new Entangling Machine Learning with Quantum Tensor Networks

Authors: Constantijn van der Poel, Dan Zhao

Abstract: This paper examines the use of tensor networks, which can efficiently represent high-dimensional quantum states, in language modeling. It is a distillation and continuation of the work done in (van der Poel, 2023). To do so, we will abstract the problem down to modeling Motzkin spin chains, which exhibit long-range correlations reminiscent of those found in language. The Matrix Product State (MPS), also known as the tensor train, has a bond dimension which scales as the length of the sequence it models. To combat this, we use the factored core MPS, whose bond dimension scales sub-linearly. We find that the tensor models reach near perfect classifying ability, and maintain a stable level of performance as the number of valid training examples is decreased.

new Simple Full-Spectrum Correlated k-Distribution Model based on Multilayer Perceptron

Authors: Xin Wang, Yucheng Kuang, Chaojun Wang, Hongyuan Di, Boshu He

Abstract: While neural networks have been successfully applied to the full-spectrum k-distribution (FSCK) method at a large range of thermodynamics with k-values predicted by a trained multilayer perceptron (MLP) model, the required a-values still need to be calculated on-the-fly, which theoretically degrades the FSCK method and may lead to errors. On the other hand, too complicated structure of the current MLP model inevitably slows down the calculation efficiency. Therefore, to compensate among accuracy, efficiency and storage, the simple MLP designed based on the nature of FSCK method are developed, i.e., the simple FSCK MLP (SFM) model, from which those correlated k-values and corresponding ka-values can be efficiently obtained. Several test cases have been carried out to compare the developed SFM model and other FSCK tools including look-up tables and traditional FSCK MLP (TFM) model. Results show that the SFM model can achieve excellent accuracy that is even better than look-up tables at a tiny computational cost that is far less than that of TFM model. Considering accuracy, efficiency and portability, the SFM model is not only an excellent tool for the prediction of spectral properties, but also provides a method to reduce the errors due to nonlinear effects.

new Duwak: Dual Watermarks in Large Language Models

Authors: Chaoyi Zhu, Jeroen Galjaard, Pin-Yu Chen, Lydia Y. Chen

Abstract: As large language models (LLM) are increasingly used for text generation tasks, it is critical to audit their usages, govern their applications, and mitigate their potential harms. Existing watermark techniques are shown effective in embedding single human-imperceptible and machine-detectable patterns without significantly affecting generated text quality and semantics. However, the efficiency in detecting watermarks, i.e., the minimum number of tokens required to assert detection with significance and robustness against post-editing, is still debatable. In this paper, we propose, Duwak, to fundamentally enhance the efficiency and quality of watermarking by embedding dual secret patterns in both token probability distribution and sampling schemes. To mitigate expression degradation caused by biasing toward certain tokens, we design a contrastive search to watermark the sampling scheme, which minimizes the token repetition and enhances the diversity. We theoretically explain the interdependency of the two watermarks within Duwak. We evaluate Duwak extensively on Llama2 under various post-editing attacks, against four state-of-the-art watermarking techniques and combinations of them. Our results show that Duwak marked text achieves the highest watermarked text quality at the lowest required token count for detection, up to 70% tokens less than existing approaches, especially under post paraphrasing.

new Fundamental Components of Deep Learning: A category-theoretic approach

Authors: Bruno Gavranovi\'c

Abstract: Deep learning, despite its remarkable achievements, is still a young field. Like the early stages of many scientific disciplines, it is marked by the discovery of new phenomena, ad-hoc design decisions, and the lack of a uniform and compositional mathematical foundation. From the intricacies of the implementation of backpropagation, through a growing zoo of neural network architectures, to the new and poorly understood phenomena such as double descent, scaling laws or in-context learning, there are few unifying principles in deep learning. This thesis develops a novel mathematical foundation for deep learning based on the language of category theory. We develop a new framework that is a) end-to-end, b) unform, and c) not merely descriptive, but prescriptive, meaning it is amenable to direct implementation in programming languages with sufficient features. We also systematise many existing approaches, placing many existing constructions and concepts from the literature under the same umbrella. In Part I we identify and model two main properties of deep learning systems parametricity and bidirectionality by we expand on the previously defined construction of actegories and Para to study the former, and define weighted optics to study the latter. Combining them yields parametric weighted optics, a categorical model of artificial neural networks, and more. Part II justifies the abstractions from Part I, applying them to model backpropagation, architectures, and supervised learning. We provide a lens-theoretic axiomatisation of differentiation, covering not just smooth spaces, but discrete settings of boolean circuits as well. We survey existing, and develop new categorical models of neural network architectures. We formalise the notion of optimisers and lastly, combine all the existing concepts together, providing a uniform and compositional framework for supervised learning.

new Hybrid Unsupervised Learning Strategy for Monitoring Industrial Batch Processes

Authors: Christian W. Frey

Abstract: Industrial production processes, especially in the pharmaceutical industry, are complex systems that require continuous monitoring to ensure efficiency, product quality, and safety. This paper presents a hybrid unsupervised learning strategy (HULS) for monitoring complex industrial processes. Addressing the limitations of traditional Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs), especially in scenarios with unbalanced data sets and highly correlated process variables, HULS combines existing unsupervised learning techniques to address these challenges. To evaluate the performance of the HULS concept, comparative experiments are performed based on a laboratory batch

new BiLoRA: A Bi-level Optimization Framework for Overfitting-Resilient Low-Rank Adaptation of Large Pre-trained Models

Authors: Rushi Qiang, Ruiyi Zhang, Pengtao Xie

Abstract: Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) is a popular method for fine-tuning large-scale pre-trained models in downstream tasks by learning low-rank incremental matrices. Though LoRA and its variants effectively reduce the number of trainable parameters compared to full fine-tuning methods, they often overfit training data, resulting in sub-optimal generalization on test data. To address this problem, we introduce BiLoRA, an overfitting-alleviating fine-tuning approach based on bi-level optimization (BLO). BiLoRA employs pseudo singular value decomposition to parameterize low-rank incremental matrices and splits the training of pseudo singular vectors and values across two different subsets of training data. This division, embedded within separate levels of the BLO framework, mitigates the risk of overfitting to a single dataset. Tested on ten datasets covering natural language understanding and generation tasks and applied to various well-known large pre-trained models, BiLoRA significantly outperforms LoRA methods and other fine-tuning approaches, with similar amounts of trainable parameters.

new JaxUED: A simple and useable UED library in Jax

Authors: Samuel Coward, Michael Beukman, Jakob Foerster

Abstract: We present JaxUED, an open-source library providing minimal dependency implementations of modern Unsupervised Environment Design (UED) algorithms in Jax. JaxUED leverages hardware acceleration to obtain on the order of 100x speedups compared to prior, CPU-based implementations. Inspired by CleanRL, we provide fast, clear, understandable, and easily modifiable implementations, with the aim of accelerating research into UED. This paper describes our library and contains baseline results. Code can be found at


new Simple Ingredients for Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Edoardo Cetin, Andrea Tirinzoni, Matteo Pirotta, Alessandro Lazaric, Yann Ollivier, Ahmed Touati

Abstract: Offline reinforcement learning algorithms have proven effective on datasets highly connected to the target downstream task. Yet, leveraging a novel testbed (MOOD) in which trajectories come from heterogeneous sources, we show that existing methods struggle with diverse data: their performance considerably deteriorates as data collected for related but different tasks is simply added to the offline buffer. In light of this finding, we conduct a large empirical study where we formulate and test several hypotheses to explain this failure. Surprisingly, we find that scale, more than algorithmic considerations, is the key factor influencing performance. We show that simple methods like AWAC and IQL with increased network size overcome the paradoxical failure modes from the inclusion of additional data in MOOD, and notably outperform prior state-of-the-art algorithms on the canonical D4RL benchmark.

new AdaptSFL: Adaptive Split Federated Learning in Resource-constrained Edge Networks

Authors: Zheng Lin, Guanqiao Qu, Wei Wei, Xianhao Chen, Kin K. Leung

Abstract: The increasing complexity of deep neural networks poses significant barriers to democratizing them to resource-limited edge devices. To address this challenge, split federated learning (SFL) has emerged as a promising solution by of floading the primary training workload to a server via model partitioning while enabling parallel training among edge devices. However, although system optimization substantially influences the performance of SFL under resource-constrained systems, the problem remains largely uncharted. In this paper, we provide a convergence analysis of SFL which quantifies the impact of model splitting (MS) and client-side model aggregation (MA) on the learning performance, serving as a theoretical foundation. Then, we propose AdaptSFL, a novel resource-adaptive SFL framework, to expedite SFL under resource-constrained edge computing systems. Specifically, AdaptSFL adaptively controls client-side MA and MS to balance communication-computing latency and training convergence. Extensive simulations across various datasets validate that our proposed AdaptSFL framework takes considerably less time to achieve a target accuracy than benchmarks, demonstrating the effectiveness of the proposed strategies.

new Knowing Your Nonlinearities: Shapley Interactions Reveal the Underlying Structure of Data

Authors: Divyansh Singhvi, Andrej Erkelens, Raghav Jain, Diganta Misra, Naomi Saphra

Abstract: Measuring nonlinear feature interaction is an established approach to understanding complex patterns of attribution in many models. In this paper, we use Shapley Taylor interaction indices (STII) to analyze the impact of underlying data structure on model representations in a variety of modalities, tasks, and architectures. Considering linguistic structure in masked and auto-regressive language models (MLMs and ALMs), we find that STII increases within idiomatic expressions and that MLMs scale STII with syntactic distance, relying more on syntax in their nonlinear structure than ALMs do. Our speech model findings reflect the phonetic principal that the openness of the oral cavity determines how much a phoneme varies based on its context. Finally, we study image classifiers and illustrate that feature interactions intuitively reflect object boundaries. Our wide range of results illustrates the benefits of interdisciplinary work and domain expertise in interpretability research.

new Analyzing the Impact of Partial Sharing on the Resilience of Online Federated Learning Against Model Poisoning Attacks

Authors: Ehsan Lari, Vinay Chakravarthi Gogineni, Reza Arablouei, Stefan Werner

Abstract: We scrutinize the resilience of the partial-sharing online federated learning (PSO-Fed) algorithm against model-poisoning attacks. PSO-Fed reduces the communication load by enabling clients to exchange only a fraction of their model estimates with the server at each update round. Partial sharing of model estimates also enhances the robustness of the algorithm against model-poisoning attacks. To gain better insights into this phenomenon, we analyze the performance of the PSO-Fed algorithm in the presence of Byzantine clients, malicious actors who may subtly tamper with their local models by adding noise before sharing them with the server. Through our analysis, we demonstrate that PSO-Fed maintains convergence in both mean and mean-square senses, even under the strain of model-poisoning attacks. We further derive the theoretical mean square error (MSE) of PSO-Fed, linking it to various parameters such as stepsize, attack probability, number of Byzantine clients, client participation rate, partial-sharing ratio, and noise variance. We also show that there is a non-trivial optimal stepsize for PSO-Fed when faced with model-poisoning attacks. The results of our extensive numerical experiments affirm our theoretical assertions and highlight the superior ability of PSO-Fed to counteract Byzantine attacks, outperforming other related leading algorithms.

new Deep learning with noisy labels in medical prediction problems: a scoping review

Authors: Yishu Wei, Yu Deng, Cong Sun, Mingquan Lin, Hongmei Jiang, Yifan Peng

Abstract: Objectives: Medical research faces substantial challenges from noisy labels attributed to factors like inter-expert variability and machine-extracted labels. Despite this, the adoption of label noise management remains limited, and label noise is largely ignored. To this end, there is a critical need to conduct a scoping review focusing on the problem space. This scoping review aims to comprehensively review label noise management in deep learning-based medical prediction problems, which includes label noise detection, label noise handling, and evaluation. Research involving label uncertainty is also included. Methods: Our scoping review follows the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We searched 4 databases, including PubMed, IEEE Xplore, Google Scholar, and Semantic Scholar. Our search terms include "noisy label AND medical / healthcare / clinical", "un-certainty AND medical / healthcare / clinical", and "noise AND medical / healthcare / clinical". Results: A total of 60 papers met inclusion criteria between 2016 and 2023. A series of practical questions in medical research are investigated. These include the sources of label noise, the impact of label noise, the detection of label noise, label noise handling techniques, and their evaluation. Categorization of both label noise detection methods and handling techniques are provided. Discussion: From a methodological perspective, we observe that the medical community has been up to date with the broader deep-learning community, given that most techniques have been evaluated on medical data. We recommend considering label noise as a standard element in medical research, even if it is not dedicated to handling noisy labels. Initial experiments can start with easy-to-implement methods, such as noise-robust loss functions, weighting, and curriculum learning.

new Probabilistic Circuits with Constraints via Convex Optimization

Authors: Soroush Ghandi, Benjamin Quost, Cassio de Campos

Abstract: This work addresses integrating probabilistic propositional logic constraints into the distribution encoded by a probabilistic circuit (PC). PCs are a class of tractable models that allow efficient computations (such as conditional and marginal probabilities) while achieving state-of-the-art performance in some domains. The proposed approach takes both a PC and constraints as inputs, and outputs a new PC that satisfies the constraints. This is done efficiently via convex optimization without the need to retrain the entire model. Empirical evaluations indicate that the combination of constraints and PCs can have multiple use cases, including the improvement of model performance under scarce or incomplete data, as well as the enforcement of machine learning fairness measures into the model without compromising model fitness. We believe that these ideas will open possibilities for multiple other applications involving the combination of logics and deep probabilistic models.

new AdaFish: Fast low-rank parameter-efficient fine-tuning by using second-order information

Authors: Jiang Hu, Quanzheng Li

Abstract: Recent advancements in large-scale pretrained models have significantly improved performance across a variety of tasks in natural language processing and computer vision. However, the extensive number of parameters in these models necessitates substantial memory and computational resources for full training. To adapt these models for downstream tasks or specific application-oriented datasets, parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods leveraging pretrained parameters have gained considerable attention. However, it can still be time-consuming due to lots of parameters and epochs. In this work, we introduce AdaFish, an efficient algorithm of the second-order type designed to expedite the training process within low-rank decomposition-based fine-tuning frameworks. Our key observation is that the associated generalized Fisher information matrix is either low-rank or extremely small-scaled. Such a generalized Fisher information matrix is shown to be equivalent to the Hessian matrix. Moreover, we prove the global convergence of AdaFish, along with its iteration/oracle complexity. Numerical experiments show that our algorithm is quite competitive with the state-of-the-art AdamW method.

new Robust NAS under adversarial training: benchmark, theory, and beyond

Authors: Yongtao Wu, Fanghui Liu, Carl-Johann Simon-Gabriel, Grigorios G Chrysos, Volkan Cevher

Abstract: Recent developments in neural architecture search (NAS) emphasize the significance of considering robust architectures against malicious data. However, there is a notable absence of benchmark evaluations and theoretical guarantees for searching these robust architectures, especially when adversarial training is considered. In this work, we aim to address these two challenges, making twofold contributions. First, we release a comprehensive data set that encompasses both clean accuracy and robust accuracy for a vast array of adversarially trained networks from the NAS-Bench-201 search space on image datasets. Then, leveraging the neural tangent kernel (NTK) tool from deep learning theory, we establish a generalization theory for searching architecture in terms of clean accuracy and robust accuracy under multi-objective adversarial training. We firmly believe that our benchmark and theoretical insights will significantly benefit the NAS community through reliable reproducibility, efficient assessment, and theoretical foundation, particularly in the pursuit of robust architectures.

new Multi-fidelity surrogate with heterogeneous input spaces for modeling melt pools in laser-directed energy deposition

Authors: Nandana Menon, Amrita Basak

Abstract: Multi-fidelity (MF) modeling is a powerful statistical approach that can intelligently blend data from varied fidelity sources. This approach finds a compelling application in predicting melt pool geometry for laser-directed energy deposition (L-DED). One major challenge in using MF surrogates to merge a hierarchy of melt pool models is the variability in input spaces. To address this challenge, this paper introduces a novel approach for constructing an MF surrogate for predicting melt pool geometry by integrating models of varying complexity, that operate on heterogeneous input spaces. The first thermal model incorporates five input parameters i.e., laser power, scan velocity, powder flow rate, carrier gas flow rate, and nozzle height. In contrast, the second thermal model can only handle laser power and scan velocity. A mapping is established between the heterogeneous input spaces so that the five-dimensional space can be morphed into a pseudo two-dimensional space. Predictions are then blended using a Gaussian process-based co-kriging method. The resulting heterogeneous multi-fidelity Gaussian process (Het-MFGP) surrogate not only improves predictive accuracy but also offers computational efficiency by reducing evaluations required from the high-dimensional, high-fidelity thermal model. The results underscore the benefits of employing Het-MFGP for modeling melt pool behavior in L-DED. The framework successfully demonstrates how to leverage multimodal data and handle scenarios where certain input parameters may be difficult to model or measure.

new Training Survival Models using Scoring Rules

Authors: Philipp Kopper, David R\"ugamer, Raphael Sonabend, Bernd Bischl, Andreas Bender

Abstract: Survival Analysis provides critical insights for partially incomplete time-to-event data in various domains. It is also an important example of probabilistic machine learning. The probabilistic nature of the predictions can be exploited by using (proper) scoring rules in the model fitting process instead of likelihood-based optimization. Our proposal does so in a generic manner and can be used for a variety of model classes. We establish different parametric and non-parametric sub-frameworks that allow different degrees of flexibility. Incorporated into neural networks, it leads to a computationally efficient and scalable optimization routine, yielding state-of-the-art predictive performance. Finally, we show that using our framework, we can recover various parametric models and demonstrate that optimization works equally well when compared to likelihood-based methods.

new VL-ICL Bench: The Devil in the Details of Benchmarking Multimodal In-Context Learning

Authors: Yongshuo Zong, Ondrej Bohdal, Timothy Hospedales

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) famously exhibit emergent in-context learning (ICL) -- the ability to rapidly adapt to new tasks using few-shot examples provided as a prompt, without updating the model's weights. Built on top of LLMs, vision large language models (VLLMs) have advanced significantly in areas such as recognition, reasoning, and grounding. However, investigations into \emph{multimodal ICL} have predominantly focused on few-shot visual question answering (VQA), and image captioning, which we will show neither exploit the strengths of ICL, nor test its limitations. The broader capabilities and limitations of multimodal ICL remain under-explored. In this study, we introduce a comprehensive benchmark VL-ICL Bench for multimodal in-context learning, encompassing a broad spectrum of tasks that involve both images and text as inputs and outputs, and different types of challenges, from {perception to reasoning and long context length}. We evaluate the abilities of state-of-the-art VLLMs against this benchmark suite, revealing their diverse strengths and weaknesses, and showing that even the most advanced models, such as GPT-4, find the tasks challenging. By highlighting a range of new ICL tasks, and the associated strengths and limitations of existing models, we hope that our dataset will inspire future work on enhancing the in-context learning capabilities of VLLMs, as well as inspire new applications that leverage VLLM ICL. The code and dataset are available at


new Castor: Competing shapelets for fast and accurate time series classification

Authors: Isak Samsten, Zed Lee

Abstract: Shapelets are discriminative subsequences, originally embedded in shapelet-based decision trees but have since been extended to shapelet-based transformations. We propose Castor, a simple, efficient, and accurate time series classification algorithm that utilizes shapelets to transform time series. The transformation organizes shapelets into groups with varying dilation and allows the shapelets to compete over the time context to construct a diverse feature representation. By organizing the shapelets into groups, we enable the transformation to transition between levels of competition, resulting in methods that more closely resemble distance-based transformations or dictionary-based transformations. We demonstrate, through an extensive empirical investigation, that Castor yields transformations that result in classifiers that are significantly more accurate than several state-of-the-art classifiers. In an extensive ablation study, we examine the effect of choosing hyperparameters and suggest accurate and efficient default values.

new Predictive, scalable and interpretable knowledge tracing on structured domains

Authors: Hanqi Zhou, Robert Bamler, Charley M. Wu, \'Alvaro Tejero-Cantero

Abstract: Intelligent tutoring systems optimize the selection and timing of learning materials to enhance understanding and long-term retention. This requires estimates of both the learner's progress (''knowledge tracing''; KT), and the prerequisite structure of the learning domain (''knowledge mapping''). While recent deep learning models achieve high KT accuracy, they do so at the expense of the interpretability of psychologically-inspired models. In this work, we present a solution to this trade-off. PSI-KT is a hierarchical generative approach that explicitly models how both individual cognitive traits and the prerequisite structure of knowledge influence learning dynamics, thus achieving interpretability by design. Moreover, by using scalable Bayesian inference, PSI-KT targets the real-world need for efficient personalization even with a growing body of learners and learning histories. Evaluated on three datasets from online learning platforms, PSI-KT achieves superior multi-step predictive accuracy and scalable inference in continual-learning settings, all while providing interpretable representations of learner-specific traits and the prerequisite structure of knowledge that causally supports learning. In sum, predictive, scalable and interpretable knowledge tracing with solid knowledge mapping lays a key foundation for effective personalized learning to make education accessible to a broad, global audience.

new ADAPT to Robustify Prompt Tuning Vision Transformers

Authors: Masih Eskandar, Tooba Imtiaz, Zifeng Wang, Jennifer Dy

Abstract: The performance of deep models, including Vision Transformers, is known to be vulnerable to adversarial attacks. Many existing defenses against these attacks, such as adversarial training, rely on full-model fine-tuning to induce robustness in the models. These defenses require storing a copy of the entire model, that can have billions of parameters, for each task. At the same time, parameter-efficient prompt tuning is used to adapt large transformer-based models to downstream tasks without the need to save large copies. In this paper, we examine parameter-efficient prompt tuning of Vision Transformers for downstream tasks under the lens of robustness. We show that previous adversarial defense methods, when applied to the prompt tuning paradigm, suffer from gradient obfuscation and are vulnerable to adaptive attacks. We introduce ADAPT, a novel framework for performing adaptive adversarial training in the prompt tuning paradigm. Our method achieves competitive robust accuracy of ~40% w.r.t. SOTA robustness methods using full-model fine-tuning, by tuning only ~1% of the number of parameters.

new Diversity-Aware Agnostic Ensemble of Sharpness Minimizers

Authors: Anh Bui, Vy Vo, Tung Pham, Dinh Phung, Trung Le

Abstract: There has long been plenty of theoretical and empirical evidence supporting the success of ensemble learning. Deep ensembles in particular take advantage of training randomness and expressivity of individual neural networks to gain prediction diversity, ultimately leading to better generalization, robustness and uncertainty estimation. In respect of generalization, it is found that pursuing wider local minima result in models being more robust to shifts between training and testing sets. A natural research question arises out of these two approaches as to whether a boost in generalization ability can be achieved if ensemble learning and loss sharpness minimization are integrated. Our work investigates this connection and proposes DASH - a learning algorithm that promotes diversity and flatness within deep ensembles. More concretely, DASH encourages base learners to move divergently towards low-loss regions of minimal sharpness. We provide a theoretical backbone for our method along with extensive empirical evidence demonstrating an improvement in ensemble generalizability.

new From Representational Harms to Quality-of-Service Harms: A Case Study on Llama 2 Safety Safeguards

Authors: Khaoula Chehbouni (McGill University, Mila - Quebec AI Institute), Megha Roshan (University of Montreal, Mila - Quebec AI Institute), Emmanuel Ma (McGill University), Futian Andrew Wei (McGill University), Afaf Ta\"ik (University of Montreal, Mila - Quebec AI Institute), Jackie CK Cheung (McGill University, Mila - Quebec AI Institute), Golnoosh Farnadi (McGill University, Mila - Quebec AI Institute)

Abstract: Recent progress in large language models (LLMs) has led to their widespread adoption in various domains. However, these advancements have also introduced additional safety risks and raised concerns regarding their detrimental impact on already marginalized populations. Despite growing mitigation efforts to develop safety safeguards, such as supervised safety-oriented fine-tuning and leveraging safe reinforcement learning from human feedback, multiple concerns regarding the safety and ingrained biases in these models remain. Furthermore, previous work has demonstrated that models optimized for safety often display exaggerated safety behaviors, such as a tendency to refrain from responding to certain requests as a precautionary measure. As such, a clear trade-off between the helpfulness and safety of these models has been documented in the literature. In this paper, we further investigate the effectiveness of safety measures by evaluating models on already mitigated biases. Using the case of Llama 2 as an example, we illustrate how LLMs' safety responses can still encode harmful assumptions. To do so, we create a set of non-toxic prompts, which we then use to evaluate Llama models. Through our new taxonomy of LLMs responses to users, we observe that the safety/helpfulness trade-offs are more pronounced for certain demographic groups which can lead to quality-of-service harms for marginalized populations.

new Diffusion Model for Data-Driven Black-Box Optimization

Authors: Zihao Li, Hui Yuan, Kaixuan Huang, Chengzhuo Ni, Yinyu Ye, Minshuo Chen, Mengdi Wang

Abstract: Generative AI has redefined artificial intelligence, enabling the creation of innovative content and customized solutions that drive business practices into a new era of efficiency and creativity. In this paper, we focus on diffusion models, a powerful generative AI technology, and investigate their potential for black-box optimization over complex structured variables. Consider the practical scenario where one wants to optimize some structured design in a high-dimensional space, based on massive unlabeled data (representing design variables) and a small labeled dataset. We study two practical types of labels: 1) noisy measurements of a real-valued reward function and 2) human preference based on pairwise comparisons. The goal is to generate new designs that are near-optimal and preserve the designed latent structures. Our proposed method reformulates the design optimization problem into a conditional sampling problem, which allows us to leverage the power of diffusion models for modeling complex distributions. In particular, we propose a reward-directed conditional diffusion model, to be trained on the mixed data, for sampling a near-optimal solution conditioned on high predicted rewards. Theoretically, we establish sub-optimality error bounds for the generated designs. The sub-optimality gap nearly matches the optimal guarantee in off-policy bandits, demonstrating the efficiency of reward-directed diffusion models for black-box optimization. Moreover, when the data admits a low-dimensional latent subspace structure, our model efficiently generates high-fidelity designs that closely respect the latent structure. We provide empirical experiments validating our model in decision-making and content-creation tasks.

new Tackling Noisy Labels with Network Parameter Additive Decomposition

Authors: Jingyi Wang, Xiaobo Xia, Long Lan, Xinghao Wu, Jun Yu, Wenjing Yang, Bo Han, Tongliang Liu

Abstract: Given data with noisy labels, over-parameterized deep networks suffer overfitting mislabeled data, resulting in poor generalization. The memorization effect of deep networks shows that although the networks have the ability to memorize all noisy data, they would first memorize clean training data, and then gradually memorize mislabeled training data. A simple and effective method that exploits the memorization effect to combat noisy labels is early stopping. However, early stopping cannot distinguish the memorization of clean data and mislabeled data, resulting in the network still inevitably overfitting mislabeled data in the early training stage.In this paper, to decouple the memorization of clean data and mislabeled data, and further reduce the side effect of mislabeled data, we perform additive decomposition on network parameters. Namely, all parameters are additively decomposed into two groups, i.e., parameters $\mathbf{w}$ are decomposed as $\mathbf{w}=\bm{\sigma}+\bm{\gamma}$. Afterward, the parameters $\bm{\sigma}$ are considered to memorize clean data, while the parameters $\bm{\gamma}$ are considered to memorize mislabeled data. Benefiting from the memorization effect, the updates of the parameters $\bm{\sigma}$ are encouraged to fully memorize clean data in early training, and then discouraged with the increase of training epochs to reduce interference of mislabeled data. The updates of the parameters $\bm{\gamma}$ are the opposite. In testing, only the parameters $\bm{\sigma}$ are employed to enhance generalization. Extensive experiments on both simulated and real-world benchmarks confirm the superior performance of our method.

new Divide-Conquer Transformer Learning for Predicting Electric Vehicle Charging Events Using Smart Meter Data

Authors: Fucai Ke, Hao Wang

Abstract: Predicting electric vehicle (EV) charging events is crucial for load scheduling and energy management, promoting seamless transportation electrification and decarbonization. While prior studies have focused on EV charging demand prediction, primarily for public charging stations using historical charging data, home charging prediction is equally essential. However, existing prediction methods may not be suitable due to the unavailability of or limited access to home charging data. To address this research gap, inspired by the concept of non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM), we develop a home charging prediction method using historical smart meter data. Different from NILM detecting EV charging that has already occurred, our method provides predictive information of future EV charging occurrences, thus enhancing its utility for charging management. Specifically, our method, leverages a self-attention mechanism-based transformer model, employing a ``divide-conquer'' strategy, to process historical meter data to effectively and learn EV charging representation for charging occurrence prediction. Our method enables prediction at one-minute interval hour-ahead. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, achieving consistently high accuracy of over 96.81\% across different prediction time spans. Notably, our method achieves high prediction performance solely using smart meter data, making it a practical and suitable solution for grid operators.

new Decentralized Federated Learning: Model Update Tracking Under Imperfect Information Sharing

Authors: Vishnu Pandi Chellapandi, Antesh Upadhyay, Abolfazl Hashemi, Stanislaw H. \.Zak

Abstract: A novel Decentralized Noisy Model Update Tracking Federated Learning algorithm (FedNMUT) is proposed, which is tailored to function efficiently in the presence of noisy communication channels that reflect imperfect information exchange. This algorithm uses gradient tracking to minimize the impact of data heterogeneity while minimizing communication overhead. The proposed algorithm incorporates noise into its parameters to mimic the conditions of noisy communication channels, thereby enabling consensus among clients through a communication graph topology in such challenging environments. FedNMUT prioritizes parameter sharing and noise incorporation to increase the resilience of decentralized learning systems against noisy communications. Through theoretical and empirical validation, it is demonstrated that the performance of FedNMUT is superior compared to the existing state-of-the-art methods and conventional parameter-mixing approaches in dealing with imperfect information sharing. This proves the capability of the proposed algorithm to counteract the negative effects of communication noise in a decentralized learning framework.

new A Unified and General Framework for Continual Learning

Authors: Zhenyi Wang, Yan Li, Li Shen, Heng Huang

Abstract: Continual Learning (CL) focuses on learning from dynamic and changing data distributions while retaining previously acquired knowledge. Various methods have been developed to address the challenge of catastrophic forgetting, including regularization-based, Bayesian-based, and memory-replay-based techniques. However, these methods lack a unified framework and common terminology for describing their approaches. This research aims to bridge this gap by introducing a comprehensive and overarching framework that encompasses and reconciles these existing methodologies. Notably, this new framework is capable of encompassing established CL approaches as special instances within a unified and general optimization objective. An intriguing finding is that despite their diverse origins, these methods share common mathematical structures. This observation highlights the compatibility of these seemingly distinct techniques, revealing their interconnectedness through a shared underlying optimization objective. Moreover, the proposed general framework introduces an innovative concept called refresh learning, specifically designed to enhance the CL performance. This novel approach draws inspiration from neuroscience, where the human brain often sheds outdated information to improve the retention of crucial knowledge and facilitate the acquisition of new information. In essence, refresh learning operates by initially unlearning current data and subsequently relearning it. It serves as a versatile plug-in that seamlessly integrates with existing CL methods, offering an adaptable and effective enhancement to the learning process. Extensive experiments on CL benchmarks and theoretical analysis demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed refresh learning. Code is available at \url{}.


new Unifews: Unified Entry-Wise Sparsification for Efficient Graph Neural Network

Authors: Ningyi Liao, Zihao Yu, Siqiang Luo

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have shown promising performance in various graph learning tasks, but at the cost of resource-intensive computations. The primary overhead of GNN update stems from graph propagation and weight transformation, both involving operations on graph-scale matrices. Previous studies attempt to reduce the computational budget by leveraging graph-level or network-level sparsification techniques, resulting in downsized graph or weights. In this work, we propose Unifews, which unifies the two operations in an entry-wise manner considering individual matrix elements, and conducts joint edge-weight sparsification to enhance learning efficiency. The entry-wise design of Unifews enables adaptive compression across GNN layers with progressively increased sparsity, and is applicable to a variety of architectural designs with on-the-fly operation simplification. Theoretically, we establish a novel framework to characterize sparsified GNN learning in view of a graph optimization process, and prove that Unifews effectively approximates the learning objective with bounded error and reduced computational load. We conduct extensive experiments to evaluate the performance of our method in diverse settings. Unifews is advantageous in jointly removing more than 90% of edges and weight entries with comparable or better accuracy than baseline models. The sparsification offers remarkable efficiency improvements including 10-20x matrix operation reduction and up to 100x acceleration in graph propagation time for the largest graph at the billion-edge scale.

new Adaptive Ensembles of Fine-Tuned Transformers for LLM-Generated Text Detection

