new Can ChatGPT Detect DeepFakes? A Study of Using Multimodal Large Language Models for Media Forensics

Authors: Shan Jia, Reilin Lyu, Kangran Zhao, Yize Chen, Zhiyuan Yan, Yan Ju, Chuanbo Hu, Xin Li, Baoyuan Wu, Siwei Lyu

Abstract: DeepFakes, which refer to AI-generated media content, have become an increasing concern due to their use as a means for disinformation. Detecting DeepFakes is currently solved with programmed machine learning algorithms. In this work, we investigate the capabilities of multimodal large language models (LLMs) in DeepFake detection. We conducted qualitative and quantitative experiments to demonstrate multimodal LLMs and show that they can expose AI-generated images through careful experimental design and prompt engineering. This is interesting, considering that LLMs are not inherently tailored for media forensic tasks, and the process does not require programming. We discuss the limitations of multimodal LLMs for these tasks and suggest possible improvements.

new Causal knowledge engineering: A case study from COVID-19

Authors: Steven Mascaro, Yue Wu, Ross Pearson, Owen Woodberry, Jessica Ramsay, Tom Snelling, Ann E. Nicholson

Abstract: COVID-19 appeared abruptly in early 2020, requiring a rapid response amid a context of great uncertainty. Good quality data and knowledge was initially lacking, and many early models had to be developed with causal assumptions and estimations built in to supplement limited data, often with no reliable approach for identifying, validating and documenting these causal assumptions. Our team embarked on a knowledge engineering process to develop a causal knowledge base consisting of several causal BNs for diverse aspects of COVID-19. The unique challenges of the setting lead to experiments with the elicitation approach, and what emerged was a knowledge engineering method we call Causal Knowledge Engineering (CKE). The CKE provides a structured approach for building a causal knowledge base that can support the development of a variety of application-specific models. Here we describe the CKE method, and use our COVID-19 work as a case study to provide a detailed discussion and analysis of the method.

new DouRN: Improving DouZero by Residual Neural Networks

Authors: Yiquan Chen, Yingchao Lyu, Di Zhang

Abstract: Deep reinforcement learning has made significant progress in games with imperfect information, but its performance in the card game Doudizhu (Chinese Poker/Fight the Landlord) remains unsatisfactory. Doudizhu is different from conventional games as it involves three players and combines elements of cooperation and confrontation, resulting in a large state and action space. In 2021, a Doudizhu program called DouZero\cite{zha2021douzero} surpassed previous models without prior knowledge by utilizing traditional Monte Carlo methods and multilayer perceptrons. Building on this work, our study incorporates residual networks into the model, explores different architectural designs, and conducts multi-role testing. Our findings demonstrate that this model significantly improves the winning rate within the same training time. Additionally, we introduce a call scoring system to assist the agent in deciding whether to become a landlord. With these enhancements, our model consistently outperforms the existing version of DouZero and even experienced human players. \footnote{The source code is available at \url{}


new Language Models Can Reduce Asymmetry in Information Markets

Authors: Nasim Rahaman, Martin Weiss, Manuel W\"uthrich, Yoshua Bengio, Li Erran Li, Chris Pal, Bernhard Sch\"olkopf

Abstract: This work addresses the buyer's inspection paradox for information markets. The paradox is that buyers need to access information to determine its value, while sellers need to limit access to prevent theft. To study this, we introduce an open-source simulated digital marketplace where intelligent agents, powered by language models, buy and sell information on behalf of external participants. The central mechanism enabling this marketplace is the agents' dual capabilities: they not only have the capacity to assess the quality of privileged information but also come equipped with the ability to forget. This ability to induce amnesia allows vendors to grant temporary access to proprietary information, significantly reducing the risk of unauthorized retention while enabling agents to accurately gauge the information's relevance to specific queries or tasks. To perform well, agents must make rational decisions, strategically explore the marketplace through generated sub-queries, and synthesize answers from purchased information. Concretely, our experiments (a) uncover biases in language models leading to irrational behavior and evaluate techniques to mitigate these biases, (b) investigate how price affects demand in the context of informational goods, and (c) show that inspection and higher budgets both lead to higher quality outcomes.

new A survey on Concept-based Approaches For Model Improvement

Authors: Avani Gupta, P J Narayanan

Abstract: The focus of recent research has shifted from merely increasing the Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) performance in various tasks to DNNs, which are more interpretable to humans. The field of eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) has observed various techniques, including saliency-based and concept-based approaches. Concept-based approaches explain the model's decisions in simple human understandable terms called Concepts. Concepts are human interpretable units of data and are the thinking ground of humans. Explanations in terms of concepts enable detecting spurious correlations, inherent biases, or clever-hans. With the advent of concept-based explanations, there have been various concept representation methods and automatic concept discovery algorithms. Some recent methods use concepts for post-hoc model disentanglement evaluation, while others use them for ante-hoc training. The concept-based approaches are new, with many representations coming up, and there is very limited work on Concept-based Model improvement. We provide a systematic review and taxonomy of various concept representations and their discovery algorithms in DNNs, specifically in vision. We also provide details on concept-based model improvement literature, which is the first to survey concept-based model improvement methods.

new ReAct Meets ActRe: Autonomous Annotations of Agent Trajectories for Contrastive Self-Training

Authors: Zonghan Yang, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Language agents have demonstrated autonomous decision-making abilities by reasoning with foundation models. Recently, efforts have been made to train language agents for performance improvement, with multi-step reasoning and action trajectories as the training data. However, collecting such trajectories still requires considerable human effort, by either artificial annotations or implementations of diverse prompting frameworks. In this work, we propose A$^3$T, a framework that enables the Autonomous Annotation of Agent Trajectories in the style of ReAct. The central role is an ActRe prompting agent, which explains the reason for an arbitrary action. When randomly sampling an external action, the ReAct-style agent could query the ActRe agent with the action to obtain its textual rationales. Novel trajectories are then synthesized by prepending the posterior reasoning from ActRe to the sampled action. In this way, the ReAct-style agent executes multiple trajectories for the failed tasks, and selects the successful ones to supplement its failed trajectory for contrastive self-training. Realized by policy gradient methods with binarized rewards, the contrastive self-training with accumulated trajectories facilitates a closed loop for multiple rounds of language agent self-improvement. We conduct experiments using QLoRA fine-tuning with the open-sourced Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2. In AlfWorld, the agent trained with A$^3$T obtains a 1-shot success rate of 96%, and 100% success with 4 iterative rounds. In WebShop, the 1-shot performance of the A$^3$T agent matches human average, and 4 rounds of iterative refinement lead to the performance approaching human experts. A$^3$T agents significantly outperform existing techniques, including prompting with GPT-4, advanced agent frameworks, and fully fine-tuned LLMs.

cross OSCaR: Object State Captioning and State Change Representation

Authors: Nguyen Nguyen, Jing Bi, Ali Vosoughi, Yapeng Tian, Pooyan Fazli, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: The capability of intelligent models to extrapolate and comprehend changes in object states is a crucial yet demanding aspect of AI research, particularly through the lens of human interaction in real-world settings. This task involves describing complex visual environments, identifying active objects, and interpreting their changes as conveyed through language. Traditional methods, which isolate object captioning and state change detection, offer a limited view of dynamic environments. Moreover, relying on a small set of symbolic words to represent changes has restricted the expressiveness of the language. To address these challenges, in this paper, we introduce the Object State Captioning and State Change Representation (OSCaR) dataset and benchmark. OSCaR consists of 14,084 annotated video segments with nearly 1,000 unique objects from various egocentric video collections. It sets a new testbed for evaluating multimodal large language models (MLLMs). Our experiments demonstrate that while MLLMs show some skill, they lack a full understanding of object state changes. The benchmark includes a fine-tuned model that, despite initial capabilities, requires significant improvements in accuracy and generalization ability for effective understanding of these changes. Our code and dataset are available at


cross Predicting Confinement Effect of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers on Strength of Concrete using Metaheuristics-based Artificial Neural Networks

Authors: Sarmed Wahab, Mohamed Suleiman, Faisal Shabbir, Nasim Shakouri Mahmoudabadi, Sarmad Waqas, Nouman Herl, Afaq Ahmad

Abstract: This article deals with the study of predicting the confinement effect of carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRPs) on concrete cylinder strength using metaheuristics-based artificial neural networks. A detailed database of 708 CFRP confined concrete cylinders is developed from previously published research with information on 8 parameters including geometrical parameters like the diameter (d) and height (h) of a cylinder, unconfined compressive strength of concrete (fco'), thickness (nt), the elastic modulus of CFRP (Ef), unconfined concrete strain confined concrete strain and the ultimate compressive strength of confined concrete fcc'. Three metaheuristic models are implemented including particle swarm optimization (PSO), grey wolf optimizer (GWO), and bat algorithm (BA). These algorithms are trained on the data using an objective function of mean square error and their predicted results are validated against the experimental studies and finite element analysis. The study shows that the hybrid model of PSO predicted the strength of CFRP-confined concrete cylinders with maximum accuracy of 99.13% and GWO predicted the results with an accuracy of 98.17%. The high accuracy of axial compressive strength predictions demonstrated that these prediction models are a reliable solution to the empirical methods. The prediction models are especially suitable for avoiding full-scale time-consuming experimental tests that make the process quick and economical.

cross Quantitative Analysis of AI-Generated Texts in Academic Research: A Study of AI Presence in Arxiv Submissions using AI Detection Tool

Authors: Arslan Akram

Abstract: Many people are interested in ChatGPT since it has become a prominent AIGC model that provides high-quality responses in various contexts, such as software development and maintenance. Misuse of ChatGPT might cause significant issues, particularly in public safety and education, despite its immense potential. The majority of researchers choose to publish their work on Arxiv. The effectiveness and originality of future work depend on the ability to detect AI components in such contributions. To address this need, this study will analyze a method that can see purposely manufactured content that academic organizations use to post on Arxiv. For this study, a dataset was created using physics, mathematics, and computer science articles. Using the newly built dataset, the following step is to put through its paces. The statistical analysis shows that is very accurate, with a rate of 98%.

cross Deep Generative Models for Ultra-High Granularity Particle Physics Detector Simulation: A Voyage From Emulation to Extrapolation

Authors: Baran Hashemi

Abstract: Simulating ultra-high-granularity detector responses in Particle Physics represents a critical yet computationally demanding task. This thesis aims to overcome this challenge for the Pixel Vertex Detector (PXD) at the Belle II experiment, which features over 7.5M pixel channels-the highest spatial resolution detector simulation dataset ever analysed with generative models. This thesis starts off by a comprehensive and taxonomic review on generative models for simulating detector signatures. Then, it presents the Intra-Event Aware Generative Adversarial Network (IEA-GAN), a new geometry-aware generative model that introduces a relational attentive reasoning and Self-Supervised Learning to approximate an "event" in the detector. This study underscores the importance of intra-event correlation for downstream physics analyses. Building upon this, the work drifts towards a more generic approach and presents YonedaVAE, a Category Theory-inspired generative model that tackles the open problem of Out-of-Distribution (OOD) simulation. YonedaVAE introduces a learnable Yoneda embedding to capture the entirety of an event based on its sensor relationships, formulating a Category theoretical language for intra-event relational reasoning. This is complemented by introducing a Self-Supervised learnable prior for VAEs and an Adaptive Top-q sampling mechanism, enabling the model to sample point clouds with variable intra-category cardinality in a zero-shot manner. Variable Intra-event cardinality has not been approached before and is vital for simulating irregular detector geometries. Trained on an early experiment data, YonedaVAE can reach a reasonable OOD simulation precision of a later experiment with almost double luminosity. This study introduces, for the first time, the results of using deep generative models for ultra-high granularity detector simulation in Particle Physics.

cross SMART: Automatically Scaling Down Language Models with Accuracy Guarantees for Reduced Processing Fees

Authors: Saehan Jo, Immanuel Trummer

Abstract: The advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly boosted performance in natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, the deployment of high-performance LLMs incurs substantial costs, primarily due to the increased number of parameters aimed at enhancing model performance. This has made the use of state-of-the-art LLMs more expensive for end-users. AI service providers, such as OpenAI and Anthropic, often offer multiple versions of LLMs with varying prices and performance. However, end-users still face challenges in choosing the appropriate LLM for their tasks that balance result quality with cost. We introduce SMART, Scaling Models Adaptively for Reduced Token Fees, a novel LLM framework designed to minimize the inference costs of NLP tasks while ensuring sufficient result quality. It enables users to specify an accuracy constraint in terms of the equivalence of outputs to those of the most powerful LLM. SMART then generates results that deviate from the outputs of this LLM only with a probability below a user-defined threshold. SMART employs a profiling phase that evaluates the performance of multiple LLMs to identify those that meet the user-defined accuracy level. SMART optimizes the tradeoff between profiling overheads and the anticipated cost savings resulting from profiling. Moreover, our approach significantly reduces inference costs by strategically leveraging a mix of LLMs. Our experiments on three real-world datasets show that, based on OpenAI models, SMART achieves significant cost savings, up to 25.6x in comparison to GPT-4.

cross depyf: Open the Opaque Box of PyTorch Compiler for Machine Learning Researchers

Authors: Kaichao You, Runsheng Bai, Meng Cao, Jianmin Wang, Ion Stoica, Mingsheng Long

Abstract: PyTorch \texttt{2.x} introduces a compiler designed to accelerate deep learning programs. However, for machine learning researchers, adapting to the PyTorch compiler to full potential can be challenging. The compiler operates at the Python bytecode level, making it appear as an opaque box. To address this, we introduce \texttt{depyf}, a tool designed to demystify the inner workings of the PyTorch compiler. \texttt{depyf} decompiles bytecode generated by PyTorch back into equivalent source code, and establishes connections between in-memory code objects and their on-disk source code counterparts. This feature enables users to step through the source code line by line using debuggers, thus enhancing their understanding of the underlying processes. Notably, \texttt{depyf} is non-intrusive and user-friendly, primarily relying on two convenient context managers for its core functionality. The project is \href{}{ openly available} and is recognized as a \href{}{PyTorch ecosystem project}.


cross Whose Side Are You On? Investigating the Political Stance of Large Language Models

Authors: Pagnarasmey Pit, Xingjun Ma, Mike Conway, Qingyu Chen, James Bailey, Henry Pit, Putrasmey Keo, Watey Diep, Yu-Gang Jiang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained significant popularity for their application in various everyday tasks such as text generation, summarization, and information retrieval. As the widespread adoption of LLMs continues to surge, it becomes increasingly crucial to ensure that these models yield responses that are politically impartial, with the aim of preventing information bubbles, upholding fairness in representation, and mitigating confirmation bias. In this paper, we propose a quantitative framework and pipeline designed to systematically investigate the political orientation of LLMs. Our investigation delves into the political alignment of LLMs across a spectrum of eight polarizing topics, spanning from abortion to LGBTQ issues. Across topics, the results indicate that LLMs exhibit a tendency to provide responses that closely align with liberal or left-leaning perspectives rather than conservative or right-leaning ones when user queries include details pertaining to occupation, race, or political affiliation. The findings presented in this study not only reaffirm earlier observations regarding the left-leaning characteristics of LLMs but also surface particular attributes, such as occupation, that are particularly susceptible to such inclinations even when directly steered towards conservatism. As a recommendation to avoid these models providing politicised responses, users should be mindful when crafting queries, and exercise caution in selecting neutral prompt language.

cross Integrating Wearable Sensor Data and Self-reported Diaries for Personalized Affect Forecasting

Authors: Zhongqi Yang, Yuning Wang, Ken S. Yamashita, Maryam Sabah, Elahe Khatibi, Iman Azimi, Nikil Dutt, Jessica L. Borelli, Amir M. Rahmani

Abstract: Emotional states, as indicators of affect, are pivotal to overall health, making their accurate prediction before onset crucial. Current studies are primarily centered on immediate short-term affect detection using data from wearable and mobile devices. These studies typically focus on objective sensory measures, often neglecting other forms of self-reported information like diaries and notes. In this paper, we propose a multimodal deep learning model for affect status forecasting. This model combines a transformer encoder with a pre-trained language model, facilitating the integrated analysis of objective metrics and self-reported diaries. To validate our model, we conduct a longitudinal study, enrolling college students and monitoring them over a year, to collect an extensive dataset including physiological, environmental, sleep, metabolic, and physical activity parameters, alongside open-ended textual diaries provided by the participants. Our results demonstrate that the proposed model achieves predictive accuracy of 82.50% for positive affect and 82.76% for negative affect, a full week in advance. The effectiveness of our model is further elevated by its explainability.

cross Machine Learning and Vision Transformers for Thyroid Carcinoma Diagnosis: A review

Authors: Yassine Habchi, Hamza Kheddar, Yassine Himeur, Abdelkrim Boukabou, Ammar Chouchane, Abdelmalik Ouamane, Shadi Atalla, Wathiq Mansoor

Abstract: The growing interest in developing smart diagnostic systems to help medical experts process extensive data for treating incurable diseases has been notable. In particular, the challenge of identifying thyroid cancer (TC) has seen progress with the use of machine learning (ML) and big data analysis, incorporating transformers to evaluate TC prognosis and determine the risk of malignancy in individuals. This review article presents a summary of various studies on AIbased approaches, especially those employing transformers, for diagnosing TC. It introduces a new categorization system for these methods based on artifcial intelligence (AI) algorithms, the goals of the framework, and the computing environments used. Additionally, it scrutinizes and contrasts the available TC datasets by their features. The paper highlights the importance of AI instruments in aiding the diagnosis and treatment of TC through supervised, unsupervised, or mixed approaches, with a special focus on the ongoing importance of transformers in medical diagnostics and disease management. It further discusses the progress made and the continuing obstacles in this area. Lastly, it explores future directions and focuses within this research feld.

cross Scheduled Knowledge Acquisition on Lightweight Vector Symbolic Architectures for Brain-Computer Interfaces

Authors: Yejia Liu, Shijin Duan, Xiaolin Xu, Shaolei Ren

Abstract: Brain-Computer interfaces (BCIs) are typically designed to be lightweight and responsive in real-time to provide users timely feedback. Classical feature engineering is computationally efficient but has low accuracy, whereas the recent neural networks (DNNs) improve accuracy but are computationally expensive and incur high latency. As a promising alternative, the low-dimensional computing (LDC) classifier based on vector symbolic architecture (VSA), achieves small model size yet higher accuracy than classical feature engineering methods. However, its accuracy still lags behind that of modern DNNs, making it challenging to process complex brain signals. To improve the accuracy of a small model, knowledge distillation is a popular method. However, maintaining a constant level of distillation between the teacher and student models may not be the best way for a growing student during its progressive learning stages. In this work, we propose a simple scheduled knowledge distillation method based on curriculum data order to enable the student to gradually build knowledge from the teacher model, controlled by an $\alpha$ scheduler. Meanwhile, we employ the LDC/VSA as the student model to enhance the on-device inference efficiency for tiny BCI devices that demand low latency. The empirical results have demonstrated that our approach achieves better tradeoff between accuracy and hardware efficiency compared to other methods.

cross Learning to better see the unseen: Broad-Deep Mixed Anti-Forgetting Framework for Incremental Zero-Shot Fault Diagnosis

Authors: Jiancheng Zhao, Jiaqi Yue, Chunhui Zhao

Abstract: Zero-shot fault diagnosis (ZSFD) is capable of identifying unseen faults via predicting fault attributes labeled by human experts. We first recognize the demand of ZSFD to deal with continuous changes in industrial processes, i.e., the model's ability to adapt to new fault categories and attributes while avoiding forgetting the diagnosis ability learned previously. To overcome the issue that the existing ZSFD paradigm cannot learn from evolving streams of training data in industrial scenarios, the incremental ZSFD (IZSFD) paradigm is proposed for the first time, which incorporates category increment and attribute increment for both traditional ZSFD and generalized ZSFD paradigms. To achieve IZSFD, we present a broad-deep mixed anti-forgetting framework (BDMAFF) that aims to learn from new fault categories and attributes. To tackle the issue of forgetting, BDMAFF effectively accumulates previously acquired knowledge from two perspectives: features and attribute prototypes. The feature memory is established through a deep generative model that employs anti-forgetting training strategies, ensuring the generation quality of historical categories is supervised and maintained. The diagnosis model SEEs the UNSEEN faults with the help of generated samples from the generative model. The attribute prototype memory is established through a diagnosis model inspired by the broad learning system. Unlike traditional incremental learning algorithms, BDMAFF introduces a memory-driven iterative update strategy for the diagnosis model, which allows the model to learn new faults and attributes without requiring the storage of all historical training samples. The effectiveness of the proposed method is verified by a real hydraulic system and the Tennessee-Eastman benchmark process.

cross A Clustering Method with Graph Maximum Decoding Information

Authors: Xinrun Xu, Manying Lv, Yurong Wu, Zhanbiao Lian, Zhiming Ding, Jin Yan, Shan Jiang

Abstract: The clustering method based on graph models has garnered increased attention for its widespread applicability across various knowledge domains. Its adaptability to integrate seamlessly with other relevant applications endows the graph model-based clustering analysis with the ability to robustly extract "natural associations" or "graph structures" within datasets, facilitating the modelling of relationships between data points. Despite its efficacy, the current clustering method utilizing the graph-based model overlooks the uncertainty associated with random walk access between nodes and the embedded structural information in the data. To address this gap, we present a novel Clustering method for Maximizing Decoding Information within graph-based models, named CMDI. CMDI innovatively incorporates two-dimensional structural information theory into the clustering process, consisting of two phases: graph structure extraction and graph vertex partitioning. Within CMDI, graph partitioning is reformulated as an abstract clustering problem, leveraging maximum decoding information to minimize uncertainty associated with random visits to vertices. Empirical evaluations on three real-world datasets demonstrate that CMDI outperforms classical baseline methods, exhibiting a superior decoding information ratio (DI-R). Furthermore, CMDI showcases heightened efficiency, particularly when considering prior knowledge (PK). These findings underscore the effectiveness of CMDI in enhancing decoding information quality and computational efficiency, positioning it as a valuable tool in graph-based clustering analyses.

cross Optimal Transport for Domain Adaptation through Gaussian Mixture Models

Authors: Eduardo Fernandes Montesuma, Fred Maurice Ngol\`e Mboula, Antoine Souloumiac

