new Analyzing the Roles of Language and Vision in Learning from Limited Data

Authors: Allison Chen, Ilia Sucholutsky, Olga Russakovsky, Thomas L. Griffiths

Abstract: Does language help make sense of the visual world? How important is it to actually see the world rather than having it described with words? These basic questions about the nature of intelligence have been difficult to answer because we only had one example of an intelligent system -- humans -- and limited access to cases that isolated language or vision. However, the development of sophisticated Vision-Language Models (VLMs) by artificial intelligence researchers offers us new opportunities to explore the contributions that language and vision make to learning about the world. We ablate components from the cognitive architecture of these models to identify their contributions to learning new tasks from limited data. We find that a language model leveraging all components recovers a majority of a VLM's performance, despite its lack of visual input, and that language seems to allow this by providing access to prior knowledge and reasoning.

new A Picture is Worth 500 Labels: A Case Study of Demographic Disparities in Local Machine Learning Models for Instagram and TikTok

Authors: Jack West, Lea Thiemt, Shimaa Ahmed, Maggie Bartig, Kassem Fawaz, Suman Banerjee

Abstract: Mobile apps have embraced user privacy by moving their data processing to the user's smartphone. Advanced machine learning (ML) models, such as vision models, can now locally analyze user images to extract insights that drive several functionalities. Capitalizing on this new processing model of locally analyzing user images, we analyze two popular social media apps, TikTok and Instagram, to reveal (1) what insights vision models in both apps infer about users from their image and video data and (2) whether these models exhibit performance disparities with respect to demographics. As vision models provide signals for sensitive technologies like age verification and facial recognition, understanding potential biases in these models is crucial for ensuring that users receive equitable and accurate services. We develop a novel method for capturing and evaluating ML tasks in mobile apps, overcoming challenges like code obfuscation, native code execution, and scalability. Our method comprises ML task detection, ML pipeline reconstruction, and ML performance assessment, specifically focusing on demographic disparities. We apply our methodology to TikTok and Instagram, revealing significant insights. For TikTok, we find issues in age and gender prediction accuracy, particularly for minors and Black individuals. In Instagram, our analysis uncovers demographic disparities in the extraction of over 500 visual concepts from images, with evidence of spurious correlations between demographic features and certain concepts.

new Computationally and Memory-Efficient Robust Predictive Analytics Using Big Data

Authors: Daniel Menges, Adil Rasheed

Abstract: In the current data-intensive era, big data has become a significant asset for Artificial Intelligence (AI), serving as a foundation for developing data-driven models and providing insight into various unknown fields. This study navigates through the challenges of data uncertainties, storage limitations, and predictive data-driven modeling using big data. We utilize Robust Principal Component Analysis (RPCA) for effective noise reduction and outlier elimination, and Optimal Sensor Placement (OSP) for efficient data compression and storage. The proposed OSP technique enables data compression without substantial information loss while simultaneously reducing storage needs. While RPCA offers an enhanced alternative to traditional Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for high-dimensional data management, the scope of this work extends its utilization, focusing on robust, data-driven modeling applicable to huge data sets in real-time. For that purpose, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, a type of recurrent neural network, are applied to model and predict data based on a low-dimensional subset obtained from OSP, leading to a crucial acceleration of the training phase. LSTMs are feasible for capturing long-term dependencies in time series data, making them particularly suited for predicting the future states of physical systems on historical data. All the presented algorithms are not only theorized but also simulated and validated using real thermal imaging data mapping a ship's engine.

new MAPL: Model Agnostic Peer-to-peer Learning

Authors: Sayak Mukherjee, Andrea Simonetto, Hadi Jamali-Rad

Abstract: Effective collaboration among heterogeneous clients in a decentralized setting is a rather unexplored avenue in the literature. To structurally address this, we introduce Model Agnostic Peer-to-peer Learning (coined as MAPL) a novel approach to simultaneously learn heterogeneous personalized models as well as a collaboration graph through peer-to-peer communication among neighboring clients. MAPL is comprised of two main modules: (i) local-level Personalized Model Learning (PML), leveraging a combination of intra- and inter-client contrastive losses; (ii) network-wide decentralized Collaborative Graph Learning (CGL) dynamically refining collaboration weights in a privacy-preserving manner based on local task similarities. Our extensive experimentation demonstrates the efficacy of MAPL and its competitive (or, in most cases, superior) performance compared to its centralized model-agnostic counterparts, without relying on any central server. Our code is available and can be accessed here:


new Gegenbauer Graph Neural Networks for Time-varying Signal Reconstruction

Authors: Jhon A. Castro-Correa, Jhony H. Giraldo, Mohsen Badiey, Fragkiskos D. Malliaros

Abstract: Reconstructing time-varying graph signals (or graph time-series imputation) is a critical problem in machine learning and signal processing with broad applications, ranging from missing data imputation in sensor networks to time-series forecasting. Accurately capturing the spatio-temporal information inherent in these signals is crucial for effectively addressing these tasks. However, existing approaches relying on smoothness assumptions of temporal differences and simple convex optimization techniques have inherent limitations. To address these challenges, we propose a novel approach that incorporates a learning module to enhance the accuracy of the downstream task. To this end, we introduce the Gegenbauer-based graph convolutional (GegenConv) operator, which is a generalization of the conventional Chebyshev graph convolution by leveraging the theory of Gegenbauer polynomials. By deviating from traditional convex problems, we expand the complexity of the model and offer a more accurate solution for recovering time-varying graph signals. Building upon GegenConv, we design the Gegenbauer-based time Graph Neural Network (GegenGNN) architecture, which adopts an encoder-decoder structure. Likewise, our approach also utilizes a dedicated loss function that incorporates a mean squared error component alongside Sobolev smoothness regularization. This combination enables GegenGNN to capture both the fidelity to ground truth and the underlying smoothness properties of the signals, enhancing the reconstruction performance. We conduct extensive experiments on real datasets to evaluate the effectiveness of our proposed approach. The experimental results demonstrate that GegenGNN outperforms state-of-the-art methods, showcasing its superior capability in recovering time-varying graph signals.

new Feature-Based Echo-State Networks: A Step Towards Interpretability and Minimalism in Reservoir Computer

Authors: Debdipta Goswami

Abstract: This paper proposes a novel and interpretable recurrent neural-network structure using the echo-state network (ESN) paradigm for time-series prediction. While the traditional ESNs perform well for dynamical systems prediction, it needs a large dynamic reservoir with increased computational complexity. It also lacks interpretability to discern contributions from different input combinations to the output. Here, a systematic reservoir architecture is developed using smaller parallel reservoirs driven by different input combinations, known as features, and then they are nonlinearly combined to produce the output. The resultant feature-based ESN (Feat-ESN) outperforms the traditional single-reservoir ESN with less reservoir nodes. The predictive capability of the proposed architecture is demonstrated on three systems: two synthetic datasets from chaotic dynamical systems and a set of real-time traffic data.

new The State of Lithium-Ion Battery Health Prognostics in the CPS Era

Authors: Gaurav Shinde, Rohan Mohapatra, Pooja Krishan, Harish Garg, Srikanth Prabhu, Sanchari Das, Mohammad Masum, Saptarshi Sengupta

Abstract: Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion) have revolutionized energy storage technology, becoming integral to our daily lives by powering a diverse range of devices and applications. Their high energy density, fast power response, recyclability, and mobility advantages have made them the preferred choice for numerous sectors. This paper explores the seamless integration of Prognostics and Health Management within batteries, presenting a multidisciplinary approach that enhances the reliability, safety, and performance of these powerhouses. Remaining useful life (RUL), a critical concept in prognostics, is examined in depth, emphasizing its role in predicting component failure before it occurs. The paper reviews various RUL prediction methods, from traditional models to cutting-edge data-driven techniques. Furthermore, it highlights the paradigm shift toward deep learning architectures within the field of Li-ion battery health prognostics, elucidating the pivotal role of deep learning in addressing battery system complexities. Practical applications of PHM across industries are also explored, offering readers insights into real-world implementations.This paper serves as a comprehensive guide, catering to both researchers and practitioners in the field of Li-ion battery PHM.

new Evaluating Explanatory Capabilities of Machine Learning Models in Medical Diagnostics: A Human-in-the-Loop Approach

Authors: Jos\'e Bobes-Bascar\'an (University of Coru\~na), Eduardo Mosqueira-Rey (University of Coru\~na), \'Angel Fern\'andez-Leal (University of Coru\~na), Elena Hern\'andez-Pereira (University of Coru\~na), David Alonso-R\'ios (University of Coru\~na), Vicente Moret-Bonillo (University of Coru\~na), Israel Figueirido-Arnoso (University of Coru\~na), Yolanda Vidal-\'Insua (Complejo Hospitalario)

Abstract: This paper presents a comprehensive study on the evaluation of explanatory capabilities of machine learning models, with a focus on Decision Trees, Random Forest and XGBoost models using a pancreatic cancer dataset. We use Human-in-the-Loop related techniques and medical guidelines as a source of domain knowledge to establish the importance of the different features that are relevant to establish a pancreatic cancer treatment. These features are not only used as a dimensionality reduction approach for the machine learning models, but also as way to evaluate the explainability capabilities of the different models using agnostic and non-agnostic explainability techniques. To facilitate interpretation of explanatory results, we propose the use of similarity measures such as the Weighted Jaccard Similarity coefficient. The goal is to not only select the best performing model but also the one that can best explain its conclusions and aligns with human domain knowledge.

new Concept-based Analysis of Neural Networks via Vision-Language Models

Authors: Ravi Mangal, Nina Narodytska, Divya Gopinath, Boyue Caroline Hu, Anirban Roy, Susmit Jha, Corina Pasareanu

Abstract: Formal analysis of vision-based deep neural networks (DNNs) is highly desirable but it is very challenging due to the difficulty of expressing formal specifications for vision tasks and the lack of efficient verification procedures. In this paper, we propose to leverage emerging multimodal, vision-language, foundation models (VLMs) as a lens through which we can reason about vision models. VLMs have been trained on a large body of images accompanied by their textual description, and are thus implicitly aware of high-level, human-understandable concepts describing the images. We describe a logical specification language $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ designed to facilitate writing specifications in terms of these concepts. To define and formally check $\texttt{Con}_{\texttt{spec}}$ specifications, we leverage a VLM, which provides a means to encode and efficiently check natural-language properties of vision models. We demonstrate our techniques on a ResNet-based classifier trained on the RIVAL-10 dataset leveraging CLIP as the multimodal model.

new The New Agronomists: Language Models are Experts in Crop Management

Authors: Jing Wu, Zhixin Lai, Suiyao Chen, Ran Tao, Pan Zhao, Naira Hovakimyan

Abstract: Crop management plays a crucial role in determining crop yield, economic profitability, and environmental sustainability. Despite the availability of management guidelines, optimizing these practices remains a complex and multifaceted challenge. In response, previous studies have explored using reinforcement learning with crop simulators, typically employing simple neural-network-based reinforcement learning (RL) agents. Building on this foundation, this paper introduces a more advanced intelligent crop management system. This system uniquely combines RL, a language model (LM), and crop simulations facilitated by the Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT). We utilize deep RL, specifically a deep Q-network, to train management policies that process numerous state variables from the simulator as observations. A novel aspect of our approach is the conversion of these state variables into more informative language, facilitating the language model's capacity to understand states and explore optimal management practices. The empirical results reveal that the LM exhibits superior learning capabilities. Through simulation experiments with maize crops in Florida (US) and Zaragoza (Spain), the LM not only achieves state-of-the-art performance under various evaluation metrics but also demonstrates a remarkable improvement of over 49\% in economic profit, coupled with reduced environmental impact when compared to baseline methods. Our code is available at \url{}.


new Biased Over-the-Air Federated Learning under Wireless Heterogeneity

Authors: Muhammad Faraz Ul Abrar, Nicol\`o Michelusi

Abstract: Recently, Over-the-Air (OTA) computation has emerged as a promising federated learning (FL) paradigm that leverages the waveform superposition properties of the wireless channel to realize fast model updates. Prior work focused on the OTA device ``pre-scaler" design under \emph{homogeneous} wireless conditions, in which devices experience the same average path loss, resulting in zero-bias solutions. Yet, zero-bias designs are limited by the device with the worst average path loss and hence may perform poorly in \emph{heterogeneous} wireless settings. In this scenario, there may be a benefit in designing \emph{biased} solutions, in exchange for a lower variance in the model updates. To optimize this trade-off, we study the design of OTA device pre-scalers by focusing on the OTA-FL convergence. We derive an upper bound on the model ``optimality error", which explicitly captures the effect of bias and variance in terms of the choice of the pre-scalers. Based on this bound, we identify two solutions of interest: minimum noise variance, and minimum noise variance zero-bias solutions. Numerical evaluations show that using OTA device pre-scalers that minimize the variance of FL updates, while allowing a small bias, can provide high gains over existing schemes.

new A Review of Graph Neural Networks in Epidemic Modeling

Authors: Zewen Liu, Guancheng Wan, B. Aditya Prakash, Max S. Y. Lau, Wei Jin

Abstract: Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been a growing interest in studying epidemiological models. Traditional mechanistic models mathematically describe the transmission mechanisms of infectious diseases. However, they often fall short when confronted with the growing challenges of today. Consequently, Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have emerged as a progressively popular tool in epidemic research. In this paper, we endeavor to furnish a comprehensive review of GNNs in epidemic tasks and highlight potential future directions. To accomplish this objective, we introduce hierarchical taxonomies for both epidemic tasks and methodologies, offering a trajectory of development within this domain. For epidemic tasks, we establish a taxonomy akin to those typically employed within the epidemic domain. For methodology, we categorize existing work into \textit{Neural Models} and \textit{Hybrid Models}. Following this, we perform an exhaustive and systematic examination of the methodologies, encompassing both the tasks and their technical details. Furthermore, we discuss the limitations of existing methods from diverse perspectives and systematically propose future research directions. This survey aims to bridge literature gaps and promote the progression of this promising field. We hope that it will facilitate synergies between the communities of GNNs and epidemiology, and contribute to their collective progress.

new DeNetDM: Debiasing by Network Depth Modulation

Authors: Silpa Vadakkeeveetil Sreelatha, Adarsh Kappiyath, Anjan Dutta

Abstract: When neural networks are trained on biased datasets, they tend to inadvertently learn spurious correlations, leading to challenges in achieving strong generalization and robustness. Current approaches to address such biases typically involve utilizing bias annotations, reweighting based on pseudo-bias labels, or enhancing diversity within bias-conflicting data points through augmentation techniques. We introduce DeNetDM, a novel debiasing method based on the observation that shallow neural networks prioritize learning core attributes, while deeper ones emphasize biases when tasked with acquiring distinct information. Using a training paradigm derived from Product of Experts, we create both biased and debiased branches with deep and shallow architectures and then distill knowledge to produce the target debiased model. Extensive experiments and analyses demonstrate that our approach outperforms current debiasing techniques, achieving a notable improvement of around 5% in three datasets, encompassing both synthetic and real-world data. Remarkably, DeNetDM accomplishes this without requiring annotations pertaining to bias labels or bias types, while still delivering performance on par with supervised counterparts. Furthermore, our approach effectively harnesses the diversity of bias-conflicting points within the data, surpassing previous methods and obviating the need for explicit augmentation-based methods to enhance the diversity of such bias-conflicting points. The source code will be available upon acceptance.

new Towards Stable Machine Learning Model Retraining via Slowly Varying Sequences

Authors: Vassilis Digalakis Jr, Yu Ma, Phevos Paschalidis, Dimitris Bertsimas

Abstract: Retraining machine learning models remains an important task for real-world machine learning model deployment. Existing methods focus largely on greedy approaches to find the best-performing model without considering the stability of trained model structures across different retraining evolutions. In this study, we develop a mixed integer optimization algorithm that holistically considers the problem of retraining machine learning models across different data batch updates. Our method focuses on retaining consistent analytical insights - which is important to model interpretability, ease of implementation, and fostering trust with users - by using custom-defined distance metrics that can be directly incorporated into the optimization problem. Importantly, our method shows stronger stability than greedily trained models with a small, controllable sacrifice in model performance in a real-world production case study. Finally, important analytical insights, as demonstrated using SHAP feature importance, are shown to be consistent across retraining iterations.

new MambaMixer: Efficient Selective State Space Models with Dual Token and Channel Selection

Authors: Ali Behrouz, Michele Santacatterina, Ramin Zabih

Abstract: Recent advances in deep learning have mainly relied on Transformers due to their data dependency and ability to learn at scale. The attention module in these architectures, however, exhibits quadratic time and space in input size, limiting their scalability for long-sequence modeling. Despite recent attempts to design efficient and effective architecture backbone for multi-dimensional data, such as images and multivariate time series, existing models are either data independent, or fail to allow inter- and intra-dimension communication. Recently, State Space Models (SSMs), and more specifically Selective State Space Models, with efficient hardware-aware implementation, have shown promising potential for long sequence modeling. Motivated by the success of SSMs, we present MambaMixer, a new architecture with data-dependent weights that uses a dual selection mechanism across tokens and channels, called Selective Token and Channel Mixer. MambaMixer connects selective mixers using a weighted averaging mechanism, allowing layers to have direct access to early features. As a proof of concept, we design Vision MambaMixer (ViM2) and Time Series MambaMixer (TSM2) architectures based on the MambaMixer block and explore their performance in various vision and time series forecasting tasks. Our results underline the importance of selective mixing across both tokens and channels. In ImageNet classification, object detection, and semantic segmentation tasks, ViM2 achieves competitive performance with well-established vision models and outperforms SSM-based vision models. In time series forecasting, TSM2 achieves outstanding performance compared to state-of-the-art methods while demonstrating significantly improved computational cost. These results show that while Transformers, cross-channel attention, and MLPs are sufficient for good performance in time series forecasting, neither is necessary.

new Nonlinearity Enhanced Adaptive Activation Function

Authors: David Yevick

Abstract: A simply implemented activation function with even cubic nonlinearity is introduced that increases the accuracy of neural networks without substantial additional computational resources. This is partially enabled through an apparent tradeoff between convergence and accuracy. The activation function generalizes the standard RELU function by introducing additional degrees of freedom through optimizable parameters that enable the degree of nonlinearity to be adjusted. The associated accuracy enhancement is quantified in the context of the MNIST digit data set through a comparison with standard techniques.

new Beyond the Known: Novel Class Discovery for Open-world Graph Learning

Authors: Yucheng Jin, Yun Xiong, Juncheng Fang, Xixi Wu, Dongxiao He, Xing Jia, Bingchen Zhao, Philip Yu

Abstract: Node classification on graphs is of great importance in many applications. Due to the limited labeling capability and evolution in real-world open scenarios, novel classes can emerge on unlabeled testing nodes. However, little attention has been paid to novel class discovery on graphs. Discovering novel classes is challenging as novel and known class nodes are correlated by edges, which makes their representations indistinguishable when applying message passing GNNs. Furthermore, the novel classes lack labeling information to guide the learning process. In this paper, we propose a novel method Open-world gRAph neuraL network (ORAL) to tackle these challenges. ORAL first detects correlations between classes through semi-supervised prototypical learning. Inter-class correlations are subsequently eliminated by the prototypical attention network, leading to distinctive representations for different classes. Furthermore, to fully explore multi-scale graph features for alleviating label deficiencies, ORAL generates pseudo-labels by aligning and ensembling label estimations from multiple stacked prototypical attention networks. Extensive experiments on several benchmark datasets show the effectiveness of our proposed method.

new Decision Mamba: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling with Selective State Spaces

Authors: Toshihiro Ota

Abstract: Decision Transformer, a promising approach that applies Transformer architectures to reinforcement learning, relies on causal self-attention to model sequences of states, actions, and rewards. While this method has shown competitive results, this paper investigates the integration of the Mamba framework, known for its advanced capabilities in efficient and effective sequence modeling, into the Decision Transformer architecture, focusing on the potential performance enhancements in sequential decision-making tasks. Our study systematically evaluates this integration by conducting a series of experiments across various decision-making environments, comparing the modified Decision Transformer, Decision Mamba, with its traditional counterpart. This work contributes to the advancement of sequential decision-making models, suggesting that the architecture and training methodology of neural networks can significantly impact their performance in complex tasks, and highlighting the potential of Mamba as a valuable tool for improving the efficacy of Transformer-based models in reinforcement learning scenarios.

new TDANet: A Novel Temporal Denoise Convolutional Neural Network With Attention for Fault Diagnosis

Authors: Zhongzhi Li, Rong Fan, Jingqi Tu, Jinyi Ma, Jianliang Ai, Yiqun Dong

Abstract: Fault diagnosis plays a crucial role in maintaining the operational integrity of mechanical systems, preventing significant losses due to unexpected failures. As intelligent manufacturing and data-driven approaches evolve, Deep Learning (DL) has emerged as a pivotal technique in fault diagnosis research, recognized for its ability to autonomously extract complex features. However, the practical application of current fault diagnosis methods is challenged by the complexity of industrial environments. This paper proposed the Temporal Denoise Convolutional Neural Network With Attention (TDANet), designed to improve fault diagnosis performance in noise environments. This model transforms one-dimensional signals into two-dimensional tensors based on their periodic properties, employing multi-scale 2D convolution kernels to extract signal information both within and across periods. This method enables effective identification of signal characteristics that vary over multiple time scales. The TDANet incorporates a Temporal Variable Denoise (TVD) module with residual connections and a Multi-head Attention Fusion (MAF) module, enhancing the saliency of information within noisy data and maintaining effective fault diagnosis performance. Evaluation on two datasets, CWRU (single sensor) and Real aircraft sensor fault (multiple sensors), demonstrates that the TDANet model significantly outperforms existing deep learning approaches in terms of diagnostic accuracy under noisy environments.

new Coverage-Guaranteed Prediction Sets for Out-of-Distribution Data

Authors: Xin Zou, Weiwei Liu

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) generalization has attracted increasing research attention in recent years, due to its promising experimental results in real-world applications. In this paper,we study the confidence set prediction problem in the OOD generalization setting. Split conformal prediction (SCP) is an efficient framework for handling the confidence set prediction problem. However, the validity of SCP requires the examples to be exchangeable, which is violated in the OOD setting. Empirically, we show that trivially applying SCP results in a failure to maintain the marginal coverage when the unseen target domain is different from the source domain. To address this issue, we develop a method for forming confident prediction sets in the OOD setting and theoretically prove the validity of our method. Finally, we conduct experiments on simulated data to empirically verify the correctness of our theory and the validity of our proposed method.

new DeepHeteroIoT: Deep Local and Global Learning over Heterogeneous IoT Sensor Data

Authors: Muhammad Sakib Khan Inan, Kewen Liao, Haifeng Shen, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos, Ming Jian Tang

Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) sensor data or readings evince variations in timestamp range, sampling frequency, geographical location, unit of measurement, etc. Such presented sequence data heterogeneity makes it difficult for traditional time series classification algorithms to perform well. Therefore, addressing the heterogeneity challenge demands learning not only the sub-patterns (local features) but also the overall pattern (global feature). To address the challenge of classifying heterogeneous IoT sensor data (e.g., categorizing sensor data types like temperature and humidity), we propose a novel deep learning model that incorporates both Convolutional Neural Network and Bi-directional Gated Recurrent Unit to learn local and global features respectively, in an end-to-end manner. Through rigorous experimentation on heterogeneous IoT sensor datasets, we validate the effectiveness of our proposed model, which outperforms recent state-of-the-art classification methods as well as several machine learning and deep learning baselines. In particular, the model achieves an average absolute improvement of 3.37% in Accuracy and 2.85% in F1-Score across datasets

new Embracing Unknown Step by Step: Towards Reliable Sparse Training in Real World

