new Mobile Application for Oral Disease Detection using Federated Learning

Authors: Shankara Narayanan V, Sneha Varsha M, Syed Ashfaq Ahmed, Guruprakash J

Abstract: The mouth, often regarded as a window to the internal state of the body, plays an important role in reflecting one's overall health. Poor oral hygiene has far-reaching consequences, contributing to severe conditions like heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, while inadequate care leads to discomfort, pain, and costly treatments. Federated Learning (FL) for object detection can be utilized for this use case due to the sensitivity of the oral image data of the patients. FL ensures data privacy by storing the images used for object detection on the local device and trains the model on the edge. The updated weights are federated to a central server where all the collected weights are updated via The Federated Averaging algorithm. Finally, we have developed a mobile app named OralH which provides user-friendly solutions, allowing people to conduct self-assessments through mouth scans and providing quick oral health insights. Upon detection of the issues, the application alerts the user about potential oral health concerns or diseases and provides details about dental clinics in the user's locality. Designed as a Progressive Web Application (PWA), the platform ensures ubiquitous access, catering to users across devices for a seamless experience. The application aims to provide state-of-the-art segmentation and detection techniques, leveraging the YOLOv8 object detection model to identify oral hygiene issues and diseases. This study deals with the benefits of leveraging FL in healthcare with promising real-world results.

new Determining Intent of Changes to Ascertain Fake Crowdsourced Image Services

Authors: Muhammad Umair, Athman Bouguettaya, Abdallah Lakhdari

Abstract: We propose a novel framework for crowdsourced images to determine the likelihood of an image being fake. We use a service-oriented approach to model and represent crowdsourced images uploaded on social media, as image services. Trust may, in some circumstances, be determined by using only the non-functional attributes of an image service, i.e., image metadata. We define intention of changes as a key parameter to ascertain fake image services. A novel framework is proposed to estimate the intention of underlying changes considering change in semantics of an image. Our experiments show high accuracy using a large real dataset.

new GPT-4V(ision) Unsuitable for Clinical Care and Education: A Clinician-Evaluated Assessment

Authors: Senthujan Senkaiahliyan, Augustin Toma, Jun Ma, An-Wen Chan, Andrew Ha, Kevin R. An, Hrishikesh Suresh, Barry Rubin, Bo Wang

Abstract: OpenAI's large multimodal model, GPT-4V(ision), was recently developed for general image interpretation. However, less is known about its capabilities with medical image interpretation and diagnosis. Board-certified physicians and senior residents assessed GPT-4V's proficiency across a range of medical conditions using imaging modalities such as CT scans, MRIs, ECGs, and clinical photographs. Although GPT-4V is able to identify and explain medical images, its diagnostic accuracy and clinical decision-making abilities are poor, posing risks to patient safety. Despite the potential that large language models may have in enhancing medical education and delivery, the current limitations of GPT-4V in interpreting medical images reinforces the importance of appropriate caution when using it for clinical decision-making.

new Alpha-wolves and Alpha-mammals: Exploring Dictionary Attacks on Iris Recognition Systems

Authors: Sudipta Banerjee, Anubhav Jain, Zehua Jiang, Nasir Memon, Julian Togelius, Arun Ross

Abstract: A dictionary attack in a biometric system entails the use of a small number of strategically generated images or templates to successfully match with a large number of identities, thereby compromising security. We focus on dictionary attacks at the template level, specifically the IrisCodes used in iris recognition systems. We present an hitherto unknown vulnerability wherein we mix IrisCodes using simple bitwise operators to generate alpha-mixtures - alpha-wolves (combining a set of "wolf" samples) and alpha-mammals (combining a set of users selected via search optimization) that increase false matches. We evaluate this vulnerability using the IITD, CASIA-IrisV4-Thousand and Synthetic datasets, and observe that an alpha-wolf (from two wolves) can match upto 71 identities @FMR=0.001%, while an alpha-mammal (from two identities) can match upto 133 other identities @FMR=0.01% on the IITD dataset.

new Toward Improving Robustness of Object Detectors Against Domain Shift

Authors: Le-Anh Tran, Chung Nguyen Tran, Dong-Chul Park, Jordi Carrabina, David Castells-Rufas

Abstract: This paper proposes a data augmentation method for improving the robustness of driving object detectors against domain shift. Domain shift problem arises when there is a significant change between the distribution of the source data domain used in the training phase and that of the target data domain in the deployment phase. Domain shift is known as one of the most popular reasons resulting in the considerable drop in the performance of deep neural network models. In order to address this problem, one effective approach is to increase the diversity of training data. To this end, we propose a data synthesis module that can be utilized to train more robust and effective object detectors. By adopting YOLOv4 as a base object detector, we have witnessed a remarkable improvement in performance on both the source and target domain data. The code of this work is publicly available at


new A Dataset and Benchmark for Copyright Protection from Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Rui Ma, Qiang Zhou, Bangjun Xiao, Yizhu Jin, Daquan Zhou, Xiuyu Li, Aishani Singh, Yi Qu, Kurt Keutzer, Xiaodong Xie, Jingtong Hu, Zhen Dong, Shanghang Zhang

Abstract: Copyright is a legal right that grants creators the exclusive authority to reproduce, distribute, and profit from their creative works. However, the recent advancements in text-to-image generation techniques have posed significant challenges to copyright protection, as these methods have facilitated the learning of unauthorized content, artistic creations, and portraits, which are subsequently utilized to generate and disseminate uncontrolled content. Especially, the use of stable diffusion, an emerging model for text-to-image generation, poses an increased risk of unauthorized copyright infringement and distribution. Currently, there is a lack of systematic studies evaluating the potential correlation between content generated by stable diffusion and those under copyright protection. Conducting such studies faces several challenges, including i) the intrinsic ambiguity related to copyright infringement in text-to-image models, ii) the absence of a comprehensive large-scale dataset, and iii) the lack of standardized metrics for defining copyright infringement. This work provides the first large-scale standardized dataset and benchmark on copyright protection. Specifically, we propose a pipeline to coordinate CLIP, ChatGPT, and diffusion models to generate a dataset that contains anchor images, corresponding prompts, and images generated by text-to-image models, reflecting the potential abuses of copyright. Furthermore, we explore a suite of evaluation metrics to judge the effectiveness of copyright protection methods. The proposed dataset, benchmark library, and evaluation metrics will be open-sourced to facilitate future research and application. The website and dataset can be accessed website dataset.

new Haze Removal via Regional Saturation-Value Translation and Soft Segmentation

Authors: Le-Anh Tran, Dong-Chul Park

Abstract: This paper proposes a single image dehazing prior, called Regional Saturation-Value Translation (RSVT), to tackle the color distortion problems caused by conventional dehazing approaches in bright regions. The RSVT prior is developed based on two key observations regarding the relationship between hazy and haze-free points in the HSV color space. First, the hue component shows marginal variation between corresponding hazy and haze-free points, consolidating a hypothesis that the pixel value variability induced by haze primarily occurs in the saturation and value spaces. Second, in the 2D saturation-value coordinate system, most lines passing through hazy-clean point pairs are likely to intersect near the atmospheric light coordinates. Accordingly, haze removal for the bright regions can be performed by properly translating saturation-value coordinates. In addition, an effective soft segmentation method based on a morphological min-max channel is introduced. By combining the soft segmentation mask with the RSVT prior, a comprehensive single image dehazing framework is devised. Experimental results on various synthetic and realistic hazy image datasets demonstrate that the proposed scheme successfully addresses color distortion issues and restores visually appealing images. The code of this work is available at


new Deep learning based detection of collateral circulation in coronary angiographies

Authors: Cosmin-Andrei Hatfaludi, Daniel Bunescu, Costin Florian Ciusdel, Alex Serban, Karl Bose, Marc Oppel, Stephanie Schroder, Christopher Seehase, Harald F. Langer, Jeanette Erdmann, Henry Nording, Lucian Mihai Itu

Abstract: Coronary artery disease (CAD) is the dominant cause of death and hospitalization across the globe. Atherosclerosis, an inflammatory condition that gradually narrows arteries and has potentially fatal effects, is the most frequent cause of CAD. Nonetheless, the circulation regularly adapts in the presence of atherosclerosis, through the formation of collateral arteries, resulting in significant long-term health benefits. Therefore, timely detection of coronary collateral circulation (CCC) is crucial for CAD personalized medicine. We propose a novel deep learning based method to detect CCC in angiographic images. Our method relies on a convolutional backbone to extract spatial features from each frame of an angiography sequence. The features are then concatenated, and subsequently processed by another convolutional layer that processes embeddings temporally. Due to scarcity of data, we also experiment with pretraining the backbone on coronary artery segmentation, which improves the results consistently. Moreover, we experiment with few-shot learning to further improve performance, given our low data regime. We present our results together with subgroup analyses based on Rentrop grading, collateral flow, and collateral grading, which provide valuable insights into model performance. Overall, the proposed method shows promising results in detecting CCC, and can be further extended to perform landmark based CCC detection and CCC quantification.

new Enhancing Digital Hologram Reconstruction Using Reverse-Attention Loss for Untrained Physics-Driven Deep Learning Models with Uncertain Distance

Authors: Xiwen Chen, Hao Wang, Zhao Zhang, Zhenmin Li, Huayu Li, Tong Ye, Abolfazl Razi

Abstract: Untrained Physics-based Deep Learning (DL) methods for digital holography have gained significant attention due to their benefits, such as not requiring an annotated training dataset, and providing interpretability since utilizing the governing laws of hologram formation. However, they are sensitive to the hard-to-obtain precise object distance from the imaging plane, posing the $\textit{Autofocusing}$ challenge. Conventional solutions involve reconstructing image stacks for different potential distances and applying focus metrics to select the best results, which apparently is computationally inefficient. In contrast, recently developed DL-based methods treat it as a supervised task, which again needs annotated data and lacks generalizability. To address this issue, we propose $\textit{reverse-attention loss}$, a weighted sum of losses for all possible candidates with learnable weights. This is a pioneering approach to addressing the Autofocusing challenge in untrained deep-learning methods. Both theoretical analysis and experiments demonstrate its superiority in efficiency and accuracy. Interestingly, our method presents a significant reconstruction performance over rival methods (i.e. alternating descent-like optimization, non-weighted loss integration, and random distance assignment) and even is almost equal to that achieved with a precisely known object distance. For example, the difference is less than 1dB in PSNR and 0.002 in SSIM for the target sample in our experiment.

new Discriminative Consensus Mining with A Thousand Groups for More Accurate Co-Salient Object Detection

Authors: Peng Zheng

Abstract: Co-Salient Object Detection (CoSOD) is a rapidly growing task, extended from Salient Object Detection (SOD) and Common Object Segmentation (Co-Segmentation). It is aimed at detecting the co-occurring salient object in the given image group. Many effective approaches have been proposed on the basis of existing datasets. However, there is still no standard and efficient training set in CoSOD, which makes it chaotic to choose training sets in the recently proposed CoSOD methods. First, the drawbacks of existing training sets in CoSOD are analyzed in a comprehensive way, and potential improvements are provided to solve existing problems to some extent. In particular, in this thesis, a new CoSOD training set is introduced, named Co-Saliency of ImageNet (CoSINe) dataset. The proposed CoSINe is the largest number of groups among all existing CoSOD datasets. The images obtained here span a wide variety in terms of categories, object sizes, etc. In experiments, models trained on CoSINe can achieve significantly better performance with fewer images compared to all existing datasets. Second, to make the most of the proposed CoSINe, a novel CoSOD approach named Hierarchical Instance-aware COnsensus MinEr (HICOME) is proposed, which efficiently mines the consensus feature from different feature levels and discriminates objects of different classes in an object-aware contrastive way. As extensive experiments show, the proposed HICOME achieves SoTA performance on all the existing CoSOD test sets. Several useful training tricks suitable for training CoSOD models are also provided. Third, practical applications are given using the CoSOD technique to show the effectiveness. Finally, the remaining challenges and potential improvements of CoSOD are discussed to inspire related work in the future. The source code, the dataset, and the online demo will be publicly available at

new Consistency Models Improve Diffusion Inverse Solvers

Authors: Tongda Xu, Ziran Zhu, Dailan He, Yuanyuan Wang, Ming Sun, Ning Li, Hongwei Qin, Yan Wang, Jingjing Liu, Ya-Qin Zhang

Abstract: Diffusion inverse solvers (DIS) aim to find an image $x$ that lives on the diffusion prior while satisfying the constraint $f(x) = y$, given an operator $f(.)$ and measurement $y$. Most non-linear DIS use posterior mean $\hat{x}_{0|t}=\mathbb{E}[x_0|x_t]$ to evaluate $f(.)$ and minimize the distance $||f(\hat{x}_{0|t})-y||^2$. Previous works show that posterior mean-based distance is biased; instead, posterior sample $x_{0|t}\sim p_{\theta}(x_0|x_t)$ promises a better candidate. In this paper, we first clarify when is posterior sample better: $1)$ When $f(.)$ is linear, the distance with posterior mean is as good as single posterior sample, thus preferable as it does not require Monte Carlo; $2)$ When $f(.)$ is non-linear, the distance using posterior sample is better. As previous approximations to posterior sample do not look like a real image, we propose to use consistency model (CM) as a high quality approximation. In addition, we propose a new family of DIS using pure CM. Empirically, we show that replacing posterior mean by CM improves DIS performance on non-linear $f(.)$ (e.g. semantic segmentation, image captioning). Further, our pure CM inversion works well for both linear and non-linear $f(.)$.

new Adapting SAM for Volumetric X-Ray Data-sets of Arbitrary Sizes

Authors: Roland Gruber, Steffen R\"uger, Thomas Wittenberg

Abstract: Objective: We propose a new approach for volumetric instance segmentation in X-ray Computed Tomography (CT) data for Non-Destructive Testing (NDT) by combining the Segment Anything Model (SAM) with tile-based Flood Filling Networks (FFN). Our work evaluates the performance of SAM on volumetric NDT data-sets and demonstrates its effectiveness to segment instances in challenging imaging scenarios. Methods: We implemented and evaluated techniques to extend the image-based SAM algorithm fo the use with volumetric data-sets, enabling the segmentation of three-dimensional objects using FFN's spatially adaptability. The tile-based approach for SAM leverages FFN's capabilities to segment objects of any size. We also explore the use of dense prompts to guide SAM in combining segmented tiles for improved segmentation accuracy. Results: Our research indicates the potential of combining SAM with FFN for volumetric instance segmentation tasks, particularly in NDT scenarios and segmenting large entities and objects. Conclusion: While acknowledging remaining limitations, our study provides insights and establishes a foundation for advancements in instance segmentation in NDT scenarios.

new Floralens: a Deep Learning Model for the Portuguese Native Flora

Authors: Ant\'onio Filgueiras, Eduardo R. B. Marques, Lu\'is M. B. Lopes, Miguel Marques, Hugo Silva

Abstract: Machine-learning techniques, namely deep convolutional neural networks, are pivotal for image-based identification of biological species in many Citizen Science platforms. However, the construction of critically sized and sampled datasets to train the networks and the choice of the network architectures itself remains little documented and, therefore, does not lend itself to be easily replicated. In this paper, we develop a streamlined methodology for building datasets for biological taxa from publicly available research-grade datasets and for deriving models from these datasets using off-the-shelf deep convolutional neural networks such as those provided by Google's AutoML Vision cloud service. Our case study is the Portuguese native flora, anchored in a high-quality dataset, provided by the Sociedade Portuguesa de Bot\^anica, scaled up by adding sampled data from iNaturalist, Pl@ntNet, and We find that with a careful dataset design, off-the-shelf machine-learning cloud services produce accurate models with relatively little effort that rival those provided by state-of-the-art citizen science platforms. The best model we derived, dubbed Floralens, has been integrated into the public website of Project Biolens, where we gather models for other taxa as well. The dataset used to train the model and its namesake is publicly available on Zenodo.

new Evaluating Terrain-Dependent Performance for Martian Frost Detection in Visible Satellite Observations

Authors: Gary Doran, Serina Diniega, Steven Lu, Mark Wronkiewicz, Kiri L. Wagstaff

Abstract: Seasonal frosting and defrosting on the surface of Mars is hypothesized to drive both climate processes and the formation and evolution of geomorphological features such as gullies. Past studies have focused on manually analyzing the behavior of the frost cycle in the northern mid-latitude region of Mars using high-resolution visible observations from orbit. Extending these studies globally requires automating the detection of frost using data science techniques such as convolutional neural networks. However, visible indications of frost presence can vary significantly depending on the geologic context on which the frost is superimposed. In this study, we (1) present a novel approach for spatially partitioning data to reduce biases in model performance estimation, (2) illustrate how geologic context affects automated frost detection, and (3) propose mitigations to observed biases in automated frost detection.

new Deep Generative Design for Mass Production

Authors: Jihoon Kim, Yongmin Kwon, Namwoo Kang

Abstract: Generative Design (GD) has evolved as a transformative design approach, employing advanced algorithms and AI to create diverse and innovative solutions beyond traditional constraints. Despite its success, GD faces significant challenges regarding the manufacturability of complex designs, often necessitating extensive manual modifications due to limitations in standard manufacturing processes and the reliance on additive manufacturing, which is not ideal for mass production. Our research introduces an innovative framework addressing these manufacturability concerns by integrating constraints pertinent to die casting and injection molding into GD, through the utilization of 2D depth images. This method simplifies intricate 3D geometries into manufacturable profiles, removing unfeasible features such as non-manufacturable overhangs and allowing for the direct consideration of essential manufacturing aspects like thickness and rib design. Consequently, designs previously unsuitable for mass production are transformed into viable solutions. We further enhance this approach by adopting an advanced 2D generative model, which offer a more efficient alternative to traditional 3D shape generation methods. Our results substantiate the efficacy of this framework, demonstrating the production of innovative, and, importantly, manufacturable designs. This shift towards integrating practical manufacturing considerations into GD represents a pivotal advancement, transitioning from purely inspirational concepts to actionable, production-ready solutions. Our findings underscore usefulness and potential of GD for broader industry adoption, marking a significant step forward in aligning GD with the demands of manufacturing challenges.

new Development of Automated Neural Network Prediction for Echocardiographic Left ventricular Ejection Fraction

Authors: Yuting Zhang, Boyang Liu, Karina V. Bunting, David Brind, Alexander Thorley, Andreas Karwath, Wenqi Lu, Diwei Zhou, Xiaoxia Wang, Alastair R. Mobley, Otilia Tica, Georgios Gkoutos, Dipak Kotecha, Jinming Duan

Abstract: The echocardiographic measurement of left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) is fundamental to the diagnosis and classification of patients with heart failure (HF). In order to quantify LVEF automatically and accurately, this paper proposes a new pipeline method based on deep neural networks and ensemble learning. Within the pipeline, an Atrous Convolutional Neural Network (ACNN) was first trained to segment the left ventricle (LV), before employing the area-length formulation based on the ellipsoid single-plane model to calculate LVEF values. This formulation required inputs of LV area, derived from segmentation using an improved Jeffrey's method, as well as LV length, derived from a novel ensemble learning model. To further improve the pipeline's accuracy, an automated peak detection algorithm was used to identify end-diastolic and end-systolic frames, avoiding issues with human error. Subsequently, single-beat LVEF values were averaged across all cardiac cycles to obtain the final LVEF. This method was developed and internally validated in an open-source dataset containing 10,030 echocardiograms. The Pearson's correlation coefficient was 0.83 for LVEF prediction compared to expert human analysis (p<0.001), with a subsequent area under the receiver operator curve (AUROC) of 0.98 (95% confidence interval 0.97 to 0.99) for categorisation of HF with reduced ejection (HFrEF; LVEF<40%). In an external dataset with 200 echocardiograms, this method achieved an AUC of 0.90 (95% confidence interval 0.88 to 0.91) for HFrEF assessment. This study demonstrates that an automated neural network-based calculation of LVEF is comparable to expert clinicians performing time-consuming, frame-by-frame manual evaluation of cardiac systolic function.

new ThermoNeRF: Multimodal Neural Radiance Fields for Thermal Novel View Synthesis

Authors: Mariam Hassan, Florent Forest, Olga Fink, Malcolm Mielle

Abstract: Thermal scene reconstruction exhibit great potential for applications across a broad spectrum of fields, including building energy consumption analysis and non-destructive testing. However, existing methods typically require dense scene measurements and often rely on RGB images for 3D geometry reconstruction, with thermal information being projected post-reconstruction. This two-step strategy, adopted due to the lack of texture in thermal images, can lead to disparities between the geometry and temperatures of the reconstructed objects and those of the actual scene. To address this challenge, we propose ThermoNeRF, a novel multimodal approach based on Neural Radiance Fields, capable of rendering new RGB and thermal views of a scene jointly. To overcome the lack of texture in thermal images, we use paired RGB and thermal images to learn scene density, while distinct networks estimate color and temperature information. Furthermore, we introduce ThermoScenes, a new dataset to palliate the lack of available RGB+thermal datasets for scene reconstruction. Experimental results validate that ThermoNeRF achieves accurate thermal image synthesis, with an average mean absolute error of 1.5$^\circ$C, an improvement of over 50% compared to using concatenated RGB+thermal data with Nerfacto, a state-of-the-art NeRF method.

new Graph-Jigsaw Conditioned Diffusion Model for Skeleton-based Video Anomaly Detection

Authors: Ali Karami, Thi Kieu Khanh Ho, Narges Armanfard

Abstract: Skeleton-based video anomaly detection (SVAD) is a crucial task in computer vision. Accurately identifying abnormal patterns or events enables operators to promptly detect suspicious activities, thereby enhancing safety. Achieving this demands a comprehensive understanding of human motions, both at body and region levels, while also accounting for the wide variations of performing a single action. However, existing studies fail to simultaneously address these crucial properties. This paper introduces a novel, practical and lightweight framework, namely Graph-Jigsaw Conditioned Diffusion Model for Skeleton-based Video Anomaly Detection (GiCiSAD) to overcome the challenges associated with SVAD. GiCiSAD consists of three novel modules: the Graph Attention-based Forecasting module to capture the spatio-temporal dependencies inherent in the data, the Graph-level Jigsaw Puzzle Maker module to distinguish subtle region-level discrepancies between normal and abnormal motions, and the Graph-based Conditional Diffusion model to generate a wide spectrum of human motions. Extensive experiments on four widely used skeleton-based video datasets show that GiCiSAD outperforms existing methods with significantly fewer training parameters, establishing it as the new state-of-the-art.

new The POLAR Traverse Dataset: A Dataset of Stereo Camera Images Simulating Traverses across Lunar Polar Terrain under Extreme Lighting Conditions

Authors: Margaret Hansen, Uland Wong, Terrence Fong

Abstract: We present the POLAR Traverse Dataset: a dataset of high-fidelity stereo pair images of lunar-like terrain under polar lighting conditions designed to simulate a straight-line traverse. Images from individual traverses with different camera heights and pitches were recorded at 1 m intervals by moving a suspended stereo bar across a test bed filled with regolith simulant and shaped to mimic lunar south polar terrain. Ground truth geometry and camera position information was also recorded. This dataset is intended for developing and testing software algorithms that rely on stereo or monocular camera images, such as visual odometry, for use in the lunar polar environment, as well as to provide insight into the expected lighting conditions in lunar polar regions.

new E2F-Net: Eyes-to-Face Inpainting via StyleGAN Latent Space

Authors: Ahmad Hassanpour, Fatemeh Jamalbafrani, Bian Yang, Kiran Raja, Raymond Veldhuis, Julian Fierrez

Abstract: Face inpainting, the technique of restoring missing or damaged regions in facial images, is pivotal for applications like face recognition in occluded scenarios and image analysis with poor-quality captures. This process not only needs to produce realistic visuals but also preserve individual identity characteristics. The aim of this paper is to inpaint a face given periocular region (eyes-to-face) through a proposed new Generative Adversarial Network (GAN)-based model called Eyes-to-Face Network (E2F-Net). The proposed approach extracts identity and non-identity features from the periocular region using two dedicated encoders have been used. The extracted features are then mapped to the latent space of a pre-trained StyleGAN generator to benefit from its state-of-the-art performance and its rich, diverse and expressive latent space without any additional training. We further improve the StyleGAN output to find the optimal code in the latent space using a new optimization for GAN inversion technique. Our E2F-Net requires a minimum training process reducing the computational complexity as a secondary benefit. Through extensive experiments, we show that our method successfully reconstructs the whole face with high quality, surpassing current techniques, despite significantly less training and supervision efforts. We have generated seven eyes-to-face datasets based on well-known public face datasets for training and verifying our proposed methods. The code and datasets are publicly available.

new FLex: Joint Pose and Dynamic Radiance Fields Optimization for Stereo Endoscopic Videos

Authors: Florian Philipp Stilz, Mert Asim Karaoglu, Felix Tristram, Nassir Navab, Benjamin Busam, Alexander Ladikos

Abstract: Reconstruction of endoscopic scenes is an important asset for various medical applications, from post-surgery analysis to educational training. Neural rendering has recently shown promising results in endoscopic reconstruction with deforming tissue. However, the setup has been restricted to a static endoscope, limited deformation, or required an external tracking device to retrieve camera pose information of the endoscopic camera. With FLex we adress the challenging setup of a moving endoscope within a highly dynamic environment of deforming tissue. We propose an implicit scene separation into multiple overlapping 4D neural radiance fields (NeRFs) and a progressive optimization scheme jointly optimizing for reconstruction and camera poses from scratch. This improves the ease-of-use and allows to scale reconstruction capabilities in time to process surgical videos of 5,000 frames and more; an improvement of more than ten times compared to the state of the art while being agnostic to external tracking information. Extensive evaluations on the StereoMIS dataset show that FLex significantly improves the quality of novel view synthesis while maintaining competitive pose accuracy.

new DeCoTR: Enhancing Depth Completion with 2D and 3D Attentions

Authors: Yunxiao Shi, Manish Kumar Singh, Hong Cai, Fatih Porikli

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a novel approach that harnesses both 2D and 3D attentions to enable highly accurate depth completion without requiring iterative spatial propagations. Specifically, we first enhance a baseline convolutional depth completion model by applying attention to 2D features in the bottleneck and skip connections. This effectively improves the performance of this simple network and sets it on par with the latest, complex transformer-based models. Leveraging the initial depths and features from this network, we uplift the 2D features to form a 3D point cloud and construct a 3D point transformer to process it, allowing the model to explicitly learn and exploit 3D geometric features. In addition, we propose normalization techniques to process the point cloud, which improves learning and leads to better accuracy than directly using point transformers off the shelf. Furthermore, we incorporate global attention on downsampled point cloud features, which enables long-range context while still being computationally feasible. We evaluate our method, DeCoTR, on established depth completion benchmarks, including NYU Depth V2 and KITTI, showcasing that it sets new state-of-the-art performance. We further conduct zero-shot evaluations on ScanNet and DDAD benchmarks and demonstrate that DeCoTR has superior generalizability compared to existing approaches.

new A Unified Model for Longitudinal Multi-Modal Multi-View Prediction with Missingness

Authors: Boqi Chen, Junier Oliva, Marc Niethammer

Abstract: Medical records often consist of different modalities, such as images, text, and tabular information. Integrating all modalities offers a holistic view of a patient's condition, while analyzing them longitudinally provides a better understanding of disease progression. However, real-world longitudinal medical records present challenges: 1) patients may lack some or all of the data for a specific timepoint, and 2) certain modalities or views might be absent for all patients during a particular period. In this work, we introduce a unified model for longitudinal multi-modal multi-view (MMMV) prediction with missingness. Our method allows as many timepoints as desired for input, and aims to leverage all available data, regardless of their availability. We conduct extensive experiments on the knee osteoarthritis dataset from the Osteoarthritis Initiative (OAI) for pain and Kellgren-Lawrence grade (KLG) prediction at a future timepoint. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method by comparing results from our unified model to specific models that use the same modality and view combinations during training and evaluation. We also show the benefit of having extended temporal data and provide post-hoc analysis for a deeper understanding of each modality/view's importance for different tasks.

new Fusion Transformer with Object Mask Guidance for Image Forgery Analysis

Authors: Dimitrios Karageorgiou, Giorgos Kordopatis-Zilos, Symeon Papadopoulos

Abstract: In this work, we introduce OMG-Fuser, a fusion transformer-based network designed to extract information from various forensic signals to enable robust image forgery detection and localization. Our approach can operate with an arbitrary number of forensic signals and leverages object information for their analysis -- unlike previous methods that rely on fusion schemes with few signals and often disregard image semantics. To this end, we design a forensic signal stream composed of a transformer guided by an object attention mechanism, associating patches that depict the same objects. In that way, we incorporate object-level information from the image. Each forensic signal is processed by a different stream that adapts to its peculiarities. Subsequently, a token fusion transformer efficiently aggregates the outputs of an arbitrary number of network streams and generates a fused representation for each image patch. These representations are finally processed by a long-range dependencies transformer that captures the intrinsic relations between the image patches. We assess two fusion variants on top of the proposed approach: (i) score-level fusion that fuses the outputs of multiple image forensics algorithms and (ii) feature-level fusion that fuses low-level forensic traces directly. Both variants exceed state-of-the-art performance on seven datasets for image forgery detection and localization, with a relative average improvement of 12.1% and 20.4% in terms of F1. Our network demonstrates robustness against traditional and novel forgery attacks and can be expanded with new signals without training from scratch.

new Data-Efficient Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining: Prioritizing Data Quality over Quantity

Authors: Siddharth Joshi, Arnav Jain, Ali Payani, Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) on large-scale image-caption datasets learns representations that can achieve remarkable zero-shot generalization. However, such models require a massive amount of pre-training data. Improving the quality of the pre-training data has been shown to be much more effective in improving CLIP's performance than increasing its volume. Nevertheless, finding small subsets of training data that provably generalize the best has remained an open question. In this work, we propose the first theoretically rigorous data selection method for CLIP. We show that subsets that closely preserve the cross-covariance of the images and captions of the full data provably achieve a superior generalization performance. Our extensive experiments on ConceptualCaptions3M and ConceptualCaptions12M demonstrate that subsets found by \method\ achieve over 2.7x and 1.4x the accuracy of the next best baseline on ImageNet and its shifted versions. Moreover, we show that our subsets obtain 1.5x the average accuracy across 11 downstream datasets, of the next best baseline. The code is available at:


new R3DS: Reality-linked 3D Scenes for Panoramic Scene Understanding

Authors: Qirui Wu, Sonia Raychaudhuri, Daniel Ritchie, Manolis Savva, Angel X Chang

Abstract: We introduce the Reality-linked 3D Scenes (R3DS) dataset of synthetic 3D scenes mirroring the real-world scene arrangements from Matterport3D panoramas. Compared to prior work, R3DS has more complete and densely populated scenes with objects linked to real-world observations in panoramas. R3DS also provides an object support hierarchy, and matching object sets (e.g., same chairs around a dining table) for each scene. Overall, R3DS contains 19K objects represented by 3,784 distinct CAD models from over 100 object categories. We demonstrate the effectiveness of R3DS on the Panoramic Scene Understanding task. We find that: 1) training on R3DS enables better generalization; 2) support relation prediction trained with R3DS improves performance compared to heuristically calculated support; and 3) R3DS offers a challenging benchmark for future work on panoramic scene understanding.

new Prototipo de un Contador Bidireccional Autom\'atico de Personas basado en sensores de visi\'on 3D

Authors: Benjam\'in Ojeda-Maga\~na, Rub\'en Ruelas, Jos\'e Guadalupe Robledo-Hern\'andez, V\'ictor Manuel Rangel-Cobi\'an, Fernando L\'opez Aguilar-Hern\'andez

Abstract: 3D sensors, also known as RGB-D sensors, utilize depth images where each pixel measures the distance from the camera to objects, using principles like structured light or time-of-flight. Advances in artificial vision have led to affordable 3D cameras capable of real-time object detection without object movement, surpassing 2D cameras in information depth. These cameras can identify objects of varying colors and reflectivities and are less affected by lighting changes. The described prototype uses RGB-D sensors for bidirectional people counting in venues, aiding security and surveillance in spaces like stadiums or airports. It determines real-time occupancy and checks against maximum capacity, crucial during emergencies. The system includes a RealSense D415 depth camera and a mini-computer running object detection algorithms to count people and a 2D camera for identity verification. The system supports statistical analysis and uses C++, Python, and PHP with OpenCV for image processing, demonstrating a comprehensive approach to monitoring venue occupancy.

new EffiPerception: an Efficient Framework for Various Perception Tasks

Authors: Xinhao Xiang, Simon Dr\"ager, Jiawei Zhang

Abstract: The accuracy-speed-memory trade-off is always the priority to consider for several computer vision perception tasks. Previous methods mainly focus on a single or small couple of these tasks, such as creating effective data augmentation, feature extractor, learning strategies, etc. These approaches, however, could be inherently task-specific: their proposed model's performance may depend on a specific perception task or a dataset. Targeting to explore common learning patterns and increasing the module robustness, we propose the EffiPerception framework. It could achieve great accuracy-speed performance with relatively low memory cost under several perception tasks: 2D Object Detection, 3D Object Detection, 2D Instance Segmentation, and 3D Point Cloud Segmentation. Overall, the framework consists of three parts: (1) Efficient Feature Extractors, which extract the input features for each modality. (2) Efficient Layers, plug-in plug-out layers that further process the feature representation, aggregating core learned information while pruning noisy proposals. (3) The EffiOptim, an 8-bit optimizer to further cut down the computational cost and facilitate performance stability. Extensive experiments on the KITTI, semantic-KITTI, and COCO datasets revealed that EffiPerception could show great accuracy-speed-memory overall performance increase within the four detection and segmentation tasks, in comparison to earlier, well-respected methods.

new GT-Rain Single Image Deraining Challenge Report

Authors: Howard Zhang, Yunhao Ba, Ethan Yang, Rishi Upadhyay, Alex Wong, Achuta Kadambi, Yun Guo, Xueyao Xiao, Xiaoxiong Wang, Yi Li, Yi Chang, Luxin Yan, Chaochao Zheng, Luping Wang, Bin Liu, Sunder Ali Khowaja, Jiseok Yoon, Ik-Hyun Lee, Zhao Zhang, Yanyan Wei, Jiahuan Ren, Suiyi Zhao, Huan Zheng

Abstract: This report reviews the results of the GT-Rain challenge on single image deraining at the UG2+ workshop at CVPR 2023. The aim of this competition is to study the rainy weather phenomenon in real world scenarios, provide a novel real world rainy image dataset, and to spark innovative ideas that will further the development of single image deraining methods on real images. Submissions were trained on the GT-Rain dataset and evaluated on an extension of the dataset consisting of 15 additional scenes. Scenes in GT-Rain are comprised of real rainy image and ground truth image captured moments after the rain had stopped. 275 participants were registered in the challenge and 55 competed in the final testing phase.

new Entity6K: A Large Open-Domain Evaluation Dataset for Real-World Entity Recognition

Authors: Jielin Qiu, William Han, Winfred Wang, Zhengyuan Yang, Linjie Li, Jianfeng Wang, Christos Faloutsos, Lei Li, Lijuan Wang

Abstract: Open-domain real-world entity recognition is essential yet challenging, involving identifying various entities in diverse environments. The lack of a suitable evaluation dataset has been a major obstacle in this field due to the vast number of entities and the extensive human effort required for data curation. We introduce Entity6K, a comprehensive dataset for real-world entity recognition, featuring 5,700 entities across 26 categories, each supported by 5 human-verified images with annotations. Entity6K offers a diverse range of entity names and categorizations, addressing a gap in existing datasets. We conducted benchmarks with existing models on tasks like image captioning, object detection, zero-shot classification, and dense captioning to demonstrate Entity6K's effectiveness in evaluating models' entity recognition capabilities. We believe Entity6K will be a valuable resource for advancing accurate entity recognition in open-domain settings.

new DMAD: Dual Memory Bank for Real-World Anomaly Detection

Authors: Jianlong Hu, Xu Chen, Zhenye Gan, Jinlong Peng, Shengchuan Zhang, Jiangning Zhang, Yabiao Wang, Chengjie Wang, Liujuan Cao, Rongrong Ji

Abstract: Training a unified model is considered to be more suitable for practical industrial anomaly detection scenarios due to its generalization ability and storage efficiency. However, this multi-class setting, which exclusively uses normal data, overlooks the few but important accessible annotated anomalies in the real world. To address the challenge of real-world anomaly detection, we propose a new framework named Dual Memory bank enhanced representation learning for Anomaly Detection (DMAD). This framework handles both unsupervised and semi-supervised scenarios in a unified (multi-class) setting. DMAD employs a dual memory bank to calculate feature distance and feature attention between normal and abnormal patterns, thereby encapsulating knowledge about normal and abnormal instances. This knowledge is then used to construct an enhanced representation for anomaly score learning. We evaluated DMAD on the MVTec-AD and VisA datasets. The results show that DMAD surpasses current state-of-the-art methods, highlighting DMAD's capability in handling the complexities of real-world anomaly detection scenarios.

new Class and Region-Adaptive Constraints for Network Calibration

Authors: Balamurali Murugesan, Julio Silva-Rodriguez, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz

Abstract: In this work, we present a novel approach to calibrate segmentation networks that considers the inherent challenges posed by different categories and object regions. In particular, we present a formulation that integrates class and region-wise constraints into the learning objective, with multiple penalty weights to account for class and region differences. Finding the optimal penalty weights manually, however, might be unfeasible, and potentially hinder the optimization process. To overcome this limitation, we propose an approach based on Class and Region-Adaptive constraints (CRaC), which allows to learn the class and region-wise penalty weights during training. CRaC is based on a general Augmented Lagrangian method, a well-established technique in constrained optimization. Experimental results on two popular segmentation benchmarks, and two well-known segmentation networks, demonstrate the superiority of CRaC compared to existing approaches. The code is available at:


new GaussianFlow: Splatting Gaussian Dynamics for 4D Content Creation

Authors: Quankai Gao, Qiangeng Xu, Zhe Cao, Ben Mildenhall, Wenchao Ma, Le Chen, Danhang Tang, Ulrich Neumann

Abstract: Creating 4D fields of Gaussian Splatting from images or videos is a challenging task due to its under-constrained nature. While the optimization can draw photometric reference from the input videos or be regulated by generative models, directly supervising Gaussian motions remains underexplored. In this paper, we introduce a novel concept, Gaussian flow, which connects the dynamics of 3D Gaussians and pixel velocities between consecutive frames. The Gaussian flow can be efficiently obtained by splatting Gaussian dynamics into the image space. This differentiable process enables direct dynamic supervision from optical flow. Our method significantly benefits 4D dynamic content generation and 4D novel view synthesis with Gaussian Splatting, especially for contents with rich motions that are hard to be handled by existing methods. The common color drifting issue that happens in 4D generation is also resolved with improved Guassian dynamics. Superior visual quality on extensive experiments demonstrates our method's effectiveness. Quantitative and qualitative evaluations show that our method achieves state-of-the-art results on both tasks of 4D generation and 4D novel view synthesis. Project page:


new XPose: eXplainable Human Pose Estimation

Authors: Luyu Qiu, Jianing Li, Lei Wen, Chi Su, Fei Hao, Chen Jason Zhang, Lei Chen