Abstract: In this paper we explore domain adaptation through optimal transport. We propose a novel approach, where we model the data distributions through Gaussian mixture models. This strategy allows us to solve continuous optimal transport through an equivalent discrete problem. The optimal transport solution gives us a matching between source and target domain mixture components. From this matching, we can map data points between domains, or transfer the labels from the source domain components towards the target domain. We experiment with 2 domain adaptation benchmarks in fault diagnosis, showing that our methods have state-of-the-art performance.

cross Smooth Sensitivity for Learning Differentially-Private yet Accurate Rule Lists

Authors: Timoth\'ee Ly (LAAS-ROC), Julien Ferry (EPM), Marie-Jos\'e Huguet (LAAS-ROC), S\'ebastien Gambs (UQAM), Ulrich Aivodji (ETS)

Abstract: Differentially-private (DP) mechanisms can be embedded into the design of a machine learningalgorithm to protect the resulting model against privacy leakage, although this often comes with asignificant loss of accuracy. In this paper, we aim at improving this trade-off for rule lists modelsby establishing the smooth sensitivity of the Gini impurity and leveraging it to propose a DP greedyrule list algorithm. In particular, our theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate thatthe DP rule lists models integrating smooth sensitivity have higher accuracy that those using otherDP frameworks based on global sensitivity.

cross Graphs Unveiled: Graph Neural Networks and Graph Generation

Authors: L\'aszl\'o Kov\'acs, Ali Jlidi

Abstract: One of the hot topics in machine learning is the field of GNN. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. This paper represents a survey, providing a comprehensive overview of Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). We discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains. Finally, we present an advanced field in GNNs: graph generation.

cross Spatio-Temporal Fluid Dynamics Modeling via Physical-Awareness and Parameter Diffusion Guidance

Authors: Hao Wu, Fan Xu, Yifan Duan, Ziwei Niu, Weiyan Wang, Gaofeng Lu, Kun Wang, Yuxuan Liang, Yang Wang

Abstract: This paper proposes a two-stage framework named ST-PAD for spatio-temporal fluid dynamics modeling in the field of earth sciences, aiming to achieve high-precision simulation and prediction of fluid dynamics through spatio-temporal physics awareness and parameter diffusion guidance. In the upstream stage, we design a vector quantization reconstruction module with temporal evolution characteristics, ensuring balanced and resilient parameter distribution by introducing general physical constraints. In the downstream stage, a diffusion probability network involving parameters is utilized to generate high-quality future states of fluids, while enhancing the model's generalization ability by perceiving parameters in various physical setups. Extensive experiments on multiple benchmark datasets have verified the effectiveness and robustness of the ST-PAD framework, which showcase that ST-PAD outperforms current mainstream models in fluid dynamics modeling and prediction, especially in effectively capturing local representations and maintaining significant advantages in OOD generations.

cross DiffImpute: Tabular Data Imputation With Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model

Authors: Yizhu Wen, Kai Yi, Jing Ke, Yiqing Shen

Abstract: Tabular data plays a crucial role in various domains but often suffers from missing values, thereby curtailing its potential utility. Traditional imputation techniques frequently yield suboptimal results and impose substantial computational burdens, leading to inaccuracies in subsequent modeling tasks. To address these challenges, we propose DiffImpute, a novel Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM). Specifically, DiffImpute is trained on complete tabular datasets, ensuring that it can produce credible imputations for missing entries without undermining the authenticity of the existing data. Innovatively, it can be applied to various settings of Missing Completely At Random (MCAR) and Missing At Random (MAR). To effectively handle the tabular features in DDPM, we tailor four tabular denoising networks, spanning MLP, ResNet, Transformer, and U-Net. We also propose Harmonization to enhance coherence between observed and imputed data by infusing the data back and denoising them multiple times during the sampling stage. To enable efficient inference while maintaining imputation performance, we propose a refined non-Markovian sampling process that works along with Harmonization. Empirical evaluations on seven diverse datasets underscore the prowess of DiffImpute. Specifically, when paired with the Transformer as the denoising network, it consistently outperforms its competitors, boasting an average ranking of 1.7 and the most minimal standard deviation. In contrast, the next best method lags with a ranking of 2.8 and a standard deviation of 0.9. The code is available at


cross The Bid Picture: Auction-Inspired Multi-player Generative Adversarial Networks Training

Authors: Joo Yong Shim, Jean Seong Bjorn Choe, Jong-Kook Kim

Abstract: This article proposes auction-inspired multi-player generative adversarial networks training, which mitigates the mode collapse problem of GANs. Mode collapse occurs when an over-fitted generator generates a limited range of samples, often concentrating on a small subset of the data distribution. Despite the restricted diversity of generated samples, the discriminator can still be deceived into distinguishing these samples as real samples from the actual distribution. In the absence of external standards, a model cannot recognize its failure during the training phase. We extend the two-player game of generative adversarial networks to the multi-player game. During the training, the values of each model are determined by the bids submitted by other players in an auction-like process.

cross Accurately Predicting Probabilities of Safety-Critical Rare Events for Intelligent Systems

Authors: Ruoxuan Bai, Jingxuan Yang, Weiduo Gong, Yi Zhang, Qiujing Lu, Shuo Feng

Abstract: Intelligent systems are increasingly integral to our daily lives, yet rare safety-critical events present significant latent threats to their practical deployment. Addressing this challenge hinges on accurately predicting the probability of safety-critical events occurring within a given time step from the current state, a metric we define as 'criticality'. The complexity of predicting criticality arises from the extreme data imbalance caused by rare events in high dimensional variables associated with the rare events, a challenge we refer to as the curse of rarity. Existing methods tend to be either overly conservative or prone to overlooking safety-critical events, thus struggling to achieve both high precision and recall rates, which severely limits their applicability. This study endeavors to develop a criticality prediction model that excels in both precision and recall rates for evaluating the criticality of safety-critical autonomous systems. We propose a multi-stage learning framework designed to progressively densify the dataset, mitigating the curse of rarity across stages. To validate our approach, we evaluate it in two cases: lunar lander and bipedal walker scenarios. The results demonstrate that our method surpasses traditional approaches, providing a more accurate and dependable assessment of criticality in intelligent systems.

cross Towards Learning Contrast Kinetics with Multi-Condition Latent Diffusion Models

Authors: Richard Osuala, Daniel Lang, Preeti Verma, Smriti Joshi, Apostolia Tsirikoglou, Grzegorz Skorupko, Kaisar Kushibar, Lidia Garrucho, Walter H. L. Pinaya, Oliver Diaz, Julia Schnabel, Karim Lekadir

Abstract: Contrast agents in dynamic contrast enhanced magnetic resonance imaging allow to localize tumors and observe their contrast kinetics, which is essential for cancer characterization and respective treatment decision-making. However, contrast agent administration is not only associated with adverse health risks, but also restricted for patients during pregnancy, and for those with kidney malfunction, or other adverse reactions. With contrast uptake as key biomarker for lesion malignancy, cancer recurrence risk, and treatment response, it becomes pivotal to reduce the dependency on intravenous contrast agent administration. To this end, we propose a multi-conditional latent diffusion model capable of acquisition time-conditioned image synthesis of DCE-MRI temporal sequences. To evaluate medical image synthesis, we additionally propose and validate the Fr\'echet radiomics distance as an image quality measure based on biomarker variability between synthetic and real imaging data. Our results demonstrate our method's ability to generate realistic multi-sequence fat-saturated breast DCE-MRI and uncover the emerging potential of deep learning based contrast kinetics simulation. We publicly share our accessible codebase at


cross Reducing Large Language Model Bias with Emphasis on 'Restricted Industries': Automated Dataset Augmentation and Prejudice Quantification

Authors: Devam Mondal, Carlo Lipizzi

Abstract: Despite the growing capabilities of large language models, there exists concerns about the biases they develop. In this paper, we propose a novel, automated mechanism for debiasing through specified dataset augmentation in the lens of bias producers and in the context of 'restricted industries' with limited data. We additionally create two new additional metrics, the mb-index and db-index, to quantify bias, considering the idea that bias occurs due to both intrinsic model architecture and dataset.

cross Multi-criteria approach for selecting an explanation from the set of counterfactuals produced by an ensemble of explainers

Authors: Ignacy St\k{e}pka, Mateusz Lango, Jerzy Stefanowski

Abstract: Counterfactuals are widely used to explain ML model predictions by providing alternative scenarios for obtaining the more desired predictions. They can be generated by a variety of methods that optimize different, sometimes conflicting, quality measures and produce quite different solutions. However, choosing the most appropriate explanation method and one of the generated counterfactuals is not an easy task. Instead of forcing the user to test many different explanation methods and analysing conflicting solutions, in this paper, we propose to use a multi-stage ensemble approach that will select single counterfactual based on the multiple-criteria analysis. It offers a compromise solution that scores well on several popular quality measures. This approach exploits the dominance relation and the ideal point decision aid method, which selects one counterfactual from the Pareto front. The conducted experiments demonstrated that the proposed approach generates fully actionable counterfactuals with attractive compromise values of the considered quality measures.

cross BlendScape: Enabling Unified and Personalized Video-Conferencing Environments through Generative AI

Authors: Shwetha Rajaram, Nels Numan, Balasaravanan Thoravi Kumaravel, Nicolai Marquardt, Andrew D. Wilson

Abstract: Today's video-conferencing tools support a rich range of professional and social activities, but their generic, grid-based environments cannot be easily adapted to meet the varying needs of distributed collaborators. To enable end-user customization, we developed BlendScape, a system for meeting participants to compose video-conferencing environments tailored to their collaboration context by leveraging AI image generation techniques. BlendScape supports flexible representations of task spaces by blending users' physical or virtual backgrounds into unified environments and implements multimodal interaction techniques to steer the generation. Through an evaluation with 15 end-users, we investigated their customization preferences for work and social scenarios. Participants could rapidly express their design intentions with BlendScape and envisioned using the system to structure collaboration in future meetings, but experienced challenges with preventing distracting elements. We implement scenarios to demonstrate BlendScape's expressiveness in supporting distributed collaboration techniques from prior work and propose composition techniques to improve the quality of environments.

cross Evo* 2023 -- Late-Breaking Abstracts Volume

Authors: A. M. Mora, A. I. Esparcia-Alc\'azar

Abstract: Volume with the Late-Breaking Abstracts submitted to the Evo* 2023 Conference, held in Brno (Czech Republic), from 12 to 14 of April. These papers present ongoing research and preliminary results investigating on the application of different approaches of Bioinspired Methods (mainly Evolutionary Computation) to different problems, most of them real world ones.

cross ACDG-VTON: Accurate and Contained Diffusion Generation for Virtual Try-On

Authors: Jeffrey Zhang, Kedan Li, Shao-Yu Chang, David Forsyth

Abstract: Virtual Try-on (VTON) involves generating images of a person wearing selected garments. Diffusion-based methods, in particular, can create high-quality images, but they struggle to maintain the identities of the input garments. We identified this problem stems from the specifics in the training formulation for diffusion. To address this, we propose a unique training scheme that limits the scope in which diffusion is trained. We use a control image that perfectly aligns with the target image during training. In turn, this accurately preserves garment details during inference. We demonstrate our method not only effectively conserves garment details but also allows for layering, styling, and shoe try-on. Our method runs multi-garment try-on in a single inference cycle and can support high-quality zoomed-in generations without training in higher resolutions. Finally, we show our method surpasses prior methods in accuracy and quality.

cross Open Access NAO (OAN): a ROS2-based software framework for HRI applications with the NAO robot

Authors: Antonio Bono, Kenji Brameld, Luigi D'Alfonso, Giuseppe Fedele

Abstract: This paper presents a new software framework for HRI experimentation with the sixth version of the common NAO robot produced by the United Robotics Group. Embracing the common demand of researchers for better performance and new features for NAO, the authors took advantage of the ability to run ROS2 onboard on the NAO to develop a framework independent of the APIs provided by the manufacturer. Such a system provides NAO with not only the basic skills of a humanoid robot such as walking and reproducing movements of interest but also features often used in HRI such as: speech recognition/synthesis, face and object detention, and the use of Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) models for conversation. The developed code is therefore configured as a ready-to-use but also highly expandable and improvable tool thanks to the possibilities provided by the ROS community.

cross "This is not a data problem": Algorithms and Power in Public Higher Education in Canada

Authors: Kelly McConvey, Shion Guha

Abstract: Algorithmic decision-making is increasingly being adopted across public higher education. The expansion of data-driven practices by post-secondary institutions has occurred in parallel with the adoption of New Public Management approaches by neoliberal administrations. In this study, we conduct a qualitative analysis of an in-depth ethnographic case study of data and algorithms in use at a public college in Ontario, Canada. We identify the data, algorithms, and outcomes in use at the college. We assess how the college's processes and relationships support those outcomes and the different stakeholders' perceptions of the college's data-driven systems. In addition, we find that the growing reliance on algorithmic decisions leads to increased student surveillance, exacerbation of existing inequities, and the automation of the faculty-student relationship. Finally, we identify a cycle of increased institutional power perpetuated by algorithmic decision-making, and driven by a push towards financial sustainability.

cross On Prompt Sensitivity of ChatGPT in Affective Computing

Authors: Mostafa M. Amin, Bj\"orn W. Schuller

Abstract: Recent studies have demonstrated the emerging capabilities of foundation models like ChatGPT in several fields, including affective computing. However, accessing these emerging capabilities is facilitated through prompt engineering. Despite the existence of some prompting techniques, the field is still rapidly evolving and many prompting ideas still require investigation. In this work, we introduce a method to evaluate and investigate the sensitivity of the performance of foundation models based on different prompts or generation parameters. We perform our evaluation on ChatGPT within the scope of affective computing on three major problems, namely sentiment analysis, toxicity detection, and sarcasm detection. First, we carry out a sensitivity analysis on pivotal parameters in auto-regressive text generation, specifically the temperature parameter $T$ and the top-$p$ parameter in Nucleus sampling, dictating how conservative or creative the model should be during generation. Furthermore, we explore the efficacy of several prompting ideas, where we explore how giving different incentives or structures affect the performance. Our evaluation takes into consideration performance measures on the affective computing tasks, and the effectiveness of the model to follow the stated instructions, hence generating easy-to-parse responses to be smoothly used in downstream applications.

cross Searching Search Spaces: Meta-evolving a Geometric Encoding for Neural Networks

Authors: Tarek Kunze, Paul Templier, Dennis G Wilson

Abstract: In evolutionary policy search, neural networks are usually represented using a direct mapping: each gene encodes one network weight. Indirect encoding methods, where each gene can encode for multiple weights, shorten the genome to reduce the dimensions of the search space and better exploit permutations and symmetries. The Geometric Encoding for Neural network Evolution (GENE) introduced an indirect encoding where the weight of a connection is computed as the (pseudo-)distance between the two linked neurons, leading to a genome size growing linearly with the number of genes instead of quadratically in direct encoding. However GENE still relies on hand-crafted distance functions with no prior optimization. Here we show that better performing distance functions can be found for GENE using Cartesian Genetic Programming (CGP) in a meta-evolution approach, hence optimizing the encoding to create a search space that is easier to exploit. We show that GENE with a learned function can outperform both direct encoding and the hand-crafted distances, generalizing on unseen problems, and we study how the encoding impacts neural network properties.

cross Ax-to-Grind Urdu: Benchmark Dataset for Urdu Fake News Detection

Authors: Sheetal Harris, Jinshuo Liu, Hassan Jalil Hadi, Yue Cao

Abstract: Misinformation can seriously impact society, affecting anything from public opinion to institutional confidence and the political horizon of a state. Fake News (FN) proliferation on online websites and Online Social Networks (OSNs) has increased profusely. Various fact-checking websites include news in English and barely provide information about FN in regional languages. Thus the Urdu FN purveyors cannot be discerned using factchecking portals. SOTA approaches for Fake News Detection (FND) count upon appropriately labelled and large datasets. FND in regional and resource-constrained languages lags due to the lack of limited-sized datasets and legitimate lexical resources. The previous datasets for Urdu FND are limited-sized, domain-restricted, publicly unavailable and not manually verified where the news is translated from English into Urdu. In this paper, we curate and contribute the first largest publicly available dataset for Urdu FND, Ax-to-Grind Urdu, to bridge the identified gaps and limitations of existing Urdu datasets in the literature. It constitutes 10,083 fake and real news on fifteen domains collected from leading and authentic Urdu newspapers and news channel websites in Pakistan and India. FN for the Ax-to-Grind dataset is collected from websites and crowdsourcing. The dataset contains news items in Urdu from the year 2017 to the year 2023. Expert journalists annotated the dataset. We benchmark the dataset with an ensemble model of mBERT,XLNet, and XLM RoBERTa. The selected models are originally trained on multilingual large corpora. The results of the proposed model are based on performance metrics, F1-score, accuracy, precision, recall and MCC value.

cross A Roadmap Towards Automated and Regulated Robotic Systems

Authors: Yihao Liu, Mehran Armand

Abstract: The rapid development of generative technology opens up possibility for higher level of automation, and artificial intelligence (AI) embodiment in robotic systems is imminent. However, due to the blackbox nature of the generative technology, the generation of the knowledge and workflow scheme is uncontrolled, especially in a dynamic environment and a complex scene. This poses challenges to regulations in safety-demanding applications such as medical scenes. We argue that the unregulated generative processes from AI is fitted for low level end tasks, but intervention in the form of manual or automated regulation should happen post-workflow-generation and pre-robotic-execution. To address this, we propose a roadmap that can lead to fully automated and regulated robotic systems. In this paradigm, the high level policies are generated as structured graph data, enabling regulatory oversight and reusability, while the code base for lower level tasks is generated by generative models. Our approach aims the transitioning from expert knowledge to regulated action, akin to the iterative processes of study, practice, scrutiny, and execution in human tasks. We identify the generative and deterministic processes in a design cycle, where generative processes serve as a text-based world simulator and the deterministic processes generate the executable system. We propose State Machine Seralization Language (SMSL) to be the conversion point between text simulator and executable workflow control. From there, we analyze the modules involved based on the current literature, and discuss human in the loop. As a roadmap, this work identifies the current possible implementation and future work. This work does not provide an implemented system but envisions to inspire the researchers working on the direction in the roadmap. We implement the SMSL and D-SFO paradigm that serve as the starting point of the roadmap.

cross Carbon Footprint Reduction for Sustainable Data Centers in Real-Time

Authors: Soumyendu Sarkar, Avisek Naug, Ricardo Luna, Antonio Guillen, Vineet Gundecha, Sahand Ghorbanpour, Sajad Mousavi, Dejan Markovikj, Ashwin Ramesh Babu

Abstract: As machine learning workloads significantly increase energy consumption, sustainable data centers with low carbon emissions are becoming a top priority for governments and corporations worldwide. This requires a paradigm shift in optimizing power consumption in cooling and IT loads, shifting flexible loads based on the availability of renewable energy in the power grid, and leveraging battery storage from the uninterrupted power supply in data centers, using collaborative agents. The complex association between these optimization strategies and their dependencies on variable external factors like weather and the power grid carbon intensity makes this a hard problem. Currently, a real-time controller to optimize all these goals simultaneously in a dynamic real-world setting is lacking. We propose a Data Center Carbon Footprint Reduction (DC-CFR) multi-agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) framework that optimizes data centers for the multiple objectives of carbon footprint reduction, energy consumption, and energy cost. The results show that the DC-CFR MARL agents effectively resolved the complex interdependencies in optimizing cooling, load shifting, and energy storage in real-time for various locations under real-world dynamic weather and grid carbon intensity conditions. DC-CFR significantly outperformed the industry standard ASHRAE controller with a considerable reduction in carbon emissions (14.5%), energy usage (14.4%), and energy cost (13.7%) when evaluated over one year across multiple geographical regions.

cross Heuristic Algorithm-based Action Masking Reinforcement Learning (HAAM-RL) with Ensemble Inference Method

Authors: Kyuwon Choi, Cheolkyun Rho, Taeyoun Kim, Daewoo Choi

Abstract: This paper presents a novel reinforcement learning (RL) approach called HAAM-RL (Heuristic Algorithm-based Action Masking Reinforcement Learning) for optimizing the color batching re-sequencing problem in automobile painting processes. The existing heuristic algorithms have limitations in adequately reflecting real-world constraints and accurately predicting logistics performance. Our methodology incorporates several key techniques including a tailored Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulation, reward setting including Potential-Based Reward Shaping, action masking using heuristic algorithms (HAAM-RL), and an ensemble inference method that combines multiple RL models. The RL agent is trained and evaluated using FlexSim, a commercial 3D simulation software, integrated with our RL MLOps platform BakingSoDA. Experimental results across 30 scenarios demonstrate that HAAM-RL with an ensemble inference method achieves a 16.25% performance improvement over the conventional heuristic algorithm, with stable and consistent results. The proposed approach exhibits superior performance and generalization capability, indicating its effectiveness in optimizing complex manufacturing processes. The study also discusses future research directions, including alternative state representations, incorporating model-based RL methods, and integrating additional real-world constraints.

cross C-TPT: Calibrated Test-Time Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models via Text Feature Dispersion

Authors: Hee Suk Yoon, Eunseop Yoon, Joshua Tian Jin Tee, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Yingzhen Li, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: In deep learning, test-time adaptation has gained attention as a method for model fine-tuning without the need for labeled data. A prime exemplification is the recently proposed test-time prompt tuning for large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP. Unfortunately, these prompts have been mainly developed to improve accuracy, overlooking the importance of calibration-a crucial aspect for quantifying prediction uncertainty. However, traditional calibration methods rely on substantial amounts of labeled data, making them impractical for test-time scenarios. To this end, this paper explores calibration during test-time prompt tuning by leveraging the inherent properties of CLIP. Through a series of observations, we find that the prompt choice significantly affects the calibration in CLIP, where the prompts leading to higher text feature dispersion result in better-calibrated predictions. Introducing the Average Text Feature Dispersion (ATFD), we establish its relationship with calibration error and present a novel method, Calibrated Test-time Prompt Tuning (C-TPT), for optimizing prompts during test-time with enhanced calibration. Through extensive experiments on different CLIP architectures and datasets, we show that C-TPT can effectively improve the calibration of test-time prompt tuning without needing labeled data.

