to understand the corresponding learning models and their inductive bias. While in some limits neural networks correspond to function spaces that are reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, these regimes do not capture the properties of the networks used in practice. In contrast, in this paper we show that deep neural networks define suitable reproducing kernel Banach spaces. These spaces are equipped with norms that enforce a form of sparsity, enabling them to adapt to potential latent structures within the input data and their representations. In particular, leveraging the theory of reproducing kernel Banach spaces, combined with variational results, we derive representer theorems that justify the finite architectures commonly employed in applications. Our study extends analogous results for shallow networks and can be seen as a step towards considering more practically plausible neural architectures.

cross DAM: Dynamic Adapter Merging for Continual Video QA Learning

Authors: Feng Cheng, Ziyang Wang, Yi-Lin Sung, Yan-Bo Lin, Mohit Bansal, Gedas Bertasius

Abstract: We present a parameter-efficient method for continual video question-answering (VidQA) learning. Our method, named DAM, uses the proposed Dynamic Adapter Merging to (i) mitigate catastrophic forgetting, (ii) enable efficient adaptation to continually arriving datasets, (iii) handle inputs from unknown datasets during inference, and (iv) enable knowledge sharing across similar dataset domains. Given a set of continually streaming VidQA datasets, we sequentially train dataset-specific adapters for each dataset while freezing the parameters of a large pretrained video-language backbone. During inference, given a video-question sample from an unknown domain, our method first uses the proposed non-parametric router function to compute a probability for each adapter, reflecting how relevant that adapter is to the current video-question input instance. Subsequently, the proposed dynamic adapter merging scheme aggregates all the adapter weights into a new adapter instance tailored for that particular test sample to compute the final VidQA prediction, mitigating the impact of inaccurate router predictions and facilitating knowledge sharing across domains. Our DAM model outperforms prior state-of-the-art continual learning approaches by 9.1% while exhibiting 1.9% less forgetting on 6 VidQA datasets spanning various domains. We further extend DAM to continual image classification and image QA and outperform prior methods by a large margin. The code is publicly available at:


cross Efficient Combinatorial Optimization via Heat Diffusion

Authors: Hengyuan Ma, Wenlian Lu, Jianfeng Feng

Abstract: Combinatorial optimization problems are widespread but inherently challenging due to their discrete nature.The primary limitation of existing methods is that they can only access a small fraction of the solution space at each iteration, resulting in limited efficiency for searching the global optimal. To overcome this challenge, diverging from conventional efforts of expanding the solver's search scope, we focus on enabling information to actively propagate to the solver through heat diffusion. By transforming the target function while preserving its optima, heat diffusion facilitates information flow from distant regions to the solver, providing more efficient navigation. Utilizing heat diffusion, we propose a framework for solving general combinatorial optimization problems. The proposed methodology demonstrates superior performance across a range of the most challenging and widely encountered combinatorial optimizations. Echoing recent advancements in harnessing thermodynamics for generative artificial intelligence, our study further reveals its significant potential in advancing combinatorial optimization.

replace Bolstering Stochastic Gradient Descent with Model Building

Authors: S. Ilker Birbil, Ozgur Martin, Gonenc Onay, Figen Oztoprak

Abstract: Stochastic gradient descent method and its variants constitute the core optimization algorithms that achieve good convergence rates for solving machine learning problems. These rates are obtained especially when these algorithms are fine-tuned for the application at hand. Although this tuning process can require large computational costs, recent work has shown that these costs can be reduced by line search methods that iteratively adjust the step length. We propose an alternative approach to stochastic line search by using a new algorithm based on forward step model building. This model building step incorporates second-order information that allows adjusting not only the step length but also the search direction. Noting that deep learning model parameters come in groups (layers of tensors), our method builds its model and calculates a new step for each parameter group. This novel diagonalization approach makes the selected step lengths adaptive. We provide convergence rate analysis, and experimentally show that the proposed algorithm achieves faster convergence and better generalization in well-known test problems. More precisely, SMB requires less tuning, and shows comparable performance to other adaptive methods.

replace Better Uncertainty Calibration via Proper Scores for Classification and Beyond

Authors: Sebastian G. Gruber, Florian Buettner

Abstract: With model trustworthiness being crucial for sensitive real-world applications, practitioners are putting more and more focus on improving the uncertainty calibration of deep neural networks. Calibration errors are designed to quantify the reliability of probabilistic predictions but their estimators are usually biased and inconsistent. In this work, we introduce the framework of proper calibration errors, which relates every calibration error to a proper score and provides a respective upper bound with optimal estimation properties. This relationship can be used to reliably quantify the model calibration improvement. We theoretically and empirically demonstrate the shortcomings of commonly used estimators compared to our approach. Due to the wide applicability of proper scores, this gives a natural extension of recalibration beyond classification.

replace TSFool: Crafting Highly-Imperceptible Adversarial Time Series through Multi-Objective Attack

Authors: Yanyun Wang, Dehui Du, Haibo Hu, Zi Liang, Yuanhao Liu

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed the success of recurrent neural network (RNN) models in time series classification (TSC). However, neural networks (NNs) are vulnerable to adversarial samples, which cause real-life adversarial attacks that undermine the robustness of AI models. To date, most existing attacks target at feed-forward NNs and image recognition tasks, but they cannot perform well on RNN-based TSC. This is due to the cyclical computation of RNN, which prevents direct model differentiation. In addition, the high visual sensitivity of time series to perturbations also poses challenges to local objective optimization of adversarial samples. In this paper, we propose an efficient method called TSFool to craft highly-imperceptible adversarial time series for RNN-based TSC. The core idea is a new global optimization objective known as "Camouflage Coefficient" that captures the imperceptibility of adversarial samples from the class distribution. Based on this, we reduce the adversarial attack problem to a multi-objective optimization problem that enhances the perturbation quality. Furthermore, to speed up the optimization process, we propose to use a representation model for RNN to capture deeply embedded vulnerable samples whose features deviate from the latent manifold. Experiments on 11 UCR and UEA datasets showcase that TSFool significantly outperforms six white-box and three black-box benchmark attacks in terms of effectiveness, efficiency and imperceptibility from various perspectives including standard measure, human study and real-world defense.

replace Meta Pattern Concern Score: A Novel Evaluation Measure with Human Values for Multi-classifiers

Authors: Yanyun Wang, Dehui Du, Yuanhao Liu

Abstract: While advanced classifiers have been increasingly used in real-world safety-critical applications, how to properly evaluate the black-box models given specific human values remains a concern in the community. Such human values include punishing error cases of different severity in varying degrees and making compromises in general performance to reduce specific dangerous cases. In this paper, we propose a novel evaluation measure named Meta Pattern Concern Score based on the abstract representation of probabilistic prediction and the adjustable threshold for the concession in prediction confidence, to introduce the human values into multi-classifiers. Technically, we learn from the advantages and disadvantages of two kinds of common metrics, namely the confusion matrix-based evaluation measures and the loss values, so that our measure is effective as them even under general tasks, and the cross entropy loss becomes a special case of our measure in the limit. Besides, our measure can also be used to refine the model training by dynamically adjusting the learning rate. The experiments on four kinds of models and six datasets confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of our measure. And a case study shows it can not only find the ideal model reducing 0.53% of dangerous cases by only sacrificing 0.04% of training accuracy, but also refine the learning rate to train a new model averagely outperforming the original one with a 1.62% lower value of itself and 0.36% fewer number of dangerous cases.

replace TILDE-Q: A Transformation Invariant Loss Function for Time-Series Forecasting

Authors: Hyunwook Lee, Chunggi Lee, Hongkyu Lim, Sungahn Ko

Abstract: Time-series forecasting has gained increasing attention in the field of artificial intelligence due to its potential to address real-world problems across various domains, including energy, weather, traffic, and economy. While time-series forecasting is a well-researched field, predicting complex temporal patterns such as sudden changes in sequential data still poses a challenge with current models. This difficulty stems from minimizing Lp norm distances as loss functions, such as mean absolute error (MAE) or mean square error (MSE), which are susceptible to both intricate temporal dynamics modeling and signal shape capturing. Furthermore, these functions often cause models to behave aberrantly and generate uncorrelated results with the original time-series. Consequently, developing a shape-aware loss function that goes beyond mere point-wise comparison is essential. In this paper, we examine the definition of shape and distortions, which are crucial for shape-awareness in time-series forecasting, and provide a design rationale for the shape-aware loss function. Based on our design rationale, we propose a novel, compact loss function called TILDEQ (Transformation Invariant Loss function with Distance EQuilibrium) that considers not only amplitude and phase distortions but also allows models to capture the shape of time-series sequences. Furthermore, TILDE-Q supports the simultaneous modeling of periodic and nonperiodic temporal dynamics. We evaluate the efficacy of TILDE-Q by conducting extensive experiments under both periodic and nonperiodic conditions with various models ranging from naive to state-of-the-art. The experimental results show that the models trained with TILDE-Q surpass those trained with other metrics, such as MSE and DILATE, in various real-world applications, including electricity, traffic, illness, economics, weather, and electricity transformer temperature (ETT).

replace Improved Kernel Alignment Regret Bound for Online Kernel Learning

Authors: Junfan Li, Shizhong Liao

Abstract: In this paper, we improve the kernel alignment regret bound for online kernel learning in the regime of the Hinge loss function. Previous algorithm achieves a regret of $O((\mathcal{A}_TT\ln{T})^{\frac{1}{4}})$ at a computational complexity (space and per-round time) of $O(\sqrt{\mathcal{A}_TT\ln{T}})$, where $\mathcal{A}_T$ is called \textit{kernel alignment}. We propose an algorithm whose regret bound and computational complexity are better than previous results. Our results depend on the decay rate of eigenvalues of the kernel matrix. If the eigenvalues of the kernel matrix decay exponentially, then our algorithm enjoys a regret of $O(\sqrt{\mathcal{A}_T})$ at a computational complexity of $O(\ln^2{T})$. Otherwise, our algorithm enjoys a regret of $O((\mathcal{A}_TT)^{\frac{1}{4}})$ at a computational complexity of $O(\sqrt{\mathcal{A}_TT})$. We extend our algorithm to batch learning and obtain a $O(\frac{1}{T}\sqrt{\mathbb{E}[\mathcal{A}_T]})$ excess risk bound which improves the previous $O(1/\sqrt{T})$ bound.

replace Can Direct Latent Model Learning Solve Linear Quadratic Gaussian Control?

Authors: Yi Tian, Kaiqing Zhang, Russ Tedrake, Suvrit Sra

Abstract: We study the task of learning state representations from potentially high-dimensional observations, with the goal of controlling an unknown partially observable system. We pursue a direct latent model learning approach, where a dynamic model in some latent state space is learned by predicting quantities directly related to planning (e.g., costs) without reconstructing the observations. In particular, we focus on an intuitive cost-driven state representation learning method for solving Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) control, one of the most fundamental partially observable control problems. As our main results, we establish finite-sample guarantees of finding a near-optimal state representation function and a near-optimal controller using the directly learned latent model. To the best of our knowledge, despite various empirical successes, prior to this work it was unclear if such a cost-driven latent model learner enjoys finite-sample guarantees. Our work underscores the value of predicting multi-step costs, an idea that is key to our theory, and notably also an idea that is known to be empirically valuable for learning state representations.

replace Curriculum Graph Machine Learning: A Survey

Authors: Haoyang Li, Xin Wang, Wenwu Zhu

Abstract: Graph machine learning has been extensively studied in both academia and industry. However, in the literature, most existing graph machine learning models are designed to conduct training with data samples in a random order, which may suffer from suboptimal performance due to ignoring the importance of different graph data samples and their training orders for the model optimization status. To tackle this critical problem, curriculum graph machine learning (Graph CL), which integrates the strength of graph machine learning and curriculum learning, arises and attracts an increasing amount of attention from the research community. Therefore, in this paper, we comprehensively overview approaches on Graph CL and present a detailed survey of recent advances in this direction. Specifically, we first discuss the key challenges of Graph CL and provide its formal problem definition. Then, we categorize and summarize existing methods into three classes based on three kinds of graph machine learning tasks, i.e., node-level, link-level, and graph-level tasks. Finally, we share our thoughts on future research directions. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first survey for curriculum graph machine learning.

replace Feature Likelihood Divergence: Evaluating the Generalization of Generative Models Using Samples

Authors: Marco Jiralerspong, Avishek Joey Bose, Ian Gemp, Chongli Qin, Yoram Bachrach, Gauthier Gidel

Abstract: The past few years have seen impressive progress in the development of deep generative models capable of producing high-dimensional, complex, and photo-realistic data. However, current methods for evaluating such models remain incomplete: standard likelihood-based metrics do not always apply and rarely correlate with perceptual fidelity, while sample-based metrics, such as FID, are insensitive to overfitting, i.e., inability to generalize beyond the training set. To address these limitations, we propose a new metric called the Feature Likelihood Divergence (FLD), a parametric sample-based metric that uses density estimation to provide a comprehensive trichotomic evaluation accounting for novelty (i.e., different from the training samples), fidelity, and diversity of generated samples. We empirically demonstrate the ability of FLD to identify overfitting problem cases, even when previously proposed metrics fail. We also extensively evaluate FLD on various image datasets and model classes, demonstrating its ability to match intuitions of previous metrics like FID while offering a more comprehensive evaluation of generative models. Code is available at


replace Explainable Anomaly Detection in Images and Videos: A Survey

Authors: Yizhou Wang, Dongliang Guo, Sheng Li, Octavia Camps, Yun Fu

Abstract: Anomaly detection and localization of visual data, including images and videos, are of great significance in both machine learning academia and applied real-world scenarios. Despite the rapid development of visual anomaly detection techniques in recent years, the interpretations of these black-box models and reasonable explanations of why anomalies can be distinguished out are scarce. This paper provides the first survey concentrated on explainable visual anomaly detection methods. We first introduce the basic background of image-level and video-level anomaly detection. Then, as the main content of this survey, a comprehensive and exhaustive literature review of explainable anomaly detection methods for both images and videos is presented. Next, we analyze why some explainable anomaly detection methods can be applied to both images and videos and why others can be only applied to one modality. Additionally, we provide summaries of current 2D visual anomaly detection datasets and evaluation metrics. Finally, we discuss several promising future directions and open problems to explore the explainability of 2D visual anomaly detection. The related resource collection is given at \href{}{this repo}.


replace Data-Efficient Contrastive Self-supervised Learning: Most Beneficial Examples for Supervised Learning Contribute the Least

Authors: Siddharth Joshi, Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) learns high-quality representations from large pools of unlabeled training data. As datasets grow larger, it becomes crucial to identify the examples that contribute the most to learning such representations. This enables efficient SSL by reducing the volume of data required. Nevertheless, quantifying the value of examples for SSL has remained an open question. In this work, we address this problem for the first time, by proving that examples that contribute the most to contrastive SSL are those that have the most similar augmentations to other examples, in expectation. We provide rigorous guarantees for the generalization performance of contrastive learning on such subsets. Through extensive experiments, we show that we can safely exclude 20% of examples from CIFAR100 and 40% from STL10 and TinyImageNet, without affecting downstream task performance. In general, subsets selected by our method outperform random subsets by over 3% across these datasets. Interestingly, we also discover the subsets that contribute the most to contrastive learning are those that contribute the least to supervised learning. Code available at


replace Hard Regularization to Prevent Deep Online Clustering Collapse without Data Augmentation

Authors: Louis Mahon, Thomas Lukasiewicz

Abstract: Online deep clustering refers to the joint use of a feature extraction network and a clustering model to assign cluster labels to each new data point or batch as it is processed. While faster and more versatile than offline methods, online clustering can easily reach the collapsed solution where the encoder maps all inputs to the same point and all are put into a single cluster. Successful existing models have employed various techniques to avoid this problem, most of which require data augmentation or which aim to make the average soft assignment across the dataset the same for each cluster. We propose a method that does not require data augmentation, and that, differently from existing methods, regularizes the hard assignments. Using a Bayesian framework, we derive an intuitive optimization objective that can be straightforwardly included in the training of the encoder network. Tested on four image datasets and one human-activity recognition dataset, it consistently avoids collapse more robustly than other methods and leads to more accurate clustering. We also conduct further experiments and analyses justifying our choice to regularize the hard cluster assignments. Code is available at


replace Flexible K Nearest Neighbors Classifier: Derivation and Application for Ion-mobility Spectrometry-based Indoor Localization

