new Enhancing Graph Representation Learning with Attention-Driven Spiking Neural Networks

Authors: Huifeng Yin, Mingkun Xu, Jing Pei, Lei Deng

Abstract: Graph representation learning has become a crucial task in machine learning and data mining due to its potential for modeling complex structures such as social networks, chemical compounds, and biological systems. Spiking neural networks (SNNs) have recently emerged as a promising alternative to traditional neural networks for graph learning tasks, benefiting from their ability to efficiently encode and process temporal and spatial information. In this paper, we propose a novel approach that integrates attention mechanisms with SNNs to improve graph representation learning. Specifically, we introduce an attention mechanism for SNN that can selectively focus on important nodes and corresponding features in a graph during the learning process. We evaluate our proposed method on several benchmark datasets and show that it achieves comparable performance compared to existing graph learning techniques.

new AI Consciousness is Inevitable: A Theoretical Computer Science Perspective

Authors: Lenore Blum, Manuel Blum

Abstract: We look at consciousness through the lens of Theoretical Computer Science, a branch of mathematics that studies computation under resource limitations. From this perspective, we develop a formal machine model for consciousness. The model is inspired by Alan Turing's simple yet powerful model of computation and Bernard Baars' theater model of consciousness. Though extremely simple, the model aligns at a high level with many of the major scientific theories of human and animal consciousness, supporting our claim that machine consciousness is inevitable.

new Graph Protection under Multiple Simultaneous Attacks: A Heuristic Approach

Authors: Marko Djukanovic, Stefan Kapunac, Aleksandar Kartelj, Dragan Matic

Abstract: This work focuses on developing an effective meta-heuristic approach to protect against simultaneous attacks on nodes of a network modeled using a graph. Specifically, we focus on the $k$-strong Roman domination problem, a generalization of the well-known Roman domination problem on graphs. This general problem is about assigning integer weights to nodes that represent the number of field armies stationed at each node in order to satisfy the protection constraints while minimizing the total weights. These constraints concern the protection of a graph against any simultaneous attack consisting of $k \in \mathbb{N}$ nodes. An attack is considered repelled if each node labeled 0 can be defended by borrowing an army from one of its neighboring nodes, ensuring that the neighbor retains at least one army for self-defense. The $k$-SRD problem has practical applications in various areas, such as developing counter-terrorism strategies or managing supply chain disruptions. The solution to this problem is notoriously difficult to find, as even checking the feasibility of the proposed solution requires an exponential number of steps. We propose a variable neighborhood search algorithm in which the feasibility of the solution is checked by introducing the concept of quasi-feasibility, which is realized by careful sampling within the set of all possible attacks. Extensive experimental evaluations show the scalability and robustness of the proposed approach compared to the two exact approaches from the literature. Experiments are conducted with random networks from the literature and newly introduced random wireless networks as well as with real-world networks. A practical application scenario, using real-world networks, involves applying our approach to graphs extracted from GeoJSON files containing geographic features of hundreds of cities or larger regions.

new Generation of Asset Administration Shell with Large Language Model Agents: Interoperability in Digital Twins with Semantic Node

Authors: Yuchen Xia, Zhewen Xiao, Nasser Jazdi, Michael Weyrich

Abstract: This research introduces a novel approach for assisting the creation of Asset Administration Shell (AAS) instances for digital twin modeling within the context of Industry 4.0, aiming to enhance interoperability in smart manufacturing and reduce manual effort. We construct a "semantic node" data structure to capture the semantic essence of textual data. Then, a system powered by large language models is designed and implemented to process "semantic node" and generate AAS instance models from textual technical data. Our evaluation demonstrates a 62-79% effective generation rate, indicating a substantial proportion of manual creation effort can be converted into easier validation effort, thereby reducing the time and cost in creating AAS instance models. In our evaluation, a comparative analysis of different LLMs and an in-depth ablation study of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) mechanisms provide insights into the effectiveness of LLM systems for interpreting technical concepts. Our findings emphasize LLMs' capability in automating AAS instance creation, enhancing semantic interoperability, and contributing to the broader field of semantic interoperability for digital twins in industrial applications. The prototype implementation and evaluation results are released on our GitHub Repository with the link:


new Speeding Up Path Planning via Reinforcement Learning in MCTS for Automated Parking

Authors: Xinlong Zheng, Xiaozhou Zhang, Donghao Xu

Abstract: In this paper, we address a method that integrates reinforcement learning into the Monte Carlo tree search to boost online path planning under fully observable environments for automated parking tasks. Sampling-based planning methods under high-dimensional space can be computationally expensive and time-consuming. State evaluation methods are useful by leveraging the prior knowledge into the search steps, making the process faster in a real-time system. Given the fact that automated parking tasks are often executed under complex environments, a solid but lightweight heuristic guidance is challenging to compose in a traditional analytical way. To overcome this limitation, we propose a reinforcement learning pipeline with a Monte Carlo tree search under the path planning framework. By iteratively learning the value of a state and the best action among samples from its previous cycle's outcomes, we are able to model a value estimator and a policy generator for given states. By doing that, we build up a balancing mechanism between exploration and exploitation, speeding up the path planning process while maintaining its quality without using human expert driver data.

new TwoStep: Multi-agent Task Planning using Classical Planners and Large Language Models

Authors: Ishika Singh, David Traum, Jesse Thomason

Abstract: Classical planning formulations like the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL) admit action sequences guaranteed to achieve a goal state given an initial state if any are possible. However, reasoning problems defined in PDDL do not capture temporal aspects of action taking, for example that two agents in the domain can execute an action simultaneously if postconditions of each do not interfere with preconditions of the other. A human expert can decompose a goal into largely independent constituent parts and assign each agent to one of these subgoals to take advantage of simultaneous actions for faster execution of plan steps, each using only single agent planning. By contrast, large language models (LLMs) used for directly inferring plan steps do not guarantee execution success, but do leverage commonsense reasoning to assemble action sequences. We combine the strengths of classical planning and LLMs by approximating human intuitions for two-agent planning goal decomposition. We demonstrate that LLM-based goal decomposition leads to faster planning times than solving multi-agent PDDL problems directly while simultaneously achieving fewer plan execution steps than a single agent plan alone and preserving execution success. Additionally, we find that LLM-based approximations of subgoals can achieve similar multi-agent execution steps than those specified by human experts. Website and resources at


new DASA: Delay-Adaptive Multi-Agent Stochastic Approximation

Authors: Nicolo Dal Fabbro, Arman Adibi, H. Vincent Poor, Sanjeev R. Kulkarni, Aritra Mitra, George J. Pappas

Abstract: We consider a setting in which $N$ agents aim to speedup a common Stochastic Approximation (SA) problem by acting in parallel and communicating with a central server. We assume that the up-link transmissions to the server are subject to asynchronous and potentially unbounded time-varying delays. To mitigate the effect of delays and stragglers while reaping the benefits of distributed computation, we propose \texttt{DASA}, a Delay-Adaptive algorithm for multi-agent Stochastic Approximation. We provide a finite-time analysis of \texttt{DASA} assuming that the agents' stochastic observation processes are independent Markov chains. Significantly advancing existing results, \texttt{DASA} is the first algorithm whose convergence rate depends only on the mixing time $\tmix$ and on the average delay $\tau_{avg}$ while jointly achieving an $N$-fold convergence speedup under Markovian sampling. Our work is relevant for various SA applications, including multi-agent and distributed temporal difference (TD) learning, Q-learning and stochastic optimization with correlated data.

new Visual Hallucination: Definition, Quantification, and Prescriptive Remediations

Authors: Vipula Rawte, Anku Rani, Harshad Sharma, Neeraj Anand, Krishnav Rajbangshi, Amit Sheth, Amitava Das

Abstract: The troubling rise of hallucination presents perhaps the most significant impediment to the advancement of responsible AI. In recent times, considerable research has focused on detecting and mitigating hallucination in Large Language Models (LLMs). However, it's worth noting that hallucination is also quite prevalent in Vision-Language models (VLMs). In this paper, we offer a fine-grained discourse on profiling VLM hallucination based on two tasks: i) image captioning, and ii) Visual Question Answering (VQA). We delineate eight fine-grained orientations of visual hallucination: i) Contextual Guessing, ii) Identity Incongruity, iii) Geographical Erratum, iv) Visual Illusion, v) Gender Anomaly, vi) VLM as Classifier, vii) Wrong Reading, and viii) Numeric Discrepancy. We curate Visual HallucInation eLiciTation (VHILT), a publicly available dataset comprising 2,000 samples generated using eight VLMs across two tasks of captioning and VQA along with human annotations for the categories as mentioned earlier.

new ALISA: Accelerating Large Language Model Inference via Sparsity-Aware KV Caching

Authors: Youpeng Zhao, Di Wu, Jun Wang

Abstract: The Transformer architecture has significantly advanced natural language processing (NLP) and has been foundational in developing large language models (LLMs) such as LLaMA and OPT, which have come to dominate a broad range of NLP tasks. Despite their superior accuracy, LLMs present unique challenges in practical inference, concerning the compute and memory-intensive nature. Thanks to the autoregressive characteristic of LLM inference, KV caching for the attention layers in Transformers can effectively accelerate LLM inference by substituting quadratic-complexity computation with linear-complexity memory accesses. Yet, this approach requires increasing memory as demand grows for processing longer sequences. The overhead leads to reduced throughput due to I/O bottlenecks and even out-of-memory errors, particularly on resource-constrained systems like a single commodity GPU. In this paper, we propose ALISA, a novel algorithm-system co-design solution to address the challenges imposed by KV caching. On the algorithm level, ALISA prioritizes tokens that are most important in generating a new token via a Sparse Window Attention (SWA) algorithm. SWA introduces high sparsity in attention layers and reduces the memory footprint of KV caching at negligible accuracy loss. On the system level, ALISA employs three-phase token-level dynamical scheduling and optimizes the trade-off between caching and recomputation, thus maximizing the overall performance in resource-constrained systems. In a single GPU-CPU system, we demonstrate that under varying workloads, ALISA improves the throughput of baseline systems such as FlexGen and vLLM by up to 3X and 1.9X, respectively.

new Learning Traffic Signal Control via Genetic Programming

Authors: Xiao-Cheng Liao, Yi Mei, Mengjie Zhang

Abstract: The control of traffic signals is crucial for improving transportation efficiency. Recently, learning-based methods, especially Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL), garnered substantial success in the quest for more efficient traffic signal control strategies. However, the design of rewards in DRL highly demands domain knowledge to converge to an effective policy, and the final policy also presents difficulties in terms of explainability. In this work, a new learning-based method for signal control in complex intersections is proposed. In our approach, we design a concept of phase urgency for each signal phase. During signal transitions, the traffic light control strategy selects the next phase to be activated based on the phase urgency. We then proposed to represent the urgency function as an explainable tree structure. The urgency function can calculate the phase urgency for a specific phase based on the current road conditions. Genetic programming is adopted to perform gradient-free optimization of the urgency function. We test our algorithm on multiple public traffic signal control datasets. The experimental results indicate that the tree-shaped urgency function evolved by genetic programming outperforms the baselines, including a state-of-the-art method in the transportation field and a well-known DRL-based method.

new The Pursuit of Fairness in Artificial Intelligence Models: A Survey

Authors: Tahsin Alamgir Kheya, Mohamed Reda Bouadjenek, Sunil Aryal

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence (AI) models are now being utilized in all facets of our lives such as healthcare, education and employment. Since they are used in numerous sensitive environments and make decisions that can be life altering, potential biased outcomes are a pressing matter. Developers should ensure that such models don't manifest any unexpected discriminatory practices like partiality for certain genders, ethnicities or disabled people. With the ubiquitous dissemination of AI systems, researchers and practitioners are becoming more aware of unfair models and are bound to mitigate bias in them. Significant research has been conducted in addressing such issues to ensure models don't intentionally or unintentionally perpetuate bias. This survey offers a synopsis of the different ways researchers have promoted fairness in AI systems. We explore the different definitions of fairness existing in the current literature. We create a comprehensive taxonomy by categorizing different types of bias and investigate cases of biased AI in different application domains. A thorough study is conducted of the approaches and techniques employed by researchers to mitigate bias in AI models. Moreover, we also delve into the impact of biased models on user experience and the ethical considerations to contemplate when developing and deploying such models. We hope this survey helps researchers and practitioners understand the intricate details of fairness and bias in AI systems. By sharing this thorough survey, we aim to promote additional discourse in the domain of equitable and responsible AI.

new The Solution of the Zodiac Killer's 340-Character Cipher

Authors: David Oranchak, Sam Blake, Jarl Van Eycke

Abstract: The case of the Zodiac Killer is one of the most widely known unsolved serial killer cases in history. The unidentified killer murdered five known victims and terrorized the state of California. He also communicated extensively with the press and law enforcement. Besides his murders, Zodiac was known for his use of ciphers. The first Zodiac cipher was solved within a week of its publication, while the second cipher was solved by the authors after 51 years, when it was discovered to be a transposition and homophonic substitution cipher with unusual qualities. In this paper, we detail the historical significance of this cipher and the numerous efforts which culminated in its solution.

new Addressing Myopic Constrained POMDP Planning with Recursive Dual Ascent

Authors: Paula Stocco, Suhas Chundi, Arec Jamgochian, Mykel J. Kochenderfer

Abstract: Lagrangian-guided Monte Carlo tree search with global dual ascent has been applied to solve large constrained partially observable Markov decision processes (CPOMDPs) online. In this work, we demonstrate that these global dual parameters can lead to myopic action selection during exploration, ultimately leading to suboptimal decision making. To address this, we introduce history-dependent dual variables that guide local action selection and are optimized with recursive dual ascent. We empirically compare the performance of our approach on a motivating toy example and two large CPOMDPs, demonstrating improved exploration, and ultimately, safer outcomes.

new Explainable Graph Neural Networks for Observation Impact Analysis in Atmospheric State Estimation

Authors: Hyeon-Ju Jeon, Jeon-Ho Kang, In-Hyuk Kwon, O-Joun Lee

Abstract: This paper investigates the impact of observations on atmospheric state estimation in weather forecasting systems using graph neural networks (GNNs) and explainability methods. We integrate observation and Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) points into a meteorological graph, extracting $k$-hop subgraphs centered on NWP points. Self-supervised GNNs are employed to estimate the atmospheric state by aggregating data within these $k$-hop radii. The study applies gradient-based explainability methods to quantify the significance of different observations in the estimation process. Evaluated with data from 11 satellite and land-based observations, the results highlight the effectiveness of visualizing the importance of observation types, enhancing the understanding and optimization of observational data in weather forecasting.

new An Open-source End-to-End Logic Optimization Framework for Large-scale Boolean Network with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Zhen Li, Kaixiang Zhu, Xuegong Zhou, Lingli Wang

Abstract: We propose an open-source end-to-end logic optimization framework for large-scale boolean network with reinforcement learning.

new AI Safety: Necessary, but insufficient and possibly problematic

Authors: Deepak P

Abstract: This article critically examines the recent hype around AI safety. We first start with noting the nature of the AI safety hype as being dominated by governments and corporations, and contrast it with other avenues within AI research on advancing social good. We consider what 'AI safety' actually means, and outline the dominant concepts that the digital footprint of AI safety aligns with. We posit that AI safety has a nuanced and uneasy relationship with transparency and other allied notions associated with societal good, indicating that it is an insufficient notion if the goal is that of societal good in a broad sense. We note that the AI safety debate has already influenced some regulatory efforts in AI, perhaps in not so desirable directions. We also share our concerns on how AI safety may normalize AI that advances structural harm through providing exploitative and harmful AI with a veneer of safety.

new Knowledge-Powered Recommendation for an Improved Diet Water Footprint

Authors: Saurav Joshi, Filip Ilievski, Jay Pujara

Abstract: According to WWF, 1.1 billion people lack access to water, and 2.7 billion experience water scarcity at least one month a year. By 2025, two-thirds of the world's population may be facing water shortages. This highlights the urgency of managing water usage efficiently, especially in water-intensive sectors like food. This paper proposes a recommendation engine, powered by knowledge graphs, aiming to facilitate sustainable and healthy food consumption. The engine recommends ingredient substitutes in user recipes that improve nutritional value and reduce environmental impact, particularly water footprint. The system architecture includes source identification, information extraction, schema alignment, knowledge graph construction, and user interface development. The research offers a promising tool for promoting healthier eating habits and contributing to water conservation efforts.

new Aligning Large Language Models for Enhancing Psychiatric Interviews through Symptom Delineation and Summarization

Authors: Jae-hee So, Joonhwan Chang, Eunji Kim, Junho Na, JiYeon Choi, Jy-yong Sohn, Byung-Hoon Kim, Sang Hui Chu

Abstract: Recent advancements in Large Language Models (LLMs) have accelerated their usage in various domains. Given the fact that psychiatric interviews are goal-oriented and structured dialogues between the professional interviewer and the interviewee, it is one of the most underexplored areas where LLMs can contribute substantial value. Here, we explore the use of LLMs for enhancing psychiatric interviews, by analyzing counseling data from North Korean defectors with traumatic events and mental health issues. Specifically, we investigate whether LLMs can (1) delineate the part of the conversation that suggests psychiatric symptoms and name the symptoms, and (2) summarize stressors and symptoms, based on the interview dialogue transcript. Here, the transcript data was labeled by mental health experts for training and evaluation of LLMs. Our experimental results show that appropriately prompted LLMs can achieve high performance on both the symptom delineation task and the summarization task. This research contributes to the nascent field of applying LLMs to psychiatric interview and demonstrates their potential effectiveness in aiding mental health practitioners.

new KC-GenRe: A Knowledge-constrained Generative Re-ranking Method Based on Large Language Models for Knowledge Graph Completion

Authors: Yilin Wang, Minghao Hu, Zhen Huang, Dongsheng Li, Dong Yang, Xicheng Lu

Abstract: The goal of knowledge graph completion (KGC) is to predict missing facts among entities. Previous methods for KGC re-ranking are mostly built on non-generative language models to obtain the probability of each candidate. Recently, generative large language models (LLMs) have shown outstanding performance on several tasks such as information extraction and dialog systems. Leveraging them for KGC re-ranking is beneficial for leveraging the extensive pre-trained knowledge and powerful generative capabilities. However, it may encounter new problems when accomplishing the task, namely mismatch, misordering and omission. To this end, we introduce KC-GenRe, a knowledge-constrained generative re-ranking method based on LLMs for KGC. To overcome the mismatch issue, we formulate the KGC re-ranking task as a candidate identifier sorting generation problem implemented by generative LLMs. To tackle the misordering issue, we develop a knowledge-guided interactive training method that enhances the identification and ranking of candidates. To address the omission issue, we design a knowledge-augmented constrained inference method that enables contextual prompting and controlled generation, so as to obtain valid rankings. Experimental results show that KG-GenRe achieves state-of-the-art performance on four datasets, with gains of up to 6.7% and 7.7% in the MRR and Hits@1 metric compared to previous methods, and 9.0% and 11.1% compared to that without re-ranking. Extensive analysis demonstrates the effectiveness of components in KG-GenRe.

new Practical Applications of Advanced Cloud Services and Generative AI Systems in Medical Image Analysis

Authors: Jingyu Xu, Binbin Wu, Jiaxin Huang, Yulu Gong, Yifan Zhang, Bo Liu

Abstract: The medical field is one of the important fields in the application of artificial intelligence technology. With the explosive growth and diversification of medical data, as well as the continuous improvement of medical needs and challenges, artificial intelligence technology is playing an increasingly important role in the medical field. Artificial intelligence technologies represented by computer vision, natural language processing, and machine learning have been widely penetrated into diverse scenarios such as medical imaging, health management, medical information, and drug research and development, and have become an important driving force for improving the level and quality of medical services.The article explores the transformative potential of generative AI in medical imaging, emphasizing its ability to generate syntheticACM-2 data, enhance images, aid in anomaly detection, and facilitate image-to-image translation. Despite challenges like model complexity, the applications of generative models in healthcare, including Med-PaLM 2 technology, show promising results. By addressing limitations in dataset size and diversity, these models contribute to more accurate diagnoses and improved patient outcomes. However, ethical considerations and collaboration among stakeholders are essential for responsible implementation. Through experiments leveraging GANs to augment brain tumor MRI datasets, the study demonstrates how generative AI can enhance image quality and diversity, ultimately advancing medical diagnostics and patient care.

new LASIL: Learner-Aware Supervised Imitation Learning For Long-term Microscopic Traffic Simulation

Authors: Ke Guo, Zhenwei Miao, Wei Jing, Weiwei Liu, Weizi Li, Dayang Hao, Jia Pan

Abstract: Microscopic traffic simulation plays a crucial role in transportation engineering by providing insights into individual vehicle behavior and overall traffic flow. However, creating a realistic simulator that accurately replicates human driving behaviors in various traffic conditions presents significant challenges. Traditional simulators relying on heuristic models often fail to deliver accurate simulations due to the complexity of real-world traffic environments. Due to the covariate shift issue, existing imitation learning-based simulators often fail to generate stable long-term simulations. In this paper, we propose a novel approach called learner-aware supervised imitation learning to address the covariate shift problem in multi-agent imitation learning. By leveraging a variational autoencoder simultaneously modeling the expert and learner state distribution, our approach augments expert states such that the augmented state is aware of learner state distribution. Our method, applied to urban traffic simulation, demonstrates significant improvements over existing state-of-the-art baselines in both short-term microscopic and long-term macroscopic realism when evaluated on the real-world dataset pNEUMA.

new Fully-fused Multi-Layer Perceptrons on Intel Data Center GPUs

Authors: Kai Yuan, Christoph Bauinger, Xiangyi Zhang, Pascal Baehr, Matthias Kirchhart, Darius Dabert, Adrien Tousnakhoff, Pierre Boudier, Michael Paulitsch

Abstract: This paper presents a SYCL implementation of Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs), which targets and is optimized for the Intel Data Center GPU Max 1550. To increase the performance, our implementation minimizes the slow global memory accesses by maximizing the data reuse within the general register file and the shared local memory by fusing the operations in each layer of the MLP. We show with a simple roofline model that this results in a significant increase in the arithmetic intensity, leading to improved performance, especially for inference. We compare our approach to a similar CUDA implementation for MLPs and show that our implementation on the Intel Data Center GPU outperforms the CUDA implementation on Nvidia's H100 GPU by a factor up to 2.84 in inference and 1.75 in training. The paper also showcases the efficiency of our SYCL implementation in three significant areas: Image Compression, Neural Radiance Fields, and Physics-Informed Machine Learning. In all cases, our implementation outperforms the off-the-shelf Intel Extension for PyTorch (IPEX) implementation on the same Intel GPU by up to a factor of 30 and the CUDA PyTorch version on Nvidia's H100 GPU by up to a factor 19. The code can be found at


new Data-driven Energy Consumption Modelling for Electric Micromobility using an Open Dataset

Authors: Yue Ding, Sen Yan, Maqsood Hussain Shah, Hongyuan Fang, Ji Li, Mingming Liu

Abstract: The escalating challenges of traffic congestion and environmental degradation underscore the critical importance of embracing E-Mobility solutions in urban spaces. In particular, micro E-Mobility tools such as E-scooters and E-bikes, play a pivotal role in this transition, offering sustainable alternatives for urban commuters. However, the energy consumption patterns for these tools are a critical aspect that impacts their effectiveness in real-world scenarios and is essential for trip planning and boosting user confidence in using these. To this effect, recent studies have utilised physical models customised for specific mobility tools and conditions, but these models struggle with generalization and effectiveness in real-world scenarios due to a notable absence of open datasets for thorough model evaluation and verification. To fill this gap, our work presents an open dataset, collected in Dublin, Ireland, specifically designed for energy modelling research related to E-Scooters and E-Bikes. Furthermore, we provide a comprehensive analysis of energy consumption modelling based on the dataset using a set of representative machine learning algorithms and compare their performance against the contemporary mathematical models as a baseline. Our results demonstrate a notable advantage for data-driven models in comparison to the corresponding mathematical models for estimating energy consumption. Specifically, data-driven models outperform physical models in accuracy by up to 83.83% for E-Bikes and 82.16% for E-Scooters based on an in-depth analysis of the dataset under certain assumptions.

new S+t-SNE - Bringing dimensionality reduction to data streams

Authors: Pedro C. Vieira, Jo\~ao P. Montrezol, Jo\~ao T. Vieira, Jo\~ao Gama

Abstract: We present S+t-SNE, an adaptation of the t-SNE algorithm designed to handle infinite data streams. The core idea behind S+t-SNE is to update the t-SNE embedding incrementally as new data arrives, ensuring scalability and adaptability to handle streaming scenarios. By selecting the most important points at each step, the algorithm ensures scalability while keeping informative visualisations. Employing a blind method for drift management adjusts the embedding space, facilitating continuous visualisation of evolving data dynamics. Our experimental evaluations demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of S+t-SNE. The results highlight its ability to capture patterns in a streaming scenario. We hope our approach offers researchers and practitioners a real-time tool for understanding and interpreting high-dimensional data.

new An Extension-based Approach for Computing and Verifying Preferences in Abstract Argumentation

Authors: Quratul-ain Mahesar, Nir Oren, Wamberto W. Vasconcelos

Abstract: We present an extension-based approach for computing and verifying preferences in an abstract argumentation system. Although numerous argumentation semantics have been developed previously for identifying acceptable sets of arguments from an argumentation framework, there is a lack of justification behind their acceptability based on implicit argument preferences. Preference-based argumentation frameworks allow one to determine what arguments are justified given a set of preferences. Our research considers the inverse of the standard reasoning problem, i.e., given an abstract argumentation framework and a set of justified arguments, we compute what the possible preferences over arguments are. Furthermore, there is a need to verify (i.e., assess) that the computed preferences would lead to the acceptable sets of arguments. This paper presents a novel approach and algorithm for exhaustively computing and enumerating all possible sets of preferences (restricted to three identified cases) for a conflict-free set of arguments in an abstract argumentation framework. We prove the soundness, completeness and termination of the algorithm. The research establishes that preferences are determined using an extension-based approach after the evaluation phase (acceptability of arguments) rather than stated beforehand. In this work, we focus our research study on grounded, preferred and stable semantics. We show that the complexity of computing sets of preferences is exponential in the number of arguments, and thus, describe an approximate approach and algorithm to compute the preferences. Furthermore, we present novel algorithms for verifying (i.e., assessing) the computed preferences. We provide details of the implementation of the algorithms (source code has been made available), various experiments performed to evaluate the algorithms and the analysis of the results.

new Solution for Emotion Prediction Competition of Workshop on Emotionally and Culturally Intelligent AI

Authors: Shengdong Xu, Zhouyang Chi, Yang Yang

Abstract: This report provide a detailed description of the method that we explored and proposed in the WECIA Emotion Prediction Competition (EPC), which predicts a person's emotion through an artistic work with a comment. The dataset of this competition is ArtELingo, designed to encourage work on diversity across languages and cultures. The dataset has two main challenges, namely modal imbalance problem and language-cultural differences problem. In order to address this issue, we propose a simple yet effective approach called single-multi modal with Emotion-Cultural specific prompt(ECSP), which focuses on using the single modal message to enhance the performance of multimodal models and a well-designed prompt to reduce cultural differences problem. To clarify, our approach contains two main blocks: (1)XLM-R\cite{conneau2019unsupervised} based unimodal model and X$^2$-VLM\cite{zeng2022x} based multimodal model (2) Emotion-Cultural specific prompt. Our approach ranked first in the final test with a score of 0.627.

new Tiny Models are the Computational Saver for Large Models

Authors: Qingyuan Wang, Barry Cardiff, Antoine Frapp\'e, Benoit Larras, Deepu John

Abstract: This paper introduces TinySaver, an early-exit-like dynamic model compression approach which employs tiny models to substitute large models adaptively. Distinct from traditional compression techniques, dynamic methods like TinySaver can leverage the difficulty differences to allow certain inputs to complete their inference processes early, thereby conserving computational resources. Most existing early exit designs are implemented by attaching additional network branches to the model's backbone. Our study, however, reveals that completely independent tiny models can replace a substantial portion of the larger models' job with minimal impact on performance. Employing them as the first exit can remarkably enhance computational efficiency. By searching and employing the most appropriate tiny model as the computational saver for a given large model, the proposed approaches work as a novel and generic method to model compression. This finding will help the research community in exploring new compression methods to address the escalating computational demands posed by rapidly evolving AI models. Our evaluation of this approach in ImageNet-1k classification demonstrates its potential to reduce the number of compute operations by up to 90%, with only negligible losses in performance, across various modern vision models. The code of this work will be available.

new Out-of-distribution Rumor Detection via Test-Time Adaptation

Authors: Xiang Tao, Mingqing Zhang, Qiang Liu, Shu Wu, Liang Wang

Abstract: Due to the rapid spread of rumors on social media, rumor detection has become an extremely important challenge. Existing methods for rumor detection have achieved good performance, as they have collected enough corpus from the same data distribution for model training. However, significant distribution shifts between the training data and real-world test data occur due to differences in news topics, social media platforms, languages and the variance in propagation scale caused by news popularity. This leads to a substantial decline in the performance of these existing methods in Out-Of-Distribution (OOD) situations. To address this problem, we propose a simple and efficient method named Test-time Adaptation for Rumor Detection under distribution shifts (TARD). This method models the propagation of news in the form of a propagation graph, and builds propagation graph test-time adaptation framework, enhancing the model's adaptability and robustness when facing OOD problems. Extensive experiments conducted on two group datasets collected from real-world social platforms demonstrate that our framework outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in performance.

new Using Stratified Sampling to Improve LIME Image Explanations

Authors: Muhammad Rashid, Elvio G. Amparore, Enrico Ferrari, Damiano Verda

Abstract: We investigate the use of a stratified sampling approach for LIME Image, a popular model-agnostic explainable AI method for computer vision tasks, in order to reduce the artifacts generated by typical Monte Carlo sampling. Such artifacts are due to the undersampling of the dependent variable in the synthetic neighborhood around the image being explained, which may result in inadequate explanations due to the impossibility of fitting a linear regressor on the sampled data. We then highlight a connection with the Shapley theory, where similar arguments about undersampling and sample relevance were suggested in the past. We derive all the formulas and adjustment factors required for an unbiased stratified sampling estimator. Experiments show the efficacy of the proposed approach.