Abstract: Current approaches in pose estimation primarily concentrate on enhancing model architectures, often overlooking the importance of comprehensively understanding the rationale behind model decisions. In this paper, we propose XPose, a novel framework that incorporates Explainable AI (XAI) principles into pose estimation. This integration aims to elucidate the individual contribution of each keypoint to final prediction, thereby elevating the model's transparency and interpretability. Conventional XAI techniques have predominantly addressed tasks with single-target tasks like classification. Additionally, the application of Shapley value, a common measure in XAI, to pose estimation has been hindered by prohibitive computational demands. To address these challenges, this work introduces an innovative concept called Group Shapley Value (GSV). This approach strategically organizes keypoints into clusters based on their interdependencies. Within these clusters, GSV meticulously calculates Shapley value for keypoints, while for inter-cluster keypoints, it opts for a more holistic group-level valuation. This dual-level computation framework meticulously assesses keypoint contributions to the final outcome, optimizing computational efficiency. Building on the insights into keypoint interactions, we devise a novel data augmentation technique known as Group-based Keypoint Removal (GKR). This method ingeniously removes individual keypoints during training phases, deliberately preserving those with strong mutual connections, thereby refining the model's predictive prowess for non-visible keypoints. The empirical validation of GKR across a spectrum of standard approaches attests to its efficacy. GKR's success demonstrates how using Explainable AI (XAI) can directly enhance pose estimation models.

new VideoBadminton: A Video Dataset for Badminton Action Recognition

Authors: Qi Li, Tzu-Chen Chiu, Hsiang-Wei Huang, Min-Te Sun, Wei-Shinn Ku

Abstract: In the dynamic and evolving field of computer vision, action recognition has become a key focus, especially with the advent of sophisticated methodologies like Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Convolutional 3D, Transformer, and spatial-temporal feature fusion. These technologies have shown promising results on well-established benchmarks but face unique challenges in real-world applications, particularly in sports analysis, where the precise decomposition of activities and the distinction of subtly different actions are crucial. Existing datasets like UCF101, HMDB51, and Kinetics have offered a diverse range of video data for various scenarios. However, there's an increasing need for fine-grained video datasets that capture detailed categorizations and nuances within broader action categories. In this paper, we introduce the VideoBadminton dataset derived from high-quality badminton footage. Through an exhaustive evaluation of leading methodologies on this dataset, this study aims to advance the field of action recognition, particularly in badminton sports. The introduction of VideoBadminton could not only serve for badminton action recognition but also provide a dataset for recognizing fine-grained actions. The insights gained from these evaluations are expected to catalyze further research in action comprehension, especially within sports contexts.

new OV9D: Open-Vocabulary Category-Level 9D Object Pose and Size Estimation

Authors: Junhao Cai, Yisheng He, Weihao Yuan, Siyu Zhu, Zilong Dong, Liefeng Bo, Qifeng Chen

Abstract: This paper studies a new open-set problem, the open-vocabulary category-level object pose and size estimation. Given human text descriptions of arbitrary novel object categories, the robot agent seeks to predict the position, orientation, and size of the target object in the observed scene image. To enable such generalizability, we first introduce OO3D-9D, a large-scale photorealistic dataset for this task. Derived from OmniObject3D, OO3D-9D is the largest and most diverse dataset in the field of category-level object pose and size estimation. It includes additional annotations for the symmetry axis of each category, which help resolve symmetric ambiguity. Apart from the large-scale dataset, we find another key to enabling such generalizability is leveraging the strong prior knowledge in pre-trained visual-language foundation models. We then propose a framework built on pre-trained DinoV2 and text-to-image stable diffusion models to infer the normalized object coordinate space (NOCS) maps of the target instances. This framework fully leverages the visual semantic prior from DinoV2 and the aligned visual and language knowledge within the text-to-image diffusion model, which enables generalization to various text descriptions of novel categories. Comprehensive quantitative and qualitative experiments demonstrate that the proposed open-vocabulary method, trained on our large-scale synthesized data, significantly outperforms the baseline and can effectively generalize to real-world images of unseen categories. The project page is at


new VQ-NeRV: A Vector Quantized Neural Representation for Videos

Authors: Yunjie Xu, Xiang Feng, Feiwei Qin, Ruiquan Ge, Yong Peng, Changmiao Wang

Abstract: Implicit neural representations (INR) excel in encoding videos within neural networks, showcasing promise in computer vision tasks like video compression and denoising. INR-based approaches reconstruct video frames from content-agnostic embeddings, which hampers their efficacy in video frame regression and restricts their generalization ability for video interpolation. To address these deficiencies, Hybrid Neural Representation for Videos (HNeRV) was introduced with content-adaptive embeddings. Nevertheless, HNeRV's compression ratios remain relatively low, attributable to an oversight in leveraging the network's shallow features and inter-frame residual information. In this work, we introduce an advanced U-shaped architecture, Vector Quantized-NeRV (VQ-NeRV), which integrates a novel component--the VQ-NeRV Block. This block incorporates a codebook mechanism to discretize the network's shallow residual features and inter-frame residual information effectively. This approach proves particularly advantageous in video compression, as it results in smaller size compared to quantized features. Furthermore, we introduce an original codebook optimization technique, termed shallow codebook optimization, designed to refine the utility and efficiency of the codebook. The experimental evaluations indicate that VQ-NeRV outperforms HNeRV on video regression tasks, delivering superior reconstruction quality (with an increase of 1-2 dB in Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR)), better bit per pixel (bpp) efficiency, and improved video inpainting outcomes.

new ComboVerse: Compositional 3D Assets Creation Using Spatially-Aware Diffusion Guidance

Authors: Yongwei Chen, Tengfei Wang, Tong Wu, Xingang Pan, Kui Jia, Ziwei Liu

Abstract: Generating high-quality 3D assets from a given image is highly desirable in various applications such as AR/VR. Recent advances in single-image 3D generation explore feed-forward models that learn to infer the 3D model of an object without optimization. Though promising results have been achieved in single object generation, these methods often struggle to model complex 3D assets that inherently contain multiple objects. In this work, we present ComboVerse, a 3D generation framework that produces high-quality 3D assets with complex compositions by learning to combine multiple models. 1) We first perform an in-depth analysis of this ``multi-object gap'' from both model and data perspectives. 2) Next, with reconstructed 3D models of different objects, we seek to adjust their sizes, rotation angles, and locations to create a 3D asset that matches the given image. 3) To automate this process, we apply spatially-aware score distillation sampling (SSDS) from pretrained diffusion models to guide the positioning of objects. Our proposed framework emphasizes spatial alignment of objects, compared with standard score distillation sampling, and thus achieves more accurate results. Extensive experiments validate ComboVerse achieves clear improvements over existing methods in generating compositional 3D assets.

new VisionGPT: LLM-Assisted Real-Time Anomaly Detection for Safe Visual Navigation

Authors: Hao Wang, Jiayou Qin, Ashish Bastola, Xiwen Chen, John Suchanek, Zihao Gong, Abolfazl Razi

Abstract: This paper explores the potential of Large Language Models(LLMs) in zero-shot anomaly detection for safe visual navigation. With the assistance of the state-of-the-art real-time open-world object detection model Yolo-World and specialized prompts, the proposed framework can identify anomalies within camera-captured frames that include any possible obstacles, then generate concise, audio-delivered descriptions emphasizing abnormalities, assist in safe visual navigation in complex circumstances. Moreover, our proposed framework leverages the advantages of LLMs and the open-vocabulary object detection model to achieve the dynamic scenario switch, which allows users to transition smoothly from scene to scene, which addresses the limitation of traditional visual navigation. Furthermore, this paper explored the performance contribution of different prompt components, provided the vision for future improvement in visual accessibility, and paved the way for LLMs in video anomaly detection and vision-language understanding.

new Eye-gaze Guided Multi-modal Alignment Framework for Radiology

Authors: Chong Ma, Hanqi Jiang, Wenting Chen, Zihao Wu, Xiaowei Yu, Fang Zeng, Lei Guo, Dajiang Zhu, Tuo Zhang, Dinggang Shen, Tianming Liu, Xiang Li

Abstract: In multi-modal frameworks, the alignment of cross-modal features presents a significant challenge. The predominant approach in multi-modal pre-training emphasizes either global or local alignment between modalities, utilizing extensive datasets. This bottom-up driven method often suffers from a lack of interpretability, a critical concern in radiology. Previous studies have integrated high-level labels in medical images or text, but these still rely on manual annotation, a costly and labor-intensive process. Our work introduces a novel approach by using eye-gaze data, collected synchronously by radiologists during diagnostic evaluations. This data, indicating radiologists' focus areas, naturally links chest X-rays to diagnostic texts. We propose the Eye-gaze Guided Multi-modal Alignment (EGMA) framework to harness eye-gaze data for better alignment of image and text features, aiming to reduce reliance on manual annotations and thus cut training costs. Our model demonstrates robust performance, outperforming other state-of-the-art methods in zero-shot classification and retrieval tasks. The incorporation of easily-obtained eye-gaze data during routine radiological diagnoses signifies a step towards minimizing manual annotation dependency. Additionally, we explore the impact of varying amounts of eye-gaze data on model performance, highlighting the feasibility and utility of integrating this auxiliary data into multi-modal pre-training.

new Multimodal Fusion Method with Spatiotemporal Sequences and Relationship Learning for Valence-Arousal Estimation

Authors: Jun Yu, Gongpeng Zhao, Yongqi Wan, Zhihong Wei, Yang Zheng, Zerui Zhang, Zhongpeng Cai, Guochen Xie, Jichao Zhu, Wangyuan Zhu

Abstract: This paper presents our approach for the VA (Valence-Arousal) estimation task in the ABAW6 competition. We devised a comprehensive model by preprocessing video frames and audio segments to extract visual and audio features. Through the utilization of Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN) modules, we effectively captured the temporal and spatial correlations between these features. Subsequently, we employed a Transformer encoder structure to learn long-range dependencies, thereby enhancing the model's performance and generalization ability. Our method leverages a multimodal data fusion approach, integrating pre-trained audio and video backbones for feature extraction, followed by TCN-based spatiotemporal encoding and Transformer-based temporal information capture. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, achieving competitive performance in VA estimation on the AffWild2 dataset.

new TransformMix: Learning Transformation and Mixing Strategies from Data

Authors: Tsz-Him Cheung, Dit-Yan Yeung

Abstract: Data augmentation improves the generalization power of deep learning models by synthesizing more training samples. Sample-mixing is a popular data augmentation approach that creates additional data by combining existing samples. Recent sample-mixing methods, like Mixup and Cutmix, adopt simple mixing operations to blend multiple inputs. Although such a heuristic approach shows certain performance gains in some computer vision tasks, it mixes the images blindly and does not adapt to different datasets automatically. A mixing strategy that is effective for a particular dataset does not often generalize well to other datasets. If not properly configured, the methods may create misleading mixed images, which jeopardize the effectiveness of sample-mixing augmentations. In this work, we propose an automated approach, TransformMix, to learn better transformation and mixing augmentation strategies from data. In particular, TransformMix applies learned transformations and mixing masks to create compelling mixed images that contain correct and important information for the target tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of TransformMix on multiple datasets in transfer learning, classification, object detection, and knowledge distillation settings. Experimental results show that our method achieves better performance as well as efficiency when compared with strong sample-mixing baselines.

new Geometric Constraints in Deep Learning Frameworks: A Survey

Authors: Vibhas K Vats, David J Crandall

Abstract: Stereophotogrammetry is an emerging technique of scene understanding. Its origins go back to at least the 1800s when people first started to investigate using photographs to measure the physical properties of the world. Since then, thousands of approaches have been explored. The classic geometric techniques of Shape from Stereo is built on using geometry to define constraints on scene and camera geometry and then solving the non-linear systems of equations. More recent work has taken an entirely different approach, using end-to-end deep learning without any attempt to explicitly model the geometry. In this survey, we explore the overlap for geometric-based and deep learning-based frameworks. We compare and contrast geometry enforcing constraints integrated into a deep learning framework for depth estimation or other closely related problems. We present a new taxonomy for prevalent geometry enforcing constraints used in modern deep learning frameworks. We also present insightful observations and potential future research directions.

new Human Mesh Recovery from Arbitrary Multi-view Images

Authors: Xiaoben Li, Mancheng Meng, Ziyan Wu, Terrence Chen, Fan Yang, Dinggang Shen

Abstract: Human mesh recovery from arbitrary multi-view images involves two characteristics: the arbitrary camera poses and arbitrary number of camera views. Because of the variability, designing a unified framework to tackle this task is challenging. The challenges can be summarized as the dilemma of being able to simultaneously estimate arbitrary camera poses and recover human mesh from arbitrary multi-view images while maintaining flexibility. To solve this dilemma, we propose a divide and conquer framework for Unified Human Mesh Recovery (U-HMR) from arbitrary multi-view images. In particular, U-HMR consists of a decoupled structure and two main components: camera and body decoupling (CBD), camera pose estimation (CPE), and arbitrary view fusion (AVF). As camera poses and human body mesh are independent of each other, CBD splits the estimation of them into two sub-tasks for two individual sub-networks (\ie, CPE and AVF) to handle respectively, thus the two sub-tasks are disentangled. In CPE, since each camera pose is unrelated to the others, we adopt a shared MLP to process all views in a parallel way. In AVF, in order to fuse multi-view information and make the fusion operation independent of the number of views, we introduce a transformer decoder with a SMPL parameters query token to extract cross-view features for mesh recovery. To demonstrate the efficacy and flexibility of the proposed framework and effect of each component, we conduct extensive experiments on three public datasets: Human3.6M, MPI-INF-3DHP, and TotalCapture.

new Precise-Physics Driven Text-to-3D Generation

Authors: Qingshan Xu, Jiao Liu, Melvin Wong, Caishun Chen, Yew-Soon Ong

Abstract: Text-to-3D generation has shown great promise in generating novel 3D content based on given text prompts. However, existing generative methods mostly focus on geometric or visual plausibility while ignoring precise physics perception for the generated 3D shapes. This greatly hinders the practicality of generated 3D shapes in real-world applications. In this work, we propose Phy3DGen, a precise-physics-driven text-to-3D generation method. By analyzing the solid mechanics of generated 3D shapes, we reveal that the 3D shapes generated by existing text-to-3D generation methods are impractical for real-world applications as the generated 3D shapes do not conform to the laws of physics. To this end, we leverage 3D diffusion models to provide 3D shape priors and design a data-driven differentiable physics layer to optimize 3D shape priors with solid mechanics. This allows us to optimize geometry efficiently and learn precise physics information about 3D shapes at the same time. Experimental results demonstrate that our method can consider both geometric plausibility and precise physics perception, further bridging 3D virtual modeling and precise physical worlds.

new Self-learning Canonical Space for Multi-view 3D Human Pose Estimation

Authors: Xiaoben Li, Mancheng Meng, Ziyan Wu, Terrence Chen, Fan Yang, Dinggang Shen

Abstract: Multi-view 3D human pose estimation is naturally superior to single view one, benefiting from more comprehensive information provided by images of multiple views. The information includes camera poses, 2D/3D human poses, and 3D geometry. However, the accurate annotation of these information is hard to obtain, making it challenging to predict accurate 3D human pose from multi-view images. To deal with this issue, we propose a fully self-supervised framework, named cascaded multi-view aggregating network (CMANet), to construct a canonical parameter space to holistically integrate and exploit multi-view information. In our framework, the multi-view information is grouped into two categories: 1) intra-view information , 2) inter-view information. Accordingly, CMANet consists of two components: intra-view module (IRV) and inter-view module (IEV). IRV is used for extracting initial camera pose and 3D human pose of each view; IEV is to fuse complementary pose information and cross-view 3D geometry for a final 3D human pose. To facilitate the aggregation of the intra- and inter-view, we define a canonical parameter space, depicted by per-view camera pose and human pose and shape parameters ($\theta$ and $\beta$) of SMPL model, and propose a two-stage learning procedure. At first stage, IRV learns to estimate camera pose and view-dependent 3D human pose supervised by confident output of an off-the-shelf 2D keypoint detector. At second stage, IRV is frozen and IEV further refines the camera pose and optimizes the 3D human pose by implicitly encoding the cross-view complement and 3D geometry constraint, achieved by jointly fitting predicted multi-view 2D keypoints. The proposed framework, modules, and learning strategy are demonstrated to be effective by comprehensive experiments and CMANet is superior to state-of-the-art methods in extensive quantitative and qualitative analysis.

new Boosting Transferability in Vision-Language Attacks via Diversification along the Intersection Region of Adversarial Trajectory

Authors: Sensen Gao, Xiaojun Jia, Xuhong Ren, Ivor Tsang, Qing Guo

Abstract: Vision-language pre-training (VLP) models exhibit remarkable capabilities in comprehending both images and text, yet they remain susceptible to multimodal adversarial examples (AEs). Strengthening adversarial attacks and uncovering vulnerabilities, especially common issues in VLP models (e.g., high transferable AEs), can stimulate further research on constructing reliable and practical VLP models. A recent work (i.e., Set-level guidance attack) indicates that augmenting image-text pairs to increase AE diversity along the optimization path enhances the transferability of adversarial examples significantly. However, this approach predominantly emphasizes diversity around the online adversarial examples (i.e., AEs in the optimization period), leading to the risk of overfitting the victim model and affecting the transferability. In this study, we posit that the diversity of adversarial examples towards the clean input and online AEs are both pivotal for enhancing transferability across VLP models. Consequently, we propose using diversification along the intersection region of adversarial trajectory to expand the diversity of AEs. To fully leverage the interaction between modalities, we introduce text-guided adversarial example selection during optimization. Furthermore, to further mitigate the potential overfitting, we direct the adversarial text deviating from the last intersection region along the optimization path, rather than adversarial images as in existing methods. Extensive experiments affirm the effectiveness of our method in improving transferability across various VLP models and downstream vision-and-language tasks (e.g., Image-Text Retrieval(ITR), Visual Grounding(VG), Image Captioning(IC)).

new Intention Action Anticipation Model with Guide-Feedback Loop Mechanism

Authors: Zongnan Ma, Fuchun Zhang, Zhixiong Nan, Yao Ge

Abstract: Anticipating human intention from videos has broad applications, such as automatic driving, robot assistive technology, and virtual reality. This study addresses the problem of intention action anticipation using egocentric video sequences to estimate actions that indicate human intention. We propose a Hierarchical Complete-Recent (HCR) information fusion model that makes full use of the features of the entire video sequence (i.e., complete features) and the features of the video tail sequence (i.e., recent features). The HCR model has two primary mechanisms. The Guide-Feedback Loop (GFL) mechanism is proposed to model the relation between one recent feature and one complete feature. Based on GFL, the MultiComplete-Recent Feature Aggregation (MCRFA) module is proposed to model the relation of one recent feature with multiscale complete features. Based on GFL and MCRFA, the HCR model can hierarchically explore the rich interrelationships between multiscale complete features and multiscale recent features. Through comparative and ablation experiments, we validate the effectiveness of our model on two well-known public datasets: EPIC-Kitchens and EGTEA Gaze+.

new CLIP-VIS: Adapting CLIP for Open-Vocabulary Video Instance Segmentation

Authors: Wenqi Zhu, Jiale Cao, Jin Xie, Shuangming Yang, Yanwei Pang

Abstract: Open-vocabulary video instance segmentation strives to segment and track instances belonging to an open set of categories in a video. The vision-language model Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has shown strong zero-shot classification ability in image-level open-vocabulary task. In this paper, we propose a simple encoder-decoder network, called CLIP-VIS, to adapt CLIP for open-vocabulary video instance segmentation. Our CLIP-VIS adopts frozen CLIP image encoder and introduces three modules, including class-agnostic mask generation, temporal topK-enhanced matching, and weighted open-vocabulary classification. Given a set of initial queries, class-agnostic mask generation employs a transformer decoder to predict query masks and corresponding object scores and mask IoU scores. Then, temporal topK-enhanced matching performs query matching across frames by using K mostly matched frames. Finally, weighted open-vocabulary classification first generates query visual features with mask pooling, and second performs weighted classification using object scores and mask IoU scores. Our CLIP-VIS does not require the annotations of instance categories and identities. The experiments are performed on various video instance segmentation datasets, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method, especially on novel categories. When using ConvNeXt-B as backbone, our CLIP-VIS achieves the AP and APn scores of 32.1% and 40.3% on validation set of LV-VIS dataset, which outperforms OV2Seg by 11.0% and 24.0% respectively. We will release the source code and models at


new Privacy-Preserving Face Recognition Using Trainable Feature Subtraction

Authors: Yuxi Mi, Zhizhou Zhong, Yuge Huang, Jiazhen Ji, Jianqing Xu, Jun Wang, Shaoming Wang, Shouhong Ding, Shuigeng Zhou

Abstract: The widespread adoption of face recognition has led to increasing privacy concerns, as unauthorized access to face images can expose sensitive personal information. This paper explores face image protection against viewing and recovery attacks. Inspired by image compression, we propose creating a visually uninformative face image through feature subtraction between an original face and its model-produced regeneration. Recognizable identity features within the image are encouraged by co-training a recognition model on its high-dimensional feature representation. To enhance privacy, the high-dimensional representation is crafted through random channel shuffling, resulting in randomized recognizable images devoid of attacker-leverageable texture details. We distill our methodologies into a novel privacy-preserving face recognition method, MinusFace. Experiments demonstrate its high recognition accuracy and effective privacy protection. Its code is available at


new Few-shot Object Localization

Authors: Yunhan Ren, Bo Li, Chengyang Zhang, Yong Zhang

Abstract: Existing few-shot object counting tasks primarily focus on quantifying the number of objects in an image, neglecting precise positional information. To bridge this research gap, this paper introduces the novel task of Few-Shot Object Localization (FSOL), which aims to provide accurate object positional information. This task achieves generalized object localization by leveraging a small number of labeled support samples to query the positional information of objects within corresponding images. To advance this research field, we propose an innovative high-performance baseline model. Our model integrates a dual-path feature augmentation module to enhance shape association and gradient differences between supports and query images, alongside a self-query module designed to explore the association between feature maps and query images. Experimental results demonstrate a significant performance improvement of our approach in the FSOL task, establishing an efficient benchmark for further research.

new SC-Diff: 3D Shape Completion with Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Juan D. Galvis, Xingxing Zuo, Simon Schaefer, Stefan Leutengger

Abstract: This paper introduces a 3D shape completion approach using a 3D latent diffusion model optimized for completing shapes, represented as Truncated Signed Distance Functions (TSDFs), from partial 3D scans. Our method combines image-based conditioning through cross-attention and spatial conditioning through the integration of 3D features from captured partial scans. This dual guidance enables high-fidelity, realistic shape completions at superior resolutions. At the core of our approach is the compression of 3D data into a low-dimensional latent space using an auto-encoder inspired by 2D latent diffusion models. This compression facilitates the processing of higher-resolution shapes and allows us to apply our model across multiple object classes, a significant improvement over other existing diffusion-based shape completion methods, which often require a separate diffusion model for each class. We validated our approach against two common benchmarks in the field of shape completion, demonstrating competitive performance in terms of accuracy and realism and performing on par with state-of-the-art methods despite operating at a higher resolution with a single model for all object classes. We present a comprehensive evaluation of our model, showcasing its efficacy in handling diverse shape completion challenges, even on unseen object classes. The code will be released upon acceptance.

new PostoMETRO: Pose Token Enhanced Mesh Transformer for Robust 3D Human Mesh Recovery

Authors: Wendi Yang, Zihang Jiang, Shang Zhao, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: With the recent advancements in single-image-based human mesh recovery, there is a growing interest in enhancing its performance in certain extreme scenarios, such as occlusion, while maintaining overall model accuracy. Although obtaining accurately annotated 3D human poses under occlusion is challenging, there is still a wealth of rich and precise 2D pose annotations that can be leveraged. However, existing works mostly focus on directly leveraging 2D pose coordinates to estimate 3D pose and mesh. In this paper, we present PostoMETRO($\textbf{Pos}$e $\textbf{to}$ken enhanced $\textbf{ME}$sh $\textbf{TR}$ansf$\textbf{O}$rmer), which integrates occlusion-resilient 2D pose representation into transformers in a token-wise manner. Utilizing a specialized pose tokenizer, we efficiently condense 2D pose data to a compact sequence of pose tokens and feed them to the transformer together with the image tokens. This process not only ensures a rich depiction of texture from the image but also fosters a robust integration of pose and image information. Subsequently, these combined tokens are queried by vertex and joint tokens to decode 3D coordinates of mesh vertices and human joints. Facilitated by the robust pose token representation and the effective combination, we are able to produce more precise 3D coordinates, even under extreme scenarios like occlusion. Experiments on both standard and occlusion-specific benchmarks demonstrate the effectiveness of PostoMETRO. Qualitative results further illustrate the clarity of how 2D pose can help 3D reconstruction. Code will be made available.

new A Hybrid Transformer-Sequencer approach for Age and Gender classification from in-wild facial images

Authors: Aakash Singh, Vivek Kumar Singh

Abstract: The advancements in computer vision and image processing techniques have led to emergence of new application in the domain of visual surveillance, targeted advertisement, content-based searching, and human-computer interaction etc. Out of the various techniques in computer vision, face analysis, in particular, has gained much attention. Several previous studies have tried to explore different applications of facial feature processing for a variety of tasks, including age and gender classification. However, despite several previous studies having explored the problem, the age and gender classification of in-wild human faces is still far from the achieving the desired levels of accuracy required for real-world applications. This paper, therefore, attempts to bridge this gap by proposing a hybrid model that combines self-attention and BiLSTM approaches for age and gender classification problems. The proposed models performance is compared with several state-of-the-art model proposed so far. An improvement of approximately 10percent and 6percent over the state-of-the-art implementations for age and gender classification, respectively, are noted for the proposed model. The proposed model is thus found to achieve superior performance and is found to provide a more generalized learning. The model can, therefore, be applied as a core classification component in various image processing and computer vision problems.

new DetToolChain: A New Prompting Paradigm to Unleash Detection Ability of MLLM

Authors: Yixuan Wu, Yizhou Wang, Shixiang Tang, Wenhao Wu, Tong He, Wanli Ouyang, Jian Wu, Philip Torr

Abstract: We present DetToolChain, a novel prompting paradigm, to unleash the zero-shot object detection ability of multimodal large language models (MLLMs), such as GPT-4V and Gemini. Our approach consists of a detection prompting toolkit inspired by high-precision detection priors and a new Chain-of-Thought to implement these prompts. Specifically, the prompts in the toolkit are designed to guide the MLLM to focus on regional information (e.g., zooming in), read coordinates according to measure standards (e.g., overlaying rulers and compasses), and infer from the contextual information (e.g., overlaying scene graphs). Building upon these tools, the new detection chain-of-thought can automatically decompose the task into simple subtasks, diagnose the predictions, and plan for progressive box refinements. The effectiveness of our framework is demonstrated across a spectrum of detection tasks, especially hard cases. Compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, GPT-4V with our DetToolChain improves state-of-the-art object detectors by +21.5% AP50 on MS COCO Novel class set for open-vocabulary detection, +24.23% Acc on RefCOCO val set for zero-shot referring expression comprehension, +14.5% AP on D-cube describe object detection FULL setting.

new A Trainable Feature Extractor Module for Deep Neural Networks and Scanpath Classification

Authors: Wolfgang Fuhl

Abstract: Scanpath classification is an area in eye tracking research with possible applications in medicine, manufacturing as well as training systems for students in various domains. In this paper we propose a trainable feature extraction module for deep neural networks. The purpose of this module is to transform a scanpath into a feature vector which is directly useable for the deep neural network architecture. Based on the backpropagated error of the deep neural network, the feature extraction module adapts its parameters to improve the classification performance. Therefore, our feature extraction module is jointly trainable with the deep neural network. The motivation to this feature extraction module is based on classical histogram-based approaches which usually compute distributions over a scanpath. We evaluated our module on three public datasets and compared it to the state of the art approaches.

new Task-Customized Mixture of Adapters for General Image Fusion

Authors: Pengfei Zhu, Yang Sun, Bing Cao, Qinghua Hu

Abstract: General image fusion aims at integrating important information from multi-source images. However, due to the significant cross-task gap, the respective fusion mechanism varies considerably in practice, resulting in limited performance across subtasks. To handle this problem, we propose a novel task-customized mixture of adapters (TC-MoA) for general image fusion, adaptively prompting various fusion tasks in a unified model. We borrow the insight from the mixture of experts (MoE), taking the experts as efficient tuning adapters to prompt a pre-trained foundation model. These adapters are shared across different tasks and constrained by mutual information regularization, ensuring compatibility with different tasks while complementarity for multi-source images. The task-specific routing networks customize these adapters to extract task-specific information from different sources with dynamic dominant intensity, performing adaptive visual feature prompt fusion. Notably, our TC-MoA controls the dominant intensity bias for different fusion tasks, successfully unifying multiple fusion tasks in a single model. Extensive experiments show that TC-MoA outperforms the competing approaches in learning commonalities while retaining compatibility for general image fusion (multi-modal, multi-exposure, and multi-focus), and also demonstrating striking controllability on more generalization experiments. The code is available at .


new Semantics, Distortion, and Style Matter: Towards Source-free UDA for Panoramic Segmentation

Authors: Xu Zheng, Pengyuan Zhou, Athanasios Vasilakos, Lin Wang

Abstract: This paper addresses an interesting yet challenging problem -- source-free unsupervised domain adaptation (SFUDA) for pinhole-to-panoramic semantic segmentation -- given only a pinhole image-trained model (i.e., source) and unlabeled panoramic images (i.e., target). Tackling this problem is nontrivial due to the semantic mismatches, style discrepancies, and inevitable distortion of panoramic images. To this end, we propose a novel method that utilizes Tangent Projection (TP) as it has less distortion and meanwhile slits the equirectangular projection (ERP) with a fixed FoV to mimic the pinhole images. Both projections are shown effective in extracting knowledge from the source model. However, the distinct projection discrepancies between source and target domains impede the direct knowledge transfer; thus, we propose a panoramic prototype adaptation module (PPAM) to integrate panoramic prototypes from the extracted knowledge for adaptation. We then impose the loss constraints on both predictions and prototypes and propose a cross-dual attention module (CDAM) at the feature level to better align the spatial and channel characteristics across the domains and projections. Both knowledge extraction and transfer processes are synchronously updated to reach the best performance. Extensive experiments on the synthetic and real-world benchmarks, including outdoor and indoor scenarios, demonstrate that our method achieves significantly better performance than prior SFUDA methods for pinhole-to-panoramic adaptation.

new Generalized Consistency Trajectory Models for Image Manipulation

Authors: Beomsu Kim, Jaemin Kim, Jeongsol Kim, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Diffusion-based generative models excel in unconditional generation, as well as on applied tasks such as image editing and restoration. The success of diffusion models lies in the iterative nature of diffusion: diffusion breaks down the complex process of mapping noise to data into a sequence of simple denoising tasks. Moreover, we are able to exert fine-grained control over the generation process by injecting guidance terms into each denoising step. However, the iterative process is also computationally intensive, often taking from tens up to thousands of function evaluations. Although consistency trajectory models (CTMs) enable traversal between any time points along the probability flow ODE (PFODE) and score inference with a single function evaluation, CTMs only allow translation from Gaussian noise to data. Thus, this work aims to unlock the full potential of CTMs by proposing generalized CTMs (GCTMs), which translate between arbitrary distributions via ODEs. We discuss the design space of GCTMs and demonstrate their efficacy in various image manipulation tasks such as image-to-image translation, restoration, and editing. Code: \url{}


new Dynamic Spatial-Temporal Aggregation for Skeleton-Aware Sign Language Recognition

Authors: Lianyu Hu, Liqing Gao, Zekang Liu, Wei Feng

Abstract: Skeleton-aware sign language recognition (SLR) has gained popularity due to its ability to remain unaffected by background information and its lower computational requirements. Current methods utilize spatial graph modules and temporal modules to capture spatial and temporal features, respectively. However, their spatial graph modules are typically built on fixed graph structures such as graph convolutional networks or a single learnable graph, which only partially explore joint relationships. Additionally, a simple temporal convolution kernel is used to capture temporal information, which may not fully capture the complex movement patterns of different signers. To overcome these limitations, we propose a new spatial architecture consisting of two concurrent branches, which build input-sensitive joint relationships and incorporates specific domain knowledge for recognition, respectively. These two branches are followed by an aggregation process to distinguishe important joint connections. We then propose a new temporal module to model multi-scale temporal information to capture complex human dynamics. Our method achieves state-of-the-art accuracy compared to previous skeleton-aware methods on four large-scale SLR benchmarks. Moreover, our method demonstrates superior accuracy compared to RGB-based methods in most cases while requiring much fewer computational resources, bringing better accuracy-computation trade-off. Code is available at


new PCT: Perspective Cue Training Framework for Multi-Camera BEV Segmentation

Authors: Haruya Ishikawa, Takumi Iida, Yoshinori Konishi, Yoshimitsu Aoki

Abstract: Generating annotations for bird's-eye-view (BEV) segmentation presents significant challenges due to the scenes' complexity and the high manual annotation cost. In this work, we address these challenges by leveraging the abundance of unlabeled data available. We propose the Perspective Cue Training (PCT) framework, a novel training framework that utilizes pseudo-labels generated from unlabeled perspective images using publicly available semantic segmentation models trained on large street-view datasets. PCT applies a perspective view task head to the image encoder shared with the BEV segmentation head, effectively utilizing the unlabeled data to be trained with the generated pseudo-labels. Since image encoders are present in nearly all camera-based BEV segmentation architectures, PCT is flexible and applicable to various existing BEV architectures. PCT can be applied to various settings where unlabeled data is available. In this paper, we applied PCT for semi-supervised learning (SSL) and unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA). Additionally, we introduce strong input perturbation through Camera Dropout (CamDrop) and feature perturbation via BEV Feature Dropout (BFD), which are crucial for enhancing SSL capabilities using our teacher-student framework. Our comprehensive approach is simple and flexible but yields significant improvements over various baselines for SSL and UDA, achieving competitive performances even against the current state-of-the-art.

new UniBind: LLM-Augmented Unified and Balanced Representation Space to Bind Them All

Authors: Yuanhuiyi Lyu, Xu Zheng, Jiazhou Zhou, Lin Wang

Abstract: We present UniBind, a flexible and efficient approach that learns a unified representation space for seven diverse modalities -- images, text, audio, point cloud, thermal, video, and event data. Existing works, eg., ImageBind, treat the image as the central modality and build an image-centered representation space; however, the space may be sub-optimal as it leads to an unbalanced representation space among all modalities. Moreover, the category names are directly used to extract text embeddings for the downstream tasks, making it hardly possible to represent the semantics of multi-modal data. The 'out-of-the-box' insight of our UniBind is to make the alignment center modality-agnostic and further learn a unified and balanced representation space, empowered by the large language models (LLMs). UniBind is superior in its flexible application to all CLIP-style models and delivers remarkable performance boosts. To make this possible, we 1) construct a knowledge base of text embeddings with the help of LLMs and multi-modal LLMs; 2) adaptively build LLM-augmented class-wise embedding center on top of the knowledge base and encoded visual embeddings; 3) align all the embeddings to the LLM-augmented embedding center via contrastive learning to achieve a unified and balanced representation space. UniBind shows strong zero-shot recognition performance gains over prior arts by an average of 6.36%. Finally, we achieve new state-of-the-art performance, eg., a 6.75% gain on ImageNet, on the multi-modal fine-tuning setting while reducing 90% of the learnable parameters.

new ExACT: Language-guided Conceptual Reasoning and Uncertainty Estimation for Event-based Action Recognition and More

Authors: Jiazhou Zhou, Xu Zheng, Yuanhuiyi Lyu, Lin Wang

Abstract: Event cameras have recently been shown beneficial for practical vision tasks, such as action recognition, thanks to their high temporal resolution, power efficiency, and reduced privacy concerns. However, current research is hindered by 1) the difficulty in processing events because of their prolonged duration and dynamic actions with complex and ambiguous semantics and 2) the redundant action depiction of the event frame representation with fixed stacks. We find language naturally conveys abundant semantic information, rendering it stunningly superior in reducing semantic uncertainty. In light of this, we propose ExACT, a novel approach that, for the first time, tackles event-based action recognition from a cross-modal conceptualizing perspective. Our ExACT brings two technical contributions. Firstly, we propose an adaptive fine-grained event (AFE) representation to adaptively filter out the repeated events for the stationary objects while preserving dynamic ones. This subtly enhances the performance of ExACT without extra computational cost. Then, we propose a conceptual reasoning-based uncertainty estimation module, which simulates the recognition process to enrich the semantic representation. In particular, conceptual reasoning builds the temporal relation based on the action semantics, and uncertainty estimation tackles the semantic uncertainty of actions based on the distributional representation. Experiments show that our ExACT achieves superior recognition accuracy of 94.83%(+2.23%), 90.10%(+37.47%) and 67.24% on PAF, HARDVS and our SeAct datasets respectively.

new Vox-Fusion++: Voxel-based Neural Implicit Dense Tracking and Mapping with Multi-maps

Authors: Hongjia Zhai, Hai Li, Xingrui Yang, Gan Huang, Yuhang Ming, Hujun Bao, Guofeng Zhang

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Vox-Fusion++, a multi-maps-based robust dense tracking and mapping system that seamlessly fuses neural implicit representations with traditional volumetric fusion techniques. Building upon the concept of implicit mapping and positioning systems, our approach extends its applicability to real-world scenarios. Our system employs a voxel-based neural implicit surface representation, enabling efficient encoding and optimization of the scene within each voxel. To handle diverse environments without prior knowledge, we incorporate an octree-based structure for scene division and dynamic expansion. To achieve real-time performance, we propose a high-performance multi-process framework. This ensures the system's suitability for applications with stringent time constraints. Additionally, we adopt the idea of multi-maps to handle large-scale scenes, and leverage loop detection and hierarchical pose optimization strategies to reduce long-term pose drift and remove duplicate geometry. Through comprehensive evaluations, we demonstrate that our method outperforms previous methods in terms of reconstruction quality and accuracy across various scenarios. We also show that our Vox-Fusion++ can be used in augmented reality and collaborative mapping applications. Our source code will be publicly available at \url{}


new Prompt-Guided Adaptive Model Transformation for Whole Slide Image Classification

Authors: Yi Lin, Zhengjie Zhu, Kwang-Ting Cheng, Hao Chen

Abstract: Multiple instance learning (MIL) has emerged as a popular method for classifying histopathology whole slide images (WSIs). Existing approaches typically rely on frozen pre-trained models to extract instance features, neglecting the substantial domain shift between pre-training natural and histopathological images. To address this issue, we propose PAMT, a novel Prompt-guided Adaptive Model Transformation framework that enhances MIL classification performance by seamlessly adapting pre-trained models to the specific characteristics of histopathology data. To capture the intricate histopathology distribution, we introduce Representative Patch Sampling (RPS) and Prototypical Visual Prompt (PVP) to reform the input data, building a compact while informative representation. Furthermore, to narrow the domain gap, we introduce Adaptive Model Transformation (AMT) that integrates adapter blocks within the feature extraction pipeline, enabling the pre-trained models to learn domain-specific features. We rigorously evaluate our approach on two publicly available datasets, Camelyon16 and TCGA-NSCLC, showcasing substantial improvements across various MIL models. Our findings affirm the potential of PAMT to set a new benchmark in WSI classification, underscoring the value of a targeted reprogramming approach.

new HCPM: Hierarchical Candidates Pruning for Efficient Detector-Free Matching

Authors: Ying Chen, Yong Liu, Kai Wu, Qiang Nie, Shang Xu, Huifang Ma, Bing Wang, Chengjie Wang

Abstract: Deep learning-based image matching methods play a crucial role in computer vision, yet they often suffer from substantial computational demands. To tackle this challenge, we present HCPM, an efficient and detector-free local feature-matching method that employs hierarchical pruning to optimize the matching pipeline. In contrast to recent detector-free methods that depend on an exhaustive set of coarse-level candidates for matching, HCPM selectively concentrates on a concise subset of informative candidates, resulting in fewer computational candidates and enhanced matching efficiency. The method comprises a self-pruning stage for selecting reliable candidates and an interactive-pruning stage that identifies correlated patches at the coarse level. Our results reveal that HCPM significantly surpasses existing methods in terms of speed while maintaining high accuracy. The source code will be made available upon publication.


