new From "um" to "yeah": Producing, predicting, and regulating information flow in human conversation

Authors: Claire Augusta Bergey, Simon DeDeo

Abstract: Conversation demands attention. Speakers must call words to mind, listeners must make sense of them, and both together must negotiate this flow of information, all in fractions of a second. We used large language models to study how this works in a large-scale dataset of English-language conversation, the CANDOR corpus. We provide a new estimate of the information density of unstructured conversation, of approximately 13 bits/second, and find significant effects associated with the cognitive load of both retrieving, and presenting, that information. We also reveal a role for backchannels -- the brief yeahs, uh-huhs, and mhmms that listeners provide -- in regulating the production of novelty: the lead-up to a backchannel is associated with declining information rate, while speech downstream rebounds to previous rates. Our results provide new insights into long-standing theories of how we respond to fluctuating demands on cognitive resources, and how we negotiate those demands in partnership with others.

new Detecting Hallucination and Coverage Errors in Retrieval Augmented Generation for Controversial Topics

Authors: Tyler A. Chang, Katrin Tomanek, Jessica Hoffmann, Nithum Thain, Erin van Liemt, Kathleen Meier-Hellstern, Lucas Dixon

Abstract: We explore a strategy to handle controversial topics in LLM-based chatbots based on Wikipedia's Neutral Point of View (NPOV) principle: acknowledge the absence of a single true answer and surface multiple perspectives. We frame this as retrieval augmented generation, where perspectives are retrieved from a knowledge base and the LLM is tasked with generating a fluent and faithful response from the given perspectives. As a starting point, we use a deterministic retrieval system and then focus on common LLM failure modes that arise during this approach to text generation, namely hallucination and coverage errors. We propose and evaluate three methods to detect such errors based on (1) word-overlap, (2) salience, and (3) LLM-based classifiers. Our results demonstrate that LLM-based classifiers, even when trained only on synthetic errors, achieve high error detection performance, with ROC AUC scores of 95.3% for hallucination and 90.5% for coverage error detection on unambiguous error cases. We show that when no training data is available, our other methods still yield good results on hallucination (84.0%) and coverage error (85.2%) detection.

new LMStyle Benchmark: Evaluating Text Style Transfer for Chatbots

Authors: Jianlin Chen

Abstract: Since the breakthrough of ChatGPT, large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant attention in the research community. With the development of LLMs, the question of text style transfer for conversational models has emerged as a natural extension, where chatbots may possess their own styles or even characters. However, standard evaluation metrics have not yet been established for this new settings. This paper aims to address this issue by proposing the LMStyle Benchmark, a novel evaluation framework applicable to chat-style text style transfer (C-TST), that can measure the quality of style transfer for LLMs in an automated and scalable manner. In addition to conventional style strength metrics, LMStyle Benchmark further considers a novel aspect of metrics called appropriateness, a high-level metrics take account of coherence, fluency and other implicit factors without the aid of reference samples. Our experiments demonstrate that the new evaluation methods introduced by LMStyle Benchmark have a higher correlation with human judgments in terms of appropriateness. Based on LMStyle Benchmark, we present a comprehensive list of evaluation results for popular LLMs, including LLaMA, Alpaca, and Vicuna, reflecting their stylistic properties, such as formality and sentiment strength, along with their appropriateness.

new AutoGuide: Automated Generation and Selection of State-Aware Guidelines for Large Language Model Agents

Authors: Yao Fu, Dong-Ki Kim, Jaekyeom Kim, Sungryull Sohn, Lajanugen Logeswaran, Kyunghoon Bae, Honglak Lee

Abstract: The primary limitation of large language models (LLMs) is their restricted understanding of the world. This poses significant difficulties for LLM-based agents, particularly in domains where pre-trained LLMs lack sufficient knowledge. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework, called AutoGuide, that bridges the knowledge gap in pre-trained LLMs by leveraging implicit knowledge in offline experiences. Specifically, AutoGuide effectively extracts knowledge embedded in offline data by extracting a set of state-aware guidelines. Importantly, each state-aware guideline is expressed in concise natural language and follows a conditional structure, clearly describing the state where it is applicable. As such, the resulting guidelines enable a principled way to provide helpful knowledge pertinent to an agent's current decision-making process. We show that our approach outperforms competitive LLM-based baselines by a large margin in sequential decision-making benchmarks.

new Ethos: Rectifying Language Models in Orthogonal Parameter Space

Authors: Lei Gao, Yue Niu, Tingting Tang, Salman Avestimehr, Murali Annavaram

Abstract: Language models (LMs) have greatly propelled the research on natural language processing. However, LMs also raise concerns regarding the generation of biased or toxic content and the potential disclosure of private information from the training dataset. In this work, we present a new efficient approach, Ethos, that rectifies LMs to mitigate toxicity and bias in outputs and avoid privacy leakage. Ethos is built on task arithmetic. However, unlike current task arithmetic algorithms, Ethos distinguishes general beneficial and undesired knowledge when reconstructing task vectors. Specifically, Ethos first obtains a set of principal components from the pre-trained models using singular value decomposition. Then, by projecting the task vector onto principal components, Ethos identifies the principal components that encode general or undesired knowledge. Ethos performs negating using the task vector with undesired knowledge only, thereby minimizing collateral damage on general model utility. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach on three different tasks: debiasing, detoxification, and memorization unlearning. Evaluations show Ethos is more effective in removing undesired knowledge and maintaining the overall model performance compared to current task arithmetic methods.

new AraTrust: An Evaluation of Trustworthiness for LLMs in Arabic

Authors: Emad A. Alghamdi, Reem I. Masoud, Deema Alnuhait, Afnan Y. Alomairi, Ahmed Ashraf, Mohamed Zaytoon

Abstract: The swift progress and widespread acceptance of artificial intelligence (AI) systems highlight a pressing requirement to comprehend both the capabilities and potential risks associated with AI. Given the linguistic complexity, cultural richness, and underrepresented status of Arabic in AI research, there is a pressing need to focus on Large Language Models (LLMs) performance and safety for Arabic related tasks. Despite some progress in their development, there is a lack of comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation benchmarks which presents a major challenge in accurately assessing and improving the safety of LLMs when prompted in Arabic. In this paper, we introduce AraTrust 1, the first comprehensive trustworthiness benchmark for LLMs in Arabic. AraTrust comprises 516 human-written multiple-choice questions addressing diverse dimensions related to truthfulness, ethics, safety, physical health, mental health, unfairness, illegal activities, privacy, and offensive language. By introducing AraTrust, we aim to promote collaborative efforts to create safer and more trustworthy LLMs for Arabic users. We evaluated a set of LLMs against our benchmark to assess its trustworthiness. GPT-4 showed to be the most trustworthy regarding Arabic language.

new Semiparametric Token-Sequence Co-Supervision

Authors: Hyunji Lee, Doyoung Kim, Jihoon Jun, Sejune Joo, Joel Jang, Kyoung-Woon On, Minjoon Seo

Abstract: In this work, we introduce a semiparametric token-sequence co-supervision training method. It trains a language model by simultaneously leveraging supervision from the traditional next token prediction loss which is calculated over the parametric token embedding space and the next sequence prediction loss which is calculated over the nonparametric sequence embedding space. The nonparametric sequence embedding space is constructed by a separate language model tasked to condense an input text into a single representative embedding. Our experiments demonstrate that a model trained via both supervisions consistently surpasses models trained via each supervision independently. Analysis suggests that this co-supervision encourages a broader generalization capability across the model. Especially, the robustness of parametric token space which is established during the pretraining step tends to effectively enhance the stability of nonparametric sequence embedding space, a new space established by another language model.

new ChartInstruct: Instruction Tuning for Chart Comprehension and Reasoning

Authors: Ahmed Masry, Mehrad Shahmohammadi, Md Rizwan Parvez, Enamul Hoque, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: Charts provide visual representations of data and are widely used for analyzing information, addressing queries, and conveying insights to others. Various chart-related downstream tasks have emerged recently, such as question-answering and summarization. A common strategy to solve these tasks is to fine-tune various models originally trained on vision tasks language. However, such task-specific models are not capable of solving a wide range of chart-related tasks, constraining their real-world applicability. To overcome these challenges, we introduce ChartInstruct: a novel chart-specific vision-language Instruction-following dataset comprising 191K instructions generated with 71K charts. We then present two distinct systems for instruction tuning on such datasets: (1) an end-to-end model that connects a vision encoder for chart understanding with a LLM; and (2) a pipeline model that employs a two-step approach to extract chart data tables and input them into the LLM. In experiments on four downstream tasks, we first show the effectiveness of our model--achieving a new set of state-of-the-art results. Further evaluation shows that our instruction-tuning approach supports a wide array of real-world chart comprehension and reasoning scenarios, thereby expanding the scope and applicability of our models to new kinds of tasks.

new RAGGED: Towards Informed Design of Retrieval Augmented Generation Systems

Authors: Jennifer Hsia, Afreen Shaikh, Zhiruo Wang, Graham Neubig

Abstract: Retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) greatly benefits language models (LMs) by providing additional context for tasks such as document-based question answering (DBQA). Despite its potential, the power of RAG is highly dependent on its configuration, raising the question: What is the optimal RAG configuration? To answer this, we introduce the RAGGED framework to analyze and optimize RAG systems. On a set of representative DBQA tasks, we study two classic sparse and dense retrievers, and four top-performing LMs in encoder-decoder and decoder-only architectures. Through RAGGED, we uncover that different models suit substantially varied RAG setups. While encoder-decoder models monotonically improve with more documents, we find decoder-only models can only effectively use < 5 documents, despite often having a longer context window. RAGGED offers further insights into LMs' context utilization habits, where we find that encoder-decoder models rely more on contexts and are thus more sensitive to retrieval quality, while decoder-only models tend to rely on knowledge memorized during training.

new A Continued Pretrained LLM Approach for Automatic Medical Note Generation

Authors: Dong Yuan, Eti Rastogi, Gautam Naik, Jai Chintagunta, Sree Prasanna Rajagopal, Fen Zhao, Sagar Goyal, Jeff Ward

Abstract: LLMs are revolutionizing NLP tasks. However, the most powerful LLM, like GPT-4, is too costly for most domain-specific scenarios. We present the first continuously trained 13B Llama2-based LLM that is purpose-built for medical conversations and measured on automated scribing. Our results show that our model outperforms GPT-4 in PubMedQA with 76.6\% accuracy and matches its performance in summarizing medical conversations into SOAP notes. Notably, our model exceeds GPT-4 in capturing a higher number of correct medical concepts and outperforms human scribes with higher correctness and completeness.

new LAMP: A Language Model on the Map

Authors: Pasquale Balsebre, Weiming Huang, Gao Cong

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are poised to play an increasingly important role in our lives, providing assistance across a wide array of tasks. In the geospatial domain, LLMs have demonstrated the ability to answer generic questions, such as identifying a country's capital; nonetheless, their utility is hindered when it comes to answering fine-grained questions about specific places, such as grocery stores or restaurants, which constitute essential aspects of people's everyday lives. This is mainly because the places in our cities haven't been systematically fed into LLMs, so as to understand and memorize them. This study introduces a novel framework for fine-tuning a pre-trained model on city-specific data, to enable it to provide accurate recommendations, while minimizing hallucinations. We share our model, LAMP, and the data used to train it. We conduct experiments to analyze its ability to correctly retrieving spatial objects, and compare it to well-known open- and closed- source language models, such as GPT-4. Finally, we explore its emerging capabilities through a case study on day planning.

new Large Language Models are Parallel Multilingual Learners

Authors: Yongyu Mu, Peinan Feng, Zhiquan Cao, Yuzhang Wu, Bei Li, Chenglong Wang, Tong Xiao, Kai Song, Tongran Liu, Chunliang Zhang, Jingbo Zhu

Abstract: In this study, we reveal an in-context learning (ICL) capability of multilingual large language models (LLMs): by translating the input to several languages, we provide Parallel Input in Multiple Languages (PiM) to LLMs, which significantly enhances their comprehension abilities. To test this capability, we design extensive experiments encompassing 8 typical datasets, 7 languages and 8 state-of-the-art multilingual LLMs. Experimental results show that (1) incorporating more languages help PiM surpass the conventional ICL further; (2) even combining with the translations that are inferior to baseline performance can also help. Moreover, by examining the activated neurons in LLMs, we discover a counterintuitive but interesting phenomenon. Contrary to the common thought that PiM would activate more neurons than monolingual input to leverage knowledge learned from diverse languages, PiM actually inhibits neurons and promotes more precise neuron activation especially when more languages are added. This phenomenon aligns with the neuroscience insight about synaptic pruning, which removes less used neural connections, strengthens remainders, and then enhances brain intelligence.

new Information Extraction: An application to the domain of hyper-local financial data on developing countries

Authors: Abuzar Royesh, Olamide Oladeji

Abstract: Despite the need for financial data on company activities in developing countries for development research and economic analysis, such data does not exist. In this project, we develop and evaluate two Natural Language Processing (NLP) based techniques to address this issue. First, we curate a custom dataset specific to the domain of financial text data on developing countries and explore multiple approaches for information extraction. We then explore a text-to-text approach with the transformer-based T5 model with the goal of undertaking simultaneous NER and relation extraction. We find that this model is able to learn the custom text structure output data corresponding to the entities and their relations, resulting in an accuracy of 92.44\%, a precision of 68.25\% and a recall of 54.20\% from our best T5 model on the combined task. Secondly, we explore an approach with sequential NER and relation extration. For the NER, we run pre-trained and fine-tuned models using SpaCy, and we develop a custom relation extraction model using SpaCy's Dependency Parser output and some heuristics to determine entity relationships \cite{spacy}. We obtain an accuracy of 84.72\%, a precision of 6.06\% and a recall of 5.57\% on this sequential task.

new Meaningful Learning: Advancing Abstract Reasoning in Large Language Models via Generic Fact Guidance

Authors: Kai Xiong, Xiao Ding, Ting Liu, Bing Qin, Dongliang Xu, Qing Yang, Hongtao Liu, Yixin Cao

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have developed impressive performance and strong explainability across various reasoning scenarios, marking a significant stride towards mimicking human-like intelligence. Despite this, when tasked with simple questions supported by a generic fact, LLMs often fail to provide consistent and precise answers, indicating a deficiency in abstract reasoning abilities. This has sparked a vigorous debate about whether LLMs are genuinely reasoning or merely memorizing. In light of this, we design a preliminary study to quantify and delve into the abstract reasoning abilities of existing LLMs. Our findings reveal a substantial discrepancy between their general reasoning and abstract reasoning performances. To relieve this problem, we tailor an abstract reasoning dataset (AbsR) together with a meaningful learning paradigm to teach LLMs how to leverage generic facts for reasoning purposes. The results show that our approach not only boosts the general reasoning performance of LLMs but also makes considerable strides towards their capacity for abstract reasoning, moving beyond simple memorization or imitation to a more nuanced understanding and application of generic facts.

new MCFEND: A Multi-source Benchmark Dataset for Chinese Fake News Detection

Authors: Yupeng Li, Haorui He, Jin Bai, Dacheng Wen

Abstract: The prevalence of fake news across various online sources has had a significant influence on the public. Existing Chinese fake news detection datasets are limited to news sourced solely from Weibo. However, fake news originating from multiple sources exhibits diversity in various aspects, including its content and social context. Methods trained on purely one single news source can hardly be applicable to real-world scenarios. Our pilot experiment demonstrates that the F1 score of the state-of-the-art method that learns from a large Chinese fake news detection dataset, Weibo-21, drops significantly from 0.943 to 0.470 when the test data is changed to multi-source news data, failing to identify more than one-third of the multi-source fake news. To address this limitation, we constructed the first multi-source benchmark dataset for Chinese fake news detection, termed MCFEND, which is composed of news we collected from diverse sources such as social platforms, messaging apps, and traditional online news outlets. Notably, such news has been fact-checked by 14 authoritative fact-checking agencies worldwide. In addition, various existing Chinese fake news detection methods are thoroughly evaluated on our proposed dataset in cross-source, multi-source, and unseen source ways. MCFEND, as a benchmark dataset, aims to advance Chinese fake news detection approaches in real-world scenarios.

