new Self-Clustering Hierarchical Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Extensible Cooperation Graph

Authors: Qingxu Fu, Tenghai Qiu, Jianqiang Yi, Zhiqiang Pu, Xiaolin Ai

Abstract: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (MARL) has been successful in solving many cooperative challenges. However, classic non-hierarchical MARL algorithms still cannot address various complex multi-agent problems that require hierarchical cooperative behaviors. The cooperative knowledge and policies learned in non-hierarchical algorithms are implicit and not interpretable, thereby restricting the integration of existing knowledge. This paper proposes a novel hierarchical MARL model called Hierarchical Cooperation Graph Learning (HCGL) for solving general multi-agent problems. HCGL has three components: a dynamic Extensible Cooperation Graph (ECG) for achieving self-clustering cooperation; a group of graph operators for adjusting the topology of ECG; and an MARL optimizer for training these graph operators. HCGL's key distinction from other MARL models is that the behaviors of agents are guided by the topology of ECG instead of policy neural networks. ECG is a three-layer graph consisting of an agent node layer, a cluster node layer, and a target node layer. To manipulate the ECG topology in response to changing environmental conditions, four graph operators are trained to adjust the edge connections of ECG dynamically. The hierarchical feature of ECG provides a unique approach to merge primitive actions (actions executed by the agents) and cooperative actions (actions executed by the clusters) into a unified action space, allowing us to integrate fundamental cooperative knowledge into an extensible interface. In our experiments, the HCGL model has shown outstanding performance in multi-agent benchmarks with sparse rewards. We also verify that HCGL can easily be transferred to large-scale scenarios with high zero-shot transfer success rates.

new Prioritized League Reinforcement Learning for Large-Scale Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems

Authors: Qingxu Fu, Zhiqiang Pu, Min Chen, Tenghai Qiu, Jianqiang Yi

Abstract: Large-scale heterogeneous multiagent systems feature various realistic factors in the real world, such as agents with diverse abilities and overall system cost. In comparison to homogeneous systems, heterogeneous systems offer significant practical advantages. Nonetheless, they also present challenges for multiagent reinforcement learning, including addressing the non-stationary problem and managing an imbalanced number of agents with different types. We propose a Prioritized Heterogeneous League Reinforcement Learning (PHLRL) method to address large-scale heterogeneous cooperation problems. PHLRL maintains a record of various policies that agents have explored during their training and establishes a heterogeneous league consisting of diverse policies to aid in future policy optimization. Furthermore, we design a prioritized policy gradient approach to compensate for the gap caused by differences in the number of different types of agents. Next, we use Unreal Engine to design a large-scale heterogeneous cooperation benchmark named Large-Scale Multiagent Operation (LSMO), which is a complex two-team competition scenario that requires collaboration from both ground and airborne agents. We use experiments to show that PHLRL outperforms state-of-the-art methods, including QTRAN and QPLEX in LSMO.

new Driving Intelligent IoT Monitoring and Control through Cloud Computing and Machine Learning

Authors: Hanzhe Li, Xiangxiang Wang, Yuan Feng, Yaqian Qi, Jingxiao Tian

Abstract: This article explores how to drive intelligent iot monitoring and control through cloud computing and machine learning. As iot and the cloud continue to generate large and diverse amounts of data as sensor devices in the network, the collected data is sent to the cloud for statistical analysis, prediction, and data analysis to achieve business objectives. However, because the cloud computing model is limited by distance, it can be problematic in environments where the quality of the Internet connection is not ideal for critical operations. Therefore, edge computing, as a distributed computing architecture, moves the location of processing applications, data and services from the central node of the network to the logical edge node of the network to reduce the dependence on cloud processing and analysis of data, and achieve near-end data processing and analysis. The combination of iot and edge computing can reduce latency, improve efficiency, and enhance security, thereby driving the development of intelligent systems. The paper also introduces the development of iot monitoring and control technology, the application of edge computing in iot monitoring and control, and the role of machine learning in data analysis and fault detection. Finally, the application and effect of intelligent Internet of Things monitoring and control system in industry, agriculture, medical and other fields are demonstrated through practical cases and experimental studies.

new Towards Explainable Clustering: A Constrained Declarative based Approach

Authors: Mathieu Guilbert, Christel Vrain, Thi-Bich-Hanh Dao

Abstract: The domain of explainable AI is of interest in all Machine Learning fields, and it is all the more important in clustering, an unsupervised task whose result must be validated by a domain expert. We aim at finding a clustering that has high quality in terms of classic clustering criteria and that is explainable, and we argue that these two dimensions must be considered when building the clustering. We consider that a good global explanation of a clustering should give the characteristics of each cluster taking into account their abilities to describe its objects (coverage) while distinguishing it from the other clusters (discrimination). Furthermore, we aim at leveraging expert knowledge, at different levels, on the structure of the expected clustering or on its explanations. In our framework an explanation of a cluster is a set of patterns, and we propose a novel interpretable constrained clustering method called ECS for declarative clustering with Explainabilty-driven Cluster Selection that integrates structural or domain expert knowledge expressed by means of constraints. It is based on the notion of coverage and discrimination that are formalized at different levels (cluster / clustering), each allowing for exceptions through parameterized thresholds. Our method relies on four steps: generation of a set of partitions, computation of frequent patterns for each cluster, pruning clusters that violates some constraints, and selection of clusters and associated patterns to build an interpretable clustering. This last step is combinatorial and we have developed a Constraint-Programming (CP) model to solve it. The method can integrate prior knowledge in the form of user constraints, both before or in the CP model.

new Don't Trust: Verify -- Grounding LLM Quantitative Reasoning with Autoformalization

Authors: Jin Peng Zhou, Charles Staats, Wenda Li, Christian Szegedy, Kilian Q. Weinberger, Yuhuai Wu

Abstract: Large language models (LLM), such as Google's Minerva and OpenAI's GPT families, are becoming increasingly capable of solving mathematical quantitative reasoning problems. However, they still make unjustified logical and computational errors in their reasoning steps and answers. In this paper, we leverage the fact that if the training corpus of LLMs contained sufficiently many examples of formal mathematics (e.g. in Isabelle, a formal theorem proving environment), they can be prompted to translate i.e. autoformalize informal mathematical statements into formal Isabelle code -- which can be verified automatically for internal consistency. This provides a mechanism to automatically reject solutions whose formalized versions are inconsistent within themselves or with the formalized problem statement. We evaluate our method on GSM8K, MATH and MultiArith datasets and demonstrate that our approach provides a consistently better heuristic than vanilla majority voting -- the previously best method to identify correct answers, by more than 12% on GSM8K. In our experiments it improves results consistently across all datasets and LLM model sizes. The code can be found at


new A Real-Time Rescheduling Algorithm for Multi-robot Plan Execution

Authors: Ying Feng, Adittyo Paul, Zhe Chen, Jiaoyang Li

Abstract: One area of research in multi-agent path finding is to determine how replanning can be efficiently achieved in the case of agents being delayed during execution. One option is to reschedule the passing order of agents, i.e., the sequence in which agents visit the same location. In response, we propose Switchable-Edge Search (SES), an A*-style algorithm designed to find optimal passing orders. We prove the optimality of SES and evaluate its efficiency via simulations. The best variant of SES takes less than 1 second for small- and medium-sized problems and runs up to 4 times faster than baselines for large-sized problems.

new Can AI Models Appreciate Document Aesthetics? An Exploration of Legibility and Layout Quality in Relation to Prediction Confidence

Authors: Hsiu-Wei Yang, Abhinav Agrawal, Pavlos Fragkogiannis, Shubham Nitin Mulay

Abstract: A well-designed document communicates not only through its words but also through its visual eloquence. Authors utilize aesthetic elements such as colors, fonts, graphics, and layouts to shape the perception of information. Thoughtful document design, informed by psychological insights, enhances both the visual appeal and the comprehension of the content. While state-of-the-art document AI models demonstrate the benefits of incorporating layout and image data, it remains unclear whether the nuances of document aesthetics are effectively captured. To bridge the gap between human cognition and AI interpretation of aesthetic elements, we formulated hypotheses concerning AI behavior in document understanding tasks, specifically anchored in document design principles. With a focus on legibility and layout quality, we tested four aspects of aesthetic effects: noise, font-size contrast, alignment, and complexity, on model confidence using correlational analysis. The results and observations highlight the value of model analysis rooted in document design theories. Our work serves as a trailhead for further studies and we advocate for continued research in this topic to deepen our understanding of how AI interprets document aesthetics.

new EndToEndML: An Open-Source End-to-End Pipeline for Machine Learning Applications

Authors: Nisha Pillai, Athish Ram Das, Moses Ayoola, Ganga Gireesan, Bindu Nanduri, Mahalingam Ramkumar

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) techniques are widely applied in the life sciences. However, applying innovative AI techniques to understand and deconvolute biological complexity is hindered by the learning curve for life science scientists to understand and use computing languages. An open-source, user-friendly interface for AI models, that does not require programming skills to analyze complex biological data will be extremely valuable to the bioinformatics community. With easy access to different sequencing technologies and increased interest in different 'omics' studies, the number of biological datasets being generated has increased and analyzing these high-throughput datasets is computationally demanding. The majority of AI libraries today require advanced programming skills as well as machine learning, data preprocessing, and visualization skills. In this research, we propose a web-based end-to-end pipeline that is capable of preprocessing, training, evaluating, and visualizing machine learning (ML) models without manual intervention or coding expertise. By integrating traditional machine learning and deep neural network models with visualizations, our library assists in recognizing, classifying, clustering, and predicting a wide range of multi-modal, multi-sensor datasets, including images, languages, and one-dimensional numerical data, for drug discovery, pathogen classification, and medical diagnostics.

new Exploring the Privacy Protection Capabilities of Chinese Large Language Models

Authors: Yuqi Yang, Xiaowen Huang, Jitao Sang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), renowned for their impressive capabilities in various tasks, have significantly advanced artificial intelligence. Yet, these advancements have raised growing concerns about privacy and security implications. To address these issues and explain the risks inherent in these models, we have devised a three-tiered progressive framework tailored for evaluating privacy in language systems. This framework consists of progressively complex and in-depth privacy test tasks at each tier. Our primary objective is to comprehensively evaluate the sensitivity of large language models to private information, examining how effectively they discern, manage, and safeguard sensitive data in diverse scenarios. This systematic evaluation helps us understand the degree to which these models comply with privacy protection guidelines and the effectiveness of their inherent safeguards against privacy breaches. Our observations indicate that existing Chinese large language models universally show privacy protection shortcomings. It seems that at the moment this widespread issue is unavoidable and may pose corresponding privacy risks in applications based on these models.

new Leveraging Large Language Models for Fuzzy String Matching in Political Science

Authors: Yu Wang

Abstract: Fuzzy string matching remains a key issue when political scientists combine data from different sources. Existing matching methods invariably rely on string distances, such as Levenshtein distance and cosine similarity. As such, they are inherently incapable of matching strings that refer to the same entity with different names such as ''JP Morgan'' and ''Chase Bank'', ''DPRK'' and ''North Korea'', ''Chuck Fleischmann (R)'' and ''Charles Fleischmann (R)''. In this letter, we propose to use large language models to entirely sidestep this problem in an easy and intuitive manner. Extensive experiments show that our proposed methods can improve the state of the art by as much as 39% in terms of average precision while being substantially easier and more intuitive to use by political scientists. Moreover, our results are robust against various temperatures. We further note that enhanced prompting can lead to additional performance improvements.

new Large Language Models Need Consultants for Reasoning: Becoming an Expert in a Complex Human System Through Behavior Simulation

Authors: Chuwen Wang, Shirong Zeng, Cheng Wang

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs), in conjunction with various reasoning reinforcement methodologies, have demonstrated remarkable capabilities comparable to humans in fields such as mathematics, law, coding, common sense, and world knowledge. In this paper, we delve into the reasoning abilities of LLMs within complex human systems. We propose a novel reasoning framework, termed ``Mosaic Expert Observation Wall'' (MEOW) exploiting generative-agents-based simulation technique. In the MEOW framework, simulated data are utilized to train an expert model concentrating ``experience'' about a specific task in each independent time of simulation. It is the accumulated ``experience'' through the simulation that makes for an expert on a task in a complex human system. We conduct the experiments within a communication game that mirrors real-world security scenarios. The results indicate that our proposed methodology can cooperate with existing methodologies to enhance the reasoning abilities of LLMs in complex human systems.

new Boosting Conversational Question Answering with Fine-Grained Retrieval-Augmentation and Self-Check

Authors: Linhao Ye, Zhikai Lei, Jianghao Yin, Qin Chen, Jie Zhou, Liang He

Abstract: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) aims to generate more reliable and accurate responses, by augmenting large language models (LLMs) with the external vast and dynamic knowledge. Most previous work focuses on using RAG for single-round question answering, while how to adapt RAG to the complex conversational setting wherein the question is interdependent on the preceding context is not well studied. In this paper, we propose a conversation-level RAG approach, which incorporates fine-grained retrieval augmentation and self-check for conversational question answering (CQA). In particular, our approach consists of three components, namely conversational question refiner, fine-grained retriever and self-check based response generator, which work collaboratively for question understanding and relevant information acquisition in conversational settings. Extensive experiments demonstrate the great advantages of our approach over the state-of-the-art baselines. Moreover, we also release a Chinese CQA dataset with new features including reformulated question, extracted keyword, retrieved paragraphs and their helpfulness, which facilitates further researches in RAG enhanced CQA.

new Identification and Uses of Deep Learning Backbones via Pattern Mining

Authors: Michael Livanos, Ian Davidson

Abstract: Deep learning is extensively used in many areas of data mining as a black-box method with impressive results. However, understanding the core mechanism of how deep learning makes predictions is a relatively understudied problem. Here we explore the notion of identifying a backbone of deep learning for a given group of instances. A group here can be instances of the same class or even misclassified instances of the same class. We view each instance for a given group as activating a subset of neurons and attempt to find a subgraph of neurons associated with a given concept/group. We formulate this problem as a set cover style problem and show it is intractable and presents a highly constrained integer linear programming (ILP) formulation. As an alternative, we explore a coverage-based heuristic approach related to pattern mining, and show it converges to a Pareto equilibrium point of the ILP formulation. Experimentally we explore these backbones to identify mistakes and improve performance, explanation, and visualization. We demonstrate application-based results using several challenging data sets, including Bird Audio Detection (BAD) Challenge and Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW), as well as the classic MNIST data.

new mALBERT: Is a Compact Multilingual BERT Model Still Worth It?

Authors: Christophe Servan (ILES, STL), Sahar Ghannay (LISN), Sophie Rosset (LISN)

Abstract: Within the current trend of Pretained Language Models (PLM), emerge more and more criticisms about the ethical andecological impact of such models. In this article, considering these critical remarks, we propose to focus on smallermodels, such as compact models like ALBERT, which are more ecologically virtuous than these PLM. However,PLMs enable huge breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing tasks, such as Spoken and Natural LanguageUnderstanding, classification, Question--Answering tasks. PLMs also have the advantage of being multilingual, and,as far as we know, a multilingual version of compact ALBERT models does not exist. Considering these facts, wepropose the free release of the first version of a multilingual compact ALBERT model, pre-trained using Wikipediadata, which complies with the ethical aspect of such a language model. We also evaluate the model against classicalmultilingual PLMs in classical NLP tasks. Finally, this paper proposes a rare study on the subword tokenizationimpact on language performances.

new LC-LLM: Explainable Lane-Change Intention and Trajectory Predictions with Large Language Models

Authors: Mingxing Peng (Frank), Xusen Guo (Frank), Xianda Chen (Frank), Meixin Zhu (Frank), Kehua Chen (Frank), Hao (Frank), Yang, Xuesong Wang, Yinhai Wang

Abstract: To ensure safe driving in dynamic environments, autonomous vehicles should possess the capability to accurately predict the lane change intentions of surrounding vehicles in advance and forecast their future trajectories. Existing motion prediction approaches have ample room for improvement, particularly in terms of long-term prediction accuracy and interpretability. In this paper, we address these challenges by proposing LC-LLM, an explainable lane change prediction model that leverages the strong reasoning capabilities and self-explanation abilities of Large Language Models (LLMs). Essentially, we reformulate the lane change prediction task as a language modeling problem, processing heterogeneous driving scenario information in natural language as prompts for input into the LLM and employing a supervised fine-tuning technique to tailor the LLM specifically for our lane change prediction task. This allows us to utilize the LLM's powerful common sense reasoning abilities to understand complex interactive information, thereby improving the accuracy of long-term predictions. Furthermore, we incorporate explanatory requirements into the prompts in the inference stage. Therefore, our LC-LLM model not only can predict lane change intentions and trajectories but also provides explanations for its predictions, enhancing the interpretability. Extensive experiments on the large-scale highD dataset demonstrate the superior performance and interpretability of our LC-LLM in lane change prediction task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to utilize LLMs for predicting lane change behavior. Our study shows that LLMs can encode comprehensive interaction information for driving behavior understanding.

new FTBC: Forward Temporal Bias Correction for Optimizing ANN-SNN Conversion

Authors: Xiaofeng Wu, Velibor Bojkovic, Bin Gu, Kun Suo, Kai Zou

Abstract: Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) offer a promising avenue for energy-efficient computing compared with Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), closely mirroring biological neural processes. However, this potential comes with inherent challenges in directly training SNNs through spatio-temporal backpropagation -- stemming from the temporal dynamics of spiking neurons and their discrete signal processing -- which necessitates alternative ways of training, most notably through ANN-SNN conversion. In this work, we introduce a lightweight Forward Temporal Bias Correction (FTBC) technique, aimed at enhancing conversion accuracy without the computational overhead. We ground our method on provided theoretical findings that through proper temporal bias calibration the expected error of ANN-SNN conversion can be reduced to be zero after each time step. We further propose a heuristic algorithm for finding the temporal bias only in the forward pass, thus eliminating the computational burden of backpropagation and we evaluate our method on CIFAR-10/100 and ImageNet datasets, achieving a notable increase in accuracy on all datasets. Codes are released at a GitHub repository.

new Leveraging Large Language Models for Relevance Judgments in Legal Case Retrieval

Authors: Shengjie Ma, Chong Chen, Qi Chu, Jiaxin Mao

Abstract: Collecting relevant judgments for legal case retrieval is a challenging and time-consuming task. Accurately judging the relevance between two legal cases requires a considerable effort to read the lengthy text and a high level of domain expertise to extract Legal Facts and make juridical judgments. With the advent of advanced large language models, some recent studies have suggested that it is promising to use LLMs for relevance judgment. Nonetheless, the method of employing a general large language model for reliable relevance judgments in legal case retrieval is yet to be thoroughly explored. To fill this research gap, we devise a novel few-shot workflow tailored to the relevant judgment of legal cases. The proposed workflow breaks down the annotation process into a series of stages, imitating the process employed by human annotators and enabling a flexible integration of expert reasoning to enhance the accuracy of relevance judgments. By comparing the relevance judgments of LLMs and human experts, we empirically show that we can obtain reliable relevance judgments with the proposed workflow. Furthermore, we demonstrate the capacity to augment existing legal case retrieval models through the synthesis of data generated by the large language model.

new Impact of Employing Weather Forecast Data as Input to the Estimation of Evapotranspiration by Deep Neural Network Models

Authors: Pedro J. Vaz, Gabriela Sch\"utz, Carlos Guerrero, Pedro J. S. Cardoso

Abstract: Reference Evapotranspiration (ET0) is a key parameter for designing smart irrigation scheduling, since it is related by a coefficient to the water needs of a crop. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization, proposed a standard method for ET0 computation (FAO56PM), based on the parameterization of the Penman-Monteith equation, that is widely adopted in the literature. To compute ET0 using the FAO56-PM method, four main weather parameters are needed: temperature, humidity, wind, and solar radiation (SR). One way to make daily ET0 estimations for future days is to use freely available weather forecast services (WFSs), where many meteorological parameters are estimated up to the next 15 days. A problem with this method is that currently, SR is not provided as a free forecast parameter on most of those online services or, normally, such forecasts present a financial cost penalty. For this reason, several ET0 estimation models using machine and deep learning were developed and presented in the literature, that use as input features a reduced set of carefully selected weather parameters, that are compatible with common freely available WFSs. However, most studies on this topic have only evaluated model performance using data from weather stations (WSs), without considering the effect of using weather forecast data. In this study, the performance of authors' previous models is evaluated when using weather forecast data from two online WFSs, in the following scenarios: (i) direct ET0 estimation by an ANN model, and (ii) estimate SR by ANN model, and then use that estimation for ET0 computation, using the FAO56-PM method. Employing data collected from two WFSs and a WS located in Vale do Lobo, Portugal, the latter approach achieved the best result, with a coefficient of determination (R2) ranging between 0.893 and 0.667, when considering forecasts up to 15 days.

new A Path Towards Legal Autonomy: An interoperable and explainable approach to extracting, transforming, loading and computing legal information using large language models, expert systems and Bayesian networks

Authors: Axel Constant, Hannes Westermann, Bryan Wilson, Alex Kiefer, Ines Hipolito, Sylvain Pronovost, Steven Swanson, Mahault Albarracin, Maxwell J. D. Ramstead

Abstract: Legal autonomy - the lawful activity of artificial intelligence agents - can be achieved in one of two ways. It can be achieved either by imposing constraints on AI actors such as developers, deployers and users, and on AI resources such as data, or by imposing constraints on the range and scope of the impact that AI agents can have on the environment. The latter approach involves encoding extant rules concerning AI driven devices into the software of AI agents controlling those devices (e.g., encoding rules about limitations on zones of operations into the agent software of an autonomous drone device). This is a challenge since the effectivity of such an approach requires a method of extracting, loading, transforming and computing legal information that would be both explainable and legally interoperable, and that would enable AI agents to reason about the law. In this paper, we sketch a proof of principle for such a method using large language models (LLMs), expert legal systems known as legal decision paths, and Bayesian networks. We then show how the proposed method could be applied to extant regulation in matters of autonomous cars, such as the California Vehicle Code.

new Neural Architecture Search for Sentence Classification with BERT

Authors: Philip Kenneweg, Sarah Schr\"oder, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Pre training of language models on large text corpora is common practice in Natural Language Processing. Following, fine tuning of these models is performed to achieve the best results on a variety of tasks. In this paper we question the common practice of only adding a single output layer as a classification head on top of the network. We perform an AutoML search to find architectures that outperform the current single layer at only a small compute cost. We validate our classification architecture on a variety of NLP benchmarks from the GLUE dataset.

new INEXA: Interactive and Explainable Process Model Abstraction Through Object-Centric Process Mining

Authors: Janik-Vasily Benzin, Gyunam Park, Juergen Mangler, Stefanie Rinderle-Ma

Abstract: Process events are recorded by multiple information systems at different granularity levels. Based on the resulting event logs, process models are discovered at different granularity levels, as well. Events stored at a fine-grained granularity level, for example, may hinder the discovered process model to be displayed due the high number of resulting model elements. The discovered process model of a real-world manufacturing process, for example, consists of 1,489 model elements and over 2,000 arcs. Existing process model abstraction techniques could help reducing the size of the model, but would disconnect it from the underlying event log. Existing event abstraction techniques do neither support the analysis of mixed granularity levels, nor interactive exploration of a suitable granularity level. To enable the exploration of discovered process models at different granularity levels, we propose INEXA, an interactive, explainable process model abstraction method that keeps the link to the event log. As a starting point, INEXA aggregates large process models to a "displayable" size, e.g., for the manufacturing use case to a process model with 58 model elements. Then, the process analyst can explore granularity levels interactively, while applied abstractions are automatically traced in the event log for explainability.

new Probabilistic Model Checking of Stochastic Reinforcement Learning Policies

Authors: Dennis Gross, Helge Spieker

Abstract: We introduce a method to verify stochastic reinforcement learning (RL) policies. This approach is compatible with any RL algorithm as long as the algorithm and its corresponding environment collectively adhere to the Markov property. In this setting, the future state of the environment should depend solely on its current state and the action executed, independent of any previous states or actions. Our method integrates a verification technique, referred to as model checking, with RL, leveraging a Markov decision process, a trained RL policy, and a probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL) formula to build a formal model that can be subsequently verified via the model checker Storm. We demonstrate our method's applicability across multiple benchmarks, comparing it to baseline methods called deterministic safety estimates and naive monolithic model checking. Our results show that our method is suited to verify stochastic RL policies.

new Enhancing Manufacturing Quality Prediction Models through the Integration of Explainability Methods

Authors: Dennis Gross, Helge Spieker, Arnaud Gotlieb, Ricardo Knoblauch

Abstract: This research presents a method that utilizes explainability techniques to amplify the performance of machine learning (ML) models in forecasting the quality of milling processes, as demonstrated in this paper through a manufacturing use case. The methodology entails the initial training of ML models, followed by a fine-tuning phase where irrelevant features identified through explainability methods are eliminated. This procedural refinement results in performance enhancements, paving the way for potential reductions in manufacturing costs and a better understanding of the trained ML models. This study highlights the usefulness of explainability techniques in both explaining and optimizing predictive models in the manufacturing realm.

cross Fake or JPEG? Revealing Common Biases in Generated Image Detection Datasets