Authors: Zhixin Lai, Xuesheng Zhang, Suiyao Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have reached human-like proficiency in generating diverse textual content, underscoring the necessity for effective fake text detection to avoid potential risks such as fake news in social media. Previous research has mostly tested single models on in-distribution datasets, limiting our understanding of how these models perform on different types of data for LLM-generated text detection task. We researched this by testing five specialized transformer-based models on both in-distribution and out-of-distribution datasets to better assess their performance and generalizability. Our results revealed that single transformer-based classifiers achieved decent performance on in-distribution dataset but limited generalization ability on out-of-distribution dataset. To improve it, we combined the individual classifiers models using adaptive ensemble algorithms, which improved the average accuracy significantly from 91.8% to 99.2% on an in-distribution test set and from 62.9% to 72.5% on an out-of-distribution test set. The results indicate the effectiveness, good generalization ability, and great potential of adaptive ensemble algorithms in LLM-generated text detection.

new Hierarchical Gaussian Mixture Normalizing Flow Modeling for Unified Anomaly Detection

Authors: Xincheng Yao, Ruoqi Li, Zefeng Qian, Lu Wang, Chongyang Zhang

Abstract: Unified anomaly detection (AD) is one of the most challenges for anomaly detection, where one unified model is trained with normal samples from multiple classes with the objective to detect anomalies in these classes. For such a challenging task, popular normalizing flow (NF) based AD methods may fall into a "homogeneous mapping" issue,where the NF-based AD models are biased to generate similar latent representations for both normal and abnormal features, and thereby lead to a high missing rate of anomalies. In this paper, we propose a novel Hierarchical Gaussian mixture normalizing flow modeling method for accomplishing unified Anomaly Detection, which we call HGAD. Our HGAD consists of two key components: inter-class Gaussian mixture modeling and intra-class mixed class centers learning. Compared to the previous NF-based AD methods, the hierarchical Gaussian mixture modeling approach can bring stronger representation capability to the latent space of normalizing flows, so that even complex multi-class distribution can be well represented and learned in the latent space. In this way, we can avoid mapping different class distributions into the same single Gaussian prior, thus effectively avoiding or mitigating the "homogeneous mapping" issue. We further indicate that the more distinguishable different class centers, the more conducive to avoiding the bias issue. Thus, we further propose a mutual information maximization loss for better structuring the latent feature space. We evaluate our method on four real-world AD benchmarks, where we can significantly improve the previous NF-based AD methods and also outperform the SOTA unified AD methods.

new Byzantine-resilient Federated Learning With Adaptivity to Data Heterogeneity

Authors: Shiyuan Zuo, Xingrun Yan, Rongfei Fan, Han Hu, Hangguan Shan, Tony Q. S. Quek

Abstract: This paper deals with federated learning (FL) in the presence of malicious Byzantine attacks and data heterogeneity. A novel Robust Average Gradient Algorithm (RAGA) is proposed, which leverages the geometric median for aggregation and can freely select the round number for local updating. Different from most existing resilient approaches, which perform convergence analysis based on strongly-convex loss function or homogeneously distributed dataset, we conduct convergence analysis for not only strongly-convex but also non-convex loss function over heterogeneous dataset. According to our theoretical analysis, as long as the fraction of dataset from malicious users is less than half, RAGA can achieve convergence at rate $\mathcal{O}({1}/{T^{2/3- \delta}})$ where $T$ is the iteration number and $\delta \in (0, 2/3)$ for non-convex loss function, and at linear rate for strongly-convex loss function. Moreover, stationary point or global optimal solution is proved to obtainable as data heterogeneity vanishes. Experimental results corroborate the robustness of RAGA to Byzantine attacks and verifies the advantage of RAGA over baselines on convergence performance under various intensity of Byzantine attacks, for heterogeneous dataset.

new Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Automated Control Systems: A Comprehensive Benchmark

Authors: Vitaliy Pozdnyakov, Aleksandr Kovalenko, Ilya Makarov, Mikhail Drobyshevskiy, Kirill Lukyanov

Abstract: Integrating machine learning into Automated Control Systems (ACS) enhances decision-making in industrial process management. One of the limitations to the widespread adoption of these technologies in industry is the vulnerability of neural networks to adversarial attacks. This study explores the threats in deploying deep learning models for fault diagnosis in ACS using the Tennessee Eastman Process dataset. By evaluating three neural networks with different architectures, we subject them to six types of adversarial attacks and explore five different defense methods. Our results highlight the strong vulnerability of models to adversarial samples and the varying effectiveness of defense strategies. We also propose a novel protection approach by combining multiple defense methods and demonstrate it's efficacy. This research contributes several insights into securing machine learning within ACS, ensuring robust fault diagnosis in industrial processes.

new REAL: Representation Enhanced Analytic Learning for Exemplar-free Class-incremental Learning

Authors: Run He, Huiping Zhuang, Di Fang, Yizhu Chen, Kai Tong, Cen Chen

Abstract: Exemplar-free class-incremental learning (EFCIL) aims to mitigate catastrophic forgetting in class-incremental learning without available historical data. Compared with its counterpart (replay-based CIL) that stores historical samples, the EFCIL suffers more from forgetting issues under the exemplar-free constraint. In this paper, inspired by the recently developed analytic learning (AL) based CIL, we propose a representation enhanced analytic learning (REAL) for EFCIL. The REAL constructs a dual-stream base pretraining (DS-BPT) and a representation enhancing distillation (RED) process to enhance the representation of the extractor. The DS-BPT pretrains model in streams of both supervised learning and self-supervised contrastive learning (SSCL) for base knowledge extraction. The RED process distills the supervised knowledge to the SSCL pretrained backbone and facilitates a subsequent AL-basd CIL that converts the CIL to a recursive least-square problem. Our method addresses the issue of insufficient discriminability in representations of unseen data caused by a frozen backbone in the existing AL-based CIL. Empirical results on various datasets including CIFAR-100, ImageNet-100 and ImageNet-1k, demonstrate that our REAL outperforms the state-of-the-arts in EFCIL, and achieves comparable or even more superior performance compared with the replay-based methods.

new Have You Poisoned My Data? Defending Neural Networks against Data Poisoning

Authors: Fabio De Gaspari, Dorjan Hitaj, Luigi V. Mancini

Abstract: The unprecedented availability of training data fueled the rapid development of powerful neural networks in recent years. However, the need for such large amounts of data leads to potential threats such as poisoning attacks: adversarial manipulations of the training data aimed at compromising the learned model to achieve a given adversarial goal. This paper investigates defenses against clean-label poisoning attacks and proposes a novel approach to detect and filter poisoned datapoints in the transfer learning setting. We define a new characteristic vector representation of datapoints and show that it effectively captures the intrinsic properties of the data distribution. Through experimental analysis, we demonstrate that effective poisons can be successfully differentiated from clean points in the characteristic vector space. We thoroughly evaluate our proposed approach and compare it to existing state-of-the-art defenses using multiple architectures, datasets, and poison budgets. Our evaluation shows that our proposal outperforms existing approaches in defense rate and final trained model performance across all experimental settings.

new Integrating Large Language Models for Severity Classification in Traffic Incident Management: A Machine Learning Approach

Authors: Artur Grigorev, Khaled Saleh, Yuming Ou, Adriana-Simona Mihaita

Abstract: This study evaluates the impact of large language models on enhancing machine learning processes for managing traffic incidents. It examines the extent to which features generated by modern language models improve or match the accuracy of predictions when classifying the severity of incidents using accident reports. Multiple comparisons performed between combinations of language models and machine learning algorithms, including Gradient Boosted Decision Trees, Random Forests, and Extreme Gradient Boosting. Our research uses both conventional and language model-derived features from texts and incident reports, and their combinations to perform severity classification. Incorporating features from language models with those directly obtained from incident reports has shown to improve, or at least match, the performance of machine learning techniques in assigning severity levels to incidents, particularly when employing Random Forests and Extreme Gradient Boosting methods. This comparison was quantified using the F1-score over uniformly sampled data sets to obtain balanced severity classes. The primary contribution of this research is in the demonstration of how Large Language Models can be integrated into machine learning workflows for incident management, thereby simplifying feature extraction from unstructured text and enhancing or matching the precision of severity predictions using conventional machine learning pipeline. The engineering application of this research is illustrated through the effective use of these language processing models to refine the modelling process for incident severity classification. This work provides significant insights into the application of language processing capabilities in combination with traditional data for improving machine learning pipelines in the context of classifying incident severity.

new Does Differentially Private Synthetic Data Lead to Synthetic Discoveries?

Authors: Ileana Montoya Perez, Parisa Movahedi, Valtteri Nieminen, Antti Airola, Tapio Pahikkala

Abstract: Background: Synthetic data has been proposed as a solution for sharing anonymized versions of sensitive biomedical datasets. Ideally, synthetic data should preserve the structure and statistical properties of the original data, while protecting the privacy of the individual subjects. Differential privacy (DP) is currently considered the gold standard approach for balancing this trade-off. Objectives: The aim of this study is to evaluate the Mann-Whitney U test on DP-synthetic biomedical data in terms of Type I and Type II errors, in order to establish whether statistical hypothesis testing performed on privacy preserving synthetic data is likely to lead to loss of test's validity or decreased power. Methods: We evaluate the Mann-Whitney U test on DP-synthetic data generated from real-world data, including a prostate cancer dataset (n=500) and a cardiovascular dataset (n=70 000), as well as on data drawn from two Gaussian distributions. Five different DP-synthetic data generation methods are evaluated, including two basic DP histogram release methods and MWEM, Private-PGM, and DP GAN algorithms. Conclusion: Most of the tested DP-synthetic data generation methods showed inflated Type I error, especially at privacy budget levels of $\epsilon\leq 1$. This result calls for caution when releasing and analyzing DP-synthetic data: low p-values may be obtained in statistical tests simply as a byproduct of the noise added to protect privacy. A DP smoothed histogram-based synthetic data generation method was shown to produce valid Type I error for all privacy levels tested but required a large original dataset size and a modest privacy budget ($\epsilon\geq 5$) in order to have reasonable Type II error levels.

new Enhancing Law Enforcement Training: A Gamified Approach to Detecting Terrorism Financing

Authors: Francesco Zola, Lander Segurola, Erin King, Martin Mullins, Raul Orduna

Abstract: Tools for fighting cyber-criminal activities using new technologies are promoted and deployed every day. However, too often, they are unnecessarily complex and hard to use, requiring deep domain and technical knowledge. These characteristics often limit the engagement of law enforcement and end-users in these technologies that, despite their potential, remain misunderstood. For this reason, in this study, we describe our experience in combining learning and training methods and the potential benefits of gamification to enhance technology transfer and increase adult learning. In fact, in this case, participants are experienced practitioners in professions/industries that are exposed to terrorism financing (such as Law Enforcement Officers, Financial Investigation Officers, private investigators, etc.) We define training activities on different levels for increasing the exchange of information about new trends and criminal modus operandi among and within law enforcement agencies, intensifying cross-border cooperation and supporting efforts to combat and prevent terrorism funding activities. On the other hand, a game (hackathon) is designed to address realistic challenges related to the dark net, crypto assets, new payment systems and dark web marketplaces that could be used for terrorist activities. The entire methodology was evaluated using quizzes, contest results, and engagement metrics. In particular, training events show about 60% of participants complete the 11-week training course, while the Hackathon results, gathered in two pilot studies (Madrid and The Hague), show increasing expertise among the participants (progression in the achieved points on average). At the same time, more than 70% of participants positively evaluate the use of the gamification approach, and more than 85% of them consider the implemented Use Cases suitable for their investigations.

new Multimodal Variational Autoencoder for Low-cost Cardiac Hemodynamics Instability Detection

Authors: Mohammod N. I. Suvon, Prasun C. Tripathi, Wenrui Fan, Shuo Zhou, Xianyuan Liu, Samer Alabed, Venet Osmani, Andrew J. Swift, Chen Chen, Haiping Lu

Abstract: Recent advancements in non-invasive detection of cardiac hemodynamic instability (CHDI) primarily focus on applying machine learning techniques to a single data modality, e.g. cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Despite their potential, these approaches often fall short especially when the size of labeled patient data is limited, a common challenge in the medical domain. Furthermore, only a few studies have explored multimodal methods to study CHDI, which mostly rely on costly modalities such as cardiac MRI and echocardiogram. In response to these limitations, we propose a novel multimodal variational autoencoder ($\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$) to integrate low-cost chest X-ray (CXR) and electrocardiogram (ECG) modalities with pre-training on a large unlabeled dataset. Specifically, $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ introduces a novel tri-stream pre-training strategy to learn both shared and modality-specific features, thus enabling fine-tuning with both unimodal and multimodal datasets. We pre-train $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ on a large, unlabeled dataset of $50,982$ subjects from a subset of MIMIC database and then fine-tune the pre-trained model on a labeled dataset of $795$ subjects from the ASPIRE registry. Comprehensive evaluations against existing methods show that $\text{CardioVAE}_\text{X,G}$ offers promising performance (AUROC $=0.79$ and Accuracy $=0.77$), representing a significant step forward in non-invasive prediction of CHDI. Our model also excels in producing fine interpretations of predictions directly associated with clinical features, thereby supporting clinical decision-making.

new Machine Learning Optimized Approach for Parameter Selection in MESHFREE Simulations

Authors: Paulami Banerjee, Mohan Padmanabha, Chaitanya Sanghavi, Isabel Michel, Simone Gramsch

Abstract: Meshfree simulation methods are emerging as compelling alternatives to conventional mesh-based approaches, particularly in the fields of Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) and continuum mechanics. In this publication, we provide a comprehensive overview of our research combining Machine Learning (ML) and Fraunhofer's MESHFREE software (, a powerful tool utilizing a numerical point cloud in a Generalized Finite Difference Method (GFDM). This tool enables the effective handling of complex flow domains, moving geometries, and free surfaces, while allowing users to finely tune local refinement and quality parameters for an optimal balance between computation time and results accuracy. However, manually determining the optimal parameter combination poses challenges, especially for less experienced users. We introduce a novel ML-optimized approach, using active learning, regression trees, and visualization on MESHFREE simulation data, demonstrating the impact of input combinations on results quality and computation time. This research contributes valuable insights into parameter optimization in meshfree simulations, enhancing accessibility and usability for a broader user base in scientific and engineering applications.

new Probabilistic Forecasting with Stochastic Interpolants and F\"ollmer Processes

Authors: Yifan Chen, Mark Goldstein, Mengjian Hua, Michael S. Albergo, Nicholas M. Boffi, Eric Vanden-Eijnden

Abstract: We propose a framework for probabilistic forecasting of dynamical systems based on generative modeling. Given observations of the system state over time, we formulate the forecasting problem as sampling from the conditional distribution of the future system state given its current state. To this end, we leverage the framework of stochastic interpolants, which facilitates the construction of a generative model between an arbitrary base distribution and the target. We design a fictitious, non-physical stochastic dynamics that takes as initial condition the current system state and produces as output a sample from the target conditional distribution in finite time and without bias. This process therefore maps a point mass centered at the current state onto a probabilistic ensemble of forecasts. We prove that the drift coefficient entering the stochastic differential equation (SDE) achieving this task is non-singular, and that it can be learned efficiently by square loss regression over the time-series data. We show that the drift and the diffusion coefficients of this SDE can be adjusted after training, and that a specific choice that minimizes the impact of the estimation error gives a F\"ollmer process. We highlight the utility of our approach on several complex, high-dimensional forecasting problems, including stochastically forced Navier-Stokes and video prediction on the KTH and CLEVRER datasets.

new M-HOF-Opt: Multi-Objective Hierarchical Output Feedback Optimization via Multiplier Induced Loss Landscape Scheduling

Authors: Xudong Sun, Nutan Chen, Alexej Gossmann, Yu Xing, Carla Feistner, Emilio Dorigatt, Felix Drost, Daniele Scarcella, Lisa Beer, Carsten Marr

Abstract: When a neural network parameterized loss function consists of many terms, the combinatorial choice of weight multipliers during the optimization process forms a challenging problem. To address this, we proposed a probabilistic graphical model (PGM) for the joint model parameter and multiplier evolution process, with a hypervolume based likelihood that promotes multi-objective descent of each loss term. The corresponding parameter and multiplier estimation as a sequential decision process is then cast into an optimal control problem, where the multi-objective descent goal is dispatched hierarchically into a series of constraint optimization sub-problems. The sub-problem constraint automatically adapts itself according to Pareto dominance and serves as the setpoint for the low level multiplier controller to schedule loss landscapes via output feedback of each loss term. Our method is multiplier-free and operates at the timescale of epochs, thus saves tremendous computational resources compared to full training cycle multiplier tuning. We applied it to domain invariant variational auto-encoding with 6 loss terms on the PACS domain generalization task, and observed robust performance across a range of controller hyperparameters, as well as different multiplier initial conditions, outperforming other multiplier scheduling methods. We offered modular implementation of our method, admitting custom definition of many loss terms for applying our multi-objective hierarchical output feedback training scheme to other deep learning fields.

new Uncertainty-Aware Explanations Through Probabilistic Self-Explainable Neural Networks

Authors: Jon Vadillo, Roberto Santana, Jose A. Lozano, Marta Kwiatkowska

Abstract: The lack of transparency of Deep Neural Networks continues to be a limitation that severely undermines their reliability and usage in high-stakes applications. Promising approaches to overcome such limitations are Prototype-Based Self-Explainable Neural Networks (PSENNs), whose predictions rely on the similarity between the input at hand and a set of prototypical representations of the output classes, offering therefore a deep, yet transparent-by-design, architecture. So far, such models have been designed by considering pointwise estimates for the prototypes, which remain fixed after the learning phase of the model. In this paper, we introduce a probabilistic reformulation of PSENNs, called Prob-PSENN, which replaces point estimates for the prototypes with probability distributions over their values. This provides not only a more flexible framework for an end-to-end learning of prototypes, but can also capture the explanatory uncertainty of the model, which is a missing feature in previous approaches. In addition, since the prototypes determine both the explanation and the prediction, Prob-PSENNs allow us to detect when the model is making uninformed or uncertain predictions, and to obtain valid explanations for them. Our experiments demonstrate that Prob-PSENNs provide more meaningful and robust explanations than their non-probabilistic counterparts, thus enhancing the explainability and reliability of the models.

new Weisfeiler and Leman Go Loopy: A New Hierarchy for Graph Representational Learning

Authors: Raffaele Paolino, Sohir Maskey, Pascal Welke, Gitta Kutyniok

Abstract: We introduce $r$-loopy Weisfeiler-Leman ($r$-$\ell{}$WL), a novel hierarchy of graph isomorphism tests and a corresponding GNN framework, $r$-$\ell{}$MPNN, that can count cycles up to length $r + 2$. Most notably, we show that $r$-$\ell{}$WL can count homomorphisms of cactus graphs. This strictly extends classical 1-WL, which can only count homomorphisms of trees and, in fact, is incomparable to $k$-WL for any fixed $k$. We empirically validate the expressive and counting power of the proposed $r$-$\ell{}$MPNN on several synthetic datasets and present state-of-the-art predictive performance on various real-world datasets. The code is available at


new Towards Principled Representation Learning from Videos for Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Dipendra Misra, Akanksha Saran, Tengyang Xie, Alex Lamb, John Langford

Abstract: We study pre-training representations for decision-making using video data, which is abundantly available for tasks such as game agents and software testing. Even though significant empirical advances have been made on this problem, a theoretical understanding remains absent. We initiate the theoretical investigation into principled approaches for representation learning and focus on learning the latent state representations of the underlying MDP using video data. We study two types of settings: one where there is iid noise in the observation, and a more challenging setting where there is also the presence of exogenous noise, which is non-iid noise that is temporally correlated, such as the motion of people or cars in the background. We study three commonly used approaches: autoencoding, temporal contrastive learning, and forward modeling. We prove upper bounds for temporal contrastive learning and forward modeling in the presence of only iid noise. We show that these approaches can learn the latent state and use it to do efficient downstream RL with polynomial sample complexity. When exogenous noise is also present, we establish a lower bound result showing that the sample complexity of learning from video data can be exponentially worse than learning from action-labeled trajectory data. This partially explains why reinforcement learning with video pre-training is hard. We evaluate these representational learning methods in two visual domains, yielding results that are consistent with our theoretical findings.

new Sparse Implementation of Versatile Graph-Informed Layers

Authors: Francesco Della Santa

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as effective tools for learning tasks on graph-structured data. Recently, Graph-Informed (GI) layers were introduced to address regression tasks on graph nodes, extending their applicability beyond classic GNNs. However, existing implementations of GI layers lack efficiency due to dense memory allocation. This paper presents a sparse implementation of GI layers, leveraging the sparsity of adjacency matrices to reduce memory usage significantly. Additionally, a versatile general form of GI layers is introduced, enabling their application to subsets of graph nodes. The proposed sparse implementation improves the concrete computational efficiency and scalability of the GI layers, permitting to build deeper Graph-Informed Neural Networks (GINNs) and facilitating their scalability to larger graphs.

new The Model Openness Framework: Promoting Completeness and Openness for Reproducibility, Transparency and Usability in AI

Authors: Matt White (Yanglet), Ibrahim Haddad (Yanglet), Cailean Osborne (Yanglet), Xiao-Yang (Yanglet), Liu, Ahmed Abdelmonsef, Sachin Varghese

Abstract: Generative AI (GAI) offers unprecedented possibilities but its commercialization has raised concerns about transparency, reproducibility, bias, and safety. Many "open-source" GAI models lack the necessary components for full understanding and reproduction, and some use restrictive licenses, a practice known as "openwashing." We propose the Model Openness Framework (MOF), a ranked classification system that rates machine learning models based on their completeness and openness, following principles of open science, open source, open data, and open access. The MOF requires specific components of the model development lifecycle to be included and released under appropriate open licenses. This framework aims to prevent misrepresentation of models claiming to be open, guide researchers and developers in providing all model components under permissive licenses, and help companies, academia, and hobbyists identify models that can be safely adopted without restrictions. Wide adoption of the MOF will foster a more open AI ecosystem, accelerating research, innovation, and adoption.

new Towards an extension of Fault Trees in the Predictive Maintenance Scenario

Authors: Roberta De Fazio, Stefano Marrone, Laura Verde, Vincenzo Reccia, Paolo Valletta

Abstract: One of the most appreciated features of Fault Trees (FTs) is their simplicity, making them fit into industrial processes. As such processes evolve in time, considering new aspects of large modern systems, modelling techniques based on FTs have adapted to these needs. This paper proposes an extension of FTs to take into account the problem of Predictive Maintenance, one of the challenges of the modern dependability field of study. The paper sketches the Predictive Fault Tree language and proposes some use cases to support their modelling and analysis in concrete industrial settings.

new RewardBench: Evaluating Reward Models for Language Modeling

Authors: Nathan Lambert, Valentina Pyatkin, Jacob Morrison, LJ Miranda, Bill Yuchen Lin, Khyathi Chandu, Nouha Dziri, Sachin Kumar, Tom Zick, Yejin Choi, Noah A. Smith, Hannaneh Hajishirzi

Abstract: Reward models (RMs) are at the crux of successful RLHF to align pretrained models to human preferences, yet there has been relatively little study that focuses on evaluation of those reward models. Evaluating reward models presents an opportunity to understand the opaque technologies used for alignment of language models and which values are embedded in them. To date, very few descriptors of capabilities, training methods, or open-source reward models exist. In this paper, we present RewardBench, a benchmark dataset and code-base for evaluation, to enhance scientific understanding of reward models. The RewardBench dataset is a collection of prompt-win-lose trios spanning chat, reasoning, and safety, to benchmark how reward models perform on challenging, structured and out-of-distribution queries. We created specific comparison datasets for RMs that have subtle, but verifiable reasons (e.g. bugs, incorrect facts) why one answer should be preferred to another. On the RewardBench leaderboard, we evaluate reward models trained with a variety of methods, such as the direct MLE training of classifiers and the implicit reward modeling of Direct Preference Optimization (DPO), and on a spectrum of datasets. We present many findings on propensity for refusals, reasoning limitations, and instruction following shortcomings of various reward models towards a better understanding of the RLHF process.

new Evaluating Frontier Models for Dangerous Capabilities

Authors: Mary Phuong, Matthew Aitchison, Elliot Catt, Sarah Cogan, Alexandre Kaskasoli, Victoria Krakovna, David Lindner, Matthew Rahtz, Yannis Assael, Sarah Hodkinson, Heidi Howard, Tom Lieberum, Ramana Kumar, Maria Abi Raad, Albert Webson, Lewis Ho, Sharon Lin, Sebastian Farquhar, Marcus Hutter, Gregoire Deletang, Anian Ruoss, Seliem El-Sayed, Sasha Brown, Anca Dragan, Rohin Shah, Allan Dafoe, Toby Shevlane

Abstract: To understand the risks posed by a new AI system, we must understand what it can and cannot do. Building on prior work, we introduce a programme of new "dangerous capability" evaluations and pilot them on Gemini 1.0 models. Our evaluations cover four areas: (1) persuasion and deception; (2) cyber-security; (3) self-proliferation; and (4) self-reasoning. We do not find evidence of strong dangerous capabilities in the models we evaluated, but we flag early warning signs. Our goal is to help advance a rigorous science of dangerous capability evaluation, in preparation for future models.

new Bridge the Modality and Capacity Gaps in Vision-Language Model Selection

Authors: Chao Yi, De-Chuan Zhan, Han-Jia Ye

Abstract: Vision Language Models (VLMs) excel in zero-shot image classification by pairing images with textual category names. The expanding variety of Pre-Trained VLMs enhances the likelihood of identifying a suitable VLM for specific tasks. Thus, a promising zero-shot image classification strategy is selecting the most appropriate Pre-Trained VLM from the VLM Zoo, relying solely on the text data of the target dataset without access to the dataset's images. In this paper, we analyze two inherent challenges in assessing the ability of a VLM in this Language-Only VLM selection: the "Modality Gap" -- the disparity in VLM's embeddings across two different modalities, making text a less reliable substitute for images; and the "Capability Gap" -- the discrepancy between the VLM's overall ranking and its ranking for target dataset, hindering direct prediction of a model's dataset-specific performance from its general performance. We propose VLM Selection With gAp Bridging (SWAB) to mitigate the negative impact of these two gaps. SWAB first adopts optimal transport to capture the relevance between open-source datasets and target dataset with a transportation matrix. It then uses this matrix to transfer useful statistics of VLMs from open-source datasets to the target dataset for bridging those two gaps and enhancing the VLM's capacity estimation for VLM selection. Experiments across various VLMs and image classification datasets validate SWAB's effectiveness.

cross LLM4SGG: Large Language Model for Weakly Supervised Scene Graph Generation

Authors: Kibum Kim, Kanghoon Yoon, Jaehyeong Jeon, Yeonjun In, Jinyoung Moon, Donghyun Kim, Chanyoung Park

Abstract: Weakly-Supervised Scene Graph Generation (WSSGG) research has recently emerged as an alternative to the fully-supervised approach that heavily relies on costly annotations. In this regard, studies on WSSGG have utilized image captions to obtain unlocalized triplets while primarily focusing on grounding the unlocalized triplets over image regions. However, they have overlooked the two issues involved in the triplet formation process from the captions: 1) Semantic over-simplification issue arises when extracting triplets from captions, where fine-grained predicates in captions are undesirably converted into coarse-grained predicates, resulting in a long-tailed predicate distribution, and 2) Low-density scene graph issue arises when aligning the triplets in the caption with entity/predicate classes of interest, where many triplets are discarded and not used in training, leading to insufficient supervision. To tackle the two issues, we propose a new approach, i.e., Large Language Model for weakly-supervised SGG (LLM4SGG), where we mitigate the two issues by leveraging the LLM's in-depth understanding of language and reasoning ability during the extraction of triplets from captions and alignment of entity/predicate classes with target data. To further engage the LLM in these processes, we adopt the idea of Chain-of-Thought and the in-context few-shot learning strategy. To validate the effectiveness of LLM4SGG, we conduct extensive experiments on Visual Genome and GQA datasets, showing significant improvements in both Recall@K and mean Recall@K compared to the state-of-the-art WSSGG methods. A further appeal is that LLM4SGG is data-efficient, enabling effective model training with a small amount of training images.

cross Training morphological neural networks with gradient descent: some theoretical insights

Authors: Samy Blusseau (CMM)

Abstract: Morphological neural networks, or layers, can be a powerful tool to boost the progress in mathematical morphology, either on theoretical aspects such as the representation of complete lattice operators, or in the development of image processing pipelines. However, these architectures turn out to be difficult to train when they count more than a few morphological layers, at least within popular machine learning frameworks which use gradient descent based optimization algorithms. In this paper we investigate the potential and limitations of differentiation based approaches and back-propagation applied to morphological networks, in light of the non-smooth optimization concept of Bouligand derivative. We provide insights and first theoretical guidelines, in particular regarding initialization and learning rates.

cross SportsNGEN: Sustained Generation of Multi-player Sports Gameplay

Authors: Lachlan Thorpe, Lewis Bawden, Karanjot Vendal, John Bronskill, Richard E. Turner

Abstract: We present a transformer decoder based model, SportsNGEN, that is trained on sports player and ball tracking sequences that is capable of generating realistic and sustained gameplay. We train and evaluate SportsNGEN on a large database of professional tennis tracking data and demonstrate that by combining the generated simulations with a shot classifier and logic to start and end rallies, the system is capable of simulating an entire tennis match. In addition, a generic version of SportsNGEN can be customized to a specific player by fine-tuning on match data that includes that player. We show that our model is well calibrated and can be used to derive insights for coaches and broadcasters by evaluating counterfactual or what if options. Finally, we show qualitative results indicating the same approach works for football.

cross AltGraph: Redesigning Quantum Circuits Using Generative Graph Models for Efficient Optimization

Authors: Collin Beaudoin, Koustubh Phalak, Swaroop Ghosh

Abstract: Quantum circuit transformation aims to produce equivalent circuits while optimizing for various aspects such as circuit depth, gate count, and compatibility with modern Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum (NISQ) devices. There are two techniques for circuit transformation. The first is a rule-based approach that greedily cancels out pairs of gates that equate to the identity unitary operation. Rule-based approaches are used in quantum compilers such as Qiskit, tket, and Quilc. The second is a search-based approach that tries to find an equivalent quantum circuit by exploring the quantum circuits search space. Search-based approaches typically rely on machine learning techniques such as generative models and Reinforcement Learning (RL). In this work, we propose AltGraph, a novel search-based circuit transformation approach that generates equivalent quantum circuits using existing generative graph models. We use three main graph models: DAG Variational Autoencoder (D-VAE) with two variants: Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Graph Convolutional Network (GCN), and Deep Generative Model for Graphs (DeepGMG) that take a Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) of the quantum circuit as input and output a new DAG from which we reconstruct the equivalent quantum circuit. Next, we perturb the latent space to generate equivalent quantum circuits some of which may be more compatible with the hardware coupling map and/or enable better optimization leading to reduced gate count and circuit depth. AltGraph achieves on average a 37.55% reduction in the number of gates and a 37.75% reduction in the circuit depth post-transpiling compared to the original transpiled circuit with only 0.0074 Mean Squared Error (MSE) in the density matrix.

cross Beyond Inference: Performance Analysis of DNN Server Overheads for Computer Vision

Authors: Ahmed F. AbouElhamayed, Susanne Balle, Deshanand Singh, Mohamed S. Abdelfattah

Abstract: Deep neural network (DNN) inference has become an important part of many data-center workloads. This has prompted focused efforts to design ever-faster deep learning accelerators such as GPUs and TPUs. However, an end-to-end DNN-based vision application contains more than just DNN inference, including input decompression, resizing, sampling, normalization, and data transfer. In this paper, we perform a thorough evaluation of computer vision inference requests performed on a throughput-optimized serving system. We quantify the performance impact of server overheads such as data movement, preprocessing, and message brokers between two DNNs producing outputs at different rates. Our empirical analysis encompasses many computer vision tasks including image classification, segmentation, detection, depth-estimation, and more complex processing pipelines with multiple DNNs. Our results consistently demonstrate that end-to-end application performance can easily be dominated by data processing and data movement functions (up to 56% of end-to-end latency in a medium-sized image, and $\sim$ 80% impact on system throughput in a large image), even though these functions have been conventionally overlooked in deep learning system design. Our work identifies important performance bottlenecks in different application scenarios, achieves 2.25$\times$ better throughput compared to prior work, and paves the way for more holistic deep learning system design.

cross Knowledge-Reuse Transfer Learning Methods in Molecular and Material Science

Authors: An Chen, Zhilong Wang, Karl Luigi Loza Vidaurre, Yanqiang Han, Simin Ye, Kehao Tao, Shiwei Wang, Jing Gao, Jinjin Li