Authors: Seongbo Ha, Jiung Yeon, Hyeonwoo Yu

Abstract: Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) with dense representation plays a key role in robotics, Virtual Reality (VR), and Augmented Reality (AR) applications. Recent advancements in dense representation SLAM have highlighted the potential of leveraging neural scene representation and 3D Gaussian representation for high-fidelity spatial representation. In this paper, we propose a novel dense representation SLAM approach with a fusion of Generalized Iterative Closest Point (G-ICP) and 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS). In contrast to existing methods, we utilize a single Gaussian map for both tracking and mapping, resulting in mutual benefits. Through the exchange of covariances between tracking and mapping processes with scale alignment techniques, we minimize redundant computations and achieve an efficient system. Additionally, we enhance tracking accuracy and mapping quality through our keyframe selection methods. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, showing an incredibly fast speed up to 107 FPS (for the entire system) and superior quality of the reconstructed map.

new M2DA: Multi-Modal Fusion Transformer Incorporating Driver Attention for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Dongyang Xu, Haokun Li, Qingfan Wang, Ziying Song, Lei Chen, Hanming Deng

Abstract: End-to-end autonomous driving has witnessed remarkable progress. However, the extensive deployment of autonomous vehicles has yet to be realized, primarily due to 1) inefficient multi-modal environment perception: how to integrate data from multi-modal sensors more efficiently; 2) non-human-like scene understanding: how to effectively locate and predict critical risky agents in traffic scenarios like an experienced driver. To overcome these challenges, in this paper, we propose a Multi-Modal fusion transformer incorporating Driver Attention (M2DA) for autonomous driving. To better fuse multi-modal data and achieve higher alignment between different modalities, a novel Lidar-Vision-Attention-based Fusion (LVAFusion) module is proposed. By incorporating driver attention, we empower the human-like scene understanding ability to autonomous vehicles to identify crucial areas within complex scenarios precisely and ensure safety. We conduct experiments on the CARLA simulator and achieve state-of-the-art performance with less data in closed-loop benchmarks. Source codes are available at


new Confidence Self-Calibration for Multi-Label Class-Incremental Learning

Authors: Kaile Du, Yifan Zhou, Fan Lyu, Yuyang Li, Chen Lu, Guangcan Liu

Abstract: The partial label challenge in Multi-Label Class-Incremental Learning (MLCIL) arises when only the new classes are labeled during training, while past and future labels remain unavailable. This issue leads to a proliferation of false-positive errors due to erroneously high confidence multi-label predictions, exacerbating catastrophic forgetting within the disjoint label space. In this paper, we aim to refine multi-label confidence calibration in MLCIL and propose a Confidence Self-Calibration (CSC) approach. Firstly, for label relationship calibration, we introduce a class-incremental graph convolutional network that bridges the isolated label spaces by constructing learnable, dynamically extended label relationship graph. Then, for confidence calibration, we present a max-entropy regularization for each multi-label increment, facilitating confidence self-calibration through the penalization of over-confident output distributions. Our approach attains new state-of-the-art results in MLCIL tasks on both MS-COCO and PASCAL VOC datasets, with the calibration of label confidences confirmed through our methodology.

new Adapting Visual-Language Models for Generalizable Anomaly Detection in Medical Images

Authors: Chaoqin Huang, Aofan Jiang, Jinghao Feng, Ya Zhang, Xinchao Wang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Recent advancements in large-scale visual-language pre-trained models have led to significant progress in zero-/few-shot anomaly detection within natural image domains. However, the substantial domain divergence between natural and medical images limits the effectiveness of these methodologies in medical anomaly detection. This paper introduces a novel lightweight multi-level adaptation and comparison framework to repurpose the CLIP model for medical anomaly detection. Our approach integrates multiple residual adapters into the pre-trained visual encoder, enabling a stepwise enhancement of visual features across different levels. This multi-level adaptation is guided by multi-level, pixel-wise visual-language feature alignment loss functions, which recalibrate the model's focus from object semantics in natural imagery to anomaly identification in medical images. The adapted features exhibit improved generalization across various medical data types, even in zero-shot scenarios where the model encounters unseen medical modalities and anatomical regions during training. Our experiments on medical anomaly detection benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly surpasses current state-of-the-art models, with an average AUC improvement of 6.24% and 7.33% for anomaly classification, 2.03% and 2.37% for anomaly segmentation, under the zero-shot and few-shot settings, respectively. Source code is available at:


new Compound Expression Recognition via Multi Model Ensemble

Authors: Jun Yu, Jichao Zhu, Wangyuan Zhu

Abstract: Compound Expression Recognition (CER) plays a crucial role in interpersonal interactions. Due to the existence of Compound Expressions , human emotional expressions are complex, requiring consideration of both local and global facial expressions to make judgments. In this paper, to address this issue, we propose a solution based on ensemble learning methods for Compound Expression Recognition. Specifically, our task is classification, where we train three expression classification models based on convolutional networks, Vision Transformers, and multi-scale local attention networks. Then, through model ensemble using late fusion, we merge the outputs of multiple models to predict the final result. Our method achieves high accuracy on RAF-DB and is able to recognize expressions through zero-shot on certain portions of C-EXPR-DB.

new Lifting Multi-View Detection and Tracking to the Bird's Eye View

Authors: Torben Teepe, Philipp Wolters, Johannes Gilg, Fabian Herzog, Gerhard Rigoll

Abstract: Taking advantage of multi-view aggregation presents a promising solution to tackle challenges such as occlusion and missed detection in multi-object tracking and detection. Recent advancements in multi-view detection and 3D object recognition have significantly improved performance by strategically projecting all views onto the ground plane and conducting detection analysis from a Bird's Eye View. In this paper, we compare modern lifting methods, both parameter-free and parameterized, to multi-view aggregation. Additionally, we present an architecture that aggregates the features of multiple times steps to learn robust detection and combines appearance- and motion-based cues for tracking. Most current tracking approaches either focus on pedestrians or vehicles. In our work, we combine both branches and add new challenges to multi-view detection with cross-scene setups. Our method generalizes to three public datasets across two domains: (1) pedestrian: Wildtrack and MultiviewX, and (2) roadside perception: Synthehicle, achieving state-of-the-art performance in detection and tracking.


new EAS-SNN: End-to-End Adaptive Sampling and Representation for Event-based Detection with Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Ziming Wang, Ziling Wang, Huaning Li, Lang Qin, Runhao Jiang, De Ma, Huajin Tang

Abstract: Event cameras, with their high dynamic range and temporal resolution, are ideally suited for object detection, especially under scenarios with motion blur and challenging lighting conditions. However, while most existing approaches prioritize optimizing spatiotemporal representations with advanced detection backbones and early aggregation functions, the crucial issue of adaptive event sampling remains largely unaddressed. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs), which operate on an event-driven paradigm through sparse spike communication, emerge as a natural fit for addressing this challenge. In this study, we discover that the neural dynamics of spiking neurons align closely with the behavior of an ideal temporal event sampler. Motivated by this insight, we propose a novel adaptive sampling module that leverages recurrent convolutional SNNs enhanced with temporal memory, facilitating a fully end-to-end learnable framework for event-based detection. Additionally, we introduce Residual Potential Dropout (RPD) and Spike-Aware Training (SAT) to regulate potential distribution and address performance degradation encountered in spike-based sampling modules. Through rigorous testing on neuromorphic datasets for event-based detection, our approach demonstrably surpasses existing state-of-the-art spike-based methods, achieving superior performance with significantly fewer parameters and time steps. For instance, our method achieves a 4.4\% mAP improvement on the Gen1 dataset, while requiring 38\% fewer parameters and three time steps. Moreover, the applicability and effectiveness of our adaptive sampling methodology extend beyond SNNs, as demonstrated through further validation on conventional non-spiking detection models.

new Real-IAD: A Real-World Multi-View Dataset for Benchmarking Versatile Industrial Anomaly Detection

Authors: Chengjie Wang, Wenbing Zhu, Bin-Bin Gao, Zhenye Gan, Jianning Zhang, Zhihao Gu, Shuguang Qian, Mingang Chen, Lizhuang Ma

Abstract: Industrial anomaly detection (IAD) has garnered significant attention and experienced rapid development. However, the recent development of IAD approach has encountered certain difficulties due to dataset limitations. On the one hand, most of the state-of-the-art methods have achieved saturation (over 99% in AUROC) on mainstream datasets such as MVTec, and the differences of methods cannot be well distinguished, leading to a significant gap between public datasets and actual application scenarios. On the other hand, the research on various new practical anomaly detection settings is limited by the scale of the dataset, posing a risk of overfitting in evaluation results. Therefore, we propose a large-scale, Real-world, and multi-view Industrial Anomaly Detection dataset, named Real-IAD, which contains 150K high-resolution images of 30 different objects, an order of magnitude larger than existing datasets. It has a larger range of defect area and ratio proportions, making it more challenging than previous datasets. To make the dataset closer to real application scenarios, we adopted a multi-view shooting method and proposed sample-level evaluation metrics. In addition, beyond the general unsupervised anomaly detection setting, we propose a new setting for Fully Unsupervised Industrial Anomaly Detection (FUIAD) based on the observation that the yield rate in industrial production is usually greater than 60%, which has more practical application value. Finally, we report the results of popular IAD methods on the Real-IAD dataset, providing a highly challenging benchmark to promote the development of the IAD field.

new LASPA: Latent Spatial Alignment for Fast Training-free Single Image Editing

Authors: Yazeed Alharbi, Peter Wonka

Abstract: We present a novel, training-free approach for textual editing of real images using diffusion models. Unlike prior methods that rely on computationally expensive finetuning, our approach leverages LAtent SPatial Alignment (LASPA) to efficiently preserve image details. We demonstrate how the diffusion process is amenable to spatial guidance using a reference image, leading to semantically coherent edits. This eliminates the need for complex optimization and costly model finetuning, resulting in significantly faster editing compared to previous methods. Additionally, our method avoids the storage requirements associated with large finetuned models. These advantages make our approach particularly well-suited for editing on mobile devices and applications demanding rapid response times. While simple and fast, our method achieves 62-71\% preference in a user-study and significantly better model-based editing strength and image preservation scores.

new Tuning-Free Image Customization with Image and Text Guidance

Authors: Pengzhi Li, Qiang Nie, Ying Chen, Xi Jiang, Kai Wu, Yuhuan Lin, Yong Liu, Jinlong Peng, Chengjie Wang, Feng Zheng

Abstract: Despite significant advancements in image customization with diffusion models, current methods still have several limitations: 1) unintended changes in non-target areas when regenerating the entire image; 2) guidance solely by a reference image or text descriptions; and 3) time-consuming fine-tuning, which limits their practical application. In response, we introduce a tuning-free framework for simultaneous text-image-guided image customization, enabling precise editing of specific image regions within seconds. Our approach preserves the semantic features of the reference image subject while allowing modification of detailed attributes based on text descriptions. To achieve this, we propose an innovative attention blending strategy that blends self-attention features in the UNet decoder during the denoising process. To our knowledge, this is the first tuning-free method that concurrently utilizes text and image guidance for image customization in specific regions. Our approach outperforms previous methods in both human and quantitative evaluations, providing an efficient solution for various practical applications, such as image synthesis, design, and creative photography.

new IFFNeRF: Initialisation Free and Fast 6DoF pose estimation from a single image and a NeRF model

Authors: Matteo Bortolon, Theodore Tsesmelis, Stuart James, Fabio Poiesi, Alessio Del Bue

Abstract: We introduce IFFNeRF to estimate the six degrees-of-freedom (6DoF) camera pose of a given image, building on the Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) formulation. IFFNeRF is specifically designed to operate in real-time and eliminates the need for an initial pose guess that is proximate to the sought solution. IFFNeRF utilizes the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm to sample surface points from within the NeRF model. From these sampled points, we cast rays and deduce the color for each ray through pixel-level view synthesis. The camera pose can then be estimated as the solution to a Least Squares problem by selecting correspondences between the query image and the resulting bundle. We facilitate this process through a learned attention mechanism, bridging the query image embedding with the embedding of parameterized rays, thereby matching rays pertinent to the image. Through synthetic and real evaluation settings, we show that our method can improve the angular and translation error accuracy by 80.1% and 67.3%, respectively, compared to iNeRF while performing at 34fps on consumer hardware and not requiring the initial pose guess.

new WaterVG: Waterway Visual Grounding based on Text-Guided Vision and mmWave Radar

Authors: Runwei Guan, Liye Jia, Fengyufan Yang, Shanliang Yao, Erick Purwanto, Xiaohui Zhu, Eng Gee Lim, Jeremy Smith, Ka Lok Man, Yutao Yue

Abstract: The perception of waterways based on human intent holds significant importance for autonomous navigation and operations of Unmanned Surface Vehicles (USVs) in water environments. Inspired by visual grounding, in this paper, we introduce WaterVG, the first visual grounding dataset designed for USV-based waterway perception based on human intention prompts. WaterVG encompasses prompts describing multiple targets, with annotations at the instance level including bounding boxes and masks. Notably, WaterVG includes 11,568 samples with 34,950 referred targets, which integrates both visual and radar characteristics captured by monocular camera and millimeter-wave (mmWave) radar, enabling a finer granularity of text prompts. Furthermore, we propose a novel multi-modal visual grounding model, Potamoi, which is a multi-modal and multi-task model based on the one-stage paradigm with a designed Phased Heterogeneous Modality Fusion (PHMF) structure, including Adaptive Radar Weighting (ARW) and Multi-Head Slim Cross Attention (MHSCA). In specific, MHSCA is a low-cost and efficient fusion module with a remarkably small parameter count and FLOPs, elegantly aligning and fusing scenario context information captured by two sensors with linguistic features, which can effectively address tasks of referring expression comprehension and segmentation based on fine-grained prompts. Comprehensive experiments and evaluations have been conducted on WaterVG, where our Potamoi archives state-of-the-art performances compared with counterparts.

new Audio-Visual Compound Expression Recognition Method based on Late Modality Fusion and Rule-based Decision

Authors: Elena Ryumina (St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Maxim Markitantov (St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Dmitry Ryumin (St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences), Heysem Kaya (Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University), Alexey Karpov (St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences)

Abstract: This paper presents the results of the SUN team for the Compound Expressions Recognition Challenge of the 6th ABAW Competition. We propose a novel audio-visual method for compound expression recognition. Our method relies on emotion recognition models that fuse modalities at the emotion probability level, while decisions regarding the prediction of compound expressions are based on predefined rules. Notably, our method does not use any training data specific to the target task. The method is evaluated in multi-corpus training and cross-corpus validation setups. Our findings from the challenge demonstrate that the proposed method can potentially form a basis for development of intelligent tools for annotating audio-visual data in the context of human's basic and compound emotions. The source code is publicly available.

new As Firm As Their Foundations: Can open-sourced foundation models be used to create adversarial examples for downstream tasks?

Authors: Anjun Hu, Jindong Gu, Francesco Pinto, Konstantinos Kamnitsas, Philip Torr

Abstract: Foundation models pre-trained on web-scale vision-language data, such as CLIP, are widely used as cornerstones of powerful machine learning systems. While pre-training offers clear advantages for downstream learning, it also endows downstream models with shared adversarial vulnerabilities that can be easily identified through the open-sourced foundation model. In this work, we expose such vulnerabilities in CLIP's downstream models and show that foundation models can serve as a basis for attacking their downstream systems. In particular, we propose a simple yet effective adversarial attack strategy termed Patch Representation Misalignment (PRM). Solely based on open-sourced CLIP vision encoders, this method produces adversaries that simultaneously fool more than 20 downstream models spanning 4 common vision-language tasks (semantic segmentation, object detection, image captioning and visual question-answering). Our findings highlight the concerning safety risks introduced by the extensive usage of public foundational models in the development of downstream systems, calling for extra caution in these scenarios.

new Learning Cross-view Visual Geo-localization without Ground Truth

Authors: Haoyuan Li, Chang Xu, Wen Yang, Huai Yu, Gui-Song Xia

Abstract: Cross-View Geo-Localization (CVGL) involves determining the geographical location of a query image by matching it with a corresponding GPS-tagged reference image. Current state-of-the-art methods predominantly rely on training models with labeled paired images, incurring substantial annotation costs and training burdens. In this study, we investigate the adaptation of frozen models for CVGL without requiring ground truth pair labels. We observe that training on unlabeled cross-view images presents significant challenges, including the need to establish relationships within unlabeled data and reconcile view discrepancies between uncertain queries and references. To address these challenges, we propose a self-supervised learning framework to train a learnable adapter for a frozen Foundation Model (FM). This adapter is designed to map feature distributions from diverse views into a uniform space using unlabeled data exclusively. To establish relationships within unlabeled data, we introduce an Expectation-Maximization-based Pseudo-labeling module, which iteratively estimates associations between cross-view features and optimizes the adapter. To maintain the robustness of the FM's representation, we incorporate an information consistency module with a reconstruction loss, ensuring that adapted features retain strong discriminative ability across views. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves significant improvements over vanilla FMs and competitive accuracy compared to supervised methods, while necessitating fewer training parameters and relying solely on unlabeled data. Evaluation of our adaptation for task-specific models further highlights its broad applicability.

new AnimateDiff-Lightning: Cross-Model Diffusion Distillation

Authors: Shanchuan Lin, Xiao Yang

Abstract: We present AnimateDiff-Lightning for lightning-fast video generation. Our model uses progressive adversarial diffusion distillation to achieve new state-of-the-art in few-step video generation. We discuss our modifications to adapt it for the video modality. Furthermore, we propose to simultaneously distill the probability flow of multiple base diffusion models, resulting in a single distilled motion module with broader style compatibility. We are pleased to release our distilled AnimateDiff-Lightning model for the community's use.

new Selective Domain-Invariant Feature for Generalizable Deepfake Detection

Authors: Yingxin Lai, Guoqing Yang Yifan He, Zhiming Luo, Shaozi Li

Abstract: With diverse presentation forgery methods emerging continually, detecting the authenticity of images has drawn growing attention. Although existing methods have achieved impressive accuracy in training dataset detection, they still perform poorly in the unseen domain and suffer from forgery of irrelevant information such as background and identity, affecting generalizability. To solve this problem, we proposed a novel framework Selective Domain-Invariant Feature (SDIF), which reduces the sensitivity to face forgery by fusing content features and styles. Specifically, we first use a Farthest-Point Sampling (FPS) training strategy to construct a task-relevant style sample representation space for fusing with content features. Then, we propose a dynamic feature extraction module to generate features with diverse styles to improve the performance and effectiveness of the feature extractor. Finally, a domain separation strategy is used to retain domain-related features to help distinguish between real and fake faces. Both qualitative and quantitative results in existing benchmarks and proposals demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

new Selective, Interpretable, and Motion Consistent Privacy Attribute Obfuscation for Action Recognition

Authors: Filip Ilic, He Zhao, Thomas Pock, Richard P. Wildes

Abstract: Concerns for the privacy of individuals captured in public imagery have led to privacy-preserving action recognition. Existing approaches often suffer from issues arising through obfuscation being applied globally and a lack of interpretability. Global obfuscation hides privacy sensitive regions, but also contextual regions important for action recognition. Lack of interpretability erodes trust in these new technologies. We highlight the limitations of current paradigms and propose a solution: Human selected privacy templates that yield interpretability by design, an obfuscation scheme that selectively hides attributes and also induces temporal consistency, which is important in action recognition. Our approach is architecture agnostic and directly modifies input imagery, while existing approaches generally require architecture training. Our approach offers more flexibility, as no retraining is required, and outperforms alternatives on three widely used datasets.

new Addressing Source Scale Bias via Image Warping for Domain Adaptation

Authors: Shen Zheng, Anurag Ghosh, Srinivasa G. Narasimhan

Abstract: In visual recognition, scale bias is a key challenge due to the imbalance of object and image size distribution inherent in real scene datasets. Conventional solutions involve injecting scale invariance priors, oversampling the dataset at different scales during training, or adjusting scale at inference. While these strategies mitigate scale bias to some extent, their ability to adapt across diverse datasets is limited. Besides, they increase computational load during training and latency during inference. In this work, we use adaptive attentional processing -- oversampling salient object regions by warping images in-place during training. Discovering that shifting the source scale distribution improves backbone features, we developed a instance-level warping guidance aimed at object region sampling to mitigate source scale bias in domain adaptation. Our approach improves adaptation across geographies, lighting and weather conditions, is agnostic to the task, domain adaptation algorithm, saliency guidance, and underlying model architecture. Highlights include +6.1 mAP50 for BDD100K Clear $\rightarrow$ DENSE Foggy, +3.7 mAP50 for BDD100K Day $\rightarrow$ Night, +3.0 mAP50 for BDD100K Clear $\rightarrow$ Rainy, and +6.3 mIoU for Cityscapes $\rightarrow$ ACDC. Our approach adds minimal memory during training and has no additional latency at inference time. Please see Appendix for more results and analysis.

new HUGS: Holistic Urban 3D Scene Understanding via Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Hongyu Zhou, Jiahao Shao, Lu Xu, Dongfeng Bai, Weichao Qiu, Bingbing Liu, Yue Wang, Andreas Geiger, Yiyi Liao

Abstract: Holistic understanding of urban scenes based on RGB images is a challenging yet important problem. It encompasses understanding both the geometry and appearance to enable novel view synthesis, parsing semantic labels, and tracking moving objects. Despite considerable progress, existing approaches often focus on specific aspects of this task and require additional inputs such as LiDAR scans or manually annotated 3D bounding boxes. In this paper, we introduce a novel pipeline that utilizes 3D Gaussian Splatting for holistic urban scene understanding. Our main idea involves the joint optimization of geometry, appearance, semantics, and motion using a combination of static and dynamic 3D Gaussians, where moving object poses are regularized via physical constraints. Our approach offers the ability to render new viewpoints in real-time, yielding 2D and 3D semantic information with high accuracy, and reconstruct dynamic scenes, even in scenarios where 3D bounding box detection are highly noisy. Experimental results on KITTI, KITTI-360, and Virtual KITTI 2 demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

new Diffusion-Driven Self-Supervised Learning for Shape Reconstruction and Pose Estimation

Authors: Jingtao Sun, Yaonan Wang, Mingtao Feng, Chao Ding, Mike Zheng Shou, Ajmal Saeed Mian

Abstract: Fully-supervised category-level pose estimation aims to determine the 6-DoF poses of unseen instances from known categories, requiring expensive mannual labeling costs. Recently, various self-supervised category-level pose estimation methods have been proposed to reduce the requirement of the annotated datasets. However, most methods rely on synthetic data or 3D CAD model for self-supervised training, and they are typically limited to addressing single-object pose problems without considering multi-objective tasks or shape reconstruction. To overcome these challenges and limitations, we introduce a diffusion-driven self-supervised network for multi-object shape reconstruction and categorical pose estimation, only leveraging the shape priors. Specifically, to capture the SE(3)-equivariant pose features and 3D scale-invariant shape information, we present a Prior-Aware Pyramid 3D Point Transformer in our network. This module adopts a point convolutional layer with radial-kernels for pose-aware learning and a 3D scale-invariant graph convolution layer for object-level shape representation, respectively. Furthermore, we introduce a pretrain-to-refine self-supervised training paradigm to train our network. It enables proposed network to capture the associations between shape priors and observations, addressing the challenge of intra-class shape variations by utilising the diffusion mechanism. Extensive experiments conducted on four public datasets and a self-built dataset demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art self-supervised category-level baselines and even surpasses some fully-supervised instance-level and category-level methods.

new Towards Multimodal In-Context Learning for Vision & Language Models

Authors: Sivan Doveh, Shaked Perek, M. Jehanzeb Mirza, Amit Alfassy, Assaf Arbelle, Shimon Ullman, Leonid Karlinsky

Abstract: Inspired by the emergence of Large Language Models (LLMs) that can truly understand human language, significant progress has been made in aligning other, non-language, modalities to be `understandable' by an LLM, primarily via converting their samples into a sequence of embedded language-like tokens directly fed into the LLM (decoder) input stream. However, so far limited attention has been given to transferring (and evaluating) one of the core LLM capabilities to the emerging VLMs, namely the In-Context Learning (ICL) ability, or in other words to guide VLMs to desired target downstream tasks or output structure using in-context image+text demonstrations. In this work, we dive deeper into analyzing the capabilities of some of the state-of-the-art VLMs to follow ICL instructions, discovering them to be somewhat lacking. We discover that even models that underwent large-scale mixed modality pre-training and were implicitly guided to make use of interleaved image and text information (intended to consume helpful context from multiple images) under-perform when prompted with few-shot (ICL) demonstrations, likely due to their lack of `direct' ICL instruction tuning. To test this conjecture, we propose a simple, yet surprisingly effective, strategy of extending a common VLM alignment framework with ICL support, methodology, and curriculum. We explore, analyze, and provide insights into effective data mixes, leading up to a significant 21.03% (and 11.3% on average) ICL performance boost over the strongest VLM baselines and a variety of ICL benchmarks. We also contribute new benchmarks for ICL evaluation in VLMs and discuss their advantages over the prior art.

new Towards Controllable Face Generation with Semantic Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Alex Ergasti, Claudio Ferrari, Tomaso Fontanini, Massimo Bertozzi, Andrea Prati

Abstract: Semantic Image Synthesis (SIS) is among the most popular and effective techniques in the field of face generation and editing, thanks to its good generation quality and the versatility is brings along. Recent works attempted to go beyond the standard GAN-based framework, and started to explore Diffusion Models (DMs) for this task as these stand out with respect to GANs in terms of both quality and diversity. On the other hand, DMs lack in fine-grained controllability and reproducibility. To address that, in this paper we propose a SIS framework based on a novel Latent Diffusion Model architecture for human face generation and editing that is both able to reproduce and manipulate a real reference image and generate diversity-driven results. The proposed system utilizes both SPADE normalization and cross-attention layers to merge shape and style information and, by doing so, allows for a precise control over each of the semantic parts of the human face. This was not possible with previous methods in the state of the art. Finally, we performed an extensive set of experiments to prove that our model surpasses current state of the art, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

new N-Modal Contrastive Losses with Applications to Social Media Data in Trimodal Space

Authors: William Theisen, Walter Scheirer

Abstract: The social media landscape of conflict dynamics has grown increasingly multi-modal. Recent advancements in model architectures such as CLIP have enabled researchers to begin studying the interplay between the modalities of text and images in a shared latent space. However, CLIP models fail to handle situations on social media when modalities present in a post expand above two. Social media dynamics often require understanding the interplay between not only text and images, but video as well. In this paper we explore an extension of the contrastive loss function to allow for any number of modalities, and demonstrate its usefulness in trimodal spaces on social media. By extending CLIP into three dimensions we can further aide understanding social media landscapes where all three modalities are present (an increasingly common situation). We use a newly collected public data set of Telegram posts containing all three modalities to train, and then demonstrate the usefulness of, a trimodal model in two OSINT scenarios: classifying a social media artifact post as either pro-Russian or pro-Ukrainian and identifying which account a given artifact originated from. While trimodal CLIP models have been explored before (though not on social media data), we also display a novel quadmodal CLIP model. This model can learn the interplay between text, image, video, and audio. We demonstrate new state-of-the-art baseline results on retrieval for quadmodel models moving forward.

new Building Brain Tumor Segmentation Networks with User-Assisted Filter Estimation and Selection

Authors: Matheus A. Cerqueira, Fl\'avia Sprenger, Bernardo C. A. Teixeira, Alexandre X. Falc\~ao

Abstract: Brain tumor image segmentation is a challenging research topic in which deep-learning models have presented the best results. However, the traditional way of training those models from many pre-annotated images leaves several unanswered questions. Hence methodologies, such as Feature Learning from Image Markers (FLIM), have involved an expert in the learning loop to reduce human effort in data annotation and build models sufficiently deep for a given problem. FLIM has been successfully used to create encoders, estimating the filters of all convolutional layers from patches centered at marker voxels. In this work, we present Multi-Step (MS) FLIM - a user-assisted approach to estimating and selecting the most relevant filters from multiple FLIM executions. MS-FLIM is used only for the first convolutional layer, and the results already indicate improvement over FLIM. For evaluation, we build a simple U-shaped encoder-decoder network, named sU-Net, for glioblastoma segmentation using T1Gd and FLAIR MRI scans, varying the encoder's training method, using FLIM, MS-FLIM, and backpropagation algorithm. Also, we compared these sU-Nets with two State-Of-The-Art (SOTA) deep-learning models using two datasets. The results show that the sU-Net based on MS-FLIM outperforms the other training methods and achieves effectiveness within the standard deviations of the SOTA models.

new WaveFace: Authentic Face Restoration with Efficient Frequency Recovery

Authors: Yunqi Miao, Jiankang Deng, Jungong Han

Abstract: Although diffusion models are rising as a powerful solution for blind face restoration, they are criticized for two problems: 1) slow training and inference speed, and 2) failure in preserving identity and recovering fine-grained facial details. In this work, we propose WaveFace to solve the problems in the frequency domain, where low- and high-frequency components decomposed by wavelet transformation are considered individually to maximize authenticity as well as efficiency. The diffusion model is applied to recover the low-frequency component only, which presents general information of the original image but 1/16 in size. To preserve the original identity, the generation is conditioned on the low-frequency component of low-quality images at each denoising step. Meanwhile, high-frequency components at multiple decomposition levels are handled by a unified network, which recovers complex facial details in a single step. Evaluations on four benchmark datasets show that: 1) WaveFace outperforms state-of-the-art methods in authenticity, especially in terms of identity preservation, and 2) authentic images are restored with the efficiency 10x faster than existing diffusion model-based BFR methods.

new Inter- and intra-uncertainty based feature aggregation model for semi-supervised histopathology image segmentation

Authors: Qiangguo Jin, Hui Cui, Changming Sun, Yang Song, Jiangbin Zheng, Leilei Cao, Leyi Wei, Ran Su

Abstract: Acquiring pixel-level annotations is often limited in applications such as histology studies that require domain expertise. Various semi-supervised learning approaches have been developed to work with limited ground truth annotations, such as the popular teacher-student models. However, hierarchical prediction uncertainty within the student model (intra-uncertainty) and image prediction uncertainty (inter-uncertainty) have not been fully utilized by existing methods. To address these issues, we first propose a novel inter- and intra-uncertainty regularization method to measure and constrain both inter- and intra-inconsistencies in the teacher-student architecture. We also propose a new two-stage network with pseudo-mask guided feature aggregation (PG-FANet) as the segmentation model. The two-stage structure complements with the uncertainty regularization strategy to avoid introducing extra modules in solving uncertainties and the aggregation mechanisms enable multi-scale and multi-stage feature integration. Comprehensive experimental results over the MoNuSeg and CRAG datasets show that our PG-FANet outperforms other state-of-the-art methods and our semi-supervised learning framework yields competitive performance with a limited amount of labeled data.

new Multispectral Image Restoration by Generalized Opponent Transformation Total Variation

Authors: Zhantao Ma, Michael K. Ng

Abstract: Multispectral images (MSI) contain light information in different wavelengths of objects, which convey spectral-spatial information and help improve the performance of various image processing tasks. Numerous techniques have been created to extend the application of total variation regularization in restoring multispectral images, for example, based on channel coupling and adaptive total variation regularization. The primary contribution of this paper is to propose and develop a new multispectral total variation regularization in a generalized opponent transformation domain instead of the original multispectral image domain. Here opponent transformations for multispectral images are generalized from a well-known opponent transformation for color images. We will explore the properties of generalized opponent transformation total variation (GOTTV) regularization and the corresponding optimization formula for multispectral image restoration. To evaluate the effectiveness of the new GOTTV method, we provide numerical examples that showcase its superior performance compared to existing multispectral image total variation methods, using criteria such as MPSNR and MSSIM.

new Discover and Mitigate Multiple Biased Subgroups in Image Classifiers

Authors: Zeliang Zhang, Mingqian Feng, Zhiheng Li, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: Machine learning models can perform well on in-distribution data but often fail on biased subgroups that are underrepresented in the training data, hindering the robustness of models for reliable applications. Such subgroups are typically unknown due to the absence of subgroup labels. Discovering biased subgroups is the key to understanding models' failure modes and further improving models' robustness. Most previous works of subgroup discovery make an implicit assumption that models only underperform on a single biased subgroup, which does not hold on in-the-wild data where multiple biased subgroups exist. In this work, we propose Decomposition, Interpretation, and Mitigation (DIM), a novel method to address a more challenging but also more practical problem of discovering multiple biased subgroups in image classifiers. Our approach decomposes the image features into multiple components that represent multiple subgroups. This decomposition is achieved via a bilinear dimension reduction method, Partial Least Square (PLS), guided by useful supervision from the image classifier. We further interpret the semantic meaning of each subgroup component by generating natural language descriptions using vision-language foundation models. Finally, DIM mitigates multiple biased subgroups simultaneously via two strategies, including the data- and model-centric strategies. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100 and Breeds datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of DIM in discovering and mitigating multiple biased subgroups. Furthermore, DIM uncovers the failure modes of the classifier on Hard ImageNet, showcasing its broader applicability to understanding model bias in image classifiers. The code is available at


new ViTGaze: Gaze Following with Interaction Features in Vision Transformers

Authors: Yuehao Song, Xinggang Wang, Jingfeng Yao, Wenyu Liu, Jinglin Zhang, Xiangmin Xu

Abstract: Gaze following aims to interpret human-scene interactions by predicting the person's focal point of gaze. Prevailing approaches often use multi-modality inputs, most of which adopt a two-stage framework. Hence their performance highly depends on the previous prediction accuracy. Others use a single-modality approach with complex decoders, increasing network computational load. Inspired by the remarkable success of pre-trained plain Vision Transformers (ViTs), we introduce a novel single-modality gaze following framework, ViTGaze. In contrast to previous methods, ViTGaze creates a brand new gaze following framework based mainly on powerful encoders (dec. param. less than 1%). Our principal insight lies in that the inter-token interactions within self-attention can be transferred to interactions between humans and scenes. Leveraging this presumption, we formulate a framework consisting of a 4D interaction encoder and a 2D spatial guidance module to extract human-scene interaction information from self-attention maps. Furthermore, our investigation reveals that ViT with self-supervised pre-training exhibits an enhanced ability to extract correlated information. A large number of experiments have been conducted to demonstrate the performance of the proposed method. Our method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance among all single-modality methods (3.4% improvement on AUC, 5.1% improvement on AP) and very comparable performance against multi-modality methods with 59% number of parameters less.

new Total Disentanglement of Font Images into Style and Character Class Features

Authors: Daichi Haraguchi, Wataru Shimoda, Kota Yamaguchi, Seiichi Uchida

Abstract: In this paper, we demonstrate a total disentanglement of font images. Total disentanglement is a neural network-based method for decomposing each font image nonlinearly and completely into its style and content (i.e., character class) features. It uses a simple but careful training procedure to extract the common style feature from all `A'-`Z' images in the same font and the common content feature from all `A' (or another class) images in different fonts. These disentangled features guarantee the reconstruction of the original font image. Various experiments have been conducted to understand the performance of total disentanglement. First, it is demonstrated that total disentanglement is achievable with very high accuracy; this is experimental proof of the long-standing open question, ``Does `A'-ness exist?'' Hofstadter (1985). Second, it is demonstrated that the disentangled features produced by total disentanglement apply to a variety of tasks, including font recognition, character recognition, and one-shot font image generation.

new DDSB: An Unsupervised and Training-free Method for Phase Detection in Echocardiography

Authors: Zhenyu Bu, Yang Liu, Jiayu Huo, Jingjing Peng, Kaini Wang, Guangquan Zhou, Rachel Sparks, Prokar Dasgupta, Alejandro Granados, Sebastien Ourselin

Abstract: Accurate identification of End-Diastolic (ED) and End-Systolic (ES) frames is key for cardiac function assessment through echocardiography. However, traditional methods face several limitations: they require extensive amounts of data, extensive annotations by medical experts, significant training resources, and often lack robustness. Addressing these challenges, we proposed an unsupervised and training-free method, our novel approach leverages unsupervised segmentation to enhance fault tolerance against segmentation inaccuracies. By identifying anchor points and analyzing directional deformation, we effectively reduce dependence on the accuracy of initial segmentation images and enhance fault tolerance, all while improving robustness. Tested on Echo-dynamic and CAMUS datasets, our method achieves comparable accuracy to learning-based models without their associated drawbacks. The code is available at


new Learning Neural Volumetric Pose Features for Camera Localization

Authors: Jingyu Lin, Jiaqi Gu, Bojian Wu, Lubin Fan, Renjie Chen, Ligang Liu, Jieping Ye

Abstract: We introduce a novel neural volumetric pose feature, termed PoseMap, designed to enhance camera localization by encapsulating the information between images and the associated camera poses. Our framework leverages an Absolute Pose Regression (APR) architecture, together with an augmented NeRF module. This integration not only facilitates the generation of novel views to enrich the training dataset but also enables the learning of effective pose features. Additionally, we extend our architecture for self-supervised online alignment, allowing our method to be used and fine-tuned for unlabelled images within a unified framework. Experiments demonstrate that our method achieves 14.28% and 20.51% performance gain on average in indoor and outdoor benchmark scenes, outperforming existing APR methods with state-of-the-art accuracy.

new RelationVLM: Making Large Vision-Language Models Understand Visual Relations

Authors: Zhipeng Huang, Zhizheng Zhang, Zheng-Jun Zha, Yan Lu, Baining Guo

Abstract: The development of Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) is striving to catch up with the success of Large Language Models (LLMs), yet it faces more challenges to be resolved. Very recent works enable LVLMs to localize object-level visual contents and ground text to them. Nonetheless, current LVLMs still struggle to precisely understand visual relations due to the lack of relevant data. In this work, we present RelationVLM, a large vision-language model capable of comprehending various levels and types of relations whether across multiple images or within a video. Specifically, we devise a multi-stage relation-aware training scheme and a series of corresponding data configuration strategies to bestow RelationVLM with the capabilities of understanding semantic relations, temporal associations and geometric transforms. Extensive case studies and quantitative evaluations show RelationVLM has strong capability in understanding such relations and emerges impressive in-context capability of reasoning from few-shot examples by comparison. This work fosters the advancements of LVLMs by enabling them to support a wider range of downstream applications toward artificial general intelligence.