Authors: Patrick Grommelt, Louis Weiss, Franz-Josef Pfreundt, Janis Keuper

Abstract: The widespread adoption of generative image models has highlighted the urgent need to detect artificial content, which is a crucial step in combating widespread manipulation and misinformation. Consequently, numerous detectors and associated datasets have emerged. However, many of these datasets inadvertently introduce undesirable biases, thereby impacting the effectiveness and evaluation of detectors. In this paper, we emphasize that many datasets for AI-generated image detection contain biases related to JPEG compression and image size. Using the GenImage dataset, we demonstrate that detectors indeed learn from these undesired factors. Furthermore, we show that removing the named biases substantially increases robustness to JPEG compression and significantly alters the cross-generator performance of evaluated detectors. Specifically, it leads to more than 11 percentage points increase in cross-generator performance for ResNet50 and Swin-T detectors on the GenImage dataset, achieving state-of-the-art results. We provide the dataset and source codes of this paper on the anonymous website:


cross A Note On Lookahead In Real Life And Computing

Authors: Burle Sharma, Rakesh Mohanty, Sucheta Panda

Abstract: Past, Present and Future are considered to be three temporal and logical concepts which are well defined by human beings for their existence and growth. We, as human beings, have the privilege of using our intelligence to mentally execute an activity before physical occurrence of the same in the real world. Knowledge of the past, aplomb of present and visualisation for the future correspond to three concepts such as look-back, look-at and look-ahead respectively in real life as well as in diversified domains of computing. Look-Ahead(LA) deals with the future prediction of information and processing of input to produce the output in advance. In this article, our main objective is to learn, understand and explore the concept of LA and design novel models as solution for real world problems. We present three well known algorithmic frameworks used in practice based on availability of input information such as offline, online and semi-online. We introduce interesting real life applications and well known computing problems where LA plays a significant role for making a process, system or algorithm efficient. We define new types of LA and propose a taxonomy for LA based on literature review for designing novel LA models in future. Using the concept of LA, We identify and present many interesting and non-trivial research challenges as future potential research directions. Intuitively, we observe that LA can be used as a powerful tool and framework for future researchers in design of efficient computational models and algorithms for solving non-trivial and challenging optimization problems.

cross Deep Generative Domain Adaptation with Temporal Attention for Cross-User Activity Recognition

Authors: Xiaozhou Ye, Kevin I-Kai Wang

Abstract: In Human Activity Recognition (HAR), a predominant assumption is that the data utilized for training and evaluation purposes are drawn from the same distribution. It is also assumed that all data samples are independent and identically distributed ($\displaystyle i.i.d.$). Contrarily, practical implementations often challenge this notion, manifesting data distribution discrepancies, especially in scenarios such as cross-user HAR. Domain adaptation is the promising approach to address these challenges inherent in cross-user HAR tasks. However, a clear gap in domain adaptation techniques is the neglect of the temporal relation embedded within time series data during the phase of aligning data distributions. Addressing this oversight, our research presents the Deep Generative Domain Adaptation with Temporal Attention (DGDATA) method. This novel method uniquely recognises and integrates temporal relations during the domain adaptation process. By synergizing the capabilities of generative models with the Temporal Relation Attention mechanism, our method improves the classification performance in cross-user HAR. A comprehensive evaluation has been conducted on three public sensor-based HAR datasets targeting different scenarios and applications to demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed DGDATA method.

cross Holographic Global Convolutional Networks for Long-Range Prediction Tasks in Malware Detection

Authors: Mohammad Mahmudul Alam, Edward Raff, Stella Biderman, Tim Oates, James Holt

Abstract: Malware detection is an interesting and valuable domain to work in because it has significant real-world impact and unique machine-learning challenges. We investigate existing long-range techniques and benchmarks and find that they're not very suitable in this problem area. In this paper, we introduce Holographic Global Convolutional Networks (HGConv) that utilize the properties of Holographic Reduced Representations (HRR) to encode and decode features from sequence elements. Unlike other global convolutional methods, our method does not require any intricate kernel computation or crafted kernel design. HGConv kernels are defined as simple parameters learned through backpropagation. The proposed method has achieved new SOTA results on Microsoft Malware Classification Challenge, Drebin, and EMBER malware benchmarks. With log-linear complexity in sequence length, the empirical results demonstrate substantially faster run-time by HGConv compared to other methods achieving far more efficient scaling even with sequence length $\geq 100,000$.

cross Interpretable cancer cell detection with phonon microscopy using multi-task conditional neural networks for inter-batch calibration

Authors: Yijie Zheng, Rafael Fuentes-Dominguez, Matt Clark, George S. D. Gordon, Fernando Perez-Cota

Abstract: Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) show great potential in revealing underlying information from phonon microscopy (high-frequency ultrasound) data to identify cancerous cells. However, this technology suffers from the 'batch effect' that comes from unavoidable technical variations between each experiment, creating confounding variables that the AI model may inadvertently learn. We therefore present a multi-task conditional neural network framework to simultaneously achieve inter-batch calibration, by removing confounding variables, and accurate cell classification of time-resolved phonon-derived signals. We validate our approach by training and validating on different experimental batches, achieving a balanced precision of 89.22% and an average cross-validated precision of 89.07% for classifying background, healthy and cancerous regions. Classification can be performed in 0.5 seconds with only simple prior batch information required for multiple batch corrections. Further, we extend our model to reconstruct denoised signals, enabling physical interpretation of salient features indicating disease state including sound velocity, sound attenuation and cell-adhesion to substrate.

cross Mixing Artificial and Natural Intelligence: From Statistical Mechanics to AI and Back to Turbulence

Authors: Michael (Misha), Chertkov

Abstract: The paper reflects on the future role of AI in scientific research, with a special focus on turbulence studies, and examines the evolution of AI, particularly through Diffusion Models rooted in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. It underscores the significant impact of AI on advancing reduced, Lagrangian models of turbulence through innovative use of deep neural networks. Additionally, the paper reviews various other AI applications in turbulence research and outlines potential challenges and opportunities in the concurrent advancement of AI and statistical hydrodynamics. This discussion sets the stage for a future where AI and turbulence research are intricately intertwined, leading to more profound insights and advancements in both fields.

cross Semi-Supervised Image Captioning Considering Wasserstein Graph Matching

Authors: Yang Yang

Abstract: Image captioning can automatically generate captions for the given images, and the key challenge is to learn a mapping function from visual features to natural language features. Existing approaches are mostly supervised ones, i.e., each image has a corresponding sentence in the training set. However, considering that describing images always requires a huge of manpower, we usually have limited amount of described images (i.e., image-text pairs) and a large number of undescribed images in real-world applications. Thereby, a dilemma is the "Semi-Supervised Image Captioning". To solve this problem, we propose a novel Semi-Supervised Image Captioning method considering Wasserstein Graph Matching (SSIC-WGM), which turns to adopt the raw image inputs to supervise the generated sentences. Different from traditional single modal semi-supervised methods, the difficulty of semi-supervised cross-modal learning lies in constructing intermediately comparable information among heterogeneous modalities. In this paper, SSIC-WGM adopts the successful scene graphs as intermediate information, and constrains the generated sentences from two aspects: 1) inter-modal consistency. SSIC-WGM constructs the scene graphs of the raw image and generated sentence respectively, then employs the wasserstein distance to better measure the similarity between region embeddings of different graphs. 2) intra-modal consistency. SSIC-WGM takes the data augmentation techniques for the raw images, then constrains the consistency among augmented images and generated sentences. Consequently, SSIC-WGM combines the cross-modal pseudo supervision and structure invariant measure for efficiently using the undescribed images, and learns more reasonable mapping function.

cross Improving Pre-trained Language Model Sensitivity via Mask Specific losses: A case study on Biomedical NER

Authors: Micheal Abaho, Danushka Bollegala, Gary Leeming, Dan Joyce, Iain E Buchan

Abstract: Adapting language models (LMs) to novel domains is often achieved through fine-tuning a pre-trained LM (PLM) on domain-specific data. Fine-tuning introduces new knowledge into an LM, enabling it to comprehend and efficiently perform a target domain task. Fine-tuning can however be inadvertently insensitive if it ignores the wide array of disparities (e.g in word meaning) between source and target domains. For instance, words such as chronic and pressure may be treated lightly in social conversations, however, clinically, these words are usually an expression of concern. To address insensitive fine-tuning, we propose Mask Specific Language Modeling (MSLM), an approach that efficiently acquires target domain knowledge by appropriately weighting the importance of domain-specific terms (DS-terms) during fine-tuning. MSLM jointly masks DS-terms and generic words, then learns mask-specific losses by ensuring LMs incur larger penalties for inaccurately predicting DS-terms compared to generic words. Results of our analysis show that MSLM improves LMs sensitivity and detection of DS-terms. We empirically show that an optimal masking rate not only depends on the LM, but also on the dataset and the length of sequences. Our proposed masking strategy outperforms advanced masking strategies such as span- and PMI-based masking.

cross Predicting species occurrence patterns from partial observations

Authors: Hager Radi Abdelwahed, M\'elisande Teng, David Rolnick

Abstract: To address the interlinked biodiversity and climate crises, we need an understanding of where species occur and how these patterns are changing. However, observational data on most species remains very limited, and the amount of data available varies greatly between taxonomic groups. We introduce the problem of predicting species occurrence patterns given (a) satellite imagery, and (b) known information on the occurrence of other species. To evaluate algorithms on this task, we introduce SatButterfly, a dataset of satellite images, environmental data and observational data for butterflies, which is designed to pair with the existing SatBird dataset of bird observational data. To address this task, we propose a general model, R-Tran, for predicting species occurrence patterns that enables the use of partial observational data wherever found. We find that R-Tran outperforms other methods in predicting species encounter rates with partial information both within a taxon (birds) and across taxa (birds and butterflies). Our approach opens new perspectives to leveraging insights from species with abundant data to other species with scarce data, by modelling the ecosystems in which they co-occur.

cross Supervisory Prompt Training

Authors: Jean Ghislain Billa, Min Oh, Liang Du

Abstract: The performance of Large Language Models (LLMs) relies heavily on the quality of prompts, which are often manually engineered and task-specific, making them costly and non-scalable. We propose a novel approach, Supervisory Prompt Training (SPT). SPT automates the generation of highly effective prompts using a dual LLM system. In this system, one LLM, the generator, performs a task while the other, the corrector, provides feedback and generates improved prompts. In contrast to earlier techniques, both the generator and corrector collaboratively and continuously improve their prompts over time. We also introduce the concept of \textit{impact scores} to measure the sentence-level effectiveness of the prompts. Our method was tested on four benchmarks, testing the level of hallucinations in LLMs. Notably, we were able to increase the accuracy of GPT-4 on GSM8K from 65.8\% to 94.1\% (28.3\% increase). SPT advances LLMs by refining prompts to enhance performance and reduce hallucinations, offering an efficient and scalable alternative to traditional model fine-tuning.

cross COIG-CQIA: Quality is All You Need for Chinese Instruction Fine-tuning

Authors: Yuelin Bai, Xinrun Du, Yiming Liang, Yonggang Jin, Ziqiang Liu, Junting Zhou, Tianyu Zheng, Xincheng Zhang, Nuo Ma, Zekun Wang, Ruibin Yuan, Haihong Wu, Hongquan Lin, Wenhao Huang, Jiajun Zhang, Wenhu Chen, Chenghua Lin, Jie Fu, Min Yang, Shiwen Ni, Ge Zhang

Abstract: Recently, there have been significant advancements in large language models (LLMs), particularly focused on the English language. These advancements have enabled these LLMs to understand and execute complex instructions with unprecedented accuracy and fluency. However, despite these advancements, there remains a noticeable gap in the development of Chinese instruction tuning. The unique linguistic features and cultural depth of the Chinese language pose challenges for instruction tuning tasks. Existing datasets are either derived from English-centric LLMs or are ill-suited for aligning with the interaction patterns of real-world Chinese users. To bridge this gap, we introduce COIG-CQIA, a high-quality Chinese instruction tuning dataset. Our aim is to build a diverse, wide-ranging instruction-tuning dataset to better align model behavior with human interactions. To this end, we collect a high-quality human-written corpus from various sources on the Chinese Internet, including Q&A communities, Wikis, examinations, and existing NLP datasets. This corpus was rigorously filtered and carefully processed to form the COIG-CQIA dataset. Furthermore, we train models of various scales on different subsets of CQIA, following in-depth evaluation and analyses. The findings from our experiments offer valuable insights for selecting and developing Chinese instruction-tuning datasets. We also find that models trained on CQIA-Subset achieve competitive results in human assessment as well as knowledge and security benchmarks. Data are available at


cross ShapeGrasp: Zero-Shot Task-Oriented Grasping with Large Language Models through Geometric Decomposition

Authors: Samuel Li, Sarthak Bhagat, Joseph Campbell, Yaqi Xie, Woojun Kim, Katia Sycara, Simon Stepputtis

Abstract: Task-oriented grasping of unfamiliar objects is a necessary skill for robots in dynamic in-home environments. Inspired by the human capability to grasp such objects through intuition about their shape and structure, we present a novel zero-shot task-oriented grasping method leveraging a geometric decomposition of the target object into simple, convex shapes that we represent in a graph structure, including geometric attributes and spatial relationships. Our approach employs minimal essential information - the object's name and the intended task - to facilitate zero-shot task-oriented grasping. We utilize the commonsense reasoning capabilities of large language models to dynamically assign semantic meaning to each decomposed part and subsequently reason over the utility of each part for the intended task. Through extensive experiments on a real-world robotics platform, we demonstrate that our grasping approach's decomposition and reasoning pipeline is capable of selecting the correct part in 92% of the cases and successfully grasping the object in 82% of the tasks we evaluate. Additional videos, experiments, code, and data are available on our project website:


cross Spectral Convolutional Transformer: Harmonizing Real vs. Complex Multi-View Spectral Operators for Vision Transformer

Authors: Badri N. Patro, Vinay P. Namboodiri, Vijay S. Agneeswaran

Abstract: Transformers used in vision have been investigated through diverse architectures - ViT, PVT, and Swin. These have worked to improve the attention mechanism and make it more efficient. Differently, the need for including local information was felt, leading to incorporating convolutions in transformers such as CPVT and CvT. Global information is captured using a complex Fourier basis to achieve global token mixing through various methods, such as AFNO, GFNet, and Spectformer. We advocate combining three diverse views of data - local, global, and long-range dependence. We also investigate the simplest global representation using only the real domain spectral representation - obtained through the Hartley transform. We use a convolutional operator in the initial layers to capture local information. Through these two contributions, we are able to optimize and obtain a spectral convolution transformer (SCT) that provides improved performance over the state-of-the-art methods while reducing the number of parameters. Through extensive experiments, we show that SCT-C-small gives state-of-the-art performance on the ImageNet dataset and reaches 84.5\% top-1 accuracy, while SCT-C-Large reaches 85.9\% and SCT-C-Huge reaches 86.4\%. We evaluate SCT on transfer learning on datasets such as CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Oxford Flower, and Stanford Car. We also evaluate SCT on downstream tasks i.e. instance segmentation on the MSCOCO dataset. The project page is available on this webpage.\url{}


cross State of the art applications of deep learning within tracking and detecting marine debris: A survey

Authors: Zoe Moorton, Dr. Zeyneb Kurt, Dr. Wai Lok Woo

Abstract: Deep learning techniques have been explored within the marine litter problem for approximately 20 years but the majority of the research has developed rapidly in the last five years. We provide an in-depth, up to date, summary and analysis of 28 of the most recent and significant contributions of deep learning in marine debris. From cross referencing the research paper results, the YOLO family significantly outperforms all other methods of object detection but there are many respected contributions to this field that have categorically agreed that a comprehensive database of underwater debris is not currently available for machine learning. Using a small dataset curated and labelled by us, we tested YOLOv5 on a binary classification task and found the accuracy was low and the rate of false positives was high; highlighting the importance of a comprehensive database. We conclude this survey with over 40 future research recommendations and open challenges.

cross Paths to Equilibrium in Normal-Form Games

Authors: Bora Yongacoglu, G\"urdal Arslan, Lacra Pavel, Serdar Y\"uksel

Abstract: In multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL), agents repeatedly interact across time and revise their strategies as new data arrives, producing a sequence of strategy profiles. This paper studies sequences of strategies satisfying a pairwise constraint inspired by policy updating in reinforcement learning, where an agent who is best responding in period $t$ does not switch its strategy in the next period $t+1$. This constraint merely requires that optimizing agents do not switch strategies, but does not constrain the other non-optimizing agents in any way, and thus allows for exploration. Sequences with this property are called satisficing paths, and arise naturally in many MARL algorithms. A fundamental question about strategic dynamics is such: for a given game and initial strategy profile, is it always possible to construct a satisficing path that terminates at an equilibrium strategy? The resolution of this question has implications about the capabilities or limitations of a class of MARL algorithms. We answer this question in the affirmative for mixed extensions of finite normal-form games.%

cross Enhancing Legal Document Retrieval: A Multi-Phase Approach with Large Language Models

Authors: Hai-Long Nguyen, Duc-Minh Nguyen, Tan-Minh Nguyen, Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Thi-Hai-Yen Vuong, Ken Satoh

Abstract: Large language models with billions of parameters, such as GPT-3.5, GPT-4, and LLaMA, are increasingly prevalent. Numerous studies have explored effective prompting techniques to harness the power of these LLMs for various research problems. Retrieval, specifically in the legal data domain, poses a challenging task for the direct application of Prompting techniques due to the large number and substantial length of legal articles. This research focuses on maximizing the potential of prompting by placing it as the final phase of the retrieval system, preceded by the support of two phases: BM25 Pre-ranking and BERT-based Re-ranking. Experiments on the COLIEE 2023 dataset demonstrate that integrating prompting techniques on LLMs into the retrieval system significantly improves retrieval accuracy. However, error analysis reveals several existing issues in the retrieval system that still need resolution.

cross GPTs and Language Barrier: A Cross-Lingual Legal QA Examination

Authors: Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Hiroaki Yamada, Ken Satoh

Abstract: In this paper, we explore the application of Generative Pre-trained Transformers (GPTs) in cross-lingual legal Question-Answering (QA) systems using the COLIEE Task 4 dataset. In the COLIEE Task 4, given a statement and a set of related legal articles that serve as context, the objective is to determine whether the statement is legally valid, i.e., if it can be inferred from the provided contextual articles or not, which is also known as an entailment task. By benchmarking four different combinations of English and Japanese prompts and data, we provide valuable insights into GPTs' performance in multilingual legal QA scenarios, contributing to the development of more efficient and accurate cross-lingual QA solutions in the legal domain.

cross Large Language Models for Education: A Survey and Outlook

Authors: Shen Wang, Tianlong Xu, Hang Li, Chaoli Zhang, Joleen Liang, Jiliang Tang, Philip S. Yu, Qingsong Wen

Abstract: The advent of Large Language Models (LLMs) has brought in a new era of possibilities in the realm of education. This survey paper summarizes the various technologies of LLMs in educational settings from multifaceted perspectives, encompassing student and teacher assistance, adaptive learning, and commercial tools. We systematically review the technological advancements in each perspective, organize related datasets and benchmarks, and identify the risks and challenges associated with deploying LLMs in education. Furthermore, we outline future research opportunities, highlighting the potential promising directions. Our survey aims to provide a comprehensive technological picture for educators, researchers, and policymakers to harness the power of LLMs to revolutionize educational practices and foster a more effective personalized learning environment.

cross QuakeSet: A Dataset and Low-Resource Models to Monitor Earthquakes through Sentinel-1

Authors: Daniele Rege Cambrin, Paolo Garza

Abstract: Earthquake monitoring is necessary to promptly identify the affected areas, the severity of the events, and, finally, to estimate damages and plan the actions needed for the restoration process. The use of seismic stations to monitor the strength and origin of earthquakes is limited when dealing with remote areas (we cannot have global capillary coverage). Identification and analysis of all affected areas is mandatory to support areas not monitored by traditional stations. Using social media images in crisis management has proven effective in various situations. However, they are still limited by the possibility of using communication infrastructures in case of an earthquake and by the presence of people in the area. Moreover, social media images and messages cannot be used to estimate the actual severity of earthquakes and their characteristics effectively. The employment of satellites to monitor changes around the globe grants the possibility of exploiting instrumentation that is not limited by the visible spectrum, the presence of land infrastructures, and people in the affected areas. In this work, we propose a new dataset composed of images taken from Sentinel-1 and a new series of tasks to help monitor earthquakes from a new detailed view. Coupled with the data, we provide a series of traditional machine learning and deep learning models as baselines to assess the effectiveness of ML-based models in earthquake analysis.

cross Recommendation of data-free class-incremental learning algorithms by simulating future data

Authors: Eva Feillet, Adrian Popescu, C\'eline Hudelot

Abstract: Class-incremental learning deals with sequential data streams composed of batches of classes. Various algorithms have been proposed to address the challenging case where samples from past classes cannot be stored. However, selecting an appropriate algorithm for a user-defined setting is an open problem, as the relative performance of these algorithms depends on the incremental settings. To solve this problem, we introduce an algorithm recommendation method that simulates the future data stream. Given an initial set of classes, it leverages generative models to simulate future classes from the same visual domain. We evaluate recent algorithms on the simulated stream and recommend the one which performs best in the user-defined incremental setting. We illustrate the effectiveness of our method on three large datasets using six algorithms and six incremental settings. Our method outperforms competitive baselines, and performance is close to that of an oracle choosing the best algorithm in each setting. This work contributes to facilitate the practical deployment of incremental learning.

cross AE SemRL: Learning Semantic Association Rules with Autoencoders

Authors: Erkan Karabulut, Victoria Degeler, Paul Groth

Abstract: Association Rule Mining (ARM) is the task of learning associations among data features in the form of logical rules. Mining association rules from high-dimensional numerical data, for example, time series data from a large number of sensors in a smart environment, is a computationally intensive task. In this study, we propose an Autoencoder-based approach to learn and extract association rules from time series data (AE SemRL). Moreover, we argue that in the presence of semantic information related to time series data sources, semantics can facilitate learning generalizable and explainable association rules. Despite enriching time series data with additional semantic features, AE SemRL makes learning association rules from high-dimensional data feasible. Our experiments show that semantic association rules can be extracted from a latent representation created by an Autoencoder and this method has in the order of hundreds of times faster execution time than state-of-the-art ARM approaches in many scenarios. We believe that this study advances a new way of extracting associations from representations and has the potential to inspire more research in this field.

cross Securing GNNs: Explanation-Based Identification of Backdoored Training Graphs

Authors: Jane Downer, Ren Wang, Binghui Wang

Abstract: Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have gained popularity in numerous domains, yet they are vulnerable to backdoor attacks that can compromise their performance and ethical application. The detection of these attacks is crucial for maintaining the reliability and security of GNN classification tasks, but effective detection techniques are lacking. Following an initial investigation, we observed that while graph-level explanations can offer limited insights, their effectiveness in detecting backdoor triggers is inconsistent and incomplete. To bridge this gap, we extract and transform secondary outputs of GNN explanation mechanisms, designing seven novel metrics that more effectively detect backdoor attacks. Additionally, we develop an adaptive attack to rigorously evaluate our approach. We test our method on multiple benchmark datasets and examine its efficacy against various attack models. Our results show that our method can achieve high detection performance, marking a significant advancement in safeguarding GNNs against backdoor attacks.

cross Juru: Legal Brazilian Large Language Model from Reputable Sources

Authors: Roseval Malaquias Junior, Ramon Pires, Roseli Romero, Rodrigo Nogueira

Abstract: The high computational cost associated with pretraining large language models limits their research. Two strategies have emerged to address this issue: domain specialization and pretraining with high-quality data. To explore these strategies, we specialized the Sabi\'a-2 Small model with 1.9 billion unique tokens from reputable Brazilian legal sources and conducted few-shot evaluations on legal and general knowledge exams. Our model, Juru, demonstrates the benefits of domain specialization with a reduced amount of pretraining data. However, this specialization comes at the expense of degrading performance in other knowledge areas within the same language. This study contributes to the growing body of scientific evidence showing that pretraining data selection may enhance the performance of large language models, enabling the exploration of these models at a lower cost.

cross Large Language Models Produce Responses Perceived to be Empathic

Authors: Yoon Kyung Lee, Jina Suh, Hongli Zhan, Junyi Jessy Li, Desmond C. Ong

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated surprising performance on many tasks, including writing supportive messages that display empathy. Here, we had these models generate empathic messages in response to posts describing common life experiences, such as workplace situations, parenting, relationships, and other anxiety- and anger-eliciting situations. Across two studies (N=192, 202), we showed human raters a variety of responses written by several models (GPT4 Turbo, Llama2, and Mistral), and had people rate these responses on how empathic they seemed to be. We found that LLM-generated responses were consistently rated as more empathic than human-written responses. Linguistic analyses also show that these models write in distinct, predictable ``styles", in terms of their use of punctuation, emojis, and certain words. These results highlight the potential of using LLMs to enhance human peer support in contexts where empathy is important.

cross Oh! We Freeze: Improving Quantized Knowledge Distillation via Signal Propagation Analysis for Large Language Models

Authors: Kartikeya Bhardwaj, Nilesh Prasad Pandey, Sweta Priyadarshi, Kyunggeun Lee, Jun Ma, Harris Teague

Abstract: Large generative models, such as large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models have as revolutionized the fields of NLP and computer vision respectively. However, their slow inference, high computation and memory requirement makes it challenging to deploy them on edge devices. In this study, we propose a light-weight quantization aware fine tuning technique using knowledge distillation (KD-QAT) to improve the performance of 4-bit weight quantized LLMs using commonly available datasets to realize a popular language use case, on device chat applications. To improve this paradigm of finetuning, as main contributions, we provide insights into stability of KD-QAT by empirically studying the gradient propagation during training to better understand the vulnerabilities of KD-QAT based approaches to low-bit quantization errors. Based on our insights, we propose ov-freeze, a simple technique to stabilize the KD-QAT process. Finally, we experiment with the popular 7B LLaMAv2-Chat model at 4-bit quantization level and demonstrate that ov-freeze results in near float-point precision performance, i.e., less than 0.7% loss of accuracy on Commonsense Reasoning benchmarks.

cross Mechanisms of non-factual hallucinations in language models

Authors: Lei Yu, Meng Cao, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung, Yue Dong