Authors: Philipp M\"uller

Abstract: The K Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier is widely used in many fields such as fingerprint-based localization or medicine. It determines the class membership of unlabelled sample based on the class memberships of the K labelled samples, the so-called nearest neighbors, that are closest to the unlabelled sample. The choice of K has been the topic of various studies and proposed KNN-variants. Yet no variant has been proven to outperform all other variants. In this paper a KNN-variant is discussed which ensures that the K nearest neighbors are indeed close to the unlabelled sample and finds K along the way. The algorithm is tested and compared to the standard KNN in theoretical scenarios and for indoor localization based on ion-mobility spectrometry fingerprints. It achieves a higher classification accuracy than the KNN in the tests, while having the same computational demand.

replace Contextual Bandits with Budgeted Information Reveal

Authors: Kyra Gan, Esmaeil Keyvanshokooh, Xueqing Liu, Susan Murphy

Abstract: Contextual bandit algorithms are commonly used in digital health to recommend personalized treatments. However, to ensure the effectiveness of the treatments, patients are often requested to take actions that have no immediate benefit to them, which we refer to as pro-treatment actions. In practice, clinicians have a limited budget to encourage patients to take these actions and collect additional information. We introduce a novel optimization and learning algorithm to address this problem. This algorithm effectively combines the strengths of two algorithmic approaches in a seamless manner, including 1) an online primal-dual algorithm for deciding the optimal timing to reach out to patients, and 2) a contextual bandit learning algorithm to deliver personalized treatment to the patient. We prove that this algorithm admits a sub-linear regret bound. We illustrate the usefulness of this algorithm on both synthetic and real-world data.

replace Trainable and Explainable Simplicial Map Neural Networks

Authors: Eduardo Paluzo-Hidalgo, Miguel A. Guti\'errez-Naranjo, Rocio Gonzalez-Diaz

Abstract: Simplicial map neural networks (SMNNs) are topology-based neural networks with interesting properties such as universal approximation ability and robustness to adversarial examples under appropriate conditions. However, SMNNs present some bottlenecks for their possible application in high-dimensional datasets. First, SMNNs have precomputed fixed weight and no SMNN training process has been defined so far, so they lack generalization ability. Second, SMNNs require the construction of a convex polytope surrounding the input dataset. In this paper, we overcome these issues by proposing an SMNN training procedure based on a support subset of the given dataset and replacing the construction of the convex polytope by a method based on projections to a hypersphere. In addition, the explainability capacity of SMNNs and an effective implementation are also newly introduced in this paper.

replace Flexible Distribution Alignment: Towards Long-tailed Semi-supervised Learning with Proper Calibration

Authors: Emanuel Sanchez Aimar, Hannah Helgesen, Yonghao Xu, Marco Kuhlmann, Michael Felsberg

Abstract: Long-tailed semi-supervised learning (LTSSL) represents a practical scenario for semi-supervised applications, challenged by skewed labeled distributions that bias classifiers. This problem is often aggravated by discrepancies between labeled and unlabeled class distributions, leading to biased pseudo-labels, neglect of rare classes, and poorly calibrated probabilities. To address these issues, we introduce Flexible Distribution Alignment (FlexDA), a novel adaptive logit-adjusted loss framework designed to dynamically estimate and align predictions with the actual distribution of unlabeled data and achieve a balanced classifier by the end of training. FlexDA is further enhanced by a distillation-based consistency loss, promoting fair data usage across classes and effectively leveraging underconfident samples. This method, encapsulated in ADELLO (Align and Distill Everything All at Once), proves robust against label shift, significantly improves model calibration in LTSSL contexts, and surpasses previous state-of-of-art approaches across multiple benchmarks, including CIFAR100-LT, STL10-LT, and ImageNet127, addressing class imbalance challenges in semi-supervised learning. Our code will be made available upon paper acceptance.

replace Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Pruning for Robust Sparse Networks

Authors: Anna Bair, Hongxu Yin, Maying Shen, Pavlo Molchanov, Jose Alvarez

Abstract: Robustness and compactness are two essential attributes of deep learning models that are deployed in the real world. The goals of robustness and compactness may seem to be at odds, since robustness requires generalization across domains, while the process of compression exploits specificity in one domain. We introduce Adaptive Sharpness-Aware Pruning (AdaSAP), which unifies these goals through the lens of network sharpness. The AdaSAP method produces sparse networks that are robust to input variations which are unseen at training time. We achieve this by strategically incorporating weight perturbations in order to optimize the loss landscape. This allows the model to be both primed for pruning and regularized for improved robustness. AdaSAP improves the robust accuracy of pruned models on image classification by up to +6% on ImageNet C and +4% on ImageNet V2, and on object detection by +4% on a corrupted Pascal VOC dataset, over a wide range of compression ratios, pruning criteria, and network architectures, outperforming recent pruning art by large margins.

replace On the Identifiability of Quantized Factors

Authors: Vit\'oria Barin-Pacela, Kartik Ahuja, Simon Lacoste-Julien, Pascal Vincent

Abstract: Disentanglement aims to recover meaningful latent ground-truth factors from the observed distribution solely, and is formalized through the theory of identifiability. The identifiability of independent latent factors is proven to be impossible in the unsupervised i.i.d. setting under a general nonlinear map from factors to observations. In this work, however, we demonstrate that it is possible to recover quantized latent factors under a generic nonlinear diffeomorphism. We only assume that the latent factors have independent discontinuities in their density, without requiring the factors to be statistically independent. We introduce this novel form of identifiability, termed quantized factor identifiability, and provide a comprehensive proof of the recovery of the quantized factors.

replace Probabilistic Constraint for Safety-Critical Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Weiqin Chen, Dharmashankar Subramanian, Santiago Paternain

Abstract: In this paper, we consider the problem of learning safe policies for probabilistic-constrained reinforcement learning (RL). Specifically, a safe policy or controller is one that, with high probability, maintains the trajectory of the agent in a given safe set. We establish a connection between this probabilistic-constrained setting and the cumulative-constrained formulation that is frequently explored in the existing literature. We provide theoretical bounds elucidating that the probabilistic-constrained setting offers a better trade-off in terms of optimality and safety (constraint satisfaction). The challenge encountered when dealing with the probabilistic constraints, as explored in this work, arises from the absence of explicit expressions for their gradients. Our prior work provides such an explicit gradient expression for probabilistic constraints which we term Safe Policy Gradient-REINFORCE (SPG-REINFORCE). In this work, we provide an improved gradient SPG-Actor-Critic that leads to a lower variance than SPG-REINFORCE, which is substantiated by our theoretical results. A noteworthy aspect of both SPGs is their inherent algorithm independence, rendering them versatile for application across a range of policy-based algorithms. Furthermore, we propose a Safe Primal-Dual algorithm that can leverage both SPGs to learn safe policies. It is subsequently followed by theoretical analyses that encompass the convergence of the algorithm, as well as the near-optimality and feasibility on average. In addition, we test the proposed approaches by a series of empirical experiments. These experiments aim to examine and analyze the inherent trade-offs between the optimality and safety, and serve to substantiate the efficacy of two SPGs, as well as our theoretical contributions.

replace VertiBench: Advancing Feature Distribution Diversity in Vertical Federated Learning Benchmarks

Authors: Zhaomin Wu, Junyi Hou, Bingsheng He

Abstract: Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) is a crucial paradigm for training machine learning models on feature-partitioned, distributed data. However, due to privacy restrictions, few public real-world VFL datasets exist for algorithm evaluation, and these represent a limited array of feature distributions. Existing benchmarks often resort to synthetic datasets, derived from arbitrary feature splits from a global set, which only capture a subset of feature distributions, leading to inadequate algorithm performance assessment. This paper addresses these shortcomings by introducing two key factors affecting VFL performance - feature importance and feature correlation - and proposing associated evaluation metrics and dataset splitting methods. Additionally, we introduce a real VFL dataset to address the deficit in image-image VFL scenarios. Our comprehensive evaluation of cutting-edge VFL algorithms provides valuable insights for future research in the field.

replace UniTabE: A Universal Pretraining Protocol for Tabular Foundation Model in Data Science

Authors: Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Guang Liu, Ledell Wu, Qi Liu

Abstract: Recent advancements in NLP have witnessed the groundbreaking impact of pretrained models, yielding impressive outcomes across various tasks. This study seeks to extend the power of pretraining methodologies to facilitating the prediction over tables in data science, a domain traditionally overlooked, yet inherently challenging due to the plethora of table schemas intrinsic to different tasks. The primary research questions underpinning this work revolve around the establishment of a universal pretraining protocol for tables with varied structures, the generalizability and transferability of learned knowledge across tasks, the adaptation to diverse downstream applications, and the incorporation of incremental columns over time. In response to these challenges, we introduce UniTabE, a straightforward yet effective method designed to process tables in a uniform manner, devoid of constraints imposed by specific table structures. UniTabE's core concept relies on representing each basic table element with a module, termed TabUnit. This is subsequently followed by a Transformer encoder to refine the representation. Moreover, our model is designed to facilitate pretraining and finetuning through the utilization of free-form prompts. In order to implement the pretraining phase, we curated an expansive tabular dataset comprising approximately 13B samples, meticulously gathered from the Kaggle platform. This research primarily centers on classification and regression tasks involving tabular data, and conducts rigorous experimental testing and analyses to validate the effectiveness of our methodology. The experimental results demonstrate UniTabE's superior performance against several baselines across massive benchmarks. This, therefore, underscores UniTabE's potential to significantly enhance the semantic representation of tabular data, thereby marking a significant stride for tabular data analysis.

replace MASA-TCN: Multi-anchor Space-aware Temporal Convolutional Neural Networks for Continuous and Discrete EEG Emotion Recognition

Authors: Yi Ding, Su Zhang, Chuangao Tang, Cuntai Guan

Abstract: Emotion recognition using electroencephalogram (EEG) mainly has two scenarios: classification of the discrete labels and regression of the continuously tagged labels. Although many algorithms were proposed for classification tasks, there are only a few methods for regression tasks. For emotion regression, the label is continuous in time. A natural method is to learn the temporal dynamic patterns. In previous studies, long short-term memory (LSTM) and temporal convolutional neural networks (TCN) were utilized to learn the temporal contextual information from feature vectors of EEG. However, the spatial patterns of EEG were not effectively extracted. To enable the spatial learning ability of TCN towards better regression and classification performances, we propose a novel unified model, named MASA-TCN, for EEG emotion regression and classification tasks. The space-aware temporal layer enables TCN to additionally learn from spatial relations among EEG electrodes. Besides, a novel multi-anchor block with attentive fusion is proposed to learn dynamic temporal dependencies. Experiments on two publicly available datasets show MASA-TCN achieves higher results than the state-of-the-art methods for both EEG emotion regression and classification tasks. The code is available at


replace Class Incremental Learning via Likelihood Ratio Based Task Prediction

Authors: Haowei Lin, Yijia Shao, Weinan Qian, Ningxin Pan, Yiduo Guo, Bing Liu

Abstract: Class incremental learning (CIL) is a challenging setting of continual learning, which learns a series of tasks sequentially. Each task consists of a set of unique classes. The key feature of CIL is that no task identifier (or task-id) is provided at test time. Predicting the task-id for each test sample is a challenging problem. An emerging theory-guided approach (called TIL+OOD) is to train a task-specific model for each task in a shared network for all tasks based on a task-incremental learning (TIL) method to deal with catastrophic forgetting. The model for each task is an out-of-distribution (OOD) detector rather than a conventional classifier. The OOD detector can perform both within-task (in-distribution (IND)) class prediction and OOD detection. The OOD detection capability is the key to task-id prediction during inference. However, this paper argues that using a traditional OOD detector for task-id prediction is sub-optimal because additional information (e.g., the replay data and the learned tasks) available in CIL can be exploited to design a better and principled method for task-id prediction. We call the new method TPL (Task-id Prediction based on Likelihood Ratio). TPL markedly outperforms strong CIL baselines and has negligible catastrophic forgetting. The code of TPL is publicly available at


replace Resisting Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning via Bidirectional Elections and Individual Perspective

Authors: Zhen Qin, Feiyi Chen, Chen Zhi, Xueqiang Yan, Shuiguang Deng

Abstract: Existing approaches defend against backdoor attacks in federated learning (FL) mainly through a) mitigating the impact of infected models, or b) excluding infected models. The former negatively impacts model accuracy, while the latter usually relies on globally clear boundaries between benign and infected model updates. However, model updates are easy to be mixed and scattered throughout in reality due to the diverse distributions of local data. This work focuses on excluding infected models in FL. Unlike previous perspectives from a global view, we propose Snowball, a novel anti-backdoor FL framework through bidirectional elections from an individual perspective inspired by one principle deduced by us and two principles in FL and deep learning. It is characterized by a) bottom-up election, where each candidate model update votes to several peer ones such that a few model updates are elected as selectees for aggregation; and b) top-down election, where selectees progressively enlarge themselves through picking up from the candidates. We compare Snowball with state-of-the-art defenses to backdoor attacks in FL on five real-world datasets, demonstrating its superior resistance to backdoor attacks and slight impact on the accuracy of the global model.

replace Certified Robustness via Dynamic Margin Maximization and Improved Lipschitz Regularization

Authors: Mahyar Fazlyab, Taha Entesari, Aniket Roy, Rama Chellappa

Abstract: To improve the robustness of deep classifiers against adversarial perturbations, many approaches have been proposed, such as designing new architectures with better robustness properties (e.g., Lipschitz-capped networks), or modifying the training process itself (e.g., min-max optimization, constrained learning, or regularization). These approaches, however, might not be effective at increasing the margin in the input (feature) space. As a result, there has been an increasing interest in developing training procedures that can directly manipulate the decision boundary in the input space. In this paper, we build upon recent developments in this category by developing a robust training algorithm whose objective is to increase the margin in the output (logit) space while regularizing the Lipschitz constant of the model along vulnerable directions. We show that these two objectives can directly promote larger margins in the input space. To this end, we develop a scalable method for calculating guaranteed differentiable upper bounds on the Lipschitz constant of neural networks accurately and efficiently. The relative accuracy of the bounds prevents excessive regularization and allows for more direct manipulation of the decision boundary. Furthermore, our Lipschitz bounding algorithm exploits the monotonicity and Lipschitz continuity of the activation layers, and the resulting bounds can be used to design new layers with controllable bounds on their Lipschitz constant. Experiments on the MNIST, CIFAR-10, and Tiny-ImageNet data sets verify that our proposed algorithm obtains competitively improved results compared to the state-of-the-art.

replace DataInf: Efficiently Estimating Data Influence in LoRA-tuned LLMs and Diffusion Models

Authors: Yongchan Kwon, Eric Wu, Kevin Wu, James Zou

Abstract: Quantifying the impact of training data points is crucial for understanding the outputs of machine learning models and for improving the transparency of the AI pipeline. The influence function is a principled and popular data attribution method, but its computational cost often makes it challenging to use. This issue becomes more pronounced in the setting of large language models and text-to-image models. In this work, we propose DataInf, an efficient influence approximation method that is practical for large-scale generative AI models. Leveraging an easy-to-compute closed-form expression, DataInf outperforms existing influence computation algorithms in terms of computational and memory efficiency. Our theoretical analysis shows that DataInf is particularly well-suited for parameter-efficient fine-tuning techniques such as LoRA. Through systematic empirical evaluations, we show that DataInf accurately approximates influence scores and is orders of magnitude faster than existing methods. In applications to RoBERTa-large, Llama-2-13B-chat, and stable-diffusion-v1.5 models, DataInf effectively identifies the most influential fine-tuning examples better than other approximate influence scores. Moreover, it can help to identify which data points are mislabeled.

replace Linear attention is (maybe) all you need (to understand transformer optimization)

Authors: Kwangjun Ahn, Xiang Cheng, Minhak Song, Chulhee Yun, Ali Jadbabaie, Suvrit Sra