Authors: Bowen Lei, Dongkuan Xu, Ruqi Zhang, Bani Mallick

Abstract: Sparse training has emerged as a promising method for resource-efficient deep neural networks (DNNs) in real-world applications. However, the reliability of sparse models remains a crucial concern, particularly in detecting unknown out-of-distribution (OOD) data. This study addresses the knowledge gap by investigating the reliability of sparse training from an OOD perspective and reveals that sparse training exacerbates OOD unreliability. The lack of unknown information and the sparse constraints hinder the effective exploration of weight space and accurate differentiation between known and unknown knowledge. To tackle these challenges, we propose a new unknown-aware sparse training method, which incorporates a loss modification, auto-tuning strategy, and a voting scheme to guide weight space exploration and mitigate confusion between known and unknown information without incurring significant additional costs or requiring access to additional OOD data. Theoretical insights demonstrate how our method reduces model confidence when faced with OOD samples. Empirical experiments across multiple datasets, model architectures, and sparsity levels validate the effectiveness of our method, with improvements of up to \textbf{8.4\%} in AUROC while maintaining comparable or higher accuracy and calibration. This research enhances the understanding and readiness of sparse DNNs for deployment in resource-limited applications. Our code is available on: \url{}.


new Adaptive Decentralized Federated Learning in Energy and Latency Constrained Wireless Networks

Authors: Zhigang Yan, Dong Li

Abstract: In Federated Learning (FL), with parameter aggregated by a central node, the communication overhead is a substantial concern. To circumvent this limitation and alleviate the single point of failure within the FL framework, recent studies have introduced Decentralized Federated Learning (DFL) as a viable alternative. Considering the device heterogeneity, and energy cost associated with parameter aggregation, in this paper, the problem on how to efficiently leverage the limited resources available to enhance the model performance is investigated. Specifically, we formulate a problem that minimizes the loss function of DFL while considering energy and latency constraints. The proposed solution involves optimizing the number of local training rounds across diverse devices with varying resource budgets. To make this problem tractable, we first analyze the convergence of DFL with edge devices with different rounds of local training. The derived convergence bound reveals the impact of the rounds of local training on the model performance. Then, based on the derived bound, the closed-form solutions of rounds of local training in different devices are obtained. Meanwhile, since the solutions require the energy cost of aggregation as low as possible, we modify different graph-based aggregation schemes to solve this energy consumption minimization problem, which can be applied to different communication scenarios. Finally, a DFL framework which jointly considers the optimized rounds of local training and the energy-saving aggregation scheme is proposed. Simulation results show that, the proposed algorithm achieves a better performance than the conventional schemes with fixed rounds of local training, and consumes less energy than other traditional aggregation schemes.

new Mol-AIR: Molecular Reinforcement Learning with Adaptive Intrinsic Rewards for Goal-directed Molecular Generation

Authors: Jinyeong Park, Jaegyoon Ahn, Jonghwan Choi, Jibum Kim

Abstract: Optimizing techniques for discovering molecular structures with desired properties is crucial in artificial intelligence(AI)-based drug discovery. Combining deep generative models with reinforcement learning has emerged as an effective strategy for generating molecules with specific properties. Despite its potential, this approach is ineffective in exploring the vast chemical space and optimizing particular chemical properties. To overcome these limitations, we present Mol-AIR, a reinforcement learning-based framework using adaptive intrinsic rewards for effective goal-directed molecular generation. Mol-AIR leverages the strengths of both history-based and learning-based intrinsic rewards by exploiting random distillation network and counting-based strategies. In benchmark tests, Mol-AIR demonstrates superior performance over existing approaches in generating molecules with desired properties without any prior knowledge, including penalized LogP, QED, and celecoxib similarity. We believe that Mol-AIR represents a significant advancement in drug discovery, offering a more efficient path to discovering novel therapeutics.

new Learning using granularity statistical invariants for classification

Authors: Ting-Ting Zhu, Yuan-Hai Shao, Chun-Na Li, Tian Liu

Abstract: Learning using statistical invariants (LUSI) is a new learning paradigm, which adopts weak convergence mechanism, and can be applied to a wider range of classification problems. However, the computation cost of invariant matrices in LUSI is high for large-scale datasets during training. To settle this issue, this paper introduces a granularity statistical invariant for LUSI, and develops a new learning paradigm called learning using granularity statistical invariants (LUGSI). LUGSI employs both strong and weak convergence mechanisms, taking a perspective of minimizing expected risk. As far as we know, it is the first time to construct granularity statistical invariants. Compared to LUSI, the introduction of this new statistical invariant brings two advantages. Firstly, it enhances the structural information of the data. Secondly, LUGSI transforms a large invariant matrix into a smaller one by maximizing the distance between classes, achieving feasibility for large-scale datasets classification problems and significantly enhancing the training speed of model operations. Experimental results indicate that LUGSI not only exhibits improved generalization capabilities but also demonstrates faster training speed, particularly for large-scale datasets.

new Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Classifying Postoperative Success in Metabolic Bariatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Study

Authors: Jos\'e Alberto Ben\'itez-Andrades, Camino Prada-Garc\'ia, Rub\'en Garc\'ia-Fern\'andez, Mar\'ia D. Ballesteros-Pomar, Mar\'ia-Inmaculada Gonz\'alez-Alonso, Antonio Serrano-Garc\'ia

Abstract: Objectives: Metabolic Bariatric Surgery (MBS) is a critical intervention for patients living with obesity and related health issues. Accurate classification and prediction of patient outcomes are vital for optimizing treatment strategies. This study presents a novel machine learning approach to classify patients in the context of metabolic bariatric surgery, providing insights into the efficacy of different models and variable types. Methods: Various machine learning models, including GaussianNB, ComplementNB, KNN, Decision Tree, KNN with RandomOverSampler, and KNN with SMOTE, were applied to a dataset of 73 patients. The dataset, comprising psychometric, socioeconomic, and analytical variables, was analyzed to determine the most efficient predictive model. The study also explored the impact of different variable groupings and oversampling techniques. Results: Experimental results indicate average accuracy values as high as 66.7% for the best model. Enhanced versions of KNN and Decision Tree, along with variations of KNN such as RandomOverSampler and SMOTE, yielded the best results. Conclusions: The study unveils a promising avenue for classifying patients in the realm of metabolic bariatric surgery. The results underscore the importance of selecting appropriate variables and employing diverse approaches to achieve optimal performance. The developed system holds potential as a tool to assist healthcare professionals in decision-making, thereby enhancing metabolic bariatric surgery outcomes. These findings lay the groundwork for future collaboration between hospitals and healthcare entities to improve patient care through the utilization of machine learning algorithms. Moreover, the findings suggest room for improvement, potentially achievable with a larger dataset and careful parameter tuning.

new Conformal Prediction for Stochastic Decision-Making of PV Power in Electricity Markets

Authors: Yvet Renkema, Nico Brinkel, Tarek Alskaif

Abstract: This paper studies the use of conformal prediction (CP), an emerging probabilistic forecasting method, for day-ahead photovoltaic power predictions to enhance participation in electricity markets. First, machine learning models are used to construct point predictions. Thereafter, several variants of CP are implemented to quantify the uncertainty of those predictions by creating CP intervals and cumulative distribution functions. Optimal quantity bids for the electricity market are estimated using several bidding strategies under uncertainty, namely: trust-the-forecast, worst-case, Newsvendor and expected utility maximization (EUM). Results show that CP in combination with k-nearest neighbors and/or Mondrian binning outperforms its corresponding linear quantile regressors. Using CP in combination with certain bidding strategies can yield high profit with minimal energy imbalance. In concrete, using conformal predictive systems with k-nearest neighbors and Mondrian binning after random forest regression yields the best profit and imbalance regardless of the decision-making strategy. Combining this uncertainty quantification method with the EUM strategy with conditional value at risk (CVaR) can yield up to 93\% of the potential profit with minimal energy imbalance.

new TFB: Towards Comprehensive and Fair Benchmarking of Time Series Forecasting Methods

Authors: Xiangfei Qiu, Jilin Hu, Lekui Zhou, Xingjian Wu, Junyang Du, Buang Zhang, Chenjuan Guo, Aoying Zhou, Christian S. Jensen, Zhenli Sheng, Bin Yang

Abstract: Time series are generated in diverse domains such as economic, traffic, health, and energy, where forecasting of future values has numerous important applications. Not surprisingly, many forecasting methods are being proposed. To ensure progress, it is essential to be able to study and compare such methods empirically in a comprehensive and reliable manner. To achieve this, we propose TFB, an automated benchmark for Time Series Forecasting (TSF) methods. TFB advances the state-of-the-art by addressing shortcomings related to datasets, comparison methods, and evaluation pipelines: 1) insufficient coverage of data domains, 2) stereotype bias against traditional methods, and 3) inconsistent and inflexible pipelines. To achieve better domain coverage, we include datasets from 10 different domains: traffic, electricity, energy, the environment, nature, economic, stock markets, banking, health, and the web. We also provide a time series characterization to ensure that the selected datasets are comprehensive. To remove biases against some methods, we include a diverse range of methods, including statistical learning, machine learning, and deep learning methods, and we also support a variety of evaluation strategies and metrics to ensure a more comprehensive evaluations of different methods. To support the integration of different methods into the benchmark and enable fair comparisons, TFB features a flexible and scalable pipeline that eliminates biases. Next, we employ TFB to perform a thorough evaluation of 21 Univariate Time Series Forecasting (UTSF) methods on 8,068 univariate time series and 14 Multivariate Time Series Forecasting (MTSF) methods on 25 datasets. The benchmark code and data are available at


new CAESAR: Enhancing Federated RL in Heterogeneous MDPs through Convergence-Aware Sampling with Screening

Authors: Hei Yi Mak, Flint Xiaofeng Fan, Luca A. Lanzend\"orfer, Cheston Tan, Wei Tsang Ooi, Roger Wattenhofer

Abstract: In this study, we delve into Federated Reinforcement Learning (FedRL) in the context of value-based agents operating across diverse Markov Decision Processes (MDPs). Existing FedRL methods typically aggregate agents' learning by averaging the value functions across them to improve their performance. However, this aggregation strategy is suboptimal in heterogeneous environments where agents converge to diverse optimal value functions. To address this problem, we introduce the Convergence-AwarE SAmpling with scReening (CAESAR) aggregation scheme designed to enhance the learning of individual agents across varied MDPs. CAESAR is an aggregation strategy used by the server that combines convergence-aware sampling with a screening mechanism. By exploiting the fact that agents learning in identical MDPs are converging to the same optimal value function, CAESAR enables the selective assimilation of knowledge from more proficient counterparts, thereby significantly enhancing the overall learning efficiency. We empirically validate our hypothesis and demonstrate the effectiveness of CAESAR in enhancing the learning efficiency of agents, using both a custom-built GridWorld environment and the classical FrozenLake-v1 task, each presenting varying levels of environmental heterogeneity.

new Unleashing the Potential of Large Language Models for Predictive Tabular Tasks in Data Science

Authors: Yazheng Yang, Yuqi Wang, Sankalok Sen, Lei Li, Qi Liu

Abstract: In the domain of data science, the predictive tasks of classification, regression, and imputation of missing values are commonly encountered challenges associated with tabular data. This research endeavors to apply Large Language Models (LLMs) towards addressing these predictive tasks. Despite their proficiency in comprehending natural language, LLMs fall short in dealing with structured tabular data. This limitation stems from their lacking exposure to the intricacies of tabular data during their foundational training. Our research aims to mitigate this gap by compiling a comprehensive corpus of tables annotated with instructions and executing large-scale training of Llama-2 on this enriched dataset. Furthermore, we investigate the practical application of applying the trained model to zero-shot prediction, few-shot prediction, and in-context learning scenarios. Through extensive experiments, our methodology has shown significant improvements over existing benchmarks. These advancements highlight the efficacy of tailoring LLM training to solve table-related problems in data science, thereby establishing a new benchmark in the utilization of LLMs for enhancing tabular intelligence.

new Graph Neural Aggregation-diffusion with Metastability

Authors: Kaiyuan Cui, Xinyan Wang, Zicheng Zhang, Weichen Zhao

Abstract: Continuous graph neural models based on differential equations have expanded the architecture of graph neural networks (GNNs). Due to the connection between graph diffusion and message passing, diffusion-based models have been widely studied. However, diffusion naturally drives the system towards an equilibrium state, leading to issues like over-smoothing. To this end, we propose GRADE inspired by graph aggregation-diffusion equations, which includes the delicate balance between nonlinear diffusion and aggregation induced by interaction potentials. The node representations obtained through aggregation-diffusion equations exhibit metastability, indicating that features can aggregate into multiple clusters. In addition, the dynamics within these clusters can persist for long time periods, offering the potential to alleviate over-smoothing effects. This nonlinear diffusion in our model generalizes existing diffusion-based models and establishes a connection with classical GNNs. We prove that GRADE achieves competitive performance across various benchmarks and alleviates the over-smoothing issue in GNNs evidenced by the enhanced Dirichlet energy.

new Enhancing Dimension-Reduced Scatter Plots with Class and Feature Centroids

Authors: Daniel B. Hier, Tayo Obafemi-Ajayi, Gayla R. Olbricht, Devin M. Burns, Sasha Petrenko, Donald C. Wunsch II

Abstract: Dimension reduction is increasingly applied to high-dimensional biomedical data to improve its interpretability. When datasets are reduced to two dimensions, each observation is assigned an x and y coordinates and is represented as a point on a scatter plot. A significant challenge lies in interpreting the meaning of the x and y axes due to the complexities inherent in dimension reduction. This study addresses this challenge by using the x and y coordinates derived from dimension reduction to calculate class and feature centroids, which can be overlaid onto the scatter plots. This method connects the low-dimension space to the original high-dimensional space. We illustrate the utility of this approach with data derived from the phenotypes of three neurogenetic diseases and demonstrate how the addition of class and feature centroids increases the interpretability of scatter plots.

new Sparse multimodal fusion with modal channel attention

Authors: Josiah Bjorgaard

Abstract: The ability of masked multimodal transformer architectures to learn a robust embedding space when modality samples are sparsely aligned is studied by measuring the quality of generated embedding spaces as a function of modal sparsity. An extension to the masked multimodal transformer model is proposed which incorporates modal-incomplete channels in the multihead attention mechanism called modal channel attention (MCA). Two datasets with 4 modalities are used, CMU-MOSEI for multimodal sentiment recognition and TCGA for multiomics. Models are shown to learn uniform and aligned embedding spaces with only two out of four modalities in most samples. It was found that, even with no modal sparsity, the proposed MCA mechanism improves the quality of generated embedding spaces, recall metrics, and subsequent performance on downstream tasks.

new Localising the Seizure Onset Zone from Single-Pulse Electrical Stimulation Responses with a Transformer

Authors: Jamie Norris, Aswin Chari, Gerald Cooray, Martin Tisdall, Karl Friston, Richard Rosch

Abstract: Epilepsy is one of the most common neurological disorders, and many patients require surgical intervention when medication fails to control seizures. For effective surgical outcomes, precise localisation of the epileptogenic focus - often approximated through the Seizure Onset Zone (SOZ) - is critical yet remains a challenge. Active probing through electrical stimulation is already standard clinical practice for identifying epileptogenic areas. This paper advances the application of deep learning for SOZ localisation using Single Pulse Electrical Stimulation (SPES) responses. We achieve this by introducing Transformer models that incorporate cross-channel attention. We evaluate these models on held-out patient test sets to assess their generalisability to unseen patients and electrode placements. Our study makes three key contributions: Firstly, we implement an existing deep learning model to compare two SPES analysis paradigms - namely, divergent and convergent. These paradigms evaluate outward and inward effective connections, respectively. Our findings reveal a notable improvement in moving from a divergent (AUROC: 0.574) to a convergent approach (AUROC: 0.666), marking the first application of the latter in this context. Secondly, we demonstrate the efficacy of the Transformer models in handling heterogeneous electrode placements, increasing the AUROC to 0.730. Lastly, by incorporating inter-trial variability, we further refine the Transformer models, with an AUROC of 0.745, yielding more consistent predictions across patients. These advancements provide a deeper insight into SOZ localisation and represent a significant step in modelling patient-specific intracranial EEG electrode placements in SPES. Future work will explore integrating these models into clinical decision-making processes to bridge the gap between deep learning research and practical healthcare applications.

cross First path component power based NLOS mitigation in UWB positioning system

Authors: Marcin Kolakowski, Jozef Modelski

Abstract: The paper describes an NLOS (Non-Line-of-Sight) mitigation method intended for use in a UWB positioning system. In the proposed method propagation conditions between the localized objects and the anchors forming system infrastructure are classified into one of three categories: LOS (Line-of-Sight), NLOS and severe NLOS. Non-Line-of-Sight detection is conducted based on first path signal component power measurements. For each of the categories, average NLOS inducted time of arrival bias and bias standard deviation have been estimated based on results gathered during a measurement campaign conducted in a fully furnished apartment. To locate a tag, an EKF (Extended Kalman Filter) based algorithm is used. The proposed method of NLOS mitigation consists in correcting measurement results obtained in NLOS conditions and lowering their significance in a tag position estimation process. The paper includes the description of the method and the results of the conducted experiments.

cross AttentionStore: Cost-effective Attention Reuse across Multi-turn Conversations in Large Language Model Serving

Authors: Bin Gao, Zhuomin He, Puru Sharma, Qingxuan Kang, Djordje Jevdjic, Junbo Deng, Xingkun Yang, Zhou Yu, Pengfei Zuo

Abstract: Interacting with humans through multi-turn conversations is a fundamental feature of large language models (LLMs). However, existing LLM serving engines for executing multi-turn conversations are inefficient due to the need to repeatedly compute the key-value (KV) caches of historical tokens, incurring high serving costs. To address the problem, this paper proposes AttentionStore, a new attention mechanism that enables the reuse of KV caches (i.e., attention reuse) across multi-turn conversations, significantly reducing the repetitive computation overheads. AttentionStore maintains a hierarchical KV caching system that leverages cost-effective memory/storage mediums to save KV caches for all requests. To reduce KV cache access overheads from slow mediums, AttentionStore employs layer-wise pre-loading and asynchronous saving schemes to overlap the KV cache access with the GPU computation. To ensure that the KV caches to be accessed are placed in the fastest hierarchy, AttentionStore employs scheduler-aware fetching and eviction schemes to consciously place the KV caches in different layers based on the hints from the inference job scheduler. To avoid the invalidation of the saved KV caches incurred by context window overflow, AttentionStore enables the saved KV caches to remain valid via decoupling the positional encoding and effectively truncating the KV caches. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that AttentionStore significantly decreases the time to the first token (TTFT) by up to 88%, improves the prompt prefilling throughput by 8.2$\times$ for multi-turn conversations, and reduces the end-to-end inference cost by up to 56%. For long sequence inference, AttentionStore reduces the TTFT by up to 95% and improves the prompt prefilling throughput by 22$\times$.

cross Hierarchical Recurrent Adapters for Efficient Multi-Task Adaptation of Large Speech Models

Authors: Tsendsuren Munkhdalai, Youzheng Chen, Khe Chai Sim, Fadi Biadsy, Tara Sainath, Pedro Moreno Mengibar

Abstract: Parameter efficient adaptation methods have become a key mechanism to train large pre-trained models for downstream tasks. However, their per-task parameter overhead is considered still high when the number of downstream tasks to adapt for is large. We introduce an adapter module that has a better efficiency in large scale multi-task adaptation scenario. Our adapter is hierarchical in terms of how the adapter parameters are allocated. The adapter consists of a single shared controller network and multiple task-level adapter heads to reduce the per-task parameter overhead without performance regression on downstream tasks. The adapter is also recurrent so the entire adapter parameters are reused across different layers of the pre-trained model. Our Hierarchical Recurrent Adapter (HRA) outperforms the previous adapter-based approaches as well as full model fine-tuning baseline in both single and multi-task adaptation settings when evaluated on automatic speech recognition tasks.

cross STRUM-LLM: Attributed and Structured Contrastive Summarization

Authors: Beliz Gunel, James B. Wendt, Jing Xie, Yichao Zhou, Nguyen Vo, Zachary Fisher, Sandeep Tata

Abstract: Users often struggle with decision-making between two options (A vs B), as it usually requires time-consuming research across multiple web pages. We propose STRUM-LLM that addresses this challenge by generating attributed, structured, and helpful contrastive summaries that highlight key differences between the two options. STRUM-LLM identifies helpful contrast: the specific attributes along which the two options differ significantly and which are most likely to influence the user's decision. Our technique is domain-agnostic, and does not require any human-labeled data or fixed attribute list as supervision. STRUM-LLM attributes all extractions back to the input sources along with textual evidence, and it does not have a limit on the length of input sources that it can process. STRUM-LLM Distilled has 100x more throughput than the models with comparable performance while being 10x smaller. In this paper, we provide extensive evaluations for our method and lay out future directions for our currently deployed system.

cross NJUST-KMG at TRAC-2024 Tasks 1 and 2: Offline Harm Potential Identification

Authors: Jingyuan Wang, Shengdong Xu, Yang Yang

Abstract: This report provide a detailed description of the method that we proposed in the TRAC-2024 Offline Harm Potential dentification which encloses two sub-tasks. The investigation utilized a rich dataset comprised of social media comments in several Indian languages, annotated with precision by expert judges to capture the nuanced implications for offline context harm. The objective assigned to the participants was to design algorithms capable of accurately assessing the likelihood of harm in given situations and identifying the most likely target(s) of offline harm. Our approach ranked second in two separate tracks, with F1 values of 0.73 and 0.96 respectively. Our method principally involved selecting pretrained models for finetuning, incorporating contrastive learning techniques, and culminating in an ensemble approach for the test set.

cross A Python library for efficient computation of molecular fingerprints

Authors: Micha{\l} Szafarczyk, Piotr Ludynia, Przemys{\l}aw Kukla

Abstract: Machine learning solutions are very popular in the field of chemoinformatics, where they have numerous applications, such as novel drug discovery or molecular property prediction. Molecular fingerprints are algorithms commonly used for vectorizing chemical molecules as a part of preprocessing in this kind of solution. However, despite their popularity, there are no libraries that implement them efficiently for large datasets, utilizing modern, multicore architectures. On top of that, most of them do not provide the user with an intuitive interface, or one that would be compatible with other machine learning tools. In this project, we created a Python library that computes molecular fingerprints efficiently and delivers an interface that is comprehensive and enables the user to easily incorporate the library into their existing machine learning workflow. The library enables the user to perform computation on large datasets using parallelism. Because of that, it is possible to perform such tasks as hyperparameter tuning in a reasonable time. We describe tools used in implementation of the library and asses its time performance on example benchmark datasets. Additionally, we show that using molecular fingerprints we can achieve results comparable to state-of-the-art ML solutions even with very simple models.

cross Meta-Learning with Generalized Ridge Regression: High-dimensional Asymptotics, Optimality and Hyper-covariance Estimation

Authors: Yanhao Jin, Krishnakumar Balasubramanian, Debashis Paul

Abstract: Meta-learning involves training models on a variety of training tasks in a way that enables them to generalize well on new, unseen test tasks. In this work, we consider meta-learning within the framework of high-dimensional multivariate random-effects linear models and study generalized ridge-regression based predictions. The statistical intuition of using generalized ridge regression in this setting is that the covariance structure of the random regression coefficients could be leveraged to make better predictions on new tasks. Accordingly, we first characterize the precise asymptotic behavior of the predictive risk for a new test task when the data dimension grows proportionally to the number of samples per task. We next show that this predictive risk is optimal when the weight matrix in generalized ridge regression is chosen to be the inverse of the covariance matrix of random coefficients. Finally, we propose and analyze an estimator of the inverse covariance matrix of random regression coefficients based on data from the training tasks. As opposed to intractable MLE-type estimators, the proposed estimators could be computed efficiently as they could be obtained by solving (global) geodesically-convex optimization problems. Our analysis and methodology use tools from random matrix theory and Riemannian optimization. Simulation results demonstrate the improved generalization performance of the proposed method on new unseen test tasks within the considered framework.