cross Advancing IIoT with Over-the-Air Federated Learning: The Role of Iterative Magnitude Pruning

Authors: Fazal Muhammad Ali Khan, Hatem Abou-Zeid, Aryan Kaushik, Syed Ali Hassan

Abstract: The industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) under Industry 4.0 heralds an era of interconnected smart devices where data-driven insights and machine learning (ML) fuse to revolutionize manufacturing. A noteworthy development in IIoT is the integration of federated learning (FL), which addresses data privacy and security among devices. FL enables edge sensors, also known as peripheral intelligence units (PIUs) to learn and adapt using their data locally, without explicit sharing of confidential data, to facilitate a collaborative yet confidential learning process. However, the lower memory footprint and computational power of PIUs inherently require deep neural network (DNN) models that have a very compact size. Model compression techniques such as pruning can be used to reduce the size of DNN models by removing unnecessary connections that have little impact on the model's performance, thus making the models more suitable for the limited resources of PIUs. Targeting the notion of compact yet robust DNN models, we propose the integration of iterative magnitude pruning (IMP) of the DNN model being trained in an over-the-air FL (OTA-FL) environment for IIoT. We provide a tutorial overview and also present a case study of the effectiveness of IMP in OTA-FL for an IIoT environment. Finally, we present future directions for enhancing and optimizing these deep compression techniques further, aiming to push the boundaries of IIoT capabilities in acquiring compact yet robust and high-performing DNN models.

cross Evolving Benchmark Functions to Compare Evolutionary Algorithms via Genetic Programming

Authors: Yifan He, Claus Aranha

Abstract: In this study, we use Genetic Programming (GP) to compose new optimization benchmark functions. Optimization benchmarks have the important role of showing the differences between evolutionary algorithms, making it possible for further analysis and comparisons. We show that the benchmarks generated by GP are able to differentiate algorithms better than human-made benchmark functions. The fitness measure of the GP is the Wasserstein distance of the solutions found by a pair of optimizers. Additionally, we use MAP-Elites to both enhance the search power of the GP and also illustrate how the difference between optimizers changes by various landscape features. Our approach provides a novel way to automate the design of benchmark functions and to compare evolutionary algorithms.

cross Deep Learning for Trajectory Data Management and Mining: A Survey and Beyond

Authors: Wei Chen, Yuxuan Liang, Yuanshao Zhu, Yanchuan Chang, Kang Luo, Haomin Wen, Lei Li, Yanwei Yu, Qingsong Wen, Chao Chen, Kai Zheng, Yunjun Gao, Xiaofang Zhou, Yu Zheng

Abstract: Trajectory computing is a pivotal domain encompassing trajectory data management and mining, garnering widespread attention due to its crucial role in various practical applications such as location services, urban traffic, and public safety. Traditional methods, focusing on simplistic spatio-temporal features, face challenges of complex calculations, limited scalability, and inadequate adaptability to real-world complexities. In this paper, we present a comprehensive review of the development and recent advances in deep learning for trajectory computing (DL4Traj). We first define trajectory data and provide a brief overview of widely-used deep learning models. Systematically, we explore deep learning applications in trajectory management (pre-processing, storage, analysis, and visualization) and mining (trajectory-related forecasting, trajectory-related recommendation, trajectory classification, travel time estimation, anomaly detection, and mobility generation). Notably, we encapsulate recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) that hold the potential to augment trajectory computing. Additionally, we summarize application scenarios, public datasets, and toolkits. Finally, we outline current challenges in DL4Traj research and propose future directions. Relevant papers and open-source resources have been collated and are continuously updated at: \href{}{DL4Traj Repo}.


cross Policy Mirror Descent with Lookahead

Authors: Kimon Protopapas, Anas Barakat

Abstract: Policy Mirror Descent (PMD) stands as a versatile algorithmic framework encompassing several seminal policy gradient algorithms such as natural policy gradient, with connections with state-of-the-art reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms such as TRPO and PPO. PMD can be seen as a soft Policy Iteration algorithm implementing regularized 1-step greedy policy improvement. However, 1-step greedy policies might not be the best choice and recent remarkable empirical successes in RL such as AlphaGo and AlphaZero have demonstrated that greedy approaches with respect to multiple steps outperform their 1-step counterpart. In this work, we propose a new class of PMD algorithms called $h$-PMD which incorporates multi-step greedy policy improvement with lookahead depth $h$ to the PMD update rule. To solve discounted infinite horizon Markov Decision Processes with discount factor $\gamma$, we show that $h$-PMD which generalizes the standard PMD enjoys a faster dimension-free $\gamma^h$-linear convergence rate, contingent on the computation of multi-step greedy policies. We propose an inexact version of $h$-PMD where lookahead action values are estimated. Under a generative model, we establish a sample complexity for $h$-PMD which improves over prior work. Finally, we extend our result to linear function approximation to scale to large state spaces. Under suitable assumptions, our sample complexity only involves dependence on the dimension of the feature map space instead of the state space size.

cross Leveraging Large Language Model-based Room-Object Relationships Knowledge for Enhancing Multimodal-Input Object Goal Navigation

Authors: Leyuan Sun, Asako Kanezaki, Guillaume Caron, Yusuke Yoshiyasu

Abstract: Object-goal navigation is a crucial engineering task for the community of embodied navigation; it involves navigating to an instance of a specified object category within unseen environments. Although extensive investigations have been conducted on both end-to-end and modular-based, data-driven approaches, fully enabling an agent to comprehend the environment through perceptual knowledge and perform object-goal navigation as efficiently as humans remains a significant challenge. Recently, large language models have shown potential in this task, thanks to their powerful capabilities for knowledge extraction and integration. In this study, we propose a data-driven, modular-based approach, trained on a dataset that incorporates common-sense knowledge of object-to-room relationships extracted from a large language model. We utilize the multi-channel Swin-Unet architecture to conduct multi-task learning incorporating with multimodal inputs. The results in the Habitat simulator demonstrate that our framework outperforms the baseline by an average of 10.6% in the efficiency metric, Success weighted by Path Length (SPL). The real-world demonstration shows that the proposed approach can efficiently conduct this task by traversing several rooms. For more details and real-world demonstrations, please check our project webpage (


cross OTSeg: Multi-prompt Sinkhorn Attention for Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation

Authors: Kwanyoung Kim, Yujin Oh, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: The recent success of CLIP has demonstrated promising results in zero-shot semantic segmentation by transferring muiltimodal knowledge to pixel-level classification. However, leveraging pre-trained CLIP knowledge to closely align text embeddings with pixel embeddings still has limitations in existing approaches. To address this issue, we propose OTSeg, a novel multimodal attention mechanism aimed at enhancing the potential of multiple text prompts for matching associated pixel embeddings. We first propose Multi-Prompts Sinkhorn (MPS) based on the Optimal Transport (OT) algorithm, which leads multiple text prompts to selectively focus on various semantic features within image pixels. Moreover, inspired by the success of Sinkformers in unimodal settings, we introduce the extension of MPS, called Multi-Prompts Sinkhorn Attention (MPSA), which effectively replaces cross-attention mechanisms within Transformer framework in multimodal settings. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate that OTSeg achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance with significant gains on Zero-Shot Semantic Segmentation (ZS3) tasks across three benchmark datasets.

cross StyleCineGAN: Landscape Cinemagraph Generation using a Pre-trained StyleGAN

Authors: Jongwoo Choi, Kwanggyoon Seo, Amirsaman Ashtari, Junyong Noh

Abstract: We propose a method that can generate cinemagraphs automatically from a still landscape image using a pre-trained StyleGAN. Inspired by the success of recent unconditional video generation, we leverage a powerful pre-trained image generator to synthesize high-quality cinemagraphs. Unlike previous approaches that mainly utilize the latent space of a pre-trained StyleGAN, our approach utilizes its deep feature space for both GAN inversion and cinemagraph generation. Specifically, we propose multi-scale deep feature warping (MSDFW), which warps the intermediate features of a pre-trained StyleGAN at different resolutions. By using MSDFW, the generated cinemagraphs are of high resolution and exhibit plausible looping animation. We demonstrate the superiority of our method through user studies and quantitative comparisons with state-of-the-art cinemagraph generation methods and a video generation method that uses a pre-trained StyleGAN.

cross Quantum-activated neural reservoirs on-chip open up large hardware security models for resilient authentication

Authors: Zhao He, Maxim S. Elizarov, Ning Li, Fei Xiang, Andrea Fratalocchi

Abstract: Quantum artificial intelligence is a frontier of artificial intelligence research, pioneering quantum AI-powered circuits to address problems beyond the reach of deep learning with classical architectures. This work implements a large-scale quantum-activated recurrent neural network possessing more than 3 trillion hardware nodes/cm$^2$, originating from repeatable atomic-scale nucleation dynamics in an amorphous material integrated on-chip, controlled with 0.07 nW electric power per readout channel. Compared to the best-performing reservoirs currently reported, this implementation increases the scale of the network by two orders of magnitude and reduces the power consumption by six, reaching power efficiencies in the range of the human brain, dissipating 0.2 nW/neuron. When interrogated by a classical input, the chip implements a large-scale hardware security model, enabling dictionary-free authentication secure against statistical inference attacks, including AI's present and future development, even for an adversary with a copy of all the classical components available. Experimental tests report 99.6% reliability, 100% user authentication accuracy, and an ideal 50% key uniqueness. Due to its quantum nature, the chip supports a bit density per feature size area three times higher than the best technology available, with the capacity to store more than $2^{1104}$ keys in a footprint of 1 cm$^2$. Such a quantum-powered platform could help counteract the emerging form of warfare led by the cybercrime industry in breaching authentication to target small to large-scale facilities, from private users to intelligent energy grids.

cross Debiasing surgeon: fantastic weights and how to find them

Authors: R\'emi Nahon, Ivan Luiz De Moura Matos, Van-Tam Nguyen, Enzo Tartaglione

Abstract: Nowadays an ever-growing concerning phenomenon, the emergence of algorithmic biases that can lead to unfair models, emerges. Several debiasing approaches have been proposed in the realm of deep learning, employing more or less sophisticated approaches to discourage these models from massively employing these biases. However, a question emerges: is this extra complexity really necessary? Is a vanilla-trained model already embodying some ``unbiased sub-networks'' that can be used in isolation and propose a solution without relying on the algorithmic biases? In this work, we show that such a sub-network typically exists, and can be extracted from a vanilla-trained model without requiring additional training. We further validate that such specific architecture is incapable of learning a specific bias, suggesting that there are possible architectural countermeasures to the problem of biases in deep neural networks.

cross Unsupervised Audio-Visual Segmentation with Modality Alignment

Authors: Swapnil Bhosale, Haosen Yang, Diptesh Kanojia, Jiangkang Deng, Xiatian Zhu

Abstract: Audio-Visual Segmentation (AVS) aims to identify, at the pixel level, the object in a visual scene that produces a given sound. Current AVS methods rely on costly fine-grained annotations of mask-audio pairs, making them impractical for scalability. To address this, we introduce unsupervised AVS, eliminating the need for such expensive annotation. To tackle this more challenging problem, we propose an unsupervised learning method, named Modality Correspondence Alignment (MoCA), which seamlessly integrates off-the-shelf foundation models like DINO, SAM, and ImageBind. This approach leverages their knowledge complementarity and optimizes their joint usage for multi-modality association. Initially, we estimate positive and negative image pairs in the feature space. For pixel-level association, we introduce an audio-visual adapter and a novel pixel matching aggregation strategy within the image-level contrastive learning framework. This allows for a flexible connection between object appearance and audio signal at the pixel level, with tolerance to imaging variations such as translation and rotation. Extensive experiments on the AVSBench (single and multi-object splits) and AVSS datasets demonstrate that our MoCA outperforms strongly designed baseline methods and approaches supervised counterparts, particularly in complex scenarios with multiple auditory objects. Notably when comparing mIoU, MoCA achieves a substantial improvement over baselines in both the AVSBench (S4: +17.24%; MS3: +67.64%) and AVSS (+19.23%) audio-visual segmentation challenges.

cross PeerGPT: Probing the Roles of LLM-based Peer Agents as Team Moderators and Participants in Children's Collaborative Learning

Authors: Jiawen Liu, Yuanyuan Yao, Pengcheng An, Qi Wang

Abstract: In children's collaborative learning, effective peer conversations can significantly enhance the quality of children's collaborative interactions. The integration of Large Language Model (LLM) agents into this setting explores their novel role as peers, assessing impacts as team moderators and participants. We invited two groups of participants to engage in a collaborative learning workshop, where they discussed and proposed conceptual solutions to a design problem. The peer conversation transcripts were analyzed using thematic analysis. We discovered that peer agents, while managing discussions effectively as team moderators, sometimes have their instructions disregarded. As participants, they foster children's creative thinking but may not consistently provide timely feedback. These findings highlight potential design improvements and considerations for peer agents in both roles.

cross SoftPatch: Unsupervised Anomaly Detection with Noisy Data

Authors: Xi Jiang, Ying Chen, Qiang Nie, Yong Liu, Jianlin Liu, Bin-Bin Gao, Jun Liu, Chengjie Wang, Feng Zheng

Abstract: Although mainstream unsupervised anomaly detection (AD) algorithms perform well in academic datasets, their performance is limited in practical application due to the ideal experimental setting of clean training data. Training with noisy data is an inevitable problem in real-world anomaly detection but is seldom discussed. This paper considers label-level noise in image sensory anomaly detection for the first time. To solve this problem, we proposed a memory-based unsupervised AD method, SoftPatch, which efficiently denoises the data at the patch level. Noise discriminators are utilized to generate outlier scores for patch-level noise elimination before coreset construction. The scores are then stored in the memory bank to soften the anomaly detection boundary. Compared with existing methods, SoftPatch maintains a strong modeling ability of normal data and alleviates the overconfidence problem in coreset. Comprehensive experiments in various noise scenes demonstrate that SoftPatch outperforms the state-of-the-art AD methods on the MVTecAD and BTAD benchmarks and is comparable to those methods under the setting without noise.

cross A Unified Framework for Model Editing

Authors: Akshat Gupta, Dev Sajnani, Gopala Anumanchipalli

Abstract: Model editing is a growing area focused on updating the knowledge embedded within models. Among the various methodologies, ROME and MEMIT stand out as leading "locate-and-edit" model editing techniques. While MEMIT enables batched editing of memories, ROME is limited to changing one fact at a time. This paper introduces a unifying framework that brings ROME and MEMIT under a single conceptual umbrella, optimizing for the same goal, which we call the "preservation-memorization" objective. This objective aims to preserve the representations of certain selected vectors while memorizing the representations of new factual information. Specifically, ROME optimizes this objective using an equality constraint, whereas MEMIT employs a more flexible least-square constraint. In addition to making batched edits, MEMIT also edits the model at multiple layers. We disentangle the distribution of edits to multiple layers from the optimization objective of MEMIT and show that these edit-distribution algorithms should be considered separate entities worthy of their own line of research. Finally, we present EMMET - an Equality-constrained Mass Model Editing algorithm for Transformers, a new batched memory-editing algorithm. With EMMET, we present a closed form solution for the equality-constrained version of the preservation-memorization objective. We show that EMMET is able to perform batched-edits on par with MEMIT up to a batch-size of 256 and discuss the challenges in stabilizing EMMET. By articulating the "locate-and-edit" model editing algorithms under a simple conceptual framework of "preservation-memorization", we aim to bridge the gap between intuition and mathematics and hope to simplify the journey for future researchers in model editing.

cross Reinforcement Learning from Reflective Feedback (RLRF): Aligning and Improving LLMs via Fine-Grained Self-Reflection

Authors: Kyungjae Lee, Dasol Hwang, Sunghyun Park, Youngsoo Jang, Moontae Lee

Abstract: Despite the promise of RLHF in aligning LLMs with human preferences, it often leads to superficial alignment, prioritizing stylistic changes over improving downstream performance of LLMs. Underspecified preferences could obscure directions to align the models. Lacking exploration restricts identification of desirable outputs to improve the models. To overcome these challenges, we propose a novel framework: Reinforcement Learning from Reflective Feedback (RLRF), which leverages fine-grained feedback based on detailed criteria to improve the core capabilities of LLMs. RLRF employs a self-reflection mechanism to systematically explore and refine LLM responses, then fine-tuning the models via a RL algorithm along with promising responses. Our experiments across Just-Eval, Factuality, and Mathematical Reasoning demonstrate the efficacy and transformative potential of RLRF beyond superficial surface-level adjustment.

cross Dermacen Analytica: A Novel Methodology Integrating Multi-Modal Large Language Models with Machine Learning in tele-dermatology

Authors: Dimitrios P. Panagoulias, Evridiki Tsoureli-Nikita, Maria Virvou, George A. Tsihrintzis

Abstract: The rise of Artificial Intelligence creates great promise in the field of medical discovery, diagnostics and patient management. However, the vast complexity of all medical domains require a more complex approach that combines machine learning algorithms, classifiers, segmentation algorithms and, lately, large language models. In this paper, we describe, implement and assess an Artificial Intelligence-empowered system and methodology aimed at assisting the diagnosis process of skin lesions and other skin conditions within the field of dermatology that aims to holistically address the diagnostic process in this domain. The workflow integrates large language, transformer-based vision models and sophisticated machine learning tools. This holistic approach achieves a nuanced interpretation of dermatological conditions that simulates and facilitates a dermatologist's workflow. We assess our proposed methodology through a thorough cross-model validation technique embedded in an evaluation pipeline that utilizes publicly available medical case studies of skin conditions and relevant images. To quantitatively score the system performance, advanced machine learning and natural language processing tools are employed which focus on similarity comparison and natural language inference. Additionally, we incorporate a human expert evaluation process based on a structured checklist to further validate our results. We implemented the proposed methodology in a system which achieved approximate (weighted) scores of 0.87 for both contextual understanding and diagnostic accuracy, demonstrating the efficacy of our approach in enhancing dermatological analysis. The proposed methodology is expected to prove useful in the development of next-generation tele-dermatology applications, enhancing remote consultation capabilities and access to care, especially in underserved areas.

cross Isotropic Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

Authors: Yuanhao Gong, Lantao Yu, Guanghui Yue

Abstract: The 3D Gaussian splatting method has drawn a lot of attention, thanks to its high performance in training and high quality of the rendered image. However, it uses anisotropic Gaussian kernels to represent the scene. Although such anisotropic kernels have advantages in representing the geometry, they lead to difficulties in terms of computation, such as splitting or merging two kernels. In this paper, we propose to use isotropic Gaussian kernels to avoid such difficulties in the computation, leading to a higher performance method. The experiments confirm that the proposed method is about {\bf 100X} faster without losing the geometry representation accuracy. The proposed method can be applied in a large range applications where the radiance field is needed, such as 3D reconstruction, view synthesis, and dynamic object modeling.

cross CATSE: A Context-Aware Framework for Causal Target Sound Extraction

Authors: Shrishail Baligar, Mikolaj Kegler, Bryce Irvin, Marko Stamenovic, Shawn Newsam

Abstract: Target Sound Extraction (TSE) focuses on the problem of separating sources of interest, indicated by a user's cue, from the input mixture. Most existing solutions operate in an offline fashion and are not suited to the low-latency causal processing constraints imposed by applications in live-streamed content such as augmented hearing. We introduce a family of context-aware low-latency causal TSE models suitable for real-time processing. First, we explore the utility of context by providing the TSE model with oracle information about what sound classes make up the input mixture, where the objective of the model is to extract one or more sources of interest indicated by the user. Since the practical applications of oracle models are limited due to their assumptions, we introduce a composite multi-task training objective involving separation and classification losses. Our evaluation involving single- and multi-source extraction shows the benefit of using context information in the model either by means of providing full context or via the proposed multi-task training loss without the need for full context information. Specifically, we show that our proposed model outperforms size- and latency-matched Waveformer, a state-of-the-art model for real-time TSE.

cross LayoutLLM: Large Language Model Instruction Tuning for Visually Rich Document Understanding

Authors: Masato Fujitake

Abstract: This paper proposes LayoutLLM, a more flexible document analysis method for understanding imaged documents. Visually Rich Document Understanding tasks, such as document image classification and information extraction, have gained significant attention due to their importance. Existing methods have been developed to enhance document comprehension by incorporating pre-training awareness of images, text, and layout structure. However, these methods require fine-tuning for each task and dataset, and the models are expensive to train and operate. To overcome this limitation, we propose a new LayoutLLM that integrates these with large-scale language models (LLMs). By leveraging the strengths of existing research in document image understanding and LLMs' superior language understanding capabilities, the proposed model, fine-tuned with multimodal instruction datasets, performs an understanding of document images in a single model. Our experiments demonstrate improvement over the baseline model in various document analysis tasks.

cross A Framework for Portrait Stylization with Skin-Tone Awareness and Nudity Identification

Authors: Seungkwon Kim, Sangyeon Kim, Seung-Hun Nam

Abstract: Portrait stylization is a challenging task involving the transformation of an input portrait image into a specific style while preserving its inherent characteristics. The recent introduction of Stable Diffusion (SD) has significantly improved the quality of outcomes in this field. However, a practical stylization framework that can effectively filter harmful input content and preserve the distinct characteristics of an input, such as skin-tone, while maintaining the quality of stylization remains lacking. These challenges have hindered the wide deployment of such a framework. To address these issues, this study proposes a portrait stylization framework that incorporates a nudity content identification module (NCIM) and a skin-tone-aware portrait stylization module (STAPSM). In experiments, NCIM showed good performance in enhancing explicit content filtering, and STAPSM accurately represented a diverse range of skin tones. Our proposed framework has been successfully deployed in practice, and it has effectively satisfied critical requirements of real-world applications.

cross Reactor Optimization Benchmark by Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Deborah Schwarcz, Nadav Schneider, Gal Oren, Uri Steinitz