Abstract: State-of-the-art language models (LMs) sometimes generate non-factual hallucinations that misalign with world knowledge. Despite extensive efforts to detect and mitigate hallucinations, understanding their internal mechanisms remains elusive. Our study investigates the mechanistic causes of hallucination, specifically non-factual ones where the LM incorrectly predicts object attributes in response to subject-relation queries. With causal mediation analysis and embedding space projection, we identify two general mechanistic causes of hallucinations shared across LMs of various scales and designs: 1) insufficient subject attribute knowledge in lower layer MLPs, and 2) failing to select the correct object attribute in upper layer attention heads and MLPs. These two mechanisms exhibit varying degrees of subject-object association, predictive uncertainty and perturbation robustness. Additionally, we scrutinize LM pre-training checkpoints, revealing distinct learning dynamics for the two mechanistic causes of hallucinations. We also highlight how attribution features from our causal analysis can effectively construct hallucination detectors. Our work proposes a mechanistic understanding of LM factual errors.

cross SCANet: Correcting LEGO Assembly Errors with Self-Correct Assembly Network

Authors: Yuxuan Wan, Kaichen Zhou, jinhong Chen, Hao Dong

Abstract: Autonomous assembly in robotics and 3D vision presents significant challenges, particularly in ensuring assembly correctness. Presently, predominant methods such as MEPNet focus on assembling components based on manually provided images. However, these approaches often fall short in achieving satisfactory results for tasks requiring long-term planning. Concurrently, we observe that integrating a self-correction module can partially alleviate such issues. Motivated by this concern, we introduce the single-step assembly error correction task, which involves identifying and rectifying misassembled components. To support research in this area, we present the LEGO Error Correction Assembly Dataset (LEGO-ECA), comprising manual images for assembly steps and instances of assembly failures. Additionally, we propose the Self-Correct Assembly Network (SCANet), a novel method to address this task. SCANet treats assembled components as queries, determining their correctness in manual images and providing corrections when necessary. Finally, we utilize SCANet to correct the assembly results of MEPNet. Experimental results demonstrate that SCANet can identify and correct MEPNet's misassembled results, significantly improving the correctness of assembly. Our code and dataset are available at


cross Looking Beyond What You See: An Empirical Analysis on Subgroup Intersectional Fairness for Multi-label Chest X-ray Classification Using Social Determinants of Racial Health Inequities

Authors: Dana Moukheiber, Saurabh Mahindre, Lama Moukheiber, Mira Moukheiber, Mingchen Gao

Abstract: There has been significant progress in implementing deep learning models in disease diagnosis using chest X- rays. Despite these advancements, inherent biases in these models can lead to disparities in prediction accuracy across protected groups. In this study, we propose a framework to achieve accurate diagnostic outcomes and ensure fairness across intersectional groups in high-dimensional chest X- ray multi-label classification. Transcending traditional protected attributes, we consider complex interactions within social determinants, enabling a more granular benchmark and evaluation of fairness. We present a simple and robust method that involves retraining the last classification layer of pre-trained models using a balanced dataset across groups. Additionally, we account for fairness constraints and integrate class-balanced fine-tuning for multi-label settings. The evaluation of our method on the MIMIC-CXR dataset demonstrates that our framework achieves an optimal tradeoff between accuracy and fairness compared to baseline methods.

cross An Evolutionary Network Architecture Search Framework with Adaptive Multimodal Fusion for Hand Gesture Recognition

Authors: Yizhang Xia, Shihao Song, Zhanglu Hou, Junwen Xu, Juan Zou, Yuan Liu, Shengxiang Yang

Abstract: Hand gesture recognition (HGR) based on multimodal data has attracted considerable attention owing to its great potential in applications. Various manually designed multimodal deep networks have performed well in multimodal HGR (MHGR), but most of existing algorithms require a lot of expert experience and time-consuming manual trials. To address these issues, we propose an evolutionary network architecture search framework with the adaptive multimodel fusion (AMF-ENAS). Specifically, we design an encoding space that simultaneously considers fusion positions and ratios of the multimodal data, allowing for the automatic construction of multimodal networks with different architectures through decoding. Additionally, we consider three input streams corresponding to intra-modal surface electromyography (sEMG), intra-modal accelerometer (ACC), and inter-modal sEMG-ACC. To automatically adapt to various datasets, the ENAS framework is designed to automatically search a MHGR network with appropriate fusion positions and ratios. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that ENAS has been utilized in MHGR to tackle issues related to the fusion position and ratio of multimodal data. Experimental results demonstrate that AMF-ENAS achieves state-of-the-art performance on the Ninapro DB2, DB3, and DB7 datasets.

cross Long and Short-Term Constraints Driven Safe Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving

Authors: Xuemin Hu, Pan Chen, Yijun Wen, Bo Tang, Long Chen

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) has been widely used in decision-making tasks, but it cannot guarantee the agent's safety in the training process due to the requirements of interaction with the environment, which seriously limits its industrial applications such as autonomous driving. Safe RL methods are developed to handle this issue by constraining the expected safety violation costs as a training objective, but they still permit unsafe state occurrence, which is unacceptable in autonomous driving tasks. Moreover, these methods are difficult to achieve a balance between the cost and return expectations, which leads to learning performance degradation for the algorithms. In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm based on the long and short-term constraints (LSTC) for safe RL. The short-term constraint aims to guarantee the short-term state safety that the vehicle explores, while the long-term constraint ensures the overall safety of the vehicle throughout the decision-making process. In addition, we develop a safe RL method with dual-constraint optimization based on the Lagrange multiplier to optimize the training process for end-to-end autonomous driving. Comprehensive experiments were conducted on the MetaDrive simulator. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method achieves higher safety in continuous state and action tasks, and exhibits higher exploration performance in long-distance decision-making tasks compared with state-of-the-art methods.

cross Preference-Based Planning in Stochastic Environments: From Partially-Ordered Temporal Goals to Most Preferred Policies

Authors: Hazhar Rahmani, Abhishek N. Kulkarni, Jie Fu

Abstract: Human preferences are not always represented via complete linear orders: It is natural to employ partially-ordered preferences for expressing incomparable outcomes. In this work, we consider decision-making and probabilistic planning in stochastic systems modeled as Markov decision processes (MDPs), given a partially ordered preference over a set of temporally extended goals. Specifically, each temporally extended goal is expressed using a formula in Linear Temporal Logic on Finite Traces (LTL$_f$). To plan with the partially ordered preference, we introduce order theory to map a preference over temporal goals to a preference over policies for the MDP. Accordingly, a most preferred policy under a stochastic ordering induces a stochastic nondominated probability distribution over the finite paths in the MDP. To synthesize a most preferred policy, our technical approach includes two key steps. In the first step, we develop a procedure to transform a partially ordered preference over temporal goals into a computational model, called preference automaton, which is a semi-automaton with a partial order over acceptance conditions. In the second step, we prove that finding a most preferred policy is equivalent to computing a Pareto-optimal policy in a multi-objective MDP that is constructed from the original MDP, the preference automaton, and the chosen stochastic ordering relation. Throughout the paper, we employ running examples to illustrate the proposed preference specification and solution approaches. We demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm using these examples, providing detailed analysis, and then discuss several potential future directions.

cross From Two-Dimensional to Three-Dimensional Environment with Q-Learning: Modeling Autonomous Navigation with Reinforcement Learning and no Libraries

Authors: Ergon Cugler de Moraes Silva

Abstract: Reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms have become indispensable tools in artificial intelligence, empowering agents to acquire optimal decision-making policies through interactions with their environment and feedback mechanisms. This study explores the performance of RL agents in both two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) environments, aiming to research the dynamics of learning across different spatial dimensions. A key aspect of this investigation is the absence of pre-made libraries for learning, with the algorithm developed exclusively through computational mathematics. The methodological framework centers on RL principles, employing a Q-learning agent class and distinct environment classes tailored to each spatial dimension. The research aims to address the question: How do reinforcement learning agents adapt and perform in environments of varying spatial dimensions, particularly in 2D and 3D settings? Through empirical analysis, the study evaluates agents' learning trajectories and adaptation processes, revealing insights into the efficacy of RL algorithms in navigating complex, multi-dimensional spaces. Reflections on the findings prompt considerations for future research, particularly in understanding the dynamics of learning in higher-dimensional environments.

cross A Transformer-Based Framework for Payload Malware Detection and Classification

Authors: Kyle Stein, Arash Mahyari, Guillermo Francia III, Eman El-Sheikh

Abstract: As malicious cyber threats become more sophisticated in breaching computer networks, the need for effective intrusion detection systems (IDSs) becomes crucial. Techniques such as Deep Packet Inspection (DPI) have been introduced to allow IDSs analyze the content of network packets, providing more context for identifying potential threats. IDSs traditionally rely on using anomaly-based and signature-based detection techniques to detect unrecognized and suspicious activity. Deep learning techniques have shown great potential in DPI for IDSs due to their efficiency in learning intricate patterns from the packet content being transmitted through the network. In this paper, we propose a revolutionary DPI algorithm based on transformers adapted for the purpose of detecting malicious traffic with a classifier head. Transformers learn the complex content of sequence data and generalize them well to similar scenarios thanks to their self-attention mechanism. Our proposed method uses the raw payload bytes that represent the packet contents and is deployed as man-in-the-middle. The payload bytes are used to detect malicious packets and classify their types. Experimental results on the UNSW-NB15 and CIC-IOT23 datasets demonstrate that our transformer-based model is effective in distinguishing malicious from benign traffic in the test dataset, attaining an average accuracy of 79\% using binary classification and 72\% on the multi-classification experiment, both using solely payload bytes.

cross NeuSDFusion: A Spatial-Aware Generative Model for 3D Shape Completion, Reconstruction, and Generation

Authors: Ruikai Cui, Weizhe Liu, Weixuan Sun, Senbo Wang, Taizhang Shang, Yang Li, Xibin Song, Han Yan, Zhennan Wu, Shenzhou Chen, Hongdong Li, Pan Ji

Abstract: 3D shape generation aims to produce innovative 3D content adhering to specific conditions and constraints. Existing methods often decompose 3D shapes into a sequence of localized components, treating each element in isolation without considering spatial consistency. As a result, these approaches exhibit limited versatility in 3D data representation and shape generation, hindering their ability to generate highly diverse 3D shapes that comply with the specified constraints. In this paper, we introduce a novel spatial-aware 3D shape generation framework that leverages 2D plane representations for enhanced 3D shape modeling. To ensure spatial coherence and reduce memory usage, we incorporate a hybrid shape representation technique that directly learns a continuous signed distance field representation of the 3D shape using orthogonal 2D planes. Additionally, we meticulously enforce spatial correspondences across distinct planes using a transformer-based autoencoder structure, promoting the preservation of spatial relationships in the generated 3D shapes. This yields an algorithm that consistently outperforms state-of-the-art 3D shape generation methods on various tasks, including unconditional shape generation, multi-modal shape completion, single-view reconstruction, and text-to-shape synthesis.

cross Beyond Embeddings: The Promise of Visual Table in Multi-Modal Models

Authors: Yiwu Zhong, Zi-Yuan Hu, Michael R. Lyu, Liwei Wang

Abstract: Visual representation learning has been a cornerstone in computer vision, evolving from supervised learning with human-annotated labels to aligning image-text pairs from the Internet. Despite recent advancements in multi-modal large language models (MLLMs), the visual representations they rely on, such as CLIP embeddings, often lack access to external world knowledge critical for real-world visual reasoning. In this work, we propose Visual Table, a novel visual representation tailored for MLLMs. It provides hierarchical text descriptions of holistic visual scenes, consisting of a scene description and multiple object-centric descriptions that encompass categories, attributes, and knowledge at instance level. We further develop a scalable generator for visual table generation and train it on small-scale annotations from GPT4V. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that, with generated visual tables as additional visual representations, our model can consistently outperform the state-of-the-art (SOTA) MLLMs across diverse benchmarks. When visual tables serve as standalone visual representations, our model can closely match or even beat the SOTA MLLMs that are built on CLIP visual embeddings. Our code is available at


cross Manipulating Neural Path Planners via Slight Perturbations

Authors: Zikang Xiong, Suresh Jagannathan

Abstract: Data-driven neural path planners are attracting increasing interest in the robotics community. However, their neural network components typically come as black boxes, obscuring their underlying decision-making processes. Their black-box nature exposes them to the risk of being compromised via the insertion of hidden malicious behaviors. For example, an attacker may hide behaviors that, when triggered, hijack a delivery robot by guiding it to a specific (albeit wrong) destination, trapping it in a predefined region, or inducing unnecessary energy expenditure by causing the robot to repeatedly circle a region. In this paper, we propose a novel approach to specify and inject a range of hidden malicious behaviors, known as backdoors, into neural path planners. Our approach provides a concise but flexible way to define these behaviors, and we show that hidden behaviors can be triggered by slight perturbations (e.g., inserting a tiny unnoticeable object), that can nonetheless significantly compromise their integrity. We also discuss potential techniques to identify these backdoors aimed at alleviating such risks. We demonstrate our approach on both sampling-based and search-based neural path planners.

cross Enhancing Generative Class Incremental Learning Performance with Model Forgetting Approach

Authors: Taro Togo, Ren Togo, Keisuke Maeda, Takahiro Ogawa, Miki Haseyama

Abstract: This study presents a novel approach to Generative Class Incremental Learning (GCIL) by introducing the forgetting mechanism, aimed at dynamically managing class information for better adaptation to streaming data. GCIL is one of the hot topics in the field of computer vision, and this is considered one of the crucial tasks in society, specifically the continual learning of generative models. The ability to forget is a crucial brain function that facilitates continual learning by selectively discarding less relevant information for humans. However, in the field of machine learning models, the concept of intentionally forgetting has not been extensively investigated. In this study we aim to bridge this gap by incorporating the forgetting mechanisms into GCIL, thereby examining their impact on the models' ability to learn in continual learning. Through our experiments, we have found that integrating the forgetting mechanisms significantly enhances the models' performance in acquiring new knowledge, underscoring the positive role that strategic forgetting plays in the process of continual learning.

cross DSF-GAN: DownStream Feedback Generative Adversarial Network

Authors: Oriel Perets, Nadav Rappoport

Abstract: Utility and privacy are two crucial measurements of the quality of synthetic tabular data. While significant advancements have been made in privacy measures, generating synthetic samples with high utility remains challenging. To enhance the utility of synthetic samples, we propose a novel architecture called the DownStream Feedback Generative Adversarial Network (DSF-GAN). This approach incorporates feedback from a downstream prediction model during training to augment the generator's loss function with valuable information. Thus, DSF-GAN utilizes a downstream prediction task to enhance the utility of synthetic samples. To evaluate our method, we tested it using two popular datasets. Our experiments demonstrate improved model performance when training on synthetic samples generated by DSF-GAN, compared to those generated by the same GAN architecture without feedback. The evaluation was conducted on the same validation set comprising real samples. All code and datasets used in this research will be made openly available for ease of reproduction.

cross Few-Shot Recalibration of Language Models

Authors: Xiang Lisa Li, Urvashi Khandelwal, Kelvin Guu

Abstract: Recent work has uncovered promising ways to extract well-calibrated confidence estimates from language models (LMs), where the model's confidence score reflects how likely it is to be correct. However, while LMs may appear well-calibrated over broad distributions, this often hides significant miscalibration within narrower slices (e.g., systemic over-confidence in math can balance out systemic under-confidence in history, yielding perfect calibration in aggregate). To attain well-calibrated confidence estimates for any slice of a distribution, we propose a new framework for few-shot slice-specific recalibration. Specifically, we train a recalibration model that takes in a few unlabeled examples from any given slice and predicts a curve that remaps confidence scores to be more accurate for that slice. Our trained model can recalibrate for arbitrary new slices, without using any labeled data from that slice. This enables us to identify domain-specific confidence thresholds above which the LM's predictions can be trusted, and below which it should abstain. Experiments show that our few-shot recalibrator consistently outperforms existing calibration methods, for instance improving calibration error for PaLM2-Large on MMLU by 16%, as compared to temperature scaling.

cross GeNet: A Graph Neural Network-based Anti-noise Task-Oriented Semantic Communication Paradigm

Authors: Chunhang Zheng, Kechao Cai

Abstract: Traditional approaches to semantic communication tasks rely on the knowledge of the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) to mitigate channel noise. However, these methods necessitate training under specific SNR conditions, entailing considerable time and computational resources. In this paper, we propose GeNet, a Graph Neural Network (GNN)-based paradigm for semantic communication aimed at combating noise, thereby facilitating Task-Oriented Communication (TOC). We propose a novel approach where we first transform the input data image into graph structures. Then we leverage a GNN-based encoder to extract semantic information from the source data. This extracted semantic information is then transmitted through the channel. At the receiver's end, a GNN-based decoder is utilized to reconstruct the relevant semantic information from the source data for TOC. Through experimental evaluation, we show GeNet's effectiveness in anti-noise TOC while decoupling the SNR dependency. We further evaluate GeNet's performance by varying the number of nodes, revealing its versatility as a new paradigm for semantic communication. Additionally, we show GeNet's robustness to geometric transformations by testing it with different rotation angles, without resorting to data augmentation.

cross Selective Mixup Fine-Tuning for Optimizing Non-Decomposable Objectives

Authors: Shrinivas Ramasubramanian, Harsh Rangwani, Sho Takemori, Kunal Samanta, Yuhei Umeda, Venkatesh Babu Radhakrishnan

Abstract: The rise in internet usage has led to the generation of massive amounts of data, resulting in the adoption of various supervised and semi-supervised machine learning algorithms, which can effectively utilize the colossal amount of data to train models. However, before deploying these models in the real world, these must be strictly evaluated on performance measures like worst-case recall and satisfy constraints such as fairness. We find that current state-of-the-art empirical techniques offer sub-optimal performance on these practical, non-decomposable performance objectives. On the other hand, the theoretical techniques necessitate training a new model from scratch for each performance objective. To bridge the gap, we propose SelMix, a selective mixup-based inexpensive fine-tuning technique for pre-trained models, to optimize for the desired objective. The core idea of our framework is to determine a sampling distribution to perform a mixup of features between samples from particular classes such that it optimizes the given objective. We comprehensively evaluate our technique against the existing empirical and theoretically principled methods on standard benchmark datasets for imbalanced classification. We find that proposed SelMix fine-tuning significantly improves the performance for various practical non-decomposable objectives across benchmarks.

cross A Recommender System for NFT Collectibles with Item Feature

Authors: Minjoo Choi, Seonmi Kim, Yejin Kim, Youngbin Lee, Joohwan Hong, Yongjae Lee

Abstract: Recommender systems have been actively studied and applied in various domains to deal with information overload. Although there are numerous studies on recommender systems for movies, music, and e-commerce, comparatively less attention has been paid to the recommender system for NFTs despite the continuous growth of the NFT market. This paper presents a recommender system for NFTs that utilizes a variety of data sources, from NFT transaction records to external item features, to generate precise recommendations that cater to individual preferences. We develop a data-efficient graph-based recommender system to efficiently capture the complex relationship between each item and users and generate node(item) embeddings which incorporate both node feature information and graph structure. Furthermore, we exploit inputs beyond user-item interactions, such as image feature, text feature, and price feature. Numerical experiments verify the performance of the graph-based recommender system improves significantly after utilizing all types of item features as side information, thereby outperforming all other baselines.

cross A thermodynamically consistent physics-informed deep learning material model for short fiber/polymer nanocomposites

Authors: Betim Bahtiri, Behrouz Arash, Sven Scheffler, Maximilian Jux, Raimund Rolfes

Abstract: This work proposes a physics-informed deep learning (PIDL)-based constitutive model for investigating the viscoelastic-viscoplastic behavior of short fiber-reinforced nanoparticle-filled epoxies under various ambient conditions. The deep-learning model is trained to enforce thermodynamic principles, leading to a thermodynamically consistent constitutive model. To accomplish this, a long short-term memory network is combined with a feed-forward neural network to predict internal variables required for characterizing the internal dissipation of the nanocomposite materials. In addition, another feed-forward neural network is used to indicate the free-energy function, which enables defining the thermodynamic state of the entire system. The PIDL model is initially developed for the three-dimensional case by generating synthetic data from a classical constitutive model. The model is then trained by extracting the data directly from cyclic loading-unloading experimental tests. Numerical examples show that the PIDL model can accurately predict the mechanical behavior of epoxy-based nanocomposites for different volume fractions of fibers and nanoparticles under various hygrothermal conditions.

cross Chinese Offensive Language Detection:Current Status and Future Directions

Authors: Yunze Xiao, Houda Bouamor, Wajdi Zaghouani

Abstract: Despite the considerable efforts being made to monitor and regulate user-generated content on social media platforms, the pervasiveness of offensive language, such as hate speech or cyberbullying, in the digital space remains a significant challenge. Given the importance of maintaining a civilized and respectful online environment, there is an urgent and growing need for automatic systems capable of detecting offensive speech in real time. However, developing effective systems for processing languages such as Chinese presents a significant challenge, owing to the language's complex and nuanced nature, which makes it difficult to process automatically. This paper provides a comprehensive overview of offensive language detection in Chinese, examining current benchmarks and approaches and highlighting specific models and tools for addressing the unique challenges of detecting offensive language in this complex language. The primary objective of this survey is to explore the existing techniques and identify potential avenues for further research that can address the cultural and linguistic complexities of Chinese.

cross Can LLMs Converse Formally? Automatically Assessing LLMs in Translating and Interpreting Formal Specifications

Authors: Rushang Karia, Daksh Dobhal, Daniel Bramblett, Pulkit Verma, Siddharth Srivastava

Abstract: Stakeholders often describe system requirements using natural language which are then converted to formal syntax by a domain-expert leading to increased design costs. This paper assesses the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) in converting between natural language descriptions and formal specifications. Existing work has evaluated the capabilities of LLMs in generating formal syntax such as source code but such experiments are typically hand-crafted and use problems that are likely to be in the training set of LLMs, and often require human-annotated datasets. We propose an approach that can use two copies of an LLM in conjunction with an off-the-shelf verifier to automatically evaluate its translation abilities without any additional human input. Our approach generates formal syntax using language grammars to automatically generate a dataset. We conduct an empirical evaluation to measure the accuracy of this translation task and show that SOTA LLMs cannot adequately solve this task, limiting their current utility in the design of complex systems.

cross A Quantum Fuzzy-based Approach for Real-Time Detection of Solar Coronal Holes

Authors: Sanmoy Bandyopadhyay, Suman Kundu

Abstract: The detection and analysis of the solar coronal holes (CHs) is an important field of study in the domain of solar physics. Mainly, it is required for the proper prediction of the geomagnetic storms which directly or indirectly affect various space and ground-based systems. For the detection of CHs till date, the solar scientist depends on manual hand-drawn approaches. However, with the advancement of image processing technologies, some automated image segmentation methods have been used for the detection of CHs. In-spite of this, fast and accurate detection of CHs are till a major issues. Here in this work, a novel quantum computing-based fast fuzzy c-mean technique has been developed for fast detection of the CHs region. The task has been carried out in two stages, in first stage the solar image has been segmented using a quantum computing based fast fuzzy c-mean (QCFFCM) and in the later stage the CHs has been extracted out from the segmented image based on image morphological operation. In the work, quantum computing has been used to optimize the cost function of the fast fuzzy c-mean (FFCM) algorithm, where quantum approximate optimization algorithm (QAOA) has been used to optimize the quadratic part of the cost function. The proposed method has been tested for 193 \AA{} SDO/AIA full-disk solar image datasets and has been compared with the existing techniques. The outcome shows the comparable performance of the proposed method with the existing one within a very lesser time.

cross Generating Diverse Agricultural Data for Vision-Based Farming Applications

Authors: Mikolaj Cieslak, Umabharathi Govindarajan, Alejandro Garcia, Anuradha Chandrashekar, Torsten H\"adrich, Aleksander Mendoza-Drosik, Dominik L. Michels, S\"oren Pirk, Chia-Chun Fu, Wojciech Pa{\l}ubicki

Abstract: We present a specialized procedural model for generating synthetic agricultural scenes, focusing on soybean crops, along with various weeds. This model is capable of simulating distinct growth stages of these plants, diverse soil conditions, and randomized field arrangements under varying lighting conditions. The integration of real-world textures and environmental factors into the procedural generation process enhances the photorealism and applicability of the synthetic data. Our dataset includes 12,000 images with semantic labels, offering a comprehensive resource for computer vision tasks in precision agriculture, such as semantic segmentation for autonomous weed control. We validate our model's effectiveness by comparing the synthetic data against real agricultural images, demonstrating its potential to significantly augment training data for machine learning models in agriculture. This approach not only provides a cost-effective solution for generating high-quality, diverse data but also addresses specific needs in agricultural vision tasks that are not fully covered by general-purpose models.

cross Intent-Aware DRL-Based Uplink Dynamic Scheduler for 5G-NR

Authors: Salwa Mostafa, Mateus P. Mota, Alvaro Valcarce, Mehdi Bennis

Abstract: We investigate the problem of supporting Industrial Internet of Things user equipment (IIoT UEs) with intent (i.e., requested quality of service (QoS)) and random traffic arrival. A deep reinforcement learning (DRL) based centralized dynamic scheduler for time-frequency resources is proposed to learn how to schedule the available communication resources among the IIoT UEs. The proposed scheduler leverages an RL framework to adapt to the dynamic changes in the wireless communication system and traffic arrivals. Moreover, a graph-based reduction scheme is proposed to reduce the state and action space of the RL framework to allow fast convergence and a better learning strategy. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed intelligent scheduler in guaranteeing the expressed intent of IIoT UEs compared to several traditional scheduling schemes, such as round-robin, semi-static, and heuristic approaches. The proposed scheduler also outperforms the contention-free and contention-based schemes in maximizing the number of successfully computed tasks.

cross IIP-Mixer:Intra-Inter Patch Mixing Architecture for Battery Remaining Useful Life Prediction