new DreamDA: Generative Data Augmentation with Diffusion Models

Authors: Yunxiang Fu, Chaoqi Chen, Yu Qiao, Yizhou Yu

Abstract: The acquisition of large-scale, high-quality data is a resource-intensive and time-consuming endeavor. Compared to conventional Data Augmentation (DA) techniques (e.g. cropping and rotation), exploiting prevailing diffusion models for data generation has received scant attention in classification tasks. Existing generative DA methods either inadequately bridge the domain gap between real-world and synthesized images, or inherently suffer from a lack of diversity. To solve these issues, this paper proposes a new classification-oriented framework DreamDA, which enables data synthesis and label generation by way of diffusion models. DreamDA generates diverse samples that adhere to the original data distribution by considering training images in the original data as seeds and perturbing their reverse diffusion process. In addition, since the labels of the generated data may not align with the labels of their corresponding seed images, we introduce a self-training paradigm for generating pseudo labels and training classifiers using the synthesized data. Extensive experiments across four tasks and five datasets demonstrate consistent improvements over strong baselines, revealing the efficacy of DreamDA in synthesizing high-quality and diverse images with accurate labels. Our code will be available at


new VisualCritic: Making LMMs Perceive Visual Quality Like Humans

Authors: Zhipeng Huang, Zhizheng Zhang, Yiting Lu, Zheng-Jun Zha, Zhibo Chen, Baining Guo

Abstract: At present, large multimodal models (LMMs) have exhibited impressive generalization capabilities in understanding and generating visual signals. However, they currently still lack sufficient capability to perceive low-level visual quality akin to human perception. Can LMMs achieve this and show the same degree of generalization in this regard? If so, not only could the versatility of LMMs be further enhanced, but also the challenge of poor cross-dataset performance in the field of visual quality assessment could be addressed. In this paper, we explore this question and provide the answer "Yes!". As the result of this initial exploration, we present VisualCritic, the first LMM for broad-spectrum image subjective quality assessment. VisualCritic can be used across diverse data right out of box, without any requirements of dataset-specific adaptation operations like conventional specialist models. As an instruction-following LMM, VisualCritic enables new capabilities of (1) quantitatively measuring the perceptual quality of given images in terms of their Mean Opinion Score (MOS), noisiness, colorfulness, sharpness, and other numerical indicators, (2) qualitatively evaluating visual quality and providing explainable descriptions, (3) discerning whether a given image is AI-generated or photographic. Extensive experiments demonstrate the efficacy of VisualCritic by comparing it with other open-source LMMs and conventional specialist models over both AI-generated and photographic images.

new Re-identification from histopathology images

Authors: Jonathan Ganz, Jonas Ammeling, Samir Jabari, Katharina Breininger, Marc Aubreville

Abstract: In numerous studies, deep learning algorithms have proven their potential for the analysis of histopathology images, for example, for revealing the subtypes of tumors or the primary origin of metastases. These models require large datasets for training, which must be anonymized to prevent possible patient identity leaks. This study demonstrates that even relatively simple deep learning algorithms can re-identify patients in large histopathology datasets with substantial accuracy. We evaluated our algorithms on two TCIA datasets including lung squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) and lung adenocarcinoma (LUAD). We also demonstrate the algorithm's performance on an in-house dataset of meningioma tissue. We predicted the source patient of a slide with F1 scores of 50.16 % and 52.30 % on the LSCC and LUAD datasets, respectively, and with 62.31 % on our meningioma dataset. Based on our findings, we formulated a risk assessment scheme to estimate the risk to the patient's privacy prior to publication.

new Embarrassingly Simple Scribble Supervision for 3D Medical Segmentation

Authors: Karol Gotkowski, Carsten L\"uth, Paul F. J\"ager, Sebastian Ziegler, Lars Kr\"amer, Stefan Denner, Shuhan Xiao, Nico Disch, Klaus H. Maier-Hein, Fabian Isensee

Abstract: Traditionally, segmentation algorithms require dense annotations for training, demanding significant annotation efforts, particularly within the 3D medical imaging field. Scribble-supervised learning emerges as a possible solution to this challenge, promising a reduction in annotation efforts when creating large-scale datasets. Recently, a plethora of methods for optimized learning from scribbles have been proposed, but have so far failed to position scribble annotation as a beneficial alternative. We relate this shortcoming to two major issues: 1) the complex nature of many methods which deeply ties them to the underlying segmentation model, thus preventing a migration to more powerful state-of-the-art models as the field progresses and 2) the lack of a systematic evaluation to validate consistent performance across the broader medical domain, resulting in a lack of trust when applying these methods to new segmentation problems. To address these issues, we propose a comprehensive scribble supervision benchmark consisting of seven datasets covering a diverse set of anatomies and pathologies imaged with varying modalities. We furthermore propose the systematic use of partial losses, i.e. losses that are only computed on annotated voxels. Contrary to most existing methods, these losses can be seamlessly integrated into state-of-the-art segmentation methods, enabling them to learn from scribble annotations while preserving their original loss formulations. Our evaluation using nnU-Net reveals that while most existing methods suffer from a lack of generalization, the proposed approach consistently delivers state-of-the-art performance. Thanks to its simplicity, our approach presents an embarrassingly simple yet effective solution to the challenges of scribble supervision. Source code as well as our extensive scribble benchmarking suite will be made publicly available upon publication.

new AnySkill: Learning Open-Vocabulary Physical Skill for Interactive Agents

Authors: Jieming Cui, Tengyu Liu, Nian Liu, Yaodong Yang, Yixin Zhu, Siyuan Huang

Abstract: Traditional approaches in physics-based motion generation, centered around imitation learning and reward shaping, often struggle to adapt to new scenarios. To tackle this limitation, we propose AnySkill, a novel hierarchical method that learns physically plausible interactions following open-vocabulary instructions. Our approach begins by developing a set of atomic actions via a low-level controller trained via imitation learning. Upon receiving an open-vocabulary textual instruction, AnySkill employs a high-level policy that selects and integrates these atomic actions to maximize the CLIP similarity between the agent's rendered images and the text. An important feature of our method is the use of image-based rewards for the high-level policy, which allows the agent to learn interactions with objects without manual reward engineering. We demonstrate AnySkill's capability to generate realistic and natural motion sequences in response to unseen instructions of varying lengths, marking it the first method capable of open-vocabulary physical skill learning for interactive humanoid agents.

new Global-guided Focal Neural Radiance Field for Large-scale Scene Rendering

Authors: Mingqi Shao, Feng Xiong, Hang Zhang, Shuang Yang, Mu Xu, Wei Bian, Xueqian Wang

Abstract: Neural radiance fields~(NeRF) have recently been applied to render large-scale scenes. However, their limited model capacity typically results in blurred rendering results. Existing large-scale NeRFs primarily address this limitation by partitioning the scene into blocks, which are subsequently handled by separate sub-NeRFs. These sub-NeRFs, trained from scratch and processed independently, lead to inconsistencies in geometry and appearance across the scene. Consequently, the rendering quality fails to exhibit significant improvement despite the expansion of model capacity. In this work, we present global-guided focal neural radiance field (GF-NeRF) that achieves high-fidelity rendering of large-scale scenes. Our proposed GF-NeRF utilizes a two-stage (Global and Focal) architecture and a global-guided training strategy. The global stage obtains a continuous representation of the entire scene while the focal stage decomposes the scene into multiple blocks and further processes them with distinct sub-encoders. Leveraging this two-stage architecture, sub-encoders only need fine-tuning based on the global encoder, thus reducing training complexity in the focal stage while maintaining scene-wide consistency. Spatial information and error information from the global stage also benefit the sub-encoders to focus on crucial areas and effectively capture more details of large-scale scenes. Notably, our approach does not rely on any prior knowledge about the target scene, attributing GF-NeRF adaptable to various large-scale scene types, including street-view and aerial-view scenes. We demonstrate that our method achieves high-fidelity, natural rendering results on various types of large-scale datasets. Our project page:


new Compositional 3D Scene Synthesis with Scene Graph Guided Layout-Shape Generation

Authors: Yao Wei, Martin Renqiang Min, George Vosselman, Li Erran Li, Michael Ying Yang

Abstract: Compositional 3D scene synthesis has diverse applications across a spectrum of industries such as robotics, films, and video games, as it closely mirrors the complexity of real-world multi-object environments. Early works typically employ shape retrieval based frameworks which naturally suffer from limited shape diversity. Recent progresses have been made in shape generation with powerful generative models, such as diffusion models, which increases the shape fidelity. However, these approaches separately treat 3D shape generation and layout generation. The synthesized scenes are usually hampered by layout collision, which implies that the scene-level fidelity is still under-explored. In this paper, we aim at generating realistic and reasonable 3D scenes from scene graph. To enrich the representation capability of the given scene graph inputs, large language model is utilized to explicitly aggregate the global graph features with local relationship features. With a unified graph convolution network (GCN), graph features are extracted from scene graphs updated via joint layout-shape distribution. During scene generation, an IoU-based regularization loss is introduced to constrain the predicted 3D layouts. Benchmarked on the SG-FRONT dataset, our method achieves better 3D scene synthesis, especially in terms of scene-level fidelity. The source code will be released after publication.

new PoNQ: a Neural QEM-based Mesh Representation

Authors: Nissim Maruani, Maks Ovsjanikov, Pierre Alliez, Mathieu Desbrun

Abstract: Although polygon meshes have been a standard representation in geometry processing, their irregular and combinatorial nature hinders their suitability for learning-based applications. In this work, we introduce a novel learnable mesh representation through a set of local 3D sample Points and their associated Normals and Quadric error metrics (QEM) w.r.t. the underlying shape, which we denote PoNQ. A global mesh is directly derived from PoNQ by efficiently leveraging the knowledge of the local quadric errors. Besides marking the first use of QEM within a neural shape representation, our contribution guarantees both topological and geometrical properties by ensuring that a PoNQ mesh does not self-intersect and is always the boundary of a volume. Notably, our representation does not rely on a regular grid, is supervised directly by the target surface alone, and also handles open surfaces with boundaries and/or sharp features. We demonstrate the efficacy of PoNQ through a learning-based mesh prediction from SDF grids and show that our method surpasses recent state-of-the-art techniques in terms of both surface and edge-based metrics.

new Confusing Pair Correction Based on Category Prototype for Domain Adaptation under Noisy Environments

Authors: Churan Zhi, Junbao Zhuo, Shuhui Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we address unsupervised domain adaptation under noisy environments, which is more challenging and practical than traditional domain adaptation. In this scenario, the model is prone to overfitting noisy labels, resulting in a more pronounced domain shift and a notable decline in the overall model performance. Previous methods employed prototype methods for domain adaptation on robust feature spaces. However, these approaches struggle to effectively classify classes with similar features under noisy environments. To address this issue, we propose a new method to detect and correct confusing class pair. We first divide classes into easy and hard classes based on the small loss criterion. We then leverage the top-2 predictions for each sample after aligning the source and target domain to find the confusing pair in the hard classes. We apply label correction to the noisy samples within the confusing pair. With the proposed label correction method, we can train our model with more accurate labels. Extensive experiments confirm the effectiveness of our method and demonstrate its favorable performance compared with existing state-of-the-art methods. Our codes are publicly available at


new HYDRA: A Hyper Agent for Dynamic Compositional Visual Reasoning

Authors: Fucai Ke, Zhixi Cai, Simindokht Jahangard, Weiqing Wang, Pari Delir Haghighi, Hamid Rezatofighi

Abstract: Recent advances in visual reasoning (VR), particularly with the aid of Large Vision-Language Models (VLMs), show promise but require access to large-scale datasets and face challenges such as high computational costs and limited generalization capabilities. Compositional visual reasoning approaches have emerged as effective strategies; however, they heavily rely on the commonsense knowledge encoded in Large Language Models (LLMs) to perform planning, reasoning, or both, without considering the effect of their decisions on the visual reasoning process, which can lead to errors or failed procedures. To address these challenges, we introduce HYDRA, a multi-stage dynamic compositional visual reasoning framework designed for reliable and incrementally progressive general reasoning. HYDRA integrates three essential modules: a planner, a Reinforcement Learning (RL) agent serving as a cognitive controller, and a reasoner. The planner and reasoner modules utilize an LLM to generate instruction samples and executable code from the selected instruction, respectively, while the RL agent dynamically interacts with these modules, making high-level decisions on selection of the best instruction sample given information from the historical state stored through a feedback loop. This adaptable design enables HYDRA to adjust its actions based on previous feedback received during the reasoning process, leading to more reliable reasoning outputs and ultimately enhancing its overall effectiveness. Our framework demonstrates state-of-the-art performance in various VR tasks on four different widely-used datasets.

new EmoVOCA: Speech-Driven Emotional 3D Talking Heads

Authors: Federico Nocentini, Claudio Ferrari, Stefano Berretti

Abstract: The domain of 3D talking head generation has witnessed significant progress in recent years. A notable challenge in this field consists in blending speech-related motions with expression dynamics, which is primarily caused by the lack of comprehensive 3D datasets that combine diversity in spoken sentences with a variety of facial expressions. Whereas literature works attempted to exploit 2D video data and parametric 3D models as a workaround, these still show limitations when jointly modeling the two motions. In this work, we address this problem from a different perspective, and propose an innovative data-driven technique that we used for creating a synthetic dataset, called EmoVOCA, obtained by combining a collection of inexpressive 3D talking heads and a set of 3D expressive sequences. To demonstrate the advantages of this approach, and the quality of the dataset, we then designed and trained an emotional 3D talking head generator that accepts a 3D face, an audio file, an emotion label, and an intensity value as inputs, and learns to animate the audio-synchronized lip movements with expressive traits of the face. Comprehensive experiments, both quantitative and qualitative, using our data and generator evidence superior ability in synthesizing convincing animations, when compared with the best performing methods in the literature. Our code and pre-trained model will be made available.

new MEDBind: Unifying Language and Multimodal Medical Data Embeddings

Authors: Yuan Gao, Sangwook Kim, David E Austin, Chris McIntosh

Abstract: Medical vision-language pretraining models (VLPM) have achieved remarkable progress in fusing chest X-rays (CXR) with clinical texts, introducing image-text data binding approaches that enable zero-shot learning and downstream clinical tasks. However, the current landscape lacks the holistic integration of additional medical modalities, such as electrocardiograms (ECG). We present MEDBind (Medical Electronic patient recorD), which learns joint embeddings across CXR, ECG, and medical text. Using text data as the central anchor, MEDBind features tri-modality binding, delivering competitive performance in top-K retrieval, zero-shot, and few-shot benchmarks against established VLPM, and the ability for CXR-to-ECG zero-shot classification and retrieval. This seamless integration is achieved through combination of contrastive loss on modality-text pairs with our proposed contrastive loss function, Edge-Modality Contrastive Loss, fostering a cohesive embedding space for CXR, ECG, and text. Finally, we demonstrate that MEDBind can improve downstream tasks by directly integrating CXR and ECG embeddings into a large-language model for multimodal prompt tuning.

new mPLUG-DocOwl 1.5: Unified Structure Learning for OCR-free Document Understanding

Authors: Anwen Hu, Haiyang Xu, Jiabo Ye, Ming Yan, Liang Zhang, Bo Zhang, Chen Li, Ji Zhang, Qin Jin, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: Structure information is critical for understanding the semantics of text-rich images, such as documents, tables, and charts. Existing Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) for Visual Document Understanding are equipped with text recognition ability but lack general structure understanding abilities for text-rich document images. In this work, we emphasize the importance of structure information in Visual Document Understanding and propose the Unified Structure Learning to boost the performance of MLLMs. Our Unified Structure Learning comprises structure-aware parsing tasks and multi-grained text localization tasks across 5 domains: document, webpage, table, chart, and natural image. To better encode structure information, we design a simple and effective vision-to-text module H-Reducer, which can not only maintain the layout information but also reduce the length of visual features by merging horizontal adjacent patches through convolution, enabling the LLM to understand high-resolution images more efficiently. Furthermore, by constructing structure-aware text sequences and multi-grained pairs of texts and bounding boxes for publicly available text-rich images, we build a comprehensive training set DocStruct4M to support structure learning. Finally, we construct a small but high-quality reasoning tuning dataset DocReason25K to trigger the detailed explanation ability in the document domain. Our model DocOwl 1.5 achieves state-of-the-art performance on 10 visual document understanding benchmarks, improving the SOTA performance of MLLMs with a 7B LLM by more than 10 points in 5/10 benchmarks. Our codes, models, and datasets are publicly available at


new TexDreamer: Towards Zero-Shot High-Fidelity 3D Human Texture Generation

Authors: Yufei Liu, Junwei Zhu, Junshu Tang, Shijie Zhang, Jiangning Zhang, Weijian Cao, Chengjie Wang, Yunsheng Wu, Dongjin Huang

Abstract: Texturing 3D humans with semantic UV maps remains a challenge due to the difficulty of acquiring reasonably unfolded UV. Despite recent text-to-3D advancements in supervising multi-view renderings using large text-to-image (T2I) models, issues persist with generation speed, text consistency, and texture quality, resulting in data scarcity among existing datasets. We present TexDreamer, the first zero-shot multimodal high-fidelity 3D human texture generation model. Utilizing an efficient texture adaptation finetuning strategy, we adapt large T2I model to a semantic UV structure while preserving its original generalization capability. Leveraging a novel feature translator module, the trained model is capable of generating high-fidelity 3D human textures from either text or image within seconds. Furthermore, we introduce ArTicuLated humAn textureS (ATLAS), the largest high-resolution (1024 X 1024) 3D human texture dataset which contains 50k high-fidelity textures with text descriptions.

new Ultra-High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Pyramid Diffusion Model

Authors: Jiajie Yang

Abstract: We introduce the Pyramid Diffusion Model (PDM), a novel architecture designed for ultra-high-resolution image synthesis. PDM utilizes a pyramid latent representation, providing a broader design space that enables more flexible, structured, and efficient perceptual compression which enable AutoEncoder and Network of Diffusion to equip branches and deeper layers. To enhance PDM's capabilities for generative tasks, we propose the integration of Spatial-Channel Attention and Res-Skip Connection, along with the utilization of Spectral Norm and Decreasing Dropout Strategy for the Diffusion Network and AutoEncoder. In summary, PDM achieves the synthesis of images with a 2K resolution for the first time, demonstrated on two new datasets comprising images of sizes 2048x2048 pixels and 2048x1024 pixels respectively. We believe that this work offers an alternative approach to designing scalable image generative models, while also providing incremental reinforcement for existing frameworks.

new Contextual AD Narration with Interleaved Multimodal Sequence

Authors: Hanlin Wang, Zhan Tong, Kecheng Zheng, Yujun Shen, Limin Wang

Abstract: The Audio Description (AD) task aims to generate descriptions of visual elements for visually impaired individuals to help them access long-form video contents, like movie. With video feature, text, character bank and context information as inputs, the generated ADs are able to correspond to the characters by name and provide reasonable, contextual descriptions to help audience understand the storyline of movie. To achieve this goal, we propose to leverage pre-trained foundation models through a simple and unified framework to generate ADs with interleaved multimodal sequence as input, termed as Uni-AD. To enhance the alignment of features across various modalities with finer granularity, we introduce a simple and lightweight module that maps video features into the textual feature space. Moreover, we also propose a character-refinement module to provide more precise information by identifying the main characters who play more significant role in the video context. With these unique designs, we further incorporate contextual information and a contrastive loss into our architecture to generate more smooth and contextual ADs. Experiments on the MAD-eval dataset show that Uni-AD can achieve state-of-the-art performance on AD generation, which demonstrates the effectiveness of our approach. Code will be available at


new You Only Sample Once: Taming One-Step Text-To-Image Synthesis by Self-Cooperative Diffusion GANs

Authors: Yihong Luo, Xiaolong Chen, Jing Tang

Abstract: We introduce YOSO, a novel generative model designed for rapid, scalable, and high-fidelity one-step image synthesis. This is achieved by integrating the diffusion process with GANs. Specifically, we smooth the distribution by the denoising generator itself, performing self-cooperative learning. We show that our method can serve as a one-step generation model training from scratch with competitive performance. Moreover, we show that our method can be extended to finetune pre-trained text-to-image diffusion for high-quality one-step text-to-image synthesis even with LoRA fine-tuning. In particular, we provide the first diffusion transformer that can generate images in one step trained on 512 resolution, with the capability of adapting to 1024 resolution without explicit training. Our code is provided at


new Zero-Reference Low-Light Enhancement via Physical Quadruple Priors

Authors: Wenjing Wang, Huan Yang, Jianlong Fu, Jiaying Liu

Abstract: Understanding illumination and reducing the need for supervision pose a significant challenge in low-light enhancement. Current approaches are highly sensitive to data usage during training and illumination-specific hyper-parameters, limiting their ability to handle unseen scenarios. In this paper, we propose a new zero-reference low-light enhancement framework trainable solely with normal light images. To accomplish this, we devise an illumination-invariant prior inspired by the theory of physical light transfer. This prior serves as the bridge between normal and low-light images. Then, we develop a prior-to-image framework trained without low-light data. During testing, this framework is able to restore our illumination-invariant prior back to images, automatically achieving low-light enhancement. Within this framework, we leverage a pretrained generative diffusion model for model ability, introduce a bypass decoder to handle detail distortion, as well as offer a lightweight version for practicality. Extensive experiments demonstrate our framework's superiority in various scenarios as well as good interpretability, robustness, and efficiency. Code is available on our project homepage:


new Segment Anything for comprehensive analysis of grapevine cluster architecture and berry properties

Authors: Efrain Torres-Lomas, Jimena Lado-Jimena, Guillermo Garcia-Zamora, Luis Diaz-Garcia

Abstract: Grape cluster architecture and compactness are complex traits influencing disease susceptibility, fruit quality, and yield. Evaluation methods for these traits include visual scoring, manual methodologies, and computer vision, with the latter being the most scalable approach. Most of the existing computer vision approaches for processing cluster images often rely on conventional segmentation or machine learning with extensive training and limited generalization. The Segment Anything Model (SAM), a novel foundation model trained on a massive image dataset, enables automated object segmentation without additional training. This study demonstrates out-of-the-box SAM's high accuracy in identifying individual berries in 2D cluster images. Using this model, we managed to segment approximately 3,500 cluster images, generating over 150,000 berry masks, each linked with spatial coordinates within their clusters. The correlation between human-identified berries and SAM predictions was very strong (Pearson r2=0.96). Although the visible berry count in images typically underestimates the actual cluster berry count due to visibility issues, we demonstrated that this discrepancy could be adjusted using a linear regression model (adjusted R2=0.87). We emphasized the critical importance of the angle at which the cluster is imaged, noting its substantial effect on berry counts and architecture. We proposed different approaches in which berry location information facilitated the calculation of complex features related to cluster architecture and compactness. Finally, we discussed SAM's potential integration into currently available pipelines for image generation and processing in vineyard conditions.

new Just Shift It: Test-Time Prototype Shifting for Zero-Shot Generalization with Vision-Language Models

Authors: Elaine Sui, Xiaohan Wang, Serena Yeung-Levy

Abstract: Advancements in vision-language models (VLMs) have propelled the field of computer vision, particularly in the zero-shot learning setting. Despite their promise, the effectiveness of these models often diminishes due to domain shifts in test environments. To address this, we introduce the Test-Time Prototype Shifting (TPS) framework, a pioneering approach designed to adapt VLMs to test datasets using unlabeled test inputs. Our method is based on the notion of modulating per-class prototypes in the shared embedding space. By pre-computing and caching prototypes generated with the pre-trained text encoder, TPS not only facilitates optimization-free prototype reuse for subsequent predictions but also enables seamless integration with current advancements in prompt engineering. At test-time, TPS dynamically learns shift vectors for each prototype based solely on the given test sample, effectively bridging the domain gap and enhancing classification accuracy. A notable aspect of our framework is its significantly reduced memory and computational demands when compared to conventional text-prompt tuning methods. Extensive evaluations across 15 datasets involving natural distribution shifts and cross-dataset generalization demonstrate TPS's superior performance, achieving state-of-the-art results while reducing resource requirements.

new FutureDepth: Learning to Predict the Future Improves Video Depth Estimation

Authors: Rajeev Yasarla, Manish Kumar Singh, Hong Cai, Yunxiao Shi, Jisoo Jeong, Yinhao Zhu, Shizhong Han, Risheek Garrepalli, Fatih Porikli

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel video depth estimation approach, FutureDepth, which enables the model to implicitly leverage multi-frame and motion cues to improve depth estimation by making it learn to predict the future at training. More specifically, we propose a future prediction network, F-Net, which takes the features of multiple consecutive frames and is trained to predict multi-frame features one time step ahead iteratively. In this way, F-Net learns the underlying motion and correspondence information, and we incorporate its features into the depth decoding process. Additionally, to enrich the learning of multiframe correspondence cues, we further leverage a reconstruction network, R-Net, which is trained via adaptively masked auto-encoding of multiframe feature volumes. At inference time, both F-Net and R-Net are used to produce queries to work with the depth decoder, as well as a final refinement network. Through extensive experiments on several benchmarks, i.e., NYUDv2, KITTI, DDAD, and Sintel, which cover indoor, driving, and open-domain scenarios, we show that FutureDepth significantly improves upon baseline models, outperforms existing video depth estimation methods, and sets new state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy. Furthermore, FutureDepth is more efficient than existing SOTA video depth estimation models and has similar latencies when comparing to monocular models

new GVGEN: Text-to-3D Generation with Volumetric Representation

Authors: Xianglong He, Junyi Chen, Sida Peng, Di Huang, Yangguang Li, Xiaoshui Huang, Chun Yuan, Wanli Ouyang, Tong He

Abstract: In recent years, 3D Gaussian splatting has emerged as a powerful technique for 3D reconstruction and generation, known for its fast and high-quality rendering capabilities. To address these shortcomings, this paper introduces a novel diffusion-based framework, GVGEN, designed to efficiently generate 3D Gaussian representations from text input. We propose two innovative techniques:(1) Structured Volumetric Representation. We first arrange disorganized 3D Gaussian points as a structured form GaussianVolume. This transformation allows the capture of intricate texture details within a volume composed of a fixed number of Gaussians. To better optimize the representation of these details, we propose a unique pruning and densifying method named the Candidate Pool Strategy, enhancing detail fidelity through selective optimization. (2) Coarse-to-fine Generation Pipeline. To simplify the generation of GaussianVolume and empower the model to generate instances with detailed 3D geometry, we propose a coarse-to-fine pipeline. It initially constructs a basic geometric structure, followed by the prediction of complete Gaussian attributes. Our framework, GVGEN, demonstrates superior performance in qualitative and quantitative assessments compared to existing 3D generation methods. Simultaneously, it maintains a fast generation speed ($\sim$7 seconds), effectively striking a balance between quality and efficiency.

new WHAC: World-grounded Humans and Cameras

Authors: Wanqi Yin, Zhongang Cai, Ruisi Wang, Fanzhou Wang, Chen Wei, Haiyi Mei, Weiye Xiao, Zhitao Yang, Qingping Sun, Atsushi Yamashita, Ziwei Liu, Lei Yang

Abstract: Estimating human and camera trajectories with accurate scale in the world coordinate system from a monocular video is a highly desirable yet challenging and ill-posed problem. In this study, we aim to recover expressive parametric human models (i.e., SMPL-X) and corresponding camera poses jointly, by leveraging the synergy between three critical players: the world, the human, and the camera. Our approach is founded on two key observations. Firstly, camera-frame SMPL-X estimation methods readily recover absolute human depth. Secondly, human motions inherently provide absolute spatial cues. By integrating these insights, we introduce a novel framework, referred to as WHAC, to facilitate world-grounded expressive human pose and shape estimation (EHPS) alongside camera pose estimation, without relying on traditional optimization techniques. Additionally, we present a new synthetic dataset, WHAC-A-Mole, which includes accurately annotated humans and cameras, and features diverse interactive human motions as well as realistic camera trajectories. Extensive experiments on both standard and newly established benchmarks highlight the superiority and efficacy of our framework. We will make the code and dataset publicly available.

new FaceXFormer: A Unified Transformer for Facial Analysis

Authors: Kartik Narayan, Vibashan VS, Rama Chellappa, Vishal M. Patel

Abstract: In this work, we introduce FaceXformer, an end-to-end unified transformer model for a comprehensive range of facial analysis tasks such as face parsing, landmark detection, head pose estimation, attributes recognition, and estimation of age, gender, race, and landmarks visibility. Conventional methods in face analysis have often relied on task-specific designs and preprocessing techniques, which limit their approach to a unified architecture. Unlike these conventional methods, our FaceXformer leverages a transformer-based encoder-decoder architecture where each task is treated as a learnable token, enabling the integration of multiple tasks within a single framework. Moreover, we propose a parameter-efficient decoder, FaceX, which jointly processes face and task tokens, thereby learning generalized and robust face representations across different tasks. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work to propose a single model capable of handling all these facial analysis tasks using transformers. We conducted a comprehensive analysis of effective backbones for unified face task processing and evaluated different task queries and the synergy between them. We conduct experiments against state-of-the-art specialized models and previous multi-task models in both intra-dataset and cross-dataset evaluations across multiple benchmarks. Additionally, our model effectively handles images "in-the-wild," demonstrating its robustness and generalizability across eight different tasks, all while maintaining the real-time performance of 37 FPS.

new TexTile: A Differentiable Metric for Texture Tileability

Authors: Carlos Rodriguez-Pardo, Dan Casas, Elena Garces, Jorge Lopez-Moreno

Abstract: We introduce TexTile, a novel differentiable metric to quantify the degree upon which a texture image can be concatenated with itself without introducing repeating artifacts (i.e., the tileability). Existing methods for tileable texture synthesis focus on general texture quality, but lack explicit analysis of the intrinsic repeatability properties of a texture. In contrast, our TexTile metric effectively evaluates the tileable properties of a texture, opening the door to more informed synthesis and analysis of tileable textures. Under the hood, TexTile is formulated as a binary classifier carefully built from a large dataset of textures of different styles, semantics, regularities, and human annotations.Key to our method is a set of architectural modifications to baseline pre-train image classifiers to overcome their shortcomings at measuring tileability, along with a custom data augmentation and training regime aimed at increasing robustness and accuracy. We demonstrate that TexTile can be plugged into different state-of-the-art texture synthesis methods, including diffusion-based strategies, and generate tileable textures while keeping or even improving the overall texture quality. Furthermore, we show that TexTile can objectively evaluate any tileable texture synthesis method, whereas the current mix of existing metrics produces uncorrelated scores which heavily hinders progress in the field.

new FRESCO: Spatial-Temporal Correspondence for Zero-Shot Video Translation

Authors: Shuai Yang, Yifan Zhou, Ziwei Liu, Chen Change Loy

Abstract: The remarkable efficacy of text-to-image diffusion models has motivated extensive exploration of their potential application in video domains. Zero-shot methods seek to extend image diffusion models to videos without necessitating model training. Recent methods mainly focus on incorporating inter-frame correspondence into attention mechanisms. However, the soft constraint imposed on determining where to attend to valid features can sometimes be insufficient, resulting in temporal inconsistency. In this paper, we introduce FRESCO, intra-frame correspondence alongside inter-frame correspondence to establish a more robust spatial-temporal constraint. This enhancement ensures a more consistent transformation of semantically similar content across frames. Beyond mere attention guidance, our approach involves an explicit update of features to achieve high spatial-temporal consistency with the input video, significantly improving the visual coherence of the resulting translated videos. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed framework in producing high-quality, coherent videos, marking a notable improvement over existing zero-shot methods.

new FouriScale: A Frequency Perspective on Training-Free High-Resolution Image Synthesis

Authors: Linjiang Huang, Rongyao Fang, Aiping Zhang, Guanglu Song, Si Liu, Yu Liu, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: In this study, we delve into the generation of high-resolution images from pre-trained diffusion models, addressing persistent challenges, such as repetitive patterns and structural distortions, that emerge when models are applied beyond their trained resolutions. To address this issue, we introduce an innovative, training-free approach FouriScale from the perspective of frequency domain analysis. We replace the original convolutional layers in pre-trained diffusion models by incorporating a dilation technique along with a low-pass operation, intending to achieve structural consistency and scale consistency across resolutions, respectively. Further enhanced by a padding-then-crop strategy, our method can flexibly handle text-to-image generation of various aspect ratios. By using the FouriScale as guidance, our method successfully balances the structural integrity and fidelity of generated images, achieving an astonishing capacity of arbitrary-size, high-resolution, and high-quality generation. With its simplicity and compatibility, our method can provide valuable insights for future explorations into the synthesis of ultra-high-resolution images. The code will be released at


new Negative Yields Positive: Unified Dual-Path Adapter for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Ce Zhang, Simon Stepputtis, Katia Sycara, Yaqi Xie

Abstract: Recently, large-scale pre-trained Vision-Language Models (VLMs) have demonstrated great potential in learning open-world visual representations, and exhibit remarkable performance across a wide range of downstream tasks through efficient fine-tuning. In this work, we innovatively introduce the concept of dual learning into fine-tuning VLMs, i.e., we not only learn what an image is, but also what an image isn't. Building on this concept, we introduce a novel DualAdapter approach to enable dual-path adaptation of VLMs from both positive and negative perspectives with only limited annotated samples. In the inference stage, our DualAdapter performs unified predictions by simultaneously conducting complementary positive selection and negative exclusion across target classes, thereby enhancing the overall recognition accuracy of VLMs in downstream tasks. Our extensive experimental results across 15 datasets validate that the proposed DualAdapter outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods on both few-shot learning and domain generalization tasks while achieving competitive computational efficiency. Code is available at


new Wear-Any-Way: Manipulable Virtual Try-on via Sparse Correspondence Alignment

Authors: Mengting Chen, Xi Chen, Zhonghua Zhai, Chen Ju, Xuewen Hong, Jinsong Lan, Shuai Xiao

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel framework for virtual try-on, termed Wear-Any-Way. Different from previous methods, Wear-Any-Way is a customizable solution. Besides generating high-fidelity results, our method supports users to precisely manipulate the wearing style. To achieve this goal, we first construct a strong pipeline for standard virtual try-on, supporting single/multiple garment try-on and model-to-model settings in complicated scenarios. To make it manipulable, we propose sparse correspondence alignment which involves point-based control to guide the generation for specific locations. With this design, Wear-Any-Way gets state-of-the-art performance for the standard setting and provides a novel interaction form for customizing the wearing style. For instance, it supports users to drag the sleeve to make it rolled up, drag the coat to make it open, and utilize clicks to control the style of tuck, etc. Wear-Any-Way enables more liberated and flexible expressions of the attires, holding profound implications in the fashion industry.

new Chain-of-Spot: Interactive Reasoning Improves Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Zuyan Liu, Yuhao Dong, Yongming Rao, Jie Zhou, Jiwen Lu

Abstract: In the realm of vision-language understanding, the proficiency of models in interpreting and reasoning over visual content has become a cornerstone for numerous applications. However, it is challenging for the visual encoder in Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) to extract useful features tailored to questions that aid the language model's response. Furthermore, a common practice among existing LVLMs is to utilize lower-resolution images, which restricts the ability for visual recognition. Our work introduces the Chain-of-Spot (CoS) method, which we describe as Interactive Reasoning, a novel approach that enhances feature extraction by focusing on key regions of interest (ROI) within the image, corresponding to the posed questions or instructions. This technique allows LVLMs to access more detailed visual information without altering the original image resolution, thereby offering multi-granularity image features. By integrating Chain-of-Spot with instruct-following LLaVA-1.5 models, the process of image reasoning consistently improves performance across a wide range of multimodal datasets and benchmarks without bells and whistles and achieves new state-of-the-art results. Our empirical findings demonstrate a significant improvement in LVLMs' ability to understand and reason about visual content, paving the way for more sophisticated visual instruction-following applications. Code and models are available at


cross Efficient and Accurate Hyperspectral Image Demosaicing with Neural Network Architectures

Authors: Eric L. Wisotzky, Lara Wallburg, Anna Hilsmann, Peter Eisert, Thomas Wittenberg, Stephan G\"ob

Abstract: Neural network architectures for image demosaicing have been become more and more complex. This results in long training periods of such deep networks and the size of the networks is huge. These two factors prevent practical implementation and usage of the networks in real-time platforms, which generally only have limited resources. This study investigates the effectiveness of neural network architectures in hyperspectral image demosaicing. We introduce a range of network models and modifications, and compare them with classical interpolation methods and existing reference network approaches. The aim is to identify robust and efficient performing network architectures. Our evaluation is conducted on two datasets, "SimpleData" and "SimRealData," representing different degrees of realism in multispectral filter array (MSFA) data. The results indicate that our networks outperform or match reference models in both datasets demonstrating exceptional performance. Notably, our approach focuses on achieving correct spectral reconstruction rather than just visual appeal, and this emphasis is supported by quantitative and qualitative assessments. Furthermore, our findings suggest that efficient demosaicing solutions, which require fewer parameters, are essential for practical applications. This research contributes valuable insights into hyperspectral imaging and its potential applications in various fields, including medical imaging.

cross Adversarial Nibbler: An Open Red-Teaming Method for Identifying Diverse Harms in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Jessica Quaye, Alicia Parrish, Oana Inel, Charvi Rastogi, Hannah Rose Kirk, Minsuk Kahng, Erin van Liemt, Max Bartolo, Jess Tsang, Justin White, Nathan Clement, Rafael Mosquera, Juan Ciro, Vijay Janapa Reddi, Lora Aroyo

Abstract: With the rise of text-to-image (T2I) generative AI models reaching wide audiences, it is critical to evaluate model robustness against non-obvious attacks to mitigate the generation of offensive images. By focusing on ``implicitly adversarial'' prompts (those that trigger T2I models to generate unsafe images for non-obvious reasons), we isolate a set of difficult safety issues that human creativity is well-suited to uncover. To this end, we built the Adversarial Nibbler Challenge, a red-teaming methodology for crowdsourcing a diverse set of implicitly adversarial prompts. We have assembled a suite of state-of-the-art T2I models, employed a simple user interface to identify and annotate harms, and engaged diverse populations to capture long-tail safety issues that may be overlooked in standard testing. The challenge is run in consecutive rounds to enable a sustained discovery and analysis of safety pitfalls in T2I models. In this paper, we present an in-depth account of our methodology, a systematic study of novel attack strategies and discussion of safety failures revealed by challenge participants. We also release a companion visualization tool for easy exploration and derivation of insights from the dataset. The first challenge round resulted in over 10k prompt-image pairs with machine annotations for safety. A subset of 1.5k samples contains rich human annotations of harm types and attack styles. We find that 14% of images that humans consider harmful are mislabeled as ``safe'' by machines. We have identified new attack strategies that highlight the complexity of ensuring T2I model robustness. Our findings emphasize the necessity of continual auditing and adaptation as new vulnerabilities emerge. We are confident that this work will enable proactive, iterative safety assessments and promote responsible development of T2I models.

