new CapsF: Capsule Fusion for Extracting psychiatric stressors for suicide from twitter

Authors: Mohammad Ali Dadgostarnia, Ramin Mousa, Saba Hesaraki

Abstract: Along with factors such as cancer, blood pressure, street accidents and stroke, suicide has been one of Iran main causes of death. One of the main reasons for suicide is psychological stressors. Identifying psychological stressors in an at risk population can help in the early prevention of suicidal and suicidal behaviours. In recent years, the widespread popularity and flow of real time information sharing of social media have allowed for potential early intervention in large scale and even small scale populations. However, some automated approaches to extract psychiatric stressors from Twitter have been presented, but most of this research has been for non Persian languages. This study aims to investigate the techniques of detecting psychological stress related to suicide from Persian tweets using learning based methods. The proposed capsule based approach achieved a binary classification accuracy of 0.83.

new Detection of Opioid Users from Reddit Posts via an Attention-based Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network

Authors: Yuchen Wang, Zhengyu Fang, Wei Du, Shuai Xu, Rong Xu, Jing Li

Abstract: The opioid epidemic, referring to the growing hospitalizations and deaths because of overdose of opioid usage and addiction, has become a severe health problem in the United States. Many strategies have been developed by the federal and local governments and health communities to combat this crisis. Among them, improving our understanding of the epidemic through better health surveillance is one of the top priorities. In addition to direct testing, machine learning approaches may also allow us to detect opioid users by analyzing data from social media because many opioid users may choose not to do the tests but may share their experiences on social media anonymously. In this paper, we take advantage of recent advances in machine learning, collect and analyze user posts from a popular social network Reddit with the goal to identify opioid users. Posts from more than 1,000 users who have posted on three sub-reddits over a period of one month have been collected. In addition to the ones that contain keywords such as opioid, opiate, or heroin, we have also collected posts that contain slang words of opioid such as black or chocolate. We apply an attention-based bidirectional long short memory model to identify opioid users. Experimental results show that the approaches significantly outperform competitive algorithms in terms of F1-score. Furthermore, the model allows us to extract most informative words, such as opiate, opioid, and black, from posts via the attention layer, which provides more insights on how the machine learning algorithm works in distinguishing drug users from non-drug users.

new X-AMR Annotation Tool

Authors: Shafiuddin Rehan Ahmed, Jon Z. Cai, Martha Palmer, James H. Martin

Abstract: This paper presents a novel Cross-document Abstract Meaning Representation (X-AMR) annotation tool designed for annotating key corpus-level event semantics. Leveraging machine assistance through the Prodigy Annotation Tool, we enhance the user experience, ensuring ease and efficiency in the annotation process. Through empirical analyses, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our tool in augmenting an existing event corpus, highlighting its advantages when integrated with GPT-4. Code and annotations:


new Distilling Named Entity Recognition Models for Endangered Species from Large Language Models

Authors: Jesse Atuhurra, Seiveright Cargill Dujohn, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Hiroyuki Shindo, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: Natural language processing (NLP) practitioners are leveraging large language models (LLM) to create structured datasets from semi-structured and unstructured data sources such as patents, papers, and theses, without having domain-specific knowledge. At the same time, ecological experts are searching for a variety of means to preserve biodiversity. To contribute to these efforts, we focused on endangered species and through in-context learning, we distilled knowledge from GPT-4. In effect, we created datasets for both named entity recognition (NER) and relation extraction (RE) via a two-stage process: 1) we generated synthetic data from GPT-4 of four classes of endangered species, 2) humans verified the factual accuracy of the synthetic data, resulting in gold data. Eventually, our novel dataset contains a total of 3.6K sentences, evenly divided between 1.8K NER and 1.8K RE sentences. The constructed dataset was then used to fine-tune both general BERT and domain-specific BERT variants, completing the knowledge distillation process from GPT-4 to BERT, because GPT-4 is resource intensive. Experiments show that our knowledge transfer approach is effective at creating a NER model suitable for detecting endangered species from texts.

new ChatPattern: Layout Pattern Customization via Natural Language

Authors: Zixiao Wang, Yunheng Shen, Xufeng Yao, Wenqian Zhao, Yang Bai, Farzan Farnia, Bei Yu

Abstract: Existing works focus on fixed-size layout pattern generation, while the more practical free-size pattern generation receives limited attention. In this paper, we propose ChatPattern, a novel Large-Language-Model (LLM) powered framework for flexible pattern customization. ChatPattern utilizes a two-part system featuring an expert LLM agent and a highly controllable layout pattern generator. The LLM agent can interpret natural language requirements and operate design tools to meet specified needs, while the generator excels in conditional layout generation, pattern modification, and memory-friendly patterns extension. Experiments on challenging pattern generation setting shows the ability of ChatPattern to synthesize high-quality large-scale patterns.

new Using Contextual Information for Sentence-level Morpheme Segmentation

Authors: Prabin Bhandari, Abhishek Paudel

Abstract: Recent advancements in morpheme segmentation primarily emphasize word-level segmentation, often neglecting the contextual relevance within the sentence. In this study, we redefine the morpheme segmentation task as a sequence-to-sequence problem, treating the entire sentence as input rather than isolating individual words. Our findings reveal that the multilingual model consistently exhibits superior performance compared to monolingual counterparts. While our model did not surpass the performance of the current state-of-the-art, it demonstrated comparable efficacy with high-resource languages while revealing limitations in low-resource language scenarios.

new Linguistics from a topological viewpoint

Authors: Rui Dong

Abstract: Typological databases in linguistics are usually categorical-valued. As a result, it is difficult to have a clear visualization of the data. In this paper, we describe a workflow to analyze the topological shapes of South American languages by applying multiple correspondence analysis technique and topological data analysis methods.

new Decoding Multilingual Topic Dynamics and Trend Identification through ARIMA Time Series Analysis on Social Networks: A Novel Data Translation Framework Enhanced by LDA/HDP Models

Authors: Samawel Jaballi, Azer Mahjoubi, Manar Joundy Hazar, Salah Zrigui, Henri Nicolas, Mounir Zrigui

Abstract: In this study, the authors present a novel methodology adept at decoding multilingual topic dynamics and identifying communication trends during crises. We focus on dialogues within Tunisian social networks during the Coronavirus Pandemic and other notable themes like sports and politics. We start by aggregating a varied multilingual corpus of comments relevant to these subjects. This dataset undergoes rigorous refinement during data preprocessing. We then introduce our No-English-to-English Machine Translation approach to handle linguistic differences. Empirical tests of this method showed high accuracy and F1 scores, highlighting its suitability for linguistically coherent tasks. Delving deeper, advanced modeling techniques, specifically LDA and HDP models are employed to extract pertinent topics from the translated content. This leads to applying ARIMA time series analysis to decode evolving topic trends. Applying our method to a multilingual Tunisian dataset, we effectively identified key topics mirroring public sentiment. Such insights prove vital for organizations and governments striving to understand public perspectives during crises. Compared to standard approaches, our model outperforms, as confirmed by metrics like Coherence Score, U-mass, and Topic Coherence. Additionally, an in-depth assessment of the identified topics revealed notable thematic shifts in discussions, with our trends identification indicating impressive accuracy, backed by RMSE-based analysis.

new Decoding Compressed Trust: Scrutinizing the Trustworthiness of Efficient LLMs Under Compression

Authors: Junyuan Hong, Jinhao Duan, Chenhui Zhang, Zhangheng Li, Chulin Xie, Kelsey Lieberman, James Diffenderfer, Brian Bartoldson, Ajay Jaiswal, Kaidi Xu, Bhavya Kailkhura, Dan Hendrycks, Dawn Song, Zhangyang Wang, Bo Li

Abstract: Compressing high-capability Large Language Models (LLMs) has emerged as a favored strategy for resource-efficient inferences. While state-of-the-art (SoTA) compression methods boast impressive advancements in preserving benign task performance, the potential risks of compression in terms of safety and trustworthiness have been largely neglected. This study conducts the first, thorough evaluation of three (3) leading LLMs using five (5) SoTA compression techniques across eight (8) trustworthiness dimensions. Our experiments highlight the intricate interplay between compression and trustworthiness, revealing some interesting patterns. We find that quantization is currently a more effective approach than pruning in achieving efficiency and trustworthiness simultaneously. For instance, a 4-bit quantized model retains the trustworthiness of its original counterpart, but model pruning significantly degrades trustworthiness, even at 50% sparsity. Moreover, employing quantization within a moderate bit range could unexpectedly improve certain trustworthiness dimensions such as ethics and fairness. Conversely, extreme quantization to very low bit levels (3 bits) tends to significantly reduce trustworthiness. This increased risk cannot be uncovered by looking at benign performance alone, in turn, mandating comprehensive trustworthiness evaluation in practice. These findings culminate in practical recommendations for simultaneously achieving high utility, efficiency, and trustworthiness in LLMs. Models and code are available at


new Hatred Stems from Ignorance! Distillation of the Persuasion Modes in Countering Conversational Hate Speech

Authors: Ghadi Alyahya, Abeer Aldayel

Abstract: Examining the factors that the counter-speech uses is at the core of understanding the optimal methods for confronting hate speech online. Various studies assess the emotional base factor used in counter speech, such as emotion-empathy, offensiveness, and level of hostility. To better understand the counter-speech used in conversational interactions, this study distills persuasion modes into reason, emotion, and credibility and then evaluates their use in two types of conversation interactions: closed (multi-turn) and open (single-turn) conversation interactions concerning racism, sexism, and religion. The evaluation covers the distinct behaviors of human versus generated counter-speech. We also assess the interplay between the replies' stance and each mode of persuasion in the counter-speech. Notably, we observe nuanced differences in the counter-speech persuasion modes for open and closed interactions -- especially on the topic level -- with a general tendency to use reason as a persuasion mode to express the counterpoint to hate comments. The generated counter-speech tends to exhibit an emotional persuasion mode, while human counters lean towards using reasoning. Furthermore, our study shows that reason as a persuasion mode tends to obtain more supportive replies than do other persuasion types. The findings highlight the potential of incorporating persuasion modes into studies about countering hate speech, as these modes can serve as an optimal means of explainability and paves the way for the further adoption of the reply's stance and the role it plays in assessing what comprises the optimal counter-speech.

new Loops On Retrieval Augmented Generation (LoRAG)

Authors: Ayush Thakur, Rashmi Vashisth

Abstract: This paper presents Loops On Retrieval Augmented Generation (LoRAG), a new framework designed to enhance the quality of retrieval-augmented text generation through the incorporation of an iterative loop mechanism. The architecture integrates a generative model, a retrieval mechanism, and a dynamic loop module, allowing for iterative refinement of the generated text through interactions with relevant information retrieved from the input context. Experimental evaluations on benchmark datasets demonstrate that LoRAG surpasses existing state-of-the-art models in terms of BLEU score, ROUGE score, and perplexity, showcasing its effectiveness in achieving both coherence and relevance in generated text. The qualitative assessment further illustrates LoRAG's capability to produce contextually rich and coherent outputs. This research contributes valuable insights into the potential of iterative loops in mitigating challenges in text generation, positioning LoRAG as a promising advancement in the field.

new Towards Enabling FAIR Dataspaces Using Large Language Models

Authors: Benedikt T. Arnold, Johannes Theissen-Lipp, Diego Collarana, Christoph Lange, Sandra Geisler, Edward Curry, Stefan Decker

Abstract: Dataspaces have recently gained adoption across various sectors, including traditionally less digitized domains such as culture. Leveraging Semantic Web technologies helps to make dataspaces FAIR, but their complexity poses a significant challenge to the adoption of dataspaces and increases their cost. The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) raises the question of how these models can support the adoption of FAIR dataspaces. In this work, we demonstrate the potential of LLMs in dataspaces with a concrete example. We also derive a research agenda for exploring this emerging field.

new What Are Tools Anyway? A Survey from the Language Model Perspective

Authors: Zhiruo Wang, Zhoujun Cheng, Hao Zhu, Daniel Fried, Graham Neubig

Abstract: Language models (LMs) are powerful yet mostly for text generation tasks. Tools have substantially enhanced their performance for tasks that require complex skills. However, many works adopt the term "tool" in different ways, raising the question: What is a tool anyway? Subsequently, where and how do tools help LMs? In this survey, we provide a unified definition of tools as external programs used by LMs, and perform a systematic review of LM tooling scenarios and approaches. Grounded on this review, we empirically study the efficiency of various tooling methods by measuring their required compute and performance gains on various benchmarks, and highlight some challenges and potential future research in the field.

new Span-Oriented Information Extraction -- A Unifying Perspective on Information Extraction

Authors: Yifan Ding, Michael Yankoski, Tim Weninger

Abstract: Information Extraction refers to a collection of tasks within Natural Language Processing (NLP) that identifies sub-sequences within text and their labels. These tasks have been used for many years to link extract relevant information and to link free text to structured data. However, the heterogeneity among information extraction tasks impedes progress in this area. We therefore offer a unifying perspective centered on what we define to be spans in text. We then re-orient these seemingly incongruous tasks into this unified perspective and then re-present the wide assortment of information extraction tasks as variants of the same basic Span-Oriented Information Extraction task.

new Emotion Detection with Transformers: A Comparative Study

Authors: Mahdi Rezapour

Abstract: In this study, we explore the application of transformer-based models for emotion classification on text data. We train and evaluate several pre-trained transformer models, on the Emotion dataset using different variants of transformers. The paper also analyzes some factors that in-fluence the performance of the model, such as the fine-tuning of the transformer layer, the trainability of the layer, and the preprocessing of the text data. Our analysis reveals that commonly applied techniques like removing punctuation and stop words can hinder model performance. This might be because transformers strength lies in understanding contextual relationships within text. Elements like punctuation and stop words can still convey sentiment or emphasis and removing them might disrupt this context.

new Improving Sampling Methods for Fine-tuning SentenceBERT in Text Streams

Authors: Cristiano Mesquita Garcia, Alessandro Lameiras Koerich, Alceu de Souza Britto Jr, Jean Paul Barddal

Abstract: The proliferation of textual data on the Internet presents a unique opportunity for institutions and companies to monitor public opinion about their services and products. Given the rapid generation of such data, the text stream mining setting, which handles sequentially arriving, potentially infinite text streams, is often more suitable than traditional batch learning. While pre-trained language models are commonly employed for their high-quality text vectorization capabilities in streaming contexts, they face challenges adapting to concept drift - the phenomenon where the data distribution changes over time, adversely affecting model performance. Addressing the issue of concept drift, this study explores the efficacy of seven text sampling methods designed to selectively fine-tune language models, thereby mitigating performance degradation. We precisely assess the impact of these methods on fine-tuning the SBERT model using four different loss functions. Our evaluation, focused on Macro F1-score and elapsed time, employs two text stream datasets and an incremental SVM classifier to benchmark performance. Our findings indicate that Softmax loss and Batch All Triplets loss are particularly effective for text stream classification, demonstrating that larger sample sizes generally correlate with improved macro F1-scores. Notably, our proposed WordPieceToken ratio sampling method significantly enhances performance with the identified loss functions, surpassing baseline results.

new Fine-Tuning Pre-trained Language Models to Detect In-Game Trash Talks

Authors: Daniel Fesalbon, Arvin De La Cruz, Marvin Mallari, Nelson Rodelas

Abstract: Common problems in playing online mobile and computer games were related to toxic behavior and abusive communication among players. Based on different reports and studies, the study also discusses the impact of online hate speech and toxicity on players' in-game performance and overall well-being. This study investigates the capability of pre-trained language models to classify or detect trash talk or toxic in-game messages The study employs and evaluates the performance of pre-trained BERT and GPT language models in detecting toxicity within in-game chats. Using publicly available APIs, in-game chat data from DOTA 2 game matches were collected, processed, reviewed, and labeled as non-toxic, mild (toxicity), and toxic. The study was able to collect around two thousand in-game chats to train and test BERT (Base-uncased), BERT (Large-uncased), and GPT-3 models. Based on the three models' state-of-the-art performance, this study concludes pre-trained language models' promising potential for addressing online hate speech and in-game insulting trash talk.

new Assessing effect sizes, variability, and power in the on-line study of language production

Authors: B\"urki Audrey, Vasishth Shravan

Abstract: With the pandemic, many experimental psychologists and linguists have started to collect data over the internet (hereafter on-line data). The feasibility of such experiments and the sample sizes required to achieve sufficient statistical power in future experiments have to be assessed. This in turn requires information on effect sizes and variability. In a series of analyses, we compare response time data obtained in the same word production experiment conducted in the lab and on-line. These analyses allow us to determine whether the two settings differ in effect sizes, in the consistency of responses over the course of the experiment, in the variability of average response times across participants, in the magnitude of effect sizes across participants, or in the amount of unexplained variability. We assess the impact of these differences on the power of the design in a series of simulations. Our findings temper the enthusiasm raised by previous studies and suggest that on-line production studies might be feasible but at a non-negligible cost. The sample sizes required to achieve sufficient power in on-line language production studies come with a non-negligible increase in the amount of manual labour.

new LLMs-based Few-Shot Disease Predictions using EHR: A Novel Approach Combining Predictive Agent Reasoning and Critical Agent Instruction

Authors: Hejie Cui, Zhuocheng Shen, Jieyu Zhang, Hui Shao, Lianhui Qin, Joyce C. Ho, Carl Yang

Abstract: Electronic health records (EHRs) contain valuable patient data for health-related prediction tasks, such as disease prediction. Traditional approaches rely on supervised learning methods that require large labeled datasets, which can be expensive and challenging to obtain. In this study, we investigate the feasibility of applying Large Language Models (LLMs) to convert structured patient visit data (e.g., diagnoses, labs, prescriptions) into natural language narratives. We evaluate the zero-shot and few-shot performance of LLMs using various EHR-prediction-oriented prompting strategies. Furthermore, we propose a novel approach that utilizes LLM agents with different roles: a predictor agent that makes predictions and generates reasoning processes and a critic agent that analyzes incorrect predictions and provides guidance for improving the reasoning of the predictor agent. Our results demonstrate that with the proposed approach, LLMs can achieve decent few-shot performance compared to traditional supervised learning methods in EHR-based disease predictions, suggesting its potential for health-oriented applications.

new Don't be a Fool: Pooling Strategies in Offensive Language Detection from User-Intended Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Seunguk Yu, Juhwan Choi, Youngbin Kim

Abstract: Offensive language detection is an important task for filtering out abusive expressions and improving online user experiences. However, malicious users often attempt to avoid filtering systems through the involvement of textual noises. In this paper, we propose these evasions as user-intended adversarial attacks that insert special symbols or leverage the distinctive features of the Korean language. Furthermore, we introduce simple yet effective pooling strategies in a layer-wise manner to defend against the proposed attacks, focusing on the preceding layers not just the last layer to capture both offensiveness and token embeddings. We demonstrate that these pooling strategies are more robust to performance degradation even when the attack rate is increased, without directly training of such patterns. Notably, we found that models pre-trained on clean texts could achieve a comparable performance in detecting attacked offensive language, to models pre-trained on noisy texts by employing these pooling strategies.

new Isometric Neural Machine Translation using Phoneme Count Ratio Reward-based Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Shivam Ratnakant Mhaskar, Nirmesh J. Shah, Mohammadi Zaki, Ashishkumar P. Gudmalwar, Pankaj Wasnik, Rajiv Ratn Shah

Abstract: Traditional Automatic Video Dubbing (AVD) pipeline consists of three key modules, namely, Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR), Neural Machine Translation (NMT), and Text-to-Speech (TTS). Within AVD pipelines, isometric-NMT algorithms are employed to regulate the length of the synthesized output text. This is done to guarantee synchronization with respect to the alignment of video and audio subsequent to the dubbing process. Previous approaches have focused on aligning the number of characters and words in the source and target language texts of Machine Translation models. However, our approach aims to align the number of phonemes instead, as they are closely associated with speech duration. In this paper, we present the development of an isometric NMT system using Reinforcement Learning (RL), with a focus on optimizing the alignment of phoneme counts in the source and target language sentence pairs. To evaluate our models, we propose the Phoneme Count Compliance (PCC) score, which is a measure of length compliance. Our approach demonstrates a substantial improvement of approximately 36% in the PCC score compared to the state-of-the-art models when applied to English-Hindi language pairs. Moreover, we propose a student-teacher architecture within the framework of our RL approach to maintain a trade-off between the phoneme count and translation quality.

new Vi-Mistral-X: Building a Vietnamese Language Model with Advanced Continual Pre-training

Authors: James Vo

Abstract: The advancement of Large Language Models (LLMs) has significantly transformed the field of natural language processing, although the focus on English-centric models has created a noticeable research gap for specific languages, including Vietnamese. To address this issue, this paper presents vi-mistral-x, an innovative Large Language Model designed expressly for the Vietnamese language. It utilizes a unique method of continual pre-training, based on the Mistral architecture, which incorporates grouped-query attention and sliding window attention techniques. This model, vi-Mistral-X, marks a significant step forward in improving the understanding and generation of the Vietnamese language. It introduces an additional phase of continual pre-training, specifically adapted for Vietnamese, enhancing the model's capability in understanding complex language nuances and generating accurate, context-aware Vietnamese text. Through comprehensive testing on various benchmarks, vi-mistral-x has shown to outperform existing Vietnamese LLMs in several key areas, including text classification, question answering, and text generation. Particularly, in the Vietnamese Multitask Language Understanding (VMLU) benchmark, vi-mistral-x sets a new standard, outperforming other available models significantly. This paper highlights the critical role of continual pre-training in advancing language-specific LLMs and opens new avenues for the development of multilingual models. We aim for vi-mistral-x to not just be an important asset for processing the Vietnamese language but also to encourage more advancements in creating large language models for languages that are less represented.

new Efficient argument classification with compact language models and ChatGPT-4 refinements

Authors: Marcin Pietron, Rafa{\l} Olszowski, Jakub Gomu{\l}ka

Abstract: Argument mining (AM) is defined as the task of automatically identifying and extracting argumentative components (e.g. premises, claims, etc.) and detecting the existing relations among them (i.e., support, attack, no relations). Deep learning models enable us to analyze arguments more efficiently than traditional methods and extract their semantics. This paper presents comparative studies between a few deep learning-based models in argument mining. The work concentrates on argument classification. The research was done on a wide spectrum of datasets (, UKP, US2016). The main novelty of this paper is the ensemble model which is based on BERT architecture and ChatGPT-4 as fine tuning model. The presented results show that BERT+ChatGPT-4 outperforms the rest of the models including other Transformer-based and LSTM-based models. The observed improvement is, in most cases, greater than 10The presented analysis can provide crucial insights into how the models for argument classification should be further improved. Additionally, it can help develop a prompt-based algorithm to eliminate argument classification errors.

new Integrating Supervised Extractive and Generative Language Models for Suicide Risk Evidence Summarization

Authors: Rika Tanaka, Yusuke Fukazawa

Abstract: We propose a method that integrates supervised extractive and generative language models for providing supporting evidence of suicide risk in the CLPsych 2024 shared task. Our approach comprises three steps. Initially, we construct a BERT-based model for estimating sentence-level suicide risk and negative sentiment. Next, we precisely identify high suicide risk sentences by emphasizing elevated probabilities of both suicide risk and negative sentiment. Finally, we integrate generative summaries using the MentaLLaMa framework and extractive summaries from identified high suicide risk sentences and a specialized dictionary of suicidal risk words. SophiaADS, our team, achieved 1st place for highlight extraction and ranked 10th for summary generation, both based on recall and consistency metrics, respectively.

new Multi-Level Feedback Generation with Large Language Models for Empowering Novice Peer Counselors

Authors: Alicja Chaszczewicz, Raj Sanjay Shah, Ryan Louie, Bruce A Arnow, Robert Kraut, Diyi Yang

Abstract: Realistic practice and tailored feedback are key processes for training peer counselors with clinical skills. However, existing mechanisms of providing feedback largely rely on human supervision. Peer counselors often lack mechanisms to receive detailed feedback from experienced mentors, making it difficult for them to support the large number of people with mental health issues who use peer counseling. Our work aims to leverage large language models to provide contextualized and multi-level feedback to empower peer counselors, especially novices, at scale. To achieve this, we co-design with a group of senior psychotherapy supervisors to develop a multi-level feedback taxonomy, and then construct a publicly available dataset with comprehensive feedback annotations of 400 emotional support conversations. We further design a self-improvement method on top of large language models to enhance the automatic generation of feedback. Via qualitative and quantitative evaluation with domain experts, we demonstrate that our method minimizes the risk of potentially harmful and low-quality feedback generation which is desirable in such high-stakes scenarios.

new RakutenAI-7B: Extending Large Language Models for Japanese

Authors: Rakuten Group, Aaron Levine, Connie Huang, Chenguang Wang, Eduardo Batista, Ewa Szymanska, Hongyi Ding, Hou Wei Chou, Jean-Fran\c{c}ois Pessiot, Johanes Effendi, Justin Chiu, Kai Torben Ohlhus, Karan Chopra, Keiji Shinzato, Koji Murakami, Lee Xiong, Lei Chen, Maki Kubota, Maksim Tkachenko, Miroku Lee, Naoki Takahashi, Prathyusha Jwalapuram, Ryutaro Tatsushima, Saurabh Jain, Sunil Kumar Yadav, Ting Cai, Wei-Te Chen, Yandi Xia, Yuki Nakayama, Yutaka Higashiyama

Abstract: We introduce RakutenAI-7B, a suite of Japanese-oriented large language models that achieve the best performance on the Japanese LM Harness benchmarks among the open 7B models. Along with the foundation model, we release instruction- and chat-tuned models, RakutenAI-7B-instruct and RakutenAI-7B-chat respectively, under the Apache 2.0 license.

new MOGAM: A Multimodal Object-oriented Graph Attention Model for Depression Detection

Authors: Junyeop Cha, Seoyun Kim, Dongjae Kim, Eunil Park

Abstract: Early detection plays a crucial role in the treatment of depression. Therefore, numerous studies have focused on social media platforms, where individuals express their emotions, aiming to achieve early detection of depression. However, the majority of existing approaches often rely on specific features, leading to limited scalability across different types of social media datasets, such as text, images, or videos. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a Multimodal Object-Oriented Graph Attention Model (MOGAM), which can be applied to diverse types of data, offering a more scalable and versatile solution. Furthermore, to ensure that our model can capture authentic symptoms of depression, we only include vlogs from users with a clinical diagnosis. To leverage the diverse features of vlogs, we adopt a multimodal approach and collect additional metadata such as the title, description, and duration of the vlogs. To effectively aggregate these multimodal features, we employed a cross-attention mechanism. MOGAM achieved an accuracy of 0.871 and an F1-score of 0.888. Moreover, to validate the scalability of MOGAM, we evaluated its performance with a benchmark dataset and achieved comparable results with prior studies (0.61 F1-score). In conclusion, we believe that the proposed model, MOGAM, is an effective solution for detecting depression in social media, offering potential benefits in the early detection and treatment of this mental health condition.

new Sequence-to-Sequence Language Models for Character and Emotion Detection in Dream Narratives

Authors: Gustave Cortal (ENS Paris Saclay, LISN)

Abstract: The study of dreams has been central to understanding human (un)consciousness, cognition, and culture for centuries. Analyzing dreams quantitatively depends on labor-intensive, manual annotation of dream narratives. We automate this process through a natural language sequence-to-sequence generation framework. This paper presents the first study on character and emotion detection in the English portion of the open DreamBank corpus of dream narratives. Our results show that language models can effectively address this complex task. To get insight into prediction performance, we evaluate the impact of model size, prediction order of characters, and the consideration of proper names and character traits. We compare our approach with a large language model using in-context learning. Our supervised models perform better while having 28 times fewer parameters. Our model and its generated annotations are made publicly available.

new Open Source Conversational LLMs do not know most Spanish words

Authors: Javier Conde, Miguel Gonz\'alez, Nina Melero, Raquel Ferrando, Gonzalo Mart\'inez, Elena Merino-G\'omez, Jos\'e Alberto Hern\'andez, Pedro Reviriego

Abstract: The growing interest in Large Language Models (LLMs) and in particular in conversational models with which users can interact has led to the development of a large number of open-source chat LLMs. These models are evaluated on a wide range of benchmarks to assess their capabilities in answering questions or solving problems on almost any possible topic or to test their ability to reason or interpret texts. Instead, the evaluation of the knowledge that these models have of the languages has received much less attention. For example, the words that they can recognize and use in different languages. In this paper, we evaluate the knowledge that open-source chat LLMs have of Spanish words by testing a sample of words in a reference dictionary. The results show that open-source chat LLMs produce incorrect meanings for an important fraction of the words and are not able to use most of the words correctly to write sentences with context. These results show how Spanish is left behind in the open-source LLM race and highlight the need to push for linguistic fairness in conversational LLMs ensuring that they provide similar performance across languages.

new Visual Analytics for Fine-grained Text Classification Models and Datasets

Authors: Munkhtulga Battogtokh, Yiwen Xing, Cosmin Davidescu, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Michael Luck, Rita Borgo

Abstract: In natural language processing (NLP), text classification tasks are increasingly fine-grained, as datasets are fragmented into a larger number of classes that are more difficult to differentiate from one another. As a consequence, the semantic structures of datasets have become more complex, and model decisions more difficult to explain. Existing tools, suited for coarse-grained classification, falter under these additional challenges. In response to this gap, we worked closely with NLP domain experts in an iterative design-and-evaluation process to characterize and tackle the growing requirements in their workflow of developing fine-grained text classification models. The result of this collaboration is the development of SemLa, a novel visual analytics system tailored for 1) dissecting complex semantic structures in a dataset when it is spatialized in model embedding space, and 2) visualizing fine-grained nuances in the meaning of text samples to faithfully explain model reasoning. This paper details the iterative design study and the resulting innovations featured in SemLa. The final design allows contrastive analysis at different levels by unearthing lexical and conceptual patterns including biases and artifacts in data. Expert feedback on our final design and case studies confirm that SemLa is a useful tool for supporting model validation and debugging as well as data annotation.

new Enhancing Medical Support in the Arabic Language Through Personalized ChatGPT Assistance

Authors: Mohamed Issa, Ahmed Abdelwahed

Abstract: This Paper discusses the growing popularity of online medical diagnosis as an alternative to traditional doctor visits. It highlights the limitations of existing tools and emphasizes the advantages of using ChatGPT, which provides real-time, personalized medical diagnosis at no cost. The paragraph summarizes a research study that evaluated the performance of ChatGPT in Arabic medical diagnosis. The study involved compiling a dataset of disease information and generating multiple messages for each disease using different prompting techniques. ChatGPT's performance was assessed by measuring the similarity between its responses and the actual diseases. The results showed promising performance, with average scores of around 76% for similarity measures. Various prompting techniques were used, and chain prompting demonstrated a relative advantage. The study also recorded an average response time of 6.12 seconds for the ChatGPT API, which is considered acceptable but has room for improvement. While ChatGPT cannot replace human doctors entirely, the findings suggest its potential in emergency cases and addressing general medical inquiries. Overall, the study highlights ChatGPT's viability as a valuable tool in the medical field.

new Sequential Decision-Making for Inline Text Autocomplete

Authors: Rohan Chitnis, Shentao Yang, Alborz Geramifard

Abstract: Autocomplete suggestions are fundamental to modern text entry systems, with applications in domains such as messaging and email composition. Typically, autocomplete suggestions are generated from a language model with a confidence threshold. However, this threshold does not directly take into account the cognitive load imposed on the user by surfacing suggestions, such as the effort to switch contexts from typing to reading the suggestion, and the time to decide whether to accept the suggestion. In this paper, we study the problem of improving inline autocomplete suggestions in text entry systems via a sequential decision-making formulation, and use reinforcement learning to learn suggestion policies through repeated interactions with a target user over time. This formulation allows us to factor cognitive load into the objective of training an autocomplete model, through a reward function based on text entry speed. We acquired theoretical and experimental evidence that, under certain objectives, the sequential decision-making formulation of the autocomplete problem provides a better suggestion policy than myopic single-step reasoning. However, aligning these objectives with real users requires further exploration. In particular, we hypothesize that the objectives under which sequential decision-making can improve autocomplete systems are not tailored solely to text entry speed, but more broadly to metrics such as user satisfaction and convenience.