Abstract: Molecules and materials are the foundation for the development of modern advanced industries such as energy storage systems and semiconductor devices. However, traditional trial-and-error methods or theoretical calculations are highly resource-intensive, and extremely long R&D (Research and Development) periods cannot meet the urgent need for molecules/materials in industrial development. Machine learning (ML) methods based on big data are expected to break this dilemma. However, the difficulty in constructing large-scale datasets of new molecules/materials due to the high cost of data acquisition and annotation limits the development of machine learning. The application of transfer learning lowers the data requirements for model training, which makes transfer learning stand out in researches addressing data quality issues. In this review, we summarize recent advances in transfer learning related to molecular and materials science. We focus on the application of transfer learning methods for the discovery of advanced molecules/materials, particularly, the construction of transfer learning frameworks for different systems, and how transfer learning can enhance the performance of models. In addition, the challenges of transfer learning are also discussed.

cross OSSCAR: One-Shot Structured Pruning in Vision and Language Models with Combinatorial Optimization

Authors: Xiang Meng, Shibal Ibrahim, Kayhan Behdin, Hussein Hazimeh, Natalia Ponomareva, Rahul Mazumder

Abstract: Structured pruning is a promising approach for reducing the inference costs of large vision and language models. By removing carefully chosen structures, e.g., neurons or attention heads, the improvements from this approach can be realized on standard deep learning hardware. In this work, we focus on structured pruning in the one-shot (post-training) setting, which does not require model retraining after pruning. We propose a novel combinatorial optimization framework for this problem, based on a layer-wise reconstruction objective and a careful reformulation that allows for scalable optimization. Moreover, we design a new local combinatorial optimization algorithm, which exploits low-rank updates for efficient local search. Our framework is time and memory-efficient and considerably improves upon state-of-the-art one-shot methods on vision models (e.g., ResNet50, MobileNet) and language models (e.g., OPT-1.3B -- OPT-30B). For language models, e.g., OPT-2.7B, OSSCAR can lead to $125\times$ lower test perplexity on WikiText with $2\times$ inference time speedup in comparison to the state-of-the-art ZipLM approach. Our framework is also $6\times$ -- $8\times$ faster. Notably, our work considers models with tens of billions of parameters, which is up to $100\times$ larger than what has been previously considered in the structured pruning literature.

cross When SMILES have Language: Drug Classification using Text Classification Methods on Drug SMILES Strings

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, \v{S}erbetar Karlo, Raima Islam, Taki Hasan Rafi, Dong-Kyu Chae

Abstract: Complex chemical structures, like drugs, are usually defined by SMILES strings as a sequence of molecules and bonds. These SMILES strings are used in different complex machine learning-based drug-related research and representation works. Escaping from complex representation, in this work, we pose a single question: What if we treat drug SMILES as conventional sentences and engage in text classification for drug classification? Our experiments affirm the possibility with very competitive scores. The study explores the notion of viewing each atom and bond as sentence components, employing basic NLP methods to categorize drug types, proving that complex problems can also be solved with simpler perspectives. The data and code are available here:


cross BaCon: Boosting Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning via Balanced Feature-Level Contrastive Learning

Authors: Qianhan Feng, Lujing Xie, Shijie Fang, Tong Lin

Abstract: Semi-supervised Learning (SSL) reduces the need for extensive annotations in deep learning, but the more realistic challenge of imbalanced data distribution in SSL remains largely unexplored. In Class Imbalanced Semi-supervised Learning (CISSL), the bias introduced by unreliable pseudo-labels can be exacerbated by imbalanced data distributions. Most existing methods address this issue at instance-level through reweighting or resampling, but the performance is heavily limited by their reliance on biased backbone representation. Some other methods do perform feature-level adjustments like feature blending but might introduce unfavorable noise. In this paper, we discuss the bonus of a more balanced feature distribution for the CISSL problem, and further propose a Balanced Feature-Level Contrastive Learning method (BaCon). Our method directly regularizes the distribution of instances' representations in a well-designed contrastive manner. Specifically, class-wise feature centers are computed as the positive anchors, while negative anchors are selected by a straightforward yet effective mechanism. A distribution-related temperature adjustment is leveraged to control the class-wise contrastive degrees dynamically. Our method demonstrates its effectiveness through comprehensive experiments on the CIFAR10-LT, CIFAR100-LT, STL10-LT, and SVHN-LT datasets across various settings. For example, BaCon surpasses instance-level method FixMatch-based ABC on CIFAR10-LT with a 1.21% accuracy improvement, and outperforms state-of-the-art feature-level method CoSSL on CIFAR100-LT with a 0.63% accuracy improvement. When encountering more extreme imbalance degree, BaCon also shows better robustness than other methods.

cross Rethinking Specificity in SBDD: Leveraging Delta Score and Energy-Guided Diffusion

Authors: Bowen Gao, Minsi Ren, Yuyan Ni, Yanwen Huang, Bo Qiang, Zhi-Ming Ma, Wei-Ying Ma, Yanyan Lan

Abstract: In the field of Structure-based Drug Design (SBDD), deep learning-based generative models have achieved outstanding performance in terms of docking score. However, further study shows that the existing molecular generative methods and docking scores both have lacked consideration in terms of specificity, which means that generated molecules bind to almost every protein pocket with high affinity. To address this, we introduce the Delta Score, a new metric for evaluating the specificity of molecular binding. To further incorporate this insight for generation, we develop an innovative energy-guided approach using contrastive learning, with active compounds as decoys, to direct generative models toward creating molecules with high specificity. Our empirical results show that this method not only enhances the delta score but also maintains or improves traditional docking scores, successfully bridging the gap between SBDD and real-world needs.

cross Tel2Veh: Fusion of Telecom Data and Vehicle Flow to Predict Camera-Free Traffic via a Spatio-Temporal Framework

Authors: ChungYi Lin, Shen-Lung Tung, Hung-Ting Su, Winston H. Hsu

Abstract: Vehicle flow, a crucial indicator for transportation, is often limited by detector coverage. With the advent of extensive mobile network coverage, we can leverage mobile user activities, or cellular traffic, on roadways as a proxy for vehicle flow. However, as counts of cellular traffic may not directly align with vehicle flow due to data from various user types, we present a new task: predicting vehicle flow in camera-free areas using cellular traffic. To uncover correlations within multi-source data, we deployed cameras on selected roadways to establish the Tel2Veh dataset, consisting of extensive cellular traffic and sparse vehicle flows. Addressing this challenge, we propose a framework that independently extracts features and integrates them with a graph neural network (GNN)-based fusion to discern disparities, thereby enabling the prediction of unseen vehicle flows using cellular traffic. This work advances the use of telecom data in transportation and pioneers the fusion of telecom and vision-based data, offering solutions for traffic management.

cross Multi-Scale Protein Language Model for Unified Molecular Modeling

Authors: Kangjie Zheng, Siyu Long, Tianyu Lu, Junwei Yang, Xinyu Dai, Ming Zhang, Zaiqing Nie, Wei-Ying Ma, Hao Zhou

Abstract: Protein language models have demonstrated significant potential in the field of protein engineering. However, current protein language models primarily operate at the residue scale, which limits their ability to provide information at the atom level. This limitation prevents us from fully exploiting the capabilities of protein language models for applications involving both proteins and small molecules. In this paper, we propose ms-ESM (multi-scale ESM), a novel approach that enables multi-scale unified molecular modeling. ms-ESM achieves this by pre-training on multi-scale code-switch protein sequences and utilizing a multi-scale position encoding to capture relationships among residues and atoms. Experimental results indicate that ms-ESM surpasses previous methods in protein-molecule tasks, demonstrating the full utilization of protein language models. Further investigations reveal that through unified molecular modeling, ms-ESM not only gains molecular knowledge but also retains its understanding of proteins.

cross A Multi-Task Oriented Semantic Communication Framework for Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Eslam Eldeeb, Mohammad Shehab, Hirley Alves

Abstract: Task-oriented semantic communication is an emerging technology that transmits only the relevant semantics of a message instead of the whole message to achieve a specific task. It reduces latency, compresses the data, and is more robust in low SNR scenarios. This work presents a multi-task-oriented semantic communication framework for connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs). We propose a convolutional autoencoder (CAE) that performs the semantic encoding of the road traffic signs. These encoded images are then transmitted from one CAV to another CAV through satellite in challenging weather conditions where visibility is impaired. In addition, we propose task-oriented semantic decoders for image reconstruction and classification tasks. Simulation results show that the proposed framework outperforms the conventional schemes, such as QAM-16, regarding the reconstructed image's similarity and the classification's accuracy. In addition, it can save up to 89 % of the bandwidth by sending fewer bits.

cross Prompt Selection and Augmentation for Few Examples Code Generation in Large Language Model and its Application in Robotics Control

Authors: On Tai Wu, Frodo Kin Sun Chan, Zunhao Zhang, Yan Nei Law, Benny Drescher, Edmond Shiao Bun Lai

Abstract: Few-shot prompting and step-by-step reasoning have enhanced the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in tackling complex tasks including code generation. In this paper, we introduce a prompt selection and augmentation algorithm aimed at improving mathematical reasoning and robot arm operations. Our approach incorporates a multi-stage example augmentation scheme combined with an example selection scheme. This algorithm improves LLM performance by selecting a set of examples that increase diversity, minimize redundancy, and increase relevance to the question. When combined with the Program-of-Thought prompting, our algorithm demonstrates an improvement in performance on the GSM8K and SVAMP benchmarks, with increases of 0.3% and 1.1% respectively. Furthermore, in simulated tabletop environments, our algorithm surpasses the Code-as-Policies approach by achieving a 3.4% increase in successful task completions and a decrease of over 70% in the number of examples used. Its ability to discard examples that contribute little to solving the problem reduces the inferencing time of an LLM-powered robotics system. This algorithm also offers important benefits for industrial process automation by streamlining the development and deployment process, reducing manual programming effort, and enhancing code reusability.

cross Leap: molecular synthesisability scoring with intermediates

Authors: Antonia Calvi, Th\'eophile Gaudin, Dominik Miketa, Dominique Sydow, Liam Wilbraham

Abstract: Assessing whether a molecule can be synthesised is a primary task in drug discovery. It enables computational chemists to filter for viable compounds or bias molecular generative models. The notion of synthesisability is dynamic as it evolves depending on the availability of key compounds. A common approach in drug discovery involves exploring the chemical space surrounding synthetically-accessible intermediates. This strategy improves the synthesisability of the derived molecules due to the availability of key intermediates. Existing synthesisability scoring methods such as SAScore, SCScore and RAScore, cannot condition on intermediates dynamically. Our approach, Leap, is a GPT-2 model trained on the depth, or longest linear path, of predicted synthesis routes that allows information on the availability of key intermediates to be included at inference time. We show that Leap surpasses all other scoring methods by at least 5% on AUC score when identifying synthesisable molecules, and can successfully adapt predicted scores when presented with a relevant intermediate compound.

cross Speedrunning and path integrals

Authors: Gabriele Lami

Abstract: In this article we will explore the concept of speedrunning as a representation of a simplified version of quantum mechanics within a classical simulation. This analogy can be seen as a simplified approach to understanding the broader idea that quantum mechanics may emerge from classical mechanics simulations due to the limitations of the simulation. The concept of speedrunning will be explored from the perspective inside the simulation, where the player is seen as a "force of nature" that can be interpreted through Newton's first law. Starting from this general assumption, the aim is to build a bridge between these two fields by using the mathematical representation of path integrals. The use of such an approach as an intermediate layer between machine learning techniques aimed at finding an optimal strategy and a game simulation is also analysed. This article will focus primarily on the relationship between classical and quantum physics within the simulation, leaving aside more technical issues in field theory such as invariance with respect to Lorentz transformations and virtual particles.

cross A Dual-Tier Adaptive One-Class Classification IDS for Emerging Cyberthreats

Authors: Md. Ashraf Uddin, Sunil Aryal, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Muna Al-Hawawreh, Md. Alamin Talukder

Abstract: In today's digital age, our dependence on IoT (Internet of Things) and IIoT (Industrial IoT) systems has grown immensely, which facilitates sensitive activities such as banking transactions and personal, enterprise data, and legal document exchanges. Cyberattackers consistently exploit weak security measures and tools. The Network Intrusion Detection System (IDS) acts as a primary tool against such cyber threats. However, machine learning-based IDSs, when trained on specific attack patterns, often misclassify new emerging cyberattacks. Further, the limited availability of attack instances for training a supervised learner and the ever-evolving nature of cyber threats further complicate the matter. This emphasizes the need for an adaptable IDS framework capable of recognizing and learning from unfamiliar/unseen attacks over time. In this research, we propose a one-class classification-driven IDS system structured on two tiers. The first tier distinguishes between normal activities and attacks/threats, while the second tier determines if the detected attack is known or unknown. Within this second tier, we also embed a multi-classification mechanism coupled with a clustering algorithm. This model not only identifies unseen attacks but also uses them for retraining them by clustering unseen attacks. This enables our model to be future-proofed, capable of evolving with emerging threat patterns. Leveraging one-class classifiers (OCC) at the first level, our approach bypasses the need for attack samples, addressing data imbalance and zero-day attack concerns and OCC at the second level can effectively separate unknown attacks from the known attacks. Our methodology and evaluations indicate that the presented framework exhibits promising potential for real-world deployments.

cross Hierarchical Classification for Intrusion Detection System: Effective Design and Empirical Analysis

Authors: Md. Ashraf Uddin, Sunil Aryal, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Muna Al-Hawawreh, Md. Alamin Talukder

Abstract: With the increased use of network technologies like Internet of Things (IoT) in many real-world applications, new types of cyberattacks have been emerging. To safeguard critical infrastructures from these emerging threats, it is crucial to deploy an Intrusion Detection System (IDS) that can detect different types of attacks accurately while minimizing false alarms. Machine learning approaches have been used extensively in IDS and they are mainly using flat multi-class classification to differentiate normal traffic and different types of attacks. Though cyberattack types exhibit a hierarchical structure where similar granular attack subtypes can be grouped into more high-level attack types, hierarchical classification approach has not been explored well. In this paper, we investigate the effectiveness of hierarchical classification approach in IDS. We use a three-level hierarchical classification model to classify various network attacks, where the first level classifies benign or attack, the second level classifies coarse high-level attack types, and the third level classifies a granular level attack types. Our empirical results of using 10 different classification algorithms in 10 different datasets show that there is no significant difference in terms of overall classification performance (i.e., detecting normal and different types of attack correctly) of hierarchical and flat classification approaches. However, flat classification approach misclassify attacks as normal whereas hierarchical approach misclassify one type of attack as another attack type. In other words, the hierarchical classification approach significantly minimises attacks from misclassified as normal traffic, which is more important in critical systems.

cross General Line Coordinates in 3D

Authors: Joshua Martinez, Boris Kovalerchuk

Abstract: Interpretable interactive visual pattern discovery in lossless 3D visualization is a promising way to advance machine learning. It enables end users who are not data scientists to take control of the model development process as a self-service. It is conducted in 3D General Line Coordinates (GLC) visualization space, which preserves all n-D information in 3D. This paper presents a system which combines three types of GLC: Shifted Paired Coordinates (SPC), Shifted Tripled Coordinates (STC), and General Line Coordinates-Linear (GLC-L) for interactive visual pattern discovery. A transition from 2-D visualization to 3-D visualization allows for a more distinct visual pattern than in 2-D and it also allows for finding the best data viewing positions, which are not available in 2-D. It enables in-depth visual analysis of various class-specific data subsets comprehensible for end users in the original interpretable attributes. Controlling model overgeneralization by end users is an additional benefit of this approach.

cross HyperVQ: MLR-based Vector Quantization in Hyperbolic Space

Authors: Nabarun Goswami, Yusuke Mukuta, Tatsuya Harada

Abstract: The success of models operating on tokenized data has led to an increased demand for effective tokenization methods, particularly when applied to vision or auditory tasks, which inherently involve non-discrete data. One of the most popular tokenization methods is Vector Quantization (VQ), a key component of several recent state-of-the-art methods across various domains. Typically, a VQ Variational Autoencoder (VQVAE) is trained to transform data to and from its tokenized representation. However, since the VQVAE is trained with a reconstruction objective, there is no constraint for the embeddings to be well disentangled, a crucial aspect for using them in discriminative tasks. Recently, several works have demonstrated the benefits of utilizing hyperbolic spaces for representation learning. Hyperbolic spaces induce compact latent representations due to their exponential volume growth and inherent ability to model hierarchical and structured data. In this work, we explore the use of hyperbolic spaces for vector quantization (HyperVQ), formulating the VQ operation as a hyperbolic Multinomial Logistic Regression (MLR) problem, in contrast to the Euclidean K-Means clustering used in VQVAE. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that hyperVQ performs comparably in reconstruction and generative tasks while outperforming VQ in discriminative tasks and learning a highly disentangled latent space.

cross Invisible Backdoor Attack Through Singular Value Decomposition

Authors: Wenmin Chen, Xiaowei Xu

Abstract: With the widespread application of deep learning across various domains, concerns about its security have grown significantly. Among these, backdoor attacks pose a serious security threat to deep neural networks (DNNs). In recent years, backdoor attacks on neural networks have become increasingly sophisticated, aiming to compromise the security and trustworthiness of models by implanting hidden, unauthorized functionalities or triggers, leading to misleading predictions or behaviors. To make triggers less perceptible and imperceptible, various invisible backdoor attacks have been proposed. However, most of them only consider invisibility in the spatial domain, making it easy for recent defense methods to detect the generated toxic images.To address these challenges, this paper proposes an invisible backdoor attack called DEBA. DEBA leverages the mathematical properties of Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to embed imperceptible backdoors into models during the training phase, thereby causing them to exhibit predefined malicious behavior under specific trigger conditions. Specifically, we first perform SVD on images, and then replace the minor features of trigger images with those of clean images, using them as triggers to ensure the effectiveness of the attack. As minor features are scattered throughout the entire image, the major features of clean images are preserved, making poisoned images visually indistinguishable from clean ones. Extensive experimental evaluations demonstrate that DEBA is highly effective, maintaining high perceptual quality and a high attack success rate for poisoned images. Furthermore, we assess the performance of DEBA under existing defense measures, showing that it is robust and capable of significantly evading and resisting the effects of these defense measures.

cross Thwarting Cybersecurity Attacks with Explainable Concept Drift

Authors: Ibrahim Shaer, Abdallah Shami

Abstract: Cyber-security attacks pose a significant threat to the operation of autonomous systems. Particularly impacted are the Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning (HVAC) systems in smart buildings, which depend on data gathered by sensors and Machine Learning (ML) models using the captured data. As such, attacks that alter the readings of these sensors can severely affect the HVAC system operations impacting residents' comfort and energy reduction goals. Such attacks may induce changes in the online data distribution being fed to the ML models, violating the fundamental assumption of similarity in training and testing data distribution. This leads to a degradation in model prediction accuracy due to a phenomenon known as Concept Drift (CD) - the alteration in the relationship between input features and the target variable. Addressing CD requires identifying the source of drift to apply targeted mitigation strategies, a process termed drift explanation. This paper proposes a Feature Drift Explanation (FDE) module to identify the drifting features. FDE utilizes an Auto-encoder (AE) that reconstructs the activation of the first layer of the regression Deep Learning (DL) model and finds their latent representations. When a drift is detected, each feature of the drifting data is replaced by its representative counterpart from the training data. The Minkowski distance is then used to measure the divergence between the altered drifting data and the original training data. The results show that FDE successfully identifies 85.77 % of drifting features and showcases its utility in the DL adaptation method under the CD phenomenon. As a result, the FDE method is an effective strategy for identifying drifting features towards thwarting cyber-security attacks.

cross Towards Better Statistical Understanding of Watermarking LLMs

Authors: Zhongze Cai, Shang Liu, Hanzhao Wang, Huaiyang Zhong, Xiaocheng Li

Abstract: In this paper, we study the problem of watermarking large language models (LLMs). We consider the trade-off between model distortion and detection ability and formulate it as a constrained optimization problem based on the green-red algorithm of Kirchenbauer et al. (2023a). We show that the optimal solution to the optimization problem enjoys a nice analytical property which provides a better understanding and inspires the algorithm design for the watermarking process. We develop an online dual gradient ascent watermarking algorithm in light of this optimization formulation and prove its asymptotic Pareto optimality between model distortion and detection ability. Such a result guarantees an averaged increased green list probability and henceforth detection ability explicitly (in contrast to previous results). Moreover, we provide a systematic discussion on the choice of the model distortion metrics for the watermarking problem. We justify our choice of KL divergence and present issues with the existing criteria of ``distortion-free'' and perplexity. Finally, we empirically evaluate our algorithms on extensive datasets against benchmark algorithms.

cross RigorLLM: Resilient Guardrails for Large Language Models against Undesired Content

Authors: Zhuowen Yuan, Zidi Xiong, Yi Zeng, Ning Yu, Ruoxi Jia, Dawn Song, Bo Li

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have showcased remarkable capabilities across various tasks in different domains. However, the emergence of biases and the potential for generating harmful content in LLMs, particularly under malicious inputs, pose significant challenges. Current mitigation strategies, while effective, are not resilient under adversarial attacks. This paper introduces Resilient Guardrails for Large Language Models (RigorLLM), a novel framework designed to efficiently and effectively moderate harmful and unsafe inputs and outputs for LLMs. By employing a multi-faceted approach that includes energy-based training data augmentation through Langevin dynamics, optimizing a safe suffix for inputs via minimax optimization, and integrating a fusion-based model combining robust KNN with LLMs based on our data augmentation, RigorLLM offers a robust solution to harmful content moderation. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate that RigorLLM not only outperforms existing baselines like OpenAI API and Perspective API in detecting harmful content but also exhibits unparalleled resilience to jailbreaking attacks. The innovative use of constrained optimization and a fusion-based guardrail approach represents a significant step forward in developing more secure and reliable LLMs, setting a new standard for content moderation frameworks in the face of evolving digital threats.

cross Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Intraventricular Vector Flow Mapping

Authors: Hang Jung Ling, Salom\'e Bru, Julia Puig, Florian Vix\`ege, Simon Mendez, Franck Nicoud, Pierre-Yves Courand, Olivier Bernard, Damien Garcia

Abstract: Intraventricular vector flow mapping (iVFM) seeks to enhance and quantify color Doppler in cardiac imaging. In this study, we propose novel alternatives to the traditional iVFM optimization scheme by utilizing physics-informed neural networks (PINNs) and a physics-guided nnU-Net-based supervised approach. Through rigorous evaluation on simulated color Doppler images derived from a patient-specific computational fluid dynamics model and in vivo Doppler acquisitions, both approaches demonstrate comparable reconstruction performance to the original iVFM algorithm. The efficiency of PINNs is boosted through dual-stage optimization and pre-optimized weights. On the other hand, the nnU-Net method excels in generalizability and real time capabilities. Notably, nnU-Net shows superior robustness on sparse and truncated Doppler data while maintaining independence from explicit boundary conditions. Overall, our results highlight the effectiveness of these methods in reconstructing intraventricular vector blood flow. The study also suggests potential applications of PINNs in ultrafast color Doppler imaging and the incorporation of fluid dynamics equations to derive biomarkers for cardiovascular diseases based on blood flow.

cross Provable Privacy with Non-Private Pre-Processing

Authors: Yaxi Hu, Amartya Sanyal, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: When analysing Differentially Private (DP) machine learning pipelines, the potential privacy cost of data-dependent pre-processing is frequently overlooked in privacy accounting. In this work, we propose a general framework to evaluate the additional privacy cost incurred by non-private data-dependent pre-processing algorithms. Our framework establishes upper bounds on the overall privacy guarantees by utilising two new technical notions: a variant of DP termed Smooth DP and the bounded sensitivity of the pre-processing algorithms. In addition to the generic framework, we provide explicit overall privacy guarantees for multiple data-dependent pre-processing algorithms, such as data imputation, quantization, deduplication and PCA, when used in combination with several DP algorithms. Notably, this framework is also simple to implement, allowing direct integration into existing DP pipelines.

cross Pruning for Improved ADC Efficiency in Crossbar-based Analog In-memory Accelerators

Authors: Timur Ibrayev, Isha Garg, Indranil Chakraborty, Kaushik Roy

Abstract: Deep learning has proved successful in many applications but suffers from high computational demands and requires custom accelerators for deployment. Crossbar-based analog in-memory architectures are attractive for acceleration of deep neural networks (DNN), due to their high data reuse and high efficiency enabled by combining storage and computation in memory. However, they require analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to communicate crossbar outputs. ADCs consume a significant portion of energy and area of every crossbar processing unit, thus diminishing the potential efficiency benefits. Pruning is a well-studied technique to improve the efficiency of DNNs but requires modifications to be effective for crossbars. In this paper, we motivate crossbar-attuned pruning to target ADC-specific inefficiencies. This is achieved by identifying three key properties (dubbed D.U.B.) that induce sparsity that can be utilized to reduce ADC energy without sacrificing accuracy. The first property ensures that sparsity translates effectively to hardware efficiency by restricting sparsity levels to Discrete powers of 2. The other 2 properties encourage columns in the same crossbar to achieve both Unstructured and Balanced sparsity in order to amortize the accuracy drop. The desired D.U.B. sparsity is then achieved by regularizing the variance of $L_{0}$ norms of neighboring columns within the same crossbar. Our proposed implementation allows it to be directly used in end-to-end gradient-based training. We apply the proposed algorithm to convolutional layers of VGG11 and ResNet18 models, trained on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet datasets, and achieve up to 7.13x and 1.27x improvement, respectively, in ADC energy with less than 1% drop in accuracy.

cross Listenable Maps for Audio Classifiers

Authors: Francesco Paissan, Mirco Ravanelli, Cem Subakan

Abstract: Despite the impressive performance of deep learning models across diverse tasks, their complexity poses challenges for interpretation. This challenge is particularly evident for audio signals, where conveying interpretations becomes inherently difficult. To address this issue, we introduce Listenable Maps for Audio Classifiers (L-MAC), a posthoc interpretation method that generates faithful and listenable interpretations. L-MAC utilizes a decoder on top of a pretrained classifier to generate binary masks that highlight relevant portions of the input audio. We train the decoder with a special loss that maximizes the confidence of the classifier decision on the masked-in portion of the audio while minimizing the probability of model output for the masked-out portion. Quantitative evaluations on both in-domain and out-of-domain data demonstrate that L-MAC consistently produces more faithful interpretations than several gradient and masking-based methodologies. Furthermore, a user study confirms that, on average, users prefer the interpretations generated by the proposed technique.

cross Towards Unsupervised Question Answering System with Multi-level Summarization for Legal Text

Authors: M Manvith Prabhu, Haricharana Srinivasa, Anand Kumar M

Abstract: This paper summarizes Team SCaLAR's work on SemEval-2024 Task 5: Legal Argument Reasoning in Civil Procedure. To address this Binary Classification task, which was daunting due to the complexity of the Legal Texts involved, we propose a simple yet novel similarity and distance-based unsupervised approach to generate labels. Further, we explore the Multi-level fusion of Legal-Bert embeddings using ensemble features, including CNN, GRU, and LSTM. To address the lengthy nature of Legal explanation in the dataset, we introduce T5-based segment-wise summarization, which successfully retained crucial information, enhancing the model's performance. Our unsupervised system witnessed a 20-point increase in macro F1-score on the development set and a 10-point increase on the test set, which is promising given its uncomplicated architecture.

cross Optimal Flow Matching: Learning Straight Trajectories in Just One Step

Authors: Nikita Kornilov, Alexander Gasnikov, Alexander Korotin

Abstract: Over the several recent years, there has been a boom in development of flow matching methods for generative modeling. One intriguing property pursued by the community is the ability to learn flows with straight trajectories which realize the optimal transport (OT) displacements. Straightness is crucial for fast integration of the learned flow's paths. Unfortunately, most existing flow straightening methods are based on non-trivial iterative procedures which accumulate the error during training or exploit heuristic minibatch OT approximations. To address this issue, we develop a novel optimal flow matching approach which recovers the straight OT displacement for the quadratic cost in just one flow matching step.

cross Modal Analysis of Spatiotemporal Data via Multivariate Gaussian Process Regression

Authors: Jiwoo Song, Daning Huang

Abstract: Modal analysis has become an essential tool to understand the coherent structure of complex flows. The classical modal analysis methods, such as dynamic mode decomposition (DMD) and spectral proper orthogonal decomposition (SPOD), rely on a sufficient amount of data that is regularly sampled in time. However, often one needs to deal with sparse temporally irregular data, e.g., due to experimental measurements and simulation algorithm. To overcome the limitations of data scarcity and irregular sampling, we propose a novel modal analysis technique using multi-variate Gaussian process regression (MVGPR). We first establish the connection between MVGPR and the existing modal analysis techniques, DMD and SPOD, from a linear system identification perspective. Next, leveraging this connection, we develop a MVGPR-based modal analysis technique that addresses the aforementioned limitations. The capability of MVGPR is endowed by its judiciously designed kernel structure for correlation function, that is derived from the assumed linear dynamics. Subsequently, the proposed MVGPR method is benchmarked against DMD and SPOD on a range of examples, from academic and synthesized data to unsteady airfoil aerodynamics. The results demonstrate MVGPR as a promising alternative to classical modal analysis methods, especially in the scenario of scarce and temporally irregular data.

cross Self-generated Replay Memories for Continual Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Michele Resta, Davide Bacciu

Abstract: Modern Neural Machine Translation systems exhibit strong performance in several different languages and are constantly improving. Their ability to learn continuously is, however, still severely limited by the catastrophic forgetting issue. In this work, we leverage a key property of encoder-decoder Transformers, i.e. their generative ability, to propose a novel approach to continually learning Neural Machine Translation systems. We show how this can effectively learn on a stream of experiences comprising different languages, by leveraging a replay memory populated by using the model itself as a generator of parallel sentences. We empirically demonstrate that our approach can counteract catastrophic forgetting without requiring explicit memorization of training data. Code will be publicly available upon publication. Code:


cross A Parallel Workflow for Polar Sea-Ice Classification using Auto-labeling of Sentinel-2 Imagery

Authors: Jurdana Masuma Iqrah, Wei Wang, Hongjie Xie, Sushil Prasad

Abstract: The observation of the advancing and retreating pattern of polar sea ice cover stands as a vital indicator of global warming. This research aims to develop a robust, effective, and scalable system for classifying polar sea ice as thick/snow-covered, young/thin, or open water using Sentinel-2 (S2) images. Since the S2 satellite is actively capturing high-resolution imagery over the earth's surface, there are lots of images that need to be classified. One major obstacle is the absence of labeled S2 training data (images) to act as the ground truth. We demonstrate a scalable and accurate method for segmenting and automatically labeling S2 images using carefully determined color thresholds. We employ a parallel workflow using PySpark to scale and achieve 9-fold data loading and 16-fold map-reduce speedup on auto-labeling S2 images based on thin cloud and shadow-filtered color-based segmentation to generate label data. The auto-labeled data generated from this process are then employed to train a U-Net machine learning model, resulting in good classification accuracy. As training the U-Net classification model is computationally heavy and time-consuming, we distribute the U-Net model training to scale it over 8 GPUs using the Horovod framework over a DGX cluster with a 7.21x speedup without affecting the accuracy of the model. Using the Antarctic's Ross Sea region as an example, the U-Net model trained on auto-labeled data achieves a classification accuracy of 98.97% for auto-labeled training datasets when the thin clouds and shadows from the S2 images are filtered out.

cross Function Trees: Transparent Machine Learning

Authors: Jerome H. Friedman

Abstract: The output of a machine learning algorithm can usually be represented by one or more multivariate functions of its input variables. Knowing the global properties of such functions can help in understanding the system that produced the data as well as interpreting and explaining corresponding model predictions. A method is presented for representing a general multivariate function as a tree of simpler functions. This tree exposes the global internal structure of the function by uncovering and describing the combined joint influences of subsets of its input variables. Given the inputs and corresponding function values, a function tree is constructed that can be used to rapidly identify and compute all of the function's main and interaction effects up to high order. Interaction effects involving up to four variables are graphically visualized.

cross SIFT-DBT: Self-supervised Initialization and Fine-Tuning for Imbalanced Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Image Classification

Authors: Yuexi Du, Regina J. Hooley, John Lewin, Nicha C. Dvornek

Abstract: Digital Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT) is a widely used medical imaging modality for breast cancer screening and diagnosis, offering higher spatial resolution and greater detail through its 3D-like breast volume imaging capability. However, the increased data volume also introduces pronounced data imbalance challenges, where only a small fraction of the volume contains suspicious tissue. This further exacerbates the data imbalance due to the case-level distribution in real-world data and leads to learning a trivial classification model that only predicts the majority class. To address this, we propose a novel method using view-level contrastive Self-supervised Initialization and Fine-Tuning for identifying abnormal DBT images, namely SIFT-DBT. We further introduce a patch-level multi-instance learning method to preserve spatial resolution. The proposed method achieves 92.69% volume-wise AUC on an evaluation of 970 unique studies.