cross Foundation Models and Information Retrieval in Digital Pathology

Authors: H. R. Tizhoosh

Abstract: The paper reviews the state-of-the-art of foundation models, LLMs, generative AI, information retrieval and CBIR in digital pathology

cross GCAM: Gaussian and causal-attention model of food fine-grained recognition

Authors: Guohang Zhuang, Yue Hu, Tianxing Yan, JiaZhan Gao

Abstract: Currently, most food recognition relies on deep learning for category classification. However, these approaches struggle to effectively distinguish between visually similar food samples, highlighting the pressing need to address fine-grained issues in food recognition. To mitigate these challenges, we propose the adoption of a Gaussian and causal-attention model for fine-grained object recognition.In particular, we train to obtain Gaussian features over target regions, followed by the extraction of fine-grained features from the objects, thereby enhancing the feature mapping capabilities of the target regions. To counteract data drift resulting from uneven data distributions, we employ a counterfactual reasoning approach. By using counterfactual interventions, we analyze the impact of the learned image attention mechanism on network predictions, enabling the network to acquire more useful attention weights for fine-grained image recognition. Finally, we design a learnable loss strategy to balance training stability across various modules, ultimately improving the accuracy of the final target recognition. We validate our approach on four relevant datasets, demonstrating its excellent performance across these four datasets.We experimentally show that GCAM surpasses state-of-the-art methods on the ETH-FOOD101, UECFOOD256, and Vireo-FOOD172 datasets. Furthermore, our approach also achieves state-of-the-art performance on the CUB-200 dataset.

cross Deep learning automates Cobb angle measurement compared with multi-expert observers

Authors: Keyu Li, Hanxue Gu, Roy Colglazier, Robert Lark, Elizabeth Hubbard, Robert French, Denise Smith, Jikai Zhang, Erin McCrum, Anthony Catanzano, Joseph Cao, Leah Waldman, Maciej A. Mazurowski, Benjamin Alman

Abstract: Scoliosis, a prevalent condition characterized by abnormal spinal curvature leading to deformity, requires precise assessment methods for effective diagnosis and management. The Cobb angle is a widely used scoliosis quantification method that measures the degree of curvature between the tilted vertebrae. Yet, manual measuring of Cobb angles is time-consuming and labor-intensive, fraught with significant interobserver and intraobserver variability. To address these challenges and the lack of interpretability found in certain existing automated methods, we have created fully automated software that not only precisely measures the Cobb angle but also provides clear visualizations of these measurements. This software integrates deep neural network-based spine region detection and segmentation, spine centerline identification, pinpointing the most significantly tilted vertebrae, and direct visualization of Cobb angles on the original images. Upon comparison with the assessments of 7 expert readers, our algorithm exhibited a mean deviation in Cobb angle measurements of 4.17 degrees, notably surpassing the manual approach's average intra-reader discrepancy of 5.16 degrees. The algorithm also achieved intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC) exceeding 0.96 and Pearson correlation coefficients above 0.944, reflecting robust agreement with expert assessments and superior measurement reliability. Through the comprehensive reader study and statistical analysis, we believe this algorithm not only ensures a higher consensus with expert readers but also enhances interpretability and reproducibility during assessments. It holds significant promise for clinical application, potentially aiding physicians in more accurate scoliosis assessment and diagnosis, thereby improving patient care.

cross Fusing Domain-Specific Content from Large Language Models into Knowledge Graphs for Enhanced Zero Shot Object State Classification

Authors: Filippos Gouidis, Katerina Papantoniou, Konstantinos Papoutsakis Theodore Patkos, Antonis Argyros, Dimitris Plexousakis

Abstract: Domain-specific knowledge can significantly contribute to addressing a wide variety of vision tasks. However, the generation of such knowledge entails considerable human labor and time costs. This study investigates the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in generating and providing domain-specific information through semantic embeddings. To achieve this, an LLM is integrated into a pipeline that utilizes Knowledge Graphs and pre-trained semantic vectors in the context of the Vision-based Zero-shot Object State Classification task. We thoroughly examine the behavior of the LLM through an extensive ablation study. Our findings reveal that the integration of LLM-based embeddings, in combination with general-purpose pre-trained embeddings, leads to substantial performance improvements. Drawing insights from this ablation study, we conduct a comparative analysis against competing models, thereby highlighting the state-of-the-art performance achieved by the proposed approach.

cross Generalizing deep learning models for medical image classification

Authors: Matta Sarah, Lamard Mathieu, Zhang Philippe, Alexandre Le Guilcher, Laurent Borderie, B\'eatrice Cochener, Gwenol\'e Quellec

Abstract: Numerous Deep Learning (DL) models have been developed for a large spectrum of medical image analysis applications, which promises to reshape various facets of medical practice. Despite early advances in DL model validation and implementation, which encourage healthcare institutions to adopt them, some fundamental questions remain: are the DL models capable of generalizing? What causes a drop in DL model performances? How to overcome the DL model performance drop? Medical data are dynamic and prone to domain shift, due to multiple factors such as updates to medical equipment, new imaging workflow, and shifts in patient demographics or populations can induce this drift over time. In this paper, we review recent developments in generalization methods for DL-based classification models. We also discuss future challenges, including the need for improved evaluation protocols and benchmarks, and envisioned future developments to achieve robust, generalized models for medical image classification.

cross Bootstrapping Reinforcement Learning with Imitation for Vision-Based Agile Flight

Authors: Jiaxu Xing, Angel Romero, Leonard Bauersfeld, Davide Scaramuzza

Abstract: We combine the effectiveness of Reinforcement Learning (RL) and the efficiency of Imitation Learning (IL) in the context of vision-based, autonomous drone racing. We focus on directly processing visual input without explicit state estimation. While RL offers a general framework for learning complex controllers through trial and error, it faces challenges regarding sample efficiency and computational demands due to the high dimensionality of visual inputs. Conversely, IL demonstrates efficiency in learning from visual demonstrations but is limited by the quality of those demonstrations and faces issues like covariate shift. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel training framework combining RL and IL's advantages. Our framework involves three stages: initial training of a teacher policy using privileged state information, distilling this policy into a student policy using IL, and performance-constrained adaptive RL fine-tuning. Our experiments in both simulated and real-world environments demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performance and robustness than IL or RL alone in navigating a quadrotor through a racing course using only visual information without explicit state estimation.

cross Synthetic Image Generation in Cyber Influence Operations: An Emergent Threat?

Authors: Melanie Mathys, Marco Willi, Michael Graber, Raphael Meier

Abstract: The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) has catalyzed a transformation in digital content generation, with profound implications for cyber influence operations. This report delves into the potential and limitations of generative deep learning models, such as diffusion models, in fabricating convincing synthetic images. We critically assess the accessibility, practicality, and output quality of these tools and their implications in threat scenarios of deception, influence, and subversion. Notably, the report generates content for several hypothetical cyber influence operations to demonstrate the current capabilities and limitations of these AI-driven methods for threat actors. While generative models excel at producing illustrations and non-realistic imagery, creating convincing photo-realistic content remains a significant challenge, limited by computational resources and the necessity for human-guided refinement. Our exploration underscores the delicate balance between technological advancement and its potential for misuse, prompting recommendations for ongoing research, defense mechanisms, multi-disciplinary collaboration, and policy development. These recommendations aim to leverage AI's potential for positive impact while safeguarding against its risks to the integrity of information, especially in the context of cyber influence.

cross Large-scale flood modeling and forecasting with FloodCast

Authors: Qingsong Xu, Yilei Shi, Jonathan Bamber, Chaojun Ouyang, Xiao Xiang Zhu

Abstract: Large-scale hydrodynamic models generally rely on fixed-resolution spatial grids and model parameters as well as incurring a high computational cost. This limits their ability to accurately forecast flood crests and issue time-critical hazard warnings. In this work, we build a fast, stable, accurate, resolution-invariant, and geometry-adaptative flood modeling and forecasting framework that can perform at large scales, namely FloodCast. The framework comprises two main modules: multi-satellite observation and hydrodynamic modeling. In the multi-satellite observation module, a real-time unsupervised change detection method and a rainfall processing and analysis tool are proposed to harness the full potential of multi-satellite observations in large-scale flood prediction. In the hydrodynamic modeling module, a geometry-adaptive physics-informed neural solver (GeoPINS) is introduced, benefiting from the absence of a requirement for training data in physics-informed neural networks and featuring a fast, accurate, and resolution-invariant architecture with Fourier neural operators. GeoPINS demonstrates impressive performance on popular PDEs across regular and irregular domains. Building upon GeoPINS, we propose a sequence-to-sequence GeoPINS model to handle long-term temporal series and extensive spatial domains in large-scale flood modeling. Next, we establish a benchmark dataset in the 2022 Pakistan flood to assess various flood prediction methods. Finally, we validate the model in three dimensions - flood inundation range, depth, and transferability of spatiotemporal downscaling. Traditional hydrodynamics and sequence-to-sequence GeoPINS exhibit exceptional agreement during high water levels, while comparative assessments with SAR-based flood depth data show that sequence-to-sequence GeoPINS outperforms traditional hydrodynamics, with smaller prediction errors.

cross Improving Generalization via Meta-Learning on Hard Samples

Authors: Nishant Jain, Arun S. Suggala, Pradeep Shenoy

Abstract: Learned reweighting (LRW) approaches to supervised learning use an optimization criterion to assign weights for training instances, in order to maximize performance on a representative validation dataset. We pose and formalize the problem of optimized selection of the validation set used in LRW training, to improve classifier generalization. In particular, we show that using hard-to-classify instances in the validation set has both a theoretical connection to, and strong empirical evidence of generalization. We provide an efficient algorithm for training this meta-optimized model, as well as a simple train-twice heuristic for careful comparative study. We demonstrate that LRW with easy validation data performs consistently worse than LRW with hard validation data, establishing the validity of our meta-optimization problem. Our proposed algorithm outperforms a wide range of baselines on a range of datasets and domain shift challenges (Imagenet-1K, CIFAR-100, Clothing-1M, CAMELYON, WILDS, etc.), with ~1% gains using VIT-B on Imagenet. We also show that using naturally hard examples for validation (Imagenet-R / Imagenet-A) in LRW training for Imagenet improves performance on both clean and naturally hard test instances by 1-2%. Secondary analyses show that using hard validation data in an LRW framework improves margins on test data, hinting at the mechanism underlying our empirical gains. We believe this work opens up new research directions for the meta-optimization of meta-learning in a supervised learning context.

cross Estimation and Analysis of Slice Propagation Uncertainty in 3D Anatomy Segmentation

Authors: Rachaell Nihalaani, Tushar Kataria, Jadie Adams, Shireen Y. Elhabian

Abstract: Supervised methods for 3D anatomy segmentation demonstrate superior performance but are often limited by the availability of annotated data. This limitation has led to a growing interest in self-supervised approaches in tandem with the abundance of available un-annotated data. Slice propagation has emerged as an self-supervised approach that leverages slice registration as a self-supervised task to achieve full anatomy segmentation with minimal supervision. This approach significantly reduces the need for domain expertise, time, and the cost associated with building fully annotated datasets required for training segmentation networks. However, this shift toward reduced supervision via deterministic networks raises concerns about the trustworthiness and reliability of predictions, especially when compared with more accurate supervised approaches. To address this concern, we propose the integration of calibrated uncertainty quantification (UQ) into slice propagation methods, providing insights into the model's predictive reliability and confidence levels. Incorporating uncertainty measures enhances user confidence in self-supervised approaches, thereby improving their practical applicability. We conducted experiments on three datasets for 3D abdominal segmentation using five UQ methods. The results illustrate that incorporating UQ improves not only model trustworthiness, but also segmentation accuracy. Furthermore, our analysis reveals various failure modes of slice propagation methods that might not be immediately apparent to end-users. This study opens up new research avenues to improve the accuracy and trustworthiness of slice propagation methods.

cross Removing Undesirable Concepts in Text-to-Image Generative Models with Learnable Prompts

Authors: Anh Bui, Khanh Doan, Trung Le, Paul Montague, Tamas Abraham, Dinh Phung

Abstract: Generative models have demonstrated remarkable potential in generating visually impressive content from textual descriptions. However, training these models on unfiltered internet data poses the risk of learning and subsequently propagating undesirable concepts, such as copyrighted or unethical content. In this paper, we propose a novel method to remove undesirable concepts from text-to-image generative models by incorporating a learnable prompt into the cross-attention module. This learnable prompt acts as additional memory to transfer the knowledge of undesirable concepts into it and reduce the dependency of these concepts on the model parameters and corresponding textual inputs. Because of this knowledge transfer into the prompt, erasing these undesirable concepts is more stable and has minimal negative impact on other concepts. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on the Stable Diffusion model, showcasing its superiority over state-of-the-art erasure methods in terms of removing undesirable content while preserving other unrelated elements.

cross Deep Few-view High-resolution Photon-counting Extremity CT at Halved Dose for a Clinical Trial

Authors: Mengzhou Li, Chuang Niu, Ge Wang, Maya R Amma, Krishna M Chapagain, Stefan Gabrielson, Andrew Li, Kevin Jonker, Niels de Ruiter, Jennifer A Clark, Phil Butler, Anthony Butler, Hengyong Yu

Abstract: The latest X-ray photon-counting computed tomography (PCCT) for extremity allows multi-energy high-resolution (HR) imaging for tissue characterization and material decomposition. However, both radiation dose and imaging speed need improvement for contrast-enhanced and other studies. Despite the success of deep learning methods for 2D few-view reconstruction, applying them to HR volumetric reconstruction of extremity scans for clinical diagnosis has been limited due to GPU memory constraints, training data scarcity, and domain gap issues. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based approach for PCCT image reconstruction at halved dose and doubled speed in a New Zealand clinical trial. Particularly, we present a patch-based volumetric refinement network to alleviate the GPU memory limitation, train network with synthetic data, and use model-based iterative refinement to bridge the gap between synthetic and real-world data. The simulation and phantom experiments demonstrate consistently improved results under different acquisition conditions on both in- and off-domain structures using a fixed network. The image quality of 8 patients from the clinical trial are evaluated by three radiologists in comparison with the standard image reconstruction with a full-view dataset. It is shown that our proposed approach is essentially identical to or better than the clinical benchmark in terms of diagnostic image quality scores. Our approach has a great potential to improve the safety and efficiency of PCCT without compromising image quality.

cross Low-Trace Adaptation of Zero-shot Self-supervised Blind Image Denoising

Authors: Jintong Hu, Bin Xia, Bingchen Li, Wenming Yang

Abstract: Deep learning-based denoiser has been the focus of recent development on image denoising. In the past few years, there has been increasing interest in developing self-supervised denoising networks that only require noisy images, without the need for clean ground truth for training. However, a performance gap remains between current self-supervised methods and their supervised counterparts. Additionally, these methods commonly depend on assumptions about noise characteristics, thereby constraining their applicability in real-world scenarios. Inspired by the properties of the Frobenius norm expansion, we discover that incorporating a trace term reduces the optimization goal disparity between self-supervised and supervised methods, thereby enhancing the performance of self-supervised learning. To exploit this insight, we propose a trace-constraint loss function and design the low-trace adaptation Noise2Noise (LoTA-N2N) model that bridges the gap between self-supervised and supervised learning. Furthermore, we have discovered that several existing self-supervised denoising frameworks naturally fall within the proposed trace-constraint loss as subcases. Extensive experiments conducted on natural and confocal image datasets indicate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance within the realm of zero-shot self-supervised image denoising approaches, without relying on any assumptions regarding the noise.

cross Understanding Training-free Diffusion Guidance: Mechanisms and Limitations

Authors: Yifei Shen, Xinyang Jiang, Yezhen Wang, Yifan Yang, Dongqi Han, Dongsheng Li

Abstract: Adding additional control to pretrained diffusion models has become an increasingly popular research area, with extensive applications in computer vision, reinforcement learning, and AI for science. Recently, several studies have proposed training-free diffusion guidance by using off-the-shelf networks pretrained on clean images. This approach enables zero-shot conditional generation for universal control formats, which appears to offer a free lunch in diffusion guidance. In this paper, we aim to develop a deeper understanding of the operational mechanisms and fundamental limitations of training-free guidance. We offer a theoretical analysis that supports training-free guidance from the perspective of optimization, distinguishing it from classifier-based (or classifier-free) guidance. To elucidate their drawbacks, we theoretically demonstrate that training-free methods are more susceptible to adversarial gradients and exhibit slower convergence rates compared to classifier guidance. We then introduce a collection of techniques designed to overcome the limitations, accompanied by theoretical rationale and empirical evidence. Our experiments in image and motion generation confirm the efficacy of these techniques.

cross Prototipo de video juego activo basado en una c\'amara 3D para motivar la actividad f\'isica en ni\~nos y adultos mayores

Authors: Benjam\'in Ojeda Maga\~na, Jos\'e Guadalupe Robledo Hern\'andez, Leopoldo G\'omez Barba, Victor Manuel Rangel Cobi\'an

Abstract: This document describes the development of a video game prototype designed to encourage physical activity among children and older adults. The prototype consists of a laptop, a camera with 3D sensors, and optionally requires an LCD screen or a projector. The programming component of this prototype was developed in Scratch, a programming language geared towards children, which greatly facilitates the creation of a game tailored to the users' preferences. The idea to create such a prototype originated from the desire to offer an option that promotes physical activity among children and adults, given that a lack of physical exercise is a predominant factor in the development of chronic degenerative diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, to name the most common. As a result of this initiative, an active video game prototype was successfully developed, based on a ping-pong game, which allows both children and adults to interact in a fun way while encouraging the performance of physical activities that can positively impact the users' health.

cross Do Generated Data Always Help Contrastive Learning?

Authors: Yifei Wang, Jizhe Zhang, Yisen Wang

Abstract: Contrastive Learning (CL) has emerged as one of the most successful paradigms for unsupervised visual representation learning, yet it often depends on intensive manual data augmentations. With the rise of generative models, especially diffusion models, the ability to generate realistic images close to the real data distribution has been well recognized. These generated high-equality images have been successfully applied to enhance contrastive representation learning, a technique termed ``data inflation''. However, we find that the generated data (even from a good diffusion model like DDPM) may sometimes even harm contrastive learning. We investigate the causes behind this failure from the perspective of both data inflation and data augmentation. For the first time, we reveal the complementary roles that stronger data inflation should be accompanied by weaker augmentations, and vice versa. We also provide rigorous theoretical explanations for these phenomena via deriving its generalization bounds under data inflation. Drawing from these insights, we propose Adaptive Inflation (AdaInf), a purely data-centric strategy without introducing any extra computation cost. On benchmark datasets, AdaInf can bring significant improvements for various contrastive learning methods. Notably, without using external data, AdaInf obtains 94.70% linear accuracy on CIFAR-10 with SimCLR, setting a new record that surpasses many sophisticated methods. Code is available at


cross Non-negative Contrastive Learning

Authors: Yifei Wang, Qi Zhang, Yaoyu Guo, Yisen Wang

Abstract: Deep representations have shown promising performance when transferred to downstream tasks in a black-box manner. Yet, their inherent lack of interpretability remains a significant challenge, as these features are often opaque to human understanding. In this paper, we propose Non-negative Contrastive Learning (NCL), a renaissance of Non-negative Matrix Factorization (NMF) aimed at deriving interpretable features. The power of NCL lies in its enforcement of non-negativity constraints on features, reminiscent of NMF's capability to extract features that align closely with sample clusters. NCL not only aligns mathematically well with an NMF objective but also preserves NMF's interpretability attributes, resulting in a more sparse and disentangled representation compared to standard contrastive learning (CL). Theoretically, we establish guarantees on the identifiability and downstream generalization of NCL. Empirically, we show that these advantages enable NCL to outperform CL significantly on feature disentanglement, feature selection, as well as downstream classification tasks. At last, we show that NCL can be easily extended to other learning scenarios and benefit supervised learning as well. Code is available at


cross TT-BLIP: Enhancing Fake News Detection Using BLIP and Tri-Transformer

Authors: Eunjee Choi, Jong-Kook Kim

Abstract: Detecting fake news has received a lot of attention. Many previous methods concatenate independently encoded unimodal data, ignoring the benefits of integrated multimodal information. Also, the absence of specialized feature extraction for text and images further limits these methods. This paper introduces an end-to-end model called TT-BLIP that applies the bootstrapping language-image pretraining for unified vision-language understanding and generation (BLIP) for three types of information: BERT and BLIP\textsubscript{Txt} for text, ResNet and BLIP\textsubscript{Img} for images, and bidirectional BLIP encoders for multimodal information. The Multimodal Tri-Transformer fuses tri-modal features using three types of multi-head attention mechanisms, ensuring integrated modalities for enhanced representations and improved multimodal data analysis. The experiments are performed using two fake news datasets, Weibo and Gossipcop. The results indicate TT-BLIP outperforms the state-of-the-art models.

cross High-Fidelity SLAM Using Gaussian Splatting with Rendering-Guided Densification and Regularized Optimization

Authors: Shuo Sun, Malcolm Mielle, Achim J. Lilienthal, Martin Magnusson

Abstract: We propose a dense RGBD SLAM system based on 3D Gaussian Splatting that provides metrically accurate pose tracking and visually realistic reconstruction. To this end, we first propose a Gaussian densification strategy based on the rendering loss to map unobserved areas and refine reobserved areas. Second, we introduce extra regularization parameters to alleviate the forgetting problem in the continuous mapping problem, where parameters tend to overfit the latest frame and result in decreasing rendering quality for previous frames. Both mapping and tracking are performed with Gaussian parameters by minimizing re-rendering loss in a differentiable way. Compared to recent neural and concurrently developed gaussian splatting RGBD SLAM baselines, our method achieves state-of-the-art results on the synthetic dataset Replica and competitive results on the real-world dataset TUM.

cross Driving Animatronic Robot Facial Expression From Speech

Authors: Boren Li, Hang Li, Hangxin Liu

Abstract: Animatronic robots aim to enable natural human-robot interaction through lifelike facial expressions. However, generating realistic, speech-synchronized robot expressions is challenging due to the complexities of facial biomechanics and responsive motion synthesis. This paper presents a principled, skinning-centric approach to drive animatronic robot facial expressions from speech. The proposed approach employs linear blend skinning (LBS) as the core representation to guide tightly integrated innovations in embodiment design and motion synthesis. LBS informs the actuation topology, enables human expression retargeting, and allows speech-driven facial motion generation. The proposed approach is capable of generating highly realistic, real-time facial expressions from speech on an animatronic face, significantly advancing robots' ability to replicate nuanced human expressions for natural interaction.

cross Federated Semi-supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation with intra-client and inter-client Consistency

Authors: Yubin Zheng, Peng Tang, Tianjie Ju, Weidong Qiu, Bo Yan

Abstract: Medical image segmentation plays a vital role in clinic disease diagnosis and medical image analysis. However, labeling medical images for segmentation task is tough due to the indispensable domain expertise of radiologists. Furthermore, considering the privacy and sensitivity of medical images, it is impractical to build a centralized segmentation dataset from different medical institutions. Federated learning aims to train a shared model of isolated clients without local data exchange which aligns well with the scarcity and privacy characteristics of medical data. To solve the problem of labeling hard, many advanced semi-supervised methods have been proposed in a centralized data setting. As for federated learning, how to conduct semi-supervised learning under this distributed scenario is worth investigating. In this work, we propose a novel federated semi-supervised learning framework for medical image segmentation. The intra-client and inter-client consistency learning are introduced to smooth predictions at the data level and avoid confirmation bias of local models. They are achieved with the assistance of a Variational Autoencoder (VAE) trained collaboratively by clients. The added VAE model plays three roles: 1) extracting latent low-dimensional features of all labeled and unlabeled data; 2) performing a novel type of data augmentation in calculating intra-client consistency loss; 3) utilizing the generative ability of itself to conduct inter-client consistency distillation. The proposed framework is compared with other federated semi-supervised or self-supervised learning methods. The experimental results illustrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art method while avoiding a lot of computation and communication overhead.

cross Generative Enhancement for 3D Medical Images

Authors: Lingting Zhu, Noel Codella, Dongdong Chen, Zhenchao Jin, Lu Yuan, Lequan Yu

Abstract: The limited availability of 3D medical image datasets, due to privacy concerns and high collection or annotation costs, poses significant challenges in the field of medical imaging. While a promising alternative is the use of synthesized medical data, there are few solutions for realistic 3D medical image synthesis due to difficulties in backbone design and fewer 3D training samples compared to 2D counterparts. In this paper, we propose GEM-3D, a novel generative approach to the synthesis of 3D medical images and the enhancement of existing datasets using conditional diffusion models. Our method begins with a 2D slice, noted as the informed slice to serve the patient prior, and propagates the generation process using a 3D segmentation mask. By decomposing the 3D medical images into masks and patient prior information, GEM-3D offers a flexible yet effective solution for generating versatile 3D images from existing datasets. GEM-3D can enable dataset enhancement by combining informed slice selection and generation at random positions, along with editable mask volumes to introduce large variations in diffusion sampling. Moreover, as the informed slice contains patient-wise information, GEM-3D can also facilitate counterfactual image synthesis and dataset-level de-enhancement with desired control. Experiments on brain MRI and abdomen CT images demonstrate that GEM-3D is capable of synthesizing high-quality 3D medical images with volumetric consistency, offering a straightforward solution for dataset enhancement during inference. The code is available at


cross Adaptive Visual Imitation Learning for Robotic Assisted Feeding Across Varied Bowl Configurations and Food Types

Authors: Rui Liu, Amisha Bhaskar, Pratap Tokekar

Abstract: In this study, we introduce a novel visual imitation network with a spatial attention module for robotic assisted feeding (RAF). The goal is to acquire (i.e., scoop) food items from a bowl. However, achieving robust and adaptive food manipulation is particularly challenging. To deal with this, we propose a framework that integrates visual perception with imitation learning to enable the robot to handle diverse scenarios during scooping. Our approach, named AVIL (adaptive visual imitation learning), exhibits adaptability and robustness across different bowl configurations in terms of material, size, and position, as well as diverse food types including granular, semi-solid, and liquid, even in the presence of distractors. We validate the effectiveness of our approach by conducting experiments on a real robot. We also compare its performance with a baseline. The results demonstrate improvement over the baseline across all scenarios, with an enhancement of up to 2.5 times in terms of a success metric. Notably, our model, trained solely on data from a transparent glass bowl containing granular cereals, showcases generalization ability when tested zero-shot on other bowl configurations with different types of food.

cross Semantic Layering in Room Segmentation via LLMs

Authors: Taehyeon Kim, Byung-Cheol Min

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce Semantic Layering in Room Segmentation via LLMs (SeLRoS), an advanced method for semantic room segmentation by integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) with traditional 2D map-based segmentation. Unlike previous approaches that solely focus on the geometric segmentation of indoor environments, our work enriches segmented maps with semantic data, including object identification and spatial relationships, to enhance robotic navigation. By leveraging LLMs, we provide a novel framework that interprets and organizes complex information about each segmented area, thereby improving the accuracy and contextual relevance of room segmentation. Furthermore, SeLRoS overcomes the limitations of existing algorithms by using a semantic evaluation method to accurately distinguish true room divisions from those erroneously generated by furniture and segmentation inaccuracies. The effectiveness of SeLRoS is verified through its application across 30 different 3D environments. Source code and experiment videos for this work are available at:


replace GCT: Graph Co-Training for Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning

Authors: Rui Xu, Lei Xing, Shuai Shao, Lifei Zhao, Baodi Liu, Weifeng Liu, Yicong Zhou

Abstract: Few-shot learning (FSL), purposing to resolve the problem of data-scarce, has attracted considerable attention in recent years. A popular FSL framework contains two phases: (i) the pre-train phase employs the base data to train a CNN-based feature extractor. (ii) the meta-test phase applies the frozen feature extractor to novel data (novel data has different categories from base data) and designs a classifier for recognition. To correct few-shot data distribution, researchers propose Semi-Supervised Few-Shot Learning (SSFSL) by introducing unlabeled data. Although SSFSL has been proved to achieve outstanding performances in the FSL community, there still exists a fundamental problem: the pre-trained feature extractor can not adapt to the novel data flawlessly due to the cross-category setting. Usually, large amounts of noises are introduced to the novel feature. We dub it as Feature-Extractor-Maladaptive (FEM) problem. To tackle FEM, we make two efforts in this paper. First, we propose a novel label prediction method, Isolated Graph Learning (IGL). IGL introduces the Laplacian operator to encode the raw data to graph space, which helps reduce the dependence on features when classifying, and then project graph representation to label space for prediction. The key point is that: IGL can weaken the negative influence of noise from the feature representation perspective, and is also flexible to independently complete training and testing procedures, which is suitable for SSFSL. Second, we propose Graph Co-Training (GCT) to tackle this challenge from a multi-modal fusion perspective by extending the proposed IGL to the co-training framework. GCT is a semi-supervised method that exploits the unlabeled samples with two modal features to crossly strengthen the IGL classifier.

replace 3D Scene Creation and Rendering via Rough Meshes: A Lighting Transfer Avenue

Authors: Bowen Cai, Yujie Li, Yuqin Liang, Rongfei Jia, Binqiang Zhao, Mingming Gong, Huan Fu

Abstract: This paper studies how to flexibly integrate reconstructed 3D models into practical 3D modeling pipelines such as 3D scene creation and rendering. Due to the technical difficulty, one can only obtain rough 3D models (R3DMs) for most real objects using existing 3D reconstruction techniques. As a result, physically-based rendering (PBR) would render low-quality images or videos for scenes that are constructed by R3DMs. One promising solution would be representing real-world objects as Neural Fields such as NeRFs, which are able to generate photo-realistic renderings of an object under desired viewpoints. However, a drawback is that the synthesized views through Neural Fields Rendering (NFR) cannot reflect the simulated lighting details on R3DMs in PBR pipelines, especially when object interactions in the 3D scene creation cause local shadows. To solve this dilemma, we propose a lighting transfer network (LighTNet) to bridge NFR and PBR, such that they can benefit from each other. LighTNet reasons about a simplified image composition model, remedies the uneven surface issue caused by R3DMs, and is empowered by several perceptual-motivated constraints and a new Lab angle loss which enhances the contrast between lighting strength and colors. Comparisons demonstrate that LighTNet is superior in synthesizing impressive lighting, and is promising in pushing NFR further in practical 3D modeling workflows.

replace Exploiting Optical Flow Guidance for Transformer-Based Video Inpainting

Authors: Kaidong Zhang, Jialun Peng, Jingjing Fu, Dong Liu

Abstract: Transformers have been widely used for video processing owing to the multi-head self attention (MHSA) mechanism. However, the MHSA mechanism encounters an intrinsic difficulty for video inpainting, since the features associated with the corrupted regions are degraded and incur inaccurate self attention. This problem, termed query degradation, may be mitigated by first completing optical flows and then using the flows to guide the self attention, which was verified in our previous work - flow-guided transformer (FGT). We further exploit the flow guidance and propose FGT++ to pursue more effective and efficient video inpainting. First, we design a lightweight flow completion network by using local aggregation and edge loss. Second, to address the query degradation, we propose a flow guidance feature integration module, which uses the motion discrepancy to enhance the features, together with a flow-guided feature propagation module that warps the features according to the flows. Third, we decouple the transformer along the temporal and spatial dimensions, where flows are used to select the tokens through a temporally deformable MHSA mechanism, and global tokens are combined with the inner-window local tokens through a dual perspective MHSA mechanism. FGT++ is experimentally evaluated to be outperforming the existing video inpainting networks qualitatively and quantitatively.

replace BugNIST - a Large Volumetric Dataset for Object Detection under Domain Shift

Authors: Patrick M{\o}ller Jensen, Vedrana Andersen Dahl, Carsten Gundlach, Rebecca Engberg, Hans Martin Kjer, Anders Bjorholm Dahl

Abstract: Domain shift significantly influences the performance of deep learning algorithms, particularly for object detection within volumetric 3D images. Annotated training data is essential for deep learning-based object detection. However, annotating densely packed objects is time-consuming and costly. Instead, we suggest training models on individually scanned objects, causing a domain shift between training and detection data. To address this challenge, we introduce the BugNIST dataset, comprising 9154 micro-CT volumes of 12 bug types and 388 volumes of tightly packed bug mixtures. This dataset is characterized by having objects with the same appearance in the source and target domain, which is uncommon for other benchmark datasets for domain shift. During training, individual bug volumes labeled by class are utilized, while testing employs mixtures with center point annotations and bug type labels. Together with the dataset, we provide a baseline detection analysis, aiming at advancing the field of 3D object detection methods.

replace Mask-Based Modeling for Neural Radiance Fields

Authors: Ganlin Yang, Guoqiang Wei, Zhizheng Zhang, Yan Lu, Dong Liu

Abstract: Most Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs) exhibit limited generalization capabilities, which restrict their applicability in representing multiple scenes using a single model. To address this problem, existing generalizable NeRF methods simply condition the model on image features. These methods still struggle to learn precise global representations over diverse scenes since they lack an effective mechanism for interacting among different points and views. In this work, we unveil that 3D implicit representation learning can be significantly improved by mask-based modeling. Specifically, we propose masked ray and view modeling for generalizable NeRF (MRVM-NeRF), which is a self-supervised pretraining target to predict complete scene representations from partially masked features along each ray. With this pretraining target, MRVM-NeRF enables better use of correlations across different points and views as the geometry priors, which thereby strengthens the capability of capturing intricate details within the scenes and boosts the generalization capability across different scenes. Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed MRVM-NeRF on both synthetic and real-world datasets, qualitatively and quantitatively. Besides, we also conduct experiments to show the compatibility of our proposed method with various backbones and its superiority under few-shot cases.

replace GenCorres: Consistent Shape Matching via Coupled Implicit-Explicit Shape Generative Models

Authors: Haitao Yang, Xiangru Huang, Bo Sun, Chandrajit Bajaj, Qixing Huang

Abstract: This paper introduces GenCorres, a novel unsupervised joint shape matching (JSM) approach. Our key idea is to learn a mesh generator to fit an unorganized deformable shape collection while constraining deformations between adjacent synthetic shapes to preserve geometric structures such as local rigidity and local conformality. GenCorres presents three appealing advantages over existing JSM techniques. First, GenCorres performs JSM among a synthetic shape collection whose size is much bigger than the input shapes and fully leverages the datadriven power of JSM. Second, GenCorres unifies consistent shape matching and pairwise matching (i.e., by enforcing deformation priors between adjacent synthetic shapes). Third, the generator provides a concise encoding of consistent shape correspondences. However, learning a mesh generator from an unorganized shape collection is challenging, requiring a good initialization. GenCorres addresses this issue by learning an implicit generator from the input shapes, which provides intermediate shapes between two arbitrary shapes. We introduce a novel approach for computing correspondences between adjacent implicit surfaces, which we use to regularize the implicit generator. Synthetic shapes of the implicit generator then guide initial fittings (i.e., via template-based deformation) for learning the mesh generator. Experimental results show that GenCorres considerably outperforms state-of-the-art JSM techniques. The synthetic shapes of GenCorres also achieve salient performance gains against state-of-the-art deformable shape generators.

replace Best of Both Worlds: Hybrid SNN-ANN Architecture for Event-based Optical Flow Estimation

Authors: Shubham Negi, Deepika Sharma, Adarsh Kumar Kosta, Kaushik Roy

Abstract: In the field of robotics, event-based cameras are emerging as a promising low-power alternative to traditional frame-based cameras for capturing high-speed motion and high dynamic range scenes. This is due to their sparse and asynchronous event outputs. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) with their asynchronous event-driven compute, show great potential for extracting the spatio-temporal features from these event streams. In contrast, the standard Analog Neural Networks (ANNs) fail to process event data effectively. However, training SNNs is difficult due to additional trainable parameters (thresholds and leaks), vanishing spikes at deeper layers, and a non-differentiable binary activation function. Furthermore, an additional data structure, membrane potential, responsible for keeping track of temporal information, must be fetched and updated at every timestep in SNNs. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel SNN-ANN hybrid architecture that combines the strengths of both. Specifically, we leverage the asynchronous compute capabilities of SNN layers to effectively extract the input temporal information. Concurrently, the ANN layers facilitate training and efficient hardware deployment on traditional machine learning hardware such as GPUs. We provide extensive experimental analysis for assigning each layer to be spiking or analog, leading to a network configuration optimized for performance and ease of training. We evaluate our hybrid architecture for optical flow estimation on DSEC-flow and Multi-Vehicle Stereo Event-Camera (MVSEC) datasets. On the DSEC-flow dataset, the hybrid SNN-ANN architecture achieves a 40% reduction in average endpoint error (AEE) with 22% lower energy consumption compared to Full-SNN, and 48% lower AEE compared to Full-ANN, while maintaining comparable energy usage.

replace BeyondPixels: A Comprehensive Review of the Evolution of Neural Radiance Fields

Authors: AKM Shahariar Azad Rabby, Chengcui Zhang

Abstract: Neural rendering combines ideas from classical computer graphics and machine learning to synthesize images from real-world observations. NeRF, short for Neural Radiance Fields, is a recent innovation that uses AI algorithms to create 3D objects from 2D images. By leveraging an interpolation approach, NeRF can produce new 3D reconstructed views of complicated scenes. Rather than directly restoring the whole 3D scene geometry, NeRF generates a volumetric representation called a ``radiance field,'' which is capable of creating color and density for every point within the relevant 3D space. The broad appeal and notoriety of NeRF make it imperative to examine the existing research on the topic comprehensively. While previous surveys on 3D rendering have primarily focused on traditional computer vision-based or deep learning-based approaches, only a handful of them discuss the potential of NeRF. However, such surveys have predominantly focused on NeRF's early contributions and have not explored its full potential. NeRF is a relatively new technique continuously being investigated for its capabilities and limitations. This survey reviews recent advances in NeRF and categorizes them according to their architectural designs, especially in the field of novel view synthesis.

replace Bidirectional Temporal Diffusion Model for Temporally Consistent Human Animation

Authors: Tserendorj Adiya, Jae Shin Yoon, Jungeun Lee, Sanghun Kim, Hwasup Lim

Abstract: We introduce a method to generate temporally coherent human animation from a single image, a video, or a random noise. This problem has been formulated as modeling of an auto-regressive generation, i.e., to regress past frames to decode future frames. However, such unidirectional generation is highly prone to motion drifting over time, generating unrealistic human animation with significant artifacts such as appearance distortion. We claim that bidirectional temporal modeling enforces temporal coherence on a generative network by largely suppressing the motion ambiguity of human appearance. To prove our claim, we design a novel human animation framework using a denoising diffusion model: a neural network learns to generate the image of a person by denoising temporal Gaussian noises whose intermediate results are cross-conditioned bidirectionally between consecutive frames. In the experiments, our method demonstrates strong performance compared to existing unidirectional approaches with realistic temporal coherence

replace SAMAug: Point Prompt Augmentation for Segment Anything Model

Authors: Haixing Dai, Chong Ma, Zhiling Yan, Zhengliang Liu, Enze Shi, Yiwei Li, Peng Shu, Xiaozheng Wei, Lin Zhao, Zihao Wu, Fang Zeng, Dajiang Zhu, Wei Liu, Quanzheng Li, Lichao Sun, Shu Zhang Tianming Liu, Xiang Li