cross MUGC: Machine Generated versus User Generated Content Detection

Authors: Yaqi Xie, Anjali Rawal, Yujing Cen, Dixuan Zhao, Sunil K Narang, Shanu Sushmita

Abstract: As advanced modern systems like deep neural networks (DNNs) and generative AI continue to enhance their capabilities in producing convincing and realistic content, the need to distinguish between user-generated and machine generated content is becoming increasingly evident. In this research, we undertake a comparative evaluation of eight traditional machine-learning algorithms to distinguish between machine-generated and human-generated data across three diverse datasets: Poems, Abstracts, and Essays. Our results indicate that traditional methods demonstrate a high level of accuracy in identifying machine-generated data, reflecting the documented effectiveness of popular pre-trained models like RoBERT. We note that machine-generated texts tend to be shorter and exhibit less word variety compared to human-generated content. While specific domain-related keywords commonly utilized by humans, albeit disregarded by current LLMs (Large Language Models), may contribute to this high detection accuracy, we show that deeper word representations like word2vec can capture subtle semantic variances. Furthermore, readability, bias, moral, and affect comparisons reveal a discernible contrast between machine-generated and human generated content. There are variations in expression styles and potentially underlying biases in the data sources (human and machine-generated). This study provides valuable insights into the advancing capacities and challenges associated with machine-generated content across various domains.

cross EmoScan: Automatic Screening of Depression Symptoms in Romanized Sinhala Tweets

Authors: Jayathi Hewapathirana, Deshan Sumanathilaka

Abstract: This work explores the utilization of Romanized Sinhala social media data to identify individuals at risk of depression. A machine learning-based framework is presented for the automatic screening of depression symptoms by analyzing language patterns, sentiment, and behavioural cues within a comprehensive dataset of social media posts. The research has been carried out to compare the suitability of Neural Networks over the classical machine learning techniques. The proposed Neural Network with an attention layer which is capable of handling long sequence data, attains a remarkable accuracy of 93.25% in detecting depression symptoms, surpassing current state-of-the-art methods. These findings underscore the efficacy of this approach in pinpointing individuals in need of proactive interventions and support. Mental health professionals, policymakers, and social media companies can gain valuable insights through the proposed model. Leveraging natural language processing techniques and machine learning algorithms, this work offers a promising pathway for mental health screening in the digital era. By harnessing the potential of social media data, the framework introduces a proactive method for recognizing and assisting individuals at risk of depression. In conclusion, this research contributes to the advancement of proactive interventions and support systems for mental health, thereby influencing both research and practical applications in the field.

cross Physics-Informed Neural Networks for Satellite State Estimation

Authors: Jacob Varey, Jessica D. Ruprecht, Michael Tierney, Ryan Sullenberger

Abstract: The Space Domain Awareness (SDA) community routinely tracks satellites in orbit by fitting an orbital state to observations made by the Space Surveillance Network (SSN). In order to fit such orbits, an accurate model of the forces that are acting on the satellite is required. Over the past several decades, high-quality, physics-based models have been developed for satellite state estimation and propagation. These models are exceedingly good at estimating and propagating orbital states for non-maneuvering satellites; however, there are several classes of anomalous accelerations that a satellite might experience which are not well-modeled, such as satellites that use low-thrust electric propulsion to modify their orbit. Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINNs) are a valuable tool for these classes of satellites as they combine physics models with Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), which are highly expressive and versatile function approximators. By combining a physics model with a DNN, the machine learning model need not learn astrodynamics, which results in more efficient and effective utilization of machine learning resources. This paper details the application of PINNs to estimate the orbital state and a continuous, low-amplitude anomalous acceleration profile for satellites. The PINN is trained to learn the unknown acceleration by minimizing the mean square error of observations. We evaluate the performance of pure physics models with PINNs in terms of their observation residuals and their propagation accuracy beyond the fit span of the observations. For a two-day simulation of a GEO satellite using an unmodeled acceleration profile on the order of $10^{-8} \text{ km/s}^2$, the PINN outperformed the best-fit physics model by orders of magnitude for both observation residuals (123 arcsec vs 1.00 arcsec) as well as propagation accuracy (3860 km vs 164 km after five days).

cross Hierarchical Deep Learning for Intention Estimation of Teleoperation Manipulation in Assembly Tasks

Authors: Mingyu Cai, Karankumar Patel, Soshi Iba, Songpo Li

Abstract: In human-robot collaboration, shared control presents an opportunity to teleoperate robotic manipulation to improve the efficiency of manufacturing and assembly processes. Robots are expected to assist in executing the user's intentions. To this end, robust and prompt intention estimation is needed, relying on behavioral observations. The framework presents an intention estimation technique at hierarchical levels i.e., low-level actions and high-level tasks, by incorporating multi-scale hierarchical information in neural networks. Technically, we employ hierarchical dependency loss to boost overall accuracy. Furthermore, we propose a multi-window method that assigns proper hierarchical prediction windows of input data. An analysis of the predictive power with various inputs demonstrates the predominance of the deep hierarchical model in the sense of prediction accuracy and early intention identification. We implement the algorithm on a virtual reality (VR) setup to teleoperate robotic hands in a simulation with various assembly tasks to show the effectiveness of online estimation.

cross CLoRA: A Contrastive Approach to Compose Multiple LoRA Models

Authors: Tuna Han Salih Meral, Enis Simsar, Federico Tombari, Pinar Yanardag

Abstract: Low-Rank Adaptations (LoRAs) have emerged as a powerful and popular technique in the field of image generation, offering a highly effective way to adapt and refine pre-trained deep learning models for specific tasks without the need for comprehensive retraining. By employing pre-trained LoRA models, such as those representing a specific cat and a particular dog, the objective is to generate an image that faithfully embodies both animals as defined by the LoRAs. However, the task of seamlessly blending multiple concept LoRAs to capture a variety of concepts in one image proves to be a significant challenge. Common approaches often fall short, primarily because the attention mechanisms within different LoRA models overlap, leading to scenarios where one concept may be completely ignored (e.g., omitting the dog) or where concepts are incorrectly combined (e.g., producing an image of two cats instead of one cat and one dog). To overcome these issues, CLoRA addresses them by updating the attention maps of multiple LoRA models and leveraging them to create semantic masks that facilitate the fusion of latent representations. Our method enables the creation of composite images that truly reflect the characteristics of each LoRA, successfully merging multiple concepts or styles. Our comprehensive evaluations, both qualitative and quantitative, demonstrate that our approach outperforms existing methodologies, marking a significant advancement in the field of image generation with LoRAs. Furthermore, we share our source code, benchmark dataset, and trained LoRA models to promote further research on this topic.

cross Reinforcement Learning in Agent-Based Market Simulation: Unveiling Realistic Stylized Facts and Behavior

Authors: Zhiyuan Yao, Zheng Li, Matthew Thomas, Ionut Florescu

Abstract: Investors and regulators can greatly benefit from a realistic market simulator that enables them to anticipate the consequences of their decisions in real markets. However, traditional rule-based market simulators often fall short in accurately capturing the dynamic behavior of market participants, particularly in response to external market impact events or changes in the behavior of other participants. In this study, we explore an agent-based simulation framework employing reinforcement learning (RL) agents. We present the implementation details of these RL agents and demonstrate that the simulated market exhibits realistic stylized facts observed in real-world markets. Furthermore, we investigate the behavior of RL agents when confronted with external market impacts, such as a flash crash. Our findings shed light on the effectiveness and adaptability of RL-based agents within the simulation, offering insights into their response to significant market events.

cross AlloyBERT: Alloy Property Prediction with Large Language Models

Authors: Akshat Chaudhari, Chakradhar Guntuboina, Hongshuo Huang, Amir Barati Farimani

Abstract: The pursuit of novel alloys tailored to specific requirements poses significant challenges for researchers in the field. This underscores the importance of developing predictive techniques for essential physical properties of alloys based on their chemical composition and processing parameters. This study introduces AlloyBERT, a transformer encoder-based model designed to predict properties such as elastic modulus and yield strength of alloys using textual inputs. Leveraging the pre-trained RoBERTa encoder model as its foundation, AlloyBERT employs self-attention mechanisms to establish meaningful relationships between words, enabling it to interpret human-readable input and predict target alloy properties. By combining a tokenizer trained on our textual data and a RoBERTa encoder pre-trained and fine-tuned for this specific task, we achieved a mean squared error (MSE) of 0.00015 on the Multi Principal Elemental Alloys (MPEA) data set and 0.00611 on the Refractory Alloy Yield Strength (RAYS) dataset. This surpasses the performance of shallow models, which achieved a best-case MSE of 0.00025 and 0.0076 on the MPEA and RAYS datasets respectively. Our results highlight the potential of language models in material science and establish a foundational framework for text-based prediction of alloy properties that does not rely on complex underlying representations, calculations, or simulations.

cross Expanding Chemical Representation with k-mers and Fragment-based Fingerprints for Molecular Fingerprinting

Authors: Sarwan Ali, Prakash Chourasia, Murray Patterson

Abstract: This study introduces a novel approach, combining substruct counting, $k$-mers, and Daylight-like fingerprints, to expand the representation of chemical structures in SMILES strings. The integrated method generates comprehensive molecular embeddings that enhance discriminative power and information content. Experimental evaluations demonstrate its superiority over traditional Morgan fingerprinting, MACCS, and Daylight fingerprint alone, improving chemoinformatics tasks such as drug classification. The proposed method offers a more informative representation of chemical structures, advancing molecular similarity analysis and facilitating applications in molecular design and drug discovery. It presents a promising avenue for molecular structure analysis and design, with significant potential for practical implementation.

cross Generalized Gradient Descent is a Hypergraph Functor

Authors: Tyler Hanks, Matthew Klawonn, James Fairbanks

Abstract: Cartesian reverse derivative categories (CRDCs) provide an axiomatic generalization of the reverse derivative, which allows generalized analogues of classic optimization algorithms such as gradient descent to be applied to a broad class of problems. In this paper, we show that generalized gradient descent with respect to a given CRDC induces a hypergraph functor from a hypergraph category of optimization problems to a hypergraph category of dynamical systems. The domain of this functor consists of objective functions that are 1) general in the sense that they are defined with respect to an arbitrary CRDC, and 2) open in that they are decorated spans that can be composed with other such objective functions via variable sharing. The codomain is specified analogously as a category of general and open dynamical systems for the underlying CRDC. We describe how the hypergraph functor induces a distributed optimization algorithm for arbitrary composite problems specified in the domain. To illustrate the kinds of problems our framework can model, we show that parameter sharing models in multitask learning, a prevalent machine learning paradigm, yield a composite optimization problem for a given choice of CRDC. We then apply the gradient descent functor to this composite problem and describe the resulting distributed gradient descent algorithm for training parameter sharing models.

cross Localizing Paragraph Memorization in Language Models

Authors: Niklas Stoehr, Mitchell Gordon, Chiyuan Zhang, Owen Lewis

Abstract: Can we localize the weights and mechanisms used by a language model to memorize and recite entire paragraphs of its training data? In this paper, we show that while memorization is spread across multiple layers and model components, gradients of memorized paragraphs have a distinguishable spatial pattern, being larger in lower model layers than gradients of non-memorized examples. Moreover, the memorized examples can be unlearned by fine-tuning only the high-gradient weights. We localize a low-layer attention head that appears to be especially involved in paragraph memorization. This head is predominantly focusing its attention on distinctive, rare tokens that are least frequent in a corpus-level unigram distribution. Next, we study how localized memorization is across the tokens in the prefix by perturbing tokens and measuring the caused change in the decoding. A few distinctive tokens early in a prefix can often corrupt the entire continuation. Overall, memorized continuations are not only harder to unlearn, but also to corrupt than non-memorized ones.

cross Finding Decision Tree Splits in Streaming and Massively Parallel Models

Authors: Huy Pham, Hoang Ta, Hoa T. Vu

Abstract: In this work, we provide data stream algorithms that compute optimal splits in decision tree learning. In particular, given a data stream of observations $x_i$ and their labels $y_i$, the goal is to find the optimal split point $j$ that divides the data into two sets such that the mean squared error (for regression) or misclassification rate (for classification) is minimized. We provide various fast streaming algorithms that use sublinear space and a small number of passes for these problems. These algorithms can also be extended to the massively parallel computation model. Our work, while not directly comparable, complements the seminal work of Domingos and Hulten (KDD 2000).

cross Enhancing Efficiency in Vision Transformer Networks: Design Techniques and Insights

Authors: Moein Heidari, Reza Azad, Sina Ghorbani Kolahi, Ren\'e Arimond, Leon Niggemeier, Alaa Sulaiman, Afshin Bozorgpour, Ehsan Khodapanah Aghdam, Amirhossein Kazerouni, Ilker Hacihaliloglu, Dorit Merhof

Abstract: Intrigued by the inherent ability of the human visual system to identify salient regions in complex scenes, attention mechanisms have been seamlessly integrated into various Computer Vision (CV) tasks. Building upon this paradigm, Vision Transformer (ViT) networks exploit attention mechanisms for improved efficiency. This review navigates the landscape of redesigned attention mechanisms within ViTs, aiming to enhance their performance. This paper provides a comprehensive exploration of techniques and insights for designing attention mechanisms, systematically reviewing recent literature in the field of CV. This survey begins with an introduction to the theoretical foundations and fundamental concepts underlying attention mechanisms. We then present a systematic taxonomy of various attention mechanisms within ViTs, employing redesigned approaches. A multi-perspective categorization is proposed based on their application, objectives, and the type of attention applied. The analysis includes an exploration of the novelty, strengths, weaknesses, and an in-depth evaluation of the different proposed strategies. This culminates in the development of taxonomies that highlight key properties and contributions. Finally, we gather the reviewed studies along with their available open-source implementations at our \href{}{GitHub}\footnote{\url{}}. We aim to regularly update it with the most recent relevant papers.


cross Jamba: A Hybrid Transformer-Mamba Language Model

Authors: Opher Lieber, Barak Lenz, Hofit Bata, Gal Cohen, Jhonathan Osin, Itay Dalmedigos, Erez Safahi, Shaked Meirom, Yonatan Belinkov, Shai Shalev-Shwartz, Omri Abend, Raz Alon, Tomer Asida, Amir Bergman, Roman Glozman, Michael Gokhman, Avashalom Manevich, Nir Ratner, Noam Rozen, Erez Shwartz, Mor Zusman, Yoav Shoham

Abstract: We present Jamba, a new base large language model based on a novel hybrid Transformer-Mamba mixture-of-experts (MoE) architecture. Specifically, Jamba interleaves blocks of Transformer and Mamba layers, enjoying the benefits of both model families. MoE is added in some of these layers to increase model capacity while keeping active parameter usage manageable. This flexible architecture allows resource- and objective-specific configurations. In the particular configuration we have implemented, we end up with a powerful model that fits in a single 80GB GPU. Built at large scale, Jamba provides high throughput and small memory footprint compared to vanilla Transformers, and at the same time state-of-the-art performance on standard language model benchmarks and long-context evaluations. Remarkably, the model presents strong results for up to 256K tokens context length. We study various architectural decisions, such as how to combine Transformer and Mamba layers, and how to mix experts, and show that some of them are crucial in large scale modeling. We also describe several interesting properties of these architectures which the training and evaluation of Jamba have revealed, and plan to release checkpoints from various ablation runs, to encourage further exploration of this novel architecture. We make the weights of our implementation of Jamba publicly available under a permissive license.

cross Towards a Robust Retrieval-Based Summarization System

Authors: Shengjie Liu, Jing Wu, Jingyuan Bao, Wenyi Wang, Naira Hovakimyan, Christopher G Healey

Abstract: This paper describes an investigation of the robustness of large language models (LLMs) for retrieval augmented generation (RAG)-based summarization tasks. While LLMs provide summarization capabilities, their performance in complex, real-world scenarios remains under-explored. Our first contribution is LogicSumm, an innovative evaluation framework incorporating realistic scenarios to assess LLM robustness during RAG-based summarization. Based on limitations identified by LogiSumm, we then developed SummRAG, a comprehensive system to create training dialogues and fine-tune a model to enhance robustness within LogicSumm's scenarios. SummRAG is an example of our goal of defining structured methods to test the capabilities of an LLM, rather than addressing issues in a one-off fashion. Experimental results confirm the power of SummRAG, showcasing improved logical coherence and summarization quality. Data, corresponding model weights, and Python code are available online.

cross An Information-Theoretic Framework for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Authors: Wenliang Liu, Guanding Yu, Lele Wang, Renjie Liao

Abstract: We study the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization in machine learning and propose a general framework that provides information-theoretic generalization bounds. Our framework interpolates freely between Integral Probability Metric (IPM) and $f$-divergence, which naturally recovers some known results (including Wasserstein- and KL-bounds), as well as yields new generalization bounds. Moreover, we show that our framework admits an optimal transport interpretation. When evaluated in two concrete examples, the proposed bounds either strictly improve upon existing bounds in some cases or recover the best among existing OOD generalization bounds.

cross Disentangling Racial Phenotypes: Fine-Grained Control of Race-related Facial Phenotype Characteristics

Authors: Seyma Yucer, Amir Atapour Abarghouei, Noura Al Moubayed, Toby P. Breckon

Abstract: Achieving an effective fine-grained appearance variation over 2D facial images, whilst preserving facial identity, is a challenging task due to the high complexity and entanglement of common 2D facial feature encoding spaces. Despite these challenges, such fine-grained control, by way of disentanglement is a crucial enabler for data-driven racial bias mitigation strategies across multiple automated facial analysis tasks, as it allows to analyse, characterise and synthesise human facial diversity. In this paper, we propose a novel GAN framework to enable fine-grained control over individual race-related phenotype attributes of the facial images. Our framework factors the latent (feature) space into elements that correspond to race-related facial phenotype representations, thereby separating phenotype aspects (e.g. skin, hair colour, nose, eye, mouth shapes), which are notoriously difficult to annotate robustly in real-world facial data. Concurrently, we also introduce a high quality augmented, diverse 2D face image dataset drawn from CelebA-HQ for GAN training. Unlike prior work, our framework only relies upon 2D imagery and related parameters to achieve state-of-the-art individual control over race-related phenotype attributes with improved photo-realistic output.

cross MANGO: A Benchmark for Evaluating Mapping and Navigation Abilities of Large Language Models

Authors: Peng Ding, Jiading Fang, Peng Li, Kangrui Wang, Xiaochen Zhou, Mo Yu, Jing Li, Matthew R. Walter, Hongyuan Mei

Abstract: Large language models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4 have recently achieved astonishing performance on a variety of natural language processing tasks. In this paper, we propose MANGO, a benchmark to evaluate their capabilities to perform text-based mapping and navigation. Our benchmark includes 53 mazes taken from a suite of textgames: each maze is paired with a walkthrough that visits every location but does not cover all possible paths. The task is question-answering: for each maze, a large language model reads the walkthrough and answers hundreds of mapping and navigation questions such as "How should you go to Attic from West of House?" and "Where are we if we go north and east from Cellar?". Although these questions are easy to humans, it turns out that even GPT-4, the best-to-date language model, performs poorly at answering them. Further, our experiments suggest that a strong mapping and navigation ability would benefit large language models in performing relevant downstream tasks, such as playing textgames. Our MANGO benchmark will facilitate future research on methods that improve the mapping and navigation capabilities of language models. We host our leaderboard, data, code, and evaluation program at and


cross CtRL-Sim: Reactive and Controllable Driving Agents with Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Luke Rowe, Roger Girgis, Anthony Gosselin, Bruno Carrez, Florian Golemo, Felix Heide, Liam Paull, Christopher Pal

Abstract: Evaluating autonomous vehicle stacks (AVs) in simulation typically involves replaying driving logs from real-world recorded traffic. However, agents replayed from offline data do not react to the actions of the AV, and their behaviour cannot be easily controlled to simulate counterfactual scenarios. Existing approaches have attempted to address these shortcomings by proposing methods that rely on heuristics or learned generative models of real-world data but these approaches either lack realism or necessitate costly iterative sampling procedures to control the generated behaviours. In this work, we take an alternative approach and propose CtRL-Sim, a method that leverages return-conditioned offline reinforcement learning within a physics-enhanced Nocturne simulator to efficiently generate reactive and controllable traffic agents. Specifically, we process real-world driving data through the Nocturne simulator to generate a diverse offline reinforcement learning dataset, annotated with various reward terms. With this dataset, we train a return-conditioned multi-agent behaviour model that allows for fine-grained manipulation of agent behaviours by modifying the desired returns for the various reward components. This capability enables the generation of a wide range of driving behaviours beyond the scope of the initial dataset, including those representing adversarial behaviours. We demonstrate that CtRL-Sim can efficiently generate diverse and realistic safety-critical scenarios while providing fine-grained control over agent behaviours. Further, we show that fine-tuning our model on simulated safety-critical scenarios generated by our model enhances this controllability.

cross DiJiang: Efficient Large Language Models through Compact Kernelization

Authors: Hanting Chen, Zhicheng Liu, Xutao Wang, Yuchuan Tian, Yunhe Wang

Abstract: In an effort to reduce the computational load of Transformers, research on linear attention has gained significant momentum. However, the improvement strategies for attention mechanisms typically necessitate extensive retraining, which is impractical for large language models with a vast array of parameters. In this paper, we present DiJiang, a novel Frequency Domain Kernelization approach that enables the transformation of a pre-trained vanilla Transformer into a linear complexity model with little training costs. By employing a weighted Quasi-Monte Carlo method for sampling, the proposed approach theoretically offers superior approximation efficiency. To further reduce the training computational complexity, our kernelization is based on Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) operations. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method achieves comparable performance to the original Transformer, but with significantly reduced training costs and much faster inference speeds. Our DiJiang-7B achieves comparable performance with LLaMA2-7B on various benchmark while requires only about 1/50 training cost. Code is available at


cross Enhancing the General Agent Capabilities of Low-Parameter LLMs through Tuning and Multi-Branch Reasoning

Authors: Qinhao Zhou, Zihan Zhang, Xiang Xiang, Ke Wang, Yuchuan Wu, Yongbin Li

Abstract: Open-source pre-trained Large Language Models (LLMs) exhibit strong language understanding and generation capabilities, making them highly successful in a variety of tasks. However, when used as agents for dealing with complex problems in the real world, their performance is far inferior to large commercial models such as ChatGPT and GPT-4. As intelligent agents, LLMs need to have the capabilities of task planning, long-term memory, and the ability to leverage external tools to achieve satisfactory performance. Various methods have been proposed to enhance the agent capabilities of LLMs. On the one hand, methods involve constructing agent-specific data and fine-tuning the models. On the other hand, some methods focus on designing prompts that effectively activate the reasoning abilities of the LLMs. We explore both strategies on the 7B and 13B models. We propose a comprehensive method for constructing agent-specific data using GPT-4. Through supervised fine-tuning with constructed data, we find that for these models with a relatively small number of parameters, supervised fine-tuning can significantly reduce hallucination outputs and formatting errors in agent tasks. Furthermore, techniques such as multi-path reasoning and task decomposition can effectively decrease problem complexity and enhance the performance of LLMs as agents. We evaluate our method on five agent tasks of AgentBench and achieve satisfactory results.

cross FairRAG: Fair Human Generation via Fair Retrieval Augmentation

Authors: Robik Shrestha, Yang Zou, Qiuyu Chen, Zhiheng Li, Yusheng Xie, Siqi Deng