cross Fast Value Tracking for Deep Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Frank Shih, Faming Liang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) tackles sequential decision-making problems by creating agents that interacts with their environment. However, existing algorithms often view these problem as static, focusing on point estimates for model parameters to maximize expected rewards, neglecting the stochastic dynamics of agent-environment interactions and the critical role of uncertainty quantification. Our research leverages the Kalman filtering paradigm to introduce a novel and scalable sampling algorithm called Langevinized Kalman Temporal-Difference (LKTD) for deep reinforcement learning. This algorithm, grounded in Stochastic Gradient Markov Chain Monte Carlo (SGMCMC), efficiently draws samples from the posterior distribution of deep neural network parameters. Under mild conditions, we prove that the posterior samples generated by the LKTD algorithm converge to a stationary distribution. This convergence not only enables us to quantify uncertainties associated with the value function and model parameters but also allows us to monitor these uncertainties during policy updates throughout the training phase. The LKTD algorithm paves the way for more robust and adaptable reinforcement learning approaches.

cross Nellie: Automated organelle segmentation, tracking, and hierarchical feature extraction in 2D/3D live-cell microscopy

Authors: Austin E. Y. T. Lefebvre (Calico Life Sciences LLC), Gabriel Sturm (Calico Life Sciences LLC, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California San Francisco), Ting-Yu Lin (Calico Life Sciences LLC), Emily Stoops (Calico Life Sciences LLC), Magdalena Preciado Lopez (Calico Life Sciences LLC), Benjamin Kaufmann-Malaga (Calico Life Sciences LLC), Kayley Hake (Calico Life Sciences LLC)

Abstract: The analysis of dynamic organelles remains a formidable challenge, though key to understanding biological processes. We introduce Nellie, an automated and unbiased pipeline for segmentation, tracking, and feature extraction of diverse intracellular structures. Nellie adapts to image metadata, eliminating user input. Nellie's preprocessing pipeline enhances structural contrast on multiple intracellular scales allowing for robust hierarchical segmentation of sub-organellar regions. Internal motion capture markers are generated and tracked via a radius-adaptive pattern matching scheme, and used as guides for sub-voxel flow interpolation. Nellie extracts a plethora of features at multiple hierarchical levels for deep and customizable analysis. Nellie features a Napari-based GUI that allows for code-free operation and visualization, while its modular open-source codebase invites customization by experienced users. We demonstrate Nellie's wide variety of use cases with two examples: unmixing multiple organelles from a single channel using feature-based classification and training an unsupervised graph autoencoder on mitochondrial multi-mesh graphs to quantify latent space embedding changes following ionomycin treatment.

cross A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Models Predicting Energetics of Interacting Defects

Authors: Hao Yu

Abstract: Interacting defect systems are ubiquitous in materials under realistic scenarios, yet gaining an atomic-level understanding of these systems from a computational perspective is challenging - it often demands substantial resources due to the necessity of employing supercell calculations. While machine learning techniques have shown potential in accelerating materials simulations, their application to systems involving interacting defects remains relatively rare. In this work, we present a comparative study of three different methods to predict the free energy change of systems with interacting defects. We leveraging a limited dataset from Density Functional Theory(DFT) calculations to assess the performance models using materials descriptors, graph neural networks and cluster expansion. Our findings indicate that the cluster expansion model can achieve precise energetics predictions even with this limited dataset. Furthermore, with synthetic data generate from cluster expansion model at near-DFT levels, we obtained enlarged dataset to assess the demands on data for training accurate prediction models using graph neural networks for systems featuring interacting defects. A brief discussion of the computational cost for each method is provided at the end. This research provide a preliminary evaluation of applying machine learning techniques in imperfect surface systems.

cross Federated reinforcement learning for robot motion planning with zero-shot generalization

Authors: Zhenyuan Yuan, Siyuan Xu, Minghui Zhu

Abstract: This paper considers the problem of learning a control policy for robot motion planning with zero-shot generalization, i.e., no data collection and policy adaptation is needed when the learned policy is deployed in new environments. We develop a federated reinforcement learning framework that enables collaborative learning of multiple learners and a central server, i.e., the Cloud, without sharing their raw data. In each iteration, each learner uploads its local control policy and the corresponding estimated normalized arrival time to the Cloud, which then computes the global optimum among the learners and broadcasts the optimal policy to the learners. Each learner then selects between its local control policy and that from the Cloud for next iteration. The proposed framework leverages on the derived zero-shot generalization guarantees on arrival time and safety. Theoretical guarantees on almost-sure convergence, almost consensus, Pareto improvement and optimality gap are also provided. Monte Carlo simulation is conducted to evaluate the proposed framework.

cross Arcee's MergeKit: A Toolkit for Merging Large Language Models

Authors: Charles Goddard, Shamane Siriwardhana, Malikeh Ehghaghi, Luke Meyers, Vlad Karpukhin, Brian Benedict, Mark McQuade, Jacob Solawetz

Abstract: The rapid expansion of the open-source language model landscape presents an opportunity to merge the competencies of these model checkpoints by combining their parameters. Advances in transfer learning, the process of fine-tuning pre-trained models for specific tasks, has resulted in the development of vast amounts of task-specific models, typically specialized in individual tasks and unable to utilize each other's strengths. Model merging facilitates the creation of multitask models without the need for additional training, offering a promising avenue for enhancing model performance and versatility. By preserving the intrinsic capabilities of the original models, model merging addresses complex challenges in AI - including the difficulties of catastrophic forgetting and multi-task learning. To support this expanding area of research, we introduce MergeKit, a comprehensive, open-source library designed to facilitate the application of model merging strategies. MergeKit offers an extensible framework to efficiently merge models on any hardware, providing utility to researchers and practitioners. To date, thousands of models have been merged by the open-source community, leading to the creation of some of the worlds most powerful open-source model checkpoints, as assessed by the Open LLM Leaderboard. The library is accessible at


cross AFLoRA: Adaptive Freezing of Low Rank Adaptation in Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning of Large Models

Authors: Zeyu Liu, Souvik Kundu, Anni Li, Junrui Wan, Lianghao Jiang, Peter Anthony Beerel

Abstract: We present a novel Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) method, dubbed as Adaptive Freezing of Low Rank Adaptation (AFLoRA). Specifically, for each pre-trained frozen weight tensor, we add a parallel path of trainable low-rank matrices, namely a down-projection and an up-projection matrix, each of which is followed by a feature transformation vector. Based on a novel freezing score, we the incrementally freeze these projection matrices during fine-tuning to reduce the computation and alleviate over-fitting. Our experimental results demonstrate that we can achieve state-of-the-art performance with an average improvement of up to $0.85\%$ as evaluated on GLUE benchmark while yeilding up to $9.5\times$ fewer average trainable parameters. While compared in terms of runtime, AFLoRA can yield up to $1.86\times$ improvement as opposed to similar PEFT alternatives. Besides the practical utility of our approach, we provide insights on the trainability requirements of LoRA paths at different modules and the freezing schedule for the different projection matrices. Code will be released.

cross A Sampling-based Framework for Hypothesis Testing on Large Attributed Graphs

Authors: Yun Wang, Chrysanthi Kosyfaki, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Reynold Cheng

Abstract: Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to draw conclusions about populations from sample data, typically represented in tables. With the prevalence of graph representations in real-life applications, hypothesis testing in graphs is gaining importance. In this work, we formalize node, edge, and path hypotheses in attributed graphs. We develop a sampling-based hypothesis testing framework, which can accommodate existing hypothesis-agnostic graph sampling methods. To achieve accurate and efficient sampling, we then propose a Path-Hypothesis-Aware SamplEr, PHASE, an m- dimensional random walk that accounts for the paths specified in a hypothesis. We further optimize its time efficiency and propose PHASEopt. Experiments on real datasets demonstrate the ability of our framework to leverage common graph sampling methods for hypothesis testing, and the superiority of hypothesis-aware sampling in terms of accuracy and time efficiency.

cross Building Optimal Neural Architectures using Interpretable Knowledge

Authors: Keith G. Mills, Fred X. Han, Mohammad Salameh, Shengyao Lu, Chunhua Zhou, Jiao He, Fengyu Sun, Di Niu

Abstract: Neural Architecture Search is a costly practice. The fact that a search space can span a vast number of design choices with each architecture evaluation taking nontrivial overhead makes it hard for an algorithm to sufficiently explore candidate networks. In this paper, we propose AutoBuild, a scheme which learns to align the latent embeddings of operations and architecture modules with the ground-truth performance of the architectures they appear in. By doing so, AutoBuild is capable of assigning interpretable importance scores to architecture modules, such as individual operation features and larger macro operation sequences such that high-performance neural networks can be constructed without any need for search. Through experiments performed on state-of-the-art image classification, segmentation, and Stable Diffusion models, we show that by mining a relatively small set of evaluated architectures, AutoBuild can learn to build high-quality architectures directly or help to reduce search space to focus on relevant areas, finding better architectures that outperform both the original labeled ones and ones found by search baselines. Code available at


cross Rotary Position Embedding for Vision Transformer

Authors: Byeongho Heo, Song Park, Dongyoon Han, Sangdoo Yun

Abstract: Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE) performs remarkably on language models, especially for length extrapolation of Transformers. However, the impacts of RoPE on computer vision domains have been underexplored, even though RoPE appears capable of enhancing Vision Transformer (ViT) performance in a way similar to the language domain. This study provides a comprehensive analysis of RoPE when applied to ViTs, utilizing practical implementations of RoPE for 2D vision data. The analysis reveals that RoPE demonstrates impressive extrapolation performance, i.e., maintaining precision while increasing image resolution at inference. It eventually leads to performance improvement for ImageNet-1k, COCO detection, and ADE-20k segmentation. We believe this study provides thorough guidelines to apply RoPE into ViT, promising improved backbone performance with minimal extra computational overhead. Our code and pre-trained models are available at


cross Bridging scales in multiscale bubble growth dynamics with correlated fluctuations using neural operator learning

Authors: Minglei Lu, Chensen Lin, Martian Maxey, George Karniadakis, Zhen Li

Abstract: The intricate process of bubble growth dynamics involves a broad spectrum of physical phenomena from microscale mechanics of bubble formation to macroscale interplay between bubbles and surrounding thermo-hydrodynamics. Traditional bubble dynamics models including atomistic approaches and continuum-based methods segment the bubble dynamics into distinct scale-specific models. In order to bridge the gap between microscale stochastic fluid models and continuum-based fluid models for bubble dynamics, we develop a composite neural operator model to unify the analysis of nonlinear bubble dynamics across microscale and macroscale regimes by integrating a many-body dissipative particle dynamics (mDPD) model with a continuum-based Rayleigh-Plesset (RP) model through a novel neural network architecture, which consists of a deep operator network for learning the mean behavior of bubble growth subject to pressure variations and a long short-term memory network for learning the statistical features of correlated fluctuations in microscale bubble dynamics. Training and testing data are generated by conducting mDPD and RP simulations for nonlinear bubble dynamics with initial bubble radii ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 micrometers. Results show that the trained composite neural operator model can accurately predict bubble dynamics across scales, with a 99% accuracy for the time evaluation of the bubble radius under varying external pressure while containing correct size-dependent stochastic fluctuations in microscale bubble growth dynamics. The composite neural operator is the first deep learning surrogate for multiscale bubble growth dynamics that can capture correct stochastic fluctuations in microscopic fluid phenomena, which sets a new direction for future research in multiscale fluid dynamics modeling.

cross Kernel Multigrid: Accelerate Back-fitting via Sparse Gaussian Process Regression

Authors: Lu Zou, Liang Ding

Abstract: Additive Gaussian Processes (GPs) are popular approaches for nonparametric feature selection. The common training method for these models is Bayesian Back-fitting. However, the convergence rate of Back-fitting in training additive GPs is still an open problem. By utilizing a technique called Kernel Packets (KP), we prove that the convergence rate of Back-fitting is no faster than $(1-\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{n}))^t$, where $n$ and $t$ denote the data size and the iteration number, respectively. Consequently, Back-fitting requires a minimum of $\mathcal{O}(n\log n)$ iterations to achieve convergence. Based on KPs, we further propose an algorithm called Kernel Multigrid (KMG). This algorithm enhances Back-fitting by incorporating a sparse Gaussian Process Regression (GPR) to process the residuals subsequent to each Back-fitting iteration. It is applicable to additive GPs with both structured and scattered data. Theoretically, we prove that KMG reduces the required iterations to $\mathcal{O}(\log n)$ while preserving the time and space complexities at $\mathcal{O}(n\log n)$ and $\mathcal{O}(n)$ per iteration, respectively. Numerically, by employing a sparse GPR with merely 10 inducing points, KMG can produce accurate approximations of high-dimensional targets within 5 iterations.

cross A Semantic Search Engine for Mathlib4

Authors: Guoxiong Gao, Haocheng Ju, Jiedong Jiang, Zihan Qin, Bin Dong

Abstract: The interactive theorem prover, Lean, enables the verification of formal mathematical proofs and is backed by an expanding community. Central to this ecosystem is its mathematical library, mathlib4, which lays the groundwork for the formalization of an expanding range of mathematical theories. However, searching for theorems in mathlib4 can be challenging. To successfully search in mathlib4, users often need to be familiar with its naming conventions or documentation strings. Therefore, creating a semantic search engine that can be used easily by individuals with varying familiarity with mathlib4 is very important. In this paper, we present a semantic search engine for mathlib4 that accepts informal queries and finds the relevant theorems. We also establish a benchmark for assessing the performance of various search engines for mathlib4.

cross HyperFusion: A Hypernetwork Approach to Multimodal Integration of Tabular and Medical Imaging Data for Predictive Modeling

Authors: Daniel Duenias, Brennan Nichyporuk, Tal Arbel, Tammy Riklin Raviv

Abstract: The integration of diverse clinical modalities such as medical imaging and the tabular data obtained by the patients' Electronic Health Records (EHRs) is a crucial aspect of modern healthcare. The integrative analysis of multiple sources can provide a comprehensive understanding of a patient's condition and can enhance diagnoses and treatment decisions. Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) consistently showcase outstanding performance in a wide range of multimodal tasks in the medical domain. However, the complex endeavor of effectively merging medical imaging with clinical, demographic and genetic information represented as numerical tabular data remains a highly active and ongoing research pursuit. We present a novel framework based on hypernetworks to fuse clinical imaging and tabular data by conditioning the image processing on the EHR's values and measurements. This approach aims to leverage the complementary information present in these modalities to enhance the accuracy of various medical applications. We demonstrate the strength and the generality of our method on two different brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) analysis tasks, namely, brain age prediction conditioned by subject's sex, and multiclass Alzheimer's Disease (AD) classification conditioned by tabular data. We show that our framework outperforms both single-modality models and state-of-the-art MRI-tabular data fusion methods. The code, enclosed to this manuscript will be made publicly available.

cross USE: Dynamic User Modeling with Stateful Sequence Models

Authors: Zhihan Zhou, Qixiang Fang, Leonardo Neves, Francesco Barbieri, Yozen Liu, Han Liu, Maarten W. Bos, Ron Dotsch

Abstract: User embeddings play a crucial role in user engagement forecasting and personalized services. Recent advances in sequence modeling have sparked interest in learning user embeddings from behavioral data. Yet behavior-based user embedding learning faces the unique challenge of dynamic user modeling. As users continuously interact with the apps, user embeddings should be periodically updated to account for users' recent and long-term behavior patterns. Existing methods highly rely on stateless sequence models that lack memory of historical behavior. They have to either discard historical data and use only the most recent data or reprocess the old and new data jointly. Both cases incur substantial computational overhead. To address this limitation, we introduce User Stateful Embedding (USE). USE generates user embeddings and reflects users' evolving behaviors without the need for exhaustive reprocessing by storing previous model states and revisiting them in the future. Furthermore, we introduce a novel training objective named future W-behavior prediction to transcend the limitations of next-token prediction by forecasting a broader horizon of upcoming user behaviors. By combining it with the Same User Prediction, a contrastive learning-based objective that predicts whether different segments of behavior sequences belong to the same user, we further improve the embeddings' distinctiveness and representativeness. We conducted experiments on 8 downstream tasks using Snapchat users' behavioral logs in both static (i.e., fixed user behavior sequences) and dynamic (i.e., periodically updated user behavior sequences) settings. We demonstrate USE's superior performance over established baselines. The results underscore USE's effectiveness and efficiency in integrating historical and recent user behavior sequences into user embeddings in dynamic user modeling.

cross Clinical information extraction for Low-resource languages with Few-shot learning using Pre-trained language models and Prompting

Authors: Phillip Richter-Pechanski, Philipp Wiesenbach, Dominic M. Schwab, Christina Kiriakou, Nicolas Geis, Christoph Dieterich, Anette Frank

Abstract: Automatic extraction of medical information from clinical documents poses several challenges: high costs of required clinical expertise, limited interpretability of model predictions, restricted computational resources and privacy regulations. Recent advances in domain-adaptation and prompting methods showed promising results with minimal training data using lightweight masked language models, which are suited for well-established interpretability methods. We are first to present a systematic evaluation of these methods in a low-resource setting, by performing multi-class section classification on German doctor's letters. We conduct extensive class-wise evaluations supported by Shapley values, to validate the quality of our small training data set and to ensure the interpretability of model predictions. We demonstrate that a lightweight, domain-adapted pretrained model, prompted with just 20 shots, outperforms a traditional classification model by 30.5% accuracy. Our results serve as a process-oriented guideline for clinical information extraction projects working with low-resource.

cross Counting Network for Learning from Majority Label

Authors: Kaito Shiku, Shinnosuke Matsuo, Daiki Suehiro, Ryoma Bise

Abstract: The paper proposes a novel problem in multi-class Multiple-Instance Learning (MIL) called Learning from the Majority Label (LML). In LML, the majority class of instances in a bag is assigned as the bag's label. LML aims to classify instances using bag-level majority classes. This problem is valuable in various applications. Existing MIL methods are unsuitable for LML due to aggregating confidences, which may lead to inconsistency between the bag-level label and the label obtained by counting the number of instances for each class. This may lead to incorrect instance-level classification. We propose a counting network trained to produce the bag-level majority labels estimated by counting the number of instances for each class. This led to the consistency of the majority class between the network outputs and one obtained by counting the number of instances. Experimental results show that our counting network outperforms conventional MIL methods on four datasets The code is publicly available at


cross Detecting and Triaging Spoofing using Temporal Convolutional Networks

Authors: Kaushalya Kularatnam, Tania Stathaki

Abstract: As algorithmic trading and electronic markets continue to transform the landscape of financial markets, detecting and deterring rogue agents to maintain a fair and efficient marketplace is crucial. The explosion of large datasets and the continually changing tricks of the trade make it difficult to adapt to new market conditions and detect bad actors. To that end, we propose a framework that can be adapted easily to various problems in the space of detecting market manipulation. Our approach entails initially employing a labelling algorithm which we use to create a training set to learn a weakly supervised model to identify potentially suspicious sequences of order book states. The main goal here is to learn a representation of the order book that can be used to easily compare future events. Subsequently, we posit the incorporation of expert assessment to scrutinize specific flagged order book states. In the event of an expert's unavailability, recourse is taken to the application of a more complex algorithm on the identified suspicious order book states. We then conduct a similarity search between any new representation of the order book against the expert labelled representations to rank the results of the weak learner. We show some preliminary results that are promising to explore further in this direction

cross Robustness Verifcation in Neural Networks

Authors: Adrian Wurm

Abstract: In this paper we investigate formal verification problems for Neural Network computations. Of central importance will be various robustness and minimization problems such as: Given symbolic specifications of allowed inputs and outputs in form of Linear Programming instances, one question is whether there do exist valid inputs such that the network computes a valid output? And does this property hold for all valid inputs? Do two given networks compute the same function? Is there a smaller network computing the same function? The complexity of these questions have been investigated recently from a practical point of view and approximated by heuristic algorithms. We complement these achievements by giving a theoretical framework that enables us to interchange security and efficiency questions in neural networks and analyze their computational complexities. We show that the problems are conquerable in a semi-linear setting, meaning that for piecewise linear activation functions and when the sum- or maximum metric is used, most of them are in P or in NP at most.

cross VSTAR: Generative Temporal Nursing for Longer Dynamic Video Synthesis

Authors: Yumeng Li, William Beluch, Margret Keuper, Dan Zhang, Anna Khoreva

Abstract: Despite tremendous progress in the field of text-to-video (T2V) synthesis, open-sourced T2V diffusion models struggle to generate longer videos with dynamically varying and evolving content. They tend to synthesize quasi-static videos, ignoring the necessary visual change-over-time implied in the text prompt. At the same time, scaling these models to enable longer, more dynamic video synthesis often remains computationally intractable. To address this challenge, we introduce the concept of Generative Temporal Nursing (GTN), where we aim to alter the generative process on the fly during inference to improve control over the temporal dynamics and enable generation of longer videos. We propose a method for GTN, dubbed VSTAR, which consists of two key ingredients: 1) Video Synopsis Prompting (VSP) - automatic generation of a video synopsis based on the original single prompt leveraging LLMs, which gives accurate textual guidance to different visual states of longer videos, and 2) Temporal Attention Regularization (TAR) - a regularization technique to refine the temporal attention units of the pre-trained T2V diffusion models, which enables control over the video dynamics. We experimentally showcase the superiority of the proposed approach in generating longer, visually appealing videos over existing open-sourced T2V models. We additionally analyze the temporal attention maps realized with and without VSTAR, demonstrating the importance of applying our method to mitigate neglect of the desired visual change over time.

cross What explains the success of cross-modal fine-tuning with ORCA?

Authors: Paloma Garc\'ia-de-Herreros, Vagrant Gautam, Philipp Slusallek, Dietrich Klakow, Marius Mosbach

Abstract: ORCA (Shen et al., 2023) is a recent technique for cross-modal fine-tuning, i.e., applying pre-trained transformer models to modalities beyond their training data. The technique consists primarily of training an embedder and fine-tuning the embedder and model. Despite its high performance on a variety of downstream tasks, we do not understand precisely how each of these components contribute to ORCA's success. Therefore, we run a series of ablations and find that embedder training does not help 2D tasks at all, contrary to what the original paper posits. In 1D tasks, some amount of embedder training is necessary but more is not better. In 4 out of 6 datasets we experiment with, it is model fine-tuning that makes the biggest difference. Through our ablations and baselines, we contribute a better understanding of the individual components of ORCA.

cross Next day fire prediction via semantic segmentation

Authors: Konstantinos Alexis, Stella Girtsou, Alexis Apostolakis, Giorgos Giannopoulos, Charalampos Kontoes

Abstract: In this paper we present a deep learning pipeline for next day fire prediction. The next day fire prediction task consists in learning models that receive as input the available information for an area up until a certain day, in order to predict the occurrence of fire for the next day. Starting from our previous problem formulation as a binary classification task on instances (daily snapshots of each area) represented by tabular feature vectors, we reformulate the problem as a semantic segmentation task on images; there, each pixel corresponds to a daily snapshot of an area, while its channels represent the formerly tabular training features. We demonstrate that this problem formulation, built within a thorough pipeline achieves state of the art results.

cross Ground-A-Score: Scaling Up the Score Distillation for Multi-Attribute Editing

Authors: Hangeol Chang, Jinho Chang, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Despite recent advancements in text-to-image diffusion models facilitating various image editing techniques, complex text prompts often lead to an oversight of some requests due to a bottleneck in processing text information. To tackle this challenge, we present Ground-A-Score, a simple yet powerful model-agnostic image editing method by incorporating grounding during score distillation. This approach ensures a precise reflection of intricate prompt requirements in the editing outcomes, taking into account the prior knowledge of the object locations within the image. Moreover, the selective application with a new penalty coefficient and contrastive loss helps to precisely target editing areas while preserving the integrity of the objects in the source image. Both qualitative assessments and quantitative analyses confirm that Ground-A-Score successfully adheres to the intricate details of extended and multifaceted prompts, ensuring high-quality outcomes that respect the original image attributes.

cross DL2Fence: Integrating Deep Learning and Frame Fusion for Enhanced Detection and Localization of Refined Denial-of-Service in Large-Scale NoCs

Authors: Haoyu Wang, Basel Halak, Jianjie Ren, Ahmad Atamli

Abstract: This study introduces a refined Flooding Injection Rate-adjustable Denial-of-Service (DoS) model for Network-on-Chips (NoCs) and more importantly presents DL2Fence, a novel framework utilizing Deep Learning (DL) and Frame Fusion (2F) for DoS detection and localization. Two Convolutional Neural Networks models for classification and segmentation were developed to detect and localize DoS respectively. It achieves detection and localization accuracies of 95.8\% and 91.7\%, and precision rates of 98.5\% and 99.3\% in a 16x16 mesh NoC. The framework's hardware overhead notably decreases by 76.3\% when scaling from 8x8 to 16x16 NoCs, and it requires 42.4\% less hardware compared to state-of-the-arts. This advancement demonstrates DL2Fence's effectiveness in balancing outstanding detection performance in large-scale NoCs with extremely low hardware overhead.

cross AdaTrans: Feature-wise and Sample-wise Adaptive Transfer Learning for High-dimensional Regression

Authors: Zelin He, Ying Sun, Jingyuan Liu, Runze Li

Abstract: We consider the transfer learning problem in the high dimensional setting, where the feature dimension is larger than the sample size. To learn transferable information, which may vary across features or the source samples, we propose an adaptive transfer learning method that can detect and aggregate the feature-wise (F-AdaTrans) or sample-wise (S-AdaTrans) transferable structures. We achieve this by employing a novel fused-penalty, coupled with weights that can adapt according to the transferable structure. To choose the weight, we propose a theoretically informed, data-driven procedure, enabling F-AdaTrans to selectively fuse the transferable signals with the target while filtering out non-transferable signals, and S-AdaTrans to obtain the optimal combination of information transferred from each source sample. The non-asymptotic rates are established, which recover existing near-minimax optimal rates in special cases. The effectiveness of the proposed method is validated using both synthetic and real data.

cross Dynamic Reward Adjustment in Multi-Reward Reinforcement Learning for Counselor Reflection Generation

Authors: Do June Min, Veronica Perez-Rosas, Kenneth Resnicow, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: In this paper, we study the problem of multi-reward reinforcement learning to jointly optimize for multiple text qualities for natural language generation. We focus on the task of counselor reflection generation, where we optimize the generators to simultaneously improve the fluency, coherence, and reflection quality of generated counselor responses. We introduce two novel bandit methods, DynaOpt and C-DynaOpt, which rely on the broad strategy of combining rewards into a single value and optimizing them simultaneously. Specifically, we employ non-contextual and contextual multi-arm bandits to dynamically adjust multiple reward weights during training. Through automatic and manual evaluations, we show that our proposed techniques, DynaOpt and C-DynaOpt, outperform existing naive and bandit baselines, showcasing their potential for enhancing language models.

cross CONLINE: Complex Code Generation and Refinement with Online Searching and Correctness Testing

Authors: Xinyi He, Jiaru Zou, Yun Lin, Mengyu Zhou, Shi Han, Zejian Yuan, Dongmei Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have revolutionized code generation ability by converting natural language descriptions into executable code. However, generating complex code within real-world scenarios remains challenging due to intricate structures, subtle bugs, understanding of advanced data types, and lack of supplementary contents. To address these challenges, we introduce the CONLINE framework, which enhances code generation by incorporating planned online searches for information retrieval and automated correctness testing for iterative refinement. CONLINE also serializes the complex inputs and outputs to improve comprehension and generate test case to ensure the framework's adaptability for real-world applications. CONLINE is validated through rigorous experiments on the DS-1000 and ClassEval datasets. It shows that CONLINE substantially improves the quality of complex code generation, highlighting its potential to enhance the practicality and reliability of LLMs in generating intricate code.

cross Efficient exploration of high-Tc superconductors by a gradient-based composition design

Authors: Akihiro Fujii, Koji Shimizu, Satoshi Watanabe

Abstract: We propose a material design method via gradient-based optimization on compositions, overcoming the limitations of traditional methods: exhaustive database searches and conditional generation models. It optimizes inputs via backpropagation, aligning the model's output closely with the target property and facilitating the discovery of unlisted materials and precise property determination. Our method is also capable of adaptive optimization under new conditions without retraining. Applying to exploring high-Tc superconductors, we identified potential compositions beyond existing databases and discovered new hydrogen superconductors via conditional optimization. This method is versatile and significantly advances material design by enabling efficient, extensive searches and adaptability to new constraints.

cross PARAMANU-AYN: An Efficient Novel Generative and Instruction-tuned Language Model for Indian Legal Case Documents

Authors: Mitodru Niyogi, Arnab Bhattacharya

Abstract: In this paper, we present PARAMANU-AYN, a language model based exclusively on case documents of the Supreme Court of India, the Constitution of India, and the Indian Penal Code. The novel Auto Regressive (AR) decoder based model is pretrained from scratch at a context size of 8192. We evaluated our pretrained legal model on perplexity metrics. We also instruction-tuned our pretrained model on a set of 10,763 instructions covering various legal tasks such as legal reasoning, judgement explanation, legal clause generation, legal drafting, legal contract drafting, case summarization, constitutional question-answering, etc. We also evaluated the responses of prompts for instruction-tuned models by GPT-3.5-Turbo on clarity, relevance, completeness, and legal reasoning metrics in a scale of 10. Our model can be run on CPU and achieved 42.46 tokens/sec CPU inference speed. We found that our models, despite not being pretrained on legal books, various legal contracts, and legal documents, were able to learn the domain knowledge required for drafting various legal contracts and legal clauses, and generalize to draft legal contracts and legal clauses with limited instruction tuning. Hence, we conclude that for a strong domain-specialized generative language model (such as legal), very large amounts of data are not required to develop models from scratch. We believe that this work is the first attempt to make a dedicated generative legal language model from scratch for Indian Supreme Court jurisdiction or in legal NLP overall. We plan to release our Paramanu-Ayn model at


cross Loss Regularizing Robotic Terrain Classification

Authors: Shakti Deo Kumar, Sudhanshu Tripathi, Krishna Ujjwal, Sarvada Sakshi Jha, Suddhasil De

Abstract: Locomotion mechanics of legged robots are suitable when pacing through difficult terrains. Recognising terrains for such robots are important to fully yoke the versatility of their movements. Consequently, robotic terrain classification becomes significant to classify terrains in real time with high accuracy. The conventional classifiers suffer from overfitting problem, low accuracy problem, high variance problem, and not suitable for live dataset. On the other hand, classifying a growing dataset is difficult for convolution based terrain classification. Supervised recurrent models are also not practical for this classification. Further, the existing recurrent architectures are still evolving to improve accuracy of terrain classification based on live variable-length sensory data collected from legged robots. This paper proposes a new semi-supervised method for terrain classification of legged robots, avoiding preprocessing of long variable-length dataset. The proposed method has a stacked Long Short-Term Memory architecture, including a new loss regularization. The proposed method solves the existing problems and improves accuracy. Comparison with the existing architectures show the improvements.

cross What Matters for Active Texture Recognition With Vision-Based Tactile Sensors

Authors: Alina B\"ohm, Tim Schneider, Boris Belousov, Alap Kshirsagar, Lisa Lin, Katja Doerschner, Knut Drewing, Constantin A. Rothkopf, Jan Peters

Abstract: This paper explores active sensing strategies that employ vision-based tactile sensors for robotic perception and classification of fabric textures. We formalize the active sampling problem in the context of tactile fabric recognition and provide an implementation of information-theoretic exploration strategies based on minimizing predictive entropy and variance of probabilistic models. Through ablation studies and human experiments, we investigate which components are crucial for quick and reliable texture recognition. Along with the active sampling strategies, we evaluate neural network architectures, representations of uncertainty, influence of data augmentation, and dataset variability. By evaluating our method on a previously published Active Clothing Perception Dataset and on a real robotic system, we establish that the choice of the active exploration strategy has only a minor influence on the recognition accuracy, whereas data augmentation and dropout rate play a significantly larger role. In a comparison study, while humans achieve 66.9% recognition accuracy, our best approach reaches 90.0% in under 5 touches, highlighting that vision-based tactile sensors are highly effective for fabric texture recognition.

cross Improving the Adaptive Moment Estimation (ADAM) stochastic optimizer through an Implicit-Explicit (IMEX) time-stepping approach

Authors: Abhinab Bhattacharjee, Andrey A. Popov, Arash Sarshar, Adrian Sandu

Abstract: The Adam optimizer, often used in Machine Learning for neural network training, corresponds to an underlying ordinary differential equation (ODE) in the limit of very small learning rates. This work shows that the classical Adam algorithm is a first order implicit-explicit (IMEX) Euler discretization of the underlying ODE. Employing the time discretization point of view, we propose new extensions of the Adam scheme obtained by using higher order IMEX methods to solve the ODE. Based on this approach, we derive a new optimization algorithm for neural network training that performs better than classical Adam on several regression and classification problems.