new AI on AI: Exploring the Utility of GPT as an Expert Annotator of AI Publications

Authors: Autumn Toney-Wails, Christian Schoeberl, James Dunham

Abstract: Identifying scientific publications that are within a dynamic field of research often requires costly annotation by subject-matter experts. Resources like widely-accepted classification criteria or field taxonomies are unavailable for a domain like artificial intelligence (AI), which spans emerging topics and technologies. We address these challenges by inferring a functional definition of AI research from existing expert labels, and then evaluating state-of-the-art chatbot models on the task of expert data annotation. Using the arXiv publication database as ground-truth, we experiment with prompt engineering for GPT chatbot models to identify an alternative, automated expert annotation pipeline that assigns AI labels with 94% accuracy. For comparison, we fine-tune SPECTER, a transformer language model pre-trained on scientific publications, that achieves 96% accuracy (only 2% higher than GPT) on classifying AI publications. Our results indicate that with effective prompt engineering, chatbots can be used as reliable data annotators even where subject-area expertise is required. To evaluate the utility of chatbot-annotated datasets on downstream classification tasks, we train a new classifier on GPT-labeled data and compare its performance to the arXiv-trained model. The classifier trained on GPT-labeled data outperforms the arXiv-trained model by nine percentage points, achieving 82% accuracy.

new AutoLoRA: Automatically Tuning Matrix Ranks in Low-Rank Adaptation Based on Meta Learning

Authors: Ruiyi Zhang, Rushi Qiang, Sai Ashish Somayajula, Pengtao Xie

Abstract: Large-scale pretraining followed by task-specific finetuning has achieved great success in various NLP tasks. Since finetuning all parameters of large pretrained models poses substantial computational and memory challenges, several efficient finetuning methods have been developed. Among them, low-rank adaptation (LoRA), which finetunes low-rank incremental update matrices on top of frozen pretrained weights, has proven particularly effective. Nonetheless, LoRA's uniform rank assignment across all layers, along with its reliance on an exhaustive search to find the best rank, leads to high computation costs and suboptimal finetuning performance. To address these limitations, we introduce AutoLoRA, a meta learning based framework for automatically identifying the optimal rank of each LoRA layer. AutoLoRA associates each rank-1 matrix in a low-rank update matrix with a selection variable, which determines whether the rank-1 matrix should be discarded. A meta learning based method is developed to learn these selection variables. The optimal rank is determined by thresholding the values of these variables. Our comprehensive experiments on natural language understanding, generation, and sequence labeling demonstrate the effectiveness of AutoLoRA.

new ProSwitch: Knowledge-Guided Language Model Fine-Tuning to Generate Professional and Non-Professional Styled Text

Authors: Chang Zong, Yuyan Chen, Weiming Lu, Jian Shao, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated efficacy in various linguistic applications, including text summarization and controlled text generation. However, studies into their capacity of switching between styles via fine-tuning remain underexplored. This study concentrates on textual professionalism and introduces a novel methodology, named ProSwitch, which equips a language model with the ability to produce both professional and non-professional responses through knowledge-guided instruction tuning. ProSwitch unfolds across three phases: data preparation for gathering domain knowledge and training corpus; instruction tuning for optimizing language models with multiple levels of instruction formats; and comprehensive evaluation for assessing the professionalism discrimination and reference-based quality of generated text. Comparative analysis of ProSwitch against both general and specialized language models reveals that our approach outperforms baselines in switching between professional and non-professional text generation.

new Evaluating LLMs for Gender Disparities in Notable Persons

Authors: Lauren Rhue, Sofie Goethals, Arun Sundararajan

Abstract: This study examines the use of Large Language Models (LLMs) for retrieving factual information, addressing concerns over their propensity to produce factually incorrect "hallucinated" responses or to altogether decline to even answer prompt at all. Specifically, it investigates the presence of gender-based biases in LLMs' responses to factual inquiries. This paper takes a multi-pronged approach to evaluating GPT models by evaluating fairness across multiple dimensions of recall, hallucinations and declinations. Our findings reveal discernible gender disparities in the responses generated by GPT-3.5. While advancements in GPT-4 have led to improvements in performance, they have not fully eradicated these gender disparities, notably in instances where responses are declined. The study further explores the origins of these disparities by examining the influence of gender associations in prompts and the homogeneity in the responses.

new Basque and Spanish Counter Narrative Generation: Data Creation and Evaluation

Authors: Jaione Bengoetxea, Yi-Ling Chung, Marco Guerini, Rodrigo Agerri

Abstract: Counter Narratives (CNs) are non-negative textual responses to Hate Speech (HS) aiming at defusing online hatred and mitigating its spreading across media. Despite the recent increase in HS content posted online, research on automatic CN generation has been relatively scarce and predominantly focused on English. In this paper, we present CONAN-EUS, a new Basque and Spanish dataset for CN generation developed by means of Machine Translation (MT) and professional post-edition. Being a parallel corpus, also with respect to the original English CONAN, it allows to perform novel research on multilingual and crosslingual automatic generation of CNs. Our experiments on CN generation with mT5, a multilingual encoder-decoder model, show that generation greatly benefits from training on post-edited data, as opposed to relying on silver MT data only. These results are confirmed by their correlation with a qualitative manual evaluation, demonstrating that manually revised training data remains crucial for the quality of the generated CNs. Furthermore, multilingual data augmentation improves results over monolingual settings for structurally similar languages such as English and Spanish, while being detrimental for Basque, a language isolate. Similar findings occur in zero-shot crosslingual evaluations, where model transfer (fine-tuning in English and generating in a different target language) outperforms fine-tuning mT5 on machine translated data for Spanish but not for Basque. This provides an interesting insight into the asymmetry in the multilinguality of generative models, a challenging topic which is still open to research.

new Unveiling the Generalization Power of Fine-Tuned Large Language Models

Authors: Haoran Yang, Yumeng Zhang, Jiaqi Xu, Hongyuan Lu, Pheng Ann Heng, Wai Lam

Abstract: While Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated exceptional multitasking abilities, fine-tuning these models on downstream, domain-specific datasets is often necessary to yield superior performance on test sets compared to their counterparts without fine-tuning. However, the comprehensive effects of fine-tuning on the LLMs' generalization ability are not fully understood. This paper delves into the differences between original, unmodified LLMs and their fine-tuned variants. Our primary investigation centers on whether fine-tuning affects the generalization ability intrinsic to LLMs. To elaborate on this, we conduct extensive experiments across five distinct language tasks on various datasets. Our main findings reveal that models fine-tuned on generation and classification tasks exhibit dissimilar behaviors in generalizing to different domains and tasks. Intriguingly, we observe that integrating the in-context learning strategy during fine-tuning on generation tasks can enhance the model's generalization ability. Through this systematic investigation, we aim to contribute valuable insights into the evolving landscape of fine-tuning practices for LLMs.

new Caveat Lector: Large Language Models in Legal Practice

Authors: Eliza Mik

Abstract: The current fascination with large language models, or LLMs, derives from the fact that many users lack the expertise to evaluate the quality of the generated text. LLMs may therefore appear more capable than they actually are. The dangerous combination of fluency and superficial plausibility leads to the temptation to trust the generated text and creates the risk of overreliance. Who would not trust perfect legalese? Relying recent findings in both technical and legal scholarship, this Article counterbalances the overly optimistic predictions as to the role of LLMs in legal practice. Integrating LLMs into legal workstreams without a better comprehension of their limitations, will create inefficiencies if not outright risks. Notwithstanding their unprecedented ability to generate text, LLMs do not understand text. Without the ability to understand meaning, LLMs will remain unable to use language, to acquire knowledge and to perform complex reasoning tasks. Trained to model language on the basis of stochastic word predictions, LLMs cannot distinguish fact from fiction. Their knowledge of the law is limited to word strings memorized in their parameters. It is also incomplete and largely incorrect. LLMs operate at the level of word distributions, not at the level of verified facts. The resulting propensity to hallucinate, to produce statements that are incorrect but appear helpful and relevant, is alarming in high-risk areas like legal services. At present, lawyers should beware of relying on text generated by LLMs.

new Exploring the Comprehension of ChatGPT in Traditional Chinese Medicine Knowledge

Authors: Li Yizhen, Huang Shaohan, Qi Jiaxing, Quan Lei, Han Dongran, Luan Zhongzhi

Abstract: No previous work has studied the performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) in the context of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), an essential and distinct branch of medical knowledge with a rich history. To bridge this gap, we present a TCM question dataset named TCM-QA, which comprises three question types: single choice, multiple choice, and true or false, to examine the LLM's capacity for knowledge recall and comprehensive reasoning within the TCM domain. In our study, we evaluate two settings of the LLM, zero-shot and few-shot settings, while concurrently discussing the differences between English and Chinese prompts. Our results indicate that ChatGPT performs best in true or false questions, achieving the highest precision of 0.688 while scoring the lowest precision is 0.241 in multiple-choice questions. Furthermore, we observed that Chinese prompts outperformed English prompts in our evaluations. Additionally, we assess the quality of explanations generated by ChatGPT and their potential contribution to TCM knowledge comprehension. This paper offers valuable insights into the applicability of LLMs in specialized domains and paves the way for future research in leveraging these powerful models to advance TCM.

new Dial-insight: Fine-tuning Large Language Models with High-Quality Domain-Specific Data Preventing Capability Collapse

Authors: Jianwei Sun, Chaoyang Mei, Linlin Wei, Kaiyu Zheng, Na Liu, Ming Cui, Tianyi Li

Abstract: The efficacy of large language models (LLMs) is heavily dependent on the quality of the underlying data, particularly within specialized domains. A common challenge when fine-tuning LLMs for domain-specific applications is the potential degradation of the model's generalization capabilities. To address these issues, we propose a two-stage approach for the construction of production prompts designed to yield high-quality data. This method involves the generation of a diverse array of prompts that encompass a broad spectrum of tasks and exhibit a rich variety of expressions. Furthermore, we introduce a cost-effective, multi-dimensional quality assessment framework to ensure the integrity of the generated labeling data. Utilizing a dataset comprised of service provider and customer interactions from the real estate sector, we demonstrate a positive correlation between data quality and model performance. Notably, our findings indicate that the domain-specific proficiency of general LLMs can be enhanced through fine-tuning with data produced via our proposed method, without compromising their overall generalization abilities, even when exclusively domain-specific data is employed for fine-tuning.

new TaxoLLaMA: WordNet-based Model for Solving Multiple Lexical Sematic Tasks

Authors: Viktor Moskvoretskii, Ekaterina Neminova, Alina Lobanova, Alexander Panchenko, Irina Nikishina

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the capabilities of LLMs in capturing lexical-semantic knowledge from WordNet on the example of the LLaMA-2-7b model and test it on multiple lexical semantic tasks. As the outcome of our experiments, we present TaxoLLaMA, the everything-in-one model, lightweight due to 4-bit quantization and LoRA. It achieves 11 SotA results, 4 top-2 results out of 16 tasks for the Taxonomy Enrichment, Hypernym Discovery, Taxonomy Construction, and Lexical Entailment tasks. Moreover, it demonstrates very strong zero-shot performance on Lexical Entailment and Taxonomy Construction with no fine-tuning. We also explore its hidden multilingual and domain adaptation capabilities with a little tuning or few-shot learning. All datasets, code, and model are available online at


new Retrieval augmented text-to-SQL generation for epidemiological question answering using electronic health records

Authors: Angelo Ziletti, Leonardo D'Ambrosi

Abstract: Electronic health records (EHR) and claims data are rich sources of real-world data that reflect patient health status and healthcare utilization. Querying these databases to answer epidemiological questions is challenging due to the intricacy of medical terminology and the need for complex SQL queries. Here, we introduce an end-to-end methodology that combines text-to-SQL generation with retrieval augmented generation (RAG) to answer epidemiological questions using EHR and claims data. We show that our approach, which integrates a medical coding step into the text-to-SQL process, significantly improves the performance over simple prompting. Our findings indicate that although current language models are not yet sufficiently accurate for unsupervised use, RAG offers a promising direction for improving their capabilities, as shown in a realistic industry setting.

new To Label or Not to Label: Hybrid Active Learning for Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Abdul Hameed Azeemi, Ihsan Ayyub Qazi, Agha Ali Raza

Abstract: Active learning (AL) techniques reduce labeling costs for training neural machine translation (NMT) models by selecting smaller representative subsets from unlabeled data for annotation. Diversity sampling techniques select heterogeneous instances, while uncertainty sampling methods select instances with the highest model uncertainty. Both approaches have limitations - diversity methods may extract varied but trivial examples, while uncertainty sampling can yield repetitive, uninformative instances. To bridge this gap, we propose HUDS, a hybrid AL strategy for domain adaptation in NMT that combines uncertainty and diversity for sentence selection. HUDS computes uncertainty scores for unlabeled sentences and subsequently stratifies them. It then clusters sentence embeddings within each stratum using k-MEANS and computes diversity scores by distance to the centroid. A weighted hybrid score that combines uncertainty and diversity is then used to select the top instances for annotation in each AL iteration. Experiments on multi-domain German-English datasets demonstrate the better performance of HUDS over other strong AL baselines. We analyze the sentence selection with HUDS and show that it prioritizes diverse instances having high model uncertainty for annotation in early AL iterations.

new Komodo: A Linguistic Expedition into Indonesia's Regional Languages

Authors: Louis Owen, Vishesh Tripathi, Abhay Kumar, Biddwan Ahmed

Abstract: The recent breakthroughs in Large Language Models (LLMs) have mostly focused on languages with easily available and sufficient resources, such as English. However, there remains a significant gap for languages that lack sufficient linguistic resources in the public domain. Our work introduces Komodo-7B, 7-billion-parameter Large Language Models designed to address this gap by seamlessly operating across Indonesian, English, and 11 regional languages in Indonesia. Komodo-7B is a family of LLMs that consist of Komodo-7B-Base and Komodo-7B-Instruct. Komodo-7B-Instruct stands out by achieving state-of-the-art performance in various tasks and languages, outperforming the benchmarks set by OpenAI's GPT-3.5, Cohere's Aya-101, Llama-2-Chat-13B, Mixtral-8x7B-Instruct-v0.1, Gemma-7B-it , and many more. This model not only demonstrates superior performance in both language-specific and overall assessments but also highlights its capability to excel in linguistic diversity. Our commitment to advancing language models extends beyond well-resourced languages, aiming to bridge the gap for those with limited linguistic assets. Additionally, Komodo-7B-Instruct's better cross-language understanding contributes to addressing educational disparities in Indonesia, offering direct translations from English to 11 regional languages, a significant improvement compared to existing language translation services. Komodo-7B represents a crucial step towards inclusivity and effectiveness in language models, providing to the linguistic needs of diverse communities.

new Rectifying Demonstration Shortcut in In-Context Learning

Authors: Joonwon Jang, Sanghwan Jang, Wonbin Kweon, Minjin Jeon, Hwanjo Yu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are able to solve various tasks with only a few demonstrations utilizing their in-context learning (ICL) abilities. However, LLMs often rely on their pre-trained semantic priors of demonstrations rather than on the input-label relationships to proceed with ICL prediction. In this work, we term this phenomenon as the `Demonstration Shortcut'. While previous works have primarily focused on improving ICL prediction results for predefined tasks, we aim to rectify the Demonstration Shortcut, thereby enabling the LLM to effectively learn new input-label relationships from demonstrations. To achieve this, we introduce In-Context Calibration, a demonstration-aware calibration method. We evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method in two settings: (1) the Original ICL Task using the standard label space and (2) the Task Learning setting, where the label space is replaced with semantically unrelated tokens. In both settings, In-Context Calibration demonstrates substantial improvements, with results generalized across three LLM families (OPT, GPT, and Llama2) under various configurations.