Abstract: Existing text-to-image generative models reflect or even amplify societal biases ingrained in their training data. This is especially concerning for human image generation where models are biased against certain demographic groups. Existing attempts to rectify this issue are hindered by the inherent limitations of the pre-trained models and fail to substantially improve demographic diversity. In this work, we introduce Fair Retrieval Augmented Generation (FairRAG), a novel framework that conditions pre-trained generative models on reference images retrieved from an external image database to improve fairness in human generation. FairRAG enables conditioning through a lightweight linear module that projects reference images into the textual space. To enhance fairness, FairRAG applies simple-yet-effective debiasing strategies, providing images from diverse demographic groups during the generative process. Extensive experiments demonstrate that FairRAG outperforms existing methods in terms of demographic diversity, image-text alignment, and image fidelity while incurring minimal computational overhead during inference.

cross Separate, Dynamic and Differentiable (SMART) Pruner for Block/Output Channel Pruning on Computer Vision Tasks

Authors: Guanhua Ding, Zexi Ye, Zhen Zhong, Gang Li, David Shao

Abstract: Deep Neural Network (DNN) pruning has emerged as a key strategy to reduce model size, improve inference latency, and lower power consumption on DNN accelerators. Among various pruning techniques, block and output channel pruning have shown significant potential in accelerating hardware performance. However, their accuracy often requires further improvement. In response to this challenge, we introduce a separate, dynamic and differentiable (SMART) pruner. This pruner stands out by utilizing a separate, learnable probability mask for weight importance ranking, employing a differentiable Top k operator to achieve target sparsity, and leveraging a dynamic temperature parameter trick to escape from non-sparse local minima. In our experiments, the SMART pruner consistently demonstrated its superiority over existing pruning methods across a wide range of tasks and models on block and output channel pruning. Additionally, we extend our testing to Transformer-based models in N:M pruning scenarios, where SMART pruner also yields state-of-the-art results, demonstrating its adaptability and robustness across various neural network architectures, and pruning types.

cross Semantically-Shifted Incremental Adapter-Tuning is A Continual ViTransformer

Authors: Yuwen Tan, Qinhao Zhou, Xiang Xiang, Ke Wang, Yuchuan Wu, Yongbin Li

Abstract: Class-incremental learning (CIL) aims to enable models to continuously learn new classes while overcoming catastrophic forgetting. The introduction of pre-trained models has brought new tuning paradigms to CIL. In this paper, we revisit different parameter-efficient tuning (PET) methods within the context of continual learning. We observe that adapter tuning demonstrates superiority over prompt-based methods, even without parameter expansion in each learning session. Motivated by this, we propose incrementally tuning the shared adapter without imposing parameter update constraints, enhancing the learning capacity of the backbone. Additionally, we employ feature sampling from stored prototypes to retrain a unified classifier, further improving its performance. We estimate the semantic shift of old prototypes without access to past samples and update stored prototypes session by session. Our proposed method eliminates model expansion and avoids retaining any image samples. It surpasses previous pre-trained model-based CIL methods and demonstrates remarkable continual learning capabilities. Experimental results on five CIL benchmarks validate the effectiveness of our approach, achieving state-of-the-art (SOTA) performance.

cross On Large Language Models' Hallucination with Regard to Known Facts

Authors: Che Jiang, Biqing Qi, Xiangyu Hong, Dayuan Fu, Yang Cheng, Fandong Meng, Mo Yu, Bowen Zhou, Jie Zhou

Abstract: Large language models are successful in answering factoid questions but are also prone to hallucination.We investigate the phenomenon of LLMs possessing correct answer knowledge yet still hallucinating from the perspective of inference dynamics, an area not previously covered in studies on hallucinations.We are able to conduct this analysis via two key ideas.First, we identify the factual questions that query the same triplet knowledge but result in different answers. The difference between the model behaviors on the correct and incorrect outputs hence suggests the patterns when hallucinations happen. Second, to measure the pattern, we utilize mappings from the residual streams to vocabulary space. We reveal the different dynamics of the output token probabilities along the depths of layers between the correct and hallucinated cases. In hallucinated cases, the output token's information rarely demonstrates abrupt increases and consistent superiority in the later stages of the model. Leveraging the dynamic curve as a feature, we build a classifier capable of accurately detecting hallucinatory predictions with an 88\% success rate. Our study shed light on understanding the reasons for LLMs' hallucinations on their known facts, and more importantly, on accurately predicting when they are hallucinating.

cross EnCoMP: Enhanced Covert Maneuver Planning using Offline Reinforcement Learning

Authors: Jumman Hossain, Abu-Zaher Faridee, Nirmalya Roy

Abstract: Cover navigation in complex environments is a critical challenge for autonomous robots, requiring the identification and utilization of environmental cover while maintaining efficient navigation. We propose an enhanced navigation system that enables robots to identify and utilize natural and artificial environmental features as cover, thereby minimizing exposure to potential threats. Our perception pipeline leverages LiDAR data to generate high-fidelity cover maps and potential threat maps, providing a comprehensive understanding of the surrounding environment. We train an offline reinforcement learning model using a diverse dataset collected from real-world environments, learning a robust policy that evaluates the quality of candidate actions based on their ability to maximize cover utilization, minimize exposure to threats, and reach the goal efficiently. Extensive real-world experiments demonstrate the superiority of our approach in terms of success rate, cover utilization, exposure minimization, and navigation efficiency compared to state-of-the-art methods.

cross Nonparametric Bellman Mappings for Reinforcement Learning: Application to Robust Adaptive Filtering

Authors: Yuki Akiyama, Minh Vu, Konstantinos Slavakis

Abstract: This paper designs novel nonparametric Bellman mappings in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces (RKHSs) for reinforcement learning (RL). The proposed mappings benefit from the rich approximating properties of RKHSs, adopt no assumptions on the statistics of the data owing to their nonparametric nature, require no knowledge on transition probabilities of Markov decision processes, and may operate without any training data. Moreover, they allow for sampling on-the-fly via the design of trajectory samples, re-use past test data via experience replay, effect dimensionality reduction by random Fourier features, and enable computationally lightweight operations to fit into efficient online or time-adaptive learning. The paper offers also a variational framework to design the free parameters of the proposed Bellman mappings, and shows that appropriate choices of those parameters yield several popular Bellman-mapping designs. As an application, the proposed mappings are employed to offer a novel solution to the problem of countering outliers in adaptive filtering. More specifically, with no prior information on the statistics of the outliers and no training data, a policy-iteration algorithm is introduced to select online, per time instance, the ``optimal'' coefficient p in the least-mean-p-power-error method. Numerical tests on synthetic data showcase, in most of the cases, the superior performance of the proposed solution over several RL and non-RL schemes.

cross A novel decision fusion approach for sale price prediction using Elastic Net and MOPSO

Authors: Amir Eshaghi Chaleshtori

Abstract: Price prediction algorithms propose prices for every product or service according to market trends, projected demand, and other characteristics, including government rules, international transactions, and speculation and expectation. As the dependent variable in price prediction, it is affected by several independent and correlated variables which may challenge the price prediction. To overcome this challenge, machine learning algorithms allow more accurate price prediction without explicitly modeling the relatedness between variables. However, as inputs increase, it challenges the existing machine learning approaches regarding computing efficiency and prediction effectiveness. Hence, this study introduces a novel decision level fusion approach to select informative variables in price prediction. The suggested metaheuristic algorithm balances two competitive objective functions, which are defined to improve the prediction utilized variables and reduce the error rate simultaneously. To generate Pareto optimal solutions, an Elastic net approach is employed to eliminate unrelated and redundant variables to increase the accuracy. Afterward, we propose a novel method for combining solutions and ensuring that a subset of features is optimal. Two various real datasets evaluate the proposed price prediction method. The results support the suggested superiority of the model concerning its relative root mean square error and adjusted correlation coefficient.

cross Revolutionizing Disease Diagnosis with simultaneous functional PET/MR and Deeply Integrated Brain Metabolic, Hemodynamic, and Perfusion Networks

Authors: Luoyu Wang, Yitian Tao, Qing Yang, Yan Liang, Siwei Liu, Hongcheng Shi, Dinggang Shen, Han Zhang

Abstract: Simultaneous functional PET/MR (sf-PET/MR) presents a cutting-edge multimodal neuroimaging technique. It provides an unprecedented opportunity for concurrently monitoring and integrating multifaceted brain networks built by spatiotemporally covaried metabolic activity, neural activity, and cerebral blood flow (perfusion). Albeit high scientific/clinical values, short in hardware accessibility of PET/MR hinders its applications, let alone modern AI-based PET/MR fusion models. Our objective is to develop a clinically feasible AI-based disease diagnosis model trained on comprehensive sf-PET/MR data with the power of, during inferencing, allowing single modality input (e.g., PET only) as well as enforcing multimodal-based accuracy. To this end, we propose MX-ARM, a multimodal MiXture-of-experts Alignment and Reconstruction Model. It is modality detachable and exchangeable, allocating different multi-layer perceptrons dynamically ("mixture of experts") through learnable weights to learn respective representations from different modalities. Such design will not sacrifice model performance in uni-modal situation. To fully exploit the inherent complex and nonlinear relation among modalities while producing fine-grained representations for uni-modal inference, we subsequently add a modal alignment module to line up a dominant modality (e.g., PET) with representations of auxiliary modalities (MR). We further adopt multimodal reconstruction to promote the quality of learned features. Experiments on precious multimodal sf-PET/MR data for Mild Cognitive Impairment diagnosis showcase the efficacy of our model toward clinically feasible precision medicine.

cross Negative Label Guided OOD Detection with Pretrained Vision-Language Models

Authors: Xue Jiang, Feng Liu, Zhen Fang, Hong Chen, Tongliang Liu, Feng Zheng, Bo Han

Abstract: Out-of-distribution (OOD) detection aims at identifying samples from unknown classes, playing a crucial role in trustworthy models against errors on unexpected inputs. Extensive research has been dedicated to exploring OOD detection in the vision modality. Vision-language models (VLMs) can leverage both textual and visual information for various multi-modal applications, whereas few OOD detection methods take into account information from the text modality. In this paper, we propose a novel post hoc OOD detection method, called NegLabel, which takes a vast number of negative labels from extensive corpus databases. We design a novel scheme for the OOD score collaborated with negative labels. Theoretical analysis helps to understand the mechanism of negative labels. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method NegLabel achieves state-of-the-art performance on various OOD detection benchmarks and generalizes well on multiple VLM architectures. Furthermore, our method NegLabel exhibits remarkable robustness against diverse domain shifts. The codes are available at


cross RealKIE: Five Novel Datasets for Enterprise Key Information Extraction

Authors: Benjamin Townsend, Madison May, Christopher Wells

Abstract: We introduce RealKIE, a benchmark of five challenging datasets aimed at advancing key information extraction methods, with an emphasis on enterprise applications. The datasets include a diverse range of documents including SEC S1 Filings, US Non-disclosure Agreements, UK Charity Reports, FCC Invoices, and Resource Contracts. Each presents unique challenges: poor text serialization, sparse annotations in long documents, and complex tabular layouts. These datasets provide a realistic testing ground for key information extraction tasks like investment analysis and legal data processing. In addition to presenting these datasets, we offer an in-depth description of the annotation process, document processing techniques, and baseline modeling approaches. This contribution facilitates the development of NLP models capable of handling practical challenges and supports further research into information extraction technologies applicable to industry-specific problems. The annotated data and OCR outputs are available to download at code to reproduce the baselines will be available shortly.


cross Aggregating Local and Global Features via Selective State Spaces Model for Efficient Image Deblurring

Authors: Hu Gao, Depeng Dang

Abstract: Image deblurring is a process of restoring a high quality image from the corresponding blurred image. Significant progress in this field has been made possible by the emergence of various effective deep learning models, including CNNs and Transformers. However, these methods often face the dilemma between eliminating long-range blur degradation perturbations and maintaining computational efficiency, which hinders their practical application. To address this issue, we propose an efficient image deblurring network that leverages selective structured state spaces model to aggregate enriched and accurate features. Specifically, we design an aggregate local and global block (ALGBlock) to capture and fuse both local invariant properties and non-local information. The ALGBlock consists of two blocks: (1) The local block models local connectivity using simplified channel attention. (2) The global block captures long-range dependency features with linear complexity through selective structured state spaces. Nevertheless, we note that the image details are local features of images, we accentuate the local part for restoration by recalibrating the weight when aggregating the two branches for recovery. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on widely used benchmarks, highlighting its superior performance.

cross Segmentation, Classification and Interpretation of Breast Cancer Medical Images using Human-in-the-Loop Machine Learning

Authors: David V\'azquez-Lema (University of Coru\~na), Eduardo Mosqueira-Rey (University of Coru\~na), Elena Hern\'andez-Pereira (University of Coru\~na), Carlos Fern\'andez-Lozano (University of Coru\~na), Fernando Seara-Romera (University of Coru\~na), Jorge Pombo-Otero (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coru\~na)

Abstract: This paper explores the application of Human-in-the-Loop (HITL) strategies in training machine learning models in the medical domain. In this case a doctor-in-the-loop approach is proposed to leverage human expertise in dealing with large and complex data. Specifically, the paper deals with the integration of genomic data and Whole Slide Imaging (WSI) analysis of breast cancer. Three different tasks were developed: segmentation of histopathological images, classification of this images regarding the genomic subtype of the cancer and, finally, interpretation of the machine learning results. The involvement of a pathologist helped us to develop a better segmentation model and to enhance the explainatory capabilities of the models, but the classification results were suboptimal, highlighting the limitations of this approach: despite involving human experts, complex domains can still pose challenges, and a HITL approach may not always be effective.

cross Sound event localization and classification using WASN in Outdoor Environment

Authors: Dongzhe Zhang, Jianfeng Chen, Jisheng Bai, Mou Wang

Abstract: Deep learning-based sound event localization and classification is an emerging research area within wireless acoustic sensor networks. However, current methods for sound event localization and classification typically rely on a single microphone array, making them susceptible to signal attenuation and environmental noise, which limits their monitoring range. Moreover, methods using multiple microphone arrays often focus solely on source localization, neglecting the aspect of sound event classification. In this paper, we propose a deep learning-based method that employs multiple features and attention mechanisms to estimate the location and class of sound source. We introduce a Soundmap feature to capture spatial information across multiple frequency bands. We also use the Gammatone filter to generate acoustic features more suitable for outdoor environments. Furthermore, we integrate attention mechanisms to learn channel-wise relationships and temporal dependencies within the acoustic features. To evaluate our proposed method, we conduct experiments using simulated datasets with different levels of noise and size of monitoring areas, as well as different arrays and source positions. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art methods in both sound event classification and sound source localization tasks. And we provide further analysis to explain the reasons for the observed errors.

cross Designing Poisson Integrators Through Machine Learning

Authors: Miguel Vaquero, David Mart\'in de Diego, Jorge Cort\'es

Abstract: This paper presents a general method to construct Poisson integrators, i.e., integrators that preserve the underlying Poisson geometry. We assume the Poisson manifold is integrable, meaning there is a known local symplectic groupoid for which the Poisson manifold serves as the set of units. Our constructions build upon the correspondence between Poisson diffeomorphisms and Lagrangian bisections, which allows us to reformulate the design of Poisson integrators as solutions to a certain PDE (Hamilton-Jacobi). The main novelty of this work is to understand the Hamilton-Jacobi PDE as an optimization problem, whose solution can be easily approximated using machine learning related techniques. This research direction aligns with the current trend in the PDE and machine learning communities, as initiated by Physics- Informed Neural Networks, advocating for designs that combine both physical modeling (the Hamilton-Jacobi PDE) and data.

cross Exploring Pathological Speech Quality Assessment with ASR-Powered Wav2Vec2 in Data-Scarce Context

Authors: Tuan Nguyen, Corinne Fredouille, Alain Ghio, Mathieu Balaguer, Virginie Woisard

Abstract: Automatic speech quality assessment has raised more attention as an alternative or support to traditional perceptual clinical evaluation. However, most research so far only gains good results on simple tasks such as binary classification, largely due to data scarcity. To deal with this challenge, current works tend to segment patients' audio files into many samples to augment the datasets. Nevertheless, this approach has limitations, as it indirectly relates overall audio scores to individual segments. This paper introduces a novel approach where the system learns at the audio level instead of segments despite data scarcity. This paper proposes to use the pre-trained Wav2Vec2 architecture for both SSL, and ASR as feature extractor in speech assessment. Carried out on the HNC dataset, our ASR-driven approach established a new baseline compared with other approaches, obtaining average $MSE=0.73$ and $MSE=1.15$ for the prediction of intelligibility and severity scores respectively, using only 95 training samples. It shows that the ASR based Wav2Vec2 model brings the best results and may indicate a strong correlation between ASR and speech quality assessment. We also measure its ability on variable segment durations and speech content, exploring factors influencing its decision.

cross Distributed Swarm Learning for Edge Internet of Things

Authors: Yue Wang, Zhi Tian, FXin Fan, Zhipeng Cai, Cameron Nowzari, Kai Zeng

Abstract: The rapid growth of Internet of Things (IoT) has led to the widespread deployment of smart IoT devices at wireless edge for collaborative machine learning tasks, ushering in a new era of edge learning. With a huge number of hardware-constrained IoT devices operating in resource-limited wireless networks, edge learning encounters substantial challenges, including communication and computation bottlenecks, device and data heterogeneity, security risks, privacy leakages, non-convex optimization, and complex wireless environments. To address these issues, this article explores a novel framework known as distributed swarm learning (DSL), which combines artificial intelligence and biological swarm intelligence in a holistic manner. By harnessing advanced signal processing and communications, DSL provides efficient solutions and robust tools for large-scale IoT at the edge of wireless networks.

cross Homomorphic WiSARDs: Efficient Weightless Neural Network training over encrypted data

Authors: Leonardo Neumann, Antonio Guimar\~aes, Diego F. Aranha, Edson Borin

Abstract: The widespread application of machine learning algorithms is a matter of increasing concern for the data privacy research community, and many have sought to develop privacy-preserving techniques for it. Among existing approaches, the homomorphic evaluation of ML algorithms stands out by performing operations directly over encrypted data, enabling strong guarantees of confidentiality. The homomorphic evaluation of inference algorithms is practical even for relatively deep Convolution Neural Networks (CNNs). However, training is still a major challenge, with current solutions often resorting to lightweight algorithms that can be unfit for solving more complex problems, such as image recognition. This work introduces the homomorphic evaluation of Wilkie, Stonham, and Aleksander's Recognition Device (WiSARD) and subsequent Weightless Neural Networks (WNNs) for training and inference on encrypted data. Compared to CNNs, WNNs offer better performance with a relatively small accuracy drop. We develop a complete framework for it, including several building blocks that can be of independent interest. Our framework achieves 91.7% accuracy on the MNIST dataset after only 3.5 minutes of encrypted training (multi-threaded), going up to 93.8% in 3.5 hours. For the HAM10000 dataset, we achieve 67.9% accuracy in just 1.5 minutes, going up to 69.9% after 1 hour. Compared to the state of the art on the HE evaluation of CNN training, Glyph (Lou et al., NeurIPS 2020), these results represent a speedup of up to 1200 times with an accuracy loss of at most 5.4%. For HAM10000, we even achieved a 0.65% accuracy improvement while being 60 times faster than Glyph. We also provide solutions for small-scale encrypted training. In a single thread on a desktop machine using less than 200MB of memory, we train over 1000 MNIST images in 12 minutes or over the entire Wisconsin Breast Cancer dataset in just 11 seconds.

cross Enhancing Lithological Mapping with Spatially Constrained Bayesian Network (SCB-Net): An Approach for Field Data-Constrained Predictions with Uncertainty Evaluation

Authors: Victor Silva dos Santos, Erwan Gloaguen, Shiva Tirdad

Abstract: Geological maps are an extremely valuable source of information for the Earth sciences. They provide insights into mineral exploration, vulnerability to natural hazards, and many other applications. These maps are created using numerical or conceptual models that use geological observations to extrapolate data. Geostatistical techniques have traditionally been used to generate reliable predictions that take into account the spatial patterns inherent in the data. However, as the number of auxiliary variables increases, these methods become more labor-intensive. Additionally, traditional machine learning methods often struggle with spatially correlated data and extracting valuable non-linear information from geoscientific datasets. To address these limitations, a new architecture called the Spatially Constrained Bayesian Network (SCB-Net) has been developed. The SCB-Net aims to effectively exploit the information from auxiliary variables while producing spatially constrained predictions. It is made up of two parts, the first part focuses on learning underlying patterns in the auxiliary variables while the second part integrates ground-truth data and the learned embeddings from the first part. Moreover, to assess model uncertainty, a technique called Monte Carlo dropout is used as a Bayesian approximation. The SCB-Net has been applied to two selected areas in northern Quebec, Canada, and has demonstrated its potential in generating field-data-constrained lithological maps while allowing assessment of prediction uncertainty for decision-making. This study highlights the promising advancements of deep neural networks in geostatistics, particularly in handling complex spatial feature learning tasks, leading to improved spatial information techniques.

cross Dual Simplex Volume Maximization for Simplex-Structured Matrix Factorization

Authors: Maryam Abdolali, Giovanni Barbarino, Nicolas Gillis

Abstract: Simplex-structured matrix factorization (SSMF) is a generalization of nonnegative matrix factorization, a fundamental interpretable data analysis model, and has applications in hyperspectral unmixing and topic modeling. To obtain identifiable solutions, a standard approach is to find minimum-volume solutions. By taking advantage of the duality/polarity concept for polytopes, we convert minimum-volume SSMF in the primal space to a maximum-volume problem in the dual space. We first prove the identifiability of this maximum-volume dual problem. Then, we use this dual formulation to provide a novel optimization approach which bridges the gap between two existing families of algorithms for SSMF, namely volume minimization and facet identification. Numerical experiments show that the proposed approach performs favorably compared to the state-of-the-art SSMF algorithms.

cross Voice Signal Processing for Machine Learning. The Case of Speaker Isolation

Authors: Radan Ganchev

Abstract: The widespread use of automated voice assistants along with other recent technological developments have increased the demand for applications that process audio signals and human voice in particular. Voice recognition tasks are typically performed using artificial intelligence and machine learning models. Even though end-to-end models exist, properly pre-processing the signal can greatly reduce the complexity of the task and allow it to be solved with a simpler ML model and fewer computational resources. However, ML engineers who work on such tasks might not have a background in signal processing which is an entirely different area of expertise. The objective of this work is to provide a concise comparative analysis of Fourier and Wavelet transforms that are most commonly used as signal decomposition methods for audio processing tasks. Metrics for evaluating speech intelligibility are also discussed, namely Scale-Invariant Signal-to-Distortion Ratio (SI-SDR), Perceptual Evaluation of Speech Quality (PESQ), and Short-Time Objective Intelligibility (STOI). The level of detail in the exposition is meant to be sufficient for an ML engineer to make informed decisions when choosing, fine-tuning, and evaluating a decomposition method for a specific ML model. The exposition contains mathematical definitions of the relevant concepts accompanied with intuitive non-mathematical explanations in order to make the text more accessible to engineers without deep expertise in signal processing. Formal mathematical definitions and proofs of theorems are intentionally omitted in order to keep the text concise.

cross On Size and Hardness Generalization in Unsupervised Learning for the Travelling Salesman Problem