Authors: Guangzai Ye, Li Feng, Jianlan Guo, Yuqiang Chen

Abstract: Accurately estimating the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of lithium-ion batteries is crucial for maintaining the safe and stable operation of rechargeable battery management systems. However, this task is often challenging due to the complex temporal dynamics involved. Recently, attention-based networks, such as Transformers and Informer, have been the popular architecture in time series forecasting. Despite their effectiveness, these models with abundant parameters necessitate substantial training time to unravel temporal patterns. To tackle these challenges, we propose a simple MLP-Mixer-based architecture named 'Intra-Inter Patch Mixer' (IIP-Mixer), which is an architecture based exclusively on multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs), extracting information by mixing operations along both intra-patch and inter-patch dimensions for battery RUL prediction. The proposed IIP-Mixer comprises parallel dual-head mixer layers: the intra-patch mixing MLP, capturing local temporal patterns in the short-term period, and the inter-patch mixing MLP, capturing global temporal patterns in the long-term period. Notably, to address the varying importance of features in RUL prediction, we introduce a weighted loss function in the MLP-Mixer-based architecture, marking the first time such an approach has been employed. Our experiments demonstrate that IIP-Mixer achieves competitive performance in battery RUL prediction, outperforming other popular time-series frameworks

cross Improving Attributed Text Generation of Large Language Models via Preference Learning

Authors: Dongfang Li, Zetian Sun, Baotian Hu, Zhenyu Liu, Xinshuo Hu, Xuebo Liu, Min Zhang

Abstract: Large language models have been widely adopted in natural language processing, yet they face the challenge of generating unreliable content. Recent works aim to reduce misinformation and hallucinations by resorting to attribution as a means to provide evidence (i.e., citations). However, current attribution methods usually focus on the retrieval stage and automatic evaluation that neglect mirroring the citation mechanisms in human scholarly writing to bolster credibility. In this paper, we address these challenges by modelling the attribution task as preference learning and introducing an Automatic Preference Optimization (APO) framework. First, we create a curated collection for post-training with 6,330 examples by collecting and filtering from existing datasets. Second, considering the high cost of labelling preference data, we further propose an automatic method to synthesize attribution preference data resulting in 95,263 pairs. Moreover, inspired by the human citation process, we further propose a progressive preference optimization method by leveraging fine-grained information. Extensive experiments on three datasets (i.e., ASQA, StrategyQA, and ELI5) demonstrate that APO achieves state-of-the-art citation F1 with higher answer quality.

cross Generative Multi-modal Models are Good Class-Incremental Learners

Authors: Xusheng Cao, Haori Lu, Linlan Huang, Xialei Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng

Abstract: In class-incremental learning (CIL) scenarios, the phenomenon of catastrophic forgetting caused by the classifier's bias towards the current task has long posed a significant challenge. It is mainly caused by the characteristic of discriminative models. With the growing popularity of the generative multi-modal models, we would explore replacing discriminative models with generative ones for CIL. However, transitioning from discriminative to generative models requires addressing two key challenges. The primary challenge lies in transferring the generated textual information into the classification of distinct categories. Additionally, it requires formulating the task of CIL within a generative framework. To this end, we propose a novel generative multi-modal model (GMM) framework for class-incremental learning. Our approach directly generates labels for images using an adapted generative model. After obtaining the detailed text, we use a text encoder to extract text features and employ feature matching to determine the most similar label as the classification prediction. In the conventional CIL settings, we achieve significantly better results in long-sequence task scenarios. Under the Few-shot CIL setting, we have improved by at least 14\% accuracy over all the current state-of-the-art methods with significantly less forgetting. Our code is available at \url{}.


cross Colour and Brush Stroke Pattern Recognition in Abstract Art using Modified Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks

Authors: Srinitish Srinivasan, Varenya Pathak

Abstract: Abstract Art is an immensely popular, discussed form of art that often has the ability to depict the emotions of an artist. Many researchers have made attempts to study abstract art in the form of edge detection, brush stroke and emotion recognition algorithms using machine and deep learning. This papers describes the study of a wide distribution of abstract paintings using Generative Adversarial Neural Networks(GAN). GANs have the ability to learn and reproduce a distribution enabling researchers and scientists to effectively explore and study the generated image space. However, the challenge lies in developing an efficient GAN architecture that overcomes common training pitfalls. This paper addresses this challenge by introducing a modified-DCGAN (mDCGAN) specifically designed for high-quality artwork generation. The approach involves a thorough exploration of the modifications made, delving into the intricate workings of DCGANs, optimisation techniques, and regularisation methods aimed at improving stability and realism in art generation enabling effective study of generated patterns. The proposed mDCGAN incorporates meticulous adjustments in layer configurations and architectural choices, offering tailored solutions to the unique demands of art generation while effectively combating issues like mode collapse and gradient vanishing. Further this paper explores the generated latent space by performing random walks to understand vector relationships between brush strokes and colours in the abstract art space and a statistical analysis of unstable outputs after a certain period of GAN training and compare its significant difference. These findings validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, emphasising its potential to revolutionise the field of digital art generation and digital art ecosystem.

cross An Image Grid Can Be Worth a Video: Zero-shot Video Question Answering Using a VLM

Authors: Wonkyun Kim, Changin Choi, Wonseok Lee, Wonjong Rhee

Abstract: Stimulated by the sophisticated reasoning capabilities of recent Large Language Models (LLMs), a variety of strategies for bridging video modality have been devised. A prominent strategy involves Video Language Models (VideoLMs), which train a learnable interface with video data to connect advanced vision encoders with LLMs. Recently, an alternative strategy has surfaced, employing readily available foundation models, such as VideoLMs and LLMs, across multiple stages for modality bridging. In this study, we introduce a simple yet novel strategy where only a single Vision Language Model (VLM) is utilized. Our starting point is the plain insight that a video comprises a series of images, or frames, interwoven with temporal information. The essence of video comprehension lies in adeptly managing the temporal aspects along with the spatial details of each frame. Initially, we transform a video into a single composite image by arranging multiple frames in a grid layout. The resulting single image is termed as an image grid. This format, while maintaining the appearance of a solitary image, effectively retains temporal information within the grid structure. Therefore, the image grid approach enables direct application of a single high-performance VLM without necessitating any video-data training. Our extensive experimental analysis across ten zero-shot video question answering benchmarks, including five open-ended and five multiple-choice benchmarks, reveals that the proposed Image Grid Vision Language Model (IG-VLM) surpasses the existing methods in nine out of ten benchmarks.

cross A Channel-ensemble Approach: Unbiased and Low-variance Pseudo-labels is Critical for Semi-supervised Classification

Authors: Jiaqi Wu, Junbiao Pang, Baochang Zhang, Qingming Huang

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) is a practical challenge in computer vision. Pseudo-label (PL) methods, e.g., FixMatch and FreeMatch, obtain the State Of The Art (SOTA) performances in SSL. These approaches employ a threshold-to-pseudo-label (T2L) process to generate PLs by truncating the confidence scores of unlabeled data predicted by the self-training method. However, self-trained models typically yield biased and high-variance predictions, especially in the scenarios when a little labeled data are supplied. To address this issue, we propose a lightweight channel-based ensemble method to effectively consolidate multiple inferior PLs into the theoretically guaranteed unbiased and low-variance one. Importantly, our approach can be readily extended to any SSL framework, such as FixMatch or FreeMatch. Experimental results demonstrate that our method significantly outperforms state-of-the-art techniques on CIFAR10/100 in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

cross BioMedLM: A 2.7B Parameter Language Model Trained On Biomedical Text

Authors: Elliot Bolton, Abhinav Venigalla, Michihiro Yasunaga, David Hall, Betty Xiong, Tony Lee, Roxana Daneshjou, Jonathan Frankle, Percy Liang, Michael Carbin, Christopher D. Manning

Abstract: Models such as GPT-4 and Med-PaLM 2 have demonstrated impressive performance on a wide variety of biomedical NLP tasks. However, these models have hundreds of billions of parameters, are computationally expensive to run, require users to send their input data over the internet, and are trained on unknown data sources. Can smaller, more targeted models compete? To address this question, we build and release BioMedLM, a 2.7 billion parameter GPT-style autoregressive model trained exclusively on PubMed abstracts and full articles. When fine-tuned, BioMedLM can produce strong multiple-choice biomedical question-answering results competitive with much larger models, such as achieving a score of 57.3% on MedMCQA (dev) and 69.0% on the MMLU Medical Genetics exam. BioMedLM can also be fine-tuned to produce useful answers to patient questions on medical topics. This demonstrates that smaller models can potentially serve as transparent, privacy-preserving, economical and environmentally friendly foundations for particular NLP applications, such as in biomedicine. The model is available on the Hugging Face Hub:


cross U-Sketch: An Efficient Approach for Sketch to Image Diffusion Models

Authors: Ilias Mitsouras, Eleftherios Tsonis, Paraskevi Tzouveli, Athanasios Voulodimos

Abstract: Diffusion models have demonstrated remarkable performance in text-to-image synthesis, producing realistic and high resolution images that faithfully adhere to the corresponding text-prompts. Despite their great success, they still fall behind in sketch-to-image synthesis tasks, where in addition to text-prompts, the spatial layout of the generated images has to closely follow the outlines of certain reference sketches. Employing an MLP latent edge predictor to guide the spatial layout of the synthesized image by predicting edge maps at each denoising step has been recently proposed. Despite yielding promising results, the pixel-wise operation of the MLP does not take into account the spatial layout as a whole, and demands numerous denoising iterations to produce satisfactory images, leading to time inefficiency. To this end, we introduce U-Sketch, a framework featuring a U-Net type latent edge predictor, which is capable of efficiently capturing both local and global features, as well as spatial correlations between pixels. Moreover, we propose the addition of a sketch simplification network that offers the user the choice of preprocessing and simplifying input sketches for enhanced outputs. The experimental results, corroborated by user feedback, demonstrate that our proposed U-Net latent edge predictor leads to more realistic results, that are better aligned with the spatial outlines of the reference sketches, while drastically reducing the number of required denoising steps and, consequently, the overall execution time.

cross CoRAST: Towards Foundation Model-Powered Correlated Data Analysis in Resource-Constrained CPS and IoT

Authors: Yi Hu, Jinhang Zuo, Alanis Zhao, Bob Iannucci, Carlee Joe-Wong

Abstract: Foundation models (FMs) emerge as a promising solution to harness distributed and diverse environmental data by leveraging prior knowledge to understand the complicated temporal and spatial correlations within heterogeneous datasets. Unlike distributed learning frameworks such as federated learning, which often struggle with multimodal data, FMs can transform diverse inputs into embeddings. This process facilitates the integration of information from various modalities and the application of prior learning to new domains. However, deploying FMs in resource-constrained edge systems poses significant challenges. To this end, we introduce CoRAST, a novel learning framework that utilizes FMs for enhanced analysis of distributed, correlated heterogeneous data. Utilizing a server-based FM, CoRAST can exploit existing environment information to extract temporal, spatial, and cross-modal correlations among sensor data. This enables CoRAST to offer context-aware insights for localized client tasks through FM-powered global representation learning. Our evaluation on real-world weather dataset demonstrates CoRAST's ability to exploit correlated heterogeneous data through environmental representation learning to reduce the forecast errors by up to 50.3% compared to the baselines.

cross CoBOS: Constraint-Based Online Scheduler for Human-Robot Collaboration

Authors: Marina Ionova, Jan Kristof Behrens

Abstract: Assembly processes involving humans and robots are challenging scenarios because the individual activities and access to shared workspace have to be coordinated. Fixed robot programs leave no room to diverge from a fixed protocol. Working on such a process can be stressful for the user and lead to ineffective behavior or failure. We propose a novel approach of online constraint-based scheduling in a reactive execution control framework facilitating behavior trees called CoBOS. This allows the robot to adapt to uncertain events such as delayed activity completions and activity selection (by the human). The user will experience less stress as the robotic coworkers adapt their behavior to best complement the human-selected activities to complete the common task. In addition to the improved working conditions, our algorithm leads to increased efficiency, even in highly uncertain scenarios. We evaluate our algorithm using a probabilistic simulation study with 56000 experiments. We outperform all baselines by a margin of 4-10%. Initial real robot experiments using a Franka Emika Panda robot and human tracking based on HTC Vive VR gloves look promising.

cross Density-guided Translator Boosts Synthetic-to-Real Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds

Authors: Zhimin Yuan, Wankang Zeng, Yanfei Su, Weiquan Liu, Ming Cheng, Yulan Guo, Cheng Wang

Abstract: 3D synthetic-to-real unsupervised domain adaptive segmentation is crucial to annotating new domains. Self-training is a competitive approach for this task, but its performance is limited by different sensor sampling patterns (i.e., variations in point density) and incomplete training strategies. In this work, we propose a density-guided translator (DGT), which translates point density between domains, and integrates it into a two-stage self-training pipeline named DGT-ST. First, in contrast to existing works that simultaneously conduct data generation and feature/output alignment within unstable adversarial training, we employ the non-learnable DGT to bridge the domain gap at the input level. Second, to provide a well-initialized model for self-training, we propose a category-level adversarial network in stage one that utilizes the prototype to prevent negative transfer. Finally, by leveraging the designs above, a domain-mixed self-training method with source-aware consistency loss is proposed in stage two to narrow the domain gap further. Experiments on two synthetic-to-real segmentation tasks (SynLiDAR $\rightarrow$ semanticKITTI and SynLiDAR $\rightarrow$ semanticPOSS) demonstrate that DGT-ST outperforms state-of-the-art methods, achieving 9.4$\%$ and 4.3$\%$ mIoU improvements, respectively. Code is available at \url{}.


cross Synthesizing EEG Signals from Event-Related Potential Paradigms with Conditional Diffusion Models

Authors: Guido Klein, Pierre Guetschel, Gianluigi Silvestri, Michael Tangermann

Abstract: Data scarcity in the brain-computer interface field can be alleviated through the use of generative models, specifically diffusion models. While diffusion models have previously been successfully applied to electroencephalogram (EEG) data, existing models lack flexibility w.r.t.~sampling or require alternative representations of the EEG data. To overcome these limitations, we introduce a novel approach to conditional diffusion models that utilizes classifier-free guidance to directly generate subject-, session-, and class-specific EEG data. In addition to commonly used metrics, domain-specific metrics are employed to evaluate the specificity of the generated samples. The results indicate that the proposed model can generate EEG data that resembles real data for each subject, session, and class.

cross Faster Convergence for Transformer Fine-tuning with Line Search Methods

Authors: Philip Kenneweg, Leonardo Galli, Tristan Kenneweg, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Recent works have shown that line search methods greatly increase performance of traditional stochastic gradient descent methods on a variety of datasets and architectures [1], [2]. In this work we succeed in extending line search methods to the novel and highly popular Transformer architecture and dataset domains in natural language processing. More specifically, we combine the Armijo line search with the Adam optimizer and extend it by subdividing the networks architecture into sensible units and perform the line search separately on these local units. Our optimization method outperforms the traditional Adam optimizer and achieves significant performance improvements for small data sets or small training budgets, while performing equal or better for other tested cases. Our work is publicly available as a python package, which provides a hyperparameter-free pytorch optimizer that is compatible with arbitrary network architectures.

cross Improving Line Search Methods for Large Scale Neural Network Training

Authors: Philip Kenneweg, Tristan Kenneweg, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: In recent studies, line search methods have shown significant improvements in the performance of traditional stochastic gradient descent techniques, eliminating the need for a specific learning rate schedule. In this paper, we identify existing issues in state-of-the-art line search methods, propose enhancements, and rigorously evaluate their effectiveness. We test these methods on larger datasets and more complex data domains than before. Specifically, we improve the Armijo line search by integrating the momentum term from ADAM in its search direction, enabling efficient large-scale training, a task that was previously prone to failure using Armijo line search methods. Our optimization approach outperforms both the previous Armijo implementation and tuned learning rate schedules for Adam. Our evaluation focuses on Transformers and CNNs in the domains of NLP and image data. Our work is publicly available as a Python package, which provides a hyperparameter free Pytorch optimizer.

cross A Novel Behavior-Based Recommendation System for E-commerce

Authors: Reza Barzegar Nozari, Mahdi Divsalar, Sepehr Akbarzadeh Abkenar, Mohammadreza Fadavi Amiri, Ali Divsalar

Abstract: The majority of existing recommender systems rely on user ratings, which are limited by the lack of user collaboration and the sparsity problem. To address these issues, this study proposes a behavior-based recommender system that leverages customers' natural behaviors, such as browsing and clicking, on e-commerce platforms. The proposed recommendation system involves clustering active customers, determining neighborhoods, collecting similar users, calculating product reputation based on similar users, and recommending high-reputation products. To overcome the complexity of customer behaviors and traditional clustering methods, an unsupervised clustering approach based on product categories is developed to enhance the recommendation methodology. This study makes notable contributions in several aspects. Firstly, a groundbreaking behavior-based recommendation methodology is developed, incorporating customer behavior to generate accurate and tailored recommendations leading to improved customer satisfaction and engagement. Secondly, an original unsupervised clustering method, focusing on product categories, enables more precise clustering and facilitates accurate recommendations. Finally, an approach to determine neighborhoods for active customers within clusters is established, ensuring grouping of customers with similar behavioral patterns to enhance recommendation accuracy and relevance. The proposed recommendation methodology and clustering method contribute to improved recommendation performance, offering valuable insights for researchers and practitioners in the field of e-commerce recommendation systems. Additionally, the proposed method outperforms benchmark methods in experiments conducted using a behavior dataset from the well-known e-commerce site Alibaba.

cross Efficient Heatmap-Guided 6-Dof Grasp Detection in Cluttered Scenes

Authors: Siang Chen, Wei Tang, Pengwei Xie, Wenming Yang, Guijin Wang

Abstract: Fast and robust object grasping in clutter is a crucial component of robotics. Most current works resort to the whole observed point cloud for 6-Dof grasp generation, ignoring the guidance information excavated from global semantics, thus limiting high-quality grasp generation and real-time performance. In this work, we show that the widely used heatmaps are underestimated in the efficiency of 6-Dof grasp generation. Therefore, we propose an effective local grasp generator combined with grasp heatmaps as guidance, which infers in a global-to-local semantic-to-point way. Specifically, Gaussian encoding and the grid-based strategy are applied to predict grasp heatmaps as guidance to aggregate local points into graspable regions and provide global semantic information. Further, a novel non-uniform anchor sampling mechanism is designed to improve grasp accuracy and diversity. Benefiting from the high-efficiency encoding in the image space and focusing on points in local graspable regions, our framework can perform high-quality grasp detection in real-time and achieve state-of-the-art results. In addition, real robot experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our method with a success rate of 94% and a clutter completion rate of 100%. Our code is available at


cross PDNNet: PDN-Aware GNN-CNN Heterogeneous Network for Dynamic IR Drop Prediction

Authors: Yuxiang Zhao, Zhuomin Chai, Xun Jiang, Yibo Lin, Runsheng Wang, Ru Huang

Abstract: IR drop on the power delivery network (PDN) is closely related to PDN's configuration and cell current consumption. As the integrated circuit (IC) design is growing larger, dynamic IR drop simulation becomes computationally unaffordable and machine learning based IR drop prediction has been explored as a promising solution. Although CNN-based methods have been adapted to IR drop prediction task in several works, the shortcomings of overlooking PDN configuration is non-negligible. In this paper, we consider not only how to properly represent cell-PDN relation, but also how to model IR drop following its physical nature in the feature aggregation procedure. Thus, we propose a novel graph structure, PDNGraph, to unify the representations of the PDN structure and the fine-grained cell-PDN relation. We further propose a dual-branch heterogeneous network, PDNNet, incorporating two parallel GNN-CNN branches to favorably capture the above features during the learning process. Several key designs are presented to make the dynamic IR drop prediction highly effective and interpretable. We are the first work to apply graph structure to deep-learning based dynamic IR drop prediction method. Experiments show that PDNNet outperforms the state-of-the-art CNN-based methods by up to 39.3% reduction in prediction error and achieves 545x speedup compared to the commercial tool, which demonstrates the superiority of our method.

cross Physics-Informed Graph Neural Networks for Water Distribution Systems

Authors: Inaam Ashraf, Janine Strotherm, Luca Hermes, Barbara Hammer

Abstract: Water distribution systems (WDS) are an integral part of critical infrastructure which is pivotal to urban development. As 70% of the world's population will likely live in urban environments in 2050, efficient simulation and planning tools for WDS play a crucial role in reaching UN's sustainable developmental goal (SDG) 6 - "Clean water and sanitation for all". In this realm, we propose a novel and efficient machine learning emulator, more precisely, a physics-informed deep learning (DL) model, for hydraulic state estimation in WDS. Using a recursive approach, our model only needs a few graph convolutional neural network (GCN) layers and employs an innovative algorithm based on message passing. Unlike conventional machine learning tasks, the model uses hydraulic principles to infer two additional hydraulic state features in the process of reconstructing the available ground truth feature in an unsupervised manner. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first DL approach to emulate the popular hydraulic simulator EPANET, utilizing no additional information. Like most DL models and unlike the hydraulic simulator, our model demonstrates vastly faster emulation times that do not increase drastically with the size of the WDS. Moreover, we achieve high accuracy on the ground truth and very similar results compared to the hydraulic simulator as demonstrated through experiments on five real-world WDS datasets.

cross Homogeneous Tokenizer Matters: Homogeneous Visual Tokenizer for Remote Sensing Image Understanding

Authors: Run Shao, Zhaoyang Zhang, Chao Tao, Yunsheng Zhang, Chengli Peng, Haifeng Li

Abstract: The tokenizer, as one of the fundamental components of large models, has long been overlooked or even misunderstood in visual tasks. One key factor of the great comprehension power of the large language model is that natural language tokenizers utilize meaningful words or subwords as the basic elements of language. In contrast, mainstream visual tokenizers, represented by patch-based methods such as Patch Embed, rely on meaningless rectangular patches as basic elements of vision, which cannot serve as effectively as words or subwords in language. Starting from the essence of the tokenizer, we defined semantically independent regions (SIRs) for vision. We designed a simple HOmogeneous visual tOKenizer: HOOK. HOOK mainly consists of two modules: the Object Perception Module (OPM) and the Object Vectorization Module (OVM). To achieve homogeneity, the OPM splits the image into 4*4 pixel seeds and then utilizes the attention mechanism to perceive SIRs. The OVM employs cross-attention to merge seeds within the same SIR. To achieve adaptability, the OVM defines a variable number of learnable vectors as cross-attention queries, allowing for the adjustment of token quantity. We conducted experiments on the NWPU-RESISC45, WHU-RS19 classification dataset, and GID5 segmentation dataset for sparse and dense tasks. The results demonstrate that the visual tokens obtained by HOOK correspond to individual objects, which demonstrates homogeneity. HOOK outperformed Patch Embed by 6\% and 10\% in the two tasks and achieved state-of-the-art performance compared to the baselines used for comparison. Compared to Patch Embed, which requires more than one hundred tokens for one image, HOOK requires only 6 and 8 tokens for sparse and dense tasks, respectively, resulting in efficiency improvements of 1.5 to 2.8 times. The code is available at


cross RAP: Retrieval-Augmented Planner for Adaptive Procedure Planning in Instructional Videos

Authors: Ali Zare, Yulei Niu, Hammad Ayyubi, Shih-fu Chang

Abstract: Procedure Planning in instructional videos entails generating a sequence of action steps based on visual observations of the initial and target states. Despite the rapid progress in this task, there remain several critical challenges to be solved: (1) Adaptive procedures: Prior works hold an unrealistic assumption that the number of action steps is known and fixed, leading to non-generalizable models in real-world scenarios where the sequence length varies. (2) Temporal relation: Understanding the step temporal relation knowledge is essential in producing reasonable and executable plans. (3) Annotation cost: Annotating instructional videos with step-level labels (i.e., timestamp) or sequence-level labels (i.e., action category) is demanding and labor-intensive, limiting its generalizability to large-scale datasets.In this work, we propose a new and practical setting, called adaptive procedure planning in instructional videos, where the procedure length is not fixed or pre-determined. To address these challenges we introduce Retrieval-Augmented Planner (RAP) model. Specifically, for adaptive procedures, RAP adaptively determines the conclusion of actions using an auto-regressive model architecture. For temporal relation, RAP establishes an external memory module to explicitly retrieve the most relevant state-action pairs from the training videos and revises the generated procedures. To tackle high annotation cost, RAP utilizes a weakly-supervised learning manner to expand the training dataset to other task-relevant, unannotated videos by generating pseudo labels for action steps. Experiments on CrossTask and COIN benchmarks show the superiority of RAP over traditional fixed-length models, establishing it as a strong baseline solution for adaptive procedure planning.

cross Spikewhisper: Temporal Spike Backdoor Attacks on Federated Neuromorphic Learning over Low-power Devices

Authors: Hanqing Fu, Gaolei Li, Jun Wu, Jianhua Li, Xi Lin, Kai Zhou, Yuchen Liu

Abstract: Federated neuromorphic learning (FedNL) leverages event-driven spiking neural networks and federated learning frameworks to effectively execute intelligent analysis tasks over amounts of distributed low-power devices but also perform vulnerability to poisoning attacks. The threat of backdoor attacks on traditional deep neural networks typically comes from time-invariant data. However, in FedNL, unknown threats may be hidden in time-varying spike signals. In this paper, we start to explore a novel vulnerability of FedNL-based systems with the concept of time division multiplexing, termed Spikewhisper, which allows attackers to evade detection as much as possible, as multiple malicious clients can imperceptibly poison with different triggers at different timeslices. In particular, the stealthiness of Spikewhisper is derived from the time-domain divisibility of global triggers, in which each malicious client pastes only one local trigger to a certain timeslice in the neuromorphic sample, and also the polarity and motion of each local trigger can be configured by attackers. Extensive experiments based on two different neuromorphic datasets demonstrate that the attack success rate of Spikewispher is higher than the temporally centralized attacks. Besides, it is validated that the effect of Spikewispher is sensitive to the trigger duration.