new Hyper-CL: Conditioning Sentence Representations with Hypernetworks

Authors: Young Hyun Yoo, Jii Cha, Changhyeon Kim, Taeuk Kim

Abstract: While the introduction of contrastive learning frameworks in sentence representation learning has significantly contributed to advancements in the field, it still remains unclear whether state-of-the-art sentence embeddings can capture the fine-grained semantics of sentences, particularly when conditioned on specific perspectives. In this paper, we introduce Hyper-CL, an efficient methodology that integrates hypernetworks with contrastive learning to compute conditioned sentence representations. In our proposed approach, the hypernetwork is responsible for transforming pre-computed condition embeddings into corresponding projection layers. This enables the same sentence embeddings to be projected differently according to various conditions. Evaluation on two representative conditioning benchmarks, namely conditional semantic text similarity and knowledge graph completion, demonstrates that Hyper-CL is effective in flexibly conditioning sentence representations, showcasing its computational efficiency at the same time. We also provide a comprehensive analysis of the inner workings of our approach, leading to a better interpretation of its mechanisms.

new Leveraging Prototypical Representations for Mitigating Social Bias without Demographic Information

Authors: Shadi Iskander, Kira Radinsky, Yonatan Belinkov

Abstract: Mitigating social biases typically requires identifying the social groups associated with each data sample. In this paper, we present DAFair, a novel approach to address social bias in language models. Unlike traditional methods that rely on explicit demographic labels, our approach does not require any such information. Instead, we leverage predefined prototypical demographic texts and incorporate a regularization term during the fine-tuning process to mitigate bias in the model's representations. Our empirical results across two tasks and two models demonstrate the effectiveness of our method compared to previous approaches that do not rely on labeled data. Moreover, with limited demographic-annotated data, our approach outperforms common debiasing approaches.

new MT-PATCHER: Selective and Extendable Knowledge Distillation from Large Language Models for Machine Translation

Authors: Jiahuan Li, Shanbo Cheng, Shujian Huang, Jiajun Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLM) have demonstrated their strong ability in the field of machine translation (MT), yet they suffer from high computational cost and latency. Therefore, transferring translation knowledge from giant LLMs to medium-sized machine translation models is a promising research direction. However, traditional knowledge distillation methods do not take the capability of student and teacher models into consideration, therefore repeatedly teaching student models on the knowledge they have learned, and failing to extend to novel contexts and knowledge. In this paper, we propose a framework called MT-Patcher, which transfers knowledge from LLMs to existing MT models in a selective, comprehensive and proactive manner. Considering the current translation ability of student MT models, we only identify and correct their translation errors, instead of distilling the whole translation from the teacher. Leveraging the strong language abilities of LLMs, we instruct LLM teachers to synthesize diverse contexts and anticipate more potential errors for the student. Experiment results on translating both specific language phenomena and general MT benchmarks demonstrate that finetuning the student MT model on about 10% examples can achieve comparable results to the traditional knowledge distillation method, and synthesized potential errors and diverse contexts further improve translation performances on unseen contexts and words.

new Logits of API-Protected LLMs Leak Proprietary Information

Authors: Matthew Finlayson, Swabha Swayamdipta, Xiang Ren

Abstract: The commercialization of large language models (LLMs) has led to the common practice of high-level API-only access to proprietary models. In this work, we show that even with a conservative assumption about the model architecture, it is possible to learn a surprisingly large amount of non-public information about an API-protected LLM from a relatively small number of API queries (e.g., costing under $1,000 for OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo). Our findings are centered on one key observation: most modern LLMs suffer from a softmax bottleneck, which restricts the model outputs to a linear subspace of the full output space. We show that this lends itself to a model image or a model signature which unlocks several capabilities with affordable cost: efficiently discovering the LLM's hidden size, obtaining full-vocabulary outputs, detecting and disambiguating different model updates, identifying the source LLM given a single full LLM output, and even estimating the output layer parameters. Our empirical investigations show the effectiveness of our methods, which allow us to estimate the embedding size of OpenAI's gpt-3.5-turbo to be about 4,096. Lastly, we discuss ways that LLM providers can guard against these attacks, as well as how these capabilities can be viewed as a feature (rather than a bug) by allowing for greater transparency and accountability.

new Less is More: Data Value Estimation for Visual Instruction Tuning

Authors: Zikang Liu, Kun Zhou, Wayne Xin Zhao, Dawei Gao, Yaliang Li, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Visual instruction tuning is the key to building multimodal large language models (MLLMs), which greatly improves the reasoning capabilities of large language models (LLMs) in vision scenario. However, existing MLLMs mostly rely on a mixture of multiple highly diverse visual instruction datasets for training (even more than a million instructions), which may introduce data redundancy. To investigate this issue, we conduct a series of empirical studies, which reveal a significant redundancy within the visual instruction datasets, and show that greatly reducing the amount of several instruction dataset even do not affect the performance. Based on the findings, we propose a new data selection approach TIVE, to eliminate redundancy within visual instruction data. TIVE first estimates the task-level and instance-level value of the visual instructions based on computed gradients. Then, according to the estimated values, TIVE determines the task proportion within the visual instructions, and selects representative instances to compose a smaller visual instruction subset for training. Experiments on LLaVA-1.5 show that our approach using only about 7.5% data can achieve comparable performance as the full-data fine-tuned model across seven benchmarks, even surpassing it on four of the benchmarks. Our code and data will be publicly released.

new Large Language Models and Causal Inference in Collaboration: A Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Xiaoyu Liu, Paiheng Xu, Junda Wu, Jiaxin Yuan, Yifan Yang, Yuhang Zhou, Fuxiao Liu, Tianrui Guan, Haoliang Wang, Tong Yu, Julian McAuley, Wei Ai, Furong Huang

Abstract: Causal inference has shown potential in enhancing the predictive accuracy, fairness, robustness, and explainability of Natural Language Processing (NLP) models by capturing causal relationships among variables. The emergence of generative Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly impacted various NLP domains, particularly through their advanced reasoning capabilities. This survey focuses on evaluating and improving LLMs from a causal view in the following areas: understanding and improving the LLMs' reasoning capacity, addressing fairness and safety issues in LLMs, complementing LLMs with explanations, and handling multimodality. Meanwhile, LLMs' strong reasoning capacities can in turn contribute to the field of causal inference by aiding causal relationship discovery and causal effect estimations. This review explores the interplay between causal inference frameworks and LLMs from both perspectives, emphasizing their collective potential to further the development of more advanced and equitable artificial intelligence systems.

new Quiet-STaR: Language Models Can Teach Themselves to Think Before Speaking

Authors: Eric Zelikman, Georges Harik, Yijia Shao, Varuna Jayasiri, Nick Haber, Noah D. Goodman

Abstract: When writing and talking, people sometimes pause to think. Although reasoning-focused works have often framed reasoning as a method of answering questions or completing agentic tasks, reasoning is implicit in almost all written text. For example, this applies to the steps not stated between the lines of a proof or to the theory of mind underlying a conversation. In the Self-Taught Reasoner (STaR, Zelikman et al. 2022), useful thinking is learned by inferring rationales from few-shot examples in question-answering and learning from those that lead to a correct answer. This is a highly constrained setting -- ideally, a language model could instead learn to infer unstated rationales in arbitrary text. We present Quiet-STaR, a generalization of STaR in which LMs learn to generate rationales at each token to explain future text, improving their predictions. We address key challenges, including 1) the computational cost of generating continuations, 2) the fact that the LM does not initially know how to generate or use internal thoughts, and 3) the need to predict beyond individual next tokens. To resolve these, we propose a tokenwise parallel sampling algorithm, using learnable tokens indicating a thought's start and end, and an extended teacher-forcing technique. Encouragingly, generated rationales disproportionately help model difficult-to-predict tokens and improve the LM's ability to directly answer difficult questions. In particular, after continued pretraining of an LM on a corpus of internet text with Quiet-STaR, we find zero-shot improvements on GSM8K (5.9%$\rightarrow$10.9%) and CommonsenseQA (36.3%$\rightarrow$47.2%) and observe a perplexity improvement of difficult tokens in natural text. Crucially, these improvements require no fine-tuning on these tasks. Quiet-STaR marks a step towards LMs that can learn to reason in a more general and scalable way.

new Transformers Get Stable: An End-to-End Signal Propagation Theory for Language Models

Authors: Akhil Kedia, Mohd Abbas Zaidi, Sushil Khyalia, Jungho Jung, Harshith Goka, Haejun Lee

Abstract: In spite of their huge success, transformer models remain difficult to scale in depth. In this work, we develop a unified signal propagation theory and provide formulae that govern the moments of the forward and backward signal through the transformer model. Our framework can be used to understand and mitigate vanishing/exploding gradients, rank collapse, and instability associated with high attention scores. We also propose DeepScaleLM, an initialization and scaling scheme that conserves unit output/gradient moments throughout the model, enabling the training of very deep models with 100s of layers. We find that transformer models could be much deeper - our deep models with fewer parameters outperform shallow models in Language Modeling, Speech Translation, and Image Classification, across Encoder-only, Decoder-only and Encoder-Decoder variants, for both Pre-LN and Post-LN transformers, for multiple datasets and model sizes. These improvements also translate into improved performance on downstream Question Answering tasks and improved robustness for image classification.

new Dynamic Memory Compression: Retrofitting LLMs for Accelerated Inference

Authors: Piotr Nawrot, Adrian {\L}a\'ncucki, Marcin Chochowski, David Tarjan, Edoardo M. Ponti

Abstract: Transformers have emerged as the backbone of large language models (LLMs). However, generation remains inefficient due to the need to store in memory a cache of key-value representations for past tokens, whose size scales linearly with the input sequence length and batch size. As a solution, we propose Dynamic Memory Compression (DMC), a method for on-line key-value cache compression at inference time. Most importantly, the model learns to apply different compression rates in different heads and layers. We retrofit pre-trained LLMs such as Llama 2 (7B, 13B and 70B) into DMC Transformers, achieving up to ~3.7x throughput increase in auto-regressive inference on a NVIDIA H100 GPU. DMC is applied via continued pre-training on a negligible percentage of the original data without adding any extra parameters. We find that DMC preserves the original downstream performance with up to 4x cache compression, outperforming up-trained grouped-query attention (GQA). GQA and DMC can be even combined to obtain compounded gains. As a result DMC fits longer contexts and larger batches within any given memory budget.

cross Veagle: Advancements in Multimodal Representation Learning

Authors: Rajat Chawla, Arkajit Datta, Tushar Verma, Adarsh Jha, Anmol Gautam, Ayush Vatsal, Sukrit Chaterjee, Mukunda NS, Ishaan Bhola

Abstract: Lately, researchers in artificial intelligence have been really interested in how language and vision come together, giving rise to the development of multimodal models that aim to seamlessly integrate textual and visual information. Multimodal models, an extension of Large Language Models (LLMs), have exhibited remarkable capabilities in addressing a diverse array of tasks, ranging from image captioning and visual question answering (VQA) to visual grounding. While these models have showcased significant advancements, challenges persist in accurately interpreting images and answering the question, a common occurrence in real-world scenarios. This paper introduces a novel approach to enhance the multimodal capabilities of existing models. In response to the limitations observed in current Vision Language Models (VLMs) and Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs), our proposed model Veagle, incorporates a unique mechanism inspired by the successes and insights of previous works. Veagle leverages a dynamic mechanism to project encoded visual information directly into the language model. This dynamic approach allows for a more nuanced understanding of intricate details present in visual contexts. To validate the effectiveness of Veagle, we conduct comprehensive experiments on benchmark datasets, emphasizing tasks such as visual question answering and image understanding. Our results indicate a improvement of 5-6 \% in performance, with Veagle outperforming existing models by a notable margin. The outcomes underscore the model's versatility and applicability beyond traditional benchmarks.

cross Image-Text Out-Of-Context Detection Using Synthetic Multimodal Misinformation

Authors: Fatma Shalabi, Huy H. Nguyen, Hichem Felouat, Ching-Chun Chang, Isao Echizen

Abstract: Misinformation has become a major challenge in the era of increasing digital information, requiring the development of effective detection methods. We have investigated a novel approach to Out-Of-Context detection (OOCD) that uses synthetic data generation. We created a dataset specifically designed for OOCD and developed an efficient detector for accurate classification. Our experimental findings validate the use of synthetic data generation and demonstrate its efficacy in addressing the data limitations associated with OOCD. The dataset and detector should serve as valuable resources for future research and the development of robust misinformation detection systems.

cross Ontologia para monitorar a defici\^encia mental em seus d\'eficts no processamento da informa\c{c}\~ao por decl\'inio cognitivo e evitar agress\~oes psicol\'ogicas e f\'isicas em ambientes educacionais com ajuda da I.A*

Authors: Bruna Ara\'ujo de Castro Oliveira

Abstract: The intention of this article is to propose the use of artificial intelligence to detect through analysis by UFO ontology the emergence of verbal and physical aggression related to psychosocial deficiencies and their provoking agents, in an attempt to prevent catastrophic consequences within school environments.

cross Multimodal Fusion of EHR in Structures and Semantics: Integrating Clinical Records and Notes with Hypergraph and LLM

Authors: Hejie Cui, Xinyu Fang, Ran Xu, Xuan Kan, Joyce C. Ho, Carl Yang

Abstract: Electronic Health Records (EHRs) have become increasingly popular to support clinical decision-making and healthcare in recent decades. EHRs usually contain heterogeneous information, such as structural data in tabular form and unstructured data in textual notes. Different types of information in EHRs can complement each other and provide a more complete picture of the health status of a patient. While there has been a lot of research on representation learning of structured EHR data, the fusion of different types of EHR data (multimodal fusion) is not well studied. This is mostly because of the complex medical coding systems used and the noise and redundancy present in the written notes. In this work, we propose a new framework called MINGLE, which integrates both structures and semantics in EHR effectively. Our framework uses a two-level infusion strategy to combine medical concept semantics and clinical note semantics into hypergraph neural networks, which learn the complex interactions between different types of data to generate visit representations for downstream prediction. Experiment results on two EHR datasets, the public MIMIC-III and private CRADLE, show that MINGLE can effectively improve predictive performance by 11.83% relatively, enhancing semantic integration as well as multimodal fusion for structural and textual EHR data.

cross Thermometer: Towards Universal Calibration for Large Language Models

Authors: Maohao Shen, Subhro Das, Kristjan Greenewald, Prasanna Sattigeri, Gregory Wornell, Soumya Ghosh

Abstract: We consider the issue of calibration in large language models (LLM). Recent studies have found that common interventions such as instruction tuning often result in poorly calibrated LLMs. Although calibration is well-explored in traditional applications, calibrating LLMs is uniquely challenging. These challenges stem as much from the severe computational requirements of LLMs as from their versatility, which allows them to be applied to diverse tasks. Addressing these challenges, we propose THERMOMETER, a calibration approach tailored to LLMs. THERMOMETER learns an auxiliary model, given data from multiple tasks, for calibrating a LLM. It is computationally efficient, preserves the accuracy of the LLM, and produces better-calibrated responses for new tasks. Extensive empirical evaluations across various benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

cross LoRA-SP: Streamlined Partial Parameter Adaptation for Resource-Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Language Models