cross Reinforcement Learning for Online Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems: a Replication and Extension Study

Authors: Luca Giamattei, Matteo Biagiola, Roberto Pietrantuono, Stefano Russo, Paolo Tonella

Abstract: In a recent study, Reinforcement Learning (RL) used in combination with many-objective search, has been shown to outperform alternative techniques (random search and many-objective search) for online testing of Deep Neural Network-enabled systems. The empirical evaluation of these techniques was conducted on a state-of-the-art Autonomous Driving System (ADS). This work is a replication and extension of that empirical study. Our replication shows that RL does not outperform pure random test generation in a comparison conducted under the same settings of the original study, but with no confounding factor coming from the way collisions are measured. Our extension aims at eliminating some of the possible reasons for the poor performance of RL observed in our replication: (1) the presence of reward components providing contrasting or useless feedback to the RL agent; (2) the usage of an RL algorithm (Q-learning) which requires discretization of an intrinsically continuous state space. Results show that our new RL agent is able to converge to an effective policy that outperforms random testing. Results also highlight other possible improvements, which open to further investigations on how to best leverage RL for online ADS testing.

cross An Ordering of Divergences for Variational Inference with Factorized Gaussian Approximations

Authors: Charles C. Margossian, Loucas Pillaud-Vivien, Lawrence K. Saul

Abstract: Given an intractable distribution $p$, the problem of variational inference (VI) is to compute the best approximation $q$ from some more tractable family $\mathcal{Q}$. Most commonly the approximation is found by minimizing a Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence. However, there exist other valid choices of divergences, and when $\mathcal{Q}$ does not contain~$p$, each divergence champions a different solution. We analyze how the choice of divergence affects the outcome of VI when a Gaussian with a dense covariance matrix is approximated by a Gaussian with a diagonal covariance matrix. In this setting we show that different divergences can be \textit{ordered} by the amount that their variational approximations misestimate various measures of uncertainty, such as the variance, precision, and entropy. We also derive an impossibility theorem showing that no two of these measures can be simultaneously matched by a factorized approximation; hence, the choice of divergence informs which measure, if any, is correctly estimated. Our analysis covers the KL divergence, the R\'enyi divergences, and a score-based divergence that compares $\nabla\log p$ and $\nabla\log q$. We empirically evaluate whether these orderings hold when VI is used to approximate non-Gaussian distributions.

cross Describe-and-Dissect: Interpreting Neurons in Vision Networks with Language Models

Authors: Nicholas Bai, Rahul A. Iyer, Tuomas Oikarinen, Tsui-Wei Weng

Abstract: In this paper, we propose Describe-and-Dissect (DnD), a novel method to describe the roles of hidden neurons in vision networks. DnD utilizes recent advancements in multimodal deep learning to produce complex natural language descriptions, without the need for labeled training data or a predefined set of concepts to choose from. Additionally, DnD is training-free, meaning we don't train any new models and can easily leverage more capable general purpose models in the future. We have conducted extensive qualitative and quantitative analysis to show that DnD outperforms prior work by providing higher quality neuron descriptions. Specifically, our method on average provides the highest quality labels and is more than 2 times as likely to be selected as the best explanation for a neuron than the best baseline.

cross PyVRP: a high-performance VRP solver package

Authors: Niels A. Wouda, Leon Lan, Wouter Kool

Abstract: We introduce PyVRP, a Python package that implements Hybrid Genetic Search as a state-of-the-art Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) solver. The package is designed for the VRP with Time Windows (VRPTW), but can be easily extended to support other VRP variants. PyVRP combines the flexibility of Python with the performance of C++, by implementing (only) performance critical parts of the algorithm in C++, while being fully customisable at the Python level. PyVRP is a polished implementation of the algorithm that ranked 1st in the 2021 DIMACS VRPTW Challenge and, after improvements, ranked 1st on the static variant of the EURO Meets NeurIPS 2022 Vehicle Routing Competition. The code follows good software engineering practices, and is well-documented and unit tested. PyVRP is freely available under the liberal MIT license. Through numerical experiments we show that PyVRP achieves state-of-the-art results on the VRPTW and Capacitated VRP. We hope that PyVRP offers a useful contribution to improving the state-of-the-art in VRP solving, by enabling researchers to easily and quickly build on a state-of-the-art solver.

cross Hierarchical NeuroSymbolic Approach for Action Quality Assessment

Authors: Lauren Okamoto, Paritosh Parmar

Abstract: Action quality assessment (AQA) applies computer vision to quantitatively assess the performance or execution of a human action. Current AQA approaches are end-to-end neural models, which lack transparency and tend to be biased because they are trained on subjective human judgements as ground-truth. To address these issues, we introduce a neuro-symbolic paradigm for AQA, which uses neural networks to abstract interpretable symbols from video data and makes quality assessments by applying rules to those symbols. We take diving as the case study. We found that domain experts prefer our system and find it more informative than purely neural approaches to AQA in diving. Our system also achieves state-of-the-art action recognition and temporal segmentation, and automatically generates a detailed report that breaks the dive down into its elements and provides objective scoring with visual evidence. As verified by a group of domain experts, this report may be used to assist judges in scoring, help train judges, and provide feedback to divers. We will open-source all of our annotated training data and code for ease of reproducibility.

cross ZigMa: Zigzag Mamba Diffusion Model

Authors: Vincent Tao Hu, Stefan Andreas Baumann, Ming Gui, Olga Grebenkova, Pingchuan Ma, Johannes Fischer, Bjorn Ommer

Abstract: The diffusion model has long been plagued by scalability and quadratic complexity issues, especially within transformer-based structures. In this study, we aim to leverage the long sequence modeling capability of a State-Space Model called Mamba to extend its applicability to visual data generation. Firstly, we identify a critical oversight in most current Mamba-based vision methods, namely the lack of consideration for spatial continuity in the scan scheme of Mamba. Secondly, building upon this insight, we introduce a simple, plug-and-play, zero-parameter method named Zigzag Mamba, which outperforms Mamba-based baselines and demonstrates improved speed and memory utilization compared to transformer-based baselines. Lastly, we integrate Zigzag Mamba with the Stochastic Interpolant framework to investigate the scalability of the model on large-resolution visual datasets, such as FacesHQ $1024\times 1024$ and UCF101, MultiModal-CelebA-HQ, and MS COCO $256\times 256$. Code will be released at


cross Learning from Models and Data for Visual Grounding

Authors: Ruozhen He, Paola Cascante-Bonilla, Ziyan Yang, Alexander C. Berg, Vicente Ordonez

Abstract: We introduce SynGround, a novel framework that combines data-driven learning and knowledge transfer from various large-scale pretrained models to enhance the visual grounding capabilities of a pretrained vision-and-language model. The knowledge transfer from the models initiates the generation of image descriptions through an image description generator. These descriptions serve dual purposes: they act as prompts for synthesizing images through a text-to-image generator, and as queries for synthesizing text, from which phrases are extracted using a large language model. Finally, we leverage an open-vocabulary object detector to generate synthetic bounding boxes for the synthetic images and texts. We finetune a pretrained vision-and-language model on this dataset by optimizing a mask-attention consistency objective that aligns region annotations with gradient-based model explanations. The resulting model improves the grounding capabilities of an off-the-shelf vision-and-language model. Particularly, SynGround improves the pointing game accuracy of ALBEF on the Flickr30k dataset from 79.38% to 87.26%, and on RefCOCO+ Test A from 69.35% to 79.06% and on RefCOCO+ Test B from 53.77% to 63.67%.

cross RAR: Retrieving And Ranking Augmented MLLMs for Visual Recognition

Authors: Ziyu Liu, Zeyi Sun, Yuhang Zang, Wei Li, Pan Zhang, Xiaoyi Dong, Yuanjun Xiong, Dahua Lin, Jiaqi Wang

Abstract: CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training) uses contrastive learning from noise image-text pairs to excel at recognizing a wide array of candidates, yet its focus on broad associations hinders the precision in distinguishing subtle differences among fine-grained items. Conversely, Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) excel at classifying fine-grained categories, thanks to their substantial knowledge from pre-training on web-level corpora. However, the performance of MLLMs declines with an increase in category numbers, primarily due to growing complexity and constraints of limited context window size. To synergize the strengths of both approaches and enhance the few-shot/zero-shot recognition abilities for datasets characterized by extensive and fine-grained vocabularies, this paper introduces RAR, a Retrieving And Ranking augmented method for MLLMs. We initially establish a multi-modal retriever based on CLIP to create and store explicit memory for different categories beyond the immediate context window. During inference, RAR retrieves the top-k similar results from the memory and uses MLLMs to rank and make the final predictions. Our proposed approach not only addresses the inherent limitations in fine-grained recognition but also preserves the model's comprehensive knowledge base, significantly boosting accuracy across a range of vision-language recognition tasks. Notably, our approach demonstrates a significant improvement in performance on 5 fine-grained visual recognition benchmarks, 11 few-shot image recognition datasets, and the 2 object detection datasets under the zero-shot recognition setting.

cross Editing Massive Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Tianwei Xiong, Yue Wu, Enze Xie, Yue Wu, Zhenguo Li, Xihui Liu

Abstract: Text-to-image diffusion models suffer from the risk of generating outdated, copyrighted, incorrect, and biased content. While previous methods have mitigated the issues on a small scale, it is essential to handle them simultaneously in larger-scale real-world scenarios. We propose a two-stage method, Editing Massive Concepts In Diffusion Models (EMCID). The first stage performs memory optimization for each individual concept with dual self-distillation from text alignment loss and diffusion noise prediction loss. The second stage conducts massive concept editing with multi-layer, closed form model editing. We further propose a comprehensive benchmark, named ImageNet Concept Editing Benchmark (ICEB), for evaluating massive concept editing for T2I models with two subtasks, free-form prompts, massive concept categories, and extensive evaluation metrics. Extensive experiments conducted on our proposed benchmark and previous benchmarks demonstrate the superior scalability of EMCID for editing up to 1,000 concepts, providing a practical approach for fast adjustment and re-deployment of T2I diffusion models in real-world applications.

cross On Pretraining Data Diversity for Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Hasan Abed Al Kader Hammoud, Tuhin Das, Fabio Pizzati, Philip Torr, Adel Bibi, Bernard Ghanem

Abstract: We explore the impact of training with more diverse datasets, characterized by the number of unique samples, on the performance of self-supervised learning (SSL) under a fixed computational budget. Our findings consistently demonstrate that increasing pretraining data diversity enhances SSL performance, albeit only when the distribution distance to the downstream data is minimal. Notably, even with an exceptionally large pretraining data diversity achieved through methods like web crawling or diffusion-generated data, among other ways, the distribution shift remains a challenge. Our experiments are comprehensive with seven SSL methods using large-scale datasets such as ImageNet and YFCC100M amounting to over 200 GPU days. Code and trained models will be available at .


replace The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Greedy Algorithms in Multi-Armed Bandit with Many Arms

Authors: Mohsen Bayati, Nima Hamidi, Ramesh Johari, Khashayar Khosravi

Abstract: We investigate a Bayesian $k$-armed bandit problem in the \emph{many-armed} regime, where $k \geq \sqrt{T}$ and $T$ represents the time horizon. Initially, and aligned with recent literature on many-armed bandit problems, we observe that subsampling plays a key role in designing optimal algorithms; the conventional UCB algorithm is sub-optimal, whereas a subsampled UCB (SS-UCB), which selects $\Theta(\sqrt{T})$ arms for execution under the UCB framework, achieves rate-optimality. However, despite SS-UCB's theoretical promise of optimal regret, it empirically underperforms compared to a greedy algorithm that consistently chooses the empirically best arm. This observation extends to contextual settings through simulations with real-world data. Our findings suggest a new form of \emph{free exploration} beneficial to greedy algorithms in the many-armed context, fundamentally linked to a tail event concerning the prior distribution of arm rewards. This finding diverges from the notion of free exploration, which relates to covariate variation, as recently discussed in contextual bandit literature. Expanding upon these insights, we establish that the subsampled greedy approach not only achieves rate-optimality for Bernoulli bandits within the many-armed regime but also attains sublinear regret across broader distributions. Collectively, our research indicates that in the many-armed regime, practitioners might find greater value in adopting greedy algorithms.

replace Creativity and Machine Learning: A Survey

Authors: Giorgio Franceschelli, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: There is a growing interest in the area of machine learning and creativity. This survey presents an overview of the history and the state of the art of computational creativity theories, key machine learning techniques (including generative deep learning), and corresponding automatic evaluation methods. After presenting a critical discussion of the key contributions in this area, we outline the current research challenges and emerging opportunities in this field.

replace Learning Weakly Convex Sets in Metric Spaces

Authors: Eike Stadtl\"ander, Tam\'as Horv\'ath, Stefan Wrobel

Abstract: One of the central problems studied in the theory of machine learning is the question of whether, for a given class of hypotheses, it is possible to efficiently find a {consistent} hypothesis, i.e., which has zero training error. While problems involving {\em convex} hypotheses have been extensively studied, the question of whether efficient learning is possible for non-convex hypotheses composed of possibly several disconnected regions is still less understood. Although it has been shown quite a while ago that efficient learning of weakly convex hypotheses, a parameterized relaxation of convex hypotheses, is possible for the special case of Boolean functions, the question of whether this idea can be developed into a generic paradigm has not been studied yet. In this paper, we provide a positive answer and show that the consistent hypothesis finding problem can indeed be solved in polynomial time for a broad class of weakly convex hypotheses over metric spaces. To this end, we propose a general domain-independent algorithm for finding consistent weakly convex hypotheses and prove sufficient conditions for its efficiency that characterize the corresponding hypothesis classes. To illustrate our general algorithm and its properties, we discuss several non-trivial learning examples to demonstrate how it can be used to efficiently solve the corresponding consistent hypothesis finding problem. Without the weak convexity constraint, these problems are known to be computationally intractable. We then proceed to show that the general idea of our algorithm can even be extended to the case of extensional weakly convex hypotheses, as it naturally arise, e.g., when performing vertex classification in graphs. We prove that using our extended algorithm, the problem can be solved in polynomial time provided the distances in the domain can be computed efficiently.

replace Roto-translated Local Coordinate Frames For Interacting Dynamical Systems

Authors: Miltiadis Kofinas, Naveen Shankar Nagaraja, Efstratios Gavves

Abstract: Modelling interactions is critical in learning complex dynamical systems, namely systems of interacting objects with highly non-linear and time-dependent behaviour. A large class of such systems can be formalized as $\textit{geometric graphs}$, $\textit{i.e.}$, graphs with nodes positioned in the Euclidean space given an $\textit{arbitrarily}$ chosen global coordinate system, for instance vehicles in a traffic scene. Notwithstanding the arbitrary global coordinate system, the governing dynamics of the respective dynamical systems are invariant to rotations and translations, also known as $\textit{Galilean invariance}$. As ignoring these invariances leads to worse generalization, in this work we propose local coordinate frames per node-object to induce roto-translation invariance to the geometric graph of the interacting dynamical system. Further, the local coordinate frames allow for a natural definition of anisotropic filtering in graph neural networks. Experiments in traffic scenes, 3D motion capture, and colliding particles demonstrate that the proposed approach comfortably outperforms the recent state-of-the-art.

replace On the Privacy Effect of Data Enhancement via the Lens of Memorization

Authors: Xiao Li, Qiongxiu Li, Zhanhao Hu, Xiaolin Hu

Abstract: Machine learning poses severe privacy concerns as it has been shown that the learned models can reveal sensitive information about their training data. Many works have investigated the effect of widely adopted data augmentation and adversarial training techniques, termed data enhancement in the paper, on the privacy leakage of machine learning models. Such privacy effects are often measured by membership inference attacks (MIAs), which aim to identify whether a particular example belongs to the training set or not. We propose to investigate privacy from a new perspective called memorization. Through the lens of memorization, we find that previously deployed MIAs produce misleading results as they are less likely to identify samples with higher privacy risks as members compared to samples with low privacy risks. To solve this problem, we deploy a recent attack that can capture individual samples' memorization degrees for evaluation. Through extensive experiments, we unveil several findings about the connections between three essential properties of machine learning models, including privacy, generalization gap, and adversarial robustness. We demonstrate that the generalization gap and privacy leakage are less correlated than those of the previous results. Moreover, there is not necessarily a trade-off between adversarial robustness and privacy as stronger adversarial robustness does not make the model more susceptible to privacy attacks.

replace BOBA: Byzantine-Robust Federated Learning with Label Skewness

Authors: Wenxuan Bao, Jun Wu, Jingrui He

Abstract: In federated learning, most existing robust aggregation rules (AGRs) combat Byzantine attacks in the IID setting, where client data is assumed to be independent and identically distributed. In this paper, we address label skewness, a more realistic and challenging non-IID setting, where each client only has access to a few classes of data. In this setting, state-of-the-art AGRs suffer from selection bias, leading to significant performance drop for particular classes; they are also more vulnerable to Byzantine attacks due to the increased variation among gradients of honest clients. To address these limitations, we propose an efficient two-stage method named BOBA. Theoretically, we prove the convergence of BOBA with an error of the optimal order. Our empirical evaluations demonstrate BOBA's superior unbiasedness and robustness across diverse models and datasets when compared to various baselines. Our code is available at .


replace BAFFLE: Hiding Backdoors in Offline Reinforcement Learning Datasets

Authors: Chen Gong, Zhou Yang, Yunpeng Bai, Junda He, Jieke Shi, Kecen Li, Arunesh Sinha, Bowen Xu, Xinwen Hou, David Lo, Tianhao Wang

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) makes an agent learn from trial-and-error experiences gathered during the interaction with the environment. Recently, offline RL has become a popular RL paradigm because it saves the interactions with environments. In offline RL, data providers share large pre-collected datasets, and others can train high-quality agents without interacting with the environments. This paradigm has demonstrated effectiveness in critical tasks like robot control, autonomous driving, etc. However, less attention is paid to investigating the security threats to the offline RL system. This paper focuses on backdoor attacks, where some perturbations are added to the data (observations) such that given normal observations, the agent takes high-rewards actions, and low-reward actions on observations injected with triggers. In this paper, we propose Baffle (Backdoor Attack for Offline Reinforcement Learning), an approach that automatically implants backdoors to RL agents by poisoning the offline RL dataset, and evaluate how different offline RL algorithms react to this attack. Our experiments conducted on four tasks and four offline RL algorithms expose a disquieting fact: none of the existing offline RL algorithms is immune to such a backdoor attack. More specifically, Baffle modifies 10\% of the datasets for four tasks (3 robotic controls and 1 autonomous driving). Agents trained on the poisoned datasets perform well in normal settings. However, when triggers are presented, the agents' performance decreases drastically by 63.2\%, 53.9\%, 64.7\%, and 47.4\% in the four tasks on average. The backdoor still persists after fine-tuning poisoned agents on clean datasets. We further show that the inserted backdoor is also hard to be detected by a popular defensive method. This paper calls attention to developing more effective protection for the open-source offline RL dataset.

replace PAGE: Prototype-Based Model-Level Explanations for Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Yong-Min Shin, Sun-Woo Kim, Won-Yong Shin

Abstract: Aside from graph neural networks (GNNs) attracting significant attention as a powerful framework revolutionizing graph representation learning, there has been an increasing demand for explaining GNN models. Although various explanation methods for GNNs have been developed, most studies have focused on instance-level explanations, which produce explanations tailored to a given graph instance. In our study, we propose Prototype-bAsed GNN-Explainer (PAGE), a novel model-level GNN explanation method that explains what the underlying GNN model has learned for graph classification by discovering human-interpretable prototype graphs. Our method produces explanations for a given class, thus being capable of offering more concise and comprehensive explanations than those of instance-level explanations. First, PAGE selects embeddings of class-discriminative input graphs on the graph-level embedding space after clustering them. Then, PAGE discovers a common subgraph pattern by iteratively searching for high matching node tuples using node-level embeddings via a prototype scoring function, thereby yielding a prototype graph as our explanation. Using six graph classification datasets, we demonstrate that PAGE qualitatively and quantitatively outperforms the state-of-the-art model-level explanation method. We also carry out systematic experimental studies by demonstrating the relationship between PAGE and instance-level explanation methods, the robustness of PAGE to input data scarce environments, and the computational efficiency of the proposed prototype scoring function in PAGE.

replace Unraveling Privacy Risks of Individual Fairness in Graph Neural Networks

Authors: He Zhang, Xingliang Yuan, Shirui Pan

Abstract: Graph neural networks (GNNs) have gained significant attraction due to their expansive real-world applications. To build trustworthy GNNs, two aspects - fairness and privacy - have emerged as critical considerations. Previous studies have separately examined the fairness and privacy aspects of GNNs, revealing their trade-off with GNN performance. Yet, the interplay between these two aspects remains unexplored. In this paper, we pioneer the exploration of the interaction between the privacy risks of edge leakage and the individual fairness of a GNN. Our theoretical analysis unravels that edge privacy risks unfortunately escalate when the nodes' individual fairness improves. Such an issue hinders the accomplishment of privacy and fairness of GNNs at the same time. To balance fairness and privacy, we carefully introduce fairness-aware loss reweighting based on influence function and privacy-aware graph structure perturbation modules within a fine-tuning mechanism. Experimental results underscore the effectiveness of our approach in achieving GNN fairness with limited performance compromise and controlled privacy risks. This work contributes to the comprehensively developing trustworthy GNNs by simultaneously addressing both fairness and privacy aspects.

replace Riemannian Multinomial Logistics Regression for SPD Neural Networks

Authors: Ziheng Chen, Yue Song, Gaowen Liu, Ramana Rao Kompella, Xiaojun Wu, Nicu Sebe

Abstract: Deep neural networks for learning Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD) matrices are gaining increasing attention in machine learning. Despite the significant progress, most existing SPD networks use traditional Euclidean classifiers on an approximated space rather than intrinsic classifiers that accurately capture the geometry of SPD manifolds. Inspired by Hyperbolic Neural Networks (HNNs), we propose Riemannian Multinomial Logistics Regression (RMLR) for the classification layers in SPD networks. We introduce a unified framework for building Riemannian classifiers under the metrics pulled back from the Euclidean space, and showcase our framework under the parameterized Log-Euclidean Metric (LEM) and Log-Cholesky Metric (LCM). Besides, our framework offers a novel intrinsic explanation for the most popular LogEig classifier in existing SPD networks. The effectiveness of our method is demonstrated in three applications: radar recognition, human action recognition, and electroencephalography (EEG) classification. The code is available at


replace Federated Foundation Models: Privacy-Preserving and Collaborative Learning for Large Models

Authors: Sixing Yu, J. Pablo Mu\~noz, Ali Jannesari

Abstract: Foundation Models (FMs), such as LLaMA, BERT, GPT, ViT, and CLIP, have demonstrated remarkable success in a wide range of applications, driven by their ability to leverage vast amounts of data for pre-training. However, optimizing FMs often requires access to sensitive data, raising privacy concerns and limiting their applicability in many domains. In this paper, we propose the Federated Foundation Models (FFMs) paradigm, which combines the benefits of FMs and Federated Learning (FL) to enable privacy-preserving and collaborative learning across multiple end-users. We discuss the potential benefits and challenges of integrating FL into the lifespan of FMs, covering pre-training, fine-tuning, and application. We further outline potential future research avenues in FFM, including FFM pre-training, FFM fine-tuning, and federated prompt tuning, which allow the development of more personalized and context-aware models while ensuring data privacy. Moreover, we explore the possibility of continual/lifelong learning in FFMs, as increased computational power at the edge may unlock the potential for optimizing FMs using newly generated private data close to the data source. The proposed FFM concepts offer a flexible and scalable framework for training large language models in a privacy-preserving manner, setting the stage for subsequent advancements in both FM training and federated learning.

replace Universal consistency of the $k$-NN rule in metric spaces and Nagata dimension. II

Authors: Sushma Kumari, Vladimir G. Pestov

Abstract: We continue to investigate the $k$ nearest neighbour ($k$-NN) learning rule in complete separable metric spaces. Thanks to the results of C\'erou and Guyader (2006) and Preiss (1983), this rule is known to be universally consistent in every such metric space that is sigma-finite dimensional in the sense of Nagata. Here we show that the rule is strongly universally consistent in such spaces in the absence of ties. Under the tie-breaking strategy applied by Devroye, Gy\"{o}rfi, Krzy\.{z}ak, and Lugosi (1994) in the Euclidean setting, we manage to show the strong universal consistency in non-Archimedian metric spaces (that is, those of Nagata dimension zero). Combining the theorem of C\'erou and Guyader with results of Assouad and Quentin de Gromard (2006), one deduces that the $k$-NN rule is universally consistent in metric spaces having finite dimension in the sense of de Groot. In particular, the $k$-NN rule is universally consistent in the Heisenberg group which is not sigma-finite dimensional in the sense of Nagata as follows from an example independently constructed by Kor\'anyi and Reimann (1995) and Sawyer and Wheeden (1992).

replace Prodigy: An Expeditiously Adaptive Parameter-Free Learner

Authors: Konstantin Mishchenko, Aaron Defazio

Abstract: We consider the problem of estimating the learning rate in adaptive methods, such as AdaGrad and Adam. We propose Prodigy, an algorithm that provably estimates the distance to the solution $D$, which is needed to set the learning rate optimally. At its core, Prodigy is a modification of the D-Adaptation method for learning-rate-free learning. It improves upon the convergence rate of D-Adaptation by a factor of $O(\sqrt{\log(D/d_0)})$, where $d_0$ is the initial estimate of $D$. We test Prodigy on 12 common logistic-regression benchmark datasets, VGG11 and ResNet-50 training on CIFAR10, ViT training on Imagenet, LSTM training on IWSLT14, DLRM training on Criteo dataset, VarNet on Knee MRI dataset, as well as RoBERTa and GPT transformer training on BookWiki. Our experimental results show that our approach consistently outperforms D-Adaptation and reaches test accuracy values close to that of hand-tuned Adam.

replace $GRU^{spa}$: Gated Recurrent Unit with Spatial Attention for Spatio-Temporal Disaggregation

Authors: Bin Han, Bill Howe

Abstract: Open data is frequently released spatially aggregated, usually to comply with privacy policies. But coarse, heterogeneous aggregations complicate learning and integration for downstream AI/ML systems. In this work, we consider models to disaggregate spatio-temporal data from a low-resolution, irregular partition (e.g., census tract) to a high-resolution, irregular partition (e.g., city block). We propose a model, Gated Recurrent Unit with Spatial Attention ($GRU^{spa}$), where spatial attention layers are integrated into the original Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) model. The spatial attention layers capture spatial interactions among regions, while the gated recurrent module captures the temporal dependencies. Additionally, we utilize containment relationships between different geographic levels (e.g., when a given city block is wholly contained in a given census tract) to constrain the spatial attention layers. For situations where limited historical training data is available, we study transfer learning scenarios and show that a model pre-trained on one city variable can be fine-tuned for another city variable using only a few hundred samples. Evaluating these techniques on two mobility datasets, we find that $GRU^{spa}$ provides a significant improvement over other neural models as well as typical heuristic methods, allowing us to synthesize realistic point data over small regions useful for training downstream models.

replace Bounce: Reliable High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization for Combinatorial and Mixed Spaces

Authors: Leonard Papenmeier, Luigi Nardi, Matthias Poloczek

Abstract: Impactful applications such as materials discovery, hardware design, neural architecture search, or portfolio optimization require optimizing high-dimensional black-box functions with mixed and combinatorial input spaces. While Bayesian optimization has recently made significant progress in solving such problems, an in-depth analysis reveals that the current state-of-the-art methods are not reliable. Their performances degrade substantially when the unknown optima of the function do not have a certain structure. To fill the need for a reliable algorithm for combinatorial and mixed spaces, this paper proposes Bounce that relies on a novel map of various variable types into nested embeddings of increasing dimensionality. Comprehensive experiments show that Bounce reliably achieves and often even improves upon state-of-the-art performance on a variety of high-dimensional problems.

replace Controlling the Inductive Bias of Wide Neural Networks by Modifying the Kernel's Spectrum

Authors: Amnon Geifman, Daniel Barzilai, Ronen Basri, Meirav Galun

Abstract: Wide neural networks are biased towards learning certain functions, influencing both the rate of convergence of gradient descent (GD) and the functions that are reachable with GD in finite training time. As such, there is a great need for methods that can modify this bias according to the task at hand. To that end, we introduce Modified Spectrum Kernels (MSKs), a novel family of constructed kernels that can be used to approximate kernels with desired eigenvalues for which no closed form is known. We leverage the duality between wide neural networks and Neural Tangent Kernels and propose a preconditioned gradient descent method, which alters the trajectory of GD. As a result, this allows for a polynomial and, in some cases, exponential training speedup without changing the final solution. Our method is both computationally efficient and simple to implement.

replace A Pre-trained Data Deduplication Model based on Active Learning

Authors: Xinyao Liu, Shengdong Du, Fengmao Lv, Hongtao Xue, Jie Hu, Tianrui Li

Abstract: In the era of big data, the issue of data quality has become increasingly prominent. One of the main challenges is the problem of duplicate data, which can arise from repeated entry or the merging of multiple data sources. These "dirty data" problems can significantly limit the effective application of big data. To address the issue of data deduplication, we propose a pre-trained deduplication model based on active learning, which is the first work that utilizes active learning to address the problem of deduplication at the semantic level. The model is built on a pre-trained Transformer and fine-tuned to solve the deduplication problem as a sequence to classification task, which firstly integrate the transformer with active learning into an end-to-end architecture to select the most valuable data for deduplication model training, and also firstly employ the R-Drop method to perform data augmentation on each round of labeled data, which can reduce the cost of manual labeling and improve the model's performance. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) for deduplicated data identification, achieving up to a 28% improvement in Recall score on benchmark datasets.

replace Mitigating Over-Smoothing and Over-Squashing using Augmentations of Forman-Ricci Curvature

Authors: Lukas Fesser, Melanie Weber

Abstract: While Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have been successfully leveraged for learning on graph-structured data across domains, several potential pitfalls have been described recently. Those include the inability to accurately leverage information encoded in long-range connections (over-squashing), as well as difficulties distinguishing the learned representations of nearby nodes with growing network depth (over-smoothing). An effective way to characterize both effects is discrete curvature: Long-range connections that underlie over-squashing effects have low curvature, whereas edges that contribute to over-smoothing have high curvature. This observation has given rise to rewiring techniques, which add or remove edges to mitigate over-smoothing and over-squashing. Several rewiring approaches utilizing graph characteristics, such as curvature or the spectrum of the graph Laplacian, have been proposed. However, existing methods, especially those based on curvature, often require expensive subroutines and careful hyperparameter tuning, which limits their applicability to large-scale graphs. Here we propose a rewiring technique based on Augmented Forman-Ricci curvature (AFRC), a scalable curvature notation, which can be computed in linear time. We prove that AFRC effectively characterizes over-smoothing and over-squashing effects in message-passing GNNs. We complement our theoretical results with experiments, which demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art performance while significantly reducing the computational cost in comparison with other methods. Utilizing fundamental properties of discrete curvature, we propose effective heuristics for hyperparameters in curvature-based rewiring, which avoids expensive hyperparameter searches, further improving the scalability of the proposed approach.

replace From Bricks to Bridges: Product of Invariances to Enhance Latent Space Communication

Authors: Irene Cannistraci, Luca Moschella, Marco Fumero, Valentino Maiorca, Emanuele Rodol\`a

Abstract: It has been observed that representations learned by distinct neural networks conceal structural similarities when the models are trained under similar inductive biases. From a geometric perspective, identifying the classes of transformations and the related invariances that connect these representations is fundamental to unlocking applications, such as merging, stitching, and reusing different neural modules. However, estimating task-specific transformations a priori can be challenging and expensive due to several factors (e.g., weights initialization, training hyperparameters, or data modality). To this end, we introduce a versatile method to directly incorporate a set of invariances into the representations, constructing a product space of invariant components on top of the latent representations without requiring prior knowledge about the optimal invariance to infuse. We validate our solution on classification and reconstruction tasks, observing consistent latent similarity and downstream performance improvements in a zero-shot stitching setting. The experimental analysis comprises three modalities (vision, text, and graphs), twelve pretrained foundational models, nine benchmarks, and several architectures trained from scratch.

replace FroSSL: Frobenius Norm Minimization for Efficient Multiview Self-Supervised Learning