Abstract: Transformer training is notoriously difficult, requiring a careful design of optimizers and use of various heuristics. We make progress towards understanding the subtleties of training Transformers by carefully studying a simple yet canonical linearized shallow Transformer model. Specifically, we train linear Transformers to solve regression tasks, inspired by J.~von Oswald et al.~(ICML 2023), and K.~Ahn et al.~(NeurIPS 2023). Most importantly, we observe that our proposed linearized models can reproduce several prominent aspects of Transformer training dynamics. Consequently, the results obtained in this paper suggest that a simple linearized Transformer model could actually be a valuable, realistic abstraction for understanding Transformer optimization.

replace SmartPlay: A Benchmark for LLMs as Intelligent Agents

Authors: Yue Wu, Xuan Tang, Tom M. Mitchell, Yuanzhi Li

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated great potential toward intelligent agents and next-gen automation, but there currently lacks a systematic benchmark for evaluating LLMs' abilities as agents. We introduce SmartPlay: both a challenging benchmark and a methodology for evaluating LLMs as agents. SmartPlay consists of 6 different games, including Rock-Paper-Scissors, Tower of Hanoi, Minecraft. Each game features a unique setting, providing up to 20 evaluation settings and infinite environment variations. Each game in SmartPlay uniquely challenges a subset of 9 important capabilities of an intelligent LLM agent, including reasoning with object dependencies, planning ahead, spatial reasoning, learning from history, and understanding randomness. The distinction between the set of capabilities each game test allows us to analyze each capability separately. SmartPlay serves not only as a rigorous testing ground for evaluating the overall performance of LLM agents but also as a road-map for identifying gaps in current methodologies. We release our benchmark at

replace Consistency Trajectory Models: Learning Probability Flow ODE Trajectory of Diffusion

Authors: Dongjun Kim, Chieh-Hsin Lai, Wei-Hsiang Liao, Naoki Murata, Yuhta Takida, Toshimitsu Uesaka, Yutong He, Yuki Mitsufuji, Stefano Ermon

Abstract: Consistency Models (CM) (Song et al., 2023) accelerate score-based diffusion model sampling at the cost of sample quality but lack a natural way to trade-off quality for speed. To address this limitation, we propose Consistency Trajectory Model (CTM), a generalization encompassing CM and score-based models as special cases. CTM trains a single neural network that can -- in a single forward pass -- output scores (i.e., gradients of log-density) and enables unrestricted traversal between any initial and final time along the Probability Flow Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) in a diffusion process. CTM enables the efficient combination of adversarial training and denoising score matching loss to enhance performance and achieves new state-of-the-art FIDs for single-step diffusion model sampling on CIFAR-10 (FID 1.73) and ImageNet at 64x64 resolution (FID 1.92). CTM also enables a new family of sampling schemes, both deterministic and stochastic, involving long jumps along the ODE solution trajectories. It consistently improves sample quality as computational budgets increase, avoiding the degradation seen in CM. Furthermore, unlike CM, CTM's access to the score function can streamline the adoption of established controllable/conditional generation methods from the diffusion community. This access also enables the computation of likelihood. The code is available at


replace CoLiDE: Concomitant Linear DAG Estimation

Authors: Seyed Saman Saboksayr, Gonzalo Mateos, Mariano Tepper

Abstract: We deal with the combinatorial problem of learning directed acyclic graph (DAG) structure from observational data adhering to a linear structural equation model (SEM). Leveraging advances in differentiable, nonconvex characterizations of acyclicity, recent efforts have advocated a continuous constrained optimization paradigm to efficiently explore the space of DAGs. Most existing methods employ lasso-type score functions to guide this search, which (i) require expensive penalty parameter retuning when the $\textit{unknown}$ SEM noise variances change across problem instances; and (ii) implicitly rely on limiting homoscedasticity assumptions. In this work, we propose a new convex score function for sparsity-aware learning of linear DAGs, which incorporates concomitant estimation of scale and thus effectively decouples the sparsity parameter from the exogenous noise levels. Regularization via a smooth, nonconvex acyclicity penalty term yields CoLiDE ($\textbf{Co}$ncomitant $\textbf{Li}$near $\textbf{D}$AG $\textbf{E}$stimation), a regression-based criterion amenable to efficient gradient computation and closed-form estimation of noise variances in heteroscedastic scenarios. Our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods without incurring added complexity, especially when the DAGs are larger and the noise level profile is heterogeneous. We also find CoLiDE exhibits enhanced stability manifested via reduced standard deviations in several domain-specific metrics, underscoring the robustness of our novel linear DAG estimator.

replace Deep learning modelling of manufacturing and build variations on multi-stage axial compressors aerodynamics

Authors: Giuseppe Bruni, Sepehr Maleki, Senthil K. Krishnababu

Abstract: Application of deep learning methods to physical simulations such as CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) for turbomachinery applications, have been so far of limited industrial relevance. This paper demonstrates the development and application of a deep learning framework for real-time predictions of the impact of manufacturing and build variations, such as tip clearance and surface roughness, on the flow field and aerodynamic performance of multi-stage axial compressors in gas turbines. The associated scatter in compressor efficiency is known to have a significant impact on the corresponding overall performance and emissions of the gas turbine, therefore posing a challenge of great industrial and environmental relevance. The proposed architecture is proven to achieve an accuracy comparable to that of the CFD benchmark, in real-time, for an industrially relevant application. The deployed model, is readily integrated within the manufacturing and build process of gas turbines, thus providing the opportunity to analytically assess the impact on performance and potentially reduce requirements for expensive physical tests.

replace Search-Adaptor: Embedding Customization for Information Retrieval

Authors: Jinsung Yoon, Sercan O Arik, Yanfei Chen, Tomas Pfister

Abstract: Embeddings extracted by pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) have significant potential to improve information retrieval and search. Beyond the zero-shot setup in which they are being conventionally used, being able to take advantage of the information from the relevant query-corpus paired data can further boost the LLM capabilities. In this paper, we propose a novel method, Search-Adaptor, for customizing LLMs for information retrieval in an efficient and robust way. Search-Adaptor modifies the embeddings generated by pre-trained LLMs, and can be integrated with any LLM, including those only available via prediction APIs. On multiple English, multilingual, and multimodal retrieval datasets, we show consistent and significant performance benefits for Search-Adaptor -- e.g., more than 5% improvements for Google Embedding APIs in nDCG@10 averaged over 14 BEIR datasets.

replace A Quasi-Wasserstein Loss for Learning Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Minjie Cheng, Hongteng Xu

Abstract: When learning graph neural networks (GNNs) in node-level prediction tasks, most existing loss functions are applied for each node independently, even if node embeddings and their labels are non-i.i.d. because of their graph structures. To eliminate such inconsistency, in this study we propose a novel Quasi-Wasserstein (QW) loss with the help of the optimal transport defined on graphs, leading to new learning and prediction paradigms of GNNs. In particular, we design a ``Quasi-Wasserstein'' distance between the observed multi-dimensional node labels and their estimations, optimizing the label transport defined on graph edges. The estimations are parameterized by a GNN in which the optimal label transport may determine the graph edge weights optionally. By reformulating the strict constraint of the label transport to a Bregman divergence-based regularizer, we obtain the proposed Quasi-Wasserstein loss associated with two efficient solvers learning the GNN together with optimal label transport. When predicting node labels, our model combines the output of the GNN with the residual component provided by the optimal label transport, leading to a new transductive prediction paradigm. Experiments show that the proposed QW loss applies to various GNNs and helps to improve their performance in node-level classification and regression tasks. The code of this work can be found at \url{}.


replace Making RL with Preference-based Feedback Efficient via Randomization

Authors: Runzhe Wu, Wen Sun

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning algorithms that learn from human feedback (RLHF) need to be efficient in terms of statistical complexity, computational complexity, and query complexity. In this work, we consider the RLHF setting where the feedback is given in the format of preferences over pairs of trajectories. In the linear MDP model, using randomization in algorithm design, we present an algorithm that is sample efficient (i.e., has near-optimal worst-case regret bounds) and has polynomial running time (i.e., computational complexity is polynomial with respect to relevant parameters). Our algorithm further minimizes the query complexity through a novel randomized active learning procedure. In particular, our algorithm demonstrates a near-optimal tradeoff between the regret bound and the query complexity. To extend the results to more general nonlinear function approximation, we design a model-based randomized algorithm inspired by the idea of Thompson sampling. Our algorithm minimizes Bayesian regret bound and query complexity, again achieving a near-optimal tradeoff between these two quantities. Computation-wise, similar to the prior Thompson sampling algorithms under the regular RL setting, the main computation primitives of our algorithm are Bayesian supervised learning oracles which have been heavily investigated on the empirical side when applying Thompson sampling algorithms to RL benchmark problems.

replace Effective Structural Encodings via Local Curvature Profiles

Authors: Lukas Fesser, Melanie Weber

Abstract: Structural and Positional Encodings can significantly improve the performance of Graph Neural Networks in downstream tasks. Recent literature has begun to systematically investigate differences in the structural properties that these approaches encode, as well as performance trade-offs between them. However, the question of which structural properties yield the most effective encoding remains open. In this paper, we investigate this question from a geometric perspective. We propose a novel structural encoding based on discrete Ricci curvature (Local Curvature Profiles, short LCP) and show that it significantly outperforms existing encoding approaches. We further show that combining local structural encodings, such as LCP, with global positional encodings improves downstream performance, suggesting that they capture complementary geometric information. Finally, we compare different encoding types with (curvature-based) rewiring techniques. Rewiring has recently received a surge of interest due to its ability to improve the performance of Graph Neural Networks by mitigating over-smoothing and over-squashing effects. Our results suggest that utilizing curvature information for structural encodings delivers significantly larger performance increases than rewiring.

replace DPOD: Domain-Specific Prompt Tuning for Multimodal Fake News Detection

Authors: Debarshi Brahma, Amartya Bhattacharya, Suraj Nagaje Mahadev, Anmol Asati, Vikas Verma, Soma Biswas

Abstract: The spread of fake news using out-of-context images has become widespread and is a relevant problem in this era of information overload. Such out-of-context fake news may arise across different domains like politics, sports, entertainment, etc. In practical scenarios, an inherent problem of imbalance exists among news articles from such widely varying domains, resulting in a few domains with abundant data, while the rest containing very limited data. Under such circumstances, it is imperative to develop methods which can work in such varying amounts of data setting. In this work, we explore whether out-of-domain data can help to improve out-of-context misinformation detection (termed here as multi-modal fake news detection) of a desired domain, to address this challenging problem. Towards this goal, we propose a novel framework termed DPOD (Domain-specific Prompt-tuning using Out-of-Domain data). First, to compute generalizable features, we modify the Vision-Language Model, CLIP to extract features that helps to align the representations of the images and corresponding text captions of both the in-domain and out-of-domain data in a label-aware manner. Further, we propose a domain-specific prompt learning technique which leverages the training samples of all the available domains based on the extent they can be useful to the desired domain. Extensive experiments on a large-scale benchmark dataset, namely NewsCLIPpings demonstrate that the proposed framework achieves state of-the-art performance, significantly surpassing the existing approaches for this challenging task. Code will be released on acceptance.

replace Domain constraints improve risk prediction when outcome data is missing

Authors: Sidhika Balachandar, Nikhil Garg, Emma Pierson

Abstract: Machine learning models are often trained to predict the outcome resulting from a human decision. For example, if a doctor decides to test a patient for disease, will the patient test positive? A challenge is that historical decision-making determines whether the outcome is observed: we only observe test outcomes for patients doctors historically tested. Untested patients, for whom outcomes are unobserved, may differ from tested patients along observed and unobserved dimensions. We propose a Bayesian model class which captures this setting. The purpose of the model is to accurately estimate risk for both tested and untested patients. Estimating this model is challenging due to the wide range of possibilities for untested patients. To address this, we propose two domain constraints which are plausible in health settings: a prevalence constraint, where the overall disease prevalence is known, and an expertise constraint, where the human decision-maker deviates from purely risk-based decision-making only along a constrained feature set. We show theoretically and on synthetic data that domain constraints improve parameter inference. We apply our model to a case study of cancer risk prediction, showing that the model's inferred risk predicts cancer diagnoses, its inferred testing policy captures known public health policies, and it can identify suboptimalities in test allocation. Though our case study is in healthcare, our analysis reveals a general class of domain constraints which can improve model estimation in many settings.

replace TimeDRL: Disentangled Representation Learning for Multivariate Time-Series

Authors: Ching Chang, Chiao-Tung Chan, Wei-Yao Wang, Wen-Chih Peng, Tien-Fu Chen

Abstract: Multivariate time-series data in numerous real-world applications (e.g., healthcare and industry) are informative but challenging due to the lack of labels and high dimensionality. Recent studies in self-supervised learning have shown their potential in learning rich representations without relying on labels, yet they fall short in learning disentangled embeddings and addressing issues of inductive bias (e.g., transformation-invariance). To tackle these challenges, we propose TimeDRL, a generic multivariate time-series representation learning framework with disentangled dual-level embeddings. TimeDRL is characterized by three novel features: (i) disentangled derivation of timestamp-level and instance-level embeddings from patched time-series data using a [CLS] token strategy; (ii) utilization of timestamp-predictive and instance-contrastive tasks for disentangled representation learning, with the former optimizing timestamp-level embeddings with predictive loss, and the latter optimizing instance-level embeddings with contrastive loss; and (iii) avoidance of augmentation methods to eliminate inductive biases, such as transformation-invariance from cropping and masking. Comprehensive experiments on 6 time-series forecasting datasets and 5 time-series classification datasets have shown that TimeDRL consistently surpasses existing representation learning approaches, achieving an average improvement of forecasting by 58.02% in MSE and classification by 1.48% in accuracy. Furthermore, extensive ablation studies confirmed the relative contribution of each component in TimeDRL's architecture, and semi-supervised learning evaluations demonstrated its effectiveness in real-world scenarios, even with limited labeled data. The code is available at


replace Beyond Gradient and Priors in Privacy Attacks: Leveraging Pooler Layer Inputs of Language Models in Federated Learning

Authors: Jianwei Li, Sheng Liu, Qi Lei

Abstract: Language models trained via federated learning (FL) demonstrate impressive capabilities in handling complex tasks while protecting user privacy. Recent studies indicate that leveraging gradient information and prior knowledge can potentially reveal training samples within FL setting. However, these investigations have overlooked the potential privacy risks tied to the intrinsic architecture of the models. This paper presents a two-stage privacy attack strategy that targets the vulnerabilities in the architecture of contemporary language models, significantly enhancing attack performance by initially recovering certain feature directions as additional supervisory signals. Our comparative experiments demonstrate superior attack performance across various datasets and scenarios, highlighting the privacy leakage risk associated with the increasingly complex architectures of language models. We call for the community to recognize and address these potential privacy risks in designing large language models.

replace A Hitchhiker's Guide to Geometric GNNs for 3D Atomic Systems

Authors: Alexandre Duval, Simon V. Mathis, Chaitanya K. Joshi, Victor Schmidt, Santiago Miret, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros, Taco Cohen, Pietro Li\`o, Yoshua Bengio, Michael Bronstein

Abstract: Recent advances in computational modelling of atomic systems, spanning molecules, proteins, and materials, represent them as geometric graphs with atoms embedded as nodes in 3D Euclidean space. In these graphs, the geometric attributes transform according to the inherent physical symmetries of 3D atomic systems, including rotations and translations in Euclidean space, as well as node permutations. In recent years, Geometric Graph Neural Networks have emerged as the preferred machine learning architecture powering applications ranging from protein structure prediction to molecular simulations and material generation. Their specificity lies in the inductive biases they leverage - such as physical symmetries and chemical properties - to learn informative representations of these geometric graphs. In this opinionated paper, we provide a comprehensive and self-contained overview of the field of Geometric GNNs for 3D atomic systems. We cover fundamental background material and introduce a pedagogical taxonomy of Geometric GNN architectures: (1) invariant networks, (2) equivariant networks in Cartesian basis, (3) equivariant networks in spherical basis, and (4) unconstrained networks. Additionally, we outline key datasets and application areas and suggest future research directions. The objective of this work is to present a structured perspective on the field, making it accessible to newcomers and aiding practitioners in gaining an intuition for its mathematical abstractions.

replace Imitate the Good and Avoid the Bad: An Incremental Approach to Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Huy Hoang, Tien Mai, Pradeep Varakantham