Authors: Yichao Wu, Yafei Xiang, Shuning Huo, Yulu Gong, Penghao Liang

Abstract: In addressing the computational and memory demands of fine-tuning Large Language Models(LLMs), we propose LoRA-SP(Streamlined Partial Parameter Adaptation), a novel approach utilizing randomized half-selective parameter freezing within the Low-Rank Adaptation(LoRA)framework. This method efficiently balances pre-trained knowledge retention and adaptability for task-specific optimizations. Through a randomized mechanism, LoRA-SP determines which parameters to update or freeze, significantly reducing computational and memory requirements without compromising model performance. We evaluated LoRA-SP across several benchmark NLP tasks, demonstrating its ability to achieve competitive performance with substantially lower resource consumption compared to traditional full-parameter fine-tuning and other parameter-efficient techniques. LoRA-SP innovative approach not only facilitates the deployment of advanced NLP models in resource-limited settings but also opens new research avenues into effective and efficient model adaptation strategies.

cross PAPERCLIP: Associating Astronomical Observations and Natural Language with Multi-Modal Models

Authors: Siddharth Mishra-Sharma, Yiding Song, Jesse Thaler

Abstract: We present PAPERCLIP (Proposal Abstracts Provide an Effective Representation for Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training), a method which associates astronomical observations imaged by telescopes with natural language using a neural network model. The model is fine-tuned from a pre-trained Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) model using successful observing proposal abstracts and corresponding downstream observations, with the abstracts optionally summarized via guided generation using large language models (LLMs). Using observations from the Hubble Space Telescope (HST) as an example, we show that the fine-tuned model embodies a meaningful joint representation between observations and natural language through tests targeting image retrieval (i.e., finding the most relevant observations using natural language queries) and description retrieval (i.e., querying for astrophysical object classes and use cases most relevant to a given observation). Our study demonstrates the potential for using generalist foundation models rather than task-specific models for interacting with astronomical data by leveraging text as an interface.

cross Usable XAI: 10 Strategies Towards Exploiting Explainability in the LLM Era

Authors: Xuansheng Wu, Haiyan Zhao, Yaochen Zhu, Yucheng Shi, Fan Yang, Tianming Liu, Xiaoming Zhai, Wenlin Yao, Jundong Li, Mengnan Du, Ninghao Liu

Abstract: Explainable AI (XAI) refers to techniques that provide human-understandable insights into the workings of AI models. Recently, the focus of XAI is being extended towards Large Language Models (LLMs) which are often criticized for their lack of transparency. This extension calls for a significant transformation in XAI methodologies because of two reasons. First, many existing XAI methods cannot be directly applied to LLMs due to their complexity advanced capabilities. Second, as LLMs are increasingly deployed across diverse industry applications, the role of XAI shifts from merely opening the "black box" to actively enhancing the productivity and applicability of LLMs in real-world settings. Meanwhile, unlike traditional machine learning models that are passive recipients of XAI insights, the distinct abilities of LLMs can reciprocally enhance XAI. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce Usable XAI in the context of LLMs by analyzing (1) how XAI can benefit LLMs and AI systems, and (2) how LLMs can contribute to the advancement of XAI. We introduce 10 strategies, introducing the key techniques for each and discussing their associated challenges. We also provide case studies to demonstrate how to obtain and leverage explanations. The code used in this paper can be found at:


cross CodeUltraFeedback: An LLM-as-a-Judge Dataset for Aligning Large Language Models to Coding Preferences

Authors: Martin Weyssow, Aton Kamanda, Houari Sahraoui

Abstract: Evaluating the alignment of large language models (LLMs) with user-defined coding preferences is a challenging endeavour that requires assessing intricate textual LLMs' outputs. By relying on automated metrics and static analysis tools, existing benchmarks fail to assess nuances in user instructions and LLM outputs, highlighting the need for large-scale datasets and benchmarks for LLM preference alignment. In this paper, we introduce CodeUltraFeedback, a preference dataset of 10,000 complex instructions to tune and align LLMs to coding preferences through AI feedback. We generate responses to the instructions using a pool of 14 diverse LLMs, which we then annotate according to their alignment with five coding preferences using the LLM-as-a-Judge approach with GPT-3.5, producing both numerical and textual feedback. We also present CODAL-Bench, a benchmark for assessing LLM alignment with these coding preferences. Our results show that CodeLlama-7B-Instruct, aligned through reinforcement learning from AI feedback (RLAIF) with direct preference optimization (DPO) using CodeUltraFeedback's AI feedback data, outperforms 34B LLMs on CODAL-Bench, validating the utility of CodeUltraFeedback for preference tuning. Furthermore, we show our DPO-aligned CodeLlama model improves functional correctness on HumanEval+ compared to the unaligned base model. Therefore, our contributions bridge the gap in preference tuning of LLMs for code and set the stage for further advancements in model alignment and RLAIF for code intelligence. Our code and data are available at


cross The First to Know: How Token Distributions Reveal Hidden Knowledge in Large Vision-Language Models?

Authors: Qinyu Zhao, Ming Xu, Kartik Gupta, Akshay Asthana, Liang Zheng, Stephen Gould

Abstract: Large vision-language models (LVLMs), designed to interpret and respond to human instructions, occasionally generate hallucinated or harmful content due to inappropriate instructions. This study uses linear probing to shed light on the hidden knowledge at the output layer of LVLMs. We demonstrate that the logit distributions of the first tokens contain sufficient information to determine whether to respond to the instructions, including recognizing unanswerable visual questions, defending against multi-modal jailbreaking attack, and identifying deceptive questions. Such hidden knowledge is gradually lost in logits of subsequent tokens during response generation. Then, we illustrate a simple decoding strategy at the generation of the first token, effectively improving the generated content. In experiments, we find a few interesting insights: First, the CLIP model already contains a strong signal for solving these tasks, indicating potential bias in the existing datasets. Second, we observe performance improvement by utilizing the first logit distributions on three additional tasks, including indicting uncertainty in math solving, mitigating hallucination, and image classification. Last, with the same training data, simply finetuning LVLMs improve models' performance but is still inferior to linear probing on these tasks.

cross UniCode: Learning a Unified Codebook for Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Sipeng Zheng, Bohan Zhou, Yicheng Feng, Ye Wang, Zongqing Lu

Abstract: In this paper, we propose \textbf{UniCode}, a novel approach within the domain of multimodal large language models (MLLMs) that learns a unified codebook to efficiently tokenize visual, text, and potentially other types of signals. This innovation addresses a critical limitation in existing MLLMs: their reliance on a text-only codebook, which restricts MLLM's ability to generate images and texts in a multimodal context. Towards this end, we propose a language-driven iterative training paradigm, coupled with an in-context pre-training task we term ``image decompression'', enabling our model to interpret compressed visual data and generate high-quality images.The unified codebook empowers our model to extend visual instruction tuning to non-linguistic generation tasks. Moreover, UniCode is adaptable to diverse stacked quantization approaches in order to compress visual signals into a more compact token representation. Despite using significantly fewer parameters and less data during training, Unicode demonstrates promising capabilities in visual reconstruction and generation. It also achieves performances comparable to leading MLLMs across a spectrum of VQA benchmarks.

cross Anatomical Structure-Guided Medical Vision-Language Pre-training

Authors: Qingqiu Li, Xiaohan Yan, Jilan Xu, Runtian Yuan, Yuejie Zhang, Rui Feng, Quanli Shen, Xiaobo Zhang, Shujun Wang

Abstract: Learning medical visual representations through vision-language pre-training has reached remarkable progress. Despite the promising performance, it still faces challenges, i.e., local alignment lacks interpretability and clinical relevance, and the insufficient internal and external representation learning of image-report pairs. To address these issues, we propose an Anatomical Structure-Guided (ASG) framework. Specifically, we parse raw reports into triplets , and fully utilize each element as supervision to enhance representation learning. For anatomical region, we design an automatic anatomical region-sentence alignment paradigm in collaboration with radiologists, considering them as the minimum semantic units to explore fine-grained local alignment. For finding and existence, we regard them as image tags, applying an image-tag recognition decoder to associate image features with their respective tags within each sample and constructing soft labels for contrastive learning to improve the semantic association of different image-report pairs. We evaluate the proposed ASG framework on two downstream tasks, including five public benchmarks. Experimental results demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods.

cross More than words: Advancements and challenges in speech recognition for singing

Authors: Anna Kruspe

Abstract: This paper addresses the challenges and advancements in speech recognition for singing, a domain distinctly different from standard speech recognition. Singing encompasses unique challenges, including extensive pitch variations, diverse vocal styles, and background music interference. We explore key areas such as phoneme recognition, language identification in songs, keyword spotting, and full lyrics transcription. I will describe some of my own experiences when performing research on these tasks just as they were starting to gain traction, but will also show how recent developments in deep learning and large-scale datasets have propelled progress in this field. My goal is to illuminate the complexities of applying speech recognition to singing, evaluate current capabilities, and outline future research directions.

cross "Like a Nesting Doll": Analyzing Recursion Analogies Generated by CS Students using Large Language Models

Authors: Seth Bernstein, Paul Denny, Juho Leinonen, Lauren Kan, Arto Hellas, Matt Littlefield Sami Sarsa, Stephen MacNeil

Abstract: Grasping complex computing concepts often poses a challenge for students who struggle to anchor these new ideas to familiar experiences and understandings. To help with this, a good analogy can bridge the gap between unfamiliar concepts and familiar ones, providing an engaging way to aid understanding. However, creating effective educational analogies is difficult even for experienced instructors. We investigate to what extent large language models (LLMs), specifically ChatGPT, can provide access to personally relevant analogies on demand. Focusing on recursion, a challenging threshold concept, we conducted an investigation analyzing the analogies generated by more than 350 first-year computing students. They were provided with a code snippet and tasked to generate their own recursion-based analogies using ChatGPT, optionally including personally relevant topics in their prompts. We observed a great deal of diversity in the analogies produced with student-prescribed topics, in contrast to the otherwise generic analogies, highlighting the value of student creativity when working with LLMs. Not only did students enjoy the activity and report an improved understanding of recursion, but they described more easily remembering analogies that were personally and culturally relevant.

cross Easy-to-Hard Generalization: Scalable Alignment Beyond Human Supervision

Authors: Zhiqing Sun, Longhui Yu, Yikang Shen, Weiyang Liu, Yiming Yang, Sean Welleck, Chuang Gan

Abstract: Current AI alignment methodologies rely on human-provided demonstrations or judgments, and the learned capabilities of AI systems would be upper-bounded by human capabilities as a result. This raises a challenging research question: How can we keep improving the systems when their capabilities have surpassed the levels of humans? This paper answers this question in the context of tackling hard reasoning tasks (e.g., level 4-5 MATH problems) via learning from human annotations on easier tasks (e.g., level 1-3 MATH problems), which we term as \textit{easy-to-hard generalization}. Our key insight is that an evaluator (reward model) trained on supervisions for easier tasks can be effectively used for scoring candidate solutions of harder tasks and hence facilitating easy-to-hard generalization over different levels of tasks. Based on this insight, we propose a novel approach to scalable alignment, which firstly trains the process-supervised reward models on easy problems (e.g., level 1-3), and then uses them to evaluate the performance of policy models on hard problems. We show that such \textit{easy-to-hard generalization from evaluators} can enable \textit{easy-to-hard generalizations in generators} either through re-ranking or reinforcement learning (RL). Notably, our process-supervised 7b RL model achieves an accuracy of 34.0\% on MATH500, despite only using human supervision on easy problems. Our approach suggests a promising path toward AI systems that advance beyond the frontier of human supervision.

cross From Skepticism to Acceptance: Simulating the Attitude Dynamics Toward Fake News

Authors: Yuhan Liu, Xiuying Chen, Xiaoqing Zhang, Xing Gao, Ji Zhang, Rui Yan

Abstract: In the digital era, the rapid propagation of fake news and rumors via social networks brings notable societal challenges and impacts public opinion regulation. Traditional fake news modeling typically forecasts the general popularity trends of different groups or numerically represents opinions shift. However, these methods often oversimplify real-world complexities and overlook the rich semantic information of news text. The advent of large language models (LLMs) provides the possibility of modeling subtle dynamics of opinion. Consequently, in this work, we introduce a Fake news Propagation Simulation framework (FPS) based on LLM, which studies the trends and control of fake news propagation in detail. Specifically, each agent in the simulation represents an individual with a distinct personality. They are equipped with both short-term and long-term memory, as well as a reflective mechanism to mimic human-like thinking. Every day, they engage in random opinion exchanges, reflect on their thinking, and update their opinions. Our simulation results uncover patterns in fake news propagation related to topic relevance, and individual traits, aligning with real-world observations. Additionally, we evaluate various intervention strategies and demonstrate that early and appropriately frequent interventions strike a balance between governance cost and effectiveness, offering valuable insights for practical applications. Our study underscores the significant utility and potential of LLMs in combating fake news.

cross VisionGPT-3D: A Generalized Multimodal Agent for Enhanced 3D Vision Understanding

Authors: Chris Kelly, Luhui Hu, Jiayin Hu, Yu Tian, Deshun Yang, Bang Yang, Cindy Yang, Zihao Li, Zaoshan Huang, Yuexian Zou

Abstract: The evolution of text to visual components facilitates people's daily lives, such as generating image, videos from text and identifying the desired elements within the images. Computer vision models involving the multimodal abilities in the previous days are focused on image detection, classification based on well-defined objects. Large language models (LLMs) introduces the transformation from nature language to visual objects, which present the visual layout for text contexts. OpenAI GPT-4 has emerged as the pinnacle in LLMs, while the computer vision (CV) domain boasts a plethora of state-of-the-art (SOTA) models and algorithms to convert 2D images to their 3D representations. However, the mismatching between the algorithms with the problem could lead to undesired results. In response to this challenge, we propose an unified VisionGPT-3D framework to consolidate the state-of-the-art vision models, thereby facilitating the development of vision-oriented AI. VisionGPT-3D provides a versatile multimodal framework building upon the strengths of multimodal foundation models. It seamlessly integrates various SOTA vision models and brings the automation in the selection of SOTA vision models, identifies the suitable 3D mesh creation algorithms corresponding to 2D depth maps analysis, generates optimal results based on diverse multimodal inputs such as text prompts. Keywords: VisionGPT-3D, 3D vision understanding, Multimodal agent

cross MM1: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Multimodal LLM Pre-training

Authors: Brandon McKinzie, Zhe Gan, Jean-Philippe Fauconnier, Sam Dodge, Bowen Zhang, Philipp Dufter, Dhruti Shah, Xianzhi Du, Futang Peng, Floris Weers, Anton Belyi, Haotian Zhang, Karanjeet Singh, Doug Kang, Hongyu H\`e, Max Schwarzer, Tom Gunter, Xiang Kong, Aonan Zhang, Jianyu Wang, Chong Wang, Nan Du, Tao Lei, Sam Wiseman, Mark Lee, Zirui Wang, Ruoming Pang, Peter Grasch, Alexander Toshev, Yinfei Yang

Abstract: In this work, we discuss building performant Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). In particular, we study the importance of various architecture components and data choices. Through careful and comprehensive ablations of the image encoder, the vision language connector, and various pre-training data choices, we identified several crucial design lessons. For example, we demonstrate that for large-scale multimodal pre-training using a careful mix of image-caption, interleaved image-text, and text-only data is crucial for achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) few-shot results across multiple benchmarks, compared to other published pre-training results. Further, we show that the image encoder together with image resolution and the image token count has substantial impact, while the vision-language connector design is of comparatively negligible importance. By scaling up the presented recipe, we build MM1, a family of multimodal models up to 30B parameters, consisting of both dense models and mixture-of-experts (MoE) variants, that are SOTA in pre-training metrics and achieve competitive performance after supervised fine-tuning on a range of established multimodal benchmarks. Thanks to large-scale pre-training, MM1 enjoys appealing properties such as enhanced in-context learning, and multi-image reasoning, enabling few-shot chain-of-thought prompting.

cross Reawakening knowledge: Anticipatory recovery from catastrophic interference via structured training