Authors: Oscar Skean, Aayush Dhakal, Nathan Jacobs, Luis Gonzalo Sanchez Giraldo

Abstract: Self-supervised learning (SSL) is a popular paradigm for representation learning. Recent multiview methods can be classified as sample-contrastive, dimension-contrastive, or asymmetric network-based, with each family having its own approach to avoiding informational collapse. While these families converge to solutions of similar quality, it can be empirically shown that some methods are epoch-inefficient and require longer training to reach a target performance. Two main approaches to improving efficiency are covariance eigenvalue regularization and using more views. However, these two approaches are difficult to combine due to the computational complexity of computing eigenvalues. We present the objective function FroSSL which reconciles both approaches while avoiding eigendecomposition entirely. FroSSL works by minimizing covariance Frobenius norms to avoid collapse and minimizing mean-squared error to achieve augmentation invariance. We show that FroSSL reaches competitive accuracies more quickly than any other SSL method and provide theoretical and empirical support that this faster convergence is due to how FroSSL affects the eigenvalues of the embedding covariance matrices. We also show that FroSSL learns competitive representations on linear probe evaluation when used to train a ResNet18 on several datasets, including STL-10, Tiny Imagenet, and Imagenet-100.

replace SAM-OCTA: Prompting Segment-Anything for OCTA Image Segmentation

Authors: Xinrun Chen, Chengliang Wang, Haojian Ning, Shiying Li, Mei Shen

Abstract: Segmenting specific targets or biomarkers is necessary to analyze optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images. Previous methods typically segment all the targets in an OCTA sample, such as retinal vessels (RVs). Although these methods perform well in accuracy and precision, OCTA analyses often focusing local information within the images which has not been fulfilled. In this paper, we propose a method called SAM-OCTA for local segmentation in OCTA images. The method fine-tunes a pre-trained segment anything model (SAM) using low-rank adaptation (LoRA) and utilizes prompt points for local RVs, arteries, and veins segmentation in OCTA. To explore the effect and mechanism of prompt points, we set up global and local segmentation modes with two prompt point generation strategies, namely random selection and special annotation. Considering practical usage, we conducted extended experiments with different model scales and analyzed the model performance before and after fine-tuning besides the general segmentation task. From comprehensive experimental results with the OCTA-500 dataset, our SAM-OCTA method has achieved state-of-the-art performance in common OCTA segmentation tasks related to RV and FAZ, and it also performs accurate segmentation of artery-vein and local vessels. The code is available at


replace The Expressive Power of Transformers with Chain of Thought

Authors: William Merrill, Ashish Sabharwal

Abstract: Recent theoretical work has identified surprisingly simple reasoning problems, such as checking if two nodes in a graph are connected or simulating finite-state machines, that are provably unsolvable by standard transformers that answer immediately after reading their input. However, in practice, transformers' reasoning can be improved by allowing them to use a "chain of thought" or "scratchpad", i.e., generate and condition on a sequence of intermediate tokens before answering. Motivated by this, we ask: Does such intermediate generation fundamentally extend the computational power of a decoder-only transformer? We show that the answer is yes, but the amount of increase depends crucially on the amount of intermediate generation. For instance, we find that transformer decoders with a logarithmic number of decoding steps (w.r.t. the input length) push the limits of standard transformers only slightly, while a linear number of decoding steps, assuming a slight generalization to standard pre-norm, adds a clear new ability (under standard complexity conjectures): recognizing all regular languages. Our results also imply that linear steps keep transformer decoders within context-sensitive languages, and polynomial steps with generalized pre-norm make them recognize exactly the class of polynomial-time solvable problems -- the first exact characterization of a type of transformers in terms of standard complexity classes. Together, our results provide a nuanced framework for understanding how the length of a transformer's chain of thought or scratchpad impacts its reasoning power.

replace Learning from Label Proportions: Bootstrapping Supervised Learners via Belief Propagation

Authors: Shreyas Havaldar, Navodita Sharma, Shubhi Sareen, Karthikeyan Shanmugam, Aravindan Raghuveer

Abstract: Learning from Label Proportions (LLP) is a learning problem where only aggregate level labels are available for groups of instances, called bags, during training, and the aim is to get the best performance at the instance-level on the test data. This setting arises in domains like advertising and medicine due to privacy considerations. We propose a novel algorithmic framework for this problem that iteratively performs two main steps. For the first step (Pseudo Labeling) in every iteration, we define a Gibbs distribution over binary instance labels that incorporates a) covariate information through the constraint that instances with similar covariates should have similar labels and b) the bag level aggregated label. We then use Belief Propagation (BP) to marginalize the Gibbs distribution to obtain pseudo labels. In the second step (Embedding Refinement), we use the pseudo labels to provide supervision for a learner that yields a better embedding. Further, we iterate on the two steps again by using the second step's embeddings as new covariates for the next iteration. In the final iteration, a classifier is trained using the pseudo labels. Our algorithm displays strong gains against several SOTA baselines (up to 15%) for the LLP Binary Classification problem on various dataset types - tabular and Image. We achieve these improvements with minimal computational overhead above standard supervised learning due to Belief Propagation, for large bag sizes, even for a million samples.

replace Data Augmentation for Time-Series Classification: An Extensive Empirical Study and Comprehensive Survey

Authors: Zijun Gao, Lingbo Li

Abstract: Data Augmentation (DA) has emerged as an indispensable strategy in Time Series Classification (TSC), primarily due to its capacity to amplify training samples, thereby bolstering model robustness, diversifying datasets, and curtailing overfitting. However, the current landscape of DA in TSC is plagued with fragmented literature reviews, nebulous methodological taxonomies, inadequate evaluative measures, and a dearth of accessible, user-oriented tools. In light of these challenges, this study embarks on an exhaustive dissection of DA methodologies within the TSC realm. Our initial approach involved an extensive literature review spanning a decade, revealing that contemporary surveys scarcely capture the breadth of advancements in DA for TSC, prompting us to meticulously analyze over 100 scholarly articles to distill more than 60 unique DA techniques. This rigorous analysis precipitated the formulation of a novel taxonomy, purpose-built for the intricacies of DA in TSC, categorizing techniques into five principal echelons: Transformation-Based, Pattern-Based, Generative, Decomposition-Based, and Automated Data Augmentation. Our taxonomy promises to serve as a robust navigational aid for scholars, offering clarity and direction in method selection. Addressing the conspicuous absence of holistic evaluations for prevalent DA techniques, we executed an all-encompassing empirical assessment, wherein upwards of 15 DA strategies were subjected to scrutiny across 8 UCR time-series datasets, employing ResNet and a multi-faceted evaluation paradigm encompassing Accuracy, Method Ranking, and Residual Analysis, yielding a benchmark accuracy of 88.94 +- 11.83%. Our investigation underscored the inconsistent efficacies of DA techniques, with...

replace Real-Fake: Effective Training Data Synthesis Through Distribution Matching

Authors: Jianhao Yuan, Jie Zhang, Shuyang Sun, Philip Torr, Bo Zhao

Abstract: Synthetic training data has gained prominence in numerous learning tasks and scenarios, offering advantages such as dataset augmentation, generalization evaluation, and privacy preservation. Despite these benefits, the efficiency of synthetic data generated by current methodologies remains inferior when training advanced deep models exclusively, limiting its practical utility. To address this challenge, we analyze the principles underlying training data synthesis for supervised learning and elucidate a principled theoretical framework from the distribution-matching perspective that explicates the mechanisms governing synthesis efficacy. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our synthetic data across diverse image classification tasks, both as a replacement for and augmentation to real datasets, while also benefits such as out-of-distribution generalization, privacy preservation, and scalability. Specifically, we achieve 70.9% top1 classification accuracy on ImageNet1K when training solely with synthetic data equivalent to 1 X the original real data size, which increases to 76.0% when scaling up to 10 X synthetic data.

replace Observational and Experimental Insights into Machine Learning-Based Defect Classification in Wafers

Authors: Kamal Taha

Abstract: This survey paper offers a comprehensive review of methodologies utilizing machine learning (ML) classification techniques for identifying wafer defects in semiconductor manufacturing. Despite the growing body of research demonstrating the effectiveness of ML in wafer defect identification, there is a noticeable absence of comprehensive reviews on this subject. This survey attempts to fill this void by amalgamating available literature and providing an in-depth analysis of the advantages, limitations, and potential applications of various ML classification algorithms in the realm of wafer defect detection. An innovative taxonomy of methodologies that we present provides a detailed classification of algorithms into more refined categories and techniques. This taxonomy follows a three-tier structure, starting from broad methodology categories and ending with specific techniques. It aids researchers in comprehending the complex relationships between different algorithms and their techniques. We employ a rigorous Observational and experimental evaluation to rank these varying techniques. For the Observational evaluation, we assess techniques based on a set of four criteria. The experimental evaluation ranks the algorithms employing the same techniques, sub-categories, and categories. Also the paper illuminates the future prospects of ML classification techniques for wafer defect identification, underscoring potential advancements and opportunities for further research in this field

replace Normalizing flow-based deep variational Bayesian network for seismic multi-hazards and impacts estimation from InSAR imagery

Authors: Xuechun Li, Paula M. Burgi, Wei Ma, Hae Young Noh, David J. Wald, Susu Xu

Abstract: Onsite disasters like earthquakes can trigger cascading hazards and impacts, such as landslides and infrastructure damage, leading to catastrophic losses; thus, rapid and accurate estimates are crucial for timely and effective post-disaster responses. Interferometric Synthetic aperture radar (InSAR) data is important in providing high-resolution onsite information for rapid hazard estimation. Most recent methods using InSAR imagery signals predict a single type of hazard and thus often suffer low accuracy due to noisy and complex signals induced by co-located hazards, impacts, and irrelevant environmental changes (e.g., vegetation changes, human activities). We introduce a novel stochastic variational inference with normalizing flows derived to jointly approximate posteriors of multiple unobserved hazards and impacts from noisy InSAR imagery.

replace General-Purpose Retrieval-Enhanced Medical Prediction Model Using Near-Infinite History

Authors: Junu Kim, Chaeeun Shim, Bosco Seong Kyu Yang, Chami Im, Sung Yoon Lim, Han-Gil Jeong, Edward Choi

Abstract: Developing clinical prediction models (e.g., mortality prediction) based on electronic health records (EHRs) typically relies on expert opinion for feature selection and adjusting observation window size. This burdens experts and creates a bottleneck in the development process. We propose Retrieval-Enhanced Medical prediction model (REMed) to address such challenges. REMed can essentially evaluate an unlimited number of clinical events, select the relevant ones, and make predictions. This approach effectively eliminates the need for manual feature selection and enables an unrestricted observation window. We verified these properties through experiments on 27 clinical tasks and two independent cohorts from publicly available EHR datasets, where REMed outperformed other contemporary architectures that aim to handle as many events as possible. Notably, we found that the preferences of REMed align closely with those of medical experts. We expect our approach to significantly expedite the development of EHR prediction models by minimizing clinicians' need for manual involvement.

replace Latent Field Discovery In Interacting Dynamical Systems With Neural Fields

Authors: Miltiadis Kofinas, Erik J. Bekkers, Naveen Shankar Nagaraja, Efstratios Gavves

Abstract: Systems of interacting objects often evolve under the influence of field effects that govern their dynamics, yet previous works have abstracted away from such effects, and assume that systems evolve in a vacuum. In this work, we focus on discovering these fields, and infer them from the observed dynamics alone, without directly observing them. We theorize the presence of latent force fields, and propose neural fields to learn them. Since the observed dynamics constitute the net effect of local object interactions and global field effects, recently popularized equivariant networks are inapplicable, as they fail to capture global information. To address this, we propose to disentangle local object interactions -- which are $\mathrm{SE}(n)$ equivariant and depend on relative states -- from external global field effects -- which depend on absolute states. We model interactions with equivariant graph networks, and combine them with neural fields in a novel graph network that integrates field forces. Our experiments show that we can accurately discover the underlying fields in charged particles settings, traffic scenes, and gravitational n-body problems, and effectively use them to learn the system and forecast future trajectories.

replace Extracting the Multiscale Causal Backbone of Brain Dynamics

Authors: Gabriele D'Acunto, Francesco Bonchi, Gianmarco De Francisci Morales, Giovanni Petri

Abstract: The bulk of the research effort on brain connectivity revolves around statistical associations among brain regions, which do not directly relate to the causal mechanisms governing brain dynamics. Here we propose the multiscale causal backbone (MCB) of brain dynamics, shared by a set of individuals across multiple temporal scales, and devise a principled methodology to extract it. Our approach leverages recent advances in multiscale causal structure learning and optimizes the trade-off between the model fit and its complexity. Empirical assessment on synthetic data shows the superiority of our methodology over a baseline based on canonical functional connectivity networks. When applied to resting-state fMRI data, we find sparse MCBs for both the left and right brain hemispheres. Thanks to its multiscale nature, our approach shows that at low-frequency bands, causal dynamics are driven by brain regions associated with high-level cognitive functions; at higher frequencies instead, nodes related to sensory processing play a crucial role. Finally, our analysis of individual multiscale causal structures confirms the existence of a causal fingerprint of brain connectivity, thus supporting the existing extensive research in brain connectivity fingerprinting from a causal perspective.

replace Machine-learning optimized measurements of chaotic dynamical systems via the information bottleneck

Authors: Kieran A. Murphy, Dani S. Bassett

Abstract: Deterministic chaos permits a precise notion of a "perfect measurement" as one that, when obtained repeatedly, captures all of the information created by the system's evolution with minimal redundancy. Finding an optimal measurement is challenging, and has generally required intimate knowledge of the dynamics in the few cases where it has been done. We establish an equivalence between a perfect measurement and a variant of the information bottleneck. As a consequence, we can employ machine learning to optimize measurement processes that efficiently extract information from trajectory data. We obtain approximately optimal measurements for multiple chaotic maps and lay the necessary groundwork for efficient information extraction from general time series.

replace Exploring the Privacy-Energy Consumption Tradeoff for Split Federated Learning

Authors: Joohyung Lee, Mohamed Seif, Jungchan Cho, H. Vincent Poor

Abstract: Split Federated Learning (SFL) has recently emerged as a promising distributed learning technology, leveraging the strengths of both federated and split learning. It emphasizes the advantages of rapid convergence while addressing privacy concerns. As a result, this innovation has received significant attention from both industry and academia. However, since the model is split at a specific layer, known as a cut layer, into both client-side and server-side models for the SFL, the choice of the cut layer in SFL can have a substantial impact on the energy consumption of clients and their privacy, as it influences the training burden and the output of the client-side models. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of the SFL process and thoroughly analyze energy consumption and privacy. This analysis considers the influence of various system parameters on the cut layer selection strategy. Additionally, we provide an illustrative example of the cut layer selection, aiming to minimize clients' risk of reconstructing the raw data at the server while sustaining energy consumption within the required energy budget, which involves trade-offs. Finally, we address open challenges in this field. These directions represent promising avenues for future research and development.

replace Comprehensive Evaluation of GNN Training Systems: A Data Management Perspective

Authors: Hao Yuan, Yajiong Liu, Yanfeng Zhang, Xin Ai, Qiange Wang, Chaoyi Chen, Yu Gu, Ge Yu

Abstract: Many Graph Neural Network (GNN) training systems have emerged recently to support efficient GNN training. Since GNNs embody complex data dependencies between training samples, the training of GNNs should address distinct challenges different from DNN training in data management, such as data partitioning, batch preparation for mini-batch training, and data transferring between CPUs and GPUs. These factors, which take up a large proportion of training time, make data management in GNN training more significant. This paper reviews GNN training from a data management perspective and provides a comprehensive analysis and evaluation of the representative approaches. We conduct extensive experiments on various benchmark datasets and show many interesting and valuable results. We also provide some practical tips learned from these experiments, which are helpful for designing GNN training systems in the future.

replace REDS: Resource-Efficient Deep Subnetworks for Dynamic Resource Constraints

Authors: Francesco Corti, Balz Maag, Joachim Schauer, Ulrich Pferschy, Olga Saukh

Abstract: Deep models deployed on edge devices frequently encounter resource variability, which arises from fluctuating energy levels, timing constraints, or prioritization of other critical tasks within the system. State-of-the-art machine learning pipelines generate resource-agnostic models, not capable to adapt at runtime. In this work we introduce Resource-Efficient Deep Subnetworks (REDS) to tackle model adaptation to variable resources. In contrast to the state-of-the-art, REDS use structured sparsity constructively by exploiting permutation invariance of neurons, which allows for hardware-specific optimizations. Specifically, REDS achieve computational efficiency by (1) skipping sequential computational blocks identified by a novel iterative knapsack optimizer, and (2) leveraging simple math to re-arrange the order of operations in REDS computational graph to take advantage of the data cache. REDS support conventional deep networks frequently deployed on the edge and provide computational benefits even for small and simple networks. We evaluate REDS on seven benchmark architectures trained on the Visual Wake Words, Google Speech Commands, Fashion-MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets, and test on four off-the-shelf mobile and embedded hardware platforms. We provide a theoretical result and empirical evidence for REDS outstanding performance in terms of submodels' test set accuracy, and demonstrate an adaptation time in response to dynamic resource constraints of under 40$\mu$s, utilizing a 2-layer fully-connected network on Arduino Nano 33 BLE.

replace Span-Based Optimal Sample Complexity for Average Reward MDPs

Authors: Matthew Zurek, Yudong Chen

Abstract: We study the sample complexity of learning an $\varepsilon$-optimal policy in an average-reward Markov decision process (MDP) under a generative model. We establish the complexity bound $\widetilde{O}\left(SA\frac{H}{\varepsilon^2} \right)$, where $H$ is the span of the bias function of the optimal policy and $SA$ is the cardinality of the state-action space. Our result is the first that is minimax optimal (up to log factors) in all parameters $S,A,H$ and $\varepsilon$, improving on existing work that either assumes uniformly bounded mixing times for all policies or has suboptimal dependence on the parameters. Our result is based on reducing the average-reward MDP to a discounted MDP. To establish the optimality of this reduction, we develop improved bounds for $\gamma$-discounted MDPs, showing that $\widetilde{O}\left(SA\frac{H}{(1-\gamma)^2\varepsilon^2} \right)$ samples suffice to learn a $\varepsilon$-optimal policy in weakly communicating MDPs under the regime that $\gamma \geq 1 - \frac{1}{H}$, circumventing the well-known lower bound of $\widetilde{\Omega}\left(SA\frac{1}{(1-\gamma)^3\varepsilon^2} \right)$ for general $\gamma$-discounted MDPs. Our analysis develops upper bounds on certain instance-dependent variance parameters in terms of the span parameter. These bounds are tighter than those based on the mixing time or diameter of the MDP and may be of broader use.

replace Interpretable Meta-Learning of Physical Systems

Authors: Matthieu Blanke, Marc Lelarge

Abstract: Machine learning methods can be a valuable aid in the scientific process, but they need to face challenging settings where data come from inhomogeneous experimental conditions. Recent meta-learning methods have made significant progress in multi-task learning, but they rely on black-box neural networks, resulting in high computational costs and limited interpretability. Leveraging the structure of the learning problem, we argue that multi-environment generalization can be achieved using a simpler learning model, with an affine structure with respect to the learning task. Crucially, we prove that this architecture can identify the physical parameters of the system, enabling interpreable learning. We demonstrate the competitive generalization performance and the low computational cost of our method by comparing it to state-of-the-art algorithms on physical systems, ranging from toy models to complex, non-analytical systems. The interpretability of our method is illustrated with original applications to physical-parameter-induced adaptation and to adaptive control.

replace Adaptive Message Passing: A General Framework to Mitigate Oversmoothing, Oversquashing, and Underreaching

Authors: Federico Errica, Henrik Christiansen, Viktor Zaverkin, Takashi Maruyama, Mathias Niepert, Francesco Alesiani

Abstract: Long-range interactions are essential for the correct description of complex systems in many scientific fields. The price to pay for including them in the calculations, however, is a dramatic increase in the overall computational costs. Recently, deep graph networks have been employed as efficient, data-driven surrogate models for predicting properties of complex systems represented as graphs. These models rely on a local and iterative message passing strategy that should, in principle, capture long-range information without explicitly modeling the corresponding interactions. In practice, most deep graph networks cannot really model long-range dependencies due to the intrinsic limitations of (synchronous) message passing, namely oversmoothing, oversquashing, and underreaching. This work proposes a general framework that learns to mitigate these limitations: within a variational inference framework, we endow message passing architectures with the ability to freely adapt their depth and filter messages along the way. With theoretical and empirical arguments, we show that this simple strategy better captures long-range interactions, by surpassing the state of the art on five node and graph prediction datasets suited for this problem. Our approach consistently improves the performances of the baselines tested on these tasks. We complement the exposition with qualitative analyses and ablations to get a deeper understanding of the framework's inner workings.

replace Few-Shot Causal Representation Learning for Out-of-Distribution Generalization on Heterogeneous Graphs

Authors: Pengfei Ding, Yan Wang, Guanfeng Liu, Nan Wang

Abstract: Heterogeneous graph few-shot learning (HGFL) has been developed to address the label sparsity issue in heterogeneous graphs (HGs), which consist of various types of nodes and edges. The core concept of HGFL is to extract knowledge from rich-labeled classes in a source HG, transfer this knowledge to a target HG to facilitate learning new classes with few-labeled training data, and finally make predictions on unlabeled testing data. Existing methods typically assume that the source HG, training data, and testing data all share the same distribution. However, in practice, distribution shifts among these three types of data are inevitable due to two reasons: (1) the limited availability of the source HG that matches the target HG distribution, and (2) the unpredictable data generation mechanism of the target HG. Such distribution shifts result in ineffective knowledge transfer and poor learning performance in existing methods, thereby leading to a novel problem of out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization in HGFL. To address this challenging problem, we propose a novel Causal OOD Heterogeneous graph Few-shot learning model, namely COHF. In COHF, we first characterize distribution shifts in HGs with a structural causal model, establishing an invariance principle for OOD generalization in HGFL. Then, following this invariance principle, we propose a new variational autoencoder-based heterogeneous graph neural network to mitigate the impact of distribution shifts. Finally, by integrating this network with a novel meta-learning framework, COHF effectively transfers knowledge to the target HG to predict new classes with few-labeled data. Extensive experiments on seven real-world datasets have demonstrated the superior performance of COHF over the state-of-the-art methods.

replace DDMI: Domain-Agnostic Latent Diffusion Models for Synthesizing High-Quality Implicit Neural Representations

Authors: Dogyun Park, Sihyeon Kim, Sojin Lee, Hyunwoo J. Kim

Abstract: Recent studies have introduced a new class of generative models for synthesizing implicit neural representations (INRs) that capture arbitrary continuous signals in various domains. These models opened the door for domain-agnostic generative models, but they often fail to achieve high-quality generation. We observed that the existing methods generate the weights of neural networks to parameterize INRs and evaluate the network with fixed positional embeddings (PEs). Arguably, this architecture limits the expressive power of generative models and results in low-quality INR generation. To address this limitation, we propose Domain-agnostic Latent Diffusion Model for INRs (DDMI) that generates adaptive positional embeddings instead of neural networks' weights. Specifically, we develop a Discrete-to-continuous space Variational AutoEncoder (D2C-VAE), which seamlessly connects discrete data and the continuous signal functions in the shared latent space. Additionally, we introduce a novel conditioning mechanism for evaluating INRs with the hierarchically decomposed PEs to further enhance expressive power. Extensive experiments across four modalities, e.g., 2D images, 3D shapes, Neural Radiance Fields, and videos, with seven benchmark datasets, demonstrate the versatility of DDMI and its superior performance compared to the existing INR generative models.

replace Energy-conserving equivariant GNN for elasticity of lattice architected metamaterials

Authors: Ivan Grega, Ilyes Batatia, G\'abor Cs\'anyi, Sri Karlapati, Vikram S. Deshpande

Abstract: Lattices are architected metamaterials whose properties strongly depend on their geometrical design. The analogy between lattices and graphs enables the use of graph neural networks (GNNs) as a faster surrogate model compared to traditional methods such as finite element modelling. In this work, we generate a big dataset of structure-property relationships for strut-based lattices. The dataset is made available to the community which can fuel the development of methods anchored in physical principles for the fitting of fourth-order tensors. In addition, we present a higher-order GNN model trained on this dataset. The key features of the model are (i) SE(3) equivariance, and (ii) consistency with the thermodynamic law of conservation of energy. We compare the model to non-equivariant models based on a number of error metrics and demonstrate its benefits in terms of predictive performance and reduced training requirements. Finally, we demonstrate an example application of the model to an architected material design task. The methods which we developed are applicable to fourth-order tensors beyond elasticity such as piezo-optical tensor etc.

replace Asymptotic generalization error of a single-layer graph convolutional network

Authors: O. Duranthon, L. Zdeborov\'a

Abstract: While graph convolutional networks show great practical promises, the theoretical understanding of their generalization properties as a function of the number of samples is still in its infancy compared to the more broadly studied case of supervised fully connected neural networks. In this article, we predict the performances of a single-layer graph convolutional network (GCN) trained on data produced by attributed stochastic block models (SBMs) in the high-dimensional limit. Previously, only ridge regression on contextual-SBM (CSBM) has been considered in Shi et al. 2022; we generalize the analysis to arbitrary convex loss and regularization for the CSBM and add the analysis for another data model, the neural-prior SBM. We also study the high signal-to-noise ratio limit, detail the convergence rates of the GCN and show that, while consistent, it does not reach the Bayes-optimal rate for any of the considered cases.

replace S$\Omega$I: Score-based O-INFORMATION Estimation

Authors: Mustapha Bounoua, Giulio Franzese, Pietro Michiardi

Abstract: The analysis of scientific data and complex multivariate systems requires information quantities that capture relationships among multiple random variables. Recently, new information-theoretic measures have been developed to overcome the shortcomings of classical ones, such as mutual information, that are restricted to considering pairwise interactions. Among them, the concept of information synergy and redundancy is crucial for understanding the high-order dependencies between variables. One of the most prominent and versatile measures based on this concept is O-information, which provides a clear and scalable way to quantify the synergy-redundancy balance in multivariate systems. However, its practical application is limited to simplified cases. In this work, we introduce S$\Omega$I, which allows for the first time to compute O-information without restrictive assumptions about the system. Our experiments validate our approach on synthetic data, and demonstrate the effectiveness of S$\Omega$I in the context of a real-world use case.

replace HYPO: Hyperspherical Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Authors: Yifei Ming, Haoyue Bai, Julian Katz-Samuels, Yixuan Li

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization is critical for machine learning models deployed in the real world. However, achieving this can be fundamentally challenging, as it requires the ability to learn invariant features across different domains or environments. In this paper, we propose a novel framework HYPO (HYPerspherical OOD generalization) that provably learns domain-invariant representations in a hyperspherical space. In particular, our hyperspherical learning algorithm is guided by intra-class variation and inter-class separation principles -- ensuring that features from the same class (across different training domains) are closely aligned with their class prototypes, while different class prototypes are maximally separated. We further provide theoretical justifications on how our prototypical learning objective improves the OOD generalization bound. Through extensive experiments on challenging OOD benchmarks, we demonstrate that our approach outperforms competitive baselines and achieves superior performance. Code is available at


replace NetInfoF Framework: Measuring and Exploiting Network Usable Information

Authors: Meng-Chieh Lee, Haiyang Yu, Jian Zhang, Vassilis N. Ioannidis, Xiang Song, Soji Adeshina, Da Zheng, Christos Faloutsos

Abstract: Given a node-attributed graph, and a graph task (link prediction or node classification), can we tell if a graph neural network (GNN) will perform well? More specifically, do the graph structure and the node features carry enough usable information for the task? Our goals are (1) to develop a fast tool to measure how much information is in the graph structure and in the node features, and (2) to exploit the information to solve the task, if there is enough. We propose NetInfoF, a framework including NetInfoF_Probe and NetInfoF_Act, for the measurement and the exploitation of network usable information (NUI), respectively. Given a graph data, NetInfoF_Probe measures NUI without any model training, and NetInfoF_Act solves link prediction and node classification, while two modules share the same backbone. In summary, NetInfoF has following notable advantages: (a) General, handling both link prediction and node classification; (b) Principled, with theoretical guarantee and closed-form solution; (c) Effective, thanks to the proposed adjustment to node similarity; (d) Scalable, scaling linearly with the input size. In our carefully designed synthetic datasets, NetInfoF correctly identifies the ground truth of NUI and is the only method being robust to all graph scenarios. Applied on real-world datasets, NetInfoF wins in 11 out of 12 times on link prediction compared to general GNN baselines.

replace MC-DBN: A Deep Belief Network-Based Model for Modality Completion

Authors: Zihong Luo, Zheng Tao, Yuxuan Huang, Kexin He, Chengzhi Liu

Abstract: Recent advancements in multi-modal artificial intelligence (AI) have revolutionized the fields of stock market forecasting and heart rate monitoring. Utilizing diverse data sources can substantially improve prediction accuracy. Nonetheless, additional data may not always align with the original dataset. Interpolation methods are commonly utilized for handling missing values in modal data, though they may exhibit limitations in the context of sparse information. Addressing this challenge, we propose a Modality Completion Deep Belief Network-Based Model (MC-DBN). This approach utilizes implicit features of complete data to compensate for gaps between itself and additional incomplete data. It ensures that the enhanced multi-modal data closely aligns with the dynamic nature of the real world to enhance the effectiveness of the model. We conduct evaluations of the MC-DBN model in two datasets from the stock market forecasting and heart rate monitoring domains. Comprehensive experiments showcase the model's capacity to bridge the semantic divide present in multi-modal data, subsequently enhancing its performance. The source code is available at:


replace Calibration of Deep Learning Classification Models in fNIRS

Authors: Zhihao Cao, Zizhou Luo

Abstract: Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a valuable non-invasive tool for monitoring brain activity. The classification of fNIRS data in relation to conscious activity holds significance for advancing our understanding of the brain and facilitating the development of brain-computer interfaces (BCI). Many researchers have turned to deep learning to tackle the classification challenges inherent in fNIRS data due to its strong generalization and robustness. In the application of fNIRS, reliability is really important, and one mathematical formulation of the reliability of confidence is calibration. However, many researchers overlook the important issue of calibration. To address this gap, we propose integrating calibration into fNIRS field and assess the reliability of existing models. Surprisingly, our results indicate poor calibration performance in many proposed models. To advance calibration development in the fNIRS field, we summarize three practical tips. Through this letter, we hope to emphasize the critical role of calibration in fNIRS research and argue for enhancing the reliability of deep learning-based predictions in fNIRS classification tasks. All data from our experimental process are openly available on GitHub.

replace Generalizability Under Sensor Failure: Tokenization + Transformers Enable More Robust Latent Spaces

Authors: Geeling Chau, Yujin An, Ahamed Raffey Iqbal, Soon-Jo Chung, Yisong Yue, Sabera Talukder

Abstract: A major goal in neuroscience is to discover neural data representations that generalize. This goal is challenged by variability along recording sessions (e.g. environment), subjects (e.g. varying neural structures), and sensors (e.g. sensor noise), among others. Recent work has begun to address generalization across sessions and subjects, but few study robustness to sensor failure which is highly prevalent in neuroscience experiments. In order to address these generalizability dimensions we first collect our own electroencephalography dataset with numerous sessions, subjects, and sensors, then study two time series models: EEGNet (Lawhern et al., 2018) and TOTEM (Talukder et al., 2024). EEGNet is a widely used convolutional neural network, while TOTEM is a discrete time series tokenizer and transformer model. We find that TOTEM outperforms or matches EEGNet across all generalizability cases. Finally through analysis of TOTEM's latent codebook we observe that tokenization enables generalization.

replace Learning Adversarial MDPs with Stochastic Hard Constraints

Authors: Francesco Emanuele Stradi, Matteo Castiglioni, Alberto Marchesi, Nicola Gatti

Abstract: We study online learning problems in constrained Markov decision processes (CMDPs) with adversarial losses and stochastic hard constraints. We consider two different scenarios. In the first one, we address general CMDPs, where we design an algorithm that attains sublinear regret and cumulative positive constraints violation. In the second scenario, under the mild assumption that a policy strictly satisfying the constraints exists and is known to the learner, we design an algorithm that achieves sublinear regret while ensuring that the constraints are satisfied at every episode with high probability. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first to study CMDPs involving both adversarial losses and hard constraints. Indeed, previous works either focus on much weaker soft constraints--allowing for positive violation to cancel out negative ones--or are restricted to stochastic losses. Thus, our algorithms can deal with general non-stationary environments subject to requirements much stricter than those manageable with state-of-the-art algorithms. This enables their adoption in a much wider range of real-world applications, ranging from autonomous driving to online advertising and recommender systems.

replace A Simple Mixture Policy Parameterization for Improving Sample Efficiency of CVaR Optimization