new DataCook: Crafting Anti-Adversarial Examples for Healthcare Data Copyright Protection

Authors: Sihan Shang, Jiancheng Yang, Zhenglong Sun, Pascal Fua

Abstract: In the realm of healthcare, the challenges of copyright protection and unauthorized third-party misuse are increasingly significant. Traditional methods for data copyright protection are applied prior to data distribution, implying that models trained on these data become uncontrollable. This paper introduces a novel approach, named DataCook, designed to safeguard the copyright of healthcare data during the deployment phase. DataCook operates by "cooking" the raw data before distribution, enabling the development of models that perform normally on this processed data. However, during the deployment phase, the original test data must be also "cooked" through DataCook to ensure normal model performance. This process grants copyright holders control over authorization during the deployment phase. The mechanism behind DataCook is by crafting anti-adversarial examples (AntiAdv), which are designed to enhance model confidence, as opposed to standard adversarial examples (Adv) that aim to confuse models. Similar to Adv, AntiAdv introduces imperceptible perturbations, ensuring that the data processed by DataCook remains easily understandable. We conducted extensive experiments on MedMNIST datasets, encompassing both 2D/3D data and the high-resolution variants. The outcomes indicate that DataCook effectively meets its objectives, preventing models trained on AntiAdv from analyzing unauthorized data effectively, without compromising the validity and accuracy of the data in legitimate scenarios. Code and data are available at


new Towards a FAIR Documentation of Workflows and Models in Applied Mathematics

Authors: Marco Reidelbach, Bj\"orn Schembera, Marcus Weber

Abstract: Modeling-Simulation-Optimization workflows play a fundamental role in applied mathematics. The Mathematical Research Data Initiative, MaRDI, responded to this by developing a FAIR and machine-interpretable template for a comprehensive documentation of such workflows. MaRDMO, a Plugin for the Research Data Management Organiser, enables scientists from diverse fields to document and publish their workflows on the MaRDI Portal seamlessly using the MaRDI template. Central to these workflows are mathematical models. MaRDI addresses them with the MathModDB ontology, offering a structured formal model description. Here, we showcase the interaction between MaRDMO and the MathModDB Knowledge Graph through an algebraic modeling workflow from the Digital Humanities. This demonstration underscores the versatility of both services beyond their original numerical domain.

new Evaluating the Efficacy of Prompt-Engineered Large Multimodal Models Versus Fine-Tuned Vision Transformers in Image-Based Security Applications

Authors: Fouad Trad, Ali Chehab

Abstract: The success of Large Language Models (LLMs) has led to a parallel rise in the development of Large Multimodal Models (LMMs), such as Gemini-pro, which have begun to transform a variety of applications. These sophisticated multimodal models are designed to interpret and analyze complex data, integrating both textual and visual information on a scale previously unattainable, opening new avenues for a range of applications. This paper investigates the applicability and effectiveness of prompt-engineered Gemini-pro LMMs versus fine-tuned Vision Transformer (ViT) models in addressing critical security challenges. We focus on two distinct tasks: a visually evident task of detecting simple triggers, such as small squares in images, indicative of potential backdoors, and a non-visually evident task of malware classification through visual representations. Our results highlight a significant divergence in performance, with Gemini-pro falling short in accuracy and reliability when compared to fine-tuned ViT models. The ViT models, on the other hand, demonstrate exceptional accuracy, achieving near-perfect performance on both tasks. This study not only showcases the strengths and limitations of prompt-engineered LMMs in cybersecurity applications but also emphasizes the unmatched efficacy of fine-tuned ViT models for precise and dependable tasks.

new D-PAD: Deep-Shallow Multi-Frequency Patterns Disentangling for Time Series Forecasting

Authors: Xiaobing Yuan, Ling Chen

Abstract: In time series forecasting, effectively disentangling intricate temporal patterns is crucial. While recent works endeavor to combine decomposition techniques with deep learning, multiple frequencies may still be mixed in the decomposed components, e.g., trend and seasonal. Furthermore, frequency domain analysis methods, e.g., Fourier and wavelet transforms, have limitations in resolution in the time domain and adaptability. In this paper, we propose D-PAD, a deep-shallow multi-frequency patterns disentangling neural network for time series forecasting. Specifically, a multi-component decomposing (MCD) block is introduced to decompose the series into components with different frequency ranges, corresponding to the "shallow" aspect. A decomposition-reconstruction-decomposition (D-R-D) module is proposed to progressively extract the information of frequencies mixed in the components, corresponding to the "deep" aspect. After that, an interaction and fusion (IF) module is used to further analyze the components. Extensive experiments on seven real-world datasets demonstrate that D-PAD achieves the state-of-the-art performance, outperforming the best baseline by an average of 9.48% and 7.15% in MSE and MAE, respectively.

new On the Computational Complexity of Stackelberg Planning and Meta-Operator Verification: Technical Report

Authors: Gregor Behnke, Marcel Steinmetz

Abstract: Stackelberg planning is a recently introduced single-turn two-player adversarial planning model, where two players are acting in a joint classical planning task, the objective of the first player being hampering the second player from achieving its goal. This places the Stackelberg planning problem somewhere between classical planning and general combinatorial two-player games. But, where exactly? All investigations of Stackelberg planning so far focused on practical aspects. We close this gap by conducting the first theoretical complexity analysis of Stackelberg planning. We show that in general Stackelberg planning is actually no harder than classical planning. Under a polynomial plan-length restriction, however, Stackelberg planning is a level higher up in the polynomial complexity hierarchy, suggesting that compilations into classical planning come with a worst-case exponential plan-length increase. In attempts to identify tractable fragments, we further study its complexity under various planning task restrictions, showing that Stackelberg planning remains intractable where classical planning is not. We finally inspect the complexity of meta-operator verification, a problem that has been recently connected to Stackelberg planning.

new Addressing Social Misattributions of Large Language Models: An HCXAI-based Approach

Authors: Andrea Ferrario, Alberto Termine, Alessandro Facchini

Abstract: Human-centered explainable AI (HCXAI) advocates for the integration of social aspects into AI explanations. Central to the HCXAI discourse is the Social Transparency (ST) framework, which aims to make the socio-organizational context of AI systems accessible to their users. In this work, we suggest extending the ST framework to address the risks of social misattributions in Large Language Models (LLMs), particularly in sensitive areas like mental health. In fact LLMs, which are remarkably capable of simulating roles and personas, may lead to mismatches between designers' intentions and users' perceptions of social attributes, risking to promote emotional manipulation and dangerous behaviors, cases of epistemic injustice, and unwarranted trust. To address these issues, we propose enhancing the ST framework with a fifth 'W-question' to clarify the specific social attributions assigned to LLMs by its designers and users. This addition aims to bridge the gap between LLM capabilities and user perceptions, promoting the ethically responsible development and use of LLM-based technology.

new Hierarchical Multi-label Classification for Fine-level Event Extraction from Aviation Accident Reports

Authors: Xinyu Zhao, Hao Yan, Yongming Liu

Abstract: A large volume of accident reports is recorded in the aviation domain, which greatly values improving aviation safety. To better use those reports, we need to understand the most important events or impact factors according to the accident reports. However, the increasing number of accident reports requires large efforts from domain experts to label those reports. In order to make the labeling process more efficient, many researchers have started developing algorithms to identify the underlying events from accident reports automatically. This article argues that we can identify the events more accurately by leveraging the event taxonomy. More specifically, we consider the problem a hierarchical classification task where we first identify the coarse-level information and then predict the fine-level information. We achieve this hierarchical classification process by incorporating a novel hierarchical attention module into BERT. To further utilize the information from event taxonomy, we regularize the proposed model according to the relationship and distribution among labels. The effectiveness of our framework is evaluated with the data collected by National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). It has been shown that fine-level prediction accuracy is highly improved, and the regularization term can be beneficial to the rare event identification problem.

new AgentStudio: A Toolkit for Building General Virtual Agents

Authors: Longtao Zheng, Zhiyuan Huang, Zhenghai Xue, Xinrun Wang, Bo An, Shuicheng Yan

Abstract: Creating autonomous virtual agents capable of using arbitrary software on any digital device remains a major challenge for artificial intelligence. Two key obstacles hinder progress: insufficient infrastructure for building virtual agents in real-world environments, and the need for in-the-wild evaluation of fundamental agent abilities. To address this, we introduce AgentStudio, an online, realistic, and multimodal toolkit that covers the entire lifecycle of agent development. This includes environment setups, data collection, agent evaluation, and visualization. The observation and action spaces are highly generic, supporting both function calling and human-computer interfaces. This versatility is further enhanced by AgentStudio's graphical user interfaces, which allow efficient development of datasets and benchmarks in real-world settings. To illustrate, we introduce a visual grounding dataset and a real-world benchmark suite, both created with our graphical interfaces. Furthermore, we present several actionable insights derived from AgentStudio, e.g., general visual grounding, open-ended tool creation, learning from videos, etc. We have open-sourced the environments, datasets, benchmarks, and interfaces to promote research towards developing general virtual agents for the future.

cross Conversational Tree Search: A New Hybrid Dialog Task

Authors: Dirk V\"ath, Lindsey Vanderlyn, Ngoc Thang Vu

Abstract: Conversational interfaces provide a flexible and easy way for users to seek information that may otherwise be difficult or inconvenient to obtain. However, existing interfaces generally fall into one of two categories: FAQs, where users must have a concrete question in order to retrieve a general answer, or dialogs, where users must follow a predefined path but may receive a personalized answer. In this paper, we introduce Conversational Tree Search (CTS) as a new task that bridges the gap between FAQ-style information retrieval and task-oriented dialog, allowing domain-experts to define dialog trees which can then be converted to an efficient dialog policy that learns only to ask the questions necessary to navigate a user to their goal. We collect a dataset for the travel reimbursement domain and demonstrate a baseline as well as a novel deep Reinforcement Learning architecture for this task. Our results show that the new architecture combines the positive aspects of both the FAQ and dialog system used in the baseline and achieves higher goal completion while skipping unnecessary questions.

cross A unified front-end framework for English text-to-speech synthesis

Authors: Zelin Ying, Chen Li, Yu Dong, Qiuqiang Kong, Qiao Tian, Yuanyuan Huo, Yuxuan Wang

Abstract: The front-end is a critical component of English text-to-speech (TTS) systems, responsible for extracting linguistic features that are essential for a text-to-speech model to synthesize speech, such as prosodies and phonemes. The English TTS front-end typically consists of a text normalization (TN) module, a prosody word prosody phrase (PWPP) module, and a grapheme-to-phoneme (G2P) module. However, current research on the English TTS front-end focuses solely on individual modules, neglecting the interdependence between them and resulting in sub-optimal performance for each module. Therefore, this paper proposes a unified front-end framework that captures the dependencies among the English TTS front-end modules. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that the proposed method achieves state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance in all modules.

cross Cyclical Log Annealing as a Learning Rate Scheduler

Authors: Philip Naveen

Abstract: A learning rate scheduler is a predefined set of instructions for varying search stepsizes during model training processes. This paper introduces a new logarithmic method using harsh restarting of step sizes through stochastic gradient descent. Cyclical log annealing implements the restart pattern more aggressively to maybe allow the usage of more greedy algorithms on the online convex optimization framework. The algorithm was tested on the CIFAR-10 image datasets, and seemed to perform analogously with cosine annealing on large transformer-enhanced residual neural networks. Future experiments would involve testing the scheduler in generative adversarial networks and finding the best parameters for the scheduler with more experiments.

cross SUDO: a framework for evaluating clinical artificial intelligence systems without ground-truth annotations

Authors: Dani Kiyasseh, Aaron Cohen, Chengsheng Jiang, Nicholas Altieri

Abstract: A clinical artificial intelligence (AI) system is often validated on a held-out set of data which it has not been exposed to before (e.g., data from a different hospital with a distinct electronic health record system). This evaluation process is meant to mimic the deployment of an AI system on data in the wild; those which are currently unseen by the system yet are expected to be encountered in a clinical setting. However, when data in the wild differ from the held-out set of data, a phenomenon referred to as distribution shift, and lack ground-truth annotations, it becomes unclear the extent to which AI-based findings can be trusted on data in the wild. Here, we introduce SUDO, a framework for evaluating AI systems without ground-truth annotations. SUDO assigns temporary labels to data points in the wild and directly uses them to train distinct models, with the highest performing model indicative of the most likely label. Through experiments with AI systems developed for dermatology images, histopathology patches, and clinical reports, we show that SUDO can be a reliable proxy for model performance and thus identify unreliable predictions. We also demonstrate that SUDO informs the selection of models and allows for the previously out-of-reach assessment of algorithmic bias for data in the wild without ground-truth annotations. The ability to triage unreliable predictions for further inspection and assess the algorithmic bias of AI systems can improve the integrity of research findings and contribute to the deployment of ethical AI systems in medicine.

cross Evolution and Efficiency in Neural Architecture Search: Bridging the Gap Between Expert Design and Automated Optimization

Authors: Fanfei Meng, Chen-Ao Wang, Alexander Brown

Abstract: The paper provides a comprehensive overview of Neural Architecture Search (NAS), emphasizing its evolution from manual design to automated, computationally-driven approaches. It covers the inception and growth of NAS, highlighting its application across various domains, including medical imaging and natural language processing. The document details the shift from expert-driven design to algorithm-driven processes, exploring initial methodologies like reinforcement learning and evolutionary algorithms. It also discusses the challenges of computational demands and the emergence of efficient NAS methodologies, such as Differentiable Architecture Search and hardware-aware NAS. The paper further elaborates on NAS's application in computer vision, NLP, and beyond, demonstrating its versatility and potential for optimizing neural network architectures across different tasks. Future directions and challenges, including computational efficiency and the integration with emerging AI domains, are addressed, showcasing NAS's dynamic nature and its continued evolution towards more sophisticated and efficient architecture search methods.

cross Continuous, Subject-Specific Attribute Control in T2I Models by Identifying Semantic Directions

Authors: Stefan Andreas Baumann, Felix Krause, Michael Neumayr, Nick Stracke, Vincent Tao Hu, Bj\"orn Ommer

Abstract: In recent years, advances in text-to-image (T2I) diffusion models have substantially elevated the quality of their generated images. However, achieving fine-grained control over attributes remains a challenge due to the limitations of natural language prompts (such as no continuous set of intermediate descriptions existing between ``person'' and ``old person''). Even though many methods were introduced that augment the model or generation process to enable such control, methods that do not require a fixed reference image are limited to either enabling global fine-grained attribute expression control or coarse attribute expression control localized to specific subjects, not both simultaneously. We show that there exist directions in the commonly used token-level CLIP text embeddings that enable fine-grained subject-specific control of high-level attributes in text-to-image models. Based on this observation, we introduce one efficient optimization-free and one robust optimization-based method to identify these directions for specific attributes from contrastive text prompts. We demonstrate that these directions can be used to augment the prompt text input with fine-grained control over attributes of specific subjects in a compositional manner (control over multiple attributes of a single subject) without having to adapt the diffusion model. Project page: Code is available at


cross A Study in Dataset Pruning for Image Super-Resolution

Authors: Brian B. Moser, Federico Raue, Andreas Dengel

Abstract: In image Super-Resolution (SR), relying on large datasets for training is a double-edged sword. While offering rich training material, they also demand substantial computational and storage resources. In this work, we analyze dataset pruning as a solution to these challenges. We introduce a novel approach that reduces a dataset to a core-set of training samples, selected based on their loss values as determined by a simple pre-trained SR model. By focusing the training on just 50% of the original dataset, specifically on the samples characterized by the highest loss values, we achieve results comparable to or even surpassing those obtained from training on the entire dataset. Interestingly, our analysis reveals that the top 5% of samples with the highest loss values negatively affect the training process. Excluding these samples and adjusting the selection to favor easier samples further enhances training outcomes. Our work opens new perspectives to the untapped potential of dataset pruning in image SR. It suggests that careful selection of training data based on loss-value metrics can lead to better SR models, challenging the conventional wisdom that more data inevitably leads to better performance.

cross GOLF: Goal-Oriented Long-term liFe tasks supported by human-AI collaboration

Authors: Ben Wang

Abstract: The advent of ChatGPT and similar large language models (LLMs) has revolutionized the human-AI interaction and information-seeking process. Leveraging LLMs as an alternative to search engines, users can now access summarized information tailored to their queries, significantly reducing the cognitive load associated with navigating vast information resources. This shift underscores the potential of LLMs in redefining information access paradigms. Drawing on the foundation of task-focused information retrieval and LLMs' task planning ability, this research extends the scope of LLM capabilities beyond routine task automation to support users in navigating long-term and significant life tasks. It introduces the GOLF framework (Goal-Oriented Long-term liFe tasks), which focuses on enhancing LLMs' ability to assist in significant life decisions through goal orientation and long-term planning. The methodology encompasses a comprehensive simulation study to test the framework's efficacy, followed by model and human evaluations to develop a dataset benchmark for long-term life tasks, and experiments across different models and settings. By shifting the focus from short-term tasks to the broader spectrum of long-term life goals, this research underscores the transformative potential of LLMs in enhancing human decision-making processes and task management, marking a significant step forward in the evolution of human-AI collaboration.

cross Offline Reinforcement Learning: Role of State Aggregation and Trajectory Data

Authors: Zeyu Jia, Alexander Rakhlin, Ayush Sekhari, Chen-Yu Wei

Abstract: We revisit the problem of offline reinforcement learning with value function realizability but without Bellman completeness. Previous work by Xie and Jiang (2021) and Foster et al. (2022) left open the question whether a bounded concentrability coefficient along with trajectory-based offline data admits a polynomial sample complexity. In this work, we provide a negative answer to this question for the task of offline policy evaluation. In addition to addressing this question, we provide a rather complete picture for offline policy evaluation with only value function realizability. Our primary findings are threefold: 1) The sample complexity of offline policy evaluation is governed by the concentrability coefficient in an aggregated Markov Transition Model jointly determined by the function class and the offline data distribution, rather than that in the original MDP. This unifies and generalizes the ideas of Xie and Jiang (2021) and Foster et al. (2022), 2) The concentrability coefficient in the aggregated Markov Transition Model may grow exponentially with the horizon length, even when the concentrability coefficient in the original MDP is small and the offline data is admissible (i.e., the data distribution equals the occupancy measure of some policy), 3) Under value function realizability, there is a generic reduction that can convert any hard instance with admissible data to a hard instance with trajectory data, implying that trajectory data offers no extra benefits over admissible data. These three pieces jointly resolve the open problem, though each of them could be of independent interest.

cross Grounding Language Plans in Demonstrations Through Counterfactual Perturbations

Authors: Yanwei Wang, Tsun-Hsuan Wang, Jiayuan Mao, Michael Hagenow, Julie Shah

Abstract: Grounding the common-sense reasoning of Large Language Models in physical domains remains a pivotal yet unsolved problem for embodied AI. Whereas prior works have focused on leveraging LLMs directly for planning in symbolic spaces, this work uses LLMs to guide the search of task structures and constraints implicit in multi-step demonstrations. Specifically, we borrow from manipulation planning literature the concept of mode families, which group robot configurations by specific motion constraints, to serve as an abstraction layer between the high-level language representations of an LLM and the low-level physical trajectories of a robot. By replaying a few human demonstrations with synthetic perturbations, we generate coverage over the demonstrations' state space with additional successful executions as well as counterfactuals that fail the task. Our explanation-based learning framework trains an end-to-end differentiable neural network to predict successful trajectories from failures and as a by-product learns classifiers that ground low-level states and images in mode families without dense labeling. The learned grounding classifiers can further be used to translate language plans into reactive policies in the physical domain in an interpretable manner. We show our approach improves the interpretability and reactivity of imitation learning through 2D navigation and simulated and real robot manipulation tasks. Website:


cross The Strong Pull of Prior Knowledge in Large Language Models and Its Impact on Emotion Recognition

Authors: Georgios Chochlakis, Alexandros Potamianos, Kristina Lerman, Shrikanth Narayanan

Abstract: In-context Learning (ICL) has emerged as a powerful paradigm for performing natural language tasks with Large Language Models (LLM) without updating the models' parameters, in contrast to the traditional gradient-based finetuning. The promise of ICL is that the LLM can adapt to perform the present task at a competitive or state-of-the-art level at a fraction of the cost. The ability of LLMs to perform tasks in this few-shot manner relies on their background knowledge of the task (or task priors). However, recent work has found that, unlike traditional learning, LLMs are unable to fully integrate information from demonstrations that contrast task priors. This can lead to performance saturation at suboptimal levels, especially for subjective tasks such as emotion recognition, where the mapping from text to emotions can differ widely due to variability in human annotations. In this work, we design experiments and propose measurements to explicitly quantify the consistency of proxies of LLM priors and their pull on the posteriors. We show that LLMs have strong yet inconsistent priors in emotion recognition that ossify their predictions. We also find that the larger the model, the stronger these effects become. Our results suggest that caution is needed when using ICL with larger LLMs for affect-centered tasks outside their pre-training domain and when interpreting ICL results.

cross Exploring the potential of prototype-based soft-labels data distillation for imbalanced data classification

Authors: Radu-Andrei Rosu, Mihaela-Elena Breaban, Henri Luchian

Abstract: Dataset distillation aims at synthesizing a dataset by a small number of artificially generated data items, which, when used as training data, reproduce or approximate a machine learning (ML) model as if it were trained on the entire original dataset. Consequently, data distillation methods are usually tied to a specific ML algorithm. While recent literature deals mainly with distillation of large collections of images in the context of neural network models, tabular data distillation is much less represented and mainly focused on a theoretical perspective. The current paper explores the potential of a simple distillation technique previously proposed in the context of Less-than-one shot learning. The main goal is to push further the performance of prototype-based soft-labels distillation in terms of classification accuracy, by integrating optimization steps in the distillation process. The analysis is performed on real-world data sets with various degrees of imbalance. Experimental studies trace the capability of the method to distill the data, but also the opportunity to act as an augmentation method, i.e. to generate new data that is able to increase model accuracy when used in conjunction with - as opposed to instead of - the original data.

cross RepairAgent: An Autonomous, LLM-Based Agent for Program Repair

Authors: Islem Bouzenia, Premkumar Devanbu, Michael Pradel

Abstract: Automated program repair has emerged as a powerful technique to mitigate the impact of software bugs on system reliability and user experience. This paper introduces RepairAgent, the first work to address the program repair challenge through an autonomous agent based on a large language model (LLM). Unlike existing deep learning-based approaches, which prompt a model with a fixed prompt or in a fixed feedback loop, our work treats the LLM as an agent capable of autonomously planning and executing actions to fix bugs by invoking suitable tools. RepairAgent freely interleaves gathering information about the bug, gathering repair ingredients, and validating fixes, while deciding which tools to invoke based on the gathered information and feedback from previous fix attempts. Key contributions that enable RepairAgent include a set of tools that are useful for program repair, a dynamically updated prompt format that allows the LLM to interact with these tools, and a finite state machine that guides the agent in invoking the tools. Our evaluation on the popular Defects4J dataset demonstrates RepairAgent's effectiveness in autonomously repairing 164 bugs, including 39 bugs not fixed by prior techniques. Interacting with the LLM imposes an average cost of 270,000 tokens per bug, which, under the current pricing of OpenAI's GPT-3.5 model, translates to 14 cents of USD per bug. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to present an autonomous, LLM-based agent for program repair, paving the way for future agent-based techniques in software engineering.

cross MetaAligner: Conditional Weak-to-Strong Correction for Generalizable Multi-Objective Alignment of Language Models

Authors: Kailai Yang, Zhiwei Liu, Qianqian Xie, Tianlin Zhang, Nirui Song, Jimin Huang, Ziyan Kuang, Sophia Ananiadou

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models (LLMs) aim to tackle heterogeneous human expectations and values via multi-objective preference alignment. However, existing methods are parameter-adherent to the policy model, leading to two key limitations: (1) the high-cost repetition of their alignment algorithms for each new target model; (2) they cannot expand to unseen objectives due to their static alignment objectives. In this work, we propose Meta-Objective Aligner (MetaAligner), a model that performs conditional weak-to-strong correction for weak responses to approach strong responses. MetaAligner is the first policy-agnostic and generalizable method for multi-objective preference alignment, which enables plug-and-play alignment by decoupling parameter updates from the policy models and facilitates zero-shot preference alignment for unseen objectives via in-context learning. Experimental results show that MetaAligner achieves significant and balanced improvements in multi-objective alignments on 11 policy models with up to 63x more parameters, and outperforms previous alignment methods with down to 22.27x less computational resources. The model also accurately aligns with unseen objectives, marking the first step towards generalizable multi-objective preference alignment.

cross Hearing the shape of an arena with spectral swarm robotics

Authors: Leo Cazenille, Nicolas Lobato-Dauzier, Alessia Loi, Mika Ito, Olivier Marchal, Nathanael Aubert-Kato, Nicolas Bredeche, Anthony J. Genot

Abstract: Swarm robotics promises adaptability to unknown situations and robustness against failures. However, it still struggles with global tasks that require understanding the broader context in which the robots operate, such as identifying the shape of the arena in which the robots are embedded. Biological swarms, such as shoals of fish, flocks of birds, and colonies of insects, routinely solve global geometrical problems through the diffusion of local cues. This paradigm can be explicitly described by mathematical models that could be directly computed and exploited by a robotic swarm. Diffusion over a domain is mathematically encapsulated by the Laplacian, a linear operator that measures the local curvature of a function. Crucially the geometry of a domain can generally be reconstructed from the eigenspectrum of its Laplacian. Here we introduce spectral swarm robotics where robots diffuse information to their neighbors to emulate the Laplacian operator - enabling them to "hear" the spectrum of their arena. We reveal a universal scaling that links the optimal number of robots (a global parameter) with their optimal radius of interaction (a local parameter). We validate experimentally spectral swarm robotics under challenging conditions with the one-shot classification of arena shapes using a sparse swarm of Kilobots. Spectral methods can assist with challenging tasks where robots need to build an emergent consensus on their environment, such as adaptation to unknown terrains, division of labor, or quorum sensing. Spectral methods may extend beyond robotics to analyze and coordinate swarms of agents of various natures, such as traffic or crowds, and to better understand the long-range dynamics of natural systems emerging from short-range interactions.

cross Less Is More - On the Importance of Sparsification for Transformers and Graph Neural Networks for TSP

Authors: Attila Lischka, Jiaming Wu, Rafael Basso, Morteza Haghir Chehreghani, Bal\'azs Kulcs\'ar

Abstract: Most of the recent studies tackling routing problems like the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) with machine learning use a transformer or Graph Neural Network (GNN) based encoder architecture. However, many of them apply these encoders naively by allowing them to aggregate information over the whole TSP instances. We, on the other hand, propose a data preprocessing method that allows the encoders to focus on the most relevant parts of the TSP instances only. In particular, we propose graph sparsification for TSP graph representations passed to GNNs and attention masking for TSP instances passed to transformers where the masks correspond to the adjacency matrices of the sparse TSP graph representations. Furthermore, we propose ensembles of different sparsification levels allowing models to focus on the most promising parts while also allowing information flow between all nodes of a TSP instance. In the experimental studies, we show that for GNNs appropriate sparsification and ensembles of different sparsification levels lead to substantial performance increases of the overall architecture. We also design a new, state-of-the-art transformer encoder with ensembles of attention masking. These transformers increase model performance from a gap of $0.16\%$ to $0.10\%$ for TSP instances of size 100 and from $0.02\%$ to $0.00\%$ for TSP instances of size 50.

cross Multi-Objective Quality-Diversity for Crystal Structure Prediction

Authors: Hannah Janmohamed, Marta Wolinska, Shikha Surana, Thomas Pierrot, Aron Walsh, Antoine Cully

Abstract: Crystal structures are indispensable across various domains, from batteries to solar cells, and extensive research has been dedicated to predicting their properties based on their atomic configurations. However, prevailing Crystal Structure Prediction methods focus on identifying the most stable solutions that lie at the global minimum of the energy function. This approach overlooks other potentially interesting materials that lie in neighbouring local minima and have different material properties such as conductivity or resistance to deformation. By contrast, Quality-Diversity algorithms provide a promising avenue for Crystal Structure Prediction as they aim to find a collection of high-performing solutions that have diverse characteristics. However, it may also be valuable to optimise for the stability of crystal structures alongside other objectives such as magnetism or thermoelectric efficiency. Therefore, in this work, we harness the power of Multi-Objective Quality-Diversity algorithms in order to find crystal structures which have diverse features and achieve different trade-offs of objectives. We analyse our approach on 5 crystal systems and demonstrate that it is not only able to re-discover known real-life structures, but also find promising new ones. Moreover, we propose a method for illuminating the objective space to gain an understanding of what trade-offs can be achieved.

cross NUMTEMP: A real-world benchmark to verify claims with statistical and temporal expressions

Authors: Venktesh V, Abhijit Anand, Avishek Anand, Vinay Setty

Abstract: Automated fact checking has gained immense interest to tackle the growing misinformation in the digital era. Existing systems primarily focus on synthetic claims on Wikipedia, and noteworthy progress has also been made on real-world claims. In this work, we release Numtemp, a diverse, multi-domain dataset focused exclusively on numerical claims, encompassing temporal, statistical and diverse aspects with fine-grained metadata and an evidence collection without leakage. This addresses the challenge of verifying real-world numerical claims, which are complex and often lack precise information, not addressed by existing works that mainly focus on synthetic claims. We evaluate and quantify the limitations of existing solutions for the task of verifying numerical claims. We also evaluate claim decomposition based methods, numerical understanding based models and our best baselines achieves a macro-F1 of 58.32. This demonstrates that Numtemp serves as a challenging evaluation set for numerical claim verification.