new Evaluating the Performance of LLMs on Technical Language Processing tasks

Authors: Andrew Kernycky, David Coleman, Christopher Spence, Udayan Das

Abstract: In this paper we present the results of an evaluation study of the perfor-mance of LLMs on Technical Language Processing tasks. Humans are often confronted with tasks in which they have to gather information from dispar-ate sources and require making sense of large bodies of text. These tasks can be significantly complex for humans and often require deep study including rereading portions of a text. Towards simplifying the task of gathering in-formation we evaluated LLMs with chat interfaces for their ability to provide answers to standard questions that a human can be expected to answer based on their reading of a body of text. The body of text under study is Title 47 of the United States Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) which describes regula-tions for commercial telecommunications as governed by the Federal Com-munications Commission (FCC). This has been a body of text of interest be-cause our larger research concerns the issue of making sense of information related to Wireless Spectrum Governance and usage in an automated manner to support Dynamic Spectrum Access. The information concerning this wireless spectrum domain is found in many disparate sources, with Title 47 of the CFR being just one of many. Using a range of LLMs and providing the required CFR text as context we were able to quantify the performance of those LLMs on the specific task of answering the questions below.

new Enhancing Effectiveness and Robustness in a Low-Resource Regime via Decision-Boundary-aware Data Augmentation

Authors: Kyohoon Jin, Junho Lee, Juhwan Choi, Sangmin Song, Youngbin Kim

Abstract: Efforts to leverage deep learning models in low-resource regimes have led to numerous augmentation studies. However, the direct application of methods such as mixup and cutout to text data, is limited due to their discrete characteristics. While methods using pretrained language models have exhibited efficiency, they require additional considerations for robustness. Inspired by recent studies on decision boundaries, this paper proposes a decision-boundary-aware data augmentation strategy to enhance robustness using pretrained language models. The proposed technique first focuses on shifting the latent features closer to the decision boundary, followed by reconstruction to generate an ambiguous version with a soft label. Additionally, mid-K sampling is suggested to enhance the diversity of the generated sentences. This paper demonstrates the performance of the proposed augmentation strategy compared to other methods through extensive experiments. Furthermore, the ablation study reveals the effect of soft labels and mid-K sampling and the extensibility of the method with curriculum data augmentation.

new CTSM: Combining Trait and State Emotions for Empathetic Response Model

Authors: Wang Yufeng, Chen Chao, Yang Zhou, Wang Shuhui, Liao Xiangwen

Abstract: Empathetic response generation endeavors to empower dialogue systems to perceive speakers' emotions and generate empathetic responses accordingly. Psychological research demonstrates that emotion, as an essential factor in empathy, encompasses trait emotions, which are static and context-independent, and state emotions, which are dynamic and context-dependent. However, previous studies treat them in isolation, leading to insufficient emotional perception of the context, and subsequently, less effective empathetic expression. To address this problem, we propose Combining Trait and State emotions for Empathetic Response Model (CTSM). Specifically, to sufficiently perceive emotions in dialogue, we first construct and encode trait and state emotion embeddings, and then we further enhance emotional perception capability through an emotion guidance module that guides emotion representation. In addition, we propose a cross-contrastive learning decoder to enhance the model's empathetic expression capability by aligning trait and state emotions between generated responses and contexts. Both automatic and manual evaluation results demonstrate that CTSM outperforms state-of-the-art baselines and can generate more empathetic responses. Our code is available at


new LimGen: Probing the LLMs for Generating Suggestive Limitations of Research Papers

Authors: Abdur Rahman Bin Md Faizullah, Ashok Urlana, Rahul Mishra

Abstract: Examining limitations is a crucial step in the scholarly research reviewing process, revealing aspects where a study might lack decisiveness or require enhancement. This aids readers in considering broader implications for further research. In this article, we present a novel and challenging task of Suggestive Limitation Generation (SLG) for research papers. We compile a dataset called LimGen, encompassing 4068 research papers and their associated limitations from the ACL anthology. We investigate several approaches to harness large language models (LLMs) for producing suggestive limitations, by thoroughly examining the related challenges, practical insights, and potential opportunities. Our LimGen dataset and code can be accessed at


new NaturalTurn: A Method to Segment Transcripts into Naturalistic Conversational Turns

Authors: Gus Cooney, Andrew Reece

Abstract: Conversation is the subject of increasing interest in the social, cognitive, and computational sciences. And yet, as conversational datasets continue to increase in size and complexity, researchers lack scalable methods to segment speech-to-text transcripts into conversational turns--the basic building blocks of social interaction. We introduce "NaturalTurn," a turn segmentation algorithm designed to accurately capture the dynamics of naturalistic exchange. NaturalTurn operates by distinguishing speakers' primary conversational turns from listeners' secondary utterances, such as backchannels, brief interjections, and other forms of parallel speech that characterize conversation. Using data from a large conversation corpus, we show how NaturalTurn-derived transcripts demonstrate favorable statistical and inferential characteristics compared to transcripts derived from existing methods. The NaturalTurn algorithm represents an improvement in machine-generated transcript processing methods, or "turn models" that will enable researchers to associate turn-taking dynamics with the broader outcomes that result from social interaction, a central goal of conversation science.

new AI for Biomedicine in the Era of Large Language Models

Authors: Zhenyu Bi, Sajib Acharjee Dip, Daniel Hajialigol, Sindhura Kommu, Hanwen Liu, Meng Lu, Xuan Wang

Abstract: The capabilities of AI for biomedicine span a wide spectrum, from the atomic level, where it solves partial differential equations for quantum systems, to the molecular level, predicting chemical or protein structures, and further extending to societal predictions like infectious disease outbreaks. Recent advancements in large language models, exemplified by models like ChatGPT, have showcased significant prowess in natural language tasks, such as translating languages, constructing chatbots, and answering questions. When we consider biomedical data, we observe a resemblance to natural language in terms of sequences: biomedical literature and health records presented as text, biological sequences or sequencing data arranged in sequences, or sensor data like brain signals as time series. The question arises: Can we harness the potential of recent large language models to drive biomedical knowledge discoveries? In this survey, we will explore the application of large language models to three crucial categories of biomedical data: 1) textual data, 2) biological sequences, and 3) brain signals. Furthermore, we will delve into large language model challenges in biomedical research, including ensuring trustworthiness, achieving personalization, and adapting to multi-modal data representation

new EAGLE: A Domain Generalization Framework for AI-generated Text Detection

Authors: Amrita Bhattacharjee, Raha Moraffah, Joshua Garland, Huan Liu

Abstract: With the advancement in capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs), one major step in the responsible and safe use of such LLMs is to be able to detect text generated by these models. While supervised AI-generated text detectors perform well on text generated by older LLMs, with the frequent release of new LLMs, building supervised detectors for identifying text from such new models would require new labeled training data, which is infeasible in practice. In this work, we tackle this problem and propose a domain generalization framework for the detection of AI-generated text from unseen target generators. Our proposed framework, EAGLE, leverages the labeled data that is available so far from older language models and learns features invariant across these generators, in order to detect text generated by an unknown target generator. EAGLE learns such domain-invariant features by combining the representational power of self-supervised contrastive learning with domain adversarial training. Through our experiments we demonstrate how EAGLE effectively achieves impressive performance in detecting text generated by unseen target generators, including recent state-of-the-art ones such as GPT-4 and Claude, reaching detection scores of within 4.7% of a fully supervised detector.

new FEEL: A Framework for Evaluating Emotional Support Capability with Large Language Models

Authors: Huaiwen Zhang, Yu Chen, Ming Wang, Shi Feng

Abstract: Emotional Support Conversation (ESC) is a typical dialogue that can effec-tively assist the user in mitigating emotional pressures. However, owing to the inherent subjectivity involved in analyzing emotions, current non-artificial methodologies face challenges in effectively appraising the emo-tional support capability. These metrics exhibit a low correlation with human judgments. Concurrently, manual evaluation methods extremely will cause high costs. To solve these problems, we propose a novel model FEEL (Framework for Evaluating Emotional Support Capability with Large Lan-guage Models), employing Large Language Models (LLMs) as evaluators to assess emotional support capabilities. The model meticulously considers var-ious evaluative aspects of ESC to apply a more comprehensive and accurate evaluation method for ESC. Additionally, it employs a probability distribu-tion approach for a more stable result and integrates an ensemble learning strategy, leveraging multiple LLMs with assigned weights to enhance evalua-tion accuracy. To appraise the performance of FEEL, we conduct extensive experiments on existing ESC model dialogues. Experimental results demon-strate our model exhibits a substantial enhancement in alignment with human evaluations compared to the baselines. Our source code is available at


new EDDA: A Encoder-Decoder Data Augmentation Framework for Zero-Shot Stance Detection

Authors: Daijun Ding, Li Dong, Zhichao Huang, Guangning Xu, Xu Huang, Bo Liu, Liwen Jing, Bowen Zhang

Abstract: Stance detection aims to determine the attitude expressed in text towards a given target. Zero-shot stance detection (ZSSD) has emerged to classify stances towards unseen targets during inference. Recent data augmentation techniques for ZSSD increase transferable knowledge between targets through text or target augmentation. However, these methods exhibit limitations. Target augmentation lacks logical connections between generated targets and source text, while text augmentation relies solely on training data, resulting in insufficient generalization. To address these issues, we propose an encoder-decoder data augmentation (EDDA) framework. The encoder leverages large language models and chain-of-thought prompting to summarize texts into target-specific if-then rationales, establishing logical relationships. The decoder generates new samples based on these expressions using a semantic correlation word replacement strategy to increase syntactic diversity. We also analyze the generated expressions to develop a rationale-enhanced network that fully utilizes the augmented data. Experiments on benchmark datasets demonstrate our approach substantially improves over state-of-the-art ZSSD techniques. The proposed EDDA framework increases semantic relevance and syntactic variety in augmented texts while enabling interpretable rationale-based learning.

new PEaCE: A Chemistry-Oriented Dataset for Optical Character Recognition on Scientific Documents

Authors: Nan Zhang, Connor Heaton, Sean Timothy Okonsky, Prasenjit Mitra, Hilal Ezgi Toraman

Abstract: Optical Character Recognition (OCR) is an established task with the objective of identifying the text present in an image. While many off-the-shelf OCR models exist, they are often trained for either scientific (e.g., formulae) or generic printed English text. Extracting text from chemistry publications requires an OCR model that is capable in both realms. Nougat, a recent tool, exhibits strong ability to parse academic documents, but is unable to parse tables in PubMed articles, which comprises a significant part of the academic community and is the focus of this work. To mitigate this gap, we present the Printed English and Chemical Equations (PEaCE) dataset, containing both synthetic and real-world records, and evaluate the efficacy of transformer-based OCR models when trained on this resource. Given that real-world records contain artifacts not present in synthetic records, we propose transformations that mimic such qualities. We perform a suite of experiments to explore the impact of patch size, multi-domain training, and our proposed transformations, ultimately finding that models with a small patch size trained on multiple domains using the proposed transformations yield the best performance. Our dataset and code is available at


new Towards a \textbf{RAG}-based Summarization Agent for the Electron-Ion Collider

Authors: Karthik Suresh, Neeltje Kackar, Luke Schleck, Cristiano Fanelli

Abstract: The complexity and sheer volume of information encompassing documents, papers, data, and other resources from large-scale experiments demand significant time and effort to navigate, making the task of accessing and utilizing these varied forms of information daunting, particularly for new collaborators and early-career scientists. To tackle this issue, a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)--based Summarization AI for EIC (RAGS4EIC) is under development. This AI-Agent not only condenses information but also effectively references relevant responses, offering substantial advantages for collaborators. Our project involves a two-step approach: first, querying a comprehensive vector database containing all pertinent experiment information; second, utilizing a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate concise summaries enriched with citations based on user queries and retrieved data. We describe the evaluation methods that use RAG assessments (RAGAs) scoring mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of responses. Furthermore, we describe the concept of prompt template-based instruction-tuning which provides flexibility and accuracy in summarization. Importantly, the implementation relies on LangChain, which serves as the foundation of our entire workflow. This integration ensures efficiency and scalability, facilitating smooth deployment and accessibility for various user groups within the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) community. This innovative AI-driven framework not only simplifies the understanding of vast datasets but also encourages collaborative participation, thereby empowering researchers. As a demonstration, a web application has been developed to explain each stage of the RAG Agent development in detail.

new LLMs Instruct LLMs:An Extraction and Editing Method

Authors: Xin Zhang, Tianjie Ju, Huijia Liang, Ying Fu, Qin Zhang

Abstract: The interest in updating Large Language Models (LLMs) without retraining from scratch is substantial, yet it comes with some challenges.This is especially true for situations demanding complex reasoning with limited samples, a scenario we refer to as the Paucity-Constrained Complex Reasoning Adaptation for LLMs (PCRA-LLM).Traditional methods like Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) are inadequate for this critical issue, particularly evident in our exploration of a specific medical context that epitomize the PCRA-LLM's distinct needs.To address the issue, we propose a Sequential Fusion method to incorporate knowledge from complex context into LLMs. This method employs a two-stage framework: initially, it leverages general LLMs to construct knowledge graphs (KGs) for extracting knowledge from complex texts; subsequently, it updates the domain LLMs through knowledge edit. According to our method, the domain LLM achieved a 71.69\% accuracy in question answering tasks. Subsequently, we broadened our assessment to a novel dataset we developed in the economics and management field, where our method realized a 75\% accuracy. These outcomes underline the efficacy and adaptability of our approach for PCRA-LLM across various domains.

new Few-shot Dialogue Strategy Learning for Motivational Interviewing via Inductive Reasoning

Authors: Zhouhang Xie, Bodhisattwa Prasad Majumder, Mengjie Zhao, Yoshinori Maeda, Keiichi Yamada, Hiromi Wakaki, Julian McAuley

Abstract: We consider the task of building a dialogue system that can motivate users to adopt positive lifestyle changes: Motivational Interviewing. Addressing such a task requires a system that can infer \textit{how} to motivate a user effectively. We propose DIIT, a framework that is capable of learning and applying conversation strategies in the form of natural language inductive rules from expert demonstrations. Automatic and human evaluation on instruction-following large language models show natural language strategy descriptions discovered by DIIR can improve active listening skills, reduce unsolicited advice, and promote more collaborative and less authoritative responses, outperforming various demonstration utilization methods.

new Ghost Sentence: A Tool for Everyday Users to Copyright Data from Large Language Models

Authors: Shuai Zhao, Linchao Zhu, Ruijie Quan, Yi Yang

Abstract: Web user data plays a central role in the ecosystem of pre-trained large language models (LLMs) and their fine-tuned variants. Billions of data are crawled from the web and fed to LLMs. How can \textit{\textbf{everyday web users}} confirm if LLMs misuse their data without permission? In this work, we suggest that users repeatedly insert personal passphrases into their documents, enabling LLMs to memorize them. These concealed passphrases in user documents, referred to as \textit{ghost sentences}, once they are identified in the generated content of LLMs, users can be sure that their data is used for training. To explore the effectiveness and usage of this copyrighting tool, we define the \textit{user training data identification} task with ghost sentences. Multiple datasets from various sources at different scales are created and tested with LLMs of different sizes. For evaluation, we introduce a last $k$ words verification manner along with two metrics: document and user identification accuracy. In the specific case of instruction tuning of a 3B LLaMA model, 11 out of 16 users with ghost sentences identify their data within the generation content. These 16 users contribute 383 examples to $\sim$1.8M training documents. For continuing pre-training of a 1.1B TinyLlama model, 61 out of 64 users with ghost sentences identify their data within the LLM output. These 64 users contribute 1156 examples to $\sim$10M training documents.

new Modeling Unified Semantic Discourse Structure for High-quality Headline Generation

Authors: Minghui Xu, Hao Fei, Fei Li, Shengqiong Wu, Rui Sun, Chong Teng, Donghong Ji

Abstract: Headline generation aims to summarize a long document with a short, catchy title that reflects the main idea. This requires accurately capturing the core document semantics, which is challenging due to the lengthy and background information-rich na ture of the texts. In this work, We propose using a unified semantic discourse structure (S3) to represent document semantics, achieved by combining document-level rhetorical structure theory (RST) trees with sentence-level abstract meaning representation (AMR) graphs to construct S3 graphs. The hierarchical composition of sentence, clause, and word intrinsically characterizes the semantic meaning of the overall document. We then develop a headline generation framework, in which the S3 graphs are encoded as contextual features. To consolidate the efficacy of S3 graphs, we further devise a hierarchical structure pruning mechanism to dynamically screen the redundant and nonessential nodes within the graph. Experimental results on two headline generation datasets demonstrate that our method outperforms existing state-of-art methods consistently. Our work can be instructive for a broad range of document modeling tasks, more than headline or summarization generation.

new Understanding Emergent Abilities of Language Models from the Loss Perspective

Authors: Zhengxiao Du, Aohan Zeng, Yuxiao Dong, Jie Tang

Abstract: Recent studies have put into question the belief that emergent abilities in language models are exclusive to large models. This skepticism arises from two observations: 1) smaller models can also exhibit high performance on emergent abilities and 2) there is doubt on the discontinuous metrics used to measure these abilities. In this paper, we propose to study emergent abilities in the lens of pre-training loss, instead of model size or training compute. We demonstrate that the models with the same pre-training loss, but different model and data sizes, generate the same performance on various downstream tasks. We also discover that a model exhibits emergent abilities on certain tasks -- regardless of the continuity of metrics -- when its pre-training loss falls below a specific threshold. Before reaching this threshold, its performance remains at the level of random guessing. This inspires us to redefine emergent abilities as those that manifest in models with lower pre-training losses, highlighting that these abilities cannot be predicted by merely extrapolating the performance trends of models with higher pre-training losses.

new MRC-based Nested Medical NER with Co-prediction and Adaptive Pre-training

Authors: Xiaojing Du, Hanjie Zhao, Danyan Xing, Yuxiang Jia, Hongying Zan

Abstract: In medical information extraction, medical Named Entity Recognition (NER) is indispensable, playing a crucial role in developing medical knowledge graphs, enhancing medical question-answering systems, and analyzing electronic medical records. The challenge in medical NER arises from the complex nested structures and sophisticated medical terminologies, distinguishing it from its counterparts in traditional domains. In response to these complexities, we propose a medical NER model based on Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC), which uses a task-adaptive pre-training strategy to improve the model's capability in the medical field. Meanwhile, our model introduces multiple word-pair embeddings and multi-granularity dilated convolution to enhance the model's representation ability and uses a combined predictor of Biaffine and MLP to improve the model's recognition performance. Experimental evaluations conducted on the CMeEE, a benchmark for Chinese nested medical NER, demonstrate that our proposed model outperforms the compared state-of-the-art (SOTA) models.

new Computational Sentence-level Metrics Predicting Human Sentence Comprehension

Authors: Kun Sun, Rong Wang

Abstract: The majority of research in computational psycholinguistics has concentrated on the processing of words. This study introduces innovative methods for computing sentence-level metrics using multilingual large language models. The metrics developed sentence surprisal and sentence relevance and then are tested and compared to validate whether they can predict how humans comprehend sentences as a whole across languages. These metrics offer significant interpretability and achieve high accuracy in predicting human sentence reading speeds. Our results indicate that these computational sentence-level metrics are exceptionally effective at predicting and elucidating the processing difficulties encountered by readers in comprehending sentences as a whole across a variety of languages. Their impressive performance and generalization capabilities provide a promising avenue for future research in integrating LLMs and cognitive science.

new RAAMove: A Corpus for Analyzing Moves in Research Article Abstracts

Authors: Hongzheng Li, Ruojin Wang, Ge Shi, Xing Lv, Lei Lei, Chong Feng, Fang Liu, Jinkun Lin, Yangguang Mei, Lingnan Xu

Abstract: Move structures have been studied in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) and English for Academic Purposes (EAP) for decades. However, there are few move annotation corpora for Research Article (RA) abstracts. In this paper, we introduce RAAMove, a comprehensive multi-domain corpus dedicated to the annotation of move structures in RA abstracts. The primary objective of RAAMove is to facilitate move analysis and automatic move identification. This paper provides a thorough discussion of the corpus construction process, including the scheme, data collection, annotation guidelines, and annotation procedures. The corpus is constructed through two stages: initially, expert annotators manually annotate high-quality data; subsequently, based on the human-annotated data, a BERT-based model is employed for automatic annotation with the help of experts' modification. The result is a large-scale and high-quality corpus comprising 33,988 annotated instances. We also conduct preliminary move identification experiments using the BERT-based model to verify the effectiveness of the proposed corpus and model. The annotated corpus is available for academic research purposes and can serve as essential resources for move analysis, English language teaching and writing, as well as move/discourse-related tasks in Natural Language Processing (NLP).

new VLUE: A New Benchmark and Multi-task Knowledge Transfer Learning for Vietnamese Natural Language Understanding

Authors: Phong Nguyen-Thuan Do, Son Quoc Tran, Phu Gia Hoang, Kiet Van Nguyen, Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen

Abstract: The success of Natural Language Understanding (NLU) benchmarks in various languages, such as GLUE for English, CLUE for Chinese, KLUE for Korean, and IndoNLU for Indonesian, has facilitated the evaluation of new NLU models across a wide range of tasks. To establish a standardized set of benchmarks for Vietnamese NLU, we introduce the first Vietnamese Language Understanding Evaluation (VLUE) benchmark. The VLUE benchmark encompasses five datasets covering different NLU tasks, including text classification, span extraction, and natural language understanding. To provide an insightful overview of the current state of Vietnamese NLU, we then evaluate seven state-of-the-art pre-trained models, including both multilingual and Vietnamese monolingual models, on our proposed VLUE benchmark. Furthermore, we present CafeBERT, a new state-of-the-art pre-trained model that achieves superior results across all tasks in the VLUE benchmark. Our model combines the proficiency of a multilingual pre-trained model with Vietnamese linguistic knowledge. CafeBERT is developed based on the XLM-RoBERTa model, with an additional pretraining step utilizing a significant amount of Vietnamese textual data to enhance its adaptation to the Vietnamese language. For the purpose of future research, CafeBERT is made publicly available for research purposes.

new STEntConv: Predicting Disagreement with Stance Detection and a Signed Graph Convolutional Network

Authors: Isabelle Lorge, Li Zhang, Xiaowen Dong, Janet B. Pierrehumbert

Abstract: The rise of social media platforms has led to an increase in polarised online discussions, especially on political and socio-cultural topics such as elections and climate change. We propose a simple and novel unsupervised method to predict whether the authors of two posts agree or disagree, leveraging user stances about named entities obtained from their posts. We present STEntConv, a model which builds a graph of users and named entities weighted by stance and trains a Signed Graph Convolutional Network (SGCN) to detect disagreement between comment and reply posts. We run experiments and ablation studies and show that including this information improves disagreement detection performance on a dataset of Reddit posts for a range of controversial subreddit topics, without the need for platform-specific features or user history.

new Leveraging Zero-Shot Prompting for Efficient Language Model Distillation

Authors: Lukas V\"oge, Vincent Gurgul, Stefan Lessmann

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel approach for efficiently distilling LLMs into smaller, application-specific models, significantly reducing operational costs and manual labor. Addressing the challenge of deploying computationally intensive LLMs in specific applications or edge devices, this technique utilizes LLMs' reasoning capabilities to generate labels and natural language rationales for unlabeled data. Our approach enhances both finetuning and distillation by employing a multi-task training framework where student models mimic these rationales alongside teacher predictions. Key contributions include the employment of zero-shot prompting to elicit teacher model rationales, reducing the necessity for handcrafted few-shot examples and lowering the overall token count required, which directly translates to cost savings given the pay-per-token billing model of major tech companies' LLM APIs. Additionally, the paper investigates the impact of explanation properties on distillation efficiency, demonstrating that minimal performance loss occurs even when rationale augmentation is not applied across the entire dataset, facilitating further reductions of tokens. This research marks a step toward the efficient training of task-specific models with minimal human intervention, offering substantial cost-savings while maintaining, or even enhancing, performance.

new LlamBERT: Large-scale low-cost data annotation in NLP

Authors: B\'alint Csan\'ady, Lajos Muzsai, P\'eter Vedres, Zolt\'an N\'adasdy, Andr\'as Luk\'acs

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs), such as GPT-4 and Llama 2, show remarkable proficiency in a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Despite their effectiveness, the high costs associated with their use pose a challenge. We present LlamBERT, a hybrid approach that leverages LLMs to annotate a small subset of large, unlabeled databases and uses the results for fine-tuning transformer encoders like BERT and RoBERTa. This strategy is evaluated on two diverse datasets: the IMDb review dataset and the UMLS Meta-Thesaurus. Our results indicate that the LlamBERT approach slightly compromises on accuracy while offering much greater cost-effectiveness.

new Geotokens and Geotransformers

Authors: Eren Unlu

Abstract: In transformer architectures, position encoding primarily provides a sense of sequence for input tokens. While the original transformer paper's method has shown satisfactory results in general language processing tasks, there have been new proposals, such as Rotary Position Embedding (RoPE), for further improvement. This paper presents geotokens, input components for transformers, each linked to a specific geological location. Unlike typical language sequences, for these tokens, the order is not as vital as the geographical coordinates themselves. To represent the relative position in this context and to keep a balance between the real world distance and the distance in the embedding space, we design a position encoding approach drawing from the RoPE structure but tailored for spherical coordinates.

new CBT-LLM: A Chinese Large Language Model for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based Mental Health Question Answering

Authors: Hongbin Na

Abstract: The recent advancements in artificial intelligence highlight the potential of language models in psychological health support. While models trained on data from mental health service platform have achieved preliminary success, challenges persist in areas such as data scarcity, quality, and ensuring a solid foundation in psychological techniques. To address these challenges, this study introduces a novel approach to enhance the precision and efficacy of psychological support through large language models. Specifically, we design a specific prompt derived from principles of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and have generated the CBT QA dataset, specifically for Chinese psychological health Q&A based on CBT structured intervention strategies. Unlike previous methods, our dataset emphasizes professional and structured response. Utilizing this dataset, we fine-tuned the large language model, giving birth to CBT-LLM, the large-scale language model specifically designed for Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques. Empirical evaluations demonstrate that CBT-LLM excels in generating structured, professional, and highly relevant responses in psychological health support tasks, showcasing its practicality and quality. The model is available on Hugging Face:


new Monotonic Paraphrasing Improves Generalization of Language Model Prompting

Authors: Qin Liu, Fei Wang, Nan Xu, Tianyi Yan, Tao Meng, Muhao Chen

Abstract: Performance of large language models (LLMs) may vary with different prompts or instructions of even the same task. One commonly recognized factor for this phenomenon is the model's familiarity with the given prompt or instruction, which is typically estimated by its perplexity. However, finding the prompt with the lowest perplexity is challenging, given the enormous space of possible prompting phrases. In this paper, we propose monotonic paraphrasing (MonoPara), an end-to-end decoding strategy that paraphrases given prompts or instructions into their lower perplexity counterparts based on an ensemble of a paraphrase LM for prompt (or instruction) rewriting, and a target LM (i.e. the prompt or instruction executor) that constrains the generation for lower perplexity. The ensemble decoding process can efficiently paraphrase the original prompt without altering its semantic meaning, while monotonically decreasing the perplexity of each generation as calculated by the target LM. We explore in detail both greedy and search-based decoding as two alternative decoding schemes of MonoPara. Notably, MonoPara does not require any training and can monotonically lower the perplexity of the paraphrased prompt or instruction, leading to improved performance of zero-shot LM prompting as evaluated on a wide selection of tasks. In addition, MonoPara is also shown to effectively improve LMs' generalization on perturbed and unseen task instructions.

new Qibo: A Large Language Model for Traditional Chinese Medicine

Authors: Heyi Zhang, Xin Wang, Zhaopeng Meng, Yongzhe Jia, Dawei Xu

Abstract: In the field of Artificial Intelligence, Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated significant advances in user intent understanding and response in a number of specialized domains, including medicine, law, and finance. However, in the unique domain of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the performance enhancement of LLMs is challenged by the essential differences between its theories and modern medicine, as well as the lack of specialized corpus resources. In this paper, we aim to construct and organize a professional corpus in the field of TCM, to endow the large model with professional knowledge that is characteristic of TCM theory, and to successfully develop the Qibo model based on LLaMA, which is the first LLM in the field of TCM to undergo a complete training process from pre-training to Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT). Furthermore, we develop the Qibo-benchmark, a specialized tool for evaluating the performance of LLMs, which is a specialized tool for evaluating the performance of LLMs in the TCM domain. This tool will provide an important basis for quantifying and comparing the understanding and application capabilities of different models in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and provide guidance for future research directions and practical applications of intelligent assistants for traditional Chinese medicine. Finally, we conducted sufficient experiments to prove that Qibo has good performance in the field of traditional Chinese medicine.

new Argument Quality Assessment in the Age of Instruction-Following Large Language Models

Authors: Henning Wachsmuth, Gabriella Lapesa, Elena Cabrio, Anne Lauscher, Joonsuk Park, Eva Maria Vecchi, Serena Villata, Timon Ziegenbein

Abstract: The computational treatment of arguments on controversial issues has been subject to extensive NLP research, due to its envisioned impact on opinion formation, decision making, writing education, and the like. A critical task in any such application is the assessment of an argument's quality - but it is also particularly challenging. In this position paper, we start from a brief survey of argument quality research, where we identify the diversity of quality notions and the subjectiveness of their perception as the main hurdles towards substantial progress on argument quality assessment. We argue that the capabilities of instruction-following large language models (LLMs) to leverage knowledge across contexts enable a much more reliable assessment. Rather than just fine-tuning LLMs towards leaderboard chasing on assessment tasks, they need to be instructed systematically with argumentation theories and scenarios as well as with ways to solve argument-related problems. We discuss the real-world opportunities and ethical issues emerging thereby.

new A Multi-Label Dataset of French Fake News: Human and Machine Insights

Authors: Benjamin Icard, Fran\c{c}ois Maine, Morgane Casanova, G\'eraud Faye, Julien Chanson, Guillaume Gadek, Ghislain Atemezing, Fran\c{c}ois Bancilhon, Paul \'Egr\'e

Abstract: We present a corpus of 100 documents, OBSINFOX, selected from 17 sources of French press considered unreliable by expert agencies, annotated using 11 labels by 8 annotators. By collecting more labels than usual, by more annotators than is typically done, we can identify features that humans consider as characteristic of fake news, and compare them to the predictions of automated classifiers. We present a topic and genre analysis using Gate Cloud, indicative of the prevalence of satire-like text in the corpus. We then use the subjectivity analyzer VAGO, and a neural version of it, to clarify the link between ascriptions of the label Subjective and ascriptions of the label Fake News. The annotated dataset is available online at the following url: Keywords: Fake News, Multi-Labels, Subjectivity, Vagueness, Detail, Opinion, Exaggeration, French Press


new WangchanLion and WangchanX MRC Eval

Authors: Wannaphong Phatthiyaphaibun, Surapon Nonesung, Patomporn Payoungkhamdee, Peerat Limkonchotiwat, Can Udomcharoenchaikit, Ekapol Chuangsuwanich, Sarana Nutanong

Abstract: This technical report describes the development of WangchanLion, an instruction fine-tuned model focusing on Machine Reading Comprehension (MRC) in the Thai language. Our model is based on SEA-LION and a collection of instruction following datasets. To promote open research and reproducibility, we publically release all training data, code, and the final model weights under the Apache-2 license. To assess the contextual understanding capability, we conducted extensive experimental studies using two Thai MRC datasets, XQuAD and Iapp_wiki_qa_squad. Experimental results demonstrate the model's ability to comprehend the context and produce an answer faithful to the reference one in 0-shot and 1-shot settings. In addition, our evaluation goes beyond the traditional MRC. We propose a new evaluation scheme assessing the answer's correctness, helpfulness, conciseness, and contextuality. Evaluation results provide insight into how we can improve our model in the future. Our code is public at


new A Survey on Lexical Ambiguity Detection and Word Sense Disambiguation

Authors: Miuru Abeysiriwardana, Deshan Sumanathilaka

Abstract: This paper explores techniques that focus on understanding and resolving ambiguity in language within the field of natural language processing (NLP), highlighting the complexity of linguistic phenomena such as polysemy and homonymy and their implications for computational models. Focusing extensively on Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), it outlines diverse approaches ranging from deep learning techniques to leveraging lexical resources and knowledge graphs like WordNet. The paper introduces cutting-edge methodologies like word sense extension (WSE) and neuromyotonic approaches, enhancing disambiguation accuracy by predicting new word senses. It examines specific applications in biomedical disambiguation and language specific optimisation and discusses the significance of cognitive metaphors in discourse analysis. The research identifies persistent challenges in the field, such as the scarcity of sense annotated corpora and the complexity of informal clinical texts. It concludes by suggesting future directions, including using large language models, visual WSD, and multilingual WSD systems, emphasising the ongoing evolution in addressing lexical complexities in NLP. This thinking perspective highlights the advancement in this field to enable computers to understand language more accurately.

new A Little Leak Will Sink a Great Ship: Survey of Transparency for Large Language Models from Start to Finish

Authors: Masahiro Kaneko, Timothy Baldwin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are trained on massive web-crawled corpora. This poses risks of leakage, including personal information, copyrighted texts, and benchmark datasets. Such leakage leads to undermining human trust in AI due to potential unauthorized generation of content or overestimation of performance. We establish the following three criteria concerning the leakage issues: (1) leakage rate: the proportion of leaked data in training data, (2) output rate: the ease of generating leaked data, and (3) detection rate: the detection performance of leaked versus non-leaked data. Despite the leakage rate being the origin of data leakage issues, it is not understood how it affects the output rate and detection rate. In this paper, we conduct an experimental survey to elucidate the relationship between the leakage rate and both the output rate and detection rate for personal information, copyrighted texts, and benchmark data. Additionally, we propose a self-detection approach that uses few-shot learning in which LLMs detect whether instances are present or absent in their training data, in contrast to previous methods that do not employ explicit learning. To explore the ease of generating leaked information, we create a dataset of prompts designed to elicit personal information, copyrighted text, and benchmarks from LLMs. Our experiments reveal that LLMs produce leaked information in most cases despite less such data in their training set. This indicates even small amounts of leaked data can greatly affect outputs. Our self-detection method showed superior performance compared to existing detection methods.

new What Happens to a Dataset Transformed by a Projection-based Concept Removal Method?