cross Aiming for Relevance

Authors: Bar Eini Porat, Danny Eytan, Uri Shalit

Abstract: Vital signs are crucial in intensive care units (ICUs). They are used to track the patient's state and to identify clinically significant changes. Predicting vital sign trajectories is valuable for early detection of adverse events. However, conventional machine learning metrics like RMSE often fail to capture the true clinical relevance of such predictions. We introduce novel vital sign prediction performance metrics that align with clinical contexts, focusing on deviations from clinical norms, overall trends, and trend deviations. These metrics are derived from empirical utility curves obtained in a previous study through interviews with ICU clinicians. We validate the metrics' usefulness using simulated and real clinical datasets (MIMIC and eICU). Furthermore, we employ these metrics as loss functions for neural networks, resulting in models that excel in predicting clinically significant events. This research paves the way for clinically relevant machine learning model evaluation and optimization, promising to improve ICU patient care. 10 pages, 9 figures.

cross TransFusion: Contrastive Learning with Transformers

Authors: Huanran Li, Daniel Pimentel-Alarc\'on

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel framework, TransFusion, designed to make the process of contrastive learning more analytical and explainable. TransFusion consists of attention blocks whose softmax being replaced by ReLU, and its final block's weighted-sum operation is truncated to leave the adjacency matrix as the output. The model is trained by minimizing the Jensen-Shannon Divergence between its output and the target affinity matrix, which indicates whether each pair of samples belongs to the same or different classes. The main contribution of TransFusion lies in defining a theoretical limit for answering two fundamental questions in the field: the maximum level of data augmentation and the minimum batch size required for effective contrastive learning. Furthermore, experimental results indicate that TransFusion successfully extracts features that isolate clusters from complex real-world data, leading to improved classification accuracy in downstream tasks.

cross Annolid: Annotate, Segment, and Track Anything You Need

Authors: Chen Yang, Thomas A. Cleland

Abstract: Annolid is a deep learning-based software package designed for the segmentation, labeling, and tracking of research targets within video files, focusing primarily on animal behavior analysis. Based on state-of-the-art instance segmentation methods, Annolid now harnesses the Cutie video object segmentation model to achieve resilient, markerless tracking of multiple animals from single annotated frames, even in environments in which they may be partially or entirely concealed by environmental features or by one another. Our integration of Segment Anything and Grounding-DINO strategies additionally enables the automatic masking and segmentation of recognizable animals and objects by text command, removing the need for manual annotation. Annolid's comprehensive approach to object segmentation flexibly accommodates a broad spectrum of behavior analysis applications, enabling the classification of diverse behavioral states such as freezing, digging, pup huddling, and social interactions in addition to the tracking of animals and their body parts.

cross Contrastive Learning with Orthonormal Anchors (CLOA)

Authors: Huanran Li, Daniel Pimentel-Alarc\'on

Abstract: This study focuses on addressing the instability issues prevalent in contrastive learning, specifically examining the InfoNCE loss function and its derivatives. We reveal a critical observation that these loss functions exhibit a restrictive behavior, leading to a convergence phenomenon where embeddings tend to merge into a singular point. This "over-fusion" effect detrimentally affects classification accuracy in subsequent supervised-learning tasks. Through theoretical analysis, we demonstrate that embeddings, when equalized or confined to a rank-1 linear subspace, represent a local minimum for InfoNCE. In response to this challenge, our research introduces an innovative strategy that leverages the same or fewer labeled data than typically used in the fine-tuning phase. The loss we proposed, Orthonormal Anchor Regression Loss, is designed to disentangle embedding clusters, significantly enhancing the distinctiveness of each embedding while simultaneously ensuring their aggregation into dense, well-defined clusters. Our method demonstrates remarkable improvements with just a fraction of the conventional label requirements, as evidenced by our results on CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 datasets.

cross SAT-NGP : Unleashing Neural Graphics Primitives for Fast Relightable Transient-Free 3D reconstruction from Satellite Imagery

Authors: Camille Billouard, Dawa Derksen, Emmanuelle Sarrazin, Bruno Vallet

Abstract: Current stereo-vision pipelines produce high accuracy 3D reconstruction when using multiple pairs or triplets of satellite images. However, these pipelines are sensitive to the changes between images that can occur as a result of multi-date acquisitions. Such variations are mainly due to variable shadows, reflexions and transient objects (cars, vegetation). To take such changes into account, Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) have recently been applied to multi-date satellite imagery. However, Neural methods are very compute-intensive, taking dozens of hours to learn, compared with minutes for standard stereo-vision pipelines. Following the ideas of Instant Neural Graphics Primitives we propose to use an efficient sampling strategy and multi-resolution hash encoding to accelerate the learning. Our model, Satellite Neural Graphics Primitives (SAT-NGP) decreases the learning time to 15 minutes while maintaining the quality of the 3D reconstruction.

cross Mitigating Hallucinations in Large Vision-Language Models with Instruction Contrastive Decoding

Authors: Xintong Wang, Jingheng Pan, Liang Ding, Chris Biemann

Abstract: Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) are increasingly adept at generating contextually detailed and coherent responses from visual inputs. However, their application in multimodal decision-making and open-ended generation is hindered by a notable rate of hallucinations, where generated text inaccurately represents the visual contents. To address this issue, this paper introduces the Instruction Contrastive Decoding (ICD) method, a novel approach designed to reduce hallucinations during LVLM inference. Our method is inspired by our observation that what we call disturbance instructions significantly exacerbate hallucinations in multimodal fusion modules. ICD contrasts distributions from standard and instruction disturbance, thereby increasing alignment uncertainty and effectively subtracting hallucinated concepts from the original distribution. Through comprehensive experiments on discriminative benchmarks (POPE and MME) and a generative benchmark (LLaVa-Bench), we demonstrate that ICD significantly mitigates both object-level and attribute-level hallucinations. Moreover, our method not only addresses hallucinations but also significantly enhances the general perception and recognition capabilities of LVLMs.

cross Semi-Supervised Learning for Deep Causal Generative Models

Authors: Yasin Ibrahim, Hermione Warr, Konstantinos Kamnitsas

Abstract: Developing models that can answer questions of the form "How would $x$ change if $y$ had been $z$?" is fundamental for advancing medical image analysis. Training causal generative models that address such counterfactual questions, though, currently requires that all relevant variables have been observed and that corresponding labels are available in training data. However, clinical data may not have complete records for all patients and state of the art causal generative models are unable to take full advantage of this. We thus develop, for the first time, a semi-supervised deep causal generative model that exploits the causal relationships between variables to maximise the use of all available data. We explore this in the setting where each sample is either fully labelled or fully unlabelled, as well as the more clinically realistic case of having different labels missing for each sample. We leverage techniques from causal inference to infer missing values and subsequently generate realistic counterfactuals, even for samples with incomplete labels.

cross Understanding the Learning Dynamics of Alignment with Human Feedback

Authors: Shawn Im, Yixuan Li

Abstract: Aligning large language models (LLMs) with human intentions has become a critical task for safely deploying models in real-world systems. While existing alignment approaches have seen empirical success, theoretically understanding how these methods affect model behavior remains an open question. Our work provides an initial attempt to theoretically analyze the learning dynamics of human preference alignment. We formally show how the distribution of preference datasets influences the rate of model updates and provide rigorous guarantees on the training accuracy. Our theory also reveals an intricate phenomenon where the optimization is prone to prioritizing certain behaviors with higher preference distinguishability. We empirically validate our findings on contemporary LLMs and alignment tasks, reinforcing our theoretical insights and shedding light on considerations for future alignment approaches. Disclaimer: This paper contains potentially offensive text; reader discretion is advised.

cross Many-Objective Evolutionary Influence Maximization: Balancing Spread, Budget, Fairness, and Time

Authors: Elia Cunegatti, Leonardo Lucio Custode, Giovanni Iacca

Abstract: The Influence Maximization (IM) problem seeks to discover the set of nodes in a graph that can spread the information propagation at most. This problem is known to be NP-hard, and it is usually studied by maximizing the influence (spread) and, optionally, optimizing a second objective, such as minimizing the seed set size or maximizing the influence fairness. However, in many practical scenarios multiple aspects of the IM problem must be optimized at the same time. In this work, we propose a first case study where several IM-specific objective functions, namely budget, fairness, communities, and time, are optimized on top of the maximization of influence and minimization of the seed set size. To this aim, we introduce MOEIM (Many-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm for Influence Maximization) a Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) based on NSGA-II incorporating graph-aware operators and a smart initialization. We compare MOEIM in two experimental settings, including a total of nine graph datasets, two heuristic methods, a related MOEA, and a state-of-the-art Deep Learning approach. The experiments show that MOEIM overall outperforms the competitors in most of the tested many-objective settings. To conclude, we also investigate the correlation between the objectives, leading to novel insights into the topic. The codebase is available at


cross Detection of subclinical atherosclerosis by image-based deep learning on chest x-ray

Authors: Guglielmo Gallone, Francesco Iodice, Alberto Presta, Davide Tore, Ovidio de Filippo, Michele Visciano, Carlo Alberto Barbano, Alessandro Serafini, Paola Gorrini, Alessandro Bruno, Walter Grosso Marra, James Hughes, Mario Iannaccone, Paolo Fonio, Attilio Fiandrotti, Alessandro Depaoli, Marco Grangetto, Gaetano Maria de Ferrari, Fabrizio D'Ascenzo

Abstract: Aims. To develop a deep-learning based system for recognition of subclinical atherosclerosis on a plain frontal chest x-ray. Methods and Results. A deep-learning algorithm to predict coronary artery calcium (CAC) score (the AI-CAC model) was developed on 460 chest x-ray (80% training cohort, 20% internal validation cohort) of primary prevention patients (58.4% male, median age 63 [51-74] years) with available paired chest x-ray and chest computed tomography (CT) indicated for any clinical reason and performed within 3 months. The CAC score calculated on chest CT was used as ground truth. The model was validated on an temporally-independent cohort of 90 patients from the same institution (external validation). The diagnostic accuracy of the AI-CAC model assessed by the area under the curve (AUC) was the primary outcome. Overall, median AI-CAC score was 35 (0-388) and 28.9% patients had no AI-CAC. AUC of the AI-CAC model to identify a CAC>0 was 0.90 in the internal validation cohort and 0.77 in the external validation cohort. Sensitivity was consistently above 92% in both cohorts. In the overall cohort (n=540), among patients with AI-CAC=0, a single ASCVD event occurred, after 4.3 years. Patients with AI-CAC>0 had significantly higher Kaplan Meier estimates for ASCVD events (13.5% vs. 3.4%, log-rank=0.013). Conclusion. The AI-CAC model seems to accurately detect subclinical atherosclerosis on chest x-ray with elevated sensitivity, and to predict ASCVD events with elevated negative predictive value. Adoption of the AI-CAC model to refine CV risk stratification or as an opportunistic screening tool requires prospective evaluation.

cross ModaLink: Unifying Modalities for Efficient Image-to-PointCloud Place Recognition

Authors: Weidong Xie, Lun Luo, Nanfei Ye, Yi Ren, Shaoyi Du, Minhang Wang, Jintao Xu, Rui Ai, Weihao Gu, Xieyuanli Chen

Abstract: Place recognition is an important task for robots and autonomous cars to localize themselves and close loops in pre-built maps. While single-modal sensor-based methods have shown satisfactory performance, cross-modal place recognition that retrieving images from a point-cloud database remains a challenging problem. Current cross-modal methods transform images into 3D points using depth estimation for modality conversion, which are usually computationally intensive and need expensive labeled data for depth supervision. In this work, we introduce a fast and lightweight framework to encode images and point clouds into place-distinctive descriptors. We propose an effective Field of View (FoV) transformation module to convert point clouds into an analogous modality as images. This module eliminates the necessity for depth estimation and helps subsequent modules achieve real-time performance. We further design a non-negative factorization-based encoder to extract mutually consistent semantic features between point clouds and images. This encoder yields more distinctive global descriptors for retrieval. Experimental results on the KITTI dataset show that our proposed methods achieve state-of-the-art performance while running in real time. Additional evaluation on the HAOMO dataset covering a 17 km trajectory further shows the practical generalization capabilities. We have released the implementation of our methods as open source at:


cross Superior Parallel Big Data Clustering through Competitive Stochastic Sample Size Optimization in Big-means

Authors: Rustam Mussabayev, Ravil Mussabayev

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel K-means clustering algorithm, an advancement on the conventional Big-means methodology. The proposed method efficiently integrates parallel processing, stochastic sampling, and competitive optimization to create a scalable variant designed for big data applications. It addresses scalability and computation time challenges typically faced with traditional techniques. The algorithm adjusts sample sizes dynamically for each worker during execution, optimizing performance. Data from these sample sizes are continually analyzed, facilitating the identification of the most efficient configuration. By incorporating a competitive element among workers using different sample sizes, efficiency within the Big-means algorithm is further stimulated. In essence, the algorithm balances computational time and clustering quality by employing a stochastic, competitive sampling strategy in a parallel computing setting.

cross ImageNet-D: Benchmarking Neural Network Robustness on Diffusion Synthetic Object

Authors: Chenshuang Zhang, Fei Pan, Junmo Kim, In So Kweon, Chengzhi Mao

Abstract: We establish rigorous benchmarks for visual perception robustness. Synthetic images such as ImageNet-C, ImageNet-9, and Stylized ImageNet provide specific type of evaluation over synthetic corruptions, backgrounds, and textures, yet those robustness benchmarks are restricted in specified variations and have low synthetic quality. In this work, we introduce generative model as a data source for synthesizing hard images that benchmark deep models' robustness. Leveraging diffusion models, we are able to generate images with more diversified backgrounds, textures, and materials than any prior work, where we term this benchmark as ImageNet-D. Experimental results show that ImageNet-D results in a significant accuracy drop to a range of vision models, from the standard ResNet visual classifier to the latest foundation models like CLIP and MiniGPT-4, significantly reducing their accuracy by up to 60\%. Our work suggests that diffusion models can be an effective source to test vision models. The code and dataset are available at


cross Gamba: Marry Gaussian Splatting with Mamba for single view 3D reconstruction

Authors: Qiuhong Shen, Xuanyu Yi, Zike Wu, Pan Zhou, Hanwang Zhang, Shuicheng Yan, Xinchao Wang

Abstract: We tackle the challenge of efficiently reconstructing a 3D asset from a single image with growing demands for automated 3D content creation pipelines. Previous methods primarily rely on Score Distillation Sampling (SDS) and Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF). Despite their significant success, these approaches encounter practical limitations due to lengthy optimization and considerable memory usage. In this report, we introduce Gamba, an end-to-end amortized 3D reconstruction model from single-view images, emphasizing two main insights: (1) 3D representation: leveraging a large number of 3D Gaussians for an efficient 3D Gaussian splatting process; (2) Backbone design: introducing a Mamba-based sequential network that facilitates context-dependent reasoning and linear scalability with the sequence (token) length, accommodating a substantial number of Gaussians. Gamba incorporates significant advancements in data preprocessing, regularization design, and training methodologies. We assessed Gamba against existing optimization-based and feed-forward 3D generation approaches using the real-world scanned OmniObject3D dataset. Here, Gamba demonstrates competitive generation capabilities, both qualitatively and quantitatively, while achieving remarkable speed, approximately 0.6 second on a single NVIDIA A100 GPU.

cross Long-form factuality in large language models

Authors: Jerry Wei, Chengrun Yang, Xinying Song, Yifeng Lu, Nathan Hu, Dustin Tran, Daiyi Peng, Ruibo Liu, Da Huang, Cosmo Du, Quoc V. Le

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) often generate content that contains factual errors when responding to fact-seeking prompts on open-ended topics. To benchmark a model's long-form factuality in open domains, we first use GPT-4 to generate LongFact, a prompt set comprising thousands of questions spanning 38 topics. We then propose that LLM agents can be used as automated evaluators for long-form factuality through a method which we call Search-Augmented Factuality Evaluator (SAFE). SAFE utilizes an LLM to break down a long-form response into a set of individual facts and to evaluate the accuracy of each fact using a multi-step reasoning process comprising sending search queries to Google Search and determining whether a fact is supported by the search results. Furthermore, we propose extending F1 score as an aggregated metric for long-form factuality. To do so, we balance the percentage of supported facts in a response (precision) with the percentage of provided facts relative to a hyperparameter representing a user's preferred response length (recall). Empirically, we demonstrate that LLM agents can achieve superhuman rating performance - on a set of ~16k individual facts, SAFE agrees with crowdsourced human annotators 72% of the time, and on a random subset of 100 disagreement cases, SAFE wins 76% of the time. At the same time, SAFE is more than 20 times cheaper than human annotators. We also benchmark thirteen language models on LongFact across four model families (Gemini, GPT, Claude, and PaLM-2), finding that larger language models generally achieve better long-form factuality. LongFact, SAFE, and all experimental code are available at


cross ECoDepth: Effective Conditioning of Diffusion Models for Monocular Depth Estimation

Authors: Suraj Patni, Aradhye Agarwal, Chetan Arora

Abstract: In the absence of parallax cues, a learning-based single image depth estimation (SIDE) model relies heavily on shading and contextual cues in the image. While this simplicity is attractive, it is necessary to train such models on large and varied datasets, which are difficult to capture. It has been shown that using embeddings from pre-trained foundational models, such as CLIP, improves zero shot transfer in several applications. Taking inspiration from this, in our paper we explore the use of global image priors generated from a pre-trained ViT model to provide more detailed contextual information. We argue that the embedding vector from a ViT model, pre-trained on a large dataset, captures greater relevant information for SIDE than the usual route of generating pseudo image captions, followed by CLIP based text embeddings. Based on this idea, we propose a new SIDE model using a diffusion backbone which is conditioned on ViT embeddings. Our proposed design establishes a new state-of-the-art (SOTA) for SIDE on NYUv2 dataset, achieving Abs Rel error of 0.059(14% improvement) compared to 0.069 by the current SOTA (VPD). And on KITTI dataset, achieving Sq Rel error of 0.139 (2% improvement) compared to 0.142 by the current SOTA (GEDepth). For zero-shot transfer with a model trained on NYUv2, we report mean relative improvement of (20%, 23%, 81%, 25%) over NeWCRFs on (Sun-RGBD, iBims1, DIODE, HyperSim) datasets, compared to (16%, 18%, 45%, 9%) by ZoeDepth. The code is available at


cross Mini-Gemini: Mining the Potential of Multi-modality Vision Language Models

Authors: Yanwei Li, Yuechen Zhang, Chengyao Wang, Zhisheng Zhong, Yixin Chen, Ruihang Chu, Shaoteng Liu, Jiaya Jia

Abstract: In this work, we introduce Mini-Gemini, a simple and effective framework enhancing multi-modality Vision Language Models (VLMs). Despite the advancements in VLMs facilitating basic visual dialog and reasoning, a performance gap persists compared to advanced models like GPT-4 and Gemini. We try to narrow the gap by mining the potential of VLMs for better performance and any-to-any workflow from three aspects, i.e., high-resolution visual tokens, high-quality data, and VLM-guided generation. To enhance visual tokens, we propose to utilize an additional visual encoder for high-resolution refinement without increasing the visual token count. We further construct a high-quality dataset that promotes precise image comprehension and reasoning-based generation, expanding the operational scope of current VLMs. In general, Mini-Gemini further mines the potential of VLMs and empowers current frameworks with image understanding, reasoning, and generation simultaneously. Mini-Gemini supports a series of dense and MoE Large Language Models (LLMs) from 2B to 34B. It is demonstrated to achieve leading performance in several zero-shot benchmarks and even surpasses the developed private models. Code and models are available at


replace Towards Regulatable AI Systems: Technical Gaps and Policy Opportunities

Authors: Xudong Shen, Hannah Brown, Jiashu Tao, Martin Strobel, Yao Tong, Akshay Narayan, Harold Soh, Finale Doshi-Velez

Abstract: There is increasing attention being given to how to regulate AI systems. As governing bodies grapple with what values to encapsulate into regulation, we consider the technical half of the question: To what extent can AI experts vet an AI system for adherence to regulatory requirements? We investigate this question through the lens of two public sector procurement checklists, identifying what we can do now, what should be possible with technical innovation, and what requirements need a more interdisciplinary approach.

replace Learning Concept-Based Causal Transition and Symbolic Reasoning for Visual Planning

Authors: Yilue Qian, Peiyu Yu, Ying Nian Wu, Yao Su, Wei Wang, Lifeng Fan

Abstract: Visual planning simulates how humans make decisions to achieve desired goals in the form of searching for visual causal transitions between an initial visual state and a final visual goal state. It has become increasingly important in egocentric vision with its advantages in guiding agents to perform daily tasks in complex environments. In this paper, we propose an interpretable and generalizable visual planning framework consisting of i) a novel Substitution-based Concept Learner (SCL) that abstracts visual inputs into disentangled concept representations, ii) symbol abstraction and reasoning that performs task planning via the self-learned symbols, and iii) a Visual Causal Transition model (ViCT) that grounds visual causal transitions to semantically similar real-world actions. Given an initial state, we perform goal-conditioned visual planning with a symbolic reasoning method fueled by the learned representations and causal transitions to reach the goal state. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed model, we collect a large-scale visual planning dataset based on AI2-THOR, dubbed as CCTP. Extensive experiments on this challenging dataset demonstrate the superior performance of our method in visual task planning. Empirically, we show that our framework can generalize to unseen task trajectories, unseen object categories, and real-world data. Further details of this work are provided at


replace MMP++: Motion Manifold Primitives with Parametric Curve Models

Authors: Yonghyeon Lee

Abstract: Motion Manifold Primitives (MMP), a manifold-based approach for encoding basic motion skills, can produce diverse trajectories, enabling the system to adapt to unseen constraints. Nonetheless, we argue that current MMP models lack crucial functionalities of movement primitives, such as temporal and via-points modulation, found in traditional approaches. This shortfall primarily stems from MMP's reliance on discrete-time trajectories. To overcome these limitations, we introduce Motion Manifold Primitives++ (MMP++), a new model that integrates the strengths of both MMP and traditional methods by incorporating parametric curve representations into the MMP framework. Furthermore, we identify a significant challenge with MMP++: performance degradation due to geometric distortions in the latent space, meaning that similar motions are not closely positioned. To address this, Isometric Motion Manifold Primitives++ (IMMP++) is proposed to ensure the latent space accurately preserves the manifold's geometry. Our experimental results across various applications, including 2-DoF planar motions, 7-DoF robot arm motions, and SE(3) trajectory planning, show that MMP++ and IMMP++ outperform existing methods in trajectory generation tasks, achieving substantial improvements in some cases. Moreover, they enable the modulation of latent coordinates and via-points, thereby allowing efficient online adaptation to dynamic environments.

replace GPT-4's assessment of its performance in a USMLE-based case study

Authors: Uttam Dhakal, Aniket Kumar Singh, Suman Devkota, Yogesh Sapkota, Bishal Lamichhane, Suprinsa Paudyal, Chandra Dhakal

Abstract: This study investigates GPT-4's assessment of its performance in healthcare applications. A simple prompting technique was used to prompt the LLM with questions taken from the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) questionnaire and it was tasked to evaluate its confidence score before posing the question and after asking the question. The questionnaire was categorized into two groups-questions with feedback (WF) and questions with no feedback(NF) post-question. The model was asked to provide absolute and relative confidence scores before and after each question. The experimental findings were analyzed using statistical tools to study the variability of confidence in WF and NF groups. Additionally, a sequential analysis was conducted to observe the performance variation for the WF and NF groups. Results indicate that feedback influences relative confidence but doesn't consistently increase or decrease it. Understanding the performance of LLM is paramount in exploring its utility in sensitive areas like healthcare. This study contributes to the ongoing discourse on the reliability of AI, particularly of LLMs like GPT-4, within healthcare, offering insights into how feedback mechanisms might be optimized to enhance AI-assisted medical education and decision support.

replace Agent-Pro: Learning to Evolve via Policy-Level Reflection and Optimization

Authors: Wenqi Zhang, Ke Tang, Hai Wu, Mengna Wang, Yongliang Shen, Guiyang Hou, Zeqi Tan, Peng Li, Yueting Zhuang, Weiming Lu

Abstract: Large Language Models exhibit robust problem-solving capabilities for diverse tasks. However, most LLM-based agents are designed as specific task solvers with sophisticated prompt engineering, rather than agents capable of learning and evolving through interactions. These task solvers necessitate manually crafted prompts to inform task rules and regulate LLM behaviors, inherently incapacitating to address complex dynamic scenarios e.g., large interactive games. In light of this, we propose Agent-Pro: an LLM-based Agent with Policy-level Reflection and Optimization that can learn a wealth of expertise from interactive experiences and progressively elevate its behavioral policy. Specifically, it involves a dynamic belief generation and reflection process for policy evolution. Rather than action-level reflection, Agent-Pro iteratively reflects on past trajectories and beliefs, fine-tuning its irrational beliefs for a better policy. Moreover, a depth-first search is employed for policy optimization, ensuring continual enhancement in policy payoffs. Agent-Pro is evaluated across two games: Blackjack and Texas Hold'em, outperforming vanilla LLM and specialized models. Our results show Agent-Pro can learn and evolve in complex and dynamic scenes, which also benefits numerous LLM-based applications.

replace Re2LLM: Reflective Reinforcement Large Language Model for Session-based Recommendation