Abstract: Neutronic calculations for reactors are a daunting task when using Monte Carlo (MC) methods. As high-performance computing has advanced, the simulation of a reactor is nowadays more readily done, but design and optimization with multiple parameters is still a computational challenge. MC transport simulations, coupled with machine learning techniques, offer promising avenues for enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of nuclear reactor optimization. This paper introduces a novel benchmark problem within the OpenNeoMC framework designed specifically for reinforcement learning. The benchmark involves optimizing a unit cell of a research reactor with two varying parameters (fuel density and water spacing) to maximize neutron flux while maintaining reactor criticality. The test case features distinct local optima, representing different physical regimes, thus posing a challenge for learning algorithms. Through extensive simulations utilizing evolutionary and neuroevolutionary algorithms, we demonstrate the effectiveness of reinforcement learning in navigating complex optimization landscapes with strict constraints. Furthermore, we propose acceleration techniques within the OpenNeoMC framework, including model updating and cross-section usage by RAM utilization, to expedite simulation times. Our findings emphasize the importance of machine learning integration in reactor optimization and contribute to advancing methodologies for addressing intricate optimization challenges in nuclear engineering. The sources of this work are available at our GitHub repository:


cross Multi-role Consensus through LLMs Discussions for Vulnerability Detection

Authors: Zhenyu Mao, Jialong Li, Munan Li, Kenji Tei

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) have highlighted the potential for vulnerability detection, a crucial component of software quality assurance. Despite this progress, most studies have been limited to the perspective of a single role, usually testers, lacking diverse viewpoints from different roles in a typical software development life-cycle, including both developers and testers. To this end, this paper introduces an approach to employ LLMs to act as different roles to simulate real-life code review process, engaging in discussions towards a consensus on the existence and classification of vulnerabilities in the code. Preliminary evaluation of the proposed approach indicates a 4.73% increase in the precision rate, 58.9% increase in the recall rate, and a 28.1% increase in the F1 score.

cross How to be fair? A study of label and selection bias

Authors: Marco Favier, Toon Calders, Sam Pinxteren, Jonathan Meyer

Abstract: It is widely accepted that biased data leads to biased and thus potentially unfair models. Therefore, several measures for bias in data and model predictions have been proposed, as well as bias mitigation techniques whose aim is to learn models that are fair by design. Despite the myriad of mitigation techniques developed in the past decade, however, it is still poorly understood under what circumstances which methods work. Recently, Wick et al. showed, with experiments on synthetic data, that there exist situations in which bias mitigation techniques lead to more accurate models when measured on unbiased data. Nevertheless, in the absence of a thorough mathematical analysis, it remains unclear which techniques are effective under what circumstances. We propose to address this problem by establishing relationships between the type of bias and the effectiveness of a mitigation technique, where we categorize the mitigation techniques by the bias measure they optimize. In this paper we illustrate this principle for label and selection bias on the one hand, and demographic parity and ``We're All Equal'' on the other hand. Our theoretical analysis allows to explain the results of Wick et al. and we also show that there are situations where minimizing fairness measures does not result in the fairest possible distribution.

cross Enhancing Historical Image Retrieval with Compositional Cues

Authors: Tingyu Lin, Robert Sablatnig

Abstract: In analyzing vast amounts of digitally stored historical image data, existing content-based retrieval methods often overlook significant non-semantic information, limiting their effectiveness for flexible exploration across varied themes. To broaden the applicability of image retrieval methods for diverse purposes and uncover more general patterns, we innovatively introduce a crucial factor from computational aesthetics, namely image composition, into this topic. By explicitly integrating composition-related information extracted by CNN into the designed retrieval model, our method considers both the image's composition rules and semantic information. Qualitative and quantitative experiments demonstrate that the image retrieval network guided by composition information outperforms those relying solely on content information, facilitating the identification of images in databases closer to the target image in human perception. Please visit to try our codes.


cross Impact Assessment of Missing Data in Model Predictions for Earth Observation Applications

Authors: Francisco Mena, Diego Arenas, Marcela Charfuelan, Marlon Nuske, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: Earth observation (EO) applications involving complex and heterogeneous data sources are commonly approached with machine learning models. However, there is a common assumption that data sources will be persistently available. Different situations could affect the availability of EO sources, like noise, clouds, or satellite mission failures. In this work, we assess the impact of missing temporal and static EO sources in trained models across four datasets with classification and regression tasks. We compare the predictive quality of different methods and find that some are naturally more robust to missing data. The Ensemble strategy, in particular, achieves a prediction robustness up to 100%. We evidence that missing scenarios are significantly more challenging in regression than classification tasks. Finally, we find that the optical view is the most critical view when it is missing individually.

cross From Perils to Possibilities: Understanding how Human (and AI) Biases affect Online Fora

Authors: Virginia Morini, Valentina Pansanella, Katherine Abramski, Erica Cau, Andrea Failla, Salvatore Citraro, Giulio Rossetti

Abstract: Social media platforms are online fora where users engage in discussions, share content, and build connections. This review explores the dynamics of social interactions, user-generated contents, and biases within the context of social media analysis (analyzing works that use the tools offered by complex network analysis and natural language processing) through the lens of three key points of view: online debates, online support, and human-AI interactions. On the one hand, we delineate the phenomenon of online debates, where polarization, misinformation, and echo chamber formation often proliferate, driven by algorithmic biases and extreme mechanisms of homophily. On the other hand, we explore the emergence of online support groups through users' self-disclosure and social support mechanisms. Online debates and support mechanisms present a duality of both perils and possibilities within social media; perils of segregated communities and polarized debates, and possibilities of empathy narratives and self-help groups. This dichotomy also extends to a third perspective: users' reliance on AI-generated content, such as the ones produced by Large Language Models, which can manifest both human biases hidden in training sets and non-human biases that emerge from their artificial neural architectures. Analyzing interdisciplinary approaches, we aim to deepen the understanding of the complex interplay between social interactions, user-generated content, and biases within the realm of social media ecosystems.

cross DexDribbler: Learning Dexterous Soccer Manipulation via Dynamic Supervision

Authors: Yutong Hu, Kehan Wen, Fisher Yu

Abstract: Learning dexterous locomotion policy for legged robots is becoming increasingly popular due to its ability to handle diverse terrains and resemble intelligent behaviors. However, joint manipulation of moving objects and locomotion with legs, such as playing soccer, receive scant attention in the learning community, although it is natural for humans and smart animals. A key challenge to solve this multitask problem is to infer the objectives of locomotion from the states and targets of the manipulated objects. The implicit relation between the object states and robot locomotion can be hard to capture directly from the training experience. We propose adding a feedback control block to compute the necessary body-level movement accurately and using the outputs as dynamic joint-level locomotion supervision explicitly. We further utilize an improved ball dynamic model, an extended context-aided estimator, and a comprehensive ball observer to facilitate transferring policy learned in simulation to the real world. We observe that our learning scheme can not only make the policy network converge faster but also enable soccer robots to perform sophisticated maneuvers like sharp cuts and turns on flat surfaces, a capability that was lacking in previous methods. Video and code are available at


cross Distilling Reinforcement Learning Policies for Interpretable Robot Locomotion: Gradient Boosting Machines and Symbolic Regression

Authors: Fernando Acero, Zhibin Li

Abstract: Recent advancements in reinforcement learning (RL) have led to remarkable achievements in robot locomotion capabilities. However, the complexity and ``black-box'' nature of neural network-based RL policies hinder their interpretability and broader acceptance, particularly in applications demanding high levels of safety and reliability. This paper introduces a novel approach to distill neural RL policies into more interpretable forms using Gradient Boosting Machines (GBMs), Explainable Boosting Machines (EBMs) and Symbolic Regression. By leveraging the inherent interpretability of generalized additive models, decision trees, and analytical expressions, we transform opaque neural network policies into more transparent ``glass-box'' models. We train expert neural network policies using RL and subsequently distill them into (i) GBMs, (ii) EBMs, and (iii) symbolic policies. To address the inherent distribution shift challenge of behavioral cloning, we propose to use the Dataset Aggregation (DAgger) algorithm with a curriculum of episode-dependent alternation of actions between expert and distilled policies, to enable efficient distillation of feedback control policies. We evaluate our approach on various robot locomotion gaits -- walking, trotting, bounding, and pacing -- and study the importance of different observations in joint actions for distilled policies using various methods. We train neural expert policies for 205 hours of simulated experience and distill interpretable policies with only 10 minutes of simulated interaction for each gait using the proposed method.

cross $\nabla \tau$: Gradient-based and Task-Agnostic machine Unlearning

Authors: Daniel Trippa, Cesare Campagnano, Maria Sofia Bucarelli, Gabriele Tolomei, Fabrizio Silvestri

Abstract: Machine Unlearning, the process of selectively eliminating the influence of certain data examples used during a model's training, has gained significant attention as a means for practitioners to comply with recent data protection regulations. However, existing unlearning methods face critical drawbacks, including their prohibitively high cost, often associated with a large number of hyperparameters, and the limitation of forgetting only relatively small data portions. This often makes retraining the model from scratch a quicker and more effective solution. In this study, we introduce Gradient-based and Task-Agnostic machine Unlearning ($\nabla \tau$), an optimization framework designed to remove the influence of a subset of training data efficiently. It applies adaptive gradient ascent to the data to be forgotten while using standard gradient descent for the remaining data. $\nabla \tau$ offers multiple benefits over existing approaches. It enables the unlearning of large sections of the training dataset (up to 30%). It is versatile, supporting various unlearning tasks (such as subset forgetting or class removal) and applicable across different domains (images, text, etc.). Importantly, $\nabla \tau$ requires no hyperparameter adjustments, making it a more appealing option than retraining the model from scratch. We evaluate our framework's effectiveness using a set of well-established Membership Inference Attack metrics, demonstrating up to 10% enhancements in performance compared to state-of-the-art methods without compromising the original model's accuracy.

cross Exploring Task Unification in Graph Representation Learning via Generative Approach

Authors: Yulan Hu, Sheng Ouyang, Zhirui Yang, Ge Chen, Junchen Wan, Xiao Wang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Graphs are ubiquitous in real-world scenarios and encompass a diverse range of tasks, from node-, edge-, and graph-level tasks to transfer learning. However, designing specific tasks for each type of graph data is often costly and lacks generalizability. Recent endeavors under the "Pre-training + Fine-tuning" or "Pre-training + Prompt" paradigms aim to design a unified framework capable of generalizing across multiple graph tasks. Among these, graph autoencoders (GAEs), generative self-supervised models, have demonstrated their potential in effectively addressing various graph tasks. Nevertheless, these methods typically employ multi-stage training and require adaptive designs, which on one hand make it difficult to be seamlessly applied to diverse graph tasks and on the other hand overlook the negative impact caused by discrepancies in task objectives between the different stages. To address these challenges, we propose GA^2E, a unified adversarially masked autoencoder capable of addressing the above challenges seamlessly. Specifically, GA^2E proposes to use the subgraph as the meta-structure, which remains consistent across all graph tasks (ranging from node-, edge-, and graph-level to transfer learning) and all stages (both during training and inference). Further, GA^2E operates in a \textbf{"Generate then Discriminate"} manner. It leverages the masked GAE to reconstruct the input subgraph whilst treating it as a generator to compel the reconstructed graphs resemble the input subgraph. Furthermore, GA^2E introduces an auxiliary discriminator to discern the authenticity between the reconstructed (generated) subgraph and the input subgraph, thus ensuring the robustness of the graph representation through adversarial training mechanisms. We validate GA^2E's capabilities through extensive experiments on 21 datasets across four types of graph tasks.

cross Exploring the Potential of Large Language Models in Graph Generation

Authors: Yang Yao, Xin Wang, Zeyang Zhang, Yijian Qin, Ziwei Zhang, Xu Chu, Yuekui Yang, Wenwu Zhu, Hong Mei

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved great success in many fields, and recent works have studied exploring LLMs for graph discriminative tasks such as node classification. However, the abilities of LLMs for graph generation remain unexplored in the literature. Graph generation requires the LLM to generate graphs with given properties, which has valuable real-world applications such as drug discovery, while tends to be more challenging. In this paper, we propose LLM4GraphGen to explore the ability of LLMs for graph generation with systematical task designs and extensive experiments. Specifically, we propose several tasks tailored with comprehensive experiments to address key questions regarding LLMs' understanding of different graph structure rules, their ability to capture structural type distributions, and their utilization of domain knowledge for property-based graph generation. Our evaluations demonstrate that LLMs, particularly GPT-4, exhibit preliminary abilities in graph generation tasks, including rule-based and distribution-based generation. We also observe that popular prompting methods, such as few-shot and chain-of-thought prompting, do not consistently enhance performance. Besides, LLMs show potential in generating molecules with specific properties. These findings may serve as foundations for designing good LLMs based models for graph generation and provide valuable insights and further research.

cross Loop Improvement: An Efficient Approach for Extracting Shared Features from Heterogeneous Data without Central Server

Authors: Fei Li, Chu Kiong Loo, Wei Shiung Liew, Xiaofeng Liu

Abstract: In federated learning, data heterogeneity significantly impacts performance. A typical solution involves segregating these parameters into shared and personalized components, a concept also relevant in multi-task learning. Addressing this, we propose "Loop Improvement" (LI), a novel method enhancing this separation and feature extraction without necessitating a central server or data interchange among participants. Our experiments reveal LI's superiority in several aspects: In personalized federated learning environments, LI consistently outperforms the advanced FedALA algorithm in accuracy across diverse scenarios. Additionally, LI's feature extractor closely matches the performance achieved when aggregating data from all clients. In global model contexts, employing LI with stacked personalized layers and an additional network also yields comparable results to combined client data scenarios. Furthermore, LI's adaptability extends to multi-task learning, streamlining the extraction of common features across tasks and obviating the need for simultaneous training. This approach not only enhances individual task performance but also achieves accuracy levels on par with classic multi-task learning methods where all tasks are trained simultaneously. LI integrates a loop topology with layer-wise and end-to-end training, compatible with various neural network models. This paper also delves into the theoretical underpinnings of LI's effectiveness, offering insights into its potential applications. The code is on


cross Editing Knowledge Representation of Language Lodel via Rephrased Prefix Prompts

Authors: Yuchen Cai, Ding Cao, Rongxi Guo, Yaqin Wen, Guiquan Liu, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Neural language models (LMs) have been extensively trained on vast corpora to store factual knowledge about various aspects of the world described in texts. Current technologies typically employ knowledge editing methods or specific prompts to modify LM outputs. However, existing knowledge editing methods are costly and inefficient, struggling to produce appropriate text. Additionally, prompt engineering is opaque and requires significant effort to find suitable prompts. To address these issues, we introduce a new method called PSPEM (Prefix Soft Prompt Editing Method), that can be used for a lifetime with just one training. It resolves the inefficiencies and generalizability issues in knowledge editing methods and overcomes the opacity of prompt engineering by automatically seeking optimal soft prompts. Specifically, PSPEM utilizes a prompt encoder and an encoding converter to refine key information in prompts and uses prompt alignment techniques to guide model generation, ensuring text consistency and adherence to the intended structure and content, thereby maintaining an optimal balance between efficiency and accuracy. We have validated the effectiveness of PSPEM through knowledge editing and attribute inserting. On the COUNTERFACT dataset, PSPEM achieved nearly 100\% editing accuracy and demonstrated the highest level of fluency. We further analyzed the similarities between PSPEM and original prompts and their impact on the model's internals. The results indicate that PSPEM can serve as an alternative to original prompts, supporting the model in effective editing.

cross Building Accurate Translation-Tailored LLMs with Language Aware Instruction Tuning

Authors: Changtong Zan, Liang Ding, Li Shen, Yibing Zhen, Weifeng Liu, Dacheng Tao

Abstract: Translation-tailored Large language models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable translation capabilities, even competing with supervised-trained commercial translation systems. However, off-target translation remains an unsolved problem, especially for low-resource languages, hindering us from developing accurate LLMs-based translation models. To mitigate the off-target translation problem and enhance the performance of LLMs on translation, recent works have either designed advanced prompting strategies to highlight the functionality of translation instructions or exploited the in-context learning ability of LLMs by feeding few-shot demonstrations. However, these methods essentially do not improve LLM's ability to follow translation instructions, especially the language direction information. In this work, we design a two-stage fine-tuning algorithm to improve the instruction-following ability (especially the translation direction) of LLMs. Specifically, we first tune LLMs with the maximum likelihood estimation loss on the translation dataset to elicit the basic translation capabilities. In the second stage, we construct instruction-conflicting samples by randomly replacing the translation directions with a wrong one within the instruction, and then introduce an extra unlikelihood loss to learn those samples. Experiments on IWSLT and WMT benchmarks upon the LLaMA model spanning 16 zero-shot directions show that, compared to the competitive baseline -- translation-finetuned LLama, our method could effectively reduce the off-target translation ratio (averagely -53.3\%), thus improving translation quality with average +5.7 SacreBLEU and +16.4 BLEURT. Analysis shows that our method could preserve the model's general task performance on AlpacaEval. Code and models will be released at \url{}.


cross Adaptive-RAG: Learning to Adapt Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models through Question Complexity

Authors: Soyeong Jeong, Jinheon Baek, Sukmin Cho, Sung Ju Hwang, Jong C. Park

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Large Language Models (LLMs), which incorporate the non-parametric knowledge from external knowledge bases into LLMs, have emerged as a promising approach to enhancing response accuracy in several tasks, such as Question-Answering (QA). However, even though there are various approaches dealing with queries of different complexities, they either handle simple queries with unnecessary computational overhead or fail to adequately address complex multi-step queries; yet, not all user requests fall into only one of the simple or complex categories. In this work, we propose a novel adaptive QA framework, that can dynamically select the most suitable strategy for (retrieval-augmented) LLMs from the simplest to the most sophisticated ones based on the query complexity. Also, this selection process is operationalized with a classifier, which is a smaller LM trained to predict the complexity level of incoming queries with automatically collected labels, obtained from actual predicted outcomes of models and inherent inductive biases in datasets. This approach offers a balanced strategy, seamlessly adapting between the iterative and single-step retrieval-augmented LLMs, as well as the no-retrieval methods, in response to a range of query complexities. We validate our model on a set of open-domain QA datasets, covering multiple query complexities, and show that ours enhances the overall efficiency and accuracy of QA systems, compared to relevant baselines including the adaptive retrieval approaches. Code is available at:


cross Locating and Mitigating Gender Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Yuchen Cai, Ding Cao, Rongxi Guo, Yaqin Wen, Guiquan Liu, Enhong Chen

Abstract: Large language models(LLM) are pre-trained on extensive corpora to learn facts and human cognition which contain human preferences. However, this process can inadvertently lead to these models acquiring biases and stereotypes prevalent in society. Prior research has typically tackled the issue of bias through a one-dimensional perspective, concentrating either on locating or mitigating it. This limited perspective has created obstacles in facilitating research on bias to synergistically complement and progressively build upon one another. In this study, we integrate the processes of locating and mitigating bias within a unified framework. Initially, we use causal mediation analysis to trace the causal effects of different components' activation within a large language model. Building on this, we propose the LSDM (Least Square Debias Method), a knowledge-editing based method for mitigating gender bias in occupational pronouns, and compare it against two baselines on three gender bias datasets and seven knowledge competency test datasets. The experimental results indicate that the primary contributors to gender bias are the bottom MLP modules acting on the last token of occupational pronouns and the top attention module acting on the final word in the sentence. Furthermore, LSDM mitigates gender bias in the model more effectively than the other baselines, while fully preserving the model's capabilities in all other aspects.

cross GLC++: Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation through Global-Local Clustering and Contrastive Affinity Learning

Authors: Sanqing Qu, Tianpei Zou, Florian R\"ohrbein, Cewu Lu, Guang Chen, Dacheng Tao, Changjun Jiang

Abstract: Deep neural networks often exhibit sub-optimal performance under covariate and category shifts. Source-Free Domain Adaptation (SFDA) presents a promising solution to this dilemma, yet most SFDA approaches are restricted to closed-set scenarios. In this paper, we explore Source-Free Universal Domain Adaptation (SF-UniDA) aiming to accurately classify "known" data belonging to common categories and segregate them from target-private "unknown" data. We propose a novel Global and Local Clustering (GLC) technique, which comprises an adaptive one-vs-all global clustering algorithm to discern between target classes, complemented by a local k-NN clustering strategy to mitigate negative transfer. Despite the effectiveness, the inherent closed-set source architecture leads to uniform treatment of "unknown" data, impeding the identification of distinct "unknown" categories. To address this, we evolve GLC to GLC++, integrating a contrastive affinity learning strategy. We examine the superiority of GLC and GLC++ across multiple benchmarks and category shift scenarios. Remarkably, in the most challenging open-partial-set scenarios, GLC and GLC++ surpass GATE by 16.7% and 18.6% in H-score on VisDA, respectively. GLC++ enhances the novel category clustering accuracy of GLC by 4.3% in open-set scenarios on Office-Home. Furthermore, the introduced contrastive learning strategy not only enhances GLC but also significantly facilitates existing methodologies.

cross Style-Extracting Diffusion Models for Semi-Supervised Histopathology Segmentation

Authors: Mathias \"Ottl, Frauke Wilm, Jana Steenpass, Jingna Qiu, Matthias R\"ubner, Arndt Hartmann, Matthias Beckmann, Peter Fasching, Andreas Maier, Ramona Erber, Bernhard Kainz, Katharina Breininger

Abstract: Deep learning-based image generation has seen significant advancements with diffusion models, notably improving the quality of generated images. Despite these developments, generating images with unseen characteristics beneficial for downstream tasks has received limited attention. To bridge this gap, we propose Style-Extracting Diffusion Models, featuring two conditioning mechanisms. Specifically, we utilize 1) a style conditioning mechanism which allows to inject style information of previously unseen images during image generation and 2) a content conditioning which can be targeted to a downstream task, e.g., layout for segmentation. We introduce a trainable style encoder to extract style information from images, and an aggregation block that merges style information from multiple style inputs. This architecture enables the generation of images with unseen styles in a zero-shot manner, by leveraging styles from unseen images, resulting in more diverse generations. In this work, we use the image layout as target condition and first show the capability of our method on a natural image dataset as a proof-of-concept. We further demonstrate its versatility in histopathology, where we combine prior knowledge about tissue composition and unannotated data to create diverse synthetic images with known layouts. This allows us to generate additional synthetic data to train a segmentation network in a semi-supervised fashion. We verify the added value of the generated images by showing improved segmentation results and lower performance variability between patients when synthetic images are included during segmentation training. Our code will be made publicly available at [LINK].