Abstract: A popular framework for enforcing safe actions in Reinforcement Learning (RL) is Constrained RL, where trajectory based constraints on expected cost (or other cost measures) are employed to enforce safety and more importantly these constraints are enforced while maximizing expected reward. Most recent approaches for solving Constrained RL convert the trajectory based cost constraint into a surrogate problem that can be solved using minor modifications to RL methods. A key drawback with such approaches is an over or underestimation of the cost constraint at each state. Therefore, we provide an approach that does not modify the trajectory based cost constraint and instead imitates ``good'' trajectories and avoids ``bad'' trajectories generated from incrementally improving policies. We employ an oracle that utilizes a reward threshold (which is varied with learning) and the overall cost constraint to label trajectories as ``good'' or ``bad''. A key advantage of our approach is that we are able to work from any starting policy or set of trajectories and improve on it. In an exhaustive set of experiments, we demonstrate that our approach is able to outperform top benchmark approaches for solving Constrained RL problems, with respect to expected cost, CVaR cost, or even unknown cost constraints.

replace Bridging State and History Representations: Understanding Self-Predictive RL

Authors: Tianwei Ni, Benjamin Eysenbach, Erfan Seyedsalehi, Michel Ma, Clement Gehring, Aditya Mahajan, Pierre-Luc Bacon

Abstract: Representations are at the core of all deep reinforcement learning (RL) methods for both Markov decision processes (MDPs) and partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). Many representation learning methods and theoretical frameworks have been developed to understand what constitutes an effective representation. However, the relationships between these methods and the shared properties among them remain unclear. In this paper, we show that many of these seemingly distinct methods and frameworks for state and history abstractions are, in fact, based on a common idea of self-predictive abstraction. Furthermore, we provide theoretical insights into the widely adopted objectives and optimization, such as the stop-gradient technique, in learning self-predictive representations. These findings together yield a minimalist algorithm to learn self-predictive representations for states and histories. We validate our theories by applying our algorithm to standard MDPs, MDPs with distractors, and POMDPs with sparse rewards. These findings culminate in a set of preliminary guidelines for RL practitioners.

replace Agricultural Recommendation System based on Deep Learning: A Multivariate Weather Forecasting Approach

Authors: Md Zubair (Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh), Md. Shahidul Salim (Khulna University of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, Bangladesh), Mehrab Mustafy Rahman (Islamic University of Technology, Gazipur, Bangladesh), Mohammad Jahid Ibna Basher (Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology, Chittagong, Bangladesh), Shahin Imran (Khulna Agricultural University, Khulna, Bangladesh), Iqbal H. Sarker (Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia)

Abstract: Bangladesh is predominantly an agricultural country, where the agrarian sector plays an essential role in accelerating economic growth and enabling the food security of the people. The performance of this sector has an overwhelming impact on the primary macroeconomic objectives like food security, employment generation, poverty alleviation, human resources development, and other economic and social forces. Although Bangladesh's labor-intensive agriculture has achieved steady increases in food grain production, it often suffered from unfavorable weather conditions such as heavy rainfall, low temperature, and drought. Consequently, these factors hinder the production of food substantially, putting the country's overall food security in danger. In order to have a profitable, sustainable, and farmer-friendly agricultural practice, this paper proposes a context-based crop recommendation system powered by a weather forecast model. With extensive evaluation, the multivariate Stacked Bi-LSTM (three Bi-LSTM layers with a time Distributed layer) Network is employed as the weather forecasting model. The proposed weather model can forecast Rainfall, Temperature, Humidity, and Sunshine for any given location in Bangladesh with an average R-squared value of 0.9824, and the model outperforms other state-of-the-art LSTM models. These predictions guide our system in generating viable farming decisions. Additionally, our full-fledged system is capable of alerting the farmers about extreme weather conditions so that preventive measures can be undertaken to protect the crops. Finally, the system is also adept at making knowledge-based crop suggestions for the flood and drought-prone regions of Bangladesh.

replace Neural Network-Based Score Estimation in Diffusion Models: Optimization and Generalization

Authors: Yinbin Han, Meisam Razaviyayn, Renyuan Xu

Abstract: Diffusion models have emerged as a powerful tool rivaling GANs in generating high-quality samples with improved fidelity, flexibility, and robustness. A key component of these models is to learn the score function through score matching. Despite empirical success on various tasks, it remains unclear whether gradient-based algorithms can learn the score function with a provable accuracy. As a first step toward answering this question, this paper establishes a mathematical framework for analyzing score estimation using neural networks trained by gradient descent. Our analysis covers both the optimization and the generalization aspects of the learning procedure. In particular, we propose a parametric form to formulate the denoising score-matching problem as a regression with noisy labels. Compared to the standard supervised learning setup, the score-matching problem introduces distinct challenges, including unbounded input, vector-valued output, and an additional time variable, preventing existing techniques from being applied directly. In this paper, we show that with proper designs, the evolution of neural networks during training can be accurately modeled by a series of kernel regression tasks. Furthermore, by applying an early-stopping rule for gradient descent and leveraging recent developments in neural tangent kernels, we establish the first generalization error (sample complexity) bounds for learning the score function with neural networks, despite the presence of noise in the observations. Our analysis is grounded in a novel parametric form of the neural network and an innovative connection between score matching and regression analysis, facilitating the application of advanced statistical and optimization techniques.

replace Efficient Observation Time Window Segmentation for Administrative Data Machine Learning

Authors: Musa Taib, Geoffrey G. Messier

Abstract: Machine learning models benefit when allowed to learn from temporal trends in time-stamped administrative data. These trends can be represented by dividing a model's observation window into time segments or bins. Model training time and performance can be improved by representing each feature with a different time resolution. However, this causes the time bin size hyperparameter search space to grow exponentially with the number of features. The contribution of this paper is to propose a computationally efficient time series analysis to investigate binning (TAIB) technique that determines which subset of data features benefit the most from time bin size hyperparameter tuning. This technique is demonstrated using hospital and housing/homelessness administrative data sets. The results show that TAIB leads to models that are not only more efficient to train but can perform better than models that default to representing all features with the same time bin size.

replace Fast Dual-Regularized Autoencoder for Sparse Biological Data

Authors: Aleksandar Poleksic

Abstract: Relationship inference from sparse data is an important task with applications ranging from product recommendation to drug discovery. A recently proposed linear model for sparse matrix completion has demonstrated surprising advantage in speed and accuracy over more sophisticated recommender systems algorithms. Here we extend the linear model to develop a shallow autoencoder for the dual neighborhood-regularized matrix completion problem. We demonstrate the speed and accuracy advantage of our approach over the existing state-of-the-art in predicting drug-target interactions and drug-disease associations.

replace UR2M: Uncertainty and Resource-Aware Event Detection on Microcontrollers

Authors: Hong Jia, Young D. Kwon, Dong Ma, Nhat Pham, Lorena Qendro, Tam Vu, Cecilia Mascolo

Abstract: Traditional machine learning techniques are prone to generating inaccurate predictions when confronted with shifts in the distribution of data between the training and testing phases. This vulnerability can lead to severe consequences, especially in applications such as mobile healthcare. Uncertainty estimation has the potential to mitigate this issue by assessing the reliability of a model's output. However, existing uncertainty estimation techniques often require substantial computational resources and memory, making them impractical for implementation on microcontrollers (MCUs). This limitation hinders the feasibility of many important on-device wearable event detection (WED) applications, such as heart attack detection. In this paper, we present UR2M, a novel Uncertainty and Resource-aware event detection framework for MCUs. Specifically, we (i) develop an uncertainty-aware WED based on evidential theory for accurate event detection and reliable uncertainty estimation; (ii) introduce a cascade ML framework to achieve efficient model inference via early exits, by sharing shallower model layers among different event models; (iii) optimize the deployment of the model and MCU library for system efficiency. We conducted extensive experiments and compared UR2M to traditional uncertainty baselines using three wearable datasets. Our results demonstrate that UR2M achieves up to 864% faster inference speed, 857% energy-saving for uncertainty estimation, 55% memory saving on two popular MCUs, and a 22% improvement in uncertainty quantification performance. UR2M can be deployed on a wide range of MCUs, significantly expanding real-time and reliable WED applications.

replace Stable Neural Stochastic Differential Equations in Analyzing Irregular Time Series Data

Authors: YongKyung Oh, Dongyoung Lim, Sungil Kim

Abstract: Irregular sampling intervals and missing values in real-world time series data present challenges for conventional methods that assume consistent intervals and complete data. Neural Ordinary Differential Equations (Neural ODEs) offer an alternative approach, utilizing neural networks combined with ODE solvers to learn continuous latent representations through parameterized vector fields. Neural Stochastic Differential Equations (Neural SDEs) extend Neural ODEs by incorporating a diffusion term, although this addition is not trivial, particularly when addressing irregular intervals and missing values. Consequently, careful design of drift and diffusion functions is crucial for maintaining stability and enhancing performance, while incautious choices can result in adverse properties such as the absence of strong solutions, stochastic destabilization, or unstable Euler discretizations, significantly affecting Neural SDEs' performance. In this study, we propose three stable classes of Neural SDEs: Langevin-type SDE, Linear Noise SDE, and Geometric SDE. Then, we rigorously demonstrate their robustness in maintaining excellent performance under distribution shift, while effectively preventing overfitting. To assess the effectiveness of our approach, we conduct extensive experiments on four benchmark datasets for interpolation, forecasting, and classification tasks, and analyze the robustness of our methods with 30 public datasets under different missing rates. Our results demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed method in handling real-world irregular time series data.

replace DS-Agent: Automated Data Science by Empowering Large Language Models with Case-Based Reasoning

Authors: Siyuan Guo, Cheng Deng, Ying Wen, Hechang Chen, Yi Chang, Jun Wang

Abstract: In this work, we investigate the potential of large language models (LLMs) based agents to automate data science tasks, with the goal of comprehending task requirements, then building and training the best-fit machine learning models. Despite their widespread success, existing LLM agents are hindered by generating unreasonable experiment plans within this scenario. To this end, we present DS-Agent, a novel automatic framework that harnesses LLM agent and case-based reasoning (CBR). In the development stage, DS-Agent follows the CBR framework to structure an automatic iteration pipeline, which can flexibly capitalize on the expert knowledge from Kaggle, and facilitate consistent performance improvement through the feedback mechanism. Moreover, DS-Agent implements a low-resource deployment stage with a simplified CBR paradigm to adapt past successful solutions from the development stage for direct code generation, significantly reducing the demand on foundational capabilities of LLMs. Empirically, DS-Agent with GPT-4 achieves an unprecedented 100% success rate in the development stage, while attaining 36% improvement on average one pass rate across alternative LLMs in the deployment stage. In both stages, DS-Agent achieves the best rank in performance, costing \$1.60 and \$0.13 per run with GPT-4, respectively. Our code is open-sourced at


replace Classes Are Not Equal: An Empirical Study on Image Recognition Fairness

Authors: Jiequan Cui, Beier Zhu, Xin Wen, Xiaojuan Qi, Bei Yu, Hanwang Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we present an empirical study on image recognition fairness, i.e., extreme class accuracy disparity on balanced data like ImageNet. We experimentally demonstrate that classes are not equal and the fairness issue is prevalent for image classification models across various datasets, network architectures, and model capacities. Moreover, several intriguing properties of fairness are identified. First, the unfairness lies in problematic representation rather than classifier bias. Second, with the proposed concept of Model Prediction Bias, we investigate the origins of problematic representation during optimization. Our findings reveal that models tend to exhibit greater prediction biases for classes that are more challenging to recognize. It means that more other classes will be confused with harder classes. Then the False Positives (FPs) will dominate the learning in optimization, thus leading to their poor accuracy. Further, we conclude that data augmentation and representation learning algorithms improve overall performance by promoting fairness to some degree in image classification. The Code is available at


replace Training Machine Learning models at the Edge: A Survey

Authors: Aymen Rayane Khouas, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Hakim Hacid, Sunil Aryal

Abstract: Edge Computing (EC) has gained significant traction in recent years, promising enhanced efficiency by integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities at the edge. While the focus has primarily been on the deployment and inference of Machine Learning (ML) models at the edge, the training aspect remains less explored. This survey delves into Edge Learning (EL), specifically the optimization of ML model training at the edge. The objective is to comprehensively explore diverse approaches and methodologies in EL, synthesize existing knowledge, identify challenges, and highlight future trends. Utilizing Scopus' advanced search, relevant literature on EL was identified, revealing a concentration of research efforts in distributed learning methods, particularly Federated Learning (FL). This survey further provides a guideline for comparing techniques used to optimize ML for edge learning, along with an exploration of different frameworks, libraries, and simulation tools available for EL. In doing so, the paper contributes to a holistic understanding of the current landscape and future directions in the intersection of edge computing and machine learning, paving the way for informed comparisons between optimization methods and techniques designed for edge learning.

replace SWAP-NAS: Sample-Wise Activation Patterns for Ultra-fast NAS

Authors: Yameng Peng, Andy Song, Haytham M. Fayek, Vic Ciesielski, Xiaojun Chang

Abstract: Training-free metrics (a.k.a. zero-cost proxies) are widely used to avoid resource-intensive neural network training, especially in Neural Architecture Search (NAS). Recent studies show that existing training-free metrics have several limitations, such as limited correlation and poor generalisation across different search spaces and tasks. Hence, we propose Sample-Wise Activation Patterns and its derivative, SWAP-Score, a novel high-performance training-free metric. It measures the expressivity of networks over a batch of input samples. The SWAP-Score is strongly correlated with ground-truth performance across various search spaces and tasks, outperforming 15 existing training-free metrics on NAS-Bench-101/201/301 and TransNAS-Bench-101. The SWAP-Score can be further enhanced by regularisation, which leads to even higher correlations in cell-based search space and enables model size control during the search. For example, Spearman's rank correlation coefficient between regularised SWAP-Score and CIFAR-100 validation accuracies on NAS-Bench-201 networks is 0.90, significantly higher than 0.80 from the second-best metric, NWOT. When integrated with an evolutionary algorithm for NAS, our SWAP-NAS achieves competitive performance on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet in approximately 6 minutes and 9 minutes of GPU time respectively.

replace A Survey of Lottery Ticket Hypothesis

Authors: Bohan Liu, Zijie Zhang, Peixiong He, Zhensen Wang, Yang Xiao, Ruimeng Ye, Yang Zhou, Wei-Shinn Ku, Bo Hui

Abstract: The Lottery Ticket Hypothesis (LTH) states that a dense neural network model contains a highly sparse subnetwork (i.e., winning tickets) that can achieve even better performance than the original model when trained in isolation. While LTH has been proved both empirically and theoretically in many works, there still are some open issues, such as efficiency and scalability, to be addressed. Also, the lack of open-source frameworks and consensual experimental setting poses a challenge to future research on LTH. We, for the first time, examine previous research and studies on LTH from different perspectives. We also discuss issues in existing works and list potential directions for further exploration. This survey aims to provide an in-depth look at the state of LTH and develop a duly maintained platform to conduct experiments and compare with the most updated baselines.

replace Computational-Statistical Gaps in Gaussian Single-Index Models

Authors: Alex Damian, Loucas Pillaud-Vivien, Jason D. Lee, Joan Bruna

Abstract: Single-Index Models are high-dimensional regression problems with planted structure, whereby labels depend on an unknown one-dimensional projection of the input via a generic, non-linear, and potentially non-deterministic transformation. As such, they encompass a broad class of statistical inference tasks, and provide a rich template to study statistical and computational trade-offs in the high-dimensional regime. While the information-theoretic sample complexity to recover the hidden direction is linear in the dimension $d$, we show that computationally efficient algorithms, both within the Statistical Query (SQ) and the Low-Degree Polynomial (LDP) framework, necessarily require $\Omega(d^{k^\star/2})$ samples, where $k^\star$ is a "generative" exponent associated with the model that we explicitly characterize. Moreover, we show that this sample complexity is also sufficient, by establishing matching upper bounds using a partial-trace algorithm. Therefore, our results provide evidence of a sharp computational-to-statistical gap (under both the SQ and LDP class) whenever $k^\star>2$. To complete the study, we provide examples of smooth and Lipschitz deterministic target functions with arbitrarily large generative exponents $k^\star$.