cross CADGL: Context-Aware Deep Graph Learning for Predicting Drug-Drug Interactions

Authors: Azmine Toushik Wasi, Taki Hasan Rafi, Raima Islam, Serbetar Karlo, Dong-Kyu Chae

Abstract: Examining Drug-Drug Interactions (DDIs) is a pivotal element in the process of drug development. DDIs occur when one drug's properties are affected by the inclusion of other drugs. Detecting favorable DDIs has the potential to pave the way for creating and advancing innovative medications applicable in practical settings. However, existing DDI prediction models continue to face challenges related to generalization in extreme cases, robust feature extraction, and real-life application possibilities. We aim to address these challenges by leveraging the effectiveness of context-aware deep graph learning by introducing a novel framework named CADGL. Based on a customized variational graph autoencoder (VGAE), we capture critical structural and physio-chemical information using two context preprocessors for feature extraction from two different perspectives: local neighborhood and molecular context, in a heterogeneous graphical structure. Our customized VGAE consists of a graph encoder, a latent information encoder, and an MLP decoder. CADGL surpasses other state-of-the-art DDI prediction models, excelling in predicting clinically valuable novel DDIs, supported by rigorous case studies.

cross Sanity Checks for Explanation Uncertainty

Authors: Matias Valdenegro-Toro, Mihir Mulye

Abstract: Explanations for machine learning models can be hard to interpret or be wrong. Combining an explanation method with an uncertainty estimation method produces explanation uncertainty. Evaluating explanation uncertainty is difficult. In this paper we propose sanity checks for uncertainty explanation methods, where a weight and data randomization tests are defined for explanations with uncertainty, allowing for quick tests to combinations of uncertainty and explanation methods. We experimentally show the validity and effectiveness of these tests on the CIFAR10 and California Housing datasets, noting that Ensembles seem to consistently pass both tests with Guided Backpropagation, Integrated Gradients, and LIME explanations.

cross Exploring the Impact of the Output Format on the Evaluation of Large Language Models for Code Translation

Authors: Marcos Macedo, Yuan Tian, Filipe R. Cogo, Bram Adams

Abstract: Code translation between programming languages is a long-existing and critical task in software engineering, facilitating the modernization of legacy systems, ensuring cross-platform compatibility, and enhancing software performance. With the recent advances in large language models (LLMs) and their applications to code translation, there is an increasing need for comprehensive evaluation of these models. In this study, we empirically analyze the generated outputs of eleven popular instruct-tuned LLMs with parameters ranging from 1B up to 46.7B on 3,820 translation pairs across five languages, including C, C++, Go, Java, and Python. Our analysis found that between 26.4% and 73.7% of code translations produced by our evaluated LLMs necessitate post-processing, as these translations often include a mix of code, quotes, and text rather than being purely source code. Overlooking the output format of these models can inadvertently lead to underestimation of their actual performance. This is particularly evident when evaluating them with execution-based metrics such as Computational Accuracy (CA). Our results demonstrate that a strategic combination of prompt engineering and regular expression can effectively extract the source code from the model generation output. In particular, our method can help eleven selected models achieve an average Code Extraction Success Rate (CSR) of 92.73%. Our findings shed light on and motivate future research to conduct more reliable benchmarks of LLMs for code translation.

cross DiffusionAct: Controllable Diffusion Autoencoder for One-shot Face Reenactment

Authors: Stella Bounareli, Christos Tzelepis, Vasileios Argyriou, Ioannis Patras, Georgios Tzimiropoulos

Abstract: Video-driven neural face reenactment aims to synthesize realistic facial images that successfully preserve the identity and appearance of a source face, while transferring the target head pose and facial expressions. Existing GAN-based methods suffer from either distortions and visual artifacts or poor reconstruction quality, i.e., the background and several important appearance details, such as hair style/color, glasses and accessories, are not faithfully reconstructed. Recent advances in Diffusion Probabilistic Models (DPMs) enable the generation of high-quality realistic images. To this end, in this paper we present DiffusionAct, a novel method that leverages the photo-realistic image generation of diffusion models to perform neural face reenactment. Specifically, we propose to control the semantic space of a Diffusion Autoencoder (DiffAE), in order to edit the facial pose of the input images, defined as the head pose orientation and the facial expressions. Our method allows one-shot, self, and cross-subject reenactment, without requiring subject-specific fine-tuning. We compare against state-of-the-art GAN-, StyleGAN2-, and diffusion-based methods, showing better or on-par reenactment performance.

cross SeSaMe: A Framework to Simulate Self-Reported Ground Truth for Mental Health Sensing Studies

Authors: Akshat Choube, Vedant Das Swain, Varun Mishra

Abstract: Advances in mobile and wearable technologies have enabled the potential to passively monitor a person's mental, behavioral, and affective health. These approaches typically rely on longitudinal collection of self-reported outcomes, e.g., depression, stress, and anxiety, to train machine learning (ML) models. However, the need to continuously self-report adds a significant burden on the participants, often resulting in attrition, missing labels, or insincere responses. In this work, we introduce the Scale Scores Simulation using Mental Models (SeSaMe) framework to alleviate participants' burden in digital mental health studies. By leveraging pre-trained large language models (LLMs), SeSaMe enables the simulation of participants' responses on psychological scales. In SeSaMe, researchers can prompt LLMs with information on participants' internal behavioral dispositions, enabling LLMs to construct mental models of participants to simulate their responses on psychological scales. We demonstrate an application of SeSaMe, where we use GPT-4 to simulate responses on one scale using responses from another as behavioral information. We also evaluate the alignment between human and SeSaMe-simulated responses to psychological scales. Then, we present experiments to inspect the utility of SeSaMe-simulated responses as ground truth in training ML models by replicating established depression and anxiety screening tasks from a previous study. Our results indicate SeSaMe to be a promising approach, but its alignment may vary across scales and specific prediction objectives. We also observed that model performance with simulated data was on par with using the real data for training in most evaluation scenarios. We conclude by discussing the potential implications of SeSaMe in addressing some challenges researchers face with ground-truth collection in passive sensing studies.

cross Co-Occurring of Object Detection and Identification towards unlabeled object discovery

Authors: Binay Kumar Singh, Niels Da Vitoria Lobo

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a novel deep learning based approach for identifying co-occurring objects in conjunction with base objects in multilabel object categories. Nowadays, with the advancement in computer vision based techniques we need to know about co-occurring objects with respect to base object for various purposes. The pipeline of the proposed work is composed of two stages: in the first stage of the proposed model we detect all the bounding boxes present in the image and their corresponding labels, then in the second stage we perform co-occurrence matrix analysis. In co-occurrence matrix analysis, we set base classes based on the maximum occurrences of the labels and build association rules and generate frequent patterns. These frequent patterns will show base classes and their corresponding co-occurring classes. We performed our experiments on two publicly available datasets: Pascal VOC and MS-COCO. The experimental results on public benchmark dataset is reported in Sec 4. Further we extend this work by considering all frequently objects as unlabeled and what if they are occluded as well.

cross Uncertainty Quantification for Gradient-based Explanations in Neural Networks

Authors: Mihir Mulye, Matias Valdenegro-Toro

Abstract: Explanation methods help understand the reasons for a model's prediction. These methods are increasingly involved in model debugging, performance optimization, and gaining insights into the workings of a model. With such critical applications of these methods, it is imperative to measure the uncertainty associated with the explanations generated by these methods. In this paper, we propose a pipeline to ascertain the explanation uncertainty of neural networks by combining uncertainty estimation methods and explanation methods. We use this pipeline to produce explanation distributions for the CIFAR-10, FER+, and California Housing datasets. By computing the coefficient of variation of these distributions, we evaluate the confidence in the explanation and determine that the explanations generated using Guided Backpropagation have low uncertainty associated with them. Additionally, we compute modified pixel insertion/deletion metrics to evaluate the quality of the generated explanations.

cross DreamPolisher: Towards High-Quality Text-to-3D Generation via Geometric Diffusion

Authors: Yuanze Lin, Ronald Clark, Philip Torr

Abstract: We present DreamPolisher, a novel Gaussian Splatting based method with geometric guidance, tailored to learn cross-view consistency and intricate detail from textual descriptions. While recent progress on text-to-3D generation methods have been promising, prevailing methods often fail to ensure view-consistency and textural richness. This problem becomes particularly noticeable for methods that work with text input alone. To address this, we propose a two-stage Gaussian Splatting based approach that enforces geometric consistency among views. Initially, a coarse 3D generation undergoes refinement via geometric optimization. Subsequently, we use a ControlNet driven refiner coupled with the geometric consistency term to improve both texture fidelity and overall consistency of the generated 3D asset. Empirical evaluations across diverse textual prompts spanning various object categories demonstrate the efficacy of DreamPolisher in generating consistent and realistic 3D objects, aligning closely with the semantics of the textual instructions.

cross Exploring CausalWorld: Enhancing robotic manipulation via knowledge transfer and curriculum learning

Authors: Xinrui Wang, Yan Jin

Abstract: This study explores a learning-based tri-finger robotic arm manipulating task, which requires complex movements and coordination among the fingers. By employing reinforcement learning, we train an agent to acquire the necessary skills for proficient manipulation. To enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the learning process, two knowledge transfer strategies, fine-tuning and curriculum learning, were utilized within the soft actor-critic architecture. Fine-tuning allows the agent to leverage pre-trained knowledge and adapt it to new tasks. Several variations like model transfer, policy transfer, and across-task transfer were implemented and evaluated. To eliminate the need for pretraining, curriculum learning decomposes the advanced task into simpler, progressive stages, mirroring how humans learn. The number of learning stages, the context of the sub-tasks, and the transition timing were found to be the critical design parameters. The key factors of two learning strategies and corresponding effects were explored in context-aware and context-unaware scenarios, enabling us to identify the scenarios where the methods demonstrate optimal performance, derive conclusive insights, and contribute to a broader range of learning-based engineering applications.

cross InternLM2 Technical Report

Authors: Zheng Cai, Maosong Cao, Haojiong Chen, Kai Chen, Keyu Chen, Xin Chen, Xun Chen, Zehui Chen, Zhi Chen, Pei Chu, Xiaoyi Dong, Haodong Duan, Qi Fan, Zhaoye Fei, Yang Gao, Jiaye Ge, Chenya Gu, Yuzhe Gu, Tao Gui, Aijia Guo, Qipeng Guo, Conghui He, Yingfan Hu, Ting Huang, Tao Jiang, Penglong Jiao, Zhenjiang Jin, Zhikai Lei, Jiaxing Li, Jingwen Li, Linyang Li, Shuaibin Li, Wei Li, Yining Li, Hongwei Liu, Jiangning Liu, Jiawei Hong, Kaiwen Liu, Kuikun Liu, Xiaoran Liu, Chengqi Lv, Haijun Lv, Kai Lv, Li Ma, Runyuan Ma, Zerun Ma, Wenchang Ning, Linke Ouyang, Jiantao Qiu, Yuan Qu, Fukai Shang, Yunfan Shao, Demin Song, Zifan Song, Zhihao Sui, Peng Sun, Yu Sun, Huanze Tang, Bin Wang, Guoteng Wang, Jiaqi Wang, Jiayu Wang, Rui Wang, Yudong Wang, Ziyi Wang, Xingjian Wei, Qizhen Weng, Fan Wu, Yingtong Xiong, Chao Xu, Ruiliang Xu, Hang Yan, Yirong Yan, Xiaogui Yang, Haochen Ye, Huaiyuan Ying, Jia Yu, Jing Yu, Yuhang Zang, Chuyu Zhang, Li Zhang, Pan Zhang, Peng Zhang, Ruijie Zhang, Shuo Zhang, Songyang Zhang, Wenjian Zhang, Wenwei Zhang, Xingcheng Zhang, Xinyue Zhang, Hui Zhao, Qian Zhao, Xiaomeng Zhao, Fengzhe Zhou, Zaida Zhou, Jingming Zhuo, Yicheng Zou, Xipeng Qiu, Yu Qiao, Dahua Lin

Abstract: The evolution of Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and GPT-4 has sparked discussions on the advent of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI). However, replicating such advancements in open-source models has been challenging. This paper introduces InternLM2, an open-source LLM that outperforms its predecessors in comprehensive evaluations across 6 dimensions and 30 benchmarks, long-context modeling, and open-ended subjective evaluations through innovative pre-training and optimization techniques. The pre-training process of InternLM2 is meticulously detailed, highlighting the preparation of diverse data types including text, code, and long-context data. InternLM2 efficiently captures long-term dependencies, initially trained on 4k tokens before advancing to 32k tokens in pre-training and fine-tuning stages, exhibiting remarkable performance on the 200k ``Needle-in-a-Haystack" test. InternLM2 is further aligned using Supervised Fine-Tuning (SFT) and a novel Conditional Online Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (COOL RLHF) strategy that addresses conflicting human preferences and reward hacking. By releasing InternLM2 models in different training stages and model sizes, we provide the community with insights into the model's evolution.

cross Neural Multimodal Topic Modeling: A Comprehensive Evaluation

Authors: Felipe Gonz\'alez-Pizarro, Giuseppe Carenini

Abstract: Neural topic models can successfully find coherent and diverse topics in textual data. However, they are limited in dealing with multimodal datasets (e.g., images and text). This paper presents the first systematic and comprehensive evaluation of multimodal topic modeling of documents containing both text and images. In the process, we propose two novel topic modeling solutions and two novel evaluation metrics. Overall, our evaluation on an unprecedented rich and diverse collection of datasets indicates that both of our models generate coherent and diverse topics. Nevertheless, the extent to which one method outperforms the other depends on the metrics and dataset combinations, which suggests further exploration of hybrid solutions in the future. Notably, our succinct human evaluation aligns with the outcomes determined by our proposed metrics. This alignment not only reinforces the credibility of our metrics but also highlights the potential for their application in guiding future multimodal topic modeling endeavors.

cross JMultiWOZ: A Large-Scale Japanese Multi-Domain Task-Oriented Dialogue Dataset

Authors: Atsumoto Ohashi, Ryu Hirai, Shinya Iizuka, Ryuichiro Higashinaka

Abstract: Dialogue datasets are crucial for deep learning-based task-oriented dialogue system research. While numerous English language multi-domain task-oriented dialogue datasets have been developed and contributed to significant advancements in task-oriented dialogue systems, such a dataset does not exist in Japanese, and research in this area is limited compared to that in English. In this study, towards the advancement of research and development of task-oriented dialogue systems in Japanese, we constructed JMultiWOZ, the first Japanese language large-scale multi-domain task-oriented dialogue dataset. Using JMultiWOZ, we evaluated the dialogue state tracking and response generation capabilities of the state-of-the-art methods on the existing major English benchmark dataset MultiWOZ2.2 and the latest large language model (LLM)-based methods. Our evaluation results demonstrated that JMultiWOZ provides a benchmark that is on par with MultiWOZ2.2. In addition, through evaluation experiments of interactive dialogues with the models and human participants, we identified limitations in the task completion capabilities of LLMs in Japanese.

cross Deep Support Vectors

Authors: Junhoo Lee, Hyunho Lee, Kyomin Hwang, Nojun Kwak

Abstract: While the success of deep learning is commonly attributed to its theoretical equivalence with Support Vector Machines (SVM), the practical implications of this relationship have not been thoroughly explored. This paper pioneers an exploration in this domain, specifically focusing on the identification of Deep Support Vectors (DSVs) within deep learning models. We introduce the concept of DeepKKT conditions, an adaptation of the traditional Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) conditions tailored for deep learning. Through empirical investigations, we illustrate that DSVs exhibit similarities to support vectors in SVM, offering a tangible method to interpret the decision-making criteria of models. Additionally, our findings demonstrate that models can be effectively reconstructed using DSVs, resembling the process in SVM. The code will be available.

cross Reinforcement Learning-based Receding Horizon Control using Adaptive Control Barrier Functions for Safety-Critical Systems

Authors: Ehsan Sabouni, H. M. Sabbir Ahmad, Vittorio Giammarino, Christos G. Cassandras, Ioannis Ch. Paschalidis, Wenchao Li

Abstract: Optimal control methods provide solutions to safety-critical problems but easily become intractable. Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) have emerged as a popular technique that facilitates their solution by provably guaranteeing safety, through their forward invariance property, at the expense of some performance loss. This approach involves defining a performance objective alongside CBF-based safety constraints that must always be enforced. Unfortunately, both performance and solution feasibility can be significantly impacted by two key factors: (i) the selection of the cost function and associated parameters, and (ii) the calibration of parameters within the CBF-based constraints, which capture the trade-off between performance and conservativeness. %as well as infeasibility. To address these challenges, we propose a Reinforcement Learning (RL)-based Receding Horizon Control (RHC) approach leveraging Model Predictive Control (MPC) with CBFs (MPC-CBF). In particular, we parameterize our controller and use bilevel optimization, where RL is used to learn the optimal parameters while MPC computes the optimal control input. We validate our method by applying it to the challenging automated merging control problem for Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) at conflicting roadways. Results demonstrate improved performance and a significant reduction in the number of infeasible cases compared to traditional heuristic approaches used for tuning CBF-based controllers, showcasing the effectiveness of the proposed method.

cross The Solution for the ICCV 2023 1st Scientific Figure Captioning Challenge

Authors: Dian Chao, Xin Song, Shupeng Zhong, Boyuan Wang, Xiangyu Wu, Chen Zhu, Yang Yang

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a solution for improving the quality of captions generated for figures in papers. We adopt the approach of summarizing the textual content in the paper to generate image captions. Throughout our study, we encounter discrepancies in the OCR information provided in the official dataset. To rectify this, we employ the PaddleOCR toolkit to extract OCR information from all images. Moreover, we observe that certain textual content in the official paper pertains to images that are not relevant for captioning, thereby introducing noise during caption generation. To mitigate this issue, we leverage LLaMA to extract image-specific information by querying the textual content based on image mentions, effectively filtering out extraneous information. Additionally, we recognize a discrepancy between the primary use of maximum likelihood estimation during text generation and the evaluation metrics such as ROUGE employed to assess the quality of generated captions. To bridge this gap, we integrate the BRIO model framework, enabling a more coherent alignment between the generation and evaluation processes. Our approach ranked first in the final test with a score of 4.49.

cross MESIA: Understanding and Leveraging Supplementary Nature of Method-level Comments for Automatic Comment Generation

Authors: Xinglu Pan, Chenxiao Liu, Yanzhen Zou, Tao Xie, Bing Xie

Abstract: Code comments are important for developers in program comprehension. In scenarios of comprehending and reusing a method, developers expect code comments to provide supplementary information beyond the method signature. However, the extent of such supplementary information varies a lot in different code comments. In this paper, we raise the awareness of the supplementary nature of method-level comments and propose a new metric named MESIA (Mean Supplementary Information Amount) to assess the extent of supplementary information that a code comment can provide. With the MESIA metric, we conduct experiments on a popular code-comment dataset and three common types of neural approaches to generate method-level comments. Our experimental results demonstrate the value of our proposed work with a number of findings. (1) Small-MESIA comments occupy around 20% of the dataset and mostly fall into only the WHAT comment category. (2) Being able to provide various kinds of essential information, large-MESIA comments in the dataset are difficult for existing neural approaches to generate. (3) We can improve the capability of existing neural approaches to generate large-MESIA comments by reducing the proportion of small-MESIA comments in the training set. (4) The retrained model can generate large-MESIA comments that convey essential meaningful supplementary information for methods in the small-MESIA test set, but will get a lower BLEU score in evaluation. These findings indicate that with good training data, auto-generated comments can sometimes even surpass human-written reference comments, and having no appropriate ground truth for evaluation is an issue that needs to be addressed by future work on automatic comment generation.

cross Bridging Textual and Tabular Worlds for Fact Verification: A Lightweight, Attention-Based Model

Authors: Shirin Dabbaghi Varnosfaderani, Canasai Kruengkrai, Ramin Yahyapour, Junichi Yamagishi

Abstract: FEVEROUS is a benchmark and research initiative focused on fact extraction and verification tasks involving unstructured text and structured tabular data. In FEVEROUS, existing works often rely on extensive preprocessing and utilize rule-based transformations of data, leading to potential context loss or misleading encodings. This paper introduces a simple yet powerful model that nullifies the need for modality conversion, thereby preserving the original evidence's context. By leveraging pre-trained models on diverse text and tabular datasets and by incorporating a lightweight attention-based mechanism, our approach efficiently exploits latent connections between different data types, thereby yielding comprehensive and reliable verdict predictions. The model's modular structure adeptly manages multi-modal information, ensuring the integrity and authenticity of the original evidence are uncompromised. Comparative analyses reveal that our approach exhibits competitive performance, aligning itself closely with top-tier models on the FEVEROUS benchmark.

cross ChatGPT Rates Natural Language Explanation Quality Like Humans: But on Which Scales?

Authors: Fan Huang, Haewoon Kwak, Kunwoo Park, Jisun An

Abstract: As AI becomes more integral in our lives, the need for transparency and responsibility grows. While natural language explanations (NLEs) are vital for clarifying the reasoning behind AI decisions, evaluating them through human judgments is complex and resource-intensive due to subjectivity and the need for fine-grained ratings. This study explores the alignment between ChatGPT and human assessments across multiple scales (i.e., binary, ternary, and 7-Likert scale). We sample 300 data instances from three NLE datasets and collect 900 human annotations for both informativeness and clarity scores as the text quality measurement. We further conduct paired comparison experiments under different ranges of subjectivity scores, where the baseline comes from 8,346 human annotations. Our results show that ChatGPT aligns better with humans in more coarse-grained scales. Also, paired comparisons and dynamic prompting (i.e., providing semantically similar examples in the prompt) improve the alignment. This research advances our understanding of large language models' capabilities to assess the text explanation quality in different configurations for responsible AI development.

cross AIDE: An Automatic Data Engine for Object Detection in Autonomous Driving

Authors: Mingfu Liang, Jong-Chyi Su, Samuel Schulter, Sparsh Garg, Shiyu Zhao, Ying Wu, Manmohan Chandraker

Abstract: Autonomous vehicle (AV) systems rely on robust perception models as a cornerstone of safety assurance. However, objects encountered on the road exhibit a long-tailed distribution, with rare or unseen categories posing challenges to a deployed perception model. This necessitates an expensive process of continuously curating and annotating data with significant human effort. We propose to leverage recent advances in vision-language and large language models to design an Automatic Data Engine (AIDE) that automatically identifies issues, efficiently curates data, improves the model through auto-labeling, and verifies the model through generation of diverse scenarios. This process operates iteratively, allowing for continuous self-improvement of the model. We further establish a benchmark for open-world detection on AV datasets to comprehensively evaluate various learning paradigms, demonstrating our method's superior performance at a reduced cost.

cross Self-Rectifying Diffusion Sampling with Perturbed-Attention Guidance

Authors: Donghoon Ahn, Hyoungwon Cho, Jaewon Min, Wooseok Jang, Jungwoo Kim, SeonHwa Kim, Hyun Hee Park, Kyong Hwan Jin, Seungryong Kim

Abstract: Recent studies have demonstrated that diffusion models are capable of generating high-quality samples, but their quality heavily depends on sampling guidance techniques, such as classifier guidance (CG) and classifier-free guidance (CFG). These techniques are often not applicable in unconditional generation or in various downstream tasks such as image restoration. In this paper, we propose a novel sampling guidance, called Perturbed-Attention Guidance (PAG), which improves diffusion sample quality across both unconditional and conditional settings, achieving this without requiring additional training or the integration of external modules. PAG is designed to progressively enhance the structure of samples throughout the denoising process. It involves generating intermediate samples with degraded structure by substituting selected self-attention maps in diffusion U-Net with an identity matrix, by considering the self-attention mechanisms' ability to capture structural information, and guiding the denoising process away from these degraded samples. In both ADM and Stable Diffusion, PAG surprisingly improves sample quality in conditional and even unconditional scenarios. Moreover, PAG significantly improves the baseline performance in various downstream tasks where existing guidances such as CG or CFG cannot be fully utilized, including ControlNet with empty prompts and image restoration such as inpainting and deblurring.

cross Exploring and Applying Audio-Based Sentiment Analysis in Music

Authors: Etash Jhanji

Abstract: Sentiment analysis is a continuously explored area of text processing that deals with the computational analysis of opinions, sentiments, and subjectivity of text. However, this idea is not limited to text and speech, in fact, it could be applied to other modalities. In reality, humans do not express themselves in text as deeply as they do in music. The ability of a computational model to interpret musical emotions is largely unexplored and could have implications and uses in therapy and musical queuing. In this paper, two individual tasks are addressed. This study seeks to (1) predict the emotion of a musical clip over time and (2) determine the next emotion value after the music in a time series to ensure seamless transitions. Utilizing data from the Emotions in Music Database, which contains clips of songs selected from the Free Music Archive annotated with levels of valence and arousal as reported on Russel's circumplex model of affect by multiple volunteers, models are trained for both tasks. Overall, the performance of these models reflected that they were able to perform the tasks they were designed for effectively and accurately.

cross Application-Driven Innovation in Machine Learning

Authors: David Rolnick, Alan Aspuru-Guzik, Sara Beery, Bistra Dilkina, Priya L. Donti, Marzyeh Ghassemi, Hannah Kerner, Claire Monteleoni, Esther Rolf, Milind Tambe, Adam White

Abstract: As applications of machine learning proliferate, innovative algorithms inspired by specific real-world challenges have become increasingly important. Such work offers the potential for significant impact not merely in domains of application but also in machine learning itself. In this paper, we describe the paradigm of application-driven research in machine learning, contrasting it with the more standard paradigm of methods-driven research. We illustrate the benefits of application-driven machine learning and how this approach can productively synergize with methods-driven work. Despite these benefits, we find that reviewing, hiring, and teaching practices in machine learning often hold back application-driven innovation. We outline how these processes may be improved.

cross ELLEN: Extremely Lightly Supervised Learning For Efficient Named Entity Recognition

Authors: Haris Riaz, Razvan-Gabriel Dumitru, Mihai Surdeanu

Abstract: In this work, we revisit the problem of semi-supervised named entity recognition (NER) focusing on extremely light supervision, consisting of a lexicon containing only 10 examples per class. We introduce ELLEN, a simple, fully modular, neuro-symbolic method that blends fine-tuned language models with linguistic rules. These rules include insights such as ''One Sense Per Discourse'', using a Masked Language Model as an unsupervised NER, leveraging part-of-speech tags to identify and eliminate unlabeled entities as false negatives, and other intuitions about classifier confidence scores in local and global context. ELLEN achieves very strong performance on the CoNLL-2003 dataset when using the minimal supervision from the lexicon above. It also outperforms most existing (and considerably more complex) semi-supervised NER methods under the same supervision settings commonly used in the literature (i.e., 5% of the training data). Further, we evaluate our CoNLL-2003 model in a zero-shot scenario on WNUT-17 where we find that it outperforms GPT-3.5 and achieves comparable performance to GPT-4. In a zero-shot setting, ELLEN also achieves over 75% of the performance of a strong, fully supervised model trained on gold data. Our code is available at:


cross Transcribing Bengali Text with Regional Dialects to IPA using District Guided Tokens

Authors: S M Jishanul Islam, Sadia Ahmmed, Sahid Hossain Mustakim

Abstract: Accurate transcription of Bengali text to the International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA) is a challenging task due to the complex phonology of the language and context-dependent sound changes. This challenge is even more for regional Bengali dialects due to unavailability of standardized spelling conventions for these dialects, presence of local and foreign words popular in those regions and phonological diversity across different regions. This paper presents an approach to this sequence-to-sequence problem by introducing the District Guided Tokens (DGT) technique on a new dataset spanning six districts of Bangladesh. The key idea is to provide the model with explicit information about the regional dialect or "district" of the input text before generating the IPA transcription. This is achieved by prepending a district token to the input sequence, effectively guiding the model to understand the unique phonetic patterns associated with each district. The DGT technique is applied to fine-tune several transformer-based models, on this new dataset. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of DGT, with the ByT5 model achieving superior performance over word-based models like mT5, BanglaT5, and umT5. This is attributed to ByT5's ability to handle a high percentage of out-of-vocabulary words in the test set. The proposed approach highlights the importance of incorporating regional dialect information into ubiquitous natural language processing systems for languages with diverse phonological variations. The following work was a result of the "Bhashamul" challenge, which is dedicated to solving the problem of Bengali text with regional dialects to IPA transcription The training and inference notebooks are available through the competition link.


cross On permutation-invariant neural networks

Authors: Masanari Kimura, Ryotaro Shimizu, Yuki Hirakawa, Ryosuke Goto, Yuki Saito

Abstract: Conventional machine learning algorithms have traditionally been designed under the assumption that input data follows a vector-based format, with an emphasis on vector-centric paradigms. However, as the demand for tasks involving set-based inputs has grown, there has been a paradigm shift in the research community towards addressing these challenges. In recent years, the emergence of neural network architectures such as Deep Sets and Transformers has presented a significant advancement in the treatment of set-based data. These architectures are specifically engineered to naturally accommodate sets as input, enabling more effective representation and processing of set structures. Consequently, there has been a surge of research endeavors dedicated to exploring and harnessing the capabilities of these architectures for various tasks involving the approximation of set functions. This comprehensive survey aims to provide an overview of the diverse problem settings and ongoing research efforts pertaining to neural networks that approximate set functions. By delving into the intricacies of these approaches and elucidating the associated challenges, the survey aims to equip readers with a comprehensive understanding of the field. Through this comprehensive perspective, we hope that researchers can gain valuable insights into the potential applications, inherent limitations, and future directions of set-based neural networks. Indeed, from this survey we gain two insights: i) Deep Sets and its variants can be generalized by differences in the aggregation function, and ii) the behavior of Deep Sets is sensitive to the choice of the aggregation function. From these observations, we show that Deep Sets, one of the well-known permutation-invariant neural networks, can be generalized in the sense of a quasi-arithmetic mean.

cross MA4DIV: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Search Result Diversification

Authors: Yiqun Chen, Jiaxin Mao, Yi Zhang, Dehong MA, Long Xia, Jun Fan, Daiting Shi, Zhicong Cheng, Dawei Yin