Authors: Richard Johansson

Abstract: We investigate the behavior of methods that use linear projections to remove information about a concept from a language representation, and we consider the question of what happens to a dataset transformed by such a method. A theoretical analysis and experiments on real-world and synthetic data show that these methods inject strong statistical dependencies into the transformed datasets. After applying such a method, the representation space is highly structured: in the transformed space, an instance tends to be located near instances of the opposite label. As a consequence, the original labeling can in some cases be reconstructed by applying an anti-clustering method.

new Korean Bio-Medical Corpus (KBMC) for Medical Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Sungjoo Byun, Jiseung Hong, Sumin Park, Dongjun Jang, Jean Seo, Minseok Kim, Chaeyoung Oh, Hyopil Shin

Abstract: Named Entity Recognition (NER) plays a pivotal role in medical Natural Language Processing (NLP). Yet, there has not been an open-source medical NER dataset specifically for the Korean language. To address this, we utilized ChatGPT to assist in constructing the KBMC (Korean Bio-Medical Corpus), which we are now presenting to the public. With the KBMC dataset, we noticed an impressive 20% increase in medical NER performance compared to models trained on general Korean NER datasets. This research underscores the significant benefits and importance of using specialized tools and datasets, like ChatGPT, to enhance language processing in specialized fields such as healthcare.

new ALoRA: Allocating Low-Rank Adaptation for Fine-tuning Large Language Models

Authors: Zequan Liu, Jiawen Lyn, Wei Zhu, Xing Tian, Yvette Graham

Abstract: Parameter-efficient fine-tuning (PEFT) is widely studied for its effectiveness and efficiency in the era of large language models. Low-rank adaptation (LoRA) has demonstrated commendable performance as a popular and representative method. However, it is implemented with a fixed intrinsic rank that might not be the ideal setting for the downstream tasks. Recognizing the need for more flexible downstream task adaptation, we extend the methodology of LoRA to an innovative approach we call allocating low-rank adaptation (ALoRA) that enables dynamic adjustments to the intrinsic rank during the adaptation process. First, we propose a novel method, AB-LoRA, that can effectively estimate the importance score of each LoRA rank. Second, guided by AB-LoRA, we gradually prune abundant and negatively impacting LoRA ranks and allocate the pruned LoRA budgets to important Transformer modules needing higher ranks. We have conducted experiments on various tasks, and the experimental results demonstrate that our ALoRA method can outperform the recent baselines with comparable tunable parameters.

new SQL-Encoder: Improving NL2SQL In-Context Learning Through a Context-Aware Encoder

Authors: Mohammadreza Pourreza, Davood Rafiei, Yuxi Feng, Raymond Li, Zhenan Fan, Weiwei Zhang

Abstract: Detecting structural similarity between queries is essential for selecting examples in in-context learning models. However, assessing structural similarity based solely on the natural language expressions of queries, without considering SQL queries, presents a significant challenge. This paper explores the significance of this similarity metric and proposes a model for accurately estimating it. To achieve this, we leverage a dataset comprising 170k question pairs, meticulously curated to train a similarity prediction model. Our comprehensive evaluation demonstrates that the proposed model adeptly captures the structural similarity between questions, as evidenced by improvements in Kendall-Tau distance and precision@k metrics. Notably, our model outperforms strong competitive embedding models from OpenAI and Cohere. Furthermore, compared to these competitive models, our proposed encoder enhances the downstream performance of NL2SQL models in 1-shot in-context learning scenarios by 1-2\% for GPT-3.5-turbo, 4-8\% for CodeLlama-7B, and 2-3\% for CodeLlama-13B.

new Improving Sequence-to-Sequence Models for Abstractive Text Summarization Using Meta Heuristic Approaches

Authors: Aditya Saxena, Ashutosh Ranjan

Abstract: As human society transitions into the information age, reduction in our attention span is a contingency, and people who spend time reading lengthy news articles are decreasing rapidly and the need for succinct information is higher than ever before. Therefore, it is essential to provide a quick overview of important news by concisely summarizing the top news article and the most intuitive headline. When humans try to make summaries, they extract the essential information from the source and add useful phrases and grammatical annotations from the original extract. Humans have a unique ability to create abstractions. However, automatic summarization is a complicated problem to solve. The use of sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) models for neural abstractive text summarization has been ascending as far as prevalence. Numerous innovative strategies have been proposed to develop the current seq2seq models further, permitting them to handle different issues like saliency, familiarity, and human lucidness and create excellent synopses. In this article, we aimed toward enhancing the present architectures and models for abstractive text summarization. The modifications have been aimed at fine-tuning hyper-parameters, attempting specific encoder-decoder combinations. We examined many experiments on an extensively used CNN/DailyMail dataset to check the effectiveness of various models.

new Large Language Models Offer an Alternative to the Traditional Approach of Topic Modelling

Authors: Yida Mu, Chun Dong, Kalina Bontcheva, Xingyi Song

Abstract: Topic modelling, as a well-established unsupervised technique, has found extensive use in automatically detecting significant topics within a corpus of documents. However, classic topic modelling approaches (e.g., LDA) have certain drawbacks, such as the lack of semantic understanding and the presence of overlapping topics. In this work, we investigate the untapped potential of large language models (LLMs) as an alternative for uncovering the underlying topics within extensive text corpora. To this end, we introduce a framework that prompts LLMs to generate topics from a given set of documents and establish evaluation protocols to assess the clustering efficacy of LLMs. Our findings indicate that LLMs with appropriate prompts can stand out as a viable alternative, capable of generating relevant topic titles and adhering to human guidelines to refine and merge topics. Through in-depth experiments and evaluation, we summarise the advantages and constraints of employing LLMs in topic extraction.

new Connecting the Dots: Inferring Patent Phrase Similarity with Retrieved Phrase Graphs

Authors: Zhuoyi Peng, Yi Yang

Abstract: We study the patent phrase similarity inference task, which measures the semantic similarity between two patent phrases. As patent documents employ legal and highly technical language, existing semantic textual similarity methods that use localized contextual information do not perform satisfactorily in inferring patent phrase similarity. To address this, we introduce a graph-augmented approach to amplify the global contextual information of the patent phrases. For each patent phrase, we construct a phrase graph that links to its focal patents and a list of patents that are either cited by or cite these focal patents. The augmented phrase embedding is then derived from combining its localized contextual embedding with its global embedding within the phrase graph. We further propose a self-supervised learning objective that capitalizes on the retrieved topology to refine both the contextualized embedding and the graph parameters in an end-to-end manner. Experimental results from a unique patent phrase similarity dataset demonstrate that our approach significantly enhances the representation of patent phrases, resulting in marked improvements in similarity inference in a self-supervised fashion. Substantial improvements are also observed in the supervised setting, underscoring the potential benefits of leveraging retrieved phrase graph augmentation.

new LexDrafter: Terminology Drafting for Legislative Documents using Retrieval Augmented Generation

Authors: Ashish Chouhan, Michael Gertz

Abstract: With the increase in legislative documents at the EU, the number of new terms and their definitions is increasing as well. As per the Joint Practical Guide of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission, terms used in legal documents shall be consistent, and identical concepts shall be expressed without departing from their meaning in ordinary, legal, or technical language. Thus, while drafting a new legislative document, having a framework that provides insights about existing definitions and helps define new terms based on a document's context will support such harmonized legal definitions across different regulations and thus avoid ambiguities. In this paper, we present LexDrafter, a framework that assists in drafting Definitions articles for legislative documents using retrieval augmented generation (RAG) and existing term definitions present in different legislative documents. For this, definition elements are built by extracting definitions from existing documents. Using definition elements and RAG, a Definitions article can be suggested on demand for a legislative document that is being drafted. We demonstrate and evaluate the functionality of LexDrafter using a collection of EU documents from the energy domain. The code for LexDrafter framework is available at


new Enhanced Facet Generation with LLM Editing

Authors: Joosung Lee, Jinhong Kim

Abstract: In information retrieval, facet identification of a user query is an important task. If a search service can recognize the facets of a user's query, it has the potential to offer users a much broader range of search results. Previous studies can enhance facet prediction by leveraging retrieved documents and related queries obtained through a search engine. However, there are challenges in extending it to other applications when a search engine operates as part of the model. First, search engines are constantly updated. Therefore, additional information may change during training and test, which may reduce performance. The second challenge is that public search engines cannot search for internal documents. Therefore, a separate search system needs to be built to incorporate documents from private domains within the company. We propose two strategies that focus on a framework that can predict facets by taking only queries as input without a search engine. The first strategy is multi-task learning to predict SERP. By leveraging SERP as a target instead of a source, the proposed model deeply understands queries without relying on external modules. The second strategy is to enhance the facets by combining Large Language Model (LLM) and the small model. Overall performance improves when small model and LLM are combined rather than facet generation individually.

new Skews in the Phenomenon Space Hinder Generalization in Text-to-Image Generation

Authors: Yingshan Chang, Yasi Zhang, Zhiyuan Fang, Yingnian Wu, Yonatan Bisk, Feng Gao

Abstract: The literature on text-to-image generation is plagued by issues of faithfully composing entities with relations. But there lacks a formal understanding of how entity-relation compositions can be effectively learned. Moreover, the underlying phenomenon space that meaningfully reflects the problem structure is not well-defined, leading to an arms race for larger quantities of data in the hope that generalization emerges out of large-scale pretraining. We hypothesize that the underlying phenomenological coverage has not been proportionally scaled up, leading to a skew of the presented phenomenon which harms generalization. We introduce statistical metrics that quantify both the linguistic and visual skew of a dataset for relational learning, and show that generalization failures of text-to-image generation are a direct result of incomplete or unbalanced phenomenological coverage. We first perform experiments in a synthetic domain and demonstrate that systematically controlled metrics are strongly predictive of generalization performance. Then we move to natural images and show that simple distribution perturbations in light of our theories boost generalization without enlarging the absolute data size. This work informs an important direction towards quality-enhancing the data diversity or balance orthogonal to scaling up the absolute size. Our discussions point out important open questions on 1) Evaluation of generated entity-relation compositions, and 2) Better models for reasoning with abstract relations.

new Is There a One-Model-Fits-All Approach to Information Extraction? Revisiting Task Definition Biases

Authors: Wenhao Huang, Qianyu He, Zhixu Li, Jiaqing Liang, Yanghua Xiao

Abstract: Definition bias is a negative phenomenon that can mislead models. Definition bias in information extraction appears not only across datasets from different domains but also within datasets sharing the same domain. We identify two types of definition bias in IE: bias among information extraction datasets and bias between information extraction datasets and instruction tuning datasets. To systematically investigate definition bias, we conduct three probing experiments to quantitatively analyze it and discover the limitations of unified information extraction and large language models in solving definition bias. To mitigate definition bias in information extraction, we propose a multi-stage framework consisting of definition bias measurement, bias-aware fine-tuning, and task-specific bias mitigation. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework in addressing definition bias. Resources of this paper can be found at


new $\textit{LinkPrompt}$: Natural and Universal Adversarial Attacks on Prompt-based Language Models

Authors: Yue Xu, Wenjie Wang

Abstract: Prompt-based learning is a new language model training paradigm that adapts the Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to downstream tasks, which revitalizes the performance benchmarks across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Instead of using a fixed prompt template to fine-tune the model, some research demonstrates the effectiveness of searching for the prompt via optimization. Such prompt optimization process of prompt-based learning on PLMs also gives insight into generating adversarial prompts to mislead the model, raising concerns about the adversarial vulnerability of this paradigm. Recent studies have shown that universal adversarial triggers (UATs) can be generated to alter not only the predictions of the target PLMs but also the prediction of corresponding Prompt-based Fine-tuning Models (PFMs) under the prompt-based learning paradigm. However, UATs found in previous works are often unreadable tokens or characters and can be easily distinguished from natural texts with adaptive defenses. In this work, we consider the naturalness of the UATs and develop $\textit{LinkPrompt}$, an adversarial attack algorithm to generate UATs by a gradient-based beam search algorithm that not only effectively attacks the target PLMs and PFMs but also maintains the naturalness among the trigger tokens. Extensive results demonstrate the effectiveness of $\textit{LinkPrompt}$, as well as the transferability of UATs generated by \textit{LinkPrompt} to open-sourced Large Language Model (LLM) Llama2 and API-accessed LLM GPT-3.5-turbo.

new InstUPR : Instruction-based Unsupervised Passage Reranking with Large Language Models

Authors: Chao-Wei Huang, Yun-Nung Chen

Abstract: This paper introduces InstUPR, an unsupervised passage reranking method based on large language models (LLMs). Different from existing approaches that rely on extensive training with query-document pairs or retrieval-specific instructions, our method leverages the instruction-following capabilities of instruction-tuned LLMs for passage reranking without any additional fine-tuning. To achieve this, we introduce a soft score aggregation technique and employ pairwise reranking for unsupervised passage reranking. Experiments on the BEIR benchmark demonstrate that InstUPR outperforms unsupervised baselines as well as an instruction-tuned reranker, highlighting its effectiveness and superiority. Source code to reproduce all experiments is open-sourced at


new If CLIP Could Talk: Understanding Vision-Language Model Representations Through Their Preferred Concept Descriptions

Authors: Reza Esfandiarpoor, Cristina Menghini, Stephen H. Bach

Abstract: Recent works often assume that Vision-Language Model (VLM) representations are based on visual attributes like shape. However, it is unclear to what extent VLMs prioritize this information to represent concepts. We propose Extract and Explore (EX2), a novel approach to characterize important textual features for VLMs. EX2 uses reinforcement learning to align a large language model with VLM preferences and generates descriptions that incorporate the important features for the VLM. Then, we inspect the descriptions to identify the features that contribute to VLM representations. We find that spurious descriptions have a major role in VLM representations despite providing no helpful information, e.g., Click to enlarge photo of CONCEPT. More importantly, among informative descriptions, VLMs rely significantly on non-visual attributes like habitat to represent visual concepts. Also, our analysis reveals that different VLMs prioritize different attributes in their representations. Overall, we show that VLMs do not simply match images to scene descriptions and that non-visual or even spurious descriptions significantly influence their representations.

new CodeS: Natural Language to Code Repository via Multi-Layer Sketch

Authors: Daoguang Zan, Ailun Yu, Wei Liu, Dong Chen, Bo Shen, Wei Li, Yafen Yao, Yongshun Gong, Xiaolin Chen, Bei Guan, Zhiguang Yang, Yongji Wang, Qianxiang Wang, Lizhen Cui

Abstract: The impressive performance of large language models (LLMs) on code-related tasks has shown the potential of fully automated software development. In light of this, we introduce a new software engineering task, namely Natural Language to code Repository (NL2Repo). This task aims to generate an entire code repository from its natural language requirements. To address this task, we propose a simple yet effective framework CodeS, which decomposes NL2Repo into multiple sub-tasks by a multi-layer sketch. Specifically, CodeS includes three modules: RepoSketcher, FileSketcher, and SketchFiller. RepoSketcher first generates a repository's directory structure for given requirements; FileSketcher then generates a file sketch for each file in the generated structure; SketchFiller finally fills in the details for each function in the generated file sketch. To rigorously assess CodeS on the NL2Repo task, we carry out evaluations through both automated benchmarking and manual feedback analysis. For benchmark-based evaluation, we craft a repository-oriented benchmark, SketchEval, and design an evaluation metric, SketchBLEU. For feedback-based evaluation, we develop a VSCode plugin for CodeS and engage 30 participants in conducting empirical studies. Extensive experiments prove the effectiveness and practicality of CodeS on the NL2Repo task.

new KIT-19: A Comprehensive Korean Instruction Toolkit on 19 Tasks for Fine-Tuning Korean Large Language Models

Authors: Dongjun Jang, Sungjoo Byun, Hyemi Jo, Hyopil Shin

Abstract: Instruction Tuning on Large Language Models is an essential process for model to function well and achieve high performance in specific tasks. Accordingly, in mainstream languages such as English, instruction-based datasets are being constructed and made publicly available. In the case of Korean, publicly available models and datasets all rely on using the output of ChatGPT or translating datasets built in English. In this paper, We introduce \textit{KIT-19} as an instruction dataset for the development of LLM in Korean. \textit{KIT-19} is a dataset created in an instruction format, comprising 19 existing open-source datasets for Korean NLP tasks. In this paper, we train a Korean Pretrained LLM using \textit{KIT-19} to demonstrate its effectiveness. The experimental results show that the model trained on \textit{KIT-19} significantly outperforms existing Korean LLMs. Based on the its quality and empirical results, this paper proposes that \textit{KIT-19} has the potential to make a substantial contribution to the future improvement of Korean LLMs' performance.

new Towards Automatic Evaluation for LLMs' Clinical Capabilities: Metric, Data, and Algorithm

Authors: Lei Liu, Xiaoyan Yang, Fangzhou Li, Chenfei Chi, Yue Shen, Shiwei Lyu Ming Zhang, Xiaowei Ma, Xiangguo Lyu, Liya Ma, Zhiqiang Zhang, Wei Xue, Yiran Huang, Jinjie Gu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are gaining increasing interests to improve clinical efficiency for medical diagnosis, owing to their unprecedented performance in modelling natural language. Ensuring the safe and reliable clinical applications, the evaluation of LLMs indeed becomes critical for better mitigating the potential risks, e.g., hallucinations. However, current evaluation methods heavily rely on labor-intensive human participation to achieve human-preferred judgements. To overcome this challenge, we propose an automatic evaluation paradigm tailored to assess the LLMs' capabilities in delivering clinical services, e.g., disease diagnosis and treatment. The evaluation paradigm contains three basic elements: metric, data, and algorithm. Specifically, inspired by professional clinical practice pathways, we formulate a LLM-specific clinical pathway (LCP) to define the clinical capabilities that a doctor agent should possess. Then, Standardized Patients (SPs) from the medical education are introduced as the guideline for collecting medical data for evaluation, which can well ensure the completeness of the evaluation procedure. Leveraging these steps, we develop a multi-agent framework to simulate the interactive environment between SPs and a doctor agent, which is equipped with a Retrieval-Augmented Evaluation (RAE) to determine whether the behaviors of a doctor agent are in accordance with LCP. The above paradigm can be extended to any similar clinical scenarios to automatically evaluate the LLMs' medical capabilities. Applying such paradigm, we construct an evaluation benchmark in the field of urology, including a LCP, a SPs dataset, and an automated RAE. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, providing more insights for LLMs' safe and reliable deployments in clinical practice.

new A Study on How Attention Scores in the BERT Model are Aware of Lexical Categories in Syntactic and Semantic Tasks on the GLUE Benchmark

Authors: Dongjun Jang, Sungjoo Byun, Hyopil Shin

Abstract: This study examines whether the attention scores between tokens in the BERT model significantly vary based on lexical categories during the fine-tuning process for downstream tasks. Drawing inspiration from the notion that in human language processing, syntactic and semantic information is parsed differently, we categorize tokens in sentences according to their lexical categories and focus on changes in attention scores among these categories. Our hypothesis posits that in downstream tasks that prioritize semantic information, attention scores centered on content words are enhanced, while in cases emphasizing syntactic information, attention scores centered on function words are intensified. Through experimentation conducted on six tasks from the GLUE benchmark dataset, we substantiate our hypothesis regarding the fine-tuning process. Furthermore, our additional investigations reveal the presence of BERT layers that consistently assign more bias to specific lexical categories, irrespective of the task, highlighting the existence of task-agnostic lexical category preferences.

new Few-shot Named Entity Recognition via Superposition Concept Discrimination

Authors: Jiawei Chen, Hongyu Lin, Xianpei Han, Yaojie Lu, Shanshan Jiang, Bin Dong, Le Sun

Abstract: Few-shot NER aims to identify entities of target types with only limited number of illustrative instances. Unfortunately, few-shot NER is severely challenged by the intrinsic precise generalization problem, i.e., it is hard to accurately determine the desired target type due to the ambiguity stemming from information deficiency. In this paper, we propose Superposition Concept Discriminator (SuperCD), which resolves the above challenge via an active learning paradigm. Specifically, a concept extractor is first introduced to identify superposition concepts from illustrative instances, with each concept corresponding to a possible generalization boundary. Then a superposition instance retriever is applied to retrieve corresponding instances of these superposition concepts from large-scale text corpus. Finally, annotators are asked to annotate the retrieved instances and these annotated instances together with original illustrative instances are used to learn FS-NER models. To this end, we learn a universal concept extractor and superposition instance retriever using a large-scale openly available knowledge bases. Experiments show that SuperCD can effectively identify superposition concepts from illustrative instances, retrieve superposition instances from large-scale corpus, and significantly improve the few-shot NER performance with minimal additional efforts.

new Automatic Construction of a Large-Scale Corpus for Geoparsing Using Wikipedia Hyperlinks

Authors: Keyaki Ohno, Hirotaka Kameko, Keisuke Shirai, Taichi Nishimura, Shinsuke Mori

Abstract: Geoparsing is the task of estimating the latitude and longitude (coordinates) of location expressions in texts. Geoparsing must deal with the ambiguity of the expressions that indicate multiple locations with the same notation. For evaluating geoparsing systems, several corpora have been proposed in previous work. However, these corpora are small-scale and suffer from the coverage of location expressions on general domains. In this paper, we propose Wikipedia Hyperlink-based Location Linking (WHLL), a novel method to construct a large-scale corpus for geoparsing from Wikipedia articles. WHLL leverages hyperlinks in Wikipedia to annotate multiple location expressions with coordinates. With this method, we constructed the WHLL corpus, a new large-scale corpus for geoparsing. The WHLL corpus consists of 1.3M articles, each containing about 7.8 unique location expressions. 45.6% of location expressions are ambiguous and refer to more than one location with the same notation. In each article, location expressions of the article title and those hyperlinks to other articles are assigned with coordinates. By utilizing hyperlinks, we can accurately assign location expressions with coordinates even with ambiguous location expressions in the texts. Experimental results show that there remains room for improvement by disambiguating location expressions.

new LARA: Linguistic-Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented LLMs for Multi-Turn Intent Classification

Authors: Liu Junhua, Tan Yong Keat, Fu Bin

Abstract: Following the significant achievements of large language models (LLMs), researchers have employed in-context learning for text classification tasks. However, these studies focused on monolingual, single-turn classification tasks. In this paper, we introduce LARA (Linguistic-Adaptive Retrieval-Augmented Language Models), designed to enhance accuracy in multi-turn classification tasks across six languages, accommodating numerous intents in chatbot interactions. Multi-turn intent classification is notably challenging due to the complexity and evolving nature of conversational contexts. LARA tackles these issues by combining a fine-tuned smaller model with a retrieval-augmented mechanism, integrated within the architecture of LLMs. This integration allows LARA to dynamically utilize past dialogues and relevant intents, thereby improving the understanding of the context. Furthermore, our adaptive retrieval techniques bolster the cross-lingual capabilities of LLMs without extensive retraining and fine-tune. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that LARA achieves state-of-the-art performance on multi-turn intent classification tasks, enhancing the average accuracy by 3.67% compared to existing methods.

new LLMs Are Few-Shot In-Context Low-Resource Language Learners

Authors: Samuel Cahyawijaya, Holy Lovenia, Pascale Fung

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) empowers large language models (LLMs) to perform diverse tasks in underrepresented languages using only short in-context information, offering a crucial avenue for narrowing the gap between high-resource and low-resource languages. Nonetheless, there is only a handful of works explored ICL for low-resource languages with most of them focusing on relatively high-resource languages, such as French and Spanish. In this work, we extensively study ICL and its cross-lingual variation (X-ICL) on 25 low-resource and 7 relatively higher-resource languages. Our study not only assesses the effectiveness of ICL with LLMs in low-resource languages but also identifies the shortcomings of in-context label alignment, and introduces a more effective alternative: query alignment. Moreover, we provide valuable insights into various facets of ICL for low-resource languages. Our study concludes the significance of few-shot in-context information on enhancing the low-resource understanding quality of LLMs through semantically relevant information by closing the language gap in the target language and aligning the semantics between the targeted low-resource and the high-resource language that the model is proficient in. Our work highlights the importance of advancing ICL research, particularly for low-resource languages.

new Visually Guided Generative Text-Layout Pre-training for Document Intelligence

Authors: Zhiming Mao, Haoli Bai, Lu Hou, Jiansheng Wei, Xin Jiang, Qun Liu, Kam-Fai Wong

Abstract: Prior study shows that pre-training techniques can boost the performance of visual document understanding (VDU), which typically requires models to gain abilities to perceive and reason both document texts and layouts (e.g., locations of texts and table-cells). To this end, we propose visually guided generative text-layout pre-training, named ViTLP. Given a document image, the model optimizes hierarchical language and layout modeling objectives to generate the interleaved text and layout sequence. In addition, to address the limitation of processing long documents by Transformers, we introduce a straightforward yet effective multi-segment generative pre-training scheme, facilitating ViTLP to process word-intensive documents of any length. ViTLP can function as a native OCR model to localize and recognize texts of document images. Besides, ViTLP can be effectively applied to various downstream VDU tasks. Extensive experiments show that ViTLP achieves competitive performance over existing baselines on benchmark VDU tasks, including information extraction, document classification, and document question answering.

new Efficient Information Extraction in Few-Shot Relation Classification through Contrastive Representation Learning

Authors: Philipp Borchert, Jochen De Weerdt, Marie-Francine Moens

Abstract: Differentiating relationships between entity pairs with limited labeled instances poses a significant challenge in few-shot relation classification. Representations of textual data extract rich information spanning the domain, entities, and relations. In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to enhance information extraction combining multiple sentence representations and contrastive learning. While representations in relation classification are commonly extracted using entity marker tokens, we argue that substantial information within the internal model representations remains untapped. To address this, we propose aligning multiple sentence representations, such as the [CLS] token, the [MASK] token used in prompting, and entity marker tokens. Our method employs contrastive learning to extract complementary discriminative information from these individual representations. This is particularly relevant in low-resource settings where information is scarce. Leveraging multiple sentence representations is especially effective in distilling discriminative information for relation classification when additional information, like relation descriptions, are not available. We validate the adaptability of our approach, maintaining robust performance in scenarios that include relation descriptions, and showcasing its flexibility to adapt to different resource constraints.

new PE: A Poincare Explanation Method for Fast Text Hierarchy Generation

Authors: Qian Chen, Xiaofeng He, Hongzhao Li, Hongyu Yi

Abstract: The black-box nature of deep learning models in NLP hinders their widespread application. The research focus has shifted to Hierarchical Attribution (HA) for its ability to model feature interactions. Recent works model non-contiguous combinations with a time-costly greedy search in Eculidean spaces, neglecting underlying linguistic information in feature representations. In this work, we introduce a novel method, namely Poincar\'e Explanation (PE), for modeling feature interactions using hyperbolic spaces in an $O(n^2logn)$ time complexity. Inspired by Poincar\'e model, we propose a framework to project the embeddings into hyperbolic spaces, which exhibit better inductive biases for syntax and semantic hierarchical structures. Eventually, we prove that the hierarchical clustering process in the projected space could be viewed as building a minimum spanning tree and propose a time efficient algorithm. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

new NSINA: A News Corpus for Sinhala

Authors: Hansi Hettiarachchi, Damith Premasiri, Lasitha Uyangodage, Tharindu Ranasinghe

Abstract: The introduction of large language models (LLMs) has advanced natural language processing (NLP), but their effectiveness is largely dependent on pre-training resources. This is especially evident in low-resource languages, such as Sinhala, which face two primary challenges: the lack of substantial training data and limited benchmarking datasets. In response, this study introduces NSINA, a comprehensive news corpus of over 500,000 articles from popular Sinhala news websites, along with three NLP tasks: news media identification, news category prediction, and news headline generation. The release of NSINA aims to provide a solution to challenges in adapting LLMs to Sinhala, offering valuable resources and benchmarks for improving NLP in the Sinhala language. NSINA is the largest news corpus for Sinhala, available up to date.

new Can Large Language Models (or Humans) Distill Text?