Authors: Ziyan Wang, Yingpeng Du, Zhu Sun, Haoyan Chua, Kaidong Feng, Wenya Wang, Jie Zhang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are emerging as promising approaches to enhance session-based recommendation (SBR), where both prompt-based and fine-tuning-based methods have been widely investigated to align LLMs with SBR. However, the former methods struggle with optimal prompts to elicit the correct reasoning of LLMs due to the lack of task-specific feedback, leading to unsatisfactory recommendations. Although the latter methods attempt to fine-tune LLMs with domain-specific knowledge, they face limitations such as high computational costs and reliance on open-source backbones. To address such issues, we propose a Reflective Reinforcement Large Language Model (Re2LLM) for SBR, guiding LLMs to focus on specialized knowledge essential for more accurate recommendations effectively and efficiently. In particular, we first design the Reflective Exploration Module to effectively extract knowledge that is readily understandable and digestible by LLMs. To be specific, we direct LLMs to examine recommendation errors through self-reflection and construct a knowledge base (KB) comprising hints capable of rectifying these errors. To efficiently elicit the correct reasoning of LLMs, we further devise the Reinforcement Utilization Module to train a lightweight retrieval agent. It learns to select hints from the constructed KB based on the task-specific feedback, where the hints can serve as guidance to help correct LLMs reasoning for better recommendations. Extensive experiments on multiple real-world datasets demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art methods.

replace-cross Nonlinear Control Allocation: A Learning Based Approach

Authors: Hafiz Zeeshan Iqbal Khan, Surrayya Mobeen, Jahanzeb Rajput, Jamshed Riaz

Abstract: Modern aircraft are designed with redundant control effectors to cater for fault tolerance and maneuverability requirements. This leads to aircraft being over-actuated and requires control allocation schemes to distribute the control commands among control effectors. Traditionally, optimization-based control allocation schemes are used; however, for nonlinear allocation problems, these methods require large computational resources. In this work, an artificial neural network (ANN) based nonlinear control allocation scheme is proposed. The proposed scheme is composed of learning the inverse of the control effectiveness map through ANN, and then implementing it as an allocator instead of solving an online optimization problem. Stability conditions are presented for closed-loop systems incorporating the allocator, and computational challenges are explored with piece-wise linear effectiveness functions and ANN-based allocators. To demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed scheme, it is compared with a standard quadratic programming-based method for control allocation.

replace-cross Follower Agnostic Methods for Stackelberg Games

Authors: Chinmay Maheshwari, James Cheng, S. Shankar Sasty, Lillian Ratliff, Eric Mazumdar

Abstract: In this paper, we present an efficient algorithm to solve online Stackelberg games, featuring multiple followers, in a follower-agnostic manner. Unlike previous works, our approach works even when leader has no knowledge about the followers' utility functions or strategy space. Our algorithm introduces a unique gradient estimator, leveraging specially designed strategies to probe followers. In a departure from traditional assumptions of optimal play, we model followers' responses using a convergent adaptation rule, allowing for realistic and dynamic interactions. The leader constructs the gradient estimator solely based on observations of followers' actions. We provide both non-asymptotic convergence rates to stationary points of the leader's objective and demonstrate asymptotic convergence to a \emph{local Stackelberg equilibrium}. To validate the effectiveness of our algorithm, we use this algorithm to solve the problem of incentive design on a large-scale transportation network, showcasing its robustness even when the leader lacks access to followers' demand.

replace-cross Regret-Based Defense in Adversarial Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Roman Belaire, Pradeep Varakantham, Thanh Nguyen, David Lo

Abstract: Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) policies have been shown to be vulnerable to small adversarial noise in observations. Such adversarial noise can have disastrous consequences in safety-critical environments. For instance, a self-driving car receiving adversarially perturbed sensory observations about nearby signs (e.g., a stop sign physically altered to be perceived as a speed limit sign) or objects (e.g., cars altered to be recognized as trees) can be fatal. Existing approaches for making RL algorithms robust to an observation-perturbing adversary have focused on reactive approaches that iteratively improve against adversarial examples generated at each iteration. While such approaches have been shown to provide improvements over regular RL methods, they are reactive and can fare significantly worse if certain categories of adversarial examples are not generated during training. To that end, we pursue a more proactive approach that relies on directly optimizing a well-studied robustness measure, regret instead of expected value. We provide a principled approach that minimizes maximum regret over a "neighborhood" of observations to the received "observation". Our regret criterion can be used to modify existing value- and policy-based Deep RL methods. We demonstrate that our approaches provide a significant improvement in performance across a wide variety of benchmarks against leading approaches for robust Deep RL.

replace-cross HIVE: Harnessing Human Feedback for Instructional Visual Editing

Authors: Shu Zhang, Xinyi Yang, Yihao Feng, Can Qin, Chia-Chih Chen, Ning Yu, Zeyuan Chen, Huan Wang, Silvio Savarese, Stefano Ermon, Caiming Xiong, Ran Xu

Abstract: Incorporating human feedback has been shown to be crucial to align text generated by large language models to human preferences. We hypothesize that state-of-the-art instructional image editing models, where outputs are generated based on an input image and an editing instruction, could similarly benefit from human feedback, as their outputs may not adhere to the correct instructions and preferences of users. In this paper, we present a novel framework to harness human feedback for instructional visual editing (HIVE). Specifically, we collect human feedback on the edited images and learn a reward function to capture the underlying user preferences. We then introduce scalable diffusion model fine-tuning methods that can incorporate human preferences based on the estimated reward. Besides, to mitigate the bias brought by the limitation of data, we contribute a new 1M training dataset, a 3.6K reward dataset for rewards learning, and a 1K evaluation dataset to boost the performance of instructional image editing. We conduct extensive empirical experiments quantitatively and qualitatively, showing that HIVE is favored over previous state-of-the-art instructional image editing approaches by a large margin.

replace-cross CroSel: Cross Selection of Confident Pseudo Labels for Partial-Label Learning

Authors: Shiyu Tian, Hongxin Wei, Yiqun Wang, Lei Feng

Abstract: Partial-label learning (PLL) is an important weakly supervised learning problem, which allows each training example to have a candidate label set instead of a single ground-truth label. Identification-based methods have been widely explored to tackle label ambiguity issues in PLL, which regard the true label as a latent variable to be identified. However, identifying the true labels accurately and completely remains challenging, causing noise in pseudo labels during model training. In this paper, we propose a new method called CroSel, which leverages historical predictions from the model to identify true labels for most training examples. First, we introduce a cross selection strategy, which enables two deep models to select true labels of partially labeled data for each other. Besides, we propose a novel consistency regularization term called co-mix to avoid sample waste and tiny noise caused by false selection. In this way, CroSel can pick out the true labels of most examples with high precision. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of CroSel, which consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods on benchmark datasets. Additionally, our method achieves over 90\% accuracy and quantity for selecting true labels on CIFAR-type datasets under various settings.

replace-cross Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning for Open-set Semi-supervised Learning

Authors: Yang Yu, Danruo Deng, Furui Liu, Yueming Jin, Qi Dou, Guangyong Chen, Pheng-Ann Heng

Abstract: Semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods assume that labeled data, unlabeled data and test data are from the same distribution. Open-set semi-supervised learning (Open-set SSL) considers a more practical scenario, where unlabeled data and test data contain new categories (outliers) not observed in labeled data (inliers). Most previous works focused on outlier detection via binary classifiers, which suffer from insufficient scalability and inability to distinguish different types of uncertainty. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Adaptive Negative Evidential Deep Learning (ANEDL) to tackle these limitations. Concretely, we first introduce evidential deep learning (EDL) as an outlier detector to quantify different types of uncertainty, and design different uncertainty metrics for self-training and inference. Furthermore, we propose a novel adaptive negative optimization strategy, making EDL more tailored to the unlabeled dataset containing both inliers and outliers. As demonstrated empirically, our proposed method outperforms existing state-of-the-art methods across four datasets.

replace-cross The Innovation Paradox: Concept Space Expansion with Diminishing Originality and the Promise of Creative AI

Authors: Serhad Sarica, Jianxi Luo

Abstract: Innovation, typically spurred by reusing, recombining, and synthesizing existing concepts, is expected to result in an exponential growth of the concept space over time. However, our statistical analysis of TechNet, which is a comprehensive technology semantic network encompassing over four million concepts derived from patent texts, reveals a linear rather than exponential expansion of the overall technological concept space. Moreover, there is a notable decline in the originality of newly created concepts. These trends can be attributed to the constraints of human cognitive abilities to innovate beyond an ever-growing space of prior art, among other factors. Integrating creative artificial intelligence (CAI) into the innovation process holds the potential to overcome these limitations and alter the observed trends in the future.

replace-cross Demystifying Misconceptions in Social Bots Research

Authors: Stefano Cresci, Kai-Cheng Yang, Angelo Spognardi, Roberto Di Pietro, Filippo Menczer, Marinella Petrocchi

Abstract: Research on social bots aims at advancing knowledge and providing solutions to one of the most debated forms of online manipulation. Yet, social bot research is plagued by widespread biases, hyped results, and misconceptions that set the stage for ambiguities, unrealistic expectations, and seemingly irreconcilable findings. Overcoming such issues is instrumental towards ensuring reliable solutions and reaffirming the validity of the scientific method. In this contribution, we review some recent results in social bots research, highlighting and revising factual errors as well as methodological and conceptual biases. More importantly, we demystify common misconceptions, addressing fundamental points on how social bots research is discussed. Our analysis surfaces the need to discuss research about online disinformation and manipulation in a rigorous, unbiased, and responsible way. This article bolsters such effort by identifying and refuting common fallacious arguments used by both proponents and opponents of social bots research, as well as providing directions toward sound methodologies for future research in the field.

replace-cross In-Distribution and Out-of-Distribution Self-supervised ECG Representation Learning for Arrhythmia Detection

Authors: Sahar Soltanieh, Javad Hashemi, Ali Etemad

Abstract: This paper presents a systematic investigation into the effectiveness of Self-Supervised Learning (SSL) methods for Electrocardiogram (ECG) arrhythmia detection. We begin by conducting a novel analysis of the data distributions on three popular ECG-based arrhythmia datasets: PTB-XL, Chapman, and Ribeiro. To the best of our knowledge, our study is the first to quantitatively explore and characterize these distributions in the area. We then perform a comprehensive set of experiments using different augmentations and parameters to evaluate the effectiveness of various SSL methods, namely SimCRL, BYOL, and SwAV, for ECG representation learning, where we observe the best performance achieved by SwAV. Furthermore, our analysis shows that SSL methods achieve highly competitive results to those achieved by supervised state-of-the-art methods. To further assess the performance of these methods on both In-Distribution (ID) and Out-of-Distribution (OOD) ECG data, we conduct cross-dataset training and testing experiments. Our comprehensive experiments show almost identical results when comparing ID and OOD schemes, indicating that SSL techniques can learn highly effective representations that generalize well across different OOD datasets. This finding can have major implications for ECG-based arrhythmia detection. Lastly, to further analyze our results, we perform detailed per-disease studies on the performance of the SSL methods on the three datasets.

replace-cross Identifying the Correlation Between Language Distance and Cross-Lingual Transfer in a Multilingual Representation Space

Authors: Fred Philippy, Siwen Guo, Shohreh Haddadan

Abstract: Prior research has investigated the impact of various linguistic features on cross-lingual transfer performance. In this study, we investigate the manner in which this effect can be mapped onto the representation space. While past studies have focused on the impact on cross-lingual alignment in multilingual language models during fine-tuning, this study examines the absolute evolution of the respective language representation spaces produced by MLLMs. We place a specific emphasis on the role of linguistic characteristics and investigate their inter-correlation with the impact on representation spaces and cross-lingual transfer performance. Additionally, this paper provides preliminary evidence of how these findings can be leveraged to enhance transfer to linguistically distant languages.

replace-cross ChatGPT Needs SPADE (Sustainability, PrivAcy, Digital divide, and Ethics) Evaluation: A Review

Authors: Sunder Ali Khowaja, Parus Khuwaja, Kapal Dev, Weizheng Wang, Lewis Nkenyereye

Abstract: ChatGPT is another large language model (LLM) vastly available for the consumers on their devices but due to its performance and ability to converse effectively, it has gained a huge popularity amongst research as well as industrial community. Recently, many studies have been published to show the effectiveness, efficiency, integration, and sentiments of chatGPT and other LLMs. In contrast, this study focuses on the important aspects that are mostly overlooked, i.e. sustainability, privacy, digital divide, and ethics and suggests that not only chatGPT but every subsequent entry in the category of conversational bots should undergo Sustainability, PrivAcy, Digital divide, and Ethics (SPADE) evaluation. This paper discusses in detail the issues and concerns raised over chatGPT in line with aforementioned characteristics. We also discuss the recent EU AI Act briefly in accordance with the SPADE evaluation. We support our hypothesis by some preliminary data collection and visualizations along with hypothesized facts. We also suggest mitigations and recommendations for each of the concerns. Furthermore, we also suggest some policies and recommendations for EU AI policy act concerning ethics, digital divide, and sustainability.

replace-cross A 4D Hybrid Algorithm to Scale Parallel Training to Thousands of GPUs

Authors: Siddharth Singh, Prajwal Singhania, Aditya K. Ranjan, Zack Sating, Abhinav Bhatele

Abstract: Large communication costs are a critical bottleneck in training state-of-the-art neural networks on distributed systems. This paper introduces AxoNN, a novel four-dimensional (4D) parallelization approach, inspired by Agarwal's algorithm for matrix multiplication, for parallelizing tensor computations in deep learning, AxoNN employs two key strategies to minimize communication overhead. First, we optimize communication by overlapping expensive collective operations (reduce-scatter, all-gather, all-reduce) with computations. Our experiments with a 20-billion parameter transformer model demonstrate that these optimizations deliver nearly 53\% improvement. Second, we present an analytical model to assist users in identifying communication-minimizing configurations within the vast search space defined by our 4D algorithm. This model empowers practitioners by simplifying the tuning process for their specific training workloads. When training an 80-billion parameter model on 1024 GPUs of Perlmutter, AxoNN surpasses Megatron-LM, a state-of-the-art framework, by a significant 26%. Additionally, it achieves 57% of the theoretical peak FLOP/s.

replace-cross Weakly Supervised AUC Optimization: A Unified Partial AUC Approach

Authors: Zheng Xie, Yu Liu, Hao-Yuan He, Ming Li, Zhi-Hua Zhou

Abstract: Since acquiring perfect supervision is usually difficult, real-world machine learning tasks often confront inaccurate, incomplete, or inexact supervision, collectively referred to as weak supervision. In this work, we present WSAUC, a unified framework for weakly supervised AUC optimization problems, which covers noisy label learning, positive-unlabeled learning, multi-instance learning, and semi-supervised learning scenarios. Within the WSAUC framework, we first frame the AUC optimization problems in various weakly supervised scenarios as a common formulation of minimizing the AUC risk on contaminated sets, and demonstrate that the empirical risk minimization problems are consistent with the true AUC. Then, we introduce a new type of partial AUC, specifically, the reversed partial AUC (rpAUC), which serves as a robust training objective for AUC maximization in the presence of contaminated labels. WSAUC offers a universal solution for AUC optimization in various weakly supervised scenarios by maximizing the empirical rpAUC. Theoretical and experimental results under multiple settings support the effectiveness of WSAUC on a range of weakly supervised AUC optimization tasks.

replace-cross Dial-MAE: ConTextual Masked Auto-Encoder for Retrieval-based Dialogue Systems

Authors: Zhenpeng Su, Xing Wu, Wei Zhou, Guangyuan Ma, Songlin Hu

Abstract: Dialogue response selection aims to select an appropriate response from several candidates based on a given user and system utterance history. Most existing works primarily focus on post-training and fine-tuning tailored for cross-encoders. However, there are no post-training methods tailored for dense encoders in dialogue response selection. We argue that when the current language model, based on dense dialogue systems (such as BERT), is employed as a dense encoder, it separately encodes dialogue context and response, leading to a struggle to achieve the alignment of both representations. Thus, we propose Dial-MAE (Dialogue Contextual Masking Auto-Encoder), a straightforward yet effective post-training technique tailored for dense encoders in dialogue response selection. Dial-MAE uses an asymmetric encoder-decoder architecture to compress the dialogue semantics into dense vectors, which achieves better alignment between the features of the dialogue context and response. Our experiments have demonstrated that Dial-MAE is highly effective, achieving state-of-the-art performance on two commonly evaluated benchmarks.

replace-cross Recurrent Action Transformer with Memory

Authors: Alexey Staroverov, Egor Cherepanov, Dmitry Yudin, Alexey K. Kovalev, Aleksandr I. Panov

Abstract: Recently, the use of transformers in offline reinforcement learning has become a rapidly developing area. This is due to their ability to treat the agent's trajectory in the environment as a sequence, thereby reducing the policy learning problem to sequence modeling. In environments where the agent's decisions depend on past events, it is essential to capture both the event itself and the decision point in the context of the model. However, the quadratic complexity of the attention mechanism limits the potential for context expansion. One solution to this problem is to enhance transformers with memory mechanisms. In this paper, we propose the Recurrent Action Transformer with Memory (RATE) - a model that incorporates recurrent memory. To evaluate our model, we conducted extensive experiments on both memory-intensive environments (VizDoom-Two-Color, T-Maze) and classic Atari games and MuJoCo control environments. The results show that the use of memory can significantly improve performance in memory-intensive environments while maintaining or improving results in classic environments. We hope that our findings will stimulate research on memory mechanisms for transformers applicable to offline reinforcement learning.

replace-cross Learning from Synthetic Human Group Activities

Authors: Che-Jui Chang, Danrui Li, Deep Patel, Parth Goel, Honglu Zhou, Seonghyeon Moon, Samuel S. Sohn, Sejong Yoon, Vladimir Pavlovic, Mubbasir Kapadia

Abstract: The study of complex human interactions and group activities has become a focal point in human-centric computer vision. However, progress in related tasks is often hindered by the challenges of obtaining large-scale labeled datasets from real-world scenarios. To address the limitation, we introduce M3Act, a synthetic data generator for multi-view multi-group multi-person human atomic actions and group activities. Powered by Unity Engine, M3Act features multiple semantic groups, highly diverse and photorealistic images, and a comprehensive set of annotations, which facilitates the learning of human-centered tasks across single-person, multi-person, and multi-group conditions. We demonstrate the advantages of M3Act across three core experiments. The results suggest our synthetic dataset can significantly improve the performance of several downstream methods and replace real-world datasets to reduce cost. Notably, M3Act improves the state-of-the-art MOTRv2 on DanceTrack dataset, leading to a hop on the leaderboard from 10th to 2nd place. Moreover, M3Act opens new research for controllable 3D group activity generation. We define multiple metrics and propose a competitive baseline for the novel task. Our code and data are available at our project page:


replace-cross The Effects of Mixed Sample Data Augmentation are Class Dependent

Authors: Haeil Lee, Hansang Lee, Junmo Kim

Abstract: Mixed Sample Data Augmentation (MSDA) techniques, such as Mixup, CutMix, and PuzzleMix, have been widely acknowledged for enhancing performance in a variety of tasks. A previous study reported the class dependency of traditional data augmentation (DA), where certain classes benefit disproportionately compared to others. This paper reveals a class dependent effect of MSDA, where some classes experience improved performance while others experience degraded performance. This research addresses the issue of class dependency in MSDA and proposes an algorithm to mitigate it. The approach involves training on a mixture of MSDA and non-MSDA data, which not only mitigates the negative impact on the affected classes, but also improves overall accuracy. Furthermore, we provide in-depth analysis and discussion of why MSDA introduced class dependencies and which classes are most likely to have them.

replace-cross Approximate and Weighted Data Reconstruction Attack in Federated Learning

Authors: Yongcun Song, Ziqi Wang, Enrique Zuazua

Abstract: Federated Learning (FL) is a distributed learning paradigm that enables multiple clients to collaborate on building a machine learning model without sharing their private data. Although FL is considered privacy-preserved by design, recent data reconstruction attacks demonstrate that an attacker can recover clients' training data based on the parameters shared in FL. However, most existing methods fail to attack the most widely used horizontal Federated Averaging (FedAvg) scenario, where clients share model parameters after multiple local training steps. To tackle this issue, we propose an interpolation-based approximation method, which makes attacking FedAvg scenarios feasible by generating the intermediate model updates of the clients' local training processes. Then, we design a layer-wise weighted loss function to improve the data quality of reconstruction. We assign different weights to model updates in different layers concerning the neural network structure, with the weights tuned by Bayesian optimization. Finally, experimental results validate the superiority of our proposed approximate and weighted attack (AWA) method over the other state-of-the-art methods, as demonstrated by the substantial improvement in different evaluation metrics for image data reconstructions.

replace-cross Generalization Bounds: Perspectives from Information Theory and PAC-Bayes

Authors: Fredrik Hellstr\"om, Giuseppe Durisi, Benjamin Guedj, Maxim Raginsky

Abstract: A fundamental question in theoretical machine learning is generalization. Over the past decades, the PAC-Bayesian approach has been established as a flexible framework to address the generalization capabilities of machine learning algorithms, and design new ones. Recently, it has garnered increased interest due to its potential applicability for a variety of learning algorithms, including deep neural networks. In parallel, an information-theoretic view of generalization has developed, wherein the relation between generalization and various information measures has been established. This framework is intimately connected to the PAC-Bayesian approach, and a number of results have been independently discovered in both strands. In this monograph, we highlight this strong connection and present a unified treatment of PAC-Bayesian and information-theoretic generalization bounds. We present techniques and results that the two perspectives have in common, and discuss the approaches and interpretations that differ. In particular, we demonstrate how many proofs in the area share a modular structure, through which the underlying ideas can be intuited. We pay special attention to the conditional mutual information (CMI) framework; analytical studies of the information complexity of learning algorithms; and the application of the proposed methods to deep learning. This monograph is intended to provide a comprehensive introduction to information-theoretic generalization bounds and their connection to PAC-Bayes, serving as a foundation from which the most recent developments are accessible. It is aimed broadly towards researchers with an interest in generalization and theoretical machine learning.

replace-cross Generative Pre-Training of Time-Series Data for Unsupervised Fault Detection in Semiconductor Manufacturing

Authors: Sewoong Lee, JinKyou Choi, Min Su Kim

Abstract: This paper introduces TRACE-GPT, which stands for Time-seRies Anomaly-detection with Convolutional Embedding and Generative Pre-trained Transformers. TRACE-GPT is designed to pre-train univariate time-series sensor data and detect faults on unlabeled datasets in semiconductor manufacturing. In semiconductor industry, classifying abnormal time-series sensor data from normal data is important because it is directly related to wafer defect. However, small, unlabeled, and even mixed training data without enough anomalies make classification tasks difficult. In this research, we capture features of time-series data with temporal convolutional embedding and Generative Pre-trained Transformer (GPT) to classify abnormal sequences from normal sequences using cross entropy loss. We prove that our model shows better performance than previous unsupervised models with both an open dataset, the University of California Riverside (UCR) time-series classification archive, and the process log of our Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) equipment. Our model has the highest F1 score at Equal Error Rate (EER) across all datasets and is only 0.026 below the supervised state-of-the-art baseline on the open dataset.

replace-cross ABScribe: Rapid Exploration & Organization of Multiple Writing Variations in Human-AI Co-Writing Tasks using Large Language Models

Authors: Mohi Reza, Nathan Laundry, Ilya Musabirov, Peter Dushniku, Zhi Yuan "Michael" Yu, Kashish Mittal, Tovi Grossman, Michael Liut, Anastasia Kuzminykh, Joseph Jay Williams

Abstract: Exploring alternative ideas by rewriting text is integral to the writing process. State-of-the-art Large Language Models (LLMs) can simplify writing variation generation. However, current interfaces pose challenges for simultaneous consideration of multiple variations: creating new variations without overwriting text can be difficult, and pasting them sequentially can clutter documents, increasing workload and disrupting writers' flow. To tackle this, we present ABScribe, an interface that supports rapid, yet visually structured, exploration and organization of writing variations in human-AI co-writing tasks. With ABScribe, users can swiftly modify variations using LLM prompts, which are auto-converted into reusable buttons. Variations are stored adjacently within text fields for rapid in-place comparisons using mouse-over interactions on a popup toolbar. Our user study with 12 writers shows that ABScribe significantly reduces task workload (d = 1.20, p < 0.001), enhances user perceptions of the revision process (d = 2.41, p < 0.001) compared to a popular baseline workflow, and provides insights into how writers explore variations using LLMs.

replace-cross VIGraph: Generative Self-supervised Learning for Class-Imbalanced Node Classification

Authors: Yulan Hu, Sheng Ouyang, Zhirui Yang, Yong Liu

Abstract: Class imbalance in graph data presents significant challenges for node classification. While existing methods, such as SMOTE-based approaches, partially mitigate this issue, they still exhibit limitations in constructing imbalanced graphs. Generative self-supervised learning (SSL) methods, exemplified by graph autoencoders (GAEs), offer a promising solution by directly generating minority nodes from the data itself, yet their potential remains underexplored. In this paper, we delve into the shortcomings of SMOTE-based approaches in the construction of imbalanced graphs. Furthermore, we introduce VIGraph, a simple yet effective generative SSL approach that relies on the Variational GAE as the fundamental model. VIGraph strictly adheres to the concept of imbalance when constructing imbalanced graphs and innovatively leverages the variational inference (VI) ability of Variational GAE to generate nodes for minority classes. VIGraph introduces comprehensive training strategies, including cross-view contrastive learning at the decoding phase to capture semantic knowledge, adjacency matrix reconstruction to preserve graph structure, and alignment strategy to ensure stable training. VIGraph can generate high-quality nodes directly usable for classification, eliminating the need to integrate the generated nodes back to the graph as well as additional retraining found in SMOTE-based methods. We conduct extensive experiments, results from which demonstrate the superiority and generality of our approach.

replace-cross FedSN: A Novel Federated Learning Framework over LEO Satellite Networks