Abstract: The objective of search result diversification (SRD) is to ensure that selected documents cover as many different subtopics as possible. Existing methods primarily utilize a paradigm of "greedy selection", i.e., selecting one document with the highest diversity score at a time. These approaches tend to be inefficient and are easily trapped in a suboptimal state. In addition, some other methods aim to approximately optimize the diversity metric, such as $\alpha$-NDCG, but the results still remain suboptimal. To address these challenges, we introduce Multi-Agent reinforcement learning (MARL) for search result DIVersity, which called MA4DIV. In this approach, each document is an agent and the search result diversification is modeled as a cooperative task among multiple agents. This approach allows for directly optimizing the diversity metrics, such as $\alpha$-NDCG, while achieving high training efficiency. We conducted preliminary experiments on public TREC datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of MA4DIV. Considering the limited number of queries in public TREC datasets, we construct a large-scale dataset from industry sources and show that MA4DIV achieves substantial improvements in both effectiveness and efficiency than existing baselines on a industrial scale dataset.

cross Incorporating Exponential Smoothing into MLP: A Simple but Effective Sequence Model

Authors: Jiqun Chu, Zuoquan Lin

Abstract: Modeling long-range dependencies in sequential data is a crucial step in sequence learning. A recently developed model, the Structured State Space (S4), demonstrated significant effectiveness in modeling long-range sequences. However, It is unclear whether the success of S4 can be attributed to its intricate parameterization and HiPPO initialization or simply due to State Space Models (SSMs). To further investigate the potential of the deep SSMs, we start with exponential smoothing (ETS), a simple SSM, and propose a stacked architecture by directly incorporating it into an element-wise MLP. We augment simple ETS with additional parameters and complex field to reduce the inductive bias. Despite increasing less than 1\% of parameters of element-wise MLP, our models achieve comparable results to S4 on the LRA benchmark.

cross Imitating Cost-Constrained Behaviors in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Qian Shao, Pradeep Varakantham, Shih-Fen Cheng

Abstract: Complex planning and scheduling problems have long been solved using various optimization or heuristic approaches. In recent years, imitation learning that aims to learn from expert demonstrations has been proposed as a viable alternative to solving these problems. Generally speaking, imitation learning is designed to learn either the reward (or preference) model or directly the behavioral policy by observing the behavior of an expert. Existing work in imitation learning and inverse reinforcement learning has focused on imitation primarily in unconstrained settings (e.g., no limit on fuel consumed by the vehicle). However, in many real-world domains, the behavior of an expert is governed not only by reward (or preference) but also by constraints. For instance, decisions on self-driving delivery vehicles are dependent not only on the route preferences/rewards (depending on past demand data) but also on the fuel in the vehicle and the time available. In such problems, imitation learning is challenging as decisions are not only dictated by the reward model but are also dependent on a cost-constrained model. In this paper, we provide multiple methods that match expert distributions in the presence of trajectory cost constraints through (a) Lagrangian-based method; (b) Meta-gradients to find a good trade-off between expected return and minimizing constraint violation; and (c) Cost-violation-based alternating gradient. We empirically show that leading imitation learning approaches imitate cost-constrained behaviors poorly and our meta-gradient-based approach achieves the best performance.

cross LaRE^2: Latent Reconstruction Error Based Method for Diffusion-Generated Image Detection

Authors: Yunpeng Luo, Junlong Du, Ke Yan, Shouhong Ding

Abstract: The evolution of Diffusion Models has dramatically improved image generation quality, making it increasingly difficult to differentiate between real and generated images. This development, while impressive, also raises significant privacy and security concerns. In response to this, we propose a novel Latent REconstruction error guided feature REfinement method (LaRE^2) for detecting the diffusion-generated images. We come up with the Latent Reconstruction Error (LaRE), the first reconstruction-error based feature in the latent space for generated image detection. LaRE surpasses existing methods in terms of feature extraction efficiency while preserving crucial cues required to differentiate between the real and the fake. To exploit LaRE, we propose an Error-Guided feature REfinement module (EGRE), which can refine the image feature guided by LaRE to enhance the discriminativeness of the feature. Our EGRE utilizes an align-then-refine mechanism, which effectively refines the image feature for generated-image detection from both spatial and channel perspectives. Extensive experiments on the large-scale GenImage benchmark demonstrate the superiority of our LaRE^2, which surpasses the best SoTA method by up to 11.9%/12.1% average ACC/AP across 8 different image generators. LaRE also surpasses existing methods in terms of feature extraction cost, delivering an impressive speed enhancement of 8 times.

cross A Unified Kernel for Neural Network Learning

Authors: Shao-Qun Zhang, Zong-Yi Chen, Yong-Ming Tian, Xun Lu

Abstract: Past decades have witnessed a great interest in the distinction and connection between neural network learning and kernel learning. Recent advancements have made theoretical progress in connecting infinite-wide neural networks and Gaussian processes. Two predominant approaches have emerged: the Neural Network Gaussian Process (NNGP) and the Neural Tangent Kernel (NTK). The former, rooted in Bayesian inference, represents a zero-order kernel, while the latter, grounded in the tangent space of gradient descents, is a first-order kernel. In this paper, we present the Unified Neural Kernel (UNK), which characterizes the learning dynamics of neural networks with gradient descents and parameter initialization. The proposed UNK kernel maintains the limiting properties of both NNGP and NTK, exhibiting behaviors akin to NTK with a finite learning step and converging to NNGP as the learning step approaches infinity. Besides, we also theoretically characterize the uniform tightness and learning convergence of the UNK kernel, providing comprehensive insights into this unified kernel. Experimental results underscore the effectiveness of our proposed method.

cross Natural Language Requirements Testability Measurement Based on Requirement Smells

Authors: Morteza Zakeri-Nasrabadi, Saeed Parsa

Abstract: Requirements form the basis for defining software systems' obligations and tasks. Testable requirements help prevent failures, reduce maintenance costs, and make it easier to perform acceptance tests. However, despite the importance of measuring and quantifying requirements testability, no automatic approach for measuring requirements testability has been proposed based on the requirements smells, which are at odds with the requirements testability. This paper presents a mathematical model to evaluate and rank the natural language requirements testability based on an extensive set of nine requirements smells, detected automatically, and acceptance test efforts determined by requirement length and its application domain. Most of the smells stem from uncountable adjectives, context-sensitive, and ambiguous words. A comprehensive dictionary is required to detect such words. We offer a neural word-embedding technique to generate such a dictionary automatically. Using the dictionary, we could automatically detect Polysemy smell (domain-specific ambiguity) for the first time in 10 application domains. Our empirical study on nearly 1000 software requirements from six well-known industrial and academic projects demonstrates that the proposed smell detection approach outperforms Smella, a state-of-the-art tool, in detecting requirements smells. The precision and recall of smell detection are improved with an average of 0.03 and 0.33, respectively, compared to the state-of-the-art. The proposed requirement testability model measures the testability of 985 requirements with a mean absolute error of 0.12 and a mean squared error of 0.03, demonstrating the model's potential for practical use.

cross Prediction-sharing During Training and Inference

Authors: Yotam Gafni, Ronen Gradwohl, Moshe Tennenholtz

Abstract: Two firms are engaged in a competitive prediction task. Each firm has two sources of data -- labeled historical data and unlabeled inference-time data -- and uses the former to derive a prediction model, and the latter to make predictions on new instances. We study data-sharing contracts between the firms. The novelty of our study is to introduce and highlight the differences between contracts that share prediction models only, contracts to share inference-time predictions only, and contracts to share both. Our analysis proceeds on three levels. First, we develop a general Bayesian framework that facilitates our study. Second, we narrow our focus to two natural settings within this framework: (i) a setting in which the accuracy of each firm's prediction model is common knowledge, but the correlation between the respective models is unknown; and (ii) a setting in which two hypotheses exist regarding the optimal predictor, and one of the firms has a structural advantage in deducing it. Within these two settings we study optimal contract choice. More specifically, we find the individually rational and Pareto-optimal contracts for some notable cases, and describe specific settings where each of the different sharing contracts emerge as optimal. Finally, in the third level of our analysis we demonstrate the applicability of our concepts in a synthetic simulation using real loan data.

cross MapGuide: A Simple yet Effective Method to Reconstruct Continuous Language from Brain Activities

Authors: Xinpei Zhao, Jingyuan Sun, Shaonan Wang, Jing Ye, Xiaohan Zhang, Chengqing Zong

Abstract: Decoding continuous language from brain activity is a formidable yet promising field of research. It is particularly significant for aiding people with speech disabilities to communicate through brain signals. This field addresses the complex task of mapping brain signals to text. The previous best attempt reverse-engineered this process in an indirect way: it began by learning to encode brain activity from text and then guided text generation by aligning with predicted brain responses. In contrast, we propose a simple yet effective method that guides text reconstruction by directly comparing them with the predicted text embeddings mapped from brain activities. Comprehensive experiments reveal that our method significantly outperforms the current state-of-the-art model, showing average improvements of 77% and 54% on BLEU and METEOR scores. We further validate the proposed modules through detailed ablation studies and case analyses and highlight a critical correlation: the more precisely we map brain activities to text embeddings, the better the text reconstruction results. Such insight can simplify the task of reconstructing language from brain activities for future work, emphasizing the importance of improving brain-to-text-embedding mapping techniques.

cross Equipping Sketch Patches with Context-Aware Positional Encoding for Graphic Sketch Representation

Authors: Sicong Zang, Zhijun Fang

Abstract: The drawing order of a sketch records how it is created stroke-by-stroke by a human being. For graphic sketch representation learning, recent studies have injected sketch drawing orders into graph edge construction by linking each patch to another in accordance to a temporal-based nearest neighboring strategy. However, such constructed graph edges may be unreliable, since a sketch could have variants of drawings. In this paper, we propose a variant-drawing-protected method by equipping sketch patches with context-aware positional encoding (PE) to make better use of drawing orders for learning graphic sketch representation. Instead of injecting sketch drawings into graph edges, we embed these sequential information into graph nodes only. More specifically, each patch embedding is equipped with a sinusoidal absolute PE to highlight the sequential position in the drawing order. And its neighboring patches, ranked by the values of self-attention scores between patch embeddings, are equipped with learnable relative PEs to restore the contextual positions within a neighborhood. During message aggregation via graph convolutional networks, a node receives both semantic contents from patch embeddings and contextual patterns from PEs by its neighbors, arriving at drawing-order-enhanced sketch representations. Experimental results indicate that our method significantly improves sketch healing and controllable sketch synthesis.

cross Boosting Few-Shot Learning with Disentangled Self-Supervised Learning and Meta-Learning for Medical Image Classification

Authors: Eva Pachetti, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris, Sara Colantonio

Abstract: Background and objective: Employing deep learning models in critical domains such as medical imaging poses challenges associated with the limited availability of training data. We present a strategy for improving the performance and generalization capabilities of models trained in low-data regimes. Methods: The proposed method starts with a pre-training phase, where features learned in a self-supervised learning setting are disentangled to improve the robustness of the representations for downstream tasks. We then introduce a meta-fine-tuning step, leveraging related classes between meta-training and meta-testing phases but varying the granularity level. This approach aims to enhance the model's generalization capabilities by exposing it to more challenging classification tasks during meta-training and evaluating it on easier tasks but holding greater clinical relevance during meta-testing. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach through a series of experiments exploring several backbones, as well as diverse pre-training and fine-tuning schemes, on two distinct medical tasks, i.e., classification of prostate cancer aggressiveness from MRI data and classification of breast cancer malignity from microscopic images. Results: Our results indicate that the proposed approach consistently yields superior performance w.r.t. ablation experiments, maintaining competitiveness even when a distribution shift between training and evaluation data occurs. Conclusion: Extensive experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and wide applicability of the proposed approach. We hope that this work will add another solution to the arsenal of addressing learning issues in data-scarce imaging domains.

cross VDSC: Enhancing Exploration Timing with Value Discrepancy and State Counts

Authors: Marius Captari, Remo Sasso, Matthia Sabatelli

Abstract: Despite the considerable attention given to the questions of \textit{how much} and \textit{how to} explore in deep reinforcement learning, the investigation into \textit{when} to explore remains relatively less researched. While more sophisticated exploration strategies can excel in specific, often sparse reward environments, existing simpler approaches, such as $\epsilon$-greedy, persist in outperforming them across a broader spectrum of domains. The appeal of these simpler strategies lies in their ease of implementation and generality across a wide range of domains. The downside is that these methods are essentially a blind switching mechanism, which completely disregards the agent's internal state. In this paper, we propose to leverage the agent's internal state to decide \textit{when} to explore, addressing the shortcomings of blind switching mechanisms. We present Value Discrepancy and State Counts through homeostasis (VDSC), a novel approach for efficient exploration timing. Experimental results on the Atari suite demonstrate the superiority of our strategy over traditional methods such as $\epsilon$-greedy and Boltzmann, as well as more sophisticated techniques like Noisy Nets.

cross m3P: Towards Multimodal Multilingual Translation with Multimodal Prompt

Authors: Jian Yang, Hongcheng Guo, Yuwei Yin, Jiaqi Bai, Bing Wang, Jiaheng Liu, Xinnian Liang, Linzheng Cahi, Liqun Yang, Zhoujun Li

Abstract: Multilingual translation supports multiple translation directions by projecting all languages in a shared space, but the translation quality is undermined by the difference between languages in the text-only modality, especially when the number of languages is large. To bridge this gap, we introduce visual context as the universal language-independent representation to facilitate multilingual translation. In this paper, we propose a framework to leverage the multimodal prompt to guide the Multimodal Multilingual neural Machine Translation (m3P), which aligns the representations of different languages with the same meaning and generates the conditional vision-language memory for translation. We construct a multilingual multimodal instruction dataset (InstrMulti102) to support 102 languages. Our method aims to minimize the representation distance of different languages by regarding the image as a central language. Experimental results show that m3P outperforms previous text-only baselines and multilingual multimodal methods by a large margin. Furthermore, the probing experiments validate the effectiveness of our method in enhancing translation under the low-resource and massively multilingual scenario.

cross Towards a Zero-Data, Controllable, Adaptive Dialog System

Authors: Dirk V\"ath, Lindsey Vanderlyn, Ngoc Thang Vu

Abstract: Conversational Tree Search (V\"ath et al., 2023) is a recent approach to controllable dialog systems, where domain experts shape the behavior of a Reinforcement Learning agent through a dialog tree. The agent learns to efficiently navigate this tree, while adapting to information needs, e.g., domain familiarity, of different users. However, the need for additional training data hinders deployment in new domains. To address this, we explore approaches to generate this data directly from dialog trees. We improve the original approach, and show that agents trained on synthetic data can achieve comparable dialog success to models trained on human data, both when using a commercial Large Language Model for generation, or when using a smaller open-source model, running on a single GPU. We further demonstrate the scalability of our approach by collecting and testing on two new datasets: ONBOARD, a new domain helping foreign residents moving to a new city, and the medical domain DIAGNOSE, a subset of Wikipedia articles related to scalp and head symptoms. Finally, we perform human testing, where no statistically significant differences were found in either objective or subjective measures between models trained on human and generated data.

cross Parameterized Analysis of Bribery in Challenge the Champ Tournaments

Authors: Juhi Chaudhary, Hendrik Molter, Meirav Zehavi

Abstract: Challenge the champ tournaments are one of the simplest forms of competition, where a (initially selected) champ is repeatedly challenged by other players. If a player beats the champ, then that player is considered the new (current) champ. Each player in the competition challenges the current champ once in a fixed order. The champ of the last round is considered the winner of the tournament. We investigate a setting where players can be bribed to lower their winning probability against the initial champ. The goal is to maximize the probability of the initial champ winning the tournament by bribing the other players, while not exceeding a given budget for the bribes. Mattei et al. [Journal of Applied Logic, 2015] showed that the problem can be solved in pseudo-polynomial time, and that it is in XP when parameterized by the number of players. We show that the problem is weakly NP-hard and W[1]-hard when parameterized by the number of players. On the algorithmic side, we show that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized either by the number of different bribe values or the number of different probability values. To this end, we establish several results that are of independent interest. In particular, we show that the product knapsack problem is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the number of items in the knapsack, and that constructive bribery for cup tournaments is W[1]-hard when parameterized by the number of players. Furthermore, we present a novel way of designing mixed integer linear programs, ensuring optimal solutions where all variables are integers.

cross Dual Memory Networks: A Versatile Adaptation Approach for Vision-Language Models

Authors: Yabin Zhang, Wenjie Zhu, Hui Tang, Zhiyuan Ma, Kaiyang Zhou, Lei Zhang

Abstract: With the emergence of pre-trained vision-language models like CLIP, how to adapt them to various downstream classification tasks has garnered significant attention in recent research. The adaptation strategies can be typically categorized into three paradigms: zero-shot adaptation, few-shot adaptation, and the recently-proposed training-free few-shot adaptation. Most existing approaches are tailored for a specific setting and can only cater to one or two of these paradigms. In this paper, we introduce a versatile adaptation approach that can effectively work under all three settings. Specifically, we propose the dual memory networks that comprise dynamic and static memory components. The static memory caches training data knowledge, enabling training-free few-shot adaptation, while the dynamic memory preserves historical test features online during the testing process, allowing for the exploration of additional data insights beyond the training set. This novel capability enhances model performance in the few-shot setting and enables model usability in the absence of training data. The two memory networks employ the same flexible memory interactive strategy, which can operate in a training-free mode and can be further enhanced by incorporating learnable projection layers. Our approach is tested across 11 datasets under the three task settings. Remarkably, in the zero-shot scenario, it outperforms existing methods by over 3\% and even shows superior results against methods utilizing external training data. Additionally, our method exhibits robust performance against natural distribution shifts. Codes are available at \url{}.


cross Denoising Table-Text Retrieval for Open-Domain Question Answering

Authors: Deokhyung Kang, Baikjin Jung, Yunsu Kim, Gary Geunbae Lee

Abstract: In table-text open-domain question answering, a retriever system retrieves relevant evidence from tables and text to answer questions. Previous studies in table-text open-domain question answering have two common challenges: firstly, their retrievers can be affected by false-positive labels in training datasets; secondly, they may struggle to provide appropriate evidence for questions that require reasoning across the table. To address these issues, we propose Denoised Table-Text Retriever (DoTTeR). Our approach involves utilizing a denoised training dataset with fewer false positive labels by discarding instances with lower question-relevance scores measured through a false positive detection model. Subsequently, we integrate table-level ranking information into the retriever to assist in finding evidence for questions that demand reasoning across the table. To encode this ranking information, we fine-tune a rank-aware column encoder to identify minimum and maximum values within a column. Experimental results demonstrate that DoTTeR significantly outperforms strong baselines on both retrieval recall and downstream QA tasks. Our code is available at


cross UADA3D: Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection with Sparse LiDAR and Large Domain Gaps

Authors: Maciej K Wozniak, Mattias Hansson, Marko Thiel, Patric Jensfelt

Abstract: In this study, we address a gap in existing unsupervised domain adaptation approaches on LiDAR-based 3D object detection, which have predominantly concentrated on adapting between established, high-density autonomous driving datasets. We focus on sparser point clouds, capturing scenarios from different perspectives: not just from vehicles on the road but also from mobile robots on sidewalks, which encounter significantly different environmental conditions and sensor configurations. We introduce Unsupervised Adversarial Domain Adaptation for 3D Object Detection (UADA3D). UADA3D does not depend on pre-trained source models or teacher-student architectures. Instead, it uses an adversarial approach to directly learn domain-invariant features. We demonstrate its efficacy in various adaptation scenarios, showing significant improvements in both self-driving car and mobile robot domains. Our code is open-source and will be available soon.

cross PeersimGym: An Environment for Solving the Task Offloading Problem with Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Frederico Metelo, Stevo Rackovi\'c, Pedro \'Akos, Cl\'audia Soares

Abstract: Task offloading, crucial for balancing computational loads across devices in networks such as the Internet of Things, poses significant optimization challenges, including minimizing latency and energy usage under strict communication and storage constraints. While traditional optimization falls short in scalability; and heuristic approaches lack in achieving optimal outcomes, Reinforcement Learning (RL) offers a promising avenue by enabling the learning of optimal offloading strategies through iterative interactions. However, the efficacy of RL hinges on access to rich datasets and custom-tailored, realistic training environments. To address this, we introduce PeersimGym, an open-source, customizable simulation environment tailored for developing and optimizing task offloading strategies within computational networks. PeersimGym supports a wide range of network topologies and computational constraints and integrates a \textit{PettingZoo}-based interface for RL agent deployment in both solo and multi-agent setups. Furthermore, we demonstrate the utility of the environment through experiments with Deep Reinforcement Learning agents, showcasing the potential of RL-based approaches to significantly enhance offloading strategies in distributed computing settings. PeersimGym thus bridges the gap between theoretical RL models and their practical applications, paving the way for advancements in efficient task offloading methodologies.

cross SGHormer: An Energy-Saving Graph Transformer Driven by Spikes

Authors: Huizhe Zhang, Jintang Li, Liang Chen, Zibin Zheng

Abstract: Graph Transformers (GTs) with powerful representation learning ability make a huge success in wide range of graph tasks. However, the costs behind outstanding performances of GTs are higher energy consumption and computational overhead. The complex structure and quadratic complexity during attention calculation in vanilla transformer seriously hinder its scalability on the large-scale graph data. Though existing methods have made strides in simplifying combinations among blocks or attention-learning paradigm to improve GTs' efficiency, a series of energy-saving solutions originated from biologically plausible structures are rarely taken into consideration when constructing GT framework. To this end, we propose a new spiking-based graph transformer (SGHormer). It turns full-precision embeddings into sparse and binarized spikes to reduce memory and computational costs. The spiking graph self-attention and spiking rectify blocks in SGHormer explicitly capture global structure information and recover the expressive power of spiking embeddings, respectively. In experiments, SGHormer achieves comparable performances to other full-precision GTs with extremely low computational energy consumption. The results show that SGHomer makes a remarkable progress in the field of low-energy GTs.

cross Language Models for Text Classification: Is In-Context Learning Enough?

Authors: Aleksandra Edwards, Jose Camacho-Collados

Abstract: Recent foundational language models have shown state-of-the-art performance in many NLP tasks in zero- and few-shot settings. An advantage of these models over more standard approaches based on fine-tuning is the ability to understand instructions written in natural language (prompts), which helps them generalise better to different tasks and domains without the need for specific training data. This makes them suitable for addressing text classification problems for domains with limited amounts of annotated instances. However, existing research is limited in scale and lacks understanding of how text generation models combined with prompting techniques compare to more established methods for text classification such as fine-tuning masked language models. In this paper, we address this research gap by performing a large-scale evaluation study for 16 text classification datasets covering binary, multiclass, and multilabel problems. In particular, we compare zero- and few-shot approaches of large language models to fine-tuning smaller language models. We also analyse the results by prompt, classification type, domain, and number of labels. In general, the results show how fine-tuning smaller and more efficient language models can still outperform few-shot approaches of larger language models, which have room for improvement when it comes to text classification.

cross Depending on yourself when you should: Mentoring LLM with RL agents to become the master in cybersecurity games

Authors: Yikuan Yan, Yaolun Zhang, Keman Huang

Abstract: Integrating LLM and reinforcement learning (RL) agent effectively to achieve complementary performance is critical in high stake tasks like cybersecurity operations. In this study, we introduce SecurityBot, a LLM agent mentored by pre-trained RL agents, to support cybersecurity operations. In particularly, the LLM agent is supported with a profile module to generated behavior guidelines, a memory module to accumulate local experiences, a reflection module to re-evaluate choices, and an action module to reduce action space. Additionally, it adopts the collaboration mechanism to take suggestions from pre-trained RL agents, including a cursor for dynamic suggestion taken, an aggregator for multiple mentors' suggestions ranking and a caller for proactive suggestion asking. Building on the CybORG experiment framework, our experiences show that SecurityBot demonstrates significant performance improvement compared with LLM or RL standalone, achieving the complementary performance in the cybersecurity games.

cross Onboard deep lossless and near-lossless predictive coding of hyperspectral images with line-based attention

Authors: Diego Valsesia, Tiziano Bianchi, Enrico Magli

Abstract: Deep learning methods have traditionally been difficult to apply to compression of hyperspectral images onboard of spacecrafts, due to the large computational complexity needed to achieve adequate representational power, as well as the lack of suitable datasets for training and testing. In this paper, we depart from the traditional autoencoder approach and we design a predictive neural network, called LineRWKV, that works recursively line-by-line to limit memory consumption. In order to achieve that, we adopt a novel hybrid attentive-recursive operation that combines the representational advantages of Transformers with the linear complexity and recursive implementation of recurrent neural networks. The compression algorithm performs prediction of each pixel using LineRWKV, followed by entropy coding of the residual. Experiments on the HySpecNet-11k dataset and PRISMA images show that LineRWKV is the first deep-learning method to outperform CCSDS-123.0-B-2 at lossless and near-lossless compression. Promising throughput results are also evaluated on a 7W embedded system.

cross ExpressEdit: Video Editing with Natural Language and Sketching

Authors: Bekzat Tilekbay, Saelyne Yang, Michal Lewkowicz, Alex Suryapranata, Juho Kim

Abstract: Informational videos serve as a crucial source for explaining conceptual and procedural knowledge to novices and experts alike. When producing informational videos, editors edit videos by overlaying text/images or trimming footage to enhance the video quality and make it more engaging. However, video editing can be difficult and time-consuming, especially for novice video editors who often struggle with expressing and implementing their editing ideas. To address this challenge, we first explored how multimodality$-$natural language (NL) and sketching, which are natural modalities humans use for expression$-$can be utilized to support video editors in expressing video editing ideas. We gathered 176 multimodal expressions of editing commands from 10 video editors, which revealed the patterns of use of NL and sketching in describing edit intents. Based on the findings, we present ExpressEdit, a system that enables editing videos via NL text and sketching on the video frame. Powered by LLM and vision models, the system interprets (1) temporal, (2) spatial, and (3) operational references in an NL command and spatial references from sketching. The system implements the interpreted edits, which then the user can iterate on. An observational study (N=10) showed that ExpressEdit enhanced the ability of novice video editors to express and implement their edit ideas. The system allowed participants to perform edits more efficiently and generate more ideas by generating edits based on user's multimodal edit commands and supporting iterations on the editing commands. This work offers insights into the design of future multimodal interfaces and AI-based pipelines for video editing.

cross MEP: Multiple Kernel Learning Enhancing Relative Positional Encoding Length Extrapolation

Authors: Weiguo Gao

Abstract: When the predicted sequence length exceeds the length seen during training, the transformer's inference accuracy diminishes. Existing relative position encoding methods, such as those based on the ALiBi technique, address the length extrapolation challenge exclusively through the implementation of a single kernel function, which introduces a constant bias to every post-softmax attention scores according to their distance. These approaches do not investigate or employ multiple kernel functions to address the extrapolation challenge. Drawing on the ALiBi approach, this study proposes a novel relative positional encoding method, called MEP, which employs a weighted average to combine distinct kernel functions(such as the exponential kernel and the Gaussian kernel) to generate a bias that is applied to post-softmax attention scores. Initially, the framework utilizes various kernel functions to construct multiple kernel functions. Each kernel function adheres to a consistent mean weight coefficient, harnessing the synergistic advantages of different kernels to formulate an innovative bias function. Subsequently, specific slopes are tailored for each kernel function, applying penalties at varying rates, to enhance the model's extrapolation capabilities. Finally, this bias is seamlessly incorporated as a penalty to the post-softmax scores. We present two distinct versions of our method: a parameter-free variant that requires no new learnable parameters, which enhances length extrapolation capabilities without compromising training efficiency, and a parameterized variant capable of integrating state-of-the-art techniques. Empirical evaluations across diverse datasets have demonstrated that both variants of our method achieve state-of-the-art performance, outperforming traditional parameter-free and parameterized approaches.

cross Enhanced Short Text Modeling: Leveraging Large Language Models for Topic Refinement

Authors: Shuyu Chang, Rui Wang, Peng Ren, Haiping Huang

Abstract: Crafting effective topic models for brief texts, like tweets and news headlines, is essential for capturing the swift shifts in social dynamics. Traditional topic models, however, often fall short in accurately representing the semantic intricacies of short texts due to their brevity and lack of contextual data. In our study, we harness the advanced capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) to introduce a novel approach termed "Topic Refinement". This approach does not directly involve itself in the initial modeling of topics but focuses on improving topics after they have been mined. By employing prompt engineering, we direct LLMs to eliminate off-topic words within a given topic, ensuring that only contextually relevant words are preserved or substituted with ones that fit better semantically. This method emulates human-like scrutiny and improvement of topics, thereby elevating the semantic quality of the topics generated by various models. Our comprehensive evaluation across three unique datasets has shown that our topic refinement approach significantly enhances the semantic coherence of topics.

cross Optimization-based Prompt Injection Attack to LLM-as-a-Judge

Authors: Jiawen Shi, Zenghui Yuan, Yinuo Liu, Yue Huang, Pan Zhou, Lichao Sun, Neil Zhenqiang Gong

Abstract: LLM-as-a-Judge is a novel solution that can assess textual information with large language models (LLMs). Based on existing research studies, LLMs demonstrate remarkable performance in providing a compelling alternative to traditional human assessment. However, the robustness of these systems against prompt injection attacks remains an open question. In this work, we introduce JudgeDeceiver, a novel optimization-based prompt injection attack tailored to LLM-as-a-Judge. Our method formulates a precise optimization objective for attacking the decision-making process of LLM-as-a-Judge and utilizes an optimization algorithm to efficiently automate the generation of adversarial sequences, achieving targeted and effective manipulation of model evaluations. Compared to handcraft prompt injection attacks, our method demonstrates superior efficacy, posing a significant challenge to the current security paradigms of LLM-based judgment systems. Through extensive experiments, we showcase the capability of JudgeDeceiver in altering decision outcomes across various cases, highlighting the vulnerability of LLM-as-a-Judge systems to the optimization-based prompt injection attack.