Authors: Nicolas Audinet de Pieuchon, Adel Daoud, Connor Thomas Jerzak, Moa Johansson, Richard Johansson

Abstract: We investigate the potential of large language models (LLMs) to distill text: to remove the textual traces of an undesired forbidden variable. We employ a range of LLMs with varying architectures and training approaches to distill text by identifying and removing information about the target variable while preserving other relevant signals. Our findings shed light on the strengths and limitations of LLMs in addressing the distillation and provide insights into the strategies for leveraging these models in computational social science investigations involving text data. In particular, we show that in the strong test of removing sentiment, the statistical association between the processed text and sentiment is still clearly detectable to machine learning classifiers post-LLM-distillation. Furthermore, we find that human annotators also struggle to distill sentiment while preserving other semantic content. This suggests there may be limited separability between concept variables in some text contexts, highlighting limitations of methods relying on text-level transformations and also raising questions about the robustness of distillation methods that achieve statistical independence in representation space if this is difficult for human coders operating on raw text to attain.

new TrustAI at SemEval-2024 Task 8: A Comprehensive Analysis of Multi-domain Machine Generated Text Detection Techniques

Authors: Ashok Urlana, Aditya Saibewar, Bala Mallikarjunarao Garlapati, Charaka Vinayak Kumar, Ajeet Kumar Singh, Srinivasa Rao Chalamala

Abstract: The Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit remarkable ability to generate fluent content across a wide spectrum of user queries. However, this capability has raised concerns regarding misinformation and personal information leakage. In this paper, we present our methods for the SemEval2024 Task8, aiming to detect machine-generated text across various domains in both mono-lingual and multi-lingual contexts. Our study comprehensively analyzes various methods to detect machine-generated text, including statistical, neural, and pre-trained model approaches. We also detail our experimental setup and perform a in-depth error analysis to evaluate the effectiveness of these methods. Our methods obtain an accuracy of 86.9\% on the test set of subtask-A mono and 83.7\% for subtask-B. Furthermore, we also highlight the challenges and essential factors for consideration in future studies.

new Conversational Grounding: Annotation and Analysis of Grounding Acts and Grounding Units

Authors: Biswesh Mohapatra, Seemab Hassan, Laurent Romary, Justine Cassell

Abstract: Successful conversations often rest on common understanding, where all parties are on the same page about the information being shared. This process, known as conversational grounding, is crucial for building trustworthy dialog systems that can accurately keep track of and recall the shared information. The proficiencies of an agent in grounding the conveyed information significantly contribute to building a reliable dialog system. Despite recent advancements in dialog systems, there exists a noticeable deficit in their grounding capabilities. Traum provided a framework for conversational grounding introducing Grounding Acts and Grounding Units, but substantial progress, especially in the realm of Large Language Models, remains lacking. To bridge this gap, we present the annotation of two dialog corpora employing Grounding Acts, Grounding Units, and a measure of their degree of grounding. We discuss our key findings during the annotation and also provide a baseline model to test the performance of current Language Models in categorizing the grounding acts of the dialogs. Our work aims to provide a useful resource for further research in making conversations with machines better understood and more reliable in natural day-to-day collaborative dialogs.

new Semantically Enriched Cross-Lingual Sentence Embeddings for Crisis-related Social Media Texts

Authors: Rabindra Lamsal, Maria Rodriguez Read, Shanika Karunasekera

Abstract: Tasks such as semantic search and clustering on crisis-related social media texts enhance our comprehension of crisis discourse, aiding decision-making and targeted interventions. Pre-trained language models have advanced performance in crisis informatics, but their contextual embeddings lack semantic meaningfulness. Although the CrisisTransformers family includes a sentence encoder to address the semanticity issue, it remains monolingual, processing only English texts. Furthermore, employing separate models for different languages leads to embeddings in distinct vector spaces, introducing challenges when comparing semantic similarities between multi-lingual texts. Therefore, we propose multi-lingual sentence encoders (CT-XLMR-SE and CT-mBERT-SE) that embed crisis-related social media texts for over 50 languages, such that texts with similar meanings are in close proximity within the same vector space, irrespective of language diversity. Results in sentence encoding and sentence matching tasks are promising, suggesting these models could serve as robust baselines when embedding multi-lingual crisis-related social media texts. The models are publicly available at:


new A comparative analysis of embedding models for patent similarity

Authors: Grazia Sveva Ascione, Valerio Sterzi

Abstract: This paper makes two contributions to the field of text-based patent similarity. First, it compares the performance of different kinds of patent-specific pretrained embedding models, namely static word embeddings (such as word2vec and doc2vec models) and contextual word embeddings (such as transformers based models), on the task of patent similarity calculation. Second, it compares specifically the performance of Sentence Transformers (SBERT) architectures with different training phases on the patent similarity task. To assess the models' performance, we use information about patent interferences, a phenomenon in which two or more patent claims belonging to different patent applications are proven to be overlapping by patent examiners. Therefore, we use these interferences cases as a proxy for maximum similarity between two patents, treating them as ground-truth to evaluate the performance of the different embedding models. Our results point out that, first, Patent SBERT-adapt-ub, the domain adaptation of the pretrained Sentence Transformer architecture proposed in this research, outperforms the current state-of-the-art in patent similarity. Second, they show that, in some cases, large static models performances are still comparable to contextual ones when trained on extensive data; thus, we believe that the superiority in the performance of contextual embeddings may not be related to the actual architecture but rather to the way the training phase is performed.

new Grammatical vs Spelling Error Correction: An Investigation into the Responsiveness of Transformer-based Language Models using BART and MarianMT

Authors: Rohit Raju, Peeta Basa Pati, SA Gandheesh, Gayatri Sanjana Sannala, Suriya KS

Abstract: Text continues to remain a relevant form of representation for information. Text documents are created either in digital native platforms or through the conversion of other media files such as images and speech. While the digital native text is invariably obtained through physical or virtual keyboards, technologies such as OCR and speech recognition are utilized to transform the images and speech signals into text content. All these variety of mechanisms of text generation also introduce errors into the captured text. This project aims at analyzing different kinds of error that occurs in text documents. The work employs two of the advanced deep neural network-based language models, namely, BART and MarianMT, to rectify the anomalies present in the text. Transfer learning of these models with available dataset is performed to finetune their capacity for error correction. A comparative study is conducted to investigate the effectiveness of these models in handling each of the defined error categories. It is observed that while both models can bring down the erroneous sentences by 20+%, BART can handle spelling errors far better (24.6%) than grammatical errors (8.8%).

new RU22Fact: Optimizing Evidence for Multilingual Explainable Fact-Checking on Russia-Ukraine Conflict

Authors: Yirong Zeng, Xiao Ding, Yi Zhao, Xiangyu Li, Jie Zhang, Chao Yao, Ting Liu, Bing Qin

Abstract: Fact-checking is the task of verifying the factuality of a given claim by examining the available evidence. High-quality evidence plays a vital role in enhancing fact-checking systems and facilitating the generation of explanations that are understandable to humans. However, the provision of both sufficient and relevant evidence for explainable fact-checking systems poses a challenge. To tackle this challenge, we propose a method based on a Large Language Model to automatically retrieve and summarize evidence from the Web. Furthermore, we construct RU22Fact, a novel multilingual explainable fact-checking dataset on the Russia-Ukraine conflict in 2022 of 16K samples, each containing real-world claims, optimized evidence, and referenced explanation. To establish a baseline for our dataset, we also develop an end-to-end explainable fact-checking system to verify claims and generate explanations. Experimental results demonstrate the prospect of optimized evidence in increasing fact-checking performance and also indicate the possibility of further progress in the end-to-end claim verification and explanation generation tasks.

new Who is bragging more online? A large scale analysis of bragging in social media

Authors: Mali Jin, Daniel Preo\c{t}iuc-Pietro, A. Seza Do\u{g}ru\"oz, Nikolaos Aletras

Abstract: Bragging is the act of uttering statements that are likely to be positively viewed by others and it is extensively employed in human communication with the aim to build a positive self-image of oneself. Social media is a natural platform for users to employ bragging in order to gain admiration, respect, attention and followers from their audiences. Yet, little is known about the scale of bragging online and its characteristics. This paper employs computational sociolinguistics methods to conduct the first large scale study of bragging behavior on Twitter (U.S.) by focusing on its overall prevalence, temporal dynamics and impact of demographic factors. Our study shows that the prevalence of bragging decreases over time within the same population of users. In addition, younger, more educated and popular users in the U.S. are more likely to brag. Finally, we conduct an extensive linguistics analysis to unveil specific bragging themes associated with different user traits.

new ToXCL: A Unified Framework for Toxic Speech Detection and Explanation

Authors: Nhat M. Hoang, Xuan Long Do, Duc Anh Do, Duc Anh Vu, Luu Anh Tuan

Abstract: The proliferation of online toxic speech is a pertinent problem posing threats to demographic groups. While explicit toxic speech contains offensive lexical signals, implicit one consists of coded or indirect language. Therefore, it is crucial for models not only to detect implicit toxic speech but also to explain its toxicity. This draws a unique need for unified frameworks that can effectively detect and explain implicit toxic speech. Prior works mainly formulated the task of toxic speech detection and explanation as a text generation problem. Nonetheless, models trained using this strategy can be prone to suffer from the consequent error propagation problem. Moreover, our experiments reveal that the detection results of such models are much lower than those that focus only on the detection task. To bridge these gaps, we introduce ToXCL, a unified framework for the detection and explanation of implicit toxic speech. Our model consists of three modules: a (i) Target Group Generator to generate the targeted demographic group(s) of a given post; an (ii) Encoder-Decoder Model in which the encoder focuses on detecting implicit toxic speech and is boosted by a (iii) Teacher Classifier via knowledge distillation, and the decoder generates the necessary explanation. ToXCL achieves new state-of-the-art effectiveness, and outperforms baselines significantly.

new ProCQA: A Large-scale Community-based Programming Question Answering Dataset for Code Search

Authors: Zehan Li, Jianfei Zhang, Chuantao Yin, Yuanxin Ouyang, Wenge Rong

Abstract: Retrieval-based code question answering seeks to match user queries in natural language to relevant code snippets. Previous approaches typically rely on pretraining models using crafted bi-modal and uni-modal datasets to align text and code representations. In this paper, we introduce ProCQA, a large-scale programming question answering dataset extracted from the StackOverflow community, offering naturally structured mixed-modal QA pairs. To validate its effectiveness, we propose a modality-agnostic contrastive pre-training approach to improve the alignment of text and code representations of current code language models. Compared to previous models that primarily employ bimodal and unimodal pairs extracted from CodeSearchNet for pre-training, our model exhibits significant performance improvements across a wide range of code retrieval benchmarks.

new Synthetic Data Generation and Joint Learning for Robust Code-Mixed Translation

Authors: Kartik, Sanjana Soni, Anoop Kunchukuttan, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Md Shad Akhtar

Abstract: The widespread online communication in a modern multilingual world has provided opportunities to blend more than one language (aka code-mixed language) in a single utterance. This has resulted a formidable challenge for the computational models due to the scarcity of annotated data and presence of noise. A potential solution to mitigate the data scarcity problem in low-resource setup is to leverage existing data in resource-rich language through translation. In this paper, we tackle the problem of code-mixed (Hinglish and Bengalish) to English machine translation. First, we synthetically develop HINMIX, a parallel corpus of Hinglish to English, with ~4.2M sentence pairs. Subsequently, we propose RCMT, a robust perturbation based joint-training model that learns to handle noise in the real-world code-mixed text by parameter sharing across clean and noisy words. Further, we show the adaptability of RCMT in a zero-shot setup for Bengalish to English translation. Our evaluation and comprehensive analyses qualitatively and quantitatively demonstrate the superiority of RCMT over state-of-the-art code-mixed and robust translation methods.

new Can Machine Translation Bridge Multilingual Pretraining and Cross-lingual Transfer Learning?

Authors: Shaoxiong Ji, Timothee Mickus, Vincent Segonne, J\"org Tiedemann

Abstract: Multilingual pretraining and fine-tuning have remarkably succeeded in various natural language processing tasks. Transferring representations from one language to another is especially crucial for cross-lingual learning. One can expect machine translation objectives to be well suited to fostering such capabilities, as they involve the explicit alignment of semantically equivalent sentences from different languages. This paper investigates the potential benefits of employing machine translation as a continued training objective to enhance language representation learning, bridging multilingual pretraining and cross-lingual applications. We study this question through two lenses: a quantitative evaluation of the performance of existing models and an analysis of their latent representations. Our results show that, contrary to expectations, machine translation as the continued training fails to enhance cross-lingual representation learning in multiple cross-lingual natural language understanding tasks. We conclude that explicit sentence-level alignment in the cross-lingual scenario is detrimental to cross-lingual transfer pretraining, which has important implications for future cross-lingual transfer studies. We furthermore provide evidence through similarity measures and investigation of parameters that this lack of positive influence is due to output separability -- which we argue is of use for machine translation but detrimental elsewhere.

new Iterative Refinement of Project-Level Code Context for Precise Code Generation with Compiler Feedback

Authors: Zhangqian Bi, Yao Wan, Zheng Wang, Hongyu Zhang, Batu Guan, Fangxin Lu, Zili Zhang, Yulei Sui, Xuanhua Shi, Hai Jin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have shown remarkable progress in automated code generation. Yet, incorporating LLM-based code generation into real-life software projects poses challenges, as the generated code may contain errors in API usage, class, data structure, or missing project-specific information. As much of this project-specific context cannot fit into the prompts of LLMs, we must find ways to allow the model to explore the project-level code context. To this end, this paper puts forward a novel approach, termed ProCoder, which iteratively refines the project-level code context for precise code generation, guided by the compiler feedback. In particular, ProCoder first leverages compiler techniques to identify a mismatch between the generated code and the project's context. It then iteratively aligns and fixes the identified errors using information extracted from the code repository. We integrate ProCoder with two representative LLMs, i.e., GPT-3.5-Turbo and Code Llama (13B), and apply it to Python code generation. Experimental results show that ProCoder significantly improves the vanilla LLMs by over 80% in generating code dependent on project context, and consistently outperforms the existing retrieval-based code generation baselines.

new TEI2GO: A Multilingual Approach for Fast Temporal Expression Identification

Authors: Hugo Sousa, Ricardo Campos, Al\'ipio Jorge

Abstract: Temporal expression identification is crucial for understanding texts written in natural language. Although highly effective systems such as HeidelTime exist, their limited runtime performance hampers adoption in large-scale applications and production environments. In this paper, we introduce the TEI2GO models, matching HeidelTime's effectiveness but with significantly improved runtime, supporting six languages, and achieving state-of-the-art results in four of them. To train the TEI2GO models, we used a combination of manually annotated reference corpus and developed ``Professor HeidelTime'', a comprehensive weakly labeled corpus of news texts annotated with HeidelTime. This corpus comprises a total of $138,069$ documents (over six languages) with $1,050,921$ temporal expressions, the largest open-source annotated dataset for temporal expression identification to date. By describing how the models were produced, we aim to encourage the research community to further explore, refine, and extend the set of models to additional languages and domains. Code, annotations, and models are openly available for community exploration and use. The models are conveniently on HuggingFace for seamless integration and application.

new Cross-lingual Contextualized Phrase Retrieval

Authors: Huayang Li, Deng Cai, Zhi Qu, Qu Cui, Hidetaka Kamigaito, Lemao Liu, Taro Watanabe

Abstract: Phrase-level dense retrieval has shown many appealing characteristics in downstream NLP tasks by leveraging the fine-grained information that phrases offer. In our work, we propose a new task formulation of dense retrieval, cross-lingual contextualized phrase retrieval, which aims to augment cross-lingual applications by addressing polysemy using context information. However, the lack of specific training data and models are the primary challenges to achieve our goal. As a result, we extract pairs of cross-lingual phrases using word alignment information automatically induced from parallel sentences. Subsequently, we train our Cross-lingual Contextualized Phrase Retriever (CCPR) using contrastive learning, which encourages the hidden representations of phrases with similar contexts and semantics to align closely. Comprehensive experiments on both the cross-lingual phrase retrieval task and a downstream task, i.e, machine translation, demonstrate the effectiveness of CCPR. On the phrase retrieval task, CCPR surpasses baselines by a significant margin, achieving a top-1 accuracy that is at least 13 points higher. When utilizing CCPR to augment the large-language-model-based translator, it achieves average gains of 0.7 and 1.5 in BERTScore for translations from X=>En and vice versa, respectively, on WMT16 dataset. Our code and data are available at \url{}.


new Towards Explainability in Legal Outcome Prediction Models

Authors: Josef Valvoda, Ryan Cotterell

Abstract: Current legal outcome prediction models - a staple of legal NLP - do not explain their reasoning. However, to employ these models in the real world, human legal actors need to be able to understand their decisions. In the case of common law, legal practitioners reason towards the outcome of a case by referring to past case law, known as precedent. We contend that precedent is, therefore, a natural way of facilitating explainability for legal NLP models. In this paper, we contribute a novel method for identifying the precedent employed by legal outcome prediction models. Furthermore, by developing a taxonomy of legal precedent, we are able to compare human judges and our models with respect to the different types of precedent they rely on. We find that while the models learn to predict outcomes reasonably well, their use of precedent is unlike that of human judges.

new An Expert is Worth One Token: Synergizing Multiple Expert LLMs as Generalist via Expert Token Routing

Authors: Ziwei Chai, Guoyin Wang, Jing Su, Tianjie Zhang, Xuanwen Huang, Xuwu Wang, Jingjing Xu, Jianbo Yuan, Hongxia Yang, Fei Wu, Yang Yang

Abstract: We present Expert-Token-Routing, a unified generalist framework that facilitates seamless integration of multiple expert LLMs. Our framework represents expert LLMs as special expert tokens within the vocabulary of a meta LLM. The meta LLM can route to an expert LLM like generating new tokens. Expert-Token-Routing not only supports learning the implicit expertise of expert LLMs from existing instruction dataset but also allows for dynamic extension of new expert LLMs in a plug-and-play manner. It also conceals the detailed collaboration process from the user's perspective, facilitating interaction as though it were a singular LLM. Our framework outperforms various existing multi-LLM collaboration paradigms across benchmarks that incorporate six diverse expert domains, demonstrating effectiveness and robustness in building generalist LLM system via synergizing multiple expert LLMs.

new Encoding of lexical tone in self-supervised models of spoken language

Authors: Gaofei Shen, Michaela Watkins, Afra Alishahi, Arianna Bisazza, Grzegorz Chrupa{\l}a

Abstract: Interpretability research has shown that self-supervised Spoken Language Models (SLMs) encode a wide variety of features in human speech from the acoustic, phonetic, phonological, syntactic and semantic levels, to speaker characteristics. The bulk of prior research on representations of phonology has focused on segmental features such as phonemes; the encoding of suprasegmental phonology (such as tone and stress patterns) in SLMs is not yet well understood. Tone is a suprasegmental feature that is present in more than half of the world's languages. This paper aims to analyze the tone encoding capabilities of SLMs, using Mandarin and Vietnamese as case studies. We show that SLMs encode lexical tone to a significant degree even when they are trained on data from non-tonal languages. We further find that SLMs behave similarly to native and non-native human participants in tone and consonant perception studies, but they do not follow the same developmental trajectory.

new New Intent Discovery with Attracting and Dispersing Prototype

Authors: Shun Zhang, Jian Yang, Jiaqi Bai, Chaoran Yan, Tongliang Li, Zhao Yan, Zhoujun Li

Abstract: New Intent Discovery (NID) aims to recognize known and infer new intent categories with the help of limited labeled and large-scale unlabeled data. The task is addressed as a feature-clustering problem and recent studies augment instance representation. However, existing methods fail to capture cluster-friendly representations, since they show less capability to effectively control and coordinate within-cluster and between-cluster distances. Tailored to the NID problem, we propose a Robust and Adaptive Prototypical learning (RAP) framework for globally distinct decision boundaries for both known and new intent categories. Specifically, a robust prototypical attracting learning (RPAL) method is designed to compel instances to gravitate toward their corresponding prototype, achieving greater within-cluster compactness. To attain larger between-cluster separation, another adaptive prototypical dispersing learning (APDL) method is devised to maximize the between-cluster distance from the prototype-to-prototype perspective. Experimental results evaluated on three challenging benchmarks (CLINC, BANKING, and StackOverflow) of our method with better cluster-friendly representation demonstrate that RAP brings in substantial improvements over the current state-of-the-art methods (even large language model) by a large margin (average +5.5% improvement).

new SPACE-IDEAS: A Dataset for Salient Information Detection in Space Innovation

Authors: Andr\'es Garc\'ia-Silva, Cristian Berr\'io, Jos\'e Manuel G\'omez-P\'erez

Abstract: Detecting salient parts in text using natural language processing has been widely used to mitigate the effects of information overflow. Nevertheless, most of the datasets available for this task are derived mainly from academic publications. We introduce SPACE-IDEAS, a dataset for salient information detection from innovation ideas related to the Space domain. The text in SPACE-IDEAS varies greatly and includes informal, technical, academic and business-oriented writing styles. In addition to a manually annotated dataset we release an extended version that is annotated using a large generative language model. We train different sentence and sequential sentence classifiers, and show that the automatically annotated dataset can be leveraged using multitask learning to train better classifiers.

new Aligning with Human Judgement: The Role of Pairwise Preference in Large Language Model Evaluators

Authors: Yinhong Liu, Han Zhou, Zhijiang Guo, Ehsan Shareghi, Ivan Vulic, Anna Korhonen, Nigel Collier

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated promising capabilities as automatic evaluators in assessing the quality of generated natural language. However, LLMs still exhibit biases in evaluation and often struggle to generate coherent evaluations that align with human assessments. In this work, we first conduct a systematic study of the misalignment between LLM evaluators and human judgement, revealing that existing calibration methods aimed at mitigating biases are insufficient for effectively aligning LLM evaluators. Inspired by the use of preference data in RLHF, we formulate the evaluation as a ranking problem and introduce Pairwise-preference Search (PAIRS), an uncertainty-guided search method that employs LLMs to conduct pairwise comparisons and efficiently ranks candidate texts. PAIRS achieves state-of-the-art performance on representative evaluation tasks and demonstrates significant improvements over direct scoring. Furthermore, we provide insights into the role of pairwise preference in quantifying the transitivity of LLMs and demonstrate how PAIRS benefits from calibration.

new Data Mixing Laws: Optimizing Data Mixtures by Predicting Language Modeling Performance

Authors: Jiasheng Ye, Peiju Liu, Tianxiang Sun, Yunhua Zhou, Jun Zhan, Xipeng Qiu

Abstract: Pretraining data of large language models composes multiple domains (e.g., web texts, academic papers, codes), whose mixture proportions crucially impact the competence of outcome models. While existing endeavors rely on heuristics or qualitative strategies to tune the proportions, we discover the quantitative predictability of model performance regarding the mixture proportions in function forms, which we refer to as the data mixing laws. Fitting such functions on sample mixtures unveils model performance on unseen mixtures before actual runs, thus guiding the selection of an ideal data mixture. Furthermore, we propose nested use of the scaling laws of training steps, model sizes, and our data mixing law to enable predicting the performance of large models trained on massive data under various mixtures with only small-scale training. Moreover, experimental results verify that our method effectively optimizes the training mixture of a 1B model trained for 100B tokens in RedPajama, reaching a performance comparable to the one trained for 48% more steps on the default mixture. Extending the application of data mixing laws to continual training accurately predicts the critical mixture proportion that avoids catastrophic forgetting and outlooks the potential for dynamic data schedules

new Evaluating Shortest Edit Script Methods for Contextual Lemmatization

Authors: Olia Toporkov, Rodrigo Agerri

Abstract: Modern contextual lemmatizers often rely on automatically induced Shortest Edit Scripts (SES), namely, the number of edit operations to transform a word form into its lemma. In fact, different methods of computing SES have been proposed as an integral component in the architecture of several state-of-the-art contextual lemmatizers currently available. However, previous work has not investigated the direct impact of SES in the final lemmatization performance. In this paper we address this issue by focusing on lemmatization as a token classification task where the only input that the model receives is the word-label pairs in context, where the labels correspond to previously induced SES. Thus, by modifying in our lemmatization system only the SES labels that the model needs to learn, we may then objectively conclude which SES representation produces the best lemmatization results. We experiment with seven languages of different morphological complexity, namely, English, Spanish, Basque, Russian, Czech, Turkish and Polish, using multilingual and language-specific pre-trained masked language encoder-only models as a backbone to build our lemmatizers. Comprehensive experimental results, both in- and out-of-domain, indicate that computing the casing and edit operations separately is beneficial overall, but much more clearly for languages with high-inflected morphology. Notably, multilingual pre-trained language models consistently outperform their language-specific counterparts in every evaluation setting.

new A comparison of Human, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 Performance in a University-Level Coding Course

Authors: Will Yeadon, Alex Peach, Craig P. Testrow

Abstract: This study evaluates the performance of ChatGPT variants, GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, both with and without prompt engineering, against solely student work and a mixed category containing both student and GPT-4 contributions in university-level physics coding assignments using the Python language. Comparing 50 student submissions to 50 AI-generated submissions across different categories, and marked blindly by three independent markers, we amassed $n = 300$ data points. Students averaged 91.9% (SE:0.4), surpassing the highest performing AI submission category, GPT-4 with prompt engineering, which scored 81.1% (SE:0.8) - a statistically significant difference (p = $2.482 \times 10^{-10}$). Prompt engineering significantly improved scores for both GPT-4 (p = $1.661 \times 10^{-4}$) and GPT-3.5 (p = $4.967 \times 10^{-9}$). Additionally, the blinded markers were tasked with guessing the authorship of the submissions on a four-point Likert scale from `Definitely AI' to `Definitely Human'. They accurately identified the authorship, with 92.1% of the work categorized as 'Definitely Human' being human-authored. Simplifying this to a binary `AI' or `Human' categorization resulted in an average accuracy rate of 85.3%. These findings suggest that while AI-generated work closely approaches the quality of university students' work, it often remains detectable by human evaluators.

new Language Rectified Flow: Advancing Diffusion Language Generation with Probabilistic Flows

Authors: Shujian Zhang, Lemeng Wu, Chengyue Gong, Xingchao Liu

Abstract: Recent works have demonstrated success in controlling sentence attributes ($e.g.$, sentiment) and structure ($e.g.$, syntactic structure) based on the diffusion language model. A key component that drives theimpressive performance for generating high-quality samples from noise is iteratively denoise for thousands of steps. While beneficial, the complexity of starting from the noise and the learning steps has limited its implementation to many NLP real-world applications. This paper proposes Language Rectified Flow ({\ours}). Our method is based on the reformulation of the standard probabilistic flow models. Language rectified flow learns (neural) ordinary differential equation models to transport between the source distribution and the target distribution, hence providing a unified and effective solution to generative modeling and domain transfer. From the source distribution, our language rectified flow yields fast simulation and effectively decreases the inference time. Experiments on three challenging fine-grained control tasks and multiple high-quality text editing show that our method consistently outperforms its baselines. Extensive experiments and ablation studies demonstrate that our method can be general, effective, and beneficial for many NLP tasks.

cross Regulating Large Language Models: A Roundtable Report

Authors: Gabriel Nicholas, Paul Friedl

Abstract: On July 20, 2023, a group of 27 scholars and digital rights advocates with expertise in law, computer science, political science, and other disciplines gathered for the Large Language Models, Law and Policy Roundtable, co-hosted by the NYU School of Law's Information Law Institute and the Center for Democracy & Technology. The roundtable convened to discuss how law and policy can help address some of the larger societal problems posed by large language models (LLMs). The discussion focused on three policy topic areas in particular: 1. Truthfulness: What risks do LLMs pose in terms of generating mis- and disinformation? How can these risks be mitigated from a technical and/or regulatory perspective? 2. Privacy: What are the biggest privacy risks involved in the creation, deployment, and use of LLMs? How can these risks be mitigated from a technical and/or regulatory perspective? 3. Market concentration: What threats do LLMs pose concerning market/power concentration? How can these risks be mitigated from a technical and/or regulatory perspective? In this paper, we provide a detailed summary of the day's proceedings. We first recap what we deem to be the most important contributions made during the issue framing discussions. We then provide a list of potential legal and regulatory interventions generated during the brainstorming discussions.

cross ChatGPT in Linear Algebra: Strides Forward, Steps to Go

Authors: Eli Bagno, Thierry Dana-Picard, Shulamit Reches

Abstract: As soon as a new technology emerges, the education community explores its affordances and the possibilities to apply it in education. In this paper, we analyze sessions with ChatGPT around topics in basic Linear Algebra. We reflect the process undertaken by the ChatGPT along the recent year in our area of interest, emphasising the vast improvement that has been done in grappling with Linear Algebra problems. In particular, the question whether this software can be a teaching assistant or even somehow replace the human teacher, is addressed. As of the time this paper is written, the answer is generally negative. For the small part where the answer can be positive, some reflections about an original instrumental genesis are given. Communication with the software gives the impression to talk to a human, and sometimes the question is whether the software understands the question or not. Therefore, the reader's attention is drawn to the fact that ChatGPT works on a statistical basis and not according to reflection and understanding.

cross Large Language Model for Mental Health: A Systematic Review

Authors: Zhijun Guo, Alvina Lai, Johan Hilge Thygesen, Joseph Farrington, Thomas Keen, Kezhi Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have received much attention and shown their potential in digital health, while their application in mental health is subject to ongoing debate. This systematic review aims to summarize and characterize the use of LLMs in mental health by investigating the strengths and limitations of the latest work in LLMs and discusses the challenges and opportunities for early screening, digital interventions, and other clinical applications in mental health. Following PRISMA guidelines, we examined English articles from PubMed, DBLP Computer Science Bibliography, and IEEE Xplore, published between 1 January 2017, and 1 September 2023, focusing on mental health and LLMs. The review analyzed 32 articles, including mental health analysis using social media datasets (n=13), mental health chatbots (n=10), and other mental health applications (n=9). Findings reveal LLMs' effectiveness in mental health issue detection and the enhancement of telepsychological services through personalised healthcare. Nonetheless, risks like text inconsistencies, hallucinatory content, and the lack of an ethical framework raise concerns about their clinical use. Despite these challenges, the advancement of LLMs underscores their potential as innovative clinical tools, necessitating further research and development. The review emphasizes that LLMs should complement, not replace, professional mental health services.

cross Towards Measuring and Modeling "Culture" in LLMs: A Survey

Authors: Muhammad Farid Adilazuarda, Sagnik Mukherjee, Pradhyumna Lavania, Siddhant Singh, Ashutosh Dwivedi, Alham Fikri Aji, Jacki O'Neill, Ashutosh Modi, Monojit Choudhury

Abstract: We present a survey of 39 recent papers that aim to study cultural representation and inclusion in large language models. We observe that none of the studies define "culture," which is a complex, multifaceted concept; instead, they probe the models on some specially designed datasets which represent certain aspects of "culture." We call these aspects the proxies of cultures, and organize them across three dimensions of demographic, semantic and linguistic-cultural interaction proxies. We also categorize the probing methods employed. Our analysis indicates that only certain aspects of "culture," such as values and objectives, have been studied, leaving several other interesting and important facets, especially the multitude of semantic domains (Thompson et al., 2020) and aboutness (Hershcovich et al., 2022), unexplored. Two other crucial gaps are the lack of robustness and situatedness of the current methods. Based on these observations, we provide several recommendations for a holistic and practically useful research agenda for furthering cultural inclusion in LLMs and LLM-based applications.

cross A Three-Phases SFT Hybrid Model Integrated Strong Prior Module and Data Overlap Estimation in the Eduation Context

Authors: Zhangquan Chen, Chunjiang Liu, Haobin Duan

Abstract: In this paper, we propose an end-to-end prior-based three-phases supervised fine-tuned model, which is proved more competitive than traditional fine-tuning method. More specifically, our model realizes the structural disassembly and incremental guided output of educational knowledge. To this end, we robustify data classification of three types via a sampler and overlap estimation neural network, and inject the preprocessing datasets into pre-trained model in three batches for LORA fine-tuning. Then, we design a prior module couples system prompt, vector databases, and abstract syntax tree task segmentation. Finally, the compression method and regularization constraint are applied to the prior-based fine-tuned model, followed by text filter at the output end to obtain incremental guided results. Our model represents the first research effort to truly embody the tutor role with the features of abundant educational knowledge, step-by-step incremental guided outputs and non-disclosure of answers. Extensive experiments report that our model also achieves state-of-the-art in code abilities compared to open-source models, reaching an impressive 75.10% on the HumanEval (@pass 1) benchmark. Additionally, our model maintains strong conversational capabilities, with the 13B quantized version achieving scores of 56.34, 50.60, and 45.27 respectively on the MMLU, C-Eval, and AGIEval (5 shot) dialogue evaluation benchmarks.

cross WoLF: Large Language Model Framework for CXR Understanding

Authors: Seil Kang, Donghyun Kim, Junhyeok Kim, Hyo Kyung Lee, Seong Jae Hwang

Abstract: Significant methodological strides have been made toward Chest X-ray (CXR) understanding via modern vision-language models (VLMs), demonstrating impressive Visual Question Answering (VQA) and CXR report generation abilities. However, existing CXR understanding frameworks still possess several procedural caveats. (1) Previous methods solely use CXR reports, which are insufficient for comprehensive Visual Question Answering (VQA), especially when additional health-related data like medication history and prior diagnoses are needed. (2) Previous methods use raw CXR reports, which are often arbitrarily structured. While modern language models can understand various text formats, restructuring reports for clearer, organized anatomy-based information could enhance their usefulness. (3) Current evaluation methods for CXR-VQA primarily emphasize linguistic correctness, lacking the capability to offer nuanced assessments of the generated answers. In this work, to address the aforementioned caveats, we introduce WoLF, a Wide-scope Large Language Model Framework for CXR understanding. To resolve (1), we capture multi-faceted records of patients, which are utilized for accurate diagnoses in real-world clinical scenarios. Specifically, we adopt the Electronic Health Records (EHR) to generate instruction-following data suited for CXR understanding. Regarding (2), we enhance report generation performance by decoupling knowledge in CXR reports based on anatomical structure even within the attention step via masked attention. To address (3), we introduce an AI-evaluation protocol optimized for assessing the capabilities of LLM. Through extensive experimental validations, WoLF demonstrates superior performance over other models on MIMIC-CXR in the AI-evaluation arena about VQA (up to +9.47%p mean score) and by metrics about report generation (+7.3%p BLEU-1).

cross Most Likely Sequence Generation for $n$-Grams, Transformers, HMMs, and Markov Chains, by Using Rollout Algorithms

Authors: Yuchao Li, Dimitri Bertsekas

Abstract: In this paper we consider a transformer with an $n$-gram structure, such as the one underlying ChatGPT. The transformer provides next word probabilities, which can be used to generate word sequences. We consider methods for computing word sequences that are highly likely, based on these probabilities. Computing the optimal (i.e., most likely) word sequence starting with a given initial state is an intractable problem, so we propose methods to compute highly likely sequences of $N$ words in time that is a low order polynomial in $N$ and in the vocabulary size of the $n$-gram. These methods are based on the rollout approach from approximate dynamic programming, a form of single policy iteration, which can improve the performance of any given heuristic policy. In our case we use a greedy heuristic that generates as next word one that has the highest probability. We show with analysis, examples, and computational experimentation that our methods are capable of generating highly likely sequences with a modest increase in computation over the greedy heuristic. While our analysis and experiments are focused on Markov chains of the type arising in transformer and ChatGPT-like models, our methods apply to general finite-state Markov chains, and related inference applications of Hidden Markov Models (HMM), where Viterbi decoding is used extensively.

cross Emergent World Models and Latent Variable Estimation in Chess-Playing Language Models

Authors: Adam Karvonen

Abstract: Language models have shown unprecedented capabilities, sparking debate over the source of their performance. Is it merely the outcome of learning syntactic patterns and surface level statistics, or do they extract semantics and a world model from the text? Prior work by Li et al. investigated this by training a GPT model on synthetic, randomly generated Othello games and found that the model learned an internal representation of the board state. We extend this work into the more complex domain of chess, training on real games and investigating our model's internal representations using linear probes and contrastive activations. The model is given no a priori knowledge of the game and is solely trained on next character prediction, yet we find evidence of internal representations of board state. We validate these internal representations by using them to make interventions on the model's activations and edit its internal board state. Unlike Li et al's prior synthetic dataset approach, our analysis finds that the model also learns to estimate latent variables like player skill to better predict the next character. We derive a player skill vector and add it to the model, improving the model's win rate by up to 2.6 times.