Authors: Yudong Luo, Yangchen Pan, Han Wang, Philip Torr, Pascal Poupart

Abstract: Reinforcement learning algorithms utilizing policy gradients (PG) to optimize Conditional Value at Risk (CVaR) face significant challenges with sample inefficiency, hindering their practical applications. This inefficiency stems from two main facts: a focus on tail-end performance that overlooks many sampled trajectories, and the potential of gradient vanishing when the lower tail of the return distribution is overly flat. To address these challenges, we propose a simple mixture policy parameterization. This method integrates a risk-neutral policy with an adjustable policy to form a risk-averse policy. By employing this strategy, all collected trajectories can be utilized for policy updating, and the issue of vanishing gradients is counteracted by stimulating higher returns through the risk-neutral component, thus lifting the tail and preventing flatness. Our empirical study reveals that this mixture parameterization is uniquely effective across a variety of benchmark domains. Specifically, it excels in identifying risk-averse CVaR policies in some Mujoco environments where the traditional CVaR-PG fails to learn a reasonable policy.

replace RL in Markov Games with Independent Function Approximation: Improved Sample Complexity Bound under the Local Access Model

Authors: Junyi Fan, Yuxuan Han, Jialin Zeng, Jian-Feng Cai, Yang Wang, Yang Xiang, Jiheng Zhang

Abstract: Efficiently learning equilibria with large state and action spaces in general-sum Markov games while overcoming the curse of multi-agency is a challenging problem. Recent works have attempted to solve this problem by employing independent linear function classes to approximate the marginal $Q$-value for each agent. However, existing sample complexity bounds under such a framework have a suboptimal dependency on the desired accuracy $\varepsilon$ or the action space. In this work, we introduce a new algorithm, Lin-Confident-FTRL, for learning coarse correlated equilibria (CCE) with local access to the simulator, i.e., one can interact with the underlying environment on the visited states. Up to a logarithmic dependence on the size of the state space, Lin-Confident-FTRL learns $\epsilon$-CCE with a provable optimal accuracy bound $O(\epsilon^{-2})$ and gets rids of the linear dependency on the action space, while scaling polynomially with relevant problem parameters (such as the number of agents and time horizon). Moreover, our analysis of Linear-Confident-FTRL generalizes the virtual policy iteration technique in the single-agent local planning literature, which yields a new computationally efficient algorithm with a tighter sample complexity bound when assuming random access to the simulator.

replace Graph Neural Networks for Learning Equivariant Representations of Neural Networks

Authors: Miltiadis Kofinas, Boris Knyazev, Yan Zhang, Yunlu Chen, Gertjan J. Burghouts, Efstratios Gavves, Cees G. M. Snoek, David W. Zhang

Abstract: Neural networks that process the parameters of other neural networks find applications in domains as diverse as classifying implicit neural representations, generating neural network weights, and predicting generalization errors. However, existing approaches either overlook the inherent permutation symmetry in the neural network or rely on intricate weight-sharing patterns to achieve equivariance, while ignoring the impact of the network architecture itself. In this work, we propose to represent neural networks as computational graphs of parameters, which allows us to harness powerful graph neural networks and transformers that preserve permutation symmetry. Consequently, our approach enables a single model to encode neural computational graphs with diverse architectures. We showcase the effectiveness of our method on a wide range of tasks, including classification and editing of implicit neural representations, predicting generalization performance, and learning to optimize, while consistently outperforming state-of-the-art methods. The source code is open-sourced at


replace The Power of Few: Accelerating and Enhancing Data Reweighting with Coreset Selection

Authors: Mohammad Jafari, Yimeng Zhang, Yihua Zhang, Sijia Liu

Abstract: As machine learning tasks continue to evolve, the trend has been to gather larger datasets and train increasingly larger models. While this has led to advancements in accuracy, it has also escalated computational costs to unsustainable levels. Addressing this, our work aims to strike a delicate balance between computational efficiency and model accuracy, a persisting challenge in the field. We introduce a novel method that employs core subset selection for reweighting, effectively optimizing both computational time and model performance. By focusing on a strategically selected coreset, our approach offers a robust representation, as it efficiently minimizes the influence of outliers. The re-calibrated weights are then mapped back to and propagated across the entire dataset. Our experimental results substantiate the effectiveness of this approach, underscoring its potential as a scalable and precise solution for model training.

replace LNPT: Label-free Network Pruning and Training

Authors: Jinying Xiao, Ping Li, Zhe Tang, Jie Nie

Abstract: Pruning before training enables the deployment of neural networks on smart devices. By retaining weights conducive to generalization, pruned networks can be accommodated on resource-constrained smart devices. It is commonly held that the distance on weight norms between the initialized and the fully-trained networks correlates with generalization performance. However, as we have uncovered, inconsistency between this metric and generalization during training processes, which poses an obstacle to determine the pruned structures on smart devices in advance. In this paper, we introduce the concept of the learning gap, emphasizing its accurate correlation with generalization. Experiments show that the learning gap, in the form of feature maps from the penultimate layer of networks, aligns with variations of generalization performance. We propose a novel learning framework, LNPT, which enables mature networks on the cloud to provide online guidance for network pruning and learning on smart devices with unlabeled data. Our results demonstrate the superiority of this approach over supervised training.

replace MELTing point: Mobile Evaluation of Language Transformers

Authors: Stefanos Laskaridis, Kleomenis Katevas, Lorenzo Minto, Hamed Haddadi

Abstract: Transformers have revolutionized the machine learning landscape, gradually making their way into everyday tasks and equipping our computers with ``sparks of intelligence''. However, their runtime requirements have prevented them from being broadly deployed on mobile. As personal devices become increasingly powerful and prompt privacy becomes an ever more pressing issue, we explore the current state of mobile execution of Large Language Models (LLMs). To achieve this, we have created our own automation infrastructure, MELT, which supports the headless execution and benchmarking of LLMs on device, supporting different models, devices and frameworks, including Android, iOS and Nvidia Jetson devices. We evaluate popular instruction fine-tuned LLMs and leverage different frameworks to measure their end-to-end and granular performance, tracing their memory and energy requirements along the way. Our analysis is the first systematic study of on-device LLM execution, quantifying performance, energy efficiency and accuracy across various state-of-the-art models and showcases the state of on-device intelligence in the era of hyperscale models. Results highlight the performance heterogeneity across targets and corroborates that LLM inference is largely memory-bound. Quantization drastically reduces memory requirements and renders execution viable, but at a non-negligible accuracy cost. Drawing from its energy footprint and thermal behavior, the continuous execution of LLMs remains elusive, as both factors negatively affect user experience. Last, our experience shows that the ecosystem is still in its infancy, and algorithmic as well as hardware breakthroughs can significantly shift the execution cost. We expect NPU acceleration, and framework-hardware co-design to be the biggest bet towards efficient standalone execution, with the alternative of offloading tailored towards edge deployments.

replace Policy Bifurcation in Safe Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Wenjun Zou, Yao Lv, Jie Li, Yujie Yang, Shengbo Eben Li, Jingliang Duan, Xianyuan Zhan, Jingjing Liu, Yaqin Zhang, Keqiang Li

Abstract: Safe reinforcement learning (RL) offers advanced solutions to constrained optimal control problems. Existing studies in safe RL implicitly assume continuity in policy functions, where policies map states to actions in a smooth, uninterrupted manner; however, our research finds that in some scenarios, the feasible policy should be discontinuous or multi-valued, interpolating between discontinuous local optima can inevitably lead to constraint violations. We are the first to identify the generating mechanism of such a phenomenon, and employ topological analysis to rigorously prove the existence of policy bifurcation in safe RL, which corresponds to the contractibility of the reachable tuple. Our theorem reveals that in scenarios where the obstacle-free state space is non-simply connected, a feasible policy is required to be bifurcated, meaning its output action needs to change abruptly in response to the varying state. To train such a bifurcated policy, we propose a safe RL algorithm called multimodal policy optimization (MUPO), which utilizes a Gaussian mixture distribution as the policy output. The bifurcated behavior can be achieved by selecting the Gaussian component with the highest mixing coefficient. Besides, MUPO also integrates spectral normalization and forward KL divergence to enhance the policy's capability of exploring different modes. Experiments with vehicle control tasks show that our algorithm successfully learns the bifurcated policy and ensures satisfying safety, while a continuous policy suffers from inevitable constraint violations.

replace-cross Don't Blame the Annotator: Bias Already Starts in the Annotation Instructions

Authors: Mihir Parmar, Swaroop Mishra, Mor Geva, Chitta Baral

Abstract: In recent years, progress in NLU has been driven by benchmarks. These benchmarks are typically collected by crowdsourcing, where annotators write examples based on annotation instructions crafted by dataset creators. In this work, we hypothesize that annotators pick up on patterns in the crowdsourcing instructions, which bias them to write many similar examples that are then over-represented in the collected data. We study this form of bias, termed instruction bias, in 14 recent NLU benchmarks, showing that instruction examples often exhibit concrete patterns, which are propagated by crowdworkers to the collected data. This extends previous work (Geva et al., 2019) and raises a new concern of whether we are modeling the dataset creator's instructions, rather than the task. Through a series of experiments, we show that, indeed, instruction bias can lead to overestimation of model performance, and that models struggle to generalize beyond biases originating in the crowdsourcing instructions. We further analyze the influence of instruction bias in terms of pattern frequency and model size, and derive concrete recommendations for creating future NLU benchmarks.

replace-cross Sparsification of the regularized magnetic Laplacian with multi-type spanning forests

Authors: Micha\"el Fanuel, R\'emi Bardenet

Abstract: In this paper, we consider a ${\rm U}(1)$-connection graph, that is, a graph where each oriented edge is endowed with a unit modulus complex number that is conjugated under orientation flip. A natural replacement for the combinatorial Laplacian is then the magnetic Laplacian, an Hermitian matrix that includes information about the graph's connection. Magnetic Laplacians appear, e.g., in the problem of angular synchronization. In the context of large and dense graphs, we study here sparsifiers of the magnetic Laplacian $\Delta$, i.e., spectral approximations based on subgraphs with few edges. Our approach relies on sampling multi-type spanning forests (MTSFs) using a custom determinantal point process, a probability distribution over edges that favours diversity. In a word, an MTSF is a spanning subgraph whose connected components are either trees or cycle-rooted trees. The latter partially capture the angular inconsistencies of the connection graph, and thus provide a way to compress the information contained in the connection. Interestingly, when the connection graph has weakly inconsistent cycles, samples from the determinantal point process under consideration can be obtained \`a la Wilson, using a random walk with cycle popping. We provide statistical guarantees for a choice of natural estimators of the connection Laplacian, and investigate two practical applications of our sparsifiers: ranking with angular synchronization and graph-based semi-supervised learning. From a statistical perspective, a side result of this paper of independent interest is a matrix Chernoff bound with intrinsic dimension, which allows considering the influence of a regularization -- of the form $\Delta + q \mathbb{I}$ with $q>0$ -- on sparsification guarantees.

replace-cross Topological data analysis on noisy quantum computers

Authors: Ismail Yunus Akhalwaya, Shashanka Ubaru, Kenneth L. Clarkson, Mark S. Squillante, Vishnu Jejjala, Yang-Hui He, Kugendran Naidoo, Vasileios Kalantzis, Lior Horesh

Abstract: Topological data analysis (TDA) is a powerful technique for extracting complex and valuable shape-related summaries of high-dimensional data. However, the computational demands of classical algorithms for computing TDA are exorbitant, and quickly become impractical for high-order characteristics. Quantum computers offer the potential of achieving significant speedup for certain computational problems. Indeed, TDA has been purported to be one such problem, yet, quantum computing algorithms proposed for the problem, such as the original Quantum TDA (QTDA) formulation by Lloyd, Garnerone and Zanardi, require fault-tolerance qualifications that are currently unavailable. In this study, we present NISQ-TDA, a fully implemented end-to-end quantum machine learning algorithm needing only a short circuit-depth, that is applicable to high-dimensional classical data, and with provable asymptotic speedup for certain classes of problems. The algorithm neither suffers from the data-loading problem nor does it need to store the input data on the quantum computer explicitly. The algorithm was successfully executed on quantum computing devices, as well as on noisy quantum simulators, applied to small datasets. Preliminary empirical results suggest that the algorithm is robust to noise.

replace-cross Malaria Parasitic Detection using a New Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning Framework

Authors: Saddam Hussain Khan (Department of Computer Systems Engineering, University of Engineering and Applied Science, Swat, Pakistan), Tahani Jaser Alahmadi (Department of Information Systems, Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

Abstract: Malaria is a potentially fatal plasmodium parasite injected by female anopheles mosquitoes that infect red blood cells and millions worldwide yearly. However, specialists' manual screening in clinical practice is laborious and prone to error. Therefore, a novel Deep Boosted and Ensemble Learning (DBEL) framework, comprising the stacking of new Boosted-BR-STM convolutional neural networks (CNN) and the ensemble ML classifiers, is developed to screen malaria parasite images. The proposed Boosted-BR-STM is based on a new dilated-convolutional block-based split transform merge (STM) and feature-map Squeezing-Boosting (SB) ideas. Moreover, the new STM block uses regional and boundary operations to learn the malaria parasite's homogeneity, heterogeneity, and boundary with patterns. Furthermore, the diverse boosted channels are attained by employing Transfer Learning-based new feature-map SB in STM blocks at the abstract, medium, and conclusion levels to learn minute intensity and texture variation of the parasitic pattern. The proposed DBEL framework implicates the stacking of prominent and diverse boosted channels and provides the generated discriminative features of the developed Boosted-BR-STM to the ensemble of ML classifiers. The proposed framework improves the discrimination ability and generalization of ensemble learning. Moreover, the deep feature spaces of the developed Boosted-BR-STM and customized CNNs are fed into ML classifiers for comparative analysis. The proposed DBEL framework outperforms the existing techniques on the NIH malaria dataset that are enhanced using discrete wavelet transform to enrich feature space. The proposed DBEL framework achieved Accuracy (98.50%), Sensitivity (0.9920), F-score (0.9850), and AUC (0.997), which suggest it to be utilized for malaria parasite screening.

replace-cross Jaccard Metric Losses: Optimizing the Jaccard Index with Soft Labels

Authors: Zifu Wang, Xuefei Ning, Matthew B. Blaschko

Abstract: Intersection over Union (IoU) losses are surrogates that directly optimize the Jaccard index. Leveraging IoU losses as part of the loss function have demonstrated superior performance in semantic segmentation tasks compared to optimizing pixel-wise losses such as the cross-entropy loss alone. However, we identify a lack of flexibility in these losses to support vital training techniques like label smoothing, knowledge distillation, and semi-supervised learning, mainly due to their inability to process soft labels. To address this, we introduce Jaccard Metric Losses (JMLs), which are identical to the soft Jaccard loss in standard settings with hard labels but are fully compatible with soft labels. We apply JMLs to three prominent use cases of soft labels: label smoothing, knowledge distillation and semi-supervised learning, and demonstrate their potential to enhance model accuracy and calibration. Our experiments show consistent improvements over the cross-entropy loss across 4 semantic segmentation datasets (Cityscapes, PASCAL VOC, ADE20K, DeepGlobe Land) and 13 architectures, including classic CNNs and recent vision transformers. Remarkably, our straightforward approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art knowledge distillation and semi-supervised learning methods. The code is available at \href{}{}.


replace-cross Vulnerability analysis of captcha using Deep learning

Authors: Jaskaran Singh Walia, Aryan Odugoudar

Abstract: Several websites improve their security and avoid dangerous Internet attacks by implementing CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart), a type of verification to identify whether the end-user is human or a robot. The most prevalent type of CAPTCHA is text-based, designed to be easily recognized by humans while being unsolvable towards machines or robots. However, as deep learning technology progresses, development of convolutional neural network (CNN) models that predict text-based CAPTCHAs becomes easier. The purpose of this research is to investigate the flaws and vulnerabilities in the CAPTCHA generating systems in order to design more resilient CAPTCHAs. To achieve this, we created CapNet, a Convolutional Neural Network. The proposed platform can evaluate both numerical and alphanumerical CAPTCHAs

replace-cross Lossless Point Cloud Geometry and Attribute Compression Using a Learned Conditional Probability Model

Authors: Dat Thanh Nguyen, Andre Kaup

Abstract: In recent years, we have witnessed the presence of point cloud data in many aspects of our life, from immersive media, autonomous driving to healthcare, although at the cost of a tremendous amount of data. In this paper, we present an efficient lossless point cloud compression method that uses sparse tensor-based deep neural networks to learn point cloud geometry and color probability distributions. Our method represents a point cloud with both occupancy feature and three attribute features at different bit depths in a unified sparse representation. This allows us to efficiently exploit feature-wise and point-wise dependencies within point clouds using a sparse tensor-based neural network and thus build an accurate auto-regressive context model for an arithmetic coder. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first learning-based lossless point cloud geometry and attribute compression approach. Compared with the-state-of-the-art lossless point cloud compression method from Moving Picture Experts Group (MPEG), our method achieves 22.6% reduction in total bitrate on a diverse set of test point clouds while having 49.0% and 18.3% rate reduction on geometry and color attribute component, respectively.

replace-cross Dice Semimetric Losses: Optimizing the Dice Score with Soft Labels

Authors: Zifu Wang, Teodora Popordanoska, Jeroen Bertels, Robin Lemmens, Matthew B. Blaschko

Abstract: The soft Dice loss (SDL) has taken a pivotal role in numerous automated segmentation pipelines in the medical imaging community. Over the last years, some reasons behind its superior functioning have been uncovered and further optimizations have been explored. However, there is currently no implementation that supports its direct utilization in scenarios involving soft labels. Hence, a synergy between the use of SDL and research leveraging the use of soft labels, also in the context of model calibration, is still missing. In this work, we introduce Dice semimetric losses (DMLs), which (i) are by design identical to SDL in a standard setting with hard labels, but (ii) can be employed in settings with soft labels. Our experiments on the public QUBIQ, LiTS and KiTS benchmarks confirm the potential synergy of DMLs with soft labels (e.g. averaging, label smoothing, and knowledge distillation) over hard labels (e.g. majority voting and random selection). As a result, we obtain superior Dice scores and model calibration, which supports the wider adoption of DMLs in practice. The code is available at


replace-cross A fast Multiplicative Updates algorithm for Non-negative Matrix Factorization

Authors: Mai-Quyen Pham, J\'er\'emy Cohen, Thierry Chonavel

Abstract: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization is an important tool in unsupervised machine learning to decompose a data matrix into a product of parts that are often interpretable. Many algorithms have been proposed during the last three decades. A well-known method is the Multiplicative Updates algorithm proposed by Lee and Seung in 2002. Multiplicative updates have many interesting features: they are simple to implement and can be adapted to popular variants such as sparse Nonnegative Matrix Factorization, and, according to recent benchmarks, is state-of-the-art for many problems where the loss function is not the Frobenius norm. In this manuscript, we propose to improve the Multiplicative Updates algorithm seen as an alternating majorization minimization algorithm by crafting a tighter upper bound of the Hessian matrix for each alternate subproblem. Convergence is still ensured and we observe in practice on both synthetic and real world dataset that the proposed fastMU algorithm is often several orders of magnitude faster than the regular Multiplicative Updates algorithm, and can even be competitive with state-of-the-art methods for the Frobenius loss.

replace-cross Learning to Predict Short-Term Volatility with Order Flow Image Representation

Authors: Artem Lensky, Mingyu Hao

Abstract: Introduction: The paper addresses the challenging problem of predicting the short-term realized volatility of the Bitcoin price using order flow information. The inherent stochastic nature and anti-persistence of price pose difficulties in accurate prediction. Methods: To address this, we propose a method that transforms order flow data over a fixed time interval (snapshots) into images. The order flow includes trade sizes, trade directions, and limit order book, and is mapped into image colour channels. These images are then used to train both a simple 3-layer Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) and more advanced ResNet-18 and ConvMixer, with additionally supplementing them with hand-crafted features. The models are evaluated against classical GARCH, Multilayer Perceptron trained on raw data, and a naive guess method that considers current volatility as a prediction. Results: The experiments are conducted using price data from January 2021 and evaluate model performance in terms of root mean square error (RMSPE). The results show that our order flow representation with a CNN as a predictive model achieves the best performance, with an RMSPE of 0.85+/-1.1 for the model with aggregated features and 1.0+/-1.4 for the model without feature supplementation. ConvMixer with feature supplementation follows closely. In comparison, the RMSPE for the naive guess method was 1.4+/-3.0.

replace-cross Weight-Inherited Distillation for Task-Agnostic BERT Compression

Authors: Taiqiang Wu, Cheng Hou, Shanshan Lao, Jiayi Li, Ngai Wong, Zhe Zhao, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: Knowledge Distillation (KD) is a predominant approach for BERT compression. Previous KD-based methods focus on designing extra alignment losses for the student model to mimic the behavior of the teacher model. These methods transfer the knowledge in an indirect way. In this paper, we propose a novel Weight-Inherited Distillation (WID), which directly transfers knowledge from the teacher. WID does not require any additional alignment loss and trains a compact student by inheriting the weights, showing a new perspective of knowledge distillation. Specifically, we design the row compactors and column compactors as mappings and then compress the weights via structural re-parameterization. Experimental results on the GLUE and SQuAD benchmarks show that WID outperforms previous state-of-the-art KD-based baselines. Further analysis indicates that WID can also learn the attention patterns from the teacher model without any alignment loss on attention distributions. The code is available at


replace-cross Machine-Made Media: Monitoring the Mobilization of Machine-Generated Articles on Misinformation and Mainstream News Websites

Authors: Hans W. A. Hanley, Zakir Durumeric

Abstract: As large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT have gained traction, an increasing number of news websites have begun utilizing them to generate articles. However, not only can these language models produce factually inaccurate articles on reputable websites but disreputable news sites can utilize LLMs to mass produce misinformation. To begin to understand this phenomenon, we present one of the first large-scale studies of the prevalence of synthetic articles within online news media. To do this, we train a DeBERTa-based synthetic news detector and classify over 15.46 million articles from 3,074 misinformation and mainstream news websites. We find that between January 1, 2022, and May 1, 2023, the relative number of synthetic news articles increased by 57.3% on mainstream websites while increasing by 474% on misinformation sites. We find that this increase is largely driven by smaller less popular websites. Analyzing the impact of the release of ChatGPT using an interrupted-time-series, we show that while its release resulted in a marked increase in synthetic articles on small sites as well as misinformation news websites, there was not a corresponding increase on large mainstream news websites.

replace-cross DermSynth3D: Synthesis of in-the-wild Annotated Dermatology Images

Authors: Ashish Sinha, Jeremy Kawahara, Arezou Pakzad, Kumar Abhishek, Matthieu Ruthven, Enjie Ghorbel, Anis Kacem, Djamila Aouada, Ghassan Hamarneh

Abstract: In recent years, deep learning (DL) has shown great potential in the field of dermatological image analysis. However, existing datasets in this domain have significant limitations, including a small number of image samples, limited disease conditions, insufficient annotations, and non-standardized image acquisitions. To address these shortcomings, we propose a novel framework called DermSynth3D. DermSynth3D blends skin disease patterns onto 3D textured meshes of human subjects using a differentiable renderer and generates 2D images from various camera viewpoints under chosen lighting conditions in diverse background scenes. Our method adheres to top-down rules that constrain the blending and rendering process to create 2D images with skin conditions that mimic in-the-wild acquisitions, ensuring more meaningful results. The framework generates photo-realistic 2D dermoscopy images and the corresponding dense annotations for semantic segmentation of the skin, skin conditions, body parts, bounding boxes around lesions, depth maps, and other 3D scene parameters, such as camera position and lighting conditions. DermSynth3D allows for the creation of custom datasets for various dermatology tasks. We demonstrate the effectiveness of data generated using DermSynth3D by training DL models on synthetic data and evaluating them on various dermatology tasks using real 2D dermatological images. We make our code publicly available at


replace-cross Having Beer after Prayer? Measuring Cultural Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Tarek Naous, Michael J. Ryan, Alan Ritter, Wei Xu

Abstract: As the reach of large language models (LMs) expands globally, their ability to cater to diverse cultural contexts becomes crucial. Despite advancements in multilingual capabilities, models are not designed with appropriate cultural nuances. In this paper, we show that multilingual and Arabic monolingual LMs exhibit bias towards entities associated with Western culture. We introduce CAMeL, a novel resource of 628 naturally-occurring prompts and 20,368 entities spanning eight types that contrast Arab and Western cultures. CAMeL provides a foundation for measuring cultural biases in LMs through both extrinsic and intrinsic evaluations. Using CAMeL, we examine the cross-cultural performance in Arabic of 16 different LMs on tasks such as story generation, NER, and sentiment analysis, where we find concerning cases of stereotyping and cultural unfairness. We further test their text-infilling performance, revealing the incapability of appropriate adaptation to Arab cultural contexts. Finally, we analyze 6 Arabic pre-training corpora and find that commonly used sources such as Wikipedia may not be best suited to build culturally aware LMs, if used as they are without adjustment. We will make CAMeL publicly available at:


replace-cross Ada-NAV: Adaptive Trajectory Length-Based Sample Efficient Policy Learning for Robotic Navigation

Authors: Bhrij Patel, Kasun Weerakoon, Wesley A. Suttle, Alec Koppel, Brian M. Sadler, Tianyi Zhou, Amrit Singh Bedi, Dinesh Manocha

Abstract: Trajectory length stands as a crucial hyperparameter within reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms, significantly contributing to the sample inefficiency in robotics applications. Motivated by the pivotal role trajectory length plays in the training process, we introduce Ada-NAV, a novel adaptive trajectory length scheme designed to enhance the training sample efficiency of RL algorithms in robotic navigation tasks. Unlike traditional approaches that treat trajectory length as a fixed hyperparameter, we propose to dynamically adjust it based on the entropy of the underlying navigation policy. Interestingly, Ada-NAV can be applied to both existing on-policy and off-policy RL methods, which we demonstrate by empirically validating its efficacy on three popular RL methods: REINFORCE, Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), and Soft Actor-Critic (SAC). We demonstrate through simulated and real-world robotic experiments that Ada-NAV outperforms conventional methods that employ constant or randomly sampled trajectory lengths. Specifically, for a fixed sample budget, Ada-NAV achieves an 18\% increase in navigation success rate, a 20-38\% reduction in navigation path length, and a 9.32\% decrease in elevation costs. Furthermore, we showcase the versatility of Ada-NAV by integrating it with the Clearpath Husky robot, illustrating its applicability in complex outdoor environments.

replace-cross Surfer: Progressive Reasoning with World Models for Robotic Manipulation

Authors: Pengzhen Ren, Kaidong Zhang, Hetao Zheng, Zixuan Li, Yuhang Wen, Fengda Zhu, Mas Ma, Xiaodan Liang

Abstract: Considering how to make the model accurately understand and follow natural language instructions and perform actions consistent with world knowledge is a key challenge in robot manipulation. This mainly includes human fuzzy instruction reasoning and the following of physical knowledge. Therefore, the embodied intelligence agent must have the ability to model world knowledge from training data. However, most existing vision and language robot manipulation methods mainly operate in less realistic simulator and language settings and lack explicit modeling of world knowledge. To bridge this gap, we introduce a novel and simple robot manipulation framework, called Surfer. It is based on the world model, treats robot manipulation as a state transfer of the visual scene, and decouples it into two parts: action and scene. Then, the generalization ability of the model on new instructions and new scenes is enhanced by explicit modeling of the action and scene prediction in multi-modal information. In addition to the framework, we also built a robot manipulation simulator that supports full physics execution based on the MuJoCo physics engine. It can automatically generate demonstration training data and test data, effectively reducing labor costs. To conduct a comprehensive and systematic evaluation of the robot manipulation model in terms of language understanding and physical execution, we also created a robotic manipulation benchmark with progressive reasoning tasks, called SeaWave. It contains 4 levels of progressive reasoning tasks and can provide a standardized testing platform for embedded AI agents in multi-modal environments. On average, Surfer achieved a success rate of 54.74% on the defined four levels of manipulation tasks, exceeding the best baseline performance of 47.64%.

replace-cross Vehicle Dispatching and Routing of On-Demand Intercity Ride-Pooling Services: A Multi-Agent Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Approach

Authors: Jinhua Si, Fang He, Xi Lin, Xindi Tang

Abstract: The integrated development of city clusters has given rise to an increasing demand for intercity travel. Intercity ride-pooling service exhibits considerable potential in upgrading traditional intercity bus services by implementing demand-responsive enhancements. Nevertheless, its online operations suffer the inherent complexities due to the coupling of vehicle resource allocation among cities and pooled-ride vehicle routing. To tackle these challenges, this study proposes a two-level framework designed to facilitate online fleet management. Specifically, a novel multi-agent feudal reinforcement learning model is proposed at the upper level of the framework to cooperatively assign idle vehicles to different intercity lines, while the lower level updates the routes of vehicles using an adaptive large neighborhood search heuristic. Numerical studies based on the realistic dataset of Xiamen and its surrounding cities in China show that the proposed framework effectively mitigates the supply and demand imbalances, and achieves significant improvement in both the average daily system profit and order fulfillment ratio.

replace-cross Pseudo-rigid body networks: learning interpretable deformable object dynamics from partial observations

Authors: Shamil Mamedov, A. Ren\'e Geist, Jan Swevers, Sebastian Trimpe

Abstract: Accurate prediction of deformable linear object (DLO) dynamics is challenging if the task at hand requires a human-interpretable yet computationally fast model. In this work, we draw inspiration from the pseudo-rigid body method (PRB) and model a DLO as a serial chain of rigid bodies whose internal state is unrolled through time by a dynamics network. This dynamics network is trained jointly with a physics-informed encoder which maps observed motion variables to the DLO's hidden state. To encourage that the state acquires a physically meaningful representation, we leverage the forward kinematics of the PRB model as decoder. We demonstrate in robot experiments that the proposed DLO dynamics model provides physically interpretable predictions from partial observations while being on par with black-box models regarding prediction accuracy. The project code is available at:


replace-cross AdjointDPM: Adjoint Sensitivity Method for Gradient Backpropagation of Diffusion Probabilistic Models

Authors: Jiachun Pan, Jun Hao Liew, Vincent Y. F. Tan, Jiashi Feng, Hanshu Yan

Abstract: Existing customization methods require access to multiple reference examples to align pre-trained diffusion probabilistic models (DPMs) with user-provided concepts. This paper aims to address the challenge of DPM customization when the only available supervision is a differentiable metric defined on the generated contents. Since the sampling procedure of DPMs involves recursive calls to the denoising UNet, na\"ive gradient backpropagation requires storing the intermediate states of all iterations, resulting in extremely high memory consumption. To overcome this issue, we propose a novel method AdjointDPM, which first generates new samples from diffusion models by solving the corresponding probability-flow ODEs. It then uses the adjoint sensitivity method to backpropagate the gradients of the loss to the models' parameters (including conditioning signals, network weights, and initial noises) by solving another augmented ODE. To reduce numerical errors in both the forward generation and gradient backpropagation processes, we further reparameterize the probability-flow ODE and augmented ODE as simple non-stiff ODEs using exponential integration. Finally, we demonstrate the effectiveness of AdjointDPM on three interesting tasks: converting visual effects into identification text embeddings, finetuning DPMs for specific types of stylization, and optimizing initial noise to generate adversarial samples for security auditing.

replace-cross Prediction Error Estimation in Random Forests

Authors: Ian Krupkin, Johanna Hardin

Abstract: In this paper, error estimates of classification Random Forests are quantitatively assessed. Based on the initial theoretical framework built by Bates et al. (2023), the true error rate and expected error rate are theoretically and empirically investigated in the context of a variety of error estimation methods common to Random Forests. We show that in the classification case, Random Forests' estimates of prediction error is closer on average to the true error rate instead of the average prediction error. This is opposite the findings of Bates et al. (2023) which are given for logistic regression. We further show that our result holds across different error estimation strategies such as cross-validation, bagging, and data splitting.

replace-cross Measuring and Improving Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yangyi Chen, Karan Sikka, Michael Cogswell, Heng Ji, Ajay Divakaran

Abstract: Vision-language models (VLMs) have recently demonstrated strong efficacy as visual assistants that can parse natural queries about the visual content and generate human-like outputs. In this work, we explore the ability of these models to demonstrate human-like reasoning based on the perceived information. To address a crucial concern regarding the extent to which their reasoning capabilities are fully consistent and grounded, we also measure the reasoning consistency of these models. We achieve this by proposing a chain-of-thought (CoT) based consistency measure. However, such an evaluation requires a benchmark that encompasses both high-level inference and detailed reasoning chains, which is costly. We tackle this challenge by proposing a LLM-Human-in-the-Loop pipeline, which notably reduces cost while simultaneously ensuring the generation of a high-quality dataset. Based on this pipeline and the existing coarse-grained annotated dataset, we build the CURE benchmark to measure both the zero-shot reasoning performance and consistency of VLMs. We evaluate existing state-of-the-art VLMs, and find that even the best-performing model is unable to demonstrate strong visual reasoning capabilities and consistency, indicating that substantial efforts are required to enable VLMs to perform visual reasoning as systematically and consistently as humans. As an early step, we propose a two-stage training framework aimed at improving both the reasoning performance and consistency of VLMs. The first stage involves employing supervised fine-tuning of VLMs using step-by-step reasoning samples automatically generated by LLMs. In the second stage, we further augment the training process by incorporating feedback provided by LLMs to produce reasoning chains that are highly consistent and grounded. We empirically highlight the effectiveness of our framework in both reasoning performance and consistency.