cross All-in-One: Heterogeneous Interaction Modeling for Cold-Start Rating Prediction

Authors: Shuheng Fang, Kangfei Zhao, Yu Rong, Zhixun Li, Jeffrey Xu Yu

Abstract: Cold-start rating prediction is a fundamental problem in recommender systems that has been extensively studied. Many methods have been proposed that exploit explicit relations among existing data, such as collaborative filtering, social recommendations and heterogeneous information network, to alleviate the data insufficiency issue for cold-start users and items. However, the explicit relations constructed based on data between different roles may be unreliable and irrelevant, which limits the performance ceiling of the specific recommendation task. Motivated by this, in this paper, we propose a flexible framework dubbed heterogeneous interaction rating network (HIRE). HIRE dose not solely rely on the pre-defined interaction pattern or the manually constructed heterogeneous information network. Instead, we devise a Heterogeneous Interaction Module (HIM) to jointly model the heterogeneous interactions and directly infer the important interactions via the observed data. In the experiments, we evaluate our model under three cold-start settings on three real-world datasets. The experimental results show that HIRE outperforms other baselines by a large margin. Furthermore, we visualize the inferred interactions of HIRE to confirm the contribution of our model.

cross SciNews: From Scholarly Complexities to Public Narratives -- A Dataset for Scientific News Report Generation

Authors: Dongqi Pu, Yifan Wang, Jia Loy, Vera Demberg

Abstract: Scientific news reports serve as a bridge, adeptly translating complex research articles into reports that resonate with the broader public. The automated generation of such narratives enhances the accessibility of scholarly insights. In this paper, we present a new corpus to facilitate this paradigm development. Our corpus comprises a parallel compilation of academic publications and their corresponding scientific news reports across nine disciplines. To demonstrate the utility and reliability of our dataset, we conduct an extensive analysis, highlighting the divergences in readability and brevity between scientific news narratives and academic manuscripts. We benchmark our dataset employing state-of-the-art text generation models. The evaluation process involves both automatic and human evaluation, which lays the groundwork for future explorations into the automated generation of scientific news reports. The dataset and code related to this work are available at


cross SciCapenter: Supporting Caption Composition for Scientific Figures with Machine-Generated Captions and Ratings

Authors: Ting-Yao Hsu, Chieh-Yang Huang, Shih-Hong Huang, Ryan Rossi, Sungchul Kim, Tong Yu, C. Lee Giles, Ting-Hao K. Huang

Abstract: Crafting effective captions for figures is important. Readers heavily depend on these captions to grasp the figure's message. However, despite a well-developed set of AI technologies for figures and captions, these have rarely been tested for usefulness in aiding caption writing. This paper introduces SciCapenter, an interactive system that puts together cutting-edge AI technologies for scientific figure captions to aid caption composition. SciCapenter generates a variety of captions for each figure in a scholarly article, providing scores and a comprehensive checklist to assess caption quality across multiple critical aspects, such as helpfulness, OCR mention, key takeaways, and visual properties reference. Users can directly edit captions in SciCapenter, resubmit for revised evaluations, and iteratively refine them. A user study with Ph.D. students indicates that SciCapenter significantly lowers the cognitive load of caption writing. Participants' feedback further offers valuable design insights for future systems aiming to enhance caption writing.

cross Accelerating Radio Spectrum Regulation Workflows with Large Language Models (LLMs)

Authors: Amir Ghasemi, Paul Guinand

Abstract: Wireless spectrum regulation is a complex and demanding process due to the rapid pace of technological progress, increasing demand for spectrum, and a multitude of stakeholders with potentially conflicting interests, alongside significant economic implications. To navigate this, regulators must engage effectively with all parties, keep pace with global technology trends, conduct technical evaluations, issue licenses in a timely manner, and comply with various legal and policy frameworks. In light of these challenges, this paper demonstrates example applications of Large Language Models (LLMs) to expedite spectrum regulatory processes. We explore various roles that LLMs can play in this context while identifying some of the challenges to address. The paper also offers practical case studies and insights, with appropriate experiments, highlighting the transformative potential of LLMs in spectrum management.

cross DiffH2O: Diffusion-Based Synthesis of Hand-Object Interactions from Textual Descriptions

Authors: Sammy Christen, Shreyas Hampali, Fadime Sener, Edoardo Remelli, Tomas Hodan, Eric Sauser, Shugao Ma, Bugra Tekin

Abstract: Generating natural hand-object interactions in 3D is challenging as the resulting hand and object motions are expected to be physically plausible and semantically meaningful. Furthermore, generalization to unseen objects is hindered by the limited scale of available hand-object interaction datasets. We propose DiffH2O, a novel method to synthesize realistic, one or two-handed object interactions from provided text prompts and geometry of the object. The method introduces three techniques that enable effective learning from limited data. First, we decompose the task into a grasping stage and a text-based interaction stage and use separate diffusion models for each. In the grasping stage, the model only generates hand motions, whereas in the interaction phase both hand and object poses are synthesized. Second, we propose a compact representation that tightly couples hand and object poses. Third, we propose two different guidance schemes to allow more control of the generated motions: grasp guidance and detailed textual guidance. Grasp guidance takes a single target grasping pose and guides the diffusion model to reach this grasp at the end of the grasping stage, which provides control over the grasping pose. Given a grasping motion from this stage, multiple different actions can be prompted in the interaction phase. For textual guidance, we contribute comprehensive text descriptions to the GRAB dataset and show that they enable our method to have more fine-grained control over hand-object interactions. Our quantitative and qualitative evaluation demonstrates that the proposed method outperforms baseline methods and leads to natural hand-object motions. Moreover, we demonstrate the practicality of our framework by utilizing a hand pose estimate from an off-the-shelf pose estimator for guidance, and then sampling multiple different actions in the interaction stage.

cross ReMamber: Referring Image Segmentation with Mamba Twister

Authors: Yuhuan Yang, Chaofan Ma, Jiangchao Yao, Zhun Zhong, Ya Zhang, Yanfeng Wang

Abstract: Referring Image Segmentation (RIS) leveraging transformers has achieved great success on the interpretation of complex visual-language tasks. However, the quadratic computation cost makes it resource-consuming in capturing long-range visual-language dependencies. Fortunately, Mamba addresses this with efficient linear complexity in processing. However, directly applying Mamba to multi-modal interactions presents challenges, primarily due to inadequate channel interactions for the effective fusion of multi-modal data. In this paper, we propose ReMamber, a novel RIS architecture that integrates the power of Mamba with a multi-modal Mamba Twister block. The Mamba Twister explicitly models image-text interaction, and fuses textual and visual features through its unique channel and spatial twisting mechanism. We achieve the state-of-the-art on three challenging benchmarks. Moreover, we conduct thorough analyses of ReMamber and discuss other fusion designs using Mamba. These provide valuable perspectives for future research.

cross Hierarchical Open-Vocabulary 3D Scene Graphs for Language-Grounded Robot Navigation

Authors: Abdelrhman Werby, Chenguang Huang, Martin B\"uchner, Abhinav Valada, Wolfram Burgard

Abstract: Recent open-vocabulary robot mapping methods enrich dense geometric maps with pre-trained visual-language features. While these maps allow for the prediction of point-wise saliency maps when queried for a certain language concept, large-scale environments and abstract queries beyond the object level still pose a considerable hurdle, ultimately limiting language-grounded robotic navigation. In this work, we present HOV-SG, a hierarchical open-vocabulary 3D scene graph mapping approach for language-grounded robot navigation. Leveraging open-vocabulary vision foundation models, we first obtain state-of-the-art open-vocabulary segment-level maps in 3D and subsequently construct a 3D scene graph hierarchy consisting of floor, room, and object concepts, each enriched with open-vocabulary features. Our approach is able to represent multi-story buildings and allows robotic traversal of those using a cross-floor Voronoi graph. HOV-SG is evaluated on three distinct datasets and surpasses previous baselines in open-vocabulary semantic accuracy on the object, room, and floor level while producing a 75% reduction in representation size compared to dense open-vocabulary maps. In order to prove the efficacy and generalization capabilities of HOV-SG, we showcase successful long-horizon language-conditioned robot navigation within real-world multi-storage environments. We provide code and trial video data at


cross Climate Downscaling: A Deep-Learning Based Super-resolution Model of Precipitation Data with Attention Block and Skip Connections

Authors: Chia-Hao Chiang, Zheng-Han Huang, Liwen Liu, Hsin-Chien Liang, Yi-Chi Wang, Wan-Ling Tseng, Chao Wang, Che-Ta Chen, Ko-Chih Wang

Abstract: Human activities accelerate consumption of fossil fuels and produce greenhouse gases, resulting in urgent issues today: global warming and the climate change. These indirectly cause severe natural disasters, plenty of lives suffering and huge losses of agricultural properties. To mitigate impacts on our lands, scientists are developing renewable, reusable, and clean energies and climatologists are trying to predict the extremes. Meanwhile, governments are publicizing resource-saving policies for a more eco-friendly society and arousing environment awareness. One of the most influencing factors is the precipitation, bringing condensed water vapor onto lands. Water resources are the most significant but basic needs in society, not only supporting our livings, but also economics. In Taiwan, although the average annual precipitation is up to 2,500 millimeter (mm), the water allocation for each person is lower than the global average due to drastically geographical elevation changes and uneven distribution through the year. Thus, it is crucial to track and predict the rainfall to make the most use of it and to prevent the floods. However, climate models have limited resolution and require intensive computational power for local-scale use. Therefore, we proposed a deep convolutional neural network with skip connections, attention blocks, and auxiliary data concatenation, in order to downscale the low-resolution precipitation data into high-resolution one. Eventually, we compare with other climate downscaling methods and show better performance in metrics of Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Pearson Correlation, structural similarity index (SSIM), and forecast indicators.

cross Image-based Novel Fault Detection with Deep Learning Classifiers using Hierarchical Labels

Authors: Nurettin Sergin, Jiayu Huang, Tzyy-Shuh Chang, Hao Yan

Abstract: One important characteristic of modern fault classification systems is the ability to flag the system when faced with previously unseen fault types. This work considers the unknown fault detection capabilities of deep neural network-based fault classifiers. Specifically, we propose a methodology on how, when available, labels regarding the fault taxonomy can be used to increase unknown fault detection performance without sacrificing model performance. To achieve this, we propose to utilize soft label techniques to improve the state-of-the-art deep novel fault detection techniques during the training process and novel hierarchically consistent detection statistics for online novel fault detection. Finally, we demonstrated increased detection performance on novel fault detection in inspection images from the hot steel rolling process, with results well replicated across multiple scenarios and baseline detection methods.

cross CMP: Cooperative Motion Prediction with Multi-Agent Communication

Authors: Zhuoyuan Wu, Yuping Wang, Hengbo Ma, Zhaowei Li, Hang Qiu, Jiachen Li

Abstract: The confluence of the advancement of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs) and the maturity of Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has enabled the capability of cooperative connected and automated vehicles (CAVs). Building on top of cooperative perception, this paper explores the feasibility and effectiveness of cooperative motion prediction. Our method, CMP, takes LiDAR signals as input to enhance tracking and prediction capabilities. Unlike previous work that focuses separately on either cooperative perception or motion prediction, our framework, to the best of our knowledge, is the first to address the unified problem where CAVs share information in both perception and prediction modules. Incorporated into our design is the unique capability to tolerate realistic V2X bandwidth limitations and transmission delays, while dealing with bulky perception representations. We also propose a prediction aggregation module, which unifies the predictions obtained by different CAVs and generates the final prediction. Through extensive experiments and ablation studies, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method in cooperative perception, tracking, and motion prediction tasks. In particular, CMP reduces the average prediction error by 17.2\% with fewer missing detections compared with the no cooperation setting. Our work marks a significant step forward in the cooperative capabilities of CAVs, showcasing enhanced performance in complex scenarios.

cross LISA: Layerwise Importance Sampling for Memory-Efficient Large Language Model Fine-Tuning

Authors: Rui Pan, Xiang Liu, Shizhe Diao, Renjie Pi, Jipeng Zhang, Chi Han, Tong Zhang

Abstract: The machine learning community has witnessed impressive advancements since the first appearance of large language models (LLMs), yet their huge memory consumption has become a major roadblock to large-scale training. Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning techniques such as Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) have been proposed to alleviate this problem, but their performance still fails to match full parameter training in most large-scale fine-tuning settings. Attempting to complement this deficiency, we investigate layerwise properties of LoRA on fine-tuning tasks and observe an uncommon skewness of weight norms across different layers. Utilizing this key observation, a surprisingly simple training strategy is discovered, which outperforms both LoRA and full parameter training in a wide range of settings with memory costs as low as LoRA. We name it Layerwise Importance Sampled AdamW (LISA), a promising alternative for LoRA, which applies the idea of importance sampling to different layers in LLMs and randomly freeze most middle layers during optimization. Experimental results show that with similar or less GPU memory consumption, LISA surpasses LoRA or even full parameter tuning in downstream fine-tuning tasks, where LISA consistently outperforms LoRA by over $11\%$-$37\%$ in terms of MT-Bench scores. On large models, specifically LLaMA-2-70B, LISA achieves on-par or better performance than LoRA on MT-Bench, GSM8K, and PubMedQA, demonstrating its effectiveness across different domains.

cross AID: Attention Interpolation of Text-to-Image Diffusion

Authors: Qiyuan He, Jinghao Wang, Ziwei Liu, Angela Yao

Abstract: Conditional diffusion models can create unseen images in various settings, aiding image interpolation. Interpolation in latent spaces is well-studied, but interpolation with specific conditions like text or poses is less understood. Simple approaches, such as linear interpolation in the space of conditions, often result in images that lack consistency, smoothness, and fidelity. To that end, we introduce a novel training-free technique named Attention Interpolation via Diffusion (AID). Our key contributions include 1) proposing an inner/outer interpolated attention layer; 2) fusing the interpolated attention with self-attention to boost fidelity; and 3) applying beta distribution to selection to increase smoothness. We also present a variant, Prompt-guided Attention Interpolation via Diffusion (PAID), that considers interpolation as a condition-dependent generative process. This method enables the creation of new images with greater consistency, smoothness, and efficiency, and offers control over the exact path of interpolation. Our approach demonstrates effectiveness for conceptual and spatial interpolation. Code and demo are available at


cross MAGIS: LLM-Based Multi-Agent Framework for GitHub Issue Resolution

Authors: Wei Tao, Yucheng Zhou, Wenqiang Zhang, Yu Cheng

Abstract: In software evolution, resolving the emergent issues within GitHub repositories is a complex challenge that involves not only the incorporation of new code but also the maintenance of existing functionalities. Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown promise in code generation and understanding but face difficulties in code change, particularly at the repository level. To overcome these challenges, we empirically study the reason why LLMs mostly fail to resolve GitHub issues and analyze some impact factors. Motivated by the empirical findings, we propose a novel LLM-based Multi-Agent framework for GitHub Issue reSolution, MAGIS, consisting of four kinds of agents customized for the software evolution: Manager, Repository Custodian, Developer, and Quality Assurance Engineer agents. This framework leverages the collaboration of various agents in the planning and coding process to unlock the potential of LLMs to resolve GitHub issues. In experiments, we employ the SWE-bench benchmark to compare MAGIS with popular LLMs, including GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and Claude-2. MAGIS can resolve 13.94% GitHub issues, which significantly outperforms the baselines. Specifically, MAGIS achieves an eight-fold increase in resolved ratio over the direct application of GPT-4, the based LLM of our method. We also analyze the factors for improving GitHub issue resolution rates, such as line location, task allocation, etc.

cross SLEDGE: Synthesizing Simulation Environments for Driving Agents with Generative Models

Authors: Kashyap Chitta, Daniel Dauner, Andreas Geiger

Abstract: SLEDGE is the first generative simulator for vehicle motion planning trained on real-world driving logs. Its core component is a learned model that is able to generate agent bounding boxes and lane graphs. The model's outputs serve as an initial state for traffic simulation. The unique properties of the entities to be generated for SLEDGE, such as their connectivity and variable count per scene, render the naive application of most modern generative models to this task non-trivial. Therefore, together with a systematic study of existing lane graph representations, we introduce a novel raster-to-vector autoencoder (RVAE). It encodes agents and the lane graph into distinct channels in a rasterized latent map. This facilitates both lane-conditioned agent generation and combined generation of lanes and agents with a Diffusion Transformer. Using generated entities in SLEDGE enables greater control over the simulation, e.g. upsampling turns or increasing traffic density. Further, SLEDGE can support 500m long routes, a capability not found in existing data-driven simulators like nuPlan. It presents new challenges for planning algorithms, evidenced by failure rates of over 40% for PDM, the winner of the 2023 nuPlan challenge, when tested on hard routes and dense traffic generated by our model. Compared to nuPlan, SLEDGE requires 500$\times$ less storage to set up (<4GB), making it a more accessible option and helping with democratizing future research in this field.

replace Unleashing the Emergent Cognitive Synergy in Large Language Models: A Task-Solving Agent through Multi-Persona Self-Collaboration

Authors: Zhenhailong Wang, Shaoguang Mao, Wenshan Wu, Tao Ge, Furu Wei, Heng Ji

Abstract: Human intelligence thrives on cognitive synergy, where collaboration among different minds yield superior outcomes compared to isolated individuals. In this work, we propose Solo Performance Prompting (SPP), which transforms a single LLM into a cognitive synergist by engaging in multi-turn self-collaboration with multiple personas. A cognitive synergist is an intelligent agent that collaboratively combines multiple minds' strengths and knowledge to enhance problem-solving in complex tasks. By dynamically identifying and simulating different personas based on task inputs, SPP unleashes the potential of cognitive synergy in LLMs. Our in-depth analysis shows that assigning multiple fine-grained personas in LLMs improves problem-solving abilities compared to using a single or fixed number of personas. We evaluate SPP on three challenging tasks: Trivia Creative Writing, Codenames Collaborative, and Logic Grid Puzzle, encompassing both knowledge-intensive and reasoning-intensive types. Unlike previous works, such as Chain-of-Thought, that solely enhance the reasoning abilities in LLMs, experimental results demonstrate that SPP effectively reduces factual hallucination, and maintains strong reasoning capabilities. Additionally, comparative experiments show that cognitive synergy only emerges in GPT-4 and does not appear in less capable models, such as GPT-3.5-turbo and Llama2-13b-chat, which draws an interesting analogy to human development. Code, data, and prompts can be found at:


replace A Safe Preference Learning Approach for Personalization with Applications to Autonomous Vehicles

Authors: Ruya Karagulle, Nikos Arechiga, Andrew Best, Jonathan DeCastro, Necmiye Ozay

Abstract: This work introduces a preference learning method that ensures adherence to given specifications, with an application to autonomous vehicles. Our approach incorporates the priority ordering of Signal Temporal Logic (STL) formulas describing traffic rules into a learning framework. By leveraging Parametric Weighted Signal Temporal Logic (PWSTL), we formulate the problem of safety-guaranteed preference learning based on pairwise comparisons and propose an approach to solve this learning problem. Our approach finds a feasible valuation for the weights of the given PWSTL formula such that, with these weights, preferred signals have weighted quantitative satisfaction measures greater than their non-preferred counterparts. The feasible valuation of weights given by our approach leads to a weighted STL formula that can be used in correct-and-custom-by-construction controller synthesis. We demonstrate the performance of our method with a pilot human subject study in two different simulated driving scenarios involving a stop sign and a pedestrian crossing. Our approach yields competitive results compared to existing preference learning methods in terms of capturing preferences and notably outperforms them when safety is considered.

replace Tandem Transformers for Inference Efficient LLMs

Authors: Aishwarya P S, Pranav Ajit Nair, Yashas Samaga, Toby Boyd, Sanjiv Kumar, Prateek Jain, Praneeth Netrapalli

Abstract: The autoregressive nature of conventional large language models (LLMs) inherently limits inference speed, as tokens are generated sequentially. While speculative and parallel decoding techniques attempt to mitigate this, they face limitations: either relying on less accurate smaller models for generation or failing to fully leverage the base LLM's representations. We introduce a novel architecture, Tandem transformers, to address these issues. This architecture uniquely combines (1) a small autoregressive model and (2) a large model operating in block mode (processing multiple tokens simultaneously). The small model's predictive accuracy is substantially enhanced by granting it attention to the large model's richer representations. On the PaLM2 pretraining dataset, a tandem of PaLM2-Bison and PaLM2-Gecko demonstrates a 3.3% improvement in next-token prediction accuracy over a standalone PaLM2-Gecko, offering a 1.16x speedup compared to a PaLM2-Otter model with comparable downstream performance. We further incorporate the tandem model within the speculative decoding (SPEED) framework where the large model validates tokens from the small model. This ensures that the Tandem of PaLM2-Bison and PaLM2-Gecko achieves substantial speedup (around 1.14x faster than using vanilla PaLM2-Gecko in SPEED) while maintaining identical downstream task accuracy.

replace Medical Speech Symptoms Classification via Disentangled Representation

Authors: Jianzong Wang, Pengcheng Li, Xulong Zhang, Ning Cheng, Jing Xiao

Abstract: Intent is defined for understanding spoken language in existing works. Both textual features and acoustic features involved in medical speech contain intent, which is important for symptomatic diagnosis. In this paper, we propose a medical speech classification model named DRSC that automatically learns to disentangle intent and content representations from textual-acoustic data for classification. The intent representations of the text domain and the Mel-spectrogram domain are extracted via intent encoders, and then the reconstructed text feature and the Mel-spectrogram feature are obtained through two exchanges. After combining the intent from two domains into a joint representation, the integrated intent representation is fed into a decision layer for classification. Experimental results show that our model obtains an average accuracy rate of 95% in detecting 25 different medical symptoms.

replace Fusing Domain-Specific Content from Large Language Models into Knowledge Graphs for Enhanced Zero Shot Object State Classification

Authors: Filippos Gouidis, Katerina Papantoniou, Konstantinos Papoutsakis Theodore Patkos, Antonis Argyros, Dimitris Plexousakis

Abstract: Domain-specific knowledge can significantly contribute to addressing a wide variety of vision tasks. However, the generation of such knowledge entails considerable human labor and time costs. This study investigates the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) in generating and providing domain-specific information through semantic embeddings. To achieve this, an LLM is integrated into a pipeline that utilizes Knowledge Graphs and pre-trained semantic vectors in the context of the Vision-based Zero-shot Object State Classification task. We thoroughly examine the behavior of the LLM through an extensive ablation study. Our findings reveal that the integration of LLM-based embeddings, in combination with general-purpose pre-trained embeddings, leads to substantial performance improvements. Drawing insights from this ablation study, we conduct a comparative analysis against competing models, thereby highlighting the state-of-the-art performance achieved by the proposed approach.

replace Motion Generation from Fine-grained Textual Descriptions

Authors: Kunhang Li, Yansong Feng

Abstract: The task of text2motion is to generate human motion sequences from given textual descriptions, where the model explores diverse mappings from natural language instructions to human body movements. While most existing works are confined to coarse-grained motion descriptions, e.g., "A man squats.", fine-grained descriptions specifying movements of relevant body parts are barely explored. Models trained with coarse-grained texts may not be able to learn mappings from fine-grained motion-related words to motion primitives, resulting in the failure to generate motions from unseen descriptions. In this paper, we build a large-scale language-motion dataset specializing in fine-grained textual descriptions, FineHumanML3D, by feeding GPT-3.5-turbo with step-by-step instructions with pseudo-code compulsory checks. Accordingly, we design a new text2motion model, FineMotionDiffuse, making full use of fine-grained textual information. Our quantitative evaluation shows that FineMotionDiffuse trained on FineHumanML3D improves FID by a large margin of 0.38, compared with competitive baselines. According to the qualitative evaluation and case study, our model outperforms MotionDiffuse in generating spatially or chronologically composite motions, by learning the implicit mappings from fine-grained descriptions to the corresponding basic motions. We release our data at


replace Can ChatGPT Detect DeepFakes? A Study of Using Multimodal Large Language Models for Media Forensics

Authors: Shan Jia, Reilin Lyu, Kangran Zhao, Yize Chen, Zhiyuan Yan, Yan Ju, Chuanbo Hu, Xin Li, Baoyuan Wu, Siwei Lyu

Abstract: DeepFakes, which refer to AI-generated media content, have become an increasing concern due to their use as a means for disinformation. Detecting DeepFakes is currently solved with programmed machine learning algorithms. In this work, we investigate the capabilities of multimodal large language models (LLMs) in DeepFake detection. We conducted qualitative and quantitative experiments to demonstrate multimodal LLMs and show that they can expose AI-generated images through careful experimental design and prompt engineering. This is interesting, considering that LLMs are not inherently tailored for media forensic tasks, and the process does not require programming. We discuss the limitations of multimodal LLMs for these tasks and suggest possible improvements.

replace Rumor Detection with a novel graph neural network approach

Authors: Tianrui Liu, Qi Cai, Changxin Xu, Bo Hong, Fanghao Ni, Yuxin Qiao, Tsungwei Yang

Abstract: The wide spread of rumors on social media has caused a negative impact on people's daily life, leading to potential panic, fear, and mental health problems for the public. How to debunk rumors as early as possible remains a challenging problem. Existing studies mainly leverage information propagation structure to detect rumors, while very few works focus on correlation among users that they may coordinate to spread rumors in order to gain large popularity. In this paper, we propose a new detection model, that jointly learns both the representations of user correlation and information propagation to detect rumors on social media. Specifically, we leverage graph neural networks to learn the representations of user correlation from a bipartite graph that describes the correlations between users and source tweets, and the representations of information propagation with a tree structure. Then we combine the learned representations from these two modules to classify the rumors. Since malicious users intend to subvert our model after deployment, we further develop a greedy attack scheme to analyze the cost of three adversarial attacks: graph attack, comment attack, and joint attack. Evaluation results on two public datasets illustrate that the proposed MODEL outperforms the state-of-the-art rumor detection models. We also demonstrate our method performs well for early rumor detection. Moreover, the proposed detection method is more robust to adversarial attacks compared to the best existing method. Importantly, we show that it requires a high cost for attackers to subvert user correlation pattern, demonstrating the importance of considering user correlation for rumor detection.

replace Cyber-Security Knowledge Graph Generation by Hierarchical Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Authors: Ryan Barron, Maksim E. Eren, Manish Bhattarai, Selma Wanna, Nicholas Solovyev, Kim Rasmussen, Boian S. Alexandrov, Charles Nicholas, Cynthia Matuszek

Abstract: Much of human knowledge in cybersecurity is encapsulated within the ever-growing volume of scientific papers. As this textual data continues to expand, the importance of document organization methods becomes increasingly crucial for extracting actionable insights hidden within large text datasets. Knowledge Graphs (KGs) serve as a means to store factual information in a structured manner, providing explicit, interpretable knowledge that includes domain-specific information from the cybersecurity scientific literature. One of the challenges in constructing a KG from scientific literature is the extraction of ontology from unstructured text. In this paper, we address this topic and introduce a method for building a multi-modal KG by extracting structured ontology from scientific papers. We demonstrate this concept in the cybersecurity domain. One modality of the KG represents observable information from the papers, such as the categories in which they were published or the authors. The second modality uncovers latent (hidden) patterns of text extracted through hierarchical and semantic non-negative matrix factorization (NMF), such as named entities, topics or clusters, and keywords. We illustrate this concept by consolidating more than two million scientific papers uploaded to arXiv into the cyber-domain, using hierarchical and semantic NMF, and by building a cyber-domain-specific KG.

replace Re2LLM: Reflective Reinforcement Large Language Model for Session-based Recommendation

Authors: Ziyan Wang, Yingpeng Du, Zhu Sun, Haoyan Chua, Kaidong Feng, Wenya Wang, Jie Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are emerging as promising approaches to enhance session-based recommendation (SBR), where both prompt-based and fine-tuning-based methods have been widely investigated to align LLMs with SBR. However, the former methods struggle with optimal prompts to elicit the correct reasoning of LLMs due to the lack of task-specific feedback, leading to unsatisfactory recommendations. Although the latter methods attempt to fine-tune LLMs with domain-specific knowledge, they face limitations such as high computational costs and reliance on open-source backbones. To address such issues, we propose a \underline{Re}flective \underline{Re}inforcement \underline{L}arge \underline{L}anguage \underline{M}odel (Re2LLM) for SBR, guiding LLMs to focus on specialized knowledge essential for more accurate recommendations effectively and efficiently. In particular, we first design the Reflective Exploration Module to effectively extract knowledge that is readily understandable and digestible by LLMs. To be specific, we direct LLMs to examine recommendation errors through self-reflection and construct a knowledge base (KB) comprising hints capable of rectifying these errors. To efficiently elicit the correct reasoning of LLMs, we further devise the Reinforcement Utilization Module to train a lightweight retrieval agent. It learns to select hints from the constructed KB based on the task-specific feedback, where the hints can serve as guidance to help correct LLMs reasoning for better recommendations. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

replace CLHA: A Simple yet Effective Contrastive Learning Framework for Human Alignment

Authors: Feiteng Fang, Liang Zhu, Min Yang, Xi Feng, Jinchang Hou, Qixuan Zhao, Chengming Li, Xiping Hu, Ruifeng Xu

Abstract: Reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) is a crucial technique in aligning large language models (LLMs) with human preferences, ensuring these LLMs behave in beneficial and comprehensible ways to users. However, a longstanding challenge in human alignment techniques based on reinforcement learning lies in their inherent complexity and difficulty in training. To address this challenge, we present a simple yet effective Contrastive Learning Framework for Human Alignment (CLHA) to align LLMs with human preferences directly. CLHA employs a novel rescoring strategy to evaluate the noise within the data by considering its inherent quality and dynamically adjusting the training process. Simultaneously, CLHA utilizes pairwise contrastive loss and adaptive supervised fine-tuning loss to adaptively modify the likelihood of generating responses, ensuring enhanced alignment with human preferences. Using advanced methods, CLHA surpasses other algorithms, showcasing superior performance in terms of reward model scores, automatic evaluations, and human assessments on the widely used ``Helpful and Harmless'' dataset.