Authors: Zheng Lin, Zhe Chen, Zihan Fang, Xianhao Chen, Xiong Wang, Yue Gao

Abstract: Recently, a large number of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellites have been launched and deployed successfully in space by commercial companies, such as SpaceX. Due to multimodal sensors equipped by the LEO satellites, they serve not only for communication but also for various machine learning applications, such as space modulation recognition, remote sensing image classification, etc. However, the ground station (GS) may be incapable of downloading such a large volume of raw sensing data for centralized model training due to the limited contact time with LEO satellites (e.g. 5 minutes). Therefore, federated learning (FL) has emerged as the promising solution to address this problem via on-device training. Unfortunately, to enable FL on LEO satellites, we still face three critical challenges that are i) heterogeneous computing and memory capabilities, ii) limited uplink rate, and iii) model staleness. To this end, we propose FedSN as a general FL framework to tackle the above challenges, and fully explore data diversity on LEO satellites. Specifically, we first present a novel sub-structure scheme to enable heterogeneous local model training considering different computing, memory, and communication constraints on LEO satellites. Additionally, we propose a pseudo-synchronous model aggregation strategy to dynamically schedule model aggregation for compensating model staleness. To further demonstrate the effectiveness of the FedSN, we evaluate it using space modulation recognition and remote sensing image classification tasks by leveraging the data from real-world satellite networks. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that FedSN framework achieves higher accuracy, lower computing, and communication overhead than the state-of-the-art benchmarks and the effectiveness of each components in FedSN.

replace-cross Challenging Common Paradigms in Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Cathrin Elich, Lukas Kirchdorfer, Jan M. K\"ohler, Lukas Schott

Abstract: While multi-task learning (MTL) has gained significant attention in recent years, its underlying mechanisms remain poorly understood. Recent methods did not yield consistent performance improvements over single task learning (STL) baselines, underscoring the importance of gaining more profound insights about challenges specific to MTL. In our study, we challenge paradigms in MTL in the context of STL: First, the impact of the choice of optimizer has only been mildly investigated in MTL. We show the pivotal role of common STL tools such as the Adam optimizer in MTL empirically in various experiments. To further investigate Adam's effectiveness, we theoretical derive a partial loss-scale invariance under mild assumptions. Second, the notion of gradient conflicts has often been phrased as a specific problem in MTL. We delve into the role of gradient conflicts in MTL and compare it to STL. For angular gradient alignment we find no evidence that this is a unique problem in MTL. We emphasize differences in gradient magnitude as the main distinguishing factor. Lastly, we compare the transferability of features learned through MTL and STL on common image corruptions, and find light evidence that MTL can lead to superior transferability. Overall, we find surprising similarities between STL and MTL suggesting to consider methods from both fields in a broader context.

replace-cross LLatrieval: LLM-Verified Retrieval for Verifiable Generation

Authors: Xiaonan Li, Changtai Zhu, Linyang Li, Zhangyue Yin, Tianxiang Sun, Xipeng Qiu

Abstract: Verifiable generation aims to let the large language model (LLM) generate text with supporting documents, which enables the user to flexibly verify the answer and makes the LLM's output more reliable. Retrieval plays a crucial role in verifiable generation. Specifically, the retrieved documents not only supplement knowledge to help the LLM generate correct answers, but also serve as supporting evidence for the user to verify the LLM's output. However, the widely used retrievers become the bottleneck of the entire pipeline and limit the overall performance. Their capabilities are usually inferior to LLMs since they often have much fewer parameters than the large language model and have not been demonstrated to scale well to the size of LLMs. If the retriever does not correctly find the supporting documents, the LLM can not generate the correct and verifiable answer, which overshadows the LLM's remarkable abilities. To address these limitations, we propose \LLatrieval (Large Language Model Verified Retrieval), where the LLM updates the retrieval result until it verifies that the retrieved documents can sufficiently support answering the question. Thus, the LLM can iteratively provide feedback to retrieval and facilitate the retrieval result to fully support verifiable generation. Experiments show that LLatrieval significantly outperforms extensive baselines and achieves state-of-the-art results.

replace-cross Shifting to Machine Supervision: Annotation-Efficient Semi and Self-Supervised Learning for Automatic Medical Image Segmentation and Classification

Authors: Pranav Singh, Raviteja Chukkapalli, Shravan Chaudhari, Luoyao Chen, Mei Chen, Jinqian Pan, Craig Smuda, Jacopo Cirrone

Abstract: Advancements in clinical treatment are increasingly constrained by the limitations of supervised learning techniques, which depend heavily on large volumes of annotated data. The annotation process is not only costly but also demands substantial time from clinical specialists. Addressing this issue, we introduce the S4MI (Self-Supervision and Semi-Supervision for Medical Imaging) pipeline, a novel approach that leverages advancements in self-supervised and semi-supervised learning. These techniques engage in auxiliary tasks that do not require labeling, thus simplifying the scaling of machine supervision compared to fully-supervised methods. Our study benchmarks these techniques on three distinct medical imaging datasets to evaluate their effectiveness in classification and segmentation tasks. Notably, we observed that self supervised learning significantly surpassed the performance of supervised methods in the classification of all evaluated datasets. Remarkably, the semi-supervised approach demonstrated superior outcomes in segmentation, outperforming fully-supervised methods while using 50% fewer labels across all datasets. In line with our commitment to contributing to the scientific community, we have made the S4MI code openly accessible, allowing for broader application and further development of these methods.

replace-cross Enhancing Object Coherence in Layout-to-Image Synthesis

Authors: Yibin Wang, Weizhong Zhang, Jianwei Zheng, Cheng Jin

Abstract: Layout-to-image synthesis is an emerging technique in conditional image generation. It aims to generate complex scenes, where users require fine control over the layout of the objects in a scene. However, it remains challenging to control the object coherence, including semantic coherence (e.g., the cat looks at the flowers or not) and physical coherence (e.g., the hand and the racket should not be misaligned). In this paper, we propose a novel diffusion model with effective global semantic fusion (GSF) and self-similarity feature enhancement modules to guide the object coherence for this task. For semantic coherence, we argue that the image caption contains rich information for defining the semantic relationship within the objects in the images. Instead of simply employing cross-attention between captions and generated images, which addresses the highly relevant layout restriction and semantic coherence separately and thus leads to unsatisfying results shown in our experiments, we develop GSF to fuse the supervision from the layout restriction and semantic coherence requirement and exploit it to guide the image synthesis process. Moreover, to improve the physical coherence, we develop a Self-similarity Coherence Attention (SCA) module to explicitly integrate local contextual physical coherence into each pixel's generation process. Specifically, we adopt a self-similarity map to encode the coherence restrictions and employ it to extract coherent features from text embedding. Through visualization of our self-similarity map, we explore the essence of SCA, revealing that its effectiveness is not only in capturing reliable physical coherence patterns but also in enhancing complex texture generation. Extensive experiments demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method in both image generation quality and controllability.

replace-cross Hourglass Tokenizer for Efficient Transformer-Based 3D Human Pose Estimation

Authors: Wenhao Li, Mengyuan Liu, Hong Liu, Pichao Wang, Jialun Cai, Nicu Sebe

Abstract: Transformers have been successfully applied in the field of video-based 3D human pose estimation. However, the high computational costs of these video pose transformers (VPTs) make them impractical on resource-constrained devices. In this paper, we present a plug-and-play pruning-and-recovering framework, called Hourglass Tokenizer (HoT), for efficient transformer-based 3D human pose estimation from videos. Our HoT begins with pruning pose tokens of redundant frames and ends with recovering full-length tokens, resulting in a few pose tokens in the intermediate transformer blocks and thus improving the model efficiency. To effectively achieve this, we propose a token pruning cluster (TPC) that dynamically selects a few representative tokens with high semantic diversity while eliminating the redundancy of video frames. In addition, we develop a token recovering attention (TRA) to restore the detailed spatio-temporal information based on the selected tokens, thereby expanding the network output to the original full-length temporal resolution for fast inference. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets (i.e., Human3.6M and MPI-INF-3DHP) demonstrate that our method can achieve both high efficiency and estimation accuracy compared to the original VPT models. For instance, applying to MotionBERT and MixSTE on Human3.6M, our HoT can save nearly 50% FLOPs without sacrificing accuracy and nearly 40% FLOPs with only 0.2% accuracy drop, respectively. Code and models are available at


replace-cross SplaTAM: Splat, Track & Map 3D Gaussians for Dense RGB-D SLAM

Authors: Nikhil Keetha, Jay Karhade, Krishna Murthy Jatavallabhula, Gengshan Yang, Sebastian Scherer, Deva Ramanan, Jonathon Luiten

Abstract: Dense simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is crucial for robotics and augmented reality applications. However, current methods are often hampered by the non-volumetric or implicit way they represent a scene. This work introduces SplaTAM, an approach that, for the first time, leverages explicit volumetric representations, i.e., 3D Gaussians, to enable high-fidelity reconstruction from a single unposed RGB-D camera, surpassing the capabilities of existing methods. SplaTAM employs a simple online tracking and mapping system tailored to the underlying Gaussian representation. It utilizes a silhouette mask to elegantly capture the presence of scene density. This combination enables several benefits over prior representations, including fast rendering and dense optimization, quickly determining if areas have been previously mapped, and structured map expansion by adding more Gaussians. Extensive experiments show that SplaTAM achieves up to 2x superior performance in camera pose estimation, map construction, and novel-view synthesis over existing methods, paving the way for more immersive high-fidelity SLAM applications.

replace-cross Batched Low-Rank Adaptation of Foundation Models

Authors: Yeming Wen, Swarat Chaudhuri

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) has recently gained attention for fine-tuning foundation models by incorporating trainable low-rank matrices, thereby reducing the number of trainable parameters. While LoRA offers numerous advantages, its applicability for real-time serving to a diverse and global user base is constrained by its incapability to handle multiple task-specific adapters efficiently. This imposes a performance bottleneck in scenarios requiring personalized, task-specific adaptations for each incoming request. To mitigate this constraint, we introduce Fast LoRA (FLoRA), a framework in which each input example in a minibatch can be associated with its unique low-rank adaptation weights, allowing for efficient batching of heterogeneous requests. We empirically demonstrate that FLoRA retains the performance merits of LoRA, showcasing competitive results on the MultiPL-E code generation benchmark spanning over 8 languages and a multilingual speech recognition task across 6 languages.

replace-cross FoundationPose: Unified 6D Pose Estimation and Tracking of Novel Objects

Authors: Bowen Wen, Wei Yang, Jan Kautz, Stan Birchfield

Abstract: We present FoundationPose, a unified foundation model for 6D object pose estimation and tracking, supporting both model-based and model-free setups. Our approach can be instantly applied at test-time to a novel object without fine-tuning, as long as its CAD model is given, or a small number of reference images are captured. We bridge the gap between these two setups with a neural implicit representation that allows for effective novel view synthesis, keeping the downstream pose estimation modules invariant under the same unified framework. Strong generalizability is achieved via large-scale synthetic training, aided by a large language model (LLM), a novel transformer-based architecture, and contrastive learning formulation. Extensive evaluation on multiple public datasets involving challenging scenarios and objects indicate our unified approach outperforms existing methods specialized for each task by a large margin. In addition, it even achieves comparable results to instance-level methods despite the reduced assumptions. Project page:


replace-cross World Models via Policy-Guided Trajectory Diffusion

Authors: Marc Rigter, Jun Yamada, Ingmar Posner

Abstract: World models are a powerful tool for developing intelligent agents. By predicting the outcome of a sequence of actions, world models enable policies to be optimised via on-policy reinforcement learning (RL) using synthetic data, i.e. in "in imagination". Existing world models are autoregressive in that they interleave predicting the next state with sampling the next action from the policy. Prediction error inevitably compounds as the trajectory length grows. In this work, we propose a novel world modelling approach that is not autoregressive and generates entire on-policy trajectories in a single pass through a diffusion model. Our approach, Policy-Guided Trajectory Diffusion (PolyGRAD), leverages a denoising model in addition to the gradient of the action distribution of the policy to diffuse a trajectory of initially random states and actions into an on-policy synthetic trajectory. We analyse the connections between PolyGRAD, score-based generative models, and classifier-guided diffusion models. Our results demonstrate that PolyGRAD outperforms state-of-the-art baselines in terms of trajectory prediction error for short trajectories, with the exception of autoregressive diffusion. For short trajectories, PolyGRAD obtains similar errors to autoregressive diffusion, but with lower computational requirements. For long trajectories, PolyGRAD obtains comparable performance to baselines. Our experiments demonstrate that PolyGRAD enables performant policies to be trained via on-policy RL in imagination for MuJoCo continuous control domains. Thus, PolyGRAD introduces a new paradigm for accurate on-policy world modelling without autoregressive sampling.

replace-cross Learning to Act without Actions

Authors: Dominik Schmidt, Minqi Jiang

Abstract: Pre-training large models on vast amounts of web data has proven to be an effective approach for obtaining powerful, general models in domains such as language and vision. However, this paradigm has not yet taken hold in reinforcement learning. This is because videos, the most abundant form of embodied behavioral data on the web, lack the action labels required by existing methods for imitating behavior from demonstrations. We introduce Latent Action Policies (LAPO), a method for recovering latent action information, and thereby latent-action policies, world models, and inverse dynamics models, purely from videos. LAPO is the first method able to recover the structure of the true action space just from observed dynamics, even in challenging procedurally-generated environments. LAPO enables training latent-action policies that can be rapidly fine-tuned into expert-level policies, either offline using a small action-labeled dataset, or online with rewards. LAPO takes a first step towards pre-training powerful, generalist policies and world models on the vast amounts of videos readily available on the web.

replace-cross Retrieval-Augmented Generation for Large Language Models: A Survey

Authors: Yunfan Gao, Yun Xiong, Xinyu Gao, Kangxiang Jia, Jinliu Pan, Yuxi Bi, Yi Dai, Jiawei Sun, Meng Wang, Haofen Wang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) showcase impressive capabilities but encounter challenges like hallucination, outdated knowledge, and non-transparent, untraceable reasoning processes. Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) has emerged as a promising solution by incorporating knowledge from external databases. This enhances the accuracy and credibility of the generation, particularly for knowledge-intensive tasks, and allows for continuous knowledge updates and integration of domain-specific information. RAG synergistically merges LLMs' intrinsic knowledge with the vast, dynamic repositories of external databases. This comprehensive review paper offers a detailed examination of the progression of RAG paradigms, encompassing the Naive RAG, the Advanced RAG, and the Modular RAG. It meticulously scrutinizes the tripartite foundation of RAG frameworks, which includes the retrieval, the generation and the augmentation techniques. The paper highlights the state-of-the-art technologies embedded in each of these critical components, providing a profound understanding of the advancements in RAG systems. Furthermore, this paper introduces up-to-date evaluation framework and benchmark. At the end, this article delineates the challenges currently faced and points out prospective avenues for research and development.

replace-cross Self-Contrast: Better Reflection Through Inconsistent Solving Perspectives

Authors: Wenqi Zhang, Yongliang Shen, Linjuan Wu, Qiuying Peng, Jun Wang, Yueting Zhuang, Weiming Lu

Abstract: The reflection capacity of Large Language Model (LLM) has garnered extensive attention. A post-hoc prompting strategy, e.g., reflexion and self-refine, refines LLM's response based on self-evaluated or external feedback. However, recent research indicates without external feedback, LLM's intrinsic reflection is unstable. Our investigation unveils that the key bottleneck is the quality of the self-evaluated feedback. We find LLMs often exhibit overconfidence or high randomness when self-evaluate, offering stubborn or inconsistent feedback, which causes poor reflection. To remedy this, we advocate Self-Contrast: It adaptively explores diverse solving perspectives tailored to the request, contrasts the differences, and summarizes these discrepancies into a checklist which could be used to re-examine and eliminate discrepancies. Our method endows LLM with diverse perspectives to alleviate stubborn biases. Moreover, their discrepancies indicate potential errors or inherent uncertainties that LLM often overlooks. Reflecting upon these can catalyze more accurate and stable reflection. Experiments conducted on a series of reasoning and translation tasks with different LLMs serve to underscore the effectiveness and generality of our strategy.

replace-cross Artificial Intelligence for Operations Research: Revolutionizing the Operations Research Process

Authors: Zhenan Fan, Bissan Ghaddar, Xinglu Wang, Linzi Xing, Yong Zhang, Zirui Zhou

Abstract: The rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) techniques has opened up new opportunities to revolutionize various fields, including operations research (OR). This survey paper explores the integration of AI within the OR process (AI4OR) to enhance its effectiveness and efficiency across multiple stages, such as parameter generation, model formulation, and model optimization. By providing a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art and examining the potential of AI to transform OR, this paper aims to inspire further research and innovation in the development of AI-enhanced OR methods and tools. The synergy between AI and OR is poised to drive significant advancements and novel solutions in a multitude of domains, ultimately leading to more effective and efficient decision-making.

replace-cross Comparing Pre-trained Human Language Models: Is it Better with Human Context as Groups, Individual Traits, or Both?

Authors: Nikita Soni, Niranjan Balasubramanian, H. Andrew Schwartz, Dirk Hovy

Abstract: Incorporating human context into language models is the next frontier for human-centered natural language processing. Currently, two pre-training methods exist: group-wise attributes (e.g., over-45-year-olds) or individual traits. Group attributes are coarse -- not all 45-year-olds write the same way -- while modeling individual traits allows for a more personalized representation, but requires more complex modeling and data. So far, it is unclear which pre-training approach benefits what tasks. We compare pre-training models with human context via 1) group attributes, 2) individual users, and 3) a combined approach on 5 user- and document-level tasks. We find that pre-training with both group and individual features significantly improves the two user-level regression tasks like age estimation and personality assessment. Pre-training on individual users significantly improves the three document-level classification tasks like stance and topic detection. It even does well for downstream tasks without historical user data. Our results suggest both approaches have specific use cases, opening new avenues for human-centered language modeling.

replace-cross Incorporating simulated spatial context information improves the effectiveness of contrastive learning models

Authors: Lizhen Zhu, James Z. Wang, Wonseuk Lee, Brad Wyble

Abstract: Visual learning often occurs in a specific context, where an agent acquires skills through exploration and tracking of its location in a consistent environment. The historical spatial context of the agent provides a similarity signal for self-supervised contrastive learning. We present a unique approach, termed Environmental Spatial Similarity (ESS), that complements existing contrastive learning methods. Using images from simulated, photorealistic environments as an experimental setting, we demonstrate that ESS outperforms traditional instance discrimination approaches. Moreover, sampling additional data from the same environment substantially improves accuracy and provides new augmentations. ESS allows remarkable proficiency in room classification and spatial prediction tasks, especially in unfamiliar environments. This learning paradigm has the potential to enable rapid visual learning in agents operating in new environments with unique visual characteristics. Potentially transformative applications span from robotics to space exploration. Our proof of concept demonstrates improved efficiency over methods that rely on extensive, disconnected datasets.

replace-cross OpenMoE: An Early Effort on Open Mixture-of-Experts Language Models

Authors: Fuzhao Xue, Zian Zheng, Yao Fu, Jinjie Ni, Zangwei Zheng, Wangchunshu Zhou, Yang You

Abstract: To help the open-source community have a better understanding of Mixture-of-Experts (MoE) based large language models (LLMs), we train and release OpenMoE, a series of fully open-sourced and reproducible decoder-only MoE LLMs, ranging from 650M to 34B parameters and trained on up to over 1T tokens. Our investigation confirms that MoE-based LLMs can offer a more favorable cost-effectiveness trade-off than dense LLMs, highlighting the potential effectiveness for future LLM development. One more important contribution of this study is an in-depth analysis of the routing mechanisms within our OpenMoE models, leading to three significant findings: Context-Independent Specialization, Early Routing Learning, and Drop-towards-the-End. We discovered that routing decisions in MoE models are predominantly based on token IDs, with minimal context relevance. The token-to-expert assignments are determined early in the pre-training phase and remain largely unchanged. This imperfect routing can result in performance degradation, particularly in sequential tasks like multi-turn conversations, where tokens appearing later in a sequence are more likely to be dropped. Finally, we rethink our design based on the above-mentioned observations and analysis. To facilitate future MoE LLM development, we propose potential strategies for mitigating the issues we found and further improving off-the-shelf MoE LLM designs.

replace-cross Attacks, Defenses and Evaluations for LLM Conversation Safety: A Survey

Authors: Zhichen Dong, Zhanhui Zhou, Chao Yang, Jing Shao, Yu Qiao

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) are now commonplace in conversation applications. However, their risks of misuse for generating harmful responses have raised serious societal concerns and spurred recent research on LLM conversation safety. Therefore, in this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of recent studies, covering three critical aspects of LLM conversation safety: attacks, defenses, and evaluations. Our goal is to provide a structured summary that enhances understanding of LLM conversation safety and encourages further investigation into this important subject. For easy reference, we have categorized all the studies mentioned in this survey according to our taxonomy, available at:


replace-cross Stochastic Approximation with Delayed Updates: Finite-Time Rates under Markovian Sampling

Authors: Arman Adibi, Nicolo Dal Fabbro, Luca Schenato, Sanjeev Kulkarni, H. Vincent Poor, George J. Pappas, Hamed Hassani, Aritra Mitra

Abstract: Motivated by applications in large-scale and multi-agent reinforcement learning, we study the non-asymptotic performance of stochastic approximation (SA) schemes with delayed updates under Markovian sampling. While the effect of delays has been extensively studied for optimization, the manner in which they interact with the underlying Markov process to shape the finite-time performance of SA remains poorly understood. In this context, our first main contribution is to show that under time-varying bounded delays, the delayed SA update rule guarantees exponentially fast convergence of the \emph{last iterate} to a ball around the SA operator's fixed point. Notably, our bound is \emph{tight} in its dependence on both the maximum delay $\tau_{max}$, and the mixing time $\tau_{mix}$. To achieve this tight bound, we develop a novel inductive proof technique that, unlike various existing delayed-optimization analyses, relies on establishing uniform boundedness of the iterates. As such, our proof may be of independent interest. Next, to mitigate the impact of the maximum delay on the convergence rate, we provide the first finite-time analysis of a delay-adaptive SA scheme under Markovian sampling. In particular, we show that the exponent of convergence of this scheme gets scaled down by $\tau_{avg}$, as opposed to $\tau_{max}$ for the vanilla delayed SA rule; here, $\tau_{avg}$ denotes the average delay across all iterations. Moreover, the adaptive scheme requires no prior knowledge of the delay sequence for step-size tuning. Our theoretical findings shed light on the finite-time effects of delays for a broad class of algorithms, including TD learning, Q-learning, and stochastic gradient descent under Markovian sampling.

replace-cross Structure Guided Large Language Model for SQL Generation

Authors: Qinggang Zhang, Junnan Dong, Hao Chen, Wentao Li, Feiran Huang, Xiao Huang

Abstract: Generating accurate Structured Querying Language (SQL) is a long-standing problem, especially in matching users' semantic queries with structured databases and then generating structured SQL. Existing models typically input queries and database schemas into the LLM and rely on the LLM to perform semantic-structure matching and generate structured SQL. However, such solutions overlook the structural information within user queries and databases, which can be utilized to enhance the generation of structured SQL. This oversight can lead to inaccurate or unexecutable SQL generation. To fully exploit the structure, we propose a structure-to-SQL framework, which leverages the inherent structure information to improve the SQL generation of LLMs. Specifically, we introduce our Structure Guided SQL~(SGU-SQL) generation model. SGU-SQL first links user queries and databases in a structure-enhanced manner. It then decomposes complicated linked structures with grammar trees to guide the LLM to generate the SQL step by step. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets illustrate that SGU-SQL can outperform sixteen SQL generation baselines.

replace-cross Look Before You Leap: Problem Elaboration Prompting Improves Mathematical Reasoning in Large Language Models

Authors: Haoran Liao, Jidong Tian, Shaohua Hu, Hao He, Yaohui Jin

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) still grapple with complex tasks like mathematical reasoning. Despite significant efforts invested in improving prefix prompts or reasoning process, the crucial role of problem context might have been neglected. Accurate recognition of inputs is fundamental for solving mathematical tasks, as ill-formed problems could potentially mislead LLM's reasoning. In this study, we propose a new approach named Problem Elaboration Prompting (PEP) to enhance the mathematical capacities of LLMs. Specifically, PEP decomposes and elucidates the problem context before reasoning, therefore enhancing the context modeling and parsing efficiency. Experiments across datasets and models demonstrate promising performances: (1) PEP demonstrates an overall enhancement in various mathematical tasks. For instance, with the GPT-3.5 model, PEP exhibits improvements of 9.93% and 8.80% on GSM8k through greedy decoding and self-consistency, respectively. (2) PEP can be easily implemented and integrated with other prompting methods. (3) PEP shows particular strength in handling distraction problems.

replace-cross Probing Multimodal Large Language Models for Global and Local Semantic Representations

Authors: Mingxu Tao, Quzhe Huang, Kun Xu, Liwei Chen, Yansong Feng, Dongyan Zhao

Abstract: The advancement of Multimodal Large Language Models (MLLMs) has greatly accelerated the development of applications in understanding integrated texts and images. Recent works leverage image-caption datasets to train MLLMs, achieving state-of-the-art performance on image-to-text tasks. However, there are few studies exploring which layers of MLLMs make the most effort to the global image information, which plays vital roles in multimodal comprehension and generation. In this study, we find that the intermediate layers of models can encode more global semantic information, whose representation vectors perform better on visual-language entailment tasks, rather than the topmost layers. We further probe models regarding local semantic representations through object recognition tasks. We find that the topmost layers may excessively focus on local information, leading to a diminished ability to encode global information. Our code and data are released via


replace-cross Spectral Meets Spatial: Harmonising 3D Shape Matching and Interpolation

Authors: Dongliang Cao, Marvin Eisenberger, Nafie El Amrani, Daniel Cremers, Florian Bernard

Abstract: Although 3D shape matching and interpolation are highly interrelated, they are often studied separately and applied sequentially to relate different 3D shapes, thus resulting in sub-optimal performance. In this work we present a unified framework to predict both point-wise correspondences and shape interpolation between 3D shapes. To this end, we combine the deep functional map framework with classical surface deformation models to map shapes in both spectral and spatial domains. On the one hand, by incorporating spatial maps, our method obtains more accurate and smooth point-wise correspondences compared to previous functional map methods for shape matching. On the other hand, by introducing spectral maps, our method gets rid of commonly used but computationally expensive geodesic distance constraints that are only valid for near-isometric shape deformations. Furthermore, we propose a novel test-time adaptation scheme to capture both pose-dominant and shape-dominant deformations. Using different challenging datasets, we demonstrate that our method outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods for both shape matching and interpolation, even compared to supervised approaches.