replace Shielded Deep Reinforcement Learning for Complex Spacecraft Tasking

Authors: Robert Reed, Hanspeter Schaub, Morteza Lahijanian

Abstract: Autonomous spacecraft control via Shielded Deep Reinforcement Learning (SDRL) has become a rapidly growing research area. However, the construction of shields and the definition of tasking remains informal, resulting in policies with no guarantees on safety and ambiguous goals for the RL agent. In this paper, we first explore the use of formal languages, namely Linear Temporal Logic (LTL), to formalize spacecraft tasks and safety requirements. We then define a manner in which to construct a reward function from a co-safe LTL specification automatically for effective training in SDRL framework. We also investigate methods for constructing a shield from a safe LTL specification for spacecraft applications and propose three designs that provide probabilistic guarantees. We show how these shields interact with different policies and the flexibility of the reward structure through several experiments.

replace Towards a Generic Representation of Combinatorial Problems for Learning-Based Approaches

Authors: L\'eo Boisvert, H\'el\`ene Verhaeghe, Quentin Cappart

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in using learning-based approaches for solving combinatorial problems, either in an end-to-end manner or in conjunction with traditional optimization algorithms. In both scenarios, the challenge lies in encoding the targeted combinatorial problems into a structure compatible with the learning algorithm. Many existing works have proposed problem-specific representations, often in the form of a graph, to leverage the advantages of \textit{graph neural networks}. However, these approaches lack generality, as the representation cannot be easily transferred from one combinatorial problem to another one. While some attempts have been made to bridge this gap, they still offer a partial generality only. In response to this challenge, this paper advocates for progress toward a fully generic representation of combinatorial problems for learning-based approaches. The approach we propose involves constructing a graph by breaking down any constraint of a combinatorial problem into an abstract syntax tree and expressing relationships (e.g., a variable involved in a constraint) through the edges. Furthermore, we introduce a graph neural network architecture capable of efficiently learning from this representation. The tool provided operates on combinatorial problems expressed in the XCSP3 format, handling all the constraints available in the 2023 mini-track competition. Experimental results on four combinatorial problems demonstrate that our architecture achieves performance comparable to dedicated architectures while maintaining generality. Our code and trained models are publicly available at \url{}.


replace Koopman Ensembles for Probabilistic Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Anthony Frion, Lucas Drumetz, Guillaume Tochon, Mauro Dalla Mura, Albdeldjalil A\"issa El Bey

Abstract: In the context of an increasing popularity of data-driven models to represent dynamical systems, many machine learning-based implementations of the Koopman operator have recently been proposed. However, the vast majority of those works are limited to deterministic predictions, while the knowledge of uncertainty is critical in fields like meteorology and climatology. In this work, we investigate the training of ensembles of models to produce stochastic outputs. We show through experiments on real remote sensing image time series that ensembles of independently trained models are highly overconfident and that using a training criterion that explicitly encourages the members to produce predictions with high inter-model variances greatly improves the uncertainty quantification of the ensembles.

replace Constructing Variables Using Classifiers as an Aid to Regression: An Empirical Assessment

Authors: Colin Troisemaine, Vincent Lemaire

Abstract: This paper proposes a method for the automatic creation of variables (in the case of regression) that complement the information contained in the initial input vector. The method works as a pre-processing step in which the continuous values of the variable to be regressed are discretized into a set of intervals which are then used to define value thresholds. Then classifiers are trained to predict whether the value to be regressed is less than or equal to each of these thresholds. The different outputs of the classifiers are then concatenated in the form of an additional vector of variables that enriches the initial vector of the regression problem. The implemented system can thus be considered as a generic pre-processing tool. We tested the proposed enrichment method with 5 types of regressors and evaluated it in 33 regression datasets. Our experimental results confirm the interest of the approach.

replace Graph Unlearning with Efficient Partial Retraining

Authors: Jiahao Zhang, Lin Wang, Shijie Wang, Wenqi Fan

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have achieved remarkable success in various real-world applications. However, GNNs may be trained on undesirable graph data, which can degrade their performance and reliability. To enable trained GNNs to efficiently unlearn unwanted data, a desirable solution is retraining-based graph unlearning, which partitions the training graph into subgraphs and trains sub-models on them, allowing fast unlearning through partial retraining. However, the graph partition process causes information loss in the training graph, resulting in the low model utility of sub-GNN models. In this paper, we propose GraphRevoker, a novel graph unlearning framework that better maintains the model utility of unlearnable GNNs. Specifically, we preserve the graph property with graph property-aware sharding and effectively aggregate the sub-GNN models for prediction with graph contrastive sub-model aggregation. We conduct extensive experiments to demonstrate the superiority of our proposed approach.

replace-cross Terminal Embeddings in Sublinear Time

Authors: Yeshwanth Cherapanamjeri, Jelani Nelson

Abstract: Recently (Elkin, Filtser, Neiman 2017) introduced the concept of a {\it terminal embedding} from one metric space $(X,d_X)$ to another $(Y,d_Y)$ with a set of designated terminals $T\subset X$. Such an embedding $f$ is said to have distortion $\rho\ge 1$ if $\rho$ is the smallest value such that there exists a constant $C>0$ satisfying \begin{equation*} \forall x\in T\ \forall q\in X,\ C d_X(x, q) \le d_Y(f(x), f(q)) \le C \rho d_X(x, q) . \end{equation*} When $X,Y$ are both Euclidean metrics with $Y$ being $m$-dimensional, recently (Narayanan, Nelson 2019), following work of (Mahabadi, Makarychev, Makarychev, Razenshteyn 2018), showed that distortion $1+\epsilon$ is achievable via such a terminal embedding with $m = O(\epsilon^{-2}\log n)$ for $n := |T|$. This generalizes the Johnson-Lindenstrauss lemma, which only preserves distances within $T$ and not to $T$ from the rest of space. The downside of prior work is that evaluating their embedding on some $q\in \mathbb{R}^d$ required solving a semidefinite program with $\Theta(n)$ constraints in~$m$ variables and thus required some superlinear $\mathrm{poly}(n)$ runtime. Our main contribution in this work is to give a new data structure for computing terminal embeddings. We show how to pre-process $T$ to obtain an almost linear-space data structure that supports computing the terminal embedding image of any $q\in\mathbb{R}^d$ in sublinear time $O^* (n^{1-\Theta(\epsilon^2)} + d)$. To accomplish this, we leverage tools developed in the context of approximate nearest neighbor search.

replace-cross A New Quantum CNN Model for Image Classification

Authors: X. Q. Zhao, T. L. Chen

Abstract: Quantum density matrix represents all the information of the entire quantum system, and novel models of meaning employing density matrices naturally model linguistic phenomena such as hyponymy and linguistic ambiguity, among others in quantum question answering tasks. Naturally, we argue that the quantum density matrix can enhance the image feature information and the relationship between the features for the classical image classification. Specifically, we (i) combine density matrices and CNN to design a new mechanism; (ii) apply the new mechanism to some representative classical image classification tasks. A series of experiments show that the application of quantum density matrix in image classification has the generalization and high efficiency on different datasets. The application of quantum density matrix both in classical question answering tasks and classical image classification tasks show more effective performance.

replace-cross Two-stage LLM Fine-tuning with Less Specialization and More Generalization

Authors: Yihan Wang, Si Si, Daliang Li, Michal Lukasik, Felix Yu, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Inderjit S Dhillon, Sanjiv Kumar

Abstract: Pretrained large language models (LLMs) are general purpose problem solvers applicable to a diverse set of tasks with prompts. They can be further improved towards a specific task by fine-tuning on a specialized dataset. However, fine-tuning usually makes the model narrowly specialized on this dataset with reduced general in-context learning performances, which is undesirable whenever the fine-tuned model needs to handle additional tasks where no fine-tuning data is available. In this work, we first demonstrate that fine-tuning on a single task indeed decreases LLMs' general in-context learning performance. We discover one important cause of such forgetting, format specialization, where the model overfits to the format of the fine-tuned task.We further show that format specialization happens at the very beginning of fine-tuning. To solve this problem, we propose Prompt Tuning with MOdel Tuning (ProMoT), a simple yet effective two-stage fine-tuning framework that reduces format specialization and improves generalization.ProMoT offloads task-specific format learning into additional and removable parameters by first doing prompt tuning and then fine-tuning the model itself with this soft prompt attached. With experiments on several fine-tuning tasks and 8 in-context evaluation tasks, we show that ProMoT achieves comparable performance on fine-tuned tasks to standard fine-tuning, but with much less loss of in-context learning performances across a board range of out-of-domain evaluation tasks. More importantly, ProMoT can even enhance generalization on in-context learning tasks that are semantically related to the fine-tuned task, e.g. ProMoT on En-Fr translation significantly improves performance on other language pairs, and ProMoT on NLI improves performance on summarization. Experiments also show that ProMoT can improve the generalization performance of multi-task training.

replace-cross Unsupervised Acoustic Scene Mapping Based on Acoustic Features and Dimensionality Reduction

Authors: Idan Cohen, Ofir Lindenbaum, Sharon Gannot

Abstract: Classical methods for acoustic scene mapping require the estimation of time difference of arrival (TDOA) between microphones. Unfortunately, TDOA estimation is very sensitive to reverberation and additive noise. We introduce an unsupervised data-driven approach that exploits the natural structure of the data. Our method builds upon local conformal autoencoders (LOCA) - an offline deep learning scheme for learning standardized data coordinates from measurements. Our experimental setup includes a microphone array that measures the transmitted sound source at multiple locations across the acoustic enclosure. We demonstrate that LOCA learns a representation that is isometric to the spatial locations of the microphones. The performance of our method is evaluated using a series of realistic simulations and compared with other dimensionality-reduction schemes. We further assess the influence of reverberation on the results of LOCA and show that it demonstrates considerable robustness.

replace-cross Adaptive proximal algorithms for convex optimization under local Lipschitz continuity of the gradient

Authors: Puya Latafat, Andreas Themelis, Lorenzo Stella, Panagiotis Patrinos

Abstract: Backtracking linesearch is the de facto approach for minimizing continuously differentiable functions with locally Lipschitz gradient. In recent years, it has been shown that in the convex setting it is possible to avoid linesearch altogether, and to allow the stepsize to adapt based on a local smoothness estimate without any backtracks or evaluations of the function value. In this work we propose an adaptive proximal gradient method, adaPG, that uses novel estimates of the local smoothness modulus which leads to less conservative stepsize updates and that can additionally cope with nonsmooth terms. This idea is extended to the primal-dual setting where an adaptive three-term primal-dual algorithm, adaPD, is proposed which can be viewed as an extension of the PDHG method. Moreover, in this setting the "essentially" fully adaptive variant adaPD$^+$ is proposed that avoids evaluating the linear operator norm by invoking a backtracking procedure, that, remarkably, does not require extra gradient evaluations. Numerical simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithms compared to the state of the art.

replace-cross Universal Neural-Cracking-Machines: Self-Configurable Password Models from Auxiliary Data

Authors: Dario Pasquini, Giuseppe Ateniese, Carmela Troncoso

Abstract: We introduce the concept of "universal password model" -- a password model that, once pre-trained, can automatically adapt its guessing strategy based on the target system. To achieve this, the model does not need to access any plaintext passwords from the target credentials. Instead, it exploits users' auxiliary information, such as email addresses, as a proxy signal to predict the underlying password distribution. Specifically, the model uses deep learning to capture the correlation between the auxiliary data of a group of users (e.g., users of a web application) and their passwords. It then exploits those patterns to create a tailored password model for the target system at inference time. No further training steps, targeted data collection, or prior knowledge of the community's password distribution is required. Besides improving over current password strength estimation techniques and attacks, the model enables any end-user (e.g., system administrators) to autonomously generate tailored password models for their systems without the often unworkable requirements of collecting suitable training data and fitting the underlying machine learning model. Ultimately, our framework enables the democratization of well-calibrated password models to the community, addressing a major challenge in the deployment of password security solutions at scale.

replace-cross Lowering Detection in Sport Climbing Based on Orientation of the Sensor Enhanced Quickdraw

Authors: Sadaf Moaveninejad, Andrea Janes, Camillo Porcaro

Abstract: Tracking climbers' activity to improve services and make the best use of their infrastructure is a concern for climbing gyms. Each climbing session must be analyzed from beginning till lowering of the climber. Therefore, spotting the climbers descending is crucial since it indicates when the ascent has come to an end. This problem must be addressed while preserving privacy and convenience of the climbers and the costs of the gyms. To this aim, a hardware prototype is developed to collect data using accelerometer sensors attached to a piece of climbing equipment mounted on the wall, called quickdraw, that connects the climbing rope to the bolt anchors. The corresponding sensors are configured to be energy-efficient, hence become practical in terms of expenses and time consumption for replacement when using in large quantity in a climbing gym. This paper describes hardware specifications, studies data measured by the sensors in ultra-low power mode, detect sensors' orientation patterns during lowering different routes, and develop an supervised approach to identify lowering.

replace-cross Referential communication in heterogeneous communities of pre-trained visual deep networks

Authors: Mat\'eo Mahaut, Francesca Franzon, Roberto Dess\`i, Marco Baroni

Abstract: As large pre-trained image-processing neural networks are being embedded in autonomous agents such as self-driving cars or robots, the question arises of how such systems can communicate with each other about the surrounding world, despite their different architectures and training regimes. As a first step in this direction, we systematically explore the task of \textit{referential communication} in a community of heterogeneous state-of-the-art pre-trained visual networks, showing that they can develop, in a self-supervised way, a shared protocol to refer to a target object among a set of candidates. This shared protocol can also be used, to some extent, to communicate about previously unseen object categories of different granularity. Moreover, a visual network that was not initially part of an existing community can learn the community's protocol with remarkable ease. Finally, we study, both qualitatively and quantitatively, the properties of the emergent protocol, providing some evidence that it is capturing high-level semantic features of objects.

replace-cross Randomized Kaczmarz in Adversarial Distributed Setting

Authors: Longxiu Huang, Xia Li, Deanna Needell

Abstract: Developing large-scale distributed methods that are robust to the presence of adversarial or corrupted workers is an important part of making such methods practical for real-world problems. In this paper, we propose an iterative approach that is adversary-tolerant for convex optimization problems. By leveraging simple statistics, our method ensures convergence and is capable of adapting to adversarial distributions. Additionally, the efficiency of the proposed methods for solving convex problems is shown in simulations with the presence of adversaries. Through simulations, we demonstrate the efficiency of our approach in the presence of adversaries and its ability to identify adversarial workers with high accuracy and tolerate varying levels of adversary rates.

replace-cross PhagoStat a scalable and interpretable end to end framework for efficient quantification of cell phagocytosis in neurodegenerative disease studies

Authors: Mehdi Ounissi, Morwena Latouche, Daniel Racoceanu

Abstract: Quantifying the phagocytosis of dynamic, unstained cells is essential for evaluating neurodegenerative diseases. However, measuring rapid cell interactions and distinguishing cells from background make this task very challenging when processing time-lapse phase-contrast video microscopy. In this study, we introduce an end-to-end, scalable, and versatile real-time framework for quantifying and analyzing phagocytic activity. Our proposed pipeline is able to process large data-sets and includes a data quality verification module to counteract perturbations such as microscope movements and frame blurring. We also propose an explainable cell segmentation module to improve the interpretability of DL methods compared to black-box algorithms. This includes two interpretable DL capabilities: visual explanation and model simplification. We demonstrate that interpretability in DL is not the opposite of high performance, by additionally providing essential DL algorithm optimization insights and solutions. Besides, incorporating interpretable modules results in an efficient architecture design and optimized execution time. We apply our pipeline to analyze microglial cell phagocytosis in FTD and obtain statistically reliable results showing that FTD mutant cells are larger and more aggressive than control cells. The method has been tested and validated on public benchmarks by generating state-of-the art performances. To stimulate translational approaches and future studies, we release an open-source end-to-end pipeline and a unique microglial cells phagocytosis dataset for immune system characterization in neurodegenerative diseases research. This pipeline and the associated dataset will consistently crystallize future advances in this field, promoting the development of interpretable algorithms dedicated to the domain of neurodegenerative diseases' characterization.

replace-cross ZipIt! Merging Models from Different Tasks without Training

Authors: George Stoica, Daniel Bolya, Jakob Bjorner, Pratik Ramesh, Taylor Hearn, Judy Hoffman