cross On the continuity and smoothness of the value function in reinforcement learning and optimal control

Authors: Hans Harder, Sebastian Peitz

Abstract: The value function plays a crucial role as a measure for the cumulative future reward an agent receives in both reinforcement learning and optimal control. It is therefore of interest to study how similar the values of neighboring states are, i.e., to investigate the continuity of the value function. We do so by providing and verifying upper bounds on the value function's modulus of continuity. Additionally, we show that the value function is always H\"older continuous under relatively weak assumptions on the underlying system and that non-differentiable value functions can be made differentiable by slightly "disturbing" the system.

cross Biased Binary Attribute Classifiers Ignore the Majority Classes

Authors: Xinyi Zhang, Johanna Sophie Bieri, Manuel G\"unther

Abstract: To visualize the regions of interest that classifiers base their decisions on, different Class Activation Mapping (CAM) methods have been developed. However, all of these techniques target categorical classifiers only, though most real-world tasks are binary classification. In this paper, we extend gradient-based CAM techniques to work with binary classifiers and visualize the active regions for binary facial attribute classifiers. When training an unbalanced binary classifier on an imbalanced dataset, it is well-known that the majority class, i.e. the class with many training samples, is mostly predicted much better than minority class with few training instances. In our experiments on the CelebA dataset, we verify these results, when training an unbalanced classifier to extract 40 facial attributes simultaneously. One would expect that the biased classifier has learned to extract features mainly for the majority classes and that the proportional energy of the activations mainly reside in certain specific regions of the image where the attribute is located. However, we find very little regular activation for samples of majority classes, while the active regions for minority classes seem mostly reasonable and overlap with our expectations. These results suggest that biased classifiers mainly rely on bias activation for majority classes. When training a balanced classifier on the imbalanced data by employing attribute-specific class weights, majority and minority classes are classified similarly well and show expected activations for almost all attributes

cross Multi-Level Explanations for Generative Language Models

Authors: Lucas Monteiro Paes, Dennis Wei, Hyo Jin Do, Hendrik Strobelt, Ronny Luss, Amit Dhurandhar, Manish Nagireddy, Karthikeyan Natesan Ramamurthy, Prasanna Sattigeri, Werner Geyer, Soumya Ghosh

Abstract: Perturbation-based explanation methods such as LIME and SHAP are commonly applied to text classification. This work focuses on their extension to generative language models. To address the challenges of text as output and long text inputs, we propose a general framework called MExGen that can be instantiated with different attribution algorithms. To handle text output, we introduce the notion of scalarizers for mapping text to real numbers and investigate multiple possibilities. To handle long inputs, we take a multi-level approach, proceeding from coarser levels of granularity to finer ones, and focus on algorithms with linear scaling in model queries. We conduct a systematic evaluation, both automated and human, of perturbation-based attribution methods for summarization and context-grounded question answering. The results show that our framework can provide more locally faithful explanations of generated outputs.

cross Towards Single-System Illusion in Software-Defined Vehicles -- Automated, AI-Powered Workflow

Authors: Krzysztof Lebioda, Viktor Vorobev, Nenad Petrovic, Fengjunjie Pan, Vahid Zolfaghari, Alois Knoll

Abstract: We propose a novel model- and feature-based approach to development of vehicle software systems, where the end architecture is not explicitly defined. Instead, it emerges from an iterative process of search and optimization given certain constraints, requirements and hardware architecture, while retaining the property of single-system illusion, where applications run in a logically uniform environment. One of the key points of the presented approach is the inclusion of modern generative AI, specifically Large Language Models (LLMs), in the loop. With the recent advances in the field, we expect that the LLMs will be able to assist in processing of requirements, generation of formal system models, as well as generation of software deployment specification and test code. The resulting pipeline is automated to a large extent, with feedback being generated at each step.

cross AnyV2V: A Plug-and-Play Framework For Any Video-to-Video Editing Tasks

Authors: Max Ku, Cong Wei, Weiming Ren, Huan Yang, Wenhu Chen

Abstract: Video-to-video editing involves editing a source video along with additional control (such as text prompts, subjects, or styles) to generate a new video that aligns with the source video and the provided control. Traditional methods have been constrained to certain editing types, limiting their ability to meet the wide range of user demands. In this paper, we introduce AnyV2V, a novel training-free framework designed to simplify video editing into two primary steps: (1) employing an off-the-shelf image editing model (e.g. InstructPix2Pix, InstantID, etc) to modify the first frame, (2) utilizing an existing image-to-video generation model (e.g. I2VGen-XL) for DDIM inversion and feature injection. In the first stage, AnyV2V can plug in any existing image editing tools to support an extensive array of video editing tasks. Beyond the traditional prompt-based editing methods, AnyV2V also can support novel video editing tasks, including reference-based style transfer, subject-driven editing, and identity manipulation, which were unattainable by previous methods. In the second stage, AnyV2V can plug in any existing image-to-video models to perform DDIM inversion and intermediate feature injection to maintain the appearance and motion consistency with the source video. On the prompt-based editing, we show that AnyV2V can outperform the previous best approach by 35\% on prompt alignment, and 25\% on human preference. On the three novel tasks, we show that AnyV2V also achieves a high success rate. We believe AnyV2V will continue to thrive due to its ability to seamlessly integrate the fast-evolving image editing methods. Such compatibility can help AnyV2V to increase its versatility to cater to diverse user demands.

cross ChatGPT Alternative Solutions: Large Language Models Survey

Authors: Hanieh Alipour, Nick Pendar, Kohinoor Roy

Abstract: In recent times, the grandeur of Large Language Models (LLMs) has not only shone in the realm of natural language processing but has also cast its brilliance across a vast array of applications. This remarkable display of LLM capabilities has ignited a surge in research contributions within this domain, spanning a diverse spectrum of topics. These contributions encompass advancements in neural network architecture, context length enhancements, model alignment, training datasets, benchmarking, efficiency improvements, and more. Recent years have witnessed a dynamic synergy between academia and industry, propelling the field of LLM research to new heights. A notable milestone in this journey is the introduction of ChatGPT, a powerful AI chatbot grounded in LLMs, which has garnered widespread societal attention. The evolving technology of LLMs has begun to reshape the landscape of the entire AI community, promising a revolutionary shift in the way we create and employ AI algorithms. Given this swift-paced technical evolution, our survey embarks on a journey to encapsulate the recent strides made in the world of LLMs. Through an exploration of the background, key discoveries, and prevailing methodologies, we offer an up-to-the-minute review of the literature. By examining multiple LLM models, our paper not only presents a comprehensive overview but also charts a course that identifies existing challenges and points toward potential future research trajectories. This survey furnishes a well-rounded perspective on the current state of generative AI, shedding light on opportunities for further exploration, enhancement, and innovation.

cross Detoxifying Large Language Models via Knowledge Editing

Authors: Mengru Wang, Ningyu Zhang, Ziwen Xu, Zekun Xi, Shumin Deng, Yunzhi Yao, Qishen Zhang, Linyi Yang, Jindong Wang, Huajun Chen

Abstract: This paper investigates using knowledge editing techniques to detoxify Large Language Models (LLMs). We construct a benchmark, SafeEdit, which covers nine unsafe categories with various powerful attack prompts and equips comprehensive metrics for systematic evaluation. We conduct experiments to compare knowledge editing approaches with previous baselines, indicating that knowledge editing has the potential to efficiently detoxify LLMs with limited impact on general performance. Then, we propose a simple yet effective baseline, dubbed Detoxifying with Intraoperative Neural Monitoring (DINM), to diminish the toxicity of LLMs within a few tuning steps via only one instance. We further provide an in-depth analysis of the internal mechanism for various detoxify approaches, demonstrating that previous methods like SFT and DPO may merely suppress the activations of toxic parameters, while DINM mitigates the toxicity of the toxic parameters to a certain extent, making permanent adjustments. We hope that these insights could shed light on future work of developing detoxifying approaches and the underlying knowledge mechanisms of LLMs. Code and benchmark are available at


cross Utilizing the LightGBM Algorithm for Operator User Credit Assessment Research

Authors: Shaojie Li, Xinqi Dong, Danqing Ma, Bo Dang, Hengyi Zang, Yulu Gong

Abstract: Mobile Internet user credit assessment is an important way for communication operators to establish decisions and formulate measures, and it is also a guarantee for operators to obtain expected benefits. However, credit evaluation methods have long been monopolized by financial industries such as banks and credit. As supporters and providers of platform network technology and network resources, communication operators are also builders and maintainers of communication networks. Internet data improves the user's credit evaluation strategy. This paper uses the massive data provided by communication operators to carry out research on the operator's user credit evaluation model based on the fusion LightGBM algorithm. First, for the massive data related to user evaluation provided by operators, key features are extracted by data preprocessing and feature engineering methods, and a multi-dimensional feature set with statistical significance is constructed; then, linear regression, decision tree, LightGBM, and other machine learning algorithms build multiple basic models to find the best basic model; finally, integrates Averaging, Voting, Blending, Stacking and other integrated algorithms to refine multiple fusion models, and finally establish the most suitable fusion model for operator user evaluation.

cross HyperGALE: ASD Classification via Hypergraph Gated Attention with Learnable Hyperedges

Authors: Mehul Arora, Chirag Shantilal Jain, Lalith Bharadwaj Baru, Kamalaker Dadi, Bapi Raju Surampudi

Abstract: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by varied social cognitive challenges and repetitive behavioral patterns. Identifying reliable brain imaging-based biomarkers for ASD has been a persistent challenge due to the spectrum's diverse symptomatology. Existing baselines in the field have made significant strides in this direction, yet there remains room for improvement in both performance and interpretability. We propose \emph{HyperGALE}, which builds upon the hypergraph by incorporating learned hyperedges and gated attention mechanisms. This approach has led to substantial improvements in the model's ability to interpret complex brain graph data, offering deeper insights into ASD biomarker characterization. Evaluated on the extensive ABIDE II dataset, \emph{HyperGALE} not only improves interpretability but also demonstrates statistically significant enhancements in key performance metrics compared to both previous baselines and the foundational hypergraph model. The advancement \emph{HyperGALE} brings to ASD research highlights the potential of sophisticated graph-based techniques in neurodevelopmental studies. The source code and implementation instructions are available at GitHub:


cross Physics-Based Causal Reasoning for Safe & Robust Next-Best Action Selection in Robot Manipulation Tasks

Authors: Ricardo Cannizzaro, Michael Groom, Jonathan Routley, Robert Osazuwa Ness, Lars Kunze

Abstract: Safe and efficient object manipulation is a key enabler of many real-world robot applications. However, this is challenging because robot operation must be robust to a range of sensor and actuator uncertainties. In this paper, we present a physics-informed causal-inference-based framework for a robot to probabilistically reason about candidate actions in a block stacking task in a partially observable setting. We integrate a physics-based simulation of the rigid-body system dynamics with a causal Bayesian network (CBN) formulation to define a causal generative probabilistic model of the robot decision-making process. Using simulation-based Monte Carlo experiments, we demonstrate our framework's ability to successfully: (1) predict block tower stability with high accuracy (Pred Acc: 88.6%); and, (2) select an approximate next-best action for the block stacking task, for execution by an integrated robot system, achieving 94.2% task success rate. We also demonstrate our framework's suitability for real-world robot systems by demonstrating successful task executions with a domestic support robot, with perception and manipulation sub-system integration. Hence, we show that by embedding physics-based causal reasoning into robots' decision-making processes, we can make robot task execution safer, more reliable, and more robust to various types of uncertainty.

cross Learning to Project for Cross-Task Knowledge Distillation

Authors: Dylan Auty, Roy Miles, Benedikt Kolbeinsson, Krystian Mikolajczyk

Abstract: Traditional knowledge distillation (KD) relies on a proficient teacher trained on the target task, which is not always available. In this setting, cross-task distillation can be used, enabling the use of any teacher model trained on a different task. However, many KD methods prove ineffective when applied to this cross-task setting. To address this limitation, we propose a simple modification: the use of an inverted projection. We show that this drop-in replacement for a standard projector is effective by learning to disregard any task-specific features which might degrade the student's performance. We find that this simple modification is sufficient for extending many KD methods to the cross-task setting, where the teacher and student tasks can be very different. In doing so, we obtain up to a 1.9% improvement in the cross-task setting compared to the traditional projection, at no additional cost. Our method can obtain significant performance improvements (up to 7%) when using even a randomly-initialised teacher on various tasks such as depth estimation, image translation, and semantic segmentation, despite the lack of any learned knowledge to transfer. To provide conceptual and analytical insights into this result, we show that using an inverted projection allows the distillation loss to be decomposed into a knowledge transfer and a spectral regularisation component. Through this analysis we are additionally able to propose a novel regularisation loss that allows teacher-free distillation, enabling performance improvements of up to 8.57% on ImageNet with no additional training costs.

cross How Human-Centered Explainable AI Interface Are Designed and Evaluated: A Systematic Survey

Authors: Thu Nguyen, Alessandro Canossa, Jichen Zhu

Abstract: Despite its technological breakthroughs, eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) research has limited success in producing the {\em effective explanations} needed by users. In order to improve XAI systems' usability, practical interpretability, and efficacy for real users, the emerging area of {\em Explainable Interfaces} (EIs) focuses on the user interface and user experience design aspects of XAI. This paper presents a systematic survey of 53 publications to identify current trends in human-XAI interaction and promising directions for EI design and development. This is among the first systematic survey of EI research.

cross Soft Learning Probabilistic Circuits

Authors: Soroush Ghandi, Benjamin Quost, Cassio de Campos

Abstract: Probabilistic Circuits (PCs) are prominent tractable probabilistic models, allowing for a range of exact inferences. This paper focuses on the main algorithm for training PCs, LearnSPN, a gold standard due to its efficiency, performance, and ease of use, in particular for tabular data. We show that LearnSPN is a greedy likelihood maximizer under mild assumptions. While inferences in PCs may use the entire circuit structure for processing queries, LearnSPN applies a hard method for learning them, propagating at each sum node a data point through one and only one of the children/edges as in a hard clustering process. We propose a new learning procedure named SoftLearn, that induces a PC using a soft clustering process. We investigate the effect of this learning-inference compatibility in PCs. Our experiments show that SoftLearn outperforms LearnSPN in many situations, yielding better likelihoods and arguably better samples. We also analyze comparable tractable models to highlight the differences between soft/hard learning and model querying.

cross Constrained Reinforcement Learning with Smoothed Log Barrier Function

Authors: Baohe Zhang, Yuan Zhang, Lilli Frison, Thomas Brox, Joschka B\"odecker

Abstract: Reinforcement Learning (RL) has been widely applied to many control tasks and substantially improved the performances compared to conventional control methods in many domains where the reward function is well defined. However, for many real-world problems, it is often more convenient to formulate optimization problems in terms of rewards and constraints simultaneously. Optimizing such constrained problems via reward shaping can be difficult as it requires tedious manual tuning of reward functions with several interacting terms. Recent formulations which include constraints mostly require a pre-training phase, which often needs human expertise to collect data or assumes having a sub-optimal policy readily available. We propose a new constrained RL method called CSAC-LB (Constrained Soft Actor-Critic with Log Barrier Function), which achieves competitive performance without any pre-training by applying a linear smoothed log barrier function to an additional safety critic. It implements an adaptive penalty for policy learning and alleviates the numerical issues that are known to complicate the application of the log barrier function method. As a result, we show that with CSAC-LB, we achieve state-of-the-art performance on several constrained control tasks with different levels of difficulty and evaluate our methods in a locomotion task on a real quadruped robot platform.

cross Click to Grasp: Zero-Shot Precise Manipulation via Visual Diffusion Descriptors

Authors: Nikolaos Tsagkas, Jack Rome, Subramanian Ramamoorthy, Oisin Mac Aodha, Chris Xiaoxuan Lu

Abstract: Precise manipulation that is generalizable across scenes and objects remains a persistent challenge in robotics. Current approaches for this task heavily depend on having a significant number of training instances to handle objects with pronounced visual and/or geometric part ambiguities. Our work explores the grounding of fine-grained part descriptors for precise manipulation in a zero-shot setting by utilizing web-trained text-to-image diffusion-based generative models. We tackle the problem by framing it as a dense semantic part correspondence task. Our model returns a gripper pose for manipulating a specific part, using as reference a user-defined click from a source image of a visually different instance of the same object. We require no manual grasping demonstrations as we leverage the intrinsic object geometry and features. Practical experiments in a real-world tabletop scenario validate the efficacy of our approach, demonstrating its potential for advancing semantic-aware robotics manipulation. Web page:


cross Object-Centric Domain Randomization for 3D Shape Reconstruction in the Wild

Authors: Junhyeong Cho, Kim Youwang, Hunmin Yang, Tae-Hyun Oh

Abstract: One of the biggest challenges in single-view 3D shape reconstruction in the wild is the scarcity of <3D shape, 2D image>-paired data from real-world environments. Inspired by remarkable achievements via domain randomization, we propose ObjectDR which synthesizes such paired data via a random simulation of visual variations in object appearances and backgrounds. Our data synthesis framework exploits a conditional generative model (e.g., ControlNet) to generate images conforming to spatial conditions such as 2.5D sketches, which are obtainable through a rendering process of 3D shapes from object collections (e.g., Objaverse-XL). To simulate diverse variations while preserving object silhouettes embedded in spatial conditions, we also introduce a disentangled framework which leverages an initial object guidance. After synthesizing a wide range of data, we pre-train a model on them so that it learns to capture a domain-invariant geometry prior which is consistent across various domains. We validate its effectiveness by substantially improving 3D shape reconstruction models on a real-world benchmark. In a scale-up evaluation, our pre-training achieves 23.6% superior results compared with the pre-training on high-quality computer graphics renderings.

cross Dynamic Explanation Emphasis in Human-XAI Interaction with Communication Robot

Authors: Yosuke Fukuchi, Seiji Yamada

Abstract: Communication robots have the potential to contribute to effective human-XAI interaction as an interface that goes beyond textual or graphical explanations. One of their strengths is that they can use physical and vocal expressions to add detailed nuances to explanations. However, it is not clear how a robot can apply such expressions, or in particular, how we can develop a strategy to adaptively use such expressions depending on the task and user in dynamic interactions. To address this question, this paper proposes DynEmph, a method for a communication robot to decide where to emphasize XAI-generated explanations with physical expressions. It predicts the effect of emphasizing certain points on a user and aims to minimize the expected difference between predicted user decisions and AI-suggested ones. DynEmph features a strategy for deciding where to emphasize in a data-driven manner, relieving engineers from the need to manually design a strategy. We further conducted experiments to investigate how emphasis selection strategies affect the performance of user decisions. The results suggest that, while a naive strategy (emphasizing explanations for an AI's most probable class) does not necessarily work better, DynEmph effectively guides users to better decisions under the condition that the performance of the AI suggestion is high.

cross Lexicon-Level Contrastive Visual-Grounding Improves Language Modeling

Authors: Chengxu Zhuang, Evelina Fedorenko, Jacob Andreas

Abstract: Today's most accurate language models are trained on orders of magnitude more language data than human language learners receive - but with no supervision from other sensory modalities that play a crucial role in human learning. Can we make LMs' representations and predictions more accurate (and more human-like) with more ecologically plausible supervision? This paper describes LexiContrastive Grounding (LCG), a grounded language learning procedure that leverages visual supervision to improve textual representations. LexiContrastive Grounding combines a next token prediction strategy with a contrastive visual grounding objective, focusing on early-layer representations that encode lexical information. Across multiple word-learning and sentence-understanding benchmarks, LexiContrastive Grounding not only outperforms standard language-only models in learning efficiency, but also improves upon vision-and-language learning procedures including CLIP, GIT, Flamingo, and Vokenization. Moreover, LexiContrastive Grounding improves perplexity by around 5% on multiple language modeling tasks. This work underscores the potential of incorporating visual grounding into language models, aligning more closely with the multimodal nature of human language acquisition.

cross The Era of Semantic Decoding

Authors: Maxime Peyrard, Martin Josifoski, Robert West

Abstract: Recent work demonstrated great promise in the idea of orchestrating collaborations between LLMs, human input, and various tools to address the inherent limitations of LLMs. We propose a novel perspective called semantic decoding, which frames these collaborative processes as optimization procedures in semantic space. Specifically, we conceptualize LLMs as semantic processors that manipulate meaningful pieces of information that we call semantic tokens (known thoughts). LLMs are among a large pool of other semantic processors, including humans and tools, such as search engines or code executors. Collectively, semantic processors engage in dynamic exchanges of semantic tokens to progressively construct high-utility outputs. We refer to these orchestrated interactions among semantic processors, optimizing and searching in semantic space, as semantic decoding algorithms. This concept draws a direct parallel to the well-studied problem of syntactic decoding, which involves crafting algorithms to best exploit auto-regressive language models for extracting high-utility sequences of syntactic tokens. By focusing on the semantic level and disregarding syntactic details, we gain a fresh perspective on the engineering of AI systems, enabling us to imagine systems with much greater complexity and capabilities. In this position paper, we formalize the transition from syntactic to semantic tokens as well as the analogy between syntactic and semantic decoding. Subsequently, we explore the possibilities of optimizing within the space of semantic tokens via semantic decoding algorithms. We conclude with a list of research opportunities and questions arising from this fresh perspective. The semantic decoding perspective offers a powerful abstraction for search and optimization directly in the space of meaningful concepts, with semantic tokens as the fundamental units of a new type of computation.

cross Large Language Models for Multi-Choice Question Classification of Medical Subjects

Authors: V\'ictor Ponce-L\'opez

Abstract: The aim of this paper is to evaluate whether large language models trained on multi-choice question data can be used to discriminate between medical subjects. This is an important and challenging task for automatic question answering. To achieve this goal, we train deep neural networks for multi-class classification of questions into the inferred medical subjects. Using our Multi-Question (MQ) Sequence-BERT method, we outperform the state-of-the-art results on the MedMCQA dataset with an accuracy of 0.68 and 0.60 on their development and test sets, respectively. In this sense, we show the capability of AI and LLMs in particular for multi-classification tasks in the Healthcare domain.

cross Envisioning the Next-Generation AI Coding Assistants: Insights & Proposals

Authors: Khanh Nghiem, Anh Minh Nguyen, Nghi D. Q. Bui

Abstract: As a research-product hybrid group in AI for Software Engineering (AI4SE), we present four key takeaways from our experience developing in-IDE AI coding assistants. AI coding assistants should set clear expectations for usage, integrate with advanced IDE capabilities and existing extensions, use extendable backend designs, and collect app data responsibly for downstream analyses. We propose open questions and challenges that academia and industry should address to realize the vision of next-generation AI coding assistants.

cross Videoshop: Localized Semantic Video Editing with Noise-Extrapolated Diffusion Inversion

Authors: Xiang Fan, Anand Bhattad, Ranjay Krishna

Abstract: We introduce Videoshop, a training-free video editing algorithm for localized semantic edits. Videoshop allows users to use any editing software, including Photoshop and generative inpainting, to modify the first frame; it automatically propagates those changes, with semantic, spatial, and temporally consistent motion, to the remaining frames. Unlike existing methods that enable edits only through imprecise textual instructions, Videoshop allows users to add or remove objects, semantically change objects, insert stock photos into videos, etc. with fine-grained control over locations and appearance. We achieve this through image-based video editing by inverting latents with noise extrapolation, from which we generate videos conditioned on the edited image. Videoshop produces higher quality edits against 6 baselines on 2 editing benchmarks using 10 evaluation metrics.

cross MathVerse: Does Your Multi-modal LLM Truly See the Diagrams in Visual Math Problems?