cross Differentially Private Next-Token Prediction of Large Language Models

Authors: James Flemings, Meisam Razaviyayn, Murali Annavaram

Abstract: Ensuring the privacy of Large Language Models (LLMs) is becoming increasingly important. The most widely adopted technique to accomplish this is DP-SGD, which trains a model in such a way that guarantees Differential Privacy (DP). However, DP-SGD requires longer training times and larger memory requirements than SGD, while overestimating an adversary's capabilities in having white box access to the model. A more realistic scenario assumes only black-box access to a privacy-sensitive LLM. Motivated by these observations, we present Private Mixing of Ensemble Distributions (PMixED): a private prediction protocol that achieves practical next-token prediction by projecting each of the model's output distribution from an ensemble of fine-tuned LLMs onto a set around a public LLM's output distribution, then averaging the projected distributions and sampling from it. Our approach is more lightweight than DP-SGD in that it is model agnostic, instead providing differential privacy at prediction rather than during training. Our results show that PMixED achieves a stronger privacy guarantee than sample-level privacy and outperforms DP-SGD for privacy $\epsilon = 8$ on large-scale datasets.

cross AC4: Algebraic Computation Checker for Circuit Constraints in ZKPs

Authors: Hao Chen, Minyu Chen, Ruibang Liu, Guoqiang Li

Abstract: ZKP systems have surged attention and held a fundamental role in contemporary cryptography. Zk-SNARK protocols dominate the ZKP usage, often implemented through arithmetic circuit programming paradigm. However, underconstrained or overconstrained circuits may lead to bugs. Underconstrained circuits refer to circuits that lack the necessary constraints, resulting in unexpected solutions in the circuit and causing the verifier to accept a bogus witness. Overconstrained circuits refer to circuits that are constrained excessively, resulting in the circuit lacking necessary solutions and causing the verifier to accept no witness, rendering the circuit meaningless. This paper introduces a novel approach for pinpointing two distinct types of bugs in ZKP circuits. The method involves encoding the arithmetic circuit constraints to polynomial equation systems and solving polynomial equation systems over a finite field by algebraic computation. The classification of verification results is refined, greatly enhancing the expressive power of the system. We proposed a tool, AC4, to represent the implementation of this method. Experiments demonstrate that AC4 represents a substantial 29% increase in the checked ratio compared to prior work. Within a solvable range, the checking time of AC4 has also exhibited noticeable improvement, demonstrating a magnitude increase compared to previous efforts.

cross MixRED: A Mix-lingual Relation Extraction Dataset

Authors: Lingxing Kong, Yougang Chu, Zheng Ma, Jianbing Zhang, Liang He, Jiajun Chen

Abstract: Relation extraction is a critical task in the field of natural language processing with numerous real-world applications. Existing research primarily focuses on monolingual relation extraction or cross-lingual enhancement for relation extraction. Yet, there remains a significant gap in understanding relation extraction in the mix-lingual (or code-switching) scenario, where individuals intermix contents from different languages within sentences, generating mix-lingual content. Due to the lack of a dedicated dataset, the effectiveness of existing relation extraction models in such a scenario is largely unexplored. To address this issue, we introduce a novel task of considering relation extraction in the mix-lingual scenario called MixRE and constructing the human-annotated dataset MixRED to support this task. In addition to constructing the MixRED dataset, we evaluate both state-of-the-art supervised models and large language models (LLMs) on MixRED, revealing their respective advantages and limitations in the mix-lingual scenario. Furthermore, we delve into factors influencing model performance within the MixRE task and uncover promising directions for enhancing the performance of both supervised models and LLMs in this novel task.

cross On the Fragility of Active Learners

Authors: Abhishek Ghose, Emma Nguyen

Abstract: Active learning (AL) techniques aim to maximally utilize a labeling budget by iteratively selecting instances that are most likely to improve prediction accuracy. However, their benefit compared to random sampling has not been consistent across various setups, e.g., different datasets, classifiers. In this empirical study, we examine how a combination of different factors might obscure any gains from an AL technique. Focusing on text classification, we rigorously evaluate AL techniques over around 1000 experiments that vary wrt the dataset, batch size, text representation and the classifier. We show that AL is only effective in a narrow set of circumstances. We also address the problem of using metrics that are better aligned with real world expectations. The impact of this study is in its insights for a practitioner: (a) the choice of text representation and classifier is as important as that of an AL technique, (b) choice of the right metric is critical in assessment of the latter, and, finally, (c) reported AL results must be holistically interpreted, accounting for variables other than just the query strategy.

cross Leveraging Large Language Models for Preliminary Security Risk Analysis: A Mission-Critical Case Study

Authors: Matteo Esposito, Francesco Palagiano

Abstract: Preliminary security risk analysis (PSRA) provides a quick approach to identify, evaluate and propose remeditation to potential risks in specific scenarios. The extensive expertise required for an effective PSRA and the substantial ammount of textual-related tasks hinder quick assessments in mission-critical contexts, where timely and prompt actions are essential. The speed and accuracy of human experts in PSRA significantly impact response time. A large language model can quickly summarise information in less time than a human. To our knowledge, no prior study has explored the capabilities of fine-tuned models (FTM) in PSRA. Our case study investigates the proficiency of FTM to assist practitioners in PSRA. We manually curated 141 representative samples from over 50 mission-critical analyses archived by the industrial context team in the last five years.We compared the proficiency of the FTM versus seven human experts. Within the industrial context, our approach has proven successful in reducing errors in PSRA, hastening security risk detection, and minimizing false positives and negatives. This translates to cost savings for the company by averting unnecessary expenses associated with implementing unwarranted countermeasures. Therefore, experts can focus on more comprehensive risk analysis, leveraging LLMs for an effective preliminary assessment within a condensed timeframe.

cross User-Side Realization

Authors: Ryoma Sato

Abstract: Users are dissatisfied with services. Since the service is not tailor-made for a user, it is natural for dissatisfaction to arise. The problem is, that even if users are dissatisfied, they often do not have the means to resolve their dissatisfaction. The user cannot alter the source code of the service, nor can they force the service provider to change. The user has no choice but to remain dissatisfied or quit the service. User-side realization offers proactive solutions to this problem by providing general algorithms to deal with common problems on the user's side. These algorithms run on the user's side and solve the problems without having the service provider change the service itself.

cross Centered Masking for Language-Image Pre-Training

Authors: Mingliang Liang, Martha Larson

Abstract: We introduce Gaussian masking for Language-Image Pre-Training (GLIP) a novel, straightforward, and effective technique for masking image patches during pre-training of a vision-language model. GLIP builds on Fast Language-Image Pre-Training (FLIP), which randomly masks image patches while training a CLIP model. GLIP replaces random masking with centered masking, that uses a Gaussian distribution and is inspired by the importance of image patches at the center of the image. GLIP retains the same computational savings as FLIP, while improving performance across a range of downstream datasets and tasks, as demonstrated by our experimental results. We show the benefits of GLIP to be easy to obtain, requiring no delicate tuning of the Gaussian, and also applicable to data sets containing images without an obvious center focus.

cross LAMPER: LanguAge Model and Prompt EngineeRing for zero-shot time series classification

Authors: Zhicheng Du, Zhaotian Xie, Yan Tong, Peiwu Qin

Abstract: This study constructs the LanguAge Model with Prompt EngineeRing (LAMPER) framework, designed to systematically evaluate the adaptability of pre-trained language models (PLMs) in accommodating diverse prompts and their integration in zero-shot time series (TS) classification. We deploy LAMPER in experimental assessments using 128 univariate TS datasets sourced from the UCR archive. Our findings indicate that the feature representation capacity of LAMPER is influenced by the maximum input token threshold imposed by PLMs.

cross IllusionVQA: A Challenging Optical Illusion Dataset for Vision Language Models

Authors: Haz Sameen Shahgir, Khondker Salman Sayeed, Abhik Bhattacharjee, Wasi Uddin Ahmad, Yue Dong, Rifat Shahriyar

Abstract: The advent of Vision Language Models (VLM) has allowed researchers to investigate the visual understanding of a neural network using natural language. Beyond object classification and detection, VLMs are capable of visual comprehension and common-sense reasoning. This naturally led to the question: How do VLMs respond when the image itself is inherently unreasonable? To this end, we present IllusionVQA: a diverse dataset of challenging optical illusions and hard-to-interpret scenes to test the capability of VLMs in two distinct multiple-choice VQA tasks - comprehension and soft localization. GPT4V, the best-performing VLM, achieves 62.99% accuracy (4-shot) on the comprehension task and 49.7% on the localization task (4-shot and Chain-of-Thought). Human evaluation reveals that humans achieve 91.03% and 100% accuracy in comprehension and localization. We discover that In-Context Learning (ICL) and Chain-of-Thought reasoning substantially degrade the performance of GeminiPro on the localization task. Tangentially, we discover a potential weakness in the ICL capabilities of VLMs: they fail to locate optical illusions even when the correct answer is in the context window as a few-shot example.

cross BIMCV-R: A Landmark Dataset for 3D CT Text-Image Retrieval

Authors: Yinda Chen, Che Liu, Xiaoyu Liu, Rossella Arcucci, Zhiwei Xiong

Abstract: The burgeoning integration of 3D medical imaging into healthcare has led to a substantial increase in the workload of medical professionals. To assist clinicians in their diagnostic processes and alleviate their workload, the development of a robust system for retrieving similar case studies presents a viable solution. While the concept holds great promise, the field of 3D medical text-image retrieval is currently limited by the absence of robust evaluation benchmarks and curated datasets. To remedy this, our study presents a groundbreaking dataset, BIMCV-R (This dataset will be released upon acceptance.), which includes an extensive collection of 8,069 3D CT volumes, encompassing over 2 million slices, paired with their respective radiological reports. Expanding upon the foundational work of our dataset, we craft a retrieval strategy, MedFinder. This approach employs a dual-stream network architecture, harnessing the potential of large language models to advance the field of medical image retrieval beyond existing text-image retrieval solutions. It marks our preliminary step towards developing a system capable of facilitating text-to-image, image-to-text, and keyword-based retrieval tasks.

cross Node Classification via Semantic-Structural Attention-Enhanced Graph Convolutional Networks

Authors: Hongyin Zhu

Abstract: Graph data, also known as complex network data, is omnipresent across various domains and applications. Prior graph neural network models primarily focused on extracting task-specific structural features through supervised learning objectives, but they fell short in capturing the inherent semantic and structural features of the entire graph. In this paper, we introduce the semantic-structural attention-enhanced graph convolutional network (SSA-GCN), which not only models the graph structure but also extracts generalized unsupervised features to enhance vertex classification performance. The SSA-GCN's key contributions lie in three aspects: firstly, it derives semantic information through unsupervised feature extraction from a knowledge graph perspective; secondly, it obtains structural information through unsupervised feature extraction from a complex network perspective; and finally, it integrates these features through a cross-attention mechanism. By leveraging these features, we augment the graph convolutional network, thereby enhancing the model's generalization capabilities. Our experiments on the Cora and CiteSeer datasets demonstrate the performance improvements achieved by our proposed method. Furthermore, our approach also exhibits excellent accuracy under privacy settings, making it a robust and effective solution for graph data analysis.

cross LLMs as Compiler for Arabic Programming Language

Authors: Serry Sibaee, Omar Najar, Lahouri Ghouti, Anis Koubaa

Abstract: In this paper we introduce APL (Arabic Programming Language) that uses Large language models (LLM) as semi-compiler to covert Arabic text code to python code then run the code. Designing a full pipeline from the structure of the APL text then a prompt (using prompt engineering) then running the prodcued python code using PyRunner. This project has a three parts first python library, a playground with simple interface and this research paper.

cross Exploiting Semantic Reconstruction to Mitigate Hallucinations in Vision-Language Models

Authors: Minchan Kim, Minyeong Kim, Junik Bae, Suhwan Choi, Sungkyung Kim, Buru Chang

Abstract: Hallucinations in vision-language models pose a significant challenge to their reliability, particularly in the generation of long captions. Current methods fall short of accurately identifying and mitigating these hallucinations. To address this issue, we introduce ESREAL, a novel unsupervised learning framework designed to suppress the generation of hallucinations through accurate localization and penalization of hallucinated tokens. Initially, ESREAL creates a reconstructed image based on the generated caption and aligns its corresponding regions with those of the original image. This semantic reconstruction aids in identifying both the presence and type of token-level hallucinations within the generated caption. Subsequently, ESREAL computes token-level hallucination scores by assessing the semantic similarity of aligned regions based on the type of hallucination. Finally, ESREAL employs a proximal policy optimization algorithm, where it selectively penalizes hallucinated tokens according to their token-level hallucination scores. Our framework notably reduces hallucinations in LLaVA, InstructBLIP, and mPLUG-Owl2 by 32.81%, 27.08%, and 7.46% on the CHAIR metric. This improvement is achieved solely through signals derived from the image itself, without the need for any image-text pairs.

cross Subspace Defense: Discarding Adversarial Perturbations by Learning a Subspace for Clean Signals

Authors: Rui Zheng, Yuhao Zhou, Zhiheng Xi, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Deep neural networks (DNNs) are notoriously vulnerable to adversarial attacks that place carefully crafted perturbations on normal examples to fool DNNs. To better understand such attacks, a characterization of the features carried by adversarial examples is needed. In this paper, we tackle this challenge by inspecting the subspaces of sample features through spectral analysis. We first empirically show that the features of either clean signals or adversarial perturbations are redundant and span in low-dimensional linear subspaces respectively with minimal overlap, and the classical low-dimensional subspace projection can suppress perturbation features out of the subspace of clean signals. This makes it possible for DNNs to learn a subspace where only features of clean signals exist while those of perturbations are discarded, which can facilitate the distinction of adversarial examples. To prevent the residual perturbations that is inevitable in subspace learning, we propose an independence criterion to disentangle clean signals from perturbations. Experimental results show that the proposed strategy enables the model to inherently suppress adversaries, which not only boosts model robustness but also motivates new directions of effective adversarial defense.

cross Large Language Models in Biomedical and Health Informatics: A Bibliometric Review

Authors: Huizi Yu, Lizhou Fan, Lingyao Li, Jiayan Zhou, Zihui Ma, Lu Xian, Wenyue Hua, Sijia He, Mingyu Jin, Yongfeng Zhang, Ashvin Gandhi, Xin Ma

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have rapidly become important tools in Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), enabling new ways to analyze data, treat patients, and conduct research. This bibliometric review aims to provide a panoramic view of how LLMs have been used in BHI by examining research articles and collaboration networks from 2022 to 2023. It further explores how LLMs can improve Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications in various BHI areas like medical diagnosis, patient engagement, electronic health record management, and personalized medicine. To do this, our bibliometric review identifies key trends, maps out research networks, and highlights major developments in this fast-moving field. Lastly, it discusses the ethical concerns and practical challenges of using LLMs in BHI, such as data privacy and reliable medical recommendations. Looking ahead, we consider how LLMs could further transform biomedical research as well as healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. This comprehensive review serves as a resource for stakeholders in healthcare, including researchers, clinicians, and policymakers, to understand the current state and future potential of LLMs in BHI.

cross Synthesize Step-by-Step: Tools, Templates and LLMs as Data Generators for Reasoning-Based Chart VQA

Authors: Li Zhuowan, Jasani Bhavan, Tang Peng, Ghadar Shabnam

Abstract: Understanding data visualizations like charts and plots requires reasoning about both visual elements and numerics. Although strong in extractive questions, current chart visual question answering (chart VQA) models suffer on complex reasoning questions. In this work, we address the lack of reasoning ability by data augmentation. We leverage Large Language Models (LLMs), which have shown to have strong reasoning ability, as an automatic data annotator that generates question-answer annotations for chart images. The key innovation in our method lies in the Synthesize Step-by-Step strategy: our LLM-based data generator learns to decompose the complex question into step-by-step sub-questions (rationales), which are then used to derive the final answer using external tools, i.e. Python. This step-wise generation procedure is trained on synthetic data generated using a template-based QA generation pipeline. Experimental results highlight the significance of the proposed step-by-step generation. By training with the LLM-augmented data (LAMENDA), we significantly enhance the chart VQA models, achieving the state-of-the-art accuracy on the ChartQA and PlotQA datasets. In particular, our approach improves the accuracy of the previous state-of-the-art approach from 38% to 54% on the human-written questions in the ChartQA dataset, which needs strong reasoning. We hope our work underscores the potential of synthetic data and encourages further exploration of data augmentation using LLMs for reasoning-heavy tasks.

cross Evaluating Large Language Models with Runtime Behavior of Program Execution

Authors: Junkai Chen, Zhiyuan Pan, Xing Hu, Zhenhao Li, Ge Li, Xin Xia

Abstract: Large language models for code (i.e., code LLMs) have shown strong code understanding and generation capabilities. To evaluate the capabilities of code LLMs in various aspects, many benchmarks have been proposed (e.g., HumanEval and ClassEval). Code reasoning is one of the most essential abilities of code LLMs, but existing benchmarks for code reasoning are not sufficient. Typically, they focus on predicting the input and output of a program, ignoring the evaluation of the intermediate behavior during program execution, as well as the logical consistency (e.g., the model should not give the correct output if the prediction of execution path is wrong) when performing the reasoning. To address these problems, in this paper, we propose a framework, namely REval, for evaluating code reasoning abilities and consistency of code LLMs with program execution. We utilize existing code benchmarks and adapt them to new benchmarks within our framework. A large-scale empirical study is conducted and most LLMs show unsatisfactory performance on both Runtime Behavior Reasoning (i.e., an average accuracy of 44.4%) and Incremental Consistency Evaluation (i.e., an average IC score of 10.3). Evaluation results of current code LLMs reflect the urgent need for the community to strengthen the code reasoning capability of code LLMs.

cross Hallucination Detection in Foundation Models for Decision-Making: A Flexible Definition and Review of the State of the Art

Authors: Neeloy Chakraborty, Melkior Ornik, Katherine Driggs-Campbell

Abstract: Autonomous systems are soon to be ubiquitous, from manufacturing autonomy to agricultural field robots, and from health care assistants to the entertainment industry. The majority of these systems are developed with modular sub-components for decision-making, planning, and control that may be hand-engineered or learning-based. While these existing approaches have been shown to perform well under the situations they were specifically designed for, they can perform especially poorly in rare, out-of-distribution scenarios that will undoubtedly arise at test-time. The rise of foundation models trained on multiple tasks with impressively large datasets from a variety of fields has led researchers to believe that these models may provide common sense reasoning that existing planners are missing. Researchers posit that this common sense reasoning will bridge the gap between algorithm development and deployment to out-of-distribution tasks, like how humans adapt to unexpected scenarios. Large language models have already penetrated the robotics and autonomous systems domains as researchers are scrambling to showcase their potential use cases in deployment. While this application direction is very promising empirically, foundation models are known to hallucinate and generate decisions that may sound reasonable, but are in fact poor. We argue there is a need to step back and simultaneously design systems that can quantify the certainty of a model's decision, and detect when it may be hallucinating. In this work, we discuss the current use cases of foundation models for decision-making tasks, provide a general definition for hallucinations with examples, discuss existing approaches to hallucination detection and mitigation with a focus on decision problems, and explore areas for further research in this exciting field.

cross Can ChatGPT predict article retraction based on Twitter mentions?

Authors: Er-Te Zheng, Hui-Zhen Fu, Zhichao Fang

Abstract: Detecting problematic research articles timely is a vital task. This study explores whether Twitter mentions of retracted articles can signal potential problems with the articles prior to retraction, thereby playing a role in predicting future retraction of problematic articles. A dataset comprising 3,505 retracted articles and their associated Twitter mentions is analyzed, alongside 3,505 non-retracted articles with similar characteristics obtained using the Coarsened Exact Matching method. The effectiveness of Twitter mentions in predicting article retraction is evaluated by four prediction methods, including manual labelling, keyword identification, machine learning models, and ChatGPT. Manual labelling results indicate that there are indeed retracted articles with their Twitter mentions containing recognizable evidence signaling problems before retraction, although they represent only a limited share of all retracted articles with Twitter mention data (approximately 16%). Using the manual labelling results as the baseline, ChatGPT demonstrates superior performance compared to other methods, implying its potential in assisting human judgment for predicting article retraction. This study uncovers both the potential and limitation of social media events as an early warning system for article retraction, shedding light on a potential application of generative artificial intelligence in promoting research integrity.

cross State Space Models as Foundation Models: A Control Theoretic Overview

Authors: Carmen Amo Alonso, Jerome Sieber, Melanie N. Zeilinger

Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in integrating linear state-space models (SSM) in deep neural network architectures of foundation models. This is exemplified by the recent success of Mamba, showing better performance than the state-of-the-art Transformer architectures in language tasks. Foundation models, like e.g. GPT-4, aim to encode sequential data into a latent space in order to learn a compressed representation of the data. The same goal has been pursued by control theorists using SSMs to efficiently model dynamical systems. Therefore, SSMs can be naturally connected to deep sequence modeling, offering the opportunity to create synergies between the corresponding research areas. This paper is intended as a gentle introduction to SSM-based architectures for control theorists and summarizes the latest research developments. It provides a systematic review of the most successful SSM proposals and highlights their main features from a control theoretic perspective. Additionally, we present a comparative analysis of these models, evaluating their performance on a standardized benchmark designed for assessing a model's efficiency at learning long sequences.

cross Towards Algorithmic Fidelity: Mental Health Representation across Demographics in Synthetic vs. Human-generated Data

Authors: Shinka Mori, Oana Ignat, Andrew Lee, Rada Mihalcea

Abstract: Synthetic data generation has the potential to impact applications and domains with scarce data. However, before such data is used for sensitive tasks such as mental health, we need an understanding of how different demographics are represented in it. In our paper, we analyze the potential of producing synthetic data using GPT-3 by exploring the various stressors it attributes to different race and gender combinations, to provide insight for future researchers looking into using LLMs for data generation. Using GPT-3, we develop HEADROOM, a synthetic dataset of 3,120 posts about depression-triggering stressors, by controlling for race, gender, and time frame (before and after COVID-19). Using this dataset, we conduct semantic and lexical analyses to (1) identify the predominant stressors for each demographic group; and (2) compare our synthetic data to a human-generated dataset. We present the procedures to generate queries to develop depression data using GPT-3, and conduct analyzes to uncover the types of stressors it assigns to demographic groups, which could be used to test the limitations of LLMs for synthetic data generation for depression data. Our findings show that synthetic data mimics some of the human-generated data distribution for the predominant depression stressors across diverse demographics.

cross Coarse-Tuning for Ad-hoc Document Retrieval Using Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Atsushi Keyaki, Ribeka Keyaki

Abstract: Fine-tuning in information retrieval systems using pre-trained language models (PLM-based IR) requires learning query representations and query-document relations, in addition to downstream task-specific learning. This study introduces coarse-tuning as an intermediate learning stage that bridges pre-training and fine-tuning. By learning query representations and query-document relations in coarse-tuning, we aim to reduce the load of fine-tuning and improve the learning effect of downstream IR tasks. We propose Query-Document Pair Prediction (QDPP) for coarse-tuning, which predicts the appropriateness of query-document pairs. Evaluation experiments show that the proposed method significantly improves MRR and/or nDCG@5 in four ad-hoc document retrieval datasets. Furthermore, the results of the query prediction task suggested that coarse-tuning facilitated learning of query representation and query-document relations.

cross LLM Agent Operating System

Authors: Kai Mei, Zelong Li, Shuyuan Xu, Ruosong Ye, Yingqiang Ge, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: The integration and deployment of large language model (LLM)-based intelligent agents have been fraught with challenges that compromise their efficiency and efficacy. Among these issues are sub-optimal scheduling and resource allocation of agent requests over the LLM, the difficulties in maintaining context during interactions between agent and LLM, and the complexities inherent in integrating heterogeneous agents with different capabilities and specializations. The rapid increase of agent quantity and complexity further exacerbates these issues, often leading to bottlenecks and sub-optimal utilization of resources. Inspired by these challenges, this paper presents AIOS, an LLM agent operating system, which embeds large language model into operating systems (OS). Specifically, AIOS is designed to optimize resource allocation, facilitate context switch across agents, enable concurrent execution of agents, provide tool service for agents, and maintain access control for agents. We present the architecture of such an operating system, outline the core challenges it aims to resolve, and provide the basic design and implementation of the AIOS. Our experiments on concurrent execution of multiple agents demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of our AIOS modules. Through this, we aim to not only improve the performance and efficiency of LLM agents but also to pioneer for better development and deployment of the AIOS ecosystem in the future. The project is open-source at


cross VoiceCraft: Zero-Shot Speech Editing and Text-to-Speech in the Wild

Authors: Puyuan Peng, Po-Yao Huang, Daniel Li, Abdelrahman Mohamed, David Harwath

Abstract: We introduce VoiceCraft, a token infilling neural codec language model, that achieves state-of-the-art performance on both speech editing and zero-shot text-to-speech (TTS) on audiobooks, internet videos, and podcasts. VoiceCraft employs a Transformer decoder architecture and introduces a token rearrangement procedure that combines causal masking and delayed stacking to enable generation within an existing sequence. On speech editing tasks, VoiceCraft produces edited speech that is nearly indistinguishable from unedited recordings in terms of naturalness, as evaluated by humans; for zero-shot TTS, our model outperforms prior SotA models including VALLE and the popular commercial model XTTS-v2. Crucially, the models are evaluated on challenging and realistic datasets, that consist of diverse accents, speaking styles, recording conditions, and background noise and music, and our model performs consistently well compared to other models and real recordings. In particular, for speech editing evaluation, we introduce a high quality, challenging, and realistic dataset named RealEdit. We encourage readers to listen to the demos at


cross Modelling Commonsense Commonalities with Multi-Facet Concept Embeddings

Authors: Hanane Kteich, Na Li, Usashi Chatterjee, Zied Bouraoui, Steven Schockaert

Abstract: Concept embeddings offer a practical and efficient mechanism for injecting commonsense knowledge into downstream tasks. Their core purpose is often not to predict the commonsense properties of concepts themselves, but rather to identify commonalities, i.e.\ sets of concepts which share some property of interest. Such commonalities are the basis for inductive generalisation, hence high-quality concept embeddings can make learning easier and more robust. Unfortunately, standard embeddings primarily reflect basic taxonomic categories, making them unsuitable for finding commonalities that refer to more specific aspects (e.g.\ the colour of objects or the materials they are made of). In this paper, we address this limitation by explicitly modelling the different facets of interest when learning concept embeddings. We show that this leads to embeddings which capture a more diverse range of commonsense properties, and consistently improves results in downstream tasks such as ultra-fine entity typing and ontology completion.

replace A Bayesian Multilingual Document Model for Zero-shot Topic Identification and Discovery

Authors: Santosh Kesiraju, Sangeet Sagar, Ond\v{r}ej Glembek, Luk\'a\v{s} Burget, J\'an \v{C}ernock\'y, Suryakanth V Gangashetty

Abstract: In this paper, we present a Bayesian multilingual document model for learning language-independent document embeddings. The model is an extension of BaySMM [Kesiraju et al 2020] to the multilingual scenario. It learns to represent the document embeddings in the form of Gaussian distributions, thereby encoding the uncertainty in its covariance. We propagate the learned uncertainties through linear classifiers that benefit zero-shot cross-lingual topic identification. Our experiments on 17 languages show that the proposed multilingual Bayesian document model performs competitively, when compared to other systems based on large-scale neural networks (LASER, XLM-R, mUSE) on 8 high-resource languages, and outperforms these systems on 9 mid-resource languages. We revisit cross-lingual topic identification in zero-shot settings by taking a deeper dive into current datasets, baseline systems and the languages covered. We identify shortcomings in the existing evaluation protocol (MLDoc dataset), and propose a robust alternative scheme, while also extending the cross-lingual experimental setup to 17 languages. Finally, we consolidate the observations from all our experiments, and discuss points that can potentially benefit the future research works in applications relying on cross-lingual transfers.

replace Learning with Silver Standard Data for Zero-shot Relation Extraction

Authors: Tianyin Wang, Jianwei Wang, Ziqian Zeng

Abstract: The superior performance of supervised relation extraction (RE) methods heavily relies on a large amount of gold standard data. Recent zero-shot relation extraction methods converted the RE task to other NLP tasks and used off-the-shelf models of these NLP tasks to directly perform inference on the test data without using a large amount of RE annotation data. A potentially valuable by-product of these methods is the large-scale silver standard data. However, there is no further investigation on the use of potentially valuable silver standard data. In this paper, we propose to first detect a small amount of clean data from silver standard data and then use the selected clean data to finetune the pretrained model. We then use the finetuned model to infer relation types. We also propose a class-aware clean data detection module to consider class information when selecting clean data. The experimental results show that our method can outperform the baseline by 12% and 11% on TACRED and Wiki80 dataset in the zero-shot RE task. By using extra silver standard data of different distributions, the performance can be further improved.

replace Little Red Riding Hood Goes Around the Globe:Crosslingual Story Planning and Generation with Large Language Models

Authors: Evgeniia Razumovskaia, Joshua Maynez, Annie Louis, Mirella Lapata, Shashi Narayan

Abstract: Previous work has demonstrated the effectiveness of planning for story generation exclusively in a monolingual setting focusing primarily on English. We consider whether planning brings advantages to automatic story generation across languages. We propose a new task of cross-lingual story generation with planning and present a new dataset for this task. We conduct a comprehensive study of different plans and generate stories in several languages, by leveraging the creative and reasoning capabilities of large pre-trained language models. Our results demonstrate that plans which structure stories into three acts lead to more coherent and interesting narratives, while allowing to explicitly control their content and structure.

replace Dissociating language and thought in large language models

Authors: Kyle Mahowald, Anna A. Ivanova, Idan A. Blank, Nancy Kanwisher, Joshua B. Tenenbaum, Evelina Fedorenko

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have come closest among all models to date to mastering human language, yet opinions about their linguistic and cognitive capabilities remain split. Here, we evaluate LLMs using a distinction between formal linguistic competence - knowledge of linguistic rules and patterns - and functional linguistic competence - understanding and using language in the world. We ground this distinction in human neuroscience, which has shown that formal and functional competence rely on different neural mechanisms. Although LLMs are surprisingly good at formal competence, their performance on functional competence tasks remains spotty and often requires specialized fine-tuning and/or coupling with external modules. We posit that models that use language in human-like ways would need to master both of these competence types, which, in turn, could require the emergence of mechanisms specialized for formal linguistic competence, distinct from functional competence.

replace Knowledge-augmented Graph Neural Networks with Concept-aware Attention for Adverse Drug Event Detection

Authors: Shaoxiong Ji, Ya Gao, Pekka Marttinen

Abstract: Adverse drug events (ADEs) are an important aspect of drug safety. Various texts such as biomedical literature, drug reviews, and user posts on social media and medical forums contain a wealth of information about ADEs. Recent studies have applied word embedding and deep learning -based natural language processing to automate ADE detection from text. However, they did not explore incorporating explicit medical knowledge about drugs and adverse reactions or the corresponding feature learning. This paper adopts the heterogenous text graph which describes relationships between documents, words and concepts, augments it with medical knowledge from the Unified Medical Language System, and proposes a concept-aware attention mechanism which learns features differently for the different types of nodes in the graph. We further utilize contextualized embeddings from pretrained language models and convolutional graph neural networks for effective feature representation and relational learning. Experiments on four public datasets show that our model achieves performance competitive to the recent advances and the concept-aware attention consistently outperforms other attention mechanisms.

replace PWESuite: Phonetic Word Embeddings and Tasks They Facilitate

Authors: Vil\'em Zouhar, Kalvin Chang, Chenxuan Cui, Nathaniel Carlson, Nathaniel Robinson, Mrinmaya Sachan, David Mortensen

Abstract: Mapping words into a fixed-dimensional vector space is the backbone of modern NLP. While most word embedding methods successfully encode semantic information, they overlook phonetic information that is crucial for many tasks. We develop three methods that use articulatory features to build phonetically informed word embeddings. To address the inconsistent evaluation of existing phonetic word embedding methods, we also contribute a task suite to fairly evaluate past, current, and future methods. We evaluate both (1) intrinsic aspects of phonetic word embeddings, such as word retrieval and correlation with sound similarity, and (2) extrinsic performance on tasks such as rhyme and cognate detection and sound analogies. We hope our task suite will promote reproducibility and inspire future phonetic embedding research.