replace-cross LLMs in Political Science: Heralding a New Era of Visual Analysis

Authors: Yu Wang

Abstract: Interest is increasing among political scientists in leveraging the extensive information available in images. However, the challenge of interpreting these images lies in the need for specialized knowledge in computer vision and access to specialized hardware. As a result, image analysis has been limited to a relatively small group within the political science community. This landscape could potentially change thanks to the rise of large language models (LLMs). This paper aims to raise awareness of the feasibility of using Gemini for image content analysis. A retrospective analysis was conducted on a corpus of 688 images. Content reports were elicited from Gemini for each image and then manually evaluated by the authors. We find that Gemini is highly accurate in performing object detection, which is arguably the most common and fundamental task in image analysis for political scientists. Equally important, we show that it is easy to implement as the entire command consists of a single prompt in natural language; it is fast to run and should meet the time budget of most researchers; and it is free to use and does not require any specialized hardware. In addition, we illustrate how political scientists can leverage Gemini for other image understanding tasks, including face identification, sentiment analysis, and caption generation. Our findings suggest that Gemini and other similar LLMs have the potential to drastically stimulate and accelerate image research in political science and social sciences more broadly.

replace-cross SoftTiger: A Clinical Foundation Model for Healthcare Workflows

Authors: Ye Chen, Igor Couto, Wei Cai, Cong Fu, Bruno Dorneles

Abstract: We introduce SoftTiger, a clinical large language model (CLaM) designed as a foundation model for healthcare workflows. The narrative and unstructured nature of clinical notes is a major obstacle for healthcare intelligentization. We address a critical problem of structuring clinical notes into clinical data, according to international interoperability standards. We collect and annotate data for three subtasks, namely, international patient summary, clinical impression and medical encounter. We then supervised fine-tuned a state-of-the-art LLM using public and credentialed clinical data. The training is orchestrated in a way that the target model can first support basic clinical tasks such as abbreviation expansion and temporal information extraction, and then learn to perform more complex downstream clinical tasks. Moreover, we address several modeling challenges in the healthcare context, e.g., extra long context window. Our blind pairwise evaluation shows that SoftTiger outperforms other popular open-source models and GPT-3.5, comparable to Gemini-pro, with a mild gap from GPT-4. We believe that LLMs may become a step-stone towards healthcare digitalization and democratization. Therefore, we publicly release SoftTiger models at scales of 13 billion and 70 billion parameters, as well as datasets and code for our innovative scalable evaluation, hopefully, making a significant contribution to the healthcare industry.

replace-cross NaturalSpeech 3: Zero-Shot Speech Synthesis with Factorized Codec and Diffusion Models

Authors: Zeqian Ju, Yuancheng Wang, Kai Shen, Xu Tan, Detai Xin, Dongchao Yang, Yanqing Liu, Yichong Leng, Kaitao Song, Siliang Tang, Zhizheng Wu, Tao Qin, Xiang-Yang Li, Wei Ye, Shikun Zhang, Jiang Bian, Lei He, Jinyu Li, Sheng Zhao

Abstract: While recent large-scale text-to-speech (TTS) models have achieved significant progress, they still fall short in speech quality, similarity, and prosody. Considering speech intricately encompasses various attributes (e.g., content, prosody, timbre, and acoustic details) that pose significant challenges for generation, a natural idea is to factorize speech into individual subspaces representing different attributes and generate them individually. Motivated by it, we propose NaturalSpeech 3, a TTS system with novel factorized diffusion models to generate natural speech in a zero-shot way. Specifically, 1) we design a neural codec with factorized vector quantization (FVQ) to disentangle speech waveform into subspaces of content, prosody, timbre, and acoustic details; 2) we propose a factorized diffusion model to generate attributes in each subspace following its corresponding prompt. With this factorization design, NaturalSpeech 3 can effectively and efficiently model intricate speech with disentangled subspaces in a divide-and-conquer way. Experiments show that NaturalSpeech 3 outperforms the state-of-the-art TTS systems on quality, similarity, prosody, and intelligibility, and achieves on-par quality with human recordings. Furthermore, we achieve better performance by scaling to 1B parameters and 200K hours of training data.

replace-cross Algorithm-Hardware Co-Design of Distribution-Aware Logarithmic-Posit Encodings for Efficient DNN Inference

Authors: Akshat Ramachandran, Zishen Wan, Geonhwa Jeong, John Gustafson, Tushar Krishna

Abstract: Traditional Deep Neural Network (DNN) quantization methods using integer, fixed-point, or floating-point data types struggle to capture diverse DNN parameter distributions at low precision, and often require large silicon overhead and intensive quantization-aware training. In this study, we introduce Logarithmic Posits (LP), an adaptive, hardware-friendly data type inspired by posits that dynamically adapts to DNN weight/activation distributions by parameterizing LP bit fields. We also develop a novel genetic-algorithm based framework, LP Quantization (LPQ), to find optimal layer-wise LP parameters while reducing representational divergence between quantized and full-precision models through a novel global-local contrastive objective. Additionally, we design a unified mixed-precision LP accelerator (LPA) architecture comprising of processing elements (PEs) incorporating LP in the computational datapath. Our algorithm-hardware co-design demonstrates on average <1% drop in top-1 accuracy across various CNN and ViT models. It also achieves ~ 2x improvements in performance per unit area and 2.2x gains in energy efficiency compared to state-of-the-art quantization accelerators using different data types.

replace-cross Decoupled Data Consistency with Diffusion Purification for Image Restoration

Authors: Xiang Li, Soo Min Kwon, Ismail R. Alkhouri, Saiprasad Ravishankar, Qing Qu

Abstract: Diffusion models have recently gained traction as a powerful class of deep generative priors, excelling in a wide range of image restoration tasks due to their exceptional ability to model data distributions. To solve image restoration problems, many existing techniques achieve data consistency by incorporating additional likelihood gradient steps into the reverse sampling process of diffusion models. However, the additional gradient steps pose a challenge for real-world practical applications as they incur a large computational overhead, thereby increasing inference time. They also present additional difficulties when using accelerated diffusion model samplers, as the number of data consistency steps is limited by the number of reverse sampling steps. In this work, we propose a novel diffusion-based image restoration solver that addresses these issues by decoupling the reverse process from the data consistency steps. Our method involves alternating between a reconstruction phase to maintain data consistency and a refinement phase that enforces the prior via diffusion purification. Our approach demonstrates versatility, making it highly adaptable for efficient problem-solving in latent space. Additionally, it reduces the necessity for numerous sampling steps through the integration of consistency models. The efficacy of our approach is validated through comprehensive experiments across various image restoration tasks, including image denoising, deblurring, inpainting, and super-resolution.

replace-cross SSM Meets Video Diffusion Models: Efficient Video Generation with Structured State Spaces

Authors: Yuta Oshima, Shohei Taniguchi, Masahiro Suzuki, Yutaka Matsuo

Abstract: Given the remarkable achievements in image generation through diffusion models, the research community has shown increasing interest in extending these models to video generation. Recent diffusion models for video generation have predominantly utilized attention layers to extract temporal features. However, attention layers are limited by their memory consumption, which increases quadratically with the length of the sequence. This limitation presents significant challenges when attempting to generate longer video sequences using diffusion models. To overcome this challenge, we propose leveraging state-space models (SSMs). SSMs have recently gained attention as viable alternatives due to their linear memory consumption relative to sequence length. In the experiments, we first evaluate our SSM-based model with UCF101, a standard benchmark of video generation. In addition, to investigate the potential of SSMs for longer video generation, we perform an experiment using the MineRL Navigate dataset, varying the number of frames to 64, 200, and 400. In these settings, our SSM-based model can considerably save memory consumption for longer sequences, while maintaining competitive FVD scores to the attention-based models. Our codes are available at


replace-cross ProSwitch: Knowledge-Guided Language Model Fine-Tuning to Generate Professional and Non-Professional Styled Text

Authors: Chang Zong, Yuyan Chen, Weiming Lu, Jian Shao, Yueting Zhuang

Abstract: Large Language Models (LLMs) have demonstrated efficacy in various linguistic applications, including text summarization and controlled text generation. However, studies into their capacity of switching between styles via fine-tuning remain underexplored. This study concentrates on textual professionalism and introduces a novel methodology, named ProSwitch, which equips a language model with the ability to produce both professional and non-professional responses through knowledge-guided instruction tuning. ProSwitch unfolds across three phases: data preparation for gathering domain knowledge and training corpus; instruction tuning for optimizing language models with multiple levels of instruction formats; and comprehensive evaluation for assessing the professionalism discrimination and reference-based quality of generated text. Comparative analysis of ProSwitch against both general and specialized language models reveals that our approach outperforms baselines in switching between professional and non-professional text generation.

replace-cross Shapley Values-Powered Framework for Fair Reward Split in Content Produced by GenAI

Authors: Alex Glinsky, Alexey Sokolsky

Abstract: It is evident that, currently, generative models are surpassed in quality by human professionals. However, with the advancements in Artificial Intelligence, this gap will narrow, leading to scenarios where individuals who have dedicated years of their lives to mastering a skill become obsolete due to their high costs, which are inherently linked to the time they require to complete a task -- a task that AI could accomplish in minutes or seconds. To avoid future social upheavals, we must, even now, contemplate how to fairly assess the contributions of such individuals in training generative models and how to compensate them for the reduction or complete loss of their incomes. In this work, we propose a method to structure collaboration between model developers and data providers. To achieve this, we employ Shapley Values to quantify the contribution of artist(s) in an image generated by the Stable Diffusion-v1.5 model and to equitably allocate the reward among them.

replace-cross Sabi\'a-2: A New Generation of Portuguese Large Language Models

Authors: Thales Sales Almeida, Hugo Abonizio, Rodrigo Nogueira, Ramon Pires

Abstract: We introduce Sabi\'a-2, a family of large language models trained on Portuguese texts. The models are evaluated on a diverse range of exams, including entry-level tests for Brazilian universities, professional certification exams, and graduate-level exams for various disciplines such as accounting, economics, engineering, law and medicine. Our results reveal that our best model so far, Sabi\'a-2 Medium, matches or surpasses GPT-4's performance in 23 out of 64 exams and outperforms GPT-3.5 in 58 out of 64 exams. Notably, specialization has a significant impact on a model's performance without the need to increase its size, allowing us to offer Sabi\'a-2 Medium at a price per token that is 10 times cheaper than GPT-4. Finally, we identified that math and coding are key abilities that need improvement.

replace-cross Functional Graph Convolutional Networks: A unified multi-task and multi-modal learning framework to facilitate health and social-care insights

Authors: Tobia Boschi, Francesca Bonin, Rodrigo Ordonez-Hurtado, C\'ecile Rousseau, Alessandra Pascale, John Dinsmore

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel Functional Graph Convolutional Network (funGCN) framework that combines Functional Data Analysis and Graph Convolutional Networks to address the complexities of multi-task and multi-modal learning in digital health and longitudinal studies. With the growing importance of health solutions to improve health care and social support, ensure healthy lives, and promote well-being at all ages, funGCN offers a unified approach to handle multivariate longitudinal data for multiple entities and ensures interpretability even with small sample sizes. Key innovations include task-specific embedding components that manage different data types, the ability to perform classification, regression, and forecasting, and the creation of a knowledge graph for insightful data interpretation. The efficacy of funGCN is validated through simulation experiments and a real-data application.

replace-cross Byzantine-resilient Federated Learning With Adaptivity to Data Heterogeneity

Authors: Shiyuan Zuo, Xingrun Yan, Rongfei Fan, Han Hu, Hangguan Shan, Tony Q. S. Quek

Abstract: This paper deals with federated learning (FL) in the presence of malicious Byzantine attacks and data heterogeneity. A novel Robust Average Gradient Algorithm (RAGA) is proposed, which leverages the geometric median for aggregation and can freely select the round number for local updating. Different from most existing resilient approaches, which perform convergence analysis based on strongly-convex loss function or homogeneously distributed dataset, we conduct convergence analysis for not only strongly-convex but also non-convex loss function over heterogeneous dataset. According to our theoretical analysis, as long as the fraction of dataset from malicious users is less than half, RAGA can achieve convergence at rate $\mathcal{O}({1}/{T^{2/3- \delta}})$ where $T$ is the iteration number and $\delta \in (0, 2/3)$ for non-convex loss function, and at linear rate for strongly-convex loss function. Moreover, stationary point or global optimal solution is proved to obtainable as data heterogeneity vanishes. Experimental results corroborate the robustness of RAGA to Byzantine attacks and verifies the advantage of RAGA over baselines on convergence performance under various intensity of Byzantine attacks, for heterogeneous dataset.

replace-cross The opportunities and risks of large language models in mental health

Authors: Hannah R. Lawrence, Renee A. Schneider, Susan B. Rubin, Maja J. Mataric, Daniel J. McDuff, Megan Jones Bell

Abstract: Global rates of mental health concerns are rising and there is increasing realization that existing models of mental healthcare will not adequately expand to meet the demand. With the emergence of large language models (LLMs) has come great optimism regarding their promise to create novel, large-scale solutions to support mental health. Despite their nascence, LLMs have already been applied to mental health-related tasks. In this review, we summarize the extant literature on efforts to use LLMs to provide mental health education, assessment, and intervention and highlight key opportunities for positive impact in each area. We then highlight risks associated with LLMs application to mental health and encourage adoption of strategies to mitigate these risks. The urgent need for mental health support must be balanced with responsible development, testing, and deployment of mental health LLMs. Especially critical is ensuring that mental health LLMs are fine-tuned for mental health, enhance mental health equity, adhere to ethical standards, and that people, including those with lived experience with mental health concerns, are involved in all stages from development through deployment. Prioritizing these efforts will minimize potential harms to mental health and maximize the likelihood that LLMs will positively impact mental health globally.

replace-cross Learning Quadruped Locomotion Using Differentiable Simulation

Authors: Yunlong Song, Sangbae Kim, Davide Scaramuzza

Abstract: While most recent advancements in legged robot control have been driven by model-free reinforcement learning, we explore the potential of differentiable simulation. Differentiable simulation promises faster convergence and more stable training by computing low-variant first-order gradients using the robot model, but so far, its use for legged robot control has remained limited to simulation. The main challenge with differentiable simulation lies in the complex optimization landscape of robotic tasks due to discontinuities in contact-rich environments, e.g., quadruped locomotion. This work proposes a new, differentiable simulation framework to overcome these challenges. The key idea involves decoupling the complex whole-body simulation, which may exhibit discontinuities due to contact, into two separate continuous domains. Subsequently, we align the robot state resulting from the simplified model with a more precise, non-differentiable simulator to maintain sufficient simulation accuracy. Our framework enables learning quadruped walking in minutes using a single simulated robot without any parallelization. When augmented with GPU parallelization, our approach allows the quadruped robot to master diverse locomotion skills, including trot, pace, bound, and gallop, on challenging terrains in minutes. Additionally, our policy achieves robust locomotion performance in the real world zero-shot. To the best of our knowledge, this work represents the first demonstration of using differentiable simulation for controlling a real quadruped robot. This work provides several important insights into using differentiable simulations for legged locomotion in the real world.

replace-cross Solving a Real-World Package Delivery Routing Problem Using Quantum Annealers

Authors: Eneko Osaba, Esther Villar-Rodriguez, Ant\'on Asla

Abstract: Research focused on the conjunction between quantum computing and routing problems has been very prolific in recent years. Most of the works revolve around classical problems such as the Traveling Salesman Problem or the Vehicle Routing Problem. Even though working on these problems is valuable, it is also undeniable that their academic-oriented nature falls short of real-world requirements. The main objective of this research is to present a solving method for realistic instances, avoiding problem relaxations or technical shortcuts. Instead, a quantum-classical hybrid solver has been developed, coined Q4RPD, that considers a set of real constraints such as a heterogeneous fleet of vehicles, priority deliveries, and capacities characterized by two values: weight and dimensions of the packages. Q4RPD resorts to the Leap Constrained Quadratic Model Hybrid Solver of D-Wave. To demonstrate the application of Q4RPD, an experimentation composed of six different instances has been conducted, aiming to serve as illustrative examples.

replace-cross Enhancing Programming Education with ChatGPT: A Case Study on Student Perceptions and Interactions in a Python Course

Authors: Boxaun Ma, Li Chen, Shin'ichi Konomi

Abstract: The integration of ChatGPT as a supportive tool in education, notably in programming courses, addresses the unique challenges of programming education by providing assistance with debugging, code generation, and explanations. Despite existing research validating ChatGPT's effectiveness, its application in university-level programming education and a detailed understanding of student interactions and perspectives remain limited. This paper explores ChatGPT's impact on learning in a Python programming course tailored for first-year students over eight weeks. By analyzing responses from surveys, open-ended questions, and student-ChatGPT dialog data, we aim to provide a comprehensive view of ChatGPT's utility and identify both its advantages and limitations as perceived by students. Our study uncovers a generally positive reception toward ChatGPT and offers insights into its role in enhancing the programming education experience. These findings contribute to the broader discourse on AI's potential in education, suggesting paths for future research and application.

replace-cross $\textit{LinkPrompt}$: Natural and Universal Adversarial Attacks on Prompt-based Language Models

Authors: Yue Xu, Wenjie Wang

Abstract: Prompt-based learning is a new language model training paradigm that adapts the Pre-trained Language Models (PLMs) to downstream tasks, which revitalizes the performance benchmarks across various natural language processing (NLP) tasks. Instead of using a fixed prompt template to fine-tune the model, some research demonstrates the effectiveness of searching for the prompt via optimization. Such prompt optimization process of prompt-based learning on PLMs also gives insight into generating adversarial prompts to mislead the model, raising concerns about the adversarial vulnerability of this paradigm. Recent studies have shown that universal adversarial triggers (UATs) can be generated to alter not only the predictions of the target PLMs but also the prediction of corresponding Prompt-based Fine-tuning Models (PFMs) under the prompt-based learning paradigm. However, UATs found in previous works are often unreadable tokens or characters and can be easily distinguished from natural texts with adaptive defenses. In this work, we consider the naturalness of the UATs and develop $\textit{LinkPrompt}$, an adversarial attack algorithm to generate UATs by a gradient-based beam search algorithm that not only effectively attacks the target PLMs and PFMs but also maintains the naturalness among the trigger tokens. Extensive results demonstrate the effectiveness of $\textit{LinkPrompt}$, as well as the transferability of UATs generated by $\textit{LinkPrompt}$ to open-sourced Large Language Model (LLM) Llama2 and API-accessed LLM GPT-3.5-turbo.

replace-cross DeepMachining: Online Prediction of Machining Errors of Lathe Machines

Authors: Xiang-Li Lu, Hwai-Jung Hsu, Che-Wei Chou, H. T. Kung, Chen-Hsin Lee

Abstract: We describe DeepMachining, a deep learning-based AI system for online prediction of machining errors of lathe machine operations. We have built and evaluated DeepMachining based on manufacturing data from factories. Specifically, we first pretrain a deep learning model for a given lathe machine's operations to learn the salient features of machining states. Then, we fine-tune the pretrained model to adapt to specific machining tasks. We demonstrate that DeepMachining achieves high prediction accuracy for multiple tasks that involve different workpieces and cutting tools. To the best of our knowledge, this work is one of the first factory experiments using pre-trained deep-learning models to predict machining errors of lathe machines.

replace-cross LLMs Are Few-Shot In-Context Low-Resource Language Learners

Authors: Samuel Cahyawijaya, Holy Lovenia, Pascale Fung

Abstract: In-context learning (ICL) empowers large language models (LLMs) to perform diverse tasks in underrepresented languages using only short in-context information, offering a crucial avenue for narrowing the gap between high-resource and low-resource languages. Nonetheless, there is only a handful of works explored ICL for low-resource languages with most of them focusing on relatively high-resource languages, such as French and Spanish. In this work, we extensively study ICL and its cross-lingual variation (X-ICL) on 25 low-resource and 7 relatively higher-resource languages. Our study not only assesses the effectiveness of ICL with LLMs in low-resource languages but also identifies the shortcomings of in-context label alignment, and introduces a more effective alternative: query alignment. Moreover, we provide valuable insights into various facets of ICL for low-resource languages. Our study concludes the significance of few-shot in-context information on enhancing the low-resource understanding quality of LLMs through semantically relevant information by closing the language gap in the target language and aligning the semantics between the targeted low-resource and the high-resource language that the model is proficient in. Our work highlights the importance of advancing ICL research, particularly for low-resource languages.

replace-cross Coarse-Tuning for Ad-hoc Document Retrieval Using Pre-trained Language Models

Authors: Atsushi Keyaki, Ribeka Keyaki

Abstract: Fine-tuning in information retrieval systems using pre-trained language models (PLM-based IR) requires learning query representations and query-document relations, in addition to downstream task-specific learning. This study introduces coarse-tuning as an intermediate learning stage that bridges pre-training and fine-tuning. By learning query representations and query-document relations in coarse-tuning, we aim to reduce the load of fine-tuning and improve the learning effect of downstream IR tasks. We propose Query-Document Pair Prediction (QDPP) for coarse-tuning, which predicts the appropriateness of query-document pairs. Evaluation experiments show that the proposed method significantly improves MRR and/or nDCG@5 in four ad-hoc document retrieval datasets. Furthermore, the results of the query prediction task suggested that coarse-tuning facilitated learning of query representation and query-document relations.

replace-cross SeSaMe: A Framework to Simulate Self-Reported Ground Truth for Mental Health Sensing Studies

Authors: Akshat Choube, Vedant Das Swain, Varun Mishra

Abstract: Advances in mobile and wearable technologies have enabled the potential to passively monitor a person's mental, behavioral, and affective health. These approaches typically rely on longitudinal collection of self-reported outcomes, e.g., depression, stress, and anxiety, to train machine learning (ML) models. However, the need to continuously self-report adds a significant burden on the participants, often resulting in attrition, missing labels, or insincere responses. In this work, we introduce the Scale Scores Simulation using Mental Models (SeSaMe) framework to alleviate participants' burden in digital mental health studies. By leveraging pre-trained large language models (LLMs), SeSaMe enables the simulation of participants' responses on psychological scales. In SeSaMe, researchers can prompt LLMs with information on participants' internal behavioral dispositions, enabling LLMs to construct mental models of participants to simulate their responses on psychological scales. We demonstrate an application of SeSaMe, where we use GPT-4 to simulate responses on one scale using responses from another as behavioral information. We also evaluate the alignment between human and SeSaMe-simulated responses to psychological scales. Then, we present experiments to inspect the utility of SeSaMe-simulated responses as ground truth in training ML models by replicating established depression and anxiety screening tasks from a previous study. Our results indicate SeSaMe to be a promising approach, but its alignment may vary across scales and specific prediction objectives. We also observed that model performance with simulated data was on par with using the real data for training in most evaluation scenarios. We conclude by discussing the potential implications of SeSaMe in addressing some challenges researchers face with ground-truth collection in passive sensing studies.

replace-cross MA4DIV: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning for Search Result Diversification

Authors: Yiqun Chen, Jiaxin Mao, Yi Zhang, Dehong Ma, Long Xia, Jun Fan, Daiting Shi, Zhicong Cheng, Simiu Gu, Dawei Yin

Abstract: The objective of search result diversification (SRD) is to ensure that selected documents cover as many different subtopics as possible. Existing methods primarily utilize a paradigm of "greedy selection", i.e., selecting one document with the highest diversity score at a time. These approaches tend to be inefficient and are easily trapped in a suboptimal state. In addition, some other methods aim to approximately optimize the diversity metric, such as $\alpha$-NDCG, but the results still remain suboptimal. To address these challenges, we introduce Multi-Agent reinforcement learning (MARL) for search result DIVersity, which called MA4DIV. In this approach, each document is an agent and the search result diversification is modeled as a cooperative task among multiple agents. This approach allows for directly optimizing the diversity metrics, such as $\alpha$-NDCG, while achieving high training efficiency. We conducted preliminary experiments on public TREC datasets to demonstrate the effectiveness and potential of MA4DIV. Considering the limited number of queries in public TREC datasets, we construct a large-scale dataset from industry sources and show that MA4DIV achieves substantial improvements in both effectiveness and efficiency than existing baselines on a industrial scale dataset.

replace-cross Imitating Cost-Constrained Behaviors in Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Qian Shao, Pradeep Varakantham, Shih-Fen Cheng

Abstract: Complex planning and scheduling problems have long been solved using various optimization or heuristic approaches. In recent years, imitation learning that aims to learn from expert demonstrations has been proposed as a viable alternative to solving these problems. Generally speaking, imitation learning is designed to learn either the reward (or preference) model or directly the behavioral policy by observing the behavior of an expert. Existing work in imitation learning and inverse reinforcement learning has focused on imitation primarily in unconstrained settings (e.g., no limit on fuel consumed by the vehicle). However, in many real-world domains, the behavior of an expert is governed not only by reward (or preference) but also by constraints. For instance, decisions on self-driving delivery vehicles are dependent not only on the route preferences/rewards (depending on past demand data) but also on the fuel in the vehicle and the time available. In such problems, imitation learning is challenging as decisions are not only dictated by the reward model but are also dependent on a cost-constrained model. In this paper, we provide multiple methods that match expert distributions in the presence of trajectory cost constraints through (a) Lagrangian-based method; (b) Meta-gradients to find a good trade-off between expected return and minimizing constraint violation; and (c) Cost-violation-based alternating gradient. We empirically show that leading imitation learning approaches imitate cost-constrained behaviors poorly and our meta-gradient-based approach achieves the best performance.