Authors: Renrui Zhang, Dongzhi Jiang, Yichi Zhang, Haokun Lin, Ziyu Guo, Pengshuo Qiu, Aojun Zhou, Pan Lu, Kai-Wei Chang, Peng Gao, Hongsheng Li

Abstract: The remarkable progress of Multi-modal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has garnered unparalleled attention, due to their superior performance in visual contexts. However, their capabilities in visual math problem-solving remain insufficiently evaluated and understood. We investigate current benchmarks to incorporate excessive visual content within textual questions, which potentially assist MLLMs in deducing answers without truly interpreting the input diagrams. To this end, we introduce MathVerse, an all-around visual math benchmark designed for an equitable and in-depth evaluation of MLLMs. We meticulously collect 2,612 high-quality, multi-subject math problems with diagrams from publicly available sources. Each problem is then transformed by human annotators into six distinct versions, each offering varying degrees of information content in multi-modality, contributing to 15K test samples in total. This approach allows MathVerse to comprehensively assess whether and how much MLLMs can truly understand the visual diagrams for mathematical reasoning. In addition, we propose a Chain-of-Thought (CoT) evaluation strategy for a fine-grained assessment of the output answers. Rather than naively judging True or False, we employ GPT-4(V) to adaptively extract crucial reasoning steps, and then score each step with detailed error analysis, which can reveal the intermediate CoT reasoning quality by MLLMs. We hope the MathVerse benchmark may provide unique insights to guide the future development of MLLMs. Project page:


replace ChatGPT4PCG Competition: Character-like Level Generation for Science Birds

Authors: Pittawat Taveekitworachai, Febri Abdullah, Mury F. Dewantoro, Ruck Thawonmas, Julian Togelius, Jochen Renz

Abstract: This paper presents the first ChatGPT4PCG Competition at the 2023 IEEE Conference on Games. The objective of this competition is for participants to create effective prompts for ChatGPT--enabling it to generate Science Birds levels with high stability and character-like qualities--fully using their creativity as well as prompt engineering skills. ChatGPT is a conversational agent developed by OpenAI. Science Birds is selected as the competition platform because designing an Angry Birds-like level is not a trivial task due to the in-game gravity; the quality of the levels is determined by their stability. To lower the entry barrier to the competition, we limit the task to the generation of capitalized English alphabetical characters. We also allow only a single prompt to be used for generating all the characters. Here, the quality of the generated levels is determined by their stability and similarity to the given characters. A sample prompt is provided to participants for their reference. An experiment is conducted to determine the effectiveness of several modified versions of this sample prompt on level stability and similarity by testing them on several characters. To the best of our knowledge, we believe that ChatGPT4PCG is the first competition of its kind and hope to inspire enthusiasm for prompt engineering in procedural content generation.

replace Trustworthy LLMs: a Survey and Guideline for Evaluating Large Language Models' Alignment

Authors: Yang Liu, Yuanshun Yao, Jean-Francois Ton, Xiaoying Zhang, Ruocheng Guo, Hao Cheng, Yegor Klochkov, Muhammad Faaiz Taufiq, Hang Li

Abstract: Ensuring alignment, which refers to making models behave in accordance with human intentions [1,2], has become a critical task before deploying large language models (LLMs) in real-world applications. For instance, OpenAI devoted six months to iteratively aligning GPT-4 before its release [3]. However, a major challenge faced by practitioners is the lack of clear guidance on evaluating whether LLM outputs align with social norms, values, and regulations. This obstacle hinders systematic iteration and deployment of LLMs. To address this issue, this paper presents a comprehensive survey of key dimensions that are crucial to consider when assessing LLM trustworthiness. The survey covers seven major categories of LLM trustworthiness: reliability, safety, fairness, resistance to misuse, explainability and reasoning, adherence to social norms, and robustness. Each major category is further divided into several sub-categories, resulting in a total of 29 sub-categories. Additionally, a subset of 8 sub-categories is selected for further investigation, where corresponding measurement studies are designed and conducted on several widely-used LLMs. The measurement results indicate that, in general, more aligned models tend to perform better in terms of overall trustworthiness. However, the effectiveness of alignment varies across the different trustworthiness categories considered. This highlights the importance of conducting more fine-grained analyses, testing, and making continuous improvements on LLM alignment. By shedding light on these key dimensions of LLM trustworthiness, this paper aims to provide valuable insights and guidance to practitioners in the field. Understanding and addressing these concerns will be crucial in achieving reliable and ethically sound deployment of LLMs in various applications.

replace CPSDBench: A Large Language Model Evaluation Benchmark and Baseline for Chinese Public Security Domain

Authors: Xin Tong, Bo Jin, Zhi Lin, Binjun Wang, Ting Yu, Qiang Cheng

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant potential and effectiveness across multiple application domains. To assess the performance of mainstream LLMs in public security tasks, this study aims to construct a specialized evaluation benchmark tailored to the Chinese public security domain--CPSDbench. CPSDbench integrates datasets related to public security collected from real-world scenarios, supporting a comprehensive assessment of LLMs across four key dimensions: text classification, information extraction, question answering, and text generation. Furthermore, this study introduces a set of innovative evaluation metrics designed to more precisely quantify the efficacy of LLMs in executing tasks related to public security. Through the in-depth analysis and evaluation conducted in this research, we not only enhance our understanding of the performance strengths and limitations of existing models in addressing public security issues but also provide references for the future development of more accurate and customized LLM models targeted at applications in this field.

replace Exploring Neuron Interactions and Emergence in LLMs: From the Multifractal Analysis Perspective

Authors: Xiongye Xiao, Chenyu Zhou, Heng Ping, Defu Cao, Yaxing Li, Yizhuo Zhou, Shixuan Li, Paul Bogdan

Abstract: Prior studies on the emergence in large models have primarily focused on how the functional capabilities of large language models (LLMs) scale with model size. Our research, however, transcends this traditional paradigm, aiming to deepen our understanding of the emergence within LLMs by placing a special emphasis not just on the model size but more significantly on the complex behavior of neuron interactions during the training process. By introducing the concepts of "self-organization" and "multifractal analysis," we explore how neuron interactions dynamically evolve during training, leading to "emergence," mirroring the phenomenon in natural systems where simple micro-level interactions give rise to complex macro-level behaviors. To quantitatively analyze the continuously evolving interactions among neurons in large models during training, we propose the Neuron-based Multifractal Analysis (NeuroMFA). Utilizing NeuroMFA, we conduct a comprehensive examination of the emergent behavior in LLMs through the lens of both model size and training process, paving new avenues for research into the emergence in large models.

replace-cross Multi-Scale Contrastive Knowledge Co-Distillation for Event Temporal Relation Extraction

Authors: Hao-Ren Yao, Luke Breitfeller, Aakanksha Naik, Chunxiao Zhou, Carolyn Rose

Abstract: Event Temporal Relation Extraction (ETRE) is a crucial yet challenging problem. Event pairs are situated within a discourse at different distances, which we refer to as proximity bands. The temporal ordering communicated about event pairs situated at more remote (i.e., ``long'') or less remote (i.e., ``short'') proximity bands is encoded differently. SOTA ETRE models have tended to perform well on events situated at either short or long proximity bands, but not both. Yet, real-world, natural texts contain all types of temporal event-pairs. In this paper, we present MulCo: Multi-Scale Contrastive Knowledge Co-Distillation, a fusion approach that shares knowledge across multiple event pair proximity bands in order to improve performance on all types of temporal datasets. Our experimental results show that MulCo successfully integrates linguistic cues pertaining to temporal reasoning across both short and long proximity bands and achieves new state-of-the-art results on several ETRE benchmark datasets.

replace-cross ComCLIP: Training-Free Compositional Image and Text Matching

Authors: Kenan Jiang, Xuehai He, Ruize Xu, Xin Eric Wang

Abstract: Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (CLIP) has demonstrated great zero-shot performance for matching images and text. However, it is still challenging to adapt vision-lanaguage pretrained models like CLIP to compositional image and text matching -- a more challenging image and text matching task requiring the model understanding of compositional word concepts and visual components. Towards better compositional generalization in zero-shot image and text matching, in this paper, we study the problem from a causal perspective: the erroneous semantics of individual entities are essentially confounders that cause the matching failure. Therefore, we propose a novel \textbf{\textit{training-free}} compositional CLIP model (ComCLIP). ComCLIP disentangles input images into subjects, objects, and action sub-images and composes CLIP's vision encoder and text encoder to perform evolving matching over compositional text embedding and sub-image embeddings. In this way, ComCLIP can mitigate spurious correlations introduced by the pretrained CLIP models and dynamically evaluate the importance of each component. Experiments on four compositional image-text matching datasets: SVO, ComVG, Winoground, and VL-checklist, and two general image-text retrieval datasets: Flick30K, and MSCOCO demonstrate the effectiveness of our plug-and-play method, which boosts the \textbf{\textit{zero-shot}} inference ability of CLIP, SLIP, and BLIP2 even without further training or fine-tuning. Our codes can be found at


replace-cross Hyper-parameter Tuning for Fair Classification without Sensitive Attribute Access

Authors: Akshaj Kumar Veldanda, Ivan Brugere, Sanghamitra Dutta, Alan Mishler, Siddharth Garg

Abstract: Fair machine learning methods seek to train models that balance model performance across demographic subgroups defined over sensitive attributes like race and gender. Although sensitive attributes are typically assumed to be known during training, they may not be available in practice due to privacy and other logistical concerns. Recent work has sought to train fair models without sensitive attributes on training data. However, these methods need extensive hyper-parameter tuning to achieve good results, and hence assume that sensitive attributes are known on validation data. However, this assumption too might not be practical. Here, we propose Antigone, a framework to train fair classifiers without access to sensitive attributes on either training or validation data. Instead, we generate pseudo sensitive attributes on the validation data by training a biased classifier and using the classifier's incorrectly (correctly) labeled examples as proxies for minority (majority) groups. Since fairness metrics like demographic parity, equal opportunity and subgroup accuracy can be estimated to within a proportionality constant even with noisy sensitive attribute information, we show theoretically and empirically that these proxy labels can be used to maximize fairness under average accuracy constraints. Key to our results is a principled approach to select the hyper-parameters of the biased classifier in a completely unsupervised fashion (meaning without access to ground truth sensitive attributes) that minimizes the gap between fairness estimated using noisy versus ground-truth sensitive labels.

replace-cross Toward a Theory of Causation for Interpreting Neural Code Models

Authors: David N. Palacio, Alejandro Velasco, Nathan Cooper, Alvaro Rodriguez, Kevin Moran, Denys Poshyvanyk

Abstract: Neural Language Models of Code, or Neural Code Models (NCMs), are rapidly progressing from research prototypes to commercial developer tools. As such, understanding the capabilities and limitations of such models is becoming critical. However, the abilities of these models are typically measured using automated metrics that often only reveal a portion of their real-world performance. While, in general, the performance of NCMs appears promising, currently much is unknown about how such models arrive at decisions. To this end, this paper introduces $do_{code}$, a post hoc interpretability method specific to NCMs that is capable of explaining model predictions. $do_{code}$ is based upon causal inference to enable programming language-oriented explanations. While the theoretical underpinnings of $do_{code}$ are extensible to exploring different model properties, we provide a concrete instantiation that aims to mitigate the impact of spurious correlations by grounding explanations of model behavior in properties of programming languages. To demonstrate the practical benefit of $do_{code}$, we illustrate the insights that our framework can provide by performing a case study on two popular deep learning architectures and ten NCMs. The results of this case study illustrate that our studied NCMs are sensitive to changes in code syntax. All our NCMs, except for the BERT-like model, statistically learn to predict tokens related to blocks of code (\eg brackets, parenthesis, semicolon) with less confounding bias as compared to other programming language constructs. These insights demonstrate the potential of $do_{code}$ as a useful method to detect and facilitate the elimination of confounding bias in NCMs.

replace-cross Effective Structured Prompting by Meta-Learning and Representative Verbalizer

Authors: Weisen Jiang, Yu Zhang, James T. Kwok

Abstract: Prompt tuning for pre-trained masked language models (MLM) has shown promising performance in natural language processing tasks with few labeled examples. It tunes a prompt for the downstream task, and a verbalizer is used to bridge the predicted token and label prediction. Due to the limited training data, prompt initialization is crucial for prompt tuning. Recently, MetaPrompting (Hou et al., 2022) uses meta-learning to learn a shared initialization for all task-specific prompts. However, a single initialization is insufficient to obtain good prompts for all tasks and samples when the tasks are complex. Moreover, MetaPrompting requires tuning the whole MLM, causing a heavy burden on computation and memory as the MLM is usually large. To address these issues, we use a prompt pool to extract more task knowledge and construct instance-dependent prompts via attention. We further propose a novel soft verbalizer (RepVerb) which constructs label embedding from feature embeddings directly. Combining meta-learning the prompt pool and RepVerb, we propose MetaPrompter for effective structured prompting. MetaPrompter is parameter-efficient as only the pool is required to be tuned. Experimental results demonstrate that MetaPrompter performs better than the recent state-of-the-arts and RepVerb outperforms existing soft verbalizers.

replace-cross Deep Classifier Mimicry without Data Access

Authors: Steven Braun, Martin Mundt, Kristian Kersting

Abstract: Access to pre-trained models has recently emerged as a standard across numerous machine learning domains. Unfortunately, access to the original data the models were trained on may not equally be granted. This makes it tremendously challenging to fine-tune, compress models, adapt continually, or to do any other type of data-driven update. We posit that original data access may however not be required. Specifically, we propose Contrastive Abductive Knowledge Extraction (CAKE), a model-agnostic knowledge distillation procedure that mimics deep classifiers without access to the original data. To this end, CAKE generates pairs of noisy synthetic samples and diffuses them contrastively toward a model's decision boundary. We empirically corroborate CAKE's effectiveness using several benchmark datasets and various architectural choices, paving the way for broad application.

replace-cross QH9: A Quantum Hamiltonian Prediction Benchmark for QM9 Molecules

Authors: Haiyang Yu, Meng Liu, Youzhi Luo, Alex Strasser, Xiaofeng Qian, Xiaoning Qian, Shuiwang Ji

Abstract: Supervised machine learning approaches have been increasingly used in accelerating electronic structure prediction as surrogates of first-principle computational methods, such as density functional theory (DFT). While numerous quantum chemistry datasets focus on chemical properties and atomic forces, the ability to achieve accurate and efficient prediction of the Hamiltonian matrix is highly desired, as it is the most important and fundamental physical quantity that determines the quantum states of physical systems and chemical properties. In this work, we generate a new Quantum Hamiltonian dataset, named as QH9, to provide precise Hamiltonian matrices for 999 or 2998 molecular dynamics trajectories and 130,831 stable molecular geometries, based on the QM9 dataset. By designing benchmark tasks with various molecules, we show that current machine learning models have the capacity to predict Hamiltonian matrices for arbitrary molecules. Both the QH9 dataset and the baseline models are provided to the community through an open-source benchmark, which can be highly valuable for developing machine learning methods and accelerating molecular and materials design for scientific and technological applications. Our benchmark is publicly available at


replace-cross Metacognitive Prompting Improves Understanding in Large Language Models

Authors: Yuqing Wang, Yun Zhao

Abstract: In Large Language Models (LLMs), there have been consistent advancements in task-specific performance, largely influenced by effective prompt design. Recent advancements in prompting have enhanced reasoning in logic-intensive tasks for LLMs, yet the nuanced understanding abilities of these models, crucial for processing and interpreting complex information, remain underexplored. In this study, we introduce Metacognitive Prompting (MP), a strategy inspired by human introspective reasoning processes. Using MP, LLMs undergo a systematic series of structured, self-aware evaluations, drawing on both their vast inherent knowledge and new insights. We conduct extensive experiments on four prevalent LLMs: Llama2, PaLM2, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4, across ten natural language understanding (NLU) datasets from GLUE, SuperGLUE, BLUE, and LexGLUE benchmarks. Additionally, we compare our method with chain-of-thought prompting and its advanced versions. The results show that GPT-4 consistently excels across all tasks, while other models have shown significant progress in some tasks when used in conjunction with MP. Furthermore, MP consistently outperforms existing prompting methods in both general and domain-specific NLU tasks. This study underscores the potential to amplify the understanding abilities of LLMs and highlights the benefits of mirroring human introspective reasoning in NLU tasks.

replace-cross RecMind: Large Language Model Powered Agent For Recommendation

Authors: Yancheng Wang, Ziyan Jiang, Zheng Chen, Fan Yang, Yingxue Zhou, Eunah Cho, Xing Fan, Xiaojiang Huang, Yanbin Lu, Yingzhen Yang

Abstract: While the recommendation system (RS) has advanced significantly through deep learning, current RS approaches usually train and fine-tune models on task-specific datasets, limiting their generalizability to new recommendation tasks and their ability to leverage external knowledge due to model scale and data size constraints. Thus, we designed an LLM-powered autonomous recommender agent, RecMind, which is capable of leveraging external knowledge, utilizing tools with careful planning to provide zero-shot personalized recommendations. We propose a Self-Inspiring algorithm to improve the planning ability. At each intermediate step, the LLM self-inspires to consider all previously explored states to plan for the next step. This mechanism greatly improves the model's ability to comprehend and utilize historical information in planning for recommendation. We evaluate RecMind's performance in various recommendation scenarios. Our experiment shows that RecMind outperforms existing zero/few-shot LLM-based recommendation baseline methods in various tasks and achieves comparable performance to a fully trained recommendation model P5.

replace-cross An explainable three dimension framework to uncover learning patterns: A unified look in variable sulci recognition

Authors: Michail Mamalakis, Heloise de Vareilles, Atheer AI-Manea, Samantha C. Mitchell, Ingrid Arartz, Lynn Egeland Morch-Johnsen, Jane Garrison, Jon Simons, Pietro Lio, John Suckling, Graham Murray

Abstract: Explainable AI is crucial in medical imaging. In the challenging field of neuroscience, visual topics present a high level of complexity, particularly within three-dimensional space. The application of neuroscience, which involves identifying brain sulcal features from MRI, faces significant hurdles due to varying annotation protocols among experts and the intricate three-dimension functionality of the brain. Consequently, traditional explainability approaches fall short in effectively validating and evaluating these networks. To address this, we first present a mathematical formulation delineating various categories of explanation needs across diverse computer vision tasks, categorized into self-explanatory, semi-explanatory, non-explanatory, and new-pattern learning applications based on the reliability of the validation protocol. With respect to this mathematical formulation, we propose a 3D explainability framework aimed at validating the outputs of deep learning networks in detecting the paracingulate sulcus an essential brain anatomical feature. The framework integrates local 3D explanations, global explanations through dimensionality reduction, concatenated global explanations, and statistical shape features, unveiling new insights into pattern learning. We trained and tested two advanced 3D deep learning networks on the challenging TOP-OSLO dataset, significantly improving sulcus detection accuracy, particularly on the left hemisphere. During evaluation with diverse annotation protocols for this dataset, we highlighted the crucial role of an unbiased annotation process in achieving precise predictions and effective pattern learning within our proposed 3D framework. The proposed framework not only annotates the variable sulcus but also uncovers hidden AI knowledge, promising to advance our understanding of brain anatomy and function.

replace-cross TensorBank: Tensor Lakehouse for Foundation Model Training

Authors: Romeo Kienzler, Leonardo Pondian Tizzei, Benedikt Blumenstiel, Zoltan Arnold Nagy, S. Karthik Mukkavilli, Johannes Schmude, Marcus Freitag, Michael Behrendt, Daniel Salles Civitarese, Naomi Simumba, Daiki Kimura, Hendrik Hamann

Abstract: Storing and streaming high dimensional data for foundation model training became a critical requirement with the rise of foundation models beyond natural language. In this paper we introduce TensorBank, a petabyte scale tensor lakehouse capable of streaming tensors from Cloud Object Store (COS) to GPU memory at wire speed based on complex relational queries. We use Hierarchical Statistical Indices (HSI) for query acceleration. Our architecture allows to directly address tensors on block level using HTTP range reads. Once in GPU memory, data can be transformed using PyTorch transforms. We provide a generic PyTorch dataset type with a corresponding dataset factory translating relational queries and requested transformations as an instance. By making use of the HSI, irrelevant blocks can be skipped without reading them as those indices contain statistics on their content at different hierarchical resolution levels. This is an opinionated architecture powered by open standards and making heavy use of open-source technology. Although, hardened for production use using geospatial-temporal data, this architecture generalizes to other use case like computer vision, computational neuroscience, biological sequence analysis and more.