replace Examining Temporalities on Stance Detection towards COVID-19 Vaccination

Authors: Yida Mu, Mali Jin, Kalina Bontcheva, Xingyi Song

Abstract: Previous studies have highlighted the importance of vaccination as an effective strategy to control the transmission of the COVID-19 virus. It is crucial for policymakers to have a comprehensive understanding of the public's stance towards vaccination on a large scale. However, attitudes towards COVID-19 vaccination, such as pro-vaccine or vaccine hesitancy, have evolved over time on social media. Thus, it is necessary to account for possible temporal shifts when analysing these stances. This study aims to examine the impact of temporal concept drift on stance detection towards COVID-19 vaccination on Twitter. To this end, we evaluate a range of transformer-based models using chronological (splitting the training, validation, and test sets in order of time) and random splits (randomly splitting these three sets) of social media data. Our findings reveal significant discrepancies in model performance between random and chronological splits in several existing COVID-19-related datasets; specifically, chronological splits significantly reduce the accuracy of stance classification. Therefore, real-world stance detection approaches need to be further refined to incorporate temporal factors as a key consideration.

replace A unified front-end framework for English text-to-speech synthesis

Authors: Zelin Ying, Chen Li, Yu Dong, Qiuqiang Kong, Qiao Tian, Yuanyuan Huo, Yuxuan Wang

Abstract: The front-end is a critical component of English text-to-speech (TTS) systems, responsible for extracting linguistic features that are essential for a text-to-speech model to synthesize speech, such as prosodies and phonemes. The English TTS front-end typically consists of a text normalization (TN) module, a prosody word prosody phrase (PWPP) module, and a grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) module. However, current research on the English TTS front-end focuses solely on individual modules, neglecting the interdependence between them and resulting in sub-optimal performance for each module. Therefore, this paper proposes a unified front-end framework that captures the dependencies among the English TTS front-end modules. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in all modules.

replace LLM Paternity Test: Generated Text Detection with LLM Genetic Inheritance

Authors: Xiao Yu, Yuang Qi, Kejiang Chen, Guoqiang Chen, Xi Yang, Pengyuan Zhu, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) can generate texts that carry the risk of various misuses, including plagiarism, planting fake reviews on e-commerce platforms, or creating inflammatory false tweets. Detecting whether a text is machine-generated has thus become increasingly important. While existing detection methods exhibit superior performance, they often lack generalizability due to their heavy dependence on training data. To alleviate this problem, we propose a model-related generated text detection method, the LLM Paternity Test (LLM-Pat). Specifically, given any candidate text (\textit{child}), LLM-Pat employs an intermediary LLM (\textit{parent}) to reconstruct a \textit{sibling} text corresponding to the given text and then measures the similarity between candidate texts and their sibling texts. High similarity indicates that the candidate text is machine-generated, akin to genetic traits. We have constructed datasets encompassing four scenarios: student responses in educational settings, news creation, academic paper writing, and social media bots to assess the performance of LLM-Pat. The experiments show that LLM-Pat outperforms the existing detection methods and is more robust against paraphrasing attacks and re-translating attacks. Besides, LLM-Pat can also be used to trace which large language model the text was generated by. The constructed dataset and code will be released to benefit the community.

replace When your Cousin has the Right Connections: Unsupervised Bilingual Lexicon Induction for Related Data-Imbalanced Languages

Authors: Niyati Bafna, Cristina Espa\~na-Bonet, Josef van Genabith, Beno\^it Sagot, Rachel Bawden

Abstract: Most existing approaches for unsupervised bilingual lexicon induction (BLI) depend on good quality static or contextual embeddings requiring large monolingual corpora for both languages. However, unsupervised BLI is most likely to be useful for low-resource languages (LRLs), where large datasets are not available. Often we are interested in building bilingual resources for LRLs against related high-resource languages (HRLs), resulting in severely imbalanced data settings for BLI. We first show that state-of-the-art BLI methods in the literature exhibit near-zero performance for severely data-imbalanced language pairs, indicating that these settings require more robust techniques. We then present a new method for unsupervised BLI between a related LRL and HRL that only requires inference on a masked language model of the HRL, and demonstrate its effectiveness on truly low-resource languages Bhojpuri and Magahi (with <5M monolingual tokens each), against Hindi. We further present experiments on (mid-resource) Marathi and Nepali to compare approach performances by resource range, and release our resulting lexicons for five low-resource Indic languages: Bhojpuri, Magahi, Awadhi, Braj, and Maithili, against Hindi.

replace Navigating Prompt Complexity for Zero-Shot Classification: A Study of Large Language Models in Computational Social Science

Authors: Yida Mu, Ben P. Wu, William Thorne, Ambrose Robinson, Nikolaos Aletras, Carolina Scarton, Kalina Bontcheva, Xingyi Song

Abstract: Instruction-tuned Large Language Models (LLMs) have exhibited impressive language understanding and the capacity to generate responses that follow specific prompts. However, due to the computational demands associated with training these models, their applications often adopt a zero-shot setting. In this paper, we evaluate the zero-shot performance of two publicly accessible LLMs, ChatGPT and OpenAssistant, in the context of six Computational Social Science classification tasks, while also investigating the effects of various prompting strategies. Our experiments investigate the impact of prompt complexity, including the effect of incorporating label definitions into the prompt; use of synonyms for label names; and the influence of integrating past memories during foundation model training. The findings indicate that in a zero-shot setting, current LLMs are unable to match the performance of smaller, fine-tuned baseline transformer models (such as BERT-large). Additionally, we find that different prompting strategies can significantly affect classification accuracy, with variations in accuracy and F1 scores exceeding 10\%.

replace Benchmarking LLM-based Machine Translation on Cultural Awareness

Authors: Binwei Yao, Ming Jiang, Diyi Yang, Junjie Hu

Abstract: Translating cultural-specific content is crucial for effective cross-cultural communication. However, many MT systems still struggle to translate sentences containing cultural-specific entities accurately and understandably. Recent advancements in in-context learning utilize lightweight prompts to guide large language models (LLMs) in machine translation tasks. Nevertheless, the effectiveness of this approach in enhancing machine translation with cultural awareness remains uncertain. To address this gap, we introduce a new data curation pipeline to construct a culturally relevant parallel corpus, enriched with annotations of cultural-specific items. Furthermore, we devise a novel evaluation metric to assess the understandability of translations in a reference-free manner by GPT-4. We evaluate a variety of neural machine translation (NMT) and LLM-based MT systems using our dataset. Additionally, we propose several prompting strategies for LLMs to incorporate external and internal cultural knowledge into the translation process. Our results demonstrate that eliciting explanations can significantly enhance the understandability of cultural-specific entities, especially those without well-known translations.

replace Tricking LLMs into Disobedience: Formalizing, Analyzing, and Detecting Jailbreaks

Authors: Abhinav Rao, Sachin Vashistha, Atharva Naik, Somak Aditya, Monojit Choudhury

Abstract: Recent explorations with commercial Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown that non-expert users can jailbreak LLMs by simply manipulating their prompts; resulting in degenerate output behavior, privacy and security breaches, offensive outputs, and violations of content regulator policies. Limited studies have been conducted to formalize and analyze these attacks and their mitigations. We bridge this gap by proposing a formalism and a taxonomy of known (and possible) jailbreaks. We survey existing jailbreak methods and their effectiveness on open-source and commercial LLMs (such as GPT-based models, OPT, BLOOM, and FLAN-T5-XXL). We further discuss the challenges of jailbreak detection in terms of their effectiveness against known attacks. For further analysis, we release a dataset of model outputs across 3700 jailbreak prompts over 4 tasks.

replace Beyond Chain-of-Thought, Effective Graph-of-Thought Reasoning in Language Models

Authors: Yao Yao, Zuchao Li, Hai Zhao

Abstract: With the widespread use of language models (LMs) in NLP tasks, researchers have discovered the potential of Chain-of-thought (CoT) to assist LMs in accomplishing complex reasoning tasks by generating intermediate steps. However, human thought processes are often non-linear, rather than simply sequential chains of thoughts. Therefore, we propose Graph-of-Thought (GoT) reasoning, which models human thought processes not only as a chain but also as a graph. By representing thought units as nodes and connections between them as edges, our approach captures the non-sequential nature of human thinking and allows for a more realistic modeling of thought processes. GoT adopts a two-stage framework with an additional GoT encoder for thought graph representation and fuses the graph representation with the original input representation through a gated fusion mechanism. We evaluate GoT's performance on a text-only reasoning task (AQUA-RAT) and a multimodal reasoning task (ScienceQA). Our model achieves significant improvement over the strong CoT baseline on the AQUA-RAT test set and boosts accuracy from 85.19% to 87.59% using the T5-base model over the state-of-the-art Multimodal-CoT on the ScienceQA test set.

replace PLANNER: Generating Diversified Paragraph via Latent Language Diffusion Model

Authors: Yizhe Zhang, Jiatao Gu, Zhuofeng Wu, Shuangfei Zhai, Josh Susskind, Navdeep Jaitly

Abstract: Autoregressive models for text sometimes generate repetitive and low-quality output because errors accumulate during the steps of generation. This issue is often attributed to exposure bias - the difference between how a model is trained, and how it is used during inference. Denoising diffusion models provide an alternative approach in which a model can revisit and revise its output. However, they can be computationally expensive and prior efforts on text have led to models that produce less fluent output compared to autoregressive models, especially for longer text and paragraphs. In this paper, we propose PLANNER, a model that combines latent semantic diffusion with autoregressive generation, to generate fluent text while exercising global control over paragraphs. The model achieves this by combining an autoregressive "decoding" module with a "planning" module that uses latent diffusion to generate semantic paragraph embeddings in a coarse-to-fine manner. The proposed method is evaluated on various conditional generation tasks, and results on semantic generation, text completion and summarization show its effectiveness in generating high-quality long-form text in an efficient manner.

replace A study on the impact of Self-Supervised Learning on automatic dysarthric speech assessment

Authors: Xavier F. Cadet, Ranya Aloufi, Sara Ahmadi-Abhari, Hamed Haddadi

Abstract: Automating dysarthria assessments offers the opportunity to develop practical, low-cost tools that address the current limitations of manual and subjective assessments. Nonetheless, the small size of most dysarthria datasets makes it challenging to develop automated assessment. Recent research showed that speech representations from models pre-trained on large unlabelled data can enhance Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) performance for dysarthric speech. We are the first to evaluate the representations from pre-trained state-of-the-art Self-Supervised models across three downstream tasks on dysarthric speech: disease classification, word recognition and intelligibility classification, and under three noise scenarios on the UA-Speech dataset. We show that HuBERT is the most versatile feature extractor across dysarthria classification, word recognition, and intelligibility classification, achieving respectively $+24.7\%, +61\%, \text{and} +7.2\%$ accuracy compared to classical acoustic features.

replace Dial-MAE: ConTextual Masked Auto-Encoder for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems

Authors: Zhenpeng Su, Xing Wu, Wei Zhou, Guangyuan Ma, Songlin Hu

Abstract: Dialogue response selection aims to select an appropriate response from several candidates based on a given user and system utterance history. Most existing works primarily focus on post-training and fine-tuning tailored for cross-encoders. However, there are no post-training methods tailored for dense encoders in dialogue response selection. We argue that when the current language model, based on dense dialogue systems (such as BERT), is employed as a dense encoder, it separately encodes dialogue context and response, leading to a struggle to achieve the alignment of both representations. Thus, we propose Dial-MAE (Dialogue Contextual Masking Auto-Encoder), a straightforward yet effective post-training technique tailored for dense encoders in dialogue response selection. Dial-MAE uses an asymmetric encoder-decoder architecture to compress the dialogue semantics into dense vectors, which achieves better alignment between the features of the dialogue context and response. Our experiments have demonstrated that Dial-MAE is highly effective, achieving state-of-the-art performance on two commonly evaluated benchmarks.

replace ODD: A Benchmark Dataset for the Natural Language Processing based Opioid Related Aberrant Behavior Detection

Authors: Sunjae Kwon, Xun Wang, Weisong Liu, Emily Druhl, Minhee L. Sung, Joel I. Reisman, Wenjun Li, Robert D. Kerns, William Becker, Hong Yu

Abstract: Opioid related aberrant behaviors (ORABs) present novel risk factors for opioid overdose. This paper introduces a novel biomedical natural language processing benchmark dataset named ODD, for ORAB Detection Dataset. ODD is an expert-annotated dataset designed to identify ORABs from patients' EHR notes and classify them into nine categories; 1) Confirmed Aberrant Behavior, 2) Suggested Aberrant Behavior, 3) Opioids, 4) Indication, 5) Diagnosed opioid dependency, 6) Benzodiazepines, 7) Medication Changes, 8) Central Nervous System-related, and 9) Social Determinants of Health. We explored two state-of-the-art natural language processing models (fine-tuning and prompt-tuning approaches) to identify ORAB. Experimental results show that the prompt-tuning models outperformed the fine-tuning models in most categories and the gains were especially higher among uncommon categories (Suggested Aberrant Behavior, Confirmed Aberrant Behaviors, Diagnosed Opioid Dependence, and Medication Change). Although the best model achieved the highest 88.17% on macro average area under precision recall curve, uncommon classes still have a large room for performance improvement. ODD is publicly available.

replace To share or not to share: What risks would laypeople accept to give sensitive data to differentially-private NLP systems?

Authors: Christopher Weiss, Frauke Kreuter, Ivan Habernal

Abstract: Although the NLP community has adopted central differential privacy as a go-to framework for privacy-preserving model training or data sharing, the choice and interpretation of the key parameter, privacy budget $\varepsilon$ that governs the strength of privacy protection, remains largely arbitrary. We argue that determining the $\varepsilon$ value should not be solely in the hands of researchers or system developers, but must also take into account the actual people who share their potentially sensitive data. In other words: Would you share your instant messages for $\varepsilon$ of 10? We address this research gap by designing, implementing, and conducting a behavioral experiment (311 lay participants) to study the behavior of people in uncertain decision-making situations with respect to privacy-threatening situations. Framing the risk perception in terms of two realistic NLP scenarios and using a vignette behavioral study help us determine what $\varepsilon$ thresholds would lead lay people to be willing to share sensitive textual data - to our knowledge, the first study of its kind.

replace Situated Natural Language Explanations

Authors: Zining Zhu, Haoming Jiang, Jingfeng Yang, Sreyashi Nag, Chao Zhang, Jie Huang, Yifan Gao, Frank Rudzicz, Bing Yin

Abstract: Natural language is among the most accessible tools for explaining decisions to humans, and large pretrained language models (PLMs) have demonstrated impressive abilities to generate coherent natural language explanations (NLE). The existing NLE research perspectives do not take the audience into account. An NLE can have high textual quality, but it might not accommodate audiences' needs and preference. To address this limitation, we propose an alternative perspective, \textit{situated} NLE. On the evaluation side, we set up automated evaluation scores. These scores describe the properties of NLEs in lexical, semantic, and pragmatic categories. On the generation side, we identify three prompt engineering techniques and assess their applicability on the situations. Situated NLE provides a perspective and facilitates further research on the generation and evaluation of explanations.

replace ContrastWSD: Enhancing Metaphor Detection with Word Sense Disambiguation Following the Metaphor Identification Procedure

Authors: Mohamad Elzohbi, Richard Zhao

Abstract: This paper presents ContrastWSD, a RoBERTa-based metaphor detection model that integrates the Metaphor Identification Procedure (MIP) and Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) to extract and contrast the contextual meaning with the basic meaning of a word to determine whether it is used metaphorically in a sentence. By utilizing the word senses derived from a WSD model, our model enhances the metaphor detection process and outperforms other methods that rely solely on contextual embeddings or integrate only the basic definitions and other external knowledge. We evaluate our approach on various benchmark datasets and compare it with strong baselines, indicating the effectiveness in advancing metaphor detection.

replace HealthFC: Verifying Health Claims with Evidence-Based Medical Fact-Checking

Authors: Juraj Vladika, Phillip Schneider, Florian Matthes

Abstract: In the digital age, seeking health advice on the Internet has become a common practice. At the same time, determining the trustworthiness of online medical content is increasingly challenging. Fact-checking has emerged as an approach to assess the veracity of factual claims using evidence from credible knowledge sources. To help advance automated Natural Language Processing (NLP) solutions for this task, in this paper we introduce a novel dataset HealthFC. It consists of 750 health-related claims in German and English, labeled for veracity by medical experts and backed with evidence from systematic reviews and clinical trials. We provide an analysis of the dataset, highlighting its characteristics and challenges. The dataset can be used for NLP tasks related to automated fact-checking, such as evidence retrieval, claim verification, or explanation generation. For testing purposes, we provide baseline systems based on different approaches, examine their performance, and discuss the findings. We show that the dataset is a challenging test bed with a high potential for future use.

replace Embrace Divergence for Richer Insights: A Multi-document Summarization Benchmark and a Case Study on Summarizing Diverse Information from News Articles

Authors: Kung-Hsiang Huang, Philippe Laban, Alexander R. Fabbri, Prafulla Kumar Choubey, Shafiq Joty, Caiming Xiong, Chien-Sheng Wu

Abstract: Previous research in multi-document news summarization has typically concentrated on collating information that all sources agree upon. However, the summarization of diverse information dispersed across multiple articles about an event remains underexplored. In this paper, we propose a new task of summarizing diverse information encountered in multiple news articles encompassing the same event. To facilitate this task, we outlined a data collection schema for identifying diverse information and curated a dataset named DiverseSumm. The dataset includes 245 news stories, with each story comprising 10 news articles and paired with a human-validated reference. Next, to enable consistent automatic evaluation, we conducted a comprehensive analysis to pinpoint the position and verbosity biases when utilizing Large Language Model (LLM)-based metrics for evaluating the coverage and faithfulness of summaries. Through correlation analyses, we outline the best practices for effectively using automatic LLM-based metrics on the DiverseSumm dataset. Finally, we study how LLMs summarize multiple news articles by analyzing which type of diverse information LLMs are capable of identifying. Our analyses suggest that despite the extraordinary capabilities of LLMs in single-document summarization, the proposed task remains a complex challenge for them mainly due to their limited coverage, with GPT-4 only able to cover under 40% of the diverse information on average.

replace K-pop Lyric Translation: Dataset, Analysis, and Neural-Modelling

Authors: Haven Kim, Jongmin Jung, Dasaem Jeong, Juhan Nam

Abstract: Lyric translation, a field studied for over a century, is now attracting computational linguistics researchers. We identified two limitations in previous studies. Firstly, lyric translation studies have predominantly focused on Western genres and languages, with no previous study centering on K-pop despite its popularity. Second, the field of lyric translation suffers from a lack of publicly available datasets; to the best of our knowledge, no such dataset exists. To broaden the scope of genres and languages in lyric translation studies, we introduce a novel singable lyric translation dataset, approximately 89\% of which consists of K-pop song lyrics. This dataset aligns Korean and English lyrics line-by-line and section-by-section. We leveraged this dataset to unveil unique characteristics of K-pop lyric translation, distinguishing it from other extensively studied genres, and to construct a neural lyric translation model, thereby underscoring the importance of a dedicated dataset for singable lyric translations.

replace Examining the Limitations of Computational Rumor Detection Models Trained on Static Datasets

Authors: Yida Mu, Xingyi Song, Kalina Bontcheva, Nikolaos Aletras

Abstract: A crucial aspect of a rumor detection model is its ability to generalize, particularly its ability to detect emerging, previously unknown rumors. Past research has indicated that content-based (i.e., using solely source posts as input) rumor detection models tend to perform less effectively on unseen rumors. At the same time, the potential of context-based models remains largely untapped. The main contribution of this paper is in the in-depth evaluation of the performance gap between content and context-based models specifically on detecting new, unseen rumors. Our empirical findings demonstrate that context-based models are still overly dependent on the information derived from the rumors' source post and tend to overlook the significant role that contextual information can play. We also study the effect of data split strategies on classifier performance. Based on our experimental results, the paper also offers practical suggestions on how to minimize the effects of temporal concept drift in static datasets during the training of rumor detection methods.

replace On the Relationship between Skill Neurons and Robustness in Prompt Tuning

Authors: Leon Ackermann, Xenia Ohmer

Abstract: Prompt Tuning is a popular parameter-efficient finetuning method for pre-trained large language models (PLMs). Based on experiments with RoBERTa, it has been suggested that Prompt Tuning activates specific neurons in the transformer's feed-forward networks, that are highly predictive and selective for the given task. In this paper, we study the robustness of Prompt Tuning in relation to these "skill neurons", using RoBERTa and T5. We show that prompts tuned for a specific task are transferable to tasks of the same type but are not very robust to adversarial data. While prompts tuned for RoBERTa yield below-chance performance on adversarial data, prompts tuned for T5 are slightly more robust and retain above-chance performance in two out of three cases. At the same time, we replicate the finding that skill neurons exist in RoBERTa and further show that skill neurons also exist in T5. Interestingly, the skill neurons of T5 determined on non-adversarial data are also among the most predictive neurons on the adversarial data, which is not the case for RoBERTa. We conclude that higher adversarial robustness may be related to a model's ability to consistently activate the relevant skill neurons on adversarial data.

replace Effective Distillation of Table-based Reasoning Ability from LLMs

Authors: Bohao Yang, Chen Tang, Kun Zhao, Chenghao Xiao, Chenghua Lin

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable performance across a wide range of natural language processing tasks. However, their enormous parameter size and extremely high requirements for compute power pose challenges for their practical deployment. Recent research has revealed that specific capabilities of LLMs, such as numerical reasoning, can be transferred to smaller models through distillation. Some studies explore the potential of leveraging LLMs to perform table-based reasoning. However, there has been no prior work focusing on table reasoning skills in smaller models specifically tailored for scientific table-to-text generation tasks. In this paper, we propose a novel table-based reasoning distillation approach, with the aim of distilling LLMs into tailored smaller models. Our experimental results have shown that a 220 million parameter model (Flan-T5-base) fine-tuned using distilled data, not only achieves a significant improvement compared to traditionally fine-tuned baselines, but also surpasses specific LLMs on a scientific table-to-text generation dataset. Our code is available at


replace Enhancing Zero-Shot Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Large Language Models through Logic

Authors: Xufeng Zhao, Mengdi Li, Wenhao Lu, Cornelius Weber, Jae Hee Lee, Kun Chu, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models have showcased their remarkable generalizability across various domains. However, their reasoning abilities still have significant room for improvement, especially when confronted with scenarios requiring multi-step reasoning. Although large language models possess extensive knowledge, their reasoning often fails to effectively utilize this knowledge to establish a coherent thinking paradigm. These models sometimes show hallucinations as their reasoning procedures are unconstrained by logical principles. Aiming at improving the zero-shot chain-of-thought reasoning ability of large language models, we propose LoT (Logical Thoughts), a self-improvement prompting framework that leverages principles rooted in symbolic logic, particularly Reductio ad Absurdum, to systematically verify and rectify the reasoning processes step by step. Experimental evaluations conducted on language tasks in diverse domains, including arithmetic, commonsense, symbolic, causal inference, and social problems, demonstrate the efficacy of enhanced reasoning by logic. The implementation code for LoT can be accessed at: \url{}.


replace SEA: Sparse Linear Attention with Estimated Attention Mask

Authors: Heejun Lee, Jina Kim, Jeffrey Willette, Sung Ju Hwang

Abstract: The transformer architecture has driven breakthroughs in recent years on tasks which require modeling pairwise relationships between sequential elements, as is the case in natural language understanding. However, long seqeuences pose a problem due to the quadratic complexity of the attention operation. Previous research has aimed to lower the complexity by sparsifying or linearly approximating the attention matrix. Yet, these approaches cannot straightforwardly distill knowledge from a teacher's attention matrix and often require complete retraining from scratch. Furthermore, previous sparse and linear approaches lose interpretability if they cannot produce full attention matrices. To address these challenges, we propose SEA: Sparse linear attention with an Estimated Attention mask. SEA estimates the attention matrix with linear complexity via kernel-based linear attention, then subsequently creates a sparse attention matrix with a top-k selection to perform a sparse attention operation. For language modeling tasks (Wikitext2), previous linear and sparse attention methods show roughly two-fold worse perplexity scores over the quadratic OPT-1.3B baseline, while SEA achieves better perplexity than OPT-1.3B, using roughly half the memory of OPT-1.3B, providing interpretable attention matrix. We believe that our work will have a large practical impact, as it opens the possibility of running large transformers on resource-limited devices with less memory.

replace Quality-Aware Translation Models: Efficient Generation and Quality Estimation in a Single Model

Authors: Christian Tomani, David Vilar, Markus Freitag, Colin Cherry, Subhajit Naskar, Mara Finkelstein, Xavier Garcia, Daniel Cremers

Abstract: Maximum-a-posteriori (MAP) decoding is the most widely used decoding strategy for neural machine translation (NMT) models. The underlying assumption is that model probability correlates well with human judgment, with better translations getting assigned a higher score by the model. However, research has shown that this assumption does not always hold, and generation quality can be improved by decoding to optimize a utility function backed by a metric or quality-estimation signal, as is done by Minimum Bayes Risk (MBR) or Quality-Aware decoding. The main disadvantage of these approaches is that they require an additional model to calculate the utility function during decoding, significantly increasing the computational cost. In this paper, we propose to make the NMT models themselves quality-aware by training them to estimate the quality of their own output. Using this approach for MBR decoding we can drastically reduce the size of the candidate list, resulting in a speed-up of two-orders of magnitude. When applying our method to MAP decoding we obtain quality gains similar or even superior to quality reranking approaches, but with the efficiency of single pass decoding.

replace KGQuiz: Evaluating the Generalization of Encoded Knowledge in Large Language Models

Authors: Yuyang Bai, Shangbin Feng, Vidhisha Balachandran, Zhaoxuan Tan, Shiqi Lou, Tianxing He, Yulia Tsvetkov

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) demonstrate remarkable performance on knowledge-intensive tasks, suggesting that real-world knowledge is encoded in their model parameters. However, besides explorations on a few probing tasks in limited knowledge domains, it is not well understood how to evaluate LLMs' knowledge systematically and how well their knowledge abilities generalize, across a spectrum of knowledge domains and progressively complex task formats. To this end, we propose KGQuiz, a knowledge-intensive benchmark to comprehensively investigate the knowledge generalization abilities of LLMs. KGQuiz is a scalable framework constructed from triplet-based knowledge, which covers three knowledge domains and consists of five tasks with increasing complexity: true-or-false, multiple-choice QA, blank filling, factual editing, and open-ended knowledge generation. To gain a better understanding of LLMs' knowledge abilities and their generalization, we evaluate 10 open-source and black-box LLMs on the KGQuiz benchmark across the five knowledge-intensive tasks and knowledge domains. Extensive experiments demonstrate that LLMs achieve impressive performance in straightforward knowledge QA tasks, while settings and contexts requiring more complex reasoning or employing domain-specific facts still present significant challenges. We envision KGQuiz as a testbed to analyze such nuanced variations in performance across domains and task formats, and ultimately to understand, evaluate, and improve LLMs' knowledge abilities across a wide spectrum of knowledge domains and tasks.

replace Bridging the Novice-Expert Gap via Models of Decision-Making: A Case Study on Remediating Math Mistakes

Authors: Rose E. Wang, Qingyang Zhang, Carly Robinson, Susanna Loeb, Dorottya Demszky

Abstract: Scaling high-quality tutoring remains a major challenge in education. Due to growing demand, many platforms employ novice tutors who, unlike experienced educators, struggle to address student mistakes and thus fail to seize prime learning opportunities. Our work explores the potential of large language models (LLMs) to close the novice-expert knowledge gap in remediating math mistakes. We contribute Bridge, a method that uses cognitive task analysis to translate an expert's latent thought process into a decision-making model for remediation. This involves an expert identifying (A) the student's error, (B) a remediation strategy, and (C) their intention before generating a response. We construct a dataset of 700 real tutoring conversations, annotated by experts with their decisions. We evaluate state-of-the-art LLMs on our dataset and find that the expert's decision-making model is critical for LLMs to close the gap: responses from GPT4 with expert decisions (e.g., ``simplify the problem'') are +76% more preferred than without. Additionally, context-sensitive decisions are critical to closing pedagogical gaps: random decisions decrease GPT4's response quality by -97% than expert decisions. Our work shows the potential of embedding expert thought processes in LLM generations to enhance their capability to bridge novice-expert knowledge gaps. Our dataset and code can be found at: \url{}.


replace RTSUM: Relation Triple-based Interpretable Summarization with Multi-level Salience Visualization

Authors: Seonglae Cho, Yonggi Cho, HoonJae Lee, Myungha Jang, Jinyoung Yeo, Dongha Lee

Abstract: In this paper, we present RTSUM, an unsupervised summarization framework that utilizes relation triples as the basic unit for summarization. Given an input document, RTSUM first selects salient relation triples via multi-level salience scoring and then generates a concise summary from the selected relation triples by using a text-to-text language model. On the basis of RTSUM, we also develop a web demo for an interpretable summarizing tool, providing fine-grained interpretations with the output summary. With support for customization options, our tool visualizes the salience for textual units at three distinct levels: sentences, relation triples, and phrases. The codes,are publicly available.

replace MuSR: Testing the Limits of Chain-of-thought with Multistep Soft Reasoning

Authors: Zayne Sprague, Xi Ye, Kaj Bostrom, Swarat Chaudhuri, Greg Durrett

Abstract: While large language models (LLMs) equipped with techniques like chain-of-thought prompting have demonstrated impressive capabilities, they still fall short in their ability to reason robustly in complex settings. However, evaluating LLM reasoning is challenging because system capabilities continue to grow while benchmark datasets for tasks like logical deduction have remained static. We introduce MuSR, a dataset for evaluating language models on multistep soft reasoning tasks specified in a natural language narrative. This dataset has two crucial features. First, it is created through a novel neurosymbolic synthetic-to-natural generation algorithm, enabling the construction of complex reasoning instances that challenge GPT-4 (e.g., murder mysteries roughly 1000 words in length) and which can be scaled further as more capable LLMs are released. Second, our dataset instances are free text narratives corresponding to real-world domains of reasoning; this makes it simultaneously much more challenging than other synthetically-crafted benchmarks while remaining realistic and tractable for human annotators to solve with high accuracy. We evaluate a range of LLMs and prompting techniques on this dataset and characterize the gaps that remain for techniques like chain-of-thought to perform robust reasoning.

replace CLEX: Continuous Length Extrapolation for Large Language Models

Authors: Guanzheng Chen, Xin Li, Zaiqiao Meng, Shangsong Liang, Lidong Bing

Abstract: Transformer-based Large Language Models (LLMs) are pioneering advances in many natural language processing tasks, however, their exceptional capabilities are restricted within the preset context window of Transformer. Position Embedding (PE) scaling methods, while effective in extending the context window to a specific length, demonstrate either notable limitations in their extrapolation abilities or sacrificing partial performance within the context window. Length extrapolation methods, although theoretically capable of extending the context window beyond the training sequence length, often underperform in practical long-context applications. To address these challenges, we propose Continuous Length EXtrapolation (CLEX) for LLMs. We generalise the PE scaling approaches to model the continuous dynamics by ordinary differential equations over the length scaling factor, thereby overcoming the constraints of current PE scaling methods designed for specific lengths. Moreover, by extending the dynamics to desired context lengths beyond the training sequence length, CLEX facilitates the length extrapolation with impressive performance in practical tasks. We demonstrate that CLEX can be seamlessly incorporated into LLMs equipped with Rotary Position Embedding, such as LLaMA and GPT-NeoX, with negligible impact on training and inference latency. Experimental results reveal that CLEX can effectively extend the context window to over 4x or almost 8x training length, with no deterioration in performance. Furthermore, when evaluated on the practical LongBench benchmark, our model trained on a 4k length exhibits competitive performance against state-of-the-art open-source models trained on context lengths up to 32k. Our code is available at


replace UrbanCLIP: Learning Text-enhanced Urban Region Profiling with Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining from the Web

Authors: Yibo Yan, Haomin Wen, Siru Zhong, Wei Chen, Haodong Chen, Qingsong Wen, Roger Zimmermann, Yuxuan Liang

Abstract: Urban region profiling from web-sourced data is of utmost importance for urban planning and sustainable development. We are witnessing a rising trend of LLMs for various fields, especially dealing with multi-modal data research such as vision-language learning, where the text modality serves as a supplement information for the image. Since textual modality has never been introduced into modality combinations in urban region profiling, we aim to answer two fundamental questions in this paper: i) Can textual modality enhance urban region profiling? ii) and if so, in what ways and with regard to which aspects? To answer the questions, we leverage the power of Large Language Models (LLMs) and introduce the first-ever LLM-enhanced framework that integrates the knowledge of textual modality into urban imagery profiling, named LLM-enhanced Urban Region Profiling with Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining (UrbanCLIP). Specifically, it first generates a detailed textual description for each satellite image by an open-source Image-to-Text LLM. Then, the model is trained on the image-text pairs, seamlessly unifying natural language supervision for urban visual representation learning, jointly with contrastive loss and language modeling loss. Results on predicting three urban indicators in four major Chinese metropolises demonstrate its superior performance, with an average improvement of 6.1% on R^2 compared to the state-of-the-art methods. Our code and the image-language dataset will be released upon paper notification.