Abstract: This paper introduces SAMAug, a novel visual point augmentation method for the Segment Anything Model (SAM) that enhances interactive image segmentation performance. SAMAug generates augmented point prompts to provide more information about the user's intention to SAM. Starting with an initial point prompt, SAM produces an initial mask, which is then fed into our proposed SAMAug to generate augmented point prompts. By incorporating these extra points, SAM can generate augmented segmentation masks based on both the augmented point prompts and the initial prompt, resulting in improved segmentation performance. We conducted evaluations using four different point augmentation strategies: random sampling, sampling based on maximum difference entropy, maximum distance, and saliency. Experiment results on the COCO, Fundus, COVID QUEx, and ISIC2018 datasets show that SAMAug can boost SAM's segmentation results, especially using the maximum distance and saliency. SAMAug demonstrates the potential of visual prompt augmentation for computer vision. Codes of SAMAug are available at

replace T-MARS: Improving Visual Representations by Circumventing Text Feature Learning

Authors: Pratyush Maini, Sachin Goyal, Zachary C. Lipton, J. Zico Kolter, Aditi Raghunathan

Abstract: Large web-sourced multimodal datasets have powered a slew of new methods for learning general-purpose visual representations, advancing the state of the art in computer vision and revolutionizing zero- and few-shot recognition. One crucial decision facing practitioners is how, if at all, to curate these ever-larger datasets. For example, the creators of the LAION-5B dataset chose to retain only image-caption pairs whose CLIP similarity score exceeded a designated threshold. In this paper, we propose a new state-of-the-art data filtering approach motivated by our observation that nearly 40% of LAION's images contain text that overlaps significantly with the caption. Intuitively, such data could be wasteful as it incentivizes models to perform optical character recognition rather than learning visual features. However, naively removing all such data could also be wasteful, as it throws away images that contain visual features (in addition to overlapping text). Our simple and scalable approach, T-MARS (Text Masking and Re-Scoring), filters out only those pairs where the text dominates the remaining visual features -- by first masking out the text and then filtering out those with a low CLIP similarity score of the masked image. Experimentally, T-MARS outperforms the top-ranked method on the "medium scale" of DataComp (a data filtering benchmark) by a margin of 6.5% on ImageNet and 4.7% on VTAB. Additionally, our systematic evaluation on various data pool sizes from 2M to 64M shows that the accuracy gains enjoyed by T-MARS linearly increase as data and compute are scaled exponentially. Code is available at


replace EventBind: Learning a Unified Representation to Bind Them All for Event-based Open-world Understanding

Authors: Jiazhou Zhou, Xu Zheng, Yuanhuiyi Lyu, Lin Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose EventBind, a novel and effective framework that unleashes the potential of vision-language models (VLMs) for event-based recognition to compensate for the lack of large-scale event-based datasets. In particular, due to the distinct modality gap with the image-text data and the lack of large-scale datasets, learning a common representation space for images, texts, and events is non-trivial.Intuitively, we need to address two key challenges: 1) how to generalize CLIP's visual encoder to event data while fully leveraging events' unique properties, e.g., sparsity and high temporal resolution; 2) how to effectively align the multi-modal embeddings, i.e., image, text, and events. Accordingly, we first introduce a novel event encoder that subtly models the temporal information from events and meanwhile, generates event prompts for modality bridging. We then design a text encoder that generates content prompts and utilizes hybrid text prompts to enhance EventBind's generalization ability across diverse datasets.With the proposed event encoder, text encoder, and image encoder, a novel Hierarchical Triple Contrastive Alignment (HTCA) module is introduced to jointly optimize the correlation and enable efficient knowledge transfer among the three modalities. We evaluate various settings, including fine-tuning and few-shot on three benchmarks, and our EventBind achieves new state-of-the-art accuracy compared with the previous methods, such as on N-Caltech101 (+5.34% and +1.70%) and N-Imagenet (+5.65% and +1.99%) with fine-tuning and 20-shot settings, respectively. Moreover, our EventBind can be flexibly extended to the event retrieval task using text or image queries, showing plausible performance. Our project code will be made publicly available.

replace O$^2$-Recon: Completing 3D Reconstruction of Occluded Objects in the Scene with a Pre-trained 2D Diffusion Model

Authors: Yubin Hu, Sheng Ye, Wang Zhao, Matthieu Lin, Yuze He, Yu-Hui Wen, Ying He, Yong-Jin Liu

Abstract: Occlusion is a common issue in 3D reconstruction from RGB-D videos, often blocking the complete reconstruction of objects and presenting an ongoing problem. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, empowered by a 2D diffusion-based in-painting model, to reconstruct complete surfaces for the hidden parts of objects. Specifically, we utilize a pre-trained diffusion model to fill in the hidden areas of 2D images. Then we use these in-painted images to optimize a neural implicit surface representation for each instance for 3D reconstruction. Since creating the in-painting masks needed for this process is tricky, we adopt a human-in-the-loop strategy that involves very little human engagement to generate high-quality masks. Moreover, some parts of objects can be totally hidden because the videos are usually shot from limited perspectives. To ensure recovering these invisible areas, we develop a cascaded network architecture for predicting signed distance field, making use of different frequency bands of positional encoding and maintaining overall smoothness. Besides the commonly used rendering loss, Eikonal loss, and silhouette loss, we adopt a CLIP-based semantic consistency loss to guide the surface from unseen camera angles. Experiments on ScanNet scenes show that our proposed framework achieves state-of-the-art accuracy and completeness in object-level reconstruction from scene-level RGB-D videos. Code:


replace Improving Visual Quality and Transferability of Adversarial Attacks on Face Recognition Simultaneously with Adversarial Restoration

Authors: Fengfan Zhou, Hefei Ling, Yuxuan Shi, Jiazhong Chen, Ping Li

Abstract: Adversarial face examples possess two critical properties: Visual Quality and Transferability. However, existing approaches rarely address these properties simultaneously, leading to subpar results. To address this issue, we propose a novel adversarial attack technique known as Adversarial Restoration (AdvRestore), which enhances both visual quality and transferability of adversarial face examples by leveraging a face restoration prior. In our approach, we initially train a Restoration Latent Diffusion Model (RLDM) designed for face restoration. Subsequently, we employ the inference process of RLDM to generate adversarial face examples. The adversarial perturbations are applied to the intermediate features of RLDM. Additionally, by treating RLDM face restoration as a sibling task, the transferability of the generated adversarial face examples is further improved. Our experimental results validate the effectiveness of the proposed attack method.

replace DePT: Decoupled Prompt Tuning

Authors: Ji Zhang, Shihan Wu, Lianli Gao, Heng Tao Shen, Jingkuan Song

Abstract: This work breaks through the Base-New Tradeoff (BNT)dilemma in prompt tuning, i.e., the better the tuned model generalizes to the base (or target) task, the worse it generalizes to new tasks, and vice versa. Specifically, through an in-depth analysis of the learned features of the base and new tasks, we observe that the BNT stems from a channel bias issue, i.e., the vast majority of feature channels are occupied by base-specific knowledge, resulting in the collapse of taskshared knowledge important to new tasks. To address this, we propose the Decoupled Prompt Tuning (DePT) framework, which decouples base-specific knowledge from feature channels into an isolated feature space during prompt tuning, so as to maximally preserve task-shared knowledge in the original feature space for achieving better zero-shot generalization on new tasks. Importantly, our DePT is orthogonal to existing prompt tuning methods, hence it can improve all of them. Extensive experiments on 11 datasets show the strong flexibility and effectiveness of DePT. Our code and pretrained models are available at


replace Chasing Day and Night: Towards Robust and Efficient All-Day Object Detection Guided by an Event Camera

Authors: Jiahang Cao, Xu Zheng, Yuanhuiyi Lyu, Jiaxu Wang, Renjing Xu, Lin Wang

Abstract: The ability to detect objects in all lighting (i.e., normal-, over-, and under-exposed) conditions is crucial for real-world applications, such as self-driving.Traditional RGB-based detectors often fail under such varying lighting conditions.Therefore, recent works utilize novel event cameras to supplement or guide the RGB modality; however, these methods typically adopt asymmetric network structures that rely predominantly on the RGB modality, resulting in limited robustness for all-day detection. In this paper, we propose EOLO, a novel object detection framework that achieves robust and efficient all-day detection by fusing both RGB and event modalities. Our EOLO framework is built based on a lightweight spiking neural network (SNN) to efficiently leverage the asynchronous property of events. Buttressed by it, we first introduce an Event Temporal Attention (ETA) module to learn the high temporal information from events while preserving crucial edge information. Secondly, as different modalities exhibit varying levels of importance under diverse lighting conditions, we propose a novel Symmetric RGB-Event Fusion (SREF) module to effectively fuse RGB-Event features without relying on a specific modality, thus ensuring a balanced and adaptive fusion for all-day detection. In addition, to compensate for the lack of paired RGB-Event datasets for all-day training and evaluation, we propose an event synthesis approach based on the randomized optical flow that allows for directly generating the event frame from a single exposure image. We further build two new datasets, E-MSCOCO and E-VOC based on the popular benchmarks MSCOCO and PASCAL VOC. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our EOLO outperforms the state-of-the-art detectors,e.g.,RENet,by a substantial margin (+3.74% mAP50) in all lighting conditions.Our code and datasets will be available at


replace ImageNet-OOD: Deciphering Modern Out-of-Distribution Detection Algorithms

Authors: William Yang, Byron Zhang, Olga Russakovsky

Abstract: The task of out-of-distribution (OOD) detection is notoriously ill-defined. Earlier works focused on new-class detection, aiming to identify label-altering data distribution shifts, also known as "semantic shift." However, recent works argue for a focus on failure detection, expanding the OOD evaluation framework to account for label-preserving data distribution shifts, also known as "covariate shift." Intriguingly, under this new framework, complex OOD detectors that were previously considered state-of-the-art now perform similarly to, or even worse than the simple maximum softmax probability baseline. This raises the question: what are the latest OOD detectors actually detecting? Deciphering the behavior of OOD detection algorithms requires evaluation datasets that decouples semantic shift and covariate shift. To aid our investigations, we present ImageNet-OOD, a clean semantic shift dataset that minimizes the interference of covariate shift. Through comprehensive experiments, we show that OOD detectors are more sensitive to covariate shift than to semantic shift, and the benefits of recent OOD detection algorithms on semantic shift detection is minimal. Our dataset and analyses provide important insights for guiding the design of future OOD detectors.

replace Towards image compression with perfect realism at ultra-low bitrates

Authors: Marl\`ene Careil, Matthew J. Muckley, Jakob Verbeek, St\'ephane Lathuili\`ere

Abstract: Image codecs are typically optimized to trade-off bitrate \vs distortion metrics. At low bitrates, this leads to compression artefacts which are easily perceptible, even when training with perceptual or adversarial losses. To improve image quality and remove dependency on the bitrate, we propose to decode with iterative diffusion models. We condition the decoding process on a vector-quantized image representation, as well as a global image description to provide additional context. We dub our model PerCo for 'perceptual compression', and compare it to state-of-the-art codecs at rates from 0.1 down to 0.003 bits per pixel. The latter rate is more than an order of magnitude smaller than those considered in most prior work, compressing a 512x768 Kodak image with less than 153 bytes. Despite this ultra-low bitrate, our approach maintains the ability to reconstruct realistic images. We find that our model leads to reconstructions with state-of-the-art visual quality as measured by FID and KID. As predicted by rate-distortion-perception theory, visual quality is less dependent on the bitrate than previous methods.

replace TiC-CLIP: Continual Training of CLIP Models

Authors: Saurabh Garg, Mehrdad Farajtabar, Hadi Pouransari, Raviteja Vemulapalli, Sachin Mehta, Oncel Tuzel, Vaishaal Shankar, Fartash Faghri

Abstract: Keeping large foundation models up to date on latest data is inherently expensive. To avoid the prohibitive costs of constantly retraining, it is imperative to \emph{continually} train these models. This problem is exacerbated by the lack of any large scale continual learning benchmarks or baselines. We introduce the first set of web-scale Time-Continual (TiC) benchmarks for training vision-language models: TiC-DataComp, TiC-YFCC, and TiC-Redcaps. TiC-DataComp, our largest dataset, contains over 12.7B timestamped image-text pairs spanning 9 years (2014--2022). We first use our benchmarks to curate various \emph{dynamic} evaluations to measure temporal robustness of existing models. We show OpenAI's CLIP (trained on data up to 2020) loses $\approx 8\%$ zero-shot accuracy on our curated retrieval task from 2021--2022 compared with more recently trained models in OpenCLIP repository. We then study how to efficiently train models on time-continuous data. We demonstrate that a simple rehearsal-based approach that continues training from the last checkpoint and replays old data reduces compute by $2.5\times$ when compared to the standard practice of retraining from scratch. Code is available at


replace Towards Plastic and Stable Exemplar-Free Incremental Learning: A Dual-Learner Framework with Cumulative Parameter Averaging

Authors: Wenju Sun, Qingyong Li, Wen Wang, Yangli-ao Geng

Abstract: The dilemma between plasticity and stability presents a significant challenge in Incremental Learning (IL), especially in the exemplar-free scenario where accessing old-task samples is strictly prohibited during the learning of a new task. A straightforward solution to this issue is learning and storing an independent model for each task, known as Single Task Learning (STL). Despite the linear growth in model storage with the number of tasks in STL, we empirically discover that averaging these model parameters can potentially preserve knowledge across all tasks. Inspired by this observation, we propose a Dual-Learner framework with Cumulative Parameter Averaging (DLCPA). DLCPA employs a dual-learner design: a plastic learner focused on acquiring new-task knowledge and a stable learner responsible for accumulating all learned knowledge. The knowledge from the plastic learner is transferred to the stable learner via cumulative parameter averaging. Additionally, several task-specific classifiers work in cooperation with the stable learner to yield the final prediction. Specifically, when learning a new task, these modules are updated in a cyclic manner: i) the plastic learner is initially optimized using a self-supervised loss besides the supervised loss to enhance the feature extraction robustness; ii) the stable learner is then updated with respect to the plastic learner in a cumulative parameter averaging manner to maintain its task-wise generalization; iii) the task-specific classifier is accordingly optimized to align with the stable learner. Experimental results on CIFAR-100 and Tiny-ImageNet show that DLCPA outperforms several state-of-the-art exemplar-free baselines in both Task-IL and Class-IL settings.

replace MuSHRoom: Multi-Sensor Hybrid Room Dataset for Joint 3D Reconstruction and Novel View Synthesis

Authors: Xuqian Ren, Wenjia Wang, Dingding Cai, Tuuli Tuominen, Juho Kannala, Esa Rahtu

Abstract: Metaverse technologies demand accurate, real-time, and immersive modeling on consumer-grade hardware for both non-human perception (e.g., drone/robot/autonomous car navigation) and immersive technologies like AR/VR, requiring both structural accuracy and photorealism. However, there exists a knowledge gap in how to apply geometric reconstruction and photorealism modeling (novel view synthesis) in a unified framework. To address this gap and promote the development of robust and immersive modeling and rendering with consumer-grade devices, we propose a real-world Multi-Sensor Hybrid Room Dataset (MuSHRoom). Our dataset presents exciting challenges and requires state-of-the-art methods to be cost-effective, robust to noisy data and devices, and can jointly learn 3D reconstruction and novel view synthesis instead of treating them as separate tasks, making them ideal for real-world applications. We benchmark several famous pipelines on our dataset for joint 3D mesh reconstruction and novel view synthesis. Our dataset and benchmark show great potential in promoting the improvements for fusing 3D reconstruction and high-quality rendering in a robust and computationally efficient end-to-end fashion. The dataset and code are available at the project website:


replace Aria-NeRF: Multimodal Egocentric View Synthesis

Authors: Jiankai Sun, Jianing Qiu, Chuanyang Zheng, John Tucker, Javier Yu, Mac Schwager

Abstract: We seek to accelerate research in developing rich, multimodal scene models trained from egocentric data, based on differentiable volumetric ray-tracing inspired by Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs). The construction of a NeRF-like model from an egocentric image sequence plays a pivotal role in understanding human behavior and holds diverse applications within the realms of VR/AR. Such egocentric NeRF-like models may be used as realistic simulations, contributing significantly to the advancement of intelligent agents capable of executing tasks in the real-world. The future of egocentric view synthesis may lead to novel environment representations going beyond today's NeRFs by augmenting visual data with multimodal sensors such as IMU for egomotion tracking, audio sensors to capture surface texture and human language context, and eye-gaze trackers to infer human attention patterns in the scene. To support and facilitate the development and evaluation of egocentric multimodal scene modeling, we present a comprehensive multimodal egocentric video dataset. This dataset offers a comprehensive collection of sensory data, featuring RGB images, eye-tracking camera footage, audio recordings from a microphone, atmospheric pressure readings from a barometer, positional coordinates from GPS, connectivity details from Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, and information from dual-frequency IMU datasets (1kHz and 800Hz) paired with a magnetometer. The dataset was collected with the Meta Aria Glasses wearable device platform. The diverse data modalities and the real-world context captured within this dataset serve as a robust foundation for furthering our understanding of human behavior and enabling more immersive and intelligent experiences in the realms of VR, AR, and robotics.

replace DRESS: Instructing Large Vision-Language Models to Align and Interact with Humans via Natural Language Feedback

Authors: Yangyi Chen, Karan Sikka, Michael Cogswell, Heng Ji, Ajay Divakaran

Abstract: We present DRESS, a large vision language model (LVLM) that innovatively exploits Natural Language feedback (NLF) from Large Language Models to enhance its alignment and interactions by addressing two key limitations in the state-of-the-art LVLMs. First, prior LVLMs generally rely only on the instruction finetuning stage to enhance alignment with human preferences. Without incorporating extra feedback, they are still prone to generate unhelpful, hallucinated, or harmful responses. Second, while the visual instruction tuning data is generally structured in a multi-turn dialogue format, the connections and dependencies among consecutive conversational turns are weak. This reduces the capacity for effective multi-turn interactions. To tackle these, we propose a novel categorization of the NLF into two key types: critique and refinement. The critique NLF identifies the strengths and weaknesses of the responses and is used to align the LVLMs with human preferences. The refinement NLF offers concrete suggestions for improvement and is adopted to improve the interaction ability of the LVLMs-- which focuses on LVLMs' ability to refine responses by incorporating feedback in multi-turn interactions. To address the non-differentiable nature of NLF, we generalize conditional reinforcement learning for training. Our experimental results demonstrate that DRESS can generate more helpful (9.76%), honest (11.52%), and harmless (21.03%) responses, and more effectively learn from feedback during multi-turn interactions compared to SOTA LVMLs.

replace Fully Authentic Visual Question Answering Dataset from Online Communities

Authors: Chongyan Chen, Mengchen Liu, Noel Codella, Yunsheng Li, Lu Yuan, Danna Gurari

Abstract: Visual Question Answering (VQA) entails answering questions about images. We introduce the first VQA dataset in which all contents originate from an authentic use case. Sourced from online question answering community forums, we call it VQAonline. We characterize this dataset and how it relates to eight mainstream VQA datasets. Observing that answers in our dataset tend to be much longer (i.e., a mean of 173 words) and so incompatible with standard VQA evaluation metrics, we instead utilize popular metrics for longer text evaluation for evaluating six state-of-the-art VQA models on VQAonline and report where they struggle most. Finally, we analyze which evaluation metrics align best with human judgments. To facilitate future extensions, we publicly-share the dataset at:


replace Align before Adapt: Leveraging Entity-to-Region Alignments for Generalizable Video Action Recognition

Authors: Yifei Chen, Dapeng Chen, Ruijin Liu, Sai Zhou, Wenyuan Xue, Wei Peng

Abstract: Large-scale visual-language pre-trained models have achieved significant success in various video tasks. However, most existing methods follow an "adapt then align" paradigm, which adapts pre-trained image encoders to model video-level representations and utilizes one-hot or text embedding of the action labels for supervision. This paradigm overlooks the challenge of mapping from static images to complicated activity concepts. In this paper, we propose a novel "Align before Adapt" (ALT) paradigm. Prior to adapting to video representation learning, we exploit the entity-to-region alignments for each frame. The alignments are fulfilled by matching the region-aware image embeddings to an offline-constructed text corpus. With the aligned entities, we feed their text embeddings to a transformer-based video adapter as the queries, which can help extract the semantics of the most important entities from a video to a vector. This paradigm reuses the visual-language alignment of VLP during adaptation and tries to explain an action by the underlying entities. This helps understand actions by bridging the gap with complex activity semantics, particularly when facing unfamiliar or unseen categories. ALT demonstrates competitive performance while maintaining remarkably low computational costs. In fully supervised experiments, it achieves 88.1% top-1 accuracy on Kinetics-400 with only 4947 GFLOPs. Moreover, ALT outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods in both zero-shot and few-shot experiments, emphasizing its superior generalizability across various learning scenarios.

replace Predicated Diffusion: Predicate Logic-Based Attention Guidance for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Kota Sueyoshi, Takashi Matsubara

Abstract: Diffusion models have achieved remarkable results in generating high-quality, diverse, and creative images. However, when it comes to text-based image generation, they often fail to capture the intended meaning presented in the text. For instance, a specified object may not be generated, an unnecessary object may be generated, and an adjective may alter objects it was not intended to modify. Moreover, we found that relationships indicating possession between objects are often overlooked. While users' intentions in text are diverse, existing methods tend to specialize in only some aspects of these. In this paper, we propose Predicated Diffusion, a unified framework to express users' intentions. We consider that the root of the above issues lies in the text encoder, which often focuses only on individual words and neglects the logical relationships between them. The proposed method does not solely rely on the text encoder, but instead, represents the intended meaning in the text as propositions using predicate logic and treats the pixels in the attention maps as the fuzzy predicates. This enables us to obtain a differentiable loss function that makes the image fulfill the proposition by minimizing it. When compared to several existing methods, we demonstrated that Predicated Diffusion can generate images that are more faithful to various text prompts, as verified by human evaluators and pretrained image-text models.

replace COLE: A Hierarchical Generation Framework for Multi-Layered and Editable Graphic Design

Authors: Peidong Jia, Chenxuan Li, Yuhui Yuan, Zeyu Liu, Yichao Shen, Bohan Chen, Xingru Chen, Yinglin Zheng, Dong Chen, Ji Li, Xiaodong Xie, Shanghang Zhang, Baining Guo

Abstract: Graphic design, which has been evolving since the 15th century, plays a crucial role in advertising. The creation of high-quality designs demands design-oriented planning, reasoning, and layer-wise generation. Unlike the recent CanvaGPT, which integrates GPT-4 with existing design templates to build a custom GPT, this paper introduces the COLE system - a hierarchical generation framework designed to comprehensively address these challenges. This COLE system can transform a vague intention prompt into a high-quality multi-layered graphic design, while also supporting flexible editing based on user input. Examples of such input might include directives like ``design a poster for Hisaishi's concert.'' The key insight is to dissect the complex task of text-to-design generation into a hierarchy of simpler sub-tasks, each addressed by specialized models working collaboratively. The results from these models are then consolidated to produce a cohesive final output. Our hierarchical task decomposition can streamline the complex process and significantly enhance generation reliability. Our COLE system comprises multiple fine-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs), Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), and Diffusion Models (DMs), each specifically tailored for design-aware layer-wise captioning, layout planning, reasoning, and the task of generating images and text. Furthermore, we construct the DESIGNINTENTION benchmark to demonstrate the superiority of our COLE system over existing methods in generating high-quality graphic designs from user intent. Last, we present a Canva-like multi-layered image editing tool to support flexible editing of the generated multi-layered graphic design images. We perceive our COLE system as an important step towards addressing more complex and multi-layered graphic design generation tasks in the future.

replace WoVoGen: World Volume-aware Diffusion for Controllable Multi-camera Driving Scene Generation

Authors: Jiachen Lu, Ze Huang, Zeyu Yang, Jiahui Zhang, Li Zhang

Abstract: Generating multi-camera street-view videos is critical for augmenting autonomous driving datasets, addressing the urgent demand for extensive and varied data. Due to the limitations in diversity and challenges in handling lighting conditions, traditional rendering-based methods are increasingly being supplanted by diffusion-based methods. However, a significant challenge in diffusion-based methods is ensuring that the generated sensor data preserve both intra-world consistency and inter-sensor coherence. To address these challenges, we combine an additional explicit world volume and propose the World Volume-aware Multi-camera Driving Scene Generator (WoVoGen). This system is specifically designed to leverage 4D world volume as a foundational element for video generation. Our model operates in two distinct phases: (i) envisioning the future 4D temporal world volume based on vehicle control sequences, and (ii) generating multi-camera videos, informed by this envisioned 4D temporal world volume and sensor interconnectivity. The incorporation of the 4D world volume empowers WoVoGen not only to generate high-quality street-view videos in response to vehicle control inputs but also to facilitate scene editing tasks.

replace UFineBench: Towards Text-based Person Retrieval with Ultra-fine Granularity

Authors: Jialong Zuo, Hanyu Zhou, Ying Nie, Feng Zhang, Tianyu Guo, Nong Sang, Yunhe Wang, Changxin Gao

Abstract: Existing text-based person retrieval datasets often have relatively coarse-grained text annotations. This hinders the model to comprehend the fine-grained semantics of query texts in real scenarios. To address this problem, we contribute a new benchmark named \textbf{UFineBench} for text-based person retrieval with ultra-fine granularity. Firstly, we construct a new \textbf{dataset} named UFine6926. We collect a large number of person images and manually annotate each image with two detailed textual descriptions, averaging 80.8 words each. The average word count is three to four times that of the previous datasets. In addition of standard in-domain evaluation, we also propose a special \textbf{evaluation paradigm} more representative of real scenarios. It contains a new evaluation set with cross domains, cross textual granularity and cross textual styles, named UFine3C, and a new evaluation metric for accurately measuring retrieval ability, named mean Similarity Distribution (mSD). Moreover, we propose CFAM, a more efficient \textbf{algorithm} especially designed for text-based person retrieval with ultra fine-grained texts. It achieves fine granularity mining by adopting a shared cross-modal granularity decoder and hard negative match mechanism. With standard in-domain evaluation, CFAM establishes competitive performance across various datasets, especially on our ultra fine-grained UFine6926. Furthermore, by evaluating on UFine3C, we demonstrate that training on our UFine6926 significantly improves generalization to real scenarios compared with other coarse-grained datasets. The dataset and code will be made publicly available at \url{}.


replace On the Diversity and Realism of Distilled Dataset: An Efficient Dataset Distillation Paradigm

Authors: Peng Sun, Bei Shi, Daiwei Yu, Tao Lin

Abstract: Contemporary machine learning requires training large neural networks on massive datasets and thus faces the challenges of high computational demands. Dataset distillation, as a recent emerging strategy, aims to compress real-world datasets for efficient training. However, this line of research currently struggle with large-scale and high-resolution datasets, hindering its practicality and feasibility. To this end, we re-examine the existing dataset distillation methods and identify three properties required for large-scale real-world applications, namely, realism, diversity, and efficiency. As a remedy, we propose RDED, a novel computationally-efficient yet effective data distillation paradigm, to enable both diversity and realism of the distilled data. Extensive empirical results over various neural architectures and datasets demonstrate the advancement of RDED: we can distill the full ImageNet-1K to a small dataset comprising 10 images per class within 7 minutes, achieving a notable 42% top-1 accuracy with ResNet-18 on a single RTX-4090 GPU (while the SOTA only achieves 21% but requires 6 hours).

replace OctreeOcc: Efficient and Multi-Granularity Occupancy Prediction Using Octree Queries

Authors: Yuhang Lu, Xinge Zhu, Tai Wang, Yuexin Ma

Abstract: Occupancy prediction has increasingly garnered attention in recent years for its fine-grained understanding of 3D scenes. Traditional approaches typically rely on dense, regular grid representations, which often leads to excessive computational demands and a loss of spatial details for small objects. This paper introduces OctreeOcc, an innovative 3D occupancy prediction framework that leverages the octree representation to adaptively capture valuable information in 3D, offering variable granularity to accommodate object shapes and semantic regions of varying sizes and complexities. In particular, we incorporate image semantic information to improve the accuracy of initial octree structures and design an effective rectification mechanism to refine the octree structure iteratively. Our extensive evaluations show that OctreeOcc not only surpasses state-of-the-art methods in occupancy prediction, but also achieves a 15%-24% reduction in computational overhead compared to dense-grid-based methods.

replace Low-power, Continuous Remote Behavioral Localization with Event Cameras

Authors: Friedhelm Hamann, Suman Ghosh, Ignacio Juarez Martinez, Tom Hart, Alex Kacelnik, Guillermo Gallego

Abstract: Researchers in natural science need reliable methods for quantifying animal behavior. Recently, numerous computer vision methods emerged to automate the process. However, observing wild species at remote locations remains a challenging task due to difficult lighting conditions and constraints on power supply and data storage. Event cameras offer unique advantages for battery-dependent remote monitoring due to their low power consumption and high dynamic range capabilities. We use this novel sensor to quantify a behavior in Chinstrap penguins called ecstatic display. We formulate the problem as a temporal action detection task, determining the start and end times of the behavior. For this purpose, we recorded a colony of breeding penguins in Antarctica for several weeks and labeled event data on 16 nests. The developed method consists of a generator of candidate time intervals (proposals) and a classifier of the actions within them. The experiments show that the event cameras' natural response to motion is effective for continuous behavior monitoring and detection, reaching a mean average precision (mAP) of 58% (which increases to 63% in good weather conditions). The results also demonstrate the robustness against various lighting conditions contained in the challenging dataset. The low-power capabilities of the event camera allow it to record significantly longer than with a conventional camera. This work pioneers the use of event cameras for remote wildlife observation, opening new interdisciplinary opportunities.


replace Layered 3D Human Generation via Semantic-Aware Diffusion Model

Authors: Yi Wang, Jian Ma, Ruizhi Shao, Qiao Feng, Yu-Kun Lai, Yebin Liu, Kun Li

Abstract: The generation of 3D clothed humans has attracted increasing attention in recent years. However, existing work cannot generate layered high-quality 3D humans with consistent body structures. As a result, these methods are unable to arbitrarily and separately change and edit the body and clothing of the human. In this paper, we propose a text-driven layered 3D human generation framework based on a novel physically-decoupled semantic-aware diffusion model. To keep the generated clothing consistent with the target text, we propose a semantic-confidence strategy for clothing that can eliminate the non-clothing content generated by the model. To match the clothing with different body shapes, we propose a SMPL-driven implicit field deformation network that enables the free transfer and reuse of clothing. Besides, we introduce uniform shape priors based on the SMPL model for body and clothing, respectively, which generates more diverse 3D content without being constrained by specific templates. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method not only generates 3D humans with consistent body structures but also allows free editing in a layered manner. The source code will be made public.

replace Genixer: Empowering Multimodal Large Language Models as a Powerful Data Generator

Authors: Henry Hengyuan Zhao, Pan Zhou, Mike Zheng Shou

Abstract: Instruction tuning data is essential for training the Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). However, the creation of high-quality instruction tuning data presents significant challenges. Prior methods that depended on GPT-4 for data generation were not only costly but also lacked satisfactory performance in complex tasks (i.e., grounding-based reasoning tasks). To address these issues, we developed an innovative data generation pipeline, Genixer, to generate various high-quality instruction tuning data, including nine representative tasks, e.g., Common VQA, REC, REG, and PointQ. Specifically, Genixer provides a unified solution with four key steps for alleviating the difficulty of data generation: (i) instruction data collection, (ii) instruction template design, (iii) empowering MLLM, and (iv) data generation and filtering. Subsequently, the superior qualitative results of our Genixer demonstrate that current MLLMs have a strong potential to evolve into powerful data generators. Additionally, to validate the efficacy of generated data quantitatively, we add the instruction tuning data produced by Genixer into the training of two representative MLLMs and observe the consistent improvements on various VQA tasks and multimodal benchmarks.

replace OMG: Towards Open-vocabulary Motion Generation via Mixture of Controllers

Authors: Han Liang, Jiacheng Bao, Ruichi Zhang, Sihan Ren, Yuecheng Xu, Sibei Yang, Xin Chen, Jingyi Yu, Lan Xu

Abstract: We have recently seen tremendous progress in realistic text-to-motion generation. Yet, the existing methods often fail or produce implausible motions with unseen text inputs, which limits the applications. In this paper, we present OMG, a novel framework, which enables compelling motion generation from zero-shot open-vocabulary text prompts. Our key idea is to carefully tailor the pretrain-then-finetune paradigm into the text-to-motion generation. At the pre-training stage, our model improves the generation ability by learning the rich out-of-domain inherent motion traits. To this end, we scale up a large unconditional diffusion model up to 1B parameters, so as to utilize the massive unlabeled motion data up to over 20M motion instances. At the subsequent fine-tuning stage, we introduce motion ControlNet, which incorporates text prompts as conditioning information, through a trainable copy of the pre-trained model and the proposed novel Mixture-of-Controllers (MoC) block. MoC block adaptively recognizes various ranges of the sub-motions with a cross-attention mechanism and processes them separately with the text-token-specific experts. Such a design effectively aligns the CLIP token embeddings of text prompts to various ranges of compact and expressive motion features. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our OMG achieves significant improvements over the state-of-the-art methods on zero-shot text-to-motion generation. Project page:


replace GSVA: Generalized Segmentation via Multimodal Large Language Models

Authors: Zhuofan Xia, Dongchen Han, Yizeng Han, Xuran Pan, Shiji Song, Gao Huang

Abstract: Generalized Referring Expression Segmentation (GRES) extends the scope of classic RES to refer to multiple objects in one expression or identify the empty targets absent in the image. GRES poses challenges in modeling the complex spatial relationships of the instances in the image and identifying non-existing referents. Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have recently shown tremendous progress in these complicated vision-language tasks. Connecting Large Language Models (LLMs) and vision models, MLLMs are proficient in understanding contexts with visual inputs. Among them, LISA, as a representative, adopts a special [SEG] token to prompt a segmentation mask decoder, e.g., SAM, to enable MLLMs in the RES task. However, existing solutions to GRES remain unsatisfactory since current segmentation MLLMs cannot correctly handle the cases where users might reference multiple subjects in a singular prompt or provide descriptions incongruent with any image target. In this paper, we propose Generalized Segmentation Vision Assistant (GSVA) to address this gap. Specifically, GSVA reuses the [SEG] token to prompt the segmentation model towards supporting multiple mask references simultaneously and innovatively learns to generate a [REJ] token to reject the null targets explicitly. Experiments validate GSVA's efficacy in resolving the GRES issue, marking a notable enhancement and setting a new record on the GRES benchmark gRefCOCO dataset. GSVA also proves effective across various classic referring segmentation and comprehension tasks.

replace ECAMP: Entity-centered Context-aware Medical Vision Language Pre-training

Authors: Rongsheng Wang, Qingsong Yao, Haoran Lai, Zhiyang He, Xiaodong Tao, Zihang Jiang, S. Kevin Zhou

Abstract: Despite significant advancements in medical vision-language pre-training, existing methods have largely overlooked the inherent entity-specific context within radiology reports and the complex cross-modality contextual relationships between text and images. To close this gap, we propose a novel Entity-centered Context-aware Medical Vision-language Pre-training (ECAMP) framework, which is designed to enable a more entity-centered and context-sensitive interpretation of medical data. Utilizing the recent powerful large language model, we distill entity-centered context from medical reports, which enables ECAMP to gain more effective supervision from the text modality. By further pre-training our model with carefully designed entity-aware, context-enhanced masked language modeling and context-guided super-resolution tasks, ECAMP significantly refines the interplay between text and image modalities, leading to an enhanced ability to extract entity-centered contextual features. Besides, our proposed multi-scale context fusion design also improves the semantic integration of both coarse and fine-level image representations, prompting better performance for multi-scale downstream applications. Combining these components leads to significant performance leaps over current state-of-the-art methods and establishes a new standard for cross-modality learning in medical imaging, whose effectiveness is demonstrated by our extensive experiments on various tasks including classification, segmentation, and detection across several public datasets. Code and models are available at


replace SynCDR : Training Cross Domain Retrieval Models with Synthetic Data

Authors: Samarth Mishra, Carlos D. Castillo, Hongcheng Wang, Kate Saenko, Venkatesh Saligrama

Abstract: In cross-domain retrieval, a model is required to identify images from the same semantic category across two visual domains. For instance, given a sketch of an object, a model needs to retrieve a real image of it from an online store's catalog. A standard approach for such a problem is learning a feature space of images where Euclidean distances reflect similarity. Even without human annotations, which may be expensive to acquire, prior methods function reasonably well using unlabeled images for training. Our problem constraint takes this further to scenarios where the two domains do not necessarily share any common categories in training data. This can occur when the two domains in question come from different versions of some biometric sensor recording identities of different people. We posit a simple solution, which is to generate synthetic data to fill in these missing category examples across domains. This, we do via category preserving translation of images from one visual domain to another. We compare approaches specifically trained for this translation for a pair of domains, as well as those that can use large-scale pre-trained text-to-image diffusion models via prompts, and find that the latter can generate better replacement synthetic data, leading to more accurate cross-domain retrieval models. Our best SynCDR model can outperform prior art by up to 15\%. Code for our work is available at .


replace Boundary Attention: Learning to Localize Boundaries under High Noise

Authors: Mia Gaia Polansky, Charles Herrmann, Junhwa Hur, Deqing Sun, Dor Verbin, Todd Zickler

Abstract: We present a differentiable model that infers explicit boundaries, including curves, corners and junctions, using a mechanism that we call boundary attention. Boundary attention is a boundary-aware local attention operation that, when applied densely and repeatedly, progressively refines a field of variables that specify an unrasterized description of the local boundary structure in every overlapping patch within an image. It operates in a bottom-up fashion, similar to classical methods for sub-pixel edge localization and edge-linking, but with a higher-dimensional description of local boundary structure, a notion of spatial consistency that is learned instead of designed, and a sequence of operations that is end-to-end differentiable. We train our model using simple synthetic data and then evaluate it using photographs that were captured under low-light conditions with variable amounts of noise. We find that our method generalizes to natural images corrupted by real sensor noise, and predicts consistent boundaries under increasingly noisy conditions where other state-of-the-art methods fail.

replace BA-SAM: Scalable Bias-Mode Attention Mask for Segment Anything Model

Authors: Yiran Song, Qianyu Zhou, Xiangtai Li, Deng-Ping Fan, Xuequan Lu, Lizhuang Ma

Abstract: In this paper, we address the challenge of image resolution variation for the Segment Anything Model (SAM). SAM, known for its zero-shot generalizability, exhibits a performance degradation when faced with datasets with varying image sizes. Previous approaches tend to resize the image to a fixed size or adopt structure modifications, hindering the preservation of SAM's rich prior knowledge. Besides, such task-specific tuning necessitates a complete retraining of the model, which is cost-expensive and unacceptable for deployment in the downstream tasks. In this paper, we reformulate this issue as a length extrapolation problem, where token sequence length varies while maintaining a consistent patch size for images of different sizes. To this end, we propose Scalable Bias-Mode Attention Mask (BA-SAM) to enhance SAM's adaptability to varying image resolutions while eliminating the need for structure modifications. Firstly, we introduce a new scaling factor to ensure consistent magnitude in the attention layer's dot product values when the token sequence length changes. Secondly, we present a bias-mode attention mask that allows each token to prioritize neighboring information, mitigating the impact of untrained distant information. Our BA-SAM demonstrates efficacy in two scenarios: zero-shot and fine-tuning. Extensive evaluation on diverse datasets, including DIS5K, DUTS, ISIC, COD10K, and COCO, reveals its ability to significantly mitigate performance degradation in the zero-shot setting and achieve state-of-the-art performance with minimal fine-tuning. Furthermore, we propose a generalized model and benchmark, showcasing BA-SAM's generalizability across all four datasets simultaneously.