replace Navigating the EU AI Act: A Methodological Approach to Compliance for Safety-critical Products

Authors: J. Kelly, S. Zafar, L. Heidemann, J. Zacchi, D. Espinoza, N. Mata

Abstract: In December 2023, the European Parliament provisionally agreed on the EU AI Act. This unprecedented regulatory framework for AI systems lays out guidelines to ensure the safety, legality, and trustworthiness of AI products. This paper presents a methodology for interpreting the EU AI Act requirements for high-risk AI systems by leveraging product quality models. We first propose an extended product quality model for AI systems, incorporating attributes relevant to the Act not covered by current quality models. We map the Act requirements to relevant quality attributes with the goal of refining them into measurable characteristics. We then propose a contract-based approach to derive technical requirements at the stakeholder level. This facilitates the development and assessment of AI systems that not only adhere to established quality standards, but also comply with the regulatory requirements outlined in the Act for high-risk (including safety-critical) AI systems. We demonstrate the applicability of this methodology on an exemplary automotive supply chain use case, where several stakeholders interact to achieve EU AI Act compliance.

replace-cross Attention-based Estimation and Prediction of Human Intent to augment Haptic Glove aided Control of Robotic Hand

Authors: Muneeb Ahmed, Rajesh Kumar, Qaim Abbas, Brejesh Lall, Arzad A. Kherani, Sudipto Mukherjee

Abstract: The letter focuses on Haptic Glove (HG) based control of a Robotic Hand (RH) executing in-hand manipulation of certain objects of interest. The high dimensional motion signals in HG and RH possess intrinsic variability of kinematics resulting in difficulty to establish a direct mapping of the motion signals from HG onto the RH. An estimation mechanism is proposed to quantify the motion signal acquired from the human controller in relation to the intended goal pose of the object being held by the robotic hand. A control algorithm is presented to transform the synthesized intent at the RH and allow relocation of the object to the expected goal pose. The lag in synthesis of the intent in the presence of communication delay leads to a requirement of predicting the estimated intent. We leverage an attention-based convolutional neural network encoder to predict the trajectory of intent for a certain lookahead to compensate for the delays. The proposed methodology is evaluated across objects of different shapes, mass, and materials. We present a comparative performance of the estimation and prediction mechanisms on 5G-driven real-world robotic setup against benchmark methodologies. The test-MSE in prediction of human intent is reported to yield ~ 97.3 -98.7% improvement of accuracy in comparison to LSTM-based benchmark

replace-cross Toward a Theory of Causation for Interpreting Neural Code Models

Authors: David N. Palacio, Alejandro Velasco, Nathan Cooper, Alvaro Rodriguez, Kevin Moran, Denys Poshyvanyk

Abstract: Neural Language Models of Code, or Neural Code Models (NCMs), are rapidly progressing from research prototypes to commercial developer tools. As such, understanding the capabilities and limitations of such models is becoming critical. However, the abilities of these models are typically measured using automated metrics that often only reveal a portion of their real-world performance. While, in general, the performance of NCMs appears promising, currently much is unknown about how such models arrive at decisions. To this end, this paper introduces $do_{code}$, a post hoc interpretability method specific to NCMs that is capable of explaining model predictions. $do_{code}$ is based upon causal inference to enable programming language-oriented explanations. While the theoretical underpinnings of $do_{code}$ are extensible to exploring different model properties, we provide a concrete instantiation that aims to mitigate the impact of spurious correlations by grounding explanations of model behavior in properties of programming languages. To demonstrate the practical benefit of $do_{code}$, we illustrate the insights that our framework can provide by performing a case study on two popular deep learning architectures and ten NCMs. The results of this case study illustrate that our studied NCMs are sensitive to changes in code syntax. All our NCMs, except for the BERT-like model, statistically learn to predict tokens related to blocks of code (\eg brackets, parenthesis, semicolon) with less confounding bias as compared to other programming language constructs. These insights demonstrate the potential of $do_{code}$ as a useful method to detect and facilitate the elimination of confounding bias in NCMs.

replace-cross An Implicit GNN Solver for Poisson-like problems

Authors: Matthieu Nastorg (TAU, IFPEN), Michele Alessandro Bucci (TAU), Thibault Faney (IFPEN), Jean-Marc Gratien (IFPEN), Guillaume Charpiat (TAU), Marc Schoenauer (TAU)

Abstract: This paper presents $\Psi$-GNN, a novel Graph Neural Network (GNN) approach for solving the ubiquitous Poisson PDE problems with mixed boundary conditions. By leveraging the Implicit Layer Theory, $\Psi$-GNN models an "infinitely" deep network, thus avoiding the empirical tuning of the number of required Message Passing layers to attain the solution. Its original architecture explicitly takes into account the boundary conditions, a critical prerequisite for physical applications, and is able to adapt to any initially provided solution. $\Psi$-GNN is trained using a "physics-informed" loss, and the training process is stable by design, and insensitive to its initialization. Furthermore, the consistency of the approach is theoretically proven, and its flexibility and generalization efficiency are experimentally demonstrated: the same learned model can accurately handle unstructured meshes of various sizes, as well as different boundary conditions. To the best of our knowledge, $\Psi$-GNN is the first physics-informed GNN-based method that can handle various unstructured domains, boundary conditions and initial solutions while also providing convergence guarantees.

replace-cross Diffusion Models Generate Images Like Painters: an Analytical Theory of Outline First, Details Later

Authors: Binxu Wang, John J. Vastola

Abstract: How do diffusion generative models convert pure noise into meaningful images? In a variety of pretrained diffusion models (including conditional latent space models like Stable Diffusion), we observe that the reverse diffusion process that underlies image generation has the following properties: (i) individual trajectories tend to be low-dimensional and resemble 2D `rotations'; (ii) high-variance scene features like layout tend to emerge earlier, while low-variance details tend to emerge later; and (iii) early perturbations tend to have a greater impact on image content than later perturbations. To understand these phenomena, we derive and study a closed-form solution to the probability flow ODE for a Gaussian distribution, which shows that the reverse diffusion state rotates towards a gradually-specified target on the image manifold. It also shows that generation involves first committing to an outline, and then to finer and finer details. We find that this solution accurately describes the initial phase of image generation for pretrained models, and can in principle be used to make image generation more efficient by skipping reverse diffusion steps. Finally, we use our solution to characterize the image manifold in Stable Diffusion. Our viewpoint reveals an unexpected similarity between generation by GANs and diffusion and provides a conceptual link between diffusion and image retrieval.

replace-cross Safe Explicable Planning

Authors: Akkamahadevi Hanni, Andrew Boateng, Yu Zhang

Abstract: Human expectations arise from their understanding of others and the world. In the context of human-AI interaction, this understanding may not align with reality, leading to the AI agent failing to meet expectations and compromising team performance. Explicable planning, introduced as a method to bridge this gap, aims to reconcile human expectations with the agent's optimal behavior, facilitating interpretable decision-making. However, an unresolved critical issue is ensuring safety in explicable planning, as it could result in explicable behaviors that are unsafe. To address this, we propose Safe Explicable Planning (SEP), which extends the prior work to support the specification of a safety bound. The goal of SEP is to find behaviors that align with human expectations while adhering to the specified safety criterion. Our approach generalizes the consideration of multiple objectives stemming from multiple models rather than a single model, yielding a Pareto set of safe explicable policies. We present both an exact method, guaranteeing finding the Pareto set, and a more efficient greedy method that finds one of the policies in the Pareto set. Additionally, we offer approximate solutions based on state aggregation to improve scalability. We provide formal proofs that validate the desired theoretical properties of these methods. Evaluation through simulations and physical robot experiments confirms the effectiveness of our approach for safe explicable planning.

replace-cross ChatGPT Needs SPADE (Sustainability, PrivAcy, Digital divide, and Ethics) Evaluation: A Review

Authors: Sunder Ali Khowaja, Parus Khuwaja, Kapal Dev, Weizheng Wang, Lewis Nkenyereye

Abstract: ChatGPT is another large language model (LLM) vastly available for the consumers on their devices but due to its performance and ability to converse effectively, it has gained a huge popularity amongst research as well as industrial community. Recently, many studies have been published to show the effectiveness, efficiency, integration, and sentiments of chatGPT and other LLMs. In contrast, this study focuses on the important aspects that are mostly overlooked, i.e. sustainability, privacy, digital divide, and ethics and suggests that not only chatGPT but every subsequent entry in the category of conversational bots should undergo Sustainability, PrivAcy, Digital divide, and Ethics (SPADE) evaluation. This paper discusses in detail the issues and concerns raised over chatGPT in line with aforementioned characteristics. We also discuss the recent EU AI Act briefly in accordance with the SPADE evaluation. We support our hypothesis by some preliminary data collection and visualizations along with hypothesized facts. We also suggest mitigations and recommendations for each of the concerns. Furthermore, we also suggest some policies and recommendations for AI policy act, if designed by the governments.

replace-cross Advancing Topic Segmentation and Outline Generation in Chinese Texts: The Paragraph-level Topic Representation, Corpus, and Benchmark

Authors: Feng Jiang, Weihao Liu, Xiaomin Chu, Peifeng Li, Qiaoming Zhu, Haizhou Li

Abstract: Topic segmentation and outline generation strive to divide a document into coherent topic sections and generate corresponding subheadings, unveiling the discourse topic structure of a document. Compared with sentence-level topic structure, the paragraph-level topic structure can quickly grasp and understand the overall context of the document from a higher level, benefitting many downstream tasks such as summarization, discourse parsing, and information retrieval. However, the lack of large-scale, high-quality Chinese paragraph-level topic structure corpora restrained relative research and applications. To fill this gap, we build the Chinese paragraph-level topic representation, corpus, and benchmark in this paper. Firstly, we propose a hierarchical paragraph-level topic structure representation with three layers to guide the corpus construction. Then, we employ a two-stage man-machine collaborative annotation method to construct the largest Chinese Paragraph-level Topic Structure corpus (CPTS), achieving high quality. We also build several strong baselines, including ChatGPT, to validate the computability of CPTS on two fundamental tasks (topic segmentation and outline generation) and preliminarily verified its usefulness for the downstream task (discourse parsing).

replace-cross SO(2)-Equivariant Downwash Models for Close Proximity Flight

Authors: H. Smith, A. Shankar, J. Gielis, J. Blumenkamp, A. Prorok

Abstract: Multirotors flying in close proximity induce aerodynamic wake effects on each other through propeller downwash. Conventional methods have fallen short of providing adequate 3D force-based models that can be incorporated into robust control paradigms for deploying dense formations. Thus, learning a model for these downwash patterns presents an attractive solution. In this paper, we present a novel learning-based approach for modelling the downwash forces that exploits the latent geometries (i.e. symmetries) present in the problem. We demonstrate that when trained with only 5 minutes of real-world flight data, our geometry-aware model outperforms state-of-the-art baseline models trained with more than 15 minutes of data. In dense real-world flights with two vehicles, deploying our model online improves 3D trajectory tracking by nearly 36% on average (and vertical tracking by 56%).

replace-cross Graph Generation with $K^2$-trees

Authors: Yunhui Jang, Dongwoo Kim, Sungsoo Ahn

Abstract: Generating graphs from a target distribution is a significant challenge across many domains, including drug discovery and social network analysis. In this work, we introduce a novel graph generation method leveraging $K^2$-tree representation, originally designed for lossless graph compression. The $K^2$-tree representation {encompasses inherent hierarchy while enabling compact graph generation}. In addition, we make contributions by (1) presenting a sequential $K^2$-treerepresentation that incorporates pruning, flattening, and tokenization processes and (2) introducing a Transformer-based architecture designed to generate the sequence by incorporating a specialized tree positional encoding scheme. Finally, we extensively evaluate our algorithm on four general and two molecular graph datasets to confirm its superiority for graph generation.

replace-cross FedCSD: A Federated Learning Based Approach for Code-Smell Detection

Authors: Sadi Alawadi, Khalid Alkharabsheh, Fahed Alkhabbas, Victor Kebande, Feras M. Awaysheh, Fabio Palomba, Mohammed Awad

Abstract: This paper proposes a Federated Learning Code Smell Detection (FedCSD) approach that allows organizations to collaboratively train federated ML models while preserving their data privacy. These assertions have been supported by three experiments that have significantly leveraged three manually validated datasets aimed at detecting and examining different code smell scenarios. In experiment 1, which was concerned with a centralized training experiment, dataset two achieved the lowest accuracy (92.30%) with fewer smells, while datasets one and three achieved the highest accuracy with a slight difference (98.90% and 99.5%, respectively). This was followed by experiment 2, which was concerned with cross-evaluation, where each ML model was trained using one dataset, which was then evaluated over the other two datasets. Results from this experiment show a significant drop in the model's accuracy (lowest accuracy: 63.80\%) where fewer smells exist in the training dataset, which has a noticeable reflection (technical debt) on the model's performance. Finally, the last and third experiments evaluate our approach by splitting the dataset into 10 companies. The ML model was trained on the company's site, then all model-updated weights were transferred to the server. Ultimately, an accuracy of 98.34% was achieved by the global model that has been trained using 10 companies for 100 training rounds. The results reveal a slight difference in the global model's accuracy compared to the highest accuracy of the centralized model, which can be ignored in favour of the global model's comprehensive knowledge, lower training cost, preservation of data privacy, and avoidance of the technical debt problem.

replace-cross RL$^3$: Boosting Meta Reinforcement Learning via RL inside RL$^2$

Authors: Abhinav Bhatia, Samer B. Nashed, Shlomo Zilberstein

Abstract: Meta reinforcement learning (meta-RL) methods such as RL$^2$ have emerged as promising approaches for learning data-efficient RL algorithms tailored to a given task distribution. However, they show poor asymptotic performance and struggle with out-of-distribution tasks because they rely on sequence models, such as recurrent neural networks or transformers, to process experiences rather than summarize them using general-purpose RL components such as value functions. In contrast, traditional RL algorithms are data-inefficient as they do not use domain knowledge, but they do converge to an optimal policy in the limit. We propose RL$^3$, a principled hybrid approach that incorporates action-values, learned per task through traditional RL, in the inputs to meta-RL. We show that RL$^3$ earns greater cumulative reward in the long term, compared to RL$^2$, while maintaining data-efficiency in the short term, and generalizes better to out-of-distribution tasks. Experiments are conducted on both custom and benchmark discrete domains from the meta-RL literature that exhibit a range of short-term, long-term, and complex dependencies.

replace-cross Othering and low status framing of immigrant cuisines in US restaurant reviews and large language models

Authors: Yiwei Luo, Kristina Gligori\'c, Dan Jurafsky

Abstract: Identifying implicit attitudes toward food can mitigate social prejudice due to food's salience as a marker of ethnic identity. Stereotypes about food are representational harms that may contribute to racialized discourse and negatively impact economic outcomes for restaurants. Understanding the presence of representational harms in online corpora in particular is important, given the increasing use of large language models (LLMs) for text generation and their tendency to reproduce attitudes in their training data. Through careful linguistic analyses, we evaluate social theories about attitudes toward immigrant cuisine in a large-scale study of framing differences in 2.1M English language Yelp reviews. Controlling for factors such as restaurant price and neighborhood racial diversity, we find that immigrant cuisines are more likely to be othered using socially constructed frames of authenticity (e.g., "authentic," "traditional"), and that non-European cuisines (e.g., Indian, Mexican) in particular are described as more exotic compared to European ones (e.g., French). We also find that non-European cuisines are more likely to be described as cheap and dirty, even after controlling for price, and even among the most expensive restaurants. Finally, we show that reviews generated by LLMs reproduce similar framing tendencies, pointing to the downstream retention of these representational harms. Our results corroborate social theories of gastronomic stereotyping, revealing racialized evaluative processes and linguistic strategies through which they manifest.

replace-cross DiVa-360: The Dynamic Visual Dataset for Immersive Neural Fields

Authors: Cheng-You Lu, Peisen Zhou, Angela Xing, Chandradeep Pokhariya, Arnab Dey, Ishaan Shah, Rugved Mavidipalli, Dylan Hu, Andrew Comport, Kefan Chen, Srinath Sridhar

Abstract: Advances in neural fields are enabling high-fidelity capture of the shape and appearance of dynamic 3D scenes. However, their capabilities lag behind those offered by conventional representations such as 2D videos because of algorithmic challenges and the lack of large-scale multi-view real-world datasets. We address the dataset limitation with DiVa-360, a real-world 360 dynamic visual dataset that contains synchronized high-resolution and long-duration multi-view video sequences of table-scale scenes captured using a customized low-cost system with 53 cameras. It contains 21 object-centric sequences categorized by different motion types, 25 intricate hand-object interaction sequences, and 8 long-duration sequences for a total of 17.4 M image frames. In addition, we provide foreground-background segmentation masks, synchronized audio, and text descriptions. We benchmark the state-of-the-art dynamic neural field methods on DiVa-360 and provide insights about existing methods and future challenges on long-duration neural field capture.

replace-cross Motion Planning Diffusion: Learning and Planning of Robot Motions with Diffusion Models

Authors: Joao Carvalho, An T. Le, Mark Baierl, Dorothea Koert, Jan Peters

Abstract: Learning priors on trajectory distributions can help accelerate robot motion planning optimization. Given previously successful plans, learning trajectory generative models as priors for a new planning problem is highly desirable. Prior works propose several ways on utilizing this prior to bootstrapping the motion planning problem. Either sampling the prior for initializations or using the prior distribution in a maximum-a-posterior formulation for trajectory optimization. In this work, we propose learning diffusion models as priors. We then can sample directly from the posterior trajectory distribution conditioned on task goals, by leveraging the inverse denoising process of diffusion models. Furthermore, diffusion has been recently shown to effectively encode data multimodality in high-dimensional settings, which is particularly well-suited for large trajectory dataset. To demonstrate our method efficacy, we compare our proposed method - Motion Planning Diffusion - against several baselines in simulated planar robot and 7-dof robot arm manipulator environments. To assess the generalization capabilities of our method, we test it in environments with previously unseen obstacles. Our experiments show that diffusion models are strong priors to encode high-dimensional trajectory distributions of robot motions.

replace-cross Multi-Objective Optimization for Sparse Deep Multi-Task Learning

Authors: S. S. Hotegni, M. Berkemeier, S. Peitz

Abstract: Different conflicting optimization criteria arise naturally in various Deep Learning scenarios. These can address different main tasks (i.e., in the setting of Multi-Task Learning), but also main and secondary tasks such as loss minimization versus sparsity. The usual approach is a simple weighting of the criteria, which formally only works in the convex setting. In this paper, we present a Multi-Objective Optimization algorithm using a modified Weighted Chebyshev scalarization for training Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) with respect to several tasks. By employing this scalarization technique, the algorithm can identify all optimal solutions of the original problem while reducing its complexity to a sequence of single-objective problems. The simplified problems are then solved using an Augmented Lagrangian method, enabling the use of popular optimization techniques such as Adam and Stochastic Gradient Descent, while efficaciously handling constraints. Our work aims to address the (economical and also ecological) sustainability issue of DNN models, with a particular focus on Deep Multi-Task models, which are typically designed with a very large number of weights to perform equally well on multiple tasks. Through experiments conducted on two Machine Learning datasets, we demonstrate the possibility of adaptively sparsifying the model during training without significantly impacting its performance, if we are willing to apply task-specific adaptations to the network weights. Code is available at


replace-cross Can Large Language Models Discern Evidence for Scientific Hypotheses? Case Studies in the Social Sciences

Authors: Sai Koneru, Jian Wu, Sarah Rajtmajer

Abstract: Hypothesis formulation and testing are central to empirical research. A strong hypothesis is a best guess based on existing evidence and informed by a comprehensive view of relevant literature. However, with exponential increase in the number of scientific articles published annually, manual aggregation and synthesis of evidence related to a given hypothesis is a challenge. Our work explores the ability of current large language models (LLMs) to discern evidence in support or refute of specific hypotheses based on the text of scientific abstracts. We share a novel dataset for the task of scientific hypothesis evidencing using community-driven annotations of studies in the social sciences. We compare the performance of LLMs to several state-of-the-art benchmarks and highlight opportunities for future research in this area. The dataset is available at


replace-cross Optimizing Crowd-Aware Multi-Agent Path Finding through Local Broadcasting with Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Phu Pham, Aniket Bera

Abstract: Multi-Agent Path Finding (MAPF) in crowded environments presents a challenging problem in motion planning, aiming to find collision-free paths for all agents in the system. MAPF finds a wide range of applications in various domains, including aerial swarms, autonomous warehouse robotics, and self-driving vehicles. Current approaches to MAPF generally fall into two main categories: centralized and decentralized planning. Centralized planning suffers from the curse of dimensionality when the number of agents or states increases and thus does not scale well in large and complex environments. On the other hand, decentralized planning enables agents to engage in real-time path planning within a partially observable environment, demonstrating implicit coordination. However, they suffer from slow convergence and performance degradation in dense environments. In this paper, we introduce CRAMP, a novel crowd-aware decentralized reinforcement learning approach to address this problem by enabling efficient local communication among agents via Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), facilitating situational awareness and decision-making capabilities in congested environments. We test CRAMP on simulated environments and demonstrate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art decentralized methods for MAPF on various metrics. CRAMP improves the solution quality up to 59% measured in makespan and collision count, and up to 35% improvement in success rate in comparison to previous methods.

replace-cross Enhancing Zero-Shot Chain-of-Thought Reasoning in Large Language Models through Logic

Authors: Xufeng Zhao, Mengdi Li, Wenhao Lu, Cornelius Weber, Jae Hee Lee, Kun Chu, Stefan Wermter

Abstract: Recent advancements in large language models have showcased their remarkable generalizability across various domains. However, their reasoning abilities still have significant room for improvement, especially when confronted with scenarios requiring multi-step reasoning. Although large language models possess extensive knowledge, their reasoning often fails to effectively utilize this knowledge to establish a coherent thinking paradigm. These models sometimes show hallucinations as their reasoning procedures are unconstrained by logical principles. Aiming at improving the zero-shot chain-of-thought reasoning ability of large language models, we propose LoT (Logical Thoughts), a self-improvement prompting framework that leverages principles rooted in symbolic logic, particularly Reductio ad Absurdum, to systematically verify and rectify the reasoning processes step by step. Experimental evaluations conducted on language tasks in diverse domains, including arithmetic, commonsense, symbolic, causal inference, and social problems, demonstrate the efficacy of enhanced reasoning by logic. The implementation code for LoT can be accessed at:


replace-cross Detecting Sexual Content at the Sentence Level in First Millennium Latin Texts

Authors: Thibault Cl\'erice (ALMAnaCH, CJM)

Abstract: In this study, we propose to evaluate the use of deep learning methods for semantic classification at the sentence level to accelerate the process of corpus building in the field of humanities and linguistics, a traditional and time-consuming task. We introduce a novel corpus comprising around 2500 sentences spanning from 300 BCE to 900 CE including sexual semantics (medical, erotica, etc.). We evaluate various sentence classification approaches and different input embedding layers, and show that all consistently outperform simple token-based searches. We explore the integration of idiolectal and sociolectal metadata embeddings (centuries, author, type of writing), but find that it leads to overfitting. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of this approach, achieving high precision and true positive rates (TPR) of respectively 70.60% and 86.33% using HAN. We evaluate the impact of the dataset size on the model performances (420 instead of 2013), and show that, while our models perform worse, they still offer a high enough precision and TPR, even without MLM, respectively 69% and 51%. Given the result, we provide an analysis of the attention mechanism as a supporting added value for humanists in order to produce more data.

replace-cross Unveiling the Pitfalls of Knowledge Editing for Large Language Models

Authors: Zhoubo Li, Ningyu Zhang, Yunzhi Yao, Mengru Wang, Xi Chen, Huajun Chen

Abstract: As the cost associated with fine-tuning Large Language Models (LLMs) continues to rise, recent research efforts have pivoted towards developing methodologies to edit implicit knowledge embedded within LLMs. Yet, there's still a dark cloud lingering overhead -- will knowledge editing trigger butterfly effect? since it is still unclear whether knowledge editing might introduce side effects that pose potential risks or not. This paper pioneers the investigation into the potential pitfalls associated with knowledge editing for LLMs. To achieve this, we introduce new benchmark datasets and propose innovative evaluation metrics. Our results underline two pivotal concerns: (1) Knowledge Conflict: Editing groups of facts that logically clash can magnify the inherent inconsistencies in LLMs-a facet neglected by previous methods. (2) Knowledge Distortion: Altering parameters with the aim of editing factual knowledge can irrevocably warp the innate knowledge structure of LLMs. Experimental results vividly demonstrate that knowledge editing might inadvertently cast a shadow of unintended consequences on LLMs, which warrant attention and efforts for future works. Code and data are available at


replace-cross Greedy Perspectives: Multi-Drone View Planning for Collaborative Perception in Cluttered Environments

Authors: Krishna Suresh, Aditya Rauniyar, Micah Corah, Sebastian Scherer

Abstract: Deployment of teams of aerial robots could enable large-scale filming of dynamic groups of people (actors) in complex environments for applications in areas such as team sports and cinematography. Toward this end, methods for submodular maximization via sequential greedy planning can be used for scalable optimization of camera views across teams of robots but face challenges with efficient coordination in cluttered environments. Obstacles can produce occlusions and increase chances of inter-robot collision which can violate requirements for near-optimality guarantees. To coordinate teams of aerial robots in filming groups of people in dense environments, a more general view-planning approach is required. We explore how collision and occlusion impact performance in filming applications through the development of a multi-robot multi-actor view planner with an occlusion-aware objective for filming groups of people and compare with a formation planner and a greedy planner that ignores inter-robot collisions. We evaluate our approach based on five test environments and complex multi-actor behaviors. Compared with a formation planner, our sequential planner generates 14% greater view reward over the actors for three scenarios and comparable performance to formation planning on two others. We also observe near identical view rewards for sequential planning both with and without inter-robot collision constraints which indicates that robots are able to avoid collisions without impairing performance in the perception task. Overall, we demonstrate effective coordination of teams of aerial robots for filming groups that may split, merge, or spread apart and in environments cluttered with obstacles that may cause collisions or occlusions.

replace-cross Large Language Model for Multi-objective Evolutionary Optimization

Authors: Fei Liu, Xi Lin, Zhenkun Wang, Shunyu Yao, Xialiang Tong, Mingxuan Yuan, Qingfu Zhang

Abstract: Multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) are major methods for solving multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs). Many MOEAs have been proposed in the past decades, of which the search operators need a carefully handcrafted design with domain knowledge. Recently, some attempts have been made to replace the manually designed operators in MOEAs with learning-based operators (e.g., neural network models). However, much effort is still required for designing and training such models, and the learned operators might not generalize well on new problems. To tackle the above challenges, this work investigates a novel approach that leverages the powerful large language model (LLM) to design MOEA operators. With proper prompt engineering, we successfully let a general LLM serve as a black-box search operator for decomposition-based MOEA (MOEA/D) in a zero-shot manner. In addition, by learning from the LLM behavior, we further design an explicit white-box operator with randomness and propose a new version of decomposition-based MOEA, termed MOEA/D-LO. Experimental studies on different test benchmarks show that our proposed method can achieve competitive performance with widely used MOEAs. It is also promising to see the operator only learned from a few instances can have robust generalization performance on unseen problems with quite different patterns and settings. The results reveal the potential benefits of using pre-trained LLMs in the design of MOEAs.To foster reproducibility and accessibility, the source code is


replace-cross Visual Grounding Helps Learn Word Meanings in Low-Data Regimes

Authors: Chengxu Zhuang, Evelina Fedorenko, Jacob Andreas

Abstract: Modern neural language models (LMs) are powerful tools for modeling human sentence production and comprehension, and their internal representations are remarkably well-aligned with representations of language in the human brain. But to achieve these results, LMs must be trained in distinctly un-human-like ways - requiring orders of magnitude more language data than children receive during development, and without perceptual or social context. Do models trained more naturalistically -- with grounded supervision -- exhibit more humanlike language learning? We investigate this question in the context of word learning, a key sub-task in language acquisition. We train a diverse set of LM architectures, with and without auxiliary visual supervision, on datasets of varying scales. We then evaluate these models' learning of syntactic categories, lexical relations, semantic features, word similarity, and alignment with human neural representations. We find that visual supervision can indeed improve the efficiency of word learning. However, these improvements are limited: they are present almost exclusively in the low-data regime, and sometimes canceled out by the inclusion of rich distributional signals from text. The information conveyed by text and images is not redundant -- models mainly driven by visual information yield qualitatively different from those mainly driven by word co-occurrences. However, our results suggest that current multimodal modeling approaches fail to effectively leverage visual information to build human-like word representations from human-scale data.

replace-cross Brain Networks and Intelligence: A Graph Neural Network Based Approach to Resting State fMRI Data

Authors: Bishal Thapaliya, Esra Akbas, Jiayu Chen, Raam Sapkota, Bhaskar Ray, Pranav Suresh, Vince Calhoun, Jingyu Liu

Abstract: Resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rsfMRI) is a powerful tool for investigating the relationship between brain function and cognitive processes as it allows for the functional organization of the brain to be captured without relying on a specific task or stimuli. In this paper, we present a novel modeling architecture called BrainRGIN for predicting intelligence (fluid, crystallized, and total intelligence) using graph neural networks on rsfMRI derived static functional network connectivity matrices. Extending from the existing graph convolution networks, our approach incorporates a clustering-based embedding and graph isomorphism network in the graph convolutional layer to reflect the nature of the brain sub-network organization and efficient network expression, in combination with TopK pooling and attention-based readout functions. We evaluated our proposed architecture on a large dataset, specifically the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Dataset, and demonstrated its effectiveness in predicting individual differences in intelligence. Our model achieved lower mean squared errors and higher correlation scores than existing relevant graph architectures and other traditional machine learning models for all of the intelligence prediction tasks. The middle frontal gyrus exhibited a significant contribution to both fluid and crystallized intelligence, suggesting their pivotal role in these cognitive processes. Total composite scores identified a diverse set of brain regions to be relevant which underscores the complex nature of total intelligence.