replace A Survey of Confidence Estimation and Calibration in Large Language Models

Authors: Jiahui Geng, Fengyu Cai, Yuxia Wang, Heinz Koeppl, Preslav Nakov, Iryna Gurevych

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable capabilities across a wide range of tasks in various domains. Despite their impressive performance, they can be unreliable due to factual errors in their generations. Assessing their confidence and calibrating them across different tasks can help mitigate risks and enable LLMs to produce better generations. There has been a lot of recent research aiming to address this, but there has been no comprehensive overview to organize it and outline the main lessons learned. The present survey aims to bridge this gap. In particular, we outline the challenges and we summarize recent technical advancements for LLM confidence estimation and calibration. We further discuss their applications and suggest promising directions for future work.

replace OFA: A Framework of Initializing Unseen Subword Embeddings for Efficient Large-scale Multilingual Continued Pretraining

Authors: Yihong Liu, Peiqin Lin, Mingyang Wang, Hinrich Sch\"utze

Abstract: Instead of pretraining multilingual language models from scratch, a more efficient method is to adapt existing pretrained language models (PLMs) to new languages via vocabulary extension and continued pretraining. However, this method usually randomly initializes the embeddings of new subwords and introduces substantially more embedding parameters to the model, thus weakening the efficiency. To address these issues, we propose a novel framework: $\textbf{O}$ne $\textbf{F}$or $\textbf{A}$ll ($\textbf{OFA}$), which wisely initializes the embeddings of unseen subwords and thus can adapt a PLM to multiple languages efficiently and effectively. OFA takes advantage of external well-aligned multilingual static word vectors and injects the alignment knowledge into the subword embeddings. In addition, OFA applies matrix factorization and replaces the cumbersome embeddings with two lower-dimensional matrices, which largely reduces the number of parameters. We show OFA accelerates the convergence of continued pretraining, which is environmentally friendly as much fewer carbon footprints are generated. Through extensive experiments, we demonstrate OFA can achieve competitive or better performance than default continued pretraining baselines on a wide range of crosslingual downstream tasks. We make our code and models publicly available.

replace Universal NER: A Gold-Standard Multilingual Named Entity Recognition Benchmark

Authors: Stephen Mayhew, Terra Blevins, Shuheng Liu, Marek \v{S}uppa, Hila Gonen, Joseph Marvin Imperial, B\"orje F. Karlsson, Peiqin Lin, Nikola Ljube\v{s}i\'c, LJ Miranda, Barbara Plank, Arij Riabi, Yuval Pinter

Abstract: We introduce Universal NER (UNER), an open, community-driven project to develop gold-standard NER benchmarks in many languages. The overarching goal of UNER is to provide high-quality, cross-lingually consistent annotations to facilitate and standardize multilingual NER research. UNER v1 contains 18 datasets annotated with named entities in a cross-lingual consistent schema across 12 diverse languages. In this paper, we detail the dataset creation and composition of UNER; we also provide initial modeling baselines on both in-language and cross-lingual learning settings. We release the data, code, and fitted models to the public.

replace Mind's Mirror: Distilling Self-Evaluation Capability and Comprehensive Thinking from Large Language Models

Authors: Weize Liu, Guocong Li, Kai Zhang, Bang Du, Qiyuan Chen, Xuming Hu, Hongxia Xu, Jintai Chen, Jian Wu

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved remarkable advancements in natural language processing. However, the massive scale and computational demands of these models present formidable challenges when considering their practical deployment in resource-constrained environments. While techniques such as chain-of-thought (CoT) distillation have displayed promise in distilling LLMs into small language models (SLMs), there is a risk that distilled SLMs may still inherit flawed reasoning and hallucinations from LLMs. To address these issues, we propose a twofold methodology: First, we introduce a novel method for distilling the self-evaluation capability from LLMs into SLMs, aiming to mitigate the adverse effects of flawed reasoning and hallucinations inherited from LLMs. Second, we advocate for distilling more comprehensive thinking by incorporating multiple distinct CoTs and self-evaluation outputs, to ensure a more thorough and robust knowledge transfer into SLMs. Experiments on three NLP benchmarks demonstrate that our method significantly improves the performance of distilled SLMs, offering a new perspective for developing more effective and efficient SLMs in resource-constrained environments.

replace BaRDa: A Belief and Reasoning Dataset that Separates Factual Accuracy and Reasoning Ability

Authors: Peter Clark, Bhavana Dalvi Mishra, Oyvind Tafjord

Abstract: While there are numerous benchmarks comparing the performance of modern language models (LMs), end-task evaluations often conflate notions of *factual accuracy* ("truth") and *reasoning ability* ("rationality", or "honesty" in the sense of correctly reporting implications of beliefs). Our goal is a dataset that clearly distinguishes these two notions. Our approach is to leverage and extend a collection of human-annotated *entailment trees*, engineered to express both good and bad chains of reasoning, and using a mixture of true and false facts, in particular including counterfactual examples, to avoid belief bias (also known as the "content effect"). The resulting dataset, called BaRDa, contains 3000 entailments (1787 valid, 1213 invalid), using 6681 true and 2319 false statements. Testing on four GPT-series models, GPT3(curie)/GPT3(davinici)/3.5/4, we find factual accuracy (truth) scores of 74.1/80.6/82.6/87.1 and reasoning accuracy scores of 63.1/78.0/71.8/79.2. This shows the clear progression of models towards improved factual accuracy and entailment reasoning, and the dataset provides a new benchmark that more cleanly separates and quantifies these two notions.

replace Sowing the Wind, Reaping the Whirlwind: The Impact of Editing Language Models

Authors: Rima Hazra, Sayan Layek, Somnath Banerjee, Soujanya Poria

Abstract: In the rapidly advancing field of artificial intelligence, the concept of Red-Teaming or Jailbreaking large language models (LLMs) has emerged as a crucial area of study. This approach is especially significant in terms of assessing and enhancing the safety and robustness of these models. This paper investigates the intricate consequences of such modifications through model editing, uncovering a complex relationship between enhancing model accuracy and preserving its ethical integrity. Our in-depth analysis reveals a striking paradox: while injecting accurate information is crucial for model reliability, it can paradoxically destabilize the model's foundational framework, resulting in unpredictable and potentially unsafe behaviors. Additionally, we propose a benchmark dataset NicheHazardQA to investigate this unsafe behavior both within the same and cross topical domain. This aspect of our research sheds light on how the edits, impact the model's safety metrics and guardrails. Our findings show that model editing serves as a cost-effective tool for topical red-teaming by methodically applying targeted edits and evaluating the resultant model behavior.

replace With Greater Text Comes Greater Necessity: Inference-Time Training Helps Long Text Generation

Authors: Y. Wang, D. Ma, D. Cai

Abstract: Long text generation, such as novel writing and discourse-level translation with extremely long contexts, presents significant challenges to current language models. Existing methods mainly focus on extending the model's context window through strategies like length extrapolation. However, these approaches demand substantial hardware resources during the training and/or inference phases. Our proposed method, Temp-Lora, introduces an alternative concept. Instead of relying on the KV cache to store all context information, we embeds this information directly into a temporary Lora module. In the process of long text generation, this module is progressively trained with text generated previously. This approach not only efficiently preserves contextual knowledge but also prevents any permanent alteration to the model's parameters given that the module is discarded post-generation. Extensive experiments on the PG19 language modeling benchmark and the GuoFeng discourse-level translation benchmark validate the effectiveness of Temp-Lora. Our results show that: 1) Temp-Lora substantially enhances generation quality for long text, as indicated by a 13.2% decrease in perplexity (PPL) on a subset of PG19, and a 29.3% decrease in PPL along with a 113.2% increase in BLEU score on a subset of GuoFeng, 2) Temp-Lora is compatible with and enhances most existing long text generation methods, and 3) Temp-Lora can greatly reduce computational costs by shortening the context window. For example, we can ensure a moderate improvement in generation quality (a decrease of 3.8% in PPL) while enabling a 51.5% memory usage reduction and a 60.0% decrease in latency for inference.

replace In-context Learning with Retrieved Demonstrations for Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Man Luo, Xin Xu, Yue Liu, Panupong Pasupat, Mehran Kazemi

Abstract: Language models, especially pre-trained large language models, have showcased remarkable abilities as few-shot in-context learners (ICL), adept at adapting to new tasks with just a few demonstrations in the input context. However, the model's ability to perform ICL is sensitive to the choice of the few-shot demonstrations. Instead of using a fixed set of demonstrations, one recent development is to retrieve demonstrations tailored to each input query. The implementation of demonstration retrieval is relatively straightforward, leveraging existing databases and retrieval systems. This not only improves the efficiency and scalability of the learning process but also has been shown to reduce biases inherent in manual example selection. In light of the encouraging results and growing research in ICL with retrieved demonstrations, we conduct an extensive review of studies in this area. In this survey, we discuss and compare different design choices for retrieval models, retrieval training procedures, and inference algorithms.

replace PILOT: Legal Case Outcome Prediction with Case Law

Authors: Lang Cao, Zifeng Wang, Cao Xiao, Jimeng Sun

Abstract: Machine learning shows promise in predicting the outcome of legal cases, but most research has concentrated on civil law cases rather than case law systems. We identified two unique challenges in making legal case outcome predictions with case law. First, it is crucial to identify relevant precedent cases that serve as fundamental evidence for judges during decision-making. Second, it is necessary to consider the evolution of legal principles over time, as early cases may adhere to different legal contexts. In this paper, we proposed a new framework named PILOT (PredictIng Legal case OuTcome) for case outcome prediction. It comprises two modules for relevant case retrieval and temporal pattern handling, respectively. To benchmark the performance of existing legal case outcome prediction models, we curated a dataset from a large-scale case law database. We demonstrate the importance of accurately identifying precedent cases and mitigating the temporal shift when making predictions for case law, as our method shows a significant improvement over the prior methods that focus on civil law case outcome predictions.

replace LOCOST: State-Space Models for Long Document Abstractive Summarization

Authors: Florian Le Bronnec, Song Duong, Mathieu Ravaut, Alexandre Allauzen, Nancy F. Chen, Vincent Guigue, Alberto Lumbreras, Laure Soulier, Patrick Gallinari

Abstract: State-space models are a low-complexity alternative to transformers for encoding long sequences and capturing long-term dependencies. We propose LOCOST: an encoder-decoder architecture based on state-space models for conditional text generation with long context inputs. With a computational complexity of $O(L \log L)$, this architecture can handle significantly longer sequences than state-of-the-art models that are based on sparse attention patterns. We evaluate our model on a series of long document abstractive summarization tasks. The model reaches a performance level that is 93-96% comparable to the top-performing sparse transformers of the same size while saving up to 50% memory during training and up to 87% during inference. Additionally, LOCOST effectively handles input texts exceeding 600K tokens at inference time, setting new state-of-the-art results on full-book summarization and opening new perspectives for long input processing.

replace Large Language Models for Mathematical Reasoning: Progresses and Challenges

Authors: Janice Ahn, Rishu Verma, Renze Lou, Di Liu, Rui Zhang, Wenpeng Yin

Abstract: Mathematical reasoning serves as a cornerstone for assessing the fundamental cognitive capabilities of human intelligence. In recent times, there has been a notable surge in the development of Large Language Models (LLMs) geared towards the automated resolution of mathematical problems. However, the landscape of mathematical problem types is vast and varied, with LLM-oriented techniques undergoing evaluation across diverse datasets and settings. This diversity makes it challenging to discern the true advancements and obstacles within this burgeoning field. This survey endeavors to address four pivotal dimensions: i) a comprehensive exploration of the various mathematical problems and their corresponding datasets that have been investigated; ii) an examination of the spectrum of LLM-oriented techniques that have been proposed for mathematical problem-solving; iii) an overview of factors and concerns affecting LLMs in solving math; and iv) an elucidation of the persisting challenges within this domain. To the best of our knowledge, this survey stands as one of the first extensive examinations of the landscape of LLMs in the realm of mathematics, providing a holistic perspective on the current state, accomplishments, and future challenges in this rapidly evolving field.

replace Leveraging Large Language Models for Enhanced NLP Task Performance through Knowledge Distillation and Optimized Training Strategies

Authors: Yining Huang, Keke Tang, Meilian Chen

Abstract: Emerging Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 have revolutionized Natural Language Processing (NLP), showing potential in traditional tasks such as Named Entity Recognition (NER). Our study explores a three-phase training strategy that harnesses GPT-4's capabilities to enhance the BERT model's performance on NER. Initially, GPT-4 annotates a subset of the CONLL2003 and additional BBC dataset without fine-tuning. We then train BERT using a mix of original and LLM-annotated data, analyzing the efficacy of LLM annotations against traditional methods. The second phase involves comparative experiments with different training regimens, assessing the synergy between distilled and original data. We observe that sequential strategies, particularly a simple mix of training first with distilled data followed by original data, significantly boost performance. In the third phase, we investigate various data blending techniques, including sigmoid and power decay functions, to optimize the training process further. Our results indicate that a strategic mix of distilled and original data markedly elevates the NER capabilities of BERT. Our approach presents a scalable methodology that reduces manual annotation costs and increases efficiency, making it especially pertinent in resource-limited and closed-network environments. The study concludes that while the 'Simple Mix' strategy yields the best results, understanding its underlying mechanisms requires further research. Future work will also focus on refining prompt designs and enhancing annotation selection processes, aiming to extend our methodology to diverse NLP tasks.

replace OpenFMNav: Towards Open-Set Zero-Shot Object Navigation via Vision-Language Foundation Models

Authors: Yuxuan Kuang, Hai Lin, Meng Jiang

Abstract: Object navigation (ObjectNav) requires an agent to navigate through unseen environments to find queried objects. Many previous methods attempted to solve this task by relying on supervised or reinforcement learning, where they are trained on limited household datasets with close-set objects. However, two key challenges are unsolved: understanding free-form natural language instructions that demand open-set objects, and generalizing to new environments in a zero-shot manner. Aiming to solve the two challenges, in this paper, we propose OpenFMNav, an Open-set Foundation Model based framework for zero-shot object Navigation. We first unleash the reasoning abilities of large language models (LLMs) to extract proposed objects from natural language instructions that meet the user's demand. We then leverage the generalizability of large vision language models (VLMs) to actively discover and detect candidate objects from the scene, building a Versatile Semantic Score Map (VSSM). Then, by conducting common sense reasoning on VSSM, our method can perform effective language-guided exploration and exploitation of the scene and finally reach the goal. By leveraging the reasoning and generalizing abilities of foundation models, our method can understand free-form human instructions and perform effective open-set zero-shot navigation in diverse environments. Extensive experiments on the HM3D ObjectNav benchmark show that our method surpasses all the strong baselines on all metrics, proving our method's effectiveness. Furthermore, we perform real robot demonstrations to validate our method's open-set-ness and generalizability to real-world environments.

replace LongHeads: Multi-Head Attention is Secretly a Long Context Processor

Authors: Yi Lu, Xin Zhou, Wei He, Jun Zhao, Tao Ji, Tao Gui, Qi Zhang, Xuanjing Huang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have achieved impressive performance in numerous domains but often struggle to process lengthy inputs effectively and efficiently due to limited length generalization and attention's quadratic computational demands. Many sought to mitigate this by restricting the attention window within the pre-trained length. However, these methods introduce new issues such as ignoring the middle context and requiring additional training. To address these problems, we propose LongHeads, a training-free framework that enhances LLM's long context ability by unlocking multi-head attention's untapped potential. Instead of allowing each head to attend to the full sentence, which struggles with generalizing to longer sequences due to out-of-distribution (OOD) issues, we allow each head to process in-distribution length by selecting and attending to important context chunks. To this end, we propose a chunk selection strategy that relies on the inherent correlation between the query and the key representations, efficiently distributing context chunks to different heads. In this way, each head ensures it can effectively process attended tokens within the trained length, while different heads in different layers can collectively process longer contexts. LongHeads works efficiently in linear time, fits seamlessly with many LLMs that use relative positional encoding. LongHeads achieves 100% accuracy at the 128k length on passkey retrieval task, verifying LongHeads's efficacy in extending the usable context window for existing models. We release our code at .


replace Multilingual Coreference Resolution in Low-resource South Asian Languages

Authors: Ritwik Mishra, Pooja Desur, Rajiv Ratn Shah, Ponnurangam Kumaraguru

Abstract: Coreference resolution involves the task of identifying text spans within a discourse that pertain to the same real-world entity. While this task has been extensively explored in the English language, there has been a notable scarcity of publicly accessible resources and models for coreference resolution in South Asian languages. We introduce a Translated dataset for Multilingual Coreference Resolution (TransMuCoRes) in 31 South Asian languages using off-the-shelf tools for translation and word-alignment. Nearly all of the predicted translations successfully pass a sanity check, and 75% of English references align with their predicted translations. Using multilingual encoders, two off-the-shelf coreference resolution models were trained on a concatenation of TransMuCoRes and a Hindi coreference resolution dataset with manual annotations. The best performing model achieved a score of 64 and 68 for LEA F1 and CoNLL F1, respectively, on our test-split of Hindi golden set. This study is the first to evaluate an end-to-end coreference resolution model on a Hindi golden set. Furthermore, this work underscores the limitations of current coreference evaluation metrics when applied to datasets with split antecedents, advocating for the development of more suitable evaluation metrics.

replace Chitchat as Interference: Adding User Backstories to Task-Oriented Dialogues

Authors: Armand Stricker, Patrick Paroubek

Abstract: During task-oriented dialogues (TODs), human users naturally introduce chitchat that is beyond the immediate scope of the task, interfering with the flow of the conversation. To address this issue without the need for expensive manual data creation, we use few-shot prompting with Llama-2-70B to enhance the MultiWOZ dataset with user backstories, a typical example of chitchat interference in TODs. We assess the impact of this addition by testing two models: one trained solely on TODs and another trained on TODs with a preliminary chitchat interaction. Our analysis demonstrates that our enhanced dataset poses a challenge for these systems. Moreover, we demonstrate that our dataset can be effectively used for training purposes, enabling a system to consistently acknowledge the user's backstory while also successfully moving the task forward in the same turn, as confirmed by human evaluation. These findings highlight the benefits of generating novel chitchat-TOD scenarios to test TOD systems more thoroughly and improve their resilience to natural user interferences

replace HumanEval-XL: A Multilingual Code Generation Benchmark for Cross-lingual Natural Language Generalization

Authors: Qiwei Peng, Yekun Chai, Xuhong Li

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have made significant progress in generating codes from textual prompts. However, existing benchmarks have mainly concentrated on translating English prompts to multilingual codes or have been constrained to very limited natural languages (NLs). These benchmarks have overlooked the vast landscape of massively multilingual NL to multilingual code, leaving a critical gap in the evaluation of multilingual LLMs. In response, we introduce HumanEval-XL, a massively multilingual code generation benchmark specifically crafted to address this deficiency. HumanEval-XL establishes connections between 23 NLs and 12 programming languages (PLs), and comprises of a collection of 22,080 prompts with an average of 8.33 test cases. By ensuring parallel data across multiple NLs and PLs, HumanEval-XL offers a comprehensive evaluation platform for multilingual LLMs, allowing the assessment of the understanding of different NLs. Our work serves as a pioneering step towards filling the void in evaluating NL generalization in the area of multilingual code generation. We make our evaluation code and data publicly available at \url{}.


replace Extracting Lexical Features from Dialects via Interpretable Dialect Classifiers

Authors: Roy Xie, Orevaoghene Ahia, Yulia Tsvetkov, Antonios Anastasopoulos

Abstract: Identifying linguistic differences between dialects of a language often requires expert knowledge and meticulous human analysis. This is largely due to the complexity and nuance involved in studying various dialects. We present a novel approach to extract distinguishing lexical features of dialects by utilizing interpretable dialect classifiers, even in the absence of human experts. We explore both post-hoc and intrinsic approaches to interpretability, conduct experiments on Mandarin, Italian, and Low Saxon, and experimentally demonstrate that our method successfully identifies key language-specific lexical features that contribute to dialectal variations.

replace Align-to-Distill: Trainable Attention Alignment for Knowledge Distillation in Neural Machine Translation

Authors: Heegon Jin, Seonil Son, Jemin Park, Youngseok Kim, Hyungjong Noh, Yeonsoo Lee

Abstract: The advent of scalable deep models and large datasets has improved the performance of Neural Machine Translation. Knowledge Distillation (KD) enhances efficiency by transferring knowledge from a teacher model to a more compact student model. However, KD approaches to Transformer architecture often rely on heuristics, particularly when deciding which teacher layers to distill from. In this paper, we introduce the 'Align-to-Distill' (A2D) strategy, designed to address the feature mapping problem by adaptively aligning student attention heads with their teacher counterparts during training. The Attention Alignment Module in A2D performs a dense head-by-head comparison between student and teacher attention heads across layers, turning the combinatorial mapping heuristics into a learning problem. Our experiments show the efficacy of A2D, demonstrating gains of up to +3.61 and +0.63 BLEU points for WMT-2022 De->Dsb and WMT-2014 En->De, respectively, compared to Transformer baselines.

replace InjecAgent: Benchmarking Indirect Prompt Injections in Tool-Integrated Large Language Model Agents

Authors: Qiusi Zhan, Zhixiang Liang, Zifan Ying, Daniel Kang

Abstract: Recent work has embodied LLMs as agents, allowing them to access tools, perform actions, and interact with external content (e.g., emails or websites). However, external content introduces the risk of indirect prompt injection (IPI) attacks, where malicious instructions are embedded within the content processed by LLMs, aiming to manipulate these agents into executing detrimental actions against users. Given the potentially severe consequences of such attacks, establishing benchmarks to assess and mitigate these risks is imperative. In this work, we introduce InjecAgent, a benchmark designed to assess the vulnerability of tool-integrated LLM agents to IPI attacks. InjecAgent comprises 1,054 test cases covering 17 different user tools and 62 attacker tools. We categorize attack intentions into two primary types: direct harm to users and exfiltration of private data. We evaluate 30 different LLM agents and show that agents are vulnerable to IPI attacks, with ReAct-prompted GPT-4 vulnerable to attacks 24% of the time. Further investigation into an enhanced setting, where the attacker instructions are reinforced with a hacking prompt, shows additional increases in success rates, nearly doubling the attack success rate on the ReAct-prompted GPT-4. Our findings raise questions about the widespread deployment of LLM Agents. Our benchmark is available at


replace A Second Look on BASS -- Boosting Abstractive Summarization with Unified Semantic Graphs -- A Replication Study

Authors: Osman Alperen Kora\c{s}, J\"org Schl\"otterer, Christin Seifert

Abstract: We present a detailed replication study of the BASS framework, an abstractive summarization system based on the notion of Unified Semantic Graphs. Our investigation includes challenges in replicating key components and an ablation study to systematically isolate error sources rooted in replicating novel components. Our findings reveal discrepancies in performance compared to the original work. We highlight the significance of paying careful attention even to reasonably omitted details for replicating advanced frameworks like BASS, and emphasize key practices for writing replicable papers.

replace Knowledge Graph Large Language Model (KG-LLM) for Link Prediction

Authors: Dong Shu, Tianle Chen, Mingyu Jin, Yiting Zhang, Chong Zhang, Mengnan Du, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: The task of predicting multiple links within knowledge graphs (KGs) stands as a challenge in the field of knowledge graph analysis, a challenge increasingly resolvable due to advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and KG embedding techniques. This paper introduces a novel methodology, the Knowledge Graph Large Language Model Framework (KG-LLM), which leverages pivotal NLP paradigms, including chain-of-thought (CoT) prompting and in-context learning (ICL), to enhance multi-hop link prediction in KGs. By converting the KG to a CoT prompt, our framework is designed to discern and learn the latent representations of entities and their interrelations. To show the efficacy of the KG-LLM Framework, we fine-tune three leading Large Language Models (LLMs) within this framework, employing both non-ICL and ICL tasks for a comprehensive evaluation. Further, we explore the framework's potential to provide LLMs with zero-shot capabilities for handling previously unseen prompts. Our experimental findings discover that integrating ICL and CoT not only augments the performance of our approach but also significantly boosts the models' generalization capacity, thereby ensuring more precise predictions in unfamiliar scenarios.

replace Multi-party Response Generation with Relation Disentanglement

Authors: Tianhao Dai, Chengyu Huang, Lizi Liao

Abstract: Existing neural response generation models have achieved impressive improvements for two-party conversations, which assume that utterances are sequentially organized. However, many real-world dialogues involve multiple interlocutors and the structure of conversational context is much more complex, e.g. utterances from different interlocutors can occur "in parallel". Facing this challenge, there are works trying to model the relations among utterances or interlocutors to facilitate response generation with clearer context. Nonetheless, these methods rely heavily on such relations and all assume that these are given beforehand, which is impractical and hinders the generality of such methods. In this work, we propose to automatically infer the relations via relational thinking on subtle clues inside the conversation context without any human label, and leverage these relations to guide the neural response generation. Specifically, we first apply a deep graph random process to fully consider all possible relations among utterances in the conversational context. Then the inferred relation graphs are integrated with a variational auto-encoder framework to train a GAN for structure-aware response generation. Experimental results on the Ubuntu Internet Relay Chat (IRC) channel benchmark and the most recent Movie Dialogues show that our method outperforms various baseline models for multi-party response generation.

replace Pointer-Generator Networks for Low-Resource Machine Translation: Don't Copy That!

Authors: Niyati Bafna, Philipp Koehn, David Yarowsky

Abstract: While Transformer-based neural machine translation (NMT) is very effective in high-resource settings, many languages lack the necessary large parallel corpora to benefit from it. In the context of low-resource (LR) MT between two closely-related languages, a natural intuition is to seek benefits from structural "shortcuts", such as copying subwords from the source to the target, given that such language pairs often share a considerable number of identical words, cognates, and borrowings. We test Pointer-Generator Networks for this purpose for six language pairs over a variety of resource ranges, and find weak improvements for most settings. However, analysis shows that the model does not show greater improvements for closely-related vs. more distant language pairs, or for lower resource ranges, and that the models do not exhibit the expected usage of the mechanism for shared subwords. Our discussion of the reasons for this behaviour highlights several general challenges for LR NMT, such as modern tokenization strategies, noisy real-world conditions, and linguistic complexities. We call for better scrutiny of linguistically motivated improvements to NMT given the blackbox nature of Transformer models, as well as for a focus on the above problems in the field.

replace Mixture-of-Prompt-Experts for Multi-modal Semantic Understanding

Authors: Zichen Wu, Hsiu-Yuan Huang, Fanyi Qu, Yunfang Wu

Abstract: Deep multimodal semantic understanding that goes beyond the mere superficial content relation mining has received increasing attention in the realm of artificial intelligence. The challenges of collecting and annotating high-quality multi-modal data have underscored the significance of few-shot learning. In this paper, we focus on two critical tasks under this context: few-shot multi-modal sarcasm detection (MSD) and multi-modal sentiment analysis (MSA). To address them, we propose Mixture-of-Prompt-Experts with Block-Aware Prompt Fusion (MoPE-BAF), a novel multi-modal soft prompt framework based on the unified vision-language model (VLM). Specifically, we design three experts of soft prompts: a text prompt and an image prompt that extract modality-specific features to enrich the single-modal representation, and a unified prompt to assist multi-modal interaction. Additionally, we reorganize Transformer layers into several blocks and introduce cross-modal prompt attention between adjacent blocks, which smoothens the transition from single-modal representation to multi-modal fusion. On both MSD and MSA datasets in few-shot setting, our proposed model not only surpasses the 8.2B model InstructBLIP with merely 2% parameters (150M), but also significantly outperforms other widely-used prompt methods on VLMs or task-specific methods.

replace Revisiting The Classics: A Study on Identifying and Rectifying Gender Stereotypes in Rhymes and Poems

Authors: Aditya Narayan Sankaran, Vigneshwaran Shankaran, Sampath Lonka, Rajesh Sharma

Abstract: Rhymes and poems are a powerful medium for transmitting cultural norms and societal roles. However, the pervasive existence of gender stereotypes in these works perpetuates biased perceptions and limits the scope of individuals' identities. Past works have shown that stereotyping and prejudice emerge in early childhood, and developmental research on causal mechanisms is critical for understanding and controlling stereotyping and prejudice. This work contributes by gathering a dataset of rhymes and poems to identify gender stereotypes and propose a model with 97% accuracy to identify gender bias. Gender stereotypes were rectified using a Large Language Model (LLM) and its effectiveness was evaluated in a comparative survey against human educator rectifications. To summarize, this work highlights the pervasive nature of gender stereotypes in literary works and reveals the potential of LLMs to rectify gender stereotypes. This study raises awareness and promotes inclusivity within artistic expressions, making a significant contribution to the discourse on gender equality.

replace Counting-Stars: A Simple, Efficient, and Reasonable Strategy for Evaluating Long-Context Large Language Models

Authors: Mingyang Song, Mao Zheng, Xuan Luo

Abstract: While recent research endeavors have concentrated on developing Large Language Models (LLMs) with robust long-context capabilities, due to the lack of appropriate evaluation strategies, relatively little is known about how well the long-context capability and performance of leading LLMs (e.g., GPT-4 Turbo and Kimi Chat). To address this gap, we propose a simple, efficient, and reasonable strategy for evaluating long-context LLMs as a new benchmark, named Counting-Stars. The Counting-Stars is designed to require LLMs to fully understand and capture long dependencies in long contexts, further being able to collect inter-dependency across multiple pieces of evidence spanning the entire context to finish the task. Based on the Counting-Stars, we conduct experiments to evaluate the two leading long-context LLMs, i.e., GPT-4 Turbo and Kimi Chat. The experimental results indicate that GPT-4 Turbo and Kimi Chat achieve significant performance in the long context from 4K to 128K. We further present several intriguing analyses regarding the behavior of LLMs processing long context.

replace Ensuring Safe and High-Quality Outputs: A Guideline Library Approach for Language Models

Authors: Yi Luo, Zhenghao Lin, Yuhao Zhang, Jiashuo Sun, Chen Lin, Chengjin Xu, Xiangdong Su, Yelong Shen, Jian Guo, Yeyun Gong

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit impressive capabilities but also present risks such as biased content generation and privacy issues. One of the current alignment techniques includes principle-driven integration, but it faces challenges arising from the imprecision of manually crafted rules and inadequate risk perception in models without safety training. To address these, we introduce Guide-Align, a two-stage approach. Initially, a safety-trained model identifies potential risks and formulates specific guidelines for various inputs, establishing a comprehensive library of guidelines and a model for input-guidelines retrieval. Subsequently, the retrieval model correlates new inputs with relevant guidelines, which guide LLMs in response generation to ensure safe and high-quality outputs, thereby aligning with human values. An additional optional stage involves fine-tuning a model with well-aligned datasets generated through the process implemented in the second stage. Our method customizes guidelines to accommodate diverse inputs, thereby enhancing the fine-grainedness and comprehensiveness of the guideline library. Furthermore, it incorporates safety expertise from a safety-trained LLM through a lightweight retrieval model. We evaluate our approach on three benchmarks, demonstrating significant improvements in LLM security and quality. Notably, our fine-tuned model, Labrador, even at 13 billion parameters, outperforms GPT-3.5-turbo and surpasses GPT-4 in alignment capabilities.

replace From Pixels to Insights: A Survey on Automatic Chart Understanding in the Era of Large Foundation Models

Authors: Kung-Hsiang Huang, Hou Pong Chan, Yi R. Fung, Haoyi Qiu, Mingyang Zhou, Shafiq Joty, Shih-Fu Chang, Heng Ji

Abstract: Data visualization in the form of charts plays a pivotal role in data analysis, offering critical insights and aiding in informed decision-making. Automatic chart understanding has witnessed significant advancements with the rise of large foundation models in recent years. Foundation models, such as large language models, have revolutionized various natural language processing tasks and are increasingly being applied to chart understanding tasks. This survey paper provides a comprehensive overview of the recent developments, challenges, and future directions in chart understanding within the context of these foundation models. We review fundamental building blocks crucial for studying chart understanding tasks. Additionally, we explore various tasks and their evaluation metrics and sources of both charts and textual inputs. Various modeling strategies are then examined, encompassing both classification-based and generation-based approaches, along with tool augmentation techniques that enhance chart understanding performance. Furthermore, we discuss the state-of-the-art performance of each task and discuss how we can improve the performance. Challenges and future directions are addressed, highlighting the importance of several topics, such as domain-specific charts, lack of efforts in developing evaluation metrics, and agent-oriented settings. This survey paper serves as a comprehensive resource for researchers and practitioners in the fields of natural language processing, computer vision, and data analysis, providing valuable insights and directions for future research in chart understanding leveraging large foundation models. The studies mentioned in this paper, along with emerging new research, will be continually updated at:


replace EthioLLM: Multilingual Large Language Models for Ethiopian Languages with Task Evaluation