Abstract: Typical deep visual recognition models are capable of performing the one task they were trained on. In this paper, we tackle the extremely difficult problem of combining distinct models with different initializations, each solving a separate task, into one multi-task model without any additional training. Prior work in model merging permutes one model to the space of the other then averages them together. While this works for models trained on the same task, we find that this fails to account for the differences in models trained on disjoint tasks. Thus, we introduce "ZipIt!", a general method for merging two arbitrary models of the same architecture that incorporates two simple strategies. First, in order to account for features that aren't shared between models, we expand the model merging problem to allow for merging features within each model by defining a general "zip" operation. Second, we add support for partially zipping the models up until a specified layer, naturally creating a multi-head model. We find that these two changes combined account for 20-60% improvement over prior work, making it more feasible to merge models trained on disjoint tasks without retraining.

replace-cross Detecting Errors in a Numerical Response via any Regression Model

Authors: Hang Zhou, Jonas Mueller, Mayank Kumar, Jane-Ling Wang, Jing Lei

Abstract: Noise plagues many numerical datasets, where the recorded values in the data may fail to match the true underlying values due to reasons including: erroneous sensors, data entry/processing mistakes, or imperfect human estimates. We consider general regression settings with covariates and a potentially corrupted response whose observed values may contain errors. By accounting for various uncertainties, we introduced veracity scores that distinguish between genuine errors and natural data fluctuations, conditioned on the available covariate information in the dataset. We propose a simple yet efficient filtering procedure for eliminating potential errors, and establish theoretical guarantees for our method. We also contribute a new error detection benchmark involving 5 regression datasets with real-world numerical errors (for which the true values are also known). In this benchmark and additional simulation studies, our method identifies incorrect values with better precision/recall than other approaches.

replace-cross Learning Closed-form Equations for Subgrid-scale Closures from High-fidelity Data: Promises and Challenges

Authors: Karan Jakhar, Yifei Guan, Rambod Mojgani, Ashesh Chattopadhyay, Pedram Hassanzadeh

Abstract: There is growing interest in discovering interpretable, closed-form equations for subgrid-scale (SGS) closures/parameterizations of complex processes in Earth systems. Here, we apply a common equation-discovery technique with expansive libraries to learn closures from filtered direct numerical simulations of 2D turbulence and Rayleigh-B\'enard convection (RBC). Across common filters (e.g., Gaussian, box), we robustly discover closures of the same form for momentum and heat fluxes. These closures depend on nonlinear combinations of gradients of filtered variables, with constants that are independent of the fluid/flow properties and only depend on filter type/size. We show that these closures are the nonlinear gradient model (NGM), which is derivable analytically using Taylor-series. Indeed, we suggest that with common (physics-free) equation-discovery algorithms, for many common systems/physics, discovered closures are consistent with the leading term of the Taylor-series (except when cutoff filters are used). Like previous studies, we find that large-eddy simulations with NGM closures are unstable, despite significant similarities between the true and NGM-predicted fluxes (correlations $> 0.95$). We identify two shortcomings as reasons for these instabilities: in 2D, NGM produces zero kinetic energy transfer between resolved and subgrid scales, lacking both diffusion and backscattering. In RBC, potential energy backscattering is poorly predicted. Moreover, we show that SGS fluxes diagnosed from data, presumed the ''truth'' for discovery, depend on filtering procedures and are not unique. Accordingly, to learn accurate, stable closures in future work, we propose several ideas around using physics-informed libraries, loss functions, and metrics. These findings are relevant to closure modeling of any multi-scale system.

replace-cross Investigating the Effect of Misalignment on Membership Privacy in the White-box Setting

Authors: Ana-Maria Cretu, Daniel Jones, Yves-Alexandre de Montjoye, Shruti Tople

Abstract: Machine learning models have been shown to leak sensitive information about their training datasets. Models are increasingly deployed on devices, raising concerns that white-box access to the model parameters increases the attack surface compared to black-box access which only provides query access. Directly extending the shadow modelling technique from the black-box to the white-box setting has been shown, in general, not to perform better than black-box only attacks. A potential reason is misalignment, a known characteristic of deep neural networks. In the shadow modelling context, misalignment means that, while the shadow models learn similar features in each layer, the features are located in different positions. We here present the first systematic analysis of the causes of misalignment in shadow models and show the use of a different weight initialisation to be the main cause. We then extend several re-alignment techniques, previously developed in the model fusion literature, to the shadow modelling context, where the goal is to re-align the layers of a shadow model to those of the target model. We show re-alignment techniques to significantly reduce the measured misalignment between the target and shadow models. Finally, we perform a comprehensive evaluation of white-box membership inference attacks (MIA). Our analysis reveals that internal layer activation-based MIAs suffer strongly from shadow model misalignment, while gradient-based MIAs are only sometimes significantly affected. We show that re-aligning the shadow models strongly improves the former's performance and can also improve the latter's performance, although less frequently. Taken together, our results highlight that on-device deployment increases the attack surface and that the newly available information can be used to build more powerful attacks.

replace-cross Reverse Diffusion Monte Carlo

Authors: Xunpeng Huang, Hanze Dong, Yifan Hao, Yi-An Ma, Tong Zhang

Abstract: We propose a Monte Carlo sampler from the reverse diffusion process. Unlike the practice of diffusion models, where the intermediary updates -- the score functions -- are learned with a neural network, we transform the score matching problem into a mean estimation one. By estimating the means of the regularized posterior distributions, we derive a novel Monte Carlo sampling algorithm called reverse diffusion Monte Carlo (rdMC), which is distinct from the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. We determine the sample size from the error tolerance and the properties of the posterior distribution to yield an algorithm that can approximately sample the target distribution with any desired accuracy. Additionally, we demonstrate and prove under suitable conditions that sampling with rdMC can be significantly faster than that with MCMC. For multi-modal target distributions such as those in Gaussian mixture models, rdMC greatly improves over the Langevin-style MCMC sampling methods both theoretically and in practice. The proposed rdMC method offers a new perspective and solution beyond classical MCMC algorithms for the challenging complex distributions.

replace-cross Kernel-Based Testing for Single-Cell Differential Analysis

Authors: Anthony Ozier-Lafontaine, Camille Fourneaux, Ghislain Durif, C\'eline Vallot, Olivier Gandrillon, Sandrine Giraud, Bertrand Michel, Franck Picard

Abstract: Single-cell technologies offer insights into molecular feature distributions, but comparing them poses challenges. We propose a kernel-testing framework for non-linear cell-wise distribution comparison, analyzing gene expression and epigenomic modifications. Our method allows feature-wise and global transcriptome/epigenome comparisons, revealing cell population heterogeneities. Using a classifier based on embedding variability, we identify transitions in cell states, overcoming limitations of traditional single-cell analysis. Applied to single-cell ChIP-Seq data, our approach identifies untreated breast cancer cells with an epigenomic profile resembling persister cells. This demonstrates the effectiveness of kernel testing in uncovering subtle population variations that might be missed by other methods.

replace-cross In-Context Learning Learns Label Relationships but Is Not Conventional Learning

Authors: Jannik Kossen, Yarin Gal, Tom Rainforth

Abstract: The predictions of Large Language Models (LLMs) on downstream tasks often improve significantly when including examples of the input--label relationship in the context. However, there is currently no consensus about how this in-context learning (ICL) ability of LLMs works. For example, while Xie et al. (2021) liken ICL to a general-purpose learning algorithm, Min et al. (2022) argue ICL does not even learn label relationships from in-context examples. In this paper, we provide novel insights into how ICL leverages label information, revealing both capabilities and limitations. To ensure we obtain a comprehensive picture of ICL behavior, we study probabilistic aspects of ICL predictions and thoroughly examine the dynamics of ICL as more examples are provided. Our experiments show that ICL predictions almost always depend on in-context labels and that ICL can learn truly novel tasks in-context. However, we also find that ICL struggles to fully overcome prediction preferences acquired from pre-training data and, further, that ICL does not consider all in-context information equally.

replace-cross Learning to Generate Training Datasets for Robust Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Marwane Hariat, Olivier Laurent, R\'emi Kazmierczak, Shihao Zhang, Andrei Bursuc, Angela Yao, Gianni Franchi

Abstract: Semantic segmentation methods have advanced significantly. Still, their robustness to real-world perturbations and object types not seen during training remains a challenge, particularly in safety-critical applications. We propose a novel approach to improve the robustness of semantic segmentation techniques by leveraging the synergy between label-to-image generators and image-to-label segmentation models. Specifically, we design Robusta, a novel robust conditional generative adversarial network to generate realistic and plausible perturbed images that can be used to train reliable segmentation models. We conduct in-depth studies of the proposed generative model, assess the performance and robustness of the downstream segmentation network, and demonstrate that our approach can significantly enhance the robustness in the face of real-world perturbations, distribution shifts, and out-of-distribution samples. Our results suggest that this approach could be valuable in safety-critical applications, where the reliability of perception modules such as semantic segmentation is of utmost importance and comes with a limited computational budget in inference. We release our code at


replace-cross PTransIPs: Identification of phosphorylation sites enhanced by protein PLM embeddings

Authors: Ziyang Xu, Haitian Zhong, Bingrui He, Xueying Wang, Tianchi Lu

Abstract: Phosphorylation is pivotal in numerous fundamental cellular processes and plays a significant role in the onset and progression of various diseases. The accurate identification of these phosphorylation sites is crucial for unraveling the molecular mechanisms within cells and during viral infections, potentially leading to the discovery of novel therapeutic targets. In this study, we develop PTransIPs, a new deep learning framework for the identification of phosphorylation sites. Independent testing results demonstrate that PTransIPs outperforms existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods, achieving AUCs of 0.9232 and 0.9660 for the identification of phosphorylated S/T and Y sites, respectively. PTransIPs contributes from three aspects. 1) PTransIPs is the first to apply protein pre-trained language model (PLM) embeddings to this task. It utilizes ProtTrans and EMBER2 to extract sequence and structure embeddings, respectively, as additional inputs into the model, effectively addressing issues of dataset size and overfitting, thus enhancing model performance; 2) PTransIPs is based on Transformer architecture, optimized through the integration of convolutional neural networks and TIM loss function, providing practical insights for model design and training; 3) The encoding of amino acids in PTransIPs enables it to serve as a universal framework for other peptide bioactivity tasks, with its excellent performance shown in extended experiments of this paper. Our code, data and models are publicly available at


replace-cross Multi-Task Pseudo-Label Learning for Non-Intrusive Speech Quality Assessment Model

Authors: Ryandhimas E. Zezario, Bo-Ren Brian Bai, Chiou-Shann Fuh, Hsin-Min Wang, Yu Tsao

Abstract: This study proposes a multi-task pseudo-label learning (MPL)-based non-intrusive speech quality assessment model called MTQ-Net. MPL consists of two stages: obtaining pseudo-label scores from a pretrained model and performing multi-task learning. The 3QUEST metrics, namely Speech-MOS (S-MOS), Noise-MOS (N-MOS), and General-MOS (G-MOS), are the assessment targets. The pretrained MOSA-Net model is utilized to estimate three pseudo labels: perceptual evaluation of speech quality (PESQ), short-time objective intelligibility (STOI), and speech distortion index (SDI). Multi-task learning is then employed to train MTQ-Net by combining a supervised loss (derived from the difference between the estimated score and the ground-truth label) and a semi-supervised loss (derived from the difference between the estimated score and the pseudo label), where the Huber loss is employed as the loss function. Experimental results first demonstrate the advantages of MPL compared to training a model from scratch and using a direct knowledge transfer mechanism. Second, the benefit of the Huber loss for improving the predictive ability of MTQ-Net is verified. Finally, the MTQ-Net with the MPL approach exhibits higher overall predictive power compared to other SSL-based speech assessment models.

replace-cross Dual Branch Deep Learning Network for Detection and Stage Grading of Diabetic Retinopathy

Authors: Hossein Shakibania, Sina Raoufi, Behnam Pourafkham, Hassan Khotanlou, Muharram Mansoorizadeh

Abstract: Diabetic retinopathy is a severe complication of diabetes that can lead to permanent blindness if not treated promptly. Early and accurate diagnosis of the disease is essential for successful treatment. This paper introduces a deep learning method for the detection and stage grading of diabetic retinopathy, using a single fundus retinal image. Our model utilizes transfer learning, employing two state-of-the-art pre-trained models as feature extractors and fine-tuning them on a new dataset. The proposed model is trained on a large multi-center dataset, including the APTOS 2019 dataset, obtained from publicly available sources. It achieves remarkable performance in diabetic retinopathy detection and stage classification on the APTOS 2019, outperforming the established literature. For binary classification, the proposed approach achieves an accuracy of 98.50, a sensitivity of 99.46, and a specificity of 97.51. In stage grading, it achieves a quadratic weighted kappa of 93.00, an accuracy of 89.60, a sensitivity of 89.60, and a specificity of 97.72. The proposed approach serves as a reliable screening and stage grading tool for diabetic retinopathy, offering significant potential to enhance clinical decision-making and patient care.

replace-cross Promises of Deep Kernel Learning for Control Synthesis

Authors: Robert Reed, Luca Laurenti, Morteza Lahijanian

Abstract: Deep Kernel Learning (DKL) combines the representational power of neural networks with the uncertainty quantification of Gaussian Processes. Hence, it is potentially a promising tool to learn and control complex dynamical systems. In this work, we develop a scalable abstraction-based framework that enables the use of DKL for control synthesis of stochastic dynamical systems against complex specifications. Specifically, we consider temporal logic specifications and create an end-to-end framework that uses DKL to learn an unknown system from data and formally abstracts the DKL model into an Interval Markov Decision Process (IMDP) to perform control synthesis with correctness guarantees. Furthermore, we identify a deep architecture that enables accurate learning and efficient abstraction computation. The effectiveness of our approach is illustrated on various benchmarks, including a 5-D nonlinear stochastic system, showing how control synthesis with DKL can substantially outperform state-of-the-art competitive methods.

replace-cross CRAFT: Customizing LLMs by Creating and Retrieving from Specialized Toolsets

Authors: Lifan Yuan, Yangyi Chen, Xingyao Wang, Yi R. Fung, Hao Peng, Heng Ji

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are often augmented with tools to solve complex tasks. By generating code snippets and executing them through task-specific Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), they can offload certain functions to dedicated external modules, such as image encoding and performing calculations. However, most existing approaches to augment LLMs with tools are constrained by general-purpose APIs and lack the flexibility for tailoring them to specific tasks. In this work, we present CRAFT, a general tool creation and retrieval framework for LLMs. It creates toolsets specifically curated for the tasks and equips LLMs with a component that retrieves tools from these sets to enhance their capability to solve complex tasks. For each task, we collect specific code solutions by prompting GPT-4 to solve the training examples. Following a validation step ensuring the correctness, these solutions are abstracted into code snippets to enhance reusability, and deduplicated for higher quality. At inference time, the language model retrieves snippets from the toolsets and then executes them or generates the output conditioning on the retrieved snippets. Our method is designed to be flexible and offers a plug-and-play approach to adapt off-the-shelf LLMs to unseen domains and modalities, without any finetuning. Experiments on vision-language, tabular processing, and mathematical reasoning tasks show that our approach achieves substantial improvements compared to strong baselines. In addition, our in-depth analysis reveals that: (1) consistent performance improvement can be achieved by scaling up the number of tools and the capability of the backbone models; (2) each component of our approach contributes to the performance gains; (3) the created tools are well-structured and reliable with low complexity and atomicity. The code is available at


replace-cross Quantifying the Plausibility of Context Reliance in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Gabriele Sarti, Grzegorz Chrupa{\l}a, Malvina Nissim, Arianna Bisazza

Abstract: Establishing whether language models can use contextual information in a human-plausible way is important to ensure their trustworthiness in real-world settings. However, the questions of when and which parts of the context affect model generations are typically tackled separately, with current plausibility evaluations being practically limited to a handful of artificial benchmarks. To address this, we introduce Plausibility Evaluation of Context Reliance (PECoRe), an end-to-end interpretability framework designed to quantify context usage in language models' generations. Our approach leverages model internals to (i) contrastively identify context-sensitive target tokens in generated texts and (ii) link them to contextual cues justifying their prediction. We use \pecore to quantify the plausibility of context-aware machine translation models, comparing model rationales with human annotations across several discourse-level phenomena. Finally, we apply our method to unannotated model translations to identify context-mediated predictions and highlight instances of (im)plausible context usage throughout generation.