Authors: Yimeng Min, Carla P. Gomes

Abstract: We study the generalization capability of Unsupervised Learning in solving the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP). We use a Graph Neural Network (GNN) trained with a surrogate loss function to generate an embedding for each node. We use these embeddings to construct a heat map that indicates the likelihood of each edge being part of the optimal route. We then apply local search to generate our final predictions. Our investigation explores how different training instance sizes, embedding dimensions, and distributions influence the outcomes of Unsupervised Learning methods. Our results show that training with larger instance sizes and increasing embedding dimensions can build a more effective representation, enhancing the model's ability to solve TSP. Furthermore, in evaluating generalization across different distributions, we first determine the hardness of various distributions and explore how different hardnesses affect the final results. Our findings suggest that models trained on harder instances exhibit better generalization capabilities, highlighting the importance of selecting appropriate training instances in solving TSP using Unsupervised Learning.

cross An FPGA-Based Reconfigurable Accelerator for Convolution-Transformer Hybrid EfficientViT

Authors: Haikuo Shao, Huihong Shi, Wendong Mao, Zhongfeng Wang

Abstract: Vision Transformers (ViTs) have achieved significant success in computer vision. However, their intensive computations and massive memory footprint challenge ViTs' deployment on embedded devices, calling for efficient ViTs. Among them, EfficientViT, the state-of-the-art one, features a Convolution-Transformer hybrid architecture, enhancing both accuracy and hardware efficiency. Unfortunately, existing accelerators cannot fully exploit the hardware benefits of EfficientViT due to its unique architecture. In this paper, we propose an FPGA-based accelerator for EfficientViT to advance the hardware efficiency frontier of ViTs. Specifically, we design a reconfigurable architecture to efficiently support various operation types, including lightweight convolutions and attention, boosting hardware utilization. Additionally, we present a time-multiplexed and pipelined dataflow to facilitate both intra- and inter-layer fusions, reducing off-chip data access costs. Experimental results show that our accelerator achieves up to 780.2 GOPS in throughput and 105.1 GOPS/W in energy efficiency at 200MHz on the Xilinx ZCU102 FPGA, which significantly outperforms prior works.

cross Functional Bilevel Optimization for Machine Learning

Authors: Ieva Petrulionyte, Julien Mairal, Michael Arbel

Abstract: In this paper, we introduce a new functional point of view on bilevel optimization problems for machine learning, where the inner objective is minimized over a function space. These types of problems are most often solved by using methods developed in the parametric setting, where the inner objective is strongly convex with respect to the parameters of the prediction function. The functional point of view does not rely on this assumption and notably allows using over-parameterized neural networks as the inner prediction function. We propose scalable and efficient algorithms for the functional bilevel optimization problem and illustrate the benefits of our approach on instrumental regression and reinforcement learning tasks, which admit natural functional bilevel structures.

cross Optimal Policy Learning with Observational Data in Multi-Action Scenarios: Estimation, Risk Preference, and Potential Failures

Authors: Giovanni Cerulli

Abstract: This paper deals with optimal policy learning (OPL) with observational data, i.e. data-driven optimal decision-making, in multi-action (or multi-arm) settings, where a finite set of decision options is available. It is organized in three parts, where I discuss respectively: estimation, risk preference, and potential failures. The first part provides a brief review of the key approaches to estimating the reward (or value) function and optimal policy within this context of analysis. Here, I delineate the identification assumptions and statistical properties related to offline optimal policy learning estimators. In the second part, I delve into the analysis of decision risk. This analysis reveals that the optimal choice can be influenced by the decision maker's attitude towards risks, specifically in terms of the trade-off between reward conditional mean and conditional variance. Here, I present an application of the proposed model to real data, illustrating that the average regret of a policy with multi-valued treatment is contingent on the decision-maker's attitude towards risk. The third part of the paper discusses the limitations of optimal data-driven decision-making by highlighting conditions under which decision-making can falter. This aspect is linked to the failure of the two fundamental assumptions essential for identifying the optimal choice: (i) overlapping, and (ii) unconfoundedness. Some conclusions end the paper.

cross Using LLMs to Model the Beliefs and Preferences of Targeted Populations

Authors: Keiichi Namikoshi, Alex Filipowicz, David A. Shamma, Rumen Iliev, Candice L. Hogan, Nikos Arechiga

Abstract: We consider the problem of aligning a large language model (LLM) to model the preferences of a human population. Modeling the beliefs, preferences, and behaviors of a specific population can be useful for a variety of different applications, such as conducting simulated focus groups for new products, conducting virtual surveys, and testing behavioral interventions, especially for interventions that are expensive, impractical, or unethical. Existing work has had mixed success using LLMs to accurately model human behavior in different contexts. We benchmark and evaluate two well-known fine-tuning approaches and evaluate the resulting populations on their ability to match the preferences of real human respondents on a survey of preferences for battery electric vehicles (BEVs). We evaluate our models against their ability to match population-wide statistics as well as their ability to match individual responses, and we investigate the role of temperature in controlling the trade-offs between these two. Additionally, we propose and evaluate a novel loss term to improve model performance on responses that require a numeric response.

cross MedCLIP-SAM: Bridging Text and Image Towards Universal Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Taha Koleilat, Hojat Asgariandehkordi, Hassan Rivaz, Yiming Xiao

Abstract: Medical image segmentation of anatomical structures and pathology is crucial in modern clinical diagnosis, disease study, and treatment planning. To date, great progress has been made in deep learning-based segmentation techniques, but most methods still lack data efficiency, generalizability, and interactability. Consequently, the development of new, precise segmentation methods that demand fewer labeled datasets is of utmost importance in medical image analysis. Recently, the emergence of foundation models, such as CLIP and Segment-Anything-Model (SAM), with comprehensive cross-domain representation opened the door for interactive and universal image segmentation. However, exploration of these models for data-efficient medical image segmentation is still limited, but is highly necessary. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, called MedCLIP-SAM that combines CLIP and SAM models to generate segmentation of clinical scans using text prompts in both zero-shot and weakly supervised settings. To achieve this, we employed a new Decoupled Hard Negative Noise Contrastive Estimation (DHN-NCE) loss to fine-tune the BiomedCLIP model and the recent gScoreCAM to generate prompts to obtain segmentation masks from SAM in a zero-shot setting. Additionally, we explored the use of zero-shot segmentation labels in a weakly supervised paradigm to improve the segmentation quality further. By extensively testing three diverse segmentation tasks and medical image modalities (breast tumor ultrasound, brain tumor MRI, and lung X-ray), our proposed framework has demonstrated excellent accuracy.

cross FABind+: Enhancing Molecular Docking through Improved Pocket Prediction and Pose Generation

Authors: Kaiyuan Gao, Qizhi Pei, Jinhua Zhu, Tao Qin, Kun He, Tie-Yan Liu, Lijun Wu

Abstract: Molecular docking is a pivotal process in drug discovery. While traditional techniques rely on extensive sampling and simulation governed by physical principles, these methods are often slow and costly. The advent of deep learning-based approaches has shown significant promise, offering increases in both accuracy and efficiency. Building upon the foundational work of FABind, a model designed with a focus on speed and accuracy, we present FABind+, an enhanced iteration that largely boosts the performance of its predecessor. We identify pocket prediction as a critical bottleneck in molecular docking and propose a novel methodology that significantly refines pocket prediction, thereby streamlining the docking process. Furthermore, we introduce modifications to the docking module to enhance its pose generation capabilities. In an effort to bridge the gap with conventional sampling/generative methods, we incorporate a simple yet effective sampling technique coupled with a confidence model, requiring only minor adjustments to the regression framework of FABind. Experimental results and analysis reveal that FABind+ remarkably outperforms the original FABind, achieves competitive state-of-the-art performance, and delivers insightful modeling strategies. This demonstrates FABind+ represents a substantial step forward in molecular docking and drug discovery. Our code is in


cross ELITR-Bench: A Meeting Assistant Benchmark for Long-Context Language Models

Authors: Thibaut Thonet, Jos Rozen, Laurent Besacier

Abstract: Research on Large Language Models (LLMs) has recently witnessed an increasing interest in extending models' context size to better capture dependencies within long documents. While benchmarks have been proposed to assess long-range abilities, existing efforts primarily considered generic tasks that are not necessarily aligned with real-world applications. In contrast, our work proposes a new benchmark for long-context LLMs focused on a practical meeting assistant scenario. In this scenario, the long contexts consist of transcripts obtained by automatic speech recognition, presenting unique challenges for LLMs due to the inherent noisiness and oral nature of such data. Our benchmark, named ELITR-Bench, augments the existing ELITR corpus' transcripts with 271 manually crafted questions and their ground-truth answers. Our experiments with recent long-context LLMs on ELITR-Bench highlight a gap between open-source and proprietary models, especially when questions are asked sequentially within a conversation. We also provide a thorough analysis of our GPT-4-based evaluation method, encompassing insights from a crowdsourcing study. Our findings suggest that while GPT-4's evaluation scores are correlated with human judges', its ability to differentiate among more than three score levels may be limited.

cross Latxa: An Open Language Model and Evaluation Suite for Basque

Authors: Julen Etxaniz, Oscar Sainz, Naiara Perez, Itziar Aldabe, German Rigau, Eneko Agirre, Aitor Ormazabal, Mikel Artetxe, Aitor Soroa

Abstract: We introduce Latxa, a family of large language models for Basque ranging from 7 to 70 billion parameters. Latxa is based on Llama 2, which we continue pretraining on a new Basque corpus comprising 4.3M documents and 4.2B tokens. Addressing the scarcity of high-quality benchmarks for Basque, we further introduce 4 multiple choice evaluation datasets: EusProficiency, comprising 5,169 questions from official language proficiency exams; EusReading, comprising 352 reading comprehension questions; EusTrivia, comprising 1,715 trivia questions from 5 knowledge areas; and EusExams, comprising 16,774 questions from public examinations. In our extensive evaluation, Latxa outperforms all previous open models we compare to by a large margin. In addition, it is competitive with GPT-4 Turbo in language proficiency and understanding, despite lagging behind in reading comprehension and knowledge-intensive tasks. Both the Latxa family of models, as well as our new pretraining corpora and evaluation datasets, are publicly available under open licenses at Our suite enables reproducible research on methods to build LLMs for low-resource languages.


cross LayerNorm: A key component in parameter-efficient fine-tuning

Authors: Taha ValizadehAslani, Hualou Liang

Abstract: Fine-tuning a pre-trained model, such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT), has been proven to be an effective method for solving many natural language processing (NLP) tasks. However, due to the large number of parameters in many state-of-the-art NLP models, including BERT, the process of fine-tuning is computationally expensive. One attractive solution to this issue is parameter-efficient fine-tuning, which involves modifying only a minimal segment of the model while keeping the remainder unchanged. Yet, it remains unclear which segment of the BERT model is crucial for fine-tuning. In this paper, we first analyze different components in the BERT model to pinpoint which one undergoes the most significant changes after fine-tuning. We find that output LayerNorm changes more than any other components when fine-tuned for different General Language Understanding Evaluation (GLUE) tasks. Then we show that only fine-tuning the LayerNorm can reach comparable, or in some cases better, performance to full fine-tuning and other parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods. Moreover, we use Fisher information to determine the most critical subset of LayerNorm and demonstrate that many NLP tasks in the GLUE benchmark can be solved by fine-tuning only a small portion of LayerNorm with negligible performance degradation.

cross Benchmarking Counterfactual Image Generation

Authors: Thomas Melistas, Nikos Spyrou, Nefeli Gkouti, Pedro Sanchez, Athanasios Vlontzos, Giorgos Papanastasiou, Sotirios A. Tsaftaris

Abstract: Counterfactual image generation is pivotal for understanding the causal relations of variables, with applications in interpretability and generation of unbiased synthetic data. However, evaluating image generation is a long-standing challenge in itself. The need to evaluate counterfactual generation compounds on this challenge, precisely because counterfactuals, by definition, are hypothetical scenarios without observable ground truths. In this paper, we present a novel comprehensive framework aimed at benchmarking counterfactual image generation methods. We incorporate metrics that focus on evaluating diverse aspects of counterfactuals, such as composition, effectiveness, minimality of interventions, and image realism. We assess the performance of three distinct conditional image generation model types, based on the Structural Causal Model paradigm. Our work is accompanied by a user-friendly Python package which allows to further evaluate and benchmark existing and future counterfactual image generation methods. Our framework is extendable to additional SCM and other causal methods, generative models, and datasets.

cross Review-Based Cross-Domain Recommendation via Hyperbolic Embedding and Hierarchy-Aware Domain Disentanglement

Authors: Yoonhyuk Choi

Abstract: The issue of data sparsity poses a significant challenge to recommender systems. In response to this, algorithms that leverage side information such as review texts have been proposed. Furthermore, Cross-Domain Recommendation (CDR), which captures domain-shareable knowledge and transfers it from a richer domain (source) to a sparser one (target), has received notable attention. Nevertheless, the majority of existing methodologies assume a Euclidean embedding space, encountering difficulties in accurately representing richer text information and managing complex interactions between users and items. This paper advocates a hyperbolic CDR approach based on review texts for modeling user-item relationships. We first emphasize that conventional distance-based domain alignment techniques may cause problems because small modifications in hyperbolic geometry result in magnified perturbations, ultimately leading to the collapse of hierarchical structures. To address this challenge, we propose hierarchy-aware embedding and domain alignment schemes that adjust the scale to extract domain-shareable information without disrupting structural forms. The process involves the initial embedding of review texts in hyperbolic space, followed by feature extraction incorporating degree-based normalization and structure alignment. We conducted extensive experiments to substantiate the efficiency, robustness, and scalability of our proposed model in comparison to state-of-the-art baselines.

cross MTLoRA: A Low-Rank Adaptation Approach for Efficient Multi-Task Learning

Authors: Ahmed Agiza, Marina Neseem, Sherief Reda

Abstract: Adapting models pre-trained on large-scale datasets to a variety of downstream tasks is a common strategy in deep learning. Consequently, parameter-efficient fine-tuning methods have emerged as a promising way to adapt pre-trained models to different tasks while training only a minimal number of parameters. While most of these methods are designed for single-task adaptation, parameter-efficient training in Multi-Task Learning (MTL) architectures is still unexplored. In this paper, we introduce MTLoRA, a novel framework for parameter-efficient training of MTL models. MTLoRA employs Task-Agnostic and Task-Specific Low-Rank Adaptation modules, which effectively disentangle the parameter space in MTL fine-tuning, thereby enabling the model to adeptly handle both task specialization and interaction within MTL contexts. We applied MTLoRA to hierarchical-transformer-based MTL architectures, adapting them to multiple downstream dense prediction tasks. Our extensive experiments on the PASCAL dataset show that MTLoRA achieves higher accuracy on downstream tasks compared to fully fine-tuning the MTL model while reducing the number of trainable parameters by 3.6x. Furthermore, MTLoRA establishes a Pareto-optimal trade-off between the number of trainable parameters and the accuracy of the downstream tasks, outperforming current state-of-the-art parameter-efficient training methods in both accuracy and efficiency. Our code is publicly available.

cross Learning Visual Quadrupedal Loco-Manipulation from Demonstrations

Authors: Zhengmao He, Kun Lei, Yanjie Ze, Koushil Sreenath, Zhongyu Li, Huazhe Xu

Abstract: Quadruped robots are progressively being integrated into human environments. Despite the growing locomotion capabilities of quadrupedal robots, their interaction with objects in realistic scenes is still limited. While additional robotic arms on quadrupedal robots enable manipulating objects, they are sometimes redundant given that a quadruped robot is essentially a mobile unit equipped with four limbs, each possessing 3 degrees of freedom (DoFs). Hence, we aim to empower a quadruped robot to execute real-world manipulation tasks using only its legs. We decompose the loco-manipulation process into a low-level reinforcement learning (RL)-based controller and a high-level Behavior Cloning (BC)-based planner. By parameterizing the manipulation trajectory, we synchronize the efforts of the upper and lower layers, thereby leveraging the advantages of both RL and BC. Our approach is validated through simulations and real-world experiments, demonstrating the robot's ability to perform tasks that demand mobility and high precision, such as lifting a basket from the ground while moving, closing a dishwasher, pressing a button, and pushing a door. Project website:


cross ReALM: Reference Resolution As Language Modeling

Authors: Joel Ruben Antony Moniz, Soundarya Krishnan, Melis Ozyildirim, Prathamesh Saraf, Halim Cagri Ates, Yuan Zhang, Hong Yu, Nidhi Rajshree

Abstract: Reference resolution is an important problem, one that is essential to understand and successfully handle context of different kinds. This context includes both previous turns and context that pertains to non-conversational entities, such as entities on the user's screen or those running in the background. While LLMs have been shown to be extremely powerful for a variety of tasks, their use in reference resolution, particularly for non-conversational entities, remains underutilized. This paper demonstrates how LLMs can be used to create an extremely effective system to resolve references of various types, by showing how reference resolution can be converted into a language modeling problem, despite involving forms of entities like those on screen that are not traditionally conducive to being reduced to a text-only modality. We demonstrate large improvements over an existing system with similar functionality across different types of references, with our smallest model obtaining absolute gains of over 5% for on-screen references. We also benchmark against GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, with our smallest model achieving performance comparable to that of GPT-4, and our larger models substantially outperforming it.

cross Unsolvable Problem Detection: Evaluating Trustworthiness of Vision Language Models

Authors: Atsuyuki Miyai, Jingkang Yang, Jingyang Zhang, Yifei Ming, Qing Yu, Go Irie, Yixuan Li, Hai Li, Ziwei Liu, Kiyoharu Aizawa

Abstract: This paper introduces a novel and significant challenge for Vision Language Models (VLMs), termed Unsolvable Problem Detection (UPD). UPD examines the VLM's ability to withhold answers when faced with unsolvable problems in the context of Visual Question Answering (VQA) tasks. UPD encompasses three distinct settings: Absent Answer Detection (AAD), Incompatible Answer Set Detection (IASD), and Incompatible Visual Question Detection (IVQD). To deeply investigate the UPD problem, extensive experiments indicate that most VLMs, including GPT-4V and LLaVA-Next-34B, struggle with our benchmarks to varying extents, highlighting significant room for the improvements. To address UPD, we explore both training-free and training-based solutions, offering new insights into their effectiveness and limitations. We hope our insights, together with future efforts within the proposed UPD settings, will enhance the broader understanding and development of more practical and reliable VLMs.

replace Doubly Optimal No-Regret Online Learning in Strongly Monotone Games with Bandit Feedback

Authors: Wenjia Ba, Tianyi Lin, Jiawei Zhang, Zhengyuan Zhou

Abstract: We consider online no-regret learning in unknown games with bandit feedback, where each player can only observe its reward at each time -- determined by all players' current joint action -- rather than its gradient. We focus on the class of \textit{smooth and strongly monotone} games and study optimal no-regret learning therein. Leveraging self-concordant barrier functions, we first construct a new bandit learning algorithm and show that it achieves the single-agent optimal regret of $\tilde{\Theta}(n\sqrt{T})$ under smooth and strongly concave reward functions ($n \geq 1$ is the problem dimension). We then show that if each player applies this no-regret learning algorithm in strongly monotone games, the joint action converges in the \textit{last iterate} to the unique Nash equilibrium at a rate of $\tilde{\Theta}(nT^{-1/2})$. Prior to our work, the best-known convergence rate in the same class of games is $\tilde{O}(n^{2/3}T^{-1/3})$ (achieved by a different algorithm), thus leaving open the problem of optimal no-regret learning algorithms (since the known lower bound is $\Omega(nT^{-1/2})$). Our results thus settle this open problem and contribute to the broad landscape of bandit game-theoretical learning by identifying the first doubly optimal bandit learning algorithm, in that it achieves (up to log factors) both optimal regret in the single-agent learning and optimal last-iterate convergence rate in the multi-agent learning. We also present preliminary numerical results on several application problems to demonstrate the efficacy of our algorithm in terms of iteration count.

replace Generalization bounds for learning under graph-dependence: A survey

Authors: Rui-Ray Zhang, Massih-Reza Amini

Abstract: Traditional statistical learning theory relies on the assumption that data are identically and independently distributed (i.i.d.). However, this assumption often does not hold in many real-life applications. In this survey, we explore learning scenarios where examples are dependent and their dependence relationship is described by a dependency graph, a commonly utilized model in probability and combinatorics. We collect various graph-dependent concentration bounds, which are then used to derive Rademacher complexity and stability generalization bounds for learning from graph-dependent data. We illustrate this paradigm through practical learning tasks and provide some research directions for future work. To our knowledge, this survey is the first of this kind on this subject.

replace Positive Unlabeled Contrastive Learning

Authors: Anish Acharya, Sujay Sanghavi, Li Jing, Bhargav Bhushanam, Dhruv Choudhary, Michael Rabbat, Inderjit Dhillon

Abstract: Self-supervised pretraining on unlabeled data followed by supervised fine-tuning on labeled data is a popular paradigm for learning from limited labeled examples. We extend this paradigm to the classical positive unlabeled (PU) setting, where the task is to learn a binary classifier given only a few labeled positive samples, and (often) a large amount of unlabeled samples (which could be positive or negative). We first propose a simple extension of standard infoNCE family of contrastive losses, to the PU setting; and show that this learns superior representations, as compared to existing unsupervised and supervised approaches. We then develop a simple methodology to pseudo-label the unlabeled samples using a new PU-specific clustering scheme; these pseudo-labels can then be used to train the final (positive vs. negative) classifier. Our method handily outperforms state-of-the-art PU methods over several standard PU benchmark datasets, while not requiring a-priori knowledge of any class prior (which is a common assumption in other PU methods). We also provide a simple theoretical analysis that motivates our methods.

replace Meta Reinforcement Learning with Finite Training Tasks -- a Density Estimation Approach

Authors: Zohar Rimon, Aviv Tamar, Gilad Adler

Abstract: In meta reinforcement learning (meta RL), an agent learns from a set of training tasks how to quickly solve a new task, drawn from the same task distribution. The optimal meta RL policy, a.k.a. the Bayes-optimal behavior, is well defined, and guarantees optimal reward in expectation, taken with respect to the task distribution. The question we explore in this work is how many training tasks are required to guarantee approximately optimal behavior with high probability. Recent work provided the first such PAC analysis for a model-free setting, where a history-dependent policy was learned from the training tasks. In this work, we propose a different approach: directly learn the task distribution, using density estimation techniques, and then train a policy on the learned task distribution. We show that our approach leads to bounds that depend on the dimension of the task distribution. In particular, in settings where the task distribution lies in a low-dimensional manifold, we extend our analysis to use dimensionality reduction techniques and account for such structure, obtaining significantly better bounds than previous work, which strictly depend on the number of states and actions. The key of our approach is the regularization implied by the kernel density estimation method. We further demonstrate that this regularization is useful in practice, when `plugged in' the state-of-the-art VariBAD meta RL algorithm.

replace Strong Transferable Adversarial Attacks via Ensembled Asymptotically Normal Distribution Learning

Authors: Zhengwei Fang, Rui Wang, Tao Huang, Liping Jing

Abstract: Strong adversarial examples are crucial for evaluating and enhancing the robustness of deep neural networks. However, the performance of popular attacks is usually sensitive, for instance, to minor image transformations, stemming from limited information -- typically only one input example, a handful of white-box source models, and undefined defense strategies. Hence, the crafted adversarial examples are prone to overfit the source model, which hampers their transferability to unknown architectures. In this paper, we propose an approach named Multiple Asymptotically Normal Distribution Attacks (MultiANDA) which explicitly characterize adversarial perturbations from a learned distribution. Specifically, we approximate the posterior distribution over the perturbations by taking advantage of the asymptotic normality property of stochastic gradient ascent (SGA), then employ the deep ensemble strategy as an effective proxy for Bayesian marginalization in this process, aiming to estimate a mixture of Gaussians that facilitates a more thorough exploration of the potential optimization space. The approximated posterior essentially describes the stationary distribution of SGA iterations, which captures the geometric information around the local optimum. Thus, MultiANDA allows drawing an unlimited number of adversarial perturbations for each input and reliably maintains the transferability. Our proposed method outperforms ten state-of-the-art black-box attacks on deep learning models with or without defenses through extensive experiments on seven normally trained and seven defense models.