Authors: Yanlai Yang, Matt Jones, Michael C. Mozer, Mengye Ren

Abstract: We explore the training dynamics of neural networks in a structured non-IID setting where documents are presented cyclically in a fixed, repeated sequence. Typically, networks suffer from catastrophic interference when training on a sequence of documents; however, we discover a curious and remarkable property of LLMs fine-tuned sequentially in this setting: they exhibit anticipatory behavior, recovering from the forgetting on documents before encountering them again. The behavior emerges and becomes more robust as the architecture scales up its number of parameters. Through comprehensive experiments and visualizations, we uncover new insights into training over-parameterized networks in structured environments.

cross 3D-VLA: A 3D Vision-Language-Action Generative World Model

Authors: Haoyu Zhen, Xiaowen Qiu, Peihao Chen, Jincheng Yang, Xin Yan, Yilun Du, Yining Hong, Chuang Gan

Abstract: Recent vision-language-action (VLA) models rely on 2D inputs, lacking integration with the broader realm of the 3D physical world. Furthermore, they perform action prediction by learning a direct mapping from perception to action, neglecting the vast dynamics of the world and the relations between actions and dynamics. In contrast, human beings are endowed with world models that depict imagination about future scenarios to plan actions accordingly. To this end, we propose 3D-VLA by introducing a new family of embodied foundation models that seamlessly link 3D perception, reasoning, and action through a generative world model. Specifically, 3D-VLA is built on top of a 3D-based large language model (LLM), and a set of interaction tokens is introduced to engage with the embodied environment. Furthermore, to inject generation abilities into the model, we train a series of embodied diffusion models and align them into the LLM for predicting the goal images and point clouds. To train our 3D-VLA, we curate a large-scale 3D embodied instruction dataset by extracting vast 3D-related information from existing robotics datasets. Our experiments on held-in datasets demonstrate that 3D-VLA significantly improves the reasoning, multimodal generation, and planning capabilities in embodied environments, showcasing its potential in real-world applications.

replace Multi-Step Deductive Reasoning Over Natural Language: An Empirical Study on Out-of-Distribution Generalisation

Authors: Qiming Bao, Alex Yuxuan Peng, Tim Hartill, Neset Tan, Zhenyun Deng, Michael Witbrock, Jiamou Liu

Abstract: Combining deep learning with symbolic logic reasoning aims to capitalize on the success of both fields and is drawing increasing attention. Inspired by DeepLogic, an end-to-end model trained to perform inference on logic programs, we introduce IMA-GloVe-GA, an iterative neural inference network for multi-step reasoning expressed in natural language. In our model, reasoning is performed using an iterative memory neural network based on RNN with a gate attention mechanism. We evaluate IMA-GloVe-GA on three datasets: PARARULES, CONCEPTRULES V1 and CONCEPTRULES V2. Experimental results show DeepLogic with gate attention can achieve higher test accuracy than DeepLogic and other RNN baseline models. Our model achieves better out-of-distribution generalisation than RoBERTa-Large when the rules have been shuffled. Furthermore, to address the issue of unbalanced distribution of reasoning depths in the current multi-step reasoning datasets, we develop PARARULE-Plus, a large dataset with more examples that require deeper reasoning steps. Experimental results show that the addition of PARARULE-Plus can increase the model's performance on examples requiring deeper reasoning depths. The source code and data are available at


replace Label Dependencies-aware Set Prediction Networks for Multi-label Text Classification

Authors: Du Xinkai, Han Quanjie, Sun Yalin, Lv Chao, Sun Maosong

Abstract: Multi-label text classification involves extracting all relevant labels from a sentence. Given the unordered nature of these labels, we propose approaching the problem as a set prediction task. To address the correlation between labels, we leverage Graph Convolutional Networks and construct an adjacency matrix based on the statistical relations between labels. Additionally, we enhance recall ability by applying the Bhattacharyya distance to the output distributions of the set prediction networks. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach on two multi-label datasets and demonstrate its superiority over previous baselines through experimental results.

replace Why So Gullible? Enhancing the Robustness of Retrieval-Augmented Models against Counterfactual Noise

Authors: Giwon Hong, Jeonghwan Kim, Junmo Kang, Sung-Hyon Myaeng, Joyce Jiyoung Whang

Abstract: Most existing retrieval-augmented language models (LMs) assume a naive dichotomy within a retrieved document set: query-relevance and irrelevance. Our work investigates a more challenging scenario in which even the "relevant" documents may contain misleading or incorrect information, causing conflict among the retrieved documents and thereby negatively influencing model decisions as noise. We observe that existing LMs are highly brittle to the presence of conflicting information in both the fine-tuning and in-context few-shot learning scenarios. We propose approaches for handling knowledge conflicts among retrieved documents by explicitly fine-tuning a discriminator or prompting GPT-3.5 to elicit its discriminative capability. Our empirical results on open-domain QA show that these approaches significantly enhance model robustness. We also provide our findings on incorporating the fine-tuned discriminator's decision into the in-context learning process, proposing a way to exploit the benefits of two disparate learning schemes. Alongside our findings, we provide MacNoise, a machine-generated, conflict-induced dataset to further encourage research in this direction.

replace Making Language Models Better Tool Learners with Execution Feedback

Authors: Shuofei Qiao, Honghao Gui, Chengfei Lv, Qianghuai Jia, Huajun Chen, Ningyu Zhang

Abstract: Tools serve as pivotal interfaces that enable humans to understand and reshape the environment. With the advent of foundation models, AI systems can utilize tools to expand their capabilities and interact with the real world. Existing tool learning methodologies, encompassing supervised fine-tuning and prompt engineering approaches, often induce large language models to utilize tools indiscriminately, as complex tasks often exceed their own competencies. However, introducing tools for simple tasks, which the models themselves can readily resolve, can inadvertently propagate errors rather than enhance performance. This leads to the research question: can we teach language models when and how to use tools? To meet this need, we propose Tool leaRning wIth exeCution fEedback (TRICE), a two-stage end-to-end framework that enables the model to continually learn through feedback derived from tool execution, thereby learning when and how to use tools effectively. Experimental results, backed by further analysis, show that TRICE can make the large language model selectively use tools by improving the accuracy of tool usage while enhancing insufficient tool learning and mitigating excessive reliance on tools. Code is available at


replace Exploring Self-supervised Logic-enhanced Training for Large Language Models

Authors: Fangkai Jiao, Zhiyang Teng, Bosheng Ding, Zhengyuan Liu, Nancy F. Chen, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: Existing efforts to improve logical reasoning ability of language models have predominantly relied on supervised fine-tuning, hindering generalization to new domains and/or tasks. The development of Large Langauge Models (LLMs) has demonstrated the capacity of compressing abundant knowledge into a single proxy, enabling them to tackle multiple tasks effectively. Our preliminary experiments, nevertheless, show that LLMs do not show capability on logical reasoning. The performance of LLMs on logical reasoning benchmarks is far behind the existing state-of-the-art baselines. In this paper, we make the first attempt to investigate the feasibility of incorporating logical knowledge through self-supervised post-training, and activating it via in-context learning, which we termed as LogicLLM. Specifically, we devise an auto-regressive objective variant of MERIt and integrate it with two LLM series, i.e., FLAN-T5 and LLaMA, with parameter size ranging from 3 billion to 13 billion. The results on two challenging logical reasoning benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of LogicLLM. Besides, we conduct extensive ablation studies to analyze the key factors in designing logic-oriented proxy tasks.

replace Eliciting the Translation Ability of Large Language Models via Multilingual Finetuning with Translation Instructions

Authors: Jiahuan Li, Hao Zhou, Shujian Huang, Shanbo Cheng, Jiajun Chen

Abstract: Large-scale Pretrained Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and GPT4, have shown strong abilities in multilingual translations, without being explicitly trained on parallel corpora. It is interesting how the LLMs obtain their ability to carry out translation instructions for different languages. In this paper, we present a detailed analysis by finetuning a multilingual pretrained language model, XGLM-7B, to perform multilingual translation following given instructions. Firstly, we show that multilingual LLMs have stronger translation abilities than previously demonstrated. For a certain language, the performance depends on its similarity to English and the amount of data used in the pretraining phase. Secondly, we find that LLMs' ability to carry out translation instructions relies on the understanding of translation instructions and the alignment among different languages. With multilingual finetuning, LLMs could learn to perform the translation task well even for those language pairs unseen during the instruction tuning phase.

replace Better Zero-Shot Reasoning with Role-Play Prompting

Authors: Aobo Kong, Shiwan Zhao, Hao Chen, Qicheng Li, Yong Qin, Ruiqi Sun, Xin Zhou, Enzhi Wang, Xiaohang Dong

Abstract: Modern large language models (LLMs) exhibit a remarkable capacity for role-playing, enabling them to embody not only human characters but also non-human entities. This versatility allows them to simulate complex human-like interactions and behaviors within various contexts, as well as to emulate specific objects or systems. While these capabilities have enhanced user engagement and introduced novel modes of interaction, the influence of role-playing on LLMs' reasoning abilities remains underexplored. In this study, we introduce a strategically designed role-play prompting methodology and assess its performance under the zero-shot setting across twelve diverse reasoning benchmarks. Our empirical results illustrate that role-play prompting consistently surpasses the standard zero-shot approach across most datasets. Notably, in experiments conducted using ChatGPT, accuracy on AQuA rises from 53.5% to 63.8%, and on Last Letter from 23.8% to 84.2%.Upon further comparison with the Zero-Shot-CoT technique, which prompts the model to "think step by step", our study demonstrates that role-play prompting acts as a more effective trigger for the CoT process. This highlights its potential to augment the reasoning capabilities of LLMs. We release our code at


replace Instruction Tuning for Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Shengyu Zhang, Linfeng Dong, Xiaoya Li, Sen Zhang, Xiaofei Sun, Shuhe Wang, Jiwei Li, Runyi Hu, Tianwei Zhang, Fei Wu, Guoyin Wang

Abstract: This paper surveys research works in the quickly advancing field of instruction tuning (IT), a crucial technique to enhance the capabilities and controllability of large language models (LLMs). Instruction tuning refers to the process of further training LLMs on a dataset consisting of \textsc{(instruction, output)} pairs in a supervised fashion, which bridges the gap between the next-word prediction objective of LLMs and the users' objective of having LLMs adhere to human instructions. In this work, we make a systematic review of the literature, including the general methodology of IT, the construction of IT datasets, the training of IT models, and applications to different modalities, domains and applications, along with an analysis on aspects that influence the outcome of IT (e.g., generation of instruction outputs, size of the instruction dataset, etc). We also review the potential pitfalls of IT along with criticism against it, along with efforts pointing out current deficiencies of existing strategies and suggest some avenues for fruitful research. Project page:

replace Mixed-Distil-BERT: Code-mixed Language Modeling for Bangla, English, and Hindi

Authors: Md Nishat Raihan, Dhiman Goswami, Antara Mahmud

Abstract: One of the most popular downstream tasks in the field of Natural Language Processing is text classification. Text classification tasks have become more daunting when the texts are code-mixed. Though they are not exposed to such text during pre-training, different BERT models have demonstrated success in tackling Code-Mixed NLP challenges. Again, in order to enhance their performance, Code-Mixed NLP models have depended on combining synthetic data with real-world data. It is crucial to understand how the BERT models' performance is impacted when they are pretrained using corresponding code-mixed languages. In this paper, we introduce Tri-Distil-BERT, a multilingual model pre-trained on Bangla, English, and Hindi, and Mixed-Distil-BERT, a model fine-tuned on code-mixed data. Both models are evaluated across multiple NLP tasks and demonstrate competitive performance against larger models like mBERT and XLM-R. Our two-tiered pre-training approach offers efficient alternatives for multilingual and code-mixed language understanding, contributing to advancements in the field.

replace K-pop Lyric Translation: Dataset, Analysis, and Neural-Modelling

Authors: Haven Kim, Jongmin Jung, Dasaem Jeong, Juhan Nam

Abstract: Lyric translation, a field studied for over a century, is now attracting computational linguistics researchers. We identified two limitations in previous studies. Firstly, lyric translation studies have predominantly focused on Western genres and languages, with no previous study centering on K-pop despite its popularity. Second, the field of lyric translation suffers from a lack of publicly available datasets; to the best of our knowledge, no such dataset exists. To broaden the scope of genres and languages in lyric translation studies, we introduce a novel singable lyric translation dataset, approximately 89\% of which consists of K-pop song lyrics. This dataset aligns Korean and English lyrics line-by-line and section-by-section. We leveraged this dataset to unveil unique characteristics of K-pop lyric translation, distinguishing it from other extensively studied genres, and to construct a neural lyric translation model, thereby underscoring the importance of a dedicated dataset for singable lyric translations.

replace Large Language Models Cannot Self-Correct Reasoning Yet

Authors: Jie Huang, Xinyun Chen, Swaroop Mishra, Huaixiu Steven Zheng, Adams Wei Yu, Xinying Song, Denny Zhou

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have emerged as a groundbreaking technology with their unparalleled text generation capabilities across various applications. Nevertheless, concerns persist regarding the accuracy and appropriateness of their generated content. A contemporary methodology, self-correction, has been proposed as a remedy to these issues. Building upon this premise, this paper critically examines the role and efficacy of self-correction within LLMs, shedding light on its true potential and limitations. Central to our investigation is the notion of intrinsic self-correction, whereby an LLM attempts to correct its initial responses based solely on its inherent capabilities, without the crutch of external feedback. In the context of reasoning, our research indicates that LLMs struggle to self-correct their responses without external feedback, and at times, their performance even degrades after self-correction. Drawing from these insights, we offer suggestions for future research and practical applications in this field.

replace Think before you speak: Training Language Models With Pause Tokens

Authors: Sachin Goyal, Ziwei Ji, Ankit Singh Rawat, Aditya Krishna Menon, Sanjiv Kumar, Vaishnavh Nagarajan

Abstract: Language models generate responses by producing a series of tokens in immediate succession: the $(K+1)^{th}$ token is an outcome of manipulating $K$ hidden vectors per layer, one vector per preceding token. What if instead we were to let the model manipulate say, $K+10$ hidden vectors, before it outputs the $(K+1)^{th}$ token? We operationalize this idea by performing training and inference on language models with a (learnable) $\textit{pause}$ token, a sequence of which is appended to the input prefix. We then delay extracting the model's outputs until the last pause token is seen, thereby allowing the model to process extra computation before committing to an answer. We empirically evaluate $\textit{pause-training}$ on decoder-only models of 1B and 130M parameters with causal pretraining on C4, and on downstream tasks covering reasoning, question-answering, general understanding and fact recall. Our main finding is that inference-time delays show gains when the model is both pre-trained and finetuned with delays. For the 1B model, we witness gains on 8 of 9 tasks, most prominently, a gain of $18\%$ EM score on the QA task of SQuAD, $8\%$ on CommonSenseQA and $1\%$ accuracy on the reasoning task of GSM8k. Our work raises a range of conceptual and practical future research questions on making delayed next-token prediction a widely applicable new paradigm.

replace Utilizing Contextual Clues and Role Correlations for Enhancing Document-level Event Argument Extraction

Authors: Wanlong Liu, Dingyi Zeng, Li Zhou, Yichen Xiao, Weishan Kong, Malu Zhang, Shaohuan Cheng, Hongyang Zhao, Wenyu Chen

Abstract: Document-level event argument extraction is a crucial yet challenging task within the field of information extraction. Current mainstream approaches primarily focus on the information interaction between event triggers and their arguments, facing two limitations: insufficient context interaction and the ignorance of event correlations. Here, we introduce a novel framework named CARLG (Contextual Aggregation of clues and Role-based Latent Guidance), comprising two innovative components: the Contextual Clues Aggregation (CCA) and the Role-based Latent Information Guidance (RLIG). The CCA module leverages the attention weights derived from a pre-trained encoder to adaptively assimilates broader contextual information, while the RLIG module aims to capture the semantic correlations among event roles. We then instantiate the CARLG framework into two variants based on two types of current mainstream EAE approaches. Notably, our CARLG framework introduces less than 1% new parameters yet significantly improving the performance. Comprehensive experiments across the RAMS, WikiEvents, and MLEE datasets confirm the superiority of CARLG, showing significant superiority in terms of both performance and inference speed compared to major benchmarks. Further analyses demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed modules.