replace-cross A path-norm toolkit for modern networks: consequences, promises and challenges

Authors: Antoine Gonon, Nicolas Brisebarre, Elisa Riccietti, R\'emi Gribonval

Abstract: This work introduces the first toolkit around path-norms that fully encompasses general DAG ReLU networks with biases, skip connections and any operation based on the extraction of order statistics: max pooling, GroupSort etc. This toolkit notably allows us to establish generalization bounds for modern neural networks that are not only the most widely applicable path-norm based ones, but also recover or beat the sharpest known bounds of this type. These extended path-norms further enjoy the usual benefits of path-norms: ease of computation, invariance under the symmetries of the network, and improved sharpness on layered fully-connected networks compared to the product of operator norms, another complexity measure most commonly used. The versatility of the toolkit and its ease of implementation allow us to challenge the concrete promises of path-norm-based generalization bounds, by numerically evaluating the sharpest known bounds for ResNets on ImageNet.

replace-cross Demystifying Embedding Spaces using Large Language Models

Authors: Guy Tennenholtz, Yinlam Chow, Chih-Wei Hsu, Jihwan Jeong, Lior Shani, Azamat Tulepbergenov, Deepak Ramachandran, Martin Mladenov, Craig Boutilier

Abstract: Embeddings have become a pivotal means to represent complex, multi-faceted information about entities, concepts, and relationships in a condensed and useful format. Nevertheless, they often preclude direct interpretation. While downstream tasks make use of these compressed representations, meaningful interpretation usually requires visualization using dimensionality reduction or specialized machine learning interpretability methods. This paper addresses the challenge of making such embeddings more interpretable and broadly useful, by employing Large Language Models (LLMs) to directly interact with embeddings -- transforming abstract vectors into understandable narratives. By injecting embeddings into LLMs, we enable querying and exploration of complex embedding data. We demonstrate our approach on a variety of diverse tasks, including: enhancing concept activation vectors (CAVs), communicating novel embedded entities, and decoding user preferences in recommender systems. Our work couples the immense information potential of embeddings with the interpretative power of LLMs.

replace-cross CacheGen: Fast Context Loading for Language Model Applications via KV Cache Streaming

Authors: Yuhan Liu, Hanchen Li, Yihua Cheng, Siddhant Ray, Yuyang Huang, Qizheng Zhang, Kuntai Du, Jiayi Yao, Shan Lu, Ganesh Ananthanarayanan, Michael Maire, Henry Hoffmann, Ari Holtzman, Junchen Jiang

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) take on complex tasks, their inputs are supplemented with longer contexts that incorporate domain knowledge or user-specific information. Yet using long contexts poses a challenge for responsive LLM systems, as nothing can be generated until the whole context is processed by the LLM. While the context-processing delay can be reduced by reusing the KV cache of a context across different inputs, fetching the KV cache, which contains large tensors, over the network can cause extra network delays. CacheGen is a fast context-loading module for LLM systems. First, CacheGen uses a custom tensor encoder, which embraces KV cache's distributional properties, to encode a KV cache into more compact bitstream representations with negligible encoding/decoding overhead. This reduces the bandwidth demand to fetch the KV cache. Second, to maintain low context-loading delay and high generation quality, CacheGen adapts the streaming strategies to cope with changes in available bandwidth. When available bandwidth drops, CacheGen may raise the compression level for a part of the context or choose to recompute its KV cache on the fly. We test CacheGen on four popular LLMs of various sizes and four datasets (662 contexts in total). Compared to the recent systems that reuse the KV cache, CacheGen reduces the KV cache size by 3.7-4.3x and the total delay in fetching and processing contexts by 2.7-3.2x while having negligible impact on the LLM response quality in accuracy or perplexity.

replace-cross GenTKG: Generative Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graph

Authors: Ruotong Liao, Xu Jia, Yunpu Ma, Yangzhe Li, Volker Tresp

Abstract: The rapid advancements in large language models (LLMs) have ignited interest in the temporal knowledge graph (tKG) domain, where conventional embedding-based and rule-based methods dominate. The question remains open of whether pre-trained LLMs can understand structured temporal relational data and replace them as the foundation model for temporal relational forecasting. Therefore, we bring temporal knowledge forecasting into the generative setting. However, challenges occur in the huge chasms between complex temporal graph data structure and sequential natural expressions LLMs can handle, and between the enormous data sizes of tKGs and heavy computation costs of finetuning LLMs. To address these challenges, we propose a novel retrieval-augmented generation framework named GenTKG combining a temporal logical rule-based retrieval strategy and few-shot parameter-efficient instruction tuning to solve the above challenges, respectively. Extensive experiments have shown that GenTKG outperforms conventional methods of temporal relational forecasting with low computation resources using extremely limited training data as few as 16 samples. GenTKG also highlights remarkable cross-domain generalizability with outperforming performance on unseen datasets without re-training, and in-domain generalizability regardless of time split in the same dataset. Our work reveals the huge potential of LLMs in the tKG domain and opens a new frontier for generative forecasting on tKGs. Code and data are released here:


replace-cross Entropic (Gromov) Wasserstein Flow Matching with GENOT

Authors: Dominik Klein, Th\'eo Uscidda, Fabian Theis, Marco Cuturi

Abstract: Optimal transport (OT) theory has reshaped the field of generative modeling: Combined with neural networks, recent \textit{Neural OT} (N-OT) solvers use OT as an inductive bias, to focus on ``thrifty'' mappings that minimize average displacement costs. This core principle has fueled the successful application of N-OT solvers to high-stakes scientific challenges, notably single-cell genomics. N-OT solvers are, however, increasingly confronted with practical challenges: while most N-OT solvers can handle squared-Euclidean costs, they must be repurposed to handle more general costs; their reliance on deterministic Monge maps as well as mass conservation constraints can easily go awry in the presence of outliers; mapping points \textit{across} heterogeneous spaces is out of their reach. While each of these challenges has been explored independently, we propose a new framework that can handle, natively, all of these needs. The \textit{generative entropic neural OT} (GENOT) framework models the conditional distribution $\pi_\varepsilon(\*y|\*x)$ of an optimal \textit{entropic} coupling $\pi_\varepsilon$, using conditional flow matching. GENOT is generative, and can transport points \textit{across} spaces, guided by sample-based, unbalanced solutions to the Gromov-Wasserstein problem, that can use any cost. We showcase our approach on both synthetic and single-cell datasets, using GENOT to model cell development, predict cellular responses, and translate between data modalities.

replace-cross Improved Regret Bounds of (Multinomial) Logistic Bandits via Regret-to-Confidence-Set Conversion

Authors: Junghyun Lee, Se-Young Yun, Kwang-Sung Jun

Abstract: Logistic bandit is a ubiquitous framework of modeling users' choices, e.g., click vs. no click for advertisement recommender system. We observe that the prior works overlook or neglect dependencies in $S \geq \lVert \theta_\star \rVert_2$, where $\theta_\star \in \mathbb{R}^d$ is the unknown parameter vector, which is particularly problematic when $S$ is large, e.g., $S \geq d$. In this work, we improve the dependency on $S$ via a novel approach called {\it regret-to-confidence set conversion (R2CS)}, which allows us to construct a convex confidence set based on only the \textit{existence} of an online learning algorithm with a regret guarantee. Using R2CS, we obtain a strict improvement in the regret bound w.r.t. $S$ in logistic bandits while retaining computational feasibility and the dependence on other factors such as $d$ and $T$. We apply our new confidence set to the regret analyses of logistic bandits with a new martingale concentration step that circumvents an additional factor of $S$. We then extend this analysis to multinomial logistic bandits and obtain similar improvements in the regret, showing the efficacy of R2CS. While we applied R2CS to the (multinomial) logistic model, R2CS is a generic approach for developing confidence sets that can be used for various models, which can be of independent interest.

replace-cross Agent Lumos: Unified and Modular Training for Open-Source Language Agents

Authors: Da Yin, Faeze Brahman, Abhilasha Ravichander, Khyathi Chandu, Kai-Wei Chang, Yejin Choi, Bill Yuchen Lin

Abstract: Closed-source agents suffer from several issues such as a lack of affordability, transparency, and reproducibility, particularly on complex interactive tasks. This motivates the development of open-source alternatives. We introduce LUMOS, one of the first frameworks for training open-source LLM-based agents. LUMOS features a learnable, unified, and modular architecture with a planning module that learns high-level subgoal generation, and a grounding module trained to translate these into actions using various tools in the execution module. The design allows for modular upgrades and wider applicability to diverse interactive tasks. To foster generalizable agent learning, we collect large-scale, unified, and high-quality training annotations derived from diverse ground-truth reasoning rationales across various complex interactive tasks. On 9 datasets, LUMOS exhibits several key advantages: (1) LUMOS excels multiple larger open-source agents on the held-out datasets (unused for training) for each task type. LUMOS even surpasses GPT agents on QA and web tasks; (2) LUMOS outperforms open-source agents produced by chain-of-thoughts and unmodularized integrated training; and (3) LUMOS effectively generalizes to unseen tasks, outperforming 33B-scale agents and domain-specific agents.

replace-cross Safety-aware Causal Representation for Trustworthy Offline Reinforcement Learning in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Haohong Lin, Wenhao Ding, Zuxin Liu, Yaru Niu, Jiacheng Zhu, Yuming Niu, Ding Zhao

Abstract: In the domain of autonomous driving, the offline Reinforcement Learning~(RL) approaches exhibit notable efficacy in addressing sequential decision-making problems from offline datasets. However, maintaining safety in diverse safety-critical scenarios remains a significant challenge due to long-tailed and unforeseen scenarios absent from offline datasets. In this paper, we introduce the saFety-aware strUctured Scenario representatION (FUSION), a pioneering representation learning method in offline RL to facilitate the learning of a generalizable end-to-end driving policy by leveraging structured scenario information. FUSION capitalizes on the causal relationships between the decomposed reward, cost, state, and action space, constructing a framework for structured sequential reasoning in dynamic traffic environments. We conduct extensive evaluations in two typical real-world settings of the distribution shift in autonomous vehicles, demonstrating the good balance between safety cost and utility reward compared to the current state-of-the-art safe RL and IL baselines. Empirical evidence in various driving scenarios attests that FUSION significantly enhances the safety and generalizability of autonomous driving agents, even in the face of challenging and unseen environments. Furthermore, our ablation studies reveal noticeable improvements in the integration of causal representation into the offline safe RL algorithm. Our code implementation is available at:


replace-cross MLLMs-Augmented Visual-Language Representation Learning

Authors: Yanqing Liu, Kai Wang, Wenqi Shao, Ping Luo, Yu Qiao, Mike Zheng Shou, Kaipeng Zhang, Yang You

Abstract: Visual-language pre-training has achieved remarkable success in many multi-modal tasks, largely attributed to the availability of large-scale image-text datasets. In this work, we demonstrate that Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) can enhance visual-language representation learning by establishing richer image-text associations for image-text datasets. Our approach is simple, utilizing MLLMs to extend multiple diverse captions for each image. To prevent the bias introduced by MLLMs' hallucinations and monotonous language styles, we propose "text shearing" to maintain the quality and availability of extended captions. In image-text retrieval, without introducing additional training cost, our method consistently obtains 5.6 ~ 35.0 and 16.8 ~ 46.1 improvement on Recall@1 under the fine-tuning and zero-shot settings, respectively. Notably, we obtain zero-shot results that are comparable to fine-tuning on target datasets, which encourages more exploration of the versatile use of MLLMs.

replace-cross Jellyfish: A Large Language Model for Data Preprocessing

Authors: Haochen Zhang, Yuyang Dong, Chuan Xiao, Masafumi Oyamada

Abstract: This paper explores the utilization of LLMs for data preprocessing (DP), a crucial step in the data mining pipeline that transforms raw data into a clean format conducive to easy processing. Whereas the use of LLMs has sparked interest in devising universal solutions to DP, recent initiatives in this domain typically rely on GPT APIs, raising inevitable data breach concerns. Unlike these approaches, we consider instruction-tuning local LLMs (7 - 13B models) as universal DP ask solver. We select a collection of datasets across four representative DP tasks and construct instruction-tuning data using serialization and knowledge injection techniques tailored to DP. As such, the instruction-tuned LLMs empower users to manually craft instructions for DP. Meanwhile, they can operate on a local, single, and low-priced GPU, ensuring data security and enabling further tuning. Our experiments show that our dataset constructed for DP instruction tuning, namely Jellyfish, effectively enhances LLMs' DP performances and barely compromises their abilities in NLP tasks. By tuning Mistral-7B and OpenOrca-Platypus2-13B with Jellyfish, the models deliver competitiveness compared to state-of-the-art DP methods and strong generalizability to unseen tasks. The models' performance rivals that of GPT series models, and the interpretation offers enhanced reasoning capabilities compared to GPT-3.5. The 7B and 13B Jellyfish models are available at Hugging Face:


replace-cross Inverse Design of Vitrimeric Polymers by Molecular Dynamics and Generative Modeling

Authors: Yiwen Zheng, Prakash Thakolkaran, Jake A. Smith, Ziheng Lu, Shuxin Zheng, Bichlien H. Nguyen, Siddhant Kumar, Aniruddh Vashisth

Abstract: Vitrimer is a new class of sustainable polymers with the ability of self-healing through rearrangement of dynamic covalent adaptive networks. However, a limited choice of constituent molecules restricts their property space, prohibiting full realization of their potential applications. Through a combination of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and machine learning (ML), particularly a novel graph variational autoencoder (VAE) model, we establish a method for generating novel vitrimers and guide their inverse design based on desired glass transition temperature (Tg). We build the first vitrimer dataset of one million and calculate Tg on 8,424 of them by high-throughput MD simulations calibrated by a Gaussian process model. The proposed VAE employs dual graph encoders and a latent dimension overlapping scheme which allows for individual representation of multi-component vitrimers. By constructing a continuous latent space containing necessary information of vitrimers, we demonstrate high accuracy and efficiency of our framework in discovering novel vitrimers with desirable Tg beyond the training regime. The proposed vitrimers with reasonable synthesizability cover a wide range of Tg and broaden the potential widespread usage of vitrimeric materials.

replace-cross Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Two Faces of LLMs

Authors: Matteo Gioele Collu, Tom Janssen-Groesbeek, Stefanos Koffas, Mauro Conti, Stjepan Picek

Abstract: Only a year ago, we witnessed a rise in the use of Large Language Models (LLMs), especially when combined with applications like chatbot assistants. Safety mechanisms and specialized training procedures are implemented to prevent improper responses from these assistants. In this work, we bypass these measures for ChatGPT and Bard (and, to some extent, Bing chat) by making them impersonate complex personas with opposite characteristics as those of the truthful assistants they are supposed to be. We start by creating elaborate biographies of these personas, which we then use in a new session with the same chatbots. Our conversation followed a role-play style to get the response the assistant was not allowed to provide. By making use of personas, we show that the response that is prohibited is actually provided, making it possible to obtain unauthorized, illegal, or harmful information. This work shows that by using adversarial personas, one can overcome safety mechanisms set out by ChatGPT and Bard. We also introduce several ways of activating such adversarial personas, altogether showing that both chatbots are vulnerable to this kind of attack. With the same principle, we introduce two defenses that push the model to interpret trustworthy personalities and make it more robust against such attacks.

replace-cross Continual Adversarial Defense

Authors: Qian Wang, Yaoyao Liu, Hefei Ling, Yingwei Li, Qihao Liu, Ping Li, Jiazhong Chen, Alan Yuille, Ning Yu