replace-cross Towards more Practical Threat Models in Artificial Intelligence Security

Authors: Kathrin Grosse, Lukas Bieringer, Tarek Richard Besold, Alexandre Alahi

Abstract: Recent works have identified a gap between research and practice in artificial intelligence security: threats studied in academia do not always reflect the practical use and security risks of AI. For example, while models are often studied in isolation, they form part of larger ML pipelines in practice. Recent works also brought forward that adversarial manipulations introduced by academic attacks are impractical. We take a first step towards describing the full extent of this disparity. To this end, we revisit the threat models of the six most studied attacks in AI security research and match them to AI usage in practice via a survey with 271 industrial practitioners. On the one hand, we find that all existing threat models are indeed applicable. On the other hand, there are significant mismatches: research is often too generous with the attacker, assuming access to information not frequently available in real-world settings. Our paper is thus a call for action to study more practical threat models in artificial intelligence security.

replace-cross Efficient Pre-training for Localized Instruction Generation of Videos

Authors: Anil Batra, Davide Moltisanti, Laura Sevilla-Lara, Marcus Rohrbach, Frank Keller

Abstract: Procedural videos show step-by-step demonstrations of tasks like recipe preparation. Understanding such videos is challenging, involving the precise localization of steps and the generation of textual instructions. Manually annotating steps and writing instructions is costly, which limits the size of current datasets and hinders effective learning. Leveraging large but noisy video-transcript datasets for pre-training can boost performance, but demands significant computational resources. Furthermore, transcripts contain irrelevant content and exhibit style variation compared to instructions written by human annotators. To mitigate both issues, we propose a technique, Sieve-&-Swap, to automatically curate a smaller dataset: (i) Sieve filters irrelevant transcripts and (ii) Swap enhances the quality of the text instruction by automatically replacing the transcripts with human-written instructions from a text-only recipe dataset. The curated dataset, three orders of magnitude smaller than current web-scale datasets, enables efficient training of large-scale models with competitive performance. We complement our Sieve-\&-Swap approach with a Procedure Transformer (ProcX) for end-to-end step localization and instruction generation for procedural videos. When this model is pre-trained on our curated dataset, it achieves state-of-the-art performance in zero-shot and finetuning settings on YouCook2 and Tasty, while using a fraction of the computational resources.

replace-cross ViT-Lens: Towards Omni-modal Representations

Authors: Weixian Lei, Yixiao Ge, Kun Yi, Jianfeng Zhang, Difei Gao, Dylan Sun, Yuying Ge, Ying Shan, Mike Zheng Shou

Abstract: Aiming to advance AI agents, large foundation models significantly improve reasoning and instruction execution, yet the current focus on vision and language neglects the potential of perceiving diverse modalities in open-world environments. However, the success of data-driven vision and language models is costly or even infeasible to be reproduced for rare modalities. In this paper, we present ViT-Lens-2 that facilitates efficient omni-modal representation learning by perceiving novel modalities with a pretrained ViT and aligning them to a pre-defined space. Specifically, the modality-specific lens is tuned to project any-modal signals to an intermediate embedding space, which are then processed by a strong ViT with pre-trained visual knowledge. The encoded representations are optimized toward aligning with the modal-independent space, pre-defined by off-the-shelf foundation models. ViT-Lens-2 provides a unified solution for representation learning of increasing modalities with two appealing advantages: (i) Unlocking the great potential of pretrained ViTs to novel modalities effectively with efficient data regime; (ii) Enabling emergent downstream capabilities through modality alignment and shared ViT parameters. We tailor ViT-Lens-2 to learn representations for 3D point cloud, depth, audio, tactile and EEG, and set new state-of-the-art results across various understanding tasks, such as zero-shot classification. By seamlessly integrating ViT-Lens-2 into Multimodal Foundation Models, we enable Any-modality to Text and Image Generation in a zero-shot manner. Code and models are available at


replace-cross PAC Privacy Preserving Diffusion Models

Authors: Qipan Xu, Youlong Ding, Xinxi Zhang, Jie Gao, Hao Wang

Abstract: Data privacy protection is garnering increased attention among researchers. Diffusion models (DMs), particularly with strict differential privacy, can potentially produce images with both high privacy and visual quality. However, challenges arise such as in ensuring robust protection in privatizing specific data attributes, areas where current models often fall short. To address these challenges, we introduce the PAC Privacy Preserving Diffusion Model, a model leverages diffusion principles and ensure Probably Approximately Correct (PAC) privacy. We enhance privacy protection by integrating a private classifier guidance into the Langevin Sampling Process. Additionally, recognizing the gap in measuring the privacy of models, we have developed a novel metric to gauge privacy levels. Our model, assessed with this new metric and supported by Gaussian matrix computations for the PAC bound, has shown superior performance in privacy protection over existing leading private generative models according to benchmark tests.

replace-cross A Simple and Scalable Representation for Graph Generation

Authors: Yunhui Jang, Seul Lee, Sungsoo Ahn

Abstract: Recently, there has been a surge of interest in employing neural networks for graph generation, a fundamental statistical learning problem with critical applications like molecule design and community analysis. However, most approaches encounter significant limitations when generating large-scale graphs. This is due to their requirement to output the full adjacency matrices whose size grows quadratically with the number of nodes. In response to this challenge, we introduce a new, simple, and scalable graph representation named gap encoded edge list (GEEL) that has a small representation size that aligns with the number of edges. In addition, GEEL significantly reduces the vocabulary size by incorporating the gap encoding and bandwidth restriction schemes. GEEL can be autoregressively generated with the incorporation of node positional encoding, and we further extend GEEL to deal with attributed graphs by designing a new grammar. Our findings reveal that the adoption of this compact representation not only enhances scalability but also bolsters performance by simplifying the graph generation process. We conduct a comprehensive evaluation across ten non-attributed and two molecular graph generation tasks, demonstrating the effectiveness of GEEL.

replace-cross AV2AV: Direct Audio-Visual Speech to Audio-Visual Speech Translation with Unified Audio-Visual Speech Representation

Authors: Jeongsoo Choi, Se Jin Park, Minsu Kim, Yong Man Ro

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel direct Audio-Visual Speech to Audio-Visual Speech Translation (AV2AV) framework, where the input and output of the system are multimodal (i.e., audio and visual speech). With the proposed AV2AV, two key advantages can be brought: 1) We can perform real-like conversations with individuals worldwide in a virtual meeting by utilizing our own primary languages. In contrast to Speech-to-Speech Translation (A2A), which solely translates between audio modalities, the proposed AV2AV directly translates between audio-visual speech. This capability enhances the dialogue experience by presenting synchronized lip movements along with the translated speech. 2) We can improve the robustness of the spoken language translation system. By employing the complementary information of audio-visual speech, the system can effectively translate spoken language even in the presence of acoustic noise, showcasing robust performance. To mitigate the problem of the absence of a parallel AV2AV translation dataset, we propose to train our spoken language translation system with the audio-only dataset of A2A. This is done by learning unified audio-visual speech representations through self-supervised learning in advance to train the translation system. Moreover, we propose an AV-Renderer that can generate raw audio and video in parallel. It is designed with zero-shot speaker modeling, thus the speaker in source audio-visual speech can be maintained at the target translated audio-visual speech. The effectiveness of AV2AV is evaluated with extensive experiments in a many-to-many language translation setting. Demo page is available on


replace-cross DreamComposer: Controllable 3D Object Generation via Multi-View Conditions

Authors: Yunhan Yang, Yukun Huang, Xiaoyang Wu, Yuan-Chen Guo, Song-Hai Zhang, Hengshuang Zhao, Tong He, Xihui Liu

Abstract: Utilizing pre-trained 2D large-scale generative models, recent works are capable of generating high-quality novel views from a single in-the-wild image. However, due to the lack of information from multiple views, these works encounter difficulties in generating controllable novel views. In this paper, we present DreamComposer, a flexible and scalable framework that can enhance existing view-aware diffusion models by injecting multi-view conditions. Specifically, DreamComposer first uses a view-aware 3D lifting module to obtain 3D representations of an object from multiple views. Then, it renders the latent features of the target view from 3D representations with the multi-view feature fusion module. Finally the target view features extracted from multi-view inputs are injected into a pre-trained diffusion model. Experiments show that DreamComposer is compatible with state-of-the-art diffusion models for zero-shot novel view synthesis, further enhancing them to generate high-fidelity novel view images with multi-view conditions, ready for controllable 3D object reconstruction and various other applications.

replace-cross Artificial Neural Nets and the Representation of Human Concepts

Authors: Timo Freiesleben

Abstract: What do artificial neural networks (ANNs) learn? The machine learning (ML) community shares the narrative that ANNs must develop abstract human concepts to perform complex tasks. Some go even further and believe that these concepts are stored in individual units of the network. Based on current research, I systematically investigate the assumptions underlying this narrative. I conclude that ANNs are indeed capable of performing complex prediction tasks, and that they may learn human and non-human concepts to do so. However, evidence indicates that ANNs do not represent these concepts in individual units.

replace-cross High-throughput Biomedical Relation Extraction for Semi-Structured Web Articles Empowered by Large Language Models

Authors: Songchi Zhou, Sheng Yu

Abstract: Objective: To develop a high-throughput biomedical relation extraction system that takes advantage of the large language models'(LLMs) reading comprehension ability and biomedical world knowledge in a scalable and evidential manner. Methods: We formulate the relation extraction task as binary classifications for large language models. Specifically, LLMs make the decision based on the external corpus and its world knowledge, giving the reason for the judgment for factual verification. This method is tailored for semi-structured web articles, wherein we designate the main title as the tail entity and explicitly incorporate it into the context, and the potential head entities are matched based on a biomedical thesaurus. Moreover, lengthy contents are sliced into text chunks, embedded, and retrieved with additional embedding models. Results: Using an open-source LLM, we extracted 248659 relation triplets of three distinct relation types from three reputable biomedical websites. To assess the efficacy of the basic pipeline employed for biomedical relation extraction, we curated a benchmark dataset annotated by a medical expert. Evaluation results indicate that the pipeline exhibits performance comparable to that of GPT-4. Case studies further illuminate challenges faced by contemporary LLMs in the context of biomedical relation extraction for semi-structured web articles. Conclusion: The proposed method has demonstrated its effectiveness in leveraging the strengths of LLMs for high-throughput biomedical relation extraction. Its adaptability is evident, as it can be seamlessly extended to diverse semi-structured biomedical websites, facilitating the extraction of various types of biomedical relations with ease.

replace-cross World Models via Policy-Guided Trajectory Diffusion

Authors: Marc Rigter, Jun Yamada, Ingmar Posner

Abstract: World models are a powerful tool for developing intelligent agents. By predicting the outcome of a sequence of actions, world models enable policies to be optimised via on-policy reinforcement learning (RL) using synthetic data, i.e. in "in imagination". Existing world models are autoregressive in that they interleave predicting the next state with sampling the next action from the policy. Prediction error inevitably compounds as the trajectory length grows. In this work, we propose a novel world modelling approach that is not autoregressive and generates entire on-policy trajectories in a single pass through a diffusion model. Our approach, Policy-Guided Trajectory Diffusion (PolyGRAD), leverages a denoising model in addition to the gradient of the action distribution of the policy to diffuse a trajectory of initially random states and actions into an on-policy synthetic trajectory. We analyse the connections between PolyGRAD, score-based generative models, and classifier-guided diffusion models. Our results demonstrate that PolyGRAD outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in terms of trajectory prediction error for short trajectories, with the exception of autoregressive diffusion. For short trajectories, PolyGRAD obtains similar errors to autoregressive diffusion, but with lower computational requirements. For long trajectories, PolyGRAD obtains comparable performance to baselines. Our experiments demonstrate that PolyGRAD enables performant policies to be trained via on-policy RL in imagination for MuJoCo continuous control domains. Thus, PolyGRAD introduces a new paradigm for accurate on-policy world modelling without autoregressive sampling.

replace-cross Learning Flexible Body Collision Dynamics with Hierarchical Contact Mesh Transformer

Authors: Youn-Yeol Yu, Jeongwhan Choi, Woojin Cho, Kookjin Lee, Nayong Kim, Kiseok Chang, Chang-Seung Woo, Ilho Kim, Seok-Woo Lee, Joon-Young Yang, Sooyoung Yoon, Noseong Park

Abstract: Recently, many mesh-based graph neural network (GNN) models have been proposed for modeling complex high-dimensional physical systems. Remarkable achievements have been made in significantly reducing the solving time compared to traditional numerical solvers. These methods are typically designed to i) reduce the computational cost in solving physical dynamics and/or ii) propose techniques to enhance the solution accuracy in fluid and rigid body dynamics. However, it remains under-explored whether they are effective in addressing the challenges of flexible body dynamics, where instantaneous collisions occur within a very short timeframe. In this paper, we present Hierarchical Contact Mesh Transformer (HCMT), which uses hierarchical mesh structures and can learn long-range dependencies (occurred by collisions) among spatially distant positions of a body -- two close positions in a higher-level mesh correspond to two distant positions in a lower-level mesh. HCMT enables long-range interactions, and the hierarchical mesh structure quickly propagates collision effects to faraway positions. To this end, it consists of a contact mesh Transformer and a hierarchical mesh Transformer (CMT and HMT, respectively). Lastly, we propose a flexible body dynamics dataset, consisting of trajectories that reflect experimental settings frequently used in the display industry for product designs. We also compare the performance of several baselines using well-known benchmark datasets. Our results show that HCMT provides significant performance improvements over existing methods. Our code is available at


replace-cross TagAlign: Improving Vision-Language Alignment with Multi-Tag Classification

Authors: Qinying Liu, Wei Wu, Kecheng Zheng, Zhan Tong, Jiawei Liu, Yu Liu, Wei Chen, Zilei Wang, Yujun Shen

Abstract: The crux of learning vision-language models is to extract semantically aligned information from visual and linguistic data. Existing attempts usually face the problem of coarse alignment, e.g., the vision encoder struggles in localizing an attribute-specified object. In this work, we propose an embarrassingly simple approach to better align image and text features with no need of additional data formats other than image-text pairs. Concretely, given an image and its paired text, we manage to parse objects (e.g., cat) and attributes (e.g., black) from the description, which are highly likely to exist in the image. It is noteworthy that the parsing pipeline is fully automatic and thus enjoys good scalability. With these parsed semantics as supervision signals, we can complement the commonly used image-text contrastive loss with the multi-tag classification loss. Extensive experimental results on a broad suite of semantic segmentation datasets substantiate the average 5.2\% improvement of our framework over existing alternatives. Furthermore, the visualization results indicate that attribute supervision makes vision-language models accurately localize attribute-specified objects. Project page can be found at


replace-cross Fix-Con: Automatic Fault Localization and Repair of Deep Learning Model Conversions between Frameworks

Authors: Nikolaos Louloudakis, Perry Gibson, Jos\'e Cano, Ajitha Rajan

Abstract: Converting deep learning models between frameworks is a common step to maximize model compatibility across devices and leverage optimization features that may be exclusively provided in one deep learning framework. However, this conversion process may be riddled with bugs, making the converted models either undeployable or problematic, considerably degrading their prediction correctness. In this paper we propose an automated approach for fault localization and repair, Fix-Con, during model conversion between deep learning frameworks. Fix-Con is capable of detecting and fixing faults introduced in model input, parameters, hyperparameters, and the model graph during conversion. Fix-Con uses a set of fault types (mined from surveying conversion issues reported \nick{in code repositories and forums}) to localize potential conversion faults in the converted target model and then repair them appropriately, e.g., replacing the parameters of the target model with those from the source model. This is done iteratively for every image in the dataset, comparing output label differences between the source model and the converted target model until all differences are resolved. We evaluate the effectiveness of Fix-Con in fixing model conversion bugs of three widely used image recognition models converted across four different deep learning frameworks. Overall, Fix-Con was able to fix $462$ out of $755$ detected conversion faults, either completely repairing or significantly improving the performance of $14$ out of the $15$ erroneous conversion cases.

replace-cross AI and Generative AI for Research Discovery and Summarization

Authors: Mark Glickman, Yi Zhang

Abstract: AI and generative AI tools, including chatbots like ChatGPT that rely on large language models (LLMs), have burst onto the scene this year, creating incredible opportunities to increase work productivity and improve our lives. Statisticians and data scientists have begun experiencing the benefits from the availability of these tools in numerous ways, such as the generation of programming code from text prompts to analyze data or fit statistical models. One area that these tools can make a substantial impact is in research discovery and summarization. Standalone tools and plugins to chatbots are being developed that allow researchers to more quickly find relevant literature than pre-2023 search tools. Furthermore, generative AI tools have improved to the point where they can summarize and extract the key points from research articles in succinct language. Finally, chatbots based on highly parameterized LLMs can be used to simulate abductive reasoning, which provides researchers the ability to make connections among related technical topics, which can also be used for research discovery. We review the developments in AI and generative AI for research discovery and summarization, and propose directions where these types of tools are likely to head in the future that may be of interest to statistician and data scientists.

replace-cross Blinded by Generated Contexts: How Language Models Merge Generated and Retrieved Contexts for Open-Domain QA?

Authors: Hexiang Tan, Fei Sun, Wanli Yang, Yuanzhuo Wang, Qi Cao, Xueqi Cheng

Abstract: While auxiliary information has become a key to enhancing Large Language Models (LLMs), relatively little is known about how LLMs merge these contexts, specifically contexts generated by LLMs and those retrieved from external sources. To investigate this, we formulate a systematic framework to identify whether LLMs' responses, derived from the integration of generated and retrieved contexts, are attributed to either generated or retrieved contexts. To easily trace the origin of the response, we construct datasets with conflicting contexts, i.e., each question is paired with both generated and retrieved contexts, yet only one of them contains the correct answer. Our experiments reveal a significant bias in several LLMs (GPT-4/3.5 and Llama2) to favor generated contexts, even when they provide incorrect information. We further identify two key factors contributing to this bias: i) contexts generated by LLMs typically show greater similarity to the questions, increasing their likelihood of being selected; ii) the segmentation process used in retrieved contexts disrupts their completeness, thereby hindering their full utilization in LLMs. Our analysis enhances the understanding of how LLMs merge diverse contexts, offering valuable insights for advancing current augmentation methods for LLMs.

replace-cross Analyzing the Quality Attributes of AI Vision Models in Open Repositories Under Adversarial Attacks

Authors: Zerui Wang, Yan Liu

Abstract: As AI models rapidly evolve, they are frequently released to open repositories, such as HuggingFace. It is essential to perform quality assurance validation on these models before integrating them into the production development lifecycle. In addition to evaluating efficiency in terms of balanced accuracy and computing costs, adversarial attacks are potential threats to the robustness and explainability of AI models. Meanwhile, XAI applies algorithms that approximate inputs to outputs post-hoc to identify the contributing features. Adversarial perturbations may also degrade the utility of XAI explanations that require further investigation. In this paper, we present an integrated process designed for downstream evaluation tasks, including validating AI model accuracy, evaluating robustness with benchmark perturbations, comparing explanation utility, and assessing overhead. We demonstrate an evaluation scenario involving six computer vision models, which include CNN-based, Transformer-based, and hybrid architectures, three types of perturbations, and five XAI methods, resulting in ninety unique combinations. The process reveals the explanation utility among the XAI methods in terms of the identified key areas responding to the adversarial perturbation. The process produces aggregated results that illustrate multiple attributes of each AI model.

replace-cross Near-Optimal Algorithms for Constrained k-Center Clustering with Instance-level Background Knowledge

Authors: Longkun Guo, Chaoqi Jia, Kewen Liao, Zhigang Lu, Minhui Xue

Abstract: Center-based clustering has attracted significant research interest from both theory and practice. In many practical applications, input data often contain background knowledge that can be used to improve clustering results. In this work, we build on widely adopted $k$-center clustering and model its input background knowledge as must-link (ML) and cannot-link (CL) constraint sets. However, most clustering problems including $k$-center are inherently $\mathcal{NP}$-hard, while the more complex constrained variants are known to suffer severer approximation and computation barriers that significantly limit their applicability. By employing a suite of techniques including reverse dominating sets, linear programming (LP) integral polyhedron, and LP duality, we arrive at the first efficient approximation algorithm for constrained $k$-center with the best possible ratio of 2. We also construct competitive baseline algorithms and empirically evaluate our approximation algorithm against them on a variety of real datasets. The results validate our theoretical findings and demonstrate the great advantages of our algorithm in terms of clustering cost, clustering quality, and running time.

replace-cross Enhancing End-to-End Multi-Task Dialogue Systems: A Study on Intrinsic Motivation Reinforcement Learning Algorithms for Improved Training and Adaptability

Authors: Navin Kamuni, Hardik Shah, Sathishkumar Chintala, Naveen Kunchakuri, Sujatha Alla Old Dominion

Abstract: End-to-end multi-task dialogue systems are usually designed with separate modules for the dialogue pipeline. Among these, the policy module is essential for deciding what to do in response to user input. This policy is trained by reinforcement learning algorithms by taking advantage of an environment in which an agent receives feedback in the form of a reward signal. The current dialogue systems, however, only provide meagre and simplistic rewards. Investigating intrinsic motivation reinforcement learning algorithms is the goal of this study. Through this, the agent can quickly accelerate training and improve its capacity to judge the quality of its actions by teaching it an internal incentive system. In particular, we adapt techniques for random network distillation and curiosity-driven reinforcement learning to measure the frequency of state visits and encourage exploration by using semantic similarity between utterances. Experimental results on MultiWOZ, a heterogeneous dataset, show that intrinsic motivation-based debate systems outperform policies that depend on extrinsic incentives. By adopting random network distillation, for example, which is trained using semantic similarity between user-system dialogues, an astounding average success rate of 73% is achieved. This is a significant improvement over the baseline Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), which has an average success rate of 60%. In addition, performance indicators such as booking rates and completion rates show a 10% rise over the baseline. Furthermore, these intrinsic incentive models help improve the system's policy's resilience in an increasing amount of domains. This implies that they could be useful in scaling up to settings that cover a wider range of domains.

replace-cross SGS-SLAM: Semantic Gaussian Splatting For Neural Dense SLAM

Authors: Mingrui Li, Shuhong Liu, Heng Zhou, Guohao Zhu, Na Cheng, Tianchen Deng, Hongyu Wang

Abstract: We present SGS-SLAM, the first semantic visual SLAM system based on Gaussian Splatting. It incorporates appearance, geometry, and semantic features through multi-channel optimization, addressing the oversmoothing limitations of neural implicit SLAM systems in high-quality rendering, scene understanding, and object-level geometry. We introduce a unique semantic feature loss that effectively compensates for the shortcomings of traditional depth and color losses in object optimization. Through a semantic-guided keyframe selection strategy, we prevent erroneous reconstructions caused by cumulative errors. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SGS-SLAM delivers state-of-the-art performance in camera pose estimation, map reconstruction, precise semantic segmentation, and object-level geometric accuracy, while ensuring real-time rendering capabilities.

replace-cross Deciphering the Impact of Pretraining Data on Large Language Models through Machine Unlearning

Authors: Yang Zhao, Li Du, Xiao Ding, Kai Xiong, Zhouhao Sun, Jun Shi, Ting Liu, Bing Qin

Abstract: Through pretraining on a corpus with various sources, Large Language Models (LLMs) have gained impressive performance. However, the impact of each component of the pretraining corpus remains opaque. As a result, the organization of the pretraining corpus is still empirical and may deviate from the optimal. To address this issue, we systematically analyze the impact of 48 datasets from 5 major categories of pretraining data of LLMs and measure their impacts on LLMs using benchmarks about nine major categories of model capabilities. Our analyses provide empirical results about the contribution of multiple corpora on the performances of LLMs, along with their joint impact patterns, including complementary, orthogonal, and correlational relationships. We also identify a set of ``high-impact data'' such as Books that is significantly related to a set of model capabilities. These findings provide insights into the organization of data to support more efficient pretraining of LLMs.

replace-cross Stochastic Approximation with Delayed Updates: Finite-Time Rates under Markovian Sampling

Authors: Arman Adibi, Nicolo Dal Fabbro, Luca Schenato, Sanjeev Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor, George J. Pappas, Hamed Hassani, Aritra Mitra

Abstract: Motivated by applications in large-scale and multi-agent reinforcement learning, we study the non-asymptotic performance of stochastic approximation (SA) schemes with delayed updates under Markovian sampling. While the effect of delays has been extensively studied for optimization, the manner in which they interact with the underlying Markov process to shape the finite-time performance of SA remains poorly understood. In this context, our first main contribution is to show that under time-varying bounded delays, the delayed SA update rule guarantees exponentially fast convergence of the \emph{last iterate} to a ball around the SA operator's fixed point. Notably, our bound is \emph{tight} in its dependence on both the maximum delay $\tau_{max}$, and the mixing time $\tau_{mix}$. To achieve this tight bound, we develop a novel inductive proof technique that, unlike various existing delayed-optimization analyses, relies on establishing uniform boundedness of the iterates. As such, our proof may be of independent interest. Next, to mitigate the impact of the maximum delay on the convergence rate, we provide the first finite-time analysis of a delay-adaptive SA scheme under Markovian sampling. In particular, we show that the exponent of convergence of this scheme gets scaled down by $\tau_{avg}$, as opposed to $\tau_{max}$ for the vanilla delayed SA rule; here, $\tau_{avg}$ denotes the average delay across all iterations. Moreover, the adaptive scheme requires no prior knowledge of the delay sequence for step-size tuning. Our theoretical findings shed light on the finite-time effects of delays for a broad class of algorithms, including TD learning, Q-learning, and stochastic gradient descent under Markovian sampling.

replace-cross Decode Neural signal as Speech

Authors: Yiqian Yang, Yiqun Duan, Qiang Zhang, Renjing Xu, Hui Xiong

Abstract: Decoding language from brain dynamics is an important open direction in the realm of brain-computer interface (BCI), especially considering the rapid growth of large language models. Compared to invasive-based signals which require electrode implantation surgery, non-invasive neural signals (e.g. EEG, MEG) have attracted increasing attention considering their safety and generality. However, the exploration is not adequate in three aspects: 1) previous methods mainly focus on EEG but none of the previous works address this problem on MEG with better signal quality; 2) prior works have predominantly used ``teacher-forcing" during generative decoding, which is impractical; 3) prior works are mostly ``BART-based" not fully auto-regressive, which performs better in other sequence tasks. In this paper, we explore the brain-to-text translation of MEG signals in a speech-decoding formation. Here we are the first to investigate a cross-attention-based ``whisper" model for generating text directly from MEG signals without teacher forcing. Our model achieves impressive BLEU-1 scores of 60.30 and 52.89 without pretraining \& teacher-forcing on two major datasets (\textit{GWilliams} and \textit{Schoffelen}). This paper conducts a comprehensive review to understand how speech decoding formation performs on the neural decoding tasks, including pretraining initialization, training \& evaluation set splitting, augmentation, and scaling law.

replace-cross Comprehensive evaluation of Mal-API-2019 dataset by machine learning in malware detection

Authors: Zhenglin Li, Haibei Zhu, Houze Liu, Jintong Song, Qishuo Cheng

Abstract: This study conducts a thorough examination of malware detection using machine learning techniques, focusing on the evaluation of various classification models using the Mal-API-2019 dataset. The aim is to advance cybersecurity capabilities by identifying and mitigating threats more effectively. Both ensemble and non-ensemble machine learning methods, such as Random Forest, XGBoost, K Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Neural Networks, are explored. Special emphasis is placed on the importance of data pre-processing techniques, particularly TF-IDF representation and Principal Component Analysis, in improving model performance. Results indicate that ensemble methods, particularly Random Forest and XGBoost, exhibit superior accuracy, precision, and recall compared to others, highlighting their effectiveness in malware detection. The paper also discusses limitations and potential future directions, emphasizing the need for continuous adaptation to address the evolving nature of malware. This research contributes to ongoing discussions in cybersecurity and provides practical insights for developing more robust malware detection systems in the digital era.

replace-cross Dynamics of Moral Behavior in Heterogeneous Populations of Learning Agents

Authors: Elizaveta Tennant, Stephen Hailes, Mirco Musolesi

Abstract: Growing concerns about safety and alignment of AI systems highlight the importance of embedding moral capabilities in artificial agents. A promising solution is the use of learning from experience, i.e., Reinforcement Learning. In multi-agent (social) environments, complex population-level phenomena may emerge from interactions between individual learning agents. Many of the existing studies rely on simulated social dilemma environments to study the interactions of independent learning agents. However, they tend to ignore the moral heterogeneity that is likely to be present in societies of agents in practice. For example, at different points in time a single learning agent may face opponents who are consequentialist (i.e., caring about maximizing some outcome over time) or norm-based (i.e., focusing on conforming to a specific norm here and now). The extent to which agents' co-development may be impacted by such moral heterogeneity in populations is not well understood. In this paper, we present a study of the learning dynamics of morally heterogeneous populations interacting in a social dilemma setting. Using a Prisoner's Dilemma environment with a partner selection mechanism, we investigate the extent to which the prevalence of diverse moral agents in populations affects individual agents' learning behaviors and emergent population-level outcomes. We observe several types of non-trivial interactions between pro-social and anti-social agents, and find that certain classes of moral agents are able to steer selfish agents towards more cooperative behavior.

replace-cross ObjectCompose: Evaluating Resilience of Vision-Based Models on Object-to-Background Compositional Changes

Authors: Hashmat Shadab Malik, Muhammad Huzaifa, Muzammal Naseer, Salman Khan, Fahad Shahbaz Khan