replace XAL: EXplainable Active Learning Makes Classifiers Better Low-resource Learners

Authors: Yun Luo, Zhen Yang, Fandong Meng, Yingjie Li, Fang Guo, Qinglin Qi, Jie Zhou, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Active learning (AL), which aims to construct an effective training set by iteratively curating the most formative unlabeled data for annotation, has been widely used in low-resource tasks. Most active learning techniques in classification rely on the model's uncertainty or disagreement to choose unlabeled data, suffering from the problem of over-confidence in superficial patterns and a lack of exploration. Inspired by the cognitive processes in which humans deduce and predict through causal information, we take an initial attempt towards integrating rationales into AL and propose a novel Explainable Active Learning framework (XAL) for low-resource text classification, which aims to encourage classifiers to justify their inferences and delve into unlabeled data for which they cannot provide reasonable explanations. Specifically, besides using a pre-trained bi-directional encoder for classification, we employ a pre-trained uni-directional decoder to generate and score the explanation. We further facilitate the alignment of the model with human reasoning preference through a proposed ranking loss. During the selection of unlabeled data, the predicted uncertainty of the encoder and the explanation score of the decoder complement each other as the final metric to acquire informative data. Extensive experiments on six datasets show that XAL achieves consistent improvement over 9 strong baselines. Analysis indicates that the proposed method can generate corresponding explanations for its predictions.

replace LILO: Learning Interpretable Libraries by Compressing and Documenting Code

Authors: Gabriel Grand, Lionel Wong, Matthew Bowers, Theo X. Olausson, Muxin Liu, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Jacob Andreas

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) now excel at code generation, a key aspect of software development is the art of refactoring: consolidating code into libraries of reusable and readable programs. In this paper, we introduce LILO, a neurosymbolic framework that iteratively synthesizes, compresses, and documents code to build libraries tailored to particular problem domains. LILO combines LLM-guided program synthesis with recent algorithmic advances in automated refactoring from Stitch: a symbolic compression system that efficiently identifies optimal lambda abstractions across large code corpora. To make these abstractions interpretable, we introduce an auto-documentation (AutoDoc) procedure that infers natural language names and docstrings based on contextual examples of usage. In addition to improving human readability, we find that AutoDoc boosts performance by helping LILO's synthesizer to interpret and deploy learned abstractions. We evaluate LILO on three inductive program synthesis benchmarks for string editing, scene reasoning, and graphics composition. Compared to existing neural and symbolic methods - including the state-of-the-art library learning algorithm DreamCoder - LILO solves more complex tasks and learns richer libraries that are grounded in linguistic knowledge.

replace BeLLM: Backward Dependency Enhanced Large Language Model for Sentence Embeddings

Authors: Xianming Li, Jing Li

Abstract: Sentence embeddings are crucial in measuring semantic similarity. Most recent studies employed large language models (LLMs) to learn sentence embeddings. Existing LLMs mainly adopted autoregressive architecture without explicit backward dependency modeling. Therefore, we examined the effects of backward dependencies in LLMs for semantic similarity measurements. Concretely, we propose a novel model: backward dependency enhanced large language model (BeLLM). It learns sentence embeddings via transforming specific attention layers from uni- to bi-directional. We extensively experiment across various semantic textual similarity (STS) tasks and downstream applications. BeLLM achieves state-of-the-art performance in varying scenarios. It shows that auto-regressive LLMs benefit from backward dependencies for sentence embeddings.

replace Which Modality should I use -- Text, Motif, or Image? : Understanding Graphs with Large Language Models

Authors: Debarati Das, Ishaan Gupta, Jaideep Srivastava, Dongyeop Kang

Abstract: Our research integrates graph data with Large Language Models (LLMs), which, despite their advancements in various fields using large text corpora, face limitations in encoding entire graphs due to context size constraints. This paper introduces a new approach to encoding a graph with diverse modalities, such as text, image, and motif, coupled with prompts to approximate a graph's global connectivity, thereby enhancing LLMs' efficiency in processing complex graph structures. The study also presents GraphTMI, a novel benchmark for evaluating LLMs in graph structure analysis, focusing on homophily, motif presence, and graph difficulty. Key findings indicate that the image modality, especially with vision-language models like GPT-4V, is superior to text in balancing token limits and preserving essential information and outperforms prior graph neural net (GNN) encoders. Furthermore, the research assesses how various factors affect the performance of each encoding modality and outlines the existing challenges and potential future developments for LLMs in graph understanding and reasoning tasks. All data will be publicly available upon acceptance.

replace Should we be going MAD? A Look at Multi-Agent Debate Strategies for LLMs

Authors: Andries Smit, Paul Duckworth, Nathan Grinsztajn, Thomas D. Barrett, Arnu Pretorius

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) underscore their potential for responding to inquiries in various domains. However, ensuring that generative agents provide accurate and reliable answers remains an ongoing challenge. In this context, multi-agent debate (MAD) has emerged as a promising strategy for enhancing the truthfulness of LLMs. We benchmark a range of debating and prompting strategies to explore the trade-offs between cost, time, and accuracy. Importantly, we find that multi-agent debating systems, in their current form, do not reliably outperform other proposed prompting strategies, such as self-consistency and ensembling using multiple reasoning paths. However, when performing hyperparameter tuning, several MAD systems, such as Multi-Persona, perform better. This suggests that MAD protocols might not be inherently worse than other approaches, but that they are more sensitive to different hyperparameter settings and difficult to optimize. We build on these results to offer insights into improving debating strategies, such as adjusting agent agreement levels, which can significantly enhance performance and even surpass all other non-debate protocols we evaluated. We provide an open-source repository to the community with several state-of-the-art protocols together with evaluation scripts to benchmark across popular research datasets.

replace SOCIALITE-LLAMA: An Instruction-Tuned Model for Social Scientific Tasks

Authors: Gourab Dey, Adithya V Ganesan, Yash Kumar Lal, Manal Shah, Shreyashee Sinha, Matthew Matero, Salvatore Giorgi, Vivek Kulkarni, H. Andrew Schwartz

Abstract: Social science NLP tasks, such as emotion or humor detection, are required to capture the semantics along with the implicit pragmatics from text, often with limited amounts of training data. Instruction tuning has been shown to improve the many capabilities of large language models (LLMs) such as commonsense reasoning, reading comprehension, and computer programming. However, little is known about the effectiveness of instruction tuning on the social domain where implicit pragmatic cues are often needed to be captured. We explore the use of instruction tuning for social science NLP tasks and introduce Socialite-Llama -- an open-source, instruction-tuned Llama. On a suite of 20 social science tasks, Socialite-Llama improves upon the performance of Llama as well as matches or improves upon the performance of a state-of-the-art, multi-task finetuned model on a majority of them. Further, Socialite-Llama also leads to improvement on 5 out of 6 related social tasks as compared to Llama, suggesting instruction tuning can lead to generalized social understanding. All resources including our code, model and dataset can be found through

replace Faithfulness vs. Plausibility: On the (Un)Reliability of Explanations from Large Language Models

Authors: Chirag Agarwal, Sree Harsha Tanneru, Himabindu Lakkaraju

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are deployed as powerful tools for several natural language processing (NLP) applications. Recent works show that modern LLMs can generate self-explanations (SEs), which elicit their intermediate reasoning steps for explaining their behavior. Self-explanations have seen widespread adoption owing to their conversational and plausible nature. However, there is little to no understanding of their faithfulness. In this work, we discuss the dichotomy between faithfulness and plausibility in SEs generated by LLMs. We argue that while LLMs are adept at generating plausible explanations -- seemingly logical and coherent to human users -- these explanations do not necessarily align with the reasoning processes of the LLMs, raising concerns about their faithfulness. We highlight that the current trend towards increasing the plausibility of explanations, primarily driven by the demand for user-friendly interfaces, may come at the cost of diminishing their faithfulness. We assert that the faithfulness of explanations is critical in LLMs employed for high-stakes decision-making. Moreover, we emphasize the need for a systematic characterization of faithfulness-plausibility requirements of different real-world applications and ensure explanations meet those needs. While there are several approaches to improving plausibility, improving faithfulness is an open challenge. We call upon the community to develop novel methods to enhance the faithfulness of self explanations thereby enabling transparent deployment of LLMs in diverse high-stakes settings.

replace Me LLaMA: Foundation Large Language Models for Medical Applications

Authors: Qianqian Xie, Qingyu Chen, Aokun Chen, Cheng Peng, Yan Hu, Fongci Lin, Xueqing Peng, Jimin Huang, Jeffrey Zhang, Vipina Keloth, Xingyu Zhou, Huan He, Lucila Ohno-Machado, Yonghui Wu, Hua Xu, Jiang Bian

Abstract: Recent large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT and LLaMA have shown great promise in many AI applications. However, their performance on medical tasks is suboptimal and can be improved by training on extensive domain-specific datasets. This study introduces Me LLaMA, a medical LLM family that includes foundation models - Me LLaMA 13/70B, along with their chat-enhanced versions - Me LLaMA 13/70B-chat, developed through continual pre-training and instruction tuning of LLaMA2 using large medical datasets. Our domain-specific data suite for training and evaluation includes a large-scale, continual pre-training dataset with 129B tokens, an instruction tuning dataset with 214k samples, and a new medical evaluation benchmark (MIBE) across six tasks with 12 datasets. Our extensive evaluation using the MIBE shows that Me LLaMA models achieve overall better performance than existing open-source medical LLMs in zero-shot, few-shot and supervised learning abilities. Their zero-shot performance is comparable with ChatGPT across 7 out of 8 datasets, with a slight variance of within 3%, and yet falls short when compared to GPT-4. In addition, we investigated the catastrophic forgetting problem, and our results show that Me LLaMA models outperform other open-source medical LLMs in mitigating this issue. Me LLaMA is one of the largest open-source medical foundation LLMs that use both biomedical and clinical data. It exhibits superior performance across both general and medical tasks compared to other open-source medical LLMs, rendering it an attractive choice for medical AI applications. We release our models, datasets, and evaluation scripts at:


replace Retrieval Helps or Hurts? A Deeper Dive into the Efficacy of Retrieval Augmentation to Language Models

Authors: Seiji Maekawa, Hayate Iso, Sairam Gurajada, Nikita Bhutani

Abstract: While large language models (LMs) demonstrate remarkable performance, they encounter challenges in providing accurate responses when queried for information beyond their pre-trained memorization. Although augmenting them with relevant external information can mitigate these issues, failure to consider the necessity of retrieval may adversely affect overall performance. Previous research has primarily focused on examining how entities influence retrieval models and knowledge recall in LMs, leaving other aspects relatively unexplored. In this work, our goal is to offer a more detailed, fact-centric analysis by exploring the effects of combinations of entities and relations. To facilitate this, we construct a new question answering (QA) dataset called WiTQA (Wikipedia Triple Question Answers). This dataset includes questions about entities and relations of various popularity levels, each accompanied by a supporting passage. Our extensive experiments with diverse LMs and retrievers reveal when retrieval does not consistently enhance LMs from the viewpoints of fact-centric popularity.Confirming earlier findings, we observe that larger LMs excel in recalling popular facts. However, they notably encounter difficulty with infrequent entity-relation pairs compared to retrievers. Interestingly, they can effectively retain popular relations of less common entities. We demonstrate the efficacy of our finer-grained metric and insights through an adaptive retrieval system that selectively employs retrieval and recall based on the frequencies of entities and relations in the question.

replace Executing Natural Language-Described Algorithms with Large Language Models: An Investigation

Authors: Xin Zheng, Qiming Zhu, Hongyu Lin, Yaojie Lu, Xianpei Han, Le Sun

Abstract: Executing computer programs described in natural language has long been a pursuit of computer science. With the advent of enhanced natural language understanding capabilities exhibited by large language models (LLMs), the path toward this goal has been illuminated. In this paper, we seek to examine the capacity of present-day LLMs to comprehend and execute algorithms outlined in natural language. We established an algorithm test set sourced from Introduction to Algorithm, a well-known textbook that contains many representative widely-used algorithms. To systematically assess LLMs' code execution abilities, we selected 30 algorithms, generated 300 random-sampled instances in total, and evaluated whether popular LLMs can understand and execute these algorithms. Our findings reveal that LLMs, notably GPT-4, can effectively execute programs described in natural language, as long as no heavy numeric computation is involved. We believe our findings contribute to evaluating LLMs' code execution abilities and would encourage further investigation and application for the computation power of LLMs.

replace RAGged Edges: The Double-Edged Sword of Retrieval-Augmented Chatbots

Authors: Philip Feldman. James R. Foulds, Shimei Pan

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT demonstrate the remarkable progress of artificial intelligence. However, their tendency to hallucinate -- generate plausible but false information -- poses a significant challenge. This issue is critical, as seen in recent court cases where ChatGPT's use led to citations of non-existent legal rulings. This paper explores how Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) can counter hallucinations by integrating external knowledge with prompts. We empirically evaluate RAG against standard LLMs using prompts designed to induce hallucinations. Our results show that RAG increases accuracy in some cases, but can still be misled when prompts directly contradict the model's pre-trained understanding. These findings highlight the complex nature of hallucinations and the need for more robust solutions to ensure LLM reliability in real-world applications. We offer practical recommendations for RAG deployment and discuss implications for the development of more trustworthy LLMs.

replace VBART: The Turkish LLM

Authors: Meliksah Turker, Mehmet Erdi Ari, Aydin Han

Abstract: We present VBART, the first Turkish sequence-to-sequence Large Language Models (LLMs) pre-trained on a large corpus from scratch. VBART are compact LLMs based on good ideas leveraged from BART and mBART models and come in two sizes, Large and XLarge. Fine-tuned VBART models surpass the prior state-of-the-art results in abstractive text summarization, title generation, text paraphrasing, question answering and question generation tasks. They allow fine-tuning for future text generation tasks and datasets, carving a new path for Turkish Natural Language Processing (NLP) research. Our work shows that having a pre-trained LLM for Turkish outperforms up to 3x multilingual models, improving existing results and providing efficient models for training and inference. Moreover, we show that our monolingual tokenizer is up to 11x more efficient than multilingual tokenizers. Last but not least, we introduce a method to enlarge an existing pre-trained LLM and question the relevancy of Chinchilla Scaling Law to sequence-to-sequence masked language models. Our fine-tuned models, tokenizer and cleaned vngrs-web-corpus of 135 GB are publicly available at

replace German also Hallucinates! Inconsistency Detection in News Summaries with the Absinth Dataset

Authors: Laura Mascarell, Ribin Chalumattu, Annette Rios

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to remarkable progress on a wide range of natural language processing tasks. Despite the advances, these large-sized models still suffer from hallucinating information in their output, which poses a major issue in automatic text summarization, as we must guarantee that the generated summary is consistent with the content of the source document. Previous research addresses the challenging task of detecting hallucinations in the output (i.e. inconsistency detection) in order to evaluate the faithfulness of the generated summaries. However, these works primarily focus on English and recent multilingual approaches lack German data. This work presents absinth, a manually annotated dataset for hallucination detection in German news summarization and explores the capabilities of novel open-source LLMs on this task in both fine-tuning and in-context learning settings. We open-source and release the absinth dataset to foster further research on hallucination detection in German.