Abstract: In response to the rapidly evolving nature of adversarial attacks against visual classifiers on a monthly basis, numerous defenses have been proposed to generalize against as many known attacks as possible. However, designing a defense method that generalizes to all types of attacks is not realistic because the environment in which defense systems operate is dynamic and comprises various unique attacks that emerge as time goes on. The defense system must gather online few-shot defense feedback to promptly enhance itself, leveraging efficient memory utilization. Therefore, we propose the first continual adversarial defense (CAD) framework that adapts to any attacks in a dynamic scenario, where various attacks emerge stage by stage. In practice, CAD is modeled under four principles: (1) continual adaptation to new attacks without catastrophic forgetting, (2) few-shot adaptation, (3) memory-efficient adaptation, and (4) high accuracy on both clean and adversarial images. We explore and integrate cutting-edge continual learning, few-shot learning, and ensemble learning techniques to qualify the principles. Experiments conducted on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet-100 validate the effectiveness of our approach against multiple stages of modern adversarial attacks and demonstrate significant improvements over numerous baseline methods. In particular, CAD is capable of quickly adapting with minimal feedback and a low cost of defense failure, while maintaining good performance against previous attacks. Our research sheds light on a brand-new paradigm for continual defense adaptation against dynamic and evolving attacks.

replace-cross SkillDiffuser: Interpretable Hierarchical Planning via Skill Abstractions in Diffusion-Based Task Execution

Authors: Zhixuan Liang, Yao Mu, Hengbo Ma, Masayoshi Tomizuka, Mingyu Ding, Ping Luo

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated strong potential for robotic trajectory planning. However, generating coherent trajectories from high-level instructions remains challenging, especially for long-range composition tasks requiring multiple sequential skills. We propose SkillDiffuser, an end-to-end hierarchical planning framework integrating interpretable skill learning with conditional diffusion planning to address this problem. At the higher level, the skill abstraction module learns discrete, human-understandable skill representations from visual observations and language instructions. These learned skill embeddings are then used to condition the diffusion model to generate customized latent trajectories aligned with the skills. This allows generating diverse state trajectories that adhere to the learnable skills. By integrating skill learning with conditional trajectory generation, SkillDiffuser produces coherent behavior following abstract instructions across diverse tasks. Experiments on multi-task robotic manipulation benchmarks like Meta-World and LOReL demonstrate state-of-the-art performance and human-interpretable skill representations from SkillDiffuser. More visualization results and information could be found on our website.

replace-cross Learning Human-like Representations to Enable Learning Human Values

Authors: Andrea Wynn, Ilia Sucholutsky, Thomas L. Griffiths

Abstract: How can we build AI systems that are aligned with human values to avoid causing harm or violating societal standards for acceptable behavior? We argue that representational alignment between humans and AI agents facilitates value alignment. Making AI systems learn human-like representations of the world has many known benefits, including improving generalization, robustness to domain shifts, and few-shot learning performance. We propose that this kind of representational alignment between machine learning (ML) models and humans can also support value alignment, allowing ML systems to conform to human values and societal norms. We focus on ethics as one aspect of value alignment and train ML agents using a variety of methods in a multi-armed bandit setting, where rewards reflect the moral acceptability of the chosen action. We use a synthetic experiment to demonstrate that agents' representational alignment with the environment bounds their learning performance. We then repeat this procedure in a realistic setting, using textual action descriptions and similarity judgments collected from humans and a variety of language models, to show that the results generalize and are model-agnostic when grounded in an ethically relevant context.

replace-cross Tissue Artifact Segmentation and Severity Analysis for Automated Diagnosis Using Whole Slide Images

Authors: Galib Muhammad Shahriar Himel

Abstract: Traditionally, pathological analysis and diagnosis are performed by manually eyeballing glass slide specimens under a microscope by an expert. The whole slide image is the digital specimen produced from the glass slide. Whole slide image enabled specimens to be observed on a computer screen and led to computational pathology where computer vision and artificial intelligence are utilized for automated analysis and diagnosis. With the current computational advancement, the entire whole slide image can be analyzed autonomously without human supervision. However, the analysis could fail or lead to wrong diagnosis if the whole slide image is affected by tissue artifacts such as tissue fold or air bubbles depending on the severity. Existing artifact detection methods rely on experts for severity assessment to eliminate artifact affected regions from the analysis. This process is time consuming, exhausting and undermines the goal of automated analysis or removal of artifacts without evaluating their severity, which could result in the loss of diagnostically important data. Therefore, it is necessary to detect artifacts and then assess their severity automatically. In this paper, we propose a system that incorporates severity evaluation with artifact detection utilizing convolutional neural networks. The proposed system uses DoubleUNet to segment artifacts and an ensemble network of six fine tuned convolutional neural network models to determine severity. This method outperformed current state of the art in accuracy by 9 percent for artifact segmentation and achieved a strong correlation of 97 percent with the evaluation of pathologists for severity assessment. The robustness of the system was demonstrated using our proposed heterogeneous dataset and practical usability was ensured by integrating it with an automated analysis system.

replace-cross Tight Group-Level DP Guarantees for DP-SGD with Sampling via Mixture of Gaussians Mechanisms

Authors: Arun Ganesh

Abstract: We give a procedure for computing group-level $(\epsilon, \delta)$-DP guarantees for DP-SGD, when using Poisson sampling or fixed batch size sampling. Up to discretization errors in the implementation, the DP guarantees computed by this procedure are tight (assuming we release every intermediate iterate).

replace-cross Neural Implicit Swept Volume Models for Fast Collision Detection

Authors: Dominik Joho, Jonas Schwinn, Kirill Safronov

Abstract: Collision detection is one of the most time-consuming operations during motion planning. Thus, there is an increasing interest in exploring machine learning techniques to speed up collision detection and sampling-based motion planning. A recent line of research focuses on utilizing neural signed distance functions of either the robot geometry or the swept volume of the robot motion. Building on this, we present a novel neural implicit swept volume model to continuously represent arbitrary motions parameterized by their start and goal configurations. This allows to quickly compute signed distances for any point in the task space to the robot motion. Further, we present an algorithm combining the speed of the deep learning-based signed distance computations with the strong accuracy guarantees of geometric collision checkers. We validate our approach in simulated and real-world robotic experiments, and demonstrate that it is able to speed up a commercial bin picking application.

replace-cross Non-verbal information in spontaneous speech -- towards a new framework of analysis

Authors: Tirza Biron, Moshe Barboy, Eran Ben-Artzy, Alona Golubchik, Yanir Marmor, Smadar Szekely, Yaron Winter, David Harel

Abstract: Non-verbal signals in speech are encoded by prosody and carry information that ranges from conversation action to attitude and emotion. Despite its importance, the principles that govern prosodic structure are not yet adequately understood. This paper offers an analytical schema and a technological proof-of-concept for the categorization of prosodic signals and their association with meaning. The schema interprets surface-representations of multi-layered prosodic events. As a first step towards implementation, we present a classification process that disentangles prosodic phenomena of three orders. It relies on fine-tuning a pre-trained speech recognition model, enabling the simultaneous multi-class/multi-label detection. It generalizes over a large variety of spontaneous data, performing on a par with, or superior to, human annotation. In addition to a standardized formalization of prosody, disentangling prosodic patterns can direct a theory of communication and speech organization. A welcome by-product is an interpretation of prosody that will enhance speech- and language-related technologies.

replace-cross Dynamic Cross Attention for Audio-Visual Person Verification

Authors: R. Gnana Praveen, Jahangir Alam

Abstract: Although person or identity verification has been predominantly explored using individual modalities such as face and voice, audio-visual fusion has recently shown immense potential to outperform unimodal approaches. Audio and visual modalities are often expected to pose strong complementary relationships, which plays a crucial role in effective audio-visual fusion. However, they may not always strongly complement each other, they may also exhibit weak complementary relationships, resulting in poor audio-visual feature representations. In this paper, we propose a Dynamic Cross-Attention (DCA) model that can dynamically select the cross-attended or unattended features on the fly based on the strong or weak complementary relationships, respectively, across audio and visual modalities. In particular, a conditional gating layer is designed to evaluate the contribution of the cross-attention mechanism and choose cross-attended features only when they exhibit strong complementary relationships, otherwise unattended features. Extensive experiments are conducted on the Voxceleb1 dataset to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed model. Results indicate that the proposed model consistently improves the performance on multiple variants of cross-attention while outperforming the state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Electrocardiogram Instruction Tuning for Report Generation

Authors: Zhongwei Wan, Che Liu, Xin Wang, Chaofan Tao, Hui Shen, Zhenwu Peng, Jie Fu, Rossella Arcucci, Huaxiu Yao, Mi Zhang

Abstract: Electrocardiogram (ECG) serves as the primary non-invasive diagnostic tool for cardiac conditions monitoring, are crucial in assisting clinicians. Recent studies have concentrated on classifying cardiac conditions using ECG data but have overlooked ECG report generation, which is not only time-consuming but also requires clinical expertise. To automate ECG report generation and ensure its versatility, we propose the Multimodal ECG Instruction Tuning (MEIT) framework, the \textit{first} attempt to tackle ECG report generation with LLMs and multimodal instructions. To facilitate future research, we establish a benchmark to evaluate MEIT with various LLMs backbones across two large-scale ECG datasets. Our approach uniquely aligns the representations of the ECG signal and the report, and we conduct extensive experiments to benchmark MEIT with nine open source LLMs, using more than 800,000 ECG reports. MEIT's results underscore the superior performance of instruction-tuned LLMs, showcasing their proficiency in quality report generation, zero-shot capabilities, and resilience to signal perturbation. These findings emphasize the efficacy of our MEIT framework and its potential for real-world clinical application.

replace-cross The R2D2 deep neural network series paradigm for fast precision imaging in radio astronomy

Authors: Amir Aghabiglou, Chung San Chu, Arwa Dabbech, Yves Wiaux

Abstract: Radio-interferometric (RI) imaging entails solving high-resolution high-dynamic range inverse problems from large data volumes. Recent image reconstruction techniques grounded in optimization theory have demonstrated remarkable capability for imaging precision, well beyond CLEAN's capability. These range from advanced proximal algorithms propelled by handcrafted regularization operators, such as the SARA family, to hybrid plug-and-play (PnP) algorithms propelled by learned regularization denoisers, such as AIRI. Optimization and PnP structures are however highly iterative, which hinders their ability to handle the extreme data sizes expected from future instruments. To address this scalability challenge, we introduce a novel deep learning approach, dubbed ``Residual-to-Residual DNN series for high-Dynamic range imaging''. R2D2's reconstruction is formed as a series of residual images, iteratively estimated as outputs of Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) taking the previous iteration's image estimate and associated data residual as inputs. It thus takes a hybrid structure between a PnP algorithm and a learned version of the matching pursuit algorithm that underpins CLEAN. We present a comprehensive study of our approach, featuring its multiple incarnations distinguished by their DNN architectures. We provide a detailed description of its training process, targeting a telescope-specific approach. R2D2's capability to deliver high precision is demonstrated in simulation, across a variety of image and observation settings using the Very Large Array (VLA). Its reconstruction speed is also demonstrated: with only few iterations required to clean data residuals at dynamic ranges up to 100000, R2D2 opens the door to fast precision imaging. R2D2 codes are available in the BASPLib library on GitHub.

replace-cross The AL$\ell_0$CORE Tensor Decomposition for Sparse Count Data

Authors: John Hood, Aaron Schein

Abstract: This paper introduces AL$\ell_0$CORE, a new form of probabilistic non-negative tensor decomposition. AL$\ell_0$CORE is a Tucker decomposition where the number of non-zero elements (i.e., the $\ell_0$-norm) of the core tensor is constrained to a preset value $Q$ much smaller than the size of the core. While the user dictates the total budget $Q$, the locations and values of the non-zero elements are latent variables and allocated across the core tensor during inference. AL$\ell_0$CORE -- i.e., $allo$cated $\ell_0$-$co$nstrained $core$-- thus enjoys both the computational tractability of CP decomposition and the qualitatively appealing latent structure of Tucker. In a suite of real-data experiments, we demonstrate that AL$\ell_0$CORE typically requires only tiny fractions (e.g.,~1%) of the full core to achieve the same results as full Tucker decomposition at only a correspondingly tiny fraction of the cost.

replace-cross Process signature-driven high spatio-temporal resolution alignment of multimodal data

Authors: Abhishek Hanchate, Himanshu Balhara, Vishal S. Chindepalli, Satish T. S. Bukkapatnam

Abstract: We present HiRA-Pro, a novel procedure to align, at high spatio-temporal resolutions, multimodal signals from real-world processes and systems that exhibit diverse transient, nonlinear stochastic dynamics, such as manufacturing machines. It is based on discerning and synchronizing the process signatures of salient kinematic and dynamic events in these disparate signals. HiRA-Pro addresses the challenge of aligning data with sub-millisecond phenomena, where traditional timestamp, external trigger, or clock-based alignment methods fall short. The effectiveness of HiRA-Pro is demonstrated in a smart manufacturing context, where it aligns data from 13+ channels acquired during 3D-printing and milling operations on an Optomec-LENS MTS 500 hybrid machine. The aligned data is then voxelized to generate 0.25 second aligned data chunks that correspond to physical voxels on the produced part. The superiority of HiRA-Pro is further showcased through case studies in additive manufacturing, demonstrating improved machine learning-based predictive performance due to precise multimodal data alignment. Specifically, testing classification accuracies improved by almost 35% with the application of HiRA-Pro, even with limited data, allowing for precise localization of artifacts. The paper also provides a comprehensive discussion on the proposed method, its applications, and comparative qualitative analysis with a few other alignment methods. HiRA-Pro achieves temporal-spatial resolutions of 10-1000 us and 100 um in order to generate datasets that register with physical voxels on the 3D-printed and milled part. These resolutions are at least an order of magnitude finer than the existing alignment methods that employ individual timestamps, statistical correlations, or common clocks, which achieve precision of hundreds of milliseconds.

replace-cross Online Continual Learning For Interactive Instruction Following Agents

Authors: Byeonghwi Kim, Minhyuk Seo, Jonghyun Choi

Abstract: In learning an embodied agent executing daily tasks via language directives, the literature largely assumes that the agent learns all training data at the beginning. We argue that such a learning scenario is less realistic since a robotic agent is supposed to learn the world continuously as it explores and perceives it. To take a step towards a more realistic embodied agent learning scenario, we propose two continual learning setups for embodied agents; learning new behaviors (Behavior Incremental Learning, Behavior-IL) and new environments (Environment Incremental Learning, Environment-IL) For the tasks, previous 'data prior' based continual learning methods maintain logits for the past tasks. However, the stored information is often insufficiently learned information and requires task boundary information, which might not always be available. Here, we propose to update them based on confidence scores without task boundary information during training (i.e., task-free) in a moving average fashion, named Confidence-Aware Moving Average (CAMA). In the proposed Behavior-IL and Environment-IL setups, our simple CAMA outperforms prior state of the art in our empirical validations by noticeable margins. The project page including codes is


replace-cross Equipping Computational Pathology Systems with Artifact Processing Pipelines: A Showcase for Computation and Performance Trade-offs

Authors: Neel Kanwal, Farbod Khoraminia, Umay Kiraz, Andres Mosquera-Zamudio, Carlos Monteagudo, Emiel A. M. Janssen, Tahlita C. M. Zuiverloon, Chunmig Rong, Kjersti Engan

Abstract: Histopathology is a gold standard for cancer diagnosis under a microscopic examination. However, histological tissue processing procedures result in artifacts, which are ultimately transferred to the digitized version of glass slides, known as whole slide images (WSIs). Artifacts are diagnostically irrelevant areas and may result in wrong deep learning (DL) algorithms predictions. Therefore, detecting and excluding artifacts in the computational pathology (CPATH) system is essential for reliable automated diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a mixture of experts (MoE) scheme for detecting five notable artifacts, including damaged tissue, blur, folded tissue, air bubbles, and histologically irrelevant blood from WSIs. First, we train independent binary DL models as experts to capture particular artifact morphology. Then, we ensemble their predictions using a fusion mechanism. We apply probabilistic thresholding over the final probability distribution to improve the sensitivity of the MoE. We developed DL pipelines using two MoEs and two multiclass models of state-of-the-art deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) and vision transformers (ViTs). DCNNs-based MoE and ViTs-based MoE schemes outperformed simpler multiclass models and were tested on datasets from different hospitals and cancer types, where MoE using DCNNs yielded the best results. The proposed MoE yields 86.15% F1 and 97.93% sensitivity scores on unseen data, retaining less computational cost for inference than MoE using ViTs. This best performance of MoEs comes with relatively higher computational trade-offs than multiclass models. The proposed artifact detection pipeline will not only ensure reliable CPATH predictions but may also provide quality control.