replace Complete Neural Networks for Complete Euclidean Graphs

Authors: Snir Hordan, Tal Amir, Steven J. Gortler, Nadav Dym

Abstract: Neural networks for point clouds, which respect their natural invariance to permutation and rigid motion, have enjoyed recent success in modeling geometric phenomena, from molecular dynamics to recommender systems. Yet, to date, no model with polynomial complexity is known to be complete, that is, able to distinguish between any pair of non-isomorphic point clouds. We fill this theoretical gap by showing that point clouds can be completely determined, up to permutation and rigid motion, by applying the 3-WL graph isomorphism test to the point cloud's centralized Gram matrix. Moreover, we formulate an Euclidean variant of the 2-WL test and show that it is also sufficient to achieve completeness. We then show how our complete Euclidean WL tests can be simulated by an Euclidean graph neural network of moderate size and demonstrate their separation capability on highly symmetrical point clouds.

replace Attending to Graph Transformers

Authors: Luis M\"uller, Mikhail Galkin, Christopher Morris, Ladislav Ramp\'a\v{s}ek

Abstract: Recently, transformer architectures for graphs emerged as an alternative to established techniques for machine learning with graphs, such as (message-passing) graph neural networks. So far, they have shown promising empirical results, e.g., on molecular prediction datasets, often attributed to their ability to circumvent graph neural networks' shortcomings, such as over-smoothing and over-squashing. Here, we derive a taxonomy of graph transformer architectures, bringing some order to this emerging field. We overview their theoretical properties, survey structural and positional encodings, and discuss extensions for important graph classes, e.g., 3D molecular graphs. Empirically, we probe how well graph transformers can recover various graph properties, how well they can deal with heterophilic graphs, and to what extent they prevent over-squashing. Further, we outline open challenges and research direction to stimulate future work. Our code is available at


replace Multimodal Data Integration for Oncology in the Era of Deep Neural Networks: A Review

Authors: Asim Waqas, Aakash Tripathi, Ravi P. Ramachandran, Paul Stewart, Ghulam Rasool

Abstract: Cancer has relational information residing at varying scales, modalities, and resolutions of the acquired data, such as radiology, pathology, genomics, proteomics, and clinical records. Integrating diverse data types can improve the accuracy and reliability of cancer diagnosis and treatment. There can be disease-related information that is too subtle for humans or existing technological tools to discern visually. Traditional methods typically focus on partial or unimodal information about biological systems at individual scales and fail to encapsulate the complete spectrum of the heterogeneous nature of data. Deep neural networks have facilitated the development of sophisticated multimodal data fusion approaches that can extract and integrate relevant information from multiple sources. Recent deep learning frameworks such as Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) and Transformers have shown remarkable success in multimodal learning. This review article provides an in-depth analysis of the state-of-the-art in GNNs and Transformers for multimodal data fusion in oncology settings, highlighting notable research studies and their findings. We also discuss the foundations of multimodal learning, inherent challenges, and opportunities for integrative learning in oncology. By examining the current state and potential future developments of multimodal data integration in oncology, we aim to demonstrate the promising role that multimodal neural networks can play in cancer prevention, early detection, and treatment through informed oncology practices in personalized settings.

replace Making Batch Normalization Great in Federated Deep Learning

Authors: Jike Zhong, Hong-You Chen, Wei-Lun Chao

Abstract: Batch Normalization (BN) is widely used in {centralized} deep learning to improve convergence and generalization. However, in {federated} learning (FL) with decentralized data, prior work has observed that training with BN could hinder performance and suggested replacing it with Group Normalization (GN). In this paper, we revisit this substitution by expanding the empirical study conducted in prior work. Surprisingly, we find that BN outperforms GN in many FL settings. The exceptions are high-frequency communication and extreme non-IID regimes. We reinvestigate factors that are believed to cause this problem, including the mismatch of BN statistics across clients and the deviation of gradients during local training. We empirically identify a simple practice that could reduce the impacts of these factors while maintaining the strength of BN. Our approach, which we named FIXBN, is fairly easy to implement, without any additional training or communication costs, and performs favorably across a wide range of FL settings. We hope that our study could serve as a valuable reference for future practical usage and theoretical analysis in FL.

replace Sample-Efficient and Surrogate-Based Design Optimization of Underwater Vehicle Hulls

Authors: Harsh Vardhan, David Hyde, Umesh Timalsina, Peter Volgyesi, Janos Sztipanovits

Abstract: Physics simulations like computational fluid dynamics (CFD) are a computational bottleneck in computer-aided design (CAD) optimization processes. To overcome this bottleneck, one requires either an optimization framework that is highly sample-efficient, or a fast data-driven proxy (surrogate model) for long-running simulations. Both approaches have benefits and limitations. Bayesian optimization is often used for sample efficiency, but it solves one specific problem and struggles with transferability; alternatively, surrogate models can offer fast and often more generalizable solutions for CFD problems, but gathering data for and training such models can be computationally demanding. In this work, we leverage recent advances in optimization and artificial intelligence (AI) to explore both of these potential approaches, in the context of designing an optimal unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV) hull. Our study finds that the Bayesian Optimization-Lower Condition Bound (BO-LCB) algorithm is the most sample-efficient optimization framework and has the best convergence behavior of those considered. Subsequently, we show that our DNN-based surrogate model predicts drag force on test data in tight agreement with CFD simulations, with a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of 1.85%. Combining these results, we demonstrate a two-orders-of-magnitude speedup (with comparable accuracy) for the design optimization process when the surrogate model is used. To our knowledge, this is the first study applying Bayesian optimization and DNN-based surrogate modeling to the problem of UUV design optimization, and we share our developments as open-source software.

replace Energy Efficient Deep Multi-Label ON/OFF Classification of Low Frequency Metered Home Appliances

Authors: An\v{z}e Pirnat, Bla\v{z} Bertalani\v{c}, Gregor Cerar, Mihael Mohor\v{c}i\v{c}, Carolina Fortuna

Abstract: Non-intrusive load monitoring (NILM) is the process of obtaining appliance-level data from a single metering point, measuring total electricity consumption of a household or a business. Appliance-level data can be directly used for demand response applications and energy management systems as well as for awareness raising and motivation for improvements in energy efficiency. Recently, classical machine learning and deep learning (DL) techniques became very popular and proved as highly effective for NILM classification, but with the growing complexity these methods are faced with significant computational and energy demands during both their training and operation. In this paper, we introduce a novel DL model aimed at enhanced multi-label classification of NILM with improved computation and energy efficiency. We also propose an evaluation methodology for comparison of different models using data synthesized from the measurement datasets so as to better represent real-world scenarios. Compared to the state-of-the-art, the proposed model has its energy consumption reduced by more than 23% while providing on average approximately 8 percentage points in performance improvement when evaluating on data derived from REFIT and UK-DALE datasets. We also show a 12 percentage point performance advantage of the proposed DL based model over a random forest model and observe performance degradation with the increase of the number of devices in the household, namely with each additional 5 devices, the average performance degrades by approximately 7 percentage points.

replace DFWLayer: Differentiable Frank-Wolfe Optimization Layer

Authors: Zixuan Liu, Liu Liu, Xueqian Wang, Peilin Zhao

Abstract: Differentiable optimization has received a significant amount of attention due to its foundational role in the domain of machine learning based on neural networks. This paper proposes a differentiable layer, named Differentiable Frank-Wolfe Layer (DFWLayer), by rolling out the Frank-Wolfe method, a well-known optimization algorithm which can solve constrained optimization problems without projections and Hessian matrix computations, thus leading to an efficient way of dealing with large-scale convex optimization problems with norm constraints. Experimental results demonstrate that the DFWLayer not only attains competitive accuracy in solutions and gradients but also consistently adheres to constraints.

replace A multiobjective continuation method to compute the regularization path of deep neural networks

Authors: Augustina C. Amakor, Konstantin Sonntag, Sebastian Peitz

Abstract: Sparsity is a highly desired feature in deep neural networks (DNNs) since it ensures numerical efficiency, improves the interpretability of models (due to the smaller number of relevant features), and robustness. For linear models, it is well known that there exists a \emph{regularization path} connecting the sparsest solution in terms of the $\ell^1$ norm, i.e., zero weights and the non-regularized solution. Very recently, there was a first attempt to extend the concept of regularization paths to DNNs by means of treating the empirical loss and sparsity ($\ell^1$ norm) as two conflicting criteria and solving the resulting multiobjective optimization problem for low-dimensional DNN. However, due to the non-smoothness of the $\ell^1$ norm and the high number of parameters, this approach is not very efficient from a computational perspective for high-dimensional DNNs. To overcome this limitation, we present an algorithm that allows for the approximation of the entire Pareto front for the above-mentioned objectives in a very efficient manner for high-dimensional DNNs with millions of parameters. We present numerical examples using both deterministic and stochastic gradients. We furthermore demonstrate that knowledge of the regularization path allows for a well-generalizing network parametrization. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first algorithm to compute the regularization path for non-convex multiobjective optimization problems (MOPs) with millions of degrees of freedom.

replace RLSynC: Offline-Online Reinforcement Learning for Synthon Completion

Authors: Frazier N. Baker, Ziqi Chen, Daniel Adu-Ampratwum, Xia Ning

Abstract: Retrosynthesis is the process of determining the set of reactant molecules that can react to form a desired product. Semi-template-based retrosynthesis methods, which imitate the reverse logic of synthesis reactions, first predict the reaction centers in the products, and then complete the resulting synthons back into reactants. We develop a new offline-online reinforcement learning method RLSynC for synthon completion in semi-template-based methods. RLSynC assigns one agent to each synthon, all of which complete the synthons by conducting actions step by step in a synchronized fashion. RLSynC learns the policy from both offline training episodes and online interactions, which allows RLSynC to explore new reaction spaces. RLSynC uses a standalone forward synthesis model to evaluate the likelihood of the predicted reactants in synthesizing a product, and thus guides the action search. Our results demonstrate that RLSynC can outperform state-of-the-art synthon completion methods with improvements as high as 14.9%, highlighting its potential in synthesis planning.

replace Multi-Resolution Active Learning of Fourier Neural Operators

Authors: Shibo Li, Xin Yu, Wei Xing, Mike Kirby, Akil Narayan, Shandian Zhe

Abstract: Fourier Neural Operator (FNO) is a popular operator learning framework. It not only achieves the state-of-the-art performance in many tasks, but also is efficient in training and prediction. However, collecting training data for the FNO can be a costly bottleneck in practice, because it often demands expensive physical simulations. To overcome this problem, we propose Multi-Resolution Active learning of FNO (MRA-FNO), which can dynamically select the input functions and resolutions to lower the data cost as much as possible while optimizing the learning efficiency. Specifically, we propose a probabilistic multi-resolution FNO and use ensemble Monte-Carlo to develop an effective posterior inference algorithm. To conduct active learning, we maximize a utility-cost ratio as the acquisition function to acquire new examples and resolutions at each step. We use moment matching and the matrix determinant lemma to enable tractable, efficient utility computation. Furthermore, we develop a cost annealing framework to avoid over-penalizing high-resolution queries at the early stage. The over-penalization is severe when the cost difference is significant between the resolutions, which renders active learning often stuck at low-resolution queries and inferior performance. Our method overcomes this problem and applies to general multi-fidelity active learning and optimization problems. We have shown the advantage of our method in several benchmark operator learning tasks. The code is available at


replace TacoGFN: Target-conditioned GFlowNet for Structure-based Drug Design

Authors: Tony Shen, Seonghwan Seo, Grayson Lee, Mohit Pandey, Jason R Smith, Artem Cherkasov, Woo Youn Kim, Martin Ester

Abstract: Searching the vast chemical space for drug-like and synthesizable molecules with high binding affinity to a protein pocket is a challenging task in drug discovery. Recently, molecular deep generative models have been introduced which promise to be more efficient than exhaustive virtual screening, by directly generating molecules based on the protein structure. However, since they learn the distribution of a limited protein-ligand complex dataset, the existing methods struggle with generating novel molecules with significant property improvements. In this paper, we frame the generation task as a Reinforcement Learning task, where the goal is to search the wider chemical space for molecules with desirable properties as opposed to fitting a training data distribution. More specifically, we propose TacoGFN, a Generative Flow Network conditioned on protein pocket structure, using binding affinity, drug-likeliness and synthesizability measures as our reward. Empirically, our method outperforms state-of-art methods on the CrossDocked2020 benchmark for every molecular property (Vina score, QED, SA), while significantly improving the generation time. TacoGFN achieves $-8.82$ in median docking score and $52.63\%$ in Novel Hit Rate.

replace Harmonic Self-Conditioned Flow Matching for Multi-Ligand Docking and Binding Site Design

Authors: Hannes St\"ark, Bowen Jing, Regina Barzilay, Tommi Jaakkola

Abstract: A significant amount of protein function requires binding small molecules, including enzymatic catalysis. As such, designing binding pockets for small molecules has several impactful applications ranging from drug synthesis to energy storage. Towards this goal, we first develop HarmonicFlow, an improved generative process over 3D protein-ligand binding structures based on our self-conditioned flow matching objective. FlowSite extends this flow model to jointly generate a protein pocket's discrete residue types and the molecule's binding 3D structure. We show that HarmonicFlow improves upon state-of-the-art generative processes for docking in simplicity, generality, and average sample quality in pocket-level docking. Enabled by this structure modeling, FlowSite designs binding sites substantially better than baseline approaches.

replace Transparency challenges in policy evaluation with causal machine learning -- improving usability and accountability

Authors: Patrick Rehill, Nicholas Biddle

Abstract: Causal machine learning tools are beginning to see use in real-world policy evaluation tasks to flexibly estimate treatment effects. One issue with these methods is that the machine learning models used are generally black boxes, i.e., there is no globally interpretable way to understand how a model makes estimates. This is a clear problem in policy evaluation applications, particularly in government, because it is difficult to understand whether such models are functioning in ways that are fair, based on the correct interpretation of evidence and transparent enough to allow for accountability if things go wrong. However, there has been little discussion of transparency problems in the causal machine learning literature and how these might be overcome. This paper explores why transparency issues are a problem for causal machine learning in public policy evaluation applications and considers ways these problems might be addressed through explainable AI tools and by simplifying models in line with interpretable AI principles. It then applies these ideas to a case-study using a causal forest model to estimate conditional average treatment effects for a hypothetical change in the school leaving age in Australia. It shows that existing tools for understanding black-box predictive models are poorly suited to causal machine learning and that simplifying the model to make it interpretable leads to an unacceptable increase in error (in this application). It concludes that new tools are needed to properly understand causal machine learning models and the algorithms that fit them.

replace Hybrid quantum image classification and federated learning for hepatic steatosis diagnosis

Authors: Luca Lusnig, Asel Sagingalieva, Mikhail Surmach, Tatjana Protasevich, Ovidiu Michiu, Joseph McLoughlin, Christopher Mansell, Graziano de' Petris, Deborah Bonazza, Fabrizio Zanconati, Alexey Melnikov, Fabio Cavalli

Abstract: In the realm of liver transplantation, accurately determining hepatic steatosis levels is crucial. Recognizing the essential need for improved diagnostic precision, particularly for optimizing diagnosis time by swiftly handling easy-to-solve cases and allowing the expert time to focus on more complex cases, this study aims to develop cutting-edge algorithms that enhance the classification of liver biopsy images. Additionally, the challenge of maintaining data privacy arises when creating automated algorithmic solutions, as sharing patient data between hospitals is restricted, further complicating the development and validation process. This research tackles diagnostic accuracy by leveraging novel techniques from the rapidly evolving field of quantum machine learning, known for their superior generalization abilities. Concurrently, it addresses privacy concerns through the implementation of privacy-conscious collaborative machine learning with federated learning. We introduce a hybrid quantum neural network model that leverages real-world clinical data to assess non-alcoholic liver steatosis accurately. This model achieves an image classification accuracy of 97%, surpassing traditional methods by 1.8%. Moreover, by employing a federated learning approach that allows data from different clients to be shared while ensuring privacy, we maintain an accuracy rate exceeding 90%. This initiative marks a significant step towards a scalable, collaborative, efficient, and dependable computational framework that aids clinical pathologists in their daily diagnostic tasks.

replace Data-Efficient Multimodal Fusion on a Single GPU

Authors: No\"el Vouitsis, Zhaoyan Liu, Satya Krishna Gorti, Valentin Villecroze, Jesse C. Cresswell, Guangwei Yu, Gabriel Loaiza-Ganem, Maksims Volkovs

Abstract: The goal of multimodal alignment is to learn a single latent space that is shared between multimodal inputs. The most powerful models in this space have been trained using massive datasets of paired inputs and large-scale computational resources, making them prohibitively expensive to train in many practical scenarios. We surmise that existing unimodal encoders pre-trained on large amounts of unimodal data should provide an effective bootstrap to create multimodal models from unimodal ones at much lower costs. We therefore propose FuseMix, a multimodal augmentation scheme that operates on the latent spaces of arbitrary pre-trained unimodal encoders. Using FuseMix for multimodal alignment, we achieve competitive performance -- and in certain cases outperform state-of-the art methods -- in both image-text and audio-text retrieval, with orders of magnitude less compute and data: for example, we outperform CLIP on the Flickr30K text-to-image retrieval task with $\sim \! 600\times$ fewer GPU days and $\sim \! 80\times$ fewer image-text pairs. Additionally, we show how our method can be applied to convert pre-trained text-to-image generative models into audio-to-image ones. Code is available at:


replace Conformer-Based Speech Recognition On Extreme Edge-Computing Devices

Authors: Mingbin Xu, Alex Jin, Sicheng Wang, Mu Su, Tim Ng, Henry Mason, Shiyi Han, Zhihong Lei Yaqiao Deng, Zhen Huang, Mahesh Krishnamoorthy

Abstract: With increasingly more powerful compute capabilities and resources in today's devices, traditionally compute-intensive automatic speech recognition (ASR) has been moving from the cloud to devices to better protect user privacy. However, it is still challenging to implement on-device ASR on resource-constrained devices, such as smartphones, smart wearables, and other small home automation devices. In this paper, we propose a series of model architecture adaptions, neural network graph transformations, and numerical optimizations to fit an advanced Conformer based end-to-end streaming ASR system on resource-constrained devices without accuracy degradation. We achieve over 5.26 times faster than realtime (0.19 RTF) speech recognition on small wearables while minimizing energy consumption and achieving state-of-the-art accuracy. The proposed methods are widely applicable to other transformer-based server-free AI applications. In addition, we provide a complete theory on optimal pre-normalizers that numerically stabilize layer normalization in any Lp-norm using any floating point precision.

replace New Classes of the Greedy-Applicable Arm Feature Distributions in the Sparse Linear Bandit Problem

Authors: Koji Ichikawa, Shinji Ito, Daisuke Hatano, Hanna Sumita, Takuro Fukunaga, Naonori Kakimura, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi

Abstract: We consider the sparse contextual bandit problem where arm feature affects reward through the inner product of sparse parameters. Recent studies have developed sparsity-agnostic algorithms based on the greedy arm selection policy. However, the analysis of these algorithms requires strong assumptions on the arm feature distribution to ensure that the greedily selected samples are sufficiently diverse; One of the most common assumptions, relaxed symmetry, imposes approximate origin-symmetry on the distribution, which cannot allow distributions that has origin-asymmetric support. In this paper, we show that the greedy algorithm is applicable to a wider range of the arm feature distributions from two aspects. Firstly, we show that a mixture distribution that has a greedy-applicable component is also greedy-applicable. Second, we propose new distribution classes, related to Gaussian mixture, discrete, and radial distribution, for which the sample diversity is guaranteed. The proposed classes can describe distributions with origin-asymmetric support and, in conjunction with the first claim, provide theoretical guarantees of the greedy policy for a very wide range of the arm feature distributions.

replace Multi-Agent Diagnostics for Robustness via Illuminated Diversity

Authors: Mikayel Samvelyan, Davide Paglieri, Minqi Jiang, Jack Parker-Holder, Tim Rockt\"aschel

Abstract: In the rapidly advancing field of multi-agent systems, ensuring robustness in unfamiliar and adversarial settings is crucial. Notwithstanding their outstanding performance in familiar environments, these systems often falter in new situations due to overfitting during the training phase. This is especially pronounced in settings where both cooperative and competitive behaviours are present, encapsulating a dual nature of overfitting and generalisation challenges. To address this issue, we present Multi-Agent Diagnostics for Robustness via Illuminated Diversity (MADRID), a novel approach for generating diverse adversarial scenarios that expose strategic vulnerabilities in pre-trained multi-agent policies. Leveraging the concepts from open-ended learning, MADRID navigates the vast space of adversarial settings, employing a target policy's regret to gauge the vulnerabilities of these settings. We evaluate the effectiveness of MADRID on the 11vs11 version of Google Research Football, one of the most complex environments for multi-agent reinforcement learning. Specifically, we employ MADRID for generating a diverse array of adversarial settings for TiZero, the state-of-the-art approach which "masters" the game through 45 days of training on a large-scale distributed infrastructure. We expose key shortcomings in TiZero's tactical decision-making, underlining the crucial importance of rigorous evaluation in multi-agent systems.

replace Variational Flow Models: Flowing in Your Style

Authors: Kien Do, Duc Kieu, Toan Nguyen, Dang Nguyen, Hung Le, Dung Nguyen, Thin Nguyen

Abstract: We introduce "posterior flows" - generalizations of "probability flows" to a broader class of stochastic processes not necessarily diffusion processes - and propose a systematic training-free method to transform the posterior flow of a "linear" stochastic process characterized by the equation Xt = at * X0 + st * X1 into a straight constant-speed (SC) flow, reminiscent of Rectified Flow. This transformation facilitates fast sampling along the original posterior flow without training a new model of the SC flow. The flexibility of our approach allows us to extend our transformation to inter-convert two posterior flows from distinct "linear" stochastic processes. Moreover, we can easily integrate high-order numerical solvers into the transformed SC flow, further enhancing sampling accuracy and efficiency. Rigorous theoretical analysis and extensive experimental results substantiate the advantages of our framework.

replace Lens: A Foundation Model for Network Traffic in Cybersecurity

Authors: Qineng Wang, Chen Qian, Xiaochang Li, Ziyu Yao, Huajie Shao

Abstract: Network traffic refers to the amount of data being sent and received over the internet or any system that connects computers. Analyzing and understanding network traffic is vital for improving network security and management. However, the analysis of network traffic is challenging due to the diverse nature of data packets, which often feature heterogeneous headers and encrypted payloads lacking semantics. To capture the latent semantics of traffic, a few studies have adopted pre-training techniques based on the Transformer encoder or decoder to learn the representations from massive traffic data. However, these methods typically excel in traffic understanding (classification) or traffic generation tasks. To address this issue, we develop Lens, a foundation model for network traffic that leverages the T5 architecture to learn the pre-trained representations from large-scale unlabeled data. Harnessing the strength of the encoder-decoder framework, which captures the global information while preserving the generative ability, our model can better learn the representations from raw data. To further enhance pre-training effectiveness, we design a novel loss that combines three distinct tasks: Masked Span Prediction (MSP), Packet Order Prediction (POP), and Homologous Traffic Prediction (HTP). Evaluation results across various benchmark datasets demonstrate that the proposed Lens outperforms the baselines in most downstream tasks related to both traffic understanding and generation. Notably, it also requires much less labeled data for fine-tuning compared to current methods.

replace Improving Implicit Regularization of SGD with Preconditioning for Least Square Problems