replace Rule-driven News Captioning

Authors: Ning Xu, Tingting Zhang, Hongshuo Tian, An-An Liu

Abstract: News captioning task aims to generate sentences by describing named entities or concrete events for an image with its news article. Existing methods have achieved remarkable results by relying on the large-scale pre-trained models, which primarily focus on the correlations between the input news content and the output predictions. However, the news captioning requires adhering to some fundamental rules of news reporting, such as accurately describing the individuals and actions associated with the event. In this paper, we propose the rule-driven news captioning method, which can generate image descriptions following designated rule signal. Specifically, we first design the news-aware semantic rule for the descriptions. This rule incorporates the primary action depicted in the image (e.g., "performing") and the roles played by named entities involved in the action (e.g., "Agent" and "Place"). Second, we inject this semantic rule into the large-scale pre-trained model, BART, with the prefix-tuning strategy, where multiple encoder layers are embedded with news-aware semantic rule. Finally, we can effectively guide BART to generate news sentences that comply with the designated rule. Extensive experiments on two widely used datasets (i.e., GoodNews and NYTimes800k) demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.

replace Knowledge Graph Large Language Model (KG-LLM) for Link Prediction

Authors: Dong Shu, Tianle Chen, Mingyu Jin, Yiting Zhang, Mengnan Du, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: The task of predicting multiple links within knowledge graphs (KGs) stands as a challenge in the field of knowledge graph analysis, a challenge increasingly resolvable due to advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and KG embedding techniques. This paper introduces a novel methodology, the Knowledge Graph Large Language Model Framework (KG-LLM), which leverages pivotal NLP paradigms, including chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting and in-context learning (ICL), to enhance multi-hop link prediction in KGs. By converting the KG to a CoT prompt, our framework is designed to discern and learn the latent representations of entities and their interrelations. To show the efficacy of the KG-LLM Framework, we fine-tune three leading Large Language Models (LLMs) within this framework, employing both non-ICL and ICL tasks for a comprehensive evaluation. Further, we explore the framework's potential to provide LLMs with zero-shot capabilities for handling previously unseen prompts. Our experimental findings discover that integrating ICL and CoT not only augments the performance of our approach but also significantly boosts the models' generalization capacity, thereby ensuring more precise predictions in unfamiliar scenarios.

replace Truth-Aware Context Selection: Mitigating the Hallucinations of Large Language Models Being Misled by Untruthful Contexts

Authors: Tian Yu, Shaolei Zhang, Yang Feng

Abstract: Although large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive text generation capabilities, they are easily misled by the untruthful context provided by users or knowledge augmentation tools, thereby producing hallucinations. To alleviate the LLMs from being misled by untruthful information and take advantage of knowledge augmentation, we propose Truth-Aware Context Selection (TACS), a lightweight method to shield untruthful context from the inputs. TACS begins by performing truth detection on the input context, leveraging the parameterized knowledge within the LLM. Subsequently, it constructs a corresponding attention mask based on the truthfulness of each position, selecting the truthful context and discarding the untruthful context. Additionally, we introduce a new evaluation metric, Disturbance Adaption Rate, to further study the LLMs' ability to accept truthful information and resist untruthful information. Experimental results show that TACS can effectively filter information in context and significantly improve the overall quality of LLMs' responses when presented with misleading information.

replace ORPO: Monolithic Preference Optimization without Reference Model

Authors: Jiwoo Hong, Noah Lee, James Thorne

Abstract: While recent preference alignment algorithms for language models have demonstrated promising results, supervised fine-tuning (SFT) remains imperative for achieving successful convergence. In this paper, we study the crucial role of SFT within the context of preference alignment, emphasizing that a minor penalty for the disfavored generation style is sufficient for preference-aligned SFT. Building on this foundation, we introduce a straightforward and innovative reference model-free monolithic odds ratio preference optimization algorithm, ORPO, eliminating the necessity for an additional preference alignment phase. We demonstrate, both empirically and theoretically, that the odds ratio is a sensible choice for contrasting favored and disfavored styles during SFT across the diverse sizes from 125M to 7B. Specifically, fine-tuning Phi-2 (2.7B), Llama-2 (7B), and Mistral (7B) with ORPO on the UltraFeedback alone surpasses the performance of state-of-the-art language models with more than 7B and 13B parameters: achieving up to 12.20% on $\text{AlpacaEval}_{2.0}$ (Figure 1), 66.19% on IFEval (instruction-level loose, Table 6), and 7.32 in MT-Bench (Figure 12). We release code and model checkpoints for Mistral-ORPO-$\alpha$ (7B) and Mistral-ORPO-$\beta$ (7B).

replace Improving Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback Using Contrastive Rewards

Authors: Wei Shen, Xiaoying Zhang, Yuanshun Yao, Rui Zheng, Hongyi Guo, Yang Liu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is the mainstream paradigm used to align large language models (LLMs) with human preferences. Yet existing RLHF heavily relies on accurate and informative reward models, which are vulnerable and sensitive to noise from various sources, e.g. human labeling errors, making the pipeline fragile. In this work, we improve the effectiveness of the reward model by introducing a penalty term on the reward, named as \textit{contrastive rewards}. %Contrastive rewards Our approach involves two steps: (1) an offline sampling step to obtain responses to prompts that serve as baseline calculation and (2) a contrastive reward calculated using the baseline responses and used in the Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) step. We show that contrastive rewards enable the LLM to penalize reward uncertainty, improve robustness, encourage improvement over baselines, calibrate according to task difficulty, and reduce variance in PPO. We show empirically contrastive rewards can improve RLHF substantially, evaluated by both GPTs and humans, and our method consistently outperforms strong baselines.

replace Exploring Safety Generalization Challenges of Large Language Models via Code

Authors: Qibing Ren, Chang Gao, Jing Shao, Junchi Yan, Xin Tan, Yu Qiao, Wai Lam, Lizhuang Ma

Abstract: The rapid advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought about remarkable capabilities in natural language processing but also raised concerns about their potential misuse. While strategies like supervised fine-tuning and reinforcement learning from human feedback have enhanced their safety, these methods primarily focus on natural languages, which may not generalize to other domains. This paper introduces CodeAttack, a framework that transforms natural language inputs into code inputs, presenting a novel environment for testing the safety generalization of LLMs. Our comprehensive studies on state-of-the-art LLMs including GPT-4, Claude-2, and Llama-2 series reveal a common safety vulnerability of these models against code input: CodeAttack consistently bypasses the safety guardrails of all models more than 80% of the time. Furthermore, we find that a larger distribution gap between CodeAttack and natural language leads to weaker safety generalization, such as encoding natural language input with data structures or using less popular programming languages. These findings highlight new safety risks in the code domain and the need for more robust safety alignment algorithms to match the code capabilities of LLMs.

replace Contextual Clarity: Generating Sentences with Transformer Models using Context-Reverso Data

Authors: Ruslan Musaev

Abstract: In the age of information abundance, the ability to provide users with contextually relevant and concise information is crucial. Keyword in Context (KIC) generation is a task that plays a vital role in and generation applications, such as search engines, personal assistants, and content summarization. In this paper, we present a novel approach to generating unambiguous and brief sentence-contexts for given keywords using the T5 transformer model, leveraging data obtained from the Context-Reverso API. The code is available at .


replace Automatic Interactive Evaluation for Large Language Models with State Aware Patient Simulator

Authors: Yusheng Liao, Yutong Meng, Yuhao Wang, Hongcheng Liu, Yanfeng Wang, Yu Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable proficiency in human interactions, yet their application within the medical field remains insufficiently explored. Previous works mainly focus on the performance of medical knowledge with examinations, which is far from the realistic scenarios, falling short in assessing the abilities of LLMs on clinical tasks. In the quest to enhance the application of Large Language Models (LLMs) in healthcare, this paper introduces the Automated Interactive Evaluation (AIE) framework and the State-Aware Patient Simulator (SAPS), targeting the gap between traditional LLM evaluations and the nuanced demands of clinical practice. Unlike prior methods that rely on static medical knowledge assessments, AIE and SAPS provide a dynamic, realistic platform for assessing LLMs through multi-turn doctor-patient simulations. This approach offers a closer approximation to real clinical scenarios and allows for a detailed analysis of LLM behaviors in response to complex patient interactions. Our extensive experimental validation demonstrates the effectiveness of the AIE framework, with outcomes that align well with human evaluations, underscoring its potential to revolutionize medical LLM testing for improved healthcare delivery.

replace Zero-shot and Few-shot Generation Strategies for Artificial Clinical Records

Authors: Erlend Frayling, Jake Lever, Graham McDonald

Abstract: The challenge of accessing historical patient data for clinical research, while adhering to privacy regulations, is a significant obstacle in medical science. An innovative approach to circumvent this issue involves utilising synthetic medical records that mirror real patient data without compromising individual privacy. The creation of these synthetic datasets, particularly without using actual patient data to train Large Language Models (LLMs), presents a novel solution as gaining access to sensitive patient information to train models is also a challenge. This study assesses the capability of the Llama 2 LLM to create synthetic medical records that accurately reflect real patient information, employing zero-shot and few-shot prompting strategies for comparison against fine-tuned methodologies that do require sensitive patient data during training. We focus on generating synthetic narratives for the History of Present Illness section, utilising data from the MIMIC-IV dataset for comparison. In this work introduce a novel prompting technique that leverages a chain-of-thought approach, enhancing the model's ability to generate more accurate and contextually relevant medical narratives without prior fine-tuning. Our findings suggest that this chain-of-thought prompted approach allows the zero-shot model to achieve results on par with those of fine-tuned models, based on Rouge metrics evaluation.

replace SOTOPIA-$\pi$: Interactive Learning of Socially Intelligent Language Agents

Authors: Ruiyi Wang, Haofei Yu, Wenxin Zhang, Zhengyang Qi, Maarten Sap, Graham Neubig, Yonatan Bisk, Hao Zhu

Abstract: Humans learn social skills through both imitation and social interaction. This social learning process is largely understudied by existing research on building language agents. Motivated by this gap, we propose an interactive learning method, SOTOPIA-$\pi$, improving the social intelligence of language agents. This method leverages behavior cloning and self-reinforcement training on filtered social interaction data according to large language model (LLM) ratings. We show that our training method allows a 7B LLM to reach the social goal completion ability of an expert model (GPT-4-based agent), while improving the safety of language agents and maintaining general QA ability on the MMLU benchmark. We also find that this training paradigm uncovers some difficulties in LLM-based evaluation of social intelligence: LLM-based evaluators overestimate the abilities of the language agents trained specifically for social interaction.

replace-cross Kernelized Concept Erasure

Authors: Shauli Ravfogel, Francisco Vargas, Yoav Goldberg, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: The representation space of neural models for textual data emerges in an unsupervised manner during training. Understanding how those representations encode human-interpretable concepts is a fundamental problem. One prominent approach for the identification of concepts in neural representations is searching for a linear subspace whose erasure prevents the prediction of the concept from the representations. However, while many linear erasure algorithms are tractable and interpretable, neural networks do not necessarily represent concepts in a linear manner. To identify non-linearly encoded concepts, we propose a kernelization of a linear minimax game for concept erasure. We demonstrate that it is possible to prevent specific non-linear adversaries from predicting the concept. However, the protection does not transfer to different nonlinear adversaries. Therefore, exhaustively erasing a non-linearly encoded concept remains an open problem.

replace-cross Log-linear Guardedness and its Implications

Authors: Shauli Ravfogel, Yoav Goldberg, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Methods for erasing human-interpretable concepts from neural representations that assume linearity have been found to be tractable and useful. However, the impact of this removal on the behavior of downstream classifiers trained on the modified representations is not fully understood. In this work, we formally define the notion of log-linear guardedness as the inability of an adversary to predict the concept directly from the representation, and study its implications. We show that, in the binary case, under certain assumptions, a downstream log-linear model cannot recover the erased concept. However, we demonstrate that a multiclass log-linear model \emph{can} be constructed that indirectly recovers the concept in some cases, pointing to the inherent limitations of log-linear guardedness as a downstream bias mitigation technique. These findings shed light on the theoretical limitations of linear erasure methods and highlight the need for further research on the connections between intrinsic and extrinsic bias in neural models.

replace-cross Learning New Tasks from a Few Examples with Soft-Label Prototypes

Authors: Avyav Kumar Singh, Ekaterina Shutova, Helen Yannakoudakis

Abstract: Existing approaches to few-shot learning in NLP rely on large language models and fine-tuning of these to generalise on out-of-distribution data. In this work, we propose a simple yet powerful approach to "extreme" few-shot learning, wherein models are exposed to as little as 4 examples per class, based on soft-label prototypes that collectively capture the distribution of different classes across the input domain space. Inspired by previous work (Sucholutsky et al., 2021) on univariate or simple multivariate (synthetic) data, we propose a novel approach that is effective on large, high-dimensional and real-world datasets. We learn soft-label prototypes within a neural framework (DeepSLP) and we experimentally demonstrate that it achieves superior performance on 31/48 tested tasks and few-shot settings while closely matching the performance of strong baselines on the rest. We focus on learning previously unseen NLP tasks from very few examples (4, 8, 16) per label and present an in-depth analysis of the effectiveness of our approach.

replace-cross CorNav: Autonomous Agent with Self-Corrected Planning for Zero-Shot Vision-and-Language Navigation

Authors: Xiwen Liang, Liang Ma, Shanshan Guo, Jianhua Han, Hang Xu, Shikui Ma, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Understanding and following natural language instructions while navigating through complex, real-world environments poses a significant challenge for general-purpose robots. These environments often include obstacles and pedestrians, making it essential for autonomous agents to possess the capability of self-corrected planning to adjust their actions based on feedback from the surroundings. However, the majority of existing vision-and-language navigation (VLN) methods primarily operate in less realistic simulator settings and do not incorporate environmental feedback into their decision-making processes. To address this gap, we introduce a novel zero-shot framework called CorNav, utilizing a large language model for decision-making and comprising two key components: 1) incorporating environmental feedback for refining future plans and adjusting its actions, and 2) multiple domain experts for parsing instructions, scene understanding, and refining predicted actions. In addition to the framework, we develop a 3D simulator that renders realistic scenarios using Unreal Engine 5. To evaluate the effectiveness and generalization of navigation agents in a zero-shot multi-task setting, we create a benchmark called NavBench. Extensive experiments demonstrate that CorNav consistently outperforms all baselines by a significant margin across all tasks. On average, CorNav achieves a success rate of 28.1\%, surpassing the best baseline's performance of 20.5\%.

replace-cross DyVal: Dynamic Evaluation of Large Language Models for Reasoning Tasks

Authors: Kaijie Zhu, Jiaao Chen, Jindong Wang, Neil Zhenqiang Gong, Diyi Yang, Xing Xie

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable performance in various evaluation benchmarks. However, concerns are raised about potential data contamination in their considerable volume of training corpus. Moreover, the static nature and fixed complexity of current benchmarks may inadequately gauge the advancing capabilities of LLMs. In this paper, we introduce DyVal, a general and flexible protocol for dynamic evaluation of LLMs. Based on our framework, we build graph-informed DyVal by leveraging the structural advantage of directed acyclic graphs to dynamically generate evaluation samples with controllable complexities. DyVal generates challenging evaluation sets on reasoning tasks including mathematics, logical reasoning, and algorithm problems. We evaluate various LLMs ranging from Flan-T5-large to GPT-3.5-Turbo and GPT-4. Experiments show that LLMs perform worse in DyVal-generated evaluation samples with different complexities, highlighting the significance of dynamic evaluation. We also analyze the failure cases and results of different prompting methods. Moreover, DyVal-generated samples are not only evaluation sets, but also helpful data for fine-tuning to improve the performance of LLMs on existing benchmarks. We hope that DyVal can shed light on future evaluation research of LLMs. Code is available at:


replace-cross Merge, Then Compress: Demystify Efficient SMoE with Hints from Its Routing Policy

Authors: Pingzhi Li, Zhenyu Zhang, Prateek Yadav, Yi-Lin Sung, Yu Cheng, Mohit Bansal, Tianlong Chen