replace RadarCam-Depth: Radar-Camera Fusion for Depth Estimation with Learned Metric Scale

Authors: Han Li, Yukai Ma, Yaqing Gu, Kewei Hu, Yong Liu, Xingxing Zuo

Abstract: We present a novel approach for metric dense depth estimation based on the fusion of a single-view image and a sparse, noisy Radar point cloud. The direct fusion of heterogeneous Radar and image data, or their encodings, tends to yield dense depth maps with significant artifacts, blurred boundaries, and suboptimal accuracy. To circumvent this issue, we learn to augment versatile and robust monocular depth prediction with the dense metric scale induced from sparse and noisy Radar data. We propose a Radar-Camera framework for highly accurate and fine-detailed dense depth estimation with four stages, including monocular depth prediction, global scale alignment of monocular depth with sparse Radar points, quasi-dense scale estimation through learning the association between Radar points and image patches, and local scale refinement of dense depth using a scale map learner. Our proposed method significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art Radar-Camera depth estimation methods by reducing the mean absolute error (MAE) of depth estimation by 25.6% and 40.2% on the challenging nuScenes dataset and our self-collected ZJU-4DRadarCam dataset, respectively. Our code and dataset will be released at \url{}.


replace Vertical Federated Image Segmentation

Authors: Paul K. Mandal, Cole Leo

Abstract: With the popularization of AI solutions for image based problems, there has been a growing concern for both data privacy and acquisition. In a large number of cases, information is located on separate data silos and it can be difficult for a developer to consolidate all of it in a fashion that is appropriate for machine learning model development. Alongside this, a portion of these localized data regions may not have access to a labelled ground truth. This indicates that they have the capacity to reach conclusions numerically, but are not able to assign classifications amid a lack of pertinent information. Such a determination is often negligible, especially when attempting to develop image based solutions that often necessitate this capability. With this being the case, we propose an innovative vertical federated learning (VFL) model architecture that can operate under this common set of conditions. This is the first (and currently the only) implementation of a system that can work under the constraints of a VFL environment and perform image segmentation while maintaining nominal accuracies. We achieved this by utilizing an FCN that boasts the ability to operate on federates that lack labelled data and privately share the respective weights with a central server, that of which hosts the necessary features for classification. Tests were conducted on the CamVid dataset in order to determine the impact of heavy feature compression required for the transfer of information between federates, as well as to reach nominal conclusions about the overall performance metrics when working under such constraints.

replace Key-point Guided Deformable Image Manipulation Using Diffusion Model

Authors: Seok-Hwan Oh, Guil Jung, Myeong-Gee Kim, Sang-Yun Kim, Young-Min Kim, Hyeon-Jik Lee, Hyuk-Sool Kwon, Hyeon-Min Bae

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a Key-point-guided Diffusion probabilistic Model (KDM) that gains precise control over images by manipulating the object's key-point. We propose a two-stage generative model incorporating an optical flow map as an intermediate output. By doing so, a dense pixel-wise understanding of the semantic relation between the image and sparse key point is configured, leading to more realistic image generation. Additionally, the integration of optical flow helps regulate the inter-frame variance of sequential images, demonstrating an authentic sequential image generation. The KDM is evaluated with diverse key-point conditioned image synthesis tasks, including facial image generation, human pose synthesis, and echocardiography video prediction, demonstrating the KDM is proving consistency enhanced and photo-realistic images compared with state-of-the-art models.

replace A Comprehensive Survey on 3D Content Generation

Authors: Jian Liu, Xiaoshui Huang, Tianyu Huang, Lu Chen, Yuenan Hou, Shixiang Tang, Ziwei Liu, Wanli Ouyang, Wangmeng Zuo, Junjun Jiang, Xianming Liu

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed remarkable advances in artificial intelligence generated content(AIGC), with diverse input modalities, e.g., text, image, video, audio and 3D. The 3D is the most close visual modality to real-world 3D environment and carries enormous knowledge. The 3D content generation shows both academic and practical values while also presenting formidable technical challenges. This review aims to consolidate developments within the burgeoning domain of 3D content generation. Specifically, a new taxonomy is proposed that categorizes existing approaches into three types: 3D native generative methods, 2D prior-based 3D generative methods, and hybrid 3D generative methods. The survey covers approximately 60 papers spanning the major techniques. Besides, we discuss limitations of current 3D content generation techniques, and point out open challenges as well as promising directions for future work. Accompanied with this survey, we have established a project website where the resources on 3D content generation research are provided. The project page is available at


replace Cross-Domain Few-Shot Object Detection via Enhanced Open-Set Object Detector

Authors: Yuqian Fu, Yu Wang, Yixuan Pan, Lian Huai, Xingyu Qiu, Zeyu Shangguan, Tong Liu, Yanwei Fu, Luc Van Gool, Xingqun Jiang

Abstract: This paper studies the challenging cross-domain few-shot object detection (CD-FSOD), aiming to develop an accurate object detector for novel domains with minimal labeled examples. While transformer-based open-set detectors, such as DE-ViT, show promise in traditional few-shot object detection, their generalization to CD-FSOD remains unclear: 1) can such open-set detection methods easily generalize to CD-FSOD? 2) If not, how can models be enhanced when facing huge domain gaps? To answer the first question, we employ measures including style, inter-class variance (ICV), and indefinable boundaries (IB) to understand the domain gap. Based on these measures, we establish a new benchmark named CD-FSOD to evaluate object detection methods, revealing that most of the current approaches fail to generalize across domains. Technically, we observe that the performance decline is associated with our proposed measures: style, ICV, and IB. Consequently, we propose several novel modules to address these issues. First, the learnable instance features align initial fixed instances with target categories, enhancing feature distinctiveness. Second, the instance reweighting module assigns higher importance to high-quality instances with slight IB. Third, the domain prompter encourages features resilient to different styles by synthesizing imaginary domains without altering semantic contents. These techniques collectively contribute to the development of the Cross-Domain Vision Transformer for CD-FSOD (CD-ViTO), significantly improving upon the base DE-ViT. Experimental results validate the efficacy of our model. All datasets, codes, and models will be released to the community.

replace EscherNet: A Generative Model for Scalable View Synthesis

Authors: Xin Kong, Shikun Liu, Xiaoyang Lyu, Marwan Taher, Xiaojuan Qi, Andrew J. Davison

Abstract: We introduce EscherNet, a multi-view conditioned diffusion model for view synthesis. EscherNet learns implicit and generative 3D representations coupled with a specialised camera positional encoding, allowing precise and continuous relative control of the camera transformation between an arbitrary number of reference and target views. EscherNet offers exceptional generality, flexibility, and scalability in view synthesis -- it can generate more than 100 consistent target views simultaneously on a single consumer-grade GPU, despite being trained with a fixed number of 3 reference views to 3 target views. As a result, EscherNet not only addresses zero-shot novel view synthesis, but also naturally unifies single- and multi-image 3D reconstruction, combining these diverse tasks into a single, cohesive framework. Our extensive experiments demonstrate that EscherNet achieves state-of-the-art performance in multiple benchmarks, even when compared to methods specifically tailored for each individual problem. This remarkable versatility opens up new directions for designing scalable neural architectures for 3D vision. Project page:


replace Cameras as Rays: Pose Estimation via Ray Diffusion

Authors: Jason Y. Zhang, Amy Lin, Moneish Kumar, Tzu-Hsuan Yang, Deva Ramanan, Shubham Tulsiani

Abstract: Estimating camera poses is a fundamental task for 3D reconstruction and remains challenging given sparsely sampled views (<10). In contrast to existing approaches that pursue top-down prediction of global parametrizations of camera extrinsics, we propose a distributed representation of camera pose that treats a camera as a bundle of rays. This representation allows for a tight coupling with spatial image features improving pose precision. We observe that this representation is naturally suited for set-level transformers and develop a regression-based approach that maps image patches to corresponding rays. To capture the inherent uncertainties in sparse-view pose inference, we adapt this approach to learn a denoising diffusion model which allows us to sample plausible modes while improving performance. Our proposed methods, both regression- and diffusion-based, demonstrate state-of-the-art performance on camera pose estimation on CO3D while generalizing to unseen object categories and in-the-wild captures.

replace GVA: Reconstructing Vivid 3D Gaussian Avatars from Monocular Videos

Authors: Xinqi Liu, Chenming Wu, Jialun Liu, Xing Liu, Jinbo Wu, Chen Zhao, Haocheng Feng, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang

Abstract: In this paper, we present a novel method that facilitates the creation of vivid 3D Gaussian avatars from monocular video inputs (GVA). Our innovation lies in addressing the intricate challenges of delivering high-fidelity human body reconstructions and aligning 3D Gaussians with human skin surfaces accurately. The key contributions of this paper are twofold. Firstly, we introduce a pose refinement technique to improve hand and foot pose accuracy by aligning normal maps and silhouettes. Precise pose is crucial for correct shape and appearance reconstruction. Secondly, we address the problems of unbalanced aggregation and initialization bias that previously diminished the quality of 3D Gaussian avatars, through a novel surface-guided re-initialization method that ensures accurate alignment of 3D Gaussian points with avatar surfaces. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method achieves high-fidelity and vivid 3D Gaussian avatar reconstruction. Extensive experimental analyses validate the performance qualitatively and quantitatively, demonstrating that it achieves state-of-the-art performance in photo-realistic novel view synthesis while offering fine-grained control over the human body and hand pose. Project page:


replace Enhancing Quality of Compressed Images by Mitigating Enhancement Bias Towards Compression Domain

Authors: Qunliang Xing, Mai Xu, Shengxi Li, Xin Deng, Meisong Zheng, Huaida Liu, Ying Chen

Abstract: Existing quality enhancement methods for compressed images focus on aligning the enhancement domain with the raw domain to yield realistic images. However, these methods exhibit a pervasive enhancement bias towards the compression domain, inadvertently regarding it as more realistic than the raw domain. This bias makes enhanced images closely resemble their compressed counterparts, thus degrading their perceptual quality. In this paper, we propose a simple yet effective method to mitigate this bias and enhance the quality of compressed images. Our method employs a conditional discriminator with the compressed image as a key condition, and then incorporates a domain-divergence regularization to actively distance the enhancement domain from the compression domain. Through this dual strategy, our method enables the discrimination against the compression domain, and brings the enhancement domain closer to the raw domain. Comprehensive quality evaluations confirm the superiority of our method over other state-of-the-art methods without incurring inference overheads.

replace Interactive Continual Learning: Fast and Slow Thinking

Authors: Biqing Qi, Xingquan Chen, Junqi Gao, Dong Li, Jianxing Liu, Ligang Wu, Bowen Zhou

Abstract: Advanced life forms, sustained by the synergistic interaction of neural cognitive mechanisms, continually acquire and transfer knowledge throughout their lifespan. In contrast, contemporary machine learning paradigms exhibit limitations in emulating the facets of continual learning (CL). Nonetheless, the emergence of large language models (LLMs) presents promising avenues for realizing CL via interactions with these models. Drawing on Complementary Learning System theory, this paper presents a novel Interactive Continual Learning (ICL) framework, enabled by collaborative interactions among models of various sizes. Specifically, we assign the ViT model as System1 and multimodal LLM as System2. To enable the memory module to deduce tasks from class information and enhance Set2Set retrieval, we propose the Class-Knowledge-Task Multi-Head Attention (CKT-MHA). Additionally, to improve memory retrieval in System1 through enhanced geometric representation, we introduce the CL-vMF mechanism, based on the von Mises-Fisher (vMF) distribution. Meanwhile, we introduce the von Mises-Fisher Outlier Detection and Interaction (vMF-ODI) strategy to identify hard examples, thus enhancing collaboration between System1 and System2 for complex reasoning realization. Comprehensive evaluation of our proposed ICL demonstrates significant resistance to forgetting and superior performance relative to existing methods. Code is available at

replace Improving Diffusion Models for Virtual Try-on

Authors: Yisol Choi, Sangkyung Kwak, Kyungmin Lee, Hyungwon Choi, Jinwoo Shin

Abstract: This paper considers image-based virtual try-on, which renders an image of a person wearing a curated garment, given a pair of images depicting the person and the garment, respectively. Previous works adapt existing exemplar-based inpainting diffusion models for virtual try-on to improve the naturalness of the generated visuals compared to other methods (e.g., GAN-based), but they fail to preserve the identity of the garments. To overcome this limitation, we propose a novel diffusion model that improves garment fidelity and generates authentic virtual try-on images. Our method, coined IDM-VTON, uses two different modules to encode the semantics of garment image; given the base UNet of the diffusion model, 1) the high-level semantics extracted from a visual encoder are fused to the cross-attention layer, and then 2) the low-level features extracted from parallel UNet are fused to the self-attention layer. In addition, we provide detailed textual prompts for both garment and person images to enhance the authenticity of the generated visuals. Finally, we present a customization method using a pair of person-garment images, which significantly improves fidelity and authenticity. Our experimental results show that our method outperforms previous approaches (both diffusion-based and GAN-based) in preserving garment details and generating authentic virtual try-on images, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Furthermore, the proposed customization method demonstrates its effectiveness in a real-world scenario. More visualizations are available in our project page:


replace CarbonNet: How Computer Vision Plays a Role in Climate Change? Application: Learning Geomechanics from Subsurface Geometry of CCS to Mitigate Global Warming

Authors: Wei Chen, Yunan Li, Yuan Tian

Abstract: We introduce a new approach using computer vision to predict the land surface displacement from subsurface geometry images for Carbon Capture and Sequestration (CCS). CCS has been proved to be a key component for a carbon neutral society. However, scientists see there are challenges along the way including the high computational cost due to the large model scale and limitations to generalize a pre-trained model with complex physics. We tackle those challenges by training models directly from the subsurface geometry images. The goal is to understand the respons of land surface displacement due to carbon injection and utilize our trained models to inform decision making in CCS projects. We implement multiple models (CNN, ResNet, and ResNetUNet) for static mechanics problem, which is a image prediction problem. Next, we use the LSTM and transformer for transient mechanics scenario, which is a video prediction problem. It shows ResNetUNet outperforms the others thanks to its architecture in static mechanics problem, and LSTM shows comparable performance to transformer in transient problem. This report proceeds by outlining our dataset in detail followed by model descriptions in method section. Result and discussion state the key learning, observations, and conclusion with future work rounds out the paper.

replace Boosting Image Restoration via Priors from Pre-trained Models

Authors: Xiaogang Xu, Shu Kong, Tao Hu, Zhe Liu, Hujun Bao

Abstract: Pre-trained models with large-scale training data, such as CLIP and Stable Diffusion, have demonstrated remarkable performance in various high-level computer vision tasks such as image understanding and generation from language descriptions. Yet, their potential for low-level tasks such as image restoration remains relatively unexplored. In this paper, we explore such models to enhance image restoration. As off-the-shelf features (OSF) from pre-trained models do not directly serve image restoration, we propose to learn an additional lightweight module called Pre-Train-Guided Refinement Module (PTG-RM) to refine restoration results of a target restoration network with OSF. PTG-RM consists of two components, Pre-Train-Guided Spatial-Varying Enhancement (PTG-SVE), and Pre-Train-Guided Channel-Spatial Attention (PTG-CSA). PTG-SVE enables optimal short- and long-range neural operations, while PTG-CSA enhances spatial-channel attention for restoration-related learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that PTG-RM, with its compact size ($<$1M parameters), effectively enhances restoration performance of various models across different tasks, including low-light enhancement, deraining, deblurring, and denoising.

replace Motion Mamba: Efficient and Long Sequence Motion Generation with Hierarchical and Bidirectional Selective SSM

Authors: Zeyu Zhang, Akide Liu, Ian Reid, Richard Hartley, Bohan Zhuang, Hao Tang

Abstract: Human motion generation stands as a significant pursuit in generative computer vision, while achieving long-sequence and efficient motion generation remains challenging. Recent advancements in state space models (SSMs), notably Mamba, have showcased considerable promise in long sequence modeling with an efficient hardware-aware design, which appears to be a promising direction to build motion generation model upon it. Nevertheless, adapting SSMs to motion generation faces hurdles since the lack of a specialized design architecture to model motion sequence. To address these challenges, we propose Motion Mamba, a simple and efficient approach that presents the pioneering motion generation model utilized SSMs. Specifically, we design a Hierarchical Temporal Mamba (HTM) block to process temporal data by ensemble varying numbers of isolated SSM modules across a symmetric U-Net architecture aimed at preserving motion consistency between frames. We also design a Bidirectional Spatial Mamba (BSM) block to bidirectionally process latent poses, to enhance accurate motion generation within a temporal frame. Our proposed method achieves up to 50% FID improvement and up to 4 times faster on the HumanML3D and KIT-ML datasets compared to the previous best diffusion-based method, which demonstrates strong capabilities of high-quality long sequence motion modeling and real-time human motion generation. See project website


replace Towards Dense and Accurate Radar Perception Via Efficient Cross-Modal Diffusion Model

Authors: Ruibin Zhang, Donglai Xue, Yuhan Wang, Ruixu Geng, Fei Gao

Abstract: Millimeter wave (mmWave) radars have attracted significant attention from both academia and industry due to their capability to operate in extreme weather conditions. However, they face challenges in terms of sparsity and noise interference, which hinder their application in the field of micro aerial vehicle (MAV) autonomous navigation. To this end, this paper proposes a novel approach to dense and accurate mmWave radar point cloud construction via cross-modal learning. Specifically, we introduce diffusion models, which possess state-of-the-art performance in generative modeling, to predict LiDAR-like point clouds from paired raw radar data. We also incorporate the most recent diffusion model inference accelerating techniques to ensure that the proposed method can be implemented on MAVs with limited computing resources.We validate the proposed method through extensive benchmark comparisons and real-world experiments, demonstrating its superior performance and generalization ability. Code and pretrained models will be available at


replace MM1: Methods, Analysis & Insights from Multimodal LLM Pre-training

Authors: Brandon McKinzie, Zhe Gan, Jean-Philippe Fauconnier, Sam Dodge, Bowen Zhang, Philipp Dufter, Dhruti Shah, Xianzhi Du, Futang Peng, Floris Weers, Anton Belyi, Haotian Zhang, Karanjeet Singh, Doug Kang, Ankur Jain, Hongyu H\`e, Max Schwarzer, Tom Gunter, Xiang Kong, Aonan Zhang, Jianyu Wang, Chong Wang, Nan Du, Tao Lei, Sam Wiseman, Mark Lee, Zirui Wang, Ruoming Pang, Peter Grasch, Alexander Toshev, Yinfei Yang

Abstract: In this work, we discuss building performant Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs). In particular, we study the importance of various architecture components and data choices. Through careful and comprehensive ablations of the image encoder, the vision language connector, and various pre-training data choices, we identified several crucial design lessons. For example, we demonstrate that for large-scale multimodal pre-training using a careful mix of image-caption, interleaved image-text, and text-only data is crucial for achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) few-shot results across multiple benchmarks, compared to other published pre-training results. Further, we show that the image encoder together with image resolution and the image token count has substantial impact, while the vision-language connector design is of comparatively negligible importance. By scaling up the presented recipe, we build MM1, a family of multimodal models up to 30B parameters, including both dense models and mixture-of-experts (MoE) variants, that are SOTA in pre-training metrics and achieve competitive performance after supervised fine-tuning on a range of established multimodal benchmarks. Thanks to large-scale pre-training, MM1 enjoys appealing properties such as enhanced in-context learning, and multi-image reasoning, enabling few-shot chain-of-thought prompting.

replace STREAM: Spatio-TempoRal Evaluation and Analysis Metric for Video Generative Models

Authors: Pum Jun Kim, Seojun Kim, Jaejun Yoo

Abstract: Image generative models have made significant progress in generating realistic and diverse images, supported by comprehensive guidance from various evaluation metrics. However, current video generative models struggle to generate even short video clips, with limited tools that provide insights for improvements. Current video evaluation metrics are simple adaptations of image metrics by switching the embeddings with video embedding networks, which may underestimate the unique characteristics of video. Our analysis reveals that the widely used Frechet Video Distance (FVD) has a stronger emphasis on the spatial aspect than the temporal naturalness of video and is inherently constrained by the input size of the embedding networks used, limiting it to 16 frames. Additionally, it demonstrates considerable instability and diverges from human evaluations. To address the limitations, we propose STREAM, a new video evaluation metric uniquely designed to independently evaluate spatial and temporal aspects. This feature allows comprehensive analysis and evaluation of video generative models from various perspectives, unconstrained by video length. We provide analytical and experimental evidence demonstrating that STREAM provides an effective evaluation tool for both visual and temporal quality of videos, offering insights into area of improvement for video generative models. To the best of our knowledge, STREAM is the first evaluation metric that can separately assess the temporal and spatial aspects of videos. Our code is available at


replace Controllable Text-to-3D Generation via Surface-Aligned Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Zhiqi Li, Yiming Chen, Lingzhe Zhao, Peidong Liu

Abstract: While text-to-3D and image-to-3D generation tasks have received considerable attention, one important but under-explored field between them is controllable text-to-3D generation, which we mainly focus on in this work. To address this task, 1) we introduce Multi-view ControlNet (MVControl), a novel neural network architecture designed to enhance existing pre-trained multi-view diffusion models by integrating additional input conditions, such as edge, depth, normal, and scribble maps. Our innovation lies in the introduction of a conditioning module that controls the base diffusion model using both local and global embeddings, which are computed from the input condition images and camera poses. Once trained, MVControl is able to offer 3D diffusion guidance for optimization-based 3D generation. And, 2) we propose an efficient multi-stage 3D generation pipeline that leverages the benefits of recent large reconstruction models and score distillation algorithm. Building upon our MVControl architecture, we employ a unique hybrid diffusion guidance method to direct the optimization process. In pursuit of efficiency, we adopt 3D Gaussians as our representation instead of the commonly used implicit representations. We also pioneer the use of SuGaR, a hybrid representation that binds Gaussians to mesh triangle faces. This approach alleviates the issue of poor geometry in 3D Gaussians and enables the direct sculpting of fine-grained geometry on the mesh. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves robust generalization and enables the controllable generation of high-quality 3D content.

replace DyBluRF: Dynamic Neural Radiance Fields from Blurry Monocular Video

Authors: Huiqiang Sun, Xingyi Li, Liao Shen, Xinyi Ye, Ke Xian, Zhiguo Cao

Abstract: Recent advancements in dynamic neural radiance field methods have yielded remarkable outcomes. However, these approaches rely on the assumption of sharp input images. When faced with motion blur, existing dynamic NeRF methods often struggle to generate high-quality novel views. In this paper, we propose DyBluRF, a dynamic radiance field approach that synthesizes sharp novel views from a monocular video affected by motion blur. To account for motion blur in input images, we simultaneously capture the camera trajectory and object Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) trajectories within the scene. Additionally, we employ a global cross-time rendering approach to ensure consistent temporal coherence across the entire scene. We curate a dataset comprising diverse dynamic scenes that are specifically tailored for our task. Experimental results on our dataset demonstrate that our method outperforms existing approaches in generating sharp novel views from motion-blurred inputs while maintaining spatial-temporal consistency of the scene.

replace GGRt: Towards Pose-free Generalizable 3D Gaussian Splatting in Real-time

Authors: Hao Li, Yuanyuan Gao, Chenming Wu, Dingwen Zhang, Yalun Dai, Chen Zhao, Haocheng Feng, Errui Ding, Jingdong Wang, Junwei Han

Abstract: This paper presents GGRt, a novel approach to generalizable novel view synthesis that alleviates the need for real camera poses, complexity in processing high-resolution images, and lengthy optimization processes, thus facilitating stronger applicability of 3D Gaussian Splatting (3D-GS) in real-world scenarios. Specifically, we design a novel joint learning framework that consists of an Iterative Pose Optimization Network (IPO-Net) and a Generalizable 3D-Gaussians (G-3DG) model. With the joint learning mechanism, the proposed framework can inherently estimate robust relative pose information from the image observations and thus primarily alleviate the requirement of real camera poses. Moreover, we implement a deferred back-propagation mechanism that enables high-resolution training and inference, overcoming the resolution constraints of previous methods. To enhance the speed and efficiency, we further introduce a progressive Gaussian cache module that dynamically adjusts during training and inference. As the first pose-free generalizable 3D-GS framework, GGRt achieves inference at $\ge$ 5 FPS and real-time rendering at $\ge$ 100 FPS. Through extensive experimentation, we demonstrate that our method outperforms existing NeRF-based pose-free techniques in terms of inference speed and effectiveness. It can also approach the real pose-based 3D-GS methods. Our contributions provide a significant leap forward for the integration of computer vision and computer graphics into practical applications, offering state-of-the-art results on LLFF, KITTI, and Waymo Open datasets and enabling real-time rendering for immersive experiences.

replace ANIM: Accurate Neural Implicit Model for Human Reconstruction from a single RGB-D image

Authors: Marco Pesavento, Yuanlu Xu, Nikolaos Sarafianos, Robert Maier, Ziyan Wang, Chun-Han Yao, Marco Volino, Edmond Boyer, Adrian Hilton, Tony Tung

Abstract: Recent progress in human shape learning, shows that neural implicit models are effective in generating 3D human surfaces from limited number of views, and even from a single RGB image. However, existing monocular approaches still struggle to recover fine geometric details such as face, hands or cloth wrinkles. They are also easily prone to depth ambiguities that result in distorted geometries along the camera optical axis. In this paper, we explore the benefits of incorporating depth observations in the reconstruction process by introducing ANIM, a novel method that reconstructs arbitrary 3D human shapes from single-view RGB-D images with an unprecedented level of accuracy. Our model learns geometric details from both multi-resolution pixel-aligned and voxel-aligned features to leverage depth information and enable spatial relationships, mitigating depth ambiguities. We further enhance the quality of the reconstructed shape by introducing a depth-supervision strategy, which improves the accuracy of the signed distance field estimation of points that lie on the reconstructed surface. Experiments demonstrate that ANIM outperforms state-of-the-art works that use RGB, surface normals, point cloud or RGB-D data as input. In addition, we introduce ANIM-Real, a new multi-modal dataset comprising high-quality scans paired with consumer-grade RGB-D camera, and our protocol to fine-tune ANIM, enabling high-quality reconstruction from real-world human capture.

replace P-MapNet: Far-seeing Map Generator Enhanced by both SDMap and HDMap Priors

Authors: Zhou Jiang, Zhenxin Zhu, Pengfei Li, Huan-ang Gao, Tianyuan Yuan, Yongliang Shi, Hang Zhao, Hao Zhao

Abstract: Autonomous vehicles are gradually entering city roads today, with the help of high-definition maps (HDMaps). However, the reliance on HDMaps prevents autonomous vehicles from stepping into regions without this expensive digital infrastructure. This fact drives many researchers to study online HDMap generation algorithms, but the performance of these algorithms at far regions is still unsatisfying. We present P-MapNet, in which the letter P highlights the fact that we focus on incorporating map priors to improve model performance. Specifically, we exploit priors in both SDMap and HDMap. On one hand, we extract weakly aligned SDMap from OpenStreetMap, and encode it as an additional conditioning branch. Despite the misalignment challenge, our attention-based architecture adaptively attends to relevant SDMap skeletons and significantly improves performance. On the other hand, we exploit a masked autoencoder to capture the prior distribution of HDMap, which can serve as a refinement module to mitigate occlusions and artifacts. We benchmark on the nuScenes and Argoverse2 datasets. Through comprehensive experiments, we show that: (1) our SDMap prior can improve online map generation performance, using both rasterized (by up to $+18.73$ $\rm mIoU$) and vectorized (by up to $+8.50$ $\rm mAP$) output representations. (2) our HDMap prior can improve map perceptual metrics by up to $6.34\%$. (3) P-MapNet can be switched into different inference modes that covers different regions of the accuracy-efficiency trade-off landscape. (4) P-MapNet is a far-seeing solution that brings larger improvements on longer ranges. Codes and models are publicly available at


replace Securely Fine-tuning Pre-trained Encoders Against Adversarial Examples

Authors: Ziqi Zhou, Minghui Li, Wei Liu, Shengshan Hu, Yechao Zhang, Wei Wan, Lulu Xue, Leo Yu Zhang, Dezhong Yao, Hai Jin

Abstract: With the evolution of self-supervised learning, the pre-training paradigm has emerged as a predominant solution within the deep learning landscape. Model providers furnish pre-trained encoders designed to function as versatile feature extractors, enabling downstream users to harness the benefits of expansive models with minimal effort through fine-tuning. Nevertheless, recent works have exposed a vulnerability in pre-trained encoders, highlighting their susceptibility to downstream-agnostic adversarial examples (DAEs) meticulously crafted by attackers. The lingering question pertains to the feasibility of fortifying the robustness of downstream models against DAEs, particularly in scenarios where the pre-trained encoders are publicly accessible to the attackers. In this paper, we initially delve into existing defensive mechanisms against adversarial examples within the pre-training paradigm. Our findings reveal that the failure of current defenses stems from the domain shift between pre-training data and downstream tasks, as well as the sensitivity of encoder parameters. In response to these challenges, we propose Genetic Evolution-Nurtured Adversarial Fine-tuning (Gen-AF), a two-stage adversarial fine-tuning approach aimed at enhancing the robustness of downstream models. Our extensive experiments, conducted across ten self-supervised training methods and six datasets, demonstrate that Gen-AF attains high testing accuracy and robust testing accuracy against state-of-the-art DAEs.

replace Efficient Diffusion-Driven Corruption Editor for Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Yeongtak Oh, Jonghyun Lee, Jooyoung Choi, Dahuin Jung, Uiwon Hwang, Sungroh Yoon

Abstract: Test-time adaptation (TTA) addresses the unforeseen distribution shifts occurring during test time. In TTA, both performance and, memory and time consumption serve as crucial considerations. A recent diffusion-based TTA approach for restoring corrupted images involves image-level updates. However, using pixel space diffusion significantly increases resource requirements compared to conventional model updating TTA approaches, revealing limitations as a TTA method. To address this, we propose a novel TTA method by leveraging a latent diffusion model (LDM) based image editing model and fine-tuning it with our newly introduced corruption modeling scheme. This scheme enhances the robustness of the diffusion model against distribution shifts by creating (clean, corrupted) image pairs and fine-tuning the model to edit corrupted images into clean ones. Moreover, we introduce a distilled variant to accelerate the model for corruption editing using only 4 network function evaluations (NFEs). We extensively validated our method across various architectures and datasets including image and video domains. Our model achieves the best performance with a 100 times faster runtime than that of a diffusion-based baseline. Furthermore, it outpaces the speed of the model updating TTA method based on data augmentation threefold, rendering an image-level updating approach more practical.

replace ScanTalk: 3D Talking Heads from Unregistered Scans

Authors: Federico Nocentini, Thomas Besnier, Claudio Ferrari, Sylvain Arguillere, Stefano Berretti, Mohamed Daoudi

Abstract: Speech-driven 3D talking heads generation has emerged as a significant area of interest among researchers, presenting numerous challenges. Existing methods are constrained by animating faces with fixed topologies, wherein point-wise correspondence is established, and the number and order of points remains consistent across all identities the model can animate. In this work, we present ScanTalk, a novel framework capable of animating 3D faces in arbitrary topologies including scanned data. Our approach relies on the DiffusionNet architecture to overcome the fixed topology constraint, offering promising avenues for more flexible and realistic 3D animations. By leveraging the power of DiffusionNet, ScanTalk not only adapts to diverse facial structures but also maintains fidelity when dealing with scanned data, thereby enhancing the authenticity and versatility of generated 3D talking heads. Through comprehensive comparisons with state-of-the-art methods, we validate the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating its capacity to generate realistic talking heads comparable to existing techniques. While our primary objective is to develop a generic method free from topological constraints, all state-of-the-art methodologies are bound by such limitations. Code for reproducing our results, and the pre-trained model will be made available.

replace Zippo: Zipping Color and Transparency Distributions into a Single Diffusion Model

Authors: Kangyang Xie, Binbin Yang, Hao Chen, Meng Wang, Cheng Zou, Hui Xue, Ming Yang, Chunhua Shen

Abstract: Beyond the superiority of the text-to-image diffusion model in generating high-quality images, recent studies have attempted to uncover its potential for adapting the learned semantic knowledge to visual perception tasks. In this work, instead of translating a generative diffusion model into a visual perception model, we explore to retain the generative ability with the perceptive adaptation. To accomplish this, we present Zippo, a unified framework for zipping the color and transparency distributions into a single diffusion model by expanding the diffusion latent into a joint representation of RGB images and alpha mattes. By alternatively selecting one modality as the condition and then applying the diffusion process to the counterpart modality, Zippo is capable of generating RGB images from alpha mattes and predicting transparency from input images. In addition to single-modality prediction, we propose a modality-aware noise reassignment strategy to further empower Zippo with jointly generating RGB images and its corresponding alpha mattes under the text guidance. Our experiments showcase Zippo's ability of efficient text-conditioned transparent image generation and present plausible results of Matte-to-RGB and RGB-to-Matte translation.

replace GRA: Detecting Oriented Objects through Group-wise Rotating and Attention

Authors: Jiangshan Wang, Yifan Pu, Yizeng Han, Jiayi Guo, Yiru Wang, Xiu Li, Gao Huang

Abstract: Oriented object detection, an emerging task in recent years, aims to identify and locate objects across varied orientations. This requires the detector to accurately capture the orientation information, which varies significantly within and across images. Despite the existing substantial efforts, simultaneously ensuring model effectiveness and parameter efficiency remains challenging in this scenario. In this paper, we propose a lightweight yet effective Group-wise Rotating and Attention (GRA) module to replace the convolution operations in backbone networks for oriented object detection. GRA can adaptively capture fine-grained features of objects with diverse orientations, comprising two key components: Group-wise Rotating and Group-wise Attention. Group-wise Rotating first divides the convolution kernel into groups, where each group extracts different object features by rotating at a specific angle according to the object orientation. Subsequently, Group-wise Attention is employed to adaptively enhance the object-related regions in the feature. The collaborative effort of these components enables GRA to effectively capture the various orientation information while maintaining parameter efficiency. Extensive experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our method. For example, GRA achieves a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) on the DOTA-v2.0 benchmark, while saving the parameters by nearly 50% compared to the previous SOTA method. Code will be released.

replace CPA-Enhancer: Chain-of-Thought Prompted Adaptive Enhancer for Object Detection under Unknown Degradations

Authors: Yuwei Zhang, Yan Wu, Yanming Liu, Xinyue Peng

Abstract: Object detection methods under known single degradations have been extensively investigated. However, existing approaches require prior knowledge of the degradation type and train a separate model for each, limiting their practical applications in unpredictable environments. To address this challenge, we propose a chain-of-thought (CoT) prompted adaptive enhancer, CPA-Enhancer, for object detection under unknown degradations. Specifically, CPA-Enhancer progressively adapts its enhancement strategy under the step-by-step guidance of CoT prompts, that encode degradation-related information. To the best of our knowledge, it's the first work that exploits CoT prompting for object detection tasks. Overall, CPA-Enhancer is a plug-and-play enhancement model that can be integrated into any generic detectors to achieve substantial gains on degraded images, without knowing the degradation type priorly. Experimental results demonstrate that CPA-Enhancer not only sets the new state of the art for object detection but also boosts the performance of other downstream vision tasks under unknown degradations.

replace DynamicGlue: Epipolar and Time-Informed Data Association in Dynamic Environments using Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Theresa Huber, Simon Schaefer, Stefan Leutenegger

Abstract: The assumption of a static environment is common in many geometric computer vision tasks like SLAM but limits their applicability in highly dynamic scenes. Since these tasks rely on identifying point correspondences between input images within the static part of the environment, we propose a graph neural network-based sparse feature matching network designed to perform robust matching under challenging conditions while excluding keypoints on moving objects. We employ a similar scheme of attentional aggregation over graph edges to enhance keypoint representations as state-of-the-art feature-matching networks but augment the graph with epipolar and temporal information and vastly reduce the number of graph edges. Furthermore, we introduce a self-supervised training scheme to extract pseudo labels for image pairs in dynamic environments from exclusively unprocessed visual-inertial data. A series of experiments show the superior performance of our network as it excludes keypoints on moving objects compared to state-of-the-art feature matching networks while still achieving similar results regarding conventional matching metrics. When integrated into a SLAM system, our network significantly improves performance, especially in highly dynamic scenes.

replace SmartRefine: A Scenario-Adaptive Refinement Framework for Efficient Motion Prediction

Authors: Yang Zhou, Hao Shao, Letian Wang, Steven L. Waslander, Hongsheng Li, Yu Liu

Abstract: Predicting the future motion of surrounding agents is essential for autonomous vehicles (AVs) to operate safely in dynamic, human-robot-mixed environments. Context information, such as road maps and surrounding agents' states, provides crucial geometric and semantic information for motion behavior prediction. To this end, recent works explore two-stage prediction frameworks where coarse trajectories are first proposed, and then used to select critical context information for trajectory refinement. However, they either incur a large amount of computation or bring limited improvement, if not both. In this paper, we introduce a novel scenario-adaptive refinement strategy, named SmartRefine, to refine prediction with minimal additional computation. Specifically, SmartRefine can comprehensively adapt refinement configurations based on each scenario's properties, and smartly chooses the number of refinement iterations by introducing a quality score to measure the prediction quality and remaining refinement potential of each scenario. SmartRefine is designed as a generic and flexible approach that can be seamlessly integrated into most state-of-the-art motion prediction models. Experiments on Argoverse (1 & 2) show that our method consistently improves the prediction accuracy of multiple state-of-the-art prediction models. Specifically, by adding SmartRefine to QCNet, we outperform all published ensemble-free works on the Argoverse 2 leaderboard (single agent track) at submission. Comprehensive studies are also conducted to ablate design choices and explore the mechanism behind multi-iteration refinement. Codes are available at


replace Multi-View Video-Based Learning: Leveraging Weak Labels for Frame-Level Perception

Authors: Vijay John, Yasutomo Kawanishi

Abstract: For training a video-based action recognition model that accepts multi-view video, annotating frame-level labels is tedious and difficult. However, it is relatively easy to annotate sequence-level labels. This kind of coarse annotations are called as weak labels. However, training a multi-view video-based action recognition model with weak labels for frame-level perception is challenging. In this paper, we propose a novel learning framework, where the weak labels are first used to train a multi-view video-based base model, which is subsequently used for downstream frame-level perception tasks. The base model is trained to obtain individual latent embeddings for each view in the multi-view input. For training the model using the weak labels, we propose a novel latent loss function. We also propose a model that uses the view-specific latent embeddings for downstream frame-level action recognition and detection tasks. The proposed framework is evaluated using the MM Office dataset by comparing several baseline algorithms. The results show that the proposed base model is effectively trained using weak labels and the latent embeddings help the downstream models improve accuracy.