replace-cross Deep Reinforcement Learning with Hierarchical Reward Modeling

Authors: Alexander Bukharin, Yixiao Li, Pengcheng He, Weizhu Chen, Tuo Zhao

Abstract: Reward design is a fundamental, yet challenging aspect of reinforcement learning (RL). Researchers typically utilize feedback signals from the environment to handcraft a reward function, but this process is not always effective due to the varying scale and intricate dependencies of the feedback signals. This paper shows by exploiting certain structures, one can ease the reward design process. Specifically, we propose a hierarchical reward modeling framework -- HERON for scenarios: (I) The feedback signals naturally present hierarchy; (II) The reward is sparse, but with less important surrogate feedback to help policy learning. Both scenarios allow us to design a hierarchical decision tree induced by the importance ranking of the feedback signals to compare RL trajectories. With such preference data, we can then train a reward model for policy learning. We apply HERON to several RL applications, and we find that our framework can not only train high performing agents on a variety of difficult tasks, but also provide additional benefits such as improved sample efficiency and robustness. Our code is available at \url{}.


replace-cross Enhancing Multimodal Cooperation via Fine-grained Modality Valuation

Authors: Yake Wei, Ruoxuan Feng, Zihe Wang, Di Hu

Abstract: One primary topic of multimodal learning is to jointly incorporate heterogeneous information from different modalities. However, most models often suffer from unsatisfactory multimodal cooperation, which cannot jointly utilize all modalities well. Some methods are proposed to identify and enhance the worse learnt modality, but they are often hard to provide the fine-grained observation of multimodal cooperation at sample-level with theoretical support. Hence, it is essential to reasonably observe and improve the fine-grained cooperation between modalities, especially when facing realistic scenarios where the modality discrepancy could vary across different samples. To this end, we introduce a sample-level modality valuation metric to evaluate the contribution of each modality for each sample. Via modality valuation, we observe that modality discrepancy indeed could be different at sample-level, beyond the global contribution discrepancy at dataset-level. We further analyze this issue and improve cooperation between modalities at sample-level by enhancing the discriminative ability of low-contributing modalities in a targeted manner. Overall, our methods reasonably observe the fine-grained uni-modal contribution and achieve considerable improvement. The source code and dataset are available at \url{}.


replace-cross Sequence-to-Sequence Spanish Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Vladimir Araujo, Maria Mihaela Trusca, Rodrigo Tufi\~no, Marie-Francine Moens

Abstract: In recent years, significant advancements in pre-trained language models have driven the creation of numerous non-English language variants, with a particular emphasis on encoder-only and decoder-only architectures. While Spanish language models based on BERT and GPT have demonstrated proficiency in natural language understanding and generation, there remains a noticeable scarcity of encoder-decoder models explicitly designed for sequence-to-sequence tasks, which aim to map input sequences to generate output sequences conditionally. This paper breaks new ground by introducing the implementation and evaluation of renowned encoder-decoder architectures exclusively pre-trained on Spanish corpora. Specifically, we present Spanish versions of BART, T5, and BERT2BERT-style models and subject them to a comprehensive assessment across various sequence-to-sequence tasks, including summarization, question answering, split-and-rephrase, dialogue, and translation. Our findings underscore the competitive performance of all models, with the BART- and T5-based models emerging as top performers across all tasks. We have made all models publicly available to the research community to foster future explorations and advancements in Spanish NLP:


replace-cross Detecting Sexual Content at the Sentence Level in First Millennium Latin Texts

Authors: Thibault Cl\'erice (ALMAnaCH, CJM)

Abstract: In this study, we propose to evaluate the use of deep learning methods for semantic classification at the sentence level to accelerate the process of corpus building in the field of humanities and linguistics, a traditional and time-consuming task. We introduce a novel corpus comprising around 2500 sentences spanning from 300 BCE to 900 CE including sexual semantics (medical, erotica, etc.). We evaluate various sentence classification approaches and different input embedding layers, and show that all consistently outperform simple token-based searches. We explore the integration of idiolectal and sociolectal metadata embeddings (centuries, author, type of writing), but find that it leads to overfitting. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, achieving high precision and true positive rates (TPR) of respectively 70.60% and 86.33% using HAN. We evaluate the impact of the dataset size on the model performances (420 instead of 2013), and show that, while our models perform worse, they still offer a high enough precision and TPR, even without MLM, respectively 69% and 51%. Given the result, we provide an analysis of the attention mechanism as a supporting added value for humanists in order to produce more data.

replace-cross ED-NeRF: Efficient Text-Guided Editing of 3D Scene with Latent Space NeRF

Authors: Jangho Park, Gihyun Kwon, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Recently, there has been a significant advancement in text-to-image diffusion models, leading to groundbreaking performance in 2D image generation. These advancements have been extended to 3D models, enabling the generation of novel 3D objects from textual descriptions. This has evolved into NeRF editing methods, which allow the manipulation of existing 3D objects through textual conditioning. However, existing NeRF editing techniques have faced limitations in their performance due to slow training speeds and the use of loss functions that do not adequately consider editing. To address this, here we present a novel 3D NeRF editing approach dubbed ED-NeRF by successfully embedding real-world scenes into the latent space of the latent diffusion model (LDM) through a unique refinement layer. This approach enables us to obtain a NeRF backbone that is not only faster but also more amenable to editing compared to traditional image space NeRF editing. Furthermore, we propose an improved loss function tailored for editing by migrating the delta denoising score (DDS) distillation loss, originally used in 2D image editing to the three-dimensional domain. This novel loss function surpasses the well-known score distillation sampling (SDS) loss in terms of suitability for editing purposes. Our experimental results demonstrate that ED-NeRF achieves faster editing speed while producing improved output quality compared to state-of-the-art 3D editing models.

replace-cross AutoDAN: Generating Stealthy Jailbreak Prompts on Aligned Large Language Models

Authors: Xiaogeng Liu, Nan Xu, Muhao Chen, Chaowei Xiao

Abstract: The aligned Large Language Models (LLMs) are powerful language understanding and decision-making tools that are created through extensive alignment with human feedback. However, these large models remain susceptible to jailbreak attacks, where adversaries manipulate prompts to elicit malicious outputs that should not be given by aligned LLMs. Investigating jailbreak prompts can lead us to delve into the limitations of LLMs and further guide us to secure them. Unfortunately, existing jailbreak techniques suffer from either (1) scalability issues, where attacks heavily rely on manual crafting of prompts, or (2) stealthiness problems, as attacks depend on token-based algorithms to generate prompts that are often semantically meaningless, making them susceptible to detection through basic perplexity testing. In light of these challenges, we intend to answer this question: Can we develop an approach that can automatically generate stealthy jailbreak prompts? In this paper, we introduce AutoDAN, a novel jailbreak attack against aligned LLMs. AutoDAN can automatically generate stealthy jailbreak prompts by the carefully designed hierarchical genetic algorithm. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that AutoDAN not only automates the process while preserving semantic meaningfulness, but also demonstrates superior attack strength in cross-model transferability, and cross-sample universality compared with the baseline. Moreover, we also compare AutoDAN with perplexity-based defense methods and show that AutoDAN can bypass them effectively.

replace-cross Graph Ranking Contrastive Learning: A Extremely Simple yet Efficient Method

Authors: Yulan Hu, Sheng Ouyang, Jingyu Liu, Ge Chen, Zhirui Yang, Junchen Wan, Fuzheng Zhang, Zhongyuan Wang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Graph contrastive learning (GCL) has emerged as a representative graph self-supervised method, achieving significant success. The currently prevalent optimization objective for GCL is InfoNCE. Typically, it employs augmentation techniques to obtain two views, where a node in one view acts as the anchor, the corresponding node in the other view serves as the positive sample, and all other nodes are regarded as negative samples. The goal is to minimize the distance between the anchor node and positive samples and maximize the distance to negative samples. However, due to the lack of label information during training, InfoNCE inevitably treats samples from the same class as negative samples, leading to the issue of false negative samples. This can impair the learned node representations and subsequently hinder performance in downstream tasks. While numerous methods have been proposed to mitigate the impact of false negatives, they still face various challenges. For instance, while increasing the number of negative samples can dilute the impact of false negatives, it concurrently increases computational burden. Thus, we propose GraphRank, a simple yet efficient graph contrastive learning method that addresses the problem of false negative samples by redefining the concept of negative samples to a certain extent, thereby avoiding the issue of false negative samples. The effectiveness of GraphRank is empirically validated through experiments on the node, edge, and graph level tasks.

replace-cross TD-MPC2: Scalable, Robust World Models for Continuous Control

Authors: Nicklas Hansen, Hao Su, Xiaolong Wang

Abstract: TD-MPC is a model-based reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm that performs local trajectory optimization in the latent space of a learned implicit (decoder-free) world model. In this work, we present TD-MPC2: a series of improvements upon the TD-MPC algorithm. We demonstrate that TD-MPC2 improves significantly over baselines across 104 online RL tasks spanning 4 diverse task domains, achieving consistently strong results with a single set of hyperparameters. We further show that agent capabilities increase with model and data size, and successfully train a single 317M parameter agent to perform 80 tasks across multiple task domains, embodiments, and action spaces. We conclude with an account of lessons, opportunities, and risks associated with large TD-MPC2 agents. Explore videos, models, data, code, and more at


replace-cross Knowing What LLMs DO NOT Know: A Simple Yet Effective Self-Detection Method

Authors: Yukun Zhao, Lingyong Yan, Weiwei Sun, Guoliang Xing, Chong Meng, Shuaiqiang Wang, Zhicong Cheng, Zhaochun Ren, Dawei Yin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown great potential in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, recent literature reveals that LLMs generate nonfactual responses intermittently, which impedes the LLMs' reliability for further utilization. In this paper, we propose a novel self-detection method to detect which questions that a LLM does not know that are prone to generate nonfactual results. Specifically, we first diversify the textual expressions for a given question and collect the corresponding answers. Then we examine the divergencies between the generated answers to identify the questions that the model may generate falsehoods. All of the above steps can be accomplished by prompting the LLMs themselves without referring to any other external resources. We conduct comprehensive experiments and demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on recently released LLMs, e.g., Vicuna, ChatGPT, and GPT-4.

replace-cross VQPy: An Object-Oriented Approach to Modern Video Analytics

Authors: Shan Yu, Zhenting Zhu, Yu Chen, Hanchen Xu, Pengzhan Zhao, Yang Wang, Arthi Padmanabhan, Hugo Latapie, Harry Xu

Abstract: Video analytics is widely used in contemporary systems and services. At the forefront of video analytics are video queries that users develop to find objects of particular interest. Building upon the insight that video objects (e.g., human, animals, cars, etc.), the center of video analytics, are similar in spirit to objects modeled by traditional object-oriented languages, we propose to develop an object-oriented approach to video analytics. This approach, named VQPy, consists of a frontend$\unicode{x2015}$a Python variant with constructs that make it easy for users to express video objects and their interactions$\unicode{x2015}$as well as an extensible backend that can automatically construct and optimize pipelines based on video objects. We have implemented and open-sourced VQPy, which has been productized in Cisco as part of its DeepVision framework.

replace-cross RiskQ: Risk-sensitive Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Value Factorization

Authors: Siqi Shen, Chennan Ma, Chao Li, Weiquan Liu, Yongquan Fu, Songzhu Mei, Xinwang Liu, Cheng Wang

Abstract: Multi-agent systems are characterized by environmental uncertainty, varying policies of agents, and partial observability, which result in significant risks. In the context of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL), learning coordinated and decentralized policies that are sensitive to risk is challenging. To formulate the coordination requirements in risk-sensitive MARL, we introduce the Risk-sensitive Individual-Global-Max (RIGM) principle as a generalization of the Individual-Global-Max (IGM) and Distributional IGM (DIGM) principles. This principle requires that the collection of risk-sensitive action selections of each agent should be equivalent to the risk-sensitive action selection of the central policy. Current MARL value factorization methods do not satisfy the RIGM principle for common risk metrics such as the Value at Risk (VaR) metric or distorted risk measurements. Therefore, we propose RiskQ to address this limitation, which models the joint return distribution by modeling quantiles of it as weighted quantile mixtures of per-agent return distribution utilities. RiskQ satisfies the RIGM principle for the VaR and distorted risk metrics. We show that RiskQ can obtain promising performance through extensive experiments. The source code of RiskQ is available in


replace-cross Distilling and Retrieving Generalizable Knowledge for Robot Manipulation via Language Corrections

Authors: Lihan Zha, Yuchen Cui, Li-Heng Lin, Minae Kwon, Montserrat Gonzalez Arenas, Andy Zeng, Fei Xia, Dorsa Sadigh

Abstract: Today's robot policies exhibit subpar performance when faced with the challenge of generalizing to novel environments. Human corrective feedback is a crucial form of guidance to enable such generalization. However, adapting to and learning from online human corrections is a non-trivial endeavor: not only do robots need to remember human feedback over time to retrieve the right information in new settings and reduce the intervention rate, but also they would need to be able to respond to feedback that can be arbitrary corrections about high-level human preferences to low-level adjustments to skill parameters. In this work, we present Distillation and Retrieval of Online Corrections (DROC), a large language model (LLM)-based system that can respond to arbitrary forms of language feedback, distill generalizable knowledge from corrections, and retrieve relevant past experiences based on textual and visual similarity for improving performance in novel settings. DROC is able to respond to a sequence of online language corrections that address failures in both high-level task plans and low-level skill primitives. We demonstrate that DROC effectively distills the relevant information from the sequence of online corrections in a knowledge base and retrieves that knowledge in settings with new task or object instances. DROC outperforms other techniques that directly generate robot code via LLMs by using only half of the total number of corrections needed in the first round and requires little to no corrections after two iterations. We show further results, videos, prompts and code on .


replace-cross Point2RBox: Combine Knowledge from Synthetic Visual Patterns for End-to-end Oriented Object Detection with Single Point Supervision

Authors: Yi Yu, Xue Yang, Qingyun Li, Feipeng Da, Jifeng Dai, Yu Qiao, Junchi Yan

Abstract: With the rapidly increasing demand for oriented object detection (OOD), recent research involving weakly-supervised detectors for learning rotated box (RBox) from the horizontal box (HBox) has attracted more and more attention. In this paper, we explore a more challenging yet label-efficient setting, namely single point-supervised OOD, and present our approach called Point2RBox. Specifically, we propose to leverage two principles: 1) Synthetic pattern knowledge combination: By sampling around each labeled point on the image, we spread the object feature to synthetic visual patterns with known boxes to provide the knowledge for box regression. 2) Transform self-supervision: With a transformed input image (e.g. scaled/rotated), the output RBoxes are trained to follow the same transformation so that the network can perceive the relative size/rotation between objects. The detector is further enhanced by a few devised techniques to cope with peripheral issues, e.g. the anchor/layer assignment as the size of the object is not available in our point supervision setting. To our best knowledge, Point2RBox is the first end-to-end solution for point-supervised OOD. In particular, our method uses a lightweight paradigm, yet it achieves a competitive performance among point-supervised alternatives, 41.05%/27.62%/80.01% on DOTA/DIOR/HRSC datasets.

replace-cross Align before Adapt: Leveraging Entity-to-Region Alignments for Generalizable Video Action Recognition

Authors: Yifei Chen, Dapeng Chen, Ruijin Liu, Sai Zhou, Wenyuan Xue, Wei Peng

Abstract: Large-scale visual-language pre-trained models have achieved significant success in various video tasks. However, most existing methods follow an "adapt then align" paradigm, which adapts pre-trained image encoders to model video-level representations and utilizes one-hot or text embedding of the action labels for supervision. This paradigm overlooks the challenge of mapping from static images to complicated activity concepts. In this paper, we propose a novel "Align before Adapt" (ALT) paradigm. Prior to adapting to video representation learning, we exploit the entity-to-region alignments for each frame. The alignments are fulfilled by matching the region-aware image embeddings to an offline-constructed text corpus. With the aligned entities, we feed their text embeddings to a transformer-based video adapter as the queries, which can help extract the semantics of the most important entities from a video to a vector. This paradigm reuses the visual-language alignment of VLP during adaptation and tries to explain an action by the underlying entities. This helps understand actions by bridging the gap with complex activity semantics, particularly when facing unfamiliar or unseen categories. ALT demonstrates competitive performance while maintaining remarkably low computational costs. In fully supervised experiments, it achieves 88.1% top-1 accuracy on Kinetics-400 with only 4947 GFLOPs. Moreover, ALT outperforms the previous state-of-the-art methods in both zero-shot and few-shot experiments, emphasizing its superior generalizability across various learning scenarios.

replace-cross LMM-Assisted Breast Cancer Treatment Target Segmentation with Consistency Embedding

Authors: Kwanyoung Kim, Yujin Oh, Sangjoon Park, Hwa Kyung Byun, Jin Sung Kim, Yong Bae Kim, Jong Chul Ye

Abstract: Recent advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) have profoundly influenced medical fields, by providing tools to reduce clinical workloads. However, most AI models are constrained to execute unimodal tasks, in stark contrast to the comprehensive approaches utilized by medical professionals. To address this, here we present RO-LMM, a multi-purpose large multimodal model (LMM) tailored for the field of radiation oncology. This model covers series of tasks within clinical workflow, adept at clinical report summarization, radiation treatment plan suggestion, and plan-guided target volume segmentation. In particular, to perform consecutive clinical tasks, we further present a novel Consistency Embedding Fine-Tuning (CEFTune) technique, which boosts LMM's robustness to noisy inputs while preserving the capability of handling clean inputs, and transform this concept into LMM-driven segmentation framework as Consistency Embedding Segmentation~(CESEG). Experimental results on multi-centre cohorts demonstrate our RO-LMM's promising performance for multiple clinical tasks with generalization capabilities.

replace-cross A Survey on Large Language Model (LLM) Security and Privacy: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Authors: Yifan Yao, Jinhao Duan, Kaidi Xu, Yuanfang Cai, Zhibo Sun, Yue Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT and Bard, have revolutionized natural language understanding and generation. They possess deep language comprehension, human-like text generation capabilities, contextual awareness, and robust problem-solving skills, making them invaluable in various domains (e.g., search engines, customer support, translation). In the meantime, LLMs have also gained traction in the security community, revealing security vulnerabilities and showcasing their potential in security-related tasks. This paper explores the intersection of LLMs with security and privacy. Specifically, we investigate how LLMs positively impact security and privacy, potential risks and threats associated with their use, and inherent vulnerabilities within LLMs. Through a comprehensive literature review, the paper categorizes the papers into "The Good" (beneficial LLM applications), "The Bad" (offensive applications), and "The Ugly" (vulnerabilities of LLMs and their defenses). We have some interesting findings. For example, LLMs have proven to enhance code security (code vulnerability detection) and data privacy (data confidentiality protection), outperforming traditional methods. However, they can also be harnessed for various attacks (particularly user-level attacks) due to their human-like reasoning abilities. We have identified areas that require further research efforts. For example, Research on model and parameter extraction attacks is limited and often theoretical, hindered by LLM parameter scale and confidentiality. Safe instruction tuning, a recent development, requires more exploration. We hope that our work can shed light on the LLMs' potential to both bolster and jeopardize cybersecurity.

replace-cross Working Backwards: Learning to Place by Picking

Authors: Oliver Limoyo, Abhisek Konar, Trevor Ablett, Jonathan Kelly, Francois R. Hogan, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: We present placing via picking (PvP), a method to autonomously collect real-world demonstrations for a family of placing tasks in which objects must be manipulated to specific contact-constrained locations. With PvP, we approach the collection of robotic object placement demonstrations by reversing the grasping process and exploiting the inherent symmetry of the pick and place problems. Specifically, we obtain placing demonstrations from a set of grasp sequences of objects initially located at their target placement locations. Our system can collect hundreds of demonstrations in contact-constrained environments without human intervention by combining two modules: tactile regrasping and compliant control for grasps. We train a policy directly from visual observations through behavioral cloning, using the autonomously-collected demonstrations. By doing so, the policy can generalize to object placement scenarios outside of the training environment without privileged information (e.g., placing a plate picked up from a table). We validate our approach in home robotic scenarios that include dishwasher loading and table setting. Our approach yields robotic placing policies that outperform policies trained with kinesthetic teaching, both in terms of performance and data efficiency, while requiring no human supervision.

replace-cross Exploring Large Language Models to Facilitate Variable Autonomy for Human-Robot Teaming

Authors: Younes Lakhnati, Max Pascher, Jens Gerken

Abstract: In a rapidly evolving digital landscape autonomous tools and robots are becoming commonplace. Recognizing the significance of this development, this paper explores the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) like Generative pre-trained transformer (GPT) into human-robot teaming environments to facilitate variable autonomy through the means of verbal human-robot communication. In this paper, we introduce a novel framework for such a GPT-powered multi-robot testbed environment, based on a Unity Virtual Reality (VR) setting. This system allows users to interact with robot agents through natural language, each powered by individual GPT cores. By means of OpenAI's function calling, we bridge the gap between unstructured natural language input and structure robot actions. A user study with 12 participants explores the effectiveness of GPT-4 and, more importantly, user strategies when being given the opportunity to converse in natural language within a multi-robot environment. Our findings suggest that users may have preconceived expectations on how to converse with robots and seldom try to explore the actual language and cognitive capabilities of their robot collaborators. Still, those users who did explore where able to benefit from a much more natural flow of communication and human-like back-and-forth. We provide a set of lessons learned for future research and technical implementations of similar systems.

replace-cross Weighted Ensemble Models Are Strong Continual Learners

Authors: Imad Eddine Marouf, Subhankar Roy, Enzo Tartaglione, St\'ephane Lathuili\`ere

Abstract: In this work, we study the problem of continual learning (CL) where the goal is to learn a model on a sequence of tasks, such that the data from the previous tasks becomes unavailable while learning on the current task data. CL is essentially a balancing act between being able to learn on the new task (i.e., plasticity) and maintaining the performance on the previously learned concepts (i.e., stability). Intending to address the stability-plasticity trade-off, we propose to perform weight-ensembling of the model parameters of the previous and current tasks. This weighted-ensembled model, which we call Continual Model Averaging (or CoMA), attains high accuracy on the current task by leveraging plasticity, while not deviating too far from the previous weight configuration, ensuring stability. We also propose an improved variant of CoMA, named Continual Fisher-weighted Model Averaging (or CoFiMA), that selectively weighs each parameter in the weights ensemble by leveraging the Fisher information of the weights of the model. Both variants are conceptually simple, easy to implement, and effective in attaining state-of-the-art performance on several standard CL benchmarks. Code is available at:


replace-cross Intrinsic Image Diffusion for Indoor Single-view Material Estimation