Abstract: Sparsely activated Mixture-of-Experts (SMoE) has shown promise to scale up the learning capacity of neural networks, however, they have issues like (a) High Memory Usage, due to duplication of the network layers into multiple copies as experts; and (b) Redundancy in Experts, as common learning-based routing policies suffer from representational collapse. Therefore, vanilla SMoE models are memory inefficient and non-scalable, especially for resource-constrained downstream scenarios. In this paper, we ask: Can we craft a compact SMoE model by consolidating expert information? What is the best recipe to merge multiple experts into fewer but more knowledgeable experts? Our pilot investigation reveals that conventional model merging methods fail to be effective in such expert merging for SMoE. The potential reasons are: (1) redundant information overshadows critical experts; (2) appropriate neuron permutation for each expert is missing to bring all of them in alignment. To address this, we propose M-SMoE, which leverages routing statistics to guide expert merging. Specifically, it starts with neuron permutation alignment for experts; then, dominant experts and their "group members" are formed; lastly, every expert group is merged into a single expert by utilizing each expert's activation frequency as their weight for merging, thus diminishing the impact of insignificant experts. Moreover, we observed that our proposed merging promotes a low dimensionality in the merged expert's weight space, naturally paving the way for additional compression. Hence, our final method, MC-SMoE (i.e., Merge, then Compress SMoE), further decomposes the merged experts into low-rank and structural sparse alternatives. Extensive experiments across 8 benchmarks validate the effectiveness of MC-SMoE. For instance, our MC-SMoE achieves up to 80% memory and a 20% FLOPs reduction, with virtually no loss in performance.

replace-cross Amortizing intractable inference in large language models

Authors: Edward J. Hu, Moksh Jain, Eric Elmoznino, Younesse Kaddar, Guillaume Lajoie, Yoshua Bengio, Nikolay Malkin

Abstract: Autoregressive large language models (LLMs) compress knowledge from their training data through next-token conditional distributions. This limits tractable querying of this knowledge to start-to-end autoregressive sampling. However, many tasks of interest -- including sequence continuation, infilling, and other forms of constrained generation -- involve sampling from intractable posterior distributions. We address this limitation by using amortized Bayesian inference to sample from these intractable posteriors. Such amortization is algorithmically achieved by fine-tuning LLMs via diversity-seeking reinforcement learning algorithms: generative flow networks (GFlowNets). We empirically demonstrate that this distribution-matching paradigm of LLM fine-tuning can serve as an effective alternative to maximum-likelihood training and reward-maximizing policy optimization. As an important application, we interpret chain-of-thought reasoning as a latent variable modeling problem and demonstrate that our approach enables data-efficient adaptation of LLMs to tasks that require multi-step rationalization and tool use.

replace-cross CodeChain: Towards Modular Code Generation Through Chain of Self-revisions with Representative Sub-modules

Authors: Hung Le, Hailin Chen, Amrita Saha, Akash Gokul, Doyen Sahoo, Shafiq Joty

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have already become quite proficient at solving simpler programming tasks like those in HumanEval or MBPP benchmarks. However, solving more complex and competitive programming tasks is still quite challenging for these models - possibly due to their tendency to generate solutions as monolithic code blocks instead of decomposing them into logical sub-tasks and sub-modules. On the other hand, experienced programmers instinctively write modularized code with abstraction for solving complex tasks, often reusing previously developed modules. To address this gap, we propose CodeChain, a novel framework for inference that elicits modularized code generation through a chain of self-revisions, each being guided by some representative sub-modules generated in previous iterations. Concretely, CodeChain first instructs the LLM to generate modularized codes through chain-of-thought prompting. Then it applies a chain of self-revisions by iterating the two steps: 1) extracting and clustering the generated sub-modules and selecting the cluster representatives as the more generic and re-usable implementations, and 2) augmenting the original chain-of-thought prompt with these selected module-implementations and instructing the LLM to re-generate new modularized solutions. We find that by naturally encouraging the LLM to reuse the previously developed and verified sub-modules, CodeChain can significantly boost both modularity as well as correctness of the generated solutions, achieving relative pass@1 improvements of 35% on APPS and 76% on CodeContests. It is shown to be effective on both OpenAI LLMs as well as open-sourced LLMs like WizardCoder. We also conduct comprehensive ablation studies with different methods of prompting, number of clusters, model sizes, program qualities, etc., to provide useful insights that underpin CodeChain's success.

replace-cross Davidsonian Scene Graph: Improving Reliability in Fine-grained Evaluation for Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jaemin Cho, Yushi Hu, Roopal Garg, Peter Anderson, Ranjay Krishna, Jason Baldridge, Mohit Bansal, Jordi Pont-Tuset, Su Wang

Abstract: Evaluating text-to-image models is notoriously difficult. A strong recent approach for assessing text-image faithfulness is based on QG/A (question generation and answering), which uses pre-trained foundational models to automatically generate a set of questions and answers from the prompt, and output images are scored based on whether these answers extracted with a visual question answering model are consistent with the prompt-based answers. This kind of evaluation is naturally dependent on the quality of the underlying QG and VQA models. We identify and address several reliability challenges in existing QG/A work: (a) QG questions should respect the prompt (avoiding hallucinations, duplications, and omissions) and (b) VQA answers should be consistent (not asserting that there is no motorcycle in an image while also claiming the motorcycle is blue). We address these issues with Davidsonian Scene Graph (DSG), an empirically grounded evaluation framework inspired by formal semantics, which is adaptable to any QG/A frameworks. DSG produces atomic and unique questions organized in dependency graphs, which (i) ensure appropriate semantic coverage and (ii) sidestep inconsistent answers. With extensive experimentation and human evaluation on a range of model configurations (LLM, VQA, and T2I), we empirically demonstrate that DSG addresses the challenges noted above. Finally, we present DSG-1k, an open-sourced evaluation benchmark that includes 1,060 prompts, covering a wide range of fine-grained semantic categories with a balanced distribution. We release the DSG-1k prompts and the corresponding DSG questions.

replace-cross Vanishing Gradients in Reinforcement Finetuning of Language Models

Authors: Noam Razin, Hattie Zhou, Omid Saremi, Vimal Thilak, Arwen Bradley, Preetum Nakkiran, Joshua Susskind, Etai Littwin

Abstract: Pretrained language models are commonly aligned with human preferences and downstream tasks via reinforcement finetuning (RFT), which refers to maximizing a (possibly learned) reward function using policy gradient algorithms. This work identifies a fundamental optimization obstacle in RFT: we prove that the expected gradient for an input vanishes when its reward standard deviation under the model is small, even if the expected reward is far from optimal. Through experiments on an RFT benchmark and controlled environments, as well as a theoretical analysis, we then demonstrate that vanishing gradients due to small reward standard deviation are prevalent and detrimental, leading to extremely slow reward maximization. Lastly, we explore ways to overcome vanishing gradients in RFT. We find the common practice of an initial supervised finetuning (SFT) phase to be the most promising candidate, which sheds light on its importance in an RFT pipeline. Moreover, we show that a relatively small number of SFT optimization steps on as few as 1% of the input samples can suffice, indicating that the initial SFT phase need not be expensive in terms of compute and data labeling efforts. Overall, our results emphasize that being mindful for inputs whose expected gradient vanishes, as measured by the reward standard deviation, is crucial for successful execution of RFT.

replace-cross Evaluation of LLM Chatbots for OSINT-based Cyber Threat Awareness

Authors: Samaneh Shafee, Alysson Bessani, Pedro M. Ferreira

Abstract: Knowledge sharing about emerging threats is crucial in the rapidly advancing field of cybersecurity and forms the foundation of Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI). In this context, Large Language Models are becoming increasingly significant in the field of cybersecurity, presenting a wide range of opportunities. This study surveys the performance of ChatGPT, GPT4all, Dolly, Stanford Alpaca, Alpaca-LoRA, Falcon, and Vicuna chatbots in binary classification and Named Entity Recognition (NER) tasks performed using Open Source INTelligence (OSINT). We utilize well-established data collected in previous research from Twitter to assess the competitiveness of these chatbots when compared to specialized models trained for those tasks. In binary classification experiments, Chatbot GPT-4 as a commercial model achieved an acceptable F1 score of 0.94, and the open-source GPT4all model achieved an F1 score of 0.90. However, concerning cybersecurity entity recognition, all evaluated chatbots have limitations and are less effective. This study demonstrates the capability of chatbots for OSINT binary classification and shows that they require further improvement in NER to effectively replace specially trained models. Our results shed light on the limitations of the LLM chatbots when compared to specialized models, and can help researchers improve chatbots technology with the objective to reduce the required effort to integrate machine learning in OSINT-based CTI tools.

replace-cross Science Checker Reloaded: A Bidirectional Paradigm for Transparency and Logical Reasoning

Authors: Lo\"ic Rakotoson, Sylvain Massip, Fr\'ejus A. A. Laleye

Abstract: Information retrieval is a rapidly evolving field. However it still faces significant limitations in the scientific and industrial vast amounts of information, such as semantic divergence and vocabulary gaps in sparse retrieval, low precision and lack of interpretability in semantic search, or hallucination and outdated information in generative models. In this paper, we introduce a two-block approach to tackle these hurdles for long documents. The first block enhances language understanding in sparse retrieval by query expansion to retrieve relevant documents. The second block deepens the result by providing comprehensive and informative answers to the complex question using only the information spread in the long document, enabling bidirectional engagement. At various stages of the pipeline, intermediate results are presented to users to facilitate understanding of the system's reasoning. We believe this bidirectional approach brings significant advancements in terms of transparency, logical thinking, and comprehensive understanding in the field of scientific information retrieval.

replace-cross MMSR: Symbolic Regression is a Multimodal Task

Authors: Yanjie Li, Jingyi Liu, Weijun Li, Lina Yu, Min Wu, Wenqiang Li, Meilan Hao, Su Wei, Yusong Deng

Abstract: Mathematical formulas are the crystallization of human wisdom in exploring the laws of nature for thousands of years. Describing the complex laws of nature with a concise mathematical formula is a constant pursuit of scientists and a great challenge for artificial intelligence. This field is called symbolic regression. Symbolic regression was originally formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem, and GP and reinforcement learning algorithms were used to solve it. However, GP is sensitive to hyperparameters, and these two types of algorithms are inefficient. To solve this problem, researchers treat the mapping from data to expressions as a translation problem. And the corresponding large-scale pre-trained model is introduced. However, the data and expression skeletons do not have very clear word correspondences as the two languages do. Instead, they are more like two modalities (e.g., image and text). Therefore, in this paper, we proposed MMSR. The SR problem is solved as a pure multimodal problem, and contrastive learning is also introduced in the training process for modal alignment to facilitate later modal feature fusion. It is worth noting that in order to better promote the modal feature fusion, we adopt the strategy of training contrastive learning loss and other losses at the same time, which only needs one-step training, instead of training contrastive learning loss first and then training other losses. Because our experiments prove training together can make the feature extraction module and feature fusion module running-in better. Experimental results show that compared with multiple large-scale pre-training baselines, MMSR achieves the most advanced results on multiple mainstream datasets including SRBench.

replace-cross Regional inflation analysis using social network data

Authors: Vasilii Chsherbakov, Ilia Karpov

Abstract: Inflation is one of the most important macroeconomic indicators that have a great impact on the population of any country and region. Inflation is influenced by range of factors, one of which is inflation expectations. Many central banks take this factor into consideration while implementing monetary policy within the inflation targeting regime. Nowadays, a lot of people are active users of the Internet, especially social networks. There is a hypothesis that people search, read, and discuss mainly only those issues that are of particular interest to them. It is logical to assume that the dynamics of prices may also be in the focus of user discussions. So, such discussions could be regarded as an alternative source of more rapid information about inflation expectations. This study is based on unstructured data from Vkontakte social network to analyze upward and downward inflationary trends (on the example of the Omsk region). The sample of more than 8.5 million posts was collected between January 2010 and May 2022. The authors used BERT neural networks to solve the problem. These models demonstrated better results than the benchmarks (e.g., logistic regression, decision tree classifier, etc.). It makes possible to define pro-inflationary and disinflationary types of keywords in different contexts and get their visualization with SHAP method. This analysis provides additional operational information about inflationary processes at the regional level The proposed approach can be scaled for other regions. At the same time the limitation of the work is the time and power costs for the initial training of similar models for all regions of Russia.

replace-cross Discriminative Probing and Tuning for Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Leigang Qu, Wenjie Wang, Yongqi Li, Hanwang Zhang, Liqiang Nie, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Despite advancements in text-to-image generation (T2I), prior methods often face text-image misalignment problems such as relation confusion in generated images. Existing solutions involve cross-attention manipulation for better compositional understanding or integrating large language models for improved layout planning. However, the inherent alignment capabilities of T2I models are still inadequate. By reviewing the link between generative and discriminative modeling, we posit that T2I models' discriminative abilities may reflect their text-image alignment proficiency during generation. In this light, we advocate bolstering the discriminative abilities of T2I models to achieve more precise text-to-image alignment for generation. We present a discriminative adapter built on T2I models to probe their discriminative abilities on two representative tasks and leverage discriminative fine-tuning to improve their text-image alignment. As a bonus of the discriminative adapter, a self-correction mechanism can leverage discriminative gradients to better align generated images to text prompts during inference. Comprehensive evaluations across three benchmark datasets, including both in-distribution and out-of-distribution scenarios, demonstrate our method's superior generation performance. Meanwhile, it achieves state-of-the-art discriminative performance on the two discriminative tasks compared to other generative models.

replace-cross From Graph to Word Bag: Introducing Domain Knowledge to Confusing Charge Prediction

Authors: Ang Li, Qiangchao Chen, Yiquan Wu, Ming Cai, Xiang Zhou, Fei Wu, Kun Kuang

Abstract: Confusing charge prediction is a challenging task in legal AI, which involves predicting confusing charges based on fact descriptions. While existing charge prediction methods have shown impressive performance, they face significant challenges when dealing with confusing charges, such as Snatch and Robbery. In the legal domain, constituent elements play a pivotal role in distinguishing confusing charges. Constituent elements are fundamental behaviors underlying criminal punishment and have subtle distinctions among charges. In this paper, we introduce a novel From Graph to Word Bag (FWGB) approach, which introduces domain knowledge regarding constituent elements to guide the model in making judgments on confusing charges, much like a judge's reasoning process. Specifically, we first construct a legal knowledge graph containing constituent elements to help select keywords for each charge, forming a word bag. Subsequently, to guide the model's attention towards the differentiating information for each charge within the context, we expand the attention mechanism and introduce a new loss function with attention supervision through words in the word bag. We construct the confusing charges dataset from real-world judicial documents. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, especially in maintaining exceptional performance in imbalanced label distributions.

replace-cross Transforming Competition into Collaboration: The Revolutionary Role of Multi-Agent Systems and Language Models in Modern Organizations

Authors: Carlos Jose Xavier Cruz

Abstract: This article explores the dynamic influence of computational entities based on multi-agent systems theory (SMA) combined with large language models (LLM), which are characterized by their ability to simulate complex human interactions, as a possibility to revolutionize human user interaction from the use of specialized artificial agents to support everything from operational organizational processes to strategic decision making based on applied knowledge and human orchestration. Previous investigations reveal that there are limitations, particularly in the autonomous approach of artificial agents, especially when dealing with new challenges and pragmatic tasks such as inducing logical reasoning and problem solving. It is also considered that traditional techniques, such as the stimulation of chains of thoughts, require explicit human guidance. In our approach we employ agents developed from large language models (LLM), each with distinct prototyping that considers behavioral elements, driven by strategies that stimulate the generation of knowledge based on the use case proposed in the scenario (role-play) business, using a discussion approach between agents (guided conversation). We demonstrate the potential of developing agents useful for organizational strategies, based on multi-agent system theories (SMA) and innovative uses based on large language models (LLM based), offering a differentiated and adaptable experiment to different applications, complexities, domains, and capabilities from LLM.