replace Towards Generalizing to Unseen Domains with Few Labels

Authors: Chamuditha Jayanga Galappaththige, Sanoojan Baliah, Malitha Gunawardhana, Muhammad Haris Khan

Abstract: We approach the challenge of addressing semi-supervised domain generalization (SSDG). Specifically, our aim is to obtain a model that learns domain-generalizable features by leveraging a limited subset of labelled data alongside a substantially larger pool of unlabeled data. Existing domain generalization (DG) methods which are unable to exploit unlabeled data perform poorly compared to semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods under SSDG setting. Nevertheless, SSL methods have considerable room for performance improvement when compared to fully-supervised DG training. To tackle this underexplored, yet highly practical problem of SSDG, we make the following core contributions. First, we propose a feature-based conformity technique that matches the posterior distributions from the feature space with the pseudo-label from the model's output space. Second, we develop a semantics alignment loss to learn semantically-compatible representations by regularizing the semantic structure in the feature space. Our method is plug-and-play and can be readily integrated with different SSL-based SSDG baselines without introducing any additional parameters. Extensive experimental results across five challenging DG benchmarks with four strong SSL baselines suggest that our method provides consistent and notable gains in two different SSDG settings.

replace Urban Scene Diffusion through Semantic Occupancy Map

Authors: Junge Zhang, Qihang Zhang, Li Zhang, Ramana Rao Kompella, Gaowen Liu, Bolei Zhou

Abstract: Generating unbounded 3D scenes is crucial for large-scale scene understanding and simulation. Urban scenes, unlike natural landscapes, consist of various complex man-made objects and structures such as roads, traffic signs, vehicles, and buildings. To create a realistic and detailed urban scene, it is crucial to accurately represent the geometry and semantics of the underlying objects, going beyond their visual appearance. In this work, we propose UrbanDiffusion, a 3D diffusion model that is conditioned on a Bird's-Eye View (BEV) map and generates an urban scene with geometry and semantics in the form of semantic occupancy map. Our model introduces a novel paradigm that learns the data distribution of scene-level structures within a latent space and further enables the expansion of the synthesized scene into an arbitrary scale. After training on real-world driving datasets, our model can generate a wide range of diverse urban scenes given the BEV maps from the held-out set and also generalize to the synthesized maps from a driving simulator. We further demonstrate its application to scene image synthesis with a pretrained image generator as a prior.

replace Meta-Prompting for Automating Zero-shot Visual Recognition with LLMs

Authors: M. Jehanzeb Mirza, Leonid Karlinsky, Wei Lin, Sivan Doveh, Jakub Micorek, Mateusz Kozinski, Hilde Kuhene, Horst Possegger

Abstract: Prompt ensembling of Large Language Model (LLM) generated category-specific prompts has emerged as an effective method to enhance zero-shot recognition ability of Vision-Language Models (VLMs). To obtain these category-specific prompts, the present methods rely on hand-crafting the prompts to the LLMs for generating VLM prompts for the downstream tasks. However, this requires manually composing these task-specific prompts and still, they might not cover the diverse set of visual concepts and task-specific styles associated with the categories of interest. To effectively take humans out of the loop and completely automate the prompt generation process for zero-shot recognition, we propose Meta-Prompting for Visual Recognition (MPVR). Taking as input only minimal information about the target task, in the form of its short natural language description, and a list of associated class labels, MPVR automatically produces a diverse set of category-specific prompts resulting in a strong zero-shot classifier. MPVR generalizes effectively across various popular zero-shot image recognition benchmarks belonging to widely different domains when tested with multiple LLMs and VLMs. For example, MPVR obtains a zero-shot recognition improvement over CLIP by up to 19.8% and 18.2% (5.0% and 4.5% on average over 20 datasets) leveraging GPT and Mixtral LLMs, respectively

replace BAD-Gaussians: Bundle Adjusted Deblur Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Lingzhe Zhao, Peng Wang, Peidong Liu

Abstract: While neural rendering has demonstrated impressive capabilities in 3D scene reconstruction and novel view synthesis, it heavily relies on high-quality sharp images and accurate camera poses. Numerous approaches have been proposed to train Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) with motion-blurred images, commonly encountered in real-world scenarios such as low-light or long-exposure conditions. However, the implicit representation of NeRF struggles to accurately recover intricate details from severely motion-blurred images and cannot achieve real-time rendering. In contrast, recent advancements in 3D Gaussian Splatting achieve high-quality 3D scene reconstruction and real-time rendering by explicitly optimizing point clouds as Gaussian spheres. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach, named BAD-Gaussians (Bundle Adjusted Deblur Gaussian Splatting), which leverages explicit Gaussian representation and handles severe motion-blurred images with inaccurate camera poses to achieve high-quality scene reconstruction. Our method models the physical image formation process of motion-blurred images and jointly learns the parameters of Gaussians while recovering camera motion trajectories during exposure time. In our experiments, we demonstrate that BAD-Gaussians not only achieves superior rendering quality compared to previous state-of-the-art deblur neural rendering methods on both synthetic and real datasets but also enables real-time rendering capabilities. Our project page and source code is available at


replace Exploring Facial Expression Recognition through Semi-Supervised Pretraining and Temporal Modeling

Authors: Jun Yu, Zhihong Wei, Zhongpeng Cai, Gongpeng Zhao, Zerui Zhang, Yongqi Wang, Guochen Xie, Jichao Zhu, Wangyuan Zhu

Abstract: Facial Expression Recognition (FER) plays a crucial role in computer vision and finds extensive applications across various fields. This paper aims to present our approach for the upcoming 6th Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-Wild (ABAW) competition, scheduled to be held at CVPR2024. In the facial expression recognition task, The limited size of the FER dataset poses a challenge to the expression recognition model's generalization ability, resulting in subpar recognition performance. To address this problem, we employ a semi-supervised learning technique to generate expression category pseudo-labels for unlabeled face data. At the same time, we uniformly sampled the labeled facial expression samples and implemented a debiased feedback learning strategy to address the problem of category imbalance in the dataset and the possible data bias in semi-supervised learning. Moreover, to further compensate for the limitation and bias of features obtained only from static images, we introduced a Temporal Encoder to learn and capture temporal relationships between neighbouring expression image features. In the 6th ABAW competition, our method achieved outstanding results on the official validation set, a result that fully confirms the effectiveness and competitiveness of our proposed method.

replace Subjective-Aligned Dateset and Metric for Text-to-Video Quality Assessment

Authors: Tengchuan Kou, Xiaohong Liu, Zicheng Zhang, Chunyi Li, Haoning Wu, Xiongkuo Min, Guangtao Zhai, Ning Liu

Abstract: With the rapid development of generative models, Artificial Intelligence-Generated Contents (AIGC) have exponentially increased in daily lives. Among them, Text-to-Video (T2V) generation has received widespread attention. Though many T2V models have been released for generating high perceptual quality videos, there is still lack of a method to evaluate the quality of these videos quantitatively. To solve this issue, we establish the largest-scale Text-to-Video Quality Assessment DataBase (T2VQA-DB) to date. The dataset is composed of 10,000 videos generated by 9 different T2V models. We also conduct a subjective study to obtain each video's corresponding mean opinion score. Based on T2VQA-DB, we propose a novel transformer-based model for subjective-aligned Text-to-Video Quality Assessment (T2VQA). The model extracts features from text-video alignment and video fidelity perspectives, then it leverages the ability of a large language model to give the prediction score. Experimental results show that T2VQA outperforms existing T2V metrics and SOTA video quality assessment models. Quantitative analysis indicates that T2VQA is capable of giving subjective-align predictions, validating its effectiveness. The dataset and code will be released at


replace Leveraging Spatial and Semantic Feature Extraction for Skin Cancer Diagnosis with Capsule Networks and Graph Neural Networks

Authors: K. P. Santoso, R. V. H. Ginardi, R. A. Sastrowardoyo, F. A. Madany

Abstract: In the realm of skin lesion image classification, the intricate spatial and semantic features pose significant challenges for conventional Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based methodologies. These challenges are compounded by the imbalanced nature of skin lesion datasets, which hampers the ability of models to learn minority class features effectively. Despite augmentation strategies, such as those using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), previous attempts have not fully addressed these complexities. This study introduces an innovative approach by integrating Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) with Capsule Networks to enhance classification performance. GNNs, known for their proficiency in handling graph-structured data, offer an advanced mechanism for capturing complex patterns and relationships beyond the capabilities of traditional CNNs. Capsule Networks further contribute by providing superior recognition of spatial hierarchies within images. Our research focuses on evaluating and enhancing the Tiny Pyramid Vision GNN (Tiny Pyramid ViG) architecture by incorporating it with a Capsule Network. This hybrid model was applied to the MNIST:HAM10000 dataset, a comprehensive skin lesion dataset designed for benchmarking classification models. After 75 epochs of training, our model achieved a significant accuracy improvement, reaching 89.23% and 95.52%, surpassing established benchmarks such as GoogLeNet (83.94%), InceptionV3 (86.82%), MobileNet V3 (89.87%), EfficientNet-B7 (92.07%), ResNet18 (92.22%), ResNet34 (91.90%), ViT-Base (73.70%), and IRv2-SA (93.47%) on the same dataset. This outcome underscores the potential of our approach in overcoming the inherent challenges of skin lesion classification, contributing to the advancement of image-based diagnosis in dermatology.

replace Generic 3D Diffusion Adapter Using Controlled Multi-View Editing

Authors: Hansheng Chen, Ruoxi Shi, Yulin Liu, Bokui Shen, Jiayuan Gu, Gordon Wetzstein, Hao Su, Leonidas Guibas

Abstract: Open-domain 3D object synthesis has been lagging behind image synthesis due to limited data and higher computational complexity. To bridge this gap, recent works have investigated multi-view diffusion but often fall short in either 3D consistency, visual quality, or efficiency. This paper proposes MVEdit, which functions as a 3D counterpart of SDEdit, employing ancestral sampling to jointly denoise multi-view images and output high-quality textured meshes. Built on off-the-shelf 2D diffusion models, MVEdit achieves 3D consistency through a training-free 3D Adapter, which lifts the 2D views of the last timestep into a coherent 3D representation, then conditions the 2D views of the next timestep using rendered views, without uncompromising visual quality. With an inference time of only 2-5 minutes, this framework achieves better trade-off between quality and speed than score distillation. MVEdit is highly versatile and extendable, with a wide range of applications including text/image-to-3D generation, 3D-to-3D editing, and high-quality texture synthesis. In particular, evaluations demonstrate state-of-the-art performance in both image-to-3D and text-guided texture generation tasks. Additionally, we introduce a method for fine-tuning 2D latent diffusion models on small 3D datasets with limited resources, enabling fast low-resolution text-to-3D initialization.

replace MineDreamer: Learning to Follow Instructions via Chain-of-Imagination for Simulated-World Control

Authors: Enshen Zhou, Yiran Qin, Zhenfei Yin, Yuzhou Huang, Ruimao Zhang, Lu Sheng, Yu Qiao, Jing Shao

Abstract: It is a long-lasting goal to design a generalist-embodied agent that can follow diverse instructions in human-like ways. However, existing approaches often fail to steadily follow instructions due to difficulties in understanding abstract and sequential natural language instructions. To this end, we introduce MineDreamer, an open-ended embodied agent built upon the challenging Minecraft simulator with an innovative paradigm that enhances instruction-following ability in low-level control signal generation. Specifically, MineDreamer is developed on top of recent advances in Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) and diffusion models, and we employ a Chain-of-Imagination (CoI) mechanism to envision the step-by-step process of executing instructions and translating imaginations into more precise visual prompts tailored to the current state; subsequently, the agent generates keyboard-and-mouse actions to efficiently achieve these imaginations, steadily following the instructions at each step. Extensive experiments demonstrate that MineDreamer follows single and multi-step instructions steadily, significantly outperforming the best generalist agent baseline and nearly doubling its performance. Moreover, qualitative analysis of the agent's imaginative ability reveals its generalization and comprehension of the open world.

replace-cross Goal-conditioned dual-action imitation learning for dexterous dual-arm robot manipulation

Authors: Heecheol Kim, Yoshiyuki Ohmura, Yasuo Kuniyoshi

Abstract: Long-horizon dexterous robot manipulation of deformable objects, such as banana peeling, is a problematic task because of the difficulties in object modeling and a lack of knowledge about stable and dexterous manipulation skills. This paper presents a goal-conditioned dual-action (GC-DA) deep imitation learning (DIL) approach that can learn dexterous manipulation skills using human demonstration data. Previous DIL methods map the current sensory input and reactive action, which often fails because of compounding errors in imitation learning caused by the recurrent computation of actions. The method predicts reactive action only when the precise manipulation of the target object is required (local action) and generates the entire trajectory when precise manipulation is not required (global action). This dual-action formulation effectively prevents compounding error in the imitation learning using the trajectory-based global action while responding to unexpected changes in the target object during the reactive local action. The proposed method was tested in a real dual-arm robot and successfully accomplished the banana-peeling task.

replace-cross PopulAtion Parameter Averaging (PAPA)

Authors: Alexia Jolicoeur-Martineau, Emy Gervais, Kilian Fatras, Yan Zhang, Simon Lacoste-Julien

Abstract: Ensemble methods combine the predictions of multiple models to improve performance, but they require significantly higher computation costs at inference time. To avoid these costs, multiple neural networks can be combined into one by averaging their weights. However, this usually performs significantly worse than ensembling. Weight averaging is only beneficial when different enough to benefit from combining them, but similar enough to average well. Based on this idea, we propose PopulAtion Parameter Averaging (PAPA): a method that combines the generality of ensembling with the efficiency of weight averaging. PAPA leverages a population of diverse models (trained on different data orders, augmentations, and regularizations) while slowly pushing the weights of the networks toward the population average of the weights. We also propose PAPA variants (PAPA-all, and PAPA-2) that average weights rarely rather than continuously; all methods increase generalization, but PAPA tends to perform best. PAPA reduces the performance gap between averaging and ensembling, increasing the average accuracy of a population of models by up to 0.8% on CIFAR-10, 1.9% on CIFAR-100, and 1.6% on ImageNet when compared to training independent (non-averaged) models.

replace-cross Shared and Private Information Learning in Multimodal Sentiment Analysis with Deep Modal Alignment and Self-supervised Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Songning Lai, Jiakang Li, Guinan Guo, Xifeng Hu, Yulong Li, Yuan Tan, Zichen Song, Yutong Liu, Zhaoxia Ren, Chun Wan, Danmin Miao, Zhi Liu

Abstract: Designing an effective representation learning method for multimodal sentiment analysis tasks is a crucial research direction. The challenge lies in learning both shared and private information in a complete modal representation, which is difficult with uniform multimodal labels and a raw feature fusion approach. In this work, we propose a deep modal shared information learning module based on the covariance matrix to capture the shared information between modalities. Additionally, we use a label generation module based on a self-supervised learning strategy to capture the private information of the modalities. Our module is plug-and-play in multimodal tasks, and by changing the parameterization, it can adjust the information exchange relationship between the modes and learn the private or shared information between the specified modes. We also employ a multi-task learning strategy to help the model focus its attention on the modal differentiation training data. We provide a detailed formulation derivation and feasibility proof for the design of the deep modal shared information learning module. We conduct extensive experiments on three common multimodal sentiment analysis baseline datasets, and the experimental results validate the reliability of our model. Furthermore, we explore more combinatorial techniques for the use of the module. Our approach outperforms current state-of-the-art methods on most of the metrics of the three public datasets.

replace-cross EasyEdit: An Easy-to-use Knowledge Editing Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Peng Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Bozhong Tian, Zekun Xi, Yunzhi Yao, Ziwen Xu, Mengru Wang, Shengyu Mao, Xiaohan Wang, Siyuan Cheng, Kangwei Liu, Yuansheng Ni, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) usually suffer from knowledge cutoff or fallacy issues, which means they are unaware of unseen events or generate text with incorrect facts owing to outdated/noisy data. To this end, many knowledge editing approaches for LLMs have emerged -- aiming to subtly inject/edit updated knowledge or adjust undesired behavior while minimizing the impact on unrelated inputs. Nevertheless, due to significant differences among various knowledge editing methods and the variations in task setups, there is no standard implementation framework available for the community, which hinders practitioners from applying knowledge editing to applications. To address these issues, we propose EasyEdit, an easy-to-use knowledge editing framework for LLMs. It supports various cutting-edge knowledge editing approaches and can be readily applied to many well-known LLMs such as T5, GPT-J, LlaMA, etc. Empirically, we report the knowledge editing results on LlaMA-2 with EasyEdit, demonstrating that knowledge editing surpasses traditional fine-tuning in terms of reliability and generalization. We have released the source code on GitHub, along with Google Colab tutorials and comprehensive documentation for beginners to get started. Besides, we present an online system for real-time knowledge editing, and a demo video.

replace-cross Dysen-VDM: Empowering Dynamics-aware Text-to-Video Diffusion with LLMs

Authors: Hao Fei, Shengqiong Wu, Wei Ji, Hanwang Zhang, Tat-Seng Chua

Abstract: Text-to-video (T2V) synthesis has gained increasing attention in the community, in which the recently emerged diffusion models (DMs) have promisingly shown stronger performance than the past approaches. While existing state-of-the-art DMs are competent to achieve high-resolution video generation, they may largely suffer from key limitations (e.g., action occurrence disorders, crude video motions) with respect to the intricate temporal dynamics modeling, one of the crux of video synthesis. In this work, we investigate strengthening the awareness of video dynamics for DMs, for high-quality T2V generation. Inspired by human intuition, we design an innovative dynamic scene manager (dubbed as Dysen) module, which includes (step-1) extracting from input text the key actions with proper time-order arrangement, (step-2) transforming the action schedules into the dynamic scene graph (DSG) representations, and (step-3) enriching the scenes in the DSG with sufficient and reasonable details. Taking advantage of the existing powerful LLMs (e.g., ChatGPT) via in-context learning, Dysen realizes (nearly) human-level temporal dynamics understanding. Finally, the resulting video DSG with rich action scene details is encoded as fine-grained spatio-temporal features, integrated into the backbone T2V DM for video generating. Experiments on popular T2V datasets suggest that our Dysen-VDM consistently outperforms prior arts with significant margins, especially in scenarios with complex actions. Codes at


replace-cross AV-SUPERB: A Multi-Task Evaluation Benchmark for Audio-Visual Representation Models

Authors: Yuan Tseng, Layne Berry, Yi-Ting Chen, I-Hsiang Chiu, Hsuan-Hao Lin, Max Liu, Puyuan Peng, Yi-Jen Shih, Hung-Yu Wang, Haibin Wu, Po-Yao Huang, Chun-Mao Lai, Shang-Wen Li, David Harwath, Yu Tsao, Shinji Watanabe, Abdelrahman Mohamed, Chi-Luen Feng, Hung-yi Lee

Abstract: Audio-visual representation learning aims to develop systems with human-like perception by utilizing correlation between auditory and visual information. However, current models often focus on a limited set of tasks, and generalization abilities of learned representations are unclear. To this end, we propose the AV-SUPERB benchmark that enables general-purpose evaluation of unimodal audio/visual and bimodal fusion representations on 7 datasets covering 5 audio-visual tasks in speech and audio processing. We evaluate 5 recent self-supervised models and show that none of these models generalize to all tasks, emphasizing the need for future study on improving universal model performance. In addition, we show that representations may be improved with intermediate-task fine-tuning and audio event classification with AudioSet serves as a strong intermediate task. We release our benchmark with evaluation code and a model submission platform to encourage further research in audio-visual learning.

replace-cross PGA: Personalizing Grasping Agents with Single Human-Robot Interaction

Authors: Junghyun Kim, Gi-Cheon Kang, Jaein Kim, Seoyun Yang, Minjoon Jung, Byoung-Tak Zhang

Abstract: Language-Conditioned Robotic Grasping (LCRG) aims to develop robots that comprehend and grasp objects based on natural language instructions. While the ability to understand personal objects like my wallet facilitates more natural interaction with human users, current LCRG systems only allow generic language instructions, e.g., the black-colored wallet next to the laptop. To this end, we introduce a task scenario GraspMine alongside a novel dataset aimed at pinpointing and grasping personal objects given personal indicators via learning from a single human-robot interaction, rather than a large labeled dataset. Our proposed method, Personalized Grasping Agent (PGA), addresses GraspMine by leveraging the unlabeled image data of the user's environment, called Reminiscence. Specifically, PGA acquires personal object information by a user presenting a personal object with its associated indicator, followed by PGA inspecting the object by rotating it. Based on the acquired information, PGA pseudo-labels objects in the Reminiscence by our proposed label propagation algorithm. Harnessing the information acquired from the interactions and the pseudo-labeled objects in the Reminiscence, PGA adapts the object grounding model to grasp personal objects. This results in significant efficiency while previous LCRG systems rely on resource-intensive human annotations -- necessitating hundreds of labeled data to learn my wallet. Moreover, PGA outperforms baseline methods across all metrics and even shows comparable performance compared to the fully-supervised method, which learns from 9k annotated data samples. We further validate PGA's real-world applicability by employing a physical robot to execute GrsapMine. Code and data are publicly available at


replace-cross FTIC: Frequency-Aware Transformer for Learned Image Compression

Authors: Han Li, Shaohui Li, Wenrui Dai, Chenglin Li, Junni Zou, Hongkai Xiong

Abstract: Learned image compression (LIC) has gained traction as an effective solution for image storage and transmission in recent years. However, existing LIC methods are redundant in latent representation due to limitations in capturing anisotropic frequency components and preserving directional details. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel frequency-aware transformer (FAT) block that for the first time achieves multiscale directional ananlysis for LIC. The FAT block comprises frequency-decomposition window attention (FDWA) modules to capture multiscale and directional frequency components of natural images. Additionally, we introduce frequency-modulation feed-forward network (FMFFN) to adaptively modulate different frequency components, improving rate-distortion performance. Furthermore, we present a transformer-based channel-wise autoregressive (T-CA) model that effectively exploits channel dependencies. Experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art rate-distortion performance compared to existing LIC methods, and evidently outperforms latest standardized codec VTM-12.1 by 14.5%, 15.1%, 13.0% in BD-rate on the Kodak, Tecnick, and CLIC datasets.

replace-cross Resolution- and Stimulus-agnostic Super-Resolution of Ultra-High-Field Functional MRI: Application to Visual Studies

Authors: Hongwei Bran Li, Matthew S. Rosen, Shahin Nasr, Juan Eugenio Iglesias

Abstract: High-resolution fMRI provides a window into the brain's mesoscale organization. Yet, higher spatial resolution increases scan times, to compensate for the low signal and contrast-to-noise ratio. This work introduces a deep learning-based 3D super-resolution (SR) method for fMRI. By incorporating a resolution-agnostic image augmentation framework, our method adapts to varying voxel sizes without retraining. We apply this innovative technique to localize fine-scale motion-selective sites in the early visual areas. Detection of these sites typically requires a resolution higher than 1 mm isotropic, whereas here, we visualize them based on lower resolution (2-3mm isotropic) fMRI data. Remarkably, the super-resolved fMRI is able to recover high-frequency detail of the interdigitated organization of these sites (relative to the color-selective sites), even with training data sourced from different subjects and experimental paradigms -- including non-visual resting-state fMRI, underscoring its robustness and versatility. Quantitative and qualitative results indicate that our method has the potential to enhance the spatial resolution of fMRI, leading to a drastic reduction in acquisition time.

replace-cross OCTDL: Optical Coherence Tomography Dataset for Image-Based Deep Learning Methods

Authors: Mikhail Kulyabin, Aleksei Zhdanov, Anastasia Nikiforova, Andrey Stepichev, Anna Kuznetsova, Mikhail Ronkin, Vasilii Borisov, Alexander Bogachev, Sergey Korotkich, Paul A Constable, Andreas Maier

Abstract: Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a non-invasive imaging technique with extensive clinical applications in ophthalmology. OCT enables the visualization of the retinal layers, playing a vital role in the early detection and monitoring of retinal diseases. OCT uses the principle of light wave interference to create detailed images of the retinal microstructures, making it a valuable tool for diagnosing ocular conditions. This work presents an open-access OCT dataset (OCTDL) comprising over 2000 OCT images labeled according to disease group and retinal pathology. The dataset consists of OCT records of patients with Age-related Macular Degeneration (AMD), Diabetic Macular Edema (DME), Epiretinal Membrane (ERM), Retinal Artery Occlusion (RAO), Retinal Vein Occlusion (RVO), and Vitreomacular Interface Disease (VID). The images were acquired with an Optovue Avanti RTVue XR using raster scanning protocols with dynamic scan length and image resolution. Each retinal b-scan was acquired by centering on the fovea and interpreted and cataloged by an experienced retinal specialist. In this work, we applied Deep Learning classification techniques to this new open-access dataset.

replace-cross Self-Supervised Learning for Image Super-Resolution and Deblurring

Authors: J\'er\'emy Scanvic, Mike Davies, Patrice Abry, Juli\'an Tachella

Abstract: Self-supervised methods have recently proved to be nearly as effective as supervised methods in various imaging inverse problems, paving the way for learning-based methods in scientific and medical imaging applications where ground truth data is hard or expensive to obtain. This is the case in magnetic resonance imaging and computed tomography. These methods critically rely on invariance to translations and/or rotations of the image distribution to learn from incomplete measurement data alone. However, existing approaches fail to obtain competitive performances in the problems of image super-resolution and deblurring, which play a key role in most imaging systems. In this work, we show that invariance to translations and rotations is insufficient to learn from measurements that only contain low-frequency information. Instead, we propose a new self-supervised approach that leverages the fact that many image distributions are approximately scale-invariant, and that enables recovering high-frequency information lost in the measurement process. We demonstrate throughout a series of experiments on real datasets that the proposed method outperforms other self-supervised approaches, and obtains performances on par with fully supervised learning.

replace-cross Evaluating the Utility of Conformal Prediction Sets for AI-Advised Image Labeling

Authors: Dongping Zhang, Angelos Chatzimparmpas, Negar Kamali, Jessica Hullman

Abstract: As deep neural networks are more commonly deployed in high-stakes domains, their black-box nature makes uncertainty quantification challenging. We investigate the effects of presenting conformal prediction sets--a distribution-free class of methods for generating prediction sets with specified coverage--to express uncertainty in AI-advised decision-making. Through a large online experiment, we compare the utility of conformal prediction sets to displays of Top-1 and Top-k predictions for AI-advised image labeling. In a pre-registered analysis, we find that the utility of prediction sets for accuracy varies with the difficulty of the task: while they result in accuracy on par with or less than Top-1 and Top-k displays for easy images, prediction sets excel at assisting humans in labeling out-of-distribution (OOD) images, especially when the set size is small. Our results empirically pinpoint practical challenges of conformal prediction sets and provide implications on how to incorporate them for real-world decision-making.

replace-cross Divide and not forget: Ensemble of selectively trained experts in Continual Learning

Authors: Grzegorz Rype\'s\'c, Sebastian Cygert, Valeriya Khan, Tomasz Trzci\'nski, Bartosz Zieli\'nski, Bart{\l}omiej Twardowski

Abstract: Class-incremental learning is becoming more popular as it helps models widen their applicability while not forgetting what they already know. A trend in this area is to use a mixture-of-expert technique, where different models work together to solve the task. However, the experts are usually trained all at once using whole task data, which makes them all prone to forgetting and increasing computational burden. To address this limitation, we introduce a novel approach named SEED. SEED selects only one, the most optimal expert for a considered task, and uses data from this task to fine-tune only this expert. For this purpose, each expert represents each class with a Gaussian distribution, and the optimal expert is selected based on the similarity of those distributions. Consequently, SEED increases diversity and heterogeneity within the experts while maintaining the high stability of this ensemble method. The extensive experiments demonstrate that SEED achieves state-of-the-art performance in exemplar-free settings across various scenarios, showing the potential of expert diversification through data in continual learning.

replace-cross MambaMIR: An Arbitrary-Masked Mamba for Joint Medical Image Reconstruction and Uncertainty Estimation

Authors: Jiahao Huang, Liutao Yang, Fanwen Wang, Yinzhe Wu, Yang Nan, Angelica I. Aviles-Rivero, Carola-Bibiane Sch\"onlieb, Daoqiang Zhang, Guang Yang

Abstract: The recent Mamba model has shown remarkable adaptability for visual representation learning, including in medical imaging tasks. This study introduces MambaMIR, a Mamba-based model for medical image reconstruction, as well as its Generative Adversarial Network-based variant, MambaMIR-GAN. Our proposed MambaMIR inherits several advantages, such as linear complexity, global receptive fields, and dynamic weights, from the original Mamba model. The innovated arbitrary-mask mechanism effectively adapt Mamba to our image reconstruction task, providing randomness for subsequent Monte Carlo-based uncertainty estimation. Experiments conducted on various medical image reconstruction tasks, including fast MRI and SVCT, which cover anatomical regions such as the knee, chest, and abdomen, have demonstrated that MambaMIR and MambaMIR-GAN achieve comparable or superior reconstruction results relative to state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, the estimated uncertainty maps offer further insights into the reliability of the reconstruction quality. The code is publicly available at


replace-cross Touch-GS: Visual-Tactile Supervised 3D Gaussian Splatting

Authors: Aiden Swann, Matthew Strong, Won Kyung Do, Gadiel Sznaier Camps, Mac Schwager, Monroe Kennedy III

Abstract: In this work, we propose a novel method to supervise 3D Gaussian Splatting (3DGS) scenes using optical tactile sensors. Optical tactile sensors have become widespread in their use in robotics for manipulation and object representation; however, raw optical tactile sensor data is unsuitable to directly supervise a 3DGS scene. Our representation leverages a Gaussian Process Implicit Surface to implicitly represent the object, combining many touches into a unified representation with uncertainty. We merge this model with a monocular depth estimation network, which is aligned in a two stage process, coarsely aligning with a depth camera and then finely adjusting to match our touch data. For every training image, our method produces a corresponding fused depth and uncertainty map. Utilizing this additional information, we propose a new loss function, variance weighted depth supervised loss, for training the 3DGS scene model. We leverage the DenseTact optical tactile sensor and RealSense RGB-D camera to show that combining touch and vision in this manner leads to quantitatively and qualitatively better results than vision or touch alone in a few-view scene syntheses on opaque as well as on reflective and transparent objects. Please see our project page at


replace-cross Predicting Generalization of AI Colonoscopy Models to Unseen Data

Authors: Joel Shor, Carson McNeil, Yotam Intrator, Joseph R Ledsam, Hiro-o Yamano, Daisuke Tsurumaru, Hiroki Kayama, Atsushi Hamabe, Koji Ando, Mitsuhiko Ota, Haruei Ogino, Hiroshi Nakase, Kaho Kobayashi, Masaaki Miyo, Eiji Oki, Ichiro Takemasa, Ehud Rivlin, Roman Goldenberg

Abstract: Background: Generalizability of AI colonoscopy algorithms is important for wider adoption in clinical practice. However, current techniques for evaluating performance on unseen data require expensive and time-intensive labels. Methods: We use a "Masked Siamese Network" (MSN) to identify novel phenomena in unseen data and predict polyp detector performance. MSN is trained to predict masked out regions of polyp images, without any labels. We test MSN's ability to be trained on data only from Israel and detect unseen techniques, narrow-band imaging (NBI) and chromendoscoy (CE), on colonoscopes from Japan (354 videos, 128 hours). We also test MSN's ability to predict performance of Computer Aided Detection (CADe) of polyps on colonoscopies from both countries, even though MSN is not trained on data from Japan. Results: MSN correctly identifies NBI and CE as less similar to Israel whitelight than Japan whitelight (bootstrapped z-test, |z| > 496, p < 10^-8 for both) using the label-free Frechet distance. MSN detects NBI with 99% accuracy, predicts CE better than our heuristic (90% vs 79% accuracy) despite being trained only on whitelight, and is the only method that is robust to noisy labels. MSN predicts CADe polyp detector performance on in-domain Israel and out-of-domain Japan colonoscopies (r=0.79, 0.37 respectively). With few examples of Japan detector performance to train on, MSN prediction of Japan performance improves (r=0.56). Conclusion: Our technique can identify distribution shifts in clinical data and can predict CADe detector performance on unseen data, without labels. Our self-supervised approach can aid in detecting when data in practice is different from training, such as between hospitals or data has meaningfully shifted from training. MSN has potential for application to medical image domains beyond colonoscopy.

replace-cross Approximation and bounding techniques for the Fisher-Rao distances

Authors: Frank Nielsen

Abstract: The Fisher-Rao distance between two probability distributions of a statistical model is defined as the Riemannian geodesic distance induced by the Fisher information metric. In order to calculate the Fisher-Rao distance in closed-form, we need (1) to elicit a formula for the Fisher-Rao geodesics, and (2) to integrate the Fisher length element along those geodesics. We consider several numerically robust approximation and bounding techniques for the Fisher-Rao distances: First, we report generic upper bounds on Fisher-Rao distances based on closed-form 1D Fisher-Rao distances of submodels. Second, we describe several generic approximation schemes depending on whether the Fisher-Rao geodesics or pregeodesics are available in closed-form or not. In particular, we obtain a generic method to guarantee an arbitrarily small additive error on the approximation provided that Fisher-Rao pregeodesics and tight lower and upper bounds are available. Third, we consider the case of Fisher metrics being Hessian metrics, and report generic tight upper bounds on the Fisher-Rao distances using techniques of information geometry. Uniparametric and biparametric statistical models always have Fisher Hessian metrics, and in general a simple test allows to check whether the Fisher information matrix yields a Hessian metric or not. Fourth, we consider elliptical distribution families and show how to apply the above techniques to these models. We also propose two new distances based either on the Fisher-Rao lengths of curves serving as proxies of Fisher-Rao geodesics, or based on the Birkhoff/Hilbert projective cone distance. Last, we consider an alternative group-theoretic approach for statistical transformation models based on the notion of maximal invariant which yields insights on the structures of the Fisher-Rao distance formula which may be used fruitfully in applications.

replace-cross Urban Sound Propagation: a Benchmark for 1-Step Generative Modeling of Complex Physical Systems

Authors: Martin Spitznagel, Janis Keuper

Abstract: Data-driven modeling of complex physical systems is receiving a growing amount of attention in the simulation and machine learning communities. Since most physical simulations are based on compute-intensive, iterative implementations of differential equation systems, a (partial) replacement with learned, 1-step inference models has the potential for significant speedups in a wide range of application areas. In this context, we present a novel benchmark for the evaluation of 1-step generative learning models in terms of speed and physical correctness. Our Urban Sound Propagation benchmark is based on the physically complex and practically relevant, yet intuitively easy to grasp task of modeling the 2d propagation of waves from a sound source in an urban environment. We provide a dataset with 100k samples, where each sample consists of pairs of real 2d building maps drawn from OpenStreetmap, a parameterized sound source, and a simulated ground truth sound propagation for the given scene. The dataset provides four different simulation tasks with increasing complexity regarding reflection, diffraction and source variance. A first baseline evaluation of common generative U-Net, GAN and Diffusion models shows, that while these models are very well capable of modeling sound propagations in simple cases, the approximation of sub-systems represented by higher order equations systematically fails. Information about the dataset, download instructions and source codes are provided on our website:


replace-cross Uncertainty-Aware Adapter: Adapting Segment Anything Model (SAM) for Ambiguous Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Mingzhou Jiang, Jiaying Zhou, Junde Wu, Tianyang Wang, Yueming Jin, Min Xu

Abstract: The Segment Anything Model (SAM) gained significant success in natural image segmentation, and many methods have tried to fine-tune it to medical image segmentation. An efficient way to do so is by using Adapters, specialized modules that learn just a few parameters to tailor SAM specifically for medical images. However, unlike natural images, many tissues and lesions in medical images have blurry boundaries and may be ambiguous. Previous efforts to adapt SAM ignore this challenge and can only predict distinct segmentation. It may mislead clinicians or cause misdiagnosis, especially when encountering rare variants or situations with low model confidence. In this work, we propose a novel module called the Uncertainty-aware Adapter, which efficiently fine-tuning SAM for uncertainty-aware medical image segmentation. Utilizing a conditional variational autoencoder, we encoded stochastic samples to effectively represent the inherent uncertainty in medical imaging. We designed a new module on a standard adapter that utilizes a condition-based strategy to interact with samples to help SAM integrate uncertainty. We evaluated our method on two multi-annotated datasets with different modalities: LIDC-IDRI (lung abnormalities segmentation) and REFUGE2 (optic-cup segmentation). The experimental results show that the proposed model outperforms all the previous methods and achieves the new state-of-the-art (SOTA) on both benchmarks. We also demonstrated that our method can generate diverse segmentation hypotheses that are more realistic as well as heterogeneous.

replace-cross WIA-LD2ND: Wavelet-based Image Alignment for Self-supervised Low-Dose CT Denoising

Authors: Haoyu Zhao, Yuliang Gu, Zhou Zhao, Bo Du, Yongchao Xu, Rui Yu

Abstract: In clinical examinations and diagnoses, low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) is crucial for minimizing health risks compared with normal-dose computed tomography (NDCT). However, reducing the radiation dose compromises the signal-to-noise ratio, leading to degraded quality of CT images. To address this, we analyze LDCT denoising task based on experimental results from the frequency perspective, and then introduce a novel self-supervised CT image denoising method called WIA-LD2ND, only using NDCT data. The proposed WIA-LD2ND comprises two modules: Wavelet-based Image Alignment (WIA) and Frequency-Aware Multi-scale Loss (FAM). First, WIA is introduced to align NDCT with LDCT by mainly adding noise to the high-frequency components, which is the main difference between LDCT and NDCT. Second, to better capture high-frequency components and detailed information, Frequency-Aware Multi-scale Loss (FAM) is proposed by effectively utilizing multi-scale feature space. Extensive experiments on two public LDCT denoising datasets demonstrate that our WIA-LD2ND, only uses NDCT, outperforms existing several state-of-the-art weakly-supervised and self-supervised methods.

replace-cross MoreStyle: Relax Low-frequency Constraint of Fourier-based Image Reconstruction in Generalizable Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Haoyu Zhao, Wenhui Dong, Rui Yu, Zhou Zhao, Du Bo, Yongchao Xu

Abstract: The task of single-source domain generalization (SDG) in medical image segmentation is crucial due to frequent domain shifts in clinical image datasets. To address the challenge of poor generalization across different domains, we introduce a Plug-and-Play module for data augmentation called MoreStyle. MoreStyle diversifies image styles by relaxing low-frequency constraints in Fourier space, guiding the image reconstruction network. With the help of adversarial learning, MoreStyle further expands the style range and pinpoints the most intricate style combinations within latent features. To handle significant style variations, we introduce an uncertainty-weighted loss. This loss emphasizes hard-to-classify pixels resulting only from style shifts while mitigating true hard-to-classify pixels in both MoreStyle-generated and original images. Extensive experiments on two widely used benchmarks demonstrate that the proposed MoreStyle effectively helps to achieve good domain generalization ability, and has the potential to further boost the performance of some state-of-the-art SDG methods.