Authors: Junwei Su, Difan Zou, Chuan Wu

Abstract: Stochastic gradient descent (SGD) exhibits strong algorithmic regularization effects in practice and plays an important role in the generalization of modern machine learning. However, prior research has revealed instances where the generalization performance of SGD is worse than ridge regression due to uneven optimization along different dimensions. Preconditioning offers a natural solution to this issue by rebalancing optimization across different directions. Yet, the extent to which preconditioning can enhance the generalization performance of SGD and whether it can bridge the existing gap with ridge regression remains uncertain. In this paper, we study the generalization performance of SGD with preconditioning for the least squared problem. We make a comprehensive comparison between preconditioned SGD and (standard \& preconditioned) ridge regression. Our study makes several key contributions toward understanding and improving SGD with preconditioning. First, we establish excess risk bounds (generalization performance) for preconditioned SGD and ridge regression under an arbitrary preconditions matrix. Second, leveraging the excessive risk characterization of preconditioned SGD and ridge regression, we show that (through construction) there exists a simple preconditioned matrix that can outperform (standard \& preconditioned) ridge regression. Finally, we show that our proposed preconditioning matrix is straightforward enough to allow robust estimation from finite samples while maintaining a theoretical advantage over ridge regression. Our empirical results align with our theoretical findings, collectively showcasing the enhanced regularization effect of preconditioned SGD.

replace Structured Evaluation of Synthetic Tabular Data

Authors: Scott Cheng-Hsin Yang, Baxter Eaves, Michael Schmidt, Ken Swanson, Patrick Shafto

Abstract: Tabular data is common yet typically incomplete, small in volume, and access-restricted due to privacy concerns. Synthetic data generation offers potential solutions. Many metrics exist for evaluating the quality of synthetic tabular data; however, we lack an objective, coherent interpretation of the many metrics. To address this issue, we propose an evaluation framework with a single, mathematical objective that posits that the synthetic data should be drawn from the same distribution as the observed data. Through various structural decomposition of the objective, this framework allows us to reason for the first time the completeness of any set of metrics, as well as unifies existing metrics, including those that stem from fidelity considerations, downstream application, and model-based approaches. Moreover, the framework motivates model-free baselines and a new spectrum of metrics. We evaluate structurally informed synthesizers and synthesizers powered by deep learning. Using our structured framework, we show that synthetic data generators that explicitly represent tabular structure outperform other methods, especially on smaller datasets.

replace Improving Generalization via Meta-Learning on Hard Samples

Authors: Nishant Jain, Arun S. Suggala, Pradeep Shenoy

Abstract: Learned reweighting (LRW) approaches to supervised learning use an optimization criterion to assign weights for training instances, in order to maximize performance on a representative validation dataset. We pose and formalize the problem of optimized selection of the validation set used in LRW training, to improve classifier generalization. In particular, we show that using hard-to-classify instances in the validation set has both a theoretical connection to, and strong empirical evidence of generalization. We provide an efficient algorithm for training this meta-optimized model, as well as a simple train-twice heuristic for careful comparative study. We demonstrate that LRW with easy validation data performs consistently worse than LRW with hard validation data, establishing the validity of our meta-optimization problem. Our proposed algorithm outperforms a wide range of baselines on a range of datasets and domain shift challenges (Imagenet-1K, CIFAR-100, Clothing-1M, CAMELYON, WILDS, etc.), with ~1% gains using VIT-B on Imagenet. We also show that using naturally hard examples for validation (Imagenet-R / Imagenet-A) in LRW training for Imagenet improves performance on both clean and naturally hard test instances by 1-2%. Secondary analyses show that using hard validation data in an LRW framework improves margins on test data, hinting at the mechanism underlying our empirical gains. We believe this work opens up new research directions for the meta-optimization of meta-learning in a supervised learning context.

replace Towards Low-Energy Adaptive Personalization for Resource-Constrained Devices

Authors: Yushan Huang, Josh Millar, Yuxuan Long, Yuchen Zhao, Hamed Haddadi

Abstract: The personalization of machine learning (ML) models to address data drift is a significant challenge in the context of Internet of Things (IoT) applications. Presently, most approaches focus on fine-tuning either the full base model or its last few layers to adapt to new data, while often neglecting energy costs. However, various types of data drift exist, and fine-tuning the full base model or the last few layers may not result in optimal performance in certain scenarios. We propose Target Block Fine-Tuning (TBFT), a low-energy adaptive personalization framework designed for resource-constrained devices. We categorize data drift and personalization into three types: input-level, feature-level, and output-level. For each type, we fine-tune different blocks of the model to achieve optimal performance with reduced energy costs. Specifically, input-, feature-, and output-level correspond to fine-tuning the front, middle, and rear blocks of the model. We evaluate TBFT on a ResNet model, three datasets, three different training sizes, and a Raspberry Pi. Compared with the $Block Avg$, where each block is fine-tuned individually and their performance improvements are averaged, TBFT exhibits an improvement in model accuracy by an average of 15.30% whilst saving 41.57% energy consumption on average compared with full fine-tuning.

replace FedAC: An Adaptive Clustered Federated Learning Framework for Heterogeneous Data

Authors: Yuxin Zhang, Haoyu Chen, Zheng Lin, Zhe Chen, Jin Zhao

Abstract: Clustered federated learning (CFL) is proposed to mitigate the performance deterioration stemming from data heterogeneity in federated learning (FL) by grouping similar clients for cluster-wise model training. However, current CFL methods struggle due to inadequate integration of global and intra-cluster knowledge and the absence of an efficient online model similarity metric, while treating the cluster count as a fixed hyperparameter limits flexibility and robustness. In this paper, we propose an adaptive CFL framework, named FedAC, which (1) efficiently integrates global knowledge into intra-cluster learning by decoupling neural networks and utilizing distinct aggregation methods for each submodule, significantly enhancing performance; (2) includes a costeffective online model similarity metric based on dimensionality reduction; (3) incorporates a cluster number fine-tuning module for improved adaptability and scalability in complex, heterogeneous environments. Extensive experiments show that FedAC achieves superior empirical performance, increasing the test accuracy by around 1.82% and 12.67% on CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets, respectively, under different non-IID settings compared to SOTA methods.

replace On permutation-invariant neural networks

Authors: Masanari Kimura, Ryotaro Shimizu, Yuki Hirakawa, Ryosuke Goto, Yuki Saito

Abstract: Conventional machine learning algorithms have traditionally been designed under the assumption that input data follows a vector-based format, with an emphasis on vector-centric paradigms. However, as the demand for tasks involving set-based inputs has grown, there has been a paradigm shift in the research community towards addressing these challenges. In recent years, the emergence of neural network architectures such as Deep Sets and Transformers has presented a significant advancement in the treatment of set-based data. These architectures are specifically engineered to naturally accommodate sets as input, enabling more effective representation and processing of set structures. Consequently, there has been a surge of research endeavors dedicated to exploring and harnessing the capabilities of these architectures for various tasks involving the approximation of set functions. This comprehensive survey aims to provide an overview of the diverse problem settings and ongoing research efforts pertaining to neural networks that approximate set functions. By delving into the intricacies of these approaches and elucidating the associated challenges, the survey aims to equip readers with a comprehensive understanding of the field. Through this comprehensive perspective, we hope that researchers can gain valuable insights into the potential applications, inherent limitations, and future directions of set-based neural networks. Indeed, from this survey we gain two insights: i) Deep Sets and its variants can be generalized by differences in the aggregation function, and ii) the behavior of Deep Sets is sensitive to the choice of the aggregation function. From these observations, we show that Deep Sets, one of the well-known permutation-invariant neural networks, can be generalized in the sense of a quasi-arithmetic mean.

replace Genetic Quantization-Aware Approximation for Non-Linear Operations in Transformers

Authors: Pingcheng Dong, Yonghao Tan, Dong Zhang, Tianwei Ni, Xuejiao Liu, Yu Liu, Peng Luo, Luhong Liang, Shih-Yang Liu, Xijie Huang, Huaiyu Zhu, Yun Pan, Fengwei An, Kwang-Ting Cheng

Abstract: Non-linear functions are prevalent in Transformers and their lightweight variants, incurring substantial and frequently underestimated hardware costs. Previous state-of-the-art works optimize these operations by piece-wise linear approximation and store the parameters in look-up tables (LUT), but most of them require unfriendly high-precision arithmetics such as FP/INT 32 and lack consideration of integer-only INT quantization. This paper proposed a genetic LUT-Approximation algorithm namely GQA-LUT that can automatically determine the parameters with quantization awareness. The results demonstrate that GQA-LUT achieves negligible degradation on the challenging semantic segmentation task for both vanilla and linear Transformer models. Besides, proposed GQA-LUT enables the employment of INT8-based LUT-Approximation that achieves an area savings of 81.3~81.7% and a power reduction of 79.3~80.2% compared to the high-precision FP/INT 32 alternatives. Code is available at https://

replace-cross Two-sample Test using Projected Wasserstein Distance

Authors: Jie Wang, Rui Gao, Yao Xie

Abstract: We develop a projected Wasserstein distance for the two-sample test, a fundamental problem in statistics and machine learning: given two sets of samples, to determine whether they are from the same distribution. In particular, we aim to circumvent the curse of dimensionality in Wasserstein distance: when the dimension is high, it has diminishing testing power, which is inherently due to the slow concentration property of Wasserstein metrics in the high dimension space. A key contribution is to couple optimal projection to find the low dimensional linear mapping to maximize the Wasserstein distance between projected probability distributions. We characterize the theoretical property of the finite-sample convergence rate on IPMs and present practical algorithms for computing this metric. Numerical examples validate our theoretical results.

replace-cross QAGCN: Answering Multi-Relation Questions via Single-Step Implicit Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs

Authors: Ruijie Wang, Luca Rossetto, Michael Cochez, Abraham Bernstein

Abstract: Multi-relation question answering (QA) is a challenging task, where given questions usually require long reasoning chains in KGs that consist of multiple relations. Recently, methods with explicit multi-step reasoning over KGs have been prominently used in this task and have demonstrated promising performance. Examples include methods that perform stepwise label propagation through KG triples and methods that navigate over KG triples based on reinforcement learning. A main weakness of these methods is that their reasoning mechanisms are usually complex and difficult to implement or train. In this paper, we argue that multi-relation QA can be achieved via end-to-end single-step implicit reasoning, which is simpler, more efficient, and easier to adopt. We propose QAGCN -- a Question-Aware Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)-based method that includes a novel GCN architecture with controlled question-dependent message propagation for the implicit reasoning. Extensive experiments have been conducted, where QAGCN achieved competitive and even superior performance compared to state-of-the-art explicit-reasoning methods. Our code and pre-trained models are available in the repository:


replace-cross CPPF++: Uncertainty-Aware Sim2Real Object Pose Estimation by Vote Aggregation

Authors: Yang You, Wenhao He, Jin Liu, Hongkai Xiong, Weiming Wang, Cewu Lu

Abstract: Object pose estimation constitutes a critical area within the domain of 3D vision. While contemporary state-of-the-art methods that leverage real-world pose annotations have demonstrated commendable performance, the procurement of such real training data incurs substantial costs. This paper focuses on a specific setting wherein only 3D CAD models are utilized as a priori knowledge, devoid of any background or clutter information. We introduce a novel method, CPPF++, designed for sim-to-real pose estimation. This method builds upon the foundational point-pair voting scheme of CPPF, reformulating it through a probabilistic view. To address the challenge posed by vote collision, we propose a novel approach that involves modeling the voting uncertainty by estimating the probabilistic distribution of each point pair within the canonical space. Furthermore, we augment the contextual information provided by each voting unit through the introduction of N-point tuples. To enhance the robustness and accuracy of the model, we incorporate several innovative modules, including noisy pair filtering, online alignment optimization, and a tuple feature ensemble. Alongside these methodological advancements, we introduce a new category-level pose estimation dataset, named DiversePose 300. Empirical evidence demonstrates that our method significantly surpasses previous sim-to-real approaches and achieves comparable or superior performance on novel datasets. Our code is available on


replace-cross Restricting to the chip architecture maintains the quantum neural network accuracy

Authors: Lucas Friedrich, Jonas Maziero

Abstract: In the era of noisy intermediate-scale quantum devices, variational quantum algorithms (VQAs) stand as a prominent strategy for constructing quantum machine learning models. These models comprise both a quantum and a classical component. The quantum facet is characterized by a parametrization $U$, typically derived from the composition of various quantum gates. On the other hand, the classical component involves an optimizer that adjusts the parameters of $U$ to minimize a cost function $C$. Despite the extensive applications of VQAs, several critical questions persist, such as determining the optimal gate sequence, devising efficient parameter optimization strategies, selecting appropriate cost functions, and understanding the influence of quantum chip architectures on the final results. This article aims to address the last question, emphasizing that, in general, the cost function tends to converge towards an average value as the utilized parameterization approaches a $2$-design. Consequently, when the parameterization closely aligns with a $2$-design, the quantum neural network model's outcome becomes less dependent on the specific parametrization. This insight leads to the possibility of leveraging the inherent architecture of quantum chips to define the parametrization for VQAs. By doing so, the need for additional swap gates is mitigated, consequently reducing the depth of VQAs and minimizing associated errors.

replace-cross Federated attention consistent learning models for prostate cancer diagnosis and Gleason grading

Authors: Fei Kong, Xiyue Wang, Jinxi Xiang, Sen Yang, Xinran Wang, Meng Yue, Jun Zhang, Junhan Zhao, Xiao Han, Yuhan Dong, Biyue Zhu, Fang Wang, Yueping Liu

Abstract: Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant promise in transforming medical imaging, enhancing diagnostics, and refining treatment strategies. However, the reliance on extensive multicenter datasets for training AI models poses challenges due to privacy concerns. Federated learning provides a solution by facilitating collaborative model training across multiple centers without sharing raw data. This study introduces a federated attention-consistent learning (FACL) framework to address challenges associated with large-scale pathological images and data heterogeneity. FACL enhances model generalization by maximizing attention consistency between local clients and the server model. To ensure privacy and validate robustness, we incorporated differential privacy by introducing noise during parameter transfer. We assessed the effectiveness of FACL in cancer diagnosis and Gleason grading tasks using 19,461 whole-slide images of prostate cancer from multiple centers. In the diagnosis task, FACL achieved an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.9718, outperforming seven centers with an average AUC of 0.9499 when categories are relatively balanced. For the Gleason grading task, FACL attained a Kappa score of 0.8463, surpassing the average Kappa score of 0.7379 from six centers. In conclusion, FACL offers a robust, accurate, and cost-effective AI training model for prostate cancer pathology while maintaining effective data safeguards.

replace-cross Training neural networks with structured noise improves classification and generalization

Authors: Marco Benedetti, Enrico Ventura

Abstract: The beneficial role of noise-injection in learning is a consolidated concept in the field of artificial neural networks, suggesting that even biological systems might take advantage of similar mechanisms to optimize their performance. The training-with-noise algorithm proposed by Gardner and collaborators is an emblematic example of a noise-injection procedure in recurrent networks, which can be used to model biological neural systems. We show how adding structure to noisy training data can substantially improve the algorithm performance, allowing the network to approach perfect retrieval of the memories and wide basins of attraction, even in the scenario of maximal injected noise. We also prove that the so-called Hebbian Unlearning rule coincides with the training-with-noise algorithm when noise is maximal and data are stable fixed points of the network dynamics.

replace-cross Data-efficient, Explainable and Safe Box Manipulation: Illustrating the Advantages of Physical Priors in Model-Predictive Control

Authors: Achkan Salehi, Stephane Doncieux

Abstract: Model-based RL/control have gained significant traction in robotics. Yet, these approaches often remain data-inefficient and lack the explainability of hand-engineered solutions. This makes them difficult to debug/integrate in safety-critical settings. However, in many systems, prior knowledge of environment kinematics/dynamics is available. Incorporating such priors can help address the aforementioned problems by reducing problem complexity and the need for exploration, while also facilitating the expression of the decisions taken by the agent in terms of physically meaningful entities. Our aim with this paper is to illustrate and support this point of view via a case-study. We model a payload manipulation problem based on a real robotic system, and show that leveraging prior knowledge about the dynamics of the environment in an MPC framework can lead to improvements in explainability, safety and data-efficiency, leading to satisfying generalization properties with less data.

replace-cross TACOS: Topology-Aware Collective Algorithm Synthesizer for Distributed Machine Learning

Authors: William Won, Midhilesh Elavazhagan, Sudarshan Srinivasan, Ajaya Durg, Samvit Kaul, Swati Gupta, Tushar Krishna

Abstract: The surge of artificial intelligence, specifically large language models, has led to a rapid advent towards the development of large-scale machine learning training clusters. Collective communications within these clusters tend to be heavily bandwidth-bound, necessitating techniques to optimally utilize the available network bandwidth. This puts the routing algorithm for the collective at the forefront of determining the performance. Unfortunately, communication libraries used in distributed machine learning today are limited by a fixed set of routing algorithms. This constraints collective performance within the domain of next-generation training clusters that employ intricate, heterogeneous, and asymmetric, large-scale topologies. Further, the emergence of irregular topologies attributed to runtime phenomena such as device failures serves to compound the complexity of the challenge. To this end, this paper introduces TACOS, an automated synthesizer that generates topology-aware collective algorithms for common distributed machine learning collectives across arbitrary input network topologies. TACOS was able to synthesize All-Reduce algorithm for a heterogeneous 512-NPU system in just 6.09 minutes while achieving performance improvement up to 4.27x over state-of-the-art prior work. TACOS exhibits high scalability, with synthesis time scaling quadratically with the number of NPUs. In contrast to prior works' NP-hard approaches, TACOS with 40K NPUs completes in 2.52 hours.

replace-cross mPLUG-Owl: Modularization Empowers Large Language Models with Multimodality

Authors: Qinghao Ye, Haiyang Xu, Guohai Xu, Jiabo Ye, Ming Yan, Yiyang Zhou, Junyang Wang, Anwen Hu, Pengcheng Shi, Yaya Shi, Chenliang Li, Yuanhong Xu, Hehong Chen, Junfeng Tian, Qi Qian, Ji Zhang, Fei Huang, Jingren Zhou

Abstract: Large language models (LLMs) have demonstrated impressive zero-shot abilities on a variety of open-ended tasks, while recent research has also explored the use of LLMs for multi-modal generation. In this study, we introduce mPLUG-Owl, a novel training paradigm that equips LLMs with multi-modal abilities through modularized learning of foundation LLM, a visual knowledge module, and a visual abstractor module. This approach can support multiple modalities and facilitate diverse unimodal and multimodal abilities through modality collaboration. The training paradigm of mPLUG-Owl involves a two-stage method for aligning image and text, which learns visual knowledge with the assistance of LLM while maintaining and even improving the generation abilities of LLM. In the first stage, the visual knowledge module and abstractor module are trained with a frozen LLM module to align the image and text. In the second stage, language-only and multi-modal supervised datasets are used to jointly fine-tune a low-rank adaption (LoRA) module on LLM and the abstractor module by freezing the visual knowledge module. We carefully build a visually-related instruction evaluation set OwlEval. Experimental results show that our model outperforms existing multi-modal models, demonstrating mPLUG-Owl's impressive instruction and visual understanding ability, multi-turn conversation ability, and knowledge reasoning ability. Besides, we observe some unexpected and exciting abilities such as multi-image correlation and scene text understanding, which makes it possible to leverage it for harder real scenarios, such as vision-only document comprehension. Our code, pre-trained model, instruction-tuned models, and evaluation set are available at The online demo is available at


replace-cross SuperNOVA: Design Strategies and Opportunities for Interactive Visualization in Computational Notebooks

Authors: Zijie J. Wang, David Munechika, Seongmin Lee, Duen Horng Chau

Abstract: Computational notebooks, such as Jupyter Notebook, have become data scientists' de facto programming environments. Many visualization researchers and practitioners have developed interactive visualization tools that support notebooks, yet little is known about the appropriate design of these tools. To address this critical research gap, we investigate the design strategies in this space by analyzing 163 notebook visualization tools. Our analysis encompasses 64 systems from academic papers and 105 systems sourced from a pool of 55k notebooks containing interactive visualizations that we obtain via scraping 8.6 million notebooks on GitHub. Through this study, we identify key design implications and trade-offs, such as leveraging multimodal data in notebooks as well as balancing the degree of visualization-notebook integration. Furthermore, we provide empirical evidence that tools compatible with more notebook platforms have a greater impact. Finally, we develop SuperNOVA, an open-source interactive browser to help researchers explore existing notebook visualization tools. SuperNOVA is publicly accessible at:


replace-cross MaxViT-UNet: Multi-Axis Attention for Medical Image Segmentation

Authors: Abdul Rehman Khan, Asifullah Khan

Abstract: Since their emergence, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have made significant strides in medical image analysis. However, the local nature of the convolution operator may pose a limitation for capturing global and long-range interactions in CNNs. Recently, Transformers have gained popularity in the computer vision community and also in medical image segmentation due to their ability to process global features effectively. The scalability issues of the self-attention mechanism and lack of the CNN-like inductive bias may have limited their adoption. Therefore, hybrid Vision transformers (CNN-Transformer), exploiting the advantages of both Convolution and Self-attention Mechanisms, have gained importance. In this work, we present MaxViT-UNet, a new Encoder-Decoder based UNet type hybrid vision transformer (CNN-Transformer) for medical image segmentation. The proposed Hybrid Decoder is designed to harness the power of both the convolution and self-attention mechanisms at each decoding stage with a nominal memory and computational burden. The inclusion of multi-axis self-attention, within each decoder stage, significantly enhances the discriminating capacity between the object and background regions, thereby helping in improving the segmentation efficiency. In the Hybrid Decoder, a new block is also proposed. The fusion process commences by integrating the upsampled lower-level decoder features, obtained through transpose convolution, with the skip-connection features derived from the hybrid encoder. Subsequently, the fused features undergo refinement through the utilization of a multi-axis attention mechanism. The proposed decoder block is repeated multiple times to segment the nuclei regions progressively. Experimental results on MoNuSeg18 and MoNuSAC20 datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed technique.

replace-cross PQA: Exploring the Potential of Product Quantization in DNN Hardware Acceleration

Authors: Ahmed F. AbouElhamayed, Angela Cui, Javier Fernandez-Marques, Nicholas D. Lane, Mohamed S. Abdelfattah

Abstract: Conventional multiply-accumulate (MAC) operations have long dominated computation time for deep neural networks (DNNs), espcially convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Recently, product quantization (PQ) has been applied to these workloads, replacing MACs with memory lookups to pre-computed dot products. To better understand the efficiency tradeoffs of product-quantized DNNs (PQ-DNNs), we create a custom hardware accelerator to parallelize and accelerate nearest-neighbor search and dot-product lookups. Additionally, we perform an empirical study to investigate the efficiency--accuracy tradeoffs of different PQ parameterizations and training methods. We identify PQ configurations that improve performance-per-area for ResNet20 by up to 3.1$\times$, even when compared to a highly optimized conventional DNN accelerator, with similar improvements on two additional compact DNNs. When comparing to recent PQ solutions, we outperform prior work by $4\times$ in terms of performance-per-area with a 0.6% accuracy degradation. Finally, we reduce the bitwidth of PQ operations to investigate the impact on both hardware efficiency and accuracy. With only 2-6-bit precision on three compact DNNs, we were able to maintain DNN accuracy eliminating the need for DSPs.