Authors: Peter Kocsis (Technical University of Munich), Vincent Sitzmann (MIT EECS), Matthias Nie{\ss}ner (Technical University of Munich)

Abstract: We present Intrinsic Image Diffusion, a generative model for appearance decomposition of indoor scenes. Given a single input view, we sample multiple possible material explanations represented as albedo, roughness, and metallic maps. Appearance decomposition poses a considerable challenge in computer vision due to the inherent ambiguity between lighting and material properties and the lack of real datasets. To address this issue, we advocate for a probabilistic formulation, where instead of attempting to directly predict the true material properties, we employ a conditional generative model to sample from the solution space. Furthermore, we show that utilizing the strong learned prior of recent diffusion models trained on large-scale real-world images can be adapted to material estimation and highly improves the generalization to real images. Our method produces significantly sharper, more consistent, and more detailed materials, outperforming state-of-the-art methods by $1.5dB$ on PSNR and by $45\%$ better FID score on albedo prediction. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through experiments on both synthetic and real-world datasets.

replace-cross On the convergence of loss and uncertainty-based active learning algorithms

Authors: Daniel Haimovich, Dima Karamshuk, Fridolin Linder, Niek Tax, Milan Vojnovic

Abstract: We consider the convergence rates of loss and uncertainty-based active learning algorithms under various assumptions. Firstly, we establish a set of conditions that ensure convergence rates when applied to linear classifiers and linearly separable datasets. This includes demonstrating convergence rate guarantees for loss-based sampling with various loss functions. Secondly, we introduce a framework that allows us to derive convergence rate bounds for loss-based sampling by leveraging known convergence rate bounds for stochastic gradient descent algorithms. Lastly, we propose a new algorithm that combines point sampling and stochastic Polyak's step size. We establish a condition on the sampling process, ensuring a convergence rate guarantee for this algorithm, particularly in the case of smooth convex loss functions. Our numerical results showcase the efficiency of the proposed algorithm.

replace-cross FourCastNeXt: Optimizing FourCastNet Training for Limited Compute

Authors: Edison Guo, Maruf Ahmed, Yue Sun, Rui Yang, Harrison Cook, Tennessee Leeuwenburg, Ben Evans

Abstract: FourCastNeXt is an optimization of FourCastNet - a global machine learning weather forecasting model - that performs with a comparable level of accuracy and can be trained using around 5% of the original FourCastNet computational requirements. This technical report presents strategies for model optimization that maintain similar performance as measured by the root-mean-square error (RMSE) of the modelled variables. By providing a model with very low comparative training costs, FourCastNeXt makes Neural Earth System Modelling much more accessible to researchers looking to conduct training experiments and ablation studies. FourCastNeXt training and inference code are available at


replace-cross PhotoBot: Reference-Guided Interactive Photography via Natural Language

Authors: Oliver Limoyo, Jimmy Li, Dmitriy Rivkin, Jonathan Kelly, Gregory Dudek

Abstract: We introduce PhotoBot, a framework for fully automated photo acquisition based on an interplay between high-level human language guidance and a robot photographer. We propose to communicate photography suggestions to the user via reference images that are selected from a curated gallery. We leverage a visual language model (VLM) and an object detector to characterize the reference images via textual descriptions and then use a large language model (LLM) to retrieve relevant reference images based on a user's language query through text-based reasoning. To correspond the reference image and the observed scene, we exploit pre-trained features from a vision transformer capable of capturing semantic similarity across marked appearance variations. Using these features, we compute pose adjustments for an RGB-D camera by solving a perspective-n-point (PnP) problem. We demonstrate our approach using a manipulator equipped with a wrist camera. Our user studies show that photos taken by PhotoBot are often more aesthetically pleasing than those taken by users themselves, as measured by human feedback. We also show that PhotoBot can generalize to other reference sources such as paintings.

replace-cross Graph Edits for Counterfactual Explanations: A comparative study

Authors: Angeliki Dimitriou, Nikolaos Chaidos, Maria Lymperaiou, Giorgos Stamou

Abstract: Counterfactuals have been established as a popular explainability technique which leverages a set of minimal edits to alter the prediction of a classifier. When considering conceptual counterfactuals on images, the edits requested should correspond to salient concepts present in the input data. At the same time, conceptual distances are defined by knowledge graphs, ensuring the optimality of conceptual edits. In this work, we extend previous endeavors on graph edits as counterfactual explanations by conducting a comparative study which encompasses both supervised and unsupervised Graph Neural Network (GNN) approaches. To this end, we pose the following significant research question: should we represent input data as graphs, which is the optimal GNN approach in terms of performance and time efficiency to generate minimal and meaningful counterfactual explanations for black-box image classifiers?

replace-cross Emergent Dominance Hierarchies in Reinforcement Learning Agents

Authors: Ram Rachum, Yonatan Nakar, Bill Tomlinson, Nitay Alon, Reuth Mirsky

Abstract: Modern Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms are able to outperform humans in a wide variety of tasks. Multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL) settings present additional challenges, and successful cooperation in mixed-motive groups of agents depends on a delicate balancing act between individual and group objectives. Social conventions and norms, often inspired by human institutions, are used as tools for striking this balance. In this paper, we examine a fundamental, well-studied social convention that underlies cooperation in both animal and human societies: dominance hierarchies. We adapt the ethological theory of dominance hierarchies to artificial agents, borrowing the established terminology and definitions with as few amendments as possible. We demonstrate that populations of RL agents, operating without explicit programming or intrinsic rewards, can invent, learn, enforce, and transmit a dominance hierarchy to new populations. The dominance hierarchies that emerge have a similar structure to those studied in chickens, mice, fish, and other species.

replace-cross SLIM: Skill Learning with Multiple Critics

Authors: David Emukpere, Bingbing Wu, Julien Perez, Jean-Michel Renders

Abstract: Self-supervised skill learning aims to acquire useful behaviors that leverage the underlying dynamics of the environment. Latent variable models, based on mutual information maximization, have been successful in this task but still struggle in the context of robotic manipulation. As it requires impacting a possibly large set of degrees of freedom composing the environment, mutual information maximization fails alone in producing useful and safe manipulation behaviors. Furthermore, tackling this by augmenting skill discovery rewards with additional rewards through a naive combination might fail to produce desired behaviors. To address this limitation, we introduce SLIM, a multi-critic learning approach for skill discovery with a particular focus on robotic manipulation. Our main insight is that utilizing multiple critics in an actor-critic framework to gracefully combine multiple reward functions leads to a significant improvement in latent-variable skill discovery for robotic manipulation while overcoming possible interference occurring among rewards which hinders convergence to useful skills. Furthermore, in the context of tabletop manipulation, we demonstrate the applicability of our novel skill discovery approach to acquire safe and efficient motor primitives in a hierarchical reinforcement learning fashion and leverage them through planning, significantly surpassing baseline approaches for skill discovery.

replace-cross EasyInstruct: An Easy-to-use Instruction Processing Framework for Large Language Models

Authors: Yixin Ou, Ningyu Zhang, Honghao Gui, Ziwen Xu, Shuofei Qiao, Yida Xue, Runnan Fang, Kangwei Liu, Lei Li, Zhen Bi, Guozhou Zheng, Huajun Chen

Abstract: In recent years, instruction tuning has gained increasing attention and emerged as a crucial technique to enhance the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). To construct high-quality instruction datasets, many instruction processing approaches have been proposed, aiming to achieve a delicate balance between data quantity and data quality. Nevertheless, due to inconsistencies that persist among various instruction processing methods, there is no standard open-source instruction processing implementation framework available for the community, which hinders practitioners from further developing and advancing. To facilitate instruction processing research and development, we present EasyInstruct, an easy-to-use instruction processing framework for LLMs, which modularizes instruction generation, selection, and prompting, while also considering their combination and interaction. EasyInstruct is publicly released and actively maintained at, along with an online demo app and a demo video for quick-start, calling for broader research centered on instruction data and synthetic data.


replace-cross ANLS* -- A Universal Document Processing Metric for Generative Large Language Models

Authors: David Peer, Philemon Sch\"opf, Volckmar Nebendahl, Alexander Rietzler, Sebastian Stabinger

Abstract: Traditionally, discriminative models have been the predominant choice for tasks like document classification and information extraction. These models make predictions that fall into a limited number of predefined classes, facilitating a binary true or false evaluation and enabling the direct calculation of metrics such as the F1 score. However, recent advancements in generative large language models (GLLMs) have prompted a shift in the field due to their enhanced zero-shot capabilities, which eliminate the need for a downstream dataset and computationally expensive fine-tuning. However, evaluating GLLMs presents a challenge as the binary true or false evaluation used for discriminative models is not applicable to the predictions made by GLLMs. This paper introduces a new metric for generative models called ANLS* for evaluating a wide variety of tasks, including information extraction and classification tasks. The ANLS* metric extends existing ANLS metrics as a drop-in-replacement and is still compatible with previously reported ANLS scores. An evaluation of 7 different datasets, 6 different GLLMs and 3 different prompting methods using the ANLS* metric is also provided, demonstrating the importance of the proposed metric. We also benchmark a novel approach to generate prompts for documents, called SFT, against other prompting techniques such as LATIN. In 27 out of 35 cases, SFT outperforms other techniques and improves the state-of-the-art, sometimes by as much as $18$ percentage points. Sources are available at


replace-cross Intelligent Canvas: Enabling Design-Like Exploratory Visual Data Analysis with Generative AI through Rapid Prototyping, Iteration and Curation

Authors: Zijian Ding, Joel Chan

Abstract: Complex data analysis inherently seeks unexpected insights through exploratory visual analysis methods, transcending logical, step-by-step processing. However, existing interfaces such as notebooks and dashboards have limitations in exploration and comparison for visual data analysis. Addressing these limitations, we introduce a "design-like" intelligent canvas environment integrating generative AI into data analysis, offering rapid prototyping, iteration, and comparative visualization management. Our dual contributions include the integration of generative AI components into a canvas interface, and empirical findings from a user study (N=10) evaluating the effectiveness of the canvas interface.

replace-cross ROS-Causal: A ROS-based Causal Analysis Framework for Human-Robot Interaction Applications

Authors: Luca Castri, Gloria Beraldo, Sariah Mghames, Marc Hanheide, Nicola Bellotto

Abstract: Deploying robots in human-shared spaces requires understanding interactions among nearby agents and objects. Modelling cause-and-effect relations through causal inference aids in predicting human behaviours and anticipating robot interventions. However, a critical challenge arises as existing causal discovery methods currently lack an implementation inside the ROS ecosystem, the standard de facto in robotics, hindering effective utilisation in robotics. To address this gap, this paper introduces ROS-Causal, a ROS-based framework for onboard data collection and causal discovery in human-robot spatial interactions. An ad-hoc simulator, integrated with ROS, illustrates the approach's effectiveness, showcasing the robot onboard generation of causal models during data collection. ROS-Causal is available on GitHub:


replace-cross NewsBench: Systematic Evaluation of LLMs for Writing Proficiency and Safety Adherence in Chinese Journalistic Editorial Applications

Authors: Miao Li, Ming-Bin Chen, Bo Tang, Shengbin Hou, Pengyu Wang, Haiying Deng, Zhiyu Li, Feiyu Xiong, Keming Mao, Peng Cheng, Yi Luo

Abstract: This study presents NewsBench, a novel benchmark framework developed to evaluate the capability of Large Language Models (LLMs) in Chinese Journalistic Writing Proficiency (JWP) and their Safety Adherence (SA), addressing the gap between journalistic ethics and the risks associated with AI utilization. Comprising 1,267 tasks across 5 editorial applications, 7 aspects (including safety and journalistic writing with 4 detailed facets), and spanning 24 news topics domains, NewsBench employs two GPT-4 based automatic evaluation protocols validated by human assessment. Our comprehensive analysis of 10 LLMs highlighted GPT-4 and ERNIE Bot as top performers, yet revealed a relative deficiency in journalistic ethic adherence during creative writing tasks. These findings underscore the need for enhanced ethical guidance in AI-generated journalistic content, marking a step forward in aligning AI capabilities with journalistic standards and safety considerations.

replace-cross Beyond Specialization: Assessing the Capabilities of MLLMs in Age and Gender Estimation

Authors: Maksim Kuprashevich, Grigorii Alekseenko, Irina Tolstykh

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have recently gained immense popularity. Powerful commercial models like ChatGPT-4V and Gemini, as well as open-source ones such as LLaVA, are essentially general-purpose models and are applied to solve a wide variety of tasks, including those in computer vision. These neural networks possess such strong general knowledge and reasoning abilities that they have proven capable of working even on tasks for which they were not specifically trained. We compared the capabilities of the most powerful MLLMs to date: ShareGPT4V, ChatGPT, LLaVA-Next in a specialized task of age and gender estimation with our state-of-the-art specialized model, MiVOLO. We also updated MiVOLO and provide details and new metrics in this article. This comparison has yielded some interesting results and insights about the strengths and weaknesses of the participating models. Furthermore, we attempted various ways to fine-tune the ShareGPT4V model for this specific task, aiming to achieve state-of-the-art results in this particular challenge. Although such a model would not be practical in production, as it is incredibly expensive compared to a specialized model like MiVOLO, it could be very useful in some tasks, like data annotation.

replace-cross Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? The Misleading Success of Simulating Social Interactions With LLMs

Authors: Xuhui Zhou, Zhe Su, Tiwalayo Eisape, Hyunwoo Kim, Maarten Sap

Abstract: Recent advances in large language models (LLM) have enabled richer social simulations, allowing for the study of various social phenomena with LLM-based agents. However, most work has used an omniscient perspective on these simulations (e.g., single LLM to generate all interlocutors), which is fundamentally at odds with the non-omniscient, information asymmetric interactions that humans have. To examine these differences, we develop an evaluation framework to simulate social interactions with LLMs in various settings (omniscient, non-omniscient). Our experiments show that interlocutors simulated omnisciently are much more successful at accomplishing social goals compared to non-omniscient agents, despite the latter being the more realistic setting. Furthermore, we demonstrate that learning from omniscient simulations improves the apparent naturalness of interactions but scarcely enhances goal achievement in cooperative scenarios. Our findings indicate that addressing information asymmetry remains a fundamental challenge for LLM-based agents.

replace-cross Cost-Sensitive Learning to Defer to Multiple Experts with Workload Constraints

Authors: Jean V. Alves, Diogo Leit\~ao, S\'ergio Jesus, Marco O. P. Sampaio, Javier Li\'ebana, Pedro Saleiro, M\'ario A. T. Figueiredo, Pedro Bizarro

Abstract: Learning to defer (L2D) aims to improve human-AI collaboration systems by learning how to defer decisions to humans when they are more likely to be correct than an ML classifier. Existing research in L2D overlooks key aspects of real-world systems that impede its practical adoption, namely: i) neglecting cost-sensitive scenarios, where type 1 and type 2 errors have different costs; ii) requiring concurrent human predictions for every instance of the training dataset and iii) not dealing with human work capacity constraints. To address these issues, we propose the deferral under cost and capacity constraints framework (DeCCaF). DeCCaF is a novel L2D approach, employing supervised learning to model the probability of human error under less restrictive data requirements (only one expert prediction per instance) and using constraint programming to globally minimize the error cost subject to workload limitations. We test DeCCaF in a series of cost-sensitive fraud detection scenarios with different teams of 9 synthetic fraud analysts, with individual work capacity constraints. The results demonstrate that our approach performs significantly better than the baselines in a wide array of scenarios, achieving an average 8.4% reduction in the misclassification cost.

replace-cross Optimizing Language Augmentation for Multilingual Large Language Models: A Case Study on Korean

Authors: ChangSu Choi, Yongbin Jeong, Seoyoon Park, InHo Won, HyeonSeok Lim, SangMin Kim, Yejee Kang, Chanhyuk Yoon, Jaewan Park, Yiseul Lee, HyeJin Lee, Younggyun Hahm, Hansaem Kim, KyungTae Lim

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) use pretraining to predict the subsequent word; however, their expansion requires significant computing resources. Numerous big tech companies and research institutes have developed multilingual LLMs (MLLMs) to meet current demands, overlooking less-resourced languages (LRLs). This study proposed three strategies to enhance the performance of LRLs based on the publicly available MLLMs. First, the MLLM vocabularies of LRLs were expanded to enhance expressiveness. Second, bilingual data were used for pretraining to align the high- and less-resourced languages. Third, a high-quality small-scale instruction dataset was constructed and instruction-tuning was performed to augment the LRL. The experiments employed the Llama2 model and Korean was used as the LRL, which was quantitatively evaluated against other developed LLMs across eight tasks. Furthermore, a qualitative assessment was performed based on human evaluation and GPT4. Experimental results showed that our proposed Bllossom model exhibited superior performance in qualitative analyses compared to previously proposed Korean monolingual models.

replace-cross Unimodal Multi-Task Fusion for Emotional Mimicry Prediciton

Authors: Tobias Hallmen, Fabian Deuser, Norbert Oswald, Elisabeth Andr\'e

Abstract: In this study, we propose a methodology for the Emotional Mimicry Intensity (EMI) Estimation task within the context of the 6th Workshop and Competition on Affective Behavior Analysis in-the-wild. Our approach leverages the Wav2Vec 2.0 framework, pre-trained on a comprehensive podcast dataset, to extract a broad range of audio features encompassing both linguistic and paralinguistic elements. We enhance feature representation through a fusion technique that integrates individual features with a global mean vector, introducing global contextual insights into our analysis. Additionally, we incorporate a pre-trained valence-arousal-dominance (VAD) module from the Wav2Vec 2.0 model. Our fusion employs a Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture for efficient temporal analysis of audio data. Utilizing only the provided audio data, our approach demonstrates significant improvements over the established baseline.

replace-cross Discover and Mitigate Multiple Biased Subgroups in Image Classifiers

Authors: Zeliang Zhang, Mingqian Feng, Zhiheng Li, Chenliang Xu

Abstract: Machine learning models can perform well on in-distribution data but often fail on biased subgroups that are underrepresented in the training data, hindering the robustness of models for reliable applications. Such subgroups are typically unknown due to the absence of subgroup labels. Discovering biased subgroups is the key to understanding models' failure modes and further improving models' robustness. Most previous works of subgroup discovery make an implicit assumption that models only underperform on a single biased subgroup, which does not hold on in-the-wild data where multiple biased subgroups exist. In this work, we propose Decomposition, Interpretation, and Mitigation (DIM), a novel method to address a more challenging but also more practical problem of discovering multiple biased subgroups in image classifiers. Our approach decomposes the image features into multiple components that represent multiple subgroups. This decomposition is achieved via a bilinear dimension reduction method, Partial Least Square (PLS), guided by useful supervision from the image classifier. We further interpret the semantic meaning of each subgroup component by generating natural language descriptions using vision-language foundation models. Finally, DIM mitigates multiple biased subgroups simultaneously via two strategies, including the data- and model-centric strategies. Extensive experiments on CIFAR-100 and Breeds datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of DIM in discovering and mitigating multiple biased subgroups. Furthermore, DIM uncovers the failure modes of the classifier on Hard ImageNet, showcasing its broader applicability to understanding model bias in image classifiers. The code is available at


replace-cross FlowerFormer: Empowering Neural Architecture Encoding using a Flow-aware Graph Transformer

Authors: Dongyeong Hwang, Hyunju Kim, Sunwoo Kim, Kijung Shin

Abstract: The success of a specific neural network architecture is closely tied to the dataset and task it tackles; there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Thus, considerable efforts have been made to quickly and accurately estimate the performances of neural architectures, without full training or evaluation, for given tasks and datasets. Neural architecture encoding has played a crucial role in the estimation, and graphbased methods, which treat an architecture as a graph, have shown prominent performance. For enhanced representation learning of neural architectures, we introduce FlowerFormer, a powerful graph transformer that incorporates the information flows within a neural architecture. FlowerFormer consists of two key components: (a) bidirectional asynchronous message passing, inspired by the flows; (b) global attention built on flow-based masking. Our extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of FlowerFormer over existing neural encoding methods, and its effectiveness extends beyond computer vision models to include graph neural networks and auto speech recognition models. Our code is available at


replace-cross Arcee's MergeKit: A Toolkit for Merging Large Language Models

Authors: Charles Goddard, Shamane Siriwardhana, Malikeh Ehghaghi, Luke Meyers, Vlad Karpukhin, Brian Benedict, Mark McQuade, Jacob Solawetz

Abstract: The rapid expansion of the open-source language model landscape presents an opportunity to merge the competencies of these model checkpoints by combining their parameters. Advances in transfer learning, the process of fine-tuning pretrained models for specific tasks, has resulted in the development of vast amounts of task-specific models, typically specialized in individual tasks and unable to utilize each other's strengths. Model merging facilitates the creation of multitask models without the need for additional training, offering a promising avenue for enhancing model performance and versatility. By preserving the intrinsic capabilities of the original models, model merging addresses complex challenges in AI - including the difficulties of catastrophic forgetting and multitask learning. To support this expanding area of research, we introduce MergeKit, a comprehensive, open-source library designed to facilitate the application of model merging strategies. MergeKit offers an extensible framework to efficiently merge models on any hardware, providing utility to researchers and practitioners. To date, thousands of models have been merged by the open-source community, leading to the creation of some of the worlds most powerful open-source model checkpoints, as assessed by the Open LLM Leaderboard. The library is accessible at


replace-cross LlamaFactory: Unified Efficient Fine-Tuning of 100+ Language Models

Authors: Yaowei Zheng, Richong Zhang, Junhao Zhang, Yanhan Ye, Zheyan Luo, Yongqiang Ma

Abstract: Efficient fine-tuning is vital for adapting large language models (LLMs) to downstream tasks. However, it requires non-trivial efforts to implement these methods on different models. We present LlamaFactory, a unified framework that integrates a suite of cutting-edge efficient training methods. It allows users to flexibly customize the fine-tuning of 100+ LLMs without the need for coding through the built-in web UI LlamaBoard. We empirically validate the efficiency and effectiveness of our framework on language modeling and text generation tasks. It has been released at and already received over 13,000 stars and 1,600 forks.