Abstract: Given the large-scale multi-modal training of recent vision-based models and their generalization capabilities, understanding the extent of their robustness is critical for their real-world deployment. In this work, we evaluate the resilience of current vision-based models against diverse object-to-background context variations. The majority of robustness evaluation methods have introduced synthetic datasets to induce changes to object characteristics (viewpoints, scale, color) or utilized image transformation techniques (adversarial changes, common corruptions) on real images to simulate shifts in distributions. Recent works have explored leveraging large language models and diffusion models to generate changes in the background. However, these methods either lack in offering control over the changes to be made or distort the object semantics, making them unsuitable for the task. Our method, on the other hand, can induce diverse object-to-background changes while preserving the original semantics and appearance of the object. To achieve this goal, we harness the generative capabilities of text-to-image, image-to-text, and image-to-segment models to automatically generate a broad spectrum of object-to-background changes. We induce both natural and adversarial background changes by either modifying the textual prompts or optimizing the latents and textual embedding of text-to-image models. We produce various versions of standard vision datasets (ImageNet, COCO), incorporating either diverse and realistic backgrounds into the images or introducing color, texture, and adversarial changes in the background. We conduct extensive experiment to analyze the robustness of vision-based models against object-to-background context variations across diverse tasks. Code


replace-cross Text-Guided Variational Image Generation for Industrial Anomaly Detection and Segmentation

Authors: Mingyu Lee, Jongwon Choi

Abstract: We propose a text-guided variational image generation method to address the challenge of getting clean data for anomaly detection in industrial manufacturing. Our method utilizes text information about the target object, learned from extensive text library documents, to generate non-defective data images resembling the input image. The proposed framework ensures that the generated non-defective images align with anticipated distributions derived from textual and image-based knowledge, ensuring stability and generality. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, surpassing previous methods even with limited non-defective data. Our approach is validated through generalization tests across four baseline models and three distinct datasets. We present an additional analysis to enhance the effectiveness of anomaly detection models by utilizing the generated images.

replace-cross Mastering Text, Code and Math Simultaneously via Fusing Highly Specialized Language Models

Authors: Ning Ding, Yulin Chen, Ganqu Cui, Xingtai Lv, Weilin Zhao, Ruobing Xie, Bowen Zhou, Zhiyuan Liu, Maosong Sun

Abstract: Underlying data distributions of natural language, programming code, and mathematical symbols vary vastly, presenting a complex challenge for large language models (LLMs) that strive to achieve high performance across all three domains simultaneously. Achieving a very high level of proficiency for an LLM within a specific domain often requires extensive training with relevant corpora, which is typically accompanied by a sacrifice in performance in other domains. In this paper, we propose to fuse models that are already highly-specialized directly. The proposed fusing framework, UltraFuser, consists of three distinct specialists that are already sufficiently trained on language, coding, and mathematics. A token-level gating mechanism is introduced to blend the specialists' outputs. A two-stage training strategy accompanied by balanced sampling is designed to ensure stability. To effectively train the fused model, we further construct a high-quality supervised instruction tuning dataset, UltraChat 2, which includes text, code, and mathematical content. This dataset comprises approximately 300,000 instructions and covers a wide range of topics in each domain. Experiments show that our model could simultaneously achieve mastery of the three crucial domains.

replace-cross Simple and Scalable Strategies to Continually Pre-train Large Language Models

Authors: Adam Ibrahim, Benjamin Th\'erien, Kshitij Gupta, Mats L. Richter, Quentin Anthony, Timoth\'ee Lesort, Eugene Belilovsky, Irina Rish

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) are routinely pre-trained on billions of tokens, only to start the process over again once new data becomes available. A much more efficient solution is to continually pre-train these models, saving significant compute compared to re-training. However, the distribution shift induced by new data typically results in degraded performance on previous data or poor adaptation to the new data. In this work, we show that a simple and scalable combination of learning rate (LR) re-warming, LR re-decaying, and replay of previous data is sufficient to match the performance of fully re-training from scratch on all available data, as measured by the final loss and the average score on several language model (LM) evaluation benchmarks. Specifically, we show this for a weak but realistic distribution shift between two commonly used LLM pre-training datasets (English$\rightarrow$English) and a stronger distribution shift (English$\rightarrow$German) at the $405$M parameter model scale with large dataset sizes (hundreds of billions of tokens). Selecting the weak but realistic shift for larger-scale experiments, we also find that our continual learning strategies match the re-training baseline for a 10B parameter LLM. Our results demonstrate that LLMs can be successfully updated via simple and scalable continual learning strategies, matching the re-training baseline using only a fraction of the compute. Finally, inspired by previous work, we propose alternatives to the cosine learning rate schedule that help circumvent forgetting induced by LR re-warming and that are not bound to a fixed token budget.

replace-cross Evaluating Large Language Models as Generative User Simulators for Conversational Recommendation

Authors: Se-eun Yoon, Zhankui He, Jessica Maria Echterhoff, Julian McAuley

Abstract: Synthetic users are cost-effective proxies for real users in the evaluation of conversational recommender systems. Large language models show promise in simulating human-like behavior, raising the question of their ability to represent a diverse population of users. We introduce a new protocol to measure the degree to which language models can accurately emulate human behavior in conversational recommendation. This protocol is comprised of five tasks, each designed to evaluate a key property that a synthetic user should exhibit: choosing which items to talk about, expressing binary preferences, expressing open-ended preferences, requesting recommendations, and giving feedback. Through evaluation of baseline simulators, we demonstrate these tasks effectively reveal deviations of language models from human behavior, and offer insights on how to reduce the deviations with model selection and prompting strategies.

replace-cross Few-Shot Class Incremental Learning with Attention-Aware Self-Adaptive Prompt

Authors: Chenxi Liu, Zhenyi Wang, Tianyi Xiong, Ruibo Chen, Yihan Wu, Junfeng Guo, Heng Huang

Abstract: Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning (FSCIL) models aim to incrementally learn new classes with scarce samples while preserving knowledge of old ones. Existing FSCIL methods usually fine-tune the entire backbone, leading to overfitting and hindering the potential to learn new classes. On the other hand, recent prompt-based CIL approaches alleviate forgetting by training prompts with sufficient data in each task. In this work, we propose a novel framework named Attention-aware Self-adaptive Prompt (ASP). ASP encourages task-invariant prompts to capture shared knowledge by reducing specific information from the attention aspect. Additionally, self-adaptive task-specific prompts in ASP provide specific information and transfer knowledge from old classes to new classes with an Information Bottleneck learning objective. In summary, ASP prevents overfitting on base task and does not require enormous data in few-shot incremental tasks. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets validate that ASP consistently outperforms state-of-the-art FSCIL and prompt-based CIL methods in terms of both learning new classes and mitigating forgetting.

replace-cross Take Care of Your Prompt Bias! Investigating and Mitigating Prompt Bias in Factual Knowledge Extraction

Authors: Ziyang Xu, Keqin Peng, Liang Ding, Dacheng Tao, Xiliang Lu

Abstract: Recent research shows that pre-trained language models (PLMs) suffer from "prompt bias" in factual knowledge extraction, i.e., prompts tend to introduce biases toward specific labels. Prompt bias presents a significant challenge in assessing the factual knowledge within PLMs. Therefore, this paper aims to improve the reliability of existing benchmarks by thoroughly investigating and mitigating prompt bias. We show that: 1) all prompts in the experiments exhibit non-negligible bias, with gradient-based prompts like AutoPrompt and OptiPrompt displaying significantly higher levels of bias; 2) prompt bias can amplify benchmark accuracy unreasonably by overfitting the test datasets, especially on imbalanced datasets like LAMA. Based on these findings, we propose a representation-based approach to mitigate the prompt bias during inference time. Specifically, we first estimate the biased representation using prompt-only querying, and then remove it from the model's internal representations to generate the debiased representations, which are used to produce the final debiased outputs. Experiments across various prompts, PLMs, and benchmarks show that our approach can not only correct the overfitted performance caused by prompt bias, but also significantly improve the prompt retrieval capability (up to 10% absolute performance gain). These results indicate that our approach effectively alleviates prompt bias in knowledge evaluation, thereby enhancing the reliability of benchmark assessments. Hopefully, our plug-and-play approach can be a golden standard to strengthen PLMs toward reliable knowledge bases. Code and data are released in


replace-cross SelfIE: Self-Interpretation of Large Language Model Embeddings

Authors: Haozhe Chen, Carl Vondrick, Chengzhi Mao

Abstract: How do large language models (LLMs) obtain their answers? The ability to explain and control an LLM's reasoning process is key for reliability, transparency, and future model developments. We propose SelfIE (Self-Interpretation of Embeddings), a framework that enables LLMs to interpret their own embeddings in natural language by leveraging their ability to respond to inquiries about a given passage. Capable of interpreting open-world concepts in the hidden embeddings, SelfIE reveals LLM internal reasoning in cases such as making ethical decisions, internalizing prompt injection, and recalling harmful knowledge. SelfIE's text descriptions on hidden embeddings also open up new avenues to control LLM reasoning. We propose Supervised Control, which allows editing open-ended concepts while only requiring gradient computation of individual layer. We extend RLHF to hidden embeddings and propose Reinforcement Control that erases harmful knowledge in LLM without supervision targets.

replace-cross Accelerating Scientific Discovery with Generative Knowledge Extraction, Graph-Based Representation, and Multimodal Intelligent Graph Reasoning

Authors: Markus J. Buehler

Abstract: Leveraging generative Artificial Intelligence (AI), we have transformed a dataset comprising 1,000 scientific papers into an ontological knowledge graph. Through an in-depth structural analysis, we have calculated node degrees, identified communities and connectivities, and evaluated clustering coefficients and betweenness centrality of pivotal nodes, uncovering fascinating knowledge architectures. The graph has an inherently scale-free nature, is highly connected, and can be used for graph reasoning by taking advantage of transitive and isomorphic properties that reveal unprecedented interdisciplinary relationships that can be used to answer queries, identify gaps in knowledge, propose never-before-seen material designs, and predict material behaviors. We compute deep node embeddings for combinatorial node similarity ranking for use in a path sampling strategy links dissimilar concepts that have previously not been related. One comparison revealed structural parallels between biological materials and Beethoven's 9th Symphony, highlighting shared patterns of complexity through isomorphic mapping. In another example, the algorithm proposed a hierarchical mycelium-based composite based on integrating path sampling with principles extracted from Kandinsky's 'Composition VII' painting. The resulting material integrates an innovative set of concepts that include a balance of chaos/order, adjustable porosity, mechanical strength, and complex patterned chemical functionalization. We uncover other isomorphisms across science, technology and art, revealing a nuanced ontology of immanence that reveal a context-dependent heterarchical interplay of constituents. Graph-based generative AI achieves a far higher degree of novelty, explorative capacity, and technical detail, than conventional approaches and establishes a widely useful framework for innovation by revealing hidden connections.

replace-cross Hyacinth6B: A large language model for Traditional Chinese

Authors: Chih-Wei Song, Yin-Te Tsai

Abstract: This research's primary motivation of this study is to address the high hardware and computational demands typically associated with LLMs.Therefore,our goal is to find a balance between model lightness and performance,striving to maximize performance while using a comparatively lightweight model. Hyacinth6B was developed with this objective in mind,aiming to fully leverage the core capabilities of LLMs without incurring substantial resource costs, effectively pushing the boundaries of smaller model's performance. The training approach involves parameter efficient finetuning using the LoRA method.

replace-cross Byzantine-resilient Federated Learning With Adaptivity to Data Heterogeneity

Authors: Shiyuan Zuo, Xingrun Yan, Rongfei Fan, Han Hu, Hangguan Shan, Tony Q. S. Quek

Abstract: This paper deals with federated learning (FL) in the presence of malicious Byzantine attacks and data heterogeneity. A novel Robust Average Gradient Algorithm (RAGA) is proposed, which leverages the geometric median for aggregation and can freely select the round number for local updating. Different from most existing resilient approaches, which perform convergence analysis based on strongly-convex loss function or homogeneously distributed dataset, we conduct convergence analysis for not only strongly-convex but also non-convex loss function over heterogeneous dataset. According to our theoretical analysis, as long as the fraction of dataset from malicious users is less than half, RAGA can achieve convergence at rate $\mathcal{O}({1}/{T^{2/3- \delta}})$ where $T$ is the iteration number and $\delta \in (0, 2/3)$ for non-convex loss function, and at linear rate for strongly-convex loss function. Moreover, stationary point or global optimal solution is proved to obtainable as data heterogeneity vanishes. Experimental results corroborate the robustness of RAGA to Byzantine attacks and verifies the advantage of RAGA over baselines on convergence performance under various intensity of Byzantine attacks, for heterogeneous dataset.

replace-cross Learning User Embeddings from Human Gaze for Personalised Saliency Prediction

Authors: Florian Strohm, Mihai B\^ace, Andreas Bulling

Abstract: Reusable embeddings of user behaviour have shown significant performance improvements for the personalised saliency prediction task. However, prior works require explicit user characteristics and preferences as input, which are often difficult to obtain. We present a novel method to extract user embeddings from pairs of natural images and corresponding saliency maps generated from a small amount of user-specific eye tracking data. At the core of our method is a Siamese convolutional neural encoder that learns the user embeddings by contrasting the image and personal saliency map pairs of different users. Evaluations on two public saliency datasets show that the generated embeddings have high discriminative power, are effective at refining universal saliency maps to the individual users, and generalise well across users and images. Finally, based on our model's ability to encode individual user characteristics, our work points towards other applications that can benefit from reusable embeddings of gaze behaviour.

replace-cross Threats, Attacks, and Defenses in Machine Unlearning: A Survey

Authors: Ziyao Liu, Huanyi Ye, Chen Chen, Kwok-Yan Lam

Abstract: Machine Unlearning (MU) has gained considerable attention recently for its potential to achieve Safe AI by removing the influence of specific data from trained machine learning models. This process, known as knowledge removal, addresses AI governance concerns of training data such as quality, sensitivity, copyright restrictions, and obsolescence. This capability is also crucial for ensuring compliance with privacy regulations such as the Right To Be Forgotten. Furthermore, effective knowledge removal mitigates the risk of harmful outcomes, safeguarding against biases, misinformation, and unauthorized data exploitation, thereby enhancing the safe and responsible use of AI systems. Efforts have been made to design efficient unlearning approaches, with MU services being examined for integration with existing machine learning as a service, allowing users to submit requests to remove specific data from the training corpus. However, recent research highlights vulnerabilities in machine unlearning systems, such as information leakage and malicious unlearning requests, that can lead to significant security and privacy concerns. Moreover, extensive research indicates that unlearning methods and prevalent attacks fulfill diverse roles within MU systems. For instance, unlearning can act as a mechanism to recover models from backdoor attacks, while backdoor attacks themselves can serve as an evaluation metric for unlearning effectiveness. This underscores the intricate relationship and complex interplay among these mechanisms in maintaining system functionality and safety. This survey aims to fill the gap between the extensive number of studies on threats, attacks, and defenses in machine unlearning and the absence of a comprehensive review that categorizes their taxonomy, methods, and solutions, thus offering valuable insights for future research directions and practical implementations.

replace-cross Born With a Silver Spoon? Investigating Socioeconomic Bias in Large Language Models

Authors: Smriti Singh, Shuvam Keshari, Vinija Jain, Aman Chadha

Abstract: Socioeconomic bias in society exacerbates disparities, influencing access to opportunities and resources based on individuals' economic and social backgrounds. This pervasive issue perpetuates systemic inequalities, hindering the pursuit of inclusive progress as a society. In this paper, we investigate the presence of socioeconomic bias, if any, in large language models. To this end, we introduce a novel dataset SilverSpoon, consisting of 3000 samples that illustrate hypothetical scenarios that involve underprivileged people performing ethically ambiguous actions due to their circumstances, and ask whether the action is ethically justified. Further, this dataset has a dual-labeling scheme and has been annotated by people belonging to both ends of the socioeconomic spectrum. Using SilverSpoon, we evaluate the degree of socioeconomic bias expressed in large language models and the variation of this degree as a function of model size. We also perform qualitative analysis to analyze the nature of this bias. Our analysis reveals that while humans disagree on which situations require empathy toward the underprivileged, most large language models are unable to empathize with the socioeconomically underprivileged regardless of the situation. To foster further research in this domain, we make SilverSpoon and our evaluation harness publicly available.

replace-cross NaNa and MiGu: Semantic Data Augmentation Techniques to Enhance Protein Classification in Graph Neural Networks

Authors: Yi-Shan Lan, Pin-Yu Chen, Tsung-Yi Ho

Abstract: Protein classification tasks are essential in drug discovery. Real-world protein structures are dynamic, which will determine the properties of proteins. However, the existing machine learning methods, like ProNet (Wang et al., 2022a), only access limited conformational characteristics and protein side-chain features, leading to impractical protein structure and inaccuracy of protein classes in their predictions. In this paper, we propose novel semantic data augmentation methods, Novel Augmentation of New Node Attributes (NaNa), and Molecular Interactions and Geometric Upgrading (MiGu) to incorporate backbone chemical and side-chain biophysical information into protein classification tasks and a co-embedding residual learning framework. Specifically, we leverage molecular biophysical, secondary structure, chemical bonds, and ionic features of proteins to facilitate protein classification tasks. Furthermore, our semantic augmentation methods and the co-embedding residual learning framework can improve the performance of GIN (Xu et al., 2019) on EC and Fold datasets (Bairoch, 2000; Andreeva et al., 2007) by 16.41% and 11.33% respectively. Our code is available at


replace-cross MedPromptX: Grounded Multimodal Prompting for Chest X-ray Diagnosis

Authors: Mai A. Shaaban, Adnan Khan, Mohammad Yaqub

Abstract: Chest X-ray images are commonly used for predicting acute and chronic cardiopulmonary conditions, but efforts to integrate them with structured clinical data face challenges due to incomplete electronic health records (EHR). This paper introduces \textbf{MedPromptX}, the first model to integrate multimodal large language models (MLLMs), few-shot prompting (FP) and visual grounding (VG) to combine imagery with EHR data for chest X-ray diagnosis. A pre-trained MLLM is utilized to complement the missing EHR information, providing a comprehensive understanding of patients' medical history. Additionally, FP reduces the necessity for extensive training of MLLMs while effectively tackling the issue of hallucination. Nevertheless, the process of determining the optimal number of few-shot examples and selecting high-quality candidates can be burdensome, yet it profoundly influences model performance. Hence, we propose a new technique that dynamically refines few-shot data for real-time adjustment to new patient scenarios. Moreover, VG aids in focusing the model's attention on relevant regions of interest in X-ray images, enhancing the identification of abnormalities. We release MedPromptX-VQA, a new in-context visual question answering dataset encompassing interleaved image and EHR data derived from MIMIC-IV and MIMIC-CXR databases. Results demonstrate the SOTA performance of MedPromptX, achieving an 11% improvement in F1-score compared to the baselines. Code and data are available at


replace-cross Towards a RAG-based Summarization Agent for the Electron-Ion Collider

Authors: Karthik Suresh, Neeltje Kackar, Luke Schleck, Cristiano Fanelli

Abstract: The complexity and sheer volume of information encompassing documents, papers, data, and other resources from large-scale experiments demand significant time and effort to navigate, making the task of accessing and utilizing these varied forms of information daunting, particularly for new collaborators and early-career scientists. To tackle this issue, a Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)--based Summarization AI for EIC (RAGS4EIC) is under development. This AI-Agent not only condenses information but also effectively references relevant responses, offering substantial advantages for collaborators. Our project involves a two-step approach: first, querying a comprehensive vector database containing all pertinent experiment information; second, utilizing a Large Language Model (LLM) to generate concise summaries enriched with citations based on user queries and retrieved data. We describe the evaluation methods that use RAG assessments (RAGAs) scoring mechanisms to assess the effectiveness of responses. Furthermore, we describe the concept of prompt template-based instruction-tuning which provides flexibility and accuracy in summarization. Importantly, the implementation relies on LangChain, which serves as the foundation of our entire workflow. This integration ensures efficiency and scalability, facilitating smooth deployment and accessibility for various user groups within the Electron Ion Collider (EIC) community. This innovative AI-driven framework not only simplifies the understanding of vast datasets but also encourages collaborative participation, thereby empowering researchers. As a demonstration, a web application has been developed to explain each stage of the RAG Agent development in detail.

replace-cross X-Portrait: Expressive Portrait Animation with Hierarchical Motion Attention

Authors: You Xie, Hongyi Xu, Guoxian Song, Chao Wang, Yichun Shi, Linjie Luo

Abstract: We propose X-Portrait, an innovative conditional diffusion model tailored for generating expressive and temporally coherent portrait animation. Specifically, given a single portrait as appearance reference, we aim to animate it with motion derived from a driving video, capturing both highly dynamic and subtle facial expressions along with wide-range head movements. As its core, we leverage the generative prior of a pre-trained diffusion model as the rendering backbone, while achieve fine-grained head pose and expression control with novel controlling signals within the framework of ControlNet. In contrast to conventional coarse explicit controls such as facial landmarks, our motion control module is learned to interpret the dynamics directly from the original driving RGB inputs. The motion accuracy is further enhanced with a patch-based local control module that effectively enhance the motion attention to small-scale nuances like eyeball positions. Notably, to mitigate the identity leakage from the driving signals, we train our motion control modules with scaling-augmented cross-identity images, ensuring maximized disentanglement from the appearance reference modules. Experimental results demonstrate the universal effectiveness of X-Portrait across a diverse range of facial portraits and expressive driving sequences, and showcase its proficiency in generating captivating portrait animations with consistently maintained identity characteristics.

replace-cross Image Captioning in news report scenario

Authors: Tianrui Liu, Qi Cai, Changxin Xu, Bo Hong, Jize Xiong, Yuxin Qiao, Tsungwei Yang

Abstract: Image captioning strives to generate pertinent captions for specified images, situating itself at the crossroads of Computer Vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). This endeavor is of paramount importance with far-reaching applications in recommendation systems, news outlets, social media, and beyond. Particularly within the realm of news reporting, captions are expected to encompass detailed information, such as the identities of celebrities captured in the images. However, much of the existing body of work primarily centers around understanding scenes and actions. In this paper, we explore the realm of image captioning specifically tailored for celebrity photographs, illustrating its broad potential for enhancing news industry practices. This exploration aims to augment automated news content generation, thereby facilitating a more nuanced dissemination of information. Our endeavor shows a broader horizon, enriching the narrative in news reporting through a more intuitive image captioning framework.

replace-cross Guessing human intentions to avoid dangerous situations in caregiving robots

Authors: No\'e Zapata, Gerardo P\'erez, Lucas Bonilla, Pedro N\'u\~nez, Pilar Bachiller, Pablo Bustos

Abstract: For robots to interact socially, they must interpret human intentions and anticipate their potential outcomes accurately. This is particularly important for social robots designed for human care, which may face potentially dangerous situations for people, such as unseen obstacles in their way, that should be avoided. This paper explores the Artificial Theory of Mind (ATM) approach to inferring and interpreting human intentions. We propose an algorithm that detects risky situations for humans, selecting a robot action that removes the danger in real time. We use the simulation-based approach to ATM and adopt the 'like-me' policy to assign intentions and actions to people. Using this strategy, the robot can detect and act with a high rate of success under time-constrained situations. The algorithm has been implemented as part of an existing robotics cognitive architecture and tested in simulation scenarios. Three experiments have been conducted to test the implementation's robustness, precision and real-time response, including a simulated scenario, a human-in-the-loop hybrid configuration and a real-world scenario.

replace-cross Large Language Models in Biomedical and Health Informatics: A Bibliometric Review

Authors: Huizi Yu, Lizhou Fan, Lingyao Li, Jiayan Zhou, Zihui Ma, Lu Xian, Wenyue Hua, Sijia He, Mingyu Jin, Yongfeng Zhang, Ashvin Gandhi, Xin Ma

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have rapidly become important tools in Biomedical and Health Informatics (BHI), enabling new ways to analyze data, treat patients, and conduct research. This bibliometric review aims to provide a panoramic view of how LLMs have been used in BHI by examining research articles and collaboration networks from 2022 to 2023. It further explores how LLMs can improve Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications in various BHI areas like medical diagnosis, patient engagement, electronic health record management, and personalized medicine. To do this, our bibliometric review identifies key trends, maps out research networks, and highlights major developments in this fast-moving field. Lastly, it discusses the ethical concerns and practical challenges of using LLMs in BHI, such as data privacy and reliable medical recommendations. Looking ahead, we consider how LLMs could further transform biomedical research as well as healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. This bibliometric review serves as a resource for stakeholders in healthcare, including researchers, clinicians, and policymakers, to understand the current state and future potential of LLMs in BHI.

replace-cross DeepMachining: Online Prediction of Machining Errors of Lathe Machines

Authors: Xiang-Li Lu, Hwai-Jung Hsu, Che-Wei Chou, H. T. Kung, Chen-Hsin Lee

Abstract: We describe DeepMachining, a deep learning-based AI system for online prediction of machining errors of lathe machine operations. We have built and evaluated DeepMachining based on manufacturing data from factories. Specifically, we first pretrain a deep learning model for a given lathe machine's operations to learn the salient features of machining states. Then, we fine-tune the pretrained model to adapt to specific machining tasks. We demonstrate that DeepMachining achieves high prediction accuracy for multiple tasks that involve different workpieces and cutting tools. To the best of our knowledge, this work is one of the first factory experiments using pre-trained deep-learning models to predict machining errors of lathe machines.

replace-cross As Good As A Coin Toss: Human detection of AI-generated images, videos, audio, and audiovisual stimuli

Authors: Di Cooke, Abigail Edwards, Sophia Barkoff, Kathryn Kelly

Abstract: As synthetic media becomes progressively more realistic and barriers to using it continue to lower, the technology has been increasingly utilized for malicious purposes, from financial fraud to nonconsensual pornography. Today, the principal defense against being misled by synthetic media relies on the ability of the human observer to visually and auditorily discern between real and fake. However, it remains unclear just how vulnerable people actually are to deceptive synthetic media in the course of their day to day lives. We conducted a perceptual study with 1276 participants to assess how accurate people were at distinguishing synthetic images, audio only, video only, and audiovisual stimuli from authentic. To reflect the circumstances under which people would likely encounter synthetic media in the wild, testing conditions and stimuli emulated a typical online platform, while all synthetic media used in the survey was sourced from publicly accessible generative AI technology. We find that overall, participants struggled to meaningfully discern between synthetic and authentic content. We also find that detection performance worsens when the stimuli contains synthetic content as compared to authentic content, images featuring human faces as compared to non face objects, a single modality as compared to multimodal stimuli, mixed authenticity as compared to being fully synthetic for audiovisual stimuli, and features foreign languages as compared to languages the observer is fluent in. Finally, we also find that prior knowledge of synthetic media does not meaningfully impact their detection performance. Collectively, these results indicate that people are highly susceptible to being tricked by synthetic media in their daily lives and that human perceptual detection capabilities can no longer be relied upon as an effective counterdefense.

replace-cross Coarse-Tuning for Ad-hoc Document Retrieval Using Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Atsushi Keyaki, Ribeka Keyaki

Abstract: Fine-tuning in information retrieval systems using pre-trained language models (PLM-based IR) requires learning query representations and query-document relations, in addition to downstream task-specific learning. This study introduces coarse-tuning as an intermediate learning stage that bridges pre-training and fine-tuning. By learning query representations and query-document relations in coarse-tuning, we aim to reduce the load of fine-tuning and improve the learning effect of downstream IR tasks. We propose Query-Document Pair Prediction (QDPP) for coarse-tuning, which predicts the appropriateness of query-document pairs. Evaluation experiments show that the proposed method significantly improves MRR and/or nDCG@5 in four ad-hoc document retrieval datasets. Furthermore, the results of the query prediction task suggested that coarse-tuning facilitated learning of query representation and query-document relations.

replace-cross Aligning with Human Judgement: The Role of Pairwise Preference in Large Language Model Evaluators

Authors: Yinhong Liu, Han Zhou, Zhijiang Guo, Ehsan Shareghi, Ivan Vuli\'c, Anna Korhonen, Nigel Collier

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated promising capabilities as automatic evaluators in assessing the quality of generated natural language. However, LLMs still exhibit biases in evaluation and often struggle to generate coherent evaluations that align with human assessments. In this work, we first conduct a systematic study of the misalignment between LLM evaluators and human judgement, revealing that existing calibration methods aimed at mitigating biases are insufficient for effectively aligning LLM evaluators. Inspired by the use of preference data in RLHF, we formulate the evaluation as a ranking problem and introduce Pairwise-preference Search (PairS), an uncertainty-guided search method that employs LLMs to conduct pairwise comparisons and efficiently ranks candidate texts. PairS achieves state-of-the-art performance on representative evaluation tasks and demonstrates significant improvements over direct scoring. Furthermore, we provide insights into the role of pairwise preference in quantifying the transitivity of LLMs and demonstrate how PairS benefits from calibration.

replace-cross AIOS: LLM Agent Operating System

Authors: Kai Mei, Zelong Li, Shuyuan Xu, Ruosong Ye, Yingqiang Ge, Yongfeng Zhang

Abstract: The integration and deployment of large language model (LLM)-based intelligent agents have been fraught with challenges that compromise their efficiency and efficacy. Among these issues are sub-optimal scheduling and resource allocation of agent requests over the LLM, the difficulties in maintaining context during interactions between agent and LLM, and the complexities inherent in integrating heterogeneous agents with different capabilities and specializations. The rapid increase of agent quantity and complexity further exacerbates these issues, often leading to bottlenecks and sub-optimal utilization of resources. Inspired by these challenges, this paper presents AIOS, an LLM agent operating system, which embeds large language model into operating systems (OS) as the brain of the OS, enabling an operating system "with soul" -- an important step towards AGI. Specifically, AIOS is designed to optimize resource allocation, facilitate context switch across agents, enable concurrent execution of agents, provide tool service for agents, and maintain access control for agents. We present the architecture of such an operating system, outline the core challenges it aims to resolve, and provide the basic design and implementation of the AIOS. Our experiments on concurrent execution of multiple agents demonstrate the reliability and efficiency of our AIOS modules. Through this, we aim to not only improve the performance and efficiency of LLM agents but also to pioneer for better development and deployment of the AIOS ecosystem in the future. The project is open-source at