replace-cross Temporal Difference Learning for High-Dimensional PIDEs with Jumps

Authors: Liwei Lu, Hailong Guo, Xu Yang, Yi Zhu

Abstract: In this paper, we propose a deep learning framework for solving high-dimensional partial integro-differential equations (PIDEs) based on the temporal difference learning. We introduce a set of Levy processes and construct a corresponding reinforcement learning model. To simulate the entire process, we use deep neural networks to represent the solutions and non-local terms of the equations. Subsequently, we train the networks using the temporal difference error, termination condition, and properties of the non-local terms as the loss function. The relative error of the method reaches O(10^{-3}) in 100-dimensional experiments and O(10^{-4}) in one-dimensional pure jump problems. Additionally, our method demonstrates the advantages of low computational cost and robustness, making it well-suited for addressing problems with different forms and intensities of jumps.

replace-cross Gradient strikes back: How filtering out high frequencies improves explanations

Authors: Sabine Muzellec, Thomas Fel, Victor Boutin, L\'eo and\'eol, Rufin VanRullen, Thomas Serre

Abstract: Attribution methods correspond to a class of explainability methods (XAI) that aim to assess how individual inputs contribute to a model's decision-making process. We have identified a significant limitation in one type of attribution methods, known as "white-box" methods. Although highly efficient, these methods rely on a gradient signal that is often contaminated by high-frequency noise. To overcome this limitation, we introduce a new approach called "FORGrad". This simple method effectively filters out noise artifacts by using optimal cut-off frequencies tailored to the unique characteristics of each model architecture. Our findings show that FORGrad consistently enhances the performance of already existing white-box methods, enabling them to compete effectively with more accurate yet computationally demanding "black-box" methods. We anticipate that our research will foster broader adoption of simpler and more efficient white-box methods for explainability, offering a better balance between faithfulness and computational efficiency.

replace-cross GTA: A Geometry-Aware Attention Mechanism for Multi-View Transformers

Authors: Takeru Miyato, Bernhard Jaeger, Max Welling, Andreas Geiger

Abstract: As transformers are equivariant to the permutation of input tokens, encoding the positional information of tokens is necessary for many tasks. However, since existing positional encoding schemes have been initially designed for NLP tasks, their suitability for vision tasks, which typically exhibit different structural properties in their data, is questionable. We argue that existing positional encoding schemes are suboptimal for 3D vision tasks, as they do not respect their underlying 3D geometric structure. Based on this hypothesis, we propose a geometry-aware attention mechanism that encodes the geometric structure of tokens as relative transformation determined by the geometric relationship between queries and key-value pairs. By evaluating on multiple novel view synthesis (NVS) datasets in the sparse wide-baseline multi-view setting, we show that our attention, called Geometric Transform Attention (GTA), improves learning efficiency and performance of state-of-the-art transformer-based NVS models without any additional learned parameters and only minor computational overhead.

replace-cross Gromov-Wassertein-like Distances in the Gaussian Mixture Models Space

Authors: Antoine Salmona, Julie Delon, Agn\`es Desolneux

Abstract: The Gromov-Wasserstein (GW) distance is frequently used in machine learning to compare distributions across distinct metric spaces. Despite its utility, it remains computationally intensive, especially for large-scale problems. Recently, a novel Wasserstein distance specifically tailored for Gaussian mixture models and known as MW (mixture Wasserstein) has been introduced by several authors. In scenarios where data exhibit clustering, this approach simplifies to a small-scale discrete optimal transport problem, which complexity depends solely on the number of Gaussian components in the GMMs. This paper aims to extend MW by introducing new Gromov-type distances. These distances are designed to be isometry-invariant in Euclidean spaces and are applicable for comparing GMMs across different dimensional spaces. Our first contribution is the Mixture Gromov Wasserstein distance (MGW), which can be viewed as a Gromovized version of MW. This new distance has a straightforward discrete formulation, making it highly efficient for estimating distances between GMMs in practical applications. To facilitate the derivation of a transport plan between GMMs, we present a second distance, the Embedded Wasserstein distance (EW). This distance turns out to be closely related to several recent alternatives to Gromov-Wasserstein. We show that EW can be adapted to derive a distance as well as optimal transportation plans between GMMs. We demonstrate the efficiency of these newly proposed distances on medium to large-scale problems, including shape matching and hyperspectral image color transfer.

replace-cross Conversational Financial Information Retrieval Model (ConFIRM)

Authors: Stephen Choi, William Gazeley, Siu Ho Wong, Tingting Li

Abstract: With the exponential growth in large language models (LLMs), leveraging their emergent properties for specialized domains like finance merits exploration. However, regulated fields such as finance pose unique constraints, requiring domain-optimized frameworks. We present ConFIRM, an LLM-based conversational financial information retrieval model tailored for query intent classification and knowledge base labeling. ConFIRM comprises two modules: 1) a method to synthesize finance domain-specific question-answer pairs, and 2) evaluation of parameter efficient fine-tuning approaches for the query classification task. We generate a dataset of over 4000 samples, assessing accuracy on a separate test set. ConFIRM achieved over 90% accuracy, essential for regulatory compliance. ConFIRM provides a data-efficient solution to extract precise query intent for financial dialog systems.

replace-cross Adaptive, Doubly Optimal No-Regret Learning in Strongly Monotone and Exp-Concave Games with Gradient Feedback

Authors: Michael I. Jordan, Tianyi Lin, Zhengyuan Zhou

Abstract: Online gradient descent (OGD) is well known to be doubly optimal under strong convexity or monotonicity assumptions: (1) in the single-agent setting, it achieves an optimal regret of $\Theta(\log T)$ for strongly convex cost functions; and (2) in the multi-agent setting of strongly monotone games, with each agent employing OGD, we obtain last-iterate convergence of the joint action to a unique Nash equilibrium at an optimal rate of $\Theta(\frac{1}{T})$. While these finite-time guarantees highlight its merits, OGD has the drawback that it requires knowing the strong convexity/monotonicity parameters. In this paper, we design a fully adaptive OGD algorithm, \textsf{AdaOGD}, that does not require a priori knowledge of these parameters. In the single-agent setting, our algorithm achieves $O(\log^2(T))$ regret under strong convexity, which is optimal up to a log factor. Further, if each agent employs \textsf{AdaOGD} in strongly monotone games, the joint action converges in a last-iterate sense to a unique Nash equilibrium at a rate of $O(\frac{\log^3 T}{T})$, again optimal up to log factors. We illustrate our algorithms in a learning version of the classical newsvendor problem, where due to lost sales, only (noisy) gradient feedback can be observed. Our results immediately yield the first feasible and near-optimal algorithm for both the single-retailer and multi-retailer settings. We also extend our results to the more general setting of exp-concave cost functions and games, using the online Newton step (ONS) algorithm.

replace-cross LipSim: A Provably Robust Perceptual Similarity Metric

Authors: Sara Ghazanfari, Alexandre Araujo, Prashanth Krishnamurthy, Farshad Khorrami, Siddharth Garg

Abstract: Recent years have seen growing interest in developing and applying perceptual similarity metrics. Research has shown the superiority of perceptual metrics over pixel-wise metrics in aligning with human perception and serving as a proxy for the human visual system. On the other hand, as perceptual metrics rely on neural networks, there is a growing concern regarding their resilience, given the established vulnerability of neural networks to adversarial attacks. It is indeed logical to infer that perceptual metrics may inherit both the strengths and shortcomings of neural networks. In this work, we demonstrate the vulnerability of state-of-the-art perceptual similarity metrics based on an ensemble of ViT-based feature extractors to adversarial attacks. We then propose a framework to train a robust perceptual similarity metric called LipSim (Lipschitz Similarity Metric) with provable guarantees. By leveraging 1-Lipschitz neural networks as the backbone, LipSim provides guarded areas around each data point and certificates for all perturbations within an $\ell_2$ ball. Finally, a comprehensive set of experiments shows the performance of LipSim in terms of natural and certified scores and on the image retrieval application. The code is available at


replace-cross Algorithms for Non-Negative Matrix Factorization on Noisy Data With Negative Values

Authors: Dylan Green, Stephen Bailey

Abstract: Non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) is a dimensionality reduction technique that has shown promise for analyzing noisy data, especially astronomical data. For these datasets, the observed data may contain negative values due to noise even when the true underlying physical signal is strictly positive. Prior NMF work has not treated negative data in a statistically consistent manner, which becomes problematic for low signal-to-noise data with many negative values. In this paper we present two algorithms, Shift-NMF and Nearly-NMF, that can handle both the noisiness of the input data and also any introduced negativity. Both of these algorithms use the negative data space without clipping, and correctly recover non-negative signals without any introduced positive offset that occurs when clipping negative data. We demonstrate this numerically on both simple and more realistic examples, and prove that both algorithms have monotonically decreasing update rules.

replace-cross Compositional Chain-of-Thought Prompting for Large Multimodal Models

Authors: Chancharik Mitra, Brandon Huang, Trevor Darrell, Roei Herzig

Abstract: The combination of strong visual backbones and Large Language Model (LLM) reasoning has led to Large Multimodal Models (LMMs) becoming the current standard for a wide range of vision and language (VL) tasks. However, recent research has shown that even the most advanced LMMs still struggle to capture aspects of compositional visual reasoning, such as attributes and relationships between objects. One solution is to utilize scene graphs (SGs)--a formalization of objects and their relations and attributes that has been extensively used as a bridge between the visual and textual domains. Yet, scene graph data requires scene graph annotations, which are expensive to collect and thus not easily scalable. Moreover, finetuning an LMM based on SG data can lead to catastrophic forgetting of the pretraining objective. To overcome this, inspired by chain-of-thought methods, we propose Compositional Chain-of-Thought (CCoT), a novel zero-shot Chain-of-Thought prompting method that utilizes SG representations in order to extract compositional knowledge from an LMM. Specifically, we first generate an SG using the LMM, and then use that SG in the prompt to produce a response. Through extensive experiments, we find that the proposed CCoT approach not only improves LMM performance on several vision and language VL compositional benchmarks but also improves the performance of several popular LMMs on general multimodal benchmarks, without the need for fine-tuning or annotated ground-truth SGs. Code:


replace-cross Toward a Surgeon-in-the-Loop Ophthalmic Robotic Apprentice using Reinforcement and Imitation Learning

Authors: Amr Gomaa, Bilal Mahdy, Niko Kleer, Antonio Kr\"uger

Abstract: Robotic-assisted surgical systems have demonstrated significant potential in enhancing surgical precision and minimizing human errors. However, existing systems lack the ability to accommodate the unique preferences and requirements of individual surgeons. Additionally, they primarily focus on general surgeries (e.g., laparoscopy) and are not suitable for highly precise microsurgeries, such as ophthalmic procedures. Thus, we propose a simulation-based image-guided approach for surgeon-centered autonomous agents that can adapt to the individual surgeon's skill level and preferred surgical techniques during ophthalmic cataract surgery. Our approach utilizes a simulated environment to train reinforcement and imitation learning agents guided by image data to perform all tasks of the incision phase of cataract surgery. By integrating the surgeon's actions and preferences into the training process with the surgeon-in-the-loop, our approach enables the robot to implicitly learn and adapt to the individual surgeon's unique approach through demonstrations. This results in a more intuitive and personalized surgical experience for the surgeon. Simultaneously, it ensures consistent performance for the autonomous robotic apprentice. We define and evaluate the effectiveness of our approach using our proposed metrics; and highlight the trade-off between a generic agent and a surgeon-centered adapted agent. Moreover, our approach has the potential to extend to other ophthalmic surgical procedures, opening the door to a new generation of surgeon-in-the-loop autonomous surgical robots. We provide an open-source simulation framework for future development and reproducibility.

replace-cross Rapid Motor Adaptation for Robotic Manipulator Arms

Authors: Yichao Liang, Kevin Ellis, Jo\~ao Henriques

Abstract: Developing generalizable manipulation skills is a core challenge in embodied AI. This includes generalization across diverse task configurations, encompassing variations in object shape, density, friction coefficient, and external disturbances such as forces applied to the robot. Rapid Motor Adaptation (RMA) offers a promising solution to this challenge. It posits that essential hidden variables influencing an agent's task performance, such as object mass and shape, can be effectively inferred from the agent's action and proprioceptive history. Drawing inspiration from RMA in locomotion and in-hand rotation, we use depth perception to develop agents tailored for rapid motor adaptation in a variety of manipulation tasks. We evaluated our agents on four challenging tasks from the Maniskill2 benchmark, namely pick-and-place operations with hundreds of objects from the YCB and EGAD datasets, peg insertion with precise position and orientation, and operating a variety of faucets and handles, with customized environment variations. Empirical results demonstrate that our agents surpass state-of-the-art methods like automatic domain randomization and vision-based policies, obtaining better generalization performance and sample efficiency.

replace-cross LifelongMemory: Leveraging LLMs for Answering Queries in Long-form Egocentric Videos

Authors: Ying Wang, Yanlai Yang, Mengye Ren

Abstract: In this paper we introduce LifelongMemory, a new framework for accessing long-form egocentric videographic memory through natural language question answering and retrieval. LifelongMemory generates concise video activity descriptions of the camera wearer and leverages the zero-shot capabilities of pretrained large language models to perform reasoning over long-form video context. Furthermore, Lifelong Memory uses a confidence and explanation module to produce confident, high-quality, and interpretable answers. Our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance on the EgoSchema benchmark for question answering and is highly competitive on the natural language query (NLQ) challenge of Ego4D. Code is available at


replace-cross GAvatar: Animatable 3D Gaussian Avatars with Implicit Mesh Learning

Authors: Ye Yuan, Xueting Li, Yangyi Huang, Shalini De Mello, Koki Nagano, Jan Kautz, Umar Iqbal

Abstract: Gaussian splatting has emerged as a powerful 3D representation that harnesses the advantages of both explicit (mesh) and implicit (NeRF) 3D representations. In this paper, we seek to leverage Gaussian splatting to generate realistic animatable avatars from textual descriptions, addressing the limitations (e.g., flexibility and efficiency) imposed by mesh or NeRF-based representations. However, a naive application of Gaussian splatting cannot generate high-quality animatable avatars and suffers from learning instability; it also cannot capture fine avatar geometries and often leads to degenerate body parts. To tackle these problems, we first propose a primitive-based 3D Gaussian representation where Gaussians are defined inside pose-driven primitives to facilitate animation. Second, to stabilize and amortize the learning of millions of Gaussians, we propose to use neural implicit fields to predict the Gaussian attributes (e.g., colors). Finally, to capture fine avatar geometries and extract detailed meshes, we propose a novel SDF-based implicit mesh learning approach for 3D Gaussians that regularizes the underlying geometries and extracts highly detailed textured meshes. Our proposed method, GAvatar, enables the large-scale generation of diverse animatable avatars using only text prompts. GAvatar significantly surpasses existing methods in terms of both appearance and geometry quality, and achieves extremely fast rendering (100 fps) at 1K resolution.

replace-cross DXAI: Explaining Classification by Image Decomposition

Authors: Elnatan Kadar, Guy Gilboa

Abstract: We propose a new way to explain and to visualize neural network classification through a decomposition-based explainable AI (DXAI). Instead of providing an explanation heatmap, our method yields a decomposition of the image into class-agnostic and class-distinct parts, with respect to the data and chosen classifier. Following a fundamental signal processing paradigm of analysis and synthesis, the original image is the sum of the decomposed parts. We thus obtain a radically different way of explaining classification. The class-agnostic part ideally is composed of all image features which do not posses class information, where the class-distinct part is its complementary. This new visualization can be more helpful and informative in certain scenarios, especially when the attributes are dense, global and additive in nature, for instance, when colors or textures are essential for class distinction. Code is available at


replace-cross CroissantLLM: A Truly Bilingual French-English Language Model

Authors: Manuel Faysse, Patrick Fernandes, Nuno M. Guerreiro, Ant\'onio Loison, Duarte M. Alves, Caio Corro, Nicolas Boizard, Jo\~ao Alves, Ricardo Rei, Pedro H. Martins, Antoni Bigata Casademunt, Fran\c{c}ois Yvon, Andr\'e F. T. Martins, Gautier Viaud, C\'eline Hudelot, Pierre Colombo

Abstract: We introduce CroissantLLM, a 1.3B language model pretrained on a set of 3T English and French tokens, to bring to the research and industrial community a high-performance, fully open-sourced bilingual model that runs swiftly on consumer-grade local hardware. To that end, we pioneer the approach of training an intrinsically bilingual model with a 1:1 English-to-French pretraining data ratio, a custom tokenizer, and bilingual finetuning datasets. We release the training dataset, notably containing a French split with manually curated, high-quality, and varied data sources. To assess performance outside of English, we craft a novel benchmark, FrenchBench, consisting of an array of classification and generation tasks, covering various orthogonal aspects of model performance in the French Language. Additionally, rooted in transparency and to foster further Large Language Model research, we release codebases, and dozens of checkpoints across various model sizes, training data distributions, and training steps, as well as fine-tuned Chat models, and strong translation models. We evaluate our model through the FMTI framework, and validate 81 % of the transparency criteria, far beyond the scores of even most open initiatives. This work enriches the NLP landscape, breaking away from previous English-centric work in order to strengthen our understanding of multilinguality in language models.

replace-cross Uncertainty Quantification for In-Context Learning of Large Language Models

Authors: Chen Ling, Xujiang Zhao, Xuchao Zhang, Wei Cheng, Yanchi Liu, Yiyou Sun, Mika Oishi, Takao Osaki, Katsushi Matsuda, Jie Ji, Guangji Bai, Liang Zhao, Haifeng Chen

Abstract: In-context learning has emerged as a groundbreaking ability of Large Language Models (LLMs) and revolutionized various fields by providing a few task-relevant demonstrations in the prompt. However, trustworthy issues with LLM's response, such as hallucination, have also been actively discussed. Existing works have been devoted to quantifying the uncertainty in LLM's response, but they often overlook the complex nature of LLMs and the uniqueness of in-context learning. In this work, we delve into the predictive uncertainty of LLMs associated with in-context learning, highlighting that such uncertainties may stem from both the provided demonstrations (aleatoric uncertainty) and ambiguities tied to the model's configurations (epistemic uncertainty). We propose a novel formulation and corresponding estimation method to quantify both types of uncertainties. The proposed method offers an unsupervised way to understand the prediction of in-context learning in a plug-and-play fashion. Extensive experiments are conducted to demonstrate the effectiveness of the decomposition. The code and data are available at:


replace-cross Dual-Channel Multiplex Graph Neural Networks for Recommendation

Authors: Xiang Li, Chaofan Fu, Zhongying Zhao, Guanjie Zheng, Chao Huang, Junyu Dong, Yanwei Yu

Abstract: Efficient recommender systems play a crucial role in accurately capturing user and item attributes that mirror individual preferences. Some existing recommendation techniques have started to shift their focus towards modeling various types of interaction relations between users and items in real-world recommendation scenarios, such as clicks, marking favorites, and purchases on online shopping platforms. Nevertheless, these approaches still grapple with two significant shortcomings: (1) Insufficient modeling and exploitation of the impact of various behavior patterns formed by multiplex relations between users and items on representation learning, and (2) ignoring the effect of different relations in the behavior patterns on the target relation in recommender system scenarios. In this study, we introduce a novel recommendation framework, Dual-Channel Multiplex Graph Neural Network (DCMGNN), which addresses the aforementioned challenges. It incorporates an explicit behavior pattern representation learner to capture the behavior patterns composed of multiplex user-item interaction relations, and includes a relation chain representation learning and a relation chain-aware encoder to discover the impact of various auxiliary relations on the target relation, the dependencies between different relations, and mine the appropriate order of relations in a behavior pattern. Extensive experiments on three real-world datasets demonstrate that our \model surpasses various state-of-the-art recommendation methods. It outperforms the best baselines by 10.06\% and 12.15\% on average across all datasets in terms of R@10 and N@10 respectively.

replace-cross Audio-Visual Compound Expression Recognition Method based on Late Modality Fusion and Rule-based Decision

Authors: Elena Ryumina, Maxim Markitantov, Dmitry Ryumin, Heysem Kaya, Alexey Karpov

Abstract: This paper presents the results of the SUN team for the Compound Expressions Recognition Challenge of the 6th ABAW Competition. We propose a novel audio-visual method for compound expression recognition. Our method relies on emotion recognition models that fuse modalities at the emotion probability level, while decisions regarding the prediction of compound expressions are based on predefined rules. Notably, our method does not use any training data specific to the target task. Thus, the problem is a zero-shot classification task. The method is evaluated in multi-corpus training and cross-corpus validation setups. Using our proposed method is achieved an F1-score value equals to 22.01% on the C-EXPR-DB test subset. Our findings from the challenge demonstrate that the proposed method can potentially form a basis for developing intelligent tools for annotating audio-visual data in the context of human's basic and compound emotions.

replace-cross Joint chest X-ray diagnosis and clinical visual attention prediction with multi-stage cooperative learning: enhancing interpretability

Authors: Zirui Qiu, Hassan Rivaz, Yiming Xiao

Abstract: As deep learning has become the state-of-the-art for computer-assisted diagnosis, interpretability of the automatic decisions is crucial for clinical deployment. While various methods were proposed in this domain, visual attention maps of clinicians during radiological screening offer a unique asset to provide important insights and can potentially enhance the quality of computer-assisted diagnosis. With this paper, we introduce a novel deep-learning framework for joint disease diagnosis and prediction of corresponding visual saliency maps for chest X-ray scans. Specifically, we designed a novel dual-encoder multi-task UNet, which leverages both a DenseNet201 backbone and a Residual and Squeeze-and-Excitation block-based encoder to extract diverse features for saliency map prediction, and a multi-scale feature-fusion classifier to perform disease classification. To tackle the issue of asynchronous training schedules of individual tasks in multi-task learning, we proposed a multi-stage cooperative learning strategy, with contrastive learning for feature encoder pretraining to boost performance. Experiments show that our proposed method outperformed existing techniques for chest X-ray diagnosis and the quality of visual saliency map prediction.

replace-cross Residual-based Language Models are Free Boosters for Biomedical Imaging

Authors: Zhixin Lai, Jing Wu, Suiyao Chen, Yucheng Zhou, Naira Hovakimyan

Abstract: In this study, we uncover the unexpected efficacy of residual-based large language models (LLMs) as part of encoders for biomedical imaging tasks, a domain traditionally devoid of language or textual data. The approach diverges from established methodologies by utilizing a frozen transformer block, extracted from pre-trained LLMs, as an innovative encoder layer for the direct processing of visual tokens. This strategy represents a significant departure from the standard multi-modal vision-language frameworks, which typically hinge on language-driven prompts and inputs. We found that these LLMs could boost performance across a spectrum of biomedical imaging applications, including both 2D and 3D visual classification tasks, serving as plug-and-play boosters. More interestingly, as a byproduct, we found that the proposed framework achieved superior performance, setting new state-of-the-art results on extensive, standardized datasets in MedMNIST-2D and 3D. Through this work, we aim to open new avenues for employing LLMs in biomedical imaging and enriching the understanding of their potential in this specialized domain.

replace-cross Towards Human-Centered Construction Robotics: An RL-Driven Companion Robot For Contextually Assisting Carpentry Workers

Authors: Yuning Wu, Jiaying Wei, Jean Oh, Daniel Cardoso Llach

Abstract: In the dynamic construction industry, traditional robotic integration has primarily focused on automating specific tasks, often overlooking the complexity and variability of human aspects in construction workflows. This paper introduces a human-centered approach with a "work companion rover" designed to assist construction workers within their existing practices, aiming to enhance safety and workflow fluency while respecting construction labor's skilled nature. We conduct an in-depth study on deploying a robotic system in carpentry formwork, showcasing a prototype that emphasizes mobility, safety, and comfortable worker-robot collaboration in dynamic environments through a contextual Reinforcement Learning (RL)-driven modular framework. Our research advances robotic applications in construction, advocating for collaborative models where adaptive robots support rather than replace humans, underscoring the potential for an interactive and collaborative human-robot workforce.