Authors: Atnafu Lambebo Tonja, Israel Abebe Azime, Tadesse Destaw Belay, Mesay Gemeda Yigezu, Moges Ahmed Mehamed, Abinew Ali Ayele, Ebrahim Chekol Jibril, Michael Melese Woldeyohannis, Olga Kolesnikova, Philipp Slusallek, Dietrich Klakow, Shengwu Xiong, Seid Muhie Yimam

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have gained popularity recently due to their outstanding performance in various downstream Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks. However, low-resource languages are still lagging behind current state-of-the-art (SOTA) developments in the field of NLP due to insufficient resources to train LLMs. Ethiopian languages exhibit remarkable linguistic diversity, encompassing a wide array of scripts, and are imbued with profound religious and cultural significance. This paper introduces EthioLLM -- multilingual large language models for five Ethiopian languages (Amharic, Ge'ez, Afan Oromo, Somali, and Tigrinya) and English, and Ethiobenchmark -- a new benchmark dataset for various downstream NLP tasks. We evaluate the performance of these models across five downstream NLP tasks. We open-source our multilingual language models, new benchmark datasets for various downstream tasks, and task-specific fine-tuned language models and discuss the performance of the models. Our dataset and models are available at the repository.


replace Chain-of-Interaction: Enhancing Large Language Models for Psychiatric Behavior Understanding by Dyadic Contexts

Authors: Guangzeng Han, Weisi Liu, Xiaolei Huang, Brian Borsari

Abstract: Automatic coding patient behaviors is essential to support decision making for psychotherapists during the motivational interviewing (MI), a collaborative communication intervention approach to address psychiatric issues, such as alcohol and drug addiction. While the behavior coding task has rapidly adapted machine learning to predict patient states during the MI sessions, lacking of domain-specific knowledge and overlooking patient-therapist interactions are major challenges in developing and deploying those models in real practice. To encounter those challenges, we introduce the Chain-of-Interaction (CoI) prompting method aiming to contextualize large language models (LLMs) for psychiatric decision support by the dyadic interactions. The CoI prompting approach systematically breaks down the coding task into three key reasoning steps, extract patient engagement, learn therapist question strategies, and integrates dyadic interactions between patients and therapists. This approach enables large language models to leverage the coding scheme, patient state, and domain knowledge for patient behavioral coding. Experiments on real-world datasets can prove the effectiveness and flexibility of our prompting method with multiple state-of-the-art LLMs over existing prompting baselines. We have conducted extensive ablation analysis and demonstrate the critical role of dyadic interactions in applying LLMs for psychotherapy behavior understanding.

replace Extracting Emotion Phrases from Tweets using BART

Authors: Mahdi Rezapour

Abstract: Sentiment analysis is a natural language processing task that aims to identify and extract the emotional aspects of a text. However, many existing sentiment analysis methods primarily classify the overall polarity of a text, overlooking the specific phrases that convey sentiment. In this paper, we applied an approach to sentiment analysis based on a question-answering framework. Our approach leverages the power of Bidirectional Autoregressive Transformer (BART), a pre-trained sequence-to-sequence model, to extract a phrase from a given text that amplifies a given sentiment polarity. We create a natural language question that identifies the specific emotion to extract and then guide BART to pay attention to the relevant emotional cues in the text. We use a classifier within BART to predict the start and end positions of the answer span within the text, which helps to identify the precise boundaries of the extracted emotion phrase. Our approach offers several advantages over most sentiment analysis studies, including capturing the complete context and meaning of the text and extracting precise token spans that highlight the intended sentiment. We achieved an end loss of 87% and Jaccard score of 0.61.

replace K-Act2Emo: Korean Commonsense Knowledge Graph for Indirect Emotional Expression

Authors: Kyuhee Kim, Surin Lee, Sangah Lee

Abstract: In many literary texts, emotions are indirectly conveyed through descriptions of actions, facial expressions, and appearances, necessitating emotion inference for narrative understanding. In this paper, we introduce K-Act2Emo, a Korean commonsense knowledge graph (CSKG) comprising 1,900 indirect emotional expressions and the emotions inferable from them. We categorize reasoning types into inferences in positive situations, inferences in negative situations, and inferences when expressions do not serve as emotional cues. Unlike existing CSKGs, K-Act2Emo specializes in emotional contexts, and experimental results validate its effectiveness for training emotion inference models. Significantly, the BART-based knowledge model fine-tuned with K-Act2Emo outperforms various existing Korean large language models, achieving performance levels comparable to GPT-4 Turbo.

replace-cross Spacerini: Plug-and-play Search Engines with Pyserini and Hugging Face

Authors: Christopher Akiki, Odunayo Ogundepo, Aleksandra Piktus, Xinyu Zhang, Akintunde Oladipo, Jimmy Lin, Martin Potthast

Abstract: We present Spacerini, a tool that integrates the Pyserini toolkit for reproducible information retrieval research with Hugging Face to enable the seamless construction and deployment of interactive search engines. Spacerini makes state-of-the-art sparse and dense retrieval models more accessible to non-IR practitioners while minimizing deployment effort. This is useful for NLP researchers who want to better understand and validate their research by performing qualitative analyses of training corpora, for IR researchers who want to demonstrate new retrieval models integrated into the growing Pyserini ecosystem, and for third parties reproducing the work of other researchers. Spacerini is open source and includes utilities for loading, preprocessing, indexing, and deploying search engines locally and remotely. We demonstrate a portfolio of 13 search engines created with Spacerini for different use cases.

replace-cross A Survey on Large Language Model based Autonomous Agents

Authors: Lei Wang, Chen Ma, Xueyang Feng, Zeyu Zhang, Hao Yang, Jingsen Zhang, Zhiyuan Chen, Jiakai Tang, Xu Chen, Yankai Lin, Wayne Xin Zhao, Zhewei Wei, Ji-Rong Wen

Abstract: Autonomous agents have long been a prominent research focus in both academic and industry communities. Previous research in this field often focuses on training agents with limited knowledge within isolated environments, which diverges significantly from human learning processes, and thus makes the agents hard to achieve human-like decisions. Recently, through the acquisition of vast amounts of web knowledge, large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated remarkable potential in achieving human-level intelligence. This has sparked an upsurge in studies investigating LLM-based autonomous agents. In this paper, we present a comprehensive survey of these studies, delivering a systematic review of the field of LLM-based autonomous agents from a holistic perspective. More specifically, we first discuss the construction of LLM-based autonomous agents, for which we propose a unified framework that encompasses a majority of the previous work. Then, we present a comprehensive overview of the diverse applications of LLM-based autonomous agents in the fields of social science, natural science, and engineering. Finally, we delve into the evaluation strategies commonly used for LLM-based autonomous agents. Based on the previous studies, we also present several challenges and future directions in this field. To keep track of this field and continuously update our survey, we maintain a repository of relevant references at


replace-cross Causal Intersectionality and Dual Form of Gradient Descent for Multimodal Analysis: a Case Study on Hateful Memes

Authors: Yosuke Miyanishi, Minh Le Nguyen

Abstract: Amidst the rapid expansion of Machine Learning (ML) and Large Language Models (LLMs), understanding the semantics within their mechanisms is vital. Causal analyses define semantics, while gradient-based methods are essential to eXplainable AI (XAI), interpreting the model's 'black box'. Integrating these, we investigate how a model's mechanisms reveal its causal effect on evidence-based decision-making. Research indicates intersectionality - the combined impact of an individual's demographics - can be framed as an Average Treatment Effect (ATE). This paper demonstrates that hateful meme detection can be viewed as an ATE estimation using intersectionality principles, and summarized gradient-based attention scores highlight distinct behaviors of three Transformer models. We further reveal that LLM Llama-2 can discern the intersectional aspects of the detection through in-context learning and that the learning process could be explained via meta-gradient, a secondary form of gradient. In conclusion, this work furthers the dialogue on Causality and XAI. Our code is available online (see External Resources section).

replace-cross Large Language Models for Generative Recommendation: A Survey and Visionary Discussions

Authors: Lei Li, Yongfeng Zhang, Dugang Liu, Li Chen

Abstract: Large language models (LLM) not only have revolutionized the field of natural language processing (NLP) but also have the potential to reshape many other fields, e.g., recommender systems (RS). However, most of the related work treats an LLM as a component of the conventional recommendation pipeline (e.g., as a feature extractor), which may not be able to fully leverage the generative power of LLM. Instead of separating the recommendation process into multiple stages, such as score computation and re-ranking, this process can be simplified to one stage with LLM: directly generating recommendations from the complete pool of items. This survey reviews the progress, methods, and future directions of LLM-based generative recommendation by examining three questions: 1) What generative recommendation is, 2) Why RS should advance to generative recommendation, and 3) How to implement LLM-based generative recommendation for various RS tasks. We hope that this survey can provide the context and guidance needed to explore this interesting and emerging topic.

replace-cross A Meta-Learning Perspective on Transformers for Causal Language Modeling

Authors: Xinbo Wu, Lav R. Varshney

Abstract: The Transformer architecture has become prominent in developing large causal language models. However, mechanisms to explain its capabilities are not well understood. Focused on the training process, here we establish a meta-learning view of the Transformer architecture when trained for the causal language modeling task, by explicating an inner optimization process within the Transformer. Further, within the inner optimization, we discover and theoretically analyze a special characteristic of the norms of learned token representations within Transformer-based causal language models. Our analysis is supported by experiments in various settings.

replace-cross SOTOPIA: Interactive Evaluation for Social Intelligence in Language Agents

Authors: Xuhui Zhou, Hao Zhu, Leena Mathur, Ruohong Zhang, Haofei Yu, Zhengyang Qi, Louis-Philippe Morency, Yonatan Bisk, Daniel Fried, Graham Neubig, Maarten Sap

Abstract: Humans are social beings; we pursue social goals in our daily interactions, which is a crucial aspect of social intelligence. Yet, AI systems' abilities in this realm remain elusive. We present SOTOPIA, an open-ended environment to simulate complex social interactions between artificial agents and evaluate their social intelligence. In our environment, agents role-play and interact under a wide variety of scenarios; they coordinate, collaborate, exchange, and compete with each other to achieve complex social goals. We simulate the role-play interaction between LLM-based agents and humans within this task space and evaluate their performance with a holistic evaluation framework called SOTOPIA-Eval. With SOTOPIA, we find significant differences between these models in terms of their social intelligence, and we identify a subset of SOTOPIA scenarios, SOTOPIA-hard, that is generally challenging for all models. We find that on this subset, GPT-4 achieves a significantly lower goal completion rate than humans and struggles to exhibit social commonsense reasoning and strategic communication skills. These findings demonstrate SOTOPIA's promise as a general platform for research on evaluating and improving social intelligence in artificial agents.

replace-cross HallusionBench: An Advanced Diagnostic Suite for Entangled Language Hallucination and Visual Illusion in Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Tianrui Guan, Fuxiao Liu, Xiyang Wu, Ruiqi Xian, Zongxia Li, Xiaoyu Liu, Xijun Wang, Lichang Chen, Furong Huang, Yaser Yacoob, Dinesh Manocha, Tianyi Zhou

Abstract: We introduce HallusionBench, a comprehensive benchmark designed for the evaluation of image-context reasoning. This benchmark presents significant challenges to advanced large visual-language models (LVLMs), such as GPT-4V(Vision), Gemini Pro Vision, Claude 3, and LLaVA-1.5, by emphasizing nuanced understanding and interpretation of visual data. The benchmark comprises 346 images paired with 1129 questions, all meticulously crafted by human experts. We introduce a novel structure for these visual questions designed to establish control groups. This structure enables us to conduct a quantitative analysis of the models' response tendencies, logical consistency, and various failure modes. In our evaluation on HallusionBench, we benchmarked 15 different models, highlighting a 31.42% question-pair accuracy achieved by the state-of-the-art GPT-4V. Notably, all other evaluated models achieve accuracy below 16%. Moreover, our analysis not only highlights the observed failure modes, including language hallucination and visual illusion, but also deepens an understanding of these pitfalls. Our comprehensive case studies within HallusionBench shed light on the challenges of hallucination and illusion in LVLMs. Based on these insights, we suggest potential pathways for their future improvement. The benchmark and codebase can be accessed at


replace-cross VQPy: An Object-Oriented Approach to Modern Video Analytics

Authors: Shan Yu, Zhenting Zhu, Yu Chen, Hanchen Xu, Pengzhan Zhao, Yang Wang, Arthi Padmanabhan, Hugo Latapie, Harry Xu

Abstract: Video analytics is widely used in contemporary systems and services. At the forefront of video analytics are video queries that users develop to find objects of particular interest. Building upon the insight that video objects (e.g., human, animals, cars, etc.), the center of video analytics, are similar in spirit to objects modeled by traditional object-oriented languages, we propose to develop an object-oriented approach to video analytics. This approach, named VQPy, consists of a frontend$\unicode{x2015}$a Python variant with constructs that make it easy for users to express video objects and their interactions$\unicode{x2015}$as well as an extensible backend that can automatically construct and optimize pipelines based on video objects. We have implemented and open-sourced VQPy, which has been productized in Cisco as part of its DeepVision framework.

replace-cross A Closer Look at the Self-Verification Abilities of Large Language Models in Logical Reasoning

Authors: Ruixin Hong, Hongming Zhang, Xinyu Pang, Dong Yu, Changshui Zhang

Abstract: Logical reasoning has been an ongoing pursuit in the field of AI. Despite significant advancements made by large language models (LLMs), they still struggle with complex logical reasoning problems. To enhance reasoning performance, one promising direction is scalable oversight, which requires LLMs to identify their own errors and then improve by themselves. Various self-verification methods have been proposed in pursuit of this goal. Nevertheless, whether existing models understand their own errors well is still under investigation. In this paper, we take a closer look at the self-verification abilities of LLMs in the context of logical reasoning, focusing on their ability to identify logical fallacies accurately. We introduce a dataset, FALLACIES, containing 232 types of reasoning fallacies categorized in a hierarchical taxonomy. By conducting exhaustive experiments on FALLACIES, we obtain comprehensive and detailed analyses of a series of models on their verification abilities. Our main findings suggest that existing LLMs could struggle to identify fallacious reasoning steps accurately and may fall short of guaranteeing the validity of self-verification methods. Drawing from these observations, we offer suggestions for future research and practical applications of self-verification methods.

replace-cross Unmasking and Improving Data Credibility: A Study with Datasets for Training Harmless Language Models

Authors: Zhaowei Zhu, Jialu Wang, Hao Cheng, Yang Liu

Abstract: Language models have shown promise in various tasks but can be affected by undesired data during training, fine-tuning, or alignment. For example, if some unsafe conversations are wrongly annotated as safe ones, the model fine-tuned on these samples may be harmful. Therefore, the correctness of annotations, i.e., the credibility of the dataset, is important. This study focuses on the credibility of real-world datasets, including the popular benchmarks Jigsaw Civil Comments, Anthropic Harmless & Red Team, PKU BeaverTails & SafeRLHF, that can be used for training a harmless language model. Given the cost and difficulty of cleaning these datasets by humans, we introduce a systematic framework for evaluating the credibility of datasets, identifying label errors, and evaluating the influence of noisy labels in the curated language data, specifically focusing on unsafe comments and conversation classification. With the framework, we find and fix an average of 6.16% label errors in 11 datasets constructed from the above benchmarks. The data credibility and downstream learning performance can be remarkably improved by directly fixing label errors, indicating the significance of cleaning existing real-world datasets. We provide an open-source tool, Docta, for data cleaning at


replace-cross Do Vision and Language Encoders Represent the World Similarly?

Authors: Mayug Maniparambil, Raiymbek Akshulakov, Yasser Abdelaziz Dahou Djilali, Sanath Narayan, Mohamed El Amine Seddik, Karttikeya Mangalam, Noel E. O'Connor

Abstract: Aligned text-image encoders such as CLIP have become the de facto model for vision-language tasks. Furthermore, modality-specific encoders achieve impressive performances in their respective domains. This raises a central question: does an alignment exist between uni-modal vision and language encoders since they fundamentally represent the same physical world? Analyzing the latent spaces structure of vision and language models on image-caption benchmarks using the Centered Kernel Alignment (CKA), we find that the representation spaces of unaligned and aligned encoders are semantically similar. In the absence of statistical similarity in aligned encoders like CLIP, we show that a possible matching of unaligned encoders exists without any training. We frame this as a seeded graph-matching problem exploiting the semantic similarity between graphs and propose two methods - a Fast Quadratic Assignment Problem optimization, and a novel localized CKA metric-based matching/retrieval. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this on several downstream tasks including cross-lingual, cross-domain caption matching and image classification. Code available at

replace-cross Between Lines of Code: Unraveling the Distinct Patterns of Machine and Human Programmers

Authors: Yuling Shi, Hongyu Zhang, Chengcheng Wan, Xiaodong Gu

Abstract: Large language models have catalyzed an unprecedented wave in code generation. While achieving significant advances, they blur the distinctions between machine- and human-authored source code, causing integrity and authenticity issues of software artifacts. Previous methods such as DetectGPT have proven effective in discerning machine-generated texts, but they do not identify and harness the unique patterns of machine-generated code. Thus, its applicability falters when applied to code. In this paper, we carefully study the specific patterns that characterize machine- and human-authored code. Through a rigorous analysis of code attributes such as lexical diversity, conciseness, and naturalness, we expose unique patterns inherent to each source. We particularly notice that the syntactic segmentation of code is a critical factor in identifying its provenance. Based on our findings, we propose DetectCodeGPT, a novel method for detecting machine-generated code, which improves DetectGPT by capturing the distinct stylized patterns of code. Diverging from conventional techniques that depend on external LLMs for perturbations, DetectCodeGPT perturbs the code corpus by strategically inserting spaces and newlines, ensuring both efficacy and efficiency. Experiment results show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques in detecting machine-generated code.

replace-cross Tandem Transformers for Inference Efficient LLMs

Authors: Aishwarya P S, Pranav Ajit Nair, Yashas Samaga, Toby Boyd, Sanjiv Kumar, Prateek Jain, Praneeth Netrapalli

Abstract: The autoregressive nature of conventional large language models (LLMs) inherently limits inference speed, as tokens are generated sequentially. While speculative and parallel decoding techniques attempt to mitigate this, they face limitations: either relying on less accurate smaller models for generation or failing to fully leverage the base LLM's representations. We introduce a novel architecture, Tandem transformers, to address these issues. This architecture uniquely combines (1) a small autoregressive model and (2) a large model operating in block mode (processing multiple tokens simultaneously). The small model's predictive accuracy is substantially enhanced by granting it attention to the large model's richer representations. On the PaLM2 pretraining dataset, a tandem of PaLM2-Bison and PaLM2-Gecko demonstrates a 3.3% improvement in next-token prediction accuracy over a standalone PaLM2-Gecko, offering a 1.16x speedup compared to a PaLM2-Otter model with comparable downstream performance. We further incorporate the tandem model within the speculative decoding (SPEED) framework where the large model validates tokens from the small model. This ensures that the Tandem of PaLM2-Bison and PaLM2-Gecko achieves substantial speedup (around 1.14x faster than using vanilla PaLM2-Gecko in SPEED) while maintaining identical downstream task accuracy.

replace-cross SEED: Customize Large Language Models with Sample-Efficient Adaptation for Code Generation

Authors: Xue Jiang, Yihong Dong, Zhi Jin, Ge Li

Abstract: Although Large Language Models (LLMs) have made significant progress in code generation, they still struggle with code generation tasks in specific scenarios. These scenarios usually necessitate the adaptation of LLMs to fulfill specific needs, but the limited training samples available in practice lead to poor code generation performance. Therefore, how to effectively adapt LLMs to new scenarios with few training samples is a major challenge for current code generation. In this paper, we propose a novel adaptation approach named SEED, which stands for Sample-Efficient adaptation with Error-Driven learning for code generation. SEED leverages the errors made by LLMs as learning opportunities, using error revision to overcome its own shortcomings, thus achieving efficient learning. Specifically, SEED involves identifying error code generated by LLMs, employing Self-revise for code revision, optimizing the model with revised code, and iteratively adapting the process for continuous improvement. Experimental results show that, compared to other mainstream fine-tuning approaches, SEED achieves superior performance with few training samples, showing an average relative improvement of 54.7% in Pass@1 on multiple code generation benchmarks. We also validate the effectiveness of Self-revise, which generates revised code that optimizes the model more efficiently compared to the code samples from datasets. Moreover, SEED consistently demonstrates strong performance across various LLMs, underscoring its generalizability.

replace-cross From Graph to Word Bag: Introducing Domain Knowledge to Confusing Charge Prediction

Authors: Ang Li, Qiangchao Chen, Yiquan Wu, Ming Cai, Xiang Zhou, Fei Wu, Kun Kuang

Abstract: Confusing charge prediction is a challenging task in legal AI, which involves predicting confusing charges based on fact descriptions. While existing charge prediction methods have shown impressive performance, they face significant challenges when dealing with confusing charges, such as Snatch and Robbery. In the legal domain, constituent elements play a pivotal role in distinguishing confusing charges. Constituent elements are fundamental behaviors underlying criminal punishment and have subtle distinctions among charges. In this paper, we introduce a novel From Graph to Word Bag (FWGB) approach, which introduces domain knowledge regarding constituent elements to guide the model in making judgments on confusing charges, much like a judge's reasoning process. Specifically, we first construct a legal knowledge graph containing constituent elements to help select keywords for each charge, forming a word bag. Subsequently, to guide the model's attention towards the differentiating information for each charge within the context, we expand the attention mechanism and introduce a new loss function with attention supervision through words in the word bag. We construct the confusing charges dataset from real-world judicial documents. Experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method, especially in maintaining exceptional performance in imbalanced label distributions.

replace-cross Breaking Down the Defenses: A Comparative Survey of Attacks on Large Language Models

Authors: Arijit Ghosh Chowdhury, Md Mofijul Islam, Vaibhav Kumar, Faysal Hossain Shezan, Vaibhav Kumar, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have become a cornerstone in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), offering transformative capabilities in understanding and generating human-like text. However, with their rising prominence, the security and vulnerability aspects of these models have garnered significant attention. This paper presents a comprehensive survey of the various forms of attacks targeting LLMs, discussing the nature and mechanisms of these attacks, their potential impacts, and current defense strategies. We delve into topics such as adversarial attacks that aim to manipulate model outputs, data poisoning that affects model training, and privacy concerns related to training data exploitation. The paper also explores the effectiveness of different attack methodologies, the resilience of LLMs against these attacks, and the implications for model integrity and user trust. By examining the latest research, we provide insights into the current landscape of LLM vulnerabilities and defense mechanisms. Our objective is to offer a nuanced understanding of LLM attacks, foster awareness within the AI community, and inspire robust solutions to mitigate these risks in future developments.

replace-cross Mipha: A Comprehensive Overhaul of Multimodal Assistant with Small Language Models

Authors: Minjie Zhu, Yichen Zhu, Xin Liu, Ning Liu, Zhiyuan Xu, Chaomin Shen, Yaxin Peng, Zhicai Ou, Feifei Feng, Jian Tang

Abstract: Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) have showcased impressive skills in tasks related to visual understanding and reasoning. Yet, their widespread application faces obstacles due to the high computational demands during both the training and inference phases, restricting their use to a limited audience within the research and user communities. In this paper, we investigate the design aspects of Multimodal Small Language Models (MSLMs) and propose an efficient multimodal assistant named Mipha, which is designed to create synergy among various aspects: visual representation, language models, and optimization strategies. We show that without increasing the volume of training data, our Mipha-3B outperforms the state-of-the-art large MLLMs, especially LLaVA-1.5-13B, on multiple benchmarks. Through detailed discussion, we provide insights and guidelines for developing strong MSLMs that rival the capabilities of MLLMs. Our code is available at


replace-cross Improving Low-Resource Knowledge Tracing Tasks by Supervised Pre-training and Importance Mechanism Fine-tuning

Authors: Hengyuan Zhang, Zitao Liu, Shuyan Huang, Chenming Shang, Bojun Zhan, Yong Jiang

Abstract: Knowledge tracing (KT) aims to estimate student's knowledge mastery based on their historical interactions. Recently, the deep learning based KT (DLKT) approaches have achieved impressive performance in the KT task. These DLKT models heavily rely on the large number of available student interactions. However, due to various reasons such as budget constraints and privacy concerns, observed interactions are very limited in many real-world scenarios, a.k.a, low-resource KT datasets. Directly training a DLKT model on a low-resource KT dataset may lead to overfitting and it is difficult to choose the appropriate deep neural architecture. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a low-resource KT framework called LoReKT to address above challenges. Inspired by the prevalent "pre-training and fine-tuning" paradigm, we aim to learn transferable parameters and representations from rich-resource KT datasets during the pre-training stage and subsequently facilitate effective adaptation to low-resource KT datasets. Specifically, we simplify existing sophisticated DLKT model architectures with purely a stack of transformer decoders. We design an encoding mechanism to incorporate student interactions from multiple KT data sources and develop an importance mechanism to prioritize updating parameters with high importance while constraining less important ones during the fine-tuning stage. We evaluate LoReKT on six public KT datasets and experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of AUC and Accuracy. To encourage reproducible research, we make our data and code publicly available at


replace-cross An Image is Worth 1/2 Tokens After Layer 2: Plug-and-Play Inference Acceleration for Large Vision-Language Models

Authors: Liang Chen, Haozhe Zhao, Tianyu Liu, Shuai Bai, Junyang Lin, Chang Zhou, Baobao Chang

Abstract: In this study, we identify the inefficient attention phenomena in Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs), notably within prominent models like LLaVA-1.5, QwenVL-Chat and Video-LLaVA. We find out that the attention computation over visual tokens is of extreme inefficiency in the deep layers of popular LVLMs, suggesting a need for a sparser approach compared to textual data handling. To this end, we introduce FastV, a versatile plug-and-play method designed to optimize computational efficiency by learning adaptive attention patterns in early layers and pruning visual tokens in subsequent ones. Our evaluations demonstrate FastV's ability to dramatically reduce computational costs (e.g., a 45 reduction in FLOPs for LLaVA-1.5-13B) without sacrificing performance in a wide range of image and video understanding tasks. The computational efficiency and performance trade-off of FastV are highly customizable and pareto-efficient. It can compress the FLOPs of a 13B-parameter model to achieve a lower budget than that of a 7B-parameter model, while still maintaining superior performance. We believe FastV has practical values for deployment of LVLMs in edge devices and commercial models. Code is released at


replace-cross C-TPT: Calibrated Test-Time Prompt Tuning for Vision-Language Models via Text Feature Dispersion

Authors: Hee Suk Yoon, Eunseop Yoon, Joshua Tian Jin Tee, Mark Hasegawa-Johnson, Yingzhen Li, Chang D. Yoo

Abstract: In deep learning, test-time adaptation has gained attention as a method for model fine-tuning without the need for labeled data. A prime exemplification is the recently proposed test-time prompt tuning for large-scale vision-language models such as CLIP. Unfortunately, these prompts have been mainly developed to improve accuracy, overlooking the importance of calibration, which is a crucial aspect for quantifying prediction uncertainty. However, traditional calibration methods rely on substantial amounts of labeled data, making them impractical for test-time scenarios. To this end, this paper explores calibration during test-time prompt tuning by leveraging the inherent properties of CLIP. Through a series of observations, we find that the prompt choice significantly affects the calibration in CLIP, where the prompts leading to higher text feature dispersion result in better-calibrated predictions. Introducing the Average Text Feature Dispersion (ATFD), we establish its relationship with calibration error and present a novel method, Calibrated Test-time Prompt Tuning (C-TPT), for optimizing prompts during test-time with enhanced calibration. Through extensive experiments on different CLIP architectures and datasets, we show that C-TPT can effectively improve the calibration of test-time prompt tuning without needing labeled data. The code is publicly accessible at


replace-cross ReAct Meets ActRe: Autonomous Annotation of Agent Trajectories for Contrastive Self-Training

Authors: Zonghan Yang, Peng Li, Ming Yan, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Yang Liu

Abstract: Language agents have demonstrated autonomous decision-making abilities by reasoning with foundation models. Recently, efforts have been made to train language agents for performance improvement, with multi-step reasoning and action trajectories as the training data. However, collecting such trajectories still requires considerable human effort, by either artificial annotation or implementations of diverse prompting frameworks. In this work, we propose A$^3$T, a framework that enables the Autonomous Annotation of Agent Trajectories in the style of ReAct. The central role is an ActRe prompting agent, which explains the reason for an arbitrary action. When randomly sampling an external action, the ReAct-style agent could query the ActRe agent with the action to obtain its textual rationales. Novel trajectories are then synthesized by prepending the posterior reasoning from ActRe to the sampled action. In this way, the ReAct-style agent executes multiple trajectories for the failed tasks, and selects the successful ones to supplement its failed trajectory for contrastive self-training. Realized by policy gradient methods with binarized rewards, the contrastive self-training with accumulated trajectories facilitates a closed loop for multiple rounds of language agent self-improvement. We conduct experiments using QLoRA fine-tuning with the open-sourced Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.2. In AlfWorld, the agent trained with A$^3$T obtains a 1-shot success rate of 96%, and 100% success with 4 iterative rounds. In WebShop, the 1-shot performance of the A$^3$T agent matches human average, and 4 rounds of iterative refinement lead to the performance approaching human experts. A$^3$T agents significantly outperform existing techniques, including prompting with GPT-4, advanced agent frameworks, and fully fine-tuned LLMs.

replace-cross Exploring ChatGPT and its Impact on Society

Authors: Md. Asraful Haque, Shuai Li

Abstract: Artificial intelligence has been around for a while, but suddenly it has received more attention than ever before. Thanks to innovations from companies like Google, Microsoft, Meta, and other major brands in technology. OpenAI, though, has triggered the button with its ground-breaking invention ChatGPT. ChatGPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) based on Transformer architecture that has the ability to generate human-like responses in a conversational context. It uses deep learning algorithms to generate natural language responses to input text. Its large number of parameters, contextual generation, and open-domain training make it a versatile and effective tool for a wide range of applications, from chatbots to customer service to language translation. It has the potential to revolutionize various industries and transform the way we interact with technology. However, the use of ChatGPT has also raised several concerns, including ethical, social, and employment challenges, which must be carefully considered to ensure the responsible use of this technology. The article provides an overview of ChatGPT, delving into its architecture and training process. It highlights the potential impacts of ChatGPT on the society. In this paper, we suggest some approaches involving technology, regulation, education, and ethics in an effort to maximize ChatGPT's benefits while minimizing its negative impacts. This study is expected to contribute to a greater understanding of ChatGPT and aid in predicting the potential changes it may bring about.

replace-cross A Transfer Attack to Image Watermarks

Authors: Yuepeng Hu, Zhengyuan Jiang, Moyang Guo, Neil Gong

Abstract: Watermark has been widely deployed by industry to detect AI-generated images. The robustness of such watermark-based detector against evasion attacks in the white-box and black-box settings is well understood in the literature. However, the robustness in the no-box setting is much less understood. In particular, multiple studies claimed that image watermark is robust in such setting. In this work, we propose a new transfer evasion attack to image watermark in the no-box setting. Our transfer attack adds a perturbation to a watermarked image to evade multiple surrogate watermarking models trained by the attacker itself, and the perturbed watermarked image also evades the target watermarking model. Our major contribution is to show that, both theoretically and empirically, watermark-based AI-generated image detector is not robust to evasion attacks even if the attacker does not have access to the watermarking model nor the detection API.

replace-cross LLaVA-PruMerge: Adaptive Token Reduction for Efficient Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Yuzhang Shang, Mu Cai, Bingxin Xu, Yong Jae Lee, Yan Yan

Abstract: Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) have shown significant reasoning capabilities by connecting a visual encoder and a large language model. LMMs typically use a fixed amount of visual tokens, such as the penultimate layer features in the CLIP visual encoder, as the prefix content. Recent LMMs incorporate more complex visual inputs, such as high-resolution images and videos, which increase the number of visual tokens significantly. However, due to the design of the Transformer architecture, computational costs associated with these models tend to increase quadratically with the number of input tokens. To tackle this problem, we explore a token reduction mechanism and find, similar to prior work, that many visual tokens are spatially redundant. Based on this, we propose PruMerge, a novel adaptive visual token reduction approach, which largely reduces the number of visual tokens while maintaining comparable model performance. We first select the unpruned visual tokens based on their similarity to class tokens and spatial tokens. We then cluster the pruned tokens based on key similarity and merge the clustered tokens with the unpruned tokens to supplement their information. Empirically, when applied to LLaVA-1.5, our approach can compress the visual tokens by 18 times on average, and achieve comparable performance across diverse visual question-answering and reasoning tasks. Code and checkpoints are at