replace-cross ABScribe: Rapid Exploration & Organization of Multiple Writing Variations in Human-AI Co-Writing Tasks using Large Language Models

Authors: Mohi Reza, Nathan Laundry, Ilya Musabirov, Peter Dushniku, Zhi Yuan "Michael" Yu, Kashish Mittal, Tovi Grossman, Michael Liut, Anastasia Kuzminykh, Joseph Jay Williams

Abstract: Exploring alternative ideas by rewriting text is integral to the writing process. State-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) can simplify writing variation generation. However, current interfaces pose challenges for simultaneous consideration of multiple variations: creating new variations without overwriting text can be difficult, and pasting them sequentially can clutter documents, increasing workload and disrupting writers' flow. To tackle this, we present ABScribe, an interface that supports rapid, yet visually structured, exploration and organization of writing variations in human-AI co-writing tasks. With ABScribe, users can swiftly modify variations using LLM prompts, which are auto-converted into reusable buttons. Variations are stored adjacently within text fields for rapid in-place comparisons using mouse-over interactions on a popup toolbar. Our user study with 12 writers shows that ABScribe significantly reduces task workload (d = 1.20, p < 0.001), enhances user perceptions of the revision process (d = 2.41, p < 0.001) compared to a popular baseline workflow, and provides insights into how writers explore variations using LLMs.

replace-cross BooookScore: A systematic exploration of book-length summarization in the era of LLMs

Authors: Yapei Chang, Kyle Lo, Tanya Goyal, Mohit Iyyer

Abstract: Summarizing book-length documents (>100K tokens) that exceed the context window size of large language models (LLMs) requires first breaking the input document into smaller chunks and then prompting an LLM to merge, update, and compress chunk-level summaries. Despite the complexity and importance of this task, it has yet to be meaningfully studied due to the challenges of evaluation: existing book-length summarization datasets (e.g., BookSum) are in the pretraining data of most public LLMs, and existing evaluation methods struggle to capture errors made by modern LLM summarizers. In this paper, we present the first study of the coherence of LLM-based book-length summarizers implemented via two prompting workflows: (1) hierarchically merging chunk-level summaries, and (2) incrementally updating a running summary. We obtain 1193 fine-grained human annotations on GPT-4 generated summaries of 100 recently-published books and identify eight common types of coherence errors made by LLMs. Because human evaluation is expensive and time-consuming, we develop an automatic metric, BooookScore, that measures the proportion of sentences in a summary that do not contain any of the identified error types. BooookScore has high agreement with human annotations and allows us to systematically evaluate the impact of many other critical parameters (e.g., chunk size, base LLM) while saving $15K USD and 500 hours in human evaluation costs. We find that closed-source LLMs such as GPT-4 and Claude 2 produce summaries with higher BooookScore than those generated by open-source models. While LLaMA 2 falls behind other models, Mixtral achieves performance on par with GPT-3.5-Turbo. Incremental updating yields lower BooookScore but higher level of detail than hierarchical merging, a trade-off sometimes preferred by annotators.

replace-cross MCRAGE: Synthetic Healthcare Data for Fairness

Authors: Keira Behal, Jiayi Chen, Caleb Fikes, Sophia Xiao

Abstract: In the field of healthcare, electronic health records (EHR) serve as crucial training data for developing machine learning models for diagnosis, treatment, and the management of healthcare resources. However, medical datasets are often imbalanced in terms of sensitive attributes such as race/ethnicity, gender, and age. Machine learning models trained on class-imbalanced EHR datasets perform significantly worse in deployment for individuals of the minority classes compared to those from majority classes, which may lead to inequitable healthcare outcomes for minority groups. To address this challenge, we propose Minority Class Rebalancing through Augmentation by Generative modeling (MCRAGE), a novel approach to augment imbalanced datasets using samples generated by a deep generative model. The MCRAGE process involves training a Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (CDDPM) capable of generating high-quality synthetic EHR samples from underrepresented classes. We use this synthetic data to augment the existing imbalanced dataset, resulting in a more balanced distribution across all classes, which can be used to train less biased downstream models. We measure the performance of MCRAGE versus alternative approaches using Accuracy, F1 score and AUROC of these downstream models. We provide theoretical justification for our method in terms of recent convergence results for DDPMs.

replace-cross Guaranteeing Control Requirements via Reward Shaping in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Francesco De Lellis, Marco Coraggio, Giovanni Russo, Mirco Musolesi, Mario di Bernardo

Abstract: In addressing control problems such as regulation and tracking through reinforcement learning, it is often required to guarantee that the acquired policy meets essential performance and stability criteria such as a desired settling time and steady-state error prior to deployment. Motivated by this necessity, we present a set of results and a systematic reward shaping procedure that (i) ensures the optimal policy generates trajectories that align with specified control requirements and (ii) allows to assess whether any given policy satisfies them. We validate our approach through comprehensive numerical experiments conducted in two representative environments from OpenAI Gym: the Inverted Pendulum swing-up problem and the Lunar Lander. Utilizing both tabular and deep reinforcement learning methods, our experiments consistently affirm the efficacy of our proposed framework, highlighting its effectiveness in ensuring policy adherence to the prescribed control requirements.

replace-cross Immunohistochemistry guided segmentation of benign epithelial cells, in situ lesions, and invasive epithelial cells in breast cancer slides

Authors: Maren H{\o}ib{\o}, Andr\'e Pedersen, Vibeke Grotnes Dale, Sissel Marie Berget, Borgny Ytterhus, Cecilia Lindskog, Elisabeth Wik, Lars A. Akslen, Ingerid Reinertsen, Erik Smistad, Marit Valla

Abstract: Digital pathology enables automatic analysis of histopathological sections using artificial intelligence (AI). Automatic evaluation could improve diagnostic efficiency and help find associations between morphological features and clinical outcome. For development of such prediction models, identifying invasive epithelial cells, and separating these from benign epithelial cells and in situ lesions would be the first step. In this study, we aimed to develop an AI model for segmentation of epithelial cells in sections from breast cancer. We generated epithelial ground truth masks by restaining hematoxylin and eosin (HE) sections with cytokeratin (CK) AE1/AE3, and by pathologists' annotations. HE/CK image pairs were used to train a convolutional neural network, and data augmentation was used to make the model more robust. Tissue microarrays (TMAs) from 839 patients, and whole slide images from two patients were used for training and evaluation of the models. The sections were derived from four cohorts of breast cancer patients. TMAs from 21 patients from a fifth cohort was used as a second test set. In quantitative evaluation, a mean Dice score of 0.70, 0.79, and 0.75 for invasive epithelial cells, benign epithelial cells, and in situ lesions, respectively, were achieved. In qualitative scoring (0-5) by pathologists, results were best for all epithelium and invasive epithelium, with scores of 4.7 and 4.4. Scores for benign epithelium and in situ lesions were 3.7 and 2.0. The proposed model segmented epithelial cells in HE stained breast cancer slides well, but further work is needed for accurate division between the classes. Immunohistochemistry, together with pathologists' annotations, enabled the creation of accurate ground truths. The model is made freely available in FastPathology and the code is available at


replace-cross Are Ensembles Getting Better all the Time?

Authors: Pierre-Alexandre Mattei, Damien Garreau

Abstract: Ensemble methods combine the predictions of several base models. We study whether or not including more models always improves their average performance. This question depends on the kind of ensemble considered, as well as the predictive metric chosen. We focus on situations where all members of the ensemble are a priori expected to perform as well, which is the case of several popular methods such as random forests or deep ensembles. In this setting, we show that ensembles are getting better all the time if, and only if, the considered loss function is convex. More precisely, in that case, the average loss of the ensemble is a decreasing function of the number of models. When the loss function is nonconvex, we show a series of results that can be summarised as: ensembles of good models keep getting better, and ensembles of bad models keep getting worse. To this end, we prove a new result on the monotonicity of tail probabilities that may be of independent interest. We illustrate our results on a medical prediction problem (diagnosing melanomas using neural nets) and a "wisdom of crowds" experiment (guessing the ratings of upcoming movies).

replace-cross Analyzing and Improving the Training Dynamics of Diffusion Models

Authors: Tero Karras, Miika Aittala, Jaakko Lehtinen, Janne Hellsten, Timo Aila, Samuli Laine

Abstract: Diffusion models currently dominate the field of data-driven image synthesis with their unparalleled scaling to large datasets. In this paper, we identify and rectify several causes for uneven and ineffective training in the popular ADM diffusion model architecture, without altering its high-level structure. Observing uncontrolled magnitude changes and imbalances in both the network activations and weights over the course of training, we redesign the network layers to preserve activation, weight, and update magnitudes on expectation. We find that systematic application of this philosophy eliminates the observed drifts and imbalances, resulting in considerably better networks at equal computational complexity. Our modifications improve the previous record FID of 2.41 in ImageNet-512 synthesis to 1.81, achieved using fast deterministic sampling. As an independent contribution, we present a method for setting the exponential moving average (EMA) parameters post-hoc, i.e., after completing the training run. This allows precise tuning of EMA length without the cost of performing several training runs, and reveals its surprising interactions with network architecture, training time, and guidance.

replace-cross Precipitation Downscaling with Spatiotemporal Video Diffusion

Authors: Prakhar Srivastava, Ruihan Yang, Gavin Kerrigan, Gideon Dresdner, Jeremy McGibbon, Christopher Bretherton, Stephan Mandt

Abstract: In climate science and meteorology, high-resolution local precipitation (rain and snowfall) predictions are limited by the computational costs of simulation-based methods. Statistical downscaling, or super-resolution, is a common workaround where a low-resolution prediction is improved using statistical approaches. Unlike traditional computer vision tasks, weather and climate applications require capturing the accurate conditional distribution of high-resolution given low-resolution patterns to assure reliable ensemble averages and unbiased estimates of extreme events, such as heavy rain. This work extends recent video diffusion models to precipitation super-resolution, employing a deterministic downscaler followed by a temporally-conditioned diffusion model to capture noise characteristics and high-frequency patterns. We test our approach on FV3GFS output, an established large-scale global atmosphere model, and compare it against five state-of-the-art baselines. Our analysis, capturing CRPS, MSE, precipitation distributions, and qualitative aspects using California and the Himalayas as examples, establishes our method as a new standard for data-driven precipitation downscaling.

replace-cross Does provable absence of barren plateaus imply classical simulability? Or, why we need to rethink variational quantum computing

Authors: M. Cerezo, Martin Larocca, Diego Garc\'ia-Mart\'in, N. L. Diaz, Paolo Braccia, Enrico Fontana, Manuel S. Rudolph, Pablo Bermejo, Aroosa Ijaz, Supanut Thanasilp, Eric R. Anschuetz, Zo\"e Holmes

Abstract: A large amount of effort has recently been put into understanding the barren plateau phenomenon. In this perspective article, we face the increasingly loud elephant in the room and ask a question that has been hinted at by many but not explicitly addressed: Can the structure that allows one to avoid barren plateaus also be leveraged to efficiently simulate the loss classically? We present strong evidence that commonly used models with provable absence of barren plateaus are also classically simulable, provided that one can collect some classical data from quantum devices during an initial data acquisition phase. This follows from the observation that barren plateaus result from a curse of dimensionality, and that current approaches for solving them end up encoding the problem into some small, classically simulable, subspaces. Thus, while stressing quantum computers can be essential for collecting data, our analysis sheds serious doubt on the non-classicality of the information processing capabilities of parametrized quantum circuits for barren plateau-free landscapes. We end by discussing caveats in our arguments, the role of smart initializations and the possibility of provably superpolynomial, or simply practical, advantages from running parametrized quantum circuits.

replace-cross Can It Edit? Evaluating the Ability of Large Language Models to Follow Code Editing Instructions

Authors: Federico Cassano, Luisa Li, Akul Sethi, Noah Shinn, Abby Brennan-Jones, Jacob Ginesin, Edward Berman, George Chakhnashvili, Anton Lozhkov, Carolyn Jane Anderson, Arjun Guha

Abstract: A significant amount of research is focused on developing and evaluating large language models for a variety of code synthesis tasks. These include synthesizing code from natural language, synthesizing tests from code, and synthesizing explanations of code. In contrast, the behavior of instructional code editing with LLMs is understudied. These are tasks in which the model is provided a block of code and an instruction to modify the code. The editing instruction may ask for a feature to be added or removed, describe a bug and ask for a fix, or ask for a different kind of solution. We introduce a carefully crafted benchmark of code editing tasks and use it to evaluate several cutting edge LLMs. Our evaluation exposes a significant gap between the capabilities of state-of-the-art open and closed models. For example, even GPT-3.5-Turbo is better than the best open model at code editing tasks. We also introduce a new, carefully curated, permissively licensed training dataset of code editing tasks coupled with natural language instructions. Using this training dataset, we show that we can fine-tune open Code LLMs to significantly improve their code editing capabilities, closing the gap between open and closed models. All code, data, and models are available at


replace-cross CharPoet: A Chinese Classical Poetry Generation System Based on Token-free LLM

Authors: Chengyue Yu, Lei Zang, Jiaotuan Wang, Chenyi Zhuang, Jinjie Gu

Abstract: Automatic Chinese classical poetry generation has attracted much research interest, but achieving effective control over format and content simultaneously remains challenging. Traditional systems usually accept keywords as user inputs, resulting in limited control over content. Large language models (LLMs) improve content control by allowing unrestricted user instructions, but the token-by-token generation process frequently makes format errors. Motivated by this, we propose CharPoet, a Chinese classical poetry generation system based on token-free LLM, which provides effective control over both format and content. Our token-free architecture generates in a character-by-character manner, enabling precise control over the number of characters. Pruned from existing token-based LLMs, CharPoet inherits their pretrained capabilities and can generate poetry following instructions like "Write me a poem for my mother's birthday." CharPoet achieves format accuracy above 0.96, outperforming Jiuge-GPT-2 (0.91) and GPT-4 (0.38). In terms of content quality, CharPoet surpasses traditional systems including Jiuge, and is comparable to other LLMs. Our system is open source and available at A video demonstration of CharPoet is available at


replace-cross An Exploratory Study on Automatic Identification of Assumptions in the Development of Deep Learning Frameworks

Authors: Chen Yang, Peng Liang, Zinan Ma

Abstract: Stakeholders constantly make assumptions in the development of deep learning (DL) frameworks. These assumptions are related to various types of software artifacts (e.g., requirements, design decisions, and technical debt) and can turn out to be invalid, leading to system failures. Existing approaches and tools for assumption management usually depend on manual identification of assumptions. However, assumptions are scattered in various sources (e.g., code comments, commits, pull requests, and issues) of DL framework development, and manually identifying assumptions has high costs (e.g., time and resources). To overcome the issues of manually identifying assumptions in DL framework development, we constructed a new and largest dataset (i.e., AssuEval) of assumptions collected from the TensorFlow and Keras repositories on GitHub; explored the performance of seven traditional machine learning models (e.g., Support Vector Machine, Classification and Regression Trees), a popular DL model (i.e., ALBERT), and a large language model (i.e., ChatGPT) of identifying assumptions on the AssuEval dataset. The experiment results show that: ALBERT achieves the best performance (f1-score: 0.9584) of identifying assumptions on the AssuEval dataset, which is much better than the other models (the 2nd best f1-score is 0.6211, achieved by ChatGPT). Though ChatGPT is the most popular large language model, we do not recommend using it to identify assumptions in DL framework development because of its low performance on the task. Fine-tuning ChatGPT specifically for assumption identification could improve the performance. This study provides researchers with the largest dataset of assumptions for further research (e.g., assumption classification, evaluation, and reasoning) and helps practitioners better understand assumptions and how to manage them in their projects.

replace-cross Iterative Regularization with k-support Norm: An Important Complement to Sparse Recovery

Authors: William de Vazelhes, Bhaskar Mukhoty, Xiao-Tong Yuan, Bin Gu

Abstract: Sparse recovery is ubiquitous in machine learning and signal processing. Due to the NP-hard nature of sparse recovery, existing methods are known to suffer either from restrictive (or even unknown) applicability conditions, or high computational cost. Recently, iterative regularization methods have emerged as a promising fast approach because they can achieve sparse recovery in one pass through early stopping, rather than the tedious grid-search used in the traditional methods. However, most of those iterative methods are based on the $\ell_1$ norm which requires restrictive applicability conditions and could fail in many cases. Therefore, achieving sparse recovery with iterative regularization methods under a wider range of conditions has yet to be further explored. To address this issue, we propose a novel iterative regularization algorithm, IRKSN, based on the $k$-support norm regularizer rather than the $\ell_1$ norm. We provide conditions for sparse recovery with IRKSN, and compare them with traditional conditions for recovery with $\ell_1$ norm regularizers. Additionally, we give an early stopping bound on the model error of IRKSN with explicit constants, achieving the standard linear rate for sparse recovery. Finally, we illustrate the applicability of our algorithm on several experiments, including a support recovery experiment with a correlated design matrix.

replace-cross Machine learning approach to detect dynamical states from recurrence measures

Authors: Dheeraja Thakur, Athul Mohan, G. Ambika, Chandrakala Meena

Abstract: We integrate machine learning approaches with nonlinear time series analysis, specifically utilizing recurrence measures to classify various dynamical states emerging from time series. We implement three machine learning algorithms Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and Support Vector Machine for this study. The input features are derived from the recurrence quantification of nonlinear time series and characteristic measures of the corresponding recurrence networks. For training and testing we generate synthetic data from standard nonlinear dynamical systems and evaluate the efficiency and performance of the machine learning algorithms in classifying time series into periodic, chaotic, hyper-chaotic, or noisy categories. Additionally, we explore the significance of input features in the classification scheme and find that the features quantifying the density of recurrence points are the most relevant. Furthermore, we illustrate how the trained algorithms can successfully predict the dynamical states of two variable stars, SX Her and AC Her from the data of their light curves.

replace-cross Hybrid Quantum Vision Transformers for Event Classification in High Energy Physics

Authors: Eyup B. Unlu, Mar\c{c}al Comajoan Cara, Gopal Ramesh Dahale, Zhongtian Dong, Roy T. Forestano, Sergei Gleyzer, Daniel Justice, Kyoungchul Kong, Tom Magorsch, Konstantin T. Matchev, Katia Matcheva

Abstract: Models based on vision transformer architectures are considered state-of-the-art when it comes to image classification tasks. However, they require extensive computational resources both for training and deployment. The problem is exacerbated as the amount and complexity of the data increases. Quantum-based vision transformer models could potentially alleviate this issue by reducing the training and operating time while maintaining the same predictive power. Although current quantum computers are not yet able to perform high-dimensional tasks yet, they do offer one of the most efficient solutions for the future. In this work, we construct several variations of a quantum hybrid vision transformer for a classification problem in high energy physics (distinguishing photons and electrons in the electromagnetic calorimeter). We test them against classical vision transformer architectures. Our findings indicate that the hybrid models can achieve comparable performance to their classical analogues with a similar number of parameters.

replace-cross Diffusive Gibbs Sampling

Authors: Wenlin Chen, Mingtian Zhang, Brooks Paige, Jos\'e Miguel Hern\'andez-Lobato, David Barber

Abstract: The inadequate mixing of conventional Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods for multi-modal distributions presents a significant challenge in practical applications such as Bayesian inference and molecular dynamics. Addressing this, we propose Diffusive Gibbs Sampling (DiGS), an innovative family of sampling methods designed for effective sampling from distributions characterized by distant and disconnected modes. DiGS integrates recent developments in diffusion models, leveraging Gaussian convolution to create an auxiliary noisy distribution that bridges isolated modes in the original space and applying Gibbs sampling to alternately draw samples from both spaces. Our approach exhibits a better mixing property for sampling multi-modal distributions than state-of-the-art methods such as parallel tempering. We demonstrate that our sampler attains substantially improved results across various tasks, including mixtures of Gaussians, Bayesian neural networks and molecular dynamics.

replace-cross AgentOhana: Design Unified Data and Training Pipeline for Effective Agent Learning

Authors: Jianguo Zhang, Tian Lan, Rithesh Murthy, Zhiwei Liu, Weiran Yao, Juntao Tan, Thai Hoang, Liangwei Yang, Yihao Feng, Zuxin Liu, Tulika Awalgaonkar, Juan Carlos Niebles, Silvio Savarese, Shelby Heinecke, Huan Wang, Caiming Xiong

Abstract: Autonomous agents powered by large language models (LLMs) have garnered significant research attention. However, fully harnessing the potential of LLMs for agent-based tasks presents inherent challenges due to the heterogeneous nature of diverse data sources featuring multi-turn trajectories. In this paper, we introduce \textbf{AgentOhana} as a comprehensive solution to address these challenges. \textit{AgentOhana} aggregates agent trajectories from distinct environments, spanning a wide array of scenarios. It meticulously standardizes and unifies these trajectories into a consistent format, streamlining the creation of a generic data loader optimized for agent training. Leveraging the data unification, our training pipeline maintains equilibrium across different data sources and preserves independent randomness across devices during dataset partitioning and model training. Additionally, we present \textbf{xLAM-v0.1}, a large action model tailored for AI agents, which demonstrates exceptional performance across various benchmarks. Begin the exploration at \url{}.


replace-cross Lightweight, error-tolerant edge detection using memristor-enabled stochastic logics

Authors: Lekai Song, Pengyu Liu, Jingfang Pei, Yang Liu, Songwei Liu, Shengbo Wang, Leonard W. T. Ng, Tawfique Hasan, Kong-Pang Pun, Shuo Gao, Guohua Hu

Abstract: The demand for efficient edge vision has spurred the interest in developing stochastic computing approaches for performing image processing tasks. Memristors with inherent stochasticity readily introduce probability into the computations and thus enable stochastic image processing computations. Here, we present a stochastic computing approach for edge detection, a fundamental image processing technique, facilitated with memristor-enabled stochastic logics. Specifically, we integrate the memristors with logic circuits and harness the stochasticity from the memristors to realize compact stochastic logics for stochastic number encoding and processing. The stochastic numbers, exhibiting well-regulated probabilities and correlations, can be processed to perform logic operations with statistical probabilities. This can facilitate lightweight stochastic edge detection for edge visual scenarios characterized with high-level noise errors. As a practical demonstration, we implement a hardware stochastic Roberts cross operator using the stochastic logics, and prove its exceptional edge detection performance, remarkably, with 95% less computational cost while withstanding 50% bit-flip errors. The results underscore the great potential of our stochastic edge detection approach in developing lightweight, error-tolerant edge vision hardware and systems for autonomous driving, virtual/augmented reality, medical imaging diagnosis, industrial automation, and beyond.

replace-cross Simple But Effective: Rethinking the Ability of Deep Learning in fNIRS to Exclude Abnormal Input

Authors: Zhihao Cao

Abstract: Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) is a non-invasive technique for monitoring brain activity. To better understand the brain, researchers often use deep learning to address the classification challenges of fNIRS data. Our study shows that while current networks in fNIRS are highly accurate for predictions within their training distribution, they falter at identifying and excluding abnormal data which is out-of-distribution, affecting their reliability. We propose integrating metric learning and supervised methods into fNIRS research to improve networks capability in identifying and excluding out-of-distribution outliers. This method is simple yet effective. In our experiments, it significantly enhances the performance of various networks in fNIRS, particularly transformer-based one, which shows the great improvement in reliability. We will make our experiment data available on GitHub.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning: A Convex Optimization Approach

Authors: Ather Gattami

Abstract: In this paper, we consider reinforcement learning of nonlinear systems with continuous state and action spaces. We present an episodic learning algorithm, where we for each episode use convex optimization to find a two-layer neural network approximation of the optimal $Q$-function. The convex optimization approach guarantees that the weights calculated at each episode are optimal, with respect to the given sampled states and actions of the current episode. For stable nonlinear systems, we show that the algorithm converges and that the converging parameters of the trained neural network can be made arbitrarily close to the optimal neural network parameters. In particular, if the regularization parameter is $\rho$ and the time horizon is $T$, then the parameters of the trained neural network converge to $w$, where the distance between $w$ from the optimal parameters $w^\star$ is bounded by $\mathcal{O}(\rho T^{-1})$. That is, when the number of episodes goes to infinity, there exists a constant $C$ such that \[\|w-w^\star\| \le C\cdot\frac{\rho}{T}.\] In particular, our algorithm converges arbitrarily close to the optimal neural network parameters as the time horizon increases or as the regularization parameter decreases.

replace-cross Mitigating Reversal Curse in Large Language Models via Semantic-aware Permutation Training

Authors: Qingyan Guo, Rui Wang, Junliang Guo, Xu Tan, Jiang Bian, Yujiu Yang

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance across diverse tasks, recent studies showcase that causal LLMs suffer from the "reversal curse". It is a typical example that the model knows "A's father is B", but is unable to reason "B's child is A". This limitation poses a challenge to the advancement of artificial general intelligence (AGI), as it suggests a gap in the models' ability to comprehend and apply bidirectional reasoning. In this paper, we first conduct substantial evaluation and identify that the root cause of the reversal curse lies in the different word order between the training and inference stage, namely, the poor ability of causal language models to predict antecedent words within the training data. Accordingly, permutation on the training data is considered as a potential solution, since this can make the model predict antecedent words or tokens. However, previous permutation methods may disrupt complete phrases or entities, thereby posing challenges for the model to comprehend and learn from training data. To address this issue, we propose Semantic-aware Permutation Training (SPT), which addresses this issue by segmenting the training sentences into semantic units (i.e., entities or phrases) with an assistant language model and permuting these units before feeding into the model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SPT effectively mitigates the reversal curse since the performance on reversed questions approximates that on the forward ones, and significantly advances the performance of existing works.

replace-cross Modeling Collaborator: Enabling Subjective Vision Classification With Minimal Human Effort via LLM Tool-Use

Authors: Imad Eddine Toubal, Aditya Avinash, Neil Gordon Alldrin, Jan Dlabal, Wenlei Zhou, Enming Luo, Otilia Stretcu, Hao Xiong, Chun-Ta Lu, Howard Zhou, Ranjay Krishna, Ariel Fuxman, Tom Duerig

Abstract: From content moderation to wildlife conservation, the number of applications that require models to recognize nuanced or subjective visual concepts is growing. Traditionally, developing classifiers for such concepts requires substantial manual effort measured in hours, days, or even months to identify and annotate data needed for training. Even with recently proposed Agile Modeling techniques, which enable rapid bootstrapping of image classifiers, users are still required to spend 30 minutes or more of monotonous, repetitive data labeling just to train a single classifier. Drawing on Fiske's Cognitive Miser theory, we propose a new framework that alleviates manual effort by replacing human labeling with natural language interactions, reducing the total effort required to define a concept by an order of magnitude: from labeling 2,000 images to only 100 plus some natural language interactions. Our framework leverages recent advances in foundation models, both large language models and vision-language models, to carve out the concept space through conversation and by automatically labeling training data points. Most importantly, our framework eliminates the need for crowd-sourced annotations. Moreover, our framework ultimately produces lightweight classification models that are deployable in cost-sensitive scenarios. Across 15 subjective concepts and across 2 public image classification datasets, our trained models outperform traditional Agile Modeling as well as state-of-the-art zero-shot classification models like ALIGN, CLIP, CuPL, and large visual question-answering models like PaLI-X.

replace-cross In Search of Truth: An Interrogation Approach to Hallucination Detection

Authors: Yakir Yehuda, Itzik Malkiel, Oren Barkan, Jonathan Weill, Royi Ronen, Noam Koenigstein

Abstract: Despite the many advances of Large Language Models (LLMs) and their unprecedented rapid evolution, their impact and integration into every facet of our daily lives is limited due to various reasons. One critical factor hindering their widespread adoption is the occurrence of hallucinations, where LLMs invent answers that sound realistic, yet drift away from factual truth. In this paper, we present a novel method for detecting hallucinations in large language models, which tackles a critical issue in the adoption of these models in various real-world scenarios. Through extensive evaluations across multiple datasets and LLMs, including Llama-2, we study the hallucination levels of various recent LLMs and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method to automatically detect them. Notably, we observe up to 62% hallucinations for Llama-2 in a specific experiment, where our method achieves a Balanced Accuracy (B-ACC) of 87%, all without relying on external knowledge.

replace-cross Designing Informative Metrics for Few-Shot Example Selection

Authors: Rishabh Adiga, Lakshminarayanan Subramanian, Varun Chandrasekaran

Abstract: Pretrained language models (PLMs) have shown remarkable few-shot learning capabilities when provided with properly formatted examples. However, selecting the "best" examples remains an open challenge. We propose a complexity-based prompt selection approach for sequence tagging tasks. This approach avoids the training of a dedicated model for selection of examples, and instead uses certain metrics to align the syntactico-semantic complexity of test sentences and examples. We use both sentence- and word-level metrics to match the complexity of examples to the (test) sentence being considered. Our results demonstrate that our approach extracts greater performance from PLMs: it achieves state-of-the-art performance on few-shot NER, achieving a 5% absolute improvement in F1 score on the CoNLL2003 dataset for GPT-4. We also see large gains of upto 28.85 points (F1/Acc.) in smaller models like GPT-j-6B.

replace-cross Efficient Feature Extraction and Late Fusion Strategy for Audiovisual Emotional Mimicry Intensity Estimation

Authors: Jun Yu, Wangyuan Zhu, Jichao Zhu

Abstract: In this paper, we present the solution to the Emotional Mimicry Intensity (EMI) Estimation challenge, which is part of 6th Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW) Competition.The EMI Estimation challenge task aims to evaluate the emotional intensity of seed videos by assessing them from a set of predefined emotion categories (i.e., "Admiration", "Amusement", "Determination", "Empathic Pain", "Excitement" and "Joy"). To tackle this challenge, we extracted rich dual-channel visual features based on ResNet18 and AUs for the video modality and effective single-channel features based on Wav2Vec2.0 for the audio modality. This allowed us to obtain comprehensive emotional features for the audiovisual modality. Additionally, leveraging a late fusion strategy, we averaged the predictions of the visual and acoustic models, resulting in a more accurate estimation of audiovisual emotional mimicry intensity. Experimental results validate the effectiveness of our approach, with the average Pearson's correlation Coefficient($\rho$) across the 6 emotion dimensionson the validation set achieving 0.3288.

replace-cross Data-Efficient Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining: Prioritizing Data Quality over Quantity

Authors: Siddharth Joshi, Arnav Jain, Ali Payani, Baharan Mirzasoleiman

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) on large-scale image-caption datasets learns representations that can achieve remarkable zero-shot generalization. However, such models require a massive amount of pre-training data. Improving the quality of the pre-training data has been shown to be much more effective in improving CLIP's performance than increasing its volume. Nevertheless, finding small subsets of training data that provably generalize the best has remained an open question. In this work, we propose the first theoretically rigorous data selection method for CLIP. We show that subsets that closely preserve the cross-covariance of the images and captions of the full data provably achieve a superior generalization performance. Our extensive experiments on ConceptualCaptions3M and ConceptualCaptions12M demonstrate that subsets found by \method\ achieve over 2.7x and 1.4x the accuracy of the next best baseline on ImageNet and its shifted versions. Moreover, we show that our subsets obtain 1.5x the average accuracy across 11 downstream datasets, of the next best baseline. The code is available at:


replace-cross An Aligning and Training Framework for Multimodal Recommendations

Authors: Yifan Liu, Kangning Zhang, Xiangyuan Ren, Yanhua Huang, Jiarui Jin, Yingjie Qin, Ruilong Su, Ruiwen Xu, Weinan Zhang

Abstract: With the development of multimedia applications, multimodal recommendations are playing an essential role, as they can leverage rich contexts beyond user interactions. Existing methods mainly regard multimodal information as an auxiliary, using them to help learn ID features; however, there exist semantic gaps among multimodal content features and ID features, for which directly using multimodal information as an auxiliary would lead to misalignment in representations of users and items. In this paper, we first systematically investigate the misalignment issue in multimodal recommendations, and propose a solution named AlignRec. In AlignRec, the recommendation objective is decomposed into three alignments, namely alignment within contents, alignment between content and categorical ID, and alignment between users and items. Each alignment is characterized by a specific objective function and is integrated into our multimodal recommendation framework. To effectively train our AlignRec, we propose starting from pre-training the first alignment to obtain unified multimodal features and subsequently training the following two alignments together with these features as input. As it is essential to analyze whether each multimodal feature helps in training, we design three new classes of metrics to evaluate intermediate performance. Our extensive experiments on three real-world datasets consistently verify the superiority of AlignRec compared to nine baselines. We also find that the multimodal features generated by AlignRec are better than currently used ones, which are